T K To JC-NRLF SB Efl? 53D LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Q I.n IFT OF ft Class San Francisco Public Library LIST OF BOOKS ON ELECTRICITY SAN FRANCISCO 1910 OTE This finding list contains such works on theo- retical and applied electricity and allied subjects as are now in the Library. New books on these subjects are constantly being added to the collec- tion and may be found by looking in the card catalogue under the names of the authors or the subject of the books. They will also appear in the Monthly Bulletin, which is issued for free distribution. The Library contains many books pertaining to the various trades and manufacturing industries, and these books may be found by consulting the card catalogue at the Main Library. All residents of San Francisco ten years of age and over, and non-resident taxpayers, are entitled to draw books from the Library. An asterisk (*) preceding a book number indi- cates that the book is for reference use only and not for circulation. GENERAL, WORKS Ames, J. S., cd. The discovery of induced elec- tric currents. 2 v. 1900. 537 Am37 Contents. v. 1. Memoirs, by Joseph Henry. v. 2. Memoirs, by Michael Faraday. Atkinson, Philip. Electricity for everybody; its nature and uses explained. 1895. 537 At56 Benjamin, Park. A history of electricity (The intellectual rise in electricity) from antiquity to the days of Benjamin Franklin. 1898. 537 B43 Campbell, N. R. Modern electrical theory. 1907. 537 CIS Child, C. T. The how and why of electricity ... for non-technical readers. 1905. 537 C43 209407 Cloke, H. E. The enlisted specialists' examiner. 1908. 621 C62 "Electricity and magnetism," pp. 7-80. Electricity in daily life; a popular account of the applications of electricity to every day uses. By C. F. Brackett [and others. 1 1893. 621.3 EL25 Gibson, C. R. Electricity of to-day, its work and mysteries described in non-technical lan- guage. 1907. 621.3 G35 The romance of modern electricity, de- scribing in non-technical language what is known about electricity and many of its in- teresting applications. 1906. 621.3 G35r Hawkins, Nehemiah. New catechism of elec- tricity, c. 1896. 621.3 H31 Hibbert, Walter. Popular electricity. 1909. 621.3 HS2 Houston, E. J. A dictionary of electrical words, terms and phrases. 1898. *537 H81 Electricity and magnetism, c. 1899. 537 H81e Electricity made easy . . . by E. J. Houston and A. E. Kennelly. 1903. 621.3 H81e lies, George. Flame, electricity and the camera; man's progress from the first kindling of fire to the wireless telegraph. 1900. 609 M Maycock, W. P. Electric lighting and power dis- tribution; an elementary manual. 1892. 537 M45 Mendenhall, T. C. A century of electricity. c. 1890. 537 M52 Munro, John. The story of electricity. 1908. 537 M92 Noad, H. M. The student's text-book of elec- tricity. With an introduction and additional chapters by W. H. Preece. 1895. 537 N66 Onken, W. H. Harper's how to understand elec- trical work ... by Wm. H. Onken, jr. and Joseph B. Baker. 1908. J621.3 On4 Richardson, S. S. Magnetism and electricity and the principles of electrical measurement. [1908.] 537 R39 Shepardson, G. D. Electrical catechism; an in- troductory treatise on electricity and its uses. 1901. q537 Sh47 Swoppe, C. W. Lessons in practical electricity; principles, experiments, and arithmetical problems. 1903. 537 Sw73 Thompson, S. P. Elementary lessons in elec- tricity and magnetism. Rev. and enl. to date, including all of the recent discoveries in x-rays, wireless telegraphy, etc., by O. H. L. Schwetsky. 1906. 537 T37 Tyndall, John. Lessons in electricity at the Royal institution, 1875-6. 1903. 537 T97 PERIODICALS. PUBLICATIONS OF SOCIETIES American institute of electrical engineers. Transactions, v. 26-date. 1907-date. *621.3 Am35t The electrical engineer . . . with which is in- corporated "Electric light." v. 37-38. 1905. *f621.3 Ei.24 The electrical review [London] v. 1-35; v. 62- date. 1872-1894; Jan. 1908-date. *f621.3 E L 245 Vols. 1-30 have title: Telegraphic journal and electrical review. The electrical world, v. 48-date. July 1906-date. *f621.3 EL248 Journal of electricity, power and gas. v. 18- date. Jan. 1907-date. 621.3 J82 Metallurgical and chemical engineering; a con- solidation of Electrochemical and metal- lurgical industry and Iron and steel maga- zine, v. 5-date. 1907-date. *f 541.1 Ei,25 Science abstracts. Issued by the Institution of electrical engineers. Section B: Electrical engineering, v. 10-date. 1907-date. *505 Sci27e DYNAMICS. STATICS. THEORY Atkinson, Philip. Elements of dynamic elec- tricity and magnetism. 1903. 537.5 At56 Flammarion, Camille. Thunder and lightning. 1905. 537.4 F61 Hertz, H. R. Electric waves; being researches on the propagation of electric action with finite velocity through space. 1900. 537.1 H44 Kelvin, William Thomson, ist baron. Reprint of papers on electrostatics and magnetism, by Sir William Thomson. 1884. 537.2 K29 Lodge, Sir O. J. Electrons ; or, The nature and properties of negative electricity. 1906. 537.1 L82e Modern views of electricity. 1907. 537.1 L82 Lorentz, H. A. The theory of electrons and its applications to the phenomena of light and radiant heat. 1909. 537.1 L88 Ohm, G. S. The galvanic circuit investigated mathematically. 1905. 537.5 Oh4 Sloane, T. O'C. Electricity simplified. 1905. 537.1 SL52 Steinmetz, C. P. Theoretical elements of elec- trical engineering. 1905. 537.1 St36 Thomson, J. J. Conduction of electricity through gases. 1906. 537.52 T38 Electricity and matter. 1906. 537.1 T38 Trowbridge, John. What is electricity? 1903. 537.1 T75 MAGNETISM Houston, E. J. Magnetism, by E. J. Houston and A. E. Kennelly. 1906. 538 H81 The wonder book of magnetism. [1908.] 538 H81w Same J538 H81 Lewis, E. P., cd. The effects of a magnetic field on radiation; memoirs by Faraday, Kerr and Zeemans. c. 1900. 535 L58 Mansfield, A. N. Electromagnets; their design and construction. 1901. 538.3 M31 Tyndall, John. Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action, including the question of diamagnetic polarity. 1888. 538.4 T97 U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. United States magnetic tables and magnetic charts for 1905. By L. A. Bauer. 1908. *q5387 Un3 RADIOACTIVITY Barker, G.. F., cd. Rontgen rays; memoirs by Rontgen, Stokes and J. J. Thomson, tr. and ed. by G. F. Barker. 1899. 537.53 B24 Hammer, W. J. Radium, and other radio-active substances; polonium, actinium, and thorium. 1904. 537.54 HIS Joly, John. Radioactivity and geology, an ac- count of the influence of radioactive energy on terrestrial history. 1909. 537.54 J68 Jones, H. C. The electrical nature of matter and radioactivity. 1906. 537.54. J69 Makower, Walter. The radioactive substances, their properties and behaviour. 1908. 537.54 M28 Meadowcroft, W. H. The A B C of the X rays. c. 1896. 537.53 M46 Raffety, C. W. An introduction to the science of radio-activity. 1909. 537.54 R12 Rutherford, Ernest. Radio-activity. 1905. 537.54 R93 Soddy, Frederick. The interpretation of radium. 1909. 537.54 Sol5 MEASUREMENT. TESTING Ayrton, W. E. Practical electricity; a laboratory and lecture course . . . based on the inter- national definitions of the electrical units. 1903. 537.7 Ay78 Carhart, H. S. Electrical measurements. A lab- oratory manual, by H. S. Carhart and G. W. Patterson. 1895. 537.7 C19 Crapper, E. H. Practical electrical measure- ments, an introductory manual. 1897. 537.7 C85 Fleming, J. A. A handbook for the electrical laboratory and testing room. 2v. [1901.] 537.7 F62 Kempe, H. R. A handbook of electrical testing. 1900. 537.7 K32 Reed, L. C. American meter practice. 1903. 537.7 R25 Schneider, N. H. Electrical instruments and test- ing; how to use the voltmeter, ammeter, gal- vanometer, etc. 1905. 537.7 Sch58 Sloane, T. O'C. Arithmetic of electricitv; a prac- tical treatise on electrical calculations of all kinds. 1906. 537.9 SL52a Swenson, B. V. Testing of electro-magnetic machinery and other apparatus, by B. V. Swenson and Budd Frankenfield. 1905. 537.7 Sw42 Swinburne, James. The measurement of electric currents, by James Swinburne and C. H. Wordingham. 1893. v. 1. Direct currents. 537.7 Sw63 INDUCTION COILS Allsop, F. C. Induction coils and coil-making; a treatise on the construction and working of shock, medical and spark coils. 1899. 537.51 AL58 Armagnat, H. The theory, design and con- struction of induction coils. 1908. 537.51 Ar54 Collins, A. F. The design and construction of induction coils. 1909. 537.51 C69 Pike, John. Practical induction coil construc- tion: a handbook of construction details and workshop methods used in building and re- pairing modern spark coils. 1908. 537.51 P63 Schneider, N. H. Induction coils; how to make, use, and repair them, by H. S. Norrie. 1907. 537.51 SchSS Wright, Lewis. The induction coil in practical work, including Rontgen X rays. 1897. 537.51 W93 ELECTRIC ENGINEERING Foster, H. A. Electrical engineer's pocket- book; a hand-book of useful data for electri- cians and electrical engineers. 1908. *621.3 F81 Franklin, W. S. The elements of electrical engineering ... By W. S. Franklin and William Esty. 2 v. 1906-8. 621.3 F85 Hobart, H. M. Heavy electrical engineering. 1908. 621.3 H65 Houston, E. J. Electrical engineering leaflets, by E. J. Houston and A. E. Kennelly. 3 v. 1898-1902. 621.3. H81 Contents. v. 1. Elementary grade, v. 2. Inter- mediate grade, v. 3. Advanced grade. International electrical congress, St. Louis, 1904. Transactions. 3 v. 1905. 621.3 In8 Lupton, Arnold. Electricity as applied to min- ing. By Arnold Lupton, G. D. A. Parr and Herbert Perkin. 1906. 621.3 L97 National conference of electricians, Philadelphia, 1884. Report of the electrical conference at Philadelphia, in September, 1884. 1886. 621.3 N21 Norris, H. H. An introduction to the study of electrical engineering. 1908. 621.3 N79 Parr, G. D. A. Electrical engineering in theory and practice. 1906. 621.3 P24 Rosenberg, E. Electrical engineering; an ele- mentary text-book. 1907. 621.3 R72 Slingo, W. Electrical engineering for electric light artizans and students. By W. Slingo and A. Brooker. 1900. 621.3 SL36 Sloane, T. O'C. Electricians' handy book. 1908. 621.3 SL52 Elementary electrical calculations; a manual of simple engineering mathematics, covering the whole field of direct current calculations, the basis of alternating current mathematics, networks and typical cases of circuits. 1909. 621.3 SL52e How to become a successful electrician. 1903. 621.3 SLS2h _ Same J621.3 SL52h Standard handbook for electrical engineers written and compiled by a staff of specialists. 1908. *621.3 St24 Steinmetz, C. P. General lectures on electrical engineering, c. 1908. 621.3 St34 Theoretical elements of electrical engineering, 1905. . 621.3 St34t Wysslingr, W. Die tarife Schweizerischer elek- trizitatswerke fur den verkauf elektrischer energie. 1904. 621.3 W99 DYNAMOS. MOTORS Bottone, S. R. Modern dynamos and batteries for amateurs and students, with full construc- tional details and working drawings. 1906. 621.31 B65m Bowker, W. R. Dynamo, motor and switchboard circuits for electrical engineers. 1904. 621.31 B67 Bubier, E. T. Dynamos and electric motors, by Edward Trevert. 1904. J621.31 B85 Crocker, F. B. Dynamo-electric machinery; an authoritative treatise on the theory . . . and design of dynamo-electric machinery. 1908. 621.31 C87 The management of electrical -machinery. A thoroughly revised and enlarged edition of the practical management of dynamos and motors, by F. B. Crocker and S. S. Wheeler. 1908. 621.31 C87m Franklin, W. S. Dynamos and motors . . . by W. S. Franklin and William Esty. 1909. 621.31 F85 Hawkins, C. C. The dynamo; its theory, design and manufacture, by C. C. Hawkins and F. Wallis. 1903. 621.31 H31 Hobart, H. M. High speed dynamo electric machinery, by H. M. Hobart and A. G. Ellis. 1908. 621.31 H65h Houston, E. J. The electric motor and the trans- mission of power, by E. J. Houston and A. E. Kennelly. 1906. 621.31 H81 Meade, N. G. Electric motors; their installa- tion, control, operation and maintenance. 1908. 621.31 M46 Poole, C. P. Designs for small dynamos and motors. 1906. 621.31 P78 Raymond, E. B. Motor troubles . . . and the testing of direct-current and alternating-cur- rent machinery. 1908. 621.31 R21 10 Ryan, H. J. A text-book of electrical machinery, v. 1. By H. J. Ryan, H. H. Norris, G. L. Hoxie. 1906. 621.31 R95 Sheldon, Samuel. Dynamo electric machinery, by Samuel Sheldon and Hobart Mason. 2 v. 1901-2. 621.31 Sh43 S'wenson, B. V. Testing of electro-magnetic ma- chinery and other apparatus, by B. V. Swen- son and Budd Frankenfield. v. 1. Direct cur- rents. 1905. 621.31 Sw42 Thompson, S. P. Dynamo-electric machinery; a manual for students of electrotechnics. 2 v. 1904-5. 621.31 T37 Contents. v. 1. Continuous current machines. v. 2. Alternating current machinery. DIRECT CURRENTS. ALTERNATING CURRENTS. ARMATURES. TRANSFORMERS Arnold, E. Armature windings of direct cur- rent dynamos. 1902. 621.312 Ar64 Baum, F. G. The alternating current transformer. 1903. 621.314 B32 Behrend, B. A. The induction motor. A short treatise on its theory and design. [1901.] 621.313 B39 Boy de la Tour, Henri. The induction motor; its theory and design. 1906. 621.313 B69 Franklin, W. S. The elements of alternating cur- rents, by W. S. Franklin and R. B. William- son. 1906. 621.313 F85 Hanchett, G. T. Alternating currents: their generation, distribution and utilization. 1905. 621.313 H19 11 Hanchett, G. T. Modern electric railway motors; a discussion of current practice in electric railway motor construction, mainten- ance, and repair. [1900.] 621.312 H19 Hay, Alfred. Alternating currents; their theory, generation, and transformation. 1906. 621.313 H32 An introductory course of continuous current engineering. 1907. 621.312 H32 Hobart, H. M. Armature construction, by H. M. Hobart and A. G. Ellis. 1907. 621.312 H65 Horstmann, H. C. Practical armature and magnet winding. By H. C. Horstmann and V. H. Tousley. c. 1909. 621.31 H78 Houston, E. J. Alternating electric currents, by E. J. Houston and A. E. Kennelly. 1906. 621.313 H81 Electro-dynamic machinery for continuous currents, by E. J. Houston and A. E. Kennelly. 1896. 621.312 H81 Jackson, D. C. Alternating currents and alter- nating current machinery . . . by D. C. Jack- son and J. P. Jackson. 1905. 621.31 J13 * Lamb, G. G. Alternating currents. [1906.] 621.313 L16 Oudin, M. A. Standard polyphase apparatus and systems. 1907. 621.313 Ou2 Raymond, E. B. Alternating current engineering practically treated. 1904. 621.313 R21 Steinmetz, C. P. Theory and calculation of al- ternating current phenomena.' 1900. 621.313 St36 12 Taylor, W. T. Stationary transformers; theory, connections, operation and testing of con- stant-potential, constant-current, series and auto transformers, potential regulators, etc. 1909. 621.314 T21 Walker, Frederick. Practical dynamo-building for amateurs. How to wind for any output. 1901. 621.312 W15 Wiener, A. E. Practical calculation of dynamo- electric machines . . . Continuous current machinery, c. 1901. 621.312 W63 POWER PLANTS. POWER TRANSMISSION Abbott, A. V. Electrical transmission of energy. A manual for the design of electrical circuits. 1904. 621.34 Ab26e Adams, A. D. Electric transmission of water power. 1906. 621.34 Adl3 Beardsley, R. C. Design and construction of hy- droelectric plants. 1907. 621.34 B38 Bell, Louis. Electric power transmission. 1906. 621.34 B41 Berg, E. J. Electrical energy, its generation, transmission, and utilization. 1908. 621.34 B45 Carter, E. T. Motive power and gearing for electrical machinery; a treatise on the theory and nractice of the mechanical equipment of power stations. [1905.] 621.101 C24 Davies, F. H. Electric power and traction. 1907. 621.34 D2& Del Mar, W. A. Electric power conductors. 1909. 621.34 D38 13 Gay, Albert. An introduction to the study of central station electricity supply. By Albert Gay and C. H. Yeaman. 1906. 621.316 G25 High-tension power transmission. 2 v. 1905-6. 621.34 H53 Hutchinson, R. W., jr. Long-distance electric power transmission. 1908. 621.34 H97 Koester, Frank. Hydroelectric developments and engineering; a practical and theoretical trea- tise on ... hydroelectric transmission plants. 1909. q621.34 K81 Steam-electric power plants. 1908. q621.316 K81 Lyndon, Lamar. Development and electrical dis- tribution of waterpower. 1908. 621.34 L99 Perrine, F. A. C. Conductors for electrical dis- tribution. 1903. 621.34 P42 Russell, Alexander. The theory of electric cables and networks. 1908. 621.34 R91 Schneider, N. H. The practical engineer's hand- book. The care and management of electric power plants. 1906. 621.316 SchSS Schon, H. A. E. C. von. Hydro-electric prac- tice, a practical manual of the development of water power. 1908. q621.34 Sch65 Steinmetz, C. P. Theory and calculation of transient electric phenomena and oscillations. 1909. 621.34 St36 Turner, H. W. The insulation of electric ma- chines, by H. W. Turner and H. M. Hobart. 1905. 621.34 T85 Walker, S. F. . Electricity in mining. 1907. 621.34 W15 14 WIRING Harrison, Newton. Electric wiring, diagrams and switchboards. 1906. 621.349 H24 Horstmann, H. C. Electrical wiring and con- struction tables, by H. C. Horstmann and V. H. Tousley. 1907. 621.349 H78 Modern electrical construction; a reliable, practical guide for the beginner in electrical construction, by H. C. Horstmann and V. H. Tousley. 1905. 621.349 H78m Modern wiring diagrams and descriptions . . . by H. C. Horstmann and V. H. Tous- ley. c. 1906. 621.349 H78mo Ibbetson, W. S. The theory and practice of electric wiring. An elementary book dealing with the principles of wiring. 1909. 621.349 Ib2 Knox, C. E. Electric wiring and lighting. Pt. 1. Electric wiring, by C. E. Knox. Pt. 2. Electric lighting, by G. C. Shaad. 1909. (American school of correspondence) 621.349 K77 Leaf, H. M. Internal wiring of buildings . . . with a chapter on electricity meters. 1903. 621.349 L47 Poole, C. P. Electric wiring. 1900. 621.349 P78e BATTERIES Bottone, S. R. Galvanic batteries; their theory, construction and use. [1902.] 621.35 B65 Cooper, W. R. Primary batteries: their theory, construction and use. [1901.] 621.35 C78 Lyndon, Lamar. Storage battery engineering. 1903. 621.35 L99 15 Treadwell, Augustus. The storage battery. 1906. 621.35 T71 BELLS. ANNUNCIATORS Allsop, F. C. Practical electric bell fitting. 1898. 654.7 AL58p Bottone, S. R. Electric bells and all about them. n. d. 654.7 B65 Wittbecker, W. A. Domestic electrical work. Concise" and practical explanations ... on how to wire buildings for bells, alarms, an- nunciators, and for gas lighting from bat- teries. 1906. 654.7 W78 Same. J654.7 W78 TELEPHONE Abbott, A. V. Telephony. A manual of the design, construction, and operation of tele- phone exchanges. 6v. 1903-5. 654.6 Ab26 Allsop, F. C. Telephones; their construction and fitting. 1905. 654.6 AL58 Gary, G. H. How to make and use the tele- phone. A practical treatise for amateurs, with working drawings. 1902. 654.6 C25 Cummings, G. W. Electricity and magnetism in telephone maintenance. 1908. 654.6 C91 Fairman, J. F. Standard telephone wiring for common battery and magneto systems; a hand-book for telephone men, containing dia- grams of circuits for straight lines, party lines, etc., with a brief description of the ap- paratus used and rules of the fire underwrit- ers. 1905. 654.6 F16 16 Houston, E. J. The electric telephone, by E. J. Houston and A. E. Kennelly. 1906. 654.6 H81 Miller, K. B. American telephone practice. 1905. 654.6 M61 Poole, Joseph. The practical telephone hand- book and guide to the telephonic exchange. 1906. 654.6 P78 Ruhmer, E. W. Wireless telephony, in theory and practice. 1908. 654.6 R85 TELEGRAPH Field, H. M. History of the Atlantic telegraph. 1866. 654.5 F45 Houston, E. J. Electric telegraphy, by E. J. Houston and A. E. Kennelly. 1906. 654 H81e Maver, William, jr. American telegraphy and encyclopedia of the telegraph: systems, ap- paratus, operation. 1903. 654 M44 Pope, F. L. Modern practice of the electric tel- egraph; a technical handbook. 1902. 654 P81 Preece, Sir W. H. Telegraphy, by W. H. Preece and J. Sivewright. 1905. 654 P91 U. S. Signal office. Regulations for United States military telegraph lines, U. S. signal corps. Prepared under the direction of Brigadier-General James Allen, chief signal officer of the army. 1909. *654 Un3r WIRELESS TELEGRAPH Bottone, S. B. Wireless telegraphy and Hertz- ian waves. 1905. 654.1 B65 Collins, A. F. Manual of wireless telegraphy and telephony. 1909. 654.1 C69m Collins, A. F. Wireless telegraphy; its history, theory and practice. 1905. 654.1 C69 Eichhorn, Gustav. Wireless telegraphy. 1906. 654.1 Ei24 Fahie, J. J. A history of wireless telegraphy 1838-1899; including some bare-wire proposals for subaqueous telegraphs. 1899. 654.1 F14 Fleming, J. A. An elementary manual of radio- telegraphy and radiotelephony. 1908. 654.1 F62 Graham, R. P. Howgrave .Wireless telegraphy for amateurs, a handbook on the principles of radiotelegraphy and the construction and working of apparatus for short distance trans- mission. 1907. 654.1 G76 Kennelly, A. E. Wireless telegraphy; an elemen- tary treatise. 1906. 654.1 K39 Wireless telegraphy and wireless telephony; an elementary treatise. 1909. 654.1 K39w Kerr, Richard. Wireless telegraphy popularly explained. 1903. 654.1 K46 Laughter, V. H. Operator's wireless telegraph and telephone hand-book; a complete treatise . . . including the rules of naval stations, codes, abbreviations, etc. c. 1909. 654.1 L36 Lodge, Sir O. J. Signalling across space with- out wires. Being a description of the work of Hertz and his successors. [1900.] 654.1 L82 Massie, W. W. Wireless telegraphy and tel- ephony popularly explained, by W. W. Mas- sie and C. R. Underbill; with special article by Nikola Tesla. 1908. 654.1 M38 Monckton, C. C. F. Radio-telegraphy. 1908. 654.1 M74 18 St. John, T. M. Wireless telegraphy for ama- teurs and students . . . with complete directions for performing numerous experi- ments with simple home-made apparatus, c. 1906. 654.1 Sa23 Twining, H. LaV. Wireless telegraphy and high frequency electricity; a manual containing de- tailed information for the construction of transformers, wireless telegraph and high frequency, apparatus, c. 1909. 654.1 T92 U. S. Bureau of equipment (Navy dcpt.} Manual of wireless telegraphy for the use of naval electricians. By S. S. Robison. 1906. *654.1 Un3 LIGHTING. HEATING Atkinson, Philip. The elements of electric light- ing, including electric generation, measure- ment, storage and distribution. 1901. 621.32 At56e Barrows, W. E. Electrical illuminating engineer- ing. 1908. 621.32 B27 Bell, Louis. The art of illumination. 1902. 628.9 B41 Borchers, Wilhelm. Electric furnaces. 1908. 621.365 B64 Cravath, J. R. Practical illumination. By J. R. Cravath and Van Rensselaer Lansingh. 1907. 628.9 C85 Crocker, F. B. Electric lighting; a practical ex- position of the art. 2 v. 1906. 621.32 C87 Houston, E. J. Electric arc lighting. By E. J. Houston and A. E. Kennelly. 1906. 621.32 H81e 19 Houston, E. J. Electric incandescent lighting. By E. J. Houston and A. E. Kennelly. 1906. J621.32 H81 621.32 1181 Marks, W. D. The finances of gas and electric light and power enterprises. [1907.] 621.32 M34 Schneider, N. H. Electric gas lighting; how to install electric gas igniting apparatus . . . by H. S. Norrie. 1906. 621.32 Sch58 Urquhart, J. W. Electric light fitting . . . em- bodying practical notes on installation man- agement. 1904. 621.32 Ur6 RAILWAYS. BLOCK SYSTEM Adams, B. B. The block system of signaling on American railroads. 1901. 656.56 Adl7 Bell, Louis. Power distribution for electric rail- roads. [1900.] 621.33 B41 Cravath, J. R. Electric railways; a treatise on the modern development of electric traction. Electric railways. By J. R. Cravath . . . The single-phase electric railway, by H. C. Trow. 1908. (American school of corre- spondence) 621.33 C85 Herrick, A. B. Practical electric railway hand book. 1906. 621.33 H43 Houston, E. J. Electric street railways, by E. J. Houston and A. E. Kennelly. 1906. 621.33 H81 Modern electric railway practice. 4 v. c. 1909. *621.33 M72 20 Pagnini, Pietro. La trazione elettrica. Allo stato attuale dell' elettrotecnica. 1905. 621.33 P14 Parshall, H. F. Electric railway engineering. By H. F. Parshall and H. M. Hobart. 1908. q621.33 P25 Scott, Ralph. Automatic block signals and signal circuits; American practice in the installation and maintenance of signals electrically con- trolled, and operated by electric or other power. 1908. 656.56 Sc85 Smith, R. H. Electric traction. 1905. 621.33 Sm64 Swingle, C. F. Electric railway power stations, c. 1909. 621.33 Sw64 U. S. Block signal and train control board. An- nual report of the Block signal and train con- trol board to the Interstate commerce com- mission. 1908-1909. *656.56 Un3 Wilson, Ernest. Electrical traction, by Ernest Wilson and Francis Lydall. 2 v. 1907. 621.33 W69 ELECTROCHEMISTRY Arrhenius, S. A. Text-book of electrochemis- try. 1902. 541.1 Ar69 Blount, Bertram. Practical electro-chemistry. 1906. 541.1 B62 Goodwin, H. M., cd. The fundamental laws of electrolytic conduction; memoirs by Faraday, Hittorf, and F. Kohlrausch. 1899. 541.1 G63 Lupke, Robert. The elements of electro-chem- istry treated experimentally. 1903. 541.1 L97 21 Wright, J. Electric furnaces and their industrial applications. 1906. 541.1 W93 ELECTRO-METALLURGY. ELECTROPLATING. ELECTROTYPING Bedell, W. L. D. Practical electro-plating; a guide for the electroplater, giving complete instructions for the arrangement of the shop, the installation of the plant, polishing, plat- ing, buffing, and lacquering. 1909. 537.85 B39 Borchers, Wilhelm. Electric smelting and refin- ing. 1904. 537.85 B64 Groth, L. A. Welding and cutting metals by aid of gases and electricity. 1909. 665.8 G91 Gunther, C. G. Electro-magnetic ore separation. 1909. 622.77 G95 Hawkins, H. J. The oolishing and plating of metals . . . giving modern methods of pol- ishing, plating, buffing, oxydizing- and lac- quering metals. 1904. 537.85 H31 Kershaw, J. B. C. Electro-metallurgy. 1908. 537.85 K47 Langbein, Georg. A complete treatise on the electro-deposition of metals; comprising" elec- tro-plating and galvanoplastic operations . . . with additions by W. T. Brannt. 1905. 537.85 L25 Napier, James. A manual of electro-metallurgy; including the applications of the art to manu- facturing processes. 1860. 537.85 N16 Partridge, C. S. Electrotyping. 1908. 655.22 P25 22 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS Adam, George. Electricity, the chemistry of ether; a treatise generalizing a fundamental hypothesis as applied to electricity, chemistry, physics, physiology, and pathology. 1904. 615.84 Adl3 Duchenne, G. B. A treatise on localized electri- zation, and its applications to pathology and therapeutics. 1871. 615.84 D85 Jellinek, Samuel. Medizinische anwendungen der elektrizitat. 1906. 615.84 J39 Rockwell, A. D. Lectures on electricity in its relations to medicine and surgery. 1879. 615.84 R59 EXPERIMENTS AND AMATEUR APPARATUS Adams, J. H. Harper's electricity book for boys. 1907. J537.81 Adl8 Barnard, Charles. First steps in electricity. De- signed for the entertainment and instruction of young people. 1888. J537 B25 Bonney, G. E. Electrical experiments; a manual of instructive amusement. 1904. 537.81 B64 Bottone, S. R. Electrical instrument making for amateurs, n. d. J537.81 B65j Bubier, E. T. Electricity for students, by Ed- ward Trevert. 1899. 537 B85 Experimental electricity, by Edward Trevert. 1903. 537.81 B85e The Carlisle & Finch co., Cincinnati, O. Min- iature electric railway construction. 1906. 537.81 C19 23 Jenks, Tudor. Electricity for young people, c. 1907. J621.3 J42 Clarke, W. J. A. B. C. of electrical experiments. [1902.] 537.81 CSS Meadowcroft, W. H. The A B C of electricity, c. 1888. j537 M46 St. John, T. M. How two boys made their own electrical apparatus. 1898. J537.81 Sa23h Real electric toy-making for boys. c. 1905. J537.81 Sa23 The study of elementary electricity and mag- netism by experiment, c. 1900. 537.81 Sa23 Things a boy should know about electricity. 1900. J537 S2t Sloane, T. O'C. Electric toy making for ama- teurs including batteries, magnets, motors, bells, miscellaneous toys, etc. 1906. 537.81 SL52 OF THE UNIVERSITY PRESS OF THE HICKS-JUDD CO.. S.F. YA 08856