THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE Century flew TKHorlfc Series W. F. WlLLOUGHBY, GENERAL EDITOR THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE Edited by Robert M. Yerkes POLITICAL SYSTEMS IN TRAN- SITION By Charles G. Fenwick THE WORKERS AT WAR By Frank Julian Warne Other titles will be published later Centutg Hew THttorK) Series A TOOL THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE ITS DEVELOPMENT DURING THE WAR EDITED BY ROBERT M. YERKES Chairman, Research Information Service National Research Council ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK THE CENTURY CO, 1920 Copyright, 1 920, by THE CENTUBY Co. PREFACE In February, 1919, the editor of the Century New World Series invited Dr. George Ellery Hale to prepare for the series a volume on the war and science. This invitation contained the following suggestions : " It is desirable to give, first, a general statement of the ex- tent to which the successful prosecution of the war required the mobilization of the resources of the country; second, the manner in which such resources came to the aid of the Govern- ment; third, the results gained in the fields of research; and, finally, the effect that the war has had and will have on the promotion of scientific research and the application of science to industry in the future. An account, of course, should be given of the organization and work of the National Research Council and the other agencies created by the Government for the handling of scientific phases of the war administration." Dr. Hale, feeling that it was impracticable for him to prepare the entire volume, requested the writer to arrange with scientific authorities for the preparation of various chapters and to act as editor of the volume. It was originally planned to have manuscripts prepared by a few individuals, each of whom should be responsible for the military contributions of a cer- tain science or group of sciences. This idea could not be put into effect because of specialization in scientific war service. The final outcome was the splitting of major sections of the book into chapters which deal with the special aspects and contributions of physics, chemistry, geology, and other sciences. The volume is not a complete account of the relations of science in America to military activities; instead it presents examples oj the important contributions of several of the 431718 vi PREFACE natural sciences and of their related technologies. Complete- ness of treatment within the scope of such a volume as was proposed was impracticable because of the magnitude and diversity of scientific service. It is appropriate to state also that because of the impracticability of mentioning more than a small percentage of those who deserve recognition, no attempt has been made by most contributors to indicate the credit and responsibility of individuals. It has been the primary, if not the single, purpose of the several writers to offer to the lay reader an untechnical account of the nature of certain methods and their practical relations to military problems. The editor, and doubtless every con- tributor, has held clearly in mind the importance of acquaint- ing the public with scientific progress and with typical ex- amples of the dependence of industrial advances upon the de- velopment of science. THE EDITOR. INTRODUCTION GEORGE ELLERY HALE One of the most striking results of the war is the emphasis it has laid on the national importance of science and research/ The sharp spur of necessity, felt by the Allies soon after the opening of hostilities, drove them to the instant utilization of scientific research to make good the losses caused by the re- striction of imports. Optical glass for gun-sights, range- finders and periscopes ; chemicals needed for high explosives ; and scores of other products developed in Germany after long years of investigation, were suddenly rendered inaccessible. Some of these could be manufactured without much delay; but in many cases the necessary process was unknown, and could only be discovered by research. Investigators from the universities, the industries and the technical schools were called upon for aid, and manufacture was soon rendered possible. But the aid thus given was by no means restricted to the duplication of known devices. It shortly became clear that many of the problems of war lie in the domain of the physicist, the chemist, the meteorologist, no less than in that of the mili- tary expert. The physicist was quick to recognize that enemy guns, though completely hidden from view by intervening ground, might be accurately located by sound, and apparatus for this purpose was rapidly developed and employed with great success along the western front. The chemist, when retaliation was forced by the German introduction of poisonous gases, developed new and powerful vapors that led the origin- ators of this system of warfare to regret the step they had taken. The meteorologist, from his observation posts along the battle line, supplied the data needed by the gunner, the sound-ranger, the leader of gas attacks, and the airman. The astronomer studied the trajectories of projectiles, improved the vii viii INTRODUCTION methods of navigating airplanes, and learned how to increase the range of guns and the accuracy of bomb-dropping. The bacteriologist sought out the hidden mechanism of trench fever, and the means of lessening its ravages. And so we might go on, drawing hundreds of typical illustrations from every branch of science. The bearing of such varied and productive activities goes far beyond the immediate issues of war, and reaches down to the very foundations of national welfare. The problems of peace are inextricably entangled with those of war, and if scientific methods and the aid of scientific research were needed in overcoming the menace of the enemy they will be no less urgently needed during the turmoil of reconstruction and the future competitions of peace. Remember the case of the aniline dyes, the first of which, mauve, was discovered by Sir William Perkin in 1856. Here, as in so many other instances, a great achievement of British initiative met with no recognition from the home government, and the fruits of Perkin's discovery were gathered abroad. Aniline, from which mauve is derived, is one of the products of coal-tar, formerly regarded as useless waste. Thousands of chemists, thoroughly infused with the spirit of research in the German universities, and supported by great corporations, enjoying the powerful encouragement of the Government, have built upon this foundation the great dye industry of Germany. The basic processes involved in the preparation of the dyes are precisely those required for the manufacture of tri-nitro- toluol and other high explosives. Thus the German govern- ment, bent on its preparations for war, quite naturally developed an industry that brought great commercial prosperity and at the same time provided the factories, equipment, and trained chemists necessary to produce thousands of tons of explosives. Or recall the fixation of nitrogen. Long before the war Ger- many systematically exploited the cheap water-power of Nor- way for the manufacture of nitrates, needed alike for powder and for fertilization of German soil, where the output of INTRODUCTION ix wheat was thus raised from 15 bushels to the acre, the average in the United States, to 3; bushel-; *o the acre. The Chilean nitrate beds were far away, and an interruption of overseas traffic would inevitably accompany the outbreak of hostilities. Thus German chemists applied, not merely the electric arc process of nitrogen fixation rendered commercially possible by the waterfalls of Norway, but other processes now effec- tively utilized on an immense scale within Germany itself. The results, rendered plainly visible during the war by the enormous quantities of ammunition expended along the west- ern front, will be no less important in the economic restoration of the country through intensive agriculture. Thus the very agencies of war will become powerful factors in the competitions of peace, and the research methods from which they sprang will play a far larger part in the world than ever before. At the outbreak of the war the statesmen of the Allies were but little concerned with the interests of research. Necessity, as we have seen, soon opend their eyes, and the results so rapidly obtained convinced them that a radical change of policy was essential. Perceiving the enormous advantages derived by Germany from the utilization of science, and with wise an- ticipation of the needs of the future, they took steps to remedy the earlier neglect of science which the war had rendered so conspicuous. An Advisory Council of Scientific and In- dustrial Research was set up by the British Government in 1915, and one million pounds was appropriated for the pro- motion of research in science and the arts. In the face of rapidly rising wages and mounting costs of raw materials, it was seen that the most direct of all possible attacks upon the high cost of living might be made through the agency of re- search. The cost of electric illumination, for example, will be still higher than it is to-day unless existing methods of gen- erating and using the current can be improved. Thus the re- cent production of an incandescent lamp, which yields equal light with a fraction of the current, is a most important step in x INTRODUCTION the right direction. In similar ways costs can be reduced and efficiency increased in all directions through the intelligent use of scientific research. The recognition of this fact throughout the British Empire has resulted in a world-wide movement of great significance. Advisory Councils for Scientific and Industrial Research, hav- ing large government appropriations at their disposal, have been established by Australia, Canada, South Africa, and New Zealand, and provision is being made for large research labora- tories to render possible investigations in all branches of sci- ence, and in engineering, medicine, and agriculture. It is uni- versally recognized that the underlying problems of science, from the solution of which all great industrial advances spring, must be attacked no less vigorously than the more obvious practical questions. Therefore this movement, the most sig- nificant and far-reaching in the history of science, recognizes no distinction between the problems of science and those of the arts, but seeks to provide broadly and liberally for the ad- vancement of knowledge and its effective application for the public welfare. The fundamental importance of science has long been rec- ognized by the ablest leaders of industry in the United States. The telephone was born in a research laboratory, and as soon as the American Telephone and Telegraph Company was formed, this laboratory was made into a department of its activities. Under the far-seeing guidance of Theodore N. Vail it has now become the Department of Development and Research under Vice-President John J. Carty, employing thir- teen hundred scientists and engineers who devote their time exclusively to research and development in the telephone art. Two of the outstanding results of this laboratory are trans- continental telephony by wire and wireless telephony between airplane and earth and between earth stations as widely separated as Arlington and Hawaii. The General Electric Company, which also grew out of research, maintains a great research laboratory, costing nearly a million dollars per year, INTRODUCTION xi under the energetic and effective leadership of W. R. Whitney. If the scores of devices and improvements that have flowed from this laboratory were restricted merely to the Mazda lamp, this country would have gained greatly by its establish- ment. In another field George Eastman, recognizing that photographic materials and methods are susceptible to great improvement, founded in '1912 the Research Laboratory of the Eastman Kodak Company, where C. E. K. Mees and his as- sociates are accomplishing many important advances. One might go on to mention many other successful laboratories of industrial research in this country, including those of Thomas A. Edison, the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, the United States Steel Corporation, the General Chemical Company, the General Bakelite Company, and others of equal importance. A notable case is the research laboratory of the du Pont de Nemours Company, which began with six chemists in 1902, and employed three hundred chemists in 1918, when its an- nual expenditure had reached three million dollars. While the prime objects of these laboratories is the direct solution of problems arising in the industries, much research for the advancement of science is done in them, and their di- recting heads are constantly emphasizing the importance of fundamental science and its development. Thus W. R. Whit- ney has said : " Necessity is not the mother of invention ; knowledge and ex- periment are its parents. This is clearly seen in the case of many industrial discoveries ; high-speed cutting tools were not a necessity which preceded, but an application which followed the discovery of the properties of tungsten-chromium-iron alloys; so, too, the use of titanium in arc lamps and of vanadium in steel were sequels to the industrial preparation of these metals, and not discoveries made by sheer force of necessity." One of the best illustrations of the practical importance of researches made solely for the purpose of increasing knowledge xii INTRODUCTION is afforded by the development of wireless telegraphy. The now familiar electric waves, transmitted by the ether with the velocity of light, were foreshadowed by Faraday and Henry and definitely made known by the mathematical investigations of Maxwell about the middle of the nineteenth century. Nearly forty years later Hertz, deliberately following Max- well's lead, produced and detected these waves experimentally. Crookes foresaw their possible utilization for wireless teleg- raphy, which was accomplished over short distances by Lodge in 1894, and applied on a commercial scale by Marconi in 1896. The wireless telephone was a later development of the pioneer work of Maxwell and Hertz, reenforced by much ad- ditional physical research on electric discharges in vacuum tubes and other laboratory phenomena. Similarly the inven- tion of the telephone goes back to the principles of magnetic- electric induction discovered by Faraday; the anti-toxin treat- ment of disease grew out of Pasteur's investigations of bac- teria, which resulted in their turn from his studies of the na- ture of certain crystals, made for the sole purpose of advancing knowledge; the airplane had its origin in Langley's researches on the resistance of the air to moving bodies. Analyze any in- vention, and it will be found that it was rendered possible by the work of men concerned only with the advancement of sci- ence. How clearly this is appreciated by the chief leaders of industry is best expressed in the words of Carty, from his presidential address to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in 1916. " It was Michael Faraday, one of the greatest of the workers in pure science, who in the last century discovered the principle of the dynamo electric machine. Without a knowledge of this principle discovered by Faraday the whole art of electrical en- gineering as we know it today could not exist and civilization would have been deprived of those inestimable benefits which have resulted from the work of the members of this Institute. " Not only Faraday in England, but Joseph Henry in our own country and scores of other workers in pure science have laid the , INTRODUCTION xiii foundations upon which the electrical engineer has reared such a magnificent structure. " What is true of the electrical art is also true of all the other arts and applied sciences. They are all based upon fundamental discoveries made by workers in pure science, who were seeking only to discover the laws of nature and extend the realm of human knowledge. " By every means in our power, therefore, let us show our ap- preciation of pure science and let us forward the work of the pure scientists, for they are the advance guard of civilization. They point the way which we must follow. Let us arouse the people of our country to the wonderful possibilities of scientific discovery and to the responsibility to support it which rests upon them and I am sure that they will respond generously and effectively." In each of the illustrations we have cited, and in many others like them, three elements, fundamentally important to the welfare of the United States, should be recognized. It is clear that a nation anxious to reduce the cost of living and unwilling to give place in the industrial world to better in- formed rivals must adopt every feasible means of promoting research in the industries. It is equally clear that so long as the security of the world is menaced by unscrupulous military powers, research methods must be effectively utilized in per- fecting the means of national defense. But more fundamental still is the prime necessity, clearly appreciated and strongly emphasized by the far-sighted leaders of American industry, of promoting research in all branches of science, without thought of any industrial application, for the sake of advancing knowledge. As Sir Joseph Thomson has recently said, it ib only in this way that the greatest advances are made. The pioneers of industrial research are those who seize and apply the discoveries of men of science, by whom new territories are opened and explored. Without the knowledge derived from such explorations, the investigator bent upon immediate in- dustrial advantage could make little progress. Our place in the industrial world, the advance of our com- merce, the health of our people, the output of our farms, the xiv INTRODUCTION conditions under which the great majority of our population must labor, and the security of the nation will thus depend, in large and increasing measure, on the attention we devote to the promotion of scientific and industrial research. The purpose of this book is therefore to describe the part played by science in the war with special reference to the future development and utilization of research on a scale commensurate with the needs of the United States. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PREFACE v By the editor INTRODUCTION , vii By George Ellery Hale I SCIENCE AND WAR . ;; V V : V V ' v' -^ ' * 3 By George Ellery Hale II WAR SERVICES OF THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 13 By George Ellery Hale THE ROLE OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE WAR III CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE 33 By Robert A. Millikan IV SOME SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS OF THE METEOROLOGICAL WORK OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY 49 By Robert A. Millikan V SOUND-RANGING IN THE AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES *v ; v 63 By Augustus Trowbridge VI WAR-TIME PHOTOGRAPHY . . > * ,# 89 By Herbert E. Ives VII OPTICAL GLASS FOR WAR NEEDS 103 By Harrison E. Howe THE ROLE OF CHEMISTRY IN THE WAR VIII THE SUPPLY OF NITROGEN PRODUCTS FOR THE MANU- FACTURE OF EXPLOSIVES 123 By Arthur A, Noyes XV xvi CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE IX THE PRODUCTION OF EXPLOSIVES 134 By Charles E. Mimroe X THE CHEMICAL WARFARE SERVICE 148 By Clarence /. West THE ROLE OF THE EARTH SCIENCES IN THE WAR XI CONTRIBUTIONS OF GEOGRAPHY ....... 177 By Douglas W . Johnson XII CONTRIBUTIONS OF GEOLOGY ... .... 196 By Douglas W. Johnson THE ROLE OF ENGINEERING IN THE WAR XIII ADVANCES IN SIGNALLING CONTRIBUTED DURING THE WAR .' .' ^ . . 221 By A. E. Kennelly XIV CONTRIBUTIONS OF METALLURGY TO VICTORY . ^ '. ' . 247 By Henry M. Howe THE ROLE OF BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE IN THE WAR XV THE FOOD PROBLEM 265 By Vernon Kellogg XVI THE WAR SERVICE OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION . . 277 By Frederick F. Russell XVII SOME DISEASES PREVALENT IN THE ARMY .... 291 By Frederick F. Russell XVIII ADVANCES IN SURGERY DURING THE WAR . . . . 311 By John W. Hanner XIX PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND THE WAR . . . . 328 By Victor C. Vaughan CONTENTS xvii THE ROLE OF PSYCHOLOGY IN THE WAR CHAPTER PAGE XX How PSYCHOLOGY HAPPENED INTO THE WAR . . . 351 By Robert M. Yerkes XXI WHAT PSYCHOLOGY CONTRIBUTED TO THE WAR . . 364 By Robert M. Yerkes RELATIONS OF THE WAR TO PROGRESS IN SCIENCE XXII THE POSSIBILITIES OF COOPERATION IN RESEARCH . 393 By George Ellery Hale XXIII THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF RESEARCH . 405 By George Ellery Hale XXIV THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL By James R. Angell INDEX . . -.\ 439 LIST OF PLATES FIGUBE ii. The Dodge instrument for training gun-pointers Frontispiece FACING PAGE 1. Uniform rate of ascent of pilot balloon up to 11,000 meters . . /. . .... . . . . 5 2. Pilot balloon ascent showing isolated convection current 51 3. Uniform rate of ascent of pilot balloon up to 20,000 meters where balloon sprung a leak. . .... 54 4. Convection currents at low altitudes . ... . . 55 1. Example of airplane photograph. Trenches, concrete dug-outs and machine gun emplacements along the Yser River N . . . . . . 94 2. The method of building up a mosaic map from a large number of overlapping serial photographs ... -94 3. Color filters in aerial photography . . ... V . 95 2. Portable army telephone exchange . . . . - . . . 228 3. Portable 4-line switchboard . . . 228 4. Portable outpost switchboard 229 5. Signalers in gas masks talking with observer in a captive balloon ........ t. . \ .... 229 6. Brigadier-General Edgar G. Russel, the Chief Signal Of- ficer of the A. E. F .' *..... 236 7. Major-General Squier, Chief Signal Officer, U. S. Army 236 8. Types of vacuum tube . . . ...... . . . . 237 9. Airplane radiogenerator 237 10. Interior parts of radiogenerator ........ 237 1. A trade test in the United States Army . . . . . 354 2. An individual psychological examination in the United States Army 355 3. Testing the mechanical skill of soldiers by the Stenquist method V . > 358 4. Examination Alpha . :... . , . . . . . . . . 359 Group of soldiers at Camp Lee, Virginia, taking the army psychological examination for literates. This was be- fore benches were provided in the examining room ! Soldiers scoring psychological examination papers xix THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE i SCIENCE AND WAR 1 GEORGE ELLERY HALE SCIENCE UNDER NAPOLEON THIS is by no means the first war in which men of science have been called from their customary researches to solve military problems. For early examples we might go back to the Greeks, and cite illustrations from the conquests of Alex- ander the Great or the reputed exploits of Archimedes at the siege of Syracuse. But a more striking and illuminating ex- ample, of great significance because of the emphasis laid on the national importance of science and research by the leaders of France, may be taken from the history of the French Revolu- tion and the life of Napoleon Bonaparte. At the period of the French Revolution the Paris Academy of Sciences occupied an unrivalled position in Europe. Com- posed of the leaders of science in every field, it was therefore prepared to deal with the heavy problems which grow out of a great emergency. When the Convention decided to raise a large army to resist invasion and stamp out civil war, equip- 1 For the material used in the first half of this Chapter the writer is chiefly indebted to Maindron's L'Academie des Sciences and to the Presidential address of M. Guignard at the last annual meeting of the Academy (Comptes Rendus, December 22, 1919). 3 NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE ment of all kinds was lacking. Steel, nitrates and many neces- sary raw materials were cut off by the blockade, and the nation was thrown upon its own resources. In this critical situation the Committee of Public Safety ap- pealed to the members of the Academy and their assistants. A chateau at Meudon was placed at their disposal, together with the adjoining park for experimental purposes. Aided by Van- dermonde and Berthollet, Monge discovered the process of manufacturing steel and making guns. Fourcroy succeeded in separating copper from bell metal. Vandermonde was placed in charge of the manufacture of rifles, swords, and bayonets. Arms were soon available, but powder was so scarce that Hoche, in command of the army of the Sambre and Meuse, was compelled to retreat for lack of sufficient supply. But the chemists were equal to the emergency, and nitrates were pro- duced from many sources, the former slow methods of manu- facturing explosives were replaced by new ones and in a short time a single factory was turning out powder at the then ex- traordinary rate of 30,000 pounds per day. Potash, formerly imported from Spain, was also cut off, but a supply was ob- tained from the ashes of plants. New methods were devised for the rapid tanning of leather, the manufacture of paper, and scores of other products. Even more striking to the popular imagination was the development of the " telegraph " or long distance signaling device of the Abbe Claude Chappe and tht war balloon of Guyton de Morveau. If to the unthinking all these results of science seemed to be creations of the moment, those who paused to reflect saw their origin in the decades of research that preceded the Revolution and reached their height in Lavoisier, who fell a victim to the guillotine. In the events thus briefly sketched we have an exact parallel to the experiences of the present war, which once more forced national leaders when confronted by critical problems, to seek at the last moment the aid of science. A much more enlight- ened appreciation of the value of science to the state was shown by Napoleon Bonaparte, whose relations with the Paris Acad- SCIENCE UNDER NAPOLEON 5 emy of Sciences are of special interest at a time when an equal grasp by our own Government of the possibilities of research, embodied in concrete form and applied to national advance- ment, would bring a great return. The brilliant strategy displayed in his Italian campaign, and the attitude which he assumed toward the men of science of the conquered territory, led to Napoleon's election as a mem- ber of the National Institute of France on December 25, 1797. In his letter of acceptance he remarks: . . . " The truest conquests, the only ones that give rise to no regrets, are those gained over ignorance. " The most honorable as well as the most useful activity of nations is to contribute to the advancement of human knowl- edge. " The real strength of the French Republic should henceforth lie in its determination to possess every new idea, without a single exception." Entering at once upon his duties, Napoleon took part with Borda and Coulomb the physicists, Laplace the astronomer, and other members in the examination of devices, some of them of a military nature, submitted for the consideration of the Institute. But his belief in the utilization by the state of the services of men of science was most strikingly demonstrated in the organization of his expedition to Egypt. In addition to the military and naval contingents, he took with him a scien- tific commission, comprising many of the most distinguished scholars of France. The long list of members includes mathematicians, physicists, astronomers, chemists, engineers, geologists and mineralogists, botanists, zoologists, surgeons, pharmacists, political economists, archeologists, architects, painters, and many others. Less than a month after his ar- rival in Cairo, Napoleon established the Institute of Egypt, modeled after the Institute of France, with which it was in close correspondence. As Vice-President of the Institute of Egypt, and in constant attendance at its meetings, Napoleon called for the appointment of committee after committee, to 6 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE report on the best means of baking bread for the army, the discovery of a substitute for hops needed in the manufacture of beer, the best method of purifying the water of the Nile, the relative efficiency of wind-mills and water-mills, the possibility of manufacturing powder in Egypt. By no means forgetful of the wider interests of science and the arts, Napoleon secured the appointment of a committee to report on the feasibility of establishing an astronomical observatory in Egypt, and permanently preserved, in the magnificent volumes of the Description de I'Egypt, the exhaustive studies of the temples and antiquities made by his architects and archeologists. It is interesting to remember that it was Napoleon who announced to the National Institute, a few days after his return to Paris, that he had given orders to bring to France the celebrated Rosetta Stone, with its tri-lingual inscription, which enabled Champollion some years later to decipher the Egyptian hiero- glyphs. Thus the title " Le membre de ITnstitut, General en chef," invariably used by Napoleon throughout his Egyptian campaign, was fairly descriptive of his double service. Indeed, when we recall the early collapse of that ill-fated expedition, we cannot fail to recognize that his contribution to science and the arts as Member of the Institute was far more enduring than his initial military success as Commander in Chief at the Battle of the Pyramids. During the triumphs of his subsequent career Napoleon gave strong support to the National Institute of France, which then attained a brilliancy of success and achievement without a parallel in the history of science. In 1800, as First Consul, Napoleon presided over the meetings of its Class of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (corresponding to the present Academy of Sciences), and after listening to an address by Volta on his electrical researches, proposed that a medal be awarded him for his discoveries, which was done without de- lay. Soon afterwards, deeply impressed by the great possi- bilities which he keenly perceived to lie in the future develop- ment of similar researches, Napoleon established a medal SCIENCE UNDER NAPOLEON 7 valued at three thousand francs to be awarded to the author of the best experiment made each year in the field of galvanic electricity. Moreover, " with the special object of encourag- ing and fixing the attention of physicists on that branch of physics which, in my opinion, is the pathway to great discov- eries," he announced his intention to present the sum of sixty thousand francs " to any one whose experiments or discoveries, in the judgment of the First Class of the Institute, shall ac- complish an advance in electricity or galvanism comparable to that made by Franklin and Volta." Subsequently, both as First Consul and as Emperor, Na- poleon continued to take personal part in the work of the In- stitute, which he regarded as one of the most important na- tional agencies for the advancement of France. He provided for its reorganization with enlarged scope and greater powers (law of January 23, 1803) and established it, -at the expense of the state, in the Palais des Quatre-Nations (now Palais de 1'Institut). He presented to the Institute a large number of statues of eminent men of science and letters formerly in the Louvre, and subsequently added a statue of d'Alembert " as a mark of his esteem for the Institute and of his constant wish to reward and encourage the labors of this company, which contributes so largely to the prosperity and welfare of his people." He called upon the Institute to report every five years on the progress of science, the arts and letters in France. He founded a series of thirty-five grand prizes, nineteen of ten thousand francs each, sixteen of five thousand francs each, to be allotted by the Institute and awarded every ten years by the Emperor in person for researches and inventions in the various branches of science and the arts. In short, up to the time of his abdication Napoleon did everything in his power to advance the interests of the Institute and to render it of the greatest service to the nation. He was amply rewarded by the successes of its members, best illustrated by the accomplish- ments of such men as Laplace, Lagrange, Berthollet, Cuvier, Coulomb, Biot, Delambre, Jussieu, and Fourier, who, with 8 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE others of like distinction, constituted the most brilliant com- pany of investigators ever assembled. We have permitted this brief account of science in France during the period of Napoleon to develop beyond the immediate questions of war because of the value of the example from our present point of view. In fact, as shown in the introductory chapter, it is impossible to distinguish sharply between science as needed for national defense and science as the basis of in- dustrial progress. It will be fortunate indeed if the heavy blows to civilization directly chargeable to the Central Powers can be offset in some degree by the new appreciation of science, and advantage should be taken of every feasible method of stimulating research that may be suggested by past experience. SCIENCE IN THE CIVIL WAR Let us now glance for a moment at the early development of science in the United States, and observe the part it played in the Civil War. De Tocqueville, who visited this country in 1831, has preserved his impressions in his well-known work on " Democracy in America." In a chapter entitled " How the example of the Americans fails to prove that a democratic people cannot possess aptitude and taste for science, literature and art," he wrote as follows : '* It must be admitted that among the civilized peoples of our time there are few in which the higher sciences have made less progress than in the United States." This he attributed to our Puritan origin, our pur- suit of the wealth which is so easily acquired in a new country, and our dependence upon England for intellectual things. " I consider the people of the United States as that portion of the English people which is charged with the exploitation of the forests of the new world, while the rest of the nation, enjoying more leisure and less preoccupied with the material needs of life, may devote itself to thought and to the development of the human mind in every field." But although he regarded the United States as exceptional, he fancied that he recognized in all democracies conditions of SCIENCE UNDER NAPOLEON 9 disturbance and unrest which leave little opportunity for the quiet and repose essential to the cultivation of science. These he carefully distinguished, however, from great upheavals of the body politic. " When a violent revolution occurs among a highly civilized people, it cannot fail to give a sudden impulse to feeling and imagination." Thus, he pointed out, the French achieved their highest development in science soon after the revolution of 1789. In 1863, when the National Academy of Sciences was in- corporated, de Tocqueville would probably have considered our intellectual dependence upon England to be materially less than at the time of his visit to the United States, thirty years earlier. Doubtless he would have attributed the improved condition of American science to the effect of the Civil War, and the con- siderable increase in wealth and leisure. In 1873, if we may judge from Tyndall's remarks in the concluding lecture of his American series, European opinion saw hope for the future of science in the United States, but recognized few important ac- complishments. "If great scientific results are not achieved in America, it is not to the small agitations of society that I should be disposed to ascribe the defect, but to the fact that the men among you who possess the endowments necessary for profound scientific inquiry are laden with duties of ad- ministration, so heavy as to be utterly incompatible with the continuous and tranquil meditation which original investiga- tion demands." At this time Henry was secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Barnard was president of Columbia College, and Rogers was president of the Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology. There was thus some justification for Tyndall's remark, though the amount of scientific research in progress was much larger than one would infer from his state- ment of the case. Moreover, though deprived by other duties of the privilege of personal work in the laboratory, these very men, charter members of the National Academy, had assisted in laying the foundations of science in America. One of the most striking pen portraits of President Lincoln io THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE that we possess depicts him on the great tower of the Smith- sonian Institution, which he ascended night after night with Joseph Henry, during the Civil War. From this vantage point lights were flashed to distant stations, in connection with tests of new methods of signaling. It was in such researches for military purposes that the National Academy of Sciences had its origin. The period of these experiments was an anxious one. Many months of war, marked by serious and unexpected reverses, had left small room for over-confidence, and taught the neces- sity of utilizing every promising means of strengthening the northern arms. With one or two notable exceptions, the great scientific bureaus of the Government, now so powerful, had not come into existence. But the country was not without its leaders of science and engineering, both within and without the Government circle. Davis, fighting Admiral, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, and founder of the Nautical Almanac ; Bache, Superintendent of the Coast Survey, and designer of the defenses of Philadelphia ; and Joseph Henry, of whom we have already spoken, clearly recognized the need of a national organization, embracing the whole range of science, to ad- vise the Government on questions of science and art. Joining with them Louis Agassiz, the great naturalist; Benjamin Pierce, mathematician and astronomer; and B. A. Gould, founder of the Observatory of the Argentine Republic, they planned the National Academy of Sciences. A bill to incor- porate the Academy was introduced in the Senate by Senator Wilson of Massachusetts on February 21, 1863. This passed the Senate and the House, and was signed by President Lincoln on March 3. After enumerating the charter members, who comprised the leading men of science and engineers of the day, and empowering the Academy to make its own organization, the bill provides that " the Academy shall, whenever called upon by any department of the Government, investigate, examine, experiment and report upon any subject of science or art, the actual expense of such investigations, examinations, experi- SCIENCE UNDER NAPOLEON n ments, and reports to be paid from appropriations which may be made for the purpose ; but the Academy shall receive no compensation whatever for any services to the Government of the United States." As the adviser of the Government on questions of science, the Academy was immediately called upon by the War and Navy Departments to report on various problems connected with the war. Among these reports the following may be mentioned : On the Protection of Bottoms of Iron Vessels from Corro- sion. On the Adjustment of Compasses to Correct Magnetic De- viation in Iron Ships. On Wind and Current Charts and Sailing Directions. On the Explosion on the United States steamer Chenango. On Experiments on the Expansion of Steam. On the Preservation of Paint on Army Knapsacks. In addition to such formal reports from special committees, many members of the Academy contributed individually to the study of war problems. Thus we find in the early records the titles of such papers as the following: F. A. P. Barnard : On the force of fired gun-powder and the pressure to which heavy guns are actually subjected in firing. Joseph Henry : On materials for combustion of lamps in lighthouses. J. E. Hilgard : On a chronograph for measuring the velocity of projectiles. J. E. Hilgard: Note on the changes that have taken place in the bar of Charleston Harbor since the sinking of obstruc- tions in the main channel. B. A. Gould: Various papers on the stature, proportions, ages, and vision of American soldiers. W. H. C. Bartlett : On rifled guns. Most of the work of the members on war problems was, of course, not embodied in published papers, though it formed an important part of the activities of the Government. 12 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE This illustration of a national organization of science, includ- ing representatives of the army, navy, and civil branches of the Government, cooperating closely with the men of science in civil life, recalls the similar organization in France under Na- poleon. Since the Civil War the National Academy has been called upon by the President, by Congress, and by the heads of Government departments to deal with many scientific problems, of the most diverse nature. A new opportunity for national service, which arose with the German menace, was recognized and acted upon nearly a year before the United States entered the present war. V II WAR SERVICES OF THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GEORGE ELLERY HALE BROADLY speaking, the organizations of scientific men ef- fected in this country and in Europe under the influence of the war were of two classes: (i) those temporarily con- stituted, either as separate groups or as parts of existing branches of the army or navy, to deal with military, naval, or industrial problems : and (2) those permanently established for the promotion and development of scientific and industrial research. They therefore correspond to the two general ef- fects that such a war must inevitably produce in unprepared countries, the Governments of which have lacked adequate ap- preciation of the national value of science : A sudden demand for military and naval equipment of new types and for products formerly imported from enemy countries, and an almost equally sudden recognition of the fact that science and research must henceforth be recognized and developed as national assets of the first importance. It is obviously impossible within the limits of this book to describe the work of these numerous organizations or even to mention their names, though some typical illustrations of their activities may be found in subsequent chapters. It is to be hoped that adequate reports will be published of the work of such bodies as the Naval Consulting Board and others, both military and civil, that played a prominent part in the war. When temporarily constituted, their history forms an impor- tant part of the war record. But when permanently estab- 13 14 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE lished, to deal during the war with its special problems, and later to promote the broad interests of scientific and industrial research, they call for special consideration, because of the im- portant bearing of their war activities on those to be under- taken under peace conditions. In the United States the na- tional body of this character is the National Research Council, formed by the National Academy of Sciences at the call of the President. In April, 1916, when the wanton attack on the Sussex had greatly increased the tension of our relations with Germany, the Academy voted unanimously to offer its services to the President of the United States. He accepted this offer im- mediately, and expressed the desire that the Academy should bring into cooperation governmental, educational, industrial, and other research agencies, primarily in the interest of the na- tional defense, but with full recognition of the duties that must be performed in the furtherance of scientific and industrial progress. The Academy's connection with the Government, its inclu- sion of the whole range of science, and its many years of co- operation with the Royal Society of London, the Paris Academy of Sciences, and other similar institutions abroad, pointed to it as the only body in the United States in a position to comply with the President's request. It was clear, however, that mem- bership in the desired organization should not be exclusively confined to the National Academy. Many technical bureaus of the army and navy, for example, should be represented by their chiefs ex-officio, and in other cases a varied membership, broadly representative of research in its numerous aspects, would also be desirable. The Organizing Committee accord- ingly proposed the establishment of a new body, resting legally upon the charter of the Academy, sharing its privileges, both at home and abroad, and at the same time affording the wide freedom of selection desired. The National Research Council, comprising the chiefs of the technical bureaus of the army and navy, the heads of gov- THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 15 ernment bureaus engaged in scientific research, a group of in- vestigators representing educational institutions and research foundations, and another group including representatives of industrial and engineering research, was accordingly consti- tuted by the Academy with the active cooperation of the leading scientific and engineering societies. The important part taken by the Engineering Foundation, which voted to apply its entire income for the year toward the expense of organization, to give the services of its Secretary, and to provide a New York office for the Research Council, is a noteworthy illustration of the cordial support given by the engineers. On July 24, 1916, President Wilson addressed the following letter to the President of the National Academy : WASHINGTON, D. C, July 24, 1916. Dr. William H. Welch, President of the National Academy of Sciences, Baltimore, Maryland. MY DEAR DR. WELCH : I want to tell you with what gratification I have received the preliminary report of the National Research Council, which was formed at my request under the National Academy of Sciences. The outline of work there set forth and the evidences of remarkable progress towards the accomplishment of the object of the Council are indeed gratifying. May I not take this occasion to say that the Departments of the government are ready to cooperate in every way that may be required, and that the heads of the Departments most immediately concerned are now, at my request, actively engaged in considering the best methods of cooperation ? Representatives of government bureaus will be appointed as members of the Research Council as the Council desires. Cordially and sincerely yours, (Signed) WOODROW WILSON. An Executive Order, requesting the National Academy to perpetuate the National Research Council, defining its duties, and providing for the cooperation of the Government, was subsequently issued by the President. 16 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE The National Research Council was formally organized at a meeting held in the Engineering Societies Building in New York on September 20, 1916. The United States had not yet broken relations with Germany, but some important steps, looking toward preparation for war, could be taken without delay. A national census of research, including data regard- ing the equipment for research, the men engaged in it, and the lines of investigation pursued in cooperating Government Bureaus, educational institutions, research foundations, and in- dustrial research laboratories, was taken by a Research Council Committee under the Chairmanship of the Director of the Bureau of Standards. With the cooperation of leading na- tional scientific societies, committees were formed for the three-fold object of strengthening the national defense, de- veloping American industries, and advancing knowledge. Steps were taken to secure the appointment of Research Com- mittees in educational institutions, where many problems re- lating to the national defense were subsequently investigated. A strong committee was established for the promotion of in- dustrial research, and comprehensive plans were made with the view of securing a far wider recognition of the value of re- search in the development of American industries. However, relations with Germany grew rapidly worse, finally resulting in war. On February 28, 1917, the Council of National Defense passed a resolution expressing its recogni- tion of the fact that the National Research Council, at the re- quest of the President, had undertaken to organize the sci- entific resources of the country in the interest of national wel- fare, and inviting the Council to cooperate with it in matters per- taining to scientific research for national defense. Soon after- wards, the Research Council was requested to act during the war as the Department of Science and Research of the Council of National Defense. As war approached, the Research Council opened offices in Washington and prepared to give its entire attention to military and naval problems, and to in- dustrial problems developed by our entrance into hostilities. THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 17 Two lines of effort, demanding very different modes of pro- cedure, lay before the Council in entering upon its war serv- ices. Many new scientific methods, unfamiliar in the United States, had been developed and successfully applied by our Allies during the war. It was a matter of the first importance that we should lose no time in profiting by such advantages, which demanded for their application the organization of new services in the army and navy, and the enlistment of large numbers of scientific men for service at home and in the field. In the second place, experience abroad had shown the necessity of conducting researches for the solution of military, naval, and industrial problems, even after war had begun. It goes without saying that such researches, which demand much time and thought, should have been initiated years before the out- break ef war. But as preparedness for national defense had been as sadly neglected in its scientific aspects as on its more obviously military side, there was no alternative. In Ger- many, where a short war had been expected, the men of science had been called upon after the outbreak of hostilities to develop new processes and to provide substitutes for commodities cut off by the blockade. In France and England, researches con- ducted under the disturbing conditions of war had been equally successful. It was plain that we in the United States must lose no time in taking advantage of our great national asset of scientific men and laboratories. At this point a fundamental principle in the policy of the Na- tional Research Council should be mentioned. In spite of its establishment for the promotion and utilization of scientific re- search, the Council took the stand from the outset that in time of war the proper procedure is to adopt and immediately to utilize at the front the best available military device for the ac- complishment of any purpose in view, before attempting to develop a more effective means of serving the same end. When men and means were available, researches for the im- provement of such devices, or for the development of new ones, might advantageously be initiated in many cases, but there i8 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE could be no excuse for delaying action in order to await the outcome of these researches. In time of war there can surely be no justification for delays due to a desire to gratify per- sonal or national pride in inventiveness or originality. When a scientific investigator undertakes any piece of re- search, his first act is invariably to ascertain just what work has already been accomplished in that field. It goes without say- ing, therefore, that an organization composed of scientific in- vestigators must proceed in the same way in attacking any large problem involving research. Moreover, it must lose no time in arranging for close cooperation with the scientific men of other nations concerned with the same problem. Accordingly, the President of the National Academy, ac- companied by the Chairman of the Committee appointed by the Academy to organize the Research Council, made a pre- liminary visit to England and France in August, 1916, in order to learn the general character of the war services rendered by the scientific men of these countries. They found the in- vestigators, with whom they had cooperated for many years in scientific research, actively engaged in the study of war problems. Eminent physicists, always successful in research and prolific in new ideas, were giving much attention to the im- provement of airplanes, which were so greatly increased in efficiency in England during the war. Others were attacking the submarine problem, the full menace of which has finally become known to the public through the recent articles of Ad- miral Sims. The Astronomer Royal, most of whose staff was at the front, was utilizing the facilities of the Royal Observa- tory at Greenwich for the rating of chronometers and the ad- justment of field-glasses. On the roof was a range-finder for the location of Zeppelins and German airplanes, which had recently dropped bombs in the Observatory garden. Distin- guished physiologists were seeking means of alleviating the new sufferings imported by the Huns into warfare. In fact, all British men of science, if unable to enlist for duty at the front, were devoting themselves to any available war service. THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 19 In France the activities of the men of science, who responded to the earliest call for the national defense, were no less im- pressive. The Minister of Public Instruction, himself an able mathematician and member of the Institute, had organized a strong group, which dealt with a great number of war prob- lems. Some of its members were the first to conceive and to carry into effect the method of sound- ranging, a brilliant ap- plication of physics in warfare. Leading physicists and astronomers with whom American investigators had long been associated in the work of the International Union for Coopera- tion in Solar Research, were prominent members of this group. The Paris Academy of Sciences was also contributing largely through its members toward the solution of scientific questions of both military and industrial importance. Such examples afforded a powerful stimulus to those American investigators who felt that the continued lawlessness of the Germans must soon identify our interests with those of the Allies. On the day preceding the entrance of the United States into the war, the following cablegram was sent by the National Academy of Sciences to the Royal Society of London, the Paris Academy of Sciences, the Accademia dei Lincei of Rome, and the Petrograd Academy of Sciences leading sci- entific bodies, then engaged in the study of war problems, with which the National Academy had cooperated for many years in scientific research. .TV The entrance of the United States into the war unites our men of science with yours in a common cause. The National Academy of Sciences, acting through the National Research Council, which has been designated by President Wilson and the Council of Na- tional Defense to mobilize the research facilities of the country, would glady cooperate in any scientific researches still underlying the solution of military or industrial problems. Steps were also taken to despatch a group of seven scientific investigators to France and England for the study of war prob- lems and the arrangement of effective means of cooperation. 20 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE The members of the Committee sailed early in May, 1917, and were most cordially welcomed and given information of great value. The response of our foreign colleagues to our offer of co- operation was immediate and effective. France sent to the United States an able group of investigators, and both Eng- land and Italy did likewise. The French members brought with them a large collection of instruments and devices devel- oped in France for military and naval purposes since the out- break of the war, which was invaluable in connection with our work. Just at this time the submarine danger was at its height. Shipping to the amount of 900,000 tons was sunk by the Ger- mans in April, 1917, and the British Government was ex- tremely doubtful whether this menace, the most serious of the war, could be overcome. As Admiral Sims has recently pointed out, quick action was essential. The depth charge had already been invented, and naval officers all agreed that if the submarine could be definitely located it could be easily destroyed. Thus the problem for the scientific investigator was to devise a means of determining the exact position of a submerged submarine. W r hile it was true that the results of their researches might not be obtained and applied in time, it was equally clear that no effort should be spared, even at that late date, to devise the apparatus so urgently required. If the vigorous action of the combined navies of the Allies should succeed in alleviating the menace, without wholly overcoming it, there might be time to develop a detection method which would permit the finishing blow to be dealt. Fortunately for the cause of the Allies, the convoy system, then regarded by the masters of merchant ships as impracticable, was soon suc- cessfully applied. But this outcome could not be foreseen, and the men of science were in duty bound to contribute their best efforts without delay. The National Research Council accordingly organized a con- ference on the submarine problem in which the foreign repre- THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 21 sentatives, with officers of the Navy Department, and the physicists and engineers who had already studied the question in this country, participated. 1 In order to make clear the general nature of the methods discussed, the following brief description of the apparatus employed may be of service. Submarine detection devices are of two principal classes : listening apparatus, on the principle of the microphone or the stethoscope, and instruments analogous to searchlights for use under water, in which the beam of light is replaced by a beam of sound. A simple physician's stethoscope, if placed under water and connected to the ear by tubing, will render audible the sound from a rapidly moving submarine at a distance of a mile or more. Indeed, a small piece of rubber tubing, if substituted for the stethoscope, will serve very well as a sound detector. By connecting with the ears two stethoscopes, at opposite ends of a supporting bar three or four feet long, the direction of a moving submarine can be determined with con- siderable accuracy by rotating the bar in a horizontal plane and utilizing the same binaural discrimination with which we as- certain the direction of sounds without apparatus. By re- fining this apparatus, it is even possible to employ it on a sub- marine destroyer moving at a speed of several knots, in spite of the local sounds due to the destroyer. However, the method is seriously limited in actual practice ; it cannot be used on vessels moving at high speed, it cannot detect submarines lying at rest or moving at low speed, and confusion may result from the presence of several surface vessels, as in the case of a convoy. We therefore look for assistance to an entirely different device. A beam from a searchlight is quenched by a short thickness of water, but a beam of high frequency sound waves 1 Three able groups of investigators were already at work on this question in the United States under the Bureau of Steam Engineering of the Navy, and both the Naval Consulting Board and the National Research Council had taken part in promoting studies of the submarine problem. 22 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE can penetrate water to a great distance. Soon after the loss of the Titanic, an English inventor was granted patents for his method of detecting objects above and below water by the echo of beams of sound, ranging in frequency from 5,00x3 to 100,000 complete vibrations per second. The method was not carried into practical effect at that time, but during the war the same principle was applied by French and British men of science, and important progress resulted. Before the end of the war this device had been developed to such a degree as to enable a destroyer to detect and run down a submarine more than a mile away. After a two days' discussion of such methods by the Sub- marine Conference, it became clear that a greatly intensified attack on the problem of detection should be made. The Re- search Council accordingly brought to Washington more than forty leading physicists, and a second conference, of several days' duration, was held with the foreign naval officers and men of science. This resulted in the selection of several groups of investigators to take up the problem at a point in its de- velopment already attained here and abroad, and to continue its study in cooperation with a special board appointed by the Secretary of the Navy, on which the National Research Coun- cil was represented. A more complete account of this work, which involved the organization of special investigations in laboratories in many parts of the country, may be found in Chapter 3. An important extension of the duties of the National Re- search Council occurred in July, 1917, when it was requested by the Chief Signal Officer of the army to organize the Division of Science and Research of the Signal Corps. A vice-chair- man of the Council was commissioned in the army and placed in charge of this Division, which was given offices in the build- ing of the National Research Council in Washington, where the Division undertook the solution of numerous problems of mili- tary importance. Here it was a question both of the immediate application of new scientific methods developed during the THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 23 war and the solution by research of outstanding problems. Both of these phases of the work of the Division, including the organization of the Sound-Ranging and Meteorological Services of the Army, and the development and application of improved methods of photography from airplanes, are de- scribed in subsequent chapters by those who took part in the work. A glance through the third annual report of the National Research Council, which briefly surveys the war activities of its many Divisions, occupied with every branch of science, and with engineering, medicine, and agriculture, will indicate the impossibility of giving in this chapter more than a few illus- trations of the work performed. In nearly all cases the chief purpose in view was to bring into a cooperating group the men dealing with different aspects of a problem. A good case in point is the work of the Committee on Explosives, authorized by the Secretaries of War and Navy for the purpose of survey- ing current investigations on explosives, bringing useful infor- mation to the attention of the proper military and naval author- ities, and arranging for the prosecution of supplementary in- vestigations by governmental, industrial, or other research agencies. (See Chapter 9.) The extensive work of the Committee on Nitrate Investigations, appointed at the request of the Secretary of War, and described in Chapter 8, is an- other good illustration of the war researches organized by the Council. If space permitted, much might be said of the re- searches organized under the Chemistry Division, which cov- ered a very wide range, from the preparation in university laboratories of rare drugs and other chemicals rendered scarce by the war, to the study of the physical properties of toxic liquids and explosives, and of methods for combating toxic gases. Committees studied the potash needs and resources of the United \ States, and the availability of phosphoric acid for plant food; the rubber content of certain California shrubs and the preparation for the Quartermaster's Department of specifications and tests for rubber compounds; the production 24 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE of a better fuel for airplane motors, and the causes and reme- dies of the low efficiency of carburetors ; the location and pur- chase or loan of apparatus required by the Government; the sources of ceramic war materials; the preparation of courses in chemistry, combustion and fuel engineering and a special war curriculum in ceramic engineering for use by the Students Army Training Corps ; the waterproofing of fabrics ; the prep- aration of standard specifications for glues and gelatines. Most of these activities, and many others of the most varied nature, were undertaken at the request of various branches of the Government. The response of American engineers to the numerous de- mands of the war was quick and effective, and thousands of them saw service at home and abroad. The manufacture of munitions of every kind and the erection of new plants for war purposes absorbed great numbers of engineers in this country, and in France their activities were even more varied. In the work of the Research Council they also played a prominent part, and the cooperative investigations set on foot by the Division of Engineering to meet war needs are being continued and expanded in all directions. One of these, which led to the development of a helmet of remarkable qualities, enlisted the joint efforts of men of the most diversified experience. An authority on arms and armor, familiar 1 * with the practice of all ages, applied his knowledge to the design of the helmet. A distinguished metallurgist speci- fied the composition of the special steels employed, and tested the models by machine gun fire. Associated with them were able engineers and metallurgists, competent to deal with every aspect of the question. Another metallurgical problem arose from faulty procedure in making and forging the steel ingots used in the manufacture of shells, cannon, crank-shafts, etc. Flaws resulted from the inexperience of manufacturers hastily called upon to supply an overwhelming demand, and the con- sequent rejection of the forgings appreciably delayed our war preparations. How this difficulty was overcome is described THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 25 in Chapter 14. Another means of improving the quality of steel has been supplied by the development of a pyrometer suitable for measuring the temperature of steel baths in fur- naces. One of the most important of the metallurgical prob- lems attacked was that of the fatigue phenomena of metals. The results of this investigation show that the elevation of the elastic limit of steel, caused by such processes as cold rolling and wire drawing, is dissipated by the repetition of a wide variation of stresses, as in aircraft crank-shafts, which may ultimately break down from this cause. The development of certain war inventions was another im- portant function of the Engineering Division. A staff of de- signers and draftsmen, starting in some cases with well-defined schemes and in others with very nebulous suggestions, worked out the designs of promising devices, some of which proved very effective in military practice. An interesting activity of this branch of the Division, carried out in conjunction with the Science and Research Division of the Signal Corps, re- sulted in the production of small balloons, capable of maintain- ing themselves automatically at any desired altitude, by al- ternately throwing out liquid ballast and releasing gas. Bal- loons only nine inches in diameter (before inflating) adjusted to float at the altitude of a known prevailing air current, traveled easterly from Fort Omaha for a distance of nearly 1000 miles. It is now proposed to use such balloons to ascer- tain the air currents above the Atlantic between the American and European coasts. In the field of Geology and Geography the opportunities for war activities were more numerous than one might sup- pose. (See Chapters n and 12.) The importance of utiliz- ing geologists for service at the front was fully appreciated by the enemy, and a memorandum describing German methods, and indicating the usefulness of geological advice in military operations was presented to the Secretary of War in 1917 by the Division of Geology and Geography of the Research Coun- cil. A considerable development of such service took place in 26 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE our army before the Armistice. A handbook of Northern France and chapters dealing with the western front from a work on Topography and Strategy in the War, both by mem- bers of the Division, were gratuitously distributed in large numbers among officers of the army. At the request of the Military Committee on Education and Special Training the Division prepared text-books on Military Geology and Topo- graphy and on Introductory Meteorology for use by the Stu- dents' Army Training Corps. An exhaustive report on ma- terials and facilities for road building, fortifications, and con- crete ship construction was prepared by a committee of geologists and engineers representing every coastal state from Maine to Texas. The Division also supplied for the use of the Peace Commission much information on geological and geo- graphical subjects, and cooperated in an advisory capacity with the Division of Military Intelligence and various other bureaus and commissions of the Government. The role of medicine, hygiene, and surgery in the war is de- scribed in Chapters 16, 17, 18 and 19. In connection with this far-reaching work the Division of Medicine and Related Sci- ences was in a position to render a wide variety of services. The Surgeons General of the Army and Navy appreciated from the outset the possibilities of an organization whose func- tion it was to bring into cooperation with their offices the many resources of laboratories and educational institutions through- out the country. A constant effort was made to recognize those applied sciences upon which medical problems are dependent and to include their representatives in the organization of the Division. In fact, no pains were spared to render the work as useful as possible, without limitation of scope. For ex- ample, when a shortage of the white mice used for pneumonia diagnosis was discovered, the Division immediately arranged with several cooperating laboratories to breed the large num- bers needed. It is interesting to record that at the same period another Division of the Research Council was equally active in devising means for the extermination of the mice and other THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 27 rodents that were preying on the grain supply of the country. The chief purpose of the Division of Medicine and Related Sciences was to mobilize the civilian, medical and related work- ers and laboratories in the United States, and thus to create a united medical service to assist in the solution of problems connected with the war. Urgent questions were brought to the attention of the Division by representatives of the War, Navy and Labor Departments, and the best available workers were then called upon to attack them. Scores of committees were formed for cooperative work, and in many instances in-^ dividuals working independently devoted their entire time and laboratory facilities to war service. In this chapter it will suffice to indicate merely the general nature of some of the work undertaken. " Shock," so diversified in its manifestation and so injurious in its effects, was the subject of extensive investigation by members of the Division, both at home and at the front. Un- der the auspices of the home committee, twenty-nine studies were carried on at ten stations, and while much remains to be explained, new light has been thrown on certain clinical aspects of the problem. Another important activity of the Division was the work of the Committee on Industrial Poisonings, di- rected during the war period to the study of the toxic effects of substances used in the manufacture of explosives and the detection of early signs of intoxication among munition workers. Fatigue in industrial pursuits, of special significance under the high pressure of military demands, but hardly less important under peace conditions, was also extensively studied, from the standpoint of hygienic conditions in industrial estab- lishments, efficiency at different hours of the working day, and the physiological effects of fatigue. New methods of pro- ducing acetone, a necessary solvent for airplane varnishes, al- most unobtainable during the early period of the war ; the cul- tivation and collection of native medicinal plants, providing for example, all the digitalis needed by the army ; tests of new antiseptics and studies of their application; investigations of 28 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE anerobic bacteria of importance in war wounds; methods of controlling trench lice and their eggs, and the preparation of effective insecticides and methods of delousing; the develop- ment of a method for the prevention of neuromata in amputa- tion stumps after operations; improved means of sterilizing drinking water for large bodies of troops; studies of strep- tococcus infection, the cause and possible prevention by vac- cination of Spanish influenza, skin grafting, a test for oxygen- lack in the air of submarines, improved means of blood trans- fusion, the velvet bean and its utilization as a food, substi- tutes for cane-sugar, the minimum vitamin requirement these represent the character, though by no means the full ex- tent, of the activities of the Medical Division. The extensive work of the Psychology Committee, described in Chapters 20 and 21, was one of the most novel applications of scientific method made during the war. Here, as in many other cases, the existing conditions called chiefly for serv- ice rather than for research. The rating of soldiers on the basis of mental alertness, actually applied to some 1,700,000 men, proved an effective means of promptly eliminating those unfit for service and utilizing the others for purposes calling for different degrees of intelligence. The aid of psychological tests in determining the qualifications for flying, the fitness of aviators, and the psychological effects of high altitudes, was also of great importance. The recent adoption by Columbia Uni- versity of psychological tests for entering students and the widespread application of similar methods in industrial estab- lishments, are significant illustrations of the effects of the war. Anthropology might be supposed a science remote from war, but a previously unrecognized discrimination against the taller native-born American was prevented when, on recommenda- tion of the anthropologists, the minimum stature of 63 inches for acceptance in general military service was reduced to 60 inches. The statistical methods employed in the measurement of soldiers were also revised, and the resulting records have been classified and studied with reference to the origin of in- THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 29 dividuals in 157 sections of the United States, the subdivision being based primarily upon the racial constitution of the popu- lation. In the broad field of agriculture, botany, forestry, zoology, and fisheries, numerous investigators and research agencies, brought into cooperation by this Research Council Division, organized much work of importance. Some of this was of an emergency nature, but in most cases the studies undertaken are no less applicable to the needs of peace than to those of war. The indication of sources of material for making the special charcoal required for gas-masks, and the presentation of evi-^ dence that certain native woods are better suited than African mahogany for airplane propellers, thus saving thousands of tons of shipping, are typical war activities, though both are not without application under post-war conditions. The ex- termination of rodent pests, undertaken in cooperation with the United States Biological Survey, was of special importance during the period of the war. The presence or absence in poultry food of certain substances influencing egg production was the subject of an extensive investigation, in which poultry- men both East and West took part. A group of soil and fer- tilizer specialists from North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri was organ- ized for the study of fertilizer problems of that large agricul- tural region, and the special cooperation of the Department of Agriculture was secured for a further investigation of the questions involved. The protein element in animal feeding and the physiological salt requirements of representative cultivated plants were the subjects of two other cooperative researches, involving the joint efforts of many investigators and labora- tories. Other researches, too numerous to be mentioned here, also stand to the credit of the Division. An outstanding fact in this work of the National Research Council is the splendid spirit of cooperation shown by those who took part in it. Personal rivalries were thrown aside, ideas and information were freely exchanged, and the one con- 30 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE cern of each investigator was to aid in the solution of the problem at hand. In many cases, if not in all, this spirit has survived the Armistice. It is safe to say that the direct losses suffered by science through the war, in men, in revenue, and in diversion of effort, will be largely compensated in the future if the advantages attainable through cooperation can be realized. THE ROLE OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE IN THE WAR Ill CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE ROBERT A. MILLIKAN FROM the days of Alexander and Caesar, if not from periods even more remote, the engineer has been a vital adjunct of a successful army ; for war machines have always had to be built and operated, bridges thrown across rivers, roads rendered passable, new terrain surveyed and new fortifications designed and constructed. These and their* like have been from the earliest times the standardized operations of the Engineer Corps of every army. But there is another and a quite distinct role which the physical sciences played in the great war. For never in the history of warfare up to the year 1914 had the whole scientific brains of any nation been systematically mobilized for the express purpose of finding immediately new ways of applying the accumulated scientific knowledge of the world to the ends of war. It is not my purpose in this chapter to deal with the standard- ized operations of the technical corps of the army and navy during the great war. For this I have no competence. I shall endeavor rather to pass in rapid review the most significant of the newer developments which were due in large measure to the organized activities of scientists who, until the great war, had no association with things military. Many of these scien- tists, like the writer, became connected during the war either as officers or as civilian employees with the military depart- ments of the Government. But whatever our official connec- tion with the military service, we were all associated in our scientific activities through the National Research Council, 33 34 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE which acted in the United States as the great clearing house of scientific information, and as a coordinating and stimulating agency for scientific research and development work in aid of the war. So far as developments in the physical sciences are concerned this coordinating and stimulating work was done through three main agencies, namely, first, the executive committee of the Division of Physical Sciences of the Research Council, second, the Research Information Service, and third, the weekly con- ference of the Physics and Engineering Divisions of the Coun- cil. The National Research Council, being itself a voluntary association for research purposes of the scientific agencies of the country, civilian and governmental, industrial and academic, it was to be expected that the Executive Committee of its Division of Physical Sciences would embrace representatives of important scientific and technical agencies. Its membership was as follows: Prof. J. S. Ames, representing the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Dr. L. A. Bauer of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institu- tion of Washington, Dr. A. L. Day of the Geophysical Labora- tory, Major A. L. Leuschner of the Chemical Warfare Service, Dr. C. F. Marvin, Chief of the Weather Bureau, Lt. Col. R. A. Millikan, representing the Signal Corps and the Anti-submarine Board of the Navy, Major F. R. Moulton of the Bureau of Ordnance of the Army, Major C. E. Menedenhall of the Bureau of Aircraft Production, Dr. E. F. Nichols of the Bureau of Ordnance of the Navy, Dr. H. N. Russell, associated with both the Engineer Corps and the Bureau of Aircraft Production, Dr. W. C. Sabine of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and the Bureau of Aircraft Production, Dr. Frank Schlesinger of the Bureau of Aircraft Production, General George O. Squier, Chief of the Signal Corps, Dr. S. W. Stratton, Head of the Bureau of Standards and Dr. R. S. Woodward, Head of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. This committee held stated meetings for the formulation of CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE 35 policies, the initiation of new projects, and for the detailed dis- cussion of the seventy odd major research undertakings which < had been initiated in large part at least by the Division and which its members were either directing or closely following. The opportunity both to initiate problems and to follow those initiated elsewhere, particularly abroad, came about chiefly through the most successful functioning of the second agency mentioned above, the Research Information Service. This service had its inception in the Spring of 1917 when certain British scientists in the British ministry of munitions addressed a letter to General Geo. O. Squier suggesting the development of a liaison between British and American scien- tists. This letter was referred by General Squier to the Chair- man of the Division of Physical Sciences of the National Re- search Council who laid the matter before the Military Commit- tee of the Council, which committee embraced the heads of the technical bureaus of the navy and army, namely, Admirals Benson, Griffin, Taylor and Earle, and Generals Squier, Black, Crozier and Gorgas, in addition to the heads of civilian tech- nical bureaus like Doctors Marvin and Stratton of the Bureau of Mines and the Bureau of Standards. This body discussed the proposal at some length and concluded that an even more comprehensive plan for bringing about cooperation and prevent- ing duplication was needed. It accordingly appointed a commit- tee consisting of Dr. Walcott, Mr. Howard Coffin, Dr. Stratton and Mr. Millikan to formulate recommendations. The commit- tee formulated a plan which was approved by the Military Committee and then by the Secretaries of War and of the Navy and finally by the President, who appropriated $150,000 from his war emergency fund for carrying the plan into effect. This plan provided for the establishment of four new offices, one in Washington, one in London, one in Paris and one in Rome. The office in Washington was headed by a group of three men : the chief of the Army Intelligence Service, the chief of the Navy Intelligence Service, and the chairman of the Na- tional Research Council; the group in London, by the naval 36 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE attache, (Admiral Sims himself) chosen by the National Re- search Council. The function of the scientific attache in Eng- land, who was Dr. H. A. Bumstead, was to keep in touch with all research activity in that country and to send back almost daily reports to our office in Washington. Similarly, all re- ports of work done on this side were sent by uncensored mail or by cable to the offices of the scientific attaches in London, Paris and Rome, and distributed from there to the research groups in Europe. The navy cooperated heartily with this plan from the start, and Admiral Sims aided it in every possible way. As for the army, at the request of the General Staff, the Secretary of War issued orders to all army officers who were sent on scientific and technical missions to make duplicate reports, one to the officer who sent them and the other to the office of the scientific attache, so that there might be a central agency through which an interconnection might be had between all kinds of new developments. The actual functioning of the Research Information Service had most to do with develop- ments in the Physical Sciences. Furthermore, through the authority conferred by the Mili- tary Committee, there was held in Washington at the offices of the National Research Council a weekly conference of the Division of Physical Sciences and of Engineering, which re- viewed all the reports from abroad each week and put the workers on this side into the closest touch with the develop- ments on the other side. The whole plan was an admirable illustration of the possibilities of international cooperation in research. In the submarine field, for example, all anti-sub- marine work in England, France and Italy which was reported by cable and by uncensored mail immediately to the office of the Research Council in Washington, was taken each Saturday night to New London and presented in digested form to the group of scientists which was working there continuously on submarine problems. Similar arrangements were made with the airplane research groups, sound-ranging groups, etc., so CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE 37 that in the Research Information Service we had the first demonstration in history of the possibilities of international co- operation in research on a huge scale, a sort of cooperation which made it possible for any development, or any idea which originated in any of the chief civilized countries of the world to go at once, very frequently by cable, to all the other coun- tries and to be applied there as soon as possible, or to stimulate carefully selected groups of competent technical men in these countries to further developments. The extraordinary rapidity with which scientific developments were made in the war was unquestionably due first, to the forming of a considerable num- ber of highly competent research groups, and second, to the establishment of effective channels for the cooperation^ iietween these groups. So much for the machinery by which the work in the Physical Sciences was stimulated and coordinated. As for the problems themselves it is only possible to sketch briefly the history of a few of the most important. Of them all the submarine prob- lem stood out from the beginning of the war as of paramount importance. Effective attack upon it in this country started with the visit of the scientific mission which was sent to the United States in May, 1917, with definite official instructions from the French, British and Italian governments to hold back nothing, but to lay all the facts and plans of the Allies relating to scientific developments in aid of the war before properly accredited scientific men in the United States. The National Research Council, which acted as the host of this mission in the United States (for the mission had been sent here in return for a similar mission organized and sent abroad by the National Research Council in March, 1917) with au- thority conferred upon it by the War and Navy Departments, called a conference in Washington of some of the best scientific brains in the United States and for a period of a full week this conference met and discussed in detail the progress thus far made and the plans projected in the fields of submarine detec- 38 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE tion, of location of guns, airplanes and mines by sound, of ordnance, of signaling and of aviation instruments and acces- sories. As a result of these conferences there were organized through the cooperative effort of the National Research Council and several of the bureaus of the army and navy, a considerable number of groups of scientific men, each of which was charged with the development of some particular field. For example, Professor -Trowbridge, of Princeton, and Professor Lyn-an, of Harvard, were selected and placed in charge of the develop- ment in this country of the sound-ranging service. They and the group of scientific men whom they associated with them were first given commissions in the Signal Corps, and with Signal Corps authority and funds started development work in sound-ranging at Princeton University and at the Bureau of Standards. This whole group was later transferred to the authority of the Engineer Corps, but its directing personnel remained in the main unchanged and it did extraordinary work in the whole of the fighting of the summer of 1918, locating hundreds of guns by computing the center of the sound wave from observations made on the times of arrival of the wave at from three to seven suitably placed stations. This method had never been used in any preceding war and it proved ex- traordinarily accurate, a gun being located five miles away with an error of less than fifty feet. Again it is not an over-statement to say that the most ef- fective part of the anti-submarine work done in the United States grew directly out of that conference, and it grew out of it in this way. As Lord Northcliffe continually reiterated on his trip to the United States in the spring of 1917, the sub- marine problem was at that time the problem of the war, for while Europe might fight with little to eat, it could not fight without iron and oil and other supplies which this country alone could furnish, and in the spring of 1917 civilization trembled in the balance, because the submarine was seriously threatening to destroy all possibilities of transportation trom CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE 39 this country to Europe. The English scientists therefore, irf particular, came to this country directed by their government to lay before the American scientists every element of the for- eign anti-submarine program, whether already accomplished or merely projected, and in the conference under consideration a large part of the discussion centered around the submarine problem, which, as Sir Ernest Rutherford repeatedly pointed out, was a problem of physics pure and simple. It was not even a problem of engineering at that time, although every physical problem, in general, sooner or later becomes one for the engineer, when the physicist has gone far enough along with his work. Hence, since the number of physicists was quite limited, the number of men who had any large capacity for handling the problem of anti-submarine experimentation was small. These men were found mostly in university laboratories or in a very few industrial laboratories which employed physi- cists, and we unquestionably had gathered a very representa- tive group of them together in the fifty men assembled in the conference at Washington. The success or failure of our anti-submarine campaign, and with it the success or failure of the war, so far as we were concerned, seemed to depend upon selecting and putting upon this job a few men of suitable train- ing and capacity. At the close of that conference a small committee was ap- pointed to select ten men to give up their work and to go to New London to work there night and day in the development of anti-submarine devices. The men chosen were Merritt of Cornell, Mason of Wisconsin, H. A. Wilson of Rice Institute, Pierce and Bridgman of Harvard, Bumstead, Nichols and Zeleny of Yale, and Michelson of Chicago, although Professor Michelson was almost immediately taken off for other work of much urgency and Chicago was represented in a fashion by the writer who was there a portion of each week. This group worked under the authorization of the Secretary of the Navy and with the heartiest of cooperation from the Navy De- partment, although it was at first financed by private funds ob- 40 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE tained by the National Research Council. In the course of a few months, however, when it had demonstrated its effective- ness it was taken over by the Navy, which spent more than one million dollars on the experimental work at that place. This station with its chief scientific personnel not largely changed became the center of our anti-submarine activity, and with other stations, one at Nahant, Mass., embracing chiefly the physicists of the General Electric Company, the Western Electric Com- pany and the Submarine Signaling Company, one in New York presided over by Dr. Pupin, of Columbia, and one in San Pedro, Calif., which, like the New York station, was organized under the Research Council, made remarkable progress in the rapid development of anti-submarine devices devices which ex- erted a notable influence upon the reduction of submarine depredations, and made it possible even by the fall of 1917, to predict that the submarine menace could be eliminated. Unquestionably the most effective device developed in America, and one which played a real role in the elimination of that menace, was one which had the following origin. The French had already developed an apparatus consisting of a sort of great sound lens which brought the incoming pulses together in. the same phase at the center of the lens near the bottom of the hull. This was presented and discussed at length in the conference. A full official report of the device was sent by the French government to the Anti-submarine Board of the Navy, and at a meeting of that board the writer requested to be allowed to take this report to the group of scientists at New London for the sake of a thorough analysis of it, for he felt confident, and so stated at the time, that through such an analysis we would obtain variants of the device which would be an improvement upon it. This procedure was followed and for two days ten men assembled at a hotel in New London and studied that report, drawing up four or five different vari- ants of this device- to develop and try out. .The most success- ful and effective detector which actually got into use in the war was one of these variants of the original French device CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE 41 suggested and largely developed by Mason. It consisted of a row of from thirty to sixty sound receivers strung along in two rows one on either side of the keel of the ship, well for- ward ; the sound pulses coming in to all of the receivers on one side were arranged to travel in tubes of just such length as to cause them all to unite in the same phase at the mouth of a tube leading to one ear of the observer, while all the sound pulses received by the other row are brought together in a similar way at the other ear. By now using the binaural sense to equate exactly the sound paths to the two ears, it is possible to locate the direction of the source of sound to within one or two degrees. This instrument could pick up submarines from one to ten miles away depending upon their speed and the weather conditions. A variant of the multiple receiver de- vice, using microphones and electrical compensators to equate phases in place of ordinary sound receivers and sound compen- sators, was even more effective. Many of our submarines and destroyers which went across during the summer of 1918 were equipped with the acoustical form of this device, and now the electrical form is being still further developed for peace use, rather than for war, for it is possible through it to eliminate the chief terror of the sea, namely, collision in fog. And, when it is remembered that the preventing of a single dis- aster like the sinking of the Tltantic or of the Empress of Ire- land more than pays, without any reference to the value of hu- man lives, for all the time and money spent by England, France and the United States combined in developing detecting devices, it will be seen how shortsighted a thing it is for any country to fail to find in some way the funds necessary for carrying on research and development work in underwater detection. For decades and for centuries we have allowed ships to go down year by year needlessly, simply because we have not realized the possibilities of prevention through properly organized scien- tific research in this field. Another device capable of detecting a lurking submarine half a mile or more away by the use of a beam of sound waves of 42 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE very high frequency was perfected too late to be of use, but it represents a war development of extraordinary interest. The credit for it is due primarily to Dr. Langevin of Paris, though the New York and San Pedro groups of American physicists did excellent work in the same direction following Langevin's lead. Other anti-submarine devices in considerable number were developed and effectively used, but these two are in most respects the most notable. But it has not merely been in sound-ranging and in submarine detection that the war has demonstrated the capabilities of science. Every single phase of our war activities has told the same story. Turn, for example, to the development of new scientific devices for use with aircraft. How was that handled? The Science and Research Division of the Signal Corps, organized through the cooperation of the Signal Corps and the National Research Council, and later transferred to the Bureau of Aircraft Production, had a group of as many as fifty highly trained men, physicists and engineers, who were working in Washington and in the experimental station at Langley Field, twelve hours a day, seven days a week, on aviation problems one group on improvements in accurate bomb dropping, another on improvements in airplane photography, another on the mapping of the highways of the upper air in aid of aviation, another upon balloon problems, such as the development of non-inflammable balloons, another on aviation instruments, compasses, speed meters, etc., and producing the best there are in the world, and finally a group on new sensitizing dyes for long wave-length photography, etc. Let me select for special comment the most important physical principles which have just now for the first time found large and effective application in war. I shall classify these under six heads. The first two of these are (i) the principle of binaural audi- tion and (2) the principle of sound-ranging (locating the posi- tion of a gun by plotting the sound wave emanating from it). These two share the honor of having proved themselves the CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE 43 most useful and effective of the new applications of physics to the purposes of war. The second was responsible for the location and destruction of thousands of enemy guns, while the first was responsible for the location and destruction of submarines, airplanes and mines. The binaural principle itself was unknown even to most physicists before the war, though it is used by all of us when we turn our heads until we think we are looking in the direction from which a sound comes. The accuracy with which this can be done in the absence of disturbing reflections is surprising. When the observer has set his head so that the sound pulses from the source strike the two ears at exactly the same time he has the sense that the source lies in the median plane be- tween the two ears. If the sound pulses strike one ear first, the observer has the sense that the source is on the side of the ear which is struck first. This sense is not due in any ap- preciable degree to intensity differences produced by shadow effects of the head. It has to do practically entirely with phase differences. The principle is beautifully illustrated by insert- ing into each ear one end of a piece of rubber tubing four or five feet long and scratching or tapping on the wall of the tubing, first at a point slightly closer to one ear than the other and then moving the tapping object slowly through the mid- point to a position nearer the second ear. The sound of the scratching or tapping will then appear to the observer to be in the ear which is nearest to it and then to move around the head to the other ear as the mid-point is crossed, With the unaided ear one can locate direction in this way to within five or ten degrees. The simplest way to increase the sensibility of the method to faint sounds is to increase the size of the ears by providing them with trumpet-like extensions. To increase the accuracy of location one stretches out the receiving ends until the distance between them is say, five or six feet instead of five or six inches, as it is in the case of the unaided ear. It is then only necessary to turn the whole receiving system through about one-twelfth the former angle to obtain the same 44 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE phase difference. The angular accuracy of setting is thus in- creased twelve fold. Two methods of applying the principle were used in the war. The one consisted in rotating the whole receiving system, one side of which was connected with a rubber tube to one ear, the other side in the same way to the other ear, until the ob- server had the sensation of feeling the sound pass from one ear to the other. At this instant he knew that the source was directly ahead of the line connecting the two receivers, or else directly behind this line, the distinction between the two posi- tions being obtainable from the relation between the direction of the motion of the head and the direction in which the sound seemed to pass from one ear to the other. The second method, the one used with the submarine detector discussed above, con- sisted in keeping the receiving system fixed in space and chang- ing the length of the sound path from each receiver to the ear by means of a so-called rotating commutator until the sound seemed to be passing from one ear to the other. The reading of the dial on the compensator then gave the direction of the source. This principle proved so effective in locating enemy mining and tunneling operations that according to official despatches received by the Research Information Service both sides gave up such operations practically entirely a year or more before the close of the war. It was equally effective in anti-submarine warfare, a very simple form of binaural detector having been put out in large numbers by the General Electric Company, in addition to the more elaborate and more effective devices heretofore considered. The principle was less effective in its application to anti-aircraft work though even here it served a very useful purpose. The third physical principle which was of immense use in the war was the principle of amplification. This extraordinary application of scientific investigations of the past two decades in the field of electron discharges had been reduced to practice in the telephone industry in 1914 when transcontinental wire CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE 45 telephony became for the first time possible through the de- velopment of the De Forest audion into a telephone repeater and amplifier an advance which not only extended enorm- ously the possibilities of communication, but saved at once millions of dollars even in the construction of short telephone lines. With six stage amplifiers of this electronic sort the energy of speech has been multiplied without distortion as much as ten thousand billion fold. Small wonder then that by 1915 enormously amplified wave forms produced by speech had been impressed on the ether from the Arlington Towers with such energy as to be picked up and distinctly understood in Paris and Honolulu. But in spite of the success already attained in this field by the physicists of the telephone company, when the United States entered the war the principle of amplification had not been successfully applied either to inter-communica- tion by wireless phone between ships (for example, submarine chasers) or between airplanes, and one of the most pressing problems which General Squier put up in April, 1917, to the Division of Physical Sciences of the Research Council wa<= the problem of wireless communication between planes. This was solved by the mid-summer of 1917 by the group of physicists of the Western Electric Company to whom it was referred and, on Sunday following Thanksgiving 1917, for the first time in history, airplanes in flight were directed in official tests at the Wright field in Dayton, Ohio, in intricate maneuvers, from the ground or by the commander in the leading airplane, and reports and directions were given and received in clear speech. For wire and wireless telephone receiving, sending and amplifying on sea and land three-quarters of a million vacuum tubes were built by the Western Electric Company alone for the purposes of the war, and half as many more by the General Electric Company, so that the amplifying principle was of scarcely less importance in the successful conclusion of the war than were the principles of binaural location and sound- ranging. The fourth tremendously important and altogether new ap- 46 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE plication of the principles of physics to warfare was made in the field of airplane photography. In this field as in those of ., submarine detection and sound-ranging, though not in that of amplification, we followed the developments of the British and the French, though contributing important elements our- selves. The war could scarcely have been fought at all with- out the airplane photographer who was the very eyes of the army. American developments in this field were organized by the Science and Research Division of the Signal Corps which in the summer of 1917 assembled a group of physicists and photographic experts under the direction of Dr. H. E. Ives. This group in closest cooperation with the Eastman Kodak Company of Rochester and the Burke and James Company of Chicago developed what are probably the finest airplane cameras in existence. In addition it developed color filters for detect- ing camouflage and increasing visibility of such value that forty thousand of them were used in the army and navy. It pro- duced new dyes for use in the production of pan-chromatic plates designed to be used for the penetration of haze in air- plane photography and made other advances in this important art which bid fair to revolutionize the whole process of sur- veying, since an airplane photograph taken in a few seconds can give information which it used to* take months to acquire by laborious triangulation methods. The fifth* great new. application of physics to warfare lay in the developments in meteorology and in the principles of ballooning. The realization of the possibility of non-inflam- mable helium balloons and the actual production of small propaganda balloons which dropped their loads a thousand miles, from the starting point are among the most spectacular and interesting scientific developments of the war, but neither of them played any actual part in achieving the victory. Of ^'untold importance, however, was the careful though unspec- tacular work of the meteorological section of the Science and Research Division of the Signal Corps which by thousands of pilot balloon flights accumulated the data that not only aided CONTRIBUTIONS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE 47 the flyer in his work at the front, but made possible the so- called ballistic wind corrections upon which the effectiveness of both the artillery and the sound-ranging services largely de- pended. When it is remembered that the biggest element in the effectiveness of a modern army is its artillery and that the effectiveness of the artillery is dependent entirely upon these wind corrections it will be seen how incalculably valuable the work of the trained physicists and mathematicians proved to be to the practical problems of the great war. The sixth and last of the new applications of physics to the purposes of the war has to do with the principle of signaling by visible light rays, by infra-red rays, by ultra-violet rays and by super-sound rays. In all of these fields there were develop- ments of great interest and of much importance for the future, though none of them contributed largely to the victory of the Allies. In bombardments all the wire and wireless methods of communication often failed and light signals of some sort were the only reliance. Special signaling lamps were developed by the Science and Research Division of the Signal Corps and ordered in considerable numbers. A notable system of secret signaling with infra-red rays was developed by Theodore Case of Auburn, N. Y., and successfully used in keeping convoys together at night when lights could not be used. The possi- bility of having secret ultra-violet methods of guiding aviators at night back to their landing fields was demonstrated by R. W. Wood. As already indicated super-sound signaling under water was successfully accomplished by Dr. Langevin and ap- plied experimentally in submarine detection. Outside the lines of the foregoing classification there were some developments in Physics which deserve mention. Thus a leak proof gasolene tank for airplanes, developed by Dr. Gordon S. Fulcher in collaboration with the Miller Rubber Company of Akron, Ohio, which could be shot through by scores of bullets without leaking a drop of gasolene or catching fire even when the bullets were incendiary, had at the close of the war been ordered placed on all American combat planes. 48 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE It promised to do away with the chief terror of the American flyer, namely, coming down in flames. An airplane compass and a speedmeter developed by Major Mendenhall and Lieut. Williamson, in cooperation with the General Electric Company were used on all American planes. Dr. Duff, Captain Web- ster, Captain Sieg and Captain Brown increased notably the accuracy in bombing, a matter of the greatest importance since doubling the accuracy in dropping bombs is more than equiva- lent to doubling the production of bombing planes. Under the stimulus of the war Dr. Coolidge developed a new and improved x-ray tube for use in field hospitals. Dr. E. F. Nichols de- veloped a new type of mine, which was used in mining opera- tions in the North Sea. Prof. A. A. Michelson developed a new and improved range finder, which was accepted by the Navy Department. Prof. Raymond Dodge developed a new piece of physical apparatus for the selection and training of gunners. This instrument was adopted and used both by the American and foreign navies. Optical glass was produced in large quantities for the first time in the United States under the guidance of a committee of the Physical Science Division of the Research Council, consisting of Drs. A. L. Day, S. W. Stratton and R. A. Millikan. This is but an incomplete sketch of what look now like the most important developments in Physics which were stimulated by the war. Scores of other problems were undertaken the results of which may in the end be as useful both for the pur- poses of war >and for those of peace as any of those herein set forth. IV SOME SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS OF THE METEORO- LOGICAL WORK OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY l ROBERT A. MILLIKAN THERE is no more interesting illustration of the applica- tion of new scientific methods to warfare than is fur- nished by the developments in meteorology during the great war. Prior to 1914 a meteorological section was not con- sidered a necessary part of the military service. No correc- tions had ever been made by the artillery of any army for any save surface winds. Firing by the map was almost unknown. No Sound-ranging Service, no Air Service and no Anti- aircraft artillery had ever existed to demand aerological data. At the time of the signing of the armistice on the western front the Air Service and all the artillery were being furnished every two hours with the temperature, density, wind-speed and direction, taken at the surface and at various altitudes, from 100 to 500 meters apart, up to 5,000 meters. Further, tables were prepared from which each battery could obtain the cor- rection suited to its trajectory for the so-called ballistic wind. This is the average wind for the trajectory, weighted for the , density of the air at the elevations traversed. Even machine guns when used for barrage work made use of these ballistic- wind tables. In addition, daily forecasts were furnished to the armies in accordance with the following outline : 1 Reprinted by permission, with the omission of certain illustrations, from the Proceedings American Philosophical Society, vol. 38, 1919. 49 50 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE A. Character of weather for each arm of the service. B. Winds: Surface, at 2,000 m., at 5,000 m. C. Cloudiness including fog and haze. D. Height of cloud. E. Visibility. F. Rain and snow. G*. Temperature. H. Warning of weather conditions favorable for use of gas by enemy. K. Probable accuracy or odds in favor of forecast. Most of the aerological data were obtained from theodolite observations on pilot balloons. The extent to which our knowl- edge of the upper air has been, and is being, extended by this pilot balloon work may be seen from the fact that before the war there existed but one station in the United States where pilot balloon explorations were regularly carried on. Within a year of the inception of the meteorological service in the United States Army, thirty-seven complete stations for the ob- taining of both surface and upper air data in aid of aviation and the artillery had been established in the United States and equipped with special aircraft theodolites and pilot balloons, neither of which had ever been produced before in this coun- try. Further, twenty such stations had been established by our forces abroad. For the manning of this service, about five hundred specially selected men had been trained in this country, and three hundred and fourteen of them sent abroad, while about two hundred were held for work in the United States. The scientific interest in this service centers about four dis- tinct problems : 1. The extension of our knowledge of the law of motion of pilot balloons. 2. The procurement of data and the development of methods for the preparation of artillery range table. ., . ' .: I h.u,r * t ; r v e 1 a , N . Y. cr g, t i 8 3 .01 m U. n c * .> r m Rate oi Courtesy of American Philosophical Society Figure i. Uniform rate of ascent of pilot balloon up to ji,ooo meters ,3000 Aberdeen Pro i/. Ing : Ground, Met. October -2.!?, I o I 8 1108 o-.rru 4. r ou vectlon C-u-.rv ent 50 60 70 80 Courtesy of American Philosophical Society Figure 2. Pilot Balloon ascent showing isolated convection current METEOROLOGICAL WORK 51 3. The development of long range propaganda balloons. 4. The charting of the upper air in the United States and overseas in aid of aviation. i. The Extension of Our Knowledge of the Law of Motion of Pilot Balloons. Prior to the development of the meteoro- logical service of the army there had been made in the United States perhaps one hundred pilot balloon flights in which the balloons had been followed by the two-theodolite method the only method which permits of real accuracy and in sev- eral European countries there had been a somewhat greater number, but the data were incomplete and fragmentary. Within the past year approximately five thousand such ob- servations have been taken by the meteorological service of the Signal Corps. From these observations the altitude of the bal- loon is determined with great accuracy by triangulation, the base line being usually a mile or more in length. The balloon is kept in sight up to distances as great as sixty miles, and up to heights as great as 32,00x3 meters, or approximately twenty miles. P^or the practical uses of the artillery and the air service, observations need not be carried higher than 10,000 meters (six miles), which is the extreme height to which air- planes have thus far ascended, or to which projectiles usually go- In view of the number of variables which enter into the rate of ascent of pilot balloons, such as the changing density and the changing temperature of the surrounding air, the changing size of the balloon and consequent changing tension of the rub- ber envelope, the changing temperature of its interior because of the absorption of the sun's rays, the diffusion of hydrogen through its walls, etc., it is one of the most striking facts to be found anywhere in the annals of empirical science that these balloons rise to great heights without deviating appreciably from the simplest possible law of ascent, namely that of constant speed. Graph No. 5 * shows a beautiful example of this con- 1 Graphs i, 2, 3, and 4 are omitted from this volume. 52 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE stancy. Graph No. 6 shows a kink at about 5,500 meters, which is presumably due to a descending current struck at that altitude. Graph No. 7 is that of a balloon followed to a height of 20,000 meters where it apparently developed a leak and failed to ascend further. Graph No. 8 shows the fluctuations which are often found at low altitudes, these fluctuations being undoubtedly due to ascending and descending currents. The extreme constancy in the rate of ascent, shown in a great majority of flights, although surprising enough is not as in- explicable as it at first appears, for since the pressure within the balloon due to the tension of the rubber itself is only from five to eight centimeters of water, and since this pressure is at sea level less than I per cent, of the pressure of the atmosphere, it will be seen that the balloon will expand practically freely, that is, as though the walls did not constrain it at all, up to heights of say 10,000 meters where the pressure is about a third of an atmosphere. This means that the ascensional force must be entirely independent of temperature and pressure. 1 For the speeds with which these balloons ascend, namely, about three meters a second, the resistance to motion must be di- rectly proportional to the density of the air and experiment shows it to be nearly proportional to the cross section of the balloon, that is, to the square of the radius. This makes the resistance vary as the cube root of the density, 2 which means that at a height of 6,000 meters, where the density is about one- half, the resistance is .83, of what it would be at the surface. 1 For if / lt d 1 , z ; 1 /> 1 * 1 represent ascensional force, density, volume, pressure and temperature at the surface of the earth, and f 2 , d 2 , v^ /> 2 , t 2 , the corresponding quantities at any given elevation, then since d 2 /d^= /> 2 f 1 //> 1 f 2 (i) and fi/f^v^d^/v^d^ (2) there results from a combination of i and 2 fi/f^tdJv 2 d 2 =p 2 tl/pJ 2 XpJJpJf=ii. 2 For if R^ is the resistance at the earth's surface and R 2 that at any given altitude, which is seen from (i) to equal METEOROLOGICAL WORK 53 If, as is approximately true for these speeds, the resistance varies as the square of the velocity, or the velocity as the square root of the resistance, this would mean that the velocity should vary as the sixth root of the density. In other words, since the sixth root of 2 is 1.13, at a height of 6,000 meters, the velocity should be about 13 per cent, greater than at the surface. Such an increase in velocity would be very easily observable in the experimental data. The fact that it is not found there is due to the wholly fortuitous circumstance that the slow dif- fusion of hydrogen through the walls, as observation by Blair and Sherry has shown, is just sufficient, with the balloons here used, to retard the ascensional rate enough to make it quite ex- actly constant. This makes it possible, provided one could always duplicate the size and weight of his balloon, to obtain a very exact de- termination of wind velocity and direction by a one-theodolite method, the height being always known from the time and the known rate of ascent. When, however, the weight and inflation of the balloons are varied, as they must be in practice, since the balloons vary in weight from twenty to thirty-five grams, and since it is con- venient also to vary the filling according as low altitude or high altitude wind-data are desired, it is found that no accurate formula can be found for computing the speed in terms of the ascensional force, the weight to be lifted, and a single invariable constant. For approximate work, however, the one-theodolite method, because of its convenience and because of the imprac- ticability of measuring an accurate base line at the front, is much in use, and one of the advances made in the meteoro- logical work of the army during the past year has consisted in developing with the aid of the large amount of data available, a general formula for the rate of ascent in terms of the ascen- sional force and the weight to be lifted, which though far from accurate is more reliable than that which has heretofore been used. The formula heretofore used is that of Dines, namely, 54 THE NEW WORLD OF SCIENCE _ m in which V represents the rate of ascent in meters per minute, / is the free lift, or the weight of the displaced air less the weight of the balloon and contained hydrogen, L is the weight of the balloon plus the free lift and K is a constant. The formula as modified by the observers of the Signal Corps is .208 This formula is found to fit the observational data within the ranges used in the Signal Corps work to an accuracy of some- what less than 10 per cent., which is sufficient for most work at the front. 2. Meteorology in the Aid of the Artillery. In former times when guns did not shoot to a greater distance than eight or ten miles, it was usually possible to observe where the projectile hit and to correct by (f spotting." This made unnecessary the correction of the trajectory for the influence of the wind and the changing density of the air with increasing altitude. In the present war, however, guns have been built to shoot much farther and in addition camouflage has prevented the visual location of guns even at the old ranges. Hostile batteries have been located in many instances solely by the new art of sound- ranging which has itself demanded for the high accuracy at- tained aerological data. The answering battery has been obliged to fire wholly by the map, so that it is obvious that it has become necessary to make careful allowances both for the density of the air and the direction and speed of the wind at various altitudes. Some of the modern projectiles remain in the air as long as seventy seconds and a moderate wind blow- ing across the path of such a projectile might easily cause it to drop half a mile away from the point at which it would strike if fired in still air. The wind-direction and speed at various altitudes have been obtained, as already indicated by pilot bal- Z.S 50 75 100 US Courtesy of American Philosophical Society Figure 3. Uniform rate of ascent of pilot balloon up to 20,000 meters where balloon sprung a leak I. Insist it. f i*Lt il , MY^j October' Zl , l