3i>83 UC-NRLF ^B b3h 7D1 CALIFORNIA. ^.arE>s. To be attached inside of cover of all Rate Books. No Rebate or Donation. The rates prescribed by the several Rate Books are the minimum net rates to be paid by the insured, and no rebate therefrom in the shape of division of com- mission, donation or otherwise, or any concession which shall effect a reduction of premium to be paid by the assured. Is to be permitted by any Company, Agent or Broker. GIFT OF ^0 0^ OF ^^T^, S i^oR the: use: and oxjidance: ob^ FireUnderwriters. ON TH^ PACIFIC COAST. SAN FRANCISCO : PUBLISHED BY THB PACIFIC INSURANCE UNION. e;. c. hughes, printer, 5ii sansome; st., s. f. July, j8S6. REVISED, August, 1892. ':.-• ^•[:«0 INDEX. Page Rule for Determining Rate of Premium 4 Classification of Buildings 5 Alphabetical Table of Hazards 7-23 Charges for Deficiencies, Privileges and Exposures — B Class 24 and 25 Charges for Deficiencies, Privileges and Exposures — C Class 26and27 Charges for Deficiencies, etc. — Single D Class Building..28 and 29 Charges for Deficiencies, etc. — D Class Range 30 and 31 Maximum Rate 31 General Rules — No. 1. — Dwelling Houses 32 No. 2. — Doctors, Dentists, Dressmakers, Tailors, etc. 32 No. 3. — Brick and Frame Buildings 32 No. 4. — Awnings and Shake Roofs 32 No. 5.— Cloth Lining 33 No. 6. — Buildings occupied for a Common Purpose 33 No. 7. — Frame Buildings with Compartments 34 No. 8. — Buildings in Course of Construction 34 No. 9.— 34 No. 10. — Buildings being Removed 35 No. 11. — Removal of Property 35 No. 12.— Long Term Risks 35 No. 13.— Short Term Risks 36 No. 14. — Distances between Buildings 36 No. 15.— Intervening Brick Wall 36 No. 16. — Permits and Privileges 36 No. 17. — Boarding and Lodging Houses 36 No. 18.— Hotels 36 No. 19. — Petroleum Products and Gas Machines . . 37 No. 20.— Writing of Policies 38 No. 21.— Steam Boiler or Steam Power 39 No. 22.— General Merchandise Stock 39 No. 23.— Boot and Shoe Factories 39 No. 24.— Chemicals 39 No. 25.— Powder 40 No. 26. — Fruit Canning Establishments, etc 40 No. 27. — Salmon Canning Establishments 41 No. 28.— Electric Light (see EE., rule 20, page 38) . . No. 29.— Watchman's Clause 41 No. 30.— Patterns 41 Table of Short Rates 42 General Resolutions 43-44 285381 Rule for Deterniinitig Rate or premium. I First ascertain the classification of the building to be insured, •or containing the property to be insured, as per the *' Classifica- tion of Buildings," on page 5, designated B, C, D and Range. It being ascertained which of these classes the building belongs to, refer to the ''Alphabetical Table of Hazards," pages 7 to 23 inclusive, and the highest rate named therein for any occu- pancy t in the building or range {not prefixed with a st-ar'^)^ will be the basts rate for SMch building or range, and all contents thereof not prefixed with a star ^. Such occupancies as are prefixed with a star ^ take their own basis ratCy unless such rate is less than the basis rate of the highest rated occupancy not prefixed with a star"^, in which latter case such highest rated occupancy determines the basis rate for the entire building or range and contents, excepting higher rated star"^ hazards. When a building or range does not contain any of the occu- pancies named in the ''Alphabetical Table of Hazards," or when all of the occupancies are prefixed by a star"^, the basis rate for such building or range shall be that of its class, B, C, D or Range, given under the head of " Classification of Buildings," on page 5; and the basis rate for each star"^ occupancy con- tained in such building or range shall be taken from the "Alphabetical Table of Hazards." The basis rate being correctly ascertained, next refer to the rules concerning additions for deficiencies, privileges and exposures, on pages 24 to 31 inclusive, and the proper charges therefor (if any are to be made), added to the basis rate, fix the minimtun tariff rate for any given risk, except in the cases where the rate thus ascertained exceeds the maximum rate given on page 31. t If a building is not occupied, the evident purpose for which it has been or is being constructed, or for which it is to be occupied, shall determine its occupancy. Note.— In connection with the above rule, see General Rules 2, page 32, and 7, page 34. * Star Hazards.— The stars prefixed to stocks in the schedule do not apply to the furniture of the store containing the .stock. When a building or range contains only star hazards and occupancies The basis rate for C Class is one-fifth more than B Class. tThe charge for Steam Boiler or Steam Power is included. JSee rule for Long Term Risks on page 35. [23] B Class. Warehouses, grain in bags and bags only, when the building exceeds two stories in height, to be specially rated Warehouses, general storage (no broom corn, hay, jute or oil — see rule 24, p. 39) Warehouses, with storage of broom corn ^"?jute Warehouses, with storage of oils Warehouses for Hay or Hay Barns ^Watchmakers' Stocks and Tools Wharves, without roof Wheelwrights' Shops *Wig-makers' Stocks Willow-ware Factories Wine Factories or Cellars charge half per cent, additional per month for privilege of distilling) Note— ^ permit for this privilege must be granted for a definite period^ and the prescribed charge of one-half oj one per cent, per month collected in advance; no allow- ance or rebate may be made for lost time^ or any extension of tiyne or permit granted in lieu thereof The charge applies to the building containing the stilly and to all other buildings within thirty feet thereof together with their contents. Wine'"^ %iquors (see Liquors) Wine Stocks (no liquors, spirits or bot- tling) * Wire workers' Stocks (no manufacturing) Wood^::? Coal Yards (see rules 6 and 7, page 33 Wood and Willow- ware Stocks Wool and Hide Stocks Wool-pulling Establishments (to be spe- cially rated) Wool- washing Shopsf Woolen Mills (to be specially rated). . . 1.50 1.90 2.25 3.00 1.65 2.25 1.90 1.90 1.10 1.25 1.75 1.70 1.50 1.90 Ykast Powdkr Factories. The basis rate for C Class is one-fifth more than B Class. fThe chari?e for Steam Boiler or Steam Power is included. I See rule for Iv0n;> Term Risks on page 35. [ 24] J^:^^ Charges for Deficiencies, Privileges and Exposures, to be added (when they exist) to the Basis Rate. ^ ADD TO B CLASS. PARTITIONS. In a block or building of B Class, having ground-floor* compartments for occupancy, each provided with an entrance from the street, and separated from each other by one or more ordinary boarded or studded and lathed and plastered partitions, to the basis rate of building and contents add 20 cents for each of such ground-floor partitions which separates one occupancy from, another. * Note.— The ground floor of a building shall be the first floor above the basement or cellar, or, if there be no basement or cellar, the floor nearest to. the grade of the street upon which the building fronts. STOVE-PIPES AND EARTHEN-WARE CHIMNEYS. For one or more Stove-pipes, Artificial Stone, Cement or Earthen-ware- Chimneys, passing through a window or roof, to the basis rate of building and contents, add as follows, viz, : For one or more Stove-pipes 50 cts. For one or more Artificial Stone, Cement or Earthenware Chimneys. . .15 cts- Note. — When a charge has to be made for a Stove-pipe according to this rule, the charge for an Artificial Stone, Cement or Earthen-ware Chimney need not be added. STEAM- BOILER OR STEAM POWER. For Steam Boiler in the building, or for Steam Power in the building when, the steam is generated either in the building or in another building situated within i^O feet thereof, to the basis rate of builJing and contents (except when marked with a f in the "Alphabetical Table of Hazards"), add (see rule 21,. page 39) 25 cts Note. — When the steam is generated in another building situated at a dis- tance of 20 feet or more from the building to be rated, a deduction of 25 cents may be made from all B Class basis rates marked with a f. GASOLINE AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, AND STOVES FOR THEIR USE. For the use of Gasoline and/or Petroleum Stoves, to the basis rate of building and contents see rule 19, paragraph C, page 37), add as follows, viz. : For each Gasoline Stove 10 cts.. For each Oil Stove to burn any product of petroleum which emits an inflammable vapor at less than 110^ Fahrenheit without the medium of a wick (see rule 19. paragraph D, page 37) 10 cts. , For storing or keeping for sale in any mercantile building, or within twenty-five feet thereof, gasoline or any product of petroleum which will emit an inflammable vapor at less than 110° Fahrenheit (see rule 19, paragraph E), page 37). Permit to be for not exceeding thirty gallons 100 cts Note.— Where 100 cents charge is paid, as above, the use of one gasoline stove for exhibiting purposes may be granted without extra charge, subject to rule 19, par. C, p. 37. COAL Oil.. PERMIT FOR COAL OIL IN A RETAIL STORE. A permit may be granted to keep in a retail store 200 gallons of Refined: Kerosene Oil, without charge, it being warranted by the assured that the oil shall be drawn by daylight or at a distance not less than 10 feet from artificial* light. For each additional 100 gallons of Kerosene Oil kept in such a store, add 10 cents to the basis rate for building and contents, (See rules 16, page • 36 and 19, page 37.) PERMIT FOR COAL OIL IN^A WHOLESALE STORE. A permit may be granted to keep in a wholesale store 200 gallons of Refined' Kerosene Oil in tin cans in unbroken packages, without charge. For any quantity of Kerosene Oil exceeding 200 gallons kept in such store in tin cans- in unbroken packages and in accordance with the law, add 10 cents to the basis rate for building and contents, provided that no filling or repairing of cans be done on the premises. Packages of Kerosene Oil may be repacked, but when refilling or repairing of cans is done, the above rule for a retail store shall apply. (See rules 16, page 96, and 19, page b7 ) POWDER. A permit may be granted to keep in store an amount not exceeding 50 pounds of Powder in metal cans, near the door, without charge. (See rule- 25 page, 40.) [ 25 ] CHARGES CONTINUED. ADD TO B CLASS. TABI.E OF EXPOSURES. To the basis rate of building and contents, add for such ex- posure within 40 feet in any direction, for which the highesl additional rate is prescribed in the following Table. B or C Class buildings (except Mills, Factories, etc.)t are not to be re- garded as exposures. (See rules 1 and 3, page 32 ; 6, page 33 ; and 14, page 36.) EXPOSURES EOR WHICH AN ADDITIONAI, CHARGE IS TO BE ADDED TO THE basis rate. If a D Class Dwelling, Board- ing-house, Church, Grain Warehouse, Office Build- ing, School-house, Private Stable or Barn If a D Class Store, Mixed Occupanc y^. Lumber, Wood or Coal Yard If a D Class Boiler, Carpenter, Cooper, Machine, Wagon or Wheelwright Shop, Brew- ery, Foundry, Hotel, Laun- dry, or Wash-house, Oil Warehouse, Hack, Omnibus, Car, Stage, Hotel or Livery Stable, water-power Factory or Mill If a D Class Warehouse for Hay, or Tannery ; f B, C or D Class steam-power Fac- tory or Mill, other than steam-power Blinds Box^ Door^ Furniture, Pait or Sash Factory, Pianino^ or Saw Mill, or Distiilery If a D Class Theatre ; f B, C or D Class steam-power Blind, Box, Door, Furniture, Pail or Sash Factory, Plan- ing or Saw Mill, or Distil- lery ADDITIONS FOR THE SEVERAI, DISTANCES. Adj. to 10 ft. 15 CtS. 25cts. 40 CtS. 80 CtS. 180 CtS. 10 to 20 feet. 20 to 31 feet. 10 CtS. 20 CtS. 35 CtS. 80 CtS. 180 CtS. Sets. 15 CtS. 25 CtS. 40 CtS. 140 CtS. 30 to 40 feet. 10 CtS. 15 CtS. 25 CtS. 125 CtS. ^ /l^* Any building not otherwise specified shall be treated as a Store or Mixed Occupancy. [Book 4 Cal.— 3 ] [26] il^ Charges for Deficiencies^ Privileges smd. Exposures to be added {y/h€n they exist) to the Basis Rate. ADD TO C GLASS. PARTITIONS. In a block or building of C Class, having ground-floor* compartments for occupancy, each provided with an entrance from the street, and separated from each other by one or more ordinary boarded or studded and lathed and plastered partitions, to the basis rate of building and contents add 20 cents for each of such ground-floor partitions which separates one occupancy from another. * Note.— The ground floor of a building shall be the first floor above the basement or cellar, or, if there be no basement or cellar, the floor nearest to the grade of the street upon which the building fronts STOVE-PIPES AND EARTHEN-WARE CHIMNEYS. For one or more Stove-pipes, Artificial Stone, Cement or Earthen-ware Chimneys, passing through a window or roof, to the basis rate of building and contents add as follows, viz.: For one or more Stove-pipes 50 cts. For one or more Artificial Stone, Cement or Earthen- ware Chimneys. . 15 cts. Note. — When a charge has to be made for a Stove-pipe according to this rule, the charge for an Artificial Stone , Cement or Earthen-ware Chimney need not be added. {STEAM BOH.ER OR STEAM POWER. For Steam Boiler in the building, or for Steam Power in the building when the steam is generated either in the building or in another building situated within 20 feet thereof, to the basis rate of building and contents (except when marked with a f in the "Alphabetical Table of Hazards"), add (see rule 21, page 39) 25 cts. Note. — When the steam is generated in another building situated at a distance of 20 feet or more from the building to be rated, a deduction of 25 cents may be made from all B Class basis rates marked with a t, GASOLINE AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, AND STOVES FOR THEIR USE. For the use of Gasoline and/or Petroleum Stoves, to the basis rate of building and contents (see rule 19, paragraph C, page 37), add as follows, viz.r For each Gasoline Stove .... 10 cts» For each Oil Stove to burn any product of Petroleum which emits an inflammable vapor at less than 110° Fahrenheit without the medium of a wick (see rule 19, paragraph D. page 37) 10 cts. For storing or keeping for sale in any mercantile building, or within twenty-five feet thereof. Gasoline or any product of Petroleum which will emit an inflammable vapor at less than 110^ Fahrenheit (see rule 19 paragraph E> page 37). Permit to be for not exceeding thirty gallons 100 cts. Note.— Where the 100 cents charge is paid, as above, the use of one Gaso- line Stove for exhibiting purposes may be granted without extra charge^ subject to rule 19, par. C, p. 37. COAL OIL. PERMIT FOR COAL OIL IN A RETAIL STORE. A permit may be granted to keep in a retail store 200 gallons of Refined Kerosene Oil, without charge, it being warranted by the assured that the oil shall be drawn by daylight or at a distance not less than 10 feet from artificial light. For each additional 100 gallons of Kerosene Oil kept in such a store, add 10 cents to the basis rate for building and contents. (See rules 16, page 38, and 19, page 37.) PERMIT FOR COAL OIL IN A WHOLESALE STORE. A permit may be granted to keep in a wholesale store 200 gallons of Refined Kerosene Oil in tin cans in unbroken packages, without charge. For any quantity of Kerosene Oil exceeding 200 gallons kept in such a store in tin cans in unbroken packages and in accordance with the law, add 10 cents to the basis rate for building and contents, provided that no filling or repairing of cans be done on the premises. Packages of Kerosene Oil may be repacked, but when refilling or repairing of cans is done, the above rule for a retail store shall apply. (See rules 16, page 36, and 19, page 37.) POWDER. A permit may be granted to keep in store an amount not exceeding 50 lbs. of Powderin metal cans,near the door, without charge. (See rule25, page 40.) [27] CHARGES CONTINUKD. ADD TO G CLASS. TABIiE OF EXPOSURES. To the basts rate of building and contents add for such ex- posure within 50 feet in any direction, for which the highest additional rate is prescribed in the following Table. B or C Class buildings (except Mills, Factories, etc.)t are not to be re- garded as exposures. (See rules 1 and 3, page 32 ; 6, page 33 ; and 14, page 36.) KXPOSURKS FOR WHICH AN ADDITIONAI^ CHARGE IS TO BE ADDED TO THE basis rate. If a D Class Dwelling, Board- inghouse, Church, Grain Warehouse, Office Build- ing, School-house, Private Stable or Barn If a D Class Store, Mixed Oc- cupancy^, Lumber, Wood or Coal Yard If a D Class Boiler, Carpenter, Cooper, Machine, Wagon or Wheelwright Shop, Brewery, Foundry, Hotel, Laundry, or Washhouse, Oil Warehouse, Hack, Omnibus, Car, Stage, Ho- tel or Livery Stable, water- power Factory or Mill If a D Class Warehouse for Hay, or Tannery ; fB, C or D Class steam- power Fac- tory or Mill, other than steam-power Blind^ Box^ Door, Furniture, Pail, or Sash Factory, Planing or Saw Milt, or Distillery... If a D Class Theatre ; fB, C or D Class steam power. Blind, Box, Door, Furni- ture, Pail, or Sash Factory, Planing or Saw Mill, or Distillery 20cts. 35cts. ADDITIONS FOR THE SEVERAI, DISTANCES. Adj. to 10 to 20 10 ft. feet. 15cts. 30cts. eocts. 100 cts 200 cts 50 cts. 100 cts 200 cts 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 60 feet. feet. feet. 10 Cts. 25 cts. 40 Cts. 60 cts. 160 cts 5 cts. 15 cts. 25 cts. 40 cts. 140 cts 10 cts. 15 cts. 30 cts. 175cts. 4®* * Any building not otherwise specified shall be treated as a Store or Mixed Occupancy. [28] iK5~ Charges for Dejiciencies^ Privileges and Exposures \o ^be added (when they exist) to the Basis Rate. ADD TO D GLASS. CAI^IFORNIA, CARSON AND RE:N0, NKV. SINGLE D CLASS BUILDING. CliOTH LINING. For Cloth Lining in the whole or in any part of a D Class Building, add as follows, viz.: To the basis rate of a D Class Dwelling and contents 50cts. T© the basis rate of any other D Class Building and contents 100 cts. Note.— See rule 5, page 33. STOVE-PIPES AND EARTHENWARE CHIMNEYS. For one or more Stove-pipes, Artificial Stone, Cement or Earthen-ware 'Chimneys, passing through a wall, window or roof of a D Class Dwelling or other D Class Building, to the basis rate of building and contents, add as follows, viz.: For one or more Stove-pipes 75 cts. For one or more Artificial Stone, Cement or Karthen-ware Chimneys. . 15 cts. Note— When a charge has to be made for a Stove-pipe^ according to this rule, the charge for an Artificial Stone, Cement or Earthen-ware Chimney need not be added. STEAM BOIIiER OR STEAM POWER. For Steam Boiler in the building, or for Steam Power in the building, when the steam is generated either in the building or in another building situated within 20 feet thereof, to the basis rate of building and contents (except when marked with a f in the " Alphabetical Table of Hazards "), add (see rule 21» page 39) 50 cts. Note.— When the steam is generated in another building situated at a dis- tance of 20 feet or more trom the building to be rated, a deduction of 50 cents may be made from all D Class basis rates marked with a f. GASOLINE AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, AND STOVES FOR THEIR USE. For the use of Gasoline and/or Petroleum Stoves, to the basis rate of building and contents (see rule 19,paragraph C, page 37), add as follows, viz.: For each Gasoline Stove 10 cts. For each Oil Stove to burn any product of Petroleum which emits an inflammable vapor at less than 110° Fahrenheit without the medium of a wick (see rule 19, paragraph D, page 37) 10 cts. For storing or keeping for sale in any mercantile building, or within twenty-five feet thereof. Gasoline or any product of Petroleum which will emit an inflammable vapor at less than IIC^ Fahrenheit (see rule 19. paragraph F, page 37), Permit to be for not exceed- ing thirty gallons 100 cts Note. — Where the 100 cents charge is paid, as above, the use of one Gasoline Stove for exhibiting purposes may be granted without extra charge, subject to rule 19, par. C, p. 37. COAIi OIL. PERMIT FOR COAL OIL IN A RETAIL STORE. A permit may be granted to keep in a retail store 200 gallons of Refined Kerosene Oil, without charge, it being warranted by the assured that the oil shall be drawn by daylight or at a distance not less than 10 feet from artificial light. For each additional 100 gallons of Kerosene Oil kept in such a store, add 10 cents to the ^a5/.s rai**? for building and contents. (See rules 16, page 36, and 19, page 37.) PERMIT FOR COAL OIL IN A WHOLESALE STORE. A permit may be granted to keep in a wholesale store 200 gallons of Refined Kerosene Oil in tin cans in unbroken packages, without charge. For any quantity of Kerosene Oil exceeding 200 gallons kept in such a store in tin cans in unbroken packages and in accordance with the law, add 10 cents to the basis rate for buildings and contents, provided that no filling or repairing of cans be done on the premises. Packages of Kerosene Oil may be repacked, but when refilling or repairing of cans is done, the above rule for a retail store shall apply. (See rules 16, page 36, and 19, page 37.) POWDER. A permit may be granted to keep in store an amount not exceeding 50 Ibs.ofPowder in metal cans,near the door,withcut charge. (Seerule26,page40. [29] CHARGES CONTINUKD. ADD TO D CLASS. CALIFORNIA, CARSON AND RENO, NKV. Single D Class Building not exposed within 10 feet. TABLE OF EXPOSURES. To the basis rate of building and contents add for the two ex- posures within 100 feet in any direction, for which the highest additional rate is prescribed in the following Table. B or C Class buildings (except Mills, Factories, etc.) f are not to be regarded as exposures. This Table applies only to a single D Class Building when not exposed within ten feet hy other D Class Buildings. (See rules 1 and 3, page 32 ; 6, page 33 ; and 14, page 36.) exposures for which an, additional charge is to be added to the bans late. If a D Class Dwelling, Board- ing-house, Church, Grain Warehouse, Office Build- ing, School-house, Private Stable or Barn If a D Class Store, Mixed Occupancy^, Lumber, Wood or Coal Yard If a D Class Boiler, Carpen- ter, Cooper, Machine, Wag- on or Wheelwright Shop, Brewery, Foundry, Hotel, Laundry or Wash-house, Oil Warehouse, Hack, Om- nibus, Car, Stage, Hotel or Livery Stable, water-power Factory or Mill If a D Class Warehouse for Hay, or Tannery; f B, C or D Class steam-power Fac- tory or Mill, other than steam-power Blind, Box^ Door, Furnilure, Pail or Sash Factory^ Planing or Saw Mill, or Distillery . . If a D Class Theater, ; t B, C or D Class steam-power Blind, Box, Door, Furni- ture, Pail or Sash Factory, Planing or Saw Mill, or Distillery additions FOR THE SEVERAL DISTANCES. 10 to 25 25 to 40 40 to 60 60 to 80 80 to 100 feet. feet feet. feet. feet. 40cts. 70cls. llOcts. 185cts. 285cts. 35cts. 60cts. lOOcts. 175cts. 275cts. 25cts. 40cts. 75cts. 125cts. 225cts. 15cts. 25cts. 50cts. 75cts. 175cts. 5cts. lOcts. 20cts. 30cts. 130cts. JiaW * Any building not otherwise specified shall be treated as a Store or Mixed Occupancy, [*Book 4 Cal.— 3.] [30] iB®=* Charges for Deficiencies, Privileges and Exposures to be added (when they exist) to the basis rate. - ADD TO D CLASS. CAI^IFORNIA, CARSON AND RENO, NEV. D CLASS RANGE.* CLOTH LINING. . For Cloth Lining in the whole or in any part of a D Class Buitding, add as follows, viz : To the basis rate of a D Class Dwelling and contents fiO cts. To the basis rate of any other D Class Building and contents 100 cts. Note.— See rule 5. page 33. .STOVE-PIPE AND EARTHEN- WARE CHIMNEYS. For one or more Stove-pipes, Artificial Stone, Cement or F)arthen-ware Chimneys, passing through a wall, window or roof of a D Class Dwelling or other D Class Building, to the basis rate of building and contents, add as follows, viz.: For one or more Stove-pipes 75 cts. For one or more Artificial Stone, Cement or Earthen-ware Chimneys.. 3 5 cts. Note. — When a change has to be made for a Stove-pipe, accordi7ig to this rule, the charge for an Artificial Stone, Cement or Earthen-ware Chimney need not be added. STEAM BOILER OR STEAM POWER. For Steam Boiler in the building or for Steam Power in the building when the steam is generated either in the building or in another building situated within 20 feet thereof, to the basis rate of building and contents (except when marked with a f in the "Alphabetical Table of Hazards"), add (see rule 21» page 39) 50 cts. Note. — When the steam is generated in another building situated at a dis- tance of 20 feet or more from the building to be rated, a deduction of 50 cents miay be made from all D Class basis rates marked with a f. GASOLINE AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, AND STOVES FOR THEIR USE. For the use of Gasoline and/or Petroleum Stoves, to the 3aj^z'.y rate of build- ing and contents (see rule 19, paragraph C, page 37), add as follows, viz.: For each Gasoline Stove 10 cts. For each Oil Stove to burn any product of petroleum which emits an inflammable vapor at less than 110° Fahrenheit without the medium of a wick (see rule 19, paragraph D, page 37) 10 cts For storing or keeping for sale in any mercantile building, or within twenty-five feet thereof, gasoline or any product of petroleum which will emit an inflammable vapor at less than 110° Fahrenheit (see rule 19, paragraph E, page 37.) Permit to be for not exceeding thirty gallons 100 cts. Note. — Where the 100 cents charge is paid.as above, the use of one gasoline stove for exhibiting purposes may be granted without extra charge, subject to rule 19, par. C, page 37. COAL Oil.. PERMIT FOR COAL OIL IN A RETAIL STORE. A permit may be granted to keep in a retail store 200 gallons of Refined Kerosene Oil, without charge, it being warranted by the assured that the oil shall be drawn by daylight or at a distance not less than 10 feet from artificial light. For each additional 100 gallons of Kerosene Oil kept in such a store, add 10 cents to the basis rate for building and contents. (See rules 16, page 36 and 19, page 37.) PERMIT FOR COAL OIL IN A WHOLESALE STORE. A permit may be granted to keep in a wholesale store 200 gallons of Refined Kerosene Oil in tin cans in unbroken packages, without charge. For any quantity of Kerosene Oil exceeding 200 gallons kept in such a store in tin cans in unbroken packages and in accordance with the law, add 10 cents to the basis rate for building and contents, provided that no filling or repairing of cans be done on the premises. Packages of Kerosene Oil may be repacked, but when refilling or repairing of cans is done, the above rule for a retail store shall apply. (See rules 16. page 36, and 19, page 37.) POWDER. A permit may be granted to keep in store an amount not exceeding 50 pounds of Powder in metal cans, near the door, without charge. (See rule 25, page 40.) * In a Frame Range, the above charges are to be added only to the Basis Rate of the building to be insured, or containing the property to be insured. [31 1 ADD TO D CLASS. CALIFORNIA, CARSON AND RENO, NEV. D ClvASS RANGE. Two or more D Class buildings constitute a Range when they adjoin each other, or when there is less than 10 feet space between them on the front, rear or either side. (See rules 3, page 32 ; 6, 7 and 8, pages 33 and 34 ; 14 and 15, page 36.) TABI.E OF EXPOSURES. First ascertain the proper basis rate, as per ''Rule for Deter- mining Rate of Premium" on page 4, and then to such basis rate of any D Class building and its contents in a range of D Class buildings, add for every other building in the range, as follows in the Table of Exposures below. When one of a range of two buildings is also exposed by an- other building within 100 feet, add to its basis rate the exposure charge for such building, as per "Table of Exposures," on page 29, and also that for the other building of the range, as per Table below. This Table applies only to a D Class Range, (See rules 1 and 3, page 32 ; 6, 7 and 8, pages 33 and 34 ; 14 and 15, page 36.) For each D Class Dwelling, Boarding-house, Church, Grain Warehouse, Office Building, School-house, Private Stable or Barn 50 cts. For each D Class Store, Mixed Occupancy*, Lumber, Wood or Coal Yard 75 cts. For each D Class Boiler, Carpenter, Cooper, Machine, Wagon or Wheelwright Shop, Brewery, Foundry, Hotel, Laundry, or Wash-house, Oil Warehouse, Hack, Omnibus, Car, Stage, Hotel or Livery Stable, water-power Factory or Mill 125 cts. A. For each D Class Warehouse for Hay, or Tannery ; B, C or D Class steam-power Factory or Mill, other than steam-power Blind, Box^ Door, Furniture, Pail or Sash Factory, Planing or Saw Mill, or Distillery 200 cts. B. For each D Class Theater; B, C or D Class steam- power Blind, Box, Door, Furniture, Pail or Sash Factory, Planing or Saw Mill, or Distillery 400 cts. Note.— If there is any one of the hazards named in Sections AandB, of the above Table of Exposures, situated 25 feet or more distant from a D Class range in any direction, to the above charges for exposures add also ^ the <:harge for such exposure for which the highest additional rate is prescribed in the Table of Exposures on page 29. MAXIMUM RATE. The maximum rate for all buildings not specially rated shall l3e 10 per cent. $fS^ * Any building not otherwise specified shall be treated as a Store or Mixed Occupancy. [32 ] General Rules. No. 1. — Dwelling Houses. In rating a dwelling, an outbuilding (except a barn or stable) need not be considered as an exposure ; but a D Class bam ^or^ stable must be charged for as an exposure to a dwelling, and a D Class dwelling must be charged for as an exposure to a bam or stable. Tw^o or more barns, stables or outbuildings, how- ever, belonging to the same premises, need not be charged for as exposures to each other. No. 2.— Dentists, Doctors, Dressmakers, etc. When a dwelling house which is principally occupied as such, is partly occupied for doctors' or dentists' offices, dressmakers', milliners' or tailors' workrooms, or for a cobbler's shop, it may retain the basis rate of a dwelling. No. 3.— Brick and Frame Buildings. When insuring a brick, stone, iron, adobe or concrete build- ing, which has a frame addition (below the roof), specify a sep- arate amount on such addition and its contents ; charging on the brick, stone, iron, adobe or concrete portion and contents, the proper B or C Class rate ; and on the frame addition and •contents, D Class rate. Such frame addition (when occupied by the same person or firm) need not be considered as an exposure to the main building according to the Tables of Exposures. Un- less such specifications are made, charge the D Class rate on the whole risk. Provided^ however, that a frame structure of any kind (ex- cepting skylights, cornices, balustrades, and the shake roof as per following rule 4) attached to the roof of a brick, stone, iron, adobe or concrete building, shall reduce such building to C Class. No. 4. — Awnings and Shake Roofs. A Wooden Awning affixed to any building (and a Shake or other Wooden Roof over a metal, slate, tile, brick or composi- tion roof of a B or C Class building) shall not be covered by a policy issued on the building, unless specially insured. The rate for an Awning or a Shake or other Wooden roof shall be ten per cent, unless the building to which it is attached shall rate higher than ten per cent, in which case it shall take the rate of the building. [33 ] No. 5.— Cloth Lining. The rule on pages 28 and 30 is to be understood as follows, viz. : Whenever any part of a D Class building, the basis rate for which is 300 per cent or more, has cloth fastened to boards in any way, or stretched across studding or joists on sides or on ceilings, papered or not papered, the building and its contents «hall be subjected to the charge for cloth lining according to the tariff; but cloth lining on side-walls or partitions only, when closely stretched on boards, need not be charged for in other risks. In any D Class building, however, cloth on any ceiling shall subject the building, together with its contents, to the cloth lining charge ; but in dwelling houses cloth securely fastened to closely boarded ceilings and papered over, need not be charged for. tiF The charges printed on pages 28 and 30, for cloth lining to D Class buildings, are hereby made to apply also to adobe buildings, whether B or C Class. No. 6.— Buildings Occupied for a Common Purpose. When two or more buildings {used for any of the purposes described in list^ below), adjoining or adjacent, are occupied by the same person or firm for a common purpose, so that the buildings, although separated, virtually constitute a single haz- ard, they need not be charged for as exposures to each other ; provided, the highest basis rate of any of the buildings so ad- joining or adjacent to each other is made the basis rate for each one of said buildings according to its class, whether B, C or D ; otherwise, each building taking its proper basis rate, in accord- ance with the rule on page 4 for determining the rate of premium, must be subject to the charge for exposures as per the Tables of Exposures on pages 25, 27, 29 and 31. *I,umber yards, or coal and wood yards.and their respective offices and sheds. Two or more warehouses, under the same management, for storage of the «ame class of property, and their offices. Store and private warehouse. A private warehouse which need not be charged for, according to this rule, as an exposure to the store in connection with which it is used, need not be charged for as an exposure to any other building. Cluster of buildings, forming a mill or manufacturing establishment (it being understood that dwellings and barns, even if occupied in connection with such mill or manufacturing establishment, must be regarded as exposures thereto). Separate buildings, composing an academy or school. Bars, billiard rooms and barber shops in hotels, and cigar stands in saloons, need not be considered as separate occupancies. In case a B or C Class building is within ten feet of, or adjoins and communicates with, an addition or another building (whether B, C or D class), both being occupied ty one person or firm, and all directly or indirectly opposite or communicating open- ings are not provided with wooden doors two inches in thickness and covered with tin or galvanized iron, or with iron doors or shutters at least three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness, the highest rated occupancy in either, unless prefixed with a star [*] (see rule on page 4), shall be the basis rate for both, according to their class, B, C or D. Examples :— Baker's Stock, with Bakery adjoining ; charge the rate for "Bakeries." Furniture Stock (no upholstering) with workroom adjoining ; charge the rate for Furniture Stocks, where upholstering or,' setting up is done." [34] No. 7. — ^Frame Buildings with Compartments. Bach compartment for occupancy, on the ground-floor of a D Kilns, or the contents of the same, whether located on farms or otherwise. [ 36 ] No. 13.— Short Term Risks. A risk taken for a period less than one year, or canceled at the request of the assured, shall be charged for at the short rate of the annual rate, as per Short Rate Table, on page 42. Transfers of insurance from contents to building, or building to contents, shall only be made upon payment of short rate. Note.— The suspension for a time of a policy in force is a violation of this rule. (See page 43.) No. 14. — Distances Between Buildings. Distances between buildings shall be measured from the most contiguous points of the buildings, or of any sheds, privies, awnings, porches, piazzas, bay-windows, stairways or additions. of any kind attached thereto, except roof cornices, open plat- forms or bridges. No. 15. — Intervening Brick Wall. If a brick or stone building, or if a substantial brick or stone wall (the latter without openings, and not less than twelve inches in thickness below the adjoining roof or roofs, and ex- tending two feet above the adjoining roof or roofs), wholly in- tervenes between D Class buildings and all additions thereto,. the exposure shall be counted therefrom. No. 16. — Permits and Privileges. Any permit or privilege granted must be for a specific period, and the prescribed extra rate for the same (if any) must be charged in advance. No. 17.— Boarding and Lodging Houses. A Boarding and (or) Lodg-ing House is a building which is used for boarding and (or) lodging purposes by the day, week or month, without a saloon or bar therein, and containing ten or more furnished or unfurnished sleeping-rooms, not including those actually used by the family of the proprietor. No. 18.— Hotels. ^ A Hotel is a public house for the accommodation of transient guests, and that has a bar or saloon in the building. [ 37 ] No. 19.— Petroleum Products and Gas Machines. (A.) Decline, unconditionally, to permit the admission into or keeping or using in any building, or within twenty-five feet there- of, of gasoline or any product of petroleum which will emit an in- flammable vapor at less than 110*^Fahrenheit,exceptingas follows: (B.) The use of Portable Gasoline Stoves, and stoves to burn petroleum without wick, may be permitted in stores and dwell- ings ^«/y,provided that the proper additional premium be paid on all policies covering on building and(or)contents(see pages 24,26 28,30), and the following warranty inserted in all of said policies: Permit for Use of Portable Gasoline Stoves. (C.) '* In consideration of dollars, permission is hereby granted for the use of gasoline stoves, and no more ; it being warranted by the assured that the reservoir is to be filled during daylight only, when the stove is not in use, and that no artificial light be permitted in the room when the reservoir is being filled ; and no gasoline, except that contained in said reservoir, shall be kept within the building." Warranty for Petroleum Stoves Without Wicks. (D.) ' 'Warranted by the assured that the tank or reservoir con- taining the oil be not less than twenty-five feet from the building. " CAUTION. The danger from Gasoline Stoves is not so much in themselves as in hav- ing the gasoline about. At ordinary temperature gasoline continually gives off an inflammable vapor ; and a light some distance from it will ignite it through the medium of this vapor. It is said that one pint of gasoline WILL IMPREGNATE 200 CUBIC FEET OF AIR and make it explosive ; and it depends upon the proportion of air and vapor whether it becomes a burning gas or destructive explosive. Keware of any leaks in cans, and never forget how dangerous a material you are handling. Never attempt to fill the stove reservoir while the stove is burning, or if any other light is in the room. A little carelessness may hazard your life as well as property. (E.) Storing or keeping for sale in any mercantile building, or within twenty-five feet thereof, of not exceeding thirty gal- lons in all of gasoline and/ or any product of petroleum which will emit an inflammable vapor at less than 110^ Fahrenheit may be permitted, provided that the proper additional premium be paid on all Policies covering on building and /or contents (see pages 26, 28, 30, 32), the following permit and warranty to be inserted in all of said Policies : "Permission granted for the keeping on the premises of not to exceed thirty gallons of gasoline and/or products of petroleum which will emit an inflammable vapor at less than 110^ Fahrenheit, the same to be kept in closed metallic cans, free from leak : warranted by the assured that the drawing of gasoline shall be done by daylight only, and that no artificial lights shall be permitted in the rooni where such gasoline and / or petroleum product is kept. The use of one gasoline stove for exhibiting purposes is permitted, it being warranted by the assured that the reservoir is to be filled during day- light only, when the stove is not in use, and that no artificial light be per- mitted in the room when the reservoir is being filled." Gas Machines. (F.) Permission for the use of a Gasoline Gas Machine may be granted, with the following express stipulation inserted in the Policy, viz.: " \Varranted by the assured, that gasoline or gasoline material shall not be kept in, or taken into, the building insured, or the contents of which are in sured under this Policy, and that the carburetor, generator and reservoir shall be located at least thirty feet from the said building" (0.) Section B, Rule 20, page 38, is not affected by any of the foregoing rules. [Books 1, 2, 3, 4 & 4 Cal.-4.1 [38] No. 20.— Writing of Policies. A. A Blanket Policy, covering under one sum separate or distinct risks or items of hazard, is hereby prohibited. B. A policy covering the contents of a dwelling shall be written to cover a specific amount on each item to be insured, in form, viz. : $ On household furniture, useful and ornamental and family stores. I On family wearing apparel. $ On printed books. I On silver and plated ware. % On pictures and other works of art. Note — The articles described in italics need not be included. None of the above items, other than those to be insured, need be mentioned in the policy. C. A Policy on a Mercantile risk shall, in all cases, be written to cover a specific amount on Stock, and on Store Furniture and Fixtures. 1), A Policy on a Manufacturing risk shall, in all cases, be written to cover a specific amount on building — Engine and Boiler — Other Machinery, Tools and Fixtures — or on machinery, tools and fixtures, '"''engifie and boiler excepted.^ ' Stock manufac- tured, in process of manufacture, and material for manufactur- ing the same. E. A Policy on a Printing, Lithographing or other similar establishment shall be written to cover a specific amount on Engine and Boiler — on Printing Presses and other fixed and Movable Machinery, Implements, Tools, Furniture and Fix- tures — on Type — on Lithographic Stones — on Stock and Sup- plies, and work finished and in process of completion. In all policies covering such establishments, the following warranty shall be inserted: ''It is warranted by the assured that no more than one gallon in all, of naphtha or benzine, shall be kept in the premises at any time." EE. A policy on Electric Light Plants shall cover a specific amount on dynamos, and the following clause shall be inserted : * 'Claim not to exceed $ on any one dynamo in case of loss. It is understood that this Policy does not cover and will not be liable for any loss or damage to Dynamo Machines caused by electric current in them." written to cover as follows : F. All Policies covering the same risk, written by members of this Board, shall be made concurrent. O. In case a policy has been irregularly or incorrectly written, by decision of a majority vote of the members of the Board present at a regular meeting, it shall be taken up and rewritten. H. Permission for other insurance shall be given in the fol- lowing words, to wit : "Permission for $. other insurance, concurrent herewith." !• No property of any description shall be insured for a longer period than one year except such buildings and their contents as are named in Rule 12 for "Long Term Risks," on page 35, and which come within the requirements of said rule. [39] No. 21.— Steam Boiler or Steam Power. Whenever, in the Alphabetical Table of Hazards, a basis rate is prescribed for a hazard including a charge for a steam boiler or steam power, and no specific basis rate is prescribed for the same hazard without steam boiler or steam power, a deduction (25 cents from B and C Class, and 50 cents from D Class) may- be made from the basis rate of the former to determine the basis rate of the latter. The use of a Baxter engine and boiler, or Payne* s Bureka boiler and engine, shall not necessitate the additional charge for steam power, and where the same only is used in risks, rates of which { other than special rates) include charge for steam power, a reduction of 25 cents from B and C Class, and 50 cents from D Class basis rate, may be made. No. 22.— General Merchandise Stock. A General Merchandise Stock is one with which any tw9 or more of the following kinds of goods are kept for sale in con- nection with other stock having a basis rate not exceeding that of General Merchandise y viz.: 1. Agricultural Implements, 5. Furniture. Blinds, Sashes and Doors. 6. Groceries and Liquors. 2. Books and Stationery. 7. Hardware, Stoves and Tin- 3. Crockery, China and Glass- ware. ware. 8. Paints, Oils and Glass. 4. Drugs and Patent Medicines. 9. Toys and Variety Stocks. No. 23.— Boot and Shoe Factories. The following conditions must be inserted in all policies cov- ering on Boot and Shoe Factory buildings or their contents, viz. : ''Warranted by the assured that no more than three quarts of Rubber Cement shall be kept in the factory, or in any building connected therewith, or within twenty feet thereof." No. 24.— Chemicals. When any of the Chemicals named in the following list are stored in the Public Warehouses used for general storage, the rate of insurance on said warehouses and (or) their contents will be increased one-half of one per cent per annum, whenever the fact that these articles are kept on storage shall come to the knowledge of the Union : Bi-Chloride of Tin, Bi-Sulphide of Carbon, Chlorate of Potash, and all other Chlorates, Bthers, Fulminates of Silver or Mercury, Metallic Potassium, Metallic Sodium, Methylic Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Nitrate of Potash, Nitrate of Soda, Nitro-Benzole, Phosphorus, Quicklime, Saltpeter, Sweet Spirits of Niter. The rule prohibiting the storage of the above-named Chemi- cals in the public warehouses does not apply to such as are used exclusively for the storage of those articles, but only to such as are used for general storage. [40] No. 25.— Powder. The keeping of more than 50 pounds of powder in any store shall not be consented to by or on behalf of any Company re- presented in the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific. Note.— when business requirements necessitate the keeping of larger quantities in stock, the excess should be stored in a magazine building, conspicuously marked •• Powder." This magazine should be so remote from other buildings and main streets as not to jeopardize life or property. It is urgently recommended that powder in stores be kept in an air-tight metallic box, to be also conspicuously marked ** Powder," and stationed near an entrance to the building, so as to be easy of removal in the event of an alarm of fire. No. 26. — Fruit or other Canning Establishments. The following form of warranty must be inserted in ai,i, policies covering on Fruit or other Canning Establishments and (or) their contents, viz. : ''Warranted by the assured, that benzine, naphtha, or other product of petroleum (except refined kerosene oil for lighting purposes), shall not be kept or used on or in the premises, either for the reduction of lacquer or for any other purpose." Permission fnay be granted for the use of lacquer in Fruit and other Canning Establishynents without extra charge. Stock in Fruit Canneries not in Operation. stock stored in fruit cannery buildings may be insured at general warehouse rates, the following warranty clause being made part of each policy covering same, viz. : ''Warranted by the assured that no canning or packing of fruit shall be done in above-described building during the life of this policy." [41] No. 27.— Salmon Canning Establishments. The basis rate for Salmon-Canning Establishments in the Alphabetical Table of Hazards, in the several Books of Rates, is intended to apply to those risks throughout the whole year, whether the establishments are in operation or not ; and no re- turn of premium can be made on account of suspension of work. No. 29.— Watchman's Clause. Form to be used whenever, under the regulations of the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific, the watchman clause is re- quired to be inserted in the policy : ''Warranted by the insured that, during such time as the within-described Buildings or Works are idle or not in opera- tion, whether closed for repairs, or during the absence of work- men, or otherwise (except as otherwise herein provided), one or more watchmen shall be on duty constantly, day and night, in and immediately about the said Buildings or Works, and, if the said Buildings or Works shall at any time remain shut down for more than thirty (30) days, notice shall be given this Company, and permission to remain so shut down be obtained and en- dorsed hereon, or this policy shall be null and void." No. 30.— Patterns. Machine shop and foundry patterns shall be insured specifi- cally, and when the sum thereon shall exceed ten per cent of the amount of the policy, the co-insurance clause shall be added to this item of the policy. [42] CaWe of Sftort Rates for Cerms less tbati a Pear. Annual Premium. 2 days or less 5 days or less 10 days or less 16 days or less iiO days or less.... 1 month or less. . 45 days or less. .. . 2 months or less. 75 days or less 3 months or less. i months or less. 6 months or less. C mouths or less 7 months or less. 8 months or less. 9 months or less. 10 months or less. 11 mouths or less. Cts. 60 Cts. 60 Cts. 65 Cts. 70 Cts. 76 Cts. Cts. 85 90 Cts. 100 Cts. 110 cts. 126 4 8 13 17 21 25 Hi 47 CO 63 75 88 94 88 1 00 nil 06 991 13 051 19 I Annual Premium. 2 days or less.. .. 5 days or less.. .. 10 days or less 15 days or less.... 20 days or less.... 1 month or less. . 46 days or less.... 2 months or less. 75 days or less.. .. 3 months or less 4 months or less. 6 months or less 6 months or less, 7 months or less. 8 months or less. 9 months or less . 10 months or less. 11 months or less. Cts, 160 Cts. 175 6 12 18 23 29 35 48 63 66 70 88 1 05 I 23 1 31 1 40 1 49 1 68 1 66 Cts 200 Cts, 225 46 62 68 85 90 1 13 1 36 1 58 1 1 80 1 91 2 03 2 14 Cts. 260 Cts 275 9 18 28 37 46 65 76 83 1 1 10 1 38 1 65 1 9« 2 06 2 20 2 34 2 48 2 61 Cts, 300 Cts. 360 Cts. Cts. 400 460 12 25 36 46 60 70 98 1 05 1 331 1 40 1 1 75,2 2 10 2 2 45 2 2 633 2 BOB 3 3 15|3 3 33 3 80 16 32 45 60 77 90 1 26 I 35 1 71 1 80 2 25 2 70 3 15 3 38 3 60 3 83 4 05 4 29 Cts. 600 17 35 50 65 85 1 00 140 1 60 1 90 2 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 8 75 4 00 4 25 4 50 4 75 Note.— The rates per annum, from 50 cents to 600 cents (or 5 per cent.), arc shown in the upper row of figures; and the days below indicate the tariff from two days to eleven months. [43] general Resolutions. Suspension of Policies. The following resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Board : Resolved^ That the suspension for a time of a policy in force is a plain violation of Rule No. 13, for Short Term Risks, in the several Books of Rates. Specially Rated Risks. * ' All the risks which have been specially rated by the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific are subject to the rules for the additional charges for coal-oil, gasoline and powder per- mits, and for the use of gasoline stoves, and petroleum stoves without wicks, as found on pages Nos. 24, 26, 28 and 30 of Book of Rates, applying to the locality of the risk." Growing Crops— Two-thirds Loss Clause. Insurance on growing crops may be granted at a reduction of ten per cent from the rate of four per cent, provided the two- thirds loss clause shall be inserted in the policy as follows, viz. : ' ' It being the intention of this Company not to insure to the full value of grain, except in sacks, it is hereby understood, and this policy is issued upon the express condition, that in case of loss (on grain hereby insured) this Company shall not be liable for more than two-thirds the actual cash marketable value of said grain in the place and condition it may be at the time of the fire previous to its being sacked." San Francisco, September 10, 1892, Covering Changes for Books of Bates, No. 4 and No. 4 Cal., up to Circular No. 165, Second Series. ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF HAZARDS. Circular No. 1^4, Second Series. Page 13. Flumes and Trestles. Irrigation 1 . 00 Note— Policies covering on flumes and trestles shall con- tain a warranty to the effect that the insurance shall cover entire length of same and of equal amount on each rod. Insurance may be written for annual term only. Circular No. 137, Second Series. Page 13. B D Fruit-packing ''^'^ Drying Houses without artificial heat 1 .50 2.00 For the privilege of drying with artificial heat an addi- tional charge must be made of 75c. per $100 for the first month or portion thereof, and 25c. per $100 for each suc- ceeding month or portion thereof. Note.— In order to obtain above schedule of charges the months 1st, 2d, 3d, etc., must be consecutive, otherwise each month or portion thereof must be considered as the first month and the 76c. charge made. Buildingfs used for storagre of fruit, where packing:, handling:, or drying: without artificial heat is done at any time, must take basis rate o cial heat." CHANGES IN RULES. Substitute the following for Section EE, Rule 20, page 38: Circular No. 151, Second Series. EE. ^ Policy on Electric Light *Jy^ Power Plants shall be written to cover as follows: BivKCTRic Light and Power Pi^ants. $ on stoiy building, situate and occupied as an electric $ onengines, boilers, and their connections and settings. I on machinery (other than electrical), tools, furniture and fixtures, all while contained in above-described building. It is part of the consideration of this policy, and the basis upon which the rate of premium is fixed, that the assured shall main- tain insurance on the property above described, to the extent of four-fifths of the actual cash value thereof, and failing so to do the assured shall be an insurer to the extent of such deficit, and in that event shall bear a proportion of any loss. This clause shall apply to each item above described separately. $ on dynamos, exciters, lamps, switches, wire and other electrical appliances, railway cars and motors, while contained in above-described building or on the tracks of the road. It is a part of the consideration of this policy, and the basis upon which the rate of premium is fixed, that the assured shall maintain insurance on the property (last) above described, to the extent of the actual cash value thereof, and failing so to do the assured shall be an insurer to the extent of such deficit, and in that event shall bear a proportion of any loss. This insurance does not cover any loss or damage to dynamos, exciters, lamps, switches or motors caused by electric current, whether artificial or natural. Circular No. 75, Second Series, is hereby annulled. CHANGES IN RULES-Continued. Circular No. 58, Second Series. Substitute for Rule 23, page 39, Boot and Shoe Factories. Cement Clause for Boot and Shoe Factories. The following clause must be inserted in all policies covering on Boot and Shoe Factory buildings or their contents, viz: **The use of the Gutta Percha Cement, Sole-laying Cement, Oil-proof, or of any cement containing benzine or naptha, which requires heating before use, is strictly forbidden, and if used will void this policy. "Consent, however, is given to use Rubber Cement, Sole- laying Cement, or Oil-proof, provided the same is used cold, and not heated in any building constituting a risk insured under this policy (except the soles to which Sole-laying Cement has been applied and subsequently dried may be warmed before lay- ing) , and provided the amount of any Cement, or Oil-proof allowed by this permit on the premises, at any one time, shall not exceed one day's supply; and the manufacture or storage of either, or the materials for making the same, is prohibited." MISCELLANEOUS Circular No. 9, Second Series. Mercliaiidise in Dwelling Houses and Private Stables. Rates on Dwelling Houses and Private Stables *or'* contents do not apply to merchandise or Goods stored in such Dwelling Houses or Stables. Goods or Merchandise stored in Dwelling Houses or Private Stables take the rate of its class as per tariff. Circular No. 193, May 24, 1886. Harvesting Machinery in Field. The short rates of the following annual rates must be charged for insurance on Harvesting Machinery in the Field. When an annual policy is transferred out of the field, at the end of the season, the short rate of the difference between the field rate and the rate in the new location must be charged. Combined Harvesters, horse-power , fiOO Combined Harvesters, steam-power (oil fuel) 760 Threshers, one-half insurance on engine and boiler 750 Threshers, while outfit under one sum 1000 Circular No. 73, Second Series. Open Policies. No property other than Billiard Tables, Carpenters' Tools, Mu- sical Instruments, or Agricultural Implement stocks in hands of agents , can be insured under Open Policies at less than tariff rates. Agricultural Implement Stocksxn hands of agents may be insured under Open Policies at an annual rate of not less than 6* per cent. Billiard Pool and Bagatelle Tables^ while contained in any building (theaters and other places of amusement and the factory or store of the assured excepted), may be specifically insured under Open Policies at an annual rate of not less than 5 percent. Carpenters^ Tools, while contained in any building other than wood-working establishments, may be specifically insured under Open Policies at an annual rate of not less than 5 per cent. Musical Instruments, while contained in any building (thea- ters and other places of amusement and the factory or store of the assured excepted), may be specifically insured under Open Policies at an annual rate of not less than l)i per cent. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE! FOURTH DAY AND TO $t.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. SEP 2 1 1984 gfCOtO mR31 / 1'»ft» ' »» LrD 21-100m-7,'33 285381 UNIVERSITY OF CAIvIFORNIA LIBRARY