The Incorporated Stage Society 4, The Incorporated Stage Society Founded 1899 Incorporated 1904 TEN YEARS 1899 to 1909 LONDON PRINTED AT THE CHISWICK PRESS 1909 All Rights Reserved , /^// \ Contents TS/^ < Page ) Council of Management, 1908-1909 . 6 K;j Foreword ...... 7 Officials of the Society, 1 899-1 909 . . 10 Programmes: Fifty Productions . • ^3 Index ....... 97 The thanks of the Council are due to Mr. Selwyn Image for the design on the front cover, 5 631S69 The Council of Management 1908-1909 J. M. BARRIE SIDNEY COLVIN THE HON. EVERARD FEILDING ALMERIC W. FITZROY, C.V.O. ST. JOHN HANKIN H. A. HERTZ ALDERSON B. HORNE W. S. KENNEDY W. LEE MATHEWS, Chairman of Producing Committee GILBERT MURRAY SIR SYDNEY OLIVIER, K.C.M.G. MRS. W. P. REEVES MISS LOUISE SALOM BERNARD SHAW MRS. BERNARD SHAW CHARLES STRACHEY, Chairman of Reading Committee BERNARD WATKIN CHARLES E. WHEELER FREDERICK WHELEN, Chairman of the Council ERNEST E. S. WILLIAMS and W. HECTOR THOMSON, Honorary Treasurer JOHN McLAREN (Chartered Accountant), Auditor THE UNION OF LONDON AND SMITH'S BANK Limited (Chancery Lane, W.C.), Bankers A. E. DRINKWATER, Secretary 9, ARUNDEL STREET, STRAND, W.C. The Address of the Society 6 Foreword THE work of the Stage Society during the past ten years has been a " labour of love " practically to every one who has been connected with its activities. Personal enthusiasm and un- grudging service have laid its present firm foundations. Its success is striking evidence of the fact that for an idea it is possible to secure energies without stint. Throughout its career it has been assisted by much honorary and volun- tary work. These honorary activities have not been confined to those few enthusiasts who in- itiated and directed its fortunes in its earliest years. Hard-headed theatrical managers have given the use of their theatres; prominent actors and actresses whose reputation was already firmly established have willingly given their services. Indeed, throughout the ten years of its existence the Stage Society has been able to rely on practical help and personal service from all branches of the theatrical profession. Its origin in 1899 was due to a desire to secure the production of plays of obvious power and merit which lacked, under the conditions then prevalent on the stage, any opportunity for their presentation. The record of plays pub- lished in this souvenir volume include several plays by Bernard Shaw. Mr. Shaw's reputation is now so firmly established that it is difficult to realize that his popularity with regular theatre- 7 goers is of so recent a growth, and that so many of his works first saw the light at performances of the Society. Many other dramatists whose work has since appealed to a wider public have also had their early plays presented before the members of the Society. Among them may be mentioned Mr. Granville Barker, Mr. St. John Hankin, Mr. W. Somerset Maugham, Mr, Charles McEvoy, Mr. W. Kingsley Tarpey, and Mr. Arnold Bennett. The most important function of the Society has been, and must continue to be, the search for new playwrights. Another feature of the work of the Society has been the production of classical and con- temporary foreign plays. Among continental authors of distinction whose works have been given are the Russians, Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorki, Nikolai V. Gogol, and Turgenev ; the Frenchmen, Brieux and Fran9ois de Curel; the Germans, GerhartHauptmann, Hermann Suder- mann, and Frank Wedekind; the Dutchman, Herman Heijermans; the Belgian, Maurice Maeterlinck; the Italian, Giuseppe Giacosa; and the Scandinavian, Henrik Ibsen. To these two features of the Society's work a third has to be added in the production of plays for which the Censor has refused a licence. These include works by Maeterlinck, Brieux, Bernard Shaw, and Granville Barker. The Stage Society, in fact, is an Experimental Theatre 8 unhampered by the crippling influence of the Censor, and in nothing has its work been more justified than by the hearing it has given to these plays of dramatic force and high morality. Since 1899, the year of our foundation, many Societies with more or less similar objects have been founded. In London, the Pioneers, the Play Actors, the Literary Theatre Society, and others have carried on the work of enabling new dramatists to find a hearing. In the pro- vinces, notably in Dublin, Manchester, and Glasgow, play-producing centres have been formed; and to-day many new schemes are in process of birth in London and elsewhere. All these activities increase the opportunities of the dramatist, the playgoer, and the theatre- manager. The scope and the influence of the theatre is widening. In all this teeming activity the position of the Incorporated Stage Society is clear. Side by side with the projected National Theatre and the London and provincial Repertory Theatres there must remain an Experimental Theatre. This is the position the Stage Society aspires to fill; this is the work its ten years' record of thirty-seven English and twenty-five Foreign plays has trained it to accomplish. May, 1909. B Officials of the Society 1899-1909 OFFICE YEAR NAME Chairman of 1899-] 900 Frederick Whelen THE Society 1900-] [901 William Sharp Chairman of Committee 1901-] 1902-] 1903-] [902 [903 [904 Rotation of Members Frederick Whelen Frederick Whelen 1904-] [905 W. Lee Mathews Chairman of the 1905-] [906 Frederick Whelen Council of- 1906-] [907 Sydney Olivier Management 1907-] [908 Dr. C. E. Wheeler k 1908-] [909 Frederick Whelen /■ 1904-] [905 G. Bernard Shaw Chairman of the 1905-] [906 W. Lee Mathews Producing 1906-] [907 W. Lee Mathews Committee 1907-] [908 W. Lee Mathews k 1908-] [909 W. Lee Mathews f 1899-] [900 J. H. Watts 1900-] [901 W. Hector Thomson 1901-] [902 W. Hector Thomson 1902-] [903 W. Hector Thomson Hon. Treasurer- 1903-] [904 W. Hector Thomson 1904-] [905 W. Hector Thomson 1905-] [906 W. Hector Thomson 1906-] [907 W, Hector Thomson 1907-] [908 W. Hector Thomson 1908-] [909 W. Hector Thomson 10 OFFICE Hon. Librarian < Chairman of Reading Committee Auditor . Secretary year 1899-1900 1 900- 1 90 1 1901-1902 1902-1903 1 903-1 904 I 904- I 905 1 905-1 906 1906-1907 1907-1908 1908-1909 1899-1900 1 900- 1 90 1 1901-1902 1902-1903 1 903- 1 904 1 904- 1 905 1905-1906 1906-1907 1907-1908 1908-1909 1899- 1900- 1901- 1902- 1903- 1904- 1905- 1906- 1907- 1908- 1900 1 90 1 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 NAME Bernard Watkin G. C. Ashton Jonson Frederick Whelen Nigel Playfair St. John Hankin Charles Strachey Charles Strachey Charles Strachey Charles Strachey Charles Strachey "^W. Hector Thomson *H. W. Macrosty *H. W. Macrosty *H. W. Macrosty *H. W. Macrosty John McLaren John McLaren John McLaren John McLaren John McLaren *Ernest E. S. Williams ^Ernest E. S. Williams Frederick Whelen C. Aubrey Smith Norman McKinnel Frederick Whelen A. E. Drinkwater A. E. Drinkwater A. E. Drinkwater A. E. Drinkwater Honorary II The Incorporated Stage Society Programmes: Fifty Productions 1899 to 1909 I You Never Can Tell A pleasant play in Four Acts, by Bernard Shaw. Produced by James Welch. Mr. Valentine Dolly Clandon . Philip Clandon Gloria Clandon Mrs. Clandon Fergus Crampton Waiter Finch McComas Bohun . Parlour-maid . Jo The Cook . Yorke Stephens Miss Winifred Fraser Roland Bottomley Miss Margaret Halstan Miss Elsie Chester Hermann Vezin James Welch Sydney Warden Charles Charrington Miss Mabel Hardinge Edward Knoblauch Leopold Profeit At the Royalty Theatre, 26th Nov., 1899. 13 II Mrs. Maxwell's Marriage A Domestic Drama in Four Acts, by Sydney Olivier. Produced by Miss Janet Achurch. Persons of the Play : Lowden Hamilton . . Charles Charrington Charles Crawford . . Herbert Swears Dr. Archibald Fergusson . A. E. George James Maxwell . . Hermann Vezin Beatrice Hamilton . Miss Janet Achurch Helen Crawford . . Mrs. C. E. Wheeler A Maidservant . . Miss Nathalie Brandt At the Princeof Wales'Theatre, 2istjan., 1900. 14 Ill The League of Youth A Comedy in Five Acts, by Henrik Ibsen. Translated by William Archer. Produced by Charles Charrington. Characters: Chamberlain Bratsberg Erik Bratsberg . Thora . Selma Doctor Fieldbo Stensgard . Monsen Bastian Monsen Ragna . Helle Ringdal Anders Lundestad Daniel Heire Madam Rundholmen Aslaksen A Waiter G. S. Titheradge . Granville Barker . Mrs. C. E. Wheeler Miss Winifred Eraser . Berte Thomas T. B. Thalberg Albert Gran Robert Farquharson Miss Nathalie Brandt Dallas Anderson A. Whitby Herbert Swears Courtenay Thorpe . Miss Carlingford . Charles Charrington Edward Knoblauch Servants, townspeople, guests at the Chamber- lain's, etc. At the Vaudeville Theatre, 25th February, 1 900. 15 IV The House of Usna A Drama in Three Scenes, by Fiona Macleod. Produced by Granville Barker Characters : Concobar .... Frank Dyall Duach . . . Tom Hesslewood Cravetheen . . D. Lewin Mannering Maine . . . Miss Rosalie Jacobi Coel .... Frederick Morland Ultonian Warriors. The Music especially composed by J. M. Capel. Interior By Maurice Maeterlinck. Translated by William Archer. Produced by Granville Barker Characters: In the Garden. The Old Man . . . A. E. George The Stranger . . E. Lyall Sw^ete Martha . . . Miss Jessie Ferrar Mary . . Miss Dorothy Hammond A Peasant .... Leopold Profeit The Crovvrd. i6 The Death of Tlntagiles By Maurice Maeterlinck. Translated by Alfred Sutro. Produced by Granville Barker Characters : Tintagiles . Ygraine . Bellangere . Aglovale Three Servants' of the Queen Miss Joan Burnett . Miss Edyth Olive Miss Mary Allestree J. Fisher White D. Lew^in Mannering . Frank Dyall Frank Stayton At the Globe Theatre, 29th April, 1900. 17 V The Coming of Peace (Friedensfest) A Family Catastrophe, by Gerhart Hauptmann. Translated by Janet Achurch and Charles E. Wheeler. Produced by Miss Janet Achurch. Dr. Fritz Scholz Minna Scholz Augusta . Robert William Mrs. Buchner Ida Buchner . Friebe Characters : Charles Charrington Mrs. Haydon Miss Gertrude Lovel . Granville Barker Graham Browne Mrs. Theodore Wright . Miss Dorothy Hammond O. B. Clarence At the Vaudeville Theatre, loth June, 1900. 18 VI Candida A Mystery, by Bernard Shaw. Produced by Charles Charrlngton. Characters: The Rev. James Mavor Morell Charles Charrington Eugene Majoribanks . . Granville Barker Burgess .... Lionel Belmore The Rev. Alexander Mill (Lexy) Robert Farquharson Proserpine Garnett . Miss Edith Craig Candida . . Miss Janet Achurch Morell's Wife At the Strand Theatre, ist July, 1900. 19 VII The Three Wayfarers A Legendary Trifle in One Act, by Thomas Hardy. Produced by Charles Charrington Characters : The Shepherd The Parish Constable Timothy Somers Joseph Somers The Hangman The Serpent Player The Boy Fiddler A Magistrate A Turnkey The Shepherd's Wife A Damsel Sydney Paxton Charles Rock . Frank Dyall Ivan Watson Charles Charrington Clifton Tabor J. Thursby . Herbert Swears Tom Hesslewood Miss Annie Webster . Miss Naomi Benn Peasants, Male and Female, guests of the Shepherd. Scene: The interior of a cottage near Caster- bridge. Time : A March evening at the beginning of the present century. 20 Macaire A Melodramatic Farce in Three Acts, by W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson. Produced by Charles Charrington Characters : Robert Macaire . . Geo. S. Titheradge Bertrand .... W. Cheesman Dumont .... Sydney Paxton Charles . . . Pym Williamson Goriot ..... Charles Rock The Marquis . . . Ivan Watson The Brigadier of Gendarmerie . Frank Dyall The Curate . . Tom Hesslewood The Notary . . . F. W. Permain A Waiter A. Carbell Ernestine . . . Miss Dora Barton Aline .... Miss Clare Greet Maids, Peasants, Gendarmes. The Scene is laid in the Courtyard of the " Auberge des Adrets," on the frontier of France and Savoy. The Time 1820. The Action occupies an interval of from twelve to fourteen hours ; from four in the after- noon till about five in the morning. At the Strand Theatre, 4th November, 1900. At the Great Queen Street Theatre, 8th Nov- ember, 1900. 21 VIII Captain Brassbound's Conversion An Adventure in Three Acts, by Bernard Shaw. Produced by Charles Charrington. Characters: Sir Howard Hallam . Courtenay Thorpe Leslie Rankin . . . Sidney Warden Captain Hamlin Kearney, U.SA. Granville Barker Captain Brassbound . . Laurence Irving Felix Drinkw^ater . . . H. Norton Redbrook . . Roland Bottomley Johnson .... Fred Permain Marzo . . . . Percy Anstey The Cadi . . . Victor Widdicombe The Sheikh Sidi el Assif . W. Ferris Osman .... Neville Doone An American Bluejacket . E. F. Saxon Lady Cicely Waynflete . Miss Janet Achurch Brassbound's Men, Krooboys, Arab Tribesmen, Officers and Bluejackets of the United States Cruiser Santiago. 22 Act I. In the Missionary's Garden, on the heights overlooking the Harbour of Mogador, Morocco. Act II. In a Moorish Castle in the Atlas Mountains. Act III. In the Missionary's House. At the Strand Theatre, i6th December, 1900. At the Criterion Theatre, 20th December, 1900. 23 IX Andromache A Play in Three Acts, by Gilbert Murray. Produced by Charles Charrington. Characters: Pyrrhus . . . Charles Charrington Son of Achilles, King of Phthia Andromache . . . Miss Edyth Olive Once wife of Hector, Prince of Troy; now slave to Pyrrhus Hermione . . . Miss Janet Achurch Daughter of Helen, Queen of Sparta; wife to Pyrrhus Molossus . . . Robert Bottomley Child of Pyrrhus and Andro- mache Alcimedon (sometimes called Alcimus) .... Albert Gran An old Captain of Achilles' Myrmidons Orestes .... Gerald Lawrence Son of Agamemnon, King of Mycenae; now banished for the slaying of his mother, Clytaemnestra Pylades . . . Robert Farquharson A Prince of Phocis, friend to Orestes Priest of Thetis . . . Herbert Swears First Maid to Hermione Miss Gwendolen Logan Second Maid to Hermione Mrs. Ethel Wheeler Certain Maidens, Myrmidons, Men-at-Arms, Huntsmen. 24 Act I. The Coast of Phthia. Early morning. Act II. The Hall of Pyrrhus' Castle. Act III. The Coast of Phthia. Night. The Action takes place in Phthia, on the Southern borders of Thessaly, about fifteen years after the fall of Troy. At the Strand Theatre, 24th February, 1901. At the Garrick Theatre, 25th February, 1901. 25 X Lonely Lives A Drama in Five Acts, by Gerhart Hauptmann. Translated by Mary Morison. Produced by G. R. Foss. Characters : Vockerat . . . Arthur Whitby Mrs. Vockerat . . Miss Annie Webster John Vockerat . . E. Lyall Swete Kitty Vockerat Miss Dorothy Hammond John's wife Braun .... Arthur Burne Miss Anna Mahr . Miss Florence Fordyce Pastor Kollin . . Robert Farquharson Mrs. Lehmann . Miss Nora Greenlaw Nurse . . . Miss Clare Greet Porter . . . F. W, Chapman The Action of the Play passes at Friedrichs- hagen, near Berlin, in a country house with a garden stretching down to a little lake, the Miiggelsee. The scene of all five acts is the same. Time: The Present Day. At the Strand Theatre, 31st March, 1901. At the Strand Theatre, ist April, 1901. 26 XI Pillars of Society A Play in Four Acts, by Henrik Ibsen. Translated by William Archer. Produced by Oscar Asche. Characters : Consul Bernick . . . Oscar Asche Mrs. Bernick . . Miss Annie Webster His wife Olaf . . . Master George Hersee His son, a boy of thirteen Miss Bernick (Martha) Mrs. Charles Maltby The Consul's sister Johan Tonnesen . . . Albert Gran Mrs. Bernick's younger brother Miss Hessel (Lona) Miss Constance Robertson Her elder step-sister Hilmar Tonnesen . . Bromley Davenport Mrs. Bernick's cousin Doctor Rorlund . . Charles Quartermain A schoolmaster Rummel .... Dalziel Heron A merchant Vigland . . . . S. B. Brereton A merchant Sandstad . . . A. H. Leveaux A merchant Dina Dorf . . . Miss Dora Barton A young girl living in the Consul's house Kraft . . . . D. J. Williams The Consul's chief clerk Auner . . . . A. E. George A foreman shipbuilder 28 Mrs. Rummel . Miss Lucy Franklein Mrs. Postmaster Holt Miss Mabel Hardinge Mrs. Doctor Lynge . Miss Sybil Ruskin Miss Rummel . . Miss Helen Thurby Miss Holt . . . Miss Ethel Marcus Townspeople and others. The action of the play takes place in Consul Bernick's house, in a small Norwegian seaport. The scene of all four acts is the same. At the Strand Theatre, 12th May, 1901. At the Garrick Theatre, 13th May, 1901. 29 XII The Unseen Helmsman A Play in One Act, by Laurence Alma-Tadema. Produced by A. E. George. Characters : A Widow . . . Miss Edyth Olive A Wanderer . . . Miss Joan Burnett A Nurse . . . Miss Annie Webster Two Little Children. 30 Windmills An Eccentric Comedy in Three Acts, by W. Kingsley Tarpey. Produced by A. E. George. Characters : Sir Hubert Pennefeather . A. E. George Spencer Goldthwaite Pennefeather His son . . . Ernest Lawford Hon. Philip Wykeham . . Frank Dyall Mr. Moberley . . . Sydney Warden A Police Magistrate Inspector Bott . . . Everard Digby Serjeant Fell . . . S. B. Brereton Price ..... J. Byron Magistrate's clerk Gibson . . . Victor Widdicombe Servant at Sir Hubert's Lady Pennefeather . Miss Ina Goldsmith Evelyn Rivers . Miss Lilian Braithwaite Sir Hubert's ward Lady Mabel Wriothesley Miss Mabel Beardsley Cora Moberley Miss Florence W. Bowen Act L Afternoon — In Hyde Park. Act II. Evening — AtSir Hubert Pennefeather's. Act III. Next Morning — At the Police Court. At the Comedy Theatre, 1 6th June, 1901. At the Comedy Theatre, 17th June, 1901. 31 XIII Mrs. Warren's Profession An Unpleasant Play in Four Acts, by Bernard Shaw. Produced by the Author. Praed ..... Julius Knight Sir George Crofts . . Charles Goodhart Rev. Samuel Gardner . . Cosmo Stuart Frank .... Granville Barker Vivie . . . Miss Madge Mcintosh Mrs. Warren . . Miss Fanny Brough At The Theatre of the New Lyric Club, 5th and 6th January, 1902. 32 XIV The Marrying of Ann Leete A Comedy in Four Acts, by Granville Barker. Produced by the Author. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Ann Leete Lord John Carp George Leete Mr. Daniel Tatton Lady Cottesham . Carnaby Leete . John Abud . The Rev. Dr. Remnant Mrs. Opie Dimmuck Mr. Tetgeen Lord Arthur Carp Mr. Smallpeice Sir George Leete Mr. Crowe . Lady Leete Mrs. George Leete The Rev. Mr. Tozer Mr. Prestige Mrs. Prestige . Miss Winifred Fraser Julian Royce Kenneth Douglas J. Malcom Dunn Miss Henrietta Watson H. A. Saintsbury . C. M. Hallard Howard Sturge Miss Helen Rous George Trollope A. E. George Charles V. France . J. Y. F. Cooke Arthur Grenville . Sydney Paxton Miss Bessie Page Miss Florence Neville . Ivan Berlyn . Howard Templeton Mrs. Gordon Gray At the Royalty Theatre, 26th and 27th January, 1902. 33 XV The New Idol A Play in Three Acts, by Fran9ois de Curel Translated by Maurice Durand and Hugh Stokes. Produced by Harvey Long. The people in the play: Albert Donnat Maurice Cormier Denis . Baptiste . Louise Donnat Antoinette Milat Jeanne Lejeune Eugenie . C. Aubrey Smith Norman McKinnel Caleb Porter Wynford Williams Miss Keith Wakeman Miss Agnes Verity Miss Mabel Beardsley Miss Christine Silver At the Royalty Theatre, i6th and 17th March, 1902. 34 XVI The Lady from the Sea A Play in Five Acts, by Henrik Ibsen. Translated by Mrs. F. E. Archer. Produced by Charles Charrington. Characters: Doctor Wangel . Norman McKinnel District physician Ellida Wangel . . Miss Janet Achurch His second wife Boletta . . . Miss Mary Allestree Hilda, a young girl Miss Muriel Ashwynne His daughters by his former marriage Arnholm . . . Charles V. France A schoolmaster Lyngstrand . . . Arthur Royston Ballested .... Lionel Belmore A Stranger . . . Laurence Irving Tow^nspeople, Tourists, etc. At the Royalty Theatre, 4th and 5th May, 1902. 35 XVII Monna Vanna Piece en Trois Actes, de M. Maurice Maeterlinck. Guido Colonna . . M. Jean Froment Commandant de la garnison pisane Marco Colonna . . . M. Lugne-Poe Pere de Guido Prinzivalle .... M. Darmont Capitaine a la solde de Florence Trivulzio ..... M. Damery Commissaire de la republique florentine Borso ..... M. Gerard Lieutenant de Guido Torello . . . . M. Denoirac Lieutenant de Guido Vedio . . . . . M. Gribouval Secretaire de Prinzivalle Giovanna (Monna Vanna) Femme de Guido Mme. Georgette Leblanc de L'Opera Comique Regisseur : M. Cheron. At the Victoria Hall, 20th June, 1902. 36 XVIII When We Dead Awaken A Dramatic Epilogue in Three Acts, by Henrik Ibsen. Translated by William Archer. Produced by G. R. Foss. Characters : Professor Arnold Rubek . G. S. Titheradge A sculptor Mrs. Maia Rubek . Miss Mabel Hackney His wife The Inspector at the Baths A. Morrice Seaton Ulfheim . . . Laurence Irving A landed proprietor A Stranger Lady . Miss Henrietta Watson A Sister of Mercy . . Miss Edith Craig Servants, Visitors at the Baths, Children, etc. The First Act passes at a Bathing Establishment on the coast. The Second and Third Acts in the neighbour- hood of a health resort high in the mountains. Stage Managers: Messrs. Guy Waller and A. Morrice Seaton. At the Imperial Theatre, 25th and 26th Janu- ary, 1903. 37 XIX A Man of Honour A Play in Four Acts, by William Somerset Maugham. Produced by A. E. George. Characters: Basil Kent . . . Granville Barker Barrister-at-law and man of letters Jenny Bush . . Miss Winifred Fraser Afterwards his wife James Bush . . . . O. B. Clarence Her brother, an auctioneer's clerk John Halliwell . . . Dennis Eadie Mabel . . . Miss Gertrude Burnett His wife Hilda Murray . Miss Mabel Terry Lewis A widow, Mabel's sister Robert Brackley . . . Nigel Playfair Poet and man of the world Mrs. Griggs . . Miss Henrietta Cowen Basil's landlady Fanny . . . Miss Gertrude de Burgh Housemaid in Basil's house at Putney Butler at Mrs. Murray's . . A. Bowyer Time: The Present Day. Act I. Sitting Room of Basil's Lodgings in Bloomsbury. Act n. The Drawing Room of Basil's House at Putney. One year later. Act in. The Drawing Room of Mrs. Murray's House, Mayfair. The same afternoon. Act IV. Same as Act II. The next morning. Stage Manager: A. Bowyer. At the Imperial Theatre, 22nd and 23rd Feb- ruary, 1903. 38 XX The Two Mr. Wetherbys. A Middle Class Comedy in Three Acts, by St. John Hankin. Author of "Mr. Punch's Dramatic Sequels." " Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel." Produced by Charles Rock. Characters: James Wetherby . . . A. E. George Margaret . . . Miss Ellen O'Malley His wife Richard Wetherby . . H. Nye Chart Constantia . . . Miss Nancy Price His wife Aunt Clara . . Miss Henrietta Cowen Aunt to Margaret and Constantia Robert Carne . . . Dennis Eadie Her nephew Maid at the James Wetherbys' Miss Lilian Marew Time: The Present Day. The action of the play covers some 20 hours, from the afternoon of one day to the fore- noon of the next. Act I. Drawing Room in the James Wetherbys* House at Norwood. Act II. Their Dining Room. Act III. Same as Act I — Next Morning. During Act H the curtain will be lowered for a minute to denote the lapse of 3 hours. Stage Manager: A. Bowyer. At the Imperial Theatre, 15th and i6th March, 1903. 39 XXI The Good Hope A Play in Four Acts, by- Herman Heijermans Translated by Christoper St. John By arrangement with J. T. Grein Produced by Max Behrend Characters: Kniertje. . . . Miss Rosina Filippi A fisherman's widow Geert . . . . E. Lyall Swete Her son Barend .... Granville Barker Her son Jo . . . Miss Margaret Halstan Her niece Cobus Her brother, a pensioner Daantje Another pensioner Clemens Bos . A shipowner Mathilde . His wife Clementine His daughter Simon A shipwright Marietje His daughter Mees . Engaged to Marietje O. B. Clarence . T. Paulton Charles Goodhart Miss Helen Rous Miss Lilian Braithwaite . A. Holmes-Gore Miss Beryl Faber Julian L'Estrange 40 Kaps . . , . An accountant Saart .... Widow of a fisherman Truus Wife of Ari, a fisherman Jelle .... A beggar First Policeman Second Policeman E. Cosham Miss Edith Craig Miss Irene Rooke A. Livingstone F. Warden Reed . F. Bickley The action takes place in a Dutch Fishing Village at the present day. Acts I, 2, and 3. Sitting Room in Kniertje's House. Act 4. Clemens Bos's Office. Stage Manager: A. Bowyer. At the Imperial Theatre, 26th and 27th April, 1903. 41 XXII The Golden Rose Or The Scarlet Woman A Bas-Relief in One Act, by Ian Robertson. Produced by the Author. Characters: She .... Miss Lily Hanbury I St Woman . . Miss Aimee de Burgh 2nd Woman . . Miss Marianne Caldwell An Inventor . . . Ian Robertson I St Artist .... Cyril Vernon 2nd Artist . . .J. Herbert Beaumont Student . . . . . H. H. Ainley The Waters of Bitterness A Play in One Act, by S. M. Fox Produced by Granville Barker Characters : Hugh .... Kenneth Douglas Arturo . . . W. Graham Browne Miss Marsden . . Miss Madge Mcintosh Dr. Furlan . . . Herbert Dansey Scene : The Terrace of the Capucine Hotel at Amalfi. Period : The Present. 42 The Season will conclude with the First Per- formance on the London Stage of the celebrated Drama in Two Tableaux and in Blank Verse, entitled The Admirable Bashville Or Constancy Unrewarded By Bernard Shaw. Founded on the Author's world-famous Novel " Cashel Byron's Profession." The parts will be sustained by the following Galaxy of Talent : Lydia . . . Miss Henrietta Watson Cashel Byron . . , Ben Webster Mellish (with Song) . William Wyes Lucian . . . Charles Quartermaine Bashville ... J, Farren Soutar Cetewayo . . . . James Hearn Paradise ..... W. Pilling Lord Worthington . . Douglas Gordon The Master of the Revels. A. Lingham Power A Policeman . . C. Aubrey Smith Adelaide Gisborne . . Miss Fanny Brough Zulu Chiefs, Citizens, Policemen, Beefeaters First Tableau. Scene i. A Glade in Wiltstoken Park. Scene 2. London — A Room in Lydia's House. Scene 3. The Agricultural Hall, Islington. 43 Second Tableau. Scene i. Wiltstoken — A Room in the Warren Lodge. The play will be performed on an Elizabethan stage, in the Elizabethan manner, more or less. By special request, the incidental music will not be performed. Members wishing to leave at the beginning of the per- formance are requested to do so as unobtrusively as possible. No responsibility for this Play is accepted by the Author, the Secretary, the Committee, the Performers, or anyone else concerned. All demonstrations of displeasure should be reserved until the fall of the curtain. The characters are given above in the order of their entrance. Ladies are requested not to wear hats during the performance. Stage Manager : A. Bowyer. At the Imperial Theatre, 7th and 8th June, 1903. 44 XXIII The Lower Depths In Four Acts, by Maxim Gorki. Translated from the Russian by Laurence Irving. Produced by Max Behrend. Characters : James Welch Mrs. Cecil Raleigh Farren Soutar . Emmie Owen A. E. George Haidee Wright Conway Tearle Kate Ruskin Nicholas Holthoir Mrs. Theodore Wright . Leonard Calvert J. Fisher White . George Hawtrey Fred Grove .Charles Goodhart . Frank Collins Luke Vassilisa Vaska Pepel Natasha The Actor Anna . Satine Nastya . The Baron Kvashnya Boobnoff . Klesshtsh MyedvyedyefF Kostoloff The Tartar Alyoshka When Wyn Weaver The Action of the Play takes place in a Night Refuge in Moscow. Stage Manager: Wyn Weaver. At the Royal Court Theatre, 29th November, 1903. At the Great Queen Street Theatre, 30th November, 1903. 45 XXIV The Philanthropists Comedy in Four Acts, by Brieux. Produced by Granville Barker. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Georgette Louis Clermont Pauline . Landrecy Clara Salviat Mme. Destourmel Mme. le Catelier Mme. Paillencourt Servant in Act II Pluvinage Mme. Guerlot Fechain . Catherine Mme. Pecquet M. Pecquet Mme. Aubigny Miss Gertrude Burnett . Milton Rosmer Miss Annie Webster . E. W. Garden Miss Eily Malyon C. V. France Mrs. Nye Chart Miss Annie Hill Miss Dora Barton Fred Grove A. E. Drinkwater Mrs. Cairns James Ean Macdonald Miss Sydney Fairbrother Miss Ida Heron Athol Stewart Miss Frances Wetherall Mme. Roncheronnes Miss Dora Clement Scott Escaudain . . Arthur Grenville 46 Mme. Orsel . Servant in Act III Rosa . . * Michel Moutier Mandoul Routot Chatel Pardigon . The Scene is in the facturing town. The First, Third and The Second Act in Miss Dora Mcintosh Miss Grace Barker Miss Ethel Beale Milton Rosmer Fred Grove Wyn Weaver Leonard Calvert Fred Permain neighbourhood of a manu- Fourth Acts at Landrecy's. a Committee Room. Stage Manager: James Anning. At the King's Hall, 31st January and 2nd February, 1904. 47 XXV A Soul's Tragedy A Play in Two Acts, by- Robert Browning. Produced by Holbrook Blinn. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Eulalia . . . Miss Janet Alexander Chiappino .... Ben Webster Luitolfo . . . William Devereux First Bystander . . A. E. Drinkwater Second Bystander . Fewlass Llewellyn Third Bystander . . Leonard Calvert Ogniben .... Alfred Brydone Bystanders, Guards, Attendants, etc. Act I : Inside Luitolfo's House at Faenza. Act II : The Market Place 4» 'Op o' me Thumb A Play in One Act, by Frederick Fenn and Richard Pryce. Produced by Nigel Playfair. Celeste . . . Miss Florence Lloyd Madame . . Miss Marianne Caldwell Clem . . . Miss Annie Goward Rose Jordan . . Miss Margaret Busse Amanda Afflick . Miss Hilda Trevelyan Horace Greensmith . . . Nye Chart Scene : Working Room at Madame Didier's Laundry in Soho. Stage Manager : James Anning. At the Royal Court Theatre, 13th, 14th, 15th March, 1904. 49 XXVI Ina A Play in Four Acts, by R. O. Prowse. Produced by A. E. George. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Knighton . . . Norman McKinnel Aglionby . . . Dawson Milward Stevens . . . Dudley Pritchard Lady Myon . . . Miss Granville Sir James Myon . . . Nigel Playfair Ina .... Miss Margaret Halstan Bertie Egerton . . . Loring Fernie Old Mr. Egerton . . Arthur Chesney Maidservant . . Miss Georgette Serville Act I. A Room in the Aglionby 's Villa, near Florence. Act II. A Glade in the Park of Fairdale Manor. Act III. The Draw^ing Room of Fairdale Manor. Act IV. Same as Act II. Stage Manager : James Anning. At the Royal Court Theatre, 15th, i6th, 17th May, 1904. 50 XXVII Where there is Nothing A Play in Five Acts, by W. B. Yeats. Produced by Granville Barker. The people in the play in Paul Ruttledge Thomas Ruttledge Mrs. T. Ruttledge Father Jerome . Charlie Ward Johneen . Mr. Green Colonel Lawley Mr. Joyce Mr. Dowler Mr. Algie . Tommy, the Song Paddy Cockfight Mollie, the Scold A Child Sabina Silver First Friar . Second Friar Third Friar . Aloysius . The Superior Hartley Coleman Fourth Friar Fifth Friar . One of the crow^d the order of their appearance: . E. Lyall Swete James Gelderd Miss Dora Barton Harcourt Williams Blake Adams Philip Tonge A. S. Homewood Ean Macdonald Lewis Casson Fewlass Llewellyn . Athol Stewart J. Cooke Beresford Trent Adams Miss Freda Bramleigh Miss Marion Plarr Miss Thyrza Norman . Ean Macdonald Athol Stewart . Fred Foss, Jun. Lewis Casson A. E. Drinkwater James Gelderd Fewlass Llewellyn Warburton Gamble C. Warren . Alfred Wareham 52 Act I. Paul Ruttledge's Garden. Act II. By the roadside. A Tinker's Encamp- ment. Act III. A Shed. Act IV. Scene i. Before the Monastery. Five years pass. Scene 2. The Crypt under the Mon- astery Church. Act V. By some ruins on the bank of the Shannon. Stage Manager : Henry J. Harvey. At the Royal Court Theatre, 26th, 27th, 28th June, 1904. 53 XXVIII The Power of Darkness A Play in Five Acts, by Leo Tolstoy. Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude. Produced by Max Behrend. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Peter ..... Caleb Porter A well-to-do Peasant Akoulina .... Miss Eily Malyon Peter's Daughter by his First Marriage Anisya .... Miss May Harvey Wife of Peter Nan . . . Miss Dorothy Minto Peter's Daughter by his Second Marriage Nikita Peter's Labourer Matryona Nikita's Mother Akim . Nikita's Father Marina An Orphan Girl First Neighbour . Martha . Peter's Sister Mitritch An Old Labourer Second Neighbour W. Lyall Swete Miss Dolores Drummond . H. R. Hignett Miss Callista Marvin Miss Sybil Ruskin Miss Marie Maurice . O. B. Clarence . Miss Bertha van Raalte 54 Bridegroom . . . ..V. Wiburger Engaged to Akoulina Ivan .... Julius J. Hagen His Father First Girl . . Miss Bertha van Raalte Second Girl . . Miss Marie Maurice Simon . . . Reginald Walter Marina's Husband Police Officer . . . . F. Roberts Village Elders, Women, Girls, and Visitors to the Wedding. Act I. Interior of Peter's Hut. Act II. Peter's Yard. Act III. Interior of Peter's Hut. A f- TV /Scene I. Peter's Yard. (Scene II. Interior of Peter's Hut. Act V. Peter's Yard. Stage Manager : James Anning. At the Royalty Theatre, i8th, 19th, and 20th December, 1904. 55 XXIX Great Friends A Comedy in Three Acts, by G. S. Street. Produced by Clifford Brooke. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Dick Trenderby . . • . Vernon Steel Charlie Pontemarx . . G. M. Graham Watkins . . . Fewlass Llewellyn Lady Caroline Pontemarx Miss Helen Rous Sydney Baldwin, M.P. . Dawson Milward Lady Raffin . . Miss Gertrude Kingston Grace Pontemarx . Miss Dorothy Grimston The Duke of Surrey . Percy D. Standing Sir William Raffin . . George Trollope Footman . . . Philip Williams The Rev. The Hon. Herbert Pontemarx Herbert Grimwood At the Royal Court Theatre, 29th, 30th and 31st January, 1905. J6 XXX The Three Daughters of M. Dupont A Comedy in Four Acts, by Brieux. Specially translated for the Society by St. John Hankin. Produced by J. G. Brandon. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Mme. Dupont . . Miss Kate Bishop Courthezon . . . Leon M. Lion Dupont's clerk Caroline . . . Miss Italia Conti Daughter of M. Dupont by a former marriage. Julie .... Miss Ethel Irving Daughter of M. and Mme. Dupont M. Dupont . . . . O. B. Clarence Justine . . . Miss Lois Crampton Servant at the Duponts' M. Mairaut . . . Arthur Chesney Mme. Mairaut . . Miss Agnes Thomas Antonin Mairaut . . Charles V. France Son of M. and Mme. Mairaut. Lignol . . . . Lewis Casson M. Pouchelet . . . G. M. Graham Mme. Pouchelet . . Miss Dora Barton Fran^oise . . . Miss Florence Adale Servant at Antonin Mairaut's Angele . . . Miss Gertrude Burnett Daughter of M. Dupont by a former marriage 58 Act I. The Duponts' House in a French Provincial Town. Five Months elapse. Act II. The Antonin Mairauts' House at St. Laurent. Act III. The Duponts' House. Act IV. The Duponts' House. Stage Manager: James Anning. At the King's Hall, 12th, 13th and 14th March, 1905. 59 XXXI Man and Superman A Comedy, by Bernard Shaw. The people in the play in Roebuck Ramsden Parlourmaid Octavius Robinson John Tanner Ann Whitefield Mrs. Whitefield Miss Ramsden Violet Robinson Henry Straker Hector Malone Mr. Malone the order of their appearance: Charles Goodhart Miss Hazel Thompson Lewis Casson . Granville Barker Miss Lillah McCarthy Mrs. Florence Haydon . Miss Agnes Thomas Miss Sarah Brooke Edmund Gwenn Hubert Harben J. D. Beveridge Act I. Portland Place. Roebuck Ramsden's Study. Act II. Richmond. The Avenue to Mrs. Whitefield's House. Act III. Granada. The Villa Garden. Period: The Present Time. At the Royal Court Theatre, 21st, 22nd and 23rd May, 1905. 60 XXXII The New Felicity A Modern Comedy in Three Acts, by Laurence Alma Tadema. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Grace Allwood . . Miss Lucy Webling Muriel Allwood . Miss Dora Barton Orphans Cyprien de Steyne . . Charles Lander Author of" The New Felicity " Charlotte Percival . Miss Agnes Thomas Companion to the Allwoods Oskar Kahlbaum . . Victor Widdicombe A clarinet player Evangeline Percival . . Miss Irene Rooke An actress. Charlotte Percival's niece Maud Jephson . Miss Florence Haydon Muriel and Grace AUwood's great-aunt Alice A domestic servant Carrie Gilmour A music hall star Nurse Dolly . A little girl Whigham A lady's maid Tommy A page boy Miss Carmel Goldsmid Miss Florence St. John Miss Estelle Winwood Miss Iris Hawkins . Miss Edith Craig Cyril Bruce 62 Act I. The Allwoods' Flat in Kitchener Mansions, West Kensington. Christmas Eve. Act II. Evangeline Percival's Lodgings on Campden Hill. Evening of same day. Act III. Carrie Gilmour's Sitting-room at Savoy Hotel. Christmas-day morning. One Day More A Drama in One Act, by Joseph Conrad. Produced by G. R. Foss. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Josiah Carvil . . . A. G. Poulton Bessie Carvil . . Miss Constance Collier His daughter Captain Hagberd . William Farren, Junr. The Lamplighter . . Kempe Forrest Harry Hagberd . . Julian L'Estrange Scene: In a Seaport Tov^^n. Stage Manager: Wilfrid Franks. At the Royalty Theatre, 25th, 26th and 27th June, 1905. 63 XXXIII Jimmy's Mother A Play in One Act, by Hope Merrick (Mrs. Leonard Merrick). Produced by A. E. Drinkwater. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Mrs. Barker . . . Miss Kate Bishop Hannah Ford . . Miss Gertrude Burnett Daniel Watt . . . Frank Lister John Ford .... Bassett Roe Dr. Kennedy . . . James Gelderd A Living Room in Blinker's Buildings. 64 Dodo A Detail of Yesterday. A Comedy in Three Acts, by E. F. Benson. Produced by Tha The people in the play in the Footman Miss Grantham Bertie Arbuthnot Miss Staines Lord Ledgers Dodo Jack Broxton Lord Chesterford Mrs. Vivian . Iberg Corbett. order of their appearance: W. Hubert Miss Margaret Busse Lawrence Grant . Mrs. Nye Chart . James Gelderd Miss Sarah Brooke . Henry Ainley H. Nye Chart Miss Muriel Carmel Act L Dodo's Room in her Father's House in London. Act n. Room in Lord Chesterford's Country House at Winston. A Year later. Act in. Drawing Room in Lord Chesterford's House in London. Two Months later. Stage Manager: James Anning. At the Scala Theatre, 26th and 27th Nov., 1905. 65 XXXIV Lady Inger of Ostrat In Five Acts, by Henrik Ibsen. Translated by Charles Archer. Produced by Herbert Jarman. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Finn ..... Kenelm Foss Biorn .... W. R. Staveley Elina Gyldenlove . . Miss Alice Crawford Lady Inger Gyldenlove . Miss Edyth Olive Einar Huk . . . . C. L. Delph A Retainer . . Talbot Homewood Olaf Skaktavl . . . Alfred Brydone Nils Lykke . . . Henry Ainley Jens Bielke . . . Charles A. Doran Nils Stensson . . Harcourt Williams Retainers, Peasants, Men-at-Arms. Scene. Ostrat Manor, Trondheim Fiord, in the year 1528. Acts I and II. A Room at Ostrat. Acts III, IV and V. A Banquet Hall at Ostrat. " Lady Inger of Ostrat " was written in 1 855. In concep- tion and execution it is in almost startling contrast with what are called Ibsen's social dramas. The workmanship, though extremely interesting to anyone studying the development of 66 Ibsen's art, is in many ways curiously naive and old-fashioned. Soliloquies and asides meet us at every turn. In the social dramas they can scarcely be found. The plot, with its mis- taken identities, its mysterious strangers, its sons spirited away from their mothers, is more like " Hernani " than " Hedda Gabler." In technique, in fact, it is nearer to " Le Verre d'Eau " than to "The Wild Duck." To anyone, therefore, who looks to Ibsen solely as a master of technique, " Lady Inger of Ostrat " will come as something of a dis- appointment. But to anyone who wishes to see from what humble beginnings that flawless technique sprang, and to trace its germ in the less sure touch of the master's early work, the play cannot fail to be interesting. Stage Manager: James Anning. At the Scala Theatre, 28th and 29th January, 1906. 67 XXXV Maternite A Play in Three Acts, by Brieux. Produced by Miss Madge Mcintosh. The people in the play in the order of their appearance Lucie Brignac Julian Brignac Lioret . Annette Catherine Madame Bernin . Pierre Poiret . Laurent Le Sous-Intendant Le Colonel M. Chevillot . Jacques Poiret Madame Chevillot Le President L'Avocat Madame Thomas Marie Gaubert Tupin Madame Tupin Le Procureur Miss Suzanne Sheldon Dennis Eadie . Robert Grey Miss Muriel Ashwvnne Miss Betty Castle . Miss Lilian M. Revell Fred Grove Charles Dodsw^orth Michael Sherbrooke Frank H. Denton . Vincent Sternroyd Trevor Lov^^e Mrs. Charles Maltby Kenyon Musgrave C. Herbert Hewetson Miss Clare Greet Miss Italia Conti Blake Adams . Miss Eily Malyon Charles A. Doran Magistrats, Avocats, Huissiers, Gendarmes, Public, etc. Acts I and II: At M. Brignac's House. Act III: The Assize Court. Stage Manager: James Anning. At the King's Hall, 8th, 9th, loth April, 1906. 68 XXXVI Midsummer Fires A Play in Three Acts, by Hermann Sudermann. Faithfully rendered in English by Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Grein. Produced by Hans Andresen. The people of the play in the order of their appearance: Vogelreuter .... Blake Adams A land owner Gertrude . . . Miss May Martyn His daughter Ploetz .... Fewlass Llewellyn BailifF Mrs. Vogelreuter . Miss Elsie Chester George von Hartvig . . Leslie Faber Architect. Vogelreuter's nephew Marikke . . . Miss Suzanne Sheldon Haffke Athol Stewart Curate Nanni . . . Miss Inez Bensusan Housekeeper A Servant . . . Miss Hope Mayne A Gipsy Woman . . Mrs. Calhaem Acts I, II, and III: A Room in Vogelreuter's House on his Estate in East Prussia. Stage Manager : James Anning. At the Scala Theatre, 1 3th and 14th May, 1906. 69 XXXVII The Invention of Dr. Metzler A Play in One Act, by John Pollock. Produced by A. E. Drinkwater. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Rosa von West . Miss Gertrude Kingston Doctor Metzler . . Trevor Lowe Fanny . . . Miss Berta Van Raalte A Hungarian Officer . . Eric Blind An Austrian Officer . Frank H. Denton Scene: A Room in Doctor Metzler's House in Hungary, 1849. The Inspector-General A Farcical Comedy in Three Acts, by Nikolai V. Gogol. The present version is based on a translation by Arthur A. Sykes, who kindly permitted his text to be abbreviated for presentation before the Society. Produced by Charles Rock. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Anton Antonovich . Herbert Grimwood Governor of Russian provincial town Ammos Fyodorovich . Trevor Lowe A judge Artemi Philippovich . . Henry Kitts Charity Commissioner Luka Lukich . , . Frank H. Denton Director of Education 70 A Police Superintendent Svistunov . Derzhimorda Ivan Kuzmich . A postmaster Dobchinski . Bobchinski Anna Andreyevna . Marya Antonovna Osip .... Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov A St. Petersburg official Michael Sherbrooke Arthur Bell C. R. Gibbon . Burton Cooke Norman Page Fred Grove J. H. Brewer Miss Kate Phillips Miss Isabel Roland Eugene Mayeur Waiter at the Inn Liza First Shopkeeper Second Shopkeeper Locksmith's Wife Sergeant's Wife Orderly . Percy Crawford Miss Berta Van Raalte . Arthur Bell . Percy Crawford Miss Stella St. Audrie Miss Jean Cardell . W. Hubert Some of the Surnames are omitted for the sake of simplicity. A Doctor, Shopkeepers, Citizens, and Petitioners. Scene: A Provincial Town in Russia, 1836. Act I, Scene i. Room in the Governor's House. Act I, Scene 2. Room in an Inn. Acts II and III. Room in the Governor's House. Stage Manager: James Anning. At the Scala Theatre, 17th and 1 8th June, 1906. 71 XXXVIII The Weavers A Drama in Five Acts, by Gerhart Hauptmann. Translated by Mary Morison. Produced by Hans Andresen. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Neumann .... Cecil Rose Cashier Weaver's Wife . Miss Margaret Mackenzie Pfeifer . . . . . G. Kay Souper Manager in Dressiger's Factory A. G. Melford Philip Knox Apprentice Becker .... A weaver First Weaver Old Baumert A weaver Reimann . A weaver Heiber .... A weaver Dreissiger A Fustian manufacturer Old Weaver . . . W. H. Rotheram The Boy . . Miss Bertalda van Raalte Mother Baumert . Mrs. Stanislaus Calhaem Emma Baumert . Miss Penelope Wheeler Robert Bottomley Fred Grove Frank Collins Henry Kitts Kenyon Musgrave 72 Bertha Baumert Old Baumert's daughters August Old Baumert's son Fritz . . . . Emma Baumert's son Old Ansorge A weaver Mrs. Heinrich Moritz Jaeger . A soldier Welzel . A publican Wiegand , A joiner Mrs. Welzel . Miss Eily Malyon A. G. Melford Miss Irene Ross H. R. Hignett Miss Bertalda van Raalte . Arthur Wontner Henry Kitts . James R. Sinclair Miss Annie Hill A Commercial Traveller . Langhorne Burton Hornig .... Athol Forde A rag dealer Anna Welzel . Forester Peasant Wittig .... A smith Kutsche . A policeman Pastor Kittelhaus . Weinhold Tutor to Dreissiger's sons Mrs. Dreissiger . . Miss Eily Malyon Mrs. Kittelhaus Miss Penelope Wheeler Heide .... Langhorne Burton Police superintendent Maid . . Miss Margaret Mackenzie John .... W. E. Holloway Coachman Miss Lilian Tweed W. E. Holloway Franc Stoney Caleb Porter Burton Cooke Cecil Rose . Robert Bottomley 73 Robert Farquharson Miss Isabel Grey Miss Hutin Britton . A. G. Melford Miss Irene Rose . Frank Collins Old Hilse A weaver Mother Hilse His wife Luise His daughter-in-law Gottlieb His son Mielchen . Gottlieb's daughter Schmidt A surgeon Weavers, Rioters. Scene: Peterswaldau. Act I. The Paying Room in Dreissiger's Factory. Act II. A Room in Old Ansorge's House. Act III. A Public House. Act IV. Private Room in Dreissiger's House. Act V. Old Hilse's Work Room. Stage Manager: James Anning. At the Scala Theatre, 9th and loth December, 1906. 74 XXXIX The Cassilis Engagement A Comedy in Four Acts, by St. John Hankin. Produced by Miss Madge Mcintosh. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Mrs. Herries . . Miss K. M. Romsey The Rector ... F. Morland Watson .... Ralph Hutton Lady Remenham . Miss Florence Haydon Lady Mabel Venning . Miss Isabel Roland Mrs. Cassilis . . Miss Evelyn Weedon Lady Marchmont . Miss Gertrude Burnett Geofrey Cassilis . . Langhorne Burton Mrs. Borridge . . Miss Clare Greet Ethel Borridge . . Miss Maudi Darrell Dorset . . . Miss Margaret Mackenzie Major Warrington . . . Sam Sothern Two Footmen. Scene : At Deynham Abbey in Leicestershire. Act I. The Drawing Room. One night elapses. Act II. The Terrace. One week elapses. Act III. The Smoking Room. One night elapses. Act IV. The Morning Room. Stage Manager : James Anning. At the Imperial Theatre, loth and nth February, 1907. 75 XL Les Hannetons A Comedy in Three Acts, by Brieux. Translated by H. M. Clark. Produced by Janet Achurch. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Brochot . . . Edmund Gwenn Pierre . . . . Charles V. France Charlotte . . Miss Mabel Hackney Isabelle .... Miss Dora Barton Langlois . . . H. Asheton Tonge Concierge A Gentleman . . . Nigel Playfair Phrasie . . . Miss Florence Adale The Lady from thel t.^. j . y^ T- / T-1 f • • Miss Lola Duncan rourth rloor J The Waterman . . Kenneth Rivington Madame Langlois, other Neighbours. Scene: Paris. A Room in Pierre's Flat. Stage Manager: James Anning. At the Imperial Theatre, 24th and 25th March, 1907. 76 XLI Der Kammersanger A Play in One Act, by Frank Wedekind. Translated by a Member of the Society. Produced by Frank Reicher. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Servant . . . Charles Gibbon Lift Boy . . . . A. B. Imeson Gerardo . . . Julian L'Estrange Isabel Coeurne . . . Miss Irene Clarke Professor Diihring . Edmund Gwenn Music Mistress . Miss Florence Adale Helene Marowa . Miss Constance Collier Miiller .... James R. Sinclair Charwoman . . Miss Alys Rees Servants. Scene: A Large City in Germany. Gerardo's Room in Hotel. 78 David Ballard A Play in Three Acts, by Charles McEvoy. Produced by the Author. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Mrs. Ballard Gladys Ballard Louisa Mercy Hainton Percy Ballard David Ballard . Simon Ballard Darwin Snodge Leo Rosace Miss Clare Greet Miss Lilian M. Revell Miss Sydney Fairbrother Miss Dorothy Minto . Norman Page Milton Rosmer Edmund Gurney Nigel Playfair Jules Shaw . Kenyon Musgrave Scene: Acts I and IIL The Ballards' Drawing Room in Pimlico. Act IL A Restaurant in Soho. Time: The Present. A Year elapses between Acts I and II, and between Acts II and III. Stage Manager: James Anning. At the Imperial Theatre, 9th and loth June, 1907. 79 XLII Waste A Tragedy in Four Acts, by Granville Barker. Produced by the Author. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Lady Davenport . Walter Kent Mrs. Farrant Miss Trebell Mrs. O'Connell . Lucy Davenport George Farrant Russell Blackborough A Footman . Henry Trebell Simson Gilbert Wedgecroft . Lord Charles Cantelupe The Earl of Horsham Edmunds Justin O'Connell . Miss Amy Coleman Vernon Steel Miss Beryl Faber Miss Henrietta Watson Miss Aimee de Burgh Miss Dorothy Thomas Frederick Lloyd A. Holmes-Gore Allan Wade ^Granville Barker Miss Mary Barton Berte Thomas Dennis Eadie Henry Vibart Trevor Lowe J. Fisher White * Mr. Norman McKinnel was cast for the part of Trebell. When rehearsals had already started it was found that great pressure of work would prevent him undertaking it. Both the Author and the Council of the Stage Society felt that it would be undesirable to withdraw the play at this juncture J therefore in this emergency the character will be represented by Mr. Granville Barker. 80 Scene: The First Act : Late in July, at Shapters, George Farrant's House in Hertfordshire: Mrs. Farrant's Room. The First Scene half- past ten in the evening; the Second, after midnight. The Second Act: A morning in October, at Trebell's House in Queen Anne Street. The Third Act: At Lord Horsham's House in Queen Anne's Gate, in the evening, a week later. The Fourth Act: At Trebell's again. The First Scene at midnight ; the Second at nine, and the Third at eleven in the morning. Stage Manager: Arthur Bowyer. At the Imperial Theatre, 24th and 26th November, 1907. 81 XLIII Cupid and Commonsense A Play in Four Acts, by Arnold Bennett. Produced by Frank Vernon. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Emily Boothroyd . . Miss Sybil Noble Eli's daughter Alice Boothroyd . . Miss Lucy Wilson Eli's daughter Eli Boothroyd . . J. Fisher White Ralph Emery . . . H. Nye Chart Willie Beach . . . Walter Pearce Mrs. Copestick . . Miss Mary Brough Ralph's aunt Miranda Finney . Miss Sydney Fairbrother Bessie . . Miss Magy Macdonald-Martin A servant Edna Beach . . Miss Hazel Thompson Scene: One of the Five Towns. The First Act: The Boothroyds' Parlour. The Second Act: The same. The Third Act: Scene I. The same. Scene II. Room at the Priory. Interval of Six Years. The Fourth Act: Room at the Priory. Stage Manager: James Anning. At the Shaftesbury Theatre, 26th and 27th January, 1908. 82 XLIV The Gates of the Morning A Play in Three Acts, by- Margaret M. Mack. Produced by Norman Page. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Samuel Wilson . . . Norman Page Mill Robyn . Miss Sydney Fairbrother Alice Wilson (formerly Alice Larne) Miss Amy Lamborn Nancy Larne . . Miss Vera Coburn Henry Mardale . . Athol Stewart Mrs. Larne . . Miss Alice Mansfield Cook . ' . . Miss Lola Duncan " Thy own humanity learn to adore, For that is My spirit of life." — William Blake. Scene: The First Act: A Lodging House. Mill Robyn's Sitting-Room. The Second Act: Mrs. Larne's Drawing-Room. The Third Act: Nancy Larne's Attic. The Action takes place on two successive days, in November. Stage Manager: Herbert Chown. At the Shaftesbury Theatre, ist and 2nd March, 1908. 83 XLV The Breaking Point A Play in Three Acts, by Edward Garnett. Produced by Frank Vernon. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Mr. Lewis Sherrington . Charles V. France Mr. Francis Mansell . . Douglas Gordon Mary . . . Miss M'Aimee Murray Mrs. Sherrington . Miss Elaine Sleddall Miss Grace Elwood . . Miss Bruce Joy Miss Dorothy Elwood Mrs. Charles Maltby James Elwood, D.D., D.C.L. William Farren, junior Agatha . . . Miss Florence le Clercq Collins .... William T. Day Scene: Near Exeter. The First Act: Scene I. Mr. Sherrington's Dining-Room. Scene II. In Tor Wood. The next day. The Second Act: The next day. Scene I. Dr. Elwood's Drawing-Room. Scene II. Mr. Sherrington's Dining-Room. The Third Act: Dr. Elwood's Study. Stage Manager: Harry Norton. At the Haymarket Theatre, 5th and 6th April, 1908. 84 XLVI Links A Play in Four Acts, by Herman Heijermans. Translated by Howard Peacey and W. R. Brandt. Produced by William Haviland. The people in the play Jacob Dulk A Book-keeper . A Messenger . Sally . Henk A Telegraph Boy Pancras Duif . in the order of their appearance: H. Murgatroyd W. H. Rotheram . Burton Cooke Ivan Berlyn Hubert Harben Frank Kingston J. Fisher White A Roman Catholic Sister of Mercy Miss Cicely Charlton Marianne . Dirk Jan . Toon Hein Duif . Gerritje . Coba . Elsie Margriet Dr. Van Rijn . A Maid-Servant Miss Edyth Latimer . Kenyon Musgrave Robert Atkins . Leon Quartermaine . Edmund Gwenn Miss Clare Greet Miss Margaret Busse . Miss Iris Hawkins Miss Lilian M. Revell . Vincent Clive Miss Dora E. Clements 86 Scene: A small Town in Holland. The First Act : Private Office in the Factory of " Links, Limited." Mid-day. The Second Act: Parlour in Pancras' House, attached to Factory. Evening, following day. The Third Act: Jan's best parlour. The next evenmg. The Fourth Act : Same as Act IL The follow- ing mid-day. Stage Manager: Val Cuthbert. At the Scala Theatre, 31st May and ist June, 1908. 87 XLVII The Last of the De Mullins By St. John Hankin. Produced by W. Graham Browne. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Hester De Mullin . Miss Amy Lamborn Hugo's younger daughter Mr. Brown .... Nigel Playfair The Curate Jane De Mullin . . Miss Adela Measor Hugo's wife Mrs. Clouston . Miss M'Aimee Murray Hugo's sister Dr. Rolt .... Ernest Young Hugo De Mullin . . H. A. Saintsbury Ellen .... Miss Jean Bloomfield Janet De Mullin (Mrs. Seagrave) Hugo's elder daughter Miss Lillah McCarthy Johnny Seagrave . . . Bobbie Andrews Janet's son Miss Deanes . . . Miss Clare Greet Monty Bulstead . . . Vernon Steel Bertha Aldenham . . Miss Jean Harkness The Play is in three Acts. The action passes at Brendon Underwood in Dorset: Acts I and III in the Manor House, the De Mullins' house in the village; Act II on the borders of Brendon Forest. Three days pass between Acts I and II, five days between Acts II and III. Stage Manager: Harry Norton. At the Haymarket Theatre, 6th and 7th Decem- ber, 1908. 88 XLVIII The Rights of the Soul A play in One Act, by Giuseppe Giacosa. Translated by Miss F. M. Rankin. Produced by William Haviland. The people in the play in the order of their appearance : Paolo . . . E. Harcourt Williams Maddalena . . Miss Margaret Busse Maidservant Mario . . . . A. S. Homewood Paolo's brother Anne . . . Miss Margaret Halstan Paolo's wife Scene: A Villa in Brianza. Time : The Present. Stage Manager : Harold Chapin. 90 The Bread of Others A Play in Two Acts, by Turgenev. Translated by J. Nightingale Duddington. Produced by William Haviland. The people in the play in the order of their appearance : Nartsis Constantinich Trembinsky Leon M. Lion Piotr . . . . A. S. Homewood Anpadist . . . . . F. Grove Yegor Kartaschov . . . Henry Kitts Masha . . . Miss Edith Cuthbert Vassili Semionich Koozovkin J. Fisher White Ivan Koozmich Ivanov . . Ernest Cosham Vaska .... Frederick Kings Praskovya Ivanovna . Miss Helen Boucher Olga Petrovna Yeletsky Miss Jean Bloomfield Pavel Nicolaevich Yeletsky A. Holmes-Gore Flegont Alexandrich Tropachov Leon Quartermaine Karpachov . . . Stanley Lathbury Scene : A lonely country spot in Russia. Madame Yeletsky's Estate. Time: 1840. Act L The Dining-Room. Act n. The Drawing-Room. Stage Manager : Val Cuthbert. At the Kingsway Theatre, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd February, 1908. 91 XLIX Unemployed A Play in One Act, by- Margaret M. Mack Produced by Norman Page The people in the play in the order of their appearance: A Tramp . . . Edmund Gwenn Mrs. Brown . . Miss Helen Boucher Mrs. Alec Vesey (Iris) . Miss Vera Coburn Alec Vesey . . . Walter Pearce Charlie Howard . . Charles Maude Policeman .... Arthur Bachner Scene : The Garden of a week-end Cottage some thirty miles from London. Time : Ten o'clock on a Monday morning, October, 1908. 92 The Fountain A Comedy in Three Acts, by George Calderon. "That which the fountain sends forth returns again to the fountain." — Longfellow. Produced by Norman Page. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Kate Kerrison Mrs. Cartwright Dinah Kippin Tom OHver Chenda Wren Jim Crow James Wren . Mrs. JeUicoe Jellicoe Jenny Jellicoe . A Fat Woman A Widow An Idle Man A Gloomy Man A Little Man Pontifex . Davenil Nix . Postman A Foreman Carter Palmer Miss Eily Malyon Miss AHce Mansfield Miss Nancy Price Hubert Harben Miss Mary Jerrold Frank Collins Frederick Lloyd . Miss Mabel Adair P. Percival Clark Miss Irene Ross Miss Ethel Ingram Miss Beatrice Filmer Fred Penley . Wilton Ross A. E. Filmer . Fred Grove Allan Wade Robert Bolder . Val Cuthbert Arthur Bachner Ross Shore Crowd of East Enders. Time: The Present. Place: East London. Stage Manager: Val Cuthbert. At the Aldwych Theatre, 28th and 29th March, 1909. 93 L What the Public Wants A Play in Four Acts, by Arnold Bennett. Produced by Norman Page. The people in the play in the order of their appearance: Saul Kendrick . . . Charles Troode Manager of Worgan's, Limited Sir Charles Worgan . . James Hearn Newspaper proprietor Page Boy .... Cyril Bruce Francis Worgan . . Dennis Eadie Wanderer Simon Macquoid . . Frederick Lloyd Dramatic critic Emily Vernon . . Miss Margaret Halstan Widow Holt St. John . . . W. G. Fay Theatrical manager Samuel Cleland . . Leonard Calvert Stage manager Mrs. Cleland . Miss Frances Wetherall (Henrietta Blackwood) Servant . . Miss Florence Harwood at John Worgan's Mrs. Dov^nes . Miss Alice Mansfield Annie Worgan . . Miss Amy Lamborn Wife of John Worgan John Worgan . . . H. R. Hignett Provincial doctor James Brindley . . . A. G. Poulton Earthenware manufacturer Mrs. Worgan . . Mrs. E. H. Brooke Mother of the Worgans Edw^ard Brindley . . . Allan Wade Son of James Brindley 94 The action takes place in London and in The Five Towns Act I. Sir Charles Worgan's Office in the " Mercury " Building. Four months elapse. Act II. The same. Four months elapse. Act III. Room in John Worgan's House, Bursley. A few days elapse. Act IV. Same as Act I. Stage Manager : Christmas Grose. The Council desires to express its best thanks to Mr. Charles Hawtrey for very valuable help in the production of the Play. At the Aldwych Theatre, 2nd and 3rd May, 1909. 95 Index Achurch, Miss Janet, 14, 18, 19, 22, 24,35, 76 Adair, Miss Mabel, 93 Adale, Miss Florence, 58, 76, Adams, Blake, 52, 68, 69 Adams, Trent, 52 "Admirable Bashville, The," 43 Ainley, Henry, 66 Ainley, H. H., 42, 65 Alexander, Miss Janet, 48 Allestree, Miss Mary, 17,35 Alma-Tadema, Laurence, 30, 62 Anderson, Dallas, 15 Andresen, Hans, 69, 72 Andrews, Bobbie, 88 " Andromache," 24 Anning, James, 47, 49, 50, 55, 59» 65, 68,69,71,74, 75, 76, 79, 82 Anstey, Percy, 22 Archer, Charles, 66 Archer, Mrs. F. E., 35 Archer,WiIliam, 15,16,28,37 Asche, Oscar, 28 Ashwynne, Miss Muriel, 35, 68 Atkins, Robert, 86 Bachner, Arthur, 92, 93 Barker, Miss Grace, 47 Barker, Granville, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22,32,33,38, 40, 42, 46, 52, 60, 80 Barrie, J. M., 6 Barton, Miss Dora, 21, 28, 46, 52, 58, 62, 76 Barton, Miss Mary, 80 Beale, Miss Ethel, 47 Beardsley, Miss Mabel, 3 1,34 Beaumont, J. Herbert, 42 Behrend, Max, 40, 45, 54 Bell, Arthur, 71 Belmore, Lionel, 19, 35 Benn, Miss Naomi, 20 Bennett, Arnold, 8, 82, 94 Benson, E. F., 65 Bensusan, Miss Inez, 69 Beresford, J. Cooke, 52 Berlyn, Ivan, 33, 86 Beveridge, J. D., 60 Bickley, F., 41 Bishop, Miss Kate, 58, 64 Blake, William, 83 Blind, Eric, 70 Blinn, Holbrook, 48 Bloomfield, Miss Jean, 88, 9 1 Bolder, Robert, 93 Bottomley, Robert, 24, 72,73 Bottomley, Roland, 13, 22 Boucher, Miss Helen, 91, 92 Bov^^en,Miss Florence W., 31 Bowyer, Arthur, 38, 39, 41, 44,81 Braithwaite, Miss Lilian, 31, Bramleigh, Miss Freda, 52 Brandon, J. G., 58 Brandt, Miss Nathalie, 14, 15 "Bread of Others, The," 91 "Breaking Point, The," 84 Brereton, S. B., 28, 31 Brewer, J. H., 71 Brieux, 8, 46, 58, 68, 76 Britton, Miss Hutin, 74 Brooke, Clifford, 56 Brooke, Mrs. E. H., 94 Brooke, Miss Sarah, 60, 65 Brough, Miss Fanny, 32, 43, 82 Browne, W, Graham, 18, 42, 88 97 Browning, Robert, 48 Bruce, Cyril, 62, 94 Brydone, Alfred, 48, 66 Burgh, Miss Aimee de, 42,80 Burgh, Miss Gertrude de, 38 Burne, Arthur, 26 Burnett, Miss Gertrude, 38, 46, 58, 64, 75 Burnett, Miss Joan, 17, 30 Burton, Langhorne, 73, 75 Busse, Miss Margaret, 49, 65, 86, 90 Byron, J., 31 Calderon, George, 93 Caldwell, Miss Marianne, 42, 49 Calhaem, Miss Stanislaus, 72 Calhaem, Mrs., 69 Calvert, Leonard, 45, 47, 48, 94 "Candida," 19 Capel, J. M., 16 "Captain Brassbound's Con- version," 22 Carbell, A., 21 Cardell, Miss Jean, 71 Carlingford, Miss, 15 Carmel, Miss Muriel, 65 " Cassilis Engagement, The," 75 Casson, Lewis, 52, 58, 60 Castle, Miss Betty, 68 Chapin, Harold, 90 Chapman, F. W., 26 Charlton, Miss Cicely, 86 Charrington, Charles, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20,21,22, 24, 35 Chart, H. Nye, 39, 49, 65, 82 Chart, Mrs. Nye, 46, 65 Cheesman, W., 21 Cheron, M., 36 Chcsney, Arthur, 50, 58 Chester, Miss Llsie, 13, 69 Chown, Herbert, 83 Clarence, O. B., 18, 38, 40, 54, 58 Clark, H. M., 76 Clark, P. Percival, 93 Clarke, Miss Irene, 78 Clements, Miss Dora E., 86 Clive, Vincent, 86 Coburn, Miss Vera, 83, 92 Coleman, Miss Amy, 80 Collier, Miss Constance, 63, 78 Collins, Frank, 45, 72, 74, 93 Colvin, Sidney, 6 " Coming of Peace, The," 1 8 Conrad, Joseph, 63 Conti, Miss Italia, 58, 68 Cooke, Burton, 71, 73, 86 Cooke, J. Y. F., 33 Corbett, Thalberg, 65 Cosham, E., 41, 91 Cowen, Miss Henrietta, 38, 39 Craig, Miss Edith, 19, 37, 41, 62 Crampton, Miss Lois, 58 Crawford, Miss Alice, 66 Crawford, Percy, 71 " Cupid and Commonsense," 80 Curel, Francois de, 8, 34 Cuthbert, Miss Edith, 91 Cuthbert, Val, 87, 91, 93 Damery, M., 36 Dansey, Herbert, 42 Darmont, M., 36 Dan-ell, Miss Maudi, 75 Davenport, Bromley, 28 " David Ballard," 79 Day, W^illiam T., 84 " Death of Tintagiles, The," 17 Delph, C. L., 66 Denoirac, M., 36 98 Denton, Frank H., 68, 70 Devereux, William, 48 Digby, Everard, 31 « Dodo," 65 Dodsworth, Charles, 68 Doone, Neville, 22 Doran, Charles A., 66, 68 Douglas, Kenneth, 33, 42 Drinkwater, A. E., 6, 11, 46, 48, 52, 64, 70 Drummond, Miss Dolores, 54 Duddington, J. Nightingale, Duncan, Miss Lola, 76, 83 Dunn, J. Malcom, 33 Durand, Maurice, 34 Dyall, Frank, 16, 17, 20, 21, Eadie, Dennis, 38, 39, 68,80, 94 Faber, Miss Beryl, 40, 80 Faber, Leslie, 69 Fairbrother, Miss Sydney, 46, 79, 82, 83 Farquharson, Robert, 15, 19, 24, 26, 73 Farren, William, Jun., 63, 84 Fay, W. G., 94 Feilding, The Hon. Everard, 6 Fenn, Frederick, 49 Fernie, Loring, 50 Ferrar, Miss Jessie, 16 Ferris, W., 22 Filippi, Miss Rosina, 40 Filmer, A. E., 93 Filmer, Miss Beatrice, 93 Fitzroy,AlmericW.,C.V.O., 6 Forde, Athol, 73 Fordyce, Miss Florence, 26 Forrest, Kempe, 63 Foss, Fred, Jun., 52 Foss, G. R., 26, 37, 63 Foss, Kenelm, 66 "Fountain, The," 93 Fox, S. M., 42 France, Charles V., 33, 35, 46, 58, 76, 84 Franklein, Miss Lucy, 29 Franks, Wilfrid, 63 Eraser, Miss Winifred, 13, 15,33,38 Froment, M. Jean, 36 Gamble, Warburton, 52 Garden, E. W., 46 Garnett, Edward, 84 " Gates of the Morning, The," 83 Gelderd, James, 52, 64, 65 George, A. E., 14, 16, 28, 30, 31, 33, 38, 39» 45> 50 Gerard, M., 36 Giacosa, Giuseppe, 8, 90 Gibbon, C. R., 71 Gibbon, Charles, 78 Gogol, Nikolai V., 8, 70 " Golden Rose, The," 42 Goldsmid, Miss Carmel, 62 Goldsmith, Miss Ina, 31 Goodhart, Charles, 32, 40, 45, 60 " Good Hope, The," 40 Gordon, Douglas, 43, 84 Gore, A. Holmes, 40, 91 Gorki, Maxim, 8, 45 Gow^ard, Miss Annie, 49 Graham, G. M., 56, 58 Gran, Albert, 15, 24, 28 Grant, Lawrence, 65 Granville, Miss, 50 Gray, Mrs. Gordon, 33 " Great Friends," 56 Greet, Miss Clare, 21, 26, 68, 75, 79,.86, 88 Greenlaw, Miss Nora, 26 Grein, J. T., 40 99 Grein, Mr.andMrsJ.T.,69 Grenville, Arthur, 33, 46 Grey, Miss Isabel, 74 Grey, Robert, 68 Gribouval, M,, 36 Grimston, Miss Dorothy, 56 Grimwood, Herbert, 56, 70 Grose, Christmas, 95 Grove, Fred, 45, 46, 47, 68, 7i» 72, 91, 93 Gurney, Edmund, 79 Gwenn, Edmund, 60, 76, 78, 86, 92 Hackney, Miss Mabel, 37, 76 Ha2;en, Julius J., 55 HaUard, C. M., 33 Halstan, Miss Margaret, 13, 40, 50, 90, 94 Hammond, Miss Dorothy, 16, 18, 26 Hanbury, Miss Lily, 42 Hankin, St. John, 6, 8, 11, 39, 58, 75, 88 "Hannetons, Les," 76 Harben, Hubert, 60, 86, 93 Hardinge, Miss Mabel, 13, 29 Hardy, Thomas, 20 Harkness, Miss Jean, 88 Harvey, Henry J., 53 Harvey, Miss May, 54 Harwood, Miss Florence, 94 Hauptmann, Gerhart, 8, 18, 26, 72 Haviland, William, 86, 90, 91 Hawkins, Miss Iris, 62, 86 Hawtrey, George, 45 Haydon, Miss Florence, 62, 15 Haydon, Mrs. Florence,! 8,60 Hearn, James, 43, 94 Heijermans, Herman, 8, 40, 86 Henley, W. E., 21 Heron, Dalziel, 28 Heron, Miss Ida, 46 Hersee, Master George, 28 Hertz, H. A., 6 Hesslewood, Tom, 1 6, 20, 2 1 Hevv^etson, C. Herbert, 68 Hignett, H. R., 54, 73, 94 Hill, Miss Annie, 46, 73 Hollovi^ay, W. E., 73 Holmes-Gore, A., 80 Holthoir, Nicholas, 45 Homewood, A. S., 52, 90, 91 Homewood, Talbot, 66 Home, Alderson B., 6 " House of Usna, The," 16 Hubert, W., 65, 71 Hutton, Ralph, 75 Ibsen, Henrik, 8, 15, 28, 35, 37,66 Image, Selwyn, 5 Imeson, A, B., 78 " Ina," 50 Ingram, Miss Ethel, 93 " Inspector-General, The," 70 " Interior," 16 "Invention of Dr. Metzler, The," 70 Irving, Miss Ethel, 58 Irving, Laurence, 22, 35, 37 Jacobi, Miss Rosalie, 16 James, Mrs. Cairns, 46 Jarman, Herbert, 66 Jerrold, Miss Mary, 93 "Jimmy's Mother," 64 Jonson, G. C. Ashton, 1 1 Joy, Miss Bruce, 84 " Kammersanger, Der," 78 Kennedy, W. S., 6 Kings, Frederick, 91 Kingston, Frank, 86 Kingston, Miss Gertrude, 56, 70 Kitts, Henry, 70, 72, 73, 91 100 Knight, Julius, 32 Knoblauch, Edward, 13, 15 Knox, Philip, 72 "Lady from the Sea, The," 35 « Lady Inger of Ostrat," 66 Lamborn, Miss Amy, 83, 88, 94 Lander, Charles, 62 "Last of the De MuUins, The," 88 Lathbury, Stanley, 91 Latimer, Miss Edyth, 86 Lawford, Ernest, 31 Lawrence, Gerald, 24 " League of Youth, The," 1 5 Leblanc, Mme. Georgette, 36 Le Clercq, Miss Florence, 84 L'Estrange, Julian, 40, 63, 78 Leveaux, A. H., 28 Lewis, Miss Mabel Terry,38 " Links," 86 Lion, M. Leon, 58, 91 Lister, Frank, 64 Livingstone, A., 41 Llewellyn, Fewlass, 48, 52, 56, 69 Lloyd, Miss Florence, 49 Lloyd, Frederick, 80, 93, 94 Logan, Miss Gwendolen, 24 " Lonely Lives," 26 Long, Harvey, 34 Lovel, Miss Gertrude, 18 Lowe, Trevor, 68, 70, 80 "Lower Depths, The," 45 Lugue-Poe, M., 36 "Macaire," 21 McCarthy, Miss Lillah, 60, 88 Macdonald, Ean, 46, 52 Macdonald - Martin, Miss Magy, 82 McEvoy, Charles, 8, 79 Mcintosh, Miss Dora, 47 Mcintosh, Miss Madge, 32, 42, 68, 75 Mack, Margaret M., 83, 92 Mackenzie, Miss Margaret, 72, 73) 75 McKinnel, Norman, 11, 34, 35,50 McLaren, John, 6, 1 1 Macleod, Fiona, 16 Macrosty, H. W., 1 1 Maeterlinck, Maurice, 8, 16, 17*36 Maltby, Mrs. Charles, 28, 68,84 Malyon, Miss Eily, 46, 54, 68, 73) 93 " Man and Superman," 60 Mannering, D. Lewin, 1 6, 1 7 "Man of Honour, A," 38 Mansfield, Miss Alice, 83, 93)94 Marcus, Miss Ethel, 29 Marew, Miss Lilian, 39 " Marrying of Ann Leete, The," 33 Martyn, Miss May, 69 Marvin, Miss Callista, 54 " Maternite," 68 Mathews, W. Lee, 6, 10 Maude, Aylmer, 54 Maude, Charles, 92 Maude, Louise, 54 Maugham, W.Somerset, 8,38 Maurice, Miss Marie, 54, 55 Mayeur, Eugene, 71 Mayne, Miss Hope, 69 Measor, Miss Adela, 88 Melford, A. G., 72, 73, 74 Merrick, Hope (Mrs. Leonard Merrick), 64 " Midsummer Fires," 69 Milward, Dawson, 50, 56 Minto, Miss Dorothy, 54, 79 " Mrs. Maxwell's Marriage," 14 lOl " Mrs. Warren's Profession," 32 " Monna Vanna," 36 Morison, Mary, 26, 72 Morland, PVederick, 16, 75 Murgatroyd, H., 86 Murray, Miss M'Aim(5e, 84, 88 Murray, Gilbert, 6, 24 Musgrave, Kenyon, 68, 72, 78,86 Neville, Miss Florence, 33 " New Felicity, The," 62 « New Idol, The," 34 Noble, Miss Sybil, 82 Norman, Miss Thyrza, 52 Norton, H., 22, 84, 88 Olive, Miss Edyth, 17, 24, 30, 66 Olivier, Sir Sydney, K.C.M.G., 6, 10, 14 O'Malley, Miss Ellen, 39 " One Day More," 63 " 'Op o' me Thumb," 49 Owen, Emmie, 45 Page, Miss Bessie, 33 Page, Norman, 71, 79, 83, 92, 93» 94 Paulton, T., 40 Paxton, Sydney, 20, 21, 33 Pearce, Walter, 82, 92 Penley, Fred, 93 Permain, Fred, 21, 22, 47 " Philanthropists, The," 46 Phillips, Miss Kate, 71 " Pillars of Society," 28 PiUing, W, 43 Plarr, Miss Marion, 52 Playfair, Nigel, 11, 38, 49, 50, 76, 79, 88 Pollock, John, 70 Porter, Caleb, 34, 54, 73 Poulton, A. G., 63, 94 Power, A. Lingham, 43 " Power of Darkness,The," 54 Price, Miss Nancy, 39, 93 Pritchard, Dudley, 50 Profeit, Leopold, 13, 16 Prowse, R. O., 50 Pryce, Richard, 49 Quartermaine, Charles, 28, 43 Quartermaine, Leon, 86, 91 Raalte, Miss B. van, 54, 55, Raleigh, Mrs. Cecil, 45 Rankin, F. M., 90 Reed, F. Warden, 41 Rees, Miss Alys, 78 Reeves, Mrs. W. P., 6 Reicher, Frank, 78 Revell, Miss Lilian M., 68, 79,86 "Rights of the Soul, The," Rivington, Kenneth, 76 Roberts, F., 55 Robertson, Miss Constance, 28 Robertson, Ian, 42 Rock, Charles, 20, 21, 39, 70 Roe, Bassett, 64 Roland, Miss Isabel, 71, 75 Romsey, Miss K. M., 75 Rooke, Miss Irene, 41, 62 Rose, Cecil, 72, 73 Rosmer, Milton, 46, 47, 79 Ross, Miss Irene, 73, 74, 93 Ross, Wilton, 93 Rotheram, W. H., 72, 86 Rous, Miss Helen, 33, 40, 56 Royce, Julian, 33 Royston, Arthur, 35 Ruskin, Kate, 45 Ruskin, Miss Sybil, 29, 54 102 St. Audrie, Miss Stella, 71 St. John, Christopher, 40 St. John, Miss Florence, 62 Saintsbury, H. A., 33, 88 Salom, Miss Louise, 6 Saxon, E. F., 22 Scott, Miss Dora Clement, 46 Seaton, A. Morrice, 37 Serville, Miss Georgette, 50 Sharp, William, 10 Shaw, Bernard, 6, 7, 8, 10, i3> i9> 22, 32, 43, 60 Shaw, Mrs. Bernard, 6 Shaw, Jules, 79 Sheldon, Miss Suzanne, 68, 69 Sherbrooke, Michael, 68, 71 Shore, Ross, 93 Silver, Miss Christine, 34 Sinclair, James R., 73, 78 Sleddall, Miss Elaine, 84 Smith, C. Aubrey, 1 1, 34, 43 Sothern, Sam, 75 " Soul's Tragedy, A," 48 Souper, G. Kay, 72 Soutar, J. Farren, 43, 45 Standing, Percy D., 56 Staveley, W. R., 66 Stayton, Frank, 17 Steel, Vernon, 56, 80, 88 Stephens, Yorke, 13 Sternroyd, Vincent, 68 Stevenson, R. L., 21 Stewart, Athol, 46, 52, 69, 83 Stokes, Hugh, 34 Stoney, Franc, 73 Strachey, Charles, 6, 1 1 Street, G. S., 56 Stuart, Cosmo, 32 Sturge, Howard, 33 Sudermann, Hermann, 6, 8, 9 Sutro, Alfred, 17 Swears, Herbert, 14, 15, 20, 24 Swete, E. Lyall, 1 6,26, 40, 52 Swete, W. Lyall, 54 Tabor, Clifton, 20 Tarpey, W, Kingsley, 8, 31 Tearle, Conway, 45 Templeton, Howard, 33 Thalberg, T. B., 15 Thomas, Miss Agnes, 58, 60, 62 Thomas, Berte, 15, 80 Thomas, Miss Dorothy, 80 Thompson, Miss Hazel, 60, 82 Thomson, W. Hector, 6, 10, II Thorpe, Courtenay, 15, 22 " Three Daughters of M. Dupont, The," 58 " Three Wayfarers,The," 20 Thurby, Miss Helen, 29 Thursby, J., 20 Titheradge, G. S., 15, 21, 37 Tolstoy, Leo, 8, 54 Tonge, H. Asheton, 76 Tonge, Philip, 52 Trevelyan, Miss Hilda, 49 Trollope, George, 33, 56 Troode, Charles, 94 Turgenev, 8, 91 Tweed, Miss Lilian, 73 " Two Mr. Wetherbys, The," 39 " Unemployed," 92 " Unseen Helmsman, The," Verity, Miss Agnes, 34 Vernon, Cyril, 42 Vernon, Frank, 82 Vezin, Hermann, 13, 14 Vibart, Henry, 80 Wade, Allan, 80, 93, 94 Wakeman, Miss Keith, 34 :o3 Waller, Guy, 37 Walter, Reginald, 55 Warden, Sydney, 13, 22, 31 Wareham, Alfred, 52 Warren, C, 52 " Waste," 80 " Waters of Bitterness, The," 42 Watlcin, Bernard, 6, 1 1 Watson, Miss Henrietta, 33, 37, 43, 80 Watson, Ivan, 20, 21 Watts, J. H., 10 Weaver, Wyn, 45, 47 " Weavers, The," 72 Webling, Miss Lucy, 62 Webster, Miss Annie, 20, 26, 28, 30, 46 Webster, Ben, 43, 48 Wedekind, Frank, 8, 78 Weedon, Miss Evelyn, 75 Welch, James, 13, 45 Wetherall, Miss Frances, 46, 94 " What the Public Wants," 94 Wheeler, Dr. C. E., 6, 10, 18 Wheeler, Mrs. C. E., 14, 15 Wheeler, Mrs. Ethel, 24 Wheeler, Miss Penelope, 72, 11 Whelen, Frederick, 6, 10, 1 1 " When We Dead Awaken," 37 "Where there is Nothing" 52 Whitby, Arthur, 15, 26 White, J. Fisher, 17, 45, 80, 82, 86, 91 Wiburger, V., 55 Widdicombe, Victor, 22, 31, 62 Williams, D. J., 28 Williams, Ernest E. S., 6, 1 1 Williams, Harcourt, 52, 66, Williams, Philip, 56 Williams, Wynford, 34 Williamson, Pym, 21 Wilson, Miss Lucy, 82 "Windmills," 31 Winwood, Miss Estelle, 62 Wontner, Arthur, 73 Wright, Haidee, 45 Wright, Mrs. Theodore, 1 8, 45 Wyes, William, 43 Yeats, W. B., 52 "You Never can Tell," 13 Young, Ernest, 88 CHISWICK PRESS: PRINTED BY CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. i THE WmMi^ ■J^TiVERSITY OF CALtF0EJE4 I.OS ANGELES AA 000 409 489 2 I nr»/o f^/^!^' lL''''"ii I L 006 502 742 7