LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF Class </ i rtt^ **<:<: . AMERICA, AND THE AMERICANS. " AUDI ALTERAM PARTEM. A CITIZEN OF THE WORLD. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, & LONGMAN, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1833. 731-3 LONDON : Printed by A. & II. Spottiswoode, New- Street- Square. TO LAFAYETTE, THE COMPANION OF WASHINGTON, A XL) THE FRIEND OF MANKIND, THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY THE AUTHOR. TT - PREFACE. a writer," says the excellent Paley, " offers a book to the public, upon a subject on which the public are already in possession of many others, he is bound by a kind of lite rary justice to inform his readers, distinctly and specifically, what it is he professes to supply, and what he expects to improve." In compliance with this injunction, I shall proceed to state the causes which induced me to incur the responsibilities of an author. In the course of my travels and residence in the United States of America, which country I visited solely with commercial views, and unprovided with any direct de mands for what are termed civilities, notwith standing the plague spot, slavery, in one district, I saw so much to cheer the philan thropist, so much to delight the lover of liberty, VI PREFACE. so much to interest even the money-spending, as well as the money-getting class ; in short, I saw a nation so much further advanced in all the useful arts, as well as the elegancies of life, than I, in common with the great majority of Englishmen, were willing to be lieve ; that my impressions upon the whole were decidedly favourable, and were freely communicated to all with whom I conversed. The praise of Englishmen is esteemed by the Americans, perhaps somewhat more highly, on account of its being so rarely bestowed ; but although it was evident my observations were often such as the latter might desire to appear in print, no such wish ever fell from their lips ; nor could a single native, with whom I came in contact, even suppose from any thing which fell from mine, that in ten dering civilities, or in performing any other act, his conduct or manner might, perchance, contribute to the aggregate estimate of national character in the note-book of a traveller. On my return to England, I found, even among the population of the great emporium of American commerce, Liverpool, such gross PREFACE. Vll ignorance as to the actual state of society among our trans-atlantic descendants, that I felt a strong desire to assist in removing the feeling generated during the long reign of Toryism, Accidentally taking up a periodical, in which was inserted an article, containing an allusion to America, I read therein, with disgust, the following libellous tirade : " America, where there is nothing to steal but grass or water, where the spade is the only thing of value, and the land the only thing out of which a man can live ; America, where every man must be his own tailor, car penter, lawyer, and rearer of cabbages ; where, if a man devises the stealing of a pair of breeches, he must first slay and strip the wearer, inasmuch, as no man, from the presi dent downwards, has a second pair ; where the arts of life consist in planting maize and potatoes, and the luxuries of life consist in boiling them into puddings ; where there are more acres of land than knives and forks, a looking-glass is a show that congregates the population of a province. A picture has never Vlll PREFACE. been seen, a salt-spoon is a phenomenon, which no American traveller, who values his reputation for veracity in the States, has ever ventured to announce ; and it is notorious, that a tea-service of French plate, accumu lated the unpopularity of the Adams to such a degree, that it overthrew that ancient dy nasty, and federalism along with it for ever." Waxing warm, I screwed my courage to the sticking place, and resolved to give to the world the result of the observations of an inde pendent "business man," to write a book which should not only contain the truth, but the whole truth, which should render the Americans justice, and which should inform my country men, that on landing in the United States, in the older ones at least, they neither fall among Chocktaws nor Chickasaws, nor have they to fear the tomahawk and scalping-knife ; but that they land in a country in a high state of civilisation, a country in which " every vil lage contains legislators, where the obligations of society are universally understood, and a degree of information on the nature of law and civil subordination is diffused, such as history PREFACE. ix affords no example of*;" further, that they land among a people who, although they eat with their knives, as all Englishmen were wont to eat, before rare roast beef was superseded by beef a la daule, and as ninety and nine out of every hundred of those who have anything to eat still do ; a people who, because their political institutions are the most perfect in the world, would fain have every one believe that nothing American can be faulty, are, despite of these peccadillos, polite without being affected, liberal without being osten tatious, and whose test of their fellow men is neither the un philosophical doctrine of caste, the fruit of barbarism, nor the possession of " the damned earth that places thieves, and gives them title, knee, and approbation with senators on the bench ; " but moral worth, and the cultivation of the natural gifts of God, the only true touchstone of his creatures. * Lord Wycombe s opinions of the Americans, as ex pressed to the late Dr. Currie, and communicated by that celebrated character in a letter to Dr. Percival. Vide Memoirs of Dr. Currie, by William Wallace Currie, a work of great interest, and highly creditable to the talented son of so talented a father. X PREFACE. During the progress of my task, which has been protracted by circumstances beyond my control, several works upon the subject of America have made their appearance ; and I might have hesitated upon the very eve of committing it to the press, had not some ex tracts from the most extensively circulated of the volumes alluded to, for I have not yet pe rused the works themselves, led me to believe that an unprejudiced account of America, one free from that bane of English authorship when treating of other countries, John Bull- ism, was even yet a desideratum. How far I have succeeded in the attempt the public will judge : that I have done my best may be supposed, but that I should escape the lash of criticism is more than I have a right to expect. And although the elegant biographer of the Medici has ob served, that the disadvantages under which an author labours are no excuse for the imper fections of his work, it may, perhaps, be some slight extenuation for such, in my case, to say, with the great and learned Johnson, whose language, as applied to my nothings, I use PREFACE. XI with all humility, that my book has been written amid inconvenience and distraction ; and, however defective, I deliver it to the world with the spirit of a man that has en deavoured well. If the perusal tends, in the smallest degree, to disabuse the British public of their preju dices as regards America, and to teach them to respect a people, from any individual of whom the immortal Byron was proud to con fess, he valued a nod more highly than the gift of a snuff-box from an emperor, I shall feel abundantly recompensed for my midnight oil. **>? OF t DIVERSITY AMERICA, AND THE AMERICANS CHAPTER I. AFTER a dozen years, wishing to visit the land of promise, as the United States of America have been called, and having ea gerly devoured whatever the press sent forth relative to that country, whether in quarto, octavo, duodecimo or infra, presidents mes sages, and all, the time at length arrived for the gratification of my transatlantic pen chant. " Know thyself," and " Husband thy re sources," were phrases with which I had been familiarised at school ; but it is in maturer years, in the school of the world, that the value of these, as well as other golden maxims, are duly appreciated ; and not being fortunes Jilius, I was obliged to open my travelling 2 AMERICA, ledger with the word " Economy" upon every page, as our mercantile forefathers were wont to inscribe " Laus Deo." The fame of the American packets is spread far and wide ; for who has not heard at least of the beauty of the ships, the politeness of their commanders, and the luxurious accom modation afforded in these marine hotels, where the inmates, wind and weather permit ting, a necessary proviso, may enjoy their " champagne and chat," in a style not un worthy of the first public establishment in London ? Limiting my views to a sound and fast-sailing vessel, with a sober and attentive captain, all which I found in the M H of New York, I embarked with my better half at Liverpool, on the 9th of May, 1829, on board the said good ship, bound to the former port. Being fairly under weigh, and having waved our last adieu, I took a survey of things as they were in our noble argosy, which, like the ark of old, held both the clean and the unclean. The cargo consisted of coals, slates, iron, salt, and manufactures of woollen, cot ton, and earthenware. Of animated beings the muster roll presented both number and variety ; to wit, five cabin and seventy-five steerage passengers, twenty-five sailors besides AND THE AMERICANS. 3 the usual officers, twenty rams, ewes, and lambs of various breeds, Yorkshire and Norfolk, two shepherd s dogs, two brace of pheasants, a Shetland poney, and a cat ; in all, bipeds and quadrupeds, one hundred and thirty-six, be sides a quantity of ducks, geese, and fowls, destined to be roasted, boiled, spoiled, or washed overboard, as the case might be. " The sails were fill d, and fair the light winds blew ;" so that, in spite of our morning dreams of plough boys whistling o er the lea, of farm yards, and woodbined cottages, all which rus tic imagery was naturally associated with the bleating of the sheep, the barking of the dogs, crowing of cocks, and the cackling of geese, we were soon on the bosom of the dark blue main. To those who have made a voyage it would be superfluous to say any thing ; but those who have not, cannot conceive the degree of ennui created by such an artificial situation as that of being cooped up in a vessel for any length of time ; to be in fact prisoners, with the chance of being drowned. Like Byron, we found a beef-steak the best remedy against sea-sickness ; and the perusal of that poet s 4 AMERICA, writings, together with those of the immortal Shakspeare, among the best antidotes against dulness : albeit, a rubber at whist had its at tractions ; and followed up, as it was wont to be, by a tale or anecdote, oft-times formed an agreeable finale to a monotonous day. It is probably known to most persons that the quarter deck of a ship is a kind of sanctum sanctorum, over the threshold of which none but the privileged may pass ; and of course what are denominated steerage passengers are not among the favoured few. As there is no barrier in reversing the affair, I sometimes took occasion to spend an hour or two in con versation with the various characters among the emigrant crowd. I found them to be principally farming labourers with their families, some of whom had been sent out at the expense of the public, not being able to subsist upon the scanty pittance termed wages. Others were of a higher grade, being mechanics who had nothing to complain of either on the score of work or pay, but who wished to visit this wonderful America, or El Dorado of the age ; and a few seemed to be men of all work, as one individual informed me he was by profession a gardener, but could undertake plain sewing, which was fully proved by his being engaged in making a set of Irish AND THE AMERICANS. 5 linen shirts, which he intended to pass as his own, free of duty, and afterwards dispose of in New York to a considerable profit. Pas sengers of this description find their own pro visions, which they cook at a fire place spe cially provided for them. The niceties of the culinary art, as displayed in our grandmothers days, by that good housewife Mrs. Raffald, to say nothing of the dainty dishes of the eel- torturing Ude, were not in requisition on the deck of our vessel ; for, alas ! potatoes and coarse biscuit seemed to be the standing dishes ; and as to beverage, whatever might have been the habits of these emigrants at home, they were rigid disciples of the Darwin school at sea. That the majority were not mem bers of the temperance society from choice, however, may be inferred from what follows. The captain having been applied to by a loving husband for a bottle of brandy to comfort his car a sposa, who complained of fever and ague, and the request being liberally granted, a score of similar applicants soon appeared, either proving the contagious nature of the malady, or the agreeable quality of the remedy ; and it was found expedient to put a speedy stop to the supplies. The measuring of the brandy happening to give rise to some re- is 3 O AMERICA, marks concerning weights and measures, the curious fact was elicited, that only one En glishman on board the vessel knew how many gills formed a pint, while all the Americans answered the question correctly. How the prevailing error that two gills make a pint has become so general, is somewhat extraordinary; and although it is rectified in the tables of measures in that useful and excellent publica tion, the Companion to the British Almanack, where it is rightly stated that four gills con stitute the pint, the insertion of this fact in all arithmetical school books should appear without delay. After ringing the changes of calm, mode rate weather, and gale, the monotony of the scene being occasionally relieved by exchang ing salutes with the ships of Monsieur, Signore, or John Bull ; a how do ye do, or a where bound to, with perchance Brother Jonathan ; after witnessing the gambols of great whales, of porpoises, and at night enjoying the sight of magnificent aurorae boreales, on the twen tieth day from our departure we found ourselves on the banks of Newfoundland. Escaping from the fogs of this stormy region, twelve days more sailing brought us to the sought-for coast, and the welcome sounds of AND THE AMERICANS. 7 Land land ! were soon followed by a clear view of the hills of Never Sink near the bay of New York. Although I had previously made a European voyage, and had felt the peculiar excitement on the first sight of strange lands, yet this of the western or other world gave rise to feelings of a nature essen tially different from any I had before expe rienced. In lieu of an old country, whose annals teemed with associations through its iron, its golden, and its silver ages, I was about to set foot in one, the discovery as it were of these latter days, and one which, from circumstances, had sprung into powerful ex istence with scarcely a period of infancy ; moreover, one in which the great problem, Can man be free ? has been triumphantly solved. As our gallant vessel approached the coast, the interest of the scene as rapidly increased. Differing from the iron-bound rocky shores of Great Britain, the hills and country, as far as the eye could reach, seemed covered with woods, which, fringing the bold irregular outlines of the former, produced a beautiful effect. Vessels of all descriptions, from the richly freighted China ship, to the deeply laden 8 AMERICA, coasting sloops with their cargoes of fire- wood, were approaching the port, and all were dis tinguished by a gaiety of appearance not observable among the shipping of northern Europe. At this time a melancholy accident took place at no great distance from our vessel, but of which we were not aware until after our landing. A sailor having fallen over board from a ship which we had just passed, was unfortunately torn to pieces by sharks, before a boat could be got out to his assistance, the poor fellow perishing in sight of his ship mates. Near Sandy Hook, the entrance of the outer bay of New York, and from which place information is conveyed by telegraph, we were boarded by a pilot, who, from his appearance, however, might have been mis taken for a knight of the thimble fresh from the bench, so unseamanlike was this American Palinurus. Immediately after the arrival of this important personage, an emissary from the newspaper offices stepped on board, eager to receive the very latest particulars of the struggle between the Russ and Turk, as well as of the state of the Liverpool markets; for, although we only brought one day later, as the phrase is, than the other vessels from AND THE AMERICANS. 9 England, yet twenty-four hours in the com mercial as well as in the political world, may be " Big with the fate of Cato and of Rome." The inner bay of New York is approached by a short strait, called the Narrows, which at this season (June) exhibited the most luxuriant vegetation, even to the water s edge, the weep ing willows, in some instances, almost dipping their graceful branches into the very tide. In grim contrast to the beautiful scene is the insulated fort Lafayette, with its three tiers of fiery mouths, and, on the heights, are also a series of works and formidable batteries bidding defiance to the boldest invader. Steering for the quarantine ground on the shore of Staten Island, where are situated the hospitals of that establishment, we soon beheld the city of New York, with its spires and cupolas a few miles distant, rising like a new Venice from the waves. On this station we were visited by a medical officer, who proceeded to examine the list of passengers, marching the steerage class in review past the quarter deck. As one case of sickness in a vessel may sometimes cause the whole of the passengers and crew to be kept in durance vile, every one at these me- 10 AMERICA, dical inspections is anxious to appear to the best advantage ; and it was somewhat laugh able to witness the sudden restorations to health, and the assumed elasticity and vigour of limb amongst poor emigrants, who had almost lain dormant the whole of the passage. By the time this necessary overhauling, as the sailors termed it, was completed, the pilot, who, from his arrival on board had been upon the most intimate footing with the steward and the brandy bottle, had become completely intoxicated. In spite of the rubbing which he gave his leaden eyes, and the rapid trans fers of his quid from one side of his mouth to the other, he still saw double ; two New Yorks stared him in the face ; and it was only by the seasonable interference of the captain that we reached the anchorage abreast of the city without accident. An officer from the custom-house here took charge of the vessel, but in mentioning this personage it must not be understood that he was one of the grade of those who execute similar duties in the ports of Great Britain ; on the contrary, the New York officer was a gentleman both in manners and appearance, and, as I afterwards learnt, he was, like all the officers of his rank, in the receipt of a salary AND THE AMERICANS. 11 sufficiently large to render him independent, and to ensure a faithful discharge of his trust, at least as far as legislative enactments can secure the same. The shades of evening had now set in ; and as twilight exists but for a short period in this latitude, we determined to remain on board until the following day. The extreme clearness of the atmosphere, which displayed the great concave of the hea vens in all its brilliancy, together with the balmy softness of the " stilly night," strongly reminded me, as I lay reclining on the deck of the vessel, of the same season in the har bours of the lovely Mediterranean ; and, had it not been for the absence of the guitar and mandoline, imagination would have readily transported me to those voluptuous scenes. Early the next morning, after submitting our baggage and effects to the somewhat rigid or deal of the searchers deputed by the one who had remained in charge during the night, we set foot on terra firma, and located ourselves, as the phrase is, at a boarding-house which had been recommended to us. My first impressions, on landing in New York, and they were subsequently con firmed, were the high character and appear- 12 AMERICA, ance of the working classes ; for, excepting a few of the black porters, or niggers, as they are vulgarly called, the remnants of slavery, there was a total absence, not only of mendi cants in rags and filth, but likewise of the class we designate mob or rabble. The carters, workmen, and others, who earn their bread by the sweat of their brow, ap peared extremely well clothed ; were intelli gent ; and, if addressed civilly, were civil in return ; yet without any doffing, or even touching the hat, or making the slightest ap proaches to servility to those who, according to English phraseology, would be styled their betters. All exhibited an independence of feeling not observable in the same classes of society in England ; and yet nothing like insolent vul garity was apparent. In short, they looked like men who knew that they were free ; but who knew also how to enjoy freedom. That even more than the comforts of life were within the reach of those who toil, may be inferred from the following circumstances, which occurred soon after our landing, and which exhibit the prosperity of the working classes in a striking manner. Having had occasion to hire a cart for the AND THE AMERICANS. 13 conveyance of some merchandise, I addressed a young man who was standing by his horse, and enquired whether he would take the pack age in question to a certain part of the city. The young carter replied that he could not, just at that time, having a previous engage ment ; and on my asking whether he would be at liberty in half an hour, he raised his white frock, and referred to an elegant gold watch ! Shortly after, an elderly man of the same profession, supposing me to be the owner of the Shetland pony which a fellow-passenger had brought from England, freely asked me what I would take for it, as he should like to purchase it for his little girls to ride upon after school hours. In regard to those who, in common par lance, would be styled the richer or elevated classes, there appeared more gaiety of costume amongst the softer sex than is seen in the same ranks even in London. The females, who, while young, are often beautiful and extremely sylph-like, although not sufficiently embonpoint to European tastes, were ultra Parisian in their dress ; for the gratification of which partiality their fine climate is well adapted. The attire of the gentlemen, also, savoured 14 AMERICA, rather more of Paris than London ; but no male of any class had whiskers, which pecu liarity was striking. Amidst the crowd of vehicles which throng the Regent-street of the city, I looked in vain for any thing like state : no bedizened livery servants or powdered menials, receiving their mistresses commands, with one hand raised to an enormous cocked hat, whilst the other grasps a gold-headed cane, large enough for a drum-major s staff. Every thing here, on the contrary, was simply for convenience ; from the omnibus with its dozen passengers, to the one-horse chaise or sulky. The private carriages are neat and light in their construction, and are generally driven by black coachmen, dressed in plain clothes. No rampant lions, or mantled shields, as large as the panels themselves, are blazoned on the American vehicles ; and although now and then a heraldic device may be seen, such may oftener be attributed to the whim of the painter than to any indulgence in the pride of ancestry, or to aristocratic feeling on the part of the owner ; for I observed the same subject on perhaps a dozen different equipages, as well as on hackney coaches, gigs, and waggons. AND THE AMERICANS. 15 As an Englishman, I felt somewhat disap pointed in finding so little to remind me of the mother country. A few of the older streets are still allowed to retain their original names, as Thames, Greenwich, Whitehall, Chatham, mementos of colonial times ; al though Crown-street, and some others equally obnoxious, were metamorphosed at an early period of the revolution. The name of Crown was exchanged for that of Liberty. The style of building, although in many respects similar to that of England, is still in others essentially different, to say nothing of the wooden-frame houses, which are scattered all over the city. The majority of the names over the shops and places of business present a compound of those of all nations, although Dutch and English prevail ; but as the settlers were from every part of those countries, there is even in the latter of these languages a greater variety than is observable in most towns in England. The names of Arcularius, Do- remus, Bang, Storm, Sy, See, and Van Pelt, were all new to us, as would have been that of Van Winkle, had it not become familiar through the pages of that most agreeable and elegant writer, the incomparable Irving. The 16 AMERICA, following inscription, which I copied from the sign-board of a feed store, alias a corn and flour warehouse, may serve as a specimen of the various notices which attracted our atten tion : " Dyspepsia flour. Bakers wheat. Rye flour. Rye corn. Wheat. Bolted and sifted white and yellow Indian meal. Coarse and fine homony. Buckwheat. Cracked corn. Oats, ship stuff, and shorts. Genessee and Rochester family flour." It may be requisite to inform my readers, that dyspepsia flour is considered to possess peculiar digestive properties ; that homony is a preparation of maize ; cracked corn is broken maize ; ship stuff is meal ; and, if I recollect rightly, shorts are what we call bran. Over one blacksmith s shop, I saw the word "smithery;" over that of another, the old English word " stithy ;" over a bookbinder s, "bindery;" on the door of a dealer in poor Jopson s materials, " finding ; " and, I may add, that places appropriated to the sale of mixed articles bore the titles of " fancy and variety stores." It is not, however, the novelty of these and a hundred other terms differing from those used for the same things in England, that alone surprised us. The free use of new verbs, the AND THE AMERICANS. IJ varied usages of epithets, together with the pe culiar pronunciation of certain words, amount to an obstacle to conversation on the part of the stranger nearly equal to that experienced in speaking a foreign tongue, of which one is not the master. The universal aspiration of the letter H, which is heard as forcibly in the word Birmingham as in that of house, is not less disagreeable to the ear than its total sup pression by the illiterate cockney. To say nothing about the use of the word guess, upon which the Americans are so ridi culed, but which is perhaps not more com monly used than the phrase you know is in England, we heard of individuals being clever but possessing no talent, the former epithet only being applied to manner or kindness of disposition ; others, who in England would be styled really clever, were designated as smart men. I was told of matters progressing, of pictures being fixed, of money having been loaned, of persons having located themselves in such or such a street ; and in one instance my attention was directed to a sooty chimney sweeper who was, as a friend termed it, located on the top of a chimney. Elegant weather, elegant hogs, handsome music, handsome 18 AMERICA, lightning, were familiar as household words ; and if a relative or friend was unwell or ill, they were invariably termed sick. In speak ing of time the word fortnight was never used, but two weeks ; the term semi, however, oc curred often in combination with the words weekly, monthly, annually ; as semi- weekly, semi-monthly, semi-annually. To these examples of Americanisms I may add, that I was more than once asked where I kept, when the enquirer was desirous of know ing where I resided ; and sometimes I was accosted by workmen, coal dealers, woodmen, and others, by the title of boss, that being the term substituted for master, which with these sons of freedom is quite obsolete. The vari ations from the present usages of the mother- country in respect to many words and ex pressions really English can only be accounted for by supposing the language now used in America to be the same imported by the pil grim fathers and others to the period of the separation of the governments, since which the Americans have ceased to look to England as their model. This idea is favoured by the almost total alien ation of attachment, to use the mildest term, AND THE AMERICANS. 19 to the parent country which distinguishes the bulk of the inhabitants of the States in the present day, and which disinclines them to study the customs of their progenitors. We found chests of drawers still called bureaus, dress-makers manteau-makers, sofas sittees, cups of tea dishes of tea ; and a num ber of other things designated by names long out of fashion in genteel society in England. That the Americans have shown judgment in the coining of many new words will be readily allowed, as well as that they have abun dant authority in the best English writers for their present uses and significations of old ones. The subject of their present language and orthography is interesting ; and those who are curious to investigate it will find much va luable information in the recently published dictionary of the learned and indefatigable Dr. Noah Webster, which able work will, in all probability, ere long supersede that of the great English lexicographer in the United States. To our further surprise we did not find the habits of the Americans differ less widely from those of modern England than does their lan guage. The very early rising, the system of 20 AMERICA, boarding, the hours for business and meals, the mode of cookery, the viands themselves, and the rapidity with which the meals are despatched, so different from the English idea of enjoyment, all combined to convince us that we were indeed in a foreign land. AND THE AMERICANS. CHAP. II. THE gay emporium of the west, the city of New York, which already contains above two hundred thousand inhabitants, is situated at the south end of an island of about fourteen miles in length, by one and a half in breadth. It is bounded on the west by the Hudson or north river, which is here above a mile in width, and on the east by the river of that name, which separates it from the populous town of Brooklyn, on Long Island. The point oppo site the bay at the junction of the rivers, and called the Battery, from its being the site of the old Dutch fortifications, is laid out with taste as a park or mall ; the verdant foliage of which affords a most agreeable shelter from the scorching rays of the sun, and renders it a delightful and favourite promenade. In a pretty railed and planted enclosure in the immediate vicinity, still called the Bowl ing Green, and which forms a beautiful termin ation to Broadway, formerly stood a gilt lead c 3 22 AMERICA, statue of George the Third. This loyal me morial had been erected but a short time pre vious to the breaking out of the revolutionary war; and on the commencement of the struggle it was melted into bullets by his majesty s re bellious subjects, to be used against the royal army. The iron balls which surmounted the railing at inter valsjwere broken off for the same pur pose ; and the mutilated rails remain to this day, unnoticed by thousands who are ignorant of the circumstance. The main street, called Broadway, is two miles and a half long, in a straight line, and proportionably wide, with broad flagged trot- toirs or side- walks, some parts of which are shaded by poplars and other lofty trees ; but in the quarter devoted to business, canvass blinds are stretched from the shops to per manent wooden rails of a convenient height and neatly finished. The architecture of the buildings, however, does not at all correspond with the magnificent scale of the street, the greatest irregularity prevailing ; handsome edi fices of brick, and even marble, of four and five stories, being side by side with those of two or three, and in some parts actually intermixed with miserable wooden cottages. AND THE AMERICANS. 2 Four of the largest episcopal churches, as well as the principal hotels and boarding houses, are situated in this great thoroughfare ; and it is also the Regent Street for shops, or stores, as all depositaries of merchandise, whether large or small, are called. They are mostly of mean exterior, although furnished with every variety of goods from all parts of the world. In these establishments may be found con centrated the productions of the infant work shops of America, together with those of the maturer ones of England, France, Italy, and Germany, as well as of the more distant and ingenious Chinese. Broadway is likewise the focus of the lot tery offices ; which species of gambling, to the injury of the morals and impoverishment of its votaries, is carried on to a ruinous extent. The present plan of the American lotteries was introduced by an ingenious Florentine, who, having realised a fortune by the sale of his patent, has returned to enjoy his otium cum dignitate in his own lovely Val d Arno. The other great streets are Greenwich, Wash ington, Hudson, Canal, and Bowery, almost all devoted to retail concerns, and Pearl ; which last contains the wholesale depots, where the valuable cargoes of manufactures c 4 AMERICA, are received, the greater part of which are sold by auction on arrival ; the duty on these sales forming a considerable item in the re venue of the state. The streets in the old part of the city are somewhat irregular, from the want of a good plan to act upon in its infancy ; but this de fect is remedied, as respects its extension, in the present day j the new avenues and streets being all equidistant, crossing each other at right angles, and in lieu of their being named, as is the custom in Europe, they are regularly numbered, to the great convenience of the stranger. A farther peculiarity and facility is observable in the numbering of houses, the numbers being alternate on each side of the street. Many of the streets exhibit a want of attention to cleanliness and neatness. Swine innumerable roam at large. Ashes, rubbish, and other matters, are regularly thrown into the middle ; and packages, as casks and boxes, full or empty, with obstructions of various kinds, are allowed to remain on the side walks. Some of the hotels are very large establishments, and are well conducted, but upon quite a different system to those of the old country, as England is often termed. Pri vate apartments can be had when ladies are in AND THE AMERICANS. 25 the case ; but gentlemen take their meals in the great public room, where from fifty to one hundred persons regularly sit down at the same table. Numbers who do not sleep in the hotels eat at such places, and assemble a few minutes before the appointed hours, in either the bar or coffee-room. The moment the bell is rung, and the dining-room doors are thrown open, there is a simultaneous rush to the chairs, and in an instant all the knives and forks are in full operation. The tables display a profu sion of viands ; and although the mode of cookery is not more in accordance with the palate of the Englishman than it is with that of the Frenchman, yet both can always find some dishes, which even those most wedded to national habits may relish. The despatch at meals, particularly among the mercantile classes, is almost incredible to those who have not witnessed it, five to ten minutes sufficing for breakfast, not much more than twice that time for dinner, and tea, or supper, as it is styled, is taken with equal, nay, sometimes with greater, celerity. This last is not the simple bread and butter or toast meal of England, but is accompanied by dried beef sliced, cheese, radishes if in season, or THE UNIVERSITY 26 AMERICA, fruits, sweetmeats, cakes, and other items, more or less agreeable. Each person leaves the table as soon as the business of eating is finished, without regard to his neighbour s proceedings. Englishmen are always the last, do what they will ; for however little I ate I always found myself quite unable to keep pace at meals with the Americans. As may be supposed, with all this haste, there is little room for conversation or social chat, nevertheless the courtesies of society are not neglected ; and I may observe, that we found the waiters performed their duties with all the expertness of the best of that useful class in England, without the slightest stimulant in the shape of douceur or reward from the guests. The pensions, or boarding-houses, are very agreeable places of residence ; although private parlours, at present rare and expensive lux uries in America, would add much to their comfort. All the various inmates meet at table as at the English watering places ; and a well-fur nished drawing-room, with its French time piece, candelabra, and vases, is open to all during the day, as well as for the re-unions in the evening ; where music and dancing for the young, and conversation for those who AND THE AMERICANS. 27 have passed the heyday of life, contribute to the enjoyment of these mixed but polite and agreeable circles. To the credit of the proprietors of the most respectable boarding-houses, gambling is not permitted in any form. The expense of living in the best hotels and boarding establishments is, from a guinea and a half to two guineas per week, exclusive of wines and private fire. The boarding-houses of those numerous classes, the smaller shopkeepers and mer chants clerks, are in general miserably fur nished, and the provisions and cookery too often in strict keeping with the poverty of those concerns. It is by no means uncommon to see four, or even five or six beds in the same room, and these are of the meanest description, without furniture even in the depth of winter : a chest of drawers is, indeed, a rara avis ; each boarder making a general depository of his trunk or portmanteau, as poor Jack does of his chest in the forecastle of a ship. The whole economy of houses of this grade in New York has been so humorously, and, making allowance for a little high colouring, upon the whole, so faithfully described by the 28 AMERICA, pen of an anonymous writer, through the medium of one of the journals of that city, that I cannot resist transferring the communi cation to my pages. It is entitled, " Picture of a New York Boarding-house, by one who knows," and appeared during the autumn of 1830. That it is the production of an American pen is evident, from two or three circum stances which will readily strike the English reader. The writer thus proceeds : " Mr. Editor, " Do you hire your board ? This may seem to you an impertinent question, but I have a particular reason for asking it. If you answer ay, I need say no more on the subject ; but if you say nay, I beg leave to send you a sketch which I have drawn of a New York boarding-house. " It is not intended for any particular one, but may serve as a general portrait, at least I can answer for its resemblance to the hun dred and seventeen at which it has been my misfortune to board, and at which I have paid from four to six dollars a week. I do not here include hotels, which are well kept. " If the picture should seem to you extra- AND THE AMERICANS. 29 vagant, you will recollect it is the colouring of one who has felt deeply what he undertakes to depict ; and I appeal to the testimony of my fellow- sufferers that it is no caricature. In the first place, I will conduct you to the breakfast- table. " There you will feast your eyes on at least two dishes ; a salt shad or a mackrel, and a lean beef-steak, which has been dried, not broiled, over the coals. Perhaps one or other of these may be alternated with a fresh fish, sausages, or a pork-chop. No fowls ever make their way to the breakfast-table. " Along with the fish or flesh may be seen a plate or two of bread, sometimes of rye, some times of wheat, but no admittance is allowed to toast or hot rolls. There is usually plenty of butter, but it is of colours nearly as various as the rainbow ; and after being doubly salted at home to make it weigh the more, it is salted again by the mistress of the boarding-house, to make it go further. " So much for the eatables. " At the head of the table sits madam, drawing from a coffee urn, and distributing oh, heavens ! I have not yet found a name for it. The basis, however, is water, which in its purest state is scarcely drinkable. Added 30 AMERICA, to this is a small quantity of damaged coffee, burnt crust, or roasted rye, well pulverised ; which, having boiled a while, is pretty well incorporated with the water, and thus drawn with it into the cups, exhibiting the appear ance of black broth or dark puddle- water. As for the taste of this queer mixture, I leave it, Mr. Editor, to your imagination. The lady presidentess never asks you, Is your coffee agreeable, sir? Do I make the coffee to suit you, madam ? lest some one should have the impudence to ask for more sugar or milk, and she should be a loser by her ill-judged politeness. " I will next conduct you to the dinner- table. The prospect here, it must be con fessed, is a shade or two brighter, but the meat having been bought at a reduced price in the market, does not, of course, consist of the prime pieces, and, what is worse still, is spoilt in the cooking. If roasted, it has never felt the softening and savoury influence of the basting spoon, but is as dry as a chip, and totally destitute of any inviting qualities ; add to which, it is not accompanied by gravy, or any thing deserving of that title, the contents of the butter-boat being neither more nor less than unmingled grease at the top, a watery AND THE AMERICANS. 31 mixture in the middle, and a variously com pounded sediment at the bottom. Such is the character of the roast, whether it be beef, mutton, veal, or fowls. A boiled leg or shoulder of mutton is rarely seen ; and when seen, usually makes its appearance without its legitimate attendant, drawn butter and parsley ; but roasted mutton, reeking in its own grease, is seldom wanted to grace the table. " For vegetables you will find potatoes, such as they are, sliced beets, corn and beans mixed, alias succutash, but for celery crisp, well blanched, delicious, appetite-inspiring celery you have none of it. Wait a minute, and you shall see the dessert, which is nearly as barren of attraction as the deserts of Arabia. An apple- dumpling, with the crust so tough, that it needs not, like old King George s, to be sewed to keep it together, but rather requires an axe or cleaver to cut it apart, enclosing an apple so sour, that if you eat it your teeth will be set on edge. " A pudding made of rice and water, in which the latter ingredient most plentifully abounds, or boiled rice to be eaten with West India molasses ; apple-pie, with crust like sole leather, and the apples as tart as the woman that made it; or, if sweetened at all, it is merely AMERICA with the same West India molasses; or per chance the dessert may consist of fruit, which is purchased the cheaper for having been thoroughly picked over previous to the pur chase. But all this is princely compared with the tea-table, which, in the first place, is nothing but a suite of bare boards, mahogany, and, may be, well polished ; but no table can be considered decent without a cloth. However, it is not so much the table itself I would de pict, as the articles upon it, and the mistress at the upper end of it. As at the breakfast, so at the tea-table, there is never any toast to be seen. Dry bread and extra-salted butter are the main articles ; but the tea, or the liquid so called, is the object most deserving of your particular attention. " How so large a quantity of the beverage could be made with so small a quantity of the Chinese herb would be matter of marvel to any one not acquainted with the economy of a New York boarding-house. Some might suppose it was owing to a peculiar virtue in the inside of the teapot, but I can assure you this is not the case ; and no person who has once tasted the decoction will have any doubt as to the mode of its preparation. " One thimble-full of tea is put into a quart, AND THE AMERICANS. 33 or gallon, or any assignable quantity of water, and the leaves of the herbs may be seen like the wrecked Trojans, rari nanles in gurgite vasto. " The mistress of the house always measures her tea in a thimble. At first the teapot is filled with water, and after a thorough decoction of the thimble-full it is brought upon the table. As soon as it begins to run low, it is again filled with water. A second pouring ou^ takes place, and it is again replenished with water ; and so on alternately pouring out and filling up as long as there are any guests to be served. " You may then judge, Mr. Editor, what is the nature of the liquid when poured into the cups. Still on the same principle of economy, you are not allowed to sweeten your own tea, lest you should be too profuse of the sugar; nor to cream it, lest you should draw too largely upon the precious milk and water which is used as substitute. The presiding goddess of the teapot puts into your cup a bit of sugar, the size of a hazel nut, and five drops of milk. If you should not be satisfied with this quantity, and should have the im pudence to send your cup for more, she puts in another bit of sugar of the size of a pepper D 34 AMICRtCA, corn, and three more drops of milk, but at the same time looks sour enough to turn the sugar to tartaric acid. But, although so sparing of the milk and sugar, it is but justice to say, she deals bountifully with you in the article of tea, and will give you as many cups- ful as you desire ; for pump water is cheap, and the process of pouring in very easily supplies the exhaustion of pouring out. In short, the tea is furnished you, in one weak, washy, everlasting flood. It now only remains for me to conduct you to your bed ; and I will do it at once, since the strength of your tea will not be likely to keep you awake. There are half a dozen beds, perhaps, in your room, where you and your fellows may snore in concert ; or, if more agreeable, keep one another awake. As for that whereon you lie, there is usually a plentiful scarcity of feathers ; but to make up the deficiency you may have as much straw as you please, and so thrown up into ridges, lumps, and bumps, that you feel as if you were stretched across a pile of rails, or over a heap of cobble-stones. To add still further to your comforts, ever and anon your nose is assailed by the odour of one of those bloody-minded animals that come travelling over your pillow, and insist not AND THE AMERICANS. 35 upon a pound of flesh, but upon having Chris tian blood. Sheets changed once a month, and a towel that wipes your hands and face for three weeks, complete the furniture of your lodgings. Thus, Mr. Editor, having given you a picture of a New York boarding- house, I bid you good night, barely hazard ing a single remark, that there is not perhaps in the world a place where, in the articles of meat, drink, and lodging, one is more tho roughly Jewed than at the New York boarding- houses, nor where there is need of a more speedy and complete reformation." Mechanics pay twelve shillings per week ; and, from what fell under my own observation, as well as what I learnt from individuals of that class, they have value received; their tables not lacking beef-steaks, and other dishes equally substantial, three times a day. As Americans will not be servants, the domestics in all these establishments, and in private houses, are either blacks, or coloured persons as all the intermediate shades between the former and white are designated and Irish. The blacks are styled servants, and appear a civil, good-tempered, happy race. They per form their duties better or worse, according to the treatment they experience from their em- D 2 36 AMERICA, ployers, and the previous advantages they have possessed. The men show great tact in acquiring a genteel address. As to the fail- daughters of the Emerald Isle, they being almost all of the poorest description of emi grants, it will not be expected that previous education has done much for them in house hold matters. They do not allow themselves to be called servants, but prefer the American term, help ; and knowing full well that they are in the land of freedom, and that the ob ligations of mistress and servant are mutual, they do as they please, and go where they please. It is no uncommon thing for these damsels to be requested to remain at home on the Sunday afternoon, should their services be particularly required. They fall into the American habits of dress with great ease, and soon doff their humble caps for Parisian hats and flowers ; which, by the bye, they can well afford to purchase, as they receive from twelve to sixteen pounds sterling a year wages. In allusion to the impatience under control which is so common to this class, an Irish lady wittily remarked to me, that her coun try s impudence, mixed with American inde pendence, made the worst compound in the world for a servant. To my great astonish- AND THE AMERICANS. 37 ment, I only met with two Englishwomen in this capacity in America. These were sufficiently conspicuous in their neat frilled caps, to say nothing of their clean persons and northern complexions. A sort of Paul Pry curiosity to gain information prompted me to have a chat with these individuals, both of whom I found were from the neighbour hood of Manchester. They had not lost their Lancashire dialect, nor any of their attachment to their native soil ; for although they received nearly double the wages they could earn at home, and were perfectly satis fied with their cheering prospects, it might easily be discovered that foreign habits were not congenial, and that they thought to use their own language there was no place like ould England. D 3 38 AMERICA. CHAR III. AMONG the public edifices of New York, the City Hall stands proudly pre-eminent. This splendid building, which is situated in an extensive area, planted with trees, and laid out with walks, is of white marble, which, in this dry, clear atmosphere, unpolluted by coal smoke, preserves its original purity. The dimensions of the edifice are 21 6 feet in length by 105 feet in depth, and 65 in height. From the centre rises a lofty cupola, which, like all such structures we saw, is of wood painted ; and its four sides exhibit handsome dials, which at night are illuminated. A statue of Justice crowns the whole. The expense of this erection was above 100,000/. From the gallery of the cupola the spectator enjoys a magnificent panorama of New York and its surrounding scenery; the eye em bracing the whole extent of the city, the noble rivers, the spacious bay enlivened by the numerous vessels constantly arriving and departing, the town and heights of Brooklyn AND THE AMERICANS. 39 on the one hand, with the romantic Hoboken and Weehawken on the other ; together with the woody undulations of Staten, Long, and New York islands, and the gray frowning precipices of the Jerseys, which bound the range of vision. The City Hall is appropriated to the va rious courts of law, as well as to the uses of the corporation. An elegant rotunda staircase of white marble leads to the prin cipal apartments ; but this, like the floors of the lobbies, and even of the courts, is kept in a most disgusting state, being constantly bespattered with the saliva of the tobacco chewers. In the council chamber, which is furnished with small neat desks for the use of the members, are full-length portraits of Wash ington, and several other of the worthies of America. The great object of attraction, however, in this room, is the identical chair in which the Liberator sat when inaugurated as the first President of this great republic. Although this precious relic is merely an old-fashioned mahogany sofa chair covered with red morine, yet the associations con nected with it are such as to give it an in- D 4 40 AMERICA, describable degree of interest ; and, in my eyes, it was worth all the bespangled and gewgawed thrones in Christendom, the ve nerable worm-eaten Gothic chair of our own Westminster Abbey into the bargain. The banner which waved over the head of the illustrious president on the glorious occasion alluded to, and which may be not improperly styled the American Oriflamme, is suspended on the wall, with an inscription over it in letters of gold. The various court-rooms are not distinguished by either advantageous ar rangement, or elegance of decoration ; and the absence of wigs and gowns on the bench, and among the counsel, as well as of liveries and all appearance of state in the subordinate officers of justice, had a singular effect upon the English spectator ; although, probably, not more so, and most assuredly not so ridi culous a one, as our courts must have in the eyes of an American. Justice is, nevertheless, as promptly and impartially administered in these undecorated walls as amidst the im posing pomp of British judicial proceedings ; and, what is of importance, at a cheaper rate too ; and I had, in the course of my oft re peated visits, abundant opportunities of prov ing that a knotty point might be ably argued AND THE AMERICANS. by a counsellor, and a case summed up with perspicuity by a judge, although both these personages might be attired in the unpretend ing costume of brown frock coats and black silk handkerchiefs. In short, I saw that it did not require the use of wigs and gowns " to steady our habits, and teach us to know distinctly what we are about." The simplicity of dress in those who admin ister the laws is also accompanied by a corre sponding simplification of their forms, which, being disencumbered of many technical and antiquated absurdities, are made intelligible to all. In one of the courts, I noticed a marble cenotaph to the memory of the late distin guished Counsellor Emmett, who emigrated from Ireland during the civil troubles in which his talented brother fell a sacrifice to an imprudent but patriotic zeal. This amiable gentleman practised the profession of the law in his adopted country with great success, and died deeply and generally lamented. Of the edifices dedicated to commercial purposes, the Merchants Exchange, and the Bank of the United States, are the most con siderable. The fa9ades of both these structures 42 AMERICA, are of white marble, and in a good style of architecture. The former contains a noble room or hall, eighty-five feet in length, and proportionably lofty, open to the public, and in which the merchants and others assemble at a stated hour, as in the seats of business in England. The communications by the telegraph are also here displayed for general inspection, as soon as received. Adjoining this resort, is the public sale room, where auctions of land and buildings, or what is termed real estate, are daily held. Here may be seen, at the same hour, and to the utter confusion of the stranger, one auc tioneer, elevated on his rostrum, expatiating on the quality of land in an almost terra incog nita, inviting his attentive audience, in the most friendly manner, not to lose so favourable an opportunity of enriching their families or friends ; a second equally energetic in praise of some corner lot, so eligible for stores, that he wonders how any man can hesitate a single moment ; whilst a third vows, that if there is no immediate advance upon the offer for the lease in question, he will take it himself. To afford some idea of the different value of the property brought to the hammer in this AND THE AMERICANS. 43 bustling mart, I may inform my readers, that I have often witnessed hundreds of acres, woods, game, and all, knocked down at the paltry price of four to five shillings per acre ; and perhaps at the adjoining rostrum a lot of one hundred yards was even bought in at the enormous price of ten pounds per yard. The former was, of course, in a part of the interior, distant from navigable rivers or canals ; the latter in the very best situations of the wealthy city of New York. Not less different, according to English classification, is the composition of the au dience at these sales. The banker, the merchant, the mechanic, and the carter in his white frock, are here be held en masse ; and the highest bidder is as likely to be found among the last description of personages as the first. Underneath the Exchange is the Post Office; contiguous to which is a large bar room, where, for the trifling sum of threepence, the thirsty " business man" is refreshed with a tumbler of claret and iced water ; or, should his habits be less abstemious, with the same quantity of more stimulating liquors. In the immediate vicinity are concentrated almost all the principal banks, insurance offices, 44 AMERICA, newspaper offices, as well as those of the cal culating class, the money changers ; the fronts of which last are liberally placarded with such notices as the following, all in the largest and most attractive letter : " Highest price given for gold and silver. Wanted im mediately, sovereigns, for which the highest value will be given. Bills of broken banks o bought here. Uncurrent bills taken." And others more or less intelligible to the stranger. As in London, a man is not under the ne cessity of travelling far from this focus of busi ness in search of a beef-steak. Chop-houses of every grade abound ; and a good dinner of one dish, with vegetables, bread, and half a pint of vin ordinaire de Bourdeaux, may be had for a shilling, which covers all demands. The oft-repeated assertion, that without a religious establishment in connection with the state, or laws to enforce the observance of the Christian Sabbath, religion itself would be extinct, is most completely disproved in the United States of America. Whatever may be said on the score of practice, which is per haps, upon the whole, much the same in all countries, however different their modes of faith, the public profession of religion is no where more conspicuous than in that country. AND THE AMERICANS. 45 The city of New York alone contains above one hundred places of worship, or churches as they are called. All sects, whether Trinitarian or Uni tarian, Jew, or Philosophical Unbeliever, en joy the same political privileges ; and each maintains its own ministers by voluntary sub scriptions, none being taxed to support religion in any shape. The Presbyterians are the most numerous body ; but the Church of England, or, as it is more correctly styled, the Protestant Episcopal Church, is the richest sect in proportion to the number of communicants. This arises from the endowments of land made by the Crown previous to the revolu tion not having been molested, and the land itself having now risen greatly in value. The bishop and clergy are elected by the popular voice j and although they are liberally, they are not extravagantly paid. The emolu ments of the former, whose see is nearly as large as all England, his jurisdiction extending over -the state of New York, are little more than WOOL per annum. The crying sin of the Church of England pluralism is un known ; as also the unjust and odious impost of tithe. 46 AMERICA, The clergy are strict in their outward de meanour, neither visiting theatres, balls, or any diversions, or indulging in a rubber at whist, as their brethren of the old country ; and a fox-hunting or a sporting parson would be con sidered, as Falstaff says, " little better than one of the wicked." Clerical magistrates are also unknown, the duties of the Christian pastor being very pro perly limited to spiritual matters. Although spacious and convenient, few of the churches have any pretensions to architectural beauty. The spires and belfries are of wood, and are all provided with lightning conductors, which are insulated from the buildings. The sum mits, as in England, are generally crowned by vanes, in lieu of the more appropriate termin ation to Christian temples, the cross. I observed a difference in the interior ar rangements of the Episcopal churches from those of the mother- country ; the pulpits being placed against the wall in the rear of the com munion table ; and that important personage, the clerk, is dispensed with. The windows are provided with green Ve netian blinds ; and one or two of the churches are hung with glass chandeliers, which have, as may be imagined, a gay effect. AND THE AMERICANS. 4<7 The cemeteries surrounding two of these sacred edifices, but which are now no longer used, contain fine elms and weeping willows, which, in this delightful climate, seem to flourish in town as well as country. In the Golgotha of Trinity, or the mother- church, in which the dust of hundreds of the loyal subjects of King George is mingled with that of thousands of his enemies, is a monu ment to the memory of the brave Captain Lawrence, who was killed in the conflict with the British frigate Shannon, and finally here interred. The design is a fluted column, with its capital fallen ; and on the pedestal is a suitable inscription. Unfortunately, this na tional tribute to the hero was not executed in a substantial manner ; for the whole is fast hastening to decay, and in a few years will be no more. In the vestry of Trinity Church, unknown to the crowds who hourly pass the window, I found two portraits of English divines, who, by the fashion of their wigs, show themselves to have been, in their day, preachers of passive obedience and non-resistance ; doctrines little likely to be revived in the pulpits of republican America, and daily becoming less palatable even in monarchical England. 48 AMERICA, The cemetery of St. Paul s is interesting to the Englishman, as containing the remains of that great illustrator of Shakspeare, Cooke, who closed a life of inebriety in the city of New York. Over the grave of this talented but foolish man is a white marble monumental pillar, sur mounted by an urn. On one side is the following inscription, from the pen of one who unfortu nately has inherited the follies as well as the mantle of the individual honoured : ERECTED TO THE MEMORY OF GEORGE FREDERICK COOKE, BY EDMUND KEAN, OF THE THEATRE ROYAL DRURY LANE, 1821. THREE KINGDOMS CLAIM HIS BIRTH; BOTH HEMISPHERES PRONOUNCE HIS WORTH. This monument, not being protected by rails, is much defaced by idle scribblers. The pro pensity to scratching autographs is as common among the Americans as it is among the En- AND THE AMERICANS. 49 glish, and it is one of the few customs of the mother-country which they have not rejected. Under the portico of the church is a marble cenotaph to the memory of the gallant Mont gomery, who fell in the unsuccessful attack on Quebec at the commencement of the revo lutionary war. The body of the general, after having laid interred in that city for nearly half a century, was, in the year 1818, exhumed and removed to New York, where it is now depo sited immediately in front of the monument in question. General Montgomery was an Irish man by birth, but took a decided part in favour of the colonies in their contest with Great Britain. The cemetery of St. Paul, likewise, con tains the remains of the late Counsellor Emmett, to whom I have made allusion in describing the City Hall. A monument, upon a considerable scale, is about to be erected over the grave of this eminent individual. The design is an obelisk, upon one side of which is the American eagle sheltering a harp unstrung, with a medallion of the deceased, and two hands united ; the wrist of one being encircled by a wreath of stars, and the other by a wreath of shamrock. On two of the other sides are inscriptions in Latin and Irish. 50 AMERICA, The obelisk is to be thirty- two feet in height, The plinth, which is seven feet square, and composed of one piece of white marble, was placed in its situation in the year 1830. As may be supposed, the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England stood in need of considerable alterations at the period of the separation of the colonies ; and so favourable an opportunity for a general re vision of this work, as well in respect to phraseology as doctrine and arrangement, was not neglected. The Liturgy of the Protestant Episcopal Church of America, so amended, and as at present used, was ratified by the bishops, clergy, and laity of the said Church, in con vention assembled in the year 1789, the period also of the establishment of the constitution of the United States. The Preface, which may be interesting to the English reader, runs as follows : " It is a most invaluable part of that blessed liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, that in his worship different forms and usages may without offence be allowed, provided the substance of the Faith be ke|ft entire ; and that in every church, what cannot be clearly determined to belong to doctrine must be referred to discipline ; and therefore, by com- AND THE AMERICANS. 51 mon consent and authority, may be altered, abridged, enlarged, amended, or otherwise disposed of as may seem most convenient for the edification of the people according to the various exigencies of times and occasions. " The Church of England, to which the Protestant Episcopal Church in these States is indebted, under God, for her first foundation, and a long continuance of nursing care and protection, hath, in the Preface of her Book of Common Prayer, laid it down as a rule that The particular forms of Divine worship, and the rites and ceremonies appointed to be used therein, being things in their own nature in different and alterable, and so acknowledged, it is but reasonable that, upon weighty and important considerations, according to the various exigencies of times and occasions, such changes and alterations should be made therein, as to those who are in places of authority should from time to time seem either necessary or expedient. The same Church hath, not only in her Preface, but likewise in her Articles and Homilies, de clared the necessity and expediency of occa sional alterations and amendments in her forms of public worship ; and we find accordingly, that, seeking to keep the happy mean be- 52 AMERICA, tween too much stiffness in refusing and too much easiness in admitting, variations in things once advisedly established, she hath, in the reign of several princes, since the first com piling of her Liturgy in the time of Edward the Sixth, upon just and weighty consider ations her thereunto moving, yielded to make such alterations in some particulars, as in their respective times were thought convenient, yet so as that the main body and essential parts of the same (as well in the chiefest materials as in the frame and order thereof) have still been continued^firm and unshaken/ "Her general aim in these different reviews and alterations hath been, as she further de clares in her said Preface, to do that which, according to her best understanding, might most tend to the preservation of peace and unity in the Church ; the procuring of reve rence, and the exciting of piety and devotion in the worship of God ; and finally, the cutting off occasion from them that seek occasion of cavil or quarrel against her Liturgy/ 66 And although, according to her judgment, there be not * any thing in it contrary to the word of God, or to sound doctrine, or which a godly man may not, with a good conscience, use and submit unto, or which is not fairly AND THE AMERICANS. 53 defensible, if allowed such just and favourable construction, as in common equity ought to be allowed to all human writings ; yet, upon the principles already laid down, it cannot but be supposed that further alteration would in time be found expedient. Accordingly a com mission for a review was issued in the year 1689 ; but this great and good work mis carried at that time ; and the civil authority has not since thought proper to revive it by any new commission. " But when, in the course of Divine Pro vidence, these American States became in dependent with respect to civil government, their ecclesiastical independence was neces sarily included ; and the different religious denominations of Christians in these States were left at full and equal liberty to model and organise their respective churches and forms of worship and discipline in such manner as they might judge most convenient for their future prosperity, consistently with the con stitution and laws of their country. " The attention of this Church was, in the first place, drawn to those alterations in the Li turgy which became necessary in the prayers for our civil rulers in consequence of the resolu tion. And the principal care herein was, to make E 5 5 AMERICA, them conformable to what ought to be the proper end of all such prayers, namely, that Rulers may have grace, wisdom, and under standing, to execute justice and to maintain truth ; and that the people may lead quiet and peaceable lives, in all godliness and ho nesty. 5 "But while these alterations were in review before the convention, they could not but with gratitude to God embrace the happy occasion which was offered to them (uninfluenced and unrestrained by any worldly authority what soever) to take a further review of the public service, and to establish such other alterations and amendments therein as might be deemed expedient. " It seems unnecessary to enumerate all the different alterations and amendments. They will appear, and, it is to be hoped, the reasons of them also, upon a comparison of this with the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England ; in which it will also appear that this Church is far from intending to dissent from the Church of England in any essential point of doctrine, discipline, or worship ; or further than local circumstances require. " And now the important work being brought to a conclusion, it is hoped the whole AND THE AMERICANS. 55 will be received and examined by every true member of our Church, and every sincere Christian, with a meek, candid, and charitable frame of mind ; without prejudice or prepos session, seriously considering what Christianity is, and what the truths of the Gosple are, and earnestly beseeching Almighty God to accom pany with his blessing every endeavour for promulgating them to mankind in the clearest, plainest, most affecting and majestic manner, for the sake of Jesus Christ our blessed Lord and Saviour." The most important alterations in respect to doctrine in the American Liturgy are the ex pulsion of the Catholic tenet of absolution of sins by the priest, in the office for the sick, and also that mystifying and damnatory creed erroneously attributed to St. Athanasius. To enumerate all the various amendments in phraseology and arrangement would be tedious ; suffice it to say, therefore, that in the morning and evening services, the repetitions of the Lord s Prayer are avoided, thereby ren dering its effect, when read, more impressive ; the Gloria in Excelsis is introduced, as well as an exhortation of the Saviour after the last commandment ; and the President of the United States and Congress are substituted E 4< 56 AMERICA, for " our most religious and gracious King, and the Lords of the Council." In the articles of religion, the authority of the civil power in spiritual matters is properly rejected. In per forming the service, more is left to the discre tion of the officiating minister than in the English Church ; and in the office of the Com munion he does not leave the reading desk, nor is the head bowed at the name of Jesus in either the Nicene or Apostle s Creeds, only one of which is read in the same service. The responses are made by the choir ; some being said, others sung ; and in those prayers where the people join, the minister is allowed to finish each sentence before the repetition is commenced ; an example worthy of imita tion in the Mother Church. The organs are in general well played, and the singing and chanting in a corresponding style of excel lence. AND THE AMERICANS. CHAP. IV. THE two Unitarian churches, one of which possesses a classical fa9ade, exhibit much elegance and some novelty in their interior arrangement. The pews, in lieu of the high, unsightly, box appearance of those in all the modern places of worship in England, have an agreeable inclination at the backs, which, with the seats, are well stuffed. The doors are about two feet in height ; the ends of the pews being finished with a scroll or arm, something in the style of a sofa, lines or ranges of which luxurious pieces of furniture they indeed re present. The pulpits are open at the sides, having no doors, and are ascended by double flights of stairs or steps. They bear no resem blance to the tea-caddy pieces of carpentry so common with us, being much larger, and alto gether in better taste. A sofa stands in the rear for the accommodation of the ministers. One, which appeared to me particularly chaste and classical, was not unlike an altar, with a semicircular projection in front, imme- 58 AMERICA, diately behind which stood the preacher. It was handsomely panelled, and painted in imitation of light veined marble, and was ele vated but a few feet above the floor of the church. On each side stood large bronzed candelabra, on marbled pedestals, between which and the pulpit or rostrum were the steps ; and at the back was a spacious niche or recess, the walls being covered with fluted crimson drapery, through which were the entrances into the vestry. The cushion and edge of the pulpit were covered with purple velvet. A little in advance stood a beautiful Italian alabaster font or tazza, for the baptismal water. The clergy of this denomination wear gowns, and some conform to the episcopal habits so far as to wear bands. In these Unitarian churches I had the good fortune to hear one of the most celebrated preachers of America, the Rev. Dr. Chan- ning, whose name stands deservedly high even on this side the Atlantic. This eminent divine resides and officiates at Boston, but visited the city of New York on an autumnal tour, and preached four times to crowded congregations. In these discourses he displayed much in- AND THE AMERICANS. 59 genious speculation on a future state ; argu ing in favour of the doctrine of the soul s im mortality, even from reason ; " because," said the reverend preacher, " nothing in nature is annihilated. Every thing, upon decay, resolves itself into new combinations ; therefore, why should mind be an exception ?" He rejected the doctrine of a local hell, substituting the idea of the stings of con science tormenting us. Upon the subject of the atonement, the reverend orator attacked the orthodox notion of the redemption of mankind by the act of shedding the blood of Christ. He considered, that Christ dying for us, and saving us by his blood, was to be understood in the light of a most virtuous teacher setting a perfect example, and falling a martyr for his principles, "just as we Ame ricans," said he most eloquently, " are saved by the blood of our patriot forefathers who died for us." Dr. Channing is in person slender, and of a delicate constitution, although his voice is sufficiently powerful. His manner in the pulpit is exceedingly engaging and impressive, riveting the attention of his hearers ; his style of thinking and mode of illustration display much originality; and when he happened to 60 AMERICA, touch a chord, as, in alluding to those who fought for the liberties of his country, the effect was electrical. Of the several Catholic places of worship, that dedicated to Ireland s tutelar protector, St. Patrick, stands at the head. It is a very spa cious edifice of stone, and contains a fine organ, which, together with an excellent choir, renders it peculiarly attractive to those who have music in their souls. The Catholics of New York are chiefly Irish, or of that extraction, as are the clergy. The spacious cemetery surrounding the church in question, is crowded with tenants, and the inscriptions on the head-stones or boards, bespeak almost all of them to have been natives of Ireland. One or two of the Presbyterian churches exhibit a peculiarity which seemed more adapted for the display of the Catholic ser vice, than for the simple forms of the former faith ; the floors being sloped towards the pulpit in the manner of the pit of a theatre towards the stage. I heard the most eminent ministers of this persuasion introduce the word prayerful in all their supplications ; and in giving or an nouncing the hymn, they, as well as the Unitarians and others, omitted the conjunc- AND THE AMERICANS. 6l tion, " and," in numbers above one hundred as modern custom has decided with respect to those under. Thus they announced the sing ing of the one hundred second psalm, or one hundred twenty-third, in lieu of one hundred and second, or one hundred and twenty-third. The effect upon the ear of a stranger was un musical. In the religious edifices of the various shades of Methodism, I saw nothing particularly wor thy of observation : Stentorian lungs, however, as at home, seemed to be necessary qualifica tions for the teachers of some of these sects. Freedom of speech and of the press in America are in no way more conspicuous than in matters of religion, and, as might be expected, every mode of faith and every shadow of opinion number their professed followers. Deism has, of course, its share of public as well as its more numerous private disciples. A society of the former held their meetings every Sunday in a ci-devant church which received the new appellation of the Hall of Science. In this metamorphosed temple, lectures on natural philosophy in its various branches usurped the place of religious services ; and even within hearing of the loud hosannas of some neighbouring evangelical 62 AMERICA, congregations, the throng of shrewd me chanics, with their families, were intent upon the wonders of the Leyden phial, or the Vol taic pile. One Sunday evening, early after our arrival in New York, we attended the Hall in question, to hear a Miss Frances Wright, an Englishwoman, the proprietress of the building, and a great promoter of the scheme, deliver a lecture on the present state and future prospects of society. The Hall was lighted up, and, although in the month of June, crowded to excess. The thermo meter at the time stood above 80 in the building, so that it required matter of no or dinary interest to reconcile the hearers to sit thus cribbed and confined. Miss Wright displayed the immense advan tages of the diffusion of education and useful knowledge among the labouring classes with great force ; and although her projects of re form might appear somewhat Utopian, she had evidently the welfare of her fellow-crea tures at heart. Miss Wright s delivery is exceedingly clear, and her manner dignified and imposing. The most novel feature of the evening s arrange ments, however, was the introduction of verses set to lively, nay to Anacreontic airs ; and a AND THE AMERICANS. 63 choir, accompanied by harp and lute, sung hymns in praise of science to the music of " Away with melancholy," " Auld lang syne," and " Will you come to the bower I ve shaded for you?" To say nothing of the bad taste of intro ducing music, and bad music too, at a lecture, the effect was ludicrous in the extreme ; and suppressed laughter was visible in the counte nances of numbers, particularly among the strangers like ourselves. As an accessory to this establishment, and situated in one of the great thoroughfares of the city, literally opposed to the principal Bible repository, is a book and print store or shop, where are vended the theological writ ings of Paine, as well as those of Carlile, Taylor, and others of the same class. It is worthy of remark, that although the press is under no censorship or restriction in America, such publications are not more diffused than in England, where more publicity and noto riety have been given to that class of writings by the repeated prosecutions which have taken place from time to time, and which have in variably tended to excite curiosity, and pro mote the circulation of the works they were intended to suppress. 64 AMERICA, In connection with the subject of religion, I may allude to those of marriages and funerals. The rite of marriage, by the American laws, is a civil, not a religious contract ; and is equally binding, whether performed by a cler gyman or a magistrate. Persons about to be united in the bonds, usually employ the minister of the denomi nation or congregation to which they belong, to tie the sacred knot, although many choose the mayor of the city in which they reside. In either case, in genteel, or even middle life, the ceremony is performed at the resid ence of the lady, generally in the afternoon or evening, and is followed by a gay party, in which the happy couple are the principal personages. The marriage service of the Episcopal Church exhibits judicious curtailment, and the husband is not enjoined to worship his better half, although the latter has to pro nounce the awful word " obey." That little matrimonial badge, the ring, is only used by the Episcopalians, and with them it is generally of an ornamental description, the simple but sig nificant English gold circle being unknown. No licence from surrogate, or even parent or guardian s permission, is required for the lovers AND THE AMERICANS. 65 to join fortunes ; and the union of young couples whose united ages scarcely exceed thirty, or at most thirty-five years, is an every day occurrence. The system of living so generally in board ing-houses may be said to afford additional facilities to these early marriages, as no outlay or establishment of any kind is requisite in the first instance. As a sequel to this matrimonial picture, I may add that divorces are easily obtained, if both parties desire it, just as dissolutions of partnership in mercantile matters take place in England. By a late sanitary law, interments are now only permitted in the older and more crowded parts of the city of New York, upon payment of a fine of 501. sterling; consequently the new burial grounds, which are neither pic turesque, nor in general neatly kept, are situ ated in the environs, or at least in those parts which at present may be so designated. One of these humiliating receptacles of humanity is wholly devoted to vaults for the wealthier classes, by whom the design was completed. These silent mansions are built in rows, a few feet below the surface of the ground, and are entered by strong stone doors, the ap- F 66 AMERICA, proaches to which are covered with flags ; and upon these is the grass-green turf. The names of the families and numbers of the vaults appear on white marble slabs fixed in the surrounding wall ; which, however, to gether with the entrance, are quite unworthy of this well-planned patrician cemetery. Coffins are invariably made of mahogany, and are finished in the true French style of polish, but without any tinsel, angels, crowns of glory, or gewgaw ornaments. These useful articles are kept ready made of all dimensions ; and large assortments of them are constantly exposed for sale in coffin-shops, as commonly as any article of furniture at the cabinet-makers . The English superstitious custom of bury ing the body with the feet to the east, is not always observed. The wearing of mourning is fast growing into disuse ; the Americans arguing, that, in dependent of the folly of such outward de monstrations of grief, it forces unnecessary expense upon many who are perhaps ill qualified to bear it ; " the trappings and the suits of woe" are therefore almost confined to the Episcopalians, who, in this and other par ticulars, show a reluctance to abandon the rules of the old country, England. Palls, scarfs, AND THE AMERICANS. 67 and other funereal badges, are seldom, if ever, seen ; escutcheons or hatchments, never ; all these, from their aristocratic origin, find no favour in the eyes of the people. Interments for the most part take place the day after the decease. The announcement to the relatives and friends of the hour of the funeral is given generally, not individually, through the medium of the newspapers, and in the same paragraph which states the death. Black coaches are not used ; but hackney coaches, which in New York are all elegant, and drawn by beautiful horses, are provided by the friends or family of the deceased, if they are in a station of life to afford the ex pense. These remain at the various stands, agreeably to the advertisement ; and as they are filled by persons wishing to attend the obsequies of their departed friend, they are driven to the residence, where they remain in line, sometimes to the number of thirty or forty, and filled with individuals of both sexes, in their ordinary habits, until the arrange ments are complete, and the hearse moves forward. This last vehicle is open, devoid of ornament, shabby, and drawn by one horse, which is not uncommonly a white one, and the driver often attired in coloured jacket and 68 AMERICA, trowsers. The pace is usually a quick walk. After the body is deposited in the ground, which ceremony is not always performed with that solemn decorum distinguishable in Eng land, the followers disperse to their re spective houses or places of business. Divested as these sad offices are of every thing like sombre state or adventitious solem nity, yet I could not witness the long trains of oftentimes really mourning friends, without admiring the rationality of the system, as op posed to that of my own country ; and reflect ing, that one of these unbought attendants was worth all the processions ever marshalled by the heralds. At the head of the establishments for edu cation is Columbia College, founded by the British Government in the reign of George II. ; and, until the period of the loss of the colonies, called King s College. It is a large and hand some stone building, surrounded by noble trees. The number of students is consider able ; and they enjoy the advantages of a good library, as well as an extensive philosophical apparatus. The plan of study being consi dered by many too strictly classical, and the constitution of the college in some points being otherwise objectionable, a new uni- AND THE AMERICANS. 69 versity, upon an extensive scale, is about to be established. This latter will be modelled more in accord ance with the spirit of the age, and better adapted to the wants of the people, who are not favourable to the cultivation of classical studies to the exclusion of what is well under stood by the term useful knowledge. The public schools supported by the state, and of which there are many, are numerously attended and well conducted. Infant or preparatory schools abound ; and no pains are spared " to teach the young idea how to shoot ; " indeed, education is considered a matter of such pri mary importance, that no parent neglects to furnish his offspring with at least the rudiments of learning, the means of obtaining which are within the reach of all. No youth of either sex are to be met with, who cannot read and write, except perhaps the children of newly arrived European emigrants. It may be worth remarking, that the Americans, in their aversion to the use of the terms master and mistress, have attacked those antient and honourable compound words school-master and school mistress ; the former being superseded by preceptor, the latter by preceptress, or more F 3 70 AMERICA, commonly by the awkward appellation of school-madam. It cannot be expected that in so young a country as America, moreover in one so far removed from the great monuments and gal leries of Europe, Aat the study of the fine arts should have been extensively prosecuted ; ne vertheless a growing taste is observable, and annual exhibitions of pictures by native artists are among the most attractive of the public places of resort. In that which w*as open on our arrival in New York, as well as in a sub sequent one, I saw enough to convince me that there was no lack of talent ; nor did I see reason to doubt, that had the young American students in the fine arts European advantages, the fruits of such would soon be apparent in their productions. This opinion is confirmed by the labours of those now resident in Europe, need I mention the names of Leslie, Cole, and Greenough ? and is further strengthened by the efforts of a humbler class of aspirants to the title of artists, I mean the painters of signs, the admirable execution of which, in New York, must attract even the most ignorant. What ever is intended to be represented in these pictorial advertisements, is not only well drawn, but the management of the chiaro scuro is AND THE AMERICANS. 71 generally excellent ; and in some instances I observed a tone and keeping really surprising, when the disadvantages under which these painters work is taken into consideration. The very superior style of carving, exhibited in the decoration of the heads of American vessels, and which are in general the work of self- taught individuals, likewise corroborates the opinion I have advanced. The Academy of the Fine Arts contains a selection of casts from the antique ; but I am grieved to record that they were so mutilated and disfigured as to even render them improper to be exhibited in the presence of females. This remark also applies to some paintings from the frescoes found in Herculaneum, and pre sented to the Academy by Napoleon when First Consul. That wonderful personage made a further splendid donation to the Academy in a copy of Piranesi s works, accompanied with an autograph letter, which, to the credit of those concerned, has been framed, and is hung in the same room where the volumes are de posited. The hand-writing is rather difficult to decipher, yet more legible than some docu ments which I have examined, written by the same illustrious man at a later period of his too short life. j? 4 72 AMERICA, A full-length portrait of West, by Lawrence, and an excellent French bronze bust of Vol taire, likewise grace the apartments. The Lyceum of Natural History, which numbers among its members a Mitchell, Ho- sack, and Dekay ; and the studio of that ve nerable patriot and artist, Colonel Trumbull ; are also under the same roof with the Academy of the Fine Arts. Colonel Trumbull was a soldier of the re volution, and enjoyed the distinguished honour of being private secretary of Washington, with which immortal man and the present gene ration he is one of the few remaining links. The principal Museum of New York is private property ; but open to the public by payment at the doors. In one of our visits to this interesting dis play of the wonders of nature, we were accompanied in the survey by those wonders themselves, the Siamese twins. These youths had made their tour of Eng land, as well as of the United States, and were about to return to their native country. They had acquired considerable fluency in the English language, and appeared in good health and spirits. The New York City Library was founded AND THE AMERICANS. ^3 under the British authorities, nearly a century ago ; but the books having been purloined and dispersed at the commencement of the civil troubles, it was replenished after the establishment of the new government, and now contains above 20,000 volumes of well- selected works. I observed over the fire-place a copy of a charter from that bigoted tyrant James II., to whom the country was granted, and in honour of whom it received its present name. Among the various other libraries which the city contains, none are perhaps more useful than those devoted to clerks and mechanics. The low price of books also tends mate rially to facilitate the diffusion of knowledge. No impolitic duties on paper, or other ob structions, exist. In addition to the literature of America itself, all works of utility or general interest published in England are reprinted in a cheaper manner ; in general, at about one fourth of the English prices. In many instances, I found the difference to be still greater : for example, Scott s Life of Napoleon, a work which has not elevated that distinguished writer s fame, in 2 vols. 8vo, may be had, bound, for eight shillings ; CTNIVERSITY 74 AMERICA, Moore s Life of Byron, in 2 vols. 8vo, fifteen shillings ; Bibles, in quarto, printed so that those who run may read, five shillings, and not unfrequ entry for a less sum at the nu merous book auctions which nightly invite the passenger. At these crowded rendezvous of literary mechanics, I was pleased to notice that the purchasers of cheap books, as well as maps and stationery, were sometimes boys, who, as soon as they had made their little calculations, commenced selling and bartering with a judg ment and keenness quite inconceivable to the natives of other countries, and strongly illus trative of the national character and state of society. Immense quantities of Bibles are disposed of at these sales ; for the printing of the sacred volume not being a monopoly, as in England, competition is excited, as in any other article; and the result is its greater diffusion, at a less cost. The version is that of the reign of James I. ; but the dedication to that prince is omitted. AND THE AMERICANS. 75 CHAP. V. THE institution called the Athenaeum contains a library and a collection of medals, and is also supplied with foreign and domestic newspapers and periodicals. The Exchange has also its news-room, which is furnished with papers from every part of the Union, together with those of the Ca- nadas, and an irregular supply from Great Britain. The circumstance of those from the latter country not being received in regular files, is a serious disappointment to the English stranger. The Journals are fastened to high sloping desks, to which the reader is obliged to stand. This system, which is general in America, is extremely convenient for the hasty perusal of particular papers, which may always be found in the same place ; but is very fatiguing to the reader of debates, or politician, who would not lose a single phrase of his favourite speakers. In this, and many other particulars, the Americans do not seem to study what the Englishman terms comfort. 76 AMERICA, Nothing in America is perhaps more striking, than the rapid and general diffusion of information through the community by means of newspapers, the daily circulation of which is immense, and very far exceeding that of Great Britain. A daily paper only costs about two guineas per annum. I saw them every where, from the counting rooms, as the merchants offices are called, to the smallest stalls of the sons of Crispin ; and often observed the carters read ing their papers whilst waiting for a job, either in the streets, or in small news-rooms pur posely opened for that class opposite their usual stands. Advertising is proportionably cheap, as there is no duty on either materials, publica tion, or contents ; and the facilities given to trade by this liberal policy are very great. The newspapers of the great cities are issued twice a day ; namely, at six o clock in the morning, and three or four in the afternoon. The delivery is accomplished with great rapidity, by numbers of active messengers. At private houses, the papers are either thrust under the doors, or thrown into the areas, or even left upon the step, should the newsman s knock not be immediately attended AND THE AMERICANS. ?7 to ; and during the absence of a servant, or of the family, they sometimes remain untouched for hours, even in a crowded street or tho roughfare. None are so poor as not to have their own newspaper. The diurnal press is, generally speaking, respectably conducted, and the leading articles well written. European news is copiously re ported, and is as eagerly read ; but no namby- pamby trash of fashionable movements, routes, (^ and dinners, finds its way into the columns of American papers, such absurdities being justly held up to ridicule. In treating of political subjects, allowances must unquestionably be made for writers un der the influence of party or strong national feelings ; but no excuse can be offered for the illiberal abuse and wilful misrepresentations in which some of the editors, when speaking of the parent country, delight to indulge. I remarked an instance of national egotism in one of these journals, so egregious that I cannot resist giving it a place in these pages, although its insertion may cause a smile at the expense of the author. In allusion to the English Tory press, fool ishly asserting that the newspapers of .America were devoid of interest, the sapient writer, in 78 AMERICA, his desire of revenge, launched into an hyper bolical flourish, from which I have extracted the following tnorgeau : " We thank Heaven that our papers are barren of interest to the recorders of midnight assassinations, of accidents by flood and field, of the tale of strife and blood, and of titled profligacy. We reprint ; they (the English) originate." Mark how plain a tale shall put him down ! Within a few months from the date of the publication in question, the same paper, among its domestic intelligence and the every-day reports of the courts of justice, had to an nounce the horrid midnight murder of a gentleman of fourscore years and upwards, by a set of young men of highly respectable con nections ; the blowing up, with considerable loss of life, of several steam vessels ; the rob bery of a bank of an immense amount ; the robbery of a mail, under such aggravated cir cumstances that one of the culprits suffered death ; the execution of several pirates, who not only plundered the vessel, but murdered the captain and mate ; and, lastly, the appre hension of a barrister, of highly respectable and genteel family, for purloining wearing ap parel from the house in which he boarded. AND THE AMERICANS. 79 How far these crimes coincide with the classification of the New York editor, the reader will judge. The drama in the United States, like the press, is not subjected to any censorship, save that of public opinion ; and managers are at full liberty to produce, as Polonius says, " Tragedy, comedy, history, pastoral, pastoral comical, historical pastoral, scene individable, or poem unlimited," without let or hindrance, when they please. The consequence of this free trade in thea tricals is, that in no country is the drama more liberally patronised. The two principal theatres of New York are of large dimensions, and are elegantly de corated and fitted up. They have each four tiers of boxes, the fronts of the bases of which were hung with silk drapery in festoons, which had a good effect. The scenery, machinery, dresses, and, tech nically speaking, the properties, appear equal, in style and execution, to what are exhibited in the patent establishments of London. The curtain of one of these temples of Thespis was of the richest crimson silk damask, ornamented with gold fringe and tassels ; and, in lieu of 80 AMERICA, being drawn up, it was gracefully gathered to the sides of the proscenium. The members of the corps dramatique, with a few exceptions, are English ; and are as effective as any provincial companies in Great Britain. Coffee and refreshments are served in the saloons at moderate prices ; and in the winter season, these apartments, as well as the lobbies, are all kept agreeably warm by large stoves. As a precaution in case of an accidental rush to the doors from an alarm of fire, they are all made to open outwards, so that a pressure from within would not produce serious corfse- quences, as such must inevitably do in the English theatres or crowded places of public resort. For a similar reason the orchestras are not surrounded with spikes. The audience in the lower circle do not all appear in dress, which detracts somewhat from the elegant appear ance of the houses ; and neither females, nor even men of genteel appearance, frequent the pit, as in Europe. The performances are, generally speaking, the stock or new pieces of the London stage ; which last are sometimes altered, the better to suit the political atmosphere of America. AND THE AMERICANS. 81 Nothing complimentary to John Bull (and it is but too true that the English pieces abound in such- egotisms) would be tolerated for an instant, but the flattery reversed is of course highly relished. The country people of the state of Massachussets, or Yankees, as all the natives of that district of the Union are called, are introduced on the New York stage as the rustic Yorkshireman is on the London boards, and with as much effect : his dialect and modes of expression are his own, and his keenness in all his dealings is proverbial. To outwit a Yankee is considered no easy matter ; and such a triumph in the dramatic plot is sure to be duly appreciated by the audience. The price of admission to the boxes of the principal theatre is one dollar, or four shillings and sixpence sterling. French plays are performed for a short period in the summer by the company from New Orleans, who make an extensive thea trical tour during the unhealthy months at that city. One of the most spacious as well as orna mental edifices of New York is the Free masons Hall ; erected, as may be supposed, for the accommodation of that ancient frater nity, the Free and Accepted Masons, but occa- G 82 AMERICA, sionally diverted from its legitimate object. Among other uses, it is now annually opened for the exhibition, or fair, as it is termed, of the American Institute of New York. The society under that title is formed for the ex press object, as the address of its committee declares, " To promote improvements in the mechanic arts ; to encourage American indus try in agriculture, manufactures, and com merce ; and to sustain such a system of policy as will protect the great national interests of our country." As a member of a great commercial com munity, I felt considerable interest on the subject of the rising manufactures of America, and was well pleased to have an opportunity of visiting one of the fairs in question, which was held during the autumn of 1829. The spacious hall was fitted up in the style of those modern attractive scenes, charitable bazars ; and specimens of goods of every de scription produced in the United States were exhibited for inspection and sale. To con tribute to the effect, looms were seen in active operation, and the national flag patriotically displayed, with allegorical designs ; the whole studiously got up in order to produce an im pression, particularly on the opponents of the AND THE AMERICANS. 83 American protective system, who are pretty numerous in this metropolis of the importers. To enumerate the multifarious articles of the catalogue is unnecessary, as they comprised, with the exception of china and earthen ware, specimens of almost every thing useful as well as many ornamental. The staple articles, and those which were most attractive on account of their importance, were the woollen broad and narrow cloths and flannels, calicoes, plain and printed, carpeting, hats, cut and beautifully moulded glass, saddlery, ironmongery, and the more common description of general hardware, furniture, piano-fortes, small cabinet work, pocket-books, and paper ; among the coarse qualities of which I was shown some made from straw, also some from the stalks or tops of the potato. The whole of the goods in the various branches mentioned were highly creditable to the different establishments in which they were produced, being mostly equal in point of execution to the same descriptions, and as cheap as the same qualities of goods imported under the high duties from the manufactories of England. The most novel article was the pressed glass ; which was far superior, both in design and execution, to any G 2 84 AMERICA, thing of the kind I had ever seen either in London or elsewhere. The merit of this in vention is due to the Americans ; and it is likely to prove one of great national import ance. I observed, in my inspection of the hard ware, that the locks and keys, as well as hinges, were manufactured of brass, a material of which the Americans make great use ; but in small cabinet work, where the locks were like wise small, the keys were of steel of English manufacture. This application of foreign to domestic or home manufacture was visible in a variety of instances, when the object intro duced could be imported cheaper than it could be made in America. The specimens of joiners tools exhibited several variations from the forms of those used in England. The claw ends of hammers had a greater curve, so as to afford more lever power to the handle ; the augers were wormed like cork-screws ; and the saws were all of the kind sometimes used by cabinet-makers, the blade being narrow, and kept straight by upright ends of wood, braced at the upper ends by twisted cords. Among the numerous specimens of fancy goods, I recognised some to be the produc- AND THE AMERICANS. 85 tion of English workmen ; great numbers of whom are now employed in every branch of manufactures in the States. We did not see any specimens of jewellery, although the Americans excel in this article. The hall dur ing the few days of exhibition was crowded to excess ; and an address in favour of the American protective system, and lavish in abuse of the Huskissonian theories, was dis tributed gratis to the visitors. The feeling created by these patriotic exhibitions may be best understood by the communication of the fact, that I repeatedly overheard such expres sions as, " We are already equal to the English in our manufactures ; " " Our domestic goods are much better than any imported ; " " In a little time we shall have no occasion to import any thing from England." I heard one gentleman, who was evidently a stranger, attacked in no very measured terms, for presuming to doubt the genuine ness of a sample of Carolina indigo ; and an ultra-tariff man roared out, with stentorian voice, as he quitted the room, " Now, thank God, we are physically as well as politically independent." I must not forget to mention, that some careful housewife, imbued with the same feel er 3 86 AMERICA, ings of amor patriae and preference to domestic manufactures, had sent a patchwork quilt or spread, as the Americans call such useful articles, which was conspicuously displayed. The public markets for the sale of provi sions are conveniently situated, but are not distinguished either for extent or architectural beauty. They are named after the great men of the country, as Washington, Fulton, &c. Although the Englishman in his strolls through these busy places of resort does not find the prime fed beef of Smithfield, the mutton of Leicestershire, or even the hare, pheasant, or partridge, yet the abundance of good things, and their comparative cheapness, satisfy him that he is in the land of plenty. I found the prices of eatables about half as much as those of the markets in the large towns of England. Some things, however, which with us would be accounted luxuries, are, from the nature of the climate and country, among the cheapest in the markets of America. Venison, at four-pence a pound, forms a striking contrast to the price of such meat in the shops of London ; as does a fat turkey, which will not always command the sum of four shillings. The descriptions of fish vary considerably from those of the British seas. The turbot, sole, AND THE AMERICANS. 8J and bret, are unknown ; and although salmon is occasionally to be found, it is sold at a high price, being brought from Nova Scotia. Shad, mackerel, and several other kinds, peculiar to the American waters, abound in their respec tive seasons. The smaller fishes are brought to the market alive ; and are kept in that state in tubs of sea water until wanted, as is the custom in some parts of Europe. The places of the muscle and cockle are supplied by several other shell-fish, of which great quan tities are consumed. The crabs and shrimps are small, and not plentiful ; but compensation is made by the abundance and excellence of the lobsters and oysters, both of which are often very large ; the former, including the claws, sometimes measuring three feet in length, and the circumference of the shell of the latter as much as eighteen inches. Smaller lobsters are, however, preferred. The oysters are all well fed, and of the finest flavour. Both are extremely cheap ; particularly the former, which are generally sold at two-pence to three-pence a pound. Oyster cellars abound ; and immense quan tities of these luxuries are likewise vended from small waggons in the streets; at which locomotive shops, the pedestrian may be sup- ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY 88 AMERICA, plied with biscuits, pepper, and ginger beer ; in short, for a few pence, the carter or me chanic has a whet which might satisfy even a gourmand. The house where midshipman Prince Wil liam, now the reigning monarch, William IV., was wont to carouse, was standing in 1830, but has since been pulled down. It was for many years a celebrated oyster house, and much frequented by the British officers. Among the great varieties of wild and cul tivated fruits which the long summers of the surrounding country ripen, the peach and the apple are the most plentiful. They are pro duced in the greatest abundance, and are sold at prices which astonish the English emigrant. The peaches are grown on standard trees, and, although excellent, are neither superior in size or flavour to those on the tables of France or England, but the apples are, generally speak ing, finer. Great quantities of both are dried for winter use. Grapes are small and scarce, but melons of many kinds abound, as do rasp berries, strawberries, cranberries, whortleber ries, and blackberries, all of which grow wild. The introduction of the latter fruit in desserts forcibly reminds the Englishman of his boyish days. AND THE AMERICANS. 8Q Pine apples are brought in bulk in small vessels from New Providence, and other parts of the Bahamas, and are sold at the low rate of sixpence to a shilling each. Two of the favourite vegetables for the table are the Caro lina or sweet potato, and maize or Indian corn. The latter is used when green and boiled: it is exceedingly palatable, although most awkward to be eaten, unless the seeds are pre viously removed from what is termed the cob. It is thus mixed with kidney, or what the Americans call string beans ; and so served, is called succutash, and is much esteemed. The word corn invariably means maize, unless with a qualification, as bread-corn, which sig nifies wheat. The common potato is called the Irish potato. The beet-root is much eaten, as is cabbage, in a variety of forms, introduced, no doubt, by the early Dutch set tlers. The common English bean is unknown ; but a large species, and of good flavour, lately imported from Peru, called the Lima bean, is already much in vogue. Cauliflowers are comparatively dear ; but asparagus, of the finest quality, is abundant and cheap. The markets of New York present few attrac tions for the florist : every article on sale therein being actually for use ; but establish- 90 AMERICA, ments for the supply of the requisites for ornamental gardening exist. The most interesting of such is the conser vatory and seed store of a Mr. Thurburn, a native of Scotland, who emigrated to America many years ago, and who, I was told, had no reason to repent of his speculation. On a space of ground of very trifling extent, and situated in a narrow street, Mr. Thur burn has concentrated a choice selection of the plants of various countries and latitudes ; and so fine is the climate, and so free from smoke the city, that the parterre exhibits all the floral beauties in succession, in as healthy a state as they would appear in the most rural site in England. Behind the conser vatory is an extensive seed store, not more distinguished for the great variety in the stock than for the admirable classification and ar rangement. Rakes, hoes, and other gardeners implements on sale, are tastefully displayed on the walls in the style of agricultural emblems ; and in a gallery there is an aviary, containing hundreds of canary birds, whose little throats make the welkin ring with their volume of song. Considering the wise precautions under the sanitory laws as respects interments, to which AND THE AMERICANS. 91 I have already alluded, I was much surprised to find that nothing had been done to remove the nuisance of slaughter-houses, which are scattered over many populous districts of the city, impregnating the surrounding atmo sphere during the long hot summers with the most noxious effluvia. In addition to the annoyance which the organs of smelling receive, the feelings of the passenger occasion ally suffer in beholding the necessary but dis gusting work of blood, which is carried on in buildings exposed to the public thoroughfares. Having sometimes passed through these dis tricts, I had opportunities of witnessing the American mode of killing cattle ; which, as it appeared so much quicker, and humane, than the ancient method still preserved in Eng land, revolting as the topic is, I may never theless be allowed to describe. The animal intended to be slaughtered is placed under a strong beam, from which de scends a rope, connected with a powerful hoisting apparatus at a little distance. A noose being fastened to one of the hinder legs, and the hook of the rope attached, the animal is suddenly raised or suspended, with the head downwards. The arteries of the neck are im mediately severed ; and the blood flowing 92 AMERICA, copiously, life is soon extinct. A civil and intelligent operative butcher, to whom I had addressed some questions, remarked, in regard to the English system of knocking down the oxen by repeated blows with hatchets, 6 ( that it was a cruel method ; and in fact, a double murder of the harmless beast, and after all not convenient." To hear a man of his profession argue on the score of humanity to the brute creation was not less pleasing than novel. The only public establishments which remain to be noticed are the General Hospital and the Arsenals. The former is a spacious edifice, situated near the centre of the city ; but being upon high ground, and having a large area in front, it possesses the advantages of good air and quiet, two things not generally found in bustling cities. Several of the medical officers attached to this institution stand deservedly high in their respective branches of the heal ing art, as well as on subjects of general science and literature ; and although the title of Doctor stares the passenger in the face on the door of every petty retailer of salts and rhubarb in New York, the legitimate mem bers of the profession have all passed the ordeal of rigid examinations previous to their AND THE AMERICANS. 93 adoption of that honourable appendage to their names. The Military Arsenal occupies part of a large space, which in the olden time was generally covered with water, and in winter afforded the youth of the city a glassy surface for the amusement of skating. It is recorded, among the events connected with this spot, that his present Majesty, King William, was one of the number who thus enjoyed themselves, when, as a middle, on the New York station, he had leave of absence from his ship. It is worthy of remark, that this great depot of cannon and arms is entirely unprotected by either fortifications or guards ; a striking contrast to the state of such establishments in the cities of monarchical Europe. The Naval Arsenal, or Navy Yard, as it is styled, is situated on the margin of the East river, adjoining the rising and cheerful town of Brooklyn, and opposite the upper part of the city of New York. In these piping times of peace it presents an almost deserted appearance, the government keeping the establishment on as low a scale as pos sible. I saw in the wooden building houses two noble sixty-gun ships, or frigates of the first 94 AMERICA, class, on the stocks, and finished, and at the moorings the ship Ohio of 120 guns, also the Washington and Franklin, each of 90 guns, which, from the want of protection from the weather, were hastening to decay. The ships on the stocks had what are termed flush decks, the Americans having abandoned the old system of building, both in their vessels of war and those of the mer chant service. The frigate United States had been con verted into a receiving ship, in lieu of the celebrated steam battery called the Fulton, which was accidentally blown up a few days previous to our arrival. The guns on board all bore the royal initials and crown, having been taken out of the British frigate Mace donian. A sloop of war was the only vessel in com mission for service at the period of my first visit. The few sailors and marines whom I saw bore an appearance so British, that had it not been for the difference in the uniform of the latter, I could easily have supposed myself among the brave defenders of old England s wooden walls. The ship-building yards for the merchant AND THE AMERICANS. 9<5 service are situated on the city side of the river. Great activity generally prevails in them, and the workmen receive very high wages. These last are counterbalanced to the ship owner or merchant by the cheapness of tim ber ; and as iron, copper, and canvass, are likewise afforded at a lower rate in England than in America, the vessels trading thither are usually coppered on their first arrival out, and are also supplied with chain cables and the heavier sails. Vessels of war are sometimes built in these yards for the Russian and other governments. As the rise of the tide is slight, there are not any docks, so that vessels in want of repair are drawn up inclined planes by powerful machinery. Before I conclude my sketch of New York, I must not omit to mention its fire police, the efficient organisation of which is the admir ation of every foreigner. This excellence, which is common to all parts of the Union, arises, no doubt, from the frequencies of fires, a calamity unavoidable in cities abounding in wooden tenements, and where timber, or what are denominated shingle roofs, are yet so common. 96 AMERICA, By the laws of the state, every citizen must either be enrolled in the militia, and serve if called upon, or he must act as a fireman,, for a certain number of years, which exempts him from the duties of either office for the re mainder of his life. Strange to say, the arduous and dangerous one of a fireman is held in the highest repute, and at all hours and seasons the utmost alacrity is shown in hastening to the scene of conflagration. The fire-engines are numerous, of the best construction, and finished in a very superior style of workman ship, being not only powerful, but handsomely painted with devices, and highly ornamented with brass, which is kept bright and clean. They have a certain quantity of hose wound round a cylinder or axle fixed for the purpose, and, together with the pipes, hatchets, and drag-ropes, are always kept in the engine houses ready for instant use. To obviate any confusion or delay in the night, torches and strong lanterns fixed on poles, are also kept with them ready to be lighted. The engines are numbered, and the fire men, who have appropriate dresses, form cor responding companies. AND THE AMERICANS. 97 Very broad ladders, of various lengths, placed on light wheels, are also in readiness for use at the different stations. The alarm of fire is given by calling the word " fire" aloud, which is instantly repeated by hun dreds in the streets ; and by ringing the bell of the nearest church, the key of the belfry being either kept adjoining, or in the imme diate neighbourhood. If the flame is visible at a distance, the signal of alarm is likewise given by a watch man, who, agreeably to the old Dutch custom, is stationed in the cupola of the City Hall, and who holds out a lantern in the direction of the danger. The summer and autumn of the year 1829 were distinguished by numerous fires of great magnitude ; some of them, upon good grounds, supposed to be the work of incen diaries. The repetition of the calamity afforded me repeated opportunities of witnessing the promptitude alluded to. None but those who have witnessed a fire in America can form an idea of the rapidity with which all the extin guishing apparatus, as well as safety ladders, are brought to the spot, and how quickly the firemen assemble. No sooner is the alarm H 98 AMERICA, sounded, than the engine-house doors are thrown open, and the engines dragged by the populace at full speed workmen, trades men, boys, of which there is never any lack, all exerting their utmost efforts to bring up the particular number; the spirit of emulation among the various companies being carried to an exceedingly high pitch. Water is ob tained either from the pumps, which are placed at regular intervals in the streets, or from the rivers, if the conflagration is in their vicinity. A chain of engines is often formed to carry the water to a greater distance. The orders are all given by the officers of the companies, through the medium of speaking trumpets ; and engines, called by their re spective numbers, are moved in front or rear with the swiftness of flying artillery ; ladders are placed, and, should the danger be immi nent, houses are unroofed, or the parts com municating with the burning mass are pulled down, with astonishing alacrity, and with such a total disregard to their own personal safety, by those employed in the operation, as to be quite appalling. As a proof of the enthusiasm with which the firemen act, the direction of the water- pipe or tube is claimed by the man who AND THE AMERICANS. 99 arrives first, to gain which post of honour no exertion is too great; and as regards the dis cipline of the establishment, I never witnessed any neglect or disobedience of commands, or, indeed, any confusion but such as arose from the nature of the catastrophe. Order on these occasions is maintained by the civil power, which is very effective. The watchmen, who are a fine body of men, wear firemen s hats when on duty, and carry thick cudgels. They do not annoy the citizens with calling the hour or the particular state of the weather, a custom which, in the old country, would be more honoured in the breach than in the observance. H 100 AMERICA, CHAP. VI. AT the latter end of the autumn or fall or 1829, I gladly devoted a few weeks of leisure to a visit to the sublime wonders of Niagara, which, since the introduction of steam vessels and the cutting of canals, are no longer the exclusive property of the wealthy traveller. Previously to entering upon the particulars of this most interesting tour, I must say some thing in regard to those floating mansions which navigate the great rivers of America, and which, viewed either as respects their scale or elegance, have no parallel in Europe. The steamers, for the term boat seems improperly applied to vessels of so large a de scription, are from 150 to nearly 200 feet in length, of proportionate width, and have often three decks. They are generally propelled by two engines, which, with the boilers and the stock of wood for fuel, are placed on each side of the middle deck, and enclosed in pa nelled chambers, so as to be almost wholly screened from view. The machinery is all of the most approved construction, and ex- .- AND THE AMERICANS. 101 tremely powerful. The wheel, or apparatus for steering, is fixed in an elevated chamber or round house, with windows, on the upper deck, and as near the bow of the vessel as convenient. From this elevation the pilot or helmsman has a full view of every object ahead of or before the vessel. The communi cation between the wheel and rudder is made by concealed ropes running under the decks ; and the captain s or pilot s orders respecting the movements are communicated by means of a bell, fixed in the engine-room, the num ber of strokes designating the nature of the command. In lieu of a bowsprit, a long pole projects from the stem, upon the end of which is a cone something like a school-boy s dunce s cap, but which is dignified with the title of the Cap of Liberty. Although the interior arrangements vary in different vessels, the main cabin often occupies the whole of the lowest deck, and is lined with a double tier of sleeping berths, to the number of a hundred, or more, sometimes enclosed by latticed doors, but oftener hung with rich damask furniture, the rods supporting which can be drawn out, so as to form so many screens. Two long sets of mahogany sliding tables, with cane-seated benches and chairs, a Brus- H 3 - AMERICA, sels carpet, with a score of japanned spitting boxes, and a neatly furnished bar at the bow- end of the vessel, with handsome mirrors, and Argand lamps, complete the arrangements of this dormitory and refectory. The viands for the different meals are lowered by a mechan ical contrivance from the kitchen, which is situated in the proximity of the great fur naces and boilers. The cabin appropriated to the ladies com municates with the other by means of a private staircase, and occupies what in a ship would be termed the quarter-deck. This apartment is even more elegantly furnished than that of the gentlemen, besides having a supply of handsome rocking chairs, of which the Ame rican females are passionately fond. Upon the same level are a number of small chambers devoted to various purposes, as the captain s office, pilot s room, steward s room, washing room, provided with every requisite ; and lastly, a barber s shop, where Mungo is ready to officiate on all comers at all hours. In lieu of masts there are light, neat poles and flag-staffs, from which the stars and stripes of young America float gracefully on the breeze. The number of passengers depends much AND THE AMERICANS. 103 upon the season ; but it is no uncommon oc currence for these leviathans to convey as many as six or seven hundred each trip. The average speed is about twelve miles an hour, although fifteen is often accomplished. Very little detention is experienced at the various towns on the route ; passengers being landed or received on board by a boat attached to the steamer by a strong rope, which being run out until the operations at the wharf are completed, is drawn in by the engine, the steamer all the while having moved forward with the motion it had acquired previous to stopping the ma- chinry . A bell is rung on approaching a landing place, and if there are any passengers desirous of proceeding by the steamer, a flag is hoisted on shore. In one of these splendid locomotive palaces we embarked on a fine autumnal morning for Albany on the river Hudson, a distance of one hundred and forty-five miles. The bustle incident to departure, the arrival of hackney coaches and porters with all the kindred of trunks and portmanteaus, was suc ceeded by the embraces, the shaking of hands, and those poetic sensibilities of parting, which may be imagined in a crowd of passengers, H 4 104 AMERICA, many of whom were about to travel, or perhaps locate, as far in the great regions of the west as is the distance from London to Constan tinople. The signal bell loudly rang its final warning, the hissing of the steam ceased, and the vessel, on being released from its fastenings, majes tically ploughed its way. Soon after leaving the wharf, a man with a bell, after the manner of an English town crier, summoned all the gentlemen to pay their pass age money at the captain s office ; which being done, we received the numbers of our respect ive beds. Rapidly leaving the environs of New York, and the fine wooded parts of the island, as well as the interesting promontories of New Jersey, we soon reached the bold shore of the Hudson, called the Palisadoes. This natural wall, or range of rocky precipices, which vary from three to four hundred feet in height, extends for many miles, and is covered with woods. The sloping base in some places affords room for a few fishermen s cabins, which seem mo mentarily in danger of being overwhelmed by the masses of rock separated by the frost. At this stage of our voyage we were invited to a breakfast, which seemed to combine all AND THE AMERICANS. 105 the substantial of a dinner, with the liquids and lighter matters of the former meal. In fact, the long tables exhibited a succession of dishes of well cooked victuals, from the English beef-steak to the fricassee of Monsieur, as well as several favourite items peculiar to the Ame rican bill of fare, among which may be enu merated buckwheat cakes and baptized toast. The former of these luxuries are eaten hot from the bakestone, a slice of butter being first put between each cake, forming a species of Vol taic pile. The baptized toast, which I at first mistook for spoiled toast, is the ordinary old- fashioned English buttered toast saturated with milk. A regiment of waiters found that full de mand upon their services, which might be expected from persons who had been inhaling the fresh air of the morning, and whose appe tites were the better whetted for the encounter. About twenty- live miles from New York we passed the scenes of Major Andre s arrest and execution ; which events, it will be recollected, took place during the revolutionary struggle. The melancholy fate of this accomplished but unfortunate gentleman, with the circum stances which led to it, as well as the sub sequent promotion of the traitor Arnold, are 106 AMERICA, related with conciseness and fidelity by the author of the " History of the American Re volution," in one of the publications of the So ciety for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge ; a society which owes its existence principally to the colossal and truly philosophic mind of a BROUGHAM, and which is contributing most powerfully to dispel the mists of ignorance. The interest of this subject, even in the present day, will be a sufficient apology for its insertion. Under the head of " Treason of Arnold, and Death of Andre," the writer in question thus proceeds : " Washington, on the retreat of General Clinton, withdrew to West Point, an almost impregnable position, situated about fifty miles to the northward of New York, on the Hudson river, by means of which he kept up a communication between the eastern and southern states ; and having occasion, towards the end of the month of September, to go to Rhode Island, to hold a conference with the French admiral and Count Rochambeau, he left the command of this important post to General Arnold, unconscious that in so doing he intrusted the fortunes of the infant re public to a traitor. " Arnold was brave and hardy, but dissipated AND THE AMERICANS. 107 and profligate. Extravagant in his expenses, he had involved himself in debts ; and having had on frequent occasions the administration of considerable sums of the public money, his accounts were so unsatisfactory, that he was liable to an impeachment on charges of peculation. Much had been forgiven, indeed, and more would probably have been forgiven, to his valour and military skill. But, alarmed by the terrors of a guilty conscience, he de termined to get rid of pecuniary responsibility by betraying his country ; and accordingly entered into a negotiation with Sir Henry Clinton, in which he engaged, when a proper opportunity should present itself, to make such a disposition of his troops as would en able the British to make themselves masters of West Point. The details of this negotiation were conducted by Major Andre, the adju tant-general of the British army, with whom Arnold carried on a clandestine correspond ence, addressing him under the name of Anderson, whilst he himself assumed that of Gustavus. To facilitate their communications, the Vulture sloop of war was moved near to West Point ; and the absence of Washington seeming to present a fit opportunity for the final arrangement of their plans, On the night 108 AMERICA, of the 21st of September, Arnold sent a boat to the Vulture to bring Andre on shore. That officer landed in his uniform, between the posts of the two armies, and was met by Arnold, with whom he held a conference which lasted till daybreak, when it was too late for him to return to the vessel. In this extremity, unfortunately for himself, he al lowed Arnold to conduct him within one of the American posts, where he lay concealed till the next night. " In the mean time, the Vulture, having been incommoded by an American battery, had moved lower down the river, and the boatmen now refused to convey the stranger on board her. Being cut off from this way of escape, Andre was advised to make for New York by land ; and for this purpose he was furnished with a disguise, and a passport signed by Arnold, designating him as John Anderson. He had advanced in safety near the British lines, when he was stopped by three New York militiamen. Instead of showing his pass to these scouts, he asked them Where they belonged to ? And on their answering, * To below, meaning to New York, with sin gular want of judgment he stated that he was a British officer, and begged them to let AND THE AMERICANS. 10Q him proceed without delay. The men, now throwing off the mask, seized him ; and, not withstanding his offers of a considerable bribe, if they would release him, they proceeded to search him, and found upon his person, papers which gave fatal evidence of his own culpa bility and of Arnold s treachery. " These papers were in Arnold s hand writing, and contained exact and detailed re turns of the state of the forces, ordnance, and defences of West Point and its dependencies, with the artillery orders, critical remarks on the works, an estimate of the number of men that were ordinarily on duty to man them, and the copy of a state of matters that had, on the 6th of the month, been laid before a council of war by the commander-in-chief. When Andre was conducted by his captors to the quarters of the commander of the scouting parties, still assuming the name of Anderson, he requested permission to write to Arnold, to inform him of his detention. This request was inconsiderately granted ; and the traitor, being thus apprised of his peril, instantly made his escape. " At this moment Washington, arriving at West Point, was made acquainted w r ith the whole affair. Having taken the necessary 110 AMERICA, precautions for the security of his post, he referred the case of the prisoner to a court- martial consisting of fourteen general officers. Before this tribunal Andre appeared, with steady composure of mind. He voluntarily confessed all the facts of his case. Being in terrogated by the Board with respect to his conception of his coming on shore under the sanction of a flag, he ingenuously replied, that if he had landed under that protection, he might have returned under it. The court, having taken all the circumstances of his case into consideration, unanimously concurred in opinion, that he ought to be considered as a spy ; and that, agreeably to the laws and usages of nations, he ought to suffer death. "Sir Henry Clinton, first by amicable nego tiation, and afterwards by threats, endeavoured to induce the American commander to spare the life of his friend ; but Washington did not think this act of mercy compatible with his duty to his country, and Andre was ordered for execution. He had petitioned to be allowed to die a soldier s death ; but this re quest could not be granted. Of this circum stance, however, he was kept in ignorance till he saw the preparations for his final cata- AND THE AMERICANS. Ill strophe ; when, finding that the bitterness of his destiny was not to be alleviated as he wished, he exclaimed, It is but a momentary pang ! * and calmly submitted to his fate. " Soon after this sad occurrence, Washington, in writing to a friend, expressed himself in the following terms : * Andre has met his fate, and with that fortitude which was to be expected from an accomplished gentleman and a gallant officer ; but I am mistaken if Arnold is not undergoing at this time the tor ments of a mental hell. Whatever might be the feelings of the traitor, his treason had its reward. He was immediately appointed bri gadier-general in the service of the King of Great Britain ; arid, on his promotion, he had the folly and presumption to publish an address, in which he avowed that, being dissatisfied with the alliance between the United States and France, he had retained his arms and command for an opportu nity to surrender them to Great Britain. This address was exceeded in meanness and insolence by another, in which he invited his late companions in arms to follow his example. The American soldiers read these manifestoes with scorn ; and so odious did the character of a traitor, as exemplified in the conduct of AMERICA, Arnold, become in their estimation, that desertion totally ceased amongst them at this remarkable period of the war. The following extract from a letter written at the time by Colonel Hamilton, of the American army, portrays the unfortunate Andre in so feeling a manner, and does so much credit to the head and heart of the author, that I cannot resist its insertion : " There was something," says Colonel H., " singularly interesting in the character and fortunes of Andre. To an excellent under standing, well improved by education and travel, he united a peculiar elegance of mind and manners, and the advantage of a pleasing person. It is said he possessed a pretty taste for the fine arts, and had himself attained some proficiency in poetry, music, and paint ing. His knowledge appeared without osten tation, and embellished by a diffidence that rarely accompanies so many talents and accom plishments, which left you to suppose more than appeared. His sentiments were elevated, and inspired esteem : they had a softness that conciliated affection. His elocution was handsome ; his address easy, polite, and insinuating. " By his merit he had acquired the un- AND THE AMERICANS. 113 limited confidence of his general, and was making rapid progress in military rank and reputation. But in the height of his career, flushed with new hopes from the execution of a project the most beneficial to his party that could be devised, he is at once precipitated from the summit of prosperity, sees all the expectations of his ambition blasted, and him self ruined." The remains of Major Andre were interred on the spot where he suffered. But a few years ago they were exhumed by order of the British Government, brought to England, and recommitted to the dust in the sacred precincts of Westminster Abbey. A ridiculous story has been circulated in America, that the remains were deposited in the royal vault at Windsor, and that a large cypress-tree, which had twined its roots round the skull, was transplanted to the gardens of the Castle. How this tree, which was, perhaps, of fifty years growth, was conveyed alive across the Atlantic, I could not learn. Before I close this digression on the subject of Andre, I may mention, as a further in stance of the feelings of the Americans towards him, that the daughter of one of the captors, with whom we had the pleasure to become i 1 14 AMERICA, acquainted, assured me that her father never mentioned the name without painful sens ations. A little farther, on the left bank of the river, is the great state prison of Mount Plea sant, or Sing Sing, as it is termed from the neighbouring village. This immense struc ture, which is of a quadrangular form, is built of a coarse-grained white marble, procured on the spot by the convicts themselves. It contains 800 cells, besides a chapel, and all the necessary apartments and work-shops of the establishment. The principle kept in view, in respect to its unhappy inmates, is their reformation, and restoration to society ; to effect which, a system of moral instruction is combined with the pursuit of various handi craft trades ; and, as a terror to evildoers, the whole is carried on under the efficacious but terrible discipline of solitary confinement. The periods of imprisonment, of course, vary according to the crime. They are gene rally from two to ten years ; sometimes even longer ; but their duration may be lessened, according to the deportment or apparent pro mise of amendment of life in the culprit. The punishment of death is only applicable in America to murder in the first degree, or AND THE AMERICANS. 115 what in England is termed wilful murder ; to arson, and robbing the mails under aggravated circumstances ; but I was happy to find a growing opinion amongst the most enlightened persons of that country, that it ought, even in these cases, to be abolished. The senti ments of the wisest and best men of the age are opposed to its continuance. The excellent Lafayette, in a speech delivered by him in the Chamber of Deputies, on the subject of the motion of M. de Tracy for the abolishment of the punishment of death, thus emphatically expresses himself: " Je persisterai a la demander tant qu on ne m aura pas prouve 1 infaillibilite des jugemens humains :" "I shall persist in demanding it (this abolition) until human judgments are proved infallible." The sensible Count De St. Leu also, a member of the talented family of Bonaparte, in his clever little work, entitled, " A Reply to Sir Walter Scott s History of Napoleon," which he justly styles " a vast libel upon the glories of France and Napoleon," has the fol lowing condensed and sublime sentiment : "War and the pain of death, which society draws down upon itself, are but organised barbarisms ; an inheritance of the savage state, i 2 116 AMERICA, disguised or ornamented by ingenious institu tions and false eloquence." Though last, not least in value, is the opinion of the late venerable historian of the Medici, Roscoe, who, in a conversation I had the honour to enjoy with that illustrious philan thropist a few days previous to my departure for America, in which I mentioned the pro posal then recently made in that country, that executions should take place in the prisons, in lieu of making them public spectacles, thus expressed himself, " There should not be executions at all." So admirable is the management of the prison of Sing Sing, and the other great pri sons of the United States, that, in lieu of con victs being a grievous tax upon the community, as in England, the labour of the prisoners serves not only to cover the expenses of the establishments, but in some instances yields a surplus. The river, which had varied from one to four miles in width, and exhibited on its banks fertile and populous districts, suddenly became narrower, as we entered the passage through the highlands. The scenery, for some miles, became bold "and grand ; the hills rising from their rocky AND THE AMERICANS. 1 17 bases in the water to a thousand, and even fifteen hundred feet in height. We stopped for a short time at West Point, the scene of numerous revolutionary recollec tions, and now the seat of the United States Military Academy, " The nursery of men for future years." The patriot Kosciusko resided for some time at this spot ; and a small garden is shown, once cultivated by the hero s own hands, and in which he was wont to ruminate upon the oppressions of his unfortunate country. From the termination of the highlands, the river again widens ; and we passed a succes sion of thriving villages, as well as handsome country seats ; among the former of which was Hudson, the site of some very extensive calico printing works. Although this place is situated 120 miles from the sea, it is accessible to vessels of large burden ; and several ships sail from thence to the whale fisheries of the Pacific Ocean. The bold outlines of the Kaatskill Mountains on our left were pic turesque objects during the remainder of the day, at the close of which we landed at Albany, i 3 118 AMERICA, the capital of the state of New York. The fare for the whole distance of 145 miles, in cluding the breakfast alluded to, as well as dinner and tea in a corresponding style, was only four shillings and sixpence sterling each person ; but this, it must be stated, was con siderably below the usual price, on account of the opposition among the steam navigation proprietors at the time. We soon found ourselves comfortably lodged at an excellent hotel, and retired to rest full of reflections upon the revolutions produced by the power and application of steam. The dis tance we had so easily and agreeably accom plished in one day was formerly the labour of a week, or even a fortnight. Albany is one of the oldest settlements in the country, having been founded by the Dutch above two centuries ; and we noticed several houses yet standing, built of bricks brought from Holland, and bearing the dates of their erection in rude ornamental iron work on their lofty pediments. From a com paratively insignificant place, it has become a populous city, its trade having rapidly in creased since the introduction of steam navi gation, and the opening of the great western and northern canals, for both which it is the AND THE AMERICANS. 11Q entrepot. The capitol, or state house, is a handsome building, and is finely situated, being on an eminence, and at the extremity of a long and wide street. The interior is con veniently arranged for the meetings of the legislature, as well as for the superior courts of justice. It likewise contains the state library. The public seminary is a spacious edifice, and accommodates 200 students. i 4 120 AMERICA, CHAP. VII. IT was our intention to have proceeded from Albany by the canal ; but in consequence of its circuitous course to Schenectady, the second town on the line, and the number of locks which intervene, the packets start from that place, the passengers being conveyed thither in stage coaches. The distance is sixteen miles through an uninteresting country, and over a partially and badly macadamized road ; nevertheless, we performed the journey in about two hours, There was no " Please to remember the chambermaid! please to remember the wait er ! " when, we left the hall of the hotel, nor even, in the voice of humility itself, any " Please to remember the porter!" when we were seated in the coach, and the luggage pro perly fastened behind. Each and all of these personages, who had performed their respect ive duties, were well paid by their employers ; and although they might, with the Quaker in the play, think there was no harm in a guinea, nor would they, perhaps, have rejected a dou- AND THE AMERICANS. ceur, they would not degrade themselves by begging as mendicants. The stage which called for the passengers at the hotel was a roomy vehicle, holding eight or nine persons comfortably. The upper part of the sides was of painted canvass, which is either rolled up or let down, according to the weather. The luggage, or baggage as it is more commonly called, was stowed behind ; and the whole rested upon strong leather straps placed laterally in the manner of the old French diligences. There were no outside seats, except one next to the coachman. This last-mentioned personage, who was exceedingly friendly as well as attentive, bore no resemblance to the fraternity in England, either as to rotundity or the envelopes of his person ; in short, his profession could not have been recognized by external appear ances ; and at the end of the stage he did not ask for or receive a fee, but politely wished the passengers good morning. The horses were strong and fleet, and their harness as simple in its construction as it was devoid of ornament. On our arrival in Schenectady, I was not a little surprised to hear myself loudly called by name ; but the mystery was soon explained AMERICA, by a polite message from Judge H , with a request that we would join himself and lady in the packet in which they were about to proceed. These worthy individuals had sailed up the Hudson in the same steamer as our selves ; and in the course of the promiscuous conversation which arises when numbers are so associated, had learnt our surname, and the object of our excursion. Having passed us as we were entering the stage at Albany, and having arrived first at Schenectady, they had stationed the messenger in question to await our arrival, and tender the invitation. Our worthy friend s civilities did not even stop here ; for after two more days of agreeable travelling in their company, we were entreated to pay them a visit at their residence ; and it was with feelings of regret that circumstances prevented our acceptance of their hospitality, which was the more valuable, because it was perfectly disinterested. I mention this as the first of a series of similar instances of polite ness and kind feeling which we experienced in travelling in the United States, the recol lection of which will never be weakened by time or distance. Schenectady is situated upon the great river Mohawk, on the site of an old Dutch settlement ; but it is only within these AND THE AMERICANS. few years that it has become a place of much importance. It now possesses a college with two hundred students, who are well boarded, and instructed in classical and useful know ledge, for thirty pounds sterling per annum each. The hotels are commodious, and very well kept. That at which we stopped to dine could readily accommodate about a hundred guests. The packet-boats on the canal are eighty feet in length and fourteen feet in breadth. Handsomely furnished cabins occupy the whole length, except a space at the bow for the heavy baggage, and a kitchen and berths for the crew at the stern. They are drawn by three horses ; and being provided with lamps, travel day and night at the speed of four miles an hour. The charge is twopence per mile for each passenger, excellent board included, and you eat, drink, read, or chat, play whist or draughts ; in short, do as you like. In one of these agreeable conveyances we pursued our route, which was rendered in tensely interesting from the novelties which presented themselves in succession. There were about thirty passengers on board, and at AMERICA, seven o clock we were summoned to tea, or supper, as it was called. There, as in the steamer, on the Hudson, the females were ranged on one side at the upper end of the table before the signal was given to the gen tlemen, the seats opposite them being reserved for their husbands, or travelling protectors, each for each. There was a formality in this arrangement not very inviting ; and yet, upon the whole, it was perhaps the best that could be devised for the comfort of those for whom it was in tended. The ladies chiefly sat in their own apartment, which was in the day time open to that of the gentlemen. At nine the order was given to prepare the beds, when a trans formation took place not unlike those exhibited in pantomimes. A screen or painted drop- curtain fell between the two cabins, and the ladies were left with their female attendants. The benches along the great cabin were opened and formed into beds ; another range of cots were suspended like so many shelves above; and by an arrangement of light frame work there were three long tiers of berths in the centre. All these were supplied with clean bedding ; and the whole in a few minutes had a most unique appearance. The choice AND THE AMERICANS. 125 of beds was determined by the priority of the names in the captain s book, the early entry in which.I found in a crowded boat was of importance ; and here our friend the Judge rendered us essential service. The strangeness of the scene kept me awake for some time after, as the sailors say, " turning in ;" but, had I been an American, I might have attributed the anti-drowsy feel ing to the circumstance of the blankets bearing the ominous mark of a crown, with the initials G. R. How these royal comforts found their way thither I could not decide : be this as it may, they were of the very best quality, and the democratic republicans snored between them most melodiously. Anxious to view the scenery of the pass of the Mohawk, called Little Falls, I arose even before dawn of day. The canal, for upwards of 100 miles, follows the course of that noble river, of which beautiful views are obtained. At the point in question, where the latter flows through a branch of the Al- leghany chain, the canal is carried by means of locks and embankments, or through exca vations in the rocky precipices, on the margin of the torrent, which pursues its rapid and broken course in wild grandeur. 126 AMERICA, The scene strongly reminded me of some of the approaches to the Alps. Beyond this romantic pass the country gradually opened and displayed high cultiva tion; but dear hawthorn hedges for the division of the land were ill supplied by the rough uncouth snake fences of the American farms, to say nothing of the black burnt stumps of trees which remain thickly studded over the country like so many monuments of the native forests. Whilst musing on the varying scene, the welcome sound of breakfast saluted my ears, and I hastened to the again transformed cham ber, which, of its* late occupation, left not " a wreck behind." We reached Utica, the first of the hundred classically named mush room villages on this route. By the term " village" must not, however, be understood anything like the sequestered nooks of England, where the venerable ivy-grown Gothic church and spire, the trim parsonage with its parterre and its honeysuckles, the snug ale-house and its swinging sign, displaying the many- quartered shield of the lord of the soil, the winding but well macadamised road, bordered by humble white-washed cottages, with their blacked oak frame-work, combine AND THE AMERICANS. 127 to form a picture as captivating as it is sooth ing and poetical. No such scenes await the traveller in America, where every thing is of yesterday, and planned by active spirits with utility and profit for their motto. Utica, although denominated a village, is a considerable town, containing not less than 10,000 inhabitants. Its streets are straight and wide, and the edifices mostly of brick. We saw several large hotels, six or eight churches, and many spacious stores. There are a number of cotton and other manufacto ries in the neighbourhood, which is populous ; and I was informed by an English settler, whom I met at the hotel, and who had resided in Utica several years, that the whole district was extremely fertile, and agriculture and trade generally in a most flourishing condition. This individual closed his remarks in the following emphatic words: " Sir, you little know in England the power of this country." At Utica, we changed packet boats, and proceeded on the line to Rochester. We passed among a succession of places of minor importance, Rome, Syracuse, Canton, Jordan, Byron, Montezuma, Lyons, and Palmyra; all flourishing villages, but bearing no more resemblance to the ori- AMERICA, ginal cities from which several derive their titles, than the meanest hovel to Windsor Castle. They are chiefly built of wood, and the edifices painted white, or often yellow ; and the churches have cupolas or spires of the same material, with green Venetian blinds, or weather-boards, in the steeple windows ; all looking very neat, certainly, but at the same time most unpicturesque. Rome stands near the site of a colonial fort, the scene of some fighting in the war of the revolution ; and further celebrated from a successful stratagem of the American General Arnold, by which the British commander was so duped and panic- struck as to give up his undertaking, and make a retreat. The latter w r as commenced with such ra pidity, that the viands under preparation for the officers mess on the same day were aban doned to the enemy ; a veteran of which, now living, assured me that he never relished a din ner more ; for, independent of their excellence, he, with his comrades, had been for some time on what are called short commons. The country displayed patches of cleared and cultivated land, here and there sprinkled with the primitive log cabins of the wood AND THE AMERICANS. 129 clearers, or the frame-houses of the settlers ; the former being admirably in keeping with the surrounding scenery. A great portion, however, was almost impe netrable forest ; and the banks of the canal all along exhibited the novel spectacle of huge trees felled, half-burnt, or broken, lying, as it were, in ruins, and in majestic confusion ; while eagles and other birds of prey, hovering about, gave additional wildness to the scene. Among the most striking parts of the line were the marshes of Montezuma, through which the canal passes, the towing-path being carried near three miles on a timber bridge ; and the great embankment of the Irondequoit, which is carried two miles, at the height of seventy feet above the surrounding country. Rochester, which we reached at noon on the third day, is in some respects the most wonderful place on the face of the globe. It was only founded twenty years ago, pre vious to which the country was a perfect wilderness. In 1815, the population but consisted of about three hundred persons ; whilst in the year 1829, at the period of our visit, it had risen to thirteen thousand, and was rapidly progressing. K 130 AMERICA, The local advantages of Rochester are very conspicuous. Seated upon the fine river Gene- see, which flows through a fertile country, and is navigable for barges nearly one hundred miles above, and for sloops from Lake Ontario, seven miles below, to within two of the town, intersected by the great western canal ; pos sessing in abundance what the Americans denominate " hydraulic privileges/ 5 but what in plain English would be termed inexhaustible water power : it is destined to become a place of great importance. The flour, or, as they are called, flouring, mills, are numerous, and several of them are erected upon a most extensive scale ; one of these immense structures containing more than four acres of flooring. They were all in full operation, and are a source of much wealth to the place. I was informed that more than twelve thou sand bushels of wheat were daily ground in these mills. The produce is chiefly sent to New York ; but should the Montreal or Que bec markets offer inducements, the facilities of transport to those places are now very great, the water communication being perfected by the completion of the Rideau canal in Canada. AND THE AMERICANS. 131 The streets and public buildings are upon a handsome scale ; and besides a number of large churches, banks, hotels, and other erec tions of an ornamental nature, Rochester has its athenaeum, museum, and other scien tific institutions. The most singular feature of this bustling infant town is the condition of the environs, which are still very much in a state of nature. The transition from a crowded street to the ruins of the forest, or to the forest itself, is so sudden, that a stranger, by turning a wrong corner in the dark, might either be in danger of breaking his neck over the enormous stumps of trees, which, as yet, there has been no time to clear away ; or, escaping that calamity, might soon be entangled in the labyrinth of wood which environs this unparalleled place. Amidst all this grinding of corn, shipping of flour, unpacking and retailing of manu factures, felling of trees, and building of houses, we found the refinements of life were not neglected. Music was taught to all the young misses, as young females in the sphere of society above the labouring classes are styled ; and, in a ball-room over the apartment in which we dined at the hotel, Monsieur was giving lessons to a number of pupils in the art AMERICA, of " tripping on the light fantastic toe." The sensations produced by hearing sounds as sociated with the most polished life, in view of the labours of the pioneer of the forest, would not be easy to describe ; suffice it to say, I more than once found myself in a pro spective reverie, excited by the strangeness of the scene. At Rochester we removed to a third boat, and, crossing the river Genesee by a handsome stone aqueduct of eleven arches of fifty feet span, we pursued our route. From hence to Lockport, near sixty miles, settlements seemed more rare; and we sailed for many miles through dense forests, all, however, destined at an early period to the unsparing axe or the devouring flame. At Lockport the canal is carried up what is called the mountain ridge, to the height of sixty feet, by a double set of five locks. One set is used for boats ascend ing, and the other for those descending. The whole of this stupendous work is finished in the most durable and scientific manner ; and the scene, from the number of boats passing through the locks, is extremely animated. This rise of the canal is succeeded by a deep cutting of three miles, through limestone rock, at the depth of twenty to thirty feet, and AND THE AMERICANS. 133 soon after the canal enters a creek which flows into the Niagara river, near a place called Tonnewanta, twelve miles farther, and op posite Grand Island. Here we arrived soon after breakfast, and bade adieu to our friends in the packet, which proceeded to Buffalo on Lake Erie, a distance of eleven miles. The whole length of the Erie canal is three hundred and sixty-three miles. It has eighty- three locks, and eighteen aque ducts of various dimensions, and also several branches, some of which are twenty to forty miles in length. The longest level is about seventy miles, and the height of the waters of Lake Erie above those of the Hudson river is five hundred and sixty-eight feet. This grand work, which was projected by the late De Witt Clinton, the Bridgewater of America, was commenced in 1817, and finished in the year 1825, at a cost of about seven millions of dol lars. The traffic upon this canal is yearly and rapidly increasing : indeed, we met or passed trading boats along the whole line, in great numbers ; and although aU the boats are by law obliged to carry lamps, yet, from care lessness or obstinacy, the concussions at meeting in the night were sometimes very disagreeable. The same observation applies K 3 134 AMERICA, to passing through the locks ; but perhaps the nuisance in this latter case is unavoidable. The expense of travelling by the second class of boats, by which the foreign emigrants are conveyed, is only one penny per mile, for which they are bountifully fed. The sociable style of American travelling easily admits of the formation of intimacies, and these in many instances soon ripen into friendships. We had an agreeable proof of this in the tour in question ; for soon after leaving Schenectady we were joined by a me dical gentleman from Philadelphia, whose ar dent love of knowledge can only be appreciated by those who have witnessed his devotedness to its pursuit ; need I name to the American reader that distinguished naturalist, Doctor Harlan ? Finding, from casual conversation at an early period after our meeting, that the ob jects of our journey were, to a certain extent, the same, we soon decided upon visiting the great natural wonder of the western world in company. Tonnewanta is the nearest point of the canal to Niagara, being only distant from thence eleven miles. Here we engaged a small light wagon, with young and sprightly horses and driver ; and, trotting merrily through woods AND THE AMERICANS. 135 and wilds, with ever and anon a jolt over a decaying stump, and a drag through a slough, we descried the thick white mist, which, like the pillar of smoke of old, pointed out the way; and soon afterwards reached Manchester, most unappropriate and unpoetical name! the small village situated at the American side of the falls. We alighted at the principal hotel or tavern, within hearing of the awful roar of the cataract. K 4 136 AMERICA, CHAP. VIII. THE intensity of feeling on the stranger s approach to Niagara is such, that in my own case I could only have described it by com parison with that on my first approach to those architectural glories, St. Peter s at Rome and the Coliseum, or to the exhumed won ders of Pompeii, had not the pages of that popular writer, Captain Basil Hall, furnished me with an illustration still more forcible. Captain Hall had visited the magnificent Napoleon, the Caesar of the age, in his exile ; and, in the work of the former on America, the author compares the sensations he ex perienced just before beholding the falls of Niagara, to those on first arriving in the presence of that wonderful personage. By a most singular coincidence, I had also visited Napoleon in exile ; and the mingled sens ations of tremulous expectation and awe I experienced on that occasion, making due allowance for the difference in the nature of the objects, were repeated in my breathless approach to the falls of Niagara. AND THE AMERICANS. 137 A short walk from the inn brought us in full view of the grand panorama of nature. Our ideas of Niagara, of the pyramids, of St. Peter s, and other wonders of the world, are so magnified from infancy, that it is by no means surprising if a certain degree of disap pointment is the immediate result of the first gaze ; but, as in the familiar instance of the great cathedral alluded to, as soon as the spectator has had time to dwell upon the scene before him, it seems to expand, and he stands mute in astonishment. I had watched the fiery evomitions of Stromboli and Vesuvius at midnight, had wit nessed the most glorious spectacle of sunrise from Mount Etna, had tracked the solitary footsteps of the wolf midst Alpine snows, and read the starry heavens on the boiling surges of the Atlantic ; but none of these lessons to the soul surpassed, if equalled, in solemn grandeur the falls of Niagara. In viewing them I felt abstracted humbled, and the mind, overwhelmed with the im mensity of the scene, was absorbed in the con templation of eternity. Reflections apart, and to pursue descriptions in detail, we visited Bath and Goat Islands, which separate what is called the American 138 AMERICA, from the Canadian or British fall, the platform which overlooks the abyss, as well as de scended the staircases which conduct to the base of the cataract. Goat Island is covered with wood, and is altogether a most romantic situation. Until a few years ago, it was inaccessible, except at very great personal risk ; but it is now reached by a bridge across the rapids, in the construction of which considerable inge nuity was shown by the spirited projector, General Porter, of the American army. On Bath Island we were agreeably surprised to find a pretty museum of natural history. Several mills have been erected on this ad vantageous site, and were in busy operation, possessing " hydraulic privileges" with a ven geance ! Reluctant to leave such scenery whilst a ray of light remained, it was not until late in the evening that we found our way back to the hotel, the accommodations of which were extremely good. As the night was cold we ordered a fire in the parlour we occupied; and a man in coarse attire, the same who had received us on our arrival, and who had assisted to carry the portmanteaus and cloaks, Caliban like, AND THE AMERICANS. 139 brought in the logs and made the fire. Whilst he was engaged in this operation, conceiving him to be one of the porters of the house, I asked some questions relative to an individual who had recently exhibited feats of jumping into the river from extraordinary heights. Leaning upon the chimney or mantel piece, as it is commonly called in America, evidently quite at home, he answered my interrogatories, and began to enter upon the subject of the laws of falling bodies, and the force of gra vitation, with much acuteness, and talked as familiarly of squares as if he had been a gra duate of Cambridge. We soon ascertained that our friend was not only " mine host of the garter," the pro prietor of the hotel, but also a general of militia; and our compagnon de voyage, Dr. H., good-humour edly told us, that in our next encounter with brother Jonathan, we might meet the general, at the head of his division, applying his mathematics to serious purposes. That English Bonifaces would " not carry coals" is certain; and it may be doubted whether they pay as much atten tion to the laws of falling bodies as they do to falling prices. The anecdote is strikingly illustrative of the state of society in the newly 140 AMERICA, settled parts of that wonderful country, the United States. Taking leave of our scientific and military host, we followed the course of the river Niagara down to Lewistown, a distance of seven miles. The river pursues its rapid way between lofty and precipitous banks, exhibit ing in several places what the French would style, " belles horreurs." One of these frightful chasms, called after his Satanic majesty, is close to the road, and nearly two hundred feet deep. In the French Canadian war, a number of un fortunate British soldiers, who with their wives and children were retreating in the night, and ignorant of the country, were driven into the abyss by their pursuers, and all miserably pe rished except a solitary drummer, who was discovered at daylight suspended by his belt which had caught some of the projecting branches from the rocks. On the road near this terrific gulf we were suddenly surprised by the appearance of a wild and haggard young female, almost in a state of nudity. Her ravings proclaimed her a maniac of the most hopeless class. Our young driver, no thing desirous of a closer intimacy with this unfortunate creature, urged his horses to their utmost speed, nor could we prevail upon AND THE AMERICANS. 141 him to stop a few minutes to satisfy our curiosity. Strange to relate, on the opposite bank of the river, another unfortunate being of this description was pointed out to us. The in dividual, who was of the other sex, was apparently busily employed sawing wood ; but in lieu of a saw he had only a stick or stave, contenting himself, poor soul, in passing his days rubbing one piece of wood against another, leaving the rest to the im agination. The character of these incidents added no little to the wild effect of the surrounding scenery. At the cheerful village of Lewistown, we embarked in a small ferry-boat, and crossed the river to Queenstown, in Upper Canada, not without some fears of the numerous whirl pools and the drifting timber with which the surface of the river is here covered. Queenstown is advantageously situated at the head of the navigation of the Niagara, below the falls, and vessels of considerable burden can approach the place. Near the village are the heights where General Brock and his aide-de-camp, Colonel AMERICA, M Donald, were killed in an action with the enemy, at an early period of the late war. The Americans crossed the river before daylight, and stormed the British posts ; but were finally driven back, upon the latter re ceiving reinforcements. We were told by an eye-witness to the action, that the result would have perhaps terminated differently, had the American commander been properly supported by the militia, many of whom absolutely re fused to cross the river, on the grounds that they were acting defensively, not offensively. The real motive was, probably, a panic which spread through their ranks at the sight of their wounded and dying comrades, whom their general had humanely sent to Lewistown for their better accommodation and comfort. On the heights alluded to, which are nearly three hundred feet above the level of the river, a column has been erected to the memory of the gallant Brock, whose remains, with those of his aide-de-camp, moulder under its base. The column, which is of stone, is one hundred and twenty-six feet in height, and a spiral staircase leads to the summit, from which there is a most extensive prospect. We dis tinctly saw York, the capital of the province, at the opposite side of Lake Ontario, which last AND THE AMERICANS. 143 seemed " vexed with storms," and regretted that the steamer s having ceased to ply for the summer season prevented our visiting that young but flourishing settlement. Over the entrance to the monument is the following inscription : " The Legislature of Upper Canada has de dicated this monument to the many civil and military services of the late SIR ISAAC BROCK, Knight Commander of the most honourable Order of the Bath, Provincial Lieutenant- governor and Major-general commanding his Majesty s forces therein. He fell in action, on the 13th of October, 1812 ; honoured and beloved by those whom he governed, and de plored by his Sovereign, to whose service his life had been devoted. His remains are de posited in this vault, as also those of his aide- de-camp, Lieutenant-colonelJoHN M DONALD, who died of his wounds, the 14th of October, 1812, received the day before in action." Around the column are a number of double hillocks, marking the silent mansions of many brave fellows sleeping the sleep of death. Taking a last look at these melancholy me morials, we again hired a wagon, and, after an agreeable ride of seven miles, were set down at the house of Mr. Forsyth the younger, one 144 AMERICA, of the two large hotels kept by the family of that name, and situated opposite to Man chester, where we had spent the previous day. The approach to the falls by this road is decidedly the best, as the whole bursts upon the sight in all its grandeur. The celebrated Table Rock is situated on the Canada side, between which and Goat Island the river falls one hundred and sixty feet in one great con cave of six hundred yards in width. This, from its form, is denominated the Horseshoe Fall. It has receded in the memory of man ; although the present range is about the same as it was in the year 1822, as appears by a stone placed for the purpose of observation. The waters, after dashing and roaring among rocks for nearly two miles, all breakers and foarn, here make a graceful bend over the edge of the precipice, and present in their descent a curved and unbroken surface of green water, for the depth of twenty or thirty feet. The abyss is a boiling chaos, the white mist from which rises several hundred feet, and often presents to the spectator the most beautiful iris. The American fall, which is here seen to great advantage, is convex, and three hundred yards wide. Some idea may be formed of the AND THE AMERICANS. 145 effect of the whole, when I state, that a de tached branch, between Bath and Goat Island, is equal in volume to the justly famed cascade of Terni, which, in the opinion of Byron, and must be in that of every European traveller, was worth all the cascades and torrents of Switzerland put together. The great projection of the upper stratum of rock, with the curve of the fall, enable per sons to proceed for a considerable distance behind the sheet of water ; and although there is little danger in the attempt, it is an affair requiring considerable strength of nerve. De termined to explore the hidden wonders, and encouraged by the statements of our guide, we attired ourselves in oilcloth dresses provided for the purpose, and descended the staircase which conducts to the base of Table Rock. After passing amongst the huge fragments which are scattered in every direction, we fol lowed a track which has been made at the foot of the overhanging precipice, and soon came within reach of the spray, which met us, both as to quantity and force, precisely as if we had been stationed on the forecastle of a ship in a storm. By dint of exertion, and in spite of a duck ing, we made our way for a considerable dis- L 146 AMERICA, tance in the rear of the mighty torrent. The gloom, the thundering sound, the tremendous blasts of air, the dashing of the waters, and the difficulty of respiration, soon oblige the curious visitor to quit this Neptunian scene ; and we gladly hastened to the light of day, and comparative stillness of the banks of the river. Unlike an old Scotch settler, who coolly informed us, that he had passed the falls half- a-dozen times every year for as many years, and never turned to look at them, we felt an increased interest with every hour s contem plation of the sublime spectacle, and, after a lingering last look, we started for Buffalo on lake Erie. The road lies parallel with the margin of the river, and we had a charming view of the rapids, but accidentally missed an examin ation of the burning spring which rises on the brink. The water at this spot is warm, and surcharged with sulphurated hydrogen gas, which being collected in a vessel having a tube, and lighted, burns with a brilliant flame. In this ride we passed over the battle grounds Lundy Lane and Chippewa, and halted to re fresh the horses at a small tavern near the latter. The battle of Chippewa was fought on the AND THE AMERICANS, 147 5th of July, 1814, and terminated by the re treat of the British, whose loss in killed and wounded amounted to 514, while that of the Americans is stated to have been 328. The still more severe conflict of Bridgewater or Lundy Lane took place twenty days after the former, and was so desperately contested that neither party could claim the victory, or were able to renew the engagement. The respective losses were about equal ; that of the British being estimated at 878, and that of the enemy at 860. Our wagon-driver, as well as the host of the tavern, were in these engagements, and described the last in par ticular, which was fought at night by the light of the moon, and the cannonade as a most sanguinary affair. The following extract from a letter written by a medical officer attached to the American army, is terribly descriptive of the work of blood. " In the afternoon," says this writer, " the enemy advanced towards Chippewa, with a powerful force. At six o clock General Scott was ordered to advance with his brigade, and attack them. He was soon reinforced by General Ripley s brigade ; they met the ene my above the falls. They had selected their 148 AMERICA, ground for the night, intending to attack our camp before day-light. The action began just before seven, and an uninterrupted stream of musketry continued till half-past eight, when there was some cessation, the British falling back. It soon began again, with some ar tillery, which, with slight interruptions, con tinued till half-past ten, when there was a charge ; and a tremendous stream of fire closed the conflict. Both armies fought with a desperation bordering upon madness ; neither would yield the palm ; but each retired a short distance, wearied out with fatigue. Such a constant and destructive fire was never before sustained by American troops, without falling back. The enemy had collected their whole force in the Peninsula, and were reinforced by troops from Lord Wellington s army, just landed from Kingston. For two hours, the hostile lines were within twenty yards of each other, and so frequently intermingled that sometimes an officer would order an enemy s platoon. The moon shone bright ; but part of our men being dressed like the Glengarian regiment, caused the deception. They fre quently charged, and were as often driven back. " Our regiment, under Colonel Miller, was AND THE AMERICANS. 149 ordered to storm the British battery. We charged, and took every piece of the enemy s cannon. We kept possession of the ground and cannon until twelve at night, when we all fell back more than two miles. This was done to secure our camp, which might otherwise have been attacked in the rear. Our horses being most of them killed, and there being no ropes to the pieces, we got off but two or three. The men were so excessively fatigued they could not drag them. We lost one howitzer ; the horses being on full gallop towards the enemy to attack them, the riders were shot off, and the horses ran through the enemy s line. We lost one piece of cannon, which was too much advanced, every man being shot that had charge of it but two. Several of our caissons were blown up by their rockets, which did some injury, and deprived our cannon of ammunition. The lines were so near, that cannon could not be used with advantage." The greater part of the slain were collected and burnt, and the grass now waves luxuriantly on the sites of their funeral piles. A few skulls thrown up by the plough, or found among the underwood, were shown to us by the veteran innkeeper. Unlike young Siward, who had his hurts on the front, one of these scalped L 3 150 AMERICA, trophies had a bullet hole at the back ; another had been gnawed by racoons, or other wild animals, the marks made by the teeth of the ravenous tenants of the forest being perfectly visible. The sight instantly brought to mind the horribly fine lines of the ever- to-be-lamented Byron, in the poem entitled " The Siege of Corinth." " And he saw the lean dogs beneath the wall Hold o er the dead their carnival, Gorging and growling o er carcass and limb ; They were too busy to bark at him I From a Tartar s skull they had stripp d the flesh, As ye peel the fig when its fruit is fresh ; And their white tusks crunch d o er the whiter skull, As it slipp d through their jaws when their edge grew dull ; As they lazily mumbled the bones of the dead, When they scarce could rise from the spot where they fed ; So well had they broken a lingering fast With those who had fallen for that night s repast." The population at Chippewa, and along this route, with whom we happened to come in contact, were chiefly Irish, and seemed very well satisfied with their situation and prospects. One or two miserably daubed representations of the royal arms of England met our view in the shape of signs. Royal emblems did not appear to have been within the scope of the artist s talents ; and perhaps the cap of liberty AND THE AMERICANS. 151 would have been better suited to his pencil, if not to his feelings. At Waterloo, for this name has travelled wheresoever John Bull has a footing, we were obliged to wait some time for the ferry boat ; and during the period of our delay had the misfortune to witness a very affecting scene. Near the fire in the room into which we were shown stood a fine looking young man, his eyes fixed upon the ground, and ap parently abstracted from all around him. A female, nursing an infant, sat in the same apart ment ; and her dejected look bespoke a sym pathy with her partner, as the man proved to be, which strongly excited our curiosity, and prompted us to enquire the cause of their grief. " My brother, with my wife and myself, and our little ones," replied the young man, " were on our way to locate farther west, and had got so far yesterday, all well. We had, for con venience, stowed our furniture and baggage in 7 oo o a small boat which was to be towed down the Niagara river and up the Chippewa, whilst my wife and the babes were to follow in the wagon. My brother and another man were in the boat, and had reached the mouth of the Chippewa, a short distance above the commencement of the rapids, when the tow-rope broke, and away AMERICA, drifted the boat towards the falls. My poor dear brother, terrified at the moment, jumped over-board, but could not gain the shore, and was soon hurried into the breakers : and," added he, with faltering voice, " miserably perished over those tremendous falls. Alas ! there s no mistake there s no mistake," he reiterated, at the same instant wiping the big tears from his manly cheek : " had you seen the dear orphans," said he, " cling to my knees, crying, yet doubting the truth, saying, No, no, uncle ; daddy is not gone, he will come again ; you are playing with us, it would have melted the firmest heart. " Nothing served to comfort them after they were made to believe the fact, until I promised them to be their father ; and," added he, with great emphasis, " I have promised it, and I will perform. God bless them and all of us." As soon as the distressed man became a little composed, he informed us, that the boat with his brother s companion was almost miracu lously drifted upon Goat Island, when within one hundred yards of the precipice. This simple tale of woe brought tears from all around ; and deeply sympathising with the afflicted group, and wishing them health and prosperity in their anticipated settlement, we AND THE AMERICANS. 153 bade them adieu, and entered the ferry-boat which was to convey us back to the United States. The river is here a mile in width ; and such is the rapidity of the current, that although we were in a boat propelled by machinery, worked by two horses, yet I could scarcely divest myself of the idea of some accident happening, and of our being drifted to the falls below. We landed at Black Rock, unquestioned by the authorities of the Custom House, and in half an hour alighted at the Eagle Hotel in Buffalo. 1.54 AMERICA, CHAP. IX. PREVIOUSLY to entering upon a description of this place, I may remark, that we did not, like a celebrated traveller to whom I have alluded, find the air, the sky, the land, and the whole scenery of the Canadian side of the river differ from the same things on the Amer ican side. The land is, indeed, a little more cleared. We were attended at the hotel by an English female servant, in her frilled cap, and our bill was twice as much as it was for the same meals at the Generals, at Manchester village. As for the rest, it was, to use the words of Pope, " all but leather or prunello." Buffalo, like Manchester and Lewiston, fell a prey to the flames during the last war ; having been set on fire by the British, in retaliation for a similar outrage committed by the Ameri cans at Newark, on the Canadian frontier. It has since been rebuilt, and is rapidly extend ing. Its situation, as the point of junction between the great western canal and Lake Erie, gives it immense advantages j and the AND THE AMERICANS. 155 day is not far distant, when Buffalo will be come one of the most important places in the state. A commodious harbour has lately been constructed ; and besides a number of schoon ers and trading sloops, steamers of large bur den sail regularly during the season between this place and the various ports on the coasts of Lake Erie ; among others to that of Cleave- land, the entrance of the Ohio canal lately finished, which, after passing for the distance of three hundred miles through the fertile and now populous state of that name, commu nicates with the great river Ohio, one of the grand tributaries to the Mississippi. These vessels also visit Detroit, a populous district, and occasionally make trips to the new settle ments, as far as Lake Michigan, a distance of nearly one thousand miles. The neighbour hood of Detroit, which was founded by the French, nearly two centuries ago, was repre sented to me as being a most desirable location. The squares and streets of Buffalo are planned upon an extensive scale, and the buildings are pretty good. The Eagle Hotel, that at which we took up our quarters, is not only very large, but is equal in most respects to the best in Great Britain. 156 AMERICA, Nearly one hundred persons of both sexes sat down to meals, most of whom were store keepers and their assistants. The females were first shown to their usual station, the upper end of the long table, and then came the eager rush of hungry " business men," summoned from all parts of the village by the great alarm bell fixed on the summit of the building. We invariably noticed, that the American females had delicate appetites, and ate very little, although they permitted their plates to be loaded unmercifully, seldom re fusing any thing, however opposite in taste. We often saw half a dozen different meats and vegetables upon the same plate, the chief of which was sent away untouched ; and children appeared to be excessively indulged in regard to food, nothing being denied them. The charge for wine at the hotels is extravagant, when it is recollected that the duty is so trifling. The consequence is, very little, if any, is called for. We were charged at Buffalo nine shil lings for a bottle of Madeira, although half that sum would have afforded the proprietor of the hotel an ample retail profit. The charge for board and lodging, in fact, for every thing of the best and in great abun-- dance, except wine, was about five shillings AND THE AMERICANS. 157 per day each person for transient visitors ; and, as I have already remarked, no servants fees of any description, notwithstanding which, all were exceedingly attentive and polite. We found this to be the usual charge in the best establishments out of New York, in which city the terms are rather higher. This infant settlement contains a pretty museum, in which we saw some fine and lively rattle-snakes. These being secured in wire cages, we were enabled to study their move ments and mode of attack, as well as to hear the warning rattles from which they derive their name. On introducing a cane through the wires, the snakes made a low rustling sound with the rattles, not unlike that produced by a per son walking amongst dry leaves, and darted their fangs at the object of their annoyance in a manner sufficiently indicative of what would have been the consequence, if a limb in lieu of a cane had been in contact with these venomous reptiles. The Indians have an antidote which renders the bite perfectly in noxious, and they sometimes, for the purpose of exhibition, allow themselves to be bitten severely in the extremities until the limb is swollen by inflammation ; and, on applying the 158 AMERICA, remedy, feel no subsequent bad effects. Above the museum is a lecture room, where lectures on the various branches of natural philosophy or on any other useful subjects are occasionally delivered. All this, touching the confines, indeed still in the midst of forests and wilds, presented a cheering spectacle, and a striking lesson to the people of older countries, upon whose heels, if not as respects some matters, upon whose toes the Americans are treading. We saw at Buffalo, numbers of Indians, of the Seneca, Tuscarora, and other tribes, the remnants of that division of the aborigines, called the Six Nations. They were all of a copper hue, and had long coarse black hair. The women wore loose cloth pantaloons, orna mented with embroidery at the ankles, and large blue bordered blankets covered their heads and enveloped their persons. The ears and necks of these bronzed damsels were bedizened with silver ornaments, whilst their feet, cold and wet, had no other protection than soft shoes or moccassins manufactured by themselves from the skins of the wild deer; but not having soles, the water penetrates as in a sponge, rendering them extremely un comfortable. Some of the squaws, as the wives of the red man are called, had infants AND THE AMERICANS. 159 or papooses in swaddling clothes braced to boards, and carried on the back under the blankets. We asked permission or rather, as the squaw did not understand us, we made signs that we wished to see her infant, and proceeded to unfold the blanket. The little copper-faced brat being suddenly awoke, gave us each a look of surprise which I shall not soon forget, and then set up a scream which pierced the ears of all around. The men were attired in long frock coats and trowsers, and wore hats. Most of them wore large red worsted sashes round the body, as is the custom in some parts of the south of Europe. During our stay at Buffalo, we made excursions to the village of the Seneca tribe of Indians, which is situated about three miles from that place. The road was so bad that it was scarcely passable either for wagons or for persons on foot. On our way thither, we met an Indian in a small vehicle driven by an American boy. On asking the lat ter the distance we were then from the village, and happening to state that we were strangers and English, the Indian jumped out of the wagon, and, to our great surprise, shook hands with us very cordially, stating, in no very bad English, that he had been in our country and 160 AMERICA, was delighted to see us. On explaining to him the object of our pilgrimage, he insisted upon being our guide, and, allowing the boy to proceed to Buffalo, walked with us to his vil lage. Upon further conversation we found we were indeed highly honoured in the person of our Cicerone, who proved to be the nephew of the celebrated chief Old Red Jacket, then in the eightieth year of his age, and since dead, to whom he promised we should be presented. Thus escorted, and full of wigwam anticipa tions, we visited some of the cottages, in which we were not a little disappointed, as tourists, to find every thing in a comparatively advanced stage of civilization. In one of these humble habitations, the squaw, who could not speak a word of En glish, was highly decorated with silver chains and other pendent ornaments ; and, in this gala attire, was busy making cakes of In dian meal, while the papouse or infant lay sleeping. The different articles of furniture were such as are found in the cabins of the white settlers ; but what more particularly attracted our attention among the moveables, was the display of Birmingham tea-trays, and blue and white Staffordshire crockery, which with us AND THE AMERICANS. l6l were associated with such an opposite picture of rural life. Many of the Indians are converted, or rather have been persuaded to profess par ticular systems of Christianity ; for how is it possible that the dogmas taught by the mis sionaries, and which have been fertile subjects of dispute among the most learned, from the first to the present century of the Christian era, should be comprehended by the unlet tered child of the forest. Was the pure mo rality of the Gospel alone inculcated, by practice as well as precept, leaving speculative opinions to man s own bosom, the result would probably be much more favourable to virtue, and consequently to happiness. We were told that the old chief of the tribe resolutely maintained his own religious opi nions, and his nephew wisely declined any discussion on the subject. This otherwise communicative individual informed me, that the tract of land they oc cupied was ceded to them by the state, toge ther with a pecuniary compensation ; and he seemed to feel a degree of pride on declaring, that nobody dared to cut down one of the trees on their little territory without their permission. M AMERICA, It would, perhaps, be much better for the possessors, however, if more were cut down ; but semi-civilized Indians make indifferent husbandmen ; and the vice of intemperance, for which they are indebted to the white man, is very prevalent. On our return to Buffalo, our guide enter tained us with an account of his English travels. He informed us, that he had been one of a party who visited England some years ago, to exhibit the Indian war dances, and had made the tour of the country. He expressed himself as having been delighted with all he saw ; and that his reception had been flattering, was evident from the satisfac tion with which he alluded to it. Among several public characters who had witnessed his performances, and whose titles he had not forgotten, was his late Majesty, George the Fourth, whom he enquired after with all the familiarity of an old acquaintance. He also mentioned, with glee, the late Duke of York, who, it seemed, had ordered the knights of the tomahawk and scalping knife to be regaled with their darling liquor, gin. " The Duke of York very much please with dance," said he ; and added with a burst AND THE AMERICANS. 163 of laughter, in which we heartily joined, " He give us plenty plenty of gin!" When we arrived at Buffalo, we found that his majesty, Old Red Jacket, had left the village on his return to his residence, and were consequently disappointed in regard to the expected presentation. Having shook hands with his obliging nephew, thanked him for his kindness, and treated him to as much, or perhaps more, of his favourite beverage than was good for him, we parted. However averse to labour the red man may be, the squaws were represented to us as being very industrious ; and, besides the performance of their domestic duties, they manufacture many ornamental articles of dress, among which are the moccasins before alluded to. These curious species of shoes are taste fully embroidered with the quills of the Ame rican porcupine, which they dye with various brilliant colours of their own preparation. The knowledge of this interesting race is not confined to their own productions ; for we learned from one of the principal store keepers of Buffalo, that the Indians were all excellent judges of foreign goods, particularly of broad cloths, which, if their means allowed, M 2 164 AMERICA, they would always purchase of the finest quality. At Buffalo, our agreeable and scientific travelling companion, Dr. H., left us, to pur- sue his journey to the great metropolis of the western states, Cincinnati ; whilst we, not able to extend ours at that period, and warned by the sudden approach of winter, were re luctantly obliged to commence retracing our steps to New York. Taking a last look at Lake Erie, and its shores, as far as the eye could embrace from the elevated belvidere of the hotel, we embarked in the packet for Ro chester, which happened to be the identical boat in which we had been conveyed from that place to Tonewanta, on our route to the falls. On entering the cabin, I was not a little surprised to hear myself welcomed by the title of Colonel, to which I certainly had no more claim than I had to that of Mi Lord, a term liberally applied to English travellers on the continent of Europe some seventeen or eigh teen years ago, and to which one actually be came accustomed. To explain the mystery, it is necessary to inform the reader, that in travelling in America, we found persons, whose appearance did not bespeak them to be hewers AND THE AMERICANS. 165 of wood or drawers of water, often styled Cap tain, and by such title I had been addressed on the voyage from Albany. Whether I had ingratiated myself with our commander, by conversation, jest, or tale, I know not; but it seemed he thought proper to dub me by brevet, and the superior title of Colonel was soon echoed by his assistant and others, to my great annoyance at the moment, although the sound conveyed little of its English significa tion in a country where we had so lately found the landlord of an inn to be a general. At the commencement of our route, we passed a man in rough attire, returning from gunning, as the phrase is, and attended by a black ser vant. They had just killed a fine buck, which the negro bore over his shoulder, whilst his master was so hung round with wild ducks, and other birds, that it required no great stretch of imagination to identify the group with poor Robinson Crusoe, and his faithful Friday. As we approached Rochester we found all the population assembling to witness a sur prising feat, at the performance of which it was also our melancholy fortune to be present. This grand attraction was no less than the fatal jump of the individual named Patch, M 3 166 AMERICA, which furnished a subject for the newspapers of the time. A little below the village of Rochester, the river Genessee pours over a precipice one hundred feet in height, and close to the cas cade, a scaffold of twenty-five feet in height had been erected, so as to make the eminence exactly one hundred and twenty-five feet above the surface of the river below. From this great elevation the foolish man jumped, and striking the water with tremen dous force, disappeared. The time occupied in falling was not quite three seconds. The precipitous banks of the Genessee were crowded with almost the whole population of the village and neighbourhood, and the sight was one of uncommon interest. Patch was dressed in a white suit, with a black belt or sash round his loins. He sprung fearlessly from the platform, and kept himself perfectly upright, with his feet close together, until nearly reaching the water. As he had before jumped from the height of one hundred feet at the same place, as well as a little below the falls of Niagara, and had experienced no bad effects, it was believed, had he been sober at the time in question, which, unfortunately for UNIVERSITY AND THE AMERICANS. himself, was not the case, he would not have met with his untimely end. The termination of the scene was more affecting to us, from the circumstance of our having seen him in the packet-boat a few days previously, with his favourite companion, a fine young bear, when we had the curiosity to question him upon his manner of jumping, the management of his limbs, and state of his feelings, at the time of his performances. The poor fellow, who it seemed was too idle to work, pursued the occupation for a miserable pittance, and the better to attract the populace, had advertised this as being positively his last jump, the coincidence of which with the catastrophe caused an im pression that he contemplated suicide. The spectacle of the descent, in front of a black precipice, and the breathless anxiety mani fested by the assembled multitude for some minutes, were awfully grand. The body of the unfortunate man was dis covered in a perfect state, at some distance from the place of his death, upon the breaking up of the ice in the following spring. It was our intention to have proceeded from Rochester by the stage to Utica, visiting Ge neva on the Seneca Lake, Auburn, celebrated M 4* 168 AMERICA, for its state prison, and other places of interest on the route ; but the bad state of the roads, which made travelling by land exceedingly fatiguing, obliged us to resume the aquatic mode of conveyance. A jolting ride of six teen miles through a tolerably cleared country, brought us to a station on the canal just as the night set in, and before the packet, whose course from Rochester to this spot was cir cuitous and interrupted by locks, had arrived. The evening was cold, but as the inn where we alighted was in the neighbourhood of forests, and the fuel being in abundance for the labour of " hewing and splitting," we experienced the cheering influence of a fire which would have done credit to the wide hearths of the baronial castles of the olden time. The blazing mass before which we supped was no less than eight feet wide by three feet in height, and presented a truly hos pitable appearance. Reluctantly quitting this attraction, and the assembled guests, just when reserve was giving place to anecdotes and good-humoured disput ation, we again embarked, and had not pro ceeded many miles before an accident to the rudder obliged us to halt in our career. The boat was secured by ropes to stumps AND THE AMERICANS. 169 of trees on the bank of the canal, whilst mes sengers were despatched with the broken ap paratus to the nearest smithery, as it was termed, a distance of three miles. Before retiring to my cot for the night, I happened to take a peep at our location, which con trasted strongly with the snug comforts of the packet, causing one to enjoy them so much the more. That part of the canal in which we were detained was cut through dense forest, the trees of which were at least eighty, and some even one hundred feet in height ; the ground was covered with snow, and the scene viewed by the lamps of the boat, midst the most profound stillness, save an occasional cry from some tenant of the woods, was one of utter loneliness. The effect produced by a bugle horn in these wilds was particularly striking ; and Weber s fine hunting chorus, played by one of the boatmen at my request, was a musical treat of no ordi nary character. The necessary repairs being completed in the course of the night, we pursued our " winding way," and in the morning found ourselves again in the neigh bourhood of comparative civilisation. Unlike the custom of the great seaports of America, where, as in England, separate esta- 170 AMERICA, blishments exist for the sale of distinct branches of manufactures or other commodities, most of the stores in the smaller towns and villages contain a general assortment of goods of the most heterogeneous description ; and the cus tomers may be supplied at the same counter with a pound of young hyson, a pair of scis sors, or a copy of Scott s Life of Napoleon. A still inferior class of stores is to be found located along the lines of the canals, wherever the junction of a branch, the proximity of locks, or the establishment of some factory has attracted settlers. Rude as the signs of these humble tenements in general were, and varied as regarded the stocks in trade, I certainly was not prepared for the following jumble of articles of prime necessity, the cata logue of which I copied verbatim from the front of a store as we were passing one of the locks. Pork. Snuff. Lamp Oil. Dried Beef. Crockery. Nutmegs. Tobacco. Whiskey. Shot. Cinnamon. Salted Shad* Gunpowder. Many of the hucksters to whom these little stores belong were poor Irish emigrants, who AND THE AMERICANS. happening to arrive at the period when the canal was commenced, laboured in its execu tion ; and having saved a little money, bought their acres, built their frame-houses, and are now enjoying the fruits of their industry free from the assaults of gamekeepers, or the pe riodical visits of either tithe-proctors or excise men. On transferring ourselves at Utica from the packet which had brought us from Rochester to that which was to convey us to Schenectady, we experienced an instance of good feeling on the part of the captain, which was the more appreciated by us as it was perfectly disinter* ested. Having expressed our satisfaction at the comforts of the boat, and the attention paid to the wants and wishes of the passengers, the individual alluded to, on shaking hands with me, not only assured us of his desire to see us again on that route, but in the most gen tlemanly manner begged, that if it was agree able to us to make another trip, he should consider us as his guests both going and re turning. The accident of mislaying a bunch of keys at Utica, obliged me to perform my toilet for the day at the nearest hairdresser s or barber s store I could find. On entering a respectable- 172 AMERICA, looking shop of this description, I was imme diately requested by the sable, woolly-headed Figaro who received me, to be seated; so pulling off my coat and stock, I accordingly sat down, when, in an instant, I felt the back of the chair, as I thought, giving way. In this I was deceived; poor Mungo had dis covered that the best position for his cus tomers, whilst under the operation of shaving, was precisely that so favourable for the dentist, and his chairs were accordingly constructed, so that the backs could be elevated or depressed at pleasure. It would be an act of injustice were I to omit to state, that no Parisian valet could have performed his task better, even to the concluding part of handing me my hat, cane, and gloves, as well as making his obei sance on my wishing him good morning. This trifling act of civility on my part was, pro bably, the more acceptable, because it is one which an American is not in the habit of be stowing upon his darker brethren. Proceeding onward, we passed the romantic scenery of the Little Falls by moonlight, thus enjoying its wild beauties under varied aspects ; and after a most delightful day s sail, in view of the enchanting Mohawk, we landed at Schenectady, and taking the stage, in a few AND THE AMERICANS. 173 hours were again comfortably seated at the American Hotel in Albany. The morning following we once more em barked, in one of the splendid steamers, for New York, and rapidly pursued our voyage down the broad and noble Hudson. The com pany was numerous, and the fineness of the weather, although it was now the middle of November, permitted us to enjoy the ever- varying landscape from the upper deck, the seats on which were all in requisition. Among the passengers was a young female of exceedingly interesting appearance, but who sat abstracted in the midst of the throng, ap parently insensible to the remarks of the lover of the picturesque, the reasonings of politicians, or the sallies of wit. Curious to learn the cause of this evident indifference, I took an opportunity of making some observation to the gentleman who was seated beside her, and under whose protection she appeared to travel. This led to further conversation, in which he informed us that the young lady in question was his sister, who had the melancholy mis fortune to be a mute, and that she was return ing to the school for the deaf and dumb, near New York, after a few weeks recreation among her friends. At our request we were instantly 174 AMERICA, introduced to the afflicted young creature, as strangers travelling to see America. Her countenance beamed with pleasure at being thus noticed ; for the brother had, by signs, signified that we deeply sympathised with her in her affliction. Pencils and pocket-books were immediately brought forth, and we, for a time, forgot the moving panorama in the novelty of our mode of converse, and the in terest it excited. Her first questions were, as to our names, place of abode, and its distance from New York. The answer to the latter seemed to strike her forcibly, for it was im mediately followed by the question, " Have you friends so far behind you ?" On reading the affirmative she shook her head slowly, and wrote, " How far you are from them ! " After asking the favour of her name, I wrote down, " Will you tell me a secret, that is, your age ?" She smiled, and wrote, " I am fifteen years." Desirous to know whether she had any know ledge of those celebrated men, the Abbe de 1 Epee or the Abbe Sicard, I put the question ; but, incautiously and in haste, wrote down, " Have you heard of them ?" She wrote in reply, " I don t hear." I then used the phrase, " Have you read or been told of those good men ?" She answered, " Yes, sir." AND THE AMERICANS. Some interruption occurring, I wrote, " We will chat again after dinner." This word caused her to knit her brows, and show evident signs of having met with a difficulty. After think ing for an instant she wrote, "What is chat?" I answered, " Chat is to converse in an easy familiar manner." The girl s eyes sparkled, and, with significant nods, she wrote, " Yes, yes." During our resumed colloquies, a lady enquired " Whether she could work with the needle?" She wrote, with hasty satisfaction, " Yes, madam ; and I can make bead bags." In reply to the question of, "How long have you been at the school ?" She wrote, " I have been four years, and shall stay one year seven months." We complimented her on her proficiency ; at which she appeared to be much gratified, and expressed a great desire to see us again before we returned to Eng land. The shades of evening having gra dually thinned the crowded decks, we enjoyed the pleasure of a twilight promenade, until the steward with his bell announced that supper was on the table. A dense fog coming on soon after, we were unable to proceed, and the vessel was accord ingly anchored. It so happened that this was 176 AMERICA, about the spot where the British sloop of war, the Vulture, lay when she was to have re ceived Major Andre on board, upon his return from his visit to Arnold. When all was still, and as I lay in my berth, rather in a musing than a sleeping mood, I indulged in a thousand associations connected with past and present times ; with America, as she was, at the period to v which I allude, empoverished and struggling in the noblest of causes, The Rights of Man ; and America, as she now is, the beacon and the watch-word of Liberty ; and, in energy and successful en terprise, the rival of the powerful nation from which she sprung. My musings were soon interrupted by the hissing of the steam, and the noise occasioned by weighing the anchor ; and in a few hours after, I found we were at New York. In this extended excursion of nearly eleven hundred miles, we had met with most intelligent and agreeable society, had received invitations and various civilities from persons to whom we were wholly unknown, and who, in all probability, we may never meet again ; and, although we had travelled in public conveyances alike open to all, had not witnessed any drunkenness or riotous be- AND THE AMERICANS. 177 haviour, nor heard an oath, or any indecent or objectionable word. Such as were of con genial tastes, or whose conversation suited, naturally associated together ; in short, those talked together, who could talk together ; all was good-humour and perfect civility ; and if the Americans do not do the thing exactly in the French style, we observed they were in variably polite to the softer sex, let their age or attire be as they might. I could not help thinking that this general good deportment must be attributed not only to the diffusion of education, but in some measure to the con stant amalgamation of the different classes in hotels, boarding houses, and particularly in travelling, in which there are no aristocratic modes. Every individual knows that he is expected to conduct himself with propriety ; and whatever he may be at home, he conforms to the rules of decorum abroad. I often wished, however, that the very prevalent habits of chewing, smoking, and, worse than either, their effect, spitting, had been dis pensed with : but it is proper to remark, that these are not the habits of the best educated persons ; and except it might be for the con venience of some particular individual, who, N 178 AMERICA, like the late worthy and learned Dr. Parr, could not exist without his whiff of the Indian weed, I do not remember to have seen that disgusting article, a spitting-box, in any private drawing-room in America. AND THE AMERICANS. 179 CHAP. X. ANXIOUS to reach Washington, the seat of government, before the freezing of the rivers, we left New York, for Philadelphia, on the morning of December 24th, 1829. The air was as mild as the month of May in England ; and our sail across the charming bay, and up the little river Rariton, was de lightful. A most bountiful breakfast was served in the steamer ; after which, on paying our fares, we were presented with tickets, bearing numbers, which entitled the passen gers to seats in the coaches bearing corre sponding numbers. The distribution of these tickets, in which considerable tact is displayed, is the business of the captain of the vessel. Those gentlemen who had ladies or child ren under their protection, were requested to name their party, and were assigned to the same coaches, so that no separations took place ; and this rule was extended to others, by making a request to that effect. A further and more delicate classification took place in putting those together whose N 2 180 AMERICA, sphere of life or manners appeared to assimi late ; yet this was so adroitly managed as not to excite general notice, still less to cause any unpleasant feeling among the passengers. On approaching New Brunswick, a signal was made, notifying the number of stage coaches required, which in this instance was nine ; and at the same time passengers were requested to select their baggage, each article of which was immediately marked with chalk, agreeably to the number on the ticket. All the vehicles were ranged on the wharf in numerical order; and the instant we landed, we hastened to ours ; and the packages being brought on shore, and secured behind, off we drove, each coach, under all circumstances of watering or changing horses, keeping its relative station. The last vehicle was appropriated to blacks or persons of colour, who, in spite of their degraded position, wore the happiest faces in the whole procession. The distance from New Brunswick to Trenton, on the Delaware, is about twenty-six miles, and the road tolerably good. The country appeared well cultivated ; and every farm had its peach-orchard. This tract was the scene of several conflicts in the war of independence ; and I found the name of AND THE AMERICANS. 181 Tarleton, one of the few officers of the British army who served in that quarter now alive, still remembered. Princeton, sixteen miles from New Bruns wick, has, in addition to the State College, founded by the royal government, a large establishment for the education of youths in tended for the Presbyterian ministry. Trenton, which is ten miles further, is beautifully situated near the first rapids of the Delaware, which here, at the distance of one hundred and twenty miles from the sea, ceases to be navigable for vessels of burthen. The road crosses the river on a covered wooden bridge, above four hundred yards in length. Trenton was the theatre of two of the most brilliant exploits in the military career of the great Washington ; the particulars of which are extremely interesting, and are related with spirit in the same publication to which I have before alluded, as emanating from the society of which the present Lord Chancellor is the corner stone. " On the approach of the British to the Delaware," says the writer, " Congress ad journed its sittings from Philadelphia to Balti more ; and it was expected that General Howe N 3 182 AMERICA, would speedily make his triumphal entry into the Pennsylvanian capital ; but a bold man oeuvre of Washington suddenly turned the tide of success. " On his arrival at the Delaware, his troops were dwindled down to the number of 3000 ; but having received some reinforcements of Pennsylvanian militia, he determined to en deavour to retrieve his fortunes by a decisive stroke. " The British troops were cantoned in Bur lington, Bordentori, and Trenton, waiting for the formation of the ice to cross into Penn sylvania. " Understanding that in the confidence produced by a series of successes they were by no means vigilant, he conceived the possi bility of taking them by surprise. He, ac cordingly, on the evening of Christmas Day, conveyed the main body of his army over the Delaware, and falling upon the troops quar tered in Trenton, killed and captured about 900 of them, and recrossed into Pennsylvania with his prisoners. On the 28th of Decem ber, he again took possession of Trenton, where he was soon encountered by a superior force of British, who drove in his advanced parties, and entered the town in the evening, AND THE AMERICANS. 183 with the intention of giving him battle the next morning. The two armies were sepa rated only by a narrow creek which runs through the town. " In such a position, it should seem to be impossible that any movement on the one side or the other could pass unobserved. But in the darkness of the night, Washington, leaving his fires lighted, and a few guards to attract the attention of the enemy, quitted his encamp ment, and crossing a bridge over the creek, which had been left unguarded, directed his march to Princeton ; where, after a short but brisk engagement, he killed sixty of the Bri tish, and took 300 prisoners. The rest of the royal forces were dispersed, and fled in differ ent directions. " Great was the surprise of Lord Cornwallis, who commanded the British army at Trenton, when the report of the artillery at Princeton, which he at first mistook for thunder, and the arrival of breathless messengers, apprised him that the enemy was in his rear. Alarmed by the danger of his position, he commenced a retreat ; and being harassed by the militia, and the countrymen who had suffered from the outrages perpetrated by his troops on their advance, he did not deem himself in safety 184 AMERICA, till he arrived at New Brunswick, from whence, by means of the Rariton he had a communica tion with New York." * On our reaching the point of embarkation on the Delaware, we were transferred on board the steamer with as much celerity as we had been handed into the coach at New Brunswick, and immediately sat down to a bountiful dinner. The charge for meals on board these packets was two shillings each person. Nothing was required by the waiters, or even by the porters who removed the baggage. Near Bordenton, we passed the residence of Count Survilliers (Joseph Bonaparte) ; but the only object visible from the river was an elevated chapel, the mansion being concealed by woods. The banks of the Delaware are low, but highly cultivated ; and the houses, many of which are of brick, are shaded by lofty poplars or weeping willows ; which last trees grow to a size quite unknown in England. * Since the completion of this work, the author has been agreeably surprised to find, that the excellent His tory of the American Revolution, from which the fore going, as well as a former extract, were taken, is from the pen of the Rev. William Shepherd, the learned author of the Life of Poggio Bracciolini, and the consistent advo cate of " The Eternal Rights of Man." AND THE AMERICANS. 185 About half way between Trenton and Phil adelphia, we passed Bristol and Burlington, two cheerful and populous villages situated on opposite sides of the river. Near the latter we were informed that a certain London banker of notoriety had located himself. Descending this beautiful river, spires at length became visible; the buildings on the right bank gradually increased in number, until at last they presented a continuous ap pearance ; and passing the suburb of Ken sington, with its ship-yards, its glass-houses, and other manufactories, we soon after landed in the city of the Penns. The first sounds which saluted our ears on approaching Philadelphia, were those of church bells, which were ringing a peal on the occa sion of Christmas Eve. It was the first time we had heard that national and soothing music since leaving England, and it instantly re called to our remembrance, home, country, friends, so powerfully, that even the welcome with which we were received was not sufficient to banish these natural associations. The circumstance forcibly reminded me of the sublime allusion of Napoleon to the effect of the sound of the bell of the church of 186 AMERICA, Rueil, and which is thus recorded by his bio grapher, Scott. " Immediately after his, Napoleon s, elevation to the dignity of First Consul, he meditated the restoration of religion ; and thus, in a mixture of feeling and policy, expressed him self upon the subject to Thiebaudeau, then a counsellor of state. " Having combated for a long time the sys tems of modern philosophers upon different kinds of worship, upon Deism, natural religion, and so forth, he proceeded : Last Sunday evening, in the general silence of nature, I was walking in these grounds, of Malmaison. The sound of the church bell of Rueil fell upon my ear, and renewed all the impressions of my youth. I was profoundly affected, such is the power of early habit and associ ations ; and I considered, if such was the case with me, what must not be the effect of such recollections upon the more simple and credu lous vulgar ? Let your philosophers answer that The people must have a religion. " The city of Philadelphia, or Brotherly Love, is situated between the noble Delaware and the Schuylkill, a few miles above their junc tion. The former river is rather more than a mile AND THE AMERICANS. 187 in width, opposite to the city ; and the latter, something less than that of the Thames at London Bridge. The streets, excepting the two centre ones in each direction, are rather narrow, but perfectly straight, and cross each other at right angles at equal distances. Those from river to river are about two miles in length, and are named after different descriptions of trees, as Chestnut, Walnut, Spruce, Pine ; while those in the contrary direction, the length of which is gradually prolonged with the increase of buildings, are numbered. The houses are of brick, and regular in their architecture. The steps, and the parts about the doors and windows, which, in England, are usually of stone, are of white marble ; which, with the white painted doors, silvered plates and knobs, have a very chaste effect. The side walks are paved with brick, and are kept remarkably clean ; and the shops are superior, as regards their external appearance, to those of New York ; more of them also are devoted to the sale of engravings, and other branches of the fine arts, than in that city. Among the num ber of public edifices which adorn Philadelphia, the most interesting, although not the most 188 AMERICA, beautiful, is the State House ; for in one of its halls was signed the document which separated thirteen of the American colonies from Great Britain. The apartment in question, which I was grieved to find in a dirty and neglected state, contains a statue of the immortal Washington, carved in wood, and painted. Upon the pe destal is the oft-quoted but just inscription, as applied to this great man: " First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen." On the steps of the principal entrance of the building, the Declaration of Independence was first published to the world ; and, as some atonement for the neglect of the consecrated hall, these worn relics have been religiously respected. From the cupola of the edifice, in which there is an illuminated clock, the stran ger has a most interesting bird s-eye view of the city, its handsome squares, its streets in long straight lines, and its populous environs. It was the bell in this cupola that proclaimed American freedom on the memorable 4th of July, 1776 ? and, by a singular coincidence, it bears an inscription in praise of Liberty, although cast in London some years prior to that event. AND THE AMERICANS. 189 If the State House possesses the most interest, politically considered, the United States Bank certainly claims pre-eminence over all the other public edifices of the city on the score of architectural beauty. This grand building, which stands on a raised terrace be tween two of the principal streets, is of the Grecian Doric order, and is composed of white marble, partially tinged with a bluish shade, like the quality in general use in Philadelphia. It measures 161 feet in length, and 87 feet in breadth. Each of the two fronts contains eight fluted columns, 4 feet 6 inches in diameter, elevated upon six rows of steps. This beautiful temple was designed by the late ingenious M. La Trobe ; and, when viewed by the "pale moonlight," the effect is sublime. The other public buildings of the same ma terial as this chef d ceuvre are, the Old United States Bank, the fa$ade of which ex hibits a portico of the Corinthian order, the columns of which are fluted ; the Bank of Pennsylvania, which is a beautiful Ionic temple ; the Freemasons Hall, a pseudo- Gothic structure ; and the New Mint. This last edifice was not completed at the period of our visit ; but, judging from the design, as well 190 AMERICA, as the execution of what we saw, it will be creditable to the Government and the archi tect, as well as an ornament to the city in which it is situated. The Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, the Naval Hospital, and the Pennsylvania Hos pital, are all spacious and handsome erections, worthy of a large and philanthropic commu nity. In the area before the last-mentioned building, which is surrounded by lofty trees, stands a statue of the illustrious founder of the city. This work of art is of lead bronzed, and was presented to the Institution by one of the noble descendants of the family of Penn in England. Although the figure is attired in the primitive Quaker dress, even to the broad-rim hat " of the order," yet the execution of the work is so good, and the effect so prepossess ing, that I felt my faith in the propriety of classical costume in sculpture attacked, every visit which I made to this memento of the father of the country. In our perambulations we visited the spot, on the banks of the Delaware, where Penn concluded his celebrated treaty with the aborigines, the only treaty, it has been ob served, ever made without an oath, and the only one which has not been broken. A neat AND THE AMERICANS. 191 marble obelisk, commemorative of the event, has recently been erected on this hallowed site by the Society of Friends, the first in stance, I believe, of that body patronising the fine arts. The venerable elm, under the shade of which the treaty was ratified, was standing a few years ago, but is now no more ; and the extension of the suburbs of the city has completely destroyed every vestige of the olden time. We were much pleased to hear that the memory of Penn was still held in veneration by the Indians, whose fathers did not fail to transmit to their children the " golden opi nions" which they entertained of that upright individual. I cannot quit the subject of the great founder of Pennsylvania, without inserting the following very interesting account of the origin of the name, as given in a letter from Penn himself, dated January 5th, 1681 : "This day," says the writer, "after many waitings, watchings, solicitings, and disputes in council, my country was confirmed to me under the great seal of England, with large powers and privileges, by the name of Penn sylvania, a name the King would give it in AMERICA, honour of my father. I chose New Wales, being a hilly country ; and when the secre tary, a Welchman, refused to call it New Wales, I proposed Sylvania ; and they added Penn to it, though I much opposed it, and went to the King to have it struck out. He said twas past, and he would take it upon him ; nor would twenty guineas move the under-secretary to vary the name ; for I feared it should be looked on as a vanity in me, and not as a respect in the King to my father, as it really was. Thou mayest communicate my grant to friends, and expect shortly my pro posals. Tis a dear and just thing ; and my God, that has given it me through many diffi culties, will, I believe, bless and make it the seed of a nation. I shall have a tender care to the government, that it be well laid at first." The Philadelphia Museum, which is kept in a commodious and ornamental edifice called the Arcade, is particularly rich in Indian cos tumes and implements ; but it also contains many fine specimens in the department of na tural history. Among the latter is, perhaps, the greatest treasure of the kind in the world, a complete fossil skeleton of the mammoth. The size of this huge creature, which differs AND THE AMERICANS. 193 little in structure from the elephant, may be better conceived, when I state that a skeleton of an ordinary specimen of the latter animal stands under the head of the former. This unique relic of a former world was found im bedded in marl in Ulster county, in the State of New York. The other most prominent specimens in the animal kingdom were, an elephant ; a turtle, of the fluted back sort, which measured above five feet in length ; an alligator, fifteen feet ; a ray, six feet in diameter ; a lobster, above three feet in length ; and several enor mous rattlesnakes, and other species of the serpent family, which the southern and western territories furnish in great variety. In our survey of the articles of a mixed description, and which are kept in an appropriate division of the Museum, I found a MS. poem, com posed by Major Andre, in whose handwriting it was stated to be. The subject was pastoral, and the versification corroborated what I had read and heard of that gentleman s poetic taste ; but, after all, its chief interest arose from the fact, that it was the production of a leisure hour a short time previous to his fatal catastrophe. On the walls of a gallery were displayed o 194 AMERICA, a great variety of portraits of celebrated cha racters, painted by the ingenious individual who founded the Museum, and whose talented family are indefatigable in their exertions in the cause of science and the fine arts. Amongst the crowd of worthies I recognised my countryman, and, I am proud to add, friend of my family, the illustrious Priestley. This great philosopher, and martyr to the sacred cause of Liberty, closed his eventful life at a place called Northumberland, situated at the confluence of the branches of the Susque- hanna, about 130 miles from Philadelphia, and where some of his descendants remain. I could not help reflecting, whilst viewing the portrait in question, on the great changes which had taken place in the tone of thinking among the English people, since the period of the banishment of this early friend of Re form ; and it is gratifying to know, that the very community with whom the penetrating mind, the profound acquirements, and the mild virtues of a Priestley could not insure his pro tection, is now among the foremost to uphold those principles of political justice, for tem perately advocating which his threshold was violated the results of a life of laborious study and experiment were given to the flames; AND THE AMERICANS. 195 and, as if the powers of hell should triumph dur ing this demoniacal Saturnalia, the house of God where he ministered was rased to the ground. The Philadelphia Museum of Natural His tory, which is, however, in no way connected with the Museum to which I have alluded, contains a very extensive collection of mine rals, fossils, shells, and also some fine speci mens in the department of ornithology. Among these is the wild turkey, now well known in Europe through the splendid labours of that indefatigable naturalist, Audubon ; to whom, as well as to other individuals of ac quirements, I had the good fortune to be introduced by our travelling companion to Niagara; and I may here add, that the scien tific information communicated to us by the latter gentleman during our sojourn in his na tive city was only exceeded by the kind and unpretending civilities which he, in common with his countrymen, show to the stranger, whatever may be his rank or clime. The turkey is a native of the western hemi sphere ; but by one of those accidental circum stances, like that which gave the name of America to the country, it has received its appellation from a territory of which it is not indigenous. 196 AMERICA, The most conspicuous objects in this well- arranged Museum are the skeletons of a very large horse and man. The latter, having a dart in his hand, is astride the former, which is in the act of galloping. The group is ter ribly fine. The Franklin Library, honoured with the name from the circumstance of that great philosopher and statesman having been among its early promoters, contains a large and use ful collection of books ; and in the front of the building is a well-executed statue of this wonderful man. The house in which he resided has, in the spirit of improvement, been pulled down ; but the spot in the Episcopal cemetery, where " his body lies buried in peace," is designated by a memorial as unos tentatious as were the habits of the philosopher himself. A plain, solid, white marble slab covers his dust, together with that of his faithful companion ; and the stranger reads thereon, Benjamin jamin 1 borah J Deborah 1790 There is a quaint accordance in the old- fashioned name of Deborah with Benjamin Franklin particularly striking ; and although AND THE AMERICANS. 197 one looked for some more elaborate memorial of so great a man, yet I doubt whether any thing could be devised more effective, and certainly not more congenial to the expressed wishes of the deceased, than the simple tomb stone I have described. I had spent hours at the resting places of popes, of emperors, of kings, and of doges, in admiration, and as tonished at the splendid efforts of art which have been raised over their remains ; but in many instances without bestowing a thought on the individuals whose memories they were intended to honour. Alas ! how different are the feelings at the grave of Franklin ! His whole life passes as it were before one, from the periods of his juvenile and humble occu pation of cutting and preparing the wicks of candles at Boston ; his forlorn situation, when, strolling up the streets of Philadelphia with the rolls under his arm, he was observed by his future wife ; to that when, " self-taught and self- directed," as has been not less classi cally than truly said, Eripuit ccelo fulmen, sceptrumque tyrannis. He snatched the lightning from heaven, and the sceptre from tyrants. The mansion where the stern republican o 3 198 AMERICA, patriot, Jefferson, composed the charter of American freedom, has been more fortunate than that of his fellow labourer. The edifice stands unaltered, and the chamber in which he wrote was pointed out to us. Besides the great debt of gratitude which America owes to her Jefferson, for that nervous and uncompromising state paper, the Declar ation of Independence, and his share in its en forcement, she is under infinite obligations to his philosophical mind, which displayed itself in all the varied offices which he was successively called upon to fill. Will it be credited, that in return for such invaluable services, because he entertained some abstract opinions in matters which rested between himself and his Maker (and which, of course, ought to have been held sacred), not in unison with those of persons in authority, in the year 1830, his Life and Correspondence, then just published, were refused a place in the public Library of Philadelphia? " Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Ascalon." Such con duct is an insult to the manes of the immortal founders of the country. Philadelphia possesses her Academy of the Fine Arts, as well as those of the Sciences ; and the increasing collection of antiques, casts, &-**+*^4* AND THE AMERICANS. 199 and paintings, together with their neat ar rangement, proves the anxiety of the citizens to combine the refinements with the more useful arts of life, and realise the motto, " Utile dulci." The gallery is indebted to the worthy Count Survilliers for several of the choicest pieces in the collection ; among which are, pictures of his brother Napoleon crossing the Alps, by David ; and a full length of himself as King of Spain, painted, I believe, for the palace at Madrid. What opposite destinies for the sub ject of the picture, as well as for the picture itself! In the court before the building is a muti lated antique statue, presented by some Ame rican officer who had served on the Mediter ranean station. None but those who have whiled " the sultry hours away," in the voluptuous regions washed by that sea, and pondered amidst the wrecks of antiquity, can fully appreciate the feelings excited by even a passing glance of this isolated relic ; which, as often as I saw it, appeared like a connecting link between the old and the new world, and elicited a thousand delightful reminiscences of youthful days of travel. 200 AMERICA, CHAP. XI. OF the various places of worship which we visited during our stay in Philadelphia, that of the principal Episcopal Church was the most interesting, from its associations. Here the pious Washington offered up his prayers to the Great First Cause, to that Incomprehen sible Being in whose hands are the fate of empires, and before whom the mightiest are as dust. The pew which he occupied was pointed out to us by a member of the congregation, whose politeness had been shown on our entrance, by providing us with seats, an attention much neglected by the same denomination of Chris tians in England, who in this particular seem to forget that one of the first duties incul cated by the persecuted founder of the Chris tian religion was kindness to the stranger. We were disappointed in our visits to this church, in not having the pleasure of hearing the venerable Bishop White, who, although upwards of eighty years of age, occasionally AND THE AMERICANS. 201 ministered to his flock* This patriarchal indi vidual officiated as chaplain to the first Con gress ; every member of which, except one, he had survived. The spire of the building is surmounted by a gilt Cap of Liberty, an ornament very com mon even to the ecclesiastical edifices in Ame rican cities ; and in the tower are the bells which had saluted our ears on our arrival in Philadelphia. The Unitarian Church, which is a modern and ornamental edifice, contains a pulpit or rostrum of extreme classical simplicity, and well worthy of being the model for those places of worship where altars are not required. The general plan is the same as that of the one in the Unitarian Church in New York, which I have attempted to describe ; but the effect, from the introduction of two Doric columns supporting an entablature in front of the recess, is heightened. This sect of Chris tians, whose numbers in Philadelphia, at the period of Dr. Priestley s occasional ministry, did not exceed fifty persons, is fast increasing. The principles, although subject to fierce attacks from the pulpits of what are denomi nated orthodox Christians, have taken deep hold of the community ; many of the most OF TKE "TvT TTT TP T? QTTT 202 AMERICA, literary characters of the Union being professed Unitarians ; and numbers of individuals are gradually abandoning the system in which they were educated, and attaching themselves to this, in which reason holds a more pro minent station. At the evening services in this place, which were extremely well attended, we saw a con siderable sprinkling of members of the Society of Friends, whose heresy was not concealed by any alteration of costume. Whilst upon the subject of the Unitarian Church, I may relate a little mistake in regard to identity, which caused no small amusement at the time. A report having been circulated one Sunday morning, that the talented author of the Sketch Book had just arrived in Philadelphia, it so happened that I had the honour to be taken for that charming writer; and whilst sitting in church, as well as on leaving, the supposed fact was whispered about. The evening service was attended by in creased numbers, prompted by a laudable curiosity to behold so bright an ornament of their literature ; when, lo ! even the supposed Washington Irving was not present, and the disappointed throng separated, informed of AND THE AMERICANS. 203 the innocent imposture of which I had been made the subject. We were much surprised to find in this Quaker City, as Philadelphia is often styled, no less than three large and elegant theatres? as well as a newly erected concert room. Only one of the former places of amusement, or schools of instruction, for the latter is, perhaps, an equally proper designation, hap pened to be open during our visit ; and that was not, as I found, the one patronised by the fashionable world, although the best adapted for dramatic effect. The better to study national manners and peculiarities, I generally made it a rule, in my visits to places of public resort, to arrive at the opening of the doors ; and on the evening of that to the Walnut Street Theatre, I found myself seated solus on the third bench of the large pit, some time after the corps of money^ receivers, cheque-takers, and box-keepers, were all at their respective posts. By and by a few, not lean, but certainly un washed, artificers seated themselves around me ; one of whom, evidently not of the abstemious school, seemed disposed to be upon the very best terms with his neighbours ; and addressing himself to me in the most familiar manner, AMERICA, began what was likely to be a very long story about a forged bill which he had taken in payment, and his good wife s anger at his conduct Not being anxious to cultivate the friend ship of my new acquaintance, nor my English feelings exactly according with the spitting habits of the grade among which I had located myself, I cut the matter of the bill short by quitting the pit, and proceeding to what we denominate the dress circle. The house, as the hour of performance ap proached, filled rapidly ; but in vain did I cast my eyes to the doors of the boxes, as they opened, for damsels in all the pride of ornament, handed to their seats by spruce gallants ; for no such sight met the eye. In lieu thereof, substantial tradesmen and me chanics, fresh from their counters or their workshops, poured in with their merry wives and daughters ; and the curtain rose to as full, and certainly as free and easy, an assemblage as I ever witnessed. The principal perform ance of the evening was the musical drama of Rob Roy, which was well played by an En glish company. The scenery, dresses, music, all were good ; and the illusion was complete. In the pantomime spectacle which followed, AND THE AMERICANS. 205 some humorous satire was played off against a resident empiric, an American Doctor Solo mon, who warranted his panacea to be the true and veritable elixir of life : in short, to cure all manner of diseases, and almost to re store the dead. An individual, represented as a vender of this Balm of Gilead, was introduced on the stage ; and we certainly had ocular demon stration of its wonderful powers. After taking a single bottle, blacks became white, wrinkled old maids became blooming nymphs of sweet eighteen, the halt and maimed frisked about, and, lastly, the Siamese twins were plucked asunder, and joined the quack in a merry jig. The delighted audience testified their approbation by many a round of applause ; and when the curtain dropped, all dispersed, evidently satisfied that, in the ac count of pleasure, they had had value re ceived. The greatest quiet reigned in the streets contiguous to the theatre, strongly contrasted with the like neighbourhoods in England, or even in New York ; and scarcely half a dozen coaches were in waiting at the conclusion of the performance. One of the largest edifices in Philadelphia, 206 AMERICA, or indeed in America, is the New State Prison, or Penitentiary, which is situated in a quarter of the city not yet built upon. This great receptacle of crime consists of eight ranges of buildings containing solitary cells and workshops, which diverge from a centre ; and the whole are enclosed by a lofty stone wall, forming a square, each side of which measures 650 feet. The grand entrance is castellated, as are also the angles ; and the design is highly credit able to the architect. I was informed that the system pursued in regard to the prisoners was, in most respects, the same as in the Peni tentiaries of the State of New York. Enlightened as the Americans are on this branch of civil polity, they are by no means inattentive to the opinions of the philanthro pists of Europe ; and at several conversations upon the subject of criminal codes and prison discipline, at which I happened to be present, it gave me pleasure to hear the authorities of a Romilly and a Roscoe alluded to with all that respect to which such minds are justly entitled ; and it was a further gratification, on these occasions, to be enabled to claim the latter distinguished writer and advocate of AND THE AMERICANS. 207 liberal principles, not only as a countryman, but as a townsman and friend. In the neighbourhood of the Penitentiary are the celebrated works which supply the city with that important article, water. The reservoirs, which are situated on the summit of a hill, 100 feet above the Schuylkill, contain upwards of twelve millions of gallons, and are supplied by pumps worked by large water wheels, the river being dammed for the purpose. The buildings containing the machinery, as well as the terraces adjoining, are kept in re markably neat order. On the brow of a rocky and romantic precipice, which almost over hangs the works, a pretty little open temple has been erected, from which there is a charming view of the river, and the beautiful villa and domain called Lemon Hill, the sum mer residence of one of the most wealthy merchants of Philadelphia. The grounds of this half Italian retreat, which we often visited, were laid out with much taste, and ornamented with grottoes, fish ponds, and jets d eau ; and the conservatory, which is very extensive, was well stocked with rare and curious plants from all parts of the globe. There was, however, an air of neglect 208 AMERICA, about the whole, which did not correspond with the extreme neatness and order observ able in the city. A little below the water- works the Schuyl- kill is crossed by a timber bridge of one arch, probably the largest in the world, the chord measuring no less than 320 feet ; and, some what further down, directly opposite the main street of Philadelphia, in that direction, there is another bridge of three large arches, the piers of which are stone. Both these struc tures are covered, and have windows or open ings at each side, at regular intervals. The road- ways are divided in the centre ; and notices are posted up, forbidding the drivers of vehicles to pass over the bridges at a quick pace. In this quarter is an infant establishment for the manufacture of china, the ingenious proprietor of which is an American, who owes his successful commencement to an unassisted but ardent pursuit of the knowledge requisite to his undertaking. The quality of the speci mens of china I examined was exceedingly good, and the decorative part was tasteful and well executed. Although the projector of this interesting little manufactory had met with very liberal AT\D THE AMERICANS. 209 encouragement from his fellow-citizens, we were informed that he found a powerful opposi tion in the great import of French china, the extreme beauty of which, combined with its cheapness, notwithstanding a duty of twenty per cent., insures it a ready sale. The great market of Philadelphia, which is above half a mile in length, has no pretensions to architectural beauty ; it being, in fact, merely a succession of long commodious sheds in the centre of the principal street, separated or in tersected by those streets which cross it in an opposite direction. In this neat and well-supplied mart of pro visions, where the best beef-steaks are sold at four-pence per pound ; fatted turkeys, as large as eagles, for three to four shillings each ; and all the good things the country produces in the same proportion ; we saw the opossum, and also the tortoise, as articles of food, the flesh of the latter being esteemed a great deli cacy. It was impossible to view the former animal, with his long tail, without being re minded of the negro Hamlet s vocal episode, " Opossum up a gum-tree," so humorously introduced by that inimitable artist Matthews, in his "Trip to America." The last public establishment of Philadelphia 210 which remains to be noticed is the Navy Yard, a place naturally interesting to a native of the isle whose hardy sons have so long ruled the waves. In one of the huge wooden building- houses I saw the leviathan of naval architec ture, of which the Americans may justly feel proud, and of which description of floating castles their enemies, unless prepared with equal weapons, may perchance some day feel afraid. The ship in question is 228 feet long by 57 feet in breadth, has four decks, and is intended to carry about 140 guns of the largest calibre. This immense vessel is constructed of what is termed live oak, a species of timber admirably adapted for ship-building ; and whether as regards size, model, strength, or excellence of workmanship, it may be ac counted the ne plus ultra of the art. The adjoining building-house was occupied by a sixty-gun frigate, a class called into exist ence by the energies of the American Naval Board, previous to the commencement of the last war, and which, as it is too well known, caused the loss of two or three British frigates, whose " lion-met tied " commanders had the temerity to attack them. The frames of several ships were stowed in large sheds, each piece of timber being marked, AND THE AMERICANS. so that they could be put together at a short notice. The yard displayed long rows of cannon, whose stopped muzzles and touch- holes were quite in unison with the peaceful scene presented by the Delaware, whose placid tide was studded with white sails, from the little coasting sloop to the richly freighted merchantman from industrious England, from the lands of corn, wine, and oil, bounding the blue Mediterranean, or from the remote and fertile regions of Bengal or China. As in the Navy Yard of New York, I spied a few cannon bearing the initials G. 11., sur mounted by a crown, trophies of American prowess over the cocks of the sea, as the cap tain of a Genoese xebeck, in which I once made a short voyage, styled the English. All this is fair ; and I never looked upon such mementos of my country s defeat with any feelings, save those of regret, that, in spite of early lessons, she should have pursued the same course of insult and injustice, which a second time ended in her disgrace, and elevated the power which it was her great object to humble. A new era has, however, commenced : Eng land at length possesses a Sovereign whose sentiments are more in accordance with the AMERICA, enlightened spirit of the age, and in whose advisers are concentrated unsullied integrity, splendid talents, the love of political justice, and the most extensive philanthropy. Guided by such, we may reasonably anticipate a long period of happy and beneficial intercourse between the two nations, whose only rivalry should be in the arts of peace. During our sojourn in this charming city, I had the pleasure to be introduced to the literary conversaziones, called Wistar parties, from the name of an eminent physician of Philadelphia, with whom the idea of these agreeable meet ings originated. The Wistar parties are held weekly, and alternately at the houses of the members, and afford great facilities for the bringing together residents, as well as strangers of the same pursuits in science or literature. As I could not claim the privilege of en tree under any particular branch, I was kindly admitted as an amateur of all, although the title of stranger is sufficient in this friendly city to ensure a welcome. Among other li terary characters, I had the good fortune to meet the learned Doctor Du Pon9eau, the countryman and early companion of that noble and consistent patriot Lafayette. Immediately after our introduction, the Doctor questioned ^ 0**&^t*. AND THE AMERICANS. 213 me as to my first impressions on landing in America ; and when I told him that the high character of the working classes, and the total absence of mob or rabble, seemed to me the distinguishing characteristic, he seemed much pleased, adding in his own way, " Sir, you have said a great deal ; but why does not your countryman Captain Hall say so ? " I replied, that I could not answer for the feelings of that gentleman. Perhaps the fact escaped his notice. Having lingered in Philadelphia beyond the period when the rivers are usually closed by ice, we were suddenly warned, by a frosty night, to hasten our departure for Washing ton ; and we accordingly embarked in the first steamer for Baltimore, which great city lies in the route. Acting upon the maxim, " Better an hour too soon than a minute too late ! " I had directed the black servant to call us at six o clock precisely, the packet leaving at seven. Sambo, mistaking the light of the moon, which happened to be at the full, for that of day, sounded the note of preparation somewhat earlier ; and, to my surprise and vexation, came thundering at the door just as. the deep-toned bell of the State House tolled two. Like Mercutio s soldier, roused by Queen p a AMERICA, Mab, I swore a prayer or two, and slept again. At six, we were once more awoke by salvos of artillery in honour of the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans, which is observed with great enthusiasm ; and proceeding to the packet, at seven were ploughing the Dela ware. The morning was bright and clear to a degree scarcely conceivable to Englishmen who have not witnessed American, or other skies than those of their own weeping cli mate. The beautiful ships at anchor in the noble river sat like swans, so gracefully and so proudly, whilst the busy steamers plying between the city and the shores of New Jer sey gave animation to the interesting picture. We had not been long on board before " a goodly, portly gentleman," conceiving us to be Americans, addressed himself to my wife, next to whom he happened to be seated, as follows : " So, madam, you are not stopping to keep the glorious anniversary." Aware of his mistake as regarded our coun try, she replied jokingly, "It is to avoid the festivities, sir, that we are leaving the city." " What !" said he, evidently much surprised, " not rejoice at such a triumph as the victory of New Orleans, where twelve thousand of AND THE AMERICANS. Wellington s veteran troops were beaten by a few of our young farmers ?" Thinking he had gone far enough under a false impression, and not knowing what harsh speech might come next, I at once explained that we were English. Astounded at the discovery, our friend coughed hemmed and, not a little confused, apologized for the mistake, but he thought he " Here I relieved him from his embarrassment by requesting he would not make any apology, as none was required ; and, at the same time, I remarked, that if his countrymen should visit our shores in the same hostile manner, we should, of course, give them a similar warm reception. The eclaircissement caused a laugh on our parts, in which our new acquaintance, as well as others, -joined ; and after some remarks upon the disastrous issue of the expedition alluded to, which I considered attributable to the delays and blunders of the commander-in- chief, he opened a discussion upon the state of England and America, which was resumed in the course of the day. Like most of the Americans with whom I conversed, to be independent of England seemed the ultimatum of his ambition ; for- p 4 216 AMERICA, getting that the welfare of every country is most essentially promoted by intercourse and reciprocity of advantages. In his dream of this anticipated state of independence, he ex- ultingly exclaimed, that in fifty years America would not import a single package from Great Britain. I somewhat damped this feeling by remarking, that, perhaps, in that time, England would not require a single bag of American cotton, or American flour ; but I added, that I hoped the day was not far distant when the good sense of all nations would induce them to abandon the fallacious theory of what is styled the protecting system ; and, throwing open their ports, buy where they can find the cheapest market, and sell at the dearest. The recent removal of the oldest American Consul in Great Britain, and who had received his appointment from the hands of Washing ton himself, gave rise to a tough argument upon the policy of what the democratic repub lican party term rotation in office, a system much more in favour with the outs than the ins. I expressed my doubts whether the uncertain tenure of office did not rather tend to repel men of steady, fixed habits, who would do credit to the stations to which they might be appointed, and to invite as candidates those AND THE AMERICANS. 217 of an opposite character. My friend s opi nions, however, were not to be shaken, at least by any arguments I could wield. Of the celebrated Cobbett, he spoke as one having a greater respect for his talents than his consistency. The banks of the Delaware below Philadel phia are much less picturesque than those of the Hudson, but they are agreeably diversi fied by villages and farm-houses, which, being chiefly of brick, have something English in their general appearance. We passed Newcastle, one of the oldest set tlements in the country, having been founded by the Swedes in 1627, and for some time after called Stockholm. On an island, a few miles lower down the river, a very formidable fort has been erected, which commands the channels on both sides ; and nearly oppo site is the embryo city of Delaware, con sisting of half a dozen houses. At this place, which is forty miles from Philadelphia, we left the steamer, and proceeded by the new canal which unites the waters of the Delaware and the Chesapeake. This communication has been made at a great expense ; for although the distance is only fourteen miles, the marshy nature of the country presented many ob- 218 AMERICA, stacles to the engineers. The usefulness of the undertaking is, however, very apparent; and the traffic on it will, no doubt, repay the outlay. The packet-boat on this canal was drawn by six horses, and we performed the passage in two hours. Near the western end is a deep cutting of seventy feet, over which a timber bridge has been thrown of 280 feet span. The canal communicates, in the first in stance, with a creek, the banks of which are thickly covered with wood. Here we again embarked in a steamer, and soon after entered the Elk river, which brought us into the great arm of the sea, called the Chesapeake, just at the point where it receives the noble mean dering Susquehanna. After a few hours rather rough sailing, we found ourselves entering the Patapsco ; and in an hour or two more we reached Baltimore, having travelled by rivers and canal above one hundred miles in the course of the day. The accommodations and the fare, both in the steamers and on the canal, were excellent ; and the charges, as usual, very moderate. At Baltimore we were lodged at the famed hotel kept by a spirited individual named Barnum. AND THE AMERICANS. This establishment is the largest of the kind in the New World : one of the fronts mea suring 117 feet, and the other nearly 200 feet. It contains two hundred rooms, some of which are very spacious ; also a news-room, well fur nished with papers. On the basement story are the Post Office, and the offices for the mail-coaches and other conveyances. The whole of the extensive arrangements reflect credit on the proprietor, who, we were sorry to hear, was not remunerated for his exertions. One of the first objects which met our eyes, on strolling out the next morning, was a fu neral. It was evidently of a person in genteel circumstances, from the number of private carriages in attendance ; and some trouble had been taken to produce a solemn effect, but to little purpose. The carriages were very old-* fashioned, and had seen their best days ; and the coachmen and footmen, who were all blacks, were attired in rusty old crape hat^ bands, which trappings harmonised most dis- advantageously with the shining jet faces of the wearers. Although the extensiveness of the black and coloured population had particularly ex cited our notice on arriving in New York, yet AMERICA, as we proceeded in the direction of the slave- holding States, their numbers evidently in creased. At Philadelphia, we found the porters who attend the landing-places, and who carry the baggage of passengers, all of that class. The waiters in the packets on the Delaware and Chesapeake were coloured men ; and at Baltimore not only the porters, but a great proportion of the hackney coachmen, carters, and others, were of the African race. Deferring our inspection of this flourishing city until our return from the seat of govern ment, we took the first conveyance to that skeleton of a metropolis, Washington. The distance from Baltimore is thirty-eight miles. The country is uninteresting, but the road, for America, was good. About five miles from Washington, we passed through the little village of Bladens- burgh, rendered memorable from the brilliant affair of arms preceding the taking of the capital, and which was almost the only con flict of any importance during the last war, in which the Americans were not triumphant. The British army lost above five hundred men in killed and wounded, in passing the little bridge, which here crosses the creek AND THE AMERICANS. called the east branch of the Potomac. This severe loss was principally owing to the skill and bravery of Commodore Barney, of the American navy, who, with a party of sailors, and two heavy guns, planted on the opposite height commanding the village, swept the bridge with grape. The American militia stand accused of not doing their duty on this eventful day, and thereby abandoning the capital to its fate ; be this as it may, however, it is agreed on all hands that the British com mander caused a needless waste of life in forcing a passage of the river at Bladensburgh, when an unprotected ford was not far distant. The gallant Barney was wounded and taken prisoner, but afterwards exchanged for an English officer of rank who had met with a similar fate. In consequence of the subse quent precipitate retreat of the British, their unfortunate wounded could not be removed ; but it gave us pleasure to hear, from the best authority, that they all experienced the most humane and generous treatment from the enemy, who, in this and other instances, " proved, that they warred more with the go vernment of England, than with the people. Like all battle fields of recent date, that of 222 AMERICA, Bladensburgh exhibits its melancholy tokens of the strife, in grass-grown hillocks covering the bones of the fallen combatants ; and as night was just setting in, and some snow falling as we left, the scene looked chill and melancholy. In less than an hour we were informed we were in Washington, although we had not noticed a single house ; and looking through the window of the coach, beheld the Capitol in lonely magnificence. Passing close to this noble edifice, we drove down the principal avenue, and alighted at one of the hotels, where, before a blazing log fire, and surround ed by no less than half a dozen shining black faces of both sexes, we sat down to tea. These sable attendants, who were new in their vocation, caused us no small degree of amuse ment. If a bell sounded, or a call was heard for Antony, Caesar, Laura, or Lily, away they all scampered together ; and when we, in our turn, desired our wants supplied, the whole band, as if by magic, and grinning with delight appeared, again. Our arrival proved to be opportune, and was matter of self-congratulation ; for, the day after, there fell torrents of rain ; and a north AND THE AMERICANS. wester springing up, which wind in America, produces the ] greatest degree of cold, pene trated each chink and cranny ; and the morn ing following, the great Potomac, which is here above a mile in width, was a firm sheet of ice. AMERICA, CHAP. XII. _L HE city of Washington, the metropolis of the United States of America, was founded, at the close of the last century, upon a section of land ten miles square, which was ceded by the States of Maryland and Virginia for the purpose, and which is now under the special government of Congress, and termed the Dis trict of Columbia. The plan of the embryo capital is at once grand and unique. Very long and broad avenues diverge from centres, and are intersected by streets at right angles. Only one of the former, however, and not many of the latter, contain any buildings ; and these are, for the most part, as paltry as they are scattered, although the city contains a population of twenty thousand persons. The chief architectural ornament of Wash ington, and, indeed, of the Union, is the edifice called the Capitol, in which are the Chambers of Congress, the Supreme Courts, and the National Library. This noble build ing, which stands on a most commanding site, is 350 feet in length, and is surmounted by AND THE AMERICANS. a lofty but heavy dome. The style of archi tecture is Palladian, and the material free stone ; but, in consequence of the discolour ation produced by the burning of the interior by the British, the whole of the outside has been painted white, a very questionable pro ceeding as regards effect, to say nothing of the periodical expense which will be thereby incurred. The principal entrance, which is under a magnificent portico, opens into a circular hall or rotunda, one hundred feet in diameter, and exactly the same in height. The walls of this classical apartment are ornamented with large paintings by the venerable Colonel Trumbull, to whom I have before made allusion. The subjects of these pictures are illustrative of the principal scenes of the Revolution, and they are particularly valuable as containing un doubted portraits of almost all the leading cha racters of that eventful period, painted by the familiar companion of many of the individuals. The costume of the time is also strictly pre served, giving additional interest to the figures, whether civil or military. The signers of the Declaration of Independence, with the ex ception of the uncompromising Jefferson, who figures in a blue coat and scarlet waistcoat, Q AMERICA, have rather a courtly air. The virtuous and revered Franklin is represented in a suit of black, which I was delighted to imagine the identical one of Manchester velvet, worn be fore the Privy Council, when, with " a con science void of blame," this great philosopher calmly received the insults of a Wedderburne ; and which suit he again wore in Paris at the signing of the treaty which deprived Great Britain of her thirteen colonies, having then, indeed, received glorious " satisfaction." In the pictures representing the surrenders of General Burgoyne and Lord Cornwallis the artist has not been unmindful to contrast the elated looks of the Americans and French, with the chap-fallen countenances of the beaten English, which certainly denote big Mars to have become bankrupt. The smaller panels contain alto relievos allusive to the early settlement of America. One of these represents Captain Smith saved by the tender Pocahontas from the fury of her father, King Powhatan, a subject full of ro mantic interest. The subjects of the others are, The landing of the persecuted band of English worthies at Plymouth in 1610 The conference of Penn with the Indian chiefs on the banks of the Delaware, and a AND THE AMERICANS. conflict between the intrepid Boon, one of the explorers of the great western country, and an Indian chief. The Hall, or Chamber of Representatives, the largest and most elegant apartment of the kind in the world, is semi-circular, and is ornamented with noble variegated marble columns, procured in the neighbourhood of the Potomac. The superb Corinthian capitals and bases are of statuary, and were wrought at Carrara. The ceiling is a semi-dome, and handsomely painted. The members, or re presentatives, sit in handsome arm chairs, at mahogany desks, which are provided with materials for writing, glasses of water, and, in spite of the protecting system, with penknives of real Sheffield manufacture. Every member has also a spitting box, which articles are in dispensable to the chewers and smokers. On the left of the speaker hangs a fine full length portrait of La Fayette, painted by a French artist. A gallery, free to the public of both sexes, without the imposition of fees, extends along the semicircle, from which the effect of the hall during the sitting of con gress is exceedingly imposing. The chamber appropriated to the senate, or that branch of the legislature not imme- 228 AMERICA, diately popular, is upon the same general plan as that of the representatives, although upon a smaller scale. It is elegantly fur nished, and, from the circumstance of being also much frequented by the fashionable vi- siters at Washington, presents a gay appear ance. It is not the architectural magnificence of these halls, however, which constitutes their great interest in the mind of the reflecting spectator. It is the moral effect in beholding the freely chosen representatives of the freest nation on the face of the globe, that delights the heart and elevates the mind ; and as a humble worshipper at the shrine of Liberty, I envy not the feelings of the man who can contemplate the sublime spectacle unmoved. During a stay of five weeks in Washington, we had repeated opportunities of attending some of the most important debates, and con sequently of hearing some of the best speakers of both the political parties of Congress. The fault of all seemed to be the disposition to extend the field of discussion beyond what was necessary to the subject-matter before the house, and the extreme proneness to di gression ; in short, the desire to be distin guished for much speaking, in contradistinc tion to the rules observed by those master AND THE AMERICANS. spirits, Washington and Franklin, who, as Jef ferson informs us, seldom spoke more than ten or fifteen minutes at a time ; " seizing," says that distinguished patriot, " the strong points, and leaving the weak ones to fall of themselves." If I did not hear any specimens of what we term the highest style of oratory, as the splendid harangues of a Chatham, a Fox, a Sheridan, or a Brougham, I do not recollect to have heard much below mediocrity, or any thing at all approaching to the egre gious nonsense occasionally uttered, or the disgusting cant which has so lately disgraced another assembly. The order and decorum observed in the chambers of America are well worthy of adoption in those of Great Britain ; where the present system of cheering, by way of express ing approbation, and coughing down, as it is termed, to denote the reverse, are at once disgraceful, and beneath the dignity of deli berative and enlightened senators. I must confess, however, that the absence of an oc casional " Hear, hear ! " to which significant ex pression of opinion one has been so accustomed, detracted somewhat from the effect of a bold period, or a happy and pointed allusion. The American legislators, more rational than those Q 3 230 AMERICA, of the mother-country, do not devote the night to the business of the day. The hour of meeting is twelve at noon ; and the ad journment, except on particular occasions, takes place at three. The punctuality with which the motion for the latter is made, often to the interruption of a speaker, surprised me. The instant the clock told the appointed time some member started up, and moved, that the house should adjourn ; which being promptly seconded, all the members hastened to their boarding-houses : the flags which floated dur ing the hours of business over the roofs of the chambers were lowered, and the doors closed. When a spirited debate was anticipated, the hall of the senate became the rendezvous of beauty from all parts of the Union, as the delegates of the people are often accompanied to Washington by their wives or daughters. The delicate paleness of the damsels from the south was strikingly opposed to the blooming complexions of the daughters of New England. No placeman or holder of any office whatever under the government can sit in Congress. The members of both houses receive eight dollars per day during the session, besides a compensation for travelling. Those of the senate are styled Honourable. This title, iBRA OF THF " 7EBSIT AND THE AMERICANS. together with that of Excellency, applied to the President, were bestowed at the period of the formation of the constitution, and whilst some of the " old leaven" of aristocracy yet remained ; but how the enlightened republi cans of the present day can consistently retain these high sounding terms I am at a loss to conceive. Their use is not, however, more absurd than that of esquire, which we found to linger in the older cities. Prostituted as this latter title may have become in England, where it is tacked to the names of all but the mere " hewers of wood and drawers of water," it has there some palliation in the circumstance of the government being monarchical, and so many relics of feudal times existing ; but in free America, where liberty and equality is the motto, it is as tinkling brass, an empty sound, and unworthy of a reflecting people, whom its use subjects to merited ridicule. Jefferson protested against these follies years ago, and, in his true republican simplicity, even recommended the abolition of Mr. as prefixed to surnames. Whether this recommendation was attended to by the " business men" at the time, I know not, but I observed, that packages of goods at warehouses, or at wharfs for shipment, were invariably directed 0, 4 232 AMERICA, by the simple Christian and surname of the parties; no Mr., Messrs., or esquire, ever* ap pearing, such being reserved for correspond ence. The Library of Congress, which is a large and classical apartment open to the public, contains above 20,000 volumes ; all supplied since the wanton destruction of the former collection by the British troops. Many of the books now on the shelves were presented to the nation by Jefferson ; and some of them contain marginal notes in the hand- writing of that acute critic. The Con gress Library is the only one in the United States possessing a copy of that magnificent work, Audubon s American Ornithology. Great as the labours of this persevering indi vidual have been, and much as he has done to illustrate the natural history of America, as well as to raise her scientific character, he has scarcely met with the slightest patronage amongst his countrymen ; and has been forced to look to England and France for that remu neration which at home he sought in vain. It may be proper to mention, as some little extenuation for this apparent apathy in the cause of science and the fine arts, that the researches and the beautiful works of a Wilson AND THE AMERICANS. 233 and a Bonaparte had partly supplied the desi deratum in the branch of ornithology. In the supreme Court of Appeal, which is situated in the same building as the apartments described, we saw the venerable Chief Justice Marshall, author of the Life of Washington. The judges in this court wore black gowns, the only instance we observed in America of any official costume in the courts of law. The view from the gallery on the summit of the dome of the Capitol is very extensive, and the broad Potomac is seen to great advantage ; but the city itself presents a straggling, uncon nected appearance, and the eye traces a series of avenues and streets merely chalked out, as it were, on the wide waste. Our cicerone pointed out a little brook, which has been dignified by the name of Tiber, but which, in the olden time, was known under the less classical appellation of Goose Creek ; and he further called our attention to a railed enclosure, which he denominated the Botanic Garden, although it did not then contain a single tree or shrub, save what nature herself had planted. Whilst musing on the panorama presented from this elevation, I could not avoid contrasting it with that exhi bited from the Capitol of the ancient mistress of the world, which I had beheld not many AMERICA, months before. How different were the sen sations produced by the two scenes! In contemplating the relics of the " Imperial hearths," and the solemn wrecks of grandeur which arrest the eye in the eternal city, the mind is carried back through a series of ages, until it is lost in remote antiquity. An empire has risen, flourished, and decayed. There everything has been, here, on the contrary, every thing is to be : the reflections are all prospective ; and when we think upon the gigantic scale of the American republic, her free institutions, her wonderful progress in arts and arms, and the unfettered energies of her rapidly increasing population, it is not in dulging in wild speculation to assert, that, long ere the century of its foundation arrives, Washington may be the metropolis of the most powerful nation in the world. The official residence of the President, or the White House, as I occasionally heard it termed, is situated on elevated ground about a mile and a half from the Capitol. It is a large and handsome edifice of stone ; and contains a suit of apartments furnished in a genteel, but not extravagant, style. Having suffered a similar fate with the Capitol in 1814, the exterior has, like that building, been painted. The area in front, with the drives, AND THE AMERICANS. 235 exhibited an appearance very different from the grounds of English mansions, where neat ness is carried to such excess, that even a decayed leaf is not allowed to obtrude itself upon the notice. The railing to the road appeared as if it had not received a coat of paint since it was fixed, to use a verb in great favour with the Ameri cans, and which is applied to any thing and every thing under the sun : the walks were unweeded and rough, the grass plot was strewn with fragments of bones and other rubbish ; and, to complete the coup d ceil, we sometimes saw sheets, table-cloths, and sundry body linen, displayed in true washerwoman s array in the grounds immediately before the drawing- room windows ; all which things might be conformable to republican simplicity, but as suredly did not meet our ideas of good taste, when associated with Corinthian porticoes and noble saloons. During the sitting of Congress, the Presi dent holds levees or drawing-rooms ; the pe culiar characteristics of which, as opposed to those of European courts, are being open to the public, and wholly divested of state. On the appointed evenings the doors are thrown open at eight o clock ; and the company, as 236 AMERICA, they arrive, pass into the drawing-room, where, if it is their wish, they are presented to the President, with whom it is usual to shake hands. Some slight refreshments are occa sionally handed by waiters in plain clothes ; and the whole, after promenading the apart ments for an hour or two, retire. On the evening of our visit, about 1000 persons of both sexes were present, all of whom were well dressed. Some of the foreign ministers and strangers of rank wore their stars and other decorations. The President, General Jackson, whose bow would pass the ordeal of the Tuileries or St. James s, is a tall thin man, apparently about sixty-five. His visage is long and pale, his hair grey, very bushy, and combed upwards ; and when we had the honour of being presented, he was in mourning, having recently lost his wife. Although, as I have observed, the doors are thrown open to all indiscriminately, we only noticed two or three persons who had the appearance of operative farmers or me chanics, and these ventured no further than the entrance to the first drawing-room, where, after gazing upon the brilliant throng for a few minutes, and not anticipating amusement, took their departure. We were informed that AND THE AMERICANS. 237 the working classes prefer having their own evenings, particularly that of New Year s day, when they muster in full force to shake hands with the nation s chief magistrate. The presence of guards of honour, of bands of gentlemen pensioners, and of livery servants, are, happily for the people, unknown in Ame rica ; but the objection to music at the levees, as too closely approximating to royal state, seems less weighty, and the absence of sweet sounds certainly deprives them of much en livening interest. How a proposition for the introduction of a military, or, indeed, any band into the man sion of the President would be received, may be judged, when I state that the directions for the drivers of coaches, as to setting down and taking up the company, and which ap peared in the Washington papers, were the subject of ridicule, although such regulations were absolutely necessary to prevent accidents. To our surprise none of the Indians made their appearance at the levees, although seve ral of rank were on a visit to the capital at the time. These interesting remnants of their race, whose fallen state was apparent in their " dejected haviour of the visage," were ge nerally to be seen in the bar-room, or under the 238 AMERICA, portico of their hotel. They were attired in fashionable costume ; in which, however, they did not appear at ease, and all wore Scotch plaid cloaks. Some laughable anecdotes were circulated respecting the deportment of these strangers at table, who, it seemed, were perfectly " at home," and thought nothing of throwing the bones from their plates upon a Brussels or Turkey carpet, and committing "other little breaches of politeness, not exactly in keeping with the rules of polished society. Contiguous to the residence of the President are the public offices of the government, in one of which, that of the department of state, is a collection of authentic portraits of Indian chiefs in the territories of the United States. The collection is particularly interesting, as an exhibition of the pictures of individuals whose characters are well known, and the physiogno mist may find much to attract his notice in these lineaments of the sons of the forest. In the same apartment are a great variety of Indian dresses, ornaments, and weapons, and we saw some silver medals of George III., which had been presented to chiefs by the British government, and afterwards given by these worthies to the Americans. In the bu- AND THE AMERICANS. 239 reau of foreign affairs are deposited the treaties between the United States and other powers. All these documents are on parchment, neatly written, and are bound in velvet, richly orna mented with gold trappings, bearing the im mense wax seals appended in silver boxes. I was sorry to observe, for the credit of the fine arts in my own country, that the seal of Great Britain was by far the worst executed of any ; while, strange to say, that of Ame rica was the best, both in design and execution. It is not the gewgaw finery, however, but the occasion and subject of these treaties, and the autographs of the signers, which renders them worthy of notice. One of the first in the catalogue is that between Great Britain and the United States immediately after the revo lutionary war ; and in which, despite of bold ciphers, I imagined I saw the subdued ob stinacy of George III. A treaty with France under the consulate was highly interesting, from its bearing the signatures of Bonaparte and Talleyrand. The latter is curious, from its not commencing with a capital letter. Those of the new republics of South America inspired cheering antici pations, notwithstanding the occasional effer vescences of party spirit, and the intrigues of 240 AMERICA, ambitious men, to which they may be for a long period subject. Together with the trea ties, we were permitted to examine a number of jewelled snuff-boxes, swords, and various articles presented by foreign powers to Ame rican ministers at their courts ; who, by a wise law of the constitution, are forbidden to retain such, and they are in consequence given up to the department of state. The great object of attraction in this divi sion of the public offices, and which, to the lover of civil and religious liberty is alone worth a pilgrimage to behold, is the original Declaration of Independence. This sacred and precious roll, the most valuable civil do cument in existence, is of parchment, and for its better preservation has lately been framed and glazed. The writing is very distinct, but the signatures have suffered a good deal from the fingers of well-meaning but thoughtless individuals. The secretary, to whose care the document is intrusted, informed us that he had only just time to convey it to a place of safety, before the British troops commenced the destruction of the public buildings ; and that, but for his exertions, this invaluable relic must have fallen a prey to the flames. We also learnt from another officer of govern- AND THE AMERICANS. ment the important fact, that, upon the occa sion of Captain Hall s visit, that gentleman held his infant child to the suspended parch ment, which he, to the astonishment of the Americans present, obliged it to kiss. The other public edifices of Washington, devoted to civil purposes, are, the City Hall, and the General Post Office, the first of which, when completed, will present a handsome appearance* The latter is a large brick building, defaced, as is too common in America, by a covering of bright yellow paint. In one wing of the structure is the Patent Office, where are depo sited and arranged models of all the machinery for which patents have been enrolled in the United States. The preservation of this valuable collection of mechanical ingenuity from the melancholy fate of the stores of literature in the Capitol, was owing to the timely interference of a British officer, who, with a mind superior to that of his commander, arrested the hand of the soldier about to apply a torch to the building. The churches are upon a small scale, and presented nothing particularly worthy of no tice. In one of them, the Unitarian, we saw that accomplished scholar and statesman, the AMERICA, ex- President Adams, who is a member of the sect. The present chief of the republic is attached to the Presbyterian denomination. For the convenience of the members of Con gress, the noble Hall of the Representatives is opened on Sundays as a place of worship, but we found the attendance very small. The Navy Yard of Washington is situated near the mouth of what is called the eastern branch of the Potomac, which is navigable for a short distance for vessels of the largest class. A sixty gun frigate, bearing the name of the river, had been recently launched, and another vessel of the same description was on the stocks. At the entrance of the yard are two im mense brass guns, highly polished, and bearing 1 the arms of Spain, by which power they were presented to the American government* In the area of this arsenal is likewise a rostrated column of white marble, surrounded by emblematical figures, erected, as the in scription states, to the memories of the officers who fell in an attack upon Tripoli. A more recent inscription states that this monument was mutilated by Britons in the year 1814. Without dwelling upon the folly of a nation thus recording its own disgrace, in allowing an AND THE AMERICANS. 243 enemy to pollute its sanctuaries, I must be permitted to remark, that the damage alluded to is not, after all, of a very serious nature ; being nothing more than what might have been done by any tipsy soldier with the end of his bayonet. Had the demolition of this monument been meditated, it could easily have been effected by half a dozen men in as many minutes ; but that such was not the case, is evident from the circumstance of it alone having been left stand ing, while all the magazines and warlike stores in this government establishment were either burnt or destroyed. Happy would it have been, had the invaders, who, in the capture of Washington, respected private property, limited their powers of de struction to the legitimate objects of warfare; then would not England have to bear the deep and lasting disgrace of an act of Van dalism unparalleled in modern times, the deliberate burning of a splendid library. Notwithstanding the anxiety of the Ame ricans to be independent of other countries in respect to what are styled the useful arts, they by no means exhibit the same zeal in matters of taste, or even in those of science, not directly bearing upon the advancement of R 2 244 AMERICA, wealth ; and the United States stand alone among civilised nations in not possessing a national Observatory, The advantages of such an establishment did not escape the reflecting mind of an Adams, who, during his presidency, strongly recommended the subject to public sanction ; but star-gazing not appearing likely to yield a good profit, the proposal was not acted upon, neither has it met with any en couragement from his successor in office. The district of Columbia, in which Wash^ ington is situated, is, as I have observed* formed out of a section of land ceded by the States of Maryland and Virginia, in both of which slavery is still tolerated ; and unfortu nately it remains, in this respect, upon a par with its neighbours. From our arrival in this division of the Union, I was extremely anxious to observe the state and general appearance of the black po pulation, and to discern if there was any very perceptible difference between those who were free, and their more unfortunate brethren. The result of my observations tended to con firm the fact ; for although the natural gaiety of the negro race is such, that the slave, if not cruelly treated by his master, may occasionally appear insensible to his degraded situation, AND THE AMERICANS. <245 yet, compared with even the poorest free black, he bears the stamp of bondage on his fore head. The slaves in this district, as well as (** in others, when not employed by their owners, are hired out to work at various occupations for which they may be qualified ; the owner reaping the profit of their exertions. In con versations with the blacks, I found a great reluctance on their parts to confess that they were not free, each, wishing to appear to belong to the envied class; all expressed a great horror at the possibility of their being sold and sent to the south, where slavery flourishes in all its deformity. The newspapers of the metropolis of free America are regularly disgraced by the in sertion of the most revolting advertisements of runaway slaves to be sold by auction ; of gangs of men, women, and children on sale for cash or credit parents without their off spring, and brothers and sisters together or separate; all which abominations, strange to relate, are countenanced under the very eyes of the champions of the rights of man, and in the presence of the standard of liberty. During the five weeks of our sojourn in Wash ington, several unfortunate runaways were thus disposed of to pay the expenses of their R 3 246 AMERICA, detention in gaol ; all of whom, as I heard, were bought, by the dealers in human flesh, for the southern markets. It was enough to behold slaves, without voluntarily attending the shocking exhibitions of sales of them ; but I did not hesitate to denounce such cruelties, together with the whole system of slavery, as often as oppor tunities presented themselves. The melan choly reflection, however, that slavery is the crying sin of England, as she still perpetuates it in her colonies, prevented my holding her up as an example to America ; and an attempt to show the inconsistency and cruel mockery of the sons of freedom holding their fellow creatures in abject bondage, on one occasion, produced the significant reproof, " Why be- holdest thou the mote that is in thy brother s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" To turn to the brighter side of the picture, I noticed a few circum stances, which, although perhaps trifling in themselves, may undoubtedly be considered as the commencement of a better state of feel ing on the part of the slave proprietors. One of these was the apparent reluctance in slave owners to make use of the term " slave " in conversation with persons whom they sus- AND THE AMERICANS. 247 pected of being hostile to the system ; the word " servant" being substituted, as having a less opprobrious sound. Another pleasing fact was the disposition shown to speak well of those who were distinguished for humane treatment of the unfortunate beings dependent upon them. At Washington we attended two meetings of considerable interest, both of which were held in the great Hall of Representatives. The first was that of the African Colonisa tion Society, the object of which is for the promoting the removal of the superabundant slave population from the United States to the coast of Africa, the land of their fore fathers. The new settlement, which dates its foundation so lately as the year 1827, is situated about two hundred miles from the British colony of Sierra Leone. The whole of the population, excepting one or two in dividuals, agents or officers of the Society, are emancipated blacks from the United States. The Report read on the occasion was exceed ingly flattering : the settlers were healthy ; a regular trade had commenced, and was in creasing ; a newspaper had been established ; places of worship opened ; in short, the ex periment of self-government on the part of 248 AMERICA, the blacks had been so far most successful, and had triumphantly refuted the slave-holders oft reiterated arguments, that " the negro is of an inferior race, and incapable of being civilised ! " The numerous speakers who addressed the meeting, all concurred in lamenting the evils of slavery ; and one, in particular, who repro bated the system in strong language, made the important assertion, " that experience had proved, that a slave-holding State could not long remain neighbour to a State in which the blacks were free." The force of this sentiment was evidently appreciated by the meeting, and was much applauded. However cheering such language might be, coupled as it was with the glad tidings that the germs of civilisation had been planted in benighted regions, with every prospect of their bringing forth an abundant harvest, still the consciousness that the la bours of the society must, of necessity, be limited to the deportation of only such a portion of the slave population as the planters find it convenient to emancipate, leaving the mass in hopeless misery, was a drawback from the pleasurable anticipations ; and this was heightened by the knowledge that the blacks AND THE AMERICANS. themselves would rather remain at home, if in the enjoyment of liberty. The African Colonisation Society must be looked upon as a well-meant plan, and as one which, in time, may create a moral revolution in the natives of the districts of Africa con tiguous to Liberia, and even of those in the interior provinces ; but, as regards America, its operations seemed rather calculated to perpetuate than to extinguish slavery. The scheme, as far as benefiting Africa, and, perhaps, the individuals removed thither, is a good one ; but, viewed as the means of get ting rid of the whole black population, which idea is really entertained by many, although not desired by the owners of slaves, it is chimerical. The second public meeting at the Capitol was that of the members of the Columbian Institute, a society formed for the purpose of promoting literature. A most eloquent address was delivered on the occasion by Professor Everett of Boston, in which that distinguished scholar and writer, comparing past ages with the present, and in happy allusion to the wonders of the locomotive engine, and other great and recent disco veries, drew a bright picture of the prospects &50 AMERICA, of mankind, and indulged in the idea of future generations being in the possession of still greater knowledge, and looking back to our triumphs with similar feelings to those with which we recur to the triumphs of our fore fathers in the old time before us. It was our intention to have made a pil grimage to Mount Vernon, the favourite re sidence of Washington, and where that great chief, justly styled " Pater Patrise," retired to repose on his well-earned laurels, after having won and consolidated the liberties of his native country. The distance from Washington is only sixteen miles ; but the river being frozen, and the road for a great part of the way im passable at the time for vehicles, induced us to delay the excursion, until some circum stances occurred, which unfortunately obliged us to abandon it altogether. The mansion and grounds of Mount Vernon command charming views of the beautiful Po tomac, on the banks of which river the domain is situated ; and we were informed that every thing remains much in the state in which it was left at the death of its great possessor. The key of that temple of despotism, the Bastile, is among the curiosities shown to strangers. This trophy of the ever-memorable AND THE AMERICANS. 14th of July, 1?89, was presented to Wash ington by the city of Paris. The immortal chief lies entombed in a vault in the grounds, into which honoured recep tacle his companion in arms, Lafayette, de scended, on that patriot s visit to America in 1824, mingling his tears with the mouldering ashes of his valued friend. The name of Mount Vernon was given to the estate by General Washington s eldest brother, in honour of the British Admiral Vernon, under whom he served at the taking of Porto Bello. This valuable property is now in the possession of Mr. John Adams Washington, a great nephew of the General. About the middle of February, we bade fare well to Washington and the Potomac, and proceeded to Baltimore. On the eve of our departure, an incident of a ludicrous nature took place at the boarding-house, which caused no little diversion at the time among our agreeable circle, and even now may be worth relating. Having broken the rule as respects dou ceurs to servants in favour of a black slave boy, who had performed some extra services, X ; he, not having before been in the possession of money, was determined to spend the AMERICA, amount to his taste in some of the luxuries indulged in by white people. The little fellow had been sent, the day before, to a druggist s, for an emetic for a lady ; and in entire igno rance of its nature, and supposing it must certainly be something very good, off he flew to the same shop as soon as he had got his half-dollar, and asked for more of the same stuff, alias " mixture as before, 55 which he speedily swallowed. Too soon, alas ! he per ceived the effects of his mistake ; and, after being the subject of a hearty laugh, he was admonished to be content for the future with out luxuries. The coach in which we travelled to Bal timore was of a lighter construction than any we had seen in America, and it was upon steel springs, which was also a novelty. The horses were excellent, and the driver civil without a fee. Our companions were of different grades as respects fashionable classification of society, but they were all sensible, well-informed individuals ; and, in opposition to the taciturnity of English stage coach travelling, we beguiled the time with agreeable conversation. The principal topics discussed, were the merits of several of the newest publications, AND THE AMERICANS. 253 among which Jefferson s Life and Corre spondence, and Captain Basil Hall s Travels in America, came in for their share of praise or censure. Nothing in the voluminous pages of the former appeared to be more highly re lished than the celebrated letter, showing up the reigning sovereigns of Europe, about the period of the establishment of the French republic ; which production I designated Jef ferson s Chapter of Kings. In this spirited effusion, the philosophical Writer states that one half of the crowned heads of that period were either imbecile or actually stark mad ; and he attributes this im becility of mind, in a great degree, to their system of intermarrying, and abandoning the grand principle of nature, which, in the animal as well as vegetable world, demands constant change. The fact, as related by Jefferson, that the personal accomplishments of George IV., in early life, had been acquired at the expense of mental cultivation, was believed the more readily, because that monarch s pleasures and habits, even in his maturer years, were almost entirely those of a voluptuary ; and more than once I heard the cognomen of Sar- danapalus applied to the sovereign of Britain. In speaking of Captain Hall s work, our fellow travellers did not deny that that writer s descriptions were vivid and faithful, as far as they went ; but they were hurt that, in giving the truth, he had omitted to give the whole truth. The Tory politics of Captain Hall were, however, as may be imagined, the very anti podes of the political creed of the Americans, who glory in the democratic principles of their government, which they know full well are the causes of their national prosperity and happiness ; and the taunts of that gentleman upon their active and progressive legislation, which he attributes to a fondness for what he terms " chopping and changing," rather than the desire to assimilate the institutions, in all respects, to the enlightened and improving spirit of the age, produced some caustic re marks. Among others, it was observed, that his assertion that the English people were satis fied to remain as they were, was falsified even at the very time of its promulgation, first, in the repeal of the Corporation and Test /* f j , ~t*----~* , r S ^ t/ . S ,x , x AND THE AMERICANS. * /x / $55 Jl<n***iJi <7 <*-e *?~>r\j / /**-* 7/t^. *^ *f .* fr l>-f >* ~ or? /~/<- ?ri<-*~~f-~ v 2*2-+sC*f-y***+~- Z- i/ ^**^ Acts; and, secondly, in the emancipation of the Catholics ; both which just measures were conceded to loudly expressed public opinion. The apparently triumphant proof also of the author, as to the satisfaction of the nation with its representative system being expressed by the repeated returns of the same indivi duals, was justly ridiculed; for it is a matter well known in America, that the people of Great Britain had little share in the choice of the members of the Commons House of Par liament, which the republicans were very well aware they considered a mockery of legis lation, and merely a chamber of dependants, and tools of an insolent and grasping oligarchy* It was a prevailing opinion in the United States, that Captain HalFs volumes were written at the instigation of the Tory govern ment of that period, in order to depreciate republican institutions, and thereby repress the growing spirit of freedom at home. Be this as it may, recent " chopping and chang ing " proves that, in this respect, such writings have been wholly inoperative ; the doctrine of the sovereignty of the people having become so virtually recognised in England, as well as <u A"*v^>v C 4rT+s4+^ fe~ 7#T ^c^e^ut^fc<^ 256 AMERICA, in other countries, as to sanction the probabi lity of our being about to witness great and important revolutions in the art of government, and it is to be hoped, as the result, great and important improvements in the social condition of mankind* AND THE AMERICANS. CHAP. XIII, BALTIMORE, the fourth city of America, in point of extent and population, has literally sprung up in the memory of man. Eighty years ago it contained not more than twenty or thirty mean tenements, and its shipping was limited to one small square-rigged vessel. The same place now numbers upwards of seventy thousand inhabitants, and its ships trade to every quarter of the habitable globe. Unlike New York or Philadelphia, the sur face of the ground upon which the city stands is irregular. The streets are mostly at right angles, and of a good width ; but they are not kept in neat order, and swine innumerable roam at large. The houses are built of excel lent red bricks, quantities of which are ex ported to New York and other places. The city contains several handsome public edifices ; the principal of which, in point of extent, is the Exchange. This spacious build ing contains a noble hall for the accommoda tion of the merchants and others, who meet shaded from the burning suns of summer, or 258 AMERICA, the cold blasts of winter. A gentleman, to whom I expressed my admiration of the beauty of this hall, remarked, as a singular circum stance, and as one that struck him on his travels, that the ports of Great Britain, the greatest commercial nation in the world, with its humid climate too, should not possess any mercantile places of rendezvous of this de scription open to the public. Of the class of edifices dedicated to reli gion, the Roman Catholic Cathedral stands conspicuously distinguished. Baltimore being, if I may be allowed the expression, the head quarters of Catholicism in the United States, and the residence of an archbishop, a very considerable sum has been expended in the erection of a temple worthy of these honours. The building in question is in the form of the sacred symbol of Christianity, and is about two hundred feet in length. It is surmounted by a dome, after the manner of the Pantheon at Rome ; and contains some paintings, one of which was presented by Louis XVIII. The organ is the largest in the country. On the doors were affixed notices, stating that persons entering the church, and refusing to perform the usual genuflexions, or conform to the ce- AND THE AMERICANS. 259 remonies of worship, would be forcibly ex pelled. In the face of this somewhat startling and questionable mandate of those in authority, however, we attended mass on the first Sunday succeeding our arrival ; and although we could not consistently join in all " the outward and visible signs," no notice was taken of our breach of ecclesiastical discipline. The service was conducted with consider able splendour, aided by most delicious music ; and the sermon, like almost all I have had the pleasure of hearing from the pulpits of the Church of Rome, inculcated good works, and contained no uncharitable allusions to those who professed a different creed. The crowded congregation consisted chiefly of Irish, of which nation there are great numbers in Bal timore. Among the assembled throng in this holy place, one individual in particular ar rested our attention from the moment of his entrance. It was the venerable Charles Car roll, the last survivor of that patriot band, who pledged " their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honour," to establish the liberties of their country. This highly respected gen tleman, who is the grandfather of the present Marchionesses of Wellesley and Carmarthen, s 2 260 AMERICA, the former of whom is attached to the court of Queen Adelaide, was then in his ninety- second year, yet walked along the aisle with a vigorous step. Contiguous to the Cathedral, but widely opposed as regards the abstract doctrines pro mulgated by the clergy of these respective places of worship, is the Unitarian Church, a spacious and ornamental structure. The roof, like that of the Cathedral, is a dome. Many of the pews w^ere furnished with small iron boxes, containing heaters, which diffused a most .agreeable warmth. The pulpit was upon the same plan as those of the Unitarian churches of New York, although differing in style of ornament. Amidst the bustle of trade and manufac tures, the inhabitants of Baltimore have not been unmindful of the application of the fine arts to commemorate the virtues of the illus trious dead, or to record the triumphs of their fellow-citizens ; and two classic monuments, which adorn the city, are the result of their patriotic feeling. One of these, called Wash ington s monument, is a white marble column, 163 feet in height, upon the summit of which is placed a colossal statue of the General. The choice of situation is good, and the effect AND THE AMERICANS. 26 1 imposing. The second work of art, styled the battle monument, was erected to the memory of the officers and soldiers who fell in defence of the city in the year 1814. The design is extremely classical, and is creditable to the artist, whose name I unfortunately omitted to record. A small square erection, supposed to be a mausoleum, is surmounted by the Roman fasces, on the ribands or ties of which are inscribed the names of the individuals slain. In lieu of the axe is a figure of Victory. This beautiful tribute to patriotism and va lour is of white marble, and is about fifty-five feet in height. It is also appropriately orna mented with the national emblems j and at the angles of the iron railing are cannons placed perpendicularly. The great object of attraction at the period of our visit to Baltimore was the railroad, which, when completed, will communicate with Pittsburgh, on the river Ohio, the Bir mingham of America. The distance between the two cities is about three hundred miles ; and although eighteen months had scarcely elapsed from the commencement of this mag nificent undertaking, the line for the first ten miles was about to be opened. The rails of this road are constructed of s 3 26% AMERICA, timber, the upper edges of which are plated with flat bar-iron, and they are strongly fastened to the sleepers, as the transverse logs upon which the rails rest are technically called. The viaducts already finished are either of freestone or granite. The labourers employed on this, and all the great works of the kind in progress in America, are natives of Ireland ; and I was happy to observe, on looking into their temporary wooden cabins, which are erected at different stations on the road, that, although there ap peared a good deal of wild disorder in the domestic arrangements, and the total absence of what an English cottager would term com fort, there was no lack of the means to live ; which was the more important, as philopro- genitiveness seemed the order of the day. Every hovel had its swarm of children, its barrel of superfine flour, flitch of bacon, and stone bottle of the " creature," and the inter stices were filled up with pigs and poultry. As if in antithesis to the splendour of the capital from which it derived its name, one of these clusters of habitations was dignified with the title of Dublin ; although I could not discern any thing like a window in the place ; and the chimneys, if they deserved the AND THE AMERICANS. appellation, were neither more nor less than old flour-barrels. The country around Bal timore possesses abundant water power or " privileges j " and a number of large flour-mills have been erected in the neighbourhood, together with extensive manufactories in the various branches of iron, copper, lead, glass, paper, cotton, and in fact in almost every department of the useful arts. One of the towers for the manufacture of shot, situated in the city, is the loftiest erection of the kind I had seen either in America or elsewhere, and the view from the summit is very extensive. To the aged inhabitants, who remember infant Baltimore, the panorama must be particularly striking. About three miles below the city is Fort M Henry, the fortification which commands the arm of the Patapsco upon which Balti more is located. Here we beheld, for the first time, American regular troops, a few of which were on duty. They were in grey uniforms, and looked remarkably well. Se veral deserters were at work in the area of the fort, with cannon balls chained to their legs, a mode of punishment substituted for the inhuman and brutalising practice of flogging ; which, to the disgrace of the British nation, s 4 264 AMERICA, it still permits in its armies and fleets, although abolished in those of every other power. Amongst the ordnance, I noticed a few brass six-pounders bearing the arms of France, and the inscription, " Ultima ratio regum." These guns, which were cast in the reign of Louis XV., were a part of the munitions of war furnished by the French nation to the American colonies during their conflict with the mother country. Fort M Henry was bombarded by the Bri tish fleet in 1814, simultaneously with the attempt made upon Baltimore by the army under General Ross ; but, as I was informed, with so little effect, that the only sufferer was an old woman. A few miles lower down the river is the field of battle, or rather skirmishing, where the commander of the British forces, General Ross, lost his life ; and between Fort M Henry and the city, several mouldering redoubts serve to remind the traveller of the last unfor tunate rupture between the two countries. The only public place of amusement open during our sojourn in this busy and thriving port was the Circus, which is the largest theatre of that description in America. The AND THE AMERICANS. 265 principal members of the corps de ballet were French. The breaking up of the ice, which took place early in the month of March, was the signal for our bidding adieu to the polite and hospitable society of Baltimore; and as soon as the navigation of the rivers again became practicable, we returned to Philadelphia, by the same route as that by which we came, ex cept that in lieu of passing through the new canal, we crossed the peninsula of Maryland and Delaware, by coach, from French town, on the Elk, to Newcastle, on the Delaware river. The surface of the Chesapeake, as well as of the Elk, on this voyage, were, in many places, literally covered with wild ducks ; and we sailed amongst myriads of these birds, who reluctantly quitted the water, even to allow the passage of the steamer. We arrived at Philadelphia just in time to witness the presentation of the diplomas to the medical students of the University. The ceremony, which took place in the Music Hall, in consequence of the new College not being finished, was conducted with becoming effect, in the presence of a large audience of talent and fashion. 266 AMERICA, An excellent band, the members of which were all blacks, contributed to enliven the meeting by performing select pieces of music at intervals. The inspiring national air, " Hail, Columbia I" which acts upon the Ame rican as " Rule Britannia" does upon the nerves of the Briton, or the "Marsellois" upon those of the sons and daughters of France, was an admirale finale to this intellectual exhibition. The Medical School of Philadelphia ranks the highest in the United States, and its honours are consequently held in much repute ; but in this city, as every where in America, the title of Doctor is assumed by every em piric and petty dealer in poisons, and as freely bestowed by the generality of the people. During this our second residence in Phi ladelphia, we had an opportunity of viewing the late President West s celebrated picture of 66 Christ Rejected," which had recently arrived from London, and was exhibited to admiring crowds in the Hall of Independence. There was something particularly interesting in the contemplation of this chef d oeuvre of the artist in his native city, and in which some of his boyish sketches yet remain ; and it must cer tainly be considered bad taste in the wealthy AND THE AMERICANS. 267 citizens of Philadelphia, allowing the picture to be returned to England, instead of its being deposited in the Academy of Fine Arts, where it would have been at once an ornament to the city, and an example to youthful talent. In our rambles we also visited a new cemetery, remarkable for its neatness of arrangement. We were shown a kind of iron case for the purpose of protecting bodies from being stolen. This ingenious contrivance was, in form, like a large coffin without a bottom. The lid, sides, and ends, fitted together by bolts, the last of which was secured by a lock. This case, after being allowed to enclose the real coffin in the grave for a few weeks, is removed, and the grave again filled with earth. Such safeguards will, however, in all pro bability, ere long, cease to be required, as the practice of the exhumation of bodies for the purpose of dissection will be extinct in America, as soon as the legislatures of the re spective States follow the example of that of Massachusetts ; which, taking enlightened France as its guide, has lately passed an act authorising the governors of all public cha ritable institutions to deliver the bodies of those that die therein, which are not claimed 268 AMERICA, in a certain time by their relations or friends, to the anatomical schools. As we were leaving the quiet precincts of this depository of the dead, we met the fu neral procession of a black domestic. The hearse was open at the sides so as to expose the coffin, which was made of dark polished wood, and the lid was roof-shaped. About fifty blacks of both sexes, extremely well dressed, followed, walking two and two, at a slow pace. The effect to Europeans was striking. Early in April we took leave of the fair city of Philadelphia, where, in the society of some of its chief ornaments, we had spent few indeed but happy days, and returned to New York, by Bordenton. The banks of the Delaware, on our voyage, bespoke the genial influence of spring, and all nature seemed smiling. At Bordenton, we took the stage to Wash ington, a village situated on a creek which falls into the Rariton river a little below. About a mile from the former place is the residence of Joseph Bonaparte, Count Sur- villiers, ex- King of Naples and of Spain. The mansion has nothing in its exterior to AND THE AMERICANS. attract particular attention, but it contains some fine paintings and other works of art. The woods and grounds are extensive, but the latter are susceptible of much improve ment. The Count, who is understood to be exceedingly rich, lives in an easy and hospitable manner, and is highly and very deservedly respected by his farming neighbours, who in variably style him Mr. Bonaparte. That the ci-devant sovereign has laid aside state, and all the pomp and circumstance of kingly etiquette, will be credited, when I in form my readers, that on passing his mansion on an excursion in the previous autumn, I saw the ex-monarch standing at his gate, attired as an American farmer, in a rough white hat and a half worn suit. He returned my salute in a friendly and familiar manner, and pro ceeded to give some directions to a labourer, just as if, as the Americans say, he had been raised on the soil.* In person, Count Sur- villiers is taller than his late brother Napoleon, stout, and of a hale, ruddy complexion. At Washington village we again embarked in a steamer ; and, in the evening, landed * Since the above was written, Count Survilliers has returned to Europe. 270 AMERICA, once more in the ever animated city of New York. A few days after our return, the whole population were agreeably surprised by the arrival of a fleet of vessels from Europe, the ports of which they had only left fifteen or sixteen days. Such quick passages across the Atlantic homeward had never before been performed, the voyages of the fastest sailing ships being seldom less than thirty days. Among the vessels which so rapidly ploughed the main, were the splendid packet Caledonia, from Liverpool, and the Josephine, from Bel fast. After feasting upon a file of Morning Chro nicles wet from the press ; skimming the cream from the latest Edinburgh Review or Literary Gazettes ; and turning over the pages of Mur ray s, Longman s, or Cadell s "just published" quartos or octavos, isolated copies of which look the more tempting in a foreign land ; we hastened to Boston, proceeding by way of Providence, the capital of the little state of Rhode Island. Our voyage thither, a distance of one hundred and eighty miles, was made in a splendid steamer called the President, one of the largest and certainly one of the most elegant vessels on the American waters. We sailed from New York in the afternoon ; AND THE AMERICANS. and rapidly passing the city, and through the channel called the East River, we soon cleared the intricate navigation of the entrance into Long Island Sound, the Scylla and Charybdis of America. This passage or strait bears the ominous title of Hell Gates, the name given it by the first settlers, on account of the dan gerous nature of the rocks and currents ; which, previously to the introduction of steam, could not be passed by large vessels with safety. A British frigate was wrecked in the at tempt, during the revolutionary war ; and a few years ago, in a fruitless search for gold, some bottles and other articles were recovered from the wreck by means of a diving-bell. The name of Hell Gate or Gates, by puritanical squeamishness, has lately been metamorphosed into that of Hurl Gate, by which it is now very generally known. Early the next morning we reached New port, which possesses one of the finest harbours in the United States. The new fortifications at this place are upon a scale commensurate with its importance in the event of a war, and the most powerful fleet would not now be able to approach the har bour with impunity. Three hours sailing up AMERICA, the river brought us to the city of Providence, a flourishing town with nearly twenty thou sand inhabitants. Here we took the stage for Boston. The road between Providence and that city, a distance of forty miles, is tolerably good, but the country is in general stony and poor. A few miles from the former place we passed through Pawtucket, situated at the falls of the river of that name. This village is a seat of the cotton manufacture, and con tained above a dozen factories in active oper ation ; although, at that period, considerable embarrassment had been experienced in the financial concerns of the proprietors. As we approached Boston, the scenery improved ; and after passing a number of pretty country seats, we beheld the cluster of spires rising from the birth-place of Franklin, where we soon after found ourselves agreeably seated. AND THE AMERICANS. CHAP. XIV. BOSTON, which has been founded two cen turies, was originally called Tremont, or Tre- mountain, from the circumstance of its being situated on three hills. The city is almost surrounded by water ; the connection with the main land being formed by a narrow strip called the Neck. The communication, in other directions, is kept up by timber bridges ; one of which is no less than 1300 yards in length. The older streets are irregular indeed, as tortuous as those of the old towns of England ; but such as are of later date are laid out at right angles. They are kept in neat order ; and, unlike the thoroughfares of all the other cities we had visited, they were not peram bulated day and night by swine. Many of the original names have given place to others more congenial to the state of political feeling ; thus, Washington has superseded Marlborough, and King and Queen have been metamor phosed into Court and State Street. The houses are chiefly of brick, and very much in the English style of architecture, T AMERICA many of the better kind having balconies. Indeed, the general appearance of the place, the complexion of the inhabitants, and the absence of black population, except a few domestics, strongly reminded us of our own country. The disinterested and friendly attentions of the Americans to strangers had been proved to us in numberless instances, previous to our ar rival in this quarter of the Union, but in none were they displayed more conspicuously than in the city of Boston, where our reception was such as to cause us instantly to feel at home. Availing ourselves of the facilities afforded by those whose politeness was the more valu able, because voluntary, we proceeded to visit its numerous public establishments, and its environs, the theatre of the early glory of the American republic. The first object of our curiosity was the statue of Washington, by the Phidias of the British school of sculpture, Chantrey. This grand work of art, which is partially known to the public through the medium of engravings, ornaments the new State House, an edifice of large dimensions, and of hand some architecture. It is judiciously placed in a recess lighted from above ; and is seen as AND THE AMERICANS. 275 approached from the grand entrance of the mansion. This greatest of modern heroes is represented standing, enveloped in an ample robe, and holding in one hand a scroll. Those parts of the figure not concealed by drapery display a modification of modern costume. Without presuming to cavil at this deviation from the antique, such is the conception and execution of this beautiful statue, that, inde pendent of the association of ideas, the spec tator stands in silent admiration ; but indulging in such, the effect is sublime. It is not in the interior of the State House alone that the eye and mind are gratified. The view from the lofty dome, by which it is surmounted, is as extensive as it is pictur esque ; and full of historical interest, as regards the commencement of the glorious struggle, which terminated, happily for mankind, in American independence. At our feet lay the city, with its halls, and its sites, rendered memorable as the places where the intelligence and free spirits of the country discussed their wrongs, or gave vent to their outraged feelings in bold and ener getic, yet peaceable remonstrances. Taking a wider range, in one direction the eye rested upon the blood-stained field, where a despotic T 2 276 AMERICA, government was taught, by a severe lesson, to respect the sacred rights of man ; while, in another, it gazed upon those eminences, where the military genius of a Washington displayed itself, as if by magic, to the discomfiture of the retiring foe. Anxious to forget so dark a period of our country s history, and to bury the remem brance of the injustice and madness of our fathers in oblivion, we also beheld the exten sive panorama as lovers of nature, and our gratification was extreme. The wide expanse of the unruffled bay, with its archipelago of islands, the undulated country, sprinkled with smiling villages, and cheerful habitations, together with the bold outline of the distant hills, all combined under an atmosphere as pure as it was mild, produced an enchanting picture, and one which is indelibly impressed on the memory. In front of the State House is a park, many acres in extent, which, in the colonial times, bore the name of the Common ; but having been railed, and ornamented, is now dignified with the title of Mall. Here the British troops were for some time encamped ; and near a huge and ancient elm, which still spreads its venerable arms, are the remains of a redoubt, AND THE AMERICANS. #77 thrown up at that period. Among the number of mansions which form one side of the streets bounding this beautiful verdant enclosure, that of the celebrated patriot, Hancock, is distin guished. In the edifice appropriated to public meet ings of the citizens, called Fanueil Hall, and termed the Cradle of the Revolution, from the preliminary assemblages of the early cham pions of the people s rights having been held there, we saw an admirable full length portrait of Washington by Steuart, and also a portrait of Hancock by Copley, the father of the ex-Chancellor Lord Lyndhurst. Both these artists were Americans, and both attained a high rank in their profession. The former was, in early life, a pupil of West. A bust of the late John Adams, father of the ex- President, likewise adorns this hallowed tem ple of liberty. The Athenaeum, which is at the head of the numerous literary institutions of the city, con tains a well selected library of nearly 30,000 volumes ; also a collection of casts from many of the finest statues of antiquity, and a cabinet of impressions from rare medals and gems. I was happy to observe, that these intellec tual treasures were all in excellent preserv- T 3 278 AMERICA, ation. In front of the pedestals of the casts, neat placards were suspended, bearing the title or common appellation of the figure or group, accompanied by a succinct account of the subject, for the information of such as were unacquainted with the arts or classic lore. One of the apartments contained marble busts of Sir Isaac Coffin, ex- President Adams, and Dr. Josiah Quincy. The first of these was by Behmes : the two latter were the production of a young native sculptor of the name of Greenough, who has resided for some years in Italy ; and they not only interested us as faithful resemblances of those eminent individuals whose features they were intended to portray, but acquired an additional value as able specimens of the talents of a young artist in a branch hitherto unap- proached by his countrymen. The gallant admiral, whose likeness is here deposited, is an American by birth, but has served almost all his life in the British navy, of which he is a distinguished ornament. He is, nevertheless, exceedingly popular among his countrymen ; and we heard it humorously recorded, that whilst on a visit to his native place, a fewyearsago, above six hundred persons of the name claimed the honour of relation- AND THE AMERICANS. 279 ship, among whom was a black man. Terra cotta busts of Washington, Franklin, and Lafayette, as well as some portraits, likewise ornamented the chamber, A well supplied news-room, in which no talking louder than a whisper is permitted, forms part of this polite establishment. Contiguous to the Athenaeum is a conve nient building, devoted to the advancement of the arts and sciences. It contains a theatre, where lectures are periodically delivered, and a gallery for the exhibition of works of art. The annual exhibition of pictures was on the eve of opening when we were about to leave Bos ton, but, by the politeness of some members of the committee, we were favoured with a peep behind the curtain before the completion of the arrangements. The result of our visit was gratifying, inasmuch as we saw native talent existed, which, under the genial warmth and fostering care of public patronage, will assu redly produce fruit. Some pictures by the old masters graced the walls ; and we were shown a small portrait in crayons, by Lawrence when a youth. By the date of this clever little picture, the artist must have been only thirteen years of age at the time of its execution. T 4 280 AMERICA, Although Boston owes its origin to the emigrant English puritans, a strong tincture of whose rigid observances yet remains among its population, their descendants have so far deviated from the creed of their forefathers, that a temple of Thespis had lately been erected, scarcely inferior in beauty to any in the United States. The fa9ade is of two de scriptions of granite the one gray, the other of a reddish hue which last has been success fully employed in beautiful Ionic pilasters, which support an entablature and pediment. The interior is finished in a correspondent style of elegance. Opposite the theatre is an hotel called Tre- mont House, one of the largest, and cer tainly the most elegant building of the kind in America, and, perhaps, not surpassed in Eu rope. The principal front of this noble man sion is of gray granite, and is ornamented by a chaste and extensive Doric portico of the same material, the whole admirably worked. This fashionable establishment contains nearly two hundred apartments^ besides spacious dining and drawing rooms, furnished in the best manner ; and yet the charge for board and lodging in other words, for faring sump tuously every day, and reposing in comfort at AND THE AMERICANS. 281 night is only about two guineas per week each person. Wines are not included in the terms of board; but lists of the kinds and prices are furnished by the waiters when asked for, or may be perused in the bar-room, which is a place much frequented in all American hotels. In the centre of an old and extensive cemetery, contiguous to Tremont House, sur rounded by hundreds of the fathers of the country, lie interred the venerable and worthy parents of the illustrious Franklin. It will be recollected by those who are familiar with the life of that truly great man, whose name is no less associated with practical morality than with science, that, visiting the place of his nativity many years after his settlement in Philadelphia, he caused the following simple and beautiful inscription to be placed over the grave of those to whom he owed his birth : " HERE LIE JOSIAS FRANKLIN AND ABIAH HIS WIFE; They lived together with reciprocal affection for fifty-nine years ; and without private fortune, without lucrative employment, by assiduous labour and honest industry, decently supported a numerous family, and educated, with success, thirteen children, and seven grandchil dren. Let this example, reader, encourage thee dili- AMERICA gently to discharge the duties of thy calling, and to rely on the support of Divine Providence. He was pious and prudent, She discreet and virtuous. Their youngest son, from a sentiment of filial duty, con secrates this stone to their memory." The slab containing this inscription having gone to decay, the inhabitants of Boston have, with proper feeling and much good taste, lately erected a massive granite obelisk over the grave. Upon one side of this lasting memorial appears the name of Franklin in raised bronze characters, and underneath is a tablet with the original inscription. With equal respect to the memory of Frank lin, the printing-press at which the philoso pher first worked is carefully preserved in the city. Many of the tombs in this and the older burying grounds of Boston are ornamented with coats of arms, and bear the names of colonists of rank. We noticed one to the memory of Governor Winthrop, who served the office under the unfortunate but accom plished monarch, Charles I. Several of this gentleman s descendants are among the prin cipal families of the city at the present day, to the unremitting kindness of some of whom *1 - h - AND THE AMERICANS. we owe much of the pleasurable remembrance of our sojourn in the Athens of America. In connection with the subject of ceme teries, I may observe, that the horses drawing the hearses at funerals in Boston were led by men walking at their heads, which had a much more solemn effect than when driven by a man seated on a coach-box. This city being as it were the metropolis of Unitarianism, we naturally expected to find a number of edifices dedicated to public wor ship according to that faith ; but we were not prepared to behold them in all the dignity of ^ f " v the Episcopal and Presbyterian churches, with towering spires and peals of bells. Few, how ever, of the religious structures of Boston possess particular claims to notice on the score of architecture, but all are commodious ; and as the inhabitants are, generally speaking, dis tinguished for their strict observance of the ". x v \ Sabbath, they are frequented by crowded con gregations, who, as every where in America, very properly make it a matter of importance to arrive before the commencement of the servce. We attended public worship at two of the principal Episcopal churches, those of St. Paul and Trinity. The front of the former 284 AMERICA, represents an Ionic temple, and the interior is finished in a correspondently chaste style. Near the altar was a large copy of the cele brated Transfiguration, painted by an Italian artist. The Bishop of the State of Connecticut officiated on the morning of our visit, and delivered a most impressive discourse. This worthy divine was attired in a simple black gown ; he, like his brother bishops of the United States, having wisely rejected those unseemly and ridiculous appendages, wigs, aprons, and lawn sleeves. I observed that, in reading the Liturgy, the Bishop did not bow the head on pronouncing the name of the Saviour in the creeds, a custom which still prevails in the Established Church of Eng land. The church dedicated to the Holy Trinity had recently been erected on the site of one built at an early period of the colony. The style is Gothic, but not highly decorated, and the material granite. On the occasion of a wedding, we saw this extensive building nearly filled with females, whom curiosity had at tracted to witness the interesting ceremony ; and the happy couple had even some difficulty to pass from the church to the hackney coach AND THE AMERICANS. 285 in waiting, so eager was the multitude to have a near view of the parties. Old South Church, so named from its age and situation, is devoted to the Presbyterian form of worship, and is attended by a large congregation. The building is memorable as having been metamorphosed into a riding- school by the British troops, and used as such for some years prior to the Revolution. The Gallican feeling to ecclesiastical edi fices, if they happened to be possessed by any denomination of Christians save the Church of England, was not uncommon with the Bri tish commanders in America, and gave great and just offence to the inhabitants. The following is a copy of a handbill which was printed at the restoration of the edifice to its legitimate use, and with which I was favoured by one of the members of the con gregation : ANTHEM. " This Anthem was sung at the re-opening of the Old South Church, after having been occupied about eight years by the British as a place for training their horses, and was written for that joyful occasion by William Selby, the then Organist of King s Chapel, Boston. " Behold, God is my salvation ! I will trust and not be afraid ; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song ; he also is become my salvation. He hath raised 286 AMERICA, up the tabernacle of David that was fallen ; he hath closed up the breaches thereof; he hath raised up the ruins ; he hath built it as in the days of old, and caused his people to rejoice therein. " Praise the Lord, call upon his name, declare his doings among the nations, make mention that his name is exalted. Sing unto the Lord, for he hath done excellent things ; this is known in all the earth. Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel, in the midst of thee. Hallelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Amen." The congregation of King s Chapel, or, as it is now styled, the Stone Chapel, from the ma terial of which it is built, as well as from the hatred of the former title, use a Liturgy pecu liar to themselves. This composition appeared to be framed so as to meet the wishes of those who dissented from the more disputed doc trines of the Episcopal Church, and yet pre ferred a written form of prayer. Although we visited the principal Unitarian places of worship, we were unfortunately deprived of the pleasure of hearing the celebrated Dr. Chan- ning, of whose oratory I have already made mention, and we lamented the circumstance the more from a knowledge that the delicate health of that eminent divine contracted the sphere of his usefulness. All the public structures of Boston, lately AND THE AMERICANS. 287 erected, are of granite, and they are also in an admirable style of architecture. Among the most conspicuous erections is the market, which measures nearly 550 feet in length, and 50 in width. At each end is a Doric portico, the columns of which are formed of single blocks of granite twenty-three feet high. The interior contains two ranges of shops, in which the different descriptions of provisions are displayed ; the variety, however, was less numerous than in the markets of the principal towns of Great Britain. Among the vegetables we noticed the common dan delion, which, cut when young, and boiled, is very palatable, and is much eaten. The prices of most articles were lower than in the markets of New York. 288 AMERICA, CHAP. XV. THE country in the neighbourhood of Boston is decidedly picturesque ; and the roads are superior to any we had seen in America. They are, in general, made upon the M Adam principle if that system can with propriety be referred to any individual in the present day, when it is a well known fact, that the roads in many parts of Italy and Spain have been constructed with broken fragments of stone from time immemorial. The merit of Mr. M Adam seems to be in his having improved and extended the method, rather than being the originator of it ; and, under this impression, some Americans feel desirous to adopt a new term for the art. Our first perambulation in the environs was to the celebrated battle field of Breeds, erroneously called Bunker s Hill. Crossing a long timber bridge, we entered Charlestown, which is separated from Boston by the river Charles. This place, which was originally built of wood, was set on fire by the British, and en- AND THE AMERICANS. 289 tirely consumed, during the attack upon the American forces in June, 1775. It has long since risen from its ashes, and is now a cheer ful little town, with 7000 inhabitants. In the immediate vicinity is Breeds Hill, the scene of the sanguinary struggle which took place at an early period of the revolutionary war, and in which the Americans showed the most dauntless courage, only retiring when over powered by numbers, and destitute of ammu nition. To commemorate this important event in American history, the inhabitants of Boston and the neighbourhood are erecting a monu ment on the blood-stained eminence, as im perishable as the record of the glorious struggle itself This memorial is a plain granite obe lisk, without a pedestal, 220 feet in height, and fifty feet in diameter at the base. A spiral staircase, built within the structure, leads to the summit. The first block of this colossal memorial, the largest of the kind in the world, was laid, amidst great rejoicings, by Lafayette, on the 15th of June, 1825, the fiftieth anniversary of the battle ; but, in consequence of the funds having become exhausted, the progress of the work had been temporarily suspended. Some 290 AMERICA, traces of the redoubt and lines contested on that memorable day are yet visible, and are beheld by every American as consecrated ground. Adjoining the town of Charlestown, on one side, is the State Prison, a noble building of granite, 200 feet long, and five stories high ; and on the other, is the Navy Yard, one of the most complete establishments of that de scription in the United States. On visiting this depot, I was presented with a ticket by one of the marines on duty at the gate, which ticket was demanded on my exit. I saw three vessels ready for launching, one of which was of the largest class of the line. The Columbus of 100 guns, a ship of 80 guns, and a heavy frigate, lay in ordinary at the wharf. A dock sufficiently large to receive a first rate, and entirely constructed of granite, was nearly completed. This was the fourth naval arsenal I had visited ; in all of which, although a foreigner, and alone, I had had full liberty to inspect the ships, the stores, the ordnance, in fact, every thing that attracted my curiosity ; and in several instances had received the most particular answers to my interrogatories. I cannot avoid noticing this extreme liber- AND THE AMERICANS. 291 ality to strangers, as opposed to the rules of similar establishments at home, where, to the unintroduced visiter, the gates are hermeti cally sealed. This system of exclusion is the more to be deprecated, because, in some cases, it proceeds from a narrow jealousy, without a shadow of justification. I need only mention the refusing admittance to Americans at the dock-yards of Portsmouth or Plymouth ; as if that enterprising people could now learn any thing in the beautiful art of ship-building even from Great Britain, when it is notorious, that almost all the great im provements in naval architecture of late years are of American origin. It was after my visit to the Navy Yard of Boston, that I heard, for the first time in America, any opinions expressed on the sub ject of the conflict between the British frigate the Shannon, and the United States ship the Chesapeake; the only action on John Bull s own element during the war where the force of the combatants was at all equal. The unfortunate result to the Americans was confidently attributed to the crew of the Che sapeake having been in a state of intoxication. To render this version of the story probable, it is necessary to suppose that the commander u 2 292 AMERICA, and his brother officers were drunk too : thus is the problem solved, and the gallant Captain Broke, and the tars of the Shannon, are cheated of their laurels. No triumphs of the Americans caused so much exultation as the captures of British men of war ; and the walls of half the boarding- houses in the sea-ports are ornamented with representations of the taking of the Guerrier and Macedonian ; which vessels, by the by, are always made to appear as large, or larger than their opponents, and totally dismasted, while the latter are in full trim ; but the taking of the Chesapeake is kept sub silentio. The principal seminary for the education of youth in the state of Massachusetts is Harvard College. This alma mater is situated in the village or town of Cambridge, about three miles from Boston, on the road to Lexington, the spot celebrated in history as the scene of the first martyrdom of the American patriots, and where the key-note of liberty and resist ance to tyrants was sounded. The college takes its name from its founder, the Rev. J. Harvard, who was one of the earliest settlers from the mother-country. The buildings are more extensive than ornamental, with the ex ception of a chapel lately erected. The library AND THE AMERICANS. contains nearly 25,000 volumes, together with philosophical apparatus, and a museum of natural history. We were particularly fortunate in making our visit to Harvard College, on what is termed an exhibition day, as it gave us an opportu nity of judging, in some degree, of the course of education pursued, and the proficiency of the students. The provost, Dr. J. Quincey, whose bust we had seen at the Athenaeum, presided in the theatre, which is commodious, and on this occasion was crowded with beauty and fashion. The recitations, which were in the Greek, Latin, and English languages, were all extremely well delivered ; and several com positions in the latter tongue were of a very high character, and exceedingly creditable to the youthful composers. Whether it was in consequence of the cri tical acumen displayed by Captain Hall, I know not, but one of the young orators, who had occasion to use the words " chivalry and chicanery," pronounced them both in a style that would have fully satisfied the gallant officer, and made ample amends for the per tinacity of the New York " school madam," who did not conceive that " they that go u 3 AMERICA, down to the sea in ships" are the best models in scholastic matters. The expenses at Harvard College are very moderate ; and particularly so, when compared with those of similar establishments in Eng land. The students are, for the most part, the sons of the wealthier classes ; and although the immediate prospects of many may be the counting-room or the store, they all receive such a course of liberal education as to fit them for higher destinies, should their talents in after-life attract the notice of their country men. In no part of the United States is the sub ject of education so warmly espoused as in the division of Massachusetts, where that blessing is within the reach of all, free of cost, ample funds being provided for the maintenance of the public schools by the state. The consequences of this wise liberality are apparent in the state of the population ; which, both as regards the general diffusion of useful knowledge and orderly behaviour, is very ap parent. If, on landing in New York, we were forcibly struck with what I have termed the high character of the working classes, the remark AND THE AMERICANS. 295 applied in a still greater degree to those of Boston, the population of which city is less adulterated with the poorer class of English and Irish emigrants. The porters, and others, about the wharfs and places of business, with many of whom I purposely entered into con versation, were extremely civil and intelligent, and evidently men capable of exercising the high privileges which their free institutions afford them with sound judgment and discre tion. As a proof of the comparatively comfort able circumstances of the working classes of this city, which contains about 80,000 inhabitants, I was credibly informed that there was only one pawnbroker in the place ; and I may add to this happy picture of society, that, in lieu of such melancholy refuges of poverty and crime, booksellers shops and circulating libraries were more nu merous, in proportion to the population, than in any place I had ever visited. In the neighbourhood of the village of Quincy, and about ten miles in a southerly direction from Boston, are the famous gra nite quarries which supply the city with that valuable material. As there is no superin cumbent stratum, the labour of procuring the u 4 296 AMERICA, granite is considerably lessened, and the blocks are conveyed to the wharf, on the mar gin of the bay, a distance of three miles, by a rail-road. From the summit of a tower, erected on one of the hills, we enjoyed a most magni ficent view of Boston Bay, with its numerous islands, its surface sprinkled with white sails ; while, in the distance, the city itself stood proudly conspicuous, with its elevated dome and tapering spires, the whole presenting a scene of uncommon beauty and interest. The village of Milton, situated on the stream of that name, and so called from the great republican poet, lies on the road between Quincy and Boston. There was an air of repose and rural simplicity about this nook, which better entitled it to the endearing ap pellation of village, according to the English signification of the term, than almost any place we had seen in America. Nearer Bos ton are the eminences called Dorchester Heights, memorable in the revolutionary his tory as being the spots where Washington caused redoubts to be thrown up in a single night ; and which were of so formidable a nature as to cause the evacuation of the city by the British army, which never returned. These field-works, of which only slight AND THE AMERICANS. 297 traces remained, were once more restored on the breaking out of the last war, and are again in a course of dilapidation ; and it is to be hoped no circumstances will ever arise so as to require their reconstruction. During our stay in Boston, we made an excursion to Salem, a seaport of some note, fourteen miles distant. The road passes through the small town of Lynn, one of the oldest settlements in New England, and now famous for the manufacture of ladies shoes, of which large quantities are exported to the different southern States, as well as to the West Indies and other places. We learnt, to our surprise, that the price of the necessaries of life were so low in this and several other villages surrounding Boston, that substantial board might be obtained by mechanics at the rate of four shillings and sixpence per week. After travelling some miles over a poor and naked district, the spires of the churches of Salem suddenly appeared, peeping over the summit of some rocks a short distance before us. The effect was curious. In a few minutes we beheld the little town and port, where we soon arrived. Salem, by the successful rivalry of New York, and the other great commercial marts of America, 298 AMERICA, has latterly lost much of its mercantile im portance ; and, after having numbered its sixty ships, which almost annually sailed round the Cape of Good Hope, or Cape Horn, it now only reckons a tenth part of that number. The town has an air of neatness, and contains a handsome square, and many good buildings, but its chief attraction is its Museum, which had recently been arranged in a capacious hall, erected expressly for its reception. This extensive depository of the wonders of nature and art owes its existence to the spirit and good taste of the commanders of the vessels belonging to Salem, who engage, on their return from a voyage, to present something rare or curious to the collection. Thus has a valuable Museum been formed, to which additions are continually being made ; and when it is recollected that the donors are neither professed naturalists, artists, antiqua rians, or lettered " travelling fellows," but plain nautical "business men," the choice and selection of the specimens and different articles do infinite credit to their discrimin ation and judgment. From the extensive trade which Salem has carried on with the Indian Archipelago and China, the catalogue is rich in the productions AND THE AMERICANS. 299 of that quarter of the globe, whether as regards natural history or ingenious objects of art. The islands of the South Seas have likewise contri buted their share of curiosities ; and, lastly, the classic shores of the "blue Mediterranean," those inexhaustible mines of ancient art, have not been visited in vain ; and the connoisseur may pore over the half-obliterated hieroglyphic, study the bold features of the Caesars in the corroded medal, or dwell upon the sublime contortions of the Laocoon. Among the heterogeneous trifles which chance has thrown in the way of the contri butors, we observed a note in the hand- writing of the immortal Byron. This little document, which was written during the bard s residence in Genoa, is addressed to a friend, with a re quest that he will recommend an advocate to him, to defend a paltry suit brought against him by a tailor, who, as he says, in allusion to extravagant charges, " has cut his coat according to his cloth, as his brethren do in every country." In a postscript, the noble writer adds, that he expects some packages to arrive soon ; and begs that all may be properly specified at the custom-house, for he will not allow any smuggling. Every relic of the lamented author of " Childe Harold," even 300 AMERICA, the most trifling, is so precious, that we could not peruse this half-angry, half-humorous, and hastily-scribbled note, without painful emotions, accompanied by regret at his un timely, although glorious end. Shortly before our visit to Salem, the town and neighbourhood had been thrown into great consternation by an event of a nature unparalleled in that quiet and well ordered community. The circumstance I allude to was nothing less than a murder, " most foul, strange, and unnatural," being that of an aged gentleman by his own nephew and some other relatives, who, by the horrid act, thought to anticipate the possession of his property. As the great poet of nature has expressed it, " murder, though it have no tongue, will speak with most miraculous organ," so in the instance of this at Salem the discovery of the perpetrators of the infernal act was made through unexpected channels, and three of the wretches forfeited their lives ; two by the hands of the executioner ; and the third, con science-struck, put a period to his existence in prison. The fourth individual having been admitted " state evidence," was allowed to expatriate himself, where it is to be hoped he AND THE AMERICANS. 301 may lead " a new life unto righteousness," and in some degree make atonement for the horrible crime in which he was an accomplice. On our return from our trip to Salem, we enjoyed a charming view of the peninsula of Nahant, the Brighton of the Bostonians ; and in one part of the road we were agreeably surprised at the appearance of dear hawthorn hedges, the sight of which instantly trans ported us to Old England. I have already shown how extremely fa vourable the American system of boarding is for the easy introduction of strangers into society ; indeed, the facilities it affords in forming agreeable acquaintance, and in ac quiring local information or anecdotes, can scarcely be imagined by the Englishman who has only been habituated to his own compa ratively unsocial mode of existence. To the evening re-unions of our Boston boarding-house we owe the knowledge of many little facts of by-gone times, which, communi cated as they were by eye-witnesses, acquired additional interest. Numerous were the instances related of the extreme jealousy shown by the New Eng- landers at the presence of the royal troops, long before the actual commencement of hos- 302 AMERICA, tilities, even the children saluting the soldiers off duty with vollies of snow-balls ; which pastime the little urchins called making war upon King George and the Tories. The accounts of the detection of smugglers, who thought, notwithstanding non-intercourse proclamations and edicts, that there was no harm in a few pounds of young hyson ; the serio-comic descriptions also of unfortunate custom-house officers, tarred and feathered, and their being forced to quaff libations of tea made with salt water, lost nothing in the re lating ; while the memorable attack upon the vessel laden with tea by a resolute band of patriots disguised as Indians, who discharged the whole into the sea, was pictured by the aged narrators with all that enthusiasm with which we may imagine Goldsmith s " broken soldier" to have been inspired, when he " shoulder d his crutch, and show d how fields were won." From a friend who had been accustomed to meet the great Washington at the social board, we learnt many interesting particulars of the hero as he appeared, when, divested of weightier cares, he mingled with society. To a fine person Washington united the most amiable manners and goodness of heart ; and AND THE AMERICANS. 303 wherever he went he won golden opinions from all sorts of people. Athough, unfortunately, a slave-holder, it is well known that f he treated his negroes with kindness ; and the following little anecdote proves that he thought distinction of colour no excuse even for a breach of good manners. On being observed to return the salute of a negro during one of his rides, the circum stance was repeated by some wealthy but unfeeling individual, accompanied with expres sions of regret at such condescension. These remarks happened to reach the ears of the hero himself, who coolly observed, " Does Mr. suppose that General Washing ton is to be outdone in politeness by a poor negro?" Without noticing the slang attributed to the labouring population of what are called the Eastern States of America, and which is greatly exaggerated by travellers, we found some peculiarities in the use and pronunciation of certain words among the best educated in habitants. Many persons substituted the verb to ad mire for that of to like, and spoke of admiring to see such or such a place or thing ; and we heard the word wounds pronounced from the 304 AMERICA, pulpit as bounds, and not woonds, as adopted in England. Testimony was also sounded with the o long, as in testimonial. After spending three weeks most agreeably in Boston, we returned to New York, by way of Providence and Long Island Sound. The scenery was most agreeably varied, in conse quence of the advanced state of vegetation ; the foliage of the country displaying itself in all its vernal beauty, and the orchards blushing in their loveliest hues. As we approached the islands, which are scattered about the junction of the Sound and the East River, all nature seemed smiling ; and the passage of Hell Gate, so formidable to the early navigators, might have been styled, with much more propriety, the Gate of Para dise. Our steamer, majestically ploughing her way, and sweeping round the point of the city, and its beautiful promenades, with a graceful curve, soon reposed upon the bosom of the Hudson, and we once again found ourselves welcomed to the London of the western world. AND THE AMERICANS. 305 CHAP. XVI. A YEAR S residence in New York, from the period of our return from Boston, afforded ample opportunities of studying America and the Americans ; not merely under ordinary circumstances, but in consequence of the im portant and peculiar events of the year 1830, as regarded European affairs, under the excite ment also which these produced. A detail of what we saw, and what we heard, together with such desultory information upon various sub jects as came within our reach, may help the reader to a better understanding of a country which is, ere long, destined to be as great as she is free, and a few chapters devoted to this object may not prove uninteresting. As our pious forefathers in the olden time had their festivals, their fairs, and their red letter days, so their emancipated transatlantic descendants have likewise their seasons of re joicing ; the causes of which, with the modes of celebration, I shall proceed to describe in the order of their succession. The first, then, which occurred after our 306 AMERICA, arrival, and the most important of the Ame rican gala days, was that of the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, which is kept with the greatest enthusiasm in every city, village, and district in the Union. As New York is the most populous city, so were the demonstrations of joy proportion ably extensive. No sooner had the rising sun gilded the charming bay, and the verdant promenades of the battery, than the American standard proudly floated on the morning breeze, and a salute was fired by the few remaining veterans of those armies by which the banner of liberty was first unfurled. The thunder of cannon proclaimed the fifty-fourth return of the na tional jubilee ; while the closed stores, and early crowded streets, bespoke that even the " busi ness men" had determined to abandon their " dry goods," and their " counting-rooms," at least for the day. Although the more intellectual part of the population, as the members of literary and scientific institutions, and the ministers of religion, might be content to celebrate the occasion by delivering patriotic odes and ad dresses, the joyful feelings of the bulk were expressed in a manner more congenial to their AND THE AMERICANS. 307 tastes ; and a review of some thousand militia, cavalry, infantry, and artillery, with marchings and counter-marchings in close order, open order, and, perchance, disorder, together with a liberal expenditure of gunpowder, formed the grand attraction of the day. By the term militia, must not be understood the stick and umbrella squads, so humorously described by the inimitable Matthews, and whose military training is limited to a few days in each year ; but regular companies, well armed, and handsomely equipped, with all " the pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war." A military command is the acme of the ambition of an American store-keeper, and a hundred Major Sturgeons forgot their counters in the delights of pie-bald chargers, leopard- skin housings, and gay uniforms ; each of whom, either by his apparent knowledge of tactics, or, what seemed to have more influ ence, his -knowledge of holiday display, en deavoured to win a smile from the delighted fair who crowded the windows, or attract the admiration of the countless thousands who filled the streets. To criticise the moral of an army of shop- 308 AMERICA, keepers, who are not subject to articles of war, and whose services are limited to occasional sunshine musters, or to draw comparisons be tween such and the mechanical precision of regular troops, would be absurd ; suffice it to say, therefore, that a recollection of our own volunteer brigades, at the commencement of the present century, will afford a fair idea of the anti- veteran appearance of those of Ame rica. The subject, however, is a delicate one for a foreigner to meddle with ; and the danger of an Englishman disparaging even an Ame rican awkward squad was soon apparent, by my receiving a rebuke in the dry way so common to that people ; for in reply to a re mark, not very complimentary to the " brave army," I was reminded, that such were the men, who, in two wars, had either beaten or taken almost all the forces which Great Bri tain had sent against them. Feasting, as may be supposed, gave addi tional eclat to the ceremonies of the occasion; and from the spacious saloons of the City Hall, to the humble dwelling of the artisan, the tables groaned with substantial viands, while the memories of the great father of the repub lic, and his immortal companions, were drunk in generous claret or sparkling champagne, AND THE AMERICANS. 309 the air resounding with the patriotic strains of " Hail, Columbia, happy land!" " The moment night with dusky mantle covered the skies," hundreds of illuminated booths, skirting the more open quarters of the city, displayed their attractions to the moving multitude, in the shape of fringed hams, pickled oysters, garnished lobsters, and roasted pigs, with lemons in their mouths, crying, Come eat me ; all which good things might be washed down with Philadelphia porter, ginger beer, foaming mead, or other beverages, more exhilarating perhaps, but less innocent. Although these places are the resort of the working population, a little excess in whom, at this joyous period, might be forgiven, I did not, in a perambulation of several hours, witness a single instance of what could be termed disorderly conduct. During the whole of this festival, every street and alley re-echoed with the reports of petty fireworks, of which quantities are brought from China, no less to the profit of the dealers than to the delight of all the boys, whose little saving banks are drained upon the occasion. The anniversary of the Declaration of Inde pendence was immediately followed by another equally interesting to the philanthropist, that x 3 310 AMERICA, of the extinction of black slavery in the State of New York ; which event took place a few years ago. This hallowed act of the legislature, the first step towards placing the unfortunate black upon a footing of political equality with his white brethren, is commemorated on the 5th of July, the day after the National Jubilee. On this occasion, some hundreds of the black and coloured population, extremely well dressed, and wearing sashes and ribands, paraded the city in martial array, with the accompaniments of bands of music, colours, and all the attractive display of an English election ; while, as a parody upon the shop keeper colonels of the previous day, black committee men, in the national staff uniforms, blue and buff, and glittering in gold or silver lace, capered about on their ambling palfreys, to the great delight of their sombre innamo- ratas, who, in all the gossamer of Parisian modes, crowded the foot walks of the streets through which this interesting yet haJf lu dicrous procession moved. As might be supposed, in a community like that of New York, where but yesterday man might be bartered and sold by his brother man, the general feeling towards the blacks AND THE AMERICANS. 311 is that of persons to a proscribed caste ; and although these unfortunate people are no longer accounted property, and are enabled to stipulate the price of their labour, they are subject to the most degrading treatment. No persons of colour, whatever may be their characters, abilities, or condition of life, are allowed to sit in any public assembly, even should it be a court of justice, or the house of God itself, except in the particular quarter set apart for them, and this is generally in the most remote and worst situation ; and, as if the distinction were to be perpetuated for ever, their very bodies are denied the right of se pulture in the cemeteries of the white men. On .the festival I have described, the in sulting behaviour of many of the coachmen and carters was unblushingly displayed in their driving their vehicles so as to interrupt the progress and order of the procession, although we did not witness a single provo cation given by any of its members, whose conduct appeared throughout quiet and praise worthy. Such were the indignities offered by men who are ready to sacrifice their lives to secure the blessings of liberty for their white brethren to those whose misfortune is, that Heaven has x 4 AMERICA thought fit to create them of a darker hue ; and so prevalent is the want of Christian feel ing in this respect in America, the legacy of the accursed system of slavery, that I but speak the truth when I state, that the ma jority of the Americans, like the white inha bitants of every country where the evil exists, or has only lately been extinguished, would as readily sit at table or associate with a felon, as with a person of colour. It will be some consolation to the friends of humanity, however, to be told that, despite of the existing temper, exertions are making by enlightened individuals to raise the character of the coloured population, by the only legiti- ^mate means, whether as regards blacks or [whites, the establishment of schools. The foremost in this work of religion are the members of the sect of Friends, who, in the New as well as in the Old World, whatever may be their peculiarities, are always found in the steps of their great master, going about doing good. Already hundreds of black children in New York are regularly instructed in the rudiments of knowledge ; and churches, in which black ministers of the Episcopal, Independent, and Methodist persuasions officiate, are attended OF THK IVEBSITY AND THE AMERICANS. 313 by crowded congregations of the same colour, whose attention and respectful behaviour afford abundant proof that the lessons of wisdom are not preached in vain. May we hope, that as this so long neglected family of man rises in the scale of being, so will the antichristian treatment yield to that of philanthropy ; and although physical dis tinction of race will naturally be a bar to a closer union, may the Americans, as well as others, cease to look upon their darker fellow creatures otherwise than as brethren, and children of the same Almighty Father. Although the anniversary of the Declaration of American Independence is regularly ob served with so much enthusiasm, yet so strong is the feeling of joy in the people at having broken the chain which bound them to Great Britain, that the ebullition of amor patrice on the 4th of July does not suffice, and the day on which the English army evacuated the city and territory of New York is still com memorated. The anniversary of this im portant era falls on the 25th of November, which is jocosely styled the day for driving the English Tories and sheep-stealers out. The former term was, and still is, used by the Americans, to designate the enemies of civil 314 AMERICA, and religious liberty, as that of Whig is ap plied in the opposite sense. The opprobrious epithet of sheep-stealers was bestowed on the British troops in conse quence of the licentious system of marauding in which they indulged, and in which they were encouraged by their commanders ; who, as the subservient tools of an obstinate and tyrannical monarch and a besotted nation, sub- j ected the unfortunate colonists, who, whether active or passive, were alike thrust out of the pale of civil relations, to almost every out rage and barbarity that could be devised. The festival of the 25th of November, in the year 1830, was rendered unusually at tractive, as it combined the demonstrations of rejoicing on the great events in the politics of France in the same year. It is almost impos sible to describe the burst of joyous feeling exhibited by the American people on the arrival of the intelligence of the glorious and ever-memorable events of " the Three Days." Nothing but the most lively congratulations met the ear ; the tricolor flag, together with the standard of America, were unfurled in the theatres ; the " Marsellois" was sung nightly by the audience as well as performers, midst deafening applause, and the very costume of AND THE AMERICANS. 315 the females displayed the popular colours ; bonnets, shawls, ribands, every thing, as if by magic art, became d la mode de Paris ; whilst the animated countenances of the numerous French residents, proscribed by the Bourbon dynasty, bespoke their inward satisfaction at the prospect of their again returning to " the vine-covered hills and gay regions of France." The perpetuation of regal government, and in the person of a Bourbon too, however the individual might be shorn in state, was not the consummation desired by the Americans, who looked for, and who yet anticipate, as the nucleus of liberty in Europe, the re-establish ment of the French republic with their beloved Lafayette at the head. Still, the triumph of a people to whom they are attached by the ties of gratitude, struggling for the rights of man against a bigoted imbecile and his cold blooded minions, backed by England and the despots of Europe, was a theme for heartfelt rejoicing ; and it was therefore determined by the inhabitants of New York to celebrate the event by a fete, and that the day should be the same which is set apart to commemorate the overthrow of British domination. The arrangements for this double festival were upon a most extensive scale ; and by 316 AMERICA, division of labour in the committees, they were completed in a manner which reflected the greatest credit upon every individual con cerned. The month of November, in New York, very much resembles that of September in England ; and is consequently better adapted for street parade than the oppressive weather of the summer. The morning of the appointed day was ushered in by the firing of cannon, and the display of the French and American colours from the ships and public buildings ; and soon after, the assembling of the trades and the sounds of inspiring bugles gave note of pre paration. A civil procession then took place, which, independent of the associations the occasion created, was in itself one of the most extensive and best organised I had ever wit nessed. It consisted of several thousand per sons of various occupations, all well dressed, and decorated with tricolor badges. To de tail particulars, however, would be super fluous ; but I may mention a few of the most remarkable features of this civic and morally grand ovation. The members of each profession or trade marched together ; and before the different AND THE AMERICANS. 317 branches were drawn cars or locomotive shops, tastefully fitted up, in which persons were beheld at work in their respective de scriptions of handicraft. The butchers, a numerous body, all dressed alike, and well mounted, were preceded by an immense stuffed ox on an elevated platform, which, together with an elegant car containing a black band of musicians in fancy costume, were drawn by teams of oxen decorated with tricolor fillets and wreaths of flowers in a style worthy of ancient Rome. A long line of fire engines, painted and gilt for the oc casion, each drawn by four horses in tricolor harness, and the battalion of firemen in uni form, was also peculiarly attractive. Last in order came the society of printers, having a press of the most approved construc tion, beautifully ornamented, and surmounted by the sacred motto, " Freedom of the Press," in full operation. The following ode, which was composed for the occasion by one of their body, and printed during the progress, was gratuitously dis tributed amongst the moving crowd. 318 AMERICA, ODE. O er regal domes, renown d in story, The trinal banner proudly waves ; And France resumes the march of glory, Her gallant sons no longer slaves. With tyrants vainly had they pleaded But when the PRESS in thunder spoke, It burst their chains with lightning stroke, And peace and liberty succeeded. CHORUS. Then swell the choral strain, To hail the blest decree ; Rejoice ! rejoice ! the Press shall reign, And all the world be free. All hail, renown d chivalric nation ! Land of the olive and the vine ; Inspired with kindred emulation, Our bosoms glow with joy like thine. Columbia s grateful sons can never Forget that, in her darkest hour, She owed to Gallic arms the power To disenthrall her PRESS for ever. CHORUS. Then swell the choral strain, &c. The day which saw the sceptre shiver d, And hail d Columbia truly free, From every hireling foe deliver d, We consecrate to joy and thee ; For tyrants tremble now before thee, And a FREE PRESS, the beacon-light That burst upon oppression s night, Has spread eternal glory o er thee. AND THE AMERICANS. 319 CHORUS. Then swell the choral strain, &c. Thy charter d rights, with lawless daring, Beneath oppressors feet were trod, Till startled despots heard, despairing, The people s voice, the voice of GOD ! Their sovereign will was loudly spoken The PRESS proclaim d it to the world, Till freedom s ensign waved unfurl d, And Gallia s galling chains were broken. CHORUS. Then swell the choral strain, c. Thy gallant band of youthful heroes, Roused by their bleeding country s prayers, Undaunted hurl d on ruthless Neros The vengeance due to crimes like theirs. Too late they see their fatal error Their hireling guards by thousands fall The PRESS resigns its types for ball, And despots fly the scene in terror ! CHORUS. Then swell the choral strain, &c. Their deeds shall live in deathless story, And song preserve their chaplets green, Yet still the brightest rays of glory Circle one godlike crown serene. Tis his, whose youthful valour aided Columbia s cause, when hostile bands Were laying waste her fairest lands, And all her blooming hopes had faded. CHORUS. Then swell the choral strain, &c. 320 AMERICA, Immortal LA FAYETTE, we hail thee, The friend of equal rights on earth ; Though servile tools of kings assail thee, Columbia knows and owns thy worth ; Thou first of heroes, best of sages, The glorious chaplet thou hast won, Disciple of our WASHINGTON, Shall bloom like his for endless ages. CHORUS. Then swell the choral strain, To hail the blest decree ; Rejoice ! rejoice! the PRESS shall reign, And all the world be free. The immense line of march was interspersed with banners, pennons, tablets with patriotic inscriptions, and French and American flags, while the whole population vied with each other in the display of tricolor badges and cockades. Among the individuals of note who assisted in the proceedings, were the late venerable ex-President Munroe, and the veteran Wil liams, the last survivor of the three militia men who took Major Andre prisoner in 1780. These patriots rode in an open ba rouche, receiving the congratulations of their fellow citizens as they passed along, evidently with all the emotion created by the recollec tions and associations which the joyous occa sion called forth, AND THE AMERICANS. 321 After perambulating the principal streets of the city, the marshalled thousands were con centrated in one of the great squares, when, as an appropriate finale and climax to the spectacle, the ode which had been distributed was sung to the air of the Marseillois by the vocal strength of the theatre, accompanied by the orchestra, and assisted in the chorus by the voices of all around. Public and private dinners and balls closed a day of festivities worthy of the cause to which they were dedicated. The following laughable apology for hard words was introduced in the speech of a gen tleman of New York, at the table to which we were invited : " Respected friends, My oral documents having recently become the subject of your vituperation from their incompatibility with your mental endowments, I hope it will not be deemed an instance of vain eloquence or supererogation if I laconically promulgate, that, avoiding all syllogistical, aristocratical, or peripatetical propositions, all hyperbolical ex tenuations or exaggerations, my future thesis and hypothesis, whether logical, philosophical, political, or polemical, shall definitively and categorically be assimilated with and rendered Y AMERICA, congenial to the cerebums, caputs, and sen- soriums of you, my superlatively respectable auditory." Delivered as this " much ado about no thing" farrago was, by one possessing no small share of vis comica, and under the excitement of a brisk fire of champagne, the effect was ludicrous in the highest degree, and will, probably, not be soon forgotten by any of the party. At one of the convivial clubs of ultra re publicans, poetical selections complimentary to France and America, at the expence of old England, were circulated. Only two of these possessed sufficient merit to deserve notice ; and although they have before appeared in print, their insertion, in connection with the festivals I have described, may prove acceptable. AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. When pregnant nature strove relief to gain, Her nurse was Washington, her midwife Paine : Close by the couch, in holy fillets dress d, Franklin and Jefferson stood priests confess d. Libation frown d, when Jefferson the mild Said, Independence we will name this child ; But infant Independence scarce began To be, ere she ripened into man. AND THE AMERICANS. 323 His potent influence, spread both far and wide, Across the Atlantic beams with manly pride ; France his god-father, Britain was his rod, Congress his guardian, and his father GOD. The following lines were transcribed from a pane of glass at an inn in England in the year 1776 : Hail, happy Britain ! Freedom s blest abode ; Great is thy power, thy wealth, thy glory great ; But wealth and power have no immortal day, For all things only ripen to decay. And when that time arrives, the lot of all, When Britain s glory, wealth, and power must fall, Then shall thy sons, for such is Heaven s decree, In other worlds another Britain see, And what thou art, AMERICA shall be. The successive accounts of the Belgian, Polish, and Italian insurrections, as well as the demonstrations in Spain, were all received with enthusiasm by the Americans, who, de voted to liberty themselves, are no less ardent in their desire that the blessing should be possessed by others. It was generally believed that the long wished for period had at last arrived when tyranny might receive its death-blow, and that the French armies, obeying the voice of the nation, would march to the deliverance of Europe, and assist in planting the tree of AMERICA liberty in the capital of every despot, from Lisbon to the confines of Asia. The sub sequent truckling, stock-jobbing policy of the citizen king and his cabinet, however, in allowing the heroic but ill-fated Poles to be come the victims of a merciless autocrat, and the efforts of the friends of the sacred cause of freedom to be once more paralysed, damped, although it has not extinguished, the pleasing hope. The fall of the administration of the Duke of Wellington, whose crowning military success the Americans, in common with other nations, attribute to the treachery of Grouchy, and the arrival of the Prussians in the eleventh hour of the contest, and whom they hold in abhorrence for his conduct in permitting the murder of " the bravest of the brave *," caused universal joy ; as did the measure of reform proposed by their successors, which was con- * It is painful for an Englishman to reflect that his country s greatest modern heroes, Nelson and Wellington, both stand accused of breaches of faith in respect to articles of capitulation, and in both instances in favour of the most unrelenting and tyrannical governments. The cold-blooded, judicial murders of Naples have left a stain upon the memory of Nelson which all that daring commander s splendid triumphs cannot efface. Vide Southeys Life of Nelson. AND THE AMERICANS. 325 sidered as one which would inevitably, but peaceably, lead to the emancipation of the people. Of the individuals composing the new mi nistry little was known excepting of the more prominent members. It was, however, the " schoolmaster" of England, Henry Brougham, one of the people, on whom all eyes were fixed as the man to lead the " forlorn hope" in the assault of the citadel of bigotry and corruption ; and in spite of the sneers and misgivings of a portion of the press, the opi nion of those best acquainted with English politics may be conceived from the following splendid eulogium on this illustrious charac ter, which I extracted from one of the Ame rican newspapers of the day. After some well merited compliments to the patrotic and con sistent Earl Grey, who has immortalised him self by his devotion to the " old cause," and by the glorious example he has displayed to " his order," the discriminating writer thus proceeds : " I cannot call the latter Lord Brougham yet; I have too long felt an enthusiasm for his various and extraordinary abilities as a speaker, as a writer, as a statesman, versed in every branch of home affairs, and at home in y 3 826 AMERICA, every branch of foreign affairs ; as a lawyer, acquainted with the whole body of the law, and, what is a far higher and more rare enter tainment, with its mind ; as a philanthropist, not in his chamber, but of the most unwearied and buoyant public spirit and exertion ; as a practical man, as a philosopher, as a scholar ; knowing every thing, and knowing it well ; doing every thing, and doing it well ; intuitive and laborious ; in details a master ; a master in general reasoning ; as accurate as profound, and of the most persevering, sleepless, efficient activity in every one of his characters ; I have too constantly indulged in a boundless ad miration of him under them all, to recognise him as yet, under any other than his own simple name. I cannot, on the first instant of the chance, write him down Baron Brougham. Who is he ? We have never heard of him. It seems like cheating renown of its rights, as Madame de Stael said, when Bonaparte first gave titles to those of his generals who had been winning victories, in numberless campaigns all over Europe, under their own names of birth and parentage." Although England, when compared with several of the family of European nations, may justly boast of her institutions, and of AND THE AMERICANS. her enjoyment of civil and religious liberty, every American knows, that it is only by such comparison with the more despotic states that her claims to be considered free can be sub- stantiated. To say nothing on the nature of the executive, the American knows, that where one branch of the legislature, contrary to common sense and justice, is not only inde pendent of the governed but hereditary, as if talents and judgment could be bequeathed; where another branch, notwithstanding the " large measure of reform," is chosen by a fraction of the nation, and that, too, the mo- nied class, leaving productive labour unre presented ; where the people are severely taxed for the support of a hierarchy which the majority condemn ; where laws exist worthy only of the barbarous age of the Nor man conqueror ; where a religious test inca pacitates the long persecuted Jew, as well as the conscientious sceptic, from holding civil office; where truth is a libel; where the blasphemous and cruel law of primogeniture robs the brother of his natural right ; where the estates of a privileged order cannot be made available to the demands of a famishing creditor ; and, lastly, where justice is beyond the reach of the poor ; the American, I re- 3%S AMERICA, peat, well knows that the country subject to these crying wrongs cannot cannot be called free. Believing, as the Americans do, that the existence of kings and privileged classes, as such, is incompatible with the happiness of the people, they look forward to the over- throw of their power with eager anticipation ; and as they hope, so they confidently predict, that ere a quarter of a century elapses, Europe will have become one comprehensive family of republics. The extreme horror entertained by the Americans to kings, and all artificial and un natural elevation of rank, cannot be conceived by those who have not resided in their coun try. The following anecdote, although trifling in itself, is important, as showing the temper of the people in this respect, and may there fore be interesting : A jeweller in New York, with whom I was one day in conversation, showed me a brooch which he stated he had that morning sold to a young mechanic, who selected it, accord ing to his fancy, from a variety in the store. The device, which was executed in garnets, and of French workmanship, was that of a regal crown. The youth, who had never AND THE AMERICANS. 329 before seen a representation of the emblem of royalty, was informed, on his returning home, no doubt, by some travelled friend, that the subject was nothing less than the hateful insignia. His republican feelings would not permit him to wear the badge of tyranny for a moment, and with breathless haste he hur ried back to the jeweller to exchange the bauble for something more congenial to de mocratic feelings. 330 AMERICA, CHAP. XVII. 1 HE month of December is distinguished by a day set apart as a public thanksgiving for the continuance of peace and the bounty of Providence displayed in the general fertility and abundance of the country. Although every citizen no doubt feels grate ful for these blessings, and may inwardly par ticipate in the sentiment " Deus nobis hcec otia fecit" yet so intent are they upon worldly gains and the study of dollars and cents, that not ? even the recommendation of the authorities, r^jj^-i or, what one should suppose would have its influence, the desire of a little relaxation from the fatigues of business, could induce them to make this day really one of rest ; and in the main street, which as I have before observed is about two miles and a half in length, and contains hundreds of stores or shops, we did not notice above half a dozen closed, and two of these were kept by Englishmen, who no doubt made their holiday excursions, as they had been wont to do, perchance, to Highgate or Hampstead, in their youthful days ; when on AND THE AMERICANS. 331 proclaimed solemn fasts the God of tender mercies was propitiated to nerve the crimsoned arm of slaughter against the sons of liberty and the rights of man. Christmas, merry Christmas, that old English festive season, which, though no longer the joyously antici pated feast of our ancestors, yet retains much of its interest in the family grouping and social recognitions which then enliven the heart and cheer us on our way, is almost unknown in America ; and the Englishman looks in vain for these, as well as for the ancient emblems, the smoking sirloin and plum-pudding: all is still business, business ; nor is the day at all observed except by the members of the Catholic and pseu do- catholic, the episcopalian, church. The same remark also applies to Good Friday, which is considered, like the feast of Christmas, to be of Popish origin, and not conducive to true religion. If, however, the " business men" of New York have, in their wisdom, abolished some of the usages of the good old times, they have made ample amends by the establishment of a custom at once rational and agreeable, and which, on the western continent, is peculiar to themselves. 332 AMERICA, This substitute for the jollity of Christmas in the " old country" is the gay observance of New Year s Day, when the ladies hold their annual levees, and receive the congratulatory visits of the other sex. Every house is opened on the occasion ; and the tables spread with all the variety which the confectioner and the vineyards of France or Madeira can supply. The visiters, whose female acquaintance are numerous, can afford but a short time to each ; and such proceed from house to house in to pographical order, an omission of this custo mary act of politeness without a substantial reason ^ being looked upon as unpardonable neglect. To the great delight of the lovers of punch, gin sling, julip, and the other nectar et ceteras of the bar rooms, the proprietors of the hotels give " free drink" to all comers, a custom which, in a city like New York, is much abused, and is one which the Bonifaces are of opinion would be " more honoured in the breach than the observance." The evening of New Year s Day is devoted, as in England, to assemblies of the domestic circles, or to more general convivial intercourse. The facilities this delightful arrangement af fords of forming new acquaintance, and, as Johnson says, keeping old friendships in re- AND THE AMERICANS. 333 pair, are almost inconceivable to the English man, who has not entered the parlours and drawing-rooms of New York on the first of January levees, where the easy hospitality, the sprightly and familiar but elegant salut ations of the fair, and the perfect freedom but correct deportment of the men, in short, the total absence of that restraint which state im poses, presents a picture of society at once cheering and satisfactory. Two other days in the year remain to be noticed ; but they are distinguishable in a manner essentially differ ent from those already described. In spite of the declaration of the venerable Franklin, in his admirable and useful publication, Poor Richard s Almanac, that " three removes are as bad as a fire," the inhabitants of New York are the most locomotive people on the face of the earth. This movable propensity appears to be partly caused by a progressive state of prosperity ; for, as the value of property in the city has always been steadily increasing, the owners are unwilling to grant leases, hoping each successive year to add materially to their rent rolls. In consequence of this encouraging state of things, an annual valuation in fact takes place of every rented building in the city, and one 334 AMERICA, day is appropriated to the letting of tenements^ and another for removals. These important seasons are the first of February and the first of May. On the former, the landlords, which term, curious enough, is still preserved by the republicans, visit their tenants ; and unless arrangements have been previously entered upon, they state the rents they expect to re ceive for the ensuing year. If the occupier of a building assents to the proposals, the affair is ended ; but if the reply is in the negative, the owner placards the walls with the words " To Let," to which is sometimes added the rent demanded ; and on the evening of this day it is common to see at least one third of the houses and stores thus ticketed, and these remain until tenants are found. At last comes the all-important first of May, which, to a stranger just arriving, presents the most sin gular and ludicrous spectable imaginable, nothing less than a whole city turned topsy turvy, thousands of persons being in the act of removal, the streets filled with carts laden with furniture, porters, servants, children, all carrying their respective movables, from the candelabra of the drawing-room to the fish- kettle of the " foolish fat scullion," and the gingerbread wares of the nursery. AND THE AMERICANS. 335 As the operations of entering upon and quitting the houses are simultaneous, the con fusion within doors is in perfect keeping with the scene displayed in the streets, the whole affording no bad illustration of chaos. To an Englishman, with his strong local attachments, this system of change would be an intolerable nuisance ; but the New Yorker, no doubt from habit, not only looks upon it as a matter of course, but seems to feel an elevation of spirits at the anticipation of this agreeable variety in his social existence ; and it is no uncommon circumstance to meet with individuals who have resided in a dozen dif ferent houses in as many years ; and yet who speak of their wish to try the advantages of another quarter of the city when the proper season arrives. The same system is pursued, but not to a great extent, in respect to the larger stores. As a necessary consequence of this annual transplanting of so large a portion of the po pulation, a new directory is as requisite as a new almanac, and such a publication makes its appearance as soon as the tumult has sub sided, and the people again find themselves located to their satisfaction. It being a well known fact that there is 336 AMERICA, little correspondence in climate between places situated on the same parallels of latitude in Europe and America, we were not surprised to find New York enjoying the sunny skies and genial warmth of an Italian summer, alternated with the piercing cold and driving snows of a Scythian winter. The year of our residence was distinguished by a somewhat longer continuance of the two extremes than usual. On our return from Boston early in May the weather was delightful, being much like that of the month of June in the south of England; but the atmosphere was infinitely clearer. The temperature of June was con siderable, although not at all oppressive ; but that of the succeeding months of July and August exceeded what I had experienced in any seaport of Italy or Sicily, except Palermo, during the prevalence of a sirocco. The thermometer of Fahrenheit, which is the one used by the Americans, ranged during several weeks from 90 to 95 in the shade ; and what rendered this degree of heat more unpleasant, it was very little reduced in the nights. The fashionable world at this season flock to the favourite watering places, to hilly resorts, or to their country houses ; whilst thousands of AND THE AMERICANS. 337 those who are doomed to toil, seek alleviation of the oppressive warmth in evening excursions to public gardens and promenades on the shores of the rivers, or to petite Vauxhalls, where beauty, music, coloured lamps, and ice creams, are the never-failing attractions. That almost indispensable article in hot climates, ice, is retailed from covered carts, on which appears, in conspicuous characters, the refreshing word ; and perhaps the most enviable station in the months of July and August, in New York, is that of a driver of one of these vehicles. Through the whole of the summer, thunder storms are frequent. Several of those we wit nessed were of an almost tropical character, the lightning, both sheet and forked, seeming to threaten the conflagration of the city, although, from the very general use of conductors, which are attached to all lofty edifices, accidents from the electric fluid are of rare occurrence. The thunder was awfully grand, and spoke to the stoutest heart in every intonation from the distant rumble, to the solemn roll, and the rat tling, crashing, angry peal. A most disagree able accompaniment of the warm season is the presence of mosquitoes ; and the luxury of gauze furniture as barriers against the noc- z 338 AMERICA, turnal intrusions of these little pests is by no means general. A still greater nuisance, however, is the multitudes of rats by which the city of New York is infested scarcely a building being entirely free from them ; and as dogs are almost proscribed animals, these four-footed scavengers roam at pleasure from house to house, just as the larger quadrupeds, the hogs, parade the streets and lanes. The extraordinary antipathy of the inhabit ants to that faithful friend of man, the dog, arises from a foolish dread of the disease styled hydrophobia ; and to such a degree does this anti-canine mania extend, that the cry of mad dog is raised against every unfortunate mongrel that happens to stray from its master. We found the autumn, or fall, as it is gene rally designated, a most delightful season ; and even the gloomy month of November, in which Englishmen are said to hang and drown them selves, was almost a continued period of sun shine. With the exception of an occasional rainy day, the regular never-failing accompaniment of an easterly wind, the weather continued mild and agreeable until early in January, when winter arrived in all its rigour. A snow AND THE AMERICANS. 339 storm, of two days and nights continuance, covered the ground to a considerable depth, to say nothing of the drifts, which, in many situations, formed impassable barriers. No sooner had the fleecy shower descended, than wheel carriages of every description instantly disappeared, and their places were supplied by sledges or sleighs. These vehicles were to be seen of all di mensions, and in every style, from the dashing and elegantly decorated four-in-hand, with its buffalo robes, or its leopard skins, to the humble sliding frame with its load of wood or coals. For several weeks, no sounds met the ear but the jingle of the hawks bells, which, for safety, as a sledge makes no noise, are strung round the necks of the horses. The diversion of sleighing is extremely agreeable, and is one of which the Americans are passionately fond. Not content with ex cursions by day, they borrow the night, at all hours of which sleighs might be seen skim ming along, filled with gay parties, although the thermometer was often much below zero; and scarcely an hotel within ten or a dozen miles of New York was unfrequented by noc turnal visiters. During the time the snow remains, the 340 AMERICA, bodies of the mails and stage coaches are placed upon sleigh frames or runners ; and as this method is generally adopted, the commu nications through the country are as rapid as at other seasons. The funeral processions at this period had a curious effect, the hearses being followed by sleighs in lieu of coaches ; and the mourn ing friends, enveloped in buffalo robes or fur- edged cloaks, had all the appearance of Alp ine travellers. In one of our excursions, we passed a sledge filled with convicts on their way to prison. The party were chained together, but seemed to forget their degraded situation in the delights of a sleigh ride, an amusement which some of them were not soon again likely to enjoy. Although the rise and fall of the tide at New York is only about four feet, it was sufficient to prevent the communication with the sea from being interrupted, even while the rivers, a few miles above the city, were pass able for the heaviest wagons. Steamers, however, were required to tow the vessels, in consequence of the quantity of floating ice ; and even these, at times, were almost power less from the junction of the masses, which AND THE AMERICANS. 341 occasionally allowed a passage for hundreds of pedestrians to the opposite shore of Long Island. The thermometer, from the middle of January to the middle of February, which embraced the coldest period, frequently stood below zero in the day time ; but the average temperature was some degrees higher. At the latter end of February, the weather grew sensibly warmer, the snow began to melt> the frost broke up, and a few days of heavy rain, with a thunder storm, dissipated every trace of the stern accompaniments of winter. March brought forth the germs of spring ; and the month of April was even more sunny and more cheering than the finest English June. The winter of which I have made mention, was considered unusually severe, and fuel in consequence rose to an extravagant price. Many hundred loads of wood were gratui tously distributed by the authorities, and by humane individuals, to poor widows, almost the only description of persons who stood in need of assistance. Until very lately, wood was the only de scription of fuel consumed in New York ; but it is now being fast superseded by coal, al- z 8 342 AMERICA, though the prejudices of the people, in regard to the use of it for culinary purposes, have yet to be overcome. That these prejudices are somewhat formi dable, will appear from the following circum stance, of which I was a witness, a short time before our departure from America. The use of coal requiring appropriate grates and culinary apparatus in lieu of the andirons or dogs, the ironmongers were anxious to exhibit specimens of their skill in this novel department. One of these tradesmen had fitted up a kitchen grate and iron oven, which last article was also new to the Americans ; and this im portant innovation upon old modes being ad vertised, a man was appointed to explain the mystery of their use. In vain did he assure some of the curious visiters that the famed sirloin might be roasted, a steak broiled, or a pie baked, so as to be pa latable, upon such a system ; and although this champion of the new regime freely referred to well known individuals in the city, as well as to the commanders of vessels trading to England, who could attest the truth of his assertions, it was evident that his hearers were somewhat dubious upon the subject, and AND THE AMERICANS. 343 that nothing less than a knife and fork demon stration of a sirloin, steak, and pie, so cooked, would remove their incredulity. To this striking instance of the force of long established custom, I may add, that even among the circle of our acquaintance, we found it no easy matter to gain credence to the assertion, that the flavour of meat roasted before a fire of coal, was in no respect inferior to that of meat which had undergone similar treatment before one of wood. The Americans, however, are so ready to adopt whatever is proved to be either nation ally or individually advantageous, that the reluctance I have alluded to cannot long exist ; and as it is probable that a very considerable saving will be effected by the change in the description of fuel, the use of coal will, no doubt, supersede that of wood in those cities which have greater facilities for obtaining the former than the latter. The coal used in New York and Philadelphia is principally of a hard kind, denominated an thracite. It is difficult to ignite, but, when burning, has the appearance of red-hot stones, and gives out an intense heat without any smoke. This, and other descriptions, are found in z 4 344 AMERICA, inexhaustible beds in the State of Pennsyl vania; and, being at the surface, are easily procured. The coal is sent to New York by a canal which connects the great rivers Delaware and Hudson, the traffic by which is increasing with astonishing rapidity. None of the coal as yet found is suitable to the purpose of the steam engine ; but a kind adapted for such had been discovered in the British province of Nova Scotia, and its introduction on board the steamers of New York was on the eve of becoming general at the time of our leaving that city. AND THE AMERICANS. 345 CHAP. XVIII. L o an Englishman of liberal principles, no thing is so interesting in America, as to wit- ness the operation of the machinery of its re publican institutions, particularly the system of election to office. To hear the outcry and horror expressed in England, however, at the bare mention of the terms universal suffrage, annual parliaments, and election by ballot, it might be supposed that where such exist, society must be in a state little removed from anarchy, yet how different is the fact ! In the city of New York, the elective fran chise is almost co-extensive with the adult male population, and the number of those who vote is seldom less than 30,000. Whether as respects the choice of repre sentatives to the general or state governments, or of the local magistracy, the system of elec tion is the same ; every servant of the people being really and truly the choice of that people. 346 AMERICA, Candidates, if such term is applicable to men, who neither announce themselves as being desirous of office, nor submit to the de gradation of a personal canvass, are proposed at preliminary meetings of each political party ; and the names of the individuals thus approved, are afterwards printed on small slips of paper called tickets, the backs of which are endorsed with the designation of the offices about to be filled, and to which they relate, as Senators, Congress, State Assembly, Governor, &c. Every citizen, desirous of exerting the elective privilege, procures a set of tickets from the committee of the parties for whom he intends to vote ; and at the appointed time he proceeds to the house of election in the particular ward or district of the city in which he resides. Here the voter gives his name and resid ence to the returning officers, who, if they entertain any doubts as to identity or qualifi cation, dispute his claim until satisfactory proofs are exhibited that no fraud is intended. The name and residence of the voter being entered on the books, he deposits the tickets, which are closely folded, in the ballot box, and quits the room. The period allowed for receiving votes is AND THE AMERICANS. 347 three days ; and at the election, I witnessed during our residence in New York, although upwards of 25,000 citizens polled at each, there was no confusion or riotous behaviour in the streets, no bribeiy or " free drink," nor parading with colours and ribands, nor exhi bitions of the childish mummery called chair ing ; and notwithstanding party spirit ran high, and some boisterous oratory might be heard in those political forums, the ward houses, a stranger, who had not perused the newspapers of the day, or noticed the placards or ruses de guerre on the walls, would not have been aware that any event of importance was taking place. Extensive as the recent measure of reform in Great Britain undoubt edly is, and glorious as has been the achieve ment of popular opinion over an insolent faction ; still, a closer approximation to the American system, both in respect to the ex tension of suffrage and mode of election, will be found necessary to render the members of the elected branch of the legislature, what they ought to be, the representatives of the whole people. Justice, then, demands that labour as well as property should form a part of the basis of the constituency. Reason and policy require 348 AMERICA, election by ballot ; without which safeguard, bribery and undue influence will most as suredly prevail ; and with whatever suspicion the doctrine may at present be viewed, events will too soon prove the necessity of its adop tion ; and the period is probably not far distant, when election by ballot will be re garded in England, as it is in America, like trial by jury, the palladium of liberty. The range of American, like that of English, commerce, is only bounded by the limits of the globe ; for wherever a ship can sail, there will be seen the American flag. The port of New York, in respect to its foreign trade, may be considered as the London or Liverpool of the United States. The shipping, however, is almost exclusively of that nation ; and ex cepting the arrivals of British vessels on the resumption of the direct communication with the West Indies, I do not recollect to have seen above a score foreign flags in the port. The branch of trade which most particularly attracted my attention was that, from a parti cipation in which Englishmen in general are yet excluded, the trade to China. This lucrative commerce is carried on with great success by the Americans, who not only make large and direct shipments of their own AND THE AMERICANS. 349 manufactures to Canton, but, as is well known, of those of Great Britain also, from the port of Liverpool. The returned cargoes consist of teas, silks, nankeens, shawls, japanned cabinet goods, china, coloured blinds, screens, papers, ivory, and mother of pearl trinkets, fancy sta tionary, and drawings, fireworks, and an end less catalogue of articles under the class of useful and ornamental bagatelles, which all find a ready sale at a considerable profit as well for the storekeepers as for the importers. The goods are all sold by auction, in packages, immediately upon their arrival, to the retailers, who as quickly display the attractive wares to their customers, the public. The grocers, in particular, vie with each other in exhibiting placards announcing " Fresh Teas;" of which notice the consumers soon avail themselves, well knowing that the flavour of " the beverage that cheers but not inebriates," materially de pends upon the freshness of the herb. If any further evidence were wanting to prove, what at length is becoming more generally known, that the Chinese, notwithstanding their pecu liarities, are both a people desirous to trade and easily traded with, the American super cargoes and commanders of vessels could sup ply it. Several of these gentlemen, with whom 350 AMERICA, I conversed on the subject, assured me that no place afforded greater facilities for the despatch of business than the port of Canton, and no people were more easy to deal with than the Chinese. A copy of the evidence on the subject of the China trade, taken before the British House of Commons, happening to be in my possession in New York, I took occasion to read it to one of my American friends, who had made several voyages to China. As it cannot be supposed that an individual of that nation can feel any interest in the opening of the trade in England, the opinions of such a one have additional weight, and are, conse quently, more valuable. The gentleman al luded to freely designated most of the state ments of the witnesses for the East India Company as absurd as they were untrue. He likewise stated that the idea propagated by the servants of that half military and half mer cantile company, that they possessed superior influence with the natives, was completely erroneous any American or even Dutch trader being as promptly attended to, and as much respected, as the most important officer of the British factory ; and speaking of the danger to be apprehended from unruly sailors or others, AND THE AMERICANS. 351 he quaintly observed, if Englishmen could not behave as well as his countrymen, who are uniformly well treated by the Chinese, they must abide the consequences. From another friend connected with the trade, I learnt some particulars relative to an affair which had recently occurred, and which tends to prove the commercial ignorance and mismanagement of the agents of the India Company both at home and abroad. A quantity of cotton twist having been shipped from London to Canton, it was found, upon its arrival at the latter port, to be of a description unsuitable to the market. In lieu of referring to prices current of other coun tries, and making calculations, as would have been done by any private merchant, the article was immediately sold, at a great loss, to the first buyer who appeared. This individual happened to be an American, who shipped it to New York, at which place it was reshipped to England, where it was ultimately sold to a very considerable profit. Among other scraps of information respect ing the trade with China, I learnt that large quantities of tea were sent from the American ports to Antwerp, Hamburgh, Havre, and other places contiguous to Great Britain, a 352 AMERICA, good deal of which, probably, found its way, in an illicit manner, into that country ; and I may add, in corroboration of the fact, that the Americans are enabled to sell the best teas considerably below the India Company s prices, that I saw shipments made to Malta, where they are decidedly preferred, on account of the superior flavour as well as cheapness. As every circumstance tending to remove the film which has for so long a period ob scured the vision of the English people upon the subject of China is of importance at the present moment, the following extracts, which I was kindly permitted to take from a letter written at Canton by a young American to his friends at home, will be found valuable as well as highly amusing. This unsophisticated document clearly shows how desirous the na tives of China are for increased intercourse with foreigners, and how advantageous a knowledge of the language will be to those who, in the event of the opening of the trade, may choose to settle among that curious people. The talented young writer thus proceeds : " I have been highly honoured lately : not only have several officers of distinction called upon me to converse in Chinese, but this morning two Chinese ladies, also, did me that AND THE AMERICANS. 353 honour. One of them was very handsome, and apparently about twenty-two years of age, yet her feet were certainly not more than two inches and a half long. She was dressed in beautifully embroidered silks and satins, and looked remarkably well. The other lady might be about four or five years older, but was good-looking, and was also dressed in the richest manner. Being both wives of a man darine of rank in the province of SOOCHOW, they came in their palanquin, and were at tended by quite a numerous retinue of male and female servants. They also brought five little children, the youngest of which was about nine months old. To it I gave a ten cent piece ; which the mother, agreeably to my request, said she would hang round its neck or arm. She was highly delighted, as the money came so far, and was presented by a foreigner. " The ladies did not talk much, but wan dered, or rather tottered, all over the house. I showed them every thing that I thought would interest them ; father s likeness, which, they said, did not resemble me much ; also, a letter I had received from mother. This last surprised them a good deal, having been written by a female. " The weather being hot, and the doors A A 354 AMERICA, all flung open, I could not keep them out of the rooms ; and into my bed-chamber they bolted, accompanied by their whole retinue. Here they examined the looking-glasses, wash-stand, bed, and toilet, and appeared much amazed. Their deportment was very easy and agreeable, and they seated them selves not the least abashed, differing vastly from the females of this province, who are absurdly modest, or rather affect to be ex ceedingly so. " After asking me a few questions, which I answered, and staying about an hour and a half, they took their leave. " I am promised more calls from some of their friends. " The circumstance of females visiting a foreigner has caused much surprise, none having ever been allowed to enter the foreign factories before ; and it would not even now have been permitted, had the ladies not been from a distant province, and the wives of a * large mandarine. So soon as they entered, the outside of the gate was crowded with China men, who waited to see them come out. " This must be set down as one of the most curious incidents in my life so far ; and in consequence of my having so many man- AND THE AMERICANS. 355 darines to see me, the Chinese merchants look upon me in a different light to the other foreigners ; and since the ladies have been, they know not what to think of it. The fact is, the mandarines suppose no foreigner un derstands their language ; and consequently, not being able to converse they never think, of going to see them ; although it shows, since they have heard of me, that they are anxious to see them ; and when they come I have nothing but questions put to me from the moment they enter the house until they leave. Of course they are mostly about my own country. They are very eager to obtain in formation. " A few days ago I had a visit from a young literary graduate, named KWEI WAN YAIN, one of the most learned men of his age, being only twenty-four, in the empire ; so say the Chinese. He has passed through all the ex aminations at this place, and next year pro ceeds to Peking to be finally examined by the Emperor, which the natives consider as get ting great face, 9 when he, no doubt, will be appointed governor of a province, or a mi nister of state near his Majesty s person. " One of my other friends is a military officer, named LE YING, who commands a A A 2 OJf THU GTNIVERSITT 356 AMERICA, fort opposite to the foreign factories. I fre quently go to see him ; and once went with him on an excursion of pleasure to some gardens, about five miles from the factory, where we spent the day. He often sends me presents of cake and wine. The kindness which all have displayed towards me, shows how pleased they are to come in contact with a foreigner who understands their language ; for never being able to have intercourse with them, they really think we are what their go vernment documents represent us to be bar barians ; and they are greatly surprised when they find we actually can behave well, and talk to them too in their own tongue. This effectually removes the barrier, and the more information they get from me, the more they think these barbarians must really be civilised, and are only misrepresented to them." Perhaps the most interesting event of the present day in America, to the moralist, is the grand effort making to eradicate habits of in temperance among the adult population, and to promote sobriety among the rising gener ation. The engines more immediately em ployed to effect this laudable purpose, are those denominated Temperance Societies, the main injunction of which is, the complete AND THE AMERICANS. 557 abandonment of the use of ardent spirits, except when required medicinally. So convinced are the Americans, from the success of local experiments, of the advantages likely to arise from these institutions, that they are now formed in almost every city and district of the Union, in some of which they enumerate as members a considerable portion of the population. That the habitual drunkard, or even tippler, should be at once reclaimed by their operation, would be little less than a miracle ; neverthe less, the progress of reformation has advanced with a degree of celerity almost unparalleled. Spirits, in whole communities, have disap peared ; the poison is no longer required or given to the labouring husbandman, even in the cities. Brandy, which, until lately, always appeared on the tables of the boarding-houses, and was taken ad libitum, being included in the charge for board, is seldom seen ; pro prietors of those hot-beds of vice dram-shops have, in some instances, abandoned their residences, and removed to situations where the system of reform has made less progress ; clerks and others in search of employment in offices or stores, rind it advantageous to enter the Temperance Societies ; and, lastly, the A A 3 358 AMERICA, shipping interest, encouraged by intelligent commanders, who well know that sobriety is an invaluable quality in the sailor, and that a vessel will be better navigated by men who prefer a cup of cocoa to a glass of liquid fire, have also joined the " Holy Alliance." As a specimen of the description of moral tools with which the members work, I may subjoin a copy of one of the small hand-bills, which are most extensively circulated, and which, there is good reason to believe, pro duce a powerful effect. At the head of this little collection of aphorisms are two vignettes, one of which represents a family in apparently comfortable circumstances ; but the husband, having returned home in a state of intoxi cation, has thrown over the table, and, in a fit of brutal rage, threatens the person of his wife with violent usage, The other affords but too faithful a picture of the result of yielding to the degrading vice of drunkenness. On the floor of a wretched hovel, devoid of the simplest article of furniture, is depicted the corpse of the infatuated subject of the first plate, surrounded by his afflicted widow and helpless children, who, naked and hun gry, bewail their miserable lot. AND THE AMERICANS. 359 " THE WONDERFUL ADVANTAGES OF DRUNKENNESS. If you are determined to be poor, be a Drunkard ; and you will soon be ragged and pennyless. If you would wish to starve your family, be a Drunkard ; for that will consume the means of their support. If you would be imposed upon by knaves, be a Drunkard ; for that will make their task easy. If you would become a fool, be a Drunkard ; and you will soon lose your understanding. If you are determined to expel all comfort from your house, be a Drunkard ; and you will do it effectually. If you would expose both your folly and secrets, be a Drunkard; and they will soon run out as the liquor runs in. If you think you are too strong, be a Drunkard ; and you will soon be subdued by so powerful an enemy. If you would get rid of your money without knowing how, be a Drunkard ; and it will vanish insensibly. If you would be a dead weight on the community, and cumber the ground, be a Drunkard; for that will render you useless, helpless, burthensome, and expensive. If you would be a nuisance, be a Drunkard ; for the approach of a drunkard is like that of a dunghill. If you would be hated by your family and friends, be a Drunkard ; and you will soon be more than disagreeable. Finally, if you are determined to be utterly destroyed in estate, body, and soul, be a Drunkard ; and you will soon know that it is impossible to adopt a more effectual means to accomplish your end." As all institutions, however valuable, are liable to suffer from the indiscreet zeal of their friends, so the Temperance Societies A A 4 360 AMERICA, have not escaped ridicule. Forgetting that it is the abuse, and not the use, which consti tutes the crime, some enthusiastic persons have denied themselves even those liquors, which, taken, as all things should be, in mo deration, contribute to nourish the body and exhilarate the spirits ; in short, to innocent gratification, mental as well as bodily : and we witnessed, in several instances, the tables of these " righteous overmuch" groaning under every eatable luxury, but on which no liquid but that of the crystal fountain was allowed to be seen. A ridiculous instance of scrupulosity as to the use of ardent spirits occurred a few months previous to cur leaving New York. The cir cumstances are as follows : As port wine is little drunk by Americans, that people, from custom, have recourse to the wine of Madeira in the ordinance of the Sacrament. Now, the Madeira, being adulterated for the American as for the English market with a considerable portion of brandy, was denounced by the more rigid members of the Temperance fraternity as an abomination, and a substitute was imme diately thought upon. Such was opportunely found in the wines of fine France, which are not subjected to any admixture ; and an adver- AND THE AMERICANS. 36 1 tisement soon after appeared from an eminently zealous individual, recommending the use of Burgundy, of which some friend had received a good supply. What rendered the matter still more ridiculous, the advertisement was ac companied by a chemical certificate of the total absence of brandy in its composition. The effect of this solemn farce was the immediate re-stocking of the vestry wine bins, and of course the easing of many tender consciences, who had periodically polluted their lips with wine in which there might have been a portion of brandy. During our residence in New York we en joyed several opportunities of viewing the ingenious American operation of removing houses ; but as this mechanical process has been so minutely and faithfully described by Captain Basil Hall, in that officer s Travels, it would be superfluous to dwell upon the sub ject. A few months previous to our departure from America, however, we witnessed the still more curious and delicate one of raising a house. The building in question was of brick, three stories high, to which the owner decided to add a fourth. The addition was not made, as it would have been in England, by taking 362 AMERICA, off the roof, and erecting" a superstructure ; but the whole building was raised to a sufficient height to allow of a substruction. The means employed to effect this were simple, but pow erful. A series of oblong holes or spaces were opened in the walls round the edifice ; and by the introduction of screws and blocks, all of which were equally and simultaneously em ployed, the weighty mass was elevated. The operation occupied several days ; and on passing the spot, a week or two afterwards, I beheld the enlarged mansion furnished and occupied ; the whole of the brick-work, even the heavy and lofty chimneys, being quite sound and uninjured, and those parts of the gable ends exposed above the roofs of the adjoining tenements only requiring the slight process technically called pointing. AND THE AMERICANS. 363 CHAP. XIX. EVEN at the commencement of the present century, the journey from New York to Mont real, a distance of only 380 miles, was the labour of several weeks, and was likewise attended with considerable fatigue. Now^he same is accomplished in three days and nights ; the latter being passed in excellent beds, in the steamers and canal packet boats. Having decided to return to England by way of Quebec, we prepared for our departure as soon as we ascertained that the navigation of the northern canal and Lake Champlain was opened for the season, which, in the year 1831, took place about the middle of the month of April. The last day of that month is spent by the busy New Yorkers in packing up their household goods and chattels, preparatory to the grand remove of the 1st of May, which I have already attempted to describe ; and, amidst the general bustle occasioned by this topsy-turvy system, we also found ourselves occupied in the arrangement of the contents of 364 AMERICA, trunks, portmanteaus, and, as a lady was in the case, band-boxes. On Sunday morning, the 1st of May, 1831, we shook hands with some of the kindest- hearted people in the world, and once again embarked in one of the magnificent steamers which grace the Hudson. The weather was delightful ; and it being what is termed a packet day, several of those splendid ships, des tined for London, Liverpool, and Havre, were majestically sailing down the bay ; the mails and passengers having been put on board by the attendant steamer, which, upon the vessel s entering the blue ocean, brings back the com pany or the individuals who may have taken the trip to repeat the last adieu, and to drink prosperous gales in claret or champagne, which, with other good cheer, is provided in the most liberal manner by the generous owners and commanders. The animated scene, however, with the gay spired city of New York, soon disappeared ; and long before evening we had passed West Point, and the bold bluffs and precipices of the Narrows. At one of the villages on the river we took on board above 100 passengers. They were all farmers, with their families, household furni ture, and effects ; and were emigrating from AND THE AMERICANS. 365 the comparatively populous shores of the Hud son to the fertile and almost boundless prairies of the west ; where, for a few shillings per acre, they could each select their lots ; commence, as is the delight of theAmerican, improvements, and lay the foundations of the future greatness of the district. Among the numerous passengers from New York were some woollen manufacturers, several wool growers from the interior, and also some importers of foreign goods. An interesting discussion was started by some of the mingled company upon the subject of the manufacturing interests of America ; and as I felt anxious to elicit their opinions upon the policy or impolicy of the protective system, I did my best to agitate and keep alive the topic. As I anti cipated would be the case, the manufacturers and wool-growers were decided friends of the high tariff: first, as a measure of retaliation, because Great Britain refused to receive Ame rican flour or grain, the staple articles of produce, upon a favourable footing ; and, secondly, because, as the manufacturing in terest had been created by the help of the tariff, and, in spite of many discouragements in the onset, was then flourishing under its pro- 366 AMERICA, tection, it would be, as they alleged, worse than madness to abandon a system which was rapidly enriching their country, and rendering it completely independent in the event of foreign war. The importers argued upon the Huskis- sonian theory, that if wool or any raw material could be imported at a cheaper rate than it could be produced at home, it was sound policy to avail themselves of such importation ; and further, that if any particular branch of business could not be carried on by them as successfully as by foreigners, it was folly to think of protecting or forcing such by pre miums : in short, the maxim, buy at the cheapest market and sell at the dearest, seemed to have made a proper impression on the minds of the debaters on the anti-tariff side of the question. These wise arguments, however, v/ere not relished by the manufacturers ; nor did the listening throng, several of whom joined in the course of the discussion, applaud them. The general impression appeared to be, that with cheap government, and consequently cheap food, they should, if the protective scheme was continued, eventually triumph over every obstacle, and render their great country not AND THE AMERICANS. 367 only the most powerful, but the richest and most independent, of any in the world. Politics and political economy, slavery and prison discipline, were successively discussed, until the preparations for turning in, as the nautical phrase for going to bed expresses it, put an end to the debates. As there were at least 500 passengers to be accommodated, and not half that number of beds, it required no little activity on the part of the stewards to make arrangements for the overplus. This was done, however, with all the alertness of men accustomed to the busi ness, by drawing out the sliding tables, and placing rows of mattresses and bedding upon them ; thus creating very fair substitutes for the regular berths. On popping my head out in the night, the cabin presented the appear ance of a long ward in a public hospital, with all the beds occupied. As the ladies cabin was also crowded to an overflow, a trespass had been made upon that of the gentlemen ; the division being formed by a crimson curtain. From the situation of the lights in that part of the cabin, the shadows of its inmates were thrown upon the curtain, in the manner of the exhibitions styled les ombres Chinois, or the Chinese shades. 368 AMERICA, Unfortunately, the fair passengers com menced the operation of unrobing with such rapidity, that no little mirth was created in our cabin before the information of the awkward affair could reach the ears of those whose business it was to rectify the mistake. Darkness succeeded this ludicrous exhibi tion, and the vessel ploughed her way until near midnight, when, from the great weight and quantity of heavy goods and baggage on board, it grounded, and remained, until the flow of the tide in our favour, immoveable. The sudden stoppage of the machinery caused some apprehension and alarm among the females ; one of the most anxious of whom, I heard exclaim, in no very subdued tone, "What is the matter? what is the matter ? say, right away, what is the matter ; do tell me the worst ! " After a short pause, a deep voice from the deck dryly replied to these repeated interrogatories, " Nothing, madam, nothing ; only the bottom of the vessel and the top of the earth are stuck toge ther;" a pretty quaint definition of a ship being aground. On being awoke by the ring ing of the bell at six o clock in the morning, I found we were alongside of the wharf at Albany. Here a scene was exhibited, which, although provoking to the sufferers on such AND THE AMERICANS. 369 occasions, is productive of much mirth to the cautious or more fortunate traveller. It is the custom of the servants of the steamers to collect and clean all the boots of the passengers. These are claimed by their respective owners at the general boot-room ; but, as may be supposed, when the vessel is crowded, it becomes no easy matter for an individual immediately to recognise his own among so many pairs ; and mistakes, and, in some instances, exchanges too, no doubt occur. The consequence was, some beaux, who commenced their travels with the latest and most fashionable cut, were seen marching about with the brogues of a back- woodsman ; young gentlemen, and those who had " their toes unplagued with corns," perhaps figured in the easy shoes of an invalid ; while such unfortunate disciples of Morpheus, who had snored an hour too long, had to make the best of boots which had long since seen their best days, and to repair which would have been as useless as the blunderbuss which stood in need of a new stock, lock, and barrel. The steamers which ply between Albany and Troy a distance of six miles not sailing on the morning of our arrival at the former place, we proceeded in one of the stages which B B 370 AMERICA, run hourly between these two cities. The road follows the course of the Hudson, and is tolerably good. Near Troy, we passed the United States arsenal for the district, where many thousand stand of arms, and a train of artillery, are kept in order for service. A few of the brass field-pieces, preserved as trophies, were taken at the surrender of the British army under General Burgoyne, in the year 1777. Passing the river on a ferry raft, on which the stage was driven, we alighted at the prin cipal hotel in Troy. Troy is a thriving, cheerful little town ; and, although a recent settlement, already con tains above 13,000 inhabitants, and is cele brated for an extensive and excellent seminary for young ladies. As we arrived too late for the public break fast, we partook of this meal in a private room, and were attended by the daughters of the proprietor of the hotel. The persons and manners of these young females were interest ing ; and, during breakfast, they occasionally seated themselves by the table, and freely entered into conversation. I found they had been educated at the seminary alluded to ; and, among other branches AND THE AMERICANS. 371 of useful learning, had made some progress in the exact sciences. A copy of Euclid s Ele ments, in which appeared the elder sister s name, lay on a side-table. The beautiful daughters of an independent landlord, serving tea and coffee, eggs and rolls, and conversing with the guests upon courses of education and problems of Euclid, was an exhibition peculiar to America; and one which illustrated the state of society in that " happy land" in a most striking manner. The country in the rear and vicinity of Troy is hilly ; and one of the beautiful emi nences is distinguished by the classical title of Mount Ida. Taking leave of our intelligent Trojans, we crossed the Hudson, which is here about a quarter of a mile in width, and embarked in the packet-boat on the great western canal, which we pursued as far as the junction with the northern line a distance of about two miles. Here, by a series of well finished locks, we entered the latter ; and soon afterwards crossed the river Mohawk, just below the grand falls called the Cohoes. The torrent is precipitated over a precipice nearly fifty feet in height ; and the volume of water being very consider able, the effect, when viewed from the rapids B B 2 372 AMERICA, below, and in connection with the surrounding scenery, is exceedingly fine. The towing path is carried across the stream on a timber bridge of great strength. In the evening we passed Bemus Heights, the scene of the memorable contest between the British under General Burgoyne, and the Americans under General Gates, in the year 1777 The old farm-house, in which General Fraser breathed his last, is still shown, al though it has been removed a short distance from the place where it originally stood. General Fraser was interred, at his own request, in a redoubt on the field of battle ; and a monument was ordered to be erected on the spot some years ago by the British government ; but it is said the agent employed the money to his own use, and the grave of this brave warrior still remains unmarked by the slightest memorial. A few miles further, we saw the ground where the army of Burgoyne surrendered themselves prisoners of war to their more fortunate antagonists. These historical and interesting sites are all within an easy ride from the celebrated Saratoga springs, the Harrowgate or Chel tenham of America, and at which hundreds AND THE AMERICANS. 373 of the fashionables of the southern States spend their summer months. Near Fort Edward, which we passed in the night, is the spot rendered tragically me morable by the murder of the lovely Miss M Rea, by the Indians, in the revolutionary war. This unfortunate young lady, who is reported to have been extremely beautiful, was the daughter of a clergyman, and en gaged to be united in marriage to an officer in the army of Burgoyne. Her lover, anxious for the celebration of the nuptials, engaged a party of Indians to convey the damsel to the camp. Contrary to the wishes of her friends, the fond girl committed herself to their care, and was escorted by them to a certain spring on the road, where they were met by another band, who likewise claimed the privilege of being her body-guard. It is supposed an al tercation ensued between the parties about their charge, during which they were at tacked by the whites. Melancholy to relate, on the termination of the conflict, Miss M Rea was found tomahawked and scalped. Her lover, on hearing the horrible intel ligence, died of grief. Her name is still in scribed on the tree, under which the murder B B 3 374 AMERICA, was perpetrated, and where her maimed body was originally interred. The remains have since been removed to the churchyard of the village of Sandy Hill. The country through which we passed, during the evening after our leaving Troy, exhibited the appearance of high civilisation, in well cultivated farms, smiling villages, and a numerous well fed, happy population ; but on looking out of the cabin in the morning the scene was completely changed. In lieu of gliding on a canal between fer tile fields, we found ourselves sailing in a creek, with which the former communicates, bordered by sterile rocks and inhospitable shores, covered with pine woods, and almost without inhabitants. The air, too, was both " nipping and eager; 5 very different from that of the valley of the Hudson, to which noble stream, after coursing it above 200 miles, we had bidden adieu. The towing path in this wilderness serves a double purpose, being also the mail coach road ; if an ill-defined causeway, where the traveller is either drawn axle- deep in mud, or jolted over transverse logs, deserves that ap pellation. After travelling most comfortably the whole AND THE AMERICANS. 3J5 length of the canal sixty-five miles, enjoying the company of agreeable fellow passengers, and receiving every possible attention and hospitality, from the captain of the packet and his assistants, we reached the village or port of Whitehall. In a short time after, the steamer arrived from St. John s ; and the united passengers at the hotel, to the number of nearly a hun dred, were summoned to breakfast. Although I have already had occasion to allude to the abundance displayed at this meal in America, I must be allowed to notice this breakfast at Whitehall in a special manner ; such bountiful doings being unknown in any other country. My readers may, then, imagine, a table nearly long enough for a city feast, well covered with steaks, cutlets, eggs, ham, sausages, chickens fricasseed and barbacued ; stewed and fried eels, with delicious trout ; add to these good things, rolls, cakes, and an inexhaustible sup ply of excellent coffee ; and some idea may be formed of the substantial repast ; which, to hungry travellers, was indeed, as Dominie Sampson would have had it, " prodigious." Some idea of the cheapness of provisions may be formed, when I state, that the charge for B B 4< 376 AMERICA, this meal was only about eighteen pence ster ling each person. The waiters, who performed their duties in a style fit for the best hotels in England, re ceived nothing from the guests. As soon as the company had risen, and a portion of the materiel had been removed, they sat down in their turn, and followed up the attack with vigour. The village of Whitehall has latterly be come a place of importance, in consequence of the opening of the northern canal, and the increased traffic between New York and the towns bordering on Lake Champlain, as well as Lower Canada, to which province it is in the direct line. The streets are laid out suffi ciently wide, but they were not paved or even Macadamised. The canal, which branches from the creek, where it ceases to be navi gable, on account of rapids and falls, commu nicates with the head of the lake by a series of locks. As the steamer did not sail until noon, we beguiled the interval by strolling up the hill in the rear of the village, from which there is an extensive prospect. The surface of the ground is rocky, but much wooded, and so infested with snakes, as to require the AND THE AMERICANS. 377 pedestrian to carry a stick, and keep on his guard against these reptiles ; although they will not molest the intruder on their domain, if they can effect their escape. We saw at least half a dozen, of various sizes and species, in the distance of a few hun dred yards. One of these, a young copper head, with a most brilliant pair of eyes, viewed us with such innocent surprise, that I allowed it to make its way to its nest. We did not hear the sound of rattle-snakes, but we were told that the hill was covered with these venomous creatures. About one o clock, we embarked with a number of other passengers in the steam-packet Franklin, for St. John s. This vessel was of large dimensions, the machinery powerful, and the cabins fitted up in a style of elegance, almost equalling, if not exceeding, any we had previously seen. The captain or pilot instructed the engineer in regard to speed or stoppages by a bell, the number of strokes on which designating the particular command. Lake Champlain, in the vicinity of White hall, is narrow and tortuous, having the ap pearance of a river flowing between lofty hills ; although it soon widens and pursues a more direct course, it is not until Crown Point is AMERICA, reached a distance of forty miles that the lake opens to a considerable extent. This formerly important post, with its companion Ticonderoga, situated at the outlet of the beautiful Lake George, exhibit extensive re mains of the fortifications erected in the French Canadian war; and in the former place, a number of guineas were lately dis covered, which had been buried for security. In the course of the afternoon, we passed a rocky promontory, the end of which had been separated by some convulsion of nature to a distance of thirty feet from the main land ; the opposite surfaces of the fracture exactly corresponding. Twelve miles further, on the east side of the lake, is Burlington, a flourishing village, near to which, on an eminence commanding an ex tensive and beautiful prospect, is the Univer sity of the State of Vermont. At Burlington we landed several passengers, the operation being conducted with the same degree of rapidity as on the Hudson river. Pursuing an oblique course on the now ex panded lake, we had a charming view of the woods, and lofty range of mountains of Ver mont, gilded by the rays of the setting sun ; and after a most agreeably spent evening, en- AND THE AMERICANS. 379 livened by " the feast of reason and the flow of soul," midnight found us entering the bay of Plattsburgh, 8 a name recalling no very agreeable associations to English ears. At the pier of this lake port, where several large trading sloops were lying, we had again the disagreeable task of bidding farewell to pas sengers, for whom even a short intimacy had sufficed to win our good opinion. Although I have more than once had the pleasure to record the polite attentions of the Americans, I cannot omit to mention an instance of the most disinterested kindness shown to us by some of our fellow travellers, who landed at this place. The party had come several hundred miles on a visit to some of their friends, near Platts burgh, with whom they purposed to remain a few weeks. Without the slightest acquaintance with either myself or my wife, beyond that which travellers of congenial sentiments form while journeying together, these friendly individuals invited us, in the most pressing manner, to accompany them, and to remain as long as we could make it convenient ; assuring us of a most hospitable reception, and of their desire to render our stay agreeable. It was with 380 AMERICA, great regret that we were obliged to decline the proffered civilities ; and with more than ordinary feelings of sorrow that we parted, in all probability never to meet again. In the churchyard of Plattsburgh lie in terred, side by side, the British and American officers who fell in the military and naval con flicts near this place, in the year 1814. Among the British are the gallant Commo dore Downie, and Lieutenant-Colonel Wel lington. A monumental slab has been placed to the memory of the former gentleman, which bears the following inscription : " Sacred to the memory of GEORGE DOWNIE, ESQ., a Post-Captain in the British Royal Navy, who gloriously fell on board His British Majesty s Ship, the Confiance, whilst lead ing the vessel under his command to the at tack of the American flotilla, at anchor in Cumberland Bay, off Plattsburgh, on the llth of September, 1814. To mark the spot where the remains of a gallant officer and sincere friend were honourably interred, this stone has been erected by his affectionate sister-in- law, Mary Downie." The permitting this complimentary epitaph to be inscribed in the public cemetery, must be regarded as honourable to American feel- AND THE AMERICANS. 381 ing. The unfortunate killed of the rank and file were all buried on a small island opposite the village. The deathlike stillness of night, combined with the recollections that both the water we were sailing over, as well as the shore which it laves, had been crimsoned with the blood of so many of one s fellow creatures, produced a powerful sensation on the mind ; and I only awoke from the reverie into which I was thrown, on passing the promontory called Cumberland Head, which forms the northern boundary of the Bay of Plattsburgh. From all I could learn respecting the actions, the simultaneous disastrous issues of which to the British forces is too well known, it appears that the success of the Americans on land was principally owing to the deadly fire of their numerous riflemen, who in no instance miss their aim ; and that the circumstance of their flotilla carrying heavy carronades rendered the bravery of the British, who had only long guns, of less avail at close quarters. Who was to blame in respect to this and other oversights, it is now useless to enquire ; but I may remark, that much of the cause of failure, in all the actions between the British and the Americans, from that of Saratoga in 382 AMERICA, the first war, when Burgoyne and his bat talions were taken prisoners, to the horrible butchery of New Orleans in the last, when the Americans killed 1500 brave veterans, with scarcely any loss themselves, or of their own force, may be found, partly in the aristocratic constitution of our army, in which the accident of birth or fortune, not military service or talent, procures command j and partly in the contempt in which the Americans were held by the British officers generally ; a contempt eagerly fostered by a nation which had so often been flushed with victory when com bating people less imbued with the love of liberty, and who were not, like the Americans, fighting " pro aris etfocis," for God and their country. Soon after daylight we passed Rouse Point, situated at the entrance of the narrow chan nel, at the northern end of the lake, the bor ders of which are here low and marshy. Under the impression that this important post fell within the boundary line of the United States, the American government had proceeded to fortify it in a most efficient man ner ; but the commissioners appointed to settle the frontier, deciding that it pertained to AND THE AMERICANS. 383 Canada, the works were immediately dis mantled and rendered useless. The recent arbitration of the King of the Netherlands would seem to reverse the matter; and it is probable that the Americans have acted somewhat precipitately, and not with their wonted cool deliberation, in thus destroy ing the work of their hands. At this imaginary line of separation, we bade adieu to the United States of America, a country in which we had sojourned two years, in which we had found many friends, formed many sincere friendships, in which we had spent some of the happiest hours in our lives, and which we could not leave without a sigh. Ten miles from the frontier is the cele brated Isle aux Noix, the Portsmouth of Lake Champlain, at which, in nautical lan guage, we touched. The frames of a number of sloops and gun-boats lay rotting on the stocks, or had already fallen to pieces ; but the fortifications appeared in excellent order, as well as the extensive barracks and store houses. A solitary British serjeant was the only living being we beheld ; yet the sight of this individual, together with the bas-reliefs of the royal arms in the pediments of the buildings, . , 384 AMERICA, were not only novelties, after two years ac quaintance with eagles and caps of liberty, but were striking preludes to the scenes about to open. The view of the arsenal having given rise to a conversation on ship-building, I asked an American passenger, whether it was true that, during the last war, his countrymen had con verted growing trees into vessels of war in the short space of a month. The answer was in the affirmative, and that one of these hastily constructed floating batteries mounted 100 guns. On my remarking that ships so quickly built could not last, my friend replied, with a dry smile, that they lasted long enough : they lasted until they took all yours. Unfortu nately for my national credit, this was true to the letter. An uninteresting sail of fourteen miles brought us to the village of St. John s, the port of entry at the British end of the lake. The distance between Whitehall and this place is about 140 miles ; which we had ac complished in sixteen hours, including various stoppages to land passengers. An officer of the Custom-house came on board to pass the baggage, which service was performed in the most gentlemanly manner ; AND THE AMERICANS. 385 and having taken leave of the star-spangled banner, and the commander of the steamer, who, to a thorough knowledge of, and strict attention to, his professional duties, united urbanity of manner the most engaging, we re paired to the best hotel in the place, and joined the table d hote, with all the keenness of appetite created by scenting the morning air. The poverty of the meal, however, and the tout ensemble of the house, compared with Whitehall, or indeed with any village of the same class in the United States, which we had seen, was particularly observable, and did not give us a favourable opinion of the prosperity of the settlement. The scanty population seemed to consist of English, Irish, and Scotch ; arid here and there an idle soldier might be seen. Break fast being over, we took our seats in the stage for La Prairie, on the St. Lawrence, a distance of eighteen miles. By the word " stage" must not be understood any thing like the gay-panelled and well- finished vehicles of England, nor yet the ruder but commodious ones of America ; but only a light waggon, in which, on two cross benches sat the passengers with their trunks and baggage behind them, c c 386 AMERICA, For a short way the road ran parallel with the river Richelieu, the outlet of Lake Cham- plain into the St. Lawrence ; and although very far from being what would be tolerated by our commissioners of turnpikes, was still carriageable at a moderate pace. What succeeded it is not easy to describe, even Moody s " waggon-rut lane" falling short of the realities of this route. Now driving over heaps of half-broken stones, now through mud axletree deep, sometimes of the colour and consistency of printers ink, then through morass so soft as to leave us in some doubt whether we were to go a yard farther or bivouac on the spot, and if, by dint of whip and voice, the hardy ponies proceeded, it was only that we might be rattled over a series of transverse logs, not unaptly termed corduroy road ; or, lastly, be see sawed over springing fascines sunk in the mire. In this delightful manner we journeyed to the village of La Prairie, where we arrived much in the condition of the poet who thus describes his feelings after similar miseries : " Though every bone is aching After the shaking I ve had this week over ruts and ridges And bridges," &c. AND THE AMERICANS. 387 and we at length began to think that the American s advice, to travel with a supply of cotton to stuff between the jaws, was not altogether a joke. This part of Canada is flat, and to the eye of the artist uninteresting; but it is cleared of wood, and well cultivated, and con tains numerous substantial frame-houses, with churches at regular intervals. The roofs of the latter are formed of tin, and in some of the yards we saw large crucifixes, to which were attached the implements used at the cru cifixion, as the hammer, pincers, spear, sponge, &c., just as are commonly seen in some of the states of Italy. We met a priest in his cassock, whom, ac cording to the custom of Catholic countries, I saluted, which mark of respect was very politely acknowledged. The appearance of such a personage in the habit of his order, the sight of the- peasantry at work in their red or grey woollen caps, their gay manner, the sound of the French language, together with the Catholic emblems, were strongly contrasted with the country we had so lately left, and at every step the dis tinction seemed even more and more apparent. Our fellow travellers, or, perhaps, as cor- c c 2 388 AMERICA, rectly speaking, fellow sufferers, from St. John s, were, a New Englander or Yankee, and a Canadian : the former, a middle-aged man, shrewd and observant; the latter, young, volatile, and extremely opinionated ; in short, one of those happy individuals who are upon excellent terms with themselves. As is generally the case, when Americans and Canadians meet, it is not long before the merits of their respective countries are the topic of conversation ; so the batteries of dis putation opened between our two companions soon after we started from St. John s ; and, whether the assertion of travellers, that national egotism is a distinguishing feature in the American character, be true or false, the quantum possessed by our Canadian certainly exceeded any thing we had previously wit nessed. With this happy mortal, Canada was nothing less than the modern garden of Eden : its frame-houses were the most delightful places of residence on the earth ; the diet of the Canadian farmers was fit for kings ; the dialect was one which the Parisians themselves might study with advantage ; the religious establish ment was a model for all other nations ; the productions of the soil were the envy of the AND THE AMERICANS. 389 neighbouring territory ; and even the highway over which we were jolting, at any other season of the year was superb ! Making full allowance for this exuberance of amor patrice, which, after all, is pretty much the same with the unread and untra- velled of every country, we did not venture to weaken it by comparisons, to which our friend would probably have been unwilling to listen. To a jocose suggestion, however, which he made, on our remarking some peculiarity in a sheep which we passed, that we should present it to the British Museum ; my wife laughingly replied, " that half a mile of his road would be a greater curiosity." His subsequent silence, showed that the sally was not received in the same spirit with which it was made. At La Prairie, the magnificent St. Lawrence first burst upon our sight. The poverty of the place, which only afforded a few dry biscuits and vile spirituous compounds, which latter we of course rejected, was entirely forgotten in the splendour of the view. The great breadth of the majestic river, the white breakers of the rapids of La Chine, a few miles above ; and in the distance below, on c c 3 390 AMERICA, the opposite bank, the city of Montreal, with its glittering spires, backed by the wooded eminence which gives name to the island itself, formed a picture of absorbing inter est. In the midst of our enjoyment of this sub lime prospect, we were hurried into the bateau which was to convey us with other passen gers to the city. The bateaux navigating the St. Lawrence are very large flat-bottomed boats, with the head and stern alike, both rising in the galley style. That in which we embarked contained a cargo of ashes in barrels, together with about twenty persons, including the boatmen, two of whom were old Canadian voyageurs, and had been on the inhospitable shores of the northern lakes. Montreal is situated nine miles below the village of La Prairie ; but the current runs with such rapidity, that considerable exertion was requisite to prevent us being carried too far. The passage was free from danger, notwith standing occasional eddies and waves excited alarm among the timid. What gave a peculiar charm to this little AND THE AMERICANS. 391 voyage was the chant of the rowers, which was exceedingly plaintive and beautiful ; and, although the air did not resemble that of the Canadian boat song so deservedly popular with us, the exquisite melody of the latter was naturally associated with the scene. c c 392 AMERICA, CHAP. XX. as is the contrast to the stranger who is transported from Dover to Calais, it is cer tainly not greater than that between the Ame rican cities and those of Canada; and in no part of my travels do I remember to have witnessed, in the course of a few days, a greater falling off in the general appearance of national prosperity, than in our being transferred from even the third or fourth class cities of Albany or Troy, to the rising entrepot of Montreal. In lieu of a clean and commodious landing pier, like those of the United States, on which elegant hackney coaches and cars await the passenger s arrival, to convey him to a well- supplied hotel, our bateau was rowed, or rather hauled, upon a muddy beach, amidst a crowd of shipping, at the foot of one of the meanest and dirtiest little streets or alleys that can be conceived. How we were to get on shore at all was not instantly apparent. But our sus pense was not of long continuance ; for in a few minutes a number of small carts, each of which was drawn by a hardy pony, were AND THE AMERICANS. backed into the water to the side of the boat ; and trunks, band-boxes, and all, were as speedily stowed in them by the officious and loquacious drivers, in their bonnets rouges, and the owners of the baggage, ladies as well as gentlemen, were requested to take their seats upon their movables. In this way, like so many camp followers, we were driven up the muddy bank, and into the crowded market-place ; where, nothing loth, we descended from our elevated stations, and, wading through mire possessing the quality of birdlime, proceeded to a boarding-house, which was politely recommended by the superintendent of the news-room, who had visited our bateau in quest of the latest intelli gence from the great capital, New York. I have said that my first impressions, on landing in America, were the high character and independent bearing of the labouring po pulation, and the absence of rabble : those on landing in Canada were the suavity and polite ness of the natives, whose air and manners were as perfectly those of their parent country as was their language ; and it required no stretch of imagination to fancy ourselves in one of the smaller and poorer cities of France, remote from its fascinating metropolis. 394< AMERICA, The boatmen, carters, and porters all touched or raised their caps when addressing well-dressed persons ; and on receiving their demands for any services rendered, they did not fail to return a Merci, monsieur, a piece of courtesy unknown, in any instance where the obligation is mutual, among the independ ent and sturdy republicans of the United States. The company in the boarding-house were likewise of the French school ; and the meals, both as to the description of cookery and the time devoted to them, bore a closer resem blance to the custom of France than America; whilst the smiling femmes de chambre might have just arrived from the " gay, sprightly land of mirth and social ease. 5 The city of Montreal, which contains rising, as the Americans would express it, 30,000 inhabitants, is about two miles in length, and half a mile in width. It consists of two long streets, the upper and the lower, the latter of which is extremely narrow and dirty ; and these are intersected by others of the poorest character. The buildings are all of stone, but in general not more than two stories high ; and the window shutters and outer doors being of AND THE AMERICANS. 395 sheet-iron, they have something of a prison air. The roofs are all constructed of tin, which, I was surprised to learn, was extremely durable, the lustre remaining even at the expiration of half a century. I observed the sheets of tin were so doubled at the edges that the nails with which they are fastened were invisible, and of course protected from the weather. Permanent ladders are placed on all the roofs, as means of escape in case of fire. The stores or shops are principally kept by English or Scotsmen ; but they have not the least pretensions to elegance ; and as the goods are wholly of British manufacture, they do not comprise the tempting variety exhibited in the marts of America. I only saw two or three booksellers establishments ; and only one of these, which was kept by an American, pos sessed an extensive, or even useful, collection of works. The proprietor of this store received the English reprinted publications from New York and Philadelphia almost as soon as issued JL. in those places, thereby anticipating the ar rivals from London. Among the books of this class which had just been received, was the description of that magnificent labour, the Manchester and Liverpool railroad, a topic 396 AMERICA, of intense interest in the United States, in which the locomotive steam-engine is about to be so extensively introduced. Among the public edifices, the new Catholic Church stands eminently conspicuous. This immense building, which, though not yet completed, has cost as much money as would have sufficed to construct a railroad from La Prairie to St. John s, and which is capable of holding above 10,000 persons, is constructed of bluish-grey stone, in a plain style of Gothic architecture. The grand entrance is under a lofty portico, between two noble towers. The interior, which has extensive galleries, is di vided into pews ; and as the floor is inclined towards the high altar, the whole of the con gregation have a good view of the officiating priests. This spacious house of God, like all the great temples of the Catholic religion in coun tries where that faith is generally professed, is open at all hours ; and the humble penitent may be seen pouring out his inmost thoughts to his ghostly confessor, and receiving words of comfort ; or, in silent contrition before the sacred image of his Saviour, vowing to lead a new life unto righteousness. On the Sunday I beheld every part of the AND THE AMERICANS. 897 building crowded to excess. The sermon was delivered in the French languag e. One third of the congregation appeared to be natives of the Emerald Isle, and all looked well fed and well clothed. The beadles, who attended about the entrances to preserve order, wore liveries of blue faced with red ; and their staves of office were ornamented with the royal arms of England. The union of these out ward and visible signs of Protestant ascend ency with the emblems of the Catholic faith could not fail to be noticed by every English stranger; for although the circumstance was trifling in itself, the effect was momentarily confusing. The English Episcopal Church is a spacious edifice, with a lofty tinned spire. Over the altar is a copy of that splendid relic of art, the Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci. As is customary in British garrisoned towns abroad, there are two morning services on the Sunday; the first of which is for the military, the second for the bourgeois. The majority of the pews on the morning of our visit were empty ; and from the dusty state of that into which we were shown by the sexton or pew-opener, it apparently had not been occupied for many months. The duty 398 AMERICA, was performed by missionary clergymen, sent out by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. A collection was made, or, as the Americans have it, was taken up, after the sermon; and it was with no small degree of vexation that we subsequently learned the receipts were for the purpose of keeping the church clean, a duty, as our soiled apparel had borne witness, wholly neg lected. The Hotel Dieu, or Hospital for the Sick, the Seminary for the Education of Youth de voted to the Priesthood, and the several nun neries, appeared to be well-regulated establish ments. I noticed, in the first mentioned, portraits of that weak monarch, Louis XVI., and his profligate queen, as well as some other relics of France under the old regime, for which there still lingers an attachment. The barracks and other Government build ings of Montreal are large, and handsomely finished; and an extensive place d armes affords the inhabitants opportunities of witnessing military parade, and enjoying eloquent music, both which are provided at the expense of John Bull. In the market-place is a handsome monu ment to the memory of Nelson, erected some AND THE AMERICANS. 399 years ago by the British residents in Montreal. The design of this work of art is a Roman Doric column, upon the summit of which is a statue of the hero. The column itself is of the same description of stone as that used in the erection of the great Catholic Church ; but the figure, as well as the ornaments of the capital, the base, and the bas-reliefs on the pedestal, representing the principal victories, are executed in terracotta, or artificial stone, and appeared to bear the frost pretty well. At Montreal commences the grand chain of canal and river navigation, the object of w r hich is to facilitate the communication be tween the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. The canal which forms the first link, and which communicates with Lake St. Louis, at the mouth of the Ottawa river, is about seven miles in length. The locks, at its junction with the St. Lawrence, are of the most approved construction, and the bridges connected with them combine durability with taste in design. The great work called the Rideau Canal, which, after the expenditure of many hundred thousand pounds, is at length opened, com mences at Kingston on Lake Ontario, and ends at the rising little settlement of Bytown, 400 AMERICA, on the Ottawa river. Whether, in the execu tion of this project, a proper regard has been paid to economy in the expenditure is ques tionable ; but as the requisite funds were sup plied by Old England, I did not find the Ca nadians deeply interested in that part of the subject, more particularly as they would reap the advantages. Having devoted a day or two to the in spection of the iron founderies, the ship building yards, and other establishments con nected with the trade of this growing port, and taken a farewell view of the magnificent scene presented from the eminence in the rear of the city, the slopes of which are studded with the villas of the wealthy in habitants, we embarked in one of the steamers for Quebec. The dimensions of these vessels are much the same as those on the waters of the United States ; but, as they are intended more for the conveyance of produce and general cargoes than for passengers, the part allotted for the latter is on a smaller scale, but not less elegant, the tables not less boun tifully supplied, nor are the attentions to com fort in any degree inferior. We left the wharf at Montreal about noon, and rapidly passed the small fortified island AND THE AMERICANS. 401 of St. Helene, on which is the arsenal and the barracks for the artillery. Much as we had heard from the Canadians in praise of the scenery of the St. Lawrence, we did not find their descriptions in the least degree exaggerated. From Montreal to Lake St. Peter, a dis tance of fifty miles, which we passed before night, the margin of the river exhibited a succession of picturesque villages, in each of which the glittering spire of the parish church was a conspicuous object. The style of the cottages, shaded as they were by lofty trees, and backed by their little orchards and gar dens, strongly reminded me of some parts of the " wide and winding Rhine ;" although the illusion was occasionally weakened by the sight of canoes skimming across the stream, the navigators of these frail barks wearing woollen caps, sashes round the waist, and rough leather mocassins, or Indian shoes. At Berthier, one of the most interesting and populous of the settlements, we stopped to take on board a supply of wood, while some of the deck passengers, unfortunately for the comfort of others, availed themselves of the opportunity to procure a supply of whisky. D D AMERICA Among the individuals upon whom this spirituous stimulant operated with most effect, was a poor schoolmaster, who, with the loqua city and gifts of Caleb Quotem himself, so mingled, or mangled, his Latin, French, and English, that had he been a disciple of the Irving school he could not have spoken in terms more unintelligible. While this facetious pedagogue was compos mentis, I had entered into conversation with him as with one from whom something might be learnt relative to Canadian affairs ; and in this idea I was not disappointed. He corroborated the statement I had heard from other quar ters, of the reluctance shown by the Catholic clergy to the diffusion of the English language ; and to such an extent did my informant repre sent this anti-English feeling to prevail, that even his offers to teach it gratis to his poorer scholars were rejected by those under whose guidance they placed themselves. However we may lament the ignorance displayed in regard to the refusal of the means of know ledge, we may certainly attribute some part of the repugnance to the officious spirit of religious proselytism which distinguishes so many well-meaning but over-zealous Protest ants, and which, in some communities, oper- AND THE AMERICANS. 403 ates as a bar to a more perfect union of the population. We passed Lake St. Peter, which is formed by a considerable expansion of the river, and also the old settlement of Trois Rivieres, in the night. The captain, a Canadian, was in defatigable in his attentions to his passengers, ever studying their comfort and their tastes ; and chess, backgammon, and cards were in requisition to a late hour. My evening, how ever, was devoted to explaining to a circle of enquirers, by the assistance of pencil dia grams, such matters in the construction of railroads as could not be so well understood by general newspaper descriptions ; and it was a source of considerable pleasure that I found myself enabled to satisfy the curiosity of my fellow travellers. Morning found us sailing rapidly between banks of considerable elevation, upon which were seen the white snug cottages of the native peasantry, and occasionally the more extensive mansion of the seigneur, or the neat parish church. As we approached Quebec the river ex panded, assuming the appearance of a lake, and the distant scenery became more moun tainous. Passing the spot rendered memor- D D 2 404 AMERICA, able as the winter- quarters of the discoverer of the country, the enterprising Cartier, about noon, a bend of the river suddenly brought us in sight of the lofty promontory of Cape Diamond, and soon after the eye beheld the cove where the gallant Wolfe, like the stan dard-bearer of Caesar on the strand of Albion, leaped from his crowded barge to head his brave comrades against their ancient and inveterate foe. Steering our way midst ships at anchor, and tortuous rafts of timber destined for old Eng land, we soon reached the point of debarkation at Quebec. No sooner had we come in contact with the wharf, than a crowd of mercantile emissaries rushed on board, and divided the contents of the letter-bag, which was emptied on a table for their accommodation. On landing, we immediately proceeded to the city, or what is termed the Upper Town, in contradistinction to the Lower, which skirts the base of the lofty hill, and is, in fact, the Wapping of the place. A very steep zigzag street, appropriately named Mountain Street, conducted us to the gate ; soon after passing which, we found ourselves in a large, irregular, open market-place, on one side of which was AND THE AMERICANS. 405 the Cathedral, and on another the barracks, formerly the convent of the Jesuits. It being the feast of the Ascension, or Holy Thursday, the shops were closed, the citizens were in their best attire, and every thing bore the quiet aspect of a Sunday in England. Having located ourselves as agreeably as the paucity in the choice of comfortable boarding- houses admitted, we commenced our per ambulation of this semi-English, semi- French city. Before I proceed to a description of this Gibraltar of the west, I may mention, that its distance from New York is about 550 miles, which we performed by rivers, lake, and canal, except the trifling portage between St. John s and La Prairie ; and that the total expense of travelling this route, unattended as it is by fatigue, except in the portage alluded to, was only eight pounds, exclusive of wine, the taking which is optional. The city and fortifications of Quebec cover the extremity of a bold promontory, the side of which, toward the St. Lawrence, is almost one continued rocky precipice, whilst that to the river St. Charles is, comparatively speak ing, of little elevation. D 1) 3 406 AMERICA, The boundary to the land side is chiefly on a level with the adjacent country. The hill called Cape Diamond, from the circumstance of crystals being found embedded in the rock, is covered by the magnificent citadel. Scarcely a vestige of the original plan now remains, the present extensive works, which are hastening to completion, being en tirely new. They are constructed upon the most approved system of modern fortifica tion, and embrace a very considerable area, in which, besides a noble structure for the officers, are bomb-proof barracks for several thousand troops, as well as magazines for provisions and munitions of war. The granite which is used in the buildings is brought down the St. Lawrence to the foot of the mountain, and then drawn up an in clined plane, to the height of 450 feet, by a steam engine. The bricks are all im ported from London ; and I need scarcely remark, that it is on the treasury of honest but extravagant John Bull that the bills are drawn for the millions thus squandered for the defence of a country, which has never yet, nor, in all probability, ever will, remu nerate its protector. On the highest pinnacle of the fortification AND THE AMERICANS. 407 is a small tower on which is a telegraph, and also a gun, which, as is usual in fortresses, is fired at the periods of sunrise, noon, and sunset. It is "the coup d ceil from this eminence which has been so eulogised by travellers ; and although our expectations were raised to a high pitch, they were on our visit to the tower in question even more than realised. Standing on the verge of a rocky precipice, between four and five hundred feet in height, we looked down on the city, and on the glassy surface of the majestic St. Lawrence, as on a lake, on which lay, with sails unfurled, and with sleepy banners, many a freighted bark ; while here and there glided the barge with glittering oars, or skimmed some frail canoe. Extending the field of vision, the eye em braced the slopes of Point Levi, the pic turesque Isle d Orleans, and the cultivated districts of Montmorenci and Lorette, studded with white cottages innumerable, while the more distant woody hills spoke the line of demarca tion between the abodes of civilisation and the mountain range whose bleak and inhos pitable sides repel the efforts of industrious D D 4 408 AMERICA, man, and appear to say, " Hither shalt thou come, but no farther." The city itself is com pletely walled ; every commanding situation or angle is planted with heavy cannon and mor tars, backed by pyramids of shot and shells; and its five gates are also appropriately and strongly fortified. Dismounted guns, decayed carriages and platforms, bespoke piping times of peace, although the strong guards at the gates, and the number of sentinels which met the eye at every turn, would seem to denote a state of active warfare. The streets of Quebec are narrow, and several of them very steep, but they are macadamised, and kept in neat order. The houses, like those of Montreal, are seldom more than two stories high, and are also roofed with tin. Many of the better kind have double windows, to exclude the winter s cold, which is exceedingly severe. The shops, although their signs announced the occupants to be from London, are, in general, poor, and possessed few attractions, even less than those of Montreal ; and if the literary character of the place is to be judged by the number of booksellers establishments, that of Quebec is low indeed, for I only found AND THE AMERICANS. 409 two, and the catalogues of these were made up of Catholic prayer-books, school-books, and religious tracts. An opposition, however, may, ere this, have started into existence, as I saw in the window of a son of Figaro some attempts at intro ducing a different description of literature, cheap editions of Shakspeare, Byron, and Moore being conspicuously displayed among periwigs, razor-strops, and Windsor soap. Any thing in the shape of an engraving or work of art is as unknown as in the wilds of Labrador ; and a recent attempt to introduce such was attended with considerable loss to the spirited but unfortunate speculator. The chateau or castle of St. Louis, the residence of the go vernor, is commodious, and from the terrace or gallery overhanging the lower town there is a charming view of the St. Lawrence. In the immediate neighbourhood are the two principal religious edifices, the Catholic and English Protestant cathedrals. The former is spacious, but, as regards the exterior, is totally devoid of ornament. The high altar is splendidly enriched with gilding, and the walls are decorated with paintings, one of which was almost mira culously preserved in the ruins of the church, 410 AMERICA, when it was set on fire by the bombs of the British army, during the siege of 1759- The English church is a plain stone building, with a lofty tinned spire. The congregation, on the morning of our attendance, was not numerous. The service, as regards the of ficiating ministers, was well performed ; but the musical department exhibited much weak ness, the burden of the song falling upon half a dozen little urchins, in white surplices, whose small voices were wholly unequal to the task imposed upon them, unassisted as they were by more powerful lungs. Near the altar is a handsome marble monument to the late bishop of the diocese, Dr. Mountain. The governor of the Canadas, Lieutenant- Gen eral Lord Aylmer, with his lady and suite, were present. The former was received at the gate of his mansion with all the pomp of military parade. I could not help contrast ing this circumstance with the unpretending appearance of General Jackson, at Washington, who, although chief magistrate of an immense and powerful country, had not a single sen tinel at his door, nor, when he appeared in public, was he attended by a servant. Besides the two principal places of worship described, the methodists have also their Zion, and the Calvinistic Scotch their kirk ; un- AND THE AMERICANS. 411 opposed, as far as I could learn, by those theo logical reformers, the Unitarians. As at Montreal, there is an extensive semi nary attached to the cathedral, and a convent of nuns, at which places the children of the principal inhabitants receive their education. Various were the novelties which we met with in Quebec ; among others, the dog-carts particularly attracted our attention. These little vehicles, of which there are a number, are used for the conveyance of milk. Each cart contains two large tin vessels, and is generally drawn by one dog properly harnessed, and driven by a boy ; who, when he has supplied his customers, takes his seat on the cart ; and if perchance the road should be down a hill home, he drives at as quick a pace as his faithful companion can carry him ; and, after a few hours respite, poor Csesar or Hector re commences his laborious round. We found the markets very indifferently supplied with provisions, and the prices higher than in the cities of the United States. The same remark applies likewise to those essential articles, groceries, particularly to the^teas, of which no fresh supply had been received for a long period. Of the produce of the country we met with maple sugar and syrup, both of which are much used by the Canadians. AMERICA, The taste of the former, which is manufac tured into hard cakes, is less agreeable to the English palate than the produce of the sugar cane, and, like Indian meal, would require time to reconcile one to the use of it. The peasantry appeared a cheerful, healthy race. The men all wore woollen caps, either scarlet or grey, and capots, or coats with pointed hoods, like those worn by the Italian mariners, and on their feet a species of mo cassin made of uncoloured leather. On my expressing my doubts to a vender of these last-mentioned articles as to their durability, the irritated Canadian imme diately seized a mocassin with his teeth, and, although he gnawed for some time with almost savage fury, sparing neither his grinders nor canines, he failed to penetrate the tough and well-stitched material, proving thereby the excellence of his wares. The most attractive of the inhabitants were the Indians, whom we saw in considerable numbers. The men had little to distinguish them from the tribes we had seen on the borders of Lake Erie, but the expressive features of the females were decidedly more prepossessing. Their dress exhibited a compound of that of both sexes. Blue cloth pantaloons or trousers, a blanket folded round the body AND THE AMERICANS. 413 under the arms ; a beaver hat, with a broad band of silver lace; the ears, which are pierced round the edges, amply decorated with pendent glitter, and thick black hair hanging over their shoulders, seemed to be the ne plus ultra of fashion. Some of these damsels, fairer than the rest, were pointed out to us, as being the daughters of Canadians who had intermarried with Indian women ; and such occurrences are common. These descendants of the aborigines possess villages and lands of their own, and receive large sums annually, in the shape of presents from the British government, to ensure, as it is said, their attachment. The men are addicted to drinking spirits ; a vice rather encouraged than discountenanced in all British colonies, in order to promote, as it is called, the interests of our West India possessions. Both sexes, but particularly the females, show much ingenuity in the fabrication of various articles of Indian dress, as well as models of ^canoes ; snow-shoes, and a hundred arctic bagatelles, which are bought by the British, and also by the numerous American strangers who visit the Canadas in the summer months. 414 AMERICA, CHAP. XXI. THE environs of Quebec abound in pic turesque and romantic scenery ; but to a Briton, the great interest is in the celebrated Plains of Abraham, which, associated as they are with our school reading, have already become clas sic ground. These plains, where the forces of Britain, under the gallant Wolfe, measured their strength with those of France, under the brave Montcalm, are a little more than a mile from the city; and we embraced an early day after our arrival to visit so famed a site. Passing through St. John s Gate and its winding outworks, we entered the populous suburb of the same name, in which we saw the Protestant burial-ground, I am sorry to say, in a most disorderly state ; and soon after, reached the detached fortifications or martello towers, which stand elevated above the surrounding country. We here entered upon the blood-stained field, much of which is yet uninclosed, and is used for reviews of the troops, and also as a race-course. The identical spot where England s youthful AND THE AMERICANS. 415 general expired in the arms of victory was pointed out to us. The day was clear, the sun sh6ne bright, all nature wore a lively aspect ; and the wild strawberry blossomed in beautiful simplicity where once had been the tug of war. The woody cliffs to the St. Lawrence remain in the state in which they were at the period of the memorable battle ; but a narrow winding road has been made by the Government from the cove, called after the intrepid commander, and where the army landed, to the plains. On the beach, near this interesting spot, we saw several large ships on the stocks, and on passing a small snug public house, we were no less pleased than surprised to behold the well- known effigies of Tarn O Shanter and Souter Johnny, which were placed as ornaments in an upper window, no doubt oft-times recalling to the inmates, who were from the " land o cakes," pleasing recollections of home and friends. The sight of these little mementos of the old country, amidst the unpruned forest in other lands, awoke sensations of a mixed and melancholy nature, only known to those who have been placed in similar situations. Returning to the city by a route through a wood of firs, which had been recently tapped, 416 AMERICA, and whose wounds were still oozing, we passed the site of the redoubt to which the troops of Wolfe found themselves opposed at daybreak, and also the ground over which the French commander inarched to the contest. The glorious success of Wolfe has been a favourite theme for the English historian to the present day ; but, without a wish to pluck a leaf from the well-earned laurels of the hero, whose plan of operations exhibited the highest order of talent, and whose courage in the field led him to jest at scars, it must be allowed, that the difficulty of ascending the precipice has been much exaggerated, it having been performed in the night, without meeting with any opposition from the enemy ; and in regard to the decisive action on the plains, although the numerical forces of both parties were equal, the British army was composed wholly of regu lars, while half of that of the French consisted of militia and Indians, who did not support their general. The French regulars, however, made amends for the want of courage in their comrades, and the loss on both sides was con siderable ; the commanders in chief, as well as their respective seconds, having all fallen. A handsome obelisk, sixty-five feet in height, has lately been erected, on an elevation near AND THE AMERICANS. 417 the garden of the Governor s residence, to the memories of Wolfe and Montcalm. So French is the feeling, however, of the population, even at this day, that the memorial, although uniting, as it does, a compliment to the de feated party, has given offence ; and this tri bute to valour is viewed as a trophy of British prowess at the expense of France and her descendants, and a sentinel is posted at the base, to protect it from mutilation. A more humble but interesting memorial of Wolfe exists in the town, in the shape of a carved wooden figure, which is placed in a niche in the front of a small tavern. This humble work of art, which is about four feet in height, represents the youthful General dressed in his regimentals, the colours of which are red faced with yellow, with a white belt, and wearing, as the officers did at that period, what are called side-arms. The cuffs of the coat are of the true Justice Woodcock dimen sions, as well as the three cornered hat. On the pedestal, in old fashioned letters, is the in scription, JAMES WOLFE. As this effigy was executed soon after the death of the gallant commander, there is no doubt that it presents us with a fac-simile of the man ; and although one should not wish to see it embellishing a E E 418 AMERICA, public square, or a classical hall, yet should it be most religiously preserved in its present situation, as long as the country remains under British rule. The lower, or mercantile town of Quebec, as it may be called, being the seat of the commerce of the port, skirts the base of the mountain. Near its southern extremity, which is the hive of the labouring classes, under Cape Diamond, is the spot where the brave Montgomery gloriously fell, in the daring but unsuccessful attack on Quebec, on the 31st of December, 177^. At the period in question, the passage between the mountain and the river was extremely narrow and rugged, and although the construction of wharfs and stores has altered its appearance, the exact situation of the battery from which he and his aids-de camp received the fatal discharge, may be readily understood. The whole of the lower town, during our short residence at Quebec, exhibited consider able bustle, from the number of vessels daily arriving from Great Britain, not only with general cargoes, but with emigrants, who were landing by thousands. The great majority were of the poorest description from Ireland ; but some were English farmers, who had AND THE AMERICANS. 419 brought their families, and such small sums of money as they could raise, to try their for tunes in the New World. All were proceed ing towards the borders of Lake Ontario; where, as Franklin expressed himself, when speaking of the emigrants in his day to Phi ladelphia, the question is not, Who are you ? but, What can you do ? and where, as in the United States, high wages and cheap food await the industrious labourer or artisan, al though he may not t as there enjoy the great privilege of a freeman, a voice in the affairs of the country. In my rambles, I witnessed the humiliating spectacle of a fellow creature standing in the pillory. The offence for which the unfortu nate individual was thus punished, was enticing soldiers to desert. I was also several times present at auction sales; at which, as many of the buyers did not understand French, the auctioneer also used the English language ; and the rapid transition from one to the other, in expatiating on the excellence of the articles, or in the advance of the biddings, produced a singular effect. The shortness of our stay in Canada pre cluded the possibility of my acquiring such an insight into the character and habits of the E E 2 420 AMERICA, people, as our long residence in the United States had afforded in regard to the Ame ricans ; it was, however, sufficient to enable me to view the most striking features, as well as to make some observations upon things as we found them in this favourite but expensive colony. The Canadians of all ranks are strict Catholics ; observing the different fasts and ordinances, and making their reverences to the clergy, who wear their cassocks in the streets, with all the scrupulosity of the natives of Spain or Portugal. Theatrical perform ances are wholly forbidden; as well as the study of the works of those luminaries of French literature, Voltaire, Rousseau, and others of the galaxy of talent, whose labours are to be found on the book-shelves of almost every individual in France. However rigid the ecclesiastical rule may be, it is but just to observe, that the Catholic clergy of Canada, like their fellow labourers of the same faith in every clime, are distin guished by their attentions to the spiritual wants of their flocks ; and by day or by night, in summer s heat or winter s cold, the priest as cheerfully obeys the call of the poor, and them that have none to help them, as that of AND THE AMERICANS. the rich man who is clothed in purple and fine linen.* * Since the above was written, the author has been favoured by his friend Dr. Harlan, of Philadelphia, with a copy of the very interesting Report of the Medical Depu tation, of which Dr. H. was a member, from the Sanitary Board of that city to Canada, during the prevalence of the late awful and mysterious epidemic. The devoted attentions of the clergy to the sick and dying, are stated to have been most praiseworthy, but he cannot resist extracting a passage from the pamphlet in question, which displays the exemplary conduct of one individual in particular, and affords an example of genuine practical Christianity, as delightful to contemplate as it is worthy of imitation. Speaking of the Indian settlement called Caughnawaga, the inhabitants of which suffered severely by the pesti lence, Dr. Harlan thus expresses himself: " This village, an ancient settlement of the Indians of the same name, a band of the Iroquois, is situated on the right bank of the St. Lawrence, eleven miles west of Montreal. It is located on an elevated plane of secondary limestone, covered with gravel and clay, and contains 1000 Christian Indians, under the fatherly and spiritual direction of Mr. Mann, a Catholic priest, highly respected for his devotion, love of truth, and eminent Christian virtues. During the fatal pestilence, which laid waste this remnant of the Aborigines, he exercised towards these children the offices of father, friend, physician, nurse, and spiritual comforter and guide." It is impossible to peruse this simple eulogium, without being reminded of the Divine declaration touching good works, " Verily, I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." E E 3 AMERICA, As to the newspapers of Quebec, they are merely apologies for such publications, and reminded me strongly of those precious speci mens in this department of literature, the Gazettes of Milan or Naples. Whether any degree of censorship is exerted by the ecclesi astical or civil governors, I did not ascertain : be this as it may, however, the limited dif fusion of political knowledge in Lower Canada, compared with the wholesome agitation of such subjects in the United States, was strikingly apparent, and impressed me with very unfa vourable ideas of the state of Canadian govern ment. Independent of the excessive severity of the climate, and the almost general use of the French language, the nature of the tenures of lands, and the antiquated system of jurispru dence, are also serious obstacles to the English settler in this quarter; where such is the power of the aristocracy and the superior clergy, fostered as it has been for political purposes by the British government, that if we may credit the words of an intelligent native with whom I conversed, "it is quite useless to go to law with a seigneur or a priest." The middle classes are, however, gradually gain ing strength ; and, taking a leaf from their AND THE AMERICANS. neighbours book, are beginning boldly to assert their rights. The conciliatory behaviour of the Canadian executive, who, in addition to the fairest pro mises of attention to the public wish, had actually began to fulfil such, by dismissing the King s Attorney-General at the desire of the people, proves that their voice is heard. That the policy of the British government will henceforth be more in unison with the voice of the colonists, and that measures worthy of an enlightened ministry, which num bers amongst its members the greatest man of the age, will be pursued, is certain ; still it must not be concealed that we hold the Ca- nadas, not by any attachment of the inhabit ants, who have nothing in common with us ; but by the numerous army dispersed in all the populous places, where a sentinel is visible at every turn ; and by the influence of the im mense sums granted for the making of canals and for other public works. Whenever these are withdrawn, it requires little of the spirit of prophecy to foretell the result, which would unquestionably be the establishment of two in dependent republics, a consummation equally beneficial to the Canadas as to Great Britain. Being anxious to reach England, we did not E E 4 o t UNIVERSITY 424 AMERICA, prolong our stay in Quebec to the extent de sired either by our friends or ourselves. Having selected a ship of good repute, bound to Liverpool, we reluctantly took leave of our Canadian acquaintance, and embarked on the 21st of May, 1831, amidst a crowd of miserable Irish emigrants, who had just landed in rags and filth from their fertile but much oppressed country. Loosing every sheet, we soon felt the influ ence of a delightful breeze, which, together with the current, carried us swiftly but smoothly along, affording us varied and charming views of Quebec, Point Levi, and the stupendous falls of Montmorenci, until the Isle of Orleans shut out the magnificent scene from the sight. The St. Lawrence, immediately below this fine island, is no less than fifteen miles in width ; and it gradually expands, until it merges into the gulf of that name, where it reaches ninety miles. The right bank, for nearly 150 miles, is, like the district above Quebec, studded with villages, among which that of Camourasca is noted for the beauty of its situation. In the background rise the lofty mountains, which until lately were the supposed boundary of the United States in this direction ; but which, by AND THE AMERICANS. the decision of the King of the Netherlands, fall in the British territories. At Green Island, opposite the great river Saguenay, our pilot bade us farewell. Here the water was brackish ; and soon after, the appearance of floating sea-weed, bespoke our approach to the great ocean. The shores of the territory of Gaspee are bold and precipitous, and covered with eternal forests. A too near approach to these inhos pitable regions, occasioned by the force of the current during a calm, afforded us more than a hasty view of one point, where frowning pine-crowned bluffs, in the gloomy recesses of which lay the winter s snow, presented no very cheering spectacle in the event of our being driven upon this savage coast. Passing the long, low, uninhabited island of Anticosti, which lies in the middle of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and famed, by the ac counts of shipwrecked mariners, for its nume rous bears, we got a glimpse of the dangerous cluster of rocks called the Bird Islands, from the quantities of sea-fowl which hover about them. After fifteen days sailing in the intri cate and often tempestuous approach to the St. Lawrence, during which we had enjoyed AMERICA, all the variety that such a cruise affords, in the sight of whales, seals, and porpoises, gulls and petrels, we descried the misty mountains of Newfoundland, and occasionally spoke some of the small coasting sloops belonging to that country of fogs and storms. A smart and favourable gale springing up, carried us briskly to the great bank, on w r hich we passed through a fleet of fishing vessels at anchor. It being night, they had lights at the mast-heads ; a precaution necessary to escape being run down by larger vessels sailing in this track. These comfortless barks are constructed in ternally so that the body of the fish, the livers, and the offal, may be kept apart. The fish is dried on shore ; the liver is converted into oil, and the offal is thrown into the sea at a dis tance from the fishing grounds. The cod-fish are caught by lines; the bait being lowered to the bottom, which, in the usual resorts of the fishermen, is about thirty fathoms. One could not behold this little fleet tossing on the boisterous ocean, so far from land, without increased admiration of the philoso phical daring of Columbus, who, with vessels scarcely larger than those employed in the fisheries, undertook his glorious enterprise on AND THE AMERICANS. 427 the then unknown waste of waters, and gave a new world to civilised Europe. The wind sat in the shoulder of our sail ; and after fourteen days ploughing the deep, and occasionally spying a vessel in the horizon, but looking in vain for the three chimneys, or any other of the thousand dangers displayed in the older charts, all which sources of alarm and anxiety to the mariner have probably been nothing more than dead whales, or water logged wrecks, we obtained soundings ; and, as the mists of morning dispersed, we discerned Cape Clear, the most westerly point of the Emerald Isle. In the course of the day, we were hailed by the crews of several fishing-boats from Balti more, the insignificant port which gave the title to the settler of Maryland, and which is perpetuated in the name of its chief city. These hardy and industrious individuals brought us fresh fish, vegetables, and eggs ; but the shortness of our passage rendered such luxuries less welcome than they would have been to the more distant voyager. Never theless we regaled these good-hearted fellows, whose wildness of manner and attire exceeded any thing I had ever witnessed, with a few 428 AMERICA, bottles of rum, with which they appeared much delighted. Our sail up the Irish Channel was rendered particularly agreeable by the union of a fair wind and charming weather ; and we, with our agreeable fellow-passengers, Major K and lady, were again enabled to enjoy the smoking board, which the unbounded hos pitality of our skilful and generous captain displayed. In our conviviality we did not forget the well-known old song, " Ye gentlemen of England, who live at home at ease, Ah, little do ye think upon the dangers of the seas;" the true feeling for the excellences of which can only be properly understood by those who have rode o er the foaming billows, " When the stormy winds do blow." Having taken on board a pilot, the very an- tipode of the one under whose guidance we entered the harbour of New York, and the breeze continuing fair, the bleak bold coasts of Anglesea and North Wales were soon passed ; and at sunset, on the 21st of June, 1831, we anchored in old Mersey s tide, and the next morning landed in the portus omnium gen- AND THE AMERICANS. 429 tium, Liverpool, after an absence of two years and six weeks. The facilities shown in the inspection and passing of the baggage were highly creditable to the Custom-house establishment of the port, as well as to the Government ; the most gen tlemanly behaviour on the part of the officers being combined with a proper regard to the protection of the revenue. Once more at home, we enjoyed its pleasures among those we loved, not a little heightened by the resumption of some of those national habits which the traveller in foreign climes is for a season obliged to abandon. As an Englishman, deeply imbued with amor patrice, and mixing again with English men, I hailed the increased diffusion of in formation and liberal opinions in politics and \ political economy with pleasure. The mass of the population seemed to have turned over a new leaf, and to have at last found out the philosophers stone, " that magistrates were set up for the good of nations, not nations for the honour or glory of ma gistrates." Amidst so much to cheer and delight, how ever, the aristocratic bearing and purse-inflated display of the higher classes, contrasted with 480 AMERICA, AND THE AMERICANS. the cringing servility, the abject poverty, and the squalid wretchedness of the lower, were strikingly apparent to us, who had been resid ing in a land where, generally speaking, there is neither poverty nor riches ; but where all are fed, as a wise and beneficent Creator in tended, with food convenient for them. THE END. LONDON \ Printed by A. & R. Spottiswoode, New- Street- Square. 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