J£>-^ NARRATIVi OF A Journey TO MusARD NARRATIVE OF A Journey to Mtjsardu, THE CAPITAL OF THE WESTERN MANDINGOES. BY BENJAMIN ANDERSON. Ueb-gork: W. GREEN, PRINTER, i6 and i8 JACOB STREET. 1870. D' // INTRODUCTION. Smithsonian Institution, January, 1870. It bad long been considered important by tbe friends of Liberia that an exploration should be made of the country east of the Republic. The only difficulty in the way was to find the proper man f<^r the enterprise. President Warner had for a number of years been seeking for such a one, when the author of the accom- panying narrative volunteered to undertake the exploration. He is a young man, educated in Liberia, of pure negro blood, and had previously served as Secretary of the Treasury under President Warner. Tiie narrative is printed without correction from the original manuscript, and the principal portion of the edition has been presented to the Smithsonian Ini;i5> THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY