LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PUNNING FIFTH SUPPLEMENT TO STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD BULLETIN NO. 52-A SALINAS BASIN INVESTIGATION BASIC DATA 1954 - 55 GOOD'/IN J. KNIGHT Governor HARVEY 0. BAMS Director of ^^ater Resources UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS NOV l:\ 1957 LIBRARY May, 1957 STATE OF CALIFORNIA HEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PUNNING FIFTH SUPPLEl-ENT TO STATE V;ATER RESOURCES BOARD BULLETIN NO. 52-A SALINAS BASIN INVESTIGATION BASIC DATA 195A - 55 GOODWIN J. KNIGHT HARVEY 0. BA^^(S Governor Director of Uater Resotirces May, 1957 LIBRARY JJMIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS r^:i^?igo&&^ '. Oii.ii.>j-I';,o-- TABLE OF CONTENTS ;r : Page LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U ORGANIZATION, STATE DEPARTMENT OF IJATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PUNNING iii PRECEDING ORGANIZATIONS iv ORGANIZATION, COUNTY OF MONTEREY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS y AUTHORIZATION AND SCOPE ....... 1 TABLES Table No. 1. Records of Depths to Ground Water at Wells in Salinas Valley, Spring, 1954- through Fall, 1955 Jj 2. Records of Depths to Ground Water at Wells in Nashua Ground Water Trough, August, 1954 and August, 1955 . . 2$ 3. Complete Mineral Analyses of Surface Water in Salinas Valley, 1954 and 1955 29 4. Complete Mineral Analyses of Ground Water in Salinas Valley, Jvdy and August, 1954 and 1955 30 5. Partial Mineral Analyses of Ground Water in Salinas Valley, July and August, 1954 and 1955 3ll, APPENDIXES Al, Agreement Between the State Water Resources Board, the County of ^fonte^ey and the Department of Public Works dated January 1, 1954 • ^^^ A2. Agreement Between the State Water Resources Board, the County of Monterey and the Department of Public V/orks dated January 1, 1955 ^"7 Bl. Cross Index, Well Numbering System, From Department of Water Resources Number to 1933 Division of Water Resources Number , g_- B2. Cross Index, Well Numbering System, from 1933 Division of Water Resources Number to Department of Water Resources Number , B-17 STIirniOO '■10 SJ?=!AT t t.t .■..,...." /. . . . ...... ^IATTIi.ISKMT qO miTCJ r, » . • .1 .. . ■ / ■ • -.■■■- •^n^'^^^T/^I^'iTQ !?'' ■ ^*^*71 TT^iT ^ fy^rt rr*^ :• "?••> ^f^. *■«• ft *r* T «♦ * '^ "^•'"' llx . . , 'v.. -..■...,.."....*..'./.. 5IiOIT^.-SIT'l/:D«TO C«liaHD:'HT ., r '.,".■.,..." lOce cj'Lfi MOiTAsiaoH'riZA ^.s V-A I -a arjviaAT aBiixi:-c. n-. i&i'jBW -^ozvia. iso bstfsr- 33{ioiv oil-: "-aaRiiiiqef : ■ --D • • » # 4 b • OOODWIN J. KNIGHT « ».^.u-. GOVERNOR O. BANKS ADDRESS REPLY TO ICTOM P. O. BOX 1078 SACRAMENTO 5 ■ lao N STREET Ol LBIRT a-47ll m& STATE OF CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTO June 27, 1957 Chairman, Board of Supervisors County of Monterey- Court House Salinas, California Dear Sirs There is transmitted herewith the Fifth Supplement to State Water Resources Board Bvilletin No, 52~A, "Salinas Basin Investigation, Basic Data, 1949." Bulletin No, 52-A contains the basic data which viere utilized in determining possible solutions of water conservation problems as set forth in the summary and conclusions of Bulletin No. 52, "Salinas Basin Investi- gation, 1946." This supplement contains basic l^drologic data for the period of spring 1954, through fall 1955. The data were collected and this supplement was prepared in accord- ance with the terms of separate agreements entered into January 1, 1954, and January 1, 1955, between the State Water Resources Board, the County of Monterey and the State of California, acting through the agency of the State Engineer, Subsequent organization changes with respect to the State Water Resources Board and the State Engineer are shown hereina;fter. Very truly yours. HARVEY Director ii or vj<«5»ii amtm'K i«O^UAO -=IO 3TATa r)TH3MA«OAa 'ii ^R-taQ oieBH ^noXvf' siJta tei iii !D3s1£1Sss 9iE«w rfr ■ «.a^s^X ,n.: nrfi ,; bn« tA?^X iX T^^'-- .10 .H t©J,&W ©d-ijct3 arid--; ^55^X »i ■•■>-' f5i:a'co'3:^'"..n -^ ■ ;< f,«« -^rrT-i^ ,..i. -^lUa:; ORGANIZATION STATE DEPAKffiNT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING Harvey 0, Banks , , Director of Water Resources Uilliam L. Berry Chief, Division of Resources Planning Irvin M. Ingerson Chief, Engineering and Data Services Branch This supplement was prepared in the Ifydraulic Section under the direction of ,,. .^^ Charles A, McCullough Supervising Ifydraulic Engineer ' ^ and Harlowe M, Stafford Supervising hydraulic Engineer WUliam J. Sebrell Associate Pfydrographer and D. E. Kienlen Assistant Itydraulic Engineer Porter A. Towner, Chief Counsel Paul L. Barnes, Chief, Division of Administration Isabel C. Nessler, Coordinator of Reports iii Bsoiuoae-'I le^eW lo toiostiS. , . , . .' •3 .0 ^vxali ^■jnxnftijn aso'U/oaeS lo noxaJrvI- ^^^i".liD . il .J aisilXiW batBqsiq saw ti^ss0£q^im eMr biollBd'S iM swoIiiuH IXotcfaS ,1 mflxlir.' lo loJ ■■•0 4T:ft,£Br3e?l .0 Xsd.&aX PRECEDING ORGANIZATIONS Prior to the establishment of the Department of Water Resources on July 5» 1956, the following organizational positions were in effect under the Division of Water Resources and the State Water Resources Board, \ DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Harvey 0, Banks State Engineer I William L. Berry ......... Assistant State Engineer I John M. Haley Principal Ifydratdic Engineer Albert J. Dolcini Senior Hydraulic Engineer Harold B, Knight Junior Civil Engineer I Henry Hoi singer Principal Attorney I T. R, Merryweather Administrative Officer STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD Clair A. Hill, Chairman, Redding R. V. Miekle, Vice Chairman, Turlock A. Frew, King City W. P. Rich, Marysville I- C. A. Griffith, Azusa W. Penn Rowe, San Bernardino Phil D. a^ing, San Diego iv aHOITASI^lM)HO •j'.'frf ,+5^1'': T^irij/ 0:fir . "-^r livoXXo- erf-:' fA?0' .r ■ "q aaoHiToaan hstaw io iioiar/ia «»««««. lesfiJtBrS JUtvlO lotairl - ... . . . « « • ♦ «•••*««• , . 3>Cas0 .0 ypv^'.'^ -•■■--• ,M ttdot XeartoiiA Isqioni-v'^ . 'rsC' -^-r! -i^'f:'- * % * . , . ■10^rt.^6I^H Y^rtfvH " , lOrf-tBO'. (jfl:\.-^--' :--^nflnTnp'^^ -'^'^'V' "TITS t^ni'^bsF .nsflrT.f:BdO ,XIii! .A tisIO ^a n-^f/I ,V 1 Ihi'i vx i# ORGANIZATION COUNTy OF MONTEREY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Loran Bunte Chester Deaver V/illiam J, Redding, Chairman Tom Hudson Burt L. Talcott A. :';";■ ■ . IVfl5«I^ -SO ttflAOH itBentBdO ,anlbf)8H J. (KBiXIl'.; •y AUTHORIZATION AND SCOPE This fifth supplement to State Water Resources Board Bulletin ' ■ , No. 52A, "Salinas Basin Investigation, Basic Data, 194-9", was prepared in accordance with the terms of agreements entered into as of January 1, 1954.» and January 1, 1955, between the State Water Resources Board, the County of Monterey and the Department of Public VJorks of the State of California, acting through the agency of the State Engineer, Copies of these agreements are included as appendixes to this supplement. Subsequent to the execution of these agreements the duties of the State Water Resources Board and of the State Engineer were transferred to the Department of Water Resources on July 5, 1956, The agreements provide for stream flow measurements, measurements of ground-water levels in the spring and fall of each year, and a general check of the quality of surface and underground waters in the Salinas Valley within Monterey County. Basic data collected prior to 1954 have been published heretofore in Bulletins Nos, 52, 52-A, 52-B, and four supplements to Bulletin No, 52-A dated May 1950, October 1951, December 1952, and December 1953. Mr, Loran Bunte, Jr., Assistant District Engineer, Monterey County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, directly supervised the meas\jrements of ground-water levels, and the partial analyses of ground- water samples, published herein. Complete analyses of surface-water and ground-water samples were made ty the Department of Water Resources, Measurements of depth to gro\ind water made during the spring and fall of 1954. and 1955 are contained in Table 1. During August of each year -1- 'TTar,'>p : ;TTASTH'jdB,^""i:rq ■■'•?-'<( evnrf; A?c>r .0,+ totiq bs^oelloo e*.»ft otss^ A-S? ,-^ ..-■.;■■ ■•.! -■■■^■. ■ ■ ^o-Sl : ■ •'■ .'■<'■ . ■ • ■ 1 . ■ ■ ■ .J. vo'Wcf'rioM ,ii59*,T.f:3f«3 .t-oiti'S-.f.Ti3W>-iMafoi§ ba& "^tiqa add" - -j rf,J'cf©b. toaififdaie'ii/ajBsM •jaev r'jBS lo ^tsfrv^aA , ■.• ■ v - • , . ^v^l "lo IXsl water levels were measured at wells which draw only from the 180-foot pressure aquifer in the vicinity of Blanco, Nashua and Castro ville. These measxarements, which delimit the farthest inland position of the "Nashua" ground-water trough dviring 1954- and 1955, are contained in Table 2. Complete mineral analyses of surface-water and ground-water samples collected during the two years are presented in Tables 3 and A> respectively. Partial mineral analyses of ground-water samples collected in July and August of each year are contained in Table 5. The well numbering system for wells located in Salinas Valley (1933 Division of V/ater Resources numbers) has been replaced by the system now in genersuL use by the Department of Water Resources. This system corresponds to that utilized in California by the United States Geological Survey and is intended to standardize well numbering throughout the State, The well nvunber is derived from the location of the well according to the rectangular system of public-land surveys, i.e., township, range, section, and subdivision. Under this system each section is divided into 4.0-acre plots which are lettered as follows: D C B A E F G H M L K J N P Q R Wells are numbered serially within each 4.0-acre plot. Thus, v;ell 14S/2E-25F3 is the third well located within the SE i of the NV/ ^ of Sec- tion 25, Township UU South and Range 2 East of the pertinent base and -2- ..fv-ir «-■ ■ '.■:<-' ff&r,- -, r, '■ . r-r-' i .- -•=!^V.£I 'c!-? •. :'?cs-a«A5rJ' ^,v i?v^^ nipc..:^c\8a C.£ '■ '■-•'; ' I*V CC-'^i"^ ?.i:x ??-.? -<;f S.I- .- ' — ' . , . * S.O.;. ■ . ^ . ■ 1 5.c;v ■ >.■• o.;-. iC-CS-S xaov c e.e ^e-oe-£i , ^.0 ?^-dr-r A.^ :\>,;;^ - 'i s.'- c.e-oc-i.< 9:.d O.r .. -ti> -,1.L ■ as\ac-r :.('S^<^V"- r .3 CI s.o -.(. TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUHD i.'ATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 Well niMber and , R. P. elev#/ Date :Dist. R. P. : to water ; surface, ; in feet VJell number and , R. P. elevl^ Date :Dist. R. P, : to water : surface, : in feet 13S/2E-30L1 9.2 2-23-54 11-30-54 3-16-55 12-12-55 3.6 7.3 7.4 7.2 13S/2E-31D2 9.1 2-23-54 11-30-54 3-16-55 12-12-55 3.6 6.6 8.5 7.3 13S/2E-31Ga. 10 2-23-54 11-24-54 3-25-55 12-12-55 4.7 8.1 13.4 7.0 13S/2E-31J1 9.6 2-23-54 11-24-54 3-16-55 12-12-55 6.2 10.9 11.5 11.5 13S/2E-31L1 11.3 2-23-54 11-24-54 3-16-55 12-12-55 6.0 10.2 12.6 9.0 13S/2E-31T,3 10,8 2-23-54 11-24-54 3-16-55 12-12-55 6.5 10.1 7.0 8.5 13S/2E-31N2 11 2-23-54 11-24-54 3-30-55 12-12-55 5.0 -9.1 12.4 7.6 13S/2E-31P1 10.3 12-12-55 8.3 13S/2E-31Q1 11.3 2-23-54 11-24-54 3-28-55 12-12-55 5.2 9.8, 10.8 8i2 13S/2E-32C1 8.8 2-23-54 11-24-54 3-28-55 12-13-55 5.1 9.9 11.1 10.2 13S/2E-32P1 11.7 2-23-54 11-24-54 3-16-55 8.4 12.6 8.7 13S/2E-33E1 8.8 2-23-54 11-24-54 3-16-55 12-12-55 5.9 10.3 6.0 9.0 13S/2E-33N2 12.9 12-12-55 13.0 13S/2E-33R1 25 2-23-54 11-24-54 3-15-55 12- 5-55 22.3 27.2 22.8 27.0 13S/2E-35L1 1 2-23-54 11-23-54 3-17-55 12- 5-55 flowing 4.0 2.3 5.0 13S/3E-30P1 179 3-15-54 11-23-54 3-21-55 12- 5-55 170.8 177.5 176.3 181.8 -5- ( bsirnii" r;o' m sQ^aoaH ,OOfiltU£ 'tadiutm XI9W 8.01 S.8' ;ii6.-3s\s?'.-f V 1.5 . 8.8 - i\:sc-as\2f.x e.Gi -; ■ ■ - C 1^ V. • - S.X;ii -iiX-SJ\£f.I . ■ -c r ^?e-5fS\?.eT. ^.?-CS-! ^.'-f^.-ZL PVX ■■>r. .-♦ (JIT ■3,6 c.a +S.CX o. ^' -II or Jv«t-£S-S X^Ce-3S\3CI -sx ' , :•! '::-AS-XX Mt-^c:\a.ri c;,-:i *:e-M'-^ '>.s? ??^?x-qj e.d vxC-t^-S f,li^c:...\r::. I., ox AC-AS-XX 8.01 .ri a?.dx-e '■ ■ , ■. ;ixe-as\r- c; ;. ■•- . ■<' ^c'^Zi.-i.i IX .>.sx ?^-c?-e d.V -SI Trf.^ifc\8f.i TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND UATER AT VffiLLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 Well nimber : :I )ist. R. P. Well number : :] :ist. R. P. and / R. P. elevT^ 1 Date I to water surface. and / R. P. elevT^ • Date • • • to water surface, • • • • in feet • • in feet 14S/2E-3C1 2-23-54 6.1 14S/2E-5F1 2-23-54 8.6 11.2 11-23-54 12.3 13.3 11-24-54 12.8 3-30-55 12.4 3-15-55 9.3 12- 5-55 12.0 12- 8-55 12.3 14S/2E-3F1 2-23-54 8.8 14S/2E-5F4 12- 8-55 12.1 15 11-23-54 3-28-55 15.0 15.6 12.9 12- 5-55 14.5 14S/2E-5H1 12.9 12- 5-55 12.7 14S/2E-3K1 12- 5-55 37.5 37 14S/2E-6J3 13 12- 8-55 8.6 14S/2E-3L1 12- 9-55 15.9 17 14S/2E-6Q1 2-23-54 6.6 13 11-30-54 10.9 14S/2E-3R1 2-23-54 4.4 3-15-55 8.0 16.5 11-23-54 3-17-55 11.4 6.5 12- 8-55 10.5 12- 5-55 11.0 14S/2E-7K1 2-23-54 7.2 13.6 11-30-54 10.0 14S/2E-4A1 12- 5-55 17.6 3-15-55 8.0 16.4 12- 8-55 10.8 14S/2E-4F1 12- 5-55 13.2 14S/2E-8C1 2-23-54 8.2 13.1 14.3 12- 1-54 3-15-55 11.8 8.5 1/,S/2E-4KL 2-23-54 9.5 12- 8-55 11.5 16 12- 1-54 13.9 3-15-55 10.8 14S/2E-8K1 12- 8-55 15.7 12- 5-55 14.5 19.5 14S/2E-4P2 12-13-55 15.2 14S/2E-8M2 12-12-55 12.7 15.5 15 14S/2E-5C2 2-23-54 8.1 14S/2E-9C1 12- 8-55 16.8 14 12- 1-54 3-15-55 14.2 10.8 18.7 12- 8-55 14.5 14S/2E-9E1 12- 8-55 15.7 17.9 -6- (dy«cii*noO) 8.U:5W. T/i . '^:iTA!' ciwo). ina i'il . yjZR . ■■■'* ■-'■:% "■•lit .■■: .^ /il ,:i aaiO 1 « 'X^ CiZiuJsl J.X<;i^^ i t V , .'. ,,; cj J,- • ^aOBlttfB ■ • •C'&<>.(1 ■• %r^r' ' : ^' }v9'i. xu ; xH-^i^y :.:: ^Jes'i L.L' • ■ d/z Xi^lS^^-^ X.d ;:Ae-t&-- r"^'''',V %'J.i li^^^^S^-U • ' f C.SI ■>5-es;-xi x.e ^ee-ex^c ^.sx ??-6r„c ?5~8 -.SX o,v:;i ■ -sx ^ - I.. SI S.8 nr-asv^x o.>% "Xj^ •. L e^.ci ,;^--.-e 5?-? ~SI '?e-? -?-J \ ' . d,8 . • ■ ^;r ~. C'vri '-. ; ' ■ ','.-'» i-i. ' .-.- 4^.4^ i'-K ■■-. '>'•* - .t,. i ■: <' ,01 ?e-s «SI i..ll ^e-cs-xx ?: c;.a es-vx-c s.v ^ii-^S-S n^^-...:.^.,;^.;.. O.I^ ::.-i ,^ _ r r O.OI w-or-xi d.a o.s ee-i'i-e d.Vi .« - :■• ^;.r f? .'V • , -J /^ r <;.s jie~€s-. r.05-5Js\?.^i *j,a .-*■"■ riA-5SV>: 8. II ^?-[ -ix » -r- ■ ■ V r ?.s ??„?r.,t ?,.i: . ': • ?.? V-'.. IMA-^'A3t\f ic-.. -^i. aj t'.?.. L>i^-.'!5,^Vr;; I CM '■»?-? r-e V.SI ;i>f-;:x-: ■ ■ • ■ ,-■ c. .• - ..■ -•>i S.c)I -jcAaAx L.: :>"*s--- ' .;05-3ACM , ■ '. S.,S.L ^e-X -5:i V r "^'2x-e \'.ac ee-8 -Si iZ?-Sc\?.AI N « A >. >r< -SI -o- TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 throtigh Fall, 1955 "'ell number and / R. P. elevT 1 Date ; t • ♦ III/ Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet Well number and / R. P. elevT ; Date ! • • ast. R. P. to water surface, in ffifit US/2E-9K1 2-25-54 11.7 14S/2E-15H1 12-13-55 23.0 18.9 12- 1-54 3-18-55 17.3 13.8 27.1 12- 8-55 18.0 14S/2E-17B2 2-23-54 13.4 18.3 12- 1-54 17.3 14S/2E-10A1 12- 9-55 20.5 20 14S/2E-18D1 11-30-54 7.6 7 3-15-55 6.0 14S/2E-10G1 21 12- 9-55 17.0 12- 8-55 8.2 14S/2E-21J1 12- 8-55 23.3 14S/2E-10R1 2-23-54 13.0 25.7 23 11-24-54 20.3 3-15-55 14.3 14S/2E-22F1 2-25-54 14.6 12- 9-55 18.7 24.5 12- 1-54 3-15-55 20.8 15.8 14S/2E-11G1 3- 4-54 7.5 12- 8-55 21.0 18 11-24-54 14.6 3-17-55 8.2 14S/2E-22N1 27.6 12- 8-55 24.1 14S/2E-12Ca 3-15-54 55.0 63 11-24-54 60.9 14S/2E-22P2 12- 8-55 28.6 3-17-55 56.4 27 12- 9-55 60.3 14S/2E-23A1 2-23-54 23.8 14S/2E-14U 2-23-54 15.4 33.7 11-23-54 31.4 26 11-24-54 23.5 3-15-55 24.9 3-15-55 16.4 12- 9-55 33.3 12- 9-55 22.2 14S/2E-23L1 2-25-54 18.8 14S/2E-14N1 2-25-54 15.4 29.3 12- 1-54 24.1 25.5 11-24-54 3-15-55 22.9 16.4 3-15-55 20.3 12- 9-55 21.4 14S/2E-26J2 2-25-54 17.3 30.6 11-30-54 24.0 14S/2E-15G1 12- 8-55 22.4 3-11-55 18.9 24 12-13-55 23.5 -7- ,1 ,il ,isifl * "--^ '".mxa XIoV.' I A.ex S.8 5?-8 -SiX ti.OS 8. ex o.xs I , . C».Oi» A.XC ?e-8 -sx xi,is-as\8*\x A?-X -sx ^^-CX~iL ?5-3 -SI B.8I ^e-es D.8X ee-xx-^ ■:^X ' 'SI ' isdfltun XXr?'- i^.^w OCT '. ^^^^ ; j^^^ e.vx ^?-.x -<;x a. ex ee~8x-c o,8x ee-'-^ '■-' ?.0£ ,\.s:;; ee 5e- e.?*x ^M 'i>;\8AX o.ex e.os c.^x V.8X e.v d . .) X •xx-asVAX 8X ?..0d Ae-?x- ^x ''-■■'■ ^.?X a3x 4\"0~Jis;-j:x ee-^x-e ?c-9 -SiX .?\8AI ^.c:x i.dX ^.XS ^5-AS-XX ^a-?x«e c? u ,Y- TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 VJell number : : Dist. R. P. Well number • • • • Dist. R. P. and / R. P. elev¥ ' Date ' to water and / R. P. elev?^ ' Date ' to water * • • • surface , : : surface, • « in feet • • • * in feet 14S/2E-26P1 2-25-54 14.4 14S/3E-3K1 3- 5-54 ia.2 29 11-30-54 23.0 168.8 11-22-54 147.2 3-11-55 17.1 3-20-55 149.7 12- 7-55 21.8 12- 2-55 155.6 14S/2E-27G2 2-25-54 21.1 14S/3E-4Q1 3- 4-54 103.7 31.2 12- 3-54 26.0 145 11-22-54 108.6 3-11-55 23.2 3-17-55 114.5 12- 7-55 26.6 12- 2-55 113.6 1/,.S/2E-34A1 2-25-54 22.4 1/,S/3E-5J1 3- 4-54 91.3 31 11-30-54 28.2 124 11-22-54 100.2 3-15-55 24.8 3-21-55 99.5 12- 7-55 28.4 12- 2-55 102.7 14S/2E-34B1 2-25-54 20.7 14S/3E-5P1 3- 4-54 90.7 31.4 11-30-54 26.5 110 11-22-54 98.3 3-11-55 22.8 3-17-55 93.0 12- 7-55 26.5 12- 2-55 101.2 14S/2E-34B2 12- 7-55 28.0 14S/3E-6L1 3- 4-54 68.1 31 83 11-23-54 3-17-55 78.0 72.7 14S/2E-36E1 2-25-54 19.0 12- 2-55 80.7 32.5 11-30-54 24.4 3-11-55 19.5 14S/3E-6R1 3- 4-54 77.8 12- 7-55 24.5 89 11-23-54 3-17-55 90.2 85.9 14S/3E-2E2 3- 5-54 27.4 12- 2-55 91.0 162 11-22-54 38.8 3-28-55 Oper, 14S/3E-7A1 3- 4-54 74.7 12- 2-55 48.4 88 11-23-54 3-30-55 87.8 Oper. 14S/3E-3E1 3- 5-54 103.3 12- 2-55 90.0 l/,4.2 11-22-54 105.2 3-21-55 111.6 US/3E-8C1 3- 4-54 93.7 12- 2-55 119.0 115 11-22-54 3-28-55 12- 2-55 106.5 112.8 108.0 -8- eLHVT ee?! ,,UjH lirikntdS ^91 ,5niiqa ./I .fl ,&zi^ T.qV 'Jn SJr^'' .^ . I: 5 'xecf.Tim Jj"-'" ■ ■ o.t j'jr*''- • ^J- ■ ;isw w • ei/jCt ^ "'•''i-Xe . ' : 4 ■ -r* , „ -■a'iti.'a / :> . x^ . .. +*s-v -V. ■ .-s-s .1. :.■•-. ,\aikX S.VAl A?-SS~ [■. 0.^' ^Of-XX 9S r.^AX e5~os-e •r/ •'-xr.-t A.r-nr '?-S -SI ?*, i ^-\' -SI V.cOi. ;/.:-A "i m.-^C\c.i^i I , .-. , .:-?S-S sov&-a&\8ij: ^.801 • H i".'".,. f r ■i '•, i* •v-f: -^x <.X£ i,y.i ■-,; f;-.c '-xx-f: d.r e.i- .a?-'Tni» ^%S- , _,A, ■^i^\8AX S.C' , ■ '' s.^- ,.'''- ; ?.C'<: c ' .-;•■< J -t;. ?.!iOI . . •'i_f _c;r v.c^ -e .i-:..-a^.,. A?: ''' >> ■ ' ■'"•■'':;.-•:.• I'. ;> - ' '' ?:.^ ,-.tX l")IX ?,'■ ■-ot^xx ^- J ■ •>VX-G 8.:;," I.-Jid xjc)-Sfc.\ajiX ■:ij^e-;5s\3^X 0.*:-^ ■ .■■ !' r-f} X£ V/- V.Ofi 0,- c>?S-S x^^fe-as\3Ai ■i«.+v.. A^-oe~ic % ,'■■ 1!" S.v-- . -. -£: ifla-acVsM ?.rj ??.!-:• s.ov >.5-cs-n ^1^ cic-vx-e O.I? ??-^^ -.r.r 8.h: -s;$;-iX s2s;-ji^\? ax v.^v A?-:^ -t : ' ■ . IDOV cc'Ss-e 8.Tfc A^-^s-i. ,v.t^>. ?0"? •nx .lO'^p ee-or..-e "* ■"■ "^ CJ^'-.' ^t-i; -c ■:— av\0)-. s.ijex ^(!-SS~Xi ;.mUX V.': r0S-:ie\5AX O.IXX 25-xs-e ^.rVJi ^ikC-i^s-ii ?IX o.^cTr • rs r> / r 8»SXX ^'■'..^c.-r O.SOX TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT IJELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 Well number] and i R. P. elev. " Date :Dist. R. P. ! to water : surface , '- J-R fget Well number I and R. P. elev. Date :Dist. R. P. : to water : surface, ; in f^^% 14S/3E-9Q1 3- 4-54 93.7 14S/3E-15B1 3- 4-54 98.2 118 11-22-54 100.8 130 11-18-54 101.7 3-21-55 99.5 3-22-55 92.0 12- 2-55 98.3 12- 2-55 110.0 14S/3E-9F1 3- 4-54 88.5 14S/3E-15C1 3- 4-54 113.6 123 11-22-54 89.2 129.5 11-18-54 125.2 3-21-55 93.3 3-22-55 126.2 12- 2-55 91.5 11-22-55 117.0 14S/3E-9P1 3- 4-54 75.5 14S/3E-15E1 3- 4-54 73.6 110 11-22-54 82.5 120 11-18-54 75.8 3-21-55 79.1 3-22-55 78.0 11-23-55 85.2 11-23-55 73.4 1/,S/3E-10F1 3- 5-54 123.1 14S/3E-15K1 3- 4-54 48.5 145 11-22-54 130.3 120 11-18-54 48.0 3-21-55 139.5 3-28-55 48.0 12- 2-55 134.0 11-22-55 47.3 14S/3E-10R1 3- 4-54 102.5 14S/3E-15P1 3- 4-54 85.4 104 11-18-54 108.0 104.3 11-18-54 3-22-55 99.2 93.3 14S/3E-11C1 3- 5-54 51.0 11-23-55 103.6 uo 11-22-54 52.8 3-21-55 52.7 14S/3E-16D1 3- 4-54 70.6 Abandoned 108 11-22-54 3-21-55 75.0 74.7 14S/3E-12E1 3- 5-54 47.1 11-23-55 76.2 161 11-22-54 58.3 3-a-55 54.5 14S/3E-16E1 3- 4-54 93.3 12- 2-55 66.2 103 11-22-54 3-25-55 100.4 104.0 14S/3E-14C1 3- 4-54 119.0 11-23-55 CM 139.8 11-18-54 134.2 3-21-55 128.5 14S/3E-16R1 3- 4-54 57.0 11-22-55 139.0 105 11-18-54 3-22-55 11-23-55 71.0 68.5 72.2 -9- ■1 ,n .c. 'Tadmy\5 .LL^v''> ..?Tr\2.M S.cSX A5-8X-I1 5,1\ .?-4\ -e IH5X-Se\EAX 0.<' '»SS-XX 'e-rs-ix ^.oox *^-Ai;-AX o.,vo!- ^•'-es-e rq P;5V ... T' I tsaXiqb »■- » * J. • .M-- [•■•An .V0X0 r' 8.00X ??~xs-?: ■c-s -su i^e-at\r.^x ^.?-ss-xx - X.CSI c.ou W-SS-.XX ^e-xs-e nox-a£\aAx : - ■ L ^ox 1? A£S-X1 -X9-e * o.exx "..^rx o.':a :.--X.L X0AX-^C\2AX TABLE 1 (Continueci) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND I'ATER AT l.'ELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 Well number Dist. R. P. Well nvimber Dist. R. P. and / R. P. elevT^ i ^*® i to water surface, in feet and / R. P. elevf' ; Date ; to v/ater surface, in feet 14S/3E-17B1 3- 4-54 82.0 14S/3E-24R1 3-11-54 166.0 97 11-22-54 91.4 175 11-17-54 180.0 3-21-55 90.6 3-25-55 180.0 11-23-55 95.2 11-22-55 186.8 14S/3E-18J1 3- 4-54 74.1 14S/3E-25L1 3- 5-54 121.0 76 11-24-54 73.9 125 11-17-54 127.4 3-17-55 77.3 3-22-55 125.0 12- 9-55 75.1 14S/3E-25L2 3- 5-54 120.1 14S/3E-19G1 3- 4-54 42.8 127 11-17-54 131.0 56 11-24-54 53.5 3-22-55 128.6 3-17-55 48.5 11-22-55 134.4 12- 9-55 54.5 14S/3E-27G2 3- 5-54 62.5 14S/3E-21B2 3- 4-54 64.5 75 11-17-54 66.8 90 11-22-54 76.5 3-22-55 67.2 3-22-55 73.2 11-22-55 68.1 11-23-55 78.5 14S/3E-29K2 3-15-54 31.9 14S/3E-21R1 3- 4-54 53.9 50 11-22-54 37.6 75.9 11-18-54 65.6 3-21-55 34.0 3-22-55 63.9 11-22-55 40.8 11-22-55 67.5 14S/3E-30F2 2-25-54 31.0 14S/3E-22L1 3- 4-54 47.5 45 11-24-54 37.5 85 11-22-54 47.2 3-16-55 34.0 3-25-55 47.3 12- 9-55 38.4 11-22-55 47.1 14S/3E-30N1 12- 7-55 30.0 14S/3E-23P1 3- 5-54 87.0 39.4 106 11-17-54 101.2 3-22-55 100.5 14S/3E-31FL 2-25-54 19.9 11-22-55 107.5 38.8 12- 1-54 3-15-55 27.0 23.8 14S/3E-24I^ 3- 5-54 132.2 12- 7-55 27.8 138 11-17-54 3-22-55 11-22-55 148.1 144.2 158.7 -10- rBm.ii^oO)-L SiJaAT Sc^X ■i3r.foin .gfiitqS : * 1. V •tedrnf/zt rXeW, 0.08X 0,08X S.^BX A?-xx-e i^iSi-zf^BSL o.i.-. : -■ * '- ! x.osx o.xa a.ssx T?5-^It\«.U 8,. ~* •" s-^^C -C ■r.f^T, ,;* ■■ ^-tu r-.AA . '^-ac\8.u j\_c-SS-e "* ' , ./:-SS»riX — V ,-^'« . 8.t5: ^'i^-ri-f; z.?I .J>?-?S-S Xii.X-3S\8cI ■' : .. ■' ' ■ ■ ■":..!!■ ee .s<:-?s-£. .:;';r-SC\B?; e.".' .•:i!-*C-XX ;i. ^t ^^-9S~ij: /-t 4 A t- S..7S. c?-xx-.e r " « -J- ■« " '. ■''■ -.''"**. * f- f^:,;-\r'-i£ A.i.?: $?-oe-ix * d.:; ■•. . V. '*> -•■ ■ '" ■ '* ' t.^t TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND VATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 Well number • • Dist. R. P. VJell number Dist. R. P. and / R. P. elev. • Date * • • • • to water surface. and ^ R. P. elev. ; Date ; to water surface. • • in feet «Vf A 4 Si'a^^^ V 4 • • • • in feet 15S/3E-7Ca. 2-25- -54 28.7 15S/3E-12R1 2-25-54 32.0 47.5 12- 3- -54 33.8 80 11-29-54 37.9 3-11- -55 28.0 3- 9-55 34.6 11-30. -55 35.8 11-17-55 a.o 15S/3E-8F1 2-25- -54 29.1 15S/3E-13N1 2-25-54 43.0 49 11-30- -54 39.0 67 11-29-54 48.8 3-11- -55 32.7 3-10-55 43.6 11-30- -55 39.0 11-30-55 51.7 15S/3E-8N1 2-25- -54 24.2 15S/3E-14C1 2- 5-54 37.1 47.4 12- 3- -54 31.0 65 11-18-54 48.9 3-11- -55 26,7 3-10-55 40.2 11-30-55 33.6 11-30-55 47.7 15S/3E-9E3 2-25- -54 28.7 15S/3E-15F1 2-25-54 36.1 54 12- 3- -54 35.8 66.3 11-18-54 48.2 3-11- -55 30.9 3-10-55 39.6 11-30-55 38.6 11-21-55 49.6 15S/3E-9J1 2-25- •54 35.9 15S/3E-16B2 2-25-54 29.0 60.7 11-29- -54 44.0 57.6 11-29-54 43.7 3-11- ■55 35.6 3-11-55 32.2 11-30- -55 43.0 11-21-55 48.2 15S/3E-11M1 2-25- -54 38.0 15S/3&-16KL 2-25-54 29.7 65.3 11-18- -54 47.9 58 11-18-54 47.8 3-22- -55 53.8 3-10-55 32.3 11-21- -55 50.0 11-30-55 40.0 15S/3E-12E2 2-25- -54 47.9 15S/3E-17P1 2-28-54 26.9 65 12- 1- -54 58.7 55 11-15-54 a. 6 3-24- -55 59.3 11-30-55 34.3 11-17- -55 64.2 15S/3E-18FL 43.7 2-28-54 11-29-54 3-11-55 26.0 36.2 26.2 .12- ( bsutilifioO) I SJelAT 5d.I ^lia'i d^ifo-- M -vqc/ .i ,9> . .J-8.Ki ' e:f3t; rvblo . ; ..^i 'laJaw - ■ .-, r\ f^, '^*r:^:J * ■/vwXm ."i .3 .*..'^ 1 -Ci-. \c.'. i. 9.?e. >i s'.fl c\^A d.^e ?<:-e -c 0.8S l-^-ii-t 0,1 1\ -■^ ..r- r . r r ■'^..?^ ^*^~nr.-j:i +St:- x'lfii-seVB? r. i . vrS \ / v^ . +•■ cc- lO.,v.r-gf\8<^.X Ae- . '^ ■ ^.d^ Hjie-4>.i-X.L U.i«L ie- S.O^i <:e-ox-.e V ~ "^ ee-^.:-- VSi^ ^?_nf„r.r -;*^t-ii: v.ot c:c-.:i-£ s;adx-'5e\8er ,\C-8X-Xi iMdE-'?r\85i > , ??-xc-xr m ; ."■■ ' '' ■'..35 ■♦-V V — ■' A?-X "■ . -, - r-. . r '^.'^r At £\8ex V.X _c TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 Well nirmber and bJ R. P. elev. Date sDist. R. P. : to water : surface, ; in feet :Dist. R. P. Well number. : to water and a/: Date : surface , R. P. elev. . : in feet 15S/3E-22G1 65.2 2-25-54 11-18-54 3-25-55 11-30-55 33.1 45.2 44.4 43.5 15S/4E-6R1 93.7 3-11-54 11-16-54 3- 9-55 11-21-55 70.9 79.7 68.2 83.0 15S/3E-23R1 50 2-28-54 11-15-54 3-10-55 11-30-55 21.3 31.8 24.2 32.4 15S/4E-7A1 89.1 3-11-54 11-16-54 3- 8-55 11-21-55 68.6 73.8 69.0 77.2 15S/3E-25Q1 80 2-28-54 11-29-54 3-10-55 11-29-55 38.6 47.2 a. 8 51.0 15S/4E-8C1 98 3-11-54 11-16-54 3-22-55 11-21-55 79.3 82.5 86.0 85.5 15S/3E-28B1 61 2-28-54 11-15-54 3-10-55 11-30-55 26.8 40.8 28.8 39.4 15S/4E-8U 104.6 3- 5-54 11-16-54 3- 8-55 11-21-55 77.7 86.5 73.6 90.2 15S/4E-5C1 125 3- 5-54 12-17-54 3- 9-55 11-21-55 109.5 115.2 102.8 124.0 15S/4E-8N1 88 3- 5-54 11-16-54 3- 8-55 11-21-55 60.0 67.8 57.8 71.2 15S/4E-5^a 103.4 3-12-54 11-17-54 3- 9-55 11-30-55 88.9 91.0 88.5 94.4 15S/4E-8Q1 113.2 3- 5-54 11-16-54 3- 8-55 11-21-55 86.8 97.5 88.4 99.7 15S/4E-6D1 105 3-11-54 12-17-54 3- 9-55 11-21-55 86.4 97.1 83.3 101.6 15S/4E-9D1 127 3-12-54 11-16-54 3- 9-55 11-22-55 111.8 125.8 107.0 128.3 15S/4E-6L1 96.6 3-11-54 11-17-54 3- 8-55 11-21-55 75.6 86.8 77.8 88.5 15S/4E-14N1 234 3- 5-54 11-16-54 3- 8-55 11-17-55 215.4 227.3 217.8 232.0 -.13- ??P- ■'* i??- -^.•••-sr . /eXs k\CV ;^>ii-: ^.?v V->r- S»l><^ 0.f8 a.8d ;ie-. 8.CV 0.?d «:-H -e s.w .^?-C£-XI B.Ii, ^^-. ifles- Ov -■=r>k\sei O.X^i S..0? ... --,.-11 5?-oi-r IflBS'. i.(il] ■> - r-i,, re, rr s.cix • ■ 8. XII <• •f r ^e-sx-, ■ -. ,\ r ?-aA2?i r.>iSi \.?rc \?_ . . ^':* V.Sfe •--',1+^ • r 0,SA j>C-^S-S X-i-i A.SV 'X >.AOI TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND UATER AT VJELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 Well number' and /. R. P. elevr • Date :Dist. R. P. : to water s surface , ; in feet VJell niraber' and R. P. ele ^\ Date :Dist, R. P. ; to water : surface, ; in feet 15S/AE-31A1 2-26-54 23.7 16S/4E-8J1 11-15-54 34.3 65 11-19-54- 32.6 85 3-10-55 30.3 2-28-55 27.0 11-29-55 38.4 11-29-55 36.0 16S/4E-9A1 11-29-55 46.0 15S//,E-33iU. 3- 8-54 80.8 99 125 12- 3-54 84.6 3- 9-55 82.0 16S/4E-10R2 3-12-54 b/ 11-17-55 91.0 99 11-15-54 3-31-55 41.1 b/ 15S/4.E-34L1 3- 8-54 83.4 11-29-55 44.2 132 11-29-54 88.0 3- 9-55 81.8 16S/4E-11D1 2-28-54 48.5 11-15-55 90.0 110 11-12-54 3- 9-55 52.5 49.6 15SAE-36H1 3- 8-54 275.0 11-15-55 57.5 326.5 12- 3-54 281.6 3- 7-55 278.5 16S/4E-13H1 2-28-54 47.8 11-15-55 292.5 120 11-12-54 3-24-55 52.8 52.1 15S/AE-36P1 3-12-54 191.5 11-15-55 57.0 255 11-12-54 197.2 3- 8-55 191.5 16S/4E-13R1 2-28-54 39.7 11-15-55 202.0 115 16S/4E-2Q2 2-28-54 76.5 16S/4E-15D1 2-28-54 37.3 135.5 11-12-54 81.8 99 11-15-54 43.0 3- 9-55 90.3 3-31-55 b/ 11-15-55 85.8 11-29-55 46.2 16SAE-4.C1 2-26-54 32.5 16S/4E-15R2 2-28-54 34.9 87 11-18-54 40.9 100 11-15-54 a.4 3-10-55 36.6 3-10-55 37.5 11-29-55 44.5 11-29-55 43.6 16S//,F,-8B1 2-26-54 26.9 16S/4E-16E1 2-26-54 36.9 83 11-15-54 35.3 100 11-15-54 a. 6 3-10-55 30.6 3-10-55 39.0 11-29-55 38.6 11-29-55 45.3 -15- (r>et/.tttnoO)>.X axSAT ■ 4,,, „4 . r&dmun tl&J X 7 . isdraun -HevF _-lss.l«ai»i — . ; Misl.u ;.„ ..^ I.XA ^1 '■ ■- f r :^.f:ox-aA^^r e9 c.r; v.?r-rx ::.'xi-5?A£d.c 0X1 0/"'^ i-sLx.; OSI ■'■' ■ : ':■ ■ -.- '. exx e?-^-xi A. f a. a oox OOX ,S,Ar ?r..-:K,.r,r O.V' o.d^ ':5-ea»xx xav>-a^\Gdx ■ ■ . ■ pp e.' - ■' . 8.X' 0.?. . i}i»3LA\3dX 5.AA 5^-eS" rx d.Ot . . ■' r :• -.-i.i\\cidX *i 'V "^r- TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND VfATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 V/ell niomber. and ^/. R. P. elevr ! Date :Dist. R. P. : to water : surface, ; in feet Vfell number. ^"^ a/: R. P. elevr . Date :Di8t. R. P. ; to water : surface, ; in feet 16S/4E-24C1 107 2-28-54 11-15-54 3-10-55 11-29-55 35.2 a. 9 39.0 43.5 16S/5JM8G1 145 3-12-54 11-12-54 3- 7-55 11-15-55 b/ 80.3 82.0 84.6 16S/4E-25C2 112 3-12-54 11-15-54 3-25-55 11-29-55 b/ 39.0 40.7 43.0 16S/5E-19FI 117 3- 1-54 11-12-54 3- 7-55 11-15-55 37.9 40.6 38.6 48.6 16S/4E-25P1 100 3- 1-54 11-15-54 3-10-55 11-29-55 19.0 22.8 23.2 25.8 16S/5E-20G2 161 3-22-54 11-12-54 3- 7-55 11-15-55 88.4 94.2 85.2 97.7 16S/5E-7F1 195 3-12-54 11-12-54 3-31-55 11-15-55 b/ 130.5 b/ 133.7 16S/5E-20R1 162 3- 8-54 11-12-54 3-25-55 11-15-55 93.5 94.6 98.0 97.8 16S/5E-8Q1 232 3- 8-54 11-12-54 3- 7-55 11-15-55 154.0 156.2 153.6 164.1 16S/5E-21R1 244 3- 8-54 11-12-54 3-31-55 12- 7-55 153.8 161.8 b/ 158.4 16S/5E-17P1 165 3-12-54 11-12-54 3- 7-55 11-15-55 90.7 93.2 90.6 95.8 16S/5E-28D1 169 3-12-54 11-10-54 3- 7-55 11-15-55 b/ 92.6 90.2 96.1 16S/5E-17R1 210 3-22-54 11-12-54 3- 7-55 11-15-55 106.2 111.6 107.2 107.8 16S/5E-28J1 215 3- 1-54 11-12-54 3- 7-55 11-15-55 121.1 127.1 121.2 127.3 16S/5E-18B1 145.6 3-12-54 11-12-54 3-25-55 11-15-55 b/ 81.0 V 84.7 16S/5E-28P1 116 3- 8-54 11-12-54 3- 7-55 11-15-55 97.8 106.5 96.4 109.2 -16- [ b9.unl.1 .'lor ■■J*' cxri. ^-^^"X AC->X-C 2C ?^,e?' ^C-SiX-ii. ?.?-X5:-e -•iX-iX ..-V -e. ?a-.?x.xi ':ps-se\adx "^4 S.09 >?-ox--.rf ^'IX 1 .0. ■ I?-SX-XI I ■. » . . . ■ \ -. ... edx Si.ISI $5-ex-xi c.aox .u^.XXi S.WX A5-RX-Xi Xflvx-a5\adx oxs: ^\?-'Si-xi ^?-$x-x;. oIX Ae-sx- A?-s;x-ij. • v'ldX TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 « « • • Dist. R. P. : :] 3ist. R. P. Well number • « '^ ••• h^ ^^ V ^ * ^ ^ w to water Well number to water and a/ j Date '. surface , and a/ ! Date '. surface , R. P. elev. t • • • in feet R. P. elev. in feet 16S/5E-30E1 3- 1-54 37.6 17S/5E-3]F1 3- 1-54 51.9 118 11-15-54 a. 5 11-10-54 56.2 3-10-55 40.8 3- 4-55 53.5 11-29-55 47.0 11- 7-55 58.8 16S/5E-31M1 3- 1-54 27.7 17S/5E-3L1 3- 1-54 47.0 121 11-15-54 32.4 150 11-10-54 51.5 3-10-55 29.8 3-31-55 b/ 11-10-55 36.6 11- 7-55 60.2 16S/5E-31Q1 3- 1-54 26.2 17S/5E-4K1 11- 7-55 42.6 124 11-15-54 3-10-55 36.8 28.4 145 11-10-55 37.5 17S/5E-4N1 3- 1-54 21.5 122 11-10-54 27.1 16S/5E-32H2 3- 1-54 43.8 3-31-55 b/ 136 11-10-54 3- 7-55 48.0 45.8 11- 7-55 27.8 11-10-55 52.3 17S/5E-5G1 3- 1-54 17.3 118 11-10-54 22.8 17S/4E-1D1 3-26-54 58.3 3- 4-55 20.1 155 12- 3-54 3-14-55 59.7 57.5 11- 7-55 27.7 11-29-55 63.5 17S/5E-6Q1 3- 8-54 17.6 117 11- 8-54 22.7 17S/5E-?A1 3-15-54 191.0 3- 3-55 19.3 305 11-10-54 3- 7-55 194.8 185.0 11- 9-55 26.3 11-10-55 201.5 17S/5E-8L1 2-26-54 29.0 140 11-19-54 32.4 17S/5E-2C3 3- 1-54 169.2 3- 3-55 31.2 295 12- 3-54 3- 7-55 b/ 168.0 11- 9-55 35.8 11-28-55 178.0 17S/5E-9R1 3-15-54 21.2 135 11-10-54 25.3 17S/5F,-?T,1 3- 1-54 96.8 3- 4-55 24.5 195 11- 7-55 29.5 -17- ( beanl&nc'' 3J,iaW TA >r ■eW ■''■:'r:-v oi •: . t<-.idi)u;n UairtT ' .; -j,S,.l j>.;. e.£c +^r i'5:c-§ie\£VI d.y^ C ' ' - J. L ••t 'A ' xi 8.<^ o.t; ijfvae\£vi * , ^. ■ :ii-a*\8^i ♦^.S- ;' - ' - '' " ';■•/, ^;v-xc> . rC~Oi"j. r?-^ ~a '■■^ ■ r^-Or-.C] "■' -'■' ^-Lx i..,;t-av:\S?I ., "l .- ^;J-i -I. .,.,,. ciJ aIs , - ' '•^-. IJA^'^Ais^-.i — -, r - j- . . F »— ■ . .,-ii SSI V. K)5-3?\8VX S.f. is;e-a5\sd£ ^C-Ol-II :5?.,o „rr >^ *"":*>*. ,:^ r -. .-XI 'V.!- "Xj: C.sC 0.?8X •f.-i.-t. -X -£ -Ti -TX- TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 • i Dist. R. P. : :Dist. R. P. V/ell number : : to water VJell number to water and a/ . Date . • • surface , and ^ '. Date '. surface , R. P. elev. « • • • in feet R. P. elev. in fefit 17S/5E-10Q1 3- 1-54 29.0 17S/5E-36J1 2-26-54 19.6 V,6 11-10-54 33.4 167 11- 8-54 23.6 3- 4-55 31.2 3- 3-55 20.2 11- 7-55 35.6 11- 9-55 25.6 17S/5E-11C1 3- 1-54 58.0 17S/6E-7Q1 3- 1-54 107.0 172 12- 3-54 60.8 223 11- 9-54 119.4 3- 7-55 59.3 3- 4-55 108.5 11-28-55 64.4 11- 9-55 132.5 17S/5E-13E1 11- 7-55 42.5 17S/6E-16P1 3- 1-54 116.3 160 260 11- 9-54 3- 4-55 125.0 114.8 17S/5E-14D1 3- 1-54 26.9 12- 7-55 121.7 148 11-10-54 33.6 3- 4-55 28.2 17S/6E-19D1 3- 1-54 34.7 11- 7-55 34.8 170 11-10-54 3- 4-55 37.0 35.9 17S/5E-22G1 3- 8-54 14.0 11- 7-55 41.1 140 11-19-54 19.2 4- 1-55 16.3 17S/6E-20E2 185 11- 7-55 32.3 17S/5E-24G1 3- 1-54 29.3 162 11-10-54 37.4 17S/6E-21N1 3- 1-54 41.4 3- 4-55 30.9 189 12- 2-54 42.0 11- 7-55 39.2 3- 4-55 11-10-55 38.7 48.0 17S/5E-25L1 2-26-54 22.8 152 11- 8-54 26.2 17S/6E-26N1 3- 1-54 77.6 3- 3-55 23.2 249 11- 9-55 28.1 17S/6E-27E1 3- 1-54 79.1 17S/5E-36F2 2-26-54 24.1 236 11- 9-54 84.3 170 11- 8-54 26.6 3- 4-55 77.6 3- 3-55 24.2 11-10-55 86.1 11- 9-55 28.4 -18- CC\ ( b^sjctf.&rto'^-'' .'i .'n .JslQ i?.i?l.„ISA. 1 0J£?' "■-■ . , ■ A2-8 -il ?,?'9 -II ■.dc»a5\8vi Vr>I O.VOI ^.Pil e.801 ?.sei r- • \, -- Q.V -ix i,Mi . :I0^!'■:7^*■ ^d•Cli 'i\k ^.C€ ^?-oi-n e$-v -?: ■Li Li m^L- OM ^,iA .;u--"i -t O.SN ^?-'i -Sf V.8P «- 0.8A ?$-Ui-l,L rui f;,^'> Ji2-I -e I0AS-3i2\2VI s.f?e $e-v -IX d.w ^P - 4\ 8.'^ \:j-o .II ^ . ",, S.?^r . ■ - 'i: d.c. 0,.i . ^.' -51 .i;^oe :c^\^vi -9 -rj Oc\ iHAe-aa\evi -Qi- TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 195A through Pall, 1955 Well munber and ^ R. P. elev. : :] ; Date ; t • • • 3ist. R. P. to water surface, in feet Well number and a/ R. P. elevT : : ; Date ; Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet 18S/6E-7A1 2-26-54 30.6 18S/6E-14R1 2-26-54 35.8 195 11- 5-54 37.2 226 11- 8-54 49.3 3- 3-55 30.5 3- 1-55 35.8 11- 9-55 36.4 11- 8-55 47.6 18S/6E-8R1 11- 5-54 136.0 18S/6E-15F1 2-27-54 29.2 286 3- 3-55 128.2 215 11- 5-54 39.4 11- 9-55 135.2 3- 3-55 12- 7-55 30.4 39.8 18S/6E-91'n. 2-27-54 31.4 200 18S/6E-15Ma. 2-27-54 93.1 281 11- 5-54 108.8 18S/6E-9R1 2-27-54 23.1 3- 3-55 96,7 203 11- 5-54 3- 3-55 31.2 22.9 11- 9-55 109.3 11- 9-55 33.0 18S/6E-15Q1 2-27-54 37.0 218 11- 5-54 48.5 18S/6E-11J1 3-15-54 b/ 3- 3-55 37.0 215 11-19-54 3- 1-55 45.3 33.0 11- 9-55 56.5 11-28-55 46.8 18S/6E-25F1 2-27-54 54.9 255 11-19-54 66.7 18S/6E-12A1 2-26-57 35.6 3- 1-55 52.3 222 11- 9-54 3- 1-55 42.7 35.5 11- 4-55 67.8 11-28-55 42.8 18S/6E-27A1 3- 3-55 47.5 250 11- 9-55 61.4 18S/6E-12R1 2-26-54 37.9 225 11- 8-54 44.2 18S/6E-27C1 11- 9-55 163.5 3- 1-55 38.3 345 11- 8-55 44.8 18S/6E-28J1 3-15-54 b/ 18S/6E-14B1 2-26-54 32.3 400 11- 3-54 220.4 217 11- 8-54 41.7 3- 2-55 211.5 3- 1-55 32.1 11-8-55 221.8 11- 8-55 42.5 -20- (bQualSnij^ Qim; TA ai?Tf'. .4 .K ..+sJ:a &3Ql at • 1 * < 'ledmm XXel' B.^l X>iAI-iid\aiiX e.p> ^?-S -IX 8;-a? ??•-£ "^ d.Viv s.^es A>-vs-s I5?I-?^A\?,S(I ^.PC ^^(!-e • ■ A.0-- ■••'^-c -^ ^/. '"■^V -fix itt< 4it-'>S-S ,;^nx' S;ao=i ^?-? ~ii ■ .1 :!:tvvs-s i2a-aI<^\38X e.BA ^e-? -''' ^ff; O.V£ e.c: A^8X V.cJ VPX-IX ?2S Cic ce-i -e BS>> ??-.A -XI iS^ r, ."^ <^ if-i i c^.i 0, V y.>iaua iisvi .vols . v^e -XX ^.it A?-? -XX \2. c.^ '■ -iidV:>>i U»+-. ■-ix ^^^ r V c-B -IX \a ''-ex-t: A/" ' -e -Xi 2.:: . ---s -c -XI a.i. ■: %xx XiiT-3A?'SI ec^x r;:X jji n.ri-3c^\38l ISX-So- -T-^\rf^ I TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND 1/ATER AT IfELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 Well number Dist. R. ^* Well number Dist. R. P. and ^ R. P. elevT ; Date ' « • • • to water ^nd „/ surface, r, p, giev^ in feet ; Date ; to water surface, in feet 18S/6E-34B1 2-27-54 143.8 18S/7E-29D1 2-27-54 57.7 345 11- 5-54 159.5 263 11- 8-54 64.2 3- 2-55 139.8 3- 1-55 58.2 11- 8-55 169.0 18S/7B-29G1 2-27-54 54.3 18S/6E-36l>a 2-27-54 122.8 257 330 12- 2-54 139.5 3- 2-55 118.0 18S/7E-29M1 2-27-54 67.0 11- 8-55 b/ 207 11- 8-54 3- 1-55 73.1 68.0 18S/7E-16P1 3-10-54 23.1 11- 4-55 74.3 230 11- 3-54 28.1 3- 4-55 21.5 18S/7E-33J1 3-15-54 V 11-10-55 29.2 243 11- 3-54 3- 1-55 43.6 34.4 18S/7E-18D1 2-26-54 12.7 11- 4-55 44.8 205 11- 8-54 49.5 3- 1-55 11.3 19S/6E-m 2-27-54 121.5 11- 8-55 19.9 328 12- 2-54 11- 8-55 126.5 134.6 18S/7E-18K1 2-26-54 11.7 208 11- 8-54 13.7 19S/6E-2D1 2-27-54 83.8 3- 1-55 13.5 300 11- 4-54 102.7 11- 4-55 13.5 3-24-55 77.0 18S/7E-18P1 2-26-54 37.0 ; ' 19S/6E-3E2 2-27-54 206.8 231 11-15-54 43.1 400 11- 4-54 221.5 3- 1-55 39.3 11- 8-55 225.0 11- 4-55 48.2 19S/6E-11C1 2-27-54 164.5 18S/7E-28K1 2-27-54 33.9 375 12- 2-54 181.2 249 11- 8-54 43.7 3- 2-55 160.5 3- 1-55 34.8 11- 8-55 184.3 11- 4-55 43.7 19S/6E-12F1 2-27-54 144.1 18S/7E-28N1 3-15-54 48.3 351 11- 4-54 157.5 256 11- 8-54 53.3 3- 2-55 142.2 3- 1-55 48.6 11- 4-55 162.6 11- 4-55 57.3 -21- ( ^a,tfrft^ftr^j ] ;<»'"' e?^£ ,.LL3 IXeU xadtBi/jct lleW Aft b(U8 A\?. ,v _ ',- ??-A -IX ^?~S -SI a.^ex e?~"- -XI ■::..-.:. •3^1 ooe! T.SX :\b -Xx •Ir if^-s; -sr. ^e-ox- e.v^ -ii r» r - -c • ■ ).i \MX AC-ds-^ v.a \,^^p _rr bnJ5" ,\e-ad\88x ?0S S.dOS A?-VSiS e.iss A?-A -XX 0,t^SE ??-S -XI ■eei v^W^ S.X3X jk?-<^. ~<^r ?rf ?.odx ei; c.A&x e- d.SdX Cr-^ -II ^■^.. 'BC-^VXEJ^I €*.SA ^:^-8'-ix ee-x -c ??-j. -ex TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND VJATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954, through Fall, 1955 Well number and / R. P. elevT^ ! Date s Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet Well number and / R. P. elevT : :] 5 Date '• I : • • • • Dist. R. P. to water surface , in feet 19S/7E-1N1 255 3-16-54 11- 3-54 3-23-55 11-28-55 b/ 32.6 27.3 31.0 19S/7E-13D1 259 3-10-54 11- 3-54 3-31-55 11-28-55 28.4 36.5 30.5 36.5 19S/7E-2L1 255 11-28-55 37.2 19S/7E-14N1 401 11-25-55 109.2 19S/7E-5J1 268 2-27-54 11- 3-54 3- 1-55 11- 4-55 54.1 61.0 56.6 62.2 19S/7E-l6nL ao 3- 9-54 11- 3-54 3-14-55 11-25-55 182.2 184.2 185.0 187.8 19S/7E-6L1 304 2-27-54 100+ 19S/7E-22D1 423 11- 3-54 11-25-55 133.2 191.2 19S/7E-6P1 304 3- 2-55 11- 4-55 94.2 103.5 19S/7E-24H2 296 11-28-55 32.0 19S/7E-8D1 287 2-27-54 11- 4-54 3- 2-55 11- 4-55 76.4 84.2 75.0 82.4 19S/7E-27A1 375 3- 9-54 11- 3-54 3-14-55 11-25-55 125.0 132.1 125.3 132.0 19S/7E-8N1 357 2-27-54 11- 4-54 3- 2-55 11- 4-55 137.4 141.8 138.5 144.7 19S/8E-19K1 323 3-10-54 11- 2-54 3-23-55 11-28-55 31.3 36.5 V 37.6 19S/7E-9C1 257 19S/7E-10P1 315 2-27-54 11- 3-54 3- 1-55 11- 4-55 3- 9-54 11- 3-54 3-31-55 11-25-55 35.6 42.8 36.3 43.0 87.0 94.4 b/ 93.0 19S/SE-27N3 393 19S/8E-31B1 298 11- 2-54 3-14-55 11-25-55 2-16-54 11- 2-54 11-28-55 115.4 112.3 116.0 42.8 45.8 48.3 -22- ike! ??i-i »IJ.s'4 rfgu-o- JJ3W OJ- , i^dptf.' ■•n/v s .H -t EX V .-.CI s:.^:^ SS-3.AS(?I ''OOi ■;ei -!^ -XX vec s.?sr A^-S -XX N • • "-■• $e-Ai-e S.BSI 5e-2S-XX 8.O0 ('(Vrs-xx ^.'•'-r' ;. '' X9?s;-38\aos: A.Ae ^e-s -xx 0A£ e$-Ax-e K- ■ ;.;ia-a^Vxs d.-JuC ^5-X -iX ode ge-^s-xx ns-'-asXaos ^.ex ee-€';-c evs ?.M. ee-Ax-ii x.j^e >?-ox ■OS iL.CS A5-e -t \a.[s ^-.OA Ae-s -ii -(.:■, t:. 8.8S - ^e-x -XX ^.iz 'NA'-e £.£?; ee-es-e I.SS r.xs A5-0X-C . ..i8\30S o.ex A5~9 < xa8-ae\axs C.2S Aa-s -XX exc 6.dX Ae-x -XX ^AC V.9X ee-Ax-e s.?x ?e-{;s-c: o.e<: cit'-es-xx x.-?x ?2^I-XX -es- TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1954 through Fall, 1955 Well ntimber : : Dist. R. P. to \irater Well number. \ • • Dist. R. P. to water and ^ R. P. elevT . Date . surface, in feet and ^1. Date . R. P. elevT *. \ « • surface, in feet 21S/9E-15K1 3- 9-54 b/ 21S/lOE-32I'n. 3- 9-54 20.5 370 400 11-19-54 3-31-55 23.6 b/ 21S/9E-15K2 11-19-54 15.0 11-14-55 23.0 395 3-31-55 14.6 11-14-55 15.3 22S/10E-9P1 3- 9-54 463 11- 1-54 63.1 68.6 21S/9E-16B1 3- 9-54 17.9 3-31-55 b/ 355 11- 1-54 3-23-55 18.4 17.3 11-14-55 66.2 11-14-55 18.0 22S/10E-16K1 3- 9-54 472 11- 1-54 71.0 77.7 21S/9E-17Q1 3- 9-54 108.2 3-23-55 69.4 450 11- 1-54 109.8 11-14-55 74.6 3-23-55 11-14-55 108.2 109.6 22SA0E-16P1 3- 9-54 425 12- 2-54 23.4 28.0 21S/9E-23G1 3- 9-54 b/ 3-31-55 23.0 386 12- 2-54 29.1 11-14-55 27.3 3-23-55 11-14-55 25.3 28.2 22S/10E-17N1 3- 9-54 502 11- 1-54 106.3 109.6 21S/9E-24L1 397 3- 9-54 11- 1-54 b/ 33.3 3-23-55 11-14-55 106.0 109.8 3-31-55 b/ 22S/10E-.21R1 11-14-55 16.7 11-14-55 34.8 421 21S/10E-30P1 3- 9-54 53.4 22S/10E-22D2 3- 9-54 61.2 430 11- 1-54 56.4 465 11- 1-54 65.8 3-23-55 53.7 3-23-55 58.9 11-14-55 56.0 11-14-55 22S/10E-34G1 11-14-55 476 63.8 62.0 a/ Reference Point elevation in feet above mean sea level, U.S.G.S. datum b/ Pumping — No measvirement -2U- ajJ3if ?t p:v^!-\' c: ., 3iiiiq8 ■-as-8 XA0e-3S\8a £«dX ..''«- .;-ex-8 ?$-^S-8 xaoe-asV.ex L.i^ 55~Si i.l^. .-8S-S XHoe-?s:\?.c:x I.SX ;oi-,?s\a£i -■• . .-fiO-S^ ■H9X-SS\..-. ?.^v; :'-e'-ss-8 saxe-as\Bei I.'-? ■ ,VSS-8 SM0S-3S\8eX X.VS-; P.8S A(*~? ■■ • - .^ie-as\.S€x "" •'■* *^' V-Vw,'"^ .•o?-:i?,\3f.', .-8 a\sei .■■ # ■-■ . . a?~8i-^ fTrF-3'i\srx ■ ' . J ' 8.V \?L^z:^ rjxf-3s\8ex .ox C-8S-8 £(;<;■'•" -^iic^. TABLE 2 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND UATER AT IJELLS IN NASHUA GROUND WATER TROUGH August, 1954 and August, 1955 Well ntunber and a/ R. P. elev. Date :Dist. R. P. : to water ! surface, ; In feet Well number and qJ R. P. elev. Date :Dist. R. P. : to water ! surface , ; in feet 13S/2E-31M2 9.1 8-15-54 24.7 14S/2E-3R1 16.5 8-15-54 8-28-55 26.4 27.4 13S/2E-31N2 11.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 25.4 25.3 14S/2E-4A1 16.4 8-15-54 8-28-55 27.3 28.0 13S/2E-31Q1 11.3 8-15-54 27.2 14S/2E-4F1 13.1 8-15-54 8-28-55 26.5 28.2 13S/2E-32C1 8.8 8-15-54 8-28-55 30.8 32.2 14S/2E-4KL 16.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 27.5 27.9 13S/2E-32P1 11.7 8-15-54 8-28-55 21.5 21.9 14S/2E-4P2 15.5 8-15-54 8-28-55 32.9 30.2 13S/2E-32Q2 14.0 8-28-55 ?4.0 14S/2E-4R1 17.1 8-15-54 8-28-55 34.9 35.6 13S/2E-33E1 8.8 8-15-54 8-28-55 18.8 19.0 14S/2E-5C2 14.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 32.9 34.4 13S/2E-33N2 12.9 8-15-54 8-28-55 22.9 24.0 14S/2E-5F1 13.3 8-15-54 8-28-55 23.8 23.5 13S/2E-33R1 25.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 35.6 37.8 1/„S/2E-5F4 12.9 8-28-55 31.5 13S/2E-35L1 1.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 18.5 16.2 14S/2E-5H1 12.9 8-15-54 8-28-55 25.5 26.9 14S/2E-3C1 11.2 8-15-54 8-28-55 38.0 37.7 14S/2E-6J3 13.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 27.1 27.5 14S/2E-3F1 15.0 8-28-55 31.8 14S/2E-6Q1 13.0 8-28-55 26.4 14S/2E-3L1 17.0 8-28-55 32.7 14S/2E-7K1 13.6 8-15-54 8-28-55 24.3 24.0 -26- ' hetrnii •i:y;i„w oJ' s :* Tit,-, e5"8S-8 e.dx ^\.\s ^C- 1S\8CX ■ X.9 0.8S JAA-S'^VPM ce--8S-8 O.II ' e.a. 5?-8S~-8 n^^^s^.^M ■:s^ 5?-8S-S 0. e5-8S-8 ??-8S-0 c^\~f!'^\nAn e.xs 55-8S-8 ?.IX ee-as-8 xHA-asV -i x.vx O.V^ v-o -.- - r r O.AX 9.S'.. Fo-ss-s soe-asVAx o.n ^.ax .i^-?x-^. 5^-as-8 oi^'s c • .•.^. . ■ '■ -. ■.".- \T?_Tr;\r,\r r).?; ce-as-a ■ ■ - -( c ?e-8S-8 "^ e- ■ ^. . ••■ i. S.dX ^5-8S-8 f >. * 1 .A ?•:■ . i.>o - 0. . ?e-8S-8 ^.XX ^.JS f o.r.r ^ * ^C ,■?...■ c„r. J ' V- \aj TABLE 2 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND ^ JATER AT VIELLS IN NASHUA GROUND WATER TROUGH August, 1954 and August, 1955 Well number! and R. P. ele y= Date :Dist. R. P. : to water : surface, ; in feet Well number' and R. P. ele ^\ Date :Dist. R. P. : to water : surface, t in feet 14S/2E-8C1 14.3 8-28-55 24.8 14S/2E-15H1 27.1 8-15-54 8-28-55 47.0 42.5 14S/2E-8K1 19.5 8-15-54 8-28-55 34.8 33.0 14S/2E-16J2 25.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 36.3 37.0 14S/2E-9C1 18.7 8-15-54 8-28-55 32.9 32.7 14S/2E-17A1 18.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 32.5 32.4 14S/2E-9E1 17.9 8-28-55 31.3 14S/2E-17B2 18.3 8-15-54 8-28-55 30.4 34.4 14S/2E-9H1 19.8 8-15-54 8-28-55 36.5 38.1 14S/2E-18D1 7.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 13.1 13.4 14S/2E-9K1 18.9 8-15-54 8-28-55 31.5 33.6 14S/2E-21J1 25.7 8-28-55 37.8 14S/2E-10A1 20.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 38.9 40.8 14S/2E-22FL 24.5 8-15-54 8-28-55 44.5 37.8 14S/2E-10G1 21.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 32.8 38.5 14S/2E-22P2 27.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 43.3 39.2 V,S/2E-10R1 23.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 39.9 39.6 14S/2E-23A1 33.7 8-15-54 8-28-55 48.8 49.4 14S/2E-11G1 18.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 28.9 31.8 14S/2E-23L1 29.3 8-15-54 8-28-55 49.5 52.8 14S/2E-12Q1 63.0 8-28-55 83.8 14S/2E-26J2 30.6 8-28-55 42.3 14S/2E-14L1 26.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 49.5 50.8 14S/2E-26P1 29.0 8-15-54 8-28-55 39.5 42.0 14S/2E-15G1 24.0 8-15-54 38.5 14S/2E-27G2 31.2 8-15-54 8-28-55 40.8 45.2 -27- .^ ,fl .c^aiO: • ocf. jl!sal„n^-. e.v. rrc,l' .4 .H . •■f/rir^rrr f foW i^Q-^^^Xsji I re !:^^' +\.^.' S.^^f 8.ff ??-8S-.J ■J . r<^ -TS- TABLE 2 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTHS TO GROUND TfATER AT IFELLS IN NASHUA GROUND WATER TROUGH Avigust, 1954. and August, 1955 Well ntunber* and a/! R. P. elev. : Date :Dist. R. P. : to water : surface, ; in feet VJell number] and a/'. R. P. elev. • Date jDist. R. P. : to water : surface, ; in feet 1^S/2E-27P2 31.6 8-15-54 8-28-55 A9.0 52.8 14S/2E-34A1 31.0 US/Z&-3UB1 31.4 14S/2E-34B2 31.0 8-15-54 54.5 8-15-54 8-28-55 45.8 46.7 8-15-54 a. 5 a/ Reference Point elevation in feet above mean sea level, U.S.G.S. datum -28- .^^LiUlk-- ... ?, , ^.XA A9-ex- ■J «• I, a. s o ex O <»N o UN UNOO t»N cn ?? NO r-l O UN f:?^ i-i ??S rH J- CM I-i UN PN H I-i §"#, " w '^ 5 •^ M 10 O £1" CM ON r-4 NO rH CM C^ CM O r-l o CM ^ti UN CM r-l eg iH CM ON t^ON ^ § .J. !? §S 5S «4 e 1^" CM o rN 1 1 ^ o CM CM CM ^ NO OS CM r-l o CM PNOO CM rH "?S5 VA UN rH rH ir\co CM O^ o a (0 m O o • O PN PN • • O O r-l • O • o O PN t S1& • • o o • o rHNO CM I-i • • o o CD d UN PN rH O • • o o • • o o 5 ^ vo if 1 1 CM CM CM VO W CM OO PN CM PN CM rH rH UN J- £ b. • o • o • o • o d * o 1 I I I • o • o t o o • o o • O « o • • o o CM rH O O • • o o • o d • • O O I-I d d o o d d I-i d° d d o o d d CM UN ^ C^ CN UN \ts c^ CM PN CM o CM CM PN O PN s> ^A ^^ OO VO CM r-l ^K • o • i-< • t • PNC^ • o • o • o • VO • • •-I o • CM 6 d d d d d UN rH oo o NO U\ 1 1 & o UN CO s- PNrH P-\^^ « t>» ON s^-S eg eg rH J- ^Sl 6^ • o • o • 1 1 • o iH • o r ON • • CM O • VO • t r-l O • • I-I I-i • • rH O • * VO eg K iH l-i 5 c i o a r-l <'^ UN •-> CM UN 1-1 CM C^ UN CM 8 s UN ON o tv rH St PN o ON ^^ ^ OO rii I-i O eg OO OO 00 VO O rH g St S • ON • CM t f • o o r-4 tH t CM • CM • rH • J- • • PN CM eg ■ • PN eg 1 • PN eg • • CM I-i t^ UN g $ u ■* ■rl a p^ t^ fe t *=- 8 • o O o o O o O o O O o O O O O o o O O s g^ O b » "8 O ON eg % ■s ^ s ^-s o CM 'S'S ©^ o o C^. 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CN 8 •^ Ou o M B m u •t o +> +> o B o 1 el ^ < » -iH •0 53- s K • >> ^ r-4 3 -9 IP B O. e o l-oo" IS- B w «ai o •g « .H ■f a. 51 b iH o ■H 4i £ § • • •• •• •• •• •• t-^OO \C CO ^M3 CM CM O r-l CM OO NO r-l 5^P CM ON UN CM U\ UN O CM NO NO 1 VO 1 urv VO UN UN S3 VO UN UN UN en en t^OO en en ^^ ^^ i^{^ 1^ 3Pn ?^{^ ^^ M^ O CM CM en • • o o ! = « • o o o CM NO J- iH • » o o • t o o O &s 03 VO J- UN UNvo 3^ en CO en en en CO iH CM VO UN 00 CM (TV CM CO OV CM NO t^co CM iH 1-4 r-l CM CM VD UN en e^ CM CJ en en ON en cnr-i r^ rH CM VO VO rM en c^ en CM CO NO 5^^ VO UN r-l ON J- J- r-l UN en CO OO CM ^ rH tv ON •s^ IfMTS en en o o O CTN rH OO t^ r-.Vj3 OO tv (TV ffN H • • o o IH IH • • o o enjS- t • o o rH irV VO en NO VO ON ON NO CM ON CM CM J- un3- rH CM CNCM CM J*- UNt^ &S1 &?i o!>& ON CM cnuN en en (H rH en .It- OO OO UN UN J* Jt irvuN UN UN o.* CM CM UN CM (JNVD • f CM en OO OO NO rH • • en en UN J- UN CM • • t^ tH UNC< • « V* NO UN UN rH ON UN On • • ifvj- O ON • • UNJ- eoa- • « UN UN J OO • • UN CM (O OO en o • • en en itnjS- OO ON VO UN 55 • * UN UN t • VD VO en en NO o • • CO to * • en en enrH • • CO OO 5 UN « • NOVO en CM NOVO en ffN OvUN • • rH ITN rH ON en • • NO tv UNfn • • tvoo O O OO oc5 NO J- • • VO NO • • r^No • • '^ UNf^ • l/\ UN t • t>.UN • • VO VO o en CM ,H O ON en-* O ON en OS en CM o o o o CO CO UN UN o o {n UN o o CM iH irv UN ^JJ UN O O OO CM t^CM 58 iH CM CMCM rHiH l-i t-t rHiH iHlH iHl-4 rHfH Jt UN ^ ^ ^K -* ^C ^ UN S* UN ■?>UN JS- J- UN J- UN UN UN IfVUN UN UN UN UN UN UN UN UN UMTS UN UN -ilvi J.A 2>if^ tAjN JkiA cliA nA4 nA'?' NO A AA l-l CM 1 • iH iH iH r-i CM rH CM CTN C4 rH CM iH tlti. tl^ti. OO t>» tl*i. Aoti ti-tl tltl f-i rH iH CM liN CM g en iH ^ ? ^ 1 ^ ^ 4 ^ ^ 4 to to "5 ^ ^ ^. *5- oo CC -33- ?.'? 5 S-; CO -' S 2^ O 1^ « • 8^- /-u t:. ! •fc. 1 1 ** '-/. ^f f. TABLE 5 PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND V/ATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July and August, 1954 and 1955 • • V/ell number: Year : Total : solids* : Chlorides • VIell number: ■ Year : Total solids* • Chlorides • • * sin parts per million • in parts per million 13S/2E-7R1 1954 519 86 13S/2E-29F1 1954 1103 438 1955 735 78 1955 1322 274 13S/2E-8Q1 1955 930 186 13S/2E-29K1 1954 1955 470 718 no 106 13S/2E-16E1 1954 665 222 /-" 1955 633 122 13S/2E-29Q1 1954 1955 986 a8 13S/2E-16E2 1955 956 ?/,6 13S/2E-29R1 1954 1080 338 13S/2E-17J1 1955 a/ 1955 1475 356 13S/2E-18Q1 1954 1051 534 13S/2E-30A1 1954 1955 484 782 162 162 13S/2E-19H1 1954 421 114 1955 574 110 13S/2E-30H1 1954 1955 690 502 74 74 13S/2E-19R1 1954 468 — _— _ 1955 757 158 13S/2E-30L1 1954 1955 535 809 106 146 13S/2E-20M2 1955 580 106 13S/2E-31B1 1954 1023 354 13S/2E-20R1 1954 1955 1385 2044 630 670 1955 1502 482 13S/2E-31D2 1954 476 90 13S/2E-21N1 1954 1955 349 463 82 54 1955 587 94 13S/2E-31G1 1955 540 78 13S/2E-28M1 1954 369 70 1955 536 126 13S/2E-31J1 1954 1955 435 557 78 86 13S/2E-29C2 1954 631 202 1955 997 ?42 13K/2E-31K2 1954 1955 388 524 106 78 13S/2E-29C4 1954 462 126 1955 624 114 13S/2E-31L1 1954 1955 556 769 130 190 13S/2E-29E2 1954 603 238 1955 920 238 13S/2E-31M2 1954 1955 651 787 170 170 -3U- flSTAV/ Q YStlL:. .. '•- ' ^ ^;1IH JAITSAi ' I^fus A?C'X «.re; - J: xoLi • 3 ijXi. jT. RsbiioIrfO ; IrvtoT • • •itjcjmoi-. ■^^•'! N XftJoT : ■; J-C ?0 ■ noilUfli leq xilifi isg e eoxx ;-, , i;.r,\ .; f 0X1 dOX 8U 8XV dSP ^eex ' • r Ofte 5:ea .^r^X saax-as\. set rv\r ?0? ??PX r 0{^ ?v 6V •J.tiC i^uc.- .C"*«^i' %<-■<.- voe dor 8ac ^??x sHie-s 9dV i^e^i. ovx OVX X5d. cx V j./,> AV5 ■^5^^:^ ^e^'X m9L- ose eew sf-ios-asN 5m. AAOS .JS-r-T^SVf: 9^£ ^5^X ee^x Xi4XS-?'^V2r ace Ito A?OI 509S-viS\ . ve^ t -. ■■"^-acv -4e- TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July and August, 1954 and 1955 • • : Total ' Chlorides • Total ' Chlorides Well number: Year : solids* • Well number: Year : solids* • • sin Darts Der million 13S/2E-33N2 1955 in parts 490 ner million 13S/2E-31N2 1954 696 198 70 1955 559 70 13S/2E-33R1 1954 363 74 13S/2E-31P1 1954 1955 491 657 142 126 1955 592 66 13S/3E-30P1 1954 305 78 13S/2E-32A1 1954 1955 429 513 66 74 1955 452 66 13S/3E-35C1 1954 359 58 13S/2E-32B1 1954 1955 960 470 1955 682 102 14S/2E-2M1 1954 308 58 13S/2E-32C1 1954 1955 346 461 78 66 1955 446 46 14S/2E-3F1 1955 574 62 13S/2E-32E1 1954 1402 585 1/,S/2E-3m 1954 521 114 13S/2E-32J1 1954 1955 677 1075 190 306 1955 — — 62 14S/2E-/,E1 1954 349 82 13S/2E-32J2 1954 1955 409 517 62 66 1955 -— 62 14S/2E-4KL 1954 a9 62 13S/2E-32M1 1954 1955 1846 a/ 830 1955 537 70 14S/2E-4N2 1955 556 62 13S/2E-32N1 1954 390 78 1955 510 74 14S/2E-4P2 1954 337 82 13S/2E-32Q1 1954 1955 525 812 98 186 14S/2E-5B1 1955 b/ 14S/2E-5C2 1954 433 70 13S/2E-32Q2 1954 363 1890 1955 541 74 13S/2E-33E1 1954 1955 352 494 86 66 14S/2E-5F4 1955 512 74 14S/2E-5H1 1955 502 66 13S/2E-33N1 1954 397 58 1955 492 66 14S/2E-5L1 1954 1972 886 -35- (hstfnlit-ftoO) 5 5' HOT AM OW.I!- . :-' : liWIi'I .IMTMH sebiTOldO '' leioT J aebx-soXrfO ' Xi-:.To'r i • * .''.-■r f r-?; ; "' , : '.'aW * 'x-fiY •"T'^C^'i!:' _il0/ij,tjil ' OPA : ^iPX ./ ■••■oT "' '*r..3'^\3C:i d9b A59I SMXt-. 0\' Pi'i c^;?I AV eac ^t^i ■ . ft cB Sf?5 iTpr dSX Vcd ^$?X e?ex nxf. 8V ?0f. ^!^I iS.u£-iitVeX ^A S?.i ."■?p.r ,>>. XA^X . -1 eee ^^x'i " :f£\aei ^Ji ?;f*d se(?i O^A ^cC^X s$- 80C .- :s-s.N\8^ir oA bi^. n ■ r 8V da Ida ?59X r ;;■ • r- S;d m. c^^i iic-asNE^M ?pe ~ V>--''.f--.i- ■■ *, ^ r:^c«'™,ir<:^ IS? jj-ie-as\8.M — — ~ tcxi •- *. ■ ■ ■' e^e Ar^I i;i^-as\a^i ■ ■ ■ .. " ■ i>ct — ?.C?'i ' ' ad 90' ■ft.'' \ ■' ^ j- sa eu A?f^',[ iM>-as\Sii t 0? vee ■*.■■■." ■dps <5.^i;X rt9L Ii4Se-S£- sd ^5? t>?f.vr bl Cot ^0:'L ;:0^G-3S' A? SI? so? V) ri3i.' ;'X%.. .. ^.. ,«Oi/rli.i. * . ■ *. ■ 8? eVc r.>':,r 8AA Acet iQp-il' ^^ ••8Ae .i^ a? X?A jac-ssXa-Ax iee A? ji.*- i .-' A^ 88C .a-Hs\SM sd OAA i}i^-5iS\8.M Bn : iw A? nf';u da 13^ .^ jie-r:;. AV ec . -iij^XaAi 8n^' ov v-'C ;"*!0X-'TC\J> A L 4v2 a^ seA sv e^i i;'isi-&'9\aAi OS- v,.5: 8? Asei- i5si~as\?..u 8? fSS 8£ <:5('i 8V 8SA -v'iKXfcAi \a ""'■■" QV 0?? 8? esA [-aS\BAl ^'^ -^^-^ c^ vvA ^'^-iib.y Ae ^.;... a^? 0? 5C?X i.a^'X-SS^'vC.AI uo ^OA -dC- TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July and August, 1954 and 1955 Well number: Year : Total : solids* ', Chlorides • • • Well number: Year : Total : solids* • ', Chlorides • :in part^ per ralllion • • :in parts per million 14S/2E-18D1 1954 820 158 14S/2E-26C1 1954 415 58 1955 893 134 1955 552 46 14S/2E-22F1 1954 1955 390 510 54 50 14S/2E-26J1 1955 1221 242 14S/2E-22P2 1955 508 46 14S/2E-26P1 1954 1955 370 575 50 58 14S/2&-22Q1 1954 1955 421 501 38 38 14S/2E-27P2 1955 515 42 14S/2E-23J1 1954 1955 549 727 106 90 14S/2E-27P3 1954 1955 409 487 34 38 14S/2E-24E1 1954 1955 349 495 74 58 14S/2E-34A1 1954 1955 339 479 34 30 14S/2E-24J1 1954 1955 854 1225 182 170 14S/2E-34A2 1954 1955 447 42 14S/2E-24P1 1954 1955 637 1011 162 142 14S/2E-34B1 1954 1955 385 519 50 38 14S/2E-24Q1 1954 1955 372 510 86 66 14S/2E-35G1 1954 1955 311 438 42 34 14S/2E-25A2 1954 668 178 14S/2E-35Q1 1955 435 26 1955 926 150 14S/2E-36E1 1954 662 122 14S/2E-25B1 1954 718 166 1955 781 106 1955 1035 154 14S/2E-36F1 1955 d/ 1/,S/2E-25D1 1954 561 98 14S/2E-36F2 1954 1151 230 1955 846 94 1955 1348 230 l4S/2E-25n. 14S/2E-26A1 1955 1955 1026 883 178 138 14S/2E-36H1 1954 1955 1259 1680 274 270 14S/?F^36J1 1954 1955 1520 1315 318 334 -37- .liiaoO) e aiSAf iM dPd?fiivi iiiRo Wj '-'0 .tcIriO t XecfoT oe - V sec ?:^,■■ -Te- TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July and August, 1954 and 1955 • • : Total * Chlorides • • Total ' Chlorides Well number: Year : solids^ • • Well number: Year : sol id s^^ ^ * *m^m ^^^m mm* •*» ^^ fr^ • • • :in Darts per million • in parts ■oer million 14S/2E-36L1 1954 1137 186 14S/3E-19Q2 1954 606 166 1955 1955 934 1/,6 14S/2E-36R1 1954 1592 334 ViS/3E-23Pl 1954 444 94 1955 20?/,. 326 1955 492 94 14S/3E-3K1 1954 332 54 l4S/3E-2/,Nl 1954 a? 62 1955 466 34 1955 470 74 14S/3E-/',E1 1954 1955 306 436 54 38 1^S/3E-24Q1 1955 547 102 1AS/3E-25L2 1955 525 82 litS/3E-6U 1954 311 46 1955 424 3S 14S/3E-28B1 1954 1955 285 376 54 38 14S/3E-8C1 1954 438 1,18 1955 594 94 1/,S/3E-28F2 1954 1955 330 383 54 42 14S/3E-10F2 1954 304 46 1955 431 42 1/,S/3E-30E1 1954 1955 1201 1422 338 254 14S/3E-10P1 1954 300 50 1955 435 42 1AS/3E-30F1 1954 1955 810 1263 230 ao 14S/3E-10R1 1954 549 162 14S/3E-30F2 1955 1469 250 14S/3E-litCl 1954 330 70 1955 493 62 14S/3E-30N1 1954 1955 1243 1609 326 286 14S/3E-15P1 1954 570 190 1955 801 206 14S/3E-30R1 1954 1955 1182 1287 274 230 14S/3E-16K2 1955 739 142 14S/3E-31A1 1955 692 74 14S/3E-17B1 1954 360 74 14.S/3E-31A2 1954 589 70 14S/3E-17B2 1954 1955 371 540 78 66 1955 715 82 14S/3E-31F1 1954 1249 254 14S/3E-17D1 1954 1955 353 510 74 62 1955 1619 258 -38- IH ■UJ'TjWI B&litoltiO ' ^'''' ■:LJ22ii> I *p. r^ •. SOI va;'' ■■••V ■>.? r^.S oe:£ lOSI CC';- 0X8 Hoe-scXaM ^dU s-^oe-^As^x ?vI • <.^1.~ ^?el S,\,Ll-Zl\Z b^C CfOS ^eei a^ a^^e -•.I^ ?>^i ^.F'^.-'^eV M 3? i?v Ae^i iliS-5lS\S?I dS ,-■- e?vi J^^ 2?!? I iLs-asV-ex as ^e^i JiJa-SiCV-AX da ABd A?r^i I?S-3q\35I dd Ase e:^?,!: 8? 0? v^e^^i ma-^tXi Bl fts^ ^eyl ior,i-as\F?i K ^e^r ,^(?S A^ex xAae-a£\c.. sd *^?9I <;asi-^i«j\2?i i.v» ^V ACS c5Pi ', ;'0C Aeex ?5ex xadc-ae\8;ii ss Ac^r r oGp '■..fji^Vj'? r ds eae Aeex ladc-^eV dsi •;'^^s.-?*^^^- r ^^c A?9X x.C '-'l " .'■ .' ee«?i So f J^- S8f ^?'-. •. :-i[S\£ sss ^iOai saj.-Kc\8ex a?5i 6c. Ci c;?ei ^cs Tiai * sd ?0P *S5?X i.ix-asVi sd e?c> WMKL • ??CJ. r,a ,V9A &01 AVI ji^~a^\ecx SOI qcvj: -Cf . TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND V/ATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July and August, 1954 and 1955 : Total • ■ s Total . V/ell number! Year : solids*^ sin parts ', Chlorides * per million 174 V/ell number Year : solids^^ * Chlorides J :in parts per million. . 15S/3E-7E1 1954 647 15S/3E-4L2 1955 1513 70 1955 888 78 15S/3E-5B2 1955 2/ / 15S/3E.7G1 1954 319 26 15S/3E-5B3 1955 §/ 1955 407 26 15S/3E-5C1 1954 366 26 15S/3E-7G2 1954 974 126 1955 451 34 1955 — — 15S/3E-5K1 1954 365 26 15S/3E-7N1 1954 937 70 1955 1955 588 38 15S/3E.5K3 1954 1955 1520 1742 250 246 15S/3E-7Q1 1955 1140 90 15S/3E-8B2 1955 2043 250 15S/3E-5I>I1 1954 1154 158 1955 1501 166 15S/3E-8C1 1954 1955 1570 1857 230 218 15S/3E-5R1 1954 1464 234 1955 1903 ?/,6 15S/3E-8C2 1954 1955 1298 1513 170 146 15S/3E-6A2 1954 1067 294 1955 1387 250 15S/3E-8F1 1954 1955 271 351 14 22 15S/3E-6D1 1954 1364 258 1955 1803 266 15S/3E-8F4 1955 1560 134 15S/3E-6K1 1954 346 34 15S/3E-8N1 1954 715 102 1955 363 18 1955 991 74 15S/3E-6U 1954 1955 1252 1613 190 170 15S/3E-9B1 1955 1220 158 15S/3E-9C1 1954 1283 158 15S/3E-7C1 1954 1955 976 1290 126 126 1955 1362 150 15S/3E-9E1 1955 1252 122 15S/3E-7D1 1954 896 130 1955 1166 122 15S/3E-9G1 1954 1955 939 996 90 102 -Uo- SvtoT : a.^iol-ioL'iJ :.-.■"• 3i>iIo3 : TiJSx : tcdrriy^i XXel' ao U'03«5 •xflsY J •xsdijmii 07 a Bwij30 ax: ifcx j.i,.j.: ■, . ■>i^ ^.li. , J ^^d A?C-'X xEr-ae\aex ;ivx ^xex ?e^ x-.'ieSasj 8? 88S set^x \g 'e5vi ::-;'-?''\r ds voi I0V-3C\S5I V $2ex ts»f-^: oSI ■( ' ' '■■■ .^^9x c;o^-ae\8^x •5s: ade .■^.-di-\Z^i ??*?x Jie Kji iti'il bv .\^-"i XMV-SC\?-?X as: ?^e ' .v.-i^eV . Be sae — — — cie -■ , ... ??•■ • . v-s^e^-^?! ' _ . •■■^ '-\ , ■e-J[g\c oesi Caos -i. . - i : y , c-acV' ocs 0V5i xot^e\?'?r OlI .13^ i ']'-<<\ 8IS ^esi Ik£. .^cA/ opj IR^^- OTI b9S.l so&-ae\aex rrH'': dM KlU 'tc^i v^<:'j. M ITS .i^ZQl r38-^Hc:\2$i -e5(?x ss I?X ??ex i^cV rl-a^.V: i^U odei ec^?X ^kUa-^eXeex fOSi SOX *, ^ i ■ '.-jrAp.nj- AC "■ , i .Ui.>-3r\^ AT JP!? ??■' 8X c^c ?eex c5X '^ XJ^-acV iid^ ;:c'eX BU .•-£C\aex oei ."■ -./v,.'- o^L. ■ .?L xoT-se\' <;si S^SI ecvX xae-^' r^P^. 'VT-sr\' . oe >.te. -'■ kiki SOI e?^.l -04" TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND IJATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July and August, 1954 and 1955 : : Total • : Total • Well number: Year : solids* * Chlorides • Well number: Year : solids*^ ; Chlorides • : 1954 ;in partp 1204 per million 126 iin parts ner million 15S/3E-9H1 15S/3E-13N1 1954 687 102 1955 1218 126 1955 863 98 15S/3E-9H2 1954 1117 126 15S/3E-13P1 1954 757 94 1955 -— — - 1955 818 78 15S/3E-9K1 1954 918 102 15S/3E-1/,C1 1954 825 82 1955 1132 98 1955 845 90 15S/3E-10P1 1954 918 86 15S/3E-14Ca 1954 808 82 1955 1028 82 1955 909 82 15S/3E-10P2 1954 605 A6 15S/3E-14H1 1954 590 106 1955 685 54 1955 840 90 15S/3E-10P3 1954 1955 794 90 15S/3E-14M2 1955 999 86 15S/3E-14R1 1954 699 62 15S/3E-10Q1 1954 1955 88 718 66 58 1955 924 94 15S/3E-15B1 1954 572 50 15S/3E-10R2 1954 1955 531 655 ""66 1955 638 54 15S/3E-15F1 1955 1214 94 15S/3E-11F2 1954 469 70 1955 508 74 15S/3E-15L1 1954 1955 1228 1346 90 90 15S/3E-11M1 1954 1073 126 1955 892 126 15S/3E-15M1 1954 1955 907 1191 82 78 15S/3E-11N1 1954 1196 126 1955 1304 122 15S/3E-16B2 1954 1955 1217 1294 98 102 15S/3E-12H1 1954 409 86 1955 490 82 15S/3E-l6^a 1954 1955 674 812 78 66 15S/3E-12K3 1955 699 154 15S/3E-17B1 1954 673 66 15S/3E-13J1 1954 1955 355 503 94 82 1955 879 58 -Ul- K-. no :"^Pr.!A-f/ rif.' ■ .IWA'l 'S ^^ V-i. ^ V ai/ :'-^'iV * ir..; iip#«tfirw->^' iXOI S8 0^' [- ]• j;.", .^ . TB-^^^ ; rr - -frrrj-p; JXqW A??I fflei-2r\e>!X ncr-sf^s?! es2 .rOAl-.e9x ffi' ceC'X ■..?o . A? SS)1 yed ■^M-LiCVcI .'•"^'■^ Hex-aeXeex ad 8? 8xr ax:,; : , ■ . '. . 1 •- v:^4-4» . SSSX: Sl^^'L [jex-atvex ,W ^8f;? ^^v;-. ■ 'j^L asx ■^1 -.' 1. VCK? h^U xMex~2c\e?x c^s.i: see xe ' ?PX > ■ . dPlI 'TX. .:di-sc\8ex ^ \ '" .VKX AeSi ec^'x J; . AVd AC(?X -aeXBc!!. is S£S c!>:ei . KX lO.^ eva ..v^e-x mh^t\^u. ^Vc "^"^OX SB %?rir rr,nr_'?F\::-.3j x,tx-ie\a< -Iti- TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MII^IEML ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SALINAS VALLJIY Jidy and August, 1954 and 1955 : Well nxMnber: Year : Total : solids'* ;in parts • * Chlorides • per million • • V/ell nvimber: • • Year Totals ! solids'* \ Chlorides * • •in parts per million 15S/3E-17B2 1955 813 54 15S/3E-26D1 1954 1955 696 1002 154 78 15S/3E-17G1 1954 1123 86 1955 1228 86 15S/3E-26H2 1954 1955 625 891 70 54 l5S/3E-17!a 1954 331 42 1955 455 26 15S/3E-27F1 1954 822 210 15S/3E-17P1 1954 965 110 15S/3E-28B1 1954 461 70 1955 1190 96 1955 596 54 15S/3E-18F1 1955 624 46 15S/4E-.5K1 1954 1955 357 473 82 90 15S/3E-18F2 1954 485 54 15S/4E-5^a 1954 626 166 15S/3E-18G1 1954 1955 490 644 46 38 1955 629 154 15S/4E-6L1 1954 570 162 15S/3E-21A1 1954 1955 953 90 1955 444 70 15S/4K-6R1 1954 437 114 15S/3E-21A3 1954 1955 820 890 74 74 1955 580 118 15S/4E-7A1 1954 418 66 15S/3E-22A1 1954 1955 1061 1171 70 70 1955 361 66 15S/4E-7K1 1954 298 66 15S/3E-22F1 1954 1955 909 856 74 62 1955 381 62 15S/4E-7R1 1955 700 102 15S/3E-22G1 1954 1097 90 1955 1192 78 15S/4E-8C1 1954 1955 302 387 70 74 15S/3E-23E1 1955 803 50 15S/4E-8L1 1954 419 70 15S/3E-23M1 1954 1955 1011 1091 58 62 1955 469 74 15S/4E-8ICL 1954 339 58 15S/3E-25P1 1954 1955 559 759 50 38 1955 435 50 -l42- ■-..iUJnoO) ;: a.K, ■" unruvi sefci'ioL'fO J .. r,. . ,. r> . reel $ebxT .MiUlmjT£fi^ .el^tsq. .ft^J « .9 ^u d^-^ ^?,{?t : XGaj;-3£\S5i ., . ^- 8V SOOI $se: oB ov ?sa ^eec SiidS-2£\S§X d« A? im- eeex S.X on; SSfi ;^2^'J: xivs-se\35i ^i^ cv f^A •i^^cL rr''-..5T?\?-'-j cxr A? dtP...f?TV r, '. aq e^A ?4x • a: dbL btd A5^X .pvt;j-ri,V\B?I. ^?x 9Sd a??x ^ai OT? A?*?" r^A-3;X\?:?I ov m> S^*:-- : 09 ^IL vz^ A?^' f.f[a-3^\ti?X 8X1 085 55?-. dd. 31^ u^^- rftr-:^.\\?^."*c d^.. Xdt 5e<. 0oy rar.^s.W?^?! OQ or Sc-^.'. i^K -aAV<:x nv ^v <•':••■ ir.i" i o\aCX .'J 05 -• " V - ^f-'T se^jx savx^sev iSI ??; n''r'''~ri ?cv .:.C^I opix e?pi ^^5^1 ^uai-stV A5?X x0sx-aev ■.1 ■, A5^X XAi^-i . 6£3 098 ^5?X 5e9X eAis^eXB fj^OX' X?X.f ■ ■ 1 r xA$s-se\fc ^j9 a? 8 A?PX x^ss-a€V V?CX S^>XX >«PX XDc ^?oi rars-afV 1.J.V.1 i. . ^ 559X -li^U TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND l/ATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July and August, 1954 and 1955 • * : Total : „ < : Total • Well number: Year : solids^ . Chlorides • Well number: Year : solids*^ \ Chlorides • 15S/4E-9N1 :in Darts Der million 50 • :in parts cer million. 1954 325 15S/4E-22L2 1954 465 98 1955 384 58 1955 514 98 15S/4E-15D2 1954 370 74 15S/4E-23^a 1954 544 102 1955 575 78 1955 618 110 15S/4E-15P1 1955 409 54 15S/4E-26G1 1954 1955 372 426 46 50 15S/4E-16C1 1954 383 66 1955 436 66 15S/4E-27G1 1954 1955 629 ao 50 54 a5S/4E-l6Dl 1954 421 78 1955 596 98 15S/4E-28C1 1954 1955 742 853 154 150 15S/4E-16E2 1954 333 54 1955 385 58 15S/4E-29D1 1954 1955 751 858 no 118 15S/4E-17B1 1954 246 42 1955 362 50 15S/4E-29Q1 1954 1955 623 814 90 94 , 15S/4E-17C1 1954 314 58 1 1955 445 82 15S/4E-32D1 1955 e/ 15S/4E-17P1 1954 U6 90 15S//,E-32E1 1954 1094 106 1955 599 86 1955 1055 102 15S/4E-18E1 1954 363 58 15S/4E^33A1 1954 643 110 1955 ao 58 1955 750 114 15S/4E-18L1 1954 409 62 15S/4E-3551 1954 409 58 1955 434 62 1955 472 58 j 15S/4E-19D1 1954 549 82 16S/4E-2Q1 1954 678 126 1955 600 86 1955 729 94 15S//,R-21B1 1954 364 54 16S/4E-3Q1 1954 1025 146 1955 415 58 1955 1140 154 15S/4E-22J1 1954 553 102 16S/4E-4C1 1954 608 90 1955 594 114 1955 856 90 -U3- \,:z3^nx.icio- jiaTj hcia i-^Pi: boB y£yT. isdmrn IleV/ e'-'iiXtoiiiD • .••-;>;. i^-■ ,Ji!^iLXli^a-3sa3l3i^s:,iIi^. iXde.; 'iGeY si^rfunra Hal 8e SOX 0X1 0? Oil 8XX dOI SOI 9Sd 0-^ ^58 X08S«3AS5I ia^-aA\8;?x IpPS-3^\8eX y9£ vap [ ,....,, ??PI rAC£-aA2?l s? eo>. ,Ki:c-aA<^i^i se 5T^ '^SI 8Vd .■;-aA\aai ^? esT oM ^iOI Ae*^! ipe-aA^^r *."» r 0,\IX >j-.r>r oe »0c> Ac'?.C xo^-^^xsax OO ae? -i3Dr ^e 8? SOI M7. ..i8e ;ic ;e^.^V \ ■ , " . •': -.. ^- ■ 9Qh, ??9X i^i^x-aAs?- \r "rV- 3;- teex ieex ?^9I ??9I ??9X ACVX TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July and August, 1954 and 1955 Well number: Year : Total : solids* • Chlorides • • VJell number; Year : Total : solids* ' Chlorides • > tin parts ver million :in parts per million 16S/4E-8J1' 1954 483 30 16S/4E-25Q1 1954 960 78 1955 629 30 1955 1012 62 16S/4E-9A1 1954 510 54 16S/4E-27G1 1954 470 54 1955 — - — - 1955 594 46 l6S/4E-9n 1954 1955 722 787 50 58 16S/4E-30EL 1954 874 lU 16S/4E-36B1 1954 1014 70 16S//,E-10R1 1954 1955 466 641 50 50 1955 1035 74 16S/5E-.8F1 1954 666 158 16S/4E-11J1 1954 1955 2022 2186 326 330 1955 675 166 16S/5E-17P1 1954 753 158 16S/4E-12N1 1954 1955 1758 1678 218 2?2 1955 812 174 ■ 16S/5E-19J1 1954 1067 126 16S//,E-13K1 1954 1955 1468 las 166 162 1955 1091 118 16S/5E-19R1 1954 1553 250 16S/4E-13N1 1954 1955 1277 1250 100 110 1955 1434 230 16S/5E-20G1 1955 1493 398 16S/4E-14A1 1954 994 86 1955 1142 lU 16S/5E-20G2 1954 1955 1277 1296 346 354 l6S/4E-14^a 1955 312 IS 16S/5E-28D1 1954 576 94 16S//,E-15D1 1954 1955 783 673 46 46 1955 605 94 16S/5E-30E1 1955 1234 118 16S/4E-22A3 1954 903 134 16S/5E-30G1 1954 952 174 16S/4E-24A1 1954 1955 1310 1385 126 126 1955 1129 114 16S/5E-31A1 1954 797 66 16S/4E-25K1 1954 374 106 1955 928 78 1 1955 1343 94 •^' (bewal,* ri-.TSAT naTA-' aHTJO^ -^o r aAi; eebiioiijD \ • • - ^tri^r-; • IBSY ; :*I9C' ..JIAr.iii-i^JJX2£L. — liuUim;^;^^.. .'ifj.'isa-iLLi'. 8? OdP 'Of"^...K.iSEd! OC ^?':; t.6 SIOX ?er ^ oe ^d A? orA A?^^ r Xr^.~'^A\?:dL ^e ■ i ■ AC; . ^•-'3:^\8->i hi. AP? ■•??e/. '"■ ' All ,\?«P r r5or-:^A\?'.c5i 05 ssv ...':■ ae '^? ^■.«ievi: ■ V . •■ i ov AIOI J.V •-rnr oe X^d eew J-HOX-SASdJ < ' "v ." dov) ^iCvI ii?^^.r^ ■ ^ " --,- .. .L r-'A ?.,3pr <:sos i?CX XlII-Z.\\&oJ 3.? I f.<:v Bvi-s5Vdx A^^ r r,^ SIS ■8?dX -e^ox ■ i~^Ar asi BII '•■ adx 8XAX V'.-i oes t;<:ct: EflPX-S2\C^X oes »7r '. oox oxx oesj. . ■ . .'^ ^ ..'■ . Bee i^M ffios-fiASdX \*\ 6B ■t^^\ -r-^^- ~ o^e WSI >5(?I cDoc;-ac\8ax i^lL SMI 5J!9X .\5e d^SI ?!??X ax S.l'^. 5v : ^9 dV5 ^$(^1 xafts-s?\2ax ^e c?ex !3oe-a?\3ai flAss-a^V ^VJ. S.i^ S^^-'X JU-'w-- i.ii ". " 'i •i-'>V.V..L 1 r cv 8S? ?e?I dOX A?GX XH5S- -44- TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND VJATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July and August, 1954 and 1955 Total Well number: Year ; solids^ ; • Chlorides !in parts per million Well number Year ; Total ; solids* • Chlorides I in parts per million. 16S/5E-31Q1 1954 1955 360 46 16S/5E-33F1 1954 1955 780 826 78 74 16S/5E-33Q1 1954 1955 837 899 lU 90 17S/4E-1D1 1954 1955 640 816 62 62 17S/5E-3B1 1954 1955 855 844 143 138 17S/5E-4A1 1954 1955 939 1208 146 146 17S/5E-4ia 1954 1955 886 986 90 70 17S/5E-4N1 1954 1955 772 909 70 62 17S/5E-6Q1 1954 1955 507 639 58 38 17S/5E-9Q1 1954 1955 475 559 54 38 17S/5E-11G1 1954 1955 846 1082 166 182 17S/5E-11J1 1954 1955 1038 1096 210 182 17S/5E-12M1 1954 1955 911 1243 194 210 17S/5E-14D1 17S/5E-24H1 17S/6E-7Q1 17S/6E-16P1 17S/6E-17R1 17S/6E-20J1 17S/6E-27K1 17S/6E-27L1 17S/6E-28EL 17S/6E-29EI 17S/6E-29K1 17S/6E-33Q1 17S/6E-35F1 1954 1955 1954 1955 1954 1955 1954 1955 1954 1955 1954 1955 1954 1955 1954 1955 1954 1955 1954 1955 1954 1955 1954 1955 1954 1955 470 635 435 781 485 554 743 900 1078 1003 897 1042 1044 1242 1151 1179 1081 1120 568 761 686 804 565 1078 1917 90 78 46 74 62 66 130 142 182 166 138 138 142 134 150 142 186 166 66 70 82 78 38 134 118 -U5- iVSHAV CC'IUOHO "50 S2teYJl\MA .lASaWlM- JAITHA1 rJJ-IAV ZMllJAc. 'Al e5PI ban A-"!?! ,^f;f.r:;r;A bns ■., '■ Xb^oT *5yx?^, OVA 5ea e59x :*isdnurn XXtiw iaAx-;3e\avx r. dA 0^ 5V oc>e Ae^i 55.9 X xpie-5i5\3aj etA ^?ex xH,is-ae\3Vi 8V AT 08V 6S.B Aa9X r5p?:-:'iirv30J ?8A AeV> Ae dax X80I OSIX xass-a-Aavx 8? se 'f'.to A-" ..•)-£'^\lr. XdV (^>S ?s^e d?' ^? 8^£ cot:..c Ov 0" 8^: CO? ce^'X :/LS£-E^ rfrc?:-a.. AV Si; or \r. A?: ??'r cae- dox -o;;- TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL A^IALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July and August, 1954 and 1955 : : Total : p., . , : : Total : „,^ . , Well number: Year : solids^ ; ^'^^^^^^^ Well number: Year : solids^ ; ^"^o^^^^^ • in Darts Der million 21S/9E-6C1 1954 1955 1676 1632 218 222 21S/9E-8B1 1954 1955 2650 2049 358 310 21S/9E-15K1 1954 2700 282 21S/9E-24L1 1954 1955 2351 1843 278 21S/10E-30E1 1954 1955 1732 1499 162 186 22SA0E-I6m 1954 1955 1089 1047 70 38 22S/10E-.17N1 1954 1955 604 581 54 50 22S/10E-21C1 1954 1955 925 816 62 66 22S/10E-28B1 1955 620 50 22S/10E-34B1 1954 756 82 22S/10E-34G1 1955 659 66 :in parts per million * Derived as EC (electrical conductance) times conversion factor of 0,7. a/ Well abandoned because of chlorides b/ Pump disconnected c/ Well capped d/ Well abandoned e/ Not operating 'VJ- -hO-V. A %IS^A1! Dciis; .(ii^t'i: - ^ Jfttrgi/A bits Tj£0i soW-xoXjIO ' .... iB'JC/i Ji&UU^:^:^....^,^. ..._, ... t lAm i'7lu'^-l"' e.^ zm. 8?S oeas. >"iv»'. i^^OS •>. r> •-> ■ OO'TS ^?e '■ i-iAS^v^ .: eisi •■^^f. j3oe- e^M ^?^f r. , \c. .■;'";'i . . AVI-aOi^. .' ': ii>. i'lQ ,\?or rr> !''',-.?{or^<.n<'?. f ,a r APPENDIXES Al, Agreement Between the State Water Resources Board, the County of Monterey and the Department of "ublic Vvorks dated January 1, 1954 A2, Agreement Between the State Vi/ater Resources Board, the County of Monterey and the Department of i^iblic ' orks dated January 1, 1955 I A-1 e;>in:a«3^qi I-A APPENDIX Al AGREa-iENT BETIJEEK THE STATE ItATER RESOURCES BOARD THE COUNTY OF MONTEREY AND THE DEPARWiENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS AGREaiENT, executed in qulntupllcate, entered into as of January 1, 1954-, ^ the State Water Resources Board, hereinafter referred to as the "Board"; the County of Monterey, hereinafter referred to as the "County" I and the Department of Public Works of the State of California, acting through the agency of the State Engineer, hereinafter referred to as the "State Engineer": WITNESSETH WHEREAS, an investigation of the Salinas Basin in Monterey County has been conducted by the Department of Public Works, acting by and through the agency of the State Engineer, between July 1944 and December 1953, and Division of Water Resources Bulletin Nos. 52, 52A, 52B and Supplements to Bulletin 52A dated May 1950, October 1951, December 1952, and December 1953, on the results of said investigation have been published pursuant to a cooperative arrangement between the Department and the County wherety the work accomplished, including publication of said bulletins, was financed with funds contributed equally by the County and the State of Californiaj and WHEREAS, funds were appropriated to the Board by Item 262 of the Budget Act of 1953 for continuing work on ground-water-level and stream- flow meastirements, a quality of water check, investigation of possible sources of supplemental water supplies, and surface and ground-water-reser- voir-operation studies for water conservation and flood control in Salinas Valley on a matching basis with the County pending accomplishment of solu- tion of the water problems in the Coiintyj £ind A- 2 ^:3mk MfrW 3TA'' a ^ ii ^ ^il : \rff^fr.i'' ."'■•xeaoigniia ©jBd-fc" and >".-. ■ '.tstf ,if-?9ar-frS, r^;ti-+5 'srfd' lo voitepn erf* a-^cf ^eioriw ^J-ayc-O arid ba« i/tafai ssqeU ritsqooo .l^fioiitfi/a ; iirbolcntl , barfs iXgflioooJB jf-xow bas (^•vf-bmioif; no -^I'low v,rf i: rmi+noo 10'^ ;o<'\ d'-Tibs;:?! -t.i .lO. :ya MU d& rtJiw aie-Bu ^aiii' iX^assch :mLd bfls ju^-OB biae "Jo aeeoqtyq arii^ rieiXqracooi- ©ri t9Jlijale7.9rf 8« ilose • :swoXXol as 9er^B •^Xlar/Jutn y(d-i3-'' iffi^fiH . , ;d-fff.foO erfi a.tnt-jmeiifa.eaar Xev©I'»i»«:fBW-feiii;o>i ^i'saa ' rt0cij»iyaB9/;i v/oll-na- sXdx£-:vCx;j.;3p rtOiv' sources of supplemental water supplies, surface and (^rovmd-water-reservolr- operation studies for water conservation and flood control, and the compila- tion and preparation of reports on the results of such measurements, water- quality check, investigation and operation studies, all vdthin the County of Monterey, The Board by this agreement authorizes and directs the State Engi- - neer to proceed with the work to be performed, and further authorizes the State Engineer to contract with the CJounty securing any portion of the necessary records and data required by this agreement. During the progress of said investigation and report all maps, plans, information, data, and records pertaining thereto which are in the possession of any party hereto shall be made fully available to any other party for the due and proper accomplishment of the purposes and objects hereof. The work under this agreement shall be diligently prosecuted with the objective of completion of the investigation of possible sources of supple- mental water supplies and surface and ground-water-reservoir-operation studies for water conservation and flood control, and compilation of data on or about July 1, 195A» and preparation of a report thereon as soon thereafter as possible. The investigation and compilation of data on stream-flov; measure- ments, ground-water-level measurements, and water -quality check shall be diligently prosecuted v/ith the objective of preparation of a report thereon on or about December 31, 1954.> or as soon thereafter as possible, ARTICLE II - FUNDS: The County, upon execution by it of this agreement, shall transmit to the State Engineer the summ of Five Thousand Dollars (.-pSjOOO) for deposit. A-U .iOXciSaaaoq' -olcittjue "iy 830'- P<».^^f»^+P! ffoir^flTi^rto-ilov'; ^Oij'^'i-lff •OTJJsrtec x^fSi'"^.«*!tf««»'^, .tJ;n"rfF.'3:J IIsKe ,.t:'-?r!'>'5't- , itxi-, rxif?.! ' • ■■•a«! -I- subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the Water Resources Revolving Fund in the State Treasury, for expenditiires by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement. Also, upon exe- cution of this agreement by the Board, the Director of Finance will be re- quested to approve the transfer of the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) from funds made available to the Board by Item 262 of the Budget Act of 1953, as augmented, for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement and the State Controller will be re- quested to make such transfer. If the Director of Finance, within thirty (30 ) days after receipt by the State Engineer of said Five Thousand Dollars (!ip5,000) from the County, shall not have approved the deposit thereof into said Water Resources Re- volving Fund, together with the transfer of the sum of said Five Thousand Dollars (^5,000) from funds made available to the Board, for expenditure by the State Engineer in perfonnance of the work provided for in this agreement, such sum contributed ty the County shall be returned thereto by the State Engineer. The Board and the State Engineer shall under no circumstances be obligated to expend for or on account of the work provided for under this agreement aingr amount in excess of the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (s^l0,000) as made available hereunder and when said sum is exhausted, the Board and the State Engineer may discontinue the work provided for in this agreement and shall not be liable or responsible for the resumption and completion thereof. Upon completion of and final payment for the work provided for in this agreement, the State Engineer shall furnish to the Board and to the A-5 .9j1* 1o &r,'nB.'rio'i'X9q ni to- ■■3 XIlw loIIOTtn'O '5-:;!v' •JJ9 Afi taarnoc- ■hn Lj9b±V0".:: ■;ilOl-- • TfTsfa'x,;' nou- . ^'JUpC felU^QiJC ■ 9iX i ';jf iOL OCi •a-Jstfar ■ohhro-i' jl'jov ofri-tviS evtetS 9r(.+ > b9bi h'^IcKfi'V) nooU County a statement of all expenditures made under this agreement. One-half of the total amovmt of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced from funds appropriated to said Board, and one-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced by the County and any balance which may remain shall be returned to the Board, and to the Covmty, in equal amount, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement to be effective as of the date hereinabove first written. Approved as to Form and COUNTY OF MONTEREY Procedure /s/ Burr Scott B y /s/ A. B. Jacobson District Attorney County of Monterey Approved as to Form and Procedure Chairman, Board of Supervisors Cleric, Board of Supervisors /s/ Henry Holsinger Attorney for Division of VJater Resources Approved as to Form £ind Procedure Attorney, Department of Public Works APPROVED I STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD B y /s/ C. A. Griffith Chairman STATE OF CALIFORNIA S DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS E A FRANK B. DURKEE L Director of Public Works Bj y /s/ Russell 5. Munro Russell S. Munro Deputy Director of Public VJorks /s/ John M. Peirce Director of Finance /s/ A. D. Edmonston A, D, Edmonston State Engineer A-6 Yluiijiiuji'-i '"i^j iiiiL'OJ' b£XD tsn- '■■ 'J-ooS loufl \u\ Bioaivte i-'G lo fct/rofl jjitalO '^c' GHAOa Ba03tK)8aH HafAU STATE -•\ iO .-;:-'-; xs?, 5 bfif, flja oTouin ,£ I ... J ii«(jiijt'" .-r.'l APPENDIX A2 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD THE COUNTY OF MONTEREY AND THE DEPARWIENT OF PUBLIC 170RKS THIS AGREEMENT, executed in qulntuplicate, entered into as of January 1, 1955, ty the State Water Resources Board, hereinafter referred to as the "Board") the County of Monterey, hereinafter referred to as the "County "5 and the Department of Public Works of the State of California, acting through the agency of the State Engineer, hereinafter referred to as the "State Engineer": WITNESSETH V/HEREAS, an investigation of the Salinas Basin in and adjacent to Monterey Coxmty has been conducted by the Department of Public Works, acting by and through the agency of the State Engineer, between July 19^4- and December 1954.» and Division of Water Resources Biolletin Nos. 52, 52A, 52B and Supplements to Bulletin 52A dated liay 1950, October 1951, December 1952, December 1953, and State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 19, on the re- sults of said investigation have been published pursuant to a cooperative eirrangement between the Department and the County whereby the work accomplishedj including publication of said bulletins, was financed with funds contributed equally by the County and the State of California j and WHEREAS, funds were appropriated to the Board by Item 260 of the Budget Act of 1954 for continuing work on ground-water-level and stream- flow measurements, and a quality of water check in Salinas Valley on a matching basis with the County pending accomplishment of solution of the water problems in the County; and WHEREAS, by The State Water Resources Act of 194-5, as amended, the Board is authorized to make investigations, studies, sxirveys, prepare plans A-7 ^rr-vCfiN/. TTTTT^ 3d& as oi be'Tta'tP't 't9&"t&ni&';. jijlmolilBO '^c ■■■" /■' 9rf>t 'ir -•: i-fChJ Sfl i''iS6rtt;-}ftu. ©d-fi^tci" eh:. i.l i£ § I. Ml I i: I'l-rix n. . - :o'eitXfr. ■■ .'■;■■■ ' ^"^iB ■ii-BoiXdiijt? 3ttib«Xo^ '• 'XluAh^.- to JoA *B5^'- bam {■^atsdd ed* «X smeXdoiq: -xs^jb' and estinrntes, and make recommendations to the Legislature in regard to water development projects j and WliEREAS, by said act, the State Engineer is authorized to cooperate v;ith ar^ county, city. State agency or public district on flood control and other water problems and when requested by any thereof may enter into a coop- erative agreement to expend money in behalf of any thereof to accomplish the pvirposes of said actj and WHEREAS, the County desires and hereby requests the Board to enter into a cooperative agreement for the supervision of the making of ground- water-level and stream- flow measurements, and a quality of water check in Salinas Valley between January 1, 1955, and December 31, 1955, and prepare a supplemental report thereonj NW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the several promises to be faithfully performed by each as hereinafter set forth, the Board, the Coionty, and the State Engineer do hereby mutually agree as follows; ARTICLE I - VTORK TO BE PERFORiffiD: The vrark to be performed under this agreement shall consist of stream-flow measurements and a series of ground-v/ater-level measurements in the spring and fall of 1955, a general water-quality check of surface and underground waters in the Salinas Valley, the compilation and preparation of a report on the results of such measiorements and water-quality check, all within the County of Monterey. The Board by this agreement authorizes and directs the State Engi- neer to proceed with the work to be performed, and further authorizes the State Engineer to contract with the County to secure any portion of the necessary records and data required by this agreement* A-8 bna Lent noQ boo D !>kl£iuq 10 -^nQ^R ewBJc ^ \ T: BtaqdifT bne t??C. trxJffTsassQ fens ,5c;' -u-wnsT, neew^tsd y'^-^-J^^V e-s^aiSsS i:c/Jr(.+i m/ biv. i.xk.1 una iTEtroicaieixni.i During the progress of said investigation and report all maps, plans, information, data and records pertaining thereto which are in the possession of any party hereto shall be made fully available to any other party for the due and proper accomplishment of the purposes and objects hereof. The work londer this agreement shall be diligently prosecuted ^^rith the objective of completion of the investigation and compilation of data and preparation of a report thereon on or before December 31, 1955, or as soon thereafter as possible, ARTICLE II - FUNDS: The County, upon execution ty it of this agreement, shall transmit to the State Engineer the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,750) for deposit, subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the VJater Resources Revolving Pimd in the State Treasiiry, for expendi- ture by the State Encineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement. Also, upon execution of this agreement by the Board, the Director of Finance will be requested to approve the transfer of the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,750) from funds made available to the Board by Item 260 of the Budget Act of 1954, for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement and the State Controller will be requested to make such transfer. If the Director of Finance, within thirty (30) days after receipt by the State Engineer of said One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars (#1,750) from the County, shall not have approved the deposit thereof into said Water Resources Revolving Fund, together with the transfer of the sum A-9 (Snje.i ■ aooG 6u -to ^5?9.! .10006 ••;,-;=?•-•■ aox^togij-aiVii' -■:rj'- ioqu an .1 Wor.tftVf« «»f)ft'r' ehtf' ' 69XJOJ eriJ tons ^crgaWQitj^F .ib'Ip., -'nsRifO; tO^iJri of said One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,750) from funds made available to the Board, for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the v/ork provided for in this agreement, such sum contributed by the County shall be returned thereto by the State Engineer. "^he Board and the State Engineer shall under no circumstances be obligated to expend for or on accoimt of the work provided for under this agreement any amount in excess of the sxim of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (^3,500) as made available hereunder and when said sum is exhausted, the Board and the State Engineer may discontinue the work provided for in this agreement and shall not be liable or responsible for the resumption and completion thereof. Upon completion of and final pajnnent for the work provided for in this agreement, the State Engineer shall furnish to the Board and to the County a statement of all exi^enditures made under this agreement. One-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced from funds appropriated to said Board, and one-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced by the County and any balance which may remain shall be returned to the Board, and to the County, in equal amount, IN WITNESS V/HEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement to be effective as of the date hereinabove first written. Approved as to Form and COUl^TY OF MONTEREY Procedure By /s/ ^* ^' Jacobson ________________________________ Chairman, Board of Supervisors District Attorney County of Monterey A-IO beibr.'- :• '"' .^bfiS'dUBdxs 3X mua bxaa nsf(w brtR igimusisft aldBXxBvs ebjain bb {0>ytri. XmSTACtl i;00 biiij fTi! "•"CTrr^.'^ 'J'U! . L£..ii:5A--vfT OI-A Approved as to Form and Procedure /s/ Henry Hoi singer Attorney for Division of VJater Resources Approved as to Form and Pl-ocedure E /s/ Emmet G. McMenamin Clerk, Board of Supervisors STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD By /s/ C. A. Griffith Attorney, Department of Public Works Department of Finance APPROVED Jan 12 1955 JOHN H. PEIRCE, Director By /a/ Louis J. Heinzer Administrative Advisor C. A. Griffith, Chairman State of California Department of Public Works FRANK B. DURKEE Director of Public 'forks By /s/ Russell S. Munro Russell S. ^fun^o Deputy Director of Public Works A-11 nlssmnsHci'i . -.^ \^\ l2t08lV'X9:iC/2 iX) aHAoa Ba0HU08?rH[ hstaw ■^Ji§i-„'^ elniollXflO lo ede^? SSLWUQ .a Wikni J>1ub90O'I*I wooitfosofl Ts^r.' ' OO^fBH .i:»p . ,tftf?K+T3q©C y iUij.n oiiti.- . ... ._. „ ... . AFP3KDIX!iS Bl. Cross Index, k'ell Numbering System, From Department of Water Resources Number to 1933 Division of Viater Resources Number B2, Cross Index, VJell Numbering System, from 1933 Division of Water Resources Number to Department of Water Resources Number B-1 1e<-.. Its.'-"'., iv.> Cv. LO^Vj '.. t.K,^ ^ .i'U", J j' 'oaefi APPENDIX Bl WELL NW'IBSRING SYSTEI!, FROM DEPAItmENT OF WATil^ ixESOUiiCES NUMBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF VJaTSR RESOURCiiS NUIIBSR Well niinbers D/.LR. . 1933 mm. : D-W.R. : 1933 DWR ;,.. D-W.R. i ig"^? UM 13S/2E-7R1 lB-22i 13S/2E-29K1 1B-Ii9 13S/2E-32Ji' lB-^6 -801 lB-93 -29K2 lB-5h -32J2 lB-55 -16E1 1B-2U -29K3 lB-51iA -32i-a lB-12 -16F1 lB-23n -29MI IB-UOn -32N1 1B-13A -17C1 lB-26n -29P1 1B-I7n -32N2 1B-I3n -17 Gl lB-85i -29-1 1B-50 -32P1 lB-.65n -17 G2 lB-86i -29R1 lB-[i8 -32OJI lB-16 -17 G3 IB-^i -30A1 lB-88 -32s'.2 1B-58A -I7GI4 lB-8iii -30B1 lB-8 -33C1 lB-7ad -17H1 lB-25 -30G1 lB-36a -33E1 lB-3 -17H2 lB83i -30H1 1B-7A -33F1 lB-5 -17J1 lB-96 -30H2 IB-Th -33G1 lB-9,^d -17ML lB-20iA -30L1 1B-9A -33H1 2B-35m -17M2 lB-20in -30P1 lB-9n -33H2 2B-36in -17P1 lB-89in -30^1 IB-lhn -33K1 lB-^7 -17R1 lB-27n -3IAI IB-ain -33M1 lB-61id -1801 lB-21in -3IBI IB-lOA -33N1 IB-li -19A1 lB-28i -31B2 IB-lOn -33N2 lB-1 -19A2 lB-92 -3IDI lB-37n -33R1 2B-5 -I9HI lB-90 -31D2 lB-76 -33R2 2B-ii -19J1 lB-29n -31 Gl 1B-77A -3liDl 2B-15 -19J2 lB-29An -31 G2 lB-77n -3liJl 2B-8 -19P1 1B-35A -31G3 lB-63n -3I4NI 2B-3 -19Q1 lB-35 -3IHI lB-2n -3I1QI 2B-6 -I9RI IB-6IA -31H2 IB-iilA -35G1 2B-9 -19R2 lB-6ln -3IJI 1B-52A -35L1 2B-11 -20IQ. lB-30n -31J2 lB-^2 -35N1 2B-10 -20M2 lB-91 -3IKI lB-15 -35R1 2B-13 -20P1 lB-32in -31K2 lB-62d -36FI 2B-37 -20P2 lB-82 -3ILI 1B-80 -20R1 lB-66n -31L2 IB-Ult 13S/3E-30P1 2B-32 -21G1 lB-67 -31L3 1B-Ii2n -3201 3B-3n -21G2 lB-9ii -3IMI lB-[i3n -35C1 3B-Ii -21N1 lB-81 -31M2 1B-U3A -35L1 3B-5 -27Q1 2B-3h -3INI IB-69P -35M1 3B-12d -28L1 lB-18 -31N2 lB-78 -35M2 3B-13d *28M1 1B-Ii7 -31P1 lB-73 -35M3 3B-llid -2901 lB-3ln -31P2 1B-Ii5 -35N1 3B-11 -29C2 IB-3IA -31P3 1B-Ii6 -35N2 3B-l6d -29c 3 lB-33in -3IPU IB-lln -35P1 3B-7 -29Ca lB-33Ai -3151 IB-llA -3?P2 3B-8 -29DI lB-60 -32A1 lB-68d -35'U 3B-6 -29D2 lB-3h ■ -32B1 lB-51 -29E1 lB-38n -3201 1B-17A 1US/2E-2C1 2B-12d -29E2 lB-39 -32E1 lB-59 -202 2B-12Ad -29F1 lB-6 -32E2 lB-75d ■-2D1 2B-^^d B-2 •■■4UM 830i.U!' •.; u.'-^.'j \ ..^■4j\-.-'-.*.:j: .. i. i\j ... ,,^-J. .' i.v; .C'-:- ..„.&ia.MS!i -. d>.Sl 'Xl.Sf-S''' ?5-ai 0f,^-f.„ , si-ai ACi-Q-c xrei-ax n?d-ax XIS^,- -'• ^-11 X.SC- r..-ai « • St- bdv-ai xo£e- f-ai XS££- ?-gi sin- jb>?-ai / .' ■ . •'^'■"^5 ■'\-as v^-ac ba^ai 4-31 i-ai ?,-as a-as ^x-as miii- 8-as ■' ' e-3s d-82 ^^-^5 XI -as OX>QS ti-as ^c_rro iC-dS n£-ac U-ac S-at •UC4.~ b-si-af. xi-1'^r - *>ei-a£ ijjiX-SC xx-ac bdx-at T-at J- ;.=.', - a-ae S^Cc- d~af. x^>t- I-* x'-.i.^v i>A5. \^ . ,. ^ iM —via. ■ — '^ ■" iu5c-ax Idll- 28-8X sixe- ■nb^-Sx 'xai.. s-^e APPENDIX Bl (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM DEPARTlffiNT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well numbers D.W.R. : 1933 DWR : D.W.H. ! 1933 UVSti ; D.W.P., .; 1933 i) .11 lliS/2E-2Ml 20-8 lhS/2E-7C3 lC-li8An lIiS/2E-llH2 20-176 -301 2B-1 -7D1 10-61 -llMl 2C-I8I1 -3E1 2B-2n -7F1 lC-26n -11M2 20-185 -3F1 2B-2A -7F2 10-26A -llPl 20-20 -3G1 2C-9 -7G1 10-19n -12B1 2C-17li -3J1 20-10 -7K1 10-60 -12E1 20-175 -3K1 20-2 -7L1 10-6 -12H1 20-173 -3L1 2C-lli9 -7L2 10-27n -12L1 20-123A -3M1 20-3 -7N1 lC-21n -12N1 20-l83i -3R1 20-5 -7P1 lC-55d -12Q1 20-123 -liAl 2B-7 -8C1 10-5 -13A1 20-182 -1^1 lC-17 -802 10-35 -13B1 20-122n 'IxFl IC-llt -8D1 10-36 -13F1 20-139 -1^01 20-1 -8G1 lC-3li -13P1 20-llil -liMl 10-22 -8J1 10-33 -13P2 20-li»0 -hNl IC-iin -8K1 lC-3 -II4FI 20-21n -ljN2 10-62 -8M1 10-38 -litGl 20-138 -UPl 10-29 -8M2 10-8 -lUJl 20-33 -l|P2 10-28 -8M3 1C-38A •.lijKl 20-169 -ilRl 20-1^ -8R1 lO-hO -li»Ll 20-31 -5B1 lB-58n -901 10-2 "lUm. 20-l53d -5C1 1B-I9n -902 lC-5itn -1501 20-29 -5C2 10-6^ -9D1 10-15 -15D1 20-187 -5F1 lC-9n -9D2 10-30 -15G1 20-35 -5F2 lG-50d -9E1 lC-31 -1502 20-18 -^3 10-2[in -9F1 10-37 -15G3 20-36 'SFh lC-2iiA -9H1 20-6 -15H1 20-ii3 -5G1 lC-5ld -9H2 20-22 -15L1 20-25 -5H1 10-23 -9J1 20-2ii -15QX 20-26 -5L1 10-25 -9J2 2 0-11 i -15Q2 20-Ui -^1 10-18 -9K1 10-1 -16A1 20-28 -5P1 10-13 -9L1 10-la -16CI 10-1^2 -5R1 10-32 -lOAl 20-15 -1602 10-Ui -5R2 10-16 -lOEl 2C-13 -I6EI 10-1^3 -6B1 lB-53 -lOFl 20-12 -16J1 20-27 -6B2 1B-71P -lOGl 20-7 -16J2 20-23 -6D1 1B-70P -IDJl 20-186 -17A1 10-39 -6D2 lB-72d -lOKl 20-32 -17B1 10-20n -6J1 10-li9n -lOMl 2C-17i -17B2 10-20A -6J2 10-lln -lONl 20-16 -18D1 lC-7 -6J3 10-llA -lOPl 20-30 -2101 10-1^5 -6<$. 10-lOA -lORl 20-19 -21F1 10-li6 -6R1 10-lOn -llDl 20-lU -21J1 20-38 -6R2 1C-12A -11D2 20-177 -21K1 1C-1|7 -6R3 lC-12n -11D3 20-178 -22A1 20-12li -7C1 10-^8dn -IIGI 20-136 -22A2 20-ii9 -7C2 lC-53n -lira. 20-137 -22F1 20-37 B-3 '[ '^uni&nno) xd JLLuiiilS i'ikiCi,'.' '-. jfci SiUi' ■^^hMS:^ • •-'•|#"^-..'- . iS-f-i^ ar!iJ.~S<;\Cl.: iii^Uu-''JJ^ i;3T' )<8X-0§ XMXX- Xd-OT l(Vs 58i-OS SMii- ndS-', '"'IT OS-OS r^j:x- A^S-Lii. i;lT y^I-05 xasi- n9X-0X lOV ^Vi-3<; lilSI- Or^r . HT CY-!.-0^ IHt^I- d-^i iJT AcSI-O^i Xa^I~• nVS-OJ rav .tt8l-0S XllSX- alS-^; . vlV CJI-OS X9U" b??-Oi i^T S?i-3S x#xx- 5-ox 108- n5SI-0S X^iCX- Zi-: afi- rcx-os ".'r •- ^e-04. '-, JilX~D£ :5s -"^X .,«. i:ij»-U'i ^ . . ?£r-o^ "cOi-,;^ -, '"''-' : xc--**:; ■ - beci- ^-u-. x- 9^-:.v na^-v '0^. va^o-^ ?X-G ■:.-.V ... oe-'. ■ I^. j.i.-j2 dc-r>c ■ ea- '.■;-'i- 'd-:. ne- ^s-c:. S5-0C :,H?- ^S-0? ii^;-o^ ■xv? iU-o- ST - .:IXr: , .,?" 8S~0S XA- • - ■>.~'^ ■ Sii'OX xo::- X4-0. liii-OX SO^-f-- tU-0!i XAOX* cJ-ox XJ^^I- -x-os X50X- vs-os XL-A- sx-os f^OX- £S-OS sio :•- v-os xoox- ■ox XAVi- oGi-os XT.a£- =,,^-ax xaTX- si:-os i:fcx- A05-Di 5HTX- iVX-OS XKi\.- V-Oi xaa/- *■ " — — XWOi- ?4-ox X0X9- X401- c^a-Oi ni'^i- XEOX- ?">^-DS rhii' ■J. -'J:^ KJf' ^ i-UOX X)i±S- vvx-os 5urr- a5x-?i XA'I^- 8YX-0S ccrxx- '•^-05 SA?S> e»cx-o<; XOiX- 'T -f)'! .i.'n^^:- • vr '-"^^ .rf;i':- d-os ■ j^ii;-^:;V4iX x-ss rr-,r __ A5-b'S Oi-OS • ns I ■ :r„ ••>s L'i- ■;.-DS Oli- ^QS f-. T-as • TX-OX - .. - ax-ox J -a*; SS-DX XM.J- aJ-OX ,-v,. . 2a>-ox ■o.r Xa5- 8X-0I Xff-^- IX-OX r-S ^ sc-oi. j. APPIJNDIX Bl (continuGd) \mLL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM DEPARTMENT OF \WiIE R:230URC;JS NUMBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF WATER R'^OURC^ NUl'iBER Well numbers D.W.R. : 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : 1933 DWR 11S/2E-22J1 2C-ii8 lllS/2E-26Pl 20-59 ll*S/3E-2E2 30-5 -22J2 2C-67 -26Q1 20-58 -2E3 30-178 -22N1 20-39 -27B1 20-76 -2F1 30-2n -22P1 2C-liln -2701 20-ii5A -2F2 30-8 -22P2 2C-iiU -2702 20-1*5 -2G1 3B-10Ai -22Q1 20-1*2 -27F1 20-1*7 -2N1 30-156 -23A1 2C-3ii -27F2 20-1*6 -2P1 30-7 -23C1 2C-126n -27G1 20-77 -3E1 3C-28d -23P1 2C-I5li -27G2 20-ll*7n -3J1 3C-3 -23F2 2C-125A -27J1 20-52 -3K1 3C-3A -23F3 2C-125n -27P1 20-150 -1*E1 30-167 -23G1 20-170 -27P2 20-60 -i*Nl 30-190 -23H1 2C-127A -27P3 2C-60A -1*N2 30^91 -23H2 20-127n -27QL 20-51 -1*01 3C-31; -23H3 20-128 -27R1 20-191d -5A1 3B-2 -23J1 20-129 -28B1 20-155 -5A2 3B-17 -23L1 20-50 -28H1 20-1*0 -5B1 3B-15 -23P1 20-69 -3iiAl 20-160 -5B2 3B-1 -2301 20-70 -3!iA? 20-63 -5J1 30-29 -2iiEl 2C-lIi2A -3hBl 20-6ld -5J2 30-196d -2hE2 2C-lIt2n -3iiB2 20-62 -5P1 30-30 -2iiJl 20-113 ii3l»Nl 2D-169 -5P2 30-161* -2iiJ2 20-111 -3hN2 2D-169A -501 30-37d -2l|Ll 20-152 -31^1 2D-11 -6J1 2C-l53n -2liPl 20-135 -3iiQl 2D-9n -6J2 20-161* -2l;Ql 20-112 -35E1 20-61* -6L1 20-11*1* -25A1 20-100 -35F1 20-65 -Wl 20-11*3 -25A2 20-99 -35G1 20-68 -6R1 20-11*5 -25B1 20-92 -35H1 2C-li*8n -7A1 20-11*6 -2?B2 20-93 -35L1 20-66 -7.J1 20-179 -25D1 20-13U -35N1 20-189 -7P1 20-l66d -25D2 20-156 -35Q1 2D-1 -801 30-31 -25E1 20-133 -36E1 20-73 -8P1 30-1*1 -25F1 20-151 -36F1 20-71* -8R1 3C-li*i*d -25J1 28-81 -36F2 20-7 l*A -9A1 30-150 -25K1 20-91 -36G1 20-190 -9D1 30-32 -25M1 20-55 -36H1 20-82 -9E1 30-33 -26A1 20-132 -36J1 20-78 -9F1 30-27 -26A2 20-131 -36L1 20-75 -9G1 3C-12A -26A3 20-130 -36P1 2D-2 -9L1 30-13 -26B1 20-71 -36R1 20-79 -9P1 30-1*3 -26C1 -26J1 20-72 20-56 1US/3E-1N1 3C-I82d -9P2 -lOFl 30-192 30-11 -26J2 20-57 -2B1 3B-9 -10F2 30-1* -26N1 20-5h -2B2 3B-10i -lOGl 30-9 -26N2 -26N3 20-53 2C-l65d -2E1 30-ld -10G2 -10G3 30-l66d 30-197d B-i* miQ u^v : .H.W.i 5-oc 5>^''- '^ STi-or f. :' nS-0^ ■.;r-^ 8-Ui :;iS- iAOI-at X0$- d?i-:-. •;S- V-Oc i>fS«0£ e-oc Ac-oe Tc>X-0£ 091- ■ ■'lii- I^^-c ■ ■ ! iir.-ae c_- r^c'- 1-' ;-<;- ?S-Oc iQ- bdgx-of ^r.t' Ct-:-, aaX-o^i d4ix-o- XJl-Of ;';•)'.>_ xa-r: bOiiX-Dc OU'Ol sc-oc cc-oc V^-OC Asx-oe a-3£ tJ-Of. - '^ SQX-Ot s^e- ii-ot X10X- J'OC s^ox- Q-oe iOOX- r;ddX-Oe '■' ' ■ .! I r\^^ '•-■ ,- X'5<3S-?!^.^ Ii5d5"- cbT-iS X3VS-. i»l?!i-OS xovs- -•uo^ sav?- fDTS- nWX-0' ':'S~ S5~0-. ..vs- o^x-os XiV5- Oc)-?-S, <;^V:>- AO^-O*^ ■- , : r-.f i?-0:> bXPX-;JS XHVS- ?^X-0^ ' '''^'s- Od-Ov O^X-OS XAd^- c^-os SAiit- ^x^-o:> xaijc- sa-Ds ?fti.t?- ?ox-as iM-je- A'?eX-CIS ^MJe- xx-as xi4e- fT'" ■'"' rA.(f-_ ' t- '■•5 •iaiix-0% d-^OS ixei" P8X-n<^ -^t- x-r-' ' '^" f Y-'w c~ ilV-:. .■ ^£- ^-T-:: ■ ■■(•« ■ ;'■-'.■' XiiOC- ^v?-?'" £! '>f - Di^ ^:5- KTcr...' A r.(-.r n<^Sia:WH ■;■ (-/ r* .^-■'.■U-u^o..- AOOI-OC :::i;s-acV cei-ot ; r-f*'"; ^ Qjii-oe Vi-Oi 1 -ii. ■:.•■• '*-V0£ "'i?^'^- adi-De Sfii-or iii^U- T8-oe Xilbi- ?6-c)e: .''<5;l?;- 0'?-0r ISilS- ^TI-UC xa?.s- de-se i-?><;- ■-" .-if ■V, la^- ....-oc ;■'>:- ?dI-Df SEI-0& j..t*.:'i: — 59i-Oc xa^c- btilX-Oe xcA;::- 35-OC xpds:~ nA^d-OC i-f'ckS- fflpd-oe ?p'^S- :.■^ ^'l aHTc;- -Ul i0V5;- • oe lavs- ■ - r rjivs- .... --JL "■ "C- oti-oe «5S-DC ..OTs- 'v'^-X .^".rc_ >1 ' ■ — t JiioS- ■■C ■•tTv_ ....■■ Jt .rai-of ■ -.,. ii?Oi-0C '■•— «coi-oe •t'rlO'i — .?-^.ct "T P r , -'■><. ■ - ■"■ ""'■■'A rtV^-OC x •-X b2^C-0*^ flCil-0 Af :.'■■ %. oil-::: vr ... ■ 8(u.- ciXl-o;: VOJ-'J- cOi-O:; ;ilX-0 Ti i/iVl- ' * .L- v. os- as- ■3yi"o^ i^i;;i~ ^^at .lf'0?~ <^Sl-ci SPOS- 8V- -f XAIS- .-•'•.1 ":)- jf{rc;« ■ ■;.-■>' mil- ISIS- IHIS- 56-yt xoss- -oe. c^-O^ Of . 'V.' 1 jJj.^v-\. n^ilX-Ot s?-oe mu-oi S3SX ar-- - ■ "" " |v _i XOCi" a'-i.-Ov .i uiii />Vi~0£ rrsj fifiTX-OC ■\t* All J -Of ^-^ 1 APPENDIX Bl (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well numbers D.W.R. • 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : 1933 DWR lIiS/3E-29Hl 3C-122 liiS/3E-32N2 2D-21A liiS/l|F,-31G2 Uc-17 -29 Jl 3C-186 -32P1 3D-5 -31H1 liC-7 -29K1 3C-121 -32P2 3D-6 -31H2 UC-8 -29K2 3C-6it -32P3 3D-9 -3IQI UC-13 -29KL 3C-118 -33B1 3C-106i -32K1 liC-ld -29L2 3C-117 -33B2 3C-106Ai -32Q1 UC-9n -29L3 2C-102 -33D1 30-631 -29ML 2C-l63i -33D2 30-63Ai 15S/2E-1A1 2D-8 -29N1 20-89 -33E1 30-108m -1A2 2D-BA -29P1 30-116 -33G1 30 -107m -IHl 2D-l5d -29R1 3C-53i -33G2 30-126 -IKl 2D-13 -29R2 3C-199i -33K1 30-1231 -IPl 2D-10 -30A1 20-181 -33K2 30-12Ui -101 2D-23 -30B1 2C-10U -33K3 30-12^1" -IRl 2D-ii7 -30B2 2C-180 -33Kit 30-1931 -2A1 2D-6 -30C1 20-16? d -33L1 30-1281 -2A2 2D-17 -30C2 20-168 -33P1 3D-ld -2B1 2D-ii -30E1 20-96 -3301 3D-70 -2H1 2D-12 -30E2 20-188 -33R1 3D-2n -2J1 2D-7 -30F1 20-110 -3iiFl 3CU59d -2L1 2D-22 -30F2 20-98 -35C1 30-7li -2P1 2D-26 -30G1 20-97 -3$F1 30-77d -201 2D-27 -30G2 20-10 3n -35G1 3C-82d -3B1 2D-5 -30G3 20-171 -35G2 30-95 -3B2 2D-9A -30Gli 20-101 -35H1 30-79inn -301 2D-16 -30 Jl 20-95 -35H2 3C-79Ain -3G1 2D-6ldn -30K1 20-9ii -35H3 30-159 -3G2 2D-3 -30N1 20-83 -35K1 3C-127n -lOAl 2D-153 -30R1 20-88 -36A1 30-91 -10A2 2D-15U -31 AT 20-90 -36B1 30-92 -llGl 2D-8d -31A2 20-86 -36D1 30-93 -1201 2D-lli -31B1 20-87 -36K1 3C-158 -12E1 2D-28n -31F1 20-80 -36P1 30-9 U -12E2 2D-28A -31J1 20-85 -36R1 liD-119 -12P1 2D-30 -31J2 2C-8li -12P2 2D-6U -31Q1 2D-31n liiS/i4E-30Fl 1^0-10 -lliCl 2D-5U -31Q2 2D-31A -30K1 tiO-2n -2iaa 2D-53n -31R1 2D-20d -30K2 hO-12 -2hH2 2D-53A -32B1 3C-110m -30M1 UO-5 -32F1 3C-ll5d -30M2 IiC-11 15S/3E-1C1 3D-103 -32H1 30-lllm -30P1 liC-3 -102 3D-173d -32J1 30-112d -30R1 ac-a -IKl 3D-197 -32L1 3C-113 -3101 iiO-iU -ILl 3D-71 -32L2 30-llli -31D1 iiC-l6 -201 3D-67 -32L3 3C-5ii -31E1 I4C-15 -301 3D-175ni -32N1 2D-21n -31G1 liC-6 -3Di 3D-ll45i B-6 5tlg .m CXS.L, ^ •«^ ^ ." n-oti T-a,i 8-0;t T:m ei-oa ' ,— . ■" •* M-Oii n^'-04 a*as AA-as sa; h>l-(l^ . fl-o^i oi-as x^x- C5-as T4-aQ r J! J* ( • ■■- -'■■ it- OY-'- 4T- f>YV- V.i-u .:C -." •:of-3?a\B.lf ai-D;! Djy- si-o,( ^-0,K I '-:),;! :■' '-l- ''iOc - .jot- lOlf- -»- ■- • xoxc- ^X-rOtl fsric- ■■■-Of. XSX-Of TXl-Of dXl-Dt -ns ntOX-O-? xTx-0^: 0^-OS Y5-Di; oa-os nx^-as Axe-as nOXX-Ol b^XX-Of i'jxjx-cx; bsxi-oe cxx-oc .iix«:^'-^> r f. *t ' ;' ' o.* ■ XL^S- X}iv?S- 5J9S- XM^- XDOt- <;'h:a'- d-D d~3 APPENDIX Bl (continued) WELL NU^iBERING SYSTEtl, FROIi DSPARTJ'ZNT OF WATER RESOURCES MUI''3ER TO 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES lUIiBSR Well numbers D.W.R. : 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : 1933 DVffi : D.W.R. : 1933 DVJR l^S/3E-3F.l 3D-lli9i 15S/3E-6F1 2D-33 15S/3E-9K3 3D-87 -3H1 3D-65 -6F2 2D-65 -9L2 3D-33 -3K1 3D-lli3i -6K1 2D-37 -9P1 3D-178 -3U 3D-l66i -6ia 2D-35 -lODl 3D-97 -3N1 3D-13i -6R1 ^-62 -lOFl 3D-89 -3P1 3D-177i -7B1 2D?.36 -10F2 3D-90 -301 3D-96 -701 2D-2li -lOGl 3D-202 -3Q2 3D-165 -7D1 2D-25 -lOHl 3D-201 -3KL 3D-206i -7E1 2D-29 -lOPl 3D-91 -!|B1 3D-72 -7F1 2D-U5 -10P2 3D-92 -liB2 3D-73 -7G1 2D-39 -10P3 3D-93 -UCI 3D-7 -7G2 2D-lil -lOdL 3D-99 -1;C2 3D-3 -7N1 2D-U0 -lORl 3D-58d -I4DI 3D-n -701 2D-h3 -10R2 3D-100 -liKI 3D-1U -8B1 3D-35 -nF.i 3D-68Ad -ltE2 3D-I4 -8B2 3D-3$A -llFl 3D-66d 'Un 3D-167 -8C1 3D-23 -11F2 3D-69 -liHl 3D-8n -8C2 3D-20 -llGl 3D-168 -liH2 3D-12 -803 3D-l[iUd *11M1 3D-59 -i»H3 3D-I96 -8Ga 3D-h3 -llNl 3r-107 -liKl 3D-28 -805 3D-I8d -llRl 3D-77d .|[T.T 3D-21 -8D1 2D-U6n -12E1 3D-7U -UL2 3D-2U -8D2 2D-li6A -12E2 3D-108 -UNI 3D-30 -8E1 3D-l5lp -12F1 3D-109n -llN2 3D-3li -8F1 3D-U5 -12H1 UD-29 -UPl 3D-22 -8F2 3D-I50P -12J1 3D-110 -5B1 3D-10 -8F3 3D-l;Iin -12J2 3D-110A -5B2 3B-17 -8Flt 3D-Ii7 -12K1 3D-83 -5B3 3D-17A -8H1 3D-I9O -12K2 3D-83A -5C1 3D-171 -8N1 3D-37 -12K3 3D-205 -5C2 3D-203m -8N2 2D-h8 -12P1 3D-198 -5G1 3D-I5d -8P1 3D-207d -12R1 ijD-28 -5G2 3D-19 -9B1 3D-26 -12R2 iiD-27 -5G3 3D-36n -9B2 3D-78 -13B1 3D-81i -5GU 3D-36A -9B3- 3D-80n -13B2 3D-81;A -5K1 3D-li2A -9C1 3D-163 -13F1 3D-liton -5K2 3D-U2n -9E1 3D-29 -13G1 3D-121 -5K3 3D-25 -9E2 3D-ll|8n -1302 3D-137 -5N1 2D-3U -9BI3 3D-176 -13G3 3D-138 -5'^r * .-v^ tiV-Ot •^'"- ..'Tr' . .... Hwa,?;c;?x. t : • -le iM-^^ .;v-^f£ IHt- f-^ -J r-(T£ i:if.- ■' •'It IJf- ">: IMF^- .lT£ x^e- d^;-at i^€- '■'■ '-'X 50"-- -:lt li^-.-- s'V-crt laa- tv-ae saii* \T-af IDiS- c-a<: ?DiI- ii-ce XOti- iM-^e J^-,U i:-Kit id^',- n-- ••I'L JSfX- -i^ t.v'-^ IC ifl.:.'. u.-.Ill JXti" ^tii-ae •"w.f idi-ac ""-ac Xs}^l. ,-JC ^O-iJ idi-a? «T-aF. - .■■'■,— ^ .!;!i^ :! :^::i'-;ic •-. >* ^Tf-ti-: biios-cu: .'■•Ov. J n^- f-s-crr J, 1 .f - -U, AW-''!*? iP5- lAd' APPENDIX Bl (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well numbers p.w7r. T i23ijjm. DtW,R, ; 1 9 33 Vm n.w.R> 3 933 r.WR l5S/3E-lliE2 -liiGl -ll;Hl -lliLl -llOfl. -lljM2 -li^Nl -lIjNa -lilPl -IhRl -15B1 -15F1 -15G1 -15LL -15ML -16B1 -16B2 -16E1 -16F1 -16ML -16N1 -16N2 -16N3 -l6Nii -16N5 -16n6 -16N7 -16N8 -17B1 -17B2 -17G1 -17N1 -17P1 -18B1 -18C1 -IBFI -18F2 -18G1 -18G2 -18H1 -18M1 -20A1 -21A1 -21A2 -21A3 -2101 -21C2 3D-199 3D-81 3D-76 3D-126n 3D-127 3D-128A 3D-128n 3D-lh6 3D-129 3D-88 3D-162 3D-55 3D-^6d 3D-53 3D-5U 3D-39n 3D-39A 3D-38 3D-89A 3D-U0 3D-60i 3D-6li 3D-62i 3D-63i 3D-6Ui 3D-179i 3D-18li 3D-I86i 3D-50 3D-^1 3D-ai 3D-U8 3D-h9 2D-liIi 2D-h2 2D-52A 2D-52 2D-51 2D-60 2D-50n 2D-63 3D-I87i 3D-160 3D-9li 3D-52 3D-l8Uin 3D-I88i 15S/3E-21C3 -21D1 -21D2 -21D3 -2irli -21D5 -21U -21P1 -22A1 -22C1 -22F1 -2201 -23D1 -23E1 -23J1 -23M1 -23R1 -2liBl -2UM1 -2itNl -25A1 -25P1 -25QX -25R1 -26C1 -26D1 -26G1 -26G2 -26H1 -26H2 -26J1 -26J2 -26K1 -26K2 -26N1 -26N2 -26(». -26Q2 -27E1 -27F1 -27K1 -28B1 -2801 -35B1 -35B2 -35H1 -36E1 3D-I89n 3D-I52i 3D-I80i 3D-I8^i 3D-I83in 3D-I82in 3D-95n 3D-191d 3D-131 3D-130 3D-135 3r)-i3U 3r>-132n 3D-133 3D-102n 3D-16U 3D-10li 3D-106 3D-103n 3D-200 iiD-52 3D-lIi7 3D-120 UD-65n 3D-19ii 3D-119 3D-111 3D-12lt 3D-123n 3D-123A 3D-116 3D-115 3D-113 3D-lllt 3D-112d 3D-170 3D-125 3D-I69 3D-I92 3D-195 3D- 208 3D-I36 3D-h6d 3D-101d 3D-117d 3D-17li 3D-193 15S/3E-36F1 -36GI -36HI -36LI l5S/iiE-UPl -$C1 -5K1 -5L1 -5MI -5M2 -6A1 -6D1 -6D2 -6E1 -6F1 -6F2 -6h1 -6L1 -6R1 -7A1 -7F1 -7K1 -7L1 -7MI -7QX -7R1 -801 -8L1 -8M1 -8M2 -8N1 -8Q1 -9D1 -9F1 -9G1 -9J1 -9L1 -9N1 -lONl -II4NI -1UN2 -liiN3 -15D1 -15D2 -15L1 -15P1 3D-118 3D-172 3D-122 3E-2dn liD-7 ljD-2 W'9h ijD-67 ia)-93 ljD-113 1;D-1 UD-6 ljD-118 hD-120 iiD-95 ltD-130 hD-90 iiD-115 iiD-128 liD-2i I4D-22 liD-31 UD-26 I;D-23 103-21 bD-3 liD-92 I4D-I9 UVllhd UD-20 iiD-18 ia)-125 liD-9dn I4D-8 103-15 l4D-112d UD-n liD-70 ljD-71 l4D-96n UD-10 ljD-12it ljD-68 U)-li7 B-8 (bstrt" i.Uii00) :-m.m':jy. MOfi'-l , ■ '-•'•C- "-■ > ' > ' >■: :r. . ...■,:. T ■!.'-»• '..'.SI- '' ».,_.-• r.fcA *>*.:»;_«.>».•. ■ -%':; f ??!;„, : -<^,^.'.(f ? „iiida;L..... «c9x-ae .,j tlv^,;^..,,.- ,.,^ ' FJS'Oi x?6c.3e\a^' n98X-ae eoxs-at\35i S3jiX-K\S^X SVi-O^ xoec- is>x-ae xoxs- X8« jj'X- fr8x-(&: iCJ^~ ndSX-ar .. n±e8X-<3£ 4ai:- TSX-Cf£ T-U4i l%i-dii\&l. fiiS0l.-O£ ^JJS- kdsi'iL s-cy 10>- rt^^^^Of ux*?- iiSSI-'f^ 4^-01.1 X?.?.- bxfx-ac X^SS- s^x-ac j v •- i-oa XA<)- liF.l-at xoss- ^5-ac tVdti i'jd- nSCX-0^ xacs- h^^ui? 811 -aa sab- fri-ct XScS- e>-<2f 02X^4 X3d- nSOX-Of. xus- ,,..f /•>,' X*!^- aax-oe XMB- iix .-^t S-^d- 4cx>(ic XKCS- A?£-ae oe.i-cuj IK^- 6ox-ae XSiiS- 8t-ae - 09-C.i xad- nf.ox-at IMitS- ^cn.'rr ^ii-^i.( XHri- OOj-Q^ XKti5- SSJ-Ojl .fAT- s?-aa XA5S- .1 ' iS-dit I-ffT-* T.ix-ac X'^x-as: XP$5- - ■' Xt-Ou! iJ7" n'^ci-oa 0I5S- it^-jj-: 65-04 JMY- ii^'x-oe XOo*'- b'-'- ■■■ es-dt! fPT- Qxx-ar xa<^i- i; . xs-oa ■;it- xxx-as; XCdS- ixex-ut c-aa XD^3r.. ilsi-ae S0.-)sxx-ati X.iQ- ^x-dft §po2- x5-as IV -t- vx-aa X'^tj- s«>x-ac xav • Od-i'PJ box-'"!' ! ::;r^I- ^M'-m, i^lv"^:- ' ■ '~t ^- c OY-:- .' ''- *»'^-(it. X}iT5- . ■ , " ^ XV-Oil ■li\:^ •''iC xa3<5- x\^8x-at n<5iP*CIil imi- ij':jii-li£ XD8S- oAx-ac oi-oa I'T^I- bxnx-oe xa^e- ii'^-aC' :lSX-G^ .b?ix-at ss:c- s5-ac 8d-ail j ••■'^f. XH5C- nliiSX-Oe Tii-aa- ' .'C* mdr- ■isax-fir . 6-Ci APPENDIX Bl (continued) WELL NUMBimiNG SYSTEM, PROM DEPARTMENT OF I'.aTER RiiSOUiiCES NUMBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF liATER RESOURCES NUI^BER Well numbers ■ D.W.R. : 1933 Dm : D.Vv'.R. : 1933 DV.'R : D.W.R. : 1933 DWR i5s/aE-i5Qi liD-69 l5S/liE-21Kl I4D-IIO 15S/I4E-3IJ3 1(D-106 -16C1 [iD-l6 -21L1 \iD~76 -31L1 j^5 -16D1 iiD-91 -21L2 liD-8Ln -32B1 l»D-87 -16E1 liD-lln -22B1 liD-121 -32D1 liD-62 -16E2 liD-llA -22D1 liD-l;2 -32E1 hD'63 -16h1 l4r-i2 -22D2 m-79 -32H1 ljD-88 -i6ki l»D-ii3 -22G1 liD-72 -33A1 W)-56 -16U aD-36 -22H1 hD-73 -33A2 ijD-136d -16L2 UD-111 -22J1 i^-75 -33F1 'ljD-129 -17B1 liD-lh -22L1 hD-6h -33L1 iiE-3n -17C1 liD'13 -22L2 iiD-135 -3itKl i|E-21 -17M1 \iD-30 -22ML i|D-80 -3liLl iiE-26 -17N1 i4D-102 -22P1 iiD-85 -35A1 5D-3 -17P1 i|D-33 -22R1 l^D-lh -35F1 i)D-86 -17R1 hD-hO -23M1 hD-jS -35ML ii£-57 -18E1 ijD-25 -21}ML 5D-10 -35P1 iiE-23 -18J1 l;D-32n -2iiNl 5D-1 -3501 5E-ln -18J2 liD-99 -2i)N2 5D-U -35R1 5E-103 -18K1 ljD-98 -25N1 ?E-9 -36GI 5D-5 -18L1 UD-hh -25P1 5D-li -36HI 5D-7 -18(0. liD-13hf,i.--i.ip jJ'X^- r.9'?-'Jr : ;^CS- AQ^-Cf ■ ::!^- XUP2- ft.;-. «sx-^ x^ee- xxx-oii i;-^"- ac-u .iice- „,. ...... i.ii-a« C-CI2 XA^e- ,. -._ :^ox-citi XHu- os-Oti mi- iiT-.aa ^c-at4 x*TTi~ «x-a^ xp^e- x-o> >i5:j;-a. 1.3X- ■"""•■ Ai-'X- i:i" ^e-a*i s:i,e;>- IS- SiiX^x f.ox-ci : XYS-Hil xa^- Xa-ud €^f OOX-Oji StK'S- xuxs- s- '^:x'S- APPENDIX Bl (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM DEPARTT'iENT OF WaTER R3S0URCE3 NUKBliE TO 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUfflER Well numbers D.W.R. : 1933 DWR kE-3h : D.W.R. : 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : 1933 DWR 16sAE-9R1 I6S/I4E-23KI 5E-7 16S/5E-17R1 5E-26 -lOCl iiE-SS -2iiAl 5E-15 -18B1 5E-23A -lOEl iiE-35 -2I1CI 5E-ii6 -18G1 5E-23n -lOHL UE-68 -2i<01 5E-9 -18J1 5E-81 -lORl hE-39 -2UHI 5E-9lid -18U 5E-13n -10R2 iiE-53 -2yi 5E-i48 -18ML 5E-10 -llDl hE-30d -2m. 5E-8 -18M2 5E-11 -IIEI UE-9n -2JbRl 5D-95d -19B1 5E-IaA -llHl 5E-ii -25A1 5E-32 -19B2- 5E-ian -IIU UE-IO -25C1 5E-33 -19B3 5E-li3n -llJl 5E-12 -25C2 5E-h9 -19C1 5E-Ii2 -12M1 5E-102 -25C3 5E-51 -I9FI SE-hO -12N1 5E-5 -25E1 5E-78A -19G1 5E-38 -13B1 5E-19n -25F1 5E-3li -19HI 5E-39 -13C1 5E-16 -25 Jl 5E-35h -19H2 5E-80d -13C2 5E-20 -25K1 5E-51t -19J1 5E-li7 -13E1 5E-18 -25K2 5E-98 -19L1 5E-31 -13E2 5E-10li -25P1 5E-52 -19L2 5E-99 -13G1 5E-101 -2501 5E-53 -19«L 5E-89d -13H1 5E-21 -26ML iiE-13n -1902 5E-90d -13K1 5E-22 -26M2 iiE-62 -1903 5E-91d -13N1 SE-hh -27B1 l4E-50n -19R1 5E-6it -13R1 5E-1U -27B2 liE-56 -20Q1 5E-27 -lUl 5E-17 -27G1 UE-55 -20G2 5E-29 -ll^El liE-l;3n -27H1 l,E-52 -20H1 5E-85 'ihm. hE-ii? -27H2 liE-67d -20K1 5E-86 -lltNl liE-li2d -27 Jl iiE-13An -20L1 5E-50 -15B1 iiE-38n -27 Jl I4E-63 -20P1 5E-56 -15D1 hE-58 -35C1 l4E-6l -20R1 5E-105 -15E1 aE-37n -35D1 ijE-lli -21R1 5E-72 -15H1 liE-liO -35E1 liF-1 -27N1 6E-1 -15L1 ilE-iil -35R1 5F-liln -28D1 5E-78 -15P1 aE-66 -35F2 5F-a3 -28G1 5E-76n -15R1 UE-him -36AI 511-58 -28J1 5E-77 -15R2 i^E-liliA -36BI 5E-55 -28U 5E-73 -16e1 UE-19 -36NI 5F-ln -28P1 5E-96 -16H1 iiE-36 -29BI 5E-70 -16N1 l;E-a6n 16S/5E-7F1 5E-2ii -29DI 5E-63 -17A1 hE-17 -8C1 5E-83 -29EI 5E-100 -21C1 hE-^h -8F1 5E-82 -29 Jl 5E-75d -21H1 [|E-20 -8P1 5E-8ii -29KI 5E-69d -22A1 hE-U5 -801 5E-6 -29N1 5E-66 -22A2 hE-h^k -16KI 5E-107 -29Q1 5E-68m -22A3 UB-hS -16LI 5E-27dn -29Q2 5E-68Am -22L1 ltE-l8n -17M1 5E-28 -30BI 5E-62i -22M1 iiE-60 -17N1 5E-25d -30B2 5E-88i -23G1 5E-li5 -17P1 5E-30 -30CI -30EI 5E-79 5E-59 B-10 (i!9ifni;ino3> J ' 1,^; mm cf;9x rcT<' "-..•:;■ /icS-aa\8dX '^s-a? ; — . If ,:.. s.m-^ Af.S-2? 51-35 XA.:lS- 5d-aa xoox- aes-s^ dii-a5 XOitS- 5e-ai xaor- 10-35 * 2i5 «•■.- r„ e-"??. XM^IS- fcoe-'iii raxi- AIil-JT^ , ' '. i ,. h59,-a5 XHjiS- n ?-.?•? jn?rr~ rtld-a? se-s? XA5S- XHXX- r:Z^-':' ee-^" .-• '-, ~% 1..L'- ■■: UXXr." Sil- . ' ' -■ ?iU sx-a'e i^xr-' Chi-35 ■ . .'.- i5-aCX- ^ ', ■ nU-H -, XS-S5 XHCX- faj^-.!l2 SiS-Sj ^o3- S9-35 XJfcX- 4d-- :'-^.,>y xevs- d'i-2? XWc C- T^- - ', — •iU <;ars- 4X-R? mti' t-.-a'ci c'5"^il5 TX-a5 xAax- •■:s\^,-r, s5-aii. .; n \.\- /lC;Uati x?iax- bV6-ai! ^^HVS- vd-.^.| Xi^iiX- Uci-5ic; jTAti-ad XLT?- XliiiX- d5-a5 ed-a^i XLVS- xa5x- 501-35 xd-a.ji rot'e- x.a5.c- ST-^5 • ■ i' ■ ... iii-aji nTt.-^ii X35X- r~^-^ x~'5a .L.^C'^'"" OtJ^Sil XH5X- GV- , nXtl-"?5 X51>£- xa-.i4 LJ.5X- niiT-iii5 .ii)b%- €^-'€5 sH5e- .>dra4 X'i5i- vv-a5 .aas- f^5>S5 XA?.f- ■' ! '' ■■ r:-'^': rv^q;^ xjes- 5?-a5 IBr-- nX-?5 IWdf- 9X~;dui i'doj.- -^-. -i ^.p-aa Xl'dX- ed-S5 jlS-J{5 rHT-:.'i5\3^X adiUail XK^X- 001-35 - C3-;- v.[-aa XAVX- :-^--.35 j.v . •■- f~ -->_ : ■! - i ^'\^S- ■•^5 Ti-- i;s- 6d-?r5 XWVi- . d-.a5 >.i\'U XA3S- mfitVae Xp?2~ TOX-35 j^t'.'-- \ '< : '1 / ■- '<><;_ iuAed-?[5 SPPS- nfaTS-a5. X.IdX- •:3- is^»-ci5 xaoe- h::-;^5 .[HTX- ft8X-v1li taS§- .i66-35 c;;- ■><- br'S-.Sc' xwvx- o<^-aa XMSS- ^T--15 1, . 0£-a5 I«ITX~ 5ii-35 xots- ^5-^5 xaof- f , OX-6 APPENDIX Bl (continued) WELL NU^iBERIMG SYSTEM, FROh DEFAim-iENT OF "waTER RESOURCES NU^iBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF VjATEH RiiSOURCES I'JUMBER VvELL NU^iBERS D.W.R. 1933 DMR D.W.R. ; 1933 DV^ ; D.W.R. i 1933 DWR 16S/5E-30F1 -30G1 -30J1 -30L1 -30N1 -31A1 -31D1 -31D2 -31MI -31Q1 -32B1 -32B2 -32C1 -32E1 -3201 -32H1 -32H2 -32J1 -32M1 -32P1 -33D1 -33F1 -33K1 -33K2 -3301 -33Q2 -3nMl -35D1 17S/ljE-lDl -101 -IJl -1J2 -ua 17S/5E-1R1 -2A1 -2A2 -2C1 -2C2 -2C3 -2L1 -2ML -2N1 -3B1 -3D1 -3E1 5E-36n 5E-37 5E-61 5E-57 5E-60 5E-97 5E-60A 5E-93d 5F-3 5F-5 5E-71 5E-106i 5E-67 5E-65 5F-6 ?F-l46 5E-92 5F-llt 5F-53 5E-7U 5F-21 5F-16 5F-20 5F-18A 5F-I8n 5F-2 6E-2 5F-li2 5F-7 5F-8 5F-9 6F-81 6F-8 6F-8U 6F-U 6F-6 6F-6A 6F-10 6F-9 6F-61 6F-80 5F-25 5F-28A 17S/5E-3E2 5F-28n 17S/5E-13A1 6F-li2 -3F1 5F-17n -13B1 6F-79 -3J1 6F-72 -13E1 6F-28 -3L1 6F-lit -13E2 6F-89 -3/51 6F-13 -13L1 6F-76 -Ua ■ $F-26 -13P1 6F-22 -liKl 5F-19 -lUl 6F-I;9 -ilNl 5F-31 -II4DI 6F-U7 -501 5F-I1O -lijEl 6F-5I1 -6A1 5F-13 -lUGl 6F-66 -6b1 5F-i; -15C1 5F-li8 -6ml 5F-1|5 -l^FL 6F-18 -6(51 5F-50 -15P1 5F-36n -7A1 5F-1? -21B1 5F-56 -7B1 5F-10n -21J1 5F-ii9 -7C1 5F-10A -2201 6F-3O -7H1 5F-11 -23L1 6F-8^ -8L1 5F-12 -23N1 6F-3I -8P1 5F-5ld -2i4Bl 6F-33 -9A1 5F-29 -eiiDl 6F-7li -9E1 5F-52 -eitoi 6F-I6 -901 5F-31* -2itHl 6F-35 -9P1 . 5F-33 -25L1 6F-32 -IXJL 5F-lt7 -25L2 6F-32Ad -9R1 5F-35 -25P1 6F-32B -lOAl 6F-62d -26BI 6F-3it -lOBl- 6F-12n -35B1 60-ii9 -lOCl 6F-12A -36DI 60-1^8 -lODl 5P-30 -36EI 6G-5ii -1001 6F-6O -36FI 60-2 -lOHL 6F-I9 -36F2 60-U7 -lOJl 6F-65 -36F3 60-50 -lOQl 6F-23 -36HI 60-55 -lORl 6F-6iid -36JI 60-3 -llCl 6F-17 -36KI 60-1 -llFl 6F-20 -36RI 60-U -1101 6F-1 -36R2 60-21 -UG2 6F-77f -36R3 6G-59d -lUl. 6F-2 -IIKI 6F-21 17S/6E-6D1 6F-7n -11K2 6F-ii8 -6N1 6F-83 -llLl 6F-63 -7M1 6F-70 -llPl 6F-i;6 -7N1 6F-78d -12B1 6F-82 -701 6F-69 -12M1 6F-3 -16EI 7F-20n -12P1 6F-.26 -16PI 7F-1 -12Pe 6F-27d -16P2 7F-29 B-11 ihaunt^inoo) iS XiaWS=!<;.■■;.-:- •■ Ht'Ta eee .. '.-ri^ ^...- . ♦ Hwa e^^x : .«.vi,Cf. Sii-'Ed sae-sf^Vu nde-H5 rco^-aABax - i.if- T'^--'-.''? i^TOi'- ciT-'iC) Uf.I- U--':i inf.- ^'. '.e Ti'TO^:- SS-'Bd ri£i- ^3-"?? .LAJ- T^-a'.? iftlF^ f!,'~'io lljiX- W'--^ SM" A0b-3>. xt;-~ Tii-'^d la^u- if'-'H^ m- bf.^-a5 ^^\l- j1<1-"h:<^ m r- Qii-v:^ ..a?~ t-'i^ r:.-x- ^■^d iDiiX- U-l^'. , «. ^-q? S/. ' • 8ll-'Hci irjU- d-'ir - .. - XT-SC5 r. 5i-f^ J-^^^X- ^4.^? .i?^'V xdox-ia^ fldf-'=:5 n>i- O^-Tr- t. T^-ST' . '.. . ■ - ^?~^> xexs- >l.-n.i ^d-S? J '■■'y.<.~ oa.■ c5-"?^ J ■ . ■ • di-'id XO1I5- 'JMc .^q- aY~a5 } ^€-•=16 IH'^- iir-'- --..-, XS-"?-' St-^o i'-i c":!);- £t--^:' - dX-?5 MSe-'5$ s.;vs- Tti--^? i^^ (y5-'i^ ase-'id Vi---- 5r-'', Ifl^- A?.-«~'' ., ■_-. ^i-ib IUO>- bSo-.. lAOX- 'y .' • . . *• ?ii-Od X3$C- nful"'^ XQOX- .■ ■ p'-' ■ ' '- ■•■ . k^l-lb lOOX- " ■ ^. i:.ia.'-' iiv--'- oe-'i5 lODX- 5-na x'^^de- 06-"?^ iOOX- Sil-'il^ xai-ai!\evj T4-Ci ?'lr'5i;- 9X-%3 XIIOX- T-''I5 XCI- o?-od f^^C- ^6-v^ xtox- S-'-'i? XT,I- ^S-i)d XKdC- £S-'5d ipac- ,^!'-'^^ 5T.I- f-0^ 1%-; ^ IHOX- •■ •■, ", •-••■f- j.-vd ^:^--c.- i- .- xoxx- ii~Ob xfl^e- os-*^a XIXX- X8-1d XHX-aA2Y. IS-Od ssdr.- - -^ xnix- 9- '5a .fi'x. b^^~Od "■'cf- ..;• soxx- iG--?.^ ^Ai- ^^_v^ ihii- , a-'?d J.DS- cT-^d iao->^ '\&'U X^-'-'Td DiXX- a--?^ ■ '':r^ ec-^^ rv?,r- bT^-^Io ^sx- A8S-'!I5 - IX~S aPPENDK B1 (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROk DEPaRTtiENT OF \MiT\LR Ri^OUKChS IMUliBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF IJATEIt RESOURCES mSUR V'/ell numbers D.W.R. 1933 DMR D.W.R. 1933 DTO ; D.IJ.R. ; 1933 DV.'R L7S/6E-17R1 7F-lli -18G1 6F.68 -18J1 6F-71 -18L1 6F-i,3 -18P1 6F-67 -19B1 SF^hh -19D1 6F-2ii -19M1 6F-50 -1901 6F-38 -20E1 6F-ii5 -20E2 6F-75 -20H1 6F-5 -20H2 6F-15 -20J1 6F-52 -2001 6F-53 -20R1 6F-73 -21L1 7F-6 -21KL 7F-2A -21N1 7F-2 -21R1 7F-3Ud -22P1 7F-30 -oAm 7F-31n -26N1 7F-16 -27D1 7F-13 -27E1 7F-7d -27E2 7F-25d -27K1 7F-19 -27L1 7F-15 -27R1 7F-21n -28A1 7F-9 -28A2 7F-.12 -28B1 7F-8 -28D1 7F-26d -28E1 7F-32 -28G1 7F-3in -28G2 7F-J|Tn -28G3 7F-27m -28GU 7F-3Um -28K1 7F-11 -28M1 7F-l8d -28N1 7F-28 -28Q1 7F-17d -28Q2 7F-35d -28R1 7F-5i -29A1 6F-Uli -29E1 6F-U0 17S/6E-29J1 6F-.25i -29K1 6F-5I -30A1 6F-39 -30B1 6F-37 -30F1 6F-36 -31E1 6G-51 -31F1 6G-6 -31L1 60-7 -31ML 6G-5 -31N1 6G-8 -31R1 6G-9 -32E1 6G-11 -32G1 6G-12 -32J1 6G-ll| -32J2 6G-53 -32P2 6G-16 -32M1 6G-10 -32P1 6G-13 -3201 6G-I8n -33A1 7G-71; -33G1 7G-7d -3301 7G-li -.3I4EI 7G-1 -3iifil 7G-2d -35D1 7G-3 -3^F1 7G-55 -35J1 7G-5 -3§L1 -J6M1 ]t&' 18S/6E-1E1 7G-51 -IML 7G-$0 -INl 7G-85 -IQl 7G-87 -IRl 7G-2Un -2N1 7G-19 -2Q1 7G-83 -3D1 7G-8 -3J1 7G-70 -3P1 7G-15 -liAl 7G-9 -UDl 7G-10 -Uia 7Q-12n -iiM2 7G-71 18S/6E-iiNl -5B1 -5B2 -5D1 -5G1 -^KL -5K1 -5L1 -?<». -502 -5R1 -5R2 -6a1 -6E1 -6E2 -6E3 -6H1 -6j1 -6ki -6L1 -6M1 -6P1 -6q1 -6r1 -6R2 -7A1 -7A2 -7B1 -7B2 -8D1 -8E1 -8K1 -8R1 -9C1 -9D1 -9E1 -9F1 -9L1 -9ML -9R1 -9R2 -lOFl -lOGl -lOJl -10 J2 -lONl 7Q-1U 6G-17 6G-19 6G-28 6G-36 60-37 6G-38 GG-58 QG-UO 6G-U1 6G-3U 6G-3itA 6G-15 6G-20 6G-23 60-57 60-22 60-52 6G-26 6G-25n 6G-25A 6G-2U 6G-27 6G-3O 60-35 6G-29 6G-h6 6G-32 6G-33n 6G-39 60-31 6G-lt5d 60-56 7G-76 7G-11 7G-77 70-16 70-13 7G-23 7G-25 70-25A 70-18 7G-82 7G-20 7G-9U 70-72 B-12 Hafcu-iU' ibs'uaXino' v.^1^ ..^J_..J. ..^iiU. J^.L,-X.,U ti.Vl t:. . Jd JJ2. - — ». fjTs.liitu^r'ir.'?''/ ffi-ia teex ; .;l. •<.:.'•■ r M ^m. : ! ma ^e9X ! .fi.^f.'^ ilr^DT .:,':Uad\a8i i^9-l6 j^ U.8X- QS'Ob J(^- ve-'^s xaoc- Cii-id liSl- dc-cd S^'- •• de-?d Hoc- TiV-il^. I'^IOX- Te-o^- I'«l-Od iaj;e- a4-'=i^ moj' OjL-Od d-ca I'iXt- 4-^-^:3 XdPi^ 85-^'ft . . ■ ■ ■ •■ V-^d XJiC- 0'^-^^ .u'^ix- Ojl-OC ■ J' >-r^ mii-. 8e-t^ XP9X- X4-0O ^d-'->i>i r;^^;- ac-oo x!Ak- , — ,.,_;. XHXt- ?Y--^5 Q'Jr.< - iUlC-Od £X-Od xast-. 5-'5d ?.i-Od /*■>- Sl-Oci xose-. 5x-n ''■' .'j- OS-tOci ; • , ^> tc-o^ M,SC- <^-:-- •' f .-'•t'^ es-0^. ■,i'l .',- , ■.,r^ SLrsC- CMd. T^Oc^ , I ;,,- 6X-0<^ 5ise- IV-^^c^ j-j-Jto.- §S-Dd .■ ■ — Ol-Od IflSC- d-IV XilS- s?-oe j.'.'J- fl-Dd xi<:c- AS-"?? iliXS- ds-.r- ! ■:':',-' :^b xp«*- - S-1\ XHIS- irc^-o-.".v ' -. '— \ 's^c- bac-iv I'L-S- A5S~?» ;j..O" -it- ot-^v X^SS- |i5-Dd I\S' ijji-r • • Y-r- bS'HS .i.-. . ..- dji-Dd S4V- f»- ■ ?.f'.. fc^S-'^Y ScfVS- S£-t'3d JSY- • '^X-'iY Divs- nC?-Dd 'S^o- 5X-'iV XJV5- PC-OrJ .1 . 1 nXS-'^Y XHYS- If-Ov^ yV J :: .'■ ". b^ii-n.^ • ^^ ■'»« - -, ■' 'V Tjvil- SX-IY r'.iL.-- y:.'i'<<~ ^8-.'-, ;iX- S-"?? xass- II-OV :-:x- fadS-UV XilSS- TT-OV ifiiv^- ?X-p flC-.- • toas- , > r» Q /\ tx-nv XJ9~ Of- iniii-; tS-OT JH-'- "■ ?S-OT 1 - A^S-OT ; , ■ , . —^ ■IV<- BI-OY , , ■ ' , Oi-n.. '14- 6S- SS-OY ilDOX- Xulii- ^YX-T, - CS-OT XT.CI- - ,■ . S^jU- '■•It-'^V -.w'-.- ,, 4i^-0Y si::- x5-'iV ii£2" 1 SY-OV X"KOX~ 1 APPENDIX Bl (continued) WELL NUMBERING SY3TEl'i, FROh DEFARTI^-iENT OF V.aTEK RESOURCiiS NUMBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF Water resources NUiiBlifi Well nvunbera D.W.R. ; 1933 DVffi D.W.R. 1933 DW R :__ D.vj.R. ; 1933 DWR_ 18S/6E-11B1 -llJl -llLl -11L2 -llNl -12A1 -12C1 -12C2 -12G1 -12K1 -1201 -12R1 -13A1 -13B1 -13C1 -13MI -11^1 -ltiB2 -llRl -liiR2 -15F1 -15KL -15N1 -1501 -16E1 -16K1 -16L1 -16q1 -21B1 -21Q1 -22M1 -23R1 -2l;Bl -2aEl -2liGl -2liJl -2iiLl -2[iNl -25A1 -25D1 -25F1 -25J1 -25J2 -25Q1 -26A1 -26G1 -26R1 7G-8U 7G-22 7G-21 7Q-90 7G-ii6 7G-li9 7G-86 7G-89 7G-ii8 7G-88 7G-91 7G-33 7G-92 7G-56 7G-30 7G-58 IQ'hBn 7G-Ui 7G-59 7G-28 7G-29 7G-52 7G-31 7G-26 7G-27 7G-80 7G-li7 7G-78 7G-79 7G-53 7G-38 7G-57 7G-39 7G-U0 7G-93 7G-6Ii 7G-37 7G-81 7G-65 7G-35 7H-23 7G-36 7H-22 7G-60d 7G-3U 7H-52 18S/6E-27A1 7G-75 -2701 7G-32 -26J1 7Q-5Ii -3iiAl 7H-U7 -3l|Bl 7H-1 -3HC1 7H-50 -3iiJl 7H-15 -3i»Ml 7H-li3 "31^1 7H-51 -35H1 7H-19 -35H2 7H-20 -35K1 7H-16 -35K2 7H-18 -36A1 7H-U6 -36G1 7H-2li -36G2 7H-29 -36M1 7Hr25 -36N1 7H-17 -36P1 7H-30 18S/7E-6K1 8G-2 -6K2 8G-2li -6Q1 8G-ld -8N1 8G-3 -16P1 8G-7 -17D1 8G-li -17L1 8G-6 -17R1 8G-5 -18D1 7G-62 -16E1 7G-61 -IBKI 8G-8 -18L1 7G-ii3n -18L2 7G-63 -18P1 7G-U2 -18P2 7G-66n -19C1 7G-U1 -19G1 8G-16P -19G2 8G-21 -19N1 7G-67 -20Q1 8G-22 -21G1 8G-20 -28D1 8G-23ra -28G1 8G-17 -28H1 8G-13 -28K1 8G-15 -28N1 8H-8 -28R1 8H-80 -29A1 8G-12 -29D1 8G-1U -29F1 8G-9 18S/7E-29G1L -29ML -29Q1 -30C1 -30J1 -30MI -30P1 -30R1 -31B1 -31B2 -31C1 -31C2 -3101 -32G1 -32MI -32N1 -33G1 -33J1 -33MI -33P1 -33R1 -3ijDl -3I4PI -3aP2 -3liRl -"35E1 19S/6E-1C1 -lEl -IFl -1F2 -ILl -2A1 -2D1 -2J1 -2N1 -2R1 -3D1 -3E1 -3E2 -3K1 -3M1 -3M2 i3Rl -llCl -llEl -IIHL 8G-10 8G-11 8H-a 7G-68 8H-2n 7G' 69n 7H-1,5 8H-1 7H-27 7H-28A 7H-26n 7H-28 8H-6 8H-5n 8H-3 8H-IU 8H-I6 8H-23 8H-7 8H-11 8H-81 8H-I7 8H-9 8H-10n 8H-82 8H-86 7H-31 7H-23A 7H-12 7H-12A 7H-11 7H-^3 7H-21 7H-32 7H-51i 7H-10 7H-2 7H-3 7H-ii8 7H-li 7H-lli 7H-li9 7H-3U 7H-36 7H-5 7H-39 B-13 ,tsi«ixinoo} Xa UCSiB'ViA h'ihliJJi'l d-lv'. ' Jl.V'.l'^ ; '^..xxjs. ■,"_>o..:j» i*....i f..' *-w - ' .,'i^'-. .. .■ .. ^ V,-. .i. ■.'.* ■ • **" ■ " " - . , 1 T. . -^ , \ ' ' » •• J&«n etvl :. '..iw-. , a,'.?Cn i II-OB .D^:^- ^e-OT X0V5- SS-CT '' .J - ii-H8 xp$<;- .i?-f)? Xt.0S- XS-OY XJXX- ,8d-0T 10^: Vi^-HT XAilC- 0^-i^'T ■'.'■ '■'"'., nS-'d8 !:-<■. X-HT ie;iC- Si5-0T flOd-OT .mc.~ 05-J.I7 xoaf,- ^il-OT ^4-HT m. ^^: --.V xyc- ^8-OV X-H8 r-i ■ -• ■ :if Xl'iiie- Q3-oy Ts-HT xaxr.- X^~KV xv4ie- iCSX" A8S-HV '^a.rr- ?X-HT TH'^e- 83~OT '^'" ' . n<^*;-Kt xnir- OS-KT SH^E- X^-OT 8S-HT SOXC- dX-HT X5i>?:- a-OT d-.H8 IPXC- '■'. r._v!Y sji^e- s:c~ ■• ^T xhh^- A^il-OT J'- tS-KS XLCC- VX-H7 n?a-OT saiji- T-H8 3?'fr p.. ..... ■ " .- ■ f . XX-H8 IS - •;. .. ■ X8-HB 8S-0T r^ r ■ <- . i s— i;, ■pd- 9<>»0T jJ;^l- rd-oT iTI^I- nCX-HB 2F- - i^dX- IQTX- Xt-OT XJdX- Xi'.-iil i.0i-a:J>yOVtJ^ Tii-^V 'fi.''. ' A£S»HT X£i- 8V-v"V I . ; ' •^' .^ SX-HT X^X- -■•i- '■ ■ r ?v- .. Asx-nt <^'5x- n-iiT xjx- n.f -...ui- XJ8X- 8C-0V i' C^»HT XiS- T^-tOV X^':^--" X? '• ^;'- I d; .,^i7 ■. '- SI , ..bC- 0<\~OS _ ..y >. il5-HT f^JS- T V ^ - .x- so?X- e. S-K7 ;■;■-_ ' ■ . - ''■ - t-HV -« 8.' ■ I '....1 \— . ■■A X(Tc'^- ti- , ... ..~^;V r'i:;^?- i.tX-HT i^^- ici. . ( ' -s es-Hv XL^S- tX-Ci- ^ - dC-HT XOXX- ... ^-HT fSIX- „ (?e;-.ffY m r 1- -t '• i. I ' : — APPENDIX Bl (continued) WSLL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM DEPARUffiNT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well numbers D.W.R. : 1933 DV.'R : D.U.R. : 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : 19S/7E-25J1 1933 DvJR 19S/6E-11J1 7H-7 19S/7E-9U 8H-85 91-7 -llKl 7H-37 -lOEl 8H-30 -25K1 91-67 -12A1 7H-Iil -lOffL 8H-56 -26BI 8H-7i; -12F1 7H-8 -lOPl 8H-3I -26DI 8H-7I -1201 7H-iiO -llDl 8H-56A -26D2 8H-72n -12N1 7H-38 -llHl 8H-60 -27A1 8H-35 -isn 7H-6 -llJl 8H-6I -27A2 8H-70 -11J2 8H-89 -27B1 8H-88 19S/7E-1Q1 9H-18 -llPl 8H-57 -36JI 91-11 -INl 8H-59 -1201 9H-2n -36J2 91-16 -IPl 9H-1 -12L1 9H-3 -36J3 9I-I8n -2L1 8H-91 -12N1 8H-62 -36MI 81-3 -3C1 8H-2I1 -13D1 8H-63 -301 8H-22 -13D2 8H-6i;d 19S/8E-18D1 9H-19 -3H1 8H-25 -I3GI 9H-7 -1901 9H-ii -3P1 8H-8li -13K1 9H-5 -19C2 9H-lli -3R1 8H-26 -13P1 9H-9 -19K1 9H-10 -liOl 8H-12 -lliFl 8H-58 -19N1 9H-17 -liML 8H-J4O -lijML 8H-87 -27ML 91-23 -liNl 8H-iil -laNl 8H-68 -27M2 9l-2li -$B1 8H-27 -15B1 8H-65 -27N1 9I-5OP -5C1 8H-I3 -15B2 8H-66 -27N2 91-72 -5H1 8H-20n -15H1 8H-3UA -27N3 91-75 -5H2 8H-20An -15H2 8H-3ltn -28J1 9I-li9P -5H3 8H-20Bn -15J1 8H-67 -29N1 91-8 -5Hi; 8H-29 -I6DI 8H-52 -30AI 9H-16 -^5 8H-28d -16G1 8H-55 -30B1 9H-11P -5J1 8H-39 -I6HI 8H-32 -30Q1 91-63 -5J2 8H-U2 -1701 8H-51 -31B1 91-9 -5P1 8H-I9 -17H1 8H-1;8 -31H1 91-12 -6C1 7H-35 -17K1 8H-50 -3101 91-13 -6H1 8H-15 -17L1 8H-lt9 -32A1 91-70 -6H2 8H-37 -22D1 8H-33 -3201 91-65 -6UL 7H-9 -23C1 8H-69A -3202 91-66 -6P1 7H-I4i -23F1 8H -69 -32L1 91-19 -7A1 8H-38 -23F2 8H-69C -33D1 91-69 -701 7H-I4? -23F3 8H-69B -33F1 91-68 -7P1 7H-13 -2301 8H-83 -33J1 91-25 -8D1 8H-lt3 -23K1 8H-36 •'33R1 91-26 -8E1 8H-U6 -23<»- 8H-73 -8F1 SH-hli -23«2 8H-7liA 20S/7E-1D1 81-1 -8K1 8H-i5 -23Q3 8H-7UB -1D2 81-2 -8N1 8H-li7 -2hQk 8H-7hC -IHl 91-20 -9C1 8H-21 -2305 8H-9O -9D1 8H-I8n -2UHL 9H-6 20S/8E-3P1 9l-35n -901 8H-53n -2liH2 9H-15 -iiCl 9I-li8n -9J1 8H-5U -2UJ1 -25A1 9H-8 9H-12 -5A1 91-76 B-lU (^ yjCM3«i'";.. - V- .: .It; :r; . , icia iiojii- ^^'j ■i?ay:- ■ n,.c:. . ..vnvj ■^a'^otoiv yn'-tivx va ■-"—•■—■•"" ■ • ' » •-..-•■ -». • Xisvi.-" ""^ .m cf-w Xl^S-3T\oxx Pv^GX:,.... - '^tr'AVu r ■ . . . I ■V-IQ ?8-.H8 XJ^-3T\8^1 . : »;.!>" ■^"> ■" T6-:o XJ!'xi- * XI-I? iteif.- X:ie~ n'^-i-ivf xo;^« , S6-H0 xwsx- ^--;,.X- XM/ ('■"r_ ?I-}-^ xa6x~a9\8?x xct- a-H^ lO^X" ' T-H« xo£:x- i!S-H6 XHi> ltf~H? SD'?!- ?-H9 XJitX- 1- r1.-. xqc- 0X-H9 XM^X- ■^-KQ xsa- Xiir^ VI-H9 iWOX- 55-H8 X-^iU- 2X-.H8 XOil- £S-I^ xt-^vs- TB-*Hfj .G'lax- Oii~H8 r-- ' » u£-I^ 5KTS- e.d-H^ XliiiX- l4.l-Hd %M? ruTs- >d-H6 •iH^X- V^^-fl9 xa$- iV-'I9 ?'4TS- r ^'.C~ a-HB xo^- ^T-li n47S~ .u::x- nOS-Ho BT^." '^wui;? iXBS- SH?X^ nA0S-H8 5H2- 8-1? X^»^S- , i-- ■ 1 ; ") -MVX- '■■• ..Ha - .- ■. V , ^X-H^ XAOt- ■^^R8 b8S-K8 r^-I? XPOlf- ?r.-HO i^3X~ ^lA-i^ 9-1^ nm- I . ■..>■! /^ Si^-H-i X-H8 Lli- f.I-I? cpxt- CH-H3 ^^.-HT .- .— , 0V-I9 usc- ?J-H6 51-H8 ,■ . ."^i^-I? XDSe- ??:-H8 VC-H3 SH^- c»d-I? snsc- - ?~nv •LIcU 91-1? XJSC- . -• - i! J il).i-HT I-^a- ^d-lP xaec- 0-?d-H3 5'5?.f9- ac-HO XAT- -^^ I? x'^ec- ^li-HV " "■ "■ ..-•i? XUt- . ?J-HV dS-i9 iMt- ;e4~H8 •XOS" , '^, ',',«■ cVi-HS TM8-. lb[I.f!r\ ' / -"^ •.IM8 ' f^'Tf- s-ia sax- ■ 5- 5vi-H8 os-j: i'HI- Ij';.-. V~Hf > ilo4s- Ta-H8 CP-H8 5r" TvN.., ' IS~H8 -. - . " n^e- •'fa\3o§ d-fl? Jt8X-Hfl la?- n9ji~i^ l:j\- ^X-i"? VhiaS- rt-~jrt ;iX -r '1 ■> APPENDIX Bl (continued) VjELL numbering 3Y3T3M, FROM DEP.'URTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES NUi-:BER TO 1933 DIVISION OF WATER fiESOURCES MTmBER Well number : 1933 DVffi : D.W.R. : 1933 DlvR : D.W.R. : 1933 DWR 20S/aE-5Cl 91-10 20S/8E-18B3 9I-U3 21S/9E-22A1 llJ-9 .5K1 91-27 -18H1 91-17 -22K1 llJ-12 -5L1 91-15 -20D1 9I-ii5 -23D1 llJ-10 -5L2 91-22 -2iiCl 101-9 -23F1 llJ-11 -5L3 91-28 -2itEl 101-5 -2301 llJ-Ii -5M1 91-60 -2liJl 101-11 -2)|T,1 llJ-16 -5M2 9I-61t -2l|L1 101-8 -2UMI iiJ-5 -?R1 9I-U -210-2 101-10 aSIiM2 llJ-13 -5R2 9I-li7 -2itMl 101-7 -25B1 llK-5 -6H1 91-62 -25«L lOJ-16 -25R1 llK-8 -6k1 91-21 -26D1 lOI-lli -7F1 91-61 -26D2 101-15 2IS/XOB-.3OEI llK-6 -7H1 9I-iaA -26H1 lOJ-21 -30ML llK-9d -7H2 9l-lim -27A1 10I-13n -3OFI UK-Id -8D1 9I-ii6 -36E1 10J-19n -32N1 llK-2 -8E1 91-29 -801 91-32 20S/9E-19E1 101-12 22S/10E-5D1 llK-3n -8H1 91-30 -31L1 10J-22d -7B1 llK-li -8H2 9I-71m -31M1 lOJ-lU -8F1 12K-22d -8K1 91-33 -801 12K-8 -8P1 91-51 2IS/9E-I4NI lOJ-15 -8K1 12K-2i^d -8QX 91-52 -5K1 10J-17d -8QPL 12K-20 -9E1 91-31 -6C1 lOJ-2 -8R1 12K-2n -9E2 9I-3it -6g1 lOJ-3 -8R2 12K-12m -9E3 9I-li8d -6k1 lOJ-1 -9ML 12K-10 -9ML 91-3 -7J1 lOJ-5 -9M2 12K-lln -9M2 91-36 -7J2 lOJ-6 -9N1 12K-l5cl -9N1 91-37 -7K1 lOJ-20 -9P1 12K-13 -13N1 101-20 -8B1 lOJ-7 -16C1 12K-1 -lliPl lOI-U -8B2 10J-8n -I6DI 12K-I6i -mP2 lOI-ln -8C1 lOJ-18 -I6KI 12K-3 -liiP3 10I-3n -8D1 lOJ-ii -I6PI 12K-6 -lIiQX 101-2 -8G1 10J-8A -I6RI 12K-U -15C1 9I-U0 -801 lOJ-9 -17B1 12K-33 -15F1 91-6 -9N1 lOJ-lO -17N1 llK-7 -l^Hl 101-6 -15F1 llJ-17 -21C1 12K-7 -15H2 9I-hln -15K1 llJ-2 -21 Kl 12K-21d -1^H3 91-73 -15K2 llJ-3 -21L1 12L-16 -15J1 lOI-U -15R1 llJ-8 -21R1 12L-13 -16C1 91-5 -I6BI llJ-ld -22D1 12K-5n il6Gl 91-38 -I6GI llJ-6n -22D2 12K-llj -16H1 91-39 ►16G2 llJ-15 -27E1 12L-2 -17B1 91-2 -16m. 11J-7A -27R1 12L-7 -17B2 9I-7U -16H2 llJ-7n -28B1 12L-1U -17K1 9I-U1* -17K1 10J-12n -28H1 12L-15 -18B1 9I-ln -17Q1 lOJ-13 -33L1 12L-1 -18B2 9I-U2 -19A1 lOJ-lln -3liBl 12L-li B-15 {bemiino: liMmin R';- u. ; ; HWti i^Vl : .H.V.',a s Cm"*- < iiwa ^r^I : ,H..^-a • ^hii caax-:*i3\20i.' OX-Iv ■' >l3\30S SI~LIX X){5C- TX-I? rr' •■* ■". ., V5-IV OI-lII 1GI^:~ 5iS-I? ^X-IC' i.l^- JX-T.Xi x-^ts- ^-irr. 1 S?-I',' ■5- 4-t.ix xocs- 5-xof ^- ,;.. 8S-XV , •: ''- ^x-ixx xjas- XX-IOX nA9.- n^-I'- "i^- ^-IXr ny:.!f-_ 8-i' .' • ' ■ ■ V i'.S-I9 tX-lXi Ol-iO;: ^ V ' ' ^ il-I? •- ^-axx XL^^S- V-IOX Tit-i:^ i.ii'- B-Ml xa?5- 6X-LC1 <-:d~If ;;:<^- ax-iox , X^-I^ :..i^ b^ur imi -aox\ '<>X-IOX ^- ■ ■ . - Xd-lP XIT- b^-}iLi iiioe:- XS-LO.i. ■i.; ■ '<:-. - AJX-Jf^ xnV- bl-MI X'joe- ntl-lOl ' t* "* ^ ^ mix-lr •;UV- S-/!XX iT45C- ir9X-t,0X i»- -.-.»* i.■■^-5Jn^^^'^r• . ,! .."r<_-.\ r ' c; sr-T9 fr;?- il-5{IX xav- 0^ i'>8- b<;s- ^ • r-is-. llX-LGX ii-iic- mXV- £-.::, X&3- f.f-- • - . ^ " bii5-?iSX IS8- ^X-lOX X5lj(-3Q\3X5 X?-If? IM.8- 05-«X m- bTI-bOX X^^?.- S?,-IQ nS~:HSX xaa- S-T,0X XOd- Sl'19 - ■ » ■ mSi-XSX Sfl8- e-Lox B^d- di'V:>. -vT^- OL-mi JM^~ X-LOX XXo- f>8ti-i? ta^- n.U-Ml S>1i^X- 8X-i.'^' rrX-ICX s^ai- -.'"". _v -^ ndS" a-iox nt-IOX c-^x- il->:sx XfldX- A8-L0X XD8- S-IOX JCPiIX- es-KS-..!: XPTX- O'l-XC XO^f.- ?-?iIX XIITX- \^.'- ■ '■ .-. i-IC! Xt?i- ?~>tsx xoxs- vx-tix d-lOX xh5x- &xs-)rsi X3XS- S-I.I.f nitl-I^ SHc'J.- dX"-.l5X J.l....i— ?:-t.xx ev-i^? Tii^X- a-J5x £1l.V-.- e-!,xx il-IOX Xl^X- n<-.' . ^T- ;td-T.XX fii-iq lOdU S-JS: ■' - "PJ.-IU Qe~i9 SHM^ V-JSj .'.V-LXX !• .'X'- <.^-i<> xarx- liX-iSJ ■ .-. - fiY-lXI J^dX" av-i^ SfiVX- '^X-i5J ... "-J- nSX-lOX .rvv r« ai!-!^' X7IVX- x-j<;x .ui?r~ ex-t,ox .fiX-I9 :^3X- •a-J:;x TtTilf,- ,., r y • ■■■ •• ■ • - ■' f 1 >i ' ' t • ' - . •5x-a APPENDIX Bl (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTEl^, FROM DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES TIMBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well numbers D.W.R. ; 1933 DWR' ; D. W.R. ; 1933 DWR ; D.W.R . ; 193? Dim 22S/lOE-3aCl 12L-3 -3I4C2 12L-12 -3iiGl 12L-10 -3liJl 12L-5d -3liJ2 12L-11 -3iiRl 12L-6n B-16 M&srn^ c-asx Irjii£.-v ?'in2-S?V3fI S8- X?^ -I 5- 5':-;"'- ■ -' ^A- sx rto- X^TX-.. • --•.-«. J. 4i- -.. .: AOX- iH^x-; ^"^^^l ra- Sffl"£-S5\8£X rrOI- S'^0<5-iii>S^ci l-,' 8,1- XpXt-32\3£X A-CX- ^:a9X. ts\atx S<5- - -^ >•>■.• --v ,«. ^i!~ iiif£-as'v?ri rrXX- xp8-ris\8ei e^- Xp2- r>4<;-f-3c;\eci §X- iroi- „...•■ X5- ■■x AP.X- ■- - .. u. - . \^- _.- ' '^ ^ ~ 'iuj.^-x; ..,^,1 S5- ... ...-:>v^cX nil- xLvx-5iS\aci d9- xLX£~:'{<;\t?ei A<.:?. ipoe-3s\aiX n;iX- a CC" i::iXc-?fs\8£X 5X- XJiO-.:^'c\r,(r X-^'' ^.i-..> .--..u.X 45- ipse-as\3ex a.r- xc- f:>!9<;-aiS\Rr ;; A..l$- xo5e-s5\3ex AYX- x>' a i.' i?5- X'iPS-a5\3£X nVX- IK.:- .. r rA- J- ''J -IV, '■ ■ -' y - -L d^- XJ83-3?\8£X 8i~ X08-S 5- i)!ff.-3^\F.^,r r^- xo>-:5s\3iU: n?X- XJV. - ^ ■ ■''■•■'-^.. *■ ■ " . xfivx-asVsei Ai:0«;- xee ^ .j.^*'^— -1 ■. ' J ■,...— 5MTX-3S\8CX rtlOS- SH- :■■- Xiisc-H"' ; O'rU. xpax-as\3cx ^.rs- rs] n^- iap<3-Ji;V3c,i 68- XHV--IS\3CX xi: AOX- raor^.':To\i''r r AXc>.. i'?dx-ss\3e.x iK.i- u. nCi- /tXA- x!y(''r-:'.s\p£X as- th AJLX- r-';.^- ii-v.,.~s^-\a£i 5s- §1 (tIX~ t ■ __ >■•- ^- ijvx-s ■ ^ ^^ r fldS- SJ: ASI- j^:fr-SS\pr ^ , „ XHVX-: ■ nTo„ if<:;x- fV?d' J/^i-5:N\c^cX X8S- e.x- j-w J-- ^ \... .: n^-(V st'a-:irs:.-3V.\?J:.i T'V XT..9X-.'^<:\3tX nPS- xn--' 5x>- :\3f.X nOe- 2? 6x- - :->.>,."■ - i 'V-i'i .. -••,/■ > — i \u£ X AXt- Xa:' Vf:-^:\ei'.. ■'■■'-- i09'?-:-rs\r.( i nX£- XM . di." SiT^3C\ei.l-: ■':v- xqc- X nise- . xcv . .. .lOX- ■■;r,'u"-'' - ' • - N J - dOO'.-.. '- iAre- savx->^:- AO?" i-i [f ■ <.T- ro?s-a: J nl££- .i ;tO'^- -ill. \ati i;dV" -^a-s-^^ii 4?-- nlS- .. .<.,-as\^:r^- -., ■,... iiV' • ' ''^X A^l- SS- 3aI£->!J'^ <»T~ XP^J I 5C- Xhii-aiixoui i^ XOXC-hf • xsoe-as\dtx ndt- APPENDIX B2 (Continued) WLL MUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RbSOURCES NUMBER TO DEPARTi^lENT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well Niunbers 1933 DWR ; D.W.R. 1933 BVJR D.W.R. ; 1933 D^JR D.W.R. lC-2lfA lIiS/2E-5FU 2B-7 liiS/2E-i(Al -2lin lIiS/2E-5F3 -8 13S/2E-3liJl -2$ lhS/2E-5Ll -9 13S/2E-35G1 -26A 1US/2E-7F2 -10 13S/2E-35N1 -26n lhS/2E-7Fl -11 13S/2E-35L1 -27n II4S/2E-7L2 -12Ad liiS/2E-2C2 -28 lhS/2E.l|P2 -12d lliS/2E-2Cl -29 lhS/2E-l4Pl -13 13S/2E-35R1 -30 1I;S/2E-9D2 -15 13S/2E-3l4r)l -31 lIlS/2E-9El -32 13S/3E-30P1 -32 lltS/2E-5Rl -33d lltS/2E-2Dl -33 lltS/2E-8Jl -:h 13S/2E-27Q1 -3U lliS/2E-8Gl -35in 13S/2E-33H1 -35 ms/2E-8C2 -36ra 13S/2E-33H2 -36 lliS/2E-8Dl -37 13S/2E-36F1 -37 II4S/2E-9FI -38 liiS/2E-8Ml 2C-1 ll|S/2E-UGl -38A 1US/2E-8M3 -2 11*S/2E-3K1 -39 ll^S/2E-17Al -3 lliS/2E-3Ml -ko lhS/2E-8Rl -h 1US/2E-UR1 -a 1US/2E-9KL -5 1US/2E-3R1 -U2 1US/2E-16C1 -6 litS/2E-9Hl -li3 II4S/2E-I6EI -7 mS/2E-10Gl 'hh ms/2E-l6C2 -8 ll^S/2E-2ML -16 1US/2E-21C1 -9 1US/2E-3G1 -U6 . 11|S/2E-21F1 -10 lIiS/2E-3Jl -ii? 1US/2E-21K1 -Hi litS/2E-9J2 -U8An lliS/2E-7C3 -12 1US/2E-10F1 -liBdn lhS/2E-7Cl -13 liiS/2E-10El -li9n l[iS/2E-6Jl -111 ms/2E-llDl -50d lliS/2E-5F2 -15 II1S/2E-IOAI -5ld lhS/2E-5Gl -16 lliS/2E-10Nl -^3n ms/2E-7C2 -17i lhS/2E-10^a. -5lF-if5\oC.t ?- XJ?-H5\8ax ^S- iD;3x-5i«v\a,ii ^x- .■:.;r'r_S5\3?^J ox- 5^V-as\oi!X AdS- ■,^I dc- .>. ,tx- .x-SY-vKXetix ^- *> -a • .^ v'-'j.ij. rf„ ^' •>- i\ \' -AnI- 5JV-3':\e)!x , . , Xl.i5-3^\E4X .rnc-ScN?.!' •ySX- sii.t-a5\2ax 8S- IlfS5-a2\5itI ^i- ' '- •■ - y.'; . ex- I^;'- ^^ 9*;- i}i8§-.ifS\2.iiI Oil- J. .■- '' y - _, \j\.i. cX- 5a^-..\. a 01- s^5i;-as\aiii AXd- S.^OiL-^'i\?.t£ se- xa9-i[?\?,ax xe- I1SS-2<5\2i,U aXii- cafX vt;- xa8-3.s ■, - ae- xovs-as\2iix A^4' X'g'^-a^Natlx Vc!- 5'^Ts-a<:\3!ii dtJ- Xu^-«s\eijii J-OS ' r .3e- I'iiV'^-'tSVi;!! Vii- xxr"r{s:\ejix s- ■..- ■■. ,-^X AQ'C- J[.S::.-::1S\£,U 84- X[lC-JIQV3iiX c- X.\VI -3^X8,1 1 ^c- SA5s-as\?-ji ^- XKa-asV4x li- LH: . 'i iJ!-s-:;i«.\a4i 0?- I^L-3S\34I ?- Jll<^-,...v'.5j- J - ' . - X0TS-as\2i!r I^- IMO-HC v.. If ()- XD^r,;iif^\5?,U $i.'- XlVS-SSViil ' ■ '. ! ' <*^ i ta- sHoS-£S\saX . .- ~ X- ' -:t.-, v-^ij-i 8- '"- V-'-i *'*- tii!' B.-.«' .1 r ' '^.( r -• *■' ;\34X S^- <::(Pr-m\Z,l C 6X- J. y^iit-iisXSiij * .. ■•■■.!? d- X'l|li.-3S\2tU rrXS- .':ay-5c' Xrv Li. I r t ■ ;.0r-IcN^-:^iS\a-!x a- '"•"r ^'-'AQrU 9S- ?r;f!-3:^\aa ji' X'^cii.-ii'A^ilX iJT- ■\oi.a Oc- i«C.L--'^\8tX 5- S'4d£-5fS\8iiI AuV- i; •• • \.c(.tx xe- xpiic-^'Vcx d- 3x-a APPENDIX B2 (continued) WELL NUMBLRING SYSTEM, FROM I933 DIVISION OF WATiil iiESOURCES NUMBER TO DEPARTl^Ii.NT OF V/ATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well Numbers 1933 D'^IR : D.VJ.R. : 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : 1933 Dl^R : D.W.R. 20-75 lliS/2E-36LI 20-121 1LS/3E-18E1 2C-l65d liiS/2E-26N3 -76 lliS/2E-27Bl -12 2n lliS/2E-13Bl -l66d liiS/3E-7Pl -77 lilS/2E-27Gl -123 II4S/2E-I2QI -l67d liiS/3E-30Cl -78 IIS/2E-36JI -123A lltS/2E-12Ll -168 lliS/3E-30C2 -79 liiS/2E-36Rl -12it 1US/2E-22A1 -169 ll^/2E-lliKl -80 lliS/3E-31Fl -125A 1US/2E-23F2 -170 lIiS/2E-23Gl -81 liiS/2E-25Jl -125n lIiS/2E-23F3 -171 lliS/3E-30G3 -82 liiS/2E-36HI -126n lIiS/2E-23Cl -172d II4S/3E-I9H2 -83 lliS/3E-30Nl -127A ms/2E-23Hl -173 lIjS/2E-12Hl "Bh II4S/3E-3IJ2 -I27n lhS/2E-23H2 -17li litS/2E.12Bl -85 ias/3E-31Jl -128 lliS/2E- 2310 -175 liiS/2E.12El -86 lliS/3E-31A2 -129 1US/2E-23J1 -176 lliS/2E-llH2 -87 lhS/3E-31Bl -130 II4S/2E-26A3 -177 II1S/2E-IID2 -88 lIiS/3E-30Rl -131 lliS/2E-26A2 -178 lhS/2E-llD3 -89 lliS/3E-29Nl -132 litS/2E-26Al -179 1US/3E-7J1 -90 lliS/3E-31Al -133 liiS/2E-25El -180 liiS/3E-30B2 -91 lliS/2E-25Kl -13ii lliS/2E-25Dl -181 liiS/3E-30Al -92 lliS/2E-25B] -135 l!iS/2E-2UPl -182 lhS/2E-13Al -93 liiS/2E-25B2 -136 1)4S/2E.11G1 -I83i II1S/2E 12N1 -9a liiS/3E-30Kl -137 lliS/2E-llHl -I8it II4S/2E-IIMI -95 II1S/3E-3OJI -138 liiS/2E-ll{Gl -185 1US/2E-11M2 -96 II1S/3E-3OEI -139 II4S/2E-I3FI -186 lltS/2E-10Jl -97 li|S/3E-30Gl -liiO lhS/2E-13P2 -187 liiS/2E-l5Dl -98 lliS/3E-30F2 -lia ll^S/2E-13Pl -188 lliS/3E-30E2 -99 l!iS/2E-25A2 -l]i2A lUS/2E-2itEl -189 lIiS/2E-35Nl -100 lljS/2E-25Al -lU2n litS/2E-2ljE2 -190 lliS/2E-36Gl -101 lliS/3E-30Gli -1U3 lliS/3E-6MI -19ld lliS/2E-27Rl -102 liiS/3E-29L3 -llili lilS/3E-6Ll -103n litS/3E-30G2 -lli5 ll;S/3E-6Rl 2D-1 liiS/2E-35Ql -lOij II1S/3E-3OBI -lii6 ms/3E-7Al -2 IUS/2E-36PI -105 litS/3E-19J2 -lli7n lltS/2E-27G2 -3 15S/2E-3G2 -106 lhS/3E-19Jl -ll|8n 114S/2E-35H1 'h 15S/2E-2B1 -107 litS/3E-19Hl -lh9 ms/2E-3Ll -5 15S/2E-3B1 -108 II1S/3E-I9AI -150 litS/2E-27Pl -6 15S/2E-2A1 -109 liiS/3E-19Q2 -151 litS/2E-25Fl -7 15S/2E-2J1 -110 lhS/3E-30Fl -152 II4S/2E-2ULI -8 15S/2E-1A1 -111 lliS/2E-2itJ2 -153d ll|S/2E-lljNl -8A 15S/2E-1A2 -112 l);S/2E-2liQl -I53n li»S/3E-6Jl -8d 15S/2E-11G1 -113 lliS/2E-2UJl -15U lltS/2E-23Fl -9A 15S/2E-3B2 -llU ms/3E-19Ql -155 1US/2E-28B1 -9n lliS/2E-3iiQl -115 lliS/3E-19Gl -156 lIiS/2E-25D2 -10 15S/2E-1P1 -116 1 I1S/3E-I9FI -160 lliS/2E-3aAl -11 lUS/2E-3i{Pl -117 lliS/3E-20El -I6ld IUS/3E-I9KI -12 15S/2E-2H1 -118 II4S/3E-I8HI -l62d 1US/3E-20E2 -13 i5s/l' -119 1US/3E-18J1 -1631 II4S/3E-29ML -lit l5S/2E-i2Cl -120 lliS/3E-17Ml -I61i ms/3E-6J2 -I5d 15S/2E-1H1 B^19 ■lomoz. -.u 1 : i.i ■■X [ r. •■ . - XJd?i^"i.iS'v.'Jj- bVoi- ■• '.J- '- ^/il- xors-a'?\8ax YT- ^■dl- .rtcSX- j[T ^c, ':; ' : .! 1- 8T- ■ dl- ■Jsi- 15' 3^V,yX 08- ITi- ,-■'-, - V \ * n^SX- Jt.^o..-; .;Avs! f X8- r-sVr- nd^X- .r. ■ S6- \ IHtS-SiSV}iI ATSX- X'/iCt- t8- t »•• "^ OM- .-■ ■"•. -^ i .■ nT?X- 5i,xe-- as- Vi- F'r ^iSX- XT.Xf. ?.8- •VI- ■'^X- SA 03.. X-, 4.--';:, \ >17- c ■■ ' jiX- Xu..; T8- iQlX~'.^t\ -Vi- ^ rtx- XPOf^ EG- Xt,T-Se\8^!i 'U- '.L- r og. t^\ ; .;- '•' ' , j. • ■ Jl- XA^^- OQ- i: x\n- X}I?S- 10, ■' , . ■ ■Jl- i^iis- X- ES5S-^S\feitiX S^- x^8l- lOIJ. ax- ftp^'o, ■■- '-"V '• 1 1 r.-i- •nr- IHXi- vcx- L. iio~ t . ■ ■ , ■'U- X04i-::iS\oiiX a£X- JXOt.-feCNt'.ill :^Q- f -iX- xTTei--' •■ :x- JT-:-" . r-\ •■ •; i d9- : ai- s^ei- . ,' r J. — Xi'' Yr •i r> ■-It- ■ ox- :■■■ ■~i- XH^>X-iit\auX TOX» d- X'. U^X- X/"' - "xfj. 60X- T- CM- -50' ^^;jx ?ox- hii ■ 8- x^iOe-at\s4x ox J- A°- »Ji.<;i- 5T,., ...>-■. f r '^ I" i , rrf.5X- Xi-= ..'-i- .49- x-ies- ^li- XI. jJX ax- .-•: n9-. I?' ■• ^5X- '■'■ . ' ** ' n- 01- '^'^f„ - r* --a."" 1 :■■ . , '..•>(; - ' ', D\ ■ **« I :■:.!.•• 1.: ■X- '^x- S." . Li- _[;, ■ir- r; •; ■ XI,3X-l'C\84iX vXX- "':t»t>-«ii£,\oiiX ' VX-vitXStlX 0'::C'- ?x-a Ai^FFNDIX B2 (continued> WELL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well Nvunbers 1933 Dl"'R : D.W.R. :1933 DWR : D.lAi.R. :1933 DVJR : D.W.u, 2D-16 15S/2E-3C1 2D-63 15S/3E-18ML 3C-18 1US/3E-15A1 -17 l5S/?i^.-2A2 -6U 15S/2E-12P2 -19 lliS/3E-l5Hl -19A 15S/3E-6A3 -65 15S/3E-6F2 -20 Ii^/3E-15K1 -19n 15S/3E-6A1 -153 15S/2E-10A1 -21 II4S/3E-I5BI -20d II1S/3E-3IRI -15U 15S/2E-10A2 -22 II43/3E-I5QI -21A US/3E-32N2 -169 li;S/2E-3l|Nl -23 1US/3E-114F1 -21n II1S/3E-32NI -I69A ms/2E-3l4N2 -2ii liiS/3E-l6Dl -22 15S/2E-2L1 -25 ltS/3E-l5El -23 15S/2E-1Q1 3B-1 lIiS/3E-5B2 -25A liiS/3E-l5E2 -2!i 15S/3E-7C1 -2 liiS/3E-5Al -26 11;S/3E-10P1 -25 15S/3E-7D1 -3n 13S/3E-32Q1 -27 lijS/3E-9Fl -26 15S/2E-2P1 'h 13S/3E-35C1 -28d 1US/3E-3E1 -27 15S/2E-2Q1 -5 13S/3E-35ia -29 lijS/3E-5Jl -28A 15S/2E-12E2 -6 13S/3E-35Q1 -30 litS/3E-5Pl -28n 15S/2E-12E1 -7 13S/3E-"J5P1 -31 lliS/3E-8Cl -29 15S/3E-7E1 -8 13S/3E-35P2 -32 12|S/3E-9D1 -30 15S/2E-12P1 -9 1US/3E-2B1 -33 liiS/3E-9El -31A. liiS/3E-31Q2 -lOi liiS/3E-2B2 -3U l[iS/3E-iiQl -31n lliS/3E-31«l -lOAi lliS/3E-2Gl -35 lliS/3E-17Bl -32 15S/3E-6D1 -11 13S/3E-35N1 -36d lliS/3E-17Hl -33 15S/3E-6F1 -12d 13S/3E-35ML -37d lliS/3E-5Ql -3ii 15S/3E-5N1 -13d 13S/3E-35M2 -38n IUS/3E-IONI -35 15S/3E-6L1 -lUd 13S/3E-35M3 -39 1US/3E-17B2 -36 15S/3E-7B1 -15 ll|S/3E-5Bl -UOA 1US/3E-17J2 -37 15S/3E-6K1 -l6d 13S/3E-35N2 -liOn 1W3E-17J1 -39 15S/3E-7G1 -17 1US/3E-5A2 -Ul lliS/3E-8Pl -UO 15S/3E-7N1 -it2 1US/3E-L7H2 -la 15S/3E-7G2 30-ld lliS/3E-2El -ii3 1US/3E-9P1 -U2 15S/3E-18C1 -2n lliS/3E-2Fl -iiiid liiS/3E-17Al -U3 15S/3E-7Q1 -3 liiS/3E-3Jl -U5 liiS/3E-17J3 -kh 15S/3E-18B1 -3A ll^S/3E-3Kl .U6 lliS/3E-17Dl -U5 15S/3E-7F1 -h 1US/3E-10F2 -n lljS/3E-20Al -U6A 15S/3E-8D2 -5 l[iS/3E-2E2 -U8 liiS/3E-21El -li6n 15S/3E-8D1 -6 lijS/3E-llCl -k9 lliS/3E-20Hl -1x1 15S/2E-1R1 -7 II1S/3E-2PI -50m lhS/3E-21Pl -U8 15S/3E-8N2 -8 1US/3E-2F2 -51m liiS/3E-28Dl -h9 15S/3E-6A2 -9 litS/3E-10Gl -52 liiS/3E-21B2 -50n 15S/3E-18H1 -lOd lliS/3E-12El -531 1US/3E-29R1 -51 15S/3E-18G1 -11 114S/3E-10F1 Sh lltS/3E-32L5 -52 15S/3E-18F2 -12 li^S/3E-10ML '$^ liiS/3E-21Ml -52A 15S/3E-18F1 -12A litS/3E-9Gl -56 ms/3E-20Ql -53A 15S/2E-214H2 -13 1US/3E-9L1 -57n lltS/3E-29Fl -53n 15S/2E-2UH1 -lU lltS/3E-lJ4Bl -58 lliS/3E-28Bl -5U I5S/2E-II4CI -15 li|S/3E-10Rl -59d lUS/3E-3i|Fl -60 15S/3E-18G2 -l6n lhS/3E-l5Gl -60d 114S/3E-21R1 -6ldn 15S/2E-3G1 -17A ms/3E-mDi -6ln li*S/3E-28Fl -62 15S/3E-6R1 -17Bn litS/3E-lLD2 -62 liiS/3E-22Ll B-20 {b^L,%iiir:- HAfinm ^lafiuc )2iS fliT^ .w -hq tioi2xvxa a?x '- •^ OrflJiiiMUV! JJJW 5IJ©rJli 3i0flUD3.ifl «l.i'T«' •'" '■ i ; .;i''i i.i 1 Uiuau OT 'e:'':K'T^7'"' ■jr^^.^ : nwli'tr^l .: .rt. .■•.'■' ; ~i:krii^i wi;- cc^x iA?.j:-ae\?,ij. 8X-0C iM8i-ac\2?x td-C'S XDe-3'l\B5X dx«as a-di^di'y ' '*. CA. - If A?S- S«;--v.'^ v,:.L x-a? xc-x-as\5tc e^- i- ^S- xA?-ae.\a^ix s- xoT-i?"^?,': ds- r-i?-:it\c;iii rs- xpst-a£\2tx ne- XdY-^: •^s- XilC - ^ ' ■ ' -^s- x:>5c-£t\3ex iu X-^S-rib v- -.-^ ?.5- 115 . V — • -Di^^c-^tXatX ^- xos-£*:\85x TS- iq^-.jiCNeiU ot- xP5c-ac\3ei S- s^:sx.3SV-5i ACS- ;nrv'::\- u It- x^?{ -^f.\Bex r- x;'isx-a5\3?x rrSS- I :^.:u^V;'■i s-c- sii'?:-atV'r:X 8- f3T-3f\^H ^- xat'-i£\e.ii cc- xas-3t:VJ4i ?- xisx-y: . fX- I5a-af\e.ii Ltt- 535-31 \3}ii mi" SOX'- ' X AXe- ifiVI-SC\2:'£ ^t- xo<;-:5t\34x IKOi- (91., ■ . (X nXt- iKTJ.-af\3.U hdf> . XPf^^.-?if.\<5fX XX- XfJb-atNf'SX S£- I^^-^c\'\'I hvr.- r: -. -c\3fx b5X- £r% V ---^I tl- lKra-^-r\j:;i nPf- :c\scx bZi- xi\- , :'X jie- 93?I-aVMl ^e- ct^dc-i^&\3ex bU" XU- ■ 'E ?£" SLTI- '"'' A04- xa?-ac\£iix Si- XSV- >.s'^':X d£- II.U- nOii- s-ii>e.-3{:Vsa bdX- xxa-'JcXa^x Te- i^a-stviiii i4l- -ac\8iix 84i- v.^---^:U 2- sa8-ae:\85x A- x-is-a^xsax V- ,DTx-y^ ?a- jn- . -■ ' , .r?- CTfC- . -' ■ \(£ 8- SM6-iy .-..ex 3,'J- !>■■• - •• - , cg-. j£'.., . .(X 9- 2/..^-ar\8- X£«ix-af \csjx i>OX- XH'3X-If\G^:|X rtOc- eJ^^r-icV-.u 4>- ..... ,...._ ,.^ XX- J :- ', -^^ '.^X Xl'-' XMi.2-a£\eui 1*5- if •^,x- •^r !i^ xpo5-aeV?'iii 62- ■I- x-iai-itN -^'x AS^- /' ' ' aT^~ ■A. ' '-> ^ J.X- r * . ■_ ^"T, -\ ■. -, r ^^■■5- X^- : --., y.^S. 3r!- xa- .IX .tx- iC?- x^.?:-se\a!ix •^'-.'.5- XH;, ■ \L 5X- X0i\.i:-iii"\<^'^i il^ .cKis-JcV^ax tiO.^- ■M ndX- *?D8i-3i:\8^X 0-:^- n?j'i~iC\UL nX$- . a ATX-- xoc-as\6:?x «bXd- xjsis-afAciix •:^ soax-atxzilx nSTI- XHd-sc\a$x S^ os-a APPENDIX B2 (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTM, FROM 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well Numbers 1933 DWR : D.W.K. : 1933 TSm : : 1933 DViR : D.W.R. 3C-63i 1US/3E-33D1 30-105 liiS/3E-28Jl 3C-157 •II1S/3E-IOM2 -63U lijS/3E-33D2 -106i IUS/3E-33BI -158 lliS/3E-36Kl -61t 1US/3E-29K2 -106iA lliS/3E-33B2 -159 lijS/3E-35H3 -6^n ll|S/3E-27Gl -107m lliS/3E-33Gl -160 lliS/3£-2liJl -66d ll|S/3E-27G2 -108in liiS/3E-33El -161 liiS/3E-13Nl -67 ll|S/3E-23Pl -109m lIiS/3Ew?8Nl -162 lhS/3E-2iiMl -68 lIiS/3E-23P2 -110m 1LS/3E-32B1 -163 lliS/3E-l5K2 -69ni li|S/3E-26Q2 -111m lliS/3E-32Hl -l6ii lliS/3E-5P2 -69nA lhS/3E-26Ql -112d 1US/3E-325J1 -I65d II4S/3E-I7A2 -70n ias/3E-l6Bl -113 liiS/3E-32Ll -I66d lliS/3E-10G2 -71 lliS/3E-l6El -IIU II4S/3E-32L2 -167 1US/3E-UE1 -72 ias/3E-17H3 -ll5d 1US/3E-32F1 -168 liiS/3E-20Ml -73 1I;S/3E-16K1 -116 lltS/3E-29Pl -169 liiS/3E-25L3 -7li • lltS/3fi-35Cl -117 lltS/3E-29L2 -170 l!iS/3E-lliNl -7? lliS/3E-l6K2 -118 IUS/3E-29LI -171d lJiS/3E-iaMl -76n liiS/3E-l6jl -120 liiS/3E-29Gl -172 lItS/3E-lliLl -77d 1W3E-35F1 -121 ias/3E-29Kl -173 lliS/3E-l5H2 -78 liiS/3E-21Al -122 1W3E-29H1 -17h lliS/3E-liiCl -79Ain ll|S/3E-35H2 -1231 lhS/3E-33Kl -175 II1S/3E-25EI -79nin li+S/3E-35Hl -12iii lijS/3E-33K2 -176 1US/3E-11J2 -80 lltS/3E-l6Rl -125m II4S/3E-33K3 -177 11;S/3E-11M1 -81 ias/3E-21Bl -126 lliS/3E-33G2 -178 lliS/3E-2E3 -82d 1US/3E-35G1 -127n liiS/3E-35Kl -179d Iit3/3E-12D1 -83 1US/3E-25L1 -1281 lltS/3E-33Ll -I80d l[iS/3E-12Nl -Sim lliS/3E-l5Rl -129 II+S/3E-28LI -I8ld lliS/3E-13D2 -85 Ih3/3E-22C1 -130 lliS/3E-2751 -I82d 1US/3E-1N1 -86 lliS/3E-25Fl -131 lliS/3E-lliQl -183 liiS/3E-22Rl -87 lijS/3E-2ijNl -132 liiS/3E-26Al -18ii lhS/3E-27Bl -88 1US/3E-26H1 -135 liiS/3E-25L2 -1851 lliS/3E-28J2 -89 litS/3E-2UQl -IHO liiS/3E-23Jl -186 liiS/3C-29Jl -90 ms/3E-2liRl -Ihl lilS/3E-28F2 -187 litS/3C-29Bl -91 Iii3/3E-36A1 -lli2d lilS/3E-12E2 -188 lliS/3C-29F2 -92 liiS/3E-36Bl -lit3d lljS/3E-26Gl -189 lliS/3E-20Q2 -93 II1S/3E-36DI -lUid lliS/3E-8Rl -190 ms/3E-aNi -9U lliS/3E-36Pl -lli5d lkS/3E-20Fl -191 II1S/3E-UN2 -95 II4S/3E-35G2 -lli6A 1US/3E-15P1 -192 liiS/3E-9P2 -96 ms/3E-28Ml -lh6n ms/3E-l5P2 -1931 liiS/3E-33Kli -97n liiS/3E-26Al -lli7 1W3E-15K3 -I9U ltiS/3E-l5Cl -98A ias/3E-27E2 -lli8 lliS/3E-l6J2 -195 lUS/3^-26Dl -98n li|S/3E-27El -lli9d liiS/3E-l6Cl -196d 1US/3E-5J2 -99 li)S/3E-27Cl -150 1US/3E-9A1 -I97d 11S/3E-10G3 -100 lIiS/3E-22Ml -l5lm ms/3E-21U -1991 ms/3E-29R2 -lOOA 1US/3E-22M2 -I52d II4S/3E-I3CI -101 1US/3E-28P3 -153d lliS/3E-12Ll 3D-ld liiS/3E-33Pl -102 1W3F-28P2 -15U 1US/3E-11J1 -2n 1I..S/3E-33R1 -103n 1US/3E-28N2 -155 lliS/3E-27Dl -3 15S/3E-UC2 -lOh lliS/3E-28Pl -156 lliS/3E-2Nl -U 15S/3E-I4E2 B-21 ii-rtT > ' » vA • jl* ?Mnx-a<:\ejii ;-.i--' ■ >,.^^.•l•■ rTfr_j;>-V,v.( r ..-,« ./-."ji^ :' -c-5e\n.u 35X- .! ■ .. ' '■ Aifd- . ^h?c-^eV}iii ?^i- ^^(tc-S^Viiio. Aid'.U- }id- JX!ls-a£\8ji a^.x- ii^e€-^£\^:i ;: '"<'.'■■• "- ^** •'. iMtX-3C\3;,;..'- xdx- SS^X-idi'V' . ■ i '■ • ' ~^l(^\p.(.r iM4s-a^v.u se^i- .' '■' .'f '• : 'Ci- VtJ- sx?i-jev.iji J ^ >■' i'-t- -^-t-i; -. '„■' •.Oil- r-rt S^^-3t\2;lI XH!iC-ai \;,.' . mHX- .''-■ ^ATj:-SX\8,iX ti'Si- iMi-K\i^U bi^XX- ' • ... SOOJ-ai£\£dX i^bi- .f.!5t;vi^' - i ; f:xi" '• — 1... \''-- 1i\:\- Xail-3t\3dX m- ;UX» -55^\5,]I XT- xjiofi-seXeai p.>r~ x^^>i-^C\fiM b^XX- :->ifCVliX ?T- ea;/s-sr^ ^ * ^ -or- C ' - ' ■' "^ "^^ \ ', ^XX- . i-mSfiU tT- XH;j£-ar.. ,■ 1- ■ ' '.. TXi- : -i-'^rs^u ■ I'T- xi^\fciii OXVX- Li^i-ai'sdU ?'XX- ' ,* Uiii-aeVtii svx> rxj'S'^i\Ziii mi~ '- ^H"^'i;-,'?f\t.:U fTi- IM'i-^iVM. XSJ- i ■" \ du- xa^5-at\e4i ?5I> -st'Wj. 8T-;-j-_;,:\SjlX ■-^TX- ntx-'ii\Ui xC<^X- . ■ ■ \ '^,\ i . _ /. /• — ; si.jx..a£\eiix ^vx- s)ict-:Jf.V^iix X!(^.X- !-• Xrixi-acXej-i :?i- c?rcc-^i\£iix ..>^X~ 08- css-irv ■': :TX- 'joc^^-iASiU ds:l.- 1 XB- xasx-at bvVX- X)i?<.-'fV\lX ;!YSX- ■ b^8- xwsx-af , fiOSX- xxtc-aeV'-ix lOSX- fP- /'-!• r , ;;^^ ,■ bX8X- xa8s-ite\5,.' I ^•>si- ^ -::■ - -^.V iJ-!- ■ ' ■ ": •■ "-'■.' ■ V hS«X- x^TS-at\Bjix oa- rO?c«. fAf'il; j'.nS:'-iCV-';li f8X- xpiix-aeXaUx xcs .' i dfl- X^'-' "■;."■ ■ABl- . XAci5-SC\SjX '^a- ■■ ! ve- <' i?8X- Sii?s-at\a;(x ?fi^ ,;; 68« ^iWl d.SX> xLeS-v-iCXEUX OiU- ^3- . • ,.>or\n.lx f r- r 5^-^ .:r-\-,..- MX- 0?- s-fes-UiXadi ,'. . li^I- SS;?i--V-*:- ndilX- : " ' r d^~ lO'^X-McV'iC 49X- eH xHte-icV'ti nS- :':e\8Jx ti^X- JR D.VJ.R. : 1933 DIJR : D.W.R. : 1933 DVffi : D.W.R. 3D-5 11S/3E-32P1 3D-li3A i5s/3E-5<:;!3 3D-87 15S/3E-9K3 -6 litS/3E-32P2 -h3n 15S/3E-5QL -88 l5S/3E-li*Rl -7 l5s/3E-iiCl -hhn 15S/3E-8F3 -09 15S/3E-10F1 -8n l5S/3E-hHl 'hS 15S/3E-8F1 -89A 15S/3E-16F1 -9 liiS/3E-32P3 -a6d 15S/3E-28C1 -90 15S/3E-10F2 -10 15S/3E-5B1 -U7 l5S/3E-8Fh -91 15S/3E-10P1 -11 15S/3E-I4D1 -W 15S/3E-17N1 -92 15S/3E-10P2 -12 l5s/3E-liH2 -U9 15S/3E-17P1 -93 15S/3E-10P3 -13i 15S/3E-3N1 -50 15S/3E-17B1 -91* 15S/3E-21A2 -111 l5S/3E-iiEl -51 15S/3E-17B2 -95n 15S/3E-21 LI -I5d 15S/3E-5G1 -52 15S/3F-21A3 -96 l5S/3E-3(». -l6n 15S/3E-5Q2 -53 15S/3E-15L1 -97 15S/3E-10D1 -17 15S/3E-5B2 -51* 15S/3E-15M1 '99 15S/3E-10Q1 -17A 15S/3E-5B3 -55 15S/3E-15F1 -100 15S/3E-10R2 -I8d 15S/3E-8C5 -56d 15S/3E-15G1 -lOld 15S/3E-35B1 -19 15S/3E-5G2 -57 15S/3E-114E1 -102n 15S/3E-23J1 -20 15S/3E-8C2 -58d 15S/3E-10R1 -103 15S/3E-1C1 -21 i5s/3E-ia:.i '$9 15S/3E-11M1 -103n l5S/3E-2liMl -21A l5S/3E-ltL2 -60i 15S/3E-16N1 -lOii 15S/3E-23R1 -22 15S/3E-1;P1 -6li 15S/3E-16N2 -105 l5S/3E-lliC2 -23 15S/3E-8C1 -621 15S/3E-16N3 -106 15S/3E- -21*31 -2li 15S/3E-5R1 -631 15S/3E-16NU -107 15S/3E-11N1 -25 15S/3E-5K3 -6iii 15S/3E-16N5 -108 15S/3E-12E2 -26 15S/3E-9B1-I. -65 15S/3E-3H1 -109n 15S/3E-12F1 -27 15S/3E-9G1 -66d 15S/3E-11F1 -110 15S/3E-12J1 -27A 15S/3E-9G2 -67 15S/3E-2Q1 -llOA 15S/3E-12J2 -28 l5S/3E-aKl -68Ad 15S/3E-11E1 -111 15S/3E-26G1 -29 • 15S/3E-9E1 -69 15S/3E-11F2 -112d 15S/3E-26N1 -30 15S/3E-14N1 -70 lIiS/3E-33Ql -113 15S/3E-26K1 -31d 15S/3E-9J1 -71 15S/3E-1L1 -111* 15S/3E-26K2 -32 15S/3E-9K1 -72 l5S/3E-i;Bl -115 15S/3E-26J2 -33 15S/3S-9L2 -73 l5S/3E-i.B2 -116 15S/3E-26J1 -3ii l5S/3E-i4N2 -7U 15S/3E-12E1 -117d 15S/3E-35B2 -35 15S/3E-8B1 -76 l5S/3E-lliHl -118 15S/3E-36F1 -35A 15S/3E-8B2 -77d 15S/3E-11R1 -119 15S/3E-26D1 -36A l5S/3E-5Gli -78 15S/3E-9B2 -120 15S/3E-25Q1 -36n 15S/3E-5G3 -79 l5S/3E-lhCl -121 15S/3E-13G1 -37 15S/3E-8N1 -80n 15S/3E-9B3 -122 15S/3E-36H1 -38 15S/3E-16E1 -81 l5S/3E-lliGl -123A 15S/3E-26H2 -39A 15S/3E-16B2 -82 15S/3E-9H2 -123n 15S/3E-26H1 -39n 15S/3E-16B1 -83 15S/3E-12K1 -12U 15S/3E-26G2 -Uo 15S/3E-16M1 -83A 15S/3E-12K2 -125 15S/3E-26Q1 -la 15S/3E-17G1 -Qh 15S/3E-13B1 -126n 15S/3E-1!*L1 -1^2A 15S/3E-5K1 -8ijA 15S/3E-13B2 -127 l5S/3E-litMl -lt2n 15S/3E-5K2 -85 15S/3E-9H1 -128A l5S/3E-lhM2 -13 15S/3E-8CU -86 15S/3E-9K2 -128n l5S/3E-li|Nl B-22 'ij©i/niirtos rmm^iA '-r^r^iif^s ^fl-rtjtt,; -L ...» . . ::. • ,-,.^. .-,.,, . '\ • .K.W.d : -'^iXef^/:; 'jyi_ j;'_;:5i._ .. \-0_Tf\r''3 ■ i ■ _ ■ ■' j. .^.^■^ -' '■■ V--.'- r'' •'- ?^?c- .>'V'dx -' -.. V- '-'•'■ /'•> C- •• K;-o:cV-.Ci ■ " ' ":; »' nV - c.V^X Oo- I08<5-^Ar.-r '■■w ■my^s X?- iKO-.-- ,4- I'X OX- ■■■•:-'■ '-. -. r S^-> XnVl-:.' >ii- ..V f. XX- 5^- jcrr„ • -!(- «!r- S;Aj.i: ^?- ''-. N' . ' . J- ~ iJ.1;:- '■«r» X ' t iiJ'. >£ laoj- V^- XJ..-'. : .-■■. J^POJ- , . ; .'?^- .I'fC.-:,; -.-^-iJ. dc'- j;;ciOJ-'5CV ^• 01- n?I-::A;'l^| ATf- MOi- .C05I-' ^5- n:x S.'^i'- • ^01- 1 ■*. .* *- Tl'- . * » » - ,r:?r. .01- i 'I- faB5- C •: •- .io,r- ■c-i toa>- ...':.- ?.0i- .-■ i-^- C.->' • ' •-- 1: il:2- ■ -.-i-c " ■ J. ■.u- . ■■ ..^i ^b^ •":.\ ■ 'l '' '»^!- AOII- f/, Ic \\V AV.v- il- bA8c)- c'l 8-- ■>J.' r,^.. ■^H 00^ a- 'T- .^f f '•■■ - -it\c:<;i t'X IV- - , \ - , -1 . ,u-- "I ST- ■ -^ ■ i i- •i ?.x i.i- Jj.!U-^;c \-c;a. at- ^I ct- :ii- .f^'I-IilfVfi^I .b^T- ^ex A**?-- .01- >i , ■"• *" i.'\iia \V- >i »•' -v- ,'■ , - • V .'■;> f ■rtof*- ■ ;^r ve- SH'5S-2J^\e5l A£SI» ladi- 3e- J; ■• ' :■ nesi- SS^x- . ' -'f.- iKJ" w3- :,'>.r.. ■ (\. atV.?! AC9w . •' ' ' ' '. '' noii- -tin- t iii- V5J- At.f- '^x A-"^- swai ' ' ' c ■ « ■•i ■ U nSi.1- n'i • . ^ L SS-il APPENDIX B2 (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM 1933 DIVISION OF WATE,R RESOURCES NUMBER TO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER VJell Numbers 1933 DI-JR : D.W.R. : 1933 KJR : D.W.R. : 1933 DVffi D.W.R, 3D-129 l^S^E-liO'l 3D-I83in l5S/3E-21Dh liD-1 15S/1j£-6A1 -130 15S/3E-22C1 -18]4in 15S/3E-21C1 -2 15S/I4E-5C1 -131 15S/3E-22A1 -1851 15S/3E-21D3 -21 l5S/IiE-7Fl -132n 15S/3E-23D1 ^1861 15S/3E-16N8 -3 l5S/i4E-8Cl -133 15S/3E-23E1 -1871 15S/3E-20A1 -im 15S/I;E-6F1 -13it 1^S/3E-2201 -1881 15S/3E-21C2 -6 l5S/IiE-6Dl -135 15S/3E-22F1 -189n 15S/3E-21C3 -7 15S/1|E-1;P1 -136 15S/3E-28B1 -190 15S/3E-8H1 -6 l5S/IiE-9Ql -137 15S/3E-13G2 -I91d 15S/3E-21P1 -9dn 15S/I;E-9F1 -138 15S/3E-13G3 -192 15S/3E-27E1 -10 15S/I;E-15D1 -139 15S/3E-13H1 -193 15S/3E-36E1 -lOd l5S/IiE-10Nl -lliOn 15S/3E-13F1 -19ii 15S/3E-26C1 -llA l5S/IiE-l6E2 -Ihl 15S/3E-13P1 -195 15S/3E-27F1 -lln 15S/I1E-I6EI -lli2 15S/3E-13N1 -196 l5S/3E-iiH3 -12 l5S/IiE-l6Hl -lli3i 15S/3E-3K1 -197 15S/3E-1K1 -13 l5S/i;E-17Cl -lUid 15S/3E-8G3 -198 15S/3E-12P1 -lit I5S/I4E-I7BI -116± 15S/3E-3D1 -199 l5S/3E-lhE2 -15 l5S/itE-9Jl -lli6 l5S/3E-lhN2 -200 l5S/3E-2ljNl -16 15SAE-16C1 -m? 15S/3E-25P1 -201 15S/3E-10H1 -17 I5S/I1E-9NI -Iii8n 15S/3E-9E2 -202 15S/3E-10G1 -18 l5S/IiE-8Ql -lii9i 15S/3E-3E1 -203in 15S/3E-5C2 -19 15SAE-8MI -150P 15S/3E-8F2 -20iid l5S/3E-9Eii -20 l5S/IiE-8Nl -151P 15S/3E-8E1 -205 15S/3E-12K3 -21 15S/I4E-7R1 -I52i 15S/3E-21D1 -2061 15S/3E-3R1 -22 l5S/IiE-7Kl -160 15S/3E-21A1 -207d 15S/3E-8P1 -23 l5S/ijE-7Ql -161 l5S/3E-lhDl -208 15S/3E-27K1 -2ii 15S/3E-13J1 -162 15S/3E-15B1 -25 15S/I1E-I8EI -163 15S/3E-9C1 3E-2dn 15S/3E-36L1 -26 15SAE-7M1 -16)4 l5S/3E-23ia -27 15S/3E-12R2 -165 15S/3E-3Q2 liC-3d litS/i|E-32Kl -28 15S/3E-12R1 41661 15S/3E-3I1 -2n li;SAE-30Kl -29 15S/3E-12H1 -167 ' 15S/3E-I4FI -3 liiS/ljE-30Pl -30 15S/I|E-17ML -168 15S/3E-11G1 -h lliS/iiE-30Rl -31 15S/1|E-7U -169 15S/3E-26Q2 -5 lUS/hE-30Ml -32 l5s/ItE-l8Jl -170 15S/3E-26N2 -6 lltS/iiE-31Gl -33 15S/I;E-17P1 -171 15S/3E-5C1 -7 ll^S/ltE-31Hl -3liD l5S/IjE-19Ll -172 15S/3E-36G1 -8 lUS/liE-31H2 -35 15S/I(E-19Q1 -173d 15S/3E-1C2 -9n lliS/l4E-32Ql -36 l5S/ItE-l6U -17a 15S/3E-3'^H1 -10 liiS/ltE-30Fl •37 15S/I1E-2OGI -175ni 15S/3E-3C1 -11 li;S/iiE-30M2 -38 15SAE-20G2 -176 15S/3E-9E3 -12 l[lS/ijE-30K2 -39n I5S/I4E-2OBI -1771 15S/3E-3P1 -13 liiS/ljE;-31Ql -liO l5s/aE-17Rl -178 15S/3E-9P1 -lU l)iS/i)E-31Cl -Ian 15S/I4E-2OFI -1791 15S/3E-16N6 -15 liiS/iE.3iEl -Ii2 15SAE-22D1 -1801 15S/3E-21D2 -16 1US/1jE-31D1 -1^3 15S/I;E-16K1 -1811 15S/3E-16N7 -17 lIiS/liE .3IG2 'kh 15SAE-18L1 -I82in 15S/3E-21D5 -I;5 -1,6 15S/UE-19F1 15S/I»E-19L2 B-23 -HasMUK no KOiaivia £c: n?3i- x-eiss-atVa?! ■-;!• r.. itnc)-:iii\c?i 8- .e^i oei- X83S-3f\8?I i?^-aA'--t n.b?- blQX- 2{ifX-S£\B>X YtX- .r:r^!..'',«V ;7r 01- <^<'£~ ^ueX-5it\o>X 6tX- • Cl- ■■^i- xH£x-ae\ax 9I- iq£j:_---\^-r r.i ... iHeii-ai! r.- bdiiX- Il^~Hji\ ■' "tji- .;^?x i^ax- dl- OOS" ^K ■ 4ix- TX- , ^, rn2~ rC' ■ ■ Vi- xJOS- Xv- .?x iS^X- m- es- 6TC5" L\iJ , /v3?X cM- £in n!^':-'^ ic,\«9I SOS- XCIiiX-lie\3c:X X^i- ■dx- as- x.;I mi^ £^5- •'X- SOXS-:.: tOf^i" »Ui- ,■ r__ Vf'f^ '• iX8X- I !^^x H- ^^ ■ :: stsSX- sa^'j-aa\8^i 34- APPENDIX B2 (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO DEPARTMjlNT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER W Well Numbers 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : 1933 DWR : D.W.R. ItD'hl 15S/14E-15P1 llD-92 15S/1|E-8L1 UE-1 I6S/UE-8CI -1;8 15SAE-31F1 -93 l5S/[iE-5ML -2 16S/1;E-6G1 'h9 l5S/i|E-3lGl -9ii l5s/hE-5Kl -3n l5S/!j£-33Ll 'SO 15S/14E-21A1 -95 l5S/ljE-6F2 -h l5S/aE-31Jl -51 15S/14E-19D1 -96n l5S/iiE-iaN3 -I4A l5S/hE-31J2 -52 15S/3E-25A1 -97 15S/I1E-3OMI -5 15S/I1E-3ILI -53 l5S/i4E-28Gl -98 l^S/ljE-l8Kl -6 i6s/[iE-5m -5a l5S/aE-28Al '99 l5S/ijE-l8J2 -7 16S/UE-6D1 -55 l5S/aE-28Cl -100 l5S/IiE-20B2 -8 l6S/aE-8Al -56 15S/I4E-33AI -101 15S/I4E-20B3 -9n l6S/liE-lUa -57 15S/I1E-28EI -102 l5S/aE-17Nl -10 l6S/ijE-llU -58 l5S/i)E-28Fl -103 I5S/I4E-I9EI -11 16S/UE-5P1 -59A l5S/{iE-29H2 -lOU l5S/liE-28Ll -12 16S/I|F^5M2 -59n l5S/IiE-29Hl -105i 15SAE-1901 -13n I6S/UE-26ML -60 l5S/liE-29Ll -106 I5S/I4E-3IJ3 -13nA l6S/liE-27Jl -61 I5S/I4E-29JI -107 l5s/aE-27Gl -lit 16SAE-35D1 -62 l5S/i4E-32Dl -108 l5S/aE-27Ll -15 l6S/liE-8Bl -63 15SAE-32E1 -109 15SAE-27N1 -16 l6S/aE-8Jl -6im l5s/hE-31Al -110 l5S/ljE-21Kl -17 l6s/ijE-17Al -65n 15S/3E-25R1 -111 15S/1»E-16L2 -I8n l6S/i|E-22Ll -66 l5S/iiE-30Fl -112d 15SAE-9L1 -19 I6S/I1E-I6EI -67 15SAE-5L1 -113 15S/1fUOSSH MTa;:^ —■■ - - — «——>—. , I06-ati\3dX i-;u - - ■ — '^p-a.i .a xi^.x-aaV;?x T..i-^a\ iod-aa\8^i :; ^. . :.^" x'5xe-iii!\a5x P '' ijec-^'t\a5i nt- -4 TS^ X^U" " ■ -^*!X o^„ iiie-sii\e5x il- ^^- XAi. . ,:ii 05- SUe-S.l\B^I A+I- m. .;iO. xaQx-aii\s?x x^- IaXe'3ii\a5X Z" mo^-.. ■ Te- ..-.-.- ^-,>,|; 55t i:i5->:ii]\Bax d- rjp r_ 3Q- ... .:-,.;:. ..VX r>-. xad-t-id\?^dl Y- e?" xA8s-aa\85x . ■■' r. XA8~34i^5l a- OCX" xor '•n Iixi-S4\e6i. n^- xox- rA^' ;\..>x xjxx*a4\e6i OX- mi'-. 5CX.- l\35X is>-5rA3a»x XX" " -'X £0X- ■■^x . 0<- ^>-a4\adx ^iX~ ...... ..,-^.o2x 4ox~ ,:....■..„ .-IIX A'e>.- iM^S-ait\2c*X rrCX- XtO^X-Sii\85X i?ox- .ai?s-ail\8?.{: tx^-^ XU5-: -■ -^^ AnCX- eut-'-"' dox- XcL?S-:^)i\a^X nd,- xa^t- i\l- XDvs^i/. . . .:, TOX- xi.^s-aa\a5x Xd- xa3-3L,i\ridx Zi" XJ:T«;-'iy\n?x 80X- j,a5f-aii\8?x Sd- n,6-ati\ci&x dX- .rHV«:-'a!t\2^x ^01- ^"" '. r-^x. e^- XATX-2<\n\f TX- X2xs-;>£i,l\a?x oxx- i ..-.,. .::^X njd- XJSS" n3X- SJdx-aAa?x XXX- xfl?s-2fe\e x^c-^iixafix b^C- ■;^X C:Sj^- iH?;q--sdV-5x "■ r ■ ■ " ; iVS- .•.i:;s-.iu\s5X I2X- xiss~a!i\3^x «r,, .-■■,-.... Ai?S- S4is-iiii\a5x SSX" XHCSl-IdilV^X aTr X}ia-riirv3<^x 8S- xus-aii\a?x BX- xaxs-3ii\cj5x v\:-:. xpe-^:^«i\^^f ?S- saEi-5iii\8^^I 4C- XH.b- x .-•.^ ^ »..-'■ 5ex- ■ •■ r Ars.. iH^x-aiiVc^x .^^X fea£X- L1?S-H\PM S-:- "X acx- ■>\b?X Vi,;- x^x-aj\£dx .■ j LJ "• ; ■■. . 1 r ....^ -Ae^x oq- xa4Jix-:iTt!\gdx ntti" xadx-aj\2^x. x^- APPBINDIX B2 (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTM, FROM 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO DEPARTMEI\1T OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well Numbers 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : 1933 DVJR : D.W.R. : 1>33 DWIt : D.W,R, UE-IiUA l6S/liE-l5R2 5E-10 16S/5E-18ML 5E-55 16S/1,E-36B1 'hhn 16S/1|E-15R1 -11 16S/5E-18M2 -56 16S/5E-20P1 -hS 16SAE-22A1 -12 16S/I,E-11J1 -57 16S/5B-30L1 -U5A 16S/1,E-22A2 -13n 16S/5E-18L1 -58 16S/1,E-36A1 -1,6 l6S/ltE-22A3 -lii l6S/i,E-13Rl -59 16S/53-30E1 -lt6n l6S/i,E-l6Nl -15 l6S/i,E-2l,Al -60 16S/^^OON1 -U7 l6s/iiE-lUMI -16 l6S/i,E.13Cl -60A 16S/^'E-31D1 -50n l6S/i|E-27Bl -17 l6S/i,E-l^Al -61 i6s/5r;-30Ji -52 l6S/liE-27Hl -18 l6S/[iE-13El -621 i6s/:;e-3&bi -53 I6S/I4E-IOR2 -19n l6S/i,E-13Bl -63 16S/5E-29D1 -5h 16S/1(E-21C1 -20 16S/1,E-13C2 -61, 16S/^E-19R1 -55 l6S/ljE-27Gl -21 16SAE-13H1 -65 l6S/b^E-32El i:56 I6S/I4E-27B2 -22 16S/UE.13K1 -66 16S/5E-29N1 -57 15S/1;E.35ML -23A 16S/5E-18B1 -67 l6S/5£-32Cl -58 16S/UE-15D1 -23n 16S/5E-18G1 -68mA 16S/5E-29Q2 '^9 I6S/I4E-5P2 -2l| 16S/5E-7F1 -68m l6S/5E-29<». -60 l6S/hE-22KL -25d 16S/5E-17N1 ~69d 16S/5E-29K1 -61 16S/1;E-35C1 -26 16S/5E-17R1 -70 16S/5E-29B1 -62 16S/1,E-26M2 -27 16S/5E-20G1 -71 16S/5E-32B1 -63 16S/1|E-27J1 -27dn I6S/5E-I6LI -72 16S/5E-21R1 -61i l6S/l4E-JiJl -28 16S/5E-17MI -73 16S/5E-28L1 -65 I6S/I1E-IOCI -29 16S/5E-20G2 -7a 16S/5E-33D1 -66 l6S/hE-l5Pl -30 16S/5E-17P1 -75d 16S/5E-29J1 -67d l6S/hE-27H2 -31 16S/5E-19L1 -76n 16S/5E-28G1 -68 l6S/liE-10Hl -32 l6s/i,E-25Al -77 16S/5E-28J1 -33 I6S/I4E-25CI -78 16S/5E-2BD1 I4P-I 16S/UE-35E1 -3I4 l6S/hE-25Fl -78A 16S/1,E-25E1 -35n l6S/i,E-25Jl -79 I6S/5E-3OCI 5D-1 I5SAE-2I4NI -36n 16S/5E-30F1 -BOd 16S/5E-19H2 -lA l5S/tiE-2laJ2 -37 16S/5E-30G1 -81 163/5E-18J1 -2 15S/I)E-26G1 -38 16S/5E-19G1 -82 16S/5E-8F1 -3 l5S/ljE-35Al -39 16S/5E-19H1 -83 16S/5E-8C1 -U l5S/liE-25Pl -1,0 16S/5E-19F1 -81, 16S/5E-8P1 -5 l5s/hE-36Gl -iilA 16S/5E-19B1 -85 16S/5E-20H1 -6 l5s/aE-25Ql -Iiln 16S/5E-19B2 -86 16S/^E-20K1 -7 15S/UE-36HI -1,2 I6S/5E-I9CI -87 16S/1,E-2Q2 -9 l5S/liE-25Nl -lt3n 16S/5E-19B3 -881 16S/5E-30B2 -10 l5S/IiE-2l|Ml 'hh 16S/1,E-13N1 -89d 16S/5E-19Q1 -hS 163/1 |F,-23G1 -90d 16S/5E-19Q2 5E-ln 15S/[tE-35ca -1,6 16S/I,E-2I,C1 -91d 16S/5E-19Q3 -2 l5S/[jE-36Pl -h7 16S/5E-19J1 -92 16S/5E-32H2 -3d l6S/hE-2Ql -U8 l6S/itE-2i,Jl -93d 16S/^E-31D2 -k 16S/I,E-11H1 -U9 16S/1,E-25C2 -9l,d l6S/i,E-2i,Hl -5 l6s/ijB-12Nl -50 16S/5E-20L1 -95d 16S/1^-21,R1 -6 16S/5E-8Q1 -51 16S/UE-25C3 -96 16S/5E-28P1 -7 l6s/iiE-23Kl -52 l6S/i,E-25Pl -97 I6S/5E-31AI -8 l6s/hE-2i|MI -53 l6s/hE-25Ql -98 16S/I,E-25K2 -9 l6s/iiE-2UQl '^h l6s/i,E-25Kl -99 16S/5E-19L2 B-25 mawM iiOHi roi. . / 'iO W0I3IVIC ;UK jja».v UaiJnJt'' ai0mJC33li fliJ'iK. . lO • Iviii OT i^i'-^otiii'Vi : : ,K,y,Q : •T , flt-Ai Ci^t mb^-?\:^\BbI jM8i-a?\?-:ii Ol-if^ --- iA^dX H\\-U J ■ \ZbS ■^^- 5M8X- XX- Lq^x-ait\s^x n^til- ■ ~ ' r V5- sx- j-f-r ^r ciU \ .- 3^- nex- £:.. - . . .. .;, ^M- ' ' , ; ' ^c^'- imi~Mv '^ i.(X- ^A§S-?iii\8<^X .^'; . ^ ... j. ■ ■ • Od- . . V .- 1 ■. ^x- X!-:.' -••■' .r;AiJ-. J AOd- ax- X ,- c Ti^- Co- .L/.^X-fiiiN^'iOI vx- It^TS-£uA\fcidX 1/ "'- f5- r •. ,\ — '>■• XHO-acV-di iid- 5:3!;;i-c:{J\£5X 02- xoxf'-aAaax 4>- .( M. :^6~ r . .''.'" !<;- XCYS ' ' ^T" i' : ^\:.- n<:- 5ilVS-. . [ ■;.^. Vd- ieax-;';;^\aOi At.^- m'd^:^ii\\t'r'i T^ ' .', **■ ■ '■ "■.*.»*• nE5- I'T?X-- '^ 8>- i!S- ^'t?- . , . o^^„ i iC-V- .n'VX-'.v\3c^x b^fj- X.MS2-:I(\3oI Od- ^V- ifiY/-- "■' ■ "/S- 1?^ /■ ■ ■ ^■ £5- ^ '- IV- IOC'S,- ,'-■-. vs- SI-..,- .. -1 Sd- mii^s?\&di ST~ IJdI-a5\8..\i 1 >- X^TS-Sj.!\CdX ed- J ■ "•- . ^' \' ■ r £T~ *". '■ '" ■' '"■^, '■ ' • ss- XL.'-' '^ -^ - j-^- i.--. , ■.. . .-1 ;i?- C; '^ ; ?s- .rx.!- a^:C-;.'i;\,8^; i^^V- iqvi-?K'\adx 0£~ .3dX ^^ a. ■ - ■■ >;d\^. I "; i^._, .,.._. sr- r^oi- ./j~ xdo5-a:-\£oi 8V- X3?s-!;d\^ax £f- j:''" ' ■ ■ "' ;; A?V- i'i>S ■• lil- i.|i \C,_ ■ i; ^ .- \ . . > . Sd- XI ^ '"^^^X T- -■;■*■ ntii- XI • ;^?X Q- roPX-M^\edi fc99- smj- iW- Xiias-a4\iJ5x OX" • \GdI bO^ I ?^J- . -^A^JI bXQ- da- i'-'5c:-a!i\s^x nX-: ^ :rJ\c.iX S^- Yj-U xqt>c-34\a?.x ■'- 84- X05-aiI\8«^X t'i- ^^,^- XH.fX-aii\3dX jl- •^?- 0^- XllSX"ci4JV:.dX ?- c.i-'^;! ' x;^- j^^'^ /-A^^j- 6- ; V l^5S" . _ 'i?- X/ -dX Y- si{:?s-.a;i\5^I 8?- xp?5-ii.Ae^i t5- iJtit^-:'i'i\adX 8- *M9i-a5\3-;^?\';YX 0?.- sas£-a^.\3dx tdOX- i-Hoe-s^NaTi 5C-. A^VX 1X5- x}f^x-35\aAx YOX- xa>E:-jff'.\3yi ve- _... '''"^r s?- - .LQU-'dd\e.s.i: 8c- x'isr t'5- j:K^t-£a\86i nX-*?? LU:)F~:3c>\yvi ec- XT,5f. bi-t^ I\Ui'£'?\^■c^I S- li^-^-advuVX 0,i- XSf^.^ ■ . , ; d?- ms.i'3.'^\ibi IA !.3)ix-ac\GVi: Yd" ^ lL-.'t:A,^VJ e- X0Y-?lA3YX AOX- SMX-U^VVX 8d' xos- ti- xaY-uI^\PYX rtDI" ^H.!r.ji5\2VX ?ii- IH0',> ?- XHY-^?\eYX XX- -.3^\£TI 05- ■ ■;:K..r'v^Vi d- LI8-3?\8YX sx- \evx i5- '■ ' ' . ' ' ' ArV- XAd-j;?VYX ex- •'■V f s>- j.>.i, •-. >■ .?Vx fil- XMSt-i^SfiX ax- X tV I\^.~:'->\ES1 8- XAY-^i"?\BYX ^x- XHtii-a't'WX a5- "'■'■':Vf. <5- xate-s>M',M r«X~ X-iOX-3?.\8VX od- .,. .■ .- \.;V.' OX- x^-r'\2vr -r^.!" xw<;-a?\svi x^*~ X00X-;7?\PV.r A5X- xpce-aAs^x i;\0X-.£?\3VX bS^- [r!OX nSX- sof.e-:'5^\*.'.dx nCX- XJXX-a^\?TX ed- Xo?:-:.v ...I cx- X?Ul-i^\2YX ?X- xfioi-;i>\8YX b.jd- XJC-itASYX .IX- --3>\8YX »0-^•,^\'^VX • ac- Sa0S-ii6\2>-X 5Y- J ■ ■ '-'S- xflo-3:='V3YX ^e- XJti-35\3VX dY- ■■?- X-??X-a?\3YX nr^t- S0iX-2?\c'Ti ■rr- Si!»X-iK<^\;iU bY5- xo^-y^Xarx oa» ■/':-:id\av.L ;.dT- xa^.x-3^\aYX ??- Xfi5i-cul\edx nxa- -a?\arx CY- 2acX-ii?\8u P?' xax-^olV^Yx pa- xae~;3?\aTX 08- .Kss-3:?\?.YX sfl?t-44\edx ca- APPENDIX. B2 (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOUROPS NUMBER TO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : : Well L933 TMR Numbers ! D.W.R. I 1933 Dim : D.W.R. 6P-81 17S/5E-1R1 6Q-hO 18S/6E-5Q1 7F-3Ud 17S/6E-21R1 -82 17S/5E-12B1 -ia 18S/6E-5Q2 -35d 17S/6E-28Q2 -83 17S/6E-6N1 -U5d 18S/6E-8K1 -36in 17S/6E-28GU -8a 17S/5E-2A2 -I46 18S/6E-7A2 -85 17S/5E-23L1 -i;7 17S/5E-36F2 7G-1 17S/6E-3l|F.1 -U8 17S/5E-36D1 -2d I7V6E-3I1HI 60-1 17S/5E-36K1 -I49 17S/5E-35B1 -3 17S/6E-35D1 -2 17S/5E.36F1 -50 17S/5E-36F3 "h 17S/6E-33Q1 -3 17S/5E-36J1 -51 17S/6E-31E1 -5 17S/6E-35J1 -U 17S/5E-36R1 -52 18S/6E-6J1 -6n 17S/6E-36ML -5 17S/6E-31ML -53 17S/6E-32J2 -7d 17S/6E-33G1 -6 17S/6E-31ia -5!i I7S/5E-36EI -8 18S/6E-3D1 -7 17S/6E-3111 -55 17S/5E-36H1 -9 I8S/6E-I4AI -8 17S/6E-31N1 -56 18S/6E-8R1 -10 18S/6E-i|Dl -9 17S/6E-31R1 -57 18S/6E-6E3 -11 18S/6E-9D1 -10 17S/6E-32ML -58 18S/6E-5L1 -12n 18S/6E-1^ML -11 17S/6E-32E1 -59d 17S/5E-36R3 -13 18S/6E-9L1 -12 17S/6E-32G1 -lU 18S/6E-UN1 -13 17S/6E-32P1 7F-1 I7S/6E-I6PI -15 18S/6E-3P1 -lU 17S/6E-32J1 -2 17S/6E-21N1 -16 I8S/6E-9FI -15 18S/6E-6A1 -2A 17S/6E-21ML -18 18S/6E-10F1 -16 17S/6E-32P2 -3ra 17S/6E-28G1 -19 18S/6E-2N1 -17 18S/6E-5B1 -Um 17S/6E-28G2 -20 18S/6E-10J1 -18n 17S/6E-32Q1 -5i 17S/6E-28R1 -21 l8S/6E-nT.l -19 1BS/6E-5B2 -6 17S/6E-21L1 -22 18S/6E-11J1 -20 18S/6E-6E1 -7d 17S/6E-27E1 -23 18S/6E-9M1 -21 17S/5E-36R2 -8 17S/6E-28B1 -2lm 18S/6E-1R1 -22 18S/6E-6H1 -9 17S/6E-28A1 -25 18S/6E-9R1 -23 18S/6E-6E2 -11 17S/6E-28K1 -25A 18S/6E-9R2 -2U 18S/6E-6P1 -12 17S/6E-28A2 -26 I8S/6E-I6E1 -25A 18S/6E-6M1 -13 17S/6E-27D1 -27 I8S/6E-I6KI -25n 18S/6E-6L1 -lii 173/6E-17R1 -28 18S/6E-15F1 -26 18S/6E-6K1 -15 17S/6E.27L1 -29 18S/6E-15ML -27 18S/6E-6Q1 -16 I7V6E-26NI -30 18S/6E-13C1 -28 18S/6E-5D1 -17d 17S/6E-28ca -31 18S/6E-15Q1 -29 18S/6E-7A1 -18d 17S/6E-28ML -32 18S/6E-27C1 -30 18S/6E-6R1 -19 17S/6E-27K1 -33 18S/6E-12R1 -31 18S/6E-8E1 -20n I7S/6E-I6EI -3U I8S/6E-26GI -32 18S/6E-7B1 -21n 17S/6E-27R1 -35 18S/6E-25F1 -33n 18S/6E-7B2 -25d 17SAS-27E2 -36 18S/6E-25J2 -3U 18S/6E-5R1 -26d 17S/6E-28D1 -37 l8S/6E-2ljNl -3hA 18S/6E-5R2 -27"! 17S/6E-28G3 -38 18S/6E-23R1 -35 18S/6E-6R2 -28 17S/6E-28N1 -39 l8S/6E-2liEl -36 18S/6E-5G1 -29 17S/6E-16P2 -iiO 18S/6E-2iiGl -37 18S/6E-5H1 -30 lhS/6E-22Pl 'hi 18S/7E-19C1 -38 18S/6E-5K1 -31n 17S/6E-26D1 '1x2 I8S/7E-I8PI -39 18S/6E-8D1 -32 17S/6E-28E1 -U3n 183/7E-18IJ. B-27 Xbetml+io.V' H3©"Ui. c^ 'F.UO . iJK^Ji-iUf? ju uUl'a-'.'i ■ :a,v.d " C : .,.. . '! , '.J ^ivtr £ xais~5d\ \. x?)?-ao\a8i 04-Od X>!i-^1 0?.- I'-i^C-J^^Xavx s- Il?£-ad\5TI ^-1 laxf -.a^viu Xc- XT,de-35\£YX e- JMc^e-^d\3TI n^- XLd-J^d\^i'l 55- XKdf.-35\3VX j- XD?C- ""'■■■ i>T- St-- ' Aavx C.5- iKXr^'"' ,^-' 5- ;/Orf a- •f- ^ JTX dl- X-iXii' 6- '■."■••• '.H:.^-/..'\eTX 55- XJX£-Sfd\8VX ' /' *■ „ 01- jii8- "^ ■:■ a?. XHXf-a:d\s;x .9- J .L XX- ea6- ■ . T5- jHXf:-ad\STX 0^ iHa-.iidv:',X n'iX- xj?-:^ic*\e^,i 85- x^^5£-3\cvX AS- i' , M 5X- iis-ao\a6i W- r08S-ad\2TX i,iC- s«isf--w\aTX dx- itox-' ■' r os- 5--r ,--\3vr niiJl- n^ ■'■ ?',3x TX- LLfi X5- i- .-VI i:?- XO .. TX nOX- XIXX- ss- ii[s-ad\svi .V cn?-.*ld\83X ?x- r r ^'^ - --■,-,_ T": -v-, ^. . . f)V- X"'- ^\^8x o<;- ^, ■ a- SK.- ;Ti xs- i^K>~ ^5" XAbS-ad\8VX i OiJ-ijj ;v,'j.4.-' • T . ■' -" ■ ■ > i- .'•! .■■^»' XA2i-ad\59.r xa- X0SI--1 X'l'. M xov-aT\3w ^d- XA6X-ad\sax sa4x-;j:r\a8x ''■■=!" mdi'Sb\z8i Cil- XT.il5-5ia\e8X cv- xyu:i-v>\ :■>- nd-3.S\3U iid-^ '^^Cl-^:A^GX jie- X;9di-; • I^iOC-aV\88l Xi5s;i-ao\a3x 8.U- IAd^-ifd\a8l r^ • ■ „ li- • }j' X~HT XASX-S^.\38i *'"*■; iAar-ad\?,3i va- O'. a^i s- xi1I-s^)\c]8x ; .. S3£-Ed\3^X 8il- .rae-;id\3?x e- X5ix-ri(d\aex x>- ' sic-a^Xa^i ^ji- xr ■ \'^w a- XH2X-':'- '"^" 0^ xoie-:!i^\3ax 0^- x^.' . ,:oi 5- xttss-. . e?" x¥jit-ad\33x -f^ x^i;iX-ad\r,QX d- XLv^S-a^\86X .1?- iJ?dS-aa\85X ^?- XUX-'^"-"' T- X''«i'^c-sd\avx '^?- XAS-ac)\39X ">- fHf^/..' 8- XHtX-a5\^8X d5- xiTs-sd\a^>i ' * ( :^X : ., xatil- BT^X-SY\88X Ss-aTV..-'.i I'y- IV ^-JX ^c- liv -'' n ,wsc-av\B8x r.-'- ir' > ■> ;■ dc- LOi,.: .. 'T c\8- X9XC-3T\e8X C/- \t- ipi-^ V'X. v~ 8C- X^>§X-SDV^:oX 83- 8- pf- cnc;r»TrA'\*-^.qr r>n- APPENDIX B2 (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well N\imbers 1933 D>/R D.W.R. : 1933 DWR D.W.R. ; 1933 DWR D.1J.R. 1-9 18S/7E-31P1 -lOn l8S/7E-3liP2 -11 18S/7E-33P1 -12 19S/7E-1;G1 -13 19S/7E-5C1 -lli 18S/7E-32N1 -15 19S/7E-6H1 -16 18S/7E-33G1 -17 l8S/7E-3iiDl -iBn I9S/7E-9DI -19 19S/7E-5P1 -20n 19S/7E-5H1 -20An 19S/7E-5H2 -20Bn I9S/7E-5H3 -21 I9S/7E-9CI -22 I9S/7E-3GI -23 18S/7E-33J1 -2U 19S/7E-3C1 -25 19S/7E-3H1 -26 19S/7E-3R1 -27 19S/7E-5B1 -28d 19S/7E-5H5 -29 19S/7E-5Hli -30 19S/7E-10E1 -31 19S/7E-10P1 -32 I9S/7E-I6HI -33 19S/7E-22D1 -3iiA I9S/7E-15HI -31m 19S/7E-15H2 -35 I9S/7E-27AI -36 19S/7E-23K1 -37 19S/7E-6H2 -38 19S/7E-7A1 -39 I9S/7E-5JI -liO 19S/7E-hm -Ul' I9S/7E-I4NI -li2 193/7E-5J2 -h3 19S/7E-8D1 -iili 19S/7E-8F1 -i+5 19S/7E-8K1 -I46 19S/7E-8E1 'hi 19S/7E-8N1 -UB 19S/7E-17H1 '1x9 I9S/7E-I7LI -50 19S/7E-17K1 -51 I9S/7E-I7GI -52 19S/7E-16D1 8H-53n '^h -56 -56A -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -61td -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -69A -69E -69c -70 -71 -72n -73 -Ih -7l»A -7ir rtOX" XJS.l'liS\E^l f-> xcdx-aT\2^i >^■' XlfC- XX- X09£-m\2^J ,'- XH0X-aTN3?I d^- X£M-aTV;^X 5X- 'm^'^\fiU 5- xaxx-^T\£$x Adr- xo^-;HT\a^x ex- ■ :^-av\aQx d- XSXX-2iV\?iiv\epx ;?•■• 1 '■.^- -■ ■"! r'\ >->ri (- ;-; ^-.:^Y^^9/ ?- IHXI-.3r\8x ba^ SHtl-3V\2QX — -.ll'V'VC H- ^'■rx~^. .-.qi ?<>- Oi>-av^ ■ >'• ncj:.- >-..:-a3\8i?x c>X- S^I-mVoi 6c^- XOv-£Tv <■<;-- j;';;ix~:iB\sc>x Tt- ii:-\i- lA^ei Vd- lOe-'fTXa^x I{--l-lT\eoi 8X- XK;tl ..^v\8QX 83- Xirf.-—.;-a!.«\s?:i f>X- i^is-aT\cer P^- xoc ,; xo^s-avViw /-■v XHC-::iV\a9X ■ ^ n i**i. ■ ' Cits-SYNB^x ■ . . \ r i-i .- .7 1:*^ '.■- '"^ -^ oS- s- s;'Jffs-'^T\aai8\yoS >, xjjf ?;-.4r\cc L CT- r^ox-iiYNPCI ^^''^-JIT\£W V- Xd.Sf::>?iV\aX-''fV\y9X . "■■^>-^ia\arj 8^- sPt2-:!iv\avi AtiT- iuCS.-i!T\BQX a- J. .', "".^i ?- B)^S-^VV'?T fTilV- H$X-^Y\39X Mi~ L' ' ■-" '■' OX- liorsj-'iAs^-'X I'JV- i»H5x-av\2PX m!f- '■ ■ iHSS-iiTVSX 08- xays-svX'^qx ?f' :\3W SX- xiifX-sTXeai X8- X3itS-?ir\fe^X dr.- s — . . *- ^I- m< " '' ■'■■■i S8- ^i'.^~3r\^.(?X T£- .' . • . A'U" xot r rp,- 'A\-'^,V\c:f^I .«?r-. SHV-:^t-V'05 nilX- x-ic--' .'.8- ri,;'-5TV\'iPX mi^-tir'' '- ?X- XX?-c.V- ■;_ 58- JTi!J-5T\n^I Gi'>- ST c)r-aY- ^r- X>i5t--'V\38C c^- r^i-^TV^^Cj: -f4- • --acxao^ vx- Xi-iax-jfTV^i Y.'^ .i5-as:\c?x Stl- ^v..ut-£fY\^c5.r n6X- X-^V5-3VV<:X es- iaa-ST\e?x 01- XJSc-:i8N;i':'i ^X- 2T.XX-aVV.QX QB- 178-aT\2?X i-l- Xi5i-:ii\ OS- ^of.<;-av\3?x , f^pp.- .f:)ie-aT\a9X ■5^; [-^r ' ■•• ■ :\ X-J- 1 • <- '•Ttp , t - r t'.'* rr'; -r-^-^-. b,':- ,''i S3- ''■■C-- \Yi^s W- i:i;^-a8\a9X cs- xcu-av\cJ05 X-I.M XVI?X-aT\8QX 8i5- '•■■ " ■'■'" -f. liS- '■■^■" "fVSCS '^ . XJV/-^T\R?I ?i'." ! f .5?- :\?.9X X)iTX-iT\a9X o:. IHXt-iP ds- xovx-^vXspx .0- ■■■■■-' :;\ciui; vs- x.i6x-av\a?x • 9 "'- APPENDIX B2 (continued) WELL NUMBFIRING SYSTEM, FROM 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO DEPARTIffiNT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well Numbers 1933 DVJR : D.W.R. : 1933 DWR : D.W.R. : 1933 DWR : D.W.R 91-28 20S/8E-5L3 lOI-li 20S/8E-15J1 IIJ-IO 2IS/9E-23DI -29 20S/8E-8E1 -5 205/8^-21^1 -11 2IS/9E-23FI -30 20S/8E-8H1 -6 20S/8E-15H1 -12 21S/9E-22K1 -31 20S/8E-9E1 -7 2OS/8E-2I1MI -13 213/9^-2ltM2 -32 20S/8E-8G1 -8 20S/8E-2itLl -15 2IS/9E-I6G2 -33 20S/8E-PK1 -9 20S/8Ji-2UCl -16 21S/9E-2i|Ll • -3U 20S/8E-9E2 -10 20S/8E-2l;L2 -17 2IS/9E-15FI -35n 20S/8E-3P1 -11 20S/8E-2iiJl -36 20S/8E-9M2 -12 2OS/9E-I9EI llK-ld 2IS/IOE-3OPI -37 20S/8J2-9N1 -13n 2OS/8E-27AI -2 21S/lOEr32Nl -38 20S/8E-16G1 -\h 20S/8^-26Dl -3n 22S/1CE-5D1 -39 20S/8E-16H1 -15 20S/8E-26D2 -h 22S/10E-7B1 -Uo 20S/8E-15C1 -20 20S/8E-13N1 -5 21S/9E-25B1 -liln 20S/8E-15H2 -6 2IS/IOE-30EI -li2 20S/8E-18B2 lOJ-1 21S/9E-6K1 -7 22S/10E-17N1 -U3 20S/8E-18B3 -2 2IS/9E-6CI -8 21S/9E-25R1 -Ui 20S/8E-17K1 -3 21S/9E-6G1 -9d 21S/10L-30ML -h^ 20S/8E-20D1 -h 21S/9E-8D1 -U6 20S/8E-8D1 -5 2IS/9E-7JI 12K-1 22SA0E-I6CI -ii7 20S/8E-5R2 -6 2IS/9E-7J2 -2n 22S/10E-8R1 -Ii8d 20S/8E-9E3 -7 2IS/9E-8BI -3 22S/10E-16K1 -h8n 20S/8E-ltCl -8A 21S/9E-8G1 -a 22S/10E-16R1 -li9P 19S/8E-28J1 -8n 21S/9E-SB2 -5n 22S/10E-22D1 -50P 19S/8E-27N1 -9 21S/9E-8ca -6 22S/10E-16P1 -51 20S/8E-8P1 -10 21S/9E-9N1 -7 22S/10E-21C1 -52 20S/8E-8ca -lln 2IS/9E-I9AI -8 22S/10E-8G1 -60 20S/8E-5MI -12n 21S/9E-17K1 -10 22S/10E-9KL -61 20S/8E-7F1 -13 21S/9E-17Q1 -lln 22S/10E-9M2 -62 20S/8E-6B1 -lli 2OS/9E-3IML -12in 22S/10E-8R2 -63 19S/8E-30Q1 -15 21S/9E-[iNl -13 22S/10E-9P1 -6U 20S/8E-5M2 -16 20S/8E-25Q1 -lit 22S/10T'>22D2 -65 "9S/8E-32G1 -17d 21S/9E-5K1 -I5d 22S/10E-9N1 -66 19S/8E-32G2 -18 2IS/9E-8CI -l6i 22S/10E-16D1 -67 19S/7E-25K1 -19n 2OS/8E-36EI -20 22S/10E-8Q1 -68 19S/8E-33F1 -20 21S/9E-7K1 -21d 22S/10E-21E1 -69 19S/8E-33D1 -21 20V8E-26HI -22d 22S/10E-8F1 -70 19S/8E-32A1 -22d 2OS/9E-3ILI -23 22S/10E-17B1 -71m 20S/8E-8H2 -2ltd 22S/10E-8K1 -72 19S/8E-27N2 llJ-ld 21S/9E-l6Bi -73 20S/8E-15H3 -2 21S/9E-15K1 12L-1 22S/10E-33L1 -n 20S/8E-17B2 -3 21S/9E-15K2 -2 22S/IOE-27EI -75 19S/8E-27N3 -h 21S/9E-23G1 -3 22S/lOE-3itCl -76 20S/8E-5A1 -5 2IS/9E-2UML -U 22S/IOE-3I4BI -6n 2IS/9E-I6GI -5' if ioes-a^xsis OX-tXi ii£s-i9\ais XX- ■ '^I "■'». i}I<-S-H?\3i- > > ■■s V- t ■ . ' ' of- j.'.'S-acx'\BS5 8- IA''X-fl?\^j .: ; - 10^ •■ .^ ••; .. . V - .-s ox- ..XI~ cx- \ v,.,,^ II- >x- ) .-,, i . ■ ;^S J f~ bi- iw?-aox\as2 &5X- =;TX- i^K^ 1- -.S r '.'. . :\ .- ^.r- ■-iC'l\^-- 'XS- m A'^— . i^---- '^. '^ : '-•JS- xi" S^Sx- es- 1 ,(><:;„ x>?8-aox\£ .^llS- i'-U".,: XJ£e-30l\85S r-jsx 9- xavs-.iGi\3s:5 ■-"■ -:—-^ t- \ .^s 4- xwf.-30t\e§< fc^- n^- .IC^- hS- ■ ■ * T- , , t»_ 'xoiie-;ioiViss OX- s(>i]t-«»ox\e«;2 XX- -i.Ai\j— -'\?\oi^ «:•- I'i^i -;!e\yO!; ?e - "ii- APPENDIX B2 (continued) WELL NUMBERING SYSTEM, FROM 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER VJell Nvmbers 1933 D^^JR ; D«w.R. ; 1933 PVJR ; D.W.R. ; 1933 DWR i d/'^.RT 12L-12 22S/lOE-3llC2 -13 22S/10E-21R1 -111 22S/10E-28B1 -15 22S/10E-28H1 -16 22S/10E-21L1 B-31 Hm CCi' i^ans , ^sviirc- ./TIU -r~ During August of each year vator levels were measured at wells which draw only from the 180-foot pressure aquifer in the vicinity of Blanco, Nashua and Castroville. These measurements, which d£ilimit the farthest inland position of the "Nashua" ground-water trough during 1956 and 1957, are contained in Table 2. Complete mineral analyses of surface-water and groimd-water sanqjles collected during the two years are presented in Tables 3 and U, respectively. Samples of ground water for partial analysis were collected through- out the basin in July and August of each year. The analyses of these samples for total solids and chlorides only are given in Table 5. The well numbering system for wells located in Salinas Valley (1933 Division of Water Resources numbers) has been replaced by the system now in general use by the Department of Water Resources. Under this system, which is intended to standardize well nxmbering throughout the State, the well number is derived from the location of the well according to the rectangular system of public- land surveys, i.e., township, range, section, and subdivision. Each section is divided into 4.0-acre plots which are lettered as follows: D C B A E F G H M L K J N P Q R 1 Wells are numbered serially within each 4.0-acre plot. Thus, well US/2E-25F3 is the third well located within the SEi of the m\ of Section 25, Township 14- South and Range 2 East of the pertinent base and meridian which, in the case of the data reported herein, is Mount Diablo. -2- iioiriw ■yieOnMj-: Sii-- ■nx Hm „-. . - ;.*±soq Liaaiax Jaeri^iBl ado >5iJ:s.+ -i.:tn&ii9tq sta eip ,, <; Inr'flB U iioiJosG •? S -iBirea baiecfmun ;?»<;-as\R>kf ■■ xfnuoM All well numbers used in this supplement and the pre- ceding fifth supplement have been changed to conform to the system described above. For those used in both supplements, the cross- index of the well numbering system included in the fifth supplement is applicable. The cross-index is keyed both to the 1933 Division of Water Resources well number as used in State V/ater Resources Board Bulletin No. 52, "Salinas Basin Investigation", and to the Department of V/ater Resources nxunber based on the nximbering system described in the preceding paragraph, . For the wells for which the data are herein published for the first time, a corresponding cross-index is given in Appendixes Bl and B2 of this supplement. Descriptions of all wells for which data are included in this supplement, may be obtained from the files of either the Department of V/ater Resources or the Monterey County Flood Control and V/ater Conservation District. -3- ;^fl0fflsXqqoB ri^lJtl e- .abuiom lew IXA jrJA.f siT'B «r< r-' tol boriaiMyrr nfie-j. ,-i:-.M "'■■ .riq^sgs'xsq §0- aei-*.'- f f>^« 6»tflf^ r^ijjioO ^«^«j;JnoH eoi aid nol.tj8Vi©EftoO te&B^-! hnn -f- TABIE 1 RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELIS IN SALINAS VALIEY Spring, 3556 through Fall, 15>57 Well number and / R. P. elev.3^ Date : Dlst. R, P, s to water ! surface, J in feet Well number and _/ R. P. elev.i^ Date Dist, R. P. to water surface, in feet 13S/2E-16E1 20.0 3-13-56 12-U-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 19.0 19.6 19.6 13S/2E-29C2 llt.3 3-13-56 12-U-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 Hi. 8 28.0 13.6 22.5 , 13S/2E-17R1 16.0 3-13-56 12-1,-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 16.8 19.5 17.6 2$,6 13S/2E-29D2 6.U 3-lli-56 12-U-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 5.0 10.6 7.6 10.0 13S/2E-19H1 21.1 . 3-13-56 12-U-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 19.0 3ii.5 19.3 26.7 13S/2E-29E2 6.0 3-3i4-56 12-U-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 1.7 8.2 2.U 8.5 13S/2E-19R1 13.2 3-lli-56 12-U-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 33.0 26.3 20.7 13S/2E-29F1 17.0 3-13-56 12-li-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 15.5 26.5 3Ji.2 23.5 ] 13S/2E-20M2 V 27.1 3-13-56 12-U-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 26.6 Locked 26.2 3li.O 13S/2E-29K1 7.3 3-19-56 12-U-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 3.7 9.2 U.5 10.2 I r3S/2E-20Rl 5 ili.5 3-13-56 12-10-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 13.5 21,0 12.1 21.7 13S/2E-29R1 9.8 3-13-56 22-U-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 6.2 11.8 7.1 13.1 < 13S/2E-21G1 3-13-56 12-10-56 3-19-57 11-27-57 U8.7 51.0 U9.5 51.6 13S/2E-30A1 16.2 « 3-lli-56 32-10-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 16.0 27.6 15.7 22.8 i 13S/2E-21N1 ; 17.3 1 3-13-56 12-10-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 15.5 2U.0 15.7 25.2 13£/2E-30B1 7.8 3-lli-56 12-i;-56 3-19-57 11-20-57 6.0 lli.8 32,0 -h' •teiBw o* : ^ - : iQdmKi XXe >£..VQi9 .'i .fl 1^ T • - .icu/rc XXqW ■-.vaX© .=1 /^. 8.dr 0.8S d.ex T^-CX-£ S0Pi^aS\8ri iK'U d.^X a.x5 d5-ex-e T5-0S-XI xadx-a-v^.: o.os 0.^ d.Oi a. ox T5-^X-e 4^s-zrs\3fX 4.d 8.dl d.TX d2-f.X-c v5-?ix-e XHTX-aS\3(.I O.dX r» t \ .J- 5.B 65-J-sx ij^s-asVetx O.d A3£X - o T5-0S-Xi O.YX £.?iS v.os s.ex S.OX Y5-^X-.£ X5!9S-gS\3fX d.dS bojiooJ o.4f T5-5-tX-f d^^-OX~SX T5-?x-e 4'.1, /-.C, IT XHOs-asV- O.dX T.?X S.SS 6^-oX-:.. Y a5-<)x-sx T5-?x-e V5-VS-^X O.Sti ■■■. •■ •: r-t -XX ■ » rJ?-9x-c Y5-0S-XX C.TI TABI£ 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELI5 IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1557 Well number and f R, P. elev, ^ : Dist. R, P. : to water ^^*® : surface, : in feet Well number and „/ R. P. elev.^ Dist. R. P. to water surface , in feet 13S/2B-30G2 9.0 3-2>56 12-U-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 13.5 13.7 U.2 12.2 13S/2E-31M2 9.1 3-lli-56 12-U-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 7.9 11.2 li.l 12.6 13S/2E-30H1 8.8 3-lli-56 12-U-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 5.9 lU.O U.5 lli.O 13S/2E-31N2 11.0 3-1U-56 12-10-56 3-20-57 11-27-57 8.5 12.3 U,2 13.8 13S/2E-30L1 9.2 3-lli-56 12-U-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 8.1 12,8 U.o 12.8 13S/2E-31P1 10.3 3-1U-56 L2-10-56 3-20-57 11-27-57 9.U lii.2 Oper (^er 13S/2E-31B1 10.0 12-U-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 12.5 3.6 13.2 13S/2E-31Q1 11.3 3-li4-56 12-14-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 10.0 lU.O 6,6 15,8 13S/2E-31D2 9.1 3-23-56 12-10-56 3-20-57 11-27-57 12.0 U.3 13.0 13S/2E-32C1 8.8 3-15-56 12-l;-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 6.7 16.9 5.0 IU.3 13S/2E-31G1 10.0 3-ll;-56 12-10-56 3-20-57 11-27-57 8.6 12.7 U.O 12.8 13S/2E-32E3 11,0 3-15-56 12-14-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 8.5 16.0 6.0 15.6 13S/2E-31J1 9.6 3-15-56 12-U-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 9.U 15.U 6.3 15.8 13S/2E-32P1 .U.7 3-15-56 12-U-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 9.5 m.3 8.2 1U.5 13S/2F-31L1 11.3 3-li;-56 12-10-56 3-20-57 11-27-57 10.5 IU.6 7.0 16.2 135/2E-33E1 8.8 3-15-56 12-U-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 5.3 11.2 5.0 12.2 13S/2E-31T3 10.8 3-lli-56 12-U-56 3-20-57 lL-19-57 6.2 11.8 6.U 11.7 133/2E-33N2 12.9 3-15-56 12-U-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 9.3 16.2 9.1 16.5 -5- (b6x/nWnoO) .£ aiSAT PAiaw TA n'^t- :n;o OT HT'iaa -ic aciflooan iavi..'.i^ BAWIdAB HI ladBiun IlaiW ^j-a \.; bflB .5! S.XX I.ii S.4 .isqO O.OI d,d 8.5X T.^ ^.dX 5.« 0.. O.ti d5-a-SX T^-oX-XX d5-ax-e d^-OX-SX ft^-VS-XX d?-ac-sx T5"0S-t d^-a-sx T5-os-e T5~9X-XX d^-^X-e d5-ii-SX T9-^r.ii«)X'*{ <*^-f.':-'^ XJ??.3> ■ . i;m 8,08X ■ . SI ■■■oi : d^">-sx TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALIEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Well number | and /! Date R. P. elev.-^ Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet Well number and , R. P. elev, J/ Date :Dist. R. P. : to water : surface, : in feet lliS/2E-5Kl 15,8 3-15-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 ll.U 16.5 9.6 20.2 lliS/2E-8M2 15.0 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 11.0 15.6 9.8 15.8 lltS/2E-5P2 li*.9 3-15-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 10.2 18.5 8.0 18.6 lltS/2E-9Cl 18.7 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-22-57 11-20-57 lii.5 22.3 12.5 23.3 ll|,S/2E-6J3 13.0 3-15-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 8.5 ■ 15.5 liiS/2E-9El 17.9 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-20-57 13.7 18.2 11.6 19.0 ms/2E-6Ql 13.0 3-15-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 11.7 17.8 7.0 17.8 ms/2E-9Hl 19.8 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-22-57 11-20-57 lli.2 21,0 13.3 22.2 II4S/2E-7KI 13.6 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 8.8 13.5 7.3 llt.8 UtS/2E-9Kl 18.9 3-23-56 12-3-56 3-22-57 11-18-57 17.5 20.3 lli.8 21.7 114S/2E-7L3 8,0 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 6.0 11.0 5.0 12.U lliS/2E-10Al 20.0 3-23-56 12-10-56 3-19-57 11-19-57 21.2 lli.3 26.0 UiS/2E-8Cl li4.3 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 9.8 lii.6 8.3 15.U II4S/2E-IOGI 21.0 3-15-56 12-10-56 3-19-57 13.7 17.8 11. u II4S/2E-8C3 I6.1i 3-23-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 13. U 17. I^ 9.9 19.8 II4S/2E-IORI 23.0 3-15-56 12-10-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 15.2 19.6 13.2 2Ii.3 114S/2E-8K1 19.5 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-22-57 11-20-57 II4.3 18.0 12.0 19.0 1I;S/2E-11G1 18.0 3-15-56 12-10-56 3-19-57 31^19-57 7.5 13.5 6.3 18.2 -7- T2W tXXau d^iioi ^ .vsXs . i ,. • * • ' O.XX 6.? • ■ r>^-.e*sx Y'^~XS-£ V^-8X-Ii ■siti8-3fS\3UX ■ O.J'X • 4.XX 5.ex d?-^x-; ••Tt;-8x-ii , 2.SX d5-C-S£ p-SS-C XDe~as\aai T,ax ii.OX 5.6X . 0,8 . .\53X • '•Tr'-nr_rr . -^ -HS\8Ur .... ..a S.8X d.XX O.^X T^-xs-e T?.-OS-XX 5.$x V5~is->; ::T5-8.i;.. : • O.XS s,ss d^-f-SX T^-OS~XX XHV-'TS\S4i 8.9X T.iX 3,TX O.Y •.B.TX v> j:prt-as\8|U '•5,vx 8.4ic V.XS d^-f-SX T5-8X-XX .1 ,.>v--^-. vaii^ • Q,3X T5-xs-t. >.ex ■ff.Is O.dS d?-OX-SX T^c!-QX-C y^-^x-xx XAOX-3 0,6 o,xx 0.5 il.SX o^-dX-': T5-IS-£ Ti^-ex-xx '/ 5 ■ ■ 8.YX ll.XX v5-«ix-e: LOOX-aAaiix ii.^^X d?~dX-e d5-C-sx T5-XS-t r:'>-6i-xx xo8"as\2a e.iix s.?x s.ex Cits 6>-0f-SX \5-o&-C ,t?--. ■■: r - r 5.T ^.ex S,6X a^-ox-sx T^-fX£ ;r!.rx-,';i\?^,.u: 0.81 0.51 o.<;^x d^-dX-- T?-OS^X TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SAUNAS VALIEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Well number and R. P. elev. Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet Well number and R. P. elev. j/ Date :Dist. R. P. s to water : surface, : in feet 1US/2E-12Q1 63.0 3-13-56 12-7-56 3-19-57 II-II4-57 53.0 63.0 5U.5 67.5 1US/2E-17A1 18.0 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-22-57 11-18-57 15.0 18.6 12,0 22.5 UiS/2E-mLl 26.0 3-15-56 12-3-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 17.5 21^.6 15.8 27.5 II4S/2E-I7B2 18.3 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 15.1 20.5 13.6 21.6 lliS/2E-lliNl 25.5 3-15-56 12-3-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 17.0 2U.3 15.2 26.5 liiS/2E-l8Dl 7.0 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 6.5 9.0 6.0 11,0 lliS/2E-l5Gl 2U.0 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-22-57 11-18-57 20.5 25.2 17.6 27.7 lliS/2E-21Jl 25.7 3-16-56 12-10-56 3-21-57 11-15-57 20.5 23.6 18.2 29.3 II4S/2E-I5HI 27.1 3-15-56 12-3-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 I9.U 25.B 17.0 27.8 ms/2E-22Fl 2U.5 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 17.8 22.5 15.0 2I4.8 liiS/2E-l5Ll 2U.0 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 U-18-57 18.2 2h.3 15.1 2U.U 1];S/2E-22N1 27.0 3-16-56 12-5-56 3-21-57 11-27-57 a. 6 25.8 19.U U;S/2E-16E2 21.0 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-22-57 11-18-57 18.3 a. 2 15.2 23.0 lliS/2E-22P2 27.0 3-16-56 12-10-56 3-21-57 11-15-57 21,2 2U.5 18.8 30.2 II4S/2E-I6J2 25.0 3-16-56 12-3-56 3-21-57 11-18-57 20.2 23.5 16.9 25.5 lliS/2E-23Al 33.7 3-15-56 12-10-56 3-20-57 11-19-57 25.3 30.2 23.9 35.5 -8- ihamUttoO) XaiSAT :/ ^anlTqS .1 ji .*3ia; ''■ • '■' " ■ " " ' ," '■ I" ' ■• - ' « O.SX V^~i»i-f 5.SS T^-8X~XX I.^X' 5. OS d.ex d.XS v^-xs-e r;''"^'.r-ix saTX-:- c. . • S.;. d?-dX^ Xl,XS~2., e.TX o.^x ■ .-IS Q«Xa ^>^s£Sf XHiS-'lSVi4i: S.XS 8.8X T?->X-fX S~0X-1C L • un- Xi€»J . 6. as 8.5X'^ ■'r i-^T- S.5X'- 5. as T?--os-e • c.TX T.VS -.1.1 • ' o.tX . ■ ■ s.yi X, • .. ■■'"•: ■ *?-dX-C T$-^x-xr S3dX-:?s\8iU: :.,,/■-. ■ ■" f . rr • TABIE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VAUEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Well number and , R. P. elev. ^ sDist. R, P. : to water Date . surface, : in feet Well number and R. P, elev. Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet lliS/2&.23Ll 29.3 3-23-56 12-10-56 3-22-57 11-27-57 23.8 2I1.6 19.5 29.0 lltS/2E-26J2 30.6 3-19-56 12-10-56 3-21-57 11-15-57 21.0 23.8 17.6 30.3 liiS/2E-26Pl 29.0 3-19-56 12-5-56 3-21-57 11-15-57 18.5 2I1.U 15.0 31.6 ll^S/2E-27G2 31.2 3-19-56 12-5-56 3-21-57 11-15-57 26.0 28.0 21.7 32.5 ms/2E-27P2 31.6 3-19-56 12-5-56 3-21-57 11-15-57 27.6 22.8 18.U 2I4.O li;S/2E-28H2 23.0 3-19-56 12-5-56 3-21-57 11-15-57 22.6 25.0 18.U 29.U 1US/2E-3UA1 31.0 3-19-56 12-5-56 3-21-57 11-15-57 27.0 30.3 23.0 3U.3 11;S/2E-3UB1 31.U 3-19-56 12-5-56 3-21-57 11-15-57 26,0 28.6 21.7 32.U liiS/2E-3liB2 31.0 3-19-56 12-5-56 3-21-57 11-15-57 26.9 29.2 22.5 33.3 lliS/2E-35l2 11^15-57 33.0 lliS/2E-36El 32.5 3-19-56 12-5-56 3-22-57 11-1^57 19.U 25.8 17.0 30.2 ll»S/3E-2E2 162.0 3-12-56 11-30-56 3-18-57 11-12-57 2li.0 27,8 27.0 li6.I| lliS/3E-2N2 169.U 3-18-57 11-13-57 38.5 ms/3E-3El II4I+.2 3-12-56 12-7-56 3-18-57 11-26-57 103.1 118.5 102. ii 102,8 U+S/3E-3K1 168.8 3-12-56 12-5-56 3-18-57 11-12-57 155.3 II43.O 166,5 UiS/3E-UEl 135.6 3-12-56 12-7-56 3-18-57 ll-ll;-57 121.2 129.0 122.8 lliO.6 ms/3E-IiNl 135.3 3-12-56 12-11-56 3-18-57 11-26-57 121.0 128,5 116.5 132.0 -9- •xarffliMn X I ISQ'ML'aI T..'- acJ'sG , » *» • ' ..H o.TX d^-?X-£ a$-^-sx T5~5X-XX ?^-?x-xx d5-^-SX T^~5X-XI i;x ■vt;«oi."i: ?.o>- T^-fX-IX I.c'jX £i5-iiX-£ '>.3XX d?«V-SX 4.S0X T?~ax-c 8.SOX T5-^S-1X ~-lAzM xad£-as\3jii o.sax SJ' e-r^x c v: .;..... .. T5-SX-XX x?£>¥e\s»u S.XSuC o.^sx ^.Oiix d?~T-SX T^-43X-^£ T^-iK-XX xtif-^acSaiU: d.5tx oj:sx 5.3SU: O.S£X 55-IX-SU; T?-8X-€ J^-d2~XX e/<»fx 04^ T?-TS*-XX 8.1. ^■■:^ d«TX v<:-ii-c r^-JT-Xi C,<3Xf o'drii'-t ,!.,T0 5^-5- SX v5-xs-e 0.82 dJ^ ' ^'.SC T^-^X-Xf B.SS .d5-'5-SX il,8X T5-^s-e -■■, ,ic T''3 .•^•r_r,- ■ I- ^ ■ -v 4.8J: Tc D.TS d^-^X-C t.0£ d5-5-SX e»4ic f?-c»x-£i 6.8S d^ T,XS T^-Xi-t xit^-a- ST.a§-5!?\P.:!l -4 ffU. V. f ■Tr^.-f!r-C\ a SH8; '»<,- X.MC-SS\8i o.xe •j.xe TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT IffiLLS IN-SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Well number * ' °J®*" ?' ^* : _ : to water Well number : : Dist. R. P. : ^ ^ : to water and . Date . surface. and . Date . surface , R. P. elev. a/. . in feet R. P. elev. a/ in feet US/3E-4Q1 3-23-56 112.5 14S/3E-8C1 3-12-56 94.3 141.3 12-11-56 113.0 109.5 12-7-56 110.5 3-18-57 112.5 3-18-57 94.0 11-14-57 119.5 11-14-57 119.3 14S/3E-5B2 3-12-56 100.2 14S/3E-9D1 3-12-56 99.0 125.0 12-7-56 111.8 120.5 12-7-56 109.0 3-18-57 99.5 3-18-57 97.5 11-14-57 124.6 11-14-57 118.2 14S/3E-5J1 3-12-56 98.3 14S/3E-9F1 3-12-56 85.2 124.0 12-7-56 103.2 127.9 12-7-56 92.6 3-18-57 98.0 3-18-57 84.8 11-14-57 101.5 11-14-57 89.5 14S/3S-5P1 3-12-56 91.0 14S/3E-9P1 3-9-56 76.5 113.4 12-7-56 102.0 111.3 12-7-56 83.3 3-18-57 90.7 3-18-57 ll-U-57 77.0 76.2 14S/3E-6L1 3-12-56 72.7 74.5 12-7-56 86.5 14S/3E-9P2 3-18-57 103.8 3-18-57 74.0 114.5 11-13-57 125.5 11-14-57 82.0 US/3E-10E1 3-12-56 116.5 14S/3E-6L2 3-18-57 64.0 144.0 75.9 11-14-57 84.2 14S/3E-10F1 3-12-56 127.0 14S/3E-6R1 3-12-56 78.0 U6.2 12-7-56 138.0 91.9 12-7-56 97.2 3-18-57 122.8 3-18-57 78.0 11-12-57 U6.5 11-14-57 100.2 14S/3E-10F2 3-12-56 96.3 14S/3E-7A1 3-12-56 73.8 U6.8 3-18-57 96.5 90.5 12-11-56 82.5 3-18-57 73.8 14S/3E-10F3 11-12-57 160.6 11-14-57 93.0 148.6 -10- .1 ,Si .tfeia J i^s^r ill i -."^ 3 ^C e.oix T?-8I-£ xoe-sr-. .o,eo.x n r r oC.—->.i..— ^ >' <■■ • ; ■ • i.'.'.: rq. ; . C>?-e5-r '<;-4U-li u.:*OX «5--SX-t Ul V?-^:^N i,Xk -d^-V-^:! cnoai ?e-sx-ix eioi-?.t:\a*u' *».?:? ve-sx-^. TABI£ 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELIS IN SALINAS VALIEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Well number : :Dist. R. P. Vfell number : :Dist. R. P. and : : to water ,. Date . surface, - : : in feet anrf : _ ^ : to water R. P. elev. ^ r. "^^^ : surface. R, P, elev, . : : in feet l]iS/3E-10P2 3-18-57 123.0 11-13-57 151^.5 II4S/3E-I5BI 3-9-56 91.5 II4O.3 131.9 3-15-57 91.0 II4S/3E-IOQI 3-18-57 117.3 lliS/3E-l5Cl 3-9-56 12ii.2 2h2,h 11-13-57 114^.5 129.5 11-30-56 130.0 3-15-57 108.2 lltS/3E-10Rl 3-9-56 106»5 11-13-57 lli5.5 135.1 11-3-56 113.0 3-18-57 107.5 lliS/3E-l5El 3-9-56 66.6 123.2 11-30-56 69.3 li;S/3E-10R2 3-9-56 120.8 3-15-57 6U.8 li^i.U 11-30-56 lltl.5 3-18-57 121.6 11-13-57 78.6 11-13-57 155.6 li4S/3E-l5Kl 3-9-56 U3.0 120.6 11-30-56 U3.3 li4S/3E-llHl 3-18-57 37.8 3-15-57 li8.0 11|2.3 11-12-57 53. U 11-13-57 h/ lltS/3E-llJ2 3-15-57 12U.0 1];S/3E-15P1 3-9-56 8U.0 150.0 11-13-57 li^3.5 ioa.3 11-29-56 105.3 3-15-57 81i.2 lliS/3E-12El 3-19-56 U2.2 11-13-57 113.1 161.0 11-30-56 U8.5 3-1B-57 U6.5 ms/3E-l6Dl 3-9-56 66.5 11-12-57 58. U 106.5 12-7-56 72.3 3-18-57 69.3 lUs/3E-lliCl 3-9-56 12U.0 11-13-57 75.0 139.8 12-11-56 lli3.0 3-15-57 125.14 1I4S/3E-16E1 3-12-56 98.5 11-13-57 in2.2 100.9 12-7-56 98.5 3-18-57 8I4.O lliS/3E-li4Dl 3-9-56 8.1 11-12-57 b/ 117.8 11-30-56 15.8 3-15-57 I'l.h nl|S/3E-l6Hl 3-15-57 103.U 11-13-57 20. U 115.1; 11-13-57 126.7 lllS/3E-liiNl 3-15-57 96.0 1US/3E-16R1 3-9-56 50.7 115.6 11-13-57 125.5 10U.7 11-30-56 56.8 3-15-57 53.7 11-13-57 56.7 -11- ibBimlinoO) I SIGmT ,1 ,H .rftias ■JiH*;ii IXeiSt/ .- .H .0f3.' ■n: lecfnu/n'XI?*'.- •tsisw o;' T?iBV' C; »-,■».•,; i»nB , but' ^soBliif^ : •. \ fk ^•jyl n. t : x«5x-ac\24i ■ ^ ■ - '. - J. > .: : ; d .vsX© , M? o.csx n-ax-c • SqCX-3i. ' 0.X9 r^! ..-ni-.r ^jn . ^.ji'^- •"ti-c-r^rx ?,-»'.'■'■ S.USLf , " X05l-ac\3il c.vxx >$-(«;-£ .r&:a-ae\34X 0.0?! ^'..: -.^ P.CSX ^liax ~^..rr,.|:x .■f;s,!r S,80I T>-?X.C > ' ' ■' 5.5iU Y^-tl-XI ^,60L oc-?-e XHQi:-at\a».u: • d5-.e-xx .-■ "J, r . 6.dd ^-^C xa?x-3j:\34x ?.Tax r^-fix-t • • ■ C.^d d5-cr-ix s.tsi • ■ ■ 8.46 V5-5x-f. . .- B.oa£ -.-'.-C SfiOi-- V ;^ dM T?-f i-,cx ; ?.X4X dS-OC-XX i;id£. a.xsx T?-ax-e ■ « ■••,^1' ■- V - ■ -( XH^i-^rFX^ux ^.^M Y^^rr . rf. t.c*i d?-dt-f.i o.OSX o.Bii T5-?i-C TS-8x-e XHXX-s?\r..ic V-f '■^-a-ii .' •.'3 ^•^."r a i-.c.i;- ,. 0.4i6 ^-^-c x^?x-?ie\s4x 0.4SX R-tX«C SbXX-Si.\a4j. £.501 65-?S-IX e.4Gx ?.CtlX '.■'3 , c- f" f r •0 , '"'"' '' • 2.iI8 T5->i~e 1 x.eii T?!-tX-Xi S.S4 dii-et-e I.?SX-ite\a4: 5.04 >- ..^. rx , /^ r > T- ^.dd 3e\84: • 5.'- ov,-.^i ■ ■;. ■■:\?..l£ 4.5SX ■ f ^8r d5-0C-XI a.Txx 4. cox v>-^x-t XHdx~ac\34x 4.Vi J5-5X--^ V.ciSX T5^£X-XX 1 'I r r ■..";' t • , ■■ i T.O? d5-o-r .~ar\a4x O.d^ Vc" -:4x-2{' 8.d5 d5~oc-xi ^ . jox ^.^^T 1^^'- \ s T,e5 \5-?x-t T.d5' T<;-ex4J!. ■ TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALIEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Well number and R. P. elev. Dist. R.P. to water surface, in feet Well number and a/ R. P. elev, ^ Date Dist. R.P. to water surface, in feet lliS/3E-17Bl 3-9-56 81.9 lliS/3E-23Pl 3-9-56 88.0 96.5 12-7-56 91.8 102.2 11-30-56 107.5 3-18-57 78.7 3-li4-57 88.2 11-13-57 106.1 Abandoned 1I|.V3E-17J2 3-9-56 55,3 ms/3E-2UHl 11-12-57 182.6 92.8 12-7-56 8-18-57 61.0 58.1i 156.0 11-13-57 62.5 3l|.V3E-2UNl 11-29-56 159.0 139.1 3-li;-57 13U.2 2liS/3E-l8Jl 12-7-56 73.3 11-27-57 166.5 76.0 3-19-57 65.6 ll-lit-57 7ii.6 lliS/3E-2I|Rl 3-9-56 169.0 173.3 12-11-56 190.0 liiS/3E-19Gl 3-13-56 ^^;l ll-li4-57 167.5 56.0 12-7-56 11-27-57 19.3 a 3-19-57 liU.U II-II4-57 '^S\\^ lliS/3E-25U 3-8-56 113.8 II4S/3E-2IB2 3-9-56 62.2 125.0 11-29-56 - 130.0 9U.0 11-30-56 69.7 3-II4-57 llij.U 3-15-57 60.7 11-8-57 130.5 11-13-57 71.5 1||S/3E-25I2 3-8-56 120.8 lltS/3E-21B3 3-15-57 76.0 127.0 11-29-56 11a0.5 9U.5 11-13-57 101.0 3-15-57 11-8-57 116.8 m.5 ll;S/3&-2lRl 75.2 3-9-56 11-30-56 3-15-57 U8.0 66.5 52.0 liiS/3E-27G2 75.0 3-9-56 11-30-56 59.5 68.0 11-13-57 69.5 3-lli-57 11-12-57 63.5 68.6 11;S/3E-22A1 llii.6 3-9-56 95.0 11-30-56 III1.7 1US/3E-29K2 3-23-56 y 3-18-57 96.2 50.0 11-30-56 Uo.o 11-13-57 12U.2 3-15-57 11-13-57 27.9 I43.7 ms/3E-22Ll 85.6 3-9-56 11-30-56 li7.0 U7.0 lliS/3E-30F2 3-13-56 29.6 3-15-57 U6.8 U5.0 12-7-56 38.U 11-13-57 U7.8 3-19-57 ll-lli-57 28.8 U3.5 -12- S^-8-XX x:ioe:-3a\2ii. 0,9S 65-d~sx v?-s5-e T^-?X>Ii 0.5 e O.OdX 5.XaX «-,i(^X dXXi-2X Y^-tSx-e XH0e-^5A24 O.TTX O.Stl 8.45 va-ex-e ' ^-^ --\s?x d^-XX-SX i".j.'.- n 1 5.«J5 !■£ ^■tl -ex. TABIE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Well number : : Dist. R.P. : ^ ^ : to water Well number : : Dist. R.P. : : to water and , R. P. elev. i/ . Date . surface, in feet R. P. elev.-^ . • • surface, in feet 15S/3F-UF1 3-19-56 35.0 15S/3E-9J1 3-8-56 31.0 58.8 12-6-56 3-21-57 U3.3 33.0 60.7 11-15-57 U9.0 i5s/3E-iun 3-3-56 35.5 i5s/3^.-5ci U3.0 3-19-56 12-6-56 3-21-57 26.5 33.8 23.6 65.3 11-28-56 3-li4-57 11-12-57 U9.5 36.3 52.6 11-15-57 39.2 15S/3E-12E2 3-8-56 U7.0 15S/3F^5K1 3-19-56 27.5 65.0 11-27-56 60.2 57.8 12-6-56 35.8 3-13-57 I47.3 3-22-57 26.5 11-8-57 65.3 11-15-57 Ul.0 15S/3E-12R1 3-8-56 31.0 15S/3E-6K1 3-19-56 22.6 80.0 11-28-56 38.0 39. U 12-6-56 30.0 3-13-57 31.U 3-22-57 3lu5 11-8-57 39.5 11-15-57 15S/3E-130U 3-8-56 3I4.8 15S/3E-7F1 3-19-56 27.6 71,0 • 11-27-56 I47.O kh.k 12-6-56 35.5 3-13-57 37.0 3-22-57 2U.5 11-8-57 52.0 11-15-57 liO.O 15S/3E-13N1 3-8-56 36.3 15S/3E-7G1 3-19-56 28.5 67.0 11-28-56 51.2 U7.5 12-6-56 37.5 3-lii-^7 39.5 3-22-57 26.0 11-12-57 55.2 11-15-57 U2.0 l5S/3E-liiCl 3-23-56 U1.6 15S/3E-8F1 3-23-56 y 65.0 11-28-56 I18.2 U9.0 12-6-56 39.5 3-lii-57 36.5 3-22-57 29.5 11-12-57 5U.0 11-15-57 ii5.0 15S/3E-15F1 3-22-56 39.6 15S/3E-8N1 3-19-56 27.1 66.3 11-28-56 I;9.2 U7.U 12-6-56 36.5 3-lli-57 37.8 3-22-57 26.0 11-12-57 5U.1 11-15-57 U1.U 15S/3E-9E3 5U.0 3-8-56 11-28-56 3-lii-57 11-12-57 26.U li2.2 28.3 U6.7 15S/3E-16B2 57.5 3-8-56 12-13-56 3-lli-57 11-12-57 26.6 U0,7 28.8 J49.O -lU- "i'.'^ •-\ aUS'^ TA ~1}\ ©lea iv . r^'"^ •■.▼<>:• /• ■ ."7^J- ^ lt,i. 0.i"C ,■-,.!-;_.;; ^.5e • liviix-geNe^i •isd-sw c . . . T5-XS-f. 'iajjii I/-->- hn-; 'i ♦yaX: ,■'.?; I L^'^-'.'?\?ZL .■!., I}:c-.;f\2?^ :'-ii-XX" . O.TC. 0.S5 ■ s,x^ -s S.8j1 8 ♦Ye oi»-6S-XX - - .1 .^ a.8s ?.vj; J.-^-> ■;•'-•• ■ '- . j;of. d?- y ■ : .4U . n»TS <)?- ■?X-f i-^v-ac ?.5f: .^: '*. ■*■ " 1 ■ *• ^hS a,Hs ^s_or •A* >c ■■^-.^r-xc ^-d-si inr^seV^x o5-S T5-s.i>e ^ ; \ 0.0? d>-8S-XX S.da r-8-XI v5-sx-e O- !~XX ^,^V d?^T-e S.X'^' 'rl ii-,Di» dc--vx-^ F...5T . .^. ■ > ^>.ec d:?-ox-su: n.^p T^-d^~IX i.oa TS-9X-XX O.ii^ d??-.T~e X(B~5Ui'..^. o.?e d^J-^S-XI O.^OX e.5e d^-d-SI X'-*{8' O.iii /■ ■"■ ?.as T^-SS-C y^,r, 0.04 V^-?X-IC o5-v-e lab-UV^L 5.^s e.6B d5-?S-IX bM b Y.OT Y?-ax-e: • s.5^ T^-SX-XX h C,ft^ ^>~T.-e: XHd-34i\8^X o,ee T5-IS-C e.oe a?-^s-xr Y.C? T.d4 T^-dS-XX 5..'.i^ TMi-C 5,.c< •. n '-' : d?~v~e xAT^Ha\??;?x 8j:s v5-sx-e ^.eY d^-xx-sx X.?6 ^,6f V5-4-XX U.85 v5-a-e t.iiS T5-8-XX l,Ai d5-a-e -; S.V4 d?-£S-XX , 0.T4 a5-T-e rflV-?r.' 2.e£ YS-sx-e ^..€l^ -^' BS-IX O.o'.i S.f-> vVn-.f-f- e.oi -ci-e 0.9ii T^-iJ-XX x.of: 0.T41 0.^4 d?,-{:s>xx T^~SX-f X-^o^' -^X- TABI£ 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WEUS IN SALINAS VALLET Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Wall number and R. P. elev. 3/: Date Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet Vfell number and R. P. elev. i/: Date Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet 15S/UE-8C1 95.9 3-7-56 11-29-56 3-13-57 11-8-57 76.5 81.7 66,5 95.2 15SAE-15P1 200.0 3-6-56 11-27-56 3-12-57 11-7-57 159.7 171.0 160, U 183.5 l5S/tiE-8U lOii.6 3-7-56 11-28-56 3-13-57 11-8-57 73.0 85.2 72.5 92.0 i5sAe-i5p2 205.0 3-6-56 11-27-56 3-12-57 11-7-57 166.5 179.0 165.8 190.6 l5s/liE-8Nl 88.0 3-7-56 11^28-56 3-13-57 11-8-57 55.5 66.5 56. U 72.9 15SAE-16C1 156.2 3-6-56 11-28-56 3-13-57 11-8-57 12U.0 136.2 123.2 l5s/IiE-8Ql 113.2 3-7-56 11-28-56 3-13-57 11-8-57 86.1 96.5 81.2 101.6 i5sAe-i6di ll;7.2 3-6-56 11-28-57 3-13-57 11-12-57 III4.O 126.8 113.9 I3U.O l5s/t|E-9Dl 127.0 3-6-56 11-29-56 3-13-57 11-8-57 109.1 127.5 107.8 I3ii.2 15SAE-16E2 lli7.6 3-6-56 11-28-56 3-13-57 11-8-57 llli.l 125.5 113.6 133.5 15SAE-9J1 180.0 11-28-56 3-13-57 11-7-57 171.5 158.8 179.5 15S/UE-17N1 lOli.O 3-7-56 11-28-56 3-13-57 11-7-57 U8.7 50.ii kl.k 55.0 i5sAe-iuni 23U.0 3-6-56 11-28-56 3-12-57 11-26-57 208.0 225.5 205.0 232.6 15s/1iE-17R1 126.0 3-7-56 11-28-56 3-13-57 11-7-57 88,0 81i,5 83.5 88,8 15SAE-15D2 185.0 3-6-56 11-28-56 3-13-57 11-7-57 155.7 • 166.6 153.7 176.2 l5S/liE-19Ql 82.0 3-8-56 11-27-56 3-lli-57 11-7-57 li3.7 U7.U li5.6 53.8 -16- sts ?cf:.Taa IX a^" ban O.XTX -^MS-XX ii.o?-d>-XX o.aex T^-sc-xr X.UXX v:"'.-L 5.;p2X d^-8S-XX d.exx n!-ex~e 0.55 0.;.3 5.f8 8.h8 ^<- ^ ■ T- V'.- d5-T-e. d5-8s-xx V5-fX-f. V5-Y-XX 4.T*1 d5-TS-XX d.54 Y?-iiX-£ Lq^x-aAs^i o.oos 0.50S xoax->f4V5x- S.d?X .■.a!.-V- - ',j .'■'■,■'- d.YjiX XMYX-3JV-5X Xf!VX-Sii\ti?X c.^sx 95-Y-C •8S-XX Y5-ci-e 4.^5 Q.ST ..-3s-j:x Y5--€x-e: IX .a,-. 5.^v S,X3 <>"'-v;i-IX T5-CX-e V5-8-XX xo8-aii^,:^5x s.exL • 5.Y^r 3.Y0X d?-PS-XX Y5~CX~t -■-. r,- 5.XYX d5-6i:-XX Y5-fX-r Y5-T-ii XT,- \-^r 0.56X -dX- TABIE 1 (Continued) REOORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALIEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 ,, -- ^ s :Dist. R, P. Well number . . ^^ ^g^er R. P. elev. 2/ . . ^^ jgg^ well number '' [^^'^^ J' ^' , ''■ Date ' ^° water a/' ' surface, R. P. elev. ■3': : in feet 15S/I4E-20B2 3-7-56 62.6 15SAE-29J1 3-5-56 Ul.O 10U.8 11-28-56 72.8 85.0 11-27-56 UI1.2 3-13-57 62.7 3-II1-57 11-7-57 I4I.0 U8.6 15S/^E-20J1 11-27-56 76.0 110.0 3-13-57 66.5 15SAE-29Q1 3-5-56 39.2 11-26-57 72.8 81.0 11-27-56 3-lii-57 I1I.6 15sAe-2ifu 11-7-57 103.0 11-26-57 W 127.0 15SAE-31A1 3-5-56 20.0 15sAE-21L2 3-6-56 103.6 65.0 11-27-56 31.5 137.0 11-27-56 105.0 3-II1-57 2li.9 3-12-57 102. U 11-7-57 36.5 11-26-57 109.2 15S/14E-33A1 3-6-56 82.8 15S/1|E-22L2 3-6-56 11»6.7 125.0 11-23-56 83.8 190.0 11-27-56 156.0 3-12-57 79.0 3-12-57 11*6.5 11-6-57 88.1 11-7-57 166,2 15sAE-31*I'1 3-6-56 79.0 I5SAF-2I4MI 12-11-56 222.0 132,0 11-23-56 eii.o 257.0 3-12-57 11-6-57 79.7 89.0 15sAe-2Un2 11-23-56 2ii2.0 273.0 11-7-57 252.5 15SAE-36H1 3-5-56 281,0 326.5 12-11-57 282.0 15SAE-27G1 3-6-56 138.0 3-12-57 275.7 iSii.O 11-23-56 ]lt)|.6 3-13-57 lItO.6 11-7-57 28ii.O 11-7-57 150.5 l5S/iiE-36Pl 3-5-56 199.0 255.0 11-23-56 197.3 15S/UE-29D1 3-8-56 U7.0 3-12-57 191.5 90,0 11-27-56 58.3 11-26-57 198.5 3-1U-57 50.0 11-7-57 63.2 16SAE-1L1 151.0 11-6-57 lii2.5 -17- (bsimMfoC)) I aiSAT T5^ .'^i J ■ .'{ ,Jf .d-BlQ: : _ J ,._ . » ':■■ ■ .'f :nLi--i .:' >*sa ;^ .. at '. ■ "^' -9 .'I .ft ;f--, - ^v ■ d. . ;-aj\3?.[ S-'alii oi« 8. ST d'i-aS.-U 8.4.01 O.Iii ,^>U'. V.Sd -^ '' " d.8ii T>..r~i.i; 0.dT d n 8. ST V^'-dS-fi: .- • « c Vi • Cv . O.tOI d<-o-t ■ 0.50X dMS-II ?.ec -i- M85X a. SOX T^~SX-£ S.^OX "? ' '■ U.^i cv-o-i 0.1.18 >f ..:'9-,'I • IMil T .9.V ■ OS O.SjiS .. . : Ny ■>- "/ ; \ r , o.foi; ..r XHo - C.8^ . -• * 0.0? V^ IJv.. c^.:ilii. TABIE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALIEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Well number and R. P. elev. 3/ Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet Wiell number . and \ R. P. elev.^/. Date Dist. R. P, to water surface, in feet l6s/IiE-2Q2 135.5 3-22-56 11-21-56 3-12-57 11-6-57 80.7 77.0 8U.8 16S/UE-13R2 115.0 3-2-56 12-13-56 3-11-57 11-6-57 38.8 li2.1 39.7 li6.8 l6s/liE-iiCl 87.0 3-5-56 11-27-56 3-12-57 11-6-57 30.2 U0.2 3U.8 U5.5 I6S/I4E-I5DI 99.0 3-5-56 11-21-56 3-11-57 11-6-57 35.5 11,8 37.9 li6.U 16S/UE-8B1 83.0 3-6-56 11-23-56 3-12-57 ll-U-57 22.6 33.7 28.ii 38.8 16sAE-15H2 101.0 3-22-56 11-21-56 3-11-57 11-6-57 33.8 36.8 31*. 1|2.1 16SAE-8J1 85.0 3-5-56 11-23-56 3-12-57 II-I1-57 23.5 32.8 28.2 37.9 16SAE-15R2 100.0 3-22-56 12-13-56 3-11-57 11-26-57 3U.0 16sAE-9A1 99.0 3-5-56 11-21-56 3-11-57 11-25-57 33. U li2.0 37.0 li5.o 16sAE-16E1 100.0 3-22-56 12-12-56 3-11-57 ll-ii-57 37.2 36.5 li5.3 16sAe-10R2 99.0 3-22-56 11-21,56 3-11-57 11-6-57 Uo.o 36.2 Uli.8 i6sAe-2Uci 107.0 3-5-56 11-21-56 3-11-57 11-6-57 37.0 37.5 35.2 U2.0 lesA'^-iiDi 112.0 3-5-56 11-21-56 3-12-57 11-6-57 U8.6 51.0 U8.5 55.1 I6S/I4E-25CI 11U.0 3-11-57 11-6-57 35.3 m.8 16sAE-13H1 320,0 3-2-56 11-21-56 3-11-57 11-26-57 U7.6 51.0 5ll;o 16S/I|E-25C2 112,0 l6S/iiE-25Dl 107.0 3-22-56 11-21-56 Abandoned 11-26-57 3U.7 37.5 37.U -18- ^oO^ I KIEAT T5QI tXl65 si^uatdi d5?I »saiiq3 tsdrtam XX sW fens x*si P .A.f . • ' " ■ 5.'- a;' p." -..,.- XX xov • • '. 8;r: : -^x-c /^-d-CX ^mi-^lA^r^I K,h .'-cx-su: V5-xx-e ■■•3~ir-c ■ " '■ f.' S.5C 0.S4 d5~5-£ d5-xs-xx - "XX X0iis~a4\e-^x O.T^JX ■■■■ ■!:-£ -XX S05 T.08 O.TT 8.48 d5-ss~e d^-XS-XX T5-SC-£ • " '^ r S..04 8. at a?~t2-x £ T5~SX~f T5-d~Xi a. as e.a? d5-d-c d'c-fS-XX T?.-SX-t T5-4-XX ,:~;3.„v,; S.8S ci5-: .a O.Tt d5-xs-.xx T5-XX-.C V5-5S-XJ: lAC; >■■•■. 0.04 P.iW a5.xs«xx V5-XX-C T5-^XX SHOX-Si^' 0.X5 ?..84 X.55 r:i?~xs-jx T?-sx-e xaxx-riVcu o.sxx d.T4 0.X5 032 d^-xs-j:x T?.-XX-f T5-6S-Xi XHtX~1!4\3d£ 0.0^-;: ■ax- TABIE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1^57 Well number and , R. P. elev. ^ Date :Dist, R. P. : to water s surface, : in feet Well number and I R, P. elev. y Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet 16SAE-25P1 100.0 3-5-56 17.2 12-13-56 20.5 3-11-57 18.5 11-6-57 25.5 16SAE-2.7B2 95.0 3-6-56 2U.0 12-12-56 30.2 3-11-57 28.2 ll-U-57 35.0 16S/5E-7F1 195.0 3-5-56 128.5 11-23-56 129.0 3-11-57 125.7 11-26-57 131.5 16S/5E-7Q1 193.0 3-22-56 125.0 11-23-56 132.6 3-11-57 122,8 11-6-57 130.2 16S/5E-8Q1 232.0 3-5-56 155.2 11-23-56 162.3 3-11-57 I5ii.6 11-6-57 159.5 16S/5E-17P1 165.0 3-2-56 88.8 11-21-56 90.8 3-11-57 88.6 11-26-57 95.0 16S/5E-17R1 210.0 3-22-56 y 11-21-56 107. U 3-11-57 107.3 11-26-57 113.7 16S/5F-18B1 lii5.6 3-5-56 77.5 11-23-56 80.U 3-11-57 77.0 11-26-57 83.5 16S/5E-18G1 lli5.0 3-5-56 11-23-56 3-11-57 11-26-57 77.5 80.2 76.7 83.0 16S/5E-19F1 117.0 3-2-56 11-2 L.56 3-11-57 11-6-57 36.8 39.0 36.6 UU.U 16S/5E-20G2 161.0 3-2-56 11-21-56 3-11-57 11-6-57 81.7 98.5 82.0 89.2 l6s/5£-20Rl 162.0 3-22-56 11-21-56 3-11-57 11-6-57 9EO 89.0 98.0 16S/5E-21R1 2I|)|.0 3-2-56 11-21-56 3-13-57 11-5-57 I51i.3 158.0 153.5 159.5 16S/5E-28D1 169.0 3-2-56 11-21-56 3-11-57 11-5-57 87.5 96.0 Sii.O 101.5 i6s/5e-28ji 215.0 3-2-56 11-21-56 3-11-57 11-5-57 127.0 127.0 12U.5 135.5 16S/5E-28P1 116.0 3-2-56 11-21-56 3-11-57 11-5-57 9U.8 106.5 9U.1 105.6 -19- AT ■i>fi)OHn 0? Iff rr* .■,.V»f'^ 1^55 1 _ ,; 1 ' *^.:'''' o!'.j'3 V, ,, ,. V'^'-IIi-t!. s.oc •ix-f. ,.!„rr T,^si v^-ix-e -. ■ H^ ■ '^^-ss~c" .>.oO ' ' • C '.: '. c'' >X'^_c /•■—i L' ii.tOi O.TT V?-Xi-C 0,C.v;i - C X^TX-i 0.^>' .QX- TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SAUNAS VALLEY Spring, 1^56 through Fall, 1957 Vfell number and R. P. elev. -y Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet Well number and R. P. elev. y Date :Dist. R. P. : to water : surface, : in feet 16S/5E-30E1 118.0 3-5-56 12-13-56 3-11-57 11-6-57 38.0 III. 5 36.5 U5.1 17S/5E-2N2 180.0 3-2-56 11-20-56 3-8-57 11-5-57 69.3 82.0 71.0 87.5 16S/5E-30J2 127.0 11-6-57 I16.2 17S/5E-3F1 155.0 3-2-56 Abandoned 51.0 l6s/5E-3B.a 121.0 3-22-56 11-20-56 3-11-57 II-I4-57 25.8 31.0 28.3 35.2 17S/5E-3L1 150.0 3-22-56 11-20-56 3-8-57 11-5-57 1*^3 1|7.0 52.5 16S/5E-31Q1 12I4.O 3-5-56 11-20-56 3-5-57 ll-ii-57 23.5 32.0 28.0 36.5 17s/5E-I|K1 ili5.o 3-2-56 11-20-56 3-8-57 11-5-57 33.9 36.9 35.0 U1.2 16S/5E-32H2 136.0 3-2-56 11-20-56 3-11-57 11-5-57 1|2.8 Ii7.7 ii3.3 50.5 17S/5E-i|Nl 122,0 3-2-56 11-20-56 3-8-57 11-25-57 18.0 22.5 21.0 26.2 16S/5E-32M1 126.0 3-5-57 II-I4-57 33.1 I4O.O 17S/5E-UR1 lii3.0 3-8-57 11-^57 33.8 I1O.3 I7S/I4E-IDI 155.0 3-6-56 12-12-56 3-11-57 ll-li-57 53.0 58.5 56.0 63.2 17S/5F-5G1 118.0 3-2-56 11-20-56 3-8-57 11-5-57 lli.9 22.2 18.5 25.0 17S/5E-2A1 305.0 3-2-56 I8I4.5 11-20-56 189.0 3-8-57 182.0 11-5-57 I9h.h 17S/5E-6Q1 117.0 3-1-56 11-15-56 3-5-57 II-I4-57 13.3 20.5 16.6 2I4.2 17S/5E-2C3 295.0 3-2-56 168.3 11-20-56 172,5 3-8-57 167.5 11-5-57 177.3 17S/5E-8L1 liiO.O 3-1-56 11-15-56 3-5-57 ll-Ii-57 25.6 31.2 29.0 35.2 • 20- 'j.^sa Jtl2lJLLi- bfris .1 .51 d^' o..[:t \c---c ■lA t«04i -I S.lii-' T5-5-IX 0..:.- v2-s-c 5.SS d?-OS>-IX 0,1 S T?-B-'f ^^.--i^-.a: ?.e.£ ~c 0.5S v$~c-ii e.ex ^-i-f. 5, OS b:^Jii^ii slxe d5-5x*xi s.5e v5-^i-xx 0»06I . pJ>T ,-. -tW^'i t-1 <-^ , 1'?^ ■axsa .bn.'. . j-ss't. ni t vN!. .vsXd «4 ..H 0.8f &^-5-.e X.?3i XI X3C: r.6j • X?fji"35\p.TX d^-OS--IX ■ T^-ii-XX xQxe-^: o;.i. d?~^S-XX r r Xjiii-s5 v. '■•<■.■ S ; XM' Xi- o.d5 s.ed . : ...... -sx rc!-j;x-c XPd--.: ^.il8X XAS-^\E ; .xx" ...rr -OS- TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALIEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Well number and . R, P. elev. i/ Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet Well number and , R. P. elev. ^ Date :Dist. R. P. ; to water : surface, : in feet 17s/5E:-9R1 135.0 3-2-56 11-20-56 3-8-57 11-5-57 19.3 21i.3 22.5 28.6 17S/5E-36F2 170.0 3-1-56 11-15-56 3-5-57 ll-U-57 19.3 2U.6 22.7 27.U 17S/5E-10Q1 11^6.0 3-2-56 11-20-56 3-8-57 11-25-57 25.8 30.6 28.7 33.9 17S/5E-36J1 167.0 3-1-56 12-12-56 3-5-57 11-1-57 15.9 y 18.9 2U.0 17S/5E-11G1 172.0 3-2-56 11-20-56 3-8-57 11-5-57 55.8 58.6 57.0 62.5 17S/6E-7Q1 223.0 3-2-56 12-13-56 3-8-57 ll-U-57 108.0 106.6 133.7 17S/5E-13A2 179.0 11-25-57 U5.2 17S/6E-16P1 260.0 2-29-56 11-19-56 3-8-57 11-25-57 lll.U 121.0 111.5 122,6 17S/5E-13E1 160.0 2-29-56 12-13-56 3-8-57 11-5-57 3ii.7 38.3 37.2 ii2.0 17S/6E-19D1 170.0 2-29-56 11-20-56 3-8-57 11-25-57 30.7 3U.5 33.0 37.3 17S/5E-lliDl lliS.O 3-2-56 11-20-56 3-8-57 11-5-57 23.0 29.6 26.6 33.2 17S/6E-20E2 185.0 2-29-56 11-20-56 3-8-57 ll-U-57 25.U 28.2 26.U 3U.3 17S/5E-2UG1 162.0 2-29-56 11-20-56 3-8-57 11-5-57 26.3 31.2 29.8 3U.2 17S/6E-21N1 189.0 2-29-56 11-19-56 3-7-57 ll-U-57 36.5 UU.6 U2.6 52.3 17S/5E-25L1 152.0 3-1-56 11-5-56 3-5-57 ll-U-57 18.H 2U.3 22.5 28.2 17S/6E-27E1 236.0 2-29-56 11-19-56 3-7-57 10-30-57 71.0 75.2 72.7 77.6 -21- Z;'^:TT..T:V-i rr*Tw as^Bw o.t : d?-cj:~sj; S.85 TS-iWXI ^ri5:?-53\r'r.r 0,i\ •: T.ST.- d.T.Y- _ ., -II- ' ^ --■-'-£ V.6:. T?-e-£ i>. '■'' * * 1i>^B,\i OJ ( ©osliire • * bii£ ^93£lli/5 '. 9v+bQ : cfaal ni: ■ uoq"! ni \ \fl ,vsX© . /I .H e.?:5 V.^iV d2-es-r 'TTfVS-3d\EVX ?.ve . d?-Pi~XI o.^ss, 0.9V .^e-a-s- - . o.e4<; . ^,6i Vc-?-e ii.VV Y?-T-£ 0.06 ve-o£-oi V^'^-U ri.R d?-9S-S n?e-a6\oVX ?.w a?-es-s ■I: ■■■\v:; ;> d?-£I-SI o.vss . ?.« '35-ex-xx ^ . V J. . 5.c5 V?-T-C . s.o;! T^-v-e O.H V?-2S-I1 V5-4-XX . ^*^ d?-?S-S xRc-a^Xcvx s.oc d^-es-s X>!8S-3d\3VX V.^I d?-9I-IX o.s^x a.^ie d$-?x-n . O.O^X 6.$I , V$-V-€ 8.xe vs-v-e O.^I T? -OP-OX ?.vr. ve-.i-xx \d '-".-■■--■^-v ..o.^-ad\a8x V. V ., ^. ,,,; -vi-S Xnv ,-i . ./ .•, >, X c.^e d^-U'lL o.oss Ni de-cx-sx .o.evx cec V5-V-5 \d Tci-s-e \^ ve-?s:-xx 5.9S ae-ss-c xa\a8X >^ ae-cx-sx 0.081 d?-a~si o.oxs d.9S ve-8-c 9.c«: v^-\--e e.?e ve-?-xx 0,04i V5-9S-OI d.2e ;jVt:.>-S x'-jot-adV'^vx 8.8 a?-9s-s XHe-ad\cnx O.S*i d$-os-n 0.081 A.TI 5<:-?x-xi o.cos ^.ve T2-8-e S.FI V5-v-e T.f A Te-?-xx 2.^1 V?-8S-0X ^.4 d?-x-e xase-sd\?.vx O.oX r)e--x-e XH4-2d\e8X A.OX d?-?X-XX 0.fv>r S.^IS de-8~XX 0.09X s.d V5-5-e S.9I Y?-d-e V2-X-XI ft.^iS V5-eS-0X ^d.XX d5-eS-S X2wi-a0*\evx 8. ex d?-ex-xx o.aa v.ex v?-v-e v^-oe-ox TABIE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Well number . and .J Date R. P. elev, y . : Dist. R. P. J to water : surface, : in feet Well number and / R. P. elev. ^ Date : Dist. R. P. J to water : surface, i in feet i8s/6e-5ri 352.0 3-1-56 11-15-56 3-5-57 10-29-57 26.3 33.7 29.0 36.0 18^6E-12A1 222.0 2-29-56 11-15-56 3-7-57 10-29-57 32.6 39.3 38.2 U2.8 18S/6E-6M1 180.0 3-1-56 11-15-56 3-5-57 11-1-57 32.2 28.7 25.5 32.8 18S/6E-12R1 225.0 2-28-56 11-15-56 3-1-57 10-29-57 3U.5 lil.0 39.5 U3.5 18S/6E-7A1 195.0 3-1-56 11-15-56 3-5-57 11-1-57 26.8 33.3 31.6 35.5 l8s/6E-lliBl 217.0 3-22-56 11-15-56 3-7-57 10-28-57 2I4.U 37.8 28.2 lil.O 18S/6E-8R1 286.0 3-1-56 11-15-56 3-5-57 10-29-57 122. U 130.0 125.U 135.2 l8s/6E-lltRl 226.0 2-28-56 11-15-56 3-1-57 10-28-57 21;. 1 I13.O 35.3 U8.8 18S/6E-9M1 200.0 3^1-56 11-8-56 3-6-57 10-29-57 25.6 32.7 30.3 35.5 18S/6E-15F1 215.0 3-22-56 11-8-56 3-6-57 11-25-57 27.5 38.5 18S/6E-9M2 201.0 3-1-56 12-12-56 3-6-57 10-29-57 26.1 35.0 29.6 38.0 18S/6E-15M1 281.0 3-1-56 11^8-56 3-6-57 10-29-57 89.0 111.3 89.U 100.3 18S/6E-9R1 203.0 3-1-56 11-8-56 3-6-57 10-29-57 16.1 27.7 21.0 30.0 18S/6E-15Q1 218.0 3-1-56 11-8-56 3-6-57 10-29-57 3U.3 liU.6 3U.6 59.0 18S/6E-11J1 215.0 2-29-56 12-13-56 3-7-57 10-29-57 27.1 y 32.2 39.2 18S/6E-25F1 255.0 2-28-56 11-8-56 3-1-57 10-28-57 U3.6 60.5 53.U 65.0 -23- ibauat&noO) 1 3I9AT ^jiTT.' TA ngTAw awjOHo or wiza "^o ewionKK XaUAV BAHIJAa M c>-9al nl : i 5 ©jea i, » ■ ' • hrt-c \£ .vsX© .-I .H S.6t o5-?X-XX xASi-ad\2ex o.sss 0.d£ d5-X-c d5~2x-xx \e8x C.likX CXii d?"5X-HfX u ...-:d\38X T.8S 5.5S 8,Sf. d^4x~XX v?-x-.xx f.T£ -bii-ox XfIiiX-36\38X o.vxs 8.dS v^-x-xx XA' d?-?X^X -OX xn4ii-sd\aex o.oex il.^SX V5_'PS-ox XR8-3d\?BL i-uSX-adXae-x o;?xs d5-8-XX - 1-L liCx-gdXsex 0.X8S X.dS o.8e 6^-x-e a^-sx-sx T5-52-.OX d?-X-£ d5-8-XX xp^c-x-adXaax 0.8IS X.dX T.TS O.XS O.Of d5-X-£ d5-0~xx V^-c's:-:OX rii1 • •' o,8e •" T5-i-t;' \* d^-SS..; . TS^d\?.8X s.oa • ??-8s-ax ■ •■ ■6?-8"Xi : o.?4e V.^':. 0^-8S-S - ■XMC<5-at\s8X"' ■? ■ ^,m Y5-o<5_ox 5.S^ '•■ d?~8-.II • 0.3^-.. • 0.84 ' r:-x:-t ri c: r^ ■ ■ * .■.':.■ r o,i> '■ T^^.PS-OI 0.5XS ' ■ 4 ' ; - 8.CcV- ' ' .. ■■' iM^s^arvNsex • *■, *■■. r*; r-. . -. . rj 5.Td • ■' c-'^.r ' ■* O.OY?^.-'' S.dd- v?-x-e •■ ii.till. ^.6^^i^%..i .::4C-^^\25x ■ v5-as^x O.'.-.V! o,54€ ,. d^C •/ d?^SS-f\aax 0.T5I T^-'^^-bi ■ d5-"-.XI ■ 0.^4^^ ■■ 8.5C • T^-I~£ 6.iiri . 65-8S-S XKdt-36\38l o.^--' X.^S V: . 4 ^.Ul - d?'~:i^~f ■ X'?j:-?»A\?S9r . I/-. ■ . "r"" . "^ ■ ■*■ r ^.m tVi-r^rr ■ d^-ss-r ,. .:dX-3-T\86X ' '■ ^■'.'iv ii.cii,; d?-5£-Ii 0.50s o.xoi' • e.sox ■• Y.S8X o.oss- COVJC'. 8.oxs:' S5-x--t 1»8X. V5-f - o«o64 ■ S.xi C.8X dive d5^X-X' 5.04, P-'-^i. 0* ■!Cl-:aY\88X o.xcs TABIE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALIEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Well number : :Dist. R. P. ! _ . : to water Well number : : Dist. R. P. : : to water and R. P. elev. ^ ,. Date . • • • • surface, in feet and R. P. elev. ^ >> Date . surface, in feet 15S/6B-11G1 2-28-56 160.0 19S/7B-9C1 2-28-56 37.7 375.0 11-7-56 177.0 257.0 11-7-56 1*0.0 3-6-57 159.7 3-1-57 37.0 10-28-57 181.0 Abandonee I 19S/6E-12F1 2-28-56 liil.5 19S/7E-10P1 3-20-56 88.5 351.0 11-7-56 162.0 315.0 11-7-56 91.5 , 3-6-57 IUI.5 3-1-57 88.0 10-28-57 165.5 10-31-57 92.5 19S/7E-1N1 3-26-56 23.3 19S/7E-13D1 3-26-56 t, 255.0 • 11-5-56 29.3 • 260.0 11-5-56 3-25-57 26.2 . 3-25-57 3I.6 . 10-30-57 30.7 10-30-57 19S/7E-2L1 3-as-56 • 19S/7E-U^N1 3-20-56 100.5 . 255.0 11-7-56 Uoi.o 11-7-56 105.1* 10-28-57 38.2 10-30-57 107.5 I9S/7E-I4QI 3-22-56 y 19S/7E-16D1 3-26-56 18F.U 259.0 11-7-56 39.1 1*10.0 11-7-56 10-28-57 39.3 3-1-57 10-31-57 185.0 179.6 19S/7E-5J1 2-28-56 53.2 . 268.0 11-7-56 62.0 19S/7E-22D1 3-20-56 181*. 3-1-57 5U.3 • 1*23.0 11-7-56 188.0 10-28-57 60,6 3-1-57 10-31-57 18U.2 189.3 19S/7E-6P1 2-28-56 92.5 30U.O 11-7-56 101.7 ■ I9S/7E-2I4H2 3-21-56 21*. 2 3-6-57 9U.3 296.0 11-5-56 3I.U 10-28-57 101.5 2-26-57 29.7 . 10-30-57 32.5 19S/7E-8D1 2-28-56 7U.0 287.0 11-7-56 78.8 19S/7E-27A1 3-20-56 129.3 3-5-57 72.8 375.0 11-7-56 131.3 10-28-57 78.8 3-1-57 10-31-57 126.U . 130.3 19S/7E-8N1 2-28-56 139. U 357.0 12-12-56 iMi.O 19S/8E-19K1 3-26-56 3'5.6 3-6-57 11*3.3 280,0 . 11-5-56 10-31-57 139.0 3-25-57 y 10-30-57 3T.» . -25- ■ . (bomt&tx!^-) U, »iiu- : P.liaW TA HL OX HTISKI ^ aOi' . " ?,Wl ■ T^^I :-,»xxr--.. ... ■ '.' .".ni".*'. .«t Jl .*8ia : .•i .;t JcM: : v^gC *-■ i--' . is-Si al t /sXd -.H .F ,^■.-■'1 ill - - .v<>X<» -.o . • T.Tf. ^-ys-.. O.^I . ■ ■ . O.Oii d?--T-i* U. vi.'^ • • f^.VYX ,, . ' . : T5-^£-l V.?5X. T5 banobnsrfA - 0.X8X T5-C - 5.88 d5- X'TOX-i'TVa^ 5.XilX d5-8S..^ {SX-26\P?X , 5.19; ^<;-V~xi o.5ie •. ■ 0.5dX d^-t-XI • o,x5e 0.68 : TS-i-e 5.XiiX T^-d-C 5.SR T^-Xlf--OX S.^'^ii: T5-8S-^ V . '•c-- ^-i. Xfxex-:.; vo.,x . t;.rs >^..A'^.-c ■• rr'-..'7r\ni>r ' 5.?e-- <5?-.c'-iI • O.OdS • ^^^ ■ •-.. * \cf .. T5-5S^£ . S.dS • Tc"^;-*"*^ • * rv"» i 1.. ^^.■. ,- T.OC T"-^r-OX c)5-0i-£ XKiii~3T\3^i: ■ ."^ -^ ■ ,f - 'n^ ■■ iiiv'-j-i-- ■ -1 r r •- r-.ioii . ■'.-'' ■ .-■■ ■■-.. ■ . ■ ■ -* tl.Tac- -■■-■- r?4'.s^0C - \<; . d^. A^-t .r a.'.td; -lY \^*ei Vf o^-l... rO-C-^rrXpcr : 4i.^M . -B^ c>.eYI V5-r^- -^■ • S.t5 65-8S-S • ••■ a^-strXa^c . o.iibi . ci5-^s--C .MiSS:.^\^U .' o.£c> ■ 65-T-xx •■ r.B62 .;-0, ■' ■ d^-T-II • ■ .O.f'vi .. r,:i5 V?-X-C , r T^'-X-f • .:'.:;d T5-P^~0X !' e.^bi V5-: 5.S(2 o<^-e.^-. ■•.,,:u ;-nr . s.4is 65- ■■:il4i^-v!V\8PI ., T.XOX ^5-T-^X - C. . il.XC ...d5-5-:ii ■'. c .'-y:'^. .. Z.ii9. T5-^^ ';^, "••■■. r^ -.'^S-OX .^5~9S-$ ia8~3T\a?x . e.^Jxi: dc^"€.v-C J"'- 1 -»' fci 1 y v,-L . c.v» dS-T-XX . o.vesi ... i.ia . 65-^-i:L . ■ a.>ve . 3.S7 v5-5-r :. ■ 4.dSX •■• V' ■ 8*ey V5-6S-OX ■ IMJ- TJ»-it-ol ^U?fX 65". ..iif>4T\8CI . d5-dS.-f ;xx^J:-:iP\a?x . O.iljiX d5-SJ[-ii 0.T5C ^?-"' . >.a'^s ■ .' f.fjU: fc-:" " ••.■ V. . Vc--:- V o.c:a v>-.. -;. «.u v5-oe-oi ^5S- TABIE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1956 through Fall, 1957 Well number : s Dist. R, P. Well number : : Dist. R. P. : : to water to water and y R. P. elev. ^ . Date . * • • • surface, in feet and R. P. elev. y 'j Date ! : : surface, in feet 15S/8E-27N3 3-26-56 116,6 20S/8E-9M1 3-21-56 3U.2 393.0 11-5-56 32U.O 11^5-56 39.3 3-25-57 y 2-26-57 39.2 10-30-57 116.3 10-31-57 U0.7 15S/8E-3IB1 3-26-56 Ui.o 20S/8E-lltPl 3-21-56 19.6 298.0 11-5-56 hU.5 315.0 11-5-56 2U.8 2-26-57 Uli.o 3-25-57 23.2 10-30-57 ii7.U 10-31-57 25.6 19S/c3E-32Al 3-21-56 ll;8.7 20S/8E-15H3 3-21-56 29.7 397.0 11-5-56 1U8.U 310.0 11-5-56 33.2 • 3-25-57 1U7.2 3-25-57 31.5 10-30-57 153.5 IO-3L.57 3i;.0 19S/8E-33P1 10-30-57 128.5 20S/8E-16C1 3-26-56 y 390.0 310.0 11-5-56 2-26-57 3^.7 33.2 20S/7B-1D1 3-26-56 7li.O 10-31-57 3U.0 3U0.0 11-7-56 79.8 2-26-57 81.5 20S/8E-18H1 3-21-56 52.0 10-30-57 81.2 330.0 11-7-56 3-25-57 59.8 5U.6 20S/8E-5C1 3-21-56 60.2 10-31-57 61.5 323.0 11-5-56 63.0 2-26-57 63.0 20S/8E-2UJ1 3-26-56 12^1i 10-30-57 65.1 ilHi.O 11-5-56 3-25-57 126.0 20S/6E-5R1 3-26-56 V 10-31-57 127.2 337.0 11-5-56 69.0 3-25-57 70.1 20S/8E-25Q1 3-26-56 I9.U 10-30-57 71,U 3lt0.0 11-5-56 3-25-57 21.9 18.3 20S/8E-6K1 3-26-56 I. 10-31-57 20.8 3IU.O 11-5-56 3-25-57 U9.U 21S/9E-6K1 3-26-56 12.2 10-30-57 5U.0 3U0,0 11-5-56 3-25-57 13.7 11.7 20S/8E-7F1 3-21-56 23.0 10-31-57 m*2 275.0 11-5-56 29.0 3-25-57 22.2 • 10-30-57 30.7 • -26- (hBiUxtinnl: ?A-J.. mi'u iiZ MI lawv.' .'I ;H .j-a-Wf.t ^cf.'^/n CffiW fli , t.1 .V:)ji.e ."i .H ■T-iyi al V '^. _ f il^?-?B\'?Oii i.drx J c-i' -»■•■ c d>-?-XX O.J; 0.1 • ■■•••<:: 0.441.. T5-dS-S ^t.v s.ce O.dSX s.vsr 0.OS r* '- ■ \ • s»4x '•-ix 01 1 5>.~v-.-a r^-T-XX Y$-i£-OX r^: -XX r"5. •c-_(-.r ■ '•'-XI Vti-it-QX CH^X-S. o.oxe ^^j-ds-f XLiis-C'" O.jiiu rr>nr'_,-7n\s..-o iLUl- d>-?-XX ^.TiJX T5-?S-£ i! «C .8SX 0,C XASt~a^\8<^i A . ^■' . S..18' O.fri d5-.'r;-XX Y5-dS-S xo^-?r8\Bc" i!;xY d>-:^~xx y5:«e~nx XH5~aB\so. Ji.x '-?-.XX X35<, O.4.' I?-" ';' .DC ;-;?-.0(,_OJ. .-dS- TABIE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLET Spring, 1^56 through Fall, 1957 Vifell number and R, P. elev. a/ Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet Well nvunber and R. P. elev. Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet 21S/9E-7J2 3-21-56 22.5 21S/10E-32N1 3-20-56 21.8 356.0 11-2-56 26.0 UOO.O 11-5-56 23.5 3-25-57 23.9 3-25-57 20.9 10-31-57 25.U 11-1-57 23.5 21S/9E-8B1 11-2-56 18.0 22S/10E-9P1 3-26-56 611.5 3ii5.0 3-25-57 lli.5 U63.0 11-5-56 10-31-57 15.5 2-25-57 11-1-57 62. li 66.2 21S/9E-15K2 3-26-56 ^i^ 375.0 11-2-56 22S/10E-16K1 3-20-56 69.0 3-25-57 I472.O 11-5-56 73.3 11-1-57 15.5 3-25-57 11-1-57 70.0 7U.0 21S/9E-16B1 3-20-56 18.U 355.0 11-2-56 18.5 22S/10E-16P1 3-26-56 22.3 3-25-57 16.5 U25.0 11-5-56 26.0 11-1-57 18,0 11-1-57 27.2 21S/9E-17Q1 3-21-56 107.7 22S/10E-17N1 3-26-56 iiC.2 U50.0 11-2-56 109.5 502.0 11-5-56 3-25-57 108.0 3-25-57 107.0 10-31-57 110.0 11-1-57 110.0 21S/9E-23G1 3-26-56 y 22S/10E-21R1 3-20-56 11.5 385.0 11-2-56 26.1 . U21.0 11-5-56 15.7 3-25-57 2U.3 ■ 3-25-57 lli.l 11-1-57 26.2 11-1-57 17.0 21S/9E-2UL1 3-20-56 3I1.3 22S/10E-22D2 3-26-56 b/ 397.0 11-5-56 33.5 U66.0 11-5-56 63.2 2-25-57 32.8 3-25-57 63.7 11-1-57 33.7 ll-L-57 61i.7 21S/10E-30P1 3-20-56 53.3 22S/10E-3UG1 3-20-56 55.8 U30.0 11-5-56 55.9 U76.0 11-5-56 61.0 3-25-57 52.8 3-25-57 57.2 11-1-57 56.3 - 11-1-57 62.0 jg/ Reference Point elevation in feet above mean sea level, U.S.G.S. datum. b/ Pumping — No measurement -27- Cf1'.'rrt^•f.■1^,:■,^ ^.;.J.AT aiiav/ Ik ^: ;^05^. til lydmun IX^ fens 6 as ?.os 5.c§ XMSf-aoxws o.oou S.dd ^?-^.xx T5-I-XX xq^-'7ox\3SS O.f.64] O.Qd f..tV 0.0? c,4v d?-OS-£ d5-?-XX V'^'-J-XX XHdX-3Q£\?.S!i 0.ST4 0.6S S.YS d5"? sjrx o.vox o.oxx T5-X--II X11TX-.10X\2SS 0.20?. ?.xx T.?X X.jlX o.Yi 6^-OS-^ d5-^-xx Y5-5S-e T^^-XX XHXS-.SOr\BSS o.xsa \1 • T.4^ .c'-^-e-XX T^-X-XX ' sass-20i'\^ss O.cid+i' o;xd O.Sd d5-0S-C d5-^-XX ri5_.r„tX xo4e-3oi\ess O.^Til agp.poai ., f ^^^C ^sal^qa! d^~^ix:x-' • o.Qr 6X 6?-s-xi f ■ a.8x ?.8X 5»dX 0.8X d?-S-IX xadx-nTvXax^. T.VOX 5.<>ox 0,80X c.oxx d5-x<.-^- d5-s-xx T:="ie-ox U)TX-aQ\8lS ■ Oio:^...t o?-S-XX xoes-:iAax2 <- fV^-os-j: -- ... _s' xj4s-3Aais . O.T^t T.e£ T^~-'-.i-: o-^-OS-C ^.^-5~xx T>-i-rx xaof:~?iai\ars 0.ut4 (XsvoX Baa fleafli gvocte *&9l ni no.fd'f--v!:?Xo iniol ^onoTalaflJ "^^g, .foff^sb .o,0.2,U ."t "i* ' \ f -VS- TABIE 2 RECORDS .OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN NASHUA GROUND WATER TROUGH August, 1956 and August, 1957 Vfell number and .. R. P. elev. y\ :Dist. R. P. Date . : to water : surface, ' in feet Vfell number and R. P. elev. y; Date :Dist. R. P, : to water : surface, : in feet 13S/2E-16E1 20.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 23.7 27.0 13S/2E-30A1 16.2 8-20-56 8-18-57 1^2.5 b/ 13S/2E-17R1 16.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 21.0 22.2 13S/2E-30B1 7.8 8-20-56 8-18-57 27.3 3U.0 13S/2E-19H1 21.1 8-20-56 8-18-57 U8.7 56.7 13S/2E-30H1 8.8 8-20-56 8-18-57 31.0 13S/2E-19R1 13.2 8-20-56 8-18-57 iiO.8 13S/2E-30L1 9.2 8-20-56 8-18-57 28,8 3U.U 13S/2E-20M2 27.1 8-20-56 8-18-57 % 13S/2E-31B1 10.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 2U.5 13S/2E-20R1 Hi. 5 8-20-56 8-18-57 % 13S/2E-31II2 9.1 8-20-56 8-18-57 27.0 33.6 13S/2E-21N1 17.3 8-20-56 8-18-57 b/ 60.5 13S/2E-31G1 10.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 30.2 39.2 13S/2E-29C2 li;.3 8-20-56 8-18-57 U2.3 b/ 13S/2E-31J1 9.6 8-20-56 8-18-57 3U.0 b/ 13S/2E-29D2 6.1i 8-20-56 8-18-57 9.5 10,0 13S/2E-31L1 11.3 8-20-56 8-18-57 32.6 li3.2 13S/2E-29E2 6.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 1U.3 16.0 13S/2E-31L3 10.8 8-20-56 8-18-57 19.6 22,0 13S/2E-29F1 17.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 U3.3 58.6 13S/2E-31M2 9.1 8-20-56 8-18-57 b/ 13S/2E-29K1 7.3 8-20-56 8-18-57 16.5 17.0 13S/2E-31N2 11.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 28.6 13S/2E-29R1 9.8 8-20-56 8-18-57 17.0 18.7 13S/2E-31P1 10.3 8-20-56 8-18-57 ^ y -28- C ^^Crf auaw T \uK .vale ..;.:;/..R <"..r.f. O.SS 1,^ V O.TS O.IS n. 0.d£ ' - '■,■■ ' '.J'- -dii»\c-i:x .%Si» ^ ■;.-o I*- f.vx S0^b,vex . r?!:\^ V5-a£-8 v^-at-e . ■ u~"ri\p ■ TABLE 2 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELI5 IN NASHUA GROUND WATER TROUGH August, 1956 and August, 1^57 Well number * and Date R. P. elev, £/! Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet Wtell number and R, P. elev. V Date Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet liiS/2E-8Kl 15.5 8-20-56 8-18-57 30.2 y liiS/2E-l501 2li,0 8-20-56 8-18-57 U1.0 lliS/2E-8M2 15.') 8-20-56 8-18-57 27(8 II4S/2E-I5HI 27.1 8-20-56 8-18-57 U2.0 li5.o li;S/2E-9Cl 18.7 8-20-56 8-18-57 36.0 37.0 lliS/2E-l5Ll 21i.O 8-20-56 8-18-57 U0,6 li4S/2E-9El 17.9 8-20-56 8-18-57 30.2 35.U ms/2E-l6J2 25.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 38.2 iil.9 11^S/2E-9H1 19.8 8-20-56 8-18-57 36.6 Ul.3 lliS/2&-17Al 18.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 '^ 1US/2E-9K1 18.9 8-20-56 8-18-57 36.2 39.5 lliS/2E-17B2 18.3 8-20-56 8-18-57 I. UiS/2E-10Al 20.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 36.2 U3.0 II4S/2E-I8DI 7.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 3il:5 1US/2E-10G1 21.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 33.3 ms/2B-21Jl 25.7 8-20-56 8-18-57 39.5 U1.5 liiS/2E-10Rl 23.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 35.2 U.6 U4S/2E-22FI 2U.5 8-20-56 8-18-57 36.8 y 1US/2E-11G1 18.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 28.0 33.6 liiS/2E-22P2 27.0 8-20-56 8-10-57 39.2 U3.7 11|S/2E-12Q1 63.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 b/ 7^.7 II4S/2E-23AI 33.7 8-20-56 8-18-57 ^ II4S/2E-IULI 26.0 8-20-56 8-18-57 39.0 Uli.3 lliS/2E-23Ll 29.3 8-20-56 8-18-57 UU.5 y U;S/2E-lliNl 25.5 8-20-56 8-18-57 U0.5 lliS/2E-26j2 30.6 8-20-56 8-18-57 U3.0 y -30. (bftonlc T't ' rT'7'Tr'' ' ■■^T-'^r^'v^)^ "A*^ . ' , r'.i;§i/A i>ai-> ,^Cis^A sJiiU i\B idSiiSC. li^i ■»WihMH«Wili]l.||ijliWI!l, 1,1 III .A^llttmrif,- ' ^-A»*fM« ■■• '^^ .O.Sii ■■ \± Vi T.0.1 ?>■ ■'■■ SLdS-aSXSil/ •xe^m r\. . ... tttfrt 8.TS ii.-4 • f-l • O • o • o J5« • • o o o • o J- « o • o J*- NO • • o o d UN • • o « o c^ e»N • • o o CN UN d d O • CnI • o • o • • o o O • O c<^ o d o • o o o • o • o >2. • o a- • • CNNO O .H • • CM l/N NO UN • o • UN d • CM • • o o NO UN UNCO • • o o oo UN • UN CM • o NO • o s • o • • O rH • CM J- • • J- r-t • C^ C«\NO CO ON • • o o • • • s § ^ 5g^ CO £?; ON UN UN CM o CM !f? ON UN o IN. ^ UN ^ ^ • • • CM CM l-l pH C^ CM fH oi CM r-t 1-4 CM C^ 5? C^ J* c^ ON O CM r-t e^ J- NO a\ NT) cs J- « • t^ *v ««. VO CO tN. tV tv «>. tvt«v t^t^ CO NO UN 5 UN Q tv CM UN ON O r-t NO 0^ J- CO MO g S"c^ NO NO >o NO ^ UN UN UN uNr^ cJk ,^ A A UN 1 A rH rH r-t pH UN rH Jit •H ^ Jt rH NO \R irit>» NO UNtN. c^ A rH j: • 4j UN .4 A ri.A riA .*. +> 9 ! ft Ill «H S ■O I as A! c^ a I • H t, CM t> ^. UN J4 m o o o ^ U I :^ 8 .S 9 UN .H UN cS n •"• a: I I (s I i^ o S • b C J« rH :s b CM O I S^ O Ui rH OO u rH 1 NO 3 8^ ^S p 0\ r-t CM J5 I § W (. rH o <; NO O r-t O I OS 5 o- j: < o § a, 32 8 •« in -a sr^ >0 «> 7^ ^ 0^ <5j ►-r b ' p it- 05 ;0 ^ W % -di^ f?!-^ § & ar 'a^,. At t ■3 Ss' 'A It { ft 3 if t *-\ • • « -■1 • Si J ;', ? ^!^ \ *">■ « . ■f * *■» ai lli ?■ '■T. ! -3 ffi «s- sa- •tt. 1=- a ,0 O s? ?s * vS !; ,^^ ft -• '■■> *"3 8? "? ?• c ■6. • V^J '■J •-» t • * * 1 >■ ^ ON g I s ■0 ^ s S c^ § :^ VO OS « c 0) o. 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S z • c^ no* 3IH ^|35 ^ g CM O C -H "H 0> •-) M $:;i •H B +» n t. s & m o •H -f tii • a o. is b, c^ o z iH o ^ o ^8 to •« *H a 1-4 +> IH c^ C -H o o B o B u as •H 0) +" 0. 10 c^ C a o o •»> u " g r-4 iH g^ ffi 'H C 3 •S & S • !^ (d sz 1? 5 ?. 1 u O VO ;3 •> O O 1 s-a^ ^4S© o « iH 1i 0. ^ § (• S^ • B i so (^ CMOO CM CM CNCA •^ 9 C^i-I o o o • o o l'^ ^ i-l UN CNtv. < tVUN o o • • iH CM • • rH « iH • SO UN SO • J- • • o\ so • rH • I-l PIS «> <^ s oo CM «^ s§ ^ iR c^ c^ lrst^» txt^ oo t>^ ONSO O rH CN rH C^ C^ CO J- o o so IH so CM CSUN C'\ ?s OO J- so^ oo J- o o o o ^,\D t^ O UN N OO so t* NO t^ SO UNUN H C\ US CN c'^ c'x c^s \?.^ t^ J- rH « ^ J UN US SO w (/) m (o uS UN UN UN I I I « cL § CM SO <>. lUN UNITS O US C3 SO rH CM H CM OO SO CO SO UN US sii CM CM CM ^ ^ 4 I UN « Cfi tv Jit cj» O O iH o IH • CM • « CM OS SO US • • CM CM • • IHSO J- ON • • e^cM & SS SO CN UNd- gr5!> SiS> :^f^- UN * • • • UNC^ ^ Jt- O O CO H O rH O iH r^ iH • • O O CO UN UNUN UNUN OS ON fxCO NO::!- NO UN J* so oo o ■ tN. PN CM o o so t«» UN UN siri CM CM tLsi 3 37 /V/* /^ t^ ■ cjrM ?.'S S-5 ^'^ ^ o .^ ■§ %:?. ^;4 !g.^ a o • • » • o e> p CI -5 ^ is. « •* o o ■Si 0^ n «■ -t. ^> c 9 »• o o o « ^ ^ Kir- tU 1 ! 5, i*t « ,-» ■ '-■ If • < < vt s «^ u^ a\ os e-( 9 o ^ s 5 (0 > \o +» u ITv § M Ui < •< fH o ^ s «M d- 5 o fel.. a. o ts a c^ MO* rH a u e _, f 1 3 5 ;s g O §s 1H (/> 3 <-l ■»» »< «4 B +> Sfe o a » o •H 4* Si £5 Be C^ o % fH o • • •• •■ •■ J* o t/i B W B O ■s -rt « 1-1 «<^ +» fH o g^ s ^;. •ri « ♦• O. c<^ s » 8 o -e O C s gl 0) *H 5 g M s » a) a do £ Cll o tB O. 1 O o vo 3 » O o ■o o 5*^ d i « i (. rH O M J3 S § fl t^-a ^^ ^1- ?^S o CO vo lAVO C^ 1/N U>>H iH CO VDVO tVOO ^ J- J- C^ & Q rH fH * • o o cH fH • • o o &8 • • • • so fH ■s-^ onJ- o m UN.* tvso CO CM vo t^ vo fH CM CM tlvi I 5^ vO CO I C/1 OO 38 • * ■ t- 1-> J-i rrr -Eu 4 • • # Co I ( T/-BLE 5 PARTIAL HIMERAL AMLYSES t F GROUND VMTER IN SALINAS VALLEY July-August, 1956 and 1957 Total • • Total • • Veil number: Year : solids -Si- : Chlorides VJell number: Year : solids-i^ : Chlorides in parts per million in parts per million 13S/2E-7R1 F 1956 1957 696 521 86 86 13S/2E-29K3 1957 917 310 L. 13S/2E-29R1 1956 1686 330 13S/2E-16E1 1956 1957 948 500 230 138 1957 1171 346 13S/2E-30A1 1956 806 166 13S/2E-.16E2 1956 1957 990 500 238 138 1957 595 166 13S/2E-30G2 1956 1209 250 13S/2E-17H1 1957 721 246 1957 728 ao 13S/2E-180a 1957 1922 858 13S/2E-30T.T 1956 1957 829 605 142 162 13S/2E-19H1 1956 575 118 1957 395 106 13S/2E-31B1 1956 1957 2287 773 656 262 13S/2E-19R1 1956 862 214 1957 734 234 13S/2E-31D2 1956 1957 654 433 94 102 13S/2E-20M2 1956 581 110 1957 441 114 13S/2E-31G1 1956 1957 582 431 74 102 13S/2E-20ia 1956 874 158 1957 528 162 13S/2E-31H2 1956 1957 519 627 66 58 13S/2E-21ia 1956 510 54 1957 306 54 13S/2E-31J1 1957 405 86 i3s/2E-2a-a 1956 550 70 13S/2E-31K2 1956 597 78 1957 352 78 1957 365 78 13S/2E-29C2 1956 1065 230 13S/2E-31L1 1956 1086 310 1957 625 194 1957 903 350 13S/2E-29C4 1956 784 146 13S/2E-3BI2 1956 792 142 1957 468 1?? 1957 528 142 13S/2E-29E2 1956 1045 250 13S/2E-31N2 1956 960 194 1957 707 234 1957 669 218 13S/2E-29F1 1956 483 58 13S/2E-31P1 1956 640 lU 1957 352 74 1957 503 138 -39- 'jTA. lA'lA J:. JWTHAq icioT .TfseX jisdiHUfi 11 gol XXx m igg cji.a q_ nx; net; LLr: -xda ' ^"vfnsa nl. ore OiS SAX 4i§ SOX 8V ., SiM. m.'' cv.r.f e?^ «.c Sat: xe4 W5 dSOX OAd ..' CO? :. ■■.. r ■J\XJi. ;■. ■ '.' r o ' .^5^X X'^es-as^w TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL i'lINERAL ANALYSES GF GROUND V/ATER IN SALINAS VALIEY July-August, 1956 and 1957 ' fell number: Year Total solids* : Chlorides Well number: Year : Total : solids* : Chlorides :in parts per million tin parts per milli on .3S/2E-32A1 3S/2E-32C1 3S/2E-32J1 3S/2E-32J2 I 3S/2i:-32Nl 3S/2E-32Q1 3S/2E-33E1 JS/2E-33N1 3S/2E-33N2 JS/2E-33R1 JS/3E-30P1 iS/aE-aa l,S/2E-3Fl nS/2E-3ia I1S/2E-AEI 1956 1957 1956 1957 1956 1957 1956 1957 1956 1957 1957 1957 1956 1957 1956 1957 1956 1957 1956 1957 1956 1957 1957 1956 1957 577 385 531 326 1957 1242 559 385 624 364 1263 1136 405 357 520 357 555 357 453 321 384 294 582 454 341 586 365 70 14S/2E-/,M1 1956 609 78 1957 513 46 14S/2E-4N2 1956 535 66 14S/2E-4P2 1957 365 498 14S/2E-5C2 1956 593 74 1957 395 70 14S/2E-5F4 1956 586 66 1957 384 70 14S/2E-5H1 1956 664 326 1957 815 450 14S/2E-5K1 1957 405 102 14S/2E-5L1 1956 554 66 14S/2E-5P1 1956 562 66 70 14S/2E-5P2 1957 403 74 14S/^-5Rl 1956 666 58 1957 837 70 14S/2E-5R2 1956 652 74 1957 536 54 US/2E-6B1 1956 559 50 1957 379 78 14S/2E-6J3 1956 589 86 1957 375 78 14S/2E-6Q1 1956 552 1957 365 66 70 14S/2E-6R2 1956 521 1957 341 74 126 62 66 78 78 74 78 130 294 86 82 70 70 94 262 74 U2 78 74 78 74 66 58 62 70 -UO- asx >raB i^\ \->c> ?,^ o?4 ■ n,) 0^1 ■•• i7V :\A Si^ V'iVl I'.xs-ssXaAX ^ ?d€ V^f^i T ■f?^:-^is^,^!i.r Ae /^ \ r'l \ ■ ; \ r LV,Uiii— >- •i^e ''-^.■. 0? tT . Oiivi ■i.lS.'r.-rc ■ J.. . veox s-i b^ '.;,_. .;v, ■ .'V'^ \c'v'.: i)? ^^'■^ ve ■'-^i , coa-. ,'<^-:.: 7c a??x lasi-s TABLE 5 (Continued) I ARTIAL imiERAL /.NALYSEwS OF GROUND Wj^TER IN SALINAS VALLEY July-August, 1956 and 1957 : Total • • • : Total : Well number: Year : so lid s-*^ tin parts : Chlorides per million Well number: • • 14S/2E-36J1 Year 1956 : solids*: Chlorides :in parts per million lAS/2E-?/,r:i 1956 510 58 2123 330 1957 349 66 1957 1540 338 14S/2E-P4J1 1957 893 170 14S/2E-36R1 1956 1957 2150 1540 318 334 1AS/2E-24P1 1956 1053 146 1957 727 154 14S/3E-3K1 1956 1957 477 350 42 54 14S/2E-2AQ1 1956 563 70 1957 384 7d 14S/3E-4E1 1956 1957 421 308 46 50 1AS/2E-25B1 1957 750 166 14S/3E-.6T.1 1956 421 42 14.V2E-25D1 1956 1957 878 595 110 94 1957 308 66 14S/3E-8C1 1957 482 118 14S/2E-25F1 1956 1016 142 1957 755 166 14S/3E-10F2 1956 1957 372 321 38 34 US/2E-26A1 1956 1087 146 1957 688 142 14S/3E-10F3 1957 361 58 1AS/2E-26C1 1956 453 42 14S/3E-10P1 1956 438 42 1957 365 46 1957 3a 50 1AS/2E-26J1 1956 1348 234 14S/3E-11H1 1956 1957 505 317 58 62 HS/2E-26P1 1957 358 38 14S/3E-14C1 1956 505 66 14S/2E-3AA1 1956 1957 507 333 34 38 1957 358 70 14S/3E-15P1 1956 746 174 1AS/2E-34B1 1956 1957 625 399 46 54 1957 669 238 14S/3E-16K2 1956 885 180 14S/2E-35G1 1956 481 30 1957 312 •34 14S/3E-17B1 1956 1957 535 385 62 78 14S/2E-36E1 1957 700 134 14S/3E-17B2 1956 589 98 t/^S/2E-36Hl 1956 1957 1872 1?62 262 278 1957 428 90 -U2- (bcLvixd'noO' r?'" T '■ ,,-*?:.-.t'A~/I i;\. 1 1 : L-^iioT : • '■'j-oT : : \ . 'ifO :*pbiXoe * :iyrf:rJ:f II^W - • 'i'. V JiOiii^CI ISC " a^sa nx: iOij-..i.:i lis i^i.;:^q ni: oee Ci:is '.,-,yr r.l^AS-aS\aAX| B£C CA5I VC^^ oo ,' ;'.:x 1 BXP 05.i:s d5?I Xfi>.c:-3S\5AX ovx ces V^9I xoAs-asV^^ ACt 0A5X V59X 6AX C50I d5?X x^«;-3^\- I SA ?VA c'. ::er '^bl n?r f-ajso^^X j^; S;i Li^-se\aAx aOC ?5^i OIL A? 5?5 ,u?S-^S' .AX^ en ?^A V5PI 108-3 t\?4X SAX ^lOX '•^^S-OU' -.'V; BC •- "■, c •K'.J^ STOX-uic, ..AX boi -?v \ -. - A. AC £&l V5?X ^AX vsox d59X XA^S-JT; ■^\X' 85 m VcU eiOl-.-c\'U£ Ul .''«;■:■» V'-^L ; S4 8CA -cPI X'iOX-Se\ftAX SA C5A dC^X xods-£r.' i; 05 xst V59X 6A :5Ao '-'•JOf 1 85 505 ' XHIX-3C\aAX ACS 8+iU 65^X 4 Sd Vie .^ i 8e ft?^^ V59X r^^^~m\p.^ii a^ 505 " iOAX-.ue\^'''AX OV '^•Jr '. . ■- -'■ AC sc CCC V59X ATI dAV i5X-ae\aAX 1 BC2 ■ -'» i,\ 5Su li'?9l A5 e9c V^^X s 081 588 6in s;{dx-3e\aAX oc X8A . - sa 5?:5 din xavx-.-".r\a»\x AC SIC - 8V 58e V5ex j " AOt V \-\ V5ex ; C 89 ?S5 dlU savx-aex^AX 0? 8SA V5?X svs SV8X J TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERnL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July-August, 1956 and 1957 : Total : : Total • * Well number; Year : solids*: Chlorides Well number: Year . t solids* : Chlorides :in pferts p er million ;in parts per million 14S/3E-17D1 1956 519 70 14S/3E-32N2 1956 1800 7k? 1957 376 82 1957 1375 274 14S/3E-18J1 1957 566 158 14S/3E-33G1 1956 572 94 14S/3E-19Q2 1956 1957 971 706 154 158 14S/3E-35H3 1957 308 78 14S/3E-36A1 1956 367 50 14S/3E-23P1 1956 536 114 14S/3E-36D1 1956 405 58 14S/3E-2AN1 1956 1957 456 342 78 86 1957 335 74 14S/3E-36P1 1956 435 66 14S/3E-24Q1 1957 385 114 14S/4E-3QM1 1956 444 54 1AS/3E-25L2 1956 1957 504 350 82 86 1957 342 66 US/4E-31H2 1956 409 78 14S/3E-28B1 1957 296 50 1957 321 78 US/3E-30B1 1957 454 102 15S/2E-1A1 1956 1957 1600 1209 178 198 14S/3E-.30E1 1956 1576 262 1957 986 242 15S/2E-1K1 1956 1957 1031 575 lU 86 14S/3E-30F1 1956 1338 222 1957 949 226 15S/2E-1Q1 1956 1957 998 687 102 no 1Z,.S/3E-30F2 1956 1642 274 15S/2E-IR1 1956 1268 146 1AS/3E-30R1 1957 1070 234 1957 917 158 14S/3E-31A1 1956 902 98 15S/2E-2H1 1957 669 90 14S/3E-31F1 1956 1910 294 15S/2E-2J1 1956 1112 94 1957 1339 314 1957 797 110 14S/3E-31J2 1956 2421 386 15S/2E-2Q1 1956 946 74 1957 1674 366 1957 707 78 14S/3E-31Q2 1956 407 22 15S/2E-12C1 1956 673 50 1957 374 22 a957 491 58 -U3- ■ i r iiiiii' n il i t IscroT : noj.„. ixui ler ?,■:?■•■ ■ *-.-■> jC • ■is 11. gn-ig A/. 91? 6^i V SUiS 0081 d- ■, •.-, c TTC'X :> . : 4-;X f?.?X r 02 ?d£ de^x XAci'L-SiCX'i^iX All .^e?i V. ..■ 8^ ?(W mi j:ad£-3£\?»4ix .W at€ V5W ev 0("" '. ;, rAs-aeVwii d6 ^CA .^?9I Vl}it,-2^\^vM - :■ ac ;.:f^L Aii A>\:\ , ■': . ' ^.^ -• '-'^ .p., , ; ^, ; AO? a^9X s.T$s-2re\-, ^ C5« o?t ^e^x BV />.--- 1 • ■.^j^e^ix «r ? o: 6(?^ v?9i Jg^C^T?f\.- '.£ ; bVX OujX CJCVM. l:.--w-iN:J5X iOX <■' fi?.£ n.'K; f v??;: SdS +iJi I^ui ocvi XAi-ai\fi?;X «-« t .^ ^ ■*■■ ' d.3 ?v? V>Pl ;s d^Ri x-^e- siox . .'i-x.Vii;i '" '.?.-v: ''■.■■''■\ '^JT : J^VS SMX d5?X s-^oe- oAl a^s.1 •i^U .uu-.^.\^?X B^T VX5? T?9r ACS 0T(.' ■ - , ■ ".r; (?6e »'. :HS~^\3^X 8^ iriV d - ■ sxxx d;- ■ ••.s-as\''.?x AfS 0X91 hi^ ')Ii T9T T2v>l ^^^:x ??9X »iT ^Ae d?: \v.. i *' TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July-August, 1956 and 1957 * : Total • • : Total : VJell number: Year : solids* : Chlorides Well number • Year : solids* : Chlorides :in parts per million :in parts per mill-on 15S/2E-12E2 1956 1085 90 15S/3E-6D1 1956 2122 298 1957 636 78 1957 1481 298 15S/2E-12P2 1957 308 34 15S/3E-6L1 1956 1729 182 15S/2E-23M1 1957 428 114 15S/3E-6K1 1956 •357 26 15S/2E-24H2 1956 633 118 15S/3E-7D1 1956 1957 1100 865 122 136 15S/3E-1L1 1956 365 54 1957 275 62 15S/3E-7E1 1956 1011 94 15S/3E-2Q1 1956 581 86 15S/3E-7G1 1956 971 98 1957 /i?8 50 1957 321 38 15S/3E-3P1 1956 1957 777 520 90 94 15S/3E-7G2 1957 928 126 15S/3E-7Q1 1956 1264 90 15S/3E-3H1 1956 417 78 1957 Abandoned 15S/3E-AL1 1956 1957 1581 1013 174 178 15S/3E-8B2 1956 2634 250 15S/3E-8C1 1956 2080 210 15S/3E-/^2 1956 1957 1635 1100 190 198 1957 1604 222 15S/3E-8F1 1956 345 30 15S/3E-5C1 1956 1957 512 326 34 26 1957 249 30 15S/3E-8F4 1956 1635 134 15S/3E-5K3 1956 2061 258 15S/3E-8N1 1957 657 66 15S/3E-5N1 1956 1607 190 15S/3E-9B1 1956 1523 166 15S/3E-5Q4 1957 1470 242 15S/3E-9C1 1956 1452 154 15S/3E-5R1 1956 1856 218 1957 1040 170 15S/3E-6A2 1956 1639 242 15S/3E-9E1 1956 1151 94 1957. 1184 262 1957 875 U8 15S/3E-6A3 1956 1957 1600 1203 222 238 15S/3E-9G1 1957 802 98 'Uh' Vi-yrn SSTAW V?:. si. > > r err 'J? XICI IV? .kQp baaobf,. .',, »i ■ ■ r r ;ir^?. d??i iUii- -it.\'XX wt ^,\?. c;.VX iia-^CVi^x ^C-i»i <> .• .a«st\B<;x ^.8X ?iiVX ciS v§t; ■*..'ap\S'ar OOXl ?d8 ''> r 4>-.; ^a n'fv r;-;:.s vvv ^^■ ;.;.aSL£r c^CVl ■O I 1 ..V .1 I TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SALINAS J\LLy-August, 1956 and 1957 : Total • : Total • • Well nijmber: Year : solids* : Chlorides Well number: Year : solids* : Chlorides :in parts per million :in parts per million 15S/3E-9H1 1956 1957 1019 939 98 110 15S/3E-15M1 1957 962 86 15S/3E-16B2 1956 1488 106 15S/3E-9K1 1956 1957 1243 875 98 110 1957 1084 110 15S/3E-16M1 1957 521 74 15S/3E-10P2 1957 527 66 15S/3E-17B1 1956 913 66 15S/3E-10P3 1956 1957 994 687 94 98 1957 642 70 15S/3E-17B2 1957 601 78 15S/3E-10Q1 1956 792 70 15S/3E-17G1 1957 928 102 15S/3E-10R2 1956 752 74 15S/3E-17P1 1957 605 98 15S/3E-11M1 1956 1227 142 1957 939 158 15S/3E-18C2 1956 1957 853 466 66 58 15S/3E-12H1 1956 493 90 1957 395 94 15S/3E-18F1 1956 1957 710 438 46 50 15S/3E-12K3 1956 785 162 15S/3E-18G1 1956 656 38 15S/3E-13N1 1957 621 106 1957 421 42 15S/3E-13P1 1956 944 98 15S/3E-21A3 1956 1043 74 1957 592 98 1957 727 74 15S/3E-14C1 1956 1027 90 15S/3E-22A1 1956 1259 70 1957 7a 110 1957 875 78 15S/3E-UG1 1957 664 94 15S/3E-22F1 1956 961 66 15S/3E-14H1 1957 631 98 15S/3E-22G1 1957 846 78 15S/3E-1AM2 1956 1957 1210 819 94 90 15S/3E-23E1 1956 iro4 54 l5S/3E-23^a 1956 1202 58 15S/3E-15B1 1957 482 62 1957 802 66 15S/3E-15F1 1956 1242 90 15S/3E-25P1 1956 1957 874 592 46 46 15S/3E-15L1 1957 1040 94 -U5- (batfflJtJnoD) ?, aiHAT H-3TAW (J^'.Ur^D HO asaYL^'^A JA3£!iIM JAITHA^ IsJoT '■ r '. X^ioi '*■' .. . BsbiioiriD : ♦sfciloe ' 'n&BY flStfjTB/fl IXoV/ 8sb.ri*/:fO I *abiIoB _: t£9Y tiodno. m).i:IIi:r. t^.t sitio ni: s n :9q si-Mq tu • « as. S6? ^^91 J1PX-SCX^?X 8? OCX 9X0X 9?:9. dS9X V?9X. XH9-SC\35X 601 B84il cc?>"'' "^.' A?;- 4i0^i d5^X x^ei-3e\52x 4i? OISI r.iwx-ae\5^x 8^ so$x 6^1 ij5es-3e\3(»x 0(? V .L;-^ : <^, SD3 :3A . VQ9X xa^x-ae^ "^i : 6^ rj- a^9X , .'^ :■ ,Iifl • • iflioT-- : 5 : -Xe.+oT : 3^H_H?-£'^:?_ '.. ,*5i;^ fne^ t teaY i't9dmun X/«v: toIrJO ; *3hxX»3 : TJBftY " T^cf.fiwn I; H" • .itl: * 8T cvox ■ ^ ■ 8T 0T4 diJ^X t :'vi i.--^?-C\^I 8V m T5?X BY XUT T2\'X B2 T^ d59X sBx-5Aa2x 5$^ Oiia t2QX xh8s-;3j:\ • ■i5 08S T^?X : ■ • V ' V. ■b?«i: Li^-H-^ dii ase a?^x X€VX--ail\£?X a? ■ v ;c:i d;i ars vc^x •• .''^"'■. Ud 529/ .^' ■ OT SOii e>5^x xoTx-aA22X Sd d?s T5^U xst Lid-^^i^-. 0? < e^«.i 59^>x I>iTI-'^4l\35X 8xr '■*■ r* *" ; :■ '• dd XiU .d5^X i-.'iu.v-,-tii\3i^x XaOi*-iii\j<;i .Ir ?T"? ": CVX iUX ^jb;^! Tl*?X xax5"a4\3?.x «v d?S T2r' 2e4 r • ^ 0? 8ve dH?X X0dS-3iA,S^X 'H xr. ".'?X Sd XMb-iir^^.^,p;s|r O^a T'-'- -iV '*:r\ !■ '•.a: ■: ,1 !' 0\ 8ci ■'4u xOi- T^9I i^s-d^Xi ja. ■■t-s ^-^^I^.v^^i TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July-August, 1956 and 1957 : Total « • : total : Well number; Year : solids* : Chlorides Well number: Year : solids* : Chlorides :in parts per million :in parts per million 16S/5E-31A1 1956 1957 1016 752 9U 78 17S/5E-12E1 1957 585 130 17S/5E-lliDl 1956 651 82 16S/5E-32B1 1956 1957 1397 996 138 130 1957 512 78 17S/5E-2ltHl 1957 hkl 1;6 16S/5E-32C1 1956 11+78 1U2 1957 108U 130 17S/5E-36F2 1956 816 1;6 16S/5E-32M1 1956 666 $h 17S/6E-7Q1 1956 583 70 1957 601; 58 1957 U21 66 16S/5E-33F1 1956 800 70 17S/6E-16P1 1956 888 130 1957 51+2 58 1957 609 122 16S/5E-33Q1 1956 1957 967 709 9U 98 17S/6E-17R1 1956 1351; 191; 17S/6E-20J1 1956 1103 138 I7S/I4E-IDI 1956 1957 023 585 62 58 1957 737 li;2 17S/6E-27K1 1956 125U 13U 17S/5E-1Q1 1957 U33 166 1957 857 130 17S/5E-3B1 1956 1957 903 670 li;6 150 17S/6E-27L1 1956 1375 ll;6 17S/6E-28B1 1956 1281; 166 17S/5E-UA1 1956 1957 1290 970 15U 158 1957 921 166 I7S/6E-29EI 1956 781 70 17S/5E-UK1 1956 1957 10U9 768 78 82 1957 585 70 17Sj6E-29Kl 1957 60U 70 17S/5E-UN1 1956 1070 62 1957 819 62 17S/6E-33Q1 1956 791 1;6 17S/5E-6Q1 1956 682 1;6 17S/6E-35F1 1956 1353 13li 1957 505 38 1957 910 118 17S/5E-9Q1 1956 552 3U 18S/6E-1E1 1956 1957 923 636 78 62 17S/5E-llGa. 1957 615 98 -U8- (l>si0a^jacv ftiTAli 0* ....AV ... • • X*io¥ ■ 1 ► V • ' Tajo'' * agWioXrif) : *?.b *■ !'o« ' • T»9Y jT'^dWL'rr IXaV/ 9'*htr:0''.'iO : ^^hjtro?'. a5?x '.t^i'^- £} !l» ^xox Ofl 58r: V?^I x?<;x-fe-?^,=T.? lAXf- SB 8T «• ' "■r xdUi.-' ; sex v?cx d<2?x St:)C-a^\3TX r.t_r 8T4X 4801 ^"^^1 5^a5\-. OT XSii T5?X xpT-3\3rr b5 liOd Y5^X OCX SSI 688 T5?X X-T^X-SiiXbn-I ,.2 OOR ■ ;?X q- ■.- v'^r r •>>; ■ -■■ . ■ ' ^- ii9 ^OY RL • XS^ e»^x T9^X Xa8S-.3&\3TX ti• ■• . 6V v.r^ i_i- (>i!^iX T5<^X i.ic-j:i\^x Id T9?X TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL AI^IALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July-August, 1956 and 1957 : Total : • Total : Well number: Year solids* : Chlorides Well number: Year • solids* : Chlorides iin parts per million : sin parts p< 3r million 18S/6E-2N1 1956 1957 978 Uio 7U 70 19S/7E-13D1 1956 2200 202 19S/7E-13D2 1956 11U5 82 18S/6E-3P1 1956 1957 622 26 26 1957 776 78 19S/7E-16D1 1956 1110 150 18S/6E-11J1 1956 1957 93U 636 82 78 1957 8h6 17U 19S/7E-23F1 1956 775 78 18S/6E-12A1 1957 351 38 19S/8E-27N2 1956 3375 ii50 18S/6E-28J1 1956 1957 U16 351 38 50 1957 286it U78 19S/8E-27N3 1956 293I1 398 18S/7E-18K1 1956 885 78 1957 2257 378 18S/7E-18P1 1956 1957 lliOl 983 X38 130 19S/8E-30A1 1957 1693 282 19S/8E-32A1 1956 285Ii 262 18S/7E-19N1 1956 686 5U 1957 U98 $h 19S/8E-33P1 1957 1910 230 18S/7E-2CQ1 1957 1732 290 19S/8E-33R1 1956 1957 2U17 1773 272 270 18S/7E-28K1 1956 2272 2U2 1957 1693 230 20S/8E-5A1 1956 1957 2ii35 1817 358 366 18S/7E-29A1 1957 1365 21)6 20S/8E-5K1 1956 UI30 618 18S/7E-29G1 1957 1189 206 1957 2568 518 18S/7E-29J1 1956 2395 318 20S/8E-5R1 1956 lli03 238 1957 1862 338 1957 1007 218 19S/6E-12A1 1957 5U0 106 20S/8E-6B1 1956 1957 10li5 7U5 9h 86 19S/7E-U01 1956 677 78 20S/8E-8P1 1956 60U 38 19S/7E-10P1 1957 621 126 1957 382 38 19S/7E-11J2 1956 3302 U06 21S/9E-6C1 1956 1957 1756 116U 230 178 -U9- ?"hi'"""-f •**'w ; ;.os 0^1 at o\ 1- Xs^nT I ■ : '►;-af;'- !;,%::> . -rP-^' iiedffi'-: . .. V-.- p/:,;'c ■^ :^r rryr-'r-VPfr a5\a«^X ' r, O-ti* 582 f S^ dv? v$ex o?e V5A5 ve^x 05 19^ V59X ia8s-.sox\ass 8VS x&ss AXVX aS-S?\cis ^I ?8e ?e^i iij4ic-aoi\8ss 851 *SS:VX d59X X30e-30A?'-^-: 8X1 4S0X T29I .V.O lo toifoft'l fK»i;8-ovrm:>n ««*mx^ ( eon^^oiibnoi Isoisiosls) 02 aa bsvxtst] *| •05- APPENDIXES Al, Agreement entered into January 1, 1956 by the State Water Resources Board, the County of Monterey, and the Department of Public Works acting through the agency of the State Engineer A2. Agreement entered into January 1, 1957 by the Department of Water Resources and the County of Monter^ -51- 79.t»W io J-x»ffl4iBqei >-.vltQr.y-' I APPENDIX Al AGREQ1ENT BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD THE COUNTY OF MDNTEREY AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS AGREEMENT, executed in quintuplicate, entered into as of January 1, 1956, by the State Water Resources Board, hereinafter referred to as the "Board"; the County of Monterey, hereinafter referred to as the "County"; and the Department of Public Works of the State of California, acting thiriugh the agency of the State Engineer, hereinafter referred to as the "State Engineer": WITNESSETH WHEREAS, an investigation of the Salinas Basin in and adjacent to Monterey County has been conducted by the Department of Public Works, acting by and throiigh the agency of the State Engineer, betvreen JiJLy 1944 and December 1955, and Division of Water Resources Bulletin Nos, 52, 52A, 52B and Supplements to Biilletin 52A dated May 1950, October 1951, Decem- ber 1952, December 1953, December 1955, and State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 19, on the results of said investigation have been published pursuant to a cooperative arrangement between the Department and the County whereby the work accomplished, including publication of said bulletins, was financed with funds contributed equally by the County and the State of California; and WHEREAS, funds were appropriated to the Board by Item 213 of the Budget Act of 1955 for continxiing work on ground water level and stream flow measurements, and a quality of water check in Salinas Valley on a matching basis with the County pending accomplishment of solution of the water problems in the County; and WHEREAS, by Tho State Water Resources Act of 1945, as amended, the Beard is authorized to make investigations, studies, surveys, prepare -52- tt'Ui^a si- lo BB oial J&eneins ^€4&oiIqttinkvp nt be^troex- ifiiufiolils^ lo a;j-ficf£ ©lit : .-'i lo ^noa^^iAjeC erf. 'yiitifon ^Aor j^iexvi; t . .. - . ... . .i.J.U!.. ■ "^ , ;fi±ntolM. .bn£ ieveX leiew timiois ao aha* sJ^ti '■:; X>-' o.'.\f»llH maldo-r plans and estimates, and make recommendations to the Legislature in regard to vra,ter development projects; and WHEREAS, by said act, the State Engineer is authorized to cooperate with any county, city, State agency or public district on flood control and other water problems and when requested by any thereof may enter into a cooperative agreement to expend money in behalf of any thereof to accomplish the purposes of said act; and WHEREAS, the County desires and hereby requests the Board to enter into a cooperative agreement for the supervision of the making of ground water level and stream flow measixrements, and a quality of water check in Salinas Valley between January 1, 1956 and December 31, 1956, and prepare a supplemental report thereon; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the several promises to be faithfully performed by each as hereinafter s et forth, the Board, the County, and the State Engineer do hereby mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE I - V»RK TO BE PERFORMED: The work to be performed under this agreement shall consist of stream flow measurements and a series of ground water level measurements in the spring and fall of 1956, a general water quality check of surface and underground waters in the Salinas Valley, the compilation and prepara- tion of a report on the results of such measurements and water quality check, all within the County of Monterey, The Board by this agreement authorizes and directs the State Engineer to proceed with the work to be performed, and further authorizes the State Engineer to contract with the County to secure any portion of the necessary records and data required by this agreement. -S3- tiigsT nx S'Xi/sfiiltoi.gat-i &ti'' 0;? b^f "."''x^'' fy:', "i"' '■ c-ooxi no joxziziij ' oi bisoH sf- T-"^!? rvit'v;:?;. ? bns <• ;*t5acc t© « ie-t*i£. _1<^-.)-X-; h.tL .'O.f.Ji ;iTO*'(r?»(i .iU ;r' \ During the process of said investigation and report all maps, plans, information, data and records pertaining thereto vrtiich are in the possession of any party hereto shall be made fully available to any other party for the due and proper accomplishment of the purposes and objects hereof. The work under this agreement shall be diligently prosecuted with the objective of completion of the investigation and compilation of data and preparation of a report thereon on or before December 31, 1956, or as soon thereafter as possible, ARTICLE II - FUNDS: The County, upon execution by it of this agreement, shall transmit to the State Engineer the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars (^1,750) for deposit, subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the Water Resources Revolving Fund in the State Treasury, for expenditures by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement. Also, upon execution of this agreement by the Board, the Director of Finance will be requested to approve the transfer of the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars (5j>l,750) from funds made available to the Board by Item 213 of the Budget Act of 1955, for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement and the State Controller will be requested to make such transfer. If the Director of Finance, within thirty (30) days after receipt by the State Engineer of said One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars (^1,750) from the County, shall not have approved the deposit thereof into said Water Resources Revolving Fund, together with the transfer of the sum of said One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,750) from funds made 'Sh' erii til &1S rfaWw '^is^orii' jutlnle^sq atic-oot btiB Bii -jJelqi ^ii/iibnwjv '- \n •mi bsiivy-q ;iaow ©fjj lo 9ontsfl«oln©q[ rti :1p;hj ■:--;'ao oS tsieeujpvi ©cf ill:- Utii ©vi*'.J2 6n,J ^J09*[j[' SUM B{i4 to le'l ' a>fcj5(n Bbaul mcil available to the board, for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the viork provided for in this agreement, such sum contributed by the County shall be returned thereto by the State Engineer, The Board and the State Engineer shall under no circtimstances be obligated to expend for or on account of the work provided for under this agreement any amount in excess of the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500) as made available hereunder and when said sum is exhausted, the Board and the State Engineer may discontinue the work provided for in this agreement and shall not be liable or responsible for the res\imption and completion thereof. Upon completion of and final payment for the work provided for in this agreement, the State Engineer shall furnish to the Board and to the County a statement of all expenditures made under this agreement. One-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced from funds appropriated to said Board, and one-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced by the Coionty and any balance which may remain shall be returned to the Board, and to the County, in equal amount, IN VJITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement to be effective as of the date hereinabove first written. Approved as to Form and COUNTY OF MONTiREY Procedure /s/ W. H. Stoffers District Attorney B y /s/ VJm, J. Redding County of Monterey Chairman, Board of Supervisors Approved as to Form and Procedure /s/ Emmet G. McMenami n Clerk, Board of Supervisors /s/ Henry Holsinger Attorney for Division of Water Resources -55- •diiXxiJv. tq >i^c.'■, leiani/ lol i>9foivo^q jiiow srii lo uHuooob no to lol bneqxa oJ bectaalldo e:' BX c»i;a biBS nsrivi fcas 'i.sbiUJh~ioci i.idieu,X£Vi5 etsra bjb l'X'4:,t.v) s-iiiiio^ oc-aimiti jliTw ©rfi eifniitnooB ti: ^jsai laents'''^ ©*siS ©rii brua bTifioS ©dJ ,b8^*8xraffr lol eidxenc^ea • ^id.-^xi. ad cTon .ilflda bnjB xfne.-rrs't'jj? ei- .■jabivoiq ,tosi6ri.J iioxJi-Iqinc.'! fcfiB noxjqE.'^t- lol bebivcrtq show »{4t lol immxsq lani.\ bna lo noJtJsXqraoo noc' bBioubob sd IXede aaiuilbneqxa blBe XLb lo Jnuonifi iec^o* griJ- "in 'JlBd-er.". IlKri-orrn ,hfi£ ,bisc9 blj^s c>t bo.tBJ-Trjorjqi'. sbrx'it mcrr'> bsnnEvbf, jrj/e erict moi'. od XXerfe niAtiTsi x^ffl doidw non&isdi ^& bn« ^^.taooO ori^ xd baonsYbs mi:- • - ' ■ • . . • ' ..■"?i:f.tiw ;t8Til 9Vodfini:9t9ri 9i£b ©rii lo e^ sviiosl^-s ad ct insnefiisis e*. ^0 YTHUOO '10 ' boB nno'i pi es' "bfevbiq^ S'T^T ■' itsieinoM lo -v h^B ni':c.'l Qi RB bevoiqqA J :o')0oeeS neiiv. Appiroved as to Form and Procedure Attorney, Department of Public Works Department of Finance APPROVED Jan 26 1956 JOHN M. PEIRCE, Director By /s/ Louis J. Heinzer Administrative Advisor STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD By /s/ Clair A. Hill Clair A. Hill, Chairman State of California Department of Public Works FRANK B. DURKEE Director of Public Works B y /s/ A. H, Henderson A. H, Henderson Deputy Director of Public Works /s/ Harvey 0. Banks Harvey 0. Banks State Engineer -56. {U'.,'» 8; ^-•-?:i irt a:^iov.' lo oaaBnil ^ ^ --<^TOirf oxXdij^ X?^ .A tO^tDfJlif. "ffj.. METPRAI^IDUK OF UNDERSTANDING WITH REFERENCE TO WATER RESOURCES INVCSTIGaTION OF MONTEREY COUNTY The objective of this memorandum of understanding is to coordi- nate the work of the State of California, and the County of Monterey, in the investigation of the water resources of the County of Monterey. It is contemplated that an agreement will be executed between the State Water Resources Board, the County of Monterey, and the Department of Public Works acting through the State Engineer, for the purpose of conducting the investigation of the water resources of Monterey County, This memorandum is a prerequisite of the execution of the aforesaid agreement. The work of all agencies concerned shall be closely coordinated, and info iroat ion shall be freely exchanged. This memorandxmi shall be revised as necessary as the work proceeds, and all revisions shall be approved by representatives of the State and County of Monterey. The division of the vork under the investigation of the water resources of the County of Monterey, between the State and the County of Monterey shall be as follows; 1 , Strea m F low Measurements a. County The Coxmty shall make any necessary stream flow measurements pertinent to the investigation, prepare gaging station rating cxirves therefor, aind periodically furnish the State the records of stream flow obtained therefix)m. -57- Ywuco •; 4ETAW -ibiooo oi «1 snlfafifiiB'iobrur lo mifbciBtotmsx aJtrfi lo evl^fosldo ariT lo aaOqijjq vdj -tci ^-losiugna siei •-'~? 3>!'roW aJLidifl !■- .X-JnifoO x9'*9*noM lo ssoii/oati ly^sw en^t lo noxJBgWBSvnx erii gniioubnoo ©ri,J lo noitiiioex© sffef lo »#jttlx^9r»'xq « el tBut>ast(xmm siriT tbe^ffiniiytooa ■^oeois etf Jt-tfirie i>9m90fioo aeionesfi 11& 1*^ jiiow ©riT »fessnBrioX9 ■^Iso'il 9t8 ©rl* lo if»vj:#s^«98eiqe*i ijcf lK»vortqQ[« td XJUria anolacven lis brtfi ,V9i9*noM lo x«tnuoO tsijew ©rlj lo noUasi^savoJ: 9dS tsbms }iicf-' y-'L^ivtb saT > : .:t«jjoO axivt tos »«f&*e 9dS trnmiaxi ^^ne^aoM lo x*nwoO eriJ' lo ssoiifcso-i :bwoIIo1 as ed IXsrie ifisisiitoM ein5*f7»i08sem woll mf.s'i.tB yie^bs^^'i Tjnt*. sMan Ilcrie \;;tru/oO arfT Sntiei noliBiB anijisa ei«qe-iq ^nox^/ia-^iseifni ' ■ inoiili-teq 9cii eifi^ «rl^ tislaivl ■^IXeoi. une ,'iolsterii sevnxjo ,mo-i\^t9fii fc. . Cl fflB9i.tE lo ebiooen -T5- b. State The State shall advise in the selection of gaging stations at which stream flow measurements may be necessary, 2 . GiTOund Water Level Measurements a. County The Gounty shall make a series of grotrnd water level measurements in the spring and fall of 1956 at a grid of wells sufficient to give adequate coverage. The records of ground water level measurements shall be entered on suitable forms and copies thereof furnished the State. b. State The State shall supervise ground water level measurements, determine adequacy of well measurement grid, and determine suitability of forms utilized for maintaining record of ground water level measurements. 3 . Surface and Groxind Vfater Quality Survey a. C ounty The County shall obtain sufficient samples of surface and ground waters during the summer of 1956 to provide adequate information on the status of the mineral quality of the waters. The samples collected shall be furnished the State for analysis. b. State The State shall determine the sufficiency of the quality of water survey, both surface and underground, and shall provide for the analysis of water samples collected pursuant to the investigation. -58- .a -2 •* loToI n^ts''? br.i''^-. .a eHsr II- . ; no beis:t:i Lsria zSnB^v'^ius&am IsvbI is,tew bnyri- ''^ i.aflyin'xxjl ^oc^eilJ esxqoc ^/iiC:. emir. il's oiiXir.ic;.J6») i;;i£ jisx-i^ int-iuoiiier .>i?b .pjn^snr^'n !tR^J: H.''-__iii_i.iiki ~ -, ''.liid-J- ' fl ?•'; f" i.jiienlfls 9ri^■ 9 JfiJ-S . d 4» New Viiell Lop s a. County The County shall obtain logs of all new wells and furnish copies thereof to the State, 5 . Compila t ion of Data and Report a. State The State shall compile all data collected pursuant to the investigation, prepare a report thereon, and furnish copies to the County. 6 • Billinf^s t o State The Board will reimburse the County for all direct expenditures and expenses incurred in the performance of the work done by the County under the pro-visions of this agreement. Salaries and expenses of administrative employees will not be allowed. The County shall render to the Board monthly in quadruplicate full and complete statements of all expenditures and expenses in per- formance of said work under the provisions of this agreement. Rates for engineering personnel shall not exceed those for grade of assistant hydraxilic engineer in State service. Clerical help shall not exceed the rate for intermediate stenographer-clerk in the State service. Mileage rates shall not exceed seven cents per mile. Other charges shall be on the basis of actual cost to the County. All billings must be certified by the County auditor as to work provided for and casts Incurred under the terms of this agreement. Is/ V/m. J. Redding Is/ Harvey 0. Banks Chairman, Board of Supervisors Harvey 0. Banks Co\inty of Monterey State Engineer -59- ?.hOd lift*'' .i» saiifJxbneqx© iaeiib XXa tol \dnyoO sri^ ©eit/dnixsi IXiw fcisoa eril eisotLqiJibB-jp at Y^ri^^orn biaoS sriJ o:t tebnoT LCarie itJ^0uoL; tr ; ;.,oT-,A pxri.t "io ^ '■>"*:«. cvoiq d.'lt 'rr.hi-u* 5^frn to eDnsiniol iXarfe qX«f XfiolteXO .aoivisa e^fs^E nt iTisnigns oiXxJB'xb^ ^rusieit • eXiiB -isq siia»o fl^ve*; bafejjta cf'oa XiBiiR ' a^^eX-i- i5>in.< ^a^^iaffc1 SJfi^fci -«?5- APPENDIX A2 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES mD THE COUNTY OF ICNTEREY THIS AGREa-IENT, executed in quintuplicate, entered into as of January 1, 1957, by the Department of 'water Resources of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as the 'Department', and the County of Honterey, hereinafter referred to as the 'County'. WITNESSETH VffliEREAS, an investigation of the Salinas Basin in and adjacent to Monterey County has been conducted by the Department of Public Works, acting by and through the agency of the State Engineer, between JvHy 1944 and December 1955, and Division of Water Resources Bulletin Nos. 52, 52A, 52B and Supplements to Bulletin 52A dated Hay 1950, October 1951, December 1952, December 1953, December 1955," and State Water Resources Board Bulletin No, 19, on the results of said investigation have been or vdll be published pursuant to a cooperative arrangement between the Department of Public Works and the County whereby the work accomplished, including publication of said bulletins, was financed with funds contributed equally by the County and the State of California; and WHEREAS, funds were appropriated to the Department by Item 224 of the Budget Act of 1956 for continuing work on ground water level and stream flow measurements, and a quality of water check in Salinas Valley on a matching basis with the County pending accomplishment of solution of the water problems in the County; and VJHEREAS, by The State Water Resources Act of 1945, as amended, the Department is authorized to make investigations, studies, surveys, -60- ■Ji, ;i.' uti';:^.' \ ;■::■. ■vr \!»f!ioW fi],.:- - ntsbnoo ,ASr -,0*1 ntS&lhM eeoix/oees: ts^sirv' to noiaiviQ j . vl ladnieosQ tt bsriBlIdi/q sd JLLtw to aesd svjsri noi;ta«tieevnl 4>J:' ......irrT0'»-.KC6D "io ft^s-t? tiri.5 IsvsX i6i£w bffwcrtg no jIiow §nii«iiJnc . s.tfT*n'?*f,uss9r prepare plans and estimates, and make recommendations to the Legislature in regard to water development projects; and ViiHERSAS, by said act, the Department is authorized to cooperate vdth any county, city. State agency or public district on flood control and other water problems and when requested by any thereof may enter into a cooperative agreement to expend money in behalf of any thereof to accomplish the purposes of said act; and WHEREAS, the County desires and hereby requests the Department to enter into a cooperative agreement for the supervision of the making of ground water level and stream flow measurements, and a quality of water check in Salinas Valley between January 1, 1957 and December 31, 1957, and prepare a supplemental report thereon; NOV\/ THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the several promises to be faithfully performed by each as hereinafter set forth, the Department and the County do hereby mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE I - WORK TO BE PERFORMED: The work to be performed under this agreement shall consist of stream flow measurements and a series of ground water level measurements in the spring and fall of 1957, a general water quality check of surface and underground waters in the Salinas Valley, the compilation and prepara- tion of a report on the results of such measurements and water quality check, all within the County of Monterey, During the progress of said investigation and report all maps, plans, information, data and records pertaining thereto which are in the possession of any party hereto shall be made fully available to any other party for the due and proper accomplishment of the pxirposes and objects hereof. -61- vjooo oi beairrorti'us f^t tosTSfli va>' r. d-?drt TB"Offi hr.saxi inenttsqsQ sHdf ed'Bt rt-tJ^fiffl ;?-f^ #=(i9a bns 89'xiesi ■■•-u7C 3r!.j t- '^ +rf^>/r;'.^e' L3i>Xv :WC.f Iv . , ,, ■ il«t 1o Jeienoo XXorie c^it^noa-r;.: '•ii;e*9fl X»Y9i i!>^£w bnu'>i;&i !OTT.«?A -siaqaiq bits nox-. • '?f{i t'^s*! Xxsc eriJ tu dif rjup la^tBw baa ^itistBBiimjt.mird: ^ilifBf .oigoT ao'3G(,£ic i>n»i e&aoq'iuq si.d- 'ia ^nsajbioiXqAv^o&ti laqo-iCi The work linder this agi^eement shall be diligently prosecuted the objective of completion of the investigation and compilation of data and preparation of a report thereon on or before December 31j 1957, or as soon thereafter as possible, and the parties hereto agree to perform the work under this agreement in accordance with provisions of Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. ARTICLE II - FUNDS: The Coiinty, upon execution by it of this agreement, shall trans- mit to the Department the sum of One Thousand Seven Hvindred Fifty Dollars ($1,750) for deposit, subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the Water Resources Revolving Fund in the State Treasury, for expenditures by the Department in performance of the work provided for in this agreement. Also, upon execution of this agreement by the Department, the Director of Finance will be requested to approve the transfer of the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,750) from funds made available to the Department by Item 224 of the Budget Act of 1956, for expenditure by the Department in performance of the work provided for in this agreement and the State Controller will be requested to make such transfer. If the Director of Finance, within thirty (30) days after receipt by the Department of said One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,750) from the County, shall not have approved the deposit thereof into said Water Resources Revolving Fund, together with the transfer of the sum of said One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,750) from funds made available to the Department, for expenditure by the Department in performance of the work provided for in this agreement, such sum contributed by the County shall be returned thereto by the Deparfanent. -62- b^^tniBZonq xi&n9^ilib sd Ilsrie ine.iiDa'ia. icw sriT fio.tisXiqwoo bn& tiol^tmiitt^ , . tdalqmos "io svi:„*08tdo edi ri^x,- ."^^ . ' •jacfoteo?'^ "'"^" • ' .iCv ... . . ■.:-.j-^. ..■ iFq-^**!" ':'--, ijw^^b ':■■> A d'ldiriJcS 10 aflOtaJhro^.. soiiiib'ior^r ; ixnee'ig^ aJidi -tebftu >J'iovr 91" ■ :.isi* IXfirie ,iaac3&©'sss sirf* lo #i; frf noiiocsxs necy ^^im;oD ©riT .... • . ■_ . .1 • at 10*^ fw^Mrro^TQf Tftow erf* to sonBnnotte'j rr.?- &nmi&feq^ v/i B&fsjilbnmiyi ^Sl\n>l'J'lB ■ •', ■ ''"•'' "^ " ■■.■ ' utxtxi ..>a.I.H. .ins/nesiTJ.B e1; . 9ri;f lo ti 9flj . " sjeeifp r o^oeiK! s. " &bm ebm/S sao-sft (O^Vt-fl) stslloa y-*^^'^ Mibmrf^ neveB bnflax/oriT ^nO lo mre Jb^fiihroTsq ;jhtew orti lo eonzmf- <. in&m^iBqsQ aril ^d e-mSlbnoqxs rioifs sjiMT CKf f>9JS0t.'p«% ed lib- -iBiS edi Bn^ ^ -igfi ei 0' 19*18 e-^b (OC) t"*iid^ niri-tiw .sonsmx'? lo tatosita ©rii II s'ibIXc^ ■^d'li*? b&-r.bmth hnstvoift 9*iO fciBB lo instm^^iaqBQ ©di x,cf vtq^»r:• ios'iari* ilaoqsi) enc? ,qa ev.: , .^ ' ./ ■'' -^'~ ■■'"'^l V"s-. iv>y lo "WleiUBii drii r!.:^h^ ioriJ9§o,t ,bmf'*i gftlvi^ovsH eaoii/ObsH le^sW bt&e. oinl lotm t^fflamos-iSh' eid" ttJw arid' lo aoru-.-rriolieq al The Department shall under no circumstances be obligated to expend for or on account of the work provided for under this agreement any amount in excess of the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (^3,500) as made available hereunder and vrtien said sum is exhausted, the Department may discontinue the work provided for in this agreement and shall not be liable or responsible for the resumption and completion thereof. Upon completion of and final payment for the work provided for in this agreement, the Department shall furnish to the County a statement of all expenditures made under this agreement. One-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced from funds appropriated to said Department, and one-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced by the County a nd any balance v*iich may remain shall be returned to the Department, and to the County, in equal amount, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agree- ment to be effective as of the date hereinabove first written. Approved as to Form and Procedure /s/ W, H, Stoffers District Attorney County of Monterey Approved as to Form and Procedure /s/ P. A. Towne r Attorney, Department of Water Resources APPROVED: /s/ Emil J. Riter Assistant Administrative Advisor Department of Finance COUNTY OF I'CNTSREY By /s/ V&n. J, Redding Chairman, Board of Supervisors STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPilRTi^iENT OF WAT;iR RESOURCES HARVEY 0. BAMS Director of Water Resources B y /s/ Paxil L. Barnes Paul L, Barnes, Chief Division of Administration -63- sd ion Ll&n^- k o1 babivtnq >!■ ;.^r r. Ytrjfo') frii oi' fir- "Tsr^ss* ijaooavi 1 i)eio 1 0d JCIj&rtc n .^8vtii^w ie-iil 9v *- ' i '^'U A. /'iSCt n -J EXHIBIT A tlE^iDRANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH REFERENCE TO WATER RESOURCES INVESTIGATION OF MDNTERET COUNTY The objective of this memorandum of understanding is to coordinate the work of the State of California, and the County of Monterey, in the investigation of the water resources of the County of Monterey. It is contemplated that an agreement will be executed between the Department of Water Resources and the County of Monterey, for the purpose of conducting the investigation of the water resources of I'-onterey County. This memorandum is a prerequisite of the execution of the aforesaid agreement. The work of all agencies concerned shall be closely coordinated, and information shall be freely exchanged. This memorandum shall be revised as necessary as the work proceeds, and all revisions shall be approved by representatives of the State and County of Monterey, The division of the work under the investigation of the water resources of the County of Monterey, between the State and the County of Monterey shall be as follows: 1, Stream Flow Measurements a. County The Coiuity shall make any necessary stream flow measurements pertinent to the investigation, prepare gaging station rating curves therefor, and periodically furnish the State the records of stream flow obtained therefrom, -6U- vHjLaVUT8Sf?r!M- nsew^scf hniuoexB ad Iliw inemeeiSB {jb iAtti bQ^Blqaeiinoo el ^I ". :•' :.:>o'i :■ ■■ . •; ' : bnoo If s8'>q^JJq erii ^0 nol^i,'09X9 erii' lo &il\iihip9'isiQ b el ijutfensiaman eirJT ^beia^ib10o^ ■\jJt«90l'3 »<* XI^s boawonoo eeionega IXs lo ;Jiow ©ril' .bo^rt^rlox'-^ i. ■ •i.c-inolni bnf >inow sriJ" Kij AC^fieeeoon 8£ cuaxvoi ed i-ir;r: .'autrijETCuusr ' 'T eiU' lo «©vWaJfl9a9iq8i \Ki bsvo-ir-^A ©d Ilerie enoielve-i li& brus .ebp&ociq lo xinuo'^ srii bns 9d'£ct£ 9sii noswied ticeneifloH lo v.ti-u;oO ©ri^ lo esoouoeai V.vtnt;oD ■^ix^BT a-jtijSj'a gtiigijg s loq&iq ^iioiJsgxJoiVjii wii> uuJiaq sbnboei sri.t e.tA*8 ©it* .riaifni/l •%ll&okiMk'mti fans ^•xol^^9rii 8s"vrti/n -jB- b. State The State shall advise in the selection of gaging stations at which stream flow measurements may be necessaiy. 2. Ground Water Level Measurements a. County The County sha3J. make a series of ground water level measurements in the spring and fall of 1957 at a grid of wells sufficient to give adequate coverage. The records of ground water level measurements shall be entered on suitable forms and copies thereof furnished the State. b. State The State shall supervise ground water level measurements, determine adequacy of well measurement grid, and determine suitability of forms utilized for maintaining record of groiind water level measurements, 3. Surface and Ground Water Quality Survey a. Covinty The County shall obtain sufficient samples of surface and ground waters during the summer of 1957 to provide adequate information on the status of the mineral quality of the waters. The samples collected shall be furnished the State for analysis, b. State The State shall determine the sufficiency of the quality of water survey, both surface and underground, and shall provide for the analysis of water samples collected pursuant to the investigation. -65- ia enoitjiiie snijkfia 1o nolSoelee 9r^& nl se.ivb& LL&siB eiaiB. oriT _■■ i taJravl br.isoip .S einsfflsiuseem Xevfii Ta;i£'. '----- '; — •' .• :\ia x-'n'-'o^ ^^"^ oi ^nai^illuE eXIdw lo bits £ Jb VSIV"! lo ils'l boB ^nliqa sri^ nl I»';©I i9:tr/: baro^ ^o ?.biooai ©dT .p^oisvoo sisupebB evig loeienj gyxqoo vaA ztxivi 9idi>^fxir'". no bsifc./ub s^i iiarie eJrtSiije'ii/Bjaexa .s^fiiS ori.t fcoriein-o/l ,8insmsii/8ii^ffl Inyai 'lejsw bnuo'i;^ sEivae^que lieda &j£ictS ©riT hcvjoiri lo biooei gn inistniBni lol tesiliiu ennol lo -f^tlMBitue bac. eoBlixjB lo aelqajsa irteloilliie nxsido iiSiie ^ni/oO erlT ©ij5{/p©i)6 mbtyoici oi V-'J^I lo iwnauie erli yniitub Qi&im bn^-o^g eifij'c. iiwiexfi'tul ad iiBila boJoslioo eaiqcu^a 'S-iT .ei0.tBW ,8l8^tIB^6 lol lo x^ti&ijp &ci4 10 Ttoflexoillua edi sata-ioi&i: LiBda oisic etiT Bbtvoiq Ilflris bn« ^bnuo^^isbnu bne eoalTim riiod ^x^rrua is^flw erit ci i.iatru-rb.-j be--'- .:. ..:fcw lo p. rnvfis/ifi ' >5d- 4. New VJell Logs a. Covinty The County' shall obtain logs of all new wells and furnish copies thereof to the state. 5. ComplYation of Data and Report a. State The State shall compile all data collected pursuant to the investigation, prepare a report thereon, and furnish copies to the County, 6. Billings to State The Department will reimburse the County for all direct expendi- tures and expenses incurred in the performance of the work done by the County under the provisions of this agreement. Salaries and expenses of administrative employees will not be allowed. The County shall render to the Department monthly in quadruplicate full and complete statements of all expenditures and expenses in performance of said work under the provisions of this agreement. Rates for engineering personnel shall not exceed those for grade of assistant hydraulic engineer in State service. Clerical help shall not exceed the rate for intermediate stenographer-clerk in the State service. Mileage rates shall not exceed seven cents per mile. Other charges shall be on the basis of actual cost to the County. All billings must be certified by the County auditor as to work provided for and costs inciirred under the terms of this agreement. -66- a ^oj ^ IleW .wayi . ^ er»xqoa dtlntu'l las iillsw wsn Li£ ;■ .--r.^ol nisido XXene ^j^-ureJ s^dl eJBJ? erfi oi ^/iBUBioq bscfoslloo a,Jsfc il^ ©liqnjoa Ilaita aifa.t8 ©rlT'3 ioeilh 1L& •sol ■^inr/oO erii sa-xtrdr.i.'-s'v II hv .■^ns/xf'tsqoCI r^KT tjiivf xQf ©not) jliovf 3i.J' lo '■oni&itiio'l'KJo art* al Jss'iiirooi esenaqxa bna eeiuJ- ,.tit0m©etsfi sirf^ lo enoieirvortq eriJ Tsjbmi x^"^^^ 9d ^oh Xliw assTf'^Ia.?' 'Jvr.tBiiBlniiitba lo easnsqxa bfitf eeiielsS .bswoIXs ©ifioHqi/ibBup'hi yXfi*nofft Jfi^mi-fsqed arid o^ isfansi XlBfte ^j^nuoO eri'I . J'nsmseiSB aiiii "io anolaivcriq eriJ lafanjj ji-iow J■^J■Jl^8 ■" sbfts 'i^'5' 9&oriJ bosoxe ion XXsde lannostsd ydt^Bat^rt& -col seieF. Jon II,fjfl8 qiari .CaoiteXO .snlvieR at,-!' ..oni,';;'^^ ■ ■• -'■.£.+."!: • "^o ,'Ao1v798 9;JSdS sjit nx jlieXo-iedqo'isoneiu a^^^ifasitriaJfii *xol sijjt sii^ beeoxo .nism i9q b&'^o nevee beeoxe ion I Cade eetst ai^seXiiM .t^ntroO arii o.t iaoo ji.,. -^rrsd srli no e^ XXerie f ..,'• >Jiow oi Efl -toitfawfi -^inuoO ©rii \(i ijei'liiiao (Mf iauBi esnxilxd XXA -dd- APPENDIXES Bl, Supplement to Cross Index, Well Numbering System, from Department of Vjater Resources Number to 1933 Division of Water Resources Number B2. Supplement to Cross Index, Well Numbering System, from 1933 Division of Water Resources Number to Department of Water Resources Number -67- neciaiirvl Beonuot to aotttv ' ' APPEM)IX Bl WELL NUMBERING STSTEI'l, FROM DEPARTJISNT OF MATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RLSOURCES NUMBER Well numbers mm ! 1933 DWR : DWR : 1933 DWR 13S/2E-30G2 lB-98 15S/3E-18C2 2D-67 -32E3 lB-97 1 -26F1 3D-217 14S/2E-5K1 lC-73 15S/4E-21F4 4D-146 -5P2 lC-72 -24N3 5D-12 -7L3 lC-70 -34G1 4D-140 -8C3 lC-71 -16E2 lC-66 16S/4E-1L1 5B-119 -28H2 2C-192 -13R2 5E-109 -35L2 2C-198 -15H2 -25D1 4E-69 5E.116 14S/3E-2N2 3C-216 -6L2 2C-197 16S/5E-7G1 5E^-113 -lOBl 3C-224 -30J2 5E-117 -lOEl 3C-210 -10F3 3C-214 17S/5E-1Q1 6F-90 -10P2 3C-206 -2N2 6F-86 -lOQl 3C-203 -ARl 5F-59 f. -10R2 3C-201 -12E1 6F-89 ■ -llHl 3C-215 -13A2 6F-94 . -im3 3C-223 -21A1 5F-61 '' -16H1 3C-198 -21B3 -22A1 3C-204 3C-211 18S/6E-9M2 7G-97 1 -24H1 3C-222 18S/7E-20K1 8G-28 1^ -29J1 8G-25 ^. 14S/AE-31F1 4C-18 \ 19S/7E-4Q1 8H-92 i 15S/2E-2G1 2D-66 1 i 15S/3E-5Q4 3D-219 19S/8E-33P1 91-82 1 -I3G4 3D-209 21S/9E-15K3 n.I-18 Note: This Cross Index is supnlemental to that given in Appendix Bl of the FIFTH SUPPLEMENT and is for wells for which data are pxiblished herein for the first time. .68- i.t! Ai^ji(»a-.'iA 'VI jjaw - ■ ■ ■ - 6 i-'"i U^l^/' ' Hwa ml : Hv,'a ....J „ :;. ^i:^ : J Vd-OS .'^"^r-aeXau 8?-di: sooe-ss\a^x vxs-ac .'/..jj.- 7x»-ai case- ?iU-^ *i''ij:s-^\8?i ev-oi XH^-^XSAX si-a? ciUiS- ST-OI S iar.i~ xos-oe SiflOI- .i?--!^ SLAei- $xs-oe XHXX- I^-"^? UIS- ess-oc enrf- 8?X-De XHdX- VV-nv ■\-'^I ^os-oe eaxs- xxs-at XASS- 8S-*)8 i^Qs.^\\e^i sss-oc XHAS- SS-C'S j'-p'- ■ 8X-0,i xtrc-a^iXa^u: S^-H8 xi)4V-ilV\39I ^--^li. • 4Vi;)2-acXsw 8I~T,II e3!?i-a9\8is '^'. 4oex- nevia i tsril at J ■ i.L A^^J'iiX «irt^ 'i'j GXii. ; «■' i '.•; eriew -10I fif brcf ■rai srii 10 XQ xlhnsqqA ai .eaii is'i nl9tsri faaflalXdIito eiis Bisb doiriw nol -85. APPENDIX B2 WELL NU^fflSRING SYSTEII, FROM 1933 DIVISION OF WATiLR RESOURCSS NUMBER TO DEPARTMENT OP WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well numbers 1933 DWR 1933 DWR : DWR : "": DWR lB-97 13S/2E-32E3 4C-18 lAvS/4E-31Fl -98 13S/2E-30G2 4D-140 15S/4E-34G1 lC-66 14S/2E-16E2 -146 15S/4E-21F4 -70 14S/2E-7L3 -71 14S/2E-8C3 45^69 16S/4E^15H2 -72 14S/2E-5P2 -73 14S/2E-5K1 5D-12 15S/4S-24N3 2C-192 14S/2E-28H2 5E-109 16S/4E-13R2 -197 14S/3E-6L2 -113 16S/5&-7G1 -198 14S/2E-35L2 -116 16S/4E-25G1 -117 16S/5IV-30J2 2D-66 15S/2E-2G1 -119 163/4E-1U -67 15S/3:i-18C2 5F-59 17S/5E-4R1 3C-198 14S/3E-16H1 -61 17S/5E-21A1 -201 143/3E-10R2 -203 14S/3E-10Q1 6F-86 17S/5E-2N2 -204 14S/3E-21B3 -89 17S/5E-12E1 -206 14S/3E-10P2 -90 17S/5E-1Q1 -210 14S/3E-10E1 -94 17S/5&-13A2 -211 143/3E-22A1 -214 14S/3E-10F3 7G-97 18S/6E-9M2 -215 1 AS/3E-11H1 -216 14S/3S-2N2 8G-25 183/7S-29J1 -222 14S/3E-24H1 -28 18S/7E-20K1 -223 14S/3E-11H3 -224 14S/3E-10B1 8H-92 19S/7S-4Q1 3D-209 15S/3E-13G4 91-82 19S/8E-33P1 -217 15S/3E-26F1 -219 15S/3E-5Q4 llJ-18 21S/9E-15K3 ■J»» -.c ..>VT»-.' Note: This Cross Index is supplemental to that given in Appendix B2 of the FIFTH SUPPLE1>1ENT and is for wells for vAiich data are published herein for the first time. -69- '^^LH- f ^ STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATEfi RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING OF CALIFORNI* IBRARY DAVIS >PY 2 SEVENTH SUPPLEMENT TO STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD BULLETIN NO. 52-A SALINAS BASIN INVESTIGATION BASIC DATA 1958 IDMUND G. BROWN Govarnor HARVEY 0. BANKS Diractor of Watar Rasevirca* July 1959 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING SEVENTH SUPPIEMENT TO STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD BULLETIN NO, 52-A SALINAS BASIN INVESTIGATION BASIC DATA 1958 EDMUND G. BROWN Governor HARVEY 0. BANKS Director of Water Resources July, 19^9 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page lETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ii ORGANIZATION, STATE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES iii ORGANIZATION, COUNTY OF MONTEREY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS iv GENERAL INi^ORMATION 1 Well-Numbering System •.... .•...••••• 2 TABLES Table No. 1, Records of Depth to Ground Water at Wells in Salinas Valley, Spring, 1958 through Fall, 19^8 U 2, Records of Depth to Ground Water at Wells in Nashua Ground Water Trough, August, 1958 l8 3, Complete Mineral Analyses of Surface Water in Salinas Valley, 1958 21 h» Complete Mineral Analyses of Ground Water in Salinas Valley, Summer of 1958 23 5. Partial Mineral Analyses of Ground Water in Salinas Valley, July - Mgust 1958 . 26 APPENDIXES A, Agreement between the Department of Water Resources and the County of Monterey, dated January 1, 1958 .•..*.«.... a-1 B. Cross Indexes of Well-Numbering Systems • . . b«i Table Bl. From current Department of Water Resources Number to 1933 Division of Water Resources Number B_2 Table B2, From 1933 Division of Water Resources Number to current Department of Water Resources Number • • « B-3 \ C, Descriptions of Wells in Salinas Valley ............. c-1 D. Wells Deepened From the l80-Foot Aquifer to the l|00-Foot Aquifer . d_i -i- 0§S« iHyi'VIOM ^vj Y1 ■ li'fiiSIldAOHO « 4 a • • • 1 -. . - . .... ^ i-K/ VI • 4 • * • S5 JH *-.T i?Ji a ... B5?I tils'? rigj/oiri* 85?I ,snrxqa ,YeXlEv Bl « > • • ... vl ^J-cxr^^cA (dairoiT I9ji.-A » c^T . f. » « > * aSXIffiliii^SA • «• « 1 . • . -lalinpA .too'5~00tl ©rivt oj le'iiup/:. )8l fc>»l EDMUND O. BROWN EY O. BANKS ADDRESS REPLY TO 3IRCCTOII P. O. BOX 38S SACRAMENTO 2 II20 N STREET HI CKORY a-47ll STATE OF CALIFORNIA S^prtm^nt of Wnttv ISpamttrifa SACRAMENTO July 20, 1959 Mr. Chester Deaver, Chairman Board of Supervisors County of Monterey Courthouse Salinas, California Dear Mr. Deaver: Transmitted herewith is the seventh of a series of supple- ments to State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. $2-A, "Salinas Basin Investigation, Basic Data, 19U9". This supplement contains basic l^drologic data for the calendar year of 1958. The data were collected, and this supplement was prepared, in accordance with the terms of an agreement entered into January 1, 1958, by the Department of Water Resources and the County of Monterey. This agreement has been discontinued in favor of a cooperative arrangement whereby the further measurement of ground-water levels will be carried out on a county-wide basij through the contribution of effort by each party, and the data will be published in the Department's annual report of ground-water conditions and reports of surface-water and ground- water quality. This report, therefore, constitutes the last of the series. Very/ truly yours, ^^ ^ HARVEY 0.' BANKS Director ii OTMHMAnOAe jasvBsQ .-iM issQ -sXciquB lo Boxtss fi ^0 rftnsvsB eri-J 3x d^ivrsied boij-^jtinenBiT fol Bisb oxsoXoiiJTjd oxBfid eolBlnoo ^nsjweXqqwe airiT BBW #n ^3 sifi-'- ? b^&oollor) arrew a^jeb sriT ..C5^X lo i&ev J'--j o . ., ._x3ctns ■-. -jB ruB lo srmi9«t culi riixw soABbtogoB .Lt^ , .iq lo ^Iftx/oO srii- hoe a9o''JXf089H TS-tsW lo *nomiiBqsCI 9ri^ "jd ^B^QX tX xiBimBl svid-fitaqooo b lo iovbI nx bswrtiinoosti) ns&d aari w+n9nEJ-3T§B airfT IXiw eXsvsX tsiBw-bm/ona lo insmaiasBsm T?ri:rii/1 arfcf -lidsiariw cfn-"' vtiolle lo noiiud.H&noo srii rigx/oijrf.t tieacf efcXw-\;>tn0Oo e no ^xio fcr, ... XBi/fifis e'^naflttisqavi arid' xti ioriBlXdwq -sd lli)ii &&sb od.i- has ,'^J-TBq jios® vd -bruroTis bnB 'xe.t^iif-sdBl'Tijs 'lo Bitoqei bciB' anojjibaoo loJBv-bnwoTg lo -j-ioqai "a V- tB'u/ox xiifii <^t9V il ORGANIZATION STATE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES DIVISION OF RESOURCES PLANNING HARVEY 0. BANKS Director of Water Resources RALPH M. BRODY Deputy Director of Water Resources WILLIAM L. BERRY Chief, Division of Resources Planning IRVIN M. INGERSON Chief, Engineering Services Branch This supplement was prepared in the Ifydraulic Section under the direction of CHARLES A. McCULLOUGH Principal hydraulic Engineer and HARLOWE M. STAFFORD Supervising Hydraulic Engineer ^ WILLIAM M. MILIER, JR. Assistant Civil Engineer assist 2d by GERALD L. STEVENS Assistant Civil Engineer SARAH A. SPENCER Intermediate Typist Clerk PORTER A. TOWNER, Chief Counsel PAUL L. BARNES, Chief, Division of Administration ISABEL C. NESSLER, Coordinator of Reports iii miMi^ Z-- '^ ■ "io -vj . . . Toeai , tscy? -,tn '-■"- .ciS Il\ noicf" ORG/INIZATION COUNTY OF MONTEREY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Chester Deaver, Chairman Loran Bunte Tom Hudson Hal G. Henry Burt L. Talcott Loran Bunte Jr., District Engineer IV T -.0 YTiiv/JO 'loan"- GENERAL INFORMATION This seventh supplement to State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 52-A, "Salinas Basin Investigation, Basic Data, 19U9", was prepared in accordance with terms of an agreement entered into January 1, 19^8, by the Department of Water Resources and the County of Monterey. A copy of the agreement is included as Appendix A to this report. The agreement provided for measurement of ground-water levels in the spring and fall of 1958, and a general check of the chemical quality of surface and underground waters in the Salinas Valley within Monterey County. Basic data collected prior to January 1, 19^8, have been published in Bulletins Nos. ^2, 52-A, 52-B, and the preceding six supple- ments to Bulletin No, 52-A. Data for Tables 1, 2, and 5 were obtained from the Monterey County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Mr, Loran Bunte, Jr., District Engineer, directly supervised the measurement of ground-water levels, and the collection and partial analysis of ground-water samples by that agency. Complete analyses of surface-water and ground-water samples (Tables 3 and U) were made by the Department of Water Resources and the U.S. Geological Survey, Table 1 contains the me?isurements of ground-water levels made in the Salinas Basin the the spring and fall of 1958. Table 2 contains measurements made during August at wells which draw only from the 180- foot pressure aquifer in the vicinity of Blanco, Nashua, and Castroville, These measurements delimit the farthest inland position of the "Nashua" -1- MOITAMHOTill J/tjrSiC"; tX xiBuciBl o.ftit b&'XQ&na iasmoai^e ns to tscnai rfc^fw soneinooos ni bensqeiq aidihr 7;aIieV afifiiXse srij' al Bff5,tBw bniKti^'iabu-y bns oo^lii/a to ^^ iXijiiX) .A-S5 ,oM nWoIIi'' :^rr! •^9T:9^noM Qiii irotl b3nxc«.,' -;!.-.:. .elXivo'-xJ'epO fane ^sirrisell ,o;jnBlfi lo ijdinioiv srid ni; -rslixjCE eii/esa^q ctool ground-water trough during 1958. Canplete mineral analyses of surface- water and ground-water samples collected during 1958 are presented in Tables 3 and h, respectively. Samples of ground water for partial analysis were collected throughout the basin in July and August. The analyses of these samples for total solids and chlorides only are given in Table 5» Well Numbering Syst em The well numbering system used by the Division of Water Resources in 1933 for wells located in Salinas Valley has been replaced by the system now in general use by the Department of Water Resources, Under this system, intended to standardize well numbering throughout the State, the designation is derived from the location of the well according to the rectangular system of public-land surveys, i.e., township, range, section, and subdivision. Each section is divided into UO-acre plots, lettered as follows : D C B A E F G H M L K J N P Q R Wfells are numbered serially within each UO-acre plot. Thus, well li4S/2E-25F3 is the third well located within the SE l/U of the NW l/li of Section 25, Township Ih South, Range 2 East of the pertinent base and meridian which, in the case of the data reported herein, is Mount Diablo, Supplement No, 5 was the first publication which incorporated the current numbering system for wells, A cross-index between the current and the 1933 system was published in Supplement No, 5. Supplement No. 6 -2- -POiTliire lo eos\xaci& Istoalm e^felqnioO .35r bntfC"- 'to aeiqnisS .^e^- --^ --- " ,P alcfcT ni nyvig ^^£; T^Ino aob.tiolrfo bne abiXos le^c -jlqciea eRSriJ' jTffi.+ianf?. t^rriT^dcfUft'. f^^-J arfj- -^cf beoBlqsn nss-J 2Bri "^sirBV BGnlIs3 n± bsjsool ails ' . , ' efi^ oJ- gnibiooos IXoh etii Jo no Li aooi or'.t ino-^ilr bQvrisb ei nox^angiasb i awoiXol A 3 u }! *? a 'i ;i ,. ;■ i! P ^ H •i^-:'v . " -oi^i jioi=-v'ii noos* iuiijivr -^xtj-aua be- ■• - aV£ WA sriJ lo 4i\l a:=i sa* nlri.+i>: batsnoX XXsfw failrf* siiit el e'i3S-3:i\Siif. bns ^n!}W drienitif'ry Ddd to i'^^eC'ii S^ e^fr;:^ ,ri,+r;n?, 4iX oWsfpraT ,5S nol.-/ foad-B'Tcq'ioonx xloiffi-7 no.ticj>lXd«q is-rxl sriif asw 5 .oH dn-^ineXqqx/a o.QX jai»iasiqqi' • jT. Sinai qqi«ii ni coiisxxoi and this supplement incorporate cross-indexes for wells for which data were not reported in Supplement No. ?. Descriptions of all wells for which data are included in this supplement may be found in Bulletin No, 52-A, or in Appendix C of this supplement. Since the issue of Bulletin No. 52-A, a number of wells reported therein as draxdng fron the l80-foot aquifer have been deepened and are now drawing frcm the UOO-foot aquifer. A listing of these wells is given in Appendix D, -3- 3xri.t ni; babrlofti aiE s.tBfc rioiriw tol 3i"l95«f IXjs to nnoJt^qliaBsQ aidi 'to x.nbnsq't'- .-i ■ ■... ,A-^"r' .oM hiisllir^ "^ ^nfrn*^ c- bert9ci99h ne;.cf averf •islxi/pt ^too'i"08I srivi nw'j'i 3n.hfp.1fa ?'- njf^.-xari.; ^-v!'fncf3'.r allcw sss.ij lo gnxis.cX A .is'ilifpe icot-COii sfLr j-norfl ytuwii-iJj woa sua iine ,0. x.rfansqqA ai flov^g '^' :. -P- TABIE 1 RECORDS CF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 19^8 through Fall, 19^8 I : :Dist. R. P. : ;Dist. R. P. Well number • • • • to water Well number to water and , R. P. elev.^ : Date : surface. and , R. P. elev.-^ ,: Date : surface. * • • • 3-25-58 in feet 18.9 in feet 13S/2E-16E1 13S/2E-29R1 3-2U-58 6.0 20.0 11-14-58 22.0 9.8 ll-lii-58 12.8 13S/2E-17R1 3-25-58 17.4' 13S/2E-30A1 3-28-58 13.3 16.0 11-14-58 19.5 16.2 12-2-58 b/ 13S/2E-19H1 3-2U-58 18.0 13S/2E-30B1 3-28-58 3.7 21.1 12-2-^8 28.6 7.8 11-26-58 b/ 13S/2E-19R1 3-2i^'58 11.0 13S/2E-30G2 3-2ii-58 3.3 13.2 12-2-58 y 9.0 11-25-58 11.2 13S/2E-20M2 3/21/58 2l».5 13S/2E-30H1 li-l0-58 3.5 27.1 12-2-58 38.U 8.8 11-19-58 16.2 13S/2E-20R2 3-25-58 11.0 13S/2E-30U 3-2U-58 3.0 lil.5 12-2-58 y 9.2 11-25-58 11.0 13S/2E-21G1 3-25-58 h8.7 13S/2E-31B1 3-25-58 3.2 U5.0 11-25-58 52.0 10.0 12-2-58 11.5 13S-2E-21N1 3-25-58 1U.6 13S/2E-31D2 3-2U-58 2.9 17.3 12-2-58 b/ 9.1 11-25-58 9.^ 13S/2E-29C2 3-2U-58 12.3 13S/2E-31G1 3-2U-58 2.9 lli.3 12-2-58 25.0 10.0 11-25-58 111. 2 13S/2E-29D2 3-2ii-58 U.o 13S/2E-31J1 3-25-58 5.2 6.U 12-2-58 9.2 9.6 11-19-58 16.5 13S/2E-29E2 U- 10-58 1.7 13S/2E-31L1 3-25-58 5.8 6,0 11-19-58 7.5 11.3 11-25-58 17.8 13S/2E-29F1 3-2U-58 13.2 13S/2E-31L3 3-25-58 3.8 18.0 12-2-58 26.5 10.8 ■ 11-19-58 11.5 13S/2E-29K1 3-2U-58 3.8 13S/2E-31M2 3-25-58 3.0 7.3 ll-li;-58 10.6 9.1 11-25-58 8.8 -h- .4 .H ,&zii [1: : ■*'-*- • ..,-...._.- ;f ,H .c'axG isjev.' oi • * • • •X'^UiiUjA i^.fev-'* tsdew od" .. .sun i. cfeol at i'rrs e.sf 8? ^S-C XflSX Xarc~3S\8eX O.OX -•'C- " ?,.§ ^,.'5 saxt-3S\acx I.? ■ \'> 85->S-. xoxe-ssXeex o,o: 0.5S Br^- - ■v • - - ■^.di 65~9X-XX XT.XC-5IS\8£X :.iU a.5 8.TI 85-5s-e. e^-^s-xx xjxt-3s\sa" Oa " 8.e a^-px-i>: &ixe-2S\af.i 8.01 e.?-,is- ; . :':S-?IS\. 8,8 SMXc-asXsti TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELIS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 19^8 through Fall, 19^8 :r )ist. R. P. to water Well number : :D : : ist. R. P. Well number to water and R. P. elev.i/ ,: Date : surface, in feet and /: Date : R. P. elev.^: : surface, in feet 13S/2E-31N2 11.0 3-25-58 11-25-58 3.9 9.7 II4S/2E-3LI 17.0 3-18-58 ll-lU-58 9.0 18.8 13S/2E-31P1 10.3 3-25-58 11-25-58 5.0 11,6 ll;S/2E-3Rl 16.5 3-25-58 ll-lii-58 3.1 13. U 13S/2E-31Q1 11.3 3-25-58 12-2-58 U.6 17.0 ms/2E-UAl 16. U 3-28-58 11-25-58 11. h 19.2 13S/2E-32C1 8.8 3-25-58 12-2-58 U.O 15.5 liiS/2E-UFl 13.1 3-28-58 11-18-58 6.6 lli.6 13S/2E-32E3 11.0 3-25-58 12-2-58 5.2 17.0 lliS/2E-UMl 16.0 3-28-58 11-18-58 8.6 16.5 13S/2E-32P1 11.7 U- 10-58 8.0 lliS/2E-URl 17.1 U-10-58 ll-lit-58 9.1 19.0 13S/2E-33E1 8.8 3-28-58 11-19-58 U.7 11.3 lliS/2E-5Bl U.O 3-28-58 11-19-58 7.7 li;.5 13S/2E-33N2 12.9 3-28-58 11-19-58 8.6 15.5 liiS/2E-5C2 lIl.O 3-19-58 11-18-58 19.5 13S/2E-33R1 25.0 3-2U-58 11-25-58 22.0 29.5 1US/2E-5F1 13.3 3-19-58 11-25-58 8.1 m.3 13S/2E-35L1 1.0 3-25-58 ll-lii-58 Flowing 7.1 litS/2E-5FU 12.9 3-19-58 11-18-58 7.5 18.8 13S/3E-30P1 179.0 3-26-58 11-13-58 165.2 18U.0 li;S/2E-5Hl 12.9 U-10-58 11-18-58 6.U 1U.5 3iiS/2E-3Cl 11.2 U-10-58 11-25-58 U.5 IU.7 liiS/2E-5Kl 15.8 3-19-58 11-18-58 10.0 16.2 1US/2E-3F1 15.0 3-2U-58 11-25-58 7.7 17.2 lliS/2E-5P2 1U.9 3-19-58 11-18-58 7.8 18.0 11;S/2E-3K1 37.0 3-25-58 ll-lU-58 30.U liO.O lliS/2E-6J3 13.0 3-19-58 11-25-58 U.5 15.7 -5- (haunlinoO) X SiaAT 85^1 iXXe"? r'suclrii S^'^X 'X3 ,s; -..H ^soBltJje - : elsC : . fans 0.? 8.8X 8't^-8l-t 8?-4X-XX XJ£-3S\Sji£ o.vx b5-5S-C 85-5 s-xx o.xx x.e li.ex 85-$s-e XHe-as\ajx 0.5 85-5S-C 85-5 S-XX xixe-asNb, . £.0X d.xx s.^x &5-8s~e 85-5 S-XX Xii.i-3SV2-vU: il.dX 6.4 O.TX 55-?S-f e5-s-si XPXc-3S\: - e.xi d.a a5-8s-^ 8?.-8f-XX X'?.!i-3S\am x.ex O.ii 5.5X 85-5 S-C 85-s-si I0SC-2S\. 8.8 a.e ^dX 85-8S-f, 85-8l-ii. O.dx O.TX S5-5S-i-. 85-s-sx ■ x.-e 0.9X 8^-OI-a 85-ax-ii XHil-"^\3«iX x.vx 0,3 85-ox-a xs:;^~...\. v.xx T.T 5.4X 8?>8S-f 85-?X»IX ia?-:-is\2Ui o.-ir t.xx ^5-6S-£ 35-^-xx 8.8 4.T 5.?x 85-6X-XX S05-3S\3UX O.jiX d.8 '5.51 85-es-£ 85-9X-XX SMp£-as\e- x.b 65-5S-X': r-^^-ssXailx f:.€X 5.9S XHe^-.:^., 0.5S 8.8X 85-?x-e 85-8X-XX y'?5-3S\3ai Q.SX gniwoX"? x-.v 85-5S-t 35-4.u:-xi o.r 5.iiX a5^ox-4 65-8X-XX j.K5~as\s,ic 2.56X o.iisx 85-a2-e 65-CX-IX XTOt-^i^--. o.9T.r o.ox s.^x S5-QX-e 85-8X-XI D!?-a3\?.;U: 8.5X ^ &>-5?:-ii s.rr 8.T . 0.8X 85-^..T.:g\;_ 0.+i9 ?;e~8x-a ^.6 5.M 8?-?X"C b^-SX-XI .c^':'-?5\- S^-8X-C 8?-VX-XX xaAX-s5\aX-iI C. 0.61 S?-9X-e ?t.dX-.Tc\24kX £s SMi-xx o.^r 7.VX &?-^l-rr e.os o.e IA?C-^^' • "f 8 .ni 8$-SX-XX t.fei- 85-VX-XX O.V? 4V.< e^-?x-£ 5 .fl 6?-eS-.XX o.fx s^^-fix-rx a.TX n?-AI-XX COS Sc-8x-rx s:.>: fie-sx-xx 8?-fiX- 1 . TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1958 through Fall, 1958 : :Dist. R. P. Well number : : to water and : Date : surface, R. P. elev.a/; ; in feet Well n;imber and . R. P. elev.a/ jDist. R. P. : to water Date : surface, : in feet 14S/2E-22P2 27,0 3-19-58 11-17-58 18.6 25.8 14S/3E-3K1 168.8 3-17-58 11-12-58 146.0 164.5 14S/2E-23A1 33.7 3-24-58 11-18-58 22.6 32.0 14S/3E-4E1 135.6 3-26-58 11-13 -58 119.5 135.3 14S/2&-23L1 29.3 4-10-58 11-17-58 15.3 26.5 14S/3E-4N1 135.3 3-26-58 11-26-58 117.6 130.8 14S/2E-26J2 30.6 3-19-58 11-17-53 16.4 25.5 14S/3E-4Q1 141.3 3-26-58 11-13-58 108.5 115.9 14S/2E-26P1 29.0 3-18-58 11-17-58 14.5 23.7 34 S/3E-5B2 125.0 3-17-58 11-13-58 100.8 121.5 14S/2E^27G2 31.2 3-18-58 11-14-58 21.0 28.5 14S/3E-5J1 124.0 3-17-58 11-13-58 99.8 100.4 14S/2E-27P2 31.6 3-18-58 11-17-58 17.0 21.8 14S/3E-5P1 113.4 3-25-58 11-13-58 89.5 87.3 14S/2E-28H2 23.0 3-18-58 11-17-58 18.2 25.2 34S/3E-6L1 74.5 11-14-58 79.5 14S/2E-34A1 31.0 3-18-58 11-17-58 23.0 31.0 14S/3E-6L2 75.9 3-17-58 11-14-58 65.0 80.3 14S/2E-34B1 . 31.4 3-18-58 11-17-58 21.8 28.5 14S/3E-6R1 91.9 3-17-58 11-14-58 79.3 94.7 14S/2E-34B2 31.0 3-18-58 11-17-58 22.2 29.8 14S/3E-7A1 90.5 4-10-58 11-14-58 1^.2 88.7 14S/2E-35L2 29.0 3-28-58 11-17-58 18.0 31.0 14S/3E-8C1 109.5 3-17-53 11-13-58 95.4 114.7 14S/2E-36E1 32.5 3-18-58 11-17-58 16.0 25.6 14S/3E-9D1 120.5 3-17-58 11-13-58 100.5 117.2 14S/3E-2E2 162.0 3-26-58 26.2 14S/3E-9F1 127.9 3-17-53 11-13-58 86.5 86.7 14S/3E-2N2 169.4 3-26-58 11-13-58 45.8 51.2 14S/3E-9P1 111.3 3-17-58 11-13-58 79.5 73.6 14S/3E-3E1 144.2 3-17-58 11-12-58 102.5 103.0 14S/3E-9P2 1U.5 3-17-58 11-26-58 97.0 123.0 -7- (beLTtiJ-iK ^0 80. "1 - - .4 ,yi .iBxQi 0.641 ^?-VI"C 4.(;9 8?-Ti-e ".4IX 8§-ci-n 5 .001 &?-vi-e s.vix 8?-a-ii- e .6B 'se-vi-e v.ds «5~u:-xx ^.ev 85-vx-c ^.tT 8$-a-xx e.vp 8e-v.c-f. A I JAi ti.oex --^.i o80X r 1, 5.x?j; . Af 8.9r 4.00 f ^~~f..£-XI , . •. e.T8 f-$-a-xi -s or" =5-AX-ll xja-sc\aA£ ?..08 85-TX-? 8$-4I-II ^^j^- , S^-AX-IX V.88 8e-ox-4 85-AX-XX .v-u 1=1?- e^-V' cis:C e.^s 4.dX ?.>13-58 11-12-58 45.8 44.3 14S/3E-15P1 104.3 3-26-58 11-12-58 84.2 107.6 14S/3E-16D1 106.5 3-17-58 11-24-58 69.8 b/ 14S/3E-16EL 100.9 3-17-58 11-24-58 85.5 104.7 14S/3E-16H1 115.4 3-26-58 11-12-58 97.2 125.1 14S/3E-16R1 104.7 3-26-58 11-12-58 51.7 51.3 14S/3E-17B1 96.5 3-17-58 11-13-58 79.8 107.5 14S/3E-17J2 92.8 3-17-58 11-13-58 58.0 59.6 14S/3E-18J1 76.0 3-24-58 11-14-58 59.0 69.8 14S/3E-19Ca. 56.0 3-24-58 11-14-58 44.2 50.0 14S/3E-21B2 94.0 3-17-58 11-12-58 61.0 55.3 14S/3E-21B3 94.5 3-17-58 11-24-58 76.8 90.3 14S/3E-21R1 75.2 3-17-58 11-12-58 53.2 66.2 14S/3E-22A1 114.6 3-26-58 11-12-58 97.0 118.4 (bsonttnoO) I SUaAT alaJi. iA H..- i^isca^i 8?^X ,safciqa is? I ni: : •Xfi.vsis .«! .3 .q. .n .ieiO: -tasl nx t jNfi.vsf. .«! e.4A ^?-^f-XI d.OSX \d V, <=c;-:'.c-XX 5.^X IS6X-3f.\S4JLr »-A'^-Xi ?.c,ir <;?_4^',... x.^r. V . - \,■^ < «■ F- ^ e.x? li. V.4iCX -c. j.avx-ae\e*u 0.f5 •^^YX-i^V-^ o\h,\i Wr'-eX-X 5.C'- e.'. a.SFX 0.0? ^'?^dr-.rr ;,?> 4i.V o.xd r,:-v^< i;c\b4^ ;p S.Cs oc-VX-C f,iIj..v-ac\o4iX \C-. i T-ri l,^^ ^;-vx-<. jMx^-eieV^u ^.r? ;< '.-,■. f O.VP h;^-ds-< XAi:<;-ie\24iJ ,rr A . \ r r d.- TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1958 through Fall, 1958 Well number and ,. R. P. elev.g/i zDist. R. P. : to water Date : surface : in feet Well number and R. P. elev.a/ :Dist. R. P. : to water Date : surface, : in feet 14S/3E-22L1 85.6 14S/3E-24H1 156.0 14S/3E-24N1 139.1 14S/3E-24R1 173.3 14S/3E-25L1 125.0 14S/3E-25L2 127.0 14S/3E-27G2 75.0 14S/3E-29K2 50.0 14S/3E-30F2 45.0 14S/3E-30N1 39.4 14S/3E^31F1 37.8 14S/3E-36A1 139.9 14S/3E-36P1 105.0 14S/4E-30K2 160.0 14SAE-30M1 167.0 [ 14S/4E-30R1 177.0 3-13-58 11-12-58 3-12-58 11-10-58 3-12-58 11-10-58 3-12-58 11-10-58 3-12-58 11-24-58 3-12-58 11-12-58 3-13-58 11-13-58 3-18-58 11-14-58 3-18-58 11-17-58 3-18-58 11-17-58 3-1^-58 11-10-58 3-11-58 3-11-58 11-10-58 46.7 b/ 163.0 176.0 138.0 150.5 175.0 184.7 11-10-58 129.2 120.8 b/ 64.2 67.2 29.6 39.0 28.8 38.3 22.5 32.2 19.8 28.3 125.8 140.2 83.3 178.8 196.8 3-11-58 164.5 11-10-58 181.0 3-11-58 163.5 11-10-58 178.2 14S/4E-31F1 135.0 3-11-58 11-10-58 158.5 172.2 14S/4E-31H2 135.0 3-11-58 11-10-58 114.5 128.7 14S/4E-32Q1 160.0 3-11-58 11-10-58 160.5 165.4 15S/2E-1A1 34.4 3-18-58 11-17-58 15.8 25.0 15S/2E-1Q1 43.3 3-18-58 11-17-58 25.0 34.8 15S/2E-2G1 30.0 3-18-58 ll_25-58 22.2 32.5 15S/2E-2J1 40.9 3-18-58 11-17-58 26.8 34.6 15S/2E-12E2 35.0 3-18-58 11-17-58 23.0 32.2 15S/3E-2Q1 66.0 3-06-58 11-07-58 45.4 53.7 15S/3E-4F1 58.8 3-12-58 11-17-58 35.0 42.2 15S/3E-5C1 43.0 3-12-58 11-17-58 25.0 32.8 15S/3E-5K1 57.8 3-12-58 11-17-58 26.7 34.5 15S/3E-6K1 39.4 3-18-58 11-25-58 19.7 28.0 15S/3E-7F1 44.4 3-18-58 11-25-58 24.4 34.0 15S/3E-7G1 47.5 3-18-58 11-25-58 25.6 35.5 15S/3E-8F1 49.0 3-12-58 11-17-58 30.0 38.2 -9- auaiv TA 5Q.'Tir '' ■ '^- ■ -:.iL;u^;i ivigl ax.; ... ',^^.\'qLs ,\ .M »S .ii .iaiiu: ' isd-sw od- : I TO ©OBltx/e : s^sQ' :v J3©'t /ii t ? .001 O.cS, 85-f.'I-XI S<'-TX-II o.oai lyx-asVei o.avx ?.05X o.evx S<-Oi.-iX Sc-Oi--iX <^e~ox-i S.9SX &c>-OX-[ I ) , :- ■ • h,r: S?-c>-XX S?-VX-XI 8?,-\"X-Lr g^-VO-XX 8?-$X-C Se-TI-XX ?.2-5X-f, ^^-^^-lX S^-?X-iX ee-sx-e ^?-5S-Xi ■>c~8X-c: 85--;;s-xx a?-^x-f: ^'c'-VX-XX XDr~£S\c51 O.OP Xl.S->iS\2$X e.04 c.ce XC^-a£\cc.i O.od x-^^i-sj ? .8r; XD?~ac\^...i o.c; xH?-ac' "■"." xB-;sc\a?x x-^V-aeXe^x X0V-5C\o^X x-siS-aAs^x 8.-;:^ •^^^ 35-. S.Vo 6?-r.x-e 8.:'-^x-xx •■ ■.- .:-?-Vl-xi f;.2SX e.ts ^i~Ll- ■ 8.8VX 8;.v?r TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY Spring, 1958 through FaD.l, 1958 : :Dist. R. P. Well number : : to water and .: Date : surface, R. P. elev.^; Lin feet Well number and R. P. elev.a/ Date Dist, R. P. to water surface, in feet 15S/3E-8N1 47.4 3-18-58 11-17-58 24.0 33.8 15S/3E-18F1 47.0 3-18-58 11-25-53 24.7 34.8 15S/3E-9E3 54.0 3-11-58 11-10-58 30.3 41.4 15S/3E-22G1 65.2 3-11-58 11-10-53 34.2 39.7 15S/3&-11MI 65.3 3-06-58 11-10-58 38.0 45.8 15S/3E-23R1 50.0 3-06-58 11-05-53 22.4 26.2 15S/3E-12E2 65.0 3-11-58 11-21-58 48.8 55.8 15S/3E-25Q1 80.0 3-06-58 11-05-58 38.1 38.9 15S/3E-12R1 80.0 3-11-58 11-07-58 34.0 36.2 15S/3E-26F1 62.0 3-06-58 11-05-58 34.6 38.2 15S/3E-13G4 71.0 3-11-58 11-07-58 33.0 43.5 15S/4E-5C1 125.0 3-11-58 11-10-58 108.5 121,2 15S/3E-13N1 67.0 3-11-58 11-10-58 40.2 45.8 15S/4E-5M1 103.4 3-11-58 11-24-58 77.2 88.4 15S/3E-14C1 65.0 3-11-58 11-10-58 b/ 44.5 15S/4E-6D1 105.0 3-11-58 11-10=53 85% 100.2 15S/3E-15F1 66.3 3-18-53 11-10-58 36.2 44.8 15S/4E-6L1 96.6 3-11-58 11-05-53 72.6 38.2 15S/3E-16B2 57.5 3-11-58 31.0 15S/4E-6R1 93.7 3-11-58 11-06-58 66.6 85.3 15S/3E-16M1 58.0 3-11-58 11-10-58 31.5 45.5 15SAf^7A1 89.1 3-11-58 11-24-58 60.2 73.9 15S/3E-17P1 55.0 3-06-58 11-05-58 25.7 42.0 15S/4E-7R1 86.0 3-10-58 11-07-58 47.0 46.2 |5S/3E-18C2 1 42.0 3-18-58 11-25-53 24.0 34.8 15S/4E-8C1 95.9 3-11-58 11-10-58 68.3 86.8 -10- (bemlicioO) l^J^AT 8^91 tils'? n3;.,'oidi n-?,<^i ^■;^nxtq^ ,90fllT:O3 .+r...'> -.| SS-^S-II toB ,V9l3 .^ .51 X'i3X-a£\S(! £ O.Vii A .H JexG: : n&dRW oi : . iea'i n X : t O.A? 8?-9X-. s^-vx-xx ae-xx-^ se-oi-ii xyss-af\£ex 4i.XA 8a-XX- ,. 85-OX-XX 0.4^5 2. as £2-^0-1/ xHcs-^e\&5x o.oe 0.851 S^^X-XX' uicx-^ipX I.BC xpes-ae\2«ix 0.0s 85-XX-C a?-xs-xx 53$ r- x-^os-aeXesx 8$-XX-. 85-TO-XX o.os e.801 8?-ix~e. 6.>0I-Ii xDe-aAo'^[ o.^sx se-xx-.. 8?-V0-XX c. s.v? 41.86 fc^-xx~t 3?-4iS-XI XM?~lA£5X ;i.eox 8S--^^ . 8$-0I-XX o,eB 2.001 s$-xx-e £?»OI-XI XGd-iAea O.cOX 8?-XX-.. 8?-ox-rx 6SV 8?-xx-e xja-v^.A^-eo-i.r B,ZB ' '• ■■ ■ S.XB <'l-..~,.: J iii-J ^ iSiU.-iH'. .1 .fl .itsia: iosl at : isdJiton iXo>J .\§,V9Xa .^ .a ^lH?X-2A3dX O.OOX 8?-dC-t 8?- xsox-:iA'i:I s.aex ?.■; 0.0. o.xe o.sui ^e-VCK XHo^-E ;— ^iG \svx O.OBX - .cc ' • '*. f!?-Ot--!.J' . ■ I, Si ?.£X v" ~x---\-^x ■ ;i-i I. ex r.Pt .•j:-i 8. ox c.rc ^ '■'fs r X.,, c^'l ^... Hj +^- .(• ; r^.L.vgXe A 0.061 O.BAl Q.\ ."r"-— ^.:y '-iT-O 0.0' a,c t^'.' c.i <-•': ' 4.T ■ : ■' - :-X^-1j TABLE 1 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEJf Spring, 1958 through Fall, 1958 Well number : and : Date R. P. elev.a/; :Dist, R. P. : to water : surface, ; in feet V/ell number and . R. P. elev.a/t Date :Dist. R. P. : to water : surface, : in feet 18S/6E-7A1 195.0 3-05-58 11-21-58 28.2 32.5 18S/6E-27A1 250.0 3-04-58 10-23-53 41.8 48.8 18S/6E-QR1 286.0 3-05-58 11-03-58 123.8 123.1 18S/6E-27C1 345.0 3-04-58 11-21-58 144.7 152.0 18S/6E-9m 200.0 3-04-58 10-28-58 28.1 29.5 18S/6E-28J1 400.0 3-04-58 11-20-58 209.5 210.5 18S/6E-9M2 201.0 3-04-58 11-03-58 27.5 31.3 18S/6E-34B1 345.0 3-04-58 10-28-58 134.6 142.2 18S/6E-9R1 203.0 3-04-58 11-21-58 18.0 21.5 18S/6E-36N]. 330.0 3-03-58 10-27-58 117.7 ia.6 18S/6E-11J1 215.0 3-04-58 10-28-58 27.5 34.2 18S/7E-16P1 230.0 2-28-58 10-31-58 21.5 20.3 18S/6E-12A1 222.0 3-04-58 11-20-58 34.2 36.0 18S/7E-18D1 205.0 3-03-58 11-20-53 9.2 10.0 18S/6E-12R1 225.0 3-03-58 10-28-58 33.5 35.0 18S/7E-18P1 231.0 3-03-58 10-28-58 31.6 36.2 18S/6&-14B2 217.0 3-03-58 10-27-58 23.5 33.8 18S/7E-20K1 250.0 3-03-58 10-27-58 31.3 30.3 18S/6E-14R1 226.0 3-03-58 10-27-53 27.4 36.1 18S/7E-28K1 249.0 2-28-58 10-27-58 33.8 34.8 18S/6E-15F1 215.0 3-04-58 11-21-58 23.5 30.2 18S/7E-28xMl 256.0 2-23-58 10-27-58 45.0 42.5 18S/6E-15M1 281.0 3-04-58 11-21-58 86.3 94.3 18S/7E-29M1 270.0 2-28-58 10-27-58 65.6 63.1 18S/6E-15Q1 218.0 3-04-58 11-21-58 28.0 34.9 18S/7E-33J1 243.0 2-28-58 10-27-58 33.7 31.7 18S/6E-25F1 255.0 3-03-58 10-27-58 46.5 54.0 18S/7E-34P2 245.0 2-28-58 10-27-58 23.7 21.0 -15- ; uiAV .. ill . 7l .H .ieitl: l9CtAW oi ; J9B1 fix : .'^ .fl ,iai.Q: lactf.w oi : tSosliifB : 9&6Q iael iii i ^.X^ y.8^ 85-40-C c.o?s S.8§ ..AV- 8$-XS-XX I0VS-2d\St>X a.esx x.ssr f::3 ."■.-, rr 0' 2.eos S^-OS-XI 0.004 X.8S 8e-8S-0X xa^\r-a6\e8X c.xe 'iMV- t.'TIX 6. El fe?-.VS-OX \C8X 0.8X 5.XS 8$-XS-XX XftV- 5. IS HdX~iiV\8QX S.Ac 85-4iO-C /• -1 >■ - . 1 r lUl 5.e o.oi i :c.f-3V\aSX o.eos s.^ie 0,dC 8^.■■-. • 8$-S?-0X x<-iex-av\e8X O.I£C 85-eo-t 85~8S-DI XflSX- c.x? 8$-TS-0X t'.0?.S SHAT- .'■•-3YVSI A.vs 8^-CO-- 0.54 8$-VS-0X -./^B^-aAesx 0.a,Oo.r. ' -. .-- - "••- -VW berMocJ i-- T,?^SX Bt!-Sv-:" l.Ohi '■;■ - *.;■ ^C: ' e.a? Sc-VS-'^ o.r;- r:-. '••:--0,-" 6.^1 ^ or r SiM i^i~0^ ••■■ ^nc o.>i: 8(i-oS-i> 0.4^. cl fc.*;!! or-..;.-!.;. ^^V; : 9rtj»a ! iscfmim II •7.' ' ■ J •tesi fii s O.TOX -rd^'\cxs T..d£ Y.asi 6? -OS -01 o.ii ^.r^' ':•:> • .H 5c "dS-:. /'-i; -loiXcis :. ,y-i 0- -OS-XX Q,3,d r.OT XXa!l-30X\2SS p,*" "^^-"^ rrr-r -^-,r\2S2 .1 .H ,^€iu{ O.dnr 6?"$S-i. Tnr\8SS creel ru:" ; liO ^..vCI ■-OS-XX 8.:5sx 0.5SX ;.i.-_i? 4.Tr o.^x ^^>'^.-^ S.i. 1~0l ■ '"^"-^^s- \ •I O.05 8?-dS-S 35-QS-OX 85-5S-£ ■ 'i-- *• MIBHII 1 1 lllll c. fl&V&l C;-, .."nr\p.<:^ ^-.iix TABLE 2 RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT VELLS IN NASHUA GROUND VJATER TROUGH August, 1958 Well number : and ,: Date R. P. elev.S/: Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet Ilell number : and ,: Date R. P. elev.^: Dist R. P. to water surface, in feet 13S/2E-16E1 20.0 8-3-58 b/ 13S/2E-17R1 16.0 8-3-58 21.2 13S/2E-19H1 21.1 8-3-58 47.3 13S/2E-19R1 13.2 8-3-58 42.8 13S/2E-20M2 27.1 8-3-58 57.8 13S/2E-20R1 14.5 8-3-58 b/ 13S/2E-21N1 17.3 8-3-58 50.8 13S/2E-29C2 14.3 8-3-58 47.8 13S/2E-29D2 6.4 8-3-58 7.6 13S/2E-29E2 6.0 8-3-58 b/ 13S/2E-29F1 18.0 ■ 8-3-58 49.0 13S/2E-29K1 7.3 8-3-58 16.3 13S/2E-29R1 9.8 8-3-58 16.8 13S/2E-30A1 16.2 8-3-58 45.0 13S/2E-30B1 7.8 8-3-58 27.8 13S/2E-30H1 8.8 8-3-58 b/ 13S/2E-30L1 9.2 8-3-58 b/ 13S/2E-31B1 10.0 8-3-58 b/ 13S/2E-31D2 9.1 8-3-58 b/ 13S/2E-31G1 10.0 8-3-58 34.2 13S/2E-31J1 9.6 8-3-58 b/ 13S/2E-31L1 11.3 8-3-58 37.4 13S/2E-31L3 10.8 8-3-58 19.8 13S/2E-31M2 9.1 8-3-58 b/ 13S/2E-31N2 11.0 8-3-58 30.0 13S/2E-31P1 10.3 8-3-58 b/ 13S/2E-31Q1 11.3 8-3-58 b/ 13S/2E-32C1 8.8 8-3-58 b/ 13S/2E-32P1 11.7 8-3-58 22.4 13S/2E-33E1 8.8 8-3-58 19.6 -18- riijaw TA Hmm ci-iuoflo ox ht^sg 'io acmoosH HOUOHT hsta;; qiiuoHtT aui'"'" '•: ,-. ... 8 .. S.IS <>?-£•-'• V h^^e-8 o.or ■ ' ' "V- '\i .i?-;.-8 8.S4 ?■: S.jL^ dc-^-8 8?-t- X.. »:<;:•. . - y 3?-.i;-S 6.9 V ■ ■■ ■' ■ 4l.r> •^e-B r rr 8.o<; B, a. ex 8?-t-8 8.T; ^Xd n?-^:-s r . d.v ■- .■■• . ^"t-a O.II A^ se--^ \d s^-e-s t.oi ■ Sc-t ' ■' "■■' • ' ci \^ S$-r' ......r.i e.c\: y »?-r-.a 8.C. ■8 o 85-e-8 V.Xi 0.?., .e-e-8 IAOe-is;\L£.r 8.8 8.v: 8.V -81- TABLE 2 (Continued) RSCCHDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATT^. AT WELLS IN NASHUA GROUND WATER TROUGH August, 195d Well number and R, P. elev, a/ : Date : Dist, Ro P. to water surface, in feet Well number and R, P. elev, a/ : Date : Dist, R. P. to water surface, in feet 13S/2E-33N2 12.9 8-3-53 24.5 1 /|.,S/2E-5F1 13.3 8-3-58 24.2 13S/2E-33R1 25.0 8-3-58 y 14S/2E-5F4 12.9 8-3-58 38.3 13S/2E-35L1 1.0 8-3-58 20.3 14S/2E-5H1 12.9 8-2-58 26,8 14S/2E-3C1 11,2 8-3-58 28.2 1/iS/2E-6J3 13.0 8-3-58 y 14S/2E-3F1 15.0 8-3-58 34.0 14S/2E-6Q1 13.6 8-3-58 33.4 l/iS/2E-3Kl 37.0 8-3-58 y 14S/2E-7K1 13.6 8-3-58 25.0 1/,S/2E-3L1 17.0 8-3-58 36.7 14S/2E-8C1 U.3 8-3-58 25.5 1/»,S/2E-3R1 16,5 8-3-58 b/ T/,3/2E-8Kl 19.5 8-3-58 30.4 14S/2E-U1 16.4 8-3-58 y 14S/2E-8M2 15.0 8-3-58 23.4 T/iS/2E-4Fl 13.1 8-3-58 y 14S/2E-9C1 18.7 8-3-58 37.3 l/»S/2E-/a4l 16.0 8-2-58 29.8 14S/2E-9E1 17.9 8-3-58 32.2 14S/2E-Z)R1 17.1 8-3-58 39.3 l/i,V2E-9Hl 19.8 8-3-58 y 14S/2E-5B1 14.8 8-3-58 25.0 14S/2E-9K1 18.9 8-3-58 y T4S/2E-5C2 u.o 8-3-58 35.5 14S/2E-10A1 20.0 8-3-58 42.2 i -19- t^ .H ti^lQ. ; i^fe:- ,'. , :-.ri : ■ - Tedtioir .^j Tsisvr od J ei£'^, : * '' S.^S 8§-c-S e.a 8t-e-8 9. 8. as 85^-8 ^.sx • 85-C--8 A^ c r 8?-e-s ■' • •^;.-S > I"- r s^-e-s X08-SS\HAI r-B iH8-SS\£4X 4.0^ s?*e-6 s-e-HS\s^iX eve 8§-.e-8 xo?-ss\s+\i V.8X i^%se 85-e-s xse-'- 85«e-ti XH?-SS\RiX s?-e-8 X}!?~.^S\84iX ,5,1- y.c;' ye~8 sue' ii?c-ss\8{:.: 0*1 ioe-5iS\a«ii S.IX ^-e-8 \cf ix(.-as:\e,i - f ■-■.dX .£.71 2.SA es-e-^i XAQX-5!S\^X ?»0 ''^-B ^o^--as\8*i^ TABIE 2 (Continued) RECORDS OF DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT WELIS IN NASHUA GROUND WATER TROUGH August, 1958 Vfell number and R, P. elev, a/j : Dist, R. P. Date : to water { surface, : in feet Wall number and R. P. elev.a/ Date mS/2E-10Rl 23.0 8-3-58 liO.3 1US/2E-11G1 18.0 8-3-58 31.5 lliS/2E-12Ql 63.0 8-3-58 y lliS/2E-U4Ll 26.0 8-3-58 b/ lUS/2E-liiNl 25.5 8-3-58 U2.8 II4S/2E-I5GI 2U.0 8-3-58 b/ lliS/2E-l5Hl 27.1 8-3-58 U3.5 11|S/2E~15L1 2U.0 8-3-58 38.2 lilS/2E-l6J2 25.0 8-3-58 39.5 lltS/2E-17Al 18.0 8-3-58 30.0 ll;S/2E-17B2 18.3 8-3-58 31.7 lliS/2E-l8Dl 7.0 8-3-58 y Dist. R. P. to water surface, in feet lllS/2E-21Jl 25.7 8-3-58 39.5 lllS/2E-22Fl 2U.5 8-3-58 38.0 ms/2E-22P2 27.0 8-3-58 b/ U;S/2E-23A1 33,7 8-3-58 b/ ll;S/2E-23Ll 29.3 8-3-58 i;3.6 liiS/2E-26J2 30.6 8-3-58 y li4S/2E-26Pl 29.0 8-3-58 U.5 liiS/2E-27G2 31.2 8-3-58 b/ lliS/2E-27P2 31.6 8-3-58 27.8 li^S/2E-27P3 3I.U 8-3-58 U5.2 lliS/2E-3UAl 31.0 8-3-58 1;6.3 lliS/2E-3UB2 31.0 8-3-58 b/ a/ Reference Point elevation in feet above mean sea level, " U. S. G. S. datum. "b/ Pumping - No measurement, -20- (beml&aoO) S SISAi 3J.. Hi Li- - Al'HSAP' Wi ,1 .H A^Jta Z.^i 8^-c-8 ri,I S-2S\S4X c.oa 3a-e:-8 it 0.8f 85-e-? .^.le 85-r.-8 V. 85-£~0 2 1 h a a ID s: a. o •• ■# «• M m o a •H <» O O a fi a) o ■P •« o o (^ S ^i s-^ •••••«• •> si ■ti o| ID Mi M f^^ o +> . n 1: §• •> C rt o a o B CO •• •• • 1 M a o rH (T ^ O > o ■H u s o* •* •« O 5 o o •* •• •• m +» g ^<: 3 •P *« •« ^ CO tS C o o • 1 ■* -i ^ h IB C •• •» s d o M A *« M •• •« 0) o +» <_1 o s-^^ IS® o o-S *> r-l g) B. o i^ « ^ 4A « 8 iH 1 i 1 S CM « S-^ ?1 S J- 8 ^ 1 OO o ° VO ON l-l •a S NO ;:3 R o CO 5: a •H •3 to ir\ OO « CM I I 1-1 OO o J- o c•^ NO O s? g^ o O & CM CM S ^ s^ CM • • • C « • rH iH rH J- o l-l O 3 • c-g • NO OO l-l 3 CM l-l ^ O O :* o 5 a- C^ J- l-l Uf\ • • 3 « • • c<^ eg CM e<^ iH C4 o o CO rH iH OO CO OO t^ ON •O ts ON CO t^ C'> NO J* -a- ON UN CM O f-l l-l a> o ■a fe3 UN p lA U l-l o E-i a c b l-J > s ^ to s ss^ ft, o m c^ r< B O £ d a> p C ^|5 ' fr< C S J S " •»•«••«• 1 m C ■P c a - O H ex H S ^ •• «« ■T^ a a- o^ o o o 5 •* (D Ui +» g •• •« 5 a) •H g +» S •• •« o o rH ^ 0) b 8 #• •• g rJ M •• ^ 9 O So " +• OO s-aa- |a@ u ■o a> a +> r-l dl a « i (0 S o •H ■P a o o rH 1 (« ■P w 03 J- 1^ 3 O sr> a ?? R o o « • o • O 9 o 9 • o • 5 • 5^ 9 o 2> • o CM • o • O 3 • • o OO t o C4 o» • C4 • CM • • r-l • o * o * o • O • o o o • ON CO • o OO ■ UN CM UN » O c^ * o H • o ON t o UN OO NO • o o o OO V e O r-l • r-4 r-t OS • CO • CO • ON OO UN CI OO CO 1 OO OO UN ^ o 1 1 s V3 r-l 1 i 1 • 1 s i •a i > t% o S u ll ^i §3 fe«5. 3"^ o< 2< 5^ If ^g c en •g^ CO r r r -22- Ui i^H f? A' <■■■> < f" 1 H* '^ * V «• • " 1 '^ ) I 1 it t-* Q <:? 1- 1-^ J-* a tL J P >I •• >• < hv. t A5 13 rH X B "H e B +» t, ■H O cr\ +» O. O n U B ID O +1 o c • • •• •• •• o n ixi a 'H 5 ^ S • «) K ^ S St o X a 1 u O S0 3 • OO •6 O r-l IfS § sS~ O -P w @ "0 e e >-< -P Q. d f n a 0) (« SJ « a > B " 1 J- OO § 5 OO to o t^ a\ «5 r-l ON e^ c^ VO f^ \r\ J- U\ 0^ ^ •^ {5- o CN VOIAOCQNO o\ocog TnwvoiSSifNWi-joo t o f OS o OO o OI s CM s J- OO • o ■8 • o CO o • o • o o 5 • o rN • o in en • o 5 • o 3 • o CM fH • o UN • o o so • o o J- • CNI •H t o CM • o * o NO • o • o CM 1 o o • o • o 3 • o 5 • o 8 • o • o CM o • o o • o o « o o OO o o o •8 en o ^ ^ J- OO 5^ en en iH en in m o » ON 5 ^ NO ON g CM NO ON CO § CM J- t^ VO en en NO CM CM St m l-i in r-l t-l jd- <-i t^ 0\ OO en in OO o ON in en ON NO ?^ en en ON CM ^ on CM § en 8 § r-l o o o O o o o o o r-l o r-l o o i-\ CM CO t-l en OO CM in ON in o o % o OO NO in NO cn OO m CO ON o ^ ^ NO CM en en cn m CM cn en cn cn cn cn cn r-l cn CM en CM • o o o • o o O o o o o o o o O o • O o O o m CM OI CO o ^ « CO ^ OO o CM o & NO rH NO o & & CM r-l O o o o o o O o o o O o O o o o O 'S »^ 3 CO r-l 8 ON OI 5 K 'g ^ ■s ^ S!. NO ON cn OO en CM CM OI On in s cn CM m r-l r-l 0( ■s CM cn IH ON rH ON 15- CM en m «^ ^ in m o m O CM cn cn OI r-l r-^ r-l r-l rH CM •-I NO o CM t-t cn S^ g^ r-l en 3 cr\ m O o o en cn OI o OO in CO & en ON o m o NO ON o o CM cn cn CM •-I r-l r-l CM OI en l-t t-v I-) en CM in • CO CM • OO en • CO OI • OO On • VO • en OO CTN * • • CO cn CO CO CO OO CO CO in in in in in in CO oi 00 AAA <-< f-^ r^ CM CM rH NO NO NO NO NO NO C3 -> CM CM cn en en cn en cn i^ a )i ^ s ^ CO cn t/J c/J tn cn cn ^ -23- go -^ M <3S 1: t 71 o 3) i" ^ S. -te. 13 K. 00 f i ^ s ^ « £ ^ ;?? ^ O f-« O i-. 000 g> o V* b o £ a- 8^ ^ ff a/ # o ,'n • ■X- « /«» .'">' O 0/ o o -I.-. ni n w ^ o o x> 8 .-. I o I I 3 A »v .« H* »^ I"^ 1-1 w ■X • •3J I'M * J-1 • -J o ■c /"I 1 % h/ h' h/ ti' h^ ru ru a ^ OQ ■^> o> oi (^ r^ * \, ^ '-• *-«. **» t f-' iv H! *^ U5 s fe! g S /^ f^ j r^ I5 « ^ ^ ^ til r*> ;^ A^ ■fe. f* (-1 vV ^ » w ^' ru «TJ* 1 k « fe j^ 4. k- i. J. A. L ?T V'7 a •■-% ?1 /t! 1^ ■it m V> «>< »-i »-^ -r^ {)J 6) -J 3; OS I r.i J at < g I O [^ ON s +> u c n o> o s: 0. o a c^ « o •3 S-^g. 6- ^35 'a a -f o CM ss O T< 5:;J Ul •^ B •• •• •• ■* •p « (. gg. n o a f-i ■♦» » s, 5 g &. c^ ^ •H U J* o U) 5 fi o « -H CN a rH O +> f-l O C -H S O B 5 t. .rt 0) ■f> a PN n O c «> U o -tj o C « iH r-t t g » >H ^i 5 g- Z o • • •• *• •• ol •& to £: «) o a: a 1 u S e o o ■o o 1-1 ir\ o -i* w O •w a rH V p. M 1 n (. I^JS tS § '^ 1 sr CO c»^ CM CO OS CO CM ON l-t UN ?? rH PN VO c^ '^ UN f-t ^ CM r-l e«N CTN ;* oo Jj- iH Sn C^ O iH CM a o o J- oo 1-1 • o f>^ oo ON P C>l CM ^ OO r-» iH O iH C..ONLO.NO IHJI- t^UNO r-JOO ONp^ W UNlfNONCM O O H iHt»Nent».NONO UNl^O ON OOlHCMOOr-tCMCMC^CMOCMC^J-CMO Jt O CN C^ oo CN Jt CM C»\ CM CN & O O O O ^ CM ON ?^ CM CM rH t>. UN t^ SO s UN SO OO ON 1-1 SO ON CJ f>. ^ o UN SO ON SO so so ^ PN UN s> ■^ C^ SO UN -s J- so s PN it rH t-t rH CM CM rH CM CM PN >H us CM CM PN "^ \ ^ ?> •v^ ^ ^ >. •V \ V. ^ V. •< ■V v« ^, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 to J- 5 5 St -2h- ^ .% ?{ ;? a rti d/ ^-j Siv c rn ►-» <^) w ao •-'» ■C. t. /^ r'l >-• '<^ t i-' W 1-1 H ^ u ;§ s- 3 %: o A' o ^0 S- 9i • ?3 • o CO • a o • o o •t. ft o • ft a • o 8 o in • o « 2? * • c. G • • 0' » ft • C3 * ■fc ^ s- ^ gf 5 % ^ ^ w o >^ ?. /ID 1^ ;^ ?. '^ >3 r. t-i CO »-l II o ►•■> ',^ 1-. ft o o • o is • ft o • o • e - • o * o o • o 4-> » o ,■:. - 'S • t-1 • • o O • f * l»9 /"J >> o M^ r«5 1-1 ft o o ft c 8 9f 3 -3 ^ 3 « ■ S K5 & %: « /T5 Ob •■'S. ps -a -;% /ii -:"» •s & a- ^ ^ ? -8 Js > :&; a. z ;5 >-» o ft g- ::? ■i-J ^ ?_ >5^ g- s ar » • • s /a s ■t. o "? a *" • JC, s o a 1^ rl o r> ft o o s • • •« . bl «:* « ^ m £, tf AT> ^ » l-> •0 a a o ^ (V • s > ft-1 >-t .« >-i ? S( • 3 ■S. f*> fit A« O Al l-» --1 C o « 36 K %: J2 "X .?i % J?; « S l^ i_ r*/ -li nj zi!t% a: « ^ OS .^ -^ i. t. k h ^ A i> ^ 1 n i' r t t-» ft^ rn #^ *-% H» Hi 1 1 ^ 1 A^ k A' ^ t ^ ^ j^ ^- ^ ^ ^ -r' ^ t % ^ Hi *-» ft-» Hi t^ ♦*t _i^ ^ ^ fp ^ -^ /y Hi .V '-v' u A (U /^ Vi '*> ft* ie A» A '^ y) Ifi in , I;'. i^ « ■-■ w w t i, ^ i' ^ ^ ^ S ? ■ s ^- o * u I •p (. C a) o o s: CL. O o C«^ 10 o 3pl ^& 35 ^ g eg gs O o «. 5 0. m o n 1^ a. |5 &< c^ o K >H U J- a 5 C o o u •> »< K n r-l ■P rH •■ •• •• •• oo s*^ u\ ir» o^ 1-4 5 .. s «> ■f a o n U g^ •• •• •• •• o C g S Ui 1 5 ^ •• •■ •• •• E » IP a) o S o. 1 u o so ^ SS'us g SS" O +> W @ •o e • r-l +J ft d e " 1 (. ^M S$ B o 5^ ^ P oo CM & o o o CO oo ^ {^ t-l o J- CM o J- f^ § vo CM J- CM ^ t7\ CM o VO • o CM » o CO • o • o O t o J- • o CM • O CM • o so • o o UN o i§ o CM o CN CM CM CMP0 c>^cM «Hoo usNovo o3-jjS-to.« Z y^ 72. vo t~, iHlTVCM CNlTlVO ITVCTSlTNOO IfV CMCMirvCMCMjd-J-^C^CMCMCMr-t UV ^ ooooooo •OOOO o o vo 1-4 o l-t l-l t-l ON l-l l-l & oo r-4 ON O CM l-l o l-l l-l CM iH O o o o o o o O o O o O d o \0 oo o CN o o "^ & o o iH l-l ^ CM >8« 5> ON CO so oo oo UN C^ OO oo l-l O UN SO UN J- S^ 5 -s g -s J- so cr» UN SO O o ON us NO • • f^ CO OO o^ so CO c^ CO o SO € o ^ UN NO NO c^ SO OO UN o r-l c>% fc. eg C» ON UN ON OS OO t-N r-l l-l UN CM CN O l-l PN C^ ON OO OO OO OO ^ S OO OO OO CO OO °e OO US UN UN UN UN US UN T us UN UN A A v •V •^ \ ^^ •V, ^ \ ^ t/3 5?> 1-4 (0 (/) M CO^ M M rH Vi t/) V> V) UN 1-4 UN r-l us rg US UN rH UN rH UN IH so & U CO rH -25- ^ ^ ^ 3i> f^ /* vO Ht o /■J* -t. /* f\- '» K /» ■-U v^ I n . 4 w k{ 11%^ e '-.T^ • c •_ o 2 • o us «^ ■^ o o o » «> •Is. • /r, * l-> r • 8> • • ^ t § 8J & ,^ /q /n »~ % ?v ^''^ ,^ ,v^ r> ft* ^'^ /^ui /V /Tki r^ t:, -^. tt £■ o • % •^ *? *9 >-. Id A •V r o ;s ^ ;^ ;? af tO 'V /W tr. Al -fc. § 2i KS ?S «*■ .4 n 5 % a M i a Si 1 " t< f-1 SI i!l3 ,3 " cJ ^ S- ;i? S ^ • ••••* m t r^ /% /M is. /^ (^ -S. tn rti O tL ;.9 oo qo i.s a? « /T ^ '■■\ cM 1 1 ^Q o-;^tS XQv ^ s;e 'iiK 6QL V'v.i s;c9-3<;\biU dO(i 3dXX Kt ^X,l ■ *■ 43? ^J? V^'u '- X - Hd sy \'Vf ;■ j sy 864 0^ liF ov xee 8^ lOl ',', ■" 8i.r. i'Vo ■I-''.- sv xse ■i ' d6 ou ^ 90< f. x: p.? evc: '- ' V So SVj'' \ »iVl t! S£ ' <■■.•'•: (X 6.^ o?{ ,'V a^ ?at B-? A6+'. 06 •. , V '-. • *.^ ^c? A •". - ^^- ;< \p TABLE 5 (Continued) PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND ' JATER IN SALINAS VALLEY July-August 1958 • : Total • • : Total • 'ell nvunber : solids* : Chlorides Well number : solids* : Chlorides : in parts per million : in parts per million 14S/2E-24E1 348 62 14S/3E-31J2 1583 378 14S/2E-24J1 975 174 14S/3E-31Q2 •285 22 1/,S/2E-24P1 687 130 14S/3E-32N2 1273 262 US/2E-24Q1 407 78 14S/3E-33G1 a9 94 14S/2E-25A2 741 178 14S/3E-35H3 263 58 14S/2E-25B1 772 158 14S/3E-36A1 261 50 14S/2E-26A1 699 154 14S/3E-36D1 272 78 14S/2E-26J1 989 254 14S/4E-30M1 316 58 14S/2E-27P3 337 38 14S/4E-31H2 297 70 1AS/2E-34A1 316 38 15S/2E-1A1 1U9 194 14S/2E-34B1 400 54 15S/2E-1K1 532 106 14S/2E-35L2 296 34 15S/2E-1Q1 625 106 14S/2E-35Q1 305 26 15S/2E-2A2 393 46 14S/2E-36H1 1188 274. 15S/2E-.2J1 672 134 US/2E-36U 1075 178 15S/2E-2Q1 742 86 14S/2E-36R1 1483 318 15S/2E-12C1 460 56 14S/3E-3K1 322 46 15S/2E-12E2 615 94 14S/3E-4E1 309 52 15S/3E-1L1 312 78 l/i8/3E-5B2 265 38 15S/3E-2Q1 337 62 li^S/3E-6U 302 46 15S/3E-3P1 517 102 14S/3E-8G1 45a 118 15S/3E-4L1 1048 186 1A3/3E-10F2 309 42 15S/3E-5C1 331 46 14S/3E-10P1 297 38 153/3E-5Q4 1425 238 14S/3E-11H1 297 58 153/3E-6A2 1188 270 14S/3E-14C1 345 66 15S/3E-6A3 1079 234 14S/3E-15K3 297 50 15S/3E-6D1 1273 258 143/3E-15P1 662 230 15S/3E-7D1 848 130 14S/3E-16D1 335 58 15S/3E-7G1 316 30 14S/3E-16K2 749 238 15S/3E-7Q1 904 102 1AS/3E-17B2 412 86 15S/3E-8B2 .738 258 14S/3E-17D1 380 70 15S/3E-8F1 237 26 l/fS/3E-19Q2 650 138 15S/3E-8F4 1114 138 14S/3E-?/(Nl 330 78 15S/3E-8N1 648 78 14S/3E-25L2 362 78 15S/3E-9E1 1042 118 143/3E-28B1 297 42 153/3E-9G1 849 98 US/3E-28F2 274 46 15S/3E-9K1 814 98 US/3E-30E1 1324 330 15S/3E-10P1 746 86 143/3E-30F1 951 226 15S/3E-10P3 731 104 1AS/3E-30F2 1140 286 15S/3E-10Q1 573 86 14S/3E-30R1 680 118 15S/3E-lim 1007 142 14S/3E-3in 494 58 15S/3E-13J1 466 106 14S/3E-31B1 454 70 15S/3E-13N1 601 110 14S/3E-31F1 1320 298 15S/3E-13P1 654 98 -27- (K. l£i0l tt.c. es^i SS ?8S KdS e?sx 4ie 914 s? eds 0? Ids 8V SVS 8? aie ov T9S 4?X 94X1 601 see dOI esa ciA eee 4u:i SYe> ^8 S4V a? Od4 A? ILb 8V - 4e 69S sj- ."'•' ';)e !£■' -li h' bVX 5V0X r axe e84X 6^ sse £3 9oe 8!:: ?6S '■"•—■ ^4 sot r.T6^ 8X1 854 IDS- 9oe s-^oi-: ^ C V9S noi- 85 m XKXX- bb 54e ic. ^ *"■' . V9S e> '>c6 r '.■:':■ 5fr 1' Bes 94V ?:>, 68 SI4 ^iTVi- OK CSC IG^L- sex 05d £00 r,. sv oee X^: nv £6e ?• ^I 6.4if CII lk;4i-i5+i\ooI ^t r '■-„•■ !^ r.;.r Sd 6d t+io ^i5 J.IS ?. svi V4:f/ 1 oa f oe i..u,-> ^^h3Li.ioe : rtecffliurt JCI nolillai ^eo 3chc£a ar : acii.j..rci nsq e^-x£q ni : SS ISC lASli" Sdl LV^ le 411 O^iS ■ "^ ' 8V ' ' *r ' dOI eve I'^: -_ ^i sde ocer^ IHIJ i^ il ovf ?4es S' " Ui ■'■■"'-' dS 4ii6 r,- SOI 0? t04i oe VW 0£c! VOIf ^ 85 Rh SV^i V^8s: ( OT ^54 ... S^S s?is i. OCX 586 ig^- - ■ r IVCS I" 4i?X ■■-: "■ ^lai ( dsx ^l^L • 8cl SOOI ddll du ,\06 .:- . _- X^V SCI •■c'C 0^ 4^ cv Sdd " ' CcUI l.wV sv __... vooi f.:T.r. ss V - - ore 8V sv V6 iLli-2. ■— — » • Od8I i- 4C "- \ (^SI 4^X1 IS sci asoi 8VI soai X oe +\e 25C ICw ...-.;.-.; , ! '1 C v- V- «— 66 ?e6 iDif;-aoi\p^s fisax 4$ €4? ■ J.4\-> e^ S06 sa?. ■■- v. CX0£ T.Q lo ^ciofi*I - ''-■■ '"■- i-fKcf-.-'. f n.-* f ■ »T -f "-s f-i r ■". 1 APPENDIX A Agreement entered into January 1, 19^8, by the Department of Water Resources and the County of Monterey A-1 A xioiiaqgA I-f. APPENDIX A AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES AND THE COUNTY OF MONTEREY THIS AGREEMENT, executed in quintuplicate, entered into as of January 1, 19$S, by the Department of Water Resources of the State of Cali- fornia, hereinafter referred to as the "Department", and the County of Monterey, hereinafter referred to as the "County", WITNESSETH WHEREAS, an investigation of the Salinas Basin in and adjacent to Monterey Coimty has been conducted by the Department of Public VJorks, acting by and through the agency of the State Engineer, between July 1944 and December 1955> and Division of Water Resources Bulletin Nos, 32, 52A, 52B, and Supplements to Bulletin 52A dated May 1950, October 1951, December 1952, December 1953, May 1957, and State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 19, on the results of said investigation have been or vd.ll be published pursuant to a cooperative arrangement between the Department of Public Works and the County whereby the work accomplished, including publication of said bulle- tins, was financed with funds contributed equally by the County and the State of California; and WHEREAS, funds were appropriated to the Department by Itan 265 of the Budget Act of 1957 for continuing work on ground water level and stream flow measurements, and a quality of water check in Salinas Valley on a matching basis with the County pending accomplishment of solution of the water problems in the County; and VJHEREAS, by The State Water Resources Act of 1945, as amended, the Department is authorized to make investigations, studies, surveys, pre- pare plans and estimates, and make recommendations to the Legislature in regard to water development projects; and A-2 . ■ J ! I A noraiiA lo 3B otnJE; b9'xs,j:i9 ^scfBoilqt/^nix'p cti baiuosxs ^T'.■ \. 8IHT -xlfiO ^0 9J-6v+2 orii lo sso-UJosaH lecffiW lo ^t^9n+-£fi ere CT onj x^ i^^'^S- : lo Y.ifU'oO ftiii bfls t"J-n&i0.:^TF.q3G" arid- 8b oi ijo'iislsi "■•'". -'31. . oi d-neoBcbs bag nx ate.nii ssniLaS, erii lo nolisgld'cit-vnx t^ 3^cc^oa ^aMio'-^ oiXdi/i lo droroi'Xjeqeu ©ild" ifd bscfoc-biioo nescf 3j3ii Y^nwoO i{-' crruijjs'ii/q btiisxlck/q 5cf lixvf io rt9sd avhn .-lox Jegx-j a j vr^ cx^ .•i..'ju;ai sri;^ fans sjIiov' olXdifi lo JitrniJTCsqsQ arii nsewcfad ifisniagxiB^ae avx^siaqo- -9llx;d b±BU lo nciJ-soildi.q gnhbi/Xonx ,bsff3.LXqaxo"ns :ho(iv srli ijcfertsdw xicivo? Siii biiii ■i^3■ruJoO jxij \d vJiLsiJOs baiijcihtiaoo aoru/i /ijxw bQon&nl'i sbw tsnxa brts ;j6xmolJJDB0 lo oisSc cJdS inBiX •'.;d inaxHaqsQ siU ci b^.i-nhfrotn-ar. atsw abm;! ^fiASF'"''-'' brts XovbX la-tsw brtiiois no >I'iow yoiUiUJ/iOo 'lol V' ^bsb.'-ociB eB |?A('X lo JoA 390iiiOB«H it- ■ i2 ©rfT tj- -^^q ,3T<.svTxre ^eaxbiria ^anoxiescir ■. c'f k^.x. ;-'Y/-f7 4-i-- ni siuJ'sXcissX out oJ' saoxJ'BbneKSiioosi ©iuiiB bna taeJaif bnr, jeioef^otq vtitsiTxioXevet WI-ni!REAS, by said act, the Department is authorized to cooperate vdth any county, city. State agency or public district on flood control and other water problems and when requested by any thereof may enter into a cooperative agreement to expend money in behalf of any thereof to accomplish the purposes of said actj and WHEREAS, the County desires and hereby requests the Department to enter into a cooperative agreement for the supervision of the making of ground water level and stream flow measurements, and a quality of water check in Salinas Valley between January 1, 195S and December 31, 1958, and prepare a supplemental report thereon j NOVJ THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the several promises to be faithfully performed by each as hereinafter set forth, the Department and the County do hereby mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE I - WORIv TO BE PERFORMED: The work to be performed \inder this agreement shall consist of stream flow measurements and a series of ground water level measuronents in the spring and fall of 1958, a general water quality check of surface and underground waters in the Salinas Valley, the compilation eind preparation of a report on the results of such measurements and water quality check, all within the County of Monterey, During the progress of said investigation and report all maps, plans, information, data and records pertaining thereto vfhich are in the possession of any party hereto shall be made fully available to any other party for the due and proper accomplishment of the purposes and objects hereof, A-3 bitB lonJnoo booll no cf-oxtioiii oilduq to f>fl®c>£ ■^"tsJ'c; t-^iio tX^oi.' B ctnl leino vfvii lo^-iprf.j- vTfB t;! fasJsai/psi nsrivr nnfi erne .. v.; -. ■ bn& i&oB bisB 1o eeeocriuc lo j^nxyjBflt iffii lo noxsirvivqi/a Qdi lo'i JnoiasyiSjB ovx-^e'isqoo- tsifiw lo TjilXfiup B b;-i3 tadrr'jfloijjassnt woll jr»soid'a bn& XavsX laiBM bnuo'x- brui t^^W jr •f'^-rf'- v,«a bna 8??X J. y-i>^:Ito» nx eJTBws'ii/essfiT Xsvsl isisw bntt/crtg lo asx'iea s bns ^inentsiuRasBi woX't ncst.tB I hoB soal'rtrci lo >io9fio \':d'xX6JL;p x&&bv: XBtoao:-. • ' noxJaifiqsiq brts noxd'sXxqmoo orii ^x^ieXXfiV SBniiBc sriJ m sisd-sw bm.' XX5 ,,ylo9do 'z^tlBifp os^tiyi-; boB ainsasiusBO/p. rioi/a "io B.+Iffs^i erid' ; • ■ ^aqsffl XXs iioqsi bos noxJ'sgxissvnx bxije to eesngo-xq sriJ- gnxnuu arivt ni: s'ljc rl.oirfv o,te"t?>r'+ ^rfXffliriipq R'>to'?&*t brfp «3.t»b iftottsf'Ttolrr scfoatcfo bns c^8oq^ilq ari»t lo insffirCij.rXqmooos laqotq ! The work imder this agreement shall b"'e dilig«itiy prosecuted xhe objective of completion' of the investigation and compilation of data and prepa- ration of a report thereon on or before December 31> 1958, or as soon there- after as possible, and the parties hereto agree to perform the work under this agreement in accordance vrith provisions of "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference* ARTICLE II - FUNDS: The County, upon execution by it of this agreement, shall transmit to the Department the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,750) for deposit, subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the Water Resources Revolving Fund in the State Treasury, for expenditures by the Department in performance of the work provided for in this agreement. Also, upon execution of this agreement by the Department, the Director of Finance vfill be requested to approve the transfer of the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars (Cil,750) from funds made available to the Department by Item 265 of the Budget Act of 1957, for expenditure by the Department in performance of the work provided for in this agreement and the State Con- troller will be requested to make such transfer. The Department shall under no circumstances be obligated to expend for or on account of the work provided for under this agreement any amount in excess of the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3»500) as made available hereunder and vAien said sua is exhausted, the Department may dis- continue the work provided for in this agreement and shall not be liable or responsible for the resumption and completion thereof. Upon completion of and final payment for the work provided for in this agreement, the Department shall furnish to the County a statanent of A-U -9a9ri.J nooa er, to ^S^' oiotsri t!9dos,tJ-a '*A .-f :a' ■ I £Jor: :; !9fl lol i'^unseil &iBiZ erti Hi forif/i ^nbrl: favo8 i. ? errO " lo tslnnerti 9dt «vv jfmriiT-^craa oi'J -+ -olds?: v-m sfcm/1 mcnl (0?V..'' ;' ^-f-IJ" m: cfnSiJiJ-T^iqou y^tj^ ^d 3i> 3 lox ,T3^I lo Jo ^ J&g^'i.a s.: V •■:'■'• rtsi :^ rfnire O',.'"/" r'l be-.. ni inf.fOfijB ^Jaf ^ labnu lol ebfis sfi (00^,e^) ei<^rrr.n '^^-fhaii^! nvf':? :? M^-. -sib Y'B'n if»iti^i.3q9(I QdJ ^b&^iiu^iiym al sta.- elcfjsiX ad ion Ltfrfe briB .loaiSfiJ noiJ'aXcpoo •' rtt Tol befcivo'xq tJtiow ©rii Ttol v^ ii»Hxi lo dTI9i!K>.+SCfE all expenditures made vr.der this agreement. One-half of the total amoxint of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced from f\mds appropriated to said Department, and one-half of the total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced by the County and any balance v^ich may remain shall be returned to the Department, and to the County, in equal amount. IN WITNESS Vi/HEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement to be effective as of the date hereinabove first written. Approved as to Form and Procedure COUNTY OF MONTEREY I /s/ W. P. Stiff Qis, County Counsel District Attorney, County of Monterey Approved as to Engineering /s/ Irvin M, Ingerson Chief, Engineering Services Branch Approved as to Form and Procedure /s/ P. A. Tovmer Chief Counsel, Department of Water Resources Approved - Department of Finance February 18, 195S /s/ Louis J. Heinzer Administrative Advisor B y /s/ Chester Deaver Chairman, Board of Superrisore STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES HARVEY 0. BANKS Director of Water Resources By. /s/ Paul L. Barnes Paul L, Barnes, Chief Division of Administration A-5 fans 'jJ'nuoD edJ- ^fd bttonsvfoa rau- ., = ... u\(yft r->«*".'th'^K '^0 bfiB nrr ;iS Aliin '10 JTATR aeoijjoaafl isIjbW lo loio&iJLQ. . '■ ' ■ - ■ Ya ■; ■ ,. . . .-yl noLteiiaxatcsbA lo no,lBXvlCI •;',nj;-ia9nxg: -'-T'?'^: bar. .'.n. 9-0 looiv: EXHIBIT A MEICRANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH REFERENCE TO WATER RESOURCES INVESTIGATION OF MONTEREY COUNTY The objective of this memorandum of understanding is to coordin- ate the work of the State of California, and the County of Monterey, in the investigation of the water resources of the Coimty of Konterey. It is contemplated that an agreement will be executed between the Department of Water Resources and the County of Monterey, for the purpose of conducting the investigation of the water resources of Monterey Coxmty. This memorandum is a prerequisite of the execution of the aforesaid agreement , The work of all agencies concerned shall be closely coordinated, and information shall be freely exchanged. This memorandum shall be revised as necessary as the work proceeds, and all revisions shall be approved by representatives of the State and County of Monterey, The division of the work under the investigation of the water resources of the County of Monterey, between the State and the County of Monterey shall be as follows: 1. Stream Flow Measurements a. Covinty The County shall make any necessary stream flow measurements pertinent to the investigation, prepare gaging station rating curves therefor, and periodically furnish the State the records v." of stream flow obtained therefrom. A-6 A TItiIrtX2 OT W -nilnooo oJ' 3X gfiibaSvfsiabfHj Ic ...... an orrtsjn siffi 1: sriJ- nx ^vs'j.o.tnoM lo "iciru/oO eiii bne tSimoLtLsO lo ois^o SiW lo Ji^c lo f>eo■ gniiox/b; bx683'iolB 0ffi lo nQtiuoexB s.'icf lo sixsiirpsiBT • .- ■ ■ ■ • ins jbsJ^snxfnooa ■^I»BoXo sd IX&Ib bsm&onoo e9ior:ra«s Us lo Mfow 9riT ,abseooiq Miow arid' bb x^F,ss9oe>a 8& bsBivs-i ad XlBda aubn&totasm eiciT ban sisiS ori:t lo BSvtjBJtsBBetqp^ ^ ^ nois h" leisw 9if* lo noi^tssxd-sevnx -?rli t&bmj 3iiow 9rf;t lo rtoisivlb ©riT lo -^draJoO srfi biTs o&RiQ erid .Ta^^wdad ^yoisd-no 1 lo y:&nvo') grfi lo 89r :avfolXol ec ac' ^ ad"n9ine>iuafisr.: well ms&i^s ^eaaaosn •^ns 3>l3m LlBris \;cl'; goid-jei nal>tni<3 s^iJ^^S oiJBaxd^Q •wit etii ot itaati^e' <^-A b. State The State shall advise in the selection of gaging stations at which stream flow measurements may be necessaiy, 2. Gro\jnd Water Level Measurements a. County The Coionty shall make a series of gzound water level measure- ments in the spring and fall of 1958 at a grid of wells suffi- cient to give adequate coverage. The records of ground water level measurements shall be entered on suitable forms and copies thereof furnished the State. b. State The State shall supervise groiind water level measuremoits, determine adecpiacy of well measurement grid, and determine suitability of foms utilized for maintaining record of ground water level measurements. 3. Surface and Ground Water Quality Survey a. County The County shall obtain sufficient samples of surface and grovind waters during the summer of 1958 to provide adeqiiate information on the status of the mineral quality of the waters. The samples collected shall be furnished the State for analysis. b. State The State shall determine the sufficiency of the quality of water survey, both surface and undergiircund, and shall provide for the analysis of water samples collected pursuant to the investigation. A-7 Bnoiii toelee - +,. .axaYlsns tat 9&b^^ - I QXiJ lot SaXVQIQ. iitJUC LU:J3 , , vni 6di c xexisfis U, New Well Logs a. Coiinty The County shall obtain logs of all new wells and furnish copies thereof to the State, 5. Compilation of Data and Report a. State The State shall compile all data collected pursuant to the investigation, prepare a report thereon, and furnish copies to the County, 6, Billings to State The Department will reimburse the County for all direct expenditures and e^qjenses incurred in the performance of the work done by the County xmder the provisions of this agreement. Salaries and expenses of administrative employees will not be allowed. The County shall render to the Department monthly in quadrupli- cate full and complete statements of all expenditures and expenses in per- formance of said work under the provisions of this agreement. Rates for engineering personnel shall not exceed those for grade of assistant hydraulic engineer in State service. Clerical help shall not exceed the rate for intermediate stenographer-clerk in the State service. Mileage rates shall not exceed seven cents per mile. Other charges shall be on the basis of actual cost to the County. All billings must be certified by the County auditor as to work provided for and costs incurred vinder the terras of this agreement. A-8 v:jn.uoO esiqoo /feiaii/!: fans e.tXev wan Hb Oil;} • • bsijalXoo ^ scf ion Ifjw a&e>iioXq.»iB 9VX.jb1v lO e©3fi£» • fXqifii>si;p ni: '^Xri-J-fioiii insmd'iaqsQ e -i9q ac eesnaqxs bne e9'iirii±>ii9cfx& lis "ic acfnainsifiis (=-:? .ol saoiii i»9&x© ion IxBriE ..on XjLa.ia qC^rf T .«»3irvTE«a «> les'.rrrr^'^ ox. APPENDK B Table Bl. Cross Index of Well-Numbering System, from current Department of Water Resources Number to 1933 Division of Water Resources Number. Table B2. Cross Index of Well-Numbering System, from 1933 Division of Water Resources Number to current Department of Water Resources Number. B-1 s ximT^sik .'i^cfauli esottfOBoH isJaW 'io noxexvid LdK f.{^?I moil ,insd-5»x3 ynxiitdfluM-IXsW Io xsbnl asoiO i-g TABLE Bl CROSS INDEX OF l^ELL NUMBER SYSTEMS, FROM CURRENT DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUlffiER Well numbers Current Prior 13S/2E-20R2 -29F2 -29 Jl lliS/2E-8Al -21iHl 1US/3E-30E3 15S/3E-8C6 -16B3 15S/1;E-15M1 -19D2 -32D2 16S/^E-7E1 17S/5E-2CU -12 LI 19S/7E-UG2 1B-66A 1B-6A lB-99 lC-75 2C-199 2G-200 3D-222 3D-223 3D-5U liD-137 ^E-12U 6F-98 6F-88 8H-9li Note : This cross index is supplemental to cross indexes given in Appendix Bl of the Fifth and Sixth Supplements, B-2 ZIDHl: m aiaAT tj-^ : -f.-' ^-^ Jim; ■I'racfi-nxjn XX si*? loir-I jnjTii/J Ado-ax SHOS-.5lS\8fr ?.T-OX XA8-a2\2;U OOS-OS caor:-3e\3ii. ao8-se\8"i eao;- VJi -^il xM^c^^Ac^x asi-a^ j .4V-aH\£ox xjs: a9-H6 S04l-aT\39x ? JACvi'iJT u^CiO Oct ».V. , s^^nsxn; sXqq^e s^^ TABIE B2 CROSS INDEX OF VELL-NUMEERING SYSTEMS, FROM 1933 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER TO CURRENT DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES NUMBER Well numbers Prior Current 1B-6A -66A -99 lC-75 20-199 -200 3D-5U -222 -223 liD-137 -1U7 ^-1214 6F-88 -98 8H-9U 13S/2E-29F2 -20R2 -29 Jl liiS/2E-8Al lliS/2E-2UHl liiS/3E-30E3 l^S/UE-l^Ml 15S/3E-8C6 -16B3 15sAE-32D2 -19D2 16S/5E-7E1 17S/^-12Ll -2CU 19S/7E-UG2 Note: This cross index is supplemental to cross indexes given in Appendix B2 of the Fifth and Sixth Supplements. &-3 •MamUMVlXM''* 'XKi iXe'- XA8-2S\EilI t>or. it?-af inn sa-o^ fi?- APPENDIX C Description of Wells in Salinas Valley C-1 Jimz APPENDIX C DESCRIPTION OF miLS IN SALINAS VALIEY Included in this appendix are descriptions of the wells for which data are reported in Supplements Nos. 1 through 7, and for which descriptions are not given in Bulletin No, 52-A« Explanation of abbreviations and sjnnbols used in this appendix: Use : Irr,, irrigation Dan. , danestic Mun., municipal Ind., industrial N.U., not used Other data available ; L, drillers log "" ~* W, water-level measurement Cp^ partial mineral analysis C, complete mineral analysis T, pump test C-Z : lo floi ilrf* /ix baax/ alotisryp fane Bnol;t3l\ ^ fi-. .n «.< r'^M t r , . ■ ) fa©s« Jon ^.U.W *S9 to < 5 :^ to to 1 O o M 6" a. u to ta •* *• '* '* B ■tj U o § O -H 0) +» iH o O ^t > £ 0. o b h O «4 iH •3 5 O (. O M e J3 ou • * .. .. tio a CtJ -tH r-l tj +> iH 'H 4 "S ^ ^s a r-l a*» > t3 C ,^ ' • a. c to bfi a: ca r +» a e o o « n I b ^ U 4 f-t 2 "O b 5 45 to e B » 1 3 OS i aoo U B J- o o tr> r-t O CM CM § «4 60 • to -. +» ra tn ^ o OS I to I OS r-l V5 I S ITS Ct. C^ o e « a J I 9 > tt fc-o o <4 t. a! o +> (£ n +> CI) 0) 0) 8- ■H 3 u a ■p 0) T3 -P s s •^ § a e o e S o- «4 «-i o o U I • < o o o m <« e B • o ft M h 'P • O n) .3 • M * o JS O t3 ■§ S^i •a: SO 2 0) 0) I ^ us gl OS *^ • o • • ■ • 8 so 1 §1 ir\o • ■ • * O O t • oooo r-l rH a o 6> B a o 1 so I ra *-l ^r-l S tM) e -H^ a Ul -n B ^ O M tM) B B p O -O Vi §• § 5 i-i a k CM g CM I < J3 a • +> O c) ir\_ 1, ' B a o a o 4 PS i-t • ^ oJ •H us • I- -MO "B O s CM to I OS rH r* Tl O > B CO o (. rH - +» O 00 ^ US 0) •^.^ O rg r-l • M > '5 2 - -o +» o c <» us 3 0) w J o H CM c« OS CM I < 5* « .§ I 1-9 I "9 o rH a Tt U m • > i H 60 .2 ^ ■H 33 C V4 o o CO ^^ « S ■o - b O O CS •H C=. K to I W I c'VrH C^rH OS CN I ^ W LfS I ■J I I I I « :) • ca o O. o to coo ^ rH us 3s rH so Z •-I 6i) O S rH 0) •in)* S §* ^ O • TJ ■H r-l J g I oo w oo ^ I — m to I CS r-l C-3 ft' ■'i*^ e 3 i 5i I. a ■a •:r ii o -P at 3 n o T) B a +» +> i-l o S) X! «) _ 0) « 0*00(4 O k O io 'rt a U „ CO » 60 O +■ . ex O «-l ■H - so S5 5 u a •. 8 § S-sT (. -o rt T) +» r-l fH C III rH *< 3 -O »« ••» o a eg » a. ■a: > 3 ■J ft. o g g 1-1 a«< • C V) iH • a • s a o O Ti e o (. 3 -P rH ^ TJ ^ ^ V) (3 a\ c P rH rH • V^ IX < rH bt as f o s NO UMr\ • t On 03 s 8- o en en J. s i'> 60 . C (< -H S >-< Jii 1-4 00 ■H tH •"V, ^ t. O O & Q O rH CO \8 tn R Lf\ • » rHOX • • "s SP '^ tiO «-■ M c •H »5 °5 0, « 0. CO 0. CO OJ w cd a E-i a, E- M ta 5 a a, CO SIS o n 3 o CO rH rH tl O I 4! § ■a rH ? ^ o \o • 00 •H <« 5t O g tb o a as 5?: t, rH C 00)0 b OT CO I +■ «H « Oj O rH S o : w ob •> I ID m rH I o > o +» O +• O CO CO a> H^ 0) CO 0) ^ I. :* * a> +> +> -o t. o C 5 § \0 i~t • rH O O CO £ E^ • ir\ Cs. » cs rH Z C>4 i-l s d en en 1 CO 1 H'^^ ^2 \(n » 1 er\ t-) ^A b CM < eg eno • 9 ol c •> • CO ^ o • o ir> S O rH 85 ^.1 «n .S ^ oi en r^ (• t. o 9 • • X o CO <".$ - » 2 O B +* vo o CO J- ^ a a. o en I « ^? \« r\ CM e o a s o ^ <« M »H »5 E o £ ir\ fi 0) • o oj O »H E +» a • O rH 5 • cd « ra CO (• I 0) a> a> CO +» rH 2 5'^ C -in .H -H > Q. 0) C CO JB O M -P (0 <§"3| w . rH • •0 CO ^•« g^ . e Id »H rH TJ ^ " 01 ^ <■> J- CO X ^a ^E " ,, o- CO Id rH gcS S'"jS Ec^ a • g +> B OS b V Pd -H Id 5 « CO B |) a en CM », • H cno C-ii ft' a a. b O -i 5!. Hi o « :e to I a CO ■ ■■2 8 1 CO ."J ^ • « • 3 a- f • vO/O • « c • v« •« •• •* '■? a^ e ** c* f^ w» T* a » a & H> g & » a. tr ii> » i-« '^+ CJ" ^-. 1-1 ^ n t-1 h- Q w 4 A cr '. \ t c: a n. K a o «+ c -fc. r a /vi a 1 ?^ Pn r. o t» .) «9 ►^ ^-» ri (r, w \l « « r^ C C3 t r^i ,■0 , 1 ni 1 to /-'J c/^ a ■a! ■J > s g o o M e- a: o i 0) -4-* 0} ID "■ c T3 «4 O O ^ § o +> +a rH o a *g > a) o 8-^ 6 B s O b a O ^ 0. b o a tif e s 1 ° to 5 •H o n 5 0> a) "8 r4 -O ■1-' r-l <-H C n1 i-l •rt d TJ •H c. t. p T) »• • a o *» c e S ft u 5- ^ > »i •J •» J >J •k £• a 1 if UN CM u u I-l I-l 5l (D ■°5 • * > a. o f-f • 0. o. (f o o 9 o u X CM iH I-l I-l S^ u\ < < ^ cn ON UN UN I-l I-l • UN • UN <: • ''■^ ^■^ ON >s > >l ON l>>CN ^ V o o\ o ^V • ON 05 s OS CO a: UN b. I-l CO o VO J± o ON so 9s vo OO CM 5^ CM CM CM \o t B • • • • o • . o t u u b » U t. O (h b Z (. u d U M M M =» HI M <« M VO o NO CM o t^ ft o IH o vr\ UN NO SO so o OO o ONO NO tv O • • • • • • • • ^ ir\UN -*. •* PNPN aa • § » c o. e o b *-" a o « CO OS o o ij (• 3 b O iH O Q O +» I-l .O T3 ^ +? > I 3 CN 3 W C ON C IQ 0) s o n o I b ^ ^ .a 1 8 1 n «! u I » 4S « 4» 9 a. to b o a o o o ^ o b n 0) o S tJ c 0) c 1 a s b t? ._ »< I >> o o X b I - - a CM 9 O I-l M » +^ if! UN O K c o - • « o o X) XSO o Cfi +» CM t I-l 0) U S 10 o g M C UN 73 •H • CM I-l CU »l "JO a B o «CM . I C • -O oJ O O b Vi c^ b 10 n •So ,5 r a I W J in • J<: •■ o o C S UN 9 o CM IH b I-l 10 Vi CM ^CM at -o ^° .: ^ OS b o I? «4 o O UN CM m iH 3 o CM O UN I UN I o <« at M 10 oj z "2 • o vi CM O O 5: a ^ri ^^1 ^r!| ^A •a TJ J3 « « +> :g g o C o Si > e s UN I-l • • o o CM a. UN I CM w t^ CM I a o 5 e $ ftH (O ^^ b « aj 5 . lO *< T3 d O * o o •o w d --, o d BOO m C UN o CM b so • O CM O -a: =?fc -H •o a a) ^ o I-l o m « tiox: c -P o I-l n a) o b o n iH I-l c ^1 CM ^< I VO U CM JM I . O I o ^^ J^ IH •s ♦^ X so c I o u a I o iH S I-l o 1-4 • OB* C (O UN O • w1 - O -P o Hi S "» -"^ -. c<' » i- a/ T» :k 6 1. IV a S -' » ■ JO J! Xi ft o t^ .u &' H-» »-. y-- \r. ^ !£- >» > /v ^1 s^ n» /V' A> !M Oi • w-s *-\ /^ o c* ja < 1 < so •fc ^ C5 ^ a »0 11/ f" I -g o « • « Ht ■J (^ >l J ,7 *:| 4 J ul IX iM «• t-^ l>-iE 8 V3 ^ s (V a- O^ Aj Ai « • O/* 1. 1. »-» I-" a % a u t™ b ^ » If r* ►-1 o 5w 1^ I a & C3 g 9 U J i J V ^T » K. .5 4- 'T" ■?t f^ fi; ■^ "*, *< ^ J .4 o a o » '-> *" V 4 t-i 'I- H 2 o -I ' •* ^ a a « i.- o «^ tt ^1 - 1 g 1 J Ji. u. o a ^ H, o fc - kg 3'^ • • • i: N J - * .. m! A^ ^s 21* ^^ o 5" .J O O A4 a ©/ c » tl -* t- m s • CO SI J3 V-. c,. *5 " G a- 5^ ■='... ^t 1. -. 1 a o •-» S; W •<» cr -."' a _ K ri '+ tJ ,TJ O c •J! S . • 3 o ►» ci *4 * g. lO A ^'■'^ c/v u. ;3 J 3 fw • • '"S J ll Irt • .- G /V W ca » P S K> H- 3 "■ -^■ Ok . WJS 1^ ■ •-< r :> i-j a ei S o a w <♦ O - 3 H» y /V *t w ►» oe 5 !» •V 1^ 4> » r^ • ., rir ; O o o »; rj *U i" '.'-^ tf. *■■* ►* . /^ w ^ U-* S (O w t--. 35 ^' >:^ }i ■c ^ r; 1 O 1 U/ 1 •O 1 ?fe m ! v> 1 ( -f'K y'i^ r s 'f-a r'ii 1 lO ^ ■;' j^ u -^' v3 '■ 1 61 1 w i^ i,t ^«. .ut ._ i" >-■ ^ or »-> Si 5 (J. tr I si 8 a o *f »-• »*rf5 t-i » o ..A «r C ^y . h • • tr J5 ■ M a • !» <■.■> in , a o b; ►» t: C4. Ck 3 .a ^ ; h. •^ > •; o 9 'J ij y> •* 5 'i n V4 § e 4> ■-) o a ^ i >££ 0. o S ti O b S " '^ a A II s « s i-t -O *> 1-4 a "O « • ■♦» o X ri^. a > J> « XI • •-< • 3 • u a: ca a e o o -H C ■*> -f a a o. I. ^ f* o o b bi O. o O 0) <* ^ § • <-• 2 •»» iH « ^ §1 w E « J; tn a 0\ c & ^ J- irv civic! 5:s^ o c o UN r-t at b ig Q if\0 o ir\g I I I I I I CM ifs r-» o c^ ts ^ •J £• a a o > ^ CC UN . § ^^ II 0) d> O. "O c o 6 -H a) jf • JB C 8 (D 3 o >> O O (/> 8 o -o iH +> al g= a O • 01 tfl • ss ® b ai f-i 4> (A o e rH CV( o at o n o &* 0) b 0> n r-) ^ O a S4 N • O •« • Tl ce 1 (rt a o s Vi +» o e O IS » «-i • o 'H a H ITi • • •rt o B p> f J a; r-t ^ UN b§ 9 03 b O O 9 +> -t^ 01 3 >H ol r-l d « « S i-t It a fej- o c • a b b o a ■** ■£ B iFr!. £ §g Sn a • o b -0 i-t UN a b b O I o e r-l 01 r-t a b +» o 01 • 01 r-l "*« o • 3 • 01 01 ■H 3 o J* l-J ft f a) n iH CO M i-t UN o o A M S o -p -o 3 O 3 •C ^ +• £ 01 +» b at o o Vi I a o b c8 O 0) II ot I .J a S g UN ON O o V) K M o M I I O b ft +» ft b a 0) 0] at ft-< E; o I o w O OT 3co 1-4 - CO =fe O C - . OT ft JB a o rH m « -S CM O O ft _ at ■?? a •♦> Id o UN +» CO • d • 2 -P o o: en c o O o a • §s rH • CO at Q) ^ B"^ o a B C Z r-4 O -^ • •rt -d o O 3 Ed a 0) • •> b -g e a m r-t ■¥• •H 5 S ^ s o a -H • O rH fH £ OT S CM CM a- ' CM c-<; e -u.» -ia j... a/ /v • -o * tt CU C CO >-4 t 3 • hi Bi o Reference point description 1 Loeatlon t. 1 I. in B ON B £• * 5- o ON CM O a o < ci^ > W i-l O C CM OS 3 ■-< oo o en ^ z M =8 2% S:« o en CO oo en ii c o a) I 11^ r-t (N r-l • ■H a rH P s Is Vi B C o n (S O IH n b . e m •3 g) B -S S l-i U d 5 S B o >£ BO O U O ,g S ^' ^ 5 o B » a> 0) a en t. _ ^5 ^S' 1-,/j B S o o n I" B T! o e o 1-1 ^^ e B o LTV n oo +> • d o :» d B J- B -o « »^ X r-J +» O 0) O fi +> V {tf O a b B .§ S -o a N lb • o OX o ja o ** o o • CM r-l -O • o S 9 O o <« «-■ O b O b o ■♦" B « Sb -O O •rt O O (0 O Is K o o •> ad i-( O »J b <« „ S o W S .. +> o ^O <§ *< O o H ■0 • B q ll ^- «4 CO o I o ^•? B B o ON*; o * o a a T> • in « 9 • a «4 •H O. rH • » •? o a in ts a ' O M o '1 B •P o o • o » >. IP £ CM & * ts o o M JO B to en H^ . "O b e fl> -H • iH » ao 0) OS CO ♦« o • 1 0*9 b O « rH - +> 3 B »< 0) Ol O > O .O "5 b b b d V v< 0) d Gri CD O 0) o o d Z B S ucn CM I a ON ON r-< I O I C4 3^ c< en ' !!J n ^2 CM CM ^2 A s. e4 ^. I* C-7 0/ Oi. ^'i 'US ■' I !■., • a • th^ \ .1 - B • IT' t-. H * S <3 ♦. ** 3 « * 1 V ;«: a s 91 fv -♦ m •• « o o !: >* »* t-« a •» iife'- w ^ I 1-1 I H •^ £ X & § ^ >3 O O a, HI Other data available Depth of perforations below land surface In feet Diameter of casing In Inches Driller and date drilled ■ 5" 9 a Well depth in feet u a: c9 Reference point description u 9 1 § i 4> r4 XI -a .O B- 5- •J I ooeo I I Salinas Valley Pump Service 7-11-5** a UN lf\ ^ § • • B • o • M • u b 5 u S >M rH 5> ' <§ <« CO ^';j s ^ 5 ON CO CO C^ c^ s • • • t M 1 o ON CO NO NO ,5 III) con ■3 1-4 d i 2S a b c o J3 o 6-1 +• o 9 •O a) s • CQ IH n B 1 m s n NO ^•4 ■f o 9 r-l 1 • o a II* r-l u (/I Ol •^ 9 M • +» <«( t4 5 a • B O o z n i-l S Ed CM tA c^co 1 ON ^ ^ iH CM I « tu NO Q g 't £. c^ ^ o ^ o W ON IH fc<-4 » - ♦> tM e^ o cr: o c^ o. . .C d > O O Tl O "H • +> C-8 *3c; X m % a- 90 oa 3 -s a A I 1-1 IK I • it Oti 'J' f. ti. o o co^ OOy-O >-. a/ <•,• Vi rt 03 •-^ *-i a- »T- © «. « » ^^ B - a iU « '9 L - :; it •-. a a Q s U, a » • s \a i" c» S JT .£) % a - _•■ SI Ki a. V », s u <-f >4 a <+ a il m 1 ^ I-. c g % X «* M <» M ^ 5*8 o to f» « f. o e % s. ./ 5 u « a. 2) A y i «"• H» 1 1 » • a. e » v3 nl tf n '^ • CO s % 5, ■X *ii '.-. s. t-. f * %" « ! '3 3 til o • » o <-i a; «♦■ « /v SS:'o t O d S a B "O Vi o c o 'Ti 3 e ■»> _ +» iH o • .C a) . cS » Coot, «-i -S "S § " S5 U 13 9 4) n> iH "O +> r-l ■J Ho- §•3 01 CN II a. a. < s o iH « 3 . o (. 0} CO so vo I o •J ■li r^^ Xi V " Xi ?. SiSsi « «< •H a a +> ■"'Is 3 • 60 « I T> IH O «-r O H O $-$ G •xs o o +> o ro 2 R ^ I u I •4 •J ^ ^ CM M S •o «o -a \a o a\ o a\ B o oo H o c~v >i n tN R 0) r-l d rt ~>^ id rH^^ 8 o in ir> o J3 •H e CO s a) S CO o • CM s 5g +• o •> • 0) iH •»> u o a t. r-t O « hi 5i§ It,'' Sn o UNlTi W > •H CO •a a> n •»< o fe a; U! Cm o O o in H c<> 85 »H O 0. O. o O w a v£ iH >-4 m «< <'^, >.S^ >,< & ,\ ft to rH 5, M M • ♦» i-i a) o 2 • (x: CO a> ^ B O a o o o o a « f .5 O 4> CQ ■ J «j Is S|§ in UN J- o I n 0) o «H • E O TJ OS m c ^ • O d r-l »< 0) o c * a 04 73 t. 10 a o « ♦" _ «• •H B o p ■-< o, ^ fc Q 01 O (k, iH w m <4 +> i-i 0) O (S CO 1^ H in (X . t s s 01 r-1 o n b Id & cq X rH t. B « • 04 ^ !S S b8 O cr\ o: o _ w CO h *> a ■> c -3 - ■^■?8 a •H o b. a: ac S C-9 tu. :- v. ■■s /u a .u >^ § ^-1 ai -^ >-• 6^ A' o •c. O I 8- I -'S '," Pf ^ 05 o ru o j: a I f o ^ -3 a, o 5 8 S: er Si o t. ST 1 T 1 '■- ■ -fc. \ is O to * S| »! ^ a 5 5,1 no/o 1 ^> It c a » c •-> a. ' 2 I ■c o a/ XT Oi rf *. a 'H a - ~ ea o y ►r « r< /* t» Si CO O li rt 33 '<3& ^,a ^ o i' ^ ;^i a t-1 IB C3 £' 3 l>< o m -t T. 5 8. 5 « ni 1^ (* 9 •; It «\J ^ K^ n 9; ■ Kr b* ^^ 3 O 11 OS ^^ CO S.2 o. '■* '^ ■» r^ ^ rt K M 3: u a *-< O IT » «*■ o ^ •3 O « g. M to Hi ■• ft M fc <+ «4- a J a » o JS -« Off a. * fc fc I 9-0 u ta .q o g I c ■« Vi o c O iH 3 JS 0) (do □. O O (. e Vi i-i 3 c l> « a -H a ba 9 0) so rH "O +> .-1 o -9 e • ■p o o a > 3 to 1-4 +> O rH a«-i • O o o. c (o 04 O a, a. < a. o o s '«' iH A "O o S 4S|SS^ •J VO CM 1-4 CO f^so «^^ vS ' Jl 1 \i3 00 O CM C»^ UN 3! o I o o o OS 3! a u o g-^ s^ n m u\ ^H r-4 in rH-^ < ITN < »f-» >>\ C9 o ^^ ^s ♦ e b: «^ 0. a ft. M<^ • 5 o i> <=> <-< s NO CO J- n 0) 1 I +» 2 of a ! b: ss «■• «-• o o O O o o ir\ CM 1-4 CM .i 5^ B o c <. O p, CN d iH o O; •* rH o o CM C >,CM c OS .SiC o a. o n < -* o Of^ & H ^ S o CS c^ ■a:oo 05 rH CM CM oo 5^ rH ON i-l Lf\ i-H CN CN • • b b (. u Li ». in o Ni> J* 5? o oo c^ CM o c o o o NO ON (0 s a n o Jl a) (0 o (4 +» ■P (D o III L. O od o +> ^ Id S a: 0) o Z '-' »4 «- S o in W CM • o • o o O O.0B o rH rH 1 O 5A •e o > c «i ■H O a 2 o -o O n rH p C -O M O O »^ W •H > e +» .rt i> « o -«> • i» » SB l2 O. C o "O V4 B 'H (. O • +> O t. 2 a) X Ik. PS a: TJ ■H >H •O > B rH >H o O +> & <« X W 13 U CM ■p :9 o dS o a tis u s o ^ +» rH +» o tn ^^ «-r O O •O K^ ■H • > •ri «-( «^ • u o o rH \^ ^c\ 5 b o o * B "S 2 ■3 IH 13 O UN • OO -o So** .^ § e ^ o o "O t^ o. C • o o a) a rH^ I t^ U rH 5n I \o C "O o s) •H "O o w 10 +> b 0) o 2: C ctl «- T3 O DC gg 10 • « •H TJ B a o _; inpa ■« VC 0) • «H q o o o; rH O W rH •a c o m & c o s 1S§ a • a 2 -o o: c ^ o ^ S^ I- o «-r O O CO ^? - w4 o o o & • ON "O rH < « U UN rH J- ■ ON 1 rH A' C-10 o a !J^ a^ rti ^ *^ s ^ -^ r. Cl' *;;is %. m ^", MOO Jo -s Ik 1 '■'• S?i> i +^ t. •rt § » 4» i-l O O J3 ff5 §0 CQ U T3 O 9 9 i-H -O +» r-l ■H C rt iH *• i! O 13 9C 3=' 8 a. o o 58 •J fi* •4 ■J J? o o o UM/Mf\ O CM c^ iTt cr\ c^ e'^ CM C^ C<>\0 t^ I 1 J 1 I o o CO 5vo P O lAo Q ' o o o CO 5v ";5 *^ > m « S a CO § g > a. -o J a COT r-4 • (K * 9 O O »1 C -I* 42 O (. a o o. O. a a ON CUiTN O \ o CO o o Raymond Alsop Oct. 195 «s •< .g^ « >* 5:?x c.-;^ J- OS r-t O CO CN UN I-l 1 C4 M iH • • • • • • fe t t: fc 1 fe« b t M HI H •H « •H H 5 O CO CM iH O o R 5> t~x «v O s c> « IN • CO • SI UN • « o ■J t-1 i -o 5 S I gc> i I ■^ W U » 0) I I I <»N UN UN< ^3, ■f 9) a: 3 o V tn ■a *4 %^ *^- •H 4» UN O -O • O o 1^ ON S S o « c s S O »1 «0 +» o o •o » c » O I. <§5 C O » s: a S ^ it? ^ OT-4 ^3. O IS s ^ • O IH otS • 10 NO O OS: 04 I 4 o (> o & • o ot »*" «- o "8 H t. ;:^ .:>. < r^ »■ .<» « ^-- ;-) rS uy O •>• » <•* v> i<9 i"! nj ,"U c^ o a. o >1 6i o >-> •J o • «• •J ^^ O d o .«> ^ o c a o 5 (• a (< o u A 2'5 o s • "-I 'O -H <-! a a. a. 3 (O s o O M s a> O = '5 > O. •« 1 o e CO fH « S • M a: cd I 1 • r-l • _ S » •P rt * -O ■ ^ to G o\ a •J ^3 o ?S CM C^ O 0.\ i-t - 3 JN < «: >H I ITS « Si 5 •a 5 •-5 O » T* iH 0) -H I •»> ■»» o s « « CO m-o -^. g o m 8 §3. t HI CO I ;g o o & l-t §■2 O "O . ? ^^ o'g I w ^3. b > o u >> e u t o S § n o • 1-4 0) C6 § CM m I CO S! i •J I o I a uS ^ a o n & ix\ O CM CO CM -a; cr\ ^ CM O s t> UN ^ \0 lf\ s g • u «4 o ~i •^ • t o o I u s* 0) o S * go b ss « O {• sl&l * II • ■-1 o « l-t . o J CO • l^s* a ■O T> O UIJ- •-4 tA b ■t* 3 O O will along Stage E of a O w< ® 1-4 • CO t-4 TS b £4 (S • 4-1 rH *< . 0) 5b • rH • ^8 P TJ ssg h CO !£ O o o o \o 5 A ^A ^A ij 5- 5^5 R O 6 fl 8 o o I— » I ^ s § ca k> Is ^ SB 6 » W \o g o • S o > «-i O B a ao » o a) O CM ITV C-12 ?.>« 1 O 4.-. 'A ■g ^° i t- > » /^ .5 in w V : so l-> s. O »<« fit ^ • • • * •i d .J ^ 11 ►-I i- -15 m . 1- ,•-1 l^; ri. /vt V- I o l~> i "U uc ^ t-» «• (J a o "i' a. 1^ c. „, t:* n :, tu t: ?-, w a a: c It as ^2 "'E 1^ a A. i -SsL j: 1^ ~5 c n On :# ^ fr L I *.^ i bS *\0 5 rH ^ «H ■-( >-l cH b U> • ^* w iH NO. o UN o UN o NO. ^ Si • rH O O * ■f ^^ J> "O Xi CM ex f k C-13 I O CN X $ I s n n OT O o v> UN C • S M O i-t -oS • iH 1-t O o8 CM P. I CM •a ■2 I *■'-» 4 £ W 9 ^ iz K- A K #: §: f^ » *> f4 » 'Xi »-, ty e a <^ » ^ y- >-l < »-. <.. ' /V J >-. /- /raw -^ S3 < I' a. i fir -'1 ;« « t. w f o a .-1 >• S. 4 Ki o % 8 f- M '-. i> .J ft J- ■; j.- '^n o J) *4 &' » 9, 3 • 1 Ifi^I e o (TSST IfN insO f^CO CO OS I -iA I "I I JkA ^ g a\\o PS c^ CM ^^^ CM ■J ^ 5- a u ,« 5 & ^ o- _ _ a f^ >:< a rH a CM 0) 3 t. o c3^ > C n O rH o a .M^ o o mo:: cd X! » M M Q On O Q C 9 O C +» +> 255- 0) o t. o n ec a us us us ex ts. Ss usJ- (^ PS 4> a Q. » •rt a) a. ,o o o +» r-t * t) i en o A at • o -a •n -f K so "O 3 m2;H t> IH iH f-4 «H o M . CO W p US - s^ oo n o •H »« a PS I oo ^ SJ a IS a o a I o o PS PS I u u w > CM ir\ eg C-lIi UN S ^ o C5 S <■) . o us J so b ■o ■P 05 fi • o 0) O O O Vt n rt o • • v4 2 & i;g»s fi3 o: d 03 O iH e> « •> ■H o c • • •H • O «H ^SS-S^ O U) o • 5x2JS gD o a 11 o S O -ri W O «4 O «4 is -»> O -P 5 23 -0 2 • • n •H €« T) t ■H ««S^ ^^ ^5 • o 1/S -H ol • 0} ^ p 8l >-< a O O B K psm I CM us CM US en oS S" & 8- a >i us S fs OB rt CM US ■Ts PS UN 5> eooo us us I" h 0) O < J 1 « n Vi (d o ri " CO S « B c *H o -a S b S '•^ ^ •P > • O -ri O t r-t ■p Q n C 1 o C^ » o R g • g o »H a CO I USPS 1 1 15 i ?. A, .^^ , 1 5 "^ "S i CD «-l O C +» i-l o o J3 a) of 0) a o S t, O I, a> B .a o A Q. U a 3 oi fl b -a O Co r-l "O -P iH X> TJ i to C C\ c & J- •p «^ a o «4 o o g' >4 o t?v€ IH CJ M I I I 2JOOO •-I i-l CM 6- s I 16 a u (/I 3 o a +> 44 n B 0^0 ««^ 5^ sis O -HO £ W (S +» o , o ^go§ e +» ^ o o c a o b O O CM Cm X a CM I iH {?>c^ fi- a a b1?N Q, 000 CO LTN • \ Srt e\ IH-V^ > • *^ B rH < u^ CM iH b &I-4 f-1 >>"v. rj Q i> >>"^ C i-< Id •« IH s 1 • b b b &« M 11 ^ CM CM 1 • 5 ■H i % s a. m 6- s I •3« > 5 I •-4 w a 9 "S ■« J o a o o n c o ti a 9 S o ^ s« 01 O T) CM g CM ^ CM C^ •rl CM Bifc 9 I Eh a o b In 9 s +> O M^ SB CM O 9 d § S a 5l CM UN CM O (r\c^ I VA & ^ S r-l cS CO iH »eM O (T\ Ofi IH J- 1^ CM H u CO o +> f< 2 O 9 & at > i-j 9 ol o B o B • s a 9 1 lA • •H a ^ ■H n b R 9 b s i^ • >H ^•°^ ■g 9 U S V< CN mc'\ i?>A C-1^ I t r- C-, ■V St w t^ *^ 1 1 1 a'--^ C6 C. tj I » V III 'a b t-. ^ • I'M 7C ■• o • ^ Ml ts ^ p u -4 9 » >■ f, (V to • «+ « !» HI >^ tU (u ft ^3 J c s ■J o «4 H. 5i-r a. < Ed (/I g .J ■a: CO 10 ■J .J Gc. o § »-* o. o CO other data available Depth of perforations below land surface In feet Diameter of oaslng In Inches Driller and date drilled |8 1 Well depth In feet Elev. R. P. and G.S.1/ Reference ■ point description i 1 1 u %u +» rH J 13 ^ «J C CF\C o .J •-I c^ o <^ *» g\ <-i t^?^£'c!'l c! I I I I I I . CO JT ITilTimO OS ON c>j oo o r^ g> OS p4 CM CM t»Sj!j- Jt J- M3 O SO O °0 CM c'^ cn^ J- CM o (7\ o CM a OO OS rHOO lc<^cn a o 09 CO r-l us -*> &: OO OO NO US OS us a u CO p. a +» a i| s^ o a u o en 10 l-t rH US iH a. us iH us -^"^ < . Cv, <:^^ OO J- :5 O OP ^ JT* C3^^ >.CM >>C>^ . o y^v ^» t ^^ 0, iH oe us ft. «eo Ce r-l o jd- CO us OS & § US OS us us PS . • . t fc t S: OO . • uv:d- SOVO ^ o >» £ o o r-l X d b) d > o l-l n X3 0) ^ "H s ■a t/j > I as r-l O " O a c o o us b CM O • C <) 5 O CM CC rM O rH «H r-l CM O a: a h rH a )H +> « Ik. « K 0"% CM ^* g |4 us l-l o iS 60 5 >k i! o u iH M l-l M .^ > « l-l 1 t 0) ri W ri 9 Vl > t^US B to > • p c O o o 0} o o o O 9 o o " o a CO 9 o S £ & a. o 10 o d 9 9 O 3 Z ^ a. CO °8 ^ .£ J3 • a o c3 o ^ J o 3 o -o cm rH •H 9 9 ■O b «-i d > b -P C 9 O E A^ £ o s rH Ss I J- to Jt us^ lU /r> o w t 3 /y, i- ^sC •-■ /!?»-« tu*- <*• f * ^A "i (V) n «f4 *''' o '^% ;;?. T- T» ■a. « '»J Sv '■^' fb >1 m /•tt •X! ^ 1 n Si S^ I ^ ^ B) jS Ik ■^.-^ f % y «l i^ s t> «l ^, 1 *4 w <3 o *— : II 3! *5 *^ II ^ i i» 4. • »3s a M >"> %% o » %.% H ^. s ^ A E, *- ti « i! ^::i i: I IE <\t r » B *•- i >-• ,^ ^1 •& 9 O ■ * w w -t. fel L-* /- a;3 r>!/« r^ ■?* M. 8 e> tn •» a • f.j « « f S' o ^ % J 9 h W a ^ o • »-1 Si; «T ^ "i '6 I ^ *^ v. p: -.1 I-. £> S sSi u Is '!? ^M» 1 fc a k>^ as 3 1 t< l» o K (^ Ul H» tl a «! »-• 1 t if ■J Hi H f J.? 3 ^T * !:r?l df-0 5 ls$^ x: si -4 +» "O >H o g 3 _ a C "O o 5 3 • •♦> +» i-i o » 5 £ >££ Q t, » » •S » ^ b n t.^l e o m c 3 a n •^ ° - .. .. T. .. .. ^ .. .. (. "O e o ffi i-i T} *> <-> as^? A •& 01 • •»> o O B £ « a O +> £ « i-l 4» » r-t O, ki 9 9 * -^^ 5 ,_ .. >• o: *^ ^ .S"\ u a: o B e o a*'^ » O b «4 A O s m o: « TJ h 1 a o *4 ■»» s o J b g b • r-4 « So +» rt J3 -O " ^ ^ SiSJ^I w B (r< B fi- UMfN fa o Ol. S 5 'SS, so fa a +• §• 8* 1 -^ m s r>< Ou u^ H ■H fa ITk 2^ 3 < • "'^ • BO IS 04 C v o TJ CO 'O !5 J3 n o A S>2 fe -r^ M O CM iH 1 VO 1 ef> *4 ^4 ^5 ISkc!, ^A 1?.A u>cn C-17 I ;^. • ti. * * ft Jf- V »1 c. 7-4 M » i PA * i ■- Q^ O^ ■-.J ;■_• i \ ri ft « « ^ a •» K, P. *-^ .a fi a C!^ s & Si o •^ -9 O -3 o o r. o ti. K t1 & :^ : I a a • P "A S k'5 p' i.-^- o 1-1 d e -P o< o o 0) o H 3 C b O to 'Tl Q. a o a. o •4 o. u ON CM O p SO 03 o to O fa TJ O 9 4> >-• TJ •»» r-1 « • +> O O C a O O CM CMVO CM 1-t C^VO 9f « o a £ a * -a c •J I ■J <; • • r5| > a. 73 I O CI/] tH t B . U IS o s g ft' A* to ■J g t o (O 10 % 3^ 3< IS 3 Si ^1 IS o o CM rH CM o i-i en NO o in CO ITS CM « M t t » (4 b w • • (-1 • M • u C^ 8 so f-l ^ CM ;3S 5 J- 3 ^ CM o a o to b a! O XI 4 U o b S b +» to c Ed C O 85 2 M rH tM Id s c < ••» rH a) g) ce < 1x1 0) « b o > s O 13 (O s tj • «4 • rH •H o 9 O S » C O 5 § O l/N O O CM CM +> s O a. +» rH O s .s 8 c 'H jH o a O CO CM % 0) £ TJ C rH OS S I CM U r-i 0( TJ «H of O H rH CO > b< <« -^ a *rcM CO I • o »< •• to I UNJt 23s «) 'ri .ONO a) • M O O O TJ O si . V 9 O C 60 O »? «! O O +> rH a. to d I CH C-18 X) 1,3 i ■ 1 o ,'-v .•it ) C9 " /■a ft « & ;a i (I'M % •V- * -J *-* • i yi 8 8 a/ « i" * .a t-. •♦ tr i-> t-^ rp ;a ^ I -'It •■^ Ji. ^ f 1-1 K J ■ '» » 9 n C X I S?. ! ■■•> V »-> >-s «» s: ,'■' h\ * a >■- O W a * ••# • t>' S> >-. »4 o o •* a ^ o (» ' ' li S» • a 8 »•» e e ^» ^ )-> 1* .. S »■ «s 1 f^ t -• - (^ o • m fir oe o o ra J ■i o <-- » /io w y/ •■" ; ta * r^ w l-' jS '♦ >• ft 1 v< o c n t< e n ^ a o § II iH -a 4> rH •H C ij r-l *4 3 -3 ■•-I a -a s pu u 5- mo CM o c>> ir> A^ O CM S c^ rH CM ON t^ ^ 0> ■ p iH a«-i > • i o a. "a u) •-•IS* « M i a, ft. o s; o M o e • o O ■rt C +» -P e C a a o (• a t-t OO o CM en ON CM »en O ON a o rt tn >^«^ (. b A M o r-l lf\ NO UN J- CM CO O • • • cn CM M r-l 5? ■H r-l r-l • O B o o O r-l 5 i $> Ml s» 5 O 0) w A5 o 0) p» d (/> o • o w B .£ • « e«t »4 (. ss o w4 o a a Id S J SS ol t) CO 04 S" o tt o e o •o s o •rl CD o a +> r-l m a n O III o T) b 2 OJ «) • O OS C «-l rH -H O « ' w B _ ^ rH b - a 8. o « a b (/) u rH O §1 a o 4* a UNJ- 3 - -» w M J, UN J- O o o C o o 5 o » g a 5 o -1 M ?p ▼H > • «H O b iH a a o •♦» • e to a I'l g 2 a ■« n ,3 Si ^ §i s al • w g ° s +> NO 04 O •-* a ^CM t ru ra r r An Q -. •< o »t ^ a A-' > I I. a/ Hi. s» ru % I "^'-5 5? .-t> ■fe. •J s -. «3 S 3 t:? i-S' •M *r • «"i n t) *" W b • •n- o «♦ •+ » ^a • !?i! a i » §1 I J a In (I o t • it ; ^^ M> t O '► c H. »t ♦ «-) ■ - O i. TO Cr C o » « •■- >■» o u » 3 a I a •■ n% -E S ; - ^ »** • *". St •-• £ "■ ■» -^ S' r^S s« 1. U « >« Or »-> >>< K3 ^ e wv >-^ i£ ^ 4.1 Ml i» 1-.^ • M t-. kj &j ftoS a f... 4 «^ . ^ ^ ^ *:> • ^'■ J.' "^ o 8* ^li; IT h I a ^ ? n a. ^ Other data available Depth of perforations below land surface in feet Diameter of casing in inches Driller and date . drilled 1^- s Well deptii in feet > oT -o^. r-i • a • H OS O Reference point description t> 1 1 >4 State well number and 1933 DWR number CM bi ii « n I O, 0) a -H o (• M^ • b a 0.-O Si ^ o c i! S a UN •"IS &-• g cf • a V O M O X • ■•' w • _ o o 0< 9 « a (o • e 9 (. M O g. 5 ■; ^ '^ O S a. I C^ UNU JTM> NO 00 C<^ O N ON IH Ol t^ C J B £ O •. > iH '55 * ■»» • J* -H fi c • n ■^ T O S ■ 8 .* p K rt •. C. O O h, « iH UN ON 4s UN J- Is +» dl • • • a « s o u c <- » aw H.7 5^a CM § unJ II CM C UN O &\ i oo « ««u% ^ o s si I £ o o u w § Si o S J o o> »< +> UN •»» +>N0 o o • « a< o I .l £ £ iS * z S 2 I — > • o t. PN P § 3S O ' •I B • O CO o o; O M £ 9 4^ C-20 "r. /v > tL t CD ^ -« V >4 I. 2; O 4 • 9 •i 1 ^ rf> » 1 >^ .1 o « «r j> § % :•% 1-1 J^ 9? ;^ a U3 Si « e k-. . !-.' C. ,».'•> /^ n» v^ i/> h^ 5p OB 5" s. Sk •0 t t'J O t3 /DM 0/% /^ .-ij k» »i w ^ 'V - l-» a »-• "a •^ y « w . ^ .a • > • * •f^ ~ , ' -'■ k2- i 3 •K ., .•;■ 3. ..." \\j .a 5 °. s - .J ^ .,. 1, C «• " % 9c o o 3 a •: ^ j| ■> ^-j a t •■'■' "V i. >-< /\l >-^ B> ^ r-» a rv ^ g a /V -^ II t« •fc.'lLl t^ _ n o • O 1-1 *♦ as 9^ FV .4 s ft. . . • sr .i-. • S • t-^ V Ui ai ^ 3 « Jk o a a e c- g 31 o o ». OS-0 S 5 a. a. < V) o a. t-i « i fe^l ^•3:3 3: : J & a • C TJ 4^ O C O -H (S (P +> +* r-4 O o £ Ol 0) a -f* (. > ^ «-i coot. IB V. fH 3 C P) (. 0) n *^ O i3 o. U " " a •. . $ 2>5 o <^ a o § °S5 IT* O !! .. . J (p e S •o iH "O +i rH c rj C <« rH o a t «^t: g o c^ p -o fed CM o ■s c a • t>. s Vi a • ' " +» " " ^^ 8 o rH 13, »< o • « ir\ * t) c »< !►• oT -0 -^ o ;5 . § n ^^ u « u e o e -ri rH c +» a o S O O O g «H o. n • » ^•i (S T) m Hi c>IJt O CM r-l 06 VO VO t^ "S »« "y "^ g O ^., S O rH d r-l\ tf rH\ +> o ■J I-I o 1a t c t4 0< o Vi o o o ^^ 3 O "5 Q. CM CM ir\ H u o s n o a) a; 3 5 OS 1-1 V) «4 o o O o CM I O <4 t ^ ^ CM ST ^ I I o I 2 rr! ° 3 > TJ O a ^ -»> _ o a) S- 8 1 CM O a o fH 25 § ■f 5 . O ■ — . a a 4> u td (d • "3 •o a a: £ o °§ «H C^ CM I CM W r-l £ *< a: o g n s g (. .--» » w • +f a +> c « ■H o « ^ b CO •C o ITt cj 01 e^ «^ •• >> 1 o o «H Id o • o O Q. -o K^ g«* g •■ -f o +» S o o ^ £ lis rH a « tS <£ TJ rH rH ?. 5 4^ 4l ^« <^ "^^ OT J ^° S o . M Id rH " td o 3 O j: vo u so «H +> -o t; "I 3 +» +» •^ Id to & VO p> u ^ J3- \C1 Jn C-21 O ■3. ■! 1> /•I o '33 ;»» O Si '*?."**;* '..'?: & -<. r^ /•> to o b i 7;S- y~ ■5 .-•■j' *■■» - ^ A' ■3 0/ 4 o 1 Ml 3 $ a 5 »^ l~l »-. A' o o 9 a 49 a. A A R «e W <+ a "^ (■w H* 8.8: E 1 .V ^ O IB CI n ■ A 3, 8 o i;:0 t» « Is .,... s • *w « 'f 3 ■+ • O tg >» >-> O- "^ 3l 9 •*.§ ^ f «* a n •♦ tr ji ej »■ ?1^ • b s I CO si B --» w ru nj » fr. •^ CO if a 9 t( O 2L' I 01 s? gjse l-t •J •J > < s 10 o § o other data available Depth of perforations below land surface In feet i Diameter of casing In Inches Driller and date drilled •f> o S D Well depth In feet >• o! T,^ ^ .5". ho:: e> Reference point description 1 1 s state well number and 1933 DWR number •4 J »" VA OO NO I ON O P4 1-1 e^ • I 5- 5 r-t H C^ C^ ^ va O eg tM C^^ CM O OO CM J^^ •J CM OJ clci ^ o i«f a •o t^ :s 9 fH t. n HI (0 9 m £5 _ir> O ir\ lA « o (H d >i O UN 2 s-r^ a o \o n i t ■§ :^ >> UN 5^5 rH i-l ^?^ (2 « t^ 9 "v at & 01 o O CT\ a) «l 3 0) w 2S M VO !>. ra iH « M u :> (£ w i-» C>^ & f-l e^ o !fj "^ O p^ o VJ5 ^ o UN c^ t^ rH UN CN ON C • o o o C t. o ON CO UN ON ON >-t IH i O O 9 iH o tn O _, ol ja ^ -^ I-l 9 O b SB o o u ca CO Id • r-l • +> 0) -3 ra C o <« X S 6- ^ a: > H r-l <4 CO I NO UN ^4 SI CM NO UN ON ^? NO d- 5S "s ^ o ^ pH gsa s) > O T •H • UN ■»> o: 'H £ 0) 8 -P ^^ ,Hi? r-t > O "H °g§ ^ -ii 2 "H OT CM UN s ^ 1-4 IH ON 1 C^ 1 o ^S^ 13 i^J- NO UN C-22 if, fi ■■^ »~ 1- 1 Jill m OP a/ ^iS !, % i I c » » O ft w to ^ O i!t O" W iJ J i A* ru to l-» !-■ K» 5 «. C.I §5! 2 .^^ O i • 5. ■-- a I i S 4 s g 2 a. a. < i 03 01 ^^ £ 0) IH +> •e ^ O .. ^ .. .. a c •o «H o 3 O +3 o •r< +> r^ O O 5 £ a o •335 a> A a J. n « do o ^ 5-g § o 35 •ri C O 5 C t> o o 0> iH ■o u •-' rH § Oj rH •H •O rt O o c £ a 3 ** +> r-t ^S f-l a vi O • ^ . .. .. • • • > o, TJ CO O • § . •• •• •• as CS c o S c v4 c +» +» a u 5^ o O b ftH a o « to OC ■§ (. o ^ s o •H ■f S o •J b g t. « H « 5 o ■P M A •o" XI 5§§§S^i (O c ON C 1-4 5- 0\eo c«>0O i-t Q (-1 eg CM c^ J in I I I I I CO CM O VO NQ f>^SO ONC^-3" i-i CM CM a>3- o CM Afl OilA o •• II •a vo t I a ^ o J3- 01 >> O IT. C » -H \ A >-( > iH 10 » 0) o U a t> U -rj o OS 5 0) rH 8 0) £J h CJ 5 (O I so UN c o h u •H S •O O c - O »H O -P 0.i-t ^ -H iH O Cb. • t. o c +» +> o 3 ^ ■^^ *' OS fe -H t, • SO OS » -P o u^ s) (0 S pj 5 en « • g -C O -O o •.Tl Vl O «H O iH O 0) t* _: +» oe « O «-l a: 10 9) g PS ? o X ■p ■« S 3 n (. • » -o «■! bn > d B rH ol TJ « O O C rH rH t, M ffl O 05 O (d o a o a CM £ O J3 OO U CTNO o w B (. •o 01 s n •rt •O • at o «H o • O OS % r u o +» o j- p > 1 o iH M a OS i a t> 0) ol b rH l-l d •n a 0> B 2 C ITiO f^ rH • «H O rH o l-t I o rH O O o • ;3 § o 0) 3 • RMS 1. rH 0> • -H +> -O B 5«^ a • s wo § rH -O Q OS .7 " c :> B O 10 »H CM +" *-! o • O 0} -d n CS u b 10 « o> H» - B s M » I ON I i li S of b •ft id fa (O CO f-i o UN CM 1 C> to T NO UN CO B O -OJS- b rH • fa O rH a CM \r} I ^ „rH ^ ^ b u o, o s +> M "O C -r) ■K H a ol II o M CO o c o o X •o OS •s b o o O B o o rN 0) • (0 rH b b B b +» a b «4 :*5 s 5 5 5^- 5 S I i s to ^ • r< • vH « OB* O U% t O rH t a c • Tj u o O b 3 5* ^J CM M UN <4 NO UN C-23 r-.. I A-* ^ A) ,4 w '■' ■.A> ,< h-% (-. o ^^ ►■» X- 'D l-^ .%■ «o ■^ » 0^ t..-.> IV ►-. p i~i r.r^r^ I I I I 1 t-ro y> I'l -» t- » . «• ru o ■^s ^ H- W « »" r-i 01 J V-4 Kt ^ » O, fc •1 ^' W .J J .J J »-> a w ►-< B. > ,5 ,"! ^ C IM ja » ^ a. Jl »-• H n. \ 0- •i s • tr =t • S w ^ - o »■•» <•♦ e 6j 1; v^ tJ % .J J <* .5 a c ^. kw' 9 !^ » I. • CI •• •• »• •* s »• .4 1 r^ I.4 »« % O 5? CT H> & O w J • tr H« &• 8 >~ o 21 £"§ ij- t o O M Is "' ^ ^ p. a «t: .1 <• s tr a a ^r as* a S ^ a " l-t • <^ J « a o »-. •■• . m 'if y-* '-.■ • ^ o cr • 3 •. a o 2 << a.* >v ■+ H^ a; '.» o O O •4 a o Si •tt.©- ,9 I -c. '.■5 ^ < fn a o a 2:* o a K. o -^ o r3 » a ■u. •» t.> <* .1 rj N wO 3 g^ C3 /1J *^ I /^ to C-1 O a ^ /« a .^5 fi. »> "6 K n i^, 51^ •-3 •s "? -0 «♦ g ^''» O ■& • a i-« X ™ W 8" c « ■4 ♦*■ g ** ■a o- ^3 3 o ►>< o ^ a O f. o 5 S. g "-^^ ■ ,'^ '+ 3 ^^ ro-ii o« .„■ '^ m O in a o o « \» *^i t> t (19 .« u. « • 3- S c .-, ^ '+ • a 2S 5 § «*■ at- A- =2 . %Z 1 < c >) a . a ^ir si Xl ^ '-f ^■-o 01 h ••t n H« o »-«• i- p V a ta ^- >) tB l» ;i. » te » :.. w to i-» >-> J S.. ■■• S^ i^* a S a a n o h «• ^"^ n ■^ ft ^ >-< s!^ 1 |1M f. -3 ■•tea o a, J •-* O V-, -^ V - ■! ►-. a ,ai ^> »-< M /Li .?■ 1^ *-♦ XD J Oa t .— ■ r5 1 t" N l" CJ 1 r*.! tl .J/ T, 0. ^u tv c a. ^ 3 3-=: fj o- -s .; • 5 • ►^ A O 9 J 5 J §. "cr S.5S. gs^ /t> a « ir\ b CT\ < >> ;t a Q n CO a f-i \ • C ^ ■51 CC iH b: CCVO PC S r-. J :s Lr\ CM C>4 ON \fi J- CM CM ^ 1: • • , c b u b b b ^ b U. u b b b M IH M t-t M M VO C^ 00 \D NO ?1 J3* 00 CTS r-. (TS <^ eg r-4 UN > t-^ a c«N b t/N » CM UN ON r-l « O d g" o b o d i-t s o b m n d iH o •»> o d .S o ^•"^ CC d b > gi ig o o o o o o CM o o O Q CM I NO -- UN NC J* ^l- ^ I w A I UN NO lA to I VC UN O ' ri. Cn I 10 I NO UN f ID b rl •H O > s d5^ S g g go a 3 o d) CD > a * H S « -g 6 I CM M CO w r NO UN O iH rt O +> rH O o • n to b • o 9 « g CC b gl CO °.^ IH O 00 va UN C-2li ■A I a: <3 O *f O ij L» > lA O ^ ^r O >* ^ (» a> 4 s: .» H- a ■; o & J3 n: Mai-. »-i gc % a/ * -•J. ^'• M O ^? a a;? c. w ^ » I« <^j t'-i ^ w c> ►v .; < ;z. • ►-i o ui t^ Hi «J o a t^ A ^ iS VU S.' ru c ^^ o CO IK O 3 o m tn id -1 1 ^^ >-" a --) » Hi o 6> O -J » :.-j 3 o> s J tr » >-> a a c . I? • ST • rssa -.Ha • MO •» J a Ifm ^ n I o n % > "Si Si.- o is o It u t %: & a. -3 'J- * Si »-» ' »

2. '^ ft m tv «ft >* .4 u >U ^-*. t* o « >-■ ;t a «+ .: S" ^fc s. §2 |.«. ^"•S 1* ?? *k3 s? ■', ii »• o e 1-^ COM J +-1 C C • » » 1^ t~r t~» p- ■ - ri ,. ^ !.s &'"S ■'•■ '-'1 * ^ t-^ *-fl '-I • •! _ V iU •» 't o <- O t-^ i B - £f5 4 *-• 8 o ft o -! ■t, ■ ■ ■> 'is O X rfit nj »-i '""; -.» t ^ . _. >-. cc s? ► -J ^ ^,- ! M 1 (tf O. T) • 9 C lA r-t • CO « U CC CI Reference point description : a 1 § g State well number and 1^33 DWR i a CM O ir\ O iH £>v 1-1 r-1 rH O t~!£> o oo o CX3 C<^ •4 o. o -■O CM e^.^ oo c'N o o o iH CO \^ Q UNCO CM OO CM CM CM ?S J J- J- UN IfNVO CM ITS CM CN i-< C^JT IjTNvO CTsvD ITS Cr\ C*Nvo O lA O r-< CM PN PN J- 3^ krMfNso * .5^ • \a h ON b. b ITl b 9 i-t »\. « 9 J3 rH -P.* > +» a r-s O . t. brH Li Cit +» > m o\ • O o ON w o o a.\o b. 0. UJ rH a, a 5^ 1-4 s? S g C -o cd > »< »< •H K m e o: o •n c 8*^ ■P o o o rH C 9 n (d O ^ 9 ^ *r4 •H o: a a « o z +• £5«^ J* ti • o pE. o: Ed CM Ik. rH C4 << (b t-l \D C«) en 1 rH a^ kl St LTV ,^ r-i ^ OB It I o Si §> O.J' §^ Vi o o o. - ^" rH oc a of ^^ R.VO O O Q O OO J^ rH rH CM CO cn CM •J • • ooo la 4? M I 8 o CO 9 o *t o H • • -I 4.S en IT. N OO «»^ •O ^f c en «• o a, UN • r^ >, a us ^^ & rH^^ s: OS -ol ON eo .* Jt ^ S IN ffN M ITN • • • t fc S: M M M O O UN 16 i.n CM A o o o o • • • ON s> ^ •H CM CM to «s* • T3 a 0) s J IH 3 .i • b • •*» o O 9 o o o c g ■¥> rH a c o C O iH O M e C •H J3 a. o § » «H 8 e en g •« •H • ■» *• a V) • (. . 1 T» o *^ S +* .n c +i a: lH o «4 O .a g g O a s. ^ •H 1^ t a «4 o «M a.> g s it c3 M) C-28 o o <♦ • ■fc ^.f A'. *-8 ar ^ » •te. -■.„ l>9 « -.1. i» .-. « ^ .J ..", I* is. J t J t-4 £ ^ -:» .^^ --} e Rtr »«•«<••• O «s^ • ' ft .^ f t— e ««••'• 3 Qji o a f» «♦ >* 5?. fii ►» o a 4 Ji •s -4 S: I p» a T > ■ ■J o ' . ^j: v^ ,,•■ % , rr w 'a-I ^' . « i- t^ K* '"•■ ui » 0> < o i c; a jfl 1.-; 1 m I-, ia i ■«•» d S S " ^ •J ^ S o o o CO t 1) -9 * 3 '-' •P -O "rt O d (9 C "O «^ O C O 'rl S • -P +f <-( O O X 0) ^ a) e o. o 5 (• 0) «-<>-) ^ c O (• o u iH » «rt 5 "S « 5 i-i -o -fJ p^ 5" « ■ D x1J • • ^ O S to rH • d • O § O 'H C +> +> oca O O b g •H o •J w c 5> fi O rH » +> iH ^ -O (-^ 0) >s to \ CO CM to ■n rH a^ .H rH a V. s;?i? 0) d 3 O oi ITS to > & rH £ rt OO VD to VO CM ON a\ C^ ie\ PA ^ u ti> X Id o M ° EtH O B t^ 3 O Cl •^J o O o s o - «l o • to ir\ B o l/\ 9 13 CM 6 0) • CO o < a: Sis ta ON 4 to CO t^ o ON OO 5> ir> c^ o o O O • a H O 'f>»0 O IfN 3-3- CM CM ?\ef> s b o o c b o S O «4 to o o b - 9 b O >> •< o o O b b vrv b > +» O C «H ►4 ■S o a >> b •P c o8 t^ OS S b b o o O ^ b "g § 9 iH ^ O rH g •H O o • +a C « O 91 'I to R CM I CM ^4 CO t^ ■f n •J 0. s » c^ rH i I o<« rH UN •J J- CO CO > o % •a b o CO tH o i? ;; « •*S o ^ O O O fH 0) to +» - o o S * J- O b CM «( <: g W lO NO I to I CO tv & i > ^ & a rH o. <* IXN o to u\ • "-N rH J^^ > C Q < CS. o r-l o J- s to V, >l to rH o rH O ■v^ eit rH ON a CO •8 NO ^ eg ^ rH UN • • • • fc t t t i e4 I 5 c E? to b •0 UN 'I a o o o m b o +» o o o • OO (1. a S3 o ^ •p +» d to T3 > 9 e «H O 9 O UN eg ^ o o CO a CM I C4 OO OO C CM •P • • O O -H o > a b ^ p rH rH 5 §:« a** . o t} e b C > bi d < s2 CO e o 9 9 ■P rH d O oe to 09 O U a ° M CO 10 "H 3 9 CO I CO p OO OO C-29 l-l ■a Xt l-l V a rj >> :» ru iO ru "». « !^: •-». W r^ f^ -Ul-. ■!'«»• X r-. ^% t 'V .-5 13 il m « CJ (''> • « * * ^ .» ^t A J J kJ J /v its 5g i/j ... t* A; a c . rv .~ hs ■'1 o ?? ft il c 8. If H. ^ a M- ,i" . r( XX «^ !-». M ? a % K * >v »^ c^ « « t i- '"^ 1 i; ^ • ) < ^ •a- 1 ^'■i «♦ s m (j.- l» ■.— » 'J »-> to ►i 1-. » rj • o J ff *-»■ « »^ *♦ ^ «<-. a :n »-» M ft •.«? « • n ^ (U i»i K £l ^ U pi *^ S =s<| i4 K '. ..; ^^. • -1 « ;-i >-- w •« 3 o ' , ■> "m. .4 8^ n J ; e> o ►/ '. ' U • V V on • >» s 1-1 o H\ ^.^ S- A* .•>J :;.g «•€_ a ^ a« o r. • a % Z 6 ^ *» s *-< * r-> I" a a. i-i J *& p O N %6^ f M » M> ra o «■ o Sa« 8 »-> 1 2 +» 0) P T3 rj o a) . c "2 coot. ^1 ca c O -* C J pt o • o B S 00 VO CM O VO C^CO O -i3- ovo ?>ir\ i-l rH rt CM J- J- ir\ Ajtvo vd o ON CM VD CTVCM ir\ iH r-t rH J- 3- 00 r4 •J C^OO ON ^ 2 t~» iH CM ex I I I o o ^^ r-l CM CM « o a. Vi » -o B ^:g O B rt • 3 • B 0) o O -ri a +» +> oca t. •a •H o> o (. o a I S ■t* rt X> •O _^ w ' 2 " o>g t • 3: I. J- a 00 UN B UN «i^ UN f ~^ Q4 LTN •a t "^ B UN < g e \ • +» ON b O^-s. • i^- -< W iH b a. Vi CM Ui n UN 50 f-H CM CM u> iH 00 UN NO CN C^ «? ^ R C^ e^ >0 tfN • • ■ ft • 1: t b fc ^ ^ 5 8 c^ CM UN ^ UN CM s a> a ^ 1 J3 0. « fl ra -a « iH 0) 3 d a d 3 J3 & i «" 2 • tf ». o o o » « o CA ^ O Vi >. o °5? 5 "^ ,S *> a o to -H O :3 o o S3. CO I ONtV, o § o 0) 5 c^ ONfv UN UN CI 01 a $ a, a •a o o o S ■f » rt B J- o B ^ o as 10 o s o > t < ^ a o 5 • • 0} •Hob UN a o l-H 'rt bp li ON a * •H H ^5 o a • x: UN o ■♦> CO rt 3 • 'H o o a 3 iH C3 h o e>i "H w CM 1^ -. \- •• y- r-U « • • u I-. o »«* r» M- .^ "» ? • 1 '■u ;■-' IT- T it ra • ■-» O •> )1 & •+ «♦ a -J 5 r; -'• .^ c ^ K- "^ ■" r: to "> o ■•» o » c.> - a-g M t' •^ M. .^.s -^ u. i '«* , S?.i ii H j .£ -a ' . .•-> ^v ?..k ^Ai ■ ■» &.-- ru -^ i '. w 1 >* n ^4 A e ■♦» fc. q C o »H a A O O h O b • n a. T> I • c w r4 • (0 • ho: (9 e s o c +» ■»» e o b w o, o o a (0 o .J o CO a) o O O O DO b c S «) b e rM 8 _ •f l-< A T) ^1 o O o. • v4 ^ a +> at o Ol •H +> ■f> +» C/3 a) 0) E 03 a b 3 o q! 3 u • o Vl Ul u o "S'S I SiE • 1-1 •B - B §^ o ^1 o « O C b O 0) o o o § ■J a) * g ■f ID i-« S O t/> CO 9 « o a Is UN CM ^ >?^ b b Si SO ON CM b C O O. O ON C c^ 0, UN 1 o 1 P> 0) OO k. CM &. ■« C CM J » rH ON OO ON O CM CM UN •5. ^ 3 I a. o ID o o O. O n o o c^ o .« O b b • b e +> 5 & o a) 0) S. d e OS g- ! •H b 09 a -. b a a »< +> o I NO • SCO iH ^5 UN ri O r-l O > <§ o v< a o «M k| g § o > g) > at • ° ; 5 .S o &S 5?SS ^ crj o o « o 0. (A CM W I ONOO r-l I cn 54 J, ONOO 5 r-l C-31 CM 1 ITN §1 ON ON CM I CM On on ■V.I-1 CO I ON ON ON I NO " JL ON ON b u o ^ •O r-l b r-l +> Dl. 9 «■< +J o o o o • ^3 c^ O u • ("V 1-^ I- 'O 1/J O ^-i t ni .-w^. t-c. T-./^ I t I I I 1 ■ I-. to r:. >o KJ C- t. ►.. O /-^ l-« " u ja I I JO w> t-t -fe 4 ■" 'J» ^* gas? J o c ^-^ a r I- ►» li it i^ ^« J .; Xi ^ (9 ►, ? tr 5- yi ^s a r^ a ? • . lO a ■-■ '«3S,k CVJ a id i-0 C* ■ P /^ O «. a/ Jo 'S O O .X :& •^ C' ^ o I ^ w 1 ■^ 1-1 u lo * 9 1: - iS ■J • « •2 u A ,> t-4 M j^ • &■►. >4 ki: M ^ » •. ►^ V «: > * i'-tr :. 9 w 3 . CO w 1 a - 1 1- M E " J w v' O ••■5 ?«; ^3 cu .. ^ f-i 51/ »^ 5 'J^ '^i ^ ;,' I M t M -^ (d 5 f S -? w-^ M 1 ft' -« ^ 1-. tJ 1 le-- a C "S *<5 § o +> w al X b > +> o o O. «- 1-1 u 35 ra *< ^ o o CD e rH -O +■ rH r-4 e d iH +» o • 6 S e a 9 ffl m a CO r-l • 3 • CM I ie\ as •4 5- & CO o ^ o 1-1 CM I I o ir\ CO I O • «« "!?, :b (i ^ o ir\ •o +» JH CM fO ^ ^ « • J: fc f 6 • t. ^ ■♦» s ■* (. (4 o< a in o m _ c^- cu r. a. C ■O O IH • IV. 5 ^ P W CM > ■ft jt > /I b \ o^ ON fe «« rH »• <« t-i 1^ <« iH fe 2> v^ rH CO S^ {5> K U\ :* «n c<^ T? * • £ •^ fa A fa M t^ ?? Sf CM CM ft o c<^ & 00 CM CM .J lib O § & U M C +" +> oca, o o fa m a •a to c fa i T) ■n n >H §i U J3 +> a -(s r 3 iM CO 0. a fa i O O UN OS •rt^ « 0) t 0. g CO s •g c w ? s »H •ri • E +> -o »4 0: CM fa S fa +> r-l /a TJ U3 to s ON e +> rt T3 o +» +> fa > • C I J iH O C B o •B ^ S .^ O o >> IM UN ^ <-< I ■P » +> fa . O rM O O SS "» ■•' • fa « < §»»<(!)< •H OS ^ I < O .'-s r-f O fa fa O • 10 Q O O fa ■»> .13 S O gt ? O ■p s fa j: C fa O +> "HOC B -P d C O "H p ■&S.5.I 3 • 9 a d S. fa +> ■o a 6S. I NO SI' ON ON •o « ^ -^ o i5 . »? O OS " « c^ aj • CM o. t -P • O ot CO ■a cc. N ■p "^ (B c S S B g ■H •P - o o IS B G C • O CO o +> <« 8§ '•^ 4h a o <^ inr fa 5 t o S 2 I- a. o CO u cs a ^ r-l O 0) • J^ & >1 O g -P fa • U CO a tio «-l CM 5 o • b4 .5 . a a CO ^^^ a . +» a) O 0) g S o o o fa Q. CO I d •H O UN -H I fa o « o I. o « • fa »H O a J ":>§ O CO to I O ON CM 10 I O 0^ CM n b g ^ CM ^^ TcN Jg^ g^ s-r ^ *^ ^^M ■\M w J. ffN »N ON M c-32 1^ 00 1-1 I o o o» -fe. 1 t •li o OO X. /a ^ o o b> I* 3 » a c g 4 • ni o « t-r- Aj ko w xj ra /T! *o Ml o tr I- /u J • a. c ^ M ^ Hi IS« dJ f-> tt> Ji m li ^ -■o v* a v. 3, o S V J3 c> o i- c] ea cj ^3 IJ o IS St n B K dS M ^1^ ^ V' rgv r^ mJ? >-.,-' »-< ->" ■^ s f' 9 .• i • a .^ ^ g s & -■-1 I to (%.t ? I--1 js, ju 5J C cu ^ 5 o ^ 'J : • h I « «+ - ,1 B J3 B ? i-1 » J • * • (p cr b- _ t!, !jr 1? .1 J o iS fc *+ o 3 a » m I ^i\:. a ri' '*'. &§=r; M • • ■• 14 •* .. ■• CU' Q A t« • o '-^ ^ o «♦• .* u J » ■4 a ^^ r-l tl M O H- H. 1 >• a"* i < o *' <■ r ! « ^ /^ >*« ia o 3 .\ Hi w a O '+ i* a tf 3. eas t r' J o » 9 .a i-> <♦ " g. O 2. * l-i ',1 c M a; ; ^A H O • 1^ ?a fU <+ « t. M> X • Ul • o J> ::k t >^ 3 rj • >i a f» o •| • f-l- «r •+ !.•> » a • t',' ►- •J n t- J • tr Ml ^ » A o • '+ s «* 't (J i« t-i <+ sc-o b d d 9 -O rt » _ +» 1-1 o » X 0) do a o o b b O 10 iH a i ° «0 e 5^ u ■« iH -g +» rH »< 3 -o »H h i: D CM 3: M^ > "O > a. X) li o axn r-l • 3 • a. e o o o ^ c +" -e 255- a> o b «-< a o O CO I i o ■J O i-l 9 go +» rH .O tJ JD Wl C ON C o J- o J^ IN flO rt CM o O O o • t • o J- c^ o >4 1-4 1-1 J- c<> J- J- p> 0) o <4 O. 03 •rt a) o C o o n O TJ O 11 O CO 1-1 01 • d o 3 rH CO a o b to o 5- i ^ NO CM t-1 s s Q • +> ■t; 5 ^ifN UN ^ «>\ 9 1-1 1-1 SO 1-1 CIN >>'s. >»\ j\o >J rH o >R 5 ^ ON UN vo UN t^ ^ OO t^ tv O \o J- UN NO NO • • • • • b b b b b b b b b b 1^ 3 o b I A O 0) a 3 •H e b UN CM • -r* • m d o C 5 "^ 5 « ii> CO • b t] •H ^ b B B 3 01 -p •rl UN 01 b +a rM O »< O • b "O p d C b 1-4 O 0) o • •♦^ rH T3 >» b >> 10 0) 12 d +> R o (0 ^ g * §1^? o a C § 1-1 B CO IH CM h as a, UN .> ft. t^ (IN I-I Vl o o o 5 +> ho « do)" ^ ^« iH »- S to O '» go •H O +» «4 O I e m a d b o o 9 ■^ § ^ to o <« S iH o • rH B , • • I OO as ? >. c ;Sno g C c^ d o «-• »H t +» g o o OS ■»* a >> rH b « O ' ri s » « rH OO I •-* 'A. 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-■' » M ft K .■ Si iis;-o X! M a g a. >3 < to >3 o § u a iH (. 01 A e ■f a 5 ^S o .. ? .. .. s •o «4 o c o ■H a a ■¥> ■f f-l o o ^ g >&Z o. o O (. o «H r-l a C Q t. • .Q 1 a M ' ' J5 " " • to o +> C Si e f-i •o +> iH iH g 0) rl w< •o »< U (. a •o u a • ■f> o s c S • a D " +> M o •H •p s IH a,<^ ^O o ?: ■«5 • > • a. :^ ■' " <> §". rH • H OS es B • o o •rl t: ■f -P •> B O. (. •ri 'ri e O b «-i a o o a a -§ u a a o •rt +> td o o .J u $u « rt o S o +■ iH o •O .X3 4S§ § c e^ a (0 f-4 •J •4 5^. « o c^ c<>\^ r-i t~^\o irsoo ir>ooo ir\cMco o CM CM CNfNJ^-a- iTvirwo I I I I I » I I I 0\V0 CM t»»VC Crv C'X ON o ir\ OS c^ a\ c^ c^^ o CM c>i CM c^ e«> J- J- ir\vo I I I I SON J CO _^ t^ ITl CI C^ C^ J- O O J ir\ OS O s4 CM OO > o r-l O o 0) O rH US <\ ,s >,!S B o CM «l\ S "^ tf r-l\ « <:so OS OO 03 iH p r^ OS iv. us va OS f-f CM OS us o us OS us • • • u u u t. h i. CO o q OnOO SO so c^ o OS » c I a o m I. n 1J.g o a: a o e b O Vi § :s U, Si O -H • B -O • o - cm5 & • o 3 o CM us I o ^" vfi us Sxl^ BiPSv. o w o o S 2 S " o o> o u 1-4 a . Bgig> O C O CTN M O •^ o «H BZ •^ o o i-t - ^s -g • > .-s:* » Co ^ o -n rH-|NM 06 o r-l a OO CM 1 OO 1^ so us § us s> a % & n a ■:}■=*■ _ H ° ■-' EC rH O O iH o « C5 O > JG • Vi .5 rH O o T iH u - O o o +» • o o o S V - .^S us 60 ■rj us B O •P O O w S B Ob CO all SOS •6 TO ■3^ b • (H • « 13 O *4 • w o rH ■g OS r-l BSO 'i B • us 1 O W o g * o us O o CM » b o K! :s=fc rH iH CM & 8 3 CM c^ OS^v 1:1 us 1 ^=r \M \w M 1 C/> 1 to 1 SO ir\ SO us NO us C-26 Hi, '•' M •a 1 ■ *1 l' I 5 -9 '1 it a » c • « s tt •* tr H» *-<* §.§ ►^ ■^ »• >• J u f ."-. r-i "O ^ a r* •• •• ru ^ o ■• (V a :-' 'U « ■fl ! a C3 M t« *• •• '■f a ". v> >^ »i »Ti ft/ >• «« <• o • 1 < • » » »-» ^, e> _ * « _ 1 & » t ^ *c' S^ % : o • s> J a •-> ■i^> ■1 o :r J a r-e V .s • >-> • 3 • H» O P' * Q/H >-'»«♦ sip«! ». o 3} 8l I f » .,.1 r> * o b Id ^ a u & a fS. O CM ONO I I o o ir\ CM C4 ir\ a o o a in o o to .J V) ^1J 1-1 +> « Q O • • ^ » c w sot, c«^ 5-* :S e, oo OS C«> o o o o a iH OO « in J- o o rH O a 0) u •H (X v> o Tl 'H ■o m 0. §5 i^ o d M +» n. o b o 5=^ 01 •H 3 u Si in 5. XI o o o 3 ^ c ID -o _ .D i o. +> n o > »-) TJ i^ IH lu g t! iS S • • a: ■o • • o: cc ■H • B h 0. a e < o trt > u f-t e^ a.. So* o s •• ^ S fH 5^ CO c ts cr» ?l jt u< p <« o +> (. ^ 8, 5S b o ol a <» o o > «rl3 £S >H IM ?i 8 e«^ t^ i.T 1 1^ ^iA o 0< iS CO 0) O b u a. I oo IS! U I VO ir\ (O I b a. CO a i-t o CO I o .3 ^■} r^ /"I -u *•-> .'3 0) > o a a M « li »-< ^ a* /X5 o rt ^ Jk •-fa, -t >* -•I ^ - ■> 1. J c !^ a e .'T /^ » • B A J «• A a ^ *-^ 1 9 ». »'. <+ >•! o i •*■ « « rr •£ <; u> * )• • I-. i <3 » » SI »-> % j: a t> a & rr 3^ S, !£. ii (J r- ;■< w' Ir r» 4> % 1 % u »« «+ • <* • 51 ►-. >*i w H a B «> OJC l)B • h"» t o o X 3 sT ►1 ^ £q t-« .A CO I « J9 ■ li (0 w 1 & S g (U d> IS . ►- "* b e 4) ;- .< « ^ •-» !? ~. 5i o a a jj r. rj S' 4 2-" «i o *^ I* V ill -5 .i .-ii it. d'S-C ^, ! a. B « ■;? IK o I •fi 1 o ■H P 'S 'rl a) n t4 S e o -H B g> 4* a o o (. o (< o> a 'H o A O 4^ -H O O (DO r^ -O +• •-• r-l S d iH A -9 l« g a. I 1/1 s >9 a. o § i-i J3 o r-l Aft-r 9 O 5= -05 CM p c 0. O O (• ^ a. o a e 1 o to §S!> ON QJ»- 00 CM.*j+ r-lep t'\ ON CVCOCMfl v^ 00 f-1 r-t CM cm::*- V- OMTV I r I I I I I J 00 Mvo \oooo Q o iH rH CM CM^3^ r^ J- •J aT osu\i-«co O 00 <-< rt i-t 4 CO KN ft I g. ^ i/Nirwo I I I I O O Q UN UNir\J ON CM J* UNl/N *J •^ a> :* CM UN 04 f^"-! CM r-< IN eir-l 1-1 CM U M ■V. zt ^ 5^ >.-v 5 rH\ • • r-l ?rH\ Ce UN •-a ON < ffN 0L« CL rH 0. 0; 1 J- UN CM « 00 "^ ■^ t^ ON ON *>» • • • • c u fc u 1. U t. |i u u .h (. u .% 00 1 CM VO CM *v. S^ 5 Sr UN rH NO s> q • • • • • • g er>eM t^UN ON ^ Jl- rH r^ tv. •H rH ,H rH rH H «4 • a ? s • « u s ■-• l-< ■H 5 £ S 5^5 ^ i • rH in 0) 0) 3 s ^•3 X ^ .a < JS s 5 T3 45 • 4S 3 B s n •s ."9 •H s *» M M S to s « ^ n f »4 fH t5 9 v4 rH ■3 s rH 1-1 •H « 1 M «: * -J M (i. -» ♦> i "^ -5 • 5i g*^ d d t;^ tJS u • S" ?!-• * tn S -r* »«g a rH oi B rH 3 iH a 3 -rt •.OS 5 fe- rH gg^ rH rH * • > £ • •n . 5 to I-t s° «H -rt UN w *" B H> rH H> m s » etf ON «H n ^^^ ^ u «=* M 0) a*« S-^cS "0 WW rH • • 0) -a g •rl > a 1 *" s Is iJ UNtS » NO > rH 1 .^ s« UNrH h oc h t) • il UN li. CO ONrH CO b, ac rH CM CM rH rH r4 U " rH s 9, § -2 §!. rH 4i8 VN 1 m d7 a& d^ ^i^ ^1^ ^■^ ^'^ \I* \fc \fc ■v^li \ni m 1 V> 1 5jno tv lA Rjk (0 1 t^UN t-»VO ?lNi c-27 ■V. . . . , •^ /^B « CO I c ji f? %t »» • ^«j %% t-i • '.» '■«> /I ,«■ ^ /»» • » 3 4 4 s a 1^ >• i n