OC-HBH, $B 33b 3^3 IM. N i^^ >r ^?^ /40 BERICElBy% V «*• 1 } n"^ ■ -. ^:CM4 tJtd LIBRARV I -' --^^^ " >j UMivERSrTY OF CAlhFOXNiA \^<\^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofprintOOIeigrich , — ^ BRITISH PORTRAITS , See, ^c. CATALOGUE M ATCH LESS AND SUPERB COLLECTIOl^ OP ENGLISH PORTRAITS, Compreh ending Heads of the principal Ill ustrious and Celebrated characters of British Bio o ;ra ph y : consisting o f the ra re Royal Family Prints an d others equally uncommon, by the Pas ses. Elstracke. Bossa rd, Glover, Marshall, Hollar, Logg^an, R. White, the tw o Faithornes, Gascars , G. Valk, Alex. B rown, Beeket, and Smith . extraordinari/ trilliant, and in iKe TesT~possi1)le condition, many of the scarce articles are proofs, with Mariettes -Auto^ra^ to a variety of the prints. Also Foreign Portraits, by G. Edelinck, R. Nantueil, P. Drevet^ A. Masson, &:c^ being in^eneral the most conspicuous personages, both Male and Female, of the Court of Fra nce, in t he Reign of Lew is XIV. in p^erJyctpnditiQHf and ele gant, a s to impression. Likewise a beautiful selection of the finest Historical Works of Isra el Van Meek, Martin Schoen, Albt. Purer, Lucas Va n Ley d en, Mark Antonio, &c. in the ^nest state, with a variety of m odern anTotlier specimens, both Historical an d Miscellaneo us, of differenj: eminent Masters.— Hply Famllx,_after Raphael, ly G. EIeEiicli,_ before the arms^r Transfiguration, ly Rp. Morghen — Dead Sokher^^ Zj?/ Heath — and ^en. Wolf, with *' Historical Painter^' tSTc. wrote in, &c. _ BEING THE INTIRE AND GENUINE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN OF TASTE. Collected near forty ijears ha ck, WHICH WIL L BE SOLD BY A UCTION, BY LEIG H AND SQTHEBY. Booksellers, at their House, No. 145, Strand, Q])positc Catherine-street, On Thursday, May 18, 1815, and five following Days, (Sunday excepted) at Twelve o'Clock. To be viewed on Monday, May 15, to the Time of Sale, and Catalogues to be had at the Place of Sale. OaijtU/v /^Mn^^ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The hi^heft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed {hall be immediately put up again and re-fold. - . II. No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d. ; above One Pound IS.; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d. and fo in Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchaie-money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, at the Buyer's Expence ; within three Days after tlie Conclufion of the Sale, and the Remainder of the Purchafe-money to be abfolutely paid on or before Delivery. V. The Books are prefumed to be perfe<£l:, unlefs otherwife expressed ; but if upon collating, at the Place of Sale, any fhould prove defective, the Purchafers will be at Liberty to take or rejed them. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Pait of Payment {hall be for- feited ; and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid {hall be re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Defi- ciency (if any) on fuch Re-fale {hall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commiflions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, Leigh and Sotheby, 145, Strand. N. B. A^o Books will be delivered without being first paid f of ; and It is requested that Gentlemen wili clear their BookSj^ and settle their Accounts, at the Conclusion of each Sak\ CATALOGUE, &c, First Day's Sale. HISTORICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS, LOT 1 X HE Good Samaritan, Remlrandi inventor et fecit, 1633 2 Sports of Children, after Peter Van Avont, fT. Hollar fecit, \65\,fine 3 Queen of Sheba's Visit to King Solomon, after Hans Holbein, JF. Hollar fecit, ditto 4 Cattle, after Berghem, uprights, hy C. Fisscher — 5 Callot, private etchings, ^c. — — (5 Sleeping Woman, Cupid and Psyche, ly J, Smith, kS^c, 7 Etching, ly Guido, ^c, — — . 8 St. George and the Dragon, after Raphael, ly F, Rcgot, ^c. — — — — 9 Virgin and Child, with Angels, after Annibal Caracci, F. Poilly sculp, kS^c. — — 10 Philomela and Progne, after Rubens, C. Galle — Silenus and Satyres, P. Soutman sculp. Isfc. — . B 4 5 10 8 13 5 2 3 4^ 3 A 3 3U> 6- A 162 4'S'm ( 2 ) 3 6 / 4 / 26 ^6 I / 3 /a 6 7 U Lady Reading* F. Boll pinxii, R. Earlom /ecif— Prodigal Son, after Sal. Rosa, &c. — — 4 12 The Goatherd, after Rosa de Tivoli, P. C. Canot sculp. — Hounds and Magpye, ly W. Byrney ^c. — 6 13 Venus and Adonis, after N Poussin, R. Earlom fecit. — Herodias with the Head of St. John the Baptist, after Guido, ly J. Frey, tsfc, — — 5 14 Martyrdom ef St. Andrew, afler Carlo Dolci, Carol . Fauci sculp. — a Bacchanalian, after Sir P. P. Rubens, ly ditto, ^c. — — — 6 15 Phryne Tempting Zenocrates, after Sal. Rosa, S. F. Ra- venet sculp, — David a«d Goliah, after ditto, ly H. Earlom, ^c, _— 7 ^ 16 Adoration of the Shepherds, Murillo pinxit, Fal. Green fecit — Holy Family, M. Ponzont pinxit, ly ditto, (Jfc. 5 17 The Sportsman, aifter G. Foi^n, John Brown sculp, — a Sea Port, after Claude, P. Canot sculp, ^c. & 18 Christ in the Sepulchre, Ludovico Carracci, Fal. Green sculp. — Assumption, of the Virgin, Murillo, ditto 1 19 The Fruit Market, and the Larder, hy Rich. Earlom, Irilliant — — — 2 20 Count Uglino and his Children, after Sir Jos. Reynolds, John Dixon sculp. Irilliant 21 La Fontaine de Venus, &c. P. ITouvermans pinxit, J. Moyreau sculp. 2 22 The Witggoner, Ruhns pinxit, John Browne sculp. 23 Virgin and Child, Carl'o Dolci pin. F. Barto/ozzi sculp, proofs, ^c. — — — 4 24 St. Cicilia, &c. % ditto t 25 Venus and Cupidi Lucas JoTdano pinxit, Fra. Bartolozzi sculp, proof 26 Clytie, after Anb. Carracci, ly ditto, ditto 27 The Annunciation, after Dominichino, ly Dufias — and the Virgin, nfter Raphael, ly N de Larmessin 2 28 Drawings in Chalks, from the Pictures of Raphael Guido, kc. portrait nf Dante ly Fred. Zuckero — i- 6 6 6 ( 3 ) ROYAL FAMILIES, &c. 2g Kings of England, &c. ly G, Ferlue, first hnpressions, large paper — 30 Earl of Surry and Dorset, Sir Nick. Throckmorton, and Sir Phillip S4dney, dit^o, ditto 3 1 Illustrions Heads, ly J. Houhraken, ditto, ditto — 32 Sir Richard Stacpoole, of PembTokeshire, and JohtiStac- poole, Esq. of Cragbrien Castle, in the County of dare, by Jos. Watson ■ — 33 Phillipa, Queen of Edward 3, whole length, by J. Faber, fine 34 Richard the 2d, and his Pati'on Saints, ty W. Hollar, scarce 35 Jacoba Hertogen Van Bayeren, Duchess of Glocester, by Jacob Folkema, proofs on India paper 36 James 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, and 6th of Scotland, Ann of Denmark, and Mary Queen of "Scots, from the Inscriptiones Regum, scotorum Joh. Jons'tonn, 1^2, scarce and fine — — •** 3/ Bishop Chychely, whole length, by Bartolozzi 38 Sir John Fortescue, Kt. Lord Chief Justice, &c. by IV. Faithorne — and Earl Rivers presenting his Book, &c. by C. Grignion — •— 39 Sir John Fortescue, ditto, ditto, fine 40 Henry 4th, of England, Harding, proof-^^xt^ Henry 8th, by Faber — — 4 1 Catherine of Arragon, Catherine Howar^l, Catherine Parr, and Elizabeth, Duchess of York, by P. Fan Gunst, fine — — — 42 Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, half length, from Hol- 'bein, ly fV. Hollar, fine and scarce 43 Lord Denny, and the Lady Guldeforde, wi circles, do, 44 Ditto, atid Hans Holbein, ditto, ditto. -» B 2 SS 40 5 4? 3) ^//"r /dp / ^ 3\ 1 / ■ i ^9 » f / /4 4r Z ft 58 Elizabeth, crown on her head, book in right hand, scep- tre in left, arms in back grounds, four veries, square, Paul, de la Housu excud, scarce — — 1 ( 5 ) 59 Elizabeth STANDitNG between two pillars, crowjt ON", SCEPTRE IN RIGHT HAND, GLOBE IN LEFT, BOOK, ON A TABLE, SEA IN THE DISTANCE, &C. '* In honorem st^renissimae suae Maiestatis hanc effigiera fieri curabat Joannes Woutnelius belga. Anno 1 596," extra rare andjine — — 60 Elizabeth in the splendid dress in which she went TO St. Paul's to return Thanks, on occasion op THE Victory gained over the Spanish Abmai>a, 1588, SIX latin verses. — Isaac Oliver EflSgiabet Crispin Van de Passe Inadebat procurante Joanne Waldnelto, Jine and rare — — 61 Mary Stuart, Regina Scotiae Fader fecit. — Maiy, Queen of Scotts, from Fred. Zuchero, by Geo. Fertue S2 Ditto, after Isaac Oliver, bi/ ditto, from ike gold plate in the possession of Dr. Mead, on India Paper, fefc. fine 63 Ditto, an oval, in a square, with Vignettes of her Mur- der, &c. in the corners, folio, twenty latin verses, Thomas de Leu, scarce andfne • 64 Pair — Mary, Queen of Scotts, and Francis the 2d, in ovals, four French verses, Tho. de Leaf et ex. fine 65 The Pourtraicture of the right excellent Prince Henry, Lord Darnley, Duke of Albany, Father to our Soveraigne Lord James of Great Brit- TAiNE, France and Ireland, King, Knight of the Noble Order of St. Michael — are to be Sould by IVilimm Peake, extra rare andjine 0S ^//,3 3) b ^9S I 2!//// 1 ■ i 6 PEERS. 06 The most noble Robert Earl of Essex, and Ewe Earl Marshall of England, Viscount Hereford AND Bouroche% Lord Ferrers of Chartly, L. Bourgcher and Louayn, and her Maiesties Lieutenant and Gcvernour Generall of the KiNGDOME of Ireland, 160O, on horseback, hat and plume of leathers oa his head, in armour, sash. A //^ ( 6 ) 4"J' / 6 / y -2 /6" &c ships at sea, and army in the back ground, WiU Ham Kip ex. Robert Boissard f. extra rare, and J) matchless as to impression and condition 67 Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, G. Vertue sculp. — Thomas Cavendish, in an oval, with two spheres, six latin verses, I y Crispin de Passe, scarce — 2 68 Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury, Ceo, Ver- tue sculp. — and William Lambarde, by ditto — 2 69 ' from Larrey's History of KngJand, by P. Van Gunsty brilliant proof 1 70 Thomas Beconus, &c. woodcut — and William Lamhard, J of Kent, Esq. G. Vertue sculp. _ o /// / d^ /73 I * 75 l76 <9'» ^," |77 I78 / / " 79 eo (' rtto, rn a Cloak, and high crowned hat, hands on a cushion, latin inscription, by Crisp. Passe, fine and rare 87 Ann of Denmark, superbly dressed, feather, fan in her hand, &c. 88 James 1st, and ditto, in ovals. Crisp, de Passe f et excud, most brilliant and rare 99 Ditto, ditto, whole lengths, standing, Johan TFiriexf. et excud. tSfc. fine and scarce go The Royal Pro— Children in the Tower, after ditto, % ^^,0^- Le^M — 120 A^ Yovi !ti;lse It, after V/. I^<)(^9s, ly ]yjidflm(^n—^Xidi the Woodman, after Qpinsboro^j^gh, ly. P, Siirnqn 121 hQ.M^.u^'Qt afU?r ^t. \y'OiijYjeri^an^ ly 2\ J^ajor—and Daniel in the Lions P^-eja^ £\&er P. P. ^,i^fe>p;is, proof, % Rich. Mwlonf, T— -n-rr 122 Threes ]^i^ry'§ an^ P^^d Christ, after Anoibai Qarra^^ci, ly, Jmn. Lufl. Rmljbet, .//;?4-— 394 tlie Silence., g.ft^ ^HQ, % ^rari^i^is^ B(^r^tJ[)Joz%i — - — — 123 Raphael's Cartoons, lij^Nich. Dorigny, fine — 124 Transfiguration, after ditto, Raph. Auto. Morghen sculp. 125 Holy Family, ditto, G. Edelinck sculp, before the arms^ of Mon. Colled, scarce andjin^ 126 The Dead Soldier, painted ly J. Wright, engraved ly /(Qts. Heath, fine ) 27 Charles 1st, with '!he Marquis of Hamilton, after Sw Ant. Vandyke, ly Sir Rolt. Strange, fine ( 11 ) 128 Beriti^te ]V^r!k kna hei: tfeiidreti, iSfaafTe^ driQ Jarties, kdMieMgA, Wtifi^, kftbrMlb, I'y ilttOy dii^d 129 Virgin and Child, St. Jerome and St. Mui-y IvlagdMen, after Correggio, by diito, ditto 130 Prinice RU|)et-t, Rmifdndt, Vat. Greek /^ctZ.— Elijah raising the . Widow*s Son, ditto, R. Earlom fecit — and the Shepherd's Boy, after Gainsborough^ by di^, all proofs — — — #vPJ) / // /o PEERS. 131 RoBT. Gar, Earl of Somerset, Viscount Roches- ter, Knight of the. most NOBLE Order of the Garter, &c. S. Pass sculp, Lon. Comp. Hall excu, Jine and rare 132 The lively Portrait of the Lady Frances, Coun- tess OF Somerset, in a hat and feather, S. Puss sculp. Lon, Comp. Hall excu. ditto, ditto 133 The Portracture of Robert Car, Earl of Somerset, Vis- count Rochester, Knight bf the most noble Order of the Garter, &c. and of the Lady Erances, his wife, M^rldiilg tdgfethfet-^ Mote teiigths, arms in the back gfdiindi fifie dfid icdrth 134 ^eohgb Viliifers, Ddke of Bdckinghjfiii, VarMijfie del, Vap't. Bailie fecit, in co/oft>'5— Ditto, with the arched top, and letters in the corners, etched proof — 135 Bitto, Met M. J. Mirevfeldt, W. J. BeJfl S'cubp, ML 136 Dittt), hj litiubrdken, proof rtit to 137 The Ri&fiT HiGit aiJd RiGitT MiGHTt pRiNfefe GtoicE Villiers, Duke, Marciuis, and Earl of BuckiNG- ^AMi EArL df-CoVfe^TkY, t^i^^di7NTVlLL'iteRS,fiX- iioN OF Whaddoi^, HioH AbMiiiAL dp 'E{;fGlLiiifD, &c. ^ii^eh dnii d'edic&tid hj Wiil. Passeiis-, in the year of our Lord God, \Q25, On h — a Phaeton, Richard IFilson pinxit, Wm, Woollett sculp. Niobe, ditto, ditto Holy Family, Sir Jos. Reynolds and Wm. Sharp sculp, — and etching of Lord Heathfield, after ditto, ly Earlom — - — — 2 Death of Dido, Cimon and Iphigcnia, after ditto 3 Infant Hercules, after ditto, ly Jas. Walker Fortuneteller, by J. K. Sherwin — and Bacchus, by J. R. Smith — — — 2 Birth of Shakespere, after Romney-^Rohin Goodfellow, after Sh* Jos. Reynolds, by Schivonetti-^and the Laughing Girl, after ditto, by W. Bond — 3 Mercury as a Pickpocket, and Cupid as a Link Boy, after ditto, by John Dean, proofs — 2 Lady Sarah Bunbury, whole lengthy Sacrificing to the Graces, after ditto, by Ed. Fisher Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante, Lord A. Gordon's Daughter, Infant Academy, proofs, after Sir Jos. Reynolds, by Havard. Simon, <5fc. 3 Mrs. Abington, Lady Charles Spencer, and Nelly Obrien, after ditto, Jas. Watson, tsfc. — '^ Mrs. Siddoas in the Tragic Muse, by Havard — Garrick between Tragedy and Comedy, after ditto, by E. Fvsher — — — 2 Lord Mansfield, after ditto, by F. Bartolozzi, proof James Paine and Son, after ditto, by Watson and Sir ^Q$, Bey molds, proof — -^ 2* Admiral Saunxlers, after ditto, by Mc Ardel, proof—- and the Marq- of Tavistock, after ditto, by J. Wat- son, dttio — — ■ — 2' Count UgUnoaJid Ui-s -Children, after .ditto, fne Marriage Alaniode, after Hogartja, by §. F, Ray^et, iSfc. fine — — — ^ ( 19 ) MEN OF GENIUS AND LEARNING. ^ S :& 23 1 Sir Edward Dering, Cor, Johnson pinxit, G. Glover sculp, fine 232 Sir Tobias Mathews, Knt. James Gammon sculp, ditto 233 John Webster, eight latin verses. Cor, Jansen pinx» T. Matham sculp, fine 234 Milton, ly G. Fertue — Joannes de Reede, W, Hollar fecit — and Thomas Stanley, Guil. Fait home sculp, 235 Sir Theo de Mayerne, IK Elder sculp.^and Dr. Wm. Harvey, in the style of Hollar —• 236 Robert Baron, oval of laurel, W. Marshall sculp, scarce 2'iy Thomas Neale, small square, with arms, Wm, Marshall sculp, ditto 238 Georgius Rodolphus Weckherlin, Mytens pinxit, IF. Faithornefec. fine and scarce 239 John Speed, S. Savery sculp. 240 Sir Peter Paul Rubens, JFm. WooUett sculp, — Ditto, oval. Ornaments, &c. W. Hollar fecit 241 Wenceslaus Hollar, in square, J. Meyssens pinx. fine 242 Mich, le Blon, Theo. Matham sculp. — Inigo Jones, ly Fal, Green, ^c, •^ • — 2^6 . « \/d-" ' \/6 6 " //' « /a S /.3 ' " ' /S " "9^ CLERGY. 243 William Laud, Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis, &c. Ant^ Vandyke pinx. D, Loggan ex. scarce 244 Jos. Hall, Bp. of Norwich — John Hacket, Bp. of Lichfield, fF. Failhorne fculp, ^c. — 245 Jo3, Hall, Bp of Norwich, ly John Payne 24^ John Trapp, R. Gaywood ftclt, oval — Jeremiah Bur- VOUghes, Gospell Preacher, &c. ditto D 2 ( 20 ) I LADIES. 247 Catherine Howard, Duchess of Lennox, Jnt. Vandyke pinocit, Arnoldus de Jode sculp. M. FaJiden Enden ex, /iT/H^r 248 Francesca Bridges Filia Domini Cavendish et PoTissA ExoNiAE CoMjTissA, Ant. Vandyke pinx. Guil. Faithorne excud. hilliant, and extra rare 24g Susanna Temple, the only Daughter of Sir Alex- ander Temple, Knight, Ladie Thornhurst, Ladie Lister, ditto, ditto 250 Madam Ann Kirk, whole length, after Vandyke, Iril- liant proof 25 X Maria Ruten, S. A. Bolswert s cu I p. —Diiio, as a Ma- dona^ and Child, proof hy Bartplozzi — FOREIGN PRINCES, &c. / '^ \^ ^ J 252 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden,, after Miereveldt, I I lylVJ. Delft 253 Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, after Vandyke, Zy Paul Pontius, sheet ^54 Ditto, whole length, in armour, with truncheon in his hand, arms, &c. army in the back ground, ships at sea, with Prince Maurice, sheet, P. Marietta, 1 6/3, fine and scarce 255 Mary of Medicis, 4to. Johan fVierix fecit, fne and scarce 256 Renatus Descartes, &c. Corn. Van. Dalcn sculp. 257 Jacob's Cats, M. Miereveld pinxit, IV. Delft sculp, in an oval — Ditto, ditto, small, fine — 258 Effigies Johannis Banfi Hunyadis Rivuliensis, &C. IN AN ornamented OVAL, FiGURES OF APOLLO, Diana, &c Gulielmi Marshall fecit, Londini, IriU liant, and extra rare S3 3 3 ( 21 ) INTERREGNUM. 2.59 Oliver Cromwell Dressed in a Coat and Belt, pointing with his right hand to a book with CLASPS, THE WORDS OpERA MaUIANA UPON IT — A Fox WITH HIS PAW ON HIS EIGHT SHOULDl.R, HALF LENGTH, 4T0. AND FaIEFAX WITH THE HeAD OF Charles 1st, in his left hand, hatchet in his RIGHT, TyGER sitting BEHIND KIM, GiBBKT OVER HIS HEAD, 4tO. both ON ONE SHEET, PROOF, EEFOItE THE Dutch verses, extra rare 260 Ditto, with four circles of David, Solomon, &c. ly JV. Faithorne — Ditto, the Medal, with the French luscription on the Reverse, &c. scarce — 201 Oliver Cromwell, my Lord Protecteur de la HEPUBLiauE Angloise, tac. on horseback, in AK^IOUR, in the back GROUND MeN FiGETING, Ships at Sea, &c. square 4to. Jirie and rare 262 Ditto, by Faithorne, oval — and an etching of her High- ness the Lady Protectress, &:c. 263 Ditto, between the pillars, sheet, with emblems, most brilliant, and extra rare, by IFm. Faithorne 204 Sir James Harrington's Drawing, copy from Faithorne, by J. G' by J. Vanderpaart, and ditto 285 Ditto, whole length, sittjng in his robes, View / 7 9 3 OF Windsor in the back ground, after Sir Peter Lely, sold by Alejjander Brown, scarce aifd fine 28d Ditto, on horseback, hat and feather, richly dressed, Peter Stevens ^87 Ditto, and his Queen, by R. White — and Le Davis, Duke of York, and his Duchess, by iX. Loggan and P. Vandrelanc, whole lengths — -— 7 ( 23 ) 288 Edward Somerset, MARauis of Worcester, in* ArMOUR, truncheon lir his hand, sash, GEORGE AND RIBBON, OVAL, v/iTH ARMS, GuU. Faitkome del. et sculp, brillmnt, and extra tare ROYAL FAMILIES, 4'S-^ J//^ 289 Katherlne dueen Dowager, 4to. /. Smith excudit."-* Ditto, /. Haysrnano pinx. folio — — 290 Ditto, oval, proof y scarce 291 Ditto, whole length, as St. Katherine, Jacob Haysmans pinx. R. Tompson excudit, scarce and fine 292 Ditto, oval, crown in the b\ck ground, arms at THE bottom of THE PRINT, Jrnold de Jode sculp, extra rare andfne 293 Ditto, in the curious dress in which she arriv- ed Vrom Portugal, ly William Fait home, fne and scarce 294 Duchess of York, P. Lely pinx. P. Lomlart sculp. Paris, 1 669, oct. fine and scarce 295 His Royal Higbness James Duke of York, ^c. whole length, in armour, G. Kneller pinx. J. Beckett fecit et ex. scarce and fine 296 Jacobus Dux Eboraci et Albaniae, &c. iti an oval, arms^ ts'c. Simon Lutlcchvys pinxit, C. Van Dalen, junior, sculp, scarce 297 Ditto, ditto 29s Henricus Dux Glocestriae, &:c. in armour, with the garter, arms, &c. ditto, ditto, fine 299 Ditto^ ditto, proof and impression -^ 300 Ditto, whole length, in the Robes of a Knmjht OF THE Garter, Coronet on a table, M. JVldie sculp, fine and scarce 301 Hei>ry, Duke of Gloucester, with Edward 6tb, Prince Henry and William, Duke of Gloucester, ovals, S: Grilelln sculp, scarce and fine \ /2 c> 302 TheMost High AND Mighty Prince Rupert, Count Palatine OF THE Rhyne, Duke of Bavaria, Cum- berland, &c. LACED BAND, COLLAR OF THE GARTER^ OVAL, ARMS, &c\ G, KutlUr phixit, U, White sculp, scarce and fine Fourth Day's Sale. WORKS OF ALBT. DURER. 1.0T /^^ '7 '^4 6 303 Ar: "96 » //A 3 4' / /S ^ " /3 6, RMED Knight or Dream, original^ and copy, Al- lert Durer — — — — 2 304 St. Joseph at the Well, ditto 305 Man Asleep, the Devil blowing in his Ear, kc. — Ditto, with Eggs, &c. — 5 306 Lady and Gentleman, Death behind a Tree, ditto, Jine 307 Ditto, and Savage, Death's Head, Helmet, ccc. ditto 308 Cock and Helmet, &c. ditto 309 The Melancholy, original, and copy S 310 St. Jerom, in a Landscape 311 Ditto, ditto, ^/2e 312 St. Hubert, hrilUant 313 Prodigal Son, ditto 3 \4 Ailam txiid Eve, original, and copy, fne — 2 315 Sampson and Delilah, rare and fine, Lucas Fan Leyden ( 25 ) WORKS OF ISRAEL VAN MECK, &c. £\^\^ -3l6 Virgin and Child, and ditto, with Globe in his hand, &c. Martin Schoen fecit — •— 317 Christ, Virgin, and St. John, arched top. Angels in the Clouds, rare, ditto 318 Virgin and Child in the Manger, an Ox, an Ass, &c. ditto, ditto y Jine SJp Virgin and Child standing on the half moon, treading on a Serpent, encircled with a rosary. Angels flying with emblems of the Passion, at the bottom of the print, the Emperor Charles 5th, and other Princes, kneeling, on the right side, the Pope, Bishops, and Cardinals, &c. kneeling 320 St. Anthony of Padua, curious and rare, Israel Van Mec 321 Christ going to be Crucified, a number of Fi- gures, A singular Composition, extra rare and Jine, Albert Glockenthon fecit /Z6 3 'i / O " 6 MARC ANTONIO, &c. 322 Judgment of Paris, Baptista Bertano Manfuanus In- • ' ventor Georgius Ghisi Mantuanus fecit , fne and scarce 323 Ditto, after Raphael, ly Marc Antanio^ original^ and copy, extra rare and fine 324' Juno in her Chariot, two Figures embracing, &c. ly ' Georgi Gkisi, curious and scarce 325- $T Cecilia, aftee Rapiiael,^^ Marc Antonio, ix^d fine and rare 32t) St. FitrciA, ditto, ©itto, from the Collection of Sic Peter Lely, ditto 327 Four Female Dancing Figures, ly Go. Ant. de prfs^a, scarce £ 1/ mo \/ o 8- S /2o / ( 26 ) 3yA BOOKS OF PRINTS. ^/M 4 /A' "^ 6 328 Tapistry in the House of Lords, ly Pine, with de- scription 32g Schola Italica Picturae sive, &c. ly Dominic Cunego — Johannes Volpati, &c. after Raphael, M.Angeh Parmigiano, Isfc. — — — 40 330 Collection of the Works of Jac. Frey, &c. containing the Aurora and its companion St. Michael, after Guido — Holy Family, &c. after Raphael, &c. 43 331 Works of Capt. Wm. Bailie, from Rembrandt, Ostade, and with variations of the plates, ^c, — 64 PEERS. 1/^,* JZ^/Z f i 332 333 334 335 336 337 4i^ James, Duke of Monmouth, /rowz a painting ly Netcher and Wyhe, W. Bailie fee. Ditto, half length, Robes of the Garter, Sir Peter Lely pinxit, A. Blootel'uig ex. fine The Duke of Richmond, JV. Wissing pinx, R. Williams fe. fine and scarce Tho. Osborne, Earl of Danby, oval, P, Lely pinxit, A. B loo te ling fee. fine Ditto, brilliant proof The Right Hon. pdward Lord Mountague, Viscount Hinchiribrooke, Baron of St. Neott's, Earl of Sand- wich, P. Lely pinx, A. Blooteling fee. half length, square, fine Ditto, ditto, oval, in armour, George and Ribbon ( 27 ) . •^ PEERS. 339 Earl of Yarmouth, P. Vandrelank sculp. — and Duke and Duchess of Lauderdale, R. JVilliains fecit 340 Earl of Arlington, . oval — Charles, Earl of Carlisle, Faithornefec. tsfc, — — 341 Charles, Earl of Derby, &c. A.Blootelingfedt^ fine' 342 George, Duke, MARau£S, and Earl, of Bucking- ham, Earl of Coventry, Viscount Villers, Ba- KON OF Whadon,.Lord Ross of Hamlak, Knight OF THE MOST noble OrDER OF THE GaRTER, S, Ferelstpinx, J.Beckett fee. scarce 343 The Right Hon. John, Earl of Rochester, Baron WiLMOT, OF AdDERBURY, IN EnGLAND, AND VlS- countWilmot, ofAthlone, inIheland, P.Lely Eques pinxit, R. White sculp, fine and scarce 344 Earl of Chesterfield, Duchess of Buckingham, Mary Kirk, and Ninon de I'Enclos, ovalsy by Worlidge, from Lord Orford's plates, fine — — . 345 James, Duke of Ormond, oval, folio, with arms, &c. jD. Loggan sculp, scarce S^6'\ //\6 / MEN OF THE ROBE, &c. 346 Sir Mathew Hale, Knt. Lord Chief Justice of England, half length, MezT^tints, fine 347 Ditto, ditto 34a Earl of Shaftesbury, Cooper pinxit, B. Baron sculp, );44— Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Sir Nathan Wright, &c. — — — 349 The Right Honourable Francis Lord Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, &c. one of his Maties most Honourable Privic E 2 / / I A* ( 28 ) / // ^/M 2/ i> » 350 1351 352 353 354 355 356 ^ /^ 'y 357 /^^. 358 ^ ^/'/^'360 „ / 361 Council, D. Loggan advivum del'm, et sculp, fine and scarce The Right Honourable Hineage, Earl of Not- tingham, Baron Finch, of Daventry, Lord High Chancellor' of England, and one of rnz LoAps or HIS Maties most Honble Privy Coun- cil, Anno Domni, l68l, G.Kneiler pinxit, B. JPhite sculp, fine and scarce Orlandus Bridchman, Miles et Baronrttus Cus- tom Magni Sx^iLti Angliab, IV. Faithorne ad vi sculps ChaDcellor's Robes, ifcc. Iniliant and scarce Earl of Shaftesbury sittiitg in kis Chancellor's RoBBs, Great Seal, &c, folio, with arms, hil^ liant proof, by Ab, Blooieling, extra rare Gilbert SHiLt>QN, Arch Bishop of Canterbury, half length, dtiing, mezzodnto, fine and rare John WUkins, Bishop of Chester, M. Beale pinxiti A. Blooteling sculp, scarce Richardus Busbjr, S. T. P. R. White setdp^-^John Pear- son, Bishop of Chester, D. Loggan ad vivum dalin. Hugh Peters Preaching, " I know you are good Ftllows,** t^c, rare MEN OF GENIUS AND LEARNING. Sir Ralph Cole, Bart. jp. Lely pinxit, F. Place fecit, extra rme Thomas Killegrew, V»^ft of Honour to King Charles. the First, &c. William Faithorne sculp, scarce Sir Thomas Isham, of Lam^o^t, &c. by G, Falch, brilliant proif before the arms, ^c, . John Cockshutt, D- Loggan fecit Robt. Ftilding, P. Lely eques pinxit, J. V. yaart^fedt, — Ditto, Ju Wissing pinxit, J. Beckett fecit — Ditto, G.Knelierpinx, J. Beckett fe, et ex. in armour, brilliant procf Elias Ashmolb^ by Wm, Faithorne, brilliant ( 29 ) 364 Henry Blount, D. Loggan ad vivum delin et sculp* 1073, oval, arms, tsfc. scarce and Jine 365 John Kersey, ly fP'm. Fcdthome, brilliant 366 John Heydon, oval of laurel, arms, ^c. 3 6 " ARTISTS, &c. 367 Abraham Symonds, brilliant proof 368 Abraham Hondius, Pictor Ipse pinx, J. Smith ftcit 309 Nichoias de LargiUiere, wilh his Wife and Childreo, ivki>le length, in a garden 370 Ditto, fine 371 Erfigies— Tho Mace, Hen, Cooke pinx, JPl Faithorne sculp. Jine 372 John Ray, % G Ferttte-^Vi. Cudworth, D.D Fertue — and Dr Jdin Pearson, Bp. of Chester, D. Log^ gan del vivum, ^c. — — 373 Clement Ellis, fF, Faithorne delin et seulp. inan octagon frame, with arms, fine and scarce 374 Effigies— Edvardi Boys, S.T.B. Eatat ..(J6, % fF. Fcd^ '/Aorne'— Johannes Wallis, S. T. B. &c. fF. Faithorne delin et sculp, l^oS — — 375 Richard Ailestry, Z>. Loggan ad. vivum rfr/w— and Dt. Randolph Bat hurst, ditto, scarce and fine 3,76 Dr. Owen, Vice Chancellor of Oxford, by G. Fertue, brilliant proof, rare 377 Titus Oates Aniigrararaa Testis Ovat, R, IFhite advivufii ddin et sculp, fine and scarce 378 Cardinal Howard, H. Nollvn sculp, fine oil impression 379 Isaac and Merick Casaubon, P. Fan Ganst sculp, scarce and-fine *— *i^ -^ '' s6 -91 . /6 " i ( 3b 5 4'S-3 j I J 380 381 382 t 383 384 [385 .386 ^\ A,r' 387 . -' 388 ^'^/> 389 I ^/^ ^^ ; 391 ROYAL FAMILIES, &c. James 2d, sitting on his throne. Arch Bishop Sancroft and Judge JefFeries standing on each side, H. White sculp. — Ditto, on horseback, in axmour, truncheon in his hand, battle in the back ground, scarce — Ditto, an oval, 4to. R. Williams fecit , Jine and rare Ditto, with the Anchor, G. Kneller pinx, John Smith fecit, scarce and Jine Mary, Queen of England, Scotland, France, and Ire- land, Crowned ye 23 of Aprill, 1685, oval, P, Tem- pest ex. ditto Maria, D. G. Anglia, &c. G. Kneller pinx, J, Smith fecit Maria Beatrice Principessa di Modena Duchessa di York, P. Lely pinxit, A. Blooteling fecit et ex. scarce Ditto, sitting in a chair. Child in a cradle. Father Pe- ters behind the Queen, six Dutch verses, fine and rare — Wm, Henry, Prince of Orange, Gerard Valck Ditto, with Father Peters, and Attendants, Dutch Sa- tyrical Print, Roman de Hooge — ^I'he Prince of Great Britain, G. Kneller ad vivum pinx. J. Smith fecit — Ditto, and Sister, ditto — • - — Jacobo Magnae Britanniae et Waliiae, Principi de T^royes pinxit, sheet, Edelinck Eques Romanus sculp, fine — Ditto, half length, standing in laced cloaths, by ditto . ^ - — — Jacobus Secundus, &c. N. de Largillierre pinxit, J. Smith fecit — Maria Beatrix, &c. ditto, ditto -^ Pkince and Princess of OrAnge, with Ladies and Gentlemen of their Court, oblong, J. GoU^ fee, et ex. extra rare and fine His Royal Highness ye Prince of Orange, W, Wissing pinxit, R. Williams fecit— Her Highness the Prin- cess of ditto, P. Lely pinxit^ R. Tompson excudit, fine and scarce .— — — - 2 ( 31 ) 392 William, Prince of Orange, in the Robes of the Gar5 ' ter, half length, brilliant proof *. . * ' \ 393 Her Highness the Princess of Orange, Sir P. Lely < pinxit, jR. Tompson excudit, half length, sitting, tuith . the reverse, Jine and scarce — • .:- ,1 394 Princess Ann, W. Wissing pinxit, J. Beckett fecit, sit- ting, a string of pearls in her hands. View of Wind- sor in the back ground, and reverse of the Duchqss of York with Dog — . — .— ^ 1'' Fifth Day's Sale. FOREIGNERS, LOT 395 HILIP William, Prince of Orange, and his Prin- cess, Ludovico de Coligni, in ovals, after Mirevelt, pinx. Delpht sculp, fine — — 396 Ditto, with Elinora, of Bourbon, in squares, standing, and in ovals, ly Johan Wiriex, fecit, et excud, brilliant 397 Gentleman and Lady ; his hand on a helmet, her's on a scull, ovals, H. Goltzius fecit, brilliant — . 398 Johannes Zurenus, with arms, by H. Goltzius — Gorla- . eus, the Medalist, by D. Gheyn, fine — . 399 Jan Curtius, &c.— Johan Wiriex, ditto — //I /A- iU / A S\ ft ^ As 3/^ ( 3» ) FRENCH PORTRAITS, Ssc. in the Reign of 4,J-^ & tEWlS XIV. ^ ^ 400 CarolusD.G Hisr Infans. Philippi 2— Angl. Regis j - FiLnui Katherxna Regina Francorum— F. H. ! - Francis Uoge^ berc, who fe lengths, with arms — P. i j lHarietta, 1 650, Hans Lief r inch , excud. extra, rare and curious ^ ^ 401 Francis II. Loyse de Lorraine, &c. ly Thomas de Leu 5 -! 402 Henriette de Balsac and Gabrielle des Tree, Marquis de Monceanx, ovals, Thomas de Leu fecit, brilliant 2 403 Henriette DE Balsac, Uieron^mus Wirioj^sculfi. lazgc sheet, brilliant and rare — — 1 404 Henrj' Due de Montpensier, in an oval — Henry de Lor- rayne. Due de Bar, &c. Thomas de Leu fee, ditto * '^ 405 l^wis XIII with emblems, FalckJecit,Jine ^^ y>c- ^^ 406 Anne of Austria, in a^ oval, wUh a|flci$ before the En- graver's' name — Ditto, in a square, 4to, when young, ! i with arms suspended before a window, richly dressed handkerchief in her hand, four French verses, curious I and rare — — * — 2 / y^ ^^ 407 Cardinal Richlieu, in square, with laurel frame. Nan-- ieuil sculps. — Cardinal Mazerine, in oval, with em- * blems, arms, &c. P. Fan Schuppen sculps. \66\,fuie 2 y/ ^ 408 Lewis XIV. oval, with arms, P. Mignard pinx. F, Poilly [ sculp — Maria Teresia, with arms, Baubun pinxit, ! N. Pitau sculps, \tj62, fne — — 2 ,, y/ ^ 409 ■ ditio, ^unteuil. ad vivum ping, et sculpelat, 1 662, Jine 410 . whole leiigth, standing in his robes, JFfya- ^ / cinihe Rigaud pinxit, P. Drevet sculpsit, brilliant 41 1 Ceremony of the Contract of Marriage between Vladis- laus Fourth King of Poland and the Princess Louisa of -.Mantuav at Fontainebleau, l645, ly J. Bosse--^ Louis XIV. metant le cordon bleu a Mons. de Bour- gogne, Pere de Louis XV. &c. J. Watleau pinxit, N, de Larme^sin sculps, fkc. —^ — ^ 3 - ^^ ( 33 > 412 Phillip, Duke of Orleans, oval, with arms, &c. /. Nq* cret pinx, F. Poilly sculps, fine 413 Ditto, ditto, with the Order of the Holy Ghost/ P. ^ Schuppensculpehatf'lQQO, ditto 414 Loiri«, Dauphin de France, H Rigaud ptJixit, P. Drevef sculps. — Ditto, ditto, Francis de Troy pinxit, F. Fan JStihuppen sculps, \d84, Jlne — -i. *^ LADIES. 4l5*Dutchess of Monmouth, the Earl of Doncaster, and Lord Henry Scott, G. Kneller pinxit, J, Smith fecit, whole lengths, Jine — Marcliioness of Wharton, ly ,, C^ ^ Eichard Earlom — • — ^ 415 Duchess of Richmond, oval, W. Wissing pinx, R, WiU Hams fecit, scarce 416 Duchess of Grafton, whole length, ly B. Lens, fine and scarce — — — 417 Ditto of Cleaveland, P. Lely pinx, R, Tompson excudit, — Ditto, ditto, /. Beckett excud. — 418 Ditto, ditto, ditto, 4to, oval, scarce 4ig Ditto, IJ^, Ifissing pinx, R. IFilliams fecit, oval, ditto, fine 420 Ditto, ditto, whole length, sitting, sold by Alex, firowne, &c.. brilliant and scarce 421 Ditto, ditto, E. Cooper excud. ditto 422 Ditto, half length, sitting, in the character of a Shep- herdess, crook in her hand, lamb feeding, fF. Sher* win sculps. 1 670, fine and rare 423 Duchess of Portsmouth, half length, sitting, leaning on a pedestal holding up her hair, uilex. Brown, excud, proof, and Reverse, fine and scarce 424 Louisa, Duchess of Portsmouth, &c. vval, in a square, P. Lely pinxit, A. Blooteling fecit et excud, 1677* 4 to, I | fine I j 425 Ditto, hrilliant proof before the square, extra, rare \^ \ '^ 426 Ditto, Sir P, Lely pinxit, G, Valckfec, et excud, 1^78 j /, i ■ F ' i ^ /^ 6 1 6 *f 1" S A 1 9 ,. 1" V // / ^7 r„ ft / t /o /¥ « /6 " ,^^ 4-S'3 n // f 3 S 1 6 /6 \ / '7 'r / 1 z 1 /\/3\ ' 6 /o 9 ' /s ~jy " /^ 6 -1^ 9 '/ 6 1 " Z^" 2./S'.'' // ^y '/A ( 34 ) 427 Lbuisa> Duchess of Portsmouth, &c. whole length, G. Kneller pinx. F. Smith excud. 428 Ditto, half length, Cup\d behind her, fine and scarce 42Q Ditto, cvgI oblong, eying on a bed, head resting ON HER RIGHT HAND, HOLDING A LAP DOG WITH HER LEFT, H. Gascar. pinx. extra rare and fine 430 The Right Honourable Elizabeth Countess of North- umberland, P. Leiy pinx, J. Beckett fecit, fine and scarce 431 The Countesse of Arundel, P. Lely eques pinxit, R. TV. . fecit, 4to. fijie and scarce. 432 Countess of Chesterfield, by J. Beckett, and Countess of Rochester, Anonymous 433 Lady Chesterfield, S. P. Lely pinxit, J. Becket fecit , 434 The Lady Williams, JF. IVissing pinx, J, Beckett fecit, fine and scarce . 435 .Ortance Manchini "Duchesse of Mazarine, &c. P. Lely pinxit, G. Valck sculps, tsfc, with the flowered dra- pery, fine and scarce , 436 Ditto, without the flowered drapery, brilliant proof 437 Madam Sidley, IF. Wisslng pinx. R. JVilliams fecit, 4tQ^ fiiie and scarce 438 Countess of Dorchester, G. Kneller pinxit, J. Smith excud. half length, ditto, ditto 439 Madam Middleton, Alex, Brown pinx. and Reverse, scarce •— • 440 Ditto, after Sir P. Lely, ly James M'Ardel, fine proof 441 Lady Grammont, after ditto, ditto, proof a7id letters 442 Lady Sophia Bulkley, H. Gascar pinx. rare 443 Madam Mary Kirk, Sir P. Lely pinxit, sold by Alex. Brown, scarce 444 Lady Warner, oval, X. de Largillierre pinxit, P. Van Schuppen fecit, 1 6gO, brilliant and scarce 445 Mrs. Anne Killigrew, A. Blooteling excud. — Ditto, J. Beckett, fecit, fine 446 Le Vrny Portrait of Madame Helyot, &;c. Ant. Masson sculps. lOS^'-scarce and fine, 4to,i>vdt ( 35 ) 442 Madam Davits, \P. Leiy pinx, P, Valck fecit et excud, 1678, pval, 4to, scarce 448 '- Irilliant and rare 449 iVIadame Davis, playing on a lute, P. Lely pinxit, R, Tompson excud. scarce 450 Madam Elinora Gwynne, S. Cooper pinx, G. ValcH sculp, ex, oval, 4to, Jine .. - 451 : Verhdls pinxit, J. Beckett excud. small oval, scarce 451*Madam Ellen Gwynne, with her two Chilean, Charles, Earl of Beaufort, and James, Lord Beauclaire, Lely, P, Tompson ex 452 I — hand on her breast, and Etch- ing, in a square, 4 to. 453 Ditto, P, Lely Eques pinxit, P, V,B^Jecit, 175I, and Mrs. Knight, ly J, Faher, fine — — 454 Ditto, half length, with a Lamb, G, Falck sculps, et excud. brilliant 455 Ditto, oval, 4 to, P. Tempest excud. Irilliant and rare 456 Ditto, in the character of curiD, half length, in a square, extra rare and fine 457 Madame Ellen Gwinn and her two sons, Charles Earl of Beaufort and James Lord Beauclaire, Henry Gascar pinxit, Stephen Baudet sculps, large sheet, a beautiful and most singular specimen of En- graving, brilViant and extra rare 458 Madam Hewse, P, Lely Pinx, R. IViUiams fecit. 459 Madam Jane Roberts, P, Lely pinxit, sold ly Alex. Brown, ^c. brilliant and extra rare 1 »\/o 6 6 6 3 2 U / 6 /6i> Z" S " 2 M' 3 .FOREIGNERS, &c. 460 Hans Van Severing, oval, ly H. Bary, fine 461 The Right Hon. Charles John Lord Koningsmarke, Src. who was tryed and acquitted from being an Accessary 4 4 /4 6 A«^ ■ ( 8(5 ) / s / m jz ' 6 6 /o 6 \ /// JZ- s 7 / to the Barbarous Murther oi Tho Thyne, Esq. the 2Ist Feb. 1682, Oval of Laurel with Arms, fitc. fine ■ €ind scarce 462 Bedlow Miles Prance and Stephen Dogdaic, R, WHte, deH^, et sculp, — — ROYAL FAMILIES, &c. 463 King William, whole length^ in his Robes, Globe and Sceptre, hy B. Lens, tSfc. ' 464 Ditto, half length, proof, J. Verkolie,fecit"'and Queen 465 Ditto, ditto, after G. Kneller, J, Smith fecit, ovals 466 Ditto, ditto, ^ IVissing pinxit, ditto, ditto, fine 467 Ditto, ditto, Dutch Inscriptions, /. Gole fecit, ditto 468 Maria D. G. Angliae, &c. in the High Head Dress, &c. Vandervaarty pinxit, J. Sinith, fecit 469 ibitto, ditto, ditto, fine 470 Ditto, whole length, J, Faber, from the Hampton Court Beauties—Ditto, J, Vandervaart pinxit, IVilL Faith- orne fecit — — \ — 471 PRINCBSS Ann, whole length, with Dog, W. Wissing and J, Vandervaart, pinxit, J. Smith, fecit— -Ti'xiio, Sitting, J. Becket — Ditto, ditto, G. Kneller, pinxit, J. Smith, fecit — — — 472 Her Highness the Lady Ann, P. Lely, pinxit. A, Bloo- teling, fecit et excudit, 1678, 4to — Ditto, before the Name of Painter and Engraver, brilliafit and rare 473 Ditto, and Prince George of Denmark, PK IVisslng pinxit, R. iniliams fecit, fine and scarce — 474 Ditto, J. Smith, fecit, and as Qneen, after M. Dahll, W. Faithorne, fecit — George of Denmark, G. Knel- ler pinxit, J. Smith fecit — — 475 George Prince of Denmark, in Armour, Sash Order of the Elephant Truncheon in- his Hand, Battie in the Background, brilliant proof 476 Duke of Glocetiter, with Dog, G. Kneller, J, Smith ( 3f ) /^ct^— Ditto, Oval, with Star, dim, iGffo— Ditto, whole length, with Flower Pt>t, ditto, (ftrto— Ditto, dkto, with Mr. Benj. Bathurst 477 GUieen Anne and Priiice George of Den marie, twab, G. Knell er pin. J. Smith fee. — 4; 8 Prince Oearge bf Denmark, in Co!br of the Garter, hrillianX proof, scartt PEERS. 479 Charle«, Duke or Somerset, iw A?r Otal, Collah OF THfi GARTfiR, J. Riky pinxit, J. Smth fecit ^ scarce and fine 480 Duke of Marlborough, half length. Truncheon in his Hand^ large sheet, lif P, Fan Gurst, briUiant proof, . fcarce 481 Ditto and Dutchess, after O. Kndler, J. Smith fedi 462 Archibald, Earl of Argyle, Adrlano Haelwegk • fecit, scarce 483 The Right Hon. John Lord Cuts, &c. G. Knellet pinxit, J. Simon fecit et excmtit, fine and scarce 484 Jvhn, Earle of Mulgrave, Lord Chamberfain, fee. G. Kneller pinxit, J. Beckett fecit et excud. in Al-moUr, Staff of Office, $cc. fne 485 Ditto, in an Oval, G. Kneller pinx. J. Smith fee. ditto 486 Lewis, Earl pfFeversham, &c. J. Riley pinx. J.Beckett fecit, ditto 487 Frederick Dake of Schonbcrg, &c. G. Kneller pinxit, J. Smith fecit. CLERGY, &c. 488 William Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury-— Oval ditto, Loggan ad vivum delin. et sculp. I68O, fine and scarce 489 Pbter M«ws, Bishop of Winchester, ditto, ditto, ditto ^- ^S0 2 6 J:> i i I 1 ■ 1 i .,\ 6 '// 3 /o kJZ 4' ^" '3 6 \6 m - \ . /6\-> 492 ( 38 ) Henry Compton, Bishop of London, /. Bxlexf pinx.it, J. Beckett fecit, Jine Joseph Carreras, G, Kneller pinxit, , Fal Green fecit, — Oliver Plunket, Archbishop of Armagh, R, Collins sculp, fine •— — — Count D. Ada the Pope's Nuntio to King James the Second, J. Beckett fecit, J. Savage ex. Jine CHANCELLORS, &c. S^ S^t^ 493 The Right Hon. George Lord Jefferys, Baron of Wem, Ix)rd High Chancellor of England, and one of the lords of His Majesties most Honorable Privy Coun- cil, 1 686, G. Kneller pinxit, R. H^hite sculpit, fine find scarce 494 Thomas Street, Miles Justicianus Comunis Banci, ^tatis 63, R. White ad vivum delin. et sculp. 1688, ditto 495 James Drummond, Earl of Perth, /. Rileif pinxit, R, White sculp. 1686, ditto ** ;^ 9 4^ Alexander Moraviae, Comes Dnus. Doune et Aber- nethie, &c. Q. Kneller pinxit, P, Fandrelanc sculp, ditto / vA "\/o\ '/ ( 39 ) Sixth Day s Sale* ROYAL FAMILIES. LOT 498 VTEORGE I. in a circle, with arms, G. Kneller pin, Chereaujun, sculp. — and the Pretender, curious 499 Ditto, ly J. Smith and J. Faher — Princess Sophia of Hanover,/. Simon fee, — — 500 The Princess of Hanover, Consort of George the First, /. Kersaboom pin, W, Fail home fecit, 4to, in an oval, scarce, SCc, — — — 501 Sophia Dorothea, Princess Royal of Prussia, oval, J, ' Hirseman pin, J, Smith fee, — Frederick, King of Prussia, &c. — — — .. /6 ■■ PEERS. 502 John, Duke of Argyll and Greenwich, &c. whole length, A. Ramsay pin. J. Faber fecit 503 The Right Honourable Heneage Finch, Earl of Win* Chelsea, &c. Geo. Vertue d, 1725, et incidit i;28, scarce A r :z6 ( 4© ) ■SO* 6 .506 6\ ^ i ! '^\^\* 1^508 The Right Hon. WilHam, Lord Harrington, &c. J. Fay* raw, /. Simon excud. oval — ^Ditto, du Pan pinx, Duh' tin, 1750, Ford fecit, square ditto — ^ ^ ! -505 Duke of Dorset, Edward^ Earl of Oxford, and Dr. ViadcM, by G, Vertue — — . ^ Dake and Duchess of Portland, and Lady Wortley Mon- tagu, wals, after F. Zincke, hy G, Fertue, Jine Henry St. John, late Lord Viscount Bolingbroke, T. Murray fetii^'^nd Lord Chesterfield, U^. Hoar e pinx, J, Simon fecit, fne — — Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury, &c. in Robes of the Garter, and Chamberlain Staff, &c. Sold by E. Cooper, &c.— Ditto — — — Earl of Peterborough, Kneller pin. P. Van Gunst sculp, —Thomas Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, &c. W. Wis- sing pin. J, Smith fee. — Duke of Orraond, G. Knel- ler pinx. J. Smith J ec. — — Arnolde Joost, Earl of Albemarle, &c. G. Kneller pin, J. Smith fee, — Sir George Kooke, M. Dahll pinx, J. Smith fee. — — — Lord Haddoti as Simon, the Dutckskipper, G, Ackman ptn,J. Smith fee. scarce CLERGY Z <3 ^ 311 509 510 *\.2^'*' I 512 Thomas Tenison, Arch Bisliop of Canterbury, oval, arms, &c. R. White ad vivvm delin. et sculp, scarce / yj „ 5il3 Edward Stillingfleet, S. S.T.P. &c. Sir P. Lehj pinx, A. Blootelin^ sculp, brilliant proof /. <- ^ 514 Tho. Smith, Bishop of Carlisle, T, Stephenson pinxit, J. Smith fee. fine > ^ ^ ^^^ ^'^^^^ Tillotson, S. S. Theologiae Professor, &c. P. Lely pinxir, A. BlooUling sculp, fine — Ditto, when Arch y Bishop of Canterbury, by Fertuc, t^c. — ^ ^ u , 5ig pionTsiuf Granville Decanus Dunelmensis et Suae 34, ' . Beaupaiile pinjat, G.- F. Edelink sculp, scare ( 41 ) 517 George Hooper, Bishop of Bath and Wells, d White fecit — Francis Atterbury, Bp. of Rochester, /. Simon fecit, ^c, 518 George Smalridge, Bp. of Bristol, John Harris, &c. ly Fertue, Fonder Gucht, tSfc, II 519 WJHiam Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury, T. Gibson pin, G. White fee. — and Dr. George Stanhope, /. Ellys pin. J. Faber fecit — — 2 520 Dr. E. Grabbe presenting his Book to Queen Anne, M, V. Gucht jcm//).— Charles Leslie, A. M. by F. Che^ reau, / // / 5 3 6 4' S-'fP ( 42 ) 6 530 Sir Robt. Raymond, James Reynolds, Esq. Sir Laurence Carter, Kiit. and Sir Francis Page, Knt. one of his Maties Barons of the Court of Exchequer, 1770, all ly G. Vertue, from the Fothergill collection 531 Henry Powle, Esq, Speaker of the House of Commons, and Master of the Rolls, G. P^ertue, Land, sculfi. 1737, ^c. — — — MEN OP GENIUS and LEARNING, ^:c. \4\6 \9 532 Mr. Gay, Zinclie pin. W. Smith delin. et sculp, proof / \ 533 Godfrey Schalcken, ly J. Smith, J. Baptist Monoyer, isfc. G. White fee. — and Hamlet Winstanley, by J. Faler, i^c. — — — LADIES. '^ 534 !Duchess of Bolton, whole length, G. Kneller pinx. J. { j Smith fee. Irilliant proof ^ ,^ 535 Lady Mary Lutterel Brooke, M, Dahll pinx, IF. Fai- thorne fe. — and the Lady Lome, G. Kneller, J, Beckett fee, — — — 2 536 Lady Elizabeth Cromwell, whole length, G. Kneller pinx, J. Smith — Mrs. Elinor Copley, ditto, ditto, oval — Countess of Salisbury, ditto, ditto — 3 537 Duchess of Montagu, J. Faler fecit, 1 740— Mrs. Con- wai Hackett, and Mrs. Oldfield, /. Simon fee. &:c. 3 538 Catherine Warman, &c. aged 107 years, and Jane Scrim- shaw, aged 126, April 3d, 1710, oval, by J. Faber sen. scarce — — — 2 ^ 6 9 ., / / FOREIGNERS. ^ * 539 Lud. Hen. de Lomenie Com. de Brienne, in an oval, with arms, Jo. Lenfant sculp. 1662 — Aegidius le Maistre, &c. by ditto — — 2 r, / 540 Mon. de Mutton Musician, Edelinck sculp. — and the Four Burgomasters, by Suydcrhoef, ^c, — 4 ( 43 ) 541 Baron de Bonrepos, oval, P. Lomlart sculp, — Joanni ab Houerbeeke, ly J. Falck, tsfc. — — > 542 Duchess de Fontange, Christiana Queen of Sweden, Nanteuil sculp, ^c. — Anne de Courtenay, &c.— Henriette de Lorraine, &c. by Van Schuppen, P, Drevet, ^c, — — — . 543 Phillip 5th, King of Spain, H. Rigaud pinxit, P.Dre" vet sculp, file 544 Charles, Due de Berry, and Phillippe Due d'Anjou Pin» par de Troye grave par le Chevalier Edelinck 545 Prince de Conti, H. Rigaud p. Peter Drevet sculp. Jine 5A6 Francois de Vandosme, Due de Beaufort et Pair de France, Nocroit pinxit, Nantueil sculp ditto 547 Charles, D. Orleans, Comte de Dunois, oval, with arms — Ditto, with Mitre and Crosier in the Arms, Ferdinand pinxit, Nanteuil sculp. 1660 -— 548 Duchesse de Guise, ly ditto 549 Prin. Emanuel Theo. de la Tour d'Avuergne Dui d*Al- bret, &c, N, Mignard pinxit, Ant. Masson sculp. 550 Marie Anne Victoire de Bavieres, Daufine de France, oval, large sheet, ly ditto, t5fc. 55 1 Marie Adelaide Duch. de Bourgogne grave par Simon Thomassin — Amelia, Princess of Orange, &c. after Mirevelt, ly IF. J. Delft — — 552 Louise Adelaide d'Orleans Abhesse de Chelles Peint par Oobert, grave par Drevet, fine 553 Francoise Delabaume le Blanc Duchesse de la Valiere, plume of feathers on her head, apple in her hand, oval, with* arms, ornaments, &c. N. de Larmessin sculp, fine 554 Fran. Athenaiste deRochechouart Mar.. de Montespan, oval, arms, csV. Steph. Picartjecit, ditto 555 Marquise deMaintenon Francoise Daubigny, oval, with emblems and arms. Fait par Giffart Graveur de Roy, ditto 556 Louis Quinze Roy de France, &c. — Marie Princesse de Pologne Reine de France, &c. — Peint par Venloo et Grave par N. de I'Armessin, ovals, with arms, fine 6 /// 3 ' o " 4 S\ I « 1/5' ' z6 2 ( 44 ) ^ 1 557 Louis Dauphin, &c. iV. h Sueur pinx. Grave par Au- j bert — Ditto, Roy de France, &c. N. de Lannessin j sculp, whole lengthy on horselack •— ^ q\ 558 Louis Dauphin, and Marie Joseph de Saxe Dauphine, i &c. Grave par Petit et M. Aubert, ovals, with I 1 j ' arms ■ — — — - \/J^\ 4r j tb^ Phillip, Duke of Orleans, Regent Marie Horthemels \ fecit, ^c. ~ — — ROYAL FAMILIES. ^i / 560 His Majesty George 3d, and Queen Charlotte, half lengths, after J. ZofFany, Rich. Houston fecit, proof 56\ Ditto, and Family, ditto, and lettered impression 561 His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, after Tho. Gainsborough, engraved ly John Raphael Smith, whole length, standing, with horse, first plate ^ ^j^ 563 Ditto, and Duke of York, whole lengths, standing in the Orders of the Garter and Bath, painted by R. Brumpton, engraved by J. Saunders — 6 / / // '& n et -2 6 / ^1 ♦ 564 William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, on horseback, — Lord North, after N. Dance, sittings— and George Fourth, Earl of Waldegrave, &c. after J. F. Rigaud, RXch. Earlom sculp, private plate, scarce — 3 PEERS. 5Q5 James the Second, Earl of Waldegrave, /. Reynolds pin. J. Mc Ardell fecit, scarce 5QQ Thomas Lord Lyttleton, with the Vision in the back ground, R. Cosway, R. A. pin, 1/80, engraved ly Cha. Townley, 178I, scarce and fine 567 Lord Harcourt, Lord North, &c. 563 Edward Lord Thurlow, Lord High Chancellor, Sir Jos, Reynolds pin. F. Bar tolozxi sculp. 1/82 ( 45 ) 9^9 G. S, Harcourt; Viscount Nuneham— Earl ditto, and Mr. Horace Walpole, ly D. P. Pariset, different states, SCc. -^ — — 6 570 Horace Walpole, &c. /. Reynolds pin. Jos, Mc Jrdell fecit y scarce and fine 571 William, Earl of Strafford, /. Reynolds pin. ditto — Countess of Essex, ditto, ditto, 8Cc» .-^ 1 / o\ PAINTERS, &c. 572 William Penketh man, /. 5y»z7^/mV, wood mtiy and others, by Marshal, Vaughan, ^c, . 4 Parcel to Illustrate Shakespere's Play Scenes, &c. / 5 Fifty-eight, English Titles, &c. 6 Forty-five, Teleraachus, by C. Taylor, .^ -^^ ^^|r^^ > 7 Twenty-six, Life of Mahomet, &c. from Burtieyv hy Rhodes, ^ iS)c. etchings ai}d proofs. 8 Large Parcel from Novelist Magazine, by Heath, iSfc, from / Stothard. ; 9 Ditto, ditto. 10 Ditto, ditto. 4\^ 11 Twenty, from Telemachus, &c. after Stotliard, all proofs. ,y /^ ' > 12 Thirty, Vicar of Wakefield, Sterne, Eobinson Crusoe, &c. after ditto. 13 Nineteen, from Harding's Prayer Book, Sylph, &c. by. (7o/- lyer. Sharp) i^c. some proofs, after ditto. B ,3 ^f ( 2 ) 1^1^14 Five, Jacob meeting Rachael, Alfred in the Danish Camp, &c. in colours^ ditto, ly Parker, t^c. 15 Sixty, from various Poetical Works, after Westal, Hamilton, &c. by Heath, Neagle, tsfc. BARTOLOZZI. AAf^ // y/ // '^ V' 16 Three, Transparency at Sir Joseph Banks', and Portrait of ; Omai, by Bartoiozziy tsfc. ^^ I // 17 Four, Prince and Princess of Wales, Captain Grose, &c. by ditto. "'-^^^ -'^^^'^ A' \^ yh 18 Six, Marquis of Lansdown, Captains Cook, King, &c. by do. -2 x? 19 Nine, Lord Hawke, Lord Rodney, Sir Henry Clinton, &c. all vi by ditto. ^\2^/' 20 Four, Lady Spencer, Lady Cowper, Lady Jane Dtindas, arid ; Mrs. Siddons, ditto. ^ ^ Jo 21 Five, Duchess of Devonshire, ovals , Lady Spencer and Miss Bingham, ditto. '<' ^^,^^22 Fifteen, ovals , Duchess of Kingston in Iphigenia, Mrs. Bel- I lamy, &c. ditto. '''■\^/r .iza Nine, Otaheete Dance, Judgement of Paris, &c. ditto. " \2A <^^^ Seven, Four Seasons, Conjugal Love, &c. ditto. y/:A\yr 2^ ^^^y Mrs. Crouch, from Romney, proof impression, Miss i i » Brunton, proof, Signora Allegranti, on satin, &c. ^\^\ o 26 Two, Alia Maesta, and Vandyke's Wife, fine. /^ 27 Two, Mother and Child, Lady and Ditto, fine, 28 Seven, Piair, Fonrose ahd Adelaide, Zephyrus and Flora, &c. Gvals. 9 7% Fiv^^ Ditto, Nymphs Bathing, &c. all proofs. J^\ ff 30 Nine, Venus and Adonis, some in colours. y^^ 31 EighJ, ovals, Zaraida, Fatima, &c. some proofs. j2/\^%2 Ten, iFour Elements, prtmfs, Apollo, &c. /^ !^^32*Pair, cvals, Bacchus and Venus, and Hercules and Omphale^ _r^ proofs. / P 33 Thirteen, Bartolozzi, C. Knight, &c. 0\ f/ 34 Twenty, from Bell's Poets, &c, by Bartolozzi 4 // ( 3 ) . 35 Four, a Sacrifice to Cupid, the Triumph of Beauty, a pair oj ^ ovals, from Cipriani, 8fc. ditto. " , 36 Five, Pair, Henry II. and Fair Rosamond, Jane Shore and ; e? /^ Edward IV. from Cipriani, Nymphs Bathing, and Zeuxis, ^' *^ ^ Painting from Angelica Kauffman, all by Bar4olo%zu y^ 37 Four, Prudence and Beauty, and Genius describing Beauty, // ^ 6 ovals, proofs and lettered impressioris, ditto. THEATRICAL. 38 Thirty- six, Mrs. Behn, by R. JVhite, Woodward in Boba- del, &c. "' 3 '' 39 Twenty-two, Monsieur De Voltaire, Baptiste Lully, Mr. Jo- ,/ s//^ ^ nathan Battishlll, &c. i n- 40 Sixty-three, Portraits and Vignettes, from JBell's British // /^ o Theatre, majii^ proofs, \ /- 4h Sixty-five, Ditto, ditto, ditto, all proofs. „ y^ o 42 Nine, Metzotinto's, Nel. Gwynn, ^rs. . Woffiqgton, ^y ^, jO f Faler, (sfc. . ' ' / , 43 Six, Mrs. Cibber, by Marchand, Henderson, by J. Jones, ^c. ''' ^/ 44 Eighteen, Mrs. Abington, Mrs. Siddons, &c. '' 2) '^ 45 Seventy-nine, English and French Theatrical Portraits. „ /^ /j AQ Seventy-three, from the Monthly Mirror, Matthews, Mpn- den, ^-c, '' S ^ 47 Fifty-four, from vi^rioi^s modern Publications, Mrs. Siddons, Madame Mara, &c. '^ . *^ C 48 Eighteen, Kemble, Cook, Thomas Sheridan, &c. "^ i ^ K 49 .Forty -four. Palmer, Kelly, Bannister, &c. ,^ i ■^ ' , 50 One Hundred and Six, Guin, Miss Pope, Parsons, &c. ' "^^ j FOREIGN PORTRAITS. 51 Twenty-four, Outline Portraits of Eminent Characters, Xa«- . don Dresc. W* Twenty-seven, Turkish Emperors, and other Asia lick Persons, ; ^ by Saedler, L. Kilian, tsfc. B 2 ^\ f 3]" 4^ ( 4 ) ^3 Fifty-six, Lewis XVI, and Antoinetta, and many relating to the French Revolution, some proofs. ^ fy5^ Forty, Ditto, with Revolutionary Characters and Dresses, in colours, /55 Seventy, of Kings and Princes of France, Spain, Denmark, &c, by Crisp. Van Queberon, tsfc. Z^ // 56 Thirty-eight, of Eminent Persons, Thuanus, &c. by The. de Bry. Moncornet, tsfc. \ y/ /5'J Thirty-five, Ditto, Scarron Mezeray, Madame Maintenob, &c. by Daret, Descochers, bfc. many belonging to Sully's Memoirs. ^ 58.*rhirty-eight, Ditto, of the House of Gondi, &c. by Fan Si- , . cjiem, F. Chauueau, ^c. \^\ ^5g Sixty, Ditto, Princes, Captains, &c. by Eg. Rousslet, ^c. j60 Twenty-eight, Ditto, of the Fugger Family, &c. by L. Ki^ lian, Dom. Custos, t5fc. // \^ /^l Seventeen, Ditto, by G. Edelink, Blondeau, kSfc. "~ Ten^ Gaston De Foix, Duke of Orleans, &c. by Faithorne, arid many in colours. /15Z Forty-four, Martin Luther, &c. by /. Suyderkoef, Harman, Yf u- As 6 T Muller, k^c. .764 One Hundred and Ten, Generals, Noblemen, &c. belonging to Sully, Clarendon, &c. by Moncornet, P. De Jade, ^c. // j55 Eighty-eight, of Authors, Clergy, &c by Mellcn, C. Pass, ^c. '^jB6 Thirteen, of Ditto, Boccace, &c. by Nantueil, P. DeJode, ksfc. 67 Thirteen, Crebillon, and G. A. De Chaulieu, by Ficquet^ ^^ Picart, ^c, 68 Fifteen, Alexander Farnise, by John Wierx, D. De Longee- ^ yille, by L. Gaultier, Tho. De Leu-Goltxius, ^c. belong- ing to Sully's Memoirs, &c. z' yOpP Seventeen, Prince and Princess of Orange, by Goltzius, Du- ' chess of Montbason, &c. by Moncornetj Huret, ^c. be- longing to Sully, &c. ^ ^ ^y^ Eight, Lojse De Lorrain, Henry Prince of Lorrain, &c. by '' Tho. de Leu, fine, belonging to ditto. /y ^ // 71 Fifty-three, Margaret of Valois, Anne of Austria, by MgU'* cornet, Nanteuil, TroycJiy tffc. all Ladies. ^^^ f/ 71 Twenty-two, of Ladies, ditto, Anne Maria Schurman, Ma- ( 5 ) dam Mantenon, &c. by Moncornet, Danncot, tsfc, bdong- ing to Sully, Clarendon, &c. 73 Two, Gabrielle D'Estrees Ninon, De L'Enclos, in colmirs, oval, by Janinet, 74 Twenty-four, Michael De Molinos, Murder of Henry III. of France, by Jaq. Clement, ^c. 75 Ninety-nine, of Cardinals, Popes, &c. by Mdlan, Moncornet, t3\. belonging to Sully, &c. 76 Twenty-two, Ditto, Ditto, by Marin, N. Dorigny, A. Blooteling, ^c. ditto. 77 Thirty-six, Ditto, by Mb. Convert, Jos. Festano, 6fc. 78 Eight, Charles De Crequy, D. Deodiguieres, and Lud. Co- ligni. Princess of Orange, by Delphi, ^c. 79 Eight, Royal Family of France, and Lewis XVI. &c. by Hubert. 80 Fifty, Celebrated Personages of Antiquity. 81 Twenty-five, of Monastic Orders, Friars, and Nuns, ../.' V VY BRITISH TOPOGRAPHY. 82 Parcel, Views in Scotland, Edenborough Castle, Holy Rood House, &c. Grosse, 83 Ditto, ditto, Glasgow, Stirling Castle, &c. ditto, 84 Ditto, ditto, Marr Lodge, Macduff's Castle, &c. ditto, ,85 Ditto, ditto, Dumfries, Glames Castle, &c. 86 Ditto, ditto, Bothwell Castle, &c. from Sanby, &c. 87 Thirty-seven, ditto, ditto, Drumlanring, Duff House, &c, ditto 88 Large Parcel, Melross Abbey, &c. ditto, 89 Twenty, Hermitage at Dunkeld, &c. 90 Twenty-four, ovals, in colours. Loch Lomon, Dumbarton Castle, &c. ^l Pair, Kilkenny Castle and Blarney, Aquatints, in colours, gi Parcel of Views in Ireland, Kilkenny Castle, Cathedral, &c. ^3 Ditto, ditto, Londonderry, Belfast, &c. from Sanby, &c. ,94 Thirty-six, Various, by Gilpin, ^c. 95 Twenty-two, Ditto, Tombs, and sowe proofs, gQ Twenty, Aquatints, Designs for Buildings, &c. ^ / 2 S ^ ( Q ) ^ ^97 Parcel, Various Views, Antiquities, &c. y^ /^98 Ditto, ditto. Copies from Buck, Maps of Counties, &c. fy 99 Twelve, in colours, from Sanby, Woolwich Common, Black- heath, &c. ENGLISH HISTORY AND PORTRAITS. ;/ ^o iQO Parcel in a Portfolio, Subjects from the History of England, ! Grignion, tsfc. ,^ ' ^ •^Ol DittQ, ditto, Brouiley, Neagle, Medland, &c, from Smirke, "^ '1^ Stothard,^c. ^ j I 102 Ninety-six, French Prints, being Interesting Events from ^ \*y ^^ the Hiitory of England, the Designs of Fundijke, Morti- j I Twer, Monet, tS^c. elegant It/ engraved by David. //\/l\ /^<^ Large Parcel of Portraits, Kings of England, by Vander Gucht, Ban?ierman, tfJ'c. // o /^^^^ Ditto, ditto, Scotch Kings. j I 105 Thirty-six, English, and Ditto, ditto, from Rajiin, Hume, ^^ ^\p &c. by Vertue, Heath, tSfc, // [X^l jT/lOQ Large Parcel, Vertue's Loyalists, from Clarendon, bfc. '■ r)\ lp7 Eleven, Edward L IIL a^d VL James L &c. by Ehtracke,, ;/K 1, S,?as$, t5fc. /' ^1^108 Eight, Cenotaph of Lord Darnley, and James Cragg's, Sen. '^ [ and Jun/ Earl of Orford, &c. Vtrtue. // /^^ 309 Forty-one, Portraits, Clarendon's Rebellion, some proofs he^ c/ fore the nmnlers, fine. ^' ^ ^ y\0 Thirty-six, Charles L and IL by Faithorne, R. IThite, ^c. y^ V 111 Four, Charles I. and Queen, by Baron, Lady Grammont, ^ I M^Ardel, &c. Q \/^}2 Seventeen, Princes of Orange, William L Maurice, &c. by Marshall, SchoUenherger, ^c. y/ A /1 13 Eleven, Emperor Maximillian, Gaston De Foix, by Guihert, ! General Ireton, Earl of Morton, &c. by Houhraken, i^c\ /f //2 114 Eight, Charles IL when Prince, two ovals, three emblema- tical, his Coronation and Marriage, and Frontispiece to Heath's Chronicle, all curious. I ^ /^ 115 Twelve, Isabella, Clara, Eugenia, Mary of Medicis, by i Phil Galle, Peier De Jode, Bu Fal, ^c. // // y/ ^ c < 7 ) 116 Nineteen, Henry III. and IV. of France, Duke De Alen- con, &c. 1 1 7 Three, Henry IV. when a Child, by Tardieu, De Marce- ,, y \^ - nay, C^c. 118 Fifteen, James I. and Family, Queen of Bohemia, &c. " •jT" ovnls, by Simon Pass. 119 One, James I. sitting in his Robes, whole length, hy ditto. " / 120 Four, Emperor MaximiUian, by Lucas V, Ley den, Louis, ,^ \^ '^ King of France, by Goltzius, fine. \ \ 121 Three, William De Croy, Emperor Rodolphus II. and John » '' (^ '' Woodall, by G Glover. . \ 122 Fifty of English Nobility, Earl of Strafford, Pembroke, &c. ''\^\'^ 123 Thirty-eight, Ditto, Lord Guildford, R.White, Earl of ^ \ ^\f Castlemaine, Faithorne, &c. 1 _j 124- Six, Lord Newburgh, proof, private plate, t^c. ^^ .iJ 125 Thirty-five, Lord Shaftesbury, &c. '^ ^ 126 Ditto, Earl of Essex, Parliament Gentlemen, Edward I. \jO / Lord North, &c. . 127 Sixty-two, Lord Strafford, Thomas Cromwell, EarlofOrk- '/ ^/ .^ ney, proofs, SCc. 128 Twelve, Earl of Somerset and Countess, Henr)^ Lord ^^^y Darnley, &c. 129 Six from the Herilogia, Thomas Candish, Tho. Sutton, &c. '•^ ^^ io 130 Nine, Lord Fairfax, Duchess of Buckingham, &c. by . Brereton, SCc. " ^\ " 131 Ten, Lembart's Ladies, from Vandyke, fine old impressions, // 1 a Uf ( s ) Second Day's Sale, BOOK PLATES, &c. Continued. ^■ I ! ^" -" / '/ 131* X HIRTY-THREE from Spencer's Fairy Queen^ designed by Jr. Kent, ^ /^' /^ 132 Eighty, Cook's Novels^ Arabian Nights, Robinson Crusoe, ; Gil Bias, &c. designed by T. Kirk, Corlould, SCc. -^ ^'^/^ISS Twenty-six, Designs for Ovid, by Bumey, engraved by \ i Heath, Delatre, SCc. proofs, ^ \/3>o'^^ Thirty-four, Ditto, to Bowles's Sonnets, from Kirk, bj j, ^ Neagle, SCc. / ^ 135 Thirty-three, from Dr. Younge's Works, &c. after Wheatly, ^ 136 Nineteen, from Milton's Works, designed by Fuseli, engraved ly Heath, Stothard, SCc, proofs. 137 One*Hundred and Thirteen, to Sharp's British Poets, after , Fuseli, Westal, &c. by Heath, Cordon, Scheavonetli, SCc, J Irilliant impressions, many proofs. "" \Q \6 ^38 Twenty-two, Play Scenes, after Howard, Smirke, &c^ by Heath, Rainback, CSfc. fine impressions, ^^139 Eighty-five, Illustrative of Milton, from Bumey, Rigaad, &c. engraved by A. Smith, Nutter, SCc. ('a\ // 140 A Box, octavo size, containing Parcel of Plates to Parsona' I and Cooke's Novels and Poets, &g. A ( 9 ) 141 A Box> octavo size, containing Parcel of Plates to Parsons' and Cooke's Novels and Poets, &c. 142 Ditto, ditto, to Bell's Plays, Portraits, and Vignettes, proofs^ 143 Ditto, ditto, with Parcel of Outlines of the Cartoons, after Raphael, and Maps of Buckinghamshire, Dorset, Devon, Hants, Southampton, and Tutibridge Wells^ all in oasis, and coloured, . . . . ^ 144 Four, Laurie and Whittle's Map of London, 1 800-rMogg*s, ditto^ 1804 — Harris's, thirty miles round clittOy 17^7-^ England and Wales, hj Kiichin. *. > '' 145 Two, Faden's twenty-five miles round Lofidan/' 1802 — Cary's, ditto. .ii:.^A»i*. 146 Two, Faden's Map of Sussex, 1 795— CariAgton 6owleBj ditto. » 147*One, Persia, by John Macdonald Kenneir, '', 7, r 'A. :?r BARTOLOZZI, Continued. ■ ■.'■» 148 Five, Diana Bathing, proof. Nymphs Sleeping^ tlite Loved j Imprisoned, proojs. ' . • '' ^ '>' 149 Five, Cleone, Ophelia> the Goldfinch, &c. ptoop, ire. Bar- / /* tolozzti j ^ 150 Five, Rural Sports, Silence^ Guardian Angels, ditto. f/\/ p 151 Three, Tragedy and Comedy, and Euphrosine, from Ami- ' ^l /^ coni, ditto. 152 Thirteen, Four Seasons, Charity, Bartolozzi, &c. >'/ 153 Four, Sleeping Nymph, from Anb. Caracci, oval, Chilcf^ ^ from Eliz. Sirani, &c. dittb, 154 Four, Lovei and Innocence, Antiope, arid Pair of Daociri^ ,, Nymplis> froni Angelica KaufFman, proojs, dith. 155 Five, Satan, Sin, and Death, &c/ from Stdthard, My l^at^ ^ toloxzi, Sfc. 156 Four, Lais Lamia, Turkish Beauty; ahd Ciptlarii, by Bar- '/ toloxzi. . » 157 Seven, Tickets j Mansion House Ball, 1 775, Regatta, Giar*' ^ ' imVs, Madam Ban ti's, &c. ditto. C ^1 / J/ ( 10 ) // ^^' X5B Six, Ditto, Lady Mciyoress' Ball, I791,&c. diiio. t^^ 1^9 Twelve, Ditto, llanelagh Masquerade, &c. ditto, /^J'SO Ten, Ditto, Hanover-square Concert, Mr. Salpietro's Bene- ^ iit, &:c. ditto, / 6 l6l Eighti Ditto> Dragonetti's Benefiti Mr. Borghi, &c. ditto. 2^ ^ l62 TwelvCj Ditto, Handel's Masquerade Tickets, &c. ditto. / /^163 Five, Ditto, Judgment of Paris, Fine Arts, &c. siixnt proofs y ditto, J^ ^ 16A Three, Fortune, Pair, Love Caressed, &c. proofs, ditto. / /^^^^ Six, from the Castle of Otranto, &c. Tale of Love, by Shcr- . . wvfiy and a Pair from the Vicar of Wakefield, by Bat^ iotoxzi. ^^ 1 // ^ ,'^j66 Seven, Circles, Cymon and Iphigenia, Judgement of Paris, J/ &c. by Ryland, and Lauretta, by Bartolo^n. 167 Pair, incotopttSf Paulus Emelius, Cleopatra and Meleagar, from Angelica Kauffman, ditto. J68 Eight, Admiration, Meditation, &c. some proofs, and in colours f ditto, , \^ Pair, Lovelace in Prison, Death of Lindamore, in colours, ditto. ^ ,^ J 70 Two, Pair, Love Rejected, Love Caressed, the PoAver of Love. n)^ f 111 Power of Beauty, from Cipriani, in colours, fine, ditto. Theatrical, Continued. ^72 Fifty-seven, W< Cartwright, Jos. Harris, &c. / ^ 173 One Hundred and Twelve, Mrs. Centlivre, King, Emery, &c. J 74 Thirty-six, Mrs. Glover, Miss Duncan, from Bell and De Camp's Edition, many proofs. ^ /^7S Fifteen, Mrs. Garrick, Miss Duncan in Letltia Hardy, &c. 176 Ten, Madame Grassini in the Virgin of the Sun, Madame Parisot, Mrs. Pope, from De Wilde, proof, and in colours, be. ^''177 Three, Shakspeare, by Trotter, from Mr. Felton's Picture. >^ 1/8 Four, Mr. Reddish, in Posthumus, Oh Che Bocconi, and Miss Mellon, in colours, ^c. /a r y/ ( 11 ) 179 Three, Jemmy Li Touche, O Rare Show, James Gouier, Musician to his Britannic Majesty, by John Livem, Pupe and Cibber, scarce. 180 Five, Ant. Leigh, in Spanish Friar, D. Garrick, &c. 1 Four, Musical Portraits, Geminiani, Monticelli, &c. 182 Four, of Actresses, Mrs. Oldfield, Mrs. Hartley, &c. FOREIGN TOPOGRAPHY. // 183 Eighteen, Church at Calcutta, Bastile> and curious View of the Siege of Buda, &c. 1 84 Fifty, Port of Palerma, &c. from Claude, Lorrain, &c. 185 Fourteen, King of Prussia's Palace, at Potsdam, &c. 186 Sixteen, Views, Grand Cairo, Ale.\andria, &c. in Aquatints. 1 87 A Parcel, Lisbon, Oporto, &c, 188 Thirty, Aquatints, from Ireland's Tour to Holland, &c. 1 89 Six, Plans of Parjs, by P. Avsline, SCc. and oblong Views of Paris, Milunt del et Sculpt, with reference, Jlne and curious. 190 J)ighteen, Ditto, Curious View of Dunkirk, by CI, Dujlos, /, ^c. 191 Ten, Ditto, Germany, Brussels, Spa, &c. in colours, 192 Twenty-eight, Views, 8fc. etched, by Claude, JVaterloa^ // Weiroiter, &c. 193 Four, from Claude, G. Poussin, by Cannot, Fipares, SCc ^^ 194 Six, Views iq Seville, Jesuits Church, with Processions, &c. // curious, 195 Five, from Tasso Jerusalem, by P. Sanhy, S(c. f I9S Four, Views in India, by W. Byrne , Midland, Angus, 8(c, // 197 Fourteen, ditto, by Hodges, J. Wells, 8Cc, Aquatints., // 198 Fifty, ditto, by Medland, SCc, ^^ 199 Twenty-nine, ditto, by Morris, Fit tier, Seringapatam , SCc. // 200 Twenty-one, ditto, Smyrna, &c. in colours, Processions, &c. • 201 Twenty-six, ditto, A. Dalrympje's Views of Tanjour, &:c. n 202 Book of Landscapes, engraved by Collart, with Scripture) '' History, SCc, C? 4 / V /' // I (' 13 ) / ^203 Fifty- two, -Dresses, Customs and Ceremoines of the Mogul' . , .. Empire, &:c. ^ ^^ 204 Eighty, ditto^ from Picart, ReFigious Ceremonies, &q. y ^205 Seventy, ditto, Natives of St. Dominipa, &c. ^ /5205 Large Parcel, Cruelties of the Spaniards in Perw, &c. with "^ the H$l>its and Custonis of _the Natives^ See. curious, ENGLISH TOPOGRAPHY, Contrnued. ^ 207 Thirty-two, hy Hassell, in Kent and Surrey, of Gentlemen's -• Seats, Aquatints, in colours, some proofs. '^ 208 Twelve, Birche's Views in England. ^20g Thirty-six, ditto, in colours. /^lO Eighteen, Views on India Paper to Illustrate Daye's and Bloomiield's Poems. ^^ 211 Parcel of Grosse's Views in Hampshire, Kent, Norfolk, &c, '^ 212 Ditto, ditto, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Suffolk, &c. I 7^1^213 Ditto, ditto, Surrey, Sussex, &c. '\J[ .^ 214 Ditto, ditto, Northumberland, &c. jtjTi'^ 215 Ditto, ditto, Warwick, V/estmorland, Yorkshire, &c. ^^216 Ditto, ditto, Caernarvonshire, Glamorgan, Monmouth, &c. ^4^ /> 217 Ditto, ditto, with letterpress accounts, Berkshire, Chester, &c. ^1 ^ 218 Fifty-two, Views in Berkshire, Basildon House, Windsor, &c, ^ /^2Vg Thirty-one, ditto, Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire. / s A 320 Twenty-one, ditto, Cambridgeshire. // 221 Thirty-one, ditto, Chester Castle, by Parr, Sfc. , 222 Fifty-two, ditto, Cornwall, Cumberland, Pecklington's Island, &c. ^ 223 Twenty-four, ditto, Cumberland, by Rosenlerg, 8Cc, A 224 Fifty-two, ditto, Derbyshire, Hadden Hall, &c. 1^25 Sixty, ditto, ditto, Matlock, Vale, &c. ^ ENGLISH HISTORY AND PORTRAITS. • Continued. 226 Seven, Whole Lengths of Ladies, from Van Dcyke, by P, Van Gunst. ( 13 ) 227 Two, Vandyke'? Wife, by S, Bolswert and iK Faithme, Jine and scarce. 228 One, the Five Bishops, who Suffered Martyrdom, ^wgwifgrf. by R. White, Jlne old impression, 229 Two, Jos. Hall, Bishop of Norwich, and William Par.ini, by The. Mat ham, scarce. 1 6;-.^: 230 Ditto, John Dethick, by P. Lamlert, and William Kerjlck/ R. White, ditto. - [^''■- 23l Four, And. Tvivetus, S. Pass, Augustus Duke of Sai^ny, Elstrack, Hugh Peters, &e. 232 Three, luood cuts, F. Peters, Queen Henrietta, Confisor Stahbridge, and Phillip II. scarce. 233 Five, from the Rare Book of the Life of Edmund Jenmgs, and Portrait of P. William Ireland Jesuit, by C.^an Merten. 234 One, Oliver Plunket, by R Collin, fne. 235 Ditto,^ Charles ll. in Armour, Crown, &c. 230 Three, Oliver Cromwell Crowned, by Tyranny and Perly, and the Rbyal Oake of Brittayne, curious. 237 Two, Elizabeth sitting in Parliament, R. White, aodhe Emperor and King of Spain in Counsel, with Satbal Verses, Crispin Pass, curious. 238 Three, Henry Frederick Prince of Orange, and the Statof Holland, James II. in Parliament, Prince of Denrrk and Bishop Sancroft, &c.. by J. Gole, and the Sea Fht between the English and Dutch, 16/3, with Portraiof Prince Rupert, Marshal De Estre, &:c. scarce. ' 239^ Two, Marquis Spinola and Albert Duke of Austria, hi Reubens, by James Muller. 240 One, Christian IV. of Denmark, by Jas. Muller, Jindi scarce. 241 Two, Christian Duke of Brunswick, and Charles Cc| Palatine of the Rhine, by IK James Delph. 242 One, Tom Durfey and theDake of Dorset, at Ivnowle, r F. Simov, rare. 243 One, Lady William^, whole length, scarce, by J^echei, \ 244 One, Madam Parsops, by Ferkolie, ditto. 'r 245 One, Walter Curie, Bishop of Winchester, %y ^eci/. -■■A '^Y fv v I ^ /%" I /: " Mi My ! - 2^^ <3 ( 14 ) / / '^ i? ^ 2-16 One, John Bab mgton, hy J. Droeshout. S]^-' 24 7 One, Lord Shaftesbury, by R. White, > 248 One, W. Sancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, by David Loggan, fine and scarce, «r 249 One, F. Kirkman, Citizen of London, scarce, ^2500ne, Signer Spinacuta and his Monkeys, see Granger, vol.4, page 353. /^ 25 1 Two, Pope Gregory IV. by G. Yate%, and Phillip Prince of Orange. ]^ 252Two, Mustapha, Emperor of the Turks, by ditto, and Acomath, sold by Compton Holland, ^, 252Two, Demetrius Czar of Muscovy, by T, Cockson, and Sigismund Prince of Transilvania, by R. Elstrake, Cornp^ ^ ton Holland, Excudit. ^ 25^0ne, Albert Arch Duke of Burgundy, R. Elstracke, sculp, are to be sold by Compton Holland. f* 25.0ne, Sir Edward Coke, Simon Passe, sculp. London, Comp^ ton Holland, excudit, rare. ^; 25(One, Rob. Cecil, Earl of Salsbupy, are to be sold by John Hind, ditto, „ 25 One, Henry Veere, Earl of Oxford, are to be sold by Comp- ton Holland, over against the Exchange, extra rare, ,, 250ne, Pourtracture of the Right Excellent Prince Henry, Lord Darnley, Duke of Albany, Father to our Souve- laigne, James of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland, King, Knight of the Noble Order of St. Michael, extra rare andjine, O Wj\ f' 2*0ne, Sir Giles Strangways^ by R, White, extra fine and rare. / / / ( 1^ ) Third Day's Sale. BOOK PLATES, &c. Continued. LOT ^5^ ]L OURTEEN, Life of Lord Nelson, by Bromley Wor- thington, proofs on India paper 260 Twenty, Illustrative of Milton's Paradise Lost, designed by H. Richter, &c. engraved by T. Rkhter, Sen. &c. many in colours 261 Twenty, Ditto, from Corbould, &c. by Heath, ^c. some in ,/ colours 262 Book, Blank Leaves, containing Nineteen Amorous Subjects ^-^ i ty' 263 Twenty-eight, from Fontaine's Tales in a small Port Folio // ;^ j/^ 204 Thirty, Ovid's Art of Love, &c. in colours, from Corbould; &c. in ditto 265 Parcel from Gay's Poems, by Lud. du Guernier, SCc. in do. " \/ 266 Forty-three, Cabinet of Genius, by Charles Taylor, from 4 Shelly, in ditto 267 Parcel, various, book plates, &c. in ditto ^ 268 Ditto, from Trusler's Habitable World, Cruelties of the Spa* /, niards in Peru, &c. in ditto 269 Fifty, Illustrative of Thomson's Seasons, from Westal, Fuseli, Hamilton, &c. by Heath, Parker, Rhodes, isfc. proofs and etchings in ditto 270 Eighty-two, Book Plates, by Hall, Bromley, J. Taylor, SCc, ^^ in ditto,, mostly proofs and etchings 3 /r ^, ^ (16 ) ^7i A Box Port Folloy containing Parcel of Plates, from Ovid'» Metamorphosis, &c. 272 A ditto, Oct. size. Parcel from Pope's Works, &c. 273 Ditto, with a large Parcel Various ^274 Ditto ditto. Novelist Magazine Prints, &c. ■y 175 Ditto ditto, ditto /^ Ly^> 276 Sixty-three, Portraits to Harding's Grammont, 4to Edition ^^ // 277 Forty-two, ditto ditto .^278 Thirty-six, ditto ditto X' 279 Thirty-nine, ditto, to White's Edition in Octavo /^ /T280 Forty-nine, ditto, to Herbert's Scotch Biography, 4to, con- I >j sisting of Ladies ^'SS^Y' 281 Twenty-six, ditto, ditto. Various 282 Seventeen, ditto, ditto, Kings and Queens 283 Fifty-three, ditto, of Nobility ^ 284 Twenty-nine, ditto. Clergy ; 2j/^285 Thirty-two, ditto. Knights and Gentlemen ,, I • i /^86 Twenty-one, ditto ditto ditto BARTOLOZZI ContlniieJ. I • ' ■ -' ' ^^% 'h 287 Three, Nymphs Bathing, Psyche going to Bathe and Dres*,. I in coloursj ditto, ditto / ^ 3S8 Five, Paris and Oenone, Humility, and some Proofs, %n jr^ colourSy ditto y ^ 289 Eight, from Ariosto Secundus, &c. on satin, ditto 290 Seven, from Lady Beauclerc's Poem of Leonora, by Bario* lo%zi, SCc. proofs coloured yf\^ /^^l Lodona, from Maria Conway, by Bartolozzi, in colours A y^O^I Four, Affection, and a Bacchante, from Greuze, by BartO' I ) lozzi, SCc. in colours ^' \2^ y^ 293 Three, Liberality and Modesty, &c. from Guido, by jS'Jr Robert Strange yf ^^294 Two, Mary Magdaline, &:c. Cleopatre, from ditto, by ditto^ ;-? ^ -^^ yy jb 295 One, Esther and Ahasuertis, from Guercino, by ditto, ditto // \/^ ^2Q6 One, Diana and Acteon, from Phillip Lauri, by W. Ifoolkt^ / ditto iT ■ ( 17 ) "* *l^f Fifteen^ Edwin and Angelina, Edwin arid Emma, &d. by 1 A/^ Haward, Legat, SCc, some proofs / 298 Eighteen, pair from Shelly, Calypso, &c. Helen, by iVtt^/er, // \0^ various Tickets, by Delatre, SCc. \ 299 Eighteen, Faith, Hope, &c. Circles, from Ang. Kauffman, by // \/ Ryland, SCc. some proofs 300 Nine, Venus and Adonis, &c. from the Antique, by Fandra- // ^ j^ mini Rosinay from Stothard, by C. Knight, SCc. 301 Four, Telemachus in the Court of Sparta, &c. by Ryland // / ' 302 Five, Ovals, Patience, Orpheus and Eurydice, by ditto, and // i^^ Death of Eloisa, by Burke, SCc. from Angelica Kauffman 303 Seven, Genius of Modesty, by Ryder, Adam and Eve, by // \^ Faridrajnini, Nym]^hs reposing, 8zc. some proofs . 304 Fifteen, Lady in -Turkish Dress, by Ryland, the Mother's i ^ Care, &c. by Marcaurd, SCc. in colours, some on satin . 305 Seven, of Ladies in Bed, from Peters, by Dickinson, January // ' /^/^ and May, Sec. in colours, some proofs - . ^ r^ 300 Six, Ovals, Jesica and Lorenzo, Beatrice and Benedick, &c. from Shelly, by Nutter, and Angelica and Medoroj from West, by Facius, in colours 307 Six, Love enamored, from Hopner, by Tomldns, Venus>^ from Peters, &c. i« co/o«7-5 v 308 Pair Venus, from Titian, by Cheesman, SCc. in colours ^^ l'^' 309 Two, of Nymphs Bathing, plain and in colours - // i^/ ^ 310 Nine, Mrs. Mountain, Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Humpjnies, &c* from Adam Buck, in colours : ; T f;s C r r a. ENGLISH TOPOGRAPHY, Gontinuecl. 311 Sixty-eight, ditto, Devonshire, Plymouth, Edystone Light Houses, &Ci by Hollar, SCc. 312 Forty-one, ditto, Dorsetshire, Weymouth, Corfe Casilej &c. ''-' \3 313 Tweuly-tiine, ditto, Durham Cathedral, Barnard Cas'tld, &c. 3 1 4 Sixty-nine, ditto, Essex, Waltham Abbey, New Hall, &Ci 315 Seventy-four, ditto, Hampshire, Netley Abbey, PorlchL-ster • ■ Cistle, he. , . .; D w ■■/ A2/ 9 318 Jf 3J9 // 320 ^ 321 // 322 ^^\^y 323 'U -324 // ^ 326 ( 18 ) Parcel in Gloucestershire, Berkley Castle, Robin's Wood Hill, &c. Thifty-six, ditto, Charles Tomkins' Views in the 'Isle of Wight, coloured Fifty-two, ditto, ditto, Aquetints Fifty, ditto, St; John's in tlie Isle of Wight, G^tcomb and Fairlee^ &c. TWeiity-three, ditto, Hertfordshire, St. Alban's Abbey, Brocket Hall, and Account of Aspeden Church, &c. Twenty-four, ditto, Herefordshire, ClifFor-d's Tower, &c. some in colours Eighty-eight, ditto, Kent, Canterbury, Penshurst, &c. Eighty-seven, ditto, ditto, Sheerness, Woolwich, &c. Thirty-six, ditto, ditto, Tunbridge, Knole, &c. some in colours Eighty-two, ditto, Lancashire, Leicestershire, Furness Ab-^ bey, Belvoir Castle, &c. Forty, ditto, Lincolnshire, Leicester, Boston, &c. f/ // 1^> 3 ENGLISH HISTORY and PORTRAITS, Continued. 327 Three, Reuben's Wife, J. B. Michel, with whole Length, by CkamlerSy &Cc. 328 Two, Lord John atid Lord Bernard Stuart, M'Jrdell, R. Tompson, Exc. scarce 32g Three, Sir Stephen Fox, Sir Rich Haddock, by IV. Faith- orne,jun. and the Lord de la Mer, by John Smith, scarce 330 Four, John Bunyan, Housten fecit , Hump. Wanley, by John Smith, and Nich. Haddock, Esq. scarce 331 Thirteen, set of Hampton Court Beauties, after Sir Gw Kneller, by Faher 332 Thirty-six, of Ladies, Dutchess of^Mazarine, &c. 333 Eighty-live, ditto, Jane Shore, &c. 334 Twenty^five, ditto, Dutchess of Orleans, Sec. ^35 Twelve, ditto, St. Helena, by S, Bolswert, SCc. 336 Fpur, ditto. Princess Sobieski, Marg. of Parma, by J. Lom^ Tnelin, and Catharine Daughter of Sir John Goodwii>, from the House of Uvery, by Faler (■ 19 ) \fl 337 Thirty-five, Maiy Queen of Scots, by, Vtrtue, SCc, 'fl/^ // 338 Five, ditto, P. Gunst, Vertue, Faber, &c. /T^O '^ 339 Four, ditto, in the Dress in which she went to Execution, b/ "JT^'Tv^ Gax^wood. (^ '< 34u Pair ditto, receiving Sentence of Death, from Stothard, ^J.:.}\ ^^ Gaugain [ 341 One, Resigning her Crown, after Runciman, by ^^S^^f //K^^ ^ fine proof J 342 Twelve, Ladies in Circles, Princess Mary, by Hollar, SCc. //- ! ^ ^^ 343 Three, ditto, Dutchess of Richmond, Countess of Portland, ^J^ Lady Gerrard, &c. 344 Thirty-rfine, large and small Dresses, by ditto 345 Twenty-one, ditto, ditto 346 Sixteen, of Ladies, &c. from Vandyke // 347 Four, ditto. Countess de Bossu, by Mor'in, P. Thomas of \ ^ Savoy Pontius, Sir Kenelm Digby, by Vorst, and Colyns '''' de Nole, P. de Jode, Mat. Vander Enden, Exc. 348 Thirty, Richard Cromwell, Alex. Henderson, &c. by Hollar ^^ , and Gaywood 349 Sixteen, Oval Portraits, by Hollar and Glover, Sfc. £. of Middlesex, Bp. Laud and W. Oughtred 350 Fifteen, W, Fenner, Richard Bernard, &c. 351 One- hundred, of Authors, Physicians, &g. by li. White, Feriue, Sfc. ^ 352 Fifty-six, of Generals, &c, '' /y 3-53 Fifty, ditto // ' ^ 354 Sixteen, Cleeveland the Poet, CI. Salmasius, B>ic*hy Mellan, -f Cross, R. IVhite, S{c. '[^ 355 Fourteen, Sir John Hayward, by W» Pass, W. Hole, Ed Ward, by /^ Shertvin 356 One-hundred and twenty. Authors, Physicians, &c. by R. ^j White, Vertue, &Cc. 357 One-hundred and twenty, ditto, ditto, ditto ^^ 358 Sixteen, relating to Sir Francis Dr^ke, Sir W. Ralegh, Sir George Rawdon, by R. WhJ'te, t^c. 3c59 Fo|-ty, Views, &c. Piranesi, VoJpato, &c. D2 // / 3 ( 20 ) ^j^\ ^ 360 Five, Discovery of Ulysses, after Teniers, by Marline and Le . Bas, and a Meeting of Officers in the Rebellion, l648, '. proof, 8ic. a 36 1 Twelve, Portraits, Joseph IT, Prince de Saxe Coburg, &c. ^ 362 Twelve, ditto, Duke of Brunswick, Pius 6th, by J. Adam, ; Prince Potemkin, &c. ^i^3^3'iFifteen, ditto. Ladies, Catharine II. Empress of Russia', Lu- . dovica Queen of Denmark, by Bernigeroth, Catharine , Princess Galatzin, by R. Gaillard, SCc. ^364 Seven, Francis II. Emperor Frederick II. of Prussia, by. ClemejiSj Sfc. j^Q5 Four, Clement Augustus, Bp. of Munster, hf J. Audran, '. Peter, the Son of Peter I. of Russia, Peter II. by C. A. ■ TFortman, Sfc, 366 Nine, Frederick, King of Prussia, and Princes of Prussia, by . Joh. E. Nilson , y^67 Twenty-nine, Got, Guil. Leibnizuis, the Philosopher, by Bernigeroih, Sfc. ' : 36s Fifteen, Battles of the King of Prussia, Minden, 1758, d(c. ^o6g Nineteen, Portraits of ditto, reviewing his Troops, &c. : /^l ./^iS/O Seven, Confirmation of the Edict of Nants, by Henry III. of : /^ France, Revocation of ditto, by Lewis XIV. Jan. Luiken, • j , fecit, Coronation of William and Mary, by B. Stoopendaal, I I and taking of Vigo, by Roman de Hooge, Sfc. curious i^^. 371 Eight, Duke of Brunswick, hy CL Kohl. George William^ • Duke of Brunswick, by P. de Jode, and others of the House of Brunswick / X 372 One, Prince John Potemkin, Ambassador from Russia, R. White, sculpt, scarce '^ y- 376 Two, Princess Sobieski, by Jac-Frey, ditto, with Emblems, Gerard Edelink, Effigies , sculp, scarce ( 21 ) 2"^"; Seven, Rupert Duglass, hy Peler De Jode, Sir William Waller, Robert Lord Brooke, and Robert Earl of War- wick, from Heath's Chronicle, Jine. 373 Siege of Maestricht, M. D. Jonge, Invent, J. F.Felde, Fecit, // /j on six sheets, not joined , scarce and Jine. // //^ Fourth Day's Sale. BOOK PLATES, &c. Continued. LOT 381 l;ORTY-ONE, ditto, belonging to the British Cabinet, quarto. 382 Fifty-two, ditto, ditto. Duplicates. '^ "^'^/f \/^ V 383 One Hundred and Fourteen, ditto, to the Biographical Mit- ' ror, 4to. proofs andjirst impressions. j^ r ^ 384 Eighteen, ditto. Sir George Villiers, Carr, Earl of Somerset, / / y and Countess, &c. proofs, andfrst impressions. 385 One Hundred and Eighty, ditto. Royal and Noble Authors, /? ^// / quarto. • 386 One Hundred and Nineteen, ditto, ditto, some Duplicates. 2^\/A^^^ 387 One Hundred and Eighty-seven, ditto, ditto, ditto, proofsy 8Cc. 8vo. ^ 388 One Hundred and Ninety-nine, ditto, ditto, ditto,/ some proofs, last edition, engraved In/ Bocquct, in 4 to. fme.^ 389 Ninety-eight, Richardson's Portraits to Illustrate , Granger, ^ Clarendon, Pennant, &c. 8vo. 300 Eighty-one, ditto, in 4 to. " ^ ( 22 ) / / / ^391 Forty- two, Caulfield's Remarkable Characters. r a92 Twenty-eight, Costume of London. // I ^ /^ 393 Ditto, coloured. j / /^?94 Five, Taylor and Skinner's Survey of the Roads of North ' ^ Britain. ^ 395 Knox's Map of Scotland, Kirkwood, &c. Son's Map of Scotland. ^ 396 Taylor's, ditto, of Ireland, Beaufort's, ditto, coloured, in cases. .- ' A\ ^ 397 Books of Charts of the Coasts, &c. of England, Ireland, &c. from the Surveys of Admiral Knight. \a^\ /^98 Architectural Views for Cottages, Farm Houses, &c. by r ! Charles Middleton, in colours. yf ; /^ ^ 399 Two, Book Plates to Bellamy's Shakespere and NoveHst Magazine. 400 Two, ditto. Coats of Arms, and Plates to Voltaire's Hen- riard. Maid of Orleans, &c. 401 Thirty-three, Portraits of the Ambassadors at the Congress of Munster, containing the Portrait of Aloisius, Conta- , j renus, and others, belonging to the English Series, en- t j graved by F. Bignon. ^\ ^ y^402 A Collection of Portraits and Views from the Literary ^ Magazine. >y ^> »/ 403 The World Described in a Series of Maps, by Herman Moll, } ! coloured. ^'^ y^J^ 404 Twenty-five, Plates to Don Quixote, from Coypel. 405 Book of Antique Statues, Busts, &c. engraved by Faldoni, Orsolinif SCc. '\^ J^ 406 Forty, Plates of the Customs and Manners of the Turks. ^ V 407 Twenty-six, Monument Du Costume, Physique et Moral, &c. 408 Six, Cases for Pamphlets, Prints, &c. 409 Two, Portfolio's, Idue paper leaves^ with prints. ^\^\^ 410 Two, Large Box Portfolio's. 411 Book of Etchings, by Maria Cosway, of the Pictures in the Gallery De Napoleon. // // // i as ^) BARTOLOZZI, Continued. 412 Five, the Archer's Angelina, &c. from Adam Buck, in colours ■413 One, Venus and Cupids, from Westall, by Meadows, fine. 414 Two, Candaules, King of Lydia, and his Queen, by Fin- layson and Galatea, from Luca Giordano, by Richard Edrlom. 415 Ten, The Oath of Calypso, &c. from Angelica Kauffman, hy Smithy and Girl in Bed, from Peters, &c. 416 Forty-three, by Bauquoy, Martinet, Sfc, Subjects of Love, 417 Fifty, ditto, N. Le Mire, SCc. ditto. 418 Thirty-two, by Hemery, Borgnet, SCc. from French Plays, ditto. 419 Ten, The Nine Muses, from L. Paret, &c. by Carmona, SCc. Elegant Designs. 420 Forty-two, by A. Basse, Seh, Le Clerc, Sfc, 421 Five, L. Heureux Moment, Le Midi, &c. by N. De Lau-. nay, SCc. 422 Four, The Elements, from Lancr^t, by Audran, Tardieu, SCc. '^"O 423 Four, Nymphs Bathing, and Cupid and Psyche, from S. B. Renaud, by P. Be/jambe, Jine proof. 424 Three, Pigmalion, et Hony Soit Qui Maly Pense, Hubert, sculp. 425 Two, Venus Sleeping, ditto, and Cupid, by Joan. Bapt. Locat, sculpt. 426 Six, ditto, from Titian, by Vascellini, ditto, with Cupid, by Mossard, Three Graces, from Reubens, by ditto, SCc, 427 Fourteen, Hollar, De Marcenay, Ostade, &c. 428 Twenty-four, 44am and Eve, by John Sebald Beharn, J. S, Pens, SCc. fine. 429 Nine, Cartoons, by Fittler, from Raphael, on India paper, first impressions. 430 Twelve, Rembrant, Worlidge, &c. Adam and Eve, Joseph and his Mistress, &c. '/ s S r ¥ ( 24 ) / -^ 431 Twelve, Historical, Augst. Carraci, Carlo, Maratta, Mor- timer, &c. ^ ,'// 432 Ten, Etchings, by Simon Cartarini, Vlefehre, SCc. of Holy Families, &c. ^ \ // 433 Three, The Aldobrandi Marriage, from the Antique, by J. Mocketti, Continence of Scipio, from Poussin, St. Ste- phen, from Le Sueur. i^l/*434 Twenty-four, by /. Le P autre, from Ovid's Metamorphosis, impressiojis . ENGLISH TOPOGRAPHY, Continued. ^y-^Y' 435 Twenty-six, J. T.Smith's Antiquities of London, //j ^ U'^436 Thirty, Whitehall Gate, Lambeth Palace, &c. // T'S^ _ 437 Sixty-eight, of Monuments, Churches, &c. in London, /,V^j/^438 Forty-two, Whitehall Stairs, College of Physicians, &c. " Vi^ C^^^ Fi%> Ackerman's Views of London, in colours. '\^ .nAAO Sixty-seven, Middlesex, Highbury, arid Cannonbury Places, ^i«^ '^441 Twenty, Kensington, Twickenham, &c. y/y^^ pA^I Forty-six, Monmouthshire, by J.Gardnor, S. Ireland/ Sfc^ ^ /^ Aquatints. ^j^ ■ 443 Forty, Northampton, Norfolk, Wakefield Lodge, Great ' ,, Yarmouth, &c. K '^>7444 Eighteen, Norfolk, Norwich Castle, Acre, &c. /'l/^^ 445 Sixty-eight, Northumberland, Newcastle, &c. ^\&h' 446 Twenty- two, Nottingham, Newsted Priory, &c. ////'/ 447 Fifty, Oxfordshire, Blenheim, Nuneham, &c. "''f^ -^ 448 Forty-nine, 4n Shropshire, Leasowes, Shrewsbury, &c. * ^^ ivJ^I '^ 449 Thirty-seven, Somersetshire, Bath, Bristol, &c. // [^-1^450 Fifty-three, Staffordshire, Tutbury Castle, Lichfield, &c. ^ '>^^^ 451 Twenty-four, Suffolk, Wingfield Castle, &c. " .f '/^:y/45'2 Thirty-four, Surrey, Richmond Hill, Clapham, &c. somf in colours. // // ( 2^ ) REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. 453 Thirty-eight, Bampfylde Moore Carew, Rich. Brothers^ &c, 454 Twenty, Hamet, Ben Hamet, Morgan, Davis, &c. 455 Seventy, Jeffery Dunstan, &c. 456 Ten, John Trehearne, and Richard Humble, Layton Smith, &c. 457 Twenty-four, Old Parr, Henry Jenkins, &c. 458 Eight, Laurons Cries, O. Cromwell's Porter, Jos. Clark, Posture Master, &c. 459 Six, Owen Farrel, the Irish Dwarf, Jedediah Buxton, by R. Holme, John Hanna, and John Bexley, &c. 460 Seventeen, Rev. James Hackman,aslyingin Surgeons* HalJ, /^ ^^ Theod. Gardelle, &c. 461 Nine, Omai, by Bariolozzi, Lord Balmarino, Wonderful -'^ ]i> Persian Dwarf, &c. 462 Thirty-eight, Mai. Cut Purse, Mother Louse, &c. 463 Nine, Con. Phillips, Eliz. Canning, and Miss Sally King, ^c. and Lady at Confession, by J. Smith. ^ BRITISH PORTRAITS, &c. 404 Seventeen, of Generals, Sir James Ramsey, &c. some proofs, ^^ 4^5 Fontaine, P. Bayle, Colbert, &c. by Savart, Dupui, Sfc, // 466 Sixteen, Dr. Dee, George Gascoigne, &c. ^ 467 Sixteen^ Milton, by Richardson, Feriue, Cipriani, &Cc. 468 Four, Orlando Lassius, by Jo. Sadeler, Samuel Pepys, by R^. White, Phillip De Mornay, by Fertue, SCc. ,\ 46g Four, Christ. Bennet Lombart, Dr. Charlton, Gideon Her- vey, by ^. Hertocks, and John Lock, by B, Picart, v^. ' / ? I CLERGY. 47Q Parcel of Clergy, by R. JVhite, Firtue, SCc^ 471 Ditto, ditto, ditto. E \/M^ / ( 26 ) '^k^/^4;2 Twenty-four, Cardinal Pole, Archbishop Chichely, &c. ^, /^ ^ 473 Eighteen, Dr. Allestiy Loggan, Samuel "Wesley, Sen. by Fcrti{e, ^y^47t» Fourteen, Dr. Sibbes, by Marshall, Phillip De Mornay, ' ^^ " Henry De Sconberg, by Moncornet, 8Cc. Mff 479 Twenty-seven, of Judges, Ed. Anderson, by ^aithorne, Ga. Pakner, by R. White, Sfc. ^ 480 Sixty-three, ditto, ditto: ; 481 Large Parcel of Portraits, for Granger, Clarendon, Burnet, &c. in a Portfolio. 482 Seven, George 11. Frederick Prince of Wales, Duke of York, &c. by IForlidge and Nixon. ^'^y 6 ^^ Twenty, The Pretender, King of Prussia, &c. •''' i^ j^484 Thirty-one, George III. Prince of Wales, &c. ^ i from Sal. Rosa, Prodigal Son, &c. and Abra- ham's Sacrifice, from Rembrandt, by Murphxj, ( 29 ) .^ ^ 517 Four, from Rubens, Mary Magdaline washing tlie Feet of Christ, by M. Natalis, Lions at Play, &c. 518 Eighteen, the Antique Statue of Connmodius, by > 526 Ditto, Herb and Fruit, ditto, ditto, ditto. '' y 527 Ditto,^' Fruit and Flower Piece, from Van Huysom, by ditto , / / ^^ ditto, ' /^ 528 Forty, Plates to SmoUet's Don Quixote, &c. '^ '/^ 529 Twelve, Lady Hamilton's Attitudes Burlesqued. : ^^ / ^c. ditto. /^ \y^550 Eighteen, Long Minuet, Gambador's Horsemanship, &c. from Bunbury, ditto, Y y^65l Fifteen, Country Club, Propagation of a Lie, &c. ditto^ / ditto. Af X^^ Nineteen, a Connoisseur examining a Cooper, Mandafie, & ftota Vownman, hy P. Simon. // // // // I ENGLISH TOPOGRAPHY, CofitiniiecJ, * P^ /. 555 FoYty-four, ditto, Godalmirt, Guildford, &c. ^^ 556 Fifty-four, Sussex,. Arundel Castle, &c. y^ ^ 557 Thirty-t^o, Warwickshire, Guv^sClliF, Warwick Castle, &c. /A // 558 Twenty-two, Westmoreland, Windermere Lake, kc. by A Middiman, ^c. ( 31 ) 55g Twenty-eight, WiUshlre, White Horse Hill, &c. '/ 560 Twenty, Worcestershire, Evesham Bridge, &c. ^/ 561 Forty-four, Yorkshire, Rivalx Abbey, Bolton Castle^ 3cc, ^^ 562 Forty-two, ditto, Kirkstall Abbey, Knaresboroqgb Cattle, &c. // 563 Twenty-five, Views from the Topographical Cabinet, &c. ^^ 564 One, Large Portfolio, Church of CalcuttBj^ Maps, &c. ^ 565 One, ditto, Vellum, blank leaves. / 566 Four, ditto,, Leather Flaps, 5cc. 56y Seven^ Aqua,ti.i?ts, Loss of the Guair^ian, Finding of Perdita, and Warren Hastings' Trial, &c. WALES. 56f{^T^^ntyf Ui Deubigkshire, &c, Wynnstay, Trevor Hal],. &c. 565 *Thirty-three, Glamorganshire, Merioneth, Haflech Castle, &c. 566*Thirty-six, Flintsliire, Downing, Hanmer Hall, &c., 567*Seventy, Brecknoiqkshire, Brwynllys Castle, &c. 568 Seventy- three, Pembrokeshire, 3^c» 569i Twenty-four, Radnorshire, &c. by S. Ireland, aqd J. G^ndv nor. Aquatints. 570 Denbighshire, &c. Langollen, &c. J. Smith, del. J. Aiken. 570*Twenty, fecit, Aquatints,, Four, by the Rev. Bryan Brough" ton, in North Wales. 571. Parcel Miscellaneous Antiquities, / // ■w PORTRAITS, Contiwed. 57'Z Eight, Spmiuel Richardson, Gray the Foet, and Mt-. V^% &c. all by Caroline JVatson, 573 Thirteen, Wra. Whiston, Lady Coventry, Monsieur Rollin, proof, by Nixon^ others by Capt. Bailie, B. Wilson, t^c, 574 Fourteen, Metzetintos, Pretender in Disguise, by J, WU" liams, W. Rucks, I;sq. hy{ Fabc,r, ^c. ,,a -- - P.7fi ?ight,^ ditto, from. Sir Jpshua^ Eeywolds,. I^qr4( Ciirdjif, P^. // J // r ( 32 ) " 5/6 Ten, ditto. Countess of Cpventry, Duchess of Grafton, &c. '* 5/7 Seventy, Portraits to Bell's Poets, Vignettes, &c. f 578 Parcel, Portraits of Authors, &c. ■r^ 579 Ditto, ditto. ^j,^,^579*Fift7, ditto. -^ 580 Parcel, Generals, Admirals, &c. ^58} Ditto, ditto. /' 582 Eighteen, Major Andre, John Penn, Esq. &c. ^ 583 Parcel of Portraits, of Authors, Dr. Goldsmith, &c. ,7 1^^584 Twenty, Lord Erskine, Dr. H. Blair, &c. ^ \^ ^ 584* Parcel, of Generals, Admirals, Americans^ &c. \/A- 585 Fourteen, ditto, ditto. Nelson, Duncan> De Winter, &c, ; proofs, on India Paper. ^ /f^f 586 Twelve, Dr. Hawksworth, Dr. Wharton, &c. proofs, ^y^> 587 Twenty-eight, Dr. Darwin, Capt. Wilson, &c. some proofs. /, y ^588 One, Charles II. by Latterelly scarce. ^/^ X'589 One, James Naylor, by Preston, ditto. ^/X^\^ 590 Two, Thomas Hilder, by R. Vaugkany ditto, J\/ S/" 591 One, Eras. Rouse, by W. Faitkorne, ditto. 592 One, Frances, Duchess of Richmond, ditto, 593 Five, Queen Elizabeth, by Si7non Pass, Samuel Collins, by IK Faitkorne, ksfc. ^/s /Jf // CLERGY. f^]& 588*Twenty-four, W. Whiston, H. Peckwell, Francis Peck, &c. ^ jj4> 589*Parcel, Dr. Hurd, Hervey, &c. ^ \^ 1 /^ 590*Fifteen, Dr. Cook, Dean of Ely, Samuel Pegge, &c. (>^ j 591*Parcel, Dr. Newton, Bishop of Bristol, Dr. Robertson, Dr. Tucker, Dean of. Glocester, &c. 592*Twenty-six, of Lawyers, by Kay^ of Edinborough, Justice Glerck, Lord Craig, Lord CuUen, &c. /^^ i^k" i ! LADIES. ^ ^6^\h 593*Fifty, Lady Bradshaugh, Mrs. Martha Blount, &c. •«' 594 Parcel, Duchess of Maryborough, Miss Greenaway, from Sir Joshua Reynolds, &c. ( 33 ) 595" Ditto, Mrs. Sage, Mrs. Piozzi, &:c. 596 Ditto, Lady Mary Wortley Montague, &c. 597 Ditto, Mrs. Crespigny, Sjc. 599 Ten, Countess of Coventry, Mrs. Lenox, proof, and Miss Vane, Mistress of Frederick Prince of Wales, scarce. , 600 Nine, Lady Sinclair, Cons. Catherine Smith, and Mrs. Darner, proof, tsfc. 601 Twenty -five. Lady Suffolk, Lady Bradshaigh, 3cc. 602 Seven, Lady Charlotte Hoi well CutTj proof and in colours, ^c. Elizabeth, Countess Marchmont, by Pariset, scarce, 0O3 FivCj ]^dy Rushout and Child, from Angelica, Mrs:Udney, from Cosway, proof feV. 605 Eight, from Sir tloshua Reynolds, &c. Prince Serge and Family, by Car. JFatson, Lady Catherine Manners, by Gaugain, and Mrs. Chambers, &c. some proofs. 607 Four, of Ladies, Miss Flora Macdonald, Mistress to the Pretender, and Miss Murray, by Johnston, in Meizeiinto, scarce, &c. 608 Five, ditto, Metzetinlo's, Miss Fanny Murray, by M'Arddl and Johnston, scarce, Madam Davenant, &c. // /A s / Af NATURAL HISTORY. QO9 Sixty-one, Birds, Fishes, Flowers, &c, by A^. de Buyn, Oris, Passe, ^c. Conrad Gesner's Birds, wood cuts. 610 Parcel of Fables from Gay, Moore, &c. ^11 Forty-eight, of Birds, by French tngravers. Beasts, from Ridenger, &c. 612 Nineteen, Lord's Birds, coloured. 613 Forty-seven, of Birds, Beasts, and Fishes, etched ly Howiti, in colours. 614 Parcel .of Flowers, coloured. 615 Twenty, ditto, ditto. 6l0 Six, of Indian Birds and Flowers, ditto, i p\7 Six, ditto, ditto, diUo. J /f ^k .3 6' n^ m V C 3^ ) DRAWINGS. f/ (5"r8 T^^enty-s^teh, Dt-av^/in^s, Portrait of John Lb-cft, &e. ^619 l^ive, dit't'6, in cohm-s, Mb6hlight, &'c. ' // JKJO Twenty-6rte, ditto, Topogyaphica!, KiVTS"y M,' Essex, &c. ^^ 621 Ten, ditto, Portraits, Duke of Grafton, Rev, Mr. Tbplady,&c. /7e22 Thirteen, ditto, illustratiV'e bf Tasso's Jtrasalera I)elivere^^24 Thfefe, thfe Droxvtied Sailor, ahd Shi^NvrecRecT Suitor, ^vA j Game at Cribbage, Roiulandson. ^c, " . ^ // fe5 Four, Consultation, Scotch Steps, Makitfg Lbvfe, &c. ^. rfo. ^^ i/^ // (526 06"6, Portrait of F. t)achess -of Somerset, by Gardiner, highly Jinished. ■J}\ \ \ HIGHLY FINISHED INDIAN PAINTINGS. / / \ /f 627 Eleven, Portraits of the Moguls, elegantly illuminated, '^•^i^^2S Seven, ditto, Aorangzebe, &c. dilto. /^\ /- 62g Four, ditto, Shaw, Allum, Dowlat, Ram, Maratta Chief, &c. // ^\/y 630 Six, ditto. Rajahs. 63 1 Two, ditto. Lady and Attendant, 8zc. /^()32 Two, ditto, ditto, Carrying Flowers, and Man riiaking Vessels. / ^/^ !r ^^^ Three, ditto, ditto, with Fawn Woman, with Bottle and Cup ! I in her Hands, and an Amorous Subject. ^ \/u(^ ^^'^ *rhree, ditto, ditto, with Peacocks, and Women eoming with: I Presents to a Female Saint, &c. I yvj- /'ess TWb, Mogul in Counsel, and Nabobs, ditto, Smoaking, t)aiic- ■^ ing Girls, and Musicians attfefnding, &c. curious, Ctiid highly finished. ()36 Two, |^.ady Dressing, andsinguTar Figure of an Idol. 637 Two, ditto, with Female Attendants, View of a Garden, with Birds, &c. rich and highly finished composiiion, Wo- men presenting Fruit to a'N^abob, curious Costume. 03*8 One, ditto. Asleep^ richly ornamented Bed and Furniture. FINIS. // # 5!JURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO^-#- 202 Mam Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. Books may be Renewed by calling 642-3405. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUL 07 1993 AUTO DISC CIRC iW 06 d3 FORM NO. DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDM5ia3731 'C ^ imnr