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THE BEGINNING OF THE CLOUD 135 XVIIL THE BOX OF ACCOUNT-BOOKS 142 XIX. CALVERT BURLEY's ACCOUNT OF THE MATTER . . 148 XX. LUCIAN ON THE DOCUMENT 159 XXI. LUCINDA AVEKV 162 XXII. THE AUSTRALIANS 174 XXIII. THE FIRST PATIENT 185 IV CONTEXTS rnAPTKR PACE XXIV. IlERBEUT AND THE PORTRAITS 195 XXV. WHO AM I ? 202 XXVI. A SlIAKV PARTNERSHIP 208 XXVII. THE GENEALOGIST 217 , XXVIII. A physician's ADVICE 229 XXIX. THE MIRACLE 237 XXX. " CONFESS YE YOUR SINS " 243 XXXI. "IMPOSSIBLE TO Bfi FOUND OUT !" 250 XXXII. THE SHAME OF IT ! 259 XXXIII. THE STORY OF A DREAM 204 XXXIV. ANOTHER DREAM OF DEAD MOTHERS 273 XXXV. FAREWELL I 284 »5 XXXVII. A CONSEIL DE FAMILLE 298 XXXVIII. WHAT THE PRESS SAID 309 XXXIX. EARTHQUAKES AND SHOWERS OF FIRE . . . .318 XL. THE NOBLER WAY 329 XXXVI. THE LAST REMONSTRANCE 295 ILLUSTRATIONS "'there! he has given in'" Frontispiece " ' REST, FATHER,' SAID THE SON, TOUCHING THE SICK MAN's PULSE " Facing page 4 " ' THE HOCSE-KEEPER TOOK US UP TO THE FIRST FLOOR ' " . . " 28 " ' BEHOLD HIM ! HE STANDS BEFORE YOU ' " " 64 "MARGARET RAN IN WITH A LIGHT HEART" " 102 " ' AUNTIE, we've got EXACTLY THREE POUNDS TEN SHILLINGS and sixpence ' " " 1 14 in thk old cathedral " 138 "'you all have the same face'" " 166 "and arranged the mesmeric smile" " 208 " ' 1 have come to carry you away ' " " 242 "ELLA took her HAND AND KISSED IT " " 260 "a strange, weird PICTURE SHE MADE" " 280 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE CHAPTER I A SURPRISE AND AN INJUNCTION " LuciAN !" The sick man was propped up by pillows. His hands lay folded outside the coverings. All that could be seen of a face covered with an iron-gray beard was deathly pale. His deep-set eyes were bright. His square, strong brow, under a mass of black hair hardly touched with gray, was pale. " Lu- cian, I say." His voice was strong and firm, although the patient repose of his head and bands showed that movement was either difficult or impossible. " Lucian, it is no use trying to deceive me." " I do not try to deceive you. There is always hope." " I have none. Sit down now and let us talk quietly. It is the last chance, very likely, and I have a good deal to say. Sit down, my son — there — so that I may see you." The son obeyed. He placed a chair by the bedside and sat down. He was a young man about seven-and-twenty years of age. He had the same square forehead as his father, and the same deep-set bright black eyes ; the same straight black eye- brows. His face was beardless ; the features were strong and clearly cut ; it was a face of resolution : not what girls call a handsome face, but a face of intellectual power, a responsible face, a masterful face. Plis broad shoulders and tall, strong figure increased the sense of personal force which accompanied the presence of Lucian Calvert. 2 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " The weakest point about human knowledge," said the sick man, pliilosopliizing from habit, " is that we never seem to make any real advance in keeping the machinery in order, or in set- ting it right when it gets wrong." He was a mechanical en- gineer by calling, and of no mean reputation. " When the machinery goes wrong, the works stop. Then we have to throw away the engine. She can't be repaired. Why don't you learn how to tinker it up, you doctors ?" The son, who was a physician, shook his head. " We do our best," he said. "But we are only beginning." "Why don't you learn how to set the thing going again? Let the machine run down, and then take it to pieces and mend it. Get up steam again, and then run her for another spell. That's what you ought to do, Lucian." " You are talking like yourself again, father." " I suppose," he went on, " that if men had by their own wit invented this machine of the body, if they had built it up, bit by bit, as we fellows have done with our engines, they would un- derstand the thing better. As it is, we must pay for ignorance. A man finds he has got to die at fifty-five because the doctors know nothing but symptoms. Fifty-five ! In the very middle of one's work ! It's disgusting. Just beginning, so to speak, and all his knowledge wasted — gone — dissipated — unless, some- how, there's the conservation of intellectual energy." "Perhaps there is," said liis son. "As you say, we under- stand little more than symptoms, which is the reason why there is always hope." But he spoke without assurance. " Never mind myself," the father replied. " About you, Lucian." " Don't think about me ; I shall do very well." " I must think about you, my dear boy, because it is impos- sible to think about myself. Last night I had a dream. I was floating in dark space, with nothing to think about. And it was maddening. I don't suppose that death means that. Well, I shall learn what it means in a day or two. There's the money question. I never tried to save money. I was set dead against saving quite early in life. Had good reason to hate and loathe savin<^ But T believe that Tom Nicholson has got something A SURPRISE AND AN INJUNCTION 3. of mine — something that rolled in — and there's your mother's money. You won't starve. And you've got your profession." " I shall do, sir." " I think you will. I've always thought you would. You've got it written on your face. If you keep your eyes in the right direction — in the direction of work — you'll do very well. You will either go up steadily or you will go down swiftly. It is the gutter or the topmost round for you." He paused. The exertion of talking was too great for his strength. " Rest, father," said the son, touching the sick man's pulse. " Rest, and talk again to-morrow." "Who will talk with me to-morrow? Wait a moment, Lu- cian. Lift my head. So. That's better. I breathe again. Now — as soon as I am buried, you must communicate the news of my death — to my father." " To whom ?" Lucian started. He thought his father was off his head. " To my father, Lncian. I have never told you that I have a father still living." Imagine, dear reader. This young man had lived seven-and- tvventy years in the world, and always in the belief that his father was an only child, and that his grandfather was dead, and that there were no cousins, or if any, then perhaps cousins not desirable. If you remember this, you may perhaps under- stand the amazement of this young man. He sprang to his feet and bent over the sick man. No; his eyes were steady. There was no outward sijjn of wanderiuii:. " My father, Lucian," he repeated. " I am not delirious, I assure you." " Your father ? Why ? Where is he ? What is he ? Is he — perhaps — poor ?" " He is a very old man ; he is over ninety years of age. And he is not poor at all. His poverty is not the reason why you have never heard of him." " Oil ! Tlicn, why—" "Patience, my son. He is neither poor nor obscure. Tic is famous ; in fact, so famous that I resolved to begin the world for myself without his reputation on my back. A parent's 4 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE greatness may hamper a young man at tlie outset. So I left him." '* His reputation ? We are, tlien, connected with a man of reputation." But Lucian spoke dubiously. " You arc, as you will shortly, perhaps, discover. I suppose he no longer follows his profession, being now so old." " What profession ?" "Destruction and Ruin," replied the sick man, shortly. " Oh !" His son asked no further questions. Perhaps he felt that to learn more Avould make him no happier. A strange profession, however, " Destruction and Ruin." " I changed my name when I left the family home. So that you have no ancestors, fortunately, except myself. You are like Seth, the son of Adam." " No ancestors? But we must have ancestors." " If you want to learn all about them, you can. Tom Nichol- son knows. Tom Nicholson, the lawyer — he knows. He has got some papers of mine, that I drew up a long time ago. It might be better for you to go on in ignorance. On the other hand — well, choose for yourself. Read the papers, if you like, and iind out what manner of people your ancestors were. Nich- olson will give you your grandfather's address. Tell him, with- out revealing yourself or the name that I have borne — or your own relation to me — tell him simply that I am dead." " Very well, sir. I will do what you desire." " One thing more. It is my earnest wish — I do not com- mand, my son ; no man, not even a father, has the right to command another — but it is my wish that you may never be invited or tompted to resume the name that I abandoned, or to claim kin with any of the family which I have renounced, or to take one single farthiuf; of the fortune which your ancestors have amassed. Our money has been the curse of us for two hundred years. You may learn, if you please, from Tom Nich- olson the history of the family. From father to son — from father to son. It was got by dishonor; it has been increased and multiplied by dishonor; it has been attended with dishonor. Fraud and crime, madness, selfishness, hardness of heart — piti- less hardness of heart — have gone with it. Lucian, when yoii have learned the history of your ancestors, you will understand V. c A SURPRISE AND AN INJUNCTION 5 why I left the house full of wretched memories and renounced them all. And if I judge you aright, you will be ready to re- nounce them, too." " I shall remember your wish, sir," said his son, grave- ly. " But I do not understand how the question of money can arise, since your father is in ignorance of my very exist- ence." " Best so ; best so," said the sick man. " Then you cannot be tempted." For one so weak this long conversation was a great effort. He closed his eyes and spoke no more. The young man sat down again and watched. But he was strangely agitated. What did his father mean ? What kind of profession was that which could be described as Destruction and Ruin? Nothing more was said upon the subject at all, for the ma- chinery proved so much out of gear that it suddenly stopped. And as no one could possibly set it going again, there was nothing left but to put away the engine in the place where people put away all the broken engines. When the funeral was over, the two principal mourners, Lucian Calvert and a certain Mr. Nicholson, old friend and legal adviser of his father, above referred to as Tom, drove away together. They went back to the house. " Now," said Lucian, " tell me things. All I know is that my name is not Calvert, and that my grandfather is still living." "That is all you know, is it? Well, Lucian, in my opinion you know too much for your own happiness already. I ad- vised your father to keep you in ignorance. I saw that you would get on, as he had done, without the help of money or the hinderance of connections. But he thought you ought to have the opportunity of knowing everything if you choose." " Certainly, I do choose." " Well, then, your father was my oldest friend. We were boys together, at Westminster School. He was unhappy at home, for reasons which you may learn if you like. At the age of seventeen he ran away from home and fought his way up through the engineering shops. His name was not John Cal- vert, but John Calvert Burley." 6 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " Burley ? My name is Bnrley, then ? Go on." "Your grandfather lives in Great College Street, Westmin- ster. Your father never had any communication with him af- ter he left the house." Mr. Nicholson lugged out of his coat- pockgt a little roll of papers. " Here is a bundle of papers which liavc long been in my keeping. They contain-an account of the Burley family, drawn up by your father for you. There are also some letters and memorials of his mother and others, taken from her desk after she died. And that is all." " You have told me notliing at all about the Burley people." " No. Read the papers which your father prepared for you, and you will learn all you want to learn, and perhaps more." He took his hat. " And, Lucian, if you choose to resume your true name and to join your own people, I will look through the papers for you and communicate with your grandfather. But I rather think, my dear boy, that you will prefer to remain Lucian Calvert. Don't change your name. Far better to be the son of John Calvert, civil engineer, than the grandson of John Calvert Burley. Toss the papers in the fire when you have read them, and think no more about the matter." Lucian, left with the packet of papers, handled them sus- piciously, looked at the fireplace in which there was no fire, began to untie, but desisted. Finally he put the roll into his pocket and sallied forth. He was engaged — not an unusual thing for a young man — and what is the good of being engaged if you cannot put a disagreeable task upon the Jiancee ? CHAPTER II A PACKET OF PAPERS The girl, Margaret by name, sat with her hands folded in her lap, looking up at her lover as he stood over her. It has never yet been decided whether those marriages are the happier when the couple are alike or when they are unlike in what we call essentials. For my own part, I think that the latter marriage presents the greater chance of happiness, if only for the infinite possibilities of unexpectedness ; also for the re- production of the father in the daughter and the mother in the son. These two were going to try love in unlikeness. The girl was fair in complexion, with blue eyes which could easily become dreamy and were always luminous ; there was at the moment the sweet seriousness in them that so well becomes a beautiful woman ; she was a tall girl, as becomes the fash- ion of the time, dressed as one who respects her own beauty, and would become, in her lover's eyes, as attractive as she could; a strong and healthy girl; able to hold her own yet, as one mio-ht conclude from her attitude in the presence of her lover ; one who, when she promised to give herself, meant to give everything, and already had no thought but for him. As she sat under him, as he stood over her, every one could un- derstand here was man masterful, the Lord of Creation, and here was woman obedient to the man she loved ; that here was man creative, and here was woman receptive ; that out of her submission would spring up her authority. What more can the world desire ? What more did Nature intend ? "Now that everything is over," he said, "it is time for us to talk and think about ourselves." " Already, Lucian ?" " Already. The dead are dead ; we are the living. His 8 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE memory will live awliilc — lonijcr than most men's memories, because he did good work. AVith us Lis memory will last all our lives. Now, Marjorie, I have got something wonderful to tell you. Listen with both ears." He took a chair and sat down, and held one of her hands. "Both ears I want. Two or three days before he died, my father told me a thing which greatly amazed me. I said noth- ing to you about it, but waited." " What was it, Lucian ?" " After the funeral, this morning, I came away with Mr. Nicholson, my father's old friend and his lawyer. He drove home with me and we had a talk." Lucian told his tale and produced the packet of papers. " I confess," he said, " that I shrink from reading these docu- ments. If I were superstitious, I should think that the read- ing of the document would bring disaster. That's absurd, of course. But it is certain that there must be something disa- greeable about it — perhaps something shameful — why, else, did my father run away from home? Why did he, as he said, re- nounce his ancestors ? Why did he speak of a fortune created by dishonor? Why did he say that my grandfather's profession was ' Destruction and Ruin ' ?" "'Destruction and Ruin!' Did he say that? Destruction and Ruin? What did he mean? What kind of profession is that ?" " I don't know. Now, Madge, this is the position : I have never had any cousins at all, or any ancestors on my father's side. His people don't know of my existence, even. But there is in this packet the revelation of the family to which I belong — to which you will belong. They may be disgraceful people — probably they are." " Since they do not know of your existence, it is evident you need not tell them who you are." " They must be in some way disreputable. ' Destruction and Ruin !' That was my grandfather's profession. Do you think he is Napoleon the Great, not dead after all, but survivor of all his generation ? ' Destruction and Ruin,' " he laughed. " It would make an attractive advertisement, a handbill for distri- bution on the curb outside the shop door — ' Destruction and A PACKET OF PAPERS 9 Ruin !' There's your heading in big letters. ' By John Cal- vert Burley !' There's your second line. ' Destruction and Ruin ' — this is where your circular begins — ' Destruction and Ruin in all their branches undertaken and performed with the utmost certainty, secrecy, and despatch — and on reasonable terms. The Nobility and Gentry waited on personally. Every- body destroyed completely. Ruin effected in the most thor- ough manner. Destruction superintended from the office. Re- covery hopeless. Ruin, moral, material, physical, and mental, guaranteed and executed as per order. Strictest confidence. Customers may depend on being satisfied with same.' They always say • same,' you know. ' No connection with any other house. Tackle of the newest and most destructive kind to be had on the Three Years' Hire System. Painless Self-Destruc- tion taught in six lessons. Terms — strictly cash.'" " Hush, hush, Lucian ! Not to make a jest of it." But she laughed gently. " We need not cry over it. But — hang it ! What can it be — ' Destruction and Ruin ' ?" " Do you think — do you think — he made a quack medicine that will cure everything?" " Perhaps. * The Perfect, Pleasant, and Peremptory Pill. Children cry for it. The baby won't be happy till he gets it.' Very likely. Or he may be a Socialist." " Ye — yes; — or — do you think he is a solicitor ? Your father always hated lawyers." " I don't know ; — or the proprietor of a paper on the other side ? He was a great Liberal." " Perhaps; — or a jerry builder? He hated bad workmen of all kinds." "Perhaps; — or a turncoat politician? Or a critic? Or a cheap sausage - maker ? Or the advertiser of soap ? Or — " When one is still young it is easy to turn everything into ma- terial for smiles, if not laughter. These two guessed at many things for a profession which could fitly be described by these two words. But the real thing did not occur to tlicni. " It was a fat profession," the young man continued, " be- cause ray father was so anxious that I should never be tempted to take part in the fortune. Since my existence is unknown, it 10 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE is not likely that the temptation will arise. I wonder what it was ?" " Yon wish to know the contents of those papers?" " Very much." " You will never rest till you do know them. Well, Lucian, let me read tliem for you. Perhaps you need not inquire any farther. Perhaps your curiosity will be satisfied with a single broad fact. It" — "It" meant the profession — " it could not have been so very disgraceful, for your father was a "Westmin- ster scholar, and has been a life-long friend of Mr. Nicholson, a most respectable person." Lucian gave her the papers. " Take them, Madge. Read them, and tell me this evening as much as you please about them." In the evening he called again. Margaret received him with a responsible face and a manner as of one who has a dillicult duty to perform. " Well, Madge ? You have read the papers ?" " They are written by your father. Your grandfather's ad- dress is 77, Great College Street, Westminster, and his name is John Calvert Barley." ** Yes — so much I knew before. And the wonderful profes- sion?" "Lucian, it is really disagreeable. Can't you let the matter just rest where it is?" " Not now. I must know as well as you. What ? You are to be burdened with disagreeable discoveries and I am not to know? Call this the Equality of Love? What about that pro- fession ? What about Destruction and Ruin ?" " My dear Lucian, your father began a new family. You may be contented with him." *' So long as you carry it on with me," said her lover, with a lover-like illustration of the sentiment, " I shall be quite con- tented. We will renounce oar ancestors and all their works and ways — their fortunes and their misfortunes. But who they were, and who they are, I must know. Tell me, then, first, what is that profession called Destruction and Ruin ?" *' Well, Lucian, your grandfather had several professions, and all of them disgraceful. First of all — he must now be a very A PACKET OF PAPERS H old man — he began by keeping a gambling-house — a most noto- rious gambling-place." " Kind of Crockford's, I suppose ?" " Burley's in Piccadilly. It was open all night long, and the keeper was always present looking after the tables, lending money to the gamesters, and encouraging them to play. Thou- sands were ruined over his tables. He provided supper and wine and everything. Well, that is the first part of it." " A noble beginning. Pray go on." "Then he was the proprietor of a place where people, detest- able people — danced and drank all night long. It appears to have been a most horrible place." " Oh ! Do we get much lower V " I don't know. In addition to all these things he was the most fashionable money-lender in London— and that appears to have been, of late years, the profession by which he was best known. And because he was such a byword, your father could not bear to remain at home, and ran away, changing his name. And that, Lucian, is all that you need to know about your people. There is a lot about his forefathers and his brothers. There is a great deal of wickedness and of misfortune. The story is all told in these papers." She offered them, but he re- fused them. " Keep them, Margaret. I think I have heard all I want to know — at least, for the present. I will write to the old man. I should like to gaze upon him, but that is out of the question, I suppose." " lie lives in the house that has been the family house since the first Burley of whom anything is known built it." " I'll go and sec the outside of the house. Don't be afraid, my child. I will not reveal my existence. I will not try to see this gentleman of so many good and pious memories. But he is over ninety ; surely he must have outlived his old fame — " " His infamy, you mean," she corrected him, severely. "Fame or infamy — it matters little after all these years. If you were to talk about Burley's gambling-house of sixty or seventy years ago, who would remember it ? It is forty years and more since my father left him. I suppose that, forty years ago, there might have been some prejudice — but now?" 13 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " Some prejudice ? Only some, Liician ?" She spoke with re- proach. She expected much more moral indignation. " The world quickly forgets the origin of wealth. My father, had he pleased, might have defied the opinion of the world. Still, he was doubtless right. Well, Maggie, I am glad to know the truth. It might have been worse." " What could be worse ?" " You yourself suggested quack medicines. But we need not make comparisons, Burley's Gambling- Hell ; Burley's Dancing- Crib ; Burley's Money -Lending Business. lie must have been a man of great powers. Wickedness on an extensive scale requires genius. There are retail dealers in wickedness by the thousand ; but tbe wholesale merchant in the wicked line — the man who lives on the vices of his fellows — all the vices he can encourage and manipulate — he is rare. Looking at Jobn Burley from the outside, and not as a prejudiced de- scendant, I can see that he must have been a very strong man. Now I will tell him that bis son is dead." CHAPTER III "the child is dead" In his back parlor — since the building of the house in 1'721 the house had always contained a front parlor, a back parlor, and a best parlor — the owner and tenant of the house sat in his arm-chair beside the fire. It was quite a w^arm day in early summer, yet there was a fire ; outside a leafy branch of a vine swept windows which had not been cleaned for a longer time than, to most house- wives, seems desirable ; the same vine — a large and generous vine — climbed over half the back of the house and the whole of a side wall in the little garden ; there was also a mulberry- tree in the garden ; and there were bumps, lumps, and anfract- uosities of the ground covered with a weedy, seedy grass, which marked the site of former flower-beds in the little enclosure. The man in the arm-chair sat doubled up and limp — he had once been a tall man. Pillows were placed in the chair beside and behind him, so that he was propped and comforted on every side ; his feet rested on a footstool. His wrinkled hands lay folded in his lap ; his head was protected by a black silk skull- cap ; his face as he lay back was covered with multitudinous wrinkles — an old, old face — the face of a very ancient man. The house was very quiet. To begin with, you cannot find anywhere in London a quieter place than Great College Street, Westminster. Then there were but two occupants of this house — the old man in the chair, and an old woman, his house- keeper, in the kitchen below — and they were both asleep, for it was four o'clock in the afternoon. On the table, beside this aged man, stood a decanter containing the generous wine that kept him alive. There were also pens, paper, and account- books, one of them lying open, his spectacles on the page. 14 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE Literature to this man meant account- books — his own ac- count-books — the record of his own investments. lie read nothing else, not the newspapers, not any printed books ; all his world was in the account-books. Of men and women he took no thought ; he was as dead to humanity as a Cistercian monk ; he Avas, perhaps, the only living man who had com- pletely achieved what he desired and lived to enjoy the fruit of his labors : to sit rejoicing in his harvest. How many of us enjoy our harvest? The rich man generally dies before he has made enough ; the poet dies before his fame is established ; but this man, who had all his life desired noth- ing but money, had made so much that he desired no more ; his soul was satisfied. Perhaps in extreme old age desire itself had died away. But he was satisfied. No one knew except himself how much he had accumulated: he sat all dav lonir in his old age reading, adding, counting, enjoying his wealth, watch- ing it grow and spread, and bear golden fruits. For this man was Burley of the gambling-hell ; Barley of the dancing-cribs ; Barley the money-lender — in his extreme old age, in his last days. The house was always quiet ; no one knocked at the door except his manager, the man who was the head of the great house filled with clerks — some of them passed solicitors — where his affairs were conducted, his rents collected, and his vast in- come invested as it came in day by day. Otherwise the house was perfectly quiet. No letters came ; no telegrams ; the oc- cupant was forgotten by the world ; nobody knew that he was still living. The old money-lender sat at home, by himself» counting the money which he lent no more ; most of those with whom he had formerly done business were dead — they could curse him no more ; all those who had thrown away their money at his gaming-table were dead — they could curse him no more. As for the nightly orgies, the dancing-cribs, the all-night fin- ishes, if their memory survives, that of their proprietor had long since been forgotten. And the dancers themselves — the merry, joyous, laughing, singing, but their voices were hoarse ; careless, yet their eyes were restless — happy company of nymphs and swains of sixty years ago, not one was left to curse him for the madness of the pace or to weep over the memory of a ruined youth. "the child is dead" 15 He had outlived, as his grandson suggested, his infamy. Nobody talked about him. In his own den he had quite forgotten — wholly forgotten — that at any time there had been any persons whom he had injured. He was serenely forget- ful; he was in a haven of rest, where no curses could reach him, and where no tempests could be raised by memories of the past. Those who study manners and customs of the nineteenth cen- tury have read of I3urley's Hell. It was a kind of club to which every one who had money and wore the dress and assumed the manners of society was freely admitted. The scandalous me- moirs of the time talk of Burley's chef and his wines, and the table at which he was always present all night long, always the same — calm, grave, unmoved ; whatever the fortunes of the night, always ready to lend anybody — that is, anybody he knew — any sum of money he wanted on his note of hand. Great fortunes were lost at Burley's. Men walked out of Burley's with despair in their hearts and self-murder in their minds. Yet — old history 1 old history 1 as Lucian Calvert said. Only those who are students of life in London, when the Corinthian and his friends were enjoying it, still talk about the Finish — Burley's crib — where the noble army of the godless assembled nio-ht after nicfht, younof men and old men, and ladies remark- able for their sprightliness as well as their beauty, and danced and laughed and had supper and drank pink champagne — too sweet — in long glasses. There was generally some kind of fight or a row ; there was always some kind of a gamble in some little room up -stairs. But — old history! old history! Those who read it never thought of Burley at all. "Who cares, after fifty years, to inquire about a man who once ran an all- night dancing-crib ? Mr. Burley had outlived his infamy. And always, till past eighty years of age, the prince of money- lenders. Everybody went to Burley. He found money for everybody. His terms were hard, and you had to keep to your agreement. But the money was there if the security was forth- coming. No tears, no entreaties, no prayers, no distress would induce him to depart from his bond. It is indeed impossible to carry on such a business successfully without an adamantine heart. But it was nearly fifteen years since he retired from 16 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE practice, and tlic world spoke of liim no more. He had out- lived Ins infamy. lie was startled out of his sleep by the postman's knock, lie sat up, looked about him, recovered his wandering wits, and drank a little port, which strengthened liim so that he was able to understand that his house-keeper was bringing him a letter. " Give it to me," he said, surprised, because letters came no more to that house, lie put on his spectacles and read the address, "John Calvert Burley." '"It is for me," he said. He then laid the letter on the table and looked at his house-keeper. She knew what he meant, and retired. The old man at his time of life was not going to begin doing business in the presence of a servant. When she was gone he took it up again and opened it slowly. It was short, and written in the third person. " Tlie writer begs to inform Mr. Burley that his son, John Calvert Burley, died five days ago, on the 16th of May, of rheu- matic fever, and was buried yesterday. At the request of the deceased this information is conveyed to Mr. Burley." There was no date, and there was no address. But, the old man thought, there could be no reason to doubt the fact. Why should it be invented? His memory, strong enough about the far-distant past when he was young, was weak as regards matters that occurred only forty or fifty years ago. It cost him an effort to recall — it was a subject of which he never liked to think — how his son had left him after protesting against what he called the infamy of the money-lending business. Infamy ! he said. Infamy ! Of a respectable and lucrative business ! Infamy ! when the in- come was splendid ! "An undutiful son!" murmured his father. "A disrespect- ful son !" lie read the letter again. " So : he is dead." He threw the letter and the envelope on the fire. " I have left off thinking about him. Why should I begin again? I won't. I will forget him. Dead, is he ? I used to think that perhaps he would come back and make submission for the sake of the money. And even then I wouldn't have left him any. I re- member. That was when I made up my mind what should bo " THE CHILD IS DEAD 17 done with it. Ho ! ho ! I thought how disappointed he would be. Dead, is he ? Then he won't be disappointed. It's a pity. Now there's nobody left, nobody left at all." This reflection seemed to please him, for he laughed a little and rubbed his hands. At the age of ninety-four, or there- abouts, it is dangerous to give way to any but the simplest and most gentle emotions. It is quite wonderful what a little thing may stop the pulse at ninety-four, and still the heart. Even such a little thing as the announcement of the death of a son one has not seen for forty years, and the revival of an old, angry, and revengeful spirit, may do it. When the house-keeper brought in the tea at five o'clock she found that, to use the old man's last words, " There was nobody left at all." " Look, Marjorie." Lucian showed her a newspaper. " The old man, my grandfather, is dead. Read. 'On the 15th, sud- denly, at his residence, Great College Street, Westminster, John Calvert Burley, aged ninety-four years.' " " On the 15th ? Two days ago ! That was when he received your letter." " If he did receive it. Perhaps he died before it reached the house. Here is a paragraph about him. See that ? lie did not quite outlive his infamy." The paragraph ran as follows : " The death, this day announced, of Mr. John Calvert Burley, carries us back sixty years and more, to the time when gam- bling-hells were openly kept, and when there were all-night saloons ; to the days when the pace of the young prodigal was far faster than in this degenerate generation. Mr. Burley was the firm friend of that young prodigal. He gave him a gambling- table with free drinks ; he gave him dancing-cribs ; he lent him money ; he encouraged him to keep the ball a-roUing, Sixty years ago Mr. Burley's name was well known to all followers of Comus. For many years he has lived retired in his house at Westminster. The present generation knows nothing of him. But it will be a surprise to old men, if any survive, of the twenties or the thirties, that John Burley lived to the age of ninety-four and only died yesterday. He must have outlived all those who drank his champagne and lost their money at his IS BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE tables ; he must have outlived most of the young prodigals for whom he ran his dancing-saloon and to whom he lent money at 50 per cent." Margaret read it aloud. " Yes," she said, " some prejudices linger, don't they, Lucian? Better to be a Calvert without any other ancestors than an honorable father, than a Burlcy with this man behind you." " Perhaps," said Lucian, thoughtfully. " But a man can no more get rid of his ancestors than he can get rid of his face and his hereditary tendencies. Well, my dear, the name may go. And as for the money — I suppose there was a good deal of money — that has been left to some one, and I hope he will enjoy it. As for us, we have nothing to do with it." CHAPTER IV AN INQUEST OF OFFICE The door of the house in Great College Street stood wide open — a policeman was stationed on the door-step. Something of a public character was therefore going on : at private family functions — as a wedding, a christening, a funeral — there is no policeman. But there was no crowd or any public curiosity — in fact, you could not raise a crowd in Great College Street on any pretext whatever. Once a horse fell down in order to try. He had to get up, unnoticed. From time to time a man stepped briskly up the street, spoke to the policeman, and went in. Presently there came along the street a young man — Mr. Lucian Calvert, in fact — who walked more slowly, and looked about him. lie had come to see the outside of a certain house. lie arrived at the house, read the number, and saw the open door and the policeman on the steps. "What is going on?" he asked. " Coroner's inquest." '* An inquest ? Is not this the house of the late Mr. Burley ?" "Yes, sir. That was the party's name. He's left no will, and there's an inquest. You can go in, if you like. It's in the ground-floor back." The young man hesitated. Then he accepted the invitation and stepped in. He had come to see the outside of his grand- father's house. Chance gave him an opportunity for seeing the inside as well. Other men walked up the street and spoke to the policeman and stepped in. Then there drove up to the door a cab with two men. One had the unmistakable look of a man in office ; the other the equally unmistakable look of a middle-aged clerk. After a certain time of life we all appear to be what we arc. This is as it should be : in early life we 20 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE can make-up. I have known a young duke look like a car- penter, and a young compositor like a belted earl. When these two had entered, the policeman left the door and followed the others into the ground - floor back — more poetically, the back parlor. The twelve men gathered there were the twelve good men and true who had been summoned to form a jury. They repre- sented, after the manner of their forefathers, the wisdom of the nation. The man of office represented the ancient and honor- able post of coroner. The policeman represented the authority of the Court. A reporter, together with the young gentleman who had been invited to assist, represented the publicity of the Court — no Star-Chambcr business there, if you please. All above-board and open. There were one or two others — an el- derly gentleman, well dressed, with the look of ability and the air of business experience — this was Mr. Burley's manager; an old woman in black, wbo held a handkerchief in her hand and patted her eyes with it at intervals with a perfunctory moan — these were witnesses. There was also a young man who might have been something in the City. He was in reality a short- hand clerk employed at the office where the Burley estate was managed, and he came with the manager to take down the pro- ceedings. And standing in a corner Lucian observed, to his astonishment, Mr. Nicholson, his father's friend and solicitor. " You here, Lucian ! Who told you ?" " I am here by accident. What does it mean ?" " It means that they can't find any will. Good Lord ! What a windfall it will be for somebody !" He remembered that Lucian was the grandson. " That is, for anybody who would proclaim his relationship to such a man." Lucian looked about the room. It was wainscoted and the panels were painted drab — a good, useful color, which can ab- sorb a good deal of dirt Avithout showing it, and lasts a long time. It was formerly a favorite color for this if for no other reason, all through the last century. In the panels were hang- ing colored prints, their frames once gilt, now almost black. The low window looked out upon a small garden, in which stood a mulberry-tree, while on the wall grew an immense vine. Cur- tains which had long lost their virginal color hung from a ma- AN INQUEST OF OFFICE 21 hogany curtain -pole. On the mantel-shelf was a tobacco- jar with two broken pipes, and two wax candles in silver candle- sticks. The floor was covered with a worn carpet, faded like the curtains ; in front of the fire it had gone into holes — there was no hearth-rug. As for the furniture, it consisted of a pon- derous mahogany table, black with age, a mahogany sideboard of ancient fashion, with a large punch-bowl upon it and a cop- per coal-scuttle below it ; a tall bookcase filled with books, all in the leather and sheepskin binding of the last century ; three or four chairs of the straight-backed kind and a modern wooden arm-chair stood against the wall. The fireplace was of the eighteenth-century pattern, with an open chimney and a hob : on the hob was a copper kettle. The brass fender was one of the old-fashioned high things, to match the grate and to keep as much heat as possible out of the room. Two benches had been placed in the room for the accommodation of the jury. The coroner bustled into the room, and took his seat at the head of the table in the arm - chair. His clerk placed papers before him and stood in readiness, the New Testament in his hand. The reporter and the short-hand clerk took chairs at the lower end of the table — the policeman closed the door and stood beside it on guard — the jury took their seats on the wooden benches, the old lady renewed her sobs, the manager took a chair behind the reporter, and the public, represented by Mr. Nicholson and Lucian, shrank deeper into the corner. " Gentlemen," said the coroner, rising and looking slowly round the room with importance, " I am about to open the Court — this Court," he repeated, " for this inquest." The jury murmured and cleared their throats. "Gentlemen," said the coroner, "you will first be sworn." This was done by the coroner's clerk, who handed round the New Testament with the customary form of words. " And now, gentlemen^" the coroner began, absently, " we will proceed to view the cor — 1 mean, of course, we will pro- ceed to the business before us. This, gentlemen, as you have heard, is not an ordinary inquest ; it is not, for once, an in- quiry into the cause of death of any person for which I invite your intelligent assistance this morning. It is a more formal duty that lies before us. Equally important — even, in this 22 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE case pcrliaps, more important. It is what lawyers call an * In- quest of Otlioc.' " He repeated these words with greater solemnity, and- every man of the jury sat upright and cleared his throat again. " An Inquest of Office !" Not an ordinary inquest, you sec. This was an Inquest of Office. " Gentlemen," the coroner continued, after a pause, to allow these words time to settle in the collective mind, " the facts are these : The owner and tenant of this house, who died and was buried a fortnight ago, was one John Calvert Burley." "Known to all of us," one of the jury interrupted. " John Calvert Burley," the magistrate repeated, with a judicial frown, " upon whose estate — not his body — we now hold this inquiry, lie has died, so far as has been discovered, intestate. An announcement of his death has appeared in the papers ; paragraphs concerning him have also gone the round of the papers — for the deceased was, as most of us know, a person formerly of considerable — of unenviable — notoriety. But so far, oddly enough, no heirs have appeared. This is the more extraordinary as it is reported that the deceased possessed very great wealth. In fact" — the magistrate assumed a confidential manner — " the estate is reported to be enormous — enormous !" — he spread out his hands in order to assist the jurv to give play to their imaginations — he sat upright in his chair in order to lift up the grovelling — " we must rise to loftier levels. How- ever," he sank back again, " the magnitude of the estate does not concern us. This Court has to do with an estate, large or small. And now, gentlemen, I shall offer you such evidence as we have to show that there is no will, and that there has been, so far, no claimant. I call Rachel Draire." The old lady in black answered to her name, wiped her eyes, and stood up to give evidence. She said that she had been house-keeper to Mr. John Calvert Burley for forty years. Asked if he was a married man, she said that she had always understood that he was a widower ; but he liad never spoken to her about his family. She could not say what caused her to believe that he was a widower. Asked if there were any children, supposing there had been a marriage, she said that there was a nursery which had a child's crib and a chest of drawci's with children's clothing in it, but she knew AN INQUEST OF OFFICE 23 nothing more. Her master never spoke of his family affairs. Asked if there were any relations, said that she had never heard of any. If there were any, and if they ever called on the deceased gentleman, it must have been at the office, not the house ; not a single visitor had ever called at the house or been admitted to this room — Mr. Burley's living-room — during the forty years of her residence. He had no friends ; he never went out in the evenings ; he never went to church or chapel ; he lived quite alone. "Gentlemen," said the president of the Court, "the impor- tant part of this evidence is the fact that for forty years no one ever called upon the deceased — neither son, nor grandson, nor cousin, nor nephew. Yet his wealth Avas notorious. Rich men, as most of you, I hope, know very well, are generally surrounded by their relations." One of the jury asked a question which led to others. They bore upon the deceased's way of living, and had nothing to do with the business before the Court. But since we are all curious as to the manners and customs of that interesting people — the rich — the coroner allowed these questions. When the jury had learned all about the conduct of an extremely par- simonious household, and when the old lady had explained that her master, though near as to his expenditure, was a good man, who was surely in Abraham's bosom if ever any one was, she was permitted to retire, though unwilling, into the obscurity of a back seat. The manager gave his evidence. He had been employed by the deceased for thirty years. He was now the chief manager of his estates. Everything connected with the estates was managed at the house, where solicitors, architects, and other professional people were employed on salaries. He was familiar with the details of the estate ; there were enormous masses of papers. He knew nothing of any will. Had a will passed tlirough liis hands he sliould certainly have remembered it. Naturally, he was anxious to know what would be done with so great a property. He supposed that Mr. Burlcy had employed a solicitor outside his own office for the purpose of drawing up a will. He had never spoken to Mr. Burlcy on the subject; he knew nothing of Mr. Burley's familv or connections; be under- 24 BEYOND THE DKEAMS OF AVARICE stood that Mr. Jjiirlcy had once been married ; he believed, but he did not know for certain, that there liad been a child or children. lie had himself sent the announcement of the dcatli to the papers ; he had seen one or two paragraphs concerning the early life of the deceased, but could not say, from his own knowledge, whether they were true or false. He was asked by one of the jury whether the deceased was as ricb as was reported. lie replied that he could not tell until the report reached him. Other questions as to the extent and value of the estate he fenced with. There was, he said, a great deal of property, but lie declined absolutely to commit himself to any estimate at all. So that the curiosity of the jury was baflled. They had learned, however, that the estate was so large and important that it had to be managed at a house specially used for the purpose, by a manager and a large staff of accountants and clerks. This was something — such an estate must be worth untold thousands. " Gentlemen," said the coroner, " you have now heard all the evidence that we have to offer. Here is an estate. Where is the late owner's will ? There is none. Where are the heirs ? They do not appear. For forty years no member of the de- ceased's family has visited him. lie might have had sons, grandsons, great-grandsons. None have turned up. But there must be, one would think, nephews — grand-nephews — cousins. If he had brothers, they must have had descendants ; if he had uncles, they must liave had descendants. Now, in the lower classes nothing is more common than for a man to change his place of residence so that his children grow up in ignorance abso- lute of their ancestry and cousins. But this man, whatever his origin, was at one time before the world, notorious or famous, whatever you please; he was a public character; he was owner of theatres, dancing-places, gambling-liells; he was a well-known money-lender. All the world knew the usurer John Calvert Bur- ley. He stood on a kind of pinnacle — unenviable, perhaps, I)Ut still on a pinnacle of publicity. His relations must have fol- lowed liis course with interest — who would not watch with in- terest the course of a childless cousin ? Yes, he is dead ; and where are the cousins and the nephews ? It is a very remark- able case. A poor man may have no one to claim kii'ship at AN INQUEST OF OFFICE 25 his death. But for a rich man, and a notorious man — It is, indeed, wonderful ! Gentlemen, you have only to declare the estate, in default of heirs, escheated and vested in the Crown. You all understand, however, that her Majesty the Queen will not be enriched by this windfall. The Treasury and not the Sovereign receives all those estates for which an heir is wanting." The jury thereupon returned their verdict — " That until, or unless, the lawful heirs, or heir, shall substantiate a claim to the estate of the late John Calvert Burley, the said estate shall be, and is, escheated and become vested in the Crown." "Then, gentlemen," said the coroner, "nothing more remains except for you to alBx your signatures to this verdict, and for me to thank you, one and all, for the intelligence and care which you have brought to bear upon this important case." In this manner and with such formalities the estate of tlie deceased was transferred to the Treasury, to be by it held and administered in the name of the Crown unless the rightful claimant should be able to establish his right. " That's done," said Mr. Nicholson. " Now, let us look over the house. I haven't been here for forty years and more. Come and see where your father was born, Lucian." CHAPTER V THE FORTUNE AND THE HOUSE " Margaret !" She had never seen her lover so flushed and excited. Mostly he preserved, whatever happened, the philo- sophic calm that befits the scientific mind. " Margaret, I have had the most wonderful morning ! I have made discoveries ! I have heard revelations !" " What is it, Lucian ?" ** It is about my grandfather. I told yon I should go to see the house. Well, 1 had no time to go there till to-day. I have been there — I walked over there this morning. And I have been rewarded. A most remarkable coincidence ! The very moment when I arrived there was opened an inquest in the house itself. Not an ordinary inquest, you know — the poor old man has been buried a month — but what they call an Inquest of Ofl^icc. For since his death they have been searching for his will, and they haven't found it. And it really seems, my dear Margaret, as if the one thing most unlikely of all to happen has happened : that this ricli man has actually died intestate, in which case I, oven I myself, am the sole heir to everything V " Oh, Lucian ! Is it possible ?" " It is almost certain. They liave searched everywhere. There are piles of papers : they have all been examined. No will has been found. Now, if lie had made a will, it is certain that I could not have come into it, unless through my father, and it is not probable that he would have had anything. l>ut there is, apparently, no will, and the estates are handed over to the Treasury until — unless — they find the rightful hoir — me — wliom they cannot find." " Oh, Lucian ! It is wonderful ! But, of course, you are not going to claim this terrible money — the profits of gambling- saloons and wicked places and money-lending ?" THE FORTUNE AND THE HOUSE 27 " No, m.y dear, I am not. Yet " — he laughed — " my dear child, it is a thousand pities, for the pile is enormous. You sit there as quiet as a nun : you don't understand what it means. Why, my dear Margaret, simple as you look, you should be, when you marry me, if you had your rights, the richest woman in the country — the richest woman, perhaps, in the world !" " Don't take away my breath ! Even to a nun such an an- nouncement would be interesting." " The richest woman in the world ! That is all — wealth be- yond the dreams of avarice — only that. And we give it up ! Now, I'll tell you — I can't sit down, I must walk about, because the thought of this most wonderful thing won't let me keep still. Very well, then. Now listen. Mr. Nicholson, my father's old friend, you know, was there. He had heard of the inquest from the manager. All the Burley estates are managed at a house in Westminster — it is a great house filled with clerks, accountants, solicitors, architects, builders, rent- collectors — ev- erything, all under a manager, who is a friend of Mr. Nich- olson. Nobody knows what the estate is worth, but when this old man's father died he left the son an income of £20,000 a year, which at 5 per cent, is £400,000. That was what he began with at iive-and-twenty. There was no need for him to do any work at all. But he did all those things that we know." " Yes ?" — for Lucian paused. "He lived quite simply. The whole of that income must have accumulated at compound interest. Do you know what that means ?" '* No. But these figures are beginning to frighten me. What does it matter to us how much there is ?" "Why, my dear, I am the heir — only in name, I know; still — well, Marjorie, money at 5 per cent, doubles itself every thir- teen years or so. That is to say, the sura of £100 in seventy years would become, at 5 per cent., £3200, and tlic sum of £400,000 wonltl become in the same period over twelve mill- ions. I don't suppose the old man always got his 5 per cent., but it is certain that the original principal has grown and devel- oped enormously — enormously ! Without counting the money- lending business and the other enterprises, there must be mill- 28 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE ions. Nicholson says there is no doubt that the estate is worth many millions. My father knew of this enormous wealth, but he kept silence." " Your father would not touch that dreadful and ill-gotten money, Lucian. Tell me no more — I cannot think in millions ; I think in hundreds. So many hundreds — you have two or tliree, I believe — will keep our modest household. Do not let us talk or think about other people's millions." " They are mine, Margaret, mine, if I choose to put out my hand. I only wish you to understand, dear, what it is — this tritie we are throwing away in obedience to my father's wish." " Do not let us think about this horrid money, Lucian. "We should end by regretting that you did not claim it. Your father renounced his name and his inheritance." " Yes "—but he looked doubtful. " If that binds me—" " Of course it binds us. It must bind us, Lucian. Besides, there is a curse — remember j^our father's words — a curse upon the money. Got with dishonor — " " My dear child ! A curse ! Do not, pray, let us talk medi- scval superstitions. The money may be given to anybody, for all I care. At the same time, to throw away such a chance makes one a little — eh ? — agitated. You must allow, pretty I'uritan, for some natural weakness." " Yes, Lucian. But you are a man of science, not a money- grubber. What would money do for you ?" *' Let me tell you about the house." " I do not want to hear about the house, or the occupants, or the money, or anything. I want to forget all about it. I am sorry we read those papers, since they have disturbed your mind." "Listen a moment only, and I will have done. The house- keeper took us up to the first floor — Nicholson and myself. It is a wonderful place. The furniture is at least a hundred years old. Neither the old man nor his father — who was a miser: quite a famous miser: they talk of him still — would ever buy anything new or send away anything old." " I should like to see that part of it." "Of course you would. On the walls are portraits — my an- cestors ; although my grandfather ran dancing-cribs, they have been a respectable stock for ever so long." '"TIIK HOUSK-KEEPER TOOK TS UP TO THE FIRST FLOOR THE FORTUXE AND THE HOUSE 29 ** They have been disreputable since the time of Queen Anne," said Margaret. " I do not know what they were before that time." " Very well. There they are, in Queen Anne wigs and George II. wigs, and hair tied behind. And, I say, Margaret, you know, whatever they were, it is pleasant to feel that one has forefathers, like other men. Perhaps they were not alto- gether stalwart Christians — but, yet — " " One would like, at least, honorable ancestors." " We must take what is helped. We can't choose our ances- tors for ourselves. This is their family house, in which they have lived all these years. It is a lovely old house. Three sto- ries, and garrets in the red-tiled roof ; steps up to the door like a Dutch stoop ; the whole front covered with a thick hanging creeper — a green curtain ; the front window looking out upon the old gray wall of the Abbey garden ; at the back a little gar- den with a huge vine — " "Your father must have played in it," said Margaret, attract- ed against her will by the description. " Then he played under a mulberry and beside a splendid vine. The stairs are broad and low ; the whole house is wain- scoted. Marjorie mine !" He sat down, stopping suddenly, and took her hand. " What is it, Lucian ?" Now these two young people were not only engaged to each other, but they were fully resolved to gather the roses while they might, and not to wait for the sere and yellow leaf. They would marry, as so many brave young people do now marry, in these days of tightness, on a small income, hopeful for the fut- ure. What that income was, you may guess from the first chap- ter of this history. *' I have an idea. It is this : The house will suit us exactly. Let us take it and set up our tent there. Don't jump up, my dear. I renounce my ancestors as much as you like — their trades and callings — their little iniquities — their works and their ways. Their enormous fortune I renounce. I go about with a name that does not belong to me, and I won't take my own true name. All the same, they are my ancestors. They are ; we cannot get clear of that fact." 30 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " But wliy go and live in their house and be always reminded of the fact ?" *' Can one ever forget the fact of one's own ancestry ? They are an accident of the house ; they won't affect us. We shall go in as strangers. As for that curse of the money — which is an idle superstition — that cannot fall upon us, because we shall have nothing to do with the money ; and it is so quiet ; the street itself is like — well, it reminds one of those old-fashioned river-side docks — quiet old places which the noise of the river seems never to reach. Great College Street is a peaceful little dock running up out of the broad high river of the street for the repose of humans. And it is close to the Abbey, which you would like. And at the back is a Place — not a street — a Place which is more secluded than any Cathedral Close anywhere. You would think you were in a nunnery, and you would walk there, in the sunshine of a winter morning, and meditate after your own heart. It is as quiet as a nunnery and as peaceful. Now, child, let me say right out what is in my mind. I want a place — don't I ? — where I can put up my plate and make a bid for a practice — Lucian Calvert, M.D. Well, I looked about. The position is central ; the street is quiet ; there are lots of great people about. The members of Parliament would only have to step across Palace Yard; the Speaker can run over and speak to me about his symptoms, noble lords can drop in to consult me ; the Dean and Canons of Westminster have only to open the garden gate in order to find me." " Oh, Lucian ! I am so sorry that you have seen the house. Oh ! I am so sorry that you ever heard anything about this great fortune." » " Of course I mean that we should take the house with all that it contains." "All your ancestors' portraits?" she laughed, scornfully. " Why, if you knew who and what they were — " " I do not expect virtue. Their private characters have noth- ing to do with us. We have cut ourselves off. Only, it will be pleasant to feel that they are there always with us. My dear, after all these years, say that it is pleasant to find that one has ancestors." " And you want to go and live with them ! You have changed THE FORTUNE AND THE HOUSE 31 3'our name and refused your inheritance. Why, Lucian, if you live among them, it will be like a return to the family traditions — and — and — I don't know — misfortune and disaster — you have not read the history of the family." " A family curse !" he repeated, with impatience. " Non- sense ! The place is most suitable ; the house is most conven- ient — and — besides — the house should be mine ; my own people have always lived in it ; I belong to the house. The portraits are mine ; I ought to be with them. One would say that they call me." CHAPTER VI THE N U II S E R V LuciAN turned away and said no more that day. But the next day — and the next — and every day he returned to the sub- ject. Sometimes openly, sometimes indirectly ; always by some- thing that he said, showing that his mind was dwelling on his newly recovered ancestors and on their house at Westminster. She knew that he walked across the park every day to look at it. She perceived that his proposal to take the house, so far from bcina: abandoned or forgotten, was cfrowinij in his mind, and had taken root there. Her heart sank with forebodings — those forebodings which have no foundation, yet are warnings and prophecies. "You are thinkmg still," she said, "of those portraits." "There is re})roach in your voice, my Marjorie," he replied. " Yes, I think of them still, I have seen them again — several times. They are the portraits of my own people. A man can- not cut himself off from his own people any more than he can cut himself off from his own posterity." " If you will only read the history of your ancestors as your father set it down, you will no longer desire to belong to them." " Wrong, Marjorie, wrong. It is not a question of what I should wish ; it is the stubborn fact that I belong to them. Their history may be tragic, or criminal, or sordid, or anything you please ; but it is part of my history as well." " Then read those papers." "No, I will not read them. You shall tell me, if you please, some time or other. Now, I have talked it over with Nicholson. He quite thinks the house' would suit us." "Does Mr. Nicholson, your father's old fiiend, approve?" " I have not asked for his approval." THE NURSERY 33 Lncian did not explain that Mr. Nicholson had expressed a strong opinion on the other side, nor did he inform her of Mr. Nicholson's last words, which were: "If you take this house, Lucian, you will end by claiming the estates. I have no rig-fet • to say anything ; but — it is ill-gotten money." " I say," Lucian repeated, " that I act on my own approval. Well, Nicholson has found at the office — my grandfather's office — that I can take the house on reasonable terms, and that I can have the furniture and everything at a valuation." " Oh ! Those portraits drag you to the house, Lucian." " They do. I am not a superstitious man, my dear ; I laugh at the alleged curse on the money ; yet I accede to my father's ■wish, and I will not claim that great fortune — we don't want to be rich; nor will I resume ray proper name, which would cause awkwardness. But I want to feel myself a link in the chain." " Alas," she sighed, " what a chain !" " And I want to return to my own people. They may keep their fortune. But since they have transmitted to me their qualities — s^uch as they are — I would live among them, Mar- jorie !" He held out his hands. " You know my wish." She took them. She fell into his arms. " Oh ! my dear," she cried, laughing and crying, " who can resist you ? Since you must, you must. Being so very wilful, you must. We will go — those faces on the walls are stronger than I — we will go there — since nothing else will please you. But, oh ! my Lucian, what will happen to us when we get there ?" This step once resolved upon, it was agreed that she should first see the house. But she made one condition. " If," she said, " we take that house and buy those pictures, I must tell you who and what were the people whose portraits they are. At least, Lucian, you should not be tempted to pay them any reverence." " As you please, Margaret," he replied, carelessly. " Of course, I don't expect chronicles of virtue ; they would be mo- notonous. I am sure that the forefathers of the deceased must, like him, have had a rooted dislike to the monotony of virtue." And then occurrcil a vcrv curious thiiiof. The fjirl's mind liad been filled with terror, gloomy forebodings, presentiments. She had read those papers, she knew the family history, she was 2» 34 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE weighed down by the sins of all these ancestors. But when it was resolved to take the house, when the possible became the actual, she found to her astonishment that the ghosts vanished — ■ as Lucian had said, the past was old history — old history — what did it matter to them ? It was, she found, a lovely old house. Steps, side steps, with a good old iron railing, led to the stoop and to the front door. There were three stories, each with three windows ; there was a steep red-tiled roof with dormer-windows. Over the whole front hung a thick green curtain of Virginia- creeper. The shut- ters, indeed, were closed, which partly concealed the uncleaned condition of the windows. On the other side of the street was the old gray wall of the Cathedral precincts — did Edward the Confessor build that wall, or was it an earlier work still ? — the work of Dunstan, what time his Majesty King Edgar endowed the Abbey ? " Is it a lovely old place outside ?" asked Lucian, eagerly. " Is it a quiet, peaceful spot?" " It is all that you say, Lucian." " Now, my dear, you shall see the inside of it. Remember that it has not been cleaned for ever so long. Don't judge of it, quite, by its present aspect." With his borrowed latch-key Lucian opened the door, and they stepped in. The place was quite empty ; the old woman was gone ; the shutters were closed ; the furniture, it is true, was left; but furniture without life makes a house feel more deserted than even when the rooms are empty. Another well- known point about an empty house is that, as soon as people go out, it is instantly seized upon by echoes; if it remains long empty it receives a large collection of echoes. When Lucian shut the street door, the reverberation echoed up the walls of the stairs from side to side ; then it came down again more slowly, and then more slowly still climbed up the walls again, dying away with obvious reluctance. Lucian said something, a word of welcome ; his voice rolled about the stairs, and was repeated from wall to wall ; he walked across the hall, his foot- steps followed his voice, as his voice had followed the shutting of the door. " The house is all echoes," said Margaret. Her voice was THE NURSERY 35 not strong enough to be rolled up the stairs, but her sibilants were caught, and Echo returned a prolonged hiss. " Only because it is empty. Echoes are odd things. Thev never stay in an inhabited house. They like solitary places, I suppose." Lucian opened the door of the back parlor, which, with the shutters closed, looked like a black cave in which any- thing might be found. "This is the room" — he lowered his voice — " in which the old man lived and died. Quite a happy old man, he is said to have been. Serenely happy in the mem- ory of his little iniquities. He was no more troubled with re- morse in his age than he was with scruples in his manhood. Curious ! Most very wicked people are happy, I believe. Seems a kind of compensation — doesn't it ?" He pulled back the shut- ters and let in the sunliofht. " There ! Now, Margaret, my dear, you behold the con- sulting-room of Lucian Calvert, M.D. Here he will sit and receive his patients. They will flock to him by crowds — the lords ; the members of Parliament ; the Canons of West- minster ; the engineers from George Street ; the people from the Treasury, the Colonial Office, the India Office, the Board of AVorks, the Board of Trade, the Educational Department — they will all flock to me for consultation. They will wait in the front room. Not a physician in Harley Street will be better housed than I. AVe will breakfast and dine in the waiting-room. Up- stairs you shall have your own rooms — drawing-room, boudoir, everything. This is to be the patients' waiting-room." He opened the door of communication with the front room, and strode across in the darkness to open the shutters. The room was furnished with a dining-table, but no one had dined in it for a hundred years. In the miser's time there was no dinner at all ; in his successor's time the room at the back was used as a living-room. The place was inconceivably dirty and neglected. "Oh! what dust and dirt!" cried the girl. "Shall we ever get it clean and presentable ? Look at the windows ! When were they cleaned last? And the ceilings ! They are black!" " Dirt is only matter in the wrong place. Bring along a mop and a bucket and transfer it to the right place. We will trans- form these rooms. A little new paint — pearl -gray, do you 36 BEYOND TIIK PREAMS OF AVARICE think? With a toncli of color for the panels and the dado, a new carpet, new curtains, white ceiling, clean windows — " "What a lot of money it will take !" " We will make the money. Patients will flock in ; I shall finish my book. Courage, dear girl. And now, if you please, we will go right up to the top floor first. How the old house echoes!" He lifted his voice and sang a few bars as they stepped back into the hall. Instantly there was awakened a choir of voices — a hundred voices at least, all singing, ringing, repeating the notes backward and forward and up and down. " I believe the house is full of ghosts," said Margaret. " With- out you, Lucian, I should be afraid to go up the stairs." " I wish it was full of ghosts," Lucian replied. And up and down the stairs the echoes repeated: "I wish— I wish — I wish — it was — was — was — " Margaret laughed, " When I am the wife of a scientific person," she said, " I must leave off believing in ghosts. Just at present and in this empty house I seem to feel the ghosts of your ancestors. They are coming up-stairs with us." They were broad and ample stairs, such as builders loved when these were constructed. " But they were made for hoops," said Margaret. Tlie old carpet, worn into holes and shreds, its outlines gone, still stuck by force of habit in its place. "There were two misers in succession," said Margaret; "there- fore this carpet must be a hundred years old at least. I wonder it has lasted so long." " My grandfather stepped carefully upon the holes," said Lu- cian, " in order to preserve the rest. I think I see him going up and down very carefully." " If we were to meet one of the ancestors stepping down the stairs in a satin coat and a wig and laced ruflles, should you be surprised, Lucian V " Not a bit. First floor. Let us go on. It is a noble stair- case, and when we've got through with the whitewasher and the painter, and have the stair- window cleaned, it will look very fine. Second floor — one more flight." They stood on the landing at the top of the stairs ; two or THE NURSERY three dust-covered boxes lay scattered about carelessly, as if no one had been up there for a very long time. Two closed doors faced them. In one was a key ; Lucian unlocked it and threw the door open. " It's the nursery !" cried Margaret. " Why, it is the old, old nursery !" She stepped in and threw open the windows — they were the two picturesque dormers that had caught her eyes in the street. "There! A little fresh air — and now — " She turned and looked again at the evidence of ancient history. " Why !" she said, sitting on the bed. " Here grew up the innocent children who afterwards — they were innocent then, I suppose — afterwards became — what they were. Here they played with their innocent mothers. Oh ! Lucian, my history says so little about the wives and mothers. They had some brief time of happiness, I hope, in this room while the babes grew into little children, and the children grew tall — and my history says nothing about the girls. There must have been girls. Did they run away ? Did they disgrace their name and themselves? Do you think they were girls as much ashamed of their people as we can be, Lucian ? — because thy people are my people, you know, and where thou goest, I go too. And in this house I shall become a successor to these wives, whose sons were your grandfathers." The tears stood in her eyes. " Nay, my Margaret, but not an unhappy successor. What does it matter if these women were unhappy? Old histories — old histories 1 Let us trust, my dear, in ourselves, and fear no bogies." " Yes, we will trust in ourselves, Lucian." She got up and examined the room more closely. Against the wall there stood a cradle ; not one of the little dainty baskets of modern custom, but a stout, solid, wooden cradle, with strong wooden rollers, carved sides, and a carved wooden head ; a thing that may have been hundreds of years old. The little blankets were lying folded up ready for use on the little feather-bod, but both blankets and bed were moth- eaten and covered with dust — for the room had not been opened for fifty years. Beside the cradle was a low washing arrange- ment, for children's use, a thing used before the invention of the inodern bath ; in one corner was a small wooden bed, a four- 38 HEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE poster, witliout head or hangings, but with a fcather-hcd also eaten in holes and gaps; in anotlior forncr the children's bed, a low truckle-bed of the time when children were put two and three together in one bed ; on the mantel-shelf were basins and spoons, and a tinder-box, and an old-fashioned night-light in its pierced iron frame. There were two or three chairs, a chest of drawers, a small table, a high brass fender, a!id a cupboard. " The nursery," Margaret repeated, with a kind of awe. The discovery moved her strangely. The dust lay thick upon the beds and the cradle and everything. When the last children died, and the mother died, and the last son left the house, the door of the nursery was shut, and for fifty years remained shut. She pulled open the top drawer of the chest. There were lying in it, carefully folded and put away, the complete trousseau of a baby. Such beautiful clothes they were, with such cunning and craft of embroidery and needle-work as be- lono-ed to the time when things were made and not bought. In those ancient days things, because they were made, and excel- lently made with skill and patience and pride, were much prized, and were handed down from mother to daughter-in-law, insomuch that this dainty frock in long clothes might have served for generation after generation of babies in this family of Burlev. Margaret turned over the things with the artistic curiosity of one who recognizes good work more than with the sympathetic interest of a possible matron, who considers the use for which it was designed. The other drawers contained things belonging to children a little older — frocks, socks, shoes, sashes, ribbons, petticoats, and whatever is wanted to adorn and protect a child of three or four. " See," she said, holding up a long baby frock, " the beauty. of the work. Ah ! In such a house as this it relieves the mind only to see such evidences of loving work. Love means happiness, Lucian, for a woman at least. While the patient fin- gers were embroidering this frock, the woman's heart must have been at rest and in happiness. Yet they were going to be so miserable from mother to daughter-in-law, all of them. Oh ! I am so glad we have seen this room. It is like a gleam and glimpse of sunshine. Five generations of women lived here — all of them, THE NURSERY 39 one after the other, doomed in the end to misery. Five gen- erations ! And we, Lucian — we begin afresh. If I thouglit otherwise — but these poor women had unrighteous lords — and I—" He stooped and kissed her hand. " "We begin anew," he said. "Courage! we begin anew." She threw open the cupboard. There were hanging up within two or three dresses of ancient fashion. " Strange," said Margaret, " that these things should be left. See, they belong to the time of George IV. The sleeves are re- turning to that fashion. I suppose the last two tenants would suffer nothing to be destroyed. Look — here are their toys — even the children's toys kept ! Here they are : broken dolls, battledoors, Noah's arks, cup and ball, wooden soldiers, puzzles, picture-books. I must come up here again," she added ; "I must come up alone and turn out this cupboard at my leisure. Lu- cian, in such a place as this — in the old nursery one feels the reality of the family. There are women and children, mothers, wives, daughters, in the family. You can't understand it simply by reading about the wickedness of the men. It is like a his- tory which concerns itself only with the campaigns of generals and the oppression of kings. Here one feels the presence of the mothers and the children." She sighed again. " Poor unfort- unate mothers !" she said. " Lucian, I charge you, when you send in your workmen, leave the nursery untouched. This shall be mine." '* Yes, dear, it shall be yours — your own." '* The room is full of ghosts, Lucian. " I am not afraid of tliem ; but I feel them. If I were to stay here long, I should see them. Let us go into the next room." CHAPTER VII THE PRODIGAL SON The other room, the back attic, was loclced, and there was no key in the door. Lucian turned the handle and pressed with his shoulder. Tlie lock broke otf inside, and the door Hew open. " Ouf !" cried Lucian. " What a dust ! What an atmos- phere !" The sun was struggling through the window, which was covered inside with cobweb, and outside with the unwashed layers of many years' coal smoke. He tried to throw up the sash, but the cords were broken ; he lifted it up and proi)ped it with a book which he took from a shelf hanijinfj beside the window. " So !" he said. " Why, what in the world have we here?" The room was furnished with a four-post bed. The hangings, which liad never been removed, were in colorless tatters ; every- thing was devoured by moth ; but the bed was still made — sheets, blankets, and coverlet — and so had remained for a hun- dred and fifty years. There was a single chair in the room — a wooden chair; there was a maliogany table, small, but of good workmanship ; on the table were the brushes and palette of a painter ; a violin-case lay half under the bed ; the inkstand with the quilUpens, the paper, and the pouncet-box still lay on the table as they had been left ; the books on the shelf — Lucian looked at them — were chiefly volumes of poetry. " See, Lucian ! The walls are covered with paintings !" So they were ; the sloping walls of the attic, whicli had been plastered white, were covered all over with paintings in oil. Tliey represented nymphs and satyrs, flowers and fountains, woods and lakes, terraces and walks, gardens and alleys of the Dutch kind, streets with signs hanging before the houses, and ladies with hoops. The paintings were not exactly executed by THE PRODIGAL SON 41 tlie hand of a master ; the drawing was weak and the color faded. Each picture was signed in the left-hand corner "J. C. B.," with dates varying from 1725 to 1*735. " What is the history of these things?" " I think I know," Margaret said, softly. " There is a pict- ure. Oh !" she shuddered, " I am sure the date corresponds, IIow shall I tell you, Lucian ?" Tlie picture hung over the mantel - shelf, turned face to the wall. Lucian turned it round. It represented a young man about twenty-five years of age. He was richly dressed in the fashion of the time — about 1735 ; he wore a purple coat with a flowered silk waistcoat and lace ruffles. His hat was trimmed with gold lace ; his fingers, covered with rings, resting lightly on the gold hilt of his sword. " The man was a gentleman, at least !" cried his descendant. His handsome face was filled with gallantry and pride. One could see that he was a young man with a good deal of eigh- teenth - century side and swagger ; one recognized his kind — always ready for love or for fighting ; one could picture him standing up in the pit of the theatre, sitting among the rufilers and bullies of the tavern, the terror of the street, a gallant in the Park. Margaret said something to this effect, but not much, because, in truth, her knowledge of the eighteenth century was limited. " He is handsome," she said, " but not in the best way. It is a sensual face, though it is so young. See — Lucian ! There are his initials, J. C. B., with the date 1735. It is the painter of these pictures. I will tell you about him, Lucian. This is clearly Ins own room, the place where he practised art when he ■was a boy — where he lived until he left his father's house. His name was the same that they all bore, you know, John Calvert Burley, and he was the son of Calvert Burloy — of whom I will tell you presently — the man who began the fortunes of the fam- ily. When this man was young he was full of promise ; he was an artist — these must be his paintings ; he was a musician. See — " She pointed to the violin-case. " He was a poet, or at least a writer of songs." The book-shelf was filled with books of verse. " He was a dramatist who wrote a comedy which was played at Drury Lane; and there were other things in which 43 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE he was skilled that I do not remember. All these facts are noted in your father's papers." Lucian nodded to his ancestor. " I am glad," he said, " that I have a forefather of so much distinction. Permit me to say- so much, sir, although I have renounced you." " Wait, Lucian. This room has been locked up since his death. That was in 1750. Your father mentions the room that was always locked up. It was this man's room. Upon him, your father writes, the vengeance first fell for his father's sins." " Oil !" Lucian interrupted, impatiently, " please do not talk to me about vengeance for another man's sins. How can such a thing be? Besides, had this man none of his own ?" " Unfortunately — yes. That was part of the vengeance. He was all wickedness. Clever as he was, bright and clever, and good-looking when he was young, he became a profligate and — and — everything that you can imagine in the way of wicked- ness, after he grew up. People must have spoiled him when he was a boy. There is a great deal about him in your father's papers. His name should have been Absalom. I have been thinking lately about this unhappy man. People should not spoil clever boys. He was good-looking — well, look at tlie portrait. Handsome Jack Burlcy they used to call him. He quarrelled with his father — I do not know why — and then he lived by his wits — lived on the town. How did young men live on the town, Lucian, a hundred years ago ?" " I don't very well know. Much as they do now, I suppose. They played cards and won ; and games of chance, and won ; they borrowed money of their friends and did not pay it back ; they took presents from rich ladies — whose hearts they after- wards broke; they ran away with heiresses; finally, they got into the Fleet Prison and starved, or they took to the road and were hanged. Then my ancestor here was quite a model profli- gate, I take it. Perhaps Tom Jones had this man's career be- fore him as a model." " You have stated his case exactly. He married an liciress and he squandered her fortune. Then she left him and came here with her child. He was brought up in the nursery we have just left; 1 suppose that we have seen his baby-clothes." "Well, and what became of that prodigal? Did he repent THE PRODIGAL SON 43 and come home again ? Or was he presently brought to the Fleet Prison ?" " No, Lucian," she replied, gravely. " This bright and gal- lant gentleman" — she pointed to the picture — "who looks as if there were no laws of God to be feared, chose one of the two lines you have indicated. But it was the road, and not the Debtor's Prison. And it led to — the other kind of prison." " Oh !" But Lucian's face flushed a little. " You mean, Margaret, that this gay and gallant gentleman was — in point of fact—" " Yes. A fitting end for him, but it was disgraceful to his people. This ancestor was hanged at Tyburn for a highway robbery. His father turned the portrait to the wall and locked the door. That was in the year 1750. And the room has never been opened since." " Humph !" Lucian stroked his chin gravely. " Have you any more such stories to tell me ?" " Two or three more." " After all — old history — old history ! Who would care now if one's descent from a man who was hanged in the year 1750 was published from the house-top ? No one. Old history, Mag. And as to vengeance for his father's sins, why, you've made it clear that he had enough of his own to justify the final suspen- sion. Shall we ever use this room, Maggie?" She shuddered. " Who could sleep hcTc ?" she said. " We will turn it, perhaps, into a storehouse of all the old things — the children's dresses and the dolls, perhaps, out of the nursery ; and the toys and the cradle and everything else that belongs to the innocent life. If the ghost of this wicked man still haunts the roonj, he may profitably be reminded of the days of inno- cence. Perhaps he has repented, long since, of the days of prod- igaHty. I don't think we could make a bedroom here." " Call you that renouncing of my ancestors, Marjorie ? Why, you are bringing all the mischief you can upon your own head by acknowledging that you know the stories. The wisest thing to do would be to clear out the room — both rooms — burn the rubbish, put the portrait somewhere else, and give the old-fash- ioned things to a museum of domestic manners and customs. Let us go down-stairs." CHAPTER VIII THE PORTRAITS They closed the door and went down to the next floor. Here there were three bedrooms, all furnished alike and with solid- ity. Each had a great mahogany four-poster, a mahogany chest of drawers, a mahogany dressing-table, and two maliogany chairs; there was a carpet in each ; and the liangings were still round the beds, but in dusty, moth-eaten tatters and rags. There were also shelves and a cuj)board in each room. On the sliclves were books — school-books of the early part of this century. Lat- in grammars in Latin, Greek grammars in Latin, Ovid and Cic- ero and Cornelius Nepos, Gordon's Geography, the Greek Testa- ment, and so forth. There seemed no reason to linger in the room. But Margaret opened the drawers. Strange ! they were all filled with things. She looked into the cupboards; they also were filled with things — clothes, personal effects. " Why," she cried, " they did not even take away their clothes ! Oh ! I know now. They left them here when they ran away, and here they have re- mained ever since. I will tell you directly all about them, Lu- cian. Look ! These silk gloves must have belonged to Lucinda — your great-aunt. She ran away. And in the other room there are things with the initials IL C. B. — your great- uncle Henry ; and others with the initials of C. C. B. and or J. C. B. — your great-uncles Charles and James. They, too, ran away. I will tell you why presently." On the first floor there were two rooms onl}', at the front and the back. They opened the door of the room at the back. It was furnished exactly like the rooms overhead, only that the four-poster was larger. The carpet and the hangings and the curtains were quite as moth-eaten and ragged as those up- stairs. THE PORTRAITS 45 "This is the room of the master," said Margaret — "your grandfather's room. For fifty years he was alone. His wife died about the year 1850 ; and when his son, your father, left him he was quite alone, and the house has been in silence ever since. Fancy a house, a thing that ought never to be without young people, condemned to silence for fifty years ! It isn't used to noise. The echoes take up your voice on the stairs ; the walls whisper it, as if they were afraid to speak out loud. All these years of silence ! And all the time down-stairs he sat and reck- oned up his money." She turned away and closed the door. " Lucian !" — she laid her hand upon his arm — " before we go to see the portraits, think. In your father's papers is an account of them all. Better have nothing to do with them — better know nothing about them." " Oh, nonsense ! If I do not hear now I shall be wanting to read the confounded papers myself. You need not soften the facts, Margaret. I am not afraid. Besides, old histories ! old histories !" lie opened the door of the drawing-room, which in the old days when it was furnished was called the best parlor. This was the state-room of the house, never used at all except for weddings, christenings, and funerals. The furniture was stiff and rather quaint. The chairs and sofa had been upholstered with stuff once green ; there had also been gilt about the legs and backs ; there was a round table in the middle ; there was a card-table between the windows ; there was a cabinet containing a few curiosities; there was a faded carpet, partly moth-eaten ; the fireplace and fender were of the old fashion ; and there was nothing else in the room. " I wonder," said Margaret, "if there has ever been any festivity at all in this room ? Certainly there can have been none for two hundred years. Is there anywhere else in this city a house with a drawing-room which for two hundred years has never been used ?" But the walls ! Round the wainscoted walls there were hung on every panel the portraits of the family ; the men were all there ; the wives and the daughters were all there. Two or three of the upper shutters of the windows were half open, and 46 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE the faces were jast visible in tlic dim liglit. Liician threw open all the shutters. It was the custom all through the last century in every family of the least pretensions or importance to have all their portraits taken. In the time of great Queen Anne the limner went about the country from house to house. He charged, I believe, a guinea for a portrait. You may see specimens of his skill pre- served in country-houses to this day. Portraits, in time, began to rise in price ; it became an outward sign of prosperity to liave your portrait taken. During this present century many most respectable families have gone without portraits alto- gether. Photographs, of course, do not count. In the Burley familv the custom prevailed during the whole of last century and wt'll into this. All the sons and daughters of this House were figured and hung in frames, which sadly wanted regilding, upon the walls. " My ancestors." Liician bowed with a comprehensive sweep of his arm. "Ancestors! I present to you your granddaugh- ter-in-law that will be. We have renounced your works and ways, but we recognize the fact of the relationship. Maggie, you have something rather uncommon to tell me about our an- cestors, I believe ? With your permission, ancestors !" Again he bowed gravely. " Yes, but what is it ? Very odd ! Oh ! I see. Most of them are following me with their eyes wherever I go. What an uncanny thing! How came the painters to make all their eves like that? It looks as if they were curious to see the living representative." "Let them follow," said Lucian. "Now, historiographer of the ancient House of Burloy, I listen — I sit at your feet — I wait to learn." Marirarct was walking round the room lookinij at the names and dates on the frames. "Yes," she said, "these are your ancestors; all are here, except that unhappy man for whose sake the room up-stairs has been closed all those years. Now Lucian, if vou arc prepared — mind, I could tell yon a groat deal about evcrv one — i>ut 1 will confine myself to the principal facts. You will find them bad enough." " You ought to have a white wand." Lucian sat down. THE PORTRAITS 47 « Now — it is odd liow tlie eyes are staring at me — I am ready to hear the worst." Over the mantel-shelf hung the effigy of a gentleman in a large wig — a wig of the year 1720, or thereabouts. A certain fatness of cheek with a satisfied smugness of expression cliarac- terizes most portraits of this period. Both were wanting in this face. It was hard ; the eyes were hard ; the mouth was hard ; the face was determined; the forehead showed power, the mouth and chin determination. Time, who is often an excellent finisher of portraits, and occasionally brings out the real charac- ter of the subject much more effectively than the original lim- ner (but he takes a good many years over the job), had cov- ered this face with a cloud of gloom and sadness. " We begin with this man," said Margaret. " lie is Calvert Burley. He began, however, as a clerk, or servant of some kind, to a City merchant. He must have been a young man of ability, because he rapidly rose, and became factor or confi- dential clerk. What he did was this : He persuaded his master, who entirely trusted him, to invest a great sum in South Sea stock. With a part of the money he bought shares in his cwn name, falsifying the figures to prevent being found out. The shares, as he expected, went higher and higher, till they reached — I don't know what — and then he sold his own shares to his own master at the highest price. Then the crash came. He really looks, Lucian, as if he heard every word we are say- ing." " Let him answer the charge, then." "Well, the unfortunate merchant was ruined ; his clerk who had made an immense profit upon every share he held — 'I know not how many there were — stepped into his place. This was the origin of the fortunes of the House." " And the confiding: merchant?" " He died in the Fleet. His former clerk would not send him so much as a guinea when he was starving. Well, Calvert from a servant became a master; from a factor he became a merchant. 1 suppose that no one found out what he had done." " How was it found out, then?" " I do not know. I read it in your father's papers. 48 UEYONl) THE DREAMS OF AVARICE "ITiimpli! I slioiikl like to licar Mr. Calvert Barley's own account of the transaction." "That was what your father meant when he said that the fortunes of the House were founded on dishonor." " Vcs." Lucian looked at the portrait, who fixed upon liini from under black eyebrows a pair of keen, searching eyes. He got up and looked more closely. " Yes," he repeated, " I should like to hear your own account of the transaction, my ancestor. Because you look as if you could put it differently." " Lucian, stand there a moment beside the portrait, so the light upon your face is the same. Oh ! you are so like him. You have the same strong face, the same eyes, and the same mouth, Lucian, your strength was his, but he turned his strength to evil purposes." Lucian laughed. " At all events, my Marjorie, I shall not invest my master's money in my own name." " You are exactly like him. But, of course, what does it matter ? Well, you heard up-stairs how vengeance fell upon this man through his son." " Not at all. I heard up-stairs how the son was rightly pun- ished for his own crimes — not for his father's crimes at all. I am (piitc sure that the judge who sentenced him made no al- lusion to his father." " Well, he had no liappiness with his money ; for his eldest child ended as you have heard, and liis only daughter died of smallpox at the age of twenty-two. I expect this must be her portrait." It was one of a very pretty girl ; dark-eyed, animat- ed, evidently a vivacious and pleasing girl. *' Poor child ! to die so young ; aniit he then found, what no one expected, that there was no room for him anywhere. Not even as a clerk could he obtain a living. It was the stimulus of necessity which caused him to become a poet. In fact, he had always written verses for his own amusement. His old school-fellow Clarence used to sing YOUTH IN A GARRET 81 them, also for amusement. At a certain crisis in their fortunes, both being stone-broke, and with no prospect of any further suppUes from any quarter, Jemmy Pinker hit upon the private- party plan, and the evening entertainment of funny society songs. For himself, he had never gone into society. He knew nothing at all about smart people; he had no occasion for a dress-coat; he preferred — not that he ever got the choice — a steak and a pint of Bass in a tavern to the company of count- esses ; he was quite satisfied with what his partner told him about society and the simple wants of after-dinner people. In appearance the poet was "homely" — a good old word fast dying out ; his features, that is, were undistinguished ; his hair was of a warm hue, approaching to red ; his figure was short ; his very fingers were short and broad. He sat with his short legs curled under his chair ; his gray eyes were sharp and bright ; his face was habitually serious, as becomes one who is always meditating responsible and money -getting work; he seldom smiled ; he never lauirhed. The profession of entertainment poet — writer of topical sono-s — is not quite the highest branch of the poet's art. It is not, however, within everybody's reach. There must be the genius or natural aptitude for the work. It must be studied and prac- tised. After a time, in the case of one to the manner born, it becomes easy — the easiest thing in the Avorld ; that is, after the time when the poet has not only cultivated his own powers, but has gauged and grasped exactly the requirements of his audi- ence. The jokes and quips and turns, for instance, need not be too original ; people, especially after dinner, like their old and expected friends; new work — unexpected work — makes them uncomfortable ; they expect the usual situations, the usual end- ing, the usual jokes; novelty interferes with digestion. This limi- tation Mr. Pinker thoroughly appreciated. And it made his work easy; in fact, no young man in London, working for his daily bread, had a more easy life. He had no misgivings about the dignity or value of his work ; he liked it. He made rhymes upon everything, and noted them in a pocket-book; he thought in rhyme, and he talked in rhyme sometimes, just to keep his liand always in. It was a perfectly grave and serious business — that of providing metrical means for mirth. 82 BEVOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " Courage, Clary," said tlic poet, finishing his breakfast. "The season is ahnost over." " Thank goodness ! — yes." " Only two more engagements. To-night at the Baroness Potosi's. To-morrow at Lady Newbegin's. The Baroness ex- pected you to go up the back stairs, but I explained." Clary was a little jumpy this morning. lie cursed tlie Baron- ess. At the end of a fatiguing season, with champagne every day, one is apt to be jumpy. " What is it, old man ? Come, things couldn't look rosier. We've had an excellent season, and you are booked for half September and the whole of October and November — good houses — pleasant liouses — all of them." , " It's the fag of the work, I suppose. And sometimes I be- gin to worry about what we shall do when they get tired of me." "Look here, Clary" — his partner got up and slowly filled his pipe — "they never do get tired of anybody so long as he can make 'em laugh. When he can't make 'em laugh any longer, he may go and hide himself. You go on singing and I'll go on making 'em laugh for you. Next year we'll make a clear thousand apiece out of it — see if we don't." He lit his pipe and sat down again, tucking liis feet under the chair. "Make 'em laugh. Something in that idea, isn't there?" He pulled out a pocket-book. "Mouth gaping, cheeks aglow, Laughlit eyes — is ' laughlit' right? — in mirthful row, When fun and farce begin. He that pleases — not you. Clary — he may try Tears and groans to make 'em cry. Let me sing — you, that is. Clary, if you please — to — " He bit the point of his pencil. "Let me sing," he repeated gravely, "to make 'em grin." He made a note of these beautiful and suggestive words, and looked at them critically. "As for you," grumbled the other, "it's always the same. You are always satisfied." "Generally. I have reason to be. I have a partner, by whose help my verses are a small gold-mine. Quite satisfied. Give me my pipe and my beer, and my Chloe — my Cliloe — there's no good rhyme to Chloe — and I ask no more." "As for me," said Clarence, whose temper was short this YOUTH IN A GARRET 83 morning, " I've got to do the work. I belong to the service. I ought to wear woollen epaulettes and wliite-thread gloves." " Rubbish ! People don't know, or if they do, it doesn't matter. They think your father left you money." Clarence laughed. " If they think that," he said, " they will think anything. My father leave me any money ? My dear James, you don't understand my father's ocean-like capacity for absorbing all the money there is. He left me nothing but his debts, which, of course, I did not pay. Why should I? On ac- count of his good name ? The dear man had none." " Ah ! No name ! The Nameless One ! — the Nameless One — " But he shook his head. "They carried on, he and the granddad, as if there was no such thing as money at all, or as if they had millions. Wonder- ful men both, but especially the granddad. He got whatever he wanted; he wanted everything; he paid for nothing. How? I don't know." " Unspeakable are the gifts of the gods." " Of course they led the Joyous Life all the time. Never anything but Joyousness in the iiouse as long as I can remem- ber. Joyousness, with troops of topers, girls, and merrymakers, and men in possession looking on with a grin." " I would I had known your sainted ancestors. Clary. We want, in fact, more Joyousness — a great deal more Joyousness. Let us start a Joyous Club. I am sure it would succeed with troops, as you say, of topers, girls, and merrymakers. Couldn't we have a Lament over past Joyousness?" He took out his pocket-book, and improvised : " Whore are tliey gone — the merry, merry men ? Where are they gone — the merry, merry days ? Why did they leave us, wlio were so merry then ? Why did they take with them their merry, merry ways? I'm afraid that's pitched just one note too high for our peo- I)le, Clary. They don't like real sentiment. Yet it looks as if it might be worked up, too. 'Merry, merry days' — even the smart people ain't always young." *' Why, I dream of miUions, just from habit, because they 84 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE were such oxccllent actors that I really thought they did have millions. Wouldn't it be glorious to have a million or two? If you were offered vour choice of things, wouldn't vou choose a million down in hard cash ?" " Perhaps I would. "Some Johnnies marcli in glory's ranks — Some toy with Chioe's locks; that's how Chioe's got to come in — "I'd find my joy in City banks, And, if I could, in stocks." Again the note-book. " The millionaire, you see, could buy up all the locks of all the Chloes and a fair slice of glory too. Some Johnnies — it isn't very bad — march in glory's ranks, some toy with Chioe's locks." Clarence laughed. He sat down, took the morning paper, imfolded it, then he went on talking. "I wish you had known the granddad," he went on. "Good old man ! He only died ten years ago, liaving being born about the beginning of the century. lie acted and told stories and made love to the very end. I think he always believed that he was only thirty." He threw himself back in his chair and oj»cned the paper. Then he jumped up and screamed aloud: "O Lord! O Lord ! Here's a wonderful thing 1" "What is it?" " What were we saying? Millions we talked about. Good Lord !" He stared at his friend as one too much amazed for speech. " Well, but what is it ?" " There's an estate said to be worth twelve millions and more waiting for an heir to turn up." " Docs it concern either of us?" "I don't know. We were talking about millions," Clarence said, breathlessly. " About millions ! You shall hear. Here is the article. Read it !" The poet read it through, taking five minutes. " Well, it doesn't matter to us, does it ?" " To you ? No — to me ? I don't know. Look here, Jemmy. YOUTH IN A GARRET 85 This is a most wonderful coincidence, if it is a coincidence. The dead man's name was John Calvert Burley. My grand- father's name was Henry Calvert Burghley, spelled with a 'gh '; my father's name was Elliston John Calvert Burgliley ; and my name is Clarence John Calvert Burghley. Is that coincidence?" " But, Clary, my boy, your surname is different." " My grandfather may very well have altered his name — put in the 'gh' for pretty. It's quite the theatrical way, and what one would expect. The proper spelling, I expect, was Burley, without the ' gh ' ; the way this Dives — this master of millions — spelled it. Well, now — if I am right, what relation was Dives to my grandfather, to whose generation he belonged ?" " What do you know about your own people outside your grandfather ?" " You see before you, my friend, a man who has no people except the limited number of progenitors I have already men- tioned." "But you must know something. Have you no cousins?" " I've got nobody. I don't even know who my mother was. She died when I was quite young. I never once asked my father about her, nor did he ever tell me anything about her. I suppose she mast have had relations, but they never came near me. And my grandfather must have had cousins, but I never heard of them. I know nothing about anybody but these two. Nothing separates relations more than the habit of bor- rowing. If you carry on the Joyous Life, you must borrow. Now, if you had known my father, James, you would under- stand that he was not the kind of man to talk about the domes- tic affections. The affections that are not domestic might — and did — engage his serious attention and his continual conver- sation, but not — no — not those of the liome kind." " Well, there was your grandmother." " I don't know anything about her. She is prehistoric. The old man resembled his son in that respect that the home affec- tions were insipid to him. They lacked flavor; he liked his food spiced and seasoned and curried — deviled, in fact. We never talked about such things as wives in that pagan taber- nacle which we called home. The old man, I say, led the Joy- ous Life, He was never serious ; I believe he dreamed jokes Hi} BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE and made love-songs in his sleep. ' Life to the end enjoyed, here Roscius lies,' is written on his tombstone. Not original, but it served. His life was one long, continual banquet, for which somebody — I know not who — footed the bill. Well, the fact is — I don't know anything." "After all," said liis partner, reflectively, "a man cannot be without any relations at all in the world. And here we have a clew to the family. Clary, let us have a shy at those twelve millions. If we get them, you can go out and make 'em cry, if you like. ' " What are we to do ? We can't ask a dead man anything." ** No. But there are registers and wills and letters and docu- ments of all kinds. Have you got your grandfather's will ? — your father's will ?" Clarence laughed. " You might as well ask me if I have liis landed estates. Even your poetic brain, my partner, cannot re- alize the existence of a butterfly. Make a will ? That is pro- viding for the future from the past ! These two had no past and had no future. They had nothing but the present. And in the present they spent all they could get or borrow. There was no will, bless you." " Have you got no papers at all ?" Clarence sprang to his feet. " There's a desk. It was the old man's. Since he never opened it, there is probably some- thing in it that other people might call useful. I once opened it to see if there was any money in it. There wasn't. Only }>a])ers. I will go and get it." He brought back not only a small rosewood desk, but also a bundle of papers tied up with string. " Here's the desk," he said, " and here are some papers that I found after my father's death, all piled in a drawer. I tied them uj), but I have never looked at them." " Now, then " — the poet-solicitor looked immensely impor- tant — " what we've got to do is this. I know. I have not served five years in a solicitor's chambers for nothing. We must first prove that you are the lawful son of Elliston Jolin Calvert Burghley ; then, that he was the lawful son of Henry Calvert Burghley ; then, that he was something pretty close to the late John Calvert Burley, After that ... I say, Clary, YOUTH IN A GARRET 87 if this should come off ! What a thing it will be for both of us !" " Don't, Jemmy, don't. I can't bear it. My throat swells. I can't speak. Twelve millions !" lie did not apparently resent the assumption of partnership in the inheritance as well as the business. "Go away now, Clary. It's lucky you have got a man of business for your partner. Go and walk somewhere ; get out among fields and daisies and skylarks and the little cockyolly birds ; sit by the babble of the brook ; catch the fragrance of the brier-rose ; Nature calls ; go listen to the voice of Nature." " I hate the voice of Nature," said the young man of the town. " The daisies and the skylarks would just now drive me mad. I feel as if I shall go mad with the mere thought of the thing. I don't want silence ; I want noise and action. I will go and play billiards with the windows open, so as to get all the noise there is. That will steady the nerves, if anything can. And, I say, Jemmy, how long, do you think, before — " "Come back to lunch at half-past one. Now go away." He went away. He put on his boots and his hat. On his way out he put his head in at the door. " Found anything yet ? I say, twelve millions! Oh, if the old man could have had that almighty pile ! Get it for me, and I'll show you how to spend it !" lie came back about one o'clock. His partner looked up from his papers. His face was seri- ous. " Clary," he said, " this is no laughing matter. Sit down. Now, then, are we to continue partners? If so, you shall have all my business energies as a solicitor. Mind, it's an awful big thing. If I pull it off for you I shall be content with ten — a siniple ten per cent. A million and a quarter ! It isn't much, but with thrift I could make it do. Yes — oh yes — with thrift and care and scraping I would make it do." " I agree. Only get it for me." They shook hands upon the bargain. "I will put our agreement in black and white presently; meantime, I have discovered one secret. Your grandfather, Clary, was certainly a brother of the deceased Dives. I am 88 nEvoxD THE dreams of avarice quite sure lie was. So tliat you arc a grand nephew, and tlicre- fore one of the heirs. Of course we don't know how many other heirs there may be." Clarence turned perfectly pale ; he staggered. He sat down, and for a moment he heard his partner talking, but could not understand what he was saying. He revived and listened. "... will take jolly good care not to part with it until we have established the case beyond any doubt. They will want a case complete at every point. Don't wriggle about in your chair like that, Clary. Sit quiet, man !" " I can't. Things are too real. Go on — get on quicker, man. One would think it was a ten-pound note — not twelve millions — millions — millions ! Oh !" He threw himself back into his chair, and leaned his head upon his hand and groaned. " Oh ! I feel like a woman. I could cry. Millions ! Millions ! Oh ! Do you think — do you think — we may — " *' Pull yourself together, old man. Now listen. This is our case, so far. Your father and grandfather had some sense. Their marriage certificates are among the papers. J confess, Clary, when you talked about the butterfly and the domestic affections, I began to fear — but that's all right. These cer- tificates are the first essentials, at any rate. Well, most of the papers are notes quite unconnected with the home affections. There are verses of a jocund and amatory kind — even I, the modern Anacreon, couldn't write better lines — there are play- bills, there are papers connected with this and that event. Your grandfather was lessee of the Theatre Koyal, York, for many years. His son was born there ; he came to London and played here; his son grew up and went on the boards ; his son married a lady of tlie company in which he played. All these things are plain to make out. But who was Henry Calvert Burghlcy, to begin with? Now here is a letter which gives us a clew." The solicitor-poet handed over a letter written on the old- fashioned letter-paper, folded with a wafer on it. " Dear Harry," it began: "We are all glad to hear that you have made a start. You can't be more pinched for money than when you were in Westminster, which may console you. Father said nothing when you did not come home, except that there was one mouth YOUTH IN A GARRET 89 less. I shall run away too, as soon as I can. Jack sa3's that if you want money he will buy out your chance of getting any- thing out of father's will for a pound or two if you like. But Jack says that father is only forty-five, and if he was eighty- five he wouldn't leave you anything because you ran away. So I remain your affectionate brother, Charles." " You see, this is not conclusive proof, but it puts us on the track. Your grandfather came out of Westminster; his father was a miser. The intestate Burley's father was a miser living in Westminster. We must prove that there was a brother Henry and another brother Charles — Jack seems the eldest brother, probably John Calvert Burley, and Charles is clearly younger than Henry. I must say that the case looks promising. We should have to prove the change of name, and — ^and — and there may be other things to prove before we establish the con- nection." Clarence gazed stupidly on the letter. He gasped. " Mind," said the poet, " I am quite s'ure, perfectly sure, in my own mind, that you are the deceased's grandnephew. Bnt we shall have to make the lawyers sure. And, Clary, my boy, this material is not quite enongh so far." " Oh !" Clarence murmured. "Oh ! It would be too much, this wonderful stroke of hick ! too much ! too much ! If I were to get it I would — I would turn respectable. And as for going out to sing — old man !" He turned away. Ilis heart was full. The Joyous Life, the only life he cared for, seemed within his grasp — not like his grandfather's, impecunious, loaded with debts, troubled with duns ; but free, with a capital of twelve millions fully paid up. The poet looked at him curiously. And he murmured, making a note of it on the spot : ♦' Rich and respectable. Oli, what a change it is ! Once a poor vagabond singing his verse ! Solemn and smug lie is: look at him ! Strange it is: Rich and respectable : guineas in purse." But he was wrong. Clary's ideas of respectability went no further than the respect which attaches to one who pays his way — neither begs, nor borrows, nor earns liis way, but pays it — along the Primrose Path. CHAPTER XII "AUNT LUCINDA" " Aunt Lu-cin-da !" The girl laid down the paper she was reading and squalled — it is a rough and rude word, but it is the only word which ex- presses the excitement and amazement shown in this cry. " Aunt Lu-cin-da !" she repeated. The elderly lady, who was engaged in some needle - work, looked up quietly. " Well, my dear ! Another dreadful murder?" " Not nearer than Buffalo, and that only an Italian family. But, Auntie, listen to this." She took up her paper. " No " — she put it down again — "toll me first what was the full name of grandfather — your father ?" " Why do you wish me to tell you ? Surely you know already, lie was named James Calvert Burley." "Yes; I wanted to make quite sure. And father's full name was John Calvert Burley. John C. Burley he wrote it. Yes — yes. Oh ! it's the same name." She jumped up and clapped lier hands. " Auntie, whcre'd they come from — our people — your people ?" " Well, my dear, you seem very much excited about some- thing. They came from a place in London called Westminster. I believe the Queen lives there. Your grandfather often told me about the family house. It stood in a street called (Jollege Street, looking over the gardens of Westminster Abbey." " Oh ! It's the same — it's the same." She clapped her hands again. " Oh, go on, Auntie ! What were they — by trade and calling, 1 mean ?" " I don't know that they were anything. Father always al- lowed that there was considerable money in the family. Ue u M AUNT LUCINDA 91 got none, because he ran away and never went back to ask for his share, nor learned anything at all about them." " Oh ! He ran away. What did he do that for ?" " They all ran away. He had four or five brothers, and they all ran away because, you see, ray dear, their father was a miser, and made the home too miserable to be borne." " Oh ! There were brothers. But they couldn't have had children, or there would be heirs." "What are you talking about, dear? AVhat heirs? Your great-grandfather was a most dreadful miser," Aunt Lucinda continued. " Father used to tell how he would go out with a basket and brintr it home filled with bones and crusts and broken vegetables — everything he could pick up. The boys were half- starved and went in rags — so they ran away. Your father was lielped by his mother's people, who made him a lawyer, and then — then — he — came over " — she hesitated a moment and changed color — " and settled here, you know." The girl nodded, and clapped her hands again. " Why," she cried, " there can't be any doubt ! The miser only died the other day — at least, I suppose it was the miser — and — Aunt Lucy — Aunt Lucy " — she fell upon her aunt's neck, and laughed and cried — " oh I our fortune is made. Oh ! we are the luckiest people in the whole wide, wide world. Oh! you poor thing! Never was any one so lucky. It isn't too late to enjoy yourself, though father was so unlucky with the money. We must begin to consider at once what is best to do. There is no time to lose. Perhaps we can get a lawyer in London to do the thing ; but English lawyers are dreadful, I believe. Perhaps we shall even have to go over ourselves." " My dear, I do not understand one single word that you are saying." " We could borrow some money, we shouldn't want much ; I suppose they'll give up at once when they see the proofs. Oh! Auntie — you shall be the richest woman in the wliole world ; you shall have new frocks by the dozen — " " Dear child ! AVhat is it ?" she repeated, with some trouble gathering in her eyes. " Listen, Auntie ! Only listen ! Oh ! listen. It takes my breath away only to think of it. Listen ! listen ! listen ! Oh ! 92 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE it's the most wonderful tiling that ever happened to anybody. All the good things — the lucky things — are coming to America. This is the real land for fairy stories. All the fairies arc coin- ing here. I am Cinderella — I ain Cap o' Rushes — I am Belle lielle — Oyez ! oyez ! oyez !" "Dear Ella" — tlie elder lady began to grow alarmed — "are yon in your senses?" " No, Anntie. I am out of them. r>ut listen !" She had been jumping about and waving the paper in her hand. At last she stood still and read : "HEIRS WANTED! AN IMMENSE FOKTUNE ! TWELVE MILLIONS STERLING! SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS ! ALL DROPPING INTO QUEEN VICTORIA'S LAP ! HEIRS WANTED NAME OF BCRLEY !" "These arc only the head-lines, Auntie, just to wake you up. There, sit up now. Open your mouth and shut your eyes and see what I will send you. I am Titan ia, Queen of the Fairies. I am the Lady Best of Good Luck. Listen ! listen ! listen I "'People named Burley are invited to read the following with attention. People whose mother's name was Burley may alsi) iind it to their advantage to read it with attention. People whose grandfathers and grandmothers were named Burley may read it with singular advantage and profit. Till one fatal day four or five weeks ago there lived in a little street called Great College Street, AVestminster, an old man, by name John Calvert Burley' — John Calvert Burley, Auntie. Tiiink of that! — father's name ! — John Calvert Burley," she repeated. " ' lie was so old that he had apparently outlived all his friends. At all events for forty years, as his house-keeper bore witness, no one had called at the house except his business manager. lie was ninety-four years of age. Those few people who knew of his existence knew also that he was very wealthy, lie was so very wealthy that his affairs were managed for him at an office, where he had formerly transacted business as a money-lender, by a large staff of employes — lawyers, architects, builders, ac- "AUNT lucinda" 93 countants, and clerks. The old man, who died suddenly, has, it appears, left no will. The estate, therefore, in default of heirs, falls to the Crown, and it is the biggest windfall of the kind that has ever happened. For the property left by this obscure old man is now estimated to be worth more than sixty millions of dollars. As yet no claimants have appeared, though it is ex- tremely improbable that so great a fortune will not give birth to endless claimants. It is most certain, moreover, that the British Treasury will require the most rigid proof before admit- ting any claim. Meantime we advise everybody named Burley to investigate their line of descent. If the deceased left broth- ers (which is not likely) or nephews and nieces, these will be tbe heirs to the whole estate. If there are neither nephews nor nieces the inheritance passes upward to the children, or their descendants, of the deceased grandfather. This opens up a wide vista of possible claims. For suppose the deceased's grand- father was born, say, in 1740, and had six children — of whom five are concerned in this inheritance. These five children, born, say, between 1765 and 1775, may have had five children each; these in their turn five each, and so on — until we arrive at a grand total in the present year of grace of 3125, all with claims to this estate. This gives to each the sum of £3520 or $17,- 000, a painful illustration of the reducing power of common division.' " There, Auntie, what do you say to that?" This conversation took place in a small house — a wooden house, painted a light, yellowish brown, with a green porch and green jalousies, and at the side a small orchard. The house stood in the main street of a little New England town which had a special industry in chair-legs. It was quite a small house, containing only one sitting-room, a veranda, a kitchen, and two or three bedrooms. Of the two ladies who lived in this liouse one, the elder, was a lady of a certain age, who had a little — a very little money. The other, her niece, a girl of twenty-one or two, was engaged as cashier in the most considerable factory of chair-legs in the place. The appearance of the elder lady, formal in her manner, precise in her dress, indicated the great respecta- bility of the family. Nobody, in fact, could be more respect- able. 94 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE Tewksbury, Mass., is a town in which the feminine element largely predominates. The girls take all the places, berths, and appointments, and do all the work at half the pay that should be given to the men for the same work. Therefore the men — the few men who arc born in this town — go away West, and the women, thus achieving their independence, are happy. This future of Tewksbury, Mass., is uncertain, but as the greater part of a chair-leg can be made by women just as well as by men, it is calculated that another fifty years will see the end of the town. This will be a pity, because it is a very pretty place, and in tl)c summer most umbrageous with shade-trees. Yet who would not rather be a cashier in a chair-leg factory than a mere wife and a meek mother, slaving for a husband and for children? Tewks- bury stands for many other places — we ourselves, if we live long enough, may witness the destruction of our own towns, when women have fully resolved on their independence and have driven the men out of the country. In the town of Tewksbury, not only do women predominate, but women rule. Theirs is the literary society ; theirs is the circulating library ; they form the committee for the lecture programme ; they get up the school and church feasts and treats and social teas and summer picnics. It is a Ladies' Para- dise, with as little as possible of the other sex, and, in fact, there are very few husbands and no marriageable bachelors, and the boys have to sit on the same benches as the girls, and are not only taught to behave pretty, but to acknowledge the superiority of women's intellect, being admonished thereon by the result of every examination. The Tewksbury Paradise is an Eden of culture with the dis- turbing element left out. Also, needless to sa\', that it has its commonplaces or maxims generally admitted — of which the one about the insufficiency of money to satisfy the soul naturally commends itself to a community of women living on a very few dollars a week. Yet, you see how Philosophy may break down. What power had this maxim over the soul of Ella Burley when she read this intelligence and was tempted by the prospect of these millions ? Alas I Poor Philosophy ! Whither wilt thou fly ? " Auntie 1" cried the girl again. " Don't look like that ! Say something ! Get up ! Get up !" " AUNT LUCINDA " 95 Miss Luciiida Burley took off ber spectacles and gazed into space, " Sure enough," she said, slowly. " Father came out of that street — and I suppose the man just dead must have been his brother. Sure enough ! One brother, I know — the eldest brother — remained at home — ninety-four. Yes, he must have been my uncle — ninety-four ! It's like a dream." "Sure enough, then, that great fortune is ours — isn't it? Unless the other brothers — but that isn't likely, or they would have come forward. It is ours. Auntie — ours." To the girl's amazement her aunt at this juncture turned per- fectly white, and began to tremble and to shake. " Oh, my dear !" she cried, " put it out of your head — we mustn't claim it. We mustn't think of it. Oh ! it cannot be ours. Don't so much as think of it." " Not claim it? Not think of it ? But, Auntie, it is ours by right. What is the matter, dear ?" For now Aunt Lucinda ap- peared to be nigh unto fainting. " It is the sudden shock that is too much for you. Dear Auntie, lie down — so. Oh ! and I thought you were sitting so calm and quiet over it — and I was so excited. Lie down — so — and let me talk. What was I say- ing ? Oh! Yes, you are the niece and I am the grandniece of the rich man's brother. There were other brothers, but their descendants have not put in a claim. Now all that is wanted will be to establish the relationship. Well ! here we are. Grandfather settled here. He was a lawyer here. He lived here and died here. People remember him well ; every- body remembers James C. Burley. I remember him ; an old man who walked with a stiff knee and a stick. lie died fifteen years ago; he was about seventy-five when he died. Then everybody remembers father — John C. Burley — who was only forty-five when he died. We shall have nothing to do but just to connect grandfather with the house in Westminster." "Is that all, Ella?" The elder lady sat up. She was still pale and agitated. " Is that really all that we shall have to do I Shall we not have to go into court and swear all sorts of things ?" " Why — of course — what more can there be ? If we can prove that James C. Burley was the dead man's brother, and that we arc his descendants, what more can they want ? Did 90 BEYOND THK DREAMS OF AVAKICE yon tliink you would have to stand up to be bullied by a brutal British lawyer ? Or were yon afraid there would be heavy law expenses, Auntie? AVas that what frightened you?" " Yes, dear, yes. Oh ! that was what I meant. I was afraid. It occurred to me — but since that is all — " " Why, dear, what nonsense ! Of course that is all. It will all be as plain as possible. We shall simply have to show that grandfather was this dead man's brother." Aunt Lucinda sat up and took the paper. But her eyes swain — she could not read it ; she lay down again, murmuring : " After ail these years — all these years — no — no !" "After all these years. Auntie — yes — yes; after all these years ! Oh ! To think that we shall be so rich — so rich — oh ! so rich. Let ns sit down and make out what we will do when we are so rich." The girl was a slight and slender creature, bright eyed, rather sharp of feature ; her hair nearly black, her black eyes deep set ; she spoke and moved with animation. She was thoroughly alert and alive ; she was a well-educated American girl who knew her mind and had her opinions. On one table lay the library books she was reading; in the bookcase were her own books ; on the writing-table lay the sheets of an unfinished paper on the " Parleyings of Browning," which she was writing for the literary society. This was a flourishing literary society, including all the ladies in the town — two hundred and fifty-five; most of them wrote critical papers for the society ; the rest wrote poems; one or two had written for New York magazines. Fiction was, very properly, excluded from tiie work of the so- ciety. It was, you see, a profoundly critical town. Many of the ladies, including Ella Burley, believed that the verdict of their society on the merits of an author made or marred that author. Ella sat down beside the sofa on which her aunt lay, still agitated, and began to talk. She enjoyed the pleasures of im- agination for half an hour. Then she remembered that supper had to be prepared, and she ran out into the kitchen which ad- joined in order to make it ready. And at intervals she ran back again to ;uld another detail. But the elder lady sitting upon the sofa looked about the room with troubled eyes. " She can find out nothing," she murmured. " AUNT LUCINDA " 97 " Oh ! I burned all the letters and papers. Oh ! nobody knows except rae — nobody else in the whole wide world. If it were discovered now — after I've hidden it away all these years ! After all these years !" " Auntie !" The girl ran in again. " I'm real sorry for Queen Victoria. She little thinks that over here in the Land of Free- dom there lives the heiress who is going to make her disgorge those millions. Of course, she reckons they are hers already. Fancy ! At Buckingham Palace — I see them quite plainly — they are all sitting in a circle round the table, the Queen in the middle and the Prince of Wales on her right hand, contriving how to divide and to spend the money — and now they won't have any of it. Oh ! what an awful blow for them it will be." She disappeared again. "When they sat down to supper neither could eat anything for excitement. " I have made up my mind, Auntie," she said, as if the elder lady's mind was of no account whatever. " I mean to carry this business through with a rush. I will give up my post in the factory to-morrow. We must get some money — an advance — a loan — a mortgage on this liouse will do — it won't cost much — we will go second-class to Liverpool ; then I suppose a week or two will be all we want to get the business settled. Why, it's as plain as can be — we must get certificates or something that we are the persons we claim to be, and you must get what- ever proofs you have to connect grandfather with the — What is it, dear?" For Aunt Lucinda was beginning to tremble again, " Oh ! Are you quite sure — quite sure, dear — that there will be nothing more wanted ? Only these certificates ? I've got old letters up-stairs — letters from his mother to my fathei* — " " Why, of course. What should be wanted more than what we have ? (W't out every scrap of paper you can find, and, Auntie, dear, don't look as if wo were going to bo hanged. You shall be crowned, not hanged, my dear, with a coronet — a countess's coronet. Oh ! I feel so happy — so happy !" Three weeks later they were sitting in a London lodging — it was in Westminster, so as to l)e on the spot, close to (Jrcat College Street; in fact, it was in Smith S(piare, where stands 5 98 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE tlic liiigc mass of stone called the Cluircli of St. Jolin the Evan- gelist. And it was a cheap lodging of two rooms that they took. " Now, Auntie " — it was the day of their arrival ; their boxes were unpacked ; they had taken tea ; they had tried the chairs and the sofa ; and they were preparing to settle down — " Jet us bring out our papers. Oh, how I used to wake up at night on board the liorrid ship, dreaming that we were in London and that we had lost the things. Here they are." She opened a brown leather hand-bag and took out a bundle of papers. " Here are the certificates of baptism ; yours, father's, and mine. They're all right. John Calvert Barley, son of James Calvert Burley, lawyer, and Alice, liis wife. Yours, too, Lucinda Cal- vert Burley ; and mine, Ella Calvert Burley. They're all right. Next, here is the certificate to show that the late James Calvert Burley, an Englishman by birth, lived in Tewksbury, Massachu- setts, and practised as a solicitor until his death in 1875. Here is the certificate of his death, with his age. That, of course, will correspond with his birth certificate at Westminster — in this great ugly church, 1 dare say. Here is my poor father's death certificate. Also the certificate about his residence and prac- tice. Then, here are the letters which you have kept — the letters of his mother (my great-grandmother) — only five of them, but two are enough. ' My dear James,' " — she took up one of the letters ; it was folded in the old fashion, without an envelope, and fastened with a wafer — " ' I am rejoyced to hear that you are Well and Safe and that your Uncle Jackman has been able to find you Employment. Your Father remains Obstinately Sett against Forgiveness, and you must expect noth- ing from him but llescntment, unless you quickly rctnrn, which 1 fear you will not do. Write to me often. You can bring or send the Letters to save Postage. Push them under the Door. Be Good, my son, and you will be Happy. Your Loving Mother — Frances Burley.' The letter is dated," the girl went on, "December 20th, 1825." '' That was about five years before he crossed to America," said Aunt Lucinda. " The other letter is very much like it — written a year later." " My grandmother died about the year 1878, 1 believe. Auntie, the evidence is crushing." " AUNT LUCINDa" 99 " Are you quite sure — quite — that they can ask no other questions ?" Aunt Lucinda aslced, anxiously. " Why, of course not. What other questions can they ask ? There may be other nieces and nephews. But the property could be divided, I suppose. Come, Auntie, the way lies plain and easy before us. We have nothing to do but to send in our claims. We will find out the way somehow. We will not have any lawyers to send in bills. A lawyer's daughter ought to know better. We will just draw up our statement, make copies of the letters and papers, and send them in — the copies, of course. Why, Auntie, I wouldn't trust even Queen Victoria's lawyers with the originals. There, we will put them all back for to-night, and to-morrow — ah !" — she drew a long breath — " we will spend in drawing up our case. I suppose it will be examined -at once, and as there can be no doubt about it, we shall have the property at the end of the week. Poor Queen ! She's a good woman ; everybody says so. I'm sorry she will suffer through us. But, of course, we can't help it. Perhaps a little present — a silver teapot, say — would partly console her. W^e'll find out how such a trifle, as a mark of respect from an American girl, would be received. I don't mind the disap- pointment of the princes a bit. And now^, my dear, you are tired with the day's journey, though it's nothing — really — to get across this little bit of an island. You ought to go to bed and rest. Otherwise there will be a headache in the morning and — mind — lie down with a joyful heart. There's no more doubt, mind — no more doubt than there is about the Stars and Stripes." Aunt Lucinda obeyed. But she did not immediately go to bed. She sat on the bed and trembled. Then she locked the door, and, falling on her knees, she prayed with all the fervor of a faithful Christian, while the tears ran down her cheeks. "0 God!" she murmured, "grant that it may never be found out or suspected. After all these years ! And no one knows except myself. After all these years ! And he a deacon ! And our folks respected in the town ! Oh ! keep the sin a se- cret. Let it burn in my heart and shame me and torture me. Kill me with it, and I will never murmur. Let mine be the suf- fering and the secret shame. But kee{) it — oh ! keep it from 100 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVAKICE the innocent girl. O Lord, if the fortune cannot come to us by reason of that sin, let me alone know that it is the sin which stands in the ■way." In the other room tlie heiress sat at the open window watch- ing the lights of the house and listening to the clocks. She was not ignorant of the long, long history which the Palace Yard and the buildings around it illustrate and commemorate, but her thoughts were not with English history. She was thinking of the house close by, where her great-grandfather, the miser, had lived, from which her grandfather fled. She must contrive to see that house somehow, as soon as the case was drawn up and handed in, but not before. She would present herself as the heiress — it would be her own house — as soon as the property was handed over to her ; that is to say, in a week or so at the outside. CHAPTER XIII THE VISION OF THE MOTHERS It was in -the evening, in the first glow of an early autumn sunset, that Lucian brought his bride to her new home in Great Colleofe Street. He had accomplished, you see, that strange desire to live in the house of his forefathers. He had obtained a lease from the administrators of the property ; he had bought the whole of the furniture and fittings, books, pictures — everything as it stood, and he had cleaned, painted, decorated, and whitewashed the house. It was his for seven years on the customary condi- tions. The street was peaceful as the cab rolled into it ; the house, clothed with its Virginia-creeper, just putting on its September splendors, looked truly and wonderfully beautiful ; the door, opened by Margaret's two maids with smiling faces, showed a light and cheerful hall. The stairs were carpeted, the walls newly painted ; the echoes were gone. Margaret ran in with a light heart. " Oh ! how changed !" she cried. She opened the dining- room door. The table, laid for dinner and decorated with flow- ers, was in itself a welcome ; the dingy old walls had disap- peared, and in their place were dainty panels of gray and green. " The house looks young again ! Lucian, the past is gone and forgotten. It is your house ; the old house, but transformed. Lucian, I am glad we came here." " It IS your home, my ISIargarct." He kissed her. " May it ])rove a happy and a fortunate home." Then they talked of their plans. The brass plate was on the door, "Lucian Calvert, M.D.," as an invitation to enter and bo healed. The book which tliis young physician was preparing 102 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVAKICE was nearly ready ; his reputation would be made by that book. Formerly a young man could not take his degree till he had maintained, before all comers, a thesis ; in these days he takes his degree first and advances his tliesis afterwards. Oh ! he would get on ; he had confidence in himself. And not a word was said about the ancestors up-stairs, or the millions waiting for him at the Treasury. Next day, breakfast over, her husband gone to the hospital, which took his mornings, Margaret began a new exploration of the house. First, she went into Lucian's study — the consulting- room of the future — the back parlor where the old man spent the last fourteen years of his long life. No sign of him was left ; that is, no outward and visible sign in this room or in any other room. Since his profession had been, as his son called it, " Destruction and Ruin," I dare say there were evidences of liis industry to be found outside the house — in poverty-stricken ladies, sons gone shepherding, and broad lands that had changed owners. However, here the signs and marks of him were all swept and carried away ; the windows were bright and clean ; the sun shone upon the panes through a frame or fringe of vine leaves-, the old bookcase now contained her liusband's scientific books — the old books, which were chiefly theological dialogues, essays, and sermons, were gone — packed off to the twopenny boxes of the second-hand booksellers ; the old table was covered with her husband's papers and writings; the colored engravings still hung in the panels, but their frames were newly gilt ; as for the walls themselves, they were newly painted a pearl gray, with a little warmer color for the dado and the cornice. Win- dow-curtains were put up ; there were new photographs, new knick-knacks on the mantel -shelf, and the portrait of Lucian's father was placed in this room, apart from the ancestors whom he had renounced. Could this be the dingy room of only six weeks ago? That represented age, squalid, low-minded, with- out dignity ; this meant youth and manhood, with noble aims and lofty studies. The voung wife had nothinc: to do in her husband's room. She looked in simply because it was his room; it made her feel closer to him only to stand in his room. She was perfectly hap- py in that foolish satisfaction with the present which newly 'MARGARET RAN IN WITH A MGHT HEART THE VISION OF THE MOTHERS 103 married people ought to feel. There in generation to generation. But Margaret turned from the children to their mothers, for they spoke to her. At first they spoke all together, with the same faint smile, and with the same sad, soft voice. "Welcome," they cried, "welcome, daughter of the House! Now art thou one of us ; one witli us." THE VISION OF THE MOTHERS 107 " One of US, and one with us," they repeated, all with the same sad smile ; " to suffer and to weep with us — with all who marry into this House." Then they spoke in turns, each telling the new - comer lier story of sadness, " I," said the first, who had on her head the Queen Anne commode — " I married the man who committed the crime for which you have all smce suffered in your turn. Would to God I had died first ! How should I know that he had ruined his master, and starved him to death in prison, and made his chil- dren beggars ? I knew nothing till, in the agony of bereave- ment, he confessed it all. My daughter, my lovely girl, died in her very spring. My lovely boy was kidnapped and carried away, I know not whither or to what hard fate; my eldest, as brave and as beautiful as David's own son Absalom, was car- ried to Tyburn Tree and hanged upon the shameful gallows. Oh! my son — my son! Oh! my daughter! Oh! wretched mother ! Thus began the expiation. Listen, thou newlv made one of us !" " As for me," spoke the second, " I lived to so great an age that I thought I should never die ; and I had sorrow and shame for my companions night and day. I had to look on helpless while my husband squandered my fortune among wantons — till love was turned to hate, and hate was changed to shame when he was taken out to die. Thus have we women wept for the wickedness of men." "And I," said the third, "married one who lost his reason, and raved for twelve long years. And so my life was ruined, save that my children were left to me." " Whose lot was worse than mine ?" said a fourth. " For my husband became a miser. He was mad for saving money. I had to pray and threaten before I could get money even for my children ; as for clothes, I had to make them myself. When the boys grew up they ran away and left the miser's home ; all but one, who found means of his own to live and clothe himself until his father died. My only daughter left me. No one would stay in the House. Oh, wretched House ! Oh, loveless House 1 Oh, House of evil fortune!" She wept and wrung her hands. 108 BKYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " AjkI I," said tlie last, "married the miser's son. Like liis great-great-grandfather, he cared nothing liow he made money, so that he could make it. Like his father, he could not bear to spend it. I had children, six, but five of them died, and when I lay a-dying, my son whispered that he could not endure to live in the house without me, and that he could no loncrer en- dure being called the money-lender's son, and so, I think, he, too, ran away." "One of us," said the first — "one of us! With all these memories to fill thy mind and these our sorrows to share — fair, new daughter of the House !" " The money was gained with dishonor," said the last, " and has grown with dishonor. Uow should this couple who inherit the money escape the curse ? They cannot take one without the other." "Shame and dishonor! Shame and dishonor! These things go witli the fortune that Calvert Burley founded and the miser and the money-lender increased." You will observe in the report of this vision, first of all, that Margaret was alone in the house, save for the two maids in the kitchen below ; next, that she knew the history attaching to every portrait ; then, that the vision told her nothing new ; and, lastly, that she had been from the first strangely moved by the nursery and its associations. One would not willingly explain away, or suppress, anything supernatural — things really and un- doubtedly supernatural are, despite the researches of the Psy- chical Society, only too rare. At the same time, we must re- mark the predisposition of this young wife to such a vision. It was a warm autumnal morning; her imagination was excited by the sight of the portraits ; she sat on the bed ; she either fainted or she fell asleep ; and she dreamed this vision of the mothers. It ceased ; the unhappy mothers vanished. Margaret sat up, looking around her, listening to the voices which died away slowly in the chambers of her brain. She was married to a scientific husband ; she was accustomed to hear derision poured upon all spiritual pretensions and man- ifestations and revelations. "It was a dream," she said — "a dream caused by what I had been thinking about." Yet she arose with a sense of consolation. "Shame and dishonor," said THE VISION OF THE MOTHERS 109 one of the women, *' go with Calvert Barley's money." There- fore no harm would fall upon those who refused part or share in that money. It was the belief of Lucian's father. No harm would come to her or hers so long as they continued that great refusal. "It is a dream," she said, wondering why she came to the nursery, and remembering no more after she had played that sacred music which prepared her soul for the dream of the mothers. " A dream," she repeated. Yet — strange that one should, in open daylight, walk in sleep. She descended the stairs, feeling a little dizzy and still confused about this dream. When she reached the first floor she stopped, hesitated a moment, then turned the handle and went into the drawing-room. Why, there was nothing at all in the pictures out of the common ; poor paintings, for the most jiart ; stiff in drawing, and conventional ; very probably good likenesses. But as for that feeling of being watched by them, or of any in- telligence in them, or of listening by them, or anything in the least unusual — it was absurd. " I have been dream inof," said Margaret. She took a chair in one of the windows and sat down, taking a book of verse to read. The poetry did not appeal to her this morning ; she laid the book aside ; she closed her eyes and dropped off to sleep. At one o'clock she awoke ; she sat up with a start ; she looked round, expecting the mothers to be surrounding her chair. There was nothing; the mothers were on the wall, but they were evidently thinking of themselves. " It was a dream," she said. "But how clear and vivid ! And, now, I know them every one. 'One of us — one with us — to share our sorrows!' Oh, hapless House ! There may be sorrows for me, and there will be ; but not the shame and dishonor that go with all this money." "Lucian," she said in the evening, "I must tell you what a strange thing happened to nie this morning." "You have something on your mind, dear. Tell me, if it will relieve you." "I will not tell you quite all. I must keep something back, because even to you, dear, I feel as if I could not tell every- thing — just yet." 110 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE "Tell me just what you please." She was ashamed to tell him of the strange terror which seized her in the drawing-room ; she was ashamed to tell him of the hymn she played for strength against these airy terrors ; she was ashamed to tell him that she could not remember how she got up-stairs to the nursery. " I went there," she said, " and I sat upon the bed, and be- gan to think of the children and the poor mothers. And — I don't know — perhaps it was rather a close morning, and the window was shut. I am afraid I fainted, for I fell back, and when I was recovered I was lying on the bed." " Fainted ? My dear child !" " And I had a most curious dream. Well, the dream was in my head before I went off. I dreamed that round the bed stood all the mothers of the House — those unhappy women whose portraits are up-stairs, and they welcomed me as one of themselves, and lamented their unhappy fate, and they said that shame and dishonor go with the money that Calvert Burley began to save.'* " A strange dream, my dear," said her husband. " Truly a strange dream." " Oh, it was only a dream, Lucian," she concluded. " Oh, I do not need to be told that. But it lias broucfht home to me so vividly the sorrows of these poor women. Oh ! how they suffered, one after the other ! If men only knew the sufferings their vices bring upon women, I think half the wickedness of the world would cease. One after the other — yes — I know what you would say — their husbands sinned and caused their sorrows. Yet your father thought so — as 1 think. Dishonor and shame go with Calvert Burley's money." Lucian laughed, but with grave eyes. " My dear," lie said, " it is strange for you to have visions. But you are too much alone. We must get your sister to come here for a spell when she returns home. It is a very quiet house, and you are not accustomed to be so much alone. One easily gets nervous in such a house. If I were you, dear, I would not spend too much time in that nursery. Let me clear it all out and make it a lumber-room." THE VISION OF THE MOTHERS HI " No, no. It is my room, Lucian. I will not have it touched. Besides, I haven't half explored the cupboard yet." All that evening Lucian watched her furtively. She sat with him in his study. And when she said it was time to go up- stairs, he did not remain for a pipe by himself, but rose and went up with her. For it was not Margaret's custom to grow faint and to see visions. CHAPTER XIV A VISIT TO THE TREASURY " I SUPPOSE wc are not forwarded any, Ella dear ?" Aunt Lucinda looked up with a forced smile as her niece came m. " Not a bit." Ella threw her hat upon the table and pulled off lier jacket. The girl was changed already. The face, which was so briijht and eaffer when first she resolved on bringing over her claim in person, was now pale and set as with endurance and resolution. It was a fii^htiiior face. You may often see this face among the women of the good old stock, which is said to be fast dying out in New England ; it means the iron resolution which they inherit from the Puritan Pilgrims. I should be rather afraid to confront such a face if I had a weak cause or a wrong cause. This face meant per- severance to the end. It also meant anxiety. " We are not advanced a bit," she repeated. '' Were they civil ?" " Oh, they arc civil enough, now. Quite polite, in fact. I don't think they will ask me any more to sit on the door- step and wait. But it's no use being polite, as I told them, if we don't get on. It's always will I wait? Will I have patience? Will I consider that this is a very important busi- ness? The lawyers have all the claims sent in as yet. All must be considered. Well, these may be considered ; but how many are from nephews and nieces ? Then they say that there may be other nephews and nieces — why don't tliey come forward, then ? Then they say that there was a son. They must get proof that the son is dead, and further proof that he left no children, or that these children are dead. IIow long do they expect to keep me waiting? They don't know. It is impossible to say. A great deal depends upon tlic jiroof about the son. It may be a long time." A VISIT TO THE TREASURY 113 " Oh, Ella, what do they call long ? Is it weeks or months ?" " I don't know. Auntie ; I don't know " — she sat down wearily. " My dear, the suspense is killing me." '* Auntie, you look frightened always. Why docs the claim frighten you ? Is it that the fortune is so huge ?" "Don't ask me, dear. I try not to think about the money ; but I must. The gracious Lord knows, Ella, that I do not desire it. I desire only that the thing may be settled one way or the other. I wish we were back in Tewksbury again, and all was as it used to be — and I was arranging for the reading of the Literary Society's papers." " Things can't ever go back, Auntie. We've got, somehow, to see this through." "And how arc we to live, dear, until things are settled?" " I don't know, Auntie. I'm thinking all day and all night. I don't know what we are to do." She sat down and fuklcd her hands. " Let us see — we say the same thing every day. . . . Let us see again." She took her purse from her pocket and poured out the contents. " We've spent all the money we brought for our expenses here ; and we've spent most of the money for our passage home. Auntie, we've got exactly three pounds ten shillings and sixpence — about seventeen dollars. Our rent is ten shillings a week ; say that we have four weeks' rent in hand, that leaves us one pound two shillings and six- pence — about five dollars and a half — for washing and for food. Can we make it last for three weeks ? Three weeks more — and then ? My dear Auntie, I don't believe that they mean to settle this case in three weeks, or in three months — or, perhaps, in three years." " And after three weeks, dear ?" " We must wait in patience if it's thirty years. For what- ever happens, we shall not withdraw our claim. They may try to drive us back to our own country ; but no — we will wait." " But how to live, dear ?" " I don't know yet. They must give in sooner or later, Auntie ; it is a certainty." " Suppose we were to go home again, dear, and wait there," .said Aunt Lucinda, timidly. " I should like to sec the old street again." 114 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " We can't, my dear. We've got no money to take us back, not even if we went as steerage passengers. We must stay here somehow. Besides, if we went back, how should we ever pay back the money you borrowed ? We should have to sell the old house, and how long should I have to wait before I got another situation ? There arc twenty girls in Tewksbury wanting places to every place there is for them." " But, my child, how are wc to live ?" "1 don't know yet. We've got tlirce weeks to find out. Well" — she jumped up — " I must find out something. Don't be afraid, Auntie. There's the American Minister here ; I will go and ask him to get me some work. Perhaps they want a girl clerk at his place. Or, there's the American ConsuL I will go there and ask for advice. We don't want to borrow money ; we want a little work that will keep us going, in ever so poor a way. Tljcy say it is so hard for a woman to get work in this city. But we shall see. I will write to the Queen herself and tell her our case. Perhaps she vi'ants a short-hand girl clerk ; or a cashier; or a type-writer — who knows? I suppose she wouldn't bear malice because we want to take tliis money ? They say at the Treasury that she won't have it, in any case. I don't know why they say so. The papers all declared that the estate would go to the Crown. You shall see. Auntie ; I loill get some- thing somehow." "Well, my dear," said Aunt Luciiida, feebly, "you are very brave, but you can't make people find you work or lend you money. Oh ! my dear, you are young and clever, but I know more than you. Money it is that makes people hard, and cruel, and unjust. They will be hard and unjust to you here just as much as at home. This dreadful money ! We were happier when we wanted none. At Tewksbury we taught ourselves to despise money. Remember that we put up a petition and a thanksgiving every morning against the prevalent and sinful greed of money." " Yes, dear, we did. But you must remember that wc have not sought this fortune nor asked for it. The gift came to us. You are this dead man's niece; I am his grandniece; it is our bounden duty to take wliat is given, and to show the world how such a gift may be used aright. That is what it Is meant for. M •A > n H a SI K O r! i< O CO So ■0 A VISIT TO THE TREASURY 115 If we'd prayed for it night and day we should not have got it. A millionaire is put upon a pillar, like a king, for the world to watch. Everything that he does Is watched and recorded. In a few weeks or months, you and I, simple as we are, will be the two women in the world the most talked about — and it is laid upon us to show the world how so great a gift should be admin- istered." " Well, dear, it will be a most awful responsibility — I dare not think of it. The mere thought of millions makes my head dizzy." " As for that, you must not let yourself think of the figures. They are bewildering ; and you will gradually, without hurting yourself at all, come to understand that whatever you want to have, you can have. Don't be afraid, Auntie — you will want and do nothing but what is good." "I will try, my dear. Meantime — after the next three weeks — how shall we live ?" " I don't know — I am thinking and thinking — and, so far, nothing has come of it. I'm not afraid, but I am a little anxious. We are so much alone ; we know nobody ; if we go to a lawyer we shall have to pay him. If we could go and con- sult a minister ! There is the great stony church out there in the square ; I have thought of going to see the pastor, but then he's Episcopal, and we are Methodists. I wrote to Mr. Glad- . stone — I didn't tell you. Auntie, because you might think it was mixing ourselves up in politics, and an American girl over here oughtn't to take a side. He answered very kindly — says he can't help. Well — he's too busy, I suppose. As for his not being able to help, I wonder if there's any single thing in the world that old man can't make the people here believe and do." "I don't know, dear; I am beginning to feel — " " No, don't say that. Auntie dear," the girl interrupted, quickly, "anything but that. It's only waiting for a little while — a week or two — a year or two. Only patience for a bit. These solicitors ! I asked for their names, meaning to go and sit upon tlieir door-steps until they attend to me, as I threatened to do at the Treasury." " But, Ella, we must remember the other claimants. There may be some with quite as good case, until they come to ours. We must take our turn, after all." 116 UEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE "I'm SO restless about it; I can't sleep for thinking of it ; T can't sit still. Yesterday, in church, I was obliged to get up and go out, because my thoughts wouldn't let me sit still. 1 can't sit here in this room ; it is too small. I am choked. Auntie, put on your bonnet, and, for goodness' sake, let us go out and walk up and down." Aunt Luciiida obeyed; she always obeyed. She belonged to that class of women who are born to obey. She meekly rose, and went to her room fur her bonnet. The girl's face lost all courage when she was alone. She waved her arms in a kind of agony. " Oh !" she cried. " Hun- dreds of claimants ! Hundreds ! and more coming in every day ! They will not decide until they have received and considered all. And it may be years, they told me — long years of expec- tation. Oh! What shall we do? What sliall we do ?" Then her aunt returned with red eyes. The two liypocrites smiled at each other and went down the stairs, and so into the square, called after an unknown Smith — perhaps allegorically as connecting the church, which covers three - fourths of the space, with the work of men's hands. The whole of the square was formerly the burial-ground of the church, so that these ladies were unconsciously walking over the dust of their fore- fathers — parishioners since the parish was first begun. They walked nearly round the square, tbeir thoughts far away. Then Ella turned into a street, for no reason, her aunt following her; and in two or three minutes thcv found them- selves in an unexpected Place — a continental Place — which brought their thoughts back to Westminster. So long as you walk along streets and houses that you expect, and see the sights and hear the sounds to which you are accustomed, you can think as well and let your thoughts go roaming as far as if you were alone in the fields. \\ hen you see and hear the un- expected you must leave off thinking. Ella looked round her, awakened by the unexpected. For she stood suddenly in the most quiet and peaceful spot of all London. Houses of the early eighteenth conturv, with porches, and pillars, and fiat facades, stand round this place, houses built for the comfort that our forefathers placed so far above artistic show and aesthetic display. Many generations of peace and home lent A VISIT TO THE TREASURY 117 to this place the very atmosphere of seclusion. No one was walking in it ; the houses and the street lay in sunshine — each home a hermitage. Perhaps in the month of September the people are away, but even in merry May there can never be the noise of the street. " There's a street in Albany," said Aunt Lucinda, " which looks like this. Ah ! if only we were once more safe — " "Don't, Auntie. Oh, we shall pull through, somehow. I've got my watch still, and you've got your ring. We will go to a money-lender and borrow. Auntie," struck with a sudden thought, " your uncle, the rich man who died, he was a money- lender; he lived somewhere here — I suppose the business is still carried on. Let us go there. His successor might lend us some money on the security of our claim — we will give him any interest he wants. It is a chance — an inspiration, per- haps." It was ; but not in the sense she meant. " Where was the house?" " It was a place called Great College Street, Westminster. The number was 77, I think." They asked a postman. The street was close by — first turn to the right and straight on. They followed the direction, and speedily stood in the street beside the old gray wall and before the door numbered 77. '* It can't be the house," said Aunt Lucinda. " A miser and a money-lender couldn't live in such a lovely house ; and sec, — ' Lucian Calvert, M.D.' on the plate. It is a doctor's house; Ella, you mustn't." *' I must. I am desperate. I suppose the house has been done up fresh, painted and everything, since the old man died. It doesn't look like a miser's house. l>ut I don't care, I will ask." She rang the bell. The question she wanted to put was deli- cate. Was Dr. Calvert the successor of the late Mr. Burlcv, in the money-lending business? W'licii \\\o door was opened liy the neat and well-dressed house-maid, the girl found herself un- able to put that question. She had expected the jihysician him- self. She hesitated, therefore, and stammered, and finally asked if " Dr. Calvert was within." He was not. If the ladies wished to consult him he would be at home in the afternoon. 118 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE "Wc do not wish to consult him professionally," said the claimant. " That is — " " Mrs. Calvert is at home," the maid suggested. "That will be very much better. Would Mrs. Calvert see us ? No ; she docs not know our names." Mrs. Calvert would see them. They were shown into the dining-room, where they found a lady quite young, apparently newly married. " You do not know us at all," said Ella, stepping to the front. " My aunt's name is Lucinda Burley, and I am Ella Burley, and we are Americans, and claimants for the Burley estate." " And you wish to sec the house where Mr. Burley lived and died?" " N — no — that is, we should like to see the house, but we came on other business." "You had bettor tell this lady the whole truth, my dear," said Aunt Lucinda, with the sagacity of age. " Then it is this way. My great-uncle — " "You are tlie granddauglitcr of James Calvert Burley ?" " You know about the family, then ? Your name is Calvert? You are a cousin ?" "We are not claimants," sail Margaret. "I know that James Burley went to America. That is all." " We thoujrht that our claim would be acknowledged in a day or two. We have spent most of our money, and it occurred to me that the money-lending business might be still carried on somewhere — perhaps liere — but I see I was mistaken; and that, if we could learn where the oflice is, we might try to Ixurow money on the security of our claim." "The money-lending was discontinued long before Mr. Bur- ley died. My husband is a physician." " Oh ! then that idea has fallen through. Well, Mrs. Calvert, we are sorry to disturl) you, Mini very much obliged to you. I hope you won't be olTcndid because we asked," She got up to go. "I am not offended at all; I am interested in your case. Would you like to sec the house where your grandfather was born?" " If it will not trouble you too much," said Aunt Lucinda. A VISIT TO THE TREASURY 119 " My father often spoke to me about this house and the old days. His father was a dreadful miser." " I perceive that you know something of the family history. I suppose you have brought over proofs of your descent, and — and — everything that will be required." " Plenty of proof," said Ella, stoutly, " all the proofs that can be asked for." Margaret looked doubtful. For a moment she hesitated. Then she rose, and without further question led the way. "Come with me," she said, "and I will show you the house. My husband is connected with the family. We are cousins, in fact — distant cousins. We took it over with all the furniture, only we have painted and decorated the place. James, through whom you claim, was the youngest son. He was born in 1804." " We do not know much about our relations — not even how many brothers he had." " Two brothers came between John, the man who died the other day, and your grandfather. So far as I know, neither of these two brothers, through heirs, has yet put in a claim. You arc the first claimants who have called here. Come up-stairs, and you shall see the family portraits." She led them into the drawing-room, where the heads of this remarkable family adorned the walls. " Father came over to America in the year 1830, with mother," Aunt Lucinda explained, her pale cheeks turning rosy red, no doubt with excitement. " My brother was born in 1831, and I was born in 1832. I am sixty-one years of age. This child was born in 1873, and my brother died in 1880. Father and son were lawyers. We've got the certificates of baptism and every- thing, and they've gone into the Treasury." "They will try to cheat us out of our rights, if they can," said Ella, with determination. " But they've got an American girl to deal with." She looked round the room. " That's like father," slie said, pointing to the original Calvert. " He could look just as deter- mined as that — you remember. Auntie ?" " Yes, my brother had that look sometimes, though lie was unlucky in money." " And you are like this lady ; who was this, Mrs. Calvert ?" 120 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE "That is Liicimla — wife of Jolin liurley, the celebrated miser. She is your graiidinothor, Miss Burley. There is a strong like- ness, but I hope you will be more happy than this poor creature," They looked about them with curiosity. " Oh !" cried Ella. "To think that we are gazing upon our own people! Don't tell us, Mrs. Calvert, which is grandfather; Auntie, find him on the wall. What lovely pictures ! what wigs and what head- dresses ! I always thought that we belonged to a grand family." " I will tell you directly something about the family grandeur. Miss Burley, do you think you can find your father's portrait auiouiT them ?" The historian is naturally gratified at being able to state that Aunt Lucinda behaved exactly like Joan of Arc in a somewhat similar historical situation. She looked once round the room, and placed her hand upon a picture. "This is my father," she said, "though I remember him only as a middle-aged and elder- ly man." " You are quite riglit. That is James Calvert Burley. His granddaughter is like him — and like all the Burlcys. Theirs is a strong type, which repeats itself every generation ; and now, if you will sit down, I will tell you something about your family history." They spent an hour and more in that portrait-gallery, listening breathlessly to the story of the family grandeur. Margaret, with intention, emphasized the misfortunes that followed them all, from father to son. She said nothing about the curse which her husband's father believed to cling to the possession of the fort- une. She left them to make out for tliemsclvcs, if they chose, a theory on the subject. They did not choose ; in fact, they did not connect the misfortunes with the money, but with the extraordinary wickedness of the men. They were like Lucian in this respect. A family curse, you sec, is not a thing that can be tnlcratcil umlor a democratic form of govornmcni. They were impressed. For the first time they realized the meaning of a family. It is a dreadful loss, which we of Ihn English-speaking race inflict upon ourselves, that we do not preserve the family liistory. Through the gutter, in the mire, among criminals, in degradations even, the family history ought to be followed and preserved. We should guard the records of A VISIT TO THE TREASURY 121 the past ; we should preserve the traditions. Ella, the Ameri- can, who had never thought of the past in connection with her- self, listened with rapt eyes while Margaret unfolded the history of the eighteenth century in its relations to herself. " Oh," she cried, at last, "it is terrible ! Yet — Auntie — don't you feel taller for belonging to such a family ?" "The extreme wickedness of man," sighed Aunt Lucinda, "in the effete European states is awful to contemplate. In Tewksbury there couldn't ever be such a record. The ladies wouldn't allow it." " Come up-stairs," said Margaret. " I have still something else to show you. This is the portrait-gallery of them all ; and here you have heard the history of the men. Up-stairs you shall see the rooms of the women — the unfortunate women — your great-grandmothers, who had to endure the consequences of the men's wickedness." She showed them the nursery, which had been left just as she found it: the wooden cradle, the bed, the cupboard, the infants' clothes, the dolls and toys. She gave them each a doll from the family treasures. " Do these things," she asked, " make you feel that you really do belong to the House ? Here are the very dolls that the little girls of the fam- ily played with. It must have been before the miser's time, be- cause he would certainly never allow such a waste of money as the purchasing of dolls." They went down-stairs again. " Oh," cried Ella, in the hall, " how can we thank you enough ?" She held out her hand ; Margaret took it and held it. "You have no friends in England," she said; "make me, if you will, your friend. Let me call upon you. I have plenty of time on my hands, and I may, perhaps, be able to advise and help." The American girl hesitated. She was proud, and she was going to become destitute. " I believe that I know all about you," said Margaret. " You have betrayed yourself. You seem to me to want advice." " AYc certainly do." " Then — if you think you can trust me — make me your friend." " But you must know more about us," cried Ella, persuaded into confidence. " We are desperately poor ; we live in (juite cheap lodgings close by ; we have spent nearly all our money ; we want all the advice wc can get." G 122 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " I will call upon you," said Margaret, with her grave smile. " Oh ! you arc so kind — and you have got such a good face ! But you mustn't think we are grand people." Ella was very anxious on this point. "At home, Auntie has got the house we live in for her own; and I've got — that is, I had — a situation as cashier in a store, at five dollars a week. And so wc got along somehow, and we were quite contented, until the papers began to ring with this fortune wanting an heir — and we've given up everything, of course, for this claim — and — and — now we begin to want advice very badly." " I understand," said Margaret, gravely ; " only, for Heaven's sake, do not build upon your claim. Do not count upon it — oh ! I implore you, do not ! Try to go on as if you had no claim. There will be long delays; there may be dreadful dis- appointments ; there may be terrible surprises." Aunt Lucinda began to tremble and to shake. It was her strange wa}^ from time to time. "Terrible surprises?" she re- peated. " Oh ! wliat kind of surprises ? Who can tell what the future may bring forth ?" " It must be ours," said Ella, lightly ; " but it is kind of you to warn us. We will not think about it more than wc can help. And, oh ! I am so thankful and happy ! For we have made a friend in this horrible, lieartless place. Come some — come to- day — or to-morrow — come to tea with us. Auntie, dear, leave off looking so frightened, or you'll drop your grandmother's doll. I feel as if everything was fixed up now. Good-bye, Mrs. Calvert." She hesitated a little, and then threw her arras round her new friend and kissed her. " We are cousins, are wc not ? And you are not a claimant, and we can be friends," " Ought I to have told them, Lucian ? They do not know the truth. They have no claim, and they don't know, chsarly, the horrid truth, and they look as if they would sink into the earth with shame if they did know." " Don't tell them, dear. Do what you can for them, but don't tell them ; there is no reason whatever for telling them. And they never will know. Because, you see, before the Treasury decide between the claimants, I must step forward and forbid the banns of marriage between this estate of mine which I am not to touch and any of my cousins." CHAPTER XV HUNDREDS OF CLAIMANTS " Hundreds of claimants," said the people at the Treasury. There were hundreds. New claims were sent in every day. The name of Burley is not one of the most common, but a good many people rejoice in it. Everybody who answered to that name, or had a Burley among his ancestors, made haste to send in his claim. One man wrote that his grandmother's name was Burley, and invited the Treasury to send him the estates; an- other wrote that from information received privately he knew that, early in the century, his great-grandfather had married a Burley — the Treasury could easily prove the fact ; a lady wrote to say that she had married a Burley, now dead, and he had al- ways assured her that he was of good family — the fortune could be sent to her lodgings ; another lady sent up a certificate of good character from the vicar of the parish, and explained that her father's name was Burley — she would call for the money on the following Monday, and would be glad of an advance for her railway fare ; solicitors by the hundred wrote that they were instructed bv their clients to forward their names as claimants — the case would follow as soon as completed ; another wrote from his establishment in the City Road, to say that his name, which was Burley, proved his right to the estates, and "speedy settlement of same " would oblige ; another, who had an imagi- nation, sent up a carefully prepared work of fiction, containing the history of his connection with the Westminster branch, hop- ing that his allegations would be accepted ; another Burley, who understood more about the necessities of the case, sent up an historical essay on the family with a genealogy, which looked very pretty. He hoped that the weak point — the connection — would not be too closely investigated. 124 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE And from every country of Europe, America, from India, from China, from Australia, from every part of tlie known and liab- itable world, letters, demands, claims, threats, entreaties, ques- tions, began to pour in. For we never know — nor can we know, until we die intestate, leaving large possessions — how many cousins we have in the world. Cousins of every remove, but mostly removed a good way, poured in. Next — for the law of descent is but imperfectly understood, owing to the prejudice which prevails, and the favoritism sliown in the making of wills — the families and descendants of the families which intermar- ried with Burleys began also to send in their names and their descents. The Burley millions became the stock subject for the para- graphist; when all other material failed, he would always invent something about them. " Sixty-tive more claimants sent in their papers last Saturday ; the total number is now said to be nine hundred and eighty-nine." Or, again, " It is reported on good authority that a granddaughter of the deceased gentleman has been discovered in a laundry not a hundred miles from Latimer Road Station." Or: "A surprise awaits the literary world. A well-known novelist is said to have discovered that he him- self is the sole heir to the Burley estates." Or (a paragraph which was repeated in several papers): "The son of a well- known actor and grandson of another is completing the pa- pers which are to establish his claim to the Burley estates." In certain circles men showed this to each other, and asked if it was really possible that Clary Burghley was the lucky beggar pointed at in these lines. And tlien, somehow, it became known to all the papers at once that the familv of Burlcv beloncfcd, and had alwavs beloncfed, since the creation of the parish in the year IVIO, to the Church of St. John the Evangelist, in Smith Square, Westminster. If you come to think of it, all the really interesting and re- markable things that happen in the world are sure to become known at the same moment over tlic whole world. By the re- markalde things I mean, of course, the personal things. The superiority of the American press, for instance, is proved by its recognition of this fact and by the prominence it gives to the personal items. How comes this simultaneous knowledge of HUNDREDS OF CLAIMANTS 125 all the interesting things ? No one knows. There are unseen electric wires which connect everything and all the world ; it is a mark of civilization to be connected with this electric ma- chinery. The lower forms of man are outside it. The negro, for instance, knows and cares nothing about the personal items ; like the poet in the hymn, one step is enough for him — that, namely, to the nearest melon-patch. When all the world understood that the registers of the Bur- ley family were preserved in the vestry of St. John the Evange- list, they wrote for copies, they called for copies, they went to that remarkable church — which they then saw for the first time — and demanded copies. One of the evening papers, with more enterprise than its brethren, actually procured copies, and made a splendid coup by forming a genealogical table out of the reg- isters of the Burley family, from one Calvert Burley, who was the first person of that name on the books. This document, which is not without interest to the reader of this narrative, is reproduced on the following page. He will understand that a parish register cannot fill up the history of a family, though it may give with accuracy the three leading dates of birth, marriage, and departure. This genealogy, there- fore, does not contain the histories of those members who were born in the parish but married and died outside it. The papers pointed out that the John Calvert Burley born in 1836 was the first and sole heir; and, in the event of his death, his sons and daughters. But where was he ? Where were they? The whole world was ringing with his name, "John Calvert Burley, born in 1836." Where was he? Nobody knew. Now, if you come to think of it, it is a very remarkable circum- stance for any man to disappear so completely. Did he die young? Not, at least, in the parish. Therefore he grew up, presumably. AVhere were his mother's relations ? Did they know? One of them wrote to the papers: he said that he was the younger brother of Emilia Weldon, who was married in 1835 to the recently deceased John Calvert Burley ; that his sister had five or six children, all of whom, except the eldest, died in in- fancy ; that she died in the year 1850; that there never had been any cordial relations betw^ecn his family and his sister's husband ; that after her death no pretence of friendship, or even 126 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE Calvert Burlev b ; (1. 1758. John Calvert Margaret George Calvert b. 1720; (]. 1755. b. 1722; b. 1726 = Agnes Sacotell d. 1742. (kidnapped), m. 1744; d. 1781. John Calvert Jo.shua Calvert Agnes b. 1745; d. 1800. b. 1747. b. 1748. =Susau reliant m. 1771; d. 1829. I I III John Calvert Henrv Calvert Charles Calvert Marv Margaret b. 1772; d. 1824. b.'l776. b. 1778. b. 1778. b. 1782. = Lueinda m. 1796; d. 1820. Jolin Calvert Henrv Culvert Charles Calvert James Calvert Luciiida b.l798;d.l893. b. 1799. b. 1801. b. 1804. b. 1800. :=EmiHaWeldon m. 1835; d. 1850. I I I I I I John Calvert Isabella Einilv Jane Lucinda James Calvert b. 1836. b. 1839; b. 1841 ; b. 1843; !>. 1845; b. 1846; d. 1840. d. 1842. d. 1844. d. 1850. d. 1847. acquaintance, was kept up ; and that he could not tell what had become of the surviving son, whom he had last seen at his mother's funeral in the said year 1851, the boy being then about fifteen years of age. It was wonderful that a young man should disappear so completely. Had he no friends ? His father was a miserly and morose recluse — that'was evident. The boy, per- haps, had gone away. But whither — and why ? Had he any school-fellows who remembered him? Two men wrote to say that they had been at school with him in the years 1844 to 1851, or thereabouts ; that he was known to be the son of the notori- ous mone3--lender ; that he was an ingenious boy, who made and contrived things and rejoiced in mathematics ; that he left school suddenly somewhere about the latter year; and that they had never since met him or heard what became of him. Lastly, HUNDREDS OF CLAIMANTS 127 another old scliool-fellow wrote to say that he had met John Cal- vert Barley, looking prosperous, in the year 1870, in Cheap- side ; that he addressed him by name, shook hands with him, and made an appointment to meet him again, which the lat- ter never kept. All this was very curious and interesting, and fired the imagination a great deal more than the Irish Question. It was one of those subjects which invite the whole world to write about it. The whole world rose to the occasion. The let- ters sent to the papers were legion. For the moment there was but one topic of discussion : Where was John Calvert Burley, the younger, born in 1836, left school in 1852, and last seen in 1870? " We have only to keep silence, Lucian," said Margaret. "Until such time as they think sufficient to prove the death of the heir has elapsed. Then, before they give the estates to any claimant, I shall step in — " " And then ?" asked his wife, anxiously. " Then we shall see. Perhaps the occasion may not arise for years." It is an age of cfreat imasjination. Almost as many irnesses were made as there were writers. Emigration, said one. Emi- gration, an up-country station beyond the reach of papers ; but there are no such stations left. Death in some obscure place; but, with all this racket and inquiry, some one would recollect that death. It must have been within the last twcntv-three years. A lunatic asylum, under some adopted name; there was a man in Melbourne some time ago who actually forgot his own name and history. Might not John Burley be suffering some- where from this strange disease ? A prison ; was he a crimi- nal, undergoing a sentence? Or was he a criminal who had ac- complished his term and was afraid to return ? Or, perhaps, he might be in a monastery. But then, oh ! how joyfully would the brethren seize upon the estates! Was he in one of the few places where the papers do not arrive — in Patagonia, perhaps ? — or in Stanley's mighty forest, among the Pygmies? Then began the stories of miraculous disappearance. Every- body remembered the disappearance of the Englishman in Ger- many about the year 1812 as he stepped from one carriage to another. And there was the disappearance of Grimaldi's broth- 128 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE er between the last scene but one and the last scene of the pan tomine. Next: how long would the Treasury wait before they con- sidered this last hoir to be dead ? And upon this point a journal of common-sense spoke words of wisdom. "We offer this advice," said the paper, " to all those who have sent in claims and have come up to London in order to look after them on the spot. It is that they leave their papers in the hands of the Treasury, and go home again and betake themselves to their ordinary pursuits, without thinking about their claims more than they can help. The chances will probably prove a disturbing clement as long as they live, for only to be able to think that one has a chance of so great a property is a thing calculated to disturb the most philosophic soul. Let them, however, go home, and take up their daily task again with what calm and patience they may find." And from Pole to Pole, unto the uttermost ends of the earth, was raised that cry, " "Where is John Burley, the younger, born in the year 1836, last seen in the year 1870 V And to all their calling, no answer. Silence — as deep as the silence of the heavens ; as deep as the silence of the grave ! . Wonderful I Was there no one — not one single living person who would remem- ber anything at all about a man prosperous and flourishing, to outward seeming, only twenty years ago ? Silence — as deep as the silence of the heavens ; as deep as the silence of the grave ! CHAPTER XVI THE MISSING LINK "Have you seen this?" Clarence held up a paper — that which published the pedigree as taken from the parish registers. " Have you seen this ?" It was about five in the afternoon when his partner, who had been out all day, returned. " I saw it before you got up this morning. I've been all day engaged in verifving the thing." " Well r "It's all right; and now it's clear that your grandfather, Clary, was the second son, Henry Calvert Burley. There ho is." The poet's broad forefinger covered the name. " Second son. You couldn't be closer, unless you were actually a grandson." "Yes — yes — the second son. Why — there! — there! Man alive ! What more do you want ?" " Softly, Clarence. Let us sit down quietly and talk this thing over. We have to prove our claim. You and I know very well that there is no doubt possible. Everybody who reads our case must feel that there is no doubt possible. Yet, you see, it isn't proved." " What on earth do you want more ?" " We want to prove, not to assert, things. I'm a lawyer, now, Clary, not a poet. Sit down, man — don't jump about so." His eyes had that look of expectancy which belongs to an in- ventor or to a claimant. The look speaks of a thought which never leaves one, day or night — of hope deferred ; of doubt ; of rage because of the stupidity or the malignity of people. " For God's sake, finish this job soon," said Clarence. " I don't think I can bear it much longer." " Why, man, we've only just begun — I am afraid that it will G* 130 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE prove a waiting job, unless you can establish the death of the son and his heirs. You cau't expect the Treasury to hand over this enormous property to the first claimant, can you ?" *' All I know is that the thing haunts me day and night." ^' It does, my boy. Your eyes are black-edged and your fore- head is wrinkled." " Lucky it has been summer. But work will begin again soon, and — I say — the thought of work makes me shudder — I am heir to all that property, and I have to go out and be paid for singing comic songs." "Humph! You are paid pretty well. Come, now — but about the inheritance — where's that son ?" " He must be dead. After all the fuss made about liim, lie would hear it at the South Pole. Oh ! he must be dead." " Very likely — most likely." " Dead — and without heirs, or they would have turned up long since." " Very likely — most likely ; only somebody must prove it, or you will have to wait. When did he die ? AVhere did Ijc die ? Has he left any heirs ? These are the questions, you see. So we may just go back to our old work, and make new engage- ments, and write new songs. It's a horrid nuisance. Clary, for you are certainly the grandson of the next brother. But, so far, we haven't got evidence enough to prove the connection. And we may have to wait for years. If the son and his heirs were out of the way I should begin " — he became a poet again — "Begin to hear the rustling of the notes — Oil ! crisp and soft and sweet upon the ear ! No softer, sweeter music rolls and floats — And none, my brother, rarer and more dear. And I should begin to hear the footsteps," lie added, going back to prose — " the footsteps of those who humbly bring pieces of silver — I don't think there is any rhyme to silver. Mean- time, old man, it is going to be a long job. Therefore," he laid a friendly hand upon Clarence's shoulder, " don't think too much about it. Go back to your old thoughts. Let us got to real business. My new songs are nearly ready, and I've got a capital little entertainment for you — " THE MISSING LINK 131 " I can't — " Tlie young man turned away impatiently. " I am sick and ashamed of it," "Nonsense. If it's all you've got to live upon — " " I can't. It's all so small. What's a thousand a year, or two thousand ? It's such a trifle compared with this immense mountain of money. It's the comparison. See, I work as hard as I can — five engagements a week, say, for half the year. What is it compared with the income of that fortune — four hundred thousand a year, a thousand pounds a day ? Think of it that way." " Well, Clary, I can't think of it that way. The figures are too big — my limitations as regards money are narrow. They allow me with difficulty to include a thousand a year. But, Clary, you were not wont to do sums in long division to please yourself. Doing sums isn't in your blood, I should say." "No, it isn't," Clarence replied, slowly, "Show-folk don't, as a rule, care for money. You see, it's easily made and easily spent. They live from week to week. But, now — do you know what it is to think and crave and yearn for drink?" "Rumor, report — has reached me concerning a thirst insati- able. What says the old sonof ? — ' We cannot drink an hour too soon — nor drink a cup too much.' " " Well, with that same craving I yearn for this money. It is my great-grandfather, the Westminster miser, coming out again in me. I dream of it ; I feel as if I shall have no rest or peace until I have got it." " No lieroics, Clary. You mean it ?" "I mean it all; I am like that drunkard with the craving in his throat. I want this inheritance ; all of it. Oh ! it is so close to me, and yet I cannot lay my hand upon it." "After all, what could you do with it, if you liad it? The thing is far too big for any one man to handle." "Too big?" Clarence turned upon him fiercely. "What could I do with it? Your limitations are indeed narrow. Well, you haven't thought of it so much as I have. What could I not do with it? First of all, I would have my own theatre for my friends. There we should act our own pieces with a free hand as to subjects. We shouldn't have it open all the year, but one may sink a good deal in a theatre properly conducted. 133 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE Then I should want my own newspaper, I know exactly what I should want: no politics; no money markets; no beastly re- views ; nothinjr hut Art and Literature and Music, and thinirs artistic and aesthetic, and, again, a free hand as to subjects. Then there must be a yacht. If one must go out of town some time in the year, a cruise in a yacht is the best way. Of course, there would be a town liouse, and open house ; no beastly char- ity or philanthropy or stufE ; no pretending to care about any- body else; pure selfishness; that's what I want, my friend. All the people about me shall be hired to make our lives — my life — run smoothly. I shall be an Eastern king, with art and culture added. You shall see; I will show you, as soon as the busi- ness is settled, how a rich man ouglit to live !" " You'd get rather fat in the cheeks after a bit, wouldn't you ? and a little puffy in the neck. Philanthropy is humbug, and man's brotherhood is rot" — he dropped, as usual, into verse — " and my only pal, my only friend, is ME. Rather a good tag, the last line. Don't you think — " He stopped and made a note. " ^Ycll, Jemmy, there's my plan of life in tbe rough. I am onlv afraid that it may prove too costly, even for my large fort- une." " Meantime, Clary, it will be better for you if you descend to facts and consider how we stand." " There is nothing new, is there ?" " This : AVe are now in August. "Work begins in Septem- ber, and you are not fit for work — and you've got to make yourself fit, Clary — you've got to mend." The poet spoke like the master rather than the partner. But there are some occa- sions wlien mastery in speech is useful. " AVell ?" "As for the case, I tell you that it will be years, perhaps, be- fore it is decided ; and if it were decided now, your case could not be proved. Come out of your dreams, man. Shake your- self ; face the facts," Clarence shook himself, but he did not face the facts, "Consider," his partner went on, "the attitude of the Treas- ury. They say there is a man named Henry Calvert Burghley, an actor. Where is the proof that this Henry Calvert Burghley THE MISSING LIXK 133 was originally Henry Calvert, the second son of Burlej the miser ? Where is it ? That's what they say." Clarence made no answer. " We want proof that the boy who ran away became an actor. We want to know when he changed his name ; in fact, we want to recover the early history of an obscure country actor — and we have as much hope of finding it as we have of any name taken at random from a London cemetery." " We have a letter." "Yes; that is something. It is signed 'Your affectionate brother, Charles.' And it comes from Westminster. Well, there was a younger brother, Charles, as well as a second brother, Hen- ry. But there is nothing to prove that the letter was written by this younger brother to the elder brother. If we had other letters to prove the handwriting — but we haven't. No, Clary, our best chance is delay. Time may give us something. Let us see," he went on, after a pause. " He ran away ; he had very little money ; he joined a strolling company ; he began at the very bottom of the ladder, and worked his way up. Men very seldom talk of the first start. The lessee of the York Theatre, the favorite London actor, wouldn't talk much about the early days. It must be eighty years ago. How on earth are we to trace the beginnings of a lad who ran away from home eighty years ago? And he never talked about his people, and you never inquired. I suppose you were satisfied with having a grandfather. To be third in a succession of frock- coats and top -hats is enough to make anybody a gentleman. And, besides, when your grandfather had arrived at his pin- nacle, he wouldn't be proud of the Burley brother — Burley the Money-Lendor ; Burley the owner of the Dancing-Crib; Burley of the Gambling-Hell; not a character likely to attract the light comedian — the squanderer — the Fere Prodigue. We can understand the situation, but it's unfortunate. What are we to do ?" Clarence shook his shoulders. " Perhaps the Treasury have got papers that prove the con- nection. Hang it! A single letter would do." Clarence got up and leaned on the mantel-shelf, gazing into the empty fireplace. 134 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE "I rcincnibcr," lie sakl, speaking slowly, "a little play that my grandfather cribbed from the French. It was a comedy, in which he played the principal i»art. That was easy, because it was himself. In it he did everything, without the least refer- ence to morality, that would help him to what he wanted. He sold secrets, he forged signatures, ho opened private letters; and all with such a delightful simplicity that nobody blamed him. I have often wondered, if the chance came, whether one could rise to that level V '* Speaking as a lawyer. Clary, I should say that it was dan- gerous. As a poet, I think the situation capable of treatment. Have you got any portraits of your grandfather?" *' In character?" " In character. That might be something. If we could get hold of an early portrait and could find some old friend — but that is impossible, I fear — or if we could find any other de- scendants, or if we could advertise for any one who might re- member him as a young man — Wanted : a Methusaleh !" IIo stopped. " Well, Clary, dear boy, that's where we are. It is not encouraging, but one need not despair. Meanwhile, it may be years before the claimants are even considered. We've got to work and live. Get the Joyous Life out of your head. Don't dream any more — for llie present, at least — about the golden possibilities. Forget them — and set to work again. You must." " I can't forget them," groaned the Ilcir Expectant. "Well, unless I am to starve — which alflicts me much more than the certainty of seeing you starve as well — you will just sit down, get rid of that hangdog face of yours, which would damn the funniest song ever made, and ofct somethinir like sun- shine in your face — and try this new song of mine : " Wanted, a Methusaleh ! To tell us how they kept it up — Our fathers in tlic by-pjoncs when they made tlie {guineas spin; How they wasted time and drank it up, and aiiytliiuf; but slept it up — And always ere the old love died a new love would begin." CHAPTER XVII THE BEGINNING OF THE CLOUD Does any one ever remember the first beginning of an evil thing? Does any one remember tlie first observation of the darlc spot whicli grows darker, broader, deeper, till it covers over and hides the summer sky and darkens the summer sun ? The young married pair of Great College Street were much alone; they had few friends in London ; they led the most quiet and regular life possible. In the morning the husband went to the hospital ; in the afternoon he worked in his study, ready for the patient who did not come. In the morning the young wife looked after her home, walked in the park or about the quiet courts of the Abbey; in the evening, after dinner, she sat in the study while her husband carried on his work till half-past ten or so, when he turned bis chair round, filled his pipe, and they talked till midnight. There was nothing to disturb the happiness of this honeymoon prolonged, unless it was that strange dream of the mourning mothers, which came back to Margaret continually — in the night, in the daytime — a vision unbidden, that would suddenly float be- fore her eyes — the company of sad-eyed, pale-faced, sorrow-strick- en women, who held out hands and cried, "She is one with ns — she is one of us!" It was a persistent dream — perhaps the very strangeness of it caused Margaret to return to it ajxain and again. How could she belong to these hapless ladies when they were sep- arated by Lucian's change of name and his refusal to claim the great inheritance ? The dream troubled her, but not much, though it persistently remained vvith her. How long was it ? — a week ? — a month ? — after they went into their house that the anxiety began ? When was it that the young wife, reading her husband's thoughts, saw in liis mind doubt and 136 BEVOND TIIK DKEAMS OK AVARICE (listiirbanco ; licard a temptation continually whispered; saw an car ever readier to listen ? The discovery of the temptation — the knowledge that he was listening — filled her soul with dismay. In the afternoon, when he should have been at work, she heard him pacing the narrow limits of his study. Like most young scientific men, he wrote for medical papers and scientific magazines; he re- viewed scientific hooks; he wrote papers on such of his subjects as could be made popular in the weekly reviews; and he had a book of his own on the stocks, a work by which he hoped to gain a place as a specialist; an advanced book with all the recent med- ical lights; a work psychological, biological, and everything else that was new and true and uncomfortable. He read a great deal in tiie medical journals of Germany, France, and Italy ; in short, he was without any practice except that in his hospital. Lucian Calvert led a very busy life, and, like most men who are fully oc- cupied, he was a perfectly cheerful creature. The maiden expect- ant of a lover should pray, above all things, that he may turn out to be a man with an active brain, and belonoinor to an intellectual profession, for of such is the kingdom of cheerfulness. Margaret loved to see him absorbed in thought; she sat perfectly still so long as he was working, contented to wait till he should turn his chair, take his pipe, and say, "Now, Madge !" But when Lucian was walking up and down the floor of his study he was not working. lie was disturbed in his mind ; his thoughts were diverted. By what? At dinner, at breakfast, when they took their walks abroad, he would become distrait, silent, thoughtful — he who had been able to convert even a stalled ox into a feast of contentment and cheerfulness. Why? In his study, after dinner, his wife saw that he sat with his eyes gazing into space and his pen lying idle. What was he thinking of ? Alas! She knew. Women who love are all thought-readers. She saw, I say, that before his eyes there was floating continually the temptation that she feared. Her heart grew sick within her — more sick and sorry day by day — as she saw that the strength of the temptation was daily growing. And the light died out in his eyes and the ready smile left his lips, and Lucian, while he listened to the voice of the Tempter, was transformed and became as black- avised and as dour and as resolute of aspect as his ancestor, the first great Calvert Burley. THE BEGINNING OF THE CLOUD 137 One night when lie turned bis chair and mechanically took his pipe, she spoke. " Where have your thoughts been all this even- ing, Lucian ? You have done no work, unless, perhaps, you were devising some. Your gaze has been fixed." "I have been up-stairs," he replied, with a little laugh. "I have been among the grandfathers and the grandmothers." "Is it good to live among them, Lucian? Does it make you taller or stronger to live among these poor people? They crept and crawled through life, did they not? But you — oh! Lucian — you walk erect." " I go among them sometimes — " he began. "Sometimes? You were among them this afternoon, and at dinner, and all the evening. And yesterday the same. I begin to think, Lucian, that we made a dreadful mistake when we came to this house." " It is not exactly a house which preaches contentment to the disinherited, is it ?" " If wo cannot get contentment, dear Lucian, for Heaven's sake let us go elsewhere and leave these memories behind. My dear, what will our life become if we are not contented?" "Do not fear, Marjorie" — he roused himself with an effort and laughed — " I only pay occasional visits to the portraits. The fam- ily, as you say, did mostly creep and crawl. They have had their divagations; they have trodden the Primrose Way ; still, they are our ancestors — and perhaps a little show of respect occasionally — from time to time — not often, you know — may be considered due to them. They are all the ancestors I am likely to get, you know." Margaret shrank back, chilled. She was afraid of saving more. Again — it was Sunday afternoon. They took their early din- ner in cheerfulness — the disinheritance for the time forgotten — and the}^ repaired — young husbands, even scientific husbands, fre- quently accede to their wives' wisJies in small matters — to the Abbey for afternoon service. During the sermon, which was not perfectly audible in every part of the Cathedral, Lucian occupied himself in turning over the pages of his wife's Bible. The world, perhaps in prejudice, docs not generally look upon young physi- cians as zealous students of the Bible, and Margaret observed Lu- 138 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE ciaii's cui-iosity with some wonder. For licr own part, though she did not hear one word of the sermon, it was quite enough to sit in the old Cathedral, to look up into the lofty roof, to gaze upon the marvellous window of the transept, and to breathe the air of the venerable place, which is always full of consolation to those who can open out their souls and receive its iuHuence. After service they walked in the park close by: in the south part of it, which is the less frequented. They walked in silence for a while. Lucian was a man of long silences at all times. It was by his face that he showed whither liis thoughts led him. " About that hereditary theory," he began. " There is hered- ity in disease; there is heredity in licalth. Drunkenness is some- times inherited ; it is, perhaps, a nervous disease, like asthma and the rest of the tribe. Any man can vitiate his blood, and can transmit that vitiation to following generations. In this sense there is constantly with all of us hereditary disease, because none of us are perfectly strong and healthy." "Go on, Lucian." "Yes. But you say, Margaret, that a mental twist, such as makes a man a miser or a money-lender, is the child of one men- tal twist or the father of another." "I think that the sins of the fathers are visited upon the chil- dren for the third and fourth generation. And in your people, Lucian, the sins of the fathers have been followed by the sins of the sons, so that every generation has suffered for its predecessor and brought more suffering upon its successor." "That is your view. Yes, my father — very oddly, because he was not a superstitious man — thought much the same thing." " Why should not a man's sins be punished in his children as well as his diseases?" "I don't know why they should not. The other question is, why they should?" " Oh, Lucian ! Because — but you do not think as I do." " Perhaps not. I will refer you, however, to an authority which you respect. While you were pretending to listen — pret- ty hypocrite ! — to what you could not hear, I occupied myself profitably in looking up a rather important statement of the case from another point of view. I had seen it quoted, and I knew where to look. It is a passage in the works of the Prophet IN THE OLD CATHEDRAL THE BEGINNING OF THE CLOUD 139 Ezekiel, Says the Prophet — or words to this effect — ' There is a common proverb that the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the teeth of the children are in consequence set on edge. It is a foolish proverb, because every man has got to live out his own honor or his own dishonor.' Read the passage, ray child. It is put so plainly that it is impossible to misunderstand it. Nay, he is so much in earnest about it — Joshua Ben Jochanan, the great money-lender, having recently died, and his children being taunted with the proverb — that he returns to the subject again and repeats his arguments. I am very glad I went to church •with you this afternoon. Will you read tliis Prophet and discard these superstitions?" " He meant something else, I suppose. But, Lucian, how can you say that the children do not suffer for their father's sins?" " Physically they often do." "But if a man disgraces himself and loses caste or falls into poverty, his children sink into a lower place; they cannot get up again out of their poverty or their shame; they are kept down for life; their children have got to begin all over again. Oh ! It is so clear that it cannot be doubted or denied." "In social matters, and in the middle class, I dare say. Most middle-class people hang on to their social position, such as it may be, with their own hands and with no help from cousins. When they fall their fall is complete. In the case of people well connected, with some generations of affluence behind them, and with cousins all over the country, when a njan comes to grief it may be grievous for his children, but it does not necessarily mean a lower level. Why, the simple annals of the aristocracy are full of the most tremendous croppers taken by the fathers, and the sons are never a whit the worse." Margaret shook her head. " In the case of my people, now, their misfortunes were always due to their own folly or their crimes." " Lucian, dear, do not talk any more about it. Those who in- herited that dreadful estate endured things that went with it. I have studied the faces of the mothers, and I read upon them all the martyrdom they suffered." " You are a superstitious woman, Madge," said her husband. 140 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE He returned to tlic subject the next evenino^. "About your view, dear — about tlie forefatliers — you know?" "Oh! don't think about them so much." "There is something to be said in favor of it, so far as tlie mental twist can be gathered. Take the first of them — Grand- father Calvert tlie First, tlie original Burley — what do we know about him? A tradition mentioned in my father's memorandum that he acquired money by dishonest practices. Perhaps he did. At tlie same time, remember that we know nothing certain about him. There is no proof. For all we know, he may have been the most upright man in the woi'ld. Then there is that un- lucky Shepherd who was suspended ; he paid for his own diver- sions; when he had paid, nothing more was owing. His son went mad. So did a good many other poor wretches. Religious mad, he went. So did Cowper, the poet. But Cowper, so far as I know, never laid the blame on his fjrandfathcr. A tendency to some unsoundness of mind — some inability to recognize the true proportions of things — may be observed, perhaps, in all of them. There was, for example, the miser. It isn't absolutely disgraceful to be a miser — most people who save money have to be miserly — but it denotes their inability to understand the rela- tive proportions of things. I can discern no signs of your fa- mous curse in the cheese-paring life of Great-Grandfather Miser, but I do discern an unbalanced mind. Then comes his son, the money-lender and money-grubber. He did not grub for money in quite a noble way — so much must be confessed. But he was not a criminal, nor was he disgraced — " " Not disgraced ? Oh, Lucian !" "Not disgraced by the world. And he lived to a great age, amassing money all the time. It is an unbalanced mind which puts money in the front. As for other things, we might parade them all, except one, as quite a respectable set of ancestors, and manifestly blessed by Providence, which made them rich on ac- count of their many virtues." "Those were singular blessings indeed, wliich fell upon your grandfather's brothers." " Who, remember, hail none of the inheritance, my dear." • Thus he talked, returning to the subject perpetually, as a moth flies round a candle until it falls at last into the flame. THE BEGINNING OF THE CLOUD 141 TMs was the cloud that Margaret watched as it spread around the horizon, and grew day by day deeper and broader and black- er, till it covered all the summer sky and blotted out the sum- mer sun. CHAPTER XVIII THE BOX OF ACCOUNT-BOOKS One morning Margaret sat again in the nnrsery at tlie top of the house. The visitation of the mothers was not repeated. She sat on the bed and remembered the faintness, and then, when she opened licr eyes, the company of sorrowful women gathered round her bed. She recalled tliis coinpany often. The recol- lection of their faces came to her at odd times, by day and by night ; but in this room they came no more. She liad received, as in a vision, their welcome and their pity once for all. Sometimes she saw, in fancy, the same look of welcome and pity in tiie sorrowful eyes of the portraits. Was there really any look at all of sorrow in those faces ? Had the limner caught the characteristic look, the habitual expression, which the daily life casts upon a face? Had he been inspired to foretell, by the ex- pression of the eyes, the sadness of the future ? I know not. They were stiff and conventional paintings, of little merit; a me- chanical likeness was all that the artist desired to produce — he wanted people to say — they still say it at every Royal Academy — "How like I How exactly like it is!" Whether, therefore, the unknown painters who executed these works of art, between the years 1720 and 1830 or thereabouts, had put into the faces all that Margaret saw, I know not. The morning was fine ; the sun streamed through the windows, now clean, upon the floor, now swept. No other change had been made in the room ; the cradle and the chest of drawers, the ciiairs and the bedstead, were all as they had been handed over. When the burden of her anxiety became almost more than she could bear, Margaret came up here in the morning, to find conso- lation in the room of the little children. " While they played here," she thought, "there was a time of hope and happiness. THE BOX OF ACCOUNT-BOOKS 143 When they left the nursery and went forth into the world, then began again the punishment of the father's sin." For, you see, despite that chapter in the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, this su- perstitious person could never shake off the conviction that, from father to son, he who possessed the wealth first gotten by Calvert Burley received with it something that poisoned his whole life. And now she saw her husband daily assailed with the temptation that bade him take his own, and enjoy whatsoever his soul de- sired. A morbid habit — to sit here among the rags and tatters of the past. Better, perhaps, had she put on her hat and sallied forth into the streets and the crossways. In Westminster, however, there are no streets to walk in. There are squalid old streets and ugly new streets. The absence of streets for walking is more than made up by the solitudes and places for meditation which abound in this old city. For instance, there are Dean's Yard, the Cloisters, the Abbey itself; there is the quiet and secluded Close, or Place, or Retreat, called Cowley Street; there is the south side of St. James's Park ; there are, however, no streets. There is no Bond Street, no Uogent Street, no Chcapside, no Thames Street. Abingdon Street, formerly Dirty Lane, presents few attractions ; nor does Victoria Street. Better, perhaps, to meditate in the Cloisters than to sit on the old bed among the baby-clothes and broken toys. Again, some young wives make work for themselves; they love housewifery; they enjoy directing and arranging and man- aging ; they embroider and sew, and make things lovely for the house ; they pay many calls ; they read and study diligently ; they write novels ; they go out and look at the shops ; they prac- tise music ; they lie down and bask by the fire. Margaret, in ordinary times, did all these things ; she was possessed of many accomplishments. Now, so great was the fear that possessed her, she could do nothing; slie was fain to climb up to this old dis- mantled nursery, with the remnants and remains and relics of the past about her, and to think of the mothers and the children. We cannot get rid of our forefathers ; she understood so much. We cannot shake them off even if we would ; it is im- possible to sever the past; the chain cannot be cat. The fore- fathers still live ; they still try to make us act as they themselves 144 DEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE would liavc acted; they work upon us by the temper and the dis- position, the inclinations and the lin)itations, the quick or the sluggish brain, the courage or the cowardice, the quick siglit or the short sight, which we have inherited from them. These are the forces of tlie past acting in the present. Thus arc all the ages one long, unbroken chain. ^Vhithcr would Lucian's an- cestors lead him ? She opened the drawers where lay the children's clothes. Sho took them out and unfolded them. Heavens! How beautiful they were, with their delicate embroideries and the patient, skil- ful, fine work ! For whom were they made ? For the baby des- tined for Tyburn tree? For the baby destined for madness? For the baby who was to be the Westminster miser? For the baby who was to become the money-lender ? Sweet children — inno- cent children once — all of them. And now these baby-clothes belonged to her — to her — and this nursery was liers. She laid back the things with a deep sigh, llcr eyes fell upon the half- opened door of the cupboard, and she remembered that she had never examined the contents of the cupboard completely. In front there stood a box with half a lid, filled with the broken dolls and toys which she liad seen on her first visit. In other houses this rubbish would have been swept away long ago. In this liouse nothing was ever destroyed or given away or swept awav. To a miser even a child's doll with a broken leg means the equivalent of something in money. She opened the door and looked in. The cupboard was a big place formed by the sloping roof and a party-wall ; such a place as, in many houses, is set apart for a box-room. Behind the door were hanging three or four women's dresses of cheap ma- terial, but moth-eaten. Margaret took them down. There was no use in keeping them. Behind the box of dolls there was a Jieavy box, which she dragged out with some difficulty ; it was not locked, and it contained boys' school-books. There was another box of school-books; there was a box containing clothes of some kinds; there was a bundle of clothes tied np. There were other bundles and boxes ; lastly, when Margaret thought she had turned out the whole contents of the cupboard as a railway porter clears out a luggage-van, she saw by the dim light at the lower end of the cupboard a smaller box covered with a lid. It THE BOX OF ACCOUNT-BOOKS 145 was quite light to lift ; she took it out, placed it on the bed, and lifted the lid, which was not locked. Within the box was a heap of old papers, with a few parchment-covered books, which were household account-books. All the papers in the house had been collected and taken over by the Solicitor of the Treasury, but this cupboard had either been overlooked or had been imperfectly searched. Probably it had been overlooked altogether, because the dust lay thick on everything. Moreover, as the school-books showed, and these account-books presently proved, the cupboard bad not been touched for more than seventy years. The miser, who could not bring himself to destroy anything, put away these things when his children had run away from home and when his wife was dead. Then he left the garret and the cupboard and shut the door — and so it had remained shut for seventy years and more, until Lucian opened the door and Margaret entered. She sat down on the bed and began to examine the contents of tlic box with a languid curiosity. She first took up a household account-book, dated 1817. It contained a kind of occasional diary — not day to day, but as things happened — together with the current expenditure. These details are dry reading, except to one who tries to revive the by- gone life; to him there is not an entry of any kind which is not full of suggestion and meaning. This young house-keeper was at first struck with the extraordinary cheapness of living when the expenditure is ruled by a miser. In the marginal notes, record- ing events of the day, the boys gave trouble. They spoke re- belliously of their father. John, the eldest, was employed in keeping his father's books. Apparently he was in his father's eonfidctice, for he was asked to plead for the others. Henry, es- pecially, was a cause of anxiety. lie spoke mutinous words as regards the food ; he called it fit for pigs ; he wanted money to spend as other young men could do ; he wanted new and bet- ter clothes, such as other young men are allowed to wear; he wanted to be put into some profession ; he wanted to enter the army; he was always wanting something that would cost money; his father always refused ; the mother interceded, and was re- pulsed ; John was asked to do what he could, and said he could do nothin'jf, because what Ilcnry wanted would cost m<>nt'y. Then came the significant words : " Henry ran away from home 7 146 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE in the niglit. God help the boy ! His father only said tlicre was one month the less." Tlic house went on meanwhile; whether she was bereft of her children or not, the wife must keep the house going, and the expenses grew daily less and less, or the miser grew more miserly. There were notes about the other boys. "James must have new school-books. He cannot get the money from liis father ; nor can I ; nor can John. He says he shall do as Henry did." " Lucinda crying over her old frock." " Charles refused, to-day, even the outward forms of respect to his father — a sad scene !'' " Letter from Harry. He has be- come an actor. I cannot approve it ; but his father drove him away." The entries showed a household managed by farthings. They revealed the unliappiness of the family; the hard father, growing narrower and harder; the brothers kept without pocket-money, dressed shabbily, debarred even the common and innocent pleas- ures of their age ; the daughter grown out of her shabby frock ; the mother striving to mitigate the unhappy lot of her children; and the eldest brother keeping his father's books, learning how rich he was, resolving to become the owner and disposer of so much wealth, and learning from his father those lessons of piti- less hardness which he was afterwards to practise with such emi- nent success on his own account. As Margaret read in the book, she realized it all ; the past returned. In the quiet house she could hear the crying of the girl over her frock, and the voice of the mother trying to soothe and to console, and the growling of the miser over his pence like the growling of a tiger over her bone. She .shut up the book with a sigh. She belonged to these [)eo- ple ; they were her people; whither her husband should go she must go; where he should lodge she must lodge; his people must be her people. And, as Lucian continually repeated, a man may call himself whatever he pleases, but his ancestors remain to him ; ho cannot shake them olT ; he belongs to them, and they to him. Wherefore we do well to envy those of honorable descent; and for this reason we should go cautiously lest we pollute the fountain of Heaven, and make the water which our children must drink a spring of shame. All these things, and more, crowded into Margaret's mind. And because it was the nursery, the room THE BOX OF ACCOUNT-BOOKS 147 of the dead motlicrs, if she suffered lier mind to wander, she licard wliispers in the air — murmuring, singing-, admonishing: "You belong to us, you and yours; you cannot separate yourself, or your children that may come, from us. Your children will be ours. You pretet)d not to belong to us; yet you think about us day and night; you are one of us and one with us." CHAPTER XIX CALVERT BURLEy's ACCOUNT OF THE MATTER Margaret carried her box of lionscliold books down -stairs, and resumed her study of a houseliold carried on under the eye of a miser a hundred years ago; but Lucian refused to be interest- ed, lie said that the figures had a hungry and starveling look, and that he was not desirous of learning more details about his great-grandfather, Margaret, however, read and pondered over those books until she realized not only the pinched and starved existence of the mother bereft of her children, one after tlie other, but also the daily life of the eighteenth century, which stretched without change into a third part of the nineteenth, until rail- ways and steamboats altered the whole of the habitable globe. Can we understand a time so close to us, yet so far away ? Con- sider. Everything was done at home ; everything was made at home. There is an enormous difference, to begin with. The bread, the beer, the jam, the wine, the biscuits, the cakes, the preserving, the strong waters — all were made at home ; the washing, the mend- ing, and repairing were done at home. A housewife, then, was mistress of a learned profession ; she followed one of the fine arts. What is the chief difference, however, between our daily life and that of our grandfathers? There are small differences in manners, deportment, social forms, dress, eating, and drinking. There is a difference in the standard of living, which is now greatly raised. There is a difference in our knowledge of the world, there are differences due to our habit of reading. We liave grown so much richer, and the things that make for com- fort have become so mucli cheaper, that this is natural. "We are now all growing poorer, but the higher standard of comfort as yet remains. There arc differences in our religion; there are differences in our morals; there are differences in our ideas on CALVERT BURLEY's ACCOUNT OF THE MATTER 149 things of state. Bat these things do not constitute the principal difference. That, I think, lies in the altered value of all posses- sions. This was Margaret's discovery from the account -books and the marginal notes. We of this degenerate age make noth- ing; therefore we value nothing. We have no possessions; the things that we want we buy ; they are machine - made things, mostly. Who cares for a machine-made watch ? When we had to make what we wanted to have, or to buy it, with money labori- ously accumulated, of the man who made it with his own hands — a watch, a chain, a table, a fender — then we valued it and treated it tenderly, and handed it down to our successors, and called it a possession. I once read in a novel — I was compelled to read it because I had to write it — of a girl named Francesca, who had a magic knob given her by a fairy godmother. This she pressed whenever she wanted anything — and, lo ! a miracle ! — what she wanted was instantly brought. All of us possess a magic knob of sorts ; but its powers vary to an incredible extent. A pauper lady, for instance, may press her knob as hard as she likes ; it commands nothing but the daily allowance and the annual shawl. Others, on the other hand, arc amazingly powerful. And I hope that every young lady who reads these lines owns a magic knob, the pressure of which will bring her a new evening dress, new gloves, new shoes, or anything that she wants. The magic knob applied to the whole of the middle class, to which most of us belong, the class beloved and admired by Matthew Arnold — can command a glass of beer, a pot of jam, a loaf of bread, and many other useful articles. These things come to us ready-made, turned out to order by unseen work-people. We take them, pay for them, and give no heed to them. When they wear out we buy more. Now, in the eigh- teenth century all these things were made at home ; there was a certain uncertainty as to the result. Would the beer be good ? Last brew was sour, if you remember. Would the jam last through the winter? Last year's developed mildew, if you re- member. Would the socks, the shirt, the collar, fit? If the result was satisfactory, there was pride. In any case, the thing which cost time, exercised judgment, showed skill, was valuable and valued. This dignified housewifery. The modern matron 150 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE need know notliinfr, need keep nothing, need lay down notliinfr; she wants neither wine-cellar, nor beer-cellar, nor larder, nor still- room, nor stores. She buys as she wants, and replaces as she uses. It saves trouble, which is a gain ; but there are losses, Iler predecessor, Margaret learned, provided beforeliand. If anything was omitted, the household had to go without. Tiic amount of knowledge expected of the ancient housewife was co- lossal. One can only compare it witli the knowledge at present expected of the oilman and his assistant. She was expected to know how to make cakes, puddings, biscuits, and to understand carving; not the miserable hacking of the present day, but scien- tific carving, which had its language. She must know pickling and conserving, in an age when they pickled everything, even nasturtium leaves. She must know how to distil scents and strong waters. She could make wine and brew beer. She could make waslics for the complexion. She must know all the secrets of the laundry, the larder, the poultry -yard, the dairy, tlie kitch- en-garden, the orcliard, the hot-houses; the making and repairing of dresses — childish and feminine; she liad to understand music, dancing, embroidery, genealogies, education, alms-giving, medi- cine, domestic surgery, and nursing. Finally, the housewife of the past was expected to take, or to pretend, an intelligent inter- est in her husband's occupations. Truly, the housewife of a hun- dred years ago was a most wonderful product of the age. Margaret laid down the books with a profound respect and pity for the writer who knew so much, worked so hard, and was so wretcliedly mated. The diurnal broke off abruptly on a cer- tain day. It was then carried on by another liand, a younger hand, for a sliort time. Then that too broke off. The reason of the change, Margaret guessed, was tlie illness and death of the mother. The second hand must be that of the daughter, Lu- cinda. And she, like her brothers, liad run away. AVhat had become of Lucinda? Lucian's father knew nothing about ber. What, again, was the end of tliat brother who became an actor? What had become of Charles, the third son of this remarkable family, who incurred the displeasure of the law ? Of James she liad, we know, been recently reminded, liut of the other three no word had yet been received. Had all three perished without leaving children or a single trace of tliL'ir memory ? CALVERT BURLEY S ACCOUNT OF THE MATTER 151 There were other papers in the box. You would expect, perhaps, in sucli a house, a bag of guineas, or the directions where to find a secret hoard. You remember bow the raiser of old hid away bis gold in odd corners. But the Westminster miser was a modern miser. Hoarded gold, to him, meant invest- ments. The old miser gloated over his chests full of red gold, chests of wood with iron clamps; he used to lift the lid and run bis fingers lovingly through the coins. The modern miser pulls out the book in which are recorded his investments ; and he gloats over the columns. Margaret found no secret hoard of gold, nor any allusion to hidden gold. What she did find, however, was sufficiently interesting, as you shall learn. There were, to begin with, certain letters, written to the raiser's wife ; some from her own mother, stiff and formal, exhorting her what to do in time of trouble ; some from a friend who wrote to her from the country on religious topics — it was a time when religious conversation was an art greatly practised and carefully studied. This friend gave her advice of a most beautiful kind as regards patience under trial ; some of the letters were from her brotlier; these letters also turned upon the necessity of resigna- tion in trial and trouble. All proved that the poor woman lived in constant trial and trouble. All were the work of people to whom letter-writing was not a thing of daily use ; they were writ- ten on paper of the same size, filled up carefully, so as to show a genuine desire of communicating as much news as the limits of the paper allowed, and of spending as long a time as possible over the composition of the letter. The correspondence was not, in fact, remarkable, except as an evidence of the stylo and fashion of the letter-writer at that period — the style stilted and formal ; the fashion ceremonious. There was one letter, however, which in- terested her. It was from the second son, Henry, the one who began the running away. " Dear and Hon'd Mother [it ran], — I write to inform you that I have been receiv'd in a Company of Strolling Players. Wo play in a Barn to-night — my Part, Mercutio, and some others. The Work is Hard and the Pay is Uncertain. I hope, however, to Advance both in one and the other. No Efforts of mine shall be wanting for Success, which, as has been written, 152 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE if I cannot Achieve, I will at Least Deserve. On the play-bill I am described as Mr. Ilcnry Biirs:fhlcy. I have not presum'd to drag my Father's Name — and My Own — upon the Stage with a Strolling Company. I do not Regret the Step I liave taken, except that I would not give my Mother Pain, The miserly Habits of my Father made it Impossible for a lad of Spirit to re- main in the House any Longer. I hope that your tedious Cough is better, and that you can now mount the Stairs without Dis- tress, and that you will continue in good Ilealtli and Spirits, and that when I see you next I may receive your Approbation of my Conduct. "I remain, dear and Hon'd Mother, "Your most dutiful and affectionate Son, " Henry." This was the only communication from any of her children. The rest of the papers seemed to be recipes of all kinds, cliiefly for puddings and highly seasoned sauces whicli this housewife would never be allowed to use, as being expensive. There were also written charms against warts, against quinsy, against fits — pity tliat most of the old charms have perished hopelessly. Against how many mischiefs could not a housewife formerly protect her house, her children, and herself ? And there were notes on the treatment of children's disorders, and especially as to chilblains, colds, earaches, feverish cliills, and the like. At the l)ottom of the box, however, slie found a small packet of papers folded up and tied with a silk ribbon. Outside was a note written in a handwriting difficult at first to read ; for not only was it small, but the letters were pointed instead of being round, and the " e's " were like " o's " with a loop at the top. It ran thus : "The enclosed was writ by my grandfather, Calvert Burley, in the year of grace 175G, being twelve months after the melan- clioly event which deprived him of a son and me of a fatlier, in the most lamentable manner possible. I found it among his papers on the 9th day of March, in the present year of our Lord, 1768. The wrath of the Lord is as a consuming fire, from which nothing can escape ; it wastes not, nor is it spent until its work of woe is completed to the last letter. On account of the CALVERT BURLEV'S ACCOUNT OF THE MATTER 153 transgressions of ray grandfatlier follow all these woes. Therefore my father suffered a shameful death : for this cause my father's sister was cut off in the flower of her beauty, and my father's brother was kidnapped or destroyed. What is reserved for me ? I am in the Lord's hands. Let the Lord deal with me for that transgression as He will upon this earth. The things that hap- pen to us here soon pass away and are forgotten ; but let me save ray soul alive, according to the promise made unto the Prophet Ezekiel. J. C. B. " Nota Bene. — My grandfather died impenitent. lie said that he had sinned, as all flesh must sin, but not more than other men. He also, with his latest breath, solemnly thanked the Lord for the gifts which had made him rich — God is not mocked. " J. C. B." Having made out this cheerful preface, Margaret, with some curiosity, opened the packet and read. The handwriting was large and bold, and as assured as the words which followed. Handwriting is supposed, by some, to be a test of character; this, in some unexplained way, it seems to be — perhaps because the way in which a man speaks, stands, walks, writes, looks, or does anything at all, betrays his character to those who can read the lanfTuaire of gesture and look. If the theory is true, then Calvert Burley was a man with a huge, an enormous, belief in himself. Such a man — he is more common than one would think — 'can do nothing wrong. If his actions appear to others always dictated by self-interest, to him they are never without the excuse of the highest and holiest of motives. The meanest thing that a man can do is described by him as the holy act of a Christian. The greatest crime he explains by the noblest and most conscientious scruples. The document was written on coarse white paper, and the ink was brown. It ran thus : " I have been assured by some Meddlers and Busybodies that God's Wrath has been Poured out upon me on account of cer- tain former Passages in my Life. I have endured Reproach on this Account, by men pretending to be Godly, and also from my Deceased Wife, whose tender Spirit was unable to endure the 7* 154 BEYOND THE DliKAMS OF AVARICE Disasters which have affected us. In them she saw Manifest the Kevenrfc taken by the Ahiiio-hty on account of my past Life. I say not that these repeated shocks were not Ordered by a Wise Providence for Purposes which I cannot Understand, but as my Life has always been beyond Reproach, I cannot regard them as. Expressions of God's Wrath. Therefore my Design is to hiy bare, for the Instruction of all who may come after Me, the Facts of the Case on which wy Departed Wife and others have igno- rantly pronounced a Judgement. Bnt let me Rehearse these so- called Judgements; and, next, let me also set against them the Manifest Mercies and Blessings which have been Poured upon my unworthy Head. And first as for the Judgements. It is true that I who had once three Fair Children, have now none. First my younger Boy, a child of Twelve, went out to School — the said School lying no more than two Streets distance — and never reached that School, and was never seen again by us. He was therefore tempted away and either Kidnapped or Murdered. This was, I own, a Dreadful Blow. But it was shown, I am quite certain, that this affliction was not a Special Judgement, nor did it indicate the Special Displeasure of the Lord, over and above that which falls upon the general sinner, because at the same time I bought of the widow I'luiner that land in Mary- lebone (for a song) which is now covered with houses. " Next, there was my Daughter, a blooming Girl of Seven- teen, whose Charms were designed (I thought) for the happi- ness of some young man of Quality (as I ventured to hope), who would be tempted not only by the beauty of her Person, but also by the Portion which I was ready to bestow upon her. Thus I lioped to raise my family, which was of humble Origin, Alas! She caught Small-Pox and died in a fortnight. With her these Hopes were Buried. At the same time (which for- bids the suspicion or Fear of a Judgement) by a lucky Stroke I acquired (a Special Blessing) the first of those Navy Con- tracts by which my Fortune has been more than doubled. "Lastly, my Elder Son, who had from Childhood given Trouble, for he would never apply his Mind to Study, nor would he learn under me how to get the better of Weak or Credulous Persons so as to transfer their Money to his own Pockets, but would continually Sing, make idle Music, Feast, CALVEIIT DURLEY S ACCOUNT OF THE MATTER 155 Paint, and Spend. After a course of profligacy in wliich I did my best to "Warn and Dissuade liiin, he madly went out to rob a noble Lord, and being Captured and Laid by the Heels, was presently Hanged — a Disgraceful Event, and one that Dashed all our rising Cheerfulness. At the same time a Signal Favor was bestowed upon me by the Lord in the fact that a violent tempest blowing over the Channel, on the very day when that unhappy Boy suffered, wrecked a large number of Ships be- longing to the Port of London, while two of my richest Bot- toms found Shelter in the Scilly Roads. Thus was I singled out for marks of Approbation at the time of my greatest Afflic- tion. "Of these three events, the first and second were accidents which clearly belong to the changes and chances of this mortal life — In the midst of life we are in death. We know not, even for the youngest and strongest, what may happen. As for the third Event, the parents of this unhappy Young Man may re- proach themselves with a too lenient and easy Up-Bringing. So far I Bow the Head and acknowledge ray fault. But the whole course of that young Man seemed like a Resolve in mad ILaste to reach the Gallows. And I have sliown that each so-called Judo-c- ment was accompanied by a blessing much more manifest — and, I make Bold to Declare, much more Deserved. " Why should the hand of the Lord be heavier upon me than upon any other sinner? " I have said, above, that it was wliispcred, nay, spoken aloud, on 'Change that this or that Misfortune has happened to mc as a Punishment for my Treatment or Conduct towards my late Mas- ter, Mr. Scudamore. " I was a poor lad, son of a mere Fellowship Porter, my moth- er's brothers being Watermen, and my own fate, apparently, to be of no better station in the world than they. But, being no- ticed by Mr. Scudamore, then a gentleman of reputation, and hav- ing a good Business in the City and supposed to be worth Thirty Thousand Pounds at least, I was by him taken into his office, where I was first a boy at his call, to run Arrants and to carry messages. I then became a clerk in his counting-house. By the time 1. had reached five-and-twenty I was entirely in his confi- dence, and managed all his business of every kind, and he, being 156 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE an easy man, and pleased to bo saved trouble, and growinf^ fonder of the coffee-house than 'Change, suffered nie to go on unques- tioned, and to do what I pleased and what I thought best in bis interests. This was so well known that Merchants treated mc with the same Openness as if I was my Master — a lucky circum- stance for me, inasmuch as it taught me much concerning trade, and made acquaintances for me who afterwards became useful. " I can boast truthfully that during the time that I thus man- aged my Master's business it prospered and increased. Naturally I became discontented — wlio would not? — seeing that I did all the work and my Master reaped the whole Harvest. Many fac- tors and clerks and servants do not consider this hardship, and continue to work zealously to the end of their lives, being pinched and living hardly, so that their Masters may increase and grow fat. I was not so disposed. As soon as 1 had gained one step I desired to take another. I would still be rising — I desired ar- dently to become a Master. "The opportunity came in the Way I shall relate. At this time there broke out the Madness known as the South-Sea Bub- ble. Now I have ever possessed to a Singular Degree the Power of Discerning the Future as regards the liise and Fall of Stocks and Shares. And at the outset of this Affair I clearly perceived that there would surely follow a Vast Increase in the Price of this and other Stocks ; and I longed to be Trading in them — at first I thought in a small way in order to better my liumble fort- une. But in order to begin one must have either Money or Cred- it. Of these had I Neither. Therefore, I perceived that in order to attain my Object 1 must Secretly make Use of some of the Money belonging to my Master, as it passed through my Hands. Tiiis was difficult, because he had a Running Credit with a Gold- buiith of Lombard Street. However, I devised a Plan which was Ingenious and Honest. I would but borrow the sum of <£400 to begin with. Therefore I persuaded (very Easily) my Master to consent to purchase South-Sea Stock. He agreed to buy at 130 about £12,000 worth of Stock — i.e., about £9230 in shares. As at this moment it was advancing rapidly, I bought £10,000 one day, of which £400 worth, or £390 of stock, I bought in my own name. By this means I was enabled to obtain a small sum for myself, and to secure for him the stock which he desired to CALVKRT BURLEy's ACCOUNT OF THE MATTER 157 buy. In the end, as you shall see, I faithfully repaid that ad- vance of £400, " How, then, did we stand ? I had three Shares at £130 each — my Master held 92 shares. On my Advice he sold them out at 200. He therefore made a Profit of £70 a Share, or £6440 in all. Ought not this man to have been Satisfied with me, his faithful Steward? At the same time I sold mine at the same profit, and replaced the loan, and was £210 in pocket. Then, as I Pointed out, which was quite true, the Stock was still going up — he agreed to Buy in again. This time he would Buy about £18,000 worth, the Stock then standing at 250. I did the same thing as before. That is, I bought six Shares for myself and 60 for him. A week later, the Shares having gone up to 500, I Sold all out, and he made a Profit of cent, per cent. As for me, I did very well. For I Replaced my Second Loan of £1500, and found myself the Possessor of £1710 — far more than ever I Thought to own. This was all in the Early Spring, But as the year advanced, the Stock went Leaping up, I Played the same Game always, Borrowing and always Repaying, and Grow- ing, for one of such Small Origin, every week Richer and Richer. " Then came the Time when I perceived very clearly that the Price must Fall, and that Suddenly and Deeply ; now by this my Master was Maddened, like many others, with the business, and looked for Nothing Less than to see the Shares rise to Thousands, Their highest Price was 990. My Master was eager to buy more. Next day they Fell. He was persuaded — not by me — to Hold on. They Fell lower and lower. They Fell from 990 to 150. And my Master, who had Bought in from 600 (or thereabouts) to 990, Lost his All. I, for my part, who had been Buying in and Selling out (so as to replace the various loans), and always making my profit on each Transaction, Finally Sold out at 990. The last shares my Master Bought were mine, but he knew it not till afterwards. And the end (to me) was a Mod- est Fortune or competence, a Capital Stock for embarkation in Trade of about £22,500. This is the history of the whole busi- ness. My Master went mad, like the rest of the Natives. I kept my AVits about me. He continued in liis madness. I sold out. Remember that each Loan as I made it was paid back the next day, or a few days after, by the Differences which I had the 158 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVAUICE Power (under rrovidcnce) to foretell. "Who can Blame mc? "Was not tlie good success — tlie wonderful success — of my Vent- ure a mark of Special Blessing? But this my dear Wife could never understand. "Having Lost his All, my Master was ruined. It has been Objected that I should have Corae to his Assistance. But in the City of London Gratitude is never suffered to interfere with Business. I Plainly Told him that I must look after Myself. When, shortly after this, he went into the Fleet, his wife andchil- dien asked my Help. I gave it. On many occasions I have giv- en them sums of money — a half-crown here and another there. I am not to Blame if the Woman went mad and the Man died of rage at his III Fortune (Foolishly Cursing Me, as if I was the Cause of his Sufferings), nor can I be Blamed if his Children (through their leather's Folly) Became I know not What— Thieves and the Companions of Thieves. "This is the Plain History of the F]vcnts which, according to my Detractors, have Brought upon me the Judgements of the Lord. "On the other Hand, have not His Blessings been abundantly Showered upon me? Have I not llisen from a plain Poor Boy to be a great City Merchant, an Adventurer in Foreign l*orts, one whose Word is powerful on 'Change, the Owner at this mo- ment, wlicn I am past Sixty Years of Age, of a Hundred Thou- sand Pounds and More? Are not these things Plain Mercies? Would they have been bestowed upon One who, as lias been Falsely alleged, rose by robbing his Master and drove him to Bankruptcy, and Suffered him to Die in the Fleet? "Calvert Burlev." CHAPTER XX LTJCIAN OX THE DOCUMENT Margaret made haste to place tliis document in Lucian's liands. lie read it with great interest; he read it twice. He then folded it and returned it to his wife. " Well, Lncian, what do you say ?" lie made answer slowly : "Calvert Bnrley's Commentary on Himself possesses sevcnil points of interest. It is the revelation of an eighteenth-century soul. First we have the poor boy — clever, sharp, and resolved to get on if he could — to climb out of the servitude and obscu- rity of his people. I fancy there was very little climbing in those days. Where the child was born, there he grew up, and there he remained. Well, this boy had the good - luck to get into favor with a master who was clearly a man of weak nature; for he gave this sharp lad, gradually, the niaiiagemcnt of all liis affairs. The lad looked about him, watching the markets and the stocks. I suppose that he grew extremely keen to foresee the probable rise and fall. Some men have a kind of pro- phetic instinct in such things. At last came the opportunity. In order to seize it, he had to be a villain — about this I don't imagine there was much difficulty. The finer shades of honor were not likely to be regarded by such a young man as this. The rest followed naturally. He ruined his master, and enriched himself — he tells us how. Nothing is to be gained by helping the fallen, and ho, therefore, allowed his master to die in jail. A very complete villain !" "A horrible villain f " Wait a little. Having become rich, he must become respect- able. He marries a wife from the ranks of the City madams; in order to become respectable, he goes to churcli. No — that is 160 DEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE wrong — he bad always been to cburcb ; it used to be part of the City discipline — honest lads or villains, all wont to churcli. Formerly, however, he sat in the least eligible seats. Now he occupies a pew under the pulpit, and his boy carries his prayer- book after him up the aisle, llis wife talks the language of re- ligion, such as it was — the religion of the Queen Anne time." " \Yas it unlike our own ?" "I think so. Calvert shows us liimself that it was a time when blessings and the approval of the Lord meant success in trade, and when afflictions were regarded as indicating the dis- pleasure of the Lord. Very good. Jle prospered exceedingly. Being already rich, he could afford to be honest. Yet, we see, there were murmurs about the beginnings. Presently the trou- bles fell upon him, one after the other. Then the murmurs be- came whispers, and the whispers voices of accusation, which he heard. And in the end, to set his conscience at rest by a kind of balance-sheet familiar to the commercial soul, he wrote this narrative. Of course, it stands to reason, if Heaven's displeasure is shown in some calamity. Heaven's approval is marked by long- continued success. Thus, his eldest son becomes a profligate ; marries an heiress ; spends her money ; goes on the road ; is hanged. Very sad, indeed. But, on the other hand, during that young man's career how many cargoes safely landed ! How many glorious successes on 'Change ! Then his daughter dies of small-pox. What for? Why ask, since on that same day his ship alone, of all the fleet, rode out the storm? His younger boy is kidnapped. Horrible! In punishment for what crime? What, indeed, when another large slice was added on that same day to his great fortune? Therefore, as the years ran on, he grows more satisfied with himself. For some unknown sins, per- haps of his wife, perhaps of the last generation of Fellowship porters, these things have been allotted to him. But for himself it is one unbroken career of Heaven's approval and manifest blessing. There, Margaret, is my reading of this history." He sat down. " There are people, I believe, even now, who think in the same way. A dangerous way — to look for guid- ance from without instead of within. ^^'eII, I said that I should like to hear Calvert Burlcy's account of himself, and I have had my desire. My dear, it used to be considered unlucky LUCIAN ON THE DOCUMENT 161 to speak ill of ancestors. But tliis Calvert Barley really was a detestable person." "And the misfortunes fell — if not on ])im, for he could not feel thera — on his children and on his grandchildren." " They did. Very great misfortunes, too. Tyburn Tree and madness — a miser and a money-lender. Everybody got what he deserved — sometimes what he desired." Margaret shook her head. " Once more. Remember what the Prophet Ezekiel says : ' The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father.^ You will listen to tliat authority, I believe, my child." *' Well, Lucian, if tlie son, or the grandson, takes over and en- joys the harvest of iniquity, he becomes a sharer in the guilt." "The harvest, the stored-up granaries, the resnlt of iniquities — you see, Madge, that you beg the whole question. Take this Bnrley estate. How much of it is the harvest of iniquity ?" " All of it." "Nay. The Westminster miser saved ; he did not commit any iniquities, lie saved, and he left nearly half a million. That alone at com[)Ound interest would mount up to many millions. How much of the rest is due to the dancing-cribs, to the gam- bling-hell, to the money-lending? Perhaps the old man lost money on all three. If the grandson, my dear, were to take over that estate, he would take it free from any liability on account of old injuries." Margaret looked up. She would have answered; but on Lu- cian's face there lay that look of masterful resolution which made the portrait of Calvert Burley so remarkable. Lucian, at times, was strangely like the builder and founder of the House — the son of the Fellowship porter. CHAPTER XXI LUCINDA AVERY " An old woman ?" Margaret looked up from her work. " What old woman? And wliat does she want?" " She won't say her business," replied the maid. " Says she wants to see the lady of the house. She's an old woman out of a workhouse." Margaret went out. She found an old woman in workhouse costume standing on the door-mat. Slie was a thin, frail-lookinf^ old woman; she had been tall, but now walked with stooping shoulders, Iler face was pinched and pale ; not a face made coarse with drink and vice ; a face made for pride, but spoiled by humility. She courtesied humbly when the lady of the bouse appeared. And she stood with her arms folded under her shawl, as one who waits to be ordered. She looked meek, even beyond the assumed meekness of the most accomplished pretender in a whole workhouse, and yet she was picturesque, with a great mass of iron- gray hair that liad once been black, and eyes that were still black. " What can I do for you ?" Margaret asked her. " I've read something in a paper," said the old woman, " A lady in the House had it and lent it to me." She unfolded her arms and produced from somewhere a newspaper. " I read it a week ago, and thought — if I was to call — " " Let me read the paragraph," said Margaret. It was one of the thousand paragraphs on the Burley estate, and it ran as follows : " The liouse wliere the great Burley property was amassed is situated in Great College Street, It is now No. 77. Tt is re- ported to have been built by the same Calvert Burley who heads the genealogy compiled and published by us the other day. It LUCINDA AVERY 163 is now occupied by a pliysician wliose surname, by a curious co- incidence, is tlie same as the Cliristian name of its builder. Dr. Lucian Calvert took the house with the furniture as it stood. Among the things preserved are the portraits of nearly all those persons who are mentioned in the genealogy. It was a common practice in the last century to adorn the house with the portraits of all the members of the family — a custom which photography has been largely instrumental in abolishing. Thus, even the chil- dren of the celebrated miser were painted as soon as they arrived at man's estate. The total disappearance, or extinction, of so large a family with so many branches is one of the most remark- able facts in family history ever known. Up to the present mo- ment, we learn that only two among the many hundreds of claim- ants profess to belong to the miser. One is an American lady who calls herself the granddaughter of the miser's youngest son, and the other is an English claimant who announces himself as the grandson of the second son. These claims have either not been so far established or are as yet only just sent in. Surely, one would think, there should be little difficulty in establishing and proving one's own grandfather. Even if a nephew or grandnephew should ultimately turn up, the fact that so vast an estate should remain so long without an undoubted heir will remain as a most remarkable fact." " Well ?" Margaret gave back the paper. " You did not come here, I am sure, just to show me that paper." " No, ma'am, I did not. I came here hoping that perhaps you wouldn't mind showing me those pictures." She spoke with the greatest humility, but her manner of speech was better than one generally associates with a workhouse dress. "Yes; but will you tell me why you want to see them?" *' It's because some of them may be mother's brothers." Mar- garet showed some natural sur[)rise. " It's quite true, lady. My name is Avery — Lucinda Avery — and my mother's name before she married was Lucinda Burley. And she was born in this liouse. It's quite trne, lady," she repeated. " Mother was born in this very house. I know she was." " Yon sav that von are the dan2;htcr of Lucinda Burlev. Can you prove what you say ?" 164 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " Oh yes, lady, I've got proofs." " This is very strange. But come in." Margaret sliut the street door. " Now sit down and tell mo more about it." The old woman sat down on one of the hall chairs. " What am I to tell you ?" she asked, simply. " Mother's name was Lu- cinda Burley." " Yes ; there was a Lucinda Burley. Can yon tell me some- thing more ?" " Mother ran away from lier home — this was the house. She's often and often talked to me about the house — this was the house. She ran away from home because she was unhappy. Ilcr father was a dreadful miser, and wanted them to be as miserly as himself. They could hardly get enough to eat. She had broth- ers, and they ran away, too, one by one, all but the eldest — this was the house. So, when her mother died, she ran away too, and married father." " Yes. What was your father?" " Father was a gentleman." The old woman held up licr hcAd with tlic least possible approach to the gesture called bridling. Not every resident, if you please, in her college could boast of a gentleman for a father. " lie was a gentleman," she repeated. " Yes. A good many men are gentlemen, nowadays. What was his business?" "He hadn't got any. He was called Captain Avery. And he was once in the army. Mother always called him the Captain. He was a very handsome man. Mother loved him, though he threw away his money — and he wasn't a good man." " He was Captain Avery," Margaret repeated. " And he threw away his money. And then?" " When he had no more left, they took him to prison. It was the Fleet Prison — I remember it very well, and father in it. He died in the prison." " Oh ! And this was the way that you became poor?" " Yes. Mother was poor. Don't you believe me, lady ?" She looked up with some an.\iety. " Indeed, it is the truth, and nothing else." " Whv should it not be the truth ? I am not disbelieving you." " I've got the proofs, lady." Tiie old woman produced from LUCINDA AVERY 1G5 unseen recesses a little parcel wrapped in a pocket-handkerchief. "This is a picture of mother, made when she first married; when she was young — poor mother!" — her voice faltered. "I never remember her like this — not so young and beautiful." Margaret took the drawing, which showed just the face and head. "Yes," she said, "I know the face. They all have it; you have the face." It was a charming little picture, representing a beautiful girl, with something of a Spanish air, dark -eyed, dark -haired. And the poor faded daughter bore still some resemblance to the beau- tiful young mother. " You all have the same face," Margaret repeated. "I never saw her so." The old woman wrapped it up again in her handkerchief and put it back. "But I like to look at it sometimes; just to think of her as I never saw her. She looks happy in her picture — I never saw her happy. The picture was done by a friend of father's. He died in the Fleet, too. I re- member him very well, because he had a bottle-nose — mother said it was rum. But a lovely painter, mother said, and good company, and sang a good song." " It is certainly the portrait of Lucinda Burley," said Margaret. "I will show you the pictures, if you please to come up -stairs with me." The old woman's breath was bad ; she mounted the stairs with difficultv; when she reached the drawing-room she was fain to sit down and gasp. Margaret sat her down before the fire, and waited. She looked timid and humble; with the timidity and the humility that come of life-long obedience to the man with the bag; of never exercising any power or authority at all. Fur example, a woman who had been a mother could not have that air. But she was not common or rough, there was even a cer- tain refinement in her face ; she looked like a gentlewoman out of practice. Jler black eyes were fine still, but they were sad. Her face, her manner, her carriage, her voice — all together spok« or shadow, sadness, and privation. Margaret took off her bonnet and shawl — was she not a cousm ? "You shall have some tea,'' she said, " before you say another word." She went down-stairs and brought up the tea with her own hands. 100 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " Now," she went (Jii, " if you arc recovered, \vc will talk again. You sluill look round the room presently. First, think that part of your mother's girlhooil must have been spent in this room. Some of the things are new , the rest were here in her time. 1 know all the family history, and I can tell you about all the portraits. That over the mantel-shelf is the original Burlcy, the founder of the family. Your mother was born about the vcar 1802, AVhen did she die?" " She died ten years ago. The parish gave her out-door relief. She was bedridden for three years." " The parish ! the j/arish ! Good heavens ! And her brother ten times a millionaire! What a man ! Had your father no friends to feel any sense of shame?" " I think he had cousins. But they wouldn't help, and mother wouldn't ask them any more. Mother was too proud. She would rather work her lingers to the bone than go begging. She said she was a Burley." The old woman looked up to the lion-hearted founder of the family for approval. " She was proud of being a Burley," Margaret repeated, not scornfully, but with a kind of wonder. " When father died she wrote to lier brother, and he wouldn't help her. But she kept his letter." She produced again the parcel, wrapped in a handkerchief, and extracted a paper, which Margaret took. It was as fol- lows : " SisTEK, — I am in receipt of your communication. I will nut see you if you call. I will give you nothing. Yuu have made your bed, and you may lie upon it. You deserted your own family and disgraced yourself when you ran away with your lover. [" But I've got her marriage lines," interrupted tlie daughter. | You had better apply to your brothers whc also ran away. \ uur father is dead, and has left me his prop- erty — such as it is. f" Such as it is !" Margaret repeated. "What a man I"J Go your own way and lit iiic go mine. " Your brother, John. »> " A cruel letter ! A hard and cruel letter !" Margaret gave it back. "The letter of a hard and cruel ?nan. But his pro- fession was Destruction .■md Kuin." "'you all have the same face' LUCINDA AVERY 167 " Mother tried to see him, but he Avouldn't let her come in. Mother kept the letter. She said that she looked to see him cut off suddenly for his hardness. But he wasn't." " No," said Margaret ; " a worse thing happened to him. To be cut off suddenly would have meant reward, not punish- ment, lie lived. lie grew harder every day, till he did not know what mercy meant. A worse thing than death is to grow harder and more merciless and more insensible every day — and to live for ninety years. Go on, you poor thing." It must not be supposed that the old woman went on quite in the connected form which follows. She was weak in the construction of sentences. What she said was extracted by questions and suggestions; if we were to put them all in, the length of this chapter would extend to a volume. She answered timidly, and only warmed, so to speak, when she began to speak of the house and what she knew about it. " So mother took in needle-work." The whole tragedy of a lifetime in those words — she took in needle-work. " When I was old enough I began to help her. We sat and sewed all day long." "Where were her brothers?" Margaret knew very well, but she put the question. " One of them did something and was transported for life. But he came back, secret, and saw mother. Then he Avcnt out to New Zealand," " Oh ! And the others ?" " One went to America, and one was an actor. Mother was so poor when she found out the actor brother that she was ashamed to go and see him. Mother was proud of her family, but there were dreadful misfortunes in it. Even when we were at our worst mother used to say she was glad she ran away from the misfortunes." "There were misfortunes enough for her, I think," said Mar- garet. " ]]ut it is strange, however. Always the same feeling — ths same dread of misfortune." "Yes, she was proud to be a Burley ; but they were all un- fortunate," " And you, did you ever marry?" " Marry ?" The old woman langhcd a poor little shadow of 1C8 BEYOND TIIK DREAMS OF AVARICE a langli. " Marry ? Do men look for wives in a two-pair back? Young men don't keep company with a girl too poor to buy a brush for hw hair or a skirt to hide her rags. Ah! no, lady; I had no time to thiidc about keeping company and marriage. AVhat I had to think about all my life long was how to get rid of the hunger. Always that — and nothing more — unless it was to keep a bit of fire in the grate." " Poor creatures !" " It's over now, and thank God for it !" The poor old woman put on a little show of dignity and self-respect as if already in the presence of her best friend — Death. " I'm in the House for the rest of my time — till the Lord calls me. Yes, yes, it's been a lonsc time cominir but tlic end has come. Sometimes I wake at night and fancy the hunger is on me again, and me so tired and my arm so heavy and the stuff so thick. It's a blessed thing when we do get old and past our work." " A blessed thing, truly — I never thought of it before. And you were once a pretty girl." " Pretty ?" The old woman really blushed — a pale and pink suffusion it was. " No one ever called me pretty that I re- member ; we had no time for such talk. "Why," she said, " we old women talk — we must talk, you know, now we've got no work to do. The others talk about the old days when men came courting, and they went out together in the evenings and were married. It's all strange to me. I had nothing but work —all the time." "Yes." Margaret was looking at her tliouglitfully. Had one ever before lieard of a woman who never had any i)lea3- ure at all for the whole of a long life? "And so at last you gave up work and went into the House?" "Yes. Some of them grumble all the time — I don't. It was the happiest day of my life when my forefinger got cramped and bent — look at it — and I found that I couldn't sew any longer. Then they took me in, and I've had a good dinner and a good tea every day since I went in." "You didn't work on Sundays; what did you do tlien ?" "On Sunday morning we went to church. Mother never would give up going to church. She said she always liad gone and alwavs would go. After church wc lav down and went to LUCINDA AVERY 169 sleep. In the evenings we sat in the dark, and mother talked about her family and this house. Oh ! I know all the rooms in it." She looked round the room. " Tliis is the drawing- room. Down-stairs there's the front parlor and the back parlor. They used to live in the back parlor. There is a garden at the back, with a grape-vine and a mulberry-tree. Up-stairs, over this room, was mother's bedroom. At the top of the house was the nursery, where the children used to play. And there was another room which was kept locked, and the children believed there was a ghost in it, and if the door was opened the ghost would come out and walk about the house." '* Yes, it is quite clear that you know the house. Now get up and look at the pictures on the wall, and find your mother's portrait if you can." It was not difficult. " Here's mother." The old woman stood before the portrait of a girl in her early bloom, beautiful — dressed in silk — dark, black-eyed, proud, who looked down upon her pauper daughter with a kind of condescension. There was more pride in the old portrait than in the miniature. " It's my mother — young — oh ! how lovely ! Oh ! I nevci saw her like this. Oh ! with a gold chain and a silk dress — . and she gave it all up to run away to marry, and work on starva- tion wages for the rest of her life — oh, my poor mother ! — and said she was happier so." She burst into tears. The old weep so seldom that it touches one to sec them. Age dries up the fountain or sacred source of tears. Or perhaps it is that the old have known so many sorrows and survived them all that they think little of another and a new sorrow. As the negro said of his iniprisonmenls, they did not count in the record of his life. The old know that there are not really many things to weep about ; they have learned one of life's many lessons — that thinsrs do not matter much if one has patience. Death ? It will happen to tliem- selves very soon. It is the cessation of pain. One would wel- come death if we were only certain that the rest and the ces- sation of pain would be consciously enjoyed. Bereavement? Soon or late, we arc bereaved of all we love unless they are first bereaved of us. Poverty ? It is the average lot. Injustice ? Wrong? It is the universal lot of mankind to suffer injustice 170 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE or wrong. The world is full uf wrong. Dependence? Most of us arc slaves, and must jump when the man with the bag cracks his whip. But this old woman wept as if she Avere young again. She wept, you see, for her mother's sake. " Oh !" sh(^ cried. " And I never knew what she meant when slie told mc about the old house, and her mother, and her broth- ers, and all. She was thin and starved all the time I knew her and worked beside her. I didn't understand. And now I know. She was once like this. She lived here, in this beautiful house ; she was dressed like that. Oh ! the dreadful life to her— the dreadful place to live in — I never knew it till now !" " Poor creature !" said Margaret, her own eyes charged with tears. " She used to lament of a Sunday night that she could do nothing for me. We had no books to read. You see, she used to teacii mc a little — oh ! nothing to speak of. All I craved for, ever in my life, was new boots and a new frock, and something more to eat. I never saw anything like this before. Mother lived here — mother was like this !" she kept on repeating. "A sad story — a miserable story," said Margaret. "We must see now what can be done. You ought not to remain Avhere you are. Have you heard anything about the — the estate ?" "There's an old gentleman in the House who was a lawyer once — I believe he got into trouble. lie says there's a lot of money waiting for somebody. He says I ought to send in my claim, lint 1 don't know." "Shall I advise you?" "The man told me not to show the papers to anybody. He said that if anybody saw them he would go and pretend to be ine — I don't know what he said." " Hardly that. AVell, I will tell you how the case stands. Try to follow and to understand." She explained the situation. The old woman listened, but with little understanding. Then Margaret explained it again. It was no use speaking to the old woman of millions, or of hundreds; she thought of money as shillinfi^s; she could no more realize a hundred pounds than she could realize the distance of the earth from the nearest fixed star. " Well, there is this money," she concluded, " which LUCINDA AVERY 171 will be given to the proper persons when they appear. If the dead man's grandson does not appear, it will be given to the nearest in succession, and you are "certainly one of them." " When will it be given ?" ♦* I cannot tell you. The people who order such things may think it necessary to wait for a certain number of years. If you send in your claim, you must find a lawyer to draw it up for you and to take the business in haad. That will cost you a great deal of money." " I have got no money." " No ? Some one must do it for you. Perhaps my husband would help you. And then you must sit down and wait — for ten years, perhaps." " I am over sixty-five now, I don't think it will be any good to wait." " Not much, I am sure. Still, who knows what may happen ? You may be the nearest to the succession — after that grandson. At any rate, you may make your existence known. You are a cousin wlien the other cousins turn up. And perhaps your cousins will take off this dress of yours and give you one of a — another color. It is not seemly, you know, to have cousins in the workhouse." The old woman shook lier head. " No," she said, " I think I will stay where I am. I have never been so comfortable before. I don't want the money. I am contented and thankful. I don't mind being a pauper. Why should I ? I live better than ever I did in my life before ; I am warmer, and I sleep softer. And there's no more needle-work to do. It isn't a shame to me ; and if it is a shame to my cousins, I can't help it." " It is certainly no shame to you." "You see, lady," said this model of a contented old pauper — poor and not ashamed — "if I were to ask for the money, they might turn me out of the House!" She shuddered. "They might say that if I am going to get money of mv own, I had better go away and make room for those that had none." She pursed her lips and shook her head. "That would be the worst misfortune of all. Besides, if I got the money I miglit spend it like father spent his, in riotous living and bad companions." 172 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE Mnrgaret smiled. " And then I should get into prison for debt like they sent him. I'd rather be a pauper than a prisoner. And now, lady, thanking you for being so kind — " She took up her shawl. But Margaret laid it over her shoul- ders with her own hands. And then, before she tied on the bonnet — poor old Luciuda had never experienced such attentions before — this astonishing young lady actually kissed her on the forehead ; kissed a pauper ! kissed a broken-down old needle- woman ! Such a thing was unknown to her experience. In the House, to be sure, the chaplain always shakes hands with the old ladies, but he does not kiss them ; the matron wouldn't allow it; the guardians would not approve of it. Therefore the old lady gasped again and fell into a shake, which brought on a cough, and made her sit down to recover. She had not been kissed for more years than she could remember. And no one but her mother had ever kissed lier before. Iler virginal brow knew nothing but the kiss maternal. *' We are cousins," whispered Margaret, with the kiss. But Lucinda did not understand. The chaplain certainly said that the inmates of the House were his sisters. Cousins or sisters — it meant, probably, the same thing. This long life of privation, the undeserved misfortunes of this woman's mother — were they because her name was Burley, and because her ancestor was Calvert Burley, the man of many sins? Sorrow and disaster fell upon every generation. Yet Lucian would have it that — " Come again," said Margaret — " come and talk to mc again about your mother and yourself." Margaret told her husband of this unexpected visitor. " Ought we to let her stay in that place, Lucian ? Ilcniembcr, she is our cousin." " And the money-lender is iny grandfather. We must ac- knowledge all or none. If we take this woman out of the work- house, it must be because she is my cousin." Margaret made no reply. His words and his looks showed wliat was in his mind. " All — all — pursued by the same ill-fortune," she said, pres- ently. " Ill-fortnnc caused by their own follies. The woman married LUCINDA AVERY 173 a spendthrift and fell into poverty. What had Calvert Burley to do with that ? And now, Madge, my Marjorie " — he stooped and kissed her forehead — " remember, if I cannot take this in- heritance, nobody else shall. That, at any rate, is certain." " I care nothing who has it, Lucian, so long as we do not have it : so lonir as I am never asked to take a crust of bread bought with the vile money of that — that — worm " — she could think of no worse name at the moment, though she felt it to be inadequate — " who condemned his own sister to a life of starva- tion." CHAPTER XXII THE AUSTRALIANS " Pater !" The five girls — they were gathered together about the teacups, their heads together, their tongues talking with ani- mation extraordinary — all jumped up and clapped their hands, and cried out simultaneously, or with one consent, when Sir John opened the door and quietly came in to take his afternoon tea. " Pater ! Come and listen ! We have had an adventure ! We have made a discovery ! We have found the long-lost family ! We are heiresses ! You are an heir ! Herbert is an heir ! We are going to get the most enormous inheritance ever known ! We are going to have the Burley estates !" Sir John stopped short and shivered as one who has received a sudden and unexpected shock. " What have you found out ? Don't all cry out at once," he said, with roughness unknown to this flock of fair daughters. " Well, what is the wonderful thing you have found out ? Let one speak for the rest." " You speak, Lucy." They chose the eldest. "Tell him ev- erything, just as it happened." He began drumming the arm of his chair with his fingers. Ue was evidently ill at case. He looked frightened. •' Don't be anxious, dear pater," said this eldest. •* Nothing very dreadful lias happened. What could happen to make you look like that? Only — but you shall hear, and then we shall see what you will say." • "Go on." Uis face was averted and his voice was husky. " Tell me what you have discovered, and where and how you found it." " First, then, we saw in the paper that tlie liouse whore this rich man — this Mr. P.urley — used to live still contained some of the portraits of the family." THE AUSTRALIANS 175 " Well ? How did that concern us ?" he asked, roughly. What could be the matter with the pater ? "You shall hear. If we knew for certain that our grand- father came from some other family, the Bnrley portraits would not concern us. But as we don't know — do we ?" " We don't know — we certainly do not know, and we shall never know," he said, dogmatically. " It is now impossible to find out." " You shall hear. Meantime, as it is naturally an interesting question with us — " " The name is spelled quite differently," Sir John objected, in initio. " But pronounced the same. And the Christian name is your own, pater dear, and Herbert's as well, which certainly means something. As for the spelling, there may have been some rea- son for changing it. There may, perhaps, have been a return to an older way — just as the Seymours became again St. Maurs — and our Burleigh is certainly a prettier name than his Bur- ley." "Go on, then. Let us hear your tine discovery." Sir John stretched out his feet and leaned back in his chair. But his lips twitched ; for some reason or other he was ill at ease. " Well, we thought we would go to the house and ask permis- sion to see the portraits. AVe thought it would be at least inter- esting, if the people in the house would let us in. We could but try. They could but say no. So we went — all five of us — we went together." " Well — well. You went together. You asked permission to see the portraits." " First we had to find out the house. It is close to Westmin- ster Abbey. To think that while we were visiting the Abbey we were close to grandfather's old house !" " Don't jump at conclusions." " Oh ! There can be no doubt — not the least doubt." " Not the least doubt," echoed all the girls together, in chorus. "Only wait a little; and it is close to the Houses of Parlia- ment. It is a most lovely old house in a quiet street. Oh ! so old — so old — and quiet and homelike, one would like to live in 176 BEYOND THE DIIEAMS OF AVARICE such a street all one's life. The liouscs arc only on one side ; on the other is a gray stone wall — the garden wall of the Ab- bey ; a wall as old as the Abbey itself, Edward the Confessor built it, I expect. The front of the house is covered all over with a magniticcnt creeper, the leaves crimson and purple and golden — it is like a glorilied house. There is a red-tiled roof, there is a raised door and steps and old-fashioned iron railings — that's the house where lie was born — the dear old granddad. But, of course, you'll go to look at it yourself, and at once ?" " We shall see." " The street is called Great College Street. There is a brass plate on the door, with the name of the doctor who lives and practises there." " Shall we get on a little faster ?" Sir John asked, impatiently. What was the matter with him? " Oh ! my dear pater, it is all so interesting. Have patience for a few moments." " Such a beautiful story !" cried the other sisters, in chorus. " Oh ! do have patience. Let us hear the story told properly." Sir John spread his hands. It is a gesture which means any- thing. Gestures are like interjections. " Well," the eldest daughter continued, " I must tell you the whole story — it's a most wonderful adventure. AVc rang the bell — it was rather formidable calling at a strange house, and we were a large party — but in such a cause we dared greatly. Five female Japhets in search of a grandfather. W^e mounted the steps and we rang the bell." " You rang the bell," Sir John repeated, with an effort at pa- tience. "And we sent in mamma's card with our names — the Misses Burleigh — in the corner." •' And they let you in ?" " Yes — we were received in the dining-room by the lady of the house. Her name is Calvert — " "Calvert? Calvert?" " Yes. I suppose her husband is connected somehow with the people who used to live here — our people — but she did not say so. The name on the brass plate is Lucian Calvert, M.D. One can hardly ask a strange person on the first day of meeting THE AUSTRALIANS 177 about her husband's family ; but I suppose — oh yes, you will see — they must be connected in some way with the Burleys." " I am listening, my dear," said her father. "We shall get to the point, I suppose, presently," " Well, Mrs. Calvert received us. She is quite young, only a girl still — not married many months, I should say. Such a pretty girl, too — tall and fair-haired and blue-eyed. But her eyes wandered while she talked. She looks melancholy. Per- haps they are poor, but everything in the house was very nice." " Oh, very nice !" cried the chorus of damsels. " I was speaker. So I showed her the extract from the paper, and said that we ventured — and so forth. And she smiled grave- ly, and was gracious, and asked me if we were claimants. I told her that we were New-Zealanders, and certainly not claimants so far, because we were doubtful whether we really belonged to any branch of the Burley family, which must have changed its name in the hands of our ancestors. So she smiled again, and said that she would be very pleased to show us the family portraits. So she took us up-stairs. Pater ! We can't make such a house in New Zealand if vic tried ever so much. It's all wainscoted from roof to cellar. You never saw such a lovely house — the room is not big, you know, but big enough. ' I suppose,' said Mrs. Calvert, when she saw us looking about curiously, ' that peo- ple in the Colonies may easily drop out of recollection of their people at home. I will treat you as if you were cousins of the late Mr. Burley, and you shall see the house and whatever there is of interest in it.' " " That was pleasant. And you saw the portraits ?" "Yes, we saw the portraits. And here comes the really inter- esting part of the story, as you shall learn. She took us up- stairs, I said, and so into the drawing-room where these portraits are hanging. It is such a pretty old room, newly painted — low, with three vvindows, and the light falling through the creeper- curtain outside. There is an old-fashioned fireplace — with a fen- der to correspond." " And you saw the portraits ?" asked Sir John, a second time. " Dear pater, you are too impatient. Yes, wc saw tlie por- 8* 178 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVAUICE traits. There are about twenty of them ; they begin with the full wig of Queen Anne's time, and go right down to the curled short locks of — well — George's IV.'s time, I suppose ; or per- liaps — Dot, you're the youngest — you are the latest from school — who reigned about the year 1818?" " George II.," said Dot. "Well, it doesn't matter; there they are, and the Avomen in every kind of head-dress from the high commodes to the curls of — you ignorant Dot, it wasn't George II. The pictures take us back nearly two hundred years. Many a noble lord cannot boast of respectability for two hundred years." " To end in money-lending and dancing-cribs." " There are the sons and daughters and the wives of the House. Well, all the men are dark, though some of the moth- ers are fair. All with dark hair and dark eyes." " And the eyes follow you all round the room," said Polly, or perhaps Nelly. " Yes ; they all follow you wherever you go. It's ghostly." "Go on with the facts, Lucy," said her father. " We'll deal with the ghosts afterwards." " On every frame is written the name of the portrait, with the date of his birth and death." " What did the names tell you ?" " Pater dear, do you remember grandfather before his head became white ? Would you recognize him if you saw a portrait of him at the age of sixteen or so, a lad only ?" "I think it is unlikely. He was born, I know, in 1801 ; I was born in 1837. When I begin to remember him well, so as to recall his features, he was already a good way on towards fifty. Between the man of tifty and the lad of sixteen there must be a great difference. I remember him altogether and always as a gray-headed man, which he was, I believe, for more than thirty years." " Well, there he is on the walls. I am certain — we are all certain — that he is there. Yuu can go and see for yourself. There is the grandfather." " We are all certain," cried the chorus. " We are all quite sure ; there can't be a doubt about it." "By what marks do you recognize your grandfather ? How THE AUSTRALIANS 179 can you tell that the portrait of a boy of sixteen is that of your grandfather ?" " Because Herbert is exactly like him. That was what called our attention first to the picture." " Exactly — exactly — exactly like him," echoed the chorus. " Dot first saw it. She jumped up and clapped her hands and cried ' Herbert !' And we all ran and looked. It is Herbert. When you come to look into the face you see there are differ- ences in expression. As grandfather — I must call him grand- father — was not in Holy Orders, there is wanting the spiritual look in Herbert's face. One cannot expect that ; but, for the rest, the same forehead, the same nose, the same mouth, the same shape of head — everything." "Everything like Herbert's," echoed the chorus. " Let us examine the argument. Here is the portrait of a young man or a boy who closely resembled your brother Her- bert. Therefore he is your grandfather." "Wait a minute; we haven't half done," said Lucy. "Not half done, not half done," from the chorus. " Courts of law, or heralds and genealogists, want stronger evidence than a mere resemblance, my dear children. But I own that the story is interesting. Is there more?" " A great deal more. On the frames are written the names, as I told you. The name on this frame is — Charles — Calvert — Burley — spelt their way — born in the year — 1801 ! What do you say to that V " Oh ! You found that name on the wall !" Sir John sat up quickly, and he became like unto himself — a Premier in the House, meeting new facts and facing unexpected arguments. " That name, too — and that date. It is curious — very curious. As yet, however, we have not got beyond the region of coinci- dence. For, my children, the papers have been publishing an imperfect genealogy of the family, and I find, first, that they are all called Calvert ; and secondly, that there was a Charles Cal- vert Burley, whose birth was of the same date as my father's. 1 would not show you the thing, because we have already had our thoughts disturbed enough. And the name proved nothing." " But the likeness — oh ! pater, you must go yourself and see it. The likeness is most wonderful !" 180 DEYOND THE DUKAMS OF AVARICE " I will go, certainly. I must go, after all you have told me." " Well, and there is another portrait also, which is exactly like Ucrbcrt, though in a dilfcrcnt way. It is of a man wlio was born in 1745 " — she was speaking, tliongh she knew not the his- tory, of the man who went mad. " The features are not so strikingly the same as in the other portrait, but there is Her- bert's look — his straight, upriglit wrinkle — his very eyes^ bright and impatient, with that queer expression which he has when he wants to be a martyr, or when he gets excited over somebody's opinions. My dearest pater, you will never, never, never get me to believe that these resemblances are within what you call the region of coincidence." " Never !" cried the chorus. " Never — never — never !" " Do you want more likenesses ? "Well, then," Lucy went on, *' I told you of one of the ladies, my great-grandmother, I be- lieve, which they say is like me." "Not so much like Lucy as that other portrait is like Her- bert." " And if you want still more, pater, there is the fact that your eyes arc their eyes — the eyes of all the men — the same eyes. Look in the glass." He got up and obeyed. " The same eyes, as you will see when you go and look at them." Sir John sat down, with a sigh. There was nothing to say. " This lady — this Mrs. Calvert — acknowledged that these re- semblances — what you call coincidence — were most wonder- ful." " I suppose she knows nothing about — how docs she come to have the portraits ?" " They bought all the furniture of the house when they took it. But she does know about the family — she seemed to know a good deal." " What did she tell you ?" he asked, sharply. " Oh ! That this one was the man who had just died, and that this other was his father, a celebrated miser — only I never heard of him — and this and that. I asked if she knew why Charles went to New Zealand." " Well ?" Sir John interrupted, sharply. " She said, ' No ; he went — ' And then she stopped short." Sir John groaned, lie actually groaned as one in deep dis- THE AUSTRALIANS 181 tress. " Oh !" he said, " She knows — she knows — she knows the family history. Did she — did she— tell you anything else ?" " She took us up-stairs to a room at the top of the house — in the roof. She said, ' You are all girls, and so I will show you the nursery where the mothers played with their children for generation after generation.' There it was, just as it has always been. Mrs. Culvert will not have anything touched ; the old- fashioned cradle with carved sides and a carved wooden head to it; the babies' things in the drawers — the things worn by grand- father, I dare say, and the dolls and toys that the children played with, all a hundred years old. Then, while we looked at them and wondered, she sat on the bed and folded her hands, and she said, talking like a woman in a dream : ' In this room I always feel the presence of the dead wives and mothers. They seem to be telling me things. You belong to the House, somehow. Of that there can be no doubt whatever. I could wish you a bet- ter fortune, for it is an unhappy House. Disaster follows those who belono- to it.' So we asked her what kind of misfortunes. But she shook her head. ' There will be no disaster for you, she said, ' so long as you do not seek to inherit the fortune. Best to forget it. Be content with knowing that you arc Bur- leys — somehow.' She said no more, and we came down-stairs rather saddened. What kind of misfortune ? None ever fell upon grandfather; or upon you, dear pater." " I have been singularly successful so far," Sir John replied. " There is still time, however, for trouble." " I wonder who she is, and how she knows about the family. Some kind of cousin, I suppose ?" Sir John made no reply for a while. He sat with his head upon his hand, gazing into the empty fireplace. " Full of disas- ter — and of — what did she say? — of crime? Children, do we want to be connected with a family whose history is tilled with disaster and with crime ?" " No ; certainly not. But it is interesting ; and, pater dear, won't you take steps ?" " What steps ? What to do ?" " To prove that we belong to this family — perhaps, if you arc not afraid of disaster, to take this estate." 182 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE Sir John rose and walked about tlie room. " Steps !" he re- peated. "Steps! Wliat steps? AVliat for ? To give you an inheritance of shame ? Crime and shame go together — go to- gether — unless crime remains undiscovered. That is the only chance for crime. AYliat steps ? We might easily, perhaps, find out what became of this Charles. Perhaps he went abroad — went to America or somewhere. That, liowever, is not tlie same thing as to iind out about our Charles — your grandfather. In the year 1842 he sailed for New Zealand from the Port of London. There our line begins. Your know nothinir at all before that date. Connect your grandfather, if you can, with this or some other family over liere. Not a scrap of paper re- mains ; not a shred of tradition or anvthinfr. Coincidences, likenesses, mean notliing. Suppose you tind all about this Charles, say, up to tliat very date — up to the year 1842 ; sup- pose the history of him stops short there ; suppose that the liistory of our Charles begins at the point where the other his- tory ends — what is the use of all your investigations if you cannot, after all, connect the two ? Likenesses won't do." The girls were silent. " Oh ! but," said the youngest, " he is exactly like Herbert," as if that settled the matter. "And — we are sure and certain — sure and certain," cried the chorus. " Very good," Sir John continued. " You have also to ac- count for the fact that the name is changed. Why should our Charles change his name ? Was he asliamed — out in New Zea- land, where there were as yet not a hundred settlers, and no public opinion to consider at all about such things — of his name and his parentage ? Why, his father, supposing that he belonged — of which we have no proof — to this family, was at least a gentleman, even if he was a miser. Gentle- men don't want to change their names. They arc proud of them." " Yes — but — all the same — there is the likeness. Go and see the portraits, pater dear. You can't get over the likeness. Oh ! it is too striking — it is too remarkable." " Another thing. This genealogy, of which I have spoken, this imperfect genealogy, gives the names of a dozen and more younger sons of whom nothing is stated. I suppose some of THE AUSTRALIANS 183 them married and had children. I suppose that hereditary re- semblance may go through the younger sons as well as the elder. It is not the exclusive privilege of the elder son to be like his grandfather. Considering all that you have told me — the Christian name — these resemblances — I am strongly of opinion that we do belong to this family ; but, considering other reasons, I am of opinion that we may search — yes, we had better search among some of the earlier, younger sons. If we establish such a connection, you will have what you have been wanting so long, an English family without too close a connection with the money-lender and the miser, and the disas- ter and the crime." The words, as we read tliem, have a show of authority. The speaker, who was a tall and, as we liave said before, a portly person, stood up while he spoke, which should have lent more authority to his words. But there was something lacking. What was it ? A little hesitation ; a doubtful ring, as if he were making excuses. When he had finished, he turned abruptly and walked out of the room, but not in his customary manner. It was like a retreat. The girls looked after him with astonishment, '* W^hat ails the pater?" asked one. " I feel," said another, softly, " as if he had been boxing my ears — all our ears — all round. Did one ever sec him like that before?" "It seems," said a third, "as if he was by no means anx- ious to establish the connection. Well, we don't actually want money. But it would be nice to have millions, wouldn't it? And I don't believe the world would much care how they were made, after all. Money-lending — " " And gambling-places — " " And dancing-places. Everything disreputable ; though why a man should not own a place where people dance I do not know. It is not wicked to dance, I believe. If it is, we arc the chief of sinners." " 1 believe," said the eldest, " that it was formerly considered wicked for the working people and lower orders to dance. Well, you see the pater is a K.C.M.G., and perhaps lie would rather have no uncle at all than an uncle who made his money disrcp- 184 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE utably. rorliaps it isn't nice, when a man has arrived at hon- ors like tliesc, to have to own an uncle who was — well — what they say this man was." "All the same," said the youngest, " the two men in the two pictures are exactly like Herbert." CHAPTER XXIII THE FIRST PATIENT Sir John fled from the house. He could not remain in it. He fled because of the terror and the shame and the sickness that filled his soul. He was like one who hears from a phy- sician the news that he has an incurable disease which will fill his future with a perpetual pain, and will lay upon him a bur- den impossible to be sliaken off. Such a one must needs get up and walk al)out ; he must be alone. For he had no doul)t — none whatever — that the girls had really discovered their English relations ; and he had no doubt — none whatever — he divined the fact — he felt it — that this woman, this Mrs. Calvert, knew the whole of the family history, including a certain lamentable and terrible episode in the life of his father, Charles Calvert Burley. The name, the date, the resemblance — all these things together proved too strong a chain of evidence. As for himself, he knew no more than his daughters to what family his father belonged. It was a question he had never put. But he knew certain things, and he remembered certain things ; and he had learned little by little to understand that concerning these things there must be silence. He remembered, for in- stance, a midnight embarkation in some far country ; he re- membered a long vovage on board a small sailing-vessel, in which his father, mother, and himself were the only passengers; he remembered crowded streets, and then another vessel, and another vovage. And he knew — how ? He could not answer that question. He knew — he had gathered — there had been hints from his mother about silence — that the place of the mid- night embarkation was Sydney; that his father, if not his mother as well — a dreadful possibility which he never dared to put into words — was a convict escaping from transportation ; 186 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE th;it they were landed in London ; and that after as brief a delay as possible they re-embarked for New Zealand, a colony then so thinly populated that no one would look for the escaped convict, even if any search at all was made, or any notice taken of his escape, in a place so far from British law. lie knew also why his father kept on the fringe or edge of the English settlement and avoided the haunts of men. Even after years have turned the black hair white, one may be recognized. But no one ever recognized in the peaceful, successful, and re- tiring settler, Mr. Burleigh, tlie ex-convict, Charles Burley, trans- ported for life, in commutation of the capital offence, to the penal settlement of New South Wales. This shameful story, then, was a secret known, first, to his mother and to himself ; when his mother died, to himself alone. No one suspected it. The old man died in silence, believing that his son knew nothing, and the son had this secret all to himself. A secret, he said to himself whenever he thought of it — in these later days scMom — which would never be discovered; it could not ; there was not a possibility of discovery. The crew of the brig which brought them home knew nothing ; they were all long since dispersed or dead. No one could by any pos- sibility connect the prosperous settler with the forger. The crime itself might be remembered. You may read it in the "Annual Register" for 1825; but the criminal — he disap- peared forever when he went on board that brig. The settler's purpose, in which he succeeded, was to escape, to begin again, unsuspected, and without the stigma of his crime. He had one son only to inherit that stigma, and he succeeded so far that no one except that son knew or suspected the truth. As for the boy, the possession of the secret made him re- served, like his father. But it was his own secret to himself. He married without the smallest dread of discovery ; as his children grew up around him, he began to forget his secret; when they speculated about their English origin he listened and lauirhed. There was not the slightest fear of discovery. It was impossible ; and now, after all these years, the thing he li.-id quite ceased to fear was upon him. In his own heart, despite his words of doubt, there was no doubt. The girls had THE FIRST PATIENT 187 found tlieir grandfather ; one step more and they would learn that their grandfather was a forger who had been sentenced to be hanged, and a convict who had been transported for life. What had the woman said — " Disaster — misfortune — crime ?" What could she mean but the crime of Charles Calvert Burley, born in the year 1801, whose face was like his grandson's? And he had brought his wife and daughters all the way to Eng- land in order that they might hear this shameful story. There was no man in the whole world more miserable than Sir John Burleigh when he fled from his house, and walked quickly away with hanging head and rounded shoulders. Sir John I3urleigh, K.C.M.G., who usually faced the world with a frank smile and confident carriage, as behooves one wlio lias done nothing to be ashamed of, walked along with the outward siofns of one who had been kicked into the street. No connection could be proved ; no — that was certain — no, but the suspicion would remain ; a suspicion amounting to a certainty. Of course his footsteps took him straight to Westminster ; in the midst of these very painful meditations he was dragged by the silent spirit within him, which makes us do such won- derful things, to Great College Street itself, lie was startled out of his terrors by finding himself actually opposite the very door of the house. He knew it by the great curtain of gor- geous leaves and the name on the brass plate — " Luciau Calvert, M.D." He hesitated a moment. Then he mounted the steps and rang the bell. He asked for Dr. Calvert. He was shown into the consult- ino--room. The time was a little after six, when the September sun is close upon setting, and the light in a small back room, lookinsr south throun^h a frame of vine leaves, drops into twi- light, and in the twilight men see ghosts, Thorcforo, Sir John reeled and gasped and became faint, and would have fallen but for the doctor, who caught him. " Why," cried Lucian, gently, " what is this ?" The gliost that Sir John had seen was the ghost of his own father. This ghost rose from his chair when he entered the room, and looked at him inquiringly. All the men of tiic Bur- 188 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE ley family had this strong common resemblance, and in this young man the common resemblance was stronger than in any other son of the Ilouse. But Sir John knew not that Dr. Cal- vert was his cousin. The doctor put his patient in an arm-chair and stood over him. Sir John began to recover. His nerves had already re- ceived a great shock by the discovery of the day, and the aspect of this young man with the black hair, the regular feat- ures, the square chin, the black eyes deeply set, recalled to him in this unexpected manner his own father in the very house where he was born. Picture to yourself, dear reader, a visit from your own father as he was at five-and-twenty ! Think how it might be to meet once more yourself as you were at five- and-twenty ! What becomes of a man's old self ? Last year's leaves are dust and garden mould, but where is last year's man ? AVhat had the girls told him ? That the men of the family were all alike ; and here was one, presumably some kind of cousin, who was what his father had been before his hair turned gray. " Will you take a glass of water ?" asked the doctor, " or a glass of wine ?" "A sudden giddiness," Sir John replied; "I am better al- ready." " Was it on account of the giddiness that you called ?" He looked at the card. " You are Sir John Burleigh, of New Zealand ? We have heard of you, Sir John," " I heard — somebody told nic — that a physician was living — in this house — and I thought — -I thought — I would call and state my symptoms." Lucian inclined his head gravely. What was the matter with this gentleman that he should faint on entering the room, that he should hesitate in his talk, and look so anxious and troubled ? He went on to describe his symptoms. There are a great many diseases in the bag, but hitherto this fortunate colonial liad enjoyed none of them. He had no experiences, therefore; and as he was a very poor actor, he mixed up imaginary symp- toms in a way which carried no conviction at all with them. It is rare, indeed, to find a man who suffers from insomnia, THE FIRST PATIENT 189 nervous apprehensions, neuralgia, giddiness, want of appetite, asthma, indigestion, headache, heaviness in the limbs, and other incidental maladies all at the same time. Lucian listened, won- dering whether the man was deranged for the moment. At last he stopped. " I think I have told you all, doctor." " In fact," said the physician, " you have fallen into a hypochondriac condition. You hardly look it. I should say that your normal condition was one of great mental and physi- cal strength. You look as if you were suffering under some shock. Your parents, now, were they hypochondriac ? No ? Well, I will write you a prescription, and you will call again in a day or so." Sir John received the prescription with a little verbal admo- nition, meekly. He also deposited two guineas with the meek- ness of the unaccustomed patient. "I hear. Dr. Calvert," he said, timidly, "that you have in this house certain portraits of the Burley family, the people about whom there is now so much fuss and talk. I believe that I belong to — ahem! — a very distant branch of the family. We spell our name differently. Certainly we are not claimants; my daughters have already been privileged to see them. May 1 venture to ask your permission — " Lucian laughed. He understood the sham symptoms ; but why did the man faint? And why was he so nervous and agitated ? " My dear sir," he said, " why didn't you say at the outset that you wanted to sec the portraits ? I will show them to you with the greatest pleasure. I think, however, that my wife is in the drawing-room. You will iind her a better showman than I—" In fact, it irritated him to talk about his ancestors. Mar- garet could relate their histories if she chose. But he could not. They were his ancestors, you sec. There was just enough light left for seeing the pictures. The faces showed in shadow, which suited their expression better than a stronger light. Sir John looked round him. The Burley face stared at him from every panel. A young lady rose and greeted him. "Sir John Burleigh?" 190 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE she said. " I am not surprised to see you. Your dauglitors have told you, probably, that they called here this morning. I suppose you have learned that they discovered a very striking resemblance to their brother and to you ?" " Yes, they told mc — they told me — " he began to look about the room curiously, " Frankly, I know nothing at all about my own people — of what rank or station they were. For some reason or other my father never told rae, and I never inquired. 1 have been an active man, building up my own fortune, and endeavoring the best for my country, and I never felt any cu- riosity on the subject. One need not be ashamed, Mrs. Calvert, of being the architect of one's own fortunes." " Certainly not." "With my children it is different. They begin with the work done for them. Naturally they would like, if they could, to be connected with some good English stock." " The portrait," said Margaret, quietly, " whicli most attracted your daughters was this — Charles Calvert Burley, born lyoi." "Good God! It is my father!" The words escaped him. He gave away his secret at once in this foolish fashion, and then, the blackness of despair falling upon him, he sat down in a chair and gazed helplessly at Margaret. "Is it your father? Did you not know, then, that you be- longed to this family ?" " No. I did not know. It is my father's portrait." "Sir John, do you know the history of your father?" Sir John made no reply. " Your daughters do not. Tliey have no suspicion. But you — do you know the story ?" In such a case silence is confession. Never did a man look more guilty than this man. " You do know it, then," said Margaret. He groaned. " In that case I need not recall it." "There is no other person in the world — not my wife, not my girls, not my son — who knows or suspects this thing, ex- cept myself — and you — and anybody else whom you may tell." " I tell these things to no one. Why should I ? My hus- band, I believe, may know. That is, lie may have heard it; but he does not talk about the misfortunes of this familv." THE FIRST PATIEKT 191 " Your husband, he is one of them ; he is exactly like myself as I was thirty years ago. lie is exactly like my father. Who is he ?" Margaret evaded the question, "The men arc all alike, Sir John. Well, I shall not tell your daughters, nor shall I tell any one. My knowledge of Charles Burley does not extend beyond his — his — exile. He went out to Australia, and there he disappeared." *' It is everything to me — my position in the world ; my children's pride and self-respect ; my wife's faith in me — every- thing — everything." " If they persist in hunting up the past," Margaret went on, "they may, perhaps, somehow — one does not know — come across this story. Because, to begin with, it is all printed in the ' Annual Register,' where I read it." " They are so certain about it ; they are so excited about it ; they are so sure to come again. Promise that — you will not tell them — I implore you. If I could buy your silence — if you are poor — I vt'ill give you £10,000 on the day when I put my girls on board again in happy ignorance." His offer of a bribe did not offend Margaret, because his terrible distress filled her with pity. "Indeed you must not buy my silence — I give it to you. Only remember, this is an open secret. They will discover it if they examine or cause other people to examine the case. After all, there is no absolute certainty in a resemblance or a date. I suppose that without your help they could not con- nect your father with this portrait?" " I cannot deny the family. I sup[)Ose that we are Burleys — wc arc exactly like those people ; I do not think I could possi- bly repudiate the family." " Find another ancestor, then." " Eh ?" Sir Jolin looked np quickly. "Find another ancestor. Here they are — all the younger sons; a family likeness may descend through younger as avcU as elder sons. If I were you, Sir John, I would choose another ancestor for them out of this collection." A counsel of deception — and offered to the man of the great- est integrity in the whole of New Zealand ; the man whose 192 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE whole career liad been alisolutcly lioncst, trutliful, and above- board, and lie adopted it instantly and without hesitation. " Yes, yes," he replied, hastily. *' It is the only thino^ open to me. Thank you, thank you, Mrs. Calvert. AVill you kindly suggest — or recommend me — some one ?" Margaret smiled. " How would tliis young man do? lie is Joshua Calvert Burley, born in 1747. Ilis father was hanged for highway robbery." " I don't care whether they find out that or not. Hanging, a Imndrcd and fifty years ago, doesn't matter. Besides, one would say it was for killing a nobleman in a duel, or for trai- torous correspondence with the I'retcnder. Joshua, born in 1747. What did he do?" " I believe he died quite young, in childhood. But I am not certain, and no one will ever take the trouble to hunt up the matter." "I shall remember. Joshua Calvert Burley, born in 1747. He changed his name to Burleigh, I suppose, and became " — Sir John looked guiltily cunning — "what do you think, now, that he would become ?" "An eminent — sugar-baker?" Margaret suggested, gravely. The two conspirators were too serious to think of smiling over their deceptions. " Why not ? Sugar-baker — made his fortune — baked sugar at — Bristol, perhaps. My father, Charles, was born — a younger son — in 1801; lost his money when he was forty years of age, and went out to New Zealand. How shall 1 prove all these lies ?" " That, Sir John, I leave to your advisers. 1 have always un- derstood that genealogists will prove anything." " It must be done ; there is no other way out of it. Heav- ens ! I am going to embark on a whole sea of falsehoods ; but all I ask of you is silence. You have never seen me before, l)Ut your husband is my cousin — I don't know how — and you look as if you could be true as steel — true, if you give a promise even to a stranger — and a cousin whom you have never seen before." " I have promised. It is all T can do." " I'romisc again," he rcjieatcd. " Promise to forget what I TUK FIRST PATIENT 193 said at first sight of this picture, and tell no one the story of Charles Burley's crime." " Would it not be better, even now, to tell them ? You are not to blame. And — and — I had forgotten that — you stand very near to the succession — there is this enormous fortune waiting. If you send in your claim — " "What! Sir John Burleigh, K.C.M.G., to claim a fortune by confessing that he is the son of a convicted criminal, and that he knew it all his life? Not all the wealth of all the Indies would induce me to send in that claim !" "But your children — they will force your hand." " Not if I give them another grandfather. My dear young lady, hitherto, believe me, I have been an honest man. At the present crisis there is not a trick, or a falsehood, or an invention, which I would not practise in order to keep my girls from this discovery." He pulled out his handkerchief and wiped his brow. It was true. Not a trick or a falsehood from which he would shrink in order to save his girls from this shame. " I am very sorry for you. Sir John. I am very sorry in- deed. I will keep your secret, believe me. That such a thing should be rediscovered after all these years in such a strange manner is most wonderful. But if the knowledge of it is lim- ited by you and me, no harm can be done." IIo groaned again. " I tliink that the plan I have suggested will be the best. Go to some genealogist and have your family tree made out with this Joshua Calvert Burley." " I will— I will." "Sir John, you belong to a very unhappy family. Come here again, and I will show you how disaster and unhappiness have pursued them from father to son. They prosper only when they separate themselves from the parent stock. You have prospered — you are a great man — you are a rich man, I believe ; but the moment you return to your own people you are struck with misfortune, in the shape of this threatened dis- covery. Good-night, Sir John. Come to see mc when you have got your genealogy complete ; and don't be anxious about things, because, you see, unless you own this Charles for your father, no one can possibly charge you with being his son." 1U4 BEYOND Tllli UliEAMS OF AVARICE Sir John went home a little lightened. If only this youn<^ lady would keep her promise ! lie wonld get out of London as soon as possible ; he would take his girls home again to New- Zealand six months earlier than he had intended ; and he would nail that other ancestor to his pedigree. " My dears," he said at dinner, " I have been to see those pictures." " Well r " The resemblance is, as you say, very striking. But I ob- served that the resemblance was through all the men's faces, though the expression varies. For instance, there is an earlier one still more like Herbert, and Mrs. Calvert declares that I am myself like every one of them. Well, as you say, the resem- blance is too strong to be mere coincidence." " There!" They all clapped their hands. " He has given in." " I have certainly given in. We belong, I am convinced, to that family. But as regards that portrait of Charles Calvert Burley, whose name is the same, and whose age would now bo the same as my father's — there I do not give in, although the resemblance of Herbert to that portrait is so striking." " Well, but who else — " "That we shall see. Perhaps I have a clew — " he ended, mysteriously. " Perhaps the clew may be followed up. Per- haps in a little while there may be something definite discov- ered. Only, my dear girls, give up thinking of the great inher- itance. For if my clew proves correct, you will have between yourselves and the estate all the sons and daughters of the miser and all their sons and daughters — and you will inherit no more of the Burley estates than the Queen herself !" CHAPTER XXIV HERBERT AND THE PORTRAITS The girls came again — the very next day — to see the por- traits. This time they brought with them their brother, the Reverend Uerbert, and begged permission to show him — in one of the old pictures hanging on the wall — himself. " I knew you would come again soon," said Margaret, wel- coming them with her sweet, serious smile. "Oh! but only think! If you had been brought up in ignorance of your own people ! And then if you suddenly found out who they were, you would naturally feel curious and interested. And this is the only place where we can hear any- thing about them." " I shall always be pleased to show you the portraits." *' Here, Herbert " — they led him to the portrait of Charles Burley, born 1801 — "this is the picture we pounced upon for grandfather's, because it is so exactly like you. Is it not, Mrs. Calvert? Look at him — Charles Calvert — the same Christian name, and born the same year. It must be he."^^ " It is like him, certainly," said Margaret. " But perhaps this earlier one resembles him still more." She pointed to the portrait of the madman. Herbert re- sembled him still more closely than the other. For in his eyes tliis morning there lay a strange light of expectancy. They looked upwards, as if waiting for a fuller faith. It is the light of religious exaltation ; only one who can believe greatly has such eyes. A man with that look becomes a prophet, the founder of a new creed, a maniac, or a martyr. A monastery should be f nil of such eyes ; I believe it is not, as a rule. But I am told there are nuns in plenty who have these eyes. 1 ou may also iind them, here and there, in the Salvation Army. 19G BEYOND THE DREAMS OB" AVARICE ilcrbert looked at both pictures, one after the other. " What was this man?" lie asked, pointing^ to the later portrait. " Ilis name was Charles Calvert Burley " — Margaret evaded' the real question. " What was he ? and what became of the man ?" Herbert af- fected the brusque and direct manner of the young clerics who go so far in self-mortification as to pretend not to like the society and the talk of young ladies. I'crhaps this manner is designed to show that maceration still continues; perhaps it is a measure of self-protection ; perhaps it is designed to assert the authority of the director. Margaret colored and looked a little annoyed. These blue- eyed, fair girls, who seem so meek to outward view, can show annoyance, and can answer back at times. " I do not know," she replied, shortly. If the question re- ferred to the completiun of that exile's life, she did not know — she could only guess. If it referred to the earlier part of his life, it was — Give her the benefit of the doubt. Schoolmen would allow the answer, considering the question. " We seem to resemble all the men's faces," said Herbert, looking about him. " See, Herbert; there is the pater, too — and there — and there — and there — you are both in all the portraits." "It is impossible not to be convinced that this must be our family," he stated, dogmatically. The girls clapped their hands. " He gives in, too. And the pater has given in. AVe are sure — we are quite sure. It must — it must — it must be our family." " Things are strangely and wonderfully ordered," said the clergyman. " We come to England on a visit — that is, you do. We have no clew to our own people. We arrive just at the moment wlien publicity throws a strong and sudden light upon an obscure family ; we hear of these portraits ; we come here to see them, and we recover our ancestors. Perhaps, in addi- tion, we shall step into a colossal fortune. If that is ordered, as well as this discovery of the family, it will be a great thing; a great thing to pour all these treasures — ill-gotten as they were — • into the lap of the Church." " You forget, Herbert," said the sisters, " that they will be HERBERT AND THE PORTRAITS 197 poured into the pater's lap, and when it comes to pouring out again, the colony will certainly come before the Church." " And," said Margaret, " allow me to point out that a resem- blance does not constitute proof. You would have to establish your connection with this Charles, and it may prove difficult." " Since I cannot give the estates to the Church," said Her- bert, coldly, " any one may have them that likes." " Well, Mr. Burleigh, are you satisfied with these newly found ancestors ?" "No," he replied, with candor, "I am not. I should have liked either the higher or the lower class — even the lowest. These people are of the middle class — the snug, respectable, grovelling middle class ; incapable of aims or desires save to be rich and comfortable ; incapable of sacrifice, or generosity, or things spiritual — the outcome, the prop, and the pride of Protestantism. Except that man " — he pointed to the mad- man — " they all grovel." " My dear Herbert," cried his sisters, " what do you know about them? All this from a portrait?" " What I hoped to find, if not a noble family, was one steeped in crime — black with crime ; my grandfather a criminal — all of us under the curse of the forefathers — ourselves await- ing the doom, yet rising spiritually above it, making our very punishments steps unto higher things !" His voice rose shrill and high ; his eyes flashed ; it was a curious outburst of fanat- icism. " Herbert !" cried the girls all together. "So that I could go about among our poor sinners, who commit a new sin every time they speak or act, and say to them : ' Brothers, I am one with yon. We have the same fore- fathers — criminals, drunkards, profligates. We are all alike, up to the neck in sin and the consequences of sin.' " "How would that knowledge help your sinful brothers?" asked Margaret. "It would make them feel me near them — one with them. They would understand me. With sympathy much may be done. AVith sympathy and confession, all may be done." "It would be better for them, I should think, that they should feel that you were far above them." 198 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE lie sliook his head. " The Franciscans were the most suc- cessful of any prcaelicrs or teachers among the people. They lived amonof them — on their fare — in their cottages." *' Did they desire that their fathers should be criminals ?" asked Margaret, whom the manner of this young clergyman of- fended. " Had they no respect, pray, for the Fifth Command- ment ?" The Rev. Herbert turned his bright eyes upon her, but an- swered not. Young as he was, he would not allow a woman to enter into argument with him — a deacon. Then he waved his hand contemptuously at the pictures. " Middle-class respect- ability," he replied ; " I would rather have no ancestors at all than such snug middle-class respectability." " If you want wickedness," said Margaret, " perhaps I can find you enough among your people here — if they are your people — to satisfy even you. There is this man, for instance " — she pointy to the deceased money-lender — " to be sure, he is not your grandfather. He lived for ninety and odd years. He ruined multitudes by his gaming-tables. He ruined other mul- titudes by keeping houses for profligate and abandoned per- sons. And he ruined other multitudes again by usury and ex- orbitant interest. He is, apparently, a cousin of yours. What more do you want? Go among the people of your parish, sir, and tell them that you can now sit down with them proudly because you are closely related to a man whose profession, like their own, was Destruction and Ruin." Margaret liad never before spoken with such plainness. The young man winced — plain speech disconcerted him. But he recovered. " What my people understand is not the unpunished wicked- ness of a rich man, but the fall and the conviction and the punishment of one of themselves. Give me a convict for my grandfather !" Margaret turned away. Strange ! What maddened the fa- ther only to think of, the son ardently desired. *' I don't think Herbert quite means what he says," the eldest sister explained, while the others behind her mur- mured. " On the contrary, I mean all that I say. I should like, for HEKBERT AND THE PORTRAITS 199 the sake of the Church, to be sprung from the meanest and lowest and basest — " " At all events, Herbert, you would not like your sisters also to belong to the meanest and the lowest and the basest ? Oh no, you cannot !" " You cannot, Herbert !" murmured the chorus. " Oh, you cannot!" " Perhaps," Margaret added, •' when you learn more of the history of these portraits, you may be satisfied." '* You know their history ?" "I know some of it. Since it is not likely that you will get exactly what you want, why do you not commit a crime of your own and go to prison for it? Then you will be really on the same level as those poor creatures, and you will spare the mem- ory of your ancestors, and inflict on your sisters only the shame of their brother." " You do not understand," said Herbert, coldly. ** Well, Herbert," said his sister, " look around you ; choose your ancestor among them all." " He is here." The young clergyman pointed to the madman. " This is the ancestor that I want. His eyes have a look of ex- pectancy and of faith. I should say that he had been spiritual- ly blessed, according to the light of his time — which was not our time, but the darkest age of black Protestantism. I have nothing more to say. Madam " — he bowed with more polite- ness than one might have expected — " I thank you for showing me these pictures, which I verily believe are those of our people. As for what you said — you do not understand me at all. For the sake of the Church we must resign all — even the honor of our name, even our pride in being the children of good men." He went away without taking leave of his sisters. " He is not often like that," said Lucy. "But sometimes he is in the skies and sometimes in the depths. He has got a craze that he ought to be like the wretched creatures among whom he works — if not a criminal himself, at least connected with criminals. It is not the first time that he has flamed up in this way." Then they sat and talked about these dead and gone people whose history was so sad. Margaret told them something, but 200 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE not all — tlic tilings that saddened hut did not shame. She told about the miser, and how his children ran away from home one after the other; and about the money-lender, his successor, who suffered his sister to live in the most abject poverty. She hid from them the story of the forger who was sent to Australia, and that of the man who went mad from religious terrors, and that of the man who was hanged. Siie tuld them enough. The possession of an English family, they discovered, would not nec- essarily make them more joyful. " Yet we have a family !" cried Luc)'. " Even to have a fam- ily like this, laden with troubles, is surely better than none." When they went down-stairs they found, standing at the door just opened for her, a tall, thin old woman, dressed in a blue frock and a check shawl. " Stop a moment," said Margaret. " You \vant to know your own people ? Let me introduce you to your cousin, Lucinda Avery, daughter of Lucinda Burley, who was the sister of the rich man recently deceased. Lucinda Avery is now in Maryle- bone workhouse — a pauper. We are going to take her out soon — in a few days. Meantime she is, I believe, your cousin. My dear" — she addressed the old woman — " these young ladies are the daughters of Sir John Burleigh, from New Zealand, and they believe themselves to be the 2;rauddauf>hters of one Charles Bur- ley-" " Son of Charles ? He was my mother's brother — her brother. Oh ! now I remember — " But she hesitated, looking in won- der at these girls so beautiful and so richly dressed. " We are not certain that he was our grandfather," said one of the girls. The old woman shook her head. " There was never any other Charles in the family," she said. "Oh ! I know — I know my own. Mother told me all she could. I don't forffet — no — no: about mother's family I can talk." Lucy took her hand. "You poor thing!" slie said. " Mv name is Lucinda, too. I don't think a cousin of ours ought to be in the workhouse. I will speak to my father about you." The old woman looked at her wonderingly. " Sir John !" she- repeated. " Sir John ! Oh ! It's wonderful." HERBERT AND THE PORTRAITS 201 " Mrs. Calvert will tell ns how we can lielp you," Lucy con- tinued. " You will let us help you ?" " Sir John ! Sir John !" the old woman repeated, staring. The girls nodded and ran down the steps. The old woman looked after them. " And their grandfather — my uncle — he was a common con- vict," she murmured. " From New Zealand 1 And their father is Sir John — Sir John. Mother said she couldn't never get over the disofrace of her brother beingr a common convict. And look at them now ! And their grandfather was a common convict !" She pursed her thin lips and shook her head, and went in- doors to talk with Margaret. 9* CHAPTER XXV WHO AM I? " Come," said Margaret, talcing the old woman's hand. '* I think my husband is in his study. Let mc take you to have a little talk with him." But Lucinda Avery continued gazing after the girls as they walked down Collene Street. " They're the daughters of Sir John," she repeated. " Sir — John — Oh ! and their grandfather was Charles, who was a com- mon convict, and came back and went out to New Zealand. I saw him before he went." " Ilush ! Do not speak of that. They know nothing about it. And remember — those who know most speak least, Lucinda." " Mother told me all about it long afterwards. Oh ! and I am the cousin of those young ladies — and them dressed so love- ly ! And such lovely manners! They want to call at the House to see me. They'd be taken to the matron. Such sweet young ladies! and their grandfather was a — " " Lucinda," said Margaret, sharply, " keep silence about what you know. It is quite enough to think that you and I know." Tlic possession of this knowledge made the old lady smile and bend her head sideways, and even amble a litth; — but one may be mistaken. The pride of sharing such a possession with the " lady of the house " fell upon her and gave her great com- fort. How elevating and sustaining a thing is personal pride — the pride of some personal distinction, if it is only a glass eye ! Never before had this old woman had any possession of her own at all, except the sticks and duds of her miserable room. Margaret looked into the study. *' If we do not disturb you, Lucian, here is our cousin Lucinda Avery, of whom I spoke. Come, Lucinda." WHO AM I? 203 Lucian rose and welcomed the pauper cousin, who received his liand with a courtesy humiliating for a cousin to witness. " Our cousin remains in the union, dear, only until I have concluded the arrangements for getting her comfortably cared for outside. You are not going back to your old quarters, Lucinda ; you shall have your own room, and pleasant people to cocker you up and keep you warm." The prospect did not seem very attractive to the old lady. She pulled her shawl more tightly round her, and said, with meaning, that the union was kept nice and warm, and she'd never had such good meals. " But not so warm as the nest we shall find for you. Lucian, our cousin has not been in a position to acquire much book- learning; but she knows the whole history of this House, down to the miser and his five children." " Mother told me," she repeated. " On Sunday nights she nsed to talk to me about them, sitting by the light of the street- lamp. Other nights we worked, and mother talked to herself with her lips all the time. I know a great deal. You are a Burley, too," she added, staring at Lucian. " They are all alike, the Burleys. A reg'lar Burley, you are, just exactly like the pictures up-stairs." " Didn't you read the name on the door-plate ?" asked Marga- ret. " Lucian Calvert." " I read print — almost any kinds of print," Lucinda replied. " But not door-plates. Lucian Calvert Burley, then. They are all Calvert Burleys. Every one." " Oh !" said Lucian. " Then, pray, who am I ?" She turned her head sideways. Every gesture that this poor woman used seemed not to fit her ; tall, thin, dark, with strong- ly marked and clear-cut features, she should have been full of dignity and authority — a Queen of Tragedy. Instead of which there was no part in the humblest comedy that she could fill. She was timid ; she had never before met such people as these, who neither bullied her nor wanted to sweat her ; but she had a secret shared with " the lady of the house." And she knew all about the Burleys. The mixture of pride and timidity pro- duced remarkable phenomena in her carriage. She turned her liead on one side ; she smiled ; she advanced one foot, and 204 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE withdrew it; she took licr liands from iindcr her apron and folded them openly in front, which meant self-assertion. " I've seen all the pictures up-stairs," she said — "every one of them. And my mother's among them — with a gold cliain. And the men are all alike. That's what mother used to say. ' See one,' she said, 'and you've seen all.'" And now the old lady, who had been answering in monosyl- lables, began to be as garrulous as an old crow, proud to show her knowledge. " Well 3" " You can't be the grandson of Charles, who was — I humbly beg pardon " (to Margaret) ; " those who know most speak least. He went abroad, and his young ladies are at home, and I've seen them. Nor you can't be the grandson of James, who ran away with his master's wife to America and never came back again. P'r'aps you're the son of Ilcnery " (she said " Ilenery ") ; " he was an actor, and so was his son. Once, a long time ago, mother and me went to see a play in a theatre where they both acted. We sat in the front row of the gallery, and saw beauti- ful. Oh, it was lovely ! Mother's own brother and her neph- ew acting — dressed up line — on the stage. It was grand ! She inquired about thein — oli ! she knew about all her relations. There was only one child, and he was a boy named Clarence. Mother liked to find out everything. Then there was Uncle John — him that died the other day. He married, and he had six children. Five of them died young. Served him right, said mother, for his hard heart. Then there was one son left. When his mother died, the boy ran away. Mother found out so much. Oh ! she used to come round here — it wasn't verv far — and ask the postman, and the pot-boys, and the bakers' boys. She never wrote to her brother any more, nor wanted to see him, but she wanted to find out everything that happened in the family." " And what became of that son ?" " I don't know — mother didn't know. Unt as for you — why, you are his son, for sure." "Oh! you think—" " You are his son, for sure and certain. You are a Burlcy, and you're exactly like the picture of Uncle J(jhn, up-stairs. Yes ; you are his son. You can't be anybody else." WHO AM I? 205 Marcraret said nothinof. Lucian ijazed at the old woman with surprise. " She has said it," he replied. " This convinces me, if I want- ed any convincing, that all old women, and especially all illit- erate old women" (he murmured these words), "are witches. They read thoughts ; they know the past ; they forestall the future. Go, witch ! My wife will give you tea. And don't think that there are no places outside the union where you can find a warm corner." " You are his grandson," she repeated. Then she produced from under her shawl a long, lean, and bony forefinger, attached to her poor old hand. It was the forefinger which had been cramped and bent from overwork, and to shake it in its cramped shape in a man's face was something like shaking the nightmare of a door-key. But she did shake it, and she became on the spot a witch, a sorceress, and a prophetess. " Take care, you ! Take care ! From father to son, from man to man — mother al- ways said so — nothing but sin and misery, sin and misery — all the men, from father to son. Your father ran away from it. Take care, you ! Run away from it ! Leave this house 1 Iiun away ! Did he escape — your father — did he escape?" •'Yes; as you say, he escaped," said Lncian, impatiently. "That dear old thing," he said, later in the evening, "your interesting pauper, Margaret, carries on the family superstition, I observe. Strange that my father himself — Well, never mind. Here is a letter signed Clarence Burghley — B-u-r-g-h-1-c-y, an- other variant of the name. Clarence John Calvert Burghley says that he is a grandson of the second son — the one who ran away and went on the stage. I dare say ; I don't mind if he is twenty grandsons — and that he is about to forward to the Treasury papers, etc., etc., etc., and may he see tlie family por- traits ? Certainly, if you like to show them. Did the second son murder anybody, or forge anything? llow did he distin- guish himself?" " He became, as the pauper cousin has just told us, a popular actor. That is all I know about him." "Not much of the family curse upon him, anyhow. I don't think that was fair upon the others. Well, this Johnnie is going to be a claimant, and the Australian, I suppose, will have 206 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE a look in, and tlie little American wants justice done, too. Jus- tice shall be done." "You like the little American girl, Lucian? Yes, I thought you did. She is proud and she is poor and she is independent, and if we don't help her she will starve — she and her tearful aunt." " Well, my dear, why shouldn't she starve ? That is the question." " No, she must not. I want to help her, Lucian." " Get her to go back to her own people. That is the best way to help her." " Let me ask them to stay here for a little. It won't cost us much, Lucian — and to them it may mean everything — and you like her talk." " Have your own way, my dear ; you always do. Ask all the cousins — New-Zealanders and all." Then Lucian relapsed into his usual silent broodino-. "It is too ridiculous !" he said at last. "Here am I, a man of science, actually debarred from taking my own by supersti- tious folly worthy of the ignorant old pauper who believes in it!" Margaret looked up, reproachfully. " My father wanted me to make a promise. You wanted nie to make a promise." " You did make a promise, Lucian. Is it only the supersti- tion ? Is there not something to be said for the infamy attach- ing to the money ?" " The world cares very little how the money has been made. The world would not ask, my dear. There would be no infamy at all. Very great fortunes cast out reproach ; just as success- ful revolutions are no longer rebellions. Everybody would know the past — old history ! old history ! — and no one would care twopence about it. Put the infamy theory out of your mind." " I cannot. It would be always in my mind but for the thought that we have separated ourselves from them." " Marjorie, be reasonable. Now listen, without thinking of infamy and misfortune and family curses. Do you suppose that I am thinking of this estate as a means of living with more WHO AM I? 207 magnificence ? Do I want to cat and drink more ? Do I want to buy you diamonds ? You know that I cannot desire these things." " No, Lucian, you cannot." " Suppose that I saw a way to advance science — my science — the science of life — the most important of all the sciences, by using the vast funds which this estate would give me ? Sup- pose that I had formulated a project — such a project as had never before been possible for the world — and that I could bring it into existence if I had this great fortune ?" "Your dream, Lucian, would turn to Dead Sea fruit." " Again this bogie ! Always this bogie ! My dear, I am talking of things scientific, not of old wives' fables. I am dreaming: of a world-wide service, Madge — wife !" — he laid his hands upon her shoulders and kissed her brow — " release me from that promise — set me free. Let me give this great thing to humanity." "Release you?" She sprang to her feet and roughly pushed away his hands. " Release you, Lucian ? Yes, if you first re- lease me from my marriage vows; if you will promise that I shall never, never, never join that band of weeping mothers ! If you will send me away, I will release you ; and not till then !" CHAPTER XXVI A SHAKY PARTNERSHIP The partncrsliip began its autumn term badly. So badly that failure, bankruptcy, separation, looked imminent. Tlie relations between poet and singer were more than strained ; tliey were fast becoming impossible ; accusations and recriminations were of daily occurrence. No more easy dropping into rhyme ; no more brotherly discussions of tags and points of business. Anxiety gnawed the vitals of the poet, wlio, in return, gnawed his finger- nails, unless he was gnawing the mouth-piece of his brier-root. Clarence sat in blackness and in gloom. Was this the light- hearted butterfly, the Cigale, the sweet singer and mirtli-com- peJler ? For the visits to the September country-houses — usually so popular and so profitable — had proved a frost. There is nobody so easy to amuse as the man tired witli the day's shooting. Yet Clarence failed to amuse him. lie took down with him a port- folio full of new songs and little entertainments. Nobody laughed when he sang them. The shadow of a forced smile, a look of pity and contempt, or a sustained yawn was all the recognition lie could get. And he seemed to overhear the people whisper- ing: "Is tliis the most amusing man in London? Is this the fellow they made such a fuss about — this little cad?" You see that if a man invited to make us laugh fails to make us lau^h. lie becomes at once a little cad ; that is understood. If he does amuse, he is a little god. " Why, he is as solemn as an undertaker." Just so; he was as solemn as an undertaker. lie sat at dinner with the face of one sent down to conduct a funeral ; he made no little jokes; lie told no little stories; and when he took liis place at the piano and arranged the mesmeric smile, it was like the croquc-morC s face suddenly lit up by a jet of gas. From A SHAKY PARTNERSHIP 209 every house the unfortunate mime came away with tlie convic- tion that he had failed, and that this would be his last visit. " I knew how it would be," he said, naturally laying the blame on his partner. " I knew when I took the infernal things with me that the intolerable vulgarity would damn them." " Vulgarity," the poet repeated. " Look here. Clary, I don't mind your calling the things vulgar. They were meant to be. For that class of people you can't be too vulgar. I'm not in the circles myself, but I know what everybody knows — that they like vulgarity. The vulgarity of the stage is meant for the stalls. If anything, they were not vulgar enough. But a poet who respects himself must draw the line somewhere." " Why did they go as flat as ditch-water, then ?" " Because of the singer, Clarence, my bo}'. Because they were badly sung." *' They were not badly sung." "Tliev were. The sonos are as good as anytliino: I ever did. Went as flat as ditch-water, did they ? Well, I should thinii they would, considering. Flat as ditch-water! Why? Because — " here he interposed some of those words which relieve the feelings and heigliten the picturesque effect of the truth. " Because you're losing everything — everything — your art — your memory — your imagination — hang it, your very face is changed ! I wish to Heaven you had never heard of this cursed estate, of which you'll never touch a single penny — you can't — with a case so in- complete. Your very nature is changed. You, with the happy- go-lucky laugh; you, with the light touch; you, with the twin- kling eye ; you, with the musical voice ; you, Clary Burghley that was — good heavens! you look as if you couldn't laugh if you tried. You hang your head; you scowl; your eyes have gone in and your forehead has come out. It bulges. I say it bulges. To think that I should live to see your forehead bulge! You've gone back to your great-grandfather, the Westminster miser." " I can't help it. It's the thought of the thing that's with me always — " "Don't tell me. As if I didn't know ! Now, look here, Clar\'. Let us understand each other. Ours has been a very successful business, so far, hasn't it ? I invent the pieces and write the songs. All you've got to do is to sing them. You've sung 210 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE them very well np till now, and I don't think I could find a better interpreter anywhere. All the same, clearly I can't afford to go on unless business is attended to." " What do you want me to do, then ?" "Do? I want you to be yourself aj^ain. That isn't much to ask, is it? Look here, ray boy. The tiling presses. It'll get about like wildfire that you can't make 'em laugh any longer. Then you're a ruined Johnnie, because if you can't do that, you see, you can't do anything." "What do you want, then?" Clarence repeated, sullenly. " I shall find it difficult to replace yon, Clary, but there are lots of other fellows who could do the thing. I've been talking it over with one — a man who's been on at the Oxford. He isn't a gentleman, and he'd have to go up the back stairs; so it wouldn't be quite the same thing. Still, one cannot sit down and starve. What you will do, my dear boy, with your face as glum as an undertaker's, I don't know." "It's my claim that I think of all the time. If we could only connect my grandfather with the family. Because the missing son is dead long ago ; he must be." The poet groaned. " That's all you think about. I talk of the business, and you reply with this claim of yours." Clarence looked all that his partner had described him — hag- gard, anxious, hollow-ehceked. The fever of the claimant was upon him. His face was full of anxiety. It was easy to see that, as his partner said, he had lost his art— at least, for a time. The ready laugh, the light of the eye, the quick smile, the easy car- riage — all had vanished. You could not believe that this young man had ever been able to compel laughter. "Must we dissolve partnership. Clary?" " I can think of nothing but the claim. You must do what you like. Until this suspense is over, I can think of nothing else." " Look here. Clary. At the best, the very best, it will prove a waiting business. They'll give the missing son or his heirs ten years' law before they consider the claimants— and when they do, i tell you plainly, your case is not established. Give over the dreams, therefore, and attend to business. Even if you suc- ceed at last, you've got to keep yourself for ten years to come— A SHAKY PARTNERSHIP 211 perhaps for life. Attend to business, I say. Begin at once. Sit down at the piano and try to sing- as you used to do." " Stop a minute," Clarence replied, in the depths of gloom. " I've got something to show you first. It's about that connec- tion. Suppose I had found another document" — he pulled out a pocket-book and opened it — "an important document — nothing less than a letter to my grandfather from his elder brother." " Letter to your grandfather from his elder brother ? Why, how came I to miss that among the papers? Why, such a letter might complete the chain," " So I thought. And, in fact, here is the letter. It was not among the letters that I showed yon. I only found it yesterday." He spoke with hesitation, and he drew from his pocket a piece of paper a little browned by age. It was the size of a royal octavo page. It was written in ink, now pale, but was still legible. The poet opened it — looked up sharply and curiously — and then read the contents aloud : "Dear Harry, — Yours of the 15th to hand. I can do noth- ing for you with father. He is mad with you for running away and for going on the stage. Says that you've disgraced the family. He grows more miserly every day. I hope that your prospects will improve before long. They don't seem at present very rosy. I quite approve of your changing your name. The pronunciation, I take it, remains the same, in spite of the two let- ters stuck in the middle. My mother sends her love. " Your affectionate brother, " John Clarence Burley. "Great College Stueet, .Westminster, June 20th, 1818." When the partner had read this valuable letter he held the paper up to the light; he examined the writing; he looked at the edges. " Most convincing," he said. " This letter establishes the con- nection beyond the shadow of a doubt. And this being so. Clary, you may rest at ease, and can give your mind to business." He threw the letter on the floor carelessly and walked over to the piano, which he opened. Then he sat down, ran his fingers 212 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE over llic Iceys, and struck into an air — one of liis own light, unsnb- stantial tunes. "Now, then, Clary," he said, "you are the heir all right. I congratulate you. Give up thinking about it for ten years. This is the song t])at ought to have fetched 'em and didn't. Come along and give it with your old spirit. Think of your granddad. "Wanted, a Methusaleh ! To tell us how they kept it up — Our fathers in the by-gones, when they made the guineas run ; How tliey wasted time and drank it up, and evcrytliiiig but slept it up — And always had a new love on before the old was done. "Wanted, a Methusaleh! Old man, let's have a crack again; Tlie port and punch, the song and laugh, the good old nights revive again. The gallop witli (he runaway to Gretna Green and back again, The Mollys and the Dollys and the Kittys make alive again ! Come, Clary, your liveliest manner. It wants a laugliing face all throuQ;!)." Clary paid no attention. Then his partner shut the piano with a bang and a swear-word. "You think, then," Clarence went on, as if there had been no break in the conversation, "that the letter establishes the connec- tion?" " Undoubtedly, my dear boy. I congratulate you. The con- nection is established, and, I repeat, now that your mind is at rest, you can go back to your work. In ten years' time, or there- abouts, we will consider the letter again." "The letter is— is— all right, you think?" "Oh! Quite — quite," James replied, airily. " We need not consider the thing seriously for ten years to come — otherwise — " "Well? Otherwise?" "Otherwise there would be one or two points requiring expla- nation. For instance, letters seventy years ago were written on letter-paper — square — size; a quarter-sheet of foolscap. Take a half-sheet of foolscap: there is your letter-paper of that period. This is written on a blank page cut or torn out of an old book. One edge, I remark, is freshly cut. Letters used always to be folded in one way — not this way. There was always a postmark of some kind on a letter which had travelled through the post." A SHAKY PARTNERSHIP 213 Clarence groaned. " Moreover, tbe Treasury must have heaps of documents in John Burlcy's handwritinf;. I wonder whether the handwriting corresponds." Clarence made no reply. "It looks to me like a modern hand; not unlike your own, Clary. Then I observe certain locutions which were not com- monly used seventy years ago ; they didn't, for instance, say ' mad ' with a man, but angry with a man ; and the modern poet- ical use of the adjective ' rosy ' was then, I believe, unknown in common parlance. Further, in June, 1822, your great -grand- mother, who sends her love, had been dead, according to the register of St. John the Evangelist, for nearly two years. These are points which in ten years' time may not appear of any impor- tance." He laid the letter on the table. " Shall we get to business, my partner?" he asked. "I told you " — Clarence picked up the letter and looked at it gloomily — " that I should go mad or something. I haven't even wits enough left to forge a letter creditably." "That seems rather a good thing, doesn't it?" Clarence laughed. " What would my grandfather say ? All ho cared for was that the business — whatever it was — should be well done. Life was all stage business with him. Business of forging letters? Good business, sometimes. Pleases people. But must be well done. To think that I should expect a clumsy, self-evident, ignorant piece of work like this to deceive anybody!" He threw the thing into the tire. "Look here, I told you about the old man's comedy, didn't I ? Everything was justified by the cause. So he opened letters, told barefaced lies, acknowledged them blandly when they were found out; borrowed money under false pretences, forged a deed, and all to save from dishonor the son of a dead friend. He would quite approve — I know he would — of my writing such a letter. I would write it, too, I would, if I knew the handwriting, in order to complete that claim. And I should never feel ashamed, or sorry, or repentant if I got the estates by it. I should not feel ashamed if I were found out." "The moralist sighs," said the poet, "the friend sympathizes, the beak condcnms." 214 BEYOND TlIK DREAMS OK AVARICE " If I can't prove my case one way I will another. I am the ri_o;htful heir to millions! Millions! Millions!" He screamed the words and threw up his arms. It was like the screech of an liysterical girl. " Millions! And all that is wanted is a little let- ter connecting my grandfather with his own people. That is all. You may talk about honor as much as you like. I want my rights! I want my rights! I will havt; my rights!" His voice broke, his hands shook, his face was drawn and con- vulsed. The other sprang to his feet, and caught hira as he reeled. " Sit down, old man," he said ; " sit down and be quiet. Good lieavens! This cursed claim will kill you, if you do not take care." Clarence lay back — white — with closed eyes. Presently he opened them and sat up. "Don't mind me, Jemmy," he said. " I get carried away sometimes. Last night, in the middle of the night, I woke up and went mad over this business, and I think I had some kind of a fit. I found myself lying on the floor." "This magnificent good-luck, Clary, this extraordinary wind- fall, seems likely to bring with it, in its train, a wonderful collec- tion of blessings. Already it has robbed you of your powers; robbed you of your face ; robbed you of your laugh, and robbed you of your voice. Good Lord! ^Vhat a windfall ! It has filled your mind with anxiety and gloom, made you commit a forgery, makes you regret only that it was a clumsy forgery, and tempts you to commit another and a more careful one! It throws you into fits at night and makes you hysterical by day ! Clarence Biirghley, there must be a devil in this fortune of yours. 'The Devil in a Fortune' might make a sort of recitative thing with a rattling air running through it. The Devil in a Fortune. Eh?" Uc took up the note-book. "I tell of a mountain of gold — A monstrous, incrL-dible hill ; With a devil to guard it and hold, A devil of wonderful will. "And every sinner that dared To carry a nugget away With whackery, tliwackery clawing of claws, Pawing of paws — A SHAKY PARTNERSHIP 215 I believe, Clary, we can make something of it when you get bet- ter." " It is the wretched uncertainty," said Clarence, brooking the question of the devil. "And all for nothing. Because you'll never get it — never, T am convinced. You will never get it — never — never. Now, Clary, I am going to see that other fellow, the man from the music-hall. But I would rather keep you, and I'll give you time. As for existing engagements, you won't keep them. You are in- disposed — you have got influenza. I'll give you time — never fear — to pull yourself together." " Why should I not succeed ?" " Lots of reasons. The malignity of fortune or fate — that's one thing. Fate dangles this wonderful prize before your eyes — puts it just, not quite, within your reach. History is full of ma- lignity — witness Napoleon and Moscow." "Talk sense, man." " Very well. Other reasons. Because you can't prove that you belong to the people at all. To you and to me there is no doubt. But you can't prove it to the lawyers. Therefore you will 'never get it." "Any more reasons?" "Lots. The missing son or his heir will turn up and take everything." "No. That is impossible, after all this time." "They'll find a will." "They have searched everywhere, and there is no will." " There are more reasons — but I refrain. The long and the short of it is that they will give the son ten years at least before they consider the claims. And when they do, you will have no chance." Clarence groaned. "The question, therefore, between us is, shall the partnership be dissolved ?" Clarence groaned again. "You can't get it out of your mind. Then put it in the back- ground. Don't brood over it ; something may turn up. The Treasury people, even, may find letters that will actually prove your claims. Take a cheerful view of the thing — and meantime go back to your work." 21G BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " I don't feel as if I could ever sinir another song, Jemmy. Do without mc. Get another partner." The poet used a strong — a very strong expression — and slapped liis partner cheerily on the sliouldcr. " Not just yet, Clary. T can understand now how a man may be possessed by the devil. You are possessed by some devil or other. You are possessed by this Fortune devil, and it's only the devil that you'll ever get and not the fortune. "I'll wait a bit, dear demoniac." CHAPTER XXVII THE GENEALOGIST Sir John went about for some days with an air of great re- serve. Questioned about the clew, he smiled with importance and demanded patience. "But, of course," said the girls, separately and in a choir, "we understand. We are going to establish our connection with this mysterious, misrepresented, misfortunate, misled, misspelt family." Calamities many had fallen upon the family — yet it was an interesting family, and distinguished in a way. There are not many families which can boast of a fortune made, not lost, out of the South Sea Bubble ; nor are there many who can show a real gentleman highwayman. And a real miser — one of the good old candle- end, cheese-paring sort — is an ornament to every family; he may, and has, occurred quite high up on the social ladder. The girls looked on ; they chattered among themselves and watched the paternal countenance. It was grave, it was pre- occupied, but it was cheerful. They comforted themselves, the clew was being followed ; the clew would end in a key, the key would open a box, or a door, or a cupboard ; and then the fair maid Truth would be found most beautifully dressed within. They called at the ancestral house ; they tilled the house with the laughter and the chatter of girlish voices. In point of fact, Sir John Burleigh, genealogy in hand, and those ascertained facts connected with the Bristol sugar-baker, had called in the assistance of an experienced and obliging person who made it his business to ennoble the world, or at least to enlarge the too narrow limits of gentility — for a con- sideration. Provided with a clew, this benevolent person was getting on as rapidly as could be desired. The artist in pedigrees, an old man now, presented the ap- 10 218 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE pcarancc and simulated the manners of a duke, or an earl at least. He was a handsome man still, who knew the value of good appearance and good dress ; he was what is called a " clean " old man. Many old men who take a tub every day cannot acliicve the appearance conveyed by this adjective. Ills face was shaven, except for a heavy white mustache ; be was tall ; his large hands, as white as his snowy linen, were covered with signet-rings, lie sat in a room massively furnished ; one wall was filled with a bookcase containing those county liistories and genealogies which are so costly and such good reading, contain- ing as they do the simple annals of the great. There are all the Visitations which have been published ; with books of all sorts on descents, ascents, heraldry, the nobles, and the gentles. Over the mantel hung his own pedigree, a very beautiful thing, one branch connecting with royalty in the person of Edward I. For one should always practise what one preaches. Also, one should live up to one's profession. And to be always in the midst of noble ancestors and to find none for yourself would be a clear proof of professional incapacity. The Professor of Family Ascents — who would not climb? — received Sir John with encouraging attention. "You want to connect yourself. Sir John," he said, "with an English family ? A natural ambition, especially when one has risen to the proud distinction of Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George." He rolled out the title as if the mere sound of it was an enjoyment. " Now, Sir John, place me in full possession of all the facts — all the facts, if you please — and the papers — all the papers. Then I will do my best to assist you." Sir John related the history as he wished the world to pos- sess it. There was nothing false in his statement — only a snp- pressio vcri. Well, you quite understand how he put it. We need not dwell upon the little suppression. " I liave noted your facts, sir. Father, named Charles Cal- vert Burleigh, born 1801, married somewhere about the year 1834 to a lady whose Christian name was Marian Welford. Emigrated to New Zealand in the year 1842, being one of the earliest settlers. Succeeded with his farm and acquired prop- erty. Died in 1873, and never told you — " THE GENEALOGIST 219 " I never questioned liim." '* Never told you who he was, and your mother observed the same silence. Any more facts?" " None." " Perhaps he had quarrelled with his people. Well, Sir John, we need not speculate as to causes. We are here connected with the facts. Where are the papers ?" " There are none ; not even my mother's marriage certificate. But we claim nothing, so it does not matter." " Oh !" The genealogist placed his chin in his left hand and fell into meditation. " There is, however, a presumption, based on what may be a coincidence." " My dear sir," the professional discoverer lifted his head, " in our work we want all the presumption we can get" — he did not mean a double use of the word — "and all the coincidences we can find. Coincidence is the guiding-star of genealogy." " This coincidence is nothing less than an extraordinary re- semblance between ourselves — my son, my daughters, and my- self — with a certain group of family pictures." " Yes. Of course you are aware, Sir John, that such a resem- blance may throw the door open to a fine field of scandal. The first Duke of — But you understand." ** I think that we need not fear that kind of scandal." " Is it a noble family ?" <' Very much the contrary." " In that case, I should say, do not let us trouble ourselves about the resemblance, unless there are other reasons." "This family is named Burley ; their great wealth has brought them very much before the public of late." "You mean the great Burley fortune? My dear sir, if you can connect yourself with that family — your name is spelled dif- ferently — but" — he shook his head — "it is one thing to connect a colonial or an American family with an English House — even a noble House — and quite another to prove things as lawyers re- quire proof. Quite another thing, sir, I assure you. Quite an- other thing. And without papers, letters, or any kind of evi- dence, almost impossible." " I think that you do not quite understand." 220 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " What I mean, Sir John, is this. You come to me without any papers and two or three facts. If you say, connect me with this or that noble House, I am not hampered by any nasty facts. It is a mere question wliere to hitch you on — and matter of the expense you care to undertake. To make a man cousin to a coronet naturally costs more than to make him cousin to a bar- onet ; and this ac^ain naturally costs more than a connection with mere tradespeople." " Naturally. If it is only a question of inventing a geneal- ogy—" " My dear sir, we do not invent ; we connect — we connect. It is always perfectly easy to connect any family with gentlefolk of sorts, and almost any real gentlefolk with nobility of some kind. If you like, I dare say I could connect you with royalty. Mere time, mere search, in order to find where to hitch on ; that is all. But of course it is a great advantage to start practically unhampered, as you do. Now, you don't know your father's fam- ily. And you have no traditions about it. He never told you. What must we therefore conclude ? That be was ashamed of his family or ashamed of himself." Sir John changed color. " I do not agree," he said ; " other reasons might be found." " Illegitimacy, perhaps. Humble origin. Early escapades. One or other must be the cause." Sir John said nothinsf. " If we investigate with the sole desire to ascertain the truth we must expect humiliation. That is all. Let us go on. You wish to be connected with the Burley family — quite a middle- class bourgeois family — and you do not desire to claim their monstrous estate. As you have no papers, you would have no chance. If I were you I would soar liigher, much higher ; we might connect you with the Cecils or the Howards in some way — an illegitimate way would be the easiest ; but as you will. Let us return to the Burley family. For my own purposes, I have been hunting for the sons of the famous Westminster miser — broth- ers of the money-lender. I cannot find any trace of them — " "You must go further back to find my ancestor." " Very well ; you stick to your plebeian lot ? Very well ; I will investigate for you. Well, now, about the spindle line. On your THE GENEALOGIST 221 father's side you will be plain Burley ; but you had a mother. On her side, now, what can we do for you ? On your grandmother's side — what? On your great-grandmothers? See what a vista opens before you ! Why, only to go back so far as the accession of Queen Elizabeth, you had then 4096 living ancestors ; to go back to Edward III., you had 131,072 ancestors. Do you think I cannot find you a noble family or two among so many ? You want ancestors ? Let me find you some that you can be proud of. Why, you are founding a family. You will become a bar- onet. If you like, you may become a peer. How will it be in years to come to read : ' This branch of a noble House, which traces its ancestry back to — shall we say Cardinal Pole? in the female line, was first distinguished by Sir John Burleigh, K.C.M.Gr., the well-known statesman of Nev/ Zealand'? What do you think of that. Sir John ?" Even a statesman is not above the softening influence of flattery. Sir John heard. Sir John smiled. " You see ; but if my hands arc tied — " " I do not wish to tie your hands. Connect me with any noble House you like. But you must first connect me with these Burley people. Mind, I say again, I won't lay claim to the estate. I have the Burley genealogy with me. Here it is. I must belong to them. My girls, in fact, have seen the por- traits, and there can be no doubt possible." He took the pedigree and examined it. " And with which of these branches would you wish to be connected ? Not too close to the money-lender, or you may have to be a claimant whether you like it or not; and then the absence of papers may clash with my work. An undistinguished lot — not one armiger ; I should sav, no coat of iirms." " I have mine. The College of Heralds found mine when I was knighted." " You can give me that ; it may be of use." " I am morally certain " — Sir John winced a little at the utterance of this tremendous fib — " morally certain," lie re- peated, " that wc come from this Joshua Calvert Burley, born in 1778." "Morally! morally! — we don't recognize morals in geneal- ogies, Sir John. But still, what is known about him ?" 222 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " He is said to li.ivc become a siifrar-baker at Bristol." " Sup^ar-hakcr ? Oh ! Sir John, why not a distinguished officer in tlic Austrian service ?" "Sugar-baker at Bristol," Sir John repeated, firmly. "lie altered the spelling of his name to Burleigh — 1-c-i-g-h." " Oh ! No documents, I suppose ?" "None. My father, Charles Calvert Burlcy, born in 1801, succeeded to his father's business, was unfortunate, lost his money ; and in 1843, when I was six or seven years of age, went to New Zealand." "Ah! Well, Sir John, you must leave it with me. Very unpromising materials — very unpromising indeed. Still, I will do my best. About the terms, now ?" The terms, when imparted and grasped, carried with them a wide extension of knowledge. If it takes time to build uj) a family, it costs money to buy one ready -built. To whioh nobody ought to object. "Very well, Sir John," the genealogist concluded, "your instructions shall be followed out. Look in whenever you like, and find out how we are getting on. We shall certainly hitch you on to some good family somehow or other. It's unfort- unate about these pictures and their likeness to you — because, you see, when a man has all the noble Houses in the country to choose from, there's no reason whatever — unless it's the money — why you should even begin with a middle-class lot like this. And your features, Sir John, if you will allow me to say so, possess a cut so aristocratic. A thousand pities! You remind me of the portraits of his royal highness the late Duke of Sus- sex. How should you like a royal grandfather?" " I belong, you see, to the Calvert Burleys," Sir John replied. " Good — good ! After all, is there anything so admirable as family pride, even if it leads to a milk-walk? Leave it to me, and call again, say in a week." And thus, you see, the clew, once found, was followed up. Great, indeed, are the resources of science, especially the sci- ence of genealogy. After a surprisingly short interval, consid- ering the extent of the necessary researches. Sir John was en- abled to exhibit to his delighted family a genealogy complete in every branch. It appeared that his opinion was quite right, THE GENEALOGIST 283 as the new genealogy conclusively proved. This branch of the family was descended from Joshua Calvert Burley, born 1V78, who was Sir John's grandfather and the brother of the West- minster miser. The pedigree was most beautifully written on parchment, and illustrated with shields properly colored. Its ap- pearance alone carried conviction to every candid mind. Leav- ing out the intermediate stages and the unnecessary names, the document ran as follows : Albciic De Vere, E. of Oxford Lord Clifford John of Gaunt, D. of Lancaster Calvert Burley I Jolin Calvert Burley I John Calvert Burley John Calvert Burley Joshua Calvert Burley m. Penelope Maiden Ilenry Maiden, J.P. Penelope Maiden Charles IL Gen. Sir T. H.Welford, K.C.B. Charles Calvert Burley | (b. 1801 ; d. 1873) m. Marian Wclford Marion Welford I John Calvert Burleigh, K.C.M.G. (b 1837) ni, Agneta Clithe I Herbert John Calvert (b. 1867) This, it must be acknowledged, was a genealogy worth pay- ing for. " It works out. Sir John," said the man of science, " better than we expected. Of course, when we do find a family con- nection of any pretensions, the rest is easy, because it has been done over and over again." " This document, I suppose," said Sir John, tlioughtfully, " will do very well for family purposes, but for a court of law — " " As I warned you, a court of law requires papers. You would cling to the plebeian side, and there you are, you see. Don't blame me. Look at their vulgar names, spoiling the beautiful shields and titles above them ! Sugar -baker! And he marries the descendant of kings !" 224 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE " Did you, in the course of your investigations, find out any- tbing about my connections on this side V " I found out a good deal — oh, yes, yes, a good deal !" He looked hard at his client, who seemed entirely absorbed in his pedigree. "About this Josliua, now ?" "Well, you told me about him, didn't you? "Well, as you said — just as you said — he was born, as your genealogy states, in tlic year 1778, and he was baptized, as the books show, in the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Westminster. He was educated at Westminster School, and he became eventually, as you told me, a sugar-baker — a sugar-baker" (he yawned slight- ly, such was his contempt of trade), " in the city of Bristol. Here he married Penelope Maiden, daughter of Henry Mai- den, J.P., a man also engaged in trade. Through the Maidens in the female line you descend from the Earls of Derby on one hand and the Barons Clifford on the other. His son, your fa- ther, married Marian — " "Yes — " Sir John looked as if he wanted no discussion about his mother. " Marian, daughter of General Sir Thomas Welford, K.C.B., through whom you are descended — not, of course, legitimately — from Charles II. in one line, and from John of Gaunt, legit- imately, in another. Really, sir, for the son of an early New Zealand settler, who knows nothing of his own people at all, I think you have come out of this arduous and dangerous — very dangerous — investigation admirably. Your connection with trade is — ahem! — unavoidable, but we have minimized it; whereas, two descents from royalty and three earls and barons in your genealogy make it, on one side, more than respectable." "I think I oufjlit to be much oblio-ed to vou" — Sir John rolled up the parchment and put it into its lovely morocco case — " very much obliged to you, sir. My children will be pleased; and my grandchildren, if I ever have any, will be placed on pedestals. I don't think I could have come to a cleverer man." " You are quite right, Sir John," the other replied, with pro- fessional modesty ; " it would be impossible." " Or to a man who more readily understood exactly what I wanted." THE GENEALOGIST 325 "Exactly, Sir John." So they parted. Sir John has never told any one how much this important document cost him ; but he has been heard to express his astonishment that the profession of genealogist re- mains in the hands of so few, seeing that its possibilities are so great. In these days of doubt as to a choice of profession, it seems odd, he sometimes says, that there is not a run upon it. " Now, I wonder," said the man of science, when his client left him, " how much he reallv knows. He carries it off very well, if he does, for his father was a convict — it's all in the 'Annual Register' — a convict transported for life — most likely married another convict. Escaped. No one knew what became of him. Went to New Zealand. Well, I sha'n't tell. I won- der if he really believes all the truck ?" "I wonder," said Sir John, "whether the fellow really ex- pects me to believe his lying rubbish ? Sugar-baker — bankrupt — Baron Clifford — John of Gaunt. But, thank God ! he does not know, and can never learn, the truth." In the evening, after dinner, he announced that he had a dis- covery to reveal. " Is it about the family ?" they all asked. " It is. In point of fact, children, you will be glad to hear that I have cleared up the difficulties, which, I confess, at first sight seemed insuperable. But they have vanished, and I am now going to lay before you " — he produced a leather case and pulled off the top — " the complete and veritable history of your family, so far as it has yet been traced." "Oh! And that portrait — the later one — is that grand- father?" " You shall hear. Meantime, I must tell you that, like your- selves, I was convinced that these resemblances meant a great deal moro than coincidence. It seemed to me, as to you, im- possible that we should all be so much like these people with- out some cousinship." Sir John spoke in his ministerial manner, which was, of course, that of one whose words carry weight. "Certainly not," they chimed. "Oh, impossible!" " So I considered. And it seemed to me that the best thing I could do was to put the matter into the hands of an expert — a professed genealogist, you know — one of those whose busi- 10* 226 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE ness it is to hunt up ancestors and to prove claims. This I did. I said: ' I am tlic son of So-and-so, -who was born in 1801, and went to New Zealand in 1842, wlien I was about six years of age. I do not know where my fatlicr came from, or to what condition or rank his people belonged. I can only tell you that there is a group of family portraits in a certain house at "Westminster which bear a most remarkable likeness, first to each other, so that they are all unmistakable, and secondly to me and my children — so remarkable as to make it absolutely cer- tain that we must be related to them. Their name is the same as ours, spelled with a very slight difference.' Those were all the facts that I could give him, and after a little talk over them I left him to his work, lie has now, after careful invcstiiration, furnished me with exactly the information I desired. And here is the genealogy." lie spread it out and began to point out the wonderful acquisi- tions, and the great increase of family pride caused by this re- search. " Your great-grandfather," he said, " is, you observe, not the owner of the first face so like Herbert's, but the son of the man who, some of us thought, was even more like Herbert ; his name was Joshua Calvert Burley. He was educated at Westminster School; on leaving school he was placed in some mercantile office, perhaps as an apprentice. This matters noth- ing. You must be prepared for a somewhat humble connec- tion on your grandfather's side. He became a partner or pro- prietor of a sugar-baking firm." Their faces all lengthened. " Susrar-bakine: ! Oh ! lie was a baker." " Sugar-baking is not exactly bread-baking. He was a sugar- baker. And why not? It is possible — or was possible — to become enormously rich by sugar-baking. AVell, for some reason not apparent, probably because he thought it looked better, my grandfather changed the spelling of his name." "It was done, then, at Bristol ?" asked Lady Burleigh. "I have been thinking, since this business of the portraits, that jour father, my dear, may have got into some scrape — debt — or something, and so thought it wiser to change his name." " A scrape there was, but, according to my table, it was my THE GENEALOGIST 227 grandfather who changed his name. Well, my father" — lie hesitated a Uttle, because it is really embarrassing at fifty-eight to start a new father — " was made a partner in the concern." " The concern !" echoed the girls. " Have we discovered the long-lost great-grandfather only to learn that he was a sugar- baker and had a concern ? What romance can we get out of a concern, however great?" " And then something happened. The business fell into dif- ficulties ; your grandfather lost most of his fortune and emi- grated. And that, my children, is all I have to say. The rest vou can learn for yourselves from this document." " Oh !" — the girls bent over the genealogy, their heads all to- gether. *' It might have been worse," said Lucy. " Herbert might have had the criminal ancestor that he wants so badly. Poor Herbert ! He wants either a criminal or an aristocrat, and he will have to put up with a sugar-baker — a bankrupt sugar- baker." " A sugar-baker !" Sir John repeated, with emphasis. " I suppose, my dear," said his wife, " that all this is quite clearly proved." " He has consulted the only authorities, where there are no better — the parish registers. I think we need never trouble to go over the ground again. Certainly 1 am convinced that it would be foolish and needless to do so." " And as to the great estate ?" "There we must abandon all hopes. You will see that we are only the heirs failing the intermediate heirs — all the sons of the miser Burley first, and the money-lender Burley second. You will not be millionaires, my dears. You will go back to New Zealand, and you will live in comfort and plenty, thank God — and that is all." But then the girls found out the magnificent connections on the spindle side, and pounced upon them. Heavens ! A Gen- eral and a K.C.B. ! Splendid ! And look — higher up — a long way higher up — Oh! Grandeurs! Heights! Soarings! Sky-scrap- ing! Baron Clillord— Lord— Lord Clitford ! That fine old title ! And here the De Veres — De Veres — Earls of Oxford ! Oh ! actually the De Veres ! That great and noble family ! History is therefore full of the ancestors of these happy Burleys. And 228 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE look! More grandeur! Iloynlty — Charles II. ! I>iit he had no children. Go on. Things taccnda, yet not without more pride. And oh ! oh ! oh ! Look ! Look — everybody ! John of Gaunt! Time-honored Lancaster! Old John of Gaunt! Good heavens! Here they stopped and gazed mutely at one another. " If John of Gaunt," they said, calmly reasoning out the thing, " then his father, and his great-grandfather, and so we get to William the Conqueror and King Alfred. Oh ! King Alfred our ancestor ! Father, is it possible ? Is it really, really true ?" "There is the science of the genealogist, ray girls. "What else can I say ?" Nothing to be said — science is indisputable. So, when the girls had extolled their good-fortune and cried upon tlie heavens, in their amazement and their happiness they fell upon the pater- nal neck, and embraced with fervor the simple K.C.M.G. wlio united in his own person so many royal and princely and noble lines. " But," they agreed, *' these things must not be talked about. They are best kept to ourselves. At home people might be en- vious of John of Gaunt — time - honored Lancaster. Isn't lie buried in the Abbey? Let us go and hang a humid wreath upon his marble brow. Oh ! And Charles II. Well, but there is John of Gaunt — John of Gaunt — John of Gaunt !" " And the sugar-baker," said Sir John. CHAPTER XXVIII A physician's advice " Another cousin, apparently." Lucian tossed a card into Margaret's lap. She read it. " Mr. Clarence Calvert Buro-h- ley." ^ " It looks as if he belongs to the family. Go and see him, Lucian. Perhaps, like the colonial, he will begin by having a pain somewhere." Lucian was wrong. Ilis visitor made no pretence of any pains, though he looked miserable enough for all the pains of purgatory. He went straight to the point. " I have seen in the papers," he said, "a statement that you have in your pos- session certain portraits belonging to the Barley family — my family — and I come here in the hope that you will allow me to see them." Lucian looked at this new cousin curiously. lie bore the stamp or mark theatrical. To begin with, he wore a fur-lined coat — Lucian held that fine raiment belongs to the other sex. His face was smooth-shaven, his speech was of a studied clear- ness, as if he was speaking words of a part — words written for him — not his own words. And his gestures were slightly ex- aggerated. He took off his hat as if the action itself formed part of his visit. These things slightly irritated Lucian. He thought the manner of the man was affected. It was not. The theatrical manner was natural to Clarence. Besides, at this moment lie was horribly anxious and therefore perfectly natural. His anxiety was shown in the twitching of his nerves and the restlessness of liis eyes. " Your family ?" Lucian repeated. " Why, your name, Mr. Burghley, is spelled differently." " That is true. My grandfather, who was an actor, altered 230 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE the spelling of his name when he went on the boards. Perhaps he thought the n;unc looked better so." Liieiaii looked at him again. Tlie persistent Burley type was in his face, clearly marked and unmistakable, though the strength and the resolution liad gone out of it. " I don't know," he said, ungraciously, " that I am called upon to show these pictures to every stranger who wants to see thetn, on the ground that he belongs to the Burley family. There is a good deal of curiosity just now about this family. A great many people would like to be connected with them." "There is no doubt about my connection, at all events. But if you cannot let me see them, I am sorry I disturbed you." " Perhaps you would let me know the nature of your rela- tionship." '* I am a grandnephew of the deceased John Calvert Burley. My grandfather was his brother, and the second son of the so- called ^Yestminster miser." " The second son. You are, then, the nearest in succession after the direct line." " I am the nearest." "You forget the missing son and his possible heir." "They must be dead. Otherwise they would have turned up long ago. From your name, Dr. Calvert, may one gatlier that you are connected in some way with us? Are you, too, a claimant, perhaps ?" "Not a claimant — so far. ^YelI, sir, if you can establish your connection to the satisfaction of the Treasury solicitors, and if the missing son does not turn up — nor any of his heirs — you will become, when they have made up their minds that the son is dead — say, in ten years or so — a very rich man indeed, per- haps the richest man in the country. I am told that the prop- ei'ty, originally estimated at twelve millions or so, has been found to be actually worth a million or so more." "Very possibly," Clarence replied, carelessly. " ^Yhen one gets into figures such as these, what matters an additional mill- ion or so ?" " What, indeed ? Well, Mr. Burghley, since you are so near the direct line, I shall not object to show you the portraits of some of your ancestors." A physician's advice 231 Clarence looked about the room. It now presented the ap- pearance of a student's room ; the table littered with books and papers ; the bookcase filled with books. " It was in this house," he said, " that the old man lived." " He was born here, he lived here, and he died here. Your grandfather was born here, was brought up here, and ran away from here." " Oh ! Yes — and this would be his breakfast-room ?" " It was the old man's living-room ; for forty years he never used any room in the house except this and his bedroom." " And the portraits ? May I ask how you obtained the por- traits ?" " We took the house as it was, buying the furniture at a valuation, after the Treasury people had taken away the papers." " Were there any — any — personal relics — or remains — of the old man ?" " I believe there was a pipe which he used to smoke. But that has disappeared." " 1 meant, rather, things that would show us what the old man was like — note-books, account-books, letters, diaries in his hand- writing — you know what I mean." " You should ask the Treasury to show you these things. But I doubt if they will meet your views," Lucian replied, dryly. What did this man want with personal remains and relics in the handwriting of the deceased ? " If you want to see the portraits, however, you can come with me." Clarence followed him into the drawing-room. He saw all the portraits hanging on the wall, but he regarded them carelessly. lie was thinking, in fact, of that scrap of writing. " There are your ancestors," said Lucian. " Humph ! They are all exactly alike — till you come to look closer — wonderfully alike they all arc !" *' Can you spot your grandfather?" Clarence walked round the room slowly. Presently he stopped before the picture representing a dark Spanish-looking young man of eighteen or so. '* This is my grandfather," he said. " When I first remember him he was an old man with white hair. I should not have known him here, but we have a sketch of him in character as 232 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE Mcrcutio, Avliicli is exactly like this picture. The eyes arc the same, and the face. Oh, there cannot be the least doubt ! I will swear to my grandfather." " The fact should help your case, Mr. Burghley, because it is the portrait of the second son, Henry. You are welcome to have this portrait copied if you like, or used in any other way. That is to say, unless your case is already complete." " Complete ?" Clarence replied, with courage. " In every de- tail. In every link." " Well. Then this resemblance illustrates your case. There is anotlier point, Mr. Burghley. You arc, yourself, unmistak- ably like your grandfather. You are thinner in the face, and you have not so much color. Otherwise you are exactly like him." " I wonder if such a resemblance would be taken as evi- dence?" " I don't think it would, except that it shows you to belong somehow to the family. But you are like other members of the family — especially you are like this ancestor." lie pointed to the unfortunate prodigal. " A good-looking fellow," said Clarence, examining the pict- ure. " A dare-devil, rakish sort ; would probably be called a Mo- hock in his day. Do you think I am like him ? Who was he?" "This man, unfortunately, came to the worst kind of grief; did a little highway robbery, and was hanged for it." " Hanged ? Really ! My ancestor was hanged !" Clarence laughed. " This is an unexpected lionor. Well, it was a long time ago ; and people have forgotten it, I suppose. Oh ! You think I am like him." " Very much indeed. I mention it as another illustration of your case." " The best thing I could do to prove my case might be to get hanged as well. Then there would be no doubt. I wonder if they would accept this likeness as well as the other as evi- dence ?" " I'crhaps; but your claim, you say, is complete at every point already." " Quite complete. The only thing is, how long shall I have to wait?" A physician's advice 233 " This man — the one who was hanged — was heir to a very large estate, llis father was a very rich man — as wealth was then reckoned. But he could not wait, unfortunately for him." " My case is so strong that I could, if I chose, raise any amount of money upon it," Clarence replied, with the appear- ance of confidence. " So you see, Dr. Calvert, there is no im- mediate necessity for m.e to be hanged." Lucian laughed. The resemblance of this new cousin to the unlucky profligate was really wonderful. " I think I can tell you," he said, " most of your family history. Your grandfather, the second son, ran away, and, after adventures unknown, ob- tained a footing in some country company. His father never forgave any of his sons for running away, and in the end left the whole of his money to his eldest son. Your grandfather changed his name, and never held any communication whatever with his brother or with any other members of his family. Even when he came to London theatres he never made any attempt at reconciliation." " I know all this. But how do you know it?" " Circumstances have placed me in possession of a good deal of the family liistory." " Dr. Calvert, I spoke just now of personal relics and remains. If you have any autograph letter of the late John Barley, I should greatly prize it, should you wish to part with it. Of course I don't know what you have. But there must have been something. The Treasury might not want papers of no inter- est — an autograph letter — anything — in the handwriting of a man so enormously wealthy, and my great -uncle. You can easily understand that I should greatly value anything of his — any little relic. It is a thing of sentiment, of course — but you will understand." He spoke fast ; his eyes became shifty ; there was a false ring in his voice. He conveyed the impression — or the suspicion — that he did not really care twopence about his great-uncle ; but that he wanted^ for some purpose of his own, a specimen of his handwriting. Lucian — perhaps in consequence of these suspi- cions — thus knowledge confers power — power to lead on to dis- appointment — resolved to give him what he wanted. "Perhaps," he said, " I understand you. Perhaps I do not. 234 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE Well, I have certain papers and letters belonging to the late Mr. Bnrlcy — they were left in the house when the important papers were removed — because they -were worthless. Among them is one at least which concerns your grandfather. You said that your case was complete. If it were not, this letter might assist you." " My case is complete, of course ; but yet — every case will bear strengthening. If you would let me see this letter." "It is a letter which is written by the young man after he ran away — to his mother — speaking of the com])any which he had joined and of his change of name." " Oh !" Clarence started into a natural eagerness. " It is the very thing I wanted. If you would let me sec — copy — photo- graph — this letter." " I will get it for you." He went in searcli of it. You have seen the letter already. It was one of those found by Margaret. " Here it is. You can make any use of it that you please. Your lawyers may copy it. I will lend it, or — it is useless to me — I will give it to you." Clarence read it with a joy almost too great to bear. It was the one thing wanted to make his claim complete. He sat down, a little overcome. The Joyous Life was within his grasp at last — no doubt now. The connection was established. Then a most curious tiling. For the physician, forgetting him- self, began to warn this stranger seriously and solemnly against the very things he was himself daily, and all day long and all night long, practising, and this is what he said : " Mr. Clarence Burghley " — Clarence heard Lucian's voice as in a dream — " I perceive by your manner and your behavior," the physician spoke with authority, " that you are greatly — dangerously excited by your anxiety about this claim of yours. This kind of anxiety is absorbing." Could he be speaking from personal experience ? " It sometimes fills the mind to the ex- clusion of any form of woi'k. I don't know what you do or hov/ you live; but I can see in your eyes that you live in a perpetual fever of anxious thought; you build up schemes of what you will do when you come into your fortune ; and your castles of Spain are always destroyed as fast as they are built by your terror that your case is not sufficiently strong. If I A physician's advice 235 were to take your temperature at tins moment, I should cer- tainly find it much too high. I perceive, further, other symp- toms — the trembling of your hands, the nervous twitching of your face, the black rings round your eyes ; that you have no appetite, but that you can drink, and that you pass sleepless and restless nights. Is all this true?" " You arc a physician. I suppose you can read symptoms." " Sometimes we can read symptoms — when they leap to the eyes. Now, sir, I have a little prophecy and a little advice. Will you allow me to ofEer both for your consideration ?" " Since you are so good as to give me this letter, I will listen gratefully to both." " My advice is to send in your claim, and then to think no more about it — no more at all about it. To go on with your daily business as if there was no such thing as a claim or a fort- une." " Dr. Calvert," Clarence repeated, " I am indebted to you for the use of this letter and for a sight of the portraits, but I cannot promise to follow your advice in return." " That is my advice. My prophecy is this : If you neglect it and any other warnings ; if you go on letting your mind dwell on what may happen when you come into your inheri- tance, hope deferred will make your heart sick unto death or — worse — unto madness. The simple delays of the law may bring this trouble upon you. Unless the missing son turns up or is proved to be dead, they will wait for ten years at least. "What will you do during the long years of expectancy and anxiety ? Will you follow your ordinary work? With what heart, when this chance awaits you ? You have seen a letter which, I am sure, greatly strengthens your case. Yet do not build too much upon it. And I tell you plainly, Mr. Burghley, that you will never succeed in your claim." " Why not ? Who is before inc ?" " Accident — chance — the unexpected — are before you. There is, I believe, a superstition about this fortune. It is said that it brings disaster upon all who arc concerned with it. Wo need not believe foolish superstitions, but it may very well be that the contemplation of or the longing after vast wcaKh may unhinge a man's mind. Be careful, Mr. Burghley. Too much 236 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE tliinldng of millions cannot be wholesome." Strange ! This man, so wise for otlicrs, was at that very moment passing through the same experience himself. " Take care, I say, Mr. Burghley. Take care." He opened the door. Clarence walked down the stairs and out of the house without replying. The warnings affected him but little, lie had strengthened his case with the portrait and the letter. His claim was now completely made out. lie went home with dancing steps; he threw himself into a chair and dreamed away the afternoon in visions of the Joyous Life when those millions should be his. And when his partner caitie home Clarence welcomed him with a shout and a laugh, brandishino- the letter that established his parentage beyond the possibility of doubt. CHAPTER XXIX THE MIRACLE *' I CAME here yesterday, Margaret," said Ella, " and I am here to-day. I can't keep away from you, because you are the only person that I know in this country ; we used to laugh and call it Little England. But it's Great England, Broad Britain, Big England, Thirsty, Sandy, Desert England, when you're all alone in it — with no — " She checked herself. " Well, dear, you arc always welcome." " I can't sit still, or rest, or settle to work, or anythinor, I'm so miserable. I feel like jumping off Westminster Bridge." " Sit still here, then, and rest." "No; I must walk about or I shall go mad." The girl's checks were flushed, her eyes were too bright, her hands were hot. " Come out and walk with me. I want to feel the cool air." Margaret led her into the large quiet square called Dean's Yard. " This is where I sometimes walk," she said, " when I wish to be quiet. But there are places here quieter than this. I will take you to the most hushed, still, and peaceful spot in the whole of London." Under an archway, across an open court, through a broad arched corridor, she led the girl into a little square court, sur- rounded by a stone cloister; in the midst was a square of grass, with a fountain which ought to have been playing but was not ; tablets on the walls commemorated dead men's names and lives. These tablets were all that remained of their memory. There were ancient doors and ancient windows of ancient, crumblinfr, worn stone, and above the corridor were houses which looked as if they Avere built at the time great Oliver ruled the realm. *' This is the old Lifirmary Cloister," said Margaret. " It is 238 BEYOND THE DREAMS OJ)' AVARICE the quietest place in the world. You hear nothini^ in these cloisters of the outside world — nothing but the striking of the great clock; you see nothing but the Victoria Tower. There is never any foot-fall here ; the people who occupy the houses are in a conspiracy of silence. I come here often when I am troubled. Ella, dear, you are not the only woman in trouble ; we are all troubled in these days. But the trouble will pass — oh ! I think — I feel — that for all of us it will pass." Her eyes filled with tears. "Only to linger among the gray old stones soothes and comforts one." The stones did not at first bring comfort to Ella — perhaps because she was too full of her trouble to notice them. She threw up her arms. She gasped. " Margaret !" she cried, " I am going mad. I am gone mad, I tliink, witli the disap- pointment and the misery of it. Don't speak. Let me tell you first. I don't dare to tell Auntie. But she knows, poor thing. Ever since I becfan to think about the inheritance I have thought of nothing else — morning, noon, and night I have im- ao-ined and dreamed and built up castles about this dreadful money and myself. My very dreams are yellow witb gold. I pictured myself the very greatest woman in all America — greater than the Vanderbilts, greater than the Astors — my name on everybody's lips, in every paper. Oh ! the dreadful vainglory of it! And I was to be — oh! yes, nothing but that, if you please — yes, the best, the most generous, the most char- itable of women ! Oh ! of course. The pride and vanity and self-seeking of it! That has been my dream, day and night — day and night. And now it is quite certain that it can never be anything but a dream." " AVhat has happened, dear?" " Everything, I believe. You know that Auntie was always against it from the beginning. She's a prophetess, for sure and certain. She was for sending in her name and mine, and nothing more. But nothing would do for me but to come over here and claim the estate. I was so ignorant that I thought we only had to send in our names for the whole of the money to be handed over to us across a bank counter — sixty million dollars ! I tliouglit that we should be able to go liome in a fortnight or so with a whole ship-load of dollars — THE MIRACLE 239 millions and millions and millions of dollars — all in bags — and leave the Queen and the whole of the royal family in tears." She laughed through her own tears. " Well ?" " They say that the Treasury must have proofs that the missing son is dead — or that he has left no heirs. Why, the world has been ringing with his name. If he was in the utter- most parts of the earth he must have heard that cry. AVithout proof, they say, they will probably wait for years. They tell me that when your General, Hicks Pasha, was killed in Egypt, they waited ten years for proof, because his body was never re- covered, and not a soul returned from the battle to say that he had fallen. Ten years ! When I heard that, my heart was as heavy as lead, for I saw that we might jnst as well go home again." " Indeed, I think so." "But that isn't all. Oh ! I must go mad over it. I thought our claim was so clear and simple. Grandfather was Mr. Barley's brother. There's no doubt of that — and they say now that T must produce the proofs of his marriage. As if there could be any doubt of it ! Why, I remember both of them. Proofs ? It's an insult to speak of such a thing." "But indeed, Ella, there are wicked people in the world. I fear they will insist upon the production of the proofs." " I say it's an insult to suspect. Oh ! it's impossible !" " Yes, dear ; but lawyers always want proofs of everything. It is not meant as an insult. And remember, we all — we all suffer from the — the follies of men — their follies and their wickedness. Lawyers will not take it for granted that there ever is a completely good man upon this earth." " lie wasn't married at Tcwksbury. Grandmother — I recol- lect the dear old thing, lovely white hair she had — was an Englishwoman. She used to talk about her own people. They lived in a place called Bloomsbury, and they were lawyers?. Ilcr first husband was a lawyer, but a great deal older than her- self, and he died, and then she came out to America with grandfather. I was only a little girl, and I never asked her name, else I might find out her people. And how in the name of wonder arc we to find where a man was married sixty years ago and more ?" 240 UKYONU THE DREAMS OF AVAIIICE " It is not so difficult. There were only so many churclics in London sixty years ago — perhaps not more than a hundred and fifty. The registers are preserved. An advertisement would procure you the proof — if it exists." "An advertisement !" Ella laughed scornfully. " IIow are we to pay for the advertisement ?" Margaret took her hand. " I have seen that coming, too, Ella. We are cousins, you know. Only I was afraid to speak. You are so independent and so proud." " My pride is gone, then. Pride can't outlast want. And there's nothing left— nothing— nothing." She buried her head in her hands and burst into sobs that echoed strangely round the quiet cloister. " My dear "—Margaret soothed her — " my dear, tell me all." " We first spent the money we brought over with us, think- ing it would be enough, and that we should only want it for a week or two. It is all gone — all but the rent, that must be paid to-morrow, and then there will be nothing left — nothing at all. Margaret, we are nearly starved. You would not believe on how little we have lived for the last three weeks." " My dear, patience for a few moments ; only while you tell mc." " We have spent everything. We have pawned our watches — our dresses — everything that we could i)art with. We have nothing but what we stand in. And more trouble. Auntie had a little money — not much. It brought her $200 a year. I had none, because father wasn't lucky. Auntie's money was put with a trustee, and he has just run away, bankrupt, and we lioar that he has lost or stolen it all. Then we had our house — only a little yellow cottage with a slip of garden — but it was our own. We mortgaged it to get the money for coming over. And now we arc told that the mortgage is tlie full value. Oh ! it's roguery, it's treachery and roguery. So we're quite ruined, Margaret, and to-morrow we go out into the streets and w — w — walk about till we d — d — d — d — die." " My dear child, this is most dreadful. Why did you not tell me of all this before ? I only knew that you were pinched." THE MIRACLE 241 " Oh ! you are a stranger ; you are an Englishwoman. They used to teach us that Englishwomen were cold and proud. How could I r " Well, you have told me now, and so — we are your cousins, you know — something must be done at once, and — and — " She stopped short, for the trouble in the girl's face was terrible. " I left Auntie praying." She burst into hysterical laughter. " She is always praying. She gets up in the night and prays. She asks a miracle. Poor thing ! As if miracles come for the asking. There are none left. In these days, without money or work, we starve. If I talk about searching the registers, she shakes and trembles and begs me to give it up and go home again. To-day finishes everything. This evening we shall eat up the last scrap of bread and drink the last cup of tea. To- morrow we shall go out into the streets. And Auntie says we ought to go home ! Is it better to starve in the streets of London among strangers or in the streets of Tewksbury among friends ?" " My dear, you shall not starve. It is all arranged. Only I did not know that the necessity was so close at hand." She took Ella's hand. Without thinking whither thev were going, Margaret led the way into the great cloister and through the little postern into the Abbey itself. Afternoon service was just beginning. They took a seat in a retired corner, and then, while the silver voices rose and fell and rang and echoed from pillar to pillar and along the lofty roof, and the organ rolled, and the voice of the reader was like a sin- gle flute seeking to be heard through all this great building, the American girl wept and sobbed without restraint. It was a time for the opening of the floodgates. When the service was over, Ella dried her tears. " Oh !" she said, "this place is full of consolation. I am better now. It's a lovely place. If I were to get that great fortune, I would buy it and take it over to Tewksbury, choristers and all. Thank you for bringing me. I almost believe that Aunt Lucinda will get her miracle, and I will not go mad." " Well, then, dear, if you will promise not to go mad till I re- turn, I'll take you home and leave you there while I go to fetch your aunt. And then we will have tea and talk — and you must be prepared for devclo[)nienls." 11 243 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE Aunt Lucinda was indeed in a pitiable condition. Half- starved, penniless, with the prospect before her of destitution, in dire terror lest a certain family secret should be discovered, she sat beside the black fireplace on that cold, autumnal after- noon with clasped hands and eyes that were blind with help- less tears. "Aunt Lucinda," said Margaret, bursting in, "I have come to carry you away." " Carry me away ?" " You are to come and stay with us, you and Ella. My hus- band is your cousin, you know. We invite you — Ella and you — to make our house your home for a while; till we have looked round and found some way out of the trouble. Oh ! I know all about it; you need not t-^Il me anything. Now let me pack up your things for you. Where are your boxes? I will do it all for you." She bustled about into the other room and back; she crammed the " things " — they were few indeed — into the two boxes; she talked cheerfully all the time; she gave the poor lady no time for thought or for protest. When all was done — it took ten minutes or so ; no more — she brought out Aunt Lucinda's hat and jacket and rang the bell for a cab. Then Aunt Lucinda's face began to twitch ominously. " Come, the cab will be down below," said Margaret. " Let me help you with the things." " Stay with you ?" asked Aunt Lucinda. " Wo are strangers in a strange land, and you take us in ! Oh ! Ella said I prayed for a miracle ; and there are no more miracles, she said — and lo ! it is a miracle. Oh ! The Lord fulfils the desire of them that fear Ilim. He hears their cry and saves them." She stood for a moment with bowed head and clasped bands. Then she meekly followed this woman of Samaria. o o O n >■ ■XI -1 o q 1»- CHAPTER XXX " CONFESS YE YOUR SINS " When two troubles assail the soul it is not together — trou° bles very rarely fight in company — but separately. The stronger and the fiercer trouble overpowers the soul, enters, and takes possession. Then the lesser trouble goes away. He does not go far ; he lurks in ambush till the present occupier withdraws. Then he sees his chance, and rushes once more to assault t'ae citadel of man's soul. One might write a new allegory showing that fortress continually besieged by one trouble after the oth- er — never at rest, never at peace. The biggest trouble of all, as the world has always been ready to confess, is the want of money. Not the want of plentiful money, but the want of needful money. As has happened to many, one sees the ap- proach of the hour when there will be no more, not a penny more ; no more food, no more lodging, no more resources, no friends, no work ; then, indeed, this is a trouble so stupen- dous that the soul surrenders at once, and there is no room for any other trouble, hardly even for the pains of gout. When this trouble was driven away for a time. Aunt Lucin- da's soul was left open to the other and the lesser trouble — that, namely, connected with the claim, to which Ella now re- turned, but with somewhat mitigated persistency. " As soon as we have found out how to make a little money, Auntie, we will advertise for your grandfather's certificate of marriage. I have thought it all out. Father was born in 1827 — they arrived in Tewksbury in 1826 — therefore they must have been married before they left London. Therefore the register will be easily found, and then our claim will rest on sure foundations !" '* Oh, my dear !" cried Aunt Lucinda, eagerly, " let us think 244 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE no more about the claim. This fortune brings disaster upon everybody — even upon those who tliiiik about it and liope to get it, as well as those who have it. Margaret has shown and proved it to me. Think what misfortunes it has brought upon us ! Do not let us think of it any more. There will be fresh sorrow if we do." " I don't desire it any more, Auntie, for the vainglory of it. 1 don't want to be the richest woman in the world. But 1 should like — I should like — well — not to feel that we have come on a wild-aroose chase. I should like our friends in Tewksbury to hear that we were really what we believed our- selves to be ; and as soon as we have any money I will adver- tise." This was the trouble that now vexed the poor lady's soul. To be sure, she knew that there could be no certificate in any church. But it is ill work to stir muddy waters. Things done may be remembered — may be banded down. The wife who left her husband in 1825, or thereabouts, and went off with young James Bnrley, had belongings, and the husband had be- longings. The memory of the thing might survive. There- fore Aunt Lucinda trembled. She sat in terror all day long. She showed terror in her face — in her eyes — in her attitude. " Ask her," said Lucian, " what is the matter with her. She is torn by some secret anxiety. She looks as if it might drive her mad. Ask her, Marjorie. I suppose you can't hint that an Egyptian mummy at the feast would be quite as cheerful as a face in affright. It will be a kindness to me if vou bring her to a more resigned frame. There ought not to be spectres at the dinner-table." Margaret obeyed. " I can't tell you, my dear," the poor lady replied — " I can't tell any one. It is a thing that I know and nobody else knows. And I live in terror day and night for fear of her finding it out," " If nobody knows it but you — " "Oh! But long ago, when it happened, many people knew. And some may remember, or they may liavc been told. Oh, if she were to find out!" " I suppose it is a secret which affects — the — honor of some one whom you both know." "CONFESS YE YOUR SINS " 245 The poor lady nodded her head violently. " My dear Aunt Lucinda, give your anxious mind a rest. A thing so old must surely be forgotten long since. All you have to do is to hold your tongue. Come, if we all think what might happen, where would be the cheerfulness of the world ?" " If she would only give up this dreadful claim I should be happy. But she won't. And she is walking right straight into the place where she will find the horrible, hateful, shame- ful secret." " She can do no more than she can do. Everything is clear- ly proved except her grandfather's marriage." Aunt Lucinda clasped her hands and rocked "to and fro, and her face turned red and white. Margaret pretended not to observe these signs. " The place and date of that marriage she has yet to ascertain. Perhaps she never will. Then she will never be able to estab- lish her claim. I will tell you a secret which should console you. Ella will never, under any circumstances, get any portion of this estate." "Oh, thank GodT She lifted her clasped hands. "There has been nothing but terror and misery since we thought of it." "Ruin and Destruction !" said Margaret, the superstitious. " Ruin and destruction for all who make or meddle with this horrible estate." " Will she give up looking for that certificate of marriage ?" " I think I can promise you that before many days she will definitely abandon all hope of the inheritance." This she said, thinking that Lucian would establish his own right, at least, whatever else he might do. " Tell me. Aunt Lucinda, do you want to be enormously rich ?" " No, I never did. I was quite happy at home when we were poor. We are nearly all of us women at Tewksbury, and we've got everything that the heart can desire — books, and a beauti- ful literary society, and courses of lectures, and churches, and meetings of every kind ; nearly all of us are poor, and nobody minds. We aim at the Cultivated Life, my dear, and the Spiritual Life, and, oh! if you could hear Ella read her papers on Browning ! I've got some here — would you like to read one ?" 246 BEYOND THE DREAMS OF AVARICE "Very nincli," Margaret replied, politely, but with little warmth, not feeling greatly tempted by the writing of an Ameri- can girl who, she could not forget, was only — even English people say — only a clerk or cashier in a store. In this country we do not expect literature of the higher kind from such a girl. " Meantime, rest quite easy. What you fear cannot happen. It is impossible, since you alone know it. And as for this certificate of marriage, it might be found if one were to institute a search in all the parish registers — by offering a reward for its recovery. But you have no money, and, in a few days — how long, I do not know — the necessity of finding it will be past and gone." "I am so thankful — oh ! so thankful. I have prayed, night and morning, that this danjrer might be averted. Oh ! Margaret, you don't know — you can't guess — what it is I fear — what would be the conse