THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES BY THE SAME AUTHOR THE FERNS AND FERN ALLIES OF NEW ZEALAND. MELBOURNE, 1882 OUT OF PRINT INTRODUCTORY CLASS-BOOK OF BOTANY. WELLINGTON, 1891; SECOND EDITION, WELLINGTON, 1906 A NEW ZEALAND NATURALISTS' CALEN- DAR. DUNEDIN, 1909 WILD LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND : MAMMALIA. BOARD OF SCIENCE AND ART, MANUAL No. 2. WELLINGTON, 1921 HISTORY OF THE PORTOBELLO MARINE FISH-HATCHERY AND BIOLOGICAL STA- TION. BOARD OF SCIENCE AND ART, BULLETIN No. 2. WELLINGTON, 1921 THE NATURALISATION OF ANIMALS & PLANTS IN NEW ZEALAND CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, MANAGER LONDON : FETTER LANE, E.C. 4 LONDON : H. K. LEWIS & CO., LTD., 136, Gower Street, W.C. i LONDON : WHELDON & WESLEY, LTD., 28, Essex Street, Strand, W.C. 2 NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN CO. BOMBAY CALCUTTA j. MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. MADRAS J TORONTO : THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, T.TD. TOKYO : MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THE NATURALISATION OF ANIMALS & PLANTS IN NEW ZEALAND BY HON. GEO. M. THOMSON M.L.C., F.L.S., F.N.Z.INST. CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1922 IN MEMORY OF MY YOUNGEST SON JOHN HENRY THOMSON WHO GAVE HIS LIFE IN THE SERVICE OF THE EMPIRE, AND AFTER THREE AND A HALF YEARS OF ACTIVE SERVICE IN GALLIPOLI AND FRANCE, DIED ON 5 APRIL, 1918 HIS BODY WAS LAID NEAR DOULLENS IN FRANCE HIS SOUL IS WITH HIS GOD PREFACE A HISTORICAL account of the introduced animals and plants of New Zealand has long been a felt want in this country. Changes had been going on for the last century and a half, but records and references to these changes were much scattered, and it was very difficult for many persons interested in the natural history of the country to acquire any exact knowledge of the subject. This has been one of the reasons which induced me to accumulate the facts recorded here. The work has led me into a very large correspondence, but I have been gratified by the interest manifested by those appealed to, and by their readiness to assist me. The whole question of naturalisa- tion appeals to most intelligent persons, and my efforts to elicit in- formation have been most pleasantly received, and readily seconded on all sides. To secure accuracy as far as possible, especially in connection with those groups of animals and plants with which my acquaintance was very imperfect, I sought and most ungrudgingly received the cooperation of local specialists, and I desire here to acknowledge my deep debt of gratitude to these gentlemen, who have checked my lists and supplied me with many of the facts recorded. They include the late Major Broun of Auckland who went over the Coleoptera ; Messrs G. V. Hudson of Wellington, A. Philpott of Invercargill, G. Howes of Dunedin, and D. Miller, Government Entomologist, who dealt with Insecta generally, and the last-named especially with the Diptera ; Mr G. Brittin, late of Christchurch, the Coccidae ; Dr Reakes, Director of Agriculture, the Trematode, Cestode and Nematode parasites of our imported animals; and Professor Benham, F.R.S., of Otago University, the Oligochaetes. These gentlemen have also given me much valuable general information. Invaluable assistance has been afforded me in regard both to introduced animals and plants by Mr T. F. Cheeseman of Auckland ; by Mr W. W. Smith of New Plymouth, whose experience as a field naturalist is second to none in the Dominion; by Mr B. C. Aston, chemist of the Agricultural Department, who also is a most observant naturalist; by Dr F. Hilgendorf, of Lincoln Agricultural College; by Dr C. Chilton, Rector of Canterbury College, Christchurch; and by Mr A. Cockayne, Biologist of the Agricultural Department. My old Otago friends and fellow- workers, Dr D. Petrie, now of Auckland, viii PREFACE and Dr L. Cockayne, F.R.S., now of Wellington, have contributed much valuable information in regard to plant life. Mr F. L. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, has assisted me very materially in bringing the knowledge of introduced fishes up to date. In addition to all these I take this opportunity of expressing my indebtedness for facts and suggestions to Messrs Edgar F. Stead, Elsdon Best, Chas. Hedley (of the Australian Museum, Sydney), James Drummond, T. W. Kirk, the late Henry Suter, my sons Dr W. M. Thomson, Dr J. Allan Thomson and Mr G. Stuart Thomson, and to a large number of valued correspondents whose names are recorded in the following pages. This work has given me a great amount of pleasure in the prepara- tion, and I trust it will prove both interesting and useful to its readers. G.M.T. DUNEDIN. August, 1 92 1. CONTENTS PART I INTRODUCTION AND HISTORICAL RECORDS CHAP. PAGE I. INTRODUCTION i II. HISTORICAL RECORD 6 PART II NATURALISATION OF ANIMALS III. MAMMALIA 25 IV. BIRDS 98 V. REPTILES AND AMPHIBIA 178 VI. FISHES 185 VII. MOLLUSCA 258 VIII. INSECTS WITH MYRIAPODA 265 IX. CRUSTACEA AND ARACHNIDA 340 X. PENTASTOMIDjE, PLATYHELMINTHES, NEMATHEL- MINTHES, OLIGOCtLETA 350 PART III NATURALISATION OF PLANTS XI. DICOTYLEDONS AND CONIFERS . . . .363 XII. MONOCOTYLEDONS AND FERNS 478 x CONTENTS PART IV CHAP. PAGE XIII. INTERACTION OF ENDEMIC AND INTRODUCED FAUNAS 503 XIV. ALTERATION IN FLORA SINCE EUROPEAN OCCU- PATION OF NEW ZEALAND 517 XV. ACCLIMATISATION WORK; GENERAL CONSIDERA- TIONS 536 XVI. LEGISLATION 541 APPENDIX A; OPOSSUMS IN NEW ZEALAND . . .556 B; LATER RECORDS 557 C; THE TUTIRA DISTRICT 563 RAINFALL MAP 568 BIBLIOGRAPHY 569 INDEX OF AUTHORITIES 585 INDEX OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS 589 Part I INTRODUCTION AND HISTORICAL RECORD Chapter I INTRODUCTION I HE naturalisation of animals and plants in any country is a most interesting and fascinating subject, as well as being one of very great and far-reaching importance. In the present work I have endeavoured to state what is known of the subject, as far as it relates to New Zealand. I have stated the facts regarding the first introduction of every species into the country, as far as these can be ascertained, and its subsequent success or failure in establishing itself. In gathering the information required and working out the material, it was soon evident to me that the subject was unique. It had never been attempted before as far as I am aware for any country. Indeed it was seen that New Zealand was the only country in which such a bit of history could be attempted with any prospect of success. The islands forming the group lie isolated at a great distance (over a thousand miles) from any other extensive land area. We possess a fairly accurate record of what was here when Europeans first visited these shores, and we have been able to follow the later introductions of new species with a certain measure of success. The missing records and the blank pages are very numerous, but they do not vitiate the general accuracy of these statements. I first approached this subject from the point of view of natural selection and (in Chap, xm) have given an outline of the reasons which led me to investigate this question. But while the biological question of the origin of species was the raison d'etre of this work, there are other aspects of the study which are of importance. Thus the generation of people now growing up in this country is living under conditions which are largely different from those which prevailed when the first settlers colonised the islands. The surroundings at present are partly determined by the primitive condi- tions, and partly by the introduction of many new animals and 2 INTRODUCTION plants. Both the face of the country and its inhabitants have been largely changed, but hitherto no connected account has been available of the agencies which have brought about these profound changes. It is important then that such an account should be prepared, because every year as it passes makes it increasingly difficult to gather the materials. Then the educational value of the knowledge is considerable. The first generations of settlers have already passed away, leaving only isolated records behind them. The generation now passing witnessed the great outburst of acclimatisation zeal in the sixties, but it also failed to keep good records. The acclimatisation societies themselves were very careless in the matter. The Auckland Society has a lapse apparently of some 20 years in its history; the record is somewhere, but it is not available. Nelson has entirely lost its early records ; it was one of the earliest societies to enter on the work of introducing new forms of animal life, yet no one seems to have thought it worth while to preserve a complete report of its doings. If such exists it has not been forthcoming. Otago has kept a complete record, but neither the society itself, nor any of its members can show a full set, and some annual reports are missing. And so on with many other societies. The information, therefore, which has been accumulated in this work has been gathered piecemeal. But by so putting it together, it will be possible to make a fresh start in regard to the present position, and any further additions to the fauna or flora can be noted and added to the lists now prepared. An important consideration is the practical value of such a state- ment as is presented in this work, in shaping the future policy of acclimatisation. It has hitherto been carried on in the most haphazard and irresponsible manner, districts, societies and individuals acting quite independently of, and often in direct opposition to, one another. One district protects hawks because they destroy rabbits and small birds; another destroys them because they attack game. One district imported stoats and weasels in order to cope with the rabbit pest ; another destroyed them wherever found because they threatened the total destruction of the native bird life. There has been no settled policy. This has largely been due to the total failure of the com- munity to grasp the scientific aspect of the question, or even to realise that it has a scientific side. This consistently British attitude towards things scientific (which it is to be hoped the war will largely modify, and in part dispel) has led to neglect of ordinary precautions in nearly all past acclimatisation experiments. Even as late as 1916 several of the societies were contemplating the contribution of a jointly raised sum for the purpose of introducing Australian swallows into the country, presumably to cope with some aspect of the insect INTRODUCTION 3 trouble. Apparently no biologist was consulted in connection with the proposal. No one seemed to think it worth while to ascertain what was known as to the life-histories of the Australian swallows, for instance as to what insects they fed upon, or whether the birds were migratory and would stay in the country, if introduced. No particular species was pointed out as the desirable one, indeed it is doubtful whether any one of those who were responsible for recom- mending the step knew one species from another. Further, no one seemed to know that specimens of at least two species of Australian swallows (the Australian Tree Swallow (Pterochelidon nigricans) and the Australian Swift (Cypselus padficus)) visit our shores nearly every summer, and that natural agencies have been trying to achieve on a very large scale what some of our acclimatisation experts proposed to do on a small scale with very little prospect of success. Still more recently (1916-17) an animated discussion has been going on in Auckland as to the desirability of introducing the " stubble quail or partridge " (Coturnix pectoralis), as a sporting bird, some persons being keenly in favour of, others just as keenly opposed to, the step, on account of the harm the bird might do to the farmers. Apparently the species has been already introduced three times into the country, nearly fifty years ago, at Christchurch, Auckland and Hokianga, but it did not become established. The whole history of acclimatisation efforts in New Zealand abounds in similar bungles and blunders, and while a certain measure of good has been achieved notably in stocking our nearly empty rivers and lakes with fine food- and sport-fishes, yet the record of harm done is enormously greater. So-called acclimatisation societies to-day are only angling and sporting clubs, and it is a question whether the whole control should not be taken up by the Government. At any rate the public wants education on the question, and this work is a contribution towards this aspect of it. On entering on this task I did not realise how vast it was, and how fragmentary was the sum of the existing knowledge, but having com- menced it, I had no thought of turning back, or of abandoning the project. Even if the record be imperfect, it will be of some use to future workers to have pieced together the available material. In writing some account of the introduced animals I at first thought of confining my attention to mammals, birds and fishes, but this seemed so inadequate that I went on from group to group until I found that my list included over 600 species, commencing with the Marsupials and ending with the Medicinal Leech. The line had, however, to be drawn somewhere, so I have left the microscopic forms for some specialist to deal with. Having launched out on the 4 INTRODUCTION subject, it seemed inadvisable to stop at the animals, and therefore, having some bowing acquaintance with the floras of Britain, North America and Australia, in addition to that of New Zealand, in due course I added the introduced plants to my previous lists. The two groups can hardly be separated in this connection, and on account of their inter-relations it is best to study them together. This work does not purport to be merely a list of naturalised animals and plants. I have recorded the introduction of a great number of species which have not succeeded in establishing them- selves, though in some cases repeated attempts were made to naturalise them. The reasons for these failures are often so obscure that no plausible explanation has yet been given. For example the greenfinch and the chaffinch have thriven remarkably, the allied linnet has quite failed. Among fishes, the Pacific-coast Salmon (Onchorhynchus Quinnat) has become strongly established on the east coast of the South Island; while all attempts to naturalise the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo solar), though carried on unceasingly for half a century and in half a hundred different streams, have absolutely failed. The dif- ferent attempts made are recorded under the various species, and such reasons as can be suggested for failure are also recorded. It seems to me that the failure of a species to become established in a new country into which it has been introduced, under what appear to be most favourable conditions, is as important a biological problem as the success of another species, and that the causes of the failure are worthy of examination. In order that the various species referred to in this work might be recognised with a minimum possibility of mistake, I found it necessary to adopt some authoritative and readily-accessible scheme of classification and nomenclature. It was impossible to go into all the niceties (or obscurities) of zoological and botanical nomenclature ; all that appeared to be essential was that the species referred to should be readily recognisable. Accordingly for the introduced animals I adopted, as far as possible, the schemes used by the various authors of the Cambridge Natural History (Macmillan & Co., London, 1895- 1909); and for the plants the Manual of the New Zealand Flora by Mr T. F. Cheeseman (Wellington, 1906). A considerable, indeed the major portion of this work is necessarily a compilation, but the information has been secured only by a laborious examination of all the available literature on the subject, and by very extensive correspondence. There is no doubt a great deal of information buried in the columns of the daily press of old days, which I have not been able to consult except in isolated instances. An immense amount of sifting of the wheat from the chaff has also INTRODUCTION 5 been necessary, for a vast deal of the information communicated to me in all good faith was manifestly unreliable and had to be received with caution. I have endeavoured to secure scientific accuracy, so that the record may be of use to succeeding naturalists ; at the same time I trust it may not be of the dry-as-dust type. The work has been a labour of love, and will, I hope, be found of use and interest to many who do not profess to be naturalists, but who are interested in natural phenomena. An important aspect of the question is the legal one. A study of all the legislation which has been passed, first by the various pro- vincial legislatures, and later by the Government and Parliament of New Zealand is extremely interesting from many points of view, and I have added this at the end of this work. Chapter II HISTORICAL RECORD THE history of the naturalisation of animals and plants in large island areas has never, to my knowledge, been fully studied anywhere. Isolated introductions have frequently been dealt with, especially in recent cases, but apparently no one has sought to work out the history of the whole of the introduced fauna and flora of any country. The reason almost certainly is that, with one notable exception, the beginnings of the introductions could never be ascertained. The one exception is New Zealand. Here we have an area of land of very con- siderable extent lying far away from any other large areas, in which the first introduction of a majority of the species which now occur and are not indigenous to the country, can be traced. We can tell when and how many of the species which are now so abundantly represented first came into the country. We can learn of numerous attempts to introduce species which have, however, failed to establish themselves. On the other hand we find that a vast number of species, both of animals and plants, have found their way into the country, 'as it were, by chance. We do not always know with certainty where they came from, though we have a knowledge of their geographical distribution which enables us to form a fairly correct impression. We often cannot tell the time of their introduction, nor the means by which this was accomplished. The most we can do and even this is not always possible is to record the first notice of their appearance in the country and their subsequent history. The first date which we can fix upon as that at which a definite introduction of new species commenced is that of the arrival of Captain Cook in New Zealand on his second voyage, in 1773, when he landed at Dusky Sound, and later at Queen Charlotte Sound. On these occasions besides leaving various animals, he sowed several kinds of European seeds, mostly garden vegetables. Some of these are known to have survived. Previous to that date the native inhabitants had brought with them from Polynesia, and perhaps from Melanesia, certain species of plants which they cultivated, and apparently also they had carried with them a species or rather a variety of dog. Unintentionally also they probably introduced the Polynesian rat (Mvs exulans), as well as at least one species of flea probably Pidex irritans (some think HISTORICAL RECORD 7 two species). Mr Best considers the Europeans are responsible for the introduction of the fleas. According to Maori tradition two species of louse (Pediculus) were also introduced by Polynesian immigrants. Mr Cheeseman has pointed out that the Polynesians were great cultivators, and carried their cultivated plants from one part of the Pacific Ocean to another. He considers that they knew of the existence of New Zealand, of the occurrence of greenstone and of the moa, and that their migrations were not accidental, but were conducted on definite principles. While it is not possible to fix even approximately the date of introduction of any of the species of animals and plants which occurred wild in New Zealand in 1773, and which were common to this country, and any other land areas, it is advisable to take a brief survey of these common species and see from what region the most recent introductions before that date appear to have come. To begin with, it must be borne in mind that the introduction of living organisms has been going on continuously throughout all the ages during which New Zealand has existed as a distinct land- area, and that the process still continues naturally. It is impossible to arrive at any accurate testimony of the results of this process, but certain considerations point to its existence. Of the two bats which occur in New Zealand the Long-tailed Bat (Chalinolobus mono) is also found in South-eastern Australia; the other belongs to an endemic genus, Mystacops. The bird-fauna contains a number of endemic genera and species, the affinities of many being obscure. Of those which belong to readily recognised types of land birds, the majority have affinities with the Australian avifauna, but as Hutton has pointed out, only with that section of it which is allied to that of Malaysia. The lizards do not help us here, for, excluding the Tuatara, which is a survival from archaic times, they belong to genera of very wide distribution, and are probably of very considerable antiquity. As regards the relationships of the land and fresh-water mollusca, Hutton, as far back as 1883, stated that "our closest connection appears to be with North Australia, but there is a considerable generic affinity with the faunas of New Caledonia, Polynesia and South America." Taking Suter's Manual as our guide, we find that there are 34 genera of land and fresh-water mollusca in New Zealand. Of these 13 are confined to these islands; three range into Tasmania and Australia, but no further; 13 are found in Australasia, but are more or less widely distributed outside the region ; while five range into the Pacific, but are not Australian. Closer analysis bears out the general accuracy of Hutton's generalisation. 8 HISTORICAL RECORD These 34 genera are represented by 236 species, all but one of them being endemic, viz., Ophicardelus australis, which is also found in Tasmania, Australia and New Caledonia. Planorbis corinna which is world- wide in its distribution is precinctive to New Zealand, but the genus Planorbis has a universal distribution. Mr Suter informs me that "the genera of land mollusca which we have in common with Tasmania and Australia are far better represented in the former country, but disappear gradually as the north-east is reached. The affinities of our land and fresh- water molluscs are strongly marked on the line extending over Lord Howe Island to New Caledonia." The relationship of New Zealand insects to those of other regions is dealt with in a number of papers scattered through many publica- tions, but the knowledge of the subject is still very fragmentary. Meyrick, in his papers on Lepidoptera, favours the theory of introduc- tion of several groups (e.g. Caradrinina) from South America via Antarctica. But leaving the general question and confining myself to species derived from the nearest present land surface, the following summary of the distribution of the Lepidoptera, for which I am indebted to Mr A. Philpott, is of interest : Total number of species hitherto recorded in New Zealand . . . 1040 Common to Australia and New Zealand 63 Cosmopolitan species ? 24 Introduced from Australia to N.Z., by shipping (say) ... 6 Introduced to Australia from N.Z., by shipping (say) ... 3 33 Leaving for the question of origin, only 30 species, or say, 3 per cent, common to both countries. These figures are not very conclusive one way or another. The nearest land-surface of any extent is the continent of Australia and, as might be expected, immigrants from thence are by no means uncommon. Within the last score or so of years a great many species of Australian birds have been recorded as occasional visitants to New Zealand. The same remark applies to some of the stronger flying insects. This shows that though the fauna recognised as indigenous has originally been introduced from several directions in former ages, there has been and still is a constant stream of immigrants from Eastern Australia into these islands. The remarkable thing then is that there should be so comparatively little direct connection between the two countries so far as the fauna is concerned. The fact is that it is very difficult for a species of animal to establish itself in a new country, even assuming that many individuals arrive at HISTORICAL RECORD 9 the same time. The immigrants on arrival are certainly in an exhausted state and physically incapable of defending themselves from the assaults of enemies. The shores of the new land are patrolled by great numbers of gulls and similar predaceous birds, which would make short work of any travel-worn immigrants that landed and did not immediately find cover. The chances of getting food are also problematical. But even assuming that the individuals survived and throve, the chances of their finding mates are very remote; so that altogether the probabilities are against the establishment of the species. As a matter of fact they do not succeed. The only bird which appears to have come into New Zealand since the days of European settlement and to have established itself, is the Wax-eye or Blight-bird (Zosterops coerulescens). In taking a survey of the existing Flora of New Zealand in con- nection with its relationship to other plant-associations, and taking Cheeseman's Manual as my authority for the following figures, I desire to state at the outset that I do not attach too much importance to numerical comparisons, because I realise the enormously different values attached by systematists to different species. These values depend largely upon the personal equation, and further on the amount of detailed study given to any specified groups of organisms. There are certain genera of New Zealand plants which are apparently in a state of flux even at the present time. These have been submitted to close examination, a vast amount of material has been gone through, and in consequence innumerable differences have been recognised, and a large number of species defined. Such, for example, are Ranunculus with 37 New Zealand species, Epilobium 28, Coprosma 39, Olearia 35, Celmisia 43, Senecio 30, Veronica 84, and Car ex 53. Many of these are sharply defined, easily recognised species, but for others the specific diagnosis is only the central rallying point for a large group of individuals showing considerable divergencies in many directions. I am safe in asserting that if similar detail were gone into with all the plants grouped under such common names as, for example, Accenamicrophylla, Gaultheriaantipoda, orPimelea leevigata, and many others which might be named, it would be found that each deserves to be separated into a group of distinct species. Keeping this reservation in mind, we can still form an approximate estimate of the relationships shown by any given aggregation of species. Thus of the total number of 1396 species of New Zealand flowering plants recorded by Cheeseman, no fewer than 263 (or almost 19 per cent.) are also found to occur in Australia. Of these 134 occur both in Australia and Tasmania (eight in Tasmania alone), while the remaining 129 have a wider range, some being common tropical or sub-tropical io HISTORICAL RECORD weeds, while others are found throughout the temperate zone in both hemispheres. The endemic species, which do not range outside of New Zealand, number no less than 1069, or 76-6 per cent, of the whole (viz. 860 dicotyledons and 209 monocotyledons). This brings out the affinities of the remaining elements more strongly than ever, for it shows that of 327 species which are common to New Zealand and other countries, no less than 80 per cent, are also found in Australia. The remaining elements Antarctic and Polynesian are few as com- pared with the Australian. It would appear from the above analysis that immigration of flowering plants from Australia into New Zealand has been going on steadily, and an examination of many of the individual species leads to the conclusion that much of it is quite recent. Thus of pappus-bearing composites, ten species are confined to New Zealand and Australia 1 ; six more are found in New Zealand and Australia, but have a wider range outside 2 . No plant of South American, Polynesian or Antarctic affinity is furnished with a pappus. The list of Australian plants includes four species of Epilobium, furnished with pappus-like hairs on the seed; and 14 species of Orchids (out of a total of 53 species, the remainder being endemic) furnished with very minute light seeds which are easily carried by wind. These facts tend to show that species whose seeds can be distributed by wind are fairly abundant among those plants which are common to New Zealand and Australia, and the probability is that many were thus introduced into these islands 3 . I regret that I cannot give the date for the following interesting occurrence (I think it was about 1877), but it was so striking a phenomenon that it fixed itself in my memory at the time. It occurred in Dunedin in the autumn (February or March). One bright forenoon the sky became strangely overcast from the west, and the sun at midday assumed a coppery appearance. Some persons attributed the phenomenon to bush fires in the western districts, but no such fires were recorded anywhere in New Zealand. Others more accurately thought it was due to a smoke-cloud from Australia. This proved to be the case. Vessels voyaging between 1 Celmisia longifolia, Vittadinia australis, Gnaphalium traversii, G. collinum, Craspedia uniflora, Erechtites prenanthoides , E. arguta, E. quadridentata, Senecio lautus and Microseris forsteri. 2 Gnaphalium japonicum, G. luteo-album, Picris hieracioides , Taraxacum qfficinale, Sonchus asper and S. oleraceus. 8 Linnean Soc. 3Oth Nov. 1916 (London). Using a wind-dispersal apparatus Mr Jas. Small, M.Sc., found that in a light air the fruit of Senecio vulgaris travelled at the rate of 1-6 miles per hour through the air, and of Taraxacum officinale 1-5 miles per hour. HISTORICAL RECORD n Australia and New Zealand, and others passing up the east coast of Australia at the time, reported dense smoke-clouds from Gippsland and North-west Victoria, and also the falling of considerable quantities of ash and charred vegetable matter. The westerly winds drove the smoke right across the Tasman Sea, and at a distance of about 1200 miles it still exerted such an influence on the upper atmosphere as to make the whole sky lurid for a period of three or four hours. A wind which could carry such a body of smoke such a distance could probably easily transport seeds and spores, and though the usual course of the wind-currents is not so directly from west to east, yet such high winds apparently do occur, and that not unfrequently. Another agency by which seeds are carried to oceanic islands is by means of birds, which bear them attached to their feet or plumage, and in some cases carry them in their crops. Darwin, Wallace and others have given numerous instances of this fact in plant distribution 1 . Apart from regular migrants which come to New Zealand every year from Australia, Polynesia and the Northern Hemisphere, a con- siderable number of stragglers are blown or stray over from Australia each year. The wonder, therefore, is not that Australian species of plants are met with in considerable numbers in New Zealand, but rather that they are not more common than is found to be the case. As far as all truly indigenous species of animals and plants are concerned it is quite impossible to give dates for any which may have been introduced in long past ages, as for example those which are common, say, to New Zealand and Australia. But when we come down to recent times and reach the period of human immigration, it becomes possible to give some approximation to definite dates. According to Maori tradition, New Zealand was discovered by two Polynesian voyagers named Kupe and Ngahue, but authorities are not yet agreed as to the period of this discovery. The first Polynesian settlement in the time of Toi took place 30 to 32 generations, that is approximately 800 years, ago. On the arrival of these immigrants, they found the east coast, north and Taranaki districts occupied by the Mouriuri, Moriori or Maruiwi folk in considerable numbers, descendants of crews of three drift canoes, which had apparently come from the north-west. Whether these people had brought any animals or plants with them it is now impossible to say. According to east coast traditions, the Toi tribes had the Hue Gourd (Lagenaria vulgaris) in cultivation at an early 1 Darwin in a letter to Dr J. D. Hooker in January, 1860, says: "Birds do not migrate from Australia to New Zealand," a curious error for such a good observer to make, and showing the danger of generalising from imperfect data. Many species regularly cross, notably the Shining Cuckoo and the Dotterel. 12 HISTORICAL RECORD period, so that this plant was probably introduced from 24 to 30 generations ago, that is between 1150 and 1300 A.D. Communica- tion was kept up with Polynesia for about 200 years more, new settlers coming over from time to time. The last batch of vessels, including the Arawa, Tainui and other canoes, arrived about 20 generations or 500 years ago, say about 1400 A.D. Reference has already been made to the introduction by some of these early voyagers, of the dog, the native rat, one or more species of flea, and two species of lice. The Kumara (Ipomcea batatas) appears to have been introduced first about 1300 A.D. , tradition saying that certain voyagers left Whaka- tane for Polynesia about that time, for the express purpose of bringing over that plant. Subsequent immigrants by the Aotea, Arawa, Tainui, and other canoes, also brought the plant. Indeed it is probable that it was continuously introduced by many of the new arrivals. Mr Cheeseman in the Manual (p. 100) states in regard to Poma- derris apetala: "The Maoris assert that it sprang from the rollers or skids that were brought in the canoe 'Tainui' when they first colonised New Zealand." Mr Elsdon Best, to whom I referred this point, tells me that about 1879 he saw a grove of these trees on a terrace near the mouth of the Mohakatina river. Local natives told him that the tree was called Te Neke o Tainui (the skid of Tainui), and that the grove had originated from the skids of the canoe Tainui, used in hauling the vessel ashore on her arrival here twenty generations ago, the skids having been brought from oversea. On my return to New Plymouth I met Mr Wilson Hursthouse, who, I found, was acquainted with the Maori name of the tree and the myth connected with it. Pomaderris apetala is an Australian as well as a New Zealand species, but is not found in any part of Polynesia. It is difficult to con- jecture, therefore, how such a myth could have arisen. Perhaps about the same time, that is about 1400 A.D., the introduc- tion of the Taro (Calocasia antiquorum) and the Ti (Cordyline termi- nalis) took place. One tradition says that they arrived in the Nukutere canoe, brought by one Roua, that is about 500 years ago. The same tradition narrates that the Karaka (Corynocarpus leevigata) was intro- duced at the same time, by the same individual. If so, it may have been brought from Western Polynesia by way of the Kermadecs, where it is a common tree. At the same time the genus is quite peculiar, and is endemic to New Zealand. If it did not originate in this country, then the home whence it came has lost it, for its botanical position and relationships are by no means clear. After the arrival of the main migrations about 20 generations ago, there are no definite traditions of further Polynesian immigration, HISTORICAL RECORD 13 but voyagers left the shores of New Zealand for Polynesia as late as ten generations or 250 years ago, and presumably others arrived from time to time. With the arrival of Captain James Cook in New Zealand we can begin to assign definite dates to many of the introductions. In October, 1769, Captain Cook landed at Poverty Bay, and later at Anaura Bay, and at both places Messrs Banks and Solander made collections of native plants. He next stayed a week at Tolaga Bay, and ii days at Mercury Bay. On 2ist November a landing was made some miles up the Thames River, and then six days were spent at the Bay of Islands. On i6th January, 1770, he anchored in Queen Charlotte Sound, and made a stay of three weeks. Again on 27th March he was four days in Admiralty Bay to the west of Queen Charlotte Sound. There is no word in all these landings of his intro- ducing any animals or any seeds, yet it is more than probable that Black Rats (Mus rattus), the common ship's rat, were on board the ' Endeavour,' and that some got ashore. It is also possible that some European seeds may have been accidentally introduced. The voyage was one for exploration only, as far as New Zealand was concerned, and the ships were quite differently equipped on later visits. In December, 1769, only two months after Cook's arrival, De Surville spent three weeks in the ' Saint Jean Baptiste ' in Mongonui Harbour. In 1772 the French expedition under Marion du Fresne which had such a fatal ending as far as New Zealand was concerned, spent over two months in the Bay of Islands ; and it is stated by both Taylor and Polack, I do not know on what authority, that Crow Garlic (Allium vineale), which is so abundant in that district, was introduced by him. No collections of plants were made during either of these French expeditions, but it is quite possible that some animals or plants found their way into the country. Crozet, who took up the command of the expedition on Captain Marion's death, writes (in 1772): I formed a garden on Moutouaro Island, in which I sowed the seed of all sorts of vegetables, stones and the pips of our fruits, wheat, millet, maize, and in fact every variety of grain which I had brought from the Cape of Good Hope ; everything succeeded admirably, several of the grains sprouted and appeared above ground, and the wheat especially grew with surprising vigour. The garden on Moutouaro Island alone was not sufficient to satisfy my desires. I planted stones and pips wherever I went, in the plains, in the glens, on the slopes, and even on the mountains; I also sowed everywhere a few of the different varieties of grain, and most of the officers did the same. Captain Cook in his second voyage in the 'Resolution/ spent i 4 HISTORICAL RECORD five weeks from the 26th March to ist May, 1773 in Dusky Sound, and while there cleared a piece of ground of about an acre in extent to make a garden, and sowed "a quantity of European seeds of the best kinds." No list of these seeds is given, though cabbages, onions, and leeks are mentioned, but they were in all probability the same sorts as were sown later at Queen Charlotte Sound. Apparently not one of them was able to establish itself in the moist climate of the Sound, and as predicted by George Forster in his Journal, the native vegetation quickly re-asserted itself, and obliterated all trace of the introduced plants 1 . That Cook hoped to introduce useful plants and animals into a country which he knew by his previous experience did not furnish much food for voyagers, is shown by his leaving geese at Dusky Sound, and these were the first animals which were introduced of set purpose. He had five geese on board his ship, and these were liberated at a spot which he called Goose Cove. This first experiment in acclimatisation, like hundreds of others made in later years, was quite unsuccessful, and nothing was ever seen or heard of the birds again. Lieut. Menzies, the botanist of Vancouver's expedition in 1791, says: As Captain Cook had left five geese in this cove, we were in hopes of meeting with some of their offspring, and thereby partaking of the fruits of his benevolence, but as they were left in the autumn, I am apprehensive they did not survive the first winter, for not the least traces of any could be seen at this time about the cove, and though there was a scarcity of other birds on account of this being the season of incubation, yet it appears to be the most eligible place in the whole Sound for Game at a proper time of the year. Meanwhile his colleague Captain Furneaux, in the 'Adventure,' had put into Queen Charlotte Sound on 7th April, 1773, and was joined there by Cook on i8th May. They stayed till 7th June, and then went southward in search of an antarctic continent. At the Sound, Cook liberated a ram and ewe he had brought with him from the Cape of Good Hope, but they were in a very bad state of health, and died very shortly after being landed. They were supposed to have eaten some poisonous plant. Captain Furneaux landed a boar and two breeding sows, and turned them into the woods. They were not to be seen, nor were there any traces of them found the following year, but the members of the expedition thought that the animals had taken themselves off into the denser forest. When Cook came back in 1777 he could learn 1 In & Journal of the voyage of the 'Endeavour' printed anonymously in 1771, it is stated at p. 58: "At Otaheite we had likewise planted many European seeds, of which none, except mustard, cresses and melons were found to vegetate." HISTORICAL RECORD 15 nothing about them, so he gave the natives another boar and sow, with instructions not to kill them. It is probable that these original pigs were the ancestors of the long-nosed wild pigs which afterwards became so common in the South Island. Cook also landed two goats, a male and a female, on the east side of the Sound, but there is reason to believe that the natives killed them. He' gave them another pair in 1777, and it is popularly believed that most of the wild goats found in the South Island in the early days of settlement are descended from these. In West Bay, Cook liberated some fowls, and though he could not find any trace of them when he visited the spot in October, 1774, yet in his later visit in February, 1777, he stated that "all the natives whom I conversed with agreed that poultry are now to be met with wild in the woods behind Ship Cove ; and I was afterwards informed by the two youths who went with us, that Tuitou, a popular chief amongst them, had a great many cocks and hens in his separate possession." During this stay of two months, ground was cleared at more than one spot, and numerous kinds of vegetable seeds were sown, including turnip, cabbage, white mustard, radish, purslane, peas, beans, kidney beans, parsley, carrot, parsnip, onion and leek: potatoes also were planted. Of these, cabbage, and apparently also turnip, onion and leek succeeded in establishing themselves ; radishes seeded freely, but the peas, beans and kidney beans were eaten by rats. It is more than probable that some European weeds of cultivation were introduced at the same time. On 2nd November when near Cape Kidnappers, Cook gave some pigs and fowls to natives who came off in a canoe, the first intro- duction of these two kinds to the North Island. On the following day he once more entered Queen Charlotte Sound, and waited till the 25th for his consort, but as she had not arrived by that time, he left for a cruise in the Antarctic Ocean. The 'Adventure' arrived in the Sound five days later, and remained over three weeks, during which time the unfortunate massacre of ten of her crew took place. After a long cruise in the Antarctic and Pacific Oceans, Cook returned to Queen Charlotte Sound on igth October, 1774, and finally left for England on loth November. The important thing about this voyage, from our present point of view, is that Cook brought with him various animals and plants for the express purpose of introducing them, having experienced on his first voyage the lack of fresh food in the country, beyond that which the natives were able to supply them with. To this voyage we can assign the introduction and subsequent naturalisation of the pig 16 HISTORICAL RECORD and the goat and perhaps of fowls ; and among plants, of the cabbage, turnip and potato. Other attempts to naturalise plants mostly failed. Cook visited Queen Charlotte Sound again on his third and last voyage to the Pacific, entering it on i2th February, 1777, and leaving it on the 25th. There is no record of any attempts to introduce further species, except the pigs and goats previously referred to. In 1791, Vancouver visited Dusky Sound, and Lieut. Menzies reported that in the garden (made by Cook eight years previously) there had grown up a dense covering of brushwood and fern, which completely obliterated all sign of the old clearing, and only the fact that its position was recorded and described enabled the spot to be identified. In view of the struggle between indigenous and introduced plants which exercised the minds of many eminent naturalists, and to which reference is made in the writings of Hooker, Darwin, Wallace and others, the record of further visits to Dusky Sound is interesting. The value of the seal and whale fisheries of Southern New- Zealand soon drew enterprising sailors to these waters, and a whole- sale destruction of these animals took place. Dusky Sound had been charted by Cook, its harbour was not only safe, but it provided abundance of fish, wood and water, hence it made a good rendezvous, and the base of a good hunting ground. On 3rd November, 1792, the 'Britannia' from Sydney anchored in Facile Harbour, Dusky Sound, and landed a party of twelve sealers, with store of provisions, etc. These men were not relieved till September, 1793, when the 'Britannia' revisited the spot, and took them off. During the early part of the same year the Sound was visited by the Spanish corvettes ' Descuvierta ' (commanded by Don Alexandro Malaspina), and 'Atrevida' (Don Jose Bustamente). I do not know how long they stayed. Captain Raven of the ' Britannia ' in reporting from Norfolk Island on 2nd November, 1793, says : " The animals I left had fed themselves on what they found in the woods, and were exceedingly fat and prolific" It would be interesting to know what animals these were, and whether any had gone wild, or had been left, or if they were all carried away again. Unfortunately we have no information on the subject. On i9th September, 1795, the 'Endeavour,' Captain Bampton, of 800 tons, and the brig 'Fancy' of 150 tons, sailed from Sydney for India, and called in at Dusky Sound perhaps to load some spars. They had no less than 244 people on board the two ships. There they found a small vessel, which the twelve men left by the ' Britannia ' had built during their ten months' stay in the Sound, but which they HISTORICAL RECORD 17 had not taken off the stocks. Captain Bampton completed this little vessel, and called it the 'Providence.' On i9th January, 1796, the ' Fancy ' and the ' Providence ' arrived at Norfolk Island, and reported that the 'Endeavour' had been wrecked at Dusky Sound. She had been found utterly unseaworthy, and had been emptied, abandoned and sunk there. An enormous amount of stuff must have been carried ashore. Owing to the small size of the two remaining vessels, no less than 35 men had to be left behind, no doubt with abundance of stores. These derelicts were not rescued till May, 1797, when the 'Mercury' left Sydney for Dusky, picked them up, and landed them at Norfolk Island, after twenty months' detention in the Sound. Sealing and whaling vessels continued to visit the Sound at intervals, and parties of men were certainly there in 1803, 1804 and 1805. I have myself gone down in much more recent years with sealing parties to the south, and have some notion of the equipment they used to carry. In addition to bags of flour, meal, sugar, etc., they nearly always carried considerable quantities of potatoes. During these fifteen or sixteen years referred to (between 1791 and 1805) many men lived on shore, often for lengthened periods, and almost certainly took with them large quantities of stores, which must have frequently contained seeds of many European weeds of cultivation. An example of this is shown in the case of four men (members of a sealing party) who were left on the Solanders for four and a half years, and were rescued in 1813. They had attempted to raise potatoes and cabbages, of which plants one of them happened to have some seed wherx they were unhappily driven upon the island, but the sea-spray rendered cultivation impracticable. In the same year ten men were rescued from Secretary Island, in Thompson Sound, who had been left there in 1809. Yet it is an interesting fact that in the West Coast Sounds region practically no European plants are to be found, except on the Milford track, which has been much frequented by tourists in recent years. A Sydney paper of 4th September, 1813, reports an interview with Captain Williams, who stated that "the natives of the coast of Foveaux Strait attend to the cultivation of the potato with as much diligence as he ever witnessed. He saw one field of considerably more than one hundred acres, which presented the appearance of one well cultivated bed." In 1824, De Blosseville of the 'Coquille,' writing from Captain Edwardson's report says: "Potatoes, cabbages and other vegetables introduced by the Europeans are grown." These southern natives had not seen pigs up to the time of Edwardson's visit; so he gave them some. In 1826 the schooner ' Sally,' with a large number of immigrants, i8 HISTORICAL RECORD together with many cattle, sheep and other stock from England, called in at Stewart Island presumably at Port Pegasus and stayed for a period of three weeks. Apparently the 'Rosanna' also called with immigrants. She then went on to Hokianga, where a settlement was made, but Captain Herd and most of the settlers took fright and sailed for Sydney, only four men remaining. In 1820 Major Cruise, who spent ten months in the north of New Zealand, says: "The excellent plants left by Captain Cook" (in Queen Charlotte Sound?) "viz., Cabbages, turnips, parsnips, carrots, etc., etc., are still numerous, but very much degenerated; and a great part of the country is over-run with cow-itch which the natives gave Marion the credit of having left among them." (I do not know what plant he refers to here.) "Water melons and peas were raised while we were in the country, with great success, and the people promised to save the seeds and sow them again. The missionaries have got some peach trees that bear very well, and an acorn and a seed of an orange were sown by a gentleman of the ship near Pomarrees village, and the place rigidly tabooed by the inhabitants." Cruise also reports that the natives (at Wy-ow Bay) brought a cat for them to cook and eat, which he remarks must have come from the shipping at the Bay of Islands or from the Coromandel. In 1832, d'Urville who spent four months on the coast of the South Island found a gang of six men sealers working at Mason Bay, Stewart Island. In his visit in 1840, he entered Port Pegasus and learned that 20 English sailors had settled on the shores of Foveaux Strait, where they had married native women. They grew potatoes and various other vegetables, and reared fowls. They told d'Urville that as many as 20 vessels anchored in Port Pegasus annually. In this same year (1840) Major Bunbury in his report on the proclamation of Stewart Island as Her Majesty's possession, says of Paterson Inlet, "the Europeans there employ themselves at boat building and in the culture of wheat and potatoes, with which they supply the whalers, as also with pigs and poultry." Previous to this, Waikouaiti was one of the best known whaling stations on the Otago coast. In 1838 this was purchased from its Sydney owners by Mr John Jones, who two years later sent down several families to engage in farming and cattle raising, and at the end of 1840 the population of the settlement numbered about 100 persons. They had enclosed some 6000 acres of land, and had about 100 acres in crop; while the live stock numbered about 100 horses, 200 cattle, and 2000 sheep. In 1840 also a small settlement was made where Christchurch HISTORICAL RECORD 19 now stands, for the cultivation of wheat for certain Sydney mills. About 30 acres were grown, but the place was abandoned soon after on account of rats, difficulties of shipment, and fires. In 1842 Captain Wm Mein Smith, chief surveyor of the Wellington Land Company, visited the south-east of Otago, and writes of one settlement there as follows: At Tautuku Bay (30 miles from Molyneux River) is a good deal of land cultivated by a number of industrious men who are, through the winter, engaged in the whale fishery. In the summer they are occupied in their gardens. They produce abundance of fine potatoes, and as much wheat and barley as they can consume. They have many pigs, goats, and a rapidly increasing stock of poultry. It is quite probable that several of the European weeds of cultiva- tion which are now so common in the south end of New Zealand were introduced in these days of early and casual settlement. But few animals would be thus brought in, except perhaps certain flies and other domestic insects, and perhaps some worms, wood-lice and such familiar accompaniments of human settlement. Turning to the north of New Zealand, though the visitation was greater, the record has not been worked out so thoroughly as for the south. But from the end of the i8th century greater numbers of vessels visited northern ports for the whale fishery. Captain King, Governor of New South Wales, had landed in the Bay of Islands in 1793, and gave the natives some pigs, as well as wheat, maize, and no doubt other things not mentioned. The Rev. Samuel Marsden sent them wheat in 1810, and a further lot in 1811. When he visited the island in 1814, he brought with him the mission party, which was established at Kerikeri and Waimate near the Bay of Islands, and the live stock accompanying the party included one entire horse, two mares, one bull and two cows, with a few sheep and poultry. From this date onwards there is no doubt numerous introductions of plants and animals were made. In 1822 the Wesleyan Mission station at Kaeo-Wangaroa was established, but the party were driven out of there and shifted their ground to Hokianga. The occurrence of exotic historic trees of great size at the present day in these regions testifies to the activity of the missionaries as pioneers in this work of introducing new forms of life in the country. Then too, the quantity of flax, potatoes and other produce, exported from New Zealand and supplied to ships in these pre-settlement days, was very great, and this shows that there must have been much trade and inter- communication between the natives and the Europeans. Numbers of weeds and of animals must have been introduced into the north in this way. About 1826 the ' Rosanna ' (already mentioned) with some 20 HISTORICAL RECORD 60 settlers on board, came intoHokianga with the intention of founding a settlement, but as a tribal war was being waged among the natives at the time, the party did not remain, but went off and landed at Sydney. As I am not writing a history of New Zealand except in so far as it relates to the facilities which existed for the introduction of new forms of animal and plant life into the country, I must hurriedly pass over these pre-settlement days, merely pointing out that a great deal of communication must have been going on with outside ports from many parts of the country. The township of Russell or Korora- reka in the Bay of Islands, was founded in 1830 by Benjamin Turner, an ex-Sydney convict, who built the first grog-shop there. Two years later the population numbered about 100, and in 1838 about 1000. "As many as thirty-six whalers were anchored there at one time, and in one year 120 vessels sailed in and out." The first regular settlement scheme commenced in 1839 when the 'Tory' with Captain Wakefield, Dr Dieffenbach, and others, arrived in Port Nicolson, and after trying a site for a town near Petone, founded what is now Wellington. Early in the following year the immigrant ships began to arrive, and by the end of 1840 the population of Wellington numbered about noo persons. The first official capital of New Zealand was Kororareka or Russell, but the seat of government was shifted to the Waitemata, and Captain Hobson selected the site of the future town there, which he called "Auckland," in September, 1840. The same year saw the commence- ment of the Taranaki settlement, and by the end of 1841, the popula- tion of New Plymouth numbered some 500 persons. In 1841 Nelson was founded, and in January and October of 1842, four vessels with some 850 passengers arrived in Nelson harbour. In 1848 the Otago settlement was founded and 278 immigrants were landed on the site of Dunedin. In 1843 the Deans brothers settled near the present site of Christchurch, but it was not till the close of 1850 that the pioneers of the Canterbury settlement, numbering 800 souls, landed in Port Cooper. In the First Annual Report (for 1843) of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Auckland it is stated that the following trees were then in cultivation: peaches, nectarines, apricots, almonds, figs, lemons, oranges, olives, vines, plums, cherries, mulberries, pears, apples, quinces, walnuts, filberts, loquats, gooseberries, red and black currants, raspberries and strawberries; the Cape gooseberry (Phy salts edulis) is said to be "almost indigenous; it grows wild in every part of the country." In those early days of settlement voyages between Great Britain HISTORICAL RECORD 21 and the colony were long, extending from three to five months, and it must have been difficult to convey many animals on board the small ships which were the only carriers. But the immigrants occa- sionally brought out pets, especially cats and dogs, with probably fowls, pigeons, rabbits, canaries and other song birds. Certainly also they introduced most of the common weeds, such as chickweeds, thistles, groundsel, and others. I have more than once observed the plants which have grown up round a heap of ashes and rubbish where immigrants' old bedding and refuse were burned, and only regret now that I did not keep a record of the species at the time. For several years the settlers were too busy founding homes and bringing their land into cultivation to attend much to any but the most essential things; but after about a score of years had passed, and there was time for leisure and reminiscence, new ideas came to them, or perhaps it is more correct to say, original ideas re-asserted themselves as they seemed to be capable of realisation. The beginning of the rush of immigration dates from between 1840 and 1850, and the process has been continued with more or less intermission ever since. But in a general sketch of the subject of animal and plant introduction, we need not concern ourselves further as to dates ; these will be given as far as possible in the case of each individual species. Here we are concerned only with the general result and its causes. The early settlers of New Zealand found themselves in a land which, as far as regards climate and natural conditions, seemed to them to reproduce many of the best features of the homeland from which they came. They thought with affection and with the glamour of youthful remembrance of the lakes and rivers, the woods and the fields, the hills and the dells of that homeland. They recalled the sport which was forbidden to all but a favoured few, but which they had often longed to share in the game preserves, the deer on the mountains or in the parks, the grouse on the heather-clad hills, the pheasants in the copses and plantations, the hares and partridges in the stubbles and turnip fields, the rabbits in the hedgerows and sandy warrens, and the salmon of forbidden price in their rivers and there rose up before their vision a land where all these desirable things might be found and enjoyed. Their thoughts went back to the days when they guddled the spotted trout from under the stones of the burns and brooks, to the song birds which charmed their youthful ears, to the flowers and trees which delighted the eye. They recalled the pleasant memories of hours passed on the hills and in the woods of their beloved native land. Here, in a land of plenty, with few wild animals, few flowers apparently, and no associations, with streams 22 HISTORICAL RECORD almost destitute of fish, with shy song birds and few game birds, and certainly no quadrupeds but lizards, it seemed to them that it only wanted the best of the plants and animals associated with these earlier memories to make it a terrestrial paradise. So with zeal un- fettered by scientific knowledge, they proceeded to endeavour to re- produce as far as possible the best-remembered and most cherished features of the country from which they came. No doubt some utilitarian ideas were mingled with those of romance and early associa- tions, but the latter were in the ascendant. They recked not of new conditions, they knew nothing of the possibilities of development possessed by species of plants and animals which, in the severe struggle for existence of their northern home had reached a more or less stable position. This wonderful wave of sentiment manifested itself especially in the sixties. From Auckland to the Bluff the people founded acclimatisa- tion societies for the purpose of introducing what seemed to them desirable animals, and they allowed their fancy free play. In their private capacities they got their friends at home to send them seeds of the wild flowers they had loved, and they sowed these in all sorts of localities, wherever it seemed to them that they would grow. No biological considerations ever disturbed their dreams, nor indeed did they ever enter into their calculations. I have been on the council of an acclimatisation society, and I know the enthusiasm, unalloyed by scientific considerations, which animates the members. As far as flowering plants were concerned disappointment followed many of their efforts; the primroses and bluebells, the heather and the wood violets, refused to grow either in the bush or in the open country, and the sowers were frankly disappointed. Even when the seed was sown in the garden or the greenhouse and the plants were put out in the open, they would not reproduce their kind. Most of these early colonists recked not of such things as cross- and self- fertilisation, and those who did know were not prepared to recom- mend an insect invasion to secure the fertilisation of their favourite wild flowers. In time some of the plants and animals which had been introduced not only established themselves securely, but increased at a rate which upset all calculations. Conditions were produced which had never been anticipated and the introductions became dangerous and expensive pests. Then public measures had to be taken to check the newcomers, and in some cases their natural enemies had to be introduced. This has led to further complication and unexpected results. These natural enemies, like the things they were meant to check, did not always do what was expected of them ; they frequently HISTORICAL RECORD 23 failed to achieve the purpose for which they were introduced, and took to destroying things which it was desirable should be preserved. Legislation had to be resorted to in order to destroy some introduced things and to protect others. Noxious Weeds Act, Animal Protection Acts, Injurious Birds Acts, and so on, have been passed into law, together with countless Regulations and Orders in Council dealing with the same subject in its multifarious aspects. By way of com- mentary and satire on the whole business, the Government in many cases is itself the chief offender against the laws of its own making. At the close of nearly 150 years since Cook first visited these shores, the country has not yet realised the necessity of a scientific treatment of the whole question of naturalisation. Species are still being introduced. In nearly every case now it is claimed that this is done for beneficent purposes, but the same argument justified the early settlers who introduced insectivorous birds to eat up the cater- pillars which were destroying their grain crops, no doubt also the sheep farmers who helped to bring in stoats and weasels to enable them to grow wool and mutton, instead of rabbits. There is still no general principle underlying the work, and not sufficient knowledge of the possibilities of each problem. Part II NATURALISATION OF ANIMALS In Chapters III to VI species which have become thoroughly established are distinguished by an asterisk. Chapter III MAMMALIA OF the 48 species of Mammalia which have been introduced into New Zealand, 44 have been brought in purposely by human agency, and four accidentally. The latter are the mouse and three species of rats, but one of the latter, the Maori rat (Mus exulans), has been exterminated since European settlement began. The following 25 species are truly feral at the present time in certain districts, some in limited areas, others very widely distributed: wallaby, common opossum, sooty opossum, pig, horse, red deer, fallow deer, Sambur deer, wapiti, white-tailed deer, moose, cattle, sheep, goats, chamois, cat, ferret, stoat, weasel, black rat, brown rat, mouse, rabbit, hare and hedgehog. The following three have been some- what recently introduced, but cannot be said to have been naturalised yet: Japanese deer, black-tailed deer and thar. The classification adopted in the succeeding list is that used by Frank E. Beddard in the Cambridge Natural History, 1902. Order MARSUPIALIA Family MACROPODID^ Apparently about 12 species of marsupials have been introduced into New Zealand at various times, but only three species have established themselves and become feral. These are a wallaby and two species of phalangers, which are popularly known as opossums. Those who introduced them knew little or nothing about the exact relationships or the systematic position of these animals and no one seemed to have thought it worth while to identify them. The informa- tion about them is, and always has been, very vague; they were introduced by acclimatisation societies, private individuals and dealers, under various popular names, as kangaroos, bush kangaroos, wallabies, rock wallabies, etc., but the importance of knowing and recognising 26 MAMMALIA their specific distinctness with all that this involves in difference of habits, never troubled the introducers. "Common Scrub or Black-tailed Wallaby (Macropus ualabatus) In 1867 the Auckland Society had three wallabies in their gardens, and a fourth was added in 1874; but there is no possibility of identi- fying the species, and there is no record of what came of them. In the same year A. M. Johnson brought over some from Tasmania for the Canterbury Society. A Christchurch newspaper dated April, 1870, says: The merit of the introduction into Canterbury province of the brush- kangaroo of Tasmania is due to Captain Thomson, and from the thriving condition of those in the Society's gardens, their adaptability to the pro- vince has been proved, whilst their increase has been such as to now render their liberation desirable in suitable localities. I cannot help thinking that this is the species which Mr Michael Studholme either imported direct from Tasmania, or bought from the Canterbury Society, and liberated at Waimate, South Canterbury. There they have increased to an extraordinary extent. Mr E. C. Studholme writing to me in February, 1916, says: I can just remember seeing them turned loose here, two does and one buck being the number liberated. For a week or two they hung about the homestead, after which they were not seen for about two years, when some one sighted them on the hill near Waimate Gorge. They gradually spread along the adjoining hills, and are now to be found as far north as Bluecliffs. It is very hard to estimate the number there are at the present time, but it is quite safe to say there are thousands of them. Parties which go out shooting have killed as many as seventy in a day or two. They live chiefly in the bush, scrub, and fern about the gullies and gorges, coming out in the evenings to feed in the open ground. Their food chiefly consists of grass, but they are very hard on certain trees, barking many of them, particularly the Ohaus or five-leaf (Panax arbor ewri). There are well-defined tracks through all the bushes and scrub they frequent, much on the lines of pig tracks. I understand they are quite easy to snare, a good many being caught in that manner. If not kept in check they would, no doubt, become a great nuisance to farmers. Some years ago I sent the late F. C. Tabart of Christchurch (who was a Tasmanian) one for eating, and he wrote me saying it was a delicacy. Personally I have never eaten the meat, but the tails make very good soup. The skins of those taken in Winter make splendid rugs, being very heavy in fur, and they are much sought after. I believe they are not a wallaby, but scrub-kangaroo, as they are quite large, some of the old bucks weighing over 60 Ibs. About 1870, Sir George Grey introduced a number of species of marsupials into the island of Kawau, and among these was a wallaby (there is no record of where it came from) which increased in an almost incredible manner. Colonel Boscawen informs me that MARSUPIALIA 27 these animals have all been killed off, "except the small brown rock- wallaby, of which very few are now left." This latter species (Macropus ualabatus) was also imported to Auckland by Mr John Reed, who liberated them on Motutapu Island, where they are still common. They also crossed the narrow neck of land to Rangitoto Island, where they found a haven of rest, and where they are now abundant. Colonel Boscawen says: "The Wallaby furnishes great sport in shooting, and it is harder to hit than a rabbit, as when driven the animal does not hop, but goes on all fours and dodges from side to side, running at a great rate." Mr Cheeseman tells me that when the Island of Kawau was sold, the new owners encouraged shooting parties to go down indeed contracts were let to kill the marsupials off the island and the slaughter was great. One informant, whose name I have lost, told me that even in Sir George Grey's time, as many as two hundred wallabies would be killed in a battue. This gentleman considered them to be useless creatures, fit neither for food nor fur. The consensus of opinion is that the flesh is not par- ticularly attractive, but that the tails make excellent soup. This same informant told me that at Kawau they ate out most of the vegetation, and starved out most of the other animals, being assisted in this by the hordes of opossums. They came out at nights in the fields, grazing like sheep, and in the summer went into the garden, stripping it of fruit and vegetables. There are still a few left about Kawau, not more than a dozen or two, according to Colonel Boscawen. Pademelon Wallaby (Macropus thetidis) The Auckland Society had some specimens of this species in 1869, but the number is not specified, nor what came of them. Kangaroo (Macropus species) Under this name various animals were introduced and liberated, but it is quite impossible to identify the species. Note, du Petit-Thouars, who visited New Zealand in 1838, says in the account of his voyage (p. 115): " Kangaroos have multiplied very well, but it is much to be regretted that there, as in New Holland, the colonists have not taken the trouble to look after them and increase their numbers, instead of leaving them to perish." I have no idea what animals he is referring to. The Canterbury Society received a pair of kangaroos from the Rev. R. R. Bradley in 1866, and in 1868 a single large specimen from Sir George Grey. The Society's Report for 1872 states that there were "about 15 " in the gardens, but no further information is vouchsafed. 28 MAMMALIA The Otago Society introduced one specimen in 1867, and apparently others were privately introduced but not recorded, for the late Mr F. Deans (Curator of the Society) wrote me in 1890: I do not know when these were liberated, but in 1869 I saw one on several occasions where the Northern Cemetery (Dunedin) now is ; he went bounding out of that gully while I was passing down to my work. I heard of one or two having been killed by dogs in the gully above the rifle range. In 1868 Mr Christopher Basstian liberated three specimens on the Dunrobin Station, but nothing was heard of them afterwards. In the same year the captain of a vessel brought three kangaroos to the Bluff, one male and two females. These were purchased by the Southland Acclimatisation Society and liberated on the range of hills there. Nothing further was ever heard of them. Wallaroo or Euro (Macropus robustus) Some of these kangaroos were introduced into Kawau by Sir George Grey in the sixties, but there is no subsequent record of their occurrence there. Rock Wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus ?) In 1873 tne Auckland Society received a rock wallaby from Sir James Fergusson, which was quite distinct from any previously recorded, and which it is surmised belonged to the above species. There is no later report of it. Kangaroo Rat (Potorous tridactylus) The Auckland Society introduced this species in 1867, but no later report of the Society mentions them. Family PHALANGERIDJE * Common Opossum, Grey Opossum, Brush-tailed Opossum, or Vulpine Phalanger (Trichosurus vulpecula; Phalangista vulpina) *Sooty Opossum (Trichosurus fuliginosus) The Australian and Tasmanian phalangers, or, as they are popularly called "opossums," which are now so common in many forest- covered parts of New Zealand were first introduced into Southland by private individuals, and a few later on into other districts by some of the societies. Details of these early introductions are somewhat inexact and difficult to obtain. One report (Wellington Acclimatisa- tion Society, 1892) says: These animals were first liberated in the bush behind South Riverton in 1858 by Mr Basstian. Some years after, one or two opossums (presumably Australian Grey Opossums) escaped from confinement in the same neigh- bourhood. In 1889 they were found to have increased enormously. MARSUPIALIA 29 Mr T. D. Pearce of Invercargill writes (and August, 1915): "The opossums in Southland owe their origin, not to the Council, but to private enterprise. They were liberated between 1865 and 1868 in the Longwoods by Mr Christopher Basstian, who brought them from Victoria or Tasmania." Mr J. L. Watson of Invercargill writes (October, 1890) : " One pair were liberated by the late Captain Hankin- son atWaldeck,Riverton,in 1875 or J 876. They have increased marvel- lously and are plentiful in the South Longwoods." This, no doubt, refers to a later introduction, and Mr C. Basstian was evidently the first person to liberate them in New Zealand. The Auckland Society imported some (number not stated) in 1869; five more in 1874-75; and four more in 1876. There is no record as to where they were liberated. Most of these came through Sir George Grey; who liberated several grey opossums on Kawau. In 1892 the Wellington Society obtained 19 black Tasmanian opossums (T. fuliginosus), and liberated them on the ranges behind Paraparaumu. In 1895 the Otago Society obtained 12 silver-grey opossums ( T. vulpeculd) from Gippsland, and liberated them in the Catlins district. This appears to complete the record of introductions. By 1890 these animals had increased to a great extent in the forest covering the Southern Longwood Range, and the Southland Society caught and distributed in that year some 236 to " the Auckland Islands, Stewart Island, various districts of Otago (including the Te Anau and West Coast Sounds region), North and South Canterbury, West Coast of South Island, Nelson, Wellington and Gisborne." In suc- ceeding years more were obtained and distributed throughout other parts of New Zealand, e.g. to Kapiti and Wainui-o-mata in 1893, and to Taranaki in 1896. For the last 30 or 40 years grey opossums have been very abundant on Kawau. In 1893, Captain Bollons, in N.Z.G.S. ' Hinemoa,' liberated 72 opossums in the West Coast Sounds. They are now abundant from far north of Auckland to Stewart Island. In all localities they appear to have increased to a great extent, becoming so abundant in some parts that people began to destroy them for their skins, while others especially the Acclimatisation Societies claimed protection for them and demanded the introduction of restric- tive legislation. Some idea of their increase may be gathered from the statement made by the President of the Otago Society that in 1912 no less than 60,000 skins were taken in the Catlins district alone. Mr R. S. Black of Dunedin, a well-known exporter of rabbit and other skins, tells me this number is not an over-estimate. W. W. Smith (3ist July, 1918) reports opossums as common about New Plymouth. They feed on the leaves of the hou-hou (Panax 3 o MAMMALIA arboreum) and come to the shed where horsefeed is kept, and help themselves to the oats. Protection and Legislation. In 1891, protection of the opos- sums was urged on the Government by an Invercargill merchant who stated (in Southland Times of 2Oth January) that some New Zealand skins were worth los. each, and he noted that the supply of skins from Australia and Tasmania was diminishing. At the same time complaints began to be made by settlers in bush districts that the opossums were robbing their fields and orchards, and destroying plantations apparently an attempt to justify the destruction of the animals which was then commencing. Such a charge was not supported by evidence. On the other hand Mr T. C. Plante of Melbourne, writing to the Premier of New Zealand on the subject (in 1891) says: Tasmania is the orchard of Australia, yet so little harm is caused by this animal and so well is its commercial value appreciated, that a close season is prescribed for it, and indeed for all marsupials. Although the species of Victoria yield a fur of little value, except such as live in the cold and mountainous parts, the case is different with the Tasmanian species, which are of much greater value ; the animal is larger, producing fur denser and of much better quality, and the colour is black or reddish-black. Now this is the kind that has been introduced into New Zealand, and from specimens caught in Riverton bush that have been shown to me, I can vouch that in New Zealand they grow even larger and produce fur of better quality. At the October (1890) fur sales Tasmanian skins realised up to 8*. 6d. each. Mr Plante recommended trapping from June to September when the fur is fully grown, with a close season during the summer months. Owing to the increasing destruction which went on in succeeding years in all districts where opossums were found, the societies interested brought pressure to bear on the Government, and in 1911 an Order in Council was issued (Gazette, i6th November), declaring these animals to be "Imported Game within the meaning of the Animals Protection Act, 1908." Thus it became illegal to catch or destroy them. By this time, however, the settlers in bush districts at least in Otago had found the trapping of opossums a very profitable business, and though they do not appear in published returns of exports, the probability is that their skins were classed and counted with rabbit-skins. Accordingly they set to work through their repre- sentatives in Parliament and got the restrictions removed. By Gazette notices of 22nd August, 1912, it was stated that "opossums of every variety shall cease to be deemed to be imported game," and "all protection of opossums has consequently been removed, and they may be taken or killed without restriction, and their skins sold." This MARSUPIALIA 31 see-sawing legislation immediately produced an outcry from all the societies in the country, and so much feeling was expressed that the Government reconsidered their decision and another Order was issued on yth August, 1913, declaring opossums to be absolutely protected in certain specified counties practically in all the bush-covered districts in New Zealand. A further warrant was issued in 1916 absolutely protecting opossums in the Wellington Acclimatisation District. The position therefore in I9I9 1 briefly was as follows: Opossums have ceased to be imported game and they have been abso- lutely protected in certain areas. There is therefore no existing law in force giving power to declare an open season for these animals unless they were again declared to be either imported or native game, and this is not prac- ticable as they would then automatically be protected in parts of the Dominion where protection is not desired ; there being no existing power to enable them to be declared imported game in part only of the Dominion. In spite of these regulations it is the opinion of some at least of the societies that the law is habitually broken and that the protection is very imperfect, and the Wellington Society in its report for 1915 says that "opossums are being slaughtered wholesale." I learn also from the Comptroller of Customs that the number and value of opossum skins exported during the year ended 3ist December, 1915, was as follows: Wellington 173 skins valued at 43 Nelson 191 48 Dunedin 2115 361 It is known that thousands more go out of the country, nominally as rabbit-skins. Food, Habits, etc. Mr F. Hart of Round Hill, who had a long experience in catching opossums for the Southland Society, wrote a report on the habits of these animals to Mr Eustace Russell of Invercargill, from which I extract the following. The technical names of the plants given are added by myself: The food the opossum lives on is chiefly seeds of Broadleaf (Grtselinia), Kamai (Weinmannia), Broad -gum (Panax), Maple (Pittosporum), Rata blos- soms (Metrosideros), Supplejack berries (Rhipogonum), Fuchsia, Mako-mako (Aristotelia), and practically all the seeds and blossoms that grow in this part of the bush. The opossum is not a grass-eating animal. They will eat white, or red clover, sweetbriar shoots, and seeds, but if an opossum is caged up and fed on grass, he will die of starvation. Also, if he were fed on turnips, it would take as much to feed one sheep, in quantity, as would feed twelve opossums. When I and my brother were catching 1 For recent regulations (May, 1921) see Appendix A, p. 556. 32 MAMMALIA opossums for the Society, we fed them on carrots, boiled wheat, bread, boiled tea-leaves with sugar, and anything sweet. The damage the opossums would do running at large would be very little, seeing that they never come on to open country. The animal is blamed for barking apple-trees, but the opossum does not bark a tree. He might scratch the bark with his teeth, but he does not strip it off. The opossum has one young one once a year. The young one is from five to six months old before it leaves its mother, and is very nearly half-grown. The first four months it is carried in its mother's pouch, and after it leaves the pouch it rides on the mother's back, until it is able to look after itself. The proper season for catching opossums would be from April to the end of July; that would save destroying so many young ones. Mr Hurrell of Ararata (Hawera) tells me they are destructive to fruit trees in his district, eating the shoots in spring-time and the fruit in autumn. This applies to apples and plums. At Kawau, they were reported as very destructive to the shoots of young plants, and to fruit. Colonel Boscawen of Auckland, who is a most reliable authority, states that as long as there is plenty of green stuff available, opossums do not interfere with fruit, but that the damage they are often credited with is the work of rats. On Kapiti Island they feed extensively on Kohekohe (Dysoxylum spectabile), Mahoe (Melicytus ramiflortis), Passiflora tetrandra and Fuchsia excorticata, trees of the latter species being sometimes com- pletely destroyed by them. In " Nature Notes" in the Lyttelton Times of i9th October, 1912, by Mr Jas. Drummond this passage occurs:. Mr A. J. Blakiston, Manager Orari Gorge Estate, South Canterbury, where opossums are very plentiful, says: "My experience here is that they do very little damage. The garden adjoins the native bush and in the fruit season they eat and knock down some fruit, but do us no great harm." Mr Dudley le Souef, Director of the Zoological Gardens, Mel- bourne, writes : Opossums are protected in Tasmania for half the year, in Victoria all the year round, and in South Australia and New South Wales for half the year during the breeding season. We find them only occasionally troublesome in apple, pear and peach orchards; but as they are easily snared and shot, one seldom hears of any complaints even from the large orchard districts 1 . 1 All orchardists are not of this opinion as the following extract from an Auckland letter shows : " If you want to see how opossums and fruit trees thrive together, take a run down to Motutapu. Opossums you will see, but it will need a guide to show you where the fruit trees were planted. I have several acres in orchard, which today is free from Opossums, and needs only the regular care to combat moth, scale, scab, mildew, blight, dieback, fungus, leech, collar rot, birds, rabbits, picnickers MARSUPIALIA 33 Professor Flynn of Hobart states that even with the protection given to the opossum in Tasmania their position in the State is seriously endangered. It is estimated that 100,000 were killed in 191 1 for their skins. Ring-tailed Opossum (Pseudochirus peregrimis) The Canterbury Society introduced two of these animals in 1867, but do not seem to have liberated them. Family DASYURID^: Australian Native Cat (Dasyurus viverrirmis) In 1868 the Canterbury Society received two of these animals from a Captain Thomson. Presumably they were not liberated, as there is no further record of them. The introduction of hurtful carnivorous animals, except under Government sanction, has always been forbidden in New Zealand. Family DIDELPHYIDJE Bandicoot (Perameles obesuld) The Auckland Society obtained some bandicoots, how many is not specified, from a Mr E. Perkins in 1873, DUt there is no record as to what was done with them. These were probably the short-nosed bandicoot (Perameles obesuld) which is common in Australia and Tasmania. Order UNGULATA Family *Pigs; Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) The first pigs landed in New Zealand were two little ones which De Surville presented to the Chief of the natives at Doubtless Bay in December, 1769. It is not known what happened to these early juvenile immigrants. Captain Cook introduced pigs on his second voyage to New Zealand as he states that while in Queen Charlotte Sound in June, 1773, "Captain Furneaux put on shore, in Cannibal Cove, a boar and two breeding sows, so that we have reason to hope this country will, in time, be stocked with these animals, if they are not destroyed by the natives before they become wild, for, afterwards, they will be in no danger." and small boys. These I can manage to fix during the daylight, but cannot see why a set of cranks, who have nothing of their own to destroy, should compel me to sit up at night to shoot further vermin. If I am counted out in the assumption, will some ' boobs ' join me in bringing pressure on the Government, for the intro- duction of rattlesnakes, tigers and other interesting subjects, because the rattle and claws are beautiful, and the meat would compete with local grown bully?" 34 MAMMALIA Forster, in his Journal (vol. I, p. 221), says "they were turned into the woods to range at their own pleasure." In the following year, October, 1774, he says (vol. n, p. 467): We took the opportunity to visit the innermost recesses of West Bay, in order to be convinced, if possible, whether there was any probability that the hogs, brought thither about a year before, would ever stock those wild woods with numerous breeds. We came to the spot where we had left them, but saw not the least vestiges of their having been on the beach, nor did it appear that any of the natives had visited this remote place; from whence we had room to hope, that the animals had retreated into the thickest part of the woods. On 2nd November when off Cape Kidnappers Cook gave some pigs to natives who came in their canoe. On his third voyage, he gave a boar and sow to a native chief (?) in February, 1777, and they made him a promise not to kill them. He adds: "The animals which Captain Furneaux sent on shore here, and which soon after fell into the hands of the natives, I was now told were all dead." I think, however, that this refers chiefly to the goats, for he says: "I was afterwards informed by the two youths who went away with us, that Tiratou, a popular chief amongst them, had one of the sows in his possession." There is little doubt that the wild pigs of the South Island, "Captain Cooks" as they came to be called, were the progeny of those originally left at Cannibal Cove, though Cook himself says in 1777: "I could get no intelligence about the fate of those I had left in West Bay and in Cannibal Cove, when I was here in the course of my last voyage." They have in later years had their numbers added to, and their breed modified by pigs which escaped from settlers, but the type remained dominant, and is still found in most wild parts of the country in great abundance. Dieffenbach (in 1839) states that "the natives had come from Cannibal Cove to catch pigs, which overrun the island" of Motuaru. The North Island wild pigs, which are also abundant in nearly all wild country from Cook Strait to North Cape, are largely the progeny of animals given to the natives in later years. Governor King (of New South Wales), during his visit to New Zealand, in 1793, gave the natives at the Bay of Islands, ten young sows and two boars. Dieffenbach states that these animals were mistaken by them for horses, they having some vague recollection of those which they had seen on board Captain Cook's vessels. They forthwith rode two of them to death; and a third was killed for having entered a burying-ground. A very old man, who had known Captain King, related this singular story to me. The introduction UNGULATA 35 of the pigs may have been correctly reported, only Dieffenbach is not very trustworthy, and his credulity seems to have been played on as regards the horses ; it is most improbable that any horses were on board either the ' Resolution ' or the 'Adventure.' There is no doubt that the abundance of wild pigs in the country was of great value to explorers, particularly to prospectors, and also to shepherds, miners and back-block settlers. Dieffenbach says: "the natives have great quantities of pigs, which have run wild, but are easily caught by dogs" (this was in the Piako). Dr Monro, who accompanied Mr Tuckett on his trip through Otago in 1844, speaking of the hill country south-west of Saddle Hill, says: "There is a famous cover for pigs, too, between the upper part of the Teiari (Taieri) Valley and the sea .... The whalers come up the river in their boats and kill great numbers of pigs here; as the Maoris told us." As to the breeds of these wild pigs, it is evident that they were quite distinct in the two islands, due, of course, to their different origin. Mr Robert Scott, M.P. for Central Otago, writing me in January, 1916, says: They were originally a variety of the Tamworth breed, long snout, razor-backed, built for speed rather than for fattening, quick and agile in movement, as I have often seen when watching two boars fighting, and as many a dog found to his cost. The predominating colour was red, or sandy red, with some black, and a few black and white, but these may have come from an occasional tame boar which strayed and became wild. At the time when they were most numerous (in Otago) they were decidedly gregarious, usually three or four generations running together in mobs numbering from half a dozen up to forty or even fifty. When attacked by dogs, if cover, such as flax, scrub or high grass was handy, they made for it and would form a circle, with the older pigs on the outside ring, and the younger ones in the centre for greater protection. The boars, particularly old ones, lived alone and roamed far and wide. The habits of the wild pig were clean, and in the case of those tamed exceptionally so. Angas in Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand , vol. n, p. 37 (published in 1847), says: "The New Zealand pigs are generally black ; and on the approach of a European they erect their bristles, and, grunting, gallop off like wild boars." Dieffenbach says : Pigs have only of late been generally introduced into many parts of the country, and in some places where tribes have been broken up they are found wild in large numbers .... The New Zealand pigs are a peculiar breed, with short heads and legs and compact bodies. They were evidently quite distinct from the "Captain Cooks" of the South Island. 32 36 MAMMALIA The Rev. Richard Taylor (in The Past and Present of New Zealand, in 1868) states that: there are three kinds of pigs which have been naturalised, whether the produce of the original pair left by Captain Cook, or from later importa- tions it is impossible to say. The ordinary one, which has stocked the forest, is black, with a very long snout, almost resembling that of a Tapir ; this pig was probably the original one. The next is a grey one, commonly known by the name of Tonga tapu, and may therefore be supposed to have been thence derived. The third variety is generally of a reddish brown, marked with lateral black or dark stripes, running the whole length of the body. Taylor was neither a good observer, nor much of a naturalist, and accepted a great deal of information without sifting its accuracy ; still the above may be quite correct for the part of New Zealand which he knew. Mr Robert Gillies, writing in 1877, says: "In 1848 (the year of the settlement of Otago) wild pigs were very common on the site of Dunedin." In 1854, he and a party killed 70 pigs at the back of Flagstaff in two days. The long-pointed snout, long legs and non-descript colours of the true wild pig showed them to be quite a different breed from the settlers' imported pig. Their flesh tasted quite different from pork, being more like venison than anything else. Mr Jas. D. Drummond quotes Mr E. Hardcastle of Christchurch on this subject: In most parts of the Dominion black is the commonest colour of wild pigs, and he believes that the Berkshire probably was the dominant type in the pigs of our early days. The red coat of the Tarn worth type has defied time. It has lost most of its lustre but he thinks that nobody can doubt that the sandy, long-snouted wild pig has Tamworth blood in its veins. Black pigs with a white stripe over the back or the shoulder were plentiful in Canterbury. The markings still may be found in that province and in other parts of the Dominion. " These pigs," Mr Hardcastle writes, " were ascribed to an original cross between black pigs and white pigs, but there are in England at least two breeds with those markings, and probably some of these were introduced with other ancestors of our wild pigs. The Hampshire has a white belt round its body, including the shoulder and the front-legs; the saddle- back, or white-shouldered pig, which now is being brought under notice in England, does not seem to have as much white as the Hampshire has." Mr E. C. d'Auvergne, formerly of Rangiora, and now of Waihoa Forks, Waimate, South Canterbury, states that the late Captain Forster, of Oxford, imported some white-shouldered pigs from England UNGULATA 37 many years ago and gave one to Mr d'Auvergne's father. From these facts, Mr Hardcastle builds up the theory that the white-shouldered pig amongst the wild New Zealand pigs is the descendant of a distinct breed. "Perhaps the most interesting specimen of the wild pig in this Do- minion," he adds, "is the blue pig found in the Mount Grey and Karetu districts, North Canterbury. The blue colour is produced by a blend of apparently equal numbers of white and black hairs. So fixed is the type that blue pigs may be found in a litter with blacks or black and whites. The blue pig, evidently, is the result of a cross between a black pig and a white pig, and the progeny crossed and inbred until the two breeds are absolutely blended as far as colour is concerned." Mr J. Drummond (1907) says: They multiplied astonishingly, and enormous numbers assembled in uninhabited valleys far from the settlements. At Wangapeka Valley, in the Nelson Province, Dr Hochstetter in 1860, saw several miles ploughed up by pigs. Their extermination was sometimes contracted for by experi- enced hunters, and Dr Hochstetter states that three men in twenty months, on an area of 250,000 acres, killed no fewer than 25,000 pigs, and pledged themselves to kill 15,000 more. Even much earlier they must have been very abundant, both tame and wild, for nearly every sealing and whaling vessel which visited these islands between 1800 and 1830 took away quantities of pork as part of the cargo to Sydney. Aston (1916) speaks of the wild pigs in the high country of Marlborough as being remarkably tame, apparently from never seeing human beings. Two sows, in response to our grunts, came out of the bush on to the ridge, and as we remained perfectly still, they came up close and smelt us. My companion made a grab at one leg, and pig and man went rolling down the hill together. At the present time they are still common in nearly all bush country which is not too near settlement, and to those who like the element of danger in their hunting they afford good sport. They are usually pursued by dogs, often especially trained for the purpose, which after a time succeed in bailing up their quarry. They prefer to take their stand in the hollow of a tree or some such locality, and an old boar will often do considerable damage to the dogs before he is despatched. The orthodox manner of attack is to run in and stab them, but a man without a gun has little chance if he ventures to close quarters with a bailed-up boar. As regards the Southern Islands, pigs were landed on the Auckland Islands in 1807 by Captain A. Bristow, and were reported as numerous by Hooker in 1840, and by Enderby in 1850. Captain Musgrave, who 38 MAMMALIA was wrecked on the Auckland Islands in 1865, found no traces of wild pigs, however. More recently Captain Bollons of the 'Hinemoa,' and others have landed and liberated pigs. Hooker reported them as feeding chiefly on Pleurophyllum criniferum y while McCormick, who was surgeon on the ' Erebus,' states they fed on Stilbocarpa polaris. Waite, writing in 1909, says : There can be small doubt that the introduction of pigs to the Auckland Islands has already resulted in considerable havoc among the ground- nesting birds, by destroying both eggs and young. Traces of pigs were very plentiful, not only their spoor but their rootings also being abundantly apparent. Native plants are also suffering, for we found whole patches turned over, Bulbinella and Pleurophyllum evidently being favourites. On several occasions we came across the pigs themselves, but they were very wild and were approached with difficulty. Of four seen on one occasion, one was black, two white, and one pied. One of them was shot, and proved to be a lean, long-legged, and long-snouted animal, apparently reverting to the characteristics of a wild type. In 1865 Captain Norman liberated three pigs on Campbell Island, but they appear to have died off. Dr Cockayne informs me that in the Chatham Islands, the magnificent forget-me-not, known as the Chatham Island lily (Myoso- tidium nobile), formerly grew commonly as a coastal plant, forming a fringe of vegetation round the islands, but that it has been nearly exterminated by wild pigs aided in part by wild cattle so that it is now found only in inaccessible spots. They have also helped to reduce the number of plants and nearly exterminate Aciphytta Traversii, one of the most characteristic plants of the Chatham Islands, by digging it up and eating the succulent tap-root. Formerly two species of spear-grass Aciphytta squarrosa and A. Colensoi were extremely abundant, especially in the South Island. Vast quanti- ties of these plants were grubbed out by the wild pigs, which are particularly fond of their succulent and aromatic root-stocks and roots. Aston states that they eat down Gaya Lyattii. They root up the ground wherever the bracken fern (Pteris aquilina, var. esculentd) is found, the starchy rhizomes furnishing abundant food. They are also especially fond of the thick root-stocks of spear-grasses (Aciphytta) and other umbelliferous plants, such as Ligusticum and Angelica. In some parts of New Zealand wild pigs are destructive to sheep. I am informed that in North Canterbury an old boar has been seen to come down from his hill fastness into a paddock in which were a number of ewes, charge into the midst of them, and kill two of them, "seemingly," said my informant, "more out of mischief than for UNGULATA 39 want of food." Mr W. R. Bullen of Kaikoura writes me in August, 1916: It is a well-known fact that wild pigs are very destructive among newly born lambs. I myself have watched a wild boar working a lamb like a dog so as to get straight above him on a hillside, and catch the lamb with a downhill rush, as the latter was too nimble for the boar to catch him other- wise. I think, however, that an old sow with a litter of young ones does more damage, as they follow up the ewes when lambing. We always en- deavour to reduce their number before lambing commences both by hunting and laying poison. Phosphorus is usually employed in the latter case. Mr Kennedy of Greentown, Kaikoura, supplements this informa- tion, and informs me that when boars once begin to eat lambs, they will travel long distances to get them; fortunately the habit is not common. He thinks the habit is learned by their finding hoggetts which have got caught and hung up in lawyers (Rubus), and dying there. Sows that have a litter of young ones also attack and destroy lambs, but they do not travel any distance to do so. He adds that pigs are very destructive to rabbits, eating the young ones when they take refuge in shallow burrows; and states that where pigs are abundant, very few rabbits are to be found. The following species of native plants, in addition to those named, are eaten by wild pigs: Gastrodia Cunnunghamii and G. sesamoides and Marattia fraxinea. Family CAMELID^; Alpaca (Lama huanacos) Two of these animals were imported by the Otago Society in 1878, and were liberated on the property of Mr John Reid of Elderslie, Oamaru. They never increased. Family EQUIDJE * Horse (Equus caballus) It seems rather strange that in such a small country as New Zealand there should be any wild horses, but there are several areas very inaccessible and rarely visited, where escapes appear to have congregated and bred. The natives frequently have very imperfect fences, and stallions have from time to time got away and run free. Mr E. Phillips Turner of the Forestry Department and in charge of Scenic Reserves, informed me (January, 1916) that "wild horses occur on Mt Tarawera, round the base of Ruapehu, and in many places on the volcanic plateau." Mr Yarborough of Kohu Kohu states that at one time wild horses were numerous in the bush country of Hokianga 4 o MAMMALIA and the west coast of the Auckland peninsula. The natives used to snare them, but they were mostly so inbred as to be valueless for any purpose. They are now (1916) very scarce. Horses were first imported into the Chatham Islands in the forties, and were commonly wild in the unsettled districts in 1868. There are probably still a few of them on the table land. Zebra. (Equus zebra) Sir Geo. Grey, among his numerous other introductions, imported a pair of zebras into Kawau about 1870, apparently in the hope that they would breed. But one got killed, and the other had to be shot. Family CERVIDJE The desire to stock the mountain country of New Zealand with large game, so that the Briton's delight in going out and killing something might be satisfied, has led to the introduction of no fewer than ten kinds of deer, in addition to other large animals. Of these, four species red deer, fallow deer, white-tailed deer and Sambur deer have established themselves in different parts of the country and are included among the animals for which licences to shoot are now issued. By law they are strictly preserved, but much poaching has always been and still is done. At the same time it must be remembered that the poaching is chiefly done by two classes of people, viz. residents in the neighbourhood of the districts where the game abound, and mere pot-hunters. For the first class it may be said that many farmers, who take no interest in acclimatisation work or in so-called sport, and who were not consulted in any way on the subject, object to the incursions of animals which ignore or break down their fences, harass their stock, and eat their hay and turnips. Therefore some of this destruction of imported game takes the form of reprisals for injury done to crops, fences and stock. There is practically no poaching on the property of private individuals such as is characterised by the name in the mother country, and con- sequently destruction of game in New Zealand is not looked upon as a heinous offence, as are breaches of the iniquitous game-laws of Britain. The game in New Zealand are either the property of the State or of the acclimatisation societies, and public opinion on the subject of their destruction is lax in comparison with what it is in countries where game is looked upon as something reserved for and sacred to the sporting instincts of a small class. Still a very fair measure of protection is ensured to the animals, and they have increased in most districts where they have been liberated. It is recognised, too, that a wealthy class of tourists can be induced to UNGULATA 41 visit the country, if, in addition to scenic attractions, there can be added those things which appeal to the sporting instincts of humanity. This has led the Government of the Dominion in recent years to devote some attention to the subject of introducing various additional kinds of big game to those already brought in by the acclimatisation societies. Several experiments have been made in this direction, and most of them seem likely to be successful. * Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) (a) According to Mr Huddleston, whose father was curator of the Nelson Acclimatisation Society, a red deer stag and doe were landed in that district in the fifties. The doe was killed, but the stag remained near Motueka, and ultimately joined those which were introduced in 1861. In Judge Broad's account of Nelson, he states that Felix Wakefield landed one stag in 1851. He further states that in September, 1854, the first stag was turned out on the hills near the mouth of the Waimea, brought in the ship 'Eagle.' Two hinds were sent for to England. (b) The next importation of red deer into New Zealand was in February, 1861, when a stag and two hinds, presented by Lord Petre from his park in Essex, England, were landed in Nelson. The progeny of these animals increased and rapidly spread themselves over a great part of the high country in the provincial districts of Nelson and Marlborough of late years they have further spread into North Canterbury, and over towards the west coast. Mr Hard- castle, who in 1906 wrote a report on the red deer herds in the country, says: The heads obtained in Nelson are of a good dark colour and fairly massive, but compared with those of Wairarapa and Hawea, they have not the same average of span or spread. . . .Lord Petre 's herd had had no new blood introduced into it for many years, so that a particular type of antler had been fixed from which there is no throwing back. According to Mr Hardcastle the type of head of the first imported stag continues to persist, and dominates all the deer of the Nelson herd. In 1900 a herd, descended from Nelson deer, was started in the Lillburn Valley, west of the Waiau River, in Southland. (c) In 1862 a stag and two hinds presented by the Prince Consort to Governor Weld were handed over by him to Dr Featherstone, then Superintendent of Wellington Province. The deer (six in number) were captured in Windsor Park, and housed there for some time as preparation for their long sea voyage. One stag and two hinds were shipped by the 'Triton,' for Wellington, and after a passage of 127 days, during which one hind succumbed, arrived on 6th June, 1862. 42 MAMMALIA About the same time the remaining three were shipped for Canterbury, but as one only arrived it was forwarded to Wellington to join the other two. For some months these animals were kept in a stable close to "Noah's Ark," Lambton quay, and subsequently Mr C. R. Carter (then M.P. for Wairarapa) arranged to have them conveyed to Wairarapa. Owing to there being no trains in those days, the animals were placed in the crate in which they came from England, and were carted over the Rimutaka Ranges to the Taratahi Plains, where they were handed to Mr J. Robieson. This gentleman, being an Englishman, took a special interest in the animals, and kept them for some considerable time. Early in the year 1863 he liberated the deer on the Taratahi Plains, and for some time they were constant visitors to the farmers, accepting all kinds of food. Later, however, they crossed the Ruamahanga River, and took up their abode on the Maungaraki Ranges, where they rapidly increased. Mr Hardcastle reported in 1906: The Wairarapa Forest is "probably the best stocked red deer ground on the globe. On Te Awaite run bordering on the East Coast, the deer may now be seen in bunches of up to a hundred head. At the beginning of last year it was estimated that there were fully 10,000 head on the station. According to information given in The Field of September i5th, 1906, the Windsor Park herd" (from which the original stock came), "has been re- plenished from English, Scottish, German and probably Danish stock. The result has produced in the Wairarapa herd, stags that are remarkable for their massive antlers, some of which are of the German type, and others again more resembling the Scottish form. The antlers do not grow to great length, but some are very wide in spread, and there is a great propor- tion of Imperials, the most number of points recorded being 22. The stags mature their antlers early A number of heads have been shot on Te Awaite station, showing the abnormal development of the back tines on one antler, such as is seen to be the case of the great Warnham Park stags in England, and is probably due to the highly favourable conditions of climate, food and shelter." From these ranges some of the finest heads in New Zealand have been secured. There is no doubt whatever that the exceptionally rich lime- stone formation and the English grasses were responsible for the large growth of horn. (d) In 1871 the Otago Society imported 15 red deer, some of which were sent to the care of Mr Rich of Bushy Park, Palmerston, while seven were liberated on the Morven Hills run east of Lake Hawea. Those at Bushy Park spread over into the Horse Range, but they did not succeed, and no definite explanation of the failure has been given. Probably the country was not high and wild enough; on one side they were encroaching all the time on well-stocked sheep country, and on the other on old-settled farm land, besides which UNGULATA 43 there were many old diggers still about the neighbourhood. From one cause or another they did not succeed well. Mr Hardcastle states that they are still to be met with on the Horse Range, but they have always been heavily shot by settlers. The seven which were liberated on the Morven Hills were part of a shipment received from the estates of the Earl of Dalhousie in Forfarshire, Scotland. They are the only lot of pure Scottish red deer in the country. They multiplied at a great rate and have spread over the country between Lakes Wanaka, Hawea and Ohau. They have worked their way up the Hunter and Makarora rivers, across the Haast Pass into South Westland, and right up to the neighbour- hood of Mount Cook. Most of this country runs from 3000 to 7000 feet in height, and much of it is very steep and rugged. But it contains much bush in the valleys and gullies, and the open country is well grassed in summer. Hardcastle says : The North Otago Stags maintain the true Scottish type of antler, but they grow to much greater length than the antlers of any stags that have been shot in the British Isles. The antlers are also remarkable for their symmetry and perfection in the development of the tines, and particularly the lower tines .... Some magnificent heads have been got, including a 17- and i8-pointer, and two Royals each 46 inches in length of antlers. The coats of the stags are generally shaggy, owing, no doubt, to the severe climate in winter. Recently (1918) Mr Hardcastle informs me that the record length for an Otago red deer head is 49 inches (J. Forbes, Christchurch) ; record spread 50^ inches (J. Faulks, Makarora); and record points 20 (J. Fraser, Mount Aspiring); "and I think a 2O-pointer was got in the Makarora." In 1895 the Otago Society obtained two fine stags from the Hunt Club, Melbourne, to add to the North Otago herd. I do not know what special strain these belonged to. Again in 1913 the Society imported a stag and six hinds from Warnham Park, England, the object being to introduce new blood into the herds. (e) One stag was brought over from Hobart to Christchurch in 1867 by Mr A. M. Johnson, and was kept in the Acclimatisation Gardens for a time. In 1897 the Canterbury Society imported nine red deer, but it is not recorded from whence, and liberated them in the gorge of the Rakaia River. They have increased rapidly since, herds of 40 and more having been seen from time to time. Some of the heaviest heads secured in New Zealand have been got from this herd. According to Mr Hardcastle the record length of a head from the Rakaia Gorge is 48^ inches (Williams, England); the record spread 465 inches (G. Sutherland, Christchurch), and the record points 24, from the same head. But in 1918-19 Mr Barrer of Wellington secured one with a length of 50 inches. 44 MAMMALIA More recent importations have been as follows: In 1900 the Southland Society received one stag and two hinds from Sir Rupert Clark, Victoria; and in 1901 two stags and eight hinds from the same source. From these, herds were started at Lake Manapouri, and at the Hump, to the west of the Waiau. In 1903 either seven or eight fawns were obtained from Victoria, presented by Miss Audrey Chirnside of Werribee Park, and were liberated at Mount Tuhua in Westland. In 1906 four more from the same source were added to this herd, and eight were liberated at Lake Kanieri. In 1903 the Tourist Department obtained eight deer from the Duke of Bedford, and liberated them at Lake Wakatipu. In 1908 four were obtained from Warnham Park, Sussex, England, and were liber- ated at Paraparaumu. In 1909 three were liberated at Dusky Sound. The five original importations of red deer account for the vast numbers of these animals which are now to be met with in so many mountainous parts of both islands, for many of the societies as well as the Tourist Department have obtained deer from one or other of the original herds and have started new herds in other districts, e.g. the country round Taupo and Rotorua, the West Coast Sounds of the South Island, and Stewart Island, and these are all increasing. In re- gard to the last named locality, six fawns taken from the Wairarapa herd were liberated on the banks of the Fresh Water River at the head of Paterson Inlet in April, 1901. In the following year twelve more from the Werribee Park herd were liberated in the same locality. From a report made for the Southland Acclimatisation Society by Mr Moorhouse, who inspected the Stewart Island herds in 1918, it is evident that the deer are now very numerous in the wooded northern and western parts of the island. Stewart Island is a sanctuary for native birds, and this stocking of the island with deer means the opening up of it to stalkers. Mr Woodhouse says : Indications to be seen in this big belt of bush clearly go to prove that the deer must be very numerous. Well-beaten tracks lead from the bush to the various clearings, on which grow flax and a coarse tussock. In the bush can be seen their various camping grounds, and the trees and shrubs show where they have been feeding on the barks and leaves. To the naturalist it is deplorable that an animal should have been introduced into this sanctuary, which compels men with guns and probably with dogs to go in, in order to keep them in check to some extent. Writing to me in August, 1918, Mr Hardcastle says: Deer increase more rapidly in New Zealand than in the northern hemisphere. Whether there is a larger percentage of calves born, I cannot say, probably there is, considering the conditions here. But the large UNGULATA 45 increase is mainly due to the hinds calving a year earlier. In Europe hinds do not calve until they are three years old ; here they calve at two years. I am speaking of Otago, and the conditions there are not as favourable as further north. At sixteen months (April ist) a young hind is as large as her mother ; and these young animals can only be distinguished by their rounder and neater bodies, and the darker rufous colour of their hair. They are quite big enough therefore to be served by a stag. Further there are not more of these young hinds in a herd than would represent the female progeny of one year. If they did not take the stag till they were twenty-eight months old there would be so many more of them. The great want of a deer herd is either proper culling by human agency or the presence of carnivora to weed out the old and weakly, but above all to break up the family life and prevent inbreeding. Left alone, deer adopt the family life, and where a hind has once bred she will stay, unless forced away by one means or another. The pioneers of the herd in search of new ground, where there is scope as in Otago, are the big stags, after they have reached their third or fourth year, and are living for ten months away from the hinds. They are followed by young hinds. An old hind on the outskirts of the herd in the line of migration is a rarity. A young stag at twenty-eight months will get a few hinds if he can; a forty months stag will frequently have a good herd, and so will a fifty-two months (four years old) stag. A strong three-year old, that is likely to grow into a good shootable head, will, say in 1918, serve a number of hinds; in 1920 when he is five, he will be serving his own daughters (a stag always makes back to his previous year's rutting ground, if he is not driven off it). In 1922, when he is seven and a quarter years of age, he will be serving his own daughters and grand-daughters! As he only got his royal head at six years, and it may take a few more years to grow it to its maximum weight, he has escaped the stalker until he has done a considerable amount of inbreeding. The opinion of those who have had much experience in Otago is that most of the big heads are of deer that are between eight and twelve years of age. Many of them show signs of their teeth going, and as stags are said to live well over twenty years, one would not expect to see the teeth much worn in the first half of its life. Of course, only a certain percentage of stags get good heads, and, of course, the inferior are left. In the case of the largest herds attempts are continually being made to thin out the weeds and deer with malformed antlers. Some mal- forms arise from injury to the horns during the velvet stage of growth, but this injury is often due to the fact of the deer being a weedy specimen in the first instance and in poor condition. Polled stags, that is those without antlers at all, are occasionally met with, but these have apparently suffered from lack of food in the early stages of their growth , for there is no doubt that in some parts the country is already greatly overstocked and severe winters reduce the deer to a poor condition. Mr Hardcastle says: the great majority of malforms are malformed in the skull itself, and not merely in the bones. A common form is for the pedicle to be misplaced, 46 MAMMALIA nearly always being in front of its proper position, and sometimes as low as just above the brow. The horn of the misplaced pedicle is sometimes a switch, and grows either up or down over the face. Sometimes the pedicle is bent outwards, I have never seen it bent in or back. Sometimes mal- forms have three distinct pedicles and horns, and four have been found; unicorns are also not uncommon. In nearly all these cases there is no apparent sign of injury, nor would it be possible to misplace the pedicle without killing the animal. The country where malforms appear most in Otago, is open tussock and open birch (Nothofagus) bush. Malforms, except an odd one or two that have probably migrated from more over- stocked country, are not to be found in the rugged gorges of the Hunter or the Makarora. They did not appear in the rough and dense bush country in the Wairarapa until a few years ago, when the bush was more cleared, and sheep competed more strongly with the deer for food. We do not know whether the defects of the skull are hereditary or not, but from the fact that there are so many to be found in different types, one would think they are. Another question is whether the calf is born with the defect, or at what time it begins to manifest itself. Want of nourishment either in quantity or quality of food rapidly leads to degeneration in stags' heads, and in deer generally, but why it should affect the bone of the head in the way it does is remarkable. It is clear that there are several distinct strains of red deer in the country, recognised chiefly by the form and growth of the antlers, which are chiefly what sportsmen look to. This mixing of breeds probably tends to the production of a strong race, and the efforts of the main societies are directed, often, it must be admitted, rather blindly, to the elimination of defective deer. In the 1918-19 season the Otago Society had 1000 head shot in the Hunter Valley Makarora herd and 667 head in 1919-20. The problem is an interesting one from the eugenic standpoint. The vast number of red deer found in New Zealand enables the various leading societies to offer shooting privileges to sportsmen, who come from all parts to enjoy this form of sport. The attraction of red deer shooting is now to be reckoned as one of the assets of the country from a tourist's point of view. Effect of deer on the native vegetation. In the North Island it is stated that Fuchsia is the principal food of the deer in spring and summer, but that in winter they take to Koromiko (Veronica salici- folia) and other shrubs. Probably they eat the majority of the native shrubs in the bush, but how far they destroy the vegetation of the higher country is not recorded. They are reported as not caring very much for grass. In the North Otago forest the following are mainly eaten: broadleaf (Griselinia), native gum (species of Panax), ribbon- wood (Gay a Lyallii), various species of Coprosma, pepper tree (Drimys color ata), milk tree (Paratrophis heterophylla) and Tutu (Coriaria). UNGULATA 47 But when these are scarce they will eat almost any shrub. They will not eat birch or beech (Nothofagus sp.) nor celery- leaved pine (Phyllocladus), till other food is exhausted. In the thickly-stocked districts all the undergrowth of the bush, as high as the deer can reach, is eaten out by them, and this is mostly done in the winter, when the high open country is covered with snow and they take to the forest for food and shelter. For the rest of the year the grass country is in the undisturbed possession of the deer, as they have no sheep to compete with them for the food. Mr B. C. Aston in an account of the crossing of the Ruahine Range in January, 1914, says: After getting up about 3200 feet in Fagus fusca and Fagus cliffortioides forest, where there was a sprinkling of Phyllocladus alpinus saplings, we found many with the bark rubbed off, which R. A. Wilson (an experienced deer-stalker) informed me was done by the deer, which always select this tree to rub their horns on. Mr Wilson was surprised that the deer in this district had left bunches of Loranthus flavidus and L. tetrapetalus hanging within reach, whereas in the South Island they are so fond of Loranthus, that they are frequently found hanging by the feet, caught in the Fagus trees in an endeavour to jump higher. . . .On an open clearing at a height of 4000 feet, where there was an abundance of Aciphylla squarrosa and Hierochloe redolens growing together, we found the deer had eaten the grass back into the Aciphylla, until the spinous leaves of the latter had pricked their noses. Mr Hansen, lighthouse keeper at Cape Palliser, reports (April, 1911) on the Waitutumai Creek, the gully of which is here eight miles long, three miles broad, and surrounded by hills from 2000 to 3000 feet high and completely bush-clad: The terraces have been made passable by the Red Deer, which have eaten away all the lower branches and foliage There are no pines, ratas, fuchsias, native currants or other berry-bearing trees, on which many native birds make a living. There are no native birds seen, except a few bush-wrens, and one tui was heard. Silence reigned. The deer, mostly stags, come out of the forest from the middle of September to the end of January, when they are in the 'velvet,' and are very tame. W. G. Morrison of Hamner Springs in giving evidence before the Royal Commission on Forestry in 1913, said the red deer were very destructive to forests both of indigenous and planted trees. They were particularly fond of Nothopanax Colensoi, and stripped them to a height of 9 ft. the trees mostly dying. He had counted as many as 15 trees damaged in a space of 20 yards square. They also destroyed larch and Pinus laricio. * Fallow Deer (Cervus damd) Hon. S. Thorne George, who lived on Kawau from 1869 to 1884, says that the first fallow deer in the colony were introduced there 48 MAMMALIA by his uncle Sir Geo. Grey; but he cannot give the exact date of their introduction. In 1864 the Nelson Society received three fallow deer from England, and from these there has descended a well-known herd, but I cannot find any record of the increase and disposal of the original importation. In 1867 the Otago Society introduced two deer, in 1869 twelve, and in 1871 one. All these were liberated on the Blue Mountains, Tapanui, where they have increased to a vast extent, and now form one of the most important herds in New Zealand. Licences to shoot them have been issued for over 25 years. The most recent report (1921) from this district is that so many deer are being shot by the settlers that the herd is threatened with extinction. In 1871 the Canterbury Society had four fallow deer in their gardens, but there is no record now obtainable as to where they came from, nor definitely as to what was done with them. But in later years some were running on the Culverden Estate and two more deer obtained from Tasmania were added to them. This herd did not increase, and apparently has been gradually destroyed since. In 1876 the Auckland Society received 28 deer (out of 33 shipped from London), and liberated 18 on the Maungakawa Range, Waikato; while 10 were sent down to Wanganui. The former herd has increased very largely, and is noted for the fine heads of the stags, due, no doubt, to the abundance of food and the favourable climatic conditions. The Wan- ganui herd is now also a large one. On Motutapu in the Hauraki Gulf, there is a very large herd numbering a thousand or more, and these were probably obtained in the first instance from the Waikato herd. Smaller, more recently established herds occur near Timaru, Hokitika and Lake Wakatipu. It is thus seen that the species is widely spread. Mr Hardcastle informs me that the rutting season for fallow deer is about April i3th to i5th, depending upon the weather. Frosty nights and clear days bring both fallow deer and red deer into season a little earlier, while warm weather delays the rut. Axis Deer or " Chital " (Cervus axis) In 1867 the Otago Society imported seven of these deer, which were liberated in the Goodwood Bush near Palmerston S. In 1871 another stag was landed and added to the herd, which at that time numbered about 30. In 1881 the inspector reported that he had seen over 40. Then complaints began to come in from the settlers that the deer were a nuisance, and their numbers gradually diminished. Gradually they disappeared, apparently destroyed by the settlers in the district, and none has been seen for the last 20 years. In 1898 the Wellington Society received a pair from the Zoological Society UNGULATA 49 of Calcutta, and placed them on Kapiti Island in Cook Strait. They had not increased by 1902. In 1907 the Tourist Department liberated five deer at Mount Tongariro in the North Island; and in 1909 five at Dusky Sound in the South Island. No reports have as yet been received regarding either of these experiments. * Sambur Deer or Sambar (Cervus unicolor) In 1875 tne Auckland Society received a buck from a Mr Lark- worthy, and in the following year a doe. There is no further record of these deer in the Society's reports 1 . But in the annual report of the Wellington Society for 1894 it is stated: The Ceylon Elk (Sambur Deer) imported into the Carnarvon district, Manawatu, by Mr Larkworthy, have been brought under the provisions of the Animals Protection Act, and are at present under the control of the Society. It has been reported that the herd now numbers about thirty. There is no word of these deer in any previous report of the Wellington Society. Then in 1900 the herd is reported to number about 100, " but there is good reason to think that they are really more numerous. . . .A pair of antlers were found on the hills near Cambridge, and two deer were shot there," some 200 miles from Carnarvon. In 1906 the Wellington Society (Marton Branch) reported that "Stag-shooting (Sambur) was opened for the first time this season in this district,. . .but we fear that numbers of stags have been shot by persons unauthorised to do so." This poaching has gone on regularly for many years past, and though the herd seems now a fairly large one, the local rangers complain of indiscriminate destruc- tion in season and out of season. In 1907 the Tourist Department imported two deer (from Noumea) and liberated them in the Rotorua district, adding to them some others secured in the Manawatu, so as to form the nucleus of a new herd. * Wapiti or Elk (Cervus canadensis) Sir George Grey introduced a pair of these deer into Kawau Island some time in the seventies. The doe died, and the buck had 1 The difficulty of getting accurate and authoritative information on this subject is characteristic of the manner in which many of the reports of the acclimatisation societies have been kept. The governing bodies of these societies frequently included enthusiasts who took an interest in the work of introducing what they considered desirable forms of animals ; but the secretaries in many cases were selected for their capacity in keeping the business of the society in order and in conducting corre- spondence. The secretaries and the personnel of the committees were also frequently changed. The result has been a great want of continuity in many cases, so that there is now no consecutive record of the work done. Thus in the case of the Sambur deer referred to, the only record of introduction is that of the two specimens received by the Auckland Society in 1875-76; yet it is almost certain there were others. If not, then all the Sambur in New Zealand up to 1907 were the progeny of one pair, and of course are very closely interbred. 50 MAMMALIA to be shot as he became dangerous. In 1905 the Tourist Department obtained 10 of these deer, three bucks and seven does (presented by President Roosevelt), and liberated them at the head of George Sound on the S.W. coast of the South Island. The country, which is eminently suitable for all kinds of deer, is very seldom visited. But Mr Moorhouse, Conservator of Fish and Game (Rotorua), who was sent down by the Government in February, 1921, reports that these deer are now well established in the neighbourhood of the Sound. In April, 1921, they are reported to have crossed over into the Lake Te Anau district. Japanese Deer (Cervus mkd) In 1885 the Otago Society received three of these deer from Mr J Bathgate, and they were liberated on the Otekaike estate near Oamaru Five years later they were reported as "doing well and growing into a nice little herd." In the report for 1892 it is stated that "little or nothing has been heard about these deer on the Otekaike estate." Apparently they have all been destroyed as there is no further record of them. In 1905 Government obtained six Japanese deer and liberated them on the Kaimanawa Ranges, near Taupo. Black-tailed Deer ; Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) In 1905, five of these deer, purchased in America, were imported by the Tourist Department and liberated at Tarawera, Hawke's Bay. The Hawke's Bay Society reports them as increasing in March, 1915. * Virginian Deer; White-tailed Deer (Cariacus virginianus; Odocoileus virginianus) The Tourist Department imported 18 of these deer in 1905. Of these nine (two stags and seven hinds) were sent to Port Pegasus on Stewart Island, and nine to the Rees Valley, Lake Wakatipu. There is no further record regarding those in the last named locality; but the herd in Stewart Island has increased greatly, and threatens to destroy much of the vegetation, besides opening up the country which is a reserve for native birds to deer-stalkers. South American Deer (Cariacus chilensis) In 1870 the Auckland Society received three South American deer, probably of this species, from Mr W. A. Hunt. Beyond the mention of their receipt, there is no further record of them. * Moose; Elk (Alches machlis) The first attempt to introduce these animals was made by the Government in 1900, when 14 young ones were shipped on board the 'Aorangi' at Vancouver. Owing, however, to the rough voyage UNGULATA 51 only four two bulls and two cows, nine months old arrived in New Zealand. They were liberated in 1901 near Hokitika, but appear soon to have separated, as in 1903, 'one cow was in one district, another at the gorge of the Hokitika River, while nothing was known of the bulls. In 1913 the cow at the junction of the Hokitika and Trews rivers was "in splendid condition, and as tame as a kitten." The others seem to have disappeared. In 1910 the Government obtained ten more, and these were liberated on the shores of Dusky Sound. Mr Moorhouse found (in February, 1921) that these deer were in considerable numbers round the Sound. Their food seems to consist of certain mosses, and the tops and ends of punga ferns (Cyathea dealbatd). Family BOVIDJE Gnu (Connocheetes gnu) Sir George Grey introduced one or more of these quaint animals into Kawau about 1870, but there is apparently no record of what happened to them. * Ox (Bos taurus) From the earliest days of settlement, cattle were run in large numbers on the open country, seldom seeing men, and running practically wild. They were gathered together by stockmen at certain times of the year in order to brand the calves, castrate the young bulls, and separate marketable animals. Otherwise they ran wild, each herd or mob occupying its own particular area of country, and this they kept to, except in winter, when they roamed into the forest and fed on Panax, Melicytus, and other trees, of which they are very fond. It was inevitable that numbers of them should become truly wild, escaping altogether from the musterers, and getting right away into the back country. Consequently wild cattle have been very abundant in all the back country for the last seventy years. Apparently the first recorded introduction of cattle into New Zealand took place at the Bay of Islands, for the Rev. R. Taylor says that Marsden brought them over from New South Wales. This must have been in the twenties of last century. Dr McNab states that on 30th March, 1833, John Bell set out from Sydney for Mana Island with ten head of cattle. He adds: With the exception of the domestic animals which accompanied the expeditions of Cook and Vancouver, this is the first record of any such having been taken to New Zealand, though it is incredible that sheep, cattle, goats and rabbits were unknown at the shore whaling stations of Preservation, Otago, Cloudy Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound and Kapiti. 42 52 MAMMALIA E. J. Wakefield saw wild cattle in 1839 on tne hills at the entrance of Pelorus Sound. In 1840 he states that they were abundant on Kapiti, and that they were the descendants of some given to the natives there in exchange for flax. I recall in 1868 how they used to come out of the Southland bushes during the winter season to feed on the paddocks of English grass. They raided these during the night, and when disturbed in the morning used to jump the fences and ditches just like deer. The Hon. S. Thorne George, M.L.C., writes (February, 1916): "When I first went to Kawau (1869) there was a large number of wild cattle. The island was originally occupied as a cattle station, but owing to the rough country and heavy bush, very many were lost and became quite wild." Mr A. C. Yarborough of Kohu Kohu informs me (August, 1916) that 40 years ago wild cattle were very numerous in all thebush country, and in those days Hokianga and the West Coast were nearly all covered with bush. The natives used to kill them in large quantities for the sake of their hides, which were valued at from 6s. to 125. each. In later years these wild cattle have been driven further and further back, until they are now found only in the ranges distant from settlement. These cattle are merely the descendants of tame ones which have wandered the Maoris' fences being usually of a defective character and are not of any distinct character. Wild cattle are found in the high country between Lake Wakatipu and the West Coast. Their tracks were numerous in the Valley of the Rockburn. Cattle were first introduced into Chatham Island in 1841, and soon became wild; and they used to be trapped by the natives in the early sixties. Wild cattle are now very numerous on the table land. In regard to the Southern Islands, cattle were landed on the Auckland Islands in 1850 by Captain Enderby, but they were all killed off by sealers. In 1894, cattle were landed from the ' Hinemoa ' on Enderby Island and Rose Island, where (according to Cockayne) these were about 10 and 15 head respectively in 1903. Aston says that on Enderby Island they have exterminated the tussocks of Poa littorosa. Cattle were landed on Antipodes Island at various times between 1886 and 1900, but they either died or were killed off by cast- aways. Three more were landed in 1903 ; these have disappeared also. Effect of Cattle on Native Vegetation. Aston, who was over the country in 1914 and 1915, says: Wild cattle are abundant in unfrequented valleys and gorges of the Tararua Range. They are apparently Hereford cattle gone wild. They eat out many species of native plants, and have destroyed great numbers of Ligusticum dissectum, which is one of the most abundant and characteristic plants of the higher ground. UNGULATA 53 He adds: Cattle are particularly fond of certain native trees and shrubs, e.g., Tahoe or Hina hina, Melicytus ramiflorus; Karamu, Coprosma grandifolia and C. tenuifolia\ Broadleaf, Griselinia littoralis, Mangrove, Avicennia officinalis; Tawa, Beilschmiedia tazva; and Karaka, Corynocarpus leevigata. According to Mr Maxwell, caretaker of the Waipoua Kauri Forest Reserve, cattle eat out the following plants from the undergrowth of the forest: Melicytus ramiflorus, Pittosporum tenuifolium, Hoheria populnea, Coriaria ruscifolia, Corynocarpus leevigata, Panax (Notho- panax) arboreum, Schefflera digitata, Coprosma robusta, Myrsine (Rapanea) Urvillei, Olea lanceolata, Geniostoma ligustrifolia, Solanum aviculare, Veronica salicifolia, Vitex lucens, Freycinetia Banksii, and Cyathea medullaris. In addition to these, cattle chew the leaves of bracken fern (Pteris aquilina), of the flax (Phormium tenax)and cabbage tree (Cordyline australis)\ and occasionally eat Ngaio (Myoporum Icetum) and anise (Angelica gingidium). * Common Sheep (Ovis sp.) The first attempt to introduce sheep into New Zealand was made by Captain Cook on his second voyage, and was unsuccessful. He brought away two rams and four ewes from the Cape of Good Hope, but by the time the 'Resolution' entered Dusky Sound in March, 1773, only a ram and an ewe survived, and they were in such a bad state, "suffering from an inveterate sea-scurvy," that their teeth were loose, and they could not eat the green food which was given to them. Forster in his Journalstates that they "were in so wretched a condition, that their further preservation was very doubtful." However, they must have improved, for considering the country about Dusky Sound too rough and forest-clad for them, Cook took them on to Queen Charlotte Sound, which was entered on i8th May. In his Journal he says : On the 22nd in the morning, the ewe and ram, I had with so much care and trouble brought to this place, were both found dead, occasioned, as was supposed, by eating some poisonous plant. Thus my hopes of stocking this country with a breed of sheep were blasted in a moment. According to the Rev. R. Taylor, Marsden brought over a merino ram and four ewes from Sydney in the twenties. These animals, which were a present from the King, were the originals of the first flock of sheep in New Zealand. I cannot find when sheep were next brought into the Colony, but as soon as settlement began they were imported freely from New South Wales. In those early days fences were very rough, and little or no attempt was made to keep the sheep 54 MAMMALIA within enclosures. They were therefore allowed to roam freely over the open country, and were only mustered at rare intervals for shearing, tailing the lambs, etc. It was inevitable, therefore, that numbers escaped the musterers, especially on high and inaccessible country, and that thus wild sheep became very common, especially in the mountain districts of the South Island. Twenty or thirty years ago when the minds of naturalists were saturated with Darwinian views, it was somewhat confidently antici- pated that isolation would lead to the rapid development of new varieties and species, and that such changes might well be looked for in New Zealand. At the meeting of the Australasian Association in Christchurch in 1891, 1 read a paper " on some Aspects of Acclima- tisation in New Zealand " from which I take the following extract : In the district of Strath-Taieri, in Otago, some years ago, certain sheep on one of the runs probably the progeny of a single ram were found to be evidently short-winded. Apparently the action of the heart was defective, for, when these sheep were driven, they would run with the rest of the flock for a short distance, and then lie down panting. The result of this peculiar affection was that, at nearly every mustering, these short- winded sheep used to be left behind, being unable to be driven with the rest. Sometimes they were brought on more slowly afterwards; but, if it happened to be shearing-time, they were simply caught and shorn where they lay. As a result of this peculiar condition, a form of artificial selection was set up, the vigorous, active sheep being constantly drafted away for sale, etc., while this defective strain increased with great rapidity through- out the district; for, whenever the mobs were mustered for the market, shearing, or drafting, these "cranky" sheep (as they came to be called) were left behind. This defective character appeared in every succeeding generation, and seemed to increase in force, reminding one of the Ancon sheep referred to by Darwin. At first, of course, the character was not recognized as hereditary; but, as the numbers of this "cranky" breed increased to a very serious extent and spread over the district, it came at last to be recognized as a local variety. When the runs on which these sheep were abundant were cut up and sold, or re-leased in smaller areas, the purchasers found it necessary, for the protection of their own interests, to exterminate the variety, of which hundreds were found straggling over the country. This was easily and effectually done in the following manner. As soon as a sheep was observed it was pursued ; but, after running for a couple of hundred yards at a great rate of speed, it would drop down panting behind a big stone or other shelter, and seemed incapable for a time of rising and renewing its flight. It was immediately destroyed ; and, in this manner a useless but, to the naturalist, a very interesting variety was eliminated. Wild sheep are still abundant in some of the wilder parts of the country, and are especially numerous in the high limestone country of Marlborough. Mr Aston says: UNGULATA 55 On the North-west side of Isolated Hill is a gently-sloping tussock land stretching down towards the Ure river, on which are hundreds of wild sheep in small flocks of about half-a-dozen in each. All, rams, ewes, and particularly the lambs, are, as far as we could see, in excellent condition. Some were curiously marked and coloured. One had a brown body, black legs and face, and white forehead. The rams had large horns, and all were tamer than ordinary domestic sheep. Their food appears to consist of the Silver Tussock, Poa ccespitosa, which was well eaten down; a Poa like P. colensoi; the Spear Grass, Aciphylla Colensoi; and several other native plants and shrubs. In another place he says: "these sheep destroy the Gaya trees" (the mountain ribbon-wood, Gaya Lyallii), " by eating the bark, which we watched one stripping off in large sheets." Sheep have been liberated on the Auckland Islands at various times since 1890, and on the Antipodes between 1886 and 1900, but they either died off or were killed by castaways. They were also liberated on Campbell Island between 1888 and 1890. In 1896 the island was taken up as a sheep run (a piece of vandalism on the part of the man who did it, and the Government which granted it), and in 1903 there were about 4500 sheep on it. The changes produced in the vegetation have been described and discussed at length by Dr Cockayne. In 1907, according to Laing, there were some 8000 sheep on the island, and the transformation and destruction of the native flora was going on at a great rate. They were introduced into Chatham Island in the early forties, but as late as 1855 there were only about 200 of them. When sheep stations were organised in 1866 there were about 2000 on the island, and by 1900 they had increased to about 60,000, and a number of them were wild. They have profoundly altered the native vegetation by eating 'out many species, such as Myosotidium nobile, Aciphylla Traversii, Veronica Dieffenbachii and allied species, all of which they eat greedily. At the present time (1919) several hundred wild sheep are running on the island of Kapiti which is now a plant and animal sanctuary. Steps are being taken to destroy these animals. Nearly all of them carry long, filthy dags ; very many of them have the wool torn more or less completely from the back by the bushes. Not only do they prevent to a very large extent the growth of young trees, but they open up the forest to the sweep of the wind. They prepare it for invasion by grass, tauhinu (Pomaderris phyliccefolia), manuka (Leptospermum scoparium), and other hardy plants. Although the manuka is one of the least objectionable of these invaders, yet in dry situations, such as some of the spurs, where it harbours no moss or liverworts, ve'ry little humus is formed, and that little is quickly washed away by rain. On some spurs for example, on one just south of Waterfall where manuka has replaced the forest, much soil has been removed, 56 MAMMALIA and in no great time the manuka itself will be unable to retain its footing. In such cases the manuka marks a phase in the passage to utter barrenness. I quote this from the report on Kapiti Island recently made by Professor H. B. Kirk and Mr W. E. Bendall, as showing the far- reaching effects of introduced animal life on the physiography of the country. In connection with the introduction of sheep into New Zealand, it is of interest to note the remarkable development of the carnivorous habit in the kea or mountain parrot (Nestor), a bird which originally fed, chiefly, if not exclusively, on a vegetable diet. In 1867 it was observed in regard to certain sheep in the Wanaka district of Otago that they were wounded or badly scarred on the loins. It was found that this was done by keas, which lighted on the backs of the sheep, and attacked them with their powerful beaks. Many shepherds in the district saw the birds attack the sheep, especially when the latter were in snow or were in poor condition. The keas lighted down on the wool, and bit into the loin generally above the kidneys. Numbers of sheep succumbed to the injuries received, the loss in the Lake Hawea region being estimated at 5 per cent, annually over the whole of the flocks. In the Amuri highlands in North Canterbury the annual loss of *j\ to 8 per cent, was estimated to have risen to 15 per cent, in 1906. All keas do not attack sheep. The habit was originally acquired in the Wanaka district, and spread from there; but it has now been recorded from the Takitimos in the south to Amuri in the north. The origin of the habit is not very clear, but it is probable that it was first learned by keas picking the fat off sheep-skins which were hung on stockyards or on the wire fences, that then they attacked dead sheep which are common enough in the high country, especially, after heavy snowfalls and that from these they learned to attack living sheep. Keas shot on mountain country have often beenfound to have a good deal of both flesh and wool in their stomachs, but it is quite possible that this has been taken from carcasses lying in the snow drifts, where they are often preserved for a long time. Bharal ; Himalayan Bhurrel Sheep ; Blue Sheep (Ovis nayaur} In 1909 the Tourist Department liberated three of these animals in the Mount Cook district. Mr J. R. Murrell, guide at the Hermitage, writing in October, 1915, says : " Three were liberated, one of which was in poor health. Another was caught disturbing ewes on a neighbouring station, and was perhaps destroyed. The third has not been seen since being liberated." UNGULATA 57 * Goat (Capra esgagrus) The introduction of goats dates from Captain Cook's second voyage. He says in his Journal: On 2nd June, 1773, I sent on shore, on the East side of the Sound, (Queen Charlotte), two goats male and female. The former was something more than a year old, but the latter was much older. She had two fine kids some time before we arrived in Dusky Bay, which were killed by cold. Forster in his Journal says they were left by Captain Furneaux in an unfrequented part of East Bay, " this place being fixed on in hopes that they would there remain unmolested by the natives, who indeed were the only enemies they had to fear." On the third voyage, the 'Resolution' was in Queen Charlotte Sound from the i2th to 25th February, 1777, and Captain Cook says: I gave Matahouah two goats, a male and a female with kid, (and to Tomatongeauooranuc two pigs, a boar and a sow). They made me a promise not to kill them; though I must own I put no great faith in this. The animals which Captain Furneaux sent on shore here, and which soon after fell into the hands of the natives, I was now told were all dead. It is popularly believed that all the wild goats of New Zealand are descended from those introduced by Captain Cook, but while this may be partly true of those in the South Island, especially at its northern end, it can hardly explain those found in the North Island. It is more likely that they are descended from escaped animals; they are now abundant in many parts of New Zealand. Mr F. G. Gibbs tells me that goats were imported into Nelson some time in the forties. "In the fifties a large number were kept tethered on some hills in the Maitai Valley, still called the Goat Hills. Some of these goats escaped into the back country, and were the progenitors of the wild goats." In the high country of Marlborough they are mainly of three colours, black -which is perhaps the commonest khaki and white. In a trip through the canon of the Ure River, Mr B. C. Aston says: "the fusillades of stones showered down on us by the goats which we had disturbed were a source of ever present danger." Great numbers of them are to be met with in the rocky and precipitous country at Palliser Bay, near Wellington. Except when they move they are difficult to see, as their colours blend almost undistinguishably with that of their natural surroundings. They are abundant on Kapiti Island and unfortunately are also common in the Mt Egmont reserve, where they are doing much damage. They also occur, though not commonly, on the sparsely scrub- 58 MAMMALIA clad faces of the west coast, north and south of Hokianga, as well as on the outskirts of bush land. They are not therefore considered to be of any commercial value. Writing of those in the Lake Wakatipu district, Mr L. Hotop of Queenstown says (April, 1916): There is an immense number spread all over the Lakes district, a moderate estimate gives them as many as 30,000 They are principally at Moonlight, Skippers, Sandhills, and at the lower end of the Lake, seriously interfering with the pasturage in these localities; one runholder has paid year after year for as many as a thousand during the season. At Moonlight, a digger, during the past nine months, has shot 550. My informant tells me he was offered 2s. ^d. a skin for as many as he could send. Mr W. H. Gates of Skippers writes (April, 1916): there are a lot of wild goats here, almost within rifle-range of my cabin .... One sheep-farmer gave a shilling per pair of ears, and a shilling for each pelt. The male is a rough-looking customer; some have horns 15 inches in length, and 2\ inches by if inches at the root; and they grow in a slightly spiral form .... I think there is a strain of many breeds running through them all. Some have long hair, but are not the Angora breed. Some are almost white, but the chief colours are black and white, or black and tan. I have noticed here (and also on the West Coast) that the female has her young in winter, when food is not plentiful. Why this is I never could understand. Goats are still found wild on the Galloway Station, Central Otago, though not so abundant as in former years. They live in the high country, and do not come down to the settlements. Mr A. Gunn, who managed this large run for many year-s, tells me: they are of great use to sheep farmers, as they keep down the "lawyers" (Rubus australis), and thus save the sheep from being entangled. In shooting them, if the wind is coming from them, you can smell them before you see them; and while they are feeding a billy-goat is always standing on guard. While they are of all colours, black and white is the commonest, though brownish- red, grey and even occasionally a white one are found. They live in the roughest places they can find. They are also found in considerable numbers round the south- west corner of the South Island, but whether they have escaped from the settlements about Preservation Inlet, or have worked overland from Southland it is not possible to say with certainty. Probably the former is the explanation of their occurrence from Puysegur Point inland. Mr W. R. Bullen of Kaikoura informs me (August, 1916) that they are numerous on his run, but while they eat very much the same food as the sheep do, they keep the scrub and bush open, so that the sheep can move through it. UNGULATA 59 The attempts made from time to time to acclimatise goats on the out-lying Southern Islands are of interest. Captain Enderby landed some on Enderby Island in 1850, and Captain Norman landed them both on the Auckland and Enderby Islands in 1865, but none appears to have survived. Cockayne says : " Two or three were landed on Ewing Island in 1895, but none have been seen recently. On Ocean Island, a very small island in the Auckland Group, goats are numerous at the present time, but I have no details as to how they got there." Captain Bollons writing me in February, 1916, speaks also of the last-named island, and adds: Goats have been sent down from time to time to the Auckland Islands since 1890, most of which have either died or been killed off for food by castaways. At the Snares they were liberated about 1889, but soon died off. At Campbell Island some were landed in 1888 and 1890, and several were alive when the main island was taken up for a sheep run in 1896. At the Antipodes several were liberated between 1886 and 1900, but were either used for food by the castaways or died off. Special breeds of Goats. In 1867 the Canterbury Society intro- duced three Cashmere goats, but it is not stated what was done with them. In the same year they introduced a pair of Angora goats, and these commenced to breed at once. From a newspaper cutting dated 1876, I find that "a flock of 120 Angora Goats on the Port Hills (Lyttelton), chiefly descended from two pairs introduced into New Zealand by the Melbourne Acclimatisation Society, has recently been dispersed and sold." The Otago Society imported four in 1867, and liberated them, but it is not stated where. The Auckland Society in 1869 also imported a number, and sold them to a Mr Howick. In addition to these, Angora goats were frequently introduced by private individuals, and in some cases became wild. Mr Aston writes (1916): "I hear that the Angora is hybridizing with the common goat in some parts of Maryborough." In the report of the Agricultural Department for 1903 it is stated: The original flock (of Angora Goats) imported from Victoria and South Australia has now assumed considerable proportions, partly through the natural increase and the purchase of nineteen grade nannies from Mr Taylor White, of Wimbledon, Hawke's Bay. . . .The mob has been running at the Weraroa Experimental Station up till now The usual wire fence will not keep them in, consequently wire netting must be resorted to. . . . A few of the ordinary goats, with a pure Angora billy, have been sent to the natives in the Urewera Country, Bay of Plenty. If not allowed to run mid they should in a few years become of some commercial value. No native fence will keep a goat in. The Angora goat is now being bred in fairly large numbers especially in the Auckland province in 60 MAMMALIA order to keep the blackberry pest in check. They are usually tethered close to the bushes, and shifted frequently as they eat them down. The total number of these animals registered in the Dominion in 1917 was only 6836. *Thar; Himalayan Goat (Capra jemlaicd) In 1904 six of these animals were received from the Duke of Bedford, and were liberated near the Hermitage, Mt Cook. In 1913 three more were liberated near the Franz Joseph Glacier. Mr J. R. Murrell, guide at the Hermitage, writing in October, 1915, says: Other guides and I saw a few days ago a nice "mob" of 13 Thar on the Sealey Range ; these were in the pink of condition and doubtless will become plentiful. Previously a much larger number were seen, but doubt- less there are a number of mobs on this range. By the end of 1920 these herds had increased very considerably. * Chamois (Rupicapra rupicaprd) In 1888 enquiries were set on foot by the late Sir Julius von Haast and the author with the object of obtaining chamois for New Zealand. Dr von Hochstetter of Vienna who was communicated with was hopeful of obtaining some partially-tame animals from the King of Bavaria's park near Munich, and arrangements were made with Hagenbeck of Hamburg for their transmission to the Colony. To meet the expenses of shipment a vote of 150 was placed on the estimates by the Government, and the passage of this vote through the House of Representatives led to a scene of historic interest, and one of the most amusing incidents in the history of the House. The vote was objected to by Mr Kerr, member for Motueka, a goldfield's representative more remarkable for his vigour than for his knowledge or the accuracy of his information. The following is an extract from the New Zealand Times of 28th June, 1889 : MR KERR ON THE CHAMOIS The vote of 150 appearing on the estimates for the importation of Chamois afforded Mr Kerr an opportunity last night of protesting vigorously against the introduction of more pests into the Colony. Amidst consider- able merriment the honourable member said he was reliably informed that this animal was a cross between a pig and a sheep, and that it bred scab ; and, in case it might be a goat he reminded the Government that there were already plenty of these animals running wild. The climax was reached when Mr Kerr unsuspectingly quoted from the book handed to him by Mr Turnbull (and which proved to be Mark Twain's Tramp Abroad) a remarkable history of the habits of "small deer," under which name the celebrated American humourist concealed the identity of the flea. "Was it reasonable," Mr Kerr asked, "to spend money on the importation of UNGULATA 61 animals no bigger than a mustard seed ? " The House, however, was quite resolved, and deliberately passed the vote, in spite of the earnest protests of the member for Motueka 1 . I cannot recall now, nor find any record, as to why the introduc- tion of chamois was not carried out in 1889, but I think the cause was that the animals could not be procured. No further attempt was made till recently. In 1907, the Government received eight chamois, a present from the Emperor of Austria, and these were liberated on Mt Cook. In 1913, two more, from the same source, were received and were set free in the same locality. Unfortunately one of the latter, a buck, attacked a party of tourists near the Mueller Hut, and was killed by the guide. It is most unusual for chamois to attack persons, but this particular animal is believed to have been in captivity for some years prior to importation. By latest reports (August, 1920) the flock is increasing fast and the animals are in very fine condition, herds of 30, 40 and 70 being noticed at one time. There is, therefore, no doubt that this species will be shortly strongly established in the Southern Alps. Order CARNIVORA Family FELID^E * Cat (Felts catus) Wild cats have been found in New Zealand from the early days of settlement, though for long they never strayed very far from the abodes of men. But after rabbits began to increase in many parts at such a rate as to reduce the sheep-carrying capacity of the country, sheep farmers began to purchase cats in the towns. These were taken 1 The passage which Mr Kerr quoted, in which he spoke of the animals he objected to as "shammies," is as follows: "Within a day or two I made another discovery. This was that the lauded chamois is not a wild goat; that it is not a horned animal; that it is not shy; that it does not avoid human society ; and that there is no peril in hunting it. The chamois is a black or brown creature no bigger than a mustard seed ; you do not have to go after it, it comes after you ; it arrives in vast herds and skips and scampers all over your body inside your clothes ; thus it is not shy ; but extremely sociable ; it is not afraid of man, on the contrary, it will attack him; its bite is not dangerous, but neither is it pleasant ; its activity has not been overstated, if you try to put your finger on it, it will skip a thousand times its own length at one jump, and no eye is sharp enough to see where it lights. A great deal of romantic nonsense has been written about the Swiss chamois and the perils of hunting it, whereas the truth is that even women and children hunt it, and fearlessly; indeed, everybody hunts it ; the hunting is going on all the time, day and night, in bed and out of it. It is poetic foolishness to hunt it with a gun ; very few people do that ; there is not one man in a million can hit it with a gun. It is much easier to catch it than it is to shoot it, etc., etc., etc." The same gentleman is credited with another amusing "acclimatisation" blunder. When the Nelson Borough Council proposed to import half a dozen Venetian Gondolas to be placed on the lake in the Public Gardens, he protested against such extravagance " Why not import a pair, and then let Nature take its course ? " 62 MAMMALIA out to the back country, turned out and fed for a time, till they were established. No doubt some died, but most became more or less wild and learned to subsist on the smaller animals of the neighbour- hood. They certainly destroyed many young rabbits. They cleared off the rats which were formerly so common, they also largely exterminated native lizards, and did much to destroy many native and introduced birds. Mr Chas. J. Peters, of Mount Somers, considers that wild cats are far more effective in keeping down rabbits than stoats and weasels, and estimates that a cat will kill more rabbits in a month than one of the others will in six months. Dieffenbach, writing of the Piako district (Auckland) in 1839, says: "the cats which, on becoming wild, have assumed the streaky grey colour of the original animal while in a state of nature, form a great obstacle to the propagation of any new kinds of birds, and also tend to the destruction of many indigenous species." This statement about the colour of wild cats has been made much of. It is only true to a limited extent, and I have always felt that such statements coming from a traveller who had only limited means of observing the facts, and who apparently founded his conclusions on a few isolated observations of the settlers, are not always safe to generalise from. In this instance they led Darwin (in The Variation of Plants and Animals under Domestication) to quote him, and to use the statement as a proof of the strong tendency to reversion shown by the cat when it escaped from domestication. At the time Dieffenbach wrote, settlement was quite in its infancy, and cats had not long been introduced. It is probable, therefore, that his statement, whether the result of his own or other people's observations, referred to cats which were themselves the progeny of grey animals. It certainly is the case that in Central Otago, where cats were freely liberated to cope with the rabbit pest, animals of many colours are now found wild 1 . Mr Robert Scott, M.P. for Otago Central, who had exceptional opportunities for observing the facts, has recently given me most interesting information regarding this question. He says : the wild cat was no doubt the descendant of the shepherds' and miners' tame cat. The predominating colour was grey-striped, or tiger-striped as some people called them, occasionally yellow, and rarely black or black and white. The time I write of was the seventies, say from 1870 on to the time when poisoning the rabbits with phosphorized grain came in. The cats, though not numerous, were fairly common especially in districts where cover, such as fern and scrub, was plentiful. They grew to an 1 In a paper entitled "Red Cats and Disease" (Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxxi, p. 680), Mr Richard Henry refers to the occurrence of distemper among wild cats at Mana- pouri Station in 1881, and states that red cats which were always males seemed to survive, when those of other colours succumbed to the disease. He also states that cats which live wholly on rabbits are very liable to disease. CARNIVORA 63 immense size and were game to the last if attacked ; in fact no dog would tackle one single-handed. They were always in the pink of condition, which may be accounted for by the abundance of feed available in the shape of wekas, ducks and rats, with perhaps a dead sheep or bullock occasionally. When the rabbit poisoning came in that class or variety of cat disappeared along with the wild pig and the weka. The reason for the extermination of the cat is because it prefers the entrails to the flesh. Since that time up to the present cats have been turned out in considerable numbers, but the rabbit-trapping has effectually prevented their increase, and the survivors still retain their original colours, that is black, black and white, grey, grey and white, etc., but they are much smaller than the wild cat of forty years ago. My opinion is that had the original cat survived till to-day the colour would have invariably been grey, or rather grey-striped. Mr H. C. Weir of Ida Valley Station, Otago, states that on high country where rabbit-traps are seldom if ever used, they grow to a very considerable size, and are most commonly of a grey colour, but yellow, grey and white, and black are also to be met with. He adds: " I cannot say I ever saw any approaching the tiger- like stripe of the home country Wild Cat, and I have seen a good few of them in the wilds of Sutherlandshire, Scotland." Some people consider that wild cats are responsible for much of the failure which has followed the constantly-renewed attempts to naturalise game birds. At the annual meeting of the Wellington Society in 1898, a member said: "cats are more destructive to game than all the hawks, weasels and stoats in the colony. Most of the bush coverts are full of these cats, a fact which he himself proved near Fielding where, with the assistance of traps baited with smoked fish, he caught many. " I think they may have contributed to some extent to this failure, but only in a few parts of the country, and then chiefly in the neighbourhood of settlements. I do not think wild cats have had much to do with the extermination of game. Mr B. C. Aston, in a paper on the Kaikoura Mountains, speaks of the half-wild cats which are found about deserted fencers' and musterers' camps, as retaining all their love for man's comradeship if encouraged, but they invariably refuse to eat anything that they have not killed themselves. They probably exist on rabbits, birds and mice. As a result of their hunting habits their chest and foreleg muscles are largely developed, and they have a different look to the ordinary domestic cat, being leaner, and quicker in action. When the Russian Commander Bellingshausen visited the Mac- quaries in 1820 he found numbers of wild cats, which hid among the foliage. There were at the time, however, two parties of traders (seal hunters ?) on the island, one of 13 and the other of 27 men, and these probably accounted for the cats. 64 MAMMALIA Captain Musgrave, who was a castaway from the schooner 'Grafton' when she was wrecked on the Auckland Islands in 1864, found a cat in a trap, more than a year after the date of the wreck. " She soon cleared the hut of mice, which were dreadfully common.'* In 1868, H. H. Travers in his account of a visit to the Chatham Islands states that wild cats were very abundant, and that they had destroyed a great number of the indigenous birds. Mr F. A. D. Cox, writing to Mr Jas. Drummond in 1911, from the Chatham Islands, reports that on Mangare, a small island of the group, there is a colony of tortoise-shell cats ; the progeny of some liberated on the island in order to destroy the rabbits which were present in large numbers. He adds: "I do not know whether they have succeeded in killing out the rabbits, but they certainly have exterminated the small native birds." Presumably the Chatham Island Fern-bird (Sphenaeacus rufes- cens), which was only found on Mangare, has now ceased to exist. Mr J. Grant of Wanganui informs me that cats frequently catch eels; he has four or five direct observations of the fact (1918). Cats are also responsible for the destruction of birds and tuataras on Stephen's Island in Cook Strait, where they have exterminated the little wren Trover sia Lyalli, peculiar to this island. * Dog (Cants familiaris) When Captain Cook arrived in New Zealand in 1769, he found that the dog and a species of rat were the only mammals in these islands. The dog had been brought with them by the Maoris, and was similar to the form which was commpn in Polynesia. Most of the histories of the migrations of the Maori refer to the fact of their bringing dogs with them, so that they had probably been in the country for some centuries before the advent of Europeans. Crozet saw them in 1772 and described them as follows: The dogs are a sort of domesticated fox, quite black or white, very low on the legs, straight ears, thick tail, long body, full jaws, but more pointed than that of the fox, and uttering the same cry ; they do not bark like our dogs. These animals are only fed on fish, and it appears that the savages only raise them for food. Some were taken on board our vessels; but it was impossible to domesticate them like our dogs; they were always treacherous, and bit us frequently. They would have been dangerous to keep where poultry was raised or had to be protected ; they would destroy them just like true foxes. Forster, in his account of the second voyage, 1773, writing of Queen Charlotte Sound natives, says: "A good many dogs were observed in their canoes, which they seemed very fond of, and kept tied with a string round their middle ; they were of a rough, long-haired sort, with pricked ears, and much resembled the CARNIVORA 65 Common Shepherds' Cur, or Count Buffon's chien de berger. They were of different colours, some quite black, and others perfectly white. The food which these dogs receive is fish, or the same as their masters live on, who afterwards eat their flesh and employ the fur in various ornaments and dresses." Later on in the same journal he says: "The officers had ordered their black dog to be killed, and sent to the captain one half of it; this day (Qth June) therefore we dined for the first time on a leg of it roasted, which tasted so exactly like mutton that it was absolutely undistinguish- able In New Zealand, and in the tropical isles of the South Sea, the dogs are the most stupid, dull animals imaginable, and do not seem to have the least advantage in point of sagacity over our sheep. In the former country they are fed upon fish, in the latter on vegetables." Bellingshausen, who visited New Zealand in 1820, says: "We saw no quadrupeds except dogs of a small species. Captain Lazarew bought a couple. They are rather small, have a woolly tail, erect ears, a large mouth and short legs." Dieffenbach, writing nearly seventy years after Cook's visit, re- marks that : the native dog was formerly considered a dainty, and great numbers of them were eaten; but the breed having undergone an almost complete mixture with the European, their use as an article of food has been dis- continued, as the European dogs are said by the natives to be perfectly unpalatable. The New Zealand dog is different from the Australian dingo; the latter resembles in size and shape the wolf while the former rather resembles the jackal; its colour is reddish-brown, its ears long and straight. The Rev. R. Taylor says: "The New Zealand dog was small and long-haired, of a dirty white or yellow colour, with a bushy tail; this the natives state they brought with them when they first came to these islands." Then he adds : " it is not improbable, however, that they found another kind already in the country, brought by the older Melanesian race, with long white hair and black tail; it is said to have been very quiet and docile." S. Percy Smith saw several Maori dogs in a native village at Warea, near Cape Egmont, in 1852. They were long-bodied, fox- eared, sharp-nosed, long-haired, bushy-tailed, yellowish-brown, and dark almost to black in colour. They stood about 18 inches high. He branded them as curs. They were evidently lazy, stupid brutes, which never became wild. Mr Elsdon Best writes to Mr Drummond (Lyttelton Times, nth January, 1913): Some old Maoris of the East Coast district assert that before Captain Cook's visit there were two distinct breeds of dogs in New Zealand. One was a large dog, with long hair, and lop ears; the other a small dog with erect ears. The first was brought, they say, from Raiatea. This variety was 66 MAMMALIA bred solely for food and clothing; it was useless for hunting. The long hair covered the body as low as its knees, and there was a natural parting along the top of the back. The small dog was also introduced from Polynesia, and was useful for hunting the kiwi, weka and parera (grey duck). The so-called "Maori" dogs seen in the fifties and sixties he be- lieves were crosses. As to the word "pero-pero,"he says that whether it was Spanish in origin, or not, it is not improbable that Spanish vessels reached these shores before Cook's visit. For centuries the Spaniards concealed the results of their voyages very carefully. In the short accounts of their early voyages, the positions of the islands discovered by them were vague and unsatisfactory. The voyage made by Juan Fernandez westward from Chili, and then southward to a land inhabited by white people who made "good woven cloth," may point to a visit to New Zealand's shores. The natives of the more northern islands, unlike the Maoris, did not wear woven material, but used bark cloth, and "white people" might refer to the Maoris, as the Spanish voyagers called all true Polynesians white. H. J. Fletcher in a late issue of the Journal of the Polynesian Society states that the Maori dog was known at the Matapihi Station, Taupo, as late as 1896. The shepherds employed on the station shot a number of dogs, long-haired, bushy-tailed, and of a dirty white colour. Elsdon Best (April, 1913) gives some statements about the Maori dog as follows: (1) Captain Mair says that in his youth he saw these dogs trained to hunt by themselves through the kumara plantations for the large caterpillars of the Sphinx convolvuli. They were trained to put their noses under the trailing shoots of the vines and to turn the shoots over, in order to expose any caterpillars that might be present. If they succeeded in finding any they devoured them. If the dogs were not watched they ate pieces out of the pumpkins. (2) Savage, in Some Account of New Zealand, published in 1807, says: as far as I can learn, the natives have no larger animal than the dog, which is a native here, usually black and white, with sharp, pricked-up ears, the hair rather long, and in figure resembling the animal we call a foxhound. (3) Shortland (in 1856) says: The natives wore cloaks made from the skins of dogs before Captain Cook's time, and their manner of fabricating such cloaks is particularly ingenious. Moreover, the native breed of dogs still exists in New Zealand, though, perhaps, seldom in its original purity, and is preserved in some places for the sake of its skin. In appearance it is very unlike the European breeds. Its body is long, legs short, head sharp, tail long, straight and bushy. The hair is thick, straight, and tolerably long, varying in colour from white to brown, but it is not spotted. CARNIVORA 67 In a paper written by Dr Hector in 1876 on the "Remains of a Dog found near White Cliffs, Taranaki," he says: "The remains of a dog were found in a hollow tree which was imbedded in a cliff (at a depth of 19 ft.) near the Urenui River." Captain Rowan, the discoverer, and Dr Hector both seem to think that the dog must have crept into the tree, at a comparatively recent date, for though the lignite which occurred in one of the layers above the remains is of great antiquity, the state of preservation of the bones, as compared with the thorough alteration that the vegetable matter of the lignite has undergone, inclines me to believe that the dog remains are of modern origin. But even in that case, the circumstances under which they have been found, and the decayed state of the dentine layer of the teeth tend to refer them to a period further back than any pre- viously obtained. Dr Hector states (1876) that a bitch and full grown pup were known for several years in the densely wooded country between Waikawa and the Mataura plains, and did great damage among the flocks of sheep, but exhibited such cunning and daring that it was not till after hunting them for two years that they were shot by Mr Anderson, who presented them to the Colonial Museum. Of the smaller specimen both skin and skeleton were taken to the British Museum by Sir Geo. Grey, and the skin of the mother was pre- served here, and has been recognised by many old Maoris as a genuine Kurt or ancient Maori dog. In general appearance it resembles a poodle, but it presents characters unlike any other of the many breeds of dogs which we are familiar with. It is a large bodied dog with slender limbs, large ears, and a straight half-bushed tail, wide head, and small pointed nose. Its colour is white, with a black spot on the loins, and a brown spot on the crown of the head, and a few faint spots on the ears. Its nose is black, and its claws are white. The back is covered with hair. The total length is 3 ft., and the height of the shoulder 17 inches. Taylor White writing in 1889, says: I consider these dogs entirely distinct from the European dog. For the wild dogs met with on the Waimakariri River in the Alpine ranges of Canterbury during the year 1856, were in colour and markings identical with those found in the Alpine region of the Lake Wakatipu, Otago, in 1860, a distance of several hundred miles apart. There seems little room to doubt that they were an original Maori dog. The fact of their wanting the two tan spots over the eyes mostly seen in European dogs of approxi- mate colour, is a very strong evidence also in favour of this opinion. The Maori dog has totally disappeared. Mr S. Percy Smith tells me that the last one he heard of was about 1896. 52 68 MAMMALIA When settlement began European dogs must have crossed freely with the native animal, and many both of the introduced and crossed dogs became truly wild, especially as there were sheep and goats to worry and pigs to chase and kill. Dr Lyall, who was surgeon on H.M.S. 'Acheron* during the survey of the coast of New Zealand in 1844, in a paper read in 1852 before the Zoological Society of London says of the Kakapo, that : at a very recent period it was common all over the west coast of the Middle Island ; but there is now a race of wild dogs said to have overrun all the northern part of this shore, and to have almost extirpated the Kakapo wherever they have reached. The same thing was practically said by Brunner (1846-1848), who was nearly starved in S.W. Nelson owing to the destruction of the ground birds. The early settlers could not distinguish between Maori dogs and these half-wild curs. Thus R. Gillies, who arrived in Otago at the beginning of the settlement in 1848, writing in later years says: For some years after the settlers arrived here, the wild dog was the terror of the flock-master and the object of his inveterate hostility They ran from any tame dogs, and tame dogs, as a rule, would follow and attack them with all their master's antipathy .... The bulk of the wild dogs were not domestic animals gone wild, but the true old Maori wild dog. W. D. Murison, formerly editor of the Otago Daily Times, writing at the same period (1877), tells how in 1858, he and his brother took up country in the Maniototo Plains, which they reached by the Shag Valley. The wild dogs were very troublesome. The first was caught by a kangaroo dog (apparently imported from Australia for the pur- pose of hunting them). This particular wild dog was yellow in colour, and so was the second tilled, but the bulk of those ultimately destroyed by us were black and white, showing a marked mixture of the collie. The yellow dogs looked like a distinct breed. They were low set, with short pricked ears, broad forehead, sharp snout, and bushy tail. Indeed those acquainted with the dingo professed to see little difference between that animal and the New Zealand yellow wild dog. It may be remarked, however, that most of the other dogs we killed, although variously coloured, possessed nearly all the other characteristics of the yellow dog The wild dogs were generally to be met with in twos and threes; they fed chiefly on quail, ground larks, young ducks, and occasionally on pigs. On one occasion, when riding through the Ida-burn valley, we came across four wild dogs baiting a sow and her litter of young ones in a dry tussock lagoon. To our annoyance, our own dogs joined in the attack upon the sow, and the wild dogs got away without our getting one of them In all, we destroyed 52 dogs between September, 1859, an< ^ December, 1860. CARNIVORA 69 Tancred writing of Canterbury in 1856 says: "A few dogs have escaped and become wild in unfrequented parts, where they have become dangerous to the flocks." The following paragraph appeared in the Auckland Herald on i8th November, 1866: It is not generally known that about Otamatea and the Wairoa the bush is infested with packs of wild dogs, as ferocious, but more daring, than wolves. These dogs hunt in packs of from three to six or eight. They are strong, gaunt large animals, and dangerous when met by a man alone. Not long since a Maori, when travelling from one settlement to another through the forest, was attacked by three of these animals at dusk, and only saved himself by climbing into a tree, where he was kept prisoner until late the next day. The extensive district over which these packs roam was once well stocked with wild pigs, but most of these have fallen victims to the dogs, and since this supply of food has failed the dogs have ventured after dark to the neighbourhood of native settlements and the homesteads of European settlers, in quest of prey. G. M. Massing, writing from Feldwick, Otago (March, 1913), states that wild dogs infested the country about Lake Wanaka in 1860. They were exceptionally plentiful on the western ranges and in the country near the Matukituki River. They became so troublesome that the settlers found it necessary to keep packs of kangaroo dogs to hunt and destroy them. Mr Massing describes them as of no particular breed, but just coarse inbred mongrels, shy, cautious and cowardly. He adds: In 1865, when exploring the Clark and Landsborough Rivers, tribu- taries of the Haast, I observed numerous tracks of wild dogs, but saw only one of the animals which came out of the bush across the river one evening. It was a large, rough-looking animal like a wolf, and when it caught sight of us it set up a most dismal howl, and plunged into the forest again. Mr Andrew Wilson, a veteran surveyor, writing (February, 1913) from Hangatiki, about 120 miles south of Auckland, says that the wild dogs which lived in the North Island forests a few years ago had a strain of the original Maori dog in them. He describes two he saw as of a reddish-fawn colour, about the size of an ordinary cattle-dog. As far as his experience went, the wild dogs never barked, but only howled. Mr J. Hall (May, 1913) says that on the Kaingaroa Plains he found wild dogs, red in colour, with pointed ears, and, when full grown, as large as a small collie. They were usually five or six in a pack. When a person approached they retired to a safe distance, and gave a kind of howl. He never heard them bark, nor did he hear that they ever attacked anyone. On one occasion, however, when the late Mr R. 70 MAMMALIA Mayer, of Otiamuri, was driving along the edge of the plains with his wife, a mob of five or six wild dogs rushed them and jumped at the horses' heads. On another occasion, a young Maori came from a neighbouring pa to see him. In a short time he returned with a terrified look on his face, and stated that a pack of wild dogs were attacking a large calf. Mr Hall, taking his gun, went to the scene, and was just in time to drive the dogs off and save the calf. When travelling over the plains with domestic dogs, Mr Hall noticed that the latter can scent the wild dogs miles off. As soon as they receive the scent, they stand and watch, and their hair becomes bristly almost at once. My son, G. Stuart Thomson, informs me that wild dogs were at one time so common in Marlborough, and did so much damage on the sheep runs, that packs of hunting dogs were kept and bred for the special purpose of running them down. ,5 per head used to be paid for wild dogs. Mr Elsdon Best wrote that in 1877, the Rev. W. Colenso said in regard to Maori dog-skin garments: "Many a dog-skin mat has he made within the past fifty years of the skins of dogs of the small mongrel breed, before European clothing became common among the Natives." As settlement proceeded and the country became opened up, wild dogs were gradually exterminated. The only ones which are now met with are curs which have managed to escape from their owners and have taken to rabbit- or to sheep-killing. Bellingshausen reported wild dogs on the Macquaries in 1820, but it is improbable that they long survived the sealers, who probably originally brought them. As soon as the killing of seals and sea- birds stopped, the dogs probably died out. Captain Musgrave, who was wrecked on the Auckland Island in 1864, discovered wild dogs like sheep dogs on the island. Family MUSTELID^E *Ferret ; Polecat (Putorius foetidus) . * Stoat ; Ermine (Putorius erminea) . *Weasel (Putorius vulgaris) Nothing in connection with the naturalisation of wild animals into New Zealand has caused so much heart-burning and controversy as the introduction of these bloodthirsty creatures. The Canterbury Society introduced five ferrets in 1867, and an additional one in 1868. They were apparently not liberated, though the progeny was probably sold to private individuals. In 1873 the CARNIVORA 71 Society had six in Christchurch Gardens. Probably private individuals (dealers) introduced them at all the chief centres, but there is no record. As rabbits began to increase to an alarming extent, various sugges- tions were made as to importing what was called "the natural enemy." One authority actually proposed to introduce Arctic foxes, because their fur would be so valuable. When it was pointed out to him that they would probably prefer lamb to rabbit, he replied that as they did not know anything about lambs in their native haunts it was improbable that they would take to eating them in New Zealand. Fortunately his proposal was not given effect to. Meanwhile sheep farmers brought pressure to bear on the Government, and as a result steps were taken to obtain ferrets. Numbers of these were introduced in 1882, and in the following year, Mr Bailey, Chief Rabbit Inspector, recommended the introduction of stoats and weasels. To show the scale on which these recommendations were carried out, I summarise from Mr Bailey's reports for four years as follows : (a) In July, 1883, it is stated that since March, 1882 (15 months), the Agent-General had made 32 shipments of ferrets from London, numbering altogether 1217 animals. Of these only 178 were landed, at a cost of 953. Of 241 purchased in Melbourne, 198 were landed at a cost of 224. Thus the total number landed was 376, and the cost 1177, or 3. 2.s. jd. per head. The natural increase was 122, but 157 died of distemper. At this period it would seem as if the Government kept a perfect menagerie of these animals. In the same year a substantial bonus was offered to any one who would introduce a certain number of stoats and weasels in a healthy condition. (6) In 1884 he reports: "nearly 4000 ferrets were turned out; 3041 in Marlborough alone, and about 400 on crown lands in Otago." The rest appear to have been sold to private individuals. He also states that "an agent has been sent home to procure stoats and weasels." Mr Rich of Palmerston imported some of these latter in a sailing vessel, but how many I cannot learn. (c) In 1885 two lots of stoats and weasels were received from London, viz. 183 weasels (out of 202 shipped), and 55 stoats (out of 60). Of these, 67 weasels were released on a peninsula on Lake Wanaka of 8000 acres, on which they reduced the rabbits, but by no means exterminated them ; 28 weasels and 6 stoats were liberated at Lake Wakatipu; 15 weasels near the Waiau River, Southland; and 8 stoats at Ashburton. The rest were sold at Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin. (d) In 1886 the Government introduced two lots, viz. 82 stoats and 126 weasels, which were distributed in about equal lots to the Wilkin River, the Makarora, at the head of Lake Ohau, and on the 72 MAMMALIA Waitaki; and 32 stoats and 116 weasels distributed between Marl- borough and West Wairarapa. A private shipment of 55 stoats and 167 weasels was also received for Riddiford's station in West Wairarapa. The localities selected for these animals were those in which rabbits were most abundant. Mr Bailey also reported that "ferrets were turned out by thousands," but the success was only partial. In this same year a meeting was held at Masterton to consider the administration of the Rabbit Act, and the best means of dealing with the pest. One of the resolutions carried was : that the introduction of ferrets, stoats and weasels in large numbers is, in the opinion of this meeting, the only means by which the rabbit pest can be successfully put an end to, and that every owner of land infested with rabbits should either turn out ferrets in proportion to his acreage, or contri- bute to a fund for the breeding and purchase of ferrets, stoats and weasels to be turned out in the district. That the land-owners present form them- selves into an association for the purpose of providing the natural enemies. An Association for the purpose was accordingly formed with this object in view, large sums of money were subscribed and hundreds of stoats and weasels were introduced into the district. Several of the acclimatisation societies took strong exception to the action of the Government and of the sheep owners directly concerned, but as the societies were themselves directly responsible for the rabbits, their protests were ineffective. However much the introduction of the Mustelidae is to be deplored, the mischief has been done. Stoats and weasels are common in nearly every part of New Zealand and in some parts are enormously abundant. Ferrets (or the wild form, the polecats) are also met with. The latter do not thrive to any extent in the South Island; it may be that the winters are too severe for them. Probably most of the ferrets originally turned out were white or yellowish ; but some shot in the neighbour- hood of Dunedin seem to have reverted nearly to the original colour of the polecat. These animals have not exterminated the rabbit, they do not even seem able in most parts to keep them in check. There is, however, great difference of opinion on the subject. Mr Chas. J. Peters, of Mount Somers, writes about these animals (August, 1916): Since the stoats and weasels become fairly numerous the rabbits have increased a hundred per cent, and more. I have found weasels' nests both in heaps of fencing material, and also in rabbit burrows. These nests have always been made out of skvlarks' feathers. I have also found parts of young hares at weasels' camps, but never a sign of a rabbit. Against this we can place the evidence of an old settler like Mr H. B. Flett of Table Hill, Otago, who states most definitely that CARNIVORA 73 he used formerly to keep as many as 16 dogs on his place, and also employed ferrets, phosphorised oats and pollard, and in spite of most strenuous efforts he was only able to hold the rabbits in check. Since the introduction of stoats and weasels the rabbits have become fewer and fewer in number, and now, on his property of 7000 acres, the pest has practically disappeared, except in one corner where trapping is carried on. Where trappers are allowed to work, rabbits increase, for numbers of stoats and weasels are thus destroyed. Mr Flett's experience and opinions are those of many large land- holders throughout New Zealand. My son, G. Stuart Thomson, has given me this note on the destructive action of the stoat. He says : At Lee Stream, in the Taieri district I saw a rabbit paralysed with fright and uttering squeals of terror, and on looking round for the cause observed a stoat fully ten feet away walking deliberately towards the victim. The rabbit was killed by one bite on the neck. A few weeks ago a lady informed me that she had seen a somewhat similar occurrence at Brighton, but in this case the rabbit struggled to the lady for protection, and fell trembling at her feet, while the stoat disappeared. In regard to any natural enemy it is, of course, absolutely certain that it cannot exterminate, but can only keep in check, the animal it is intended to cope with. If it does more, then its own means of livelihood are imperilled, or it has to find other victims 1 . Thus one direct benefit which stoats and weasels confer is the wholesale de- struction of rats and mice which they cause. Indirectly this may explain why certain birds, such as wekas among native species, and Calif ornian quail among introduced forms, have increased of late years in districts where both stoats and weasels abound. It may be that rats are more destructive to eggs and to young birds than even stoats and weasels. The latter certainly will not touch birds if they can get rats. Mr Flett, whom I have referred to above, tells me that 20 years ago rats were a perfect curse about the homesteads, destroying harness, sheep-skins, grain and food, but that since the weasels appeared the rats have absolutely gone. He states he has not seen one about his place for i 6 years. The evidence regarding the destruction of the native avifauna by stoats and weasels is very inconclusive. Imported to destroy rabbits, they have penetrated into regions where rabbits are unknown, and where their food must have consisted exclusively of birds and bush rats (Mus rattus). Yet even in such districts there is evidence that native birds still survive in abundance, and there are also cases where birds like wekas, etc. have re-established themselves. 1 In Taranaki, in March 1917, a litter of nine sucking-pigs was found destroyed one night, apparently either by stoats or weasels. 74 MAMMALIA Mr Richard Norman, Albertown, writes in the Otago Witness of 2nd October, 1890: I think that Mr E. H. Wilmot's experience in the Hollyford Valley, as recorded in the Witness a year or two ago, conclusively proves that the imported vermin kill the native wingless birds. He encountered there a ferret warren, and the weka, kiwi, and kakapo were almost exterminated. In the Makarora Valley these used to be plentiful, but since the advent of the stoats and weasels they are very rare, and rabbiting tallies have not depreciated. Mr Geo. Mueller, Chief Surveyor of Westland, in his report on the "Reconnaissance Survey of the Head- waters of the Okuru, Actor and Burke Rivers" (Rept. N.Z. Survey Dept., for 1889-90, p. 50), says: Several weasels and ferrets were caught and killed at the Okuru and Waiatoto settlements, within about a mile from the sea-coast No rabbits were met with until near the Actor, 19 miles from the coast; and they were only seen in numbers at the very head- waters of the Okuru .... Meanwhile the Kakapos,Kiwis, and Blue Ducks have nearly disappeared from the district. Mr Richard Henry, writing from Lake Te Anau in September, 1890, says: I have known the ferrets to take seven young paradise ducks out of a clutch of ten in 1888, and last year the same pair of ducks only reared two young ones, but away from the lake I have seen larger families. I found two black teal ducks killed by a ferret, though it is seldom any of their work is seen, for they always drag their prey under cover. The black teal are getting scarce. Mr Henry adds : I think very few ferrets at liberty survive the winter for want of food. Sir Thos. Mackenzie has recorded a case in which a weasel killed a black swan ; and another which he saw in the Catlins district where a weasel brought down two tuis (Prosthemadera) from a tree. The reverse of this tale is interesting. Mr H. Drummond has accumulated some evidence as to the killing of weasels by wekas (Ocydromus sp.). In 1909 Mr Murrell, junr., and Mr Harry Birley described how the wekas had been seen attacking and killing weasels. Mr Murrell witnessed a most interesting fight between them on a path. The weka circled round the weasel, watching a chance to spring in and strike it, which it did, always on the head, finally stretching its opponent out. They both note that native birds were beginning to increase again. In 1916 Mr A. T. G. Symons of Christchurch recorded the fact that wekas were killing weasels. In regard to the occurrence and distribution of these species at the present time in New Zealand, I have no record of the introduction of the true polecat (Putorius foatidus) into the country ; but some eight CARNIVORA 75 or nine years ago Mr Thomas Anderton, curator of the Portobello Marine Fish Hatchery, shot two animals, which were too large for stoats, being about eighteen inches long. They were not ferrets, for they were brown coloured. Unfortunately he did not realise the importance at the time of preserving the skin, their smell for one thing being so offensive, and so their specific character was not determined. It may be, of course, that they were stoats of unusually large size. Ferrets are fairly common throughout the country. I was formerly of opinion that this species, which does not in Northern Europe survive the winter unless carefully housed, could not stand the winter in Otago, or indeed in any of the inland parts of New Zealand where the winter is severe. I am informed, however, by trappers of ex- perience, that they survive the Otago winter quite easily. Apparently wet cold is their enemy; and where burrows are warm, they can stand the dry cold quite easily. Stoats are common from end to end of both islands. Mr Yar- borough of Kohu Kohu states that stoats and weasels do not seem to be so numerous now (1916) as they were some few years ago. At that time a great number of these intrepid little animals appeared on the eastern side of Hokianga estuary, and were occasionally observed swimming across the river, which is about a mile wide. For the last year or more they have neither been seen nor heard of. In the parts of New Zealand where the winter cold is severe, stoats retain their habit of changing their coat in the late autumn. According to Seebohm (Siberia in Asia, p. 41), the ermine in Scotland regularly assumes its winter dress in cold winters, and in England as far south as the Derbyshire moors. In New Zealand I have records of white stoats in winter from Burke 's Pass, the Mackenzie Country, from the Taieri district, and from Lake Wakatipu, and these not as single instances, but as a fairly common occurrence. Thus Drummond (June, 1913) records the occurrence of a stoat from West Oxford. It was 17 inches long, and pure white in colour, except for the tip of the tail, which is jet black. The stuffed specimen is in the Canterbury Museum 1 . Family SCIURIDJE. Chipmunk; Californian Grey Squirrel (Tamias striatus) Brown Californian Squirrel (sp. ?) About 1906, Mr P. R. Sargood, of Dunedin, liberated two of the former (all that remained out of 12 shipped from San Francisco) 1 The late Dr Giinther of the British Museum was not usually credited with a great sense of humour, but when discussing with Dr Chilton of Christchurch the introduction of stoats and weasels into New Zealand, he remarked: "Ach! why did they not send out males only?" 76 MAMMALIA and two of the latter species. They were seen about the Dunedin Town Belt and neighbourhood for two or three years but were not known to increase 1 . Family MURIDJE. Maori Rat ; Kiore (Mus exulans) A species of rat was one of the four land mammals found in these islands when Captain Cook first visited New Zealand, the others being a dog, and two species of bats. Sir Joseph Banks says in his Journal (p. 224) : On every occasion when we landed in this country, we have seen, I had almost said, no quadrupeds originally natives of it. Dogs and rats, indeed, there are, the former as in other countries companions of the men, and the latter probably brought hither by the men; especially as they are so scarce, that I myself have not had an opportunity of seeing even one. This was not Forster's experience, for in his account of the second voyage of Cook, he says (vol. I, p. 201): "Our fellow voyagers" (Furneaux in the 'Adventure') "found immense numbers of rats upon the Hippah rock (Queen Charlotte Sound), so that they were obliged to put some large jars in the ground, level with the sur- face, into which these vermin fell during the night, by running backwards and forwards, and great numbers of them were caught in this manner." Always in reading this account, and considering the facts, I think it highly probable that these rats, spoken of by Forster, were not Maori rats at all, but were black rats (Mus rattus). Both Cook and Banks considered the native rat to be rare. The ' Endeavour ' was in Queen Charlotte Sound for some days in January and February, 1770, and some of the rats on board were almost certain to find their way ashore. Furneaux arrived in Queen Charlotte Sound in April, 1773, Cook, in the ' Resolution ' reaching it in May. Over three years had elapsed between the two visits, and on the second occasion the rats were found to be extraordinarily abundant. The rate of increase of 1 In Nature of 8th March, 1917, the following paragraph appeared: "Sir Frederick Treves, in the Observer of 25th Feb., directs attention to the grave results likely to follow from the introduction of the American Grey Squirrel into Richmond Park. Not only has it driven out our own native red squirrel, but it has also spread beyond the confines of the Park into adjoining gardens, working serious damage there. ' They eat everything that can be eaten, and destroy twenty times more than they eat.' ' The buds and shoots of young trees, apples, pears and stone fruits, peas and strawberries are all laid under a heavy contribution. Already it seems the Office of Works has given orders for the destruction of these pests. The order, how- ever, has come somewhat late, for they have already made their way into the open country of Surrey with a steady persistence and in good force. When it has reached the fruit gardens and young plantations of Surrey and Kent, we shall hear more.' We are evidently in grave danger of having another very practical lesson in the folly of 'acclimatisation,' of which the rabbit in Australia forms a familiar and awful example." CARNIVORA 77 rats is known to be very great, and it seems to me that the animals met with on the second voyage were the progeny of some which got ashore in ijjo 1 . The Rev. R. Taylor says that this animal, the Maori rat, was in general size about one-third that of the Norway rat. The Maoris used to make elaborate preparations to catch them, and hundreds would be caught at one hunting. Taylor says the animal is reported to run only in a straight line, and that the Maoris made special lines of roads in order to lead them into their traps, which were baited with miro and other berries; if these roads were crooked, they said the rats ran into the forest at the bends. They fed entirely on vegetable matter and were greatly prized as food by the natives, who also extracted much oil from them. The native rat quickly disappeared before other rats, and imported cats. It was extremely rare 30 or 40 years ago, and it is probably quite extinct now. As, however, the species is common in Polynesia, occasional immigrants may arrive in New Zealand from time to time. Tancred writing of Canterbury in 1856, says: "the native rat forms numerous burrows, rendering the soil unsafe for a horse." He also says "the rat is being exterminated by the formidable invader the Norway rat." W. T. L. Travers, writing in 1869, says: It has been the fashion to assume that before the arrival of Europeans in this Colony, this creature was common, and to attribute its destruction to the European rat, and, indeed, the natives have been credited with a proverb in relation to this point. It is not in effect impossible that the 1 In Rats and Mice as Enemies of Mankind by M. A. C. Hinton (British Museum, Economic Series, No. 8), published in 1918, the following statement occurs : " There have been many attempts to calculate the reproductive potential of rats. For instance, F. von Fischer, in 1872, concluded that the progeny of a single pair might in ten years amount to no less than 48,319,698,843,030,334,720 individuals; Riicker, more recently, has computed the increase of a pair in five years at 940,369,969,152 rats. Lantz was not so ambitious ; for the purposes of his calculations he assumed the rats to breed only three times a year, and to have average litters of ten. Breeding at this rate uninterruptedly for three years, producing sexes in equal numbers, and with no deaths, the progeny of a single pair at the ninth generation would be 20,155,392 rats. Zuschlag assumed a pair to have six litters of eight in a year; that the young would breed when three and a half months old, then with equal sexes and no deaths the progeny at the end of the first year would be 880 rats. Although such calculations are purely theoretical, and although their results, in ordinary circumstances, will never be approached in Nature, they are not extravagant, qua the power to reproduce, but are based upon moderate and con- servative estimates. In proof we may cite Kolazy's record that two females kept by him had twenty-six litters in a space of thirteen months, and produced 180 young almost double the number assumed by Zuschlag. We can, therefore, readily under- stand how the progeny of a few rats introduced to a new country by a ship may, in favourable circumstances, succeed in overrunning the whole country in the space of a few years." 78 MAMMALIA ultimate destruction of those which still existed when trade was first opened between Europeans and the natives, long after the Colonization of New South Wales, may have been hastened by the introduction of the European rat; but I am satisfied that before that time they had become very scarce, and indeed I have been told by gentlemen who have lived in the Northern part of this island for upwards of forty years, that they never saw a specimen. My son, G. Stuart Thomson, says: "that the Maori rat was once very abundant seems to be proved by the fact that the Maoris always erected their store houses for food of various kinds on piles, as a protection against the depredations of rats. (I think this was the custom before Europeans landed cf. Maning's Old New Zealand.)" I think, however, that it may have been protection against the black rat which was sought, and that they may have got the idea from early European settlers. It has been suggested that the disappearance of the Kiore Maori or native rat has led to the diminution, and almost to the extinction of the Laughing Ow\(Sceloglaux albifacies). Sir Walter Buller says : " The fact that the extinction of the native rat has been followed by the almost total disappearance of this singular bird appears to warrant the con- clusion that the one constituted the principal support of the other." Mr W. W. Smith, writing in the N. Z. Journal of Science, says : The suggestion of Dr Buller. . .is an important one; and my researches among the rocks at Albury, and experiments with the living birds in captivity, are greatly in support of this. In several of the crevices where I captured them, I found an ancient conglomerate of exuvia? ranging from three to twelve inches thick. From the under surface and through the mass to nearly the upper surface, this conglomerate is thickly studded with Owl's castings, composed entirely of light brown hair (which is un- questionably that of the Kiore Maori) and small bones. The castings more recently deposited among the rocks are composed of elytra and legs of beetles. * Black Rat (Mus rattus; Epimys rattus) It is impossible to say when the black rat first came to New Zealand, but it probably arrived with some of the first ships which came to the country. I have already suggested that Captain Cook's ships introduced them. Yates in 1835 savs: "The natives tell us that rats were introduced in the first ship, by Tasman." Oldfield Thomas (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1897, p. 857) states that "the rats normally inhabit- ing ships are not, as is commonly supposed, Mus decumanus, but Mus rattus, and in most cases are the grey variety of that animal, with white belly, though the black form may often be caught in the same ship as the grey." For a long time great confusion existed in the minds of most of those who observed and wrote of rats in this CARNIVORA 79 country, between the native or Maori rat (Mus exulans) and the black rat. For instance Buller in 1870 in a paper "On the New Zealand Rat," gives figures and descriptions of Mus rattus. The black rat became enormously abundant in the early days of settlement, and used to move about the country in vast armies. The settlers, bush fellers and saw-mill hands of fifty to seventy years ago, have recorded how invasions of them in countless swarms used to move through their district, climbing everywhere, and eating every- thing that was of a vegetable nature. Oldfield Thomas, in the article already quoted, says: "All the world over Mus rattus takes to roofs and trees on meeting its formidable rival Mus decumanus, to which it leaves the gutters and cellars 1 ." In 1840 Messrs Dodds and Davis of Sydney established a farming settlement at Riccarton, close to where Christchurch now stands, and sent down James Heriot (or Hariot), as manager, two farm hands, and two teams of bullocks. They ploughed and cultivated about thirty acres of land and secured their crops. But in less than a year they decided to abandon all further efforts. Numberless rats attacked the garnered stores, and the bar at the mouth of the river or estuary proved a sad obstacle to shipping whatever grain had been spared by the scourge of rats. 1 In his presidential address to the Royal Society of New South Wales on ist May, 1918, Dr J. Burton Cleland gives some very interesting information on "the Rats that Travel by Sea." I think his remarks on the subject are worthy of quotation in full. "As the old English black rat (Epimys rattus), including the Alexandrine variety (E. rattus alexandrinus) , the Norway rat (Epimys norvegicus (decumanus)), and the common house mouse (Mus musculus), are all subject to plague, it is of consider- able interest to see which of these species is most prone to travel by sea. The most frequent traveller of the three would naturally be looked on, other factors being equal, as the most likely introducer of the plague bacillus into unaffected parts. For the purpose of putting this matter beyond dispute, I have had a list prepared of all the rats and mice submitted for examination to the Microbiological Laboratory under my charge, from vessels berthing in the cosmopolitan port of Sydney between April 1 6th, 1913, and April I4th, 1917. During the period rats or mice were found in fumigation by the Commonwealth Department of Quarantine on 189 vessels, after the accomplishment of 325 voyages The ships belonged to all nationalities, though naturally British vessels much predominated, whilst the voyages they made included coastal, interstate and overseas in all directions. On the 325 voyages made by the 189 vessels, Epimys rattus was present in 293. 2968 individuals were found and submitted, an average per voyage of 9. Epimys norvegicus was present in 3. 7 individuals were found, an average of -02 (of these vessels one came from Vancouver, and one from Noumea). Mus musculus was present in 53. 487 individuals were found, an average of 1-5. The largest numbers of mice were found on vessels trading with the North Coast of New South Wales, and an undue proportion of such vessels yielded mice, probably as a result of the frequent carriage of fodder, mice were only occasionally found on vessels from overseas." 80 MAMMALIA So writes Dr Hocken in his interesting Early History of New Zealand. Taylor White states that on the west coast (of the South Island) they came in vast crowds, climbing trees, tent poles and ropes, and ate everything. On the shores of Lake Wakatipu they lived under the dead leaves of the Wild Spaniard. Rutland records how: in 1856 the district of Collingwood on the western side of Blind Bay was visited by a swarm, and, in 1863, 1 am informed of a swarm on the Shotover, Otago. Repeated swarms occurred in Picton, in 1872, 1878, 1880, 1884, and 1888 These rat-swarms invariably take place in spring A few of the animals appear in August ; they increase in numbers till November, when all disappear again gradually, as they came. While in a locality dead rats are seen lying about in all directions, on roads, in gardens, and else- where, very few have any marks of violence on their bodies; nor have they died of hunger, since on examination they are generally found fat. In 1884 in Picton, 47 dead rats were found lying together under the floor of the sitting-room (in one house). In another 37 were found dead under the kitchen. The whole town was pervaded with the odour of dead rats. The average weight of full grown specimens is about two ounces. The fur on the upper portion of the body is dark-brown, inclining to black; on the lower portion white or greyish- white. They run awkwardly and slowly on the ground, but run very quickly on the trees. When suddenly startled or pursued they cry out with fear. "The extremely few females that occur amongst the countless hordes is a fact that shows that if breeding does take place at all during these periods (of travel), it must be on a very limited scale." They do little damage, their food being green vegetable. . . . Though they enter dwelling-houses and barns, it is evidently not in quest of food, as shown by corn and other eatables being left untouched by them." (Rutland adds) "Among English country people, who have the best opportunity of observing them, it is commonly asserted that in litters of young rats" (? Mus decumanus), the males produced outnumbered the females by about seven to one. Meeson describes a plague of these rats in 1884: Nelson and Marlborough, in other words the whole of the extreme northern portion of the South Island of New Zealand, is enduring a perfect invasion. Living rats are sneaking in every corner, scuttling across every path ; their dead bodies in various stages of decay, and in many cases more or less mutilated, strew the roads, fields, and gardens, pollute the wells and streams in all directions. Whatever kills the animals does not succeed in materially diminishing their numbers. Young and succulent crops, as of wheat and peas, are so ravaged as to be unfit for and not worth the trouble of cutting and harvesting. A young farmer the other day killed with a stout stick two hundred in a couple of hours in his wheat field. Among reasons suggested for the visitation he suggests the pressure of famine: "last summer was very wet, and last winter very cold, the amount of snow lying on the high lands in the interior was very CARNIVORA 81 great." Another is the excessive increase in numbers producing an intense struggle for existence. (His conclusions are somewhat at variance with Rutland's who did not think that hunger was an impelling cause.) " I have examined many of these animals, and have not found a single female. One of my neighbours has examined two hundred of them ; and a Maori, at the pa beyond Wakapuaka, one hundred, with the same negative result. Some females have, however, been taken; and in one case they were found breeding." "He is more like a big field-mouse than a Norway rat, and besides being considerably smaller, he is slightly darker in colour, and less malodorous. He climbs trees and flax plants, and is phytophagous rather than carnivorous." Hutton in 1887 says: The rat appears to have invaded Picton at the end of March, and to have suddenly disappeared by the 2Oth April. Old Maoris recognized it as the rat they used to eat in former times, and said that swarming on the low lands periodically was always characteristic of it These rats were often noticed climbing trees. In the Pelorus, where they stopped longer, they built nests, like birds, in trees. Hutton at that time thought the Picton rat was a new species, and he named it Mus maorium. He says: "This rat is certainly different from Mus huegeli, Thomas, from Fiji; and I should think from Mus exulans, Peale, also, but I have seen no full description of that species." Kingsley in 1894 records it as nesting on the branches of small trees, four to five feet from the ground, near Totaranui, and gives examples from Motueka, Riwaka, Collingwood, Nelson and Taranaki. I have myself seen tall thorn hedges at Whangarei full of their nests, large shapeless structures, which at first I thought must be house-sparrows taken to hedge-building. Marriner reports that he met with grey rats at North West Bay, Campbell Island, which Waite thinks were probably Mus rattus. The black rat is at the present time (1916) extraordinarily common about Christchurch ; Mr Speight the curator informs me that Canterbury Museum is infested with these animals. A good deal of damage said to be done to orchards by opossums is almost certainly the work of the black rat. In some districts they destroy the native vegetation; and have been found to eat the roots of the larger Umbelliferae, as Ligusticum, Angelica and Aciphylla\ the tubers of Gastrodia Cunning- hamii; the inflorescence of the kie-kie (Freycinetia Banksit) and of the Nikau palm; and the fruit of the native passion-flower (Passiflora tetrandrd). 82 MAMMALIA * Brown Rat; Norway Rat (Mus decumanus; Epimys norvegictis) This ubiquitous animal very early made its appearance in New Zealand, but there is no record of its arrival. Perhaps every vessel which came to the colony brought some immigrants. In the early days of last century Russell or Kororareka in the Bay of Islands was the chief port of the colony, and rats must have become very abundant there. But, as already pointed out, they were probably mostly black rats. Darwin, who visited the Bay of Islands in the ' Beagle' in 1835, says (p. 428): "It is said that the common Norway rat, in the short space of two years, annihilated in this north end of the island the New Zealand species." Dieffenbach states (vol. n, p. 185) that he never could obtain a native rat, owing to the extermination carried on against it by the European rat. A. R. Wallace in Darwinism says : This invading rat (M. decumanus) has now been carried by commerce all over the world, and in New Zealand has completely extirpated a native rat, which the Maoris allege they brought with them from their home in the Pacific; and in the same country a native fly is being supplanted by the European house-fly. The latter statement is quite erroneous. Native flies have been reduced by introduced birds; certainly not by any other insect. During visits to Stewart Island and the West Coast Sounds between 1874 and 1880, I was struck by the abundance of these animals in regions uninhabited and almost unvisite.d by man. One day the late Mr R. Paulin and I emerged from the bush on the south side of Thule in Paterson Inlet when the tide was low, exposing a wide stretch of beach nearly a mile long. We were very much surprised to find the whole beach alive with rats which were feeding on the shell- fish and stranded animals which the tide had left and exposed. As soon as they saw us they immediately ran for the shelter of the bush. They were literally in hundreds. Rats are also very numerous round the homestead on Campbell Island (Bollons). In 1868 H. H. Travers reported them as very abundant in the Chatham Islands. A few years ago when a scare arose about the bubonic plague, a feeble and intermittent crusade against rats was inaugurated, but it was, as might have been expected, absolutely futile. While rats are still very abundant, especially about the towns, there is no doubt that the spread of weasels throughout the country has vastly diminished their numbers, especially in the open. Rats have had a great share in the destruction of the native avi- fauna, and are also responsible for much of the difficulty experienced CARNIVORA 83 by acclimatisation societies and private individuals in their attempts to establish game and other birds. But it is impossible to say which species is responsible, or whether both are equally so. It is clear in the preceding references that it has not always been possible to be sure which species of rat was referred to. I have therefore thought it advisable to add in a note some general facts on rats culled from recent sources. NOTE. In 1869-70 there occurred a great visitation of rats (apparently Epimys norvegicus) in the north and north-western plain country of Queens- land. The numbers were said to be incredible, and one writer stated that "one rat to every ten square yards in each mile would not represent any- thing like the numbers." H. E. Longman says that "in Australia, judging from available statistics, the black rat is quite as common as the brown, and is, of course, the species most frequently found in buildings, whereas E. norvegicus is characteristically a ground rat." In Mr Hinton's pamphlet already referred to he says, in regard to general habits of rats: "Rattus rattus is essentially an arboreal or climbing animal, and it rarely burrows; hence, where infesting buildings or huts, it is found usually in the walls, ceilings, or roof, not in cellars or drains. Although cautious, it does not shun mankind, and it enters into far closer relations with its unwilling host than does the Brown Rat. For this reason it is often the species principally concerned in the transmission of plague. It drinks little, and seldom, if at all, enters water voluntarily. As already mentioned, this is the common rat on ships. In most cases it reaches or leaves the ships by climbing their cables while they are in dock; sometimes it is introduced with grain and other merchandise. Its diet is of a most varied description, but, probably in consequence of its more salubrious station, it is a cleaner feeder than R. norvegicus. R. norvegicus is essentially a water loving and burrowing animal; although far less agile than R. rattus, it is a good climber. As compared with the last named species, it is far more voracious and cunning; its greater size and strength, and its much greater fecundity, render it, as far as material prosperity is concerned, a much more formidable enemy of mankind. On the other hand, although it spreads many serious or fatal diseases, it usually exhibits a certain shyness of man, so that, in normal conditions, it is probably slightly less important than R. rattus as a carrier of plague." Prof. P. Chavigny in articles in the Revue Gentrale des Sciences of July 15-30, 1918, on "The Invasion of Trenches by Rats" (condensed in Nature, of igth September, 1918), gives certain interesting facts regarding these animals, viz. both brown and black rats: (a) Starvation kills a rat in about 48 hours. (b) The period of gestation is 21 days, and the minimum time between two litters is 62 days. The female rat may have five litters in a year, and a litter consists of about ten young. A female is capable of producing a litter at the age of 2| to 3 months. A simple calculation shows that a pair 62 84 MAMMALIA of rats is capable of producing 20,000,000 descendants in three years. In temperate climates reproduction is at a standstill during winter 1 . * The Mouse (Mus musculus) The first notice of the appearance of the mouse in the North Island is in Dieffenbach (vol. II, p. 185), but no doubt it was introduced early last century. When Wilkes visited the Auckland Islands in 1840 the only living creature seen besides the birds was a small mouse. According to R. Gillies, who wrote in 1872: " it is quite certain that there were no mice in Otago in 1852 " (he arrived in 1848), " but a year or perhaps two years after they were noticed in Dunedin first. As soon as the mice appeared, the Rats disappeared. . . .The Moly- neux stopped their southern migration for a time, and it was considerably later before Molyneaux Island (Inchclutha) was touched by them." Taylor White speaks of mice appearing in the Canterbury Plains in the early days of settlement (1855) onwards " suddenly in Thousands." Pastor Wohlers, long a missionary working among the natives on Ruapuke in Foveaux Straits, states that mice were first brought to the island in the 'Elizabeth Henrietta,' which was wrecked there in 1824, and that even as late as 1873 they continued to be known as " Henriettas." Mr Philpott writing on 2nd January, 1918, said: There is a plague of mice in the district west of the Waiau. From Bluecliff to the Knife and Steel near the Big River, and beyond, each hut (the Government huts on the now abandoned telephone track to Puysegur Point) was overrun with them. And not only at the huts, but on the beach and in the dense bush, wherever we went, they were plentiful. At the Hump, near Lake Hauroto, they were as numerous as elsewhere. This prevalence of mice is certainly not usual ; I have been on the Hump four or five times since 1911, and last year tramped along the Knife and Steel, and apart from an odd one or two, no mice were in evidence on former trips. One noticeable thing about the mice was their boldness ; they were evidently very hungry. The wekas caught many of them, swallowing them whole, head first. 1 In a letter written from Sydney, N.S. Wales, dated 28th April, 1919, which appeared in Nature of 3rd July (p. 345), Mr Thomas Steel states that: "under a creeper in my garden near Sydney, the common snail (Helix aspera) was very abundant, and Mus decumanus used to devour large quantities; the apex of the shell was always bitten off so that the mollusc could be readily extracted. On the Upper Waikato River, New Zealand, the same rat dives into the water and gathers the fresh -water Unio. On the river-banks the shells are gnawed open and the animal eaten. The shells are always bitten through at the same spot of one valve, but I forget now whether that was the right or left one." "In Australia at certain seasons a 'cutworm' moth, known as the 'bogong' or 'bugong' (Agrotis infusa), swarms in myriads in many places, and is, after the wings have been singed in a charcoal fire, used as an article of food by the aboriginals. These moths sometimes invade the cities and crowd into houses and stores for the sake of darkness. At Melbourne, in a large sugar store, I have noticed Mus decu- manus collect the moths and eat the bodies, rejecting the wings." CARNIVORA 85 The mouse has never been found very far from the haunts of men in New Zealand. In 1866, during a discussion which arose at a meeting of the Canterbury Acclimatisation Society as to the reported destruction of small birds by hawks, W. T. L. Travers reported " that he had opened a large number of hawks, and in all cases found their food to consist entirely of Mice and grasshoppers." At present the mouse is abundant in all settled parts of New Zealand, and is also common on the Auckland, Antipodes and Campbell Islands. Family Guinea-pig (Cavia porcellus) The only record I have of the introduction of the guinea-pig is by the Auckland Society in 1869, but they have repeatedly been brought in by private individuals and dealers for the last 50 or 60 years. Though they have been frequently liberated, they have never succeeded in establishing themselves anywhere, as the young are mercilessly preyed upon by cats. I had them running nearly wild in my garden in Dunedin for some time, and noticed that violets (Viola adorata) growing among grass increased remarkably all the time they were about. The guinea-pigs nibbled the grass very closely, but would not touch the violets. Family LEPORIDJE * Rabbit (Lepus cuniculus) The introduction of the rabbit into New Zealand has produced such far-reaching effects and wrought such changes throughout the country, that it requires more than the sober language of a naturalist to describe them. One thing is quite certain, namely, that it was deliberately introduced into the country. The first definite notice I have found as to the introduction of these animals is in du Petit- Thouars' voyage of the ' Venus' (1838), in which he says (p. 115): " There are still to be found some rabbits imported from New South Wales." The next is in Mr T. Tuckett's diary of his expedition to the South Island, which is printed as an appendix to Dr Hocken's Contributions to the Early History of New Zealand. Speaking of the country between the mouths of the Clutha and Mataura Rivers, he writes under date loth May, 1844: "Palmer has grown wheat and barley as well as potatoes, and has plenty of fine fowls and ducks and some goats ____ Returning from Tapuke (Taukupu) we landed on the island, and with the assistance of a capital beagle caught six rabbits alive and uninjured" He does not say whether any were liberated 86 MAMMALIA on the mainland, nor whether it was possible for them to get ashore. Mr H. Travers (February, 1919) says: From what I can recollect about the introduction into New Zealand of the black rabbit, or silver greys as they were then called, these were imported by a Captain Ruck Keene, R.N., who had a run, I think, at Kaikoura, as I knew him when he lived in Nelson in the late fifties and saw the rabbits. Other rabbits were imported into Nelson, and were kept as pets the "French rabbits" as we boys knew them; they were white and foxy coloured. Some of these were turned out at Taradale and increased enormously, but being in a district in which only cattle were run, did no damage. Some years afterwards, these were practically ex- terminated by a tremendous rainstorm and flood which pretty well destroyed the lot, as it was followed by a snowstorm and the rabbits were smothered in their burrows. According to Mr Huddlestone, silver-grey rabbits were first intro- duced into Nelson in or about 1865, but there is no record as to what came of this importation. Mr James Begg, of Mosgiel, has given me some very valuable information as to the earliest attempts to introduce these animals, and I quote him freely in the following pages. He says: "When Willsher and party settled at Port Molyneux in the early forties they sent to Sydney for rabbits, but whether they obtained them or not, I am unable to say." Perhaps these were the rabbits which Mr Tuckett saw. From early days there was at least one colony of rabbits on the Upper Waitaki. These remained quite local in their habits, and did not increase to any great extent. They were finally overwhelmed by the invasion of the grey rabbit from the south. Mr Thomas Walsh of Shag Point tells me that these rabbits were turned out by Messrs Julius Bros., on their run at the Rugged Ridges on the Waitaki River, but they never seemed to increase. He also states that the Rev. Mr Fenton, who came down to Dunedin shortly after the commencement of the Otago Settlement about 1849 brought with him both black and grey rabbits. Some of these were handed over to Mr Geo. Crawford in whose care they increased, and they were distributed from there to various other centres. One lot were liberated on the sand-hills between Invercargill and Riverton ; and another lot at Queenstown, the price paid being 1 per pair. These rabbits do not seem to have increased to any extent. At a somewhat later date (1870) when Mr Walsh was at Palmerston he kept long-haired lop-eared rabbits, and turned out a good many of them. He states that the lop-ears quickly disappeared in succeeding generations, though occasionally long-haired ones were seen. They never increased to any extent, however, and only an odd one was afterwards seen. They also were swamped by the southern invasion. CARNIVORA 87 In 1857, Mr John Sutherland (now of Te Kiuti, Auckland provincial district), then a shepherd on the Greenfield Estate, saw some black and white long-eared rabbits between the Tokomairiro and Waitahuna Rivers. These also disappeared in later years. This country was quite uninhabited at the time, though sheep were running on it. Mr H. B. Flett states that a good many rabbits, which had escaped from captivity at Waitahuna, found their way to the open country, and increased to a slight extent, but eventually died out completely. He attributes their extermination to the weka or Maori hen (Ocydromus), "which were very plentiful at that time and for some years subsequent. They used to go into the holes and eat the young rabbits. I have seen a weka killing a half-grown rabbit." The late Mr Telford of Clifton introduced some rabbits, and bred them in hutches till they numbered about fifty. They were then liberated on Clifton, near the banks of the Molyneux, but died out in a short time. This was about the year 1864. Mr Clapcott also liberated some at the old homestead at Popotunoa Station, but they also failed to thrive, and disappeared. It is probable that there were other attempts to acclimatise rabbits, all more or less unsuccessful. Dr Menzies of Mataura also introduced rabbits, and he is usually credited with having been the successful introducer of them to the south, an achievement the credit of which has not been very eagerly sought after. They were liberated on the sand-hills somewhere near the Bluff. Sir Geo. Grey also appears to have introduced them at about the same date, for in the annual report of the Canterbury Society in 1866 it is said that " an enclosure has been set apart for the Silver- grey Rabbits presented by Sir G. Grey, which have thriven well and increased to a great extent, and have been distributed to members far and near" Later in the same year the Society passed this minute: "The suggestion of giving as a reward, for the destruction of hawks and wild cats, some silver-grey rabbits, was approved of." In 1866 the Otago Society liberated 60 rabbits, 23 in 1867, and 18 in 1868, but I do not know whether these came from Britain or from Australia. These are the only records I have been able to secure so far as to the introduction of rabbits into the colony, and they would account for the presence of these animals in Southland, Otago, Canterbury and Auckland. There can be no doubt, I think, that what happened in the south, happened elsewhere at every port where settlement took place, and that private individuals at Nelson, Wellington, New Ply- mouth and Napier also imported rabbits. But when the animals became a pest, and their increase was recognised to be a calamity to the country, every one was desirous of repudiating the responsi- 88 MAMMALIA bility of their introduction. Thus the framer of the annual report of the Canterbury Society for 1889, not having read the statement in the report for 1866, says concerning "the rabbit, that great scourge to our large runholders, that the introduction of these cannot be laid to the charge of this society." Similarly Mr Bathgate of Dunedin, in 1897, writes : " It is to them " (the Provincial Government of South- land) "that we are indebted for the presence of the rabbit." Dr Menzies was in these early days Superintendent of the Province of Southland. From 1866 onwards the spread of the rabbits was phe- nomenal. I quote Mr Begg's account at length : About the year 1874 tne Y began to make their presence felt in an un- pleasant manner. By 1878 they had reached Lake Wakatipu, leaving a devastated country behind them. At the same time they had reached as far east as the Clutha River, and in a few years later had overrun the greater part of Otago as well as the whole of Southland. Those were evil days for farmers, especially for the squatters who occupied large areas of grazing country. The fine natural grasses on which sheep and cattle gra2ed were almost totally destroyed. Sheep perished from starvation by hundreds of thousands, and it is no exaggeration to say that the majority of the squatters were ruined. In the old Burwood Station the number of sheep fell in one year from 110,000 to about 30,000. This was partly due to heavy snow, but the rabbits prevented any recovery. It is doubtful if the same country to-day carries more than 40,000 sheep. From the year 1878 onwards immense areas of grazing land were abandoned, as the owners gave up the unequal struggle with the rabbits. At first no efforts seemed to have the slightest effect in stemming the invasion, or in reducing the numbers of the rabbits. The wet country in the South suffered equally with the dry lands of the interior, but the former is now showing a power of recovery from the damage done, while in much of the latter the damage appears to be almost irreparable. In the early days, hunting with dogs, shooting, digging out the warrens, poisoning with various baits, and trapping, were the methods by which farmers tried to rid themselves of the pest. Later, wire-netting fencing, the introduction of stoats, weasels and ferrets, fumigating the burrows with poisonous gases (such as Carbon disulphide and Hydrocyanic Acid) and the stimulus given to trapping by the export trade in frozen rabbits, have been relied upon to reduce their numbers. In the writer's experience, practically no progress was made in reducing the numbers of rabbits till about the year 1895. From that year there has been a steady diminution. For twenty years the rabbit had the upper hand, and though many millions were killed annually, no reduction in their abundance was noticeable. In the last twenty years there has been a steady decrease. Large areas of hill country in the wetter districts are now completely clear of rabbits, though they still persist in favourable situations. In the dry country in Central Otago they are still very troublesome and very vigorous, and their evil effects are there seen on hundreds of square miles of country, once the finest grazing land in New Zealand, now little better than a desert. CARNIVORA 89 Hardly two men will agree as to the cause of the decline in the numbers of rabbits, and I will just state my theory for what it is worth. The grey rabbit, when first introduced, found himself in very congenial surroundings. There was abundance of food and shelter, and the ground was absolutely clean, never having been grazed by rabbits previously. These favourable conditions gave a tremendous filip to the vitality of the rabbits and stimu- lated their powers of reproduction. They increased at a rate that I believe is not even approached in the worst infested parts of Otago to-day. No efforts at checking them had the slightest effect, and they passed over the country like a prairie fire. After a time the original conditions no longer existed. Food became scarce, the land was foul with rabbits, disease appeared among them, and their fertility decreased. No doubt improved methods of dealing with them hastened their reduction, but I firmly believe that the principal factor in their decrease was lessened fertility, due to the first great spurt to their vitality having spent itself. The decrease first became apparent in the colder and wetter parts of the country. The rabbits abandoned large areas and became concentrated in warm sunny spots. Even in these spots their numbers declined, and from many of them disappeared altogether. In the dry country which is more congenial to rabbits, fertility is still maintained, and may possibly be permanent. The rocky hills round Alexandra may be taken as ideal country for rabbits, and probably this area has suffered more from them than any other part of New Zealand. All known methods of rabbit destruction have had an exhaustive trial there, and have not succeeded. It would seem that in this favourable spot the vitality of the rabbit is not greatly impaired. It would be interesting to try if rabbits could be re-introduced into country where they once swarmed, but which they have subsequently abandoned. I believe that such an attempt would fail. Opinions different to mine are very widely held. Most men claim the credit of having themselves cleared their ground of rabbits, and the official Rabbit Department staff possibly take the credit to themselves. I should like to believe that to me belonged the credit of having cleared my own place, but my experience leads me to believe that my efforts had little to do with it. It must not be assumed that every one regards the rabbit as a nuisance. Many a successful farmer of to-day got a start as a rabbiter. The killing of rabbits actually became one of the principal industries of the province. Their presence directly led to the subdivision of large estates, and may have been quite as effective in this direction as all the legislation on the subject. The introduction of rabbits had a lasting effect on acclimatisation generally. Before their advent partridges and pheasants had become numerous, but they have entirely disappeared in Otago. In the effort to cope with the rabbits, the country was annually sown with poisoned grain. This had a disastrous effect both on native and imported game. Had rabbits not become a nuisance, it is unlikely that weasels and other vermin would have been introduced. These animals are largely responsible for the decrease in the numbers of native birds, and also make the successful introduction of new varieties more difficult. 9 o MAMMALIA The initial difficulties in getting rabbits introduced, the terrific success that at last crowned the efforts made, the unexpected ruin and destruction which they caused, and the gradual return to normal conditions, makes the history of their introduction one of the most interesting in the annals of acclimatisation. Mr H. B. Martin in 1884 states that in various parts of the Auckland district the rabbits have become almost or quite extinct from natural causes ; tuberculosis was also believed to be present in the Wairau Valley, where the rabbits were beginning to decrease before the present Act was in force. In a discussion which took place in the Legislative Council on 4th July, 1883, the Hon. Mr Chamberlain said that rabbits were formerly numerous on Motuihi and Motutapu, and on Flagstaff Hill, but they had now become extinct. Mr Edgar T. Stead, writing me as late as 25th July, 1919, informs me that: in the Wills Valley and the Upper Haast, to the north of Lake Wanaka, the rabbits were at one time, say ten or twelve years ago, absolutely swarming. When I was there six years ago I was told that the rabbits were completely gone from the Wills Valley, and I personally observed that they were leaving the Haast. On the flat below the Burke hut there was still a fair number, but above that on the open stretches of river flat there was not one, though there were deserted warrens in all suitable localities. There are many places in Canterbury where rabbits have become scarce in the last ten or fifteen years, more places still where the case is vice-versa, but, as you remarked in your paper, there were only some races of rabbits that spread badly, and we do not know that the above-mentioned places were inhabited by the virulent races. In the Haast River case we do, for the rabbits had spread over the range from the famous Central Otago stock. It is quite possible that the country going "rabbit-sick" is only part of a cycle, but the subject is well worth investigating. In the House of Representatives on ist August, 1883, Captain Mackenzie said that a competent authority assessed the actual loss to the Colony through the Rabbit Plague at 1,700,000 a year. Mr W. C. Buchanan said that the loss for the past ten years was assessed at ten millions sterling. The question of importing a disease from the Falkland Islands was discussed at the same time. I was at one time under the impression that in this new country, where the causes which kept them in check in their original home were wanting and there seemed to be nothing to arrest their develop- ment in any direction, there might arise new varieties of rabbits with modified habits. Particularly did it seem likely that colour variations would thrive unchecked, and the traveller passing through certain districts in Central Otago is certainly surprised at the number of CARNIVORA 91 conspicuously coloured animals to be seen. Mr W. H. Gates of Skippers writes me (April, 1916): "As for colour they are of all colours; grey and white; tan and white; grey, with a black ridge down the backbone; and buff." Other observers speak of the preva- lence of black, black and white, and yellow rabbits. But Mr R. S. Black of Dunedin, the largest exporter of rabbit-skins in the Dominion, informs me that while they are of all colours, 95 per cent, of the skins exported are grey. The other colours appeal more to the eye, but they are not so abundant after all. That the rabbits of aberrant colours should survive is not to be wondered at, seeing that in this country there are no foxes, and neither hawks nor owls large enough to tackle a full-grown rabbit. The common harrier-hawk takes a considerable toll of young rabbits, but it is quite unable to keep them in check. In many districts wild cats live mainly on rabbits. Mr Yarborough of Kohu Kohu tells me (August, 1916) that rabbits became quite common in a district near Kawa Kawa (at the head of the Bay of Islands) many years ago. Recently they have reached the eastern side of the Hokianga River, and it is not unusual to see them occasionally. Then he adds this interesting statement: / have never heard of any rabbit burrows, as they appear to breed among the rocks and roots of trees. They do not seem to have crossed yet to the west side of the Hokianga River. No complaints have been heard of devastation done by them, and it seems to be doubtful if they would thrive in either our clay lands, or in volcanic areas. The comparatively heavy rainfall of Hokianga, amounting to some 60 to 70 inches per annum, has no doubt a good deal to do with the comparative scarcity of the rabbit in this part of New Zealand. They are, however, not uncommon near Kaikohe, and do make small burrows 1 . Effect of Rabbits on the Country and Native Vegetation. The economic waste caused by the vast increase of rabbits in New Zealand is incalculable, and certainly represents a loss in the stock- carrying capacity of the country which probably runs every year into millions of pounds. It is not only that they eat up food which would support some millions more sheep than are at present reared, but they destroy large areas of country, and yield very little return for the 1 One curious effect of the recent great war has been a phenomenal increase in the price of rabbit-skins. I have not been able to ascertain yet what effect this is having on the rabbit question in Otago, but by the end of 1919 it has become quite impossible to get rabbits for the table. At a sale held in Dunedin in December, 1919, the prices received for skins of winter growth ranged from issd. to 274^. for six skins; that is to say, that the highest quality of super-does, as they are termed, brought 3$. lod. per skin! Since this was written prices have altered greatly. In June 1921 the best skins were fetching about 74^. per lb., or from 8d. to i/- per skin. 92 MAMMALIA damage they do. The annual export of approximately 3,000,000 rabbits valued at about 70,000 and of some 8,000,000 skins valued at about 115,000 is all the return they give, but it only represents a small proportion of the dimensions of the pest. In all parts where rabbits abound, their destruction entails a heavy expense on the occupiers of the land. There are no data available anywhere to enable one to estimate how many rabbits are destroyed every year, but far more are killed by phosphorus than by trapping. The latter method alone furnishes any statistical data, the former is an unknown quantity, but it represents a very large figure. Probably the most ghastly exhibition of the work of rabbits is to be found in the grass-denuded districts of Central Otago, parts of which have been reduced to the condition of a desert. It is improbable that this state of affairs could have been brought about by rabbits alone. Before their advent, the runholders who had possession of the arid regions in which the rainfall probably averages 10 to 12 inches annually, and certainly never exceeds 15 inches were doing their best to denude the surface of the ground by overstocking with sheep and frequent burning. The latter was resorted to because many of the large tussock-forming grasses especially such as the silver- tussock, Poa ccespitosa yielded coarse and rather unpalatable fodder, but after burning the tufts, a crop of tender green leaves sprung up, which were very readily eaten. Unfortunately the burning not only got rid of most of the coarse growth of the tussocks, but it also swept off the numerous bottom grasses which occupied the intervening spaces, such as Agropyrum scabrum, Danthonia Buchanani, Danthonia semiannularis, Triodia Thomsoni and Festuca ovina, which were the mainstay of the depasturing flocks. Even before the rabbits arrived the work of denudation of the grass-covering had been proceeding apace through the causes mentioned. Thus Buchanan, writing in 1865, said: "it is no wonder that many of the runs require eight acres to feed one sheep, according to an official estimate." Mr Petrie thought this an unduly severe estimate, "as in the mid-seventies the sheep-runs of Central Otago were reputed to carry at least one sheep to four acres, and the majority of them carried one sheep to three acres or somewhat less." Mr Petrie, who reported to the Department of Agriculture on the grass-denuded lands of Central Otago, knows more about this subject than anyone else, and I quote him at some length : Before the rabbit-invasion began the hill-slopes carried a fairly rich and varied covering of tussock and other grasses, and, except on the steeper rock sun-baked faces, had not been very seriously depleted even in the early nineties. The earlier stages of this depletion may now be seen in CARNIVORA 93 several of the Central Otago ranges, as on the spurs of the Rough Ridge and the Morven Hills districts. The northern slopes of the spurs are almost, in many instances entirely, bare of grass, while the southern shaded slopes still carry a fair amount of pasture. The grass covering generally stops abruptly at the bottoms of the valleys, even when these are not worn into water-channels. The vastly greater depletion of the pasture on the northern slopes is easy enough to understand. They are more exposed to the sun and to the frequent violent parching north-west winds; they lose their covering of snow earlier in spring than the southern slopes, and are thus more closely grazed at a critical season for the pasture; and sheep at all times show a preference for feeding on the warmer sunny slopes. When the pasture on the exposed slopes fails, that on the shaded slopes has to feed all the stock that is about, and unless the stocking is reduced to meet the new conditions the remaining grasses are sooner or later eaten out. The desert, with all its problems, is then established. In this account of how the desert conditions have arisen, Mr Petrie refers only to sheep, because it is the loss in sheep-carrying capacity which is so serious, but later on, after describing a typical specimen of the country, and showing that in inaccessible situations a con- siderable variety of fairly vigorous grasses live on, he adds : " This is one of the facts that go to indicate that the extermination of the grasses in this desert country is mainly due to eating out by overstocking, rabbits as well as sheep being included among the stock carried." "The desert and the greatly denuded lands are not wholly destitute of vegetation. In most of their lower areas greyish, flattened, firm, nearly circular patches of scab- weed (Raoulia australis and R. lutescens) are thickly dotted about the bare ground. Though otherwise useless, these moss-like composite plants help to keep the soil from being blown or washed away, and when old supply, in the decayed centres of the patches, spots with some amount of humus where grass-seeds can more readily settle and grow." These plants are never eaten either by sheep or rabbits. In regard to their effect on other native species of plants Mr Petrie writes to me in a letter of ist May, 1916: I know that rabbits have done much to reduce the abundance of the Otago Spear-grasses (Adphylla squarrosa and A. Colensoi chiefly), probably during times when the ground was covered by snow. When I first visited inland Otago (1874) Adphylla Colensoi was most abundant. In riding about it was almost impossible to deviate from well beaten tracks or roads, because the spines pricked the horses' legs and feet. I know of no evidence that sheep would eat fairly full-grown Adphylla leaves, but young plants must be more or less eaten both by sheep and cattle (as well as by rabbits). Several species of Celmisia, notably C. densiflora, have been greatly checked, and C. densiflora almost exterminated. Dr Cockayne is now (1921) engaged on an exhaustive investigation. Captain F. W. Hutton writing me on 23rd March, 1892, said: As to the extermination of the Wild Spaniards (Adphylla} , I believe 94 MAMMALIA it to be due to rabbits. When I was in the Nelson district in 1872-3 there were no rabbits on the eastern side of the Upper Wairau near Tarndale, but they were abundant on the western side. Spaniards were abundant on the eastern side, but almost destroyed on the western. The rabbits seemed to burrow under the plant and then eat the root. Mr B. C. Aston, in ascending the highest point of the Kaimanawas (5700 feet) on 3ist December, 1914, found the physiognomy of the sub-alpine scrub, which begins above the beech forest at an elevation of 4200 feet, and consists of Senecio Bidwillii, Veronica buxifolia, Olearia nummularifolia, Coprosma cuneata and Phyllocladus alpinus, mottled with the brown leaves of a dead shrub. On close investigation this was found to be Panax Colensoi, and on still closer inspection with a view to determining the cause of death, we found every bush ring-barked. I have no doubt this was done by rabbits, which after a heavy fall of snow would be driven down from the tussock land to the scrub and forest zone. The scrub only occurs in the gullies, and the beech forest usually has a bare floor with a few Panax trees scattered through it. On examination of these we found the same fate had overtaken them. Trees 10-20 feet high of Panax Colensoi and P. Edgerleyi were found to be dead and ring-barked. A certain part of the destructive and exterminating work of rabbits on the vegetation in mountain districts is particularly wrought at the beginning of winter. In spring and early summer as the snows melt, the rabbits follow up the mountain side, and are found during the summer at all elevations. I saw them in abundance on the top of Mt Tyndall nearly 8000 feet among the snow-beds. When the first heavy snows come on about April, they are driven down in hordes to the lower country, and, as has been told me by more than one resident in the Wanaka district, "they are as thick as locusts, and they eat the ground just as bare as those insects do." In a good many rabbit-infested districts, particularly in the North Island, these animals have aided very materially in producing a certain amount of erosion and washing down of alluvium, by burrowing extensively in the banks of rivers and small streams. When floods came down these undermined portions were commonly swept away where the firmer banks resisted the impact of the water. Professor Cotton of Wellington considers that some importance can be attached to this agency as affecting the physiography of certain districts and river systems. Cattle, sheep and goats no doubt assist in breaking down such alluvial banks, but rabbits are probably the most active agents in the work. Rev. A. Don writing me in 1901 said: the rabbits, by so stripping the ground of vegetation and burrowing into the faces of the slopes are converting what were once nice green hill-sides CARNIVORA 95 into shingle slopes, because when once the face is so bared and its surface broken, it begins to slip. Mr Petrie also refers to this process in his report as follows : The soil on the grass-denuded slopes, which is by no means infertile, being no longer held together by the roots of plants, is being rapidly removed by wind and rain, and pebbles and angular stones are now closely dotted over great stretches of hillside that not many years ago were covered with soil. On the steeper slopes, indeed, the soil is being rapidly sluiced down into the gullies and thence into the river, and deep, narrow, chasm- like watercourses are being dug out. * Hare (Lepus europceus) The Otago Society liberated three in 1867, which they obtained from Geelong, Victoria; one in 1869, and three in 1875. The Canterbury Society got one from Dr Macdonald of the ' Blue Jacket,' and one from Captain Rose of the 'Mermaid' in 1868; and four in 1873 fr m Messrs Wood Bros. The Auckland Society introduced two in 1868, and five in 1871. The Nelson Society introduced some hares in 1872, and these in- creased so rapidly as to become a nuisance in the district. The Southland Society obtained some from the Victorian Society in 1869, liberated two in 1871, and two in 1874, an< ^ 4 m J 887. These are all the records I can find of importations from abroad, and considering the casual manner and the small numbers in which they were intro- duced, the subsequent increase is most remarkable. The first three introduced by the Otago Society were liberated at Waihola, where two years later they were reported to be plentiful. In Southland coursing was commenced in 1878. Hares soon spread over all the flatter parts of the South Island, mostly about cultivations, and in districts where rabbits were not abundant. They are common from Cook Strait to Foveaux Strait. In the North Island they spread south from Auckland, and the smaller acclimatisation societies assisted to distribute them far and wide. Wellington li berated two in 1874, *4 m 1875, and four in 1876, and in 1885 reported them as "numerous in the vicinity of Wellington and the lower end of the Wairarapa Valley." In more recent years they are reported as in large numbers about Marton; increasing about Pahiatua, and as seen in almost every part of the Eketahuna district. The Tara- naki Society introduced them in 1876, and they were reported as thriving in 1884. On Mount Egmont at the present time they are common above the bush line and up to 6000 feet in the summer months. In 1905 the Waimarino Society purchased and liberated a number, 96 MAMMALIA and protected them for two years. Later on they became so numerous that they were declared to be no longer game, and all restrictions about shooting them were removed. Mr E. P. Turner tells me (January, 1916) that they are found all through the volcanic plateau of the North Island from Rotorua to Waiouru. In no part of New Zealand have they increased to such an extent as in South Canterbury, where they became so abundant that a con- siderable export trade sprang up, mostly from the port of Timaru. Thus the total number of frozen hares exported from New Zealand in 1910 was declared at 10,744; m I 9 11 ^ was II >4 1 ^; and in 1912, 7240. I have been told, and it is highly probable, that many more were exported as rabbits. I am informed that in New Zealand hares usually produce three or four young at once; whereas in England they seldom have more than two. It is also stated that the animals are considerably larger than in Britain. In both cases the statements require verification, but if correct, the superabundance of the food supply is the principal factor. It is probably only true of those districts where rabbits are almost unknown. In some parts of New Zealand hares tend to become white in the winter season, just as in parts of the old country, following the same seasonal variation as occurs in ferrets, stoats and some other sub-arctic animals. Mr Stead informs me that this is a familiar phe- nomenon in Canterbury; and Mr E. H. Burn states that they are not uncommon in the Mackenzie Country. My son, G. Stuart Thomson, considers that hares are much more abundant than rabbits in the North Auckland Peninsula. Order INSECTIVORA Family ERINACEID;E * Hedgehog (Erinaceus europceus) In 1870 the Canterbury Society received a pair of hedgehogs from Mr D. Robb, purser of the 'Hydaspes,' and in 1871 received one from Mr Nottidge. In 1885 a shipment of one hundred was made to the Otago Society, but only three survived. These were liberated in a suburban garden, but were very sluggish though the weather was warm. I attributed this to the fact that they had lost their usual season of hibernation. The female died a month or two after arrival, and the two males were allowed to go free. Other hedgehogs must have been imported, for they were found at Sawyer's Bay about 1890. 1NSECTIVORA 97 In 1894 the late Mr Peter Cunningham of Merivale, Christchurch, sent a consignment of wekas home and got 12 hedgehogs out in exchange. They were placed in a pigeon-house, but got out under the wire-netting and escaped. For years nothing was heard of them, but they gradually increased, and are now extraordinarily abundant. Mr Edgar F. Stead of Riccarton says (March, 1916): If I hunted through my garden with my dog I could get a dozen now, and I frequently kill them .... They are extraordinarily destructive to chickens, their depredations being readily identified by the fact that they eat their victim's stomach first, whereas a cat eats the breast first, and rats and weasels go for the head and neck. Once a hedgehog starts eating chickens, he will go on until caught or the supply runs out. I know of many cases when a trap set and baited with the remains of a chicken has caught the marauding hedgehog. An informant at New Brighton tells me (February, 1916) that they are very abundant, and are a pest in the gardens, as they eat the vegetables and dig up the potatoes. They are now (1916) very abundant about Dunedin, and apparently everywhere between Dunedin and Christ- church they are to be found. Mr W. W. Smith introduced two pairs into the Public Park, New Plymouth, in 1913, and they are increasing rapidly. Among my correspondents, one who hails (40 years ago) from Surrey, England, is a firm believer in the milk-sucking habit of hedgehogs, and warns me that the milking qualities of cows are frequently destroyed by them. Mr C. Hutchins of Omokoroa, Tauranga, states (April, 1913) that many years ago he found a hedgehog thickly infested with a large blue tick, about the size of a small pea. The hedgehog seemed to be more than half dead, but the ticks were apparently thriving. T. N, Z. Chapter IV BIRDS The classification adopted for this class is that used by Dr A. H. EVANS, in the Cambridge Natural History, 1899. SOMEWHERE about 130 species of birds have been introduced into New Zealand since the date of Captain Cook's landing, but it is difficult in many cases to distinguish between mere aviary and cage species, and those which it was seriously attempted to naturalise. Besides, of those introduced it is impossible to identify quite a number, and their names may be synonyms of others already recognised. Thus when a society reports that it has introduced so many Indian doves or Indian pigeons, it is manifestly impossible to identify them. Excluding the common wax-eye, blight-bird or twinkie (Zosterops later alls), which apparently has come in from Australia within the last 60 years and has become extremely abundant, and birds like the Australian swallow (Hirundo neoxend), which is an occasional visitor and a migrant, all the species which have been introduced have been purposely brought in. The following are the only immigrants which have become truly wild: mallard, Canadian goose, black swan, common pheasant, Chinese pheasant, Australian swamp quail, Calif ornian quail, common pigeon, little brown owl, skylark, thrush, blackbird, hedge sparrow, Australian magpie, rook, starling, Indian minah, house sparrow, chaf- finch, redpole, goldfinch, greenfinch, cirl bunting and yellow-hammer, a total of 24 species. The record of failures is much greater than that of successes. Order RATIT^) Family STRUTHIONID^ Solomon Island Cassowary ; Mooruk (Casuarius Bennetti) Sir Geo. Grey imported some of these birds in 1868, and handed them over to the Auckland Society ; but there is no record as to what came of them 1 . 1 Major Bunbury in his report on the proclamation of Stewart Island as Her Majesty's possession in 1840, says: "The cassiowary has also been seen in different parts of the island." The reference is no doubt to the large kiwi, Apteryx australis. RATIT^E 99 Emu (Dromaius novcs-hollandice) The Canterbury Society received one from Mr E. Flood of Sydney in 1864; the Otago Society had several in their garden in 1867; the Auckland Society received one from Sir Charles C. Bowen in 1868, and two from Mr F. E. Drissenden in 1871. There is no further record of any of these birds. There are always Emus in the Wellington Zoological Gardens. The only serious attempt at naturalisation was that made by Sir Geo. Grey who introduced a number into Kawau in 1868, but they all died. Order ANSERIFORMES Family ANA.TIDJE No fewer than 25 species of this family have been introduced into New Zealand, but only one the Australian black swan has com- pletely established itself, while the mallard and the Canadian goose have been partially naturalised. Domestic ducks appear to have been first introduced by the missionaries, either at the time of Marsden's first visit in 1814 to the Bay of Islands, or very shortly afterwards. Muscovy Duck (Cairina moschatd) In 1865 Captain Norman liberated six of these birds on Adam's Island, one of the Auckland Islands lying to the south of New Zealand. They failed to establish themselves. English Pochard Duck ( e considered to be thoroughly established in the provincial district. The Wellington Society introduced 52 in 1874, an ^ 5 6 in 1875. In 1879 7 were liberated on Stewart Island, and were seen for a time at the head of Paterson Inlet; but Mr Traill informs me (March, 1916) that "none have been reported for years." In every part of New Zealand they increased rapidly, and spread throughout the whole country, but they confine themselves to cul- tivated districts, and are not found in the bush or on open mountain country, though Dr Hilgendorfs statement on the following page modifies the last paragraph. Next to the sparrow, the skylark is considered by farmers to be the most destructive of the small birds which have been introduced PASSERIFORMES 141 into New Zealand. They are particularly destructive in spring, when they pull wheat and other grains out of the ground just as they are springing. They also uproot seedling cabbage, turnip, and other farm plants. In the Foxton district pea-growing is quite impossible, owing to their depredations. Several observers note that skylarks sing from a perch. Potts, writing in Canterbury in 1884, says: In the old country I never observed a Skylark in full song when perched. This habit is not very infrequent here. Taking up a position on a post or rail, gently turning from side to side, now and then with a slight movement of the wings, it indulges in song as joyous and powerful as when ascending in spiral circles skyward. At Sumner it has been observed singing whilst on the ground. He also records great variation in the coloration of the eggs : whitish or grey-yellow, profusely speckled with brown of various shades ; dull greyish with a green tinge, freckled or mottled with an ashen-brown ; rich brown, abundantly marked with darker shades highly varnished ; pale dull pink, profusely speckled with reddish brown. Mr H. Watts, of Maungatua, Otago, states that the skylark has mated freely with the native pipit (Anthus novee-zealandite), and he considers that the hybrid is the mischievous bird. He states that the hybrid bird rarely rises to any height when singing, and that when on the wing he only utters a few expressionless notes ; then he makes a horizontal flight to some distance, or alights upon a post and con- tinues his song. Mr Watts is a good observer and keen student of nature, but I cannot obtain any corroboration of his views, and am doubtful whether the two species are able to hybridise. Mr Drummond (July, 1916) climbed Mt Leadhill, south of Collingwood, and notes in his diary: It is surprising to see so many larks in this desolate misty region, amongst rocks and boulders, where the food supplies must be poor. On all sides below us there are valleys throbbing with life, and further on are plains and meadows, yet these birds are spending their time here. With the exception of a few small but beautiful sub-alpine flowers, such as Celmisias and Sundews, they afford the only relief to the dreariness of this frowning mountain side. The presence of the lark is, of course, proof that the food they are dependent on, viz. seeds and insects, was not poor. Hilgendorf found the nest of the skylark with eggs among rocks at an elevation of 5000 feet in the Canterbury Mountains. He says of larks : " Skylarks in this district are almost purely insectivorous ; in agricultural districts, 142 BIRDS poisoned grain scattered over a field of sprouting wheat kills more larks than sparrows 1 ." Wood Lark (Lullula arbored) The Auckland Society introduced five in 1872. There is no record as to what came of them. Family TURDIDJE *Song Thrush (Turdus musicus) Somewhere about 1872, the Nelson Society introduced five of these birds. They disappeared for many years, and then reappeared later. The probability is that the earlier lot failed to establish them- selves, and that later the district became stocked by an immigration from some other part. The Otago Society introduced two in 1865, four in 1867, 49 in 1868, 48 in 1869, and 42 in 1871. There was no mistake as to the determination of the Otago settlers to have their favourite song- bird the "Mavis" established in New Zealand. It shows, too, the hardiness of this bird in confinement, that Mr J. A. Ewen shipped the above 48 in London, in 1869, in charge of Mr R. Bills, and 1 The skylark is a resident in the temperate regions, but the Arctic birds migrate in autumn to South Europe, North Africa, North-west India, and North China. Seebohm (Siberia in Europe, p . 257) gives a most interesting account of this migration, as observed by him in Heligoland: " In the afternoon it was a calm, with a rising barometer; in the evening a breeze was already springing up from the south-east. I called upon Gatke, who advised me to go to bed, and be up before sunrise in the morning, as in all probability I should find the island swarming with birds. Accordingly I turned in soon after ten. At half-past twelve I was awoke with the news that the migration had already begun. Hastily dressing myself, I at once made for the lighthouse. The night was almost pitch dark, but the town was all astir. In every street men with large lanterns and a sort of angler's landing-net were making for the lighthouse. As I crossed the potato-fields birds were continually getting up at my feet. Arrived at the lighthouse, an intensely interesting sight presented itself. The whole of the zone of light within range of the mirrors was alive with birds coming and going. Nothing else was visible in the darkness of the night but the lantern of the lighthouse vignetted in a drifting sea of birds. From the darkness in the east, clouds of birds were continually emerging in an uninterrupted stream; a few swerved from their course, fluttered for a moment as if dazzled by the light, and then gradually vanished with the rest in the western gloom. Occasionally a bird wheeled round the lighthouse and then passed on, and occasionally one fluttered against the glass like a moth against a lamp, tried to perch on the wire netting and was caught by the lighthouse men. I should be afraid to hazard a guess as to the hundreds of thousands that must have passed in a couple of hours; but the stray birds which the lighthouse men succeeded in securing amounted to nearly three hundred. The scene from the balcony of the lighthouse was equally interesting; in every direction birds were flying like a swarm of bees, and every few seconds one flew against the glass. All the birds seemed to be flying up wind, and it was only on the lee side of the light that any were caught. They were nearly all skylarks. About three o'clock a.m. the migration came to an end or continued above the range of our vision." The date was the i2th of October. I am not aware of any migratory tendency in the skylarks which are now naturalised in New Zealand. PASSERIFORMES 143 that every one was landed alive in Dunedin. They established them- selves at once. The Canterbury Society landed 36 in 1867, 24 in 1868, and a third lot in 1871 The Society's Report for the latter year states that "they have not increased so well as expected, and it is much to be feared have been killed by cats." The large amount of native bush in the neighbourhood of Dunedin was, no doubt, more favourable for their protection and increase than the comparatively open country of North Canterbury. In 1875 a further lot was brought in by Mr Bills, some of which were sold, and others liberated in the Christchurch Gardens. It was, however, more than 20 years before thrushes were thoroughly established there. The Auckland Society introduced 30 in 1867, and 95 in 1868. They established themselves at once. The Wellington Society introduced eight in 1878. In the Otago Society's Report for 1881, it is stated that "thrushes, we are glad to find, are becoming more plentiful in the neighbourhood ; they are blamed for destroying fruit." Apparently this was thought by the writer to be a habit specially acquired in its new habitant. At the present day thrushes are found from one end of New Zealand to the other in enormous abundance. They are responsible, along with blackbirds, for continual and serious depredations in orchards. Before their introduction fruit of all kinds could be grown in the open, but as they began to increase it became impossible to grow small fruit, especially, without protection. Netting has had to be resorted to by all small growers, while in large orchards, guns, supplemented by owls, cats, crippled hawks and gulls, have to be employed to keep the depredators at a distance. Against this must be placed the fact that they eat a great quantity of insect life, and of land mollusca (snails especially). The latter they destroy in the orthodox manner by dropping them on to rocks, stones and hard roads ; and on the sea-coast they also eat periwinkles, leaving heaps of broken shells at the spots where they drop their victims. In New Zealand, as in Europe, earth-worms are their favourite food, but these all belong to introduced species. Mr Drummond quotes a Hawke's Bay correspondent as follows: For about 130 days in the year, until well into January, a thrush has come to my farm morning after morning. Over an area of about 300 square yards he collects worms and takes them to his mate, sometimes carrying two or three at a time. I have watched him frequently, and from 7.30 a.m. to 8 a.m. he takes about fifty worms. I think I underestimate it in putting it at two hundred worms a day. 144 BIRDS Philpott writes (1918): The song- thrush does not appear to penetrate far into the big forests, nor to spread into unsettled areas. In the coastal forest of Fiord County they are seldom to be heard, though plentiful enough about the settlements of Tuatapere and Papatotara. Nor does the bird favour the mountains ; I do not think I have ever heard one above the bush-line (about 3,000 feet). They are certainly absent along the upper limit of the Titiroa Forest (Hunter Mountains), and I have no record of meeting with them on the Longwood tops or the Hump. The effects produced on the native and introduced vegetation of New Zealand by the introduction of thrushes and blackbirds have been very marked in at least one respect. The indigenous flora of New Zealand contains an exceptionally high proportion of plants with succulent fruit, amounting to approximately 16-55 P er cent. In Britain about 5 per cent., and in Australia 9 per cent, of the whole flora have succulent fruits. The introduction of fruit- eating birds such as thrushes and blackbirds, which in the case of small fruits swallow them whole and so distribute the seeds, and in the case of large ones like plums and apricots, carry them off to some distance where they can pick off the flesh and leave the stone, has led to a considerable increase in succulent-fruited plants. A con- siderable proportion of the indigenous birds of New Zealand are frugivorous, and it is their prevalence which, no doubt, accounts for the abundance of indigenous succulent-fruited plants. But the advent of the thrush and blackbird has increased this feature, though the former does not penetrate far into undisturbed forest. For example, in the Town Belt of Dunedin, a wooded area in which the vegetation is protected from all grazing animals, there has been a marked increase in the numbers of individual plants of Fuchsia, Coprosma, Melicytus, Muhlenbeckia and other berry- and drupe-bearing genera. Along with this, certain introduced plants, such as gooseberries, currants, brambles, raspberries, cape fuchsia (Leycesterta), but above all the elderberry (Sambucus) have spread through the native vegetation. The last-named plant in particular threatens to crowd out everything else, and a considerable sum of money is spent each year in eradicating it. In great parts of New Zealand, the Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) and the sweetbriar rose are most obnoxious pests, and thrushes and blackbirds are to some extent responsible for their spread. This question of the distribution of succulent-fruited plants by thrushes and similar birds is of especial interest to naturalists in New Zealand, and I have summarised a good deal of the evidence which Kerner has given on the subject, especially that relating to plants which are now found in these islands. Thus Kerner in Flowers and their Unbidden PASSERIFORMES 145 Guests (p. 29) states that thrushes "are made ill by the Phytolacca berries, which many other birds feed on without injury." Apparently the statement was based on the case of one individual bird which was unwell after eating some of the fruit, for it is repeated again in his larger work on the Natural History of Plants, where he says: "a song-thrush sickened after eating berries of Phytolacca" Now this plant, the common ink-weed or poke-weed, is very common in the warmer parts of New Zealand, and Mr Cheeseman informs me that thrushes eat the fruit freely. Kerner also states that when the fleshy fruits ofBerberis (Barberry), Ligustrum (privet), Opuntia (prickly pear) and Viburnum (Laurustinus, etc.), all of which have seeds exceeding 5 mm. in diameter, were introduced into the crop of thrushes, along with other food, the pulp passed into the gizzard, but all the seeds were thrown up. "The seeds of fleshy fruits which were greedily devoured were thrown out of the crop if the stones which they inclosed measured as much as 3 mm." Now barberry is certainly spreading in the bush reserves near Dunedin, and is distributed either by thrushes or blackbirds. He also found that of the fruits and seeds which passed the intestines of the thrush, no less than 85 per cent, germinated. In most cases the germination was retarded in comparison with seeds not so treated. But in the case of a few berries, e.g. Berberis and Ribes (currants and gooseberries), it was hastened. The seeds of such plants as grow on richly-manured soil (e.g. Amaranthus, Polygonum and Urtica) after passing uninjured through a bird's intestine, pro- duced stronger seedlings than did those which were cultivated without such advantages. The time taken by seeds to pass through the ali- mentary canal of a thrush was very short, half an hour in the case of the elderberry (Sambucus), and three-quarters of an hour with seeds of Ribes. The majority of seeds took from one and a half to three hours to perform the journey. Small smooth fruits of Myosotis sylvatica (forget-me-not), and Panicum diffusum (a grass) were retained for the longest period. The habits of thrushes have not altered appreciably in their new country. Their nests are of similar construction to those found in Britain, and they are lined with mud or cowdung. They breed in September and October, and I have seen the fledgelings in the end of the latter month, and the beginning of November. They usually breed again later in the season. They commence to sing, in the South Island at least, in the month of May, that is at the commencement of winter. The earliest date I have noted is a record from Dr Brittin of Papanui, who heard one in Christchurch on 24th April. T.N.Z. 10 146 BIRDS At one time I thought, with Sir Walter Duller, that albinism was on the increase among thrushes in New Zealand, but as the result of long observation I am compelled to think this is not the case. Any thrush showing a tendency to develop white feathers seems to be a marked bird, not only by man, but by other birds, and even by other thrushes, and they do not appear to have a happy time. Thrushes have found their way to the Chatham Islands, a distance of 450 miles east-south-east of Cape Palliser. * Blackbird (Turdus merula) The Nelson Society introduced 26 blackbirds about 1862, but there is no record as to their success at the time. The Otago Society liberated two in 1865, six in 1867, 39 in 1868, 21 in 1869, and 70 in 1871. Ten years later we read they "are now exceedingly numerous and we regret to say are found to be rather partial to cherries and other garden fruits." In Station Life in New Zealand, p. 16, Lady Barker, writing of her voyage from Melbourne to New Zealand in 1865, says: 111 as I was, I remember being roused to something like a flicker of animation, when I was shown an exceedingly seedy and shabby-looking blackbird with a broken leg in splints, which its master assured me he had bought in Melbourne as a great bargain for only 2. los. od. The Canterbury Society received two in 1865 from Captain Rose of the 'Mermaid' who also sold "a number of songbirds" to the Society for 18. I regret to say there is no record of these "song- birds," to enable us to identify them. In 1867 the Society introduced 46, and in 1868, 152 blackbirds. In 1871 the Report states of them, as of the thrushes, that "they have not increased as well as expected, and it is much to be feared have been killed by cats." In 1871 Mr R. Bills brought a further consignment of 62 to the Society, and many more were introduced in 1875. The Auckland Society introduced eight birds in 1865; about 30 in 1867, and 132 in the following year, when they were "considered to be thoroughly acclimatized." In 1869 a further large consignment was liberated. It is rather singular that in the far north, Whangarei and further north, blackbirds are rare or altogether wanting, while thrushes are common. They were liberated on Stewart Island in 1879, and are seen every breeding season near settlements. This is now one of the commonest of our introduced birds in very many parts of New Zealand. Mr Philpott (1918) says that: unlike the thrush the blackbird is to be found in the heart of the big PASSERIFORMES 147 bushes. I have met with the bird wherever I have gone, and found it as common on the Hunter Mountains at 3000 feet elevation, as in the bush near Invercargill. I have no records of the thrush occurring in Alpine forests. The spread of succulent-fruited plants is probably accomplished to a greater extent by blackbirds than by any other species. They can evidently hold their own very well among the native avifauna, for Mr L. J. Phillips of Kaitoke states that on several occa- sions he has seen two or three blackbirds set on and kill a tui (Prosthemaderd) . Kerner states that the blackbird is much less fastidious in regard to its food than the thrush. When fed in confinement, it swallowed even poisonous fruits like those of the yew, and never rejected a single fruit that was mixed with its food. Of the fruits and seeds which passed through the intestines, 75 per cent, germinated. The blackbird has found its way to the Chatham Islands, which are distant 450 miles from the nearest point of New Zealand, and are increasing there, and scattering seeds of such noxious weeds as the blackberry. Mr Drummond also is responsible for the statement (in 1907) that they " have taken up their residence on the lonely Auckland Islands." They are about 290 miles south of the Bluff, but only 230 miles from the south end of Stewart Island. The prevalent winds, however, would sadly impede the passage of a bird bound southwards. In Europe there are migratory races both of thrushes and black- birds, and it is quite possible that some of the birds introduced into New Zealand may have belonged to such races. Robin Redbreast (Erithacus rubecula) The Nelson Society attempted to introduce robins in or about 1862, but only one bird arrived. The Auckland Society introduced three in 1868, three in 1871, and three in 1872. The Canterbury Society introduced a number (not specified) in 1879, an d the report for that year states that "the old familiar shrill note may be heard in the Society's grounds morning and evening." The Wellington Society liberated ten in 1883, and three years later one was reported to have been seen in Happy Valley. The Otago Society liberated 40 in 1885 at Fulton's Bush, West Taieri; and R. Bills, who brought them out, sold another 40 to private individuals. In 1886 some 20 more were imported and liberated at the same spot. They were scarcely ever seen again, but in 1891, Mr A. C. Begg reported one in a Dunedin suburban garden. 148 BIRDS The cause of failure was never understood by the Society, but Mr A. Binnie, who was Mr Bills' assistant at the time, assures me that all the birds which were imported were cocks which is a possible explanation, seeing that Mr Bills brought them out to sell. In 1879 the Otago Society received two (out of ten shipped from London) and in 1900, one (out of eight shipped); these were liberated on Otago Peninsula, but were not seen again. In explanation of the failure of these birds to establish themselves, I am more inclined to favour the idea that birds of migratory races were brought out, for bird-catchers frequently make their best catches of birds which are gathering preparatory to starting on their journeys. Nightingale (Daulias luscinia) An attempt was made by the Otago Society in 1871 to introduce these birds, and a number of them were shipped from London, but they all died when a few days out. The Auckland Society had exactly the same experience in 1875, none of those shipped surviving the passage. The Canterbury Society repeated the experiment in 1879, wnen one was landed in Christchurch, and died soon after. The nightingale is purely a migratory species in Britain, and any attempt to naturalise them in New Zealand was foredoomed to fail. * Hedge-Sparrow (Accentor modularis} In Dr Arthur Thomson's Story of New Zealand published in London in 1859, it is stated that "Mr Brodie, the settler who intro- duced pheasants, sent out, in 1859, 3 sparrows, for the purpose of keeping the caterpillars in check." I cannot verify the statement; Mr Brodie lived at Mongonui, and there have never been hedge- sparrows in North Auckland. The Auckland Society introduced one in 1867, two in 1868, seven in 1872, 19 (out of 80 shipped) in 1874, anc ^ l % m ^75- The nests were first observed in 1873, and the bird soon established itself. The Otago Society liberated 18 in 1868, and 80 in 1871. The Canterbury Society liberated nine in 1868, and 41 in 1871. Mr Drummond says (1907): It was Captain Stevens who brought the first hedge-sparrow to the colony, and it is claimed to the Southern Hemisphere. It came in the ' Matoaka ' together with the first house-sparrows. It was the only survivor of a consignment. For a long time it was an object of interest in the Society's grounds in Christchurch, many people journeying to the gardens to see the stranger. PASSER1FORMES 149 I do not know where Mr Drummond got his information, certainly not from the annual reports of the Canterbury Society. Nor does the pretty story tally with those told of the introduction of the house- sparrow (q.v.}. The fact is that a number of those who were concerned with the introduction of the small birds in the early days of acclimatisa- tion activity did not know a hedge-sparrow from a common sparrow, and while in later years it was quite creditable to have been concerned with the introduction of the former bird, no one is inclined to claim any credit for the latter. A number of hedge-sparrows were brought to Christchurch in 1875, some f which were sold, and the remainder liberated in the Gardens. A number were liberated in Hawke's Bay in 1876 by Mr Walter Shrimpton, but Mr Guthrie Smith says they are not known at Tutira. The Wellington Society introduced four in 1880; 26 in 1881; and 20 in 1882. This species has now become very widely spread throughout New Zealand. It is the one bird against which no word of complaint has ever been raised. It is not met with in undisturbed bush country, but, according to Philpott (1918), is equally at home in the smaller areas of bush, in the suburban garden, and in the shrubby groves at 3000 feet on the mountains. The majority of nests are built quite low down, often practically on the ground, so that the prevalence of stoats or cats is probably a controlling factor in the increase of the species. On the other hand it is extremely common in suburban areas near Dunedin, where cats also abound. The value of the bird was demonstrated to orchardists in Central Otago at the beginning of 1919. In February, very heavy rain caused an extraordinary outburst of vegetation in the gardens, and this was followed by an invasion of the green fly (Aphis). The outlook for some crops was very serious, till a great number of hedge- sparrows appeared in the orchards, and in a very short time cleared off the whole of the pest in the most perfect manner. In Otago the note of this bird is occasionally heard in winter, but it begins to sing regularly in August, and nests are found from September onwards. Some County Councils rather foolishly pay for the eggs of hedge-sparrows. There is no excuse for this, for every boy knows the eggs, and would not take them at all unless a price was offered for them. Whitethroat Warbler (Sylvia cinered) The Auckland Society introduced two in 1868, but they were not heard of after liberation. In 1874 another attempt was made to 150 BIRDS introduce them to the colony , and a considerable number were shipped , but all died on the voyage out. Black-cap Warbler (Sylvia atricapilld) The Auckland Society introduced five in 1872. Both of the above-named species are summer visitants in Britain, and it was folly to attempt to naturalise them in New Zealand. Family HIRUNDINIDJE Australian Swallow (Hirundo neoxena) This species is an occasional visitant to New Zealand. Sir Walter Buller, in his introduction to his History of the Birds of New Zealand, says: In March, 1851, a flight of the Australian Tree-Swallow appeared at Taupata, near Cape Farewell; ten years later they were observed again at Wakapuaka, near Nelson, and a specimen obtained ; and after a further lapse of fully twenty years another flight, from which a specimen is now in my possession, appeared for several days in succession in the outskirts of Blenheim. In 1888 Mr W. W. Smith observed and recorded them from the neighbourhood of Timaru. In 1901 numbers of them appeared at New Brighton near Christchurch. I have been told of their occurrence since at Whangarei and in the neighbourhood of Auckland, but have no authentic information on the subject. I would not mention the species among introduced birds, were it not for the action of various acclimatisation societies in regard to them. In 1874 tne Auckland Society made the futile experiment of obtaining some eggs and placing them in two nests, of a sparrow and a chaffinch respectively. Needless to say the attempt failed. Even had the foster-parents succeeded in hatching out the young, they would not have supplied them with the right kind of food. About 1915 several of the acclimatisation societies proposed to subscribe 5 each for the introduction of this migratory species; fortunately for them the project was not carried out. Family LANIIDJE Australian Shrike I do not know what bird this is, for there are many species of Australian shrikes. The Wellington Society liberated 14 in 1877, and 15 in 1878; but there is no further record of them. PASSERIFORMES 151 Australian Magpie-lark ; Mud-lark ; Pee-wee ; Pied Grallina (Grallina australis) The Agricultural Department introduced a number of these birds from Sydney, and liberated them on the west coast on the North Island, where they promptly took to building nests. I do not know the date of this attempt, but apparently it did not succeed, for no on seems to know anything about the birds since. Dr Cleland says that in Australia "this bird occasionally feeds on maize and wheat obtained near fowl-yards, etc., but it is doubtful whether it touches crops. It is also found to eat plague-locusts, grasshoppers, cockchafer larvae, etc. It is one of our foremost useful birds." In their stomachs, in addition, there have been found moth larvae, mole crickets, ants, small flies, and occasionally grass-seeds. * Australian Magpie; White-backed Crow-Shrike (Gymnorhina leuconota) The Canterbury Society liberated eight birds in 1864; four in 1866, and 32 in 1867, all from Victoria. They also received some 18 from Tasmania. In 1870 Mr E. Dowling imported a large number from Tasmania, and these were liberated on Mr Moore's station at Glenmark. The Society liberated 24 more in 1871. The birds soon established themselves in the provincial district, and are now fairly common. Of late years they have spread south of the Waitaki and as far south as the Horse Ranges. The Otago Society introduced three in 1865; 20 in 1866; 32 in 1867; 20 in 1868; and six in 1869. At first it seemed as if they were doing well, for they began to build nests at Inch-Clutha, and in the vicinity of Dunedin. But from some unexplained reason (Mr Deans thought they were shot or taken by boys) they entirely disappeared, though now coming in again from the north. The Auckland Society introduced ten in 1867, and one in 1870. But Sir George Grey introduced a number into Kawau probably at an earlier date; they very quickly became numerous, and spread to the mainland. The Wellington Society introduced 260 in 1874. These birds are fairly common in many parts of the North Island, from Wellington to north of Whangarei, but their numbers vary a good deal. Mr W. W. Smith tells me that they are not so abundant in Taranaki now (1916) as they were some years ago. Inland from Wanganui, on the edges of the unbroken forest, they are very common. T. H. Potts records (in 1873) how this bird defends itself successfully against the native quail-hawk (Falco novce-zealandice) by throwing i 5 2 BIRDS itself on its back, striking out with beak and claws and shrieking most wildly. Mr J. Grant of Wanganui informs me (1918) that the Magpie has been seen to kill a fantail by a direct blow on the body, then it stuck its bill into the little victim and carried it away. This bird has a wonderfully fine flute-like song; both the male and the female sing, and they begin their concert even before sunrise. They are readily tamed and are very sociable in confinement ; but they are apt to drop their beautiful song, and take to imitate all sorts of domestic sounds. I knew of one in Dunedin which could bark like the dog, and mew like the cat ;. but its favourite amusement was to sit on the fence and call the fowls together. During the mouse-plague in Victoria in 1905, in some districts, crowds of magpies were seen to follow the plough, and catch and swallow every mouse that was unearthed. In one case 150 to 200 magpies were seen following one plough and no mice got away. Family Titmouse ; Blue Tit ; Tom-Tit (Parus cceruleus) The Canterbury Society in their report for 1874 state tnat "these have been imported in considerable numbers." There is no previous record of these birds unless they are included in the unspecified birds introduced in 1871 in the 'Charlotte Gladstone.' They must have died out, for there is no further record. Family CORVIDJE *Rook (Corvus frugilegus) In 1862 three rooks were introduced into Nelson, and stayed about there for a few years, when they disappeared. The popular belief was that they left for Canterbury, when others were introduced there. It would appear that rooks were introduced about the same time into Canterbury, for in a press cutting dated April, 1870, recording the presentation of a single specimen to the Acclimatisation Society, it is added : " The rooks first imported into the province by Mr Watts Russell, some years ago, were all killed by cats." The Auckland Society introduced two in 1869, and 64 in 1870. At first it seemed as if these birds would not succeed in establishing themselves, for the Society's report for 1872 states that: eight nests were built in the Gardens, but unhappily a night review of the volunteers took place just as incubation commenced, when the firing caused the majority of the rooks to forsake their nests, so that only three small broods were hatched. In January a severe epidemic broke out PASSERIFORMES 153 amongst them which destroyed several. Dr Wright, who examined two of the dead birds, stated that the disease was identical with the epidemic then prevalent amongst domestic poultry. The dead birds were unusually fat, and the survivors refused the food placed for them on the outbreak of the disease. In 1873 several pairs built and nested; but in the following year's report we read: "they are not doing so well. The young have died," and it is suggested that the climate is too hot for them. The increase of these birds has been slow in the North Island ; they spread to Hick's Bay, Hawke's Bay and Lake Taupo. Mr H. Guthrie reports : " A colony of rooks has for long existed in Puketapu. In favourable years colonies start one, for instance, in Petane, but the rook does not do well in this part." The rook seems to have a bad time in Hawke's Bay, and pastoralists and fruit-growers alike blame it for many evil things it is supposed to do. They conveniently ignore the good. In 1917, at a meeting of the Fruit-growers' Association at Hastings, a member stated that the rooks "were doing considerable damage to walnuts, amounting to some hundreds of pounds." Later on, farmers complained that the rooks have acquired the habit of attacking lambs and full-grown sheep, and the losses in some parts of the district are becoming serious. The birds not only attack flocks in the daytime, but also during moonlight nights, and one farmer near Farndon has lost scores nightly. The rooks attack the throats of the sheep, and wethers can be seen in paddocks with open wounds. One was seen with the head completely severed, with the exception of the spinal column. The birds also eat the flesh right down the middle of the back, rendering the skin quite useless. This is the sort of newspaper paragraph that gains credence in the country, but is absolutely incorrect. One farmer states that he had 30 acres of sprouting oats completely uprooted by rooks. Against this unvouched-for evidence I have information from several well- known men in Hawke's Bay, who certify that the birds are at no time a nuisance. One gentleman, connected with the Tomoana Freezing Works, suggests that several hoggets were dying or dead, and the crows seeing them with ticks on them, picked the latter away. He ridicules the idea that they could hurt sheep. Mr H. Hill, lately Mayor of Napier, and formerly Senior Inspector under the Education Board, sums up the case as follows: Rooks may pull up wheat now and then, but only to discover a worm, and the question is whether the balance is not in favour of the rook under the circumstances. Surely a bird cannot be expected to live and benefit man without obtaining a part of his maintenance from what it helps to preserve. The fact is, the farmer expects his crops to be protected from all insect pests without cost or responsibility on his own part. The Canterbury Society got a large number (36) shipped from London in 1871, but only five survived the voyage, and these were liberated in the Gardens at Christchurch. In March, 1873, 35 more were liberated in the Gardens. Writing me in 1890, Captain Hutton said: "these birds are well naturalised about Christ- church, but do not now increase much; possibly owing to poisoned grain." They are fairly common now (1916) south of Christchurch, but are strictly localised, and have hardly spread from the spot where they were originally liberated. They are very destructive to the grass- grub (Odontria striata) in Canterbury. Mr A. H. Cockayne (April, 1919) says that they used to be most abundant in Dean's Bush at Riccarton, Christchurch, but are now rare. Also that two years ago there was a large rookery near Hastings, Hawke's Bay, which has since been abandoned. Mr Graham, Manager of Weraroa Government Farm, informs me, however, that Rooks are very common in Hawke's Bay. Jackdaw (Corvus moneduld) The Otago Society had some of these birds (the number not specified) in their depot in 1867; but there is no further record of them. The Canterbury Society received one from Mr McQuade of the 'Mermaid' in 1868. But they evidently obtained some more, for in the Report for 1872 it is stated that "three of the jackdaws have remained about the Society's Gardens since they were liberated." In a newspaper cutting of 1871, received from the late Mr A. M. Johnston, it is stated that two jackdaws are at Prebbleton, and two at Kaiapoi. Mr E. F. Stead, writing in April, 1916, says: "there are certainly no jackdaws wild in Canterbury at present." Family STURNIDJE * Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) The Nelson Society introduced 17 starlings about 1862, but have lost their record. The Otago Society imported and liberated three in 1867, 81 in 1868, and 85 in 1869. The Canterbury Society introduced 20 in 1867, and 40 in 1871. The Auckland Society introduced 12 in 1865; 15 in 1867, and 82 in 1868; while the Wellington Society's record was 60 in 1877; 90 in 1878; I4ini88i; 100 in 1882; and 34 in 1883. Besides all these, great numbers were introduced by private enter- PASSERIFORMES 155 prise. The increase of this species was phenomenal. Mr C. Hutchins writes (November, 1913): when I arrived in Napier from England in 1875, there were only four starlings in the town. They increased rapidly and took possession of the limestone bluff that looks out over the bay, boring into the softer veins of limestone. After eleven years they were there in hundreds of thousands. The bird has few, if any natural enemies. Mr H. Hill (of Napier) considers that the comparative disappear- ance of the bird from the cliffs about Napier, where it and the wild pigeon (Columba livia, i.e. tame pigeons gone wild) used to be extra- ordinarily abundant, is due to their being driven away by the harrier hawks. If Mr Hill's view is correct, it is probably due to the fact that the hawks were after the pigeons, and the starlings suffered through association with them. In open country I don't think hawks are a serious enemy to the starlings. These birds are abundant in most parts of the country, and in favourite spots, where they congregate in numbers, the noise they make when roosting can be heard, literally for miles. Mr W. W. Smith of New Plymouth writes me : Every evening tens of thousands of starlings perform their cloudlike gyrations around and above the island of Moturoa which is clearly seen from this hill. Every person who sees them compares them to rapidly moving clouds. It is truly magnificent to see them; they form densely black cloud-like masses. Mr W. Best of Otaki reports (April, 1912): "that the starlings in that district make long daily flights (of 30 miles ?) to and from their roosting place to their food." These only occur in the summer and autumn, after the breeding season, and the birds fly at sunset and before sunrise. Mr Mahoney of Tuparoa describes how they come in thousands from some feeding ground near the coast to roost on the trees behind the house. Mr Johannes Anderen says they roost on Kapiti and fly to the mainland daily for food. Mr H. J. Fowler of Marton writes (June, 1912): "The daily evening migrations began about seven or eight years ago. At first the flocks were small and infrequent, now they pass in battalions. On calm evenings the air is filled with the rushing sound of their wings." He has seen flocks a mile long, all the birds flying in line, like soldiers marching in ranks. These appear to be made up of flocks rising at intervals across the country and uniting in the air. He estimated the numbers at hundreds of thousands. In Marton the birds fly south-west, and it is stated that they go to the Manuka scrub on the coast. At one place a piece of native bush, about four or five acres in area, was used as a roosting place by the birds, and so 156 . BIRDS great were their numbers that they were killing the bush with their droppings. They had to be driven away by firing guns at roosting time. Another roosting place was at Martinborough, where they occupied an avenue of bluegums : In going to those places they seemed to converge from all parts of the compass, and their cries made a great roar as they settled themselves for the night. With regard to their returning, they seem to go back soon after daylight, and in twos and threes flying low. It seems that they work up country from field to field during the day, until the time for making homeward arrives, when they rise and fly straight for their roosting place, the flocks gradually increasing, as they draw nearer home by the addition of other flocks. As a rule, when once in full flight, nothing in the shape of a ploughed field will tempt them down, and any stragglers that may stop, seem to be uneasy and soon rise and follow the others. Starlings follow the binders in clouds for the caterpillars, but they are not observed on the ploughed fields to any great extent. This last statement may be correct for Rangitikei, but is not so for Otago and Southland, where they may be seen following the plough in considerable numbers. Mr A. Philpott, writing me in April, 1892, says: The Rev. J. G. Wood states that "when a flock of starlings begin to settle for the night they wheel round the place selected with great accuracy. Suddenly, as if by word of command, the whole flock turn their sides to the spectator and with great whirring of wings the whole front and shape of the flock is altered. No body of soldiers could be better wheeled or countermarched than are these flocks of starlings, except an unfortunate few who are usually thrown out at each change." I have watched flocks of starlings arriving at their roosting-places very often, and in one case only have I seen anything resembling the company evolutions referred to by Mr J. G. Wood. They appear to arrive in flocks of large and small numbers, and immediately on arriving drop down wherever they can find a perch. Perhaps this is an instance of an altered habit. It is also possible that only the first flock to arrive wheels and circles in the manner described. Soames' Island in Wellington Harbour in pre-war days was a night retreat for starlings, which used to resort to it in immense flocks. Since it became a place for interned German prisoners the birds have largely abandoned it, on account of the number of people about. The effects produced on the insect-life of the country by starlings, and through that on the vegetable and other animal life, is incalculable. They have nearly destroyed the grasshoppers which used formerly to be so abundant, and many other groups of insects must have suffered equally. They also remove great quantities of ticks from sheep, and cattle, and help to keep insect pests from them. Indirectly they are credited by many observers with having exter- PASSERIFORMES 157 minated pheasants, partridges, introduced quail, wild turkeys, wild fowls, etc., from many districts, by having so eaten out the insect food, that these larger birds are now unable to rear their young broods. They have driven the Indian Minah out of all the southern towns where formerly they were established. In many places they are accused of being fruit-stealers, attacking not only small fruits, but also pears, plums, and peaches, and some of my correspondents have thought this was a new trait developed in their new surroundings. But it is familiar enough in the northern countries from which the starlings came. There is a well-known passage in Rabelais' Gargantua in which it is stated that "at this season the shepherds were withdrawn from the hills in order to keep the starlings off the grapes." I have frequently seen them in this country feeding on the rather hard white berries of the cabbage tree (Cor dy line australis). In the Otago Witness of 2nd October, 1890, J. H. E. of Anderson's Bay, Dunedin, writes: "Last season my jargonelle pears were alive with starlings, the pears eaten by scores, and the leaves and fruit in a disgusting state from their droppings." Mr Philpott several times found their gizzards full of the berries of the broadleaf (Griselinia lucidd). Mr J. Drummond states that Mr D. L. Smart of Napier, who formerly lived at Tuakau, on the banks of the Waikato, found that great flocks of starlings in the late autumn visited a large kahikatea (Podocarpus dacrydioides) forest in order to feed on the berries. It may be noted here that in many parts of New South Wales, cherry-growing has become an impossibility, owing to the persistent attacks of starlings. Mr P. J. O'Regan considers that starlings (as well as blackbirds and thrushes) are responsible for the diminution in the number of native pigeons, as they eat the berries of pine trees, Fuchsia and Aristotelia, which form part of their food. (This may be partially true, but pigeons subsist on other materials, and in summer their crops will be found quite full of the leaves of the kowhai Sophora tetraptera.) On i8th August, 1890, 1 wrote to the Otago Witness asking certain questions on acclimatisation matters, among others as to whether starlings were eating poisoned grain, as was stated to be the case in Southland. Mr Richard Henry, writing from Lake Te Anau, was inclined to think they did, but his opinion was based on the fact that he found three dead starlings in the first week of rabbit-poisoning, and none before or since. Mr Richard Norman, Alberton, replied: In this district the starlings roost in thousands in the blue-gum trees in winter time, and are fighting, scratching, and screeching for positions 158 BIRDS all night long, and if they are disturbed, the rustling of their wings as they rise sounds like distant thunder. Frequently some are found dead on the ground, and it is generally concluded that they have perished from the cold, and not through the effects of phosphorised grain. The cats eat their bodies without harm. Mr George Green, Broad Bay, wrote: "The only poisoning done here is intended for the sparrows, and I have never heard of starlings taking the grain ; but they have developed a taste for the elder-berries." Mr H. Watts of Maungatua stated that the starlings do not touch poisoned grain, though they had developed a strong predilection for red currants. They were commonly found among the bushes, and one which was shot contained a large number of berries in the crop. Mr Thomas M'Latchie, Owaka, wrote: "Poisoned grain has been laid for rabbits for two or three months in my paddocks. Flocks of starlings have been busy amongst the grass, but I have never seen one of them touch an oat." Mr A. Philpott writing to me in July, 1916, says: This bird is certainly less plentiful than it was twenty-five or thirty years ago. Possibly the want of suitable nesting-places may have something to do with it. So much bush has been cleared away since the starlings' greatest abundance, that it must be somewhat difficult now to find suitable hollow trees, for the bird does not appear to penetrate deeply into the bush. In 1914 I found it building in a mass of ivy on a cabbage tree (Cordyline) in the centre of Invercargill, and last year at Wyndham I found several broods in masses of Muhlenbeckia. The bush tree there is chiefly matai (Podocarpus spicatus), a tree that does not provide many holes suitable for nests. Two years later he states that the bird is not nearly so plentiful as it used to be, and attributes the change to the decrease in the number of suitable nesting places, on account of the disappearance of old forest trees. A North Canterbury farmer writing to Mr Jas. Drummond in August, 1910, states that starlings are very destructive to humble bees, and he has repeatedly seen them catching these insects and taking them to their nests. Mr B. C. Aston tells me that starlings frequently imitate other birds, which are new to them. He has noticed them in the neigh- bourhood of Wellington imitating both the Californian quail and Australian magpies. Hilgendorf says that in the Cass district they leave the houses to the sparrows, and build among the rocks and tussocks 1 . 1 In connection with the blow-fly pest in sheep, in Australia, Dr Cleland says of the starling (and sparrow): "Though useful to a slight extent, they do much more harm than good. Neither apparently plays any definite part in controlling the blow-fly pest." "The stomachs of seventy-three of the introduced birds were examined. As regards the vegetable food, wheat grains were found in a few and PASSERIFORMES 159 * Indian Minah or Myna; House Myna (Acridotheres tristis) This species appears to have been introduced in the first instance in all centres by private individuals, and by a few of the societies in the early seventies. One of the most remarkable things about them is their increase after their first introduction, and then their subsequent diminution, and in some districts their ultimate disappearance. The latter appears to have been due, either directly or indirectly, to the starlings, the increase of the latter coinciding with the decrease of the farmer. In 1870 Mr F. Banks introduced 18 of these birds, which he termed Indian Minaul birds, from Melbourne, where they had been acclimatised for some time, and presented them to the Canterbury Society. Writing in 1890, Captain F. W. Hutton said: "A few used to be about Christchurch, but they have disappeared before the starlings." Mr Stead, writing in 1916, says: "In the early nineties there were a few minahs nesting in some houses on the North Belt (Christchurch), but there are now none left, and there have not been any for fifteen years at least." Some were imported into Dunedin in the early seventies by Mr Thomas Brown. They used to build in the First Church Steeple and on one or two houses in the neighbourhood, but they had all died out or were driven away before (1890). Mr F. G. Gibbs of Nelson says (July, 1916): Minahs were imported in the seventies. I remember that they were very plentiful in the streets when I arrived in 1877, but a few years later fruit in one. This result, however, does not by any means indicate clearly the destructive tendencies in the direction of vegetable food, as the accessibility of such food must be considered at the time the bird was shot. Unquestionably starlings feed greatly on cultivated fruits and on cultivated grains during the season when these are available." "As regards the insect food of these seventy- three birds, we found that locusts or grasshoppers were present in five, wireworms in two, cutworms in thirty-four, flies in four, psyllids in one, and scale (?) in one. The cutworms were found in most of the starlings obtained in the Wagga district, these having been shot while this pest was present." " Flies were found in four. These could not be identified as blow-flies. It is, however, likely, though not proved as yet, that the starling does destroy a few of these insects. As indicated by the list of insect foods, the starling can unquestionably play a useful purpose in the direction of destroying insect pests. Summed up, it may be stated that the starling does marked harm to fruit gardens and that it does some harm to crops, but that it does some good in destroy- ing certain insect pests, such as cutworms, when these are present in abundance and perhaps other food is scarce. The starling has spread very extensively over Australia, and it is a prolific breeder. Moreover, it interferes with the breeding-places of many of our useful insectivorous birds. It is also so wily and so hard to approach that it will never be possible to eliminate it from Australia, or even to diminish materially its numbers, whatever human means are adopted to attempt this. Its virtues are unquestionably less than its defects, and no encouragement whatever should be given to its appearance in any part of the country. On the other hand, any discouragement offered is likely to have little effect." 160 BIRDS they disappeared. As they were very tame, they were shot down by boys in large numbers, and may have been exterminated in this way. The Wellington Society introduced 30 birds in 1875; ant * 4 in 1876; they are not now common about Wellington, but are to be found up the coast to Wanganui and throughout Taranaki, where they are fairly common; also at Wairarapa. In and about Napier they are in thousands. Mr W. W. Smith says (1916): "though now common in Taranaki, it is said to be less numerous than it was twenty years ago." The Agricultural Inspector for New Plymouth in 1903 blamed this species as the chief cause of the spread of the blackberry. This is a manifest error, for riot only is the bird mainly insectivorous, and not to any great extent a fruit-eater, but it is also almost confined to towns, and builds mostly on houses. On the other hand Mr Drummond (May, 1910) says "they are very destructive to apricots, apples, pears, strawberries and gooseberries." Mr Mahoney of Tuparoa (May, 1912) says they are quite common in the neighbourhood of buildings, and are very destructive to fruit and to grass-seed, quite as much so as yellow-hammers and sparrows. In April they attacked and cleared off most of the late peaches. He also describes how starlings dispossessed a pair of minahs from the ventilator of the school, where they had built their nest for many years. The minahs took themselves off to a willow-tree. Mr F. P. Corkill of New Plymouth also reports how starlings have displaced minahs in the town. Mr H. J. Fowler of Marton states (June, 1912) that minahs follow the plough, as many as a dozen or more together, all day unweariedly, and pick up abundance of grubs. Australian Minah (Myzantha garrula) In Hutton's Catalogue of the Birds of New Zealand, published in 1871, it is stated that this species was introduced into Canterbury and Nelson from Victoria. The early records of the Canterbury Society do not mention them, and those of Nelson are lost. This is the Australian bird known as the noisy minah or miner. The Otago Society liberated 80 in the neighbourhood of Palmerston in 1880, and they were occasionally seen for two years, and then disappeared. The late Mr Deans, curator of the Society, said these birds were quite different from Acridotheres tristis, the Indian minah. Mr Huddlestone states that Australian minahs were introduced into Nelson in the seventies, that they flourished for a time, but have now (1916) disappeared. I think he is referring to the same species as Mr F. G. Gibbs describes as plentiful in Nelson, and that they were Indian minahs obtained from Australia, in many parts of PASSERIFORMES 161 which they are very common. The Wellington Society liberated 184 birds in 1874; eight in 1876; 12 in 1877, and 20 in 1878. A colony was seen for a time at Taita. The Canterbury Society purchased 200 pairs from Mr Bills in 1879, anc ^ liberated them in various localities. I have a very strong suspicion that these two lots also were Indian minahs, caught in Australia where they are now very common and brought over to New Zealand by Mr Bills. Unfortunately those who knew the facts are all gone, and it is now impossible to verify my suspicions. But there are no Australian minahs now in New Zealand, whereas there are great numbers of the Indian species in certain districts. Family ZOSTEROPID^E Wax-eye ; White-eye ; Gold-eye ; Blight Bird ; Silver-eye ; Twinkie (Zosterops ccerulescens) If this bird is truly indigenous in New Zealand, then it is a southern form which has recently increased and migrated northwards, but it is more likely to be a comparatively modern natural introduction from Australia. Buller considers it is an indigenous species, but it seems to me the record he gives is against this hypothesis. Captain Howell states that he first noticed the birds at Milford Sound in 1832. In the fifties they were recorded by I. N. Watt, then Resident Magistrate at the Bluif, as coming apparently from Stewart Island, and all migrating northwards. They did not appear north of Cook Straits till 1856, when they were suddenly abundant, and were called "blight-birds," because they destroyed quantities of the "American blight" (Schizoneura lanigera). They only remained for about three months, from June to August, and then disappeared completely. They appeared again in Wellington in 1858, and after that became permanent residents. They were recorded from Nelson in 1859. In 1861 they were first observed by the natives in Hawke's Bay, when the name given to the bird by the Maoris was Tau-hou or the Stranger. They were recorded by Colenso in Napier in 1862, and by the natives on the Upper Wanganui in 1863. In 1865 they were observed at Auckland, and by 1868 they had penetrated to the most northerly part of the North Island. They are stated by Mr A. Shand to have appeared in the Chatham Islands about 1856 and 1857. They are extremely abundant now, and come right into the very heart of the towns in winter, but in the early summer months they move away out into the country for the breeding season. 162 BIRDS At their first appearance in settled districts, their visits were made in the winter months, and they were hailed as valuable insectivorous birds by orchardists and gardeners. When they became permanent residents they discovered the potentialities of fruit, especially plums and pears, and now they are looked upon as great robbers in the fruit season. The good they do for ten months of the year probably far outweighs the toll they exact during the remaining two. In 1913 large flocks of them visited Akaroa in the autumn and punished the orchards. In 1914 very few were to be seen. In July, 1910, Mr H. Boscawen reported finding seven white-eyes caught on the sticky seeds of Pisonia Brunoniana. Mr B. E. Collins of Takapou, Hawke's Bay, reported them (1914) as visiting flowering currants and tritomas when in flower. These little birds are more mercilessly attacked and destroyed by larger predatory birds than any other species, perhaps because they seem less suspicious of enemies than introduced finches, and even the small indigenous birds. They are frequently found killed by hawks, kingfishers, long- tailed cuckoos and shining cuckoos, as also occasionally by others 1 . Family MELIPHAGIDJE Australian Bell-bird (Manorhina melanophrys) The Wellington Society introduced two in 1874, but have no further record of them. Family TANAGRID./E Scarlet Tanager ; Cape Cardinal (Pyrangra rubra) The Auckland Society introduced two in 1868. They immediately commenced to breed, and in 1869 it was stated that they were not rare in the vicinity of the Gardens. They did not, however, succeed in establishing themselves. 1 Dr Cleland says of this species in Australia : " The stomach contents of fifty- five Silver-eyes have been examined. Forty-five of these contained vegetable food, chiefly fruits of various kinds. Thirty-two contained insect food. Amongst the insects occasionally eaten were cabbage-moths, froghoppers, psyllids, thrips, aphids, black scale, and plant bug. During the fruit season there is not the slightest question that the Silver-eye does a very considerable amount of damage to orchards. By feeding on the fruits of such pests as blackberries and lantana, and passing the seeds in their droppings, Silver-eyes act as potent disseminators of these and other plants. However, during the season when fruit is not ripe they apparently serve a definitely usetul purpose in destroying certain insect pests. As energetic measures adopted for the destruction of Silver-eyes have never yet been successful in materially reducing their number in any locality, there is little likelihood, whatever action be taken, of eliminating this bird from any particular part." PASSERIFORMES 163 Family PLOCEIDJE Australian Wax-bill ; Sydney Wax-bill ; Red-browed Finch (JEgintha temporalis) The Otago Society introduced four in 1867, and the Auckland Society four in 1871 ; in neither case is there any further record. Java Sparrow; Rice-bird; Paddy-bird (Munia oryzivord) The Nelson Society introduced a number in 1862, but they are not mentioned again. The Auckland Society obtained six from Captain Forsyth in 1867, but there is no report as to what came of them. Nutmeg Sparrow; Cowry Bird (Munia punctulatd) The Auckland Society received eight from Queensland from Miss Wright in 1868; but there is no further record of them. (Captain Hutton in 1871 referred this species to Gould's Estrelda temporalis (= JEginiha temporalis), which is the red-eyebrowed finch; the temporal finch, or red-bill of the Australian colonists.) Chestnut Sparrow ; Rockhampton Sparrow ; Chestnut-breasted Finch (Munia castaneithorax) In Judge Broad's Jubilee History of Nelson (published in 1892) in a list of birds imported and liberated up to September, 1864, are included six Australian sparrows, which are most probably this species. The Auckland Society liberated 25 of these birds in 1867, and state in the report of the following year that the "Australian sparrows are considered to be thoroughly acclimatized." Two more were liberated in 1871. Then they disappeared. The Canterbury Society obtained 12 from Mr Wilkin from Sydney in 1864. Nothing more was recorded of them. Diamond Sparrow ; White-headed Finch ; Spotted-sided Finch (Steganopleura guttatd) The Canterbury Society introduced a number, apparently in 1864, for the report for 1866 says: "the greatest success has been attained by the little Australian diamond sparrow, which may now be seen in flocks." They have never been heard of since. The Wellington Society introduced 12 in 1874, but there is no further report. The Nelson Society also introduced them. (According to Hutton (1871) this was the diamond bird of Australia (Pardalotus punctatus).) Sir George Grey told Sir Walter Buller that out of nearly a hundred diamond sparrows which he liberated on Kawau, very few 164 BIRDS survived the ravages of the morepork (the small native owl Ninox novce-zealandite) . Family ICTERIDJE Califbrnian Starling ; Red-winged Starling (Agelaius phoeniceus) The Auckland Society introduced two in 1869. They did not increase. Meadow Lark (Sturnella neglecta) The Auckland Society introduced two from California in 1869; but they did not increase. (This species in Hutton's 1871 catalogue is called Sturnula ludoviciana.) Family FRINGILLID^: Firetail Finch (Zonceginthus bellus) The Auckland Society received two from Captain Coppin in 1870. The Wellington Society introduced eight some time before 1885, but there is no further report concerning any of them. Zebra Finch; Chestnut-eared Finch (Tceniopygia castanotis) The Wellington Society introduced 12 some time before 1885, but again there is no report about them. Numbers of ornamental finches and small cage birds of many species have been introduced from time to time for private aviaries, and have been bred in confinement. Mr F. L. Hunt of Ravensbourne, Dunedin, has been a particularly successful rearer of these beautiful species, but when liberated they never succeed in establishing them- selves. Apart from climatic reasons, they readily fall a prey to cats and other enemies. * House-Sparrow (Passer domesticus) The responsibility for the introduction of the common sparrow is very generally shared by the men who were so active in acclimatisa- tion work 50 years ago, as the following record shows. They introduced it in all good faith, and congratulated themselves on their success. But it is amusing to observe how averse the implicated societies are to-day to accept this responsibility. There has grown up, too, by way of explanation, a certain amount of myth about the busi- ness ; but the facts are incontrovertible. For example, Mr Drummond in 1907 writes: The story is that the (Canterbury) Acclimatisation Society ordered twelve dozen hedge-sparrows from England. The order was placed with Captain Stevens of the 'Matoaka,' who submitted it to a bird-fancier at Knightsbridge. Either the fancier or the Captain blundered, and the latter PASSERIFORMES 165 took on board thirteen dozen house-sparrows, which are generally known by the common name of " Sparrow." He was very attentive to them on the voyage out, believing that they were the valuable hedge-sparrows which the colonists were anxious to secure. Most of them died, however, and when he reached Lyttelton in February, 1867, only five were left. The officers of the Society, realising that a mistake had been made, refused to accept the strangers. The Captain then took them out of their cage, and, remarking that the poor little beggars had had a bad time, set them at liberty. They flew up into the rigging and remained twittering there for some time. The members of the Society went below to look at other birds. When they reached the deck again the sparrows had flown. The birds stayed about Lyttelton for three weeks. Then they disappeared, and when next heard of they were at Kaiapoi, about twenty miles distant, where, at the end of 1869, they were reported as being "particularly numerous." This story was evidently current in Canterbury, for at the annual meeting of the Society in Christchurch in 1885, the Chairman, the Hon. J. T. Peacock, said: "The Society used to give bonuses to captains of ships for bringing out small birds. One captain brought five sparrows, which the Society refused to purchase, and which that captain let go himself. From those five, the whole of the sparrows in the Province had, he believed, sprung." In the report for 1889, under the heading "The Sparrow," the same Society are responsible for this statement : " we most deliberately deny ordering or introducing this questionable bird, but we well remember the devastations made by the caterpillars and grubs previous to their advent." In 1895 Mr A. Bathgate of Dunedin wrote : " I believe our (Otago) Society turned out one or two, but the sparrows came to us from Christchurch." Now for the actual facts. According to Sir Walter Buller the Wanganui Society introduced sparrows in 1866, and these were therefore the first brought into the country. But the Nelson Society forestalled Wanganui, for they suc- ceeded in bringing in one sparrow in 1862. The Canterbury Society in 1864 printed a list of prices which they offered to immigrants for each pair (cock and hen) of birds, viz. : *.".. * Black Cock or Grouse ... 10 10 Robins i 10 English Partridges ... 5 o Wrens i 10 Common Thrushes ... 2 o Grey Linnets ... 15 Blackbirds 2 o Green Linnets ... 15 Skylarks 2 o House- Sparrows ... 15 Rooks 2 o Hedge-Sparrows ... 15 The same Society liberated forty sparrows in 1867, and the annual 10 10 10 10 10 10 166 BIRDS report for 1871 states that they are "thoroughly established and need no further importations 1 ." The Auckland Society in 1864 also gave a list of the prices offered by the Auckland Provincial Government to immigrants bringing out various birds, per pair, cock and hen. s- *. Black Cock or Grouse ... 5 o Blackbirds (Hares) (5) o Robins English Partridges ... 3 o Wrens Rooks 3 o Wheatears Nightingales 3 o House-Sparrows Song Thrushes i 10 Hedge- Sparrows This Society liberated 47 sparrows in 1867, and in the annual report for 1868, "consider them thoroughly acclimatised." I am indebted to Mr E. D'Esterre, Editor of the Auckland Weekly News, for unravelling some ancient history regarding the introduction of the sparrow into Auckland. In reply to a representative of the Auckland Star, Mr T. F. Cheeseman is reported to have said: Sparrows were not introduced by the Acclimatisation Society, although that body is credited with having brought them here. I can speak with certainty on that point, because I was here before the small birds were introduced. It was the late Mr S. Morrin and Mr T. B. Hill who introduced the first lot of sparrows and distributed them. Mr D'Esterre saw Mr Cheeseman later (June, 1916) and was informed that Mr T. B. Hill, who came out in the 'Morning Star' in 1861, resided at Auckland, and that he brought out the sparrows either for or in conjunction with Mr Sam Morrin. He then wrote to a corre- spondent of his, a Mr P. T. Hill, also resident at Raglan, to find out his namesake if possible. This gentleman, who disapproves very strongly of the sparrow, sent a cutting from the Raglan County Chronicle of 8th July, 1915, with a report of a Farmers' Union Meeting at which the question of poisoning small birds came up. "Mr Taylor said by getting rid of the small birds insect pests would be increased, and would probably be a far worse trouble than the birds. The President thought it was an unwise thing to disturb the balance of Nature. Mr T. B. Hill agreed that it was best to leave the birds alone. He had introduced sparrows and sold them at IQS. each in Auckland." Eventually Mr D'Esterre got into communication with 1 The late Mr Bills used to narrate how he trapped the sparrows for the Canter- bury Society with large folding nets in the streets of London in the early mornings, and how the Londoners were surprised that any country should want such birds. He explained that the caterpillars in New Zealand were so numerous and large, that the farmers had to dig trenches round their houses to trap and bury the voracious creatures, lest after eating up all the crops, they should turn to and eat up the farmers themselves. Mr Bills' statement can be taken cum grano salts. PASSERIFORMES 167 Mr T. B. Hill himself and received a letter dated ist July, 1916, in which he says: As I see it is going the round of the papers that I and the late Mr Morrin introduced the sparrows I shall be glad if you will contradict this. I don't think for a moment my friend Mr Cheeseman made the statements intentionally, but as I believe he was Secretary of the Auckland Acclimatisa- tion Society at the time, of which Council I was an individual member, I think if he refers back he will see it was the Auckland Society that intro- duced them. With many other birds they were sold by auction by Mr S. Jones at his Auction Mart, and the House-sparrow was the favourite. I was, I think, the largest purchaser at One pound per pair ; and I successfully acclimatised them to my building, with Mr Soppet's Flour Mill adjoining, in Freeman's Bay, and soon had all the sparrows others had brought down in my yard and flying in and out of the window of my room, where I kept several confined. I had people come to me for birds to replace what they had lost at the price I paid for mine. The first breeding season they proved a great nuisance in filling the spouting and other places in the Bay with their nests. So many of us then were not yet acclimatised ourselves that when we woke in the morning hearing the little " cheer-up, cheer-up," it made us fancy we were back in the old country again. I certainly sent them to friends in the country who were anxious to get them. There now you have the whole history as far as I am concerned. In 1865 the ship 'Viola' from Glasgow arrived at Auckland, and landed two sparrows out of six dozen which were shipped. In 1864 the Nelson Society imported a number of Sparrows, but only one was landed alive. In 1871 six were introduced, and were liberated at Stoke, where they soon increased. The Otago Society liberated three in 1868, and n in 1869. The sparrows very quickly increased in all parts of New Zealand until they became a very serious pest. But while farmers rail at them to-day, it has to be remembered that at the time of their introduction crops of grain and grass were threatened with absolute destruction by the hordes of grubs and pigeons. Mr Drummond in his very able pamphlet on "our feathered immigrants" (1907) has summarised the case for and against the sparrow, as far as New Zealand is concerned, with the balance very much against. Nearly every county council and agricultural association in the country wages war on him, by selling poisoned grain to the farmers, and offering bonuses for eggs. Yet he continues to thrive and flourish. Mr R. E. Clouston writing (July, 1916) of the Gouland Downs in the Nelson district, which is noted for the abundance of its native bird life, and where thrushes, blackbirds, skylarks, and particularly redpolls are common, says that in all the years he was there he only saw about two sparrows. Mr Philpott observes that while the sparrow is abundant in cultivated country it does not penetrate far into the 168 BIRDS bush. Sparrows are found and are increasing in the Chatham Islands, which are distant 450 miles from the nearest point of New Zealand, and where they are self-introduced. Mr T. W. Kirk gives much important information as to its rate of increase in his note on the breeding habits of the sparrow in New Zealand. The following is a summary of his facts: The breeding season begins in spring, the first brood appearing in September, and the last in April. There are never less than five eggs in a nest, but usually six or seven. Incubation lasts 13 days. The young are fed in the nest for eight or nine days, then return to it for two or three nights and afterwards shift for themselves. In five instances fresh eggs were found in the nest along with young birds, and the author thinks that the young birds do the chief work of incubation of succeeding broods. In at least one instance, marked birds reared in September were themselves breeding at the end of March. Calculating from nests which were watched, the author thinks that the average annual increase is five broods of six each, and this is a low estimate. Allowing for deaths at the rate of one-third of the whole annual increase, then one pair will produce n pairs at the end of the first year; 121 pairs at the end of the second year; 1131 pairs at the end of the third ; 14,641 pairs at the end of the fourth ; and 161,051 pairs, or an actual increase of 322,100 birds in five years, without taking into account : (i) the early broods which are themselves breeding ; (2) the fact that more than five broods are probably hatched in a year; and (3) that often more than six eggs are hatched at a time 1 . Food of the Sparrow. The average farmer's opinion on this subject is valueless ; he only sees the harm that is done at sowing time and in harvest, and concludes on very imperfect evidence that the bird is only a grain-feeder. Mr T. W. Kirk says: " I have myself dissected fifty-three birds, taken at all seasons of the year, and am forced to admit that the remains of insects found in them constituted but a very small portion of the total food." Unfortunately Mr Kirk does not say where he took the birds which he examined. He himself dwells in or near a large town, and the chances are that a considerable amount of the food of the sparrows would be from households, grain from horsedroppings, etc. Mr Kirk's communication was made to 1 Some idea of the abundance of small birds in the farming districts of New Zealand may be gathered from such facts as the following. One trapper in the Rakaia district received a cheque for 54. gs. -^d. for the month of July, 1918, which represented 17,429 heads. The Ashburton County Council commenced buying birds' heads on iyth June, 1918, and by the middle of August had paid away 495- I 7*- 8rf., representing 158,681 small birds, chiefly sparrows and skylarks. PASSERIFORMES 169 the Wellington Philosophical Institute in 1878. In the discussion which followed, Mr W. T. L. Travers said that "His experience led him to believe that their principal food was insects. The cicadae especially are caught in hundreds by them " Sir Walter Buller says: If the sparrow is fond of ripe grain it is still fonder of the ripe seeds of the variegated Scotch Thistle. This formidable weed threatened at one time to overrun the whole colony. Where it had once fairly established itself it seemed well nigh impossible to eradicate it, and it was spreading with alarming rapidity, forming a dense growth which nothing could face. In this state of affairs the sparrows took to eating the ripe seeds. In tens of thousands they lived on the thistle, always giving it the preference to wheat or barley. They have succeeded in conquering the weed. In all directions it is dying out. I have myself watched sparrows hawking for moths and crickets, and have observed them feeding on the fruits of meadow plantain (Plantago major) and of dandelion (Taraxacum densleonis). Dr Hilgendorf points out that "so purely a grain-eating bird as the sparrow feeds its nestlings for about six weeks on nothing but insects." During the Farmers' Union Conference in May, 1918, one delegate stated that during the preceding season his grain crop of 40 acres was black with caterpillars, as many as three or four being on each head. Then sparrows attacked them, and in a short time not a cater- pillar was to be seen. Sparrows are often very destructive to flowers in gardens, picking them to pieces for no ostensible cause. Primroses, violets, crocuses are the most commonly attacked, and these are all spring-flowering. The habit is recorded from several parts of New Zealand. The native hawk (Circus gouldi), kingfisher (Halcyon vagans), long- tailed cuckoo (Urodynamis taitensis) and shining cuckoo (Chalco- coccyx lucidus) are all credited with catching and destroying sparrows 1 . 1 Dr Cleland, writing of the food of the sparrow in New South Wales, says : "One hundred and twenty-seven sparrows were examined, the majority of them coming from Richmond, New South Wales. Sixty-four were found to feed on wheat and maize. Various grass seeds were found in others. Occasionally they have been found to feed on white ants, cabbagemoth larvae, cutworms, locust, blow- flies and aphids. The large amount of grain eaten far outweighs any value that the sparrow may have as an insectivorous bird during the period when such grain is available, but during other seasons of the year it probably plays a mildly useful part." (It is to be noted that the 127 birds referred to by Dr Cleland were shot in May. Had sparrows been examined in September to November, the results would almost certainly have been different.) One of the birds examined contained 400 millet seeds, besides maize and other grasses. It is due very largely to sparrows about Sydney, that several species of Cicadas are almost extinct. 170 BIRDS Mountain Sparrow ; Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) The Otago Society liberated two in 1868. The Auckland Society also liberated three in 1868, and nine in 1871. None of these was heard of again. * Chaffinch (Fringilla ccelebs) The Nelson Society introduced 23 of these birds between 1862 and 1864, but kept no record of them afterwards. The Canterbury Society liberated n in 1867, and five in 1868; and three years later reported that they are considered to be "thoroughly established and to need no further importations." In 1871 a further lot were introduced. The Auckland Society liberated several in 1864, 45 in 1867, and stated the following year that they were thoroughly acclimatised. But they introduced 68 more in 1868, and a considerable number in 1869. The Otago Society liberated 27 in 1868, six in 1869, and 66 in 1871. The Wellington Society liberated 70 in 1874, 36 in 1876, 20 in 1877, and a few more in subsequent years. Private individuals and dealers introduced them also at all the principal centres. This bird is common throughout both the islands, and very abundant in some parts, especially from .Taupo northwards. Even up to the present time, some county councils in grain-growing districts (e.g. South Canterbury) are giving bonuses for their des- truction. Their occurrence in Otago has been rather curious, and has puzzled observers a good deal. For example, about Dunedin they became fairly common a few years after their introduction, and then nearly altogether disappeared . I attributed this to their eating poisoned grain, for their scarcity dated from the time that this method of des- troying rabbits came into use. But since this method was abandoned in favour of pollard-poisoning, and poisoning generally was substituted for trapping, other small birds have increased very considerably, but the chaffinch is still a comparatively rare bird. Mr A. Philpott states that while the species is not common near Invercargill, where it began to appear in 1910, it is abundant at Queenstown, and common in the Longwood, Waiau and Titiroa (Hunter Mountains) forests. It is especially abundant in these localities on the upper limit of the bush (about 3000 feet). An attempt was made in 1879 to establish them in Stewart Island, when 70 were liberated. They were seen for a time at the head PASSERIFORMES 171 of Paterson Inlet, but Mr Traill tells me (1916) that " none have been reported for years." Mr T. H. Potts states that where lichens are scarce, chaffinches frequently used fragments of paper in nest-building. Bramble Finch ; Brambling (Fringilla montifringilld) The Canterbury Society liberated two in 1868, and six (?) in 1871. But the annual report for 1873 speaks of them as having been im- ported in considerable numbers. The Wellington Society liberated three in 1874, an ^ one m I ^77, and reported them in 1885 as having been seen. Seebohm (Siberia in Europe, p. 120) describes this as a migratory species, which winters in the British Isles but mostly in Central and Southern Europe, occasionally crossing the Mediterranean. It breeds throughout the northern portions of the palaearctic region, at or near the limit of forest growth. Linnet (Linota cannabind) The Nelson Society introduced seven linnets in 1862, but have lost all record of them. The Otago Society liberated two in 1867, and 18 in 1868. The Canterbury Society liberated 20 in 1867, three in 1868, and a number (not specified) in 1869. In 1875 another consignment was introduced by Mr R. Bills, and these were either sold and dis- tributed, or liberated in the Christchurch Gardens. The Auckland Society liberated eight in 1865, 14 in 1867, 20 in 1868, and a number (not specified) in 1869. Five years later the annual report states that "they are thoroughly established in Auckland Province." I cannot understand this statement, unless the report refers to the greenfinch, a bird which is sometimes called the green linnet. The Wellington Society liberated 22 birds some time before 1882, for it was reported in that year that two were seen in the Porirua district. The failure of this species to establish itself in New Zealand is one of the most inexplicable problems in animal naturalisation. Some allied species have become very common, but the linnet disappeared soon after liberation. The bird is a partial migrant in Britain, and I have suggested that this may be one explanation. This, however, is discounted by the fact that those .introduced were brought to the country at so many different times, and were probably obtained from very different localities. 172 BIRDS Mr Edgar F. Stead, writing me in April, 1915, says : " It is possible that the birds imported were all, or nearly all of one sex. If they were caught during certain seasons of the year, nesting, and perhaps migratory, they may have been nearly all cockbirds." Twite ; Mountain Linnet (Linota flavirostris) The Nelson Society imported some of these birds in 1862, but only two reached the colony. The Otago Society liberated 38 in the Dunedin Botanical Gardens in 1871. Mr F. Deans, the curator, informed me in 1890 that he "never saw or heard of them again." This species is a partial migrant in Britain, and I have little doubt that the birds once set free started on a voyage of discovery. * Red Pole ; Redpoll (Linota rufescens) The Nelson Society were the first to attempt the introduction of this species, but only two arrived of those shipped in 1862. The Otago Society introduced ten in 1868, and 71 in 1871. Mr F. Deans reported in 1890 that "some of these were seen, but I do not think they increased." The fact is they migrated from the immediate neighbourhood of Dunedin to the high open ground a few miles away. The Canterbury Society liberated 14 in 1868, which, according to their report, migrated in a body and settled at Timaru. In 1871 they liberated 120 more. In 1875 Mr R. Bills brought out a number, some of which were sold and distributed, and the rest were liberated in the Christchurch Gardens. The Auckland Society introduced one in 1871, and 209 in 1872, and these were liberated in various districts south of Auckland. The Wellington Society introduced two in 1875. This species is not commonly seen about the towns or in thickly settled districts, but is abundant in both islands, especially in open upland country at moderate elevations. It is common in the back country near Dunedin. Mr A. Philpott says: " I first saw this bird in Invercargill in 1909. Since then it has become very common, but it appears to leave this locality during the winter. I have noticed it in numbers, feeding on the seed of the Toe-toe (Arunda conspicua) and resorting to the coastal sandhills, where flocks may always be found feeding on the seeds of Juncus and other plants. It occurs commonly about the upper edge of mountain forests," that is at an elevation of about 3000 feet. The abundance of redpolls is shown from the following : In March, 1911, Mr T. H. Jones of Christchurch caught 70 PASSERIFORMES 173 in one pull of the net near New Brighton ; Mr C. Bills of Dunedin said he could complete an order for a thousand of them within a fortnight ; while in Southland as many as 500 were taken in a day. During the summer these birds eat quantities of the green fly (Aphis) ; while during grass-seed harvest they subsist mostly on seeds of grasses. * Goldfinch (Carduelis elegant) The Nelson Society introduced ten goldfinches in 1862. The Otago Society liberated three in 1867, 30 in 1868, 54 in 1869, and 31 in 1871. The Auckland Society liberated n in 1867, an ^ 44 in 1871. The Canterbury Society liberated 95 in 1871, and a number in 1875. The Wellington Society liberated one in 1877, 52 in 1880, 22 in 1 88 1, and 103 in 1883. The birds appear to have at once established themselves at all the centres, and to have quickly spread. They are now extraordinarily abundant in all parts of New Zealand. They occasionally eat grain and seeds of other cultivated plants, but chiefly confine themselves to seeds of thistles and small seeds. Mr W. W. Smith records them from Ashburton as assisting to spread throughout the district such plants as knapweed (Centaurea nigrd) and Scotch thistle (?) (Onopordon acanthium). Mr A. Philpott (1918) says these birds are never found far from settlement. Yet it is interesting to note that they have found their way to the Auckland Islands, 230 miles to the south, and the Chatham Islands, 470 miles to the east, and are now established in both these outlying regions. The goldfinch is a bird with a good reputation, and I have heard few complaints of any harm it does, either to farmers, orchardists, or gardeners. But in the Otago Witness of 3ist October, 1892, one strawberry grower complained bitterly that this species committed great ravages on the growing fruit by picking out the seeds, and thus completely destroying the berries. I do not know whether other growers suffered in the same way. Young goldfinches are not unfrequently killed and eaten by the long-tailed cuckoo and the native kingfisher. Siskin (Carduelis spinus) The Wellington Society introduced two in 1876. The Canterbury Society report that several were liberated in 1879, "and they have taken up their quarters in the plantations around Hagley Park." i 7 4 BIRDS Mr Edgar Stead (1916) says: " I have never seen a Siskin in Canter- bury." On the other hand Mr W. W. Smith informed me in April, 1919, that these birds are wild about New Plymouth. Mr Smith is one of the most careful and observant naturalists in New Zealand, and it is most unlikely that he has made any mistake about this. These birds may be the progeny of those already referred to, or they may be descended from other introduced birds, for dealers in all the centres continually import siskins, along with canaries. The species occasionally nests in Britain, but is mostly a winter visitor, usually nesting in Norway, Mid-Sweden and Russia. * Greenfinch (Ligurinus Moris) The Nelson Society introduced five greenfinches in 1862, but kept no further record of them. Mr J. Drummond (1907) says: the first greenfinches about which I have been able to secure any informa- tion, were liberated in Christchurch in 1863, where a pair were purchased at auction for five guineas. They soon nested, but the only occupant at first was one little greenfinch. Before the warm summer days had passed, however, a second family of five was reared, and in the following winter a flock of eight was seen daily. In the next year, late in the autumn, more than twenty were flushed from a little patch of chickweed, and it was not long before the birds had spread so widely that their note became a well- known sound in Canterbury. In another paper he gives the date of the introduction into Canterbury as 1866, but there is no record in the Society's reports. The Auckland Society liberated several in 1865; 18 in 1867, and 33 in 1868, and in that year "considered them to be thoroughly acclimatized." The Otago Society liberated eight in 1868. The bird is now particularly abundant in all the settled parts of the country, and is most destructive to the ripening grain crops. It is also most destructive to fruit in certain fruit-growing districts, especially in Central Otago. Mr G. Howes in a note on "Fruit Destruction by small Birds in Central Otago" (Trans. N.Z. Inst. vol. xxxvui, p. 604) says that green linnets attacked the apricots when the fruit was forming, the cherries while in flower,, and later in the season the peaches and plums. It was to combat the serious pest to orchards which these and other small birds had become, that the small brown owl (Athene noctua) was introduced, and the result has been a great diminution in the numbers of fruit-eating birds. The late Mr T. H. Potts recorded that in winter it feeds largely PASSERIFORMES 175 on the seeds of pine-trees (Pinus pinaster), which it picks out of the fir-cones. It certainly also feeds on the seeds of many weeds, and probably spreads some of these. Mr T. A. Philpott states that the species is much less common in Southland now (1918) than it was 25 years ago. He attributes this as probably due to the wide adoption of dairy-farming and stock-raising in preference to grain growing. This species has found its way to the Chatham Islands. Bullfinch (Pyrrhula europced) According to Captain Hutton six bullfinches were introduced into Nelson. But Mr F. G. Gibbs says: "Bullfinches have never been acclimatised in Nelson." In 1875 Mr R. Bills presented the Canterbury Society with a pair of these birds. Mr H. Guthrie- Smith also, as quoted by Mr J. Drummond, says: " I saw a pair of bullfinches on one occasion in manuka country. Two friends on whom I can rely have seen bullfinches." This was in Hawke's Bay. While there is no record of any of the societies having introduced them, there is no doubt they have been frequently brought in by dealers. Mr H. Hill (1916) speaks of it as a regular visitant to Napier and says it attacks the birds and flowers of the peach, nectarine and apricot, sometimes disappearing altogether. It has also been doubt- fully reported from Taranaki. In many of the recorded cases of bullfinches being seen, the birds when sent to experts proved to be chaffinches. There should be no possibility of mistaking such a conspicuous bird. Reed Sparrow ; Reed Bunting (Emberiza schceniclus) The Otago Society liberated four in 1871, but there is no further record of them. * Cirl Bunting (Emberiza cirlus) The Otago Society liberated seven in 1871. They seem at once to have increased and spread, and Mr W. W. Smith in 1916 reports them as common in Taranaki. They occur in flocks along the coast, at Hawera, etc. I have noticed that some dealers and bird-catchers do not know the difference between these and yellow-hammers. In October, 1915, 1 saw a large cage of so-called yellow-hammers which had been taken in the neighbourhood of Dunedin ; several were cirl buntings. It is difficult to distinguish between the young of the two species. In 1879 18 were liberated in Stewart Island, but they 176 BIRDS failed to establish themselves. Their occurrence is very erratic. At one time they increased to a very considerable extent in Otago ; then they seemed to become quite rare. Now they are more common again. Mr Drummond reports something of the same kind as occur- ring near Christchurch. If all the cirl buntings now in New Zealand are descended from the seven originally liberated in Otago, the case is certainly a very interesting one. * Yellow-hammer (Emberiza citrinelld) The Nelson Society introduced three of these birds in 1862, but kept no further record. The Auckland Society introduced eight in 1865, four in 1867, five in 1868, a number (unspecified) in 1869, 16 (out of 148 shipped) in 1870, and 312 in 1871. The Canterbury Society introduced one in 1867, and 34 in 1871. The Otago Society introduced eight in 1 868 , and 3 1 in 1 87 1 . They quickly spread all over New Zealand, and to day are common from Foveaux Straits to the extreme north of the North Island. In 1879, 32 were liberated in Stewart Island, but they have not been seen there for years. They are destroyed wholesale as noxious pests in all grain-growing districts, a price being put on their heads, and their eggs being purchased by thousands by the county councils. Mr W. W. Smith, writing from Taranaki, where they are very numerous, in February, 1916, says : "When at Rangiotu Camp on August 2nd, last, I observed these birds there in hundreds, quite tame, subsisting on bread, etc., thrown out from the soldiers' mess." Mr Philpott states (August, 1916) that they were not uncommon in Southland 30 years ago, but are now very rarely met with. Within the last few years (1918) it has become rather more plentiful. Lieut. Cox in 1910, recorded yellow-hammers as occurring in the Chatham Islands, to which they had found their own way across 470 miles of ocean. Ortolan ; Ortolan Bunting (Emberiza hortulana) The Wellington Society imported three pairs in 1885, and they were liberated near Otaki. They bred in the following year, and the report says "there is now a small flock." That is, however, the last that has been heard of them. Canary (Serinus canarius) No serious attempt has ever been made to naturalise this species, but I have heard of several private efforts in this direction. Several PASSERIFORMES 177 bird-fanciers have bred canaries in their aviaries, and have given the birds freedom to come and go as soon as the eggs were hatched. Apparently, however, the domestic cat is an insuperable obstacle to their establishment. The canary is such an artificial, domesticated and closely-inbred species, that it would apparently take some genera- tions of birds to acquire habits tending to its self-preservation. In concluding this list of birds, it may be mentioned that the Otago Society many years ago introduced and liberated what were termed diamond-eared finches and jager birds. The former may have been the diamond sparrow (Steganopleura guttatd) referred to previously. But I have not the slightest idea what the last named bird is. Neither species was heard of again. Chapter V REPTILES AND AMPHIBIA Class REPTILIA Order LACERTILIA Family LACERTID^E English Scaly Lizard (Lacerta vivipara) Mr T. W. Kirk (in 1886) reports the occurrence of several speci- mens on the Tinakori Hills, Wellington, probably introduced with some cases of plants for the Botanical Gardens. I am not aware that they increased, or were seen again after the first year. Sub-Class CHELONIA Family CHELYDID^; Australian Fresh-water Turtle (Chelodina longicollis) Representatives of this species popularly known as Australian tortoises have been frequently imported into New Zealand by dealers and private individuals. In 1889 a large number were brought to Dunedin for the Fisheries Court of the "South Seas Exhibition, and at the close of the Exhibition were sold and distributed. Two of these were given to Mr A. M. Johnson in October 1890, and he had them for some years. None of these animals at the Dunedin Exhibition was ever seen to eat, though they were offered all kinds of food. Mr G. Howes states that one or more fresh- water turtles were seen about the Waihopai River in North Invercargill about 1903. Japanese Tortoise Mr Cheeseman informs me that " a number of these small tortoises were procured from Japan for the Auckland Exhibition in 1913, and at its close about ten remained. These were placed in one of the greenhouses in the Auckland Domain Gardens to be kept there through the winter, but when spring arrived none of them could be found. They had evidently escaped through some unknown opening." I have not seen them at all, and do not know what species they belonged to, though possibly it was either Clemmys japonica or Damonica reevesii. LACERTILIA 179 One or more turtles or tortoises were seen about Hawera in Taranaki in 1915. Class AMPHIBIA Order ANURA Family HYLID;E * Australian Green Frog (Hyla aurea) The Auckland Society introduced two in 1867, and in the following year received several small lots from Sydney. They increased quickly and are now abundant all over the North Island. The Canterbury Society received some frogs in 1867 from the Hobart Acclimatisation Society, and some tadpoles in 1868 from Mr Alport of Hobart and from Mr W. L. Hawkins. The Southland Society received some spawn (from Hobart?) in 1868, which was hatched out at the Wallacetown Ponds. Frogs soon were carried to various places on the Southland Plains, but they did not thrive and had all disappeared by 1890. A similar experience was met with in Otago. About 60 frogs and tadpoles were obtained from Napier in 1888, and were liberated in a marsh. They were seen about for a few days, and then all dis- appeared. It is possible that in both cases wild ducks of some kind or other accounted for them all. Later on others were brought down from the north and liberated in Otago and Southland. Green frogs are now common throughout the South Island. In Westland, where they were introduced from Nelson about 1896, they have largely displaced the small brown frog (H, ezvingii), which was established on the west coast some 20 years previously. Marriner says: "From what I have seen of the Hyla aurea, it would find the small brown frog very eatable, and if it does not stop at eating its own kind, there is very little chance of it sparing the small strangers." Mr Dansey informs me that frogs were introduced into Rotorua by Captain Gilbert Mair about 1878, and that now (1916) they are numerous everywhere in the district. I well remember the uneasiness and consternation in the native village, upon some native excitedly reporting his having seen a peculiar ngarara (reptile) in a pond near the lake, and describing that it had fingers and toes and swam like a human being. Dread was expressed at the idea of swallowing young ones while drinking water, that they might grow inside to gnaw away at their stomachs. Others ascribed the bringing into the district of such reptiles, as the doing of some evil-minded European to wipe out the natives and secure their lands. Mr A. C. Yarborough of Kohu-Kohu states that frogs were abundant in 1884 on the east side of the Hokianga, and appeared on i8o REPTILES AND AMPHIBIA the Kohu-Kohu side in the following year. They are not very numerous in the district at the present time (1916), but at Kaikohe they are extremely common. The remarkable power of vitality possessed by the green frog Hyla aurea is shown by the following. In December, 1884, my wife and I left Dunedin for a tour in the North Island, our house being in charge of a housekeeper during our absence. In the front hall there stood a large ornamental fern-case, filled with local ferns (Asplenium, Hymenophyllum, Trichomanes, etc.), and in this case lived a full-grown green frog, which, however, seldom showed itself. We were absent about six weeks, returning at the end of January, 1885. The ferns had not been watered in our absence, with the result that all the filmy and more delicate ones were dead. My wife was too disappointed to start re-filling the case, and it was carried out to a lumber room in an outside shed, and left there for over a year. In March, 1886, Mrs Thomson thought she would like the case re- stocked with ferns, so I personally set to work to empty out the old, perfectly dry material, and incidentally said that I would search for the skeleton of the frog. I could not find it anywhere, but in the bottom of the case, under one of the largest dead ferns, was a lump of clayey soil about four inches in diameter, quite dry externally. On breaking this up I was intensely surprised to find the frog, looking very much as it was when we last saw it 15 months before and perfectly cool and moist. I at once put jt into a glass vessel, shut a common house-fly in, when the frog immediately came to attention, and caught and ate the fly. It fed quite freely afterwards and lived for some months, when it perished by a singular accident. Its little glass-house was left standing on my microscope table in a window facing the midday sun. A large bull's eye condenser stood on the table near the window, and this unfortunately focussed the sun's rays on to the glass-case, and when discovered half an hour after the unfortunate frog was dead. The ball of clay in which the frog was found after its 15 months' imprisonment was not, as far as either of us could remember, in the case originally. We both thought that the animal had in some way or other gathered it together as a protec- tion, but how it managed to get inside the ball and apparently leave no external aperture, I cannot explain. It seems to me that the incident throws some light on the stories which one occasionally reads in newspapers about frogs being found inside of rocks and stones. Our frog was not in a rock, but it was inside a remarkably hard piece of clay, and yet it managed to breathe and retain its moisture for that long period of time. ANURA 181 Australian Brown Frog ; Whistling Frog (Hyla ewingii, var. calliscelis) This little frog was introduced into New Zealand in a curious manner. A Mr W. Perkins brought some over from Tasmania in a bottle in 1875, an( * liberated them in a drain in Alexandra Street, Grey mouth. From there they spread up the Grey River to Ahura (24 miles) on the south bank, but do not seem to have got to the north side. They also spread south for a few miles. In 1878 Mr F. E. Clarke read a paper before the Westland Institute on "Notice of a Tadpole found in a Drain in Hokitika." He says: "No frogs or frogs' spawn having been introduced nearer to the West Coast of New Zealand than Nelson and Christ- church, it is puzzling to conjecture in what manner the little stranger arrived." He was evidently unaware that about three years before he wrote his paper Hyla ewingii had been introduced into Greymouth. But the frog was probably introduced into Hokitika by some person who carried the spawn or the tadpoles ; as it is scarcely or not at all found between the two centres. About 1900 Mr James King, of Hokitika, brought some of the frogs from Greymouth to Hokitika, and they increased for a time. But Mr King informs me that they are now very rare, if not extinct, at Hokitika, being apparently dis- placed by the larger Hyla aurea. The little whistling frog is one of the commonest frogs of Eastern Australia and Tasmania. Mr J. J. Fletcher of Sydney says that though a true climbing frog it has, at least in Australia, altogether or nearly lost the arboreal habit. Mr A. P. Harper of Greymouth, however, informed Mr Marriner that he had "personally seen these frogs climbing over blackberry bushes at a height of from six to eight feet above the ground." Australian Climbing Frog (Hyla ccerulea ?) In 1897 a consignment of six dozen climbing frogs was obtained by the Agricultural Department from Mr J. Stein of Sydney, and 71 arrived alive. Mr T. W. Kirk said of them in his report in 1898 : this frog is similar to the ordinary common frog, so common in many parts of New Zealand, except that it has a very considerable advantage over that species in that its toes are provided with suckers, which enable the animal to climb trees and houses in search of insects. In Sydney I have seen these frogs at the top of a wall four stories high. Neither Mr Kirk nor Mr Stein can identify the species, but Mr McCulloch of the Australian Museum thinks it was probably Hyla ccerulea, from the above account of it. 1 82 REPTILES AND AMPHIBIA Mr Kirk informs me that some of these frogs were liberated in Hawke's Bay: at Greenmeadow Vineyard and Orchards, some on the Frimley Estate, and a few at the Hastings Racecourse. In the Wellington district a portion of both this and a subsequent consignment (imported in 1899) was released in the Wellington Botanical Gardens and in the orchard of Mr G. A. Grapes, Paraparaumu. At Auckland, the Island of Motuihi was chosen. Some were also released in Queen's Gardens, Nelson, by Mr Kingsley, who liberated them on my behalf. Both attempts to establish these frogs proved failures, for neither the liberators nor myself have ever seen them since, although I personally have carefully searched each locality several times since. In addition to the localities already mentioned, some were liberated on the Government Experimental Station at Moumahaki; the result was exactly the same as in the other places, total disappearance. It seems possible, however, that some of them have survived, and may yet turn up in unexpected localities. Mr J. Killen of Whangarei, when at Kaikohe about 1913 or 1914, saw and held in his hand a small green frog which was quite different from the common Hyla aurea. Unfortunately the specimen was not preserved, and so cannot be identified 1 . Family RANID.S: European Brown Frog; Grass Frog (Rana temporaria) In 1864 Mr A. M. Johnson imported 30 frogs to Canterbury from Great Britain, presumably of this species. He kept, however, no record of them, and it may be that" they were lost soon after arrival 2 . In the report of the Canterbury Society for 1868 the following paragraph appears: The old original frog which was imported into the colony by Mr Murray- Aynsley, and which at one time drew a concourse of 300 visitors to the Acclimatisation Gardens in one day, is supposed to have been swallowed by a stray swan. Family BUFONIDJE Common Toad (Bufo vulgaris) The Canterbury Society received 12 toads from the Hobart Acclimatisation Society in 1867. There is no record whatever of their success or failure. 1 Mr Huddlestone of Nelson states that tree frogs were introduced there in a warden case in 1856. It is, of course, impossible to say what species they belonged to, and there is no record of the survival and increase of the animals. 2 Mr Huddlestone states that large edible frogs were introduced into Nelson in 1867, with the idea of providing food for wild ducks. Probably the common water- frog (Rana esculenta) was the species experimented upon. They do not appear to have been seen again after liberation. ANURA 183 In 1893 toads were introduced into Gisborne. Mr W. Chambers writing to the Poverty Bay Herald says: On the ist March thirty-nine toads were shipped by the Kaikoura, and when the boxes were opened here on 23rd April thirty-four were found in first-rate order. The five that died were most probably hurt before shipment. The plan adopted was to put the torpid toads in boxes filled with wet moss, which were put in the cool chamber and kept at a tempera- ture of about 35 F. on the voyage. Mr Chambers has since supplied the following information to me (i7th June, 1918): To allow them to recuperate before turning them out, I placed them on the lawn under a large wire-netted cage, and fed them with worms, etc., for a few days. This ended in disaster, as one night the rats got in and killed half of them. I then turned the survivors out near an old tunnel on the edge of a swamp. We saw one occasionally for a year or two after, when they disappeared completely. I don't think they bred, as I kept a good look-out for tadpoles and young toads. Two of them, a male and a female, I kept in a glass cage for about two years, and when I judged the breeding season had arrived (from their behaviour), I gave them access to a large pan of water, but without result. These also came to an untimely end, both dying on the same day from a surfeit of crickets. Mr Chambers was under the impression that these toads were natterjacks (Bufo calamita), but Mr H. N. Watson of Horowhitu, Palmerston North, who was with Mr Chambers at the time of their arrival, has given me some further information on this interesting importation. Writing to me in February, 1919, he says: The Toads were sent out by Mr Ralph Arthur, a brother of the late Mrs W. Chambers, who lived, so far as I remember, near Newton Abbot in Devonshire. They were collected by the boys of the neighbourhood, and I think twopence each was given for them. They were the common English Toad and not the Natterjack. They were packed in damp moss in tin boxes with some perforations in the lids, and were kept in the cool chamber of the steamer. There were about one hundred, and only three were dead on arrival; their death was probably caused by rough handling when captured. On arrival they had all paired and were spawning. It was impossible to separate the males from the females ; there were a few more of the former than of the latter. The females were all large and reddish ; the males were much smaller and greenish. There were masses of spawn in the boxes, and this we collected and put into a basin, but I think it had not been fertilised, for none of it ever showed any signs of germination. We changed the water at intervals and kept it in the sun, but as the month was about April, we should not have been able to rear the tadpoles if any had hatched. We selected five (three females and two males), and the rest of the consignment (about ninety), so far as I remember, were liberated in a swamp at Repongaere Station near Gisborne. They swam away and that was the last seen of them. There were a great many moreporks there, 184 REPTILES AND AMPHIBIA and lots of rats at the station buildings not far away, and I think that these were probably the cause of the disappearance of the Toads, especially as the land surrounding the swamp was eaten bare by horses, so that the toads would find very little cover when they were travelling hi search of food at night. I got a couple of glass-cases made, and in one of these I put a male and a female, which I kept for a couple of years, while Mrs Chambers had the remaining three in the other. They were fed on flies, which were eaten in great numbers. On one occasion we gave a "Maori bug" to one of them, and its disgust after swallowing it was very amusing. Being well fed they frequently changed their skins. Also being kept in the house, they never became torpid, but fed freely all the winter. But they never showed any signs of breeding. Ultimately Mrs Chambers turned her specimens out in the same place as the others ; while my pair were allowed to escape during my absence for a short time in 1895. The discrepancy in numbers between these two accounts is due to the fact that both gentlemen were writing from memory, more than 25 years after the events narrated, and that apparently neither of them noted these events at the time. Considering the ease with which these animals were carried, and their hardiness in confinement, it is rather remarkable that no other attempts have been made to introduce them into New Zealand. Chapter VI FISHES The classification adopted for the fishes which have been introduced into New Zealand is that of Professor G. A. Boulenger in the Cambridge Natural History. Class PISCES Order TELEOSTEI Family CLUPEID;E Herring (Clupea harengus) 1 o the popular mind the introduction of the herring into New Zealand waters is the most desirable form of acclimatisation work which could be undertaken, as it is considered that its commercial value to this country would be so great. The success which has attended the introduction of certain species of Salmonidae has led unthinking persons into the belief that it should be quite easy to introduce other species of desirable fish, and as the majority of people are unthinking, even if they do not come under Carlyle's famous dictum, it is not to be wondered at that the introduction of the herring has been frequently urged. A fairly full report of the efforts which have been made, and of the difficulties which have to be overcome has recently been, or is about to be, published in a Bulletin of the New Zealand Science and Art Board on "The History of the Portobello Marine Fish Hatchery and Biological Station." It is therefore only necessary here to state the facts and summarise the history of the attempts as briefly as possible. Herring and other soft-scaled fishes cannot be transported alive at any stage of their existence. Handling is generally fatal to them. Therefore the only plan left open is to convey the ova. The eggs are adhesive, and under normal conditions are deposited on stones, gravel and other objects at the bottom of the sea in comparatively shallow water. The eggs hatch in about 16 days, the time being shortened or lengthened according to the temperature of the water; cooling causing retarda- tion. The problem then was in the first place to retard development for a period of at least 50 days. If this difficulty can be satisfactorily overcome, there are several others which have to be met. The first attempt was made in March, 1886, and was an ill- considered experiment, for no provision whatever existed for dealing 1 86 FISHES with the ova had they arrived at the Colony. The obtaining and shipping of the ova was entrusted to Professor Cossar Ewart of Edinburgh, who obtained between two and three million eggs from the Ballantrae beds off the coast of Ayrshire, Scotland, where the famous Loch Fyne herrings spawn. The ova were placed in large carboys and in wooden boxes with glass slides, which were fixed in stoutly made barrels filled with sea-water, and in this way were conveyed to Plymouth and placed on board the ' Ruapehu.' Professor Ewart had designed a special apparatus so constructed as to preserve through the entire voyage a steady quiet flow of pure sea-water over the eggs at an equable temperture of 33 Fahr. So far the experiment succeeded admirably, but owing to lack of foresight in the cooling apparatus, the pipes which were to supply the chilled water, instead of being surrounded with ice, were led directly through the re- frigerating chamber. The result was that the water froze in them, none reached the ova, and by the time Madeira was sighted, all were dead. The second experiment, also unsuccessful, was made by the Government in 1912. The Portobello (Dunedin) Marine Fish Hatchery was opened in 1904, and early in its history I had looked into the question of the introduction of the herring. The question of the retardation of the hatching of the ova again appeared to be the principal difficulty, and I entered into communication with Dr Fulton, Scientific Superintendent of the Scotch Fishery Board, with the object of getting experiments conducted at the Dunbar Hatchery to test this. Owing to the change from Dunbar to the Bay of Nigg, Aberdeen, and to pressure of other work, the matter was allowed to lapse, and it was not till 1908, this time at the instance of the New Zealand Government, that a series of experiments was commenced by Dr H. C. Williamson. The outcome of these experiments was that retardation of hatching of the ova for a period of 50 days, which we considered was the time required, was only successful to the extent of a small fraction of one per cent. Less than one in ten thousand survived such a long chilling. Both Mr Anderton, Curator of the Portobello Hatchery, and I considered that under the circumstances it would be a waste of public money to proceed further with the attempt to introduce the herring by this means. However the Government decided to make the attempt, and Mr Anderton was sent to the Old Country in 1912, to carry it out, while at the same time he took charge of a large shipment of turbot, lobsters and crabs. An ingenious apparatus for the conveyance of the eggs, and for the cooling and aeration of the water, was placed on board the Shaw, Savill & Albion Co.'s S.S. 'Waimana,' and was thoroughly tested beforehand. The TELEOSTEI 187 vessel called in at Plymouth, where Dr Williamson had secured about 60,000 ova adhering to glass plates. These were duly placed in the apparatus, and the voyage was commenced on i2th January. A fairly uniform temperature of 35'5 Fahr. was maintained. On 24th January when the equator was crossed the ova were fairly clean, and the outline of the embryo could be easily distinguished. Some dirty water got into the boxes at Cape Town, and the sediment was removed from the eggs by means of a camel hair brush. By this time the chord and eyes were visible in all the live eggs. On the 6th February the plates were still in very fair condition, and then a mass of rust and sediment was forced through the pipes, and the eggs were thickly coated with sediment. The experiment was abandoned on i4th February when all the ova were dead owing to the state of the water. The ova were fertilised on loth January. The majority contained live embryos on 6th February, 27 days after fertilisation, and some still contained live embryos on i2th February, 33 days after being fertilised. None of the ova hatched out. The full report is worth studying, and it conveys a good idea of some of the difficulties encountered in this department of acclimatisa- tion work. Family SALMONID^ The rivers and lakes of New Zealand contained originally a poor and rather sparse fish-fauna. It consisted of the grayling (Prototroctes oxyrhynchus), found mostly in clear rapid rivers, and a fine sporting fish ; the smelt (Reptropinna richardsoni), common in rivers and lakes; several species of Galaxias, a mud-fish (Neochanna apoda), only found in the west coast rivers of both islands, two species of eel (Anguilld) and a lamprey (Geotria chilensis). The kokopu, a name corrupted in the south of the South Island to cock-a-bully (Galaxias kokopu), was sometimes popularly called trout; it is a fat, sluggish fish which lurks under logs and stones, furnishes no sport, and is not particularly good to eat. The fish known as the minnow (Galaxias attenuates) is, as its name implies, a small fish. According to the late Professor Powell, "White-bait is the fry of this species," but the facts want working out 1 . The common eel (Anguilla aucklandii) is always with us, and is a very valuable food-fish, if people only knew it. The lamprey makes an annual visitation up the rivers in the spring months, usually about October. 1 In an interesting article on "Some Trout Fishing in New Zealand," which appeared in Blackwood's Magazine for March, 1918, pp. 365-77, Mr A. R. Chaytor states that New Zealand white-bait is the larval stage of the common eel. Anyone who has looked into the question of the development of the Anguillida; knows that this is a quite mistaken idea. 188 FISHES Though there are altogether about a dozen species of indigenous fresh-water fish, yet to the early settlers of the colony, the rivers and streams seemed singularly empty. There was no sport for the angler, unless he happened to live near a stream where the grayling abounded, and except eels which were abundant there was practically nothing of an edible character to be found. It is not to be wondered at, therefore, that the minds of the colonists early turned to the idea of importing such fish as they knew would provide both sport and food. The success of attempts to introduce species of Salmonidae into Tasmania and Victoria encouraged the hope that it would be possible to do the same in this colony, and in the sixties and seventies a systematic importation was commenced, not only by the Government, but by all the principal acclimatisation societies. Over a dozen species, or, counting varieties, about 17 kinds of Salmonidae have been introduced into this country. The success of several of these has been phenomenal, but the failure of others to establish themselves has been inexplicable. The majority of the streams and lakes of both islands are now stocked with species of Salmonidae, and an interesting problem has arisen, namely, are the species remaining distinct, or is there a tendency among the allied forms to hybridise and produce a generalised type ? Another interesting problem faces both the angler and the naturalist. In a number of streams which are now heavily stocked with trout, the native aquatic fauna has been nearly ex- terminated, and the question of future food supply has been raised. Are new species of animals to be introduced, or can any method of renewing the indigenous fauna be devised ? I have dealt with the particulars of the introduction of the various species in some detail, but here I propose first to give some facts regarding the general question, and the early attempts to bring Salmonidae into Australia and New Zealand. These show the diffi- culties which had to be faced in the early days, when transport was by sailing ships, and refrigeration was unknown. Mr J. Murdoch contributed an article, I think to The Field, but I have failed to find the date, on "The Introduction of Trout into Australia and New Zealand," from which the following facts are gleaned: The first attempt to introduce ova into Australia was made in 1852 by Mr Borcius, who however failed, and lost 300 in the experiment. In 1854 Mr Youl began to study the subject, and made many experiments. No hope of success was held out by the most experienced pisciculturists, and Mr Youl was told that he might as well try to fetch England to Australia as to carry spawn to it in moss. Mr Edward Wilson, President of the Victorian Acclimatisation Society, associated with Mr Youl and some influential colonists in obtaining 600 by TELEOSTEI 189 subscription. Thirty thousand ova were shipped in the ' Sarah Curling ' on 25th February, 1860. The ice-house consisted of two rooms, one within the other, lined with lead ; the space between was filled with powdered charcoal ; a filled water-tank over the ice-house with a pipe leading into it allowed a gentle and continuous stream of water to pass over the ova as they lay in swing trays. The passage was long, the 15 tons of ice gave out, and the last of the ova was found to be dead when the ship was 68 days out. Mr Youl then visited the fish-breeding establishments of Scotland and Ireland. He also made a series of experiments to test the vitality of ova at a low temperature. The experiments proved three, hereto- fore, unknown facts. First, that a continuous stream of water is not essential to the preservation of vitality ; secondly, that partial depriva- tion of air is not fatal ; and thirdly, that light is not essential. After these experiments he felt assured of success if a sufficient supply of ice could be preserved throughout the voyage. In January, 1864, he again tried. Boxes were made (of inch pine) measuring twelve inches by eight inches by five inches, with per- forated top, bottom and sides. At the bottom was first spread a layer of charcoal, next a layer of ice, then a nest of carefully washed moss, and on this spring cushion were deposited the ova. Over them was laid a covering of moss, then a double handful of broken ice, and the whole was saturated with iced water and screwed down. One hundred and eighty-nine boxes, containing 100,000 salmon and 3000 trout ova, were packed closely on the floor of the ice-house, and upon them were piled blocks of ice to the height of nine feet. The ' Norfolk ' sailed on 2ist January, 1864, and arrived in Melbourne on i5th April. The State of Victoria retained 4000 salmon ova, of which it is said 400 were hatched. The remainder were sent to Tasmania by a Government steamer. They were taken to the Derwent River, and placed in the hatchery provided. Mr Ramsbottom estimated that there were 30,000 salmon and 500 trout ova living. On 4th May the first trout was hatched, on the next day the first salmon, and by 25th May there were 300 trout and 700 salmon. At the end of 1865 the surviving salmon were allowed to enter the sea. Of the 300 trout many died; about 30 were liberated in the River Plenty, while only six pairs reached maturity and spawned in the ponds. Their progeny have been liberated in many rivers and streams of Tasmania, Victoria, and New Zealand. In 1866 Mr Youl brought out 87,000 salmon, 15,000 salmon- trout, and 500 brown-trout ova. The result of this shipment was 6000 salmon and 900 salmon-trout being hatched from the 30,000 living ova which arrived. Other shipments followed, including brook-trout. igo FISHES These early Australian experiments are interesting as showing the difficulties encountered, and, in the case of brown-trout, the remark- able success which ultimately attended the first introduction into Tasmania. The question of the probable merging of various species into one generalised form is an interesting one. Those who have discussed it in the colonies have not perhaps very clear ideas as to what constitute specific distinctions. Indeed one might go further and say that very few biologists have yet attained to clear views on this subject. Most species are founded on structural characters, some of which appear to be very mobile, while physiological characters which may be and often are the dominant factors in differentiation are extremely difficult to estimate. Thus Salmo solar may be considered to be a distinct species, structurally and physiologically, and though healthy hybrids are readily produced with S. trutta and S. fario, there is no proof that these hybrids are fertile. Indeed the question does not seem to have been tested. On the other hand it seems to me doubtful whether S. trutta and S. fario are distinct species or only varieties of one somewhat variable species. They cross freely, and it is only in reference to this crossing that there has arisen the question of a generalised type occurring in New Zealand. There is no question of the probable crossing of species of Salmo with those of Salvelinus or Onchorhynchus, these latter genera belonging to totally distinct types ; and while their species may be fertile within generic limits, they are not likely to hybridise at any time with species of Salmo. Mr A. J. Rutherford considers that the commingling of so many species and varieties of the genus Salmo in our streams will result in the establishment of one generalised type, which, with some dis- regard of the laws of scientific nomenclature and publication, he calls Salmo trutta novee-zealandice. I quote the following passages from a Memorandum (undated) which he furnished to the Otago Society. Though these islands lie in the latitude of the Levant, Italy and Switzerland, with widely different ocean surroundings, we introduced various forms of Salmonidae from higher latitudes in the Northern Hemi- sphere, such as the Loch Leven Trout, Scotch Burn Trout, Sea Trout, etc., and fondly imagined that these varieties would retain their characteristics in their altered environment. The fallacy of this idea has been abundantly proved, and after making some slight study of the forms of trout found in the North Italian Lakes, such as Como and Maggiore, I came to the conclusion that they are almost identical with the form of S. trutta novee- zealandies found in Wakatipu, Wanaka and in South Alpine New Zealand Lakes. The trout in our rivers are also much more akin to the Italian and Swiss varieties than to the British types, and in my opinion it matters little TELEOSTEI 191 whether you liberate a Loch Leven trout, a Scotch burn trout, or an Italian trout. He soon loses his identity and becomes a distinctive type (novce- zealandice), a quasi-Italian-antipodean variety. I think there is inherent in most of the forms of Salmonidae a wandering habit, and that in search of a wider range, health and better food, they soon learn the advantages of sea-going habits, some varieties more readily than other. The border line between sea trout and brown trout is very fine in this country and depends really on environment. In several hatcheries in this country hybridising various forms of Salmonidae has been purposely carried out, and the fry seem just as healthy as those of pure-bred varieties. For example, at the Opoho hatchery (Dunedin) some 700 hybrids, produced by fertilising brown- trout ova with milt from a male salmon (S. salar), were reared, of which 650 were placed in the Waitati, a small stream a few miles to the north of Dunedin, and 50 were retained in the ponds. The former disappeared, the latter which were strong and lively fish were watched for a few months, and then their identity apparently was lost. There was no further record of them. This sort of experi- ment is futile, unless carried out with the definite object of finding out whether such fish grow to maturity, and are able to perpetuate their hybrid characters, or whether naturally reared fish taken in our streams resemble them. No systematic experiments, such as have been carried out at the Howietown (Scotland) fish hatchery, have ever been conducted in New Zealand. Until careful and exhaustive work in this direction has been undertaken, it is impossible to speak with certainty as to the natural crossing of all the imported varieties in this country, and the emergence of a generalised type. Fish have been repeatedly taken in our streams which have puzzled all parties in the colony, and they have been submitted in many cases to expert opinion in the Old Country. I give a few examples to show how difficult the question is. Regarding a fish which was taken in Nelson Harbour in 1881, Sir James (then Dr) Hector said : a careful examination shows that it must be classed as a true sea- or salmon- trout, although, as has been found invariably to be the case in Otago specimens, it presents a certain admixture of the characters of the many species into which the sea-trouts from the various rivers in Europe have been subdivided. In 1889 the Canterbury Society forwarded a fish to Dr A. Giinther, who reported on it as follows: (i) The fish is most decidedly not a salmon. You can always distinguish a salmon by the large scales on the tail; this is an invariable characteristic. Your specimen has thirteen to fourteen scales between the adipose fin and the lateral line; a salmon has eleven, very rarely twelve. The maxillary i 9 2 FISHES is much too long for a salmon of this age. (2) Your specimen is a migratory trout. If it had been caught in England or Scotland, I should not have hesitated to call it a Salmo trutta, a sea-trout. (3) Your specimen is not a common trout (Salmo fario), not having the vomerine teeth in a double row, and differing from it in usual minor points. (4) There is one other probability, that it is a cross between a salmon parr and S. fario. You, knowing the history of the introduction of the salmonoids into the Selwyn River as you do, will be able to judge whether such an assumption is possible . I am unable to distinguish between these crosses and the migratory trout ; I have seen some bred in captivity. Whatever the fish may be, one thing you may rely upon, that it is not a young salmon. Also recollect that sometimes the common Salmo fario wanders into salt water, and then assumes a silvery and very deciduous coat. In 1891 Mr Tanner, Hon. Secretary of the Southland Society, sent home three fish from the Aparima River, which were supposed to be from the salmon fry liberated in that stream in February-March of 1890. They were from one and a half to two pounds in weight. They were submitted to Dr Gunther, who reported on them as follows : These specimens are most assuredly not salmon (Salmo salar), neither are they the brook trout (S. fario). They are a kind of sea-trout (S. trutta), looking extremely like the Irish White trout. But the different kinds of migratory sea-trout are so closely allied to each other, that it is almost a matter of impossibility to give an opinion on artificially reared fish, or their offspring. The Field of gth January, 1892, commenting on this statement says: " This leaves the question precisely where it was, and will confirm the opinion of those who insist that the acclimatised trout in Tasmanian and New Zealand waters acquire a distinct character of their own." On 1 2th August, 1893, The Field published a letter from Mr Tanner in which he says : It is remarkable how the trout in New Zealand assume the habits and aspects of sea-trout, whenever they are found towards the mouths of rivers near the sea. They first make for the estuaries, then for the open sea, and have been traced for more than twenty miles along the coast. Our trout ova were obtained from Tasmania, which, we believe, was supplied from the tributaries of the Thames in England. Is the explanation possibly that the Thames trout was originally a migratory fish, but, being prevented from going to sea, lost its migratory instinct, which has been recovered in this country by the descendants under new and favourable conditions ? If this is so, it is a very interesting fact. Generally the trout in the Oreti resemble most the white trout of Ireland. Sir James Hector made the same suggestion at a meeting of the "Wellington Society held in 1896, when he said: From enquiries he had made, he had satisfied himself that these fish TELEOSTEI 193 were descendants of sea-going trout which had once been in the habit of issuing out of the mouth of the Thames, but which were prevented, by the state of that river of late years, from doing so. The problem is very interesting from the point of view of the naturalist. All that I can do in the way of elucidating it is to give as full details as I have been able to obtain of the various species and varieties which have been introduced into the country, and of the dates and amounts of these introductions, so that any future investi- gators may be furnished with a record of facts. Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) For nearly half a century attempts have been made to naturalise this fish in New Zealand waters, and untold sums of money have been expended in the undertakings, as the following record shows, indirectly. Fish have been hatched by the million, and liberated in a great number of the rivers both of the South and North Islands. Glacial streams, rivers from the great lakes, rivers from the Canterbury mountains, rapid streams, sluggish streams all have been tried. In several cases the same river has been stocked with young fish for many years in succession. In many cases salmon have been reared from the egg, have been kept in confinement till they spawned, and their fry have been liberated always in the same stream for a succession of years, by the hundred thousand. The fish have grown well to a certain age in our waters and have then gone to sea in a normal manner, just as they do in European streams, but from that point they are lost. With the exception of two identifications recorded below, not a single authentic instance has been recorded of their return from the sea to the rivers. The fish has absolutely failed to establish itself. Our record is the same as that of Tasmania. As W. Saville Kent, the Queensland Commissioner of Fisheries, said in 1872: the attempts to stock Tasmanian streams with the true salmon have utterly failed. The young fish have thriven magnificently until their departure for the sea as smolts, at which stage they have simply vanished from human sight, the warm seas of the South being too enervating for them. It is extremely difficult to suggest any explanation of the facts. Mr Kent's explanation is almost certainly wrong. It does not apply at all to the south and east coast of the South Island of New Zealand, the region where most of the salmon have been liberated. A southerly current sets up this coast to the east of Stewart Island and Otago, and the temperature of the sea at all seasons of the year is lower than that of the seas round Britain and Ireland, or on the west coast of Norway. T. N. Z. 13 i 9 4 FISHES It is almost inconceivable that they have perished at sea. Other species of Salmonidae thrive in the sea and grow to a great size, periodically returning to the rivers to spawn. It has been suggested that the fish has changed its habits and that it spawns at sea, but there is not a trace of evidence in favour of such an improbable theory. It has also been suggested that the fish migrate to other shores, but if so where ? What has been wanted all along in this work of acclimatisation of new species in New Zealand has been some sort of scientific supervision and co-operation. Every centre and society went on its own way, independent, as a rule, of every other. There never has been in the country an organised fishery department. The result has been waste of money and effort right along the line. Had experiments in fish-marking been carried out systematically from the commence- ment of operations, it is probable that ere this we would have been in possession of information as to our missing salmon. Until some such regular work is undertaken the subject will remain a mystery. It may not be solved even after fish-marking has been undertaken for years, but the strong probabilities are that light would be thrown on the problem. Up to the present nothing has been done to trace the fish when they go to sea. The following extract from a letter written by Mr Youl to the Superintendent of Otago before any salmon were introduced, is not only very interesting, but it may be in, part the explanation of the problem. Unfortunately I cannot find the exact date: May I beg of you on no account to permit the Brown Trout to be intro- duced into the Molyneux or any of its tributaries, until you have got the salmon fairly established in them. They are the greatest enemies the Salmon can have. I can compare them to nothing, but wolves in a flock of sheep. Again and again I have warned Dr Officer, of Tasmania, of the danger of admitting these voracious fish into any stream suitable for Salmon before the Salmon are established therein. I am sorry to observe that so many of the Provinces of New Zealand have introduced these Brown Trout before they have got the salmon. Depend upon it, for every 10 spent by these Provinces in this way, they will, in those rivers where they have placed them, have to spend 100 to successfully introduce the king of fishes. Introduction. The first attempt at the acclimatisation of the salmon in New Zealand was made by Mr A. M. Johnson, who put 600 young fish on board the ' British Empire ' bound from London to Canterbury in 1864. Snails, water-lilies and weeds of various kinds were placed in the tanks; contrivances for aerating the water were provided ; the tanks were provided with a frame- work case, with double cane matting, which was kept constantly wet throughout the tropics in order to keep up evaporation and lower the temperature. TELEOSTEI 195 In spite of all the care exercised, however, the experiment was unsuccessful. The next attempt was made by the Provincial Government of Otago which took action in 1867, with the result that 100,000 ova were placed on board the 'Celestial Queen' in January, 1868. Most of these were from the River Tay, but some came from the Severn. The ship reached Port Chalmers on 4th May, and the 300 boxes of eggs were at once sent down to the Waiwera Ponds at Kaihiku, which had been specially prepared for them. The Waiwera is a tributary of the Clutha. In 77 of the boxes all the eggs were dead, but out of the remaining 223 boxes about 8000 healthy eggs were taken. On 2Oth May a flood filled the boxes with mud covering the eggs just as hatching seemed about to begin. On 28th May some began to hatch out, and in a few days, Mr Dawbin, the curator, had between 500 and 600 young fish. In his report he says: " In about ten or twelve weeks all of the fish had made their way into the tank at the end of the shed and thence dropped into the feeding pond. It was some time before they began to show again, and although I supplied them with plenty of food I am inclined to believe that they mostly lived on the natural food in the water. It was not very long before two or three began to appear round the edge of the pond, grown wonderfully ; and after a time, by regular feeding, I could collect little mobs of them at every corner of the pond. I have now fish five, six, and, I believe, one or two seven or eight inches long, and thick in proportion, which in a few months will^be ready to go to sea" (this was written on 3ist May, 1869), "and if they return safely it might be possible to get ova from them and hatch fish enough to stock a river well. I have only seen three dead since they went into the ponds, which, however, are so large and deep, that I am not able to keep so accurate an account of them as I should like. The size and depth of the ponds, however, is advantageous in this respect, that the fish are kept supplied with abundance of natural food. The water of the Waiwera, like, I have no doubt, that of all the New Zealand rivers, seems to be admirably adapted for salmon, but the river itself I do not consider good for breeding. The bottom is rocky, and although there are said to be gravel banks high up, I should be afraid of the floods, which here occur in the winter and spring. The supply of food in the river is most abundant." A small lot of these ova (ten boxes) were hatched out in Mr Duncan's ponds on the Leith, just about the mill, but I can find no record of what was done with the fry. They probably escaped into the Otago Harbour 1 . 1 " In an article in the Field of Jan. 26, 1878, we are told that there were 500 young salmon fry in the ponds out of the ' Celestial Queen ' shipment. When they were fifteen months old, and ranged from 12 to 15 in. long, the services of Mr Dawbin were dispensed with by the commissioners, they having appointed a gentle- man who seems to have had some influence with the Government, and on whose land the ponds were situated, but who was totally ignorant of the treatment the 132 196 FISHES The second shipment came to Port Chalmers in April, 1869, in the * Mindora.' (In the Southland Society's pamphlet, Acclimatisation in Southland, published in 1915, this vessel is called the 'Minerva.') The passage occupied 133 days, and the ova never hatched out. Canterbury received 700 ova, Southland 7000, while 100,000 were retained in Otago. There was some hope of them at first, for Mr Dawbin in the letter just quoted from stated that he had about 2000 good eggs on 3ist May, but nothing came of them. In 1871 the Southland Society obtained about 3000 ova from Mr Frank Buckland in furtherance of an experiment. The eggs were packed in bottles surrounded by saw-dust and presumably by ice, and were despatched by sailing ship to Melbourne ; they were delayed in transit to Southland, and none hatched out. In 1871 the Auckland Society made an attempt to introduce salmon from England via San Francisco. The experiment failed in consequence of the long detention on the Pacific Railway, and from lack of attention to the ova. The transit occupied 100 days, instead of less than 50, as was anticipated. The ova were presented by the Duke of Northumberland. In 1873 tne 'Oberon' brought 120,000 salmon ova to Port Chalmers, of which 95,000 were sent down to the Makarewa ponds, Southland, and the remaining 25,000 went to Canterbury. Between the packing of the ova and the unpacking at the Southland ponds, 114 days elapsed, and 85,000 were dead.. The remainder were placed in the hatching boxes, but only 300 fry hatched out. Most of these died, and the remaining 96 were removed when one year old to a pond near the Aparima River. In April, 1875, t nev were about seven inches long and healthy; in June they were carried by a flood into the river. fish would need. Mr Dawbin 's offer to continue his services gratuitously for a term of six months was refused, and he was instructed to hand over his charge to the new-comer. This was too much for one who had devoted his time day and night for fifteen months to the care of the fish. The new-comer's incapacity would almost inevitably have resulted in their destruction; or, if this had not happened, he would have claimed whatever success might accrue. Impressed with the con- conviction that he was doing the best thing possible in the circumstances for the colony, Mr Dawbin chose a night when a slight fresh was coming down, opened the gratings, and allowed the prisoners to escape into the river. It is not our province to defend Mr Dawbin, but we would ask the commissioners why the circumstances which led up to this are suppressed in their reports, and the colonists whether they approve of the arbitrary substitution of an inexperienced manager for one who had abundantly proved his ability and deserved public confidence ? Since the above events the magnificent breeding ponds on the Waiwera have gone to ruin, as we are informed." (Arthur Nicols, Acclimatisation of the Salmomdee at the Antipodes, p. 49.) At p. 87 of the same work, Mr Nicols states: "About the middle of 1874 a salmon grilse weighing more than three pounds, was taken in the river Molyneux, no doubt the offspring of a pair of the 500 smolts liberated in that river in 1869 by Mr Dawbin." TELEOSTE1 197 Of those which went to Canterbury, only 38 fish were obtained. Some were kept in the ponds and appear to have been lost. With others an experiment was tried. A large cage was made, which was anchored in the River Avon a little below Victoria Bridge; in the cage were placed on 3rd Nov. eleven of the largest salmon. They remained there sixteen days, during which time they throve well. On igth Nov. the cage was raised and floated down to a spot in the Avon below New Brighton, where at high tide the water is brackish. The Garden Committee have three times visited the spot. On the last occasion (24th Dec.) the cage was raised and the eleven fish examined ; they were in good health and had increased in size considerably. It was calculated that one of them was a foot in length. The reports of the Society do not contain another word about this experiment, and this is characteristic of the isolated and dis- continuous manner in which most of the societies work. Lack of continuity of effort has nullified many of their experiments. In 1875 the 'Timaru' brought 300,000 ova to the Bluff, after a passage of 105 days, but many of the ova had been collected 30 days before the vessel sailed. No fish hatched out. According to the report of the Otago Society, Mr Howard of the Wallacetown Ponds liberated (on their behalf?) 1400 young fish in the Aparima River, but I cannot find a definite record of this, nor is it quite clear what lot of eggs they came from. In 1876 the 'City of Durham' brought to Melbourne 90,000 salmon ova, which were transhipped, mostly to the Bluff, a few boxes going to Canterbury. The Southland ova were placed in the hatching boxes 69 days after sailing, and about 87 days after having been taken from the parent fish. From 25,000 to 30,000 were apparently healthy, but of those it appeared that about two-thirds were not fecundated. In October about 1500 fry were liberated in the Aparima River. It is quite possible that this is the lot referred to in the preceding paragraph. The Canterbury Society state that only 175 fry hatched out of the boxes which went to Christchurch, but in the following year they placed 181 fish in the Ashley River; and in 1878, 240 were placed in the Heathcote River. These were seen afterwards, and were from 12 to 14 inches in length. There is no record as to where these fish came from. In 1878 the 'Chimborazo' brought 45,000 ova to Melbourne. These were transhipped and reached Invercargill on igth March, commencing to hatch out on 4th April. Altogether about 2500 fry hatched out, of which 1700 were placed in the Aparima. Again the Otago Society report that 2500 fry were placed in the Aparima 198 FISHES River in 1878; the Southland figure is 1700; the one reports the total number hatched, the other the number liberated. Regarding these shipments Mr W. Arthur, then Hon. Sec. of the Otago Society, wrote in 1880: Mr Howard has informed me that the ova of the salmon turned out in the Aparima in 1874, 1876 and 1878, came originally from the Tweed, Tyne, Kibble, Hodder, Lune, Avon and Dart Rivers. Yet who can say from which of these rivers the ova were taken which eventually hatched at the Wallacetown ponds? In 1 88 1 Mr C. C. Capel of Footscray, Kent, sent out 100,000 ova to the joint order of the Otago and Marlborough Societies ; but all the eggs were dead on arrival. In 1883-84 Sir F. D. Bell, the Agent-General for New Zealand, and Sir James Maitland, the eminent pisciculturist, were working together to send out salmon ova to the colony, and a shipment, of which I cannot find particulars, was forwarded in 1884. Sir Francis writing to the Colonial Secretary on 3oth October, 1885, says: I had taken the greatest pains all through 1883 and 1884 to interest many people in this country, eminent for skill and experience in pisciculture, about sending ova to the colony on the supposition that the spasmodic experiments which had been going on for so many years were to be super- seded at last by a systematic and persistent action on the part of the Government itself, extending over some seasons at any rate. The first experiment of sending out ova in a " moist- air chamber " and at a regulated temperature was made in the steamship 'Ionic' in January, 1884; and it is hardly open to doubt that this method was not only in itself a right one, but, in fact, the best that had till then been devised. Further experience, however, had shown that the first expense of that method would not have to be repeated. A shipment of trout ova privately made by Sir James Maitland had brought out most valuable information, showing how cheaply as well as safely ova could be got out under certain conditions; and when the reports came home of our shipment by the ' Ionic,' Sir James Maitland wrote to me that he had no doubt whatever of" perfect success next season, as we had now the key to the whole problem, namely, the period which ought to lapse between spawning and packing, and could insure the success of every egg we sent." Unfortunately neither the Government of New Zealand nor those interested in the subject in the colony were informed of the exertions which Sir F. D. Bell and Sir James Maitland were making in Britain. Meanwhile there was a good deal of dissatisfaction felt at the poor results of all the attempts hitherto made to introduce salmon, and at the request of several societies, Mr S. C. Farr, Hon. Sec. of the North Canterbury Society, went to Britain in December, 1884, and succeeded in getting 198,000 from the Tweed. Mr Farr had previously complained that not ten per cent, of the eggs hitherto received had TELEOSTEI 199 been fertilised, so he took care to see that this lot was fully fecundated. Forty-four days after sailing, and 90 days after being taken from the parent fish, the ova were landed at Lyttelton, when 117,000 eggs were found to be alive. Two cases went to the Napier and Wellington Societies, one each to Otago and Waitaki, and two to Canterbury. I have failed to find what results were achieved by the Napier and Waitaki Societies. The Wellington Society liberated 4600 fry in the Hutt River; the Otago Society liberated 3900, presumably in the Waiwera; while in the Canterbury Society's ponds about 21,000 fry were hatched out. Of this number, more than 3000 were born with curved spines, and about 6000 more were sickly and attenuated ; these soon died. Owing to the long drought and the high temperature of the water during the season the number was reduced to about 7000. Of these, 1000 were liberated on 23rd December, 1885, in the Temuka River; and on 3Oth December 1000 in the Opihi. They varied in length from three to five inches. On 6th January Mr Farr started with 1000 parr for the Clarence River, about 105 miles from Christchurch, but owing to the excessive heat in the carriage (96 F.), 178 died en route and others sickened. So on arrival at the Perceval River, the sickly ones were picked out and put in there, where they soon revived and went into a deep pool. The remaining 725 were turned into the Clarence River. On 25th January 500 were liberated in the Ashburton River; on 2nd February 1000 in the Rangitata; on 23rd February 1000 in the Hurunui ; and on 7th May 200 into the Selwyn. The Society evidently were under the impression that by scattering the fry over so many streams the chance of survival in one or more of these was increased. It was claimed that between 1868 and 1878 no less than 824,000 (I think the correct number is 772,000) ova were shipped from Britain and that only 3996 fry survived to be turned out; while of Mr Farr's shipment of 198,000 nearly 120,000 arrived, and about one-half of that number were liberated. It is interesting to note at this point that Mr Farr also tried to bring live fish out to the colony. He brought 50 parr in a tank of fresh-water, and these were carried safely till near the Cape, when some one tampered with the water- supply, and all the fish perished. Up to this date, as was stated in a letter addressed by the Waitaki County Society (Dr H. A. de Lautour, President) to Sir Julius Vogel, the Commissioner of Trade and Customs, the efforts at acclimatisation were running in at least four different channels, viz.: (i) efforts by Government, conjointly with the societies; (2) efforts by the Government independent of the societies; (3) efforts by the societies themselves, conjointly and inde- pendently ; (4) efforts by the Agent- General independent alike of the 200 FISHES societies or the Government. The Government now took the matter in hand themselves as far as importation was concerned, and prepared for shipments on a larger scale, utilising the societies for the hatching of the ova and the distribution with the colony. In January, 1886, the Agent-General shipped over 200,000 ova (most of which came from the River Tay) by the ' Ionic,' which arrived in Wellington on 2ist March, and they were distributed to the various societies on the following day. I have been able to follow up those sent to the Wellington, Nelson, North Canterbury, Otago, Southland, and Lakes Societies. The Wellington Society received one box, from which about 8000 fry hatched out. These were liberated in the Hutt and Manawatu Rivers, and a small lot in the Ruamahanga. The Nelson Society hatched out approximately 12,000 fry, but I do not know the subsequent history of this lot. The Canterbury Society received four boxes with approximately 22,000 eggs in each. In one box which was outside the cold chamber, all the eggs were dead. From the others about 41,000 fry, many of them rather small, were hatched out. At the end of the first month there were 37,000, but at the end of the second only 11,000 were left alive. Of these 4000 were sent to the Waitaki Society, 1500 to South Canterbury, 1500 to Geraldine, 1000 to the Taranaki Society, 1000 to the Hawera Society, and 300 were placed in the Selwyn River. During this year reliable reports were received of young salmon having been repeatedly seen in the Opihi, and some that had been accidently taken measured from 9 to 12 inches in length. The Society kept a considerable number in their ponds, but in May a flood washed 400 parr into the Avon, where they appeared to be doing well. The Otago Society got 12,000 fry from their consignment, of which number they liberated 9000, presumably in the Waiwera. The Southland Society hatched out over 12,600 fry, of which a little over 9000 were alive in June. In July 5500 were turned into the Aparima, while owing to a sudden melting of snow over 3000 more escaped into the river. The Lakes Society hatched out about 14,000 fry which were liberated in Lake Wakatipu. In 1887 three large shipments of ova arrived in Wellington. The 'Kaikoura' with 160,000 from the Tay, Forth and Tweed, and the 'Doric* with 330,000 from the same rivers arrived in January, and the 'Tongariro' in February with 120,000 ova from the Tweed, and 100,000 from the Rhine. (a) Of the 'Kaikoura' shipment, 120,000 went to the Clinton Hatchery (Otago), and 40,000 to Southland. Of the six boxes which TELEOSTEI 201 went to Clinton, one contained "Forth" ova, and the others "Tay" ova; they averaged about 50 per cent, good eggs, and hatched splendidly. The Southland lot hatched out well and yielded nearly 15,000 fry. (b) Of the ' Doric ' shipment, ten boxes were handed over to the Otago Society for the Clinton Hatchery, and about 70 per cent, of the eggs were good. Five boxes went to Southland, containing nearly 66,000 good eggs, and from them nearly 52,000 fry were hatched. One box went to Oamaru and from it between 4000 and 5000 fry were hatched out. (c) The ' Tongariro ' shipment did not turn out so well. Five and a half boxes went to Opoho (Dunedin) and yielded about 65 per cent, of good eggs. One box with 9000 ova went to Oamaru, and yielded between 3000 and 4000 fry. The Canterbury Society received nominally 50,000 Rhine salmon, but only 3620 good eggs were found, from which 3250 fry were hatched out. The Wellington Society also received the same quantity of Rhine salmon ova, and about 5000 fry were hatched out. Some of these were sent down later to the Opoho ponds. Out of the 430,000 eggs received by the Otago Society, Mr Deans, the curator, calculated that 270,000 fry were hatched out, but the Society's report for 1888 states that only 270,000 eggs were good on arrival. They hatched out about the beginning of April. During September, October and November, 98,000 young fry were liberated in the upper waters of the Aparima. As the Southland Society have turned out about 60,000 in the same neighbourhood, we trust that at last the acclimatisation of the salmon may prove to have been accomplished. Faith was still strong in the minds of all interested in this work that acclimatisation of salmon would soon be accomplished. The Canterbury Society report of 1887 states: 250 fish of the 1886 hatching were liberated in the Lower Selwyn in February, and in September 1000 parr. These have been turned into that river with a view of establishing what are termed in America " land-locked " salmon ; and having the advantage of this river flowing into Lake Ellesmere, the water of which is brackish, we have great hopes of success. It is two and a half years since the first Salmon was turned into the Lower Selwyn by your secretary, and that they have bred there is verified by Dr Anderson of Sydenham, capturing two when netting for live bait. They were returned to the water, and the doctor reported the fact to your secretary. Now, as none of these fish when liberated were less than three inches in length, and those taken by the doctor were less than two inches, this is, we think, sufficient proof that they have been hatched in that river. This evidence is matter for congratulation; and the desire of your council is that the 202 FISHES Government should next session bring in a bill to prevent the wholesale netting in that lake for a few years in order that this noble fish may be thoroughly established. In three years the fish will not only be fully developed, but established in such numbers as to remove all doubts about the experiment. This paragraph is worth reproducing, because it shows the readi- ness with which enthusiasts jumped to conclusions on very meagre evidence, and also advocated a course of action which would deprive the public of a plentiful supply of flounders for some years, and cut off several fishermen from their means of livelihood. In this same year (1887) the Taranaki Society received 810 salmon fry from Christchurch, and liberated them in three streams in the Mt Egmont district. In the following year the Waitaki Society liberated 150 smolts, and between 4000 and 5000 (Tay) fry in the Ferry Creek, a tributary of the Waitaki ; and 200 (Tweed) smolts in the Kakanui River. In January, 1889, the 'Arawa' left London with 150,000 ova from the River Forth, and reached Wellington early in March. Three boxes with (nominally) 53,300 ova went to Southland, and yielded 38,000 good ova. Presumably the fry were liberated in the Aparima, but there is no record. Five boxes with 97,000 ova went to the Clinton Hatchery, and contained about 95 per cent, of good eggs, which hatched out very well. In February, 1889, the 'Aorangi' left with 483,000 ova, and reached Wellington on 24th March and Port Chalmers on the 29th. These were taken from Tweed salmon. Ten boxes with 170,000 ova went to the Opoho Hatchery, ten with 182,000 to Clinton, and seven with 128,000 to Invercargill. Mr Deans estimated that from the two Otago lots about 320,000 young fry were hatched out. Of this number some 250,000 were liberated in the Aparima. In January of this same year, Mr J. B. Basstian of Dunrobin reported having seen young salmon in the Aparima. On ist March Ranger Burt saw a number in the same river both in the smolt and parr stage, evidently waiting for the first fresh in the river to go down to the sea. Two good specimens were obtained, and the prohibition of netting in the Riverton estuary, which had been enforced when fry were first put into the river, was renewed. In 1891 the Otago Society report that "nothing has been seen of these fish after their return from the sea. The estuary of the Aparima has been netted several times, but without success." In 1892 it is stated that: periodical trials with the seine-net have been made in the estuary of the Aparima to ascertain whether the salmon liberated in 1887 and 1889 were TELEOSTEI 203 preparing to ascend the river for spawning. Numbers of small fish ranging from one-half to two pounds were caught. Some were sent to Dr Giinther, who pronounced them to be Sea Trout. In an article on the Aparima experiment in the Southland News of 2Oth January, 1891, it is stated: "The first lot of Salmon was put into the Aparima in 1873, an< ^ the last in March, 1890, the total being 494,000." It was pointed out to the Marine Department that the people in the district wanted the river made available for anglers. The reply received was that "the Government were determined to keep the river closed, until it had been definitely ascertained that the salmon experiment was a failure." From time to time reports of salmon being met with were received. Thus in TheField of i9th December, 1896^ letter appeared regarding a fish which was caught near Oamaru Harbour and was sent to the editor by the Waitaki Acclimatisation Society. In this he says: "This was submitted to Mr A. Boulenger of the Natural History Museum, and stated by him to be a true Salmo salar. It was between 8 Ibs. and 9 Ibs. in weight." The angling editor of The Field commenting on the fish said: I have examined dozens and scores of frozen fish sent from New Zealand as Salmon, which, in spite of their size and appearance, were trout of some kind. This is the first of these forwarded specimens which has been to my mind thoroughly satisfactory, and which, from a superficial inspection, would lead me to say with confidence, "This is a salmon." Somewhat later in date is the following statement from the report of the Otago Society in 1900-1 : We have assurance of an old experienced salmon fisher, Baron Bultzings- lowens, who visited our shores during the last fishing season, that he caught a true grilse in the Waiau last February. He says: "The main object of these lines is to tell you that one of the 4 Ib. fish was a true grilse, and not a trout. I am too old a salmon fisherman, and have landed too many hundreds of grilse and salmon, not to know the difference between a grilse and any kind of trout. There is to me not a shadow of doubt about that fish being a true grilse. Had it been possible to send you the fish I should have done so. To resume the record of introduction. In 1895 t^ 6 Wellington Society received 200,000 ova from the Government ex 'Kaikoura.' These were in bad condition and only about 20,000 hatched out, of which 3000 were weakly. Of these 500 fry were retained in the ponds, but did not grow well. Apparently a lot more arrived, but it is most difficult to trace them. The only record I can find is that 10,000 ova were sent to the Southland Society, 1500 to Westport, 1500 to Grey- mouth, 1500 to Hokitika, 1000 to Buller, and 1000 to Marlborough; 204 FISHES but I can find no report as to their success or failure. In 1901-2 two lots of ova arrived from Great Britain, 150,000 by the 'Gothic,' and 50,000 by the ' Paparoa.' The numbers of fry hatched out from these were respectively 51,200 and 25,500, but amongst them was a considerable proportion of deformed fish. There must have been very considerable loss among these, for in the following year, only 42,806 one-and-a-half-year-old fish were liberated in the Hakataramea River, and 4200 were retained in the ponds. Whether the latter were allowed to escape or whether they died in the ponds is not stated, but in 1904 there were only 230 two-year-old fish left. The report of the Marine Department for 1904-5 states that: Several fish, believed to be salmon, have been caught at the mouth of the Waitaki River. A gentleman, recently from Scotland, states that he caught one of the fish, which weighed 4^ Ibs. and that it was undoubtedly a salmon in appearance and taste. Although the taste was not so pronounced as that of Scotch salmon, still the flavour was fine and quite different from that of trout. This, of course, is not very convincing evidence. In the following year (1905) 55 three-year-old fish were liberated, and 131 retained in the ponds. In 1906 seven four-year-old fish were liberated, and 50 retained ; and in 1907 1 1 five-year-old were liberated, and 43 retained in the ponds. In this same year the Canterbury Society obtained 50,000 ova from the Canadian Government, and these hatched out well, some 47,000 fry being found in the boxes. In the Society's report for 1908 it is stated that there are 20,000 yearlings in the races; and in the following year, 11,500 fish were liberated in the Selwyn, but nothing more was ever heard of them. It is noteworthy in this, and indeed in most of the reports, how the numbers of fish in the ponds dwindled year by year. None of the societies offers any explanation of the fact. The losses were probably due to eels and the kingfishers, and in a less degree to shags. The latter birds are most destructive in rivers and lakes, but are always somewhat shy of coming too near human dwellings, and the ponds were nearly always placed in proximity to the latter. At the beginning of 1908, Mr C. L. Ayson went to Canada for ova, and returned with 150,000 eggs. They were scarcely "eyed" when packed, and a heavy loss was anticipated. They reached Wellington on ist April and were at once sent to Lake Anau, which was reached on the 5th, when it was found that 140,000 eggs were in good condition. This attempt was a new departure on the part of the Marine Department, which determined to select the Waiau River as a suitable spot to hatch out salmon ova for several successive years. TELEOSTEI 205 The small stream flowing into the Upokororo River was selected as the best place in which to liberate the young fry. At the end of 1908 Mr L. F. Ay son, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, was sent to England for more ova, and shipped 500,000 by the ' Turakina.' Of these about 400,000 came from the Tay, and the rest from Irish rivers. This lot arrived early in 1909, and was at once despatched to Te Anau, where 447,000 fry hatched out, which were placed in the Upokororo River. Mr Ayson followed in the 'Rakaia' with another 500,000, made up of 55,000 from the River Test in Hampshire, 120,000 from the Dee in Wales, and about 340,000 from the Rhine, near Trier. The last lot were rather too far advanced when shipped. Seven cases of ova (approximately 350,000 eggs) were taken to Lake Te Anau, and the fry liberated in the Upokororo, and three cases (150,000 eggs) to Hakataramea. From this last lot, 103,440 Rhine salmon and 6900 English salmon fry were liberated into the Hakataramea River. In 1910-11 another shipment of ova came out in the 'Ruahine' in charge of Mr C. L. Ayson, 400,000 eggs being obtained from the River Wye, and 600,000 from the Rhine. These were all taken up to Lake Te Anau, where over 930,000 good eggs were unpacked, the Rhine ova again showing much the heavier loss. As the young fry hatched out, they were liberated in the lake. During this year also 10,274 one-and-a-half-y ear-old fish were liberated in the Hakataramea. In 191 1-12, only 181 three-year-old Rhine salmon, and 49 three-year- old Atlantic (English ?) salmon were liberated in the same river. Pond-bred Salmon. Various attempts have been made to retain salmon in the ponds and to rear fry from them, in the hope that even if the fry from imported ova would not return in due time to the rivers into which they were originally turned, those from locally reared fish would do so. This expectation has not, however, been realised in a single instance. I have collected a good deal of the avail- able information on the subject. In 1887 Mr A. J. Rutherford stated that from each shipment received by the Wellington Society, a few young salmon had been retained in the ponds, so as to test the possibility of rearing in our waters a land-locked variety. Unfortunately the Society does not seem to have kept a separate record of the fish in the ponds, the number of ova taken, or of fry reared from them. In 1888 the Canterbury Society obtained 5240 eggs from some of the fish imported by Mr Farr in 1885, and from these 5000 fry were hatched out. It was claimed for them that they were the first ova taken from imported salmon in the Southern Hemisphere. Unfor- tunately the whole lot were subsequently lost by disease or accident. About the same time the Otago Society commenced to rear fry from pond-bred salmon, and continued the experiment for some years. In 206 FISHES 1889 there were some 116 four-year-old fish at the Clinton ponds, and from these some ova were obtained, from which 300 fry were hatched. These were ultimately liberated in the Waiwera. In 1890 some 14,000 eggs, hatching out about 10,000 fry, were produced, and of these 8000 were placed in the Upper Mataura, and 2000 in Lake Ada, Milford Sound. In 1891 over 20,000 ova were produced, of which 1000 were sent to the Wellington Society, and the remainder were hatched at the ponds. Of the resulting fry 7000 were liberated in the Waiwera, 7000 in the Owaka, while 3000 were sent to Milford Sound, and were liberated in Lake Ada. About 800 were retained in the ponds. The Society's report says: "Those in the Waiwera have done well, and have been seen in large numbers up to ten inches long." They disappeared during a fresh in the river in the beginning of November. In 1892 it is noted that the fish continue healthy in their confinement, although they do not grow to a large size. Some 20,000 ova were got from them, about 17,000 of which were hatched and liberated in the Waiwera. The report for 1895 says: The last of the stock of Salmon which had been kept in the Society's ponds for the last nine years were liberated early in the Spring, as they were attacked with a fungus disease. These fish for the last five years produced over 20,000 ova annually, from which 15,000 to 20,000 fry have been liberated every year, which did well in our streams, and could be observed going down to the sea in the smolt stage ; but it cannot be said that a real salmon has been got after its return from the sea. In succeeding years some fish were always retained in the ponds. Thus we read in the report for 1900: There are 176, fish, six to eight years old; and 260 three-year fish (from imported ova) in the ponds. The old stock fish are not doing well with us. They were reared from pond-reared salmon got from imported ova, and do not seem to have the same vitality as those reared from imported ova. Some doubt has been expressed as to whether the fish in the Clinton ponds were salmon at all. This would tend to throw suspicion on some of those who were concerned in sending out the original ova, or on those who were in charge of the Otago Society's ponds an utterly unworthy suggestion. The following statement is, therefore, of interest. The London correspondent of the Dunedin Evening Star, writing in November, 1892, of this suggestion, that by some blunder the ova sent out to the Otago Acclimatisation Society were not salmon eggs at all, but those of trout, says: Fortunately the fish which resulted from these eggs were not all liberated. Some were kept in ponds, and in consequence, have degenerated until they have certainly become not unlike trout. To settle the question finally, some of these pond fish were sent home from Otago to Mr Tegetmeier, TELEOSTEI 207 of the Field, who promptly forwarded them to the British Museum. Here they were carefully examined and declared to be undoubted salmon, though degenerated. A summary of the attempts to introduce this species of fish into New Zealand waters is here given to show the continuous nature of the effort. The total number of ova introduced during the last half- century, beginning in 1868, was 4,813,000 or close on 5,000,000. In addition, some 120,000 eggs were obtained from pond-reared fish. The total number of fry li berated, at various stages of growth, including those obtained from pond-reared fish, is approximately 2,620,000. These have been turned out into the following rivers or their tributary lakes and rivers : South Island Waiau 1,767,000 Selwyn 13,250 Aparima 494,000 Heathcote 240 Mataura 8,000 Avon 50 (?) Owaka 7,000 Ashley 180 Clutha 146,900 Perceval 200 Leith 500 Clarence 725 Kakanui 200 Hurunui 1,000 Waitaki 162,000 Nelson, Maryborough, Grey, \ Opihi 1,500 Buller and Hokitika Rivers j I5 ' OO< Temuka 1,500 Lake Ada, Milford Sound 5,200 Rangitata ... 1,000 North Island Ruamahanga 400 Streams in Taranaki ... 2,800 Hutt ... 8,400 Hawke's Bay ? Manawatu ... 3, 800 Salmon Trout ; Sea Trout (Salmo truttd) In 1868 the 'Celestial Queen' brought 1500 ova of sea trout to Port Chalmers (on 2nd May), but I cannot trace what came of them, as to whether they went to the Society's ponds at Opoho, or to Mr Duncan's ponds, which were on the Leith just above the mill. If they were hatched it is probable that the fry got into Otago Harbour. In 1870 the Otago Society received some ova of this species from Tasmania, and from it obtained 140 fry. These were liberated in a pond communicating with the Shag River, except 20 which were liberated in the Water of Leith. The early reports of the Southland Society are not obtainable, but in a history of the Society recently (1916) compiled by Mr A. H. Stock, it is stated that in 1870, " 154 ova were received from Tasmania and hatched out well." These fry were retained in the ponds for 208 FISHES breeding purposes, and in September, 1874, noo ova were obtained from them : The resultant fry were turned out into the New River. Of the 50 fish retained at the ponds (probably adults), nothing further is recorded, but probably they were included amongst "the old fish to be turned out into the Makarewa" in June, 1875. Mr W. Arthur the Hon. Secretary of the Otago Society, writing in 1881, says: I have tried to find from what river in England the original ova sent to Tasmania came, but the Secretary of the Salmon Commissioners there assures me that he cannot possibly find any record of this fact. In 1871 the following appears in the annual report of the Otago Society: Sea trout have been many times caught in fishermen's nets on the coast, particularly within Otago Harbour, but no reliable instance has been established of the capture of this fish in any stream or river. If these fish were the progeny of those brought over from Tasmania in 1870, they must have been very small and few in number. The first record of trout in Otago was in 1868, but no sea trout were included. In those early days there was no doubt expressed, such as arose later in regard to fish caught in sea-water, as to the difference between sea trout and brown trout. In 1873 the Canterbury Society obtained 300 ova from the Tasmanian Society, from which several fry were hatched out. Writing of this shipment (1895) Mr A. M. Johnson said: On opening the box at the Christchurch Gardens a large portion were found to have hatched and died in the moss during transit by small steamer. The remaining good eggs, a few hundred, were hatched by myself as then Curator of the Society. The young fish were longer, thinner and more active, but appeared much more delicate than the common trout. A pond with spawning race through which the whole of the water in the Gardens flowed was especially prepared for their reception, and into which about 50, all that were reared were liberated. These, at about four years old, made some nests and deposited their eggs. In 1874 Captain Hutton exhibited at a meeting of the Otago Institute a sea trout caught in Otago Harbour, and stated that another capture had been recently made. I was myself dredging a good deal in Otago Harbour then and in subsequent years, and the fishermen at that period always distinguished between two kinds of trout, which were not unfrequently taken with the seine-nets and which they distinguished as "Salmon" and "Trout." The former were almost certainly sea trout, and the latter brown trout. In 1 88 1 the Otago Society report says: "The Council has been TELEOSTEI 209 made aware of the capture of many Sea Trout in Otago Harbour by fishermen during the year." And again in 1885, it is stated: " Salmon trout have not been found during the past year in any river, and their occurrence in salt-water is not so common as in former years. It is to be feared, therefore, it has been netted out, as a species" (a very improbable suggestion it seems to me). In 1 88 1 a trout was taken in Nelson Harbour, and was submitted to Dr Hector, who identified it as a true salmon trout (S. truttd). This fish was taken near the mouth of the Maitai River, and proved to be a female, 25 inches in length, which had just spawned. In 1884 the Wairarapa Society received three trays of ova from the Government, and from these they obtained 2300 fry. Of these 500 were put in the Ruamahanga, and 700 into tributary streams, 500 in the Hutt River, and 350 in the Makakahi at Eketahuna. The remainder were retained in the ponds. I do not know where these ova came from, or whether any other ova were imported at the same time. In the same year the Wellington Society received 900 ova, which were imported from Scotland for the Otago Society, and placed 750 fry in the Makora River. In 1888 there is a statement in the annual report as follows: "Our young Salmon trout have yielded us 2500 fine healthy fry, and these are, we believe, the first taken from the fish and hatched out artificially" If this means the first salmon trout reared in New Zealand from imported fish, then it only emphasises the want of knowledge and co-operation which existed between the different societies, for the Southland Society claimed to have done this 14 years earlier. A very sharp correspondence took place in Canterbury in 1895 as to whether there were any sea trout in New Zealand. I mention it here, because many people still claim that there are none and never have been any, and consider that the question was settled in the negative by this controversy. It was initiated by a Mr W. H. Spack- man who wrote to the Christchurch Press on 22nd June, as follows : I find it stated that 7000 salmon trout were liberated in the Waimakariri, and 1000 sold. Can the Garden Committee tell me whence these were obtained ? Are they from ova direct from England, or were they from fish in the Gardens ; and if so, had these so-called Salmon trout ever been to sea before spawning? I think this matter should be cleared, as I was not aware there were any real salmon trout in the colony. This drew forth a letter from Mr S. C. Farr on ist July: Salmon trout were brought here by me from Dunedin, as a gift from the Otago to the Canterbury Acclimatisation Society, about thirteen years since (? 1882), and they bred in the Society's Gardens for several seasons T. N.Z. 14 2io FISHES under my own notice, the stock always being kept in one pond, without the slightest sign of degeneration. Mr Spackman thereupon wrote to the Otago Society, and Mr Deans, the curator, replied from Clinton, 24th July, 1895: The only salmon or sea-trout that this Society has ever had were brought from Tasmania by Mr Clifford in 1870. The ova numbered about 140. They were hatched at Opoho, and subsequently in the fry stage were removed to a pond on the bank of the Shag River. Some years ago, probably ten or twelve, the Government were getting out some ova from Sir Jas. Maitland, and it was reported that they were salmon trout, but Sir Jas. contradicted that and said that he was not aware of ever having sent salmon-trout ova. This produced another strong letter from Mr Farr who stated (Aug. 2nd) that he attented a meeting of the Otago Council when a resolu- tion was agreed to that a certain number of " Salmon Trout "fry should be delivered by Deans to him at the railway station : I brought them without loss (to Christchurch), and delivered them at the Society's Gardens. They were put into a small race, and were subsequently transferred to a pond, kept as a distinct fish, and from them ova were taken for some years previous to my removal from the office of Secretary. Mr Farr then quotes from the Otago Society's reports, and also the statements of Captain Hutton and Dr Hector already given, and then from the reports of the Canterbury Society as follows : " In 1888 there were 580 salmon trout in the ponds." "In 1889 there were nine boxes of Salmon trout in the fish house." "In 1890, 8000 salmon trout were distributed." "In 1891, 9200 salmon trout distributed." "In 1892, 6000 distributed." " In 1894, 8000 sold and distributed." " During the years mentioned Mr Spackman was a continuous member of the Council, and I believe took part in the distribution of the young fry on more than one occasion, as Salmon trout, without once raising the question as to their species." This shrewd thrust at Mr Spackman did not, of course, affect the question, and that gentleman again wrote to Mr Deans and drew from him another letter in which he expressed his opinion that we have no salmon or sea trout. It also brought Mr A. M. Johnson into the fray, who concluded his letter by saying: "it appears, however, we are all misled by mistakes about the identity of these fish." The outcome of all the discussion was only to show that the fish which the Canterbury Society had been keeping and distributing as salmon trout were probably brown trout. It did not affect the facts that the Otago, Southland and Canterbury Societies all imported salmon trout ova from Tasmania in 1871 and 1873, that mature trout were taken in the coastal waters and identified in 1874 and 1881, and that TELEOSTEI 211 two further importations of ova were received from the home country in 1884. In 1895 Mr A. P. O'Calloghan of Timaru caught a fish in the Opihi, which was sent to Dr Giinther, who stated in a letter of 2nd April to Mr H. A. Bruce: The fish mentioned in your letter of Jan. 23rd reached me to-day. It is without question a genuine Sea-trout. It is a great beauty and fatter than I have ever seen a Sea-trout or Salmon, showing it must have had abundance of food, and grown up under the most favourable conditions. It has been stated (erroneously in my opinion) that Salmonoids change their specific characteristics when transplanted from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere. The specimen sent by you is strong evidence that no such change has taken place in your New Zealand Salmonoids. In my opinion it is only evidence that the fish was derived from the egg of a pure salmon trout. Carp Trout (Great Lake Trout ?) (Salmo trutta, var. lacustris carpione) In 1887 the 'Tongariro' brought to Wellington for the New Zealand Government, a large shipment of salmon ova, and along with it 25,000 Rhine brook-trout ova, 25,000 alpine-char ova, and 25,000 carpione-trout ova. "The latter is said only to be found in the Lago di Garda." Unfortunately the boxes arrived in very bad order, and no marks were placed on the trays to indicate to which particular kind the ova belonged, and there was nothing to indicate which was which. The societies to which this lot of eggs were given were asked to keep each tray apart, in order that the various kinds of fish might not be mixed. The Canterbury Society received 12,000 ova supposed to be of this variety. Only 23 hatched out and all died. The Wellington Society received the larger portion of the ship- ment but the eggs were in a very bad condition, and only about 550 fry were hatched out. Fifty of these were sent to the Auckland Society for use as a parent stock, but there is no record as to what was done with them. About 30 were received by the Otago Society, and were placed in a pond at Opoho. The report for 1892 says: These fish are growing, but they produced no ova this year. They do not appear to have settled down to a proper spawning season, as some of them are found to be ripe during the whole year. Some were stripped, but the ova were found to be in a very bad state, and only survived a few minutes. The report for 1893 states that thirteen fish, six years old, and 105, one to two years old, are in the ponds at Opoho. It is not stated where these last came from, and there is no further record. 142 212 FISHES The Wellington Society kept a number of the fry, and in 1889 they spawned, and about a thousand fry were obtained. I do not know what came of them, but Mr A. J. Rutherford, the Hon. Sec. of the Society, stated that " Unfortunately, owing to a want of know- ledge of its habits, we have lost the breed." * Brown Trout (Salmo fario) The naturalisation of this species of trout in New Zealand waters is the most successful piece of acclimatisation work undertaken in this colony. It has exceeded all expectations. It has not only stocked the streams and rivers with the finest of sporting and edible fishes, a reputation which it shares with the rainbow trout, but it has brought numerous sportsmen to the country, and made it known far and wide as a paradise for anglers. It has also given to the coastal waters of the dominion the finest of food-fishes. It is true that the restrictive laws passed in the interests of the acclimatisation societies, and which are still in force, prevent the trout in the sea from becoming available, as they ought to be, as a food supply for the people. But it is quite possible to safeguard the trout in the streams, and yet enable those in the sea to be taken like other free-swimming fish, and then the public will get the benefit. The first attempt to introduce brown trout into New Zealand was made by the late Mr A. M. Johnson of Opawa, Christchurch, who did actually ship 600 young trout in London in 1864 by the 'British Empire,' but a careless deck-hand dropped a lump of white-lead putty into the tank (this was afterwards found at the bottom) and killed all the fish. In 1868 and the following year, Mr Huddlestone, on behalf of the Nelson Society, introduced trout ova from Tasmania, but the record of this work has been lost. Mr Johnson claims that he was the first introducer of this fish into the country. In a letter written by him to the Minister of Public Works on 6th February, 1878, he says: "I may also add that the English brown trout was first introduced into New Zealand at my expense." This shipment was one of 800 ova from Tasmania, and it appears from the reports that they were brought out for the Canterbury Society in 1867. Mr Johnson brought them across from Hobart, but unfortunately there was so much friction existing for years between him and Mr Farr, the Hon. Sec. of the Society, that it is difficult to get at the facts. Of these 800 ova, only three hatched out. The report states that "it was not long before one of them was lost (escaped into the Avon). The two remaining proved to be male and female, so we concluded that even from TELEOSTEI 213 these our rivers would in a few years be stocked." The faith of the pioneers was charming, and in this instance was justified. The fol- lowing is Mr Johnson's own account of this incident. A tremendous flood, the highest ever known in Canterbury, submerged the Gardens, and although most of the stock was saved, the three Trout were washed out into a swamp leading to the river, and appeared hopelessly lost. With a faint hope of their recapture, a spawning race was prepared near their rearing home, and at the season two of the lost trout were seen and secured. They proved to be male and female, and from these a supply of ova was obtained annually. By 1876, the Society had received about 100 from the sale of young trout, and many thousands had been liberated in Canterbury Rivers; all the progeny of those two fish. In September, 1868, Mr G. P. Clifford brought over to Dunedin from Tasmania about 800 brown trout ova. They were packed thinly in well-washed moss in four boxes, which were kept cool with frozen snow. The voyage lasted nine days. Forty-nine dead ova were re- moved on arrival, and the rest were placed in covered boxes on a bed of small gravel, over which ran a small stream of filtered water about an inch and a half deep. During the time the fish were hatching the temperature varied from 40 to 55 Fahr., averaging 46. The first fish hatched out on a8th September and the last on 29th October. The total number hatched was 729. The ova were not artificially impregnated, because the spawning was nearly over in Tasmania, but were obtained from the ridds made by the fish in the race at the Plenty ponds. The pond accommodation consisted of an oval pond 12 by 8 feet, and from a few inches to about 2 feet deep. The fry were liberated in various streams in the provincial district. In distributing the young fish they were carried in an ordinary fish-kettle, 15 by 9 inches, and 9 inches deep, and they were mostly carried by hand. Our last attempt to take trout from Dunedin to Queenstown a distance of 208 miles, over rough bush roads, with at times a bad supply of water proved a failure. The time occupied was four days. Out of 55, the number that left Dunedin, 25 were carried successfully a distance of 170 miles. The Southland Society received a small lot of ova, and liberated about 200 fry. The Canterbury Society also received a lot from the same source, and 545 fry were hatched out and distributed in various streams. In the report written at the close of 1869 it is stated: " Trout may now be considered as established in the Province." In 1869 Mr Clifford brought another lot of ova from Tasmania, from which 1000 fry were obtained and mostly distributed; and in 1870 a third lot yielding 1084 fry. From these three shipments most of the trout of this species now found in New Zealand have come, for they not only throve in every 214 FISHES stream into which they were placed, but quickly came to maturity and spawned so freely, that it became easy to distribute them As to the origin of these fish, Mr W. Arthur, who investigated the subject more carefully than anyone who has written on it, states that the brown trout in Tasmania were descended from three lots from England. "Of these, Mr Francis Francis sent one from the Weycombe, Bucks, and another from the Wey at Alton, Hants, and Mr Buckland sent one lot from Arlesford on the Itchen, Hants." These appear to be the only shipments made to the South Island In 1870 the Auckland Society received 1000 ova from Tasmania, but only 60 fry hatched out. In 1872 a large quantity was brought over from which many were hatched and were sold for distribution throughout the district. Again, in 1873 and in 1874, further lots were introduced, all from Tasmania, and all hatched out well, but the reports give no record either of the number of eggs or of fry. The northern streams are apparently too warm for brown trout, for Mr Cheeseman writing in May, 1880, says : " I am sorry to say that we have no evidence to prove that trout exist in any of our streams at the present time." Mr W. Arthur in 1881 says : "The acclimatisa- tion of Trout does not seem as yet to be a success in the province of Auckland." Evidently he thought the summer temperature too high for this species, for he adds : " A gentleman just arrived from Victoria has assured me that the trout in that colony are fat, sluggish and give no sport when caught with rod and line.". No other society appears to have got eggs or fry from outside the colony ; the others got their stocks from the south. Thus in 1874 trout were liberated by the Wellington Society in the Kaiwarrawarra Creek, the Hutt River and the Wainui-o-mata. From the first they disappeared, and in the latter they keep to the higher waters. The reason assigned at the time for this was that they got more congenial food higher up, but I am inclined to think that it was the cooler water in summer which they preferred. Probably all the Hawke's Bay brown trout with the exception of 300 which were imported from Christchurch were originally brought from Otago in 1876. In 1877 the Wanganui Society received their first consignment of fry, 300, from Mr A. M. Johnson of Opawa. In 1878 Nelson received 200 young trout from Christchurch, and the Marlborough Society reared 700 fry from ova obtained from Otago. In 1878, 1879 an d 1880 the Grey Society received trout from Otago. Since 1880 there has been a constant interchange of ova and fry TELEOSTEI 215 going on throughout both islands, and enormous quantities of both have been sent out, especially from the hatcheries of the Otago, Southland, Canterbury, Westland and Wellington Societies. It is impossible to estimate the numbers which have been dealt with, but it is safe to affirm that the various hatcheries throughout the dominion have handled over 50,000,000 young fish. This was up to the end of 1916 only. The Southland Society are responsible for about 8, 000,000, Otago 24,000,000, Canterbury between 3 and 4,000,000, Westland over 4,000,000, and Wellington nearly 7,000,000. But there are altogether 28 societies in the country, and all, or nearly all, have hatcheries in operation, and have been distributing trout for many years past. In addition to these, several million ova have been collected at the Hakataramea Hatchery for distribution, some thousands going as far as the Transvaal. Between 1916 and 1921 another 14,000,000 ova and fry have been distributed. An experiment in the carriage of frozen ova was made in 1886. A box of ova was placed in the freezing-chamber at the Victoria Docks, London, and kept at a temperature of 18 Fahr. At the end of a month it was found that, although most of the eggs had been killed, a large proportion were alive apparently uninjured. To test this matter further a box of ova was placed on the 'Ionic' which arrived in Wellington in March, 1886. The following is Mr A. J. Rutherford's report on it: The extremely interesting experiment of sending a box of trout ova in the refrigerator is, I regret, a total failure. The sawdust round the inside box was dry, and the box exceptionally well packed. Within, the moss was frozen into a solid mass, the trays all being stuck together ; and on opening a layer it was evident that the ova had been frozen to death. There was no sign of life, and the appearance presented was like layers of light-yellow transparent unfertilized ova, with one side of each egg slightly fallen in. A coating of hoar-frost surrounded each egg. The animal matter was in good condition, and what looked like traces of yellow dead fish could be seen in many of the ova. I tried several experiments, such as thawing very slowly in iced water, thawing in the air, i.e., but could detect no sign of vitality with a glass. The ova turned opaque at once on being placed in water, but the indenta- tion in the side swelled out and each egg resumed its proper shape. There are about a dozen ova that have not turned opaque, and I have left them in a hatching-box to see if there is any possibility of vitality. I think that this experiment has demonstrated plainly that the intense cold evolved in the freezing chamber is fatal to life in ova, even when well insulated and protected, as in the case of the box I received. Rate of Growth and Food Supply. When brown trout were first liberated, the rate of growth was phenomenal, and this, according to Mr W. Arthur, was " due entirely to new and abundant food, and it 216 FISHES may to some extent be to new water, also to the constitution or stock of trout." I think it most probable that the food-supply was the most important factor. The streams originally abounded with insects and insect larvas (including various flies, as ephemerids, gnats, caddis-flies, etc., grasshoppers and beetles), mollusca, crayfish and other Crustacea. In many streams, and these are the streams which have lasted out best as fishing streams, there were also countless shoals of minnows, smelts and other fish. At first the growth was enormously fast, then after a time the food supply gave out, and the big fish began to eat the smaller ones, and gradually the lakes and streams became more or less depleted. The extraordinary increase of imported birds which dates from their first importation about 1868, and which was synchronous with the increase of the trout, has also made a very great difference in the food supply of the imported fishes. Grasshoppers, which were remarkably abundant in 1868, are now comparatively rare, and this is chiefly due, no doubt, to the increase of the starling; but smaller insects, not so conspicuous to the ordinary observer, have suffered equally. In this way it is certain that the insect-life of the streams has been greatly reduced; while the trout ate the larvae, the birds fed largely on the mature insects. In 1870 crayfish (Paranephrops) abounded in nearly every stream; and I could collect quantities of shrimps (Xiphocaris curvirostris) and amphiphods (Paracalliope fluvia- tilis). The crayfish are now rare, and the other Crustacea are scarcely to be found in any stream into which trout have been placed. One of the problems which now faces those interested in keeping the lakes and streams stocked with well-grown trout is that of finding and maintaining a suitable food supply. The cultivation of suitable aquatic plants (Potamogeton, Myriophyllum, etc.), and of insects, mollusca and Crustacea, will be as much the work of a hatchery as the hatching and rearing of the fish themselves. Mottram states that in New Zealand, on one occasion, the stomach of a fish (Salmo fario) was filled with Spirogyra, Link; subsequently it was proved that the fish took the weed in order at the same time to capture a small Trichopterous larva. The yellow bloom of the furze, Ulex europeetis. Linn., was also taken on account of a small grub, probably one of the Tineina. On March 30, 1911, on Lake Okeraka, New Zealand, the stomach contents of a trout were four grasshoppers, two cicadas, and three short pieces of stick of about the same length and thickness as the grass- hoppers. This is stated to show that the fish mistakes these things for the insects on which it is feeding at the time. TELEOSTEI 217 In the appendix to his work on New Zealand Neuroptera (pub- lished in 1904), Mr G. V. Hudson gives several tables showing the contents of the stomachs of trout. Their principal food appears to be caddis- worms. Another interesting fact he brings out is that the larvae of the larger species of dragon-flies destroy considerable numbers of very young trout-fry. Mr W. Arthur has investigated the rate of growth more fully and carefully than any other New Zealand writer on the brown trout. He states that the average growth in all Otago streams between 1878 and 1883 was 1-53 Ib. per annum. The lowest recorded was in the Otaria 0-751 Ib., and the highest is Lake Hayes, 3-5 Ib. The first fish in the Shag River were liberated in 1868, and the first taken were in 1874; a male weighed 14 Ibs., and a female i6| Ibs., representing an average annual growth of 2^ and 2 Ibs. respectively. In the Leith the average increase at first was i| Ibs. per annum; in the Lee Stream i Ib.; in Deep Stream i| Ibs.; and in the Upper Taieri i Ib. These were not marked fish, and the average is based on the assumption that they were among the first fish liberated. In the Shag and the Leith there were great numbers of smelts found in addition to what occurred in the other streams. The other three are inland streams, mostly running in rocky gorges. In the Avon and Cust Rivers in Canterbury the average yearly growth at first was if Ib. Apparently in the large lakes of both islands the growth was much more rapid, but the records were not carefully enough kept to be quite trustworthy. Thus Mr A. J. lies states that the largest brown trout taken out of Lake Rotorua weighed 27^ Ib., "and was netted about eighteen years ago, some four or five years after the brown trout were first liberated." There is good reason to believe that the rate of growth in the early years of stocking was phenomenal, but the record is not definite enough to be accepted. Mr W. Arthur points out, however, that similar rapid growths have been recorded elsewhere, and gives this example : Mr J. V. Harvie-Brown, of Dunipace, stocked a loch in the north of Scotland, which had no trout in it at all. In two years they multiplied and attained a weight of 4! Ibs. So soon, however, as the number exceeded the food supply, or in two years, they fell off in condition, colour, etc., and latterly were not worth catching. Like cases have occurred elsewhere at home. Size of Brown Trout. Anglers are notorious for the extent to which their scales and yard measures stretch when they are recording their catches. But acclimatisation societies and anglers' clubs usually keep pretty accurate records. It is therefore surprising and amusing 218 FISHES to read the following paragraph from the i8th Annual Report (1883) of the Otago Society, where certain fish are reported (the italics are mine) : One taken at Lake Hayes, said to have been 60 Ibs. in weight ; two seen in the Clutha River, below the mouth of the Lindis, estimated at 80 Ibs. each by Sergeant McLeod; and one from the Mararoa, which weighed 42 Ibs. As no Salmo fario over 30 Ibs. seems ever to have been taken in English waters, the above weights must be received with caution. As one friend suggests, apparently fish grow much faster out of water than in it. The biggest trout are found in the lakes and in the sea; Lakes Wakatipu, Wanaka and Hawea have yielded many fish up to 25 Ib. in weight, and trout of 20 Ib. weight and upwards are abundant in the sea, but are very difficult to catch. They are, however, occasionally taken in moki nets. The prohibition against taking, having in posses- sion, or selling trout without a special licence, prevents any accurate record from being kept of these big sea-fish. It does not pay fishermen to take out a licence, because the catch is too erratic, but the fish are constantly taken both in set nets and seines, and they are nearly always so injured about the gills that if thrown back into the sea, as the law demands, they are almost certain to perish. Therefore a great number of them are taken, hidden, and sold surreptitiously, not as trout, however, but as "canaries." I do not know how this popular term has arisen, but it is in common use. A law which tempts men to do illegal actions is a bad law, and should be swept out of existence. Other means must be devised to protect the streams from being depleted of fish, such, for instance, as prohibiting seining altogether in certain areas. The following records of actual catches of brown trout are taken from the lists annually published by the Otago Society. Waipahi River J. P. Maitland 9 fish 34 Ib. Nov. nth ,1885 W. Carlton Geo. Steel 17 > 6 , t ...- 28 " I Nov. 8th, 1889 D. A. Purvis J. Nelson 17 , 17 , ; 38 35 ::} 1896 Many fine baskets got up to 40 ,, 1896 These were nearly all got with bare fly. The reports for 1890-92 state that : The Waipahi still holds the premier position as a fly stream. It is now yearly attracting the attention of tourists from England, Victoria and the North Island. TELEOSTEI 219 Pomahaka River C. Williams on five trips took 139^ Ib. | Wm. Fraser one day (18 fish) 53 } 1890 T. E. Brown 6 hrs (12 fish) 52 j The Pomahaka gives, perhaps, a better day's sport with the minnow than any other river in our district, baskets of 50 to 60 Ibs. have been taken in one day by Dunedin anglers. Records for 1890-91 Clutha River (above Cromwell) : one rod took 90 Ibs. in one evening. Mimihau and Otaria Rivers: baskets from 30 to 40 Ibs. frequently. M. Lowriethis season in the Mimihau took 241 fish averaging 3 Ibs. each. The Upper Mataura is now splendidly stocked, and baskets of 30 to 40 Ibs. can easily be obtained on a good day, fishing with the natural cricket and grasshopper as a lure. H. Schluter, fishing at the mouth of the Waitaki, in Oct., 1888, took three fish weighing 69! Ibs. The Waitaki Society reported in 1890 that at Waitaki North (in one day?) 169 fish were taken weighing 1123 Ib. or 6f Ib. each; the heaviest were, one of 14 Ib., one of 13 Ib., two of 12 Ib., four of 1 1 Ib., and eight of 10 Ib. The smallest fish taken weighed 3 Ib. The best baskets were two of eight fish weighing 60 Ib. and one of six fish weighing 50 Ib. These records only apply to Otago rivers, but similar records are available for other streams all over the areas stocked with brown trout. Thus the largest brown trout taken from Rotorua Lake, ac- cording to Mr A. J. lies, was 27! Ib. ; the largest from Lake Taupo was 25! Ib.; but Mr C. P. M. Butterworth states that fish of 29 Ib. have been taken from Lake Taupo. Mr W. P. Cotter tells me (July, 1916) that in Lake Hawea specimens weighing 26 Ib. have been taken, and that though the fish have been in the lake for 25 years, there is no sign of deterioration. Mr W. Arthur gives the following interesting facts about this species in New Zealand. The trout spawn (in Otago) from 2Oth June to 4th August, a half-pound fish giving about 400 ova; a seven pound fish about 6000. The eggs hatched out in 78 days. At Opoho during the winter the temperature of the water averaged 42 F.; and in the hatchery from 42 F. to 52 F. The best temperature for hatching is 48 F. The young fry average i| inches long in six weeks, and 3 inches in a hundred days. They carry best when from i to i J inches long. The only variations which he considers the brown trout to have developed in the new country is that the spawning season is about two months later (relatively) than in England, and the duration of hatching about 14 days longer. 220 FISHES Mr Dansey tells me that brown trout fry obtained from the Tauranga Society were liberated in Lake Rotorua in 1889, where they multiplied and throve wonderfully in spite of the huge flocks of shags that then infested the Lake, and which were quite capable of swallowing with ease a J-lb. trout, and of the immense numbers caught by the natives in nets at the mouths of streams ; specimens up to 22 Ib. were not at all uncommon. Those caught in the Lake had a muddy flavour ; their principal food appeared to be young cray- fish. The shags soon learned how to catch them. From Kawaha Point, on a calm sunny morning, I have watched a mob of over 200 shags away out on the lake, suddenly take wing, light again on the water near the western shore where it is shallow for a considerable distance out. They would spread themselves out in a long line at apparently correct intervals apart and all swim quietly towards the shore, the ends of the line gradually bending inwards. Suddenly, as if by some given signal, the whole line would dive, and every shag reappear with a trout in its beak. These tactics were only undertaken when the sun was at a certain altitude to, I suppose, cast the shadow of the birds at a certain angle on the sandy bottom, and thus drive the fish towards the shore into shallower water. The sight impressed me very much at the time. Mr Dansey states that brown trout afford little sport to anglers except in unpleasant weather. He further adds that : Brown trout are now only occasionally seen or caught in the Rotorua Lake. They commenced to disappear after the introduction of the Rainbow. Some ascribe this disappearance to the fact that the two species spawn at a different time; for the Rainbow, being a much stronger and more active fish, disturbed the Brown when thus engaged, and the ova failed to be fertilised. I have never seen a cross between a Brown and a Rainbow Trout ; but I have between a Brown and a Fontinalis, with the red spots enlarged to the size of a threepenny piece 1 . 1 The relative merits of different kinds of trout for inland waters are thus recorded by Ernest Phillips in Trout in Lakes and Reservoirs (p. 36). " I have a record of a reservoir in which 6000 fish were put down, all two years old. There were 2000 brown, 2000 Levens, and 2000 rainbows. The next season we started fishing, knowing there were 6000 trout to go at. The season's catch was 450 brown trout, 301 Loch Levens, and only 85 rainbows. The brown trout and the Levens were much alike, many of them up to r Ib. each, and a few over, but all the rainbows were i Ib., several reached 2 Ibs., and a few were actually z\ Ibs. It will be seen, therefore, that the brown trout provided the best and the most consistent sport. Rainbows gave the heaviest fish, but they were erratic and disappointing. They would be on the feed for a day or two and then vanish from view, and it was no uncommon experience for a whole week to elapse and not a single rainbow be returned to the keeper's list, though fifty or more of the other two varieties were caught in the same length of time. As for Loch Levens, I believe it is a fact that they do not grow to as great a weight as brown trout or rainbows, and that a fish of 4 to 5 Ibs. is a monster. At any rate, searching through another keeper's book and taking a period of five years to allow for good and bad seasons, I find that only 60 Levens were killed over 2 Ibs. as against 225 brown trout, and 74 rainbows." TELEOSTEI 221 *Lochleven Trout (Salmo fario, var. levenensis) It is perhaps owing to its isolation, and consequent in-breeding in a small Scotch lake, that this variety of Salmo fario is a more delicate fish, and more difficult to transport than the common and dominant variety. This characteristic seems in some respects to have been overcome in fish reared in New Zealand, but it was apparently in evidence in the case of ova brought from Scotland. In 1882 a shipment of ova was made by Sir James Maitland on behalf of the Otago Society, but they were all dead on arrival in Melbourne. A second shipment in the following year from the same source shared the same fate. A third attempt made in December, 1883, was more successful, and the ova were divided between the Otago and Wellington Societies, 1700 fry being hatched out at Opoho Ponds, and about 800 at Masterton. Both societies distributed a portion of their stock, and kept a portion in their ponds for breeding. From these, great numbers of fry have been distributed right throughout the South Island, and in the North Island from Wel- lington to Mt Egmont. In 1887 the 'Tongariro' brought 40,000 ova, half of which went to the Wellington Society and the rest to Canterbury. The former lot hatched out about 15,000 fry, and the latter less than 10,000. In 1889 a further lot of 27,000 ova arrived by the 'Aorangi' in Wellington. Altogether nearly 700,000 fry of this species have been distributed throughout New Zealand, of which over 470,000 came from the Otago Society. * Scotch Burn Trout (Salmo fario, var. samardit) In 1885 the Otago Society received 15,000 ova from Scotland, from which only 1700 fry were hatched out. The mortality among these was so great that there were only 490 survivors at the end of the year. Fifty of these were sent to Mr Pillans of the Lower Clutha, and 40 to A. M. Johnson of Opawa. The rest were retained in the ponds. Fifty more were distributed in 1886, and the balance were kept for breeding purposes; 700 fry being liberated in 1887, and 14,300 in 1888-89. The number annually distributed rose to 154,000 in 1897-98, but has varied from 50,000 to 120,000 in subsequent years. The total number of fish distributed from the Otago Ponds to the end of season 1919 Qist March) has been over 2,000,000. The Southland and Canterbury Societies have reared and liberated a few thousand; as did the Wellington Society till about 1898, since when they seem to have devoted all their attention to rainbow and brown trout. 222 FISHES *Lake Blagdon Trout (Salmo fario, var.) This fish is only a brown trout, and it is questionable even if it is varietally different from the common form of Salmo fario. Lake Blagdon is an artificial reservoir in the heart of Somersetshire, England, which supplies Bristol with water. It was stocked originally with brown, Lochleven and rainbow trout, and more of the latter have been taken in the lake than any of the others. The fish grew at a phenomenal rate, and in 1904 the reservoir sprung into celebrity among trout fishers in Britain owing to the size of the fish which were taken, the average weight for that year being 5 Ib. 6 ozs. each. Individual fish were taken up to 8 and 9 Ib. each. (Though not stated, it is probable that the great average weight was raised by the rainbows, which grew more rapidly than the others.) The reputation of these fish drew anglers to the lake from all parts of the kingdom, so that the waters were very heavily fished, and the average weight fell. But the record still remains unbeaten by any other water in Britain. The Otago Society introduced ova of the brown trout from Lake Blagdon some years ago, and began to liberate fry and yearlings in 1908. Since then up to 1920 they have liberated altogether some 950,000 fish in Otago waters. Alpine Char (Salmo (Salvelinus) alpinus) Among the many kinds of fish which Mr A.M. Johnson of Opawa attempted to bring out to New Zealand in 1864, were a number of char. He does not indicate the species," except that the fish were European, and not the American Salmo fontinalis. They therefore almost certainly were alpine char, which were obtainable at various ponds in England at the time of shipment. Mr Johnson lost nearly all his fish from lead-poisoning, due to the carelessness of one of the sailors. In 1887 a shipment of 25,000 ova was brought to Wellington by the 'Tongariro,' but (as is stated at p. 211) it was mixed up with two other lots of ova, and none of the trays was labelled. The shipment was also in very bad condition, smelling offensively, and with a large number of the ova dead. All the eggs supposed to be of this species were handed over to the Wellington Society. Rutherford wrote on 3ist May, 1887: "the small white ova, supposed to be Alpine Char, were in a very bad condition, and only about twenty sickly fish hatched out, three of which are still alive." Mr Ayson, Inspector of Fisheries, who was then in charge of the Wellington Society's ponds, says: "The few fish which were hatched at the Masterton Hatchery were put into one of the deepest, coldest ponds, but they did not thrive well and died off within twelve months." TELEOSTEI 223 German Lake Trout (Salmo (Salvelinus) umbld) In 1868 the Otago Society received 6000 eggs of this species by the ' Celestial Queen.' These were taken to the ponds at Opoho and hatched out there, but I cannot trace their subsequent history. This is the "Ombre chevalier" of the Swiss lakes. * American Brook Trout or Char (Salmo (Salvelinus) fontinalis) Mr A. M. Johnson of Opawa, who came out to Christchurch in 1864, claimed that the first Salmo fontinalis were brought out at his expense. I have no means of verifying the accuracy of this state- ment, but he certainly received a considerable stock of eggs from New York (via San Francisco) in March, 1877. From these a large stock of fish was obtained, and they were sold to many parts of the colony. Thus, in 1883, the Canterbury Society purchased 100 fry from him. In 1884 the Auckland Society obtained a small lot from him, and liberated them at Western Springs; and in 1885 the Otago Society got 50 fry, which were kept in their ponds and were reported to be doing well. In 1877 the Auckland Society received 5000 ova from Mr T. Russell of San Francisco. From these 400 fry were hatched out, of which half were liberated in a tributary of the Waikato near Cambridge ; and half in the Kaukapakapa stream, Kaipara. In 1880 the Wellington Society placed 250 fry in a tributary of the Hutt River, but there is no record as to where they came from. In 1 88 1 they liberated a further lot of 220 in the same stream and these were obtained from Christchurch presumably from Mr Johnson. In the same year they placed 900 fry in the Makara and Ohariu streams. In 1883 the Canterbury Society received 25,000 ova in January from Mr R. J. Creighton of San Francisco, and in February a second lot of 10,000. Unfortunately all the eggs in both shipments were dead. In 1884 the Auckland Society received 30,000 ova from San Francisco, but again all were dead. In 1887 the 'Kaikoura' brought 30,000 ova from the Solway Fisheries to Wellington, but only about 4000 arrived in good con- dition, for they travelled in the cool chamber and not in one of the insulated cases. About 2500 healthy fry resulted, of which between 500 and 600 were retained at the hatchery at Masterton, and the rest were distributed in various streams. These appear to be all the direct shipments received from home or America; the other societies obtained their supplies from Christ- church chiefly. Thus in 1885 the Otago Society received 400 young fry from the Canterbury Society. These were placed in the boxes at Opoho, but 224 FISHES serious mortality set in, and at the end of two days only 20 survived. The stock in the ponds increased however and spawned, for in 1886 1400 fry were turned out, in 1887 over 18,000, and the numbers went on increasing. The Society still liberate several thousand each year, and from the date of their first introduction till 3ist March, 1915, have sent out to many streams in Otago about 800,000 fish. In the Otago Daily Times of loth June, 1891, the fol- lowing statement appeared : The fish at Opoho and Clinton are attacked by a disease, which Dr Scott (Professor of Anatomy in Otago University) considered closely corresponded with cancer in mammals. Mr Deans stated that while confined to Salmo fontinalis in the Otago Society's ponds, it was similar to one which attacked the Rhine trout in the Wairarapa ponds. Dr Scott said it was a fatal and malignant spreading tumour in the throat. In 1887 the Southland Society received ova or fry, presumably from Christchurch, and for a few years turned out a few thousand in the Oreti and various tributary streams. Altogether only some 33,000 fry have been liberated in Southland. The Taranaki Society also got ova from Canterbury in 1887 and liberated 600 young fish in one or two streams. The Canterbury Society up to 1915 had liberated about 175,000 young fish. The Wellington Society up to 1899 had liberated about 700,000. Salmo fontinalis has not thriven as was expected by those who introduced it, for it is a smaller species than most of the others and is not able to compete against them. Mr Stevens of the Clinton Hatchery tells me that there are a number of small streams in Central Otago in which this species thrives, but there are no brown trout among them. He says: I have liberated thousands of these fish both fry and yearlings but seldom hear of any being caught by anglers. I have no hesitation in saying the tendency is for these fish to disappear from streams already stocked with Brown Trout. In the upper waters of the Hedgehope stream which rises in Bushy Park Station in Southland this species is found in abundance, but it is in sole possession. It is also found in a small stream called the Back Creek on the east side of the Blue Mountains in Otago. The Hawera Society liberated 5000 fish in their district in 1890, but resolved in the following year to get no more, but to devote their attention to brown and rainbow trout. A small number were liberated in the Rotorua district in 1890. In the Horohoro stream, a small tributary of the Waikato, they did so well that in about five years they afforded capital sport, many TELEOSTEI 225 fish of 4 Ib. and even 5 Ib. in weight being secured with the minnow. Unfortunately some years later a flood of exceptional severity swept everything before it down the valley of the Horohoro, including nearly all the trout, and so few were subsequently caught or seen, that in 1899 the stream was restocked with rainbow trout by Mr Dansey. Mr Wilfred Howell of Cave, near Timaru, sends me the following interesting facts about S.fontinalis in South Canterbury (Aug. 1916). This fish was turned out in the Pareora a good many years ago. In this river there is a dam for the Timaru water-works, which it is impossible for fish to climb, as there is no fish-ladder. Fontinalis were, as far as I know, turned in both above and below this dam. Below the dam, with the exception of three holes just above the falls, there is no sign of these fish. The habit of the fish is apparently to go up stream as far as they can go. At the head waters, up the hills, all the bush creeks are full of them. In fact all streams running into the Pareora have them after they reach the bush. I have caught them up to 3 Ibs. weight, but they mostly run about 8 or 9 inches. They also occur in the Hinds river about thirty or forty miles above Ashburton, but also only in the head-water creeks, and only when there is plenty of cover. In my opinion these fish will not spread on account of their habit of always climbing up stream. I am of opinion that they occasionally cross with the Brown Trout; I have caught fish that gave me the impression that they were certainly hybrids. As far as sport is concerned I think that Fontinalis are a failure; they are too easily caught. They will take almost anything from a red leaf pulled through the water to a minnow. They will take meat, part of another fish's gill, and any fly with much red hackle on it. When hooked they have only one good run in them, and then you can pull them wherever you want them. 1 In the Bulletin of the U.S. Fish Commission for 1887 (vol. vn), in a paper on "American Fish cultivated by the National Fish Culture Association of England," by W. Oldham Chambers, the following statement is made regarding this species: " It is with reluctance that we omit from this list the American brook trout, Salmo Jontinalis, which has had an excellent chance of asserting its qualifications for introduction into our group of Salmonidce, but has failed to do so, except in confined waters. Its first appearance in this country was heralded with jubilant anticipations ; its capacities for rapid growth were hailed as a good omen, and its gorgeous dress and graceful form won golden opinions from all piscatorial classes, who willingly paid large sums of money for what was then considered the coming trout. Gradually, however, its true character appeared, and now it is universally regarded as a fish not to be depended upon. No authority rebuts the evidence forthcoming as to its suitability to British waters, if inclosed, nor as to its value as an addition to our fresh-water fish. The sole cause, and a very grave cause it is, for its denunciation is that it escapes from those places where it is turned in. Before finally discarding this unique char it behoves us to question more closely than we have yet done its habits, instincts, and the nature of its native home, in order to render it full justice. Probably the waters in which it has been placed have not been suitable, and this assumption certainly seems justified by the fact of the fish wandering as it does. The question naturally arises as to where it goes. Does it find suitable places in its wanderings ? Does it descend to the sea, or does it pine and perish for lack of natural conditions ? If death explains the mystery, which is hardly likely, we have at once a solution ; but if not, it is difficult to say what has become of the thousands 226 FISHES Mr C. J. Peters also states that this species was liberated in streams in the Mount Somers district about 1880, where they throve remark- ably, and all the creeks are at the present time well stocked with them. * Rainbow Trout (Salmo (Salvelinus) irideus) In 1883 the Auckland Society introduced a quantity of ova from which about 4000 fry were hatched out. These were distributed in four streams in the neighbourhood of Auckland. In 1884 another and larger importation was made. According to Mr Cheeseman this shipment was referred to as American brook trout, and the name was kept up in the two subsequent reports. It was not till 1886-87 that it received its proper name. Mr Cheeseman states (Aug. 1915) "I believe that the whole of the wild stock of Rainbow Trout in New Zealand has been derived from the Auckland Society's introductions." The Auckland Society have liberated many millions of fish but their annual reports do not enable one to ascertain with any approxima- tion to accuracy the total number. It probably exceeds 10,000,000. The Canterbury Society received ova from Auckland in 1 885 , and of the fry reared, distributed some and retained others as breeding stock. Up to 1915 they had liberated in various streams about i ,200,000 fish. The Wellington Society got a number of young fish from Auckland in 1891 ; many of these were deformed. Some 900 of them were placed in a rearing-box into which a large eel managed to find its way, and only left 12 alive when it was discovered. In the following year a number more were obtained, and distribution of the fish throughout the provincial district was commenced, and carried on vigorously for nearly 12 years, rearing in the ponds being discon- tinued in 1905. This was owing to a disease 1 of the gills which attacked the breeding stock in 1903, and increased to such an extent as to discourage the authorities from breeding any more. Mean- while the Society had liberated nearly 2,800,000 fish. In 1895 tne Otego Society received from the Wellington Society 5000 ova which hatched out only moderately well on account of being obtained from immature fish. Ultimately 1500 were liberated in the Waipahi, and 400 retained for breeding purposes. During the last 20 years they have liberated over 500,000 fish. Among other localities Lake Hawea is particularly well stocked with them. turned out into our English streams. In America the brook trout is regarded as a home-loving species therefore it seems somewhat likely that we have not yet provided the domestic comforts to which it is habituated. The suggestion, at least, is worth studying, and the Association still has these fish under culture, not being convinced of their unsuitability for inclosed waters." 1 Mr Deans of the Opoho Hatchery, Dunedin, considered that this was similar to the cancer which attacked Salmo fontinalis in the Otago Society's ponds. TELEOSTEI 227 The Southland Society began to liberate fry in 1900, but appear to have discontinued in 1904, after some 40,000 fish had been liberated, mostly in the Makarewa. The Hawke's Bay Society began distributing fry in 1900, and liberated up to 1915 about 750,000 fish. The Westland Society, which liberated altogether over 500,000 fish, in 1907 declined an offer of eggs from the Tourist Department " on account of rainbow trout failing to do well in this district." Some of my informants have stated that this species cannot hold its own against the brown trout, for A. J. Rutherford who knows the North Island trout streams very well, says (in 1901): "the only stream I know which is well-stocked is the Tahuna-atara stream between Rotorua and Taupo, which is full of them, and contains no brown trout." The President of the Southland Society states : there is only one authenticated case of a rainbow trout having been found (in Southland), and that was in a poor starved condition. Fishermen attribute the destruction of these fish to the brown trout. Mr A. C. Henderson, Hon. Sec. of the Waimarino Society, reports (1915) that about 1900, two settlers, Messrs Nathan and Robertson, turned out a number of brown trout in the Makotuku stream but reported them as all dead. In 1903, however, some fairly large fish were found to be in the stream, and they have increased steadily since : At first this increase of brown trout was viewed with satisfaction and the Society went on liberating both rainbow and brown trout until 1908, when it became evident that in the streams thus stocked, the rainbow trout gradually disappeared and the brown trout increased. Profiting by this experience the Society does not now liberate rainbows in the same stream where there are brown trout. The southern streams of the district, with one exception, have been given over to brown trout. The opposite opinion is held by Mr Bell of Hawera, who informs me that rainbow trout dominate and are too strong for brown trout. The former go up the streams and occupy the head waters, while at the river mouths, brown trout chiefly are found. Mr C. P. M. Butterworth states that in the Tongariro River which runs into Lake Taupo, he has caught only brown trout in a certain pool, when the river was in flood and muddy, and the very next day in the same pool, when the water was clear, has taken only rain- bows. He is of opinion that the rainbow prefer the lake and only move up stream on the approach of the spawning season. They give very much better sport than the brown trout. In many Otago streams both brown and rainbow trout will be taken in the same stream in the same day. In Lake Hawea the same 152 228 FISHES thing happens. This is the evidence of Mr Mclntosh, President of the Otago Society (in 1916); but against this Mr Steven, Curator of the Clinton Hatchery, states (i 2th June, 1916) : " I know of no stream in the South Island in which brown and rainbow Trout thrive together." On the other hand Mr W. P. Cotter informs me that in Lake Hawea both brown and rainbow trout have been taken in the same net and are known to favour the same creeks and spawning grounds. In netting for trout in Lake Hawea in July (1916) only brown trout were taken in the lake itself, 150 fish in one haul. But in a trap set in Timaru Creekwhich runs into the lake, ten rainbowswere captured. Mr J. King of Hokitika says that rainbows are difficult to keep in confinement after two years of age, as they are exceptionally liable to gill-disease. Mr Dansey, who was largely responsible for stocking Lake Rotorua with this species, distributed most of the fry as soon as they were free of the yolk sac, as they carried better and stood more knocking about and in greater numbers at that stage than at any other. Size of fish and rate of growth. Mr lies states that the largest fish taken out of Lake Taupo weighed 21 Ib. and that they are frequently netted up to 20 Ib. Mr W. P. Cotter informs me that in Lake Hawea, fry were first liberated about November, 1911, and that in less than two years later rainbow trout of 10 Ib. weight were taken in nets set along the shallow beaches. He adds: The fact of trout of this weight having been secured caused a discussion as to whether they had entered the lake from the sea, as it was not considered possible that such growth could be attained in the time mentioned. Against this theory it is merely necessary to state that, roughly speaking the lake is nearly 200 miles away from the sea, the winding Molyneux the only connecting link, that no rainbow trout had been netted in previous years, and that in practically virgin waters for one particular species trout might thrive for a brief space beyond the expectations of the most sanguine. The following appeared in the Dunedin Evening Star in Aug. 1913 : A 13 Ib. male rainbow trout, suicidally trapped at Lake Hawea during ova-stripping, has been sent to the Otago Acclimatisation Society and will be stuffed and placed among the office trophies. The rainbow trout, as fry an inch long, were put into Hawea five years ago, and the finding of such a well-grown and healthy specimen is proof that the fish are getting good food and thriving in this lake. Up North the rainbow is reckoned a splendid sporting fish, and the flesh is excellent eating. Mr A. C. Henderson states that "in one virgin stream (in the Waimarino district) we liberated 200 fry, and two years afterwards the average fish taken was 3 Ibs. in weight." Mr C. P. M. Butterworth informs me that fry hatched in 1914 were liberated in TELEOSTEI 229 Lake Onslow, a large artificial lake or dam near Roxburgh, in the following year. In 1916 one was caught which weighed 3 Ib. 14 oz. There is reason to believe that the growth in the larger lakes at the beginning of stocking was much more rapid. Mr Dansey states that some caught in the Waikato River weighed from 7 to 8 Ib. within four years from the liberation of the fry 1 . Speaking of rainbow trout in South Canterbury, Mr Wilfred Howell says: In the rivers they are not doing much good, as they seem to go down to the sea soon after being turned in, and no big fish ever come into the rivers from the sea. In the lakes, however, especially Lake Alexandrina in the MacKenzie country, they are doing very well indeed. Some were put in there five years ago as yearlings, and last month (July, 1916) three were caught, the largest 17 Ibs., the smallest 14 Ibs. The increase of these fish in the inland lakes of the North Island was so great that in 1913 the Government decided to take over the administration of the inland fisheries, and, in co-operation with the acclimatisation societies throughout the dominion, to endeavour to improve the condition of affairs. In Rotorua and Taupo the fish had deteriorated greatly, and measures were at once taken to reduce the number in the lakes. This was done in Rotorua by means of barriers in two of the largest rivers, and by netting traps and drag-nets in other streams. In Taupo all were taken by means of traps and nets. For the three years ending 3ist May, 1916, the total number of ill-conditioned fish taken and destroyed was as follows: 1913-14 1914-15 191516 Totals Number Tons Number Tons Number Tons Number Tons Rotorua 18,271 19-3 14,941 20-7 25,243 22-5 58,455 62-5 Taupo 2,830 4-6 12,779 2 7' 15.674 27-9 31,283 59-6 The total number of good fish taken out and sold for the same period amounts to the following: 1913-14 1914-15 1915-16 Totals Number Tons Number Tons Number Tons Number Tons Rotorua 25,851 15-9 28,460 18-2 35,464 20-5 89,775 54-6 Taupo 6,243 "-o n,574 22'3 l6 ,i37 22-5 33,954 55-8 1 Ernest Phillips, author of Trout in Lakes and Reservoirs, says (p. 37) : " Rainbows are no use at all for rivers. They disappear down to the sea very soon after they have been liberated. It might be thought that the Rainbow would find it hard to exercise this faculty for getting away from lakes and reservoirs and ponds, but it is apparently just as easy for a stock of Rainbows to disappear from a fenced and walled-in reservoir as it is from an open river. Until this was discovered there had been a great run on Rainbow trout, and thousands upon thousands had been turned down in municipal reservoirs. But when reservoirs had been stocked with countless numbers, and, after two or three years they were drained and found to be empty, a reaction set in." 230 FISHES The marketable value of these fish for the three years named was 1865, 1513, 1217. So that out of those two lakes there have been taken in these three years 213,467 fish weighing 23 2| tons. To still further keep up the fisheries and to renew the stock already in the lakes the Rotorua Hatchery has sold or distributed within recent years, 3,330,000 ova and 1,896,000 fry. With the object of improving the condition of the fish some 250,000 native shrimps (Xiphocaris curvirostris) were caught in the Waikato River in 1908, and were liberated at suitable places in the lakes. In 1909 another 185,000 were liberated, and another large quantity in 1912. Since the Department of Internal Affairs took charge of the fisheries, 280,000 shrimps have been brought from the Waikato and placed in Lake Rotorua, and a further 110,000 in Lake Taupo; all in sheltered places. I question very much whether this expensive mode of feeding the trout has any permanent value. If the shrimps are placed in waters to which trout have no access, but from which they can escape into the trout-frequented areas, then they might form a permanent food supply. Otherwise they will simply be eaten up as quickly as they are liberated. Some more scientific method of feeding and of conserving the food supply should be adopted. Mr C. Chitty of Cambridge (according to Mr Jas. Drummond, Aug. 1914) says that in the Waikato, the native grayling used to ascend the river in thousands every spring. They were not seen after 1875, though the mullet continued to ascend. He blames the rainbow trout, but as a matter of fact these fish were not introduced into the Auckland district before 1883. * Mackinaw Trout; Great American Lake Trout (Salmo (Cristivomer) Namaycush) In 1906 Mr L. F. Ayson at the request of the Tourist Depart- ment brought a case of eggs of this species from America. They were hatched out at the Christchurch Society's Hatchery, and 4000 fry were liberated in Lakes Pearson and Grassmere. Another lot of 4000 were taken over to the west coast, with the intention of placing them in Lake Kanieri, but Mr Jas. King of Hokitika reports (July, 1916), that owing to the carelessness of the curator then in charge of the hatchery they were all lost. Those in the Canterbury lakes have been caught by anglers during the last two or three years. Mr E. F. Stead, writing in April, 1916, says: The Mackinaw Trout are apparently thriving in Lake Pearson, as several have been caught weighing about 10 Ibs. As the lake is but little fished, this would indicate that there must be a fair number of these fish there. TELEOSTEI 231 Lake Tahoe Trout (Salmo clarkii Tahoensis) The Auckland Society received 30,000 ova from Mr T. Russell in 1878. About 3000 fry hatched out, but only 1000 survived. Of these, part were placed in Lake Omapere, part in Lake Waikare, and a few in the Onehunga Springs. No one has any knowledge about them to-day ; they do not appear to have established themselves. There is some confusion about the identification of this fish and the succeeding species. The name I have given above is that furnished by Mr Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, who says that it is a species which runs up to 20 or 30 Ib. weight in Lake Tahoe and other lakes in the Sierra Nevada. He adds: "No other result could be expected from these fish when turned out in water like Lakes Omapere and Waikare, and the Onehunga Springs." Black-spotted Trout (Salmo henshawii) The report of the Auckland Society for 1885-86 states that ova of this species were received from San Francisco, "which were reared to maturity in the Society's ponds, producing fry, some quantity of which was liberated. They either disappeared, or merged with the Rainbow Trout." No one seems to have taken the trouble to look after the fish, once it had been successfully introduced. * Californian Salmon ; Quinnat Salmon ; King Salmon ; Chinook (Salmo quinnat; Onchorhynchus tschawytscha) The quinnat, like the brown trout, has been a great success in acclimatisation work. The species is now thoroughly established on the east coast of the South Island, and its range is being very steadily increased. The Hawke's Bay Society was the first to take steps to introduce this fish into New Zealand, and through Dr Spencer F. Baird, Chair- man of the United States Fishery Commission, a shipment was despatched to Napier in 1875. Unfortunately it never reached its destination. The steamship having it on board went direct to Sydney, and failing to obtain a fresh supply of ice there, it was found on the trip to Auckland that the ova had begun to hatch out. To save them from total loss, Mr J. C. Firth took a portion of the eggs and placed them in the Auckland Society's ponds; the result was that out of 20,000 ova which arrived, about 10,000 were placed in the Waikato and the upper tributaries of the River Thames. The remainder were placed in the hatching-boxes; about 1450 fry were forwarded to the Thames, Wairoa and Tauranga districts, though the loss, due to the 232 FISHES heat of the season, was very great. About 1000 fry were retained in Auckland. In 1876 a very large shipment arrived, which included 84,000 eggs for the Government, a large parcel (the number not specified) for Auckland, 60,000 for Napier, and a quantity for the Canterbury Society. The Government supply was sent to Southland, where Mr Howard reported loth March, 1877: The salmon were a most unqualified success; very nearly 18,000 have now been turned out, and about 200 kept for observation. All those turned out have been taken as far as possible up the Oreti, and placed chiefly in the five rivers at Lowther. I do not know what was done with the 60,000 ova for Napier, the records appear to have been lost. The Auckland Society hatched out about 20,000 fry, of which 10,000 were placed in the Waikato, 3000 in the Tuakau, 2000 in the Mahurangi River, and 600 in the Southern Wairoa. A thousand sent to the Whakatane River were lost in transit. Apparently the Wellington Society received 400 fry from this lot (or from Napier), and these were liberated in the Hutt River, seven miles from the mouth. The Canterbury Society received 100,000 ova, which it was stated hatched out about 90 per cent. ; but they only distributed some 20,000, which were liberated in the Waimakariri, Hurunui, Rangitata, Little River, Rakaia, Avon and Ashley. In 1877 a big order for ova was sent to America, but owing to some bungling between the societies (which were always trying to act independently) and the Government, only n boxes arrived at Auckland, instead of 20 which were expected. Some were retained, and the others distributed to Nelson, Greymouth, Canterbury, Otago and Southland. The Auckland Society received 100,000 ova, and distributed them as follows : 40,000 in the Punui River in the King Country, 8000 in the Thames, 7000 in a small stream near Wairoa North, and 43,000 in the Mangakahia River. About 95 per cent, were said to have hatched out. But this placing of ova in the rivers was rather a stupid procedure in face of the constant menace from eels and shags. Presumably the Auckland Society did not have proper ponds for dealing with large quantities of eggs. The Wellington Society again received some fry, about 1700, in this year, though it is not stated where they came from, and liberated them in the Hutt, in the Manawatu River in the gorge, 35 miles from the sea, in the Wairau, 15 miles up, and in the Wanganui, ten miles from the mouth. TELEOSTEI 233 The Nelson Society received 25,000 and placed them in the Motueka and Wairoa Rivers. The Marlborough Society appear to have received 500 fry, but where from, I cannot find. Probably they are the same as are referred to in the preceding paragraph as having been liberated in the Wairau. The Grey Society received a box of ova, presumably 25,000 eggs, and these were placed in the Grey River. The Canterbury Society received 50,000 ova, and hatched out between 30,000 and 40,000 fry. Of these 10,000 were placed in the Waimakariri, 10,000 in the Rangitata, and smaller lots in the Shag, Hurunui and Heathcote. In 1880 three years later three fish were caught in the Waimakariri, weighing 8 lb., 5^ lb., and 4^ Ib. respec- tively. These were considered by many to be true quinnat salmon, but to make sure it was resolved to get a true quinnat from America either in spirits or in ice. However, with the lack of continuity which characterised so much of the work of the acclimatisation societies, this was never done, and the identification was not made. The Otago Society shipment appears to have numbered 50,000, and it hatched out pretty well, for 13,000 fry were liberated in the Kakanui River, and 18,000 in the Waipahi. The Southland Society received 100,000 ova, and placed 35,000 fry in the Oreti, 18,000 in the Makarewa (a tributary), and 10,000 in the Waipahi. Howard stated that the young fish were exceedingly healthy and strong. On ist February, 1878, the Colonial Secretary writing to the Governor states: the half million salmon ova which arrived in November last have been successfully hatched and distributed to the different rivers of the colony ; and that, owing to the extreme care with which the ova were packed, about 95 per cent, hatched out. In addition to the half-million sent at the request of the Government, an equal quantity has been sent to the various Acclimatisation Societies without charge. In 1878 the Auckland Society imported 100,000 ova, and these were deposited in the tributaries of the Upper Thames, where numbers of young fry were seen. Those placed in the Thames and in the Waikato in 1876 and 1877 had also been seen, and the report con- cludes that "the full stocking of both these streams is now little more than a question of time." As a matter of fact the fish were never heard of or seen again. In 1880 the Wellington Society liberated some 4600 fry in the Hutt River, probably from Auckland ova. Nothing further in the way of introducing ova was done for many years. All these early experiments failed, and though an occasional 234 FISHES doubtful fish was taken, as recorded below, the species did not succeed anywhere in establishing itself. The Canterbury Society's report of 1885 states that a fish found dead in the Avon in February, 1884, was "identified by Dr Bean, Ichthyologist of the Washington Museum, as a Californian Salmon.'* In its issue of 2ist August, 1895, the North Otago Times con- gratulates Mr George Dennison of Hilderthorpe, on being the first angler to capture a properly identified true salmon in New Zealand waters. The salmon was taken in the Waitaki River. This paragraph was evidently based on the following correspondence. The Field of 20th July contained an account of four fish sent from the Waitaki Acclimatisation Society to the Editor, who passed them on to Dr Giinther and Mr Boulenger Nos. i, 2, and 3 were identified as belonging to Salmofario. Of No. 4 from the Waitaki River they say : "The specimen (length 29 in.; girth 15 in.; weight 9! Ibs.) was a female with well-developed ova; it was not the English Salmo salar, but undoubtedly an American species, but which one has not yet been decided." In The Field of 27th July, Dr Giinther further writes : In the editorial note (to previous letter) you assume that one of the specimens sent to you and examined by myself is Salmo quinnat, commonly called " California Salmon." This specimen differs so much from the others of the same consignment, in the form of the head and its component parts, in the shape of the body and tail, as well as in coloration, that I must consider it to have a different origin than the other specimens, which, in fact, I regard as beautifully grown specimens 'of Salmofario. It is certainly not a Salmo salar (as I think I demonstrated to Mr Tegetmeier), neither is it Salmo quinnat, which has a many-rayed anal fin, and is readily recog- nised. Being told that Californian Salmonoids had been introduced into the Waitaki waters, I consider it probable that that specimen might represent one of the numerous species of Salmo of the west coast of America, with which I am very imperfectly acquainted. After a lapse of several years, during which no importations were made, the Government took up the matter seriously and a continuous policy was entered on. Early in January, 1901 , a shipment of 500,000 quinnat-salmon ova was received from California, a gift from the United States Fish Commission, and of this a portion was sent up to Hakataramea, and the balance to Lake Ohau. In the following year 23,600 yearlings were liberated in tributaries of the Waitaki, and 20,000 retained in the ponds. In 1903 12,000 twenty-months old, and 20,000 twenty- six-months old, were liberated in the Hakataramea River. In January, 1904, 300,000 ova were received from the United States as a gift, and 98 per cent, hatched out. But evidently there were far more received, for during the year, 5000 three-and-a-half-year-old TELEOSTEI 235 quinnatwere liberated in the Hakataramea, while in 1905 the numbers set free were 448 four-year old, 12,000 one-year old, 224,252 eight- months old, and 162,613 three-months old. In December, 1905, a fish believed to be a salmon was caught in the Waitaki and submitted to Sir James Hector, who said it was a true salmon grilse, probably belonging to Onchorhynchus quinnat, but he was unable to determine the species with certainty at that early stage. In 1906 another shipment of 500,000 ova was procured from the United States, Mr L. F. Ayson going to San Francisco for them. Half of these were taken to Lake Ohau, and 245,000 fry hatched out, which were liberated as soon as they absorbed the yolk sac. The other half were equally successful at Hakataramea, 224,833 fry hatching out. In addition to the foregoing there were liberated in the Hakata- ramea River 73 five-year-old, 12,587 two-year-old, and 53,378 one- year-old fish. On 6th June, 1906, Sir James Hector received a fish from Haka- taramea of which he wrote: "The fish sent is a true Pacific Salmon (Onchorhynchus quinnai), being a female of about 16 Ibs. weight." On 29th June he reported on three more fish from the same river. One was a male, 25 in. long, weighing 6 lb., the second a female 22 in. long, and 5^ lb. in weight; and the third (probably only a three- year-old fish) was 17 in. long, and only i| lb. in weight. He thought it probable that all these fish, which were all in bad condition when received, belonged to O. quinnat. Both the Secretary of the Waitaki Society and the Collector of Customs at Oamaru stated that fish, supposed to be salmon, had been taken in the Waitaki and in Oamaru harbour by fishermen; those identified by Sir James Hector being of the number. These captures seemed to establish the fact that the fish were now returning to the river to spawn, and that the naturalisa- tion of the species was secured. In 1907 Mr Ayson again went over to San Francisco and brought back 500,000 ova, which reached Hakataramea on 8th April; and from these 482,000 fry hatched out. During the year 62 three-year-old, 21,282 two-year-old, and 224,647 one-year-old fish were liberated in the Hakataramea River; and later in the year 290,000 fry. The report of the Marine Department for 1906-7 states that: this year, fish which are undoubtedly Quinnat salmon have been caught in the Hakataramea River, up which they are going to spawn; and the Manager of the Salmon Station reports that he has seen large numbers of them in the river. During May and June the manager obtained 30,000 ova, the first taken in New Zealand from these fish, from which about 25,000 fry were obtained; of these 17,000 were liberated in the river. In 236 FISHES addition to the few fish which were stripped, numbers of salmon were seen spawning in the side streams of the Waitaki from Station Peak to some distance above Kurow ; also in the Ahuriri River higher up, in the Ohau, Haldane and Gray's Hill Creeks, and in the Mary Burn. In 1908 103 four-year-old, 173 three-year-old, 18,937 two-year- old, and 166,851 one-year-old fish were liberated in the Hakataramea River ; while 2000 were placed in the Selwyn River by the Canterbury Society. In this year more and larger fish ran into the Hakataramea, and 78,400 eggs were obtained. In 1909 43 four-year, 199 three-year, 611 two-year, and 14,624 one-year-old fish from imported ova were liberated, together with 8000 one-year-old and 51,000 three-months-old fish from ova pro- cured from river fish. The number of ova collected during the spawning season from running fish was 238,000. During the year a 5 Ib. quinnat salmon was caught near the mouth of the Rakaia River. This may either have come from the Waitaki, or have been one of the 200 fish which the Canterbury Society liberated in the Selwyn River in 1907. In 1910 only 210,000 fry were liberated from the Waitaki, owing to the very dry summer which preceded the spawning season, and the low state of the rivers. Of these, 32,000 were reared at the station for liberation in the Hakataramea; 25,000 ova were sent to Tasmania, and 150,000 to the hatchery at Kokotahi,.Westland. From this last lot of ova about 145,000 fry hatched out and were liberated in streams flowing into the Hokitika River, the stream which the Department decided should be stocked with this fish: 70,000 being put into the Harris Creek, 50,000 into Murray's Creek, and 25,000 into Duck Creek. There were liberated into the Hakataramea River, 126 three-year- old, 821 two-year-old, 23,854 one-year-old, and 22,700 fry from the season's ova, and into the Seaforth-MacKenzie River 3000 fry. The record for 1911-12 is taken from the Marine Department's report : The largest run of Quinnat salmon which has yet taken place, came up the Waitaki River last spawning season. They were found spawning in the main river itself, from a few miles up from the sea to where it branches off at the junction of the Ahuriri, Ohau, Pukaki, and Tekapo Rivers. Large numbers were seen spawning in these four large tributaries, and in the case of the Ohau and Pukaki they had run right through the lakes at the heads of these rivers, and were found spawning in the rivers beyond. These fish spawn in much deeper and heavier water than trout, and are therefore very difficult to capture for spawning purposes, as only a very small percentage of the fish which come in from the sea run up the smaller TELEOSTEI 237 streams, such as the Hakataramea and Gray's Hills Creek, to spawn. The number of eggs collected last season was 240,000. These were disposed of as follows: 25,000 were sent to Tasmania, 157,500 to the Hokitika River, 3000 salmon fry to the Seaforth-MacKenzie River, and the balance were retained at the Hakataramea Hatchery. This season the Manager reports a good run of salmon spawning in the Tekapo, and the collection of eggs for this season is now proceeded with. During the year there were liberated from the Hakataramea ponds: 137 three-years old, ion two-years old, 8317 one-year old, and 12,426 four-months old fish. Mr Ayson's report for 1912 says: In point of numbers the run of salmon which spawned in the Waitaki River and its tributaries last season was quite equal to any of the previous years. The average size of the fish was, however, larger, and a peculiarity of the run was the very large percentage of male salmon which were captured. In other seasons the fish taken were about equal sexes, but last season nearly twice as many male fish were taken as females. Had the percentage of females been equal to other seasons nearly double the quantity of eggs would have been collected. The total quantity of eggs taken was 237,000, and these were disposed of as follows : 27,500 were supplied to the Tas- manian Government; 190,000 sent to the West Coast; 7500 retained at the Hakataramea Hatchery: 12,000, the loss during incubation. The salmon- eggs sent to the West Coast hatched out very well, and the young fish were planted in tributaries of the Hokitika River. It is interesting to note that a number of the young fish were taken in whitebait-nets in the tideway of the river during the early summer, showing that they maintain in this country the same characteristics of going to sea at an early stage of their existence as they do in their native country. The following fish were liberated from the station in October, 1912, 503 three-years-old, and 567 two-years-old. In 1913 251,000 ova were collected in the tributaries of the Waitaki River, of which 150,000 were hatched at the Department's hatchery at Kokatahi and liberated in the tributaries of the Hokitika River, 25,000 were sent to Tasmania, 45,000 were liberated at Haka- taramea, and the fry of 20,000 were kept in the ponds at Hakataramea. Several thousand were hatched at Taupapa for the fresh-water aquarium at the Auckland Exhibition. The following is from Mr Ayson's report for 1914-16: A succession of floods in the Hakataramea River during the month of May, 1914, interfered seriously with the collection of salmon-eggs. The nets were washed out several times, and most of the salmon escaped up- stream and spawned in reaches of the river in the gorges. The manager at Hakataramea reports a heavier run of fish than the previous season, but owing to the unfavourable river-conditions the number of eggs collected was less. On account of the large number of salmon which escaped up the Hakataramea during the floods, the river was heavily stocked with the salmon-fry hatched from the natural spawning. In the late summer 238 FISHES and autumn thousands of fine strong healthy fish were to be seen in every pool. The total number of eggs collected for the season was 243,000, which were disposed of as follows: 25,000 were supplied to the Tasmanian Government, 145,000 were sent to the West Coast for stocking the Hokitika River; 53,000 were hatched out at Hakataramea. During the year 41 ,000 three-months-old fry, 19,254 yearling salmon, 580 two-year-old and 36 three-year-old fish were liberated. During the angling season it was reported that salmon were caught with rod and line at the mouth of the Waitaki and Rangitata Rivers, and also that they were frequently taken with hook and line off Timaru and Oamaru by persons fishing for sea-fish. The run of spawning salmon during the present season (1915) in the head-waters of some of the main tributaries of the Waitaki is undoubtedly the heaviest since the fish first commenced to run up from the sea. When recently in the Upper Waitaki district I was told by men who have lived for a number of years near the lakes and rivers in that region, and who are in the habit of observing the spawning every season, that there are more salmon and larger fish than any previous season. Mr Macdonald, manager of Ben Ohau Station, said that for some years he had watched the salmon spawning in the Ohau River, and this year from its outflow from the lake to its junction with the Waitaki River (a distance of about eighteen miles) he had never seen so many fish. When I arrived at Benmore Station after leaving the Ben Ohau Camp, Mr Sutherland (manager) told me his head shepherd and musterers had returned a few days before from the head of the lake and reported hundreds of large salmon spawning in the Dobson River, so I went on to the head of the lake the same afternoon to see for myself, and ascertain whether it would be possible to get any eggs. Mr Fraser, the shepherd in charge there, provided me with a riding-horse and accompanied me to the Dobson the following morning. We examined the river from its junction with the Hopkins to where the camp joins it, a distance of about eight miles. The statement of the Benmore shepherds with regard to the fish I found to be practically correct. We saw a number of large fish in every pool we counted as many as fifteen in one and large spawning beds every chain or so as far as we went. From the appearance of the fish, the number of spawning beds, and the number of dead fish on the shingle beaches, it was evident that the spawning was about finished for this season. We saw some very large fish: two spent dead fish measured 42 in. and 42! in., and I estimate the average size of the fish we saw at from 20 Ib. to 25 Ib. I may say that I inspected the Dobson at the end of the spawning season of 191 1 ; then I saw from thirty to fifty fish and a number of spawning beds. This season I estimate there are well on to ten times as many, and much larger fish. The Marine Department's (Mr Ayson's) report for 1915-16 states : Last spawning season 25 1 ,000 eggs were collected ; the most of these were taken at the Hakataramea Salmon Station. Two up-country collecting TELEOSTEI 239 stations were worked, viz., Gray's Creek, on the Tekapo branch of the Waitaki River, and the Twizel River, a tributary of the Ohau branch. A large number of male fish were netted at Gray's Creek station, but all the females were spent fish and we were not successful in getting a fair quantity. Owing to the very low state of the Hakataramea River throughout the spawning season comparatively few fish ran up, and the quantity of eggs collected did not come up to expectations. The rack across the river, built on the American principle, was effective in stopping salmon from getting past, and all which came up were caught. This season we decided to work the Dobson River, one of the rivers which flow into the head of Lake Ohau, and the men commenced operations there about the aoth April, and notwithstanding the difficulties experienced in working such a heavy river they have to date been very successful in getting eggs. The run of salmon on the Hakataramea is by far the heaviest that has been experienced. The river this season is carrying a good body of water, and as it is discharging directly into the main branch of the Waitaki, all the salmon which come up from the sea have to pass its mouth, and as the condition of the Hakataramea is so favourable, a good many fish enter its mouth and find their way up through the nets. The first run of fish this season was fully two weeks earlier than in any previous season, and another unusual feature is the large number of unripe fish which have been taken. If the salmon continue running for another ten days at the rate they have been doing, the collection of eggs taken from fish netted in the Hakataramea alone will exceed half a million. From my own observations and from reports from the Tekapo and Pukaki Rivers it would seem that there is an exceptionally heavy run of fish in the Waitaki and all the tributaries this season. Salmon have been caught freely by anglers at the mouths of the Waitaki, Rangitata, and Rakaia Rivers this season, and information is to hand to the effect that large numbers have been caught by hook and line off the Timaru Breakwater. Last spawning season a large number spawned in the Rangitata River and its tributaries. All this goes to show that the salmon are fast making their way into the large snow-fed rivers north of the Waitaki. One of the reasons why the Waitaki River was chosen in the first instance for the salmon was because of the northerly set of the ocean current along the east coast, so that by stocking the Waitaki all the rivers north of that would in time be stocked by the fish being carried northward. The success of the efforts to establish quinnat salmon in New Zealand is mainly due to the zeal and continuous energy of Mr L. F. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries. The fish has spread south as well as north along the coasts of the South Island, and in 1917 was reported as being commonly taken by line fishermen off Otago Heads, and as moving down to Foveaux Strait. The early attempts to introduce this fish apparently all failed, and it is interesting to summarise the dates of these attempts, and the rivers or districts which were stocked. They were: (1875) Thames, Waikato, Wairoa district, and Tauranga district; (1876) Tuakau, 240 FISHES Mahurangi, Mangakahia, Punui and Hutt, Napier district, Southern Wairoa,Manawatu, Wanganui ; Grey, Wairau, Hurunui, Waimakariri, Rangitata, Heathcote, Shag and Oreti; (1877) Northern Wairoa, Mangakahia, Punui and Hutt; Wairau, Motueka, Hurunui, Waima- kariri, Heathcote, Rangitata, Shag, Kakanui, Waipahi and Makarewa; (1878) Upper Thames; (1880) Hutt. Since 1901 they have been placed almost exclusively in the Waitaki and its tributaries, though a few were put in the Selwyn and the Seaforth-Mackenzie ; and (in 1913) some hundreds were liberated in the Leith and Waikouaiti streams. More recently the Hokitika River has been chosen as the west coast stream to be stocked. In a letter written some years ago asking for information as to the failure to establish the quinnat salmon in the rivers of New Zealand, Marshall McDonald, Commissioner U.S. Department of Fish and Fisheries, said: We have experienced the same difficulty in attempting the acclimatisation of this species upon our eastern coasts; all experiments having failed completely after expending a large amount of money, and being tried on a scale of magnitude and under a variety of conditions sufficient to test fully the capabilities of our eastern streams in this direction. We have attributed the failure to the different temperature conditions prevailing in the rivers of the east and west coasts at the spawning season, which is from July to September. The streams of the west coast at this period, fed as they are by the melting snows in the mountains at the head of the large rivers, present a relatively low temperature which invites the ascent of the salmon in obedience to the natural instinct which pervades the entire family to move from warmer to colder waters in seeking their spawning grounds. On the east coast at this season of the year our rivers are warmer than the adjacent seas, and we have concluded therefore that the failure to enter our streams is due to the higher temperature conditions prevailing in them. This is probably true in regard to your own waters. The summer temperature of the Pacific Coast streams in which the salmon enter at the season of spawning rarely reaches 60 F. During the season on our eastern coast the temperature rises to at least 70 F., and sometimes reaches a maximum of 80 to 85 F. Mr Ayson writes me (August i7th, 1915) in regard to this com- munication : Quinnat salmon begin spawning about ist April, and are finished by the end of May. In America there are two distinct runs, which are called the summer and winter runs. Marshall McDonald in the report you quote evidently referred to the summer run. The winter run commences well on in October, and finishes in December. The Quinnat eggs with which we stocked the Waitaki were all from the winter-run fish, and it is interesting to note that we have only a winter run of spawning salmon, so far, in the Waitaki; which would go far to show that eggs taken from winter-run fish in America only develop winter-run fish in this country. TELEOSTEI 241 The time of running in Southern Alaska, according to Dr Bean, is from May till August; at North Sound, the northern limit of its known migration, it is early in June. There can be no winter run in the far north of America, when the rivers are blocked with ice. From Mr Ayson's statement it would seem probable that all the ova received in New Zealand were from rivers which were open in the winter months. I have no record of size of the quinnat salmon captured in New Zealand. In Alaska rivers (Yukon, etc.) they average about 20 lb., but have been recorded up to 100 Ib. and more. I am told by some anglers who have caught the quinnat salmon in New Zealand waters, that the fish is a very inferior one for the table, being coarse and dry. It would be unfortunate, but a quite possible occurrence, that an inferior race has been introduced. Though so many separate shipments of ova have been received and hatched, it is possible that all those now running in the rivers of the east coast of the South Island are derived from one lot. (See Appendix B, p. 557.) * Sock-eye Salmon; Blue-back Salmon (Salmo (Onchorhynchns) nerka) In 1901-2 a shipment of 500,000 ova of this species was sent from Canada to New Zealand via San Francisco. It arrived in the colony in bad condition, only 160,000 being good when unpacked, and there was a large percentage of deformed fish among those hatched out. Of these, 5000 fry were liberated in tributaries of the Waitaki, 91,200 in the streams flowing into Lake Ohau, while 20,000 were retained (on 3Oth June) in the hatchery at Hakataramea. In the following year 10,000 fry eleven months old, and 1500 sixteen months old were liberated from the ponds into the Hakataramea River. In 1903-4, 5981 fish two-and-a-half years old were liberated in the river, and at the end of the year fast March) there were estimated to be about 2000 three-year-old fish left in the ponds. Of these, 1273 were liberated the following year, and by the 3ist March, 1905, there were still left about 216 four-year-old fish. There must have been some loss in the ponds, for 34 were liberated next season, and only 1 8 remained in confinement. On 22nd May, 1906, Mr Chas. L. Ayson, Manager of the Haka- taramea Hatchery, wrote as follows: While cleaning the pond-net which I have set at the mouth of the Haka- taramea River to-day I caught on the top side of the net a fish about 16 in. in length, and which would, if in proper condition, weigh about five pounds. This fish is undoubtedly a sock-eyed salmon (O. nerka), which has been up the river for the purpose of spawning and was returning down T. N. z. 16 242 FISHES stream. The fish was in a dying condition, being greatly covered with fungus. I now have it in formalin at the station. This, I think, should now set at rest all doubts as to them returning from the sea to spawn. In the following year some fish believed to be sock-eye salmon were caught in Lake Ohau and sent to Sir James Hector, who reported as follows (4th May, 1907): These fish are without doubt young sea-run specimens of the blue-back salmon, sock-eye (properly "Saw-qui") or red fish of Fraser River, and the krasnaia ryba of Japan two males and two females. These particular fish are so much out of condition that they are not fit either for food or sport ; yet, had they been allowed to mature, in the course of a few weeks they might have produced about 2000 fertile eggs, which would have been quite sufficient to stock Ohau Lake. The sizes of these fish were respectively: males, 19 in. and 42 oz.; 18 in. and 36 oz.; females, 28 in. and 28 oz.; and 23 in. and 23 oz. Mr L. F. Ayson, Inspector of Fisheries, writing to me in September, 1916, says: An occasional sea- run Sock-eye has been taken in the spawning seasons. The last was a pair which I caught in the Twizel River (a tributary of the Ohau) in May, 1915, when collecting Quinnat salmon eggs. A number of them, however, have remained in Lake Ohau, and have run into the creeks at the head of the lake every season in the months of March and April to spawn. These lake salmon are not plentiful and are dwarfed in size, the average weight being under 2 Ibs. This lake habit of some of the Sock-eye is not peculiar to New Zealand, as in their native home in British Columbia, a number remain in the lakes in the same way. Dr Bean says of this fish in the Alaska Rivers that they average from 7 to 8 Ib. in weight, though individuals are occasionally seen up to 15 Ib. They run up the American rivers from April to June or July. Canadian land-locked Salmon (Salmo Sebago) In 1905 Mr L. F. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, who wen to America for eggs of quinnat salmon, brought over to New Zealam a case of eggs of the land-locked salmon for the Southland Acclimatisa tion Society. About 10,000 ova were received at the Wallacetown Hatchery, and these hatched out well. Owing to some accident, al of the fry with the exception of about 100, escaped into a race leading into the Makarewa. The remainder were probably placed in Lake Te Anau, which was the destination originally intended fo all, but the Society's statement closes with the words "No furthe record." The species is incorrectly named Salmo ovanniche in the Southlanc Society's report. TELEOSTEI 243 White-fish (Coregonus albus) In December, 1876, a case with 125,000 ova was despatched from San Francisco (from U.S. Fish Commission) for the Government of New Zealand, and arrived in Auckland on 2Qth January, 1877. Owing to there being no ponds at Wellington, the eggs were sent on to care of the Christchurch Society, where they were delivered on 3rd February. They began to hatch at once, for Dr Hector writing to the Hon. Spencer F. Baird on Qth February says: "The Secretary reports that over 200 young fish have come out, and says they are three-quarters of an inch long (five days old), very transparent, with bright yellow eyes, are very lively, and appear to be doing well." On 22nd March, Mr Farr writes that owing to water overflowing the boxes, all but six or seven of the fry were lost. It was hoped that as they were washed out into the race, some of them would turn up again, a hope that was not realised. The Auckland Society received a box of ova in 1876, presumably from the same shipment, but only nine fry hatched out. It is very difficult to tell whether the Society got a supply on their own account previous to the Government's shipment. There was such a stupid want of co-operation on the part of many of the Societies, and the Auckland one especially seems to have been a sinner in this respect. It is in reference to this lot that Mr Dansey writes me on 28th June, 1916, as follows: While I was in charge of the telegraph station at Te Ngae in the East shore of Lake Rotorua in 1876, some white fish, brought over from America by the late Joshua Firth of Matamata, were turned out into Te Awahua stream on the North West shore of Lake Rotorua, an exceptionally cold stream. I never heard of anything having been seen of them afterwards. Had they survived they would not have escaped notice, as there was at that time, and for some years afterwards, nothing in the lake but inanga (min- now), bull-heads and fresh- water crayfish. A box of the Government shipment was sent down to the South- land Society's ponds at Wallacetown, but the eggs were dead and quite undistinguishable on arrival. On i4th February, 1878, another shipment of 500,000 ova arrived in Auckland, and was distributed. One box with 50,000 ova was retained and hatched in Auckland; they turned out very badly, and were practically all lost. A second box with 50,000 ova was kept in Auckland (presumably in ice) till iQth April, when it was sent on to Mr A. M. Johnson of Opawa, Christchurch. Mr Johnson received them on the 23rd, and reported them "as all hopelessly bad, with the exception of three." The Canterbury Society received 100,000 ova, but only acknow- 16 2 244 FISHES ledged 20,000. From these only 12 fish hatched out and eight sur- vived. These were placed in a stream running into Lake Coleridge. The Waitaki (Oamaru) Society received a box of 50,000 ova, but there is no report as to what was done with them. The Otago Society also received one box, and were more suc- cessful than any of the others, about 1000 young fish hatching out "which throve very well at the breeding ponds." Mr Arthur, writing on loth July to Dr Hector, says: The last I know of them is, that Deans started with the whole lot for the Wanaka, before they had reached that age and size which we all agreed to be most prudent before turning them out. He got as far as the Teviot, but they had nearly all died, except one or two which were liberated in a lagoon communicating with the Clutha. The remaining four boxes with 200,000 ova were taken by Dr Hector himself to the Bluff by steamer, and conveyed as rapidly as possible to Lake Te Anau. By special train to Lumsden, and travelling all night in an American wagon, Te Anau was reached by 3 p.m. on 23rd March, and the boxes were unpacked. Out of the four boxes of ova three were almost completely destroyed by the growth of white fungus, and the young fish, which had evidently been hatched out for some time were reduced to a pulpy jelly. In the fourth box in which there was only a slight growth of fungus, a considerable number of the ova were found in sound condition, and hatched out rapidly as they were transferred to the trough. Mr S. Herbert Cox reported from Te Anau to Dr Hector on 2Oth February: "The whitefish are doing very well. They are all hatched out, and are feeding well, they will, I presume, be let loose in the lake about Saturday, if it is calm enough." There is no further record. The Nelson Society received an earlier consignment of ova which was brought over at the expense of Mr John Kerr of the Lake Run, but I cannot learn the date of this importation. " The ova were placed in a creek running into Lake Rotoiti, and hatched out well." None have ever been caught, but Judge Broad in his jubilee history of Nelson says : " it is believed that they exist in the lake in considerable numbers." Mr F. G. Gibbs, Chairman of the Rotoiti Domain Board, writing on 3rd February, 1917, says: I have frequently made inquiries about the whitefish, but I cannot find any one who has seen any trace of them. I well remember the ova being taken up to the lake, and I also remember that the local newspapers shortly afterwards reported that the young fish had been seen. If they really were seen, which many doubt, they have since completely disappeared, probably exterminated by eels, which are very abundant in the lake. In 1879 the Auckland Society imported 500,000 ova. Most of TELEOSTEI 245 these were placed in Lake Taupe, but small lots were distributed to Lakes Okataina, Titikapu and Tarawera, and to the Awahou Basin discharging into Lake Rotorua. About 50,000 were placed in the hatching-boxes in the Domain, but failed to hatch out. In 1880 another shipment of 1,000,000 ova was made by the Government, and distributed to various societies. The Auckland Society received 50,000 ova. "The fish hatched out very well indeed, but the temperature being 65 F., they died day by day, and in a few days all but two had died." The Napier Society also received 50,000 ova on iQth January. The hatching commenced the same day, and about 200 were hatched out, but by 3Oth January all were dead but 12. The Nelson Society received 250,000 ova, but they were kept too long in Auckland before being forwarded, and reached their destination in a bad and stinking condition, many of them apparently already hatched out and dead. Only about 40 or 50 fish hatched out alive, and "with the exception of some eight or ten, these young fish quickly died off; those that were alive were put into one of the ponds, where they appeared to thrive." The Secretary adds : " I regret to say they suddenly disappeared. I do not think they died, as they were constantly looked after; and they were large enough to be seen in the pond, as the water was quite clear." The Christchurch lot amounted to 300,000. Hatching commenced on 2Oth January, and the whole of the young fish estimated at 50,000 were hatched out by the 29th. Fungoid disease, however, made its appearance among them, although every precaution was taken to insure success, and daily the numbers were rapidly diminishing. On 24th Feb. the whole of the fish numbering about 25,000 were liberated in Lake Coleridge. After watching them for a few seconds we noticed that they took a spiral course to the depth of about eight inches, then dived suddenly downwards and were lost to sight in the deep azure water. They were liberated from a boat at a distance of about half a mile from the shore. " The temperature of the water in the lake was taken, and to our astonishment was found to be 59 at a depth of fifty feet, and 60 at the surface." Mr A. M. Johnson of Opawa received two boxes (100,000 ova?), from one of which only 28 young fish were obtained, and from the other many thousands hatched out. This was on 29th January. On 4th May Mr Johnson writes to the Colonial Secretary stating that after seven weeks of the time of hatching, the numbers continued to visibly diminish daily, in spite of every care and precaution, till the total number 246 FISHES left cannot now be as many hundreds as there were thousands; those fish liberated in ponds full of Crustacea and insect life appearing to share the same fate as the ones in deep and protected races. I can find no further report of this experiment. The final lot of 250,000 was sent down to the Bluff, which was reached on igth January, met by Mr Deans, curator of the Otago Society, and conveyed to Queenstown the same day. "They com- menced to hatch at once, but died shortly after. As there seemed no chance of saving them, it was decided to turn them out at Beach Bay, about eight miles from Queenstown, the latter place being infested with trout and perch. All, with the exception of from 1200 to 1300 (ova), were hatching out in the cans while going up the lake, and seemed quite lively when turned out. I regret to say I believe quite one-half of the ova have gone bad." By 28th January the remaining ova were reduced to about 800 or 900, and about 40 live fish, and these were liberated at Halfway Bay, between Queenstown and Kingstown. The temperature of the water was 56. The only subsequent reports of this 1880 shipment come from the Canterbury Society. The annual report for 1885 states that "we are credibly informed that shoals of the White Fish, placed by us in Lake Coleridge, have been recently seen there." In 1886 it is said "we have received several reports of the White Fish having been seen in Lake Coleridge, some of large size, and that they are multiplying has been proved by some young ones being washed ashore in a gale." In a letter received from Mr Edgar F. Stead in April, 1916, he says: "No whitefish have ever been caught in Lake Coleridge, nor have any skeletons of them been found." In 1884 the Nelson Society received about 1,000,000, of which 300,000 were placed in the hatching-boxes, and the remainder were put in Lake Rotoiti. There is no report of any of these, for the Nelson Society have lost their records; but in 1901, Mr A. Rutherford was of opinion that the fish were then in Lake Rotoiti. Though all previous attempts had so far failed, it was determined to try again to introduce this desirable species, and two shipments were made to the Government from San Francisco in 1886-87. On I3th February, 1886, 1,000,000 eggs from the U.S. Hatchery at Northville, Michigan, were shipped by the ' Alameda ' which arrived at Wellington on I2th March. On opening the boxes the contents were found to be putrid, and this appeared to be due to carelessness on board the steamer, as the ova had been "packed with the greatest care and in the most approved method." On 1 5th January, 1887, the 'Alameda' again took a shipment of TELEOSTEI 247 1,500,000 white-fish eggs, and arrived in Auckland on 5th February. They arrived in excellent condition, but according to the letter of the Minister of Marine on 26th February to the U.S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, though "the percentage of bad eggs on being unpacked was less than one per cent.," yet "on being placed in the water the ova did not separate freely, and on the second day nearly fifty per cent, was dead." Ten trays were handed over to the Nelson Society on the 6th, but again I can find no record of what was done with them. This lot represented 500,000 ova. One tray (50,000 eggs) was sent to Clinton. About two-thirds of the eggs were bad, but a considerable number of fry were hatched out. The mortality, however, was so great that the rest, about 1000 in number, were turned into a large pond. One or two were seen later, but the rest disappeared. On February 25th, 1889, the pond was emptied and one specimen was found, which died the following day. It was 12 inches long, 3 in. deep and weighed close on u oz. A small lot from this tray was taken to Opoho, Dunedin, where over 200 fry were hatched out, but some died and the rest disappeared. The remaining 19 trays, containing 950,000 ova, reached Queens- town on 8th February. The following report by Mr Davidson, curator of the Lakes District Society is given in full : The ova were placed in the boxes on the 9th, the temperature of the water being 47, lowered from 50 by ice. I was able to keep the temperature at 47 for two days with ice; after this, when the ice was finished, the temperature remained at 50, and never rose higher. Some of the fry were moving in the boxes on the loth, but the greater portion died in the egg, not more than 50,000 hatching out. When unpacking the ova it was found that too much pressure had been used, making the ova stick together in one mass ; the ova, however, looked perfectly healthy, and were all alive, but it was impossible to separate them. If the ova had not been so far advanced there would have been a much greater chance of success. When the fry were fifteen days old, I observed the sac absorbed on most of them. I liberated about six thousand in Lake Wakatipu on a8th February. On 5th March about twenty thousand were liberated in Lakes Wanaka and Hawea. I then began to feed those remaining on bullock's blood. They appeared to thrive well on it for a time say for about a month; after that they appeared to be not thriving so well. I therefore liberated the whole of them in Lake Wakatipu about 3ist March. The fry have been seen on several occasions, and are doing very well apparently, being I 1 in. long. I consider they are established without a doubt this time. I have liberated quite fifty thousand in healthy condition. This was written on ist June, 1887; there is no further record. Nothing further was done in the way of attempting to introduce white-fish till 1904, when Mr L. F. Ayson, Chief Inspectorof Fisheries, 248 FISHES went to San Francisco and brought back with him 2,000,000 ova; half of these were taken to Lake Kanieri and half to Lake Tekapo. Mr L. F. Ayson, writing in September, 1916, says: In 1 904, on my recommendation, the Marine Department decided to make a systematic effort to introduce this fish, and hatcheries were established on Lake Tekapo, in the Mackenzie country, and Lake Kanieri, on the West Coast, and these hatcheries were equipped with the proper hatching jars. The eggs of whitefish cannot be successfully hatched in the ordinary trout boxes. In the American and Canadian hatcheries a special jar is used, and in the attempts to hatch out the earlier shipments of eggs im- ported, in the ordinary trout boxes, I am afraid very few of the young fish came to maturity. Two million eggs were imported each year from 1904 to 1907. Each shipment of eggs arrived in first-rate condition, was successfully hatched out, and the fry liberated in the lakes mentioned. Writing on 22nd May, 1906, Mr Chas. Ayson, manager of the Hakataramea Hatchery, says: While at Lake Tekapo in January last I was informed by two different persons that they saw on different occasions at the bridge where the Tekapo River flows out of the lake, a strange fish, and from the description given me I am inclined to think that the fish seen were whitefish. And Mr L. F. Ayson on 25th May states: I may say that reports are current at Lake Kanieri similar to those mentioned by the manager about Tekapo, viz. that strange fish have been seen, and from the description given resembling whitefish. At Kanieri Lake these fish are reported as having been seen in the shallow water near the foot of the lake. Early in 1907 Mr Ayson brought the last shipment of 2,000,000 ova from San Francisco. Half of these went to Lake Tekapo, arriving at the head of the lake where the hatchery was situated on 9th March. The other half went to Lake Kanieri on the i ith ; the eggs were in the latter case just 43 days from hatchery to hatchery. In his letter already referred to Mr Ayson says : These fish are not easily seen, and the only way to prove whether they have taken a hold or not is by having the lakes tested with deep set nets. So far this has not been done. Reports have reached me several times of late of schools of fish being seen in both these lakes fish, which, from the description given, do not resemble trout. When I was on Lake Kanieri in the beginning of August last (1916) I saw fish shewing on the surface of the lake several times which were quite different in their movements from trout. TELEOSTEI 249 Lake Herring; Cisco Herring; or Lesser White-fish (Coregonus artedi) In 1907 a small shipment of the eggs of this species was brought over from America by Mr L. F. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries. They were brought partly because of their value as a food-fish, and partly to increase the food supply for trout in Lake Rotorua and other lakes in the Thermal district. About 40 per cent, of the eggs died en route. The remainder were taken to Rotorua to be hatched and liberated. Apparently nothing further has been heard of them since. Family CYPRINID^ * Carp (Cyprinus carpio) In 1864 Mr A. M. Johnson shipped 200 carp in London in the ' British Queen ' bound to Lyttelton. The experiment was, however, unsuccessful, all the fish dying during the voyage. In 1870 Mr E. Dowling imported a number of Chinese and Prussian carp into Canterbury. In 1867 the Auckland Society introduced 114 Prussian carp. Of these 12 were placed in Takapuna Lake. In 1868 a number of fish were shipped by the 'Celestial Queen' for Otago, but none survived the voyage. In 1 88 1 the Otago Society obtained six fish, but I do not know where from. These were placed in a dam at Waihemo, but this burst, and the fish were washed away. In February, 1911, Mr E. T. Frost reported that carp were very common in the Waikato district. They are red, golden, white and black, red and black, and white. The Maoris eat them in great numbers but find them too bony. Carp were liberated at Lake Mahinapua on the west coast Mr W. W. Smith tells me that they are common and of large size in Taranaki. Mr R. D. Dansey of Rotorua, who has given me a great deal of most interesting information regarding introduced animals in that part of New Zealand, tells me that carp are very plentiful in Rotorua, and are called "Morihana" by the Maoris. He gives the origin of this name as follows: I was present when in 1873 a small number of carp were first liberated in Lake Taupo by Sub-Inspector H. Morrison of the Armed Constabulary, then stationed at Tapuaeharuru. They had been brought up from Napier in a billy. Members of the Constabulary had been purposely stationed at intervals of several miles along the track from Napier to Taupo, a dis- tance of 90 miles, and the billy and its precious contents was passed on 250 FISHES from man to man till it reached Tapuaeharuru, where the fish were liberated near the outlet of the lake. All hands and the cook from the re- doubt proceeded to the spot to see the liberation, and many natives came across the Waikato River to see the new pakeha fish. There was great cheering as the little carp swam out from the bank. The natives called them then and there "Morihana" after Captain Morrison, and they are still only known by the natives in the Taupo and Rotorua districts by this name. In 1880 five of us subscribed 1 each and commissioned "Jack LofBey " to bring a billy of young carp down from Taupo, where by that time they had become exceedingly numerous. They were duly liberated at the mouth of the Utuhina Creek and in a small lagoon emptying into the Lake, where they multiplied at an enormous rate. The Maoris did not like them, considering them too full of bones and dangerous for their children. Ere long a lucrative trade in gold-fish sprang up between the Ohinemutu Maori children and visitors. Carp frequenting the thermal waters along the southern shores of Lake Rotorua soon turned a bright red or white, some partly red and partly silver. The children became adepts at catching them with their hands among the reeds and rushes, up to a quarter of a pound weight or more. In June, 1916, at a meeting of the Arawa tribe in Rotorua, it was decided to send a telegram to the Hon. W. H. Herries, Minister for Native Affairs, protesting against a recent Government notifica- tion forbidding the catching of carp in Lake Rotorua, and pointing out that the Maoris were thereby deprived of a food supply which they had enjoyed for the last 30 years. The Canterbury Society received a number of silver carp from Sydney in 1868; I do not know what was done with them. Golden Carp ; Gold Fish (Cyprinus carassius) The first attempt to introduce goldfish into New Zealand was made by Mr A. M. Johnson, who succeeded in bringing a few alive (the only survivors out of a large and varied assortment of fish) in the 'British Empire* in 1864. These were landed at Lyttelton. In 1868 the Canterbury Society received a number from the Acclimatisation Society of Melbourne. I do not think these fish are specifically distinct from the ordinary carp 1 . 1 The following paper on the "Rapid Growth of Carp due to Abundance of Food," by J. H. Brakeley, is taken from vol. vn, Bulletin of U.S. Fish Commission, 1889: "The European carp in becoming naturalised in this country has changed its habits in several important particulars. Instead of hibernating for several months with its nose in the mud, as in Europe, here it does this for a very short time, if at all, even as far north as the Middle States. The eggs hatch here in from four to seven days, according to the temperature of the atmosphere, while in Europe it requires from twelve to twenty. Here it readily takes the bait when skilfully TELEOSTEI 251 Japanese Minnow (Pseudorasbora parva ?) A number of minnows from the rice-fields of Japan were imported to the ponds at Opawa by the late Mr A. M. Johnson. These probably belonged to the species named above. Several were distributed, but I have no word of their subsequent history. Gudgeon (Gobio fluviatilis) In 1864 Mr A. M. Johnson shipped a number of gudgeon on board the ' British Empire ' for Canterbury, but none of them survived the voyage. In 1868 another attempt was made by Mr Frank Buckland, a number of fish from the Thames, presented by Mr S. Ponder, being shipped to the Otago Society by the ' Celestial Queen.' This shipment was also unsuccessful. Barbel (Barbus vulgaris) Several specimens of barbel were included in Mr Johnson's un- fortunately unsuccessful experiment, made in 1864. Bleak (Alburnus lucidus) Mr Johnson also shipped some bleak by the * British Empire ' in 1864, but all died on the way out. The tank in which these and several other species of fish were carried was lined with slate, and so divided by perforated partitions that fresh water flowed freely through it; there were also contrivances for aerating the water. The whole was surrounded with a framework case, with double cane-matting, which presented, while it is said not to bite at the hook in its native land. So, in becoming Americanised, it has become quite a different fish in habit, if not in form. The rapidity of growth, too, which characterised many of those distributed by the U.S. Fish Commission during the first four or five years, seemed to foreshadow another important change of habit. It was supposed that the waters of this country were more favourable for its development than those of its native land. But in this, I fear, we are doomed to disappointment. Further experience has shown that this remarkable growth of which we hear so much, and of which there are many examples on record, was due to the abundance of food with which the carp were supplied, rather than to other causes. The small number furnished by the Govern- ment to each applicant usually not over twenty were frequently placed in large ponds, and often at the close of the first summer the fish had reached a weight of from one to two pounds apiece, and by the end of the second summer from four to five pounds, and in some instances their growth far exceeded this. But now, since they have multiplied so that we can fully stock our ponds, their growth is much less rapid. In the autumn of 1884 the writer placed a little over 2500 carp, then one summer old and much larger than their parents when received from the Fish Commission, in a five-acre pond. In the following autumn they were found to average about eleven ounces each ; and last autumn, being the close of their third summer, they fell a little short of a pound apiece, and this, too, with the number in the pond reduced about one-fourth. In another pond of about half the size the growth was no more rapid." 252 FISHES was kept constantly wet in the tropics. Troops of snails, water-lilies and weeds of various kinds were also introduced, partly for food and partly to assist in aeration. A lump of white lead in one of the tanks to have poisoned nearly all the fish before it was discovered. * Tench (Tinea vulgaris) Among the fish shipped from London for Lyttelton by Mr A. M. Johnson in the 'British Empire' were several tench. This was in 1864. Unfortunately all the fish died on the voyage out. In 1867 the Canterbury Society received some live fish from the Hobart Acclimatisation Society, and in a report issued in 1871 it is said "they have successfully multiplied." In the following year the Southland Society received some from Mr Morton Allport of Tasmania. In 1868 Mr Frank Buckland shipped a number for Otago by the 'Celestial Queen,' but none reached their destination. They got on well for some weeks till one day one of the ship's boys who was changing the water for the fish, got them into a bucket of fresh- water and emptied it over the ship's side, instead of so doing with a bucket containing the stale water that had been drawn off. In 1869 the Otago Society liberated 18 in the Ross Creek Reservoir, Dunedin, but the report does not state where they came from. In 1880 the Society sent 30 to Otekaike and 30 to Elderslie, both in the Oamaru district. In 1887 the Elderslie ponds were overhauled and cleaned, when great numbers of tench were distributed throughout the district. They are to be found in a few localities throughout South Canter- bury in ponds and dams, as at Cave and near Timaru. But they do not seem to occur in any waters south of the Oamaru district. A good many are to be met with near Hokitika and other localities on the west coast. They were formerly introduced into the Rotorua district as food for trout, but Mr Dansey tells me there are certainly none there now. Rudd ; Red-eye (Leuciscus erythrocephalus) This was another of the species which Mr Johnson endeavoured to introduce in 1864, but unsuccessfully. Dace (Leuciscus leuciscus) Mr Johnson had a number of dace in the shipment of 1864, but none survived the voyage. TELEOSTEI 253 Roach (Leuciscus rutilus) Shipped by Mr Johnson by the ' British Empire' in 1864, but all died on the voyage. Minnow (Leuciscus phoxinus) A number were shipped by Mr Johnson in 1864, but all died on the voyage out. Family SILURID^E * American Cat-fish (Pimelodus cattus) In 1877 the Auckland Society received 140 fish from Mr T. Russell, and placed them in St John's Lake. They were lost sight of for a time, but reappeared in considerable numbers in 1884, and it was stated that they were evidently increasing fast. In 1885 they were caught in hundreds, and were sent to many parts of the provincial district. At the present time (1916) they are plentiful in Lakes St John and Takapuna. In 1885 some 30 fish were sent down to Wellington and placed in a Mr Perry's pond at Petone, but no one to-day seems to know anything about them. Probably about the same time Mr A. M. Johnson of Opawa obtained some from Auckland, and had a few there till recently (1916). Mr Jas. King of Hokitika informs me that some were liberated in Lake Mahinapua on the west coast, but he does not know when. In the annual report of the Westland Society for 1904, the secretary states that "Mr T. Green, of the South Spit, showed me two nice American Catfish, weighing 3^ Ibs., caught accidently while fishing for eels in Mahinapua Creek. Mr Green considers the lake and creek to be full of them." Mr Ayson tells me that at the present time (1916) they are plentiful in Lake Mahinapua. Mr W. W. Smith informs me (April, 1919) that they are abundant in ponds about Ashburton, probably obtained from Mr Johnson in the eighties. Family GASTEROSTEID^: Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) In 1885 Mr S. C. Farr obtained 36 sticklebacks from the Brighton (England) aquarium, and shipped them by the 'Kaikoura' to the Canterbury Society, but they all died in the tropics. In 1892 Mr Clifford brought a number of these little fish out to Dunedin for the Otago Society. Some of them were kept for years at theOpoho Hatchery, and some were transferred to Clinton; but both lots seem to have disappeared, which perhaps was not to be regretted. 254 FISHES Some were sent to Mr Johnson of Opawa, who kept them close in his aquaria, and wrote stating what an undesirable importation they would prove if liberated in our rivers. I do not know what came of any of these, but I am not aware of any sticklebacks being in any of the New Zealand waters at the present time. Family PERCIDJE * Perch (Perca fluviatilis) The late Mr A. M. Johnson claimed that he first introduced perch into New Zealand; he arrived in Christchurch in 1864 from the Old Country. His first shipment of 200 fish per * British Empire ' in that year was, however, unsuccessful. In 1868 three perch were received by the Otago Society from the Hobart Society, arriving in July in the ' Swordfish,' and these were turned into the Ross Creek Reservoir, which supplies Dunedin with water. In September of the same year Mr Clifford landed 19 more from Hobart, and these were placed in the same reservoir. In 1870, 1 8 more were landed. These fish increased and were spread far and wide through Otago, viz. to Lawrence, Gore, Clyde- vale, Kaitangata, Otekaike, Elderslie, Tapanui, Waikouaiti, Waihemo, etc. They were also sent to Ashburton, to the Canterbury Society, and to Nelson. The Otago Society's report for 1891 says: "These fish are becoming very numerous; Kaitangata Lake and Lovell's Creek are simply swarming with them." In 1892 the report is: "Perch are still on the increase. Some have been caught weighing as much as 5 Ibs." Also in 1868 the Southland and Canterbury Societies received perch the number not specified from Mr Morton Allport of Hobart. The annual report of the latter society for 1871 says: "they have successfully multiplied and no further importations are needed." In 1883 Mr Shury of Ashburton reported to the Canterbury Society that "perch in large numbers could be seen in some streams on the Wakanui road," and the report of the following year shows that they were extremely abundant in the district. In 1877 the Wanganui Society imported about 50 dozen perch from Ballarat, Victoria: "They were put into canvas bags filled with water and slung on frames on board ship. They arrived in capital order." A second consignment was not so successful, about half dying. In 1878 the Wellington Society got about two dozen from the preceding Wanganui shipment and placed them in the Wellington Reservoir. In 1886 they were very numerous, and several lots were placed in lagoons in the Wairarapa, and in lakes near Otaki. TELEOSTEI 255 In 1885 the Hamilton Domain Board obtained 100,000 ova from the Canterbury Board, and liberated the fry in the Waikato district. In 1887 tne Taranaki Society obtained a number from Mr Johnson of Opawa, and Mr W. W. Smith, writing from New Plymouth in February, 1916, says: "They are common in the district; though introduced many years ago, I have not seen any large specimens." Mr Jas. King informs me that they were also liberated in Lake Mahinapua, on the west coast. Family SERRANID^E Gippsland Perch (Percolates colonorum) In 1868 Mr A. M. Johnson imported a number of these fish, and kept them in his ponds in Opawa, Christchurch. Family OSPHROMENIDJE Paradise Fish (Polyacanthus opercularis) In 1908 Mr A. M. Johnson imported some of these aquarium fish from Japan for his tanks at Opawa. Gourami (Osphromenus olfax) In 1869 Captain Tobin of the 'Sea-Shell' attempted to bring a number of these fish from Mauritius (where they have been acclima- tised) for the Canterbury Society. They did not survive the voyage, however. Family PLEURONECTID^: Turbot (Psetta (Rhombus) maxima) A successful attempt to introduce this species into New Zealand was made in 1913. The shipment was made on behalf of the Govern- ment and was under the care of the late Mr T. Anderton, curator of the Portobello Marine Fish Hatchery, Dunedin 1 . 1 The only previous attempt to carry live sea-fish across the equator to southern waters appears to have been that of the New South Wales Fishery Depart- ment in 1902, under the superintendency of the late Mr H. C. Dannevig. On that occasion 722 plaice, 28 black soles, four large turbot and four large brill were shipped at Plymouth on the 'Oroya' on 2ist June. The turbot and the brill died before the voyage was half accomplished, the last being taken out on nth July. On arrival at Fremantle on 24th July, 581 plaice and 23 soles were alive. The 'Oroya' reached Sydney on 2nd August, and the surviving fish (560 plaice and 23 soles) were liberated in an enclosure at the Maianbar fish-farm in Port Hocking, situated about one and a half miles inside the Heads. Owing to inadequate preparation no suitable permanent enclosure for the fish was secured; the result was that during the intense heat of summer the whole stock of plaice died. Had the attendant in charge of the station opened the sluices and allowed the fish to escape into deeper and cooler water, they might have kept together and spawned at a later date, instead of being lost altogether. The soles appear to have survived the first summer. 256 FISHES Seven hundred young turbot, varying from one to a little over two inches in length, were caught in the surf at Whitsand Bay, some 20 miles from Plymouth, in September, October and November, 1912. Of these, 400 died while being retained for shipment in the tanks at the Plymouth Marine Biological Station. The remainder, 298 in number, were placed in a tank on board the 'Waimana' on 1 2th January, 1913, and Otago Harbour was reached in March. The survivors, 195, were placed at once in the tanks of the Portobello Marine Hatchery, and by scrupulous attention to cleanli- ness and feeding, their growth and healthy condition have been phenomenal. On i9th May, 1916, more than three years later, the fish numbered 182, only five having died and eight having been liberated in the harbour. Before leaving Plymouth, Dr Allen strongly recommended that at least 75 per cent, of the fish should be liberated immediately on arrival in New Zealand. However, local knowledge of the ground-feeding habits of so many of our indigenous fishes, and of the possibility of the majority if not all, of these small fishes being devoured by such species as the red cod, ling and groper, led to the decision to retain the whole lot, if possible, in the tanks until they had attained to such a size as to guard them against much risk of capture. Owing to the low temperature sometimes experienced in the winter months, care was taken to slightly heat all the water passing through the tanks, and it was accordingly not allowed to fall below 42 F. As the fish had increased so much in size many of them measuring as much as eighteen inches in length and were crowded in the tanks, and on account of the time, labour and expense in feeding them, it was resolved to liberate a large proportion of them. Accordingly on i9th May, 128 fish were placed on board the S.S. ' Invercargill ' by Mr Anderton, and were liberated during the night in a previously selected bay (Tautuku Bay), where it was con- sidered they would be safe from trawlers, and from most of their natural enemies. The fish were liberated as rapidly as possible at one spot, in about ten fathoms of water on a clean sandy bottom, and from their schooling instinct which was very marked during their con- finement it was anticipated that they would tend to keep together. The remaining fish still showed no signs of spawning, and as some of them were 22 inches long, another large batch was turned out in the same locality as the previous lot on ist September, 1917. The temperature of the water at the time of capture of the young fish in the English Channel averaged 56 F., and this was the tem- perature of the water in Tautuku Bay at the time of liberation of the fish in May, 1916. TELEOSTEI 257 There are now 14 fish left in the Portobello Hatchery Tanks, some of them just 24 inches in length, but they show no signs of spawning. I am inclined to think that the difficulty of getting most kinds of sea-fish to spawn in confinement is due to the shallow- ness and consequent lack of pressure of the water in which they are kept. At the spawning season all the large flat-fishes of indigenous species move out of shallow bays and estuaries, and it may be that a pressure of 30 to 40 fathoms of water assists the fish in the extrusion of the ova. We have noticed at the Portobello Hatchery that native flounders (Rhombosolea plebeid) taken at spawning time and placed in our ponds can hold up their ova for weeks. It is impossible to say whether the turbot has or has not become established in New Zealand waters. Even if any succeed in spawning their progeny are not likely to be in evidence for some years. T.N. Z. I 7 Chapter VII MOLLUSCA Class GASTROPODA Order PECTINIBRANCHIA (Family MURICID&, see Appendix B, p. 558.) Family VOLUTIDJE Ericusa sowerbyt, Kiener AN example of this Australian mollusc was picked up in Evans* Bay, Wellington, by Miss M. K. Mestayer some years ago. She suggests that "it may have come to New Zealand adhering to the bottom of some ship, and may possibly have been knocked off by the vessel being put on the Patent Slip." I have not found or heard of any other examples being found in New Zealand waters, but there s no doubt that, from time to time, marine organisms are so intro- duced. Family CONIDJE Conus mannoreus, Linn. Early in 1917 the lighthouse-keeper at Farewell Spit picked up a living specimen of this species, which he gave to Captain Bollons of the S.S. 'Hinemoa.' Miss Mestayer says of this genus : In his Catalogue of the Marine Mollusca, 1873, p. 23, the late Captain F. W. Hutton recorded two species of Conus as belonging to New Zealand, Conus zealandicus sp. nov. and Conus distans Hwass, N.Z. (Gumming). The type of Conus zealandicus is in the Dominion Museum. This species was founded upon a single specimen from the Bay of Islands. It has since been identified as Conus anemone, Lamarck, from Australia, by Suter, while in Tryon and Pilsbury's Manual of Conchology it is placed as a synonym of Conus aplustre, Reeve. In 1882 Mr Justice Gillies stated that he had a single specimen of C. aplustre from the Bay of Islands, but suggests that this and other shells picked up in the same locality were perhaps dropped from some South Sea whaler. Order PULMONATA With one exception all the mollusca introduced into New Zealand belong to the Pulmonates, known popularly as slugs and snails. With PULMONATA 259 the exception of the first named on the list, they have been un- wittingly introduced, with plants, garden stuff, etc. In spite of introduced enemies (birds, hedgehogs, etc.) they are extraordinarily abundant now in many parts, and are a great pest in gardens. The following list is compiled by the eminent New Zealand malacologist, the late Mr Henry Suter, and is practically the same as is given in his Manual of New Zealand Mollusca, published in Wel- lington in 1913 (p. 1071). The classification of Families is that adopted by the Rev. A. H. Cooke in the Cambridge Natural History. Family LiMN.asiD.flE Lymncea stagnalis, Linn. Onehunga Springs, Christchurch, introduced as food for trout in the River Avon (Suter). These were originally introduced from England in 1864 by Mr A. M. Johnson, late of Opawa, who brought them out as food for the fish he was endeavouring to intro- duce. Suter thinks that the Tasmanian water-snails introduced by John- son in 1868 were most likely the same species. It is very abundant about Hobart and was described by the Rev. J. E. Tenison Woods as Limncea tasmanica in Proc. Roy. Soc. of Tasmania. Hutton stated in 1881 that this species was abundant in the River Avon, below the Christchurch Botanical Gardens. It was also recorded before 1890 from springs at Onehunga, near Auckland, and is now known from streams in Taranaki. - Lymncea auricularia, Linn. An empty shell was found near Wanganui (Suter). According to Kew, eggs of this species have passed unharmed through the digestive system of swans. Family TESTACELLIDJE Testacella maugei, Ferussac Originally described as T. vagans by Hutton who thought it was an indigenous species. Found in gardens in the vicinity of Auckland (Suter). The first specimens obtained were got by Mr W. W. Smith at Ashburton. This "snail-slug" is a native of South-west Europe, and it was first noticed between 1812 and 1816, in Britain. 2 6o MOLLUSCA Family Agriolimax Icevis, Miiller A cosmopolitan slug (Suter). In 1867 Mr Fereday stated that he had seen ten common English slugs on one cabbage in his garden near Christchurch, and he used this as an argument for the intro- duction of birds, such as thrushes. This was probably the species he referred to. It appears to be common in New Zealand. Agriolimax agrestis, Linn. Common in meadows, fields and gardens (Suter) ; Auckland, Wel- lington, Taranaki, Nelson, Grey mouth, Christchurch, Dunedin, etc. Suter writing in 1917 says: In 1887 I was living on a ten-acre clearing in the Forty-Mile Bush, sur- rounded by native bush. This clearing had been laid down in grass about ten years earlier, and was used for feeding horses. Everywhere Agriolimax agrestis was common, but these slugs never penetrated the native bush. They evidently must have been brought to that place with the grass-seed, and no doubt in the egg-stage. In a similar way introduced slugs were brought to Campbell Island. They were, if I am not mistaken, a variety of the common A. agrestis or A. Icevis. Musson and Hedley were both of opinion in 1890 that A. leevis was indigenous in Australia; but the latter in 1892 considered that all the species of Limax described as native to Australasia are referable either to L. maximus, flavus, gagates, or agrestis, all believed to be introduced by man from Europe. Limax maximus, Linn. Reported from Dunedin by Captain Hutton, and from Taranaki by Mr W. W. Smith. (In Tasmania this slug is found to be infested with a mite, possibly the same as is found in England under similar circumstances. Mr Hedley says of it: "should it prove to be identical with the parasite attendant on the European mollusc, this fact would argue that the animals migrated in the adult stage, and not in the eggs." He further states that the species of Limax (all introduced) in Australia, have far outstripped their shell-bearing relatives.) Limax flavus, Linn. This species is rather common now, and has been reported from Dunedin, Greymouth and Taranaki. Mr Suter says it is especially injurious to garden vegetables. PULMONATA 261 (Mr Musson thinks it possible that L. megalodontes, described by MM. Quoy and Gaimard in 1824, from Port Jackson, was this species.) Amalia gagates, Draparnaud Reported from Ohaupo and Auckland by Mr Musson, and in Hawke's Bay by Mr Colenso. Mr Suter states that this is a very variable slug and quite a number of varieties can be distinguished. (Mr Musson thinks that Limax maurus, described by MM. Quoy and Gaimard in 1824, from Port Jackson, was this species.) Amalia antipoda, Pfeiffer Amalia fuliginosa, Gould Amalia emarginata, Hutton All these three species, according to Mr Suter, have to be included in the gagates group, and are found in New Zealand, but he gives no localities for them. Hyalina crystallina, Miiller Mr Suter records this species as occurring in Auckland. Hyalina alliaria, Miller In conservatories and hot-houses ; Mr Suter does not record any particular locality. Hyalina cellaria, Miiller Mr Suter records it as occurring in gardens, meadows, etc., mostly hiding under stones, at the Bay of Islands, Auckland, Napier, and Wanganui. Mr Musson reports it from Auckland "under stones, especially about the various volcanic mounts." Family HELICIDJE Helix aspersa, Miiller According to Mr Suter this species is common at most of the sea-coast towns in New Zealand, where it is a great nuisance in gardens. Writing to me in 1917, he informed me that it was much more abundant in the north than it was at Christchurch, or farther south. Mr Hutchison states that "this common garden snail is greedily devoured by rats at Napier, while the next mentioned species (H. hortensis ?), which is also in the gardens, is not appreciated by rats for some reason." A reference to this will be found at p. 83. Thrushes are very fond of this snail, which they carry to some hard surface, where they break the shell with the bill and eat the animal. Mr Musson, writing in 1890, says that examples from Opua in the Bay of Islands are exceptionally thin-shelled, whilst shells 262 MOLLUSCA from Auckland are of the variety conoidea, thin, small and conical. He also describes this as a most voracious snail, which has been known to perforate birds' eggs for food 1 . In the Agricultural Department's report for 1897 this species is stated (in conjunction with different species of slugs) to be very destructive to orange- and lemon- trees in the Hokianga district. Captain Broun records that in another district near Auckland he examined a lemon-tree about three years old that had been nearly killed by snails; large pieces of the bark had been eaten away, and even the green wood had been injured. Mr Huddlestone of Nelson states that English snails, introduced along with the plants from Britain, were first seen in the Nelson district in numbers in 1861. These were in all probability either Helix aspersa or H. caper ata. Helix hortensis, Miiller This snail is apparently widely spread in the North Island. It was recorded from Auckland by Captain Hutton, and from Taranaki by Mr W. W. Smith. I am told that it is abundant at Napier. Snails of the genus Helix seem to be very tenacious of life, a fact which favours their distribution in hay, straw, etc. Kew records cases of H. hortensis which lived for 14 months without food, and of H. aspersa, which survived after being in a closed pot of earth for about ten and a half months, and subsequently produced fertile Helicetta caper ata, Montagu Mr Suter recorded this snail from Nelson in the South Island, and Paekakariki in the North Island. It is probably much more widely spread than these two isolated localities indicated. As showing how readily snails are distributed, it may be mentioned that Kew (p. 161) records a case in England where "thirteen wrinkled-snails (H. caper ata}, together with a quantity of tares were taken from the stomach of a wood-pigeon which had been shot three days previously. Most of the snails were alive, and began creeping about on being placed in a dish containing a little water." Helicostyla tricolor, Pfeiffer Mr Suter reports this from a garden in the Bay of Islands. 1 Dr Binney in Terrestrial Air-breathing Mollusks (1851) states that the larger European snails, and particularly Helix aspersa, are sometimes imported into the United States, for use as food by foreign residents. 2 Mr A. Nicols in Acclimatisation of the Salmonidce at the Antipodes says (p. 46) that in the 'Mindora' shipment of salmon ova in 1869 "a living snail was found among the moss " in which the eggs were packed, and was " acclimated." By which I suppose he means that it was set free. PULMONATA 263 Helicostyla daphnis, Broderip Found at Picton by Mr Kinsey. Helicostyla fulgetrum, Broderip Mr Suter states that "the specimen which was collected by Dr Dieffenbach, and was in the British Museum, is lost." Vallonia excentrica, Sterki Mr Suter gives this species as from Auckland, Mr W. W. Smith reports it from Taranaki. In Mr Musson's list of introduced Mollusca (1890) this species was referred to as Helix pulchella, Miiller. His specimens were collected by Mr Cheeseman in Albert Park, Auckland. Family ARIONID.S Arion empiricorum, Ferussac Mr Suter reports this as found near Auckland, and at Dunedin. In the former locality Mr Musson states that they were found crawling over the roads after rain. Arion subfuscus, Draparnaud Found at Dunedin by Captain Hutton, who described it as a new species, which he named A. incommodus, but a specimen in the British Museum (also) from Dunedin, showed it to be the cinereo- fuscus form of A. subfuscus. Arion hortensis, Ferussac Reported as plentiful about Auckland (1890) by Mr Musson, who found it crawling about the roads after rain, along with A. empiri- corum. Mr W. W. Smith informs me that it also occurs in Taranaki. Arion minimus, Simroth Mr Suter records this snail from Rangitoto Island. It was also found by Mrs Longstaff at Matihiwi, near Masterton. Family STENOGYRID^ Cionella lubrica, Miiller Mr Suter reports this species from Auckland. Ccecilianella acicula, Miiller This is also recorded from Auckland by Mr Suter. 264 MOLLUSCA Family ATHORACOPHORIDJE Aneitea grteffet, Humbert "This slug, a native of Queensland and New South Wales, was found at Port Chalmers by Dr C. Chilton, and near Collingwood by Mr J. Dall 1 ." Order PSEUDOLAMELLIBRANCHIATA Family OSTREID^ Ostrea edulis, Linn. In 1868 Mr W. C. Young shipped a quantity of oysters by the 'Celestial Queen' from London to the Otago Society. Only two arrived alive in Dunedin : " These have been deposited on an artificial oyster bed at Portobello, where it is to be hoped they will do well." Great was the faith of these early pioneers in acclimatisation work. According to a letter from Mr Frank Buckland these oysters were from the River Roach in Essex, and were presented by Mr F. Wiseman of Paglesham. Mr Buckland evidently had not sampled the oysters of Foveaux Strait for he adds: " Oysters are found naturally in New Zealand, but if the culture of a better class could be instituted there is a chance of an additional source of food being supplied to the colony." 1 In Mr Musson's list of introduced Mollusca (1890) he gives Zanites nitidus, Miiller, as found by himself at " Lake St John, Auckland ; a dozen specimens under logs." Mr Suter informs me that the species was the indigenous Fretum novaree, Pfeiffer. Neritina fluviatilis, Linn., was reported from the Waikare River by Mr T. Kirk, and identified by Mr Musson in 1890. Mr Suter doubts the accuracy of the locality, and seems to think the specimens were taken by mistake from the collections in the Dominion Museum. Chapter VIII INSECTS WITH MYRIAPODA MYRIAPODA (Order CHILOPODA, see Appendix B, p. 558.) Order SCHIZOTARSIA Family CERMATIID^E Cermatia smithii, Newport ONE example of this species was received recently (1919) at the Dominion Museum, Wellington. It was taken at Wanganui. INSECTA (The scheme of classification generally adopted is that used by Dr D. Sharp in the Cambridge Natural History, but I have been obliged to depart from it in regard to several groups, especially those of parasitic insects, regarding which the classification is still in a condition of flux.) Order I. APTERA Sub-order THYSANURA Family LEPISMIDJE Lepisma saccharina, Linn. (Silver-fish), Bristle-tail or Fish-moth This species is very common throughout the North Island, but not so widespread in the South. (Dr Hilgendorf reports it as only found in heated linen cupboards about Christchurch.) I have found it by no means uncommon in Dunedin. Mr Philpott has only found it in one locality in Southland. Hudson considers it was introduced at a very early date. Mr Howes reports it from houses in Wellington, Christchurch and Invercargill. "It is undoubtedly throughout N.Z. but cannot be said to be common." This insect is essentially a vegetable feeder, but its favourite food is starch. Hence the damage it does to books and papers, muslin curtains, starched articles of clothing, and silk garments and tapestry which have been stiffened with starch. They are great pests in libraries, where they eat the glaze, paste of the labels and the surface of the paper. A number of insects sent to Mr Jas. Drummond in May, 1913, 266 INSECTS from Lake Brunner, where they were said to have recently appeared, proved to be this species. Miller says this species only lives in damp places. Thermobia furnorum, Rovelli. (Fire-brat) Common about bakehouses, fireplaces, ovens or any warm dry places, especially in the North Island. Sub-order COLLEMBOLA Family ENTOMOBRYIDJE Entomobrya multifasciata, Tulb. Two specimens of this cosmopolitan species were found in an ants' nest at Ashburton by Mr W. W. Smith and recorded in (or before) 1895. Its presence there may have been accidental. It is difficult to say whether this is an introduced or an indigenous species. Family ACHORUTIDJE Achorutes armatus, Nic., Tulb. Three specimens were found in an ants' nest at Ashburton by Mr W. W. Smith, and recorded at the same time as the preceding species. It is a very widely spread form, being found in all European countries, Sumatra, California, Brazil, etc. The same remarks apply to it as to the preceding. Order II. ORTHOPTERA Family FORFICULID^E Forficula auricularia, Linn. (Earwig) This common European insect was first reported from Ashburton by Mr W. W. Smith in 1900. It was recorded from North Canterbury in 1908, and it was stated then that it had been known for some years in the Wairarapa district in the North Island. Since then it has been steadily increasing its range, and its abundance. Mr Howes first met with it commonly under fish crates in the railway station at Palmerston (S.) ; from such a position it would be spread broadcast. It is extremely abundant in the north end of Dunedin, in Christ- church, at Waikari in North Canterbury, and on the railway station at Cass. These insects are most destructive to vegetables, flowers and fruits, and they even penetrate into houses, and devour all starchy and saccharine food materials. They are voracious feeders, and are especially fond of the corollas of flowers, so that they are a great ORTHOPTERA 267 annoyance to gardeners. Occasionally they visit flowers for the nectar, and Knuth reports them as going into the flowers of Tropeeolum majus for this purpose. They have also been taken on the flowers of ivy (Hedera Helix), poppy (Papaver Rhceas) and Millfoil (Achillcea millefolium), perhaps on the same quest. But they eat the flowers of species of Brassica, and of the thistle (Cnicus arvensis) very freely. Their destruction of fruit is chiefly that which has fallen on the ground, or which grows near the ground, like strawberries. Kerner suggests that: . "it is very probable that the species of Forficula, which we frequently find working for days together in tubular flowers, so far interfere with the floral functions as that by their presence other insects, whose visits would be of use, are prevented from sucking the nectar." He adds: "I possess, however, no definite observations on this point." A rove-beetle, Philonthus ceneus, also introduced into New Zealand, is very generally mistaken for an earwig. Mr G. Howes informs me that he has three unidentified species of earwigs in his collection, which were introduced from the South Sea Islands in fruit. Chelisoches morio, Fabr. This species, originally belonging to the Malay Archipelago, was first observed by Mr Hudson, as landed from a home steamer in Wellington in 1890. He found another specimen amongst some bananas in 1898. Mr W. W. Smith reported it as occurring round about Christchurch in 1906. Family BLATTID^E Blatta latipennisy Brunn. (Phyllodromia opima). (India?) ( ? Blatta orientalis, the Black Beetle) This species was recorded as taken at Auckland by the ' Novara ' Expedition (1859). Blatta germanica. Linn. (Phyllodromia germanica, Linn.). (Cosmopolitan.) Cockroach This species, which has spread very widely from Europe, is known in America, where it is very common, as the "Croton Bug." Mr Howes reports it as generally distributed by merchandise, and common on all New Zealand coastal boats. It has been found in parts of Dunedin and Invercargill. Polyzosteria truncata, Brunn. This Australian species is recorded among introduced insects in Hutton's list in the Fauna Novce-Zealandiee. 268 INSECTS Periplaneta americana, Linn. Cockroach, Yellow Roach This species, which is now cosmopolitan in its distribution, is a native of tropical America. It is a common cockroach on board ships. Mr Howes says it is occasionally taken in seaport towns, where it comes off boats, amongst goods, etc. He has picked it up in fruit auction rooms in various parts of New Zealand. Family Orthodera ministralis, Fabr. Mantis Some time prior to 1860, Dr Sinclair took egg-cases of this Australian insect to England ; they were found apparently in Auckland. In 1873-74, Captain Hutton observed it at Clyde in Central Otago; Mr W. Colenso recorded it from Napier in 1878; Mr Potts found it in Canterbury in 1880; Mr Hudson found it in Nelson in 1886, and in Wellington in 1891 ; Dr Hilgendorf in 1916 says that it is common, but overlooked on account of its protective colouring; and in 1919 Mr W. W. Smith says it is common in Taranaki, while Mr Howes reports it from Oamaru. It seems, therefore, to be pretty generally distributed. Captain Hutton writing in 1896 said: " I think that the species has been unintentionally introduced into Auckland from Sydney, and into Otago from Tasmania or Victoria, when large quantities of hay were brought to Otago from Australia." Family LOCUSTID/E Ccedicia olivacea, Brunner This Australian locust was found very commonly amongst sweet- briars in Nelson in 1886, by Mr Hudson, and was also recorded from Auckland by Captain Hutton in 1897. The latter authority states that "probably it was introduced into Nelson in the early days of the gold-diggings, and taken from there to Auckland." Mr W. W. Smith tells me that it is common in Taranaki in 1919. Family GRYLLID^E Gryllus servillei, Saussure. Field Cricket or Whistling Cricket Also recorded as Acheta fuliginosa. Mr Hudson thinks that the introduction of this cricket from Australia occurred at a very early period. He first recorded it from the Nelson district in 1875, when it was extremely destructive. In 1896-97 the Agricultural Depart- ment reported it as very destructive in Auckland and Hawke's Bay, in the latter district eating the paddocks quite bare. It also entered houses, destroying wall-papers, boots, clothing, harness, provisions, etc.; and did much damage in orchards and gardens. In 1907 it was ORTHOPTERA 269 extremely abundant in the neighbourhood of Auckland. Mr Howes states that "the cheerful chirping of the Black Cricket can be heard every evening (in summer) about the North Island towns. I have also heard it in the Port Hills above Christchurch." Gryllotalpa vulgaris, Linn. Mole Cricket In 1888 this species was noted by Mr T. W. Kirk in a bank on the Tinakori Road, Wellington. Also found by Mr Robinson of Makara, west of Wellington. Dr Hilgendorf (1916) says: "the first specimen from near Wanganui was noted there some ten years ago; it is now common in sand-hills there." Mr Howes states that it is common as far south as Nelson. Order III. NEUROPTERA Sub-order MALLOPHAGA (In Neumann's classification the Mallophaga or Ricinidae are treated as a family of the sub-order Rhyncota or Pediculinae.) Trichodectes scalaris, Nitzsch. Ox-louse This ecto-parasite of cattle is not uncommon in New Zealand. Trichodectes sphcerocephalus, Nitzsch. Sheep-louse This species appears to be very common. The report of the Agricultural Department for 1916 states that it is a very abundant parasite among sheep. Mr Miller recorded it from Weraroa in 1917. Trichodectes lotus, Nitzsch. Dog-louse This species is found on dogs in New Zealand. Trichodectes climax, Nitzsch. Goat-louse Col. H. A. Reid informs me that this species occurs on goats in New Zealand. Goniodes dissimilis, Nitzsch. Brown Chicken-louse Col. H. A. Reid states that this parasite is found on poultry in New Zealand. Menopon pallidum, Nitzsch This most troublesome ecto-parasite of poultry is termed in American publications the shaft-louse or small body-louse of chickens. It is a species which moves with great nimbleness among feathers, and can be kept alive for months on fresh feathers, of which it par- ticularly consumes the quill epidermis. Col. H. A. Reid states that it occurs among poultry in New Zealand. 270 INSECTS Menopon biseriatim, Nitzsch. Body-louse of Chickens This species also occurs in New Zealand, and has been identified by Col. Reid. Sub-order PSEUDO-NEUROPTERA Family ATROPID^E Atropos pulsatoria, Linn. Book-louse; Lesser Death Watch; Book-tick This is a very generally distributed insect, which feeds on the paste of books, wall-papers, etc. It has been long known, and was probably introduced over a century ago, with the first papers and books. (See Appendix B, p. 558.) Order IV. HYMENOPTERA Family TENTHREDINE^:. (Sawflies) Eriocampa limacina, De Geer (Eriocampa adumbrata, Klug; Selandria cerasi, Curtis). Slug- worm, Leech. (Europe) Osten-Sacken appears to have been the first to record the occur- rence of this insect in New Zealand between 1870 and 1888. It is now very abundant all over New Zealand ; the larvae feeding on pear, cherry, hawthorn, plum, peach, and other trees of the Rosaceae. In the North Island it is particularly destructive, and practically prevents the use of the hawthorn as a hedge-plant. In the south it seems to appear too late in the season to do much harm. Howes has found it on the native tutu (Coriaria ruscifolia) at Queenstown. It is attacked and destroyed by two indigenous bugs, Cermatulus nasalis, Westwood, and Nezara amoyti, White ; also by the introduced Australian wasp, Polistes tasmaniensis. Mr Holman of Whangarei informs me that the native cuckoo (Eudynamis taitiensis) eats a con- siderable number of these slugs when they are in the larval condition 1 . Family SIRICIDJE Sir ex juvencus , Linn. Steel-blue Sawfly This European species has been found at the Government planta- tions at Whakarewarewa; the larvae attack Pinus radiata, boring into the timber. 1 In the British Board of Agriculture's Leaflet No. 62 (March, 1900), it is stated that the Eriocampa limacina does much harm to pear and cherry trees in America. Harris, writing as early as 1797, says: "Small trees were covered with them, and their foliage entirely destroyed, and even the air, by passing through the trees, became charged with a disagreeable and sickening odour given out by these slimy creatures." The same thing has been noticed in England. HYMENOPTERA 271 Family ICHNEUMONID;E Ryssa semipunctata, Kirby (Lissopimpla semipunctatd). Dark-winged Ichneumon In 1883 Mr P. Cameron obtained this species from specimens received from Greymouth. Writing in 1899 ne savs: Captain Hutton informs me that his belief is that the species has been introduced into New Zealand from Australia. The evidence undoubtedly is that it was rare in New Zealand thirty years ago, while now it is not at all rare. At Greymouth the late Mr Richard Helms took it commonly. In 1882 it was taken by Mr Hudson in Nelson, where it was fairly common. Mr Howes reports it from Wanganui and New Plymouth, and Mr D. Miller (1919) states that it is common in the Auckland provincial district. The wasp is parasitic on the subterranean grass- caterpillars (Porina umbraculata and P. cervinatd), and upon the army- worm (Cyrphus unipunctatd). It also attacks the N.Z. Flax grub (Xanthorce prcefectata), as well as native locusts. Bassus lactatorius, Fabr. (B. generosus, Cameron) Introduced from Australia. This is not a useful species, for it is parasitic in the larvae of the syrphidae or hover flies, which them- selves destroy great quantities of aphides. It was first reported by Hudson in 1883. Dacnusa sonchivorus, Cameron This ichneumon was identified from N.Z. in 1902 by Cameron. It is parasitic on Phytomyza albiceps, the caterpillar which bores in the leaves of sowthistle, cineraria and other composites. It appears to be a common species. (Cameron does not record this as an intro- duced form.) Eulophus albitarsis, Ashmead A European and North American species which was recorded from Chatham Island by Mr P. Cameron in 1902. I am not aware of its having been met with in either the North or the South Island. Pleurotropus (Entodon) epigonus, Walker Sir James Hector (in 1894) recorded this parasitic wasp as occur- ring at Marton in 1888. It was introduced from England by the Agricultural Department in 1893, as the natural enemy of the Hessian fly. Mr T. W. Kirk reported in (1895) 2& follows on this introduction: In last year's report I mentioned having succeeded in rearing from the parasitized "puparia" of Hessian flies, received from England, a large number of the ichneumon fly, known as Semiotellus nigripes, which were liberated in the various districts where the crops had suffered from the attacks of the Hessian fly. One place selected as a depot was the farm of Mr J. Hessey, of Masterton. This gentleman took a great interest in the 272 INSECTS experiment, fencing in a portion of his wheat as a sanctuary for the parasites. Here they must have made good use of their time, for during the past season, in company with Mr Hessey, I captured over a dozen of this particular species in a very short time, and this, too, in a paddock fully a hundred yards away from the nursery or depot. Mr Howes informs me (1919) that in a sample of oats sent from Balfour, Southland, more of these parasites emerged than Hessian flies. This is probably the species found on the Hessian fly at Lincoln, of which from two to five per cent, of the pupae hatch out parasites. (See Appendix B, p. 558.) Ichneumon sp. Kirk writing in 1894 says that in Britain a parasite is found on Phytomysa nigricornis, the cineraria fly, "but this does not seem to have yet reached Wellington." The species has certainly been detected since, for in 1906 Captain Broun reported its discovery in Auckland. Ichneumon sp. This species, which is parasitic on the diamond-back moth (Plutella maculipennis or P. cruciferarum), appears to be fairly common. Hilgen- dorf states that at Lincoln, about five per cent, of the caterpillar pupae hatch out ichneumons. Ichneumon sp. A species which is parasitic on Aphis brassicce, the green fly of the turnip. Hilgendorf states that in February and March, aphides on cabbage leaves are commonly found with holes in them, which have been made by the escaping parasite. Trichogramma pretiosa, Riley In 1900 a parasitic ichneumon was found in the pupae of the codlin moth in Mr Parr's orchard, at Waikumete, near Auckland, and Mr T. W. Kirk hatched out a number of them. Specimens sent to Professor L. O. Howard, of Washington, were identified as above. Mr W. A. Boucher reported on this parasite in 1902, that "while the percentage of moth-infected fruit of early and mid-season varieties remains much the same, a percentage of the fruit of the later varieties will apparently be saved from the moth." Zele sp. During 1908, Mr Simms, one of the Inspectors of Orchards in the Department of Agriculture, found this species under "some bandages " placed there to prevent the codlin moth from getting up the stems of apple trees. The investigation of this species was never carried out by the Department. HYMENOPTERA 273 Calliephaltes messer, Gravenhorst This insect had been introduced into California from Spain as a natural enemy of the codlin moth. In 1906 Mr Boucher was sent to California, where he obtained a supply of these parasites. These, and other parasites, were reared in an insectary specially built at Auckland, and were spread far and wide to over 50 localities where the moth was prevalent. In the Journal of Agriculture for 1911 it is stated that the codlin moth parasitical flies which were liberated in Whangarei five years previous "are increasing in appreciable numbers in the orchards. One firm of orchardists state they have this season found the larvae of the parasites in three out of five moth- cocoons examined." Platygaster minutus, Lindemann This small hymenopterous insect, parasitic on the Hessian fly, was introduced from Britain by the Agricultural Department in 1893. (Family CHALCIDID^E, see Appendix B, p. 558.) Family APIDJE Bombus terrestris, Linn. Bombus lucorum. Linn. TT , , r, , , T^ , Humble-bees Bombus ruder atus, Fab. ,p, , Bombus hortorum, Linn. Bombus lupidarius, Linn. The naturalisation of humble-bees in New Zealand is due to the action of the Canterbury Acclimatisation Society, the object of intro- ducing them being to bring about the fertilisation of the red clover (Trifolium pratense), which is very extensively cultivated, but which previous to the advent of these insects did not produce seed, except to a very limited extent. In a notice of the humble-bee in New Zealand in the N.Z. Journal of Science (January, 1891), I stated in regard to the fertilisation of red clover that the pollen and stigma of this flower are accessible to all insects which are heavy enough to press down the keel, and if bees visit the flowers for pollen only they will no doubt bring about cross-fertilisation. This may account for an interesting example given me by Mr Wm. Martin, of Fail-field, near Dunedin, who informs me that as far back as 1858 he obtained a large quantity of very fine seed off a small patch of red clover which he had under cultivation. The first attempt to introduce these insects was made by Dr Frank Buckland in 1873, but he failed to get the bees in time. In January, 1876, a consignment from Dr Buckland was brought out in the 'Otari,' by the Hon. John Hall, but all were found to be dead. T. N. Z. IS 274 INSECTS In the Society's report for 1880 it is stated: "Your Council has received intimation from Mrs Belfield of Timaru, of a shipment of humble-bees from Messrs Neighbour & Sons, England." Mr I. Hopkins, formerly Chief Government Apiarist, and author of a bulletin on the "History of the Humble-bee in New Zealand," refers evidently to this attempt as follows: " Until a few years ago " (he was writing in 1914) " I was under the im- pression that I had liberated the first humble-bees in this country, but was corrected by a resident in Timaru, who stated he liberated in 1883, some which came to the order of a lady, I think." These apparently failed to establish themselves, for when bees were liberated subsequently by the Society, the rapidity of increase and of spread was phenomenal. In 1882 Mr Hopkins sent an order for 100 queens to Messrs Neighbour & Sons, London. After stating the object of importing the bees I left the selection of them to the firm, but gave instructions how they were to be packed, and to be brought out in the ship's cool room, at a temperature of about 40 F. These arrived in May, 1883, but were all dead. Another lot of 145 arrived in February, 1884, but only two were alive. After feeding them, these were liberated, but there was no indication afterwards of their having established themselves. Other consignments arrived by post, and in the steamships ' Ionic ' and 'Doric,' in January and February, 1885. A total of nearly five hundred bees came in the several consignments, but all were dead except the two mentioned. From the difference in their size, markings, and colours we concluded at the time that queens of three or four species had been sent, but what they were we had no knowledge. These lots came to Auckland. The second consignment of bees to the order of the Canterbury Society arrived in the S.S. 'Doric' at Lyttelton in February, 1884, and the third, of 200 bees, in the 'Ruapeha' in April, 1884. Both lots were dead. In January, 1885, the 'Tongariro' brought a fourth consignment of 282 bees, of which 45 were alive ; and in February of the same year, the ' Aorangi ' landed 48 out of 260 shipped. The first lot were liberated at Riccarton, and the next at the foot of the Port Hills. "Both lots of bees were strong and healthy when liberated, and doubtless the majority, if not all, of them succeeded in establishing themselves." It is interesting to learn from the report issued by the Canterbury Society in February, 1886, that the cost of collecting and shipping the bees in England, was is. jd. each; the cost of those landed in New Zealand was 95. $d. each. HYMENOPTERA 275 Another interesting and noteworthy fact is that in their original instructions for shipment of bees the Society particularly asked that Bombus terrestris be sent out, a species in which, according to Miiller, the trunk is too short to reach the bottom of the tube of the flowers of Trifolium pratense. It is certain that this species was among those sent out, and it is still the commonest species in New Zealand. But apparently also specimens of B. ruder atus (variously referred to also as B. subterraneus and B. harrisellus), and B. hortorum were introduced at the same time. For as soon as the insects began to increase, fertilisation of the clover ensued and abundance of seed began to be obtained. I noticed also that previous to 1889 all my species of Primula (primroses, cowslips, etc.), which were growing freely in my garden, failed to produce seed naturally. After humble-bees began to come about, they seeded quite freely. This, too, in spite of the fact that the smaller bees learned to bite the corolla-tubes, and so make holes half-way down, through which they could suck the nectar with- out disturbing either anthers or stigmas. Mr Hopkins refers to the perforation of the tubes of red-clover flowers as being done by both B. terrestris and B. lucorum in Europe, but could find no evidence of its being done in New Zealand. However, in April, 1892, the late Mr John Allan of Taurima (in the Taieri Plain) informed me that he had repeatedly seen small humble-bees, biting the tubes of the red clover; these were, no doubt, small bees produced late in the season, and not full-grown. I have frequently observed humble-bees biting holes in the tubes of Primula, Arbutus, Antirrhinum, Eccremo- carpus, Salvia, Narcissus and Hyacinth. It would seem also that they learn the trick from one another. Thus bulb-growers in one district have told me that all their hyacinth blossoms were destroyed by humble-bees, while in another district at a few miles distance the hyacinths were quite untouched. After the bees became thoroughly established in the country, some doubt began to be expressed that the wrong species had been introduced, and the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association resolved to import more. On the advice of Lord Avebury, they obtained three shipments from London through the agency of Mr Sladen. Mr Hopkins in his pamphlet says: Mr O. B. Pemberton, the secretary of the association, writes in January, 1913: "We got out in all three shipments, arriving as follows: Arrival Number sent Live Queens (1) 24th February, 1906 ... 15 10 (2) 29th November, 1906 ... 165 71 (3) 27th December, 1906 ... 145 62 The Queens we got out were B. lapidarius and B. hortorum. These 1 8 2 276 INSECTS were all liberated by me in different localities. I have not heard of any of the B. lapidarius being seen, so I presume they did not live." The increase of the bees in the first few years after their introduc- tion was phenomenally rapid. The first were liberated at Christchurch in January, 1885. In January, 1886, two were seen by Mr J. D. Enys on Castle Hill on the West Coast Road (64 miles), and others at Mount Peel 90 miles in another direction. Early in 1887 they were reported from Kaikoura, 100 miles to the north, and from Timaru, 100 miles to the south. At the end of the year they had made their way from Oamaru up the Waitaki Valley, through the Lindis Pass and on to the Hawea flats. In February, 1888, they appeared at Dunedin, and at the same time at Waihola 30 miles south-west. In November, 1889, they were first recorded from the head of Lake Wakatipu, and in the beginning of 1890 were observed in the neigh- bourhood of Invercargill. No doubt their spread to the west coast, and to Cook Strait was equally rapid, but there is no record. Both whole nests and queens were sent from time to time to the North Island from Canterbury from 1888 onwards, in which year they were first observed in Wellington, while the first record from Auckland was in May, 1890. They became thus fully established throughout New Zealand in less than ten years. So rapid was the first increase of the humble-bees that apiarists began to take fright, and it was very commonly feared that soon the hive-bees would be crowded out from the flowers and that no nectar would be left for them. In some districts, as in thistle-infested areas, the bees swarmed to such an extent when the plants were in flower, as to deter timid persons from going through. This extraordinary rate of increase was not maintained. After a time the numbers became reduced, till in some districts where they were formerly abundant, they became almost rare. In most parts of the country now, though humble-bees are fairly common, they are nowhere so abundant as to constitute a pest or even a menace. The causes of this diminution in numbers have never been in- vestigated, though a few observers have sought to give some explana- tion of the facts. Hopkins considers that the rainfall is the chief factor, and that those portions of Marlborough, Canterbury and Otago where the annual rainfall is under 30 inches, are best suited for the growth and increase of the bees. Portions of Otago and Southland, a small part of Canterbury, Nelson, and a very small portion of the North Island have less than 40 inches but more than 30 inches of rain per annum; while most of the North Island ranges between 40 and 70 inches. Speaking of the diminution in numbers Hopkins says : HYMENOPTERA 277 There seemed to be no plausible reason for the decline. I am inclined to think that the falling-off was due to a series of unfavourable seasons closely following each other, unusually heavy rainfalls will cause great destruc- tion by flooding their nests. This, however, is only a surmise, and I do not think any exact observations have been made in support of the statement. I have elsewhere shown that in many parts of New Zealand humble-bees do not hibernate at all, and it is just possible owing to this that they frequently succumb to the rapid falls of temperature which are so common in our insular climate. Even in Otago where the winters are often fairly severe the mean winter temperature being 41 F., and the mean winter minimum for the same months being 35 F. I have seen and recorded the bees in every month of the year. In Taranaki, W. W. Smith says : " Queens of the three forms naturalised in the North Island may be seen on the wing almost every day of warm sunshine in the public park at New Plymouth throughout winter months." The males appear in Otago about November, which is somewhat earlier than occurs in the corresponding season in Britain. Mr J. Attwood of Northern Wairoa stated in 1914 that all the varieties of humble-bees were common in the district, and that ten years ago he noticed the large jet-black bees (either B. terrestris or B. ruder atus). Mr W. Hone of Waverley (1914) says that more than 40 years ago, Mr J. Dickie, Senr., sowed red clover on a part of his land near Waverley, from which he obtained a large crop of very fertile seed. Mr W. W. Smith states that hive-bees occasionally fertilise red clover in the shorter flowers of the heads. Mr Philpott informed me in 1917 that the most common species in Southland is B. terrestris, var. virginalis. B. ruderatus also occurs, but the other introduced species are not found in the south. I have not found the humble-bees visiting many of the indigenous flowers either for nectar or pollen. They are very fond of the flowers of Fuchsia excorticata, and frequently suck out the nectar left by honey-birds or tuis, through the portions of the tube torn open by the birds. They have also been recorded on Veronica ettiptica, many large hybrid veronicas, Myoporum Icetum and Muehlenbeckia australis. Mr A. Philpott informs me (February, 1917) that he found humble- bees not uncommon on the Celmisia blossoms on the Hunter Moun- tains, at a height of 4500 ft. To get to the upland open country from the Monowai flats the insects would have to traverse or pass through about six miles of Nothofagus forest. The following species of plants which have been introduced into 2 7 8 INSECTS New Zealand, and have become more or less wild, are visited by humble-bees in Europe : Bombus terrestris Ranunculus aquatilis, R. acris, R. repens, Nigella damascena. Berber is vulgaris. Papaver Rhaeas, P. somniferum. Cheiranthus Cheiri, Brassica oleracea, Sinapis arvensis, Cakile maritima. Viola tricolor, V. arvensis, V. odorata. Malva sylvestris. Hypericum perforatum. Geranium Robertianum. Cytisus scoparius, Ulex europeeus, Lupinus luteus, Medicago saliva, M. lupulina, Trifolium repens, T. hybridum, T.fragi- ferum, T. pratense, T. medium, T. ar- vense, Lotus corniculatus , Vicia sativa, Faba vulgaris, Phaseolus vulgaris. Persica vulgaris, Prunus domesticus, P. avium, P. cerasus, Rosa rubiginosa, Ru- bus fruticosus , R. idcRus, Crateegus oxy- acantha, Pyrus malus, P. communis, P. aucuparia. (Enothera biennis. Ribes nigrum, R. rubrum, JR. grossularia. Daucus Car ota. Knautia arvensis. Petasites officinale (vulgaris), Tanacetum vulgare, Bellisperennis, Cnicus arvensis, C. lanceolatus, Chrysanthemum leucan- themum, Carduus crispus, C. nutans, Onopordon acanthium, Centaurea nigra, Taraxacum officinale, Sonchus arvensis, Crepis virens. Calluna vulgaris. Vinca major. Echium vulgare. Verbascum thapsus, Linaria vulgaris, Digitalis purpurea. Mentha arvensis, Nepeta cataria, N. gle- choma, Lamium purpureum, L. album, Marrubium vulgare. Primula elatior. Plantago lanceolata, P. media. Salix alba, S.fragilis. Allium Cepa. Bombus hortorum Daucus Car ota. Senecio jacobcea, Cnicus arvensis, C. lan- ceolatus, C. nutans, Onopordon acan- thium, Centaurea nigra, Taraxacum officinale. Calluna vulgaris. Echium vulgare. Verbascum Thapsus, Linaria vulgaris, Digitalis purpurea. Mentha aquatica, Prunella vulgaris. Primula elatior, P. vulgaris, P. verts. Polygonum Persicaria. Salix caprea. Brassica oleracea, Sinapis arvensis. Viola odorata, V. tricolor, V. arvense. Malva sylvestris. Hypericum perforatum. Geranium Robertianum. Tropeeolum majus. Cytisus scoparius, C. laburnum, Medicago sativa, M. lupulina, Melilotus officinalis, Trifolium repens, T. pratense, Anthyllis vulneraria, Lotus corniculatus, Vicia sativa, Faba vulgaris, Phaseolus vul- garis. Prunus domesticus, P. avium, P. cerasus, Rubus fruticosus, R. idceus, Crateegus oxyacantha, Pyrus malus. Bombus Cakile maritima. Cytisus Laburnum. Trifolium pratense, Faba vulgaris. Cnicus arvensis, Taraxacum officinale. Bombus lucorum Cakile maritima. Viola odorata. Trifolium repens, T. pratense, T. arvense. Rubus fruticosus, R. idceus, Pyrus com- munis. Ribes grossularia. Enemies. Mice are probably the most serious enemies the humble-bees have in New Zealand. They are very common, especially ruderatus Carduus nutans. Echium vulgare. Linaria vulgaris. Petasites vulgaris , Cnicus arvensis, Tarax- acum officinale. Calluna vulgaris. Thymus Serpyllum, Lamium album. Salix alba. HYMENOPTERA 279 in districts and neighbourhoods where cultivation is carried on, and no doubt they destroy numbers of nests and larvae. But I have no direct evidence of this. Mr W. W. Smith states that during the drought in 1891-93 in Canterbury, starlings attacked and ate humble-bees during the spring seasons, when food generally was scarce. Again in 1896 he recorded that " last nesting season we noticed starlings several times capturing and carrying the bees to their nests to feed their young." A North Canterbury farmer states (in 1910) that he has repeatedly seen starlings catching the humble-bees and carrying them off to their nests. In the following year the Akaroa Mail reported that tuis were observed catching humble-bees and taking their honey-bags from them. Mr Smith also reported in 1896 that numbers of dead humble- bees were found during two previous seasons with a small puncture either in their thorax or abdomen. On one occasion he saw a specimen of Bombus subterraneus seized by a large native fly Asilus varius which pulled it to the ground, pierced the forepart of the thorax, and killed it in a few seconds by sucking out the viscera. In September, 1890, I found large numbers of dead humble-bees about Dunedin, and these were always thickly infested with mites, some parts of the body especially the bare posterior upper surface of the thorax being covered with them to such an extent as to have the integument completely hidden. Mr W. W. Smith (April, 1919) states that the red mites were extraordinarily common on the humble-bees, and he thinks are or were largely responsible for their remarkable diminution in numbers. He adds, " I have not seen a humble-bee in the N. Island this month." The importance and value of the humble-bee to New Zealand has been very considerable. Mr Smith states that within nine years of the liberation of 90 queen bees in Christchurch in 1885, "the sum of about 200,000 has been realized on red clover seed alone." Humble-bees were carried over to the Chatham Islands in October, 1890. They were also introduced into New South Wales from New Zealand many years ago. Hive-Bees (Apis mellifica, Linn, and A. ligustica, Spin.). (Europe) The history of the first introduction of hive-bees into New Zealand has been investigated by Mr Isaac Hopkins, late Chief Government Apiarist, and from his report the following facts are gleaned. On 1 3th March, 1839, the Rev. J. H. Burnby and his sister arrived in the ' James ' at the Mission station of Mungunga, Hokianga. 2 8o INSECTS Miss Burnby brought with her the first bees introduced in two straw hives. These came from New South Wales. In 1840 Lady Hobson, wife of the first Governor of New Zealand, brought bees with her from New South Wales. In 1842 Mrs Allum arrived at Nelson in the ' Clifford ' with the first shipment of bees from England ; and in the same year the Rev. W. Cotton arrived in the Bay of Islands with another lot of bees from England. It is probable that the bees referred to by Dieffenbach (in 1839) had swarmed from those brought over in the autumn by Miss Burnby, unless, indeed, they were an independent importation. He says: "Bees have been introduced into New Zealand from New South Wales; my excellent friend, the Rev. Richard Taylor at Waimate, had a hive, and they were thriving remarkably well." As settlement proceeded throughout the country most of it on the skirt of bushland great numbers of swarms were lost in the forests, where they quickly established themselves in hollow trees. Lady Barker in Station Life in New Zealand says she ate bush-honey in Canterbury in 1866. Wild bees were very common in Southland in 1868. The Hon. Herbert Meade writing in 1871 says: New Zealand is par excellence the land of honey, and although the bees have only been introduced for, I believe, about twenty-five years, the woods are already full of wild honey. A friend assured me that he had taken as much as 70 Ibs. from a single tree, and known others to get 200 and 300 Ibs. at one haul; another man collected a ton and a half in a few weeks. The greatest enemies to the bees here are the dragon-flies, which grow to an enormous size. They waylay the luckless bees when homeward bound and laden with honey, and after nipping off the part containing the sting, devour the remainder with the honey, at leisure. Dragon-flies do occasionally eat bees, but they are not really for- midable enemies ; their numbers are too few. Honey-bees were sent over to the Chatham Islands in October, 1890. They had been imported previously, though I have not got a date for their introduction, but were supposed to have been destroyed by spiders, which were particularly abundant. Numbers of various kinds of bees have been introduced into the country from time to time, such as Italian, Syrian, Cyprian, Holy- land, Carniolian and Swiss-alpine; but only the first-named is cultivated. The first Italian bees introduced were landed in 1879 by Mr J. H. Harrison of Coromandel (one hive) and the Canterbury Acclimatisa- tion (one hive). Then the Canterbury Society imported four hives of Ligurians HYMENOPTERA 281 in 1880, and the Otago Society ten hives in 1883 ; but most of those introduced were brought in by private individuals and bee-keepers' associations. Mr Isaac Hopkins of Auckland, formerly Chief Govern- ment Apiarist, tells me: There have not been sufficient foreign bees other than Italians cultivated and escaped in New Zealand to make any difference in our wild or vagrant bees. It might be possible to find a pure Italian vagrant colony that had just escaped from some apiary, but not one of the second generation. There are too many "black bees" about, and in a state of nature they breed a tremendous number of drones, while we restrict their breeding. Therefore there is a large preponderance of black drones flying, and in most districts the chances are fifty to one that an Italian queen will meet a black drone. There are plenty of crosses, Black-Italians, about. According to Sir Walter Duller, the native kingfisher (Halcyon vagans) is destructive to bees. A farmer at Paraekaretu found that his bees were disappearing, and on killing a kingfisher found its crop full of bees. Mr W. W. Smith states that hive-bees occasionally fertilise red \ clover in the shorter flowers of its heads. Indigenous plants visited by hive-bees for nectar or pollen The following list is compiled partly from data supplied to me by various bee-keepers and partly from my own observation and is probably far from complete. Clematis indivisa (Puawhananga), pollen only, and Clematis faetida. Ranunculus rivularis, the honey from this flower is more or less poisonous. Melicytus ramiflorus (mahoe), Pittospomm tenuifolium (kohuhu or black mapau) and P. eugeniaides (tarata or white mapau), Gay a Lyallii (lace-bark), Aristotelia racemosa (mako-mako), Discaria Toumatou (tumatukuru), Sophora tetraptera (ko- whai), Rubus australis (bush-lawyer or tataramoa), Accena Sanguisorbee (piri-piri), Carpodetus serratus (piripiriwhata or putaputawheta), Leptospermum scoparium (manuka or tea-tree) and L. ericaides : the former is a particular favourite with bees, and produces highly aromatic honey of a rich pinky-brown colour. Metrosideros lucida (rata) ; probably all the species are visited by bees, for all are nectar-producing, but this is the only one I have received a record of. Myrtus bullata (ramarama), M. pedunculata, M. obcordata (rohutu), Fuchsia excorticata (kotukutuku) ; all bee- keepers who live near the bush report this species. Aciphylla squarrosa (spear-grass, taramea or kurikuri), Panax arbor eum (whauwhaupaku), especially on the male flowers, Griselinia lucida (puka) and G. littorahs (broad-leaf, kapuka or papaumu). Celmisia coriacea, and on many other species bees have been recorded ; also several species of Raoulia, which have not, however, been strictly identified. Senecio lagopus, S. bellidioides and probably most of the shrubby species. Brachyglottis repanda (pukapuka or wharangitawhito) and B. Rangiora (rangiora). Both these species are especially blamed for producing poisonous honey. In October, 1906, six Maoris at Rewiti, near Helensville, were poisoned (though all ultimately recovered) by eating honey which contained large quantities of pollen grains of two species, viz., manuka and pukapuka. There was no doubt whatever in the minds of those who investigated it that the poison was due to the Brachyglottis. The plants are known to be poisonous. A settler near Rotorua died from eating this honey in 1917. Parsonsia heterophylla (kaiku or kaiwhiria) and P. capsularis (aka-kiore), Con- volvulus tuguriorum, probably for pollen; Veronica salicifolia, V. Traversii, V. soli- 282 INSECTS cormoides and probably all the shrubby species; Muehlenbeckia australis, Knightia excelsa (rewarewa or native honeysuckle), Nothofagus sp. (native birches or beeches), probably all the species are visited but whether for nectar or pollen is not recorded ; Podocarpus (miro and black and white pines) several species, all for pollen ; Rkipo- gonum scandens (supple-jack, kareao or pirita) ; Cordyline australis (cabbage-tree or ti). This species is blamed by some apiarists for producing very thick honey, which is difficult to extract. Astelia nervosa, Phormium tenax (New Zealand flax or hara- keke), and Bulbinella Hookeri. Of introduced plants probably the best honey producer is the white clover (Trifolium repens) which gives a beautiful pale honey. In districts where it abounds the ragwort (Senecio jacobced) produces somewhat late in the season a dark, strongly- flavoured honey which is not always saleable. In April, 1919, I noticed bees in great numbers feeding on fallen (rotten) pears, at Whangarei. In Europe, Apis mellifica fertilises the following flowering plants which have been introduced into New Zealand : Ranunculus aquatilis, R. acris, R. repens, R. bulbosus, Nigella damascena. Herberts vulgaris. Papaver Rhoeas, P. somniferum, Chelidonium majus. Fumaria officinalis. Nasturtium officinale, Sisymbrium officinale, Brassica Rapa, B. oleracea, Cheiran- thus Cheiri, Sinapis arvensis, S. alba, Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Cakile maritima, Crambe maritima, Raphanus Raphanistrum, R. sativus. Reseda luteola, R. lutea. Spergula arvensis, Stellaria media. Hypericum perforatum. Malva sylvestris. Geranium molle, Erodium cicutarium, Tropceolum majus. Cytisus scoparius (for pollen only), Medicago saliva, Trifolium repens, T. fragi- ferum, T.pratense (after the flowers have been punctured by short-trunked humble-bees), Lotus corniculatus , Robinia pseudo-acacia, Vicia tetrasperma. Rosa canina, R. rubiginosa, Rubus fruticosus, R. idceus, Fragaria vesca, Crateegus oxyacantha, Pyrus communis, Pyrus malus. Ribes nigrum, R. rubrum, R. Grossularia. CEnothera biennis. Daucus car ota. Petasites vulgaris, Centaurea cyanus, Cnicus arvensis, C. lanceolatus, Cichorium Intybus, Hypochceris radicata, Tanacetum vulgare, Senecio jacobeea, Tarax- acum officinale. (See Appendix B, p. 559.) Family VESPID^E Polistes tasmaniensis , Sauss. Australian Wasp This wasp has been established about Hokianga and Whangarei, probably, indeed, all over North Auckland Peninsula for a great number of years, and was first recorded from Rawene in 1893. It was then common over the Hokianga district. In 1911 Colonel Boscawen reported of an orchard in Opitonui, that it was full of their nests. It is extremely common in the north, but has spread very slowly to the south of Auckland. In 1918 Mr Howes met with it both at Dunedin and Waipori 1 . 1 In Nicol's book, Acclimatisation of Salmonidce at the Antipodes, we are told (p. 46): "a living wasp was found among the moss" in which the eggs were packed, in the shipment of salmon ova sent to Otago in 1869, in the ' Mindora.' HYMENOPTERA 283 It attacks many species of insects, and is especially destructive to the pear-leech or sawfly (Eriocampa limacind). Family FORMICIDJE Prenolepis longicornis, Fabr. (Europe and Asia) Mr W. W. Smith states that this so-called " Sugar- Ant" is a great nuisance in some houses in Nelson and New Plymouth, and is com- mon in both localities. It is also common in the Auckland Province, and is probably very widespread, especially in the North Island 1 . Order V. COLEOPTERA LAMELLICORNIA Family SCARAB/EID/E In the Index Fauna Nov Linn. Recorded in the Index in (1903). Mr W. W. Smith reports this as common in Taranaki, on flower stalks, etc. (April, 1919). Family (EDEMERID/E Nacerdes melanura, Schmidt. Wharf-borer In the report of the Agricultural Department for 1902, Captain Broun recorded this species as occurring in hardwood, imported into Auckland from Australia and Tasmania.* Family BRUCHIDJE Bruchus rufimanus, Boh. Pea Weevil This beetle is commonly imported into the country from Britain with peas and beans. A bag of specially selected peas imported from a London seedsman was submitted to me in 1906 ; every pea contained a weevil. Dr Hilgendorf says that in Canterbury it lays eggs in beans as they develop in the field, but fortunately they are not very common. In Britain it is frequently found in springtime on the blossoms of gorse and broom. Very common in Taranaki (April, 1919). Family CHRYSOMELIDJE Paropsis sp. Mr Drummond reports (November, 1916) that an Australian species was found in the bright sunshine on granite (?) rocks on Cooper's Knob near Lyttelton at a height of 1800 ft. This beetle feeds on Eucalyptus. COLEOPTERA 297 Family CERAMBYCIDJE Hylotrupes bajalus, Linn. Borer The first record I have found of this beetle is of two specimens taken at Auckland in 1874, an d identified in London by Mr H. W. Bates. It perforates wood, and Kirby states that Sir Joseph Banks once gave him a specimen of sheet-lead, which, though only measuring eight inches by four, was pierced with twelve oval holes, some of which were as much as one-fourth inch in longest diameter. The lead had covered rafters which had been bored by the insects. Phoracantha recurva, Newman One specimen of this beetle was captured near Christchurch in 1873. Mr W. W. Smith says this active beetle is not uncommon in Taranaki (April, 1919). Callirhce allaspa, Newman Recorded in the Index (1903). Tessaromma sulcatum Mr Hudson reports this Australian species as captured at Auckland in May, 1902, by Commander J. J. Walker. RHYNCHOPHORA Family ANTHRIBID^E Doticus pestilens, Oliff . Dried-apple Beetle ; Jumping Anthribid This apple weevil imported from Australia was recorded by Mr T. W. Kirk in 1895 as abundant in orchards about Wellington, where it was still common in 1899. Very common in Taranaki (April, 1919). Family CURCULIONID^E Otiorhynchus sulcatus, Fabr. Black Vine-Weevil Captain Broun found this among sorrel (Rumex acetoselld) and grass-roots on Mount Eden in 1866. Mr Pascoe received numerous specimens from Captain F. W. Hutton from Wellington in 1875. Later on it was found abundantly in a vinery at Nelson. Mr Hudson found it under stones on the Tinakori Range, Wellington, in August, 1889 and 1890, and under boards at Kaitoke in 1902. Mr Philpott (1917) says "I find this species commonly about the base of tufts of grass when gardening in the spring." 298 INSECTS Mr W. W. Smith reports it as very common in Taranaki (April, 1919). It is apparently widespread, among sorrel roots especially. Gonipterus reticulatus, Boisduval Mr Hudson informed me in 1890 that this Australian beetle had been found by Mr W. W. Maskell amongst species of Eucalyptus, Sydney Street, Wellington. It was very abundant there in February, 1892. It is very fond of sunshine. Mr Smith reports it as occurring on several species of plants in Taranaki, and says that in captivity the perfect insect (imago) is a voracious feeder. It is very common among eucalypts. Calandra granaria, Linn. Grain-weevil ; Corn-weevil I do not know how early this beetle was introduced, but it has been known for a very long time, and is very troublesome in stored grain, especially in wheat. In 1894 and 1895 the grain sheds in Timaru were very badly infested, and it did a great deal of damage. Dr Hilgendorf informs me that about 1900 a rejected consignment of wheat was emptied on Timaru beach, and the weevils were seen crawling towards the town in thousands. They were destroyed by fumigation with carbon disulphide. Again in 1916 it was imported in vast numbers in a consignment of barley from South Australia. Dr Hilgendorf adds that as about 40 days elapse between the laying of the egg, and the emergence of the mature beetle, the pest is never very bad, except in grain at least one season old. Calandra oryztz, Linn. Rice-Weevil This cosmopolitan beetle was recorded in the Index (1903), it is probably common in New Zealand. Mr W. W. Smith records it as common at Ashburton and New Plymouth (April, 1919). Anthonomus pomorum, Linn. Apple-blossom Weevil This beetle has been a long time in the country, but is not very common. In 1890 it did a great deal of harm in orchards in Canter- bury. It is common at Ashburton and at New Plymouth. Sitones lineatus, Linn. Striped Pea-Weevil This little beetle, which attacks peas, beans and species of Tri- folium, is a European species. The adults are found in numbers on the flowers of gorse and broom in Britain. Mr W. W. Smith reports it as common at Ashburton and at New Plymouth (April, 1919). Mr A. H. Cockayne says it is common in Wellington Province. COLEOPTERA 299 Oxyops concreta, Pascoe This is an Australian species, the larva of which attacks the leaves of species of Eucalyptus. It is found about the Manawatu district, and is probably of general distribution where gum-trees have been planted in New Zealand. Mr A. H. Cockayne states that at the Government plantations at Rotorua and Waiotapu the cultivation of blue-gums (Eucalyptus globulus) has had to be abandoned, on account of the ravages of this weevil. (See Appendix B, p. 559.) Order LEPIDOPTERA Sub-order RHOPALOCERA Family NYMPHALIDJE Danaida plexippus, Linn, (erippus, Cr.) Mr Hudson says of this butterfly that it is " a comparatively recent natural immigrant which probably reached New Zealand during the first half of the last century, independent of human agency." It appears to have been first observed in 1840-41, when Mr F. W. Sturm took a specimen at Reinga, on the Wairoa River in Hawke's Bay. In 1848 the same gentleman took a number at the Waiau, a tributary of the Wairoa. It has been frequently taken in Hawke's Bay since then (in 1861, 1873, 1874, etc -)- Mr Sturm says that it kept about the Lombardy poplars and Hoheria populnea in his garden. He thought it was an indigenous species. Mr Colenso recorded the same species apparently in 1877 from the same district, and stated that he had known it for some years. Dr Hector found it in great abundance in Hokitika during the summer of 1873. Mr Fereday discussed the question of its introduction in 1874 (Trans. N.Z. Inst. vol. vi, p. 183). In 1879 Mr Kingsley took a specimen in Nelson, and in 1890 he got several from the same district. In 1906 Mr Hudson got speci- mens from Makara Beach near Wellington, and saw one in the city itself. Mr Howes tells me (1919) that it has been taken at Auckland and Wanganui; it is also reported to have been seen in Dunedin, and he himself obtained one in a dying condition at Halfmoon Bay, Stewart Island. Danaida chrysippus, Linn. Mr Hudson states that two specimens of this species were taken at the Thames in March, 1904. Mr Howes, writing in 1919, says: " One flew into an Auckland school a few years back. Two specimens were recently taken at Wanganui." 300 INSECTS Vanessa atalanta, Linn. English Red Admiral Butterfly Mr T. W. Kirk captured specimens of this species in the Wellington Botanical Gardens, during the summer of 1881, and saw others on several subsequent occasions. Mr A. Philpott saw a specimen in a collection of Lepidoptera made by Mr Dunlop of the Orepuki Shale Works, who informed him that this was the only one secured out of several seen. Mr Howes, however, is of opinion that the specimen was brought out from Britain by Mr Dunlop, as he saw it shortly after his arrival here. There is evidently some doubt about its occur- rence in Southland. Vanessa urticce, Linn. Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly Found by Mr T. W. Kirk at the same time and in the same locality as the preceding species. No later record of its occurrence is known. Junonia vellida, Fabr. Mr Hudson states that this butterfly was common in the Cook Strait region in 1886-87, but that only one or two specimens had been seen since then. He considered it to be a natural immigrant from Australia, where it is common. Miss Castles informs me that it was taken at New Plymouth in 1893 (where Mr W. W. Smith also reports it as taken occasionally), and at Motueka in 1898. In March, 1910, it was taken at Mt Greenland in Westland by Mr H. Hamilton. Lastly Mr Howes saw (but could not capture) a specimen in Dunedin in 1918. Sub-order HETEROCERA Family BOMBYCIDJE Bombyx mori. Linn. Silkworm I cannot find out the earliest date at which silkworms were intro- duced into New Zealand, but about 1863, Mr T. C. Batchelor, of Nelson, was rearing Tuscan worms with considerable success. (Further information on the subject will be found in Appendix B, p. 560.) Family CARADRINIDJE Heliothis armigera y Hubner. Tomato Caterpillar This cosmopolitan moth, which is known in America as the cotton-ball worm and the corn worm, and in Australia as the maize moth, was reported to the Agricultural Department in 1907 from several localities. Several consignments of tomatoes from Sydney were found to be infested with this pest. Mr Howes says it is some- LEPIDOPTERA 30! what rarely seen in the south of the South Island, though he has taken occasional specimens in Dunedin, and has seen it in fair numbers at Oamaru and Queenstown. Mr W. W. Smith informs me that it is common at New Plymouth, where it is very destructive to tomatoes, the larvae eating the fruit. It is probably common throughout the North Island. The larva is fond of burying itself in the flowers of asters, etc. ; indeed its wide range of food plants makes it troublesome. Family SPHINGID^E Sphinx convolvuli, Linn. Convolvulus Hawk Moth Captain Hutton, and probably several other entomologists, con- sider this cosmopolitan species to be indigenous. It was found in Hawke's Bay, and recorded by Mr A. G. Butler in 1877. Sir w - Buller reported it as common in Ohinemutu in 1879, an( J it was taken in Auckland in 1882. Since then it has been taken in many parts of New Zealand. Mr Howes suggests that, as it is commonly found feeding on the Kumara (Ipomoea batatas), it was probably introduced either along with that plant, or that it is a comparatively recent arrival from Australia. Sphinx ligustriy Linn. Privet Hawk Moth Mr Howes reports this species as having been taken at Titahi Bay near Wellington. Chcerocampa celerio, Linn. Silver-stripe Moth Mr Hudson recorded this first in 1904, where four specimens were taken by different collectors in Nelson. It is a species of very wide distribution, and Mr Hudson considered it a natural immigrant frofn Australia, where it is common. Mr A. P. Buller recorded it the same season from Titahi Bay, Wellington, where several specimens were found at dusk by Mr C. O'Connor, feeding on the sweet-scented Christmas lily (Lilium longifloruml). He considers it probable that it was brought over to New Zealand by westerly winds, in view of the fact that the Hawk-moth family are possessed of sustained powers of flight ; indeed, I might mention that I have in my collection a fine Sphinx that flew on board the R.M.S. 'Ruahine' when the vessel was some five hundred miles off the coast of South America. Family SESIIDJE Trochilium tipuliforme, Clerck (Mgeria tipultformis, Sesia tipuliformis). Currant Clear- wing Moth Introduced with the garden currant (Ribes rubrum) from Europe, and first bred from larvae so obtained by Mr Fereday in Christchurch in the early seventies. It has since then become very generally 302 INSECTS distributed. Though so common, it does not seem to do a great deal of harm, or to very seriously affect the fruiting powers of the currant bushes. Family ARCTIIDJE Utetheisa pulchella, Linn. This moth was first observed by Mr Hudson in 1877, in the Wainuiomata Valley near Wellington, and subsequently at Petone; it was recorded as Deopeia pulchella. Meyrick considered it as probably only an occasional immigrant. Later it was taken in considerable numbers on the flowers of the white rata, and others in the tussock- grass, by Mr O'Connor, at Titahi Bay. Mr Howes informs me that Mr Hamilton took it at Dunedin, and that Mr Morris recorded a swarm on the river bed of the Waitaki, near Oamaru. The moth usually appears in February. Family GEOMETRIDJE Phrissogonus laticostatus, Walk. This species was first taken by Mr Hudson in 1905 at Nelson and again at Wangamii. In 1914 it was collected at Otaki, by my son Dr J. A. Thomson. Mr Howes informs me that he collected it amongst seaside scrub at Auckland. Mr Meyrick states that it is "very common in Australia, whence it has been recently introduced by artificial means." Paragyrtis inostentata, Walk. (Adeixts inostentatd) Mr A. Philpott records this moth as common (in 1915-16) on Seaward moss and other coastal swamps near Invercargill, and adds : "The restricted distribution in New Zealand of this common Aus- tralian species would seem to point to its recent introduction through the medium of shipping at the port of Bluff." Mr Howes met with this species commonly in a swamp at Wai- marino in the North Island. Ophideres maturna, Linn. Banana Moth Probably introduced from Australia with bananas. Mr Hudson reports them as first seen in 1906 when a specimen was taken at Makara Bay, near Wellington. Another was captured by Mr Howes in Dunedin in 1907. Ophideres fullonica, Hubn. Mr Meyrick reports one doubtful specimen of this Australian species, which was taken at Christchurch. "In any case," he adds, "it is probably only a stray immigrant." LEPIDOPTERA 303 Ophiusa pulcherritna, Lucas Mr Hudson states one specimen of this Queensland species was obtained in 1904, at Titahi Bay near Wellington. Ophiusa melicerte, Drury A single specimen of this moth was taken in Mr Travers's green- house in Wellington in 1870, and was described by Mr Fereday as Catocala traversii. Since then it has been taken at Titahi Bay, Wellington, at Waitomo, at Motueka and at Orepuki 1 . It is a common moth in Australia. Plusia oxygramma, Hubn. Mr Hudson calls this a well-established natural immigrant. Several specimens were taken in the Thames district in 1906. Miss Castles records it as occurring at the Waitakere in 1909, and at Fielding in 1911. Mr Howes states that it is common throughout the North Island, but that south of Christchurch only occasional specimens are seen. Agrotis segetum, Schiff. Turnip Moth First recorded from Wanganui in the Agricultural Department report for 1904. Mr W. W. Smith (April, 1919) says it is common at New Plymouth. The caterpillars attack especially mangolds, turnips and potatoes. They hide beneath the surface of the soil, and usually attack the plants they infest at or just below the surface, and nearly always at night. They also attack wheat and grass crops, and several garden vegetables and flowers. The moth is now common everywhere. Family PYRALIDJE Meliphora grisella, Fabr. Bee Moth Apparently introduced along with honey-bees, as the larva lives in bee-hives. Mr W. W. Smith reports it as common in Taranaki. He further states that when he arrived in South Canterbury in 1877, this moth was common in the hives on the Upper Rangitata. Mr Meyrick recorded a specimen from Nelson in 1877. Plodia inter punctella. Hub. Indian Meal Moth First observed in 1912 by Mr Hudson; probably introduced in figs, maize, etc. It feeds on raisins, currants, prunes and other dried food-products. It was recorded again in 1914. Mr A. H. Cockayne says it is common in the Gisborne district. 1 In his paper on some rare species of Lepidoptera (Trans. N.Z. Inst. vol. xxxvn, P- 333 ). Mr A. P. Duller mixes up two papers by Mr Fereday in vol. ix of the Trans. NJZ. Inst. in a remarkable manner. 304 INSECTS Pyralis farinalis, Linn. Meal Moth Mr G. Howes reported this species as common in Dimedin in 1903-4. Mr W. W. Smith also recorded it as common in Taranaki, and later as common everywhere. It attacks all kinds of cereals "whether as corn, flour, meal, bran, and even straw." The moth appears during the summer months, wherever grain or farinaceous materials are stored. Hymeniafascialis, Cram. Larva found on melons, etc. It has probably been introduced with fruit from tropical or sub-tropical Australia. Hitherto it has only been recorded by Meyrick in 1912. Diplopseustis perieralis> Walk. Found near towns, and probably introduced from Australia or Fiji, where it is not uncommon. Mr Philpott is inclined to think the species is indigenous, as it occurs throughout both islands. Galleria melonella, Linn. Bee Moth ; Wax Moth According to the reports of the Agricultural Department, this moth was first observed at Okaiawa near Mount Egmont, in three dif- ferent apiaries, in 1904. It was probably introduced from Australia, where it is said to have been brought from Europe in 1880. There was very considerable doubt thrown for some time on the identifica- tion, but the fact of this species being established in the North Island is now well known, alike to lepidopterists and to apiarists. Mr W. W. Smith informs me (1919) that the species is common in hives in Taranaki. It also occurs at Ruakura. In the Apiaries Act 1907, this moth is included among the diseases of bees, which come under the powers of the Act. Family PHYCITID^E Ephestia kuehniella, Zell. Mediterranean Flour Moth Mr A. Philpott writes (August, 1916): "This species has become established in the flour-mills in Invercargill within the last two or three years, and I also have had examples sent to me from Dunedin." In 1905 it was reported from the Waikato. Mr A. H. Cockayne says it has been found in pretty well every flour- mill in New Zealand. Crocydopora cinigerella, Walk. Mr Meyrick reported this moth as occurring at Whangarei and Nelson in 1885-86, and says if this is " a recent accidental introduction (from Australia) it will probably be found soon to become more LEPIDOPTERA 305 common and generally distributed." Mr Philpott says (1916) : " I have not met with it myself and do not think it is in any South Island collection." Mr Howes states that "the only locality I have met with this species was on the shores of Lake Taupo on shingle; apparently it was attached to a creeping convolvulus." Family TORTRICID^: Tortrix postvittana, Walk. Mr Hudson says: It is undoubtedly introduced from Australia where it is abundant. The larva feeds on Geranium ( ? Pelargonium). It was first observed at Wellington in 1891, and though not abundant, is steadily becoming commoner. Mr Howes records it from Auckland and Wanganui ; and Mr Meyrick from Christchurch. Tortrix indigestana, Meyr. Mr A. Philpott says: "Meyrick suggests that this species may be an introduction from Australia. I have seen only one specimen from Flagstaff, Dunedin." Mr Meyrick recorded it from two speci- mens reared from larvae feeding on Pimelea Icevigata, from Makara Beach. Mr Howes states that it is very common on hills above Waitati near Dunedin, wh'ere it was attached to Dracophyllum, and is found apparently right through New Zealand. Laspeyresia pomonella, Linn. (Carpocapsa pomonella). Codlin Moth This moth is one of the most dreaded orchard pests in all countries where it is now found. It probably was introduced into New Zealand from various sources, from Britain and America, or from Australia, where it first appeared about 1855. Mr T. Kirk recorded having seen grub-eaten apples some years previous to 1874, at which date it was first noticed in Auckland, the fruit having come from Tasmania. In 1882 it was recorded by Mr Meyrick as having been taken at Wellington, and he added "probably widely spread, though hitherto little noticed." There is no doubt that it was very common, for in 1894 tne Agricultural Department reported it as occurring in very many parts of New Zealand, and it took drastic steps to combat the pest. In addition to publishing literature with instructions to fruit- growers, it instituted close inspection of orchards and of all fruit (apples, etc.) imported into the country. It also sought for and intro- duced various natural enemies, especially parasitic wasps, such as Calliephaltes messer and Zele sp. belonging to the Ichneumonidae. 3 o6 INSECTS In 1886 the moth was reported from Christchurch, next year from Te Awamutu; in 1891 from Paraparaumu, 1892 from Auckland, and 1897 from New Plymouth. In 1899 it was stated to be spreading to some extent about Hawera, and was also reported from Waikouaiti, Timaru, Palmerston North, Wanganui and Hawke's Bay. It was almost certainly in all those districts some time before its presence was recorded. Mr Philpott informs me that it does not occur much further south than the lower end of Lake Wakatipu. In all cases where the pest has been reported from Southland, the species has turned out to be one of the native moths Tortrix excessana, Walk., or Ctenopseustes obliquana, Walk. The latter moth has frequently been mistaken in other parts of New Zealand for the codlin moth, for it attacks apples in much the same manner, but the damage it does is infinitesimal when compared with that of the imported pest. The codlin moth has numerous enemies, both native and intro- duced. The tiger beetle (Cidndela tuber culatd) destroys the grubs on the ground, and also climbs up trees in search of them. The common red ant (Aphcenogaster (Monomoriurn) antarcticus) and the larger Am- blyopone cephalotes also climb trees and destroy the grubs. The indigenous Ichneumon insidiator, or an allied variety, attacks the grubs. At least one fungus (Isaria farinosa) which is allied to Cordiceps, the vegetable-caterpillar fungus, also attacks and destroys the codlin- moth grub Family TINEIDJE Phthorinuea operculella, Zell. (Lita solanella, Boisduval.) Potato Moth This species has been known for the last 25 or 30 years, and is fairly common and destructive in the North Island, and as far south as Canterbury ; but in the south its occurrence is only periodic. A few years ago it caused some loss in the neighbourhood of Dunedin. Mr A. Philpott says it does not trouble Southland. It is reported every year in the reports of the Agricultural Department, and the larva is found on stored potatoes or those exposed before being dug. Potatoes introduced from New South Wales and Victoria are frequently infested with the caterpillar. Mr Meyrick says this species has certainly been introduced with the potato, and is probably a native of Algeria. It feeds on all species of Solatium, and also attacks tomatoes. Mr T. Kirk states that the larva can be reared on poro-poro (Solanum aviculare)\ and Mr Allan Wright records it as feeding on LEPIDOPTERA 307 bulrush or raupo (Typha angustifolid). Mr Howes says that when potatoes are cultivated, the destruction of all small tubers and waste by turning pigs on to the ground after the crops are dug, together with the burning of the haulms, will easily keep the pest in check. The larvae of this species are attacked and destroyed by the larvae of two common indigenous hover flies Syrphus nova-zealandics and Melanostoma fasciatum . Endrosis lacteella, Schiff. (E.fenestrella). Window Moth This moth seems to have been introduced in the very early days of colonisation. The moth itself is common throughout the year, but particularly from October to March, and is very generally distributed, being reported as a household moth from Whangarei to Invercargill. The larva feeds on seeds, dried fruits, flour, pollard, honeycomb and many other farinaceous or saccharine materials. This species appears to have got both its technical name, and its popular designation of " Milk-moth," in consequence of its being so frequently found drowned in milk jugs. It is not a clothes moth, but is commonly destroyed as such. Borkhausenia pseudospretella, Staint. ((Ecophora pseudo- spretella, Staint.) A Clothes Moth This is probably one of the first moths which was introduced into New Zealand, and it is now generally distributed, probably in every house. The moth occurs between November and March. The larva feeds on all sorts of dry refuse, and on cloth (woollen, cotton and linen), paper, cork, etc. It is very destructive in museums. Mr W. W. Smith says it occurs, but not commonly, in Taranaki. Mr Meyrick (1883) recorded it from Hamilton, Napier, Wanganui, Wellington, Christchurch, Castle Hill and Dunedin. It was reported by Mr Butler in 1877 in collections received from N.Z. from Dr Hector and Mr J. D. Enys. Dr Hilgendorf (1917) states that it is very common at Lincoln, and is destructive to stored wheat. It is also met with in the Chatham Islands. Mr Butler calls this species "a detestable pest," and adds: This is one of the most destructive insects imaginable, and is apparently a perfectly general feeder; nothing that is in the smallest degree edible comes amiss to it. The moth is fond of concealment, and often hides amongst the substances that have suffered from its depredations. When disturbed, it runs rather than flies, and that very rapidly, at once seeking shelter again. To pursue it with one's fingers is no easy task; it is so rapid in its move- ments and so slippery when touched, in consequence of the glossiness of its scales. The caterpillar is of an active habit, but conceals itself most 308 INSECTS effectually by spinning together quantities of the material it happens to be feeding upon. It has been found to destroy tons of rice in a warehouse, and one of the Local Government Boards in Liverpool lost a great number of sweeping brooms, made of heather or ling, which were kept amongst their stores. Mr W. W. Smith (April, 1919) states that it is now very common, especially among grass and other seeds. Ocystola acroxantha, Meyr. Mr Hudson says: "First observed in 1886, and no doubt intro- duced from Australia along with Eucalyptus, to which it is attached.'* Barea confusella, Walk. Mr Hudson says: "First observed in 1908, when it was taken both at Nelson and Wellington. Also introduced from Australia where it is common, attached to Eucalyptus." Mr Philpott says : " Examples were sent to me from New Plymouth in 1909. It is now common near Dunedin, but does not occur in Southland. I have also seen specimens from the Humboldt Range." Symmoca quadripuncta, Haw. First observed in Nelson in 1908, where, according to Mr Hudson, it was taken by Mr Sunley. It is a British species, which is not known from Australia. Choreutis bjerkandrella, Thunb. This cosmopolitan moth is a well-established natural immigrant, according to Mr Hudson. It has been collected at many points in both islands: Kaeo, Whangarei, Hamilton, Taranaki, Palmerston, Napier and Nelson. Mr W. W. Smith says it is very common in Taranaki. Mr Howes reports it as very common among tussocks above the bush line on Flagstaff and other hills near Dunedin. Mr A. Philpott, writing in July, 1916, says: "If this is an introduced species it has thriven wonderfully. It is found in all open situations up to about 3000 feet." The larvae feed on the thistles (Carduus, Cnicus, etc.), and other composites. Plutella maculipennis, Curt. (P. cruciferarum, Zeller). Diamond-back Moth ; Shot-hole Moth ; Cabbage Moth This species is abundant all over New Zealand, especially (ac- cording to Dr Hilgendorf) in all regions where the rainfall is not much over 30 inches per annum. He estimates the damage done LEPIDOPTERA 309 to turnips, rape and cabbages as amounting annually to hundreds of thousands of pounds, and in some seasons as exceeding 250,000. Rape is, however, the least damaged. The species was introduced certainly more than 30 years ago. According to Mr T. W. Kirk the moth occurs from August to May ; he states that it first came into notice in the Wellington district in 1879. Hilgendorf gives the average cycle of the life of the insect as 53 days: the adult moth lives from 10 to 15 days; the eggs, which average 18 in number, are laid on the third to the seventh day, and they hatch out in nine days; the life of the caterpillar is 22 days; and the pupation period 17 days. From January to March, in badly infested districts, the moths are seen on the turnip fields in clouds ; and they destroy about 75 per cent, of the crop. Smith says they attack and destroy all species of Brassica. The caterpillars are attacked and destroyed by the larvae of the common hover flies Syrphus novce-zealandiee and Melanostoma fas- datum. The eastern districts of Britain were ravaged by the caterpillars of Plutella maculipennis in 1891, when it was noticed that various kinds of birds were very effective enemies, especially rooks, starlings, and sea-gulls; and it was stated that where small birds had been exterminated the damage was worse. Bedellia somnulentella, Zeller This moth has been known for the last 20 years or more; its larva mines large blotches on the leaves of species of Convolvulus, Calystegia and Ipomata, The late Mr A. Purdie of Dunedin bred it freely from its larva some 20 years ago. The moth occurs usually from September to November. Mr W. W. Smith reports it as occur- ring in Taranaki commonly. Opogona comptella, Walk. This moth was taken at Nelson by Mr Sunley in 1910, and is considered by Mr Meyrick to be an accidental introduction from South-east Australia, where the species is common. Mr Howes obtained a specimen more recently on the Raurimu Spiral. Tricophaga tapetiella, Linn. (T.palcestricd). Clothes Moth ; Tapestry Moth I do not know when this moth was first introduced. Its larva feeds chiefly on furs and woollen stuffs. Mr Philpott states that it 3 io INSECTS is not at all common in the south, but Mr W. W. Smith reports it as very destructive in Taranaki. It was reported from N.Z. in 1877 by Mr G. Butler in collections received from Dr Hector and Mr J. D. Enys. It is fairly abundant in all parts of New Zealand north of Southland, not only in houses, but in the bush. Monopis ethelella, Newman Mr Hudson informs me that this moth was introduced from Australia, where it is common. The larva feeds on skins. Mr Philpott says it is very common and generally distributed ; it occurs through- out the whole year; but he is doubtful as to its being an intro- duction. Mr W. W. Smith reports it as common in Taranaki. It has been taken up to 4000 ft. Monopis crocicapitella, Clem. This is a rather common species, whose larva feeds on refuse. It was originally recorded by Mr Meyrick in 1887 as M.ferruginella. It has been collected in all parts of New Zealand, and more or less all the year round. In Nelson it has been taken at 4000 ft. elevation. Tinea fuscipunctella, Hawthorn Widely distributed in New Zealand, feeding on all kinds of dry refuse, both animal and vegetable; a domestic species. According to Mr A. Philpott it is rare in Southland. Tinea terranea, Hawthorn Mr W. W. Smith informs me that this species occurs in Taranaki. Tineola biselliella, Humboldt. Clothes Moth Another common and very destructive domestic species, feeding especially on woollen goods and hair. It is occasionally found in the linings of sofas and chairs, and in mattresses. The larvae are found in the houses in Britain from February to September inclu- sive, and the moths from April to November. Mr W. W. Smith says these moths were common at Oamaru in 1884, an d are now (1919) very common everywhere. Sitotroga cerealella, Oliv. Angoumois Grain Moth Originally reported by Mr A. H. Cockayne about 1910, in im- ported maize from the United States. Probably frequently introduced, but not established. LEPIDOPTERA 311 Lampronia rubiella, Bjerk. Raspberry-bud Caterpillar Introduced from Britain. The report of the Agricultural Depart- ment for 1904 states that the caterpillar was found on raspberry plants at Wellington and Hastings ; and in the following year it was observed at Kaiapoi. Family HEPIALIDM (?) Perissectes australasice, Donovan This Australian moth was found at Woodville in the spring of 1918. Order DIPTERA Family CECIDOMYIID/E Cecidomyia destructor, Say. Hessian Fly This much-dreaded pest has been present in all wheat- and barley-growing districts in New Zealand for the last 30 or 40 years, but has generally been kept well under observation and reduced by stubble burning. The fly was first detected in wheat at Marton in 1888, and at the same time Mr Hudson stated that large numbers of a hymenopterous parasite were observed. Mr Maskell thought these latter insects belonged to the family Proctotrupidae, and that they were indigenous to New Zealand. This first attack involved some 200 acres of wheat. In 1892 about 1300 acres in the Marton district were attacked, and the fly appeared in the beginning of 1893 at Balclutha. During that year over 7000 acres in Bruce County were in wheat, and half of it was badly damaged by the fly; also about 200 acres were attacked in Clutha County. It appeared also in Tuapeka County, and in Nelson and Blenheim. The Government then arranged for some thousands of infected puparia of the Hessian fly to be sent from England, and in this way two parasites Pleurotropus epigonus and Platygaster minutus were introduced into the colony. In 1894 the fly was severely felt in Masterton and Bruce, and in the former district many farmers abandoned the cultivation of wheat. In 1896 Semiotellus was found somewhat freely in the Bruce district, but no Hessian fly was recorded. In the following year the fly was thinly distributed about Waimate, Timaru, Oamaru and in Bruce. In more recent years the fly has been recorded from time to time, but it is now negligible as a pest. Hessian fly attacks rye, and it has been stated that it never attacks oats. This, however, is incorrect, for Mr Howes informs me that badly affected oats have been sent from Balfour in Southland, in which "the introduced control insects were more numerous than the Cecidomyids." The fly also has been found on the following grasses: 3 i2 INSECTS Yorkshire fog, Holcus lanatus; Timothy, Phleum pratense, Triticum repens, Agropyrum repens, Elymus americanus and Bromus ciliatus 1 . Family PSYCHODIDJE Psychoda phaleenoides, Latr. This fly, introduced from Europe, was first recorded by Hutton as being common in Christchurch in 1901 ; and was also found by Suter in Auckland. Mr W. W. Smith (April, 1919) says it is common in Taranaki. Family BIBIONID/E Scatopse notata, Meig Hutton records in 1901 that : " In a letter to Mr Skuse, Baron von Osten-Sacken says that he has received numerous specimens from New Zealand. No doubt it has been introduced from Europe." Oligotropus alopecuri, Reuter. Meadow-foxtail Midge This species, which is found generally amongst meadow-foxtail pastures, originated in Scandinavia, and is also found in Great Britain. It appeared first in N.Z.-grown seed during 1910, but by 1914 had so increased as to become dangerous. In 1915 ten per cent, of the Manawatu crop of meadow- foxtail was infested, and in the following year the precentage was higher, so that the local production of this seed had to be abandoned. Meadow-foxtail seed was harvested only in two districts Manawatu and Tauranga. Up till 1917 the Tauranga crop was not seriously infected. The larvae are frequently found in seed imported from Europe. Contarinia tritici, Kirby. Wheat Midge Mr A. H. Cockayne states that this species occurs at Timaru and at Gore. Dasyneura pyri, Bouche (Perrisia pyri). Pear Midge This midge was first recorded from Avondale, Auckland, in 1918. The larvae attack the young shoots of pear trees. It spread over the whole of Auckland Province within a year of its discovery; it was probably established for some years previously. It only attacks pear trees under (about) eight years of age. It is very destructive to young trees. 1 Mr A. Philpott, writing on 23rd April, 1917, says: "A few years ago some pods of Phonnium tenax, attacked by the larva of a Cecidomyia, were sent to me. The pods were distorted and small, and the seeds less than the usual size. I do not think that the fly was C. destructor, but I was not successful in rearing the mature insect. Probably it was an undescribed native species." DIPTERA 313 Family STRATIOMYID^E Exaireta spimger, Schiner Introduced from Australia, and first recorded in 1859 from Auck- land (Reise der ' Novara'). Since recorded from Auckland (where it is abundant), Whangarei and Wellington (Hutton). Abundant in summer. Mr Hudson says it was captured fairly commonly in the Welling- ton Botanical Gardens in 1882, and adds " I have always assumed this to be a native." Mr A. Philpott has not met with it in the south, and considers that so conspicuous an insect could not escape detection. Family MYDAIDJE Mydas macquarti, Schiner First recorded from Auckland in 1859 (Reise der' Novara'). Later (1901) it was omitted from Hutton's list of introduced Diptera. Family ASILID/E Lampria cenea, Fabr. First recorded in New Zealand by Nowicki (1875 ?) Later (1901) it was omitted from Hutton's list. Family PHORID/E Phora omnivora, Hudson This fly, which is now abundant all the year round, was originally recorded from Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin by Captain Hutton in 1900. It is a common meat fly, but its larva is parasitic on several moths, as Melanchra composita, the New Zealand army- worm or grass-caterpillar, M. mutans, M. ustistriga, Erana graminosa, and other species of Noctuae. It also occurs on some Coleoptera, e.g. Uloma tenebrionides. Mr Hudson was under the impression that it was very destructive in bee-hives, but both Mr D. Miller and Mr Philpott think this is an erroneous idea. The former suggests that the larva is only a scavenger in bee-hives. The latter ventures to think that the hive is not "finally ruined by the wholesale destruction of the honey when the flies emerge," but by the reduction in the strength of the colony caused by the parasitic larvae, the hive being at last so weakened that the necessary temperatures cannot be kept up and the activities of the colony cease. Family SYRPHIDJE Syrphus viridiceps, Weid. (Syrphus obesus, Hutton) An Australian fly, well established in the far north of Auckland, at Parengarenga Harbour. The larvae destroy large numbers of cater- 3H INSECTS pillars and aphides. All authorities state that the larvae of Syrphus destroy great quantities of aphides. Recently (April, 1919) Mr Miller has obtained it from Otira Gorge. Syrphus novee-zealandice, Macq. First recorded in New Zealand by Mr Bigot. The species is very common throughout New Zealand. It is perhaps a native species, but may have been introduced from Polynesia. Very abundant during the summer in Otago; but in Nelson, where the climate is more equable, it occurs practically all the year round. Eristalis tenax, Fabr. Common Drone Fly Capt. Hutton thought this species came from Britain, but Mr W. W. Smith believes that California was the region from which it was introduced. Mr G. V. Hudson first noticed it in Wellington in 1888, and Mr Smith took it later in the same year at Ashburton, on the flowers of Veronica Andersoni. It soon became very abundant. It usually appears late in autumn (Mr Howes records it as flying in August), and lasts till the end of July. Its rat-tailed larva is abundant in ditches and dirty water. Dr Hilgendorf reports it as occurring in cess-pools and earth closets, and even found alive floating in sheep-dip, where probably the poisonous matters had sunk to the bottom, and the upper layers were purified by addition of rain-water. Eristalis tenax fertilises (in Europe) the following flowers of species which have been introduced into New Zealand : Ranunculus aquatilis, R. acris, R. repens, Sambucus nigra. R. bulbosus. Sherardia arvensis. Berberis vulgaris. Bellisperennis, Achillcea millefolium, Cni- Papaver somniferum. cus arvensis, C. lanceolatus, Cichorium Brassica Rapa, B. nigra, Sinapis arvensis, intybus, Leontodon hirtus, Hypocheeris S. alba, Cakile maritima, Crambe mari- radicata, Taraxacum officinale, Crepis tima. virens, Anthemis arvensis, Matricaria Spergula arvensis, Stellaria graminea. inodora, Senecio jacobeea, Calendula Hypericum perforatum. officinalis, Carduus crispus, C. nutans, Lotus comiculatus, Trifolium arvense. Centaurea nigra. Rubus idceus, R. fruticosus, Crateegus Solanum tuberosum. oxyacantha, Pyrus cammunis, P. mains, Mentha aquatica. P. aucuparia, Prunus domesticus, P. Fagopyrum esculentum, Polygonum Persi- avium, P. cerasus. caria. Ribes Grossularia. Euphorbia helioscopia, E. cyperissias, E. (Enothera bienrds. Peplus. Carum Petroselinuni, Daucus Carota, Salix caprea. Scandix pecten-Veneris. Allium cepa. Hedera Helix. Syritta oceanica, Macq. First recorded in New Zealand by M. Bigot (date?). DIPTERA 315 Merodon equestris, Meig. Narcissus Fly In 1906 narcissus bulbs imported from Britain were found to be infested with this fly. Originally found in Invercargill, it has since been met with in Auckland, and is probably occasionally introduced. Recently (1918) some bulbs were received from Japan which were infested by the larvae of this or an allied species, but as they did not develop beyond the pupal stage the species could not be determined. Family MUSCIDJE ACALYPTRATVE Drosophila ampelophila, Loew. Fruit Fly ; Pomace Fly This European species was first noticed by Captain Broun in 1904. It has become very common, especially at seaports where fruit is introduced, and is particularly partial to bananas, oranges, and pineapples, which it attacks whether they are bruised or not. Some idea of the frequency of this and other allied species of flies may be gathered from the following statement. In 1910-1 1 the following cases of fruit imported into New Zealand were condemned and destroyed for fruit-fly maggot: Total imported Destroyed Auckland 299,249 cases 848 cases Wellington 305,050 987 Christchurch 62,332 255 Dunedin 58,633 273 Bluff 10,338 9 Mr Howes considers that the term " fruit-fly " should be confined to those flies which attack growing fruits. The Drosophilidae are usually known as "Vinegar-flies," and attack rotting vegetable matter and over-ripe fruit. He adds: Fruit-flies have been bred from apparently perfectly sound fruit. On the other hand many fruits with accidental bruises and perforations prove, on examination, not to be infected. I have seen fruit- flies inside a Chinese fruit-shop in Lambton Quay, Wellington, crawling up the glass. It might be possible to establish these flies in the North Island, but not in the colder parts of the south. Dacus psidii, Froggatt. Guava Fruit Fly According to the Agricultural Department's report for 1908, this species is frequently found in fruit imported from Northern New South Wales. It has apparently not become established in New Zealand. Tephrites xanthodes, Broun Introduced from Suva on pineapples ; and from Tonga and Raro- tonga on oranges, grenadillas and mummy apples. First observed 3 i6 INSECTS by Capt. Broun in 1903. Constantly met with on imported fruit from all those localities. Not established. Tephrites tryoni, Froggatt. Queensland Fruit Fly Introduced from Australia in pineapples ; first observed by Capt. Broun in 1904. For many years it was very commonly met with, but was not nearly so common in 1907 and 1908. Mr W. W. Smith (April, 1919) states that it is very common in orchards in Taranaki. Trypeta musce, Froggatt. New Hebrides Fruit Fly The Agricultural Department report for 1918 states that this fly was very prevalent in Mandarin oranges imported from Sydney, and that large numbers had been bred out. It has not succeeded, however, in establishing itself. Lonchtea splendida, Loew. Tomato Fruit Fly First observed in 1903 in tomatoes brought from Sydney, from which large numbers were reared. In the Agricultural Department's report for 1908 it is said to be on the increase in tomatoes and oranges. It is found, but not commonly, in Wellington, and probably in other centres. Consignments of the following fruits containing maggots have been burned on the wharves apples, apricots, bananas, cherries, figs, grenadillas, loquats, mangoes, mummy apples, mandarins, maupi fruit, nectarines, oranges, peaches, persimmons, plums, pineapples, pears, shaddocks and tomatoes. Several regulations were enforced to check the introduction of this pest, but owing to efforts of importers these regulations were temporarily relaxed, and in October, 1907, a very large consignment of fruit containing maggots was distributed from Auckland, and reached various parts of the colony. Efforts were immediately made to trace this fruit and destroy it where possible. But later in the season the flies were found breeding in peaches in several gardens in Napier, and in both peaches and tomatoes near Blenheim. In 1908 it was found in peaches both in Napier and Auckland gardens, and in many consignments of imported fruits. Since 1908 no specimens, other than those from imported fruit, have been found. Halter ophor a capitata, Broun. Mediterranean Fruit Fly First detected in peaches on Wellington Wharf in 1898, when flies were reared from maggots in the condemned fruit by Mr T. W. Kirk. Later they were discovered by Capt. Broun in soil accom- DIPTERA 317 panying imported plants. The flies deposit eggs in two days after emerging from the pupa, and 29 days later, new flies emerge. The report of the Department of Agriculture for 1908 records a new species of fruit fly introduced with Citrus fruit from Rarotonga and Tonga. Apparently it has not been described. Phytomyza albtceps, Meig. This fly is common throughout New Zealand, and the larva burrows in the foliage of many plants, especially composites. The sowthistles (Sonchus oleraceus, S. asper and S. arvensis) are most commonly attacked, but the following have also been noted as fur- nishing food plants for this species. Dahlia, dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris), cape weed (Crypto- stemma calendulacea), and nettle (Urtica ferox). Dr Hilgendorf informs me that the larvae are attacked and des- troyed by the larva of an introduced parasitic hymenopterous insect (Dacnusa sp.). Messrs Watt and Miller report two other hymen- opterous parasites, minute species of the genus Chrysocarts, which destroy this fly. Phytomyza nigricornis, Macquart. Cineraria Fly ; Marguerite Fly This species was first recorded in Wellington in 1893. In 1897 it was said to be widely dispersed and to have become a serious pest, and it has been reported every year since as abundant. It mines the leaves of Cineraria, globe artichoke, sowthistle, dandelion, chrysan- themum, peas and poro-poro (Solatium aviculare). Phytomyza chrysanthemi, Kowarz. Chrysanthemum Fly This species was reported as occurring abundantly on chrysan- themums in 1907-9. Family ANTHOMYIIDJE Fannia camcularis, Linn. (Homalomyia canicularis, Linn.). The Little House Fly Seems to be common throughout New Zealand, though not so abundant as Musca domestica. It delights to hover and sport about in rooms, and is easily recognisable on window panes by its small size, and the semi-transparent patches on its body. Abundant in early spring, and is displaced by the common house fly in summer. Its larvae are occasionally the cause of intestinal myiasis. 318 INSECTS Family TACHINID/E Comptosia bicolor, Macq. First recorded from Auckland in 1859 (Reise der ' Novara ') ; intro- duced from Australia. Capt. Hutton omits this from his list in 1903, as having been included in error in the ' Novara ' list. Comptosia fasciata, Fabr. First recorded from Auckland in 1859 (Reise der 'Novara')', probably introduced from Polynesia. This species is also omitted by Capt. Hutton. Micropalpus brevigaster, Macq. First recorded from Auckland in 1859 (Reise der 'Novara')', probably introduced from Australia or Tasmania. Omitted by Capt. Hutton. Lamprogaster strigipennis, Macq. First recorded from Auckland in 1859 (Reise der 'Novara')', an Australian species. Omitted by Capt. Hutton. Lamprogaster coerulea, Macq. First recorded from Auckland in 1859 (Reise der ' Novara ') ; prob- ably introduced from Australia. Omitted by Capt. Hutton. Captain Hutton was of opinion that the five above-named species got into the ' Novara V lists in error. Phorocera feredayi, Hutton First recorded from Dunedin by Capt. Hutton in 1881. Parasitic in the larvae of the basket moth (Liothula omnivord). Phorocera marginata, Hutton Recorded from Dunedin (1881), Christchurch and Wellington. Parasitic in the larva of Liothula omnivora, (Eceticus omnivorus, Melanchra composita, M. ustistriga, and M. mutans. Phorocera nyctemeriana, Hudson Wellington (1883) recorded by Mr Hudson; Christchurch and Queenstown (Capt. Hutton), and Dunedin by Mr Howes. Parasitic on the caterpillars of Nyctemera annulata and of Leucania purdiei 1 . 1 Philpott recorded this as reared from Porina, but is not sure that his identifica- tion is correct. DIPTERA 319 Family DEXIID^E Dexia rubricarinata, Macq. First observed in Auckland, 1859 (Reise der ' Novara'). Collected on the Kermadecs by Mr W. L. Wallace in 1908, where it was taken from the carcase of a goat. Also at Astrolabe, Nelson, on the sea-beach in 1911 by Mr D. Miller. This species was omitted by Capt. Hutton, but these later dis- coveries show the accuracy of the ' Novara ' list, as far as this species is concerned Rutilia pelluceus, Macq. Recorded from Auckland in 1859 (Reise der 'Novara'). Omitted by Capt. Hutton from his list in 1903. Aminia leonina, Fabr. First recorded from Auckland in 1859 (Reise der 'Novara') prob- ably introduced from Australia. Omitted by Capt. Hutton. Family SARCOPHAGIDJE Sarcophaga impatiens, Walker. Flesh Fly This is one of the commonest flies in New Zealand, particularly in the South Island. Capt. Hutton considered that it was probably introduced from Australia. He met with it in great abundance in Whangarei in 1901 . Dr Hilgendorf also reported it from Christchurch and Banks' Peninsula. Mr Philpott took it at Ashburton in the month of April. Mr D. Miller in 1909 says: This common fly is found in most situations. During December 1907 at Taieri Mouth, I captured a specimen near a swamp. About the middle of June 1908, I picked up another individual which was lying on the Tomahawk (Dunedin) sea-beach; and several were obtained from the swamp behind Murdering Beach during January 1909, as well as from Long Beach during the two following months of the same year. Ten years later, in 1919, he informed me that he had obtained the larvae in large numbers infesting the intestine of a sheep. Family MUSCIDJE Musca domestica, Linn. Common House Fly Very abundant throughout New Zealand; and probably intro- duced at a very early date. 320 INSECTS In 1870 A. Bathgate stated that it is driving out to a great extent the native blow-fly. Hutton in 1901 says: The statement that the introduced house-fly has displaced the native blow-flies, which have practically disappeared, is quite erroneous. I doubt whether they compete in any way. The female lays about 120 eggs. In Europe Musca domestica has been found to visit and pollinate the flowers of the following plants which have been introduced into New Zealand. Herberts vulgaris. Contum maculatum, Carum Petroselinum. Cakile maritima, Bellis perennis. Stellaria media. Digitalis purpurea. Pyrus malus, P. commums and P. aucu- Fagopyrum esculentum. paria. Musca taitensis, Macq. This was reported by Captain Hutton in 1881, as having been found by Dr Sinclair. He thought, however, that probably it did not belong to the genus Musca. Musca corvina, Fabr. This was recorded in the Index in 1903 by Captain Hutton as occurring in New Zealand, on the authority of Dr Hilgendorf. Muscina stabulans, Desv. The Stable Fly First recorded from Auckland in i8$g f (Reise der ' Novara'). Now abundant throughout New Zealand; more common in the North than in the South Island. The larvae probably eat all kinds of decaying vegetable matter, and have frequently been found on rotten fungi. They occasionally attack growing plants, and have been found destroying shallots. Calliphora erythrocephala, Desv. Common European Blow-Fly First noticed by Mr Hudson in June, 1889, at Wellington, and by Capt. Hutton 1893 m Christchurch. It is now common through- out New Zealand. The fly is particularly fond of the flowers of indi- genous species of Veronica. In Europe this species fertilises the following plants which have been introduced into New Zealand: Ranunculus repens. Cnicus arvensis, Senecio jacobcea, Tarax- Brassica nigra. acum offictnale, Calendula officinalis, Hypericum perforatum. Achilleea millefolium, Onopordon acan- Pyrus communis. thium, Calluna vulgaris, Linaria vul- Ribes grossularia. garis, Veronica serpyllifolia, Mentha Daucus Carota. aquatica, Salix caprea. Hedera Helix. DIPTERA 321 This species lays from 300 to 600 eggs, but is not viviparous like some of the indigenous blow-flies 1 . Pollenia villosa, Robineau-Desvoidy (Calliphora Icemica, Walker). The Golden-haired Blow-Fly Probably introduced from Australia into the North Island, where it became common before 1874. In that year it was first observed in Christchurch. In 1900 it was first observed at Lake Wakatipu. It is now abundant throughout New Zealand. Mr Hudson observed it in Wellington in 1881. One of the most common meat flies in houses. It deposits both eggs and maggots. In Australia it does incalculable damage by blowing the wool of sheep, the maggots burrowing into the skin of the animal, causing the wool to rot off. Although well-established throughout New Zealand, it has not hitherto caused any appreciable damage among sheep. The cases of sheep-blowing which occur in New Zealand are generally attributed to Lucilia sericata, which is an erroneous idea, as any damage done is caused by Pollenia villosa, Lucilia casar, Linn. Green-bottle Fly ; Sheep-maggot Fly First observed by Capt. Hutton in Christchurch in 1872; but it was some years before it spread. It is particularly common in the North Island and in Marlborough, where it causes fly-blow in sheep. Dr Hilgendorf states that the eggs are laid on dogs, and the maggots bore into the ham-muscles of living sheep. The species is not so common in the South Island. Mr Philpott says : " during the summer, odd specimens are often met with, and I once saw about a dozen on a dead rabbit in March." 1 Mr Philpott writes me as follows: "There is something peculiar about ovi- depositing habits of the large blow-flies. In some localities it is quite unsafe to leave blankets or any woollen fabrics uncovered, but in others they may be left exposed from one year's end to another without being fly-blown. On the Tuatapere- Preservation Inlet track a stock of blankets has been placed in each of the Govern- ment huts, but it has been found necessary to provide zinc cases to keep them in. These huts are all practically at sea-level, but the same trouble occurs at higher elevations. The hut on the Hump is situated at about 3000 ft., but in hot weather the flies are just as great a nuisance as down on the coast. In various parts of the Wakatipu district campers are subjected to the same annoyance. On the other hand, in a hut on the Hunter Mountains (at 3000 ft.) blankets have been left for eight or nine years. They are never covered in any way, simply lie on the bunks, or hang on the rafters, and no trouble from fly-blow has ever been experienced. I have camped in this hut for four successive seasons, always in mid-summer; the blue-bottles come into the hut freely and alight on the blankets, but do no harm. Last year I found that the furniture of the hut had been supplemented by an uncured long-woolled sheepskin, but even this failed to induce the flies to ovi- posit. Also, I camped for a fortnight one year on Ben Lomond, at about 2000 ft. This was late in November, and although the weather was hot, my blankets were not interfered with. Unfortunately, I cannot speak with decision as to the species of fly. It may be that the Hunter Mountain fly is Calliphora quadrimaculata." 322 INSECTS Mr Howes says (1919): "From a mass of wool swarming with maggots, I bred out three different flies, none of which were Lucilia ceesar" Mr Miller writes me: "This fly is abundant everywhere, living often on decaying vegetable matter. It is, however, particularly a carrion fly, though it also feeds on excrement." It is a fly which increases rapidly, the female laying from 3000 to 6000 eggs. This species is a familiar flower-visitant, and in Europe fertilises the flowers of the following species of plants introduced into New Zealand : Ranunculus sceleratus, R. acris, R. repens, Bellis perennis, Achillcea millefolium, R. bulbosus. Cnicus arvensis, Matricaria inodora, Brassica nigra. Anthemis arvensis, Chrysanthemum Stellaria media, Cerastium triviale. Leucanthemum, Senecio jacobcea, Ta- Geranium molle. nacetum vulgare, Cnicus lanceolatus, Cratcegus oxyacantha? Taraxacum officinale. Rubus idceus, Pyrus mains, Pyrus aucu- Solanum tuberosum. paria. Mentha piperita, M. aquatica. Carum Petroselinum, C. carui, Conium Euphorbia helioscopia, E. Peplus. maculatum, Daucus Carota. Lucilia sericata, Macq. Sheep-maggot Fly Mr Hudson took this species at Karori in 1883. It appeared in North Otago in 1906, when attention was drawn to its occurrence, and steps taken to arrest its progress. Also found in Mackenzie country. It reappeared again in 1907-8, in Palmerston South. In 1909 it was abundant everywhere. It is chiefly found in South Island. Lucilia sericata (in Europe) visits -flowers of Medicago saliva, Achillcea millefolium, Cnicus arvensis, and Senecio jacobcea. Stomoxys calcitrans, Fabr. The Biting House Fly ; Stable Fly Common in both islands. I noted it near Dunedin in 1893, and Capt. Hutton found it later near Christchurch. Mr Hudson found it in Wellington in May, 1889. Dr Hilgendorf says: An observation in 1917 showed that the inhabitants of a stable were 50 per cent. Stomoxys, and 50 per cent, of Musca domestica ; of a pig-sty, 95 per cent, of Musca and 5 per cent. Stomoxys; and of a house near by 100 per cent. Musca. This fly is about the size of the common house-fly (Musca domes- tica), but is at once distinguished by its needle-like proboscis, with which it gives a fierce puncture of the skin. It is much quicker in its movements also, due, no doubt, to its inherited need of escaping rapidly from the animal it has pierced. It easily punctures through one's clothes. The species is probably common throughout New Zealand. In Europe it visits the flowers of: Hypericum perforatum. Achillcea millefolium and Cnicus arvensis ; and Mentha aquatica. DIPTERA 323 Stomoxys nigra, Macq. Found in 1916 at St John's Lake, Auckland, by Mr D. Miller. This is a South African species. Family CEsTRiDjE (Estrus ovis, Linn. Sheep Nasal Bot-Fly Capt. Hutton recorded this first in Canterbury in 1 873 . Dr Hilgen- dorf states that these flies are very common; and that in the back country of Canterbury they trouble the merinos very much: "At the Cass on hot days," he says, "the sheep may be seen stamping their feet, tossing their heads, or standing huddled together, with noses to the ground; this is because the bot-flies have laid their eggs in their nostrils." Dr Gilruth, reporting on the subject in 1899, stated that: flocks in New Zealand become affected without any previous agitation of the animals having been noticed. In older countries the sheep become very excited if even only one fly be in their vicinity. They suffer mostly in autumn, the larvae lodging in the nasal passages and the bony sinuses of the skull. The larvae have been known to cause rhinal myiasis (i.e. in human beings). This fly is found in all parts of New Zealand. Dr Hilgendorf considers that nearly every sheep harbours them. Gastrophilus equi, Meigen. Horse Bot-Fly Captain Hutton saw this species first in 1892, and for two or three years they were very abundant and caused quite a scare. Dr Hilgendorf considers that the damage they do to horses' stomachs is probably insignificant, though the annoyance to horses when the flies are laying their eggs is very great. He says: "Every horse we kill has abundance of bots in its stomach." Mr Philpott says (1917): The horse hot is very common now. Some horses are extremely restless when the flies are about, but others take little notice. A few weeks ago I saw a bay mare so covered with eggs about the legs and abdomen that at a little distance she appeared to be tinged with grey. Her owner told me that she never took the least notice of the flies. In the same paddock was another horse which was continually walking to and fro, whisking its tail and snapping vigorously at the insects. Gastrophilus hcemorrhoidalis, Meigen. Horse Bot-Fly Supposed to have been introduced by some Mexican circus-horses from San Francisco; first noticed in the North Island in 1889, and 324 INSECTS in the South Island in 1891 . Now common throughout New Zealand, but according to Dr Hilgendorf not nearly as abundant as G. equi. Mr D. Miller says : During February 1909, I observed a large swarm hovering about a young horse, attacking the animal at the knees and sides, and, as they flew about the place upon which they wished to alight, they suddenly darted in and out, each time coming into contact with the horse's flesh. Gastrophilus nasalis, Meig. Mr W. W. Smith records this bot-fly as first attacking horses in South Canterbury in 1890, and then spreading rapidly over the South Island. It was fairly common in New Zealand in 1894. Hypoderma bovis, De Geer. Ox-warble Fly According to Dr Hilgendorf hardly an ox reaches New Zealand without carrying the larvae of this fly, but none has yet got past the Quarantine Stations, which so far have successfully resisted the estab- lishment of this dangerous pest. In Europe the larvae have occasionally been found in human beings ; but the parasite is more common among herdsmen in America. Mr D. Miller (April, 1919) says these larvae were found on cows at Lea Flat Station, about 20 years ago; and at Owaka about 30 years ago. The larvae of this species have been known to occur in man. Family HIPPOBOSCID^E Melophagus ovinus, Latr. European Sheep Tick ; Ked Dr Reakes informs me that this insect pest is common through- out New Zealand; and Dr Hilgendorf states that it is universal. Sub-order APHANIPTERA Family PULICID^ Pulex irritanSy Linn. Common Flea In his narrative of Captain Cook's second voyage, when in Queen Charlotte Sound in 1773, Forster states: "We were told that the people from the 'Adventure ' had found the native huts exceedingly full of vermin and particularly fleas." It is rather singular that neither Cook nor Banks in the first voyage to New Zealand makes any mention of the fleas, which were associated with the natives. In his second voyage, when the 'Adventure ' came into Ship Cove in Queen Charlotte Sound in April, 1773, the old Maori pa was found to be deserted, but "the presence of immense quantities of vermin was taken by the DIPTERA 325 sailors as a rough and ready indication that the huts had not been long abandoned by the Maoris." It is quite probable that there were no fleas in this country at the date of Cook's first voyage (1769), but that they were then introduced, and very rapidly increased. It would seem indeed that this is the case from the following facts. In the vocabulary at the end of Nicholas's Narrative of a Voyage to NewZealand, vol. ii, p. 338 (published in 1817), occurs the following : A White Man = Packaha. The flea is also called by this name, as the Maoris assert it to have been first introduced into their country by Europeans. Angas in Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand, vol. n, p. 20 (published in 1847), says: Here we pitched our tent, overlooking the broad surface of the Waikato, at about half a dozen yards from its brink. The fear of too many visita- tions from that active parasite, the flea (cleverly styled e pakea nohinohi, or "the little stranger," by the natives, who say it was first introduced by the Europeans), prevented our encamping within the enclosure of the pah. Mr Elsdon Best says: "I cannot remember any mention of the flea in old Maori traditions, as the waeroa, Kutu and namu are men- tioned, which seems to support the above statements." After their introduction fleas increased at an astounding rate, and spread from end to end of the country. The Maori pas and villages were full of them, especially in the North Island ; but they are found also in vast numbers in warm dry quarters, such as abandoned settle- ments, old sheds and sheepyards, where the ground often literally moves with them. Ctenocephalus canis, Curtis. Dog and Cat Flea This is a common species in New Zealand, and "is probably the most widely distributed member of the order." It has been recorded as Pulex serraticeps, Gervais. Mr Rothschild considers that there are two distinct species, one C. canis occurring on dogs, and C. felis on cats, but he states that it is impossible to separate them. Ceratophyllus fasciatus, Curtis. Rat Flea This flea is probably common on rats throughout the country, but no one has worked out the occurrence of this important group, except Dr Russell-Ritchie, who informs me that it is common in rats which have been examined in Wellington Hospital. This is one of the species which conveys bubonic plague, but before investiga- tions into the possible introduction of this disease can be properly undertaken, a complete study of the fleas present in the country must be made. 326 INSECTS This species is found on Mm decumanus (the brown rat), and on M. musculus (the mouse) 1 . Ceratophyllus gallince, Wagner. Bird Flea This species occurs in dirty fowl-runs, where it causes harm and irritation to the birds. It has usually been referred to as Pulex avium, Tasch. The report of the Agricultural Department for 1900 states that this insect is common in New Zealand. Ctenopsyllus musculi, Wagner. Rat Flea This species is also probably found throughout New Zealand, as it occurs on mice, brown rats and black rats (Mus rattus). Dr Russell- Ritchie tells me that it is found on rats in Wellington, but not so commonly as Ceratophyllus fasciatus. 1 The connection between rats (or mice) and bubonic plague was evidently known to Asiatic peoples in very far- distant ages. Like many other facts of historic and scientific interest, this knowledge was lost with the wholesale destruction of peoples and libraries which has taken place from time to time in the past. But there is an interesting record of it in the early history of the Jewish people. Somewhere about the nth century B.C., as narrated in the First Book of Samuel (Chap, iv-vi), during the ever-recurring wars between the Philistines and the Israelites, the latter were defeated with great slaughter in a battle fought near Aphek, and the Ark of God was taken, and was conveyed to the house of Dagon in Ashdod. There is a mixture of history and of priest-lore in the succeeding narrative, but we are told "the hand of the Lord was heavy upon them of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with emerods " ( = haemorrhoids or bubonic glands ?). In other words they were attacked by some very deadly and infectious plague. The lords of the Philistines sent the ark to Gath, " and it was so, that, after they had carried it about, the hand of the Lord was against the city with a very great destruction : and he smote the men of the city, both small and great, and they had emerods in their secret parts." Then they sent it to Ekron, and the plague broke out there. In their desperation, thinking it was a visitation of vengeance of the God of Israel, they resolved to return it to the people from whom it was originally taken, and to accom- pany it with a trespass offering. This offering consisted of five golden emerods and five golden mice, which probably may be more correctly translated rats, though mice and rats are equally transmitters of bubonic plague. The further mixture of history and priestly superstition is recorded at the end of Chap. vi. The ark was placed on a cart to which two cows were attached, and they were set towards the land of Israel and allowed to go wherever they liked. They took the road to Bethshe- mesh, and the arrival of the ark was hailed by the people with joy. But they carried the plague with them, for the priestly record says: "He smote the men of Beth- shemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the Lord, even he smote of the people fifty thousand and threescore and ten men. And the people lamented, because the Lord had smitten many of the people with a great slaughter." It is a most interesting narrative, and shows that at that early date the rulers knew that there was some relation between the plague and the rats or mice, even though they did not know that fleas were the carriers of the infection. THYSANOPTERA 327 Order THYSANOPTERA Family THRIPID^E Thrips sp. Several species of Thrips and allied genera occur in New Zealand, most of which are apparently introduced, but, as far as I am aware, none have been worked out or identified. They are found in numbers in most cultivated flowers, as well as a great many indigenous species; but here again no record has been made of them. In some cases they are found in such abundance on vegetation as to amount to a des- tructive pest. Mr W. W. Smith has sent me foliage of Pittosporum, etc., from New Plymouth, which shows the effects they produce. The undersides of many of the leaves were covered with a rust- coloured dust, others were similarly affected on the upper surface. The cuticle was punctured, and the epidermal cells largely destroyed, while in most of them the chlorophyll was wanting. Whether this had been removed by the insects puncturing the upper layers of tissue, or was due to the destruction of the epidermis, I could not say. Many of the leaves were covered with white patches, which proved to be formed of thousands of minute eggs, apparently of Thrips. The effect on many leaves of the loss of chlorophyll and of the damage to the epidermal tissues was to give them a silvery appearance, and to cause them to present a very sickly aspect. Order HEMIPTERA (See Appendix B, p. 560.) Sub-order HETEROPTERA Family REDUVIID^ Nabis HneatuSy Dahlbom This European species is recorded by Captain Hutton in the Index (1903) as occurring in New Zealand. In a note on those introduced Hemiptera, Mr G. W. Kirkcaldy states that this species is probably included in error. Family CIMICID/E Cimex lactularius, Linn. Bed Bug This most objectionable insect has been in New Zealand from early days of settlement, as many of the vessels which visited the country were infested with bugs. I first met with them on a coasting steamer in 1884; and Mr Hudson reported them in 1890. They are not particularly common in the South Island, but in the warmer parts of the North Island, many houses are infested with them. 328 INSECTS Family SCIOCORID^E Sciocoris helferi, Fieb. In a note written in 1896 Captain Hutton says of this species "A South European species, said to have been collected in Auckland by the 'Novara' Expedition." In 1905 Mr Kirkcaldy stated that the species ought to be expunged from New Zealand lists till further confirmation. It has not been recorded since. Family PENTATOMIDJE Nezara prasina, Linn. Captain Hutton stated in 1897 that "specimens of this species are in the British Museum from New Zealand." It is a cosmopolitan species, but I have not heard of any collector who has found it in these islands. Sub-order HOMOPTERA Family PSYLLID^E Psylla acacice-baileyance, Froggatt In the report on State Afforestation in New Zealand for 1910-11, this species is stated by Mr A. H. Cockayne to occur on the planta- tions of black wattle (Acacia decurrens), "but so far it has done little harm." It has evidently been introduced from Australia. Rhinocola eucalypti, Maskell. Yellow Aphis This species, which is a native of Australia, is a small dark brown psyllid, the larvae of which cluster at the tips of the foliage of young blue gums (Eucalyptus globulus), and cover themselves with threads of white flocculent matter, hence apparently the popular name. Mr Mas- kell thought it was introduced from Tasmania. The species is common in the Manawatu district, and is probably of very general distribution. Family FULGORID^: Scolypopa (Pochasia) australis. Walk. Vine Hopper ; Tree Hopper Captain Broun reported this (in 1896) as common on native shrubs in the forest about 20 years ago. Later on it began to attack passion-vines, figs, etc. ; preventing the formation or maturing of the fruit. In 1898 it is recorded as occasionally attacking grape- vines. The species was probably introduced from Australia. Mr Howes found it in Auckland in immense numbers on fig trees, and on many garden plants. He also obtained it in Nelson. HEMIPTERA 329 Family APHID^E Aphis brassicce, Linn. Cabbage Aphis This pest seems to have appeared at an early date after settlement. It was very abundant 50 years ago, and is particularly common in those districts of New Zealand where the annual rainfall does not exceed 35 inches. It attacks every species of Brassica (cabbage, turnip, swede, rape, etc.), and is found on many other crucifers (Capsella, Sisymbrium, Cakile, etc.). Dr Hilgendorf considers that it is the most destructive insect that has been introduced into the country, and estimates that the annual loss due to its presence cannot be put down at less than 250,000 ; and this not so much by the direct damage it does, as the restriction it entails in the selection of varieties which while more or less blight-proof, are not nearly as productive as others 1 . Aphis persicce niger, Smith. Black Peach Aphis Mr D. Miller informed me that this insect, which appears to be common in parts of Australia, has recently (1917) been recorded from New Zealand (locality?). Chermes corticate, Kaltenbach This species is recorded by Captain Hutton in the Index (1903). None of my correspondents know it. Chermes pint, Koch In 1884 Mr Maskell recorded that pine trees were badly attacked by a "blight" some four or five years previously. The species which suffered were Pinus halepensis, P. radiata (P. insignis), and P. sylvestris. The latter species was especially damaged in Nelson, while the former about Wellington were greatly infested. It was also destructive in plantations at Wanganui, Christchurch, Ashburton and Peel Forest. The pest seems to be fairly common, and though it does not kill pine trees, it disfigures them and greatly interferes with their vigorous growth. Mr Maskell suggested that perhaps C. pint and C. corticalis were the same species. Chermes laricis, Hartig. The Pine White Aphis In the report on State Afforestation for 1901-11, this species is stated by Mr A. H. Cockayne to be fairly abundant on some of the pines, "but it appears to select trees that are of weak constitution, 1 In the report of the Agricultural Department for 1905, two species are recorded which, in the absence of certain literature, I cannot identify. They are: (i) the turnip fly (Aphis rosce), which is recorded from Kohinui, and (2) the green fly (Rophalosiphon dianthi), which is said to have been found on diseased tomatoes from Wellington. 330 INSECTS and will probably more or less disappear when the trees are older." Though only reported from Rotorua and Waiotapu, the insect is probably widespread. Lachnus strobi, Fitch Recorded by Mr D. Miller as occurring on Douglas Spruce (Abies Douglasii) at Palmerston North in 1919. Phylloxera vastatrix, Planchon. Vine Louse This insect appeared in one locality in Auckland in 1885, and efforts were made to exterminate it. In 1889 and 1890 it was found in several places near Auckland, and at Whangarei. In 1895 it was reported from three localities near Masterton, and in 1 898 at Carterton. In the Agricultural report for 1898-99 it is also stated to have been found in Eden, Waitemata, Whakatane, Tauranga, Piako and Manukau counties, and to be common from Auckland North. In 1902 it was rediscovered at Mt Eden, Auckland, and in the following year was reported from Opotiki, and was said to be bad at Whangarei. In 1920 it was still present in a number of localities in the Auck- land district. Schizoneura lanigera, Haus. (Eriosoma lanigera, Haus.). Woolly Aphis ; American Blight This species has been known for a very long time in New Zealand, and is universally distributed throughout the country. It is very abundant still in old and neglected orchards, but has been greatly reduced in recent years by the use of "Northern Spy" stocks on which to graft the different varieties of apples. Dr Hilgendorf con- siders that it is more common in the northern half of the North Island than elsewhere. In 1861 the Otago Provincial Council passed the "American Blight Protection Ordinance," the preamble of which reads: Whereas considerable injury has been done to Fruit Trees within the Province of Otago by the Blight, or Insect called the American Blight; and whereas it is expedient to prevent as much as possible the increase thereof: Be it therefore enacted, etc. This is interesting as showing how early this insect was recognised as a dangerous and common pest in New Zealand, and also how unscientific is the definition of the pest itself. The majority of apples in New Zealand are now grafted on Northern Spy stocks, an American apple which has a hard bark and very firm wood, thus enabling it to withstand the attacks of the woolly aphis. HEMIPTERA 331 Siphonophora rosce, Reaum. &ose Fly This pest has long been known in the country, and apparently is common everywhere. Siphonophora granaria, Kirby This species is also widespread throughout New Zealand. Mysus cerasi y Fabr. Black Aphis ; Black Fly This pest has been known in New Zealand since the early fifties, and appears to be common throughout the Dominion. It particularly attacks peach, cherry and plum trees, making its appearance in the early spring, and doing most damage when the trees are in bloom, and the foliage and fruit are young. Family COCCIDJE The nomenclature of this family has recently undergone a com- plete revision, and I am indebted to Mr Guy Brittin of Christchurch for a correct list of the species. As, however, most fruit growers only know the names which appear in Maskell's papers, and in the publica- tions of the Agricultural Department, I have retained these in paren- theses for the sake of reference. Aulacaspis rosce, Sandberg (Diaspis rosce) This species, which attacks rosaceous plants roses, blackberries, raspberries, etc. has been reported from Canterbury and Hawke's Bay. It was first recorded by Maskell in 1878. Diaspis boisduvalii, Signoret This scale has been found on various species of wattles (Acacia), and on some hot-house plants. It was also recorded by Maskell in 1878. Chionaspis citri, Comstock Originally imported from America, this destructive insect is found on species of Citrus in the north of New Zealand ; it is also commonly introduced on oranges from Sydney. Chionaspis dubia, Maskell Originally described by Mr Maskell in 1881, who stated that it was common on many plants, Coprosma, Rubus, Asplenium, etc. In re-describing it in 1887, he added Pellcea to the plants on which it feeds, and gave Canterbury and Auckland as habitats. In 1891 a small form of it was taken at Reef ton on leaves of Leptospermum, and at Wellington on Asplenium and Cyathodes. In 1915 it was reported 332 INSECTS by Mr E. E. Green as occurring on a species of Adiantum introduced from Fiji. Mr Brittin states: "I am rather doubtful as to whether this is imported or not." Lepidosaphes pinncsformis, Bouche (Mytilaspis citricola, Packard). Lemon Scale ; Purple Scale In 1889 this scale insect was found on the rind of some oranges forwarded to Mr Maskell from Inangahua ; the oranges came originally from Fiji. In 1895-96 it was found on lemons imported from Portugal. In the report of the Department of Agriculture for 1909 the species is reported as occurring among lemon trees in New Zealand. Lepidosaphes ulmi, Linn. (Mytilaspis pomorum, Bouche). Apple Scale Probably introduced very much earlier, but first recorded by Mr Maskell in 1878, when it was quite common in New Zealand. It is a most abundant, and extremely destructive species. While chiefly attacking apple trees, it is stated by Mr Maskell to occur on pears, hawthorn, walnut, plum, peach, apricot, lilac, Cotoneaster, sycamore, ash, and many other plants. According to Dr Hilgendorf this pest has been tending to disappear during the last ten years in North Canterbury, but from natural (unknown) causes. A very minute white acarid (mite) has been observed among the eggs of this scale insect. Lepidosaphes nullipora, Froggart Mr Brittin informs me that he has found this species very plenti- fully in North Otago, on Eucalyptus, wattle and walnut. It has probably been introduced from Australia. It may be easily mistaken for L. ulmi. Aspidiotus aurantii, Maskell (A. coccineus, Gennadius). Red Scale of Orange In 1878 Mr Maskell reported this species as occurring on orange and lemon trees, growing at Governor's Bay, near Lyttelton. It occurs, he says, in immense numbers on the oranges and lemons sold in our shops, and which are imported from Sydney. It was also reported from Auckland. The Agricultural Department report for 1909 speaks of "the immense quantities of scale-infested Citrus fruits which both Australia and Italy have for years poured into the Dominion." Energetic measures are taken, however, to arrest the introduction and spread of the pest. HEMIPTERA 333 The following table gives the amount of fruit, which was fumigated at the principal ports of arrival in order to combat the introduction of scale insects, mealy bug, etc. Fruit imported Fumigated cases cases Auckland 299,249 7751 Wellington ... 305,050 2922 Christchurch ... 62,332 280 Dunedin 58,633 97 Bluff 10,338 Aspidiotus buddleice, Signoret Found by Mr Maskell in 1877 on tne silver wattle (Acacia dealbata) in Nelson; also in Christchurch on the same kind of tree. Aspidiotus camellite, Signoret Originally noted by Mr Maskell in 1878 on camellias in Christ- church. In 1885 he reported it as common about Wellington on Euonymus, weeping willow, and other garden trees and shrubs, to which it often did much damage. Aspidiotus perniciosus, Comstock. San Jose Scale First reported by Mr Maskell in 1895, but his specimens were Australian, and the insect was probably not in New Zealand at that date. In the Agricultural Department's report for 1909 it is stated to be firmly established in portions of the Nelson district and to be found in isolated localities in other parts of both islands. It has been noticed on apples, pears, plums, peaches, nectarines, apricots, currants and gooseberries. Aspidiotus hederce, Bouche (A. nerii) Originally recorded by Mr Maskell in 1881, as occurring in the North Island (Wellington) on Coprosma, and later on Carpodetus serratus and Vitex littoralis. The favourite food-plant in Europe, from whence it was introduced, is Nerium oleander. In 1877 he also found it on karaka (Corynocarpus Icevigata). It has also been met with on palms and orchids in hot-houses, on grape-vines, and, in Christchurch on wattles. In 1895 it was found on the skins of a shipment of lemons imported from Portugal, and some of this fruit was sent up to Whan- garei, where lemons are somewhat extensively grown. Chrysomphalus rossi (Crawford), Maskell (Aspidiotus rossi) This species was recorded by Mr Maskell in May, 1890, as having been received by him from Australia, where it was very common in 334 INSECTS Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney, on almost every kind of plant; but the first announcement of its appearance in New Zealand was in 1895, when Captain Broun found it on olive trees at Whangarei. Later the Agricultural Department reported it as occurring on various species of Citrus, and on Camellia. The species, which is cosmopolitan in its distribution, is now common and very troublesome in the northern parts of New Zealand. Coccus maculatus, Signoret (Lecanium maculatum} This European species was reported by Mr Maskell in 1878, as occurring on Bouvardia in a greenhouse in Christchurch. I do not know that it has been recorded since. Coccus mori, Signoret (Lecanium mori) Taken by Mr Maskell onAlsophila and other plants in the Botanical Gardens, Wellington, in 1884; and in 1893 on Asplenium and other ferns. In 1895 it was found to be plentiful on gorse (Ulex europceus) and broom (Spartium or Genista) at Fairlie in South Canterbury. (The latter is probably Cytisus scoparius.) Coccus longulus, Douglas (Lecanium longulum, Douglas ; L. chirimolice, Maskell) In 1889 Mr Maskell recorded this species from Fiji, where it was found on the bark and leaves of the Peruvian Cherimoyer (Anona tripetala). In 1896 he states: This insect has come to New Zealand. Captain Broun sent me specimens on Laurus, from Northcote, near Auckland. It has evidently been imported from Fiji, between which place and New Zealand there is a rapidly-growing trade in fruit, etc. Coccus hesperidus, Linn. (Lecanium hesperidum, Blanch). Broad Scale ; Holly Scale ; Ivy Scale In 1878 Mr Maskell wrote: "This insect is becoming a veritable pest in this country. Hollies, ivies, Portugal laurels, and many other trees in our gardens are every year becoming more and more infested with it." In 1887 he added Camellia, orange, myrtle, box, etc., and stated : " this is the commonest of the Lecanidae in this country." It is also found on oranges, gooseberries, and occasionally on grape- vines. In 1888-89 Dr Jas. Hudson recorded this species (under the name of Lecanium hispidum) as occurring on orange and lemon trees in Nelson, and badly infesting the trees. In February, 1890, he observed Rhizobius ventralis preying on the Coccid; and in January, 1891, he HEMIPTERA 335 stated that both the blight and the ladybird had completely dis- appeared. It is kept in check to some extent by a parasitic fly, and by an undetermined species of fungus. Coccus persicce, Geoffroy In 1891 Mr Maskell recorded this species, or a variety of it, as occurring on grape-vines at Ashburton, under the name of Lecanium rosarum, Snell. Coccus persicce, var. coryli, Linn. (Lecanium ribis, Fitch) This species was recorded in 1890 by Mr Maskell, who received specimens from Ashburton, from Mr W. W. Smith. At that date it was common in gardens on gooseberries, black and red currants. In the following year he noted its occurrence from various places in Canterbury, and from Oamaru, and added: "the pest is a new arrival in the colony within the last three or four years, and seems to be spreading rapidly." Saissetia nigra, Neitner (Lecanium nigrum, L. depressum) This was recorded in 1878 by Mr Maskell, as occurring on green- house plants in Christchurch and Wellington. Saissetia olece, Bernard (Lecanium oleee). "Black Scale" of California Reported in 1884 by Mr Maskell as becoming very common throughout New Zealand, especially in the North Island. It occurs on many plants in gardens and orchards. He found it abundant on Cassinia leptophylla, a native composite shrub which covers the hills near Wellington ; and it was reported also to be spreading on native trees near Whangarei. A very widespread species. Saissetia hemispherica, Targioni-Tozzetti (Lecanium hemisphericum, L. hibernaculorum, Boisd.) This European species was stated by Mr Maskell in 1878, to be common in greenhouses in Christchurch. In 1884 he found it on Camellia in the Hutt Valley, Wellington. Pulvinaria floccifera, Westwood (P. camellicola, Signoret) In 1878 Mr Maskell recorded this species as occurring on Camellia in Christchurch and Wellington, and in greenhouses in the south. 336 INSECTS Asterolecanium variolosum, Ratzeburg (Planchonia quercicola, Bouche In 1895 Mr R. I. Kingsley sent to Mr Maskell from Nelson twigs of oak thickly covered with this coccid, and he stated that "the owner first noticed the blight about fourteen years ago." Pseudococcus longispinus, Targioni-Tozzetti (Dactylopius adonidum, Signoret). Mealy Bug What I think was certainly this species was abundant in a vinery in Auckland in 1884; it was also reported from Whangarei. It was not recorded, however, until 1889, when Mr Maskell stated that it occurred in the hot-houses and stoves of Government House, Wel- lington. In 1895 Mr Maskell mentioned an outbreak of this pest in the Hutt Valley, near Wellington. In the following year Captain Broun reported that it had proved a terrible nuisance in some of the northern vineries; at Tauranga it was most abundant on passion- vines (Passiflora sp.). It was also found commonly on many fruit trees. The Agricultural Department introduced the black ladybird (Rhi- zobius ventralis), the steely-blue ladybird (Orchus chalybeus), and the red-headed ladybird (Cryptolcemus montrouzeri), specially to combat this dangerous pest. Pseudococcus coriaceus, Maskell (Eriococcus coriaceus). Blue-Gum Scale First noticed about Timaru in 1900, having been introduced from Australia, partly among young gum trees, and partly by hardwood logs. It has been detected within recent years as being brought in in both ways. It was originally described by Mr Maskell in 1892 from specimens sent to him from New South Wales. About 1900 plantations of gums (Eucalyptus globulus and E. stuartiana chiefly) were attacked by this scale insect, and trees 40 to 80 feet in height were completely killed. It soon spread over S. Canterbury and North Otago, and threatened to destroy all the gum trees in the country (including E. gunnii, E. amygdalina, E. regnans, and E. cocci- ferd). Later on it was found infesting European myrtle (Myrtus com- munis). A number of black ladybirds (Rhizobius ventralis), red-headed ladybirds (Cryptolesmus montrouzeri), and steely-blue ladybirds (Or- chus chalybeus) were brought from North of Auckland, where they had been introduced some years previously, and were liberated near Timaru. The two last-named species could not stand the winter of S. Canterbury, but the Rhizobius increased rapidly and very soon HEMIPTERA 337 cleared the trees of scale. By the winter of 1907 nearly all the affected plantations were stocked with ladybirds. Mr T. W. Kirk said in 1908: In January of this year my assistant collected at Rolleston over 1300 on ten gum trees in a little over three hours .... Three years ago the planta- tions were swarming with the pest and to all appearances were doomed to utter destruction. It is not too much to say that within another twelve months there will scarcely be a single living scale to be found on the southern plantations. Eriococcus araucariee, Maskell Mr Maskell described this species from specimens found on Nor- folk Island pines (Araucaria excelsd) at Governor's Bay, near Lyttelton, in 1878. It is found on the same tree and on the Moreton Bay pine (A. Bidwillii) in the North of Auckland district. The species has been found both in Spain and in America, and is almost certainly an introduction. It is apparently held in check in New Zealand by the introduced ladybirds. Dactylopius coccus, Costa (Coccus cacti). Cochineal Insect Apparently two attempts, both unsuccessful, have been made to naturalise the cochineal insect in New Zealand. Mr Jas. Drummond states that it was introduced by Mr Walter Brodie into Mangonui about 1847. The Canterbury Society received a number of these insects in a case of food-plants, from Sir Geo. Grey, in 1868. The climate of New Zealand is too cold for this species. leery a purchast, Maskell. Cottony-cushion Scale This species was described by Mr Maskell in 1878 from specimens sent to him by the Rev. Dr Purchas, who first found it, in Auckland, where it had nearly destroyed a hedge of the Kangaroo Acacia (A. armatd). Writing in 1883, Mr Maskell said: leery a purchasi has spread greatly in the last two years . It had just reached Napier at the date of my last paper ; it has now established itself in that district, not only in gardens but in the native forests. In Auckland it is attacking all sorts of plants, from apple trees and roses to pines, cypresses and gorse, and it is spreading over a large district. It has reached Nelson . . .where it is devouring wattles, cypresses, gorse, and many other plants. Mr Maskell made every effort to rouse public attention to the danger arising from this dreaded pest. Fortunately the Agricultural Depart- ment awoke to the importance of meeting the problem, and by the introduction of the Australian ladybird (Vedalia cardinalis), this scale is now kept in check and rapidly destroyed wherever it is met with. 338 INSECTS Chtetococcus parvus, Maskell (Cryptococcus nudata, Brittin) This species was found on Hoheria at Cashmere Hills, Christ- church, by Mr G. Brittin, and described as a new species, in 1914. It was later found to be a species which Mr Maskell had described in 1897, as feeding on wild plums in China. In 1914 it was reported by Mr Green as occurring at St Albans, Herts, England, on cherry trees which had been imported from Japan. Sub-order ANOPLURA Family PEDICULID^E Pediculus capitis, Nitzsch. Common Louse Sir Joseph Banks, describing the Maoris shortly after he first met them in 1769, says: "In their hair was much oil, which had very little smell, but more lice than ever I saw before 1 ." Very common in New Zealand. Pediculus corporis, De Geer (P. vestimenti, Nitzsch). Body Louse Equally common with the preceding species. Mr Howes says, what is perfectly correct, that both species are becoming scarcer. The segregation of children in schools formerly tended to spread these offensive insects, but closer inspection in later years has very much reduced the pest. Phthirius inguinalis (Pediculus pubis). Crab Louse Mr Elsdon Best writing in June, says: "The Maori carried two forms of louse, the body louse (Kutu), and a form called the Werau that, he says, infests the aroaro (private parts) only. Both are said to have been pre-European." I think it more probable that this parasite was introduced by Europeans from the earliest days when they had connection with Maori women. Banks says: Though we were in several of their towns, where young and old crowded to see us, actuated by the same curiosity as made us desirous of seeing them, I do not remember a single instance of a person distempered in any degree that came under my inspection, and among the numbers of them that I have seen naked, I have never seen an eruption on the skin or any signs of one, scars or otherwise. Their skins, when they came off to us in their canoes, were often marked in patches with a little floury appearance, which at first deceived us, but we afterwards found that it was owing to 1 In another passage Banks says: "the disgustful thing about them is the oil with which they daub their hair, smelling something like a Greenland dock when they are 'trying' whale blubber. This is melted from the fat either of fish or birds. The better sort indeed have it fresh, and then it is entirely void of smell." HEMIPTERA 339 their having been in their passage wetted with the spray of the sea, which, when it was dry, left the salt behind it in a fine white powder. During the period of the war a considerable increase in the preva- lence of this pest has been noted. It is no doubt due in part to the use of the public lavatories in trains and railway stations by infected men. Hcematopinus ventricosus, Denny. Rabbit Louse This louse has probably been here since rabbits were first intro- duced. In 1889 Mr Coleman Phillips attributed the decrease of the rabbits in South Wairarapa in 1885-86 largely to the prevalence of this insect-pest, in association with Sarcoptes cuniculi. Hcematopinus eurysternus, Nitzsch. Ox Louse This parasite has been reported by the Agricultural Department for many years past, as being common both on cattle, and pigs. The latter occurrence is not given by Colonel Reid, and I think, therefore, that it is doubtful. Hcematopinus macrocephalus, Burm. (H. asini). Horse Louse This species is commonly found on horses all over the Dominion. Hcematopinus vituli, Linn. (H. tenuirostris). Long-nosed Ox Louse Colonel Reid informs me that this species occurs on cattle in New Zealand ; and Mr Miller states that it was met with at Weraroa in 1917. Hcematopinus ovillus, Neumann In 1906 this louse was found among sheep in the South Island, but was not identified with any described species. Specimens were sent to Dr Neumann who described it (Agricultural Report for 1908, p. 194) under the above name. This species is found among sheep in Scotland, from whence, no doubt, the parasite was introduced, but where it was not previously identified. Hcematopinus pedalis, Osborn Colonel Reid states that this species occurs among sheep in New Zealand. Hcematopinus urius, Nitzsch (H. suis, Linn.). Pig Louse All the authorities are agreed that this louse is very common among pigs in New Zealand. Hcematopinus pilferus, Burm. Dog Louse Dr Reakes and Colonel Reid inform me that this species is com- mon on dogs. Chapter IX CRUSTACEA AND ARACHNIDA CRUSTACEA (Order ANASPIDACEA, see Appendix B, p. 561.) Order ISOPODA Family ONISCOIDA Porcellio scaber, Latreille. Wood Louse THIS species, which originally belonged to the more temperate regions of Europe, but has been introduced accidentally by man to nearly all the temperate regions of the world, must have reached New Zealand at an early date, for it was recorded in White's list of New Zealand Crustacea in the British Museum in 1847 as P. graniger. It is now common all over the Dominion, especially in greenhouses and other places near dwellings, but also further from habitations, though not (according to Dr Chilton) in the untouched native bush. Mr W. W. Smith states that the wood lice have largely displaced native ants. He says (1901): In several parts of this district (Ashburton) the wood-lice have almost displaced the native ants. Instead of finding great numbers of ants' nests, as formerly, under the half-embedded stones, we found their old homes tenanted by swarms of wood-lice. Armadillidium vulgare, Latreille Another European species that has been dispersed by artificial means to all temperate regions. In New Zealand it is known from Nelson, where it appears to be common in the town gardens ; from Mount Egmont (exact locality not known) ; and from Sumner, where it is common in some gardens. The date of its introduction into New Zealand is unknown, but it was established in Nelson before 1890. Metoponorthus pruinosus, Brandt Dr Chilton says "a species common in Europe and neighbouring countries in rather warmer climates than the two preceding. Also widely dispersed into the warmer portions of the world. Specimens from Tasmania in the British Museum were named Porcellio zea- landicus by White in his list, published in 1847, and a similar speci- men from New Zealand was obtained in 1854 (^ ut not described till 1876, in Miers' Catalogue of New Zealand Crustacea), so that it must have been introduced before that date, perhaps by whaling ships. It ISOPODA 341 does not appear to have established itself, and I have specimens from one locality in Hawke's Bay only." The species is abundant in Norfolk Island, the Kermadecs, Australia, etc. Order DECAPODA Sub-order MACRURA Family NEPHROPSID^E Homarus vulgaris, Linn. European Lobster The first attempt to introduce the lobster into New Zealand waters was made by the late Mr A. M. Johnson, who left London in 1864 by the ship 'British Empire' with 26 lobsters on board which he obtained from the "Mumbles" in Wales. In a letter to me dated i5th September, 1915, he says: "they developed so pugnacious a disposition that they killed each other; the remaining one I sold to one of the first-class passengers." Mr Johnson evidently kept them altogether in one tank. In 1885 Mr S. C. Farr, on behalf of the Canterbury Society, put 12 lobsters on board the 'Kaikoura,' but they all died in the tropics. In 1892 Mr Clifford shipped a number from London for the Otago Acclimatisation Society, but "although the experiment was gone into on a somewhat extensive scale, it nevertheless failed." In 1891 and again in 1892, Mr Purvis, chief engineer of the 'Ionic,' attempted to bring lobsters out to Otago, on both occasions without success. But in 1893 he was successful in landing nine (out of 12 shipped) at Dunedin. These were liberated at the Mole at the entrance to Otago Harbour, a very unsuitable place, but nothing more was ever heard of them. The next attempt was made on behalf of the Board of the Porto- bello Marine Fish Hatchery, when arrangements were made with the Marine Biological Laboratory to procure lobsters at Plymouth, and ship them to New Zealand. Four shipments were made on successive trips of the S.S. 'Karamea' in 1906-8, as follows: Date of arrival Number shipped Number arrived at Port Chalmers - 11 . , 1906, June agth ... 13 males 12 females 2 females 1907, Feb. 26th ... 13 12 3 males 4 Aug. 25th ... 13 12 3 4 1908, March 6th ... 17 16 17 14 In 1908 some 36,000 larvae were hatched in the tanks; and in the following year about 100,000 were hatched out. In 1910 only 33,000 larvae were secured in the tanks; but the majority were allowed to hatch naturally in the ponds and the larvae to escape into the open 342 CRUSTACEA AND ARACHNIDA sea. This plan has been followed in succeeding years, as it has been found impossible with the other work to be done at the station, to con- trol the rearing of young lobsters. On ist March, 1913 , Mr Anderton, curator of the Station, arrived from Britain in the 'Waimana' with 14 male and 28 female lobsters (out of 43 shipped). In the following year, to relieve the congestion in the ponds, 12 of the old stock of lobsters (four males and eight females) were liberated at the end of the spawning season, in what was considered to be the most suitable locality in the neighbourhood of Otago Harbour. In 1914 and succeeding years the female lobsters, numbering about 20, have borne full crops of eggs. It is considered therefore on a moderate estimate, that during the 15 years since lobsters were first introduced at Portobello, more than 1,000,000 fry have been liberated from Otago Harbour. As the young lobsters are free-swimming for the first few weeks of their existence, and as a southerly current averaging a knot and a half per hour flows past the entrance of Otago Harbour, the probabilities are that numbers of them have been carried northwards before they reached the stage at which they sink to the bottom of the sea. No young lobsters have yet been taken on the coast, but as they take probably seven years or more to reach sexual maturity, and during that time live mostly concealed among rocks and seaweed, the chances of their being captured are few. Any day therefore specimens may be met with. Family Penceus canaliculatus , W. A. Haswell. Australian Prawn In 1892 the Wellington Society received some prawns from Captain Wheeler, which he had brought over from Sydney. They probably belonged to this species, which is commonly caught and marketed in Sydney. They were liberated at Nelson, and were never heard of again. In 1894 Mr Clifford brought over a number (which I identified as belonging to this species) from Sydney for the Otago Society. They were liberated from the mole at the entrance to Otago Harbour, and were not heard of again. The water of the southerly current which washes the south-east coast of Otago is too cold for this species In July, 1921, the Otago Acclimatisation Society obtained from the Fisheries Department, Melbourne, a number of fresh-water shrimps from some inland waters in Victoria. All were dead on arrival. I do not know what species this was. DECAPODA 343 Sub-order BRACHYURA Family CANCRID^ Cancer pagurus, Linn. British Edible Crab In 1885 Mr S. C. Farr, on behalf of the Canterbury Society, shipped 12 crabs by the 'Kaikoura,' but they all died in the tropics. No further attempt seems to have been made till the Portobello Fish Hatchery Board decided to introduce them. In August, 1907, there were landed from the 'Karamea,' three male and five female crabs; and on her next voyage in 1908, seven males and one female. The females all bore ova, but no attempt was made to deal with the larvae as they hatched. They were liberated from the station with the outgoing tide, and considerable numbers were carried outside the Otago Heads and set free at a distance off shore. In this way it was estimated that up to 1912, over 20,000,000 fry had been liberated. In 1913 there were shipped on the 'Karamea' at Plymouth, 50 crabs (17 males and 33 females), and of these 43 were landed at the hatchery. They did not thrive, however, and no fewer than 1 6 died at the approach of the cold season. It was therefore thought advisable to liberate most of the remainder, so 19 were set free in a suitable locality, and eight were retained in the ponds. Of these two died the following season. The number of larvae liberated in 1914-15 was estimated to be 12,000,000. It is probable therefore that some 40,000,000 larvae have been distributed since the first experimental introduction in 1907. As the larvae remain in a pelagic condition for a long time, and pass through several metamorphoses, the death-rate must be very high; but making allow- ance for this the chances are that ere long specimens of this crab will be found on the New Zealand coast. It has been found very difficult to keep these crabs under observa- tion at the Portobello Hatchery, as they burrow in the mud, get under stones and even under the foundations of the walls of the ponds. It is probable also that the winter temperature of the ponds in Otago Harbour is too low for them, and this may account for the high death- rate. In British seas it is known that they move into deep water at the approach of winter. While the temperature of the open sea outside Otago Heads seldom falls to 50 F. in the middle of winter, that of the Harbour itself often touches 40 F., and in the ponds has been found as low as 32 F. Lobsters can stand these low temperatures, but they appear to be very detrimental, if not always fatal to this species of crab. 344 CRUSTACEA AND ARACHNIDA ARACHNIDA Order SCORPIONID^ Family BUTHIDJE Isometrus thorellii. Australian Scorpion Mr W. W. Smith has obtained specimens of this Australian scor- pion among imported hardwood timber at New Plymouth. It may have been introduced at other ports also, but, fortunately it does not appear, so far, to have succeeded in establishing itself anywhere in New Zealand. Order Family PHOLCID^; Pholcus phalangioides, Fuesslin This cosmopolitan spider was collected by Comte de Dalmas in the interior both of the North and South Islands. Mr Miller records it from Nelson and Wanganui. Family THERIDIID^ Theridion tepidariorum, Koch. House Spider This species was taken in the collections made by the 'Novara' Expedition in Auckland in 1859, but whether in houses or in the open is not stated. Comte de Dalmas says : This ubiquitous species is found commonly in the open air, despite the very temperate climate, and has also been collected in the Chatham Islands, while in Europe it is not found outside (buildings) even in Central France. Theridion rufipes, Lucas This species was recorded by Mons. E. Simon, in 1899, from D'Urville Island. It is also a species of very wide distribution. Family ARGIOPIDJE Diplocephalus cristatus, Blackwall (Walckencera cristata) Mr A. T. Urquhart reported in 1891 that specimens of this European spider were taken at Nelson by Mr A. S. Atkinson and were identified by the Rev. O. P. Cambridge. It has not been reported by any other collectors since that date 1 . 1 In 1879 the Rev. O. P. Cambridge described a spider from an imperfect male example in Mr A. S. Atkinson's collection, probably from Nelson, as Linyphia melanopygia. In 1886 Mr Urquhart described the female from specimens taken at Te Karaka, Auckland. Le Comte de Dalmas makes the following interesting remark on this species, under the genus Ostearius, belong to the Argiopidas : "The genus Ostearius was proposed by Hull (in 1910) for the form found in England and described by O. P. Cambridge (in 1907) under the name of Tmeticus nigricauda, the diagnosis and figures of which resemble so closely those given twenty- ARANE^E 345 Lephthyphantes tennis, Blackwall This species was taken by Comte de Dalmas (in 1912-13) in the interior of the Canterbury and Nelson districts, and also in the interior of the North Island (" dans la seule region encore uniquement peuplee d'indigenes Maori"). Lycosa piratica, Clerck This species was recorded by Mons. E. Simon in 1899 from the shores of Cook Strait. Order ACARINA Sub-order VERMIFORMIA Family DEMODICID^E Demodex folliculorum, Owen. Hair-follicle Mite Abundant from the earliest days, but whether the mite was found among the Maoris, or was introduced by Europeans it is quite im- possible to ascertain. Demodex folliculorum, Owen, var. cants This cosmopolitan mite is common among dogs in New Zealand and sometimes causes follicular mange. Demodex folliculorum, Owen, var. suis (D. phylloides. Cooker) Occurs among pigs; occasionally producing a pustular affection. Sub-order ASTIGMATA Family SARCOPTID^E Sarcoptes scabiei, De Geer. The Itch Mite This mite has long been known in New Zealand, and was probably introduced in the earliest days of settlement. The following, communicated to me by Mr Elsdon Best (June, 1918) may refer to this parasite: The hakihaki, a form of itch, which developed into a distressing skin- disease, was pre-European. In many parts one now hears little of it among the natives, but it was among the Urewera in the nineties. eight years previously by the same author for Linyphia melanopygia of the Antipodes, that they seem to apply to a single species; more especially as L. melanopygia, founded on a single incomplete male, has been rediscovered in abundance by Urquhart, who rectifies the difference of the ocular group, figured by Cambridge with the median anterior eyes contiguous, instead of being separated almost by the width of their diameter. The two species belong in any case to one genus, which seems to be close to Microneta ; if they are indeed a single species, then this one, common in New Zealand, but very rare and discovered only recently in England, would appear to be, in contradistinction to the others, accidentally imported into Europe." 346 CRUSTACEA AND ARACHNIDA Sar copies scabiei, var. cants I am informed that this mite occurs in New Zealand, particularly on house dogs. It is not included in Colonel Reid's list (furnished to me) of ecto-parasites found in this country. Sar copies minor, Fiirst, var. cuniculi This mite, which particularly attacks the head of the rabbit, pro- duces a kind of scabies which is fatal to severe cases. Colonel Reid does not include it in his list, but Mr Coleman Phillips, in 1889, attributed the disappearance of rabbits in the South Wairarapa district largely to its attacks, conjointly with those of the rabbit louse (Hcema- topinus ventricosus). Sar copies mutatis, Robin. Scaly-leg Mite (of fowls) In the report of the Agricultural Department for 1900 it is stated that the mite which causes this disease is not uncommon in New Zealand. Psoroptes communis, Fiirst, var. ovis This mite produces the disease known as scab in sheep. At one time it was universally spread throughout the flocks in New Zealand, where it had been introduced from Australia, and originally from Europe. Before the days of Colonial administration in New Zealand, the various Provincial legislatures attempted to cope with it. Active measures were adopted wherever it occurred, and a tax of 2s. per annum per 100 sheep used to be levied on sheep-owners for the inspection and control of the pest. This tax at one period realised over 20,000 per annum. About 1880 the country was declared free of the pest, but the tax was not remitted till 1906, on account of the necessity for maintaining a close inspection of the flocks. There has been no reappearance of the pest in New Zealand for over 40 years. Psoroptes communis, Fiirst, var. cuniculi. Rabbit Mite This ecto-parasite occurs among rabbits in New Zealand. It produces scabies in the ear, and has been found in the pulmonary organs. Chorioptes auricularum, Bendz. Colonel Reid states that this mite occurs in cats in New Zealand. It produces intense irritation in the ear of its victim. Tyroglyphus siro, Linn. Cheese Mite This cosmopolitan species was probably introduced with the earliest importations of cheese into the country. It, however, only occurs on old dry cheeses, occasionally in flour, on dried fruits, etc., ACARINA 347 and is usually rigidly excluded from all dairy factories and all good cheese stores. Tyroglyphus farinte, Koch. Wheat Mite In 1893 at a meeting of the Entomological Society of London, Mr R. W. Lloyd exhibited specimens of this "wheat mite" which was found in wheat imported from New Zealand. The species was probably introduced into New Zealand from Europe at an early date. Mr W. W. Smith informed me some years ago that it was very common in grain sheds at Ashburton, and it is probably widespread. It is occasionally found on dry cheese, and is recorded as T. siro\ but it is considerably smaller than that species. Tyroglyphus longior, Gervais Recorded from Wellington; probably widespread. Cylolichus nudus, Viz. Internal mite of Fowls Mr D. Miller reports this as first recorded in 1920. Glyciphagus prunorum, Hermann (Glyciphagus domesticus, De Geer). Common mite This cosmopolitan species has been known in New Zealand from the earliest days of European settlement. This is the cause of" Grocer's Itch." Rhizoglyphus sp. Mr Howes informs me that an undetermined mite, belonging to this genus, is commonly found attacking bulbs of various species (of Narcissus ?) in New Zealand. Sub-order METASTIGMATA Family IXODID^E Hcemaphysalis bispinosa, Neumann Some years ago ticks found in the north of Auckland were classified as Ixodes ricinus. Later on, further specimens from the same locality were sent to Prof. Nuttall of Cambridge, who advised the Agricultural Department that they belonged to the genus Hcemaphysalis. More recently, other specimens submitted to Cooper, a co-worker with Nuttall, were classified as H. bispinosa. Dr Reakes thinks that as Ixodes ricinus is commonly found in most temperate climates and is normally found in Britain, it is quite 348 CRUSTACEA AND ARACHNIDA possible that it occurs also in New Zealand, but it has not yet been actually recorded. H. bispinosa, previously recorded as H. punctata, Koch, has been found in New Zealand on horses, cattle, and casually on sheep and dogs. It only sucks the blood of its host, and is not credited with being the carrier of any disease. Family GAMASID^ Derma ny ssus gallin Bombus terrestris and B. lucorum. Cynara Cardunculus, Linn. Cardoon First recorded by Cheeseman in 1896 from the North Cape dis- trict. In 1906 reported as occurring in waste places in the North Island, not common. In the South Island it is only known in cultivation. Carduus nutans, Linn. Musk-thistle Reported from Eastern Otago (Pomahaka) by Kirk in 1899. (Fl., Dec. to Jan.) COMPOSITE 423 Carduus pycnocephalus, Linn. Slender Thistle First noted by the author in 1894 as abundant near Oamaru, and also in the West Taieri district. Cheeseman in the Manual (1906) records it as not uncommon in fields and waste places in both islands. (FL, Jan. to Feb.) Its seeds are a common impurity in certain farm seeds, especially oats. This species was included in the Second Schedule of the Noxious Weeds Act by Special Gazette Notice of I2th October, 1905. Speaking of the grass-denuded districts of Central Otago, Mr D. Petrie says of this species : Wherever it is plentiful it affords a very considerable bulk of highly nutritious feed. There are experienced runholders who reckon it little inferior to rape. The young plants that shoot up after the earliest autumn rains form the main and almost the sole winter feed in the desert lowlands. The old dry and withered stems are also completely eaten out at this season of scarcity. A second growth from more dormant seeds usually starts up in early spring, so that its utility is not restricted to the hardest time of the year. Though the earlier plants are so closely eaten back that they would hardly be expected to flower, they later on send out secondary shoots from the axils of the stem-leaves, and then these produce enough seed to renew the crop. In other circumstances the winged thistle might be ranked as a "noxious weed," but it is the runholders' sheet-anchor in extensive areas of Central Otago and elsewhere. Carduus crispus, Linn. Curled Thistle Recorded by the Agricultural Department as growing near Christ- church in 1911. All species of Carduus were included in the list of noxious seeds in the Noxious Weeds Act of 1900; and they were also included in the Second Schedule by Special Gazette Notice of 2Oth June, 1901. Cnicus lanceolatus, Willd. Common Thistle ; Spear Thistle This species was no doubt introduced into the country at a very early date, but is first recorded in Hooker's list in 1864. It is abundant everywhere. In the earliest days of cultivation, especially in such districts as Canterbury and Otago, when large areas were cleared of native vegetation and brought under the plough, the thistle was extraordinarily abundant, and took absolute possession of the soil at first. It assumed, temporarily, all the characteristics of a "pure formation." I passed through hundreds of acres of newly ploughed land in the Oamaru district in 1873, when the thistles covered the ground to a height of 6 ft. and it was only possible to get through where cart-tracks had been made, and the growth was not more than 3 ft. high. Sometimes this dense growth prevailed for a second 424 DICOTYLEDONS AND CONIFERS season, but usually it was possible to burn off the dead thistles, de- stroying enormous quantities of seeds at the same time, when it was found that the roots had penetrated a considerable depth into the sub-soil, opening it up and leaving a large quantity of vegetable matter in it. On reploughing and sowing wheat on such land it was quite common to take 60 bushels or more per acre in the first season. On i4th April, 1864, Mr Macandrew asked the Provincial Secre- tary of Otago (in the Provincial Council) : whether or not the Government is aware of the fact that part of the Maori Reserve at the Heads, as well as some of the public lands reserved from sale adjoining thereto, are totally overrun with thistles, and if so, whether the Government purposes to take any steps towards their eradication? In reply it was stated that the Government Gardener would make a report. This was brought up at the Council on i3th December, 1865. (It would appear that this report was made by a special committee.) After stating that thistles were spreading, the report says: In the northern part of the Province, it appears that it (the thistle plague) commenced about six years ago, at the Otepopo Bush and has spread towards Moeraki and along the sea coast northwards; and is now making its way to a distance of more than nine miles inland, generally avoiding the high lands, and following the course of the rivers and all the lowlands. To the south it is fast coming down to Waikouaiti from Mt Charles, which is at the bank of the Otepopo, and from the Peninsula it will be in the Taieri in two years if not immediately checked. The growth of the Thistle is in some places 5 or 6 ft. high, and as much as ten feet wide, being quite impervious to animals, and densely covering large patches of ground varying from ten to thirty acres in extent. When it is considered that in one patch of ground it commenced with three thistles, and in the short space of three years ten acres have been densely covered, the magnitude of the evil cannot easily be exaggerated 1 . The seeds of this thistle are a constant impurity among farm seeds, especially in oats, and all species of Cnicus are included among noxious seeds in the Noxious Weeds Act of 1900. They are also included in the Second Schedule of the Act by Special Gazette Notice of zoth June, 1901. The species is abundant in all parts from North Cape to Stewart Island, and ranges up to the snow line. Any bush land that is recently felled and burned is liable to be immediately overrun by this thistle. Jas. Drummond states (Jan. 1916) that the plant has died out in the Upper Waitemata. 1 There is an amusing story current in the far north of the first appearance of this species. A Mr Mclnnes, an old Scotch settler at Kauri hohore, near Whangarei, found one on his farm, and he was so pleased at seeing it, that he took great care of the plant, and prevented it from being injured by either man or beast. No doubt, this was done in many other parts of the country in the very early days of settlement, but few of the instances of such care are recorded. COMPOSITE 425 (Fl., Jan. to March.) In Europe the flowers are fertilised by Apis mellifica, Bombus lapidarius, B. terrestris, B. hortorum, Eristalis tenax. Cnicus eriophorus, Roth. Woolly Thistle Reported from the Upper Wairarapa by Kirk in 1899. (FL, Jan. to Feb.) Has not been recorded since. Cnicus palustris, Linn. March Thistle Recorded in 1 9 1 1 from Westland and Southland by the Agricultural Department. Cnicus arvensis, Hoffm. Creeping Thistle ; Calif ornian Thistle ; Canadian Thistle The first record of this weed is in 1893 by R. I. Kingsley, who reported it from the neighbourhood of Nelson, but it must have been introduced much earlier. It came sporadically all over the country in cultivated fields, creating great alarm in the minds of farmers. Some tried to grub it out and so spread its rhizomes all over their cultivations. Others built straw-stacks over the patches of weed, while others sowed the ground with salt, thus temporarily arresting its progress. But it rapidly spread throughout the whole country, becoming particularly abundant and aggressive in half- cleared bush areas. Though still looked on as a dangerous weed, it is readily eaten by sheep at certain stages of its growth, and can thus be kept to some extent in check. It is a dioecious species, but farmers are slow to recognise the fact. The seeds are constantly found among agricultural seeds. The creeping thistle (but under the name of Californian thistle) was one of the three plants declared a Noxious Weed by the Act of 1900, without any reservation. It flowers from Feb. to April. In Europe, the flowers are fertilised by Apis mellifica, Bombus lapidarius, B. terrestris, B. hortorum, B. ru- deratus, B. lucorum, Eristalis tenax, Lucilia ccesar, L. sericata, Calli- phora erythrocephala, C. vomitoria and Stomoxys calcitrans. Silybum Marianum, Gaertn. Milk Thistle; or Blessed Thistle; sometimes called Scotch Thistle First reported in 1871 from Canterbury by Armstrong. In 1877 Kirk described the "blessed thistle" as "perhaps the most characteristic of the naturalised plants of Wellington." "In Auckland," he says, "single specimens of this plant have been known for the past fifteen years ; but, although they seeded freely, the seeds had no opportunity of germinating," owing to the dense sward of grass, " so that the thistle did not spread. A remarkable exception to this rule occurred 426 DICOTYLEDONS AND CONIFERS during the formation of the Onehunga railway, where a few seeds fell on disturbed soil, grew up and flowered. The railway works being suspended, that plant increased rapidly, and spread wherever it could find disturbed soil." Buller in his Introduction to the and edition of his History of the Birds of New Zealand, pp. xliv to xlvi, says: If the sparrow is fond of ripe grain it is still fonder of the ripe seeds of the variegated Scotch thistle. This formidable weed threatened at one time to overrun the whole colony. Where it had once fairly established itself it seemed wellnigh impossible to eradicate it, and it was spreading with alarming rapidity, forming a dense growth which nothing could face. In this state of affairs the sparrows took to eating the ripe seed. In tens of thousands they lived on the thistle, always giving it the preference to wheat or barley. They have succeeded in conquering the weed. In all directions it is dying out. In the Manual (1906) Cheeseman records this species as abundant in fields and waste places in both islands, especially to the north of the East Cape, rarer southwards. (Fl., Jan. to March.) The plant makes excellent ensilage, and has been used for the purpose in many parts of Australia ; it contains a relatively large pro- portion of salt. Sheep eat the plant readily in the young state, and its seeds are very fattening for fowls. In the Noxious Weeds Act of 1900 Silybum (any species) is included in the list of Noxious Seeds, and is also included in the Second Schedule of the Act by Special Gazette Notice of 2Oth June, I90I 1 . Vittadinia australis, A. Rich., var. dissecta, Benth. In 1873 this plant was observed in abundance by roadsides and in rocky and waste places about Nelson, but later the plant died out there. In 1877 Cheeseman found it in great profusion in a new locality on the coast of Nelson, extending towards D'Urville Island. In 1878 it was found at the shingly mouths of small streams dis- charging into Palliser Bay near Wellington. In the Manual (1906) Cheeseman states that it is naturalised in 1 It has been found in New South Wales that this species is occasionally dangerous to stock. In 1912 Max Henry, Government Veterinary Surgeon, drew attention to losses of stock (cattle) from eating this plant. Again in 1914 S. T. D. Symons, Chief Inspector of Stock, recorded that numbers of cattle were killed through eating the plant, in several districts. This is due, apparently, to the presence in the plant of considerable quantities of hydrocyanic acid. Horses are not affected by this plant and it only hurts cattle when they are placed on it in a hungry condition, when the plants are young or stunted. On the other hand it is recorded that in 1916 near Inverell, New South Wales, 2700 sheep, suffering from drought, got into 300 acres of land covered with this weed, and after three months were trucked to Sydney as fat sheep. COMPOSITE 427 several localities, especially about Nelson; but it does not seem to have spread beyond that district. Cockayne thinks this is the plant which is forming large colonies in parts of Central Otago. Aster imbricatus, Linn. First recorded by Kirk in 1895 from a ballast heap in Wellington. Introduced from Buenos Ayres in 1892. It increased to a small extent, but I do not think it has established itself. It has not been noticed in any other locality. Aster subulatus, Michx. Cheeseman (1919) says: This plant was first noticed in the vicinity of Auckland about twelve years ago, and soon became plentiful, especially in moist places on harbour reclamations, by roadsides and ditches, etc. It is a native of the United States, where it is principally found in brackish-water marshes, ranging from New Hampshire to Florida. Reported by Carse in 1915 from Mongonui County, as "spreading rapidly in all soils and situations." Calotis lappulacea, Benth. In the Manual (1906) this is reported to have been found in three localities, viz., in Poverty Bay by Bishop Williams, Nelson by Kingsley, and Banks Peninsula by Brown and Kirk. (Fl., Feb. to April.) Erigeron canadensis. Linn. Canadian Flea-bane First recorded in Hooker's list in 1864. Cheeseman considers it one of the earliest introductions into New Zealand, and records it as common in 1882 throughout the Auckland district. Kirk had already noted it in 1877, from several places in Wellington Province, but stated it was not nearly so abundant as in Auckland. (Fl., Feb. to April.) In the Manual (1906) Cheeseman states that it is abundant through- out both islands; which is only partially correct, however, as it is not found (e.g.) near Dunedin, nor in most parts of Otago. Erigeron lintfolius, Willd. First recorded in Hooker's list of 1864 as Conyza ambigua. In 1882 it was found in several localities in the Auckland Province, Northern Wairoa, Whangarei, Matamata, etc. In the Manual (1906) it is stated to be abundant in the Auckland provincial district, rarer southwards to Marlborough and Westport. W. W. Smith recorded it from Ashburton in 1903. (FL, Feb. to April.) 428 DICOTYLEDONS AND CONIFERS Erigeron annuus, Linn. H. Carse found this species in some quantity in freshly sown grass at Otukai, Mongonui in January, 1917. Siegesbeckia orientalis, Linn. Recorded in 1896 by Cheeseman as occurring in the North Cape district. Bellis perennisy Linn. Daisy ; Gowan Probably introduced at an early date, but first recorded by Hooker in 1864. It is abundant in lawns and meadows in all parts of New Zealand. (Fl., Sept. to June.) In Europe this species is fertilised by Bombus terrestris, Eristalis tenax, Musca corvina, M. domestica, and Lucilia c says: At length a turning-point is reached, the invaders lose a portion of their vigour and become less encroaching, while the indigenous plants find the struggle less severe and gradually recover a portion of their lost ground, the result being the gradual amalgamation of those kinds best adapted to hold their own in the struggle for existence with the introduced forms, and the restriction of those less favourably adapted to habitats which afford them special advantages. Further on in the same article Mr Kirk combats the view that the majority of our native plants will become extinct, stating that the particular species for which this danger is to be feared might almost be counted upon one's fingers. My own views on this difficult question are much nearer to Mr Kirk's than to those of Mr Travers. I can certainly find little evidence in support of the opinion that a considerable proportion of the native flora will become extinct. Even in isolated localities of limited areas, like Madeira and St Helena, where there is little variety of climate and physical conditions, and where the native plants have been subjected to far more disadvantageous influences, and to a keener competition with introduced forms than in New Zealand, the process of naturalisation has not gone so far as to stamp out the whole of the indigenous vegetation, although great and remarkable changes have been effected, and many species have become extinct. I fail to see why it is assumed that a greater effect will be produced in New Zealand, with its diversified physical features and many varieties of soil, situation, and climate. Surely its far-stretching coast-line, bold cliffs, and extensive sand-dunes, its swamps and moorlands, its lofty mountains and wide-spreading forests, will afford numerous places of refuge for its plants until sufficient time has been allowed for the gradual development of varieties better suited to the changed con- EUROPEAN OCCUPATION 533 ditions. No doubt some few species will become extinct; but these will be mostly plants whose distribution was local and confined even when Europeans first arrived here ; and probably all will be species that have for some time been tending towards extinction, and whose final exit has thus been hastened. I cannot call to mind a single case of a plant known to be widely distributed when settlement com- menced that is at present in any danger of extinction. Species have been banished from cultivated districts, of course, but they are still abundant in other situations, and probably there will always be a sufficient area of unoccupied and uncultivated lands to afford them a secure home. Speaking generally, I am inclined to believe that the struggle between the naturalised and the native floras will result in a limitation of the range of the native species rather than in their actual extermina- tion. We must be prepared to see many plants once common become comparatively rare, and possibly a limited number I should not estimate it at more than a score or two may altogether disappear, to be only known to us in the future by the dried specimens preserved in our museums. Perhaps the most emphatic testimony as to the staying power of the indigenous vegetation is that borne by Dr Cockayne in his Ecological Studies in Evolution (p. 32), where he says: There have been recorded for New Zealand up to the present time some 555 species of introduced plants, but less than 180 can be considered common, while others are local, rare, or even not truly established as wild plants. Many at first sight appear better suited to the soil and climate than are the indigenous species, and over much of the land they give the characteristic stamp to the vegetation; but this is only the case where draining, cultivation, constant burning of forest, scrub, and tussock, and the grazing of a multitude of domestic animals have made absolutely new edaphic conditions which approximate to those of Europe, and where it is no wonder that the European invader can replace the aboriginal. On the other hand, although this foreign host is present in its millions, and notwithstanding abundant winds and land-birds (introduced, not native birds), the indigenous vegetation is still virgin and the introduced plants altogether absent where grazing animals have no access and where fires have never been. On certain sub-alpine herb-fields the indigenous form of the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale, Wigg.) is abundant, and yet the introduced form, with its readily wind-borne fruit, has not gained a foothold, nor even the abundant Hypochceris radicata, L., though it may be in thousands on the neighbouring tussock pasture, less than one mile away. On Auckland Island, introduced plants occur only in the neighbourhood of the depots for castaways, but on Enderby Island, where there are cattle, they are much more widely spread. Even where the rain forest has been felled or burnt, and cattle etc., are kept away, it is gradually replaced by indigenous trees and shrubs i.e., in localities where the rain-fall is sufficient. 534 ALTERATION IN FLORA SINCE Some of the indigenous species are quite as aggressive, or even more so, than any of the introduced. In primeval New Zealand each would have its place in the association to which it belonged there would be no aggression ; but when the balance of nature was upset by the fire or cultiva- tion of Maori or European, then the plants best equipped for occupying the new ground become dominant, their "adaptations" for that purpose fortuitously present. The miles on miles of Leptospermum scoparium and Pteridium esculentum were absent in primitive New Zealand. So, too, the pastures of Danthonia semiannularis in Marlborough, and the many acres of Chrysobactron Hookeri in the lower mountain region of Canterbury. Celmisia spectabilis, an apparently highly specialized herb for alpine fell- field or tussock-steppe conditions, is now on the increase in many montane parts of the Ashburton-Rakaia mountains and valleys, owing to its being able to withstand fire, the buds being protected by a close investment of wet decayed leaf-sheaths. Nor are all the introduced species aggressive, by any means. Some can barely hold their own; others are limited to certain edaphic conditions. Thus, Glaucium flavum, Crantz, occurs, as yet, only on the coast of Wel- lington, chiefly in the neighbourhood of Cook Strait. It is confined to gravelly or stony shores, and appears unable to grow on the clay hillside. And yet where the latter is, in one place near Lyall Bay, covered with gravel there is a large colony of the plant, whence none have found their way on to the adjacent hillside. Lupinus arboreus, now so common on New Zealand dunes, appears unable to spread beyond the sandy ground 1 . The fortuitous introduction of foreign species of animals and plants into the country has been going on continuously since the European settlement of New Zealand began. This was first brought to my notice when we settled in Southland, and took up a farm there. In 1870 we imported from Messrs Lawson and Sons, Edinburgh, a quantity of grass-seed for permanent pasture invoiced to contain the following species: Alopecurus pratensis Phleum pratense Anthoxanthum odoratum Poa nemoralis Trisetum flavescens pratensis Dactylis glomerata trivialis Festuca elatior Lotus corniculatus ,, duriuscula ,, major heterophylla Medicago lupulina pratensis Trifolium pratense ,, rubra hybridum Lolium perenne repens In addition to these the following appeared, the ground being newly broken up and having never previously been cultivated : Chrysanthemum leucanthemum Ononis arvensis segetum Anthyllis vulneraria Lychnis Githago Vicia saliva Geranium molle Knautia arvensis 1 The latest expression of views on this interesting subject will be found in Dr Cockayne's New Zealand Plants and their story, Chap. X (Wellington, 1919). EUROPEAN OCCUPATION 535 Leontodon Taraxacum Sinapis arvensis Prunella vulgaris Papaver argemone Veronica Chanuedrys Rhceas Cuscuta Trifolii or Trifolium repens and T. pratense. Similar experiences have occurred, but have not been recorded, many thousand of times in the intervening years. In all agricultural seeds imported into the country a certain pro- portion of seeds of foreign plants is introduced, amounting in the aggregate to many millions. The number of those which do not grow, or if they germinate, do not succeed in establishing them- selves, is very remarkable. In recent years the Agricultural Department has set up a seed- testing bureau at its experimental farm of Weraroa, near Levin, and has drawn up a "List of Extraneous Seeds found in Commercial Samples of Seed, showing relative frequency of occurrence of each, and whether harmful or otherwise." The list for 1916 contains the names of 224 species of plants, all except three being introduced species. It included the following twenty species which have never yet been observed growing in the country, although evidently the seeds are introduced from time to time: Alyssum alyssoides Lolium westwolticum Anthemis austriaca Matricaria discoidea Camelina microcarpa Odontites rubra Carex cephalophora Ornithopus sativus Centaurea picris Plantago aristata Crepis capillaris Rugeli Erysimum cheiranthoides Rudbeckia hirta Geranium pusillum Setaria italica Lepidium intermedium Triodia Thompsoni virginicum Verbena urticifolia In this connection it is very remarkable to notice the number of foreign seeds introduced into this country with agricultural seeds, but which do not grow 1 . 1 The following newly introduced grasses were placed in the trial beds at Ruakura Farm in 1909: Agropyrum tenerum (slender wheat- Ecrucaria cusptdata grass, U.S.A.) Panicum brazilianum A. Smithii (western wheat-grass, P. paranensis U.S.A.) Panicum sp. Giant-couch Bromus pacificus P. altissimum Boutdoua curtipendula Paspalum stoloniferum Briza geniculata Phalaris cterulescens Chloris abyssinica Piptatherum Thomasti C. barbata Sporobolus Wrightii Elymus submuticus Tristegis glutinosa E. canadensis Uniola speciosa E. giganteus Vilfa arguti Erianthes ravennee Chapter XV ACCLIMATISATION WORK; GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS IN the various experiments made in the attempt to acclimatise, or, as I prefer always to call it, to naturalise, certain animals, very little forethought was given as to the possibilities of any particular case. We are wise now after the event, and we blame the acclimatisation societies, the Government, or various private individuals for mistakes made. But it is doubtful whether we would have done any better ourselves. There is one curious fact which never seems to have entered into the minds of most if not all of the acclimatisation enthusiasts, viz., the migratory character of the species which it was sought to establish in this new land. This applies especially, of course, to the birds. It probably explains the failure of certain species to become established here. Thus the blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) and nightingale (Daulias luscinia) are summer visitors only in the British Isles, the former wintering in Southern Europe, Northern and Tropical Africa, and the latter in Tropical Africa. Only a very few examples of these two species were introduced, but it would "not have mattered how many had been successfully conveyed to New Zealand, and liberated, the result must have been the same. After a time the birds would almost certainly have become possessed by the desire to migrate to a warmer climate, but having no hereditary line of migration to follow, they would probably have proceeded northwards and perished at sea. There is no information at all as to the effect of the migratory instinct on birds which have been taken from their own country to a totally different hemisphere. We can only assume that the desire to migrate would come on them strongly, and if so, it would inevitably prove fatal to them in an island country like New Zealand. Seebohm (in Siberia in Asia, p. 196) states that the migration of birds follows ancient coast-lines. The migration from the south of Denmark over Heligoland to the coast of Lincolnshire seems to correspond so exactly with what geologists tell us must have been the old coast-line, that it is difficult to believe it to be only a coincidence. The following species which have failed to become established in New Zealand are purely winter visitors in Britain: brambling (Fringilla montifringilla), white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons), brent GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 537 goose (Branta nigricans), and grey plover (Squatorola helvetica). These birds are in the same category as the previously named group. The following species are partial migrants, being resident in Britain at all seasons, but having migratory representatives which visit Britain in summer, and which winter somewhere to the south : linnet (Linota cannabina), twite (Linota flavirostris), redbreast (Erith- acus rubecula), and teal (Nettion creccd). The following, which have also failed to establish themselves, are partial residents, but are also largely winter visitors in Britain: gad wall (Chaulelasmus streperus), pintail (Dafila acuta), wigeon (Mareca penelope), pochard (Nyroca ferina), and golden plover (Charadrius pluvialis). As several writers on the subject of migration have pointed out, racial forms of certain species appear regularly in Britain, either as seasonal visitors or as occasional guests, and these include species of which resident representatives occur all the year round. Again in catching birds for exportation, it is impossible for the professional bird-catcher to ascertain whether the specimens captured belong to residents or to migrant races. The probabilities seem to me to be that they mostly belong to the latter, because the bird-catcher goes where he knows or expects to find birds gathered together in flocks, and these mostly come together preparatory to migration. It is quite possible that the specimens of linnets and twites brought to this country were migratory representatives of these species; this may explain their failure to remain here. The following birds, all of which have become naturalised in New Zealand, are also resident in Britain all the year round, but it is well known that there are numerous migratory races of them: rook (Corvus frugilegus), starling (Sturnus vulgaris), goldfinch (Carduelis elegans), greenfinch (Ligurinus Moris), skylark (Alauda arvensis), song thrush (Turdus musicus), hedge-sparrow (Accentor modularis), Mallard (Anas boscas). In a note to his list of partial migrants, Clarke states that: " Starlings marked in Britain have been recovered in France, Greenfinches in France, Linnets in France, Song Thrushes in France and Portugal, and Mallard and Teal in Germany." Seebohm also (in Siberia in Europe, p. 245) says: Many birds, such as the Robin, the Blackbird, the Song Thrush, etc., which are resident in England, are migratory in Germany. There is every probability that it is only within comparatively recent times that these birds have ceased to migrate in England, and we may fairly conjecture that should the English climate remain long enough favourable to the winter residence of these birds, they will develop into local races, which will eventually have rounder and shorter wings than their Continental allies. In connection with the naturalisation of the rabbit, it is interesting to note that the earlier introductions all failed to establish themselves 538 ACCLIMATISATION WORK; There were rabbits in Otago at three or more different localities in the very early days of settlement. None of these colonies succeeded, but we cannot tell now to what particular breeds they belonged. It is just possible that they were of races which had been long under domestication, which would certainly be the kind that would carry best, and would be the most likely to be brought out in immigrant ships as pets. It was not till after the introduction of grey rabbits in the sixties, rabbits of a particularly aggressive and vigorous type, that these animals became a nuisance. Very little is known about the movements and migrations of fishes in the sea, and in New Zealand practically nothing definite has been recorded. The date of the movements of the eels from the Wai- kato to the sea; the invasion of the southern rivers by lampreys in October ; the northern drift of vast shoals of Clupea (pilchards and sprats) along the east coast of Otago in January and February such general facts as these have been recorded, but no detailed observations have been made. It is to be regretted that steps were not taken in the past to mark specimens of Atlantic salmon (Salmo solar) when liberating them, in order to try, if possible, to gain some knowledge of their movements. The fact is that for over fifty years in this country, and for even longer in Tasmania, the young of this species have been turned out into the rivers by the million. They have found their way to the sea, and yet none have ever returned. What comes of them is a mystery regarding which no solution has ever been offered. Another interesting case is the failure, so far, of the European lobster (Homarus vulgaris) to appear again in our seas. In this instance numerous larvae averaging at a low estimate 100,000 per annum, and in many cases at a fairly advanced stage of development have been liberated from the Portobello Fish Hatchery into Otago Harbour, for twelve years past. In addition, several adults were liberated within the harbour. Allowing even ten years for a lobster to come to sexual maturity, when all the larger crustaceans usually begin to move about in large shoals, there has been ample time for adult specimens to show themselves, if they are in New Zealand waters, either near the Otago coast, or further north, whither the northerly current would carry them while they were still in the free-swimming stage. It is. hoped, and with good reason, that they will appear some day in quantity, but there are no indications so far. The same remarks apply to the European edible crab (Cancer pagurus) of which between thirty and forty million larvae, and some adults, have been liberated. Periodical migration of Crustacea large and small does take place in the seas, the causes of which are quite unknown, so both the GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 539 lobster and the crab may yet be met with as permanent residents of New Zealand waters. Other interesting problems in connection with introduced bird- life in New Zealand are the partial migrations which take place, and the extent to which certain species have succeeded or failed to estab- lish themselves in various districts. These problems may be best illustrated by taking specific examples. The Australian magpie (Gymnorhina leuconotd) was introduced in considerable numbers into Canterbury and Otago between the years 1865 and 1871. In the latter district it seemed at first as if it were going to become strongly established, for the birds began to build in the neighbourhood of Dunedin, and as far south as Inch Clutha, but for some unexplained reason they gradually disappeared com- pletely. Meanwhile they throve in the neighbourhood of Christ- church, especially to the south, and have since been gradually working their way southwards. Within the last year or two (1918-19) they have been reported as far south as Hampden and Moeraki. In the North Island they are fairly common in certain parts, but Mr W. W. Smith informs me that they are not so abundant now in Taranaki as they were some years ago. No doubt the food supply, which varies to a considerable extent according to the prevalence or scarcity of other insect-eating birds, is a main cause of this partial migration, but it is most difficult to arrive at the facts of the case. The minah (Acridotheres tristis) is another species which has largely changed its location since the early days of its introduction, only in this case the cause of its gradual disappearance from certain districts is more directly traceable to its competition with the ubiqui- tous starling. Minahs were introduced into all the main centres Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch and Dunedin in the early seventies. They increased in all these localities for a time, but as the starlings multiplied much more rapidly, the minahs either all died out, or were driven away in the south. By 1890 there were none left in Dunedin or its neighbourhood, only a few about Christchurch, and none in Nelson. They have all but disappeared from Wellington, and from the towns of Wanganui and New Plymouth, though they are still common in the country districts of Taranaki, Manawatu, Wairarapa and Hawke's Bay. The chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) was introduced into all the main centres in the early seventies. These birds are most abundant in many parts now, but their occurrence in Otago has been most erratic. A few years after their introduction they became fairly common and then nearly disappeared. Probably the eating of poisoned grain was the cause of the partial disappearance of these and other small birds, 540 ACCLIMATISATION WORK but while the latter have re-established themselves in great numbers, the chaffinches still remain rare birds in most of the lower levels of Otago. In the higher country, however, wherever bush abounds, up to 3000 feet, they are reported as abundant. Their comparative absence in the southern half of the South Island, and their abundance in the north, especially from Lake Taupo northwards, seem to bear out the idea that poisoned grain has been the disturbing factor in the first-named districts. Something of the same kind perhaps explains the erratic occur- rence of the cirl bunting (Emberiza cirlus). These birds were intro- duced into Otago about 1871, and became fairly common. Then for a time they nearly quite disappeared, at least from districts where cultivation of the land was carried on, but recently they have been more in evidence. In the north, for example along the coast from Manawatu to Taranaki, they are quite common. These birds, as well as yellow-hammers (Emberiza dtrinella) and red-polls (Linota rufescens) gather in large flocks at certain seasons of the year, just as migratory species do in Europe, but there is no evidence that they leave the country- Chapter XVI LEGISLATION VERY early in the history of the colony of New Zealand legislation was passed to cope with animal and vegetable pests, which had been introduced along with live stock, or in seeds and plants, and which began to threaten the productivity of the new settlements. The pests increased as rapidly, and in some cases much more rapidly than the organisms they attacked or the plants they displaced, so that it became necessary to take concerted action to eradicate them if possible, or, at any rate, to keep them under control. In many cases the early legislation was an utter failure, and this is shown not only by the spread of the organisms themselves, but also by continual recurrence of Acts of Parliament to amend the legislation previously passed. In the early days of settlement the various local legislatures did not pass Acts, but Ordinances, and the first of these was a "Dog Nuisance Ordinance" of New Ulster, passed on iyth July, 1844, by the Legislative Council of New Zealand, sitting at Auckland. The provincial districts of New Ulster, New Munster and New Leinster (Stewart Island), were apparently not defined till 1848. On 28th January of that year Sir George Grey by proclamation defined New Ulster as that portion of New Zealand north of the parallel of latitude running through the mouth of the Patea River, or about 39 46' S. The Southern Province was called New Munster. This Act was entitled "An Ordinance to provide a summary mode of abating the nuisance of Dogs wandering at large in Towns." The method was quite simple. The dog was to be seized, kept for a night and a day; if claimed it was to be delivered to the owner on payment of a fine of five shillings, and if not claimed it was to be destroyed. In suc- ceeding years most of the Provincial Legislatures also passed "Dog Nuisance Acts." This would seem to show that stray dogs were early recognised as a nuisance and a danger to the community, and it helps to explain the extraordinary abundance of wild dogs in later days, for it shows that great numbers of these animals were allowed to breed and to learn to find food for themselves. On 6th November, 1846, there was passed a "Duties of Customs Ordinance," by which horses, mules, asses, sheep, cattle, and all other live stock and animals, as well as seeds, bulbs and plants were admitted duty free into New Zealand. (The italics are mine.) Not only was 542 LEGISLATION there no inspection at this period to guard against various pests being introduced along with the stock, but some cranks would have brought some strange "cattle" into the country. Thus one proposal was to introduce foxes from England, so that the noble sport of fox-hunting might be indulged in. This was actually done in Victoria, and many Australians rued it afterwards. At a later date it was suggested to introduce the Arctic fox to cope with the rabbit, and at the same time to furnish valuable furs. Some one actually introduced bears into Canterbury, but fortunately they were not liberated. One effect of the unrestricted importation of live stock was the prevalence of scab and other serious diseases among the sheep flocks of the country, and the seriousness and widespread nature of the trouble is shown by the passing of preventive and protective laws in every provincial district. The first of these appears to be the " Scab Ordinance" of 1849, passed by the Province of New Munster. This was "An Act to prevent the extension of the infectious disease called the Scab, as well as the disease called the Influenza or Catarrh, in Sheep or Lambs." The history of this legislation may be outlined concisely as follows. The Wellington Provincial Council repealed the above Act in 1854, and passed another "Scab and Catarrh Act." In 1856 a third Act was passed; in 1862 there was a " Scab, Catarrh and Sheep Inspectors Act," followed by an Amendment Act in 1864. In the Session of Parliament of 1868 it was stated that all. flocks in the Wellington district were free from Scab, except one at Castle Point, and another at Waikaraka, which were only slightly affected. The Taranaki Provincial Council passed "An Ordinance to prevent the extension of the contagious disease in Sheep called Scab," re- enacteditin 1863, again in 1864 and 1866, and an Amending Ordinance in 1875. The Auckland Provincial Council in 1854 passed "An Act to prevent the Extension among Sheep of the Disease called the Scab," a second Act in 1856, and a third in 1868. The Otago Provincial Council passed a "Scab and Catarrh Bill" in 1854, an amending Act in 1856, and a " Sheep Ordinance Amend- ment" in i 86 i. In the case of scab caused by the presence of a mite (Psoroptes communis, var. ovis) the precautionary measures taken were successful in stamping out the disease, and by 1880 it had quite disappeared from the country. But preventive legislation was continued until 1906, and a "Sheep Act" was passed by the Colonial Parliament in 1890 "to provide for eradication and prevention of parasitic and other Diseases in Sheep." LEGISLATION 543 In nearly all the preceding Ordinances and Acts provision was made that all sheep dying of catarrh were to be burned or buried at least three feet under ground, no carcasses were to be thrown into any stream, and no infected sheep were to be slaughtered for sale. In 1876 there was passed "An Act to restrict the importation of Cattle and other animals into the Colony of New Zealand in certain cases," and Section 2 prohibits "all cattle, sheep, horses, swine, goats or other animals," etc., which are likely to propagate any infectious or contagious disease amongst men or animals. The next subject to attract political attention was the increase of thistles. Wellington was first in the field in 1854 with an Act, the wording of which is interesting. It was entitled "An Act to prevent the propagation of certain plants known as Thistles" (the italics are mine), and penalties were imposed for allowing thistles to run to seed. I do not know whether the fines were actually enforced, but it is highly improbable that they were, otherwise a large proportion of the population would have been heavily penalised. The Act was amended in 1856, and again in 1857. The Taranaki Provincial Council in 1856 passed "An Ordinance to prevent the spread of the Scotch Thistle," and amended this six years later to provide "better prevention of the growth, etc." of the Scotch thistle. This was further amended in 1863. In the previous year, also, "A Thistle Ordinance" was passed for the prevention of noxious thistles. I do not know whether Scotch thistles were not considered noxious, or whether it was that they were specially so, but they certainly had a Bill all to themselves. The Auckland Provincial Council passed a Thistle Act in 1857, and an Amending Act in 1859; the Nelson Council passed one in 1859, and an Amending Act in 1861 ; while the Otago Council passed "A Thistle Prevention Act" in 1862. Gorse and broom gave trouble even in the early days of settlement. Thus in 1859 the Provincial Council of Taranaki passed a "Furze Ordinance," "an Ordinance to impose a Penalty on the growth of Furze within the Town of New Plymouth." In 1868 another " Furze Ordinance" was enacted, "An Ordinance to provide for the eradica- tion of Furze growing on Public Roads," and this was amended and re-enacted in 1875. In 1861 the Provincial Council of Nelson passed "An Act to prevent the planting of Gorse Hedges in the City of Nelson," and imposed a penalty not exceeding five pounds on any one disobeying this law. Any one also who did not keep an existing gorse or furze hedge pruned was liable to the same penalty. The early settlers were great law-makers, but also great law- 544 LEGISLATION breakers, for it is of no avail to make laws which cannot be kept or at least enforced, and in a great many of these restrictive ordinances Nature was too strong for the settlers and beat them very frequently. In view of the keen desire which arose early in the history of the colony to enter on an extensive introduction of foreign species of animals and plants, protective legislation was passed as early as 1861. In that year the Provincial Council of Nelson passed "An Act to provide for the protection of certain Animals, Birds, and Fishes imported into the Province of Nelson." There were practically no specially imported animals at the time, but the law was for the protection of such species as "may at any time be imported into the said province." And to make it drastic enough a penalty up to fifty pounds was imposed for killing, taking or destroying, or selling or offering for sale any such animal, bird, or fish; with a penalty not exceeding ten pounds "for taking or destroying any egg of any bird or spawn of any fish, proclaimed to come under the operation of this Act." In the same year a "Protection of Certain Animals Act 1861" was passed by the Colonial Parliament, in which Section 2 provided that: " No Deer of any kind, Hare, Swan, Partridge, English Plover, Rook, Starling, Thrush or Blackbird, shall be hunted, taken or killed at any time whatever before the first day of March, which shall be in the year 1870, and after that day only during the months of April, May, June and July in any year." Section 3 adds pheasant and quail to this list ; and 4 says : " No Wild Duck or wild goose of any imported species shall be hunted, etc." Later sections prohibit the poisoning or trapping of any of these animals ; no one is to have them in posses- sion without lawful excuse, nor to sell or offer to sell, or buy or offer to buy such animals or birds." It is all rather curious and interesting legislation, for it was almost entirely anticipatory, as the animals referred to were mostly not introduced till a later date. Four years later this Act was re-enacted. In 1866 it was amended, and the ideas dominating the minds of the legislators of that time appear chiefly to have been the preservation of "game" for such as could afford to shoot. It defines the word "game" to include deer of any kind, swan, wild goose or wild duck of any imported species whatever, hares, pheasants, partridges, grouse, English plover, quail, heath- or moor-game, black grouse or bustards. Yet at the time of the passing of this Act none of the animals whose names are in italics had been introduced into the colony, and some, such as bustards, have not even been attempted. Provision was made for proprietors or tenants de- stroying hares on their own enclosed lands, for coursing hares by greyhounds or hunting them with beagles, for killing deer on enclosed LEGISLATION 545 lands or hunting them with hounds. Lastly no game was to be sold without a licence, the fee for which was fixed at five pounds. It is very interesting to notice how strong was the conservative instinct to preserve game so that the privileged few should have sport. Any one who within three years of the passing of this Act was convicted of exposing a dead hen pheasant for sale was to be fined not less than five nor more than twenty pounds. Next year, 1867, the Acts of the two preceding sessions were repealed and a new one was passed: "An Act to provide for the Protection of Certain Animals and for the Encouragement of Ac- climatisation Societies in New Zealand." Section 22 reads as follows: "Any person who shall wilfully take or wilfully destroy the eggs of any game birds shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding Five Pounds." Limitation of power to introduce certain animals is covered by Section 29, which reads: "It shall not be lawful for any person to introduce any fox, venomous reptile, hawk, vulture, or other bird of prey into the colony," or to allow such if already in possession to go at large. In the Schedule which defines "game," the Snipe and the Antelope are included. This Act was amended in 1868 so as to enable game to be taken for the purposes of distribution to other parts of the colony. In 1872, and again in 1873, Amendment Acts were passed, and in the latter year the Schedule remained the same as before, except that Ptarmigan was added. Another Amendment was passed in 1875, and then in 1880 the preceding Acts were repealed, and a new Act was passed "to consolidate the Law for the Protection of Animals and for the encouragement of Acclimatisation Societies." Amendments to this Act were passed in 1881, 1884, 1886, 1889 and 1895. In the last of these was a clause which should have been enacted at a very much earlier date. Section 2 reads : From after the commencement of this Act no society, authority or person shall introduce or import into the colony, or turn at large, for the purposes of sport or acclimatisation, or as game, any animal or bird whatever without the consent in writing of the Minister for the time being in charge of the Department of Agriculture ; nor shall any insect or reptile be introduced or imported into the colony without such consent as aforesaid. Section 3 seems to be a piece of unworkable legislation, for it throws the onus of guarding against undesirable immigrants on persons who have very little means of stopping such. It states : It shall be the duty of the master, owner, charterer or agent of any vessel arriving at any port or place in New Zealand to effectually prevent any snake, scorpion, or other noxious reptile from being landed in New Zealand from such vessel, whether in the cargo or otherwise. T. N. z. 35 546 LEGISLATION No one seems to have discovered the interesting zoological error of classing scorpions as reptiles till 1910, when in an Amending Act the section was made to read "snake or other noxious reptile, scorpion or insect" As a matter of fact an occasional snake has been found in foreign (chiefly Australian) cargoes, but has always been destroyed; but scorpions and large centipedes are frequently introduced along with fruit and hardwood timber from the South Sea Islands and Australia, and none of those responsible can possibly prevent these accidental importations. Amendment Acts were passed in 1900 and 1903, and in the latter a clause was introduced (over-riding clauses in the Rabbit Act) giving the Governor in Council power to "declare that weasels, stoats, etc., declared to be a natural enemy of the Rabbit, and which have since proved to be the enemies of game and poultry may be killed " in any specified district. In 1907 all the Acts passed between 1880 and 1903 were repealed and the "Animals Protection Act 1907" was passed, consolidating all previous legislation. The following is Section 17: "Every person who unlawfully takes or destroys, or wilfully destroys the eggs of any birds mentioned in the First, Second or Fifth Schedules hereto, is liable to a fine not exceeding Ten Pounds." The First Schedule contains the following names : antelope, black game, deer, grouse, hares, imported wild duck of any species, moose, partridge, pheasant, plover, ptarmigan, quail, snipe, swans. The Second Schedule contains the names of several native species, and the following introduced birds: black stilt plover (?), black swan, curlew and wild goose. The Fifth Schedule deals with about thirty species of indigenous birds, and also includes the Tuatara lizard and opossums. An Amending Act in 1914 gives the Governor in Council power to make sanctuaries for imported and native game, and the protection thus afforded has been freely availed of. All the preceding legislation from 1861 onwards, dealing with the protection of certain animals, was really aimed at conserving imported animals for the purposes of sport. It was supplemented in 1862 by a "Birds Protection Act," which limited the period during which game could be shot. One of its provisions, one which certainly could not be passed to-day, was in Section 6, in which shooting on Sundays was prohibited. The introduction of small birds into New Zealand was partly due to sentimental considerations, and partly to the necessity of checking the ravages of " army worms " and other caterpillars which threatened to arrest the cultivation of certain crops. However, within ten or LEGISLATION 547 fifteen years of the coming in of the birds, their numbers increased to such an extent, that the protection afforded them had to be taken away, and restrictive legislation imposed. In 1882 a "Small Birds Nuisance Act" was passed, "to authorize Local Governing Bodies to appropriate Funds and to levy Rates for the destruction of Sparrows or other birds injurious to crops." This Act was repealed in 1889, and replaced by a new Act (which was itself repealed and re-enacted in 1902), giving increased powers for the use of poisoned grain and other means of destruction. Finally in 1908 "The Injurious Birds Act" was passed, and under the provisions of this, wholesale destruc- tion of birds and eggs is carried on every year, without, however, doing more than just keeping the danger within limits. It will be seen from the history of the introduction of rabbits into New Zealand that it was not till about 1870 that these animals began to be abundant, but after that date their increase was so very great that they seriously affected the great pastoral industry of the country, and in some districts threatened to destroy it. Protection against them has led to the passing of much legislation, and of many regulations. This commenced in 1876 in the General Assembly, when the " Rabbit Nuisance Act " was passed. By this Act power was given to proclaim certain areas as districts in which the Act was to be en- forced ; trustees were to be elected annually, and were to have power to levy rates on the landowners not exceeding one halfpenny per acre. The occupiers or owners of affected lands were also to be called on to destroy all rabbits. In the following year an Amending Act was passed, and a bonus of one halfpenny per skin was to be offered for rabbit-skins. Any one introducing rabbits into any district without authority, rendered himself liable to be imprisoned for a period not exceeding six months, or to a fine up to fifty pounds. These Acts were repealed in 1880, and another was passed giving increased powers. Among other provisions was one giving the Trustees, in the event of any owner failing to control the pest, power to enter private lands and destroy the rabbits. Any owners failing to take efficient steps rendered themselves liable to a penalty of not less than one pound nor more than twenty pounds for each seven days of neglect. The sheep inspectors were also appointed rabbit inspectors. In 1881 the Act of the previous year was repealed, and another enacted. By this time ferrets, stoats and weasels had been introduced into the country, and they had to be protected. By Section 25 the Government had power to declare "any animals, the importation of which is not prohibited by any Act in force relating to the protec- tion of animals, to be natural enemies of the rabbit," and such animals were to be protected. By Section 26, "Any person who shall be 352 548 LEGISLATION convicted of destroying or catching ferrets, weasels or such other animals as may from time to time be declared to be the natural enemies of the rabbit," rendered himself liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds or fourteen days' imprisonment. I do not know that these sections were ever enforced to any extent, till recently (1921). In the rabbit-infested districts the enemies of the rabbit were protected, because the evil was ever present and the menace serious. In the outside districts to which ferrets, stoats and weasels quickly spread, these animals were destroyed to a considerable extent, and no one said anything about it. By this same Act while rating powers within proclaimed districts were reduced to one farthing per acre, inspectors were authorised to enter on all unoccupied crown or native lands, and to destroy rabbits thereon. In spite of all the legislation and regulations passed, the rabbit nuisance continued to get more severe, so in 1882 the previous Acts were repealed, and increased powers were given in a new Act to cope with the pest. In the case of an owner who would not pay for the cost of destruction of the rabbits, the Government could take his land and sell it. At the same time permission was given to private indi- viduals to keep rabbits in cages or suitable enclosures, this being to provide material for biological classes in schools and university col- leges. In 1885 a small Amendment Act was passed, and in the fol- lowing year a fuller amending Act. In -this the liberating of live rabbits was absolutely prohibited, and the keeping of them in captivity was prohibited to all except teachers of biology. The maximum penalty for any breaches of the Act was further increased to one hundred pounds. In addition, power was given to the Board to erect fences to check the spread of the pest, and under this provision many hundreds of miles of rabbit-proof fences were erected in Canterbury and other districts to arrest the onward march of the invading "bunny." In 1890 a further Rabbit Nuisance Act was passed; and an Amending Act in the following year. In 1898 "The Rabbit- proof Wire-netting Act," containing no fewer than 35 sections, was enacted, and this dealt with one phase of the question, as under it fencing districts were formed, Boards of Trustees set up, and rating powers were granted. While all the preceding legislation referred to areas which were rabbit-infested, this one enabled districts which were threatened to keep out the pest. In 1901 an Amendment Act to the Rabbit Nuisance Act was passed, and in 1902 a Consolidating Act of 116 sections dealt with the whole subject, repealing all past legislation, and re-enacting it in full detail. This is now the law of the whole important question, except that in 1910 a small Amendment LEGISLATION 549 Act was passed, referring to a matter arising out of the main Act. Section 7 reads as follows : Notwithstanding anything in any Act it shall be lawful for any person to destroy hares, weasels or stoats: Provided that the Governor in Council may, on the recommendation of the Minister of Agriculture, suspend within any specified area the operation with respect to hares, weasels and stoats. An interesting piece of legislation called "The Chatham Islands Animals Act" became law in 1884, an ^ was re-enacted in 1908. Section 2 says: "No person shall introduce or allow to go at large any rabbit or hare in that part of the Colony called the Chatham Islands." The legal position regarding opossums in New Zealand is rather interesting. By a Gazette Notice of iQth August, 1912, it was declared that opossums ceased to be imported game. Just a year later, owing to representations from acclimatisation societies, it was decided that the animals should be absolutely protected in certain districts; and a warrant to that effect was published in the Gazette of yth August, 1913. In 1916 a further warrant was issued specifically protecting them in the Wellington Acclimatisation district. They have now ceased to be imported game and they have been absolutely protected in certain areas. The position is now, in June, 1919, that: there is no existing law in force giving power to declare an open season for the taking or killing of these animals unless they were again declared to be either imported or native game, and this is not practicable as they would then automatically be protected in parts of the Dominion where protection is not desired; there being no existing power to enable them to be declared imported game in part only of the Dominion. Probably an Amendment of the Law relating to these animals will shortly be enacted. (See Appendix A, p. 556.) Insect pests due to imported species have received a good deal of attention from the legislature. In 1854 the Nelson Provincial Council passed an " Ordinance to prevent the increase of American Blight," which imposed a penalty of forty shillings on any one not clearing blight off any infected tree after due notice had been given, with five pounds for a repetition of the offence, and ten pounds for any one selling infected trees. Thirty years later the New Zealand Parliament passed " the Codlin Moth Act 1884," "An Act to provide for the Destruction of the Insect known as Carpocapsa pomonella, or the * Codlin Moth,' " under which power was given to proclaim certain districts in which it was to take effect, to levy contributions from all the orchards within these 550 LEGISLATION districts (such contributions not to exceed one halfpenny per tree), and to make regulations for the destruction and eradication of the pest. Both the American blight and the codlin moth are still with us, but both are kept well under in all the fruit-growing districts. It is in small holdings where a few odd trees are grown and are not registered, or get overlooked, that all the dangerous fruit pests are found. Within recent years much more comprehensive legislation than these isolated Acts covered was passed. Thus in 1903 was enacted "The Orchard and Gardens Pest Act" "An Act to prevent the Introduction into New Zealand of Diseases affecting Orchards and Gardens, and to provide for the eradication of such Diseases, and to prevent the spread thereof." Section 4 gave power to the Governor in Council to prohibit absolutely the introduction of any plant, fruit, fungus, parasite, insect or any other thing likely to introduce any disease into New Zealand. The First Schedule detailed the following insects which were to be kept out by all possible means : Mediterranean or West Australian fruit fly (Halterophora capitata), San Jose scale (Aspidiotus perniriosus) , Queensland fruit fly (Tephrites tryoni), Vine louse or Phylloxera (Phylloxera vastatrix). The Second Schedule contained the names of pests already in the country, whose eradication was left to district authorities to deal with: American blight (Schizoneura lanigera), Codlin moth (Carpocapsapomonella), Mussel- or oyster-scale (Mytilaspis pomorum), Red mite (Bryobia pratensis). This Act was re-enacted in 1908 in the Orchards and Gardens Diseases Act, which consolidated all previous legislation. This Act is still in force, but its operations have been greatly extended by numerous Orders in Council, specifying certain insects, fungi, etc., to be rigidly kept out 1 . 1 The following is a list of these prohibited insects, etc., the fungoid and bacterial pests being left out, as I have not attempted to deal with them in this work. Those marked f have never been introduced into New Zealand as yet. If fruit, timber, or other foreign material have shown any signs of these pests, they have been seized at the port of entry and destroyed. 1908, Sept. 7th: Tomato fruit fly (Lonchesa splendidd) 1911, Aug. 2ist: f Dacus facialis -f Dacus kirki t Dacus virgatus \ Dacus raratongiensis t Dacus melanotus \ Dacus passiflorce t Dacus cucumis Currant-borer (&geria tipuliformis) t Dacus tongice f Gypsy moth (Ocneria dispar) LEGISLATION Fishery legislation in New Zealand deals largely with marine fisheries. That dealing with imported fishes begins in 1867, with a "Salmon and Trout Act," "An Act to make provision for the preservation and propagation of Salmon and Trout in this Colony," and the preamble states: "Whereas it is contemplated to introduce Salmon and Trout into this Colony from abroad, etc." This Act gives the Governor power to make regulations for the protection of fish which had not then been introduced, "for the preservation and propagation of young salmon, salmon fry and spawn and young trout, trout fry and spawn upon its importation into the colony " ; it placed restrictions on fishing in those streams into which such young fish or spawn were deposited ; regulated the times and seasons for fishing ; prohibited "the use of nets or other engines or devices for taking fish in any stream" so utilised; and prohibited the use of lime or other deleterious materials for destroying the fish. It is a curious little piece of legislation in advance of its object. In 1877 "The Fish Protection Act" was passed, giving more 1915, Aug. 23rd: f Apple aphis (Aphis mall) Apple-blossom weevil Anthonomus pomorum) f Apple-bud moth (Hedya ocellana) f Apple-pith moths (Blastoderma hille- rella and B. vinolentella) t Apple root-borer (Leptops hopei) t Apple saw-fly (Hoplocampa testu- dinea) f Apple-sucker (Psylla mall) f Apple-tree borers (Rhizopertha col- laris, Chrysobothris femorata and C. mali) f Bulb-mite (Rhizoglyphus echinopus) f Colorado beetle (Doryphora decem- lineatd) t Currant aphis (Rhopalosiphon ribis) Currant clearwing (Sesia tipuli- formis) Currant gall-mite or big bud (Erio- phyces ribis) 1917, i6th April: t Banana scale (Aspidiotus destructor transparent) 1918, 23rd April: Leaf-roller (Caccecia excessand) The last named is a native of New Zealand. No doubt the object of including in these lists so many species which apparently have never yet been recorded as met with in the country, is to enable inspectors at the various ports of entry to at once hold up a consignment of fruit, etc., where any of these may be found. They occur in localities from whence they might be exported to New Zealand, and it is evident that up to the present time, if any of them have been met with, they have been destroyed at once, so that they have not got free into the country. Currant-shoot borer (Incurvaria capitella) t Fruit-bark beetle (Scolytys rugulostu) f Gooseberry saw-fly (Nematus ribesii) f Hop-aphis (Phorodon humuli) j- Lesser narcissus-fly (Eumerus stri- gatus) t Light brown apple-moth (Caccecia postvittand) f Onion fly (Hylemyia antigua) {Raspberry beetle (Byturus tomen- tosus) Raspberry moth (Lamprorda rubielld) t Raspberry weevil (Otiorhynchus picipes) t Round-headed tree-borer (Saperda Candida) t Rutherglen bug (Nysius virdtor) t Woolly currant-scale (Pulvinaria vitis) 552 LEGISLATION definite power to make regulations. (By some oversight this Act seems to have been overlooked when the Consolidating Act of 1908 was passed.) In the following year "The Fisheries Dynamite Act 1878 " was passed to prohibit the use of dynamite or other explosives in public fisheries, whether marine or inland. In 1884 an Amendment Act to that of 1867 was passed; and in the same year "The Fisheries Conservation Act," which gave power to make regulations for the protection of marine and fresh-water fisheries. In 1892 an Amendment Act to this was passed, giving, inter alia, power to acquire land for fish hatcheries. Further Amendment Acts were passed in 1903, 1906 and 1907. Then in 1908 "The Fisheries Act" consolidated all previous enactments. Among other provisions it prohibited the casting of sawdust or any saw-mill refuse into any waters, which has always been a sore point with saw-millers. (It apparently did not make any reference to refuse from flax-mills, which, in quantity, is a very deleterious substance.) It also fixed definitely close seasons for trout fishing, viz., from ist day of May in each year to the following 3th day of September, and fixed the annual licence fee at ^i for men and 5$. for women and for boys under sixteen years of age. Licences to fish for perch were also provided for. This comprehensive Act of 99 sections is practically the complete law on the subject. An Amendment Act of 1912 deals chiefly with the encouragement of the whale fishery ; but Section 9 authorises the construction of ponds for breeding and rearing trout for sale, a branch of industry which has not been really started to any extent in this country. A further small Amendment Act in 1914 completes the legislation on this subject. I have already referred to early legislation directed towards the suppression or mitigation of the trouble caused by the vigorous growth and wide extension of thistles, gorse and broom. These, however, were only a few of the plants which soon got out of hand, and became a serious problem to the country. Spasmodic efforts to deal with the difficulty culminated in the passing of "The Noxious Weeds Act" in 1900. This was "An Act to prevent the spread of Noxious Weeds, and to enforce the Trimming of Hedges." This not only required owners to keep their land free of certain weeds, but also to clear the road-lines within their properties, and half the width of the boundary lines; with power to inspectors to enter upon the land, and, if necessary, to do the work at the owner's expense. The law has been more honoured in the breach than in the observance, and the Government has been itself one of the greatest offenders, some areas of Crown lands being perfect nurseries of weeds, which have sowed the country all round. Maori lands, too, have been an LEGISLATION 553 almost insuperable obstacle to the carrying out of the conditions of the Act, chiefly on account of the difficulties of joint ownership. There is a continual outcry about the necessity of eradicating noxious weeds, but the fault does not lie in the law, but in the difficulty of putting it into effect. Section 7 prohibits the sale of: (a) Any noxious seeds, except in the case of gorse-seed to be sown for forage or fodder by permission in writing of the local authority, or for the planting of hedges or live fences ; or (b) Any grass-seed, or other seed or grain, which has not been thoroughly dressed by means of a seed-cleaning machine or other sufficient process for the purpose of removing all noxious seeds. The Schedules of this Act are interesting, as giving some idea of the relative importance or seriousness of the weeds specified. Schedule I includes three plants which are always, and everywhere without exception, to be treated as enemies to be destroyed: Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), Canadian or Calif ornian thistle (Cnicus arvensis), Sweet-briar (Rosa rubiginosa). Schedule II specifies plants which are to be declared noxious weeds in certain restricted areas defined by the local authority : Bathurst burr (Xanthium spinosum), Broom (Cytisus scoparius), Giant burdock (Arctium majus), Gorse (Ulex europceus), Hakea (Hakea acicularis), Ragwort or ragweed (Senecio jacobced). Schedule III specifies noxious seeds, viz., those referred to in Sec- tion 7, but the Governor may from time to time extend these Schedules II and III, by including other plants than those mentioned, on the recommendation of the Parliamentary Committee known as the Joint Agricultural, Pastoral and Stock Committee : Bathburst burr (Xanthium spinosum), Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), Broom (Cytisus scoparius), Burdock (Arctium, any species), Burr clovers (Medicago denticulata and M. maculata), Clover dodder (Cuscuta trifolii), Dock (Rumex, any species), Fat-hen or white goose-foot (Chenopodium album), Ox-eye daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum), Sweet-briar (Rosa rubiginosa), 554 LEGISLATION Thistles (any species of Carlina, stemless thistle), Carduus (com- mon plume or Scotch thistle), Cnicus (Calif ornian thistle and woolly-headed thistle), Centaurea (star thistle), Silybum (milk thistle), Wild turnip (Brassica campestris), Ragwort or ragweed (Senecio jacobcea). In 1908 "The Noxious Weeds Act" consolidated the preceding enactments, and, as far as machinery was concerned, was practically the same. Schedule III (the old Schedule II) specifies the same weeds with the addition of any species of Arctium, or burdock, and any species of Rumex or dock, elderberry (Sambucus niger), fennel (Fceniculum vulgar e), foxglove (Digitalis pur pur ea), hemlock (Conium maculatum), kangaroo acacia (Acacia armata), lupin (Lupinus luteus), ox-eye daisy, pennyroyal (Mentha pulegiuni), periwinkle (Vinca major), St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum or H. humifusum], Tauhinu or New Zealand cotton-wood (Cassinia leptophylla), any species of thistle as specified above, tutsan (Hypericum Androsccmum), viper's bugloss (Echium vulgar e), and wild borage (Echium violaceum). The Noxious Seeds Schedule is similar to No. Ill of the previous Act with the addition of fennel, hemlock, pennyroyal, St John's wort and tutsan. The record of the legislation passed by various parliaments in New Zealand is historically of interest, and of value from the point of view of the naturalist, as showing how various animals and plants developing under new conditions in a new country, "run away," as it were, and become so aggressive and so numerous in individuals as to constitute a serious menace to the well-being of the community. At the same time it is rather a curious record when looked at as a whole, for hardly had any Bill passed into law when amendments were found to be necessary, and these succeeded each other year after year with monotonous regularity. The point reached to-day, however, is one that can be contemplated with a certain amount of satisfaction. As far as new introductions of animals and plants are concerned, there is pretty close inspection at all ports of entry of seeds, fruits, etc., and few deleterious things pass the inspectors. Where objectionable introductions have got in during recent years, they have in several cases been followed up to the localities to which they were distributed, and have been eradicated. As to those animals and plants which are already in the country and which it is desirable to eradicate or keep in check, the conditions are more difficult, but in many cases the laws which have been passed have enabled them to be coped with. The hope for the future lies in two directions, viz., LEGISLATION 555 closer settlement of the land coupled with more intensive cultivation ; and better education of all those concerned in the primitive industries of the country, which are mainly agricultural and pastoral, as to the economic waste which ensues whenever undesirable animals and plants are allowed to thrive. There is a growing desire for such educa- tion, and it is becoming more fully recognised that it is one of the important factors in the future success of the country. APPENDIX A OPOSSUMS IN NEW ZEALAND IN March, 1920, Professor H. B. Kirk, in response to a request from the New Zealand Government, made a report on the Australian Opossums in the country in answer to the following questions : (1) Whether the damage to forests is likely to outweigh advantages to settlers in being able to earn a revenue by trapping or taking opossums in new country ? (2) On what areas these animals could be liberated with reasonable security against their overrunning and damaging State forests ? He found that these animals often do considerable damage in orchards by eating the leaves and young shoots of apple trees, of lemons, of peaches, and all other stone fruits ; they bite fruit of all kinds, sometimes consuming the whole fruit, sometimes leaving it damaged on the trees, or causing it to fall. During the winter they do little damage. They also bite off buds and shoots of roses and other garden shrubs, eat peas when the pods are filling, and occasionally eat other vegetables. Though reported as very destructive to pine forests (Pinus halepensis and P. maritima) in South Australia, he found very little damage to pine plantations in New Zealand. North of Auckland they eat the young male cones of P. radiata (P. insignis). In the native bush " the opossums eat leaves and young shoots of makomaka (Aristotelia racemosa), of karaka (Corynocarpus Icevigata), of houhou (Schefflera digitata), of mahoe (Melicytus ramiflorus), of broadleaf (Griselinia lucida), of konini (Fuchsia excorticata), of matipo (Pittosporum eugenioides and other species), of kohekohe (Dysoxylum spectabile), the soft parts of miro-fruit and of the nikau-fruit (Rhopalostylis sapida), the fruit of the konini, and many others. By his weight he breaks young shoots, causing them to wither. I have examined the upper branches of many favourite food trees, but have never found that greater damage has been done than I have described, and the trees branch freely below the wound. I have found no native tree that has, in my opinion, been killed by an opossum. The favourite plants of the opossum are damaged by constant climbing and playing, but this generally happens near houses or at the edge of a clearing, but I have never seen serious damage of this kind in the forest." His general conclusions are that opossums do very little real damage in the bush. He recommends that an open season be declared during which opossums may be lawfully taken, and that for the present this open season be the months of May, June and July. Also that a licence fee of 1 be charged to all trappers, and that for each skin taken a royalty of is. should be paid to the Crown. In fruit districts he recommends that any resident may APPENDIX A 557 kill opossums at any time without penalty, but he must report the same to the local postmaster. He further approves of the suggestion made by the Otago Acclimatisation Society to stock the forests on both sides of the great Alpine Range with opossums, and estimates that the fur trade would soon reach a value of 200,000 a year. As an outcome of this report Regulations for the taking and killing of these animals appeared in the Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette of May 5th, 1921. A licence fee of 2. IQS. entitles the licencee to take or kill opossums; a royalty of is. per skin shall be paid to licensed brokers, who shall pay a licence fee of 2is., and shall receive 5 per cent, commission on the royalties collected. Every skin shall be stamped on payment of the royalty fee. Exportation of skins must be with the consent of the Under Secretary, Department of Internal Affairs. Following on this Gazette notice the month of June, 1921, was declared an open season, several hundred licences were issued, and many thousands of skins were obtained, the exact number not being obtainable at the date of publication of this work. APPENDIX B LATER RECORDS INURING the progress of this book notices of many new species, especially among the Insecta, have been received, together with later accounts of those already referred to. As it was impossible to incorporate these into the text without disturbing the paging of the book, they have been collected together into an appendix, and each entry gives the reference to the page where it should be interpolated. p. 241 Quinnat Salmon Mr Ayson, Inspector of New Zealand Fisheries, informs me that while the run of this salmon in 1918 and 1919 in the Waitaki River was very small, so much so indeed that some people thought they had disappeared altogether, that of 1920 was quite large. Salmon are now running in several rivers to the north as far as the Waiau, and quite recently they have been reported from the Wairaripa in the North Island. These fish must have spawned also in the Hokitika River on the West Coast, as young salmon, only a few inches long, have been taken there. During the present spawning season (1921) about 1,133,000 ova have been collected at the Hakataramea Hatchery, and fish from 4 ft. to 4 ft. 6 in. in length have been seen right up to the foothills of the Southern Alps. The run of fish this year in the Waitaki is quite phenomenal, and they are also showing up in the Clutha River in the south. The Quinnat Salmon is evidently firmly established in the South Island. 558 APPENDIX B p. 258 MOLLUSCA Family MURICID^: Murex ramosus, Linn. Within the five years 1903-08 two specimens of this introduced mollusc were found at Tauranga: one of these, 8| in. long, was living when collected. They must have been brought from one of the South Sea Islands, either purposely, or perhaps attached either to a ship's bottom, or to her anchors. p. 265 MYRIAPODA Order CHILOPODA Family SCOLOPENDRID^E Scolopendra subspinipes, Leach This centipede is frequently introduced into New Zealand in fruit cases, usually from the South Sea Islands. The species is very widely spread in most tropical and sub-tropical countries. It does not seem to have estab- lished itself, unless perhaps from Whangarei northwards. Ethmostigmus platycephalus, Newport Recorded in the Index Fauna Novee-Zealandia (p. 235) as an indi- genous species Heterostoma platycephala but without locality. Ethmostigmus rubripes, Brandt A specimen, now in the Christchurch Museum, was found in 1901 among timber imported from Australia. INSECTA p. 270 Sub-order PSEUDO-NEUROPTERA Family ATROPIDJE Troctes divinatorius, Miiller. Cabinet mite ; Book-louse ; Book-tick This species appears to be equally common with Atropos pulsatoria. p. 272 Order HYMENOPTERA Family ICHNEUMONID^E Pleurotropus (Entodori) epigonus, Walker, was recorded by the Agri- cultural Department on its introduction as Semiotellus nigripes. But this latter species is a parasite of Oscinella in Britain, not of the Hessian fly, and Mr D. Miller informs me that it is doubtful whether it occurs in New Zealand at all. p. 273 Family CHALCIDID^ Aphelinus mail, Haldane This little wasp was introduced from America early in 1921 by Dr R. J. Tillyard, Chief of the Biological Department of the Cawthron Institute, APPENDIX B 559 Nelson, and was recently stated by him to be "becoming established in the Institute's grounds." It is parasitic on the Woolly Aphis (Schizoneura lanigerd) and the Mealy Bug (Pseudococcus longispinus). In introducing these wasps Dr Tillyard found that other species of insects were unwittingly introduced along with them. There were two or three Chalcids, and also a small moth Nepticula pomivorella, Packard, whose caterpillar is a leaf-miner on apple trees. p. 273 Bruchophagtis funebris, Howard This parasitic wasp was first identified and recorded by the Agricultural Department in 1921. p. 282 Family APID.&: Hive-bees (Apis mellifica, Linn., and A. ligustica, Spin.) On yth October, 1920, regulations under the Apiaries Amendment Act, 1913, were gazetted, defining the conditions under which bees, honey, and apiary appliances may be introduced into New Zealand. Bees and honey can only be introduced at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin or Bluff. If they come by parcel post, they must be examined before being forwarded. Bees may be imported from any pro- vince of Italy, the United States of America, or the Commonwealth of Australia, but they must be accompanied by a certificate from the snipper of their freedom from disease. They have all to be examined by an In- spector on arrival. p. 282 Family VESPIDJE Vespa germanica, Fabr. Specimens of this wasp were taken in the Wairarapa district recently, and were identified by the officials of the Agricultural Department. It has not previously been recorded from New Zealand. Order COLEOPTERA p. 291 Family BOSTRICHID^E Lyctus linearis, Goeze This beetle, Mr D. Miller informs me, is frequently introduced into New Zealand in packing-cases and wooden furniture into which it bores. It does not seem to have established itself permanently. It is noteworthy, however, that there is no restriction to the importation of insect-infected timbers, whether they are intended for building, packing- cases or furniture. p. 299 Family CURCULIONID/E Cyclas formicarius, Fabr. This weevil probably spread originally from Cochin China, but is now distributed very widely over the tropics. It is frequently found in ship- ments of kumaras from the South Sea Islands, but it does not seem to have become established in New Zealand. Regulations to prevent its introduction have been gazetted. 560 APPENDIX B Order LEPIDOPTERA p. 300 Family BOMBYCID^: Bombyx mori, Linn. Silkworm As already stated at p. 300, Mr T. C. Batchelor introduced silkworms into Nelson in 1863. Seven years later he urged on the Government the importance of fostering the silk industry in New Zealand, stating that he had imported Tuscan mulberries, and had about 1800 trees ready to plant out. In the following year Mr Batchelor had two varieties of silkworms, viz. Lombardy Buffs and Japanese, and from these he reared two broods of cocoons, the latest forming in November. At the same time, and as an outcome of his action, the Government offered a bonus for the encourage- ment of the industry. Apparently a certain number, both of colonists and natives, commenced the cultivation of silkworms, but no one secured the bonus, and it was allowed to lapse. In 1879 a case f cru de silk from Auckland was shown at the Sydney Exhibition, but I have not been able to find out by whom it was grown. In 1886-87 another effort to start sericulture was made by Mr G. A. Schoch of Auckland. He found that between 19,000 and 20,000 white mulberry trees suitable for silkworm-food were in the country. He ordered fresh seed from Italy, and this was distributed gratis. The Auckland Domain Board planted (in 1886) n octrees in the domain for distribution to silk-raisers. On December gih, 1886, a shipment of silkworm eggs arrived from Italy, and about 600,000 were distributed gratis. Towards the end of January a further batch of eggs arrived from Japan rather late in the season and about two-thirds of these were distributed. Samples of Italian and Japanese cocoons, and skeins of both kinds of silk were later on forwarded to the Manchester Jubilee Exhibition. Mr Schoch was confident of success in his efforts, but the matter was not taken up seriously by others, and ultimately nothing came of it. In times of agricultural depression and low prices, schemes for estab- lishing sericulture as one of the industries of the Dominion are brought forward and command some attention, but whenever other primary in- dustries are making good headway, the interest dies out. Silkworms are still commonly reared about Auckland and other centres on a small scale, but not as commercial ventures. Mr G. Howes informs me that in the neighbourhood of Sydney, New South Wales, silkworm escapes have established themselves in a wild state. p. 327 Order HEMIPTERA The insects of this order have not been at all commonly collected in New Zealand. As increasing attention is given to them, very many more species than are at present known will be recognised, and this applies to both native and introduced species. Since this work went to press, nine of the latter have been reported to me. Sub-order HETEROPTERA p. 328 Family CAPSIDJE Oncognathus binotatus, Fabr. Mr D. Miller states that this European species, which feeds chiefly on APPENDIX B 561 grasses, is found at Wellington and at Wanganin, where it is very common. It is probably widely distributed. Sub-order HOMOPTERA p. 3 28 Family FULGORHWE Siphanta acuta, Walk. First recorded by Kirkaldy in 1909. This Australian species has been collected at Nelson, and in several localities in the North Island. Saphena cinerea, Kirkaldy Another Australian species, first recognised in 1921, and wrongly identified as Siphanta granulata, Kirk. It occurs generally throughout the Auckland provincial district. p. 328 Family Empoasca australis, Froggatt (?). Apple leaf-hopper This insect has been introduced from Australia, but I have no informa- tion as to its range within New Zealand. Dr R. J. Tilly ard informs me that the species has so far not been determined with certainty. p. 331 Family APHIDIDJE Schizoneura ulmi, Linn. Leaf-crumpling Aphis of Elm This aphis has been recently (1920-21) noticed for the first time in the Auckland district. Mysus persicae, Sulzer. Green Peach Aphis Mr D. Miller informs me that this species is widespread in New Zealand. Aphis nerii, Fonsc. First recorded in 1921 as occurring on Oleander. Aphis bakeri, Lowen Observed and recorded by Mr J. Meyrs on clover in 1921. Pemphigus populi-transversus, Riley. The Poplar gall Aphis This species was first observed on Poplar trees in Central Otago in 1920; it has since been reported from Nelson. Myzaphis abietina, Walk. Spruce Aphis This aphis, first recorded in 1919, is found generally throughout the North Island. CRUSTACEA p. 340 Division SYNC ARID A Order ANASPIDACE^) Anaspides tasmaniee, G. M. Thomson In February, 1898, 1 received from Mr Leonard Rodway, the eminent Tasmanian botanist, a jar containing about twenty specimens of this most interesting shrimp. He had experienced great difficulty in keeping them T. N. Z. 36 562 APPENDIX B alive in Hobart on account of the heat of the weather, and he also found that they were terrible cannibals. But this is probably true of all crus- taceans when confined in a limited space without food. The remainder carried over to Dunedin remarkably well. But the mortality continued, though they were placed in a tank continuously supplied with fresh running water. All were dead within 16 days after arrival, the last eight of them being badly infested with fungus (Saprolegnia or Achlya). In a communication to me in June, 1920, Mr Cheeseman adds the following notes of introduced species : SAPINDACES p. 390 Acer pseudo-platanus, Linn. Spreading in many localities in the neighbourhood of plantations. p. 408 Hawthorn (Crateegus oxyacantha) In the latter part of 1919 it was found that certain orchards in the Auckland district were infected with the bacterial disease known as Fire- blight (Bacillus amylivorus, Trev.). It is supposed that the disease was introduced from the Western States of America, and distributed by means of nursery stock from Auckland. An examination in 1920 showed that the infected area ranged from Warkworth in the north to Kihikihi in the south. The Waikato was the most widely infected district; there was a considerable spread of the trouble in Tauranga, but the orchards in the Thames district were free from it. Drastic restrictive measures were adopted by the Agricultural Department, and apparently in some areas, i.e. Wark- worth and Silverdale, the disease was stamped out. As tested in the departmental laboratories the plants affected in New Zealand belong to the genera Pyrus (pears, apples, and quinces) and Crateegus (Hawthorn). Pear trees have suffered most, but the Department has come to the conclusion that the disease cannot be coped with in any district as long as the common Hawthorn (C. oxyacantha) is allowed to remain in evidence. Therefore at the end of last session of Parliament (1920) an Amendment of the Noxious Weeds Act 1908 was passed declaring Hawthorn a noxious weed. Clause 3 of this Act states that a special order may be made by any local authority limiting the operation of the Act to a part only of any district. Clause 4 reads as follows: "The planting of hawthorn is hereby prohibited, and every person commits an offence against the principal Act who propagates hawthorn in any manner, or who does any act with intent to propagate hawthorn, or who sells any seeds, plants, or cuttings of hawthorn." p. 409 ROSACES Spireea Lindleyana Found near Arrowtown, where it was first observed by the Pastoral Runs Commission in May, 1920. p. 409 SAXIFRAGES Escallonia macrantha Common on banks in and near Wellington. APPENDIX B 563 p. 410 ONAGRARIE^ Fuchsia Riccartoni Found on old mining tailings near Ross, South Westland. LABIATE p. 460 Thymus serpyllum, Linn. Abundantly naturalised near Clyde, in Central Otago. p. 486 CYPERACEJE KylUngia brevifolia, Rottb. This species, doubtfully placed as indigenous in the Manual N.Z. Flora (p. 764), is now considered by Cheeseman as an introduction. Cyperus tenellus, Linn. Cyperus vegetus, Willd. Both species are treated as doubtfully indigenous in the Manual (pp. 765 and 766), but are now considered to be introductions. p. 496 In regard to Festuca ovina and F. rubra Mr Cheeseman has sent me the following note (July, 1921): "For the common fescue-tussock I follow J. B. Armstrong in calling it Festuca novce-zealandiee. The introduced fescues are very different. They are common only in a comparatively few places where they have been sown purposely. The most widely spread is known as ' Chewing's fescue.' Red fescue (F. rubra} is taller and more tussocky, but is easily distinguished from F, novce-zealandice. There are also several other indigenous, but non- tussocky species of Festuca, not properly classified as yet. Petrie has named a distinct one F. multinodis," p. 501 LYCOPODIACE^E Selaginella Kraussiana Common in damaged forest in the vicinity of Wellington. APPENDIX C THE TUTIRA DISTRICT SINCE this work was in print, a very fine book entitled Tutira, the Story of a New Zealand Sheep Station, by Mr H . Guthrie-Smith, has been published by Messrs William Blackwood and Sons. It is a most interesting record of fine observational work, by a skilled naturalist, dealing with the physical and biological features and history of a comparatively small area of land 36-2 564 APPENDIX C in the Hawke's Bay district. No fewer than seven chapters deal with the naturalised plants, and seven more with naturalised animals. Much of the book consequently covers some of the ground gone over by me, but Mr Guthrie-Smith has given much greater detail regarding the introduction and spread of the species referred to than I have been able to do. Very many of his conclusions are identical with my own, and the book is a most valuable contribution to the biological literature of New Zealand. Unfor- tunately it has no index, and the table of contents only very partially supplies this want. Without in any way attempting to summarise the information contained in this book, I here record a few of the facts, taking the various animals and plants in the order referred to in my own work. Much valuable information is given as to the remarkable tracks made over the unbroken country by sheep (p. 181), while an interesting instance of melanism in sheep is recorded at p. 355, et seq. Each patch of bush and scrub, chiefly on Eastern Tutira, maintained its little herd of wild sheep. About 1892 a small flock of four or five black sheep was noticed on a block in the north-west of the Tutira district. In about ten or twelve years the flock had greatly increased, and when the land on which they had been running came to be cleared and fenced, some 220 wild sheep were rounded up and yarded. Of these over 90 were black, the larger number with white tips to their tails ; about five or six were piebalds, and the rest white. All of these were pure merino, the rams carrying magnificent heads. Mr Guthrie- Smith's account of this flock and the explanation are worth careful study. At pp. 308-9, four cases are given of the. capture of rats, which were claimed to be of the species which occurred in New Zealand prior to Captain Cook's first visit, viz., the Kiore maori, or Mus exulans. Three of these captures, dating between 1879 and 1906, cannot be verified; it is possible that the animals caught belonged to this species. But the fourth specimen, captured by Captain Donne "in the forest path between Waikaremoana and Waikareiti not many years ago," seems from its photo- graph to be an example of the Maori rat. Though nearly extinct in New Zealand, it would appear that a very few specimens still survive in wild rough country. In 1886 and succeeding years, stoats, ferrets and weasels were liberated in numbers in the Wairarapa district, and by 1901 they had reached the neighbourhood of Tutira. "Between 1902 and 1904 they had overrun the country between Tutira and the southern edge of the Poverty Bay Flat. Everywhere I heard of them. On every road and new-cut bridle-track during these two seasons I met or overtook weasels hurrying northwards, travelling as if life and death were in the matter. Three or four times also I came on weasels dead on the tracks. These weasels, alive or dead, were or had been travelling singly.... For a short period weasels overran like fire the east coast between Tutira and Poverty Bay, and then like fire died out.... Nowadays on Tutira I do not hear from shepherds or fencers of the weasel once in six years. I have not seen one for twenty years. There is APPENDIX C 565 something ridiculous in the fact that the weasel should have arrived on the station before the rabbit, and that later, when rabbits had become numerous, weasels should have practically passed out of the district." Mr Guthrie-Smith says that the Australian Quail (Syncecus australis) was privately introduced in the sixties by Colonel Whitmore on Rissington, Hawke's Bay, but did not reach Tutira for more than thirty years. But it seems more likely to me that this bird came to Hawke's Bay from the Wellington Society's importations in 1875-76, for their game farm was in the Wairarapa. Again it is said that the Californian Quail was introduced by the Hawke's Bay Provincial Council, and again at a later date by the Hawke's Bay Acclimatisation Society. Unfortunately I have been unable to obtain in- formation from either of those sources. Mr Guthrie-Smith bears out my contention, originally suggested by Mr Cheeseman (see p. 116), that the failure of game birds in New Zealand is due to the food supply being destroyed by small birds. He says: "Californian Quail reached Tutira in the middle nineties, and although there was at first an increase in their numbers, it was a limited increase and soon ceased. Their advent as game-birds had come, in fact, too late to admit of any great success. The competition of innumerable goldfinches, yellow-hammers, larks, sparrows, and native species, several of which had also increased with the enlarged area of open country consequent on the destruction of bracken, had already affected the insect food-supply ; the Californian quail is now disappearing from the run." In connection with the naturalisation of the thrush and the blackbird, the spread of these birds in the North Island was almost certainly from Auckland, and Mr Guthrie-Smith gives reasons why their course was right round the coast of the Gulf of Thames, the Coromandel Peninsula, down the Bay of Plenty, round the East Cape, and so to Hawke's Bay, and he illustrates their probable route by an outline map. Mr Philpott's observa- tions in Southland show that the thrush shuns the dense bush, hence the coastal route may have been followed in the case of those which penetrated to Tutira. But he found blackbirds in the heart of the forest country, and I see no reason why both species should not have spread over from the Thames valley direct to the east coast, the intervening strip of bush land being comparatively narrow. The sparrow, on the other hand, is stated to have spread from Auckland up the Waikato as far as Taupo, and then across by the line of the Taupo- Napier road. This is quite probable, for the sparrow never seems to stray far from the haunts of men. Minahs (Acridotheres tristis) were liberated by the Hawke's Bay Society in 1877, that is, after the Wellington Society's introductions of 1875-76, but they did not increase on Tutira till about 1890, though they became very common about Napier. This bird, like the sparrow, follows man in his migrations, and Mr Guthrie-Smith describes how "upon the approach of autumn, minahs largely use the roads, closing in on homesteads for scraps of fowl-feed and leavings of the gallows and kennels. The species 566 APPENDIX C has also of late developed a vulture-like habit of congregating near any sheep dead on the hills ; in the vicinity of the carcase, awaiting the process of skinning, the expectant birds gather for their ghoulish meal." It is a most remarkable fact that starlings do not seem to have reached Tutira, though they have been extraordinarily abundant at Napier, only distant about a score of miles. At p. 318, Mr Guthrie-Smith describes the mason fly (Pison pruinosus, Cameron) as one of the most remarkable of the alien insects on Tutira. It is really a wasp, and belongs to the Family Sphegidae. He says it is believed to have reached New Zealand in chinks and knots of Australian lumber, and that it was noticed by the late Mr J. N. Williams in the late sixties. It is recorded in the Index Faunae Novce-Zealandice (p. 98) as an indigenous species, but Mr Guthrie-Smith says: " Unlike the black cricket, it seems never to have received a Maori name a fact in itself pointing to a comparatively late naturalisation." Mr Howes is inclined to think it is an introduction, as it is slowly spreading south. He met with it at Waipori three years ago, and saw it for the first time in Dunedin later. Chapters XXIV to XXX deal at length with the naturalised alien flora of Tutira, and give the date of introduction of many of the species recorded on the run, and frequently also the mode of their carriage and spread. A list of plants naturalised on Tutira prior to 1882 is followed by three lists bringing down the catalogue to 1920, and the names are in approximate order of their arrival. These lists, and the subsequent notes on many of the introduced plants, are extraordinarily valuable from a naturalist's point of view, for they represent careful and elose observational work. I cannot follow this record in detail, but will only select a few facts to supplement my own statements. It is stated at p. 252, that "owing to the great extent of second- and third-class country sown, also to the parlous state of the finances of the run in early days, cheap seeds were largely purchased ; hundreds of bags of ' seconds,' of Yorkshire fog and warehouse sweepings, have been at various times scattered broadcast on its pumiceous areas." On p. 256 a list of plants whose seeds were brought in or attached to sacks is given, and I quote the following passage, not only because it is a true picture, but also because it illustrates remarkably well the author's interesting and graphic style: "The average life of a sack is, I daresay, about five years, each sack in its time playing many parts. Starting at the Bluff, the southernmost port of the South Island, a sack may only become finally useless in the far north of the North Island, having spread blights and noxious weeds from one end of the colony to the other. It may commence its career with all sorts of high ideals, with the determination to carry only Timaru wheat, Hawke's Bay ryegrass, and Akaroa cock's-foot, but has in later life to abate the lofty pretensions of youth and ultimately to submit to the carriage of ordinary grain, ordinary ryegrass, and ordinary cock's-foot. Later, still whole and presentable, our bag will be considered fit for tailings and oaten chaff. It will now perhaps cross Cook Strait and be passed about a farm- ing district bearing perhaps in one short jolt apples, in another onions, APPENDIX C 567 becoming at each trip more stained with rain and marked with mud. It is now filled with potatoes another downward stage and forwarded to Auckland. By this time ragged, rent, disreputable, with senses blunted in regard to weed-carriage, it may reach some struggling settler's little home in the roadless north ; there, with no pride left, it will cover a bee-hive, roof a leaky hen-coop, or in a buggy act as mat for dirty boots. Lastly, the poor creature takes to drink, and hangs in a besotted state about a native settlement. There, utterly degraded, it may serve as a saddle-cloth to some galled Maori hack, and ultimately dropped, hatch out some long-secreted weed, that like a wicked action comes to light at last. It is not very often that a stowaway is thus caught red-handed emerging from his hiding- place; yet white goose-foot (Chenopodium alburn) was seized by me in the very act, a magnificent specimen, his great roots embedded in a rotten sack, one of many strewn about the site of a Maori drainer's camp." MAP OF MEAN ANNUAL RAINFALL OF NEW ZEALAND BIBLIOGRAPHY ADAMS, T. W. "The species of the genus Pinus now growing in New Zealand, with some notes on their introduction and growth." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XLVIII, pp. 216-233. 1907-1915. Agricultural Department of New Zealand Reports of the. Wellington. 1893-1920. Agriculture, Journal of (published by the Agricultural Department of New Zealand). Wellington. 1909-1921. ANGAS. " Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New Zealand." 2 vols. London. 1847. ANONYMOUS. "A journal of a voyage round the world in H.M.S. 'En- deavour' in the years 1768, 1769, 1770 and 1771." Publ. by T. Beckett. London. 1771. "A Journal of a Voyage round the world in His Majesty's Ship 'Endeavour' in the years 1768, 1769, 1770 and 1771; undertaken in pursuit of Natural Knowledge, at the Desire of the Royal Society : con- taining all the various Occurrences of the Voyage, etc." London. 1771 . Printed for T. Beckett and P. A. De Hondt. " New Zealand in 1829." 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(Contains accounts of Salmon-egg collecting for Australia and New Zealand.) London. 1899. BUICK, T. LINDSAY. "Old Marlborough, or the story of a Province." Palmerston North. 1900. BULLER, A. P. "Notes on the occurrence of some rare species of Lepi- doptera." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxvii, pp. 331-333. 1904. BULLER, WALTER LOWRY. "On the New Zealand Rat." (With illus- trations.) Trans. N.Z.I, vol. in, pp. 1-4. 1870. "A History of the Birds of New Zealand." London. 1873. "A History of the Birds of New Zealand." 2nd edition. 2 vols. London. 1888. "Note on Mus maorium (Hutton), with exhibition of specimen." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxv, pp. 49, 50. 1892. "Supplement to the 'Birds of New Zealand.'" 2 vols. London. 1905. BUTLER, A. G. "On two collections of Heterocerous Lepidoptera from New Zealand." Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 379-386. 1877. BUTLER, EDWARD A. " Our Household Insects." London. 1893. CAMERON, P. 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"A botanical excursion during midwinter to the Southern Islands of New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxvi, pp. 225-333. 1903. " Some observations on the coastal vegetation of the South Island of New Zealand." Part I. Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxix, pp. 312-359. 1906. " Report on a botanical survey of Kapiti Island." Wellington. 1907. "Some hitherto unrecorded plant-habitats." Part iv. Trans. N.Z.I. vol. XLI, pp. 399-403. 1908. "Report on a botanical survey of the Tongariro National Park." Wellington. 1908. "Report on a botanical survey of the Waipoua Kauri Forest." Wellington. 1908. BIBLIOGRAPHY 573 COCKAYNE, LEONARD. "Report on a botanical survey of Stewart Island." Wellington. 1909. "Some hitherto-unrecorded plant habitats." Part v. Trans. N.Z.I. VOl. XLII, pp. 311-319. 1909. !' New Zealand Plants and their Story." Wellington. 1910. " Observations concerning Evolution, derived from ecological studies in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XLIV, pp. 1-50. 1911. " Report on the Dune-Areas of New Zealand." Wellington (Depart- ment of Lands), 1911. (Contains a list of naturalised plants at p. 42.) COCKAYNE, L. and FOWERAKER, C. E. "Plant Associations at Cass." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XLVIII, pp. 166-186. 1915. COCKERELL, T. D. A. " On the Geographical Distribution of Slugs." Proc. Zool. Society of London, April yth, 1891, pp. 214-226. COLENSO, W. "Notes on the metamorphosis and development of one of our large Butterflies (Danais berenice), or a closely-allied species " Trans N.Z.I. vol. x, pp. 276-280. 1877. " On some new and undescribed New Zealand Ferns." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xm, pp. 376-384. 1880. - "An account of visits to, and crossings over, the Ruahine Mountain Range, performed in 1845-47." Napier. 1884. - "A brief list of some British plants (weeds) lately noticed, apparently of recent introduction into this part of the Colony ; with a few notes thereon." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xvm, p. 288. 1885. - "A description of a species of Orobanche (supposed to be new) parasitical on a plant of Hydrocotyle." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxi, pp. 41-43 . 1888. " Observations on Mr T. White's paper ' On the Native Dog of New Zealand: Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xxiv, Art. 57.'" Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxv, PP- 495-53. 1892. "Notes, remarks and reminiscences of two peculiar introduced and naturalised South American plants." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvi, pp. 323- 332. 1893. "An account of the finding of two Australian plants, hitherto un- noticed, here in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvn, pp. 401, 402. COOK, Captain JAMES. "A voyage towards the South Pole and round the world, performed in H.M. Ships the 'Resolution' and 'Adventure,' in the years 1772, 1773, 1774 ant ^ I 775-" Written by James Cook, Com- mander of the ' Resolution ' in which is included Captain Furneaux's narrative of his proceedings in the 'Adventure ' during the separation of the ships. (2nd Voyage.) 2 vols. London. W. Strahan. 1777. COOK, Captain JAMES and KING, Captain JAMES. "A voyage to the Pacific Ocean undertaken by the command of His Majesty, for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere... performed under the direction of Captains Cook, Clerke and Gore, in H.M. Ships the 'Resolution' and 'Discovery,' in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780. Vols. I and 11 written by Captain James Cook, F.R.S. Vol. in written by Captain James King, LL.D. and F.R.S. London. W. & A. Strahan. 1784. CRAWFORD, JAMES COUTTS. "Recollections of Travel in New Zealand and Australia." London. 1880. CROZET. "Voyage to Tasmania, New Zealand, the Ladrone Islands, and 574 BIBLIOGRAPHY the Philippines in the years 1771-1772." Translated by H. Ling Koth. London. 1891. CRUISE, RICHARD A., Major in the 84th Regt. Foot. "Journal of a ten months' residence in New Zealand." London. 1823. DALMAS, le Comte de. "Araignees de Nouvelle-Zelande." Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, vol. LXXXVI, pp. 317-430. 1917. DARWIN, CHARLES. "Journal of Researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. 'Beagle' round the world." (2nd edition.) London. John Murray. 1845. " On the agency of Bees in the Fertilisation of Papilionaceous Flowers, and on the Crossing of Kidney Beans." Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. in, vol. n. London. December, 1858. " The variation of Animals and Plants under domestication." 2 vols. London. John Murray. 1868. " The Origin of Species." 6th edition. London. 1875. " Darwin, Charles, Life and Letters of." Edited by Francis Darwin. 3 vols. London. 1888. DENDY, ARTHUR. "Notes on Land Planarians: Part I." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xxvii, pp. 177-189. 1894. DIEFFENBACH, ERNEST, M.D., late Naturalist to the New Zealand Company. " Travels in New Zealand." 2 vols. London. John Murray. 1843. DRUMMOND, JAMES. "Dates on which introduced birds have been libe- rated, or have appeared, in different districts of New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxix, pp. 503-508. 1906. " On introduced birds." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxix, pp. 227-252. 1906. (A most valuable contribution to the subject.) "Birds on Kapiti Island." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XLI, pp. 30-32. 1908. DRUMMOND, JAMES and HUTTON, Captain F. W. "The animals of New Zealand." Christchurch. 1904. EARLE, AUGUSTUS. "A narrative of a nine months' residence in New Zealand in 1827." London. 1832. (Earle was draughtsman to H.M. Surveying Ship ' Beagle.') FANTHAM, H. B., STEPHENS, J. W. W. and THEOBALD, F. V. " The Animal Parasites of Man." London. 1916. Farmers, Leaflets for. Issued by Agricultural Department of New Zealand. Nos. i -80. Wellington. 1893-1909. FEREDAY, R. W. " On the direct injuries to vegetation in New Zealand by various insects, especially with reference to larvae of moths and butter- flies feeding upon the Field Crops ; and the expediency of introducing Insectivorous Birds as a remedy." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. v, p. 289. 1872. " Observations on the occurrence of a Butterfly, new to New Zealand, of the genus Danais" Trans. N.Z.I, vol. vi, pp. 183-186. 1874. " Description of a species of Catocala, new to science." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. ix, pp. 457-459- l8 7 6 - FERGUSON, ALEXANDER. " On the cause of the disappearance of young trout from our streams." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxi, pp. 235-237. 1888. (Mr Ferguson finds Minnows (Galaxias attenuatus) are fond of very young trout fry.) FIELD, H.C. "The Ferns of New Zealand "(illustrated). Wanganui. 1890. Forestry, Report of Royal Commission on, pp. i-lxxviii and 1-87. Wellington. 1913. FORSTER, GEORGE, F.R.S. "A voyage round the world in H.B.M.S. BIBLIOGRAPHY 575 'Resolution' during the years 1772, 1773, 1774 and 1775." 2 vols. London. 1777. Gardeners and Fruit-growers, Leaflets for. (Mostly by T. W. Kirk.) Issued by Agricultural Department of New Zealand. Nos. 1-53. Wellington. 1894-1909. GILLIES, ROBERT. "Notes on some changes in the Fauna of Otago." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. x, pp. 306-324. 1877. GILRUTH, J. A. "Bubonic Plague: Investigations in New Zealand (April- July, 1900)." Wellington. 1902. "The Toxic effects of the ingestion of Senecio Jacobeea" Aust. Assoc. Adv. of Science, 1904. Dunedin meeting, pp. 499-510. 1904. GOVETT, R. H. "A bird-killing tree." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xvi, pp 764-766 1883. GUPPY, H. B. "Observations of a Naturalist in the Pacific between 1896 and 1899." 2 vols. London. 1906. GUTHRIE-SMITH, H. "The Grasses of Tutira." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XL, pp. 506-519. 1907. " Birds of the Water, Wood and Waste." Christchurch. 1910. "Mutton Birds and other birds." Christchurch. 1914. HAMILTON, AUGUSTUS. "On an account of a massacre at the entrance of Dunedin Harbour in the Year 1817." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvm, pp. 141- 147. 1895. HARDCASTLE, E. "The Deer of New Zealand." (Issued by New Zealand Tourist Department.) Wellington. No date, but later than 1905. "Hawke's Bay Acclimatisation Society." Minute Books from 1901-1915 (incl.) and Annual Reports to 1919. HAY, JAMES. "Reminiscences of Earliest Canterbury and its settlers." Christchurch. 1915. HEATH, NEIL. " Effects of Cold on Fishes." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xvi, pp. 275- 278. 1883. (Describes an experiment in which a gold-fish was frozen into a block of ice, and revived completely on thawing.) HECTOR, JAMES. " On the Remains of a Dog found by Captain Rowan near White Cliffs, Taranaki." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. ix, pp. 243-248. 1876. "On the occurrence of Salmon Trout in Nelson Harbour." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xiv, pp. 211-213. 1881. HELMS, R. "A Maori rat at Greymouth." N.Z. Journ. of Science, vol. i, p. 466. Dunedin. 1883. HENRY, R. " Red Cats and Disease." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxi, pp. 680-683. 1899. HENSLOW, Rev. GEORGE. " The Origin of Floral Structures, through Insect and other agencies." London. 1888. HILGENDORF, F. W. " Life History of Plutella cruciferarum, Zeller." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxin, pp. 145-146. 1900. "Notes from the Canterbury College Mountain Biological Station, Cass. No. 6. Insect Life." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. L, pp. 133-144. 1918. HOCHSTETTER, FERDINAND VON. " New Zealand. Its physical geography, geology and natural history." Translated from the German original (published in 1863) by Edward Sauter, A.M. Stuttgart. 1867. HOCKEN, THOMAS MORLAND. " Contributions to the Early History of New Zealand." London. 1898. (Contains the diaries of Messrs Tuckett and D. Monro, made in 1844.) "The Early History of New Zealand." Wellington. 1914. HOOKER, JOSEPH DALTON. "The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of 576 BIBLIOGRAPHY H.M. Discovery Ships 'Erebus' and 'Terror' in the years 1839-43. Flora Novae- Zelandiae. Part I. Flowering Plants." London. Lovell Reeve. 1853. (Contains no reference to introduced plants.) HOOKER, JOSEPH DALTON. "Handbook of the New Zealand Flora." London. 1867. " The Student's Flora of the British Islands." 2nd edition. London. Macmillan & Co. 1878. HOPKINS, ISAAC. "Forty-two years of Bee-keeping in New Zealand: 1874-1916. Auckland. 1916. HOWARD, L. O. " The House Fly : Disease Carrier." London. John Murray. 1912. HOWES, GEORGE. "Fruit Destruction by Small Birds in Central Otago." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxvm, p. 304. 1905. " Note on the occurrence of two rare and two introduced moths." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxvm, p. 509. 1905. HUDSON, G. V. "Eristalis tenax and Musca vomitoria in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxn, pp. 187, 188. 1889. "A few words on the Codlin-moths Carpocapsa pomonella, L., and Cacaecia excessana, Walk." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XXIH, pp. 56-58. 1890. (The New Zealand Tortrix (Cacoecia excessana) attacks apples in the same way as the introduced Carpocapsa pomonella, and suggestions are given for dealing with the pests.) "An elementary Manual of New Zealand Entomology." London. 1892. "New Zealand Moths and Butterflies." London. 1898. " New Zealand Neuroptera." London. 1904. " Notes on Insect Swarms on mountain top in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxvm, pp. 335-337. Wellington. 1905 "Recent observations on New Zealand " d Macrolepidoptera, including descriptions of new species." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XL, pp. 104-107. 1907. HUDSON, JAMES. "Notes on Blights." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxm, p. in. 1890. HUTCHINSON, F., junior. " Scinde Island,from a Naturalist's point of view." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxm, pp. 213-221. 1900. HUTTON, F. W. " On the Introduction of the Pheasant into the province of Auckland." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. n, p. 80. 1869. "Catalogue of the Birds of New Zealand." Pp.iv-x, 1-85. Welling- ton. 1871. " Description of a specimen ofMus rattus, L. in the Colonial Museum." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. iv, pp. 183, 184. 1871. "Note on the Maori Rat." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. ix, p. 348. 1876. (Gives description of skulls and bones found at Shag Point, Otago.) " Second Note on the Maori Rat." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. x, p. 288. 1877. "Note on the Black Rat (Mus rattus, L.)" accompanying paper by Taylor White. Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xi, p. 344. 1878. "Additions to the list of New Zealand Worms." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xn, pp. 277, 278. 1879. "Catalogues of the New Zealand Diptera, Orthoptera and Hymen- optera." Wellington. 1881. "Note on the Rat that invaded Picton in March, 1884." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xx, p. 43. 1887. "The Grasshoppers and Locusts of New Zealand and the Kermadec Islands." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxx, pp. 135-150. 1897. BIBLIOGRAPHY 577 HUTTON, F. W. " Note on the ancient Maori Dog." Trans. N.Z.I, vol xxx PP- 4 I S I - 1 5S- ^97- (Gives measurement of skulls.) "Synopsis of the Hemiptera of New Zealand, which have been described previous to 1896." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxx, pp. 167-187. 1897. "Synopsis of the Diptera bracycera of New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxin, pp. 1-95. 1900. "Additions to the Diptera Fauna of New Zealand." Trans N Z I vol. xxxiv, pp. 179-196. 1901. HUTTON, Captain F. W., F.R.S. and DRUMMOND, JAMES. "The Animals of New Zealand." Christ church. 1904. HUTTON, F. W. (Editor). "Index Faunae Nova Zealandia;." London. Dulau & Co. 1904. JAMESON, R. G. "New Zealand, South Australia and New South Wales; a record of recent travel in these colonies (1838-40)." London. 1842.' KERNER VON MARILAUN, ANTON. "Flowers and their unbidden guests " (Translated by Dr W. Ogle.) London. 1878. "The Natural History of Plants." Translated by F. W. Oliver. 2 vols. London. 1902. KEW, HARRY WALLIS. " The Dispersal of Shells." London. 1893. KINGSLEY, R. I. "On the occurrence of the Black Vine- Weevil (Otio- rhynchus sulcatus) in Nelson." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxn, pp. 338-340. "On the occurrence of Danais plexippus and Sphinx convolvuli (?) in Nelson." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxni, pp. 192-194. 1890. " Zoological Notes : (i) Arboreal Nests of Bush rats (Mus maorium)" Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvn, pp. 238, 239. 1894. " On the presence of some noxious weeds in Nelson district." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvii, p. 407. 1894. (The plants are Carduus arvensis and Melilotus arvensis.) KIRK, H. B. "On the occurrence of Starch and Glucose in Timber." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxvn, pp. 379, 380. 1904. KIRK, H. B. and BENDALL, W. E. "Report on Kapiti Island as a Plant and Animal Sanctuary." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. LI, pp. 468, 469. 1919. KIRK, THOMAS, F.L.S. "On the Botany of the Great Barrier Island." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. I, pp. 144-157. 1868. (Contains lists of naturalised plants at the Bay of Islands, and on the Great and Little Barrier Islands.) " On the occurrence of Orobanche, a genus new to the Flora of New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. n, p. 106. 1869. "Notes on the Botany of certain places in the Waikato district, April and May, 1870." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. in, pp. 142-147. 1870. "On the Flora of the Isthmus of Auckland, and the Takapuna District." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. in, pp. 148-161. 1870. "Notes on introduced Grasses in the Province of Auckland." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. iv, pp. 295-299. 1871. "Notes on the Naturalized Plants of the Chatham Islands." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. v, pp. 320-322. 1872. "Notes on the Flora of the Lake District of the North Island." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. v, pp. 322-345. 1872. "Contributions to the Botany of Otago." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. x, pp. 406-417. 1877. (List of naturalized plants at pp. 414-417.) "On the naturalized plants of Port Nicholson and the adjacent district." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. x, pp. 362-378. 1877. T.N.Z. 37 578 BIBLIOGRAPHY KIRK, THOMAS, F.L.S. "Notice of the occurrence of Lagenophora emphysopus and other recorded plants in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xn, pp. 397-399- l8 79- " New introduced plants." N.Z.Journ. of Science, vol. n, pp. 29-30. 1884. "On the naturalized Dodders and Broom-rapes of New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xx, pp. 182-185. 1887. "The Forest Flora of New Zealand." Wellington. 1889. "On New Zealand Sowthistles." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvi, pp. 263- 266. 1893. " Displacement of Species in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xxvni, pp. 1-27. 1895. "Notice of the occurrence of an undescribed Palm Lily on the Auckland Peninsula." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvin, pp. 508, 509. 1895. "The Students' Flora of New Zealand." Wellington. 1899. (Describes all the naturalised plants from Ranunculaceae to Compositae, inclusive.) KIRK, T. W. "Note on the occurrence of English butterflies in New Zealand." N.Z. Journ. of Science, vol. II, p. 169. 1884. " On the occurrence of the English Scaly Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xix, p. 67. 1886. "The Mole-cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris] in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xxi, pp. 233-235. 1888. "Note on the breeding habits of the European Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxin, pp. 108-110. 1890. (1891. Abstract of, and discussion on, N.Z. Journ. of Science, 1891, p. 9.) " On the occurrence ofXanthium strumarium, Linn, in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvi, pp. 310-313. 1893. KIRKCALDY, G. W. " Notes on the Hemiptera of the Index Faunae Novae- Zealandiae." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxvin, pp. 61, 62. 1905. "A list of the Hemiptera of the Maorian Sub-region." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. XLI, pp. 22-29. 1908. KNOX, F. J. "Observations on the Kiore or indigenous rat of New Zea- land." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. iv, p. 362. 1872. KNUTH, Dr PAUL. "Handbook of Flower Pollination." (Translated by J. R. Ainsworth Davies.) 3 vols. Oxford. 1906. LAING, R. M. and BLACKWELL, E. W. "Plants of New Zealand." Christ- church. 1906. LIFFITON, EDW. N. "Notes on the decrease of pheasants on the West Coast of the North Island." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxi, pp. 225, 226. 1888. LINDSAY, W. LAUDER. "Contributions to New Zealand Botany." Edin- burgh. Williams & Norgate. 1868. (Contains many references to introduced plants and weeds, but no definite lists or names of species.) LONG, HAROLD C. "Common weeds of the farm and garden." London. 1910. LONGMAN, HEBER A. " List of Australasian and Austro-Pacific Muridae." Brisbane. 1916. " Notes on classification of Common Rodents with list of Australian species." Melbourne. 1916. MACKAY, T. "On the American Blight on Apple Trees." (Trans. N.Z.I. vol. iv, pp. 429-432.) Wellington. 1871. McNAB, ROBERT. "Murihiku a history of the South Island of New BIBLIOGRAPHY 579 Zealand and the islands adjacent and lying to the South, from 1642 to 1835." Wellington. Whitcombe & Tombs. 1909. McNAB, ROBERT. "Murihiku, some old-time events." Gore. 1904. " Murihiku, some old-time events : being a series of 25 articles on the early history of the extreme southern portion of New Zealand." Gore. 1905. (The first 44 pages is a reprint of the 1904 edition.) "Murihiku and the Southern Islands: a History of the West Coast Sounds, Foveaux Strait, Stewart Island, the Snares, Bounty, Antipodes, Campbell and Macquarie Islands from 1770 to 1829." Invercargill. 1907. (Contains inter alia "Journal of Lieut. Menzies, the Botanist of Vancouver's Expedition, while at Dusky in 1791.") "Murihiku, a history of the South Island of New Zealand, and the isles adjacent and lying to the South, from 1642 to 1835." Wellington. 1909. "The Old Whaling Days, a history of Southern New Zealand from 1830 to 1840." Christchurch. 1913. Dui From Tasman to Marsden." Dunedin. 1914. MARRINER, GEORGE R. " On the presence of another Australian Frog in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxix, pp. 144-149. 1906. "Notes on the natural history of the Kea, with special reference to its reputed sheep-eating propensities." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxix, pp. 271-305. 1906. MARSDEN, Rev. S. "MS. Copy of a letter from the Rev. Samuel Marsden to the Governor of New South Wales, dated Paramatta, 3Oth May, 1815, being Report of his first visit to New Zealand." 1815. MARSHALL, P. "New Zealand Diptera." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvm, pp. 216-311. 1895. MARTIN, H. B. " Objections to the introduction of Beasts of Prey to destroy the Rabbit." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xvn, pp. 179-182. 1884. MASKELL, W. M. "An Aphidian insect infesting Pine Trees." N.Z. Journ. of Science, vol. n, pp. 291, 292, also Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xvn, pp. 13-19. 1884. "The Scale Insects (Coccidida;) of New Zealand." Wellington. 1887. " Further Coccid Notes: with descriptions of new species from New Zealand, Australia and Fiji." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxm, pp. 1-36. 1890. "Further Coccid Notes: with descriptions of new species, and re- marks on Coccids from New Zealand, Australia and elsewhere." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxiv, pp. 1-64. 1891. " Further Coccid Notes : with descriptions of several new species, and discussion of various points of interest." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvi, pp. 65-105. 1893. . XT Further Coccid Notes: with descriptions of new species from New Zealand Australia, Sandwich Islands, and elsewhere, and remarks upon many species already reported." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvii, pp. 36- - 5 " Synaptical list of Coccidae reported from Australasia and the Pacific Islands up to December, 1894." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xxvii, pp. 1-35. "Further Coccid Notes: with descriptions of new species, and dis- cussion of questions of interest." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvm, pp. 380-411. 1895. 372 580 BIBLIOGRAPHY MASKELL, W. M. " Further Coccid Notes : with descriptions of new species, and discussion of questions of interest." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxix, pp. 293-331. 1896. "Further Coccid Notes: with description of new species, and dis- cussion of points of interest." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxx, pp. 219-252. 1897. MEADE, The Hon. HERBERT, R.N. "A ride through the disturbed districts of New Zealand, &c." London. 1871. MEESON, JOHN. "The plague of Rats in Nelson and Marlborough." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xvn, p. 199. 1884. MESTAYER, Miss M. K. "The occasional occurrence of Australian and South Sea Island Molluscs in New Zealand." N.Z. Journal of Science and Technology, vol. I, pp. 102-104. 1918. MEYRICK, E. "On New Zealand Micro-Lepidoptera." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xvi, pp. 2-49. 1883. "Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-Lepidoptera." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xvm, pp. 162-183. 1885. "Notes on New Zealand Pyralidina." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xx, pp. 62- 73- 1887. "Revision of New Zealand Tineina." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XLVII, pp. 205-244. 1914. "Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-Lepidoptera." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xxi, pp. 154-188. 1888. MIERS, EDWARD J. " Catalogue of the Stalk- and Sessile-eyed Crustacea of New Zealand." London. 1876. MILLER, DAVID. " Bionomic observations on certain New Zealand Diptera." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XLII, pp. 226-235. 1910. MILLER, DAVID and MORRIS N. WATT. "Contributions to the study of New Zealand Entomology, from an economical and biological stand- point." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XLVII, pp. 274-284. 1914. MONIEZ, R. "Sur quelques Arthropodes trouves dans des fourmilieres." La Revue Biologique du Nord de la France, vol. vi, pp. 201215. 1894. MOTTRAM, J. C. "Some observations on the Feeding-habits of Fish and Birds, with special reference to Warning, Coloration and Mimicry." Journal Linn. Soc. vol. xxxiv, pp. 47-60. 1918. MULLER, HERMANN. "The Fertilisation of Flowers." (Translated by D'Arcy W. Thompson.) London. 1883. MURISON, W. D. "Appendix to paper 'on the New Zealand Wild Dog' by R. Gillies." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. x, pp. 306-324. 1877. MUSGRAVE, Captain JOHN. " Castaway on the Auckland Islands." Narrative of the wreck of the schooner ' Grafton ' ; from the Journals of." Edited by John L. Shillinglaw. London. 1866. MUSSON, CHARLES T. " On the naturalised forms of land and fresh-water mollusca in Australasia." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. v (series 2nd), pp. 883-896. 1890. Nelson Acclimatisation Society. Annual Reports from 1911 to 1918. NEUMANN, L. G. "A treatise on the parasites and parasitic diseases of the domesticated animals." London. 1905. NICHOLAS, JOHN LIDDIARD. "Narrative of a voyage to New Zealand, per- formed in the years 1814 and 1815, in company with the Rev. Samuel Marsden." London. 1817. NICOLS, ARTHUR. " The Acclimatisation of the Salmonidae at the Antipodes, its History and Results." London. 1882. BIBLIOGRAPHY 581 North Canterbury Acclimatisation Society. Annual Reports from the com- mencement in 1864 to 1919 (inclusive). Otago Acclimatisation Society. Annual Reports from the commencement in 1865 to 1919 (inclusive). PASCOE, FRANCIS P. "Descriptions of new genera and species of New Zealand Coleoptera." (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Sept. 1875 ***& ^ an - 1876.) Trans. N.Z.I, vol. ix, pp. 402-427. 1876. PETIT-THOUARS, ABEL DU. "Voyage autour du Monde sur la Fregate 'La Venus' pendant les Annees 1836-1839, &c." Relation, Tome in. Paris. 1841. PETRIE, D. "Some effects of the Rabbit Pest." N Z. Journ. of Science, vol. i, pp. 412-414. 1883. "On the naturalisation of Calluna vulgaris, Salisb., in the Taupo district." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XLII, p. 199. 1909. " Report on the Grass-denuded lands of Central Otago." N.Z. Dept. of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 23. 1912. PHILLIPS, ERNEST. "Trout in Lakes and Reservoirs." London. 1914. PHILLIPS, COLEMAN. "Rabbit disease in the Wairarapa." Trans. N.Z.L vol. xxi, pp. 429-438. 1888. "Rabbit-disease in the South Wairarapa." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxii, pp. 308-325. 1889. PHILPOTT, ALFRED. "Notes on certain introduced birds in Southland." The N.Z. Journal of Science and Technology, vol. I, pp. 328-330. 1918. POLACK, J. S. "New Zealand: being a narrative of travels and adventures during a residence in that country between the years 1831 and 1837." New edition. 2 vols. London, Richard Bentley. 1839. POPPELWELL, D. L. "Plant Covering; Codfish Island and Ragged Island." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XLIV, pp. 76-85. 1911. "Notes on the plant-covering of the Breaksea Islands, Stewart Island." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. XLVIII, pp. 246-252. 1915. POTTER, A. T. "On the habits of Dermestes vulpinus" Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xxxi, pp. 104-105. 1895. POTTS, T. H. " On recent changes in the Fauna of New Zealand." Letter in the "Field," Dec. i2th, 1872. (Reprinted in Christchurch, 1874.) " On the Birds of New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. vi, pp. l8 73- " Out in the Open, a budget of scraps of natural history gathered in New Zealand." Christchurch. 1882. "Some introduced birds in New Zealand." The Zoologist, vol. viii, pp. 448-450. 1884. PURDIE, ALEXANDER. "Dermestes introduced." N.Z. Journ. of Science, vol. n, pp. 166, 167. 1884. REISCHEK, A. "Notes on the habits of the Polecat, Ferret, Mongoose, Stoat and Weasel." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xvm, p. no. 1885. (Refers only to their habits in Europe.) RUTHERFORD, A. J. " Notes on Salmonidae and their new home in the bouth Pacific." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxm, pp. 240-249. 1901. RUTLAND, JOSHUA. "On the habits of the New Zealand Bush-rat (MM Maorium)." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxii, pp. 3-37- l88 9- SAND ACER F "Observations on the Mokohinou Islands and the birds which visit them." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxii, pp. 286-294. 1889. (List of introduced visitants at p. 294.) 582 BIBLIOGRAPHY SANDAGER, F. "Note on some sea-trout (Salmon or Salmon-trout?)." Trans. N.Z.L vol. xxv, p. 254. 1892. SEEBOHM, HENRY. " Siberia in Europe." London. 1880. " Siberia in Asia." London. 1882. SHORTLAND, EDWARD. " The Southern Districts of New Zealand." London. 1851. SLADEN, F. W. L. "The Humble Bee." London. 1912. SMITH, W. W. "Notes on New Zealand Earthworms." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xix, p. 123. 1886. "Notes on Eristalis tenax in New Zealand. Entom. Monthly Mag. vol. xxvi, pp. 240-242. 1890. " Further notes on New Zealand Earthworms, with observations on the known aquatic species." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxv, pp. 111-146. 1892. (Contains a list of introduced species at p. 117.) " Notes on certain species of New Zealand birds." Ibis, ser. vi, vol. v, PP- 509-5 2 r - l8 93- "Further notes on New Zealand Earthworms." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxvi, pp. 155-175- l8 93- " Musca (Calliphord) vomitoria in New Zealand." Entom. Monthly Mag. vol. xxx, pp. 54-57. 1894. "Enemies of Humble Bees ii in New Zealand." The Entomologist, vol. xxix, pp. 210, 211. 1896. "Notes on Phytomyza nigricornis ." The Entomologist, vol. xxx, p. 317. 1897. " On the habits of Liothula omnivora, Fereday." Entom. Monthly Mag. vol. xxxiv, pp. 125-127. 1898. - "On mites attacking beetles and moths." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxiv, pp. 199-201. 1901. "Plants naturalised in the County of Ashburton." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xxxvi, pp. 203-225. 1903. Southland Acclimatisation Society, Annual Reports from 1867-1919. STURM, F. W. C. "Further notes on Danais berenice" Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xi, p. 305. 1878. SUTER, H. " List of the introduced land and fresh-water Mollusca of New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxiv, pp. 279-281. 1891. " Manual of the New Zealand Mollusca." Wellington. 1913. TANCRED, Sir THOMAS. "Notes on the Natural History of the Province of Canterbury, in the Middle Island of New Zealand." Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, No. 5, vol. in, Jan. i8th. 1856. Taranaki Acclimatisation Society. Annual Reports (MS.) from the com- mencement in 1874 to 1915. (Some of the earlier reports were not well kept, and contain little or no information.) TAYLOR, Rev. RICHARD. "Te Ika A Maui or New Zealand and its in- habitants." London. 1855. ( 2n d edition, 1870.) "The Past and Present of New Zealand." London. 1868. TERRY, CHARLES, F.R.S. "New Zealand; its advantages and prospects as a British Colony." London. 1842. THOMSON, ARTHUR S. "The Story of New Zealand." 2 vols. London. 1859. THOMSON, G. M. "On some naturalized plants of Otago." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. vi, pp. 446, 447. 1873. " On some of the naturalized plants of Otago." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. vn, PP- 370-375- l8 74- BIBLIOGRAPHY S 8 3 THOMSON , G. M "The Rabbit Pest." N.Z. Journ. of Science, vol. n pp. 79, 80. 1884. - '' trouced1othsin New Zealand." N.Z. Journ. of Science, vol. n, Introduced Plants of Otago." N.Z. Journ. of Science, vol. n -, 573. 574- 1885. - - ' On some aspects of acclimatisation in New Zealand." Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, vol. in, p. 104 1801 - "Plant-acclimatisation in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol xxxm pp. 306-311. 1900. - - "A New Zealand Naturalist's Calendar, and Notes by the Wayside." Dunedm. 1909. TILL YARD, R. J. " Neuropteroid Insects of the Hot Springs Region New Zealand, in relation to the problem of Trout-food." N.Z. Journal of Science and Technology, vol. in, pp. 271-279. 1921. TOWNSON, W. "On the vegetation of the Westport District." Trans N.Z.I, vol. xxxix, pp. 380-433. 1906. TRAVERS, W. T. L. " On the changes effected in the natural features of a new country by the introduction of civilized races." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. n, pp. 299-330. 1869. - "Notes on the Chatham Islands, extracted from letters from H. H. Travers." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. iv, pp. 63-66. 1871. - Presidential Address to the Wellington Philosophical Society ist July, 1871. Trans. N.Z.I, vol. iv, pp. 356-362. 1871. - " The Bird as the labourer of Man." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxv, pp. i- n. 1902. URQUHART, A. T. "Notes on Epacris microphylla in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xiv, pp. 364, 365. 1881. - - "On the natural spread of the Eucalyptus in the Karaka district." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xvi, p. 383. 1883. - "On the habits of Earthworms in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xvi, pp. 266-275. 1883. - "On new species of Araneidas." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xix, pp. 72-118. - "On the work of Earthworms in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I. vol. xix, p. 119. 1886. - " Catalogue of the described species of New Zealand Araneidae " Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxiv, pp. 220-230. 1891. Veterinary Science, Division of. Bulletins 1-15. Issued by Agricultural Department of N.Z. Wellington. 1903-1909. Waitaki. Waimate Acclimatisation Society : Annual Reports and Minute Books from the commencement in 1877 to the end of 1890. WAITE, EDGAR R. "On the habits of the Sydney Bush Rat (Mus arboricola)." Proc. Zool. Soc. 1897, p. 857. WAKEFIELD, C. M. "Remarks on the Coleoptera of Canterbury, New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. v, pp. 294-304. 1872. - "Note on the occurrence of Dermestes lardarius and Phoracantha recurva in Canterbury, New Zealand. "Trans. N.Z.I. vol. vi, p. 153. 1873. - "Notes upon certain recently-described new genera and species of Coleoptera from Canterbury, New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. vi, pp. 155-157. 1873. WAKEFIELD, E. JERNINGHAM. "Adventure in New Zealand from 1839 to 1844." Christchurch. 1908. 584 BIBLIOGRAPHY WALLACE, ALFRED RUSSELL. "Island Life." 3rd edition. London. Macmillan & Co. 1902. "Darwinism." 3rd edition. London. 1905. WALSH, Rev. P. "The effect of Deer on the New Zealand Bush; a plea for the protection of our forest reserves." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxv, PP- 435-43 8 - l8 9 2 - "On the occurrence of Cordyline terminalis in New Zealand." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxin, pp. 301-306. 1900. "The cultivation and treatment of the Kumara by the primitive Maories." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xxxv, pp. 12-24. 1902. Wellington Acclimatisation Society. Annual Reports, from commence- ment in 1884 to 1915. WELLS, B. "The History of Taranaki." New Plymouth. 1878. Westland Acclimatisation Society. Annual Reports and Minute Books from the commencement in 1887 to 1914 (inclusive). WHITE, JOHN. "The Ancient History of the Maori." 6 vols. Wellington. 1888. WHITE, TAYLOR. " Note accompanying specimens of the Black Rat (Mus rattus, L.)." Trans. N.Z.I, vol. xi, pp. 343, 344. 1878. "Description of hybrid Ducks, bred from Common Duck (A. boschus) ? and Grey Duck (A.superciliosus) roHnitt carasnus, 250; fC. carpio, 240 pacificus, 3 unipunctatus, 524 ow &OVM, 353; f^ 352; fC. fasciolaris, mediocanellatee, 353 ; fC 353 J fC. temticollis, 352 ' albidus, 393; JC. ceUulosa, 353; fC. pisiformis, 393; aus, 393; . at, 393 . candicans, 394; JC. capensis 393 ; JC. jcoporiitf, 393, 553 . nudus, 347 candidus, 376 Dace, 252 \Dacelogigas, 137 - \Dacnusa sonckivorus, 271, 317 JDacfy/w glomerata, 494 ^Dactylopius adonidum, 289, 336; f^- aunlanatus, 525 ; f^- coccus, 337 t-Dacus psidii, 315 t/)o^/a acuta, 99, 537 Daisy, 428; ox-eye, 431 Dame's rocket, 371 \-Damonica reevesii, 178 \Danaida chrysippus, 299; f-D- erippus, 299; ^D.plexippus, 299 Dandelion, 533 \Danthonia semtannularis spreading in Auckland, 531; in Marlborough, 534 Darnel, 499 SDasyneura pyri, 3 1 2 Dasyurus viverrimus, 33 Datura Stramonium, 453 Dowciw Corora, 417; t/). brachiatus spread by animals, 523 \Daulias luscinia, 148, 536 Deadly nightshade, 452 Dead-nettle, purple, 462; white, 462 Dead-sea apple, 448 Death-watch, 292 ; lesser, 270 38 594 INDEX OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS Deer, axis, 48; black-tailed, 50; fallow, 47; Japanese, 50; mule, 50; red, 41; sambur, 49; South American, 50; Virginian, 50; Wapiti, 49; white-tailed, 50 J Delphinium Ajacis, 366 ^Demodex folliculorum, 345 ; \D. phyl- loides, 345 \-Dendrobezna rubida, 360 \Deopeia pulchella, 302 Deptford pink, 380 \-Dermanyssus gaUince, 348 \Dermestes lardarius, 291 ; ^D. vulpinus, 290, 294 Devil-in-a-bush, 366 \Dexia rubricarinata, 319 Diamond-back moth, 308 \Diantkus Armeria, 380; %D. barbatus, 380 "fDiaspis boisduvalli, 331 ; "\D. rosce, 331 ; fZ). santali, 525 \Dichogaster modigliani, 358; fZ). ma- layana, 358; fZ). sylvatica, 359 Digger's weed, 443 ^.Digitalis purpurea, 456, 554 ^.Digitaria humifusa, 487; JZ). sangta nalis, 487 %Dioscorea alata, 480 ^Diplocephalus cristatus, 344 \Diplopseustis perieralis, 304 ^.Diplotaxis muralis, 375 IDipsacus Fullonum, 420 ; JZ>. sylvestris, 420 \Discaria , spread of, 531 fD/sfowMW hepaticum, 351 Doab-grass, 493 Dock, common, 466, 553 ; curled, 467 ; spiny, 468 Dodder, clover, 447, 553; flax, 447; lesser, 447 Dog, wild, 64 Dog-louse, 269 ; rose, 407 Dog's mercury, 473 %Dolichos lignosus, 402 ; JZ). Lablab, 402 ^Doticus pestilens, 297 Dove, Cape, 136; Harlequin, 136; Indian, 135 ; Java, 136; little turtle, 135; Moreton Bay, 136; New Caledonia green, 135; Queensland, 135; ring, 133; rock, 134; turtle, *33 %Draba verna, 371 Dragon-flies and bees, 280 Dried-apple beetle, 297 \Drosophila ampelophila, 315 Drug-store beetle, 293 Duck, American black, 102; American wood, 103 ; black Indian, 103 ; canvas-back, 99; English pochard, 99> 537; English teal, 100; English wild, 101 ; Gad well's, 101 ; Korean, 101 ; mandarin, 103 ; Muscovy, 99; native brown, 100; native grey, 100; paradise, 100; pintail, 99, 537; tufted, 103 Ducks, disappearance of, before black swans, 107 Dunbird, 99 Dyer's weed, 378 Ear-cockle, 357 Earthworms, 35861 Earwig, 266 %Echinochloa crus-galli, 488 fEchinococcus polymorphic, 352; -\E. veterinorum, 352 ^Echinorhynchus gigas, 358 \Echium plantagineum, 445 ; %E. viola- ceum, 445, 554; IE. vulgare, 445, \Eclipta alba, 429 ; \E. erecta, 429 Eels, 187; movements to sea, 538 Eelworm, beet, 358; cucumber, 358; potato, 357 ; stem, 357 ; tomato, 358 %Eichhornia crassipes, 484 fEiseniafcetida, 360; -\E. rosea, 360 \Eiseniella tetrcedra, 359 \Elater sp., 348 Elderberry, 418, 554; red-berried, 418 %Eleusine coracana, 492; %E. indica, 492 Elk, 49 iElodea canadensis, 370, 478 Elymus arenarius, 500 Emberiza cirlus, 175, 540 ; \E. citrinella, 176, 540; -\E. hortulana, 176; f^- schceniclus, 175 \Emex australis, 468 \Empoasca australis, 561 Emu, 99 \Endrosis fenestrella, 307 ; \E. lactcella, 307 \Entelea arborescens destroyed by cattle, etc., 518 \Entodon epigonus, 558 \Entomobrya multifasciata, 266 \.Epacris microphylla, 440 ; %E. pulchella, 440 ; %E. purpurascens , 439 \-Ephestia kuehniella, 304 \Epimys norvegicus, 81 ; fZ^. rattus, 78 \Equus caballus, 39; f". zebra, 40 \Eragrostis Brownii, 494; %E. major, 493 ; %E. minor, 494 \Erechtites Atkinsonies, 435 ; %E. valeri- aneefolia, 435 ^Ericusa sowerbyi, 258 \.Erigeron annuus, 428; %E. canadensis, 427 ; %E. linifolius, 427 \Erinaceus europeeus, 96 \Eriocampa adumbrata, 270; f. lima- cina, 270, 283 "\Eriococcus araucariee, 289, 337 ; \E. coriaceus, 288, 289, 410, 411 \Eripphyes pyri, 348 \Eriosoma lanigera, 330 \Eristalis tenax, 314 \Eritheecus rubecula, 147, 537 Ermine, 70 %Erodium cicutarium, 388; %E. mala- choides, 388; JZ?. maritimum, 388; ^E. moschatum, 388 \Erophila verna, 371 \Eruca sativa, 375 \Erysimum officinale, 372 INDEX OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS 595 j-Erythrtea australis, 442; %E. Cen- taurium, 442 ^.Escallonia macrantha, 562 \Eschscholtzia calif ornica, 368 ^Estrelda temporalis, 163 ^.Eucalyptus amygdalina, 410; JJ?. cocci- fera, 410; %E. globulus, 411; JF,. Gunnii, 411; JF,. hcemastoma, 411; JF. Macarthuri, 41 1 ; JF. numerosa, 410; JF. obliqua, 410; ^E.piperita, 410; JF. radiata, 410; JF. regnans, 410; JF. Stuartiana, 411; JF. viminalis, 411 "\Eudrilus eugenics, 359 \Eulophus albitarsis, 271 ^Eunetta falcata, 101 ^.Euphorbia cyperissias, 473; JF. Helio- scopia, 472 ; t^- hyperictfolia, 473 ; JF. Lathyris, 472; JF. ovalifolia, 473 ; JF. Peplus, 472 ; JF. segetalis, 473 Euro, 28 tFwxo/iw viridis, 470 Evening primrose, 412 fFtfajref a spiniger, 313 \Exalphatoriasinensis, 118 ^.Faba vulgarts, 402 \Fagopyrum esculentum, 466 fj^a/co novce-zealandice , 151 Fallow-deer, 47 False acacia, 400 \-Fannia canicularis, 317 j-Fosao/a hepatica, 351 Fat-hen, 470, 554 \Fedia olitoria, 420 ' 61 Fennel, 416, 554 Fern-bird, Chatham Island, 507; royal, 501 Ferret, 70 Fescue, meadow, 496; sheep's, 496 \Festuca bromoides, 496 ; JF. elatior, 496 ; JF. Myurus, 496; JF. ovina, 496; JF. pratensis, 496 ; JF. n/ftro, 496 ; JF. sciur aides, 496 Feverfew, 431 ~[Ficus Carica, 474 Field cricket, 268; madder, 419 \Filaria immitis, 357 Finch, bramble, 171 ; chestnut-breasted, 163; chestnut-eared, 164; firetail, 164; red-browed, 163; spotted- sided, 163; temporal, 163; white- headed, 163; zebra, 164 Fiorin, 491 Fire-brat, 266 Fishes, native species of, 506 Fish-moth, 265 Flag-lily, 479 Flax, common, purging, 387 Flax-grubs, 512 Flea-bane, Canadian, 427 Flea, bird, 326; common, 324; and cat, 325; rat, 325, 326 386; heath, 387; dog Flesh-fly, 319 Flix-weed, 371 Flounders holding-up their ova, 257 Flour moth, 304 Fly,bitinghouse,322 ; chrysanthemum, 317; cineraria, 317; drone, 314; European blow, 320; flesh, 319; fruit, 315 ; golden-haired blow, 321 ; green-bottle, 321 ; guava fruit, 315; Hessian, 311; horse bot, 323; house, 319; little house, 317; Marguerite, 317; Mediterranean fruit, 316; narcissus, 315; New Hebrides fruit, 316; ox- warble, 324; pomace, 315; Queensland fruit, 316; sheep-maggot, 321, 322; sheep nasal bot, 323 ; stable, 320, 322; tomato fruit, 316 Fly, disappearance of native, 509 \Fceniculum vulgare, 416, 554 Fog, Yorkshire, 492 ^Forficula auricularia, 266 Forget-me-not, 444 Fowl, common, first introduction of, 109 Fox, proposal to introduce, 542 ; legisla- tion against, 545 Foxglove, 456, 554 Foxtail, field, 490; meadow, 490; slender, 490 \Fragaria elatior, 406 ; JF. vesca, 406 \Fretum novaree, 264 \Fringilla caelebs, 170, 539; -\F. monti- fringilla, 171, 536 Frog, Australian brown, 181; A. climbing, 181; A. green, 179; European brown, 182; grass, 182; whistling, 181 ^Fuchsia Riccartoni, 563 fFu/tca australis, 129 \Fuligula cristata, 103 IFumaria muralis, 369; JF. officinalis, 369 Fumitory, 309 Furze, 392 ; prevention of, 543 Gadwall duck, 101, 537 ^Galaxias attenuatus, 187; ^G. kokopu, \Galega officinalis, 400 \Galeopsis Tetr afrit, 462 iGaliumAparine,4i9 ; JG. Mollugo,^ig; IG. palustre, 419; JG. pansieme, 419; JG. verum, 419 ^Galleria mellonella, 304 IGallinsoga parviflora, 429 ^Callus bankiva, 109 Garlic, crow-, 482; sweet-scented, 483 \Gasterosteus aculeatus, 253 \Gastridium australe, 491 ; JG. lant- gerum, 491 ; JG. lendigerum, 491 \Gastrodia Cunninghamii, 519 }Gastrophilus equi, 323; fG. htemor- rhoidalis, 323 ; |G. nasalis, 324 Gean, 405 ^Genneeus nycthemerus, 117 \Geopelia cuneata, 136 38-2 596 INDEX OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS Gold 3 .; \Geophaps scripta, 136 \Geoplana ccerulea, 350; ^G. sanguinea, 35p ^Geotria chilensis, 187 ^Geranium lucidum, 387; JG. molle, 388 ; IG.pratense, 387 ; JG. Roberti- anum, 387; scarlet, 389 German lake trout, 223 Gid, 352 Gilia ccerulea, 443 ; JG. squarrosa, 443 Gladiolus byzantinus, 480 Glaucium flavum, 368, 534 Glaucopis cinerea, 507 ; fG. wilsoni, 507 Glyceria aquatica, 495; JG. fluitans, 496; JG. rigida, 497 \Glyciphagus domesticus, 347; fG. ru- norum, 347 %Gnaphalium germanicum, 433 ; JG. />wr- pureum, 432 \Gnathocerus cornutus, 296 Goat, Angora, 59 ; Cashmere, 59 ; first introduction of, 15; Himalayan, 60 ; wild, 57 Goats-beard, 437; rue, 400 \-Gobiofluviatilis, 251 Golden-eye duck, 103; plover, 130, -eye, 161; of pleasure, 372; fish, Goldfinch, 173 ; and strawberries, 406; change of colour in, 514; migratory races of, 537 \Gomphocarpus fruticosus , 442 ^Goniodes dissimilis, 269 \Gonipterus reticulatus, 298 Good King Henry, 470 Goose, Adelaide, 1 06; Australian wild, 106; black brant, 104; brent, 104; Cape, 103; Cape Barren, 106; Chinese, 105 ; common, 105 ; Egyp- tian, 103; grey lag, 105; Maine, 104; maned, 106; Oregon wild, 1 06; Sandwich Island, 104; white- fronted, 1 06, 536 Goose, first animal introduced into New Zealand of set purpose, 14 Goose-berry, 409; foot, 470; grass, 419 Gorse, 392; prevention of, 543, 553 Gourami, 255 Gourd, 412 Gowan, 428 Grain weevil, 298 \Grallina australis, 151 Grape-vine, 390 Grass, annual meadow, 495; barley, 501; beard, 490; blue-eyed, 479; buffalo, 488; canary, 489; cocks- foot, 494; cockspur, 488; couch, 495, 499; crab, 487; doab, 493; dog's tail, 494;* downy oat, 493; field brome, 498; fine bent, 491; hair, 492; hare's tail, 491; Italian rye, 498; kangaroo, 487; lesser trembling, 494; marram, 491; meadow, 495 ; millet, 490; nit, 491 ; nut, 486 ; reed, 489, 495 ; rye, 498 ; sea-lyme, 500 ; smooth brome, 497 ; soft, 492 ; soft brome, 497 ; squirrel- tail, 501 ; sterile brome, 495 ; sweet vernal, 489 ; tall oat, 493 ; trembling, 494 ; wavy hair, 492 ; wild oat, 493 ; yellow oat, 493 Grass-caterpillar, 524; grub, 512; moth, 524 Grayling, native, 187, 230, 508; dis- appearance of, 509 Greasy cutworm, 524 Greenfinch, 174, 537; plover, 130 Grey plover, 131, 537 Gromwell, corn, 444 Ground ivy, 461 Groundsel, 433 ; climbing, 434 Grouse, black, 128; common, 128 ; pintail sand, 132; pointed-tailed, 129 \Gryllotalpa vulgaris, 269 \Gryllus servillei, 268 Guava fruit-fly, 315 Gudgeon, 251 Guimauve, 385 Guinea fowl, 108; driving off native hawks, 510 Guinea-pig, 85 Gum, blue, 411; peppermint, 410; red, 411 ; white, 411 \Gymnorhina leuconota, 151, 539 \Heemaphysalis bispinosa, 347 ; ^H. punc- tata, 348 ^Heematopinus asini, 339; f/f. eury- sternus, 339; ^H. macrocephalus , 339; -\H. ovillus, 339; -\H. pedalis f 339; ^H. piliferus, 339; -\H. suis, 339 ; t#- tenuirostris, 339 ; ^H. urius y 339 ; \H . ventricosus, 339 ; -\H. vituli, .339 Hair-grass, 492 Hairy oat, 493 IHakea aticularis, 472, 554; J#. saligna^ 472 Hakihaki, 345 f Halter ophora capitata, 316, 550 Ham -beetle, 294 Hare, 94; destroyed by harrier hawks, 510 Hare's ear, 414; tail grass, 491 Havers, 493 Hawk, harrier, destroying partridges, 123 ; increase of, 510 ; quail, resisted by Australian magpies, 151 Hawk-bit, 437 ; autumnal, 437 ; weed, Hawk's beard, 438 Hawthorn, 408 Heartsease, 378 Heather, 440 \Hedera helix, 417 Hedgehog, 96 Hedge-mustard, 371; parsley, 417; sparrow, 148, 537 \tieleniwn quadridentatum, 429 \Helianthus annuus, 428 ; J/f. tuberosus f 428 INDEX OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS 597 \Helicella caperata, 262 \Helichrysum cymosum, 432 ^Helicostyla daphnis, 263 ; \H.fulgetrum, 263 ; \H. tricolor, 262 \Helipihis armigera, 300 \Helix aspersa, 261, 262; ^H. caperata, 262 ; \H. hortensis, 262 \Helminthia echioides, 437 ^Helodrilus caliginosus, 360; ffl". co- strictus, 360; f/f. rubidus, 360 Hemlock, 414, 554 Hemp-nettle, 462 Henbane, 453 \Hepialis virescens attacking introduced trees, 523 Herb Robert, 387 ^.Herniaria hirsute, 469 \Herodias timoriensis , 507 Heron, white, 507 Herring, 185; cisco, 249 \Hesperis matronalis, 371 Hessian fly, 311 \Heterakis papillosa, 354; ^H. perspi- cillum, 354 \-Heteralocha acutirostns, 507 \Heterpdera radicicola, 358 ; \H. schach- tii, 358 ^Hibiscus, native species destroyed by cattle, etc., 517 \Hieracium aurantiacum, 439 \Hippodamia convergeus, 288 \Hirudo medicinalis, 361 \Hirundo neoxena, 150 Hive-bee, 279, 559 IHolcus lanatus, 492, 529; %H. mollis, 492, 529 \Homalomyia camculans, 317 \Homalota sordida, 285 \Homarus vulgaris, 341, 548 Hop, 473 \Hordeum distichum, 501 ; %H. manti- mum, 501 ; %H. murinum, 501 ; %H. vulgare, 500 Horehound, 461 Horse, 39; louse, 339; radish, 371 Hottentot fig, 414 House-fly, biting, 322; common, 319; little, 317 Hue, 412 Huia, disappearance of, 507 Humble-bee, 273 \Humuliis lupulus, 473 \Hyalina alliaria, 261 ; ^H. cellaria, 261 ; \H. crystalline, 261 Hydatid cists, 352 \Hydrobius assimilis, 285 IHydrodeis nymphceoides, 481 \Hydrocotyle vulgaris, 414 }Hyla aurea, 179; t#- caerulea (?), 181 ; f#. ewingii, 181 \Hylotrupes bajalus, 297 \Hymeniafascialis, 304 \Hyoscyamus niger, 453 \Hypericum Androscemum, 384, 554; IH. humifusum, 385, 554! % H - P^' foratum, 384, 554! 1 H - montanum, 385 \Hypharpax australis, 284 ; f# atutral- asiee, 284 %Hypochceris glabra, 436 ; J//. radicata, T 436,526,527,530,533 \Hypoderma bows, 324 \Hypotcenidiapftilippinensis, 130 Alberts amara, 377 \Iceryapurchasi, 288, 337 Ichneumon wasps, 271, 305, 306 Indian corn, 489; fig, 414; shot, 478 %Indigofera viscosa, 400 Ink-weed, 471 Insects, disappearance of, 505; native species of, 506, 507 Internal mite of fowls, 347 \Ionidium filiforme, 379 \Ipamcea batatas, 446 \Iris germanica, 479; \l. susiana, 479; J/. pseud-acorus, 479 \Isaria farinosa, 306 t/sowie*ritt thorelli, 344 Itch-mite, 345 Ivy, 417 ricinus, 347 Jackdaw, 154 Japanese minnow, 251 ; tortoise, 178 ^Jasione montana, 439 ^Jatropha Curcas, 473 Jerusalem artichoke, 428 jjuglans regia, 475 Jumping anthribid, 297 tJuncus Gerhardi, 484 ; JJ. glaucus, 484 ; JJ. obtusiflorus, 484 Jungle cock, 109 fjwnom'a vellida, 300 Kaka, 507 Kakapo, 507 Kangaroo, 27 ; grass, 487 ; rat, 28 Karaka, 12, 391 Kea, 56 Ked, 324 Kidney-bean, 402 ; vetch, 399 Kiore, 76 Kiwi, 507 Knapweed, 421 Knot-grass, 465 Kokopu(ru), 187, 508 Kumara, 12, 446 Kutu, 338 IKyllingia brevifolia, 563 \Lacerta vivipara, 178 \Lachnus strobi, 330 \Lacon variabilis, 294 \Lactuca muralis, 438 ; JL. saligna, 437 ; JL. iaftwa, 438; JL. scariola, 438 Ladybirds, 287-9 ^Lamosthenes complanatus, 285 tLa^ffnon'a vulgans, 412 ^Lagopus mutus, 129; f^- scoticus, 128 Lake Blagdon trout, 222; L. Tahoe. 231 fLoma kuanacos, 39 INDEX OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS Lamb's lettuce, 420 %Lamium album, 462; %L. amplexicaule, 462; JZ,. maculatum, 462; JZ.. pur- pureum, 462 Lamprey, native, 187, 538 ^Lampria eenea, 313 \Lamprogaster ccerulea, 318; fZ.. strigi- pennis, 318 ILampronia rubiella, 311 Lantana Camara, 463 Lapsana communis, 435 ; } Lapwing, 130 Lark, Californian meadow, 164; native ground, 164; sky, 142; wood, 140 Larkspur, 366 "^Laspeyresia pomonella, 305 \Lathyrus latifolius, 403 ; %L. Nissolia, 403 ; JL. odoratus, 403 ; JL. />ra- tensis, 403 Laughing jackass, 137; owl, destroying Maori rats, 78 %Lavatera arbor ea, 385 \Lecamum chirimolue, 334; fZ.. depres- sun *, 335; fZ'. hemisphericum, 335; fZ,. hesperidium, 289, 334; f-" hibernaculorum, 335; fL. hispidum, 334; fZ,. longulum, 334; fZ.. won, 334; fZ-. nigrum, 335; f^-- ^> 335 ; fZ,. now, 335 Leech, medicinal, 361 ; sawfly, 270 Leek, 482 \Leis conformis, 288 Lemon scale, 332 %Lens esculenta, 402 Lentil, common, 402 %Leontodon autumnalis, 437; JZ,. hirtus, 437; JZ,. hispidus, 437 "^Lephthyphantes tenuis, 345 \Lepidium campestre, 376; JL. Draba, 376; JL. hirtum, 376; JL. olera- ceum, destroyed locally, 517; JX. ruderale, 376; JL. Smithii, 376; JL. sativum, 377 ^Lepidosaphes nullipora, 332 ; fZ.. pinnee- formis, 332; |L. u/ra, 332 \Lepisma saccharina, 265 nw incurvatus, 499 fL/)W5 cuniculus, 85 ; f.L. europceus, 95 Lesser white-fish, 249 Lettuce, garden, 438; wall, 438; willow, 437 tLwcam'a purdiei, 318 \Leuciscus erythrocephalus, 252; f. ^- ciscus, 252 ; f" rutilus, 253 ; fL. phoxinus, 253 ^Leucosarcia picata, 133 \Leycesteriafarmosa, 418 \Ligurinus Moris, 174, 537 %Ligusticum Scoticum, 416 \Ligustrum vulgare, 441 Lilac, 454 "\Limax flavus, 260; "fi/. maximus, 260 t-Limn ilybeus, 289, 336 ; fO. austra- lasice, 289 \Oreortyx pictus, 119 \Ornithopus perpusillus, 400 \Orobanche minor, 458 ^Orthodera mimstralis, 268 Ortolan, 176 \Ortyx virginiana, 127 \Osmosita colon, 286 \Osmunda regalis, 501 \Osphromenus olfax, 255 !Ostearius, 344 Osteospermum moniliferum, 435 Ostrea edulis, 264 ^Otiorhynchus sulcatus, 297 \Otoclasium cyaneum, 360 lOttelia ovaUfolia, 478 fOn's sp., 53 ; fO. nayaur, 56 Owl, Australian, 140; barn, 138; Boobook, 140; brown, 138; laugh- ing, 507 ; wood, 140 alis cernua, 389 ; JO. compressa, 389 ; JO. hirta, 390; JO. rosea, 390; JO. variabilis, 390 Ox-eye daisy, 431, 553 Ox-louse, 269; tongue, 437; warble- fly, 324 macrocarpus, 440 INDEX OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS 601 \Oxyops concrete, 299 \Oxytelus rugosus, 285 -f Oxyuris curvula, 354 Oysters, 264 Paddy bird, 163 Pademelon wallaby, 27 ^Parncum colonum, 488 ; JP. Crus-galli, 488 ; IP.glabrum, 487 ; IP.glaucum, 488; %P. Linderheimeri, 488; %P. miliaceum, 487 Pansy, 378 \Papaver Argemone, 367; JP. dubium, 367 ; JP. horridum, 367 ; JP. Rhoeus, 367 ; JP. somniferum, 368 Paper mulberry, 474 \Paracalliope fluviatilis, 216 -fParacymus nitidiusculus, 285 Paradise fish, 255 \Paragyrtis inostentata, 302 Parakeet, long-tailed grass, 136; native, 507; warbling grass, 136 \Paramelis obesula, 33 \Paranephrops sp., 508 \Pardalotuspunctatus, 163 -fParo/ms sp., 296 Par roquets, 136, 137 Parsley, 415 ; beaked, 416; hedge, 417; piert, 407 Parsnip, 416 Partridge, Barbary, 124; common, 120; destruction of, 510; French, 123; Hungarian, 124; mountain, 119; New Holland, 120 ; red-legged, 123 ; stubble, 119; Teneriffe, 124 -\Parus caeruleus, 152 \Pascalia glauca, 428 \Paspalum dilatatum, 487 ^Passer domesticus, 164; fP. montanus, 170 "Paterson's Curse," 445 \Pavo cristatus, 109 Pea, common, 401 ; everlasting, 403 ; sweet, 403 Peach, 404 Pea- fowl, 109 Pear, 408; midge, 312 Pearlwort, 383 Pea-weevil, 296 \Pediculus capitis, 338 ; f-P- corporis, 338 \Pedicecetus columbianus, 129 Pee-wee, 151 Peewit, 130 ^Pelargonium quercifolium, 389; JP. zonale, 389 [Pemphigus populi-transversus , 561 \Penceus canaliculatus , 341 Penny cress, 377; royal, 460, 554; wort, 414 IPeplis For tula, 41 1 Peppercorns, 357 Peppermint, 459 ; gum, 410; tree, 410; wort, 376 f Perca fluviatilis, 254 ^Percolates colonorum, 255 Perch, common, 254; Gippsland, 255 \Perdix cinerea, 120 \Periplaneta americana, 268 \Perissectes australasice, 311 \Perissiapyri, 312 Periwinkle, 442, 554 %Petasite$ vulgaris, 422 \Petrceca macrocephala, 511 \Petrogale penicillata, 26; ^P. xantho- pus (?), 28 ^.Petunia parviflora, 454 \Peucedanum satiyum, 416 Phalanger, vulpine, 28 \Phalangista vulptna, 28 \Phalangvum canchroides, 295 %Phalaris arundinacea, 489; JP. cana- riensis, 489 \Phaps, chalcoptera, 132 ; fP- histrionica, 132 %Phaseolus vulgaris, 402 \Phasianus colchicus, 1 1 1 ; fP. ellioti, 117; fP. reevesii, 1 17 ; fP. torquatus, in Pheasant, Chinese, 1 1 1 ; common, 1 1 1 ; diamond, 1 10 ; Elliot's, 117; golden, no; jungle, 117; Lady Amherst's, 110; Reeves 's, 117; feeding on ink-weed, 471 \Philonthus eeneus, 267, 286; fP- affinis, 286; fP- nigritulus, 286; fP- scyba- larius, 286 \PUeum arenarium, 490 ; JP. pratense, \Pholcus thalangioides , 344 fPAora omnivora, 313 \Phoracantha recurva, 297 iPhormium tenax, 398 \Phoroceraferedayi, 318; |P- marginata, 318; fP- nyctemeriana, 318 \Phrissogonus laticostatus, 302 \Phthirius inguinalis, 338 \Phthorimcea operculella, 306 \Phyllodronda germanica, 267; f^. opima, 267 ^Phylloxera vastatrix, 330 IPhysalis alkekengi, 452; JP. peruviana, 452 Physic nut, 473 \Phytolacca decandra eaten by thrushes, 145, 4?i fPAyfomyza albiceps, 271, 272, 317; fP. chrysanthemi, 317; t**- wn- corms, 317 ^Phytopus pyri, 348 jPtcrts echioides, 437 Pied grallina, 151 Pig, 14, 33; bicoloration in, 515 Pigeon, Australian grey-necked, 135; bronze-wing, 132; common, 134; crested bronze-wing, 132; harle- quin bronze-wing, 132 ; Indian, 136 ; native, 507; partridge bronze- wing, 136; Solomon Island, 135; squatter, 136; Wonga-Wonga, 132 Pig-face, 414 Pilchards, movement of shoals, 538 \Pimelodus cattus, 253 Pimpernel, 441 IPimpinella saxifraga, 416 602 INDEX OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS Pink, Deptford, 380 Pintado, 108 Pintail duck, 99, 537 IPinus insignis, 477 ; IP. maritima, 476 ; IP. pinaster, 476 ; IP. radiata, 477 Pipit, native, 511 Piri-piri distributed by sheep and dogs, 522 \-Pison pruinosus, 566 \.Pisum sativum, 401 Planarian, land, 350 \Planchonia quercicola, 336 IPlantago Coronopus, 465 ; JP. hirtella, 465; %P. lanceolata, 464, 529; JP. major, 463; JP. media, 464; JP. varia, 464 ; JP. virginica, 465 Plantain, 463 ^Platycercus exinrius, 137 \Platygaster minutus, 311 \Platysoma bakewelli, 286 \Pleurotropus epigonus, 271, 311, 558 \Plodia interpunctella, 303 Plover, Australian, 131; golden, 130; green, 130; grey, 131 ^Plusia oxy gramma, 303 \Plutella cruciferarum, 272, 308; fP. maculipennis, 272, 308 JPoa annua, 495; JP. australis, 531; JP. compressa, 495; JP. nemoralis, 495 J %P .pratensis , 495 ; JP. trivialis, Pochard, 99, 537 \Pochasia australis, 328 \Pogonornis cincta, 507 Poke-weed, 471 Polecat, 70 "^Polistes tasmaniensis, 282 \Pollenia villosa, 321 i/Mtt opercularis, 255 carpon tetraphyttum, 383 virgata, 379 ; JP. 379 J myrtiflora, - vulgaris, 380 %Polygonum aviculare, 465; JP. Co- volvulus, 466; JP. Dryandri, 466; JP. Hydropiper, 465; J.P. lapathi- folium, 465 ^.Polypogon fugax, 490; JP. littoralis, 490; JP. monspeliensis , 490 \Polyzosteria truncata, 267 Pomace fly, 315 \Pamaderris apetala, 12 Pomegranate, 412 fPon/cwco/e:* carethrurus, 359 Poor man's weather-glass, 441 Poplar gall aphis, 561 \Poranthera ericeefolia, 473 \Parcettio gramger, 340, 348 ; fP. scaber, 340; fP. zealandicus, 340 fPon'na cervinata, 271 ; f-P- umbraculata, 271 \Portulaca oleracea, 383 Potato, early cultivation of, 17, 448 Potato-eelworm, 357; elater, 294; moth, 306 %Potentilla reptans, 406 JPoten'Mm officinale, 407; JP. />o/;y- gamum, 407 ; JP. sanguisorba, 407 tridactylus, 28 Prairie hen, 127 Prawn, Australian, 342 \Prenolepis longicornis, 283 Prickly pear, 414 Primrose, 441 ^.Primula veris, 441 ; JP. elatior, 441 ; JP. vulgaris, 441 \Pripnoplus reticularis, 476, 512 \Pristonychus terricola, 285 Privet, 441 ; hawk-moth, 301 \Proctophanes sculptus, 284 \Pronolepis longicornis, 283 \Prosthemadera novce-zealandice, 507 SPrototroctes oxyrhynchus, 508 Prunella vulgaris, 461 Prunus avium, 405; JP. cerasus, 405; JP. communis, 405 }\PjeMa maxima, 255 \Pseudochirus peregrinus, 33 \Pseudococcus coriaceus, 336; f^ 5 - longi- spinus, 336 \Pseudogerygone igata, 511 \Pseudorasboraparva, 251 \Psoralea pinnata, 399 fPyoro/>tes communis, 346, 542 \Psychodaphalcenoides, 312 fPsyZ/a acaciee-baileyanee, 328 Ptarmigan, 129 \Pteris (Pteridium) aquilina, spreading commonly, 529, 534; JP. cretica, 501 ; |P. lomarioides, 501 ; JP. longi- folia, 501 \Pterochlurus alchatus, 132 fPferoc/es bicinctus, 131 \Pter ostichus,prcecox, 349 \Ptinusfur, 291 fPttZea; avium, 326; tP. irritans, 324; fP. serraticeps, 325 \Pulvinaria camellicola, 335; ^P.flocci- fera, 335 Pumpkin, 413 \Punica Granatum, 412 Purplers, 357 Purslane, 383 fPwJon'ws erminea, 70 ; f^*- foetidus, 70 j fP. vulgaris, 70 \Pyralisfarinalis, 304 fPyrr/iM/a europcea, 175 JPyrus communis, 408; /* malus > 409 Quail, Australian, 118, 119, 56 5; black- breasted, 120; brown, 118; Cali- fornian, 124, 565 ;Californian moun- tain, 119; Chinese, 118; Egyptian > 120; Indian, 120; little Australian, 120; native, 100, 507; swamp, 118; Tasmanian, 118; Tasmanian stubble, 119; Tasmanian swamp, 119; Virginian, 127 ^Quediusfulgidus, 285 Queensland fruit-fly, 316 JQweraw pedunculata, 476; JQ. robur > 476; tO- sessiliflora, 476 Quince, 409 Quinnat salmon, 231 INDEX OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS 603 Rabbit, 85; colours of, 90, 514; price of skins, 91 ; legislation against, 547; louse, 339; mite, 346 Radish, 377 Ragged robin, 381 Ragweed, American, 428 Ragwort, 433, 553 Rail, Australian land, 129 Rainbow trout, 226 \Rana esculenta, 182; ^R. temporaria, 182 ^Ranunculus acris, 365 ; $R. aquatilis, 364 : ~[R. bulbosus, 365 ; %R. arvensis, 366; IR.falcatus, 366; $R. Flam- mula, 365; JjR. muricatus, 366; %R.parviflorus, 366; %R.philonotus, 366; %R. repens, 365; J.R. sardous, 365; $R. sceleratus, 365 Rape, 374 ^Raphanus sativus, 377 \Rapistrum rugosum, 377 Raspberry, 405 ; bud caterpillar, 311 Rat, black, 13, 78 ; brown, 82 ; kangaroo, 28; Maori, 76, 564; Norway, 82 Red admiral butterfly, 300 Red-bill, Australian, 163; breast, 147, 537; eye, 252; mite, 348, 550; pole, 172, 540; top grass, 491 Reed-bunting, 175; grass, 489; spar- row, 175 \Reseda alba, 378; JjR. lutea, 378; $R. luteola, 378 Rest-harrow, 394 ^Retropinna richardsoni, 187, 508 \Rhinanthus crista-galli, 458 ^Rhinocola eucalypti, 328 \Rhipidura flabellifera, 511; f/?. fuligi- nosa, 511 ^Rhizobius ventralis, 288, 289, 334, 336 \Rhizoglyphus sp., 347 \Rhombosolea plebeia, 257 \Rhombus maxima, 255 \Rhynchodemus moseleyi, 350 \Rhytisternus puella, 284 \Ribes Grossularia, 409; \R. nigrum, 409; J/?. rubrum, 409; %R. sangui- neum, 409 Rib-grass, 464; wort, 464 Rice-bird, 163; Canadian wild, 489; weevil, 298 \Richardia africana, 484 %Ricinus communis, 473 Ring-dove, 133 Roach, 253 Robin, native, 507; redbreast, 147, %Robinia Pseud-acacia, 400 Rock-dove, 134 Rocket, 375 ; sea, 377 Rook, 152, 537 \Rophalosiphon dianthi, 329 IRosa canina, 407; J.R. multiflora, 408; $R. rubiginosa, 408, 553 Rose-fly, 331 \Roubieva multifida, 471 Rove-beetle, 286 IRubus discolor, 405 ; IR.fruticosus, 405, 553 ; %R. ideeus, 405 ; J.R. laciniatut, 456 ; %R. leucostachys, 405 ; J/?. macrophyllus, 405; %R. rudis, 405; $R. rusticanus, 405 Rudd, 252 $Rumex acetosa, 468 ; %R. acetosella, 468 ; J.R. conglomeratus, 468 ; $R. crispus, 467 ; %R. maritimus, 468 ; J7?. obtusi- folius, 467, 553 ; J^. palustris, 467 ; JjR. sanguineus, 467 ; J.R. viridis, 468 \Rupicapra rupicapra, 60 Rupture-wort, 469 ^Rutilia pelluceus, 319 Rye-grass, 498 t-Ryssa semipunctata, 271 Saddle-back, 507 Sage, wild, 461 ISagina apetala, 383; JS. procumbcns, 383 Sainfoin, 400 \Saissetia hemispheerica, 335 ; f5. nigra, 335 '> t5. otaz, 335 JSa/iar a/6a, 476; JS. babylonica, 475; IS.fragilis, 475 ^Salmo alpinus, 222 ; f5- clarkii Tahoen- sis, 231; ^S.fario, 212; ^S.fonti- nalis, 223; t<5. henshawi, 231; f5. irideus, 226; f-5. Namaycush, 230; t^. nerka, 241; t5- quinnat, 231; f-5. sebago, 242; f-5. trua, 207; f-S. umbla, 223 Salmon, Atlantic, 193-207; blue-back, 241; Canadian land-locked, 242; quinnat, 231 ; sock-eye, 241 ; trout, 207 Salsafy, 437 ^Salvelinus (see Salmo) \.Salvia Verbenaca, 461 J5am6uct nigra, 418; J5. racemotus, 418 Sambur deer, 49 Sandwort spurrey, 383 ^Saphena cinera, 561 \.Saponaria Vaccaria, 380 ^Sarcophago impatiens, 319 \Sarcoptes cuniculi, 339; t-5. mutatis, 346; f-5. scabiei, 345, 346 \Satur eia hortensis, 460 Savory, summer, 460 Sawflies, 270 Scab, 346, 542 IScabiosa arvensis, 420; |S. atro-pur- purea, 420; JS. maritima, 420 Scabious, field, 420 Scale, apple, 332; black, 335; blue gum, 336; broad, 334; cottony- cushion, 337; holly, 334; ivy, 334; lemon, 332; purple, 332; red, of orange, 332; San Jos, 333, 550 Scaly-leg, 346 %Scandix Pecten-Veneris , 416 Scarlet tanager, 162 ^Scatopse notata, 312 \Schizoneura lanigera, 330, 515, 550; f5. ulmi, 561 fSciocoris helferi, 328 604 INDEX OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS $Sclavia verticillata, 486 \Scleria sp., 486 \Sclerochroa rigida, 497 \Sclerostomum armatum, 354; -\S. equi- num, 354; t'S. hypostomum, 354; f.S. tetracanthum, 354 ^Scolypopa australis, 328 Scorpion, Australian, 344, 546 Scotch burn trout, 221 \Scrophularia aquatica, 455 Scrub turkey, 107 Seal fishery of New Zealand, 16 Sea-rocket, 377 ; trout, 207 \Sedum acre, 410 \Selaginella denticulata, 501 ; %S. Kraus- siana, 563 \Selandria cerasi, 270 Self-heal, 461 \Semiotellus nigripes, 271 \Senebiera Coronopus, 376; J5. didyma, 376 ; ^/- monaris, 355; f^- rufescens, 355; t ; ^T.musicus, 142, 537 Turkey, 108 f Turnagra crassirostris, 507 ; "fT. tanagri, 50.7 Turnip, 374 ; moth, 303 \Turnix varia, 120 Turtle, Australian fresh -water, 178; dove, 133 \Turtur ferrago, 135; f7\ risorius, 133; fT. turtur, 134 Tutsan, 384, 554 Twinkie, 161 Twitch, 499 Twite, 172, 537 \Tylenchus devastatrix, 357; fT. scan- dens, 357; |T. m'fta, 357 jTympanuchus amencanus, 127 \Tyroglyphus farinee, 347; fT. longior, 347; fT. >o, 346 %Ulex Europceus, 392, 553 ft//owa tenebrionides , 313 iUncinia australis, 522; 1C7. compacta, 522; JC7. rfeWZior, 522; Jt7. /itf- formis, 522; JC7. Sinclairii, 522; JC7. tenella, 522 \Uropoda vegetans, 348 j Urtica dioica, 474 ; J C7. urens, 474 \Utetheisapulchella, 302 Valerian, spur, 419 Valerianella olitoria, 420 Vallisneria spiralis, 478 Vallonia excentrica, 263 Vanellus cristatus, 130 Vanessa atalantce, 300; fF. urticce, 300 Vedalia cardinalis, 288 Vegetable marrow, 413 fFenMa verriculata, 512 Venus's comb, 416 J Verbascum Blattaria, 454 ; J F. phceni- ceum, 455; JF. Thapsus, 454 J Verbena bonariensis, 463 ; J F. officinalis, 463 ; t F. hastata, 463 "[Veronica agrestis, 457; JF. Anagallis, 457 ; t F. arvensis, 458 ; J F. becca- bunga, 457; JF. Buxbaumii, 457; JF. Chameedrys, 457, 458; JF. officinalis, 458; IF. saxatilis, 458; tF. serpyllifolia, 458 Vervain, 463 ^Vespa germanica, 559 Vetch, common, 401 ; tufted, 401 ^Viburnum vulgar e, 418 %Vicia Cracca, 401; JF. gemella, 401; JF. gracilis, 401 ; JF. hirsuta, 401 ; JF. /utea, 401; JF. narbonensis, 401; JF. sativa, 401; JF. fefra- sperma, 400 \Vinca major ^^442, 554; JF. minor, 442 Vine, grape, 390; hopper, 328; louse, 33 \Viola arvensis, 379; JF. odorata, 379; J F. tricolor, 378 Violets, not eaten by guinea-pigs, 85, 379 Viper's bugloss, 445, 554 Virginian deer, 50; stock, 371 J Ft its vinifera, 390 j Vittadinia australis, 426 \Walckencera cristata, 344 Wallaby, black-tailed, 26; common scrub, 26 ; pademelon, 26 ; rock, 27 Wallaroo, 28 Wall-flower, 369; mustard, 375; pepper, 410 Walnut, 47 475 Wandering Jew, 484 Wapiti, 49 Warbler, black-cap, 150; native grey, 511 ; whitethroat, 149 Water-cress, 369, 527; hyacinth, 484; melon, 413; pepper, 465; plantain, 481 ; purslane, 411 ; snails, 259 Wattle, black, 403 ; brush, 404 ; golden, 403 ; silver, 403 Waxbill, Australian, 163; Sydney, 163 Wax-eye, 161, 511 ; moth, 304 Way-bent, 501 Weasel, 70, 546, 564 INDEX OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS 607 \Wedelia biflora, 429 Weeds of cultivation, 528 Weevil, apple-blossom, 298; biscuit, 293; black vine, 297; pea, 296; striped pea, 298 Weld, 378 Werau, 338 Whalers in New Zealand, 16 Wharf-borer, 296 Wheat, 499; midge, 312 Whin, 392 White clover said to displace native flax QPhormium), 526, 527 White-eye, 161; fish, 243 ; pine-borer, 292; rot, 414; thorn, 408; throat warbler, 149 Whitlow-grass, 371 Widgeon, 100, 537 Wild liquorice, 394 Willow, crack, 475; weeping, 475; white, 476 Window moth, 307 Winter cherry, 452 Winton disease in stock, 433 Withy, 475 \Wollastoma biflora, 429 Wood-borer, 292; lark, 142; louse, 340 ; sage, 462 Woolly aphis, 330; destroyed by native ladybird, 515 Worm, common white, 353 ; earth 358-61; eel, 357; large white w. of pig, 353J lung, 355, 356; maw, 354; palisade, 354; round w. of horse, 354; stomach w. of cat, 354; thread, 356; whip, 354, 357; white intestinal w. of fowls, 354 Wormwood, 432 Woundwort, 462 Wren, Stephen Island, 507 %Xanttuum spinosum, 428, 553; \X. strumosum, 428 Xantholinus punctulatus, 286 ^XanthorhoSbeata, 348; \X.preefectata, 271, 512; t-^- rosearia, 348 ^Xiphocaris curvirostris, 230, 508 \Xyloteles griseus, 349, 524; ^\X. leetus, 524 Yam, 480 Yar, 383 Yarrow, 430 Yellow-flag, 479; hammer, 176, 540; roach, 268 ; suckling, 399 Yorkshire fog, 492 \Zea Mays, 489 Zebra, 40 \-Zele sp., 272, 305 \Zizama aquatica, 489 \Zontzginthus bellus, 164 \Zomtes nitidus, 264 \Zosterops caeridescens , 161, 511 PRINTED IN ENGLAND BY J. B. PEACE, M.A. AT THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. JUN16 JUN 1 1 1$96 Form L9-Series 4939