nia: Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN V CHARACTERIE AN ARTE of Ihorte, fvviftc, and fccrete wri- ting by Charac- ter. Jnuaited by Timothe Bright, Dodlor of Phifike. ywprinied at London by T. Windct, the afsignc of Tim. Bright. 1588. ^um Privilegio Regijt Maieftatis. ^orbiddivg all other to print the favie. ADVERTISEMENT. The celebration last year of the iercentenary of Dr. Bright's work on Characterie, the first English Shorthand, has given such an impttus to the study of stenographic history and development, and excited so great an interest in the birth ol Modern Shorthand, that I need ofTcr no excuse for reprinting so rare a book, only one copy of which is known to be in existence. In every detail I have followed the original, preserving the exact spacing and pagination, as well as the quaint old-style spelling, using also an almost identical fount oi letters specially obtained for the purpose, but substituting engraved characters for the rapidly fading pen and ink stenograms in the original, that mv fellow laborers in shorthand ■'3 research may have the same ficility of examinini( the work, as would be afforcied by visiting and procuring admission as readers of the Bodleian Library at Oxford. J. HERBERT FORD. Reporttrt' Journal Office, 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. 26th July, 1888. \* This reprint is limited to 100 copies. TO THE MOST h I'gh , and 77t ighty p 7'inct, Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, Queene : Defen- der of the Faith etc 11^;^^*^ I c e r o did a c c - IK^J ^^^^^t it wor- thie his labour, a n d no 1 e f s p r o - iitable to the Roman com- mon weale (mod gracious Soucraigne,) to inuent a Ipecdic kinde of wrvting by character, as Plu- Az tarch Dedicatorie tarch reportcth in the life of CA TO the yongcr. This inuention was increafcd afterward by SENECA: that the number of charaders grue to 7000. Whether through iniurie of time, or that men gaue it over for tedioufnes of learning, no- thing remaineth extant of CiCEROEs inuention at this day. Upon confideration of the great vfe of fuch a kinde of writing, I haue inuented the like; of fewe charadters, fliort and eafy, cuery charafter anfwe- ring riiiii ci word : mv inuenti- on mcere Englilh, without precept, or imitation of a- ny. , The vfes are diuers : iliort, that a fwift handc may therewith write orations or publike actions of fpeach, uttered as becom- nieth the grauitie of fuch adlions, verbatim. Se- crete, as no kinde of wrv- ting like, and herein (befides other properties) excelling the wryting by '\ lett- ers, and alphabet, in that, nations of ilrange langua- ges, may hereby communi- A3 cate The Epiille cate their meaning toge- ther in writing, though of liindrie tongues, it is repor- ted of the people of Chi- na, that they have no o- ther kinde, and so traf- fike together many Pro- uinces of that kingdom, ig- norant one of an others fpeach. Their charadlers are very long, and harde to make, that a doufen of mine, may be written as foone as one of theirs ; Be- lides, they wanting an al- phabet, fal into an infinite number, which is a thing that Dedicatorie that greatlie chargctli me- mory, and may difcourage the learner. This mv inuentlon I am emboldened to dedicate vnto your maieftv, in that among other your prince- lie vertues, your maieftv is woont to approue of euc- rie good and profitable in- uention of learning: and in duetie of thankefulncisc ;im I much more boundc thereunto, from whome I haue receiued afsurance of the fruite of mv ftu- dies, by your maiefties A4 moft The Epiftle moft gracious Priuiledge. And this my inuention be- ing altogether of Englilli yeeld, where your maicllie is the ladie of the foyle it appertayneth of right to you onely. So, niooucd hy duetie, and encouraged by \'our inaiertics hiuoura- b!c difpolition to the ver- tuous, df learned indeuors of your faithful fubicdts, I haue pre fumed to publifh my charadtery vnder tlie protection of your maie- iHes name. It is like a ten- der plant, young c;' ftrange, and Dedicatorie fo it refteth. If it may be fo happy, as to inioye the influence of your maicllies fauoure, and good hking, I doubt not, but it will growe vp, be embraced, & yeeld pro- fitable fruite vnto many, and I my felfe thereby ihal haue atteined for my par- ticular refpect, that which in a lower degree, many ihall enioy by the vfc of this my inuentio, which I hope (be it laid with modeftie) wanteth little to equall it, with that olde deuife As of The Epiftle of Ciceroes, but your ma- ieftics alowance, c3^ Cice- roes name. The later as I can eaiily fpare, fo without the former my chara(!:tcric dareth prefume no farther, but liueth, or dieth, accor- ding to your maiefties ac- count, whofc blefscd Ihitc, as it is to all your loyall fubieftes an other life, be- fides the naturall, fo to this new fprong ympe, (^ to nie the parent thereof, nothing can be more comfortable than you maiefties grati- ous expedtation, by whom all Dedicatorie all the land flouriflieth, cf is at the very heart cheered. The eternall blefse your maieftie with increafe of all happinefse to your com- fort, and your faithful fub- iefts, that (vnder the great maieftie of God) onely de- pend vpon you. Your Maiefties faithful fubieft, Timothe Bright. An Instruftion to the Reader, how the art is to be learned. Hon hast here gen- tle reader, an art of (hort, and lb of fpeedie wryting, plainly delivered vnto thee. So as by thine own indultry, thou maieft attain unto it, if thou wilt but one month take paines therein, and by continuance of an other month, maieft thou attain to great readinefs. For thy better in- ftrud:i6,thou art firft to learne the charad:erie words by heart, and therewith the ma- king of the figure to the cha- racter, to doo it readily, and cleane, then, to be able to joyne euery chara(fter to the word To the Reader word pronounced, without book or light of any pattern before thee. This done, thou art farther to proceed, and to learn how to refer eyther words of like fignification,or of the fame kinde, or contra- ries into thofe that be quite charadlerie. Here becaufe e- uery man by his own reach can not confider how to refer all words, thou haft in this book an Engliih dictionary, with words of refercce alrea- dy thereto adioyned to help suchasof thcfelues can not fo difpofe the. The words wh ich are called appelatiue, if they fignifie things that have di ftinct parts : thofe parts are to be written on the one fide,and the things and all the fortes ot that To the Reader that kind, on the other, and where there be many of a kind for cleererdiflinftion, part the into diuers fides. Likewife, as thou maieft fee in the table of the more particularly. Inftead of much laborious writing ; for thy fpeedie exercife, and eafe, thou maieft caufe one to read the didlionarie to thee, while thou writeft it, and fo in that fmall quantity of paper haft thou to exercife thee more, the if thou shouldeft write whole volumes. And if thou wilt take pains to caft the charadferie words into fome difcourfe, as liketh thee beft, fo haft thou a means of reteyning the art, and keeping it without al dan ger of forgetting. Moreover. To the Reader Moreover, thou maieft ex ercilc this art after a while learning, as well by reading without writing as if thou diddeft write, by calling the charafter to thy minde, and the worde of reference. So hall thou the art of ihort, fwifte, and fecrete writix^g, none comparable. Farewell. THE ARTE OF Cha7'acterie. Haradterie is an art of writing brieflic. It hath two parts. The firfl: parte is concerning the making of the charafters. The fecond is concerning the value, and fignificationoi: them. The charadler is a brief mark of a word. To charadlers doe belong two thinges : figure, and loy- ning. The figure ought to be ea- fie, and brief. The ioyning of characters confilteth of fituation, and di ftindion The The Arte of The fituation of charafter ought tobe one diredlly under the other. The diftincftion ought tobe made with a prick fette under the charadler, at every brea- thing,orpause of thefentence as ^ Thefe are properties be longing to all charadlers. The kinds of charadlers are two: fimple or compound. The fimple one is a charac- ter made of no other, and is varied by euery kinde of pofition, hanging or lying. It is either a ftraight line,or crooked. A ftraight line hanging direct, as, | or bias as/ \ lying, thus, — A Charadlerie A crooked line, is either half circle or whole, hanging thus, 3 c lying thus n,^ The whole circle thus o The compounded charac- ters are fuch as be made of the fimple. The compound character hath two parts : the one is the body of the chanxfler, and the other is an addition to it. The body of the character is a fmgle ftraight charafter, & by it is varied the pofition ol the charadler compounded thereof. The addition is to either fide of the body, to the head or to the foot. The addition is either An- gle, or compound. Single, when the addition is The Arte of isof one lineonly: andthatey- ther ftreight, or croked. Streight line to the head of either lidc, thus : u n i r to the foote, thus : Ji H A crooked Hne to the head, thus ; 1 r n 1 r 1 P to the foot, thus: JL JUL A compound addition is when the addition confifleth of two Hues. The compound addition is oftvvo forts: cither of the fame kind of hnes, as two crooked as ?, or one ftreight and the o- ther crooked, at the head thustt, at the foot thus J I Hetherto of the parts of firai^ht line charaflffs, and the properties belonging to them. NOW OF THE KINDS. A ftraight Hne copound is Characterie is multiplied by varying ^ pofition, firll — then / and j A ftraight line characfler is -^ cither limple compounded, r or double compound. Simply compat head thu : from £ * anfwcring the alpha- p bet iauing k, q, and y, which i are anfwered with c, and i, Pofition /-y-\ at the feet thus: JL n JL J L JU'. pofi- tion -^ ^ ^ -y / \. Do uble com pounds are fuch, as hauc additions both at head and foot, as )j)}-)J]J J) 6cc, and fo the reft, the i 2. feetc added. Pofition thus ^'^^) Thefe are all the ftraight li- ned characters. Thus much concerning the charadler, and of the firft part of charaftery. The Arte of The fecond pari of Cha- racter ie^ touching the sig- 7iification of the Character THe fignification of the charader is of two forts, folitary or accom- panied. The foHtary fignification is that, which a fohtary charac- ter exprefseth. That is, certain words whereto all other may bee re- ferred, called charaftericall. The charadlericall words, are a number that have nei- ther agreement, nor contrar- ity together: butftand indif- ferently affeded. Thefe are all contained in the table following, with the Cha Charafterie charafter adioyned to each word. Let a fhort crook, ferve an ufual and fhort word: and a long one a long word : except the order in the alphabet dif- pofed for memory, caufe alte- ration. A word of the fame found, though of diuerfe fenfe, is written with the fame: as,faft, for abftinence from meat, for fwiftnefs,and furenefs: foif it much differ not,as whore,and hore, whole, and hole. Of the properties belon- ging to words. . THE properties belonging to words, are (hewed by plain exprefsing them: or are gathered by nature of the ^each. They The Arte of They are exprefsed by pricks on to the lidc of the charaftcr. They are common to all words, or peculiar unto cer- tain. The common is, to be pri- mitiue, or derived. Of pri})iitiucs, or deriuatiues. Primitiues and deriuatiues are known by the language : as, he is a virtuous man, not a virtue man : fear God, honor the king: not fearful, fo not honourable. Deriuatiue words that end in er, require two prickcs at the right fide of thecharafter: as, labourer is deriucd of labour. }. Such as end in ihip, as friend Charafterie friendfliip, or hood, as neigh- hourhood, require in the word written, the charafterof iliip to be placed underneath: and whether it, or hood be to be read, the language will plainly deliver. For no man will read either ncighbour- fliip, or friendhood. Such be written with the charaftcrofhjandaprickon the left fide, as: I Thus much of primatiues and de riualiucs : which are common to all words. Nozo of peculiar properties. THe peculiar to nownes are nomber and comparilbn Of number. A; goingbeforethe word,de- clareth the Angular number: as, a man, not, a men. B. When The Arte of Whe the, goeth before, place a prick at the fide of the cha- rafter following, to note its plural nomber, as I the ages. The charafter of this requi- reth a prick on the fide, to fig- nify thus. ^ The reft is declared by the language: as, two men, not two man. Of comparifon. The comparative degree is known from the other, by than, following : as. Gold is better than filver, not good than filver, nor beft. The fuperlative degree is declared by of, following: as, Gold is beft of mettalls. When comparifon is be- twixt two, of, fignifieth the comparativedegree: as,bcttcr of twain. Hethci to Charafterie Hetherto of properties belonging to nownes : it follouieth of juch as belong to verbsy as tenccy or time. Of Tence. If the time be partedfrothe word, as, I will againft fuch a day, do this: then make the mark of the time at the fide of the perfon: as, .!.t) Thetimeofdoinganything if it be part, and is fignified by haue: let the charadler for haue, be written. If had, doe fignify it, make a prick in the charafter of haue, on the left hand. \ If did, make the like prick in the charadler of do, on the fame fide. -"^ For where, write the char- after true of where. If the word by reafon of B2 tence The Arte of tence end in ed, as, I lived, then niakeaprickinthechar- adlier of the word, on the left fide, i. The time tocomerequireth a prick on the right fide. When would is to be ex- prefsed, write the charadler of well for it, and read it would: and for (hould,make a prick on the right fideofwell. The prefent tence wantcth a prick,and fo is knowen from other tences. A word of doing, that en- deth in ing, as, eating, drink- ing, 6cc, requireth two pricks diredl under the body of the charader, as v-c Other times or tences, de- ped upon thefe,andareplainly difcerned bv the nature of the language. A Charafterie A note of Nombers, & proper names. NOmbers are written by the heads of the com- pound charafters, with a (Ireight bodie hanging, and take increafe by place, as cyphers in arithmetike. Proper names,if they be fig- nificant,are written by char- adter: as field,day, dfc. other- wife the head of the character bearing the figure of a letter added alfo to the foot, and fo joyned in one figure, may ferve for two letters: asabl^ ac ; adu acsj ba^ be^ c&'candfo other two, till all the word, or as much as necefsary, fhall be written : with a mark at the fide of the firft charadler, to (how that it is a name. B3 He The Arte of Hethtrto concerning the (olttary f: unification, 7vith properttei belonging to words ft fol laiueth of the accbpc nied fignification . The accompanied figiuh- cation is that which the cha- rafter exprcfsed by an addi- tion to it. This addition, is the heads of ftreight charaders, each anlXvcring a letter in the al- phabet. Thcfe additions carry the firfi: letter of the accompanied fignification, to declare what it is. Iftheaccompaniedfignifi- cation have two words of like beginning as ledde, and la- tine, take two of the firrt: letters made into one charac- ter, as before any names, for differece. If Charadterie If two, be like, (which is ve- ry rare)leaue the vowel,orthe confonant,oftheone,fordif- ference,asinftrechandilrain, and take that which may make the difference. The accompanied fignih- cation is of two kindes. Either when the very word lb fignihed or the fenfe only. The very word, when the prefife word is tobefignified. Ilerefometimesfallethout d Ihortening of writing. Firft, when and, or, any, orfuchcuiundlions come be- twixt two words that are of Hkefignificati6,or contraries: then: inflcadof the characflcr of the fecund, place the addi- tion inferting the iirft letter of that word, to the fide of the coniundtionasr^lifeanddeath. And The Arte of And if many fynominaes, or contraries be uttered notcou- pled by any coniundtion, make a pricke inftead of the coniunftion, and note thofe lynominaes, or contraries, with their marks, as before is faid, as part whole ; lumpe, peece, thus: ^h The fecond iliortening is in repititions. If the repitition be of An- gle wordes, the figure of the nomberhowoftit is repeated is to be added to the left fide of the charadler of the repeated word, or fo many pricks, as earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord. }.i ^. Ifitbeofafentece,orwhole part thereof, place a circle on the right fide of the firft re- peated woordes charadler. Characterie Thus : In perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils of the fea, write thus, i\^t-? ?^ Q-C. The accompanied fignifi- cation in exprefs word, is of two forts. Either of like, and confenting fignificatio with thefolitary: or of difsenting. TheconfentingfignificatiG requireth the mark on the left fide. TheconfentingfignificatiG is of two kinds. When the accompanied fignification is a fyonima to the folitary, or a kind of it. Synonima, as anger, rage, fury, --^ p ^ 1 -^ A kind as mettall, brafse, tinne, ledde. '^1 ^ -f ^-o f u-d Thus The Arte of Thus much of the confen- ting fignification: the follow- eth of the difsenting. The difsenting fignification is when the accompanied difsenteth from the fohtary. Here the addition is to be placed on the right fide, as : When it is a mere denying it hath only a dafh through the charadler, whofe word it denieth,as,is, is not: good,not good. _^-Kt Hi- Here place the fhortening on the right fide, as life, and death, neither good nor badde. ^^' When such a contrarie is firfi:tobewritten,asisnotcon- teyned in the title of charac- tery wordes,then write it with the addition, and let thecon- iundtion Charafterie iundlion be accopanied with che mark on the left fide, as death and life. \}^ Which mark is a pricke if it bethefolitaryfignificatiothat is to be written, otherwife a markofthefynonima,thereof Hcthcrio cbfernino the accompanied fignification of tlu exprejs words it foUo^iveth of the jcnje. The fenfe only is to be ta- ken with the charad:er, whe befides that we defire to be fwift, the very exprefs worde is not necefsary. That is, when they do but fill the fpeach, or otherwife are not 6f the fub- ftance matter: as, circum- locutions, and purpofes. Of the firft fort is, when we leue out the fpecial,and pecu- Har properties: as, high hea- uen, eternal God. Hereleaue out The Table _jBone / Booke y Borrow /'' Both J Bottome / Bread (/ Breake / Breede Z^Breft /Bright ^Brittle ^ Brother ^^Bruife ~\jBurne ^Bufie 'VBut C ;pAii (^ Can ^''Captious I^Care /Caufe C Caue /Caufe CCertaine /Challenge (:; Change /Chriftian C Church AChule '-X:yll ^Cynde v_iCircum(lance ^oCitie ^^loth ^-TjCnowe "^-flCoyne ^Colour \-«Commaund ^-Xomfort ^-«Common y^Compare C Com pan ie y^Compell r Continue /Conceiue C Condition / Contained C Confider ^Confefs X^Confcience e^ Conftant /TConuey ^ Content ^vX^ome ^Corner Corrupt Char ^ Corrupt afterie v-='Digge ^Couer r^Diligence ko Counfel r-*Dirsemble S» Count ^Diftrefs ^Crie v^Difie S Cuellion ^Doe '^Cuit ^Dont i^Cumpafse 7 Draw VCut TDreame D /Drie J Day /Drinke t Danger i/Driue ^ Deceiue 6 Drop t Declare /Due j Dedicate /Duble I Deere E ^ Defend /PARTH C^ Edge iDelight J Depriue -fEuen "wOeputie DElement .^ Defcend J^Eloquence "Defire C Enough ^Defpife ^Enter '^"iDeflitute tEnterprize ^Deftroy ^Erea v^Diet i;Err ^ 'Differ clEi'cape Euery The Table '- Euery --Fifh "^ Example ^Flatter ^Except '^Flefh ' Exercife ^'Fly ^ Except -i' Fling ^ Expert r^Flouridi F ^ Folow ^ pace ' . ^ Faith ^^ Ford ^ Force ^ Fair <- Forfake "^Fall "1 ■-\ Fortune \ Fare \ Foundation Faire ; Fountaine " Fart ' Free Fat »' Friend " Feare ^ From ]; Feaft '^ Frown e ^ Feede '^Fruite " Field -^Funiifh ""Tetter G ^-"Fight ^^ Garde ""^ Fickle Fill ;'^ Garment Filthy ^ Gather '^ Fine ^Gentle "" Fined "^Geft ' Fire Get Gide Charafterie "^Gide '^Heale -' Giu^n ^'Hee ^Go '^^edde «^God -'Helpe ^GOdd "Tlerbe ^Gofpcl ^^ere |-^Glafse ^^Hete ^Glorie ""^etherto '^ Grace '"Heuen "Grafs Hie ^Grane " ^il ^ <;rafse ^^iftorie ^Graue ^^Hit ^Great -^'Hollow ^Grief ' Honeft ^-^ Grove ' Hope '-^Growe "How , H J TJalfe I-" Hand r _ ^ Hould •Houfe ; Hulband 4 Hang -Hard Hurt ■ Hart I ^^ Harueft :Yet ^ Hafte If } Haue •Jnheritence ^ Hault '•: Inioy ^ Haunt ^Innocent Inquire The Table C Inquire S Inrtrument £ Intertein 'P Inuent 1 You «^ loyne R Vong 'kludge ^luel , L / Labour tLaft ■S Late t Laugh J Lean C Learne /Let i Lether 4* Leue ^ Ly si' Liberalitie ^tife '-^Lie '^-l.ike '^'Limitte ^^Line "^Lode ^^^Loofe '^Loue '^-°Louge M 5 Ayf adde \^^^^ Make 5 Man »^Maner J Money ^ Marchant J Marke b Marrie 1 Maruayle 'h Mafse f*^ Mart \ Matter ^^Meane "■"^Meafure "^Meete """^Mercie '^"'Merite ^^■^Mefsage ^jMettall ''""Minde ^Mine "-^Mirth ^"•^Mixed ^^Mock Mod- Charafterie - Modefty More • Moue ^ Mouth ^ Much I Murmur N ^ JSjaile X Nature ^ Necefsary "t Neighbour 3 Nether X Nette 3 Neuerthelefse 1 Nippe :3 No \ Noble -^ Nothing ^ Nothinglefse '"^ Now O y Obay C Office ^ Offend t Offer Oft Oh Omit One Open t: Oppofe iX Opprpfs u Or ^ Order ^Othe ^ Other ^Ouer ^ Ouermuch ^-j Ouertake ^ Ought ^-^ Owne ^ Owre :>-x Out ^T^ Outward P 3 pacient I ^ Part ^^ Pafse 3 Peace '^ People 3 Perfeft Parent Per The Table \ Perfwade ^ Phyficke % Place ^ Plague % Playe -^ Playne - Plead ~' Pledge -• Poynt -^ Pofsible Power Pray -^ Praife - Preach -^ Prejudice -\. Prepare -p Prefent _y Pretend (^ Preuayle ^ Preuent / Pricke J Prince I Promis ; Prophefy ,''' Proportion y Profper /' Proue i/ Pulpit I Punifti . Purge Purpofe R f "p ace p ■'■^ Raigne ^' Rebuke r Reche " Recover Reede r Ready Region ; Reioyce [^ Religion ^ Remember Repe -N Repent - Refon -/ Refolve - Reft -. Reftore Rewarde Reuenge -: Reuile T Riche c Right Tr Ripe 2^ Robbe Rodd Charafterie Z' Rodd f^ Roote J Rough / Rub f Rule C Rufh S Calute r t X 3- Saue Scarce Schoole Slander See \ Seede \ Seeme Since Shine Shippe Shoore ^-\ Side ^ Sinke ^ Singe ^ Sitt <^ Skill ^ Slippe ^ Smatter rt-j Smoke X K Soddayne \^ Soeuer ,^^ Sum \-£. Sore / Sounde '^ Space X Spare ^ Spark K Speake ^ Spice / Spitt ^ String /. Staye / Start J< Steppe / Steward > Stone ^ Strayne < Stronge ^ Study :< StufiFe . ^ Stumble «^ Subrtance { Such <^ Sweete ^r SweU iC Surfeit Sunne K The T "J Tame t Taa f Tcare ~t Temper t Tempeft ^ Thancke t That t Then i Thence t There f Thether t Thine ^ Thing ^ Thincke 5^ This >?-^ Thriue ■5H> Tidings 9^ Till ^ Time ^ Together ^ Tonge >-*^ Touch ^ Trade 5>-^ Treafon y Tree ^ Tribute / Triumph ? Treble Table / Tree T Turne W t ^^ Vaine I Waite f Ware ? Warne t Walth ? Water b Weapon ? Weary ^ Venture J Very *E Vertue d-. Vefsel 9^ Wether ^ What ^ Where 9-^ Wherefore e-^ Which &^ Whore 9-° Will e-c Vine B^Winde ®^ Winter ^ Violence W Charadlerie } Wife 1^ Vifit ,® Witnefse .^Wood /Woord

That i Leall that -fThou f^Eyee tSelfe ?Warde f^ Amen A Table of Er lglHllW( AB abandon for/ake abafe high abaihe blujh abate great abbey cofupante abbote bijhop abette defend abhominable filthie abhorring flee abyde continue abilitie can able can aboliOi deftroy aboue ouer abound about abricott fruite abridge great abroade in abrogate appoint abfent prefent abftaine fiey ablblute perfea ablurd uije A. Ibu/e A Table of abufe vfe AC accent found accept accefse enter accefsary appertaine accompanie companie accomplilTi beginne account count accord peace according as accurfe bUJse accufe accullome vfe ache gn'ei'e atchieue gff acknowledge confefse acome fruite acquaintance friend acquitance quit acre meafure ad doe aftion doe aaiue doe AD adde ioyne adder Jlie addia giue addrefse prepare adioy- Englifli Words adioyning ioync adiourne defenc adminiilration rule admirall worthie admiration tnaruaile admitted accept adoe doe adorne iewely or fin f aduance aduantage henefite aduenture venture aduerraric /rend aduerfitie pro/peritie aduertiled iearne aduile CQuncel adulterer whore aduocate pleade ad vow defend AF affaires bufie affeard feare affeded defire affedions defire affiance faith affirme fpeake afflided grieue affraide feare affrelh againe after before A2 AG A Table of AG aoro age againe againll againe aglet iciuel agoc J(nce agonic gn't/e agrauate liHiighi agree cofijent ague fore AH ah oh AI ayde hdpc aver a^r AK aker meafure ake grufe alder tree alderman 7vorJbip ale drrnke alien friend alienate change all alaide lie, or temper alarme uteapon alike like aliue life aledgc xuitnei aUif Englilh Wordi allie kitiiJU, or way alliance kinde aloft vp alotted fortune aloofe Jarre alowe like or gcve alure drawe almanake booke almes geve almondc fruite almoft alfo alter alter alum nuitall AM am amafed feare ambafsadour mefsagr amber /pice ambiguitie doubt amble goe ambrie cafe ambufhment watte amendes amende amerce fine amiable loue amifse right A3 AM A Table of amner Jleward among ufith amouroufly loui amplie gnat AN ancher Jhippe anciently age ande ioynt ancome fore angel nufsage andiron Jiuffe angelica herbe anger angle comer anife /cede anguifh griefe anoy trouble anoint anon now ante flic antedate before antiquitie age anuill beate anie fome anniuerfarie time anfwere queftion AP apa.fe faflc apBLrt aparte Englifli Words ape beajl apron apparel \apte nieete Jkppaire great a^^parant open ap^oarrel appeach accujc app\»ale call appAareth Jceme appehaine appe^fe peace appeti:e defre applie\ lie, or compare apple \ fruite appoint appreniife learne approach goe approou'ng like apperteiance apperteine aptnefsei' meete IR array garment, or order arres cloath arhitrenjent arbour ) iudge tree archamel archbiriop minde bijhop archdeacon deacon arch ' bende A4 AS- A Table of archer jhoote zirgument prooue arife fall ariue goe arme armie companie armorer armour wfapon arrell reftc arrerage.s lojse arrogancie high arrowe Jhoote arfe parU a r In ike mettall ari'werfie order artichokes herbe AS as afcending dejifiidc afliamed blujb afhes fire afide fide afke queflion aflcewe fide afleape watch afmuch as much afunder parte afquint fide afse Englifli Words afsay tajlc afsayle afsault proouf afsemble gather afsent cotifent afseigc compafsc afsigne appoynt afsilleth helpe afsil'cs fttr afsociate compante afsoone late afsure certairie afswage temper, or mea/un allonifh ft one, or feare afthough afsure colour afwell a/good AT atchicue g^i attache reft attaine g^i attainted innocent attempt enterprijc attentiue diligent attire garment attonement peace attrapped nette attributed geve attoumey deputie As A A Tab leof AV auaileable Jirong auance great auarice liberall auaunt out auborne coleidr audience htre auditour hire auenge | reuenge aumble S^oe auncient . age augment great augre injirument aunt parent auoide flie auow defend auouch defend author 1 make or doe authoritie rule or poitKr AW aw away •'' iwayte watte .(.waVie watch aware bnvare awarde garde, or giue awrye right awle \ all, orpoynt AX Englidi Words AX axe quejlion BA babble fpeake babie yong bable iewel bacheler marrie backe backbitt Jlrandifh purge nranne brafen graine mettall brafier nuttall brafse idftn brafsel tvood braue fine braule bread wrangle breeches brccde apparell bredth breake fide J or great breake fa ft diet bread breallplate breath arme blowe brewe brewis fatU bribe A Table of bribe rewards bricke fttone bride hujband bridge waye bridegroome marrie bridle fetter bridemayd hujhand,cr marry briefe ^eat brier tree brigantiiie arme bright brimme limit brimftone mctall brine Jauce bringe beare brinke edge briaie hayre brittle brooche iewcll broche open brock beaji broade fide broderer fkill broyle heate broken breake broker marchant broode breed^y or kinde brooke water brooke like (frccmc Englifli Words broome purge broth feede brothell whore brother brought beare browe face browne colour bruife brewe make brufhe purge brulle breake BV bubble iL'ater bucke hee bucke idem bucket vefsell buckle fetter buckler arme budde fpringe buffes leather buffet beate bugget cafe bugge minde buggerie whore builde make bull hee bullafe fruite bullions coyne buUocke beaji or he bulrujh A Table of bulrufh bulwarke bumbafing bunche biinche bundle bungerly bunting burden burrc burgefse burie bume burnet burnifh burrow burll bufhe bufhe bufhell bufie buflcins butcher but butter, butte ' butterfly buttes butler grafse defence hat re or line gather beate idem arte hirde bcare hearbe worjhip graue hearbe fine cittie brcake tree mea/ure opparell labourer fatte, orfeeie but fly but fieward buttocke Englifh Words buttocke parte button fetter buttrefse wood buttrie houfe butwine buzze found CA cabage herbe cabine houfe cable line cage cafe cake breade calfe young call calme temfaft caltrops pricke came goc cammoife right campe field champion fight can canapie couer cancell cut, or teare candle light canker fore cannell way canonifed holy B f^n A Tabic of canuafsed beate canuafse cloath cappe garment cape garment capacite houlde, or /pace capon birde captaine princtpall captious ^^'•'■e drawfi cardes play care Carrie beare carrire carke goe care carFiation colour or flower carpe captioufe carpenter Jkill carpet ftuffe carle beare caruer caruing cafe graue or parte cut or parte cafement cafket cafsock caft caftrell entry cafe garment flinge birde catch catchpole g^tte officer cater Ehgliffi Words cater steivard cattail bedji caterpiller fly candle light caudron vefsdl caue caulfe younge cauiltour captioufe cauUe call caulme Umpeji caufe caufey way CE ceafe refte celler caue cenfer smoke certaine cefsed rejl cefteme water CH chafe heate chafeyng idem chaffe graine chaine fetter chaire fitte challenge chalice vejsell chalke earth chamberline Jieward £2 Cham A Table of chamblct cloath champe bruife channel fmcke change changeling chanon bijkop chappeth parte chapman tnarchant or buie chapler head chappell church chaplaine bijhop charecole fyre charge charger vcjsell chariot beare charme blijse charter write ^ or booke chafe driue chafte whore chaft'ce beate chat. fpeake chaunce fortuM chancell church chancelouf worjkip, or judge chandler light chawe bruyje cheape deare chearfuU mirth checke Englifh Words checke rebuke checker place cheife prince checke face cherie fruite cherifti comfort cheefe feede chefiU cutte chefse playe cheft cafe chellen fruite chewe bruyfe chicken youfige chide rebuke childe yaunge chill heate chimney fyre chime mirth chincough chinke chinne fore teare, or parte face chippes chime part beate chirpe chirurgion chitterling choyle cholerike founde phijicke feede choofe bloud Bj choppe A TiWc of chop cut choofe choake let or kill chriftening chriji chriftinatorie anoynt chriftmas feaft chronicles hijiorie church churhfh kinde chufe CI cicle meafure cinamon Jpicc ciprcfse tree circle compMfse circuite abaut circumfpefl wife, or care circumlUnces cifers cutt citie citizens citie, or man citteme mirth citron fruite cluillity maner ciues Jierbe CL clacke founde chide Englifli Words cladde cloth claie earth claime challenge clammie tough clapper beate clap beate or founds claret drinke Clarke learne clafpe fetter clanicordes mirth claufe poynt clawes nayle cleftes teare, or parte clegge fajly or beate cleane filth cleanfe purge cleare bright cleargie church clearke learne cleane ioyne cleaning ioyning clew gather, or bottome cliffe hill clime de/cende clinch faji clippe parte, or cut clipped call ^ clifter medicine £4 clocke A Table of clocke time clodde earthy or ma/se cloyller noiife cloke garment clofet epen cloth cloude clouen parte cloues /pice clounifti cillie, or maner clout cloath clubbe weapon duller gat turgor company cluttred ioyn^y or fetter CO ceape apparell coalle limet cobler amend cobwcbbe cloth couchr lye cocke hee cockatrice ^flye cockifh glory cockell grayne cockeiell y^nge cockering comfort cockney grau€ (ODd couer codde Englifh Words codde fiP cofer cafe coferer cojnifance marke coyfe garment coyner coyne coyte play, or fling cole burne collier labourer colerake injlrument colander firayne coulde Jieate coUea colle coller coUedion pray compafse fetter gather collops coloured part colour colt coUufion younge deceyue come commandment goe combe injlrument combate fight combroufse grief e, or trouble commedie playe commence beginne commende prayfe commentarie booke B^ com A Table of comfort comming gOf commifsarie ojfice commifsioner deputie commit giuc comelines fayre commander conwiande commoditie benefite common commons commonaltie commotion uprore communication speake compad ioyjie company companion friend compare compafse compafsion mercie compell compendioufly Jxde, or great complaine playnt comple6lion nature complices companie compofition mix, or temper comprehende hould compremifed iudge comprifed hould comp Englifli Words comptroller comviaund compulfion ccmpell concealing open, or cotter conceites conceiue conceiue concerning appertainc conclude begin concoft prepare concord conjcni concubine whore concupifcence defire condemned quitie condefcend confent condition conduite way, or jp ring condudl guide confeftion make confederates friends conferre compare, or bejlcw confefse confidence faith confirme certainc confifcation loofse confit prepare conflia fight conforme figure confound dejiroy confufedly order confute proove B6 con- A Table of congealed gather conger fi.lh congregation companie congruance peace conie beaji conieduring thinke compundion prick coniure blefse coniurer confent conquerer prcuayU confcience con fee rate fwlie confent confequently fo conferued confider i dejlroy confift fitie confpire conftable office conllant conftraine covipel conftrue declare confult cou7icel confume /pare contagioufnefse corrupt containe holde contemne defpife contempt dejpife con- Englifh Words contend wrangle content continue co^tinuallie continuance contraft bargaine contrie region contrarietie like contrarie contrariwife contribute bejlowe^ or gau contriuer maker controler controuerfie Jieward queftion conueigh conuenient tneete conuenticle conuerfant companie be, or haunt conuert turne conuid conuince cooke coole promie fieward hole cooper labourer coope coople cafe one coozens coepartner copie ktfide, or parents part, or companie like cope A Table of cope couer cope apparrell coperas mettall copioufe abound copped hottome copper mettall cobweb cloath corrall jione corde line corke 7V00d cormorant birdf come grains corner comet mirth coroner office corporall minde corred amende correfpondciU like corroborate Jirong corrupt corflet arme coft ritch coftly coftiue loofe cote garment cotage hou/e cotten heare coward feare couch Englifh Words couch lie couen deceite couenant bargaine couer couering couerlet couert couet defire couetoufc liberall couetoufnes cough fore councell count counter countenance face counterfaire tone counterpaine figure counterpoint counterpoyfe waight countie region countefse worjhip courage hartCj orfcare couragious couragioufly courd feede courle right, or rough courfe raje court A Tabic of court companie courtlike companie courteine couer courteous manner courteoufly courtefie couflien fitu cowe jhee cowflip herbe CR crabbedly hard, cr rough crabbed crab fruiU cratch cafe cracke found crackle found cradle lie crafte deceive craftie craftelie craker glorie crake (faking cramming fill cramme rrampe draw, or fort crane birde crafcd Jirong crajb Englirti Words crafh hrakg craue begge craule goc creake found creame feede create make credence faith credite creeke water creket fttc creepe goe creple hault crefses hfrbe creft high creuifes corner crie cribbe cafe crimfen colour crifped rough chriilened chrift chiiftall glafse croke groue cronicle hijiorie crooked right crooke crie crouch fay croppe cut, or hellie crofse fetter^ or right crofsbowe bende, or boive crowe A Table of crowe hirde crown e icivell crouper Jlaye crucifie fetter, or hang crude prepare cruell mercie cruet vefsell crumme bread crull bread CV cubit mcajure cuckoe birde cuckoulde honejl rucumer fruite, or herbe cudde bellie cudgell rodde culle gather cullander Jlrayne cullers colour culpable innocent cumber let, or trouble c umber fome cunne learne cunning expert cunningly cup vefsel cupbord Jluffe cure, or office curiofitie diligent^ or care cu- Englifh Words curioufe curled rough currie rubbe, or beate currilh 7nercie currier Jkill curfe blefse curilng curtail cutte curtaine ha?ig, or couer cuftard feedc cuftome v/e cut cuttell fijh cutler Jkill cutpurfe robbe DA dace fiJh dad parent •laffodiU florijh dagge jkoote dagger weapon daye daintie fine daifies florish dale hill dally play dame majier damme parent dammage A Table of dammage benefite damaflce filke, colour damfell Jhee dampe aier^ or water damfon fniite dandle flayy or moue dandeprat great dankiihe drie danger dare feare darke bright darling hue darnel] grayne darte Jhoote dafell moue dafhe beate daftarde feare date time dates fruite dawe birde dawbe Jilth daughter parent daunger dawning begin daunce goe DE - deacon bijhop dead Hue deafnefse heare dm Englifh Words deale dor, or geue deane bijhop dearth abound death life debarre let debafe high debate wrangle debilitate Jirong debonaire mercie debt ought decay flourijh, or abound deceiue decently ftieete decerne fee decke /aire decked declame fpeake, or preach declare decline Jia?idf, or bcnde decoftion feethf or water decreafe abound decree afoint dedicate dedufte drawe deede doe deeme thinke deface face defame praife, orfaunder defeate dejfroy, or deceiue default offend dc' Englifli Words defea abound defend defence deferre differ defiance difpice, or faith defile filth defloure florijk, whore defraude deceiue degeft place degree order degrefse forfake deintie fine delay delegable delegate deliberate hafte delight vie/sage (ounce I delicate fine delight deliuer delue deluge delufe delude geue digge floud, or 7vater floure, or florijh deceiue demaund queftion demainure manner deminifh great, or abound demifse call demure denie graue confes/e dent- Englifli Words denizen free denne houfe denmarke region denounce declare dent hit deepe high depart goe depend hang depofe place depraue depriue deputie deare deere derifion mock deriue drawe defcende defcription declare defert nierite defert forfake defeme fee defire deflce cafe defolation dejlitute defpaire hope defperate defpifed defpite defpoile robbe deftt A Table of deftinie fortune deftitute deftroy dellruftion deteyne houlde detea open, or accufe determine appoint detellible delight detraa giue deuide part, or cut deuiU minde deuife inuent deuour diligence deuoutly holy dew water DI die line die colour diademe iewell diall tyme dice playe ditche digge diaper cloth diet diffame glory differance differ differ difficult harde digg^ Englifli Words digge digeft order dignitie worthy\or worJ}:ip digrefse forjake dilate great dilatory idem diligent dill feede diminifh great dimnefe h-ig/it dimilance fight dinner diet dingle founde dint edge dioces region dippe water, or drop direft gide dirge prayer dirte filth di fable can, or Jlrong difagree conjent difalow like dilanull appoint difapoint apoint difard 7vife difburden beare, or lode difburfe bejiow dilcende dilcerne fee, or iiidge C. difcharge A Table of ^ difcharge quit difclofe open difcomfite deftroy difcomfort co7nfort difcommoditie benefite difcontent delight difcontinew continue difcord peace difcouer couer difcorage feare difcredit JJaunder difcreete wife difcription declare difcufse refolue difdayne defpi/e difeafe fore disfigure figure disfranciiife bonde, or free difgrace grace difgrade worjhip difguided change, or alter difhe vefsell dfhclout cloath dillierit inherite diftioneft honeft difhonour glorie difloyall treafon difmayde feare difmember part difmifse 1 Englidi Words difmifse call dilmall fortune dilbbedient obey difordered order diipaire hope difparke Jparke difparkled gather difpatch begin difpende /pare difpence quite dilperkel gather difperfed gather difpife difpite loue difplay open difpleafe delight^ or content difpoyle dejlroy difpofition order, or nature difpofsefse deprive difpraife prai/e difprooue proue difpuruaide fur?iijh difputation reafon difquiet trouble difsemble difsention confent difsent difseuer part difsimuling difsemble C2 difsi- A Table of difsipate gather difswade per/wade difsolue loofe difsolutely diligently diftaffe injlrument dillaine colour^ or filth diftance Space diftilled drop diftillation drop diftinfted part diftradt drawe diftraught fnadde diftrefse diftribute glue, or part difturbe trouble^ or let difufe vfe difworftiip worjhip ditch digge dittander herbe dittanie herbe dittie fonge diue Jmke, or defcende diuerfe ^ma7iy^ or fame diuide xpart diuine 'god diuination pr9phet diuifion part diuorce marrie diuulge common dizzine/sc Englifli Words dizzinefse DO doe doe doblet apparell^or double docke herbe dock docket coyne doftrine learne do£lour learney or majler dodkin coyne dogge beafi dole giue dolte wife domage befiefife dominion rule domme fpeake doe doer doing donne colour doune vp, or heare domes iudge dore entrie dormoufe h.eaft dorre /ly, or butt dorlour houfe dofen count jOr the figure dote 'Uiife \of number doue birde ^ Q doble A Table of double doughter parent, orfonne douke fall dulcimer mirth douche region downes fieldes downeward vp dowe grayne dowry part DR dragge drawe dragon flie dragons herbe drayne ftrayne drake birde dramme waights draper cloath^or merchant drawe draught draught dread feare dreame dregges filth drefse prepare drie drifte purpofe^ or driue drink Englifh Words drinke dripping drop driue driuell filth droppe drofse filth dropfie fore drowne finke drone dihgent drowfie watch drudge mafter drummes found dronken drinke DV due dub beate dubble dublet apparrell ducke birde dugge breaft duke worjhip dull edge dulcimer mirth dumpe griefe dumme fpeake dunge filth C4 dung A Table of dunghill filth. Ml dungeon graue, or caue dure continew dunne colour during continew durt filth dufkifli bright dull earth dutie dwarfe great dwell houfe EA each all eager hade eare heare eare corne ^ earle worjhip early late eame merite earneft play earth eafe eafie labour y or greefe eafement eaft worlde eafter feaft eate feede eaues hange eaw6 Jhee EB Englifh Words EB ebbe Springe EC eccho founde eclipfe light eche all ED edge edgeling edge education learne edifie erect EF effert eflfeauall perfect effeftuoufe doe or vertue effeminately man efficacie Jirength eftfoones late EG eger fweete, or haft ^gg^ feede egge draw, or flatter egle bird eglantine hearbe egrefse enter EI eie eibright hearbe Cs d^t A Table of eiger mercie eigh oh eight mimber eighteene eightie eileth fare either or EL eele fip elbow ioyne elder youngs or age elder tree eleft choofe elecampane herbe elegancie eloquence elegant fine elephant beajl eleuen count, or numhei elfe minde elme tree elne meafure eloquence elfe or EM embafsadour mefsage embers fire embofse hill embowed bende embrace Englifh Words embrace sahite or compafse embrewe filth embring faji embroderer figure, or labor emote beaft empaire great empeach lette emperour worjhip employ beflowe empouerifli rich emptie fill EN enamell ieivell enbalme a?wynt enchaunt blifse enclofe open encomber lett encourage feare encreafe abound, or great encroach gette ende begin endeuour enterprife endite accufe, or write endiue herbe endomage benefite endure continue, orlaft enemie friend enmitie friend enforce force, or eompell C6 enforme A Table of enforme learne engender breed enfranchife free engin i?ij}rument engraue graue engrofse great enhaunfe fall, or great enioy haue enlarge free enimitie friende enormoufe great enough enquire finde enrich riche enrolle winde enfample example enfueth follawe entangle fetter entent purpofe enter entrie enter enterchangeably chaunge entercourfe hau7it enterfeare beate enterlace mixe enterline etiterline entermeddle doe enterprife ept(jrtaine tntcrfayne entife Englifli Words entife flatter entire all, or perfect enuie loue enuiron compafse enure vfe EP epitaph write EQ equall euen equitie right ER eretl erle worjhip erne merite erne idem emeft play errand me/sage errand idem erre errour erre erwhile late ES efcape efceate change efchecker place efchew flie efpecially prince or common efpie fee efquire worjhip efquippe A Table of efquippe ready i eftablifh Jirong, orfoinida eftate condition \tion efteeme eftima^.on comite eftrange neighbo7',orfriejide ET eternall euer EV eue man euen euennow euen euening day euer euery all euerlaftingly euerlajl euent begin, or fortune euident open euill good \ EW ' ewe hee ewer ve/sell EX exaft tribute, or cojnmand examine inquire exafperate anger example like excecde abounde excellent Englifh Words excellent good except excerife excefsiue meafure,or abound exchange change excommunicate banijh exclamation call, or crU exclude banijh execration blefse excufe accufe execution doe exempt free exercife exhalation aier, or /moke exhibite giue exhortation per/wade, or coun exigent begin,orpa/se [cell exiling banijh expedient meefe expedition fajie expelling driue expence fpare experience prooue expert expiration blowe expired beginne explication open, or declare exploiting enterprife or doe expound declare exprefsed A Table of exprefsed couer expulfed call exquifite perfea extende reach extenuate ^great extoll '^aduance extortion 'rob extra6l drawe extreame limitte FA faUe face fafhion manner, or figure fade doe faftour idem fade contmue^ or last fadome meafure faggot gather faUe 4fall faine defire faint ^ftrong fairenefse faire faire ^ idem fajrie :^ minde faithfulnefs faith fall falchoaer * labourer falcon #owe birde field f»}(^hood falft Englifli Words falfe true falflie falter fpeake, or fal fame glory familiar friend famiiie companie famous glork famine feede fanne injirument fautafie minde fare farfe fill farcy fore fardell gather fardingale iewel larre farmer let, or lord farte found farthing coyne faft fatal! fortune father parent fathome meafure fatte faucet entrie fault offend faulter ftay, or fpeake faune young fauour grace > A Table of FE fee reward feare feafant birde feafting feaft feather heare feate fine, or doe feeble ftrong feeding feeling fence feined true feilde fell fall,orcouer fellon rob fellowe cofnpante female hee fenne drie, or water feende deuil fence fennell fefsment ferme feme garde feede gene let, or field herbe ferret fermour beajl labourer ferrie fertile pafse, or goe barren feruent hoate Mi Enriifh Words fefliual feafi fetch beare feuer fore feuerfue herbe fetter fewe many fewell fire FI fiddle mirth fire fierce anger figge fruite figtree fruite, tree fight figure file inftrument fir filth fie oh filberd fruite fill fillet line fillie Jhee, or young fillip hit, or blow filth filthines tiltny fine finally begin finch birde finde finger A Table of 6nger hand finiih begin firme ccrtaine, orjfrong firretree tree firft lafi fifh fill hand fitches grains fitte meeU fixed faft FL flaggon vefsel fllagging hang, or nioue flag marke flag herbe fiaile infirument flame fire flappe bloew flafh bright flatte euen flatter flawe breaks flawne feede flaxe herbe fleade cutte flea beaft flefh fleefe heare fletcher Jhoote JUctc Englifh Words fleete Jhippe flegme blood flexible bende flie flight Ring flintftone fione flitch parte or ioync flitching change flixe loofe flocke companie flockbedde lie floore boifomCi orflorijh floating floure noiiln flowe abound flounder fijh floute laugh floudgate water enter flute mirth FO foe friend fodder feede, or grajse fogge filth foine prick foifon abound foift found foiftie fweete foh A Table of fole young foulde winde^orcompafsc folke people foole foolifhnes fooliihly wife follow fome filth foiide wife fonte fpring foode fede footeman goe for forager rob forbeare forbeare forbid command force compell forecaft wife foredone defiroy forfet loofe forge true, or make forget forgetfull remember forgetfulnefs forgiue quitte, or punifh forehead forhead i infirument | forke forme /^> or figure /or Englifh Words former before for n ace fire forreft ivood forraine friend forlorne forfake forfake forefee forefooth fortrueth forefpeake foreflow forhajl foreftall let forefight forefweare oath foretell declare fortnight time forth in foreihinke forethinke forthwith prefent forte defence, or hould fortification firong foretrefse defend fortune forward backe fofter feede foule filth fouling birde founde foundation founder foundation^or make. f&unr A Table of fountaine fpnng fourme ftte, or figure fourd pa/se, or water fornifh foxe beaji FR fray feare, or fight fraile brittle, or continue fraight fill, or beare frame make francke fr» frankinfence fmoke frankeling Me franticke madde fratetnitie brother fraude deceiue freckell marke freedome free fi-eendfhip friend frenfie fore frequent flaunt frife roughs or cloatk frefh age fre^e anger frie heate ffidajr day fnnge limit or iewel fifee note figifled rough . .. - fritter Englifh Words fritter feede frocke apparrel frog beaji frolike mirth fromhence from thence front face frontlet face froft heate froth filth frowardnes anger, or patient frowne frubbifh purge frumentie feede fr^impe mocke fruftrate vayne fruite fuell fin full '' fill fulfill doe fulfome fweete fume fmoke fumetorie herbe funnel entrie funeral graue furne Jieare furie anger, or minde D furi A Table of furioufly maddc furlong 7fieafure furnace fin furnifh furrowe hill further fane, or help furtherance furthermore aljo fuftie fweete fuftian cloth GA gable line gadde goe gage lie, or witnefse gaggle fpeake gaye fine gaile fetter gaine benefite gainefay confent gaineftand obey gale blowe gallant fine gallemaphry feede gailie Jhippe gallcrie houfe galU Englifh Words galle picke galling gall bloud gallon meafure gallop goc gallovves hang, or fetter game play gambould motie gammon part gander he ganne begin gantlet amie gape gappe hreake garbage filth garde garden herbe, orflorijh garland iewell garlicke roote garment garner honfe gamifhing /aire garret hoitfe garrifon rompanie, or garde garter line gafhes cutte gafpeth bloive gate entrie, or goe D2 gathc- A Table of gathering gatJier gaude iewell gauling pricke gaxe Sec GE gealt gelde cut gellie tough gellouere flof-ijh geloufie doubt gemow ioyne generally common generation kinde, or breeds gennet beaji gentil germander herbe geise thinke gefter laugh geftes doe gefture behaiie^or manner get giue GH gholle minde GI giant J man gibbet punijh giddines dizzie gifte giue gik Englifh Words gile dtceyue gille whore gilde metiall gillofer fiorijh gilthead M giltie quit gimlet pearce gimmow ioym ginger /pice ginne punijh gird loofe girdiron Jluffe girle yonge girne laugh gitteme mirth giue gift idem giue fetter GL glade glafse glance moatie, or/hoot$ gleaning gather gleane idem glide Jlippe gUfter Jbine glory glQlSC declare, or bright l>2 gkui ^ A Table of gloue garment glowe hote glue ioyne glumming Jktnne gluttonie fiirfet GN gnafhe found gnat flic gnaw feede GO goade prick, or poynt goale marke goaft minde goate beaft gobbet part godlinelse god godfathers godparent goe gougion fijh gogle great goulde gouldfinch birde good goome water gunne Jhoote goofe brid gofling young goejbe Englifl»Words goesbery fruite gorbelly great bellie gorliead gi eat head gorge bellie gorgeoufe fine, or f aire gorget garment gofpell gofhauke hirde gofsip friend goate beajl gouerne rule gourd herbe gout fore GR grace grafse graye colour graine grammer arte grandam parent grandfather idem granate fruite grange houfe grape vine grapple hould grafsier grafse gralhopper file D4 grate ATnl 3le of grate bite grauell graue grandmother parent graunt giue greafe fat, or anoynt great gridiron M^ greedy difire greene colour grifse Joiue greahound beajl grime anoynt grimly frowne grinne laugh grinde beafe, or brufe gripings byte, or pricke gripe bite, or holde grifes degree, or up griftle bone groate coyne grocer trade grone groome fieward grope feele grofsenes great, or fine groue wood, or tree groueling lie ground earth groundfell \ Englilh Words groundfell herhe growe fpring grubbe roote grudge tnurmer gruell feede grunt grone GV guarded garde guefte guide guile deceiue guildhall place guife maimer gulfe inwater gulligut feede^ orfurfet gumme tnoxiih gunne Jhoote gurnard fijhe gutte belly gutter Jifike, or way HA haberdalher merchant, or trade habergion arme habitation houfe hacke cutte hackney beaji . Ds haddock A Table of haddocke fijh hafte hand haggpfse feede haie grajse haifare young haile water halberd weapon halfe hallo we holy halte halter line hamme ioyne hammer beate hamper ?iette, hanche part hande handle handuill beate handfomely hanged hanger hapharlat happen happie harbour harde hand, or fine hang hang fortune blefse houfe hardes haire hare harlot Englifh Words harlot whore harebrained hajlie, or mad harken heare harmefuU innocent harmonie proportio)! harnefse arme harpe mirth harrould me/sage harrowe till hart harueft hafell tree hafsocke J'eate, orfitte hafte hatche breede hatches Jhippe ^ hatchet cut, or injirumeni hated loue hatte garment haue hauen water hauke birde hall houfe hanche part haunt haulily high hawthorne tree haxerd da?iger, or fortune D6 he A Table of HE head headftall raine hpale liealpe health heaping gather^ or ma/se heaie heare heardman labourer hearne birde hearth fire heate heathe field heath hearbe heauen heauy u>aite, or light hedge defence hedgehogge beaft heede heele heifer heigh diligent ioyne ioung height heinous heire highe greeuous inherit hell heauen helmet arme helpe hemme Englifh Words hemme hmitie hemerhoides fore hemlocke h/rbe hempe herbe henne hee henbane herbe hence hitherto herault officer^ or tne/sa^^e herbe herbour entertaitie herbinger prepare heere herring fijh herfe beare hetherward there garde hether thether hewe cutte HI hitchell inftrument,or reape hicket fore hide open, couer hide lether hidebound hide loofe hireling lette hideous feare high hill hilt hand himne A Table of himne M hinde hee hindeer before hinder hurt, or let hinge hould, or hang hipocras drinke hire merite hifsop herhe hifte found hiftories hitcocke fore hitte huce cafe HO hoary colour hoarfenes fpeakCf or rough hoate hobbie beaji hoble goe hogge beaft hogfhead meafire hoifte high, or erect houlde hole corner holy hol' Englifh Words hollow cry, or found holpen helpe holefome whole homely houfe, or fine home hotife honeft honifuckle herbe honour glory ^ or worjhip hoode garment hoofe nayle hooke draw, or injlrttnient hoope compafse hope hoppe goe -hoppes herbe hourde gather^ ormafse horehound herbe home poynt hornet flie horrible feare horfe beaji hole garment hofpitall place hofte geji, orarme hoftage pledge hoftler labourer, or officer hotchpot mixe houell houfe houering flie, or moue howle A Table of howle crie how hounde beaji hower day houfe houfeleeke herbe HV huckle ioyne huckfter marchant.or trade hue figure huge great humbling high humme f0U7ld hundred count hunger feede hune ifiquire, or haunt hurle fling hurt hufband hufher Jiewarde hulke couer huche cafe huzze TA foufid iacina fione iacke honeji iacket apparrell lakes fmke iade Englifli Words iade beajl iagge feare, or cutte iayler office iangler wrangle iarre C07ife?it iauelin weapon iandis fore iawes ID ?nouth idiot lai/e idlenes IE diligent ieate fione ieopard danger ierkin apparell iefses iefter mockf or play iet iewell IG goe ignorance IL Jkill ill IM good image like, or figure imagine thinke imbers fire imbofsed imbruede hill, orfayne filth im A Table of imbroiderer Jkill immediatly prefent imitate like or follow immoderate meafu7'e immortall life impatience patieiice impaire great impe grafse impediment let implement ftiiffe imployed hejiowe importance waight impoft tribute impoftume fore impoiierifh rich imprifoned fetter impudently blujh or viodefi impure count IN into to inamell iewell incenfinges motie, or f moke inche meafure inchantment blefse incidently fortune^ or apper inclination bende Ueine inclofe opefi incumber trouble incommodioufly benefite ijicon Englifh Words incongrutie proportion inconftant conftant incontinently p7-efent incontinent temperate ^or fiii'fet inconuenient meetc incountering fight, or meete incorage heart increafe abound, or great incroach gette incurable whole indomage hurt indebted ought indeede verie indenture binde, or ivrite indeuour diligence indifferently meane or differ indite accuje or write indued furnijh induce draive indure lad or beare inequall euen infamie Jlaunder or worjhip infeft die, filth, or corrupt infeoffe giue inleriour high infernall ouer, or bottom infinitely limitte infixed faft inflame fire influ A Table of Influence vertue^ or power inforce force, or violence informer declare infranchil'e free ingender breede, or halch ingraue graue ingrofse great inhabite hoiife inioy inioyne appoynt iniunaion rule or appoy?it iniurie inke right black inkeling inkling inlarge inmoft warne line free, or great outward inne in inner out or in innocent inquire mrich rich inroade enter inroulle ivinde infatiable content infpiration blowe inftigation motie inftrua learne inftrument intan Englifli Words intangle fetter intent pu7'pofe intercefsion defire^or pray interchangeable change intereft right interlace mixe interlining line intermiddle doe intermingle mixe interpreter declare interrupt lette interteyne intifed drazve^ orjiatta intituled write intrals bellie intrapped nette intreate pray intricately order inuade enter inueye accufse inuent inuincible p7'euaile muiron compafse inure vfe^ or cuftomc inwardes out 10 iog moue ioye reioyce tolly A Table of iolly mirth ioyne ioynt iolle head, or bit iorney way, or goe iotte IR all iron IS mettall is am ife watc} ifsue IT goe, or race icthe IV gree/e iudge iugge vefsell iugler deceiue,or conueigh iuice ivater, or blood iuie tree iumpe goe, orjieppe iuniper tree iunket diet iuorie bone iurie oath, or iudge iuftice iudge iuft flight iutte but Englifh Words KA kalender booke kalend lyme kater Jleward KE keie open keele Jhippe kell call kembe purge kenneil finke keepe loofe kerchiefe garment kernell feede kerfey cloth kettle vefsell KI Kibe fore kicke hitte, or beate kidde yong kidney belly kilderkin meafure kill kinde kindle fyre kinge prince kirtle garment kifse falute kitchen houfe kite birde kitting A Table or kitling yonge kiuering couer KN knacke deede knagge hill knappifti gefitle kneade beate knee ioyne knife cutte knight worjhip knit ioyne knob hill knocke beate knot rough, or euen knowe underjiand . knuckle bo7ie, or ioyne knur hill LA labell line labour lace line lacke abound, orfearce lackey mefsage,or mafter lad yomig ladder high, or up ladie worjhip ladle Jiuffe laie lie lambe Englifli Words lambe young lamenefse hault lament laugh lampe light lamprey fifh lane way lande earth lanke great language /peake, or tongue languedebeafe herbe languifh florijh lanterne light lapidarie iewell, or trade laps fall lap winde lapwing birde larde fatte larger great larke birde lalhe beate laflce fiowe, or loofe laft latchet line late lath wood latin metall latine tongue, or f peake latifses late, or entrie lauander herbe E lauer A Table of lauer vejsell laugh lauiihing /pare lance weapon. laundrefse purge laurell tree lawe rule, or commande lawne cloath \inent lazer fore LE leach phifike leade guide ledde metall leafe leaue league confent legacie giue leake drinke leane Jlay lene fatte leape goe leaprie fore learne leafe lette leaft great leafure hafie leather leauel euen leauen graine^ orfauce kaucr Engliili Words leauer ere£i leueret young lecherie whoore lecke rooU leefe loo/e, orfindc left rej}, or leue legacie geue legge part leiger lie, or continue leyfure bufines lemman whore lemon fruite lende borrow length great lent fafi lefse more lefson rule tette letter word, or write lettis herbe lewde honefi LI lie libard beaji liberalitie libertie free librarie book licence free, or leaue licke tafie E2 he A Table of licourice roote licourefnes temper, orjurfet lidde couer lifte erect light like lillie floure lime earth limber hardy or brit limmes party or ioyne limmit limpe haule line linnen cloath linger dejerre linked light, or binde linke btnde, or light lion beaji lip motith liften heare lithernes diligent litter gre/se little great liue liuer belly liuery cloth, or gar me fit liuerwort herbe LO Englifli Words LO locke heare locke loq/e, or fetter locker cafe lode lodeflone lodeftone lodge houfe lofte vp loftie high logge wood logicke arte loiall obey, or faith loine back loiter diligent lome earth longe fide looke fee loope fajf, or hole loofe loppe cutte lopiler fijh lord tnafier lofe finde lotte fortune loth defre loue louer loufe beaji lowde founds or high E^ lowt A Table of lowe '^^Vp low crie lowre frowne LV luVber light luck fortune lumpe mafse lunges breaji lurche rohbe lurke Hey or hide lull dejire luftie ftrong lute mirth MA mace rod, orfpice mackerell fijh madde maffle loofe maggot flk magnifie advance may can mayde marrie maieftie worjhip maile cafe maime hurt mainprize mainteine defend maior iudge mane Englifli Words maricrom herbe maifils fore maifter make mayden youug male cafe, or he malapert modeji mallard birde malefa6lor offeftde mallice loue mallet beafe mallowes herbe malmfey drinke mane hare manly man manace feare manchet bread manfion houfe mangle cutte, or teare many manicles fetters manifeft open manifolde many, winde manner manflaughter mankill mantell garment manumifsed free manure till maple tree E4 m mare A Table of mare he marble done marche goe, or lytnc marchandife ware marchant marches limitte marchpaine bread marre make margent limitte marrie marigould floure marriner jhip marrifli water marke market buy marmalet prepare, or medicine marowe fatte, or leane marques worjhip marlhall officer marilialfea place, or fetter marfhes water, or dry marte /aire martire witne/se martilmas 1 ma/se, orfeaft mafker \ pi^y ma Ion i //// mafte rod mail grayne majiiue Englifh Words maftiue beaft matches like matche fire inatche euen matrimonie mariee matte lie matter mattocke injirument, or dig mattres lie mauger /pile maulte grayne mawe bellie maxime rule mazer vefsell ME fneade metite meade drinke meale fioure, or grayne meale diet meanely meafils fore meafure meate feede, or meafure medle doe mediatour mea7ie medicine phificke medler doe medler fruiie meddow field Es meeke A Table of meeke lame^ or gentle meere very, or mixe meete megrim gree/e melancholic bloud melodie mirth, or muficke mellow prepare melt heat members part memorie remember mending- amend mention fpeake mercer trade mercement punijh, or fine mercie merelie mirth merite meruell mefsage mefsenger mefse mafse metall MI midde meane, in, or out midnight day midrifse breafl midwife breede mightie power milde gentle mile Englifh Words mile meafure milke feede mill bruije, or inftru millon fruite \}nent milt bellie minced part or cut minde mingle viixe, or temper minikin fine minifh great minifler mafier minfter church minoritie yong minftrell mirth mint herbe mint coyne mine filth mirth mifse hitte, or haue mifadventure fortufie mifbecommeth feeme mifchance fall mifcheefe hurt miferie blefse milliappen fortune miflike like mille aier miftake take miftruft faith E6 mifu' A Table of niifufing vfe mite meajure miter iewel mitigated temper mixe MO mocke moderation meane^ ormeafure moo many moift drie mole beaft mole marke monaftry companie mone plaine money coyiie moneth time monke biJJjop monftruofly nature moone keatien moore mozel fetter more morgage pledge morning morphew colour morfell bite mortall Hue morter beate morter earthy or ioyjie mor Englifli Words mortifie kill mofse herbe molt mote filth, or marke moate water mothe flie mother parent motherworte herbe mowe repe, or mock mouldie corrupt, orfweete mount de/cend, or hill moume moufe mouth laugh beaji MV much muck mud filth idem mue muffle couer mugwort mule mulberie multiplie multitude mungrel munkey murder herbe beaji fruite abound many mixe beaji kill murrey colour mur* A Table of murmure murreine life mufe co?ifider mufes learne, or Jittdie mulkadel drinke mufliroome herbe mufke fweete mufkle fijh muftarde faiice mufter count or Jhew nrutable change mutter inurmer muzzel fetter NA nagge beajl naile naked cloth, or couer name call nape ioyne napkin cloth, orftuffe nappe watch narrow great nation region natiirail nature naut: Jhippe nauell part nauew roote naught good NE EngliOi Words NE neare farn neate pie neck back necefsarie ncckerchiefe apparell neefe found needie fcarce, or hauc needle poyiit negligence diligent neigh crie neighbor nephewe parent neaft houfe neaftle houje nette nettle • herbe nether vp^ or neither neuer euer neuerthelefse newly young or age next farre NI nibbe bite nicenefse fine niggard /pare, or liberall nigh farre night day m A Table of nitingalc birde nimblenefse redie, or hajie n.ine count -.lippe nipple NO no noble nooke cc7'ner nodding mooue r ova nee hurt noint anoynt noife Jound noneage young noonb day nonfuite follow, or accuje northward li'orld noze fue nofegay jiower notable marke note fnarke nothing all liotifie declare not no nonice lea me j;0urilh ! i feede nourturc ; ieante now i NV Engllfli Words NV numme hote, or fence number count numbles bellie nutte fruite OA oare jhippe oates graine OB obey obieaed fling, or oppofc obligation loofe obloquie Jlander obferue marke obfcure bright obllinacie obey obteyne gette OC occafion cauje occupied bujie OD ► odde euen odious loue OF offal filth offence oft'er offspring kinde, or hreede oftgn A Table of ofm\ 01 Oll6 fatte ointment anoint oifter fijh OK oke tree oker metall OL olde age olive tree, orfruite OM omitte count, or pafse ON once one one onely one, or companie onion roote OP open opinion thinke opportunitie time oppofe opprefse OR orchard friitte ordeine appoynt order ordinance appoynt ordi Englifh Words ordinarie vfe ordure filth orenge fruiU organes mirth originall begin ornament iewel orpin OS herbe ofier tree oftrige OT birde oth other otherwhere other other wife OV ouen fire ouer oueragainft ouercaft ouercharge ouer a^atnjf ouef fling ouer charge ouercome ot»erflowe preuayle abound ouergrowe ouerhaftie ouer abound ouer hajf ouerly ouerliue ouer life ouer ouerlooke ouerfee ouermoft ouer moj) oue/ A Table ot ouermuch oner tniich ouerplus ouer more ouerfeer ouer fee ouerfhoote ouer Jhoote ouerfkip pafse, or Jfeppe ouerthrow dejlroy ouerthwart night ouer whelm e ouer couer ought owe out outlaw banijh outragious madde outwardly owe owle bird owne OX oxe beaft PA pace hajle, orfajie pacient pacience pacific peace, or content packe goe, gather page mailer paie giue, or merite paile wood paine gree/e paint Englifh Words paint write ^ or colour paire companie pale colour or wood paile vefsel pallace houfe pallet lie palmeflry arte palfey moone, or fore pamper fill, orfatte pancake feede panche bellie panne vefsel panger prick, or greafi panier cafe pante beate pantaple garment pantrie houfe paper booke pappe breaft pare cut, or great paradife heaue?i paramour loue parcels parte parche drie parchment booke partially part, or grace pardon quitte parentage breedc, or parent parget anoynt parifb A Table of parifli church parkes fieldes parler hoiife parliament counfell parret birdc parfnep roote partaker parte giue part particular common, or parte parti fan weapon partlet apparrell partrige birde palhed beate or bruife pafse pafsions doe pafport leue, or pafse parte graine part pafse partie feede paftime play pafture field, or feede patche amende, or parte patents open, or write pathe way paterne example, or like paue fione pauillion houfe paufe rtji PX Englifli Words PE peace peach accufe orfruite peacocke birde peare fruite pearcer pricke, or enter pearle ieuell peafe peace ^ or gray ne peble ftone pecke hitte peculiar common pedler buie, or merchant pedegree race, or kinde peece parte peece amende peele cotter, or cut peeres worthy pearles worthy pegge nayle, or poynt peittreli weapon pelfe iewell pellot Jhoote pellitory herbe penalty puniJJj penie coyne penniroyall herbe penknife cut pennar cafe penne write pen/ill A Table of penfill write, or colotir penfiue reioyce penfion due, or reivard penfioner merit penthoufe hoiife people pepper fpice peraduenture fortune perceiue fee perch fijhe perch rod perfeft perforce compell or force performe proniife, or doe perfume fmoke perrili danger perifh die, or looje periurie oath permit lette perpetuall euer perplexitie doubt perfe pricke or enter perfecute followe perfely herbe perfift continew perfonage man, or figu?-e perfwade peruerfe gentle perufe confider, or fee feJiU Englifli Words peftle beate pefter fill peftilence plague peticoate apparell pewter vietall PH phatefie conceim phifition phificke phifnomie face PI pie feede picke fteale, or hitte pickaxe injlnunent pickle tafte pickrell fiP piflure like, or figure. pied marked piere noble pigeon birde Pigge youug picke weapofi pike fiP pickthanke accuje, orjlaftder pile gather piles fore pill couer, or cut pilles medicme piller Jlay pilgrime neighbour pillorie A Table of plllorie fetter pillow lie pimple Jul pincers infiriimetit, or nip pinch flip pine ftourijh pinke floiaer, or cut pinne poynt, cr nayle pinnis Jhippe pinion arme pint me af lire pipe mil th pipe meofure pipkin vefsell pifmire flie pifse purge pifpot veJscU or ftiiffe pitte hill pitch place pitch fatte pitchforke injlrumeiit pitcher vefsell pitfall nette, or graue pith hart pittie viercie PL place plaice fijh plague play Englifli Words play plaine eiien, or rough plaint plaiftering anoint plaifter medicine plaited winde, or open plannet heaiien planke ivood plant grafse plantaine herbe plate inetall platte place platter vefsell pleade pleafe delight pleafure idem pledge plentie abound pleurifie fore pliant harde, or bende plight cafe, or condition plouer btrde plough till, or injl7'ument pluck di'awe plume haire plumme friiite plummer Jkill plummet waight plunging finke F2 PO A Table of PO pockes fore point poize waight poifon foode poke cafe pole head poll rodde poll apprefse policie arte, or deceiue polifh fine, or purge polute filth pomander fweete pomegranate fruite pommell hould, or hill ponder wayt ponde water ponifh beate poore rich popiniaye birde poppet play, or iewcll poppie herbe populous people poreblind fee porche enter pores way porke fiefh porpes fijh porre looke portall Englidi Words portall enter porter beare portfale buy portculles entrie poze fet, or quejlton pofnet vefsell pofset feede pofsefse haue pofterne enirie pofte ftay, or haft e pott vefsell pottage feede pottenger vefsell potlid couer pottle meafure poHtch cafe ponder earth poLiertie rich poultrie birde pounde waight pownfe fpreadorfprinckle power PR praftife exercife praye praife prattle fpeake preach Fs Pre A Table of preamble enter prettie fme preferre aduancc prefixed fafi, orfitbefofe prey pray preiudice prelate bifiop prentifhip learne prepare prepofterous order prefent preferued garde prefident mafier, or example prefse briiije preafe companie prefumptuOLifres pretence preuaile preuent prick pride modejl, or high prie fee prieft bijhop primerofe flower prince principall principle rule printer writer, or Jkill prife count ^rifon Engliih Words prilbn fetter priuate common priuet herbe priuie open proceeding goe procefse continue proclaime declare, or preach pro£ler pleade procure get prodigall /pare, or liberall proffer offer profitable benefite profownd high prohibite lette prolong deferre promife promote adnance prompt 7'edie prone bende pronounce fpeake, or utter proofe proue proper common, or fine prophet proportion proppe fiay profper thrnie, or fiorifh proftrate fall, or lie proteaion garde proude viodeji, or high F4 proue A Table of proue prouerbe fpeake prouide prepare, or get prouoke inouedy or cauje prowes vertue prudence wife prune cut, orfruite PV publifh blaje, or declare pudle fmke, or filth pudding feede puffe bloiv, or /well puifance power, or firong pull draive pullet young pullie drawe pulpet pulfe beate pumifh Jtone pumpe water punche hitte punifh purchafe gette pure purge, or filth purifie idem purge purple colour purpcfe purfe Englifli Words purfe i cafe purflaine herbe pLirfeuant- me/sage, or officer purfendl nette purfue foloiv puruey prepare^ or get puflie hill put place putrified corrupt OV quaffe drifike quaile bird, orpreuailc quaileth fall quake mooue qualifie temper quantitie me af lire quarrell ftriue quarrey flone quart meafure quarter halfe quartered part quauer mooue queene prince quench fire querifter fing queft compante queftion quicke PS quiet A Table of quiet peace quill heare quilt lie or loyne quince fruite quinfey fore quippes nippe or inocke quitte quitte quittance quite quiuer mooue, or cafe RA rabat youfig rable companie racket Jlrayne racke ftraine radifh roote rage 7?iad, or anger r^SS teare ray filth raie order rayle limitte rayle reuile rayment garment raygne rayfe erea rayfon fruite rake gather ramme he ram- Engli(h Words rammer beate, or he rampiers defence range order ranke order rancke fweete ranckle corrupt ranfack inquire rappe beate^ or hit rape roote race rafer cutte rafkals honejh rafti hafle rafpis fruite rate reuile ratte beaji rather leither ratifie confta7it,orcertame rattle found raue madde rauen birde rauener fuf/ette, orfeede rauifh whore rawe re die J or prepare raunfome free, or tribute RE reache reade readie F6 realme A Table of realme region reape reafon rebate great rebecke mirth rebellion obey, or treafon reboundeth turne rebuke recanteth alter y or turne receiue accept recite remember,or/peake rechlefse diligent^ or care reckon C0U7lt recomfort comfort recommende falute recompence reiuard recompte count reconciled friend record remember recouer recoiirfe rafe, or haunt recreate delight recule turne, or back redde colour redeeme faue redrefse amend reede reade reeke aier, orfmoke reele mooue, or ft ay referre Englifh Words referre geue refleftion turne reforme amend refraine flie, or dejire refrelh weary, or reioyce refuge defence refufe geue regaide conjider regent rule regiiler remember regrater opprejse rehearfe fpcake, or utter reiedled fling, or defire reines bellie reioyce feleafe free, or quitte relent confent, or binde releefe helpe rellifli tajle reliques hue remayne Jiay, or refi remedy helpe remember remitte quitte, or loofe remnant refi remorfe repent remooue place, or moue render refiore renewe age, or young renownt A Table of renowne noble renounced deft re, orfor/ake rent teare rents tribute repare ajiiend repaft diet repeale call repeate againe repel accept, orjiing repent replenifli fill repleauing free report declare repofe reft reprehend rebuke represent prefent reprefse adiiance reproach reuile reprooue rebuke repugnant co7ife)it, or oppofe reputation count, or worjhip repute count requeft praye, or defire require defre requifite fneete requite refore, or revenge refcue free refemble like referue faue refi Englifli Words refidue leue, or refi refigne getie, orfo7J'ake refill obey refolue refort haunt refoundeth foimd refpea confider refpite deferre^ or time reft reftie reft reftore reftrayned retaile lette count retaine hould retayner retiring returne appertayne goe turne retraite turne retriue reueale finde open reuenge reuenue tribute, orfrmte reuerence feare, or worjhip reuerfe turtle reuile reuiued Hue rewme reuolt reuolued fore, or ft owe fo?-Jake conftder A Table of rewe herbe rewarde RI rie graine rib bone ribaude luhore riche ride goe ridde quitte riddle dout, or quejlion ridge botojue riele Jfa?id, or winde rifle robbe rifte breake right rigorous anger, or mercie rinde couer ringe coinpajse ringe Joimde ringleader guide ringworrae fore rinfe purge riotous wanton^or sm-Jet ripe prepare rippe deuide, or pari rife lye rite right riue breake rtuef Englifh Words riuer water RO rocket herbe robe garment robbe roche fijh rochet iewell rocke Jione rode roiall prifice^ or noble roifte viodeft rolling round or moue roofe bottome or edge rowme /pace ropte rope line rore crie rofe flotire rofen fatte rofemary herbe rofte heat rotchet fijh rotte corrupt rouers robbe rough round compafse^or figure rowfe fiart rouft houje route compame rowe A Table of rowe Jhip or order RV rub rude maner rue herbe rugged ro2igh ruffion modejl, or lioneji ruffling modeji ruinous dejlroy, or fall ruling rule rumbling fotmd rumpe ioy?ie runne goe ruih rufset colour ruftie bright rufticall learne rullling foufid SA fachel cafe fack cafe, or drinke racking dep'oy, or clothe facrifice offer fad reioyce faddle fitte faffron fpice fage herbe fagenefse graue^ or wife fay Englifli Words fay fpeake faye taffe faile Jkippe faints holy fandluarie church, er holy faker birde fake caufe fallacies tafie fale buye faftlie faft fallet arme falmon fijh fait fweete falue medicine fampiere herbe fande earth fandblinde fee fanders fpice fappe bloud fatiffie content faucie viodeji or blujh fauadge lame faue dejlroy fauing idem fauerie tajHe fawe cut, or itiflrument faufage SC fcabbe feede fore /cab- A Table of fcabberd cafe fcaffold Jland fcan reafon fcantly ahnoji orfcarce fcape flk fcarcitie abound fcarre feare fcatter gather fcauld heate fcale heare fcoflfer mock fcould jlrine fconce defence fcore viarke fcorne viocke fcotfree free fcouling frowne fcoured purge fcourge beate fcrape gather, or purge fcratch bite, or 7iippe fcreaked crie fcribe write Icrip cafe fcroule booke, or winde fcrupulous doubt fcull bone fcullion officer fcurfe fore fcut- Englifh Words fcutchion arme iputtle ve/sel SE fea tuater feale marke feame ioyme fearch inquire feare durne, or drie feafon lime feafon lajie feate fitte fecond fecrete open fecretarie idem fea regligion fee feede feeke finde feeth Mate fegs herbe feize fitte feldome ofte felfewiU fell bie felfe femblance like fence fende A Table of fende me/sage fenfualitie fence, or furjet fenfer /moke fent fence feperate part fepulchre graue ferche inquire fergeant office fermon pleach ferpent flie ferue mafler fefsions fitte fette fitte fettle idem feuen feuered part feuerne water fewer Jieward fewfter ioyne fexten church SH ihackles fetter lliade Jhine fhaddow idem Ihake moue, or fling fhallowe high ftiambles buy ihamelefse bhijh^ or modejl ihanke bone Jhape Englifh Words Ihape figure ftiardes part fharpe edge^ or cut fhaue reape fhead powre fhead part Iheafe gathe?- ftieare cutte Iheath cafe ftieild arme ftiell couer ftielfe wood flieepe heafl ftieriffe officer (heete leafe, or lie fheeuer moue Ihewe declare ftiifte cha7ige Ihme bright fhingle fore ftiinne bone fhip (hire region ftiirt apparrell Ihiuer breake fchocke gather ftioe garment fhoomaker fkill A Table of fhoote ihop houje fliore H?nit ftiort fide or great fhot Jhoote fhouel v:jlru?nent flioulder back Ihoute crie, or found fhower water Ihred cut fiirife officer ihrewde anger y or goitle fhrill fotmd, or high flirimpe fijb fhrinke fwell fhrine confefsc. or inquire fhroudes open Ihrub tree ihun flee, orfollou^ (hutte open SI fick healiJi fickle reape,orinfiru)ncnt fide fider drtnke fiege co?npafse fideling fide fift Jlrayne fieth reape^orinfirument M Englifh Words fighe reioyce fight fee figne marke fignifie declare filence fpeake filke cloth fillibub ' feede filuer metall fimnell bread fimple mixe.wife^or double fince feiice llnewe parte iinge iingle double fmgular good, or company fmke Tinne offende llppe drinke, or tajie fife fitt fifter parent, or brother fitte fituation place fme appoint fluet marke fixe count fize meafure, or fitte SK ikie heauen (kill G Ml' A Table of ikillet vefsell Ikimne couer fliip jlep, orgoe fkirmifher fghi flcirtes limitte, or edge Iklife cuty or part Ikoutwatch watch Ikumme filth SL flabber nith, orfpitte flacke loo/e flaine kill fllaking meafure flaunder flaue free flaughter Hue, or kill (lea kill fleepe watch fled beare fleeue garment fleight arte flender great Aide flip llime fatte flinge fling flip flipper gaf'ment flice parte, or cut floe faftc flop Englifh Words flop apparfill llouthfull diligen* flouen fine flowe fafi fluce finke, or way fluggard watch flumber dreame fluttifh filth SM fmacketh tajle fmalnefse great fmarting gree/e fmatter tafte, or fmatter fmell fenfe fineered afioynt fmile laugh fmite hit fmith fizill fmocke apparell fmoke fmother couer SN fnaffle fiay fnaile flte fnake fliey or worme fnares fetter, or net fnatch reach, or giue fneefe purge, or found Ineuell filth G2 fnipe A Table of fnipe birde fnort grone fnout face fnowe water fnuffe blowe SO fo fobbe laugh fobernes graue, or modeji focietie compame focke garme?it fodaine fodde heate fofte harde foile earth foiling foiourne foked filth houfe, or neighbor drie foloce fole fole folemne delight bottOTTie^or compame fijh holie folitary folic itour forfake moue fomme fommer winter foramoned call fonder fonne part parent footr Englifli Words foone late foote fire, or/moke foothe true fope purge foppe feede, or bread fore forrie reioyce forrell herbe forcerefse hlefse forte kinde fothemwood herbe fouthfaier prophet fouereynety power foulder ioyne fouldier fight foule mtnde fouple harde fourges waters fouth world, or winde fowe feede, or reape fowe he fower fweete found SP fpace fpade dig, or infirument fpangle iewell fpaniell beafl fpanne 1 meajure G3 /pare A Table of fpare fparke fparre fparre, or wood fparrow birde fpawne Jeede fpeake fpeare tveapoft fpecifying fpeake, or declare fpecially com 771 on fpeciallitie ide77i fpecke drop, or marke fpectacles glafse fpeedy hafle fpell reade fpende [pare fpit fpie fee fpice fpiggot couer fpider file fpill powre, or drop fpinache he?'be fpinne li7ie fpindle iujlriimeni fpirite viinde fpitefuUy lone, or fpite fpittle piinge, orfpiitc fplaie part, or right fplene bellie fplent Englifli Words fplent breake^ or wood fpoile dejlroy fponge herbe fpoone ftuffe fporting play Ipotted drop, filth, or marke fpoufale marrie fpout way fpread open, or gather fprinkle drop fpringe fproute fpring fpurre poynt, or pricke fpurne beate, or hit SQ fquamifh fine fquare figune iqualt fitte, or lie fqueaking crie fquint right, or fquirrell beaft fquirt fling fpuife bf'uife ST liable honfe ftabliihed certaine, orfirong ftationer arte, or booke ftaffe rod Gd Jiage A Table of ftage place ^ or plaie ftagge beaji ftagger JiumblCj or moue ftaye flaine filth, or colour flaiers up or defcend ftake wood, or ft ay ftale age, or young Hall idem ftallion ho?-/e, or Jhe ftammer fpeke, or ft u ruble ftampe beate ftande fttte ftandard marke ftare fee ftarke harde, or quite ftarre heauen, or bright flart ftarued feede flately high ftate cojidition flature high, or great ftaunche ft ay, or let fteade place fteale rob fteedily conftant fteele metall fteepe water fteeple church ftcfpt Englifli Words bcaft a?iger, or f cede prepare or heafe whore ftay^ or rod prick high ha?'de write vp, dejce7ide drop fiay prick, or poynt filth, orfweete Jiay mooue Jiay fetter, or nippe beate raj'e, or kinde fetter bellie fitte let, or ft ay abound btrde Gs Jiof^ A Table of. ^ormie tempeft ftouping Jiand, or bende ftout feare, or firong ftraddle ftep ftaye erre ftraight right ftrayne ftrake lie, or anoynt ftrangle hang, or kill franger frie7id ftrawe grafse ftrawbery friiite ftreame water ftreate way ftreight right ftrength firong ftreafse grief e, or ftrayne ftreach ftraine, or reach ftiide ftep ftrife peace, or wrangle ftrike beate, or hitt ftringe line ftripes beate, or blo%v ftripling yoking ftrippe cloth, or cauer iboke touch, or flatter Itronge ilrouting ftand ib-uggle mooue ftrumpet Englifh Words iirumpet whore Hubble grafse ftubbornefse gentle ftud luood fludie ftuffe itumDie fturdie bowe, or hard fturgeon fijh fturre mooue ftutte fpeake, or ftumble SV fubdued preuaile fubiea prince fubmit obey fuborne appoynt fubfcription write fubfidie tribute fubftance fubftitute deputie fublile deceiue fubuert deftroy fuburbes citie fuchorie herbe fucceede folow fuccour helpe fuch fucke feede fue folow, or labor G6 fure A Table of fure certaine fuet fatte fuffer doe, or bears fufficient inough fugar fweete fumme fome fummer winter fummon call fumner officer fumptuous 7'ich fundrie 77iany funne Jonne fuperfluous abound, or inough fuppe diet, or drinke fupplie furnijh fupplication pray fupport helpe luppose tJiinke fupprefse opprefsc fupremacie high, or worjhip furceafe reft furcharge loade furfetting furgion phifikc furmife thinkc furmount pojsc furname call furplufage more furrender reftore Jufpea Englifh Words lulpeft thinke fufteyned beare, or hdpe fuftenance feede fute follow, or plead SW fwadle winde fwage temper, or abound fwaie wayte fwallow birde Iwallow feede fwanne birde Iwarme compatiie Twarthe colour fwarue erre fwafti beate, or cut Iweate purge fweare oath iweeper purge fweete Iwell fwift fafi fwillowes drinke or furfet iSvimme fnke Iwine beafi Iwinge beate, or mouc fworde weapon TA tabler found table J}ufse tablet A Table of tables play tablet iewel tache hmld tacket nayle taffetie cloth tag tnetall taile ■ head, or part tailie count tailour Jkill take geue tale lie, or hijiorie talents ?iayle, or wayte talke fpeake tall high tallowe faite tame tankard vefsell tanner Jkill tanfye herbe tape line taper light tapeftry hang tappe couer tares graine tarrie waite, or ft ay tarragon herbe tarre fatte tarte tafte or/weete tarte feede Englifh Words tafke part^ labor tafte taueme inne tawnie colour taunte reuile taxe tribute TE teach learne teale' birde teame drawe teare teate breaft teadious delight teinters nayle tell count, declare temmes water temper tempeftuous tempeft temple church tempte prooue tenaunt let tenche fijh tender harde ten counte tennis play tennon tent houfe tergat arme terme time^ or /peach terrible A Table of terrible feare territory region ^ellie anger teftifie witnes tefterne coyne tetter fore TH thanke thatched couer thawe hcate theefe rob thence there therefore therefore thicke great ^ orfijic thighe part thing thinke thinne great thirde count thirll drte, or drinke thirteene count thirtie count thiftle Jierbe thither there thonge line thome prick, ar poyni thoroughly wholly thought thinke thou Engliih Words thoufand count threates feare thread line threfhe beate three count threfhold enter thirftie drte, 07- drinke throne fit thronge compante throate bf-eafi throttle hand, founde throwe fling thrufhe birde thruft hit thumbe hande thumpe bcate thunder found TI tickling hand, or fence tide lime tidings mefsage tie loofe tierce ineafure title name, or word tile ftotie till timber woody or tree time timerous feare ttnne A Table of tinne metall tinfeU cloath tippe botome, or edge tippet iewel tipling drvikc tired labour tifsue cloath tittle write y or mari:- TO toade beaji toes hand together toies play, or lavgh toile labour token pledge, or marke. toller tribute, or officer tolle till, or tribute tombe graiie tongue tonges to7igue tode inftrumeni tooth mouth, or bone top botome top play torche light torment greefe, or pimijh tome teare tofse fling totter fiand, or inane louche Engkfli Words louche toughe brittle toward to towardnes meete or like towe line towell (iuffc tower defence towne citie TR trace . race trad idem, or /pace traflable touch trade traine companie, or app- traiteroufe treafon [ertain trample treade tranfitorie continue tranflated turne, Of altar trappe nette trauell goe, or labour trauers night traunce madj dreanie tree treachery honej}, or deceiue treacle niedecine treade goe, orftep treafon treafure rich treate Jpeake treatiC A Table of idem vefsell moue, or feare defcjice, or dig Jiufse offend My proue drop, or fall iewel fine foode many fiumble Jiuffe, orfiay goe vefsell companie fip learne peace mirth rod J or weapofi cafe gather tru, Engliih Words truft faith TV tub vefsell tufte hill tumble mooue tune mufick tunne meafure tunnell way turfe earth turkey birde tume tumep roote turpentine fatte turret defence TW twang found twelue count twentie twig tree twilight day twined winde twinkle mooue twinnes like, or one twife to twift winde two to VA vacation bufe vagabond erre vame ATal ble of vaine valiant hart, or vertue vallie hill value worthy valerian herbe vanilh florijh vanquifh preuaile vantage benefite vapour aer varie differ vault bottotne, or couer vaunte vantgard VD glory foregard vdder VE belly veale vehement veluet feede, orflijh qffeSt, orftronge ■ cloth venome vengeable - venifon vented feede, or kill reuenge ^feede, orflejh open or otter venter verdingale apparel, or iewel very veriuice vermilion .tajie colour 1 vernilh anoynt 1 verfe 1 Englifh Words verfe long vertue vefsell veftrie church vetche graine veruaine herbe vexe greeue VG vghe tree VI viftualing feede vice vertue vicount worjhip viftory preuaile viewe fee village citie ^villainous honeft vinegar tajfe vine violence violet flower vilion fee, or dreamt vifiit fee vifor face VM vmpire iudge VN vnaccuftomed ufe vnaduifed counfell unarmc A Table of vnarme arme vnbent binde vnbinde loofe vnbloudy bloud unbrideled fetter vnbuckle idem vnburden beare vnburied graue vnce waight vncertaine certaine vnchangeable change vnchaft honejiy or whore vncircumfpeft diligent vncle parent vncleane filth vncomely Jeeme vnconftant conjiant vnconuenient meete vncorredled punijh^ or amend vncorrupt corrupt vncoured fetter vncouple vncredible faith vncourteous gentle vncunningly arte or expert vncureable heale, medctn, or vndefiled filth [foud vnder ouer rnderfoote vp or head vnder- Englifh Words vndermine graue, or dig vnderprop ouerflay vnderfet ouer fitte vnderftand kflOW vndertake enterprife vndifcreete wife vndied colour vndiftained filth vndoe doe vneafie de light, rejl, or hard vnequally euen vneth fcarce vnfaithfull faith vnfed feede vnfeyned very J or true vnfenfed defence vnfetter fetter vnfould loofe, or witide vnfortunate fortu?ie vnfruitfulnes fruite vngentle gentle vngird bende, or loofe vnglue fetter vngodly god vngratioufly grace vnhallow holy vnhandfomely hand vnhappy blefse rnhealed heale H vn A Table of vnhoulfome vnhoneft vnhorfe vnhufbanded vnyoke vniuerfitie vnkinde vnknit vnknowne vnlawfull vnleamed vnleauened vnlike vnlocke vnloade vnlooked vnlucky vnlufty vnmake vnmannerly vnmarried vnmeafureable vnmercifull vnmeete vnmoueable vnnoble vnoccupied vnpaciently vnperfedt heale honefi heaji hujband fetter, or loofe fchoole kinde i fetter know rule learnt tajiy or graine like fetter loade expeii fortune diligent, or Jirong make manner marrie meafufe mercie meete mooue nolle bufie, or ufe patient I perfefi Englifh Words vnpleafant delight vnpoliflied •fine vnpregnable get vnprepared prepare vnprofitable benefite vnprouided get, orfurnijb vnprooued prooue vnpunifhed punijh vnquiet refi vnready readie vnreafonable reafon vnreuerently feare, or worjhip vnruly rule vnfatiate content vnfay fpeake vnfavourly tajfe vnfeafonablenes time vnfeeming feeme vnihamefulnes blujh vnfhorne reape, or cut vnfkilfuUy Jkill vnfowed feede vnfpeakeable' fpeake vnfworne oath vnthankefuU thanke vn thrifty ihriue vnthought . thtnke vntied loofe vntill till G2 mtimi A Table of vntimely time vntouched touched vntwift winde vntuneable proportion vnuincible preuayle vnuiolable holy, or breake vnwares diligent vnweaue loje vnwilling will vnwifely 7uife vnwitty know, or learne vnwitting knowe vnwont vfe vnworthy worthie vnwrought doe VO voiage goe voice fpeake voide fill vomite purge vouche confej'se vowe oath, or prcmije VP vp vpbraide reuile vpholde hould vphoiiLfter trade vppermoft vp vproare vp- Englifh Words vpward VS vpy or gar d vfe vltier Jiewardj or majier vferer v/e vfurpe VT idem vtter vtterly vttermoft farre WA wade goe wafer bread wager pledge wages merit, or reward wag moue, or honeji waggon beare way wayling laugh wales region waine beare wainfecote hang, orjjuj'se waifte /pare waite waiward waken anger watch walke wall goc defend 2S^ wal' ATal bleof wallet caje wallow moue walnut fruite wane fill wanne colour wandring erre wanton graue wanteth haue warbeling fijig, or jHOue warde garde wardfhip garde warden garde, or inajier warderop hovjc warden fruite warie ware, or care warehoufe ware hou/e warme heate warne warre peace warrant certaine warran field wart hill walhe water, or purge walpe file wafte /pare watch watchet colour water waiter moue wa- Englifli Words wauereth moue waxe fatte^ or abound WE weake firo?ig wealthy rich weane feede weapons weare fpare, or abound weary weafen part weather weaue death y or make webbe cloath wedge tnjtrument wecide marrie -weeke time weede herbe weele fore weene thinke weepe laugh weefell beaft weigh weight well good welcome entertaine, or fal welt limitte [uer wench young ^venne hill weft winds rette drie WH A Table of WH wharfe limit whale fijh wheale fore, or hill wheare where wheate graine wheele C07npafsi whelpe you?ig wherefore whether whetJurf or if whet edge while whine laugh whippe beate whirlepoole water whirlewinde tempeji whiftle Jong, or mirth whirpering murmure white colour whiting fip whitfontide feaft whole foujidj or corner whoredome WI wicked good wicked rod wicket entrie wide great vvidowe maj'rie wife Englifh Words wife marrie vvilde tame vvildemefse forjake wildfire tame fire vvilie deceiiie wilful will willow tree wimble injirument winche ftrayjie winde windepipe winde mirth wine drtftkc windowe entree winge hande winke fee winne loofe winnow firayne, or winde winter wipe purge wife vvifhe defire wifpe gather^ or piirgt witche blejse witte wife vvithie line wither flonjh vvithdrawe withdraiv within within with old withold without A -T^able of without within with Hand oppo/e vvitnes vvitwall wife vvithwinde with winde WO vvolfe beaji vvolle heare vvombe bellie woman he J or 7?ian wonder meruaile wont vfe wounded hurt, or fore wood woodbine herhe woer defire, or marrie worde worke doe world worme flie worne weare, or teare wofe good worihip worthy vvourts herbe VVR wrangle wrappe ' winde vvrefik Englifh Words vvreftle jiriue vvreake breake vvrenne birde vvreft firayne wretched blefsed vvrinckle roughs or euen vvringe ftrayne writhe bende write wrong right wrought doe, or lahaur YA yarde meafure yame line yarrow herbe yaulpe crie _ } awne gape YE yea I yellow colour yeare time yeafte flower yeelde giue yelke colour, or feede yell laugh, or crie yerke greue, or beate yefterday day yet ' A Table of &c. yewe Jiee yexing call YL yle earth YN ynke write, or blacke YO yoke fetter young yorke citie youth young, or age YR yron mettall Fir ^JS, Appellatiue Words ^ greeues ierkin mandilion fhirte On the right fide apron bongrace kirtle neckercher partlet raile fmock flomacher Aer breath exhalation mifte reeke fteame vapour Arte alchemic arithmetike aftrologie aftronomie chronograph ie cofmographie " geographic geometric logikc mufike poetrie rhetorike Apparel On the left fide bootes breeches bufkine cope B beare axtree barrowe carte coache litter fledde leme waggon waync Bread bifket bunne cake I chete Appella chete criblebread crumme cruft loafe mancher manchpaine funnel teames wafer wigges Booke almanacke commentarie dialogue kalendfcr pamflet poAile treatile volume Beate anvill beaie hammer maule morter peille ilithie Bifhop abbot tiue Words archbifhop c ban on clearke deacon deane frier minifter monke nouice nunne prebende prieft fubdeacon Beall On the left fide begle catte dogge gelding goate horfe hounde moyle moufe . nagge oxe ratt ilt^ere fwine On the right fide ape cony App< dlatiue Words conie turtle elephant Breart fox bofome leopard chefte lion monkey dugge midrife panther rinocerus pappe roe ribbe ftagge teate vnicorne Back wolfe loynes Birde necke bitter ftioulder capon Belly rrane bladder doue bowell feafaunt croppe j:erne cudde mallard flanke partridge fun dement peacocke gall plouer gutte pigeon intrailes rauen kidney fnipe liuer fparrow mawe fwanne milte teale fplene turkey ftomacke 1 2 womb Appe]]atiue Word: wombe chancel yarde chappel C minifter Cafe quiuer on the left fide lleeple ambrie Citie boxe borough cafket hamlet cheft towTie clofet village cofer Cloth hamper on the left fide hutch arras prefse broadcloth trunke carfey On the right fide cobweb bagge dornix bouget fuftian male iinfewolfe purfe rafhe pouch ferge poke tapeilrie quiuer tifsue fhelfe On the right fide fachell calico fcrippe camerike wallet canuas Chvrch chamlet belfrie damalke hoi- Appellatiuc Words holland lawne linnen faten farcenet filke fiprefse taffatie Colour black blewe carnation crimfon redde rufset Icarlet lawney white yellow Coine On the left fide bullion dodkin farthing o^roate halfepenie pennie Ihilling teller On the right fide angel crufado ducket piftolet royall fpurroyall fuffraine Couer barke canapie codde curtaine hide hufke lidde pill plug hinde fhell Ipigget ilopple (kin cap Crie barke baule clamour neigh I3 queft Appelktiue Word quelle euening rore houre yelpe midnight Cut minute minute axe morning chefil night file twilight hatchet Defence knife bulwarke plane caille rafor forte hedge fawe pole Iheres rampiere fickle flconce fithe tower wedge wall Diet D banket Daye beauer Sunday cates Munday collation Tuefday dinner Wednefday innket Thurfday meale Friday repaft Saterday fupper cockrow Digge dawning delue ditch Appellatiue Words ditch clodde harrowe dufte mattock grauell plough ground pickaxe lande fpade lime trench lorae Drinke morter On the left fide moulde ale fande beare lurfe meade Entire pen-ie cafement fider clicket On the right fide dore baftarde faucet claret funnell ipocrafse mal mefey mufkadel renifh fecke wine gate hatch lattis pentiie porche portall pofterne E Earth threiholde chalk e wicket claye windowe l4 Appellatiue Words F curde cuftarde Fat 'l-v4-«-/-k»> ^gg^ butter flaune greafe galemaufrey goome milke larde pa (lie mafticke oyle pitche pie pappe poiset rozen pottage fuet pudding tallowe tarte tarre wheie turpentine Fetter bridle waxe buckle Feaft button Candlemas chaine Chriftmas clafpe Eafter couple Michaelmas girde Shrouetide glue Whitfontide grapple Feede ioyne brawne knitte broath linke cheefe locke creame manacle mor- App. ^llatiue Words morter chercole pinion flame quilte furnace fement herthe iewe match Ihackle ouen foder cinder ftiche Iparkle tie ibote tni fse Fifli weaue On the left fide yoke crabbe Fielde crayfifh dole cockle downes plaife fallowe haddocke forreft hearing garden linge raarfh mufcle meadowe oilier orcharde Ible parke fprat paihire ilockfilh Fire imrgeon alhe thorneback blafe whitings brande On the right fide chimney breame cole carpe I5 con Appellatiue Words conger dragon eele loufe gougeon maggot lamprey nitte pike ferpent roche fnake rochet fnayle falmon fcorpion fmelt fpider tench viper trout worme Flie Frvit On the left fide On the left fide bee apples beetle acorne butterfly almund gnat chefnut gralhopper citron hornet cucumber mothe filbert wafpe figges On the right fide gourde adder limon ant medler botts melon canker nutt caterpiller orenge cockatrice peare crocodile pipon qumce Appellatiue Words quince girdle warden garters On the right fide gloues berries gowne abricot hatte cherry hoode damfings hofe goofeberry kercher grape mantle hefe mittins peach pantofles plumme plaite t^ robe prune flioes raifons fkirt rafpes fleeues feruices flippers ft^awberry trayne G vvafte TTI fTpOtf^ Garment Gather biggin bundle bonnet clue cappe clufter cape fagot cafsocke fardell cloake heard coate packe coyfe pile quire Appellatiue Words quire broyle reame bume reeke chill fheafe coulde (hocke freize ftacke melte trufse numme wifpe parche Graine rofte barly Ikalde beanes feare branne ftue tofte chaife He come On the left fide doughe bucke leauen cocke lintels drake maulte gander meale horfe oates male pafte man peafe ramme rye ftagge wheate weather /^„ i-l.,. ^^rrV^t- {lAck H On the rignt iiae bratch Heate bitche bake doe ducke Appellatiue Words ducke fcalpe eawe fconce fillie Heauen goofe element henne firmament mare fhee moone woman planet Haire pole brittle fkie bumballe funne cotten ftarre downe zone fether fleece Hearbe furre bafill locke borrays mane buglofse quill burnet fcale cabbage woolle hifsop Hart lettice arteries marioram lightes perfely lunges peniroyall midrife rue Head lage braine fauery iowle fpinach pate fpurge worte Appellatiue Words worte wheale On the right fide Hovfe fagge barne flaxe buttrie hemlocke boothe hempe cabbine henbane cage hoppes chamber mallowes cloyfter nettle coate pimpemell dayrie nifh deane fedge wreth gallerie waod garret Hil gamer bile hall blifter hiue bofse houell bulke kitchen bunche neafl: cragge pallace knobbe parler mountaine pauilion pufh roofe fnagge feller lufte foller warte flable vvenne ftie Appellatiue Words I mayor quell vmpire lewel aglet billement L bracelet Labour brooch e barber chaine butcher crown e dier fringe fiftier garlande fowler ring hunter fpangle miller tablet plaifterer tippet vittayler Inllrument Limit augar combe banke border forke bounde hooke brimme pinfer brink e rake coalt fickle ende fithe hemme wimble lill Ivdge margent arbiter marke iurie raile verge Appellatlue Words verge wharfe welle Line cable coarde garter halter incle labell lace latchet rope ftringe tape thonge thread wier yarn Lie bedde blanket loulfter couch cradle matte mattrefse pillow iheete teller M Marchant apothecarie draper grocer haberdafher ironmonger mercer Meafure On the left fide acre cubite ell furlong inch mile roode fpanne On the right fide barreil buihell coome firkin gallon hoglhead pecke pottel AppellatJ Lue Words pottell firope pint fearecloth feame Mirth tunne bandora tierce bell Mettall citerne allume clerieoll arfenike fiddle brafse fife brimftone flute copperoule harpe copper lira goulde lute latten muficke leade organ mercury pipe nilet recorder fiiuer fliaulme linne trumpet vermilion viall Medfm virginall baulme whiftle conferue Movth clifter chappes electuary chinne lozange goomes ointment iawes pill lippe potion palate teeth Appell teeth throate weefon O officer bayly beadle catchpole coroner commifsary conftable herauld iayler purfeuant fergeant fumner warden P Parent aunt brother CO fen father grandfather grandmother atiue Words kinfeman mother nephewe fifter vnkle Parte armes buttocke gammon hanche heele hoofe legges mufcles fhanke thigh toe winge Plead aduocate atturney barifter clarke client lawier notarie pro6lor fergeant fherifFe Place Appellatiue Words Place Point hancery aule ourte bodkin exchecker goade Guildhall home hofpitall needle ftillyard pegge theater pinne Weftminfter pricke Plaie Ipurre balle ftinge bowles thorn e cardes Prepare chefse caroway comedie comfit coyte concoct dice crude enterlude drefse game marchpaine mawe marmellet primero mature paftime mellow pageant rawe ruffe readie fcales ripe fporte Punifli tables crofse tragedie gallowes trumpe gibbet ginne Appellatiue Words ginne batte laflie coudgeli pillorie mace racke mafte fcourge perche ftrappedo pole whippe fcepter Purge ftaffe beelbme trunchion cough wicker fanne wande neefe waiter parbrake Roote pifse carrot fiuue garticke ftaver liquerefse fpitte onion fpue parfnip fweate fcallion vomit fcerret R S Region Shoote ile arrow promontorie bowe territorie dagge Rod darte baftinado gunne piftol Appellatiue Words piUoll flixe ihafte goute Sitte iaundife On the right fide negram bancke palfie bench pleurerfie chaire rhewme cufhon fchiatica form On the right fide pannell fore fadle bile fettle botch ftoole canker fhrine gangrent On the right fide meafels poft pockes piller ringworme fcaffold fcabbe ftake tettar ftande wound ftudde vlcer treihold Shippe Sicknes On the left fide on the left fide anker ague decke apoplexi hatch colicke keele crampe mafte dropfie oare pumpe Appe 'llatiue Words pumpe daunce rudder fancie faile galliard fterne note On the right fide „ barke pauen barge pfalme boate rime gallie tune hulke verfe pinnes Sound Skil bell baker dinne brewer drumme carpenter lumber chandler noyfe clothier rattle collier taber currier thunder embroiderer Spice fletcher amber mafon cinamon painter clones fawier galangale fmith ginger ilationer mace tailer mofche vveauer nutmeg Song pepper dittie fugar Spring Appellatiue Words Spring ruble cefteme faphire conduite On the right fide fountaine bricke pumpe chaulke well flint Steward freeftone almener marble butler pible cater rocke chamberlayne rubbiih Clarke ftate controwler tile cooke whetftone groome Stuffe manciple andiron porter carpet V flier colander Stone cupboard On the left fide forke agate hooke amber napkin ammell falte corrall fpitte diamond table emeraulde tonges iacinct trencher ialper treuet iette towell Sweet Appellatiue Words Sweet moneth bitter weeke eger yeere fell lanuarie /harpe February fower March ranke A prill rellifh Maye tarte lune T luly Auguft Taft September brine October capers November galterine December niuflard Tonge oliues Chalde Duche pickle French falade Greeke fampiere Hebrue vinegar Latine veriuice Sirian Time Tree calender On the left fide afh afpe baye clocke diall fortnight beech birch Appellatiue Words birch bafon bough bottle boxe bole branche bucket crabbe challice elme charger forrell cuppe groue dilh hafill flaggon laurell iack maple kettle oke panne popler plate witch e On the right fide bramble platter polte brier pitcher broome fawcer bulhe trough furres tubbe hawthorne VP iuniper ladder flirubbe ftayre thorne ftile twigge W V Water Vefsel On the left fide bafket creeke K gulfe Appellatiue Words gulfe channell hauen gutter mediterran lane ocean pafsage lea . pathe furge porte tyde rode waue fluce On the right fide cracke bathe Weapon brooke bill dewe blade floud clubbe hayle dagger lake faulchin mote gleue poole halberd pumpe iauelin puddle partifan rayne pike fhower fpeare fleete whinyeard fnowe Weight ftreame dramme whirlepoole grain e Waie mite allie ounce bridge pound gaufie quarter icruple scruples W'ord accent character confonant element letter . Tillable titell voweli Wood heame boorde billet block bracelet buttons lathe morlefse planke ihelfe ftake ftudde Hock World clmiate meridian ^pole |iphere Ealt North South Weft Worfliip admirall alderman baron burgelse captaine coronella countie duke earle emperour efquire krrlght lady marquefs vicount Young On ye left fide babe boye child srirl infant lad mother rpringhall ftripling wenche On ye right fide calfe chicken colte cubb fawne heehfcr lamb kidd kitling Pigg pullett rabble lU-ere vvhelpe FINIS. Reprynted by W. Eolmee, Ulverttoru. 3 1158 00671 4223 rs UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY nil B 000 002 035 4 Ub