»i IH»N. .lOSKI'll M. MOKKOW HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY WISCONSIN PAST AND PRESENT Including an account of the Cities, Towns and Villages of the County EDITOR-IN-CHIEF RANDOLPH A. RICHARDS ILLUSTRATED t > * > ». < o # ■ ■ ) 3 ' . ' ' ^ ' 1912 C. F. COOPER & CO. CHICAGO r H • * • • » « « * ■ • > . INTRODUCTION After more than half a century of growth since its organization as a county, it seemed fitting that an historical account of its set- tlement, development, its people and institutions should l)e made at this time and preserved ; its primary importance is the placing in book form and for all time the earlier historical incidents sur- rounding the settlements of the various towns, cities and villages, and that the time was almost too late and the work too long neg- lected became very apparent to the editors when the search for material began, for with the passing of the early settlers, com- paratively few of them still live in different parts of the county, have gone forever the opportunity to get early facts in some instances. To properly and adetiuately Avrite the History of ]\Louroe County has been a task encompassed with tremendous difficulties ; it has been accomplished after laborious research and the co-opera- tion of many of its oldest citizens, whose aid the editors acknowledge most gratefully, for without it some parts of this work would have been impossible. Despite its difficulties its preparation has been fraught with mucli interest, which grew as the work progressed; INEonroe County from its humble beginning having been, through the untiring energy and perseverance of its pioneers, brought to be one of the finest counties in the State of AVisconsin, holds indeed a wonderful story of progress ; its two cities, built to stay, whose schools, churches and institutions are equal to any in the state, whose people are progressive and possess a fine sense of civic pride are alone w^orthy of the efforts of the historian ; in addition to that its beautiful little villages, its rich agricultural resources and dairying interests place it in the front rank in many respects. In preparing the account of the Indian tribes the editor wishes to acknowledge the valuable material secured from Lawson's '* History of Winnebago County"; the uniform courtesy and help- fulness of the various newspaper editors of the county has been of immense value. In gathering the great mass of material necessary for this 3 267800 4 liJSTUliV (}[• MONKOK (01 XTY important work the editors have liad to jii-range, sort out and select such as was of historical interest wliicli couhl be regarded as correct; tluit there are omissions ou some subjects, there can l)e no doubt l)ut the instances of this arc almost Avholly brought about by tlie neglect of parties called upon, and in whose possession facts alone were, have caused such omissions, l)ut the editors believe that nothing of important historical value has been left out and have endeavored to cover every representative sul)- ject and the stoi-y of every interest has Iteen related impartially. R. A. RICHARDS, 1912. Editor-in-Chief. EDITOR'S NOTE All the biographical sketches published in this history were submitted to their respective subjects, or to the subscribers from whom the facts were primarily obtained, for their approval or correction before going to press, and a reasonable time was al- lowed in each case for the return of the typewritten copies. Most of them were returned to us within the time allotted, or before the work was printed, after being corrected or revised, and these therefore may be regarded as reasonably accurate. A few, however, were not returned to us, and, as we have no means of knowing whether they contain errors or not, we cannot vouch for their accuracy. In justice to oiTr readers, and to render this work valuable for reference purposes, we have indicated these uncorrected sketches by a small asterisk (*) placed imme- diately after the name of the subject. C. F. COOPER & CO. Chapter I. II. in. IV. V. VL VII. VITI. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. CONTENTS Page The Menomonee Tribe 9 The Winnebago Tribe 12 The Winnebago Chiefs 33 The Black Hawk AVar 45 Early Settlement 63 Making a County 66 The Legend of Castle Rock 79 Railroads 82 West Wisconsin Railroad 87 Monroe County Newspapers 91 ]\Ionroe County in the Civil War 99 Enlisted Men in Rebellion 116 Commissioned Officers 132 Died in the Service 139 Henry W. Cressy Post, G. A. R 147 John W. Lynn Post, G. A. R 162 The Soldiers' Monument 171 Government Military Reservation 175 Circuit Judges 188 Agriculture and Dairying 204 Apple Industry 209 The County Seat AVar 214 The Country Schools 227 The Insane Asylum and Poor Farm 240 The City of Sparta 244 Sparta Schools 287 Banks of Sparta 301 Lodges and Societies of Sparta 306 Sparta Free Library 312 Sparta Fair Association 316 Manufactures and Business Enterprises of Sparta 319 Churches of Sparta 325 Tomah, Menomonee Chief 333 City of Tomah 339 Tomah Schools 363 7 8 Chapter XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. XLII. XLI [I. XLIV. XLV. XLVI. XLVII. XLVIII. , XLIX. L. LI. LII. LIII. LIV. LV. CONTENTS Page Churches and Lodges, Tomah 372 Helping Hand Society, Tomah 377 Toniah Library 379 Civic Improvement Chib, Tomah 381 ^lanufactnring Interests, Tomah 386 Banks of Tomah 389 Tomah Indian School 392 State Public School 395 Villages 398 Berry Culture 411 The Spanish- American War 414 The Military Companies 429 The Legal Profession 440 The County Court 473 The Medical Fraternity 482 Township History 503 Women's Christian Temperance Union 539 German Lutheran Churches 543 Norwegian Churches 579 Biography 582 History of Monroe County CHAPTER I. THE MENOMINEE TRIBE. Perhaps not as closely identified with the earlier days in this section of the state as the AVinnebago Indians, still the Menomi- nee tribe played its part in the history of the territory in which Monroe county is situated, especially as members of the tribe in large numbers crossed the state from the eastern side fre- quently to trade and from this tribe came the noted chief, Tomah, whose name the city of Tomah now bears. The "Winnebago and Fox tribes were the first Indian nations in this section of the country and as they gradually withdrew before the advance of civilization, the Menominee tribe followed them; by the treaty of 1836 this tribe came to the territory around Neenah and occupied Winnebago county for a long number of years. They were there when the first settlers came and left numerous traces of their occupancy in that county; they were of great assistance to Marquette, the explorer on his visit to the AVestern Territory and were not as warlike a tribe as the AVinnebago, but were said to have been good-natured but selfish and avaricious ; although they did not steal or lie and the men made brave warriors. Their Avar parties traveled far and aided the French in the battle of Detroit against the Fox and other tribes, they assisted in the ambush in Monongahela. They were with Langlade fighting under the banner of the French, when IMontealm fell on the plains of Abraham; they fought under Burgoyne at his invasion from the North and at Bennington, so that their exploits for a long series of years had made them a tribe to be reckoned with. After the A^^ar of 1812 the Americans maintained an Army Post at Prairie du Chien where the Menominees often camped and frequently wintered in the Mississippi valley. The first 9 30 IllSTolJV OF MOXROK COT'XTY missionary ainoiif; them was a Frenchman ])y the name of Allouez in 1«)<;!> and since that time they liave been under the teachings of many good priests, among whom liave been Andre and Mar- <|iictte, and they now liave their churches, schools and missions at Keshena. but to them cling some of their weird songs and customs and they still propitiate the Manitou of the red man with offerings of tobacco and jn-esents and make provision for the journey of the dead to the "IIapj)y Hunting Ground.'" In 1848 the Menominee tribe had to cede all their lands in AVisconsin ;ii llic treaty of Poygan and they were removed to Minnesota, but the district assigned them, not being found suit- able to their wants, they were, with the consent of the AViseonsin Legislature, allowed to remain in this state. In 1H')2 they were removed to their reservation on the Wolfe river, nine miles north of Shawano, containing 27f),480 acres of timber lands. This removal caused them much distress and the next year, Oshkosh, the renowned chief of this tribe, represented to the Government that his tribe had never been so poor and destitute of provisions. Perhaps the most celebrated of the chiefs was ''Old King," who died in ]821 at tlie age of 100 years. This old fellow had a varied career. His village was situated north of Green Bay and he resisted all attempts of the Government to move him west of the Mis.sissippi. and in 1852 led most of the tribe up the AVolfe river to their present reservation within a few miles of their ancient home. His grandson was Chief Oshkosh, after Avhom the city of Oshkosh was named. The Americans had a small garrison in the old fort at Mackinac Island at the outbreak of the AVar of 1812. Col. Kobert Dixon organized a band of AVi.sconsin Indians, including the ^Nlenominees under their then chief, Tomah: with Oshkosh in the party they proceeded by boats and canoes fi-om Green Bay and there captured the stockade without any loss on either side. During the war the Americans could not rei)osse.ss the fort. Colonel Dixon with the Fox river Indians, including the Menominee tribe under Tomah, defended the f(.rt in a hard luittle with the Americans to capture the stronghold in 1814. Major Holmes was kiih-d ans in the room of tlie his- torical society at ^Madison. Succeeding Chief Oshkosh came Neopope Oshkosh and Old Carron, the latter being said to be a son of a French trader ; he was a fierce old warrior and served in" all of the French wai's and was with Montcalm on the plains of Abraham. Then came Glade or Connote, the son of Old Carron ; he was said to be an orator and a fine speaker who made sensible remarks and to the point. Tomah was the most noted son of Old Carron, born in 1752 in Old King's Village opposite Green Bay; his life and character are given in a subsequent chapter in this work and will not be extended here. lometah, the main war chief, was a brother of Tomah and a son of Old Carron, was born in 1772. He was an honest, quiet Indian who died at Kenosha in 1861. These are the names of some of the old chiefs of the tribe and it would, indeed, be an extensive chapter to attempt to follow out the succession down to the present time. It is sufficient to say that this tribe has followed the usual course of Indian tribes, degener- ated somewhat from the tine physique of the earlier Indians and cursed Avith the usual appetite of the Indians for the "fire- water," as they term it. Some of the children have been sent to the schools at Carlyle, Pennsylvania, made good progress and the average number of them became good citizens; gradually the tribe is undergoing that change which will bring them from their partial state of ignorance into that of education and civilization. CHAPTER IT. THE AVTXXEBAGO TIM BE. ORIGIN. Closely connected with llic events surrounding the earliest settlement of westeiii Wisconsin is tlie history of the AViniiebago and ^lenoininee tribes, who roamed all this section of the country as early as 1632. Archeologists have concluded that the Winne- liago was the first tri])e of Indians wlio came to AVisconsin, as they made their lirst home on Doty island, and were there visited by Nicolet, the first white man to come to Wisconsin, and this war-loving tribe of savages Avere so prominent in pioneer days they became the most important tribe in the state. Recent investigations have led many students of Indian history to sup- pose that the AVinnebago were builders of the mounds. They have been phonetically assigned to the Siouan family of Indians. a family Avhich oi-iginated on the Atlantic coast. The Siouan tril)es occupied a vast region. TO.OOd s(|uare miles in extent, along the eastern foothills of the southern Alleghanies, from the Potomac on the north to the Santee river on the south, including all central Virginia, oi- one -hall' Ihe area of the state, and two-thirds of North Carolina, and all the iiorlheastern jx)!'- tion of South Carolina, with an Atlantic coast line of 200 miles in the Carolinas. The Carawba and other cognate tribes of the Siouan stock related by archeologists through a study of scraps of tlicir language occupied parts of these regions down to a very late dale. This region is regarded as the "original honu^ of the Siouan race.'" That the nngi-ation of the tribes of the plains was from the East is evident fi-om "the older dialetic forms to be met with in the lOast. aiul llic concuri'ciil tcslimony of tlu' Siouan liihcs 1 iH-iusclves. " The language of the East was older in its forms tluin llir cognate dialects of the AVcst. The move- ment was doubt less by ti-ibcs and slow, constantly fighting their way along the pathway to their futui-e honu\ After crossing the mountains they passed down the New and Big Sandy rivers to the Ohio, down which they slowly ]iasse(l. I'emaining a long tinn^ 12 THE WINNEBAGO TRIBE 13 at the falls of the Ohio, now Louisville. As early as 1701, Gravier said, the Ohio was known to the Illinois and ]\Iiaini as the ''river of tlie Arkansa."' The name of the tribe is now Kansa or Quapaw of the AVinnebago branch of the Siouan stock, living then on the lower Arkansas river. Traditions of tli(> Osage, ]\Iandan and almost all the tribes confirm this. Two of the plains tribes, the Kansa, cherish sacred shells which they assert were brought with them "from the great river of the sunrise.'' It is possible that the Winnebagos also brought the sea shells with them. They have been found in large numbers in Wiscon- sin. ]\Ir. Clarence Olen, of Oshkosh, has several picked up in Winnebago County. When the migration took place is not known. Doubtless it was of gradual progress during several centuries. When De Soto looked over the broad Mississippi from the Chaska mounds at ^Memphis in 1541 he found these "Capaha," or Kwapa, the southern branch of the AVinnebago, already established on the western bank, though still a considerable distance north of their later location "down the river," the converse of Omaha, which means "up the river." In their slow march towards the setting sun the Kwapa prol)ably brought up the rear, as their name lingered longest in the traditions of the Ohio tribes, and they were still near that stream when encountered by DeSoto. The principle reason of this movement from Virginia was the presence, both North and South of powerful and hostile tribes leaving them only one way of retreat across the mountains. As late as 1728, as mentioned by Byrd, the Iroquois had "an implac- able hatred'' for "the Siouan tribes of the Soutli," who still clung to their ancestral domain. From the mouth of the Ohio the Winnebago worked their w^ay up the Mississippi. As they are first known from Champlain's map (1632) as located on Lake Winnebago it is supposed they made the journey by the Wiscon- sin river to the Portage into the Fox river, where they descended to the spot on the Doty island, under wide branching oaks and elms, which they occupied so many years. There is evidence in their traditional wars with the Illinois, the Alenominees, the Potawatomi, Sauk and Foxes, that the maintenances of this Siouan wedge in the beautiful region of lake, forest and prairie, occupied very soon for hundreds of miles in all directions by Algoncjuin tribes, was attended by constant and bloody warfare. The oldest map of the region, now known as Lake Winnebago and the Fox river, is Champlain's map of 1632, on which he names the "Nation des Puans'' on a lake named "Lac des Puans, " which discharges itself through a long river to Lake U IlISToin' OF :\I()XKOK (OrXTY Superior. 'J'luit tlu' ma[) \v;is intended to rv'present Lake AVinne- l)ago and the Fox rivci- is now aceepted and seems tiie correct interpretation from th<' laltcr known habitat of ihc Winnebago. Tlie map is said to !)«' made up from information furnished by AVestcrn Indians visiting; <^u<'b('c. h fuiiiislies the evidence that both Lake Wimicbago and Ihc Fox river were the earliest names of all the i)hysi('al ol)jeets in Wisconsin, and the lake has ever since retained the name «riven it by ('hamj)lain. two years before any white man had been within several hundred miles of the state. ]t was two years after the date of this map that Nicolet visited "Wisconsin in 1()34, ''delegated to make a journey to the nation called 'Gens de mer, ' People of the Sea. and arranged peace between them and the Hurons, from Avhom they are distant about three hundred leagues westward.'' The account of Nicolet 's journey was not published until 1()43. nearly ten years after his visit, and then only mentioned as an incident in Avestern travel, giving sucli vague description of places and topograpliy that it Avas not until over two hundred years afterward that John G. Shea discovered, in 1(S.')2. that "Gens de mer." the People of the Sea. referred 1o the Winnebago, and lhat Nicolet visited Wisconsin; and the year (1634) of his coming Avas not settled until ]87*). In 1()43 Jean Boisoeau's map Avas published, in Avhich he folloAved the main topography features of Cham- ])lain"s nui{). ])lacing "La Nation des Puans" on "La des Puans" and named the river from Avhieh it discharged "H des Puans.'' C'hai-levoix, Avho visited tlie tribe in 1720. names them "tlie Otchagras, Avho are commonly called Puans.'' Father Hennepin in his map 1()97 has this same name spelled Ocitigan placed against Lake AVinnebago. The name by wliicli ihe AVinnebago are best known 1o all the old French Avi-iters is "Puans" or "Puants." This is said 1o liave been an en-oneous retranslation by the Fi-eiich of the AlgoiKjuin name for the tiibe. Avhich Avas Ovenibigoutz. It is from the English spelling, and the French Oui being ])ronounced as "Ave."' and the free pronunciation of the Algoufpiin name, handed doAvn in the .lesuit Kelations, that the modei-n name is derived; and the Bureau of American Ethnology have determined that the plural of AVinnebago shall be the same as the singular. Alost Avriters have amused themselves by giving the reason Avliy tlie AVinnebago Avere. called Puans. The French Avord for Ouenibigoutz of their Indian neighboi-s, the meaning of Avhich Avas feted or putrid or foul-smelling as variously given. It has THE WINNEBAGO TRIBE 15 been noticed that as early as 1632 and 1613 tlie ti'il)c and Lake AVinnebago, where they lived, and the Fox river had all been named Puans. No one knows why their neighbors gave them this name. As long as 1720 Charlevoix had said they were called "Puans, for what reason I do not know." Yet he did try an explanation: "They seated themselves on the border of a kind of lake (Winnebago), and I judge it was there that living on fish which they got in the lake in great plenty they were given the name of Puans, beqause all along the shore where their cabins were built one saw nothing but stinking fish, Avhich infected the air. It appears at least that this is the origin of the name which the other savages had given them before us, and which has com- municated itself to the Bay." John G. Shea says their name Ouenibigoutz given them by the Algonquins, means "feted," therefore the French translated it by the "Puants. " The name of Puans was frequently more roughly translated "stinkards," as used by Augustin Grignon as late as 1857. In 1816 Mr. Biddle mentions, "the Winnebago, a bold and warlike tribe, who lived at Lake Au Paimt or Stinking Lake, now Lake AVinnebago"; and the eccentric student of English, Radisson, wrote of them in 1659, as at "the great lake of the Stinkings"; while Allouez, before his visit to them, mentions their lake of "the Stinkards" in 1666, so that this "ill smelling" name has clung to the tribe through all the centuries down to the present moment. The explanation of their name is simple when relieved from the numerous explanations that have been given, for the most l)art erroneous. Dr. Dorsey, a student of the Siouan language, says the Siouan root Changa or Hanga signified first, foremost, original, ancestral. Thus the W^innebago call themselves Hochanga-ra, "the people speaking the original language." The student of dialect can easily trace in the various spelling quoted above the attempt to reduce the gutteral sounds of the AVinnebago name to a written language, though their explana- tion and definitions have often gone far afield. Their name as known to the whites, however, is not so easy to understand. The migrating Algonquin tribes despised the AVinnebago, as they were of a different stock, speaking a different language, and tried at once to drive them out ; but these savages were no match for the Winnebago, who had the power by numbers or prowess to maintain their place in their new home. If the name by which they were called by these Algonquin neighbors, Ouenibigoutz. liad been translated at Quebec when first heard by the French, IG HISTORY OF ]\IOXROE COUNTY as iiU'aii. base or vik' in ])lac(' of riiaiis. il would Jiave more correctly expressed as intended the extreme disfavor of their neighbors, .nid ihis is the rational explanation of the name which has come down to us as AVinnebago. Perrol. as rclatetl hy La Polhcric as Ihe eai-liest traditions of the tribe, gives the circumstances of their fall as their dis- regard of others' i-ights. lie says the nation was poj)ulous, very I'cdoubtable. s|)ared no one and \iolated all the laws of nature, as they wei-c Sodomites, and c\<-\\ had intercourse Avith heasts. If any stranger came among tiiem he was cooked in their kettles. They declared war on all the other nations, though they had only stone hatchets and knives. When the Ottawa sent envoys to Ihi'iii Ihey \V('re eaten; and then the n;itions formed an alliance against them, which occasioned ciNil war among themselves. They finally united all their forces in one village of five thousand men; but an epidemic occurred which reduced them to one thou- sand five Inmdred. "Despite all these misfortunes they sent a party of five hundred wai-i-iors against the Foxes, Avho dwelt on the other shorc^ of the lake, but they perished in a tempest." It is supposed this was on Litlle i^ake Butte des Morts. as it had been stated the Puans resided on an island whidi it is supposed was Doty island, where they had lived from the earliest times; and the Fox tribes resided on the op])osite side of tiie lake from very early lime. Ixeduced to despair and famine the other nations took pity on tlieiii. ceased to make war, and the Illinois sent five hundred men. including "fifty of the most prominent persons in their nation." to carry them a su]iply of pi-ovisions. "Those man eaters i-ecei\('d them with the utmost gratitude."" but at the same time meditated sacriticing the Illinois to the shades of their dead. A large cabin was erected to lodgi' their guests, but while the Illinois Avere dancing their lutw sti-ings were cut and the "Winnebago "threw themselves on the Illinois and massacred them, not sparing one man, and made a general feast of their llesh."" In a few years the Illinois assembled a large army, com- posed of all the nations, and came to avenge their dead. "Having reached the island (Doly island) over the iee they found oidy cabins — the AVinnebago had gone to their hunt — traveling in a body — that they might not be surprised by the Illinois." The hostile army followed the hunters in the dead of winter, coming up to them on the sixth day. and laid siege to theii- camp. "So vigorous was tlieii- attack that they killed. wounded or made i)risoners all the Puans except a few who escaped, and who reached the Menominee village, but severely THE WINNEBAGO TRIBE 17 wounded by arrows. ' ' He again refers to these traditional events as those of "the ancestors" of the tribe as he knew them, and which refers to "ancestors of" the Puans of possibly 1660. There is no record to say how many years before, though it is doubtless several score, for fifty years before La Potherie was published Rev. Jean Claude Allouez had told this same story of the massacre of the AYinnebago by the Illinois as "about thirty years ago, ' ' which would be in the year 1640 ; "all the people of the nation were killed or taken captive by the Illinois, with the exception of a single man, who escaped, shot through the body with an arrow," and adds that when the captives were permitted to return to their homes this one was made a chief as having never been a slave. John G. Shea, commenting on this disastrous defeat of the AYinnebago, says, if this strange event took place at all Ave must ascribe it to an earlier date than 1634, when visited by Nicolet, who found them prosperous, and we can hardly suppose a tribe almost annihilated and then restored to its former numbers in thirty years. NICOLET COMES TO DOTY ISLAND. Jean Nicolet was the first white man to visit the AVinnebago. He was sent over these ^^nknown lakes and rivers by Governor Champlain to make a treaty of peace between the AA^innebago and the Hurons of Canada. He visited them with seven Huron savages in the summer of 1634, returning home the next year. As he approached their village, word was sent in advance to announce his mission, and the AViunebago sent out envoys to meet him, who gave him a Avarm welcome and carried his bag- gage. AA^ord was sent out to the surrounding savages, and a great council was held with five thousand men, who indulged themselves in a barbaric banquet, in which the choicest dish was six score beaver tails. This was the first council held Avith the Indians in the region erected into the State of AA^isconsin. There is no contemporary narrati^'e inspired by Nicolet which gives a hint of the place at Avhich this council was held, or the location of the AA'innebago village, Avhich was the objective point of Nicolet 's voyage. The habitat of the AVinnebago during this period must therefore be sought from other narratives and maps, and these clearly show the AA^innebago village of 1634, and for two hundred years thereafter, to have been at the foot of Lake AYinnebago, and from the later accounts, which give a more exact locus in cpio, on Doty island, on what is now the cities of Menasha 18 HISTORY OF :moxroe county and Nec^'iiali, ou tlie Fox river, yet on I lie shore of Lake Winnebago. It lias been therefore stated that Cliaiiiplain "s map of 1632, made two years before Nicolet's visit named the "Nation des Piians, " on "Lae des Piians.*' Also the map of Jean Boisseau's of ]t)43 Avliich is found in Jjciinox lji])rary in New York, and published in "Jesuit Relations," has "La Nation des Puans, " on "Las des Puans, '' wliieh discharges through "R. des Puans. " The next map to mention the tribe is that of Marquette. His .iournal of the famous voyage through tli<^ river valley was pu))- lislied in Paris by Thevenot in 1681. Avitli his real map of the voyage. It ])laees tlu^ "Puans" village at the foot of Lake AVinnebago. The master of this voyage was Joliet, and his map also places the "Puans" village at the foot of Lake of the AVinne- bago. Father Hennepin also places the word "Ocitagan"' against Lake AVinnebago on his map, dated ]698. He also was a traveler among them and this is his attem])t to spell their own name, rendered by the Nicolet century while those of the next century, which show the village, all place it at the foot of the lake, which always bore tlieir name. There is no historic reference narrative of travel or maps Avhich i)laces the AVinnebago at any location other than Lake AVinnebago during the century in wliich Nicolet visited the re- gion, nor until 1760 when they seem to have divided into three villages with their head village still on Lake AVinnebago. Perrot visited the Fox river region for a number of years, and took some of the AVinnebago Avith the otlun* tri])es to the great council at Sault Ste. Alarie Avhen Sr. Lusson took formal posses- sion of the AVest, in the name of the French king. In 1690, while in this valley, the Fox tribes who resided on the west shore of tile Little l^ake l^utte des Alorts, contemplated treachery to Perrot, and he was informed of their intentions by the "chief of the Puans," who acted as his messenger and remained his stead- fast friend. He advised and helped to prevent the Foxes making an alliance with the Iroiiuois of New A'ork. which they contem- plated, and Pen-ol was detcrmiiUMl to pi'cxciit. IN THE FOX AVARS. Later in the long Fox war they formed a thii-d party in an alliance between the Foxes and Sauk, and were ever present with the Foxes in that long battl(» which they raged against the French throughout the Fox river valley and the prairie of the THE AVINNEBAGO TRIBE 19 Illinois. This was the war to save the region of the golden fleece to the fur trade of France, in which the war whoop of the Foxes was heard around the world; "a dreary half century of spas- modic conflict, which absorbed the attention and helped to drain the treasury of New France, contributing not a little to her downfall''; meanwhile, as Bancroft remarks, the ''Foxes were a nation, passionate and untamable, springing up into new life from every defeat, and though reduced in the number of their warriors, yet present everywhere by their ferocious enterprise and savage daring." Throughout those long years of frontier warfare the AVinnebago were everywhere the silent allies, wearing the livery of the forest and committing the terror of their name to strike dismay to the border post. And though the Foxes are mostly mentioned the French were aware of close friendship to their allies, the AVinnebago. As early as 1714 Ramezay had reported the Winnebago as friendly to the Foxes, which date the colonial office at Paris had determined on the extermination of the Fox tribe. At this time Father Marest writes the governor that "the Puans were sixty brave men, all boatmen. ' ' The long enmity between the AVinnebago and the Illinois was a part of the French war, and a relic of ancient days when the AVinnebago had been almost destroyed by the Illinois. The AVin- nebago were with the Foxes in their raids against this tribe in 1723. Captain DeLignery was sent up the river in 1724, and called a council of the tribes at the old French fort at Green Bay. Those present were the AVinnebago, Foxes, and Sauk. The council to induce the tribes to cease their war on the Illinois was fruitless, as the AVinnebago declared the Illinois retained some of their tri])e prisoners^ and an exchange must be efi^ected before a treaty. However, the difference seemed to have been compro- mised, as at a council held by the same officer June 7, 1726, with the AVinnebago, Foxes, and Sauk, a treaty was settled by which these tribes consented not to fight the Illinois again. Very soon after this, however, war broke out afresh and the frontier rang with the savage war cry. The French had sent an army against the Fox palisade or Fort village on the west shore of Little Lake Butte des Morts, under cle Louvigny, in 1716, opposite the AVinnebago village on the eastern shore. The three days' battle and siege had resulted in a treaty of peace, but in which the French had no confidence. They determined to establish a post in the border of the Sioux country to prevent an alliance with the Foxes and that powerful 20 HISTORY OF MOXROP: COUNTY tribe of the plains, 'i'liis (,-(jiii])iu(nt witii soldiei-s and j^oods for trado made llicir way over Fox river towards the head of Lake Pepin, to ('sta))lisli tliis post. The journal of the voyage was made l>y Father Guignes. As tliey passed the Fox ri\('i- lie says of the visit to the "Winnebago, August 14. ]727: "The chief im-l him there three leagues from their village Avitli peace calumets and refresliments of l)ears' meat, and escorted them into their village mid dischai'ge of musketry and great demonstrations of joy, requesting Ihem to remain some tinu'. There were sixty to eighty num in the village. Both men and women are tall and well built. They are located on the borders of a pretty lake at thirty-five miles from LaBaye and eight leagues from the Foxes." The Foxes seem to have been on the uppci' Fox river at this season. AVhen Captain DeLignery arrived at LaBaye with liis expedition against the Foxes, composed of four hundred fifty Frenchmen and one thousand two hundred savages, in the month of August. 1728, he captured three AVinnebago Avhom he handed over to the tribes. They put them to death with slow torture and ate them. He then pushed on up the Fox river to the village of the "\Vinnel)ago on the Doty island, which had been abandoned several days hefore, and burned the wigwams ami fort, and ravaged their fields of Indian corn, which is tlieir principal article of food. In pursuance of their policy to combine all the tribes against the Foxes, the French in some manner bought over the Winne- bago, the lifelong friends of the Foxes and Sauk. So we read that in the autumn of 1729 Avord was l)rought to (Quebec by information given by the Indians, of an attack by llic Winne- bago, Ottawa and Menominee on a Fox village, in which thera were killed one hundred Fox warriors and seventy women and children. Among the killed of the assaulting party were four of the AVinnebago. The Winnebago having Itroken up their neighbors and friends, the Foxes, by the treacherous and un- provoked slaughter, were now in tei-ror fi>i- the conseciuences of their misei-able acts. Further attempts against the Fox tribe were projected from (Quebec and by the fall of 1725) Sieur Captain ]\Iarin appeai-ed at the old Freucli foi-t at Green Bay and repaired its fallen roofs, lie had with him ten Frenclunen. On Septem- ber 10 the AVinnebago returned from their hunt aiul went to ]\rarin to assure him that they still renuiined faithful to the French, presenting him Avith three slaves. They were rewarded by powder, bullets, hatchets, guns and knives. Some days after, having ascertained that the Foxes were not in llie country, the THE WINNEBAGO TRIBE 21 Winnebago took their families and camped on Dendo island, where "their former fort stood." But very soon the Foxes and Sauk surprised some AVinnebago fisherman, and then began a long siege of the Winnebago, by erecting on the Doty island water side two forts to command the water in all directions. The siege lasted two months ; but was finally abandoned after IMarin came with the Menominee to aid the Winnebago. Before 1739, after being at enmity with the Foxes for ten years, the old friendship was revived, and at a council in Quebec, held that year with the Avestern savages, the W^innebago chief spoke for mercy for the Foxes, some representatives of whom were present. The following year, at a council held in Montreal, the Winnebago chief again spoke for the good will of the French for "their kinsman, the Foxes and Sauk." The next year they appeared in Montreal again and reported they had returned to their home on Doty island. AVhile at a council at Quebec the next year the Mayoba, chief of the Alascoutins, whispered to Beau- harnois that the AA^innebago sought refuge in their village the year before, as they feared the Foxes. At this council the Winnebago said half of their village had returned to its old home and half was at Rock river. The Rock river band were notified to join the Fox river band and form one village. Serotchon and Chelanois were AVinnebago chiefs present and promised medals by Beauharnois ; but he had none then to bestow, they must wait until next year. Sieur de Clignaucoiirt had sole right in 1747 to trade at Green Bay with the AA^innebago. IN OTHER BORDER WARS. By some very ancient maps in possession of Mr. Hames B. Albrigt, of Milwaukee, which bear dates of 1755, 1756, 1757, the "Otchagras" village is marked against Lake Winnebago. About this time the De Langlades had settled in AVisconsin as the first pioneers, and in a few years the great M^ar between France and England has its influence on this farthest frontier, where the bold warrior. Captain Charles de Langlade, was appointed to command the western tribes. With his motley throng of savages there were about one hundred AA^innebago, and midst the din of Brad- doek's defeat was "mingled the blood curdling screech of the Winnebago." They were at the council, with Montcalm, on the banks of Lake George ; and at the massacre of Fort AVilliam Henry, and at the fall of Quebec. After the Fleur de Lis was hauled down from Quebec and 22 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Kiiy:laiul took all ('aiiada undt'i' her autliorily, coiuiiiantlaiit.s and soldiers were seiil west to assume eoiniiiaiid of the aneient border posts, wliieli had been iiiub'r the irenllc sway of Franee since the first white iiicii ciniic. liy 17()2 Liciit. .lames (Joi'i'cll was in com- iiiand III ihc ii'iiin.inis of tin- old l-'iviidi t'oii al Green Bay, and licid ;\ coiiiicil with ilic \\'iiin"l>a^<» chief, who |)i-omis('(l to send the bell hr liaarty of savages who went down the ^Mississippi in the spring to aid Hamilton, l)ut I'ejni'iu'd on receiving woi'd ol iiis sui'i-ender to (reorge Roger Clark, tliei'e were Winnebago. On theii' return to old Mackinaw witii (Joutier the Winnebago were at once sent (in .Inne. 177!^ south thi'ongh ^lichigan to commit depredations and "bring in THE WINNEBAGO TKIBE 23 some prisoners." The AVinnebago repaired to Montreal with other western savages under De Langlade, and returned on news of the operations of George Roger Clark in Illinois. When Lieu- tenant-Governor Sinelair sent the army of savages under Captain de Langlade to the massacre of St. Louis, there Avas a band of AVinnebago, as usual, in his party. The assault on the embank- ment at the stone warehouse was made by the AVinnebago, Avho left one chief and three warriors dead on the parapet, Avhile four others were badly wounded, the only casualty of the expedition. Governor Sinclair reports in July, 1780, sending sixty AVinnebago and a party of other Indians south to the Ohio and AVabash rivers to intercept convoys of provisions intended tor Americans in the Illinois region. After the close of the Revolutionary war the British fur trader had no intention of giving up the rich fur bearing region of AVisconsin, and began at once to keep the savages in good feeling, by a liberal distribution of presents, an annual favor which was accorded llic AVinnebago and others for many vears and until after the close of the last war in 1815. At the instance of the merchants of Alontreal in 1787, after the cession of the region now AVisconsin, the British sent ]Mr. Ainsee up the Fox river to the Alississippi with a "canoe loaded with thirteen bales of goods" for presents to AVisconsin savages. At the Portage he "assembled all the Puants to give them a speech and made them presents of goods, rum and tobacco." In the same report Ainsee gives the number of Puants as 310 men in "the village of the Puants altogether." The principal or head village of the AVinnebago was still on Lake Winnebago, as it had been since long prior to the coming of Nicolet in 1634. The first record of any other village was the reference given from Gorrell in 1762. During the Revolution, when Goutier took to the woods on snowshoes to rouse the clans for the spring campaign in 1778, he mentions "the great village of the Puants of the lake. Avhich was the strongest one." Antoine LeClaire, a trader who settled in Alilwaukee in 1800, mentions sending out "engages" to trade Avith the Indians, "on AVinnebago lake to the AVinnebago." The merchants of ^Montreal reported to the agents of the croAvn, in 1786, that the AVinnebago numbered six hundred men, and had their first Anllage only twelve leagues (thirty miles) fi'om "LaBaye," and being on the road to the Mississippi, they are frecpiently troublesome to the traders passing. This system of claiming to own the river and exacting presents for the right to pass had been practiced for 24 HISTORY OF .AIOXROE COUNTY many years by the tril)e, and had been a frequent cause of strife between the "Winnebago on Doty island and the numerous traders obliged to stem the tides of the Fox river to reach their posts along the ^Mississippi river. The frontier discpiict of the Indians, inspired by l^ritisli agents, finally resulted in sending ^Nlad Anthony AVayne into the border huuls of Ohio, where he fought several successful battles ■with the savages, the most desperate and successful one being that near Maumee City, in Ohio, on ilie ;Wth day of August. 17i)4. The Winne])ago hud been liil into these border troubles and were among the savages defeated in tli;i1 disastrous battle. Mr. Wil- liam J. Snelling relates that he remembers a AVinnebago at the AVisconsin portage who met travelers Avith a human hand dangling on his breast, which he had taken from a Yankee soldier at Tip})ecanoe, and says sixty AVinnebago were killed in that battle. The last war with England was declared on June 19. 1812, by the President's proclamation. Before it was possible to reinforce the small garrison at Fort IMackinaAv, on the island of that name, it Avas surprised and captured and held during the Avar as a rally outpost of the British, from Avhich the saA'ages of AVisconsin Avere constantly recruited to add to the frontier hor- rors of that Avar. It is said that after the capture of Proctor's camp in the battle of the Thames, bales of scalps Avere discovered on Avhich had been paid a bounty by the British agents. The "Winnebago took part in many of the important movements of the British on the Avestern border. AVhen Col. Robert Dickson, the "Red Head," gathered the tribes for the English in 1812. he ran into (}i-eeii Bay Avilli 100 Sioux, and enlisted Tomah and the Grizzly Bear Avith 100 Alenominee, and a large body of "Winne- bago led by Teal. One-eyed Decorah and other chiefs. They A'oyaged over to ^NFackinac island and captured the fort from the Americans, July 17, 1812, Avithout a bloAv, after Avhich the AVinne- bago and Sioux returned home. Jn the spring of 1813, Avhen Colonel Dickson rallied the clans again for the AA'ar. there sailed out of tlie Fox river on his train, beside the Sioux and IMenom- inee, a considerable band of AYinncbago under their chiefs. Old Decorah, Carrymaunee. AYinnocheek, Pesheu. or the AYild Cat, Sausamaunee, Black AYolf, Sarcel, or the Teal, and Neokautah, or Four Legs. Avith AFichael Brisbois as their interpreter. Arriving at Fort Meigs too late for the action, they retired to Detroit, from AA-hence they sailed under Proctor and Dickson to Sandusky and attacked the fort so gallantly defended by the young Afaj. George Croghan, Avhere they Avere defeated. In June, 1813, THE WINNEBAGO TRIBE 25 Colonel Dickson emerged at ^Mackinac from a lon^ sojourn among the Wisconsin tribes, bringing with him 600 savages and their families, to be sent to General Proctor as a part of his force. There were 130 Winnebago in the party. After eating nearly all of Proctor's available provisions and committing wanton depreda- tions on the settlers' live stock tlie AYisconsin Indians returned home. During the winter of 1813-14 a delegation of AVisconsin savages visited Quebec, where they were warmly welcomed by Sir George Prevost. The AVinnebago were represented by Lassamic. The expedition under the British Col. AVilliam AtcKay, which surprised and captured the American fort Shelby at Prairie Du Chien, July 17, 1814, had with them a band of 100 AVinnebago under their chiefs, Pesheu or AVild Cat, Sarcel or Teal, Carry- maunee, AVinnocheek, Sar-ra-chau, Neokautah or Four Legs, and Black Wolf. As McKay's fleet of barges and canoes floated down the Wisconsin, a AVinnebago was in the party of scouts, who went under cover of night into the to-\vn and captured a citizen, whom they carried away to get information. In deploying before the fort the AYinnel)ago took post above the fort. Two of the AVinnebago, discovering some hams in a house, mounted to the roof and began to tear off the shingles to gain an entrance and were both shot in the thigh. On the second day of tlie siege Colonel AIcKay assembled the Indian chiefs and requested their consent to an assault, but the AVinnebago chief, Sarcel or the Teal, demurred, saying he and his people remembered taking part with the English in assaulting an American fort, when they were beaten back with terrible slaughter. Sarcel proposed to dig a trench in the sand and blow up the fort, to which Colonel McKay agreed; but after 'a few hours' labor the Indians tired of the Avork and refused to go ahead. After the surrender, and just before the time appointed for the Americans to give up their arms, a AVinnebago cut off the finger of a soldier whose hand was thrust through a port hole in friendly greeting. In his reports Colonel McKay mentions the AVinnebago as in the Indian contingent, and says of them that they were ''perfectly useless to him," and severely criticises them. They would not receive officers' orders unless he "held a blanket in one hand and a piece of pork in another." Col. Robert Dickson on his way to the British garrison at Prairie Du Chien in the fall of 1814, caught by the freezing of Lake AVinnebago at Doty Island and forced to remain the winter, writes in the spring: "I shall move from this as soon as I can. 26 IIISTOK'V OK .MONKOK COLXTY ;is the Puaiits an' lic^iiiniim !(• draw aritiiiid inc. and one liad as well l)(' in lu'll as with tlirm."' Al'tt'i- llic peace the Hritish lield a council June .'5. isi.'t. at .Mailxinaw, helween Sau-sa-niau-nee, Black Wolf, Xeokautaii or Four iiC^s. and ioi-ly waj-riors. Sau- sa-niau-nee was tlie orator foi- liis people and liis s|)eecli is recorded. .Jud,u:e LocUwood rc|)(»i'1s their number in liSlG as i)()() warriors, from estimates of tlie traders best ac(iuain1eil with them. The treaty made with a portion ol the Fox tril)es Novem- bei' ;}, 1804. whiih caused so much dissatisfaction amon^ members of that tribe, was confirmed a1 a council h^ld at SI. Louis. May 18. 181(1. at which those Wiiiiicba'-o present, residents of Wis- consin, coniirmetl tliat part of the ti-eaty wliich was sui)posed to tri'ant their rights in the lands of the b'ad reuion. THE NEW YORK INDIANS. The AVinneliago were involved in the iiiimigration of the New York Indians by the range of their hunting gi-ounds. Tiie Winne- bago and JVIenominee, August IS. 1S21, tii'aiited to tlie Xew ^'oil< tribes a ribl)on of land diagonal! \' across the state five miles wide, the strij) crossing the Fox river at Little ('hut(\ At this tinu' the jMenominee claimed all Green Bay and the shore of Lake ^lichigan to tlu^ mouth of the ]Milwauk(M> lixcr and west to the .Mississippi imnct in a northwest direction. The Winnebago claimed all the balance of the state north and west of the Fox river and Lake Winnebago. The following summer the Xew York Iiulians returned to urge a larger grant : but on coming into a council the AVinnebago refused to concede any further grants and left in a body to go on their hunt. Before leaving, however, they were induced to favoi' the visitor with an exhibi- tion of their war dance, pipe dance and begging dance, which are grai)hically described by (Jeneral Willis, who adds: "The AViuTiebago exhibited the largest, most perfectly formed men aiul women ever seen anywhere. The display of action and muside in the dances stru(dv the Ixdiolder with admiration and terror. The ring around the dancers of several thousand, all singing in chorus to the chief drunnner. the voices of the AVinnebago women pi-evailing in clarion tone above the whole." August 11, 1827. was a treaty concluded at tlie Little P.ntte des Morts. "the Hill of the Dead," on the west bank of the lake of that name, now in the town of Alenasha. betAvecMi the AVinnebago. .Menominee aiul Xew A'ork Indians, by which the above lrii)es ceiled their lanils in the Fox vallev to the I'nited States. Lewis Cass and THE ^YINNEBAGO TRIBE 27 Thos. L. ^Mc'Kinney were the commissioners. This council was lickl during- the Winnebago war, so called. It was attended by live thousand savages. Colonel AVhistler, while on his journey up the Fox river from Fort IIoAvard to join General Atkinson at Portage, remained with his regiment at the Little Butte des Morts as the Governor's guard until the close of the council, when he resumed his journey uji stream. During the council the Winne- bago were notified that they must give up the murderers. It is said to have been due to this council that brought the surrender at Portage the next month on the arrival of Colonel Whistler. There is a painting of the Little Butte des jMorts council made by Lewis, "painted on the spot," in his rare portfolio of frontier scenes. Tlie AVinnel)ago war took place in 1827. It was not a war, but only a widespread scare to the few pioneers who had come to settle in the far aAvay lands of the Avest. Those who mention the events of that day generally agree that the energetic move- ments of Governor Lewis Cass, and the promptness of the militia under Gen. Henry Dodge, and the dispatch of General Atkinson witli the United States army into the field, inspired the AVin- nebago with such respect for the poAver of the United States that the incipient disturbance was quelled before it was barely com- menced. As there were at that time nearly nine thousand Winne- bago, they could have set the torch to the whole frontier before being conquered. At that period there was a small settlement of whites at Green Bay, another at Prairie du Chien. and possibly seven hundred people in the lead region south of the Wisconsin river. Fort Winnebago was then erected at Portage as a protec- tion to the frontier from any Winnebago treachery. IN SETTLEMENT DAYS. I>y this time the trilie had very nuich increased in numbers, and were scattered all along the Fox and Wisconsin rivers. Mrs. John Kinzie reports in ''Wau Bun," in 1880, two divisions of Winnebago Indians, "one paid l)y the agent at Portage and the other at Prairie du Chien." "The Portage division numbered be- tween four and five thousand." At the Winnebago annuity pay- ment in 1884, jNIr. Henry ]\lerrill says there asseml)led at Portage upwards of three thousand men. women and children. Mr. Mc- Call reports in 1830, "Four thousand Winnebago in the nation." The smallpox scourge broke out in the tribe in 1834 and raged a fearful epidemic, from Avhich nearly half the tribe died. The 28 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COT'XTY inodiciiic men a])aiul()iir(l ilicii' ftitilc attciiipts to stay its I'avages, ami 1li(' post sw('])t through the \illajr('s, and sur\i\'()rs fleeing before i1. Icaxin^' tlicii' dead uiiliiii-icd. The delegates wlio visited Washington in 1837 to make a treaty liad no anthority to eonelude a treaty, and so declared. That was the treaty (Nov. 1, 1887.) by whieh all the lands of tiie Winne- bago east of the ^Mississippi were eeded to the Ignited States. It Avas loudly jiroelaimed by the tribe to be a fraud. Chief Yel- low Thunder, whose village was near Eureka, in AVinnebago county, and two others were of this party, and all declared they had no right to make a treaty. The first allrnipl to remove the tribe was begun in 1840. when a considerable band wei-c induced to remove to the Turkey river in Iowa. In 1837 the AVinnebago, headed ])y One-eyed Dekaury, Ijittle Dekaury, AVinnosheek, AVaukon Dekaury, and six other chiefs, went to AVashington and ceded all the land still claimed by them east of the Alississippi river, reserving the privilege of occupying until 18-40. That year the troops came to Portage to remove them. Yellow Tlninder and Black AVolf 's son were invited to Portage to get provisions, l)ut as soon as they arrived at Portage they were put in the guardhouse Avith l)all and chain on their ankles, which Inirt their feelings, as 1lie\- luid done no harm. The Genei'al liad understood they were going to revolt, and i-efused to emigrate; but as soon as Governor Dodge came to Portage they were released. They all promised faithfully to be in Portage in three days, ready for removal, and they Avere all there. Two large boats Avere pro- vided to take doAvn the Indians Avho had no canoes. At the head of Kickapoo creek they came to some AvigAvams, Avhere Iavo old Avomen, sisters of Black AA^olf, fell on their knees, crying and be- seeching Captain Summer to kill them : Ilie\' wei'e old and would rather die and l)e l)uried Avith their fathers and mothers and children than he taken aAvay. The Captain let them remain, and left three young men to hunt for them. Further doAvn they came to the camp of Ke-ji-que-Ave-ka ; the people Avere told to ]>ut tlunr things in the wagon and go along. Depositing their l)elongings they started south from Avhere they Avere Avhen the Captain sent to ask Avhere they Avere going. They said they Avere going to bid good-bye to their fathers, mothers and children. The interpreter folloAved lliem and found them on Hieii' knees, kissing the ground and crying very loud Avhere their relations Avere buried. This touched the Captain, Avho exclaimed: "Good God, Avhat harm can these poor Indians do among the rocks." After being removed at difftM-ent times to locations in loAva, THE WINNEBAGO TRIBE 29 Minnesota and Dakota, they Avere finally located on one hundred twenty-eight thousand acres of the northern part of the Omaha reservation in eastern Nebraska, containing some of the best timbered lands, by May, 1866. There still reside in the pine bar- rens of Jackson and Adams county stragglers who have returned, reported in 1887 to number one thousand six hundred. Most of these have homesteads, where they live by picking berries, fishing and hunting, with ever increasing families. Large families are the rule among the Winnebago. Green Grass, son of Kayrah- maunee, came to the payment at Black River Falls to draw for fifteen children; but could not count or name them. Major Hal- leck, the agent, had him bring them in and stand them in a row. ''The AVinnebago as a tribe has due them $883,249.58 under their treaties of 1837 and the act of July 15, 1870, which has not been capitalized and placed in the treasury as a trust fund. Con- gress annually appropriates 5 per cent interest on the principal, amounting to $1:4,1 62.47. The AA^isconsin band received $18,- 026.13 of that amount, whicli is paid them in cash. They also receive $7,000 each year from that amount to ecpialize their pay- ments with the Nebraska branch under the act of 1881. Under that act they have reecived $147,000 and $73,969.91 is yet due them in yearly installments of $7,000. The Nebraska branch re- ceives yearly $10,000 cash for per capita payments, and after this and the amounts due to the AVisconsin branch are deducted the remainder is subject to expenditure for supplies for the Nebraska branch. Eventually the Wisconsin branch will receive their share of the principal after it has been capitalized and segregated." THEIR HABITS AND DOMESTIC LIFE. There are at this writing 1,180 AVinnebago listed in Wisconsin and 2,613 in Nebraska, making a total of 3,793 or about 4,000 Winnebago now living. This shows an increase in 200 years of 700 per cent, due to enforced peace ; and notwithstanding the natural decimation due to smallpox, famine, habits and whisky. Rev. Cutting Marsh crossed Doty island in 1832, and found still there a small village of AVinnebago. This was the remnant of Four Leg's tribe. He was dead two years before. Three years later the Alenomonee mission was established at Neenah, before which time, it is presumed, the last of those who had made this ancient village famous in border annals had moved up the river and away. The totems of the AA^innebago were the lynx, catamount, wild- 30 HISTORY OF :moxroe county fat and stajr. 'J'lu'v drosscd in the earlier days much as tlie ]ii-iniitiv(' tribes, in the tanned skins and lurs of the wild animals, as also in woven cloth. The special manner of doin^ their hair was to shave llie sides of the head and do tlie liaii- in two square cushions on tlie t)ack of the head. The artist in ihe Nieolet landfall, i-eceiilly hiin»i in the i-ooms of the State Historical Society, has taken llieii- nakedness too literallv ami made a eari- cature of their nudeness. There is no authority for such literal nak(>dness. They were an industrious and thrifty people, having at all theii" villa^res wide fields of corn and ve made little progress Mith the Winnebago. The first to devote himself specially to one of tlie bantls was Kev. Father Ma/zuchelli, who, April Iti. 1 >■!:!. visited the AVinnebago at the old Decorah village, eight miles up the AVisconsin river tVoiii Portage. Two hundred converts were made, and he translated Father Harago's Catechism from Ottawa to AVinnebago, going 7(10 miles to Detroit to get it printed, ami THE WINNEBAGO TRIBE 31 returned. Pietre Paquette assisted liim in talking to the savages. The Catechism when returned had eighteen pages. The intluence of the missionary was such that on ^Mrs. Kinzie's offering wine to one of the Indian women she pointed to the cross about her neck and refused to drink. BRANCH IN MONROE COUNTY, From the earliest settlement hands of AVinnebagoes had, at different times, established their villages temporarily in several parts of the county; no permanent location w^as made until right after the Avar of the rebellion, when a considerable number, under the chief, Ah-oo-cho-ka oi' "Blue AVing, " settled near Water Mill, a few miles north of Tomah. "Blue AVing" Avas the head of this branch of the tribe and was its chief spokesman in the councils of the tribe held at the original settlement near Winnebago Lake. He was a quiet, peace- ful man, who ruled his tribe Avith justice, whose good qualities made him many friends among his Avhite neighbors and the busi- ness and professional men in Tomah Avith Avhom he had dealings ; he lived to the age of 103 years, and at his death he Avas held in such esteem that a public funeral Avas held in the Methodist church at Tomah, largely attended by the town people and his neighbors; a striking illustration, indeed, of the transition from saA^agery to civilization, a modern funeral serA'ice held over the remains of a savage attended by his own people. After the death of "Blue Wing" there Avas no succession as chief as the band had gradually taken up land and Avere, and are, getting away from the tribal relations. They in common Avith other members of the tribe Avere moved to Nebraska at the time mentioned in this chapter, but this band of about 200 came back and settled again at AVater Alill, Avdiere they among them oAvned quite a tract of land. They enlisted the services of Harry Lea, of Tomah, Avho had traded A^dth them for j^ears, and he diA'ided the land into ten-acre pieces, assigning one or more to the head of each family so that they became land OAvners and could not then be taken back to Nebraska. In this band Avere tAvo Indians avIio Avere in the army during the rebellion, an old felloAV familiarly knoAvn in later years as "Sherman," because he served in the Third AVisconsin and Avas under General Sherman, and also a son of Chief "Blue AVing, " known as "Thunder Chief." Among them exists a secret religious organization Avhich has 32 IIISTOKY OF MONROE COUNTY IxH'ii ill existence no one knows liow long. It lias an otter skin lia Ixh'U reported. The oldest was Chou Ke Ka. oi- Spoon Deeorah or Ladle; the other was Chah])ost Kaw Kaw. or the Buzzard, who settled with his l)and at LaCrosse about 1787. Chou Ke Ka. also spelled ('hau Ka Ka. called S])oon Deeorah or Ladle, Mas the eldest SOU of Seltrevior l)e ('aiTie. says LaHonde. Augustin Grignon I'endeis the name ( 'hongai'ali. .Vs he knew the chief in the wint<'r of 1801-2. he reports him then as head chief of the Winnehago. and ""he was then a very old man and died at Portage in 1808. IJy his i-iMjuest he was buried in a sitting posture in a coffin, jtlaeed nw the sui'face of the ground, with a low cabin alio\e it. surrounded with a feiu-e."' His death occurred in 1810, according to LaRonde. when he was "quite aged." It also appears that Chan Ka Ka signed the treaty of St. Louis, Alay 18, 181(). and therefore could not have died until after that. Old Gray-IIeaded Decoi-ah. or Old Deeorah. or Gray-IIeaded Deeorah, or AVhite AVar Eagle, whose coimiion Indian luune was Schachip Ka Ka and Avhose AViiniebago name was AVarrahwi- koogah, or Bird Sj)irit. was a son of the Ladle and a gi-andson of THE AYINNPZBAGO CHIEFS 35 Glory of the ^Morning. He died at Petenwell, t!u' lii<^li rock on the Wisconsin river, April 20. ISi^H. said to have been ninety years old. He fought under the British General Proctor at San- dusky, twenty-one years of age, gallantly held the frontier fort Avith l)ut one cannon. The AVar Eagle also fought with Proctor and Teciimseh at the battle of the Thames, where the British army was mostly slai^i or captured and Tecumseh shot, October 5; 1813, by the Americans under AYilliam Henry Harrison. The War Eagle was held as a hostage at Prairie du Chien in 1827 for the good behavior of the AVinnebago during the so-called AVinne- bago war. and for the delivery of Red Bird to justice. It was Avhile Alaj. Zachary Taylor was located at Prairie du Chien that he received from Old Gray-Headed Decorah his "peace pipe," and during the AVinnebago war it was he who gave assurance to General Atkinson at Portage of the peaceable intentions of the AVinnebago. Soon after Laurent Barth purchased the right from the AVinnebago over the Portage, 1793, Old Gray-Headed Decorah moved from Apuckawa lake, on Fox river, in Green Lake county, and formed a village with his tribe on the AVisconsin river, about two miles above Portage. JjaHonde says: "Schachipkaka De Kawry died April 26, 1836, aged ninety, at his village, the locality in 1876 known as the Caffrey place in the town of California, AVinnebago county, at the foot of the bluft", between the Wiscon- sin and Baraboo rivers. Schoolhouse district No. 5 occupies the spot where the old chief died. This town contained over 100 lodges. He was a Catholic and was buried in their cemetery, near the site of the present courthouse in Portage City." He signed the treaties of 1828, 1829, 1832. Airs. Kinzie described him as "the most noble, dignified and venerable of his own or, indeed, of any other tribe. His fine Roman countenance, rendered still more noble by his bald head, with one solitary tuft of long, silvery hair neatly tied falling back on his shoulders." Old Gray Headed Decorah came over to Portage from his village during the famine in 1831 and reported his people as starving. He was oflfered enough food for his own family. "No," he said, "if my people could not be relieved my family and I wnll starve with them." Chah Post Kaw Kaw, or the Buzzard Decorah, was a son of Glory of the Morning and Sebrevior De Carrie, so One-Eyed Decorah told Judge Gale. He settled at LaCrosse in 1787 with a band of AVinnebago, and was soon after killed by his own son in a drunken row. One-Eyed Decorah, whose Indian name was AVadge-hut-ta-kaw, or Big Canoe, was a son of the Buzzard. He died at Channel 36 IIISTOHY OF MOXKOK ("OlNTY (near the Tumicll), ]\Ionroe County. Wis., in August. 1864. at an advanced age, as Grignon says, of iiinet>-t\v(). Ills village in 1832 and later was at the nioulli of the Bla<-k livcr. or some say near tlie village of SaltMii. on LaOosse river, in Onalaska town- ship, LaCrosse county. Also said by Rev. T^runson to be at Prairie LaCrosse in 1832. In 1(S2() he was said by Gen. 11. L. Dots- nuin to have his village on lilack i'i\- held a \\ai- dance until 1eakei's, and that they had siirned the treaty of 1S22 with tlic Xi'w York Indians. f--choolcrall mentions that Four Lciis lc\icl li'ihute from trav- elers inuuediately after the war of 1812. lie assuuu'd to he the keeper of the Fox ri\ci- valley. Col. T. L. Kinney alludes to this custom of exactiim ti-ihulc. and relates that General Leaxenwoi-th, going up stream with his command in ISKi, was accosted hy Fimii- Legs and nolitied that the lake was locked. The General rose Avith his gun restin.g on his arm and asked tht^ i7itei'pri4(M' to inform the chief that he had the key to unlock it. Four Legs replied, ■"Lei him i)ass." This incident mai'ks the last challenge of the AViiniehago, and it is said that it took place beneath the Treaty Elm that for nuiny years stood a conspicuous landnuirk in the county. The "Treaty Ehn,"" or "Council Tree," beneath whose Avidespi'cad branches the chiefs of the neighboi-ing tribes ai'c said to have been wont 1o gather in council, A\'as located on Kiverside pai-k i)()int at the mouth of the Neenah (diannel of the Fox river in the city of Neenah. It was of immense size and girth, tnwering al)o\e all the surrounding forest, and could be seen from poiids eight miles distant. Such was its prominence as a landmark that it Avas for many years used as a guide by sailors and steam ])il()ts on the lake. It was di'stroyed by a charge of dynamite -lunc 12. 1SS7. by the employees of the gov- ernment in cutting away the point to widen the channel to increase the How of water in tlood times. As Foui- Legs was supposed to be foi'ty years of age in 1830, the yeai- he died, and he must have been born about 1790, he eoidd have taken part in the wai' of 1S12. where he is fi-e(puMitly found on the side of the Uritish. .Mrs. Kin/ie mentions the death of Four Legs by driidving too much suthr whisky when waiting at Foi't Winnebago with the assend)|ed Winnebago for the ai-rival of the silvei- from the go\-eriunent for the paymeid of t heir a luiuil ies. ''His body was wra|)ped in a blanket and ]»laced in a mule coffin along with his guns, lonudiawk, pipes and a (pundity of tobacco. " lie was buried on the most ele\ated point of the hill opposite the fort, in the presence of "an immense ])rocessiou of his peo])le." A slake was placed at the head of his grave "on THE AVINXEBAGO CHIEFS 39 which was painted in vermilion a series of hieroglyphics descrip- tive of deeds and events of his life," and a small white iiag also waved over the grave. His wife, who survived him, was a Fox woman, but spoke the Chippewa language, which brought hei- services into use as an interpreter, as that was the court or uni- V(^rsal language among all the tribes. He is said to have been a big chief and ' ' a great and mighty warrior. ' ' In 1887 there were two descendants living — one was Good Cloud, a woman residing at Tomah. Slie has a sou whose name was Good Year. One descendant was AVill Dandy, a boy who was at school in AVitten- berg mission. He had two cousins also living at Wittenberg. Sau-sa-mau-nee was a younger brother of Four Legs and fought with him under the British flag in the war of 1812. Wild Cat, or Pe-Sheu, had his village on Garlic Island, noAV Island park, a small island on the west margin of Lake Winne- bago, seven miles south of Alenasha and the same distance north of Oshkosh. The village was also located across the solent on the mainland. The corn hills are still visible both on the island and mainland. Just when this village was established here cannot be ascertained, yet it is highly probable that Pe-Sheu liimself was its founder and. that he and his tribesmen came from the })rin- cipal Winnebago village on Doty's island. One of the earliest descriptions of this village is that of 3Irs. (Governor) James D. Doty, who records in her journal under the date of August, 1823, of a canoe .iourney which she made with her Inisband, who was on the way up the i'i\er to hold court at Prairie Du Chien: ''AYe coasted along the west shore of Lake AVinnebago to Garlic island, on the opposite point to wliieh is a AVinnebago village of tine per- manent lodges and fine cornfields." The late Judge Morgan L. ^Martin made the same journey in birch-bark canoes with Judge Doty and others in 1828 on their way to try Red Bird, the AVin- nebago, for murder. "Garlic island was the next stopping place. There was a AVinnebago village there of about the same size as that over which Four Legs (Doty island) presided (150 to 200 lodges covered with bark mats). The lodges, however, were longer and neater. AYe purchased supplies of vegetables of the island villagers." From these descriptions it Avould appear that the village occupied both the island and mainland, that the wig- wams were well constructed, the fields of Indian maize of con- siderable extent, and the population at that time one of 1,000 or more persons. Chief AA^ild Cat was a large and bulky savage with a hasty and ferocious temper which often got him into diffi- culties. He was probably born at Doty island at some time 40 HISTORY OF MONROP] COUNTY previous to the Revolution. Tlie earliest knowledge we have of this chieftain is from a remark he once made when he and Sarcel, a AViunebago chief, had a dispute in regard to their relative bravery. On this occasion AVild Cat is said to have exclaimed, "Don't you remember the time we aided the Shawanoes (English) in attacking the fort that you ran ofT so fast that you lost your breech clout?'' This remark had reference to the Indian war of 1793, when the British liad incited the western Indians to fre- quent depredations against the straggling white settlers in Ohio and IMichigan. There is a possibility also that he may have served with Charles de Langlade under the British flag in the War of the Revolution. Certain it is that in 1797 he was considered of suf- ficient importance to receive from the royal otficers the medal of their king. This bronze medal, given as a memento of distin- guished favor by King George III to his savage ally in his wild- ■\vood home on the shore of Lake AVinncbago, now reposes in the museum of Lawrence University at Applcton. It Avas deposited there about the year 1875 by Mr. D. C. Church, of Vinland, who obtained it from Louis B. Porlier, of Butte des Morts, a trader and son of Judge Porlier. Mrs. Kinzie says the AVild Cat was ''our Indian Falstatf in all save cowardice and falsehood." Being made drunk, he was unable to get to Fort Armstrong at Rock Island in time to object to the treaty of 1831, and when he found it granted the lands on which stood his village he Avept. It is said that he was found dead against an oak tree in the center of the Avoods. Avliere Osli- kosh now stands. He was at the payments in Portage in 1830- 1831, and is said to have died soon after the Black Hawk AVar, which Avould make the date of his death about 1833. He is reported to have gone under the partisan British leader of the AVisconsin savages. Col. Robert Dickson, early in 1812, to the cap- ture of Alackinae. The following spring he fought with Tecum- seh at Fort ^leigs. and after his defeat Avas beaten oflf at Fort Stephenson or Sandusky. He Avas also a part of the AVinnebago contingent under ^IcKay in the i-apture of Prairie du Chien. In the Avinter of 1814 Dickson, Avith his convoy of supplies, Avas ice bound until January on Garlic island at Pesheu's village. Black AVolf. or Shouuktshunksiap. Avas a celebrated character in the border days of a century past. Airs. Kinzie has left a racy sketch of this bold Avarrier, Black AVolf. "Avhose loAvering, surly face Avell described his name. The fierce expression of coun- tenance Avas greatly heightened by the masses of heavy black hair, contrarv to the usual custom of the AA^innebago. AA'ho for the THE WINNEBAGO CHIEFS 41 most part cut away a portion of the hair, drawing the remainder back of the head, clubbed and ornamented with beads, ribbons, cocks' feathers, or if entitled, an eagle feather for every scalp taken from an enemy." On a point of land known as Black AVolf point, in tiie town of Black AVolf, AYinnebago county, jutting out into Lake AVinne- bago, at a distance of seven miles south of the city of Oshkosh, there was formerly located Black AVolf 's AVinnebago Indian vil- lage. It is said to have numbered not more than forty huts. The date of its establishment here is not exactly known, but it is sup- posed to have been about the year 1800 or slightly before. Mrs. G. A. Randall, who formerly resided at Randall's point, remem- bers to have seen the Indian tepees and camp fires along the shore of Black AA'olf point as late as the year 1846. Chief Black AVolf was a character of some importance. He was a large man and much respected by his people, and was called a war chief. In the attacks on Mackinac in the AVar of 1812 he fought under the lead- ership of Col. Robert Dickson. After the war the British, still seeking to hold the AVinnebago in their interest for purposes of trade, called them to Mackinac to a couueil or treaty with C'ol. Robert McDonald, a British connnissioner. Black AVolf was one of those in attendance at this gathering. He also participated with the British and their allies in the capture of Prairie du Chien in the year 181-1. He was one of the signers of the land grant negotiated by Eleazer AVilliams in 1821 with Four Legs, the AVinnebago head chief, and others, by which the New York Indians were to receive a strip of land five miles in width along the lower Fox, "from Grand Kachalin rapids to AVinnebago rap- ids," in AA^innebago county. He also participated in the councils held at Green Bay and Doty Island for a similar purpose in 1830 He is said to have died at Portage in the year 1847. During the Black Hawk AVar, Black AVolf camped Avith the AVinnebago as- sembled at the site of Portage, on both sides of the AVisconsin river. The principal chiefs in these camps were Black AVolf, his son Dandy, AA^hite Eagle, AVhite Crow and Broken Arm. Dandy, the Bean Brummel of the AVinnebago, was a son of Black Wolf and a cousin of Four Legs. "He wore fancy dress shirts of the brightest color, ornaments v/ith rows of silver brooches, and displayed two pairs of arm bands. His leggins and moccasins were of the most elaborate embroidery in ribbons and porcupine quills. Numerous ornaments were dangling from his club of black hair. A feather fan was in one hand and a mirror in the other. His face was brilliantly colored and daubed.'* 42 IIISTOHV OK MOXKOH COUNTY La Koiulf says Dandy, son of lilack Wolf, was also known as J^itlle Soldier. His village is j-rpoi-lcd by .Mi'. W. If. Canfiold as being in 18M9 on the Baraboo rivci-. five or six miles above tbe present city aral»oo river and made to ride horseba(d\ with his legs chained undei- the animal \vith an ox-ehain. He d(>manded to he taken to Governor Dodge at .Min- eral Point. Dodge asked him what was wanted. Dandy took a l)ihle from his ])osom and asked the governor if it was a good book. He answered it was a good hook— he could never have a better in his band. '"Then." said Dandy, "if a man Avould do all that Avas in that book could any moi-e be required of him?" He answered. "No."" "AVell."" said Dandy, "look that hook all through, and if you lind in it that Dandy ought to he reuu)ved by the government to Turkey i-ivei-. then [ will go right olt' : hut if you do not find it 1 will never go there to stay."' The governor informed him his tri(d\ would not work. He was then replaced on the horse, his feet chained up again and taken to Pi-aii-ie du Chien. The chain blistered his feet and legs so he Avas unable to walk for thi'ee W(>eks. He Avas then ])ut in charge of a coi'poral, Avho Avas obliged to carry l)and\' on liis haid^; to a buggy to be taken to Turkey rivei'. Dandy claindng he Avas unable to Avalk. The buggy Avas at the fort gate and the eorjioral. supposing Dandy unable to walk, lelt him \'nv a moment to reenter the fort. Dandy .)um|>ed from the buggy and ran into the forest, where the eorpoi'al c(»uld not find him. IFe remained in Wisconsin aner l'"ox rivei'. Before arriving at Fort Wiiuiebago tup: avixxebago chiefs 43 he passed two '\Viiinel)ag'o villages, one ot whieh was that ot Yel- low Thunder. He mentions crossing the Fox river in a tlat-boat and landing near the spot where the father of "Grizzly Bear/' a Menominee, is said to have lived. Here, he says, commenced a rolling prairie that eontinned for fifty miles (since known as Democrat prairie.) ""The trail passed two AVinnebago villages, one of which Avas called Yellow Thunder from its chief." The villagers, much to their annoyance, folloAved the party out of their village on horseback. Hon. INIorgan L. Alartin mentions passing a "AVinnebago village on Green Lake prairie" in 1829, Avhich may have been the village of Yellow Thunder. In 1828 Yellow Thunder and his squaw, a daughter of AVhite Crow, made a journey to AVashington to interview the President, and there- after his squaw was known as AVashington AVoman. Yellow Thunder was a convert to the Catholic church and became zealous in its offices and was called the head war chief of his tribe. B.y false pretenses he was induced witli others to visit AVashington in 1837 and signed a false treaty, which granted the government all their lands east of the Alississippi river, under Avhich. three years after, he was one of the tirst to sulfer by being forcibly put in irons at Portage and removed to Yellow rivin*. Iowa. Yellow Thunder soon returned and requested LaRonde to go with him to ^Mineral Point to enter a forty of land on the west bank of the AA^isconsin river. In reply to an inquiry if Indians could enter lands, '"Yes, the government has given no orders to the con- trary." So Yellow Thunder, the head war chief of the AVinne- bago, entered, lived and died on his forty of land. He was again forcibly removed to Iowa with Black AVolf, but was allowed to return, as he was a land owner. Yellow Thunder owned the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 36, on the AVisconsin river, town of Delton, Sauk county, two log huts hav- ing been constructed for his own use and that of families who lived with him. About five acres of land was cultivated, raising* corn, beans and potatoes. During big feasts as many as 1,500 Indians gathered in the vicinity. Shortly before his death he sold his land to Mr. John Bennett. It is related that when he paid his taxes he placed a kernel of corn in a leather pouch for each dollar of taxes paid, and when he sold the land he demanded as numy dollars as there were kernels of corn in the old pouch. His sum- mer village was sixteen miles up the I'ive]' fi-om Portage, in 1840, where Dandy and Little Duck also camped. YelloAv Thunder died in 1874; said to have been childless, and was l)uried on a sandy knoll. X^ear by are the graves of AA^ashington AVoman and several 44 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY other Indians. She was Iniried hitting up, facing the east. A painting of Yellow Thunder hangs in the rooms of the "Wisconsin Historical Society, and an unpublished manuscript giving ''per- sonal reminiscences," by ]\Irs. A. C. Flanders, is deposited in tlie public library at Portage. ' CHAPTER lY. THE BLACK HAWK WAR. (Compiled from "Story of the Black Hawk War," l)y U. G. Thwaites, in Wisconsin Historical Collection. — Editor.) When Wisconsin was still a part of Michigan territory and known as "Michiganter, " long before the idea of a separate terri- tory was thought of, when it was an almost trackless wilderness in 1832, occurred the historic Black Hawk War; few events in the his- tory of the Northwest were as far reaching in consequences as this tragic struggle and perhaps none caused more bitter controversies, was the subject of more incorrect notions as to the causes, inci- dents, and the relative merits of the chief participants. The south- ern portion of this county, it is believed, was a part of the ter- ritory traversed by Black Hawk in his final retreat from the Mississippi with pitiful remnant of his band, making his escape into the Dells of Wisconsin, where he was finally captured. On November 3, 1840, the United States government concluded a treaty w'ith the Sac and Fox Indians, by wdiich, for the paltrj^ sum of $1,000, the Indian confederacy ceded fifty million acres of land comprising in general terms the present state of Missouri and the territory lying between the Wisconsin river on the north, the Fox river of the Illinois on the east, the Illinois river on the southeast and the Mississippi on the west ; in this treaty was a clause wdiich became one of the chief causes of Black Hawk War, which provided that the Indians need not vacate the lands, stipu- lating that "as long as the lands which are now ceded to the ITnited States remain their property" — that is to say public land — "the Indians belonging to said tribes shall enjoy the privilege of living and hunting upon them." Within the limits of this territory, situated on the Rock river three miles from its mouth and the same distance south of Rock Island was the chief village and seat of power of the Sacs, con- taining a population of about five hundred families and one of the largest Indian villages on the continent. The principal character in this village was Black Sparrow Hawk, or as commonly styled Black Hawk, born in 1767: he was 45 46 IlISTOHV OF .MONHOK ((UXTV not an luM'editai'v oi- an elected eliiel'. but was hy coiiinion consent the leader of tlie villaj^e. Altliough not endowed witli superior moral or intellectual (|iialities the foree of cii'cuiiistances made liim a national eelel)rity in his own day and a eonsj)icuous figure in western liistoi-y foi- all time. He was a restless, aml)itious sav- age, jiossessed of some of the (lualities of leadiM'ship l)ut without the eapaeity to attain the highest honoi-s in the Sac and Kox con- federacy, lie was jealous of othei" chiefs, quai'relsonie in council. eontinuall.v sought excuses to differ with them on ([uestions of policy and aii-ayed his lollowing against them, was a good deal of a denuigogue and ai-oused 1he passion and ])rejmlices of his peoph^ ])\ iiii|)assionetl ai)peals. He was doulitless sincere in his opinions and honest in his nu)tives. He was easily influenced by the Bi-itish.militai-y and connnei-cial agents, who were continually engaged previous to the war of 1812, in cultivating a spirit of hostility l)etween the Noi'thwestern tribes and the Americans, was led by them to consider himself under the especial protection of the ''I^ritish Father"' at Maiden. Too conflding a disposition. he was readil.v duped by those who. whitt' or red, were interested in deceiving him. l^lack Hawk was about five feet, foui- or fiv(^ inches in heiglit. rather si)are as to flesh ; his souu-what i)inched features ex- aggerated the prominence of his cheek Ixines; a full mouth inclined to be somewhat o])en when at rest, a pi-onounced Roman nose, fine "piercing" eyes, often beaming with a kindly and alwa.vs with a thoughtful expression, no eyebrows, a high full foi'ehead. liead well thrown back, with a pose of (piiet dignit.x . haii- plucked out with the exception of a seal]) lock in which, on ceremonial occasions was fastened a bunch of eagle feathers; such is a pen jiortrait of this ce]el)iity. He, with two hundred of his followi'i's. who became known as the "British baiul" served wilh Tecuniseh and the liritish in Ihe war of 1812. After burying the hatchet. Black Hawk settled down to the customary routine of savage life makiuLi- fre(iuent trips to iMalden foi* i)r()visions, arms and ammunition, and by flattery of the British agents his hatred against Americans was increased, but it is not at all surprising that he hated the Ameri- cans, his life was continually being disturbed l)y them and a cruel and causeless beating which some white settlers gave him in the winter of 1822 and 182:5 was an insult which he treasured up against the entire American people. In the sunnner of 1823, squatters, coveting the rich fields cultivateil bv the P>i-itish band neai- their villasre 1)egan to take THE BLACK HAWK WAR - 47 possession of them ; outrages were committed of the most flagrant nature, Indian cornfields were fenced in hy intruders, squaws and children were whipped for venturing beyonds the ])Ounds thus established, lodges were burned over the heads of the occu- pants ; a reign of terror- ensued in which frequent remonstrances of Black Hawk to the white autliorities were in vain. It was all a plain violation of the treaty rights of the Indians and grew from year to year. When the Indians returned each spring from their winter's hunt they found their village more of a wreck than when they had left it in the fall. Black Hawk was advised by Keokuk the chief of the confederacy to retreat across the Miss- issippi, but Black Hawk was stubborn, appealed to his people, to their love of home and veneration for the graves of their kindred, for here was located their cemetery, and his people stood by him. He them made the claim that the representatives of the Sac and Fox tribes who negotiated the treaty of 1804, had not consented that the land upon which Black Hawk's village stood should be the property of the United States. In this he was of course not borne out by the facts but persisted in tliat understanding, and was advised by the mischief making British agents that if it was true that the government had not 1)0ught the site of his village to hold fast to it and the United States woidd not venture to remove him by force. In this he was also encouraged by White Cloud, the Winnebago prophet, who was a shrewd, craft}" Indian, half Winnebago and half Sac, possessing much influence over both nations from his assumption of sacred talents and was the head of a Winnebago village some thirty-five miles above the mouth of the Rock river ,- he hated the whites, seemed devoid of humane sentiments and seemed to enjoy sowing the seeds of discord, a remarkable man physically and mentally, a fine orator and strong in the councils. In the spring of 1830, Black Hawk and his band returned from an unsuccessful hunt to find their town almost completely shat- tered, many of the graves plowed over, and the whites more abusive than ever; during the winter, the scpiatters who had for seven years been illegally on the land preempted a few quarter sections at the mouth of the Rock, so selected as to cover the vil- lage site and the Sac cornfields. This was clearly a trick to accord with the letter but violated the spirit of the treaty of 1804; there was still fifty miles of practically unoccupied territory to the east of the village and no necessity for disturbing the Sacs for many years to come. When in the spring of 1831, Hawk again returned after a 48 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY profitles;s limit, Ik- was fiereely warned auav by tlu- whites; lie, in a dignified inannci-. notilicd the settlers that it' they did not them- selves remove that he should use foree to eviet thciu. meaning physical force. This was construed 1)\- the whites to he a threat against their lives and petitions and messages were sent to Gov. Jolui ]\cynolds of Illinois, in terms so exaggerated that they would he amusing were it not that they were the prelude to one of the darkest tragedies of our western border. The governor issued an inflammatory ])roclamation. calling for volunteers to "repel the invasion of the ]^ritisli l)and"; these sixteen hundred strong and mounted, with ten companies of regulars under Gen. Edmund P. ai't\' which as- cended the river and in retaliation massacred all but one of a party of twenty-eight ^lenomonees camped near Fort Crawford. Complaint was made to Gen. Joseph Street, Indian agent at the post who demanded that the murderers be delivered to him for trial, under existing treaty provisions, but as none of the Menomonees who had imii'dered his peoph^ had been given up, Black Hawk declined to accede, there])y rebelling against the authority of the Ignited States. Neapope, who was second in command in the British band who had gone upon a visit to ^Maiden prior to the eviction, returned in the fall and reported to his chief proffers of aid from the liritish, the AVinnebagoes, Ottawas, Chippewas and Pottawat- omies in regaining their village. AVhite Cloud advised Black Hawk to proceed to the j)i'ophet's town the following spring and raise a crop of corn and that by fall the allies would be ready to join the Sac leader in a general movement against the whites in the valley of the Rock; relying upon tiiese promises Black Hawk spent the winter with his hiind on tlie deserted site of old P^ort THE BLACK HAWK WAR 49 IMadison on the west side of the river. On the sixth of April, 1832, Black Hawk with al)ont five hundred warriors, their squaws and children, with all their lielongings crossed the INIississippi a little below the mouth of the Rock and invaded Illinois. The results of the negotiations with the Winnebagoes and other tribes during the winter had not been satisfactory, but White Cloud, the prophet met him and gave him assurance of success and the misguided Sac proceeded confidently on his march, arrived at the prophet's town with four hundred and fifty of his braves, well mounted, while the others, with women, children and equipage, remained with the canoes ; the intention being to raise a crop of corn im- mediately above the prophet's town and prepare for war in the fall. Immediately upon crossing the river Black Hawk sent mes- sengers to the Pottawatomies to meet him in council, but this tribe was much divided; Shaubena, a chief of much ability, very friendly to the whites succeeded in persuading a majority of the braves to at least remain neutral ; but the hotheads under Big Foot and a despicable half breed British agent, Mike Girty, were fierce for war. Shaubena after quieting his followers set out immediately on a tour of the settlements in the Illinois and Rock river valleys warning the pioneers of the approaching war, even extending liis mission as far as Chicago. Gen. Henry Atkinson, who had arrived at Fort Armstrong early in the spring, with a half comj^any of regulars, to enforce the demand for the delivery of the Sac murderers, learned of the invasion on the 13th of April, and at once notified Governor Reynolds that his own force was too small and that a large force of militia was essential. Governor Reynolds at once issued another fiery proclamation for mounted volunteers. The news spread like wild fire ; some settlers fled, never to return ; the majority, however, which did not join the state troops went to the larger settlements where rude stockade forts were built, the inhabitants forming themselves into garrisons, with officers and some degree of military discipline. The spring was backward and General Atkinson was greatly hampered in collecting troops, stores, boats and camp equipage ; during his preparations he took occasion to assure himself of the peaceful attitude of the Sacs and Foxes not members of the British band. He also sent two messages to Black Hawk ordering him to at once withdraw to the west bank of the river on the peril of being driven there by force of arms, to liotli of which the Sac leader sent defiant answers. The volunteers collected at Beardstown and were organized into four regiments under the command of Col. John Thomas, Col. 50 HISTORY OF :\rOXROE ("OrXTY Jat'ol) Kr.w Col. Aliralumi 1>. Dcwitt and ( 'ol. Saiiiurl .M. Thompson, a scout l)attalion under ^laj. James 1). Henry and two ''odd" l)attalions uiidii- Majoi's Thomas James and Thomas Long. The entire foree, some sixteen hundred sti-on of yells and imprecations. Black Hawk had sent five other braves to fol- low the flagmen at a safe distance and watch developments. This second party was sighted by about twenty horsemen and were said to have been partially intoxicated, hot chase was given to the spies and two of them were killed, the other three galloped back to their grove and reported to their chief that not only two of their num- l)er, l)ut the three flag bearers as well had been cruelly slain; this flagrant disregard of the rules of war caused tlic l)lood of tlie old Sac to boil with indignation, tearing to shreds a flag of truce which he had himself been preparing to carry to the white camp, he fiercely harangued his thirty-five braves and bade them avenge • the lilond of their liretliren nt anv risk. 52 HISTORY OF MONROE ('OINTV Tlu' neutral Pottawatomics at oik-c w itlitli-cw to tlicif village whik' Black Hawk and his Sacs, securely mounted, sallied forth to meet the enemy. The entire white force was soon seen I'ushing towai'ds them pell iiicll. in a confused mass. The Sacs withdrew hehind a fringe of hushes, their leader hurriedly l)ade them to .stand firm; on catching sight of this gi-im array the whites paused, 1)ut l)efore they had a chance to turn, Black Hawk sounded tlu; war whoop and the savages dashed forward and fired. The Sac ehief tells us that he thought the charge was suicidal when he ordered it. hut enraged 1)\- the treachery of the whites he and all with him were ready to die to secure revenge. On the first fire of the Indians the whites fled in great consternation, without firing a shot, pursued hy this little l)and of savages until nightfall ended the chase. But nightfall did not end the rout; the volunteers, haunted l)y fear dashed through their own impregnahle camp, leaving everything hehind them, plunged madly through creeks and swamps till they reached Dixon's, twenty-five miles away, where they straggled in for the next twenty-four houi's; many did not stop there, hut continued until they reached their own homes, fifty or more miles farther on, and reported that Black Hawk with two thousand bloodthirsty warriors was sweeping northern Illinois with destruction. The white loss in all this ill- starred scrimmage was eleven kilh'd. while the Indians lost two spies and one of the flag bearers, the others escaping. The flight of Stillman's corps was wholly inexcusable; Stillman undoubtedly tried to rally his men, but the lack of discipline and experience, coupled with a lack of confidence, wrought havoc. It was a treach- erous thing to treat the bearers of flags of truce as they did, some- thing which even savages rarely disi-egard, and l)ut for this wanton act the Black Hawk War would have been a bloodless demonstra- tion. Unfortunately for oui- own good name, this violation of the rules of war was repeated more than once dui'ing this war. This easy victory elated Black Hawk and gavt- him a poor opinion of the valor of the opposing forces; almost wholly destitute of provisions and ammunition, the capture of Stilhnan's stores was a rich prize. He recognized that war was inevitable and sent scouts to watch the enemy while he hurriedly withdi'ew the women and children to the head waters of Hock river in ^Michigan terri- tory (now Wisconsin), to which he was guided by friendly Winne- bagoes. Here he reci'uitcd ])ai-ti('s of Winnebagoes and Pottawat- omies and descended into northern Illinois, prepared for border • warfare. Stillman's di't'eat inaugurated a reign of terror in the terri- THE BLACK HAWK AVAR 53 tory between the Illinois and Wisconsin rivers ; the name of Black Hawk became ronpled the country over with stories of savage cun- ning and cruelty, his name serving as a household bugaboo. Shau- bena again sounded the alarm and settlers again left their fields and hurried to the forts. "Whiteside, on ]\Iay 15tii, the day of the battle, with one thou- sand four hundred men, proceeded to the scene and buried the dead. On the 19th Atkinson and the entire army moved up the Rock river, leaving Stillman's corps at Dixon to care for the wounded and guard supplies. They added to their record of infamy by deserting their post and going home. Atkinson hastily returned ; Whiteside being left to follow Black Hawk ; his men grew weary of soldiering, declaring that the Indians were in the unexplored and impenetrable swamps to the north, which were in jMichigan territory, and farther, that they could not be compelled to serve out of the state ; after two or three days of fruitless skirmishing, upon approaching the state line, a consultation of officers w^as held at which it was determined to abandon the search, the troops were marched back to Ottawa, where they were mus- tered out on the 27th and 28th of ]\Iay. On their way to Ottawa the militiamen stopped at the Davis farm on Indian creek, where a terrible massacre of whites had occurred a few days before and saw the mutilated corpses of fifteen men, women and children. This revolting spectacle, instead of nerving the troops to renewed action in defense of their homes, appears to have still further dis- heartened them. And so the first campaign of the war ended as it had begun, with an exhibition of cowardice on the part of the Illinois militia. THE CLOSING CAMPAIGN, Governor Reynolds was active and at once arranged for a levy of "at least two thousand" men to serve through the war to ren- dezvous at Beardstown June 10 ; the general government ordered 1,000 regulars under General Winfield Scott to proceed from the seaboard to the seat of war, future operations against the enemy to be under the command of General Scott. At General Atkin- son's earnest appeal, 300 mounted rangers under Col. Henry Frye agreed to remain in the field to protect the northern line of Illinois settlements until the new levy could be mobilized. Black Hawk divided his force into war parties, himself leading the largest, about two hundred, assisted by small parties of Winne- bagoes and about one hundred Pottawatomies under Mike Girty, 54 IIISTOIJV OF MOXKOK COrXTY doscondrd tlic UNx-k riv< r iVom lijikr Kdslikoiion^ aiid iluriny: the iri'fiiuhir wjirfiii-c wincli now hi-okc out in mn'tlicrn Illinois and what is now soullin-n Wisconsin, sonic two Iimm(|!'<'<1 whites and nearly as many Jndians lost thcii- lives, the panic among settlers was widc-spirad and great suffering ensued. .Many incidents of this boi'dcr warfare arc of histoi-ic intei-es1. and have liecn the cause of much discussion. hn1 owing to the \ast amount of such iiewspapci- discussion and tiocumeutary colhH-tions. only an inci- dent or two will l)e alluded to here. ( )n tile e\-eniug of .June 14tli a party of eleven Sacs killed live white men at Spalford's fai-m in what is now LaFayette county. WLsconsiu. Col. Henry Dotlge. with twenty-nine mc^n. followed and the next day overtook tlu' savages in a neighboring swamj). A battle ensued lasting but a short tiuu', the eleven Jndians were killed and scalped, the w hitcs hisiug tlu-ec killed and one wounded. No incident in the entire war has been so thoi-oughly discussetl and (|uarreled ovei- as this bhioily skirmish. On dune 24th l^lack Hawk's own party made a desperate attack on Apple River fort, fourteen miles east of (ialcMia. III.. which sustained a heavy siege for upwards of an houi-. the liltle garrison displaying r<'mai-kfdile \igoi-. the women and gii-ls mould- ing bullets, loading guns and generally |)roving themselves boi-- der heroines. The red men retired with small loss, setting tire to neighboring cabins and fields. The ne.xt day the same wai- party attacked IMajor Dement 's si)y battallion at Kellogg 's gi'ove. six- teen miles to the east; the Indians were routed ujion (Jeneral Posey bi-inging reinforcements, losing al)0Ut fifteen killed while the whites lost hut five. The people of what is now llie lead iidniug disti'ici of south- western Wisconsin became alai-mcd foi- fear that the troops cen- tered on Kock )'ivci- would drive the enemy across the Illinois hoi'der npon them; tlx' news of RIack Hawk's invasion in May had i-eached them and i>i'epa rations for dcfen.se wcu-e at once Ix'gun ; ('ol. 7Ieni-y Dodge, one of the ]>ioncers of the lead region, held a commission as chief of the .Michigan unlit ia west of Lake ^Michigan, and assumed direction of the uulitary oi)crations north of the Illinois line. With a company of twenty -seven hastily e(|ui]ipe(l rangers he made a trii) to Dixcm to reeonnoiter the coun- try and to solicit aid from (lovci'uor Reynolds, in which he was not sueeessful. and returned to the nnnes bearing the news of Still- num's defeat. Aftei- arranging to recruit three additional com- panies he went with fifty men to Whitt> Crow's Winnebago vil- lage, at the hciid of Fourth lake some four ndlcs northwest of the THE BLACK IIAAVK WAR 55 site of Madison, for the purpose of holding eoimcil with a view to keeping them quiet during the present crisis ; he received pro- fuse assurances of their fidelity to the American cause, but he seems to have placed small reliance upon their sincerity. Upon returning Dodge started for headquarters at Fort Union with 200 mounted rangers, gathered from the mines and fields, a free and easy set of dare devils having an intense hatred of the Indian race ; they were disciplined to some extent, but in their march through the country paid' l)ut little attention to regulations. On the 3d of June they arrived at Blue ^Mounds just in time to receive the Hall girls brought in hy White Crow. Crow's manner being offensive. Dodge had him and his compan- ions put into the guard house as hostages for the good behavior of the Fourth lake band. Dodge being joined by a small party of Hlinois rangers under Capt. J. W. Stephenson, proceeded to Ottawa to confer with General Atkinson. After remaining a few days, the rangers returned to the lead mines to complete the defenses there. In less than three weeks after Stillman's defeat, Reynolds and Atkinson had recruited 3,200 troops, divided into three brigades, under Generals Alexander Posey, M. K. Alexander and James D. Henry, and in addition were Fry's rangers, half of whom con- tinued their service to protect the settlements and stores on Rock river. AVith these. Dodge's Michigan rangers and the regular infantry the entire army numbered about 4,000 effective men. An advance party of Posey's brigade was sent out to disperse Black Hawk's war party and it was this force which had the skirmish at Kellogg 's grove, previously alluded to. Aleantime Alexander and Henry's brigades arrived at Dixon's. When news came of the Indian defeat at Kellogg 's, Alexander Avas dispatched in haste to Plum river to intercept the enemy's crossing the Alis- sissippi at that point; Atkinson, witli Henry's and the regulars, remained at Dixon to await developments, and on learning that Black Hawk's main camp was still at Lake Koshkonong, pushed on up the Rock with 400 regulars and 2,100 volunteers, being joined by a party of seventy-five friendly PottaAvattomies, who seemed eager to join in the scrimmage. On June 30th the army crossed the Illinois- Wisconsin boundary about a mile east of the site of Beloit. Sac signs Avere fresh, for Black Hawk, after his defeat at Kellogg 's. had fled directly to his stronghold, and Atkinson's men Avere following a Avarm trail. Camps were invariably made in the timber Avith breastAVorks to protect against night attacks, the rear guard of the savages proAvl- 56 HISTORY OF moxrop: county ing around in tlic dark and ])eing frpqnontly fired on l).v sentries. On .)uly 2d the army arrived at Lake Koslikonong, found hastily ch'serted Indian eanips; scouts made a tour of the lake, but found nothing of importanee except a few stragglers. A few captured Winnebagoes gave vague testimony and one of tiiem was shot and scalped for his impertinence. Fruitless scouting continued for several days. On July 4 Alexander's brigade arrived, and on the sixth Posey reported with Dodge's squadron. On June 28th, while Dodge was at Fort Hamilton, Posey arrived with orders from Atkinson to join forces and jirocoed to the )iiain army on the Koshkonong. Dodge now had about three hundred men, including a party of twenty ^lenomonies, and eight or ten white and half-l)reed scouts under Col. William S. Hamilton, son of the famous Alexander. Proceeding by the way of Four Lakes, White Crow and a party of thirty Winnebagoes offered to guide Posey and Dodge to Black Hawk's caiiii). After advancing through almost impenetrable swamps for several days, a messenger arrived from (Jeneral Atkinson with orders to join the main body on Bark river, as the enemy was believed to 1)e in that vicinity. This order provoked Dodge, but pi'oved to be singularly opportune, l^lack Hawk's camp occupied a position excellent for defense at the summit of a steep de(divity on the east bank of the Rock, where the river was difficult of passage. White Crow's solicitude as a guide was undoubtedly caused by his desire to lead the troops into a trap, whcrt- they would be badly whipped if not annihilated. While White Crow, with treachery had been endeavoring to entrap the Irfl wing of the army, other AVinnebago had informed Atkinson that Jilack Hawk was encamped on an island in the Whitewater river, a few miles to the east. In i-onsequence there was a useless wild goose chase through the broad morasses and treacherous sink holes of that region. Because of this false infor- mation, Atkinson sent the messenger to Posey just in time to save that force, though he did not then know it. The army, as finally formed, was Alexander's brigade and Dodge's scjuadron left wing, on west side of Rock: regulars \Hider Tayloi- ;ind llciii-y's brigade were right wing, commanded by Atkinson in i)erson. and marched on the cast bank: Posey's ])i-igade, also on the west liaid-: was the center. On July lOth Henry's and Alexander's l)rigailes and Dodge's squadron were sent to Fort Winnebago, eighty miles to the north- west for much needed provisions; the Second regiment of Posey's brigade was sent to Dixon ; with the rest of the troops Posey was THE BLACK HAWK WAR 57 ordered to Fort Hamilton to guard the mining country ; Atkinson himself fell back to Lake Koshkonong and biiilt a fort a few miles up the Bark river on the eastern limit of what is now the city of Fort Atkinson. Arriving at Fort Winnebago, the troops found a number of Winnebago, all full of advice; and also a famous half breed scout. Pierre Paquette. He informed Henry and Dodge of the true loca- tion of Black Hawk's stronghold with information as to its char- acter, and with twelve Winnebago was engaged to guide the troops to it. While at the fort a stampede of the horses occurred and something like tifty were lost. Henry and Dodge determined to return by way of Hustisford rapids and there engage Black Hawk if possible. Alexander's men refused to go on this perilous expe- dition and the General weakly yielded to their demand to obey Atkinson's order and return to camp. Henry was made of differ- ent stuff and refused to return, and the same day started with twelve days' rations with their guides. The ranks had been thinned by one cause and another so that in Henry's brigade there were now but 600 effective men and Dodge had about 150. On July 18th the troops found the Winnebago village at which Black Hawk had been Cjuartered, but the enemy had tied ; the Winnebago insisted that Black Hawk was then at Cranberry lake, a half day's march up the river, and the white commanders resolved to proceed the following day. At 2 :00 p. m. of the day of arrival Adjutants ]\Ierriam of Henry's and AVoodbridge of Dodge's started south to carry the information to Atkinson's camp thirty-five miles down the river. Little Thunder, a Winnebago chief, accompanied them as guide. When about twenty miles out, halfway between the present sites of Watertown and Jeffer- son, they suddenly struck a broad trail leading west. Little Thunder became greatly excited but could not make the officers understand him, so he turned his horse and dashed back to Henry's camp, the officers being obliged to follow, and there Little Thunder informed his people that the trail of Black Hawk in his tlight to the J\lississippi had been discovered and to warn them that further dissembling was useless. The news was received with joy by the troops, sinking spirits revived, all incumbrances were left behind, and on the following morning the chase was begun ; the Chicago and Northwestern rail- way between Jefferson Junction and ^Madison follows very closely Black Hawk's trail from Rock river to Four lakes; it was a tough country, the men getting into sink holes ; the temperature following a rainstorm, fell, making progress difficult, but straggling Winne- 58 HISTORY OF .MONROE ("OUXTY ])ago informed tlic troops tluit Black Ilawk was l)iit two miles ahead and llicx' jxislicd on with fiiipty stomadis and wet clothes. By sunset .liil\' 2(ltli. \\\r second day. Iliey reaelied the lakes, ^oinj^ into ram[) near \\ir noitheast exli'cmity of Third lake. That same night Black Hawk was camped, stronuly and)ushed. seven or eight miles beyond, near tlie present \ illage of Pheasant l^j-ancli. At daylii-eak of the 21st the tfoops wci-e up and after lording the Catfish river swept across the isthmus l)etween Third and Fourth lakes in regular line (>\' hattle. Ewing scouts in front; the line of mari-h was along Thii'il hike shoi-e ti) wliere Fauerhach's hi'ewery now stands, thence due Avest to Foui'th lake, the shores of which were skirted through the ])i'esent site of the University, across the swamps and lulls to the Fiieasant l)rancli. and then due northwest to the AVisconsiu river: the advance was rapid, forty horses gave out dui-ing the da\-. When a horse dropped the trooper Irudged on afoot, throwing away camp kettle and ineund)ranees. It was 3:00 o'clock in the aftei-uoon hefore the enemy's rear guard, twenty braves under Neapope. was overtaken. Several slvirmishes ensued hut the weakness of Neapope's force being dis- covered they were easily dispei-sed hy the white advance guard. At about 4:30 at a point about twenty-five miles northwest of the site of Madison. Neapope's hand, reinforced hy a scoi-e of braves under Black Hawk, made a bold stand to cover the flight of the main body down the Iduffs and across the stream. The troops dis- mounted and advanced on foot. The savages made a heav.x' chai'ge. yelling like madmen, endeavoring to flank the whites, liut were repulsed. The Sacs now dropped in the grass, which was nearly six feet high, and after an hour of hot tiring with few casualties on either side. Dodge. Ewing and Jones cluii-ged the enemy with bayonets, driving them up a rising piece of gi'ound at the top of which the second rank ol savages were found. It was raining softly and it was found difficult to keep the muskets dry, but a brisk fi)'e was kept up until dusk, and the jiursuit was abandoned for the night. This battle on the i)art of the Sacs was conducted )>y Black Hawk himself, who sat on a white pony on a neighboi-ing knoll, giving his braves orders with stentorian voice. After dusk a large party of fugitives, composed nuiinly of women, children and ohl men, were placed on a large raft and in canoes begged from the Winnebago and sent down th(> rivei' with the hoj)e that the soldiers at Fori ("I'awl'oi'd. irnarding the mouth of the Wisconsin, wouhl allow thesi' noncombatants to cross the Mississipj)! river in peace. But tiiis confidence was misplaced. Lieutenant Hitnei- with a snudl detachment of regulars was sent THE BLACK HAWK WAR 59 out by Indian Agent Joseph ^l. Street to intercept these forlorn find nearly starved wretches, and a short distance ahove the fort Kitner tired on tlieni, killing fifteen ni(>n and capturing tlurty-two women and children and four men. Nearly as many were drowned during the onslaught, while of the rest, who escaped to the woods, all but a half score perished with hunger or were massacred by a party of ]\Ienomonies from Green Bay, allies under Colonel Stambaugh. About an lioui" and a half before dawn of the 22nd, the day of the battle of Wisconsin Heights, a loud, shrill voice was heard speaking in an unknown tongue, which caused great consternation in the white camp as the troops feared it was the savage leader giving orders for an attack. It was Neapope, who, believing that Paquette and the Winnebago were still witli tlie whites, although they had returned, spoke in tiic Winnebago tongue, a speech of conciliation to the victors, saying in efiPect that if they were allowed to cross the ^Mississijipi in peace they wovdd never more do harm, l)ut th(^ plea fell on unwitting ears for no one in the white camp understood it and thus failed a second attempt of Black Hawk's band to close the war. As for Neapope, finding that his mission had failed, he fled to the AVinnebago. leaving his half dozen com- panions to return to Black Hawk with the discouraging news, now encamped in a ravine north of the Wisconsin. On the morning of the 22nd it was found that the enemy had escaped and being poorly supplied witli provisions for a long- chase in an unknown country beyond the Wisconsin river, prepar- ations were made to march to Blue Alound for provisions. Arriv- ing there on the 2;]rd they were joined by Atkinson and Alexander. Atkinson assumed command, distj-il)uted rations and ordered the pursuit resumed. On the 27th and 28tli the Wisconsin was crossed on rafts at Helena. Posey now jnined and all the l)rigades were together again. At noon the 28th the advance began with 450 regulars under (leneral Brady in front. Dodge, Pcsey and Alex- ander following in the order named, Henry bringing up the rear. It appears that much jealousy was apparent on Atkinson's part from the fact that the volunteers liad won the glory so far in the campaign. After a march of a few miles the trail of the fugitives toward the ^Mississippi was discovered. The country between the Wisconsin and the great river was I'ugged and hard to get over, the Winnebago guides were unfamiliar with it. and progress was slow. However the fact that they were noticeal)ly gaining on the redskins spurred the troops. The pathway was strewn with dead Sacs who had perished of wounds and starvation, and there were 60 lll.STOKV UF .M0XK01-: ( UlNTV frequent evidences tliat the fleeing wretches were eating the bark of trees and the sparse horse tiesli of tlicir fagged-out ponies, to sustain life. On August 1st IMack Hawk and his sadly depleted hand reached the Mississippi at a point two miles below the mouth of the Bad Axe, in A'ernon eounty. about forty miles north of the mouth of the Wisconsin. Here he tried to cross. There were, however, but two oi- three canoes to l)e had and the work was slow. One large raft laden with wonu^n and children was sent down the east side of the river towards Prairie du Chien. but on the way it capsized and nearly all its occupants Avere drowned. In the middle of the afternoon the steamer "Warrior" of Prairie du Chien appeared having on })oard Lieutenants Kings- bury and Ilobnes with fifteen regulars, who had been up the river to warn the Sioux chiefs at Wabasha that the Sacs were headed in that direction. As the steamer neared the shore Black Hawk appeared on the bank with a white flag and called out to the Cap- tain in the Winnebago tongue to send a ])oat ashore as the Sacs wished to give themselves up. A Winnebago stationed in the bow interpreted the request but the Captain, affecting to believe that it was an ambush, ordered Black Hawk to come aboard in his own craft. This he could not do as he had no boat or canoe, and his reply to that effect was met in a few moments with three quick rounds of canister shot whicli went plowing through the little group of Indians on shore witli deadly effect. A fierce fire of musketry ensued in wliich twenty-three Indians were killed and but one white man wounded. The "Warrioi"'" now being out of wood returned to Prairie du Chien for the night, the soldiers being highly elated at tlieir share in the campaign. During the night a few more Indians ci-ossed the river but Black Hawk, seeing that nU was lost to him. gathered a party of ten wai-riors, anu)ng whom was the prophet, and witli about thirt\- five s(}uaws and childivn headed east for a rocky hitling place in the Dells of Wisconsin. The next day the heart of the old man smote him foi- having deserted his people and he returned in time to witness from a neighboring bluff the conclusion of the battle of Bad Axe that struck the death ])low to the British band. W^ith a howl of rage he turned and disappeared in the forest. The aged chief had left excellent instructions to his people in the event of the arrival of the white army. Twenty picked Sacs were on the high bluffs east of the river as rear guard. Atkin.son's men on tlie ;iflernoon of August 2nd encountered these Sacs. The MONROE COUNTY COURT HOUSE THE BLACK HAWK AVAR 61 density of the timber obstructing the view it was supposed that Black Hawk's main force was overtaken. The army spread itself for the attack, Alexander and Posey forming the right, Henry the left, and Dodge and the regulars the center. The savage decoys retreated up the river away from the main position of the savage force and drew the troops after them as the white center and right wing followed quickly, leaving the left wing — with the exception of one of its regiments detailed to cover the rear — without orders. Some of E wing's scouts accidentally discovered that the main trail of the enemy was farther down the river than where the decoys were leading the army; thereupon Henry with his entire force descended the bluff and after a gallant charge on foot found him- self in the midst of the main body of 300 warriors. A desperate conflict ensued, the bucks being driven from tree to tree at the point of the bayonet, while women and children plunged madly into the river, many to drown. The conflict raged fiercely. Fully a half hour after Henry made the descent Atkinson, hearing the din of battle in his rear, came hastening to the scene with the center and right wing driving in the decoys and stragglers, thus completing the corral. The carnage now proceeded more fiercely than ever. The "Warrior" reappeared and aided the attack with canister. A wild dash was made for the river; some of the fugi- tives succeeded in swimming to the west bank, but most of them were picked off l)y sharp-shooters as if they were rats instead of human beings, showing absolutely no mercy toward women and children. This massacre lasted for about three hours. The Indians lost 150 killed outright, while as many more of both sexes and all ages were drowned — some fifty l^eing taken prisoners, mostly women. About 300 of the band crossed the river successfully before and during the struggle. The whites lost seventeen killed and twelve wounded. Those who had crossed the river were cruelly set upon by a band of Sioux under Chief Wabasha, and one-half of these help- less, half-starved noncombatants were cruelly slaughtered, while many of the others died of exhaustion and wounds before they reached their friends of Keokuk's band. The rest is soon told. The army returned to Prairie du Chien, General Scott assumed command and mustered out the volunteers the following day. Cholera among his troops had detained him first at Detroit and then at Chicago, nearly one-fourth of his 1,000 regulars having died of the pestilence. Independent of this the American loss in the war, including volunteers and settlers killed 62 IIIST(^KV OF AIOXHOK (OrXTY in tlic inv}?iilai' skiriuishcs and in massacres, was not ovit 2r)(). 'I'lu' (iiiaiicial cost to tlie nation and 1(» tlic state of Illinois aggre- gated nearly $2,()()( ).()()(). On August 22nd. ('Iiactai- and One-Eyed Decorah, two AVinnc- bago l)raves. delivered Jilaek Hawk and the Prophet into the liands of Agent Sti-ect at Pi-aii-ic du ("liicn. They hail fuund them at tiie AVisconsin river (hdls ahoxc Kilhoiirn ('iiy. ( )ii the 21st of Sep- tend)er a ti'eat\' of peace was signed and P>hiek Hawk. Ihe Prophet and Neapope. who had heen eaptui-ed hiti'i-, wci-e kept as hostages for the good behavior of the rest of the British ])and. They were kept tlii-ongh the winter at -lefit'erson l^arraeks. and in April. 1S:{;I. were taken to AVashington. They remained pris- oners in Korti'ess Monroe nntil disehai'ged. -Iinie 4tli. After visiting the ])rineipal eities of the east, whei'e I5hiek Hawk was much lionized, tlic pai'tx retni-iied to Fort Armstrt)ng much im- ])ressed with the power and i-esonrees of the white nmn. Here ]^laek Hawk's pi-ide was completely crushed, he being i)laced \nider the guardianshi]) of his hated I'ival. Keokuk. This was considennl an irreparahle insnit to the fallen chief, which he nurseil with much bitterness to the end of his days. Black Hawk at the age of seventy-om^ \-ears finally passed away on the ;5d of October, 1838, at his home on a snuill reservation set apart foi- him in Davis county. Towa. on tiie l)es Moines river. In July of the following yeai* his l)ody was stolen by an Illi- nois physician, ("omplaint being made by Bla(d< Hawk's family (Jovernor Lucas, of !o\\a. caused the skeleton to be delivered to him at Burlington in the spring of 1840. The seat of government being moved to Iowa City later in the year, the box containing the remains was dejiosited in a hiw office in the latter town, where it remained until the night ol' -lanuai'v l(i. 1S.'):I. A\hen the building was destroyed hy lire. l-'orbearaiice and honorable dealing on the part of the whites could easily have ])re\ented the Bhndv J lawk' war. Scpuitters were not ])i'e\"ented from encroaidnng upon the ])oss(\ssions of his l)eople, and at ^ycann»re creek he ■would ha\'e consented to remove his ])and |)eaceai)ly aci'oss the i-i\fi- had the oi'dinary rules of war in i-especting a tlasr of truce been observed by the white nu'ii. In fad. the c(mrse of the Americans during this sti'Uggle was marked by eruelly and disregard I'ov tlu' I'ules of waiMare which was more than savage; women, children and old men w ei-e ruth- lessly murdei'ed. and they caused the remnant of the liaiid which had crossed the i'i\er to l)e neai'l.x' all massaci'ed by the Sioux. A black record but mie which must be written. CHAPTER V. EARLY SETTLEMENT. With the lapse of time, the jiassing away of so many of the pioneers and the laek of records in the various communities renders it difficult to attempt to detail the ditferent points in the county at which the early settlements were made, in anything like chronological order. It is certain, however, that the tirst settlement in the county ivas near what is now known as Oil City in the town of Sheldon, and Esau Johnson, wlio located on the Kickapoo in that town on the 1st day of October, 1842, was the first "white man who nuide his home in the county of Monroe. He built a little cabin a])Out two miles above Oil City and moved into it with his family. His own Mords probably best describe the manner and reason for his stopping at that place and in an interview given many years ago he said: "In the year 1842 I came with my family down the AVisconsin river on a log raft to the mouth of the Kickapoo, and went to what was then known as Haney's in Richland county. We stayed there and worked on his land until the fall of the same year, when I took an ax and some provisions and started on a prospecting trip up the Kickapoo river until- 1 came to the mouth of Moore's creek, Avhich is in Monroe county. Impressed with the locality I deter- mined to return and bring my family up. Not Avishing to walk back to the farm I holhiwed out a tree, made myself a couple of paddles and sailed down in my improvised boat. I reached the farm the next day and soon had the boat in good condition for moving my family and what few household goods I had up to our new home. I finally left the 'Haney' farm September 10, 1842, and hired two brothers named Clark to help me move. They agreed for a consideration to stay with me until I had my house, built. On the 13th day of October we reached the location I had fixed up and we arranged a timbered shelter for my family Tuitil we could cut logs for a house. Three of us got to work and we soon had the work under way. On the 6th of October, just five days after landing, myself and my family moved in. 63 64 HISTORY OF MUXKOK CO IN TV This I ])ositiv('ly assert was llic liisl house and I and my family the first white people to make a permanent settlement in INIonroe eoiinty. The two Clarks stayed Avitli me unlil llw m-xt day, wiien they took a ])oat and returned to Ilaney's/" IMr. Johnson also states that on the lOtli day ol' Orloher Jie started for tlie mouth of the Kiekapoo river to get four head of oxen which iie had left there, and I'lnin thei-e lie went to Prairie du Chien, where he got a load of provisions and hired two men to return and work for him. In this trij) Mr. Johnson claims to have been the first to travel the present road between Oil City and Praii'ie du Chien. Tliere were no otlun- settlers except I\li'. John- son and his family up until IS-IT, and in the spring of that year Sylvester Bacon and AVilliam Clark joined him and worked for him until the spring df 184*J. Soon after this in that same year Thonuis Lewis and Thompson Ilazen arrived and located at a point about a half mile from the Johnson home and went into the lumbering business. This they continued to handle until ]\ray, 1847, when the business was sold to A. J. ^Martin ; Lewis leaving the county and going down to Grant county and Hazen moved to a point about five miles south of Cashton. where he opened a tavern and located on a farm. The first white child born in IMonroe county was a son of Esau Johnson, Avho first saw the light in September, 184(3, and the photo of this child noA\- hangs in the office of the county clerk of iMonroe county, at the court house in the city of Sparta. AVith the opening oL* the state road between Hudson and Prairie du Chien, wdiicli passed through the place where Sparta now is, and tlu^ laying out of the road between Portage and LaCrosse, came the opportunity for new settlers, which was taken advantage of during the years 1849-50-51. Probably the next point at whicli any settlement was made prioi* to 1850 Avas that of Frank Petit, who came to this county in 1849. which is authenticated by several records, and settled at a place near Sparta, w-hich is now knoAvn as "Castle Rock,"' and lie after- w^ards came to the place where Sparta now stands and was its first settler. In 1850 Cliarles Clute came with his family and went to work for Esau Johnson at the sawmill of the latter on the Kiekapoo river. Clute afterwards took up land in the north- ern part of the county. In 1851 E. E. Shaw. AVilliam Petit, Nelson Turrier and a man by the name of ]\Ietzler, settled in the coujitv, and in July of the same vear R. S. Kinsrman and his two brothers, twins named Rosalbo and Alvarbo, came to the county EARLY SETTLEMENT 65 from Ashtabula, Ohio, and settled witli E. E. Shaw aud Turrier in the Leon valley. From that time until the organization of the county settle- ments at different points were quite frequent, notably that at Leon in 1851 by E. E. Shaw and companions ; in the town of Jetferson in 1854 by Thompson Hazen who, as has been before mentioned, opened a hotel known as " Hazen 's Corner;" the settlement of the towns which followed the organization of the county in 1851: are treated in separate articles subsequently in this work. The pioneers who settled in the early day have given many lessons of industry and frugality, coupled with trials, hardships and endurance which so strikingly demonstrates to us the cour- age and determination of the men of that early time. The first important thing that the settler did was to build himself a house and perhaps until that was finished to live in his immigrant wagon or some rudely improvised shelter. Of course, the house was of logs and very primitive in design, but after it was built, erected by his own hands, it became a home, and in most cases he was content with it. The ingenuity Vfiih which the occupants of these log cabins constructed what they called furniture is sometimes quite interesting and, of course, any such manufac- tured articles, if any existed during the early 50 's, were imported from a distance ; tables and chairs were made of split logs, the bedstead very often of poles placed over forked sticks driven in the ground ; and many devices were invented in the way of fire- places for heating and cooking purposes. As soon as the clearing of land was under way the first crop was raised, which usually consisted of a few vegetables, sufficient for the needs of the family ; meat was supplied by the rifle of the pioneer ; it was plentiful and helped to swell the limited supply of provisions. INIills for the grinding of corn were usually at a long distance, and sometimes the expedient of grinding corn in a coffee mill had to be resorted to, and many other methods devised to make cornmeal flour. But with the advent of more settlers neighborhoods became established, then a school would spring up and here and there a church. The old Indian trails became w^ell-traveled highways and the wilderness was hewn into a semblance of ciA'ilization, creating the foundation of what is today one of the great counties of the great state of Wisconsin. ("IIAI'TKH VI. .AIAKING A COUNTY. In the year 1849 a state road was opened between Prairie du Cliien and Hudson, which Avere at that time trading points, pass- ing throngli tlie phu-e where Sparta now is and going around by the way of Bhu-k llivcv Falls and Clear Water, which afterwards became Eau Claire. A little later on a road Avas opened between Portage and LaCrosse, following an old Indian trail, affording a way of travel to the settlements of western AVisconsin, which before that time Avere only reached by way of the rivei-s. At that time there Avas no ]iost office nearer than Prairie du Chien, but Avith the opening of tlu^ higlnvays ])ost offices Avere established at Hlaek Kiver Falls, LaCrosse and scA'eral other points. About that time the diAision of AA-estern Wisconsin into counties began to take place; CraAvford county. Avhich c()in])rised tlie AAhole of AA'estern Wisconsin. AA'as set off with Pi-airie du ('hien as the county seat, and out of this territory Avere carved, at ditferent times, other counties, by the vai'ious acts of the legislature. Originally, in 1841) LaCiosse county comprised all the terri- tory included in its present limits and that of ^Moni'oe. Jackson. Trempeleau aiul Buffalo counties: settlements being i-;i])id in the next few years and the inluibitants somcAA-hat "croAvded"* as they thought, in 185^. upon ap|)lication to the legislatiu-e. Jackson county was set off. and in isr)4 'ricmpeleaii. Buffalo and Monroe counties Avere established ;ind detached from LaCrosse county. Like all movenuMits looking toAvards progress there Avas opposi- tion to the organization of Alonroe county right iuM'e at home, but neA'ertheless in ]\Iai-ch. 18r)4. a bill ci-eating the county of .Monroe passed the legislature, Avas approved 1)\- the (Jovernor .March 21st. published Alarcli 24th. thereby becoming a law. and .Monroe county Avas placed upon the ma|). Why it Avas luuued "Alonroe" is not knoAvn. but that its subsetjuent histoi-y justified its bearing the name of that sturdy patriot. James Alonro(\ the fifth presi- dent of the T'nited States, no one can doubt. While this bill Avas pending in the legislature there Avas a liA'ely struggle betAveen the residents of Leon and Sparta as to 66 ]\IAKIX(! A ("OTNTY G7 which place sliould be named as the county seat. Tlie argnnient.i of the Spartans prevailed, however, and the hill creating the county named Sparta as the county seat. This ;ic1 prescribed that all that portion of the county of LaCrosse situated and being in range one east, and ranges one, two, three and four west of township fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen be set oflf and organized into a separate county, to be known and designated by the name of the county of ^Eonroe. It further provided that an election shouki be held in the county of Monroe on the first Tuesday of the following April, and the polls should be opened in all precincts established on or before the first Tuesday of April ; that the vote should be can- vassed and returns made thereof to the clerk of the board of supervisors of the town of Leon, who should canvass the same as prescribed by law for the canvass of votes for county officers. and should issue certificates to such persons as received the greatest number of votes for the ofifices respectively for the town and county officers. That there should be elected at such election a county judge, who sliould hold his office until the first day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred fifty-eight, and until his successor was elected and ciualified. There should also be elected three town supervisors, one to be designated as chair- man of the board, who should also be the board of county super- visors. That at such election should also be elected a sherifif, a clerk of the court, clerk of the board of county supervisors, a register of deeds, surveyor and coroner and all other county officers required for the due organization of the county for county and judicial purposes. It also provided that the county of ]Monroe should consist of one town and the Ijoai'd of super- visors should be the l)oai'd of county supervisors, and that the said board of county supervisors should have to divide the county into three or more towns at any regular meeting of the board, and also provided that the county seat should be located at the village of Sparta, in the town of Leon. All writs, processes, ap- peals, suits, indictments, recognizances and othei* pi'oceediugs whatsoever then pending or thereafter commenced, or pending before the Monday next after the first Tuesday of April next, in the county or circuit court of the county of LaCrosse, should be prosecuted to the final judgment, order or decree, might be car- ried into eflt'ect and enforced in like manner as if the counties of LaCrosse and Monroe were constituted one county ; and all executions, writs, processes or other proceedings may be directed 68 lUSTOHV OF .MUXKOP: CO INT Y aud carried into execution and effect as such court shall direct any law on the contrary notwithstanding. At the election held in April pursuant to this act, seventy votes were cast for the entire county, and K. J. Casselnian, Loyd Angle and Peter DeCoursey were elected as the town board of the town of Leon, and thereby becaiiif the first county board of supervisors of the county of jNIonroe. .Vt that election the follow- ing county officers were elected: A. H. Blake, county judge; Ed. AValrath, sheriff; AVilber Fisk, register of deeds; John Barker, clerk of the court; Samuel Hoyt, county treasurer: A. H. Cornell, district attorney; E. E. Shaw, clerk of the board of supervisors. AVilber Fisk loft the county soon after the election and E. S. Blake filled the vacancy in the ofifice of the register of deeds until the appointment of R. S. Kingman, wliich occurred in January. 1855. The county board held its first meeting on the lltli day of April, 1854. at which R. J. Casselman and Loyd Angle were present, and without doing anything the board adjourned to the 14th day of April, and on the 14tli the board convened pursuant to the adjournment Avith R. J. Casselman and Loyd Angle i)res- ent. The first item of business wliidi was ever transacted by a county board of Alonroe county was done at that meeting. The board very solemnly proceeded to pass the resolution to pay the exorbitant price of .^12. 50 to John Foster for the use of the hall in the "Globe HoteF' and for fuel for the same for one year in accordance with the agreement on file in the ofifice of the clerk. At its next meeting, held on the 2d day of May, 1854, Fredrick A. Childs of Sparta was appointed county surveyor until a sur- veyor should be duly elected and qualified : there appearing to be little use for a coroner none was elected or appointed at that time. Under the law as it then existed the county board consisted of the chairman of the board of supervisors of each town, and this prevailed up to the year 1861, when by chapter 129 of the laws of that year the entire system was changed and the board was made to consist of three electors; each county was divided into assembly districts, or if there were not three assembly dis- tricts, then into supervisor districts, and one supervisor elected for each district, and this system continued until 1870, when the legislature in its wisdom repealed the chapter 129 of the laws of 1861 and the original system was again adopted, which has ever since been in existence. The county board, made up as a rule of the most representative men in the county, and consists MAKING A COUNTY 69 at the present writing of thirty-six members. As the interests of towns, cities and villages in the equalization of taxes and other matters have been important, the board has consisted in the past, and does at the present time, of strong and representative men, and during the past fifty-seven years it has had as members at dilferent times most all the men who have been distinguished in their various communities in the county. The roster of several hundred names contains those of men who have done things in the upbuilding of the great agricultural, commercial, dairy and fruit growing prosperity and wealth of the county. The first estate which came into the county court was that of one H. B. Hanshall, and the first record in that court w^as on the 2nd day of April, 1856, when the bond of the administratrix in the said estate was approved and recorded by George Gale, who was then county judge. The first term of the circuit court was held at the village of Sparta beginning on the 18th day of September, 1854, the Hon. Hiram Knowlton, judge of the sixth judicial circuit, presiding, and sad to relate the first case which came before his honor was a divorce case in which Ellen Pendelbery was plaintiff and Abra- ham Pendelbery was defendant. The charge was for desertion for more than one year, to which the defendant made no defense and a decree of divorce was entered on that day by the court giving the care and custody of the minor children to the wife. The action was brought by Denison and Lyndes, attorneys for the plaintiff. At that time it appeared that the district attorney, who had been elected, had left the county and the court on the 18tli of September appointed James I. Lyndes to act as district attorney for tliat term. Upon motion of Mr. Lyndes, Ellworth Lathrop, James Edswell and Carlton E. Rice were admitted as attorneys and counsellers at the law" and solicitors in chancery. The first jury case was that of Samuel Hoyt vs. AVilliam AVal- bridge for trespass. A. Holdes was attorney for the plaintiff and Denison and Lyndes represented the defendant. The first jury ever empanelled in the county was drawn and consisted of the following citizens: J. C. Bean, John DeLaney, A. H. Blake, R. S. Kingman. Riley Roberts, Hiram Anderson, B. B. Jones, AVilliam Winters, S. Walrath, A. Fisk. William Kerrigan and J. F. Rath- bun. Only one of this number is still living, J. F. Rathl)un, who now resides at the city of Tomah. The plaintiff' was successful and was awarded $50 damages. The first county board practiced economj^ during the year, and at the meeting on March 26, 1855, the clerk's report shows 70 IIISTOKV OF .MOXKOK COIXTV a total of orders diawn on tin- t-ounty treasurer of $295.87: i»ut soon the expenses began to multiply rapidly wlien the business affairs of the eounty were fairly lauiicluMl. Salaries, court ex- penses, olifiec r<'Mls \'nr llic vai'ious otiticcrs. Ices of various kinds provided by law all fomhiiied to rapidly increase the tax rate. AVith the growth of the eounty business the board found it neces- sary to have a court house and jail. .1. 1). Daimnon having made a plat of his first division to the village of Sparta, offered to donate block four for a location for the county buildings, and as a court house s(juai-e. This was accepted by the county board ^larch H, IS.")."), and at the meeting held on the .Ith of June of the same year the l)oard voted an appi-opriation of not to exceed ^(iOO.nO for a county building. H. .1. ("asselman, John Foster and 11. ]M. Sanford were api)oiuted a l)uilding committee to draft plans, to receive bids and to cause the building to be erected as soon as possible. It was completed for occupancy in 1856, being a frame building containing the court room or hall, and part of the building Avas partitioned off foi- a jail. It stood in th" middle of block four of Dammon's addition, being the one in whieh [he house now owned by Lee Canfield is situated. Soon after its com- pletion the building was leased to the school district for school jmrposes. when not in use for holding court; and on Sundays it was used by the Methodists as a church. There were no otiHces in the building, however, nnd the nect'ssity of renting offices by the county board continued for sevei'al years. Mr. Dannnon in 1862 commenced an action against the county to recover posses- sion of the court house site, claiming lliat the jiritvisions of the deed had been violated as tlie building was l)eing used for school purposes and foi- chuicli purposes ])rincipall\ . A special session of the county board was called Sept( niber 4. ISti:!. a1 which it Mas voted to pay the costs of the suit and settle the same by con- veying 111"' i)i'o]ierty back to ^Ii-. Dammnn. which was subse- quently (lone. The block where the preseul coui'1 house stands, whicii had l»een dedicated as a jiark l)y AVilliam Pcttit in isr)2, was selected as the site foi' the county buildings, ami pui'snani 1o a resolution of the bo;irBOT MAKING A COUNTY 77 A. B. Holden, 1886-88; AV. Kenyon, 1888-96; II. Laurer, 1896-98; Alex. McCaskey, 1898-1900; Fred Holden, 1900-19—; G. Sehni- der, ; F. Holden, . CORONERS. C. P. ^leClure, 1859-61 ; C. W. McMillan, 1861-71 ; David Ben, 1871-71; George B. Robinson, 1875-77; C. W. McMillan, 1877-79; D. J. Enderby, 1879-81; C. W. McMillan, 1881-88; James 'Con- ner, 1883-87;^ E. R. Jones, 1887-89; C. Fangle, 1889-91; O. H. Doxrud, 1891-92; James 'Conner, 1892-95; D. W. Fullmer, 1895-97 ; H. Coome, 1897-99 ; L. H. Conger, 1899-01 ; A. J. Carna- han, 1901-03; Leo Vieth, 1903-05; W. B. Cassels, 1905-07; H. G. Falk, 1907-09; George Henry, 1909—. SENATORS. Monroe county since its organization has at diiferent times ))een in a number of different senatorial districts, and this county has furnished the following senators: John A. Chandler, of Sparta, in the sessions of 1865 and 1866; DeWitt C. AYilson, of Sparta, in the session of 1868 ; Adelbert E. Bleekman, of Tomah, in the sessions of 1871 and 1875 ; Charles K. Erwin, of Tomah, in the sessions of 1882, 1883, 1885 and 1887; H. W. Barker, of Sparta, elected in 1907 for a teiTxi of four years ; Howard Teasdale, elected in 1910; now holding the office. MEMBERS OF ASSEMBLY. For a number of years the county of Monroe was a part of the assembly district comprised of LaCrosse and Monroe counties, so that it was not until al)Out 1861 that a member came from this county. A few years later the county w^as divided into two assembly districts, and afterwards into only one, which is the situation at the present time. A list is here given beginning with the year in which a mem- ber appeared from Monroe county, and after each name will be found the year of the session or sessions at which each member served : James H. Allen, Sparta, session of 1873 ; AVilliam J. Austin, Leon, session of 1881 ; AA'illiam Y. Baker, Oakdale, session of 1878 ; AYilliam A. Barber, AVarrens, session of 1882 ; Jesse Ben- nett, Sparta, session of 1869 ; Chauncey Blakeslee, Sparta, session of 1877 ; Adelbert E. Bleekman, Tomah, session of 1873 : AVilliam H. Blyton, Sparta, sessions of 1883-85-89; Robert Campbell, 78 IIISTOHV OK .MONHOH (orXTY (ileiidale, session of 1880: David I). <'heney, Sparta, session of ]871; 1). AV. Cliciicy. Spai-ta. session of 1891 : An)ert T. Colburn, Cataract, session of 1876; James D. Condit, Sparta, sessions of 1 ,s:)8-78-79 : TTan-y Doxtader. Toniali, session of 1877; Lewis S. Fisher, Sparta, session of 1887; ^liles LeKoy Ilineiiian. Toniah. session of 1887; .1. H. Hinckley. Toniah. session of iScSiJ; CharU^s A. Hunt. Alelvina, sessions of 1868-70; William W. Jackson, Tomah, .sessions of 1868-7.') ; Fredrick P. Johnson. Ontario, session of 1899; Steven B. Johnson. Tomah. session of 1867; David F. Jones, Sparta, session of 1897; Evan K. Jones, Sparta, session of 1901: John K. Jones, Leon, sessions of 1907-09; James H. Lyon. Glendale, session of 1889; Thomas L. [Martin. AViltou, session of 1895; Thomas ^McCanl, Tomah, session of 1874; John J. [McKay. Sj>arta. session of I860: Joseph [M. [Morrow, Sparta, session of 1862; John O'Brien, AVilton. session of 1881; Charles E. Qnitrs:. Tomah, session of 1893; Carlton E. Rice, Sparta, session of l.Sii4; Jolm F. Kichards, Tomah, session of 1872; Eli 0. Rudd, Rudd's [Mills, session of 1872; George P. Stevens, Tomah, sessions of 1903-05; Joseph .M. Tair. Tunnel City, session of 1865; [Mason A. Thayer, Sparta, session of 1882 ; James Tormey, Tomah, session of 1891 ; George R. Vineent. Tomah. session of 1891 : Levi Wal- lace, Oil City, session of 1885; P^li AVaste. Sparta, sessions of 1874-75-80: Charles D. AVells, Tomah. session of 1876: DeAVitt C. Wilson. Sparta, session of 1866. CHAPTER VII. THE LEGEND OF CASTLE ROCK. Among the natural curiosities to be found in Monroe county there is, situated near Sparta, an enormous bhitf which is about 600 feet high, liaving on its summit a large circular rock, and from its resemblance of an ancient castle it has received the name of Castle Rock. It is about five miles northeast from the city and surrounded by a range of l)luft"s. and is plainly visilde for a long distance along the St. Paul railway when approaching Sparta from the east. For a great many years it has been a resort for picnic parties and travelers and a curiosity even fo those Avho reside near it. The top can now be reached by means of a ladder and a view from its summit unfolds a ])eautiful picture such as only AYisconsin can produce, and on a clear day even the hills of Minnesota are plainly visible. Around this beauty spot has been drawn a delightful romantic legend from the pen of D. jMcBride. Esq.. now deceased, foi-merly one of the editors of the Sparta Herald, which runs as follows : "Some 200 years ago a roving band of Senecas made a raid upon the land of the Dakotas, while the latter were on the war- path, in pursuit of the Cheyennes, and captured Yah-ha-rah (Silent AVater), daughter of Keneau-ton-aken (AVar Eagle). A terrible storm having struck down the Seneca chief and tlu^ ma- jority of his followers soon after the raid, his brother, Po-ga-mie, took the captive girl to the French missionary station, at the point now known as ]\Iackinaw, where she was ransomed by the missionaries and put under the charge of the 'sisters' until such a time as she could l)e returned to her relatives. At this place Silent Water made the acquaintance of a young Frenchman l)y the name of LeClere, who had been banished from his native land for killing a person of rank in a duel. The two lonely ones became sympathizers, and a tender affection sprang up between them, which was soon interrupted by the appearance of AVar Eagle, who had, after some months, succeeded in finding the Avhereabouts of his child and had come to take her home. LeClere was lonely after Silent AVater had gone, and he resolved to seek 79 80 lUSTUliV UK .M()M{(JK (.OLXTY liis l(i\f ill till' 1.111(1 dl' the Dakotas. Taking an interpreter with him lie stalled out on his journey, and after many stirring adven- tures reached the camp o\' War Eagle. He Jiow found that the old chief had betrothed liis daughter to a favorite, ]\Iame-tah, ■who looked on LaClere Avith distrust and jealousy. F'inding that their love was hopeless if they remained in the land of the Dakotas, the young lovers planned an elopement. Tliey left the lodges Avhile War Eagle was on the war-path, hut were closely followed by Mam-e-tali. who led I hem a Jiard eluise, until he was finally slain by the arrows of Silent AVater. In their wander- ings, for they were journeying towards the missionary station, the young lovers discovered the bluff, now known as Castle Kock, the beauty of Avhich so charmed Silent Water that she begged LeClere to make a lodge there for the season, at least, and iie reluctantly complied. The rock ))ecame their castle, and on its very summit w^as their wigwam erected. Autumn was beginning to brighten 'the oak leaves with a ruddier hue, and the lovers had concluded that they would shortly continue their journey towards the missionary station Avhen an incident occurred tliat dashed all of their hopes from them. Wai- Eagle, who had spent the intervening time in searching for his child, came suddenly upon them, just as they were preparing for their departure. Silent AYater discovered him and his followers sitting at the base of the rock one morning upon arising from lier eouch. The chief and his men were in counsel, and when the counsel was ended the former advanced close to the rock and ])ade liis child, whom he could not see, to come down, declaring at the same time that he intended to kill LeClere and to take her home. The lovers resolved at once to die together if either nnist die: but they also concluded to sell their lives dearly, and they made instant ])i-ep- aration to defend their fortress. The siege lasted for several days — in fact, until all the arrows and ammunition of tln^ Ix^sieged ones had been used, then, clasped in each others arms, they awaited the end. War Eagle, on finding himself no longer o])- posed, boldly ascended the rock and aimed an arrow at the breast of LeClere, Avhich was anticipated by Silent Watei". who sprang forward in time to receive a death wound, thus for a nioment saving her lover's life. P'xasperated by her death LeClere smote "War Eagle Avith his weapon, and having rendered the old chief senseless, hurried the body from the eminence. A moment later the Frenchman yielded up liis sjiii-it at the hands of War Eagle's braves. "The rude storms of 200 years," says the romance, "have THE LEGEND OF CASTLE ROCK 81 torn and crumbled the stately form and graceful battlements into small rocks and sandy debris at the base of the rock. Its beautiful flowering shrubbery and noble crown of evergreens have long since disappeared. Naught but the scraggy stubs and roots of the tall red cedars that once adorned the lofty summit are left to tell the sad and melancholy tale of the fearful tragedy at Castle Rock." CHAPTKK VIIT. RAILROADS. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL. Rnnuiiig tlirough the county of IMoiiroe are two good systems of railroads which Jiave brought not a little to the development of the resources and interests of tliis county, as well as of the state of AVisconsin, and a brief outline of the history of these two great lines deserves a place in this work. For after all that may be said it is i)Iain to i)e seen from the records of the past that the real development of the county began Avith the establishment of the railroad system affording, of course, a rapid and cheap method of transportation when othci-wise food, clothing and sup- plies of all kinds and public travel wci'e accomplished by means of the old-fashioned stages and frcnght-hauling lines, with teams. Tile LaCrosse and ^Milwaukee Railroad Company was incor- porated by an act of the legislature, approved on the 2nd day of April, 18r)2. Its first president Avas Byron Kilborn. a man who played such a prominent part in the development of the city of ^Milwaukee and of ihe state. In 1854 stock subscriptions were obtained, and ;i survey having been made the general line of the road was established on Avhat is ]>ractically the same route now used by the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul railway between ^Milwaukee jind LaCrosse. Previous to this, liowevei-. in 1851, the ^Milwaukee and Koiid dii Lac Kailroad Comi)aiiy was incorporated and in 185o the conii)aiiy received its eiuirtei" under liie name of Alilwaukee, Fond d\i Lac and Green l^ay railroad. By an act of Ihe legislature. ;ij)i)i'oved .lune 27. 185.'i these iwo railroads were allowed and autiioi-i/.ed 1o coiisolid;ite. which ihey did. niid began the building of Ihe road towards Fond dii L;ic later on in 1854. The Milwaukee, Fond du Lac and Green liay railroad was consolidaleil with the LaCrosse and ^Milwaukee company, assum- ing the latter nanu> and proceeded Avith the eonsti-uction of the road already commenced, by turning it in tlie direction of LaC'rosse. in 183G congress donated a large grant of land to the state to 82 KxilLROADS 83 assist in railroad purposes, and the western part of this was con- ferred by the state to the LaCrosse and INIilwaukee company after the consolidation, and on March 14, 1857. the road was com- pleted as far as Portage, ninety-eight miles from ^Milwaukee and just about one-half way to what is now the city of LaCrosse. The times were hard during the year 1857-58 and the railroad, in common with other l)usiness interests, suffered very much and there were a numlier of changes in its officers. Tlic cud of the year 1857 found this little railroad with a debt of .^8,263,660.91, while the entire stock issue of the road amounted to $7,687,540.26. The annual report of that year is truly a story of financial em- barrassment and business difficulties. The report set out as fully as the officials dared to but in a much guarded manner the dis- astrous results of the acts of the legislature and other official corruption by which the land grant of the previous year was obtained. On the 27th day of September, 1857, the road passed into the hands of Selah Chamberlain, avIio had been the original contractor and builder of a portion of it. He leased it from the LaCrosse and jMilwaukee company and continued with the con- struction of the road, and the whole line was opened up from INIilwaukee to LaCrosse on the first day of October, 1858. In 1860 Chamberlain surrendered the lease to ^Messrs. Broson & Sutter, the trustees of the second mortgage holders at this time. An order was made by the United States District Court appoint- ing Col. Hans Crocker as receiver of the western division of the road from Portage to LaCrosse. He was also subsetpiently ap- pointed receiver of the eastern division from Portage to INIilwau- kee, and after taking possession of the entire road he operated it until the 12th day of June. 1863, when by an order of the court he surrendered tlie western division to the INIilwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Company as purchaser, and turned over the eastern division of the same company to operate under him as receiver, in which capacity he continued to act until January 9, 1866, when the entire road went into the possession of the Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Company. Previous to this the Chicago and St. Paul Railroad Company had l)een organized and started to build a line between Chicago, INIilwaukee and St. Paul, and on the first day of January, 1872, the Milwaukee and St. Paul com- pany formally purchased the Chicago and St. Paul railroad. This was made by giving the bonds of the St. Paul company for about $4,000,000 in gold, payable in London in 1902, bearing 7 per cent interest. The road between Milwaukee and Chicago was not com- pleted until 1872, and in the following year was transferred to 84 lllSTOKY UF MONROE COL XT Y the ]\Iihva\ikoo and St. Paul company and a route 410 miles lon^ between ^lihvaukee and St. Paul then completed. The road con- tinued to operate under the name of Milwaukee aiul St. Paul railroad until Febnuiry. 1S74, when hy an act of 1he legislature the name was changed to the Chicago. ^lilwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company, which name it has borne ever since. In 1874 the legislature passed wliat Avas known as the "Pot- ter" law, wliich limited the rates foi- passengers and freight traffic, and this provided for a l)oard of railroad commissioners. This law Avent into effect ^lay 1. 1874. and George II. Paid. John W. TToyt and Joseph Hosborn were appointed railroad commis- sioners. At about this time there was considerable feeling on the part of the people against the railroad company on account of the fact that the 7-ailroads regarded the "Potter'' law as uncon- stitutional and refused to reduce their charges for the passage and freight traffic until compelled to do so by a decision of the supreme court of the state. In 1876, however, the "Potter" law was repealed and a law passed establishing the maximum prices for freights, and since that time there has been considerable legislation Avhich has resulted in the present law giving supervision of railroads to the jurisdiction of a railroad commission appointed by the governor. The Chicago, .Milwaukee and St. Paul railway has completed the line to the coast, beginning at Mobridge. South Dakota, where it joins on to the end of the old line under tlie lunne of Chicago, ^Milwaukee and Puget Sound raihvay. While llu' two systems are i)ractically one lliey are i-un under sepai'ate manage- ment, and through this county tliei-e now passes daily two of the finest passenger trains, perhaps, in the world, the '" Olympian" and the "Columbian," fitted wilh every convenience known for the comfort of a tvn\eler. THE NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY. In the year 187.S the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Com- pany eonstrueled its line through this county. This eompany was first organized as tlie Illinois and Wisconsin Railway Com- pany and was to lun the line from Chicago to the Wisconsin state line. It was consolidated, iiowever. with the Rock Rivei; Valley Union railroad, which was to run from the state line to Fond du Lac and thus to form what was afterwards designated the St. Paul and Fond du Lac Air Line Railway Company. In 1859 the road Avas sold to a syndicate of capitalists and was reorganized under the present Chicago and Northwestern RAILROADS 85 Railway Company. Subsequently the Dixon, Rockford and Kenosha and the Galena and Chicago railroads became consoli- dated with and a part of the Northwestern in June, 1864, and in October that same year it absorbed the Peninsular railway, and in 1869 the Detroit and INIadison railway, and in 1871 tlie Baraboo Air Line, running from ^Madison, and in due course the North- western absorbed the Winona and St. Peter running from AVinona to New Ulm, Minnesota, and thence extended to Lake Kanipeska, Dakota, 320 miles from the Mississippi river. The line was built from iNIadison to Elroy, where it formed connections with the West Wisconsin railroad, and this and the other line formed the shortest route from Chicago to St. Paul, only lacking a short length to fill the gap between AVinona and Elroy, but while this Avas not a \'ery great distance and the difficulties encountered in constructing this line were tremendous. There was in existence a company called the LaCrosse, Trempeleau and Prescott Railway Company which contemplated building a railroad from AVinona, running southwest into Alonroe county. The Northwestern com- pany purchased this road from AA^inona junction, finished the track to Sparta, Alonroe county, and opened the whole line for regular traffic with a grand excursion on the 25th of September, 1873. The line from Aladison to Sparta passes through one of the most picturesque portions of AVisconsin, and nowhere in the state can more beautiful scenery be found. Passing through Aladison, the lake country, it skirts the shores of Devil's lake, goes by the dells of the Baraboo river, and runs into the beautiful hill country between Elroy and Sparta. But this beautiful hill country was the means of a vast exi^enditure of money, perhaps greater than any other present road in the middle west. Among the difficulties met with were the numerous springs of water, and many devices had to be resorted to in order to continue the work and take care of the tlow. It became necessary to make three long tunnels between Kendall and Sparta, the longest of which, "No. 3," is situated in the town of Ridgeville and is 3,800 feet in length and cost nearly $1,000,000 to construct. The other two, "No. 1" and "No. 2." between Norwalk and AVilton, and AVil- ton to Kendall, are al)out 1,700 feet in length. This great company has grown to be one of the important railroads of the country, and a map of its lines shows tlu^ vast territory reached by its various ramifications; and the traffic has demanded not only the building of direct routes, but great hauling capacity for freights to and from the far west, so that in order to avoid the heavy grades between Elroy and Sparta the 86 TIISTOHV OF .MONROE COUNTY Xurlliwcslfni (•uiui)aiiy cMUSftl to in' iiicr>r[)()i'ati'(.l in J!»l() what is known as the "^lihvaukoe, Spai-1a and Northwestern Railway Company." wliieh lias eonslnicted an aii- liuf in tlir slioi-t space of one year from ^Milwaukee to Sjiaila. passin^r through llic east- ern and central portion of llic count.w ])iei-('inu- tlic range of hills at Tunnel City, near the tunnel of the St. I'aul (•omi)any, and crossing the tracks of the St. Paul a few miles east of the city of Spar^a. At the time this work will !)(> dis1ril)ut('d trains Avill he in opei'ation on this road. CHAPTER IX. THE WEST AVISCONSIN RAILROAD. Closely connected with the history of the village, now the city of Tomah, was the construction of Avhat was known as the West AVisconsin railroad, from Tomah to Black River Falls. There Avas considerable agitation with regard to the building of this road among the citizens of both places, and in view of the advan- tages for transportation purposes, the two communities sub- scribed for a large amount of stock in order that the road might be built. Accordingly the movement was set on foot to take advantage of national aid by the granting of lands in this state to assist in the construction of railroads. An act of Congress passed the 5th day of jMay, 1864, among other things made a special grant of certain lands in this state for the construction of a railroad from Tomah, in the county of ]\lonroe, to the St. Croix river or lake between townships twenty-five and thirty-one. and from thence to Lake Superior and Bayfield. To digress a moment, the con- struction of this road as contemplated, if it had been completed clear through to Bayfield and in operation today, undoubtedly would have had a great influence upon the past history of not only the city of Tomah, but the city of Black River Falls, for it would run through a rich country. On March 20, 1865. the legislature of this state by a joint resolution accepted the grant as provided in this act of congress. Previous to this a railroad company had been incorporated by an act of the legislature, approved April 1, 1863, and was originally known as the "Tomah and St. Croix Railway Company." It was granted the right to build a road from Tomah in the county of Monroe, or on the right of way of the ^Milwaukee and LaCrosse Railway Company, or any other railroad running out of Tomah by way of Black River Falls, and from there by the most feasible route to such point on Lake St. Croix, between townships twenty- five and thirty-one, as the directors should determine. Tliis act was called "an act of incorporators, the Tomah and Lake St. Croix Railroad Company," and to repeal and annul a portion of 87 88 HISTORY OF .MONROE COFXTY the grant of laud heretofore made to tlie LaCrosse and ^lihvau- kee Railroad Company. Th(^ list of the incorporators of tliis railroad here given con- tains Ihe names of a numher of men who afterwards attained l)i'ominence in the state of Wisconsin. Here tliey are: William AVilson and William Carson, of Dnnn county; Joseph Th()ri)e and 1\. F. Wilson, of Fau Claire county; Andrew S. Greg and H. S. Allen, of Chippewa county; A. Gaylord, of Polk ((ninty ; N. S. Dunbar and Charles H. Cox, of Pierce e(»iiiil\ ; 11. L. lluiiii)lii'ey, of St. Croix ; Miles D. Pvindle, of Pepin county: George .M. (iil- key, of Hutfalo county; R. C. Field, of Trenii)eleau ; Carl C. Pope and AVilliam T. Price, of Jackson county; Rich'ard Dewhurst. of Clark county, and C. D. Spaulding. of Monroe county. Afterwards, and on the 6th day of April, 186(i, the name of the company was changed to that of the West AVisconsin Rail- way Compan.y, and the construction of the road Avas commenceil. The lirst strip of it between Tomah and P>lack River Falls was built in the suiiinier of 1868. and train service was started regu- larly l)etween Tomah and Black Hiver Falls, wliieli continued up until Novend)er, 1873, at Avhicli time ti-onble ai-ose between the company and the town of Tomah irom tin tact that the company claimed that the town had not kei)t its conti'act with regard to the sul)scription of stock, and threatened to tear up the line from "Warren's ]\Iills to Tomah and thus cut the village ott' from Jack- son county. This threat Avas finally put into execution and the iMiiiipany sent a crew oi' men doAvn to that end of the line, and on the last Sunday of November. 1872, they tore u\) the track betwiHMi Tomah and AVarren's ]\lills. It was only accomplished after strong resistance l)y the citizens of the village and the excitement ran liigh at the time. During the same year, 1872, the company con- structed a track tlu'ough Warren's Alills to Fli-oy, nuiking a junction at the latter ])lace with the Chicago anil Northwestern Railway Company, and by this means, as Avell as by the tearing up of the track from Tomah to Warren's Mills, gi-eat in.jm-y was inflicted upon the business interests of Tomah and the citi- zens were vei-y indignant and did not pi'opose to tamel\- submit to such high-handed lu'ocedure. .Vccoi'dingly. on the 2!)th of January, 187o, a bill was introduced in the legislature by the Hon. A. E. Bleekman. then the membei- of the assem])ly from Alonroe county, entitled "a bill i-e(piiring the "West "Wisconsin iiailroad Company to relay, maintain and operate its road from Tonudi to "Warren's Alills in .Monroe county." The bill Avas referred to the judiciary committee, Avhich reported it back THE WEST WISCONSIN RAILROAD 89 again with amendments and recommended its passage, and after a warm fight in tlie h'gislature it passed both houses and was approved by the governor February 18, 1873. The company, however, defied this act of the legislature, refused to comply with it in any manner, under the claim that, the act was uneon- stitutional. and thus began, perhaps, the first chapter in the history of railroad legislation in the state of Wisconsin regarding the acts of such corporations. The fact that the company failed to comply witJi tins law compelled the citizens of Tomali to go to the courts, and accord- ingly upon an application made to the supreme court and on the 29th day of August, 1873, leave was granted to commence action against the company, and the attorney-general instituted pro- ceedings in file nature of quo warranto, to have declared for- feited the defendant's charter, and asked that the company be dissolved under the act of February 13, 1873, above mentioned. The company in its answer to this writ claimed that the act Avas unconstitutional and nugatory, and demurred to the complaint on the following grounds : First, that the court had not juris- diction of the subject matter. Second, that the complaint did not state facts sufficient to entitle the plaintiff to the relief demanded herein, or to any relief. This action was brought to hearing upon th(» demurrer at the January, 1874. term of the supreme court, and the demurrer was overruled. The defendant company then answered and the village in turn demurrcHl to the answer set up by the company on the ground that it did not state facts sufficient to constitute a defense. AYhen the matter came up for hearing the court held that the company, in discontinuing the road and taking up the track from Warren's Alills to Tomah, violated the provisions of its charter and its duty to the state under its charter; and that the railroad company Avas required by chapter thirty-one of the laws of 1873, being the act of February 13th, to relay and operate that part of the road which it had originally received a charter to ])uild, and was bound to maintain it ; namely, that portion of the line which they hnd, as has been stated, torn up between Tomah and AVarren's Alills. The court entered an order, sus- tained the demurrer to the company's answer with leave to the company to amend !>>' the first day of the next term. This decision of the court was a body blow to the claim of the company, and in order to save further litigation a proposition Avas made to the village of Tomah to settle the case by a payment of a sum of money. A meeting of the citizens Avas called and 90 IIISTOKV OK .Mo.XIi'OK (OlXTY the matter eonsidered, and after one oi- two stormy sessions the proposition of the company lo i);i\' $l(),0()(i in consideration of the droi)pin!y: of ;ill litigations Avas tinally aeeepted, and this ended tile matter. By an act of tiie legislature Fel)ruary i:]. 1876, the act of February 13, 1878, Avas repealed and the building of the line from AVarren's ]\Iills to Elroy whs legalized. The UKMuber of the assembly from Tomab ;it Hiis lime was ("liarles D. Wells. Portions of tlie old road betl fruiu Tomali to AVarren's IMills may still be seen, mute monuments of those stirring times which lead not only to ])hysical violence, but costly litigation on tlie part of this little community to maintain its rights against a corporation. CHAPTER X. MONROE COUNTY NEWSPAPERS. BY L. B. SQUIER. MONROE CITIZEN. The beginning of newspaper work in ]\Ionroe county dates from some time in the year 1854, when L. P. Rising l)egan the publication of a small paper called the ^Monroe Citizen. ]\lr. Rising came from Cattaragus County, New York, bringing Avith him a knowledge of the printer's trade and a small printing out- fit. He settled near the western line of the county, about two miles from Sparta. Here he cultivated a small farm and also got out a paper about 8x12 inches in size, which he printed on a press of his own construction. Nominally it was issued at Sparta and the subscription price was $1.00 per year. It did not appear with regularity, but at intervals, according to the opportunities of the eccentric farmer-editor. The period of existence of the Citizen was limited to about two years. SPARTA HERALD. This was the first regular newspaper in Monroe county ; was published under different names at ditt'erent periods in its his- tory. The Sparta Watchman was established at Sparta in the spring of 1855 by Milton ^Montgomery and J. 1). Condit. This was prior to tlu^ entrance of any railroads into the county and the printing outfit obtained at Beaver Dam was brought to Sparta by wagon. After pid)lishing the paper one year IMontgomery and Condit sold it to Lucius ]\1. Rose, who had been connected with the Watertown Chronicle. ]\Ir. Rose changed the name of the paper to Monroe Freeman, and i)ublished it until the spring of 1858. Avhen it was purchased by David IMcBride, who had previously published the ]\Iauston Star. He changed tlie name to the Sparta Herald, which the paper has retained to the pres- ent time with the exception of the two years 1867-1 860. In the spring of 1867 the paper passed into Democratic control and was called the Sparta Democrat. It was edited by William Jay 91 92 lllSTOKY OK MOXKOE (Ol NTV \\'!ii|i|)l('. wlio jil'tcrward wciil lo Wii;oiui mikI pulilislicd llic Winona Democrat. In 18()!> llic pajjer again cjiuk* into tlic pos- session of D. .McRride, Avho associated with him in Ihc hnsiness his son, \V. .McBride. They rechristened the paper S|)arta Her- ald, and from that time to the present it has l)e('ii stnrdily Ke- pnl)lican in politics. In 1884, after the death of I). McBridc, the newspaper i)rop(M-ty ]iassed into the hands of his two sons, who have pnblished it under the name of .McHride Brothers. ;iiid it is still so pnhlishcd. althongh owned liy W. Mcl'.ride. The paper is an eight-colnmn folio, printed all at Iiohm-. So far as can he learned the first effort to establish a Demo- cratic newspajx'r in ]\Ionroe connty was in 18.")!). when the Sparta Democrat was started by two men, Richard M. Copeland and George Babcock. The pnblication of tliis paper was discontinued after about six months. Another attempt at a Democratic paper in Sparta was made in 1868 by two brothers, Henry and Harrison Hayden. who had been previously employed l)y the Herald. It was published only a few mouths, the Tlaydens having some disagreenu^it willi theii- Dem- ocratic backers, and was discontinued, the llaydens moving away. SPARTA EAGLE. The Sparta Kagle was a second Republican paper started at Sparta in 18(i(). as the result of dissensions among Republieau politicians in the county. William H. Farnham and Luther B. Xoyes were the publishers one year, after which the latter retired and the paper was continued by .Mr. Fai'uham luitil 18ti8. lu that year he sold it to George Kedway. who came from Ohio, and sul)se(inentl>' his bi-otlnM'. R. E. Redway. had it for a time, .\flei' this the |)apei- freciueiitly changed hands. D. B. J'riest. Carson Graham and William Nelson, all of Viro(|ua. were connected with it between 18()!> and 1871. In the latter year it was owned for a time by W. li. Kiiieh. aftei-ward editor of the LaOrosse Repub- lican-Leadei'. He sold it to R. ('. Bierce. of Vii-o(|na. and Henry Rising, a son of the editor of .Monroe county's tii-st paper. t!ie Citizen. In the fall of 1871 the paper was sold to D. W. C. Wil- son and Theodore F. Hollister. The following year .Mr. Wilson withdi-ew and the Kagle soon after died. MONROE COUNTY DEMOCRAT. Soon after the suspension of the S])arta Kagle the outfit was bought bv D. W. C. Wilson, who in 187:^ started the ^Monroe MONROE COUNTY NEAVSPAPERS 93 County Republican, a Democratic paper. He published it until 1879, when it was consolidated with the Monroe County Demo- crat, a paper moved from Tomah by Brown and Foster. Mr. Wilson retired from the business and Messrs. Brown and Foster continued the paper under the name of the Monroe County Re- publican. In August. 1879, Mr. Foster's connection with the paper ceased and ^Ir. Brown changed the name to the ]Monroe County Democrat. In October, 1883, Guy Whitney, of Portage, took charge of the paper and the next February B. W. Perry became associated with him in it. About three months later Mr. Perry became proprietor and in January, 1885, he changed the name to Democrat-Enterprise. After disposing of the Democrat F. A. Brown started a Repub- lican paper, the Sparta News. He had been publishing it nearly a year when, on the 16th of August, 1885, the Sparta Democrat was burned out in the Ida House fire. The remnant of the outfit w^as bought by B. E. McCoy, of Sparta, who also bought the Sparta News, and combining the two began the publication of the Sparta Democrat, changing the name soon after to, ^lonroe County Democrat. ]\Ir. McCoy published the paper almost ten years, selling it in September, 1895, to D. C. Streeter, of Sparta. Later S. E. Streeter became associated with his brother in the business under the name of Streeter Brothers. In October, 1897, it was leased to D. W. Cheney and Clark S. McCoy; was run by them for a year. At the conclusion of the lease D. C. Streeter again became publisher and S. E. Streeter editor. These brothers became involved in some litigation, the paper going into the hands of a receiver for a time. D. C. Streeter being successful in the litigation again became proprietor, and published the paper with C. S. McCoy as editor until December 19, 1903, Avhen the plant was sold to G. S. Ellicott. The following fall he sold to el. P. Rice and W. C. Plawkins. October 1, 1905, IMr. Hawkins disposed of his interest to George Esch, who, with Mr. Rice, conducted the paper until November 15, 1907, when Esch disposed of his inter- est to W. N. Wells, and the Democrat has been conducted by Rice & Wells up to the present, Mr. Wells being editor and manager. WISCONSIN GREENBACK. Among the papers published in the county for a short time was the Wisconsin Greenback, which flourished during the Cooper campaign. It was started in June. 187(). by Lamborn and Needham. j\lr. Needham soon retired and the paper was con- 94 IIISTOHV OF .MnxK(u: corxTY liiiucd l)\' Di'. J. L;iiiil)(tni Mild his son, Artliui' 15. Ii l)ecamc' the or^an of tho GrcciiljjifU paity in th<' state and was removed to ^lihvankee in 1S77. I)u1 iiftcrwjird returned to Spiirta and was published for a short time. SPARTA TRIBUNE. The Sparla Trihiiue was a paper stalled in 1SS2 by II. E. Kelly and had a brief existenee. it was the organ of the so-called Independent Re])nblieans. who formed a coalition with the Demo- crats antl carried the county in the fall election. ^Ir. K(dly started another paper called tlie Tudej^endent in -July, 1M90. He sold it in January. 181)4. to L. S. lliiiii])lirey. of .Madison. The next July it was discontinuetl. the outfit beiii"; sold to ^IcBride Brothers. TOMAH CHIEF. The pioneer newspaper of Tonudi w;is 1lie Tonuili Chief. It was published as early as ]859 when Toiuali was only a small settlement, and there was not adequate sui)])()i-t for ;i news]iaper. It was a small sheet and was i)ublis!ied aliout a year. TOMAH JOURNAL. The establishment of a permanent lU'wspaper in Tomah dates from the year 1867. In .July of that year the Tomah Journal Avas started, and from that time to the i)resent the name has not l)eeu changed. It has l)een ])ublished eontinuou.sly longer than any other paper in tlu^ county. The .Jouriud was started by .lames A. and Cli.-ifles D. AVells and for al)out eight ye;irs \\as published by one or both of these brothers, with sexcral changes of firm name. In ls7-'>. ( '. D. AVells' coiuiection with the ])aper ceased, .-iiid in April. lS7(i. he started a Democratic paper in Tonuih calI'Ml the Tomali Signal. It was i)ublished less Ihiiii ;i .\e;ir. .1. .\. Wells continued the i)ub- lication of the .Joiu'iial until in .lanuar\. 1S,S4. when he sold it to Kibbe (Jc A'iiH'ent. .\1 lh;it time .Mr. Fred Kilibe was ]tul)lishing a small |)apcr cwlled the St;ir. -which w;is then merged with the Journal. During the ye.ir llu' .Journal was leased to Mr. S. L. Chase, mid in .laiiuar\-, ISS."). it wns sold to F. I>. S(|uier and .1. H. Diitton, w!io ])ublished it for three years. Al tluit time .Mr. S(|uier bought out his ])ar1iic!-"s interest jind li;is conducted the l)api']' to the prest-nt time. The .loui-nal is a six column (piarto. four i)ages liom(> print. It has licen T?e])ub]ic;in in politics MONROE COUNTY NP]W8PAPKRS 95 throughout its entire history. The office is well equipped, with its own power plant. About the year 1867 a paper called the Toniah Democrat w'as started hy a ]Mr. Averill. but it Avas published only six months. The next attempt to establish a Democratic paper in Tomah was made by C. D. Wells in 1876, and has already been mentioned. In January, 1878, V. A. Brown and George A. Foster began the publication of the Monroe County Democrat at Tomah. About a year later they removed the office to Sparta and the paper w'as consolidated with the Monroe County Republican. TOMAH MONITOR-HERALD. The next Democratic paper in Tomah was called the Badger State Monitor, Avas started July 1. 1880. by Jay R. Hinckley. He published this paper for eight years, during part of which time he also published the Juneau County Argus at New Lisbon and the Herald at Portage. In 1888 he sold the Monitor to J. A. AVells, a former editor of the Tomah Journal ; later he took into partnership his son, C. J. AYells; they purchased the Tomah Her- ald in 11>U1, com])ining it with the ^Monitor under its present name. The Tomah Herald was started in 1891 by Jay R. Hinckley and successively owned by Briggs Brothers, George F. Grassie and ]\Ir. Lee, by whom it was sold to J. A. and C. J. AVells. The ^lonitor-Herald is a weekly newspaper of eight pages, seven columns to the page, published Fridays, is Republican in politics. The office is ecjuipped Avith a modern outfit, the largest tAVo revolution press in the county at the present time, a linotype, three job presses, using electric poAver. HERALD-ADVERTISER. In February, 1891, Mr. Hinckley having purdmscd the Port- age Advertiser, combined it Avith his Portage Herald and again located in Tomah, i)ublishing his paper under the name Herald- Advertiser. In January, 1891, he moA^ed his paper to Sparta, Aviiere he published it for a fcAV years, then turned it into a daily, Avhieli Avas sold to a local company, Avhich conducted it for about a year, finally disposing of the plant to L. D. Merrill; he moved the outfit to the Teasdale building, discontinued the daily and resumed the Aveekly publication. Subsequently, the plant Avas sold to Dorrington and Ross, Dorrington retiring from the firm shortly after. The paper had a precarious existence 96 TIISTOKY OF .M()XK*()K COT'NTV ;iii(l tiii;ill\' liiiii iiriii I (lit'tictilt ics llircw il iiilo l);iiil Fraid< Haines started a paper here called the Sun. but its life was short. He afterward started a .jol) otlice. but that also soon gave up the ghost. MONROE COUNTY NEWSPAPERS 97 NORWALK SENTINEL. This paper was started in January, 1888, and was discontinued six months later. The Norwalk Times was started just after the Sentinel ceased publication and was published for about six months by H. C. McGary; the paper being printed at Sparta. NORWALK STAR. Founded in October, 1903, by 0. AV. Sprecher, who conducted it until the summer of 1907, Avhen it was purchased by AY. J. Robinson, and the ensuing fall was purchased by E. G. Hessel- grave, the present owner and proprietor. This paper started under discouraging circumstances, but has steadily grown in cir- culation and advertising patronage until at the present time it stands second to any paper in tlie county in respect to legiti- mate home patronage. Independent in politics and stands for the best interests of Norwalk, Alonroe county, and state of AVisconsin. WILTON HERALD. The AA^'ilton Herald was started about the beginning of the year 189-4 by a man named Bugbee, who set the type in the A^^il- ton office and printed the paper at Reedsburg. He was soon succeeded by Thompson & Brown, and later C. H. Brown became the sole owner, he in turn sold the paper to J. E. Gruber in February, 1900. who has been the proprietor and editor ever since. KENDALL KEYSTONE. The first issue of the Kendall Keystone was published Jan- uary 28, 1904, by Clarence S. Dodge, who came to the village from AYhite Rock, S. D. It was started as an eight page five col- umn paper and its publication was continued by Mr. Dodge until July 29, 1905. when it was purchased by the present pub- lisher, Alex R. McCleneghan. He soon enlarged the paper to a six column eight pages, the standard county paper size. In politics the Keystone is Independent Republican; the paper has prospered from the beginning and now has a subscription list of about eight hundred and good advertising patronage. The paper is ably edited and has succeeded in bringing Kendall to the at- tention of the outside world, which is appreciated by the people of that bustling village. 98 HISTORY OF .ArONROE COUNTY WARRENS INDEX. The AVarrons Index was started at AVarrens, Wis., October 2, 1896, -with AY. G. p]vans, formerly of ^Missouri, as editoi-. Tlu' newspaper outfit "vvas added to a job printing office, which liad been doing business for a few years, owned by F. R. Barber. The paper was published by IMr. Evans until ^lay, 1908, when he disposed of his interest to I. S. Dunn, of Elroy. ^Ir. Dunn severed his eonneetioii with the })ai)er the following year, l)ut its publication was continued ))y the Index Printing Co. under dif- ferent editors for several years. In September, 1910, the paper was discontinued, the subscription list and i)art of tin- i)lant being sold to the Tomah Jonnml. VALLEY ADVOCATE. The AViseonsin Yalley Advocate was started at Yalley Junc- tion on JNIarch 3, 1898, by E. T. Hale, of Elroy. After l)eing run for a time as a local paper, it passed into the hands of the Twentieth Century Co., with AY. C. Brawley, of ]\Iauston, as editor. It was enlarged and became chiefly an agricultural paper, devoted to the development of the lands in that section of the county. Mr. Brawley Avas succeeded by AY. II. Price as editor, who conducted the paper until November, 1907. At that time it Avas discontinued, the subscription list being disposed of to the Toniah -lournal and the plant was sold to other parties. TOMAH HERALD. The Tomah Ib-rakl was started as a daily newspaper in the year 1894 by J. R. Hinckley and Son, avIio were also publishing a daily paper in Sparta at that time. After a short time it was purchased ])y Briggs Bros., Avho changed it to a weekly paper. In about a year they sold it to George Grassie, of Alilwaukee, Avho afterward disposed of it to R. G. Lee. In 190-1 Air. Lee mo\ ed the press and part of the ])lant to Tomahawk, selling the sub- scription list and part of the material to AYells and Son of the Tomah Alonitor, who then chantred tlu^ name of tlicir paper to Alonitor-llerald. CHAPTER XI. MONROE COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR. BY WILLIAM H. BLYTON. When the news was received of the fall of Fort Sumter the general feeling of indignation felt by the North did not escape the citizens of this young, but loyal county, and at no place in the United States was the president's call for troops more promptly responded to. Six full companies of volunteer soldiers w^ere organized and a part of the seventh furnished by this county, together with a large number of men in different com- panies in several of the regiments. In all, there were 927 men who w^ent from JMonroe county during the war, and of this num- ber 141 gave up their lives in the service of their country. This is a remarkable record ; Monroe county did its full share and a little more, as will readily be seen when the fact is remem- bered that in the census report for 1860 the entire population of the county, men, women and children, numbered about 8,407 souls, and the male population between the ages of fifteen and fifty was only 2,220, together with the further fact that the county w^as only seven years of age, having been organized March 21, 1854 ; and that when war was declared the assessed valuation of the entire property of the county, real and per- sonal, was but $1,477,745. In view of the foregoing, it seems that it may be said that Monroe county did more than her full share and made for her- self during the AVar of '61 a record that any and all of her citi- zens may refer to with pride. We feel that w^e are justified in boasting of our volunteer soldiers, who Avere citizens before they became soldiers. The population of the county now is 28,881, as against 8,407 in 1860, and the assessed A'aluation of our real and personal property is $25,921,265, as against $1,477,745 in 1860, which is suggestive of the truth of the oft repeated saying that we live in a progressive age, and as a new generation stands in our places, let them be taught that the Union soldier has done much 99 100 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY ill AVar and in Peace. That in every avenue of life soldiers are nuiiihcred still l)y the thousands, and the lessons of patriotism should not be lost ui)on our children or our children's children, and they should be made to feel that the blessing enjoyed in a free country depend upon the loj'alty, patriotism, and intelli- gence of its people. The history of the troops which went from this county into the war is necessarily the history of the various regiments in which its citizens enlisted ; in order to fully record the great service which was rendered in that struggle by our own peo- ple, the history of some of the regiments in which companies enlisted from this county is given in this chapter; it is a remark- able record, the record of hardships, bravery and good Ameri- can patriotism under all circumstances, and one which has formed no small part of the remarkable history of AVisconsin troops during the Rebellion. There were several regiments in which nearly whole companies came from ^Monroe county, no- tably Company A, Third Cavalry, which was almost entirely from this county; Company I, Fourth Cavalry, and a large number in Company F, Fourth Cavalry; some twenty-tive or six in the First Battery, Light Artillery; quite a number enlisted in the Sixth Infantry in A'arious companies; Company C of the Eighteenth Infantry ; Company C of the Nineteenth Infantry, a large num- ber in Company D of the same regiment ; Company D of the Twenty-tifth Regiment of Infantry, also a large number of Com- pany F; Company C, Twenty-sixth Infantry; Company K, Forty- third Infantry: Company I, Forty-eighth Infantry; Company B. Fiftietli Infantry, and Company A, Fifty-first Infantry. THE SIXTH INFANTRY. The Sixth Regiment was organized at Camp Randall in -June. 1861, and mustered into the United States service July 13th : left the state July 27th, reaching AVashington August 8th. This regi- ment, in connection with the Second AVisconsin. Fiflh Wiscon- sin and Nineteenth Indiana, composed Gen. Rufus King's First Brigade and throughout the war the Second, Sixth and Seventh AA^isconsin Regiments served in the same organization, and became knoAvn the world over as ''The Iron Brigade," and their services throughout that struggle were rendered as brigade and not as regiments. These three "Wisconsin regiments had absolute confidence in one another; the men to a great extent were personally ac- quainted; their campaigns extended over a comparatively small MONROE COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR 101 section of the country ; they became familiar with the army against which they Avere called upon to battle. During the four years they were in close proximity to the powerful armj'^ led by the most brilliant officers of the Confederacy; they knew that a march of a day or two in its direction meant skirmishing, if not a battle. It was necessary throughout these years in which his- tory was made that men of this brigade be ready for battle all of the time. Another circumstance is found in the fact that from the first to the last, the brigade was commanded by a soldier who knew how to command and Avho knew how to get the best possible work from his men. General King was a graduate of West Point. A thorough disciplinarian, and his work during the few months in which he had command was invaluable in preparing the brigade for its future services. He M'as succeeded by Gen. John Gibbons in ^lay, 1862, who continued the work of making his brigade regular army soldiers, and they were regulars in fact as well as in name ; not only were the men well drilled and well instructed, but the field and line officers were made efficient, so that when General Gibbon was placed in the command of a division after the battle of Antietam, all of the surviving colonels of the brigade were competent to take his place. Meredith of the Nineteenth Indiana and Cutler of the Sixth Wisconsin were made brigadiers, and had experience as commanders of the brigade. They folloAved as closely as they could in the footsteps of Gibbon. Then came Colonel Robinson, of the Seventh Wisconsin, and then Colonel Bragg, of the Sixth. Colonel Bragg had been a remarkably close student of Gibbon's methods and soon after assuming the command he was made a brigadier general. When he left the command in February, 1865, an officer who had left AVisconsin as a first lieutenant and had reached the rank of colonel of the Sixth Wisconsin, succeeded him, and ])ecame a brigadier general by brevet because of his splendid management in the closing campaign of the war, this was Gen. John A. Kellogg. Aside from the battles of the Army of the Potomac in the spring and summer of 1862 on the Potomac, this brigade missed none of the great and small battles of the Army of the Potomac. Its opportunities for winning credit and thinning its ranks were greater than were offered to any other Wisconsin regiments sent to the war, and the statement is here emphasized that any other four Wisconsin regiments similarly situated, similarly commanded, kept together throughout the war and given the 102 iiisi'DRY OF :\ionrop: county same opportunity to win distinction Avoiild, without any kind of donbt, liave won tho sanio rank and licen given tlic same erodit. After spending the winter of 18()l-2 on Arlington Heights, the brigade broke eainp ]Mareli 10, 1862, joined in the march of Mc- Clellan's great army on Centerville and IManassas. The first great battle in which the brigade played a i)r()ini- nent part was in Gainsville, Va., August 28, 1862; it was the beginning of a series of battles in Uie vicinity of Bull Run battle tield of the year before; here Jackson's corps had destroyed mil- lions of dollars worth of property at Manassas and had turned back to join the balance of Lee's army. Gibl)on's brigade con- sisted of Ihe four regiments named and Hattery B; for hours faced antl fought Stonewall Jackson's army corps of nearly thirty-six regiments. The only help it had for a portion of the time being the Fifty-sixth Pennsylvaiiia and the Seventy-sixth NeAV Yorl: on the right (tf the line. The brigade entered the engagement with 2,200 men and its loss, killed and wounded, was 800, but in that battle it won a name for good soldiership. The next engagement was South ^Mountain, "Sid., September 14: in this battle the brigade charged upon the high mountain in the face of a much larger force and won the signal victory. In this battle its conduct was witnessed by the corps commander. Gen. Joseph Hooker, and Gen. George B. JMcClellan, conunander of the Army of the Potomac, and it was in this battle that it was given thr name of the "Iron Brigade." General ]\lc('lellan asked, "Whose troops are these?" As he saw Ihe l)i'igade charge upon the mountain, Avhen told by General Hooker that it was Gibbon's western brigade, he remarked, "They are men of iron." as the story goes. AVithin a few days Cincinnati ]iapers were received in which the western men Avere spoken of as the "Iron Brigade." There are different stories as to how the brigade received its name, but General Bragg, who grew up with tlie organization, said tliat in his belief it was the war correspond- ents and he thought it was a con-espondent of a Cincinnati paper who gave the comni.iiKi the name it has held (>ver since. At the first battle of Fredericksburg, in December, 1862. when tlie brigade was in Franklin's grand division, on the left, and while it was under fire two days and lost considerable nund)er of men, it was not the disastrous kind of an (>ncounter it had experienced in previous battles. It participated in Burnside's famous !Mud ^Marcli in 1S()2 on the Potomac, when it returned to its camps at Bell Plain until MONROE COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR 103 Hooker's campaig'n began iu the last week of April, 18G3, when it made its remarkable charge in pontoon boats across the Rap- pahannock river at Fitzhugh Crossing, charged the heights on the opposite side of the river, drove the enemy, took possession, fortified and held the place until General Hooker's men had crossed the riA'er and got on the left flank of Lee's army, when the brigade recrossed the river and marched to join the main army at Chancellorsville, where it participated in the fight and joined in another retreat on the safe side of the Rappahannock. A short time later it participated in the three bloody days of the battle of Gettysburg, beginning July 1. 1862. At this time it was the First Brigade, First Division, First Army Corps, Gen. Solomon Meredith being in command. It is claimed by some authority that the Wisconsin brigade and Pennsylvania infantry opened fire in that battle at about the same time. The authorities of ])oth states claim that their soldiers were the first to begin the infantry fighting, but the fact is that they belonged to the same division and marched into the fight at the same time. In the first day's fight the brigade's loss was very great in officers and men, and lost more than one-third of its troops in killed and wounded. During the balance of the two days' battle it was on Gulp's Hill, behind strong entrenchments. It was called into action several times and saw the never-to-be- forgotten charge made by the Confederates under Gen. George E. Pickett. After Meade's fruitless campaign in November, 1863, the brigade returned to its quarters with the rest of the corps at Culpeper Court House, and on the 1st of January the Sixth and Seventh regiments re-enlisted for three years more or during the war, and were given thirty days' furlough, returning to Wisconsin as regiments. Their reception by the people of the state constituted one of the great events in the lives of the young soldiers. At the end of the thirty days the two regiments returned to the brigade and iu May. 1864, it, with the rest of the army, plunged into the AVilderness campaign on ]\Iay 5, 1864, and they were not out of the hearing of hostile guns until the surrender of Lee's army at Appomattox, April 9, 1865. It was in the forefront in the two days' battle of the Wilderness proper, at Laurel's Hill, Spottsylvania, Bethesda Church, in North Anna, Cold Harbor, the Siege of Petersburg, the three days' battle of Weldon railroad beginning August 18th, and ending on the 21st; the battles of Hatcher's Run, Gravely Run, 104 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Five Forks and Appomattox. Tlie brigade took its place in the grand revicAV in AVasliington after the "war, and two months later returned to the state and was mustered out of the service. THE EIGHTEENTH INFANTRY. The Eighteenth Infantry was ordered to Camp Sigel. ^U\- waukee, January 7, 1862. It completed its organization and was mustered into the service and left the state about the last of March, 1862, reaching Pittsburg Landing April 5, and went into the Battle of Shiloh the next day. It was surprised by the Confederates early in the morning of April 6th, and, although it was poorly drilled and wholly unprepared for service, yet Avithin a week it Avas forced into one of the greatest battles of the war and took up the work of fighting, and made a credit- able record, losing many valuable officers, including the colonel and a large number of men. Col. S. H. Alban was killed early in the engagement; Lieut. Col. S. AV. Beall, who had been lieutenant governor of AVisconsin. Avas severely Avounded, and Maj. J. AV. Crain Avas killed. In this battle, the Eighteenth lost tAventy-five killed and ninety-one Avounded. Jn the folloAV- ing October it Avas in the battle of Corinth, again losing heavily in killed and Avounded. 1)ut adding greatly to its reputation as a fighting regiment. Capt. Gabrial Bouck, of the Second AViscon- sin, Avas made colonel to succeed Colonel Alban. killed at Shiloh. The Eighteeutli Avas one of AVisconsin's regiments at the battle and siege of Vicksburg. The regiment reached Chattanooga in time to take part in the battle of Alission Ridge, November 25, 1863, and from there Avent to Iluntsville. Avhcre it remained on guard and outpost duty until 'May. 1864. ]\Iost of its duty from that time to the end ol' the war consisted of important guard and outpost duty, aside from tiic i)arl it took in 1iu^ Confederate attack on Alloona I'ass. There Avere stored at this pass an immense quantity of aniiy supplies. The Confederate army needed these supplies and they attacked Avith great force and A'igor. ])ut the small force of Union troops stationed there fought as soldiers are seldom called upon to fight. Here the Eighteenth Avon for itself great praise and great distinction. It Avas in this battle that General Slu>rman signaled to General Corse from KenesaAv AFountain to hold the position, for he Avas coming. From this dispatch came that Avouderful old song. ''Hold the Fort, for T am Coming." General Corse had received, previous to this message, seA'eral Avounds and signaled l)ack to Sherman, "I have lost an ear, part of a cheek and am Avounded in one arm. MONROE COUNTY IN THE CIVIL AVAR 105 but I will hold the fort until Hades freezes over." It was one of the sharpest battles of that kind fought during- the war, and to this day many wonder how that small force could check and drive back a whole division of Confederates. AVhile the Eighteenth did not march with Sherman to the sea, it joined Sherman's' army by traveling on boats and rail- roads, reaching it the last of March, and was with him until Raleigh, the capital of North Carolina, surrendered, soon after which Johnston and his army laid down their arms. The Eighteenth had three colonels, J. S. Alban, Gabrial Bouck and Charles H. Jackson. THE NINETEENTH INFANTRY. The Nineteenth was organized at Camp I tley, Racine, l)ut in April, 1862, was ordered to Camp Randall to guard prisoners taken at Shiloh. Early in June of tliat year the regiment pro- ceeded to Virginia. This regiment was given a larger amount of our post and guard duty than most of the regiments, though it was in all ways an excellent command, and both officers and men were anxious for more service; Init this important duty had to be placed in good hands and this regiment was thoroughly to be depended upon, and did work in a manner to bring praise from its superior officers. It was stationed at Norfolk for some time and again was stationed at Suffolk, Va. It was engaged in several battles in front of Richmond and Petersburg, and lost in killed twenty- nine, died of wounds twelve, died of disease 107. Horace R. Sanders, of Racine, was the first colonel, and S. K. Voughan the second colonel. The regiment had only these two colonels. It was mustered out of the service August 9, 1865. THE TWENTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. This regiment was organized at LaCrosse, AVis., in Septem- ber, 1862, and as soon as it was mustered into the service was sent to Minnesota to aid in the Indian War prevailing there at that time. It returned to Madison in January, 1863, and left for Kentucky February 17th of the same year. It was com- manded by a jMonroe county man. Col. ]\Iilton Montgomery, and the history of this regimeiit is of peculiar interest inasmuch as nearly one whole company, D, and a great part of another, F, Avere composed of Alonroe county citizens. 106 TIISTOHV OF :\I()XROE COT'XTY Tlie Tweiity-fiftli had quite an experience in ^Minnesota in the Indian campaign, after which, as has been stated, it returned to Madison and was sent soutli in ISfi:}. and became a part of the Sixteenth Army Corps and joined Grant's army at Vicks- burg early in June, remaining there until after the surrender and performing well every duty assigned to it. It was one of the regiments wliieh participated in this memorable march of Gen- eral Sherman from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and from there to the sea: It saw hard service throughout this camjiaign, and the regiment was depended upon, on numerous occasions, for very important duty, and was fref(uently engaged in severe battles. AVhile its losses in killed and wounded were not as great as many of the regiments, it lost from disease a larger number than any other regiment from the state. The records of Company D showing a large percentage of Monroe county men who died of disease. This is the regiment of Avhich Jeremiah 31. Rusk was lieutenant colonel. He went out with it as major. l)ecame lieutenant colonel, and as such commanded it in many of its campaigns and battles, and was promoted to brevet brigadier and for some time commanded the brigade. General Rusk told this story on himself: While going through North Carolina in command of a brigade his troops went in the x^i'ie forests to camp and when, two days later, it In-oke camp, nearly every man, because of the piteh ])ine smoke, was nearly as dark skinned as the colored people. AVhile General Rusk was riding at the head of his brigade, his face nearly as black as a crow's wing, he heard some southern people by the roadside say: ''For Gaud sake, if the Yankees haven't been obliged to put niggers in command of their brigades." Colonel ^Montgomery of this regi- ment lost an arm in action, and for gallant and meritorious con- duct was made a brigadier general 1)y brevet. The Twenty- fifth's losses in killed and wounded Avas forty-two. and of its number 376 died of disease. It was one of Wisconsin's famous regiments, which left a glorious record (if its services. It was mustered out on June 7, I860. THE THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. Till' Thirty-sixth regiment was organized \inder the presi- dent's first call in 1864, and was Ww first to respond. It left ]\[adison ]\lay '10, 1864, and joined the Army of the Potomac at Spottsylvania, Va.. a Aveek later. It went directly into the line of battle when it reached that place, and Avas soon taken into the thick of the fight and acquitted itself as if its soldiers had been I\rONROE COUNTY IN THE CIVIL AVAR 107 veterans. From that time until the end of the war the Thirty- sixth regiment was given the hardest service, and was ordered into all of the battles recorded up to and including Appomattox. It had for its colonel, Frank A. Haskell, who left the state in 1861 as adjutant of the Sixth Wisconsin, and Avas General Gibbon's adjutant general. At the battle of Gettysburg, while serving on General Gibbon's staff as a captain, command of the entire army corps devolved upon him for a brief space of time. Generals Hancock, Gibbon and AA^ebb had been wounded and Haskell assumed the responsiliility of directing the corps in the engagement. At the battle of Cold Harbor, where his regiment did great execution and met Avitli distressing losses. Colonel Haskell, while at the head of his command, standing on the breast work and as he was about to give a command to charge, was instantly killed. Two days before that he had been rec- ommended for promotion to brigadier general. He was, without doubt, one of the most soldierly and manly men from this state. Though its services extended for only a year, the losses of this regiment were much greater than two-thirds of the three years' regiments. It had four different colonels, Haskell, who was killed; Col. John A. Savage was mortally wounded, and Col. Harvey M. Brown was erroneously reported killed at Petersburg. Col. Clement E. A\"arner lost an arm, and a number of captains and lieutenants were killed. More than half of the thousand men that Colonel Haskel hurried to the front early in 1864 were killed or wounded. The regiment lost in one year seventy-nine killed, forty-seven died of wounds, and 168 died of disease. It is not surprising that the survivors of the Thirty-sixth AVisconsin are proud to have been of such a regiment. THE FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT. This regiment was recruited and organized under the direc- tion of Col. Amasa Cobb, formerly of the Fifth AVisconsin. It left ]\Iilwaukee for the field on the 9th of October, 1861, under orders to report at Nashville, Tenn., to General Sherman. From Nashville they moved by rail and encamped on the 15th of October at Johnsonville, the terminus of the military railroad connected with Nashville and situated 110 miles from Paducah, on the Tennessee river. Here Colonel Cobb was appointed post commander and Lieutenant Colonel Paine assumed command of the regiment. This important post, at which was collected immense quantities of stores, was then menaced by the approach 108 HISTORY OF .MONROE COUNTY of rebel forces under General Hood, and from the 4tli to the 6th of November the regiment was exposed to the fire of tin- rebel gnns, planted on the opposite bank of the Tennessee, losing- one man killed and one wounded. The ForlN-third left Johnsonville on the morning of the 30tli of November, and marched l»y Avay of Waxcrly through an unbroken wilderness and arrived on the 4th of December at Clarksville, on the Cumberland river. Embarking at ( bii-k'sville on the 28th they ]-eached Nashville at 10 in the evening. They landed the next morning and remained in the city awaiting transportation until the evening of the 21st of January. I8ti5. when they left Nashville by rail and arrived at Dechard. Tenn., where six companies of the regiment went to camp riiid tour companies, under command of ^Major Hrightman. being detadu'd to guard the Elk river brigade. The regiment was employed at that station in i>ost and guard duty on the line of the Nashville and Chattanooga railroad until the beginning of June, Avhen it was moved to Nashville, at whidi place it was mustered out of the service June 24. 1865, arriving soon after in Milwaukee, where they Avere paid and disbanded. THE FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. Was organiz(?d at ^lihvaukec during tin- months of Februai-y and ]\rarch, 1865. Eight companies oi' the i-i-giment under tlic command of Lieutenant Colonel Shears left ^Milwaukee on the 2nd of ]\rarch under orders to report at Benton Barracks, Mis- souri, at which place it received orders on the 28th of ^Marcli to proceed to Paola, Kan. I^pon its arrival llicre tlu^ (•oui])anies were sent in different directions to detached duly, and on the 19th of July Colonel Pearsall was assigned to the command of all the troops in and west of Neosho Valley, Kan., including tiie station on Osage iMission, with headquarters at Humboldt. Kan. Orders were received on the lOth of August for the regiment to proceed to Lawrence, hut on account of heavy rains the march was delayed until the l!Jtii. arriving at Lawrence, Kan., on Sejv teniber 5th. I'pon its an-ival at Lawriuice the regiment Avas again assigned on delacln-d service, companies being sent to occupy different places. Companies B. D. F and I, Avere nuis- tered out at LeaA^euAvorth, Kan., on the lllh of February, 1866, and reached ]\Iadison on the 23r(l. The balance of the companies Avere mustered out on the 24th of ]\Iarcli, 1866, and arriA-ed at INIadison on the 28th, Avher(» they Avere ])aid and disbanded. MONROE COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR 109 THE FIFTIETH REGIMENT. The Fiftieth AViseonsiii was organized under tlie supervision of John G. Clark, of Lancaster; left Madison by companies the latter part of March and the beginning of April, 1865, and on arriving at St. Louis, ]\Io.. the companies were assigned to Ben- ton Barracks. On the 11th of October, Colonel Clark assumed command of the ])()st at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where the regi- ment w^as stationed until the expiration of its term of service. Company E was ordered to report at INIadison, AVis., where it was mustered out and discharged on the 19th of April, 1866. The balance of the regiment remained in garrison at Fort Rice until the 31st of May, 1866, when Companies A, B, C and D, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel McDermott set out for home, reaching Madison, AYis.. on the 12th of May, 1866. Com- panies F, G, H. I and K, under the command of Colonel Clark, left Fort Rice on the 3rd of June and arrived at Madison on the 14th of June, and here the whole army was immediately mustered out, paid and disbanded. THE FIFTY-FIRST REGIMENT. Six companies of this regiment were recruited under Col. Leonard ]\Iartin and were organized at Camp Washburn, Mil- waukee, during the months of February, March, April and May, 1865, and were sent to Benton Barracks, Mo., the last company being organized on the 29th of April, in that year. The four junior companies not having left the state, they were mustered out and discharged at Milwaukee on the 6th of IMay under gen- eral orders from the War Department for the reduction of the army. On the 7th of April Company B was placed on temporary duty at St. Louis, and on the 8th of May Companies A, C, E and F were ordered to Warrensburg, Mo. These companies were then stationed along the line of the Pacific railroad, and were occupied in guarding the construction of this road from Holden to Pleasant Hill. Company B reached the regiment on the 21st of June. In accordance with the special orders from the War Department June 10, 1865, the Fifty-third Wisconsin, consist- ing of four companies, was consolidated with the Fifty-first regi- ment and was mustered out at Madison in companies, the last company being disbanded on the 30th of August, 1865. THIRD CAVALRY. This regiment was fully organized, and the colonel and field officers mustered into the United States service on the 28th of no HISTORY OF ^rOXROE COUNTY fJaiiuary, 18H2. Col. William A. Barstow took i-oiiunaiul and its headciiiarters were at Camp Jiarstow, Janesville. On the 26th day of March, 1862, the regiment left the state under orders to rejiort at St. Louis. Th(\v took Ihc ti-aiii for Chicago and had arrived within three nnles of that cily when they met with a terrible disaster. The cars were running i-apidly and several of them were thrown from the track. Twelve men were instantly killed, and twenty-eight wounded. On the morn- ing of the 27th they arrived in Chicago and took the cars for St. Louis, wher(^ they arrived the 28th, and marched to the fair grounds, near Benton Barracks. ^lay 22nd, 1862. they took three steamers up the ^Missouri for Leavenworth, Kan., arriving IMay 27th. They had previously drawn ^Merrill's carbines at St. Louis and sabres at Janesville. They camped on the blue grass near Fort Lea\ eiiworth, and there drew their horses and eiiuij)- ments, and in the city their revolvers. Colonel Barstow was appointed provost marshal of Kansas, and in the beginning of June the regiment was stationed, by detachments, in different parts of the state, extending from the Nebraska line on the north to Fort Scott on the south. The nature of the service was chiefly to hunt up and expel the jayhawkers and bushwhackers of that region. Companies C, F, I and ]\I were sent, June 12th, from Fort Leavenworlh to Fort Scott, Avhere they aii-ived on the 17th. This inai'ch is worthy of record, as it was accomplished in five days without the loss of a man or horse, the distance being 180 miles. Fort Scott was now the outpost of the forces, and ]Major Ilenning took command of the post. Company T was sent to occupy Carthage, Mo., sixty-five miles from Foi-t S^-ott. Captain Conkey in t-onnnand. Company C Avas sent to Trading Post, thirty-five miles north of Fori Scoit. (Hi llie border. Bands of rebels were jtrowling about the territory. Captain Conkey followed one jiarty, with a snuiU force, from Carthage, and finding himself in danger, charged through their camj) of 2.000 one morning before day- light and escaped. Colonel Barstow unexpectedly met the same band at ]Montevallo. and routing them, fell back to F(n"t Scott, where an attack was expected. But General Salomon's arrival, on liis retui-n from the Indian country, made the post seeure. General Blunt arriving, Comjianies V and T, Lieutenant Willets in command, joined an expedition in ])ursuit of the enemy. At Taberville they had an engagement witli liim. and Company I being in front, showed so nmch bravery that Colonel Cloud commendctl them in his official report. They took ])art also 3E0NR0E COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR 111 in the action at Coon Creek where 600 loyalists routi'd 1,500 rebels. . Early in Sci)teinber, Companies I and ]M were substituted, at Fort Scott, for C and F, ]\Iajor Henning still commanding. They were constantly engaged in scouting expeditions, and as escorts for trains to General Blunt 's army in southwest ^lissouri, until January, 1863. when Companies C and G were added to th(^ com- mand, and remained till July, at which date Company G was ordered to report to Lieutenant-Colonel AVhite, who then had cniiuiiand of the regiment. Meanwhile the first and third battalions, under ]\Iajor Schroeling, were engaged in such varied movements as were common to a state of border warfare. In June, 1862, a disposi- tion was made of them at ditit'erent points, thus: Company D was sent to Atchison, G to Shawnee, and L to Aubrey; Com- panies B and H guarded Fort Leavenworth ; at Leavenworth City, A, E and K performed provost duty besides scouting in the border counties of Missouri. The infamous Quantrell, Avith his guerillas, was often found and fought by them. September 13 six companies Avent to Indian Creek, in south- west Missouri, and joined the command of General Salomon. In his brigade they took part in the battle of Cane Hill, the last of November, and in that of Prairie Grove, December 7th, to be described hereafter. Subsequently tlicy went to Cane Hill again, thence to Van Buren on a raid, driving out a Texas regiment and capturing several steamboats. During the Avinter of 1862-63 they Avere a part of the time at Elm Spring ]\Iills, and ]\Iarma- duke being engaged in raiding through the country, they Avere continually on the alert to intercept and dislodge him. They Avere noAV in Arkansas and then in ^Missouri, on short marches and on long ones — at one time moving from Forsyth, Missouri, to Springfield, 256 miles, in four days, AA^thout taking forage or rations. June 22nd they Avere separated from the rest of the command and marched to Fort Scott, camping there July 5th, the day after the fall of Vicksburg. The other companies of the regiments B, C, H. I and ]M, in the preceding month of ]\Iay, under the command of Captain Stout, marched to Fort Blunt, in the Cherokee Nation, as an escort for the post supply train. A heavy force of some 1,500 Texans and Indians under the rebel general. Cooper, attacked them on the 30th of May, Avhen they were only four miles from the fort. The enemy Avas repulsed, the national troops losing five men killed and Avounded. June 4th they again set out from 112 IIISTOKY OF MONROE COUNTY Fort lUuiit as I'si-ort lo tlir rcliiniiii^- train, and un the 2()th turned about as escort to a large train of supplies to the fort. At Cabin Creek, on the 27th. the ichd General Cooper again attacked them with a nuich snpcrior force. The enemy, however, were (liixcn lil'ls' miles across the Verdigris river. Reaching Fort Hlunl they were attached to the Third brigade, army of the frontier, .luly 16th tlie}' marched soutli. nndei- tlie lead of General Blunt. The next day they had a battle at Honey Springs, where the I'ebels under Coo])ei' and Stamlwaite lost numy i)risoners anol their wiu)le artillery. Afterward they crossed the Arkansas river aiul i)ursued the enemy, having some skirmishes, and on the 19tli returned to Fort Blunt \\ith tli<' army. The early holder warfare led to the formation of several Indian regiments, composed in general of the arms-bearing refuges among the Indians that could be obtained for the service of the United States. The Thii-d AVisconsin Cavalry had some connection with these regiments, i)articularly the Third, wliieh was recruited on the frontier of .Missouri and Kansas, ^ir. F. II. Ely, of the Third Wisconsin Cavalry, was first detailed for special service, and then ordered by General Blunt, November 15, 1862, to take command of Company G, Third Indian Regiment, as first lieutenant. The First Battalion was with this regiment in the battle of Honey Springs, or Elk Creek. FOURTH CAVALRY. This regiment was originally organized as the Fourth Regi- ment of infantry about the 6th of June, 1861, at Camp Utley, Ra- cine. On the 15th day of July, 1861, they left the state under orders to report at Baltimore, ]\Id., where they arrived on the 2:^rd. After detached duty, which separated the companies i)f the regiment, they were reunited on the 5th of August and Avent into camp thirty miles north of AVashington. Here they renmined engaged in drill until the 4th day of Novendx'r. when the regiment took part in an expedition on the eastern shore of Virginia under General Lockwood. wliiili accomplished no result. Upon its return the regiment Avas plaeed in liari'acks in the city of Kaltimoi-e, where it i-eniained until V'ebruary, lS(i2. It was orch-red on board of transports at Newport News, Virginia, and sailed south to join the army of the Gulf, and arrived at Ship Island, ^Mississippi, on the bilh of .March. There the reginu'nt' was assigned to the Second bi'iL;a ^lississippi riA^er in Avhieli the ])rave eaptaiu and five men were torn to ])ieces by a sliell and six others AvoundiMJ. The ram ran through Poilei-'s ii<'et fo Vicksburg. The Fourth AVisconsin Avas sent undei- flie commaiul of ('()lon(4 Paine to the ])oint oppo- site the toAvn to jorevent the crossing of the rebels. AVliile here they AAntnessed the bombardment of the city by the eomliined fleets of Farragut and Davis, Avliieh Avas a ttM'riI)le scene. Tlie regiment steamed doAvn the river and landed at Baton Rouge on the 26th after the bombardment, the expedition having suffered much from disease, and on the 31st of July Colonel Paine, in obedience to ordei-s, started for Ncav Orleans to i'e]>ort arrest of General Butler. On the morning of August ')1h an advance Avas made to meet ihc confederates under General Breckenridge, avIio was repulsed Avith great loss. Tn this battle General AVilliams w^as killed and Colonel Paine Avas sunnnonod to Ncav Orleans by General l^utler and i)laced in command to return to Baton Rouge and burn the city to the ground. The next night at 12:00 o'clock Colonel Paine reached the city, found that the rebels liad retreated and fhat fhe federal troops had changed their i)osition and Avere Avaiting another attack. Colonel Paine held the city until the ITlli of August. Avhen he received information from General Butler tliat Batou Rouge Avould be again attacked on the MONROE COUNTY IN THE CIVIL WAR 115 ISth of August. The Colonel had also learned the same thing from his scouts and was prepared. All spare baggage was ordered on board the transport, signals were arranged for by day and night, all state prisoners were taken to the boats and sent down the river. On the 18th the enemy approached the works on the southeast but were easily repulsed by the gunboats. On the 19th the colonel posted notices requiring all residents to leave the city on the following day, and directed that the buildings should be burned on the 20ih unless the order was rescinded by General Butler. Before daylight on the 20th an order was re- ceived, dated the 19th, from General Butler, rescinding the order to burn the city. The town was thus saved, for which the people of Louisiana may be forever grateful to the generous heart of Col. Halbert E. Paine, of the Fourth Wisconsin. On tlie 21st the city was evacuated. The regiment did some service at different points during September, October and November, and on the 19th of December returned to Baton Rouge, Major Boardman in command. The regiment afterwards participated in that famous siege of Fort Hudson and lost very heavily. It had been con- verted into a cavalry regiment in 1863, and as such it took rank with the best cavalry regiments in the service. Most of its serv- ice was in ^Missouri, Louisiana and Tennessee, and at the close of the war it went with the army destined for Texas and served there until 18G6. The Fourtli had a longer term of service than any other regiment sent from AYisconsin to the war. From its ranks there came four generals : Gen. Harrison Cubart, Gen. 0. H. LaGrange, Gen. Joseph Bailey, who rendered the county great service, and Gen. Ilalbert E. Paine, who served several terms in congress and held various positions in civil life. To have served in the bonny Fourth Wisconsin was an honor to any man. The Fourth had as colonels, and they were all superb soldiers and officers, Halbert E. Paine, S. A. Bean, Fred E. Boardman, Joseph Bailey, AVebster Moore and N. F. Craigne. The regiment lost in battle 103, and from disease 261. It was mustered out of the service on the 28th of Alay, 1866, at Browns- ville, jNIinnesota, and was sent to Madison, up the river, arriving there on the 16th of June, 1866, where this veteran cavalry regi- ment was soon afterward paid off and disbanded. ("II AFTER XII. ROSTER OF OFFICERS AND ENLISTED :\IEX. AVAR OF THE REHELLTOX. A carci'ul scai-t-li lia.s been iiuttlc tliroiigli .ill ;i\ail;il)lo rci-urils, including the report of the adjutaiil general of AViseonsin for 1865, and the roster of AViseonsin volunteers published by author- ity of the legislature in 1886; we have endeavored to give here as accurate a list as is ])()ssibl(' of tlic naiiic of e\ery man who volunteered or Avas drafted from IMonroe county during that great struggle; owing to the similarit>' in names of towns in dif- ferent counties some confusion has resulted, ])ut llir following roster is believ(>d to be correct. FIRST REGIMENT CAVALRY. Phillips. AVilliam •)., Sparta; second lieutenanl : dii'd Novem- ber 9, 1862, of wounds received at Chalk Bluft', Ark. Company "H" — Henry J. Crouch, James AA". L(>wis, Serenus D. Lombard, Lewis Stanley, all of Ontario. THIRD REGIMENT CAVALRY. Geoi-ge 1). Iliggins, Sparta, hospital slcwai'd: lliraiii A. I>run- dage, S]iarta, battalion liospital steward. Company "A" — ('apt. Jeremiah D. Dainuioii, Sparta: Cai)t. Robert Carpenter, Sparta; See. Lieut. John Davis, Leon; Allen, Levi, Sparta; Harkei". rctci- H.. Leon; Harnes, Seth, Sparta; Benedick, Origin R., Glendale; Bennett, Benjamin AV.. Sparta; Billings, Frederick, Spaita ; Blake, Albn-i .!.. Sparta ; Briggs, Charles, Adrian: Britton. Ori'iii A.. Sjjarta; Kiundagc, Hiram A., Adrian; Bullcn. Px-njamin. Sparta; Bullcn, -Jesse \\. Little Falls; Bui-dick. Alfred, Sparta; Buttei'tidd. LaFayettc, Sparta: Cai'i-, AVilliam, Sparta; Carr. A'ercUo. Lilth' P'alls: Cliadscy. .losepli, Leon; Coi'iiisli, -John H.. Spaiia: Critrliclt, William II., Sheldon; Crosby, George C, Spai-ta: Davis, .losiah, Sparta; Decker, Josej))! ]\I., Adrian; Delong, AVilliam A.. Aiigelo; Dunlap. James F., Glendale; Davis, AVilliam, Roaring Creek; Eddy, Edgar, Sparta; 116 OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN 117 Farwell, Corydoii J.. Sparta ; Finnell, Joseph, Sparta ; Foot, Wil- liam R., LaFayette ; Fullagar, Benjamin, LaFayette ; Gates, Charles F.. Sparta ; Gilbert, Thomas, Athens ; Gilson, Clark, Adrian; Gordon, Oscar L., AVellington; Green, Manson L., Glen- dale ; Grnmons, John. Leon ; Harris, Lewis P., Little Falls ; Hen- derson. William, Leon; Hettman, Fredric C, Sparta; Hill, John, Eaton; Hill. Simeon, Eaton; Hodgkins, George C, Sparta; Hogue, Hugh T., Sparta ; Hohn, Reuben, Leon ; Ilollenbeek, Henry D., Sparta; Hoover, Ancill B.. AVellington ; Houghtaling, John, Well- ington ; Howland. Herman, Sparta : Hubbard, Ozro W., Sparta ; Hubbard, Charles F.. Sparta ; Hull. Joseph C.. Sparta ; Hubbard, Watts AY.. Sparta; Johnson. Thomas, Sparta; Johnson, Frederick H., Adrian ; Kidney, Albert J. H., Sparta ; LaBare, Charles, Sparta ; Lawrence, Robert. Sparta ; Logan, Samuel M., Sparta ; McGary, Thomas, Ridgeville ; McNab, Daniel, Sparta ; McNab, James S.. Roaring Creek; McMillan, AVilliam F., Sparta; Mc- Queen, Samuel, Glendale ; McAA'ithy, Lucian A., Sparta ; Mc- Withy, Henry E.. Sparta; Meadows. Thomas E., Portland; Mead- ows, AVilliam H., Sparta; Meadows, Charles W., Leon; Peters, Nelson, Adrian ; Peters, Timothy, Angelo ; Peters, Munson, Ad- rian; Pierce, Austin, Sparta; Pierce, Martin, Sparta; Putnam, Charles, Leon; Pain, John, Roaring Creek; Rawson, Lucian M., AVilton ; Russell, Andrew, Sparta ; Seeley, Boyd F., Athens ; Smith, John J., Leon ; Snow, Jonathan, Leon ; Snyder, Abram C. Sparta ; Starkweather, Hiram, Sparta ; Steward, Henry E., Ad- rian ; Thorp. Adelbert D., Glendale ; Thorp, Charles R., Sparta ; Tower, Alartin V. B., Clifton: Underwood, Horace H., Portland; Walrath, John J., Sparta; AVaste, James, Sparta; AYest, Francis D., Sparta; AViseman, Augustus. Athens; AYensel. AYilliam J., Roaring Creek ; Youmans, Samuel J., Leon. Company "K" — Hohn, Elmore, Sparta; Riggs. Andrew, Sparta ; Stegmann, Conrad, Portland ; AYalter, Charles, Port- land ; Zoelle. A^alentine, Portland. The Third AYisconsin cavalry was reorganized in 1864 and a large number of IMonroe County men re-enlisted. All from origi- nal Company '"A": Barker, Peter R., Leon; Billings, Fredrick, Sparta; Blake, Albert J., Sparta; Butterfield, LaFayette, Sparta; Chadsey. Joseph, Leon ; Farwell, Corydon, J.. Sparta ; Gates, Charles F., Sparta; Gilbert, Thomas, Athens; Grummons, John, Leon; Hollenbeck , Henry D., Sparta; Howland, Herman, Sparta; Hubbard, Charles B., Sparta ; Hubbard, AYatts AY., Sparta ; John- son, Fredrick H., Adrian ; Kidney, Albert J. H., Sparta ; LaBare, Charles, Sparta; McMillan, Wm. F., Sparta; McQueen, Samuel, 118 HISTORY OF :moxrop: county Glendak' ; ^Meadows, "William IT., Sparta ; ^Meadows, Edward T., Portland; ^Meadows, Charles AV., Leon; Niehols, Joseph, Green- field ; Paine, John, Roaring Creek ; Peters, Nelson, Adrian ; See- ley, Boyd F., Athens: Thorp. Cliarles R., Sparta; Tower, ]\Iartin V. B., Clifton; AVabrath, John J.. Sparta; "Wiseman, Augustus, Athens. FOURTH REGIMENT CAVALRY. Theodore AV. Gillett. eonnnissary, Tomah; sergeant majors, IMyron P. Chase, Sparta, second lieutenant Company "I," June 24, 1863 ; Daniel A. Kenyon. Tomah : saddler sergeant, Rufus A. Roliertson, Sparta. Company "A" — Farnswortli, James F>.. Tomah. captain, Au- gust 22, 1865; made ma.jor June 18, 1866; Alton, ^Michael C, Ad- rian; Ayres, Anson, Angelo; Bacon, Amos, Leon; Baker, George R., Tomah; Batis, IMathis, Tomah; Beekwith. Joseph, Sparta; Boyle, John, AVilton; Childs, Clinton D., Sparta; Cray, Parman. Sparta; English, Isaac, Tomah; Getman, Hiram, Lincoln; Get- man, Lorenzo. Lincoln ; Gleason, Emanuel P., LaFayette ; Haynes, Sanford A., Leon ; Jackson, AVilliam S., Tomah ; Knight, Charles A., Tomah ; Kerr, Alexander, Tomah ; Putnam, Lucius AL, Sparta : Ralston, AVilliam H., LaFayette; Roberts, AVilmot, Sparta; Root, Jason, Tomah; Seeley, David A., Sparta; Skinner, John B., Port- land; Smith. John, Adrian; Twiner, Jonathan F., Adrian; Van Kirk, John II., Sparta; AYalker, Joseph A., Ontario; AYeed, AYil- liam D., Tomah; AYheeler, John AA"., Sparta. Company "C" — Baker. Hugh, Sparta, second lieutenant, June 18, 1866. Company ''D"— Lock, Henry F., Sparta, from Co. "I" Yoi. Corp; McLain, Eleazer P., Sparta; from Co. "I" A^et. Corp: AVal- worth, Ilartwell C., Tomah, from Co. "T" A^^t. Corp. Company "E" — Capt. Joseph Hall, Tomah. Company ''I" — John AA^. Lynn, captain, Sparta; Levi R. Blake, captain, Sparta ; Capt. Daniel G. Jewett, Sparta ; Capt. Jas. B. Farn.sworth. Tomah; First Lieut. ]\Iyron P. Chas, Sparta: See. Lieut. Ansyl A. AYest, Sparta; Alger, Josiah, Leon; Alton, ]\Iichael C., Adrian, transferred to Co. "A"'; Ayers. Anson, An- gelo ; Ayres, Albert, Leon ; Bacon, Amos, Leon ; Baker, Cliarles, Ridgeville. transferred to Co. "A"; Baker, Hugh, Ridgeville, transferred to Co. "C"; Baker, George R., Tomah. transferred to Co. "A"; Beekwith, Joseph, Sparta; transferred to Co. ''A"; Beardsley, George L., Tomah ; Blake, Albert IL, Sparta, trans- ferred to 20th Inf. ; Bloss, Charles, Greenfield, transferred to Co. OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN 119 ''A"; Boring, LaFayette, Ontario; Boyle, John, Wilton, trans- ferred to Co. "A"; Brist, Mandly ^Y., AVilton ; Bush, Wm. J., Tomah ; Chandler, John L., Greenfield; Cole, John N., Cataract; Gray, Parkman, Sparta, transferred to Co. "A"; Davidson, Jo- seph H., Leon; English, Isaac, Tomah; Farley, AVilliara E., Sparta; Getman, Lorenzo, Lincoln, transferred to Co. "A"; Get- man, Hiram, Lincoln, transferred to Co. ''A"; Gillett, Theo. W., Tomah; Gilson, William, Tomah; Gleason, Emanuel P., LaFay- ette, transferred to Co. "A"; Graham, Miller, Sheldon; Green- man, James, Wilton ; Grenzo, John, Wilton ; Hall, Joseph, Tomah, first lieutenant, May 30, 1864; Hall, Benjamin F., Sparta; Hall, Archibald G., Leon; Hall, Joseph R., Leon; Haynes, Sanford A., Tomah; transferred to Co. "A"; Hill, Jacob, Sparta; Hodgkins, Edward I., Sparta ; Hubbard, Charles S., AA^ilton, transferred to Co. "A"; Hull, Edward, Sparta; Jackson, William S., Tomah, transferred to Co. "A"; Jewell, Isaac, Roaring Creek; Johnston, Clayton M., Tomah; Jones, Ransom, Sparta; Kennedy, John, Sparta; Kerr, Alexander, Tomah, transferred to Co. "A"; Knight, Charles A., Tomah, transferred to Co. ''A"; Large, Jacob I., Tomah; Matteson, John P., Cataract; McClure, John B., Sparta; McLain, Eleazor P.. Cataract, transferred to Co. "D"; Meadows, William C, Sparta ; Osborn, George I., Sparta, trans- ferred to Co. ''C"; Pangburn, William, Sparta; Perry, John T., Roaring Creek; Putnam, Lucius M., Sparta, transferred to Co. "A"; Ralston, AYilliam H., LaFayette; Rathbun, Dewey, Leon; Rice, Wellington, Ridgeville ; Robertson, Rufus A., Sparta ; Rock- wood, James H., Leon ; Rockwood, Theodore H., Adrian ; Root, Jason, Tomah, transferred to Co. "A"; Smith, John, Adrian, transferred to Co. "A"; Spaulding, Charles D., Tomah; Skinner, John B., Portland; transferred to Co. "A"; Tolles, William, Wilton, transferred to Co. ^'A"; Turner, Jonathan F., Adrian, transferred to Co. '^A"; Van Arnum, LaFayette, Cataract; Van Kirk, John, Angelo ; Walker, Harlow S., Cataract ; Weed, Wil- liam D., Tomah ; Yoemans, W^illiam H., Sparta ; Yoemans, James H., Sparta. Company "L" — Capt. Joseph Hall, Tomah. FIRST BATTERY, LIGHT ARTILLERY. Babcock, Oscar, Tunnel City; Buzzell, Charles C, Sparta; Carvar, Nelson, Wilton ; Clark, John, Clifton ; Green, Frank L., Sparta ; Harper, Peter, Sparta ; Hayward, Pliny P., Sparta ; Her- rick, George L., Sparta ; Hodgkins, Edward I., Sparta ; Hoyt, Samuel, Sparta ; Joseph, Charles, Lincoln ; Ledyard, Nathaniel 120 HISTORY OF :M0XR0E COUNTY D., Sparta; ^McCabe, John, Sparta; ]\lelntyre, Charles, Sparta; Middaugh, Charleston E., Sparta; Milligan, .Joseph G., Sparta; Murphy, William, Cataract; Pangborn, Hiram L., Sparta; Powell, ]\lilton E., Sparta; Randless, James W., Wilton; Rathbun, Ilallett. I.eon; Rathlmn, AVilliam A., Jefferson; Rice, Benjamin \V.. Oakdale ; Smith, Gilbert, AVilton ; Sowle, Albert AY., Wilton; Smnmcrfield, William A., Sparta, transferred to Company 1, II. A.; Thrall, Joim, Sparta; AVhita- ker, Samnel, Wilton; Williams, Jay "VV., Sparta; AYoodbridge. Charles B., Tunnel City. TENTH BATTERY, LIGHT ARTILLERY. Junior Sccojul Lieul. Henry A. Hicks, Glendale; ]\Iinets, Nelson, Clifton. THIRD REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "E" — Ackerman, James 0. Byron; Adelmeyer, John II., Leroy ; Bates, Butler H., Leroy ; Blanchard, p]dmund L., Leroy; Braman, James II., Byron ; AVeyranch, Conrad, Lincoln. Company ''F"— Bashford, Frank AY., Clifton: BroAvn, Will- iam C. Clifton ; Cook, George, Clifton"; Ellis, Leroy, Clifton. SIXTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "B" — Andre, John. Lineolii; Brown, Christoplu'r. Portland; Dehvick, Eugene, Lincoln; Erickson, Lars, Portland. Company "II" — Aney, John J., Ridgeville; Ballamore. James, Sparta ; Combert, James, Sparta ; Cottrill, Stephen. Sparta ; Downing, George AY., Sparta; Downey, Charles H., Sparta; Dunn, George AY., Sparta; Hancock, George AV.. Sjjarta : Harding. Charles, Sparta; AVilliams, James P., Ontario; AYeston. Charles B., Ontario. Company "I" — ('apt. Leonard Johnson, Glendale: Boldcn, AYilliam L., Ontario; Boughton, Lewis AL, Tomah : Brigliam, John M., Glendale; Davis, Lawson, Glendale: Briggs, Job S., Glendale. afterwai'd second lietuenant Forty-eighth Wisconsin Infantry: Graham, Larneck, Tomah; Green. Chester A., Glendale; Har- land, John, Glendale; Johnson, AYilliam II., Sparta; Newton, Thomas, Glendale; Robbins. George, Glendale; Rockwell. Eli, Sparta; Staker, James A., Sparta; AYarner, A^'alentine, Sparta. Company "K" — Andress, Alonzo L., Tunnel City; Conway, Thomas, Lincoln; Cuimnings, Daniel, Sparta: Dowing, George AY., Sparta, from Company "IT": Hancock, AVilliam D., Clifton; OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN 121 Revels, William J., Sparta; Revels, Henry, Sparta; Roli'e, Albert H., Sparta; Taylor, Charles M., Tomah ; A^nn AVie, David C, LaFayette ; AVilliams, Jured. Ontario. RECRUITS NOT ON COMPANY ROLLS. Cullow, Edward. Tomah; Culver, Charles A., Sparta; Element, Frank, Clifton; Grimes, James, LaFayette; Kelso, Evans P., Sparta ; Stalker, Clinton L., Sparta. SEVENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Col. AYilliani W. Robinson, Sparta, lieutenant colonel, August 15, 1861 ; colonel. January 30, 1862. Company "A" — Culver, AVilliam P., Lincoln; Kitts, Edward, Leroy; AYalrod, Jonathan, Portland. Company ''B" — Barman. AVilliam AV., Tomah; l^lowers. John J., Tomah. Company ''E" — Robinson, AVilliam AV., Sparta; Spooner, Edward J., Lincoln. Company "I'' — Capt. Edward Terrell, Leon; Birdsall, David, Leon; Perkins, Hugh, Leon; AVilliams, George AV., Leon; AVill- iams, Byron S., Leon. RECRUITS NOT ON ROLLS. Kavanaugh, Patrick, Kendall. EIGHTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "D'" — Aney, James P., Ridgeville, from Company "I"; Hall, AVilliam G., Sparta; Parker, Adelbert. Sparta. Company "I" — AA'^orden, Henry D.. AVilton. TENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "D" — Shaffer, AVilliam Henry, Sparta. Company "G" — Carnahan. Archibald, Sparta; Carnahan, Andrew, Sparta, transferred to Twenty-first AA'isconsin; Lane, George, Jefferson; Lane, Jobe, Sparta. Company "II" — Beardsley. Everett AV.. Tomah; Bigelow, Hiram 0., Lincoln ; Church, Orange, Lincoln ; Corey, Phillip, Greenfield ; Deyotell, John, Tomah ; Gee, Charles C, Sparta ; Gor- man, Aaron H., Tomah; Harding, AVilliam, Sparta; Harp. AVill- iam, Lincoln ; Harp, Jacob, Tomah ; Haywood, Joel, Tomah ; Hogue, Charles P., Sparta ; AleClure, Samuel, Tomah ; AIcGinniss, Joseph, Greenfield ; Rockwood, Delorama, Tomah ; Spaulding, Henry C, Tomah ; Spooner, Charles AV., Tomah ; Thomas, Alelvin 122 HISTORY OF MONROK COUXTY G., Lincoln; Thompson, Dwiglit, Tuniali; AVeaver, lliiaiu O., Tomah. Company "K" — Calhoun, John, Byron; Dow, Loren, AVilton; Gibbs, Albci't, Byron; Graves, Russell C., Leroy; Hatch, Charles, Leroy. ELEVENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "E" — Bai-hcr. IIuIxtI, AVilton; Beaumont. Georore. Kendall; Carr, xXndi-ew, Kendall; Dain, .James AI., Kendall; Doyle, John, Kendall ; Gugerty, William A., Kendall ; Alarr, Andrew, Kendall ; ]\Iurphy, Dennis AV., Kendall ; Shea, Edward, Kendall. Company "F" — Carver, Austin, Wilton; Early, Jobn, Green- field. Company '"G"^ — -James, Joseph, Portland. Company "H "-^Chamberlain. Thomas, Lincoln; Hancock, Thomas IL. Tomali; ITollenback, Charles, Lincoln. TWELFTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company ''D" — Bass, Charles H., Tomah; Birdsell. John, Sparta; Braman, Edward F., Tomah; Broughton, Timothy B., Tomah; Cleveland, Daniel F., Tomah, from Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry; Darwin, Samuel N., Sparta; Haskins, Nathaniel, Sparta; Matchett, James, Sparta; Peterson, Christo- pher, Tomah; Parshall. AVilliam H. II., Sparta; Purcell. Walli-r \V., Tonudi, from Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry; Put- man, Charles IL. Sparta, from Comi)any "D." Twenty-Hfth Infan- try; Richardson, Perry, Glendale; Scott, Leonard, Sparta, from Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry; Tuthell, Jobn, Sparta, from Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry; Trowlridge, George M., Tomah, from Company ''D," Twenty-fifth Infantry; Yan Kirk. .Icrciiiiali. Sparta; Yaughn, Ilanisou II.. Tomah. Company ''E" — Livingston, James, Roaring Creek, from Company "F," Twenty-fifth Infantry. Ct)mpany "H," — Rogers. Jacob. Tomah. Company "I" — Griffin. Charles. Tomab. Com]iany "K" — Xicols, John, Kendall, from Comi)any "E, "' Tweiily-liflb Infant I'y. FOURTEENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "D" — Harrison. William L., Greenfield; Sour, Daniel IL, Sparta. Company "I'' — Reedei". George AV.. Spai-ta. OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN 123 FIFTEENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "H"" — Seeond Lieut. Martin A. Erickson, Sparta. Recruits Not on Any Company Roll — Ole Olson. Toniah. SIXTEENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "C" — Kelly, Jeremiah, Glendale, from Company "F," V. C. ; Lyman, Jeremiah, Glendale ; Pearsoll, James I., Glen- dale ; Rowin, Robert, Glendale, from Company "F"; Saddoris, Samuel, Summit, from Company "F"; Teed, Truman, Glendale. Company "D" — Lloyd, Silas, Portland, transferred to Com- pany "E"; AYalrod, Michael, Portland. Company "E"— McDougal, Fredrick E., Tomah. Company "F" — Birdsill. George, Glendale; Boughtou, Tim- othy, Glendale ; Hancock, Wallace B., Clifton ; Douglas, Richard A., Glendale ; Teed Truman, Glendale ; ]Morse. Anthony, Lincoln ; Palmer, Sylvester C, Lincoln; Winegar, William, Lincoln. SIXTEENTH REGIMENT (NEW COMPANIES). Company '"B" — Nelson, Andrew A., Portland. Company "H" — Thompson. Alexander, Sparta; Wilcox, Martin. LaFayette. SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Sergt. Maj. Edwin L. Bolton. Tomah, from Company '"E." Company "A'' — Bannigan, William, Tomah; Miller, Joseph, Tomah. Company "B'' — Claigg, Ilospild, Kendall; Okes, Charles, Kendall. Company "PI" — Reddelin, John, Ridge ville. EIGHTEENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. James Delaney, chaplain, Sparta ; Hosp. StCAvard, Luther B. Noyes, Sparta. Company ''C" — Carpenter, John, Jefferson; Frazer, Elijah S., Jefferson; Herron, John. Jeft'erson : Rodgers, JMerrick, LaFayette. Company "D" — Capt. George A. Fisk, Sparta; First Lieut. Dewitt C. AVilson, Sparta; Austin, Palmer, Sparta; Beach, Arunah J., Angelo ; Beach, Henry, Angelo ; Birgal, Francis, Cata- ract; Brown, Jesse, Angelo; Bugbee, Lanson L., Cataract; Camp- bell, George, Angelo ; Comstock, Ambrose L., Leon ; Crocker, 124 IlISTORV OK :\I()NK01': corxTY Ephrain, Eaton; Culver, Nathan, Ontario, transforrcd to Cnni- pany "K": Dnstin, John P., Cataract; Earr, Li'rov II.. Cataract; Einncl, .James, Ontario; Freeman, Select, Sparta; Gary, John, Sparta; (h-oss, John, Sparta, transferred to Company "K"; Iler- rick, Lotin C., Sparta; Hill, Oscar A., Sparta: Hoard. Ziha. Cata- ract; Humphrey, John, Sparta; Jewell, Jolm I).. Sparta, trans- ferred to Company "K"; Landon, Lewis, Cataract; Lang, Daniel II.. Wellington, transferred to Company "K"; Lathrop, Alfred H., Tomali; Lowe. AVilliam IT., Greenfield, transferred to Com- pany '*K"; ]\Iaguire, Thomas, Sparta; Maila, Charles. Ontario; ^Mathews, Albert C, Cataract; McKay, Sheldon, Cataract; ]Merriam. Enos S., Sparta; Merriam, Charles W.. Sjjarta ; ^Mitchell, DeLos AV., -leffersou; ]\Iooney, James, Sheldon; ]\Iott, Theodore, Portland; Noyes, Luther P., Sparta, promoted to hospital stewainl. 1861 ; Osborn, James, Sr., Leon; Osborn, James, Jr.. Leon; Pierce. Henry. Adrian; Phelps. Henry J., Ontario; Purdy, Owen W.. LaFayette ; Rathbun. Dewey, Leon; Eathbun, Charles. Leon; Remington. George, Rockland; Riggs. Andrew, Leon ; Ring, Alonzo, Sparta ; Robinson, John, Sparta; Robinson, AVilliam, Sparta; Rowley, Henry ]M., Ontario; Sanderlin, Isaac S., Greenfield, transferred to Company '"K": Sayles. William IT.. Sj^arta ; Seepiy. Edward. Cataract; Sheldon. Joshua AV., Sheldon; Smith. Amisa, Angelo ; Sprout. Cummings. N., Cataract; Stacy, Norman B. ; LaFayette; Stetson, James ]\I., LaFayette; Stratton, Josiah, Sparta; Stewart, Alilton AI.. Sparta; Teague, Isaac, Sparta; Towiisend. AValdron. Jefferson; ToAvn- send. Jonathjin. Jefferson; AVilson. High C., Eaton; AVinter, John, Cataract; AA^oodford, Thomas, Cataract; AVheeler, John E.. Ridge- ville; Youmans, AA^illiam. Angelo. Comi)any "K'' — Jewell. John D.. Sjiarta. from Company ''D": Kapi)ing. Christian. Eaton; Lown, William II.. (Jreenfield, from Company '"D"; Lang, Daniel H., AVellington, from Company "D"; Danderlin. Isaac S., Greenfield, from Company *'D." NINETEENTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Q. ]\I. Sergt. AVilliaiii 11. Plyton, Sparta; Com. Sergt. Galusha B. Field, Synirta : i'rin. Musician Willinni Ken-igan. Sparta. tVoiii Company "('.'" ( 'omjiany "A" — Lee, li\ run 1>.. Spai'ta ; SheiMdan. -Tames. Leon, from Company "G." Company ••("' — Capt. .John A. Chaiullei-. Sjiaiia; Capl. Alonzo H. Russell, Sparta; First Lieut. AVilliam R. V. Erisby, Sparta; Allen, James ^L, Eaton; Ashton, John, Sparta; Austin, AVilliam OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN 125 G., Sparta ; Barber, George II., Sparta ; Beardsley, George W., Sparta; Bingham, Henry S., Sparta; Bloom, Henry J., Sparta; Blyton. Thomas W., Leon; Blyton, Charles "W., Sparta; Branden- stein, John, Ridgeville ; Bremer, Charles, Sparta ; Brist, William, Sparta ; Bullen, Samuel T., Sparta ; Campbell, Eleazor J., Sparta ; Chamley, William, Sparta; Close, W^esley J., Sparta; Commons, James, Sparta ; Cottinger, John, Sparta ; Coon, Caleb, Sparta ; Cutland, Phillip, Sparta; Draper, John, Sparta; Draper, Thomas, Jefferson; Fields, Gakisha B., Sparta, promoted to commanding sergeant; Garden, Daniel, Leon; Gates, ]\Ielvill B., Sparta; Gross, Henry. Sparta, transferred to V. R. C. ; Hall, Horace, Sparta; Gross, John P., Jefferson; Hartwell, William H., Sparta; Hen- shell, William H. I., Sparta ; Hill, Eber B., Sparta ; Howard, David H., Sparta ; Hurlbut, Albert H., Sparta ; Hutchins, Sylvester, Sparta ; Jonas, Elias, Leon ; Jones, Thomas, Leon ; Jones, John W., Sparta; Lovell, Abijah J., Eaton; Lynn, James H., Sparta; McDougal, Alexander, Sparta;, McGary, Henry, Ridgeville; McPheters, Alexander, Leon ; Moore, Horace J., Sparta ; Murray, Christopher, Sparta ; Nichols, Joseph, Sparta ; Nolan, Andrew, Ridgeville; Paugburn, Francis S., LaFayette; Payne, Nelson, Sparta; Perkins, John B., LaFayette; Pierce, Alfred, Sparta; Pameroy, Erastus, Sparta ; Potter, Joseph AV., Sparta ; Potter, Jasper, Sparta ; Preston, Taylor, Sparta ; Premo, Lewis, Lincoln ; Rath, Henry A., Ridgeville ; Rathbun, Edward C, Sparta ; Rath- bun, Edmund, Sparta; Ross, Elisha, Leon; Sanderlin, John, Sparta; Schmitz, AVilliam, Jefferson; Sherwood, ]\Iartin. Ridge- ville; Shepherd, George A., Sparta; Shepherd, AA^illiam, Angelo; Shepherd, George AV., Angelo ; Sheridan, James, Sparta, from Company "F"; Snow, Jaspar E., Sparta, from second lieutenant; Steward, James, Sparta ; Suckam, Edward, Sparta ; Swift, Lucian, Sparta; Swift, Cola, Sparta; Utter, Benjamin F., Leon; AValter, Michael, Cataract ; Warner, Samuel W., Sparta ; AVhitelesly, George M., Jefferson ; AVitting, John, Sparta ; AVoodliff, John, Sparta ; AVruk, Christian, Sparta ; Ziegler, Caspar, Ridgeville. Company "D" — Allendorf, Peter. Angelo; Clifford. Charles C, Sparta, from Company "G"; Cooper, Silas J., Sheldon; Hol- lenbeck, AA^illiam A., Lincoln, from Company "G"; Hoskins, Marvin, Lincoln, from Company "G"; Hubbard, Richard, Ridge- ville ; Mallory, Rodney D., Lincoln ; Meyer, Christian, Ridgeville, from Company "G"; Robson, John, Leon, from Company "G"; Sabls, Charles F.. Leon; Shanklin. Ridgeville, from Company "G"; Sherwin, Bissels, Angelo; AVilson, Roger J., Leon, from Company "G." 126 HISTORY OV :\IOXK()E COUNTY rompany ''£"— Tuttlc, Ezra. AVclliiicrtnn. Company "G" — Crane, Ohadiali. Lincoln; Cnlvcr. T^nke, Byron; Hettman, Jacol) R., Ridgcvillc; Ilaskins. Varvin Ji., Lin- coln, transferred to Company "D"; Hollenbeek. AVilliam A., Lin- coln, transferred to Company "D"; ileyer, Cliristian. Rid<;eviile, transferred to Company "D"; Vanghan, George \V.. Byron; Vaughan, Ira \\^. iJyroii: Wilson, Addison, Lincoln; AVilson, Roger J., Leon. Company "K" — Bist, AVilliam. Sparta, transferred to Com- pany "C"; Close, AVilsey J., Sparta, transferred to Company "C"; Hazelton, James A., Sparta: Hill. Alher B., Sparta, trans- ferred to Company "'('." Recruits Not on Comjiaiiy Roll — Pick. AVilliam II.. Sparta. TWENTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "A" — Babcock. Ralph \V.. Tomali; Chandler, Jere- miah I)., Tnnnel City. Company "F" — First Lieut. Albert H. Blake, Sparta; Dego- tell, Abraham, Lincoln; Degotell. AVilliam, Lincoln; Duggan, James, Greenfield; Durant. Robert K.. Sparta; Eastnu^n. Limuel, Clifton ; Frank, John, Jefiferson ; Hicks, Addison G.. Sparta : Johnson, John, Greenfield ; Jones, Henry C, Clifton ; Kies, Alva E., Clifton; Lamb, Galen. Tomah ; Lewis, Samuel, Sparta; Nolle, Bernhard, Spai'ta ; Thiry, John L. C., Sparta ; Vincent, Fredrick, Sparta. TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Col. Alilton Montgomery, Sparta; Surgeon AFartin R. Gage. Sparta; IIosp. Stewards Charles AV. Kellogg. Tomah; Samuel Gunn, Sparta. Company "D" — Capt. James D. Condit. Sparta; Capt. Morti- mer E. Leonard, Sparta ; First Lieut. Charles S. Farnham. Sparta ; Second Lieut. Andrew .1. High, Sparta; Abies, Henry A.. Welling- ton; Aldrich, Nathan B., Angelo ; Alger, Thonuis, Leon; Ayers, Albert. Sparta, transferred to Company '"D." Twelfth Infantry: Bailey, Amnion, Lincoln; Bass, Charles IL, Liniii])any "D,'' Twelfth Infantry; T'stick, Jacob Y., Tomah; Van Anthrip, EdAvard, Si)arta; Van Kirk. Jere- miah, Sparta, transferred to Company "D," Twelfth Infantry; Vaughn, Emery W., Lincoln; Vanghan, Harrison H.. Lincoln, transferred to Company "D, " Twelfth Infantry; AVatson, George R., Lincoln: A\'est, Ilial, Glendale ; AVilcox, Lucius C, Augelo ; Wilcox, William X.. Augelo; AVolcott, George L., Leon; Worden, Samuel H., Glendale; AVright. AVilliam IL, Tomah; AVyant, AViU- iam IL, Sparta; Yomans, William II. , Leon. Company "E'' — Bartdel, Francis A., Clifton: Hudson, James R., Clifton; Mero. Fredrick, Clifton. Company ''F" — Braiuerd, DarAvin L.. Glendale; Berry. Charles IL, Sparta; Bugbee, Alien, Tomah; Burliugame. Phillip, Tomah; Chadwick, James, Roaring Creek; Chapman, John D., Roaring Creek ; Coonrod, Jared P., Roaring Creek ; Davis, Sheron, Sparta; Dell, Edward, Roaring Creek; Echner, Philemon, Green- field; Godbould, David, Tomah; Helmka. Fredrick, Adrian; Hastings, Orlando D.. Lincoln; Lewis, Samuel C., Tomah; Lin- coln, James IL, Ridgeville; Xelliot. Simeon, Sparta; Papst, AVill- iam G., Greenfield; Spencer. AVilliam J.. Leroy ; Taylor. Pratt AI., Leroy; AValker, Charles AL, Tomah. Company "G" — Bishop, Joseph, Augelo; liishop, Amos. Augelo ; Alauu, Nathan, Cataract ; Alanu, Eliade E., Cataract. Company "H" — Falke. Fredrick, Sheldon; Finnell. James, Sheldon; Heath, AVinslow J., Sheldon; HoAvard, elohn. Adrian; King, Robert, Adrian; Schmelling, Fredrick, Ridgeville. THIRTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Com])aiiy "("'" — AVade, Edwanl F.. Lincoln. Comi)aHy "11" — Blakeley, Janu's II.. Leon; Blakeley. Kevilo. Leon; Brown. John S., Leon; Carpenter, AVilliam J., Leon: Alait- land, John, Leon; ALathews, James J., Leon; Alathews, AVilliam, Leon: Noyes, Fredrick E., Leon; Stratton. William, Leon; AVar- ren. Goram X.. Leon ; AVeaver, David, Leon. Company "1" — Block, August, Lincoln; Brick. Edward P., Lincoln; Hill, Alathias, Lincoln; Ilonodell. JkIiii. Lincoln; Roach, Ernest, Lincoln. Company "K" — Steese, AVillinin II.. Lincoln: Stelson, OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN 129 LaFayette, Lincoln ; Stone, John F., LaFayette, AYliitney, Ber- nard K.. Tunnel City. THIRTY-SECOND REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "E" — Young, Thomas, Clifton. THIRTY-SIXTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company '"C" — Capt. George A. Fisk, Sparta; First Lieut. Luther B. Noyes, Sparta ; Baker, John, Ridgeville ; Barnes, Alfred 0., Little Falls ; Berry, Jehial S., Sparta ; Britton, Daniel A., Sparta ; Brown, Huston, Sparta ; Casner, Thomas, Sparta ; Carnahan, Archibald, Sparta; Cleaves, Corydon L., Portland; Cole, David AY., Adrian; Cole, Darwin, Sparta; Cross, George- C, Little Falls; Cross, Jeremiah A., Sparta; Davis, Robert A., Little Falls; Douglas, David, Little Falls; Dunbar, Alfred, Sparta; Emmos, Andrew J., Sparta; Fink, Cornilius, Sparta; Fosdick, Jay H., Little Falls ; Freeman, Fredrick, Sparta ; Gallaghur, Thomas AY., Sparta ; Graves, Nathan, Sparta ; Greenman, George E., Sparta; Griffin, Valentine, Angelo; Hathaway, Henry, Sparta; Head, Delo AY., Little Falls; Hunt, John AY., Little Falls; Inger- sall, Daniel, Sparta ; Ingersall, AYilliam AI.. Sparta ; Ingles, Augus- tus B., Leon; John, Charles W.. Little Falls; Jones, Alilo, Sparta; Kroll, AYilliam F.. Little Falls; Alartin, John, Little, Falls; Alatte- son, David A., Little Falls; AlcClure, Charles L., Sparta; Allies, Stephen C, Sparta ; Nichols, Theodore, Sparta ; Nichols, Edward, Sparta; Peterson, Joseph R., Sparta; Potter, Joseph AY., Sparta; Rathbun, Eldridge, Sparta ; Ripley, Edwin, Sparta ; Sacia, Henry, Sparta ; Sherwood, Alartin, Ridgeville ; Sour, Cynes, Ridgeville ; Stevens, John E., Portland, AYalker, Perry C, Little Falls; AYash- burn, AA'illiam H., Little Falls; AYilsey, John J., Portland; AYol- cott, Jerome B., Sparta; AYright, AA'illiam, Sparta; Yoemans, Samuel J., Sparta; Young, Jerome B.. Sparta. FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "K" — Capt. Robert A. Gillett,' Tomah ; Armstrong, Sebastian, Greenfield; Buswell, Samuel, Glendale; Cassels, AYill- iam, Tomah ; Collins, Neal AL, Glendale ; Day, Allen, AA^ellington ; Durkee, Lawren 0., Tomah; Englerth, Adam, Ridgeville; Grover, James K., Oakdale ; Gudbauer, AYilliam, Greenfield ; Kellogg, Charles H., Tomah ; Lamb, Lewis A., Greenfield ; Loomer, Amasa, Lincoln; Aledcalf, Edward AI., Greenfield; Alooney, James, Shel- don ; Aloore, David A., Glendale, Plunker, AYilliam, Tomah ; Raf- 130 IIIISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY try, Thomas, Sheldon ; Reikie, Thomas, Tomah ; Robertson, Xeth- ven, Tomah; Root, AVilliam L., Greenfield; Root, Mortimer, Green- field; Thompson, Chelnsk, Glendale ; Thorpe, Adelbert D., Glen- dale; Twohay. John. Slicldon : AVard. Joseph, Glendale. FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "E" — Bennett, Henry R. J., Sparta; Crosby, Charles, Sparta; Donovan, Daniid, Kendall. Donnelley, James, Kendall, Dounellev, Frank, Kendall; Dutt'v, John, Greenfield; Houghton, George B., Sparta; Kelley, Christopher, Greenfield; Lovell, Andrew C, Eaton ; ]Mott, Alfred H., Leon ; AYilliams, Henry C, Tomah; Wymau, Elias F., Eaton. FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company ''K" — Capt. Edward F. AVade, Lincoln; Johnson, Evan, Sparta ; Johnson, Louis, Sheldon ; Jones, John, Sparta ; Losh, David AY., Sparta ; McLaren, AVilliam, Sparta ; Oakley, Alil- ton, Sparta; Stewart, John, Sparta; Stoddard, Richard Al., Angelo ; Underwood, Lyman, Sparta. FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "H" — First Lieut. Job S. Driggs. Glendale. FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company ''C" — Curtis, Henry 0., Sparta. Company "I''— Capt. Christoi)her C. Aliller, Tomah; Banker, Bctlincl, Ontario; Bell. Richard, Cataract; Bellerman, Joseph, Ridgeville; liigalow. Daniel AV., Tomah; Brooks, Samuel E.. AVil- ton. Burroughs, Eli. AVilton : Daggett, Samuel AI., AVilton ; Fish, Henry, Tomah; Fitcli. Irvin X., Sparta; Fryer, John, Tomah; Fuller. AVilliam L., Glendale; Griswold, Samuel AV., Ridgeville; Hale, Oliver C., Ridgeville; Hancock, AVilliam B.. AVilton; Ilodg- kins. George C., Sparta; AEcAIauus, A^'incent, Cataract; Aliller, l^uy, I.kins, Chester AV., Cataract; A'^inccnz, Ferdinand, Ridg(>ville; AVeile]i, Henry. Ridgeville: AVhit- ney, Charles L., Lincoln; AVhitney, Jacob AV., Lincoln; AVise, Fredrick, Lincoln ; AVoodworth, Lucuis, Leon ; Yo\mg, Thomas, Ontario. OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN 131 FIFTIETH REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "B" — Ciiininiiis, John, Jefferson; Haskill, Charles C, Jeft'erson ; Jolmsou, Albert, Jeft'erson ; Kight, James, Green- field; Kight, John, Greenfield; Kyes, David S., Jefferson; MoUey, Andrew, Jefferson; Moore, Daniel M., Jefferson ; Moore, Robert J., Greenfield ; Natwik, Ole H., Jefferson ; Schriver, Buy F., Jefferson ; Seals, Daniel W., Jefferson; Shult, Williams, Jefferson. Company "I" — DeCoursey, Edward G., Sparta; Graff, Joseph, Greenfield ; Ilolloek, Richard, Leon ; Hewitt, Henry, Leon. FIFTY-FIRST REGIMENT INFANTRY. First Asst. Surgeon Rouse Bennett, Tomah. FIFTY-SECOND REGIMENT INFANTRY. Company "A" — Banker, Stephen 0., Sparta; Edwards, "Will- iam A., Sparta; Fairbanks, Abram F., LaFayette; Hubbard, Jobez, Lincoln; ]Mumford, James R., Sparta; Nolan, John, Leon; Perry, Leauder, Leon; Talbot, Robert A., Sparta; West, Henry C, Sparta. Company "D" — Brooks, Seth, Leon; Comstock, William B., Leon ; Hilmer, Fredrick, LaFayette ; Jacobs, John, Leon ; Jost, Peter P., LaFayette; Keeler, Daniel H., Leon; Kinney, Peter S., Angelo; Luskuski, Nicholas, LaFayette; Putman, Isaac, Leon; Ray, Robert, Leon; Robinson, Henry J., Leon; Robinson, William B., Leon ; Shaaf, Christian, Leon ; West, AVarren G., Leon ; Winter, Simon, LaFayette ; Woodworth, Chester, Leon. FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT INF.ANTRY. Company "A" — Crouch, Stephen V., LaFayette; Curtiss, Martin M., Greenfield ; Rosenan, John, Lincoln ; Scott, Lee, Lin- coln ; Williams, Jeremiah G., Tomah. FIRST REGIMENT (BERDAN'S) U. S. SHARP SHOOTERS. Company "G" — Grover, George W., Tomah; Guthery, John L., Tomah ; Murat, Conrad, Wilton. CHAPTER XIII. co:\rMissioxED officers. ]\luni'ot' county can well Ix' proud of the lad that its citizens did their full share and a little more, in the AVar of the Rebellion ; in this connection it is a matter of considerable interest, that in addition to the large number of enlisted men, ''The man ])eliind the gun," many of its citizens received commission to various ranks to the extent of furnishing two colonels, one of whom was promoted to brevet brigadier general, two majors, fifteen caj)- tains, eleven first lieutenants, twelve second lieutenants, one regi- mental surgeon, one assistant surgeon and three regimental chap- lains; and we here give the record of each man in the service as far as it is possible to obtain it from the official records. COLONELS. Milton Montgomery, Sparta. AVas commissioned colonel of the Twenty-fifth Regiment of Infantry, with the rank, from August 16, 1862; was in command of a provisional division from June 6, 1863, to July 28, 1863 ; he connnanded the First Brigade, Fourth Division, Seventeenth Army Corps, February 3 to April 14, 1864; he was Avounded and taken prisoner July 22, 1864, at Decatur, Ga. ; his right arm was amputated ; upon his exchange and recovery he again reported for active duty and was assigned to the command of the same brigade, which he held from January 29 to March 28, 1865; on March 13, 1865, for gallant and meri- torious conduct he was commissioned brevet brigadier general of United States A''olunteers and Avas nnistered out of the service Juno 7. 1865. William W. Robinson, Sparta. AVas nui.stercd into the service August 15, 1861, as lieutenant colonel of tlie Seventh Regiment of Infantry; was severely wounded at Gainsville; was commissioned colonel January 30, 1862, and served until July 9, 1864, when he resigned his commission. MAJORS. George A. Fisk, Sparta. AVas commissioned captain of Com- pany "D," Eighteenth Infantry, December 17, 1861; he was 132 COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 133 taken prisoner at the battle of Shiloh, was exchanged and re- signed his commission August 9, 1863. He again entered the serv- ice and was commissioned captain of Company "C," Thirty-sixth Infantry, Llarch 4, 1864, was promoted to the rank of major March 7, 1865, and mustered out of the service July 12, 1865. James B. Farnsworth, Tomah. Enlisted in Company "I," Fourth Cavalry, April 20, 1861 ; was promoted to veterinary ser- geant and first sergeant, commissioned second lieutenant of Com- pany "I," Fourth Cavalry, August 11, 1862; first lieutenant June 24, 1863; captain September 24, 1864; he was transferred to the command of Company "A," Fourth Cavalry, August 22, 1865; commanded the Third Battery of the Fourth Cavalry, and was mustered out May 28, 1866, receiving a commission as major, dated June 18, 1866. - J CAPTAINS. Levi R. Blake, Sparta. Enlisted April 20, 1861, and was com- missioned first lieutenant of Company "I," Fourth Cavalry, April 26, 1861; was severely wounded June 3, 1863, at Clinton, La., and died from the effects of his wounds June 10, 1863, at Batan Rouge, Louisiana. Carpenter Robert, Sparta. Enlisted in Company "A," Third Cavalry, Octol)er 7, 1861. AVas commissioned first lieutenant of Company ''A." Third Cavalry, October 21, 1861; was mustered out of the service January 30, 1865. Upon the reorganization of the Third Cavalry he was commissioned captain of Company "L," Marcli 9, 1865, and resigned his command August 14, 1865. Chandler, John A., Sparta. He was commissioned captain of Company ''C," Nineteenth Infantry, January 8, 1862; resigned and retired July 30, 1862. Damman, Jeremiah D., Sparta. Enlisted in Company "A," Third Cavalry, September 7, 1861, and was commissioned captain of company "A," Third Cavalry, October 31, 1861, and on account of disability, he resigned INIarch 9, 1863. Hall, Joseph, Tomah. Enlisted in Company "I," Fourth Cavalry, April 23, 1861 ; was promoted to corporal and sergeant, transferred to Company "L," Fourth Cavalry, and commissioned first lieutenant of the same company April 12, 1864; captain of Company "L" November 28, 1864, and transferred to the com- mand of Company "E," Fourth Cavalry, August 20, 1865; mus- tered out of the service May 28, 1866. Johnson, Leonard, Glendale. Enlisted in Company "L," Sixth Infantry, ]May 9, 1861 ; was commissioned captain of the same 134 IIISTUKV OF .MOXKOK COUNTY company ]\Iay 15, 18(il ; he resigned tind retired from the service December 13, 1861. Leonard, Mortimer, Sparta. Was mustered into the service as first lieutenant of Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, August 22, 18G2; was Avounded June 22, 1S()4. at Decatur, (ia. ; was mus- tered out of the sei"\'i<'e June 7, 18()r). Lowrie, Alexander, Jeflt'erson. Enlisted in Company "I," Sixth Infantry, June 1, 1801 ; was promoted to corporal, sergeant and first sergeant; was coimnissioned second lieutenant of the same company April 27. 1864; first lieutenant December 21. 1864, and captain February 25. 1865. He was Avounded at the second battle of Bull Rini. and was nuistered out of the service July 14, 1865. Lynn, John W., Sparta. Enlisted in Company "T." P'ourth Cavalry, April 20, 1861 ; Avas commissioned captain of that com- pany April 26. 1861; Avas killed July 15, 1862, on board the gun- boat Tyler. The Post of the Grand Army of the Republic at Sparta bears his name. Miles, Stephen C, Sparta. Enlisted February 29, 1864, in Com- pany "C,'' Thirty-sixth Regiment Infantry; promoted to ser- geant and first sergeant; Avas Avounded at the battle of Cold Har- bor; commissioned captain of the same company July 22, 1864; Avas nuistered out of the service July 12, 18()5. not having been nnist(>red as a captain. Miller, Christopher C, Tomali. Was nuistered into Company "I," Forty-ninth Reginu'ut Infantry, January 31, 1865, and coin- missioned cajitain of the same com])any February 24, 1865; Avas mustered out of th(» serxice Xoveiiil)er 8, 1865. Russell, Alonzo H.. Si)arta. Enlisted in Company ''C," Nine- teenth InfantiN'. Januaiy 7, lSti2: was i)i'()moted to first sergeant; commissioned second lieutenant of the same company February 8, 1863; first lieutenant January 14, 1865; caj^tain of the same com- pany ^Fay 23. 1865, and Avas mustered out August 9, 1865. Slog'gy, Peter, Sparta. "Was nuistei'ed into the service as sec- ond lieutenant Company "D,"" Kighteenth lid'antry. December 17, 1861; Avas commissioned first lieutenant of the same company July 10, 18()3; commissioned captain August 11, 1863, ami Avas mustered out of the serA'ice ]\Iarch ^^, 1865. Wilson, DeWitt C, Sit.ii-ta. Was nuistered into the serA'ice and commissioned first lieutenant of Company "D, " Eighteenth Infan- try, December 17, 1861 ; he AA'as taken prisoner at tlu' battle of Shiloh ; Avas exchanged and ]U"omot(Hl to captain in the Eighth Louisiana (colored) Regiment. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 135 FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Blyton, William H. Enlisted at Sparta January 23, 1862, in Company "C," Nineteenth Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, appointed post quartermaster sergeant at Camp Randall INIay 11, 1862; regimental commissary sergeant July 1. 1862; regimental quartermaster sergeant November 14, 1862 ; commissioned first lieu- tenant October 21, 1864, assigned to Second United States Infan- try; November 11, 1864; commission approved by the Presi- dent; mustered in as first lieutenant and regimental quartermas- ter, quartermaster department. United States army. Mustered out at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., June 20, 1866, as first lieutenant and regimental quartermaster. Fourth Regiment, United States Infantry. Blake, Albert H., Sparta. Mustered into the service with the rank of first lieutenant of Company "F," Twentieth Infantry, August 18, 1862; w^as wounded at Prairie Grove; resigned June 10, 1865. Chase, Myron P., Sparta. Enlisted April 25, 1861, in Company "I," Fourth Cavalry; was promoted to sergeant and commission- ary sergeant ; was commissioned second lieutenant of the same company June 24, 1863, and was wounded October 10, 1864; resigned his commission April 28, 1865. Driggs, Jobe S., Glendale. Enlisted May 10, 1861, in Company ''I," Sixth Infantry; was promoted to sergeant in the Veteran Corps; was transferred to Battery "B," Fourth United States Artillery, September 21, 1862, where he remained until February, 1864 ; was wounded at the Battle of the Wilderness ; promoted to second lieutenant of Company "H, " Forty-eighth Infantry, Feb- ruary 24, 1865 ; commissioned first lieutenant October 28, 1865 ; was mustered out of the service December 27, 1865. Farnaham, Charles S., Sparta. Mustered into the service as second lieutenant of Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Sep- tember 9, 1862 ; was wounded July 22, 1864, at Decatur, Ga. ; acted as assistant inspector general. First Brigade, Second Divis- ion, Seventeenth Army Corps, from September 26, 1864, until June, 1865 ; was mustered out June 7, 1865. Foote, Oscar E., Tomah. Was mustered into the service as first lieutenant of Company "H, " Tenth Infantry, September 11, 1861 ; he resigned his commission October 5, 1861 ; he entered the serAdce again, being commissioned as second lieutenant of Com- pany "F," Twenty-fifth Infantry, September 9, 1862; died of disease at Helena, Ark., August 9, 1863. 136 IIISTOKV OF .M()XR(^E COUNTY Frisby, William R. V., Sparta. Enlisted January 7, 1862, in Company "'C," Nineteenth Infantry; promoted to sergeant and first sergeant ; was commissioned second lieutenant July 30, 1862 ; resigned December 11, 1864. Johnson, Chester W., Liltle Falls. Enlisted February 10, 1864, iji ("oiiii)any "C," Thirty-sixtli Infantry; Avas promoted to corporal and sergeant; was wounded August 14, 1864; com- missioned first lieutenant July 22, 1865, but not mustered ; was mustered out of the service July 12, 1865. Lynn, James H., Sparta. Enlisted March 4, 1862, in Company "C," Nineteenth Infantry, and was transferred to Veteran Corps; promoted to sergeant and first sergeant ; commissioned first lieu- tenant July 11, 1865, but not mustered. He Avas mustered out of the service August D, 1865. Noyes, Luther B., Sparta. "Was mustered into the service as first lieutenant of Company "C," Thirty-sixth Infantry, March 4, 1864; was wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864; on account of wounds he was discharged September 28, 1864. Pike, Anson A., Sparta. Mustered into the service as first lieutenant of Company "I," Forty-ninth Infantry, February 24, 1865; resigned his command May 27. 1865. SECOND LIEUTENANTS, Avery, Ralph H., Lincoln. Enlisted in Company "I," Forty- nintli Infantry, February 21, 1865 ; was promoted to first sergeant ; was commissioned second lieutenant of the same company June 17, 1865; mustered out of the service November 8, 1865. Baxter, Walter, Glendale. Enlisted in Company '"A," Fiftieth Infantry, February 22, 1865; was promoted to corporal, sergeant and first sergeant ; commissioned second lieutenant June 18, 1866, not mustered. He was mustered out of the service June 12, 1866. Carnahan, Archibald, Sparta. Enlisted in Company ''C," Thirty-sixtli Infantry, February 24, 1864; promoted to sergeant and first sergeant; was taken prisoner at Rean's Station: com- missioned as second lieutenant April 18. 1865, not mustered. lie was mustered out of the service June 10, 1865. Ellis, George M., Sheldon. Enlisted in Company "A," Third Cavalry, November 2, 1861; promoted to corporal, sergeant and first sergeant; commissioned second lieutenant of the same com- pany March 0. 1863. ^Mustered out of the service January 30, ISO.-). Erickson, Martin A., Sparta. Enlisted in Company ''II," P'if- teenth Infantry, Oeti)l)er 22, 1861; promoted to first sergeant; was COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 137 made sergeant major of the regiment January 1. 1863; was com- missioned second lieutenant of Company "H," Fifteenth Infantry, ]\Iay 21, 1863. He was taken prisoner at Chieamauga ; was mus- tered out of the service April 20, 1865. Hicks, Henry A., Glendale. Enlisted October 28, 1861, in the Tenth Battery, Light Artillery; promoted to sergeant; was com- missioned junior second lieutenant March 3, 1862 ; was transferred to the Ninth Battery, Light Artillery, March 29, 1862, and com- missioned senior second lieutenant October 21, 1863 ; he was mustered out of the service January 26, 1865. High, Andrew D., Sparta. Enlisted in Company "I," Twentj'^- fifth Infantry, August 5, 1862 ; promoted to first sergeant ; w^as commissioned second lieutenant of the same company July 16, 1863, and Avas mustered out of the service June 7, 1865. Hill, Eber B., Sparta. Enlisted January 7, 1862, in Company "C," Ninteenth Infantry; promoted to sergeant and first ser- geant; was taken prisoner October 27, 1864; commissioned lieu- tenant of the same company January 11. 1865, not nuistered. He was mustered out of the service May 15, 1865. McMillan, William F., Sparta. Enlisted in Company "A," third corporal September 30, 1861 ; was promoted to corporal and sergeant; when the regiment was reorganized he was transferred to Company "K" March 3, 1865; promoted to veterinary ser- geant and first sergeant ; mustered out September 27, 1865 ; was commissioned second lieutenant October 11, 1865, not mustered. Phillips, William J., Sparta. Enlisted in Company "A," first Cavalry, August 15, 1861 ; commissioned second lieutenant of same company September 2, 1861 ; died May 2, 1862, of wounds received at Chalk Bluffs, Ark. West, Ansyl A., Sparta. Enlisted April 20, 1861, in Company ''I," Fourth Cavalry; commissioned second lieutenant of the same company April 26, 1861 ; resigned December 6, 1861. Davis, John, Leon. Enlisted in Company ''A," Third Cavalry, October 21, 1861 ; commissioned second lieutenant September 6, 1862 ; mustered out January 30, 1865. SURGEONS. Bennett, Rouse, Tomah. Was mustered into the service as first assistant surgeon of the Fifty-first Infantry February 24. 18(j5 ; was mustered out of the service April 26, 1865. Gage, Martin R., Sparta. Mustered into the service as sur- geon of the Twenty-fifth Infantry August 4, 1862; resigned on account of disability June 15, 1864. 138 IIISTOKY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY CHAPLAINS. DeLaney, James, Sparta. .Mustered into the service as chap- lain of the Eighteenth Infantry March 10, 1862; resigned July 14, 1862. Hawes, Lewis, M., Sparta. Enlisted as a private in Company ''E," Thirty-seventh Infantry, March 31, 1864; promoted to cliap- lain of the regiment July 28, 1864; resigned April 18, 1865. Phillips, Enos M., Sparta. Mustered into the service as chap- lain of the First Regiment of Cavalry December 10, 1862, and resigned September 26, 1863. CHAPTER XIV. THOSE WHO DIED IN THE SERVICE. The roster, which follows, is taken from the adjutant general's report for 1865 and also from the roster of Wisconsin troops, pub- lished by authority of the Legislature ; in every instance the place is given where the soldier lost his life, either by reason of being killed in action, dying of disease or wounds or accident, together with the date of his death. KILLED IN ACTION. Officers. John W. Lynn, captain, Company "I," Fourth Cavalry, on gun- boat Tyler, July 15, 1862. William J. Phillips, second lieutenant. Company "A," First Cav- alry, Chalk Blutf, Ark., August 3, 1863. ENLISTED MEN, Broughton, Lanson I., private. Company "D," Eighteenth Infan- try, Vicksburg, Miss., May 22, 1863. Broughton, Lewis M., private. Company "I," Sixth Infantry, Get- tysburg, Pa., June, 1864. Campbell, George, private. Company "D," Eighteenth Infantry, Cornith, Miss., October 8, 1862. Cole, Darwin, private. Company "C," Thirty-sixth Infantry, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Cleaves, Corydon, private, Company "C," Thirty-sixth Infantry, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Cummings, David, private. Company ''K," Sixth Infantry, Antie- tem, Md., September 17, 1862. Davis, Josiah. private, Company ''A," Third Cavalry, Osage, Nev., August 31, 1863. Douglas, David, private. Company "C," Sixth Infantry, Peters- burg, Va., June 18, 1864. Green, Chester A., first sergeant, Company "I," Sixth Infantry, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. 139 140 HISTORY OF :\10XR0E COUNTY Gibbs, Albert, private, Company "K," Tenth Infantry, r'h;i])]iri Hills, Ky., October 8, 18G2. Gallagher, Thomas AY., sergeant, Company "C,'' Thirty-sixtli Infantry. Pcter.shui'g, Va., June 26, 1864. Ilarhind, John, private. Company "D, " Sixth Infantry, Gettys- burg, Pa., July 1, 1863. Haywood, Joel, private, Companj' "II," Tenth Infantry, Perrys- ville, Ky., October 8, 1862. Huntley. Jabez L., private, Company ''D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Decatur, Ga., July 22, 1864. Ilaneoek, "\Yilliam D., private. Company "K, " Sixth Infantry, Salesburg, N. C, Novemlier 27, 1864. Hicks, Addison, corporal, Company "F," Twentieth Jiifnntry, Prairie Grove, Ark., December 6, 1862. Ingles, Augustus B., private, Company "C," Sixth Infantry, Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864. Morse, Anthony, private. Company "F, " Sixteenth Infantry, Shiloh, Tenn., April 6, 1862. IMcClure, Charles, private. Company "Cy Thirty-sixth Infantry, Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Murray, Christopher, corporal. Company "C," Xinetcentli Infan- try, Fair Oaks, Va., October 27, 1864. Palmer, Sylvester C, private, (^^ompany "F, " Sixteenth Infantry, Shiloh, Tenn., April 6, 1862. Revels, AYilliam J., private, Company ''K," Sixth Infantry, \Yrl- don R. R., Va., August 19, 1864. Stegman, Conrad, private. Company "G," Third Cavalry, Baxter Springs, (? ? ), October 6, 1863. Stewart, Milton H., private, Company "D," Eighteenth Infantry, Shiloh, Tenn., April 6. 1862. Stewart, James, ])rivate. Company 'TV' Nineteenth Infnntry. Fair Oaks, Va., October 27, 1864. Sherwin, Bissell, private, Company ''D," Nineteenth Infantry, Fair Oaks, Va., October 27. 1864. "Walker, Perry C, ])ii\;i1e. ('(tnipnny ''C," Tliirty-sixtli Infjintry, Petersburg, Va.. June 18, 1864. DIED OF WOUNDS. Officers. Levi R. Blake, captain. Company "I," Fourth Cavalry, Baton Rouge, La., June 10, 1863. THOSE WHO DIED IN THE SERVICE 141 Enlisted Men. Brown, Hutson, private, Company "C," Sixtli Infantry, AVash- ington, D. C, August 24, 1864. Casner, Thomas, private. Company "C," Sixth Infantry, AYash- ington, D. C, August 14, 1864. Cressy, Henry W., private, Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Decatur, Ga., June 22, 1864. Chandler, Jeremiah, private, Company "A," Twentieth Infantry, Fayetteville, Ark., December 31, 1862. Dunlevy, Thomas, private, Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Decatur, Ga., July 23, 1864. House, Phileman P., private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infan- try, Atlanta, Ga., August 7, 1864. Eathbun, Eldredge, private. Company "C, " Thirty-sixth Infan- try, AYashington, D. C. June 9, 1864. Robbins, George, private, Company "I," Sixth Infantry, George- town, D. C, September 21, 1862. DIED OF ACCIDENT. Briggs, Charles, private, Company "A," Third Cavalry, North- western Railway, 111., IMarch 26, 1862. Davis, Y^^illiam, private. Company "A," Third Cavalry, North- western Railway, 111., March 26, 1862. Hull, Edward, private. Company "I," Fourth Cavalry, Rilay House, Md., August 25, 1861. Rawson, Lucian M., private. Company "A," Third Cavalry North- western Railway, 111., March 26, 1862. DIED OF DISEASE. Abies, Henry, private. Company '"D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Helena, Ark., April 26, 1863. Alger, Thomas, private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Helena, Ark., December 16, 1863. Batis, Mathias, private, Company ''A," Fourth Cavalry, IMorgan- zie. La., July 25, 1864. Bush, William J., sergeant. Company "I," Fourth Cavalry, Car- rolton. La., November 8, 1862. Brigham, John M., corporal, Company "I," Sixth Infantry, Camp Lyon, D. C, October 2, 1861. Birdsill, George, private. Company "F," Sixteenth Infantry, Co- rinth, Miss., July 1, 1862. 142 IIISTOHY OF .AIOXKOP] COUNTY Brown, Jesse, private, Company ''D,'' Eighteenth Infantry, Vieks- bnrg, :\Iiss., September 24, 1863. Boyle, Peter, private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Andersonville, Ga., September 4, 1864. Barnes, Alfred 0., private, Company "C,'' Thirty-sixtli Infantry, Madison, Wis.. April 10, 1864. Britton, Daniel A., ])rivate, Company "C, " Thirty-sixth Infantry, Annapolis, ]\Id., ]\Iareh 26, 1865. Crouch, Hiram J., private. Company "H," First Cavalry, Madison, Wis., April 5, 1864. Cottwill. Stephen, private. Company "H," Sixth Infantry. Point Lookout, Md., March 4. 1864. Corey, Phillips, private. Company "II," Tenth Infantry, Cowan Station, Tenn.. August 3, 1863. Claigg. Ilospild. private. Company "B," Sixteentli Infantry, Rome, Ga.. July 27, 1864. Comstock, Ambrose L., private, Company "D," Eighteenth Infan- try, Corinth, :\Iiss., August 2, 1862. Cottingar, John, private, Company ''C," Nineteenth Infantry, Salisburg, X. C., January 24, 1865. Chatterton, Jefferson, private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infan- try. St. Louis. ]\Io., January 1. 1864. Chadwick. James, private, Company "F,"" Twenty-fifth Infantry, Rome. Ga.. September 3. 1864. Conger, Lewis B., private. Company "D," TAventy-fifth Infantry, hospital boat, July 29, 1863. Cressy, AYarren P., private, Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Cairo, 111., September 6, 1863. Cross, George C, first sergeant. Company "C," Thirty-sixth Infantry, ^Madison. AVis.. May 13, 1864. Deyotell. John, private. Company 'II.'" Tentli Infantry, Bacon Creek, Ky.. February 23, 1862. Bustiu. John P.. jirivate. Company "D," Eighteenth Infantry, May 21, 1S62. Degotell, AYilliam, jtrivate, Comjiany ""F,"' Nineteenth Infantry, Sjiringfield. ^Mo., January 1, 1863. Day, Henry, private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Man- kato, :\Iinn., November 22, 1862. Demmon, Ira P., corporal. Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Cher.saw, S. C.. :\Iarch 2. 1865. Depen, AYiley, i)rivate, Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, drowned Dallas. Ga.. Januarv 1, 1864. THOSE AVHO DIED IN THE SERVICE 143 Davis, Joseph, private, Company "E," Forty-third Infantry, Louisville, Ky., June 15, 18()5. David, Theron, private. Company ''F," Twenty-fifth Infantry, iMeniphis, Tenn., September 9, 1863. Dell, EdAvard, private, Company "F, " Twenty-fifth Infantry, Memphis, Tenn., September 9, 1863. Eschner, Phileman, private. Company "F, " Twenty- fifth Infantry, Vicksburg, Miss., March 9, 1864. Edgerton, Henry L., private. Company ''D," Twenty-fifth In- fantry, Greenfield, Mo., December 6, 1864. Edgerton, Charles L., private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infan- try, Helena, Ark., August 19, 1863. Eastman, Lemuel, private, Company "F, " Twentieth Infantry, Springfield, Mo., June 9, 1863. Freeman, Select, private, Company "D," Eighteenth Infantry, date and place unknoAvn. Fitch, Irwin N.. private, Company "I," Forty-ninth Infantry, Madison, Wis., ]\Iareh 27, 1865. Gorman, Aaron II., private. Company "H, " Tenth Infantry, Bowling Green, Ky., March 31, 1862. Gugerty, AVilliam A., private. Company "E," Eleventh Infantry, Brashear City, La., July 15, 1864. Gleason, George, private. Company ''D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Helena, Ark., August 19, 1863. Godbould, David, private. Company "F, " Twenty-fifth Infantry, Rome, Ga., August 27, 1864. Graves, Nathan, private, Company "C," Thirty-sixth Infantry, Salisbury, N. C, December 18, 1864. Hill, Jacob, private, Company ''I," Fourth Cavalry, Carrolton, La., November 5, 1862. Hill, Oscar A., corporal, Company ''D," Eighteenth Infantry, Jefferson Barracks, Mo., December 20, 1862. Hutchins, Sylvester, pivate, Company "C, " Nineteenth Infantry, Alexander, A^a., July 16, 1862. Harman, John A., corporal. Company ''D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Helena, Ark., September 30, 1863. Harp, George F., private. Company ''D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, AVinship Furnace, Ga., June 16, 1864. Holgate, Francis, private. Company ''D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Snyders Bluff, Miss., June 15, 1863. Hollenbeck, Amos J., private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infan- try, Andersonville, Ga., August 4, 1864. 144 JIISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Ilydo, Alfred, private, Company "D," Twonty-finii liif;nitry, ^Memphis, 'reim.. September 15, ISi^i. Ilatliaway, Henry, private, Company "C," Tweiity-iiftli Iiiiaiilry, Salisl)ury, N. C, November 27, 1864. Justiee, John, sergeant, Company ''D," Twenty-fit'th Infantry, Helena, Ark., August 15, 1863. .Icwi'll. Isaac. ])rivate, Company "I," Fourth Cavalr}', Carrolton, La., September 28, 1862. Kiiinty-fifth Infantry, Helena, Ark., September 10. 1863. Rottenstetter, Simeon, private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth In- fantry, Helena. Ark., October 27, 1863. THOSE WHO DIED IN THE SERVICE 145 Randless, James AY., private, First Battery, Light Artillery, Young's Point, La., March 9, 1863. Rogers, Jacob, private. Company "H, " Twelfth Infantry, Nash- ville, Tenn., February 5. 1865. Rathbun, Dewey, private. Company ''D," Eighteenth Infantry, Leon, AYis., March 26, 1862. Smith, Gilbert, private, First Battery, Light Artillery, New Or- leans, La., August 3, 1864. Spooner, Edward. J., private. Company "E," Sixth infantry, Arlington, Yh., March 4, 1862. Stanley, Lewis, private. Company "H, " First Cavalry, Bowling Green, Ky., February 14, 1865. Spooner, Charles AY., private. Company "H, " Tenth Infantry, Annapolis, Md., May 10, 1864. Seepry, Edward, private. Company "D," Eighteenth Infantry, St. Louis, Mo., June 8, 1862. Sanderlin, Isaac S., private. Company "K, " Eighteenth Infantry, Annapolis, Mel., April 3, 1864. Sawyer, Peter E., private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Helena, Ark., October 27, 1863. Shaw, Wm. F., private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Memphis, Tenn., April 17, 1863. Snow, George M., private, Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Louisville, Ky., June 9, 1864. Sour, Cyrus, private, Company ''C," Thirty-sixth Infantry, Madi- son, AYis., April 17. 1864. Stevens, John E., private, Company ''C," Thirty-sixth Infantry, Salisbury, N. C, November 28. 1864. Stranthan, Rodolphus A., private. Company ''I," Forty-ninth Infantry, Rollo, Mo., March 25, 1865. Teed, Truman, corporal. Company "C," Sixteenth Infantry, Providence, La., July 6, 1863. Thompson, James AY., private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth In- fantry, Paducah, Ky., August 26. 1863. Thomson, Allen, private. Company ''D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, St. Louis, Mo., October 15, 1863. Ustick, Jacob Y., private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Paducah, Ky., August 30, 1863. A^aughau, George AY., private, Company "G," Nineteenth In- fantry, Yorktown, A^a., August 14, 1863. AYeaver, Hiram 0., private. Company "H," Tenth Infantry, Andersonville, Ga., July 4, 1861. 146 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY Wiiiegar, AVilliaiu. i)rivato, Conipan.y "F," Sixteenth Infantry, Keokuk, J a.. July 30, 1862. AVileox, Martin, private, Company "II," Sixteenth Infantry, Rome, Ga., August 28, 186-4. AVilson, Addison, private, Company "G," Nineteenth Infantry, Raeine, AVis., I\Iay 16, 1862. AYolcott, George L., private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth In- fantry, i\Iemphis, Tenn., October 11, 1862. AYorden, Samuel, private. Company "D," Twenty-fiflh Infantry, ^Marietta, Ga., September 16, 1864. AYolcot, Jerome B., private, Company "C," Thirty-sixth Infantry, Madison, AVis., April 6, 1864. Yomans, AYm. H., private. Company "D," Twenty-fifth Infantry, Memphis, Tenn., September 17, 1863. MISSING. Conway, Thomas, private, Company "K," Sixth Infantrj^ at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. n CHAPTER XV. HENRY W. CRESSY POST No. 42, G. A. R. BY E. M. COWLES, ADJ. In the summer of 1882 some fifteen or more of the ex-soldiers made application to Grand Army headquarters, department of AYisconsin, to muster a post of the G. A. R. at Tomah, Monroe county, Wisconsin. The department commander approving of such application the mustering officer detailed Commander James Davidson, of John W. Lynn post of Sparta, to go to Tomah with such com- rades as he needed and muster Henry W. Cressy Post No. 42. Commander Davidson detailed Comrade J. E. Perry as officer of the day ; Comrade Kerrigan, as S. V. ; C. AVhetstein, as J. V. C. All of said comrades being members of John W. Lynn post of the G. A. R. Said detail visited Tomah on the afternoon of August 26, 1882, and at 7:30 o'clock, at the Fireman's hall, proceeded to muster Henry W. Cressy post with the following conn^ades charter mem- bers: J. B. Adams, Company ''B, " One Plundred and Fourth In- fantry, Pennsylvania; C. A. Adams. Company ''I," Fourth Cav- alry, Wisconsin ; William Alexander, Company " C, " Eleventh Infantry, Wisconsin; W. N. Alverson, Company "K, " Twenty- fourth Infantry, New York; E. L. Bolton, Company "E," Seven- teenth Infantry, AVisconsin ; H. S. Beardsley, Company ^'E," Twelfth Infantry, AYisconsin; A. D. Benjamin, Company "B," Second Cavalry, Ohio; AA^. T. Bristol, Company "E," Fourteenth Infantry, Michigan; J. H. Beardsley, Company "A," Thirty- eighth Infantry, AA^isconsin; D. F. Crandall, Company "B, " For- tieth Infantry, AYisconsin; E. L. Craig, Company ''I," First Infantry, Wisconsin; AY. H. Calkins, Company "I," Twenty-ninth Infantry, AYisconsin; C. A. Crawford, Company "K," Sixth In- fantry, AYisconsin; C. K. Erwin, Company "E," Forty-fifth In- fantry, Illinois; Charles Gilson, Company "I," Fourth Cavalry, AYisconsin : George Graham, Company ' ' G, " Thirty-seventh Infantry, AVisconsin; H. D. Hollenbeck, Company "A," Sixteenth 147 14b IllSTOKV OF .MUXROE COL XTY Infantry. Wisconsin; Fred Johnson. Company 'A.'" Thii'd Cav- alry, "Wisconsin ; S. AiMustrong, A. AV. Alderman, .John Jiui'nliam, E. L. Bolton, n. S. Heardsley. A. 1). Henjamin, K. Bremer, C. F. Miller. E. X. l).-nsiuort. C. K. Erwin, P. Edner. W. H. Foote, ]\I. Flint. •). Fairl)aiiks. JI. Fanninjr, J. Fitzsinger. 11. 1^'isli. -John Fryer. William Garland, Sam Gasper, Cliai'les Gilson. S. II. Gris- wold. George D. Ilollenbeek, 0. H. Hastings. H. D. Ilollenbeck, Thomas Hancock, A. B. Hoover. E. \V. Howard, S. A. Hudson, R. P. Hitchcock. A. E. Ilollister. A. 31. Ilickox. A. Z. Herring, G. 11. lluiidiii. .1. T. Beers, George Boyington. D. II. Bcii. 1). W. Bigelow. H. (). Bigelow, A. G. Bernie, F. K. Brown, A. C. Brooks, II. Lettingwell. H. L.-a. AV. Liseomb, H. Miller, Thomas McCanl, C(»n. ]\lerril. J. M. ]\lcCurdy. Z. 31. ^lorse. AVilliam ]\IcLean, A. N. 3Ialtbie. George Musson, J. 31cGinnis, E. B. ]Marvin. Z. G. Moore. S. F. Nice, R. Noble. G. Nelson, AV. B. Naylor, F. Nuss, F. Noth, AV. Olmstead, John Organ, AVilliam Plnnket. R. Parker, S. Pokrand, George Persons, D. F. Cleveland. \V. 1). Cassels, N. Calkins, Z. H. Crossett, E. Al. Cowles. AVilliam Curavo, G. 11 Dobbins. J. AI. Decker. A. E. Logan. A. AV. Johnson. V. A. Thompson. AV. D. Stannard, II. C. Spaidding, D. H. Spoouer, A. L. Sherer, A. AV. Sowle. 0. T. Sowle, II. Street, AI. Sherwood, S. Sut- ton. J. J. Silken. R. Toond)s. D. Thompson. George AI. Trow- bridge. J. E. Fnderwctod. I. A^'audervort. C. A'andervort, J. A'an- dervort. Af. A'aiulervort, E. Alistle, L. A'anvoorhes, Fred AVise, J. AVilson. J. AVhitfield, AVilliam Ingham. F. Johnson. S. P. Janes, J. Jeffries, A. Jeffries, J. Kellogg, C. II. Kellogg. W. Kenyon, C. AV. Kenyon, E. G. Kinnie, B. Kennedy. R. King, E. 15. King. C. Kenhl. Af. Larkin. C. E. Loomer. John Little, L. Leech. J. E. Perry, I. Perry, J. Prescott, J. Peterson, C. J. Aldin, J. C. Quimby. Thomas Reikie. AI. Robertson, N. R. Richardson, O. Root. AVilliam Ramsey. G. B. Robinson. D. P. Hockwood. L. Richards. B. Rhodes, IT. Rogga, Con. Sullivan. L. Sweet, L. D. AVyatt. Jacob AVells, J. A. AVells. 11. C. AValrath, George AValtenburg, AV. II. AVright, J. G. Williams. E. AVimiie. A. D. AVoodruff, George AValker, G. AVoodard, C. G. Walk.r. B. Durham. I). R. Jones, L. E. A'au- loon. K. A. Ci-ockci". \V. II. Burlin. ROLL OF HONOR— DEATHS. C. J. Alden, A. W. Alderman. C. A. Crawford, A. 1). Benja- min. .\. Cary, G. II. Dobbins. I. Fitzsinger. II. Fish, AVilliam Garland, Charles Gilson, H. Getman. A. Getnuin, II. Galloway, S. H. Griswold, R. P. Hitchcock, R. King, E. G. Kinnie, C. Bohn, HENRY W. CRESSY POST I49 Charles Bremer, W. T. Bristol, A. G. Beriiie, D. F. Cleveland, C. K. Erwin, A. Herring, J. H. Kellogg, W. Kenyon, C. W. Ken- yon, John Little, L. Leech, W. Liseomb, C. Keuhl, H. Leffingwell, F. Nass, F. Noth, G. S. Preseott, R. E. Bramen, George Boyington, D. W. Bigelow, H. 0. Bigelow, William Curavo, H. Fanning, AV. McLean, S. F. Nice, R. Noble, W. B. Naylor, C. H. Kellogg, Company "K," Forty-third Infantry, Wisconsin; Thomas McCcUil, Company "G," First Infantry, United States; C. W. Merril, Company "B," Second Cavalry, Colorado; S. F. Nice, Company "C," Twenty-fiftli Infantry, Wisconsin; John Organ, Company "D," Twenty-eighth Infantry, AVisconsin ; George Rob- inson, Company "B, " Thirteenth Infantry, Illinois; Cornelius Snllivan, Ignited States steamer Tuscarora ; W. D. Stannard, Company "F, " Second Cavalry, Michigan; II. C. Spaulding, Company ''H," Tenth Infantry, Wisconsin; J. A. AVells, Com- pany ''A," Twenty-third Infantry, AVisconsin; Jacob AVells, Com- pany "D," Thirty-sixth Infantry, Ohio; H. C. Walwath, Company "I," Fourth Cavalry, Wisconsin; L. D. Wyatt, Company "A," First Cavalry, AVisconsin. The officers elected and installed at tlie first meeting, August 26, 1882, were : Commander, C. K. Erwin ; S. A^. C, George Gra- ham ; J. A^ C, E. L. Bolton; Q. AI.. J. A. AVells; surgeon, AV. D. Stannard; chaplain, II. S. Beardsley; 0. D., II. C. Spaulding; 0. G., Thomas AlcCaul; adjutant, George Robinson; S. AL, J. B. Adams; Q. AI. S.. AVilliam Alexander; sentinels, Jacob AVells and John Organ. ROSTER OF MEMBERS. J. B. Adams, ( \ A. Adams, AVilliam Alexander, W. N. Alver- son, O. A^ Anton, AI. C. Alton, C. Bohn, AV. T. Bristol, J. H. Beardsley, C. C. Boomer, R. E. Braman, John Brecker, D. F. Crandall, E. L. Craig, AV. H. Calkins, C. A. Crawford, H. Camp- bell, N. Cary, A. N. Hickox, H. C. Spaulding. R. Toombs, E. AVin- nie, C. A. Adams, E. L. Bolton, J. H. Crossett. AV. H. Foote, E. N. Griswold, E. AV. Howard, N. Calkins, AI. Flint. I. Perry, B. Rhodes, 0. Root, H. Aliller, Con. Alerril, J. AI. AleCurdy, D. H. Spooner, D. Thompson, A. D. AVoodruff, AV. N. Alverson, H. S. Beardsley, John Fryer, B. Kennedy, A. AV. Sowle, 0. T. Sowle, Sam Sutton, Con. Sullivan, John Organ, AVilliam Plunkett, George Persons, AI. Robertson, G. B. Robinson, L. Richards, H. Rogga, George Waltenberg, D. B. Bon, C. G. AA'alker, John AVhitfield, Z. E. Underwood, J. G. AVilliams, G. AVoodard. L-)0 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY PRESENT MEMBERSHIP. M. C. Alton. J. liuniham, J. IT. Heardsley, ('. ('. lioomor, AV. B. Cassols, K. .M. Cowles, B. Durliain, E. xV. Crockrr. George Graham, O. II. Ila.stings, L. Sweet, C. Vaiidervort, L. Van Voorhes, L. D. AVyatt, Thomas Hancock, A. B. Hoover, D. R. Jones, S. P. Janes, C. 11. Kellogg, A. E. Logan, M. Lafkin, C. E. Loonier, II. Lea, George M. Trowbridge, J. Vandervort, L. E. Vanloon, J. A. AVells, V. .Alistle, C. F. ]\liller, Thomas MeCaiil, A. X. ]Maltbie, R. Parker, S. Pokrand, J. Peterson, Thomas Reikie, D. P. Rockwood, 1. Vandervort, M. Vandervort, F. AVise, George Walker. PRESENT OFFICERS. Commander, J. R. Burnham ; S. V. C, C. II. Kellogg; J. V. C, B. Durham; surgeon, Thomas Reikie; chaplain, Robert Parker; adjutant, E. M. Cowles; Q. :\I.. D. P. Rockwood; P. I., George Graham; 0. D., E. A. Crocker; 0. G., C. Vandervort; S. M., AV. B. Cassels; Q. M. S., A. N. Maltby; delegate, C. H. Kellogg; alternate, AV. B. Cassels ; trustee, Robert Parker ; color bearer, George Trowbridge. The post has a present membership of forty, and as the years roll on its members are growing steadily less, and the value of its associations greater to the comrades. ALBERT E. HOLLISTER. The following i^aper was read by .Mr. llollister before the Henry AV. Cressy post, February 11. 1888: "I was born ]\lay 26, 184."), in the county of Livingston, state of New York. My parents moved to Cass county, Alichigan, when I was three years old. 1 lived on a lanii until 1 enlisted. In August, 1862, I enlisted in Company A, Nineteenth Alichigan Infantry. Being only seventeen, my lather demanded my release of the cap- tain wlio enlisted me, which was readily granted. Among the mnnber of our neighborhood was a cousin whom I will call Frank. AVe had been brought up together and had enlisted together, and T did not want to go honu> unless Frank did. So, rather than go home, I hired out to work on a farm. After working for a few days I took a 'lay-off' to visit camp and see the boys. After thinking the matter over 1 came to the conclusion that I was not to blame for being too young, and as I was older than Frank was, I would not stay at home and let him go. After staying around camp awhile, I offered myself, but the captain who enlisted me before, and in whose company Frank was, would not HENRY W. CRESSY POST 151 take me again. We soon found a lieutenant whose company was not full and I offered myself. He asked my age and I told him eighteen. He told me to go with him up to the captain's office. The first inquiry of the captain was, 'How old are you?' 'Eight- een, sir,' was my answer. 'When will you be eighteen." was his next question. 'Last IMay, sir,' was my reply. "I don't believe it, ' he said. Here Frank thought he would help me a little and said to the captain, 'He is older than I am.' 'AYere you there when he was born?' asked the captain. As I was ten weeks older than Frank he had to admit he was not there. "After a short consultation with the lieutenant, he concluded to take me, and accordingly I was enlisted in Company H and assigned to quarters. The only incident for some time in which I was in any way more interested than the rest of the boys hap- pened about two weeks after my enlistment. An acquaintance of mine came into camp one day and picked up my gun. After looking at it a moment he made a motion as if to stick the bayo- net into my foot. I thought he would not strike and stood still. He thought T would .jump and struck. Then I jumped. I was mad and he was badly frightened. 'My G — I' he exclaimed, 'I thought you would jump. Take off your shoe.' Taking off my shoe I found my foot bleeding, but not seriously injured. My father, hearing that I had been gone for some time from where he supposed I was. came to camp to look for me, but after finding that I had enlisted as eighteen, and as he thought that I was unwilling to leave, went home and left me. In a few days we were mustered into the United States service. "After we broke ranks and went to our (piarters I went to see Frank. He was but seventeen and could not be mustered. I was in a fix. I did not want to go unless Frank Avent. He tried another company but they would not take him. What would I do? I thought of a number of ways to get out, but did not want to be laughed at. All Frank could do was to go home. All I could do was to stay. I thought I would stick to it as it was my fault that I was so old. That night I could not sleep. The next day I did not see anything around camp to interest me. I felt pretty sober. In a week I did not have a grain of sand left. The first time my father came to see me I told him I would go home with him if he could get me out. He went to the colonel and was referred to the mustering of^cer. That official said they could not hold me if my parents objected to my going. The colonel swore at me for making so much trouble until the muster- ing officer told him to stop, as hundreds of boys were doing that ir,2 lllSTUliV OF .MUXKUK L'OL'XTY every day. ]\k'ii were inori' Avilling to enlist at that time than a year or so later, or I could not have got out of my scrape as easily as I did. 1 went liome. I luid been a soldier long enough, so I thought at that time. "I stayed at home about a year. ]My regiment, or tlic regi- ment in which I had enlistinl, had all been captured, and wc would occasionally hear whei'e they Avere. They finally brought up in Libby prison. Soon thej' were paroled and some of them came on what they called 'French furlough.' After listening to their accounts of the battle in which they Avere captured and bidding them good-bye as they started back after lieing exchanged, I began to feel more patriotic. Soon the Xintli ]\Iicliigan cavalry began recruiting in our neighborhood. I concluded to go. I went to see Frank. He Avould go. but not in the cavalry. He said if I would go as a recruit in the Nineteenth, himself. Deacon Grinnell and Kev. Gilbert would go with me. In February, 1864, we all enlisted and Avere sent to Camp Blair, at Jackson, ]\Iichi- gan. Here Frank had the measles, Avhich Avas the cause of his never doing any active service. "While there I, among others, Avas detailed to cook for the men in barracks No. 4. AVhile acting in that capacity the Rca'. Gill)ert and myself, through a misunder- standing of facts on the part of the ofificer of the day, Avere arrested and confined in the guard-house, leaving no one to get supper for the boys. By morning there had been men detailed to take our places, and about 10:00 o'clock they brought us our breakfast. About noon Ave Avere taken out under guard and y)ut to Avork scrub])ing offices and privies until about 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon, Avhen avc Avere released and returned to our quarters. '']\[ay 13 Ave Avere sent South. On our Avay avc made shoi-f stops at Louisville, Nashville, Chattanooga and Kingston. From Chattanooga to Kingston avc Avere obliged to ride on top of box cars. At llu' latter ])lace Ave found everything in confusion. The rebel General "Wheeler had made a raid and killed several negroes and one or two soldiers. ^My three companions Avere sick and lay doA\ n in an old barn. 1 Avas ordered to assist in haiding a couple of pieces of artillery to an elevation north of foAvn. Keturuing to my companions I found them as I had left them. ToAvard night Frank Avent Avith the other two to the hospital. Just after dark he returned and said he Avould go to the regiment if he did not live a day after he got there; l)ut by the next morning he Avas sick enough to go to the hospital Avithont being urged. He had eaught cold and the measles had settled on his lungs. I Avas HENRY W. ( RESSY POST 153 alone again. I had to go on further South and they returned North. I was in excellent health and spirits and did not get homesick again. When I started for the front I had a knapsack well filled with A\hat I supposed were necessary articles. I had not marched more than half a day when I threw away my over- coat. Before night 1 left my blacking-brush, looking-glass, etc., on the corner of the fence. The next morning I changed under- clothing, and threw away what I took off. Before noon we heard the boom of artillery, and it Avas not the Fourtli of July either. In the afternoon we could hear the musketry. Soon we came to a hospital and here I found one of Company K. of my regiment, who was Avounded in tlie calf of the leg. I gave him my blanket and went on. The artillery was pounding away, but infantry was quiet most of the time. I got to the regiment just before night. Soon the 'Johnnies' made a charge, l)ut were repulsed. Here I was, on my nineteenth birthday, under fire for the first time. Comrades, most of you know how I felt. AVe were lying behind the line of light earthworks. During the night the enemy made another assault but were repulsed. I was asleep when the first volley was fired. Which side fired first I do not know. I sprang to my feet and looked around. To the left was one con- tinuous blaze. Around me I could hear the zip and whizz of bullets. I could see the smallest twigs on the trees. I was so confounded or frightened I did not know enough to li(^ down. It was not long before I could lie down as close to the ground as anyone, and lie down quick. I would rather lie down a half dozen times when it was not necessary than to nnss once when it was. I never could get over the habit of dodging when I heard the Avliizz of a ball. "June 15 found us near Lost Mountain, Georgia. Just after noon we were ordered to support the First Brigade, Third Divi- sion, Twentieth Corps, in an assault upon the enemy's works. The First brigade made the attack just as we moved out across a field. They were in the woods. The heavy clouds of smoke Avere rolling up among the trees and as Ave advanced the Avounded began to come to the rear. It seemed as though the smoke Avas full of Avounded men. There Avas no Avind and the smoke did not move off. Soon avc Avere in the Avoods. There Avas a battery in front of us that had been firing all the forenoon, and as Ave Avere to support a brigade I concluded Ave were moving to the support of the battery. AVe Avere ordered to lie doAvn. By this time it Avas dark. After lying doAvn for a short time Ave Avere ordered forAvard. Imagine my feelings as we came into an opening and 154 HISTORY OF IMOXROE COUNTY found we were in front instead of the rear of the hattery. AVe could look iuto l!ic inoutlis of those guns at every discharge, and by the flash Ave could see their infantry standing behind llie Avorks. I was a recruit and not well posted in nioxcnu'nts, bnt i don't thiidv tbey knew where we were, for they were throwing their shells over our line and into a ravine some distance in our rear. AVe Avere not uuire than one-third the distance from them to where their shells were dropping. AVe lay down again in the rear of the First brigade. In a short time the line in our front rose upon their knees and Avaited until the discharge from the battery and all fin-d full at the gunners. Their infantry replied immediately but tlie artillery Avaited some iilth- time. Their musketry made it luipleasant for us. The line in front of us rose up and Avent to the rear double quick. AVe had to take it. They had got our position. They poured shell and canister or grape (don't knoAv Avhicli it Avas) into us. Our major Avas killed, the ball striking him in tiie breast. 'Oh. my Avife and l)oysI' Avere his only Avords. Several ])rivates Avere Avounded. 1 could hear their comrades telling them to keep still and not let the 'sons of 1) knoAv Avhere to shoot.' Then a shell exploded in Company I and tore the limbs from the l^odies of tAvo sergeants, one of them dying in a fcAv moments. I heard the other moaning and saying. 'Boys, I knoAv it is no use to make a fuss, but I can't help it. Give me some Avater. Good-bye, boys. Kiss me, George. Good- bye.' All this time Ave Avere merely lying there for them to shoot at, Ave making no reply. It uuist have been midnight or after Avhen things l)egan to be more quiet and Ave Avere ord(>red to the left and rear, the order being given in a Avhisper. Soon Ave Avent to building Avorks and Avere busy until it began to grow liglit. I had three pretty close calls Avithin less ihan five minutes. Soon a comrade Avas shot by my side. When 1 heard tlie ball strike I looked up and saAv him begin to reel and trend)] e. 1 tln"(>Av my arms around him and hi'lped him to lie down. Then Ave got a stretcher and undertook to carry him to a ])lace of safety. AVe had not gone far ])efore one of the men iielping carry him Avas shot. AVe got behind some trei's and Avent back. Soon one of my nu^ssmates Avas killed. Then Ave lost our lieutenant. The day before our company had thirteen men: noAv Ave had only nine. AVe Averc^ ordered to the rear and sent to guard supply trains. Our first ti-ip Avas to Big Shanty, Georgia. AVe stayed three or four days and as avc moved out Avitli loaded Avagons to return to camp Ave saAv a division crossing tlu^ open IcA'el plain betAvcHMi Big Shanty and KenesaAv mountain. They adA-niu-ed in s])lendid HENRY W. CRESSY POST 155 order for some time. Occasionally a man would fall and be left behind. Soon they began to stoop forward and quicken their pace, and finally began to double-quick for the woods. "About July 15 were were relieved by a detachment to the Thirty-third ^Massachusetts. Found our regiment on picket along the Chattahooche river. That night we moved with Sherman's advance and crossed the river on pontoons. We marched until near morning before we were permitted to lie down. It did not seem as though I could take another step. Some of the boys made coffee, but I spread my blanket and lay down. "July 20 found us near Peach Tree creek, with things looking a little strange. We were called up about 2:00 o'clock and got ready to move. "We would go a short distance and halt and then move on again. I noticed a number of orderlies in our front riding in every direction. I asked one of the boys of my company what was up. His reply w^as, 'We are going to catch h be- f or night ; if your gun is not loaded you had better load it. ' As we came to a halt again I noticed that about half of the men were loading their guns. As we came into an open field I could see the right of the Fourth corps already across the creek, and to their right the Twenty-second Wisconsin deployed as skirmishers. We crossed the creek, built shades and made coffee. Just as our dinner was about ready there was brisk firing in our front and our skirmishers fell back on the main line. We were ordered forward and just as Mi^jor Baker gave the order he clutched his thigh v\'ith both hands, threw up his leg and called Captain Anderson to take command. Before he let go of his leg the blood began to run between his fingers. It was but a flesh Avound, but I never saw him again. 'Guide left, guide left,' was the order as we moved across the open field. As we came to the top of a ridge the 'Johnnies' opened on us from the ridge beyond. Several men went down close to me. My knees began to feel weak. Soon one of Company G was shot and tried to start for the rear, but fell in front of me. As he fell he gave one of the most blood-curdling shrieks I ever heard. It made my hair stand on end. I could feel the wind blow on top of my head, under my hat. ]\Iy back was cold as ice ; I shook all over. How I kept up I don't know, Init as soon as we fired the first volley I had no more fear. I could see some of the boys turn their guns and club them. We would break them and they would reform and charge again. For some time all I could see of them were their legs below the smoke. I think it must have been at least two hours before they began to fall back as though they had got enough of it. The ]5(3 IIISTOKY OK MONKOH COrXTY conirade wlio told iiic in tlie inoriiiiig what we were going to eatc'h before night swung his hat and said, 'Let's go for them; come on I' Gaining the top of the ridge we eonld sec them some- thing like a half-mile away, forming as if to charge again. They would move out from the timber and then go back again. We could see the otficers riding in front, but they did not come near us again, not even to look after their woundcnl. The next )norn- ing I took a look over the tield. In three i)laces I saw fifty-one, twenty-seven and thirty-two Confederate dead. Guns, sabers, cartridge boxes, canteens, etc., were scattered in every direction. Now let me describe scenes that would move the most hardened to tears. The first is a colonel Avith his horse lying near liini. Next, a man Avith a gaping wound in his forehead, still alive. t!ie brains oozing out and lying doAvn over his eyes. Next, a dead man with a letter in his hand — the last kind words he Avill ever receive from the loved ones in his far-away home in ^lississippi. Then several with Bibles in their hands. Knowing their hour had come, they had sought to obtain consolation and relief from their suffering from the word of God. The next was lying on his back, his cartridge-box under his head. In iiis hands he was holding tile ])liotograph of a womnn and child. He had died gaz- ing on the features of those who were as dear to him. and he to them, as any from our Xoi'thern homes. Th'" tliought Avould come to my mind: Did T fir;' the fatal shot that made a widow and an or]>lian .' Perhaps: but this is war. This was tlu^ last b;it11f in whi'-h 1 was actively engaged. "August V.) I Avas near Atlanta. Ai)out 4:00 o'clock p. m.. as I Avas getting some supper. 1 suddenly found myself trying to get up off the ground. This Avas the first notice 1 had that anything was wrong. I had no feeling, Avas in no ]iain. but knew 1 Avas shot. I tried several times to rise, but would fall bai-l<. 1 gave it np. I could hardly get my breath. Soon 1 bci:an to spit blood. Then the boys j)oiutcd to my breast. T saAV my shirt bosom Avas covered Avith blood. I opened my shirt. I thought my time had come. '^ly G .' said one of the boys, 'see Avhere it canu^ out.' I asked him Avherc Tlicy told me 1 had been shot clear thro\igh. I began to feel faint and thought surely 1 Avas going to die. I Avanted Avater every fcAV miniTtes. T gave my watch to one of my comrades and asked him to send it home if he could. An ambu- lance came and I bade the boys good-bye, as I had heard nmny do before. I certainly ncA'er expected to see them or my home again. T Avas taken to the field liospital. The first question of the doctor Avas. 'Have aou bled fr^elv!' Tf a'ou liaA'c there is a fight- HENRY AV. CRESSY POST 157 ing- ehanee for you. If you have bled internally I can't save you.' He called several men to his assistance and dressed my wound. Next morning- as I w^oke up alive I began to have some hopes. The next day I felt quite encouraged, and, thanks to kind nurses, a strong" constitution and good morals, after running the chances of gangrene and small-pox (both of which I was exposed to), and after having a run of lung fever, T am thankful to meet you, my cpmrades, here today." RECOLLECTIONS OF THE WAR. By Fred Noth. I was born INIarch 6, 1889, State of Lippe, Germany. At the age of twenty I emigrated to New Orleans in the fall of '59. Shortly after the election of Abraham Lincoln, preparations com- menced for the war. Not willing to fight for slavery, I took pas- sage on a steamboat to St. Louis. During May and June I served in a company of militia in St. Charles county to guard railroad bridges. On the 21st day of July, 1861, I enlisted in Company E. second Missouri Volunteer Infantry. I was ap- pointed a sergeant and color bearer of the regiment. Part of our regiment was ordered to Potosie to gimrd the Iron Mountain Railroad, returning to St. Louis for mustering in September. The regiment in October was ordered to Jefferson City, Tipton and Sedalia. Returning to Tipton, preparations were made for a march to Springfield, ^lo. Arriving at Springfield, tlie Fremont Hussars having the lead, they encountered the enemy, about 2.000 strong, and made a brilliant charge, scattering the enemy in all directions. Late in the fall Ave marched to Rolla, a station on the Pacific branch, for winter quarters. Early in February, '62, our march was again for Springfield. Two new two-pounder howitzers mounted on mules and used on the enemy's flank caused a great deal of fun. After a lively skirmish. General Price va- cated Springfield and retreated to Fort Smith. Our army fol- lowed close after him, into Arkansas, going into cam]) at a place called Pea Ridge. Being 240 miles from railroad communication, our provision train failed to come in time. One ear of corn was issued for a ration for a day ; next day orders for foraging were given. A place where about 500 bushels of apples were piled was found, and before night came none were left. My regiment was ordered to a flour mill in the corner of Indian Territory, or the so-called Oklahoma. Taking possession of the mill, we found about 400 bushels of good winter wheat and ten ])arrels of lard in a store. 158 HISTORY OF .MONROE COUNTY About ton days later, one night at eleven o'clock, the l)uo:le sounded, tents down, marching orders. The advance of the enemy was reported within one-half mile of our camp, ^[arching during the night we reached General Sigel at noon, at Benton- ville, where we waited the approach of the rebels. Our regiment was ordered one mile further, there to await his orders, when all at once about 2,000 Texas Rangers stepped in between us and cut General Sigel oflf. Tlie Rangers made an attack on my regi- ment, killing captain of Company A and a number of men. Gen- eral Sigel with a battalion of Benton Hussars cut a gap through the Rangers and we all marched to the main part of the army, the rebels following close behind. Arriving at Sugar Creek val- ley, the rebel army was about 30,000 in numl)er and was com- manded by Generals INIcCollough and Mcintosh. The battle of Pea Ridge began next morning. Our army, numbering about 14,000, was commanded by Generals Curtis, Sigel. Arboth and JeflP. C. Davis. The fighting on the 7th was mostly with musketry. The rebels had about 2,000 Indians on their side who were led on to a l)attery, but they soon retreated, yelling "Huh! hull I big gun." On the 8th at daybreak, our artillery commenced the fire. General Sigel was ordered to report to the Department of the Potomac. About three weeks later we came marching over the Ozark mountains to Cape Girardeau, crossing the Corinth and AVhite rivers. Three and Five Forks and some other rivers. About half-way, on Sunday, we had a day of rest. An officer and some recruits had arrived and presented a ncAv silk flag to my regi- ment from the German ladies of St. Louis. From this place part of our troops marched south in the direction of Island Xo. 10, while our brigade marched to Cape Girardeau. About a week later we embarked on steamboats down the ^Mississippi, up the Ohio and Tennessee rivers and landed at Pittsburg Landing. In marching over the battlefield of Shiloh to Corinth, General IL^l- leck had a well organized army. After a little skirmish a few days later, the rebels during one night vacated Corinth. From there our brigade marched to Riance, JMiss.. where we remained during the summer. Early in September, 1862, we received or- ders to go to Cincinnati. Arriving at Cincinnati we marched to ^Market Hall. About a Aveek later we embarked on steamboats for Louisville, wliere our army was reorganized by General Buell, and Pliilip Siieridan was assigned to the command of our First Division, Fourteenth Corps. On the evening of October 7th, we arrived in front of Perry- ville. General Bragg had prepared for a battle. At sunrise on HENRY W. CRESSY POST 159 the morning' of the 8th, my regiment was ordered to make a charge on some Arkansas troops in double quick, and after about an hour of hard fighting, the rebels retreated. My regiment had lost twenty-three killed, including our major, and fifty-six wounded. In the afternoon General Hardy made an attack on our division, formed in line on a ridge in a half circle. The rebels were badly beaten in this fight. The most of them were left dead or wounded on the field. The next day General Bragg evacuated Perryville. As we marched on to Perryville we passed a stack of arms about a mile long. It appeared as if half of Gen- eral Bragg 's men had left for home. From here we marched to Nashville, passing Mammoth Cave. Fourteen miles south of Nashville we went into camp. Being on picket duty one day, thirty volunteers were called, officers and non-commissioned to ascertain the position of the rebel pickets three miles off. AVe reached them just at dark. A sergeant from my camp shot the rebel sentinel and at the same time he received a shot through the lungs and died the next morning. Some days later my regi- ment and a battery was ordered out on a scouting expedition. We encountered the enemy about five miles from camp. After a little skirmish the rebels retreated. In the latter part of December we marched for Murfreesboro. On the last day of December, early in the morning, when our artillery had taken their horses to water. General Longstreet unexpectedly attacked our Fourteenth Corps. Our right wing was entirely repulsed, hard fighting going on all day. As soon as we reached the railroad embankment Longstreet 's forces were checked. The colonel com- manding our brigade at this place was shot through the throat and died. The next day, January 1st, General Rosecrans pushed his left wing, the Twenty-first Corps, across Stone river and the rebels commenced to evacuate Murfreesboro. At the place where the fighting had commenced eighty comrades of our division were buried in one grave. During the spring of 1863 ]\Iurfreesboro was fortified. A pioneer brigade had been organized, and I was detached to the Second Battalion, called the Pontoon Battalion. On the 25th day of June, 1863, our army commenced to march to the Tennessee river. General Rosecrans from here moved on to Chattanooga, remaining at Bridgeport some time. In October we moved on to Chattanooga over the Cumberland mountains. Just before we reached the mountain General AVheeler had destroyed a supply train of about 150 wagons. Arriving at Chattanooga we con- structed another pontoon bridge. One da}^ the rebel artillery sent 160 TIISTOKV OF MONROE COUNTY ;i til'ly-|i()iiii(l shell iiitu oni' cami) i'roiii Lookout mountain, but it, exploded higli in ihe aii'. October 16th General Koseerans was rplieved of his conuuand. and Gen. U. S. Grant took command. On the (n-enino; of Novembei' 22nd we were ordered to march on the north side ol' the Teiuiessee river, a distance of three miles. Dur- ing' the night we passed a bi i^ade of Sherman's troops across the river. P'arly in the nu)rning a i)ontoon Ijridge was laid for General Sherman to cross the Tennessee. About 10 o'clock the bridge was coinjiK'ted and the signal sergeant signaled to hoadf|uarters. Gen- eral Shernuin uu)ved over the i)ontoon ])ridge and an(»ther corps from the Tennessee army started from Chattanooga and .ioined General Sherman in the afternoon. We returned to Chattanooga. In the evening a division of General Hooker's corps was moved di»\vn. ])artly on boats, to storm Lookout mountain during the night 1).\ moonlight. About 12 o'clock the firing ceased and Look- out was taken next day. General Sherman on the left. General Hooker on the right, and General Thomas in the center, the army of the Ciunberland made a charge on ^Mission Ridge, and before night .Mission, was taken. Sixty-eiglit ])ieces of artillery and 11,000 prisoners, including two brigadier generals, were captured. Next day the rebel prisoners marched over the pontoon bridge to go north. xVs they formed into line on the north side of the river one of our l)ands of nuisic i)layed the "Star Spangled Banner." A hurrah for the Union followed from all the camps near by. In Deceiubei- I and sixty other mechanics were sent to Nash- ville to make new canvas pontoon boats, returning to Chattanooga in IMarrli. On ]May 5, 1864, our army started for Dalton. On the (ith m\ battalion Avas ordered Avith our canvas pontoon train. Arriving at a river north of Resaca, on the right wing, a regi- ment of rebels were in a good position in a lot of heavy timber, disputing our right to cross the river. AVe crossed a battalion of sharpshooters to dislodge the rebels, and a nunihei- of our boys Avere killed and Avounded. From here Ave marched with a division to Rome. (}a., on a point betAveen tAVO rivers. Crossing on a pon- toon bridge Ave took possession of Rome. AYe crossed the Yazoo river on the south side, Avhere on a little mountain the rebels had some fortifications, but as Johnson "s army had fallen back to Atlanta by this time they eA'acuated the place and avc marched on to ^Marietta and remained in camp at this place for some time. The lattei' ])art of June Ave Avere ordered back to Chattanooga. In •Inly 1. Avith my detachment, Avas ordered to Bridgeport, Ala., to take charge of a pontoon bridge, and Ave remained at this place until September 20, 1864. I HENRY AV. CRESSY POST 161 The adjutaut from our regiment ordered us to get ready to go to St. Louis to be mustered out. Arriving at St. Louis with about two hundred and twenty men left in our regiment, we marched to Washington liall. On the 29th day of September my regiment was mustered out on expiration of term. I respectfully remain, FRED NOTH, Sergt. Co. E, 2nd Mo. Vol. Inf. CHAPTER XVI. JOHN AV. LYNN POST. John W. Lynn Post No. 30, Department of Wisconsin, Grand Army of the Republic, was organized jMay 8, 1882, at Sparta, county of Monroe, and state of AVisconsin, with fifty-seven charter members as follows, to-wit : James Davidson, lifty-seven years, okl, formerly major of the Fifth New York cavalry, afterwards department commander of the Department of AVisconsin, and died at AVichita, Kansas, ]\Iarch 16, 1891, a native of the state of Ncav York. Samuel Hoyt, sixty-three years of age, served as sergeant of the First Wisconsin battery over four years, was honorably dis- chai'g'cd :ui(l died ;it Sparta on tlie tliird day of June, 1898. Edwin W. Olin was born in the state of New Y^ork ; aged thirty-nine when the post was organized; served as first lieuten- ant of Company "E," One Hundred and Twenty-first regiment, New York infantry volunteers, and was finally nnistered out at Sparta, AA^is., on the 27th (I;iy of January, 3907. AVas post com- mander and quartermaster. L. C. Herrick was sixty-two years of age, was a private of Company "D," Eighteenth AVisconsin infantry, and passed out of this life on the 22ik1 day of Alay, 1898. Held the ..flicks of cha]ilain and musician. William H. Blyton iiatl arrived at the age of thirty-nine years, born in New A^)rk state, served in Company "C." Nineteenth Wisconsin infantry, as quartermaster sergeant and as first lieu- tenant and any "D," of the Eighteenth Wisconsin infantry, the service and his continuing to serve the state making good his claim on the nation. William Shepherd did not furnish us his full record, but he was a member of Company "C," of the Nineteenth AVisconsin infantry, for many years a resident of the town of Ang(^lo and one of its good citizcMis. James O'Connor, forty-two years old, a native of New Y'ork state, served four vears and three months in the Second Michigan ' I JOHN W. LYNN POST 165 Infantry, Company "D," was for many years one of the best known citizens, but after removing from Sparta withdrew from the post. Joseph Jones, a native of England, enlisted September 7, 1861, in Company "D," of the Eighty-fourth Pennsylvania infantry, and was mustered out December 24, 1864, thus proving his loyalty to his adopted country. He has joined the majority on the other side. Franklin Campbell, aged thirty-eight, was a native of Wis- consin, was a member of the Tenth Wisconsin battery. He with- drew from the post after a few years and has since been reported dead. Michael McPeak, forty-one years old, born in Ireland. His service was in Company "E," First Michigan volunteers; still residing in Sparta. Chauncy Bunce, fifty-two years old, born in Connecticut, en- listed Januar.y o, 1864, in the Twelfth Wisconsin infantry. Com- pany "E," and was mustered out July 15, 1865, but on account of age and residence at a distance from the city withdrew after a time and he has passed to the other shore. Charles Slaver, thirty-eight years of age, another acquisition from Germany, was a member of Company "I," Forty-eighth AVisconsin irifantry, proved his right to citizenship by his patriotism. Nathan B. Aldrich, a Vermonter, was forty-eight years old, was a meml)er of Company "D," Twenty-fifth AVisconsin infantry, from August 8, 1862, to May 10, 1865; a good citizen of Sparta, ])ut died July 22, 1902. Joseph W. Potter, ])orn in Ohio, was forty years old, was a corporal of Company "C," Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Infantry, from February 29, 1864. to June 10, 1865. Served with the post as its bass drunnner until disabled, and left us to be mustered in the new army Alarch 2, 1910. Edward J. Hodgkin enlisted July 2, 1861, in Company "I," Fourtli Wisconsin infantry, and was mustered out July 18, 1865, a member of the First Wisconsin battery. He withdrew from the post as he resided too far out to meet with it, and has since left this life. He was born in New York and was thirtj^-nine years old at the organization of the post. William J. Jordan was forty-one years old and served in the Fiftieth New York engineers from August 31, 3861, to June 13, 1865. He died on the 16th of March, 1891. Adelbert E. Bleekman was a native of New York state, served lf;6 TIISTOHV OF MOXROK COrXTY in the Fifth Ohio cavalry, Company ''A." AVas tlie post coin- maiidi r in 1888 and 1S84. lie removed to LaCrosse and became a mcniher of the post there. A good Grand Army man and a successful attorney. He has gone to his reward foi- all the activi- ties oi an earnest life. Bruce E. McCoy was fifty-one years old. born in New York state, and served as captain of Company — , Forty-third Wiscon- sin infantry from its muster in to the end of its term, and con- tinues a valued member of the post. Rufus S. Dodge .served as sergeant of Company "K," Six- teenth New York infantry, during the entire term of its service, was a native of New York state. For many years lie was trustee of the post and passed away July 31, 1008. Ulrich Wettstein was thirty-four years old. a native of Ger- many, was a member of Company ''C." P'ifty-third AVisoonsin infantry: has gone out but date is not recorded. Charles A. Bunce was forty years old and a native of Con- neeticut. He served in Company "K," Eleventh Massachusetts infantry; Avas discharged at his own request. Lucius M. Stevens, forty years old, a native of New Y^ork, was a member of Company "I," One Hundred and Fifty-sixth New York infantry, was post commander in 1885 and has removed to IMinneapolis. John W. Carter was a native of Ohio, a member of Company "D,"" Kighteenth Wisconsin infantry, was thirty-seven years old at his muster in the post, and was the first death after our organ- ization. William A. DeLong', thirty-nine years old, a native of New York state, was a corporal in Company ''A," Third Wisconsin cavalry. He withdi-ew from the post. Chauncy K. Kennedy, aged fifty-eight, a New Yorker by birth, was a member of I'ompany "A," Nineteenth "Wisconsin infantry, but lie lived only a short time after joining the post. John Jarrett, forty years old. a nati\'e of rennsylvania. Serv- ice was in Company "D," Seventh Pennsylvania cavalry. He removed from the city and Avithdrew from the post. Jeremiah Van Kirk, a native of New York state, was a mem- ber (if Company "'I)."" Tweiity-tifth AVisconsin infantry, Avas thirty-seven years of age and is still with us. E. Crocker, born in Oliio. Avas thirty-seven years old, a mem- ber of Company "D," Eighteenth AVisconsin infantry, Avas Avounded and discharged. Has moved aAvay and Avithdrawn from the i>ost. 11 JOHN W. LYNN POST 167 Henry T. Bell, a native of New York, served three years in Company "K, " Seventh New York heavy artillery, has been an efficient officer of the day of the post, and is still doing duty Avith it. Robert Rathbun did not furnish his war record and withdrew soon after joining. W. H. Washburn was forty-one years old and a native of New York state, was a member of Company "C," Thirty-sixth AVis- consin infantry, was transferred to the George A. Fisk post at Cataract. Walter A. Wodd, forty-three years old, a native of New York, was corporal of Company "A." Tenth AYisconsin infantry, serv- ing four years. He removed to Oakland, California, and was transferred to a post in that city. Byron M. Dunham was forty-one years old, born in Michigan, served in Company "D," Fourteenth Wisconsin infantry four years; died January 6, 1902. William N. Wilcox furnished no record of service and with- drew after a short time. S. F. Ketcham was thirty-six years of age, born in Pennsyl- vania, was a private in Company "L," Sixth New York heavy artillery, withdrew from the post soon after its organization. Abram Heath, thirty-eight years old, born in New Hampshire, a member of Company ''G, " Twelfth AYisconsin infantry; re- mained a member but a short time. Edward Busby, forty-seven years old, a native of Ohio, served nearly four years in the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth in- fantry; has continued a member and is, and has been, for many years entirely blind. James P. Larry was forty-five years old, born in Ohio, a mem- ber of Company '"I," Forty-second AYisconsin infantry, and died April 17, 1902. Of the above fifty-seven charter members, thirty-seven have passed into larger ranks and have been mustered beyond the dark river ; eleven remain in Sparta and nine have moved away. One hundred and eighty-two have been mustered into our ranks since, of whom eighty-six died and forty-six have with- drawn, some to move to other states and some for their own reasons not known to us, and there remains in good standing in the post at this writing sixty seasoned veterans, many of them so feeble and weak from age and infirmities that they are not able to meet with us, especially those living at a distance in the country. 168 lllSTOKY OF MOXKOK COUNTY The executive officers of the post since its organization have been : In 1882 James Davidson, post commander, and AVilliam II. Blyton, adjutant; in 1883, Adelbert E. Bleekman, post com- mander, and AVilliam II. Blyton, adjutant ; in 1884, Adelbert p]. ]51eeknuin. post comnumder, and IVIichael J. ]\IcOmber, adjutant ; in 1885, Alojizo E. Howard, ])0st commander, and Miehael J. McOmber, adjutant; in 1886, Lucius M. Stevens was post com- mander, and Alonzo E. Howard, adjutant; in 1887, John A. Sholts was the chief executive officer, and Alonzo E. Howard has held the office of post adjutant to the present time. Elorus "\V. Babcock served as post commander in 1888, AVilliam H. Blyton in 1889, Arthur L. Page in 1890, AVilliam P. :\Ieyer in 1891, Sylvanus Holmes in 1892, Russell Brownell in 1893, David C. Hope in 1891, Edward E. Olin in 1895, Ira A. Hill in 1896, N. J. Kemp in 1897, Thomas Hobson in 1898, DeAVitt C. Beebe in 1899, A. R. Benzie in 1900 and 1901, John A. Sholts in 1902-03, Andrew C. Cole in 1901, Russell Brownell in 1905, and AVilliam II. Blyton in 1906-07-08-09- 10-11. Immediately on the organization of the post active opera- tions were inaugurated to suitably decorate the graves of all deceased comrades of all wars for the preservation or defense of the nation, and in 1886 there was added to the by-laws of the post one requiring the quartermaster of the post to place a memorial tablet at the head of the graves of all defenders of the country buried in the several cemeteries within our jurisdiction, and at the head of the graves of all such who should thereafter be in- terred in such cemeteries. The post has so far as its means would alloAV assisted and cared for the sick and needy soldiers, attended to the proper burial of all its deceased nuMubers. carried out faithfully its duty of ('el('])rating Alemorial Day l)y decorating the graves and pro- viding suitable patriotic nuMuorial addresses and by jiatriotic Sabliath services on Tne Siuulay jjreceding Alemorial Day, has procui-ed the erection in the city park of a beautiful soldiers' monument, dedicated to "Our Nation's Defenders," has for years held ])atri<)tic services and addresses in oui- public schools to instill ]>atriotism in the minds of our coming citizens, has co- operated with the national order in ])romoting the welfare of those who faithfully served the country aiul suffered, ami has by every means in its poAver jiromoted good citizenship and love of countrv. (■\I"I'. M. K. IJ'.ON" AKP JOHN W. LYNN POST 1G9 CAPT. M. E. LEONARD'S WAR RECORD. Captain Leonard's service to his country began as a recruit- ing" officer, which position he held for several months. The gov- ernor, appreciating his fitness to command, appointed him captain and through his services in that capacity did valiant duty. He enlisted in July, 1862, in Company " D, " Twenty- fifth Wisconsin regiment ; was mustered in in August the same year, and his regiment was first stationed in Minnesota, near New Ulm, where they participated in the frontier Indian massacre. This company was in charge of Captain Leonard, who guarded the thirty-eight Indians who were now in ]\Iankato. ]Minnesota. Prior to this they were ordered to scout through Big Cottonwood and Little Cottonwood to West Mankato, and January 1st were ordered to report at Madison, next to Columbus, Kentucky, where the sub- ject was appointed port officer by General Asbeth. Captain Leonard at this time was first lieutenant and his regiment was ordered to Helena, Arkansas, where they were reviewed by Gen- eral Beauford, down the Mississippi river to Vicksburg, being in charge of the subject, the trip being accomplished without acci- dent. It was the season of what was known as th(^ winter of deep ice and it was with the greatest difficulty that the trip was made. The gunboat was ordered to Helena and returned to Vicksburg in February for Sherman's march through ^Mississippi to Ala- bama, then returning to Vicksburg, thence up the river to ( 'airo, Illinois; thence to Moorsville and to Decatur, Alabama. Thence to the foot of Lookout mountain to Chattanooga, to Tunnel Hill, flanking recours on the right, thence engaging in the severe three- days' fight of Sugar Gap, following which was the battle of Eosackie; to Calhoun's ferry, crossing the river to Kingston; thence to Dallas, Texas, engaging in the battle of Dallas; tlience to Altoona. to Kenesaw mountain, to ^Marietta, Georgia, to Chat- tahoochee at night through dense darkness. Next to Decatur. Georgia, thence six miles to Atlanta, with constant fighting dur- ing this trip. It was during this time that the regiment lost heavily from the enemy and the wounded and dead were left at Decatur. The balance of the regiment whipped around to the right and entered the siege of Atlanta after wbipping General Hood, in which the loss of the men were heavy. The regiment then made a retrograde movement to AVest Point and over the mountains to the extreme right, and marching during the night to Lovejoy's station, and from there to West Point, to camp. 170 IIISTOKY OF .MONKOE COUNTY Then folloAVod Ilond to Altoona, thence to Alabama, Kingston, to Atlanta, moved on to Savannah, fighting and tearing np rail- ways nntil they reached King's bridge, fifte- detailed for that purpose. Tlu» present system which l)rings tlic nu^lical officers of tlie various states under the instruction of a fully equijiped hospital corps becomes so evident that there is but little doul)t but tluit the medical school of instructions will, and practically has. be- come a part of the ])lans of the AVar Department for increasing the efficiency of the National Guard. The instruction given at this first school consisted in daily lectures given by the regular army surgeons concerning the various phases of practice encountered in connection with the army work. There was also given practical demonstration of field Avork by the members of the hospital corps, and the Avork througliout Avas made as realistic as it Avas possible to luivc it Avithout the actual presence of the Avounded. The first class of National Guard surgeons arrived on the 15th of July, and consisted of thii-ty-one officers from the states of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, ]\lississiii]>i and "Wiscon.sin. After thcii- departure another class arrivctl as large. Avas estinui- bly from these various states, and remained for another period of ten days, and on the 12th of August, the Company A. of the Hospital Corps returned to its station at Fort Russell, AVyoming. Connected Avith the IMinnesota batteries Avhicii Avere in camp during the fore i^art of August in that year Avas >\Ir. P. Daley, a Avireless telegraph cxpci't, Avho had been co)ulucting experiments with the Avireless telegraph as a nutans of connnunication betAveen inland points. With the pci-niission of County Clerk Talbot. ]\Ir. Daley ci'cctcd ujtiMi the rool' of tlif ('uri-t Ibiuse a small wireless appai'atus. the oliject of which cxpcrimciil was to dciiionstrate the usefulness of the Avireless telegraph as a means of connnuni- cation betAveen troops so that in case of actual Avarfarc it Avill be possible for detachments to ci-cct stations at any i>oint and com- nuinicat<^ Avith each othei-. Alter lh(> apparatus Avas finally set uj) ^Ir. Smiih. a represent- THE GOVERNMENT .MILITARY RESERVATION 181 ative of the St. Paul Dispatch, about 4:00 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon. August 5th, sent the following message to St. Paul, addressed to Judge Thomas Wilson, the oldest living resident of that city: "This is the first wireless message ever sent into the city of St. Paul, and in appreciation of the many things you have done to make it possible, it has been addressed to you." The message was received all right in St. Paul and the experi- ment was pronounced a success. In the history of the reservation the encampment of 1909 was made memorable by a visit of ]\Iaj. Gen. Fred D. Grant, commanding the Department of the Lakes, Avhich occurred on the 26th of August. The General arrived at Golvin station, which was the name given for the stopping place near the artillery camp, and Avas received by Captain Cruikshank and escorted to the headquar- ters tent. After breakfast the General was met by Congressman Esch and United States District Attorney George H. Gordon, of LaCrosse, and Maj. D. W. Cheney, of Sparta, and this party was taken by jMaj. Cheney in his automobile for a tour of inspection of the range. During the forenoon the distinguished visitors were shown all of the portion of the tract which could be reached with an auto, and in the afternoon the inspection was continued in an army wagon. The following day the General Avas taken over the more inaccessible portions of the range, including the many hills, on horseback. His inspection was most complete and at the end of it General Grant expressed himself as highly pleased, and stated that he found it in all respects superior to what it had been represented to him as being, and it Avas reported at this time that the General was in favor of extending the reservation l)y the purchase of additional land up to the amount of 20,000 acres. He afterwards in a rei)ort recommended that the range be converted into a general maneuver tract for all branches of the service, that small arms ranges be installed, and other extensiA'e improA'ements made. The General's visit Avas productive of much good and his report afterAvards resulted in further action by the War Department as to the installing of fixed distance ranges, and early in 1910 in the army operation a bill passed by congress was in- cluded the amount of $40,000 for improvements on the military reservation near Sparta, and Avas the first definite step tOAvards the development of the tract for further uses, in accordance with the plans Avhich the War Department then had in a^cav, for it marked the beginning of a settled policy Avith regard to this reservation, and indicated that in the near future the national 182 IIISTOKY OF .MONROIO ("OrXTY i-itlc contests would be liild upon tliis ground instead of at Camp I'ci'i-y. Ohio, wlirre these contests had been held fur scxci-al years. And the reasons for asking for these appropriations were sub- mitted to congress by the Secretary of AVar and originally made to the secretary- by J. B. Aleshire, quartermaster general of the Inited States army, and in a part of his recommendation with regard to military posts, has found the following, which is an extract from the same: "Target range, Sparta, AVisconsin : For the construction and equipment of a target range for the field firing of the artillery, cavalry and infantry branches of the United States army and for machine guns, including the con- struction of a concrete store house, portable railroad and im- ])rovements on camp sites for water and sanitation on land authorized to be acquired near Sparta, ^Monroe county, AVis., as a site for target range, and for all other absolutely necessary ex- penses in connection herewith, to be immediately available, $40,000." (Note — The foregoing estimate is submitted in view of a report made thereon by Col. R. K. Evans, Twenty-eighth infantry. United States army, which reads in part as follows:) "Advisability of establishing a range for field-firing on the Sparta reservation for the three arms — artillery, cavalry and in- fantry — and machine guns: This reservation, on account of its size, 14,000 acres, and the character of the terrain, offers excel- lent facilities for field firing, in which the fire of artillery and small arms can be worked in combination against moving and disappearing targets at unknown ranges. This kind of field firing is the most advanced stage in the training of modern armies for battle. So far we have not fully equipped a single range for this kind of work, Avliile the other great powers have been busy in this direction for years. Our Small Arms Firing ^Manual, 1909, contemplates this kind of practice, but there is only one range in the United States wliere it is at all practical)le to init it into execution even for rifie and nmchine gun fire, viz., the one near Monterey, California, used by the School of I\Iusketry. ]More- over, as this range is not owned by the government it is not advisable to spend anything on permanent or extensive improve- ments or appliances. "If we are to keep abreast of the standard of progress set by other nations we sliould equip and use other field ranges as soon as possible. The Sparta range has a decided advantage over the one in California in that it is accessible to a much larger popula- tion. It might be valuable for the troops in the Department of THE GOVERN.MENT MILITARY RESERVATION 183 the Lakes and Dakotas, and for the militia of four or five popu- lous states. In view of the fact that the most important feature of the practical training of modern troops for battle consists in practicing- the combined and supporting fire of infantry and artillery directed against a common objective, it is recommended that an ordinary, standard known-distance target range be estab- lished on the Sparta reservation, and also that the necessary appliances be provided for firing at moving and disappearing targets, the most important of the moving and disappearing targets to be arranged to run on light movable railway tracks. "Light portable railroads are now a recognized part of the necessary transportation equipment of modern armies for war. The leading military powers kept more or less material of this kind in store for war purposes. The Japanese used such roads extensively in Manchuria. Kuroki's march from the Yalu to Mukden would not have been practicable without the DeCauville railroad. AYe read and talk much about the use and value of DeCauville roads in war, but none of our officers have seen one in operation in our territory or know its practical uses and lim- itations from actual experience. "It is believed that this range offers an excellent opportunity for acquiring necessary experience in deciding on a type for such railroads, which up to this time is not definitely decided. Should an emergency arise requiring the use of such roads the material on hand at the Sparta range could be immediately shipped to the point required. In order not to lose a year it is necessary that some funds be made available for commencing im- provements on this reservation before the adjournment of the present congress. It is believed that at least $40,000 should be appropriated for this purpose. With this sum it is estimated that known-distance range could be equipped with 100 targets, $12,000 ; a storehouse of concrete built, $8,000 ; and the remainder spent on the portable railroad and on improvements on the camj) sites for water and sanitation generally. "The construction and equipment of this range Avas under consideration by the department prior to the submission of the regular annual estimate for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1911, but the necessary data for the preparation of this estimate was not at hand in time to permit of its inclusion in the regular esti- mates. The submission of this supplemental estimate is deemed imperatively necessary in order that funds may be provided for the commencement of this work at the earliest possible date." The foregoing extract from the report of the quartermaster gen- 184 IIJSTORY OF .AiOXROE COUNTY eral of the army outlines the course wliieh is to be pursued in the futui-e in the development of all arms of the service in the army wi1li tlic cxcf^plion of the coast ailillery; and insures the t'Xtciisi\c use to wliicli llii> h\^ reservation will lie put in the future, and that for the tidd work of an army corps. On -May '■], lilld. lln' War I )epai1 iiicnt issued order Xo. Til, proxidin.u' lor 1lic military work on I lie I'ange for tin- summer. including' maneuvei-s on an extended scale. Early in June Bat- tery V from Fort Sheridan. P>attery K IVom Foi't Sncllin^'. and Battery 1) from Fort Leavenworth arrivetl at the reservation in advance of other troops and engaged in long-distance firing until the l)eginning of maneuvei- field instructions of state troops (lur- ing August. These batteries are all a part of the Fifth Field Artilh'ry, and in addition to them the headquarters field staff and l)and of the .Medical Battalion was also ordered into camp. Under oi-dei- Ti>. above referred to. the I'ltllowing troops were designated to attend the maneuvers, and arrived about the 1st of August, to-wit : Three troops of the Fourth Uavali-y from Fort Snelling; three troo])s of the 1^'ifteenth Cavalry from Fort Sheridan; headqimrfers and one l)aftery Fifth Artillery from Fort Sheridan; one baffei-y Fifth Ai-fillery from P'ort Sheridan: one battery Fifth Artillery from Fort Leavenworth; headquar- ters and eleven companies of the Twenty-seventh Infantry from Fort Sheridan: Iiead(|uai-tei's and ele\'en companies of the Twenty-eighth Inlanti-y i'l'om Fort Snelling; one-half of ('om- ])any A. of the llosintal Corps, fi'om 1-^ort Kussell. Wyonnng. This oi'der required that all infantry troops must maridi at least 200 miles in I'eaching the city of Spai'fa or returning to their station, while the eavali'y and the artillery weiv^ recpiired to nuirch 2.')0 miles. In additioji to the fd)ove troops from the regu- lar army there were ordei-ed to the i'(\servation for artillery prac- tice National Guard batteries from different states as follows: Ohio seven batteries. Indiana three batteries, ^Michigan one bat- tei-y. Illinois fhi-ee batteries, fowa one battery. .Minnesota one battery, AViseonsin one; all of light ai'fillery. None of these organizations brought their own equipments, but for the purposes of instruction they were required to handle the regular arm\- e(pupmen1s of the batteries abovi' designated. This order also provided that to inirticipate in maneuvers several regiments of infantry were ordered to the reservation and arrived at different times during the month of August : AViseonsin sent the First Regiment and the Tenth Battalion, making sixteen companies; Iowa one brigade and three regiments, ]\Iinnesota one regiment. THE GOVERNMENT ^MILITARY RESERVATION 185 North Dakota twelve eoinpanies. South Dakotii twelve eouipauies, so that the troops which participated in the maneuvers during this month numbered about 10,000. The scheme of instruction resembled nearly as ])ossil)le the conditions to Ix- encountered in actual warfare, the ol).iect being to promote the field training of the troops. Accurate topograph- ical maps of the entire reservation had been previously made by the engineering department, and each day during the stay of the troops problems of varied characters were proposed ;iud the solu- tion of them wrought out on the field. Ceremonies Avere cut down to the lowest limit and the actual practice work was pursued with vigor and great benefit to the troops engaged in this maneuver. This encampment was under the command of Brig. Gen. Walter Howe, and in honor of Capt. Bruce E. McCoy, of Sparta, who with his son, Colonel ]\IcCoy, had been so instrumental in establishing the reservation. General HoAve on the ]st day of August issued an order naming the camp "Cam]) Hruc(^ E. IMcCoy." Captain ]\IcCoy was a captain in the Civil War, and for years was the OAvner of the old Lafayette mill property and of the laud on Avhich the maneuver camp itself Avas located. The folloAving named officers Avere detailed for service at this camp: i\Iaj. Sanmel D. Sturgis, General Stalf Corps; :\Iaj. AValter H. Gorton, Inspector general; Capt. Douglas Settle, counuissary; Lieut. Col. William B. Bannister, Medical Corps; Maj. Thomas C. Goodman, paymaster; Capt. Charles W. Castle, paymaster; ('apt. Dana T. ]\Ierrill, TAventy-eighth Infantry. During the month of August the range Avas visited by Gen. Robert ShaAV Oliver, Assistant Secretary of War, who gave it a thorough inspection. Governor Carroll, of loAva, also Adsited the maneuver camp on the 19th of August and revicAved the loAva Brigade on the afternoon of the 19th. The maneuvers of 1910 Avere very successful and demonstrated beyond question that this big reserA'ation Avas Avell adapted for the purpose, as the range used by the troops around the maneuver camp did not extend more than four miles, so that there is ample room for the camping of several brigades on different portions of the reservation Avherever Avater may be provided. And the best of Avater is ob- tained by sinking artesian Avells, from Avhich a fioAV of Avater is obtained at a A^ery moderate depth and easily carried to any distance by piping. Early in 1910 Lieutenant Gilmore of the regular service Avas detailed as constructing quartermaster and moved to Sparta Avith his family, Avhere he remained during 1910 and up until about 186 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY August, 1011. He h;i(l lull charge of the constructing of the rifle range of tlic reservation, for Avlilch an approx)riation of !}>40,000 had been made by congress. The work was very tlior- oughly done niid thei-c is now constructed rifle i)its built of con- crete with ample stoi'c rooms sunk into tlie embankment of hills, Targets and various supplies, and the range is equipped with something like two hundred of the most modern targets to be pro- cured. A large concrete office building ami storehouse has been constructed, ami the grading and seeding of the tiring points comjileted. All effort was made to secure the national rifle competition of this range in 1911, and the "War Department was entirely friendly toward the proposition providing the range was in condition for holding such a contest, and a board of officers Avere ordered here early in the summer for the purpose of inspecting and looking the range over thoroughly. They finally decided it would be best not to attempt to hold the competition on the range that year in order to allow the seeding to take root and be in good shape another year. Through the eflforts of Colonel McCoy the town board of Angelo during the month of January and after considerable contest have laid out a road through the town of Angelo to the range, which Avill shorten the distance from this city considerably, and that road will, undoubtedly, be completed and in good shape for travel by the time this history is published. The only disadvan- tages have been the poor roads, as they go through sandy country, but with that remedied the great benefit which Avill be received to the citizens of Sparta and the city of Tomah and vicinity, through the purchase of needed supplies, cannot be very well esti- mated, as the benefit Avill, undoubtedly, grow greater as the ef|nipment on the reservation is perfected. The railroad facilities are now very ample as the North AVestern railway has con- structed a spur track leading directly to the rille range, and there is also placed a track constructed liy the St. Paul company to tile same place, and aiiijile sidetrack facilities are in existence at the point where the main storehouse is located. The St. Paul company has constructed a new station known as "McCoy," and built a tasty little depot not far from the artillery camp. The North AVesttM'ii company has also erected a small depot on the line of the Alilwaukee, Sj)arta & North Western Railway (^ompany so that during the existence of maneuvers railroad facilities are now provided for. This chapter would not be complete without mentioning the TPIE GOVERNMENT :\IILITARY RESERVATION 187 indefatigable work of t'ol. R. B. jMcCo.y, which has been mainly instrumental in the establishment of this great enterprise. While interested somewhat personally in some of the land which was bought by the government, yet in addition to that. Colonel McCoy spent a large amount of his time in acquiring options on the entire tract, using a diplomacy and patience which was indeed remarkable, and bringing to a successful conclusion a task whicli looked almost impossible. His energy and perseverance have brought great results, such as only a man of his ability can bring about. CTTAPTKR XIX. CIRCinT jrDGP:s. JOSEPH M. MORROW. Fitting indeed it is to spread upon these pages the tributes of respect Jind aft'eetion froni his brothers of the legal i)rofession, to tlic itieniory of "Joe" Morrow; for "Joe'' he was. The name was used not in the sense of familiarity, but in that sense which so strongly indieates the friendly respect wliich a good-hearted man i-eceives from his fellows. Tniformly kind, courteous and gentlemanly, mild of manner and speech, yet his personality was one which attracted attention wherever he wenl. His strong face, full of character, his straightforward method of dealing with the mailer in hand, commanded attention and gave weight to those things which in others nuglit have seemed coiiimonplace. Always kind and helpful to Ihi' your.ger members of tlu^ l)ar. a generous opponent in any case, he licld tlie fi'iendship of his fellow attorneys to the end. Oil Ihe loth of October, IS!*!), at the fall term of the CiiTuit Court, -ludge O. B. AVyman ])residing, memorial exercises were held and the courl adjourned for that day as a mark of respect. A resolution signed by liie members of the bar of ^Monroe county w;is introduced and adopted as follows: "On motion of llie bar of ]\Ionroe county, the Circuit Court of this county has set apart this day to be devoted to memorial exercises in honor of our deceased brother. Tlon. J. ^\. ^lorrow. formei-ly -Judge of this Circuit. ■"In his (k'atli the members of this bar share with the bar of the state of AVisconsiu a loss that is great, but to us the coni- panioiis of his daily life, his death was a sliock and a loss that was irreparable. Stri(d\eii down in the ripe \igor of his intellectual manhood in the noon of his ])rofessional activit.y, and ;it a time when his moral intluence with us, his associates, was most potent for good, for us bis i)lace cannot be filled and our sori'ow is daily renewed. ""We bis brothers of the bar of ]\Iouroe county, desii-e to i)lace 188 CIRCUIT JUDGES 189 permanently upon the records of this court and to have it entered as a part of the proceedings of this term the following: "We admire in him the industry, learning, wisdom and ability that placed him in the front rank of lawyers of this state. We honor in him as a lawyer and hold up for emulation to those who come after him, an integrity, zeal and devotion to his client's interests that made his good faith beyond suspicion, a professional honor that made his word and his implied obligations better than written stipulations, a courtesy to his associates and antagonists alike that softened any asperities of legal conflict, a sunny temper and genial humor that robbed defeat of its sting and bound closer in friendship his antagonists, and above all, that delicate sense of personal integrity that kept his professional zeal within those limits that hold the gentleman. "We reverence in his career on the bench in an eminent degree, the cjualities that have adorned th(^ judicial office of this circuit since its organization, reinforced, ripened and broadened by an experience at the bar exceptional in its scope. As an official he brought to the discharge of his duties the same great zeal and alnlity that marked his professional life. As a citizen he had the respect and esteem of all, and his advice was sought in all important afifairs. As a man w'e loved him. Geo. Graham, C. M. Masters, Sev. Button, D. F. Jones, H. C. Spaulding, R. B. Graves, Chris. Maxwell. AVm. B. Naylor, Jr., R. A. Richards. R. B. McCoy, H. C. Altizer, H. B. Clark." The remarks were made by several members of the bar from different counties as follows : H. AV. Barney, of Mauston, said — "May it please the Court: I have no set speech to make. . Brother Hughes and myself come here to represent Juneau county — one of the counties in the .judi- cial circuit over which Judge MorroAV presided — at this me- morial service. I am here to say that the people and bar of Juneau county entertained the greatest respect for Judge Morrow as a lawyer, a .judge and a man. He had an extensive practice in our county and for more than thirty years he attended nearly, if not all, our terms of the Circuit Court. He attended many cases there in justices' courts. The day before he died, July 27th last, I nu't him in Elroy, where we adjourned several cases over into September — engagements that death prevented him from fulfilling. It seems to us that he belonged to our county as much as he did to this county. "When our court meets in November he will be missed as much (u- more than ar.y of oui' resident attorneys, and the loss V.\0 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY "will be felt in Jiuicau county as keenly as in any locality in the state. Jnneaii coiinly seconds the adoption of memorial pre- sented and endorses all that has been said here today in eulogy of Judge ^Morrow." Remarks of A. E. Bleekman. of LaCrosse — "]\Iay it i>lease the Court: 1 have not come with a prepared speech for this occa- sion. Yet if I do not respond to these resolutions and speak somcAvhat of my feelings, I shall be derelict in my duty to the deceased. "I knew our brother, and I knew him well. I first became acquainted with liim tliirty years ago the coming winter, at the office of the Hon. George Graham, of this l)ar, where I was then a student. He came to Tonuih in tlie interest of a client, Mr. John Maxwell, one of the oldest settlers of the county. I remem- ber that meeting as well as if it were yesterday, even the clothes he wore, for he Avas not a man of the passing hour, hut made an impression upon those he met. He was thou the same mild, gentlemanly, even-tempered nmii he always Avas. I next heard of him at Tunnel City in his professional duties, Avhere, Avheu presented Avitli a decision of our oaa'u Supreme Court, exactly opposite the position he Avas contending for, he arose and gravely asked the court if he Avas going to make a fool of himself because the Supreme Court had — and Avon his ease. "As the years pased on and our business relations extended, Ave met oftener in the trial of causes and our acquaintance ripened into strong personal friendship. He Avas the soul of honor, aliove euA'y and jealousy, one of the fcAV Avho possess the ability — almost a genius — to surpass and subdue and not have to look doAvn upon the liate of those beloAV. For over eleven years Ave practiced side l>y side Avithout a Avritiug betAveen us. all tlu' interests of our clients and our individual interests resting upon the Avord of each. In all that time he never hesitated — he never forgot liis Avord. AVhen he said lu^ Avould do so and so at such a tinu', that Avas the end of it. and he did it Avithout having to be reminded of his agreement. He h)\ id liis profession and he clier- ished liis honor. He Avas genial and happy in the labors of that profession and in his intercourse Avitli his felloAvmcu. "At his otTic(> he Avas industrious, studious and thoughtful in his Avork : ])]ain. kind, just ami consci(Mitious Avith his clients, and at the bar a strong, able, sagacious, courteous and eloquent advo- cate. I sometimes thought he did not grasp legal ]>ropositions as easily and clearly as some, but required more study and deeper thought to arrive at correct conclusions, Avhich he usually did. CIRCUIT JUDGES 191 but in the gathering, accumulating, selection and presentation of facts he was a master. He despised technicalities and went to the very merit and root of his cause. As a lawyer he seemed to be a connecting link between the old and the new, possessing the honor, the integrity and the love of the profession which marked the old school lawyer, and he regarded the commercialism, as I have often heard him call it, that seemed to be usurping and taking the place of these high ideas in the new, with disfavor. In his social life he thoroughly believed in a part of that counsel of Polonius to Laertes, 'The friends thou hast and their adoption tried grapple them to thee with hoops of steel,' but he cast to the wind the remainder of that counsel, 'but do not stop to dull thy palm with each new-hatched unfledged comrade,' and few men were nearer and warmer to so many people as he. I know of no other attorney at the bar in this state who, going where he might, alighting from the train where he would, would meet so many warm hearts and have his hand clasped by so many warm hands in kindness, in friendship and in respect as he. And yet all was not sunshine with him. He had his gloomy hours as well as others. I remember well of a time when he and I took the train at the depot here in the morning, went to Kendall, tried a law suit all day and into the night, returning early the next morning to Nor- walk, then going by team to Ontario and trying a lawsuit all that day and into the night. AVhen he retired we occupied the same room, with separate beds. In the morning as we were preparing for breakfast he turned to me and said: 'This is a hard life; is it worth living?' And yet no one thought more of his life, en- joyed it or desired to continue it than he. "I was with him in that memorable contest of Judge Newman's for the Supreme Bench, both before Judge Newman became a candidate and subsequently. I had an opportunity to test his loyalty, fidelity and breadth of mind. He was no mere partisan, although a Democrat. He was as attentive and Avatchful of the interests of his friends as of his own. There are none of us but know how faithful and attentive he was to those dear ones at home, and how, during the later years of his life, he managed his ])usiness affairs when away to reach home as speedily as possibU We know full well how attentively and affectionately he watched over them, and hoAV solicitous he was for their welfare. "The bar of this state has lost one of its strongest members. Especially is this true of the bar of this district, and at his home, the place where he lived, for he was indeed a loyal Spartan. His death caused us universal sorrow. A half century Avill not pro- 192 HISTORY OF .MOXHOK COUNTY ducc nnotlicr wlio will fill the pliirc lie filled. Some of tlie bright- est and the luippicst hours of my life have been spent in eonverse with him. As the years roll on and time dims this hour, I expect to live over these hours I passed with him, and say as Burns said: " 'Still o'er these scenes my nicnioi-y wak(^s. And fondly broods witii miser eare, Time but the imi)ression deeper makes, As streams their channels deeper wear.' " Remarks of AVyatt II. Graves, of LaCrosse county — "]May it please the Court: The custom in accordance with which we are today assembled, is appropriately and wortliily observed, only when the surviving associates of the tmc whose \irtues are to be commemorated, in a S])irit if candor and truth record their testi- mony to his worth. It is with feelings of sincere sadness that I come on this occasion to pay humble tribute to the memory of the lamented dead. To me it is a sad and sacred pleasure, but the burden of the duty is nuide lighter by the consciousness that it can be best discharged ])y simple, truthful reference to the char- acter of him in whose honor I would speak. It seems fitting that we should turn from active duties of the hour and pause during tlie all-absor])ing cares of life to pay our respects to one who honored us by his presence as a mend)er of this bar and won our respect and admiration by liis iioble life. "AVlien the announeement was made that the summons, Aviiich, sooner or later, must come to us all, had called from our midst our friend and brother, Hon. Joseph I\I. ]\Iorrow, it ])rought with it a shock inexpressibly sad. The sun, Avarm and bright, was pouring his flood of life and glory on field and laughing brook, on the aii* was the smell of roses, and in the trees the songs of birds, and all the Avorld was beautiful, when the darkness canu^ — a quick, sudden, endless eclipse, just after no(Uitide. Though we often bend over the bier and look on the face of the dead, yet the de- ])arture of our friends at an unexpected moment shocks us indccil and overwhelms us with sorrow, and when our good and our loved ones die, the memory of their just deeds, like moonbeams on the stormy sea. liglits u|) oui- darkened hearts and lends to the surrounding gloom a beauty so sweet and sad, that we would not if we could dispel the darkness that environs it. "I hardly know of one whose death could suntU-r mon- or dearer ties: one who could leave so much behind him and a path- way lighted ])y a fairer radiance. A more modest, unassuming man; a finei- iuid a truer gentleman, a better and a nobler friend CIRCUIT JUDGES 193 I never kneAv. The more I saw and knew of him the more warmly I loved and honored him for his many noble traits. I will not indulge in what might be construed to be fulsome adulation; I Avill speak of him as he actually was. He was in its truest and fullest sense a 'born gentleman.' He was conscientiously and thoroughly honest, honorable and candid in all his dealings and transactions with his fellow men, personally, financially and po- litically. He won the admiration and respect of his professional brethren by the open fairness of his contests. He attached him- self to his client and his cause with a loyalty that knew no shadow of turning. He threw his whole soul into the case on trial. He abandoned no cause when it lacked numbers. He deserted no friend in the minority. He feared no opposition when he be- lieved himself right, and he espoused no cause that he believed unjust. His manliness and fairness not only won clients, but commanded the respect of adversaries, the confidence of judges, and the admiration of the public. He was a wonderful advocate, armed with eloquence so enchanting that jurors became his cap- tives. Always frank and candid, he was utterly free from even the appearance of demagogy. He hated shams and despised pre- tensions. He never disappointed a friend ; he never ignored an obligation ; he never forfeited a confidence. His will was in- vincible ; his motives pure. His purposes were definite, but exemplary and lofty. His self-respect was intense ; therefore he strove for justice to others. He sought no mean advantage, being jealous of his own honor. " 'To thine own self be true. Thou canst not then be False to any man' "When I say, as I do with all my heart, that our dead brother whose life we commemorate today, illustrated this simple but ex- alted philosophy to which I have made reference, in all his rela- tions to life, I have said everything that need be spoken, even for the lam.ented dead, by the partial lips of sincere affection, and have paid to him the proudest tribute which honest merit ever won from unobsequious homage. He was a model in all the tender relations of domestic life. As a husband he was exemplary — faithful, loving and tenderly devoted to his noble and worthy invalid companion in life. In him the living have lost a kind hus- band, a tender father and faithful friend; his state a true son, but he has left them that richest of all treasures, a spotless repu- tation, the memory of earnest deeds well done. This much have liJ4 HISTORY OF .AlOXROE COUNTY 1 felt impelled to say of Joseph M. ]\Iorrow. I feel exalted that I knew him; 1 revere his memory; I rejoice tliat he was my coun- tryman." Kemarks of G. AV. AVoodard, of LaCrosse county — "^May it please your honor: But little can be added in commemoration of Judge Joseph ]\Iorrow to what has already been said, but in view of my long acquaintance Avith him it is proper for me, in l)ehalf of the bar of the county of LaCrosse and of the circuit, to join with others in moving the adoption of the memorial which has been read. "In 1857 I made the acquaintance of ]\Ir. L. AV. Graves, then young, but a leader of the bar of this county, in trial work, and within a year or two thereafter I met i\Ir. IMorroAV, his student, and from that time on we were always firm friends. Among ilie elements entering into the early settlement of this part of the state, one of the strongest and most potent was the intiuence and power of the lawyers who gave tone and character to the bar of the circuit and of the state. Among these were Daniel Reid "Wheeler, Mr. L. AV. Graves, AVilliam Denison, James I. Lyndes, Alonzo Johnson. . Hugh Cameron, Angus Cameron, AVilliam II. Tucker, P^dwin Flint and George Gale. These men were then in the vigor of their maidiood, Avell equipped for their labors, dili- gent and faithful in their duties, and loyal to the principles and traditions of their profession. Among such men at the bar of this eourt, and contemporaneous with many of them, and as one of them ]\Ir. Morrow (then very young) took his place, and for many years as a trial lawyer was regarded and recognized as one of the ablest and shrewdest who ever practiced in the circuit. *'AIr. ]\IorroAv became the legal adviser of many business men in this and other connuunitics, and I venture to assert that no man ever went from his office with advice to do anything which when done would reflect on his lionor and integrity, or on the lionor and integrity of the man to whom he gave it. In tlie ]ier- formance of his duties as a lawyer he was honest because he believed in it. and not because of policy. The spring of success in liifi work was the perfect control he exercised over his powers, his complete understanding of himself, and his limitations, his minute and thorough perception of cause and effect in the art of trying cases, and his consummate skill in so presenting his case as to hide its defects and make what bore for it conspicuous. He tried a case with the ease of second nature, which makes jurors and courts oblivious to the effort and skill which can produce such effects. lie was successful in his profession because of his CIRCUIT JUDGES 195 knowledge of men, liis tact, his honesty to his client, his fairness to his opponent, and the impression he made that he fully be- lieved, and was sincere in liis belief, that his client should pre- vail. He was powerful in his profession and never struck a blow without leaving his mark. lie was an acute and sound lawyer. He possessed good common sense. His amiable and unassuming deportment, and his uniform courtesy made him popular and well liked. His kindness and courtesy to all was a part of himself. His industry was most untiring, and his zeal in behalf of his clients deserving of the highest praise. No man was ever found quicker than lie to appreciate merit and to forgive frailty, or palliate a defect. It was part of his nature. His impulses were sympathetic. His temper was good. "After practicing in the county and circuit courts for more than thirty years, he was called to the bench by the practically unanimous consent of the members of the bar of the circuit. They knew him and recognized his merit. He occupied the bench for a period of about eighteen months, scarcely time to give him an opportunity to show fully what has capabilities as a .judge were, but his judgment was clear and calm, and his decisions gave gen- eral satisfaction. As judge he bore in mind the doctrine of Socrates: 'Three things belong to a judge; to hear courteously, consider soberly, and give judgment without partiality.' He was a man of his w^ord and kept it absolutely on all occasions. In his home he developed that highest of human virtues— self-sacri- fice — and his devotion to an invalid Avife was touching and beauti- ful. His first and greatest impulse was sympathy. This displayed itself in a constant solicitude for the comfort of those around him, and in a thousand courtesies adorning his conduct. The work of the advocate is not enduring. It too often perishes with the occasion. Judge Morrow rests from his labors, l)ut his mem- ory will live while the people who knew liim live, and in the hearts of those Avho loved him." Remarks of D. F. Jones, of Sparta — "May it please the Court : AVhile my acquaintance with Judge Morrow does not extend over as wide a period as many of his professional brethren, it never- theless covers nearly twenty years of time, and was marked with some degree of intimacy. Comencing as a law student in his office I had unusual opportunity to observe his manners and method as a lawyer, his habits as a man, and his standard of pro- fessional ethics and conduct ; and thereafter in the active practice of the law, in almost daily intercourse, both within and without the courtroom, I observed him closely, and he w^as to me a con- lOG HISTORY OF .MOXHOK COUNTY staiit inspiration and an object of admiration and esteem. Ilis natnral ability, his skill as an advocate, and his engaging per- sonality ^von him a large clientage and made him easily one of the recognized leaders of the Wisconsin bar. For more than a qnarter of a century his services were in almost constant demand, covering a large field of activity. For many years he -was identified with nearly all imi)ortant litigation in the western AVisconsin courts. It is speaking within bounds to say that during his long career at tiie bar he tried as many, if not more, cases, and tried them as well as any attorney within this state. Ilis presence in an action was a toAver of strength to his client and often brought hope to the despairing, and nerved the arm of the weak. To him life was a legal warfare and the courtroom his chosen field of action. There, amidst the clash of contending reason, he seemed to find his greatest pleasure and made his most enduring fame. "Though eminently successful in the conduct of civil actions, trying Avith equal facility damage suits for railroad corporations, questions involving the complexities of tax title, and simple action of replevin for personal property; while apparently engaging with equal zest in an argument in the Supreme Court, in a trial to a jury in Circuit Court or a general scramble in justice court, it was as a criminal lawyer he made his greatest reputation. In the practice of the criminal law his triumphs were many, and there his greatest victories Avere won. ■"While it could not be said of him, as AYendcll i'liillips once remarked of Rufus Choate, 'that the murderer, as he sharpened his knife for the fatal blow, first paused to inquire for the health of Rufus Choate,' yet it may be said that many an unfortunate malefactor trembling Avithin the shadoAV of the penitentiary turned to him for helj) and found succor in the hour of need. Paradoxical as it may seem, hoAvever, even as a criminal laAvyer, his reputation rests not so nuich upon the cases he Avon as the cases he lost. And for the same reason, doubtless, given by Jus- tice Ryan to Judge Dixon, in ansAver always sought the highest order of talent. To my mind his principal characteristics Avere fertility of resources, tenacity of purpose, unfailing good nature, and abounding common sense. Though not learned in the bnv. in the sense of the great jurists of the past, and not gifted Avith the charm of eloquence that Avarps the judgment, ravishes the ear, he nevertheless possessed a knoAvledge of legal principles, an intuitive sense of equity, and a mastery of the practice and pro- cedure, born of his enormous experience in the court, that frequently extricated him from desperate situations and snatched CIRCUIT JUDGES 197 victory from the very jaws of defeat. And as he marshalled his reasons and massed his argument, he sometimes seemed over- poweringly eloquent to the opposing counsel in the case. "His tenacity in the trial of a case is a matter of common knowledge to us all. I can almost see him now, I can almost catch the echo of his voice as he stood before the jury, pleading for the righteousness of his cause. And when he appealed to the court for the exercise of its discretion, or contended for a de- batable principle of law, he reminded one of Jacob wrestling with the angel, refusing to let go until he had received the blessing. He evidently proceeded upon the theory that courts, like the kingdom of heaven, were sometimes taken bj^ violence. "His serene good nature impressed everyone with whom he came in contact. It was the same qualitj^ that endeared Lincoln to the people and was the predominant trait of his character. With charity toward all and malice toward none, he seemed to regard the faults and foibles of his associates with good-natured tolerance, and to pity even while he condemned. His heart was void of envy and hate. We can all recall instances in the trial of cases when the relation between counsel and court was strained to the point of breaking, and the atmosphere of the courtroom sur- charged with threatening storms, how by a timely word, a ges- ture, or a quick repartee, he cleared the air and scattered all ill feeling in a general laugh. Many times have I heard him say that he gave his client his skill and experience, but he gave no man his personal feelings. This principle governed his conduct. His quarrels he left in the courtroom, while his friendship he carried with him everywhere. And thus it happened that when he died his professional brethren felt a sense of personal loss and mourned his death with unfeigned sorrow. "To some men are given talent, to others genius, but to few is given the saving grace of common sense. This he possessed in an uncommon measure. It marked his words and actions, and gave him broadness of mind and catholicity of spirit. This quality was impressed upon his work as a lawyer, and every case initiated and prosecuted by himself was sure to have elements of merit in law or in fact. It left its mark upon his administra- tion as district attorney of this county, an office he held so many years, and his sound judgment made him not only an ideal prose- cuting officer, but the trusted advisor of the county board. It is no disparagement of others to say that his conduct of this office is the standard whereby the people may measure the excellence of his successors and ascertain their worth. This same equality 198 IIISTOKV OK MONROE COUNTY stamped his brief career upon tlic bench, and had lie coiitiimed to enjoy its honors, there is littk' d()id)t that his distinction as a jurist would have rivaknl his fame as an advocate at the bar. "But he Avas not alone a lawyer. The same qualities that gave his success at the bar made him a conspicuous figure in the field of politics, and for many years he was hioh in the councils of his party. lie was honored Avith the nomination for attorney general, was chairman of its state conventions, and collector of internal revenue. And it is safe to say lliat had his lot been cast with the dominant political party he wonh! have graced the halls of congress and left the impress of his ability upon our national life. As a citizen his life was worthy of emulation. He felt the duties and responsibilities of citizenship, and had a keen sense of civic pride. In all public enterprises making toward the betterment of the people and the progress of his city, county and state, he made his intiuence felt. He served the village as its president, and gave seven years of his time to the schools as a member of the board. He was not above holding the office of supervisor of his ward, and at times sat upon the county board as one of its trusted members. And to his influence in a measure is due the beautiful edifice wherein we connnemorate his virtues this day. "In this city and county he had passed his life and among his own peo])le he passed away. His name was known to all its people, and by all he was well 1)eloved. His form was a familiar iigure on the streets, and when his death was announced it came as a shock and moistened many a cheek with tears. The com- munity was in mourning, his family in tears, and the shadow of death settled over all like a pall. For of him, as of another 3,000 years ago, could it be said, 'There was sore lamentation for a great man had fallen in our midst that day.' "The Persian writer Laasi tells the story of three sages — a Greek, an Indian, and a Persian — Avho once discussed before the Persian monarch, the (juestion, 'Of all the evils incident to hu- manity, which is the greatest?' The Greek answered, 'Old age. o])pressed with poverty.' The Indian said, 'Pain without con- tentment,' while the Persian answered, bowing low, 'The greatest evil I can imagine, youi- majesty, is tiie couch of death without one gooil deed of life to light the dai'ksome way.' None of these evils were incident in his life. His age was not oppressed Avith poverty. He was not afflicted with jiain and discontent. And knowing him as we do, we may confidently l)elieve that the many noble deeds of his life, unrecorded and nidvUOAvn, made luminous CIRCUIT JUDGES 199 his path, even in the darkness of the valley of the shadow of death, through which he made his solitary way." Remarks by Judge 0. B. AVyman: "In the death of the late Judge Joseph M. ^Morrow the profession has lost a learned, a skillful, a successful and an honest lawyer; the people have lost a prominent citizen and a safe counsellor and an able advocate ; this beautiful city, that he delighted to call his home, whose streets lie traveled for the greater part of his active life, and whose people he loved and served so well, has lost a warm friend, his neighbors have lost a genial associate, an enterprising and leading citizen ; his family has lost a kind and devoted husband and loving and "considerate father; this court has lost one of its prominent practitioners at the bar of justice, an attorney of recognized ability and integrity, possessed of extended experi- ence and of acute legal knowledge and perception, and the senti- ments expressed in the memorial presented and in the eulogies pronounced by the gentlemen who have just spoken of his char- acter, life and memory are endorsed by the court. From a pro- fessional as well as from the popular standpoint, he was a suc- cessful laAvyer. "The masses usually judge of a lawyer's capability from his ability to make a pleasing address to court and jury, or from his readiness at retort in the trial of cases in the forum of justice. The members of our profession judge of a lawyer's ability not from his use of language alone, but from his knowledge of the law, the great system of jurisprudence that has grown through the centuries past, formed in part from long-established custom and usage, in part from legislative exactments and in part from judicial decisions, for the purpose of guarding and securing the protection of life and property to all the citizens of the common- wealth. "The profession judge of a lawyer's ability from his knowl- edge of the intricate rules and precedents of this system by which individual rights are maintained, and wrongs are redressed by his ability to draw correct pleadings, to make briefs, and to prop- erly prepare for the trial of his case, his ability to examine wit- nesses and direct the testimony towards the controlling issues which determine the decision of the ease at the trial, by his ability to eliminate from his pleadings, and from the testimony, the irrelevant and unimportant elements, and to clearly state and make prominent only the essential facts which pertain to the cause of action or to the defense, by his ability to concentrate his 200 lllSTOKY OF .MOMiOE COUNTY mind, his mental strength and vigor upon the case in hand, so that his client may never sutfer from inadvertance or failure to fully protect his legal rights, by his abilit}'^ to advise his client fully and properly before he engages in litigation, as to his legal riglits and the proper course to secure the same. "From all these considerations, as well as the ability of the lawyer to make a pleasing address, is he judged by the members of his profession in considering the question of his qualifications, al)ility and success as a practicing attorney, and from all these standpoints it can truly be said that the late Judge Morrow was a capable and successful lawyer. It is a matter of common ex- perience with all attorneys that they do not gain all the cases witli which they are connected. In their contention for their client's cause they may sometimes censure courts and juries when the decision is adverse, still no client has just cause for complaint towards his counsel, when he has done his full duty in the man- agement of the client's case. "In Judge ]\Iorrow's extended career as a practicing attorney he did not always succeed in gaining his client's contention. Sometimes a client after the trial had ended would have to hear the bars of the prison door grate behind him, and be shut in from freedom of life for a term of years. But such unfortunate clients had the satisfaction of knowing that all legal and honoralile means had been employed for his defense during the trial as conducted by industrious, competent and efficient counsel. "Sometimes in the defense of civil actions after the legal pro- ceedings were ended, a judgment for damages would be entered against the client for a legal liability shown to exist between the parties, but in such cases the client, if intelligent and fair- minded, wellknew that the cause had been ably defended with legal talent and ability of high rank during the litigation of the case and that the facts and law entitled the recovery against him. In the practice of his profession numy legal A'ictories were won by liis untiring industry, his knoAvledge of the law and his wide and extended experience in the trial of cases. "lie was ever known to be faithful to Iiis client's cause, faithful 1o his client in the office as counselor, faithful to his client and to the court during the trial of the ease, faithful in ni^holding the dignity nnd high standing of the profession of the law. ITo was successful in winning many a legal contest when ojiposed l)y able and eminent counsel, as the court records, the trial courts and our Supreme Court fully shoAV. From a profes- sional point of view, he was truly a successful attorney. He is CIRCUIT JUDGES 201 known to the legal profession and to the entire people oi his ex- tended acquaintance, not only to have been a skilled and success- ful pvacticing attorney, but he is known to have possessed the judicial temperament, the legal knowledge and ripe experience which, combined, eminently fitted and qualified him to preside over the court of this circuit to the general satisfaction of the entire bar. "He was quick to grasp the controverted points in issue in the trial of causes as a judicial officer. He was ever kind, courteous and attentive to counsel at the trial of cases during his term upon the bench, and was ever governed by that high sense of honor and fair dealing that marked his career as a lawyer at the bar. He preserved and maintained the dignity and high standing that the court has theretofore long sustained, during the terms of his eminent predecessors upon the bench. He was an honest, con- scientious, impartial and worthy judge. He possessed and culti- vated the qualities of integrity and industry in the study and practice of his profession, cfualities which, more than any others, marked his success as an attorney at the bar and a judicial officer. It is a mistaken idea, sometimes entertained, that lawyers suc- ceed by tricks and artifice in the practice of their profession. "The truly successful lawyer is as high above such devising schemes as the noonday sun is high above the horizon. Judge Morrow's marked success in the profession was gained by his continued practice of fair legal methods, by honest, upright deal- ings with his clients, with opposing counsel, and with the court. Such was liis character, and be has left the rich heritage of an honorable career in the practice of his profession, extending to the day of his death over a third of a century in the courts of this state. "In his family — ever kind and attentive to a loving wife and an atfectionate daughter. In the church of his choice — a frecpient attendant and attentive member and a liberal supporter. In the city of his chosen home — always among the leaders in advancing popular education, joublic interests and public improvements. He was public spirited on all occasions. He w^atched with pride the erection of this beautiful courthouse. With others, advised with the authorities having the same in charge, and on its completion was master of ceremonies at the formal opening. "In reply to a remark made to him concerning the substan- tial manner in which the building was built with fireproof vaults, complete in all their parts and of sufficient capacity to safely keep the records of the county for years to come, he said: 'Yes, 202 HISTORY OF MOXROP: COUNTY this ])nil(lin«r will outlive us all.' The statement is likely true, but "\ve little thontjht then that in so short a time he would be stricken down by the angel of death in the strength of his mature years. "lie was ever kind and eonsiderati' lowards the unfortunate and his liand was often opened towards the relief of distress. Ilis neighbors and friends in tlie eomnuinity Avhere hi- lived, llic stranger whom he chanced to meet in the pathway of life, all learned to admin> and esteem him foi- his genial social qualities, his kindly good nature, his sympathy for distress and his good- ness of heart as a citizen. He will long bo missed by his many friends — there will be a vacant chair at the sessions of this court — and in honor of his memory we here commemorate. "It is ordered that the memorial presented by the connnittee of the bar be approved and spread ui)on the records of the court. The clerk is requested to present a copj^ of the same to the family of the deceased and to the local press for publication. Further ordered that court be now adjourned in respect to the memory of the late Judge Joseph 'M. ]\forrow." ROMANZO BUNN. Judge Bunn Avas born in Otsego county. New York September 24, 1829. He studied law at Elliottville, New York and was admitted to the bar at that i)lace in 1853. He w^as married in 1854 to Sarah Purely, of Rome, Ncav York, and came to AVisconsin in September of the same year. He stopped for a few months in the very small new town of Sparta, going from there to Trempeleau county Avhere he entered a quarter section of government land. After living on this claim six months he moved to Galesville, then the county seat. He was elected mend)er of assembly for Trempeleau county in 1850. In 1861 he formed a law partnership with Carlton E. Rice, an old New York friend. He Avas soon after elected district attorney for Slonroe county, lii 1868 he was elected Circuit «Tudge of the then Sixth Judicial Ciiciut. comprising the counties of ]Monroe, La Crosse, Jackson, Clark, Trempeleau. Buffalo and Vernon, be- ing re-elected in 1874 by unanimous endorsements of the bar of the district. This i)osition he held until 1877 when he was ap- pointed United States District Judge for the AVestern District of AVisconsin, succeeding Janu's C. Hopkins, who died September 8, of that year. He held this position for almost thirty years, retir- ing January 6, 1005, at the age of seventy-five. During this time a vast amount of important litigation came before him, both in CIRCUIT JUDGES 203 his position of district judge and also as associate justice of the Court of Appeals; his duties in the latter position taking up a considerable portion of his time. Judge Bunn took a leading position among the federal judges of the country. He occupied the bench during the period when federal jurisprudence was developing, and new and important questions were constantly coming up for decision. His opinions have been widely quoted and followed by the courts of other circuits, and successful appeals were taken from but a small number of his decisions. In the court room he was quick and decisive in his rulings, grasping the true point at issue and giving his decisions on that point alone. At the time of his retirement from the bench. Judge Francis E. Baker of the Court of Appeals said of him: — "He has shown the patience to hear with fulness and impartiality and the comprehension to understand the issues in all their bearings and the wisdom to find the right and the un- faltering honesty to declare and enforce it — not the common honesty that may have regard for what is the best policy, but the fearless honesty 'that dares to be knowingly nnpolitic — these, I take it, are the attributes of a great and just judge." Judge Bunn was for several years professor of federal juris- prudence in the law school of the University of Wisconsin, and for two years was special lecturer on the same subject in the law department of Northwestern University at Evanston, 111. He was a member of the Madison Literary Club, and frequently con- tributed to its programs. He was a lover of the English classics and a remarkably strong Shakespearian scholar. His death occurred at his home in jNIadison, AYis., on the twenty-fifth of January, 1909, in the eightieth year of his age. CHAPTER XX. AGRICULTURE AND DAIRYING. It took a good many years of experience and the efforts of some farmers more progressive than others of the general run to l)ring to the fore, as a commercial proposition, the dairying industry. Cattle, almost from the earliest settlement down to within the last fifteen years, were raised mostly for beef, with occasionally a "cheese factory" which would spring up and flourish for a time and then quit business, for the well developed farming of the East could more than successfully compete with the ^Middle West in "cream cheese;" every farmer who kept cows, made more or less dairy butter, usually a department presided over by the good wife, who presided at the churn and had her regular days for turning out butter for the market ; but with the development of this section and the steady increase in population of villages and cities came the demand "more butter;" and with this demand from the markets developed the raising of better cattle, the establishment of creameries and the application of scientific modern methods to the making and marketing of butter. ]\Ionroe county farmers have more than kept ]iace with other sections of the state, and the very profitable dairy induslry has been highly developed in almost all parts of the country ; farmers are and have been studying the breeds of dairy rattle; they send their sons to the university, some of them taking the short and some the long course in agriculture, and come out fitted to manage stock farms successfully. There are one or two associa- tions of men Avho breed a certain kind of dairy cattle, and stock farms Avith modern sanitary barns and apparatus for handling milk and cream are Fountl in every toAvnship; and not only that, but nearly every township has its creamery, generally a cooper- ative concern, owned and operated by the farmers in its vicinity, where butter fat is innicd into cash with scientific regularity, and from this oik> industry alone has come a great increase in land values all over the county. The early eflforts in this line were isolated in different sections .Tud no record is available of the amount of money invested in this great industry and its results, and not until 1908 was there 204 if' t ■ '• ^ ■■I fa o o AGRICULTURE AND DAIRYING 205 any system in use for collecting information on the subject, but since that time the county clerk of each county is required by law to get certain information as to general agricultural matters and dairying and these reports for Monroe county are given in detail in this chapter. They show also an astonishing amount of progress in general farming lines and exhibit a most satisfactory condition, one which is alluring to the invester in farm lands, for beyond a question this county is rich in lands suitable for dairying and diversified farming and is fast developing into one of the richest counties in this great state, offering many opportu- nities to the farmer of pluck, intelligence and perseverance. One glance at the foUoAving tables tells of progress and profit. For the year ending April 30, 1911, it will be seen that the total amount received from the dairy business alone was the enormous sum of $1,071,086.52 ; over a million dollars in cash. With eight- een creameries, Avorth nearly $50,000, in operation the year around, using the product of 25,871 cows, a record is made that established the county well to the front in this industry in com- parison with other counties of the state. Following are given the official tables covering this industry and farm products and property generally for each year, begin- ning with 1908: 't5 CERTIFIED REPORT OF DAIRY STATISTICS. 1908— Number of creameries, 19 ; value, $39,950 ; number of patrons, 2,817 ; number of cows, 24,407 ; number of pounds of milk received during the year, 18,424,772; cream, 12,992,607; luunber of pounds of butter or cheese made of condensed milk produced during the year, 3,655,615 ; number of cheese factories, 2; value, $800; number of patrons, 33; number of cows, 460; number of pounds of milk received, 1,504,500 ; number of pounds of butter or cheese made, 14,000. Amount of money received for products sold during the year, $1,020,207.68 from creameries, and from cheese factories, $1,350. Number of pounds made on farms, butter, 60,800; value, $12,612; number of gallons sold other than that sold to creameries, cheese factories and milk condensing factories, 2,000. 1909 — Number of creameries, 19 ; value, $48,331 ; number of patrons, 2,546 ; number of cows, $23,840 ; number of pounds of milk received during the year, 12,261,492. Cream, 12,330,556; number of pounds of butter or cheese made during the year, 4,188,145. The amount of money received for products sold dur- ing the year, $1,090,695.08. Number of cheese factories, 1 ; value, 20(3 IIISTOKV OF ,M()NU()K COrXTY .$500; number of patrons, 1(1: nunilx'r of cows, 180; number of pounds of milk, 523,099 ; number pounds of butter or clieese, 47,000. Amount of money received, $4,067.92; number of pounds of butter nuide on farm, 39,303; value, $8,379.40. Number of gallons sold other than that sold to creameries, cheese factories and milk condensing factories. 259,901. 1910 — Xundjer of creameries, 19; value, $42,590; numlxT of patrons, 2.483 ; number of cows, 23,820 ; number of pounds of milk, 10,964,774. Cream, 7,581,792; number of pounds of butter or cheese made or condensed milk produced, 3,518,668. The amount of money received during the year, $959,763.19. Number of pounds of butter made on the farm, 86,350. Value, $22,274. Number of gallons other than that sold to creameries, cheese factories and milk condensing factories, 18,650. 1911 — Number of creameries, 18; value. $46,795; number of patrons, 2.791 ; number of cows. 25,871 ; number of pounds of milk, 8,846,256. Cream, 27,819,573 ; number of pounds of butter. 3,728,634. Amount of money received for products sold during the year, $1,071,086.52. Number of ])()unds of butter made on farms, 20,929; value, $5,068.50; number of gallons sold other than sold to creameries, cheese factories and milk condensing factories, 2,931. CERTIFIED STATEMENT OF CROP REPORT. 1908. Number of bushels— AVheat, 43,862; corn. 463,275; oats. 1.028,- 704; barley, 170,809; rye, 51.893; tiax seed, 62; potatoes. 192,447; beans 66; cranberries, 6,587; apples, 15,319; strawberries, 21.051; raspberries, 2,744; blackberries, 3,868; currants. 15; grapes. 192; clover seed, 507; timothy seed, 91. Xuiuhei' of tons — Sugar beets, 183; hay. 54.205. Xumbcr of pounds — Tobacco. 648.8()9 ; hops, 300. Acres hai-vested for seed — Clover, 264. 1909. Xuiiilx-r of bushels — AVheat. 4ti.527 : corn. 512,469; oats. 1,153,803: barley. 263.475; rye, 50,397; flax seed, 180; potatoes, 167.109; beans, 233; cranl)erries, 2.989; apples, 10,789; straw- berries, 19,840; raspberries, 2,043; blackberries, 3,396; currants, 2; grapes, 1.540; clover seed. 4,963; timothy seed, 308. Xumbcr of tons — Sugar beets, 310; hay, 65,726. Xumber of i)ounds — Tobacco, 555.700. Acres harvested for seed — Clover, 3,004; timothy, 126. II AGRICULTURE AND DAIRYING 207 IDIO. Number of bushels— Wheat, 50,727; corn, 394,988; oats, 1,397,- 192; barley, 333,888; rye, 57,899; flax seed, 360; potatoes, 230,238; beans, 88; cranberries, 12,845; apples, 42,583; strawberries, 16,- 051; raspberries 1,915; blackberries, 4,031; currants, 16; grapes, 26; clover seed, 1,762; timothy seed, 186. Number of tons — Sugar beets, 347 ; hay, 64,386. Number of pounds — Tobacco, 519,700. 1911. Number of bushels — AVheat, 55,619 ; corn, 458,482 ; oats, 791,673; barley, 186,777; rye, 64,566; flax seed, 145; potatoes, 263,429; beans, 748; cranberries, 4,905; apples, 326; strawberries, 6,652; raspberries 520; blackberries 1,109; grapes, 1; clover seed, 881 ; timothy seed, 3. Number of tons — Sugar beets, 82 ; hay, 33,450 ; cabbages, 2. Number of pounds — Tobacco, 203,260. ACREAGE OF FARM CROPS, NUMBER AND VALUE OF STOCK. 1908. Number of acres— Wheat, 3,036; corn, 22,795; oats, 42,987; barley, 9,720 ; rye, 5,056 ; flax seed, 117 ; potatoes, 2,165 ; sugar beets, 50 ; cranberries, 92 ; apple orchard, 555 ; strawberries, 334 ; raspberries, 58 ; blackberries, 369 ; grapes, 4 ; hops, 4 ; tobacco, 227 ; hay, 44,857 ; growing timber, 68,691 ; number of growing apple trees, 21,035. Number and value of livestock — IMilch cows 22,010, value $483,505; all other cattle 16,139, value .$151,592; horses of all ages 9,343, value $627,369 ; sheep and lambs 13,251, value $39,- 495; swine four months old or over 11,387, value $55,007. 1909. Number of acres— AVheat, 2,906; corn, 21,557; oats, 45,092; barley, 13,154; rye, 5,166; flax seed, 83; potatoes, 2,604; sugar beets, 62; beans, 13; cranberries, 153; apple orchard, 591; straw- berries, 334; raspberries, 63; blackberies, 76; grapes, 8; flax seed, 3; Tobacco, 244; hay, 46,172; growing timber, 77,605; number of growing apple trees, 22,044. Number and value of livestock — Alilch cows 22,164, value $483,076; all other cattle 16,883, value $190,939; horses of all 208 IliSTOKY OF .MONROE COUNTY ages ] 0.065, valuo ij^711,671 ; sheep and lambs 14,222, value $50,- 070; swine four uioiitlis old or over 8,190, value $52,327. 1910. Nuiulier of acres — AVlieat, 3,98G; corn, 22,464; oats, 47,lti7; barley, 10,751; rye, 6,878; flax seed, 15; potatoes, 2,573; sugar beets, 34; cranberries, 149; apple orchard, 685; strawberries, 692; raspberries, 72; blackberries, 70; grapes, 2; flax, 20; tobacco, 153; grasses cultivated for hay, 43,328; growing timber, 82,892; num- ber of growing api)le trees, 28,303. Number and y;\]\u' of livestock — Milch cows 23,752, value $555,229; all other cattle 16,307, value $190,273; horses of all ages 9,96], value $721,956; sheep and lambs 11,603, value $54,782; swine four months old or over 8,217, value $79,172. 1911. Number of acres — Wheat, 5,074; corn, 27,584; oats, 45.820; barley, 10,656; rye, 11,608; flax seed, 23; potatoes, 2,495; sugar beets, 10; beans, 182; cranberries, 110; apple orchard, 696; straw'berries, 448; raspberries, 76; blackberries, 90; grapes, 5; tobacco, 270; grasses cultivated for hay, 41,562; growing timber, 89,678; number of apple trees, 33,680. Acres harvested for seed — Clover, 564. Number and value of livestock — ]\Iilch cows 22,7] 1, value $524,861 ; all other cattle 14,178, value $165,265 ; horses of all ages 10,366, value $803,882; sheep and lambs 10,559. value $34,074; swine four months old or over 8,815, value $61,203. CHAPTER XXI. APPLE INDUSTRY. A great many years ago attempts were made in some portions of the county to raise apples with some measure of success, but the farmers of that period did not have the advantage which those of this day have in the benefit of scientific learning and instruction from the Agricultural college in connection with the University, which has investigated all sorts of subjects which are related to agriculture in any way, and a great deal of atten- tion has been paid to the subject of apple raising, and as to whether or not the soil and climate conditions in this part of the state will permit of apples being raised on a large scale. In the earlier days alluded to, occasionally was found a small orchard which was planted by some farmer and just allowed to grow without any particular attention, except that in some instances the science of grafting was gone into when, perhaps, some man who has been familiar with the growing of apples in some eastern state knew the method of grafting apple trees; but that in no locality in the county was a determined effort made to raise apples as a commercial proposition, although many varieties were in fact raised of good quality and flavor, but with the lack of attention these little orchards gradually went into- decay and the trees died off, more for the want of proper care and attention than on account of any conditions in the soil or climate. With the awakening all along the line in agricultural subjects has come a movement in this county in the last few years to experiment with the growing of apple orchards, and with the great assistance which has been rendered by the agricultural department of the University, and also the officials of the State Horticultural Society, we are able in this chapter to record the result of experiments which prove beyond any cpiestion that within the limits of ^lonroe county there is just as good fruit lands as can be found anywhere in the United States for the rais- ing of certain varieties of apples. The authorities of the Uni- versity and of the Horticulture Society had their attention called a year or two ago to the orchard maintained by Mr. Fred Mueh- lenkamp upon his farm in the town of Wells, where this gentle- 209 210 IIISTOKY OF MONROE COUNTY man has seven acres of as fine apple trees as can be found anywhere. Some of the trees in this orchard were more than thirty years okl and it originally was a small orchard, planted just as farmers iilaiited twenty or thirty years ago; but for many years Mr. Muehlenkamp has made a study of the problem of fruit culture, paying particular attention to the raising of varieties of apples best adapted for profitable culture in this climate, and he is today a recognized authority on this subject. Particularly so with regard to tree grafting, and the result of his study and experiments are shown in his orchard, where there are many trees bearing more than one kind of apples, and some producing four or five different varieties. Working in conjunction with the ofiRcers of the State Horti- cultural Society this veteran apple grower opened his home. Avhich, by the Avay, is a fine brick mansion, upon his farm and invited all who desired to come to attend a field day fruit dem- onstration and meeting at his farm on August 23, 1911. Secre- tary Cranefield, of the State Horticultural Society, was present, together with D. E. Bingham, president of the socity; \V. II. Hanchett, of Angel o, and a commission merchant by the name of Merrill, of Chicago, were present, together with about two hun- dred people from a number of different towns in the county. At this meeting addresses were delivered by the gentlemen named and by ]\Ir. IMuehlenkamp, and it was demonstrated not only ])y tile orchard upon this farm, but in the addresses delivered at the meeting that there were no better lands and no better condi- tions anywhere in the United States for successful cultivation of apples than exist in Monroe county, especially on the ridge lands, which are well adapted for that purpose. It was shown that an average orchard ten years old, which is properly culti- vated and cared for, could be depended upon to yield an annual income of $250 per acre, which is better than can be done with iuiy ordinary crop at this time. It is generally agreed that the most profitable varieties of apples to grow in this county were the jMc^Mann, Northwestern Greenings, AVealtiiy. Salome and IMalinda; and as a matter of fact it had ])vvn shown that winter apjiles could be raised in this county and in various othei' poitions of the state at ]ii-ici's Avhich would more than successfully (•omi)ete with the New York apjih's. This meeting gave to this industry a standing which was to the great satisfaction of those who were present, and U7idnubtedly tlie future will see good results from it. As the cominereial advantage of having an orchard of several acres APPLE INDUSTRY 211 properly cared for is so evident that the farmers, in the ridge country especially, will undoubtedly, in the future, give special attention to this branch of horticulture. If anything else was needed to complete the demonstration and to establish beyond any question that apple growing in Monroe county can be successfully accomplished, and not only apples, but grapes, plums and cherries, it has been most con- clusively furnished in the results accomplished by J. "W. Leverich at his fruit farm in the town of Angelo. ]\Ir. Leverich, who now is acknowledged one of the authorities on small fruits, started in 1904 an experimental orchard of five acres, which he planted in May of that year. In order to demonstrate to his own satis- faction whether these fruits, apples, grapes and cherries could be successfully raised if handled scientifically, his trees were selected with the greatest care and planted upon a piece of land which was carefully selected for the purpose, and his long expe- rience in small fruit raising gave him the knowledge necessary to select the particular land which he did for this orchard. The tract is protected on the north and west by growing timber from the winds ; to the south and east are hills which protect the trees from wind blowing from that direction. There are sixteen rows of fruit trees and two rows of grapes. The trees are set twenty- two in a row, and the two row^s of grapes about four hundred feet in length each, in which there are seven distinct varieties. At the time of setting this five-acre tract into an orchard in the spring of 1904, Mr. Leverich placed between the rows of trees either raspberries, red raspberries or blackberry brush. These berry brush have been thoroughly cultivated and cared for, as the trees and vines of the orchard were, and as a conse- quence there has been a crop of berries each year commencing with 1905. In 1906 the first returns from the orchard proper were secured, being ten baskets of grapes. The plum trees com- menced bearing in 1907, and the apples in 1908, while the first cherries were secured in 1911, and it is the opinion of IMr. Lev- erich that this locality in the town of Angelo is not adopted to the culture of cherries. But his experiment has demonstrated beyond a doubt that the valley soil of Monroe county, as well as the ridges, is suitable and just as well adapted naturally for the culture of fruits as the ridge lands. It only needs the intelli- gence, industry and perseverance, which are, of course, all necessary in an industry of this character to put into a paying proposition an orchard bearing apples, plums and grapes. During the fall season of 1911 IMr. Leverich exhibited in one or two store 212 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY windows in tlie city of Sparta baskets containing the varieties of fruit and grapes raised in this orchard, and they made a tempting picture, indeed, and we here have tlie record which was kept by him from the time beginning with the ])hinting of the orchard up until the market of 1911, showing in detail the number of l)askets, eases or bushels, as the case may be, of fruit Avhich was raised upon this five-acre tract of land from ]\Ia.v. 1004, up lo and including the crop of 1911, giving tlie total amount realized upon the entire tract : BLACKBERRIES. am. 24 cases. Jj^l.i:) per case, $28.50; 190(), 152 cases. .^1.47 per ease, $223.44; 1907, 207 cases, ^l.Gl per case, $405.69; 1908, 288 cases, $1.59 per case, $557.92; 1909, 239 cases, $1.54 per case, $368.06; 1910, 124 cases, $1.93 per case, $239.32; 1911, 155 cases, $1.64 per case, $254.20. Total, 1,190 cases; total, $2,077.19. BLACK RASPBERRIES. 1905, 54 cases. $1.21 per ease, $65.34; 1906, 421 cases, $1.46 per ease, $614.66; 1907, 305 cases, $1.60 per case, $488; 1908, 235 cases, $1.89 per case, $445.25; 1909, 145 cases, $2.05 per case. $297.25; 1910, 76 cases, $1.95 per case, $148.20; 1911, 111 cases, $1.56 per case, $173.16. Total. 1.342 cases: total, $2,231.86. RED RASPBERRIES. 1905, 10 cases, $1.21 per case, $12.10; 1906, 154 cases, $1.47 per case, $226.38; 1907. 125 cases, $1.68 per case, $200; 1908, 215 cases, $1.75 per case, $376.25; 1904, 54 cases, $1.85 per case, $99.90; 1910, 10 cases, $1.98 per case, $19.80. Total, 568 cases; total, $934.43. GRAPES. 1906, 10 baskets; 1:)()7. 100 l)askets; 1908, 200 baskets: 1909, 20 baskets; 1910, 10 baskets; 1911, 175 baskets. Total, 505 baskets, at 25c per basket, $126.25. Cherries — 20 cases, $1.50 per case, $30. Apples— 1908, 5 bushels; 1909, 10 bushels; 1911, 75 bushels. Total, 90 bushels, at 75c per bushel, $67.50. IMums— 1907, 5 cases; 1908, 30 cases; 1909. 50 cases: 1911, 130 cases. Total, 215 cases, $1.25 per case. $268.75. Plants sold, $500. Grand total of all sales, $6,235.98. These figures are for cases of 24 jnnts each of l)lackl)erries and l)hick and red raspberries, and 16 quarts of plums and cherries. APPLE INDUSTRY 213 This tract being largely in the nature of an experimental orchard, ^Ir. Leverich has set in a greater variety of trees than he probably would have if he was to now set it out with the knowledge he now possesses after seven years of experimenting. Some of the varieties have done better than others, but it is not the object of this article to specifj^ particularly in regard to that, but to tell of the orchard as we found it. It consists of the fol- lowing trees, vines and berry brush : Apples — 88 Northwestern Greening, 44 Wealthy, 11 Tolman Sweet, 11 Mcintosh Red, 11 Milwaukee, 11 Wolf River, 11 Scott's Winter, 11 Longfield, 11 Patten's Greening, 11 McMahan. 11 Duchess, 11 Plumb Cider. Plums— 22 Wyant. 22 Cheney,. 1 Grittlewood, 11 Surprise, 11 Hawkey e, 11 Forest Garden, 11 DeSoto. Cherries — 11 Early Richmond. Total number of trees set, 352. Grapes — 20 Moore's Early, 10 Campbell's Early, 10 Brighton. 10 Concord, 10 Moore's Diamond, 10 AVorden, 10 Wilder. Berries — 1,584 Eldorado blackberries, 2,575 Gregg black rasp- berries, 1,957 Cuthbert and Marlboro red raspberries. Total, 6,516. The handsome returns of over $6,000 upon five acres of land certainly places this industry upon the footing with the lands anywhere, as those in Oregon and AYashington, which sell as high as $2,000 per acre. The ciuestion arises as to how a person contemplating fruit growing should get anything out of his young orchard before it begins to bear apples, and the answer is here given most definite and positively, for between the rows of trees were raised bush berries to the value of $207.86 per acre, showing that the income begins almost at once wdth the very first year's planting by using the space between the rows, which should always be done for producing an income. AVhile at the time of the publication of this work this industry has not begun to develop to a great extent, there is no cpiestion but that this county is capable of supporting more than double its population, and that fruit raising and intensified farming will be in effect during the next decade, and will double and treble the varieties of fruit, and any farmer properly located who will study the question of apple growing will, undoubtedly, make it a success. But success will only come with study and the use of intelligent methods. Let us hope that the future generations may see Monroe county one of the garden spots of this country, rich in its products of apples, plums, grapes and other fruits. CHAPTER XXII. THE COUNTY SEAT WAR. Wliilo the title '"War" may seem perhaps a little harsh, it is used in the sense that it is commonly used today to designate a contest or a struggle for supremacy; for all along the years, ever since the county was first organized, we timl running through the proceedings of the county board, cropping out at intervals, the disposition on the part of different portions of the county to remove the county seat from Sparta, and the disposition on the part of the inhabitants on the eastern side of the county, par- ticularly, to use every means in their power legitimately to have the county government located at Tomah. This has been a cause of more or less bitterness between the tAvo cities, but this finally has been allayed to a great extent during the last few years as the establishment of permanent buildings has almost made it out of the question that any move of the kind would now be con- sidered. But it has been purely from a sense of loyalty to tlie home location and to the interests of the home town that this spirit has been manifested. This is entirely right and proper and has furnished a good many exciting incidents, both in and out of the sessions of the county board, at various times. It Avas mani- fested at the very outset in the organization of the county. AVhile the bill was pending before the Legislature the citizens of Leon, which was then quite a little settlement, endeavored to have the county seat estal)lished there in the act wliioh organized the county, and that is where the "war" began. Sparta people were up in arms and representatives were undoubtedly sent to the Legislature by both sides in the interests of the two different villages, but the Legislature in its wisdom finally deeided tliat Sparta was the proper place for the county seat, and the law was passed making it such temporarily. But when it became necessary to spend money for county buildings the disposition to avoid erecting any permanent public buildings in Sparta, and undoubtedly with a hope tliat the future would l)ring some developments along the line of placing the county seat elsewhere, led members of the county board, particularly from Leon and 214 THE COUNTY SEAT WAR 215 from the eastern side of the county, to vote down appropriations for this purpose and to put obstructions in the way of any such move. At the session of the county board held August 15, 1857, the absolute necessity for a county jail being apparent, the fol- loAving resolution was introduced by Supervisor Esau Johnson, to-wit : "Resolved, That we appropriate a sufficient sum of money to build a jail at Sparta." Mr. Ringer, of Little Falls, offered the following amendment to the resolution, to-wit : "That the amount termed be $1,500." The amendment was lost by the following vote : Ayes — Hunt- ley, Ringer, Isham, Alice, Stacy. Noes — Foster, Johnson, Miller, Gibbs, Butterfield, Lyon. The original resolution was then taken up and lost by a vote of the supervisors present, all of the mem- bers voting "no." W. W. Jackson, of Adrian, then offered the following resolution, to-wit : "Resolved, That we deem the title to the ground on which the courthouse stands insufficient, and that we are unwilling to appropriate any money to the erection of any more buildings thereon," which was adopted by a vote of nine to five, and this ended the first round. On November 26, 1859, at the annual meeting of the board of supervisors the following resolution was introduced : "Resolved, That the sum of $1,500 be raised by the county to build a suitable jail for Monroe county, no part of said money to be expended until after a vote by the people of the county, be taken on a permanent location for county seat ; ' ' and this resolu- tion on being put to yea and nay vote was lost by a decisive vote. As has already been narrated elsewhere, the first county building was erected at the moderate cost of $600, in block 4 of Damman's addition to Sparta, and that this site was after- wards deeded back to Mr. Damman and the present block was selected by the county board for county buildings. The necessity for doing something to provide a courthouse came up at the meet- ing of the county board, which began on the 13th day of November, 1860. A committee on public buildings was appointed consisting of Peter DeCoursey, J. A. Gillman and W. T. Stevens, and the following resolution was presented to the board by Mr. DeCoursey : "Resolved, That the sum of dollars be raised by tax on taxable property of the county, to be applied in building a suit able building for a courthouse in and for said county." This 216 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY resolution Avas referred to the committee on public buildings and at a later date in the session the committee reported in favor of the resolution and J. E. Ensign moved that the blank in the report be filled by inserting $5,000. E. A. Rice moved an amend- ment striking out the figures $5,000 and inserting five mills on the dollar on the taxable property of the county. ]Mr. Rice's amendment was lost and after some parliamentary sparring ^Ir. Gillman offered an amendment that $4,000 be inserted in the blank, which was carried ; and then E. A. Rice moved the adop- tion of the report, and strange to say it was lost by the following vote : Yeas — J. E. Ensign, ]\lead, ]\Iathews, Gillman. Noes — Hanford, Campbell, Cole, W. T. Stevens, Tolls, Enderby, DeCour- sey, Baker, Gary, G. F. Stevens, Haywood, Rowen and Rice, and the committee was discharged. Thus ended the third round. At that time there were nineteen supervisors on the board and the votes in favor of the courthouse came from the towns of Port- land. Angelo. Eaton, Little Falls and the village of Sparta, and the votes against it came from Glendale, Wellington. "Wilton, Ridgeville, Leon, LeRoy, Tomah (town), Adrian, Greenfield, Lafayette and, strange to say, the town of Spai-ta. Tt will be seen by the distribution of this vote that several localities still hatl hopes and the combination was quite strong against the village of Sparta. But the need of a courthouse and jail became, as time passed, a great necessity, and a move was made in 186;^ to call a special session of the county board. A re(|uest having been signed by the majority of the board of supervisors a special meet- ing was called September 4, 1863, and met at the village of Sparta, at which the following resolution was presented by ]\Ir. J. Covey, who was then the chairman of the county board : "Resolved, That the district attorney be reciuested to report to this board in writing what title the county has to the site upon which the building now stands and which is used for a jail :"' and this resolution, upon a vote, was duly adopted, and it was subsequently moved and carried that the district attorney be instructed to put in no defense to the suit of J. D. Damman against the county of ]\lonroe to recover the site on which the jail now stands, and accordingly, as has been related, the county clerk was authorized to deed back the property, and at this meet- ing of the board a resolution was adopted by which the interests of AV. F. Bard in the public square, opposite the Warner house, were to be purchased and have the same conveyed to the county. Soon after providing for the reconveyance of the old courthouse square back to J. D. Damman and providing for the purchase of THE COUNTY SEAT WAR 217 the public square, where the buildings now stand, the county board again adjourned without having made any provision for the erection of a l)uilding, but had gone to the extent of procur- ing a site. But at the regular session of the board that fall, which began on the 10th day of November, the matter was brought up and furnished anununition for considerable debate and parlia- mentary tactics. ]Mr. J. Covey again offered a resolution, which was as follows : "While the county of jMonroe for want of proper public build- ings has leased annually, at a large expense, a place for holding courts, and often to the very great annoyance of all parties con- cerned ; that for the punishment of criminals a still greater outlay has been necessary, the present jail being wholly insecure, un- wholesome and a disgrace to the age in which we have lived ; "Therefore, resolved. That there be levied on the taxable property of the county the sum of dollars for the purpose of erecting a suitable building or buildings for a courthouse and jail. "Resolved, That in order to carry out the foregoing resolu- tion, lessen the burden of taxation that niust necessarily arise from it, the sum of thousand dollars be raised in the year 1863, the sum of thousand dollars be raised in the year 1864, and the sum of — thousand dollars be raised in the year 1865." It will be seen by the vigorous language used in this resolu- tion even in this day the spirit of "reform" was in the air, and "progress" was not to be denied. Supervisor Kendall, in order to settle things, moved to fill the first blank in this resolution by inserting the sum of $22,500. This was seconded by Mr. Covey and the yeas and noes were called for. It will be remembered that at this time the county board system had been abrogated by the Legislature and that the system of county commissioners was then established and the affairs of the county were governed by three commissioners or supervisors elected from the three supervisor districts in the county. The board at this time con- sisted of E. Kendall J.' Covey and J. Rood. The vote on this resolution was Kendall and Covey in favor and ]\Ir. Rood against it, so that it was declared carried, and then Kendall moved to insert the sum of $7,000 in the first blank in the second part of the resolution, and this was also carried by the same vote. Move was then made by Kendall to put the sum of $8,500 in the second blank in the resolution, which was carried by the same vote, and then also moved to put $7,000 in the last blank. Then the whole 218 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY resolution was adoptod by tlio same vote: Kendall and Covey, yes ; and Rood, no. The raising of funds being tlius provided for the building of the tirst real courthouse in the county. A special meeting of the county board Avas called December 16, 1863, at which the bids for the erecting of a courthouse and jail were opened, the matter having been previously advertised. The contract was let to one W. AY. Allis for $20,848.50. The erection of the combined courthouse and jail, which was a substantial brick building, settled the county seat matter for some years. AYith the increase in population and consequent in- crease in the number of prisoners, at times, the attention of the county board members was called to the fact that the jail was too small, was "behind the times" in appliances; so that the old spectre which would not down, "Remove the county seat," again raised its head and the trouble began. In 1883 and 1884 there had been considerable fault found witli the oil jail by the State Board of Charities and Reforms, which correspond to the State Board of Control at the present time, and while no direct action has been taken to condemn the old jail portion of the building, still the situation became quite acute as far as the location of the county seat was concerned, and eastern IMonroe county realized that in order to accomplish anything it was necessary that a move be made to call a special election, as provided by the stat- utes, to remove the county seat from Sparta before any more expensive liuildings were erected, thus making it a permanent location. The citizens of Tomah in 1885 determined to make one grand effort towards getting the county seat removed to Tomah from Sparta, and a committee of citizens was appointed whose business it was to procure names to a petition addressed to the county board asking that an election be called, and tliat the question of the removal of the county seat from the city of Sparta to the city of Tomah l)e submitted to tlie qualitied voters of the county, as provided by law. This Avork was undertaken in the spring and sununer. A thorough canvas was made, particularly on the eastern side of the county, and feeling l)egan to run high with regard to the matter as the time approached for the meeting of the county board. The session in November was made mem- orable by reason of the fact that this contest was then to be taken up. The members of the county board were at that time as fol- lows: Adrian, George P. Stevens; Angelo, E. AY. Babcock; Byron. George A. Boynigton ; Clifton, A. N. Anthony; Glendale, Leonard THE COUNTY SEAT AVAR 219 Johnson ; Greenfield, J. II. Gill ; Jefferson, A. Heiser ; Lafayette, George E. Hancliett ; Lincoln, L. N. Sweet ; Little Falls, H. H. Atchison ; Ncav Lyme, J. B. Scott ; Oakdale, H. Rogge ; Leon, Thomas Hobson ; Portland, E. M. Adams; Sheldon, D. M. Fulmer; Sparta, P. H. Moss; Tomah, AV. B. Cassels; Wellington, J. P. Rice ; Wells, James Wells ; AYilton, F. Gnewikow ; city of Sparta, H. H. Childs, N. W. Huntley, L. S. Fisher and W. E. Lee ; city of Tomah, L. S. Benjamin, E. Bartels and I. H. Fish. The session of the board opened with the lines tensely drawn upon this proposition, and it was not until Tuesday morning, November ITtli, in the second week of the session, that the peti- tion for the removal of the county seat was presented by L. S. Benjamin. It was as follows: "To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Monroe county, Wisconsin : The undersigned legal voters of the county of Mon- roe, state of Wisconsin, whose names appear on some one of the poll lists on the last general election held in such county of Monroe, do respectfully petition your honorable body and ask that the county seat of Monroe county be changed from the city of Sparta to the city of Tomah, in said county ; and that the question of the removal of the county seat be submitted to a vote of the qualified voters of ]\Ionroe county, as provided by law." Dated September 1, 1885. This petition was signed by about 2,400 names, and was re- ferred to the committee on petitions and elections, Fred Gnewi- kow, L. S. Benjamin, E. Bartels, George P. Stevens and L. S. Fisher. Prior to the session of the board the Tomah committee had circulated their petition over in the towns of Little Falls and New Lyme, procuring a goodly number of signatures. This paper mysteriously disappeared, or rather, was never presented to the board with the other petitions. A petition was also circulated in Glendale and Wellington and vicinity, under the charge of Leonard Johnson. AVhen Johnson brought it to the board session the paper had been badly water soaked, Johnson claiming he had fallen in the mill pond with it in his pocket. The names on this paper were in many instances undistinguishable, and the commit- tee, after working with microscopes, were compelled to discard a large number of names which were not legible. This, together with the petition that never was presented, discounted the num- ber of names to such an extent as to make the action of the board, which followed, possible. No report was made by the committee upon this petition until the next to the last day of the session. 220 HISTORY OF .MONROE COLXTY ami tlicn it came up for the final struggle in the shape of a ma- jority and a minority report. Tlic itia.joriiy i-('])(U't of the com- mittee was as follows: "To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Monroe county, Wisconsin — Gentlenu'n : AVe, the connnittee to whom was re- ferred the petition for the removal of the county scat of ]\lonroe county, do report as follows: "That we have carefully examined therein the signatures of 2,604 legal voters of Monroe county. "That of sucli number the names of 2.107 appear on some one of 1li(' ])oll lists of the last previous general election held in said county on the 4th day of November. 1884, being more than two-fifths of the legal voters of said county of ]\Ionroe as dctei- mined by the poll lists of said last previous election. "That under the law by reason of the said petition it is the duty of the county board of supervisors of Monroe county, to sul)- mit the question of the removal of the county seat of ]\Ionroe county to the city of Tomah, to a vote of the qualified votei's of said I\Ionroe county at the next general election, "FRED GNEWIKOW, "L. S. BENJAMIN, "E. BARTELS, "GEORGE P. STEVENS, "Dated November 24, 1885. "Committee. ) 5 The minority of the committee, during Ihe lime whieli elai)si'd between the introduction of the resolution and the handing in of the majority report, had evidently l)eeii busy endeavoring to find a loop hole in the {)roceedings. The minority of the commit- tee consisted of one man, that doughty old warrior, L. S. Fislu^-. who nuide the minority report to the petition as follows: "To th(> Honorable County Board of Supervisors of .Monroe comity, AVisconsin : The minority of the committee upon The petition for the removal of the county seat would respectfully report that they have carefully examined the ])etition and find on it Ihe names of 2.107 persons whose names appear on the j)oll lists of the several towns and cities in Monioe county for the election oi" 1884. "Tlie minority of your committee would further report in favor of a postponenuMit of the subject of the removal ol* the county seat for the following reasons: "1. There are several petitions, whereas the law requires only one petition. THE COUNTY SEAT WAR 221 "2. There are a large number of names appearing on the peti- tion which have been counted ])y your committee in order to make the total number 2,107, not less than 300 in all that were not signed by the persons they represent. "3. There are a sufficient number of names on the petition that have been counted that did not agree with the names on the poll lists to reduce the total number below the aggregate required by law. "4. That if an election is ordered it would be void for the foregoing reasons and subject the county to unnecessary costs and probably expensive litigation. "L. S. FISHER. "Dated Sparta, November 24, 1885." ]Mr. Fisher then moved that the report of the committee on petitions and elections be referred to the district attorney, and it was so referred with the understanding that the district attor- ney should report on the following morning. The following resolution was then presented: ''AVhereas the petition signed by 2,604 of the legal voters of Monroe county, of which number the names of 2,107 appear on some one of the poll lists of the last previous general election held in said county on the 4th day of November, 1885, said last mentioned number being more than tw^o-fifths of the legal voters of Monroe county, as determined by the poll lists of the said last previous general election, said petition asking the change of the county seat of IMonroe county from the city of Sparta to the city of Tomah ; therefore, be it "Resolved, That the question of the removal of the county seat of Monroe county to the city of Tomah be submitted to a vote of the qualified voters of said county at the next general election, to be held in said county on the 2nd day of November, 1886." _ The board then adjourned until the next day and on the morning of November 25th the district attorney gave his opinion in writing upon the petition presented for the removal of the county seat. AVhile the records of the meeting of the board do not contain the opinion, it undoubtedly was in favor of the minority report, for we find that Mr. Fisher moved that the opinion be received and placed on file, and then came the tug of war. Mr. Cassels, of the town of Tomah, moved that the majority report of the committee on petitions and elections be adopted. Mr. Fisher moved that the minority report be substituted for the 222 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY majority ropoi-t. and upon llic call of ayes and noes it was carried by the following vote: Babcock, Boyington, Ileiser, Hanehett, llohson, Atchison, Scott. Ilaimkee, Adams, Fulmer, ]Moss, Wells, Childs, Huntley, Fisher and Lee, a total of sixteen ayes. Noes — Stevens, Anthony, Johnson, Gill, Sweet. Spooner, Rogge, Cassels, Rice, GnewikoAV, Bartels, Benjamin and Fish, a total of thirteen. ]\Ir. Fisher then moved the adoption of the minority report, which was carried by the same vote precisely, sixteen to thirteen. It will be noticed that the votes which were against the petition came from Angelo, Byron, Jeflferson, Lafay- ette, Leon, Little Falls, New Lyme, Portland, Ridgeville, Sheldon, town of Sparta, "Wells and city of Sparta; the votes in favor of the petition came from Adrian, Clifton. Glendale, LaGrange, Lin- coln, Greenfield, Oakdale, town of Tomah, AVellington, AVilton and the city of Tomah, so that the votes were lined up Avith regard to location principally, only that George A. Boyington, of the town of Byron, did not vote with the eastern side of the county. And after some other matters of business this board ad- journed, and thus closed another chapter of the struggle over the county seat. It does not appear that the citizens of Tomah attempted in any way to invoke the aid of the courts or to make any further move at that time in the matter. The proceedings were instituted under the provisions of sec- tion 655 of the revised statutes, and we tiiul in the session of the Legislature of the year 1887 an amendment to that section was passed known as chapter 35 of the laws of 1887, which was, no doubt, a part of the plan to for all time settle the controversy as to the removal of the county seat in this or any other county. The amendment provided that where the county seat had l)een established for a pei-iod of fifteen years or more and that the county has erected permanent buildings of the value of not less than $10,000, that the same should not be removed nor should any application for the removal thereof be submitted to a vote of the electors of the county unless a petition signed by at least one-half of the resident freeholders of the county, as evidenced by recorded deeds in the office of the register of deeds of the county, in favor of such removal shall be presented to the county board: and it furthei- provided that no election to change the county seat should be held for a period of five years after the year in which a courthouse or other county buildings costing $3,000 or more shall have been built and occupied for county pur- poses. In the provisions of this law it is not diflficult to see the THE COUNTY SEAT WAR 223 "fiue Italian hand," to use a slang phrase, of that staunch friend of Sparta, Hon. J. j\I. IMorrow, who was at that time one of the "third house" in the Wisconsin Legislature and a prominent man in the affairs of the state. It can very readily be seen that a petition of this character cannot be obtained in the county of Monroe or any other county without great difficulty in searching records and procuring names qualified to sign such a petition. The old controversy, however, would not down, and in 1890 the State Board of Charity and Reform, after considerable fault found heretofore with the old jail, issued an order condemning it as unsanitary and unfit for use for the purpose, and this caused the revival, somewhat, of the old feeling over the county seat. In order to bring it to a head a petition was circulated in the spring of 1890 and signed by a majority of the county board, calling a special meeting of the board on May 7, 1890. At that session the county clerk read a notice served upon him by the State Board of Charity and Reform regarding the jail, and on motion of Super- visor J. M. IMorrow, a committee was appointed consisting of Supervisor Morrow ; Earl, of Tomah ; Gill, of Greenfield ; AVells, of Wells, and Abbott, of Sheldon, and this committee on the fol- lowmg day rendered this report: "To the County Board of Supervisors of IMonroe County: The undersigned members of your committee, to whom was referred the official notice of the State Bard of Charity and Reform re- lating to the condemnation of the Monroe county jail, etc., have had the same and matters connected thereunto under considera- tion, and do report that in our opinion, and for the reasons stated in said notice, and the law in relation to the duties and obliga- tions of the county under such circumstances, it is necessary to provide for a new jail, and to accomplish such purpose in a seasonable, proper and economical manner we have prepared and report herewith an ordinance providing for the construction of a jail upon the courthouse square, and providing for the means to pay for the same with such other necessary details as seemed to your committee required to be provided for the action of this board, and we recommend the adoption of said ordinance, which is respectfully submitted. "J. M. MORROW, "J. H. GILL, "J. WELLS, "E. ABBOTT, "Committee." 224 HISTORY OF .AIOXKOP] COUNTY Here again appears the same old split, but this time the ma- jority of the committee were in favor of the Avestern side of the county, and again we ha-ve the minority report by one man, "Watson Earle, of the city of Tomah, who made a minority report as follows: "The minority of your committee would respectfully report that in his opinion the effect of the improvements made in the jail last fall should be tried. The Board of Health, although they knew that the improvements were contemplated, could have no knowledge of what the effects of these improvements could be. That the condition of the jail is l)etter than it has been at any previous time in twenty years. That tlie present condition of the farming portions of this county makes it advisable not to increase the burden of taxation without absolute necessity. For a number of years the crops have been wasted by drought, and now in the fall the markets are almost worthless by reason of low prices. Under these conditions the addition of >1^5,000 a year on this county's tax for three successive years is a grievous burden that ought not to be lightly laid. That the course of the present hasty action in tliis matter is purely visionary, being based not on the present condition of the jail, but on the assumption that at some time in the near future, perhaps, eastern ]\Ionroe county may demand the removal of the county seat; and that the num- ber of prisoners Avhicli for the past year averages three and one- third per cent neither calls for nor justifies such expenditure." And again the old struggle was before the county board in this form, and again it was Supervisor Fisher who moved the adoption of the majority report this time. Supervisor AYood. from the city of Tomah, moved to substitute the minority report for the majority report, and this brought on a test vote. The motion was lost by the following vote : Ayes — Stevens, Reynolds, Swanets, Lyon. AYoodland, Coome, Rogge, Gehrke, Cassels, Gnewikow. Earle, Tormey and AYood, thirteen; and nayes, Lev- erich, Gill, liarry. Jones, Atchison, Hoard, Hannkee, Abbott, Beckler, Alarsden, AYells, Alorrow, Huntley, Fisher and Brandt, fifteen. The localities voting in favor of the minority report were these: Adrian, Byron, Clii'ton, Glendale, Lincoln, LaGrange, Oakdale, Ridgeville, town of Tomali. AYilton and the city of Tomah, and against it were Angelo, Greenfield, Lafayette, Leon. Little Falls, New Lyme, Portland, Sheldon, town of Sparta, AYellington, AYells and the city of Sparta, so that we find the alignnu'ut of this vote almost what it was as far as territory is concerned, when the vote on that famous county seat resolution THE COUNTY SEAT AVAR 225 in 1885 was taken, only that this time Greenfield on the eastern side seems to have changed places with Byron. Mr. Wood, of Tomah, then moved that the consideration of the majority report be postponed and an adjonrnment taken for two weeks so that the members of the board might have an oppor- tunity to confer with their constituents, and upon a call for the ayes and noes this motion was lost by practically the same vote, thirteen ayes and sixteen noes. This time H. H. Cremer, it ap- pears, voted with the noes. It was then moved to adopt the ma- jority report, which was carried by the same old vote, sixteen to thirteen. An ordinance providing for the building of the county jail was then passed by the same vote, sixteen to thirteen, and the following committee, on motion, was appointed by the chair as required by the ordinance passed, as the building committee, to-wit : N. AV. Huntley, of Sparta ; H. H. Atchison, of Little Falls; J. H. Gill, of Greenfield, and AA^illiam Hannkee, of Port- land. Subsequently the building committee carried out its in- structions in full, contracts were let and the present county jail and sheriff's residence w^as erected. As time went on the old courthouse building became more and more insufficient for the uses of the various county officers and courtrooms, and again the matter of additional county buildings was presented at a session of the country board. In 1894 an ordinance was introduced by Supervisor J. R. Lyon at the November session of the board pro- viding for the building of a new courthouse in the city of Sparta to cost not to exceed the sum of $50,000. It was apparently a hopeless task on the part of the supervisors from the eastern side of the county to prevent the passage of this ordinance, and it was carried by a vote of twenty-five to five. Supervisor Coome being excused from voting. Later in the session, under the provision of the ordinance, the chairman of the county board appointed the following building committee : Supervisors N. AY. Huntley, of Sparta; J. R. Lyon, of Glendale ; H. H. Cremer, of Jefiferson; H. Gnewikow, of AYilton, and D. AY. Sowle, of Lincoln. In pursuance of this ordinance the present Courthouse was constructed and furnished. The county was fortunate in having it erected at a time when building materials were cheaper than at any time since so that for the sum of between $50,000 and $60,000 it has a commodious and substantial building, completely I'urnislied. The erection of these permanent buildings of such great value has probably ended for all time any effort to renew the '^county seat Avar." The eastern side of the county has now become 226 HISTORY OF :\rOXROE COUNTY reconciled to the situation, as was very appropriately expressed by a member of the board at the time the building of a new jail was voted, the boys in Tomah concluded that "they couldn't get the courthouse tlirough the Tunnel anyhow," so they gave up. ]\rany interesting incidents undoubtedly happened outside of the recorded procedure in this famous struggle during all these years M'hich are now lost, but on the whole the record itself furnishes many dramatic climaxes which are lacking in the present day sessions of the county board. CHAPTER XXlll. THE COUNTRY SCHOOLS. BY M. M. HANEY, COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. No history of the county would be complete that did not in- clude at least a few references to the only source of education that most boys and girls have access to, namely, the common schools. No attempt will be made to go into an exhaustive record of the schools since the establishment of the county, but rather to give the reader an idea of the first schools in the county and the progress that has been made through legislation and methods, etc., up to the present time. SCHOOL HOUSES. As soon as a few settlements were formed the people began to make preparations for schools. The settlements were far apart at first and pupils were obliged to travel long distances, three, and even four, miles. The first school buildings were usually crude, temporary concerns, designed to meet the immediate needs of the people until the settlements became more numerous and financially stronger. The following were among the early buildings which were more or less typical of the buildings throughout the county. District No. 2, town of LaGrange — School house, 12x16 feet ; shed roof. District No. 2, town of Sheldon — Small building made of unhewn logs of uneven length, some extending two or three feet beyond the end of building. This building was roofed with slabs to match the logs, that is, some of them terminated at the edge of the roof and others projecting downward three or four feet, and some even projected upward above the ridge of the roof. This building was banked with clay about two feet high all around, except at the door, to keep out the cold. In order to save labor the banking was allowed to remain during the summer months so that it would be on hand for the next winter. The door was home-made and so low that full-grown boys and girls were obliged to stoop to get in and out. It is not known why the door was made this size unless it was to teach the pupils to stoop so 227 228 lUSTOKY OF .MUXKOE COUNTY tht'V iniglit not forget to bow to tlic master on entering the build- ing, or perhaps it was to teaeli them that tliey must stoop in order to avoid many liard knocks in life's journey. No doubt some of the first school buildings Avere better than those above described and some worse in some respects. Generally the first school build- ings were small, cheap, poorly lighted, with no ventilation and little or no regard for appearances. DESKS. The desks were made of Avhite pine and long enough to seat from twelve to sixteen pupils. In one school that the writjer has in mind there were only two long desks in the school house. They were about sixteen feet long, extending lengthwise of the build- ing, one on each side, with a seat in front of each desk for the little folks. The larger pupils occupied the seat behind the desks. Usually, hoAvever, the desks Avould seat from six to eight pupils, and extended crosswise of the room. Arranged in two rows, with one end of each desk against the wall, leaving only one aisle in tlie middle of the room. This arrangement made it very unhandy to get and out of seats, as the pupils frequently were obliged to pass four or five others in order to get out of their seat to go to the recitation and, of course, go through the same process to get back to their places. The desks Avere all of the same size, no alloAvance being made for different sizes of pupils. Later the desks Avere made to accommodate the various sizes of pupils. A fcAv samples of those desks may still be found in the schools, but most of llicni are factory made double desks, and eA'en those are giving Avay to the single desk. SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Reading. Avriting, aritlmicti.' and spelling Aveie carried l)y all of the pupils, and grammai-, geography and history by some of the larger ones. In teaching reading the A, B, C method Avas used, that is, the pupils had to go through the long, tedious proc- ess of learning the alphabet before they began to read. Spelling Avas mostly oral and at least two trials Avere given on a Avord. Since the pupils did not carry many studies they made up for this to some extent by reciting in reading and spelling four times a day. Some schools had reading of the Bible and prayer CA'ery morning. History Avas sometimes used as a reader, the teacher asking a few questions after the lesson Avas read. Pupils that read in the history Avere looked upon by the other pupils as being TPIE COUNTRY SCHOOLS 229 good scholars. There was no classification of the school by forms or grades, and as a rule no record was kept of the work done by the pupils, and of course no record left for the guidance of the new teacher. Not unfrequently the pupils were started in at the beginning of the books they brought with them the first day, regardless of what they covered the year before. This seems like a great waste of time, and it was, but there was one redeeming feature, namely, that some subjects were reviewed so often that they were firmly fixed in the pupils' minds. Perhaps manual training should have been added to the branches taught in those early days. This was pursued by the larger boys who happened to pos- sess good pocket knives, without the aid or consent of the teacher. The white pine desks being excellent material to carve in, pupils would sometimes cut the forms of horses and other objects in the desk and carve their names also. This, of course, was not sanctioned bj^ the teacher, yet it was common to find desks bear- ing such marks. APPARATUS. The inside of the school buildings as a rule were in keeping with the outside appearance. There was no library or reference books of any kind. Webster's unabridged dictionary was the only book outside of texts, and that was furnished free by the state. There was usually a partial supply of maps, and occasion- ally a reading chart. The blackboard was composed of boards nailed together and painted. This was as a rule poor in quality and very insufficient in quantity. A piece 3x4 feet was all that some schools had. Ciphering and sometimes writing exercises were performed with slate and pencil. It was a rare thing to see a pupil using pencil and paper. TEACHERS BOARDING AROUND. During the first ten or fifteen years after the county was organized, the teachers boarded around, that is, the teacher boarded free of charge with the various families in the district that sent children to school. The teacher stayed with each fam- ily in proportion to the number of pupils that attended school, usually one M^eek for each pupil. Boarding around had some advantage over the present system, as it afforded the teacher an opportunity to get acquainted with the parents and home life of the children, thus enabling the various parties to understand each other better. The parents and pupils looked forward to the 230 IIISTOHV OF :\I()XROE COUXTY teaelier coming as an important event, and you may be sure the teacher got the best the family att'orded. But there was another side to the boarding ai'oiiiid lliat was not so pleasant for the teacher, namely, the accommodations were not always what was desirable and the teacher was expected to entertain or be enter- tained to such an extent that she had little time that she could call her own or devise plans for presenting the various subjects. The teacher was looked upon as the most important personage in the district, and no Avedding or other social event was consid- ered complete unless the teacher was present. The teacher was supposed to be tiie best informed person in the whole district. The following lines from the "Desertetl Village'' portrays the opinion of his knowledge held by the country folks: " 'Twas certain he could write and cipher, too; Lands he could measure, terms and tides presage, And e'en, the story ran, that he could gauge; In arguing, too, the parson owned his skill. For e'en though vanquished, he could argue still; AYhile words of learned strength and thundering sound, Amazed the gaping rustics ranged around ; And still they gazed and still the wonder grew, That one small head could carry all he knew." TOWNSHIP SUPERINTENDENTS. The schools of each town were in charge of a man known as township superintendent. The duties of the town superintendent were to supervise the schools and grant licenses to teachers. Those ofificers were usually paid $1.50 a day Avhen in service of the town. The teacher's examination comprised much fewer sub- jects than at the present time. The examination Avas mostly oral with enough writing to give the applicant an opportunity to show her writing. This .system was abolished in 18G2 and the county superintendenc}^ established. TEACHERS AND WAGES. In those early days there were a much larger proportion of male teachers than at the present. The male teachers, as a rule, taught only the winter term and did not make teaching a busi- ness. The spring terms were usually taught by ladies. As a rule the teachers of this early period were not up in professional and academic knowledge with the t(>achers of the present tinu\ but THE COUNTRY SCHOOLS 231 from the standpoint of maturity they were ahead. They were men and women, as a rule, out of their teens. The frequent change of teachers and poor attendance were among the main obstacles to progress. "Wages varied very much as at the present time. They ranged from $1.50 a Aveek to $16 or $20 a month, and the teachers boarded around and taught every other Saturday. In some instances the wages were as high, or higher, then as at the present time, but those were exceptions. MODES OF PUNISHMENT, In the early history of the county school government was a much bigger proposition than it is today. This was due to sev- eral things, namely, to size of pupils, lack of sufficient employ- ment, and to the general attitude of the people regarding punish- ment. In those days boys and girls attended school, especially during the winter months, until they were grown up, eighteen and twenty years of age. Many of them carried only a few branches, and of course were not busy all of the time, and there- fore were harder to control. Then, too, many of the parents seemed to think that punishment was a necessary part of the child's education, and in some way a knowledge of the "three R's" should be seasoned and worked into the individual by a liberal use of the rod. The words: "Schooldays! Schooldays! Dear old Golden Rule days; Reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic. Taught to the tune of a hickory stick," were based on the methods and beliefs of those days. The schoolmaster that did not do considerable punishing was not thought to be doing his full duty. However, many of them measured up to the expectations of the district. As a rule there was plenty of timber near the schoolhouses and the teacher usually knew enough about foresting to be able to select the toughest switches, and he knew also that by laying them on the heated stove for a while it would add to their elasticity. Several of these w^ell-seasoned switches were generally on hand and placed in a conspicuous position, usually over the blackboard. Sometimes those switches would mysteriously disappear and no one could account for their whereabouts. However, a new supply was easily secured, seasoned and put up. Should the master's supply of switches become exhausted during the session periods 232 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY of the day, he would souu'tiines send one of the small l)nys after a new supply. The prevailing method of punishment Avas striking witii the rod on the palm of the hand and on the finger tips. This was rather severe and much dreaded by the small and middle-sized boys, for the boys got most of the punishment. But to the lull- grown boys it was considered a game in which it was the teacher's part to strike, and the boy's part to catch the rod before the teacher pulled it back. If the rod was caught it was broken and then the stub was used, and the game went on till the rod became too short. It is only fair to say that the above methods of bringing the refractory pupils to time was practiced chiefiy by the male teachers, but w^as by no means unknown to the gentler sex. About the most dreaded punishment meted out to the boys was to have a boy sit between two girls for an hour or so. This would cause the bashful country boy to blush profusely, and usually it was not necessary to repeat the punishment very soon. The following lines illustrate this fairly well : "Some playful wight perchance was doomed to sit Between two girls, as retribution fit For his crimes; and so he learned e'en then The truth that comes in time to all young men : 'Tis more than twice as hard for Adam's son •To sit with two girls as to sit with one." Other methods of punishment which were more or less gen- eral, were pulling the ears, slapping the face, and taking by the collar and given a shaking, etc. Corporal punishment seemed to be more freely used at home and at school than at the present time. Those having the training of children in charge have found out that it is possible to train children properly with little or no corporal punishment. Perhaps it should not be dispensed with all together, but should be rai'cly used. It is possible in most cases to keep a pupil under control through fear, hut that is not the proper way, for it destroys the confidence and affection the pupil should have for the teacher, without which it' is impossible to get the best results. The good teacher who possesses sufficient knowledge and ability to teach and whose heart is in the work will generally have no difficulty witli government. On the other hand the teacher who is una])le. on account of academic or professional knowledge, to interest her school will find government (juitc a problem. THE COUNTRY SCHOOLS 233 SPELLING SCHOOLS AND DEBATES. One feature of the eountrV school that has about gone out of practice is the old-fashioned spelling school. These spelling- schools were held frequently during the winter term, and were participated in by old and young alike. Sometimes one school Avould spell against another, but occasionally two persons were appointed to choose sides, regardless of schools, and everyone in the room was given an opportunity to spell, but only those that considered themselves good spellers accepted. Those in the con- test would take a position by the side of the leader and two lines were formed that would reach around the room. Those that missed took their seats and of course the one that stood last won. Usually the winner was expected to spell three M'ords after the others were down. After the spelling contest there were reading and speaking. The spelling school was looked upon as quite a social event and was attended by people for miles around. Another means of enjoyment and intellectual improve- ment were the debates which were usually held during the win- ter terms also. The questions were usually practical and simple. The men and large boys took part in the discussions. The interest taken in those discussions may be shown by stating t!iat it was common for people to walk three or four miles to hear and take part in the discussion. ]\Iany a farmer and town official will own today that the foundation for expressing his thoughts clearly, to think logically when standing before people, was laid in the old-fashioned debating society. A literary society in which debates receive a prominent part should be a part of every country school where there are a sufficient number to carry it on successfully. TOWNSHIP LIBRARIES. During the early history, as has been stated before. a])out the only book found in the school house outside of the text books, was Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. In 1887 there was enacted a township library law. This law provided that 10 cents should be reserved from the school fund for each pupil between four and twenty years in the district, the money to be used in purchasing books. But for the first eight years of this law it Avas optional with the town treasurer whether or not the money was set aside for this purpose. Many of the treasurers did not see fit to do tliis and for a while the growth of the district lil)raries Avas slow. In 189.5 tlie law was made mandatory and since then there has been a rapid 234 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY additiun to the JiuiiihiT oL' l)ooks in llic libraries. I'nlil about seveu years ago the town elei-ks bad the i)Ower to select the books and since that official usually did not know just what books to select. Ju' did not alwaj's make the best selections and there were nuuiy duplications. The county or district superintendent noAV makes the selecr tion I'oi- ail the schools under his jurisdiction. He usually asks the teachers to recommend the books they desire and 1)y this method suitable books are generally ])rocured. At first the law provided that the books pass from one district to another so that all the pupils might get the benefit of the books. This was nice in theory but did not work out so well in practice for no one felt or could be held responsible for the books and the card cata- logue would be ineflt'ective. Now the books are selected for the needs and conditions of a particular district and are not changed. It is really a district system now, but the name township is still retained. "When the library books were first introduced in the schools, as a rule there were no book cases and the books were kept at the district clerk's home, a part or all of the time, which, of course, Avas not satisfactory. Now every district has a book case and the books are left in the school house. There is a card catalogue made of the books so that the material they contain is available. These libraries, besides being available for reference work in connection with various subjects, contain interesting and instructive stories for all grades of pupils and also for the adult population of the dis- trict. Under the township library law, ^Monroe county spends about $1,000 a year for library books. These books are distributed among the Ho districts of the county in proportion to the number of children between four and twenty years in each district. Each district has a library ranging from seventy-five to 200 books. The thing needed now is to make better use of these books, both for reference and gen- eral reading and develop in llie boys and girls a desire for good reading. ■o" SCHOOL BOARD CONVENTION. In 1005 there was a law enacted requiring each county superintendent to call a convention of the school board members of county annually. About every district in the county was rep- resented in those conventions, and in addition to the local pro- THE COUNTRY SCHOOLS 235 gram, the state educational department always sent a man to discuss one or more subjects chosen by that department. Those conventions have proven to be a very important factor in improving the rural schools. They have been the means of acquainting the board members more fully with their duties, powers and responsibilities, have increased their interest in the schools and emphasized the importance of sufficient apparatus, and the necessity of obtaining good teachers. These meetings were held in school buildings that were models with respect to seating, black boards, light and general apparatus, thus giving a good idea of suitable building and equipment. These meetings also helped standardize the schools of the county. At first some objected to the law on the ground that it was a useless expense without producing any good results, but time has proven that the objections were unfounded. There is no question whatever regarding the benefit of this law and the trifling cost of the dis- tricts is insignificant when compared with the benefits. COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE LAW. For a great many years there has been a compulsory school law, but until recently it has been practically a dead letter, for the reason that the school board was to enter complaints against parents or guardians that were not sending their children. The board was not compelled to report and there was no penalty for not reporting, and for the further reason that the board did not like to make enemies of their neighbors l)y informing on them, they did not report. About five years ago the Compulsory Attend- ance Law was changed and made it the duty of the teacher to enter the complaint instead of the school board. It is man- datory on the part of the teacher to enter the complaint, with a penalty if it is not done. At present pupils between seven and fourteen years and not more than two miles from the school house by the traveled road are required to attend school at least six months. Pupils between fourteen and sixteen years must attend the same time unless they are regularly employed. The law, as it now stands, is quite effective and has been the means of giving many neglected children the opportunity of attending school. Yet the law is not enforced as rigidly as it should be, and many live over the two-mile limit and can not be reached. Dur- ing the time this new law has been in force many parents have been notified by the truant officer, the county sheriff, to send their children, but there have been no prosecutions. It is not 236 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY clear to school people why any parent could be so indiflfereut to the future welfare of his children as to deny them tiie oppor- tunity of a fair chance in life by neglecting to give the benefits of the free common schools. IMPROVEMENTS IN METHODS OF TEACHING. There is quite a contrast between the old methods and those of the present time. For instance, the child was obliged to go through the slow and tedious process of learning the alphabet, A, B, C's, before beginning to read. These letters were to be learned in order, backward, and in a promiscuous arrangement. Then the pupil was taught to pronounce short words of one. two and three letters. This lacked interest also because the words were usually abstract and meant nothing to the child. Yet boys and girls learned to read by this unpedagogical system. Now the cliild begins to read by being introduced to a familiar word repre- senting an object as — apple, ball, etc., or perhaps the Avord is used in a sentence, as "Roll the ball," and the child acts it out by actually rolling the ball on the floor or on the teacher's desk; thus making the reading interesting and instructive from the start. The books for primary children, especially the readers, have been greatly improved and made more interesting for little folks. The old text books were written mostly on the question and answer plan, and if the pupils gave the answers, they were not usually asked to go into an explanation as to the meaning. There has been quite an improvement in text books as Avell as in the methods of teaching. CLASSIFICATION BY GRADES. Years ago the pupils' scholarsliip was dctci-niincd largely l)y the number of the "Reader" that he read in, and if a boy was asked how far he was in school he would answer, "Third Reader" or "Fourth Reader," as the case might be. Later there was a course of study gotlcii oul by ttie state which divided the work of the schools into three parts, called forms, and were known as the primary, middle and upper form. This was quite an improvement on the old way and led to a more definite classification of pupils and better records of the work done by the individual popils and was also the means of having the pupils take up more of the branches in the course. Li 1906 the graded system was introduced. This system divides the course into eight parts called grades, and it is supposed that THE COUNTRY SCHOOLS 237 an ordinary pupil, that is, a pupil of average ability, good health, that attends regularly and studies well, will be able to complete a grade in a year and finish the course in eight or nine years. This is more definite than the three-form system, because it marks off the course into years instead of bunching it into three- year parts. This system is the same as is used in state graded schools and in the grades below the high school, and is nothing new. The graded system works nicely in the country schools of the county. It is especially helpful to the young and inex- perienced teacher, and makes the work more definite for all, besides pupils moving from one district to another can readily find their place in the new school. The graded system is not yet generally adopted by the counties of the state. In fact, it is not known that any of them outside of Monroe county uses it. However, it is believed that it will be generally adopted before many years as the manual of the course of study outlines some of the work by years which is about the same thing. A year's work corresponding to a grade. FREE TUITION FOR THE COMMON SCHOOL GRADUATE. Some twenty years ago a law was passed which permits pupils holding common school diplomas to attend any high school in the state free of tuition. That is, the pupil did not have to pay it, but the town in which the pupil resides pays the tuition, which is $2 a month. This free tuition law stimulated many country people that would not have done so if they had to pay the tuition directly, to send their children to high school. Thus it may be seen that many a boy and girl get a high school educa- tion through the merits of this law. '&>' HEATING AND VENTILATING SYSTEM. About four years ago a law was passed off'ering each school $50 each year for three years on condition that the dis- trict would make certain improvements in apparatus, chief among them was to put in an approved heating and ventilating plant. It was claimed for this system that it would heat the room uniformly and keep the air fresh. Whether those plants will heat as quickly and as cheaply as the injacketed stove is a question that there is a difference of opinion on. However, it is certain that the ventilation is much improved and the room more healthful and conditions for study much better. Nearly every district in the county took advantage of the law which shows that board members 238 IIISTOIJV OK MONROE COT'XTY were ready to make use of opportunities for llie betterment of the physical and nuMital development of the ehildren. While tliese plants are not doing all that was elaimed for them and the usual unfair means and misrepresentations were practiced in jnany cases in order to make sales, the law has proven very helpful for it lias been tlie means of supplying necessities to the school. WRITING. One of tiie most important subjects and the one that has received the least attention or no attention at all is penmanship. Neither the time nor the attention has been given to this sub- ject that it inerits. There are several reasons for this but the chief one is that the teacher has received no special training in this subject and, of course, could not impart knowledge that she did not possess. Usually ten or fifteen miiuites was devoted to writing each day but as there was no system to follow, it was turned into a go as you please exercise. Yet in spite of lack of method of system, many developed into fairly good writers. For a couple of years this subject has received its share of attention at teachers meetings and institutes which has paved the way for the free arm movement whidi is being introduced, and it is hoped that the school will turn out easy legible writers. To be a good writer is quite an accomplishment and any one tliat has proper control of his muscles, can by careful practice under proper instruction come into possession of this art. The school of today compared witli the school of twenty years ago. The school year has been lengthened at least one fourth. The building, apparatus, and general equipment ai-e inucli im- proved. The teachers on the whole are better prepared academically and professionally, although many of our teachers are too young to shoulder the great responsibility that they undertake; in fact some of them do not reali/A' the enormity of the undertaking. Years ago it was common to find young men and young women attending school especially in the winter months. Now if you would travel the county over, you would not find any full grown boys and gii'ls in attendance. The average pupil of 12 and 13 years of age today is as far advanced as the 18 and 20 year old pupil was 20 years ago. But where are those boys and girls 14 years of age and upwards.' They are THE COUNTEY SCHOOLS 239 not in the country school; some of them are in the high school but most of them are out of school altogether. It is to be regretted that the boys and girls leave the country school so early. Our Avhole school 'system has been severely criticized lately and the common schools came in for their share and no doubt it Avas coming to them. Yet the country teacher with her multiplicity of duties has more to do than any one person can do well. She must be janitor, nurse, disciplinarian, and mediator, besides teaching all the branches. The teacher that can do this fairly well is the best of teachers, and it may be said without successful contradiction that the country school gets better returns for the amount of money invested in education tlian any other school in the state. CHAPTER XXIV. INSANE ASYLUM AND HOME FOR THE POOR. The cariiiii;' lor the poor and insane oi' any eounty is a problem to whieh sliould be brought to bear level headed business ability in addition to the mere fact of providing for the needs of such unfortunates; that this department of municipal atfairs in this founty has been managed with business acumen having in view the best interests, not only of the poor and insane people, but the welfare of the community at large ; and a policy inaugurated Avhich accrues to the benefit of the taxpayers is very apparent. In 1871 the condition with regard to the support of the poor liad become so hard to handle without a central home or place where some of these people could be cared for, that the then eounty board was compelled to consider the purchase of a farm to be used as a home for the poor, and as has been stated in a former chapter the farm of David Cole of two hundred acres, situated in the town of Adrian, Avas purchased in that year for the sum of $5,000, but as the county grew older and the popula- tion more dense the natural increase of the burden of caring for the poor, so developed the fact that this farm was in a poor location, being quite a distance from the county seat, and the buildings were too small for the accommodation of those requiring assistance; the county board finally authorized the sale of the farm and purchased one lying just north of the city of Sparta and in the town of Sparta, a very advantageous location with a' beautiful building site, upon Avhich was erected in 1900 a large brick home for the poor with modern con- veniences at a cost of about .$11,000. It l)ecame evident at this time, as the matter had been discussed eonsideral)ly before, that the mHul)er of insane with which this county was charge- able, ])eing cared for in otlier institutions including several county asylums, was rapidly increasing and the burden of expenses was growing quite rapidly; a committee had been previously ap- pointed to investigate the subject of a county asylum and its report created quite a strong sentiment in the county that it would be advisable for this county, hnviiig the approval of the 240 m t3 o K <; Q < < % >^ O o o ce o INSANE ASYLUJM AND HOME FOR POOR 241 State Board of Control, to build a county asylum for chronic insane. The proposal was made to change the poorhouse then erected, to an insane asylum, and to subsequently erect another home for the poor upon the same farm. After considerable agitation in which the two sides of the county were arrayed against each other the proposition finally was carried out and in 1902 another home for the poor was erected on another part of the farm near the asylum. The farm had been enlarged and improved since then by the purchase of an additional 120 acres of land and by the erection of a separate heating plant and also of a complete water works system Avhich Avas put in in 1907; this system consists of a steel tower ninety feet high with an eighteen foot tank on the top with a capacity of 50,000 gallons, standing on a solid concrete foundation, and from it run six-inch pipes for the asylum and for the poorhouse and and barns and out-buildings, and in connection with it is a power house having a large Gould pump of ten horse power and the AVestinghouse electric motor. The barns are all of the most modern construction and a herd of dairy cattle is maintained upon the farm which is kept in the highest state of cultivation and now produces a good income. Before the adoption of this system the county was compelled to pay $3 a week for the main- tenance of each person charged to it in any of the institutions to which they were committed, but, of course, a portion of this was returned by the state ; almost from the very outset it be- came apparent that the establishing of a county asylum was a good business venture, for not only were the patients coming from this county gradually sent here, but patients from other counties are committed to this asylum for which the county receives the regular amount chargeable by the law for the main- tenance of such patients. The income of the institution from the farm and from other sources has gradually increased, outside of the appropriation made by the county board, so that the receipts of the sale of produce from $79-1:. 71 in 1904 increased to $2,615.58 in 1911 and at the last report of the trustees for the year 1910-1911 made in November, 1911. it is shown that the permanent investment in and about the asylum is as fob lows: Farm, $23,000; buildings less 2%, $29,472.52; live stock, $5,715.50; tools and implements less 10%, $1,449.86; furniture and furnishings less 10%, $1,775.88; making a total of $61,415.76. The home for the poor is a comfortable brick building capable of housing thirty inmates; heated by steam and lighted by electricity, with modern conveniences, surely a home better 242 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY fitted, by far, than the great mass of people of the county are al)le to afford; the asylum at the last report had a total popula- tion of forty-five nude and twenty-eight female patients. .Mr. F. J. ]Mooney, present superintendent, and his "svife the matron have conducted this institution very successfully for the last nine years, and under ]Mr. ^looney's management the farm has been brought to a high state of cultivation and is a model institu- tion ; some of the patients assist in carrying on the farm opera- tions and it is considered a good thing to have them busily employed Avhen they are able, under the proper supervision. During the years of the existence of this institution for the insane the amount of the appropriation which the county board makes has gradually decreased from j|^5,000 to about $2,500 and l)elow is given a little list of the receipts and expenditures, beginning Avith 1902, showing simply the gross amounts. 1903. Year ending October 1st: Receipts from the county board appropriation, $4,500; produce from farm to April 1, 1903, $108.69; error in invoice. $42.19; balance on hand in county treasury November 1, 1902, $165.63. Total, $6,301.51. Expendi- tures, total of $4,632.81 ; leaving a balance on hand October 1, $1,668.70. 1904. Earnings from the state to July, 1903, $810; receipts from produce, $794.71 ; receipts from other sources, $1,869.67 ; total, $3,474.38 ; appropriations from county board, $5,000 ; balance in asylum fund, $85.34; making a total of $8,559.72; total of ex- penditures, $7,128.25; leaving a 1)alance of $1,431.47. 1905. Receipts — Balance of last i-eport, $1,431.47; earnings from state, $4,233.31 ; sales of produce, $548.25 ; collection from other sources, $575.01 ; balance in the poor fund for maintenance of the home for the poor, $1,434.41; making a total of $8,248.45; total expenditures, $6,850.90; leaving a balance on hand of $1,397.55. This report shows that tlie cost per capita of the innuites is $1.99i/:i a week. 1906. Receipts — Balance on hand from last report, $1,397.55; earn- ings from the state, $4,587.05: collection for district attorney, $244 ; sales of produce, $599.28 ; maintenance of poor home, INSANE ASYLIT]\I AND HOME FOR POOR 243 $1,497.94; expenditures, $7,550.42; balance on hand, $775.40. This report shows a cost per capita of the inmates of $2,011/3 a week. 1907. Receipts — Balance on hand from last report, $775.40 ; earn- ings from the state, $5,794.16 ; collection from district attorney, $278.14 ; Citizens Insurance Company, $26 ; sales of produce, $1,207.69 ; maintenance of poor home, $1,712.77 ; total receipts, $9,794.16; total expenditures, $9,459.63; balance on hand, $334.53. Cost of maintenance per capita $2.22 per week. 1908. Balance on hand last report. $334.53; earnings from the state, $5,469.40; collection from district attorney, $3,483.60; sales of produce, $1,092.27; maintenance of poor home, $2.122.98 ; total receipts, $12,502.78 ; total expenditures, $11,456.96 ; balance on hand, $1,045.82. Cost per capita per week, $2.72. 1909. Balance on hand last report, $1,045.82 ; earnings from state, $5,424.20 ; collection from district attorney, $764.75 ; sales of produce, $1,526.40; maintenance of poor home, $1,978.22; total, $10,339.59; total disbursements, $11,758.04; balance overdrawn, $1,418.45. 1910. Receipts — Cash received from state, $6,498.94 ; cash received from farm produce, $2,392.96 ; appropriation by the county board, $3,000; special appropriation, $300; cash for maintenance of poor, $2,576.09; cash miscellaneous, $461; total, $15,228.99; total disbursements, $15,617.17 ; balance overdrawn, $338.18. 1911. Receipts — Cash received from state, $5,663.76 ; received from sale of farm produce, $2,615.58 ; appropriation by the county board, $2,500 ; special appropriation, $1,715 ; cash for main- tenance of poor, $2,777.27 ; cash miscellaneous, $867.54 ; total, $16,136.15; amount of total disbursements, $13,798.46; balance on hand, $2,337.69. CHAPTER XXV. THE CITY OF SPARTA. Situated in a fertile valley, surrounded by great advantages, on nearly all sides farming lands as good as are to be found anywhere, is Sparta, tlie county seat of this county. Ever since it became a village of any appreciable size the beauty of the location and surroundings have always impressed itself upon visitors and at the outset in this chapter, perhaps, no better description of the beauties of the place can be found than is contained in the following extract which was written in August, 1867, by a special correspondent of the Chicago Tri- bune. Parts of the article are here quoted and certainly the description is beautifully worded and will apply ;is well today as it did forty-four years ago : "Imagine a beautiful fertile valley through which tiows a river fed by numerous trout brooks whose soft, clear waters babble of the spring in the highlands where they were born. Surrounded with a chain of blutfs, some near, other remote, among Avhich winds the river and its tributaries through smaller valleys which arc here lost in the greater one. Near at hand, scarcely more than one mile away, are bluffs, forest covered, whose well divided proportions are clearly cut against the blue sky. On each side of the retreating valleys the bluffs appearing on the opposite side are confouiuled in the distance by misty and dim lookiug shadows as though the valley was entirely surrounded by a coronal of hills. "The flat land, smooth, clcai- and grassy, dotted Avith clusters of graceful trees; thus natui-e planned and fashioned it and now from this elevated spot where I stand the setting sun of a long August day illuminates the beautiful village with its din and bustle, and tasty residences and farmhouses which everyAvhere dot the landscape." After the opening of the state roads between Hudson and Prairie du Chien, and by way of Sjiarta to Black River Falls, and subsequently from Portage to LaCrosse in 1849 settlers began to come towards the western part of the state, particularly in what was then LaCrosse county. As has been 244 THE CITY OF SPARTA 245 written, IMonroe county was at one time a part of LaCrosse and was detached from it in 1854. It is undoubtedly authentic tluit Frank Petit must have settled here in 1849. "Sir. Searle, who was clerk of the court at Black River Falls at that time, made the statement that he and a man in his employ visited Black River Falls in September of that year. In the evening of the first day they encamped where Tomah now stands, pro- ceeding on their way in the morning, and owing to a terrific storm they had lost their way and had nothing to guide them except the range of bluffs. Their only chance of getting out of the situation was to follow these bluffs and l)y them reaching the Mississippi. They had no provisions, but killed game to supply their needs ; they traveled south, as they thought, until they came to a small stream and some small timber, where they encamped for the night as best they could in a drenching rain and without food, as their ammunition being wet they could not obtain any game. The next day, towards night, they struck a trail near the stream where the marks of shod horses evidenced that some white man had crossed there. They followed this trail hoping to find a human being somewhere. That night they encamped near Castle Rock and the following day, in a storm which had continued all that night, the party struck Robinson's mills, where they obtained the first food they had had since their own supplies gave out. Here the travelers took a rest for two days and began their return homeward. At the point where the two crossed the river they determined to ascertain what description the land bore and they marked the southwest quarter of section twenty- four in township seventeen, range four west, Avhicli is now included in the site of the city of Sparta. Having discovered a chance for a Avater power at this point, ^Ir. Searle at once went to Baraboo and applied for a warrant for the land. On his return he took teams loaded with lumber and a few men to help him and came to a road over a big ridge on his land, but on his way hither he discovered that the real mill site was above that point, and leaving his lumber he im- mediately set out for Baraboo, and applied for another warrant, but one of his men had betrayed his intention to Dr. Angle at Baraboo who promised the man a half interest for the descrip- tion of the land having on it the mill site. These two immediately set out for Mineral Point in order to go through the usual form necessary to make an entry and to entitle them to full possession of the land. Searle took the stage and Angle Avent on horseback 2-16 IlISTOKY OF MONROE COUNTY Mild tlnis lijid tile advantage of speed and beat Scarlc by one hour, tlius beeoiuing the owner of the hind. So had the question been settled otherwise, "Angelo" wouhl probably have been called "Searlo" or something of the kind. Mr. Kearle having lost tile luiddle site and not knowing that a city was to spring up on that forty acres took no farther interest in this claim and sold it for ^30.00. He also states that upon looking for iiis lumber he found that Petit had followed the rule that necessity knows of no hiw. and had used it in building a house for himself near Castle Kock. William Petit houglit a claim of 160 acres of land near the crossing of these two state roads, and Avhere the site of the city now is; he built a log cabin on the bank of Beaver creek at the point about where the library is located ; when his cabin Avas completed on the 5th day of July, 1851, it was the first building of any kind erected in Sparta. The large amount of travel on the road and the need of a resting place at this point, induced Petit to make a tavern of his dwelling and though the cabin contained but one room and a loft, the latter apartment having no fioor, except such a one as was made of a few rough slabs made for this purpose, and put down loosely. There were few, if any, beds in the house and travelers wrapped their blankets about them and laid down upon the hard floor to lie lulled to sleep, if that was possil)le. by the howling of the hungry wolves Avhich often stuck their cold noses through the crevices between the logs and snift'ed in anticipation of what a good meal they could have, if it Avere possible to get inside. At this time supplies had to be brought from LaCrosse, Avhich then consisted of a land office and about a dozen houses, a hotel and one or two general stores. The varieties of food Avere feAV and the opportunities to get them Avere still fcAver, and consequently Petit "s bill of fare at the inn Avas very meager. In August 1851 EdAvard AValrath arrived and at once made arrangements to settle and in October of the same year his father, Kev. Fredrick AYalrath, a ^Methodist clergyman, and the remainder of the "\Yalrath family became residents of this place. The elder AYalrath entered a claim a mile or so south of Petit 's but not having a house built, in the fall lie made arrangements and did share the Petit cabin Avitli the OAvner, until such time as he could build one. The Petit cabin being scantily furnished, and "\Yalratli having no place to store his household goods, they Avere used in common, but the combined possessions of the tAvo THE CITY OF SPARTA 247 families were not sufficient for the need of the inmates of the lioiise and the guests. Great inducements having been offered by the state government to parties in search for homes by offering thirty years time at 7% interest within which to pay for hind and the location of the land office in LaCrosse caused a great deal of travel by the way of Petit 's tavern, which resulted in a gradual settlement of the land near by. Richard Casselman also located here in 1851 and built a log cabin on the spot that is now the northeast corner of Oak and Water streets which he used as a blacksmith shop ; his house was a little back of the shop towards the creek. William Kerrigan, the father of Mrs. W. N. AYells, Avas then a lad, apprentice to Mr. Casselman and came with the Casselmans to this place. J. D. Damman, Lyman Andres, A. H. Blake and Russell Hill came to Sparta about this time. Damman building a log house where the hotel Lewis now stands which was after- wards sold to Harron who kept a hotel in it. A. H. Blake built a log house on a littk^ hill not far from Casselman 's and Mr. Hill located a dwelling farther to the west. The Rev. W. H. Card, a Baptist clergyman, came in 1851 and preached the first sermon in Petit 's house. Ed. Walrath, not believing the minister's assertion that he would hold services there that Sunday, went out trout fishing. AYhen he returned Mr. Card was half finished with his sermon, and to save time, and to have dinner in season. Edward seated himself in the doorway and at the same time listened to the elder's remarks and cleaned the fish. The minister was somewhat indignant at his conduct as a lack of respect for himself and for the Sab- bath, and frowned upon the young man. After the services were over Walrath asked Mrs. Petit if she would cook the fish, to which she gave consent and notwithstanding his previous objection the minister ate heartily of the trout which were set before him at that meal. George A. Fisk who died in 1866 came to Sparta in 1851 and married Catherine E. Walrath in 1857 ; ^Irs. Fisk survived her husband a great many years and lived to a ripe old age, passing away October 20, 1910, and in connection with the early settlement of the village it will be of peculiar interest at this point to get in Mrs. Fisk's OAvn words, an account of the first winter passed by she and her father, IMr. Walrath, in Sparta, where they arrived on October 10, 1851. A sketch of the first winter of her residence in Sparta written by Mrs. Fisk will 248 HISTORY OF MONROE COT^NTY be read "with s])ec.'ial interest by all and more particularly by the elder residents of the city. She entitles it, "My First AVinter in Sparta." "Ill l!io spring of 1851 my father made up his mind to break up the old home and emigrate to Wisconsin. Ilis children were getting the AVestern fever, one son and daughter liad already left the home nest. It was more than father and mother could bear so the farm was sold and the goods were packed. That was the beginning. How Avell I remember the packing up. Three large dry goods boxes about as big as a small barn, it seemed to me, were bought. I remember father telling mother not to put in anything heavy. She had already packed her splint bottom straight back sewing chair. Alothcr made the remark to sister Sarah, 'I can't leave the chair I rocked all mv babies in.' "In these boxes were stored all things needful. Among them Avas a red cherry bureau, part of her setting-out outfit, as it was called in those days, when young people took each other for better or worse. It was not very large and was packed full of dried fruits. Tucked in every corner of the box was bedding of all kinds, maple sugar, twenty-five yards of carpet and many other things. AVe took the packet on the canal as far as BuiTalo. then across the lakes to ]\Iihvaukee and from there to my sister's home in Fond du Lac county where we spent the summer, while my brother Edward went to LaCrosse with a party looking for a homestead. On his return father bought a horse and what they called a Democrat wagon (fii-st democrat ever in Sparta "i. a ,ioke as well as wagon. "There were some teamsters who wauled to see the wild west -and they offered to bring our goods through for their board and lodging. It took nine days. The Avay Avas long and most of it nothing l)ut an Indian trail. Sometimes they came to what was called a swale or wet marshy ground. AVe would have to bridge it. Every wagon had a scythe and great forks fastened to one side. Father would call a halt, grass and hazel brush were cut and carried to fill the wet places before we could cross over. Sometimes the boys Avould want to rush things so as to hurry along, but father would build it safe for others that came after. AA^e stopped one afternoon in Lemonweii- A^'alley to pick cranberries. The farmer told father he could liave all we could pick in three hours. AVe picked a barrel and the farmer furnished tlie ])ai'rel to put them in. " We reached Sparta on the 10th of October, 1851, ju.st as the THE CITY OF SPARTA 249 sun was setting so beautifully as we drove down the hill near where the Old Ida House used to stand ; across the little stream (Beaver Creek) to the old Globe Hotel. I have never since seen such a beautiful sunset. Father said to mother, 'It's like Para- dise.' The hotel had one window and a door with a wooden latch and buckskin string to lift it. Father was delighted with the out- look over the prairie. Not many trees then. "He took up a claim beyond where the Milwaukee de})ot noAV stands. j\Iy father and brothers were carpenters so it did not take long to build a log cabin. AVe moved in our new home on the loth of November without a chamber tioor or window or door. Rag carpets and blankets were tacked over tlie places for windoAvs and doors. That night came the first snow. It made us wish for our old home. The boys soon had doors and got windows from LaCrosse. The lumber came frm Black River Falls and it took three days to go and come. "Then when the boxes were unpacked such a mine of wealth. Lots of warm bedding, a little sewing chair, red cherry stand and bureau, three flag bottom chairs, small book case with Watt's sermons and Clark's Commentary and other books, twenty-five yards of rag carpet, a bolt of cotton cloth and curtain calico, you could see your face in (the first ever in Sparta), lots of dried fruit, dishes and table linen. AVe were quite comfortable. AYe had an elevated oven cook stove. They were the style those days. The boys made some tamarack bedsteads for the chamber. The roof was shingled with shacks, all that could be bought at that time. It was a terrible cold winter and lots of snow. Some mornings mother would have to come upstairs and sweep up the snow before we would go to breakfast. Mother had tacked cotton cloth on the rafters over our beds. "We only had one mess of potatoes all winter. A lady where father stopped when he went to Black River to preach gave him a half bushel. ^Mother said she would cut out the eyes and the rest she would cook. I never saw so many eyes in potatoes before or since. In the fall father bought two kinds of rutabagas of ]\[r. Frank Petit who lived four miles out and a- lot of pumpkins. Grandma Petit told mother how to make pumpkin butter that was delicious. Those rutabagas were the loveliest things, all the apples we had that winter. Some were white. "Brother Edward made a lovely couch out of those boxes. It had back and arms long and wide enough to sleep on when the preachers would raid us. AYe had so many boards for the 250 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY sitting room, so many for the dining room and tlie rest for the kitchen. Our pantry was just holes in the logs, boards across and curtained with curtain calico, the same as the couch Avas covered with and everything matched. The sitting and dining rooms were carpeted. The boys made benches which wei-e covered Avith curtain calico." .Mr. W'iihiilli. a .Methodist minister, began his missionary labors in tile county by preaching his first sermon in Sparta in Novem- ber, 1851; his congregation consisted of five persons; after tliis he held meetings wherever the people Avould have him do so, journeying for miles through an almost travelless Avoods to hold services for some family avIio had sent him an invitation. Some- times going on horseback but oftener on foot. Truly a pioneer in the cause of Christianity. Occasionally the entire population of the valley Avould turn out and accompany him in a sleigh to some place farther on in tlie Avoods. and eA^en then the sleigh would not b(^ full. A ]\Irs. Parks. Avho resided six miles from Sparta, upon one occasion sent him word that she and her little ones could not Avalk doAvn to Petit 's to hear liini preach and dared him to meet lier and her family half Avay. And he did. The meeting Avas held, the parties each making a journey of three miles and ])ack for the sake of enjoying the services. During uuiny occasions this minister of the gospel Avas often pursued by Avolves Avith which the forests abounded. He Avas, hoAvever. never injurinl by any of these blood-thirsty animals, and eA^ery one at tliat tinu^ Avas more or less annoyed by tliem. They surrounded dwellings and made the night hideous Avith their hoAvlings, plundering Avhenever an opportunity offered, and to rid the nuisance the people resorted to ti'aps as well as hunting them Avith guns. A number of adventures are recorded with these aninuils and one concerns Captain Fisk, avIio, having been out in the country in company Avith the tAvo daughters of ^Nlr. Walrath. Avas returning after dark; there Avere good roads and they Avere going along nicely when ]\Ir. Fisk discovered they Avere being chased by five large Avolves. He made no meulion of the fact to the girls but Avhipped the horses to a fasti-r speed but still the Avolves Avere gaining upon them and matters Avere becoming serious, Avhen the bolt that holds the Avhitifle-tree dropped out thus necessitating a stop, lie sprang out to remedy the damage and fortunately found the bolt for Avhich he Avas searching, and at that time the girls noticed how strange his voice sounded, and kept looking l)ackAvards. FolloAviug his glances to see Avhat THE CITY OF SPARTA 251 was the troul)le they beheld the panting wolves almost within reach of their arms. It was a trying position, none of the party had a weapon of defense and their only liope was flight. The horses had not been frightened by the pursuance of the wolves but became so upon hearing the slight screams of the girls when they discovered their danger. Fisk sprang into the sled, urged the horses forward and struck backwards with his whip at the wolves ; if it had not been for the strong wdiip he had the wolves would certainly have jumped into the sled. Mile after mile they went in this way. It can be readily imagined that minutes were hours to the pursued party in this race for life. The wolves repelled by the whip tried several times to cut off the flight by attempting to get into the road and trip against the horses at the point of meeting ; the constant bloAvs with the whip, however, caused them to fall back, and the chase con- tinued, the wolves snapping their teeth and keeping close to the sled until the clearing was reached and the settlement ap- peared in view, and then only, did the wolves give up their pursuit. It was an incident long to be remembered by those who w^ere engaged in it. Other wild animals as well as wolves and also wild fowls of all kinds were plentiful in this region at this time ; old settlers say that prairie chickens were so numerous that only partial crops of grain could be raised owing to the fact that these birds would devour every kernel of grain they could see and hang around the fields in great flocks. They were such a nuisance that they were obliged to destroy large numbers of them in self-protection. The year 1852 brought many interesting events and ]\Ir. Petit in this year laid out the old court house square and platted a number of lots around it ; there being sufficient population in the village a meeting of the citizens was called and a resolution was passed to the etfeet that the village should have a name ; there w^as considerable discussion as to hoAv this name should be decided upon, but it was finally agreed that Mrs. Petit, the mother of the tw^o Petit boys, should have the privilege of choosing the name and she gave it the name of ''Sparta." A little later in the same year Lyman Andrews built the first frame house in the city upon a lot given for the purpose by Mr. Petit, who was offering to give lots to all who would erect buildings upon them ; the lot was at the Northeast corner of the square and the building was erected, opened as a tavern and was called the Sparta Exchange. G. H. Ledyard, a Portage 2.12 HISTORY OF ,MO.\KOE COUNTY jiian wlio had been peddling; tliroiifjli this section of the country since its first settlement, opened a store in the log cabin at tliis time the first store in the village. 'I'lie fii-st biiihling for use as a store was erected by C. J\athbun on what was then known as Cassebnan's corner where the Greve's block was subse(iueutly l)uilt. Samuel Fisk arrived in Aucrust and lived in the house Avith Casseliiiaii uiilil he could Imild one foi' his family. Tliis was located wdiere the Chicago & Northwestern Railway depot now stands; George A. and W. ^\. Fisk were the sons of Daniel Fisk. In the spring of 1852 the first election of any kind was held in tlie village and seventeen votes Avere cast; T\. J. Cassel- man, AVilliam Petit and Lyman Andrews were the committee of election; Sparta being at that time a ])art of the town of Leon in the county of LaCrosse. In December of the same year Samuel Hoyt arrived and began looking for a home; he bought a lot from .Mi-, llarron for $16 and built a cabin upon it and subsequently ^Ir. llarron became dissatisfied and offered Mi-. Hoyt the lot adjoining the other as a gift if he would pui-chase his oxen and farm so lie could leave the place. Hoyl lundc llic purchase and Harron moved away. People at this time were constantly filing ncAV claims througli the land office in LaCrosse and taking up land and it was neces- sary, of course, to have witnesses to the fact of their residence on the land for a sufficient time to enabh' tlieiu to get title. AVilliam Petit, James Phillips, AVilliam King and William Kerri- gan it is rehilcd once went in company to tlie land office at LaCrosse. Reluming they passed tlii- cnhin of a Avomaii known as mother Paddock, wlio was noted for her masculine attributes. The old lady was the possessor of a dog which had a bad habit of i-unning out and barking at teams and Kerrigan, nu)re for mischief tlian anything else, fired at the dog not thinking that be could hit it at so great a distance and it was. his misfortiuie to wound the animal in the neck. A whib^ aft(M'wards E. AVali-ath and K. Tliompson passed that way and took dinner with her at which they saw tlie dog, which was then fully recovered with the exception that it had lost its voice. It would go all through the motions of barking b\it could not make a souiul. Walrath, for a joke pointed to his companion and said: ''Mrs. Paddock, here is the man who shot your dog." Going to the supposed offender with her fists doubled ui^ and with a threaten- ing attitude the old woman said, ''Sir, all that keeps me from THE CITY OF SPARTA 253 cowhiding the man who shot my dog is that I believe him to have been drunk at the time, therefore not accountable for the act." Thompson got a little pale about the mouth and did not seem to have the usual relish for his dinner and after that both AValrath and Thompson failed to stop for meals at ]Mrs. Pad- dock's on their way to Sparta from LaCrosse. This year the first logging was done on the LaCrosse river. No sawmills had as yet been built in this section and the logs had to be driven to Neshonoc. Kerrigan and the two Phillips l)rothers did the driving. A number of amusing incidents oc- curred in the log driving. It seems that AVilbur E. Fisk had started out with the company of loggers, but being inexperienced in log driving he covild not keep his footing when on the logs in the water and he got on one log which began to roll rapidly and he began to dance trying to keep his feet. Faster and faster they went and getting frightened, sprang into the water and clasped the log with his arms ; but the log had acquired such a momentum that he was whirled over and over in and out of the water with great rapidity and he was finally rescued with much diificulty nearly strangled and chilled to the bone. He did not continue any farther in the business but took the nearest road for home satistied that he was not suited for log driving. Later in the same year a sawmill was erected in Angelo by Seth Angle. The year 1853 brought many interesting events to the little village; a post office was established and AVilliam Petit appointed and installed as postmaster and made Richard Casselman deputy, who used his hat for a post office. At the beginning there was only one mail each week and it did not amount to more than a few letters and one or two papers so that it was no great task to "distribute the mail;" and as a rule those who wanted to get their mail went to Mr. Casselman and upon inquiring for it, he would take down the post office from his head and hand out the letter if there was one. Mr. Petit, however, had some difficulty with Casselman and appointed Lyman Andrews his deputy, Avho dignified the office by keeping it at the Sparta Exchange. Soon after this, Petit sold out his entire interest in the village to A. F. Bard and moved away while Casselman was appointed postmaster and served in this capacity for several years. A. H. and Hilton Blake during this year erected a saw- mill in the village on the bank of Beaver creek and were it still standing it would be in the middle of Water street in the 2r,4 TITSTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY down town district. Court street was then called Elaine and it bore that name until the erection of the court house on the court house square. There were a few new coiners during this year some locating in the village and some on farms near by. AV. S. Newton established a hardware on Oak street early in ]\Iay. Andrew Allen in September opened a store where ]\Ir. Harron had former- ly kept a tavern; this year the medical profession made its bow to the community in the person of Dr. George A. MilJigan. who was most joyfully received ])y the inhabitants and was the first physician to locate in the county of Monroe. He is still living in the city of Sparta at a very advanced ag" having retired from practice a number of years ago ; ^laj. Morrison ]Mc^lillan arrived in 1853 and located on a farm in the villago and afterwards became quite prominent in county affairs. Timo- thy Barker was also another of the settlers at this time, he building a two story house; in addition to these, there were probably eight or ten more new settlers in or near Sparta during this year. The fine pul)lic school system of Sparta had its humble be- ginning in 1853 with the erection of a small board shanty about 12 X 16 feet in size, which afterwards served the double purpose of a school house and church. ]\Iiss Sarah AValrath was the first teacher regularly employed and opened the teaching under adverse circumstances but with the pluck and vim Avhicli charac- terized the earlier inhabitants. During this year there was a miniature Indian war precipi- tated in the vilhige which proved, however, to be almost entirely one sided but which brought the desired results. It seems that the "Winnebago Indians, as had ever been the case, claimed all the territory to be theirs previous to the coming of the white people; this tribe at that time had degenerated somewhat, were very inferior to the Chippewa Indians who lived farther north, and the settlers invariably had nothing to do with tlie AVinne- bagos but were annoyed by them at times, as they would steal, and in certain cases became quite impudent. One instance, which aroused the ])eople of the village, oc- curred in the summer of 185)}, Avlien an Indian came to the home of R. H. ^McMann in Big Creek, about four miles from Sparta and demanded food of him and ui)on being refused, pointed his riHe at the farmer and threatened to shoot him unless it was produced. This so enraged Mr. ^Ic^Iann that after- wards he made a complaint to the authoi-ities in Sparta and THE CITY OF SPARTA 255 the news having gotten among the people, a volunteer company- was formed for the purpose of punishing the Indians ; every man in the village and within two miles around volunteered his service and the company was organized, numbered about twenty-five men ; a camping party of about forty AVinnebagos, to which the Indian belonged who had threatened Mr. McMann, were camped about two miles from his farm ; to this point marched the brave little army intent upon punishing the AA^inne- bago and inflicting a lesson which would be lasting. Upon arriving at the Indian camp, a demand was made for the Indian who had threatened McMann and they were informed that he would be whipped as a punishment. To their surprise, the AVinnebagos made no resistance whatever, but allowed the whites to take possession of the Indian and not only that, but to take their guns away from them which were fired otf and stacked together. The Indian was stripped of his clothes and severely Avhipped by Mr. AIclMann with a blacksnake. The red man, however, stood with folded arms and not moving a muscle on his body, proudly erect and disdained to show any sign of suffering. AA^hen McMann had inflicted sufficient punishment, the Indians were marched to the village and arranged in front of the Sparta Exchange where they were given food by the proprietor, Lyman Andrews ; they all ate heartily except the Indian who had been whipped, he refused to touch the food. AVhen the meal was done the settlers told the Indians to go and gave them to understand that they must stay away and never be seen in that part of tlie country again ; this heroic treatment had its effect and it is related that there was no trouble with Indians afterwards, although one time soon after the people of the village had a serious scare from a rumor to the effect that the Indians were to massacre the whites in re- venge for this whipping; it proved, however, to be without foundation. Eighteen fifty-four brouglit things of big interest to the people of the little village; for during the winter a bill Avas pending in legislature to set aside the county of Monroe from LaCrosse county and a lively little contest was on as to where the county seat should be located; whether at Leon, which was then quite a settlement, or at Sparta; the bill was finally passed and ap- proved by the governor IMarch 21, and it provided that Sparta should be the county seat of the county and on the first Tuesday in April the first election was held at which the full quota of officers were elected and the records show that a total vote of 256 IIISTOKY OF .AIOXKOE ("OIXTV seventy was jjollcd in tlic cnlirc rounty. Nearly all oL' the eounty ofHeers were residents of the village of Sparta and con- tained many well known names. A. 11. Hlake was elected county judge, E. AValrath, sheriff; AVilhur Fisk, register of deeds; John Barker, clerk of the court; Samuel Iloyt, county treasurer; A. B. Cornel, district attorney. This year brought several new settlers, all of whom it is impossible to enumerate, but among them early in July was George AV. Koot and family. Mr. Koot bought the house of Lyman Andrews, then known as the Sparta Exchange, together with the stock of goods and continued the business, hiring ]\Ir. Andrew's dining room table as a counter for a shilling a week. J. i\I. Sugden came up from St. Louis that year and l)uilt the first brick chimney in the village in Mr. Root's house. Sugden erected a paint shop on Water street, and it was at the time the largest building on that street; people called him crazy for |)n1ting up such a large house for a paint shop. Doctor Gage, in an article on the early settlers, says of I\Ir. Sugden : "Sugden, one of the pioneers and a first class painter and paper hanger, found this, at that early period a not very inviting field for these pursuits, but iew buildings then Avarranted this class of adornment and he betook himself to bricklaying, in the Avay of making small chimneys for the roofs of small houses as a means of turning an honest penny, and he became known as the handsome bricklayer, l)ut whether this term was to be applied to the individual himself or to his work has never yet been with certainty known." Among others, Charles Dickenson and family came this year and was one of the men who at one time conducted the Log Tavei-n which stood where the Hotel Lewis now is. At the time of his arrival there were about fourteen houses in the village. Things looked so promising for the future that a Fourth of July celebration was indulged in and every one within twenty or thirty miles of the village participated, making it a grand occurrence. George Flint, of LaCrosse. delivered the address and the day was passed in amusements of various kinds, a dinner, and finished by a dance; the day was marked by a further event which became historical ; the siirveyors of the ^Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway passed through theVillage on that day in running the line from ^lilwaukee to LaCrosse. Business advanced and among the stores opened in 1854 was that of Rich & Blake, ^Fr. "Wouldrich, D. Logan, S. D. Jack- son. In August, the first ^Master-^Iason Lodge was organized THE CITY OF SPARTA 257 through the efforts of Major ]\Ic]\Iillan ; the lodge met in a grove for the first time and afterwards held meetings in the loft of a small building. Among the settlers we also note the name of Benjamin Stevens, a mechanic, and his son, 0. D. Stevens, who afterwards kept a meat market ; S. M. Holbrook, an omnibus man, and Charles Goss. This year was marked also by the erection of the Monroe House, a little frame hotel, which stood upon the corner now occupied by the Baptist church, and Andrew Allen also built the Allen House, which subsequently was used as a store. This year also saw the publication of the first newspaper ever issued, if it may be called a newspaper, being the "Monroe County Citizen," which was published by a man by the name of L. Reising, who came from somewhere in New York and brought a little printing press. He issued a few numbers of this paper and, not meeting with financial success, the publication was discontinued. The majority of the settlers who came in during the year 1853-54-55 were from Cattaraugus county, in the state of New York, and there were so many of them that they became known as the "Cattaraugus delegation." AVe are unable to get the names of all of them, but among them L. S. Fisher appears, who arrived in 1855 and was elected clerk of the county board in 1856, served as deputy postmaster under Casselman and in that year opened the first exclusive grocery store in the village and in 1857 he went into the furniture business, doing well until 1860, when he was elected county treasurer, which position he filled until 1862, when he became commissioner on the board of enrollment for the Sixth Con- gressional District ; subsequently during the latter part of his life served as postmaster a great many years in the city. Dr. S. P. Angle was also from that county and located land and built a sawmill where Angelo now stands, and his son. Oscar, located at that point on a large farm, Oscar afterwards engaging in the livery business on Water street, subsequently became sheriff of the county. J. J. McKay, the second member of assembly of this place, also was a Cattaraugus man and so was Carlton Rice, -who took up practice in the county, A. F. Bard, L. Leas. Joseph Powell, Rufus Robinson, L. Moseley, G. Harvey and S. H. Sturns, M'ho served so many years as, clerk of the circuit court, B. S. Winship, proprietor of the Winship House, at that time the eating room for the INIilwaukee & St. Paul Railway, was a Cattaraugus man. 258 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Iloldeu & Ward, who conductt'd the grocery store at the corner of Oak and Court street, the ]\lcClure family all came from that county, settled here in 1852. J. J. ]\IcClure built a store south of the Globe Hotel, which was situated on what is now known as tlie library corner, he carried on a boot and shoe business; the Rockwell family, S. H. Dalaby came from Cat- taraugus county, C. AV. ^McAIillan, who served several terms as sheriff, was one of the delegation and arrived in ]85o. ^Morton Leonard, Lyman Andrews, AVilliam H. Blyton, AY. S. Newton, and Henry Foster all came from that county. sonu» as early as 1853. Hiram and Henry Foster arrived in 1855 and Hiram built the Globe Hotel the same year, but soon afterwards sold it to AYilliam Burlingaine, who kept it for a number of years. Henry Foster bought out 0. C. Poles, who was about to start a harness shop upon the arrival of the Fosters and he kept the business for a good many years afterwards. Very few of the old residents Avho came as early as 1855 are still alive, and among them is H. A. Streeter, who now re- sides in the city at a very advanced age. He came in 1855 and his memory is quite clear as to the settlement in the village at that time. He states that the stage station at that time was at George Griffins, a log house with a barn connected which stood \ipon the Hotel Lewis corner. S. D. Jackson had a store then some- where along in where AIcAIillan's Furniture Company is now located ; the building was of rough boards and he afterwards built a store on what was called the knoll Avhere the barn of D. F. Davis now stands. Air. Streeter boarded when he first came here, but desired to l)uild a house and makes the remark- able statement that he started the building on Alonday, Avith tht^ help of a man named Andrew Dickenson, and had it completed and moved in by Tliursday: it was a frame building, very ]>rim- itive in its construction and he i)roeeeded, after the house Avas done, to make a bedstead, and he states that he made a "feather bed" out of cotton l)atten for the mattress. A table was erected of rough boards, several three-legged stools constructed, and this little home was complete and he and his wife moved in ha]ipy in the possession of that much. This building stood where F. Baldwin's blacksmith shop is located. Air. Streeter bought the lot there, because he thought the l)usiness portion of the village would go that way, as there was a jewelry store located there. He states that AA'illiam Kerrigan TELE CITY OF SPARTA 259 had a blacksmith shop in the corner where Roberts & Jones' grocery store is located. The shop at first having no covering over it whatever, but consisted of an anvil block and a bellows ; at that time a sawmill was located here where the dam now is on Water street bridge and Mr. Streeter found employment with the proprietor of the mill. In this year Sparta experienced its first serious flood. i\lr. Streeter relates that owing to the heavy rains the fiood came down the creek in a wave, which he states was at least eight feet high and crushed everything as flat as a floor ; the dam was washed out and the mill ruined; this dam was rebuilt, but in its history it was washed out in the earlier days five times. There was considerable agitation in 1855 with regard to the liquor question, and it appears that a man by the name of Samuel Crosby built a building where Gustad's store now is and opened a grocery and liquor store, and thereby, of course, caused indignation among the temperance people. C. AV. Pott, a harness maker, who arrived in Sparta that year, saw two Cattaract men drinking in the store and had Mr. Crosby arrested for selling liquor without license. This coming up before Justice McKay, would not allow Mr. Pott's testimony, saying that he had not tasted the liquor and could not swear to what it was and for failure of proof the jury found the. de- fendant not guilty. It got to be a regular thing and it seems that this man, Crosby, was tried six different times in an effort to convict him of this oft'ense of selling liciuoi*. At last they did find sufficient proof and he was fined $20 by the justice. But this did not rid the place of the liquor nuisance and the temperance people got up another plan ; the women Avould take their knitting work and sit in the front part of the store, hoping thus to keep tlu^ men away and to break up the business ; but that did not do as the men who desired to drink marched boldly in and called for what they wanted, so the ladies were obliged to retire in good order with the reflection that that method of stopping the liquor traffic was a failure. Other incidents of laAv suits in the earlier days abounded and have naturally connected with them the names of J. M. Morrow and L. AV. , Graves. It is related that in 1857, G. W. Warring was then justice of the peace and it apears that Air. Graves and AVilliam AYright were the parties in a suit before his honor, and S. F. Holbrook, L. M. Rose, AY. S. Newton and AY. L. Johnson were chosen as jurors with A. Cross, constable, in charge ; after hearing the evidence, the jury would not agree, but the court refused to discharge 260 HISTORY OF .^lOXROE COUNTY tliem until they were ready to render a verdict. The jury Avas quite disgusted ;il lliis and they went back in the room, climbed on the table ami one of tlu'in removed a board from the ceiling and made their escape unknown by the officers, who afterwards searched for them in vain, while the reprobates were enjoying a game of poker in the corner of the Ida House. This is a law suit that never has been finished as the jury never rendered a verdict. In 1855 and 1856 settlers arrived in such numbers that it is impossible to attempt to give the names of but few ; buildings sprang up everywhere and the spot which had so lately been the hunting ground for the Indians became alive with busy people. S. D. Jackson built himself a residence and also a store building which was afterwards occupied by Dodge Brothers; in 1855, Jackson opened up with a large stock of goods; subsecpiently taking into partnership AV. AV. Allis, who came from California in 1858. R. M. Dunlevy was one of the new comers in 1855, and entered into the dry goods business, at first clerking for S. D. Jackson; he continued for six or seven years, and at the end of that time became a member of the firm, Mr. Allis retiring. j\Ir. Jackson was acknowledged to be one of the best merchants in Sparta and Air. Denlevy's experience with him fitted him to enter into the business alone when Jackson removed to a larger field. Dunlevy l)ranched out into the wholesale and retail business in all kinds of fancy dry goods and kcjit a 1)uyiT in New York and Boston markets. During 1855 the Rev. L. C. Herrick, a Baptist clergyman, took up his residence here and 1)uilt a sawmill on Beaver creek near Allen's grove, and the same year another Baptist preacher. Rev. S. Gustin, came to Sparta and went into the nursery busi- ness. These contended for the pastorate of the Baptist society to such an extent as to Ix'come quite unfriendly and unfor- tunately it resulted in the temporary disorganization of the Baptist society. J. D. Condit arrived in 1855 also, and his brother, A. IT. Condit. ])uilt a drug store, the first, on llie nortli side of Beaver creek and also became interested witli Milton .Montgomcrx- in publishing the AVatchman, which was })ublished on the second floor of the building owned by Condit. J^ortei- Aylesworth, a blat'ksmith, ai'rived in 1856 and became proprietor of the AFonroe House which he kept until 1857, when he Avas l)urned out. The next year he built the old AVarner House, which stood some (tls- THE CITY OF SPARTA 261 tanee south of where the present Warner House now stands. Among others in 1855 were L. M. Newbury, E. J. Campbell, Joseph Kline, wlio settled in Leon Valley, G. B. Holden, who engaged in the lumber business and became interested in the Sparta AVoolen ]\Iill, and J. D. McDowell, who worked for a time for AV. S. Post, in the mercantile business. McDowell went into business for himself in 1857 by opening a boot and shoe store Avhich he continued to carry on for several years. Business had grown to such an extent by this time that banking conveniences were necessary and in 1858 the Bank of Sparta was started by J. D. Hemphill ; seven years later it was organized under the general banking law as the First National Bank of Sparta and subsequently in its history it became the State Bank, now being known as the Bank of Sparta. Hagaman Palmer arrived with his family in 1856 in company Avith five other families, among them being S. P. Greenman, the well known hotel keeper, who carried on the Ida House for a number of years, and Francis Brock. Palmer went into partner- ship with J. D. Coudit in the dray business and also engaged in land speculation, entering and buying some 6,000 acres mostly in Monroe county. He brought his five sons with him, all of whom afterwards engaged in business in the city ; William Palmer became county clerk : John Palmer in the livery business ; Daniel Palmer became a partner in the firm of H. Palmer & Co. ; George and Henry carried on a flour and feed store. H. E. Kelly, who afterwards became collector of internal revenues started in the dry goods business in 1856. L. S. Bing- ham took up his residence here and entered the hardware trade ; he built a three story building on AVater street near Oak. J. A. AYarner came about the same time and clerked for McFarland a number of years, afterwards going into business as a wholesale and retail dealer in Greve's block. AI. A. Thayer and A. A. Alunn arrived the same year, Air. Thayer was register of deeds for nine terms and also went into the banking business. J. AI. Alorrow and L. AY. Graves arrived during the same year and so did J. Andrews. In company witli Frank Skillman and Captain Fisk, AndrcAvs erected the first foundry in the city, which was located near the Alilwaukee & St. Paul Railway depot ; J. A. Gillman, who arrived in 1856, subsequently became owner of the foundry and after that several changes in owner- ship followed and passed into the hands of J. J. Owsley in 1865 and a year later was destroyed by fire. During the year 1856 a court house was erected on a piece 262 IIISTOHY OF .MONROE COUNTY of ImikI donated by J. D. Damman, the town reserving the squ;ii-f mIk'I'c the present eoui-t liouse is, Avhich was given by AVilliani Petit, for a park. Additions to tlie village were platted by J. D. Dannnan, Kiehard C'asselinaii. H. Hill and E. S. Blake, and at that time there was niueh rivalry between the two sides of the river as to which shonld have the court house. The second building, however, was built in Petit "s square after some li'oiihle with Dannnan over his gift. This yeai- a public hall was opened, situated on the corner of Oak and AVater streets, opposite the Greve's block; this building was two stories high and cdih- pleted l;)y R. AV. Bowles, the hall receiving the proud name of "Liberty Hall;"" and then the village arrived to. the dignity of having theatrical perfoiiuances for the amusement of its inhabitants; the very first show M'hich appeared was a magician who drcAv a large crowd, and it is related that the crowd was so large that it Avas too heavy for the floor and just as the magician was about to perform one of his startling feats the floor gave way and down went the audience and magician with all his slight of hand machinery on top of them, so that a grand disappearing act was successfully performed which was not in the program. The day that the Liberty Hall floor broke seemetl to he a day of accidents; it is related that the frame of the IMethodist church had just been raised and Benjamin Stevens and IMorton Bump, two carpenters, were putting u]) the frame of the belfry, when one of the ties broke, lotting down llie timbers and the workmen at the same time; Stevens was severely hurt, but Bump escaped wilii slight injury; during the same day a man fell from the top of a building on Oak street, but was not seriously injureJ. Wedding bells rang for the first time in 1855 when Edward Wairalh and Miss Blake were nuirried, and in the following year Henry Talmadge and Anna Bradshaw. The hard tinu\s of 1857 seriously etfected the business and settlement of the village, and during Ihat year Sparta was nearly at a stand still; very few new comers arrived and little occurred which was of interest. The settlers, however, continued their efforts in building up the place and dui-ing that year 1\. and O. P. ]\IcClure built the first grist mill which was erected on the site of the old saw mill on Benver creek. Subsequently T. B. Tyler erected a woolen mill on the same site at a cost of .+-^,000. This old building is still standing and is known as the Sparta "Woolen !Mill i)roperty. On ]\Iay 11, 185?, under provisions of chapter 52 of the THE CITY OF SPARTA 2G:3 statutes of AVisconsin, the village of Sparta, JMonroe county, Avas incorporated and arrived at the dignity of a full fledged municipality. The first board of trustees was elected on July 1, 1857, and M'as as follows : R. J. Cassclman, president ; H. Palmer, Joseph Carmichael. R. W. Bowles, S. F. Holbrook, C. Rich and J. A. Gillman, trustees; L. S. Fisher, clerk; L. Andrews, treasurer, and Chester McClure, marshal. Among the settlers in 1857 were Dennis Lawrence and wife, the later a fashionable dressmaker. AVilliam Potter, a meat market man, who afterwards getting the gold fever, went to Pike's Peak and was given up for dead, but soon afterwards returned to Sparta and resumed his old vocation. Thomas B. Tyler arrived in 1857 from Pennsylvania, though a native of the east, he loved his new location and was one of the men who did much to build up the village. A good story is related of Mr. Tyler which is as follows : Previous to his coming to Sparta, he had been engaged in the drug business at Coudersport, Pa., and there was ac- quainted with several men who afterwards came to tlie west. So it was no unusual thing for a Coudersport man to call on ]\Ir. Tyler's place of business when he came to Sparta. One day J. D. Condit happened in at Mr. Tyler's place of business when the latter was out, and a few minutes later a deaf and dumb man entered. Like all unfortunates of this class, this individual began to stare at everything, without making his business known. Condit thought he saw a chance to play a joke on Mr. Tyler, so stepped to the door to look for him, and met him coming. "There is a man waiting for you. Perhaps he is from Couders- port," said J. D. The individual was now looking at some pic- tures, and had his back turned to the pair. Mr. Tyler was a quiet, unassuming man ; so he brushed back his hair, straightened up his collar and coughed. The stranger did not seem to hear him. Mr. Tyler again arranged his collar and hair, and stepping a little nearer, said: ''You wished to see me, sir?" No answer, no backward glance. The gentleman reddened perceptibly, but again jerked at his collar and brushed back his hair, with the question now put in louder tones, "Did you want to see me, sir?" The stranger still continued his examination of the pic- tures. Redder and redder Mr. Tyler grew, and when he next asked the question he bawled it at the top of his voice. The man, however, took no notice whatever of him, and a look of blank amazement was spreading Tyler's face, when IMr. Condit, 264 HISTORY OF MONKOE COUNTY Avho ]iad stepped outside of the door, peeped in and said in a hoarse Avhispc)-: "You eternal I'ool, he's deaf and dunil)." The opening of the ^lihvankee & St. Paul railroad to this plaee in 18.58, gave a new impetus to business and to immigra- tion. The track was laid as far as the tunnel from the east, and also westward from the tunnel to LaCrosse. But the tunnel itself was something that required months to complete. An engine and some cars Avere drawn over the bluffs for use on the western part of the line ; and for some six months the trains ran to and from the tunnel on both sides, passengers having to foot it across the bluft' from one train to the other. During this time Sparta had no railway depot, — a freight car, switched oft' of the main track, answering the purpose, as it was of ample dimensions to hold the waiting passengers and their baggage at that time. Later, a neat depot was erected with other necessary- buildings; and later still,, a dining hall and hotel known as the ~\Vinship House. The Letson Brothers, in 1858, put up a sash, door and blind factory. L. H. ^Mather came to Sparta the same year, built a block of buildings on AVater street, and opened a drug store which he kept for several years. Mr. ^Mather's enterprise is to be seen all over the city. He erected more handsome buildings here than any one man in this place. J, W. Smith and family made their advent this year. ]Mr. Smith engaged at that time in the harchvare business. His son. J. E. Smith, kept a variety and auction store on Oak street. J. J. French, a dealer in guns and ammunition, Avith II. Palmer & Co. D. B. Howe, of the firm of Ayleswortli & Co. D. ^McBride and family were among the new comers of 1858. D. McBride was the editor of the "Herald," which has been conducted since that time to the present with only a slight interruption. I\lr. ]MeBride was postmaster at Sparta for eight years, commencing with President Lincoln's administration. Late in Decem1)er of the same year another newspaperman, Capt. D. "W. C. AVilson, took up his residence here. He did not at that time, however, enter a ju-inting office. During 1860 and 1861 he served as .iustice of the peace. Tii the summer and fall of 1861, lie held war-meetings, and in November of tliat year was made lieutenant of Company D of the Eighteenth "Wisconsin Regiment, going into service January. 1S&2. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, April 6, 1862, and was in various prisons in Alabama and Georgia, until paroled at Richmond, Virginia, which occurred in October of the same THE CITY OF SPARTA 265 year. Re-entering service, he remained there until 1864, when he returned to AVisconsin. He was elected to the assembly in 1865, and to tlie senate in 1866. During 1868, he was traveling correspondent of the "]\Iilwaukee Sentinel," and two years later he took a half interest in the "Sparta Eagle." In 1872 he bought the whole ''Eagle" office and changed the name of the paper to the "Monroe County Republican." A. AV. AVilson, a brother of Captain Wilson, also settled in Sparta in 1858. Dr. ]\I. R. Gage was another of the new comers of 1858, practicing his profession here many long years except the two years that he Avas surgeon of the Twenty-fifth AVisconsin Regiment. At one time after the war, Dr. Gage was connected witli II. Palmer in the drug business. The next year, 1859, T. B. Tyler built a grist mill near the Mihvaukee & St. Paul railroad depot. This mill has passed through many hands since its building. D. D. Cheney, who settled in this place in 1861, and H. Greve owned it at one time. It is now owned by Bergman Brothers. The mill had a capacity of three hundred barrels per week, and employed six men. H. C. Brooks, was head miller, T. D. Freneli. a brother of J. J. French, came from the south this year, and settled in Sparta, going into business with J. M. Sugden, a partnership which lasted about four years. Among the settlers of 1861 and 1862 we find A. Saxe, a fur- niture manufacturer on Oak street ; J. J. Owsley, who bought out Tyler's mill and run it some five years, during tlie first year of which time the dam went out seven times. S. M. Owsley, a son of J. J. Owsley, now a grocer on Oak street ; R. S. AVells, surgeon dentist, and AV. H. AA^hite, a dealer in agricultural im- plements. James Francis became a resident in Sparta in 1861, and a little later went into the grocery business at Johnson's old stand, corner of Oak and Court streets, which Air. Johnson, deceased, had left vacant. Subsequently he moved into a brick block further east on Oak street, and then added dry goods to his stock of groceries. Dr. Bennett, a well-known physician of Sparta, located in 1861, George Dunn came in 1861 and in connection with AI. Erick- son and AV. H. Blyton, erected a large block of brick buildings between Alain and Oak streets on AVater; Dunn opened a whole- sale and retail dry goods business there and still continues in the same store building with the retail business. Chauncey Blakeslee came from Neilsville and commenced business with a large stock of dry goods in the Dunn building. 2fi6 IlfSTOHV OF :\[OXROE COUNTY The bcjiinniiig of the AVar of the Jiehellion affected the growth and l)iisiness interests of the vilhige to a marked degree; prices went up and tlie poorer classes had a hard time to get the bare necessities of life. The citizens of Sparta and \icinity exhibited true patriotism and furnished a large portion of the several companies that went from the county. At the receipt of the news of the fall of Fort Sumptcr the indignation and war-like spirit of our modern Spartans were fully aroused, and at no place in the United States was the President's call for troops more promptly responded to than in this village. As soon as it was known that a call had been formally made for volunteers, enlistments commenced, and continued so briskly that only a small portion of those who ten- dered their service were accepted. The first company organized in Sparta was known as Captain Lynn's, and its members were first enlisted for a period of three months, but as soon as it was known that troops were required for a longer period of service the company was reorganized and nearly every man who had enlisted for the short term reenlisted for three years, or during the war. The company was ordered about the 6th of June. 1861, to proceed to Camp Utley, Racine. AVis.. where it was assigned to the Fourth Regiment, AVisconsin Volunteer Infantry, under Col. Halbert E. Paine, and became Company I of that regiment. It left Sparta with the following named commissioned officers: Captain, John AV. Lynn; first lieutenant, Levi R. Blake; second lieutenant, Ansyl A. AYest. Captain Lynn was killed on the gunboat Tyler, July 1."). 1862. while on an expedition toward A^icksburg, the steamer having been fired into by a rebel battery. Shortly after this the regi- ment was in a thirty-days' siege of A'icksburg, but disease so weakened the men that at the end of that time the siege was abandoned. They had a successful battle at Bisland, Louisiana, near Bayou Teche, and a little later they made an attack upon Port Hudson, where Capt. Levi Blake fell mortally wounded. The battle of Port Hudson proved very disastrous to the regi- ment. On September 1, 1863, the AYar Department gave orders that the Fourth AVisconsin be equipped as cavalry, and it Avas thereafter known as the Fourth AVisconsin Cavalry. Company A. Third AVisconsin, Barstow's Cavalry, was organ- ized about mid-summer, 1861. by Capt. Jerry Dammon, of Sparta. Its first lieutenant was Robert Carpenter, of Sparta, and second lieutenant, Leonard Morley, of A^'iroqua. The company left Sparta and proceeded to Camp Barstow, t THE CITY OF SPARTA 267 Janesville, Wisconsin, where it was mustered into service. The regiment left the state and went via Chicago to St. Louis, IMarch 26, 1862. "While on the Northwestern railroad, near Chicago, it met with a very serious accident, which resulted in the loss of twelve men. Company A alone having seven men killed and sev- eral were severely injured. Captain Damman, who went out in command of the company, resigned March 9, 1863, and was succeeded by Capt. Robert Car- penter, who retained command until the date of his muster out of service, January 30, 1865. Company D, Eighteenth "Wisconsin Infantry, was raised in the month of November and December, 1861, and was called the Northwestern Rangers. The company was recruited by George A. Fisk, D. W^. C. W'ilson and Peter Sloggy. At an election for officers a vote of the members of the company was taken and resulted in the election of Fisk as captain, W^ilson as first lieu- tenant, and Sloggy as second lieutenant. The company left Sparta and proceeded to Milwaukee, January 14, 1861, and was assigned to the Eighteenth "Wisconsin Infantry, under the com- mand of Col. J. S. Albin, of Plover. This regiment was at the battle of Shiloh and in the sieges of Corinth and Vicksburg, at the battle of Champion Hills, and at that of Allatoona mountains, as well as in several lesser en- gagements ; and it suffered severely from disease, engendered by the sickly climate. Its gallant colonel lost his life at Shiloh, w^hicli proved a disastrous battle to the raw recruits. Yet Gov- ernor Harvey said of them: "]\Iany regiments of that fight may well covet the impressions which the Eighteenth have left of personal bravery, heroic daring and determined endurance." Company C, of the Nineteenth W^isconsin Regiment, was or- ganized in December, 1861, and mustered into service by Capt. J. A. Chandler, of Sparta. Charles Case was first lieutenant, and Henry B. Nichols second lieutenant. Captain Chandler resigned July 30, 1862, and Charles Case was promoted to the captaincy. The latter also resigned and Henry B. Nichols became the captain of Company C February 7, 1863. The company Avas mustered out of service April 19, 1865. The Twenty-fifth Wisconsin Regiment w^as organized by Col. Milton Montgomery, of Sparta, and was mustered into service September 14, 1862. Company D was the company enlisted at this place, and its officers were : J. D. Condit, captain, and Mort. E. Leonard and Charles S. Farnham, lieutenants. Captain Con- dit resigned on account of sickness, July 15, 1863, and Mort. E. 268 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY Leonard Avas put in command of the company. The latter was wounded in the action of Decatur, Ga., July 22, 1864, but returned to duty in November of the same year. At the same battle Colonel ^Montgomery was Avounded and taken prisoner. His arm, which had been shot off by a rifle ball, hung dangling to the stub for a period of forty-eight hours before amputation took place. The gallant colonel did not. however, resign upon his release from prison, but continued with his regiment until mustered out June 7, 1865. The regiment suffered very much from sickness during its service. At one time 500 of the men lay sick, and less than a hundred were fit for duty. This happened at Snyder's Bluffs, ]\Iiss., in 1863. The regiment Avas in several skirmishes, of which lack of space prevents particular mention. The Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Regiment w^as organized under the government call for 500.000 men. Company C of this regi- ment was recruited by Capt. George A. Fisk, of Sparta, and was mustered into service ]\Iarch 4, 1864. Luther B. Noyles was first lieutenant, and C. E. Bullard was second lieutenant. Before the close of the Avar Captain Fisk Avas promoted as major, and Stephen C. I\Iiles, a Avell-knoAvn Sparta man, as cap- tain. Company C lost several men. C. L. Cleves, DarAvin Cole, DaA'is Douglass, A. B. Ligales, P. C. "Walker and Charles L. McClure Avere killed in action. E. H. Amidon, R. B. Balcom. H. BroAvu, Thomas Casner, "William Dayton, H. AV. Hudson, John HopAvood, Eldridge Rathbun and John "Wilkinson died of Avounds received in battle. Of those Avho died of disease many gave up life in the Salisbury and Anderson\'ille prisons. The folloAving is a list of such of Company C's men as died of disease: George C. Cross, AYm.. B. Snyder, Alfred 0. Barnes. IM. A. Butts, Dan. A. Barton, P. Farr, Nathan Graves, Henry HathaAvay, James Hub- bell, EdAvard Nichols, John Printz, Cyrus Sour, Samuel Smith, J. E. Stevens, L. VanBorst, AValter YanVickle, J. B. AYolcot and Chas. Young. A portion of the First Battery, the LaCrosse Artillery, Avas from Sparta. S. Hoyt Avas one of the number. This company Avon the applause of Major General ^McClernand and of ]\Iajor General Reynolds, for gallant conduct on the field, and for its cleanliness and good behavior in camp. Sparta sent 142 citizens to the Avar, sixty-three of Avhom re- enlisted at tlie close of their first tcnii. The colonel of the Sev- enth AVisconsin Regiment, W. AV. Robinson, Avas a Sparta man. Col. AV. W. Rol)inson Avas born at Fairhaven, Vermont, December i RANDOLPH A. RICHARDS THE CITY OF SPARTA 269 14, 1819, and was educated at Rutland Academy, Castleton Acad- emy and Norwich Military Academy. During the Mexican war he served as first lieutenant and captain in the Third Regiment, Ohio Volunteers. He was a resident of Sparta at the outbreak of the War of the Rebellion, having first visited and selected a farm near that place in the summer of 1851. In the spring of 1861 he took an active part in the organization of the company then being recruited here, giving it quite a thorough course of lessons in discipline and drill. In August of the same year he was commissioned lieutenant colonel of the Seventh AVisconsin Volunteers, and served in that capacity until January 31, 1862, when he was promoted colonel of the same regiment. He com- manded the Seventh Wisconsin in the following named engage- ments : Thornburg, Rappahannock Station, AVhite Sulphur Springs, Gainsville, Fredericksburg, FitzHugh Crossing, Chan- cellorsville. Laurel Hill and Bethesda Church, and the Iron Brigade in the following: Brandy Station, Beverly Ford, Gettys- burg, Birchland, AVilderness, November, 1863 ; Wine Run, Wil- derness, 1864 ; Spottsylvania Courthouse, North Anna, Cold Harbor and Petersburg. He was severely wounded in his left leg at the battle of Gainsville, August 28, 1862, from the effects of which wound he has never fully recovered. For services ren- dered during the war he has recently been appointed United States Consul at Lamatove, Madagascar. Many of the newcomers of Sparta were in the war previous to their coming here. J. AV. Currant, at one time register of deeds, and Michael McComber each lost a limb in battle ; Rufus S. and H. K. Dodge were also in the army. H. K. Dodge tells of many occurrences of the war which are very remarkable and which are not in history. One of these we will give here, the truth of which the editor will not vouch for : Dodge was once stationed at a point to repel a large force of rebels, a belt of trees dividing the two armies. Air. Dodge finally got out of bullets and substituted some balls of snuff, which the sutler had for sale. The effect was wonderful. In a few minutes the whole rebel army was sneezing, and they kept at it until consternation seized them and they broke ranks and fled. Air. Dodge went in pur- suit and was surprised on crossing the ground which they had occupied to find it strewn with noses. He says he picked up two and a half bushels of them. AA'hat use he made of them in trade he does not say, and as he was the only person who knows the information died with him. The return of peace brought with it a renewed activity in 270 IILSTOKV UF .MoNKoK COL'NTV business enterprises and llie growth of the comnuinity, wliich had been interrupted b,y the war, contiiiind and many new names were added to the roll, too many to here enumerate, among them l)('ing Colonel Shuter and Dr. A. B. Niehols. who opened a Tui'kisli l)ath estal)lishment nnder the AVarner House. This in- stitution was conducted successfully for several years, and in connection Avith artesian water Avhicli has mineral properties became quite a resort for treatment of various diseases. In the spring of 1865 the courthouse was built in Petit 's square, which included the sheriff's dwelling, and in that year J. L. IMather built tlu* Sparta paper mill, which a few years later was sold to Farnham, Shuter & Co., who in turn sold it to 0. T. Newton, and he continued to operate it up to the time of his death, when it went to his sons, George and Harry, and having burned a few years after Avhile owned by these boys it never was rebuilt. The water power, however, is used in furnishing power for the elec- tric light plant, which furnishes light and power to the city and vicinity, running under the corporate name of 0. I. Newton Sons' Co. Air. George Newtcn is at present the manager. The paper mill at OIK" lime manufactured about 4,000 pounds of paper per day and ('m])l<)y('d twenty men. A new charter was obtained for the village from the Legisla- ture, Alarch 24, 1866, and in the folloAving April a charter chH-- tion was held in which the following officers were elected: J. T. Hemphill, president, and T. B. Tyler, 0. D. Randall, T. D. Steele, AI. R. Gage, D. G. Jewett and C. C. Morrill, trustees; George C. Farnham, clerk; II. E. Kelly, treasurer; Samuel Hoyt, police justice; John Humphrey, marshal, and D. F. Stillman, street commissioner. About this time the hoj) fever had been raging over this part of the country and large numbers of persons in Sparta and vicin- ity had gone into the business. At one lime it is stated there were over three hundred acres planted to hops within a mile of Sparta, and the same condition of aifairs was true in ditferent ]>arts of the county, especially around the two larger villages, Sparta and Tomah, and the editoi- remembers with great ]>leasure some of his experiences at "hop picking time,*' and it in those days be- came a common thing to refer to events which took place at or near ''hop i)icking time." The firm of II. Palmer & Co. were, perhaps, the most exten- sive dealci's in hops. The tirm was composed of, in addition to Air. Palmer, U. Af. Cargill and John Alotl'at. They handled at cue time as high as $500,000 Avorth.of hops annually. THE CITY OF SPARTA 271 Another thing which struck this part of the country at this time and caused great excitement was the rumor that oil had been discovered in the valley of the Kickapoo river, which runs along the southern portion of the county. A man named Ticknor, Avho (daimed to be an oil operator from the oil regions of the cast, jissured the people of the existence of oil in that section. They visited the spot and saw crude petroleum boiling from the spring; smelt it, tasted it and w^ere satisfied. And the times that followed were indeed exciting for awhile. A "Gem Petroleum Company" was formed in which this man Ticknor was the head and a heavy stockholder ; lands were leased from farmers at exorbitant prices in that section, and the capital of this celebrated industry was the famous village now known as "Oil City." Stocks in the oil company were in demand and everyone who could raise enough money invested it in a share or more, and this man Ticknor, in order to accommodate his friends, so to speak, sold nearly all of his shares at a large advance. During this time wells Avere being bored in the "oil" region and after the stocks had been pretty well distributed it was discovered that all they got from the wells was water, not oil; then the bubble burst, for it was discovered that Ticknor had sunk a barrel of crude petroleum under the spring for the purpose of deceiving the people ; stocks went down and the Gem Petroleum Company w^ent out of existence; the oil excitement, much to be regretted, had practically ruined several good citi- zens, financially. It w'as discovered, however, in digging the Avells near the Kickapoo river that the water was of remarkable purity and a movement Avas set on foot to investigate the matter in the city of Sparta, and sink a well ; a meeting of citizens Avas called and a subscription taken u]^ to defray expense and George W. Waring Avas engaged as chief engineer and commenced the Avork ; a Avell Avas sunk in Petit 's square and floAving Avater Avas reached at the very first attempt at the depth of three hundred and fifteen feet, the Avell floAving one hundred gallons jjer minute, and still fioAvs in the court house park. The medicinal qualities of the Avater Avere soon discovered by the various citizens who drank it, as a remedy for different diseases. It Avas used to such an extent that the Avater was submitted to chemical analysis and it Avas discovered that it w^as composed of v^arious minerals, principally carbonate of iron, Avith a fair percentage of car- bonate of magnesia and sulphate of soda, togetlier AA'ith various solutions of lithia. ammonia, lime, calcium, sodium, iodide of 272 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY sodium, and several other ingredients. The carbonate of iron was considered a fine tonic, as it helps digestion and reddens the blood globules, and persons i)artaking of this water as a treat- ment for general diseases were greatly l)enefited. Sparta became somewhat famous as a health resort, people coming from long distances to drink the Avaters and to take treatments at the Turkish bath establishment. At the present time this business has again Ix'cn icvived and the basement of the AVarner House fitted up as a sanitarium. In 1867 J. D. Condit purchased the Warner House and entered into the management of it; this was a year in which consid- erable building was accomplished, notal)ly, the woolen factory, which was completed and put in operation in September; the manufacture of printing pax)er at the paper mill was begun; the brick building two stories high across from the Hotel Lewis was built in this year and owned jointly by Palmer, Gage, T. B. Tyler and Simpson & Co. A large brick school building was erected on tlie site where the grade school now stands and the building at that time was considered one of the best and cost $18,000. In looking over old newspaper files for this year, 1867, it is amusing to know that a game of base-ball was played at Tomah in July between the Sparta Eagles and Tomah Amateurs, in which the score was fifty to thirty-five in favor of the Sparta Eagles. An income tax which is now the subject of so much discus- sion is no ncAv thing in the state, as it was in existence during the year 1867, but was finally discarded as a revenue measure. An issue of the Sparta Democrat, May 28, 1867, contains a statement published of the income taxes returned from the con- gressional district, comprising Yornon, ]\ronroe, Juneau, Adams, Jackson, Clark, Trempclcau, Uuft'alo, Pierce, St. Croix, Polk and Burnett. The Opera House block was l)uilt dui-ing 1S()7 and 1868 by Herman Greve and is the building which is still known as the old Opera block; J. A. Gilhnan built a grist mill on his land in the southern jiortion of the city in 186S, having previously straightened the river in order to make the water ])ower; and the building of this mill created considerable litigation; the Dodge Bi-others Company, of G. T., R. S. and II. K. Dodge, bought a building on cornei- of ]\lain and AVater of S. D. Jackson in 1872 and engaginl in the iiuM-cantile business, which establish- ment is still conducted at the old site in a fine brick department THE CITY OF SPARTA 273 store building. The business is now known as the Dodge & Davis Department Store Company, a Corporation. Rice & Burton engaged in the grocery business at the corner of Franklin and Water streets, the firm subsequently becoming Burton & Graves, and they continued in business for several long years and only retired in 1910. D. J. Lambourn opened a drug store in 1870 and Ira A. Hill entered into the same business in July, 1871. In 1872 L. M. Newbury and J. P. Ward erected a large foundry, known as Sparta Iron AYorks. which has several times been enlarged and is now owned and controlled by the Canfield Brothers, Lee and Robert, and does a flourishing business in the manufacture of well drilling machinery. In 1873 the building of the Chicago and Northwestern Rail- road through the village marked a new incident in its history; and the Adllage, in order to get this railroad, paid the company $50,000 and considerable difficulty arose over the issue of these bonds in subsequent years, but they were all finally paid and the village relieved from the burden of this great debt. These bonds were voted by the citizens believing that the railroad would open up for better trade, a very fertile region lying on the southeast and especially from the Ridge country and beyond ; though at this time there were several stage lines running out of Sparta to Cataract, Wilton. Ontario and Viroqua ; these lines were run on a regular scheduled time table like a railroad and carried freight and passengers. The next decade marked a very substantial growth to the village, not only in building but in trade and general progress, with the exception of a drawback or two caused by disastrous fires. And in 1876, in common with villages and cities every- where throughout the United States, Sparta held a fitting cele- bration of the centennial year; not only the commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the independence of this country, but also to celebrate the progress of this hustling little village. In 1876 the Seminary building at the corner of I\Iain and K streets was commenced in the latter part of September by the Sisters of Charity of La Crosse ; this was the start of an institu- tion which has grown to large proportions and become one of the valuable educational institutions in this part of the state and is treated more extensively at another place in this work. On the 28th of September in this year occurred one of the most disastrous fires which has ever visited the village or city; it commencing at Lee & Palmer's livery stable, in which a large 274 TIISTOKY OF :\I0N1^0E COUNTY I)art of their oquipinent, including fifteen horses, was lost, and it spread on Water street and crossed over to Oak street and destroyed Heller's dry goods store, then situated on the corner; tlu' property which was 'hiinicd including the bus l)arii of lIoll)rook & Lee; Heller building and stock of dry goods; the building of James Francis; Henry Foster "luiildii^g and stock of harness goods: the AVilliani Kerrigan building; J. X. AVag- oner building; John Matchett Hotel and furniture; C. H. Ford hop house and fixtures; G. B. Holden lost his valuable library; the preparations for fighting fire were then not of the best, but finally was checked, the total b)ss of something over $40,000, which was a severe blow to the business interests of the village at this time. Investigation failed to trace the cause of the fire, although it was decided that it must have been of incendiary origin. ]Most of the buildings were rebuilt soon after, including the Heller block, which was erected in a more substantial man- ner than ever and a new stock of goods bought and opened for business within a year. On the 22nd day of February, 1877, Sparta had been settled for such a length of time tliat some of its citizens then considered themselves "old settlers" and they liad a pioneer reunion in the Ida Hall, one at which the loudest kind ot a time is recorded. The principal movers in this celebration were C. B. ]Mc('lure, Elsa Rice. T. B. Tyler, S. N. Dickinson, J. J. French. S. F. IIol- brook, r. AV. IMcAIillan. AA\ H. Blyton, X. P. Lee, J. King, H. Austin, Z. K. Jewett, J. B. Palmer. In 1887 George Matchett assumed control of the Ida House, which he conducted for several years. Thayer 6c Kingman erected the brick building now occu])ied by the Alonroe County Bank and in tlie same sunnner and at the same time J. A. Harvey and Jacob Schram erecteressing that not- Avithstanding the additions and alterations heretofore made to the several buildings the school board iit the annual district meet- ing on July 1, 1895, reported as folloAvs : " 'The problem of Avhat Ave are to do Avitli oui- overeroAvded school Avithout more school loom. has conl'ronted the school board for more than a year. When the present high school building Avas built the school census of the district shoAved betAveen oOO and 600 ehildi'en of school age, tln^ census just taken shoAVS over one thousand children of school age. It has finally come to this — something must be done, some plan must be devised that Avill re- lieve these overeroAvded schools or they Avill greatly suffer for the ensuing yeai". Indeed, if no relief is provided the board is of tile opinion thai the half-day plan should be a(lo])ted and preferable to crowding so many pupils together.' Upon the fore- going report and at the suggestion of many citizens the people Avere jirompted to act, and the result Avas finally recorded on July 8, 1895, by the adoption of proper b^gal resolutions authorizing SPARTA SCHOOLS 291 tlie raising of necessary funds to purchase additional ground and to build a new high school building." "The school board immediately took the proper steps to secure the necessary ground, caused plans and specifications to be pre- pared for such new building, and on the 26th day of September, 1895, awarded the contract for the ncAV building to L. V. Huschka, of Sparta, for the sum of $18,379.66, and work thereon was promptly begun, and the present high school building was completed and ready for occupancy September 1, 1896. The destruction of the old high school building by fire on December 2, 1895, again called for prompt action and an additional outlay of money. Again the people were assembled in special meeting on December 30, 1895, to authorize the construction of a new building to take the place of the one destroyed, which was done without a dissenting voice. On July 6, 1896, at the annual meet- ing of the district, more money was voted and the result of the action of the taxpayers in tiie district is the two fine, substantial school buildings of which we are all so justly proud. AYith the loss of the West Primary building by fire on January 3, 1892. the high school building on December 2, 1895, and the AY. C. T. U. building, in Avhie-h the high school Avas temporarily located, on April 6, 1896, it will be seen that the duties of the school officers and teachers have not been altogether easy to perform and the demands on the taxpayers by no means light. How^ever. we have survived and today M^e are in possession of fine buildings and equipments which have cost as follows : "High school building, $18,379.66; seating and furnishing, $938.75 ; intermediate building, $12,280 ; seating and furnishing, $628.55; Depot school building, $601.05; boiler house and boiler, $1,703; East Primary building, $1,200; AYest Primary building, $1,020.55; estimated value of school grounds, $9,800; making a grand total of $49,551.56 invested for school purposes. The an- nual current expenses of conducting the schools have increased from $6,668.21 in 1876 to $11,617.76, being an increase of $4,919.52. AYhile this is cpiite a large increase it is not so large in proportion as the increase in the number of scholars." The above article, written in 1897, certainty shows a remark- able amount of progress made in the building of buildings and equipping the high school and the ward schools of the city, and since that time new school houses have been built for the depot primary and the east and west primaries so that the buildings now owned l)y the school district are all modern and up-to-date in every particular, and with the addition of a department of 292 HISTORY OF .AlOXKOE COUNTY domestic science and anotlier of manual training in connection -svitli the high school, has brought the Sparta schools down to the present time as thoroughly ecpiipped and efficiently managed, giving all the advantages that any high school in the state can offer, except, perhaps, not as complete equipped in the laboratory for scientific investigation or as large a reference library as is desirable. Tlie training of the child has indeed largely changed in the last forty or fifty years; not only in the course of study arranged for his benefit mentally, but also much attention is paid to the pliysical growth and restraints of bad habits of body. Sensible, muscle-making and health-giving athletic exercises are now rec- ognized as of imperative importance. A substantial foundation for special or professional work is now laid in the high school. For not only is domestic science and manual training taught, but stenography, typewriting, bookkeeping and commercial pursuits are also a part of the courses of study. Scientific methods of in- quiry on particular lines of knowledge as developed through laboratory work and in other ways in bringing practical educa- tion to every high school student, in fact, in all lines and in all courses of study the Sparta high school has proved to be one of the best and has turned out many fine examples of young Ameri- can manhood and Avomanhood. whose careers as citizens in various parts of the country have demonstrated the thoroughness with which the foundition of their education and physical lives was wrought. "ATHLETICS." In the earlier days in the high school baseball was more or less prominent, and in fact was the principal game to wliich at- tention Avas devoted by the students, and perlmj)s was never better played than in the time of Professor AVinters. At that time the McCoy boys, S. H. Burroughs, Palmer. Reck brothers. Caliioun and Leyden were almost expert players. Later came Gould, Burr and ^Moseley, who had foremost parts in connection Avith the game. In the spring of '96 Sparta won the champion- shij) of the AVestern AVisconsin High Schools for ])aseball. Track and field athletics began with the advent of ^Ir. A. F. Barnard as a teacher in the school during '94 and '95. A field day was held in June, 189."). l)etween tlie ^lauston and Sparta schools at the latter place, and Sparta won many of the events. This was nothing more than a start, however, and during the succeeding year a league was formed called "The West AVisconsin High SPARTA SCHOOLS 293 School Athletic League,"" which had in view the promotion and maintenance of general athletics and comprising the towns of Vi- roqua. Tomah, JMauston and Sparta, and the field day between the teams representing these several towns was held at Sparta, June 6, 1896. This league was maintained for two or three years, l)ut owing to the lack of support on the part of the various or- ganizations, it was finally dropped. It is to be regretted that more records were not kept of the various athletic events during the past years with which the high school has been connected, but as a rule since '96, when athletics took in a larger field of events, including football and the ordinary track and field sports, the Sparta high school has maintained a prominent place in high school athletics and at times has taken a championship or two. Particular attention during the latter years has been paid to the football team, and perhaps the greatest success was attained by the team of 1908, under the captainship of Earle Jefferson, when the Sparta team, having defeated LaCrosse in past contests for seven straight times on the home grounds, an exciting game was played at LaCrosse between the two teams on Thanksgiving day. Fully five hundred people went to LaCrosse on that day to witness the game and give moral and ''vocal" support to the Sparta team. The game was close, well contested and exciting throughout, the score finally being twelve to ten in favor of Sparta, and this added eight straight victories over LaCrosse. It was indeed a victory, for LaCrosse had been very energetic in perfecting her team and had gone to considerable expense in employing a coach, the home team having been coached l)y Dr. Barlow, a dentist residing in the city, himself an athlete and deeply interested in everything that pertained to athletics. An athletic association exists in connection with the high school to which students are eligible, and it is connected with the Inter- scholastic Athletic Association of AVisconsin, under the rules of which all contests are held. THE SPARTAN. A little quarterly magazine, entiled The Spartan, is published by the students of the high school, which originated in the early part of the fall term of 1885. Numerous publications were received from different schools and colleges in Wisconsin and the neighboring states, among them being the University Press and Badger of our own state. As these papers continued to arrive and were almost invariably accompanied by requests for an ex- 29-t HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY cliaii^c. tlic idea yratlually sugyi-stt'd ilself that tlie liigli school might be able to get out a journal of its own, and after consider- able investigation it was finally decided to i)ul)lisii a school ])ai)ci-, and witli that end in xicw tlic studcnls ])i-oceeded to elect a board of editors, and The Spartan made its first appearance on the 20th of November, 1880. In its first issue the purpose of the publica- tion was set torlli as follows: The Spai'tan aims first, to ])e a true representative of the Sparta High School. It is to be the pi-oduction of the scholars as a body. Its columns will always be open for the expression of honest opinions, and the only test for the admission of articles will be merit and originality. We purpose to insert each montli several original essays on live subjects, subjects that will Ite interesting both to the students and to the community at large. No pains will be spared in iiuiking the alumni column one of the most valual)lo departments of llie paper, for we wish The Spartan to be indispensable to all graduates and former students of the school." The editorial board of the publication was selected from different classes, each class having one or more represent- atives. At the outset it was the intention to publish the pai)er once each month, but oAving to the amount of school work tnat was not always found adv«isable, so that it resolved publications of four numbers each year. Outside of the articles coutril)uted by students there have been frequent articles by the alunnii and former members of the school, which, from time to time, have proved of great interest. It is the plan of each board of editors to produce an attractive and valuable magazine, and particular attention is paid to the printing and illustrations. The paper is supported pi-incipally from subscriptions of the students and alumni and (piite an amount is also received from advertisements, and the business and professional nu'u of the city are glad to render assistance to this meritoi'ious work by giving small advertisements, which are carried throughout the yeai'. The little paper has proved to be of considerable value in |>n'S('rviiig in. this form tlu^ records of graduating classes and of some atliletic events, and also oratorical contests and debates. It was published for two years. com]ileting two volumes of eight nund)ers each, aftei- which the publication was di'opped for a luuuber of years. Jt was finally revived in 1898 and 1ms been published continuously ever since, having reached its fifteenth \olume in the school year of 1911 and 1912, and now is one of the pcnnaiiciit institutions of the high school. SPARTA SCHOOLS 295 SOCIETIES. Numerous societies sprung up, had their day, and were no more, especially those of a musical nature, although in 1908, 1909 and 1910 a very creditable glee club was maintained among the boys of the high school known as the ''Owl Glee Club." It has a membership of something like twenty voices, and was quite successful in its work. There was also a girls' glee club, called the "Greig Choral Society," and in the fall of 1909 a high school orchestra made its bow to the public and proved to be a very popular organization during its one or two seasons of existence. The oldest society in point of years is the Jefferson Debating Club for boys, which was organized during the fall of 1897 and has been in existence ever since. This is a society conducting de- bates and literary exercises and has developed good material and furnished several debating teams, which in the past has held up the honor of Sparta High in contests Avith other schools. The Girls' Athena Society, a debating club, is also successfully maintained, and its meetings have proved to be interesting and instructive to its members. The athletic society has been previously mentioned. But, perhaps, the most interesting asso- ciation from the point of its membership is, of course, the Alumni Association, which numbers as its members all of the living graduates of the Sparta High School. This association meets once a year, during the holiday season, between Christmas and New Year's, and indulges usually in a reception and a ban- quet, followed by a program of varied interest. This society numbers among its members many who have achieved prominence in different walks of life. They are scat- tered in many states and to attempt to enumerate them would be a task indeed, and we will be content with mentioning here some of the more prominent. Of course there comes to the mind at once the name of John J. Esch, who has achieved a national reputation in congress as the representative from this district ; Frank Oster, Julian Bennett and Howard Teasdale, all have been mentioned in a previous chapter on the legal fraternity ; Corwin J. Steele, of the class of '77, became a prominent physician at Milwaukee, AVis. ; Dr. Carl Beebe and Dr. Spencer Beebe, now both of this city, prominent physicians in this part of the state ; Dr. Albert J. Miller, of the class of '92, who served in the Philippines in the United States troops, and is now located in California; A. R. Smith, of '87, an attorney practicing at Bara- 296 HISTORY OF :\rONROE COUNTY 1)00; R. B. ]\U-Coy. at i)resent county judge of IMonroe county; S. R. Burrouglis, quite prominent in insurance circles, who en- gages ill luisiness now in Sparta. There are c|uite a number of the legal fraternity who did not graduate from the Sparta High School but received a portion of thcii- education in it. who are all referred to in a previous chapter on the "legal fraternity." Among the alumna^ may be mentioned ]\Iiss Laura Miller, now a prominent educator in ^Montana ; ]\Iiss Bell Ady, who graduated from the school in '81, afterwards taking a course of music in the Boston Conservatory, and for some time filled a position in the Sparta school ; Mary L. Bisbee, a poet of her school genera- tion, now in California. But to go over the whole list will con- sume more space than Ave can devote to the subject and it will suffice to say that the graduates of Sparta High School as a rule have made good. The following is a complete list of the graduates of Sparta High School, arranged by classes, from 1877 to and including 1912: Class of 1877 — ]Mary E. Greene, Emma ]McKeu/.ie, ]Mary McKenzie, AVilliam J. Hughes, Lizzie H. Palmer, Annie Streetou and Corwin J. Steele. Class of 1878 — Addie Ellis, AV. F. SaAvyer, Hallie Smith, Julian » Bennett. R. F. Jones, Fannie Palmer. Eliza Canfield, Frank Oster, Jessie ]\IcjMillan, J. C. Prill, Kate IrAvin, HoAvard Teasdale, John J. Esch, Stella Brock, E. K. Holden and Lizzie Hill. Class of 1879 — Jennie Wells, ]\Iary Harr, ]\Iary ]\IorroAV, Charles J. Smith, Sarah Gould, ]\Iary Foote, Josie Fisk, Charles L. Smith. Lillie Sarles, Nellie Harvey, Florence Thayer, AVilliam Graves and Ella James. Class of 1881 — Angle DorAvin, ^Mamie ^Merrill, Franc ]\IcMil- lan. Belle Ady, Lottie King and Etta Kilmer. Class of 1882 — George Grossman. Alviii Regan, Addie ]\I. Sa- bin, Fannie Cook, "NVm. F. Jones, Louis Brooks, Jennie ]McAIillan and Gertie Bancroft. Class of 1883— Stella Bancroft and Luella Tyler. Class of 1884 — George Petis, Flora Dalaba, Lou BaldAvin, I\Iamie Sarles, Anna Beckler. ^Minnie Lee, George Stevens, Neeta ]5aldwin, Nellie Hanchett and Carl Beebe. Class of 1886— Franc C. Angle, George E. Gray, Rose E. Hel- ler, ]\Iiriaiii J. JcAvett. Hattie AV. LaAvrence, Dora E. Link, Mary A. Smitli, AValter AI. Smith and Alary P. SpafTord. Class of 1887— Robert B. AlcCov, Laura L. Aliller. Nellie A. SPARTA SCHOOLS 297 Morse, Everett R. Pease, Alonzo R. Smith and Grace ]\I. McAVithey. Class of 1888— Julia :\r. Beebe, ]\Iary L. Bisbee, Mary B. Brooks, IMartlia Davenport, Grace E. Lee, Kate j\lc]Millan, Lillian M. Moftatt, Anton Moe and C. Floyd McClnre. Class of 1889 — Spencer D. Beebe, Josephine Brennan, Pauline M. Bedenk, Agnes Davenport, Robert B. Dunlevy, Walter E. Kaser, Charles J. O'Connor, John W. Palmer, Lillian B. Clark, Helen R. Gray, Eva A. Gray, Gertrude Nutting, Margaret B. Lewis, Harriet Richardson, John M. Fanning and Carl ]\L New- berry. Class of 1890— George AY. Ascott, Harry D. Baldwin, Seth R. Burroughs, Alary AL Calhoun, A\"m. B. Calhoun, Olive C. Chadsey, John L. Herbst, Louis T. Hill, Alice K. Hill, Albert E. Hollister, Frank AA^. Horner, Harriet AL Alanley, Lelia R. Palmer, Helen Richardson, Bertha Sargent, AVilliam Thorbus, Alina AL AA'are and Henry A. AVaste. Class of 1891 — Flora A. Angle, Alargaret A. Jones, George AL Link, Alabel L. Alasters, Lila D. Newberry, Alabel A. Payne, Louise Foote, Clare L. AIcAIillan, Charles Stimson, Alaggie Tay- lor and Hugh H. A\^illiams. Class of 1892 — Alame L. Beebe, Frederick Brooks, Nellie Car- gill, Albert Fonken, Ella L. Hewitt, Carl H. Lewis, Clara Olson, Albert L. Aliller, K. Josephine Alueller and AA^illiam D. Tallman. Class of 1893 — Bess R. Baldwin, Nellie Dodge, Inez E. Berry, Alice Hettman, Alaude Jewett, Delia Johnson, Kate AIcAulift'e, Leonora O'Connor, Eva J. Rhodes, Kate H. Sterger, Nellie E. Sullivan, Julia AA^hite, AVilliam P. Dunlevy, Daniel Fisk, AA^ill Ford, Carl Foster, Clarence Fulmer, Alilon R. Gould, Edmund Gray, Henry C. Hanson, Theodore Lewis, Ossian R. Link, AYill G. Alerrill, John Sehrara and Jessie AL AVright. Class of 1894— Nellie AL Bnsh, John AL AYoy, Emma E. Gantka, Bernard Alulrenin, Lena A. AVright, Rose L. Finn, Carrie A. Huftman, Anna J. Evans, Stella 0. Thorbus, Clara A. Fowler, Jessie J. Sias, Ruth AL Hanchett, Jas. J. Bowler, Alaude AVoy, Anna B. Durrie, Alary A. Barber, Tillie I. Olson, Thresia Inger- soll. Lulu E. Bush, Josephine Erickson, Arthur Hollenbeck and Nellie Throbus. Class of 1895 — Herbert N. Leete, Bessie Rutledge, Joseph Brown, Jessie Lake, Edward E. Sands, Silas AL Lewis, Harold Stevens, Lena Freenlee, George Dudley, Alinnie Van Antwerp, Addie King, Rollie Hogue, George Bowler, AVayne Aloseley, Ger- 298 HISTORY OF MONROE COI^XTY trude Nodine, Josio Dammoji. ^rMed Newman, Kiesling Tluiyer. Pearl Trij)]!, Blanche Davis, ]\rarie AVintertield, Irene Jordon, Arthur Hoffman, Sophy A])rahams, Pearl Kichai-d- son, Lillian Jensen, Arbie Brooks, Fred Ileitman, Luella Walters and Frank Glynch. Class of 1909 — Jennie AVebster, Andrew Johnson, Elinor Sher- man, Earl Jones, Lettie Jackson, Chester Jackson, Forrest Rich- ards. Anna Jones, Otis AVestby, Blanche Wagner, Earle Jetferson, ]Maude Sharp, Celia Krotzman, Moses Smith. Malx'l Matteson, James McDonald, Edith Pratt, Eugene Ilesselberg, Gertrude Gladden, Ethel Crowe, George Brooks, Grace AValters, Percival Hutson. Grace Simpson, Olga Larson, Delia ]\Ierrill, ]\largaret Ileasty, Harold Dorwin. Bessie Hutson and James INIerrill. Class of 1910— Alta AVolcott, Harry AValters, Sylvia Richard- son, Ethel MeClure, Earl Jones, Ethel Doyle, Agnes McGarvey, Lila Blank, Jessie Swarzlow, Ida Jones. Delbert Dawley, Jessie Holinbeck, Edna Janes, Rachel Davis, Edith Clark, Alma Winter- field. Earl Leverich, Margaret Laing, Clara Barker, Elmer Abrahamson. Anna Axelson, Jennie Hitchcock. Chauncey Beebe, Jessie Powell, Lucy Smith, Helen Haddow, Joseph Dana, Elsa Baldwin, Pearle Kelley, Ralph Williams, Liilia Lund, Harriet Herman, Harry Ilersh, Edith Ileasty, Ella Shaw and Lulu Herrick. Class of 1911— Floyd Rath. Grace Sarles, Leita Bestow, Stephen ]\lcDonald. Fern Smith, Lisle ]\Iayfield, Jennie Jones, Roy Dunbar, ]\Iae ^Morrison, Frank ^McDonald. Christina AVinter- field, Ruth AlcCabe, Clyde Ewers. Zella Keene. Dorothy Oswald, Lawrence Carroll. Lila Bartlett. Emma Hansen, Charles AIcGone- gal, Hazel Alatteson, Amelia AVright, Burton Evans, Bernice Everson, AVilliam Kammalade, Esther Freeman, Alerritt Newton, Alyrtle Jones. Fred Enckhausen. Dorothy Hansen. AValter Evans. Alaude Alaytield, David AVilliams. Harrietta Rathbun, Vaughn Lee and Edna Richards. Class of 1912 — Inga Christopherson, Don Divoll, Ilulda Erick- son, Doris Escli. .Mae Finger. Rena Fi-ank, Fi-ed Hansen, f^mil Ilersh, Cecil Ilorswill. Kuby Jackson, Ethel Jones, Elsie Kielberg, Dorothy Kyle, Victoria Larson, Spencer Lucas, Alina Alorgau. Serenus Paulson, Alice Prill. Grace Reed, Doris Richards, Esther Roberts, Blanche Rooker, Frances Sarles, Earl Thurslon. Emma AValters and Grace AVi-iffht. CHAPTER XXVII. TPIE BANKS OF SPARTA. Within four years after the passage of the law which created the county of Monroe, the citizens of Sparta were furnished with banking facilities through the organization of the Bank of Sparta in 1858. From that time until the present the banking business has been conservatively and safely conducted with the exception of a private banking institution of M. A. Thayer and Company, which originally was established in the 70 's by M. A. Thayer and R. S. Kingman, but which failed, together with the bank estab- lished by Mr. Thayer at Tomah in 1893. The other banking institution have been distinguished for a steady and substantial growth. Two of them are housed in their own buildings and the third will undoubtedly acquire its home within the next few years. The combined capital of the three institutions in Sparta is now $100,000. The total amount of of the surplus of the three institutions combined is $17,250, and the total amount of re- sources is $1,257,933.10. The Bank of Sparta, which is the oldest bank in the state of "Wisconsin west of Madison, was organized in 1858 by John T. Hemphill, who came from ]\Iilwaukee, AYis., and Samuel JMcCord, of ]\Iadison, Wis. It was inaugurated under the banking laws of 1852 and opened for business on the 26th day of July in tiiat year, in the north half of the one-story frame building which is now No. 120 North Water street and occupied by the Grand Rapids Llilling Company. The other half of the building at that time was occupied by the postofiice. Both Mr. Hemphill and Mr. McCord were experienced bankers, formerly having been connected with the Marshall & Ilsley Bank at ^Milwaukee, Wis., the latter being connected with the State Bank of ^ladison. In 1860 ]\Ir. McCord sold his interest in the institution and moved to Milwaukee. A statement of the l)ank at this time is interesting and the fol- lowing is copied from the semi-annual report, dated July 2, 1860, on file with the register of deeds of ]\Ionroe county : 301 302 HISTORY OF .AIOXROE COUNTY KP:80L'liCES. Loans and discounts !f2r).274 Gl Overdrafts 40 GO ►Stotdcs on deposit witli state treasurer ] 9,000 00 Bills of solvent banks 4,681 00 Bills of suspended banks 17 00 Due from banks and bankers 7,434 73 Specie 2,145 55 Total ^58,552.49 LIABILITIES. Capital $2:).0()() 00 Registered notes in circulation 15,280 00 Deposits 15,925 40 Due others 2.347 09 Total ^t:58,552 49 The remarkable fact about tliis statement is what appears to be the small amount of cash entered in this statement as "specie" as only $2,145.55, but it will l)e ol)served th;it the bank at that time issued its notes for circulation, which amounted to over $15,000. In the fall of 1860 the bank removed to the corner of AVater and ]Main streets, into Avhat was known as the "Goss building," now the site of the INIasonic Temple, and while there plans were made for a more su])stantial home. In 1864 the bank erected the first brick business building in the village, designed by a ^Milwaukee arcliitcct, and a very tine building at the tinie. This was occupied by tin.* institution until it Avas replaced in 1906-07 l)y the present ])ank building, except for temporary occupancy of a building opposite during the construction of the new bank. AVhen the natioiud hanking system was established througii- out the country the Bank of Sparta reorganized in 1865 as the First National Bank and increased the number of its stock- holders. The oflicers then chosen were: John T. Hemphill, pres- ident ; T. B. Tyler, vice president, and Thomas AV. Wilson, cashier. Later Air. Wilson removed to Alinneapolis and was suc- ceeded by AVilliam AVright. On Alay 8, 1873, E. H. Canfield entered the office as book- keeper, was elected assistant cashier in 1877, and cashier in 1878, having faithfully served the bank continuously to the jiresent «WA>jiMwM«e.^^ BANK OP SPARTA THE BANKS OF SPARTA 303 time, except inree years, during which he was out on account of ill health. In 1878 the hank surrendered its national charter and reor- ganized as a state i)ank, resuming its original name of Bank of Sparta. In 1879 Ira A. Hill hecame identified with the institution and was elected as a member of the l)oard of directors. At the retire- ment of Ml'. Hemphill in 1883, who removed to Indian territory, Mr. Tyler was elected president and Mr. Hill vice president. They held these offices until 1886, when Mr. Tyler's death oc- curred and Mr. Hill was elected president, in which capacity he continued until the time of his death in 1904. In 1898 Messrs. D. D. Cheney and D. AA^ Cheney became in- terested in the institution, the former being elected vice president and the latter assistant cashier. D. D. Cheney retired as vice president in 1901, but continued as a member of the board of directors until his death in 1904. D. AY. Cheney succeeded his father as vice president and at the death of Mr. Hill was elected president to succeed him, which office he holds at the present time. Louis T. Hill entered the bank as a bookkeeper in 1893, and was elected assistant cashier in 1897 and vice president in 1904, which position he now holds. A. AV. Barney, who had formerly been connected with the Alonroe County Bank, became asso- ciated with the Bank of Sparta in 1901 and was made assistant cashier, and later the same year was promoted to vice president. A. AV. Ryon entered the employ of the bank in 1908 and was in 1911 promoted to the position of assistant cashier. J. D. Button, formerly in the grocery business in the city of Sparta, was em- ployed as assistant cashier in 1911; Pearl Kelley, assistant book- keeper, and Charles Aylesworth, night watchman. The management of this institution has during its fifty-four years of existence aided many men and many business enter- prises in their growth from small beginnings to greater success and usefulness, and numbered among its present customers are the sons and grandsons of those who were valued customers of the bank in its earlier days. It moved into the present hand- some banking building on Alay 17, 1907; truly one of the most artistic, commodious and substantial buildings of its character to be found anywhere. It occupies thirty-five feet front and is is eighty-five feet deep, is of classic design and massive in out- lines; the front is of Indiana Bedford stone; the interior arrange- ment of the bank is according to the best modern ideas for an 304 HISTORY OF :\IONROP: COUNTY institution devoted solely to country banking purposes, with every convenience for l)t)tli the patrons of the bank, its officers and employees ; there is a three-story vault built independently of the structure, the walls being lieavier than standard and rein- forced witli steel rods and beams; ample customers' room and directors' room and all modern conveniences are found in con- nection ; in front are the offices of AVilliam H. Blyton & Co. and D. W. Cheney. The wood work of the interior is mahogany and beautifully grained wood was selected, especially for this pur- pose. In the interior finish, beauty, Avithout too much ornament, was sought, and the result is pleasing in every particular. At the last statement of the bank its total resources were $734:, 975.46, and carrying dei)osits of $672,845.46. Monroe County Bank. This institution was opened for busi- ness October 26, ]894, with a capital of $25,000. The institution purchased the banking building on the corner of AVatcr and Oak streets, whicli has formerly been occupied by ]\I. A. Thayer ; a very advantageous location for business purposes, and it has remained in this building, which it now owns, ever since. The interior of the banking room has been remodeled and modern- ized in every particular and now has a handsome equipment of the most up-to-date facilities for tlie handling of the large busi- ness which this institution enjoys. Its first officers were George D. Dunn, president ; AY. G. AYilliams, vice president and A. AV. Harney cashier. Directors: George D. Dunn. A. Thoi'bus. W. G. AVilliams, C. :\r. ^Masters, L. D. Merrill and AV. T. Sarles. During its existence this bank has been conservative in its investments and has been of much service to many business enter- prises which have been assisted through its help. It has built up a strong clientage and is considered one of the best conducted and managed l)anks of its kind. The present officers are: President, George D. Dunn: vice- president, AV. G. AVilliams ; cashier, 0. G. Lindemann ; assistant cashier, David L. Jones ; bookkeeper. F. B. Heitman. At the last statement made by it the resources of \ho institu- tion were $.S28.1 71 .!»(), with deposits of $286,977.65. Citizens State Bank. This bank was established on Alay 25, 1907, the officers Ix'ing AV. A. Jones, president; II. IM. Newton, vice president; AV. ^I. Gioler, cashier; T. C. Longwell, assistant cashier, and wlnle yet young, the bank has rapidly increased its resources and has every indication to good success in the future. At the present time it occupies rented quarters in the I. 0. 0. F. building, on the corner of Oak and AYater streets, which are THE BANKS OF SPARTA 305 neatly fitted up for the purpose of the institution; its present officers are : President, W. A. Jones ; vice-president, H. M. New- ton ; cashier, T. C. Longwell. Directors : J. C. Prill, C. M. Beebe, A. J. Carnahan and H. J. Masters. At the last report the resources were $194,787.74, carrying deposits of $166,481.59. CHAPTER XXYIII. LODGES AND SOCIETIES OF SPARTA. It is the intention in tliis chapter to give brief historical accounts of the lodges and societies which came in existence in the city; there have been a number of organizations in the past "which have been disbanded and the records of which are not available, thus preventing any detailed account of their history at this time ; among these orders was a lodge of the Ancient Order of United "Workmen, which was organized in 1876, and also a lodge of Good Templar, which has had rather a fitful exis- tence at different times. Pearly in 1880 there was organized in the city a civic organiza- tion called the "Board of Trade," having for its purpose the advancement of the interests of the village along manufacturing and mercantile lines and promoting in the general prosperity of the municipality; this organization continued for some time, but finally disbanded for lack of interest. No institution of the kind was in existence again until 1908, when the citizens' club was corporated and furnished rooms in the Schram building on AVater street. The object of tliis organization Avas practically the same and for the time it accomplished considerable good in several ways, but, like the Board of Trade, interest in it waned, and it finally dissolved, sold its furniture and fittings, and in 1911 became a thing of the past. The business men of Sparta have now no organization of the character which looks after promot- ing the general welfare of flic city and there seems to be no disposition among the business men to maintain such an organ- ization. Valley Lodge, No. 60, Free and Accepted Masons. A dispen- sation was granted l)y the grand lodge of Wisconsin on August 17, IS")!, and Valley Lodge duly instituted. The first meeting was held in the house of R. S. Kingman, August 26. 1854, when ^lorrison AIc^NIillan was installed as worshipful nmster. The charter Avas granted June 1."). 1855, Mr. McMillan being the first Avorshipful master under the charter; since an hirli time there have been twenty-three Avorshipful masters and eighteen secretaries; 306 LODGES AND SOCIETIES OF SPARTA 307 the former are: Morrison McMillan, A. D. Soper, A. II. Condit, A. H. Isham, M. R. Gage, S. N. Dickenson, S. S. Field, D. C. Hope, C. M. Masters, T. D. Merrill, P. S. Sparling, N. W. Huntley, L. M. Stevens, H. T. Child, C. AV. Hines, J. C. Prill, E. A. Richard- son, G. H. Chaffee, H. D. Baldwin, T. C. Longwell, H. J. blas- ters, AA^. B. Ford, E. R. AYilliams, and A. J. Frye. Secretaries: Chester McClure, R. AA^ Bowles, E. F. Clinton, M. Alontgomery, J. AI. Sngden. Fred Lee, H. E. Kelley, E. Aylesworth, A. Oppen- hemer, E. C. Caskey, J. J. French, C. E. Boyden, J. M. Sugden, C. AV. Pott, S. T. Lewis, R. A. Alerrill, AV. AIcBride and D. B. Laing. In the year 1891 the Alasonic fraternity purchased lots nine and ten, Tyler's addition, on the northwest corner of AA^ater and Main streets, and a corporation was formed which erected a Masonic Temple ; stock in this institution was held by members of the different Alasonie liodies until 1910, when Valley Lodge, No. 60, having accumulated sufficient funds, took over the build- ing and now owns it absolutely, j)ractically free from indebted- ness ; the lodge rooms are handsomely fitted up and are used by the Alasonic bodies, including the Commandery of Knights Templar and by the Order of the Eastern Star. Valley Lodge has at the present time 126 members of good standing, and its officers are A. J. Frye, AV. AI. ; F. A. Brandt, S. AV.; F. L. French, J. AV. : AA^ S. Telfer, S. D. ; L. R. Aloore, J. D. ; L. D. Alerrill, treasurer ; D. B. Laing, secretary ; J. H. Chaff'ee, chaplain ; P. S. Sparling, tyler. Sparta Chapter, No. 19, R. A. M. Dispensation was granted by the grand chapter of AA'isconsin January 9, 1859, upon the peti- tion of Alorrison AIclNIillan, Soloman Howe, A. II. Condit, AA^. S. Lane, A. R. McLean, Thomas Beitcher, Robert Langley, E. San- ford Blake, E. F. Clinton, J. AV. Alillour, Israel Graves, Chester AlcClure, E. S. AIcBride, J. D. Condit and R. C. AIcAIann. The first meeting under this dispensation was held in Jack- son hall, on the evening of Alarch 11, 1859, at which time Alor- rison AIcAIillan Avas installed as high priest. On the 3rd day of February, 1860, the charter was granted by the grand chapter and the chapter was constituted and the officers installed on the 19th day of April following ; A. H. Condit being the first high priest under the charter. During the forty-three years of its existence the chapter has had twenty-three high priests; the institution is in a prosperous condition and numbers ninety-five members in good standing. The present officers are G. H. Bunnell, high priest ; AV. j\I. 308 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Forsmau, king; G. II. Chaffee, scribe; D. B. Laiiig, secretary; A. W. Barney, treasurer; Thomas Teall, captain of the host; R. A. Richards, principal sojourner; AV. IMcBride, royal arch captain; E. R. AVillianis, master of third veil; George Dreyer, master of second veil ; A. II. Frye, master of the first veil, and P. S. Sparling, sentinel. Sparta Commandery, No. 16, Knights Templar. The charter of this oi-ganizatioii was granted by the grand commandery of the state of "Wisconsin on the 6tli day of September, 1882, and the following were the first officers installed : S. N. Dickenson, eminent commander; N. W. Huntley, generalissimo; J. D. Condit, captain general ; the commandery has always occupied the lodge rooms in tlie IMasonic Temple for its meetings, and there, in con- nection M'ith these rooms, are a set of cedar lockers which house the uniforms and eciuipments of the order; the jurisdiction of the commandery includes the Royal Arch Chapters at Tomali, Black River Falls, New Lisbon, Necedah and Sparta, and at tiie present time the membership is 100 sir knights. Its present officers are R. A. Richards, eminent commander; Louis T. Hill, generalissimo ; George Dreyer, captain general ; TV. ]\IcBride, senior warden ; William Forsman, junior warden ; George H. Chaffee, prelate; F. E. BaldAvin, recorder; A. \V. Barney, treasurer ; P. S. Sparling, standard bearer ; John Kemp, sword bearer; E. R. AVilliams, warden, and J. T. Sargent, sentinel. Sparta Chapter No. 18, Order of the Eastern Star. This order Avas instituted on the 5tli day of May, lb9I, with the following charter member's : A. H. Isham, INIiss INIary Isham, 'Mv. and ]Mrs. James Skillman, ]Mr. and ^Irs. J. Schram. ]\lr. and ]Mrs. S. T. Lewis, Mr. and INIrs. E. A. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. AVright, Mr. and ]\Irs. L. D. Merrill, Mrs. D. B. Cheuev and :\Irs. Villiam Meyer. This is an order to which the Avives, daughters, mothers, sis- ters and children of iMasons are eligible, and is in part of a social nature. It has rendered much assistance in the past to the sick and needy members of the order. It first occupied a hall over tlie ]\Ionroe County bank, but now is installed in the ^Masonic Temple, and meets twice a month ; it occasionally gives social parties, wliich are greatly enjoyed by the members and tlieir friends. The present officers are Emma Baldwin, Avortliy matron; Dr. J. C. Prill, patron; Genevieve Masters, associate matron; Jennie Horseman, conductress ; ]\Iillie Enckhauseu, secretary ; Jennie LODGES AND SOCIETIES OF SPARTA 309 Brewster, associate conductress; Sarah Merrill, treasurer; Anna Salsbury, Adah ; Bell Robie Lee, Ruth ; Dorcas Chamberlain, Esther ; Elizabeth Davis, Martha ; Lorena Hay, Electa ; Alice Baldwin, warder ; J. T. Sargent, sentinel ; Eva Williams, chap- lain, and Lena Taylor, organist. Sparta Lodge No. 94, I. 0. 0. F. The present charter of this organization was granted on the 21st day of January, 1899, with PI. Palmer, R. Langley, L. D. Fisher, D. C. Fuller and S. P. Green- man as charter members. There was a lodge of this order organ- ized in Sparta on or about the year 1858, but it disbanded and the records of it are not available. The present lodge numbers about 150 members, and is in a prosperous condition. In the year 1887 it acquired the property known as the old Heller block on the corner of South AVater and Oak streets, in which Avas added a business block on the west, so that this order is now the owner of a handsome property with paying business tenants below, and a tine suite of lodge rooms on the second floor, including a large and commodious dining room and kitchen; the property is valued at the present time at $10,000. Its present officers are E. F. Babcock, N. G. ; AV. S. Jones, V. G. ; D. L. Jones, secretary; W. 0. Naset, P. S. ; W. H. Blyton, treasurer. Sparta Encampment No. 36, I. 0. 0, F. This is the uniform rank of the order of the Odd Fellows, and was instituted January 19, 1870. Its charter members were A. W. Kemp, S. P. Green- man, G. Simpson, S. B. Hamilton, J. H. Allen, J. N. Tarr and W. F. Cook. This is an order of a military character, and is handsomely equipped with uniforms, each member carrying a sword ; its membership consists of about forty at the present time, and its meetings are held at the hall of the I. 0. 0. F., and its present officers are F. J. Van Antwerp, chief patriarch ; A. P. Anderson, senior warden ; 0. J. Jackson, scribe ; F. J. Sheldon, junior warden, and J. B. Aimer, high priest. Mineral Springs Lodge of Rebeccas No. 41. This is an organ- ization for women, connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the charter was granted for its institution by the grand lodge on December 3, 1874, and was organized w^ith the following charter members : A. W. Kemp, G. S. Shaw, Sam- uel Hoyt, E. E. Olin, L. Green, D. H. Smith, H. A. Streeter, W. P. Meyer, Mrs. A. AV. Kemp, Mrs. G. S. Shaw, Mrs. Samuel Hoyt, Mrs. E. E. Olin, Mrs. L. Green, Mrs. G. H. Smith, Mrs. H. A. Streeter and Airs. AV. P. Aleyer. 310 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY This orgaiii/atiun is notewortliy for its charitable deeds, and has been a great help to the nienil)ers of the order, and they fre- quently give soeial entertainments at the commodious lodge rooms of the Odd Fellows, which are greatly enjoyed by the par- ticipants. It numbers 113 members, and its present ofifieers are: ^Irs. Virginia Brewster, N. G. ; Mis. Inez Ileasty, recording secretary; ]\Irs. Fayette Baldwin, treasurer; ]\Irs. Bell ]Milhii-d. past X. G. ; Mrs. Jennie Sheldon, L. S. N. G. ; Mrs. Ole Jackson, L. S. vice G. ; i\Irs. Evan Lewis, conductor : David S. Jones, out- side guard; Mrs. Emma Talbot. V. G. ; ^Irs. John Ilotfinan. finan- cial secretary; Mrs. ]\Iaud AVest, chaplain; ^Irs. Ada Goodman, R. S. N. G. ; ilrs. Jennie Brandt, R. S. vice G. ; Mrs. Alice Bors, warden; Mrs. David S. Jones, inside guard; Mrs. H. M. Smith, lodge deputy. Knights of Pythias, was organized July 9. 1874, with the fol- lowing charter members: ^1. R. Gage. A. AV. AVilson, C. Blakes- lee, AY. H. Nott, J. :\r. Morrow, J. A. Harvey. C. B. :\IcClure, D. C. Beebe, AY. Goodale. J. B. Palmer and N. P. Lee. The lodge had a warrant granted to them under Avhich they worked until July 1, 1875, when their charter was received from the grand lodge. They were authorized by the Avarrant to organize, con- stitute and establish a lodge of Knights of Pythias at Sparta, county of Monroe, state of AYisconsin, to be known at Sparta Lodge, No. 18, Knights of Pythias. The first officers of the lodge were M. R. Gage. C. C. ; D. C. Beebe, Y. C. ; AY. H. Nott. P. C. : C. Blakeslee, P. ; J. AI. Alorrow. M. A. ; A. AY. AYilson, K. R. S. ; C. D. AlcClure, AI. F. ; J. Harvey, M. E. ; N. P. Lee, L G. ; AY. Goodale, 0. G. The lodge has occupied ditferent halls during the time of its existence, and it is now very comfortaldy housed on the second floor of the Grossman building, where they have commodious quarters fitted up and club rooms. The lodge at present numbers members, and its present officers are F. R. Salsbury, C. C. ; E. A. Richardson, A^ C. ; A. F. Baldwin, prelate; F. DeBruin, AI. of AY.; AY. S. Jones, K. R. S. : C. E. AIcAIillan, IM. of F. ; A. J. Carnahan, AI. of E. : S. C. Letson, !M. of A., and C. E. Simpson, guard. Sparta Camp, No. 560, M. W. A. This order was installed in the city of Sparta on the 18th day of April. 1888, with the follow- ing officers: AL A. Thayer, V. C. ; AY. H. Aloseley, AY. A.; C. AI. Beebe. clerk; C. C. Herbst, banker; Beebe & Sarles. physicians: AVilliam Schaller, watchman; AY. E. Coats, eelate; J. A. Siiolts, LODGES AND ROCIETIES OF SPARTA 311 manager ; George McDowell, secretary ; John Guy, escort. There were in all about twenty charter members. The order has had a steady and prosperous growth and now has 438 members, among whom are thirty-nine social members, who do not participate in the insurance benefit of the order ; the lodge occupies handsome quarters in what is known as the old Opera block, leasing the entire upper floor of this building, in- cluding the dance hall, which it rents for public entertainments at various times and from which considerable revenue is derived. Its present officers are W. P. Bamber, consul ; M. H. Babcoek, advisor ; C. E. Stevenson, banker ; C. M. Van Antwerp, clerk ; Ed. Arnold, escort; August Keifer, sentry; C. Merrow, watch- man ; Sarles, Beebe & Beebe and H. H. Williams, physicians ; D. Hemstock, R. E. Nicol and C. H. Leach, managers ; M. E. Put- man, chief forester. This lodge is a member of the LaCrosse Valley Association of ]\Iodern Woodman, which gives an annual picnic, and on June 5, 1912, the annual picnic was held in the city of Sparta, with an elaborate program and a large attendance. CHAPTER XXIX. THE SPARTA FREE LIBRARY. AVhat is now the "Sparta Free Library," was, at the time of its first organization and starting in the world, in the winter of 1861 and '62, termed the "Young ]\Ien's Library Association" of Sparta. It had its origin in the desire of a number of citizens, at that time, who possessed culture and literary tastes, to found a library which should be a credit to the place and which should not only be a public benefit in the direction of promoting a greater knowledge of books and the higher aesthetic culture Avhich comes from the study of standard works by well-known writers, and valua])le also as a means of reference, but which should be the basis for an association of kindred minds and tastes, for purposes of mutual intellectual improvement. The matter of organizing a library association had been discussed in public and private for some two or three years before it finally took shape and formed itself into a definite purpose. Among the citizens who took a prominent part in the l)eginning of the Young Men's Library Association, and to whom the credit of its inception and organization mainly belong, may be named ^Messrs. Romanzo Bunn, afterwards United States district judge for the western district of "Wisconsin ; Thomas B. Tyler, J. T. Hemphill, Judge George E. Pratt, D. McBride, Dr. M. R. Gage, Milton Montgomery, :\r. A. Thayer, E. S. AVhitaker. H. R. Hayden, L. B. Noyes and a number of others. The exact date of the first meet- ing of the association cannot be stated with certainty, owing to the fact that the early records of the institution have been lost ; and for the same reason but tew details of the organization and progress of the association can be given, except such as can be gathered from the memories of the early projectors of the enter- prise. It was organized as a stock association, and the members subscril)ing for shares at $5 each. AVitli the fund thus raised, the light preliminary expenses were defrayed, and a small but judiciously selected assortment of books procured. Not an incon- siderable part of the infant library also Avere the donation of members and others who gave such volumes as they could spare 312 THE SPARTA FREE LIBRARY 313 from their private collections, and thus a by no means insignifi- cant beginning was made. The officers elected at the start were a president, vice presi- dent, secretarv, treasurer and librarian. R. Bunn was chosen first president of the association, with E. S. AVhitaker secretary and T. B. Tyler treasurer, and, subsequently, by Judge George Pratt, who filled the office for a considerable time. He was succeeded by Dr. R. S. Wells as librarian. The new Young Men's Library Association, during the first year of its existence, experienced the usual vicissitudes of such institutions, the interest in it being active for a time, and then subsiding in to rather a state of quietude, broken at intervals by spasmodic revivals when a concert or dramatic entertainment was arranged for its benefit, or when an annual election of offi- cers took place. The Civil War was then at its height and filled too large a share in men's minds to permit their giving much at- tention to matters literary and, moreover, the class really imbued with a love of books and reading was, as is generally the case in western towns, exceedingly limited part of the total population. It is not singular, therefore, that although expenses were kept up and frecjuent additions were made, on the whole the association rather languished after the first year of its organization. The library rules were defective in not requiring a deposit on the loan of the books, and as a consequence, large numbers of the volumes became scattered and lost. The labor of keeping track of them was not a paying task, and as may be imagined, could not be performed effectively under the circumstances. After a time, and during one of the occasional periods of activity, a change was made and new rules were adopted, one requiring a deposit from those borrowing books from the library, the deposit being refunded, less 10 cents, on the return of the book. This reform kept the library intact, but the question of the revenue was still a perplexing problem. The membership dues had been originally fixed at $2 per annum, but as the number of members diminished from neglect and non-payment of dues, this source afforded no surplus for incidental expenses and the procuring of new books. The Sparta Dramatic Club, a local dramatic organization, came to the rescue at several different occasions and gave entertainments for the benefit of the library, from which considerable amounts were realized and for which the members thereof, among whom were prominent Messrs. ]\I. S. Powell, the brothers H. R. and Harrison Hayden, D. S. Whitaker, George Farbham, Mrs. George Whitcomb, Mrs. M. A. Harris, Mr. 314 HISTORY OF MOXKOK COrXTY and l\Irs. L. B. Noyes and otliri's. dcsci-xinti- fu!l credit i'or tlie liberal aid they lluis fciulcrcd in tin- inst ilut ion. Finally it became apparent that the library would have to be put on some different basis in oi'dt'r to give it permanence and provide for its growth and stability. The membership had dwindled from TOO down to tliirteen in the winter of lS7;5-4. A meeting of the thirteen was held in the office of llie librarian. Dr. AVells, and it was proposed to form a new organization under the state law, then recently passed, authorizing villages and cities to estal)lish free public libraries. The first meeting was held May 8, 1874. at whidi the organization, under the state law. was effected. By this arrangement the library became a village institution, subject to municii)al authority, and its afiFaii-s in charge of a board of trustees. AVhen the library had finally become a village institution, it Avas located in the upper room of a store Iniilding opposite tin* old Ida House, which is now the Hotel Lewis; when Dr. AVells left town the library was removed to the second floor of the Schram building on Water street, where it remained for a good many years, until the present library building was erected. In 1900 there was considerable agitation with regard to the erection of a building for the library, and Dr. AV. T. Sarles had taken some steps towards calling a meeting for the purpose of making some arrangenu^nts looking to that end, but in the mean- time Dr. F. P. Stiles, having learned through reliable sources that money could be procured from Andrew Carnegie for a library building in this city if proper application was made, pre- pared such a letter, which resulted in ]\Ir. Carnegie agreeing to give the sum of $10,000 for the construction of a library, upon the condition that a permanent provision should be made by the city of an amount each year equaling 10 per cent of the gift to maintain the same. Tiiis was very readily granted by the Com- mon Council, and the libi-ary board, after considering several sites, purchased the old Cilobc Hotel property, at the corner of IMain and Court streets, being a lot 150 north and south and 130 east and Avest ; in 1901, plans for the building having been adopted, the library board appointed C. I\I. ]\1 asters, F. P. Stiles and George A. Kichardson as a building conunittee. The work was commenced early in 1902 and linished during tlu^ month of April, 190;{. It was found when the building was nearly completed, that the sum given would not be sufficient to complete the building and to build sidewalks, grade and si^cmI the ground, and an appli- THE SPARTA FREE LIBRARY 315 cation -was made to jMr. Carnegie, who granted the sum of $2,000 more, upon the same condition that the provision amounting to 10 per cent of the gift shoukl be provided. The library building, a handsome brick and stone structure containing commodious and nicely furnished reading rooms with hot water heat and electric lights, is one of the most convenient and tasteful buildings of its character to be found anywhere. Considerable credit is to be given to the building committee for the tliorough manner in which their work was carried out, and especially to George A. Richardson, who devoted a great deal of time in superintending the construction of the building and in the furnishing and fitting of it to its present condition; he has served for more than twenty years as president of the library board, all without any compensation whatever and purely for the satisfaction of seeing the library succeed ; that it has been an institution of great value to the citizens of Sparta there can be no question, containing as it does at the present time 7,288 volumes, consisting of all classes of literature and comprising valuable reference works. At the present time there are about twenty-five periodicals, consisting of magazines and newspapers taken. The library is open daily under the charge of Miss Jennie Scouten, who has been librarian since 1894, and whose extensive knowledge of library work and her invariably courteous treat- ment to patrons of the institution has made her hosts of friends. At the present time Miss Lila Newberry is assistant librarian, and has been for three years. The present library board consists of George A. Richardson, Dr. F. P. Stiles, Dr. Carl Beebe, Mrs. C. C. Newton, IMrs. Paul Schaller and Mr. H. J. Masters. CHAPTER XXX. THE SPARTA FAIR ASSOCIATION. The title of this chapter is used to designate in a general way the fair associations, which have existed for a great many years under diiferent titles, on this side of the county. The first organization of the character was called ''The ]\Ion- roe County Agricultural Society," and was organized at a very early date in the history of the county ; in 1857 Robert E. Gillette, of Tomah, whose name is so closely connected with the history of that city, a zealous worker in all things which pertained to the welfare of the county, suggested the advisal)ility of organizing an agricultural society and, after considerable agitation, it culminated in a meeting of representative citizens of the city who were favorable to the project. Those who exhibited the greatest interest in promoting the organization were R. E. Gillette, Samuel Hoyt, T. B. Tyler, L. S. Fisher and Amos Kendall; after some discussion the society was formally organized early in 1858, under the laws of the state of Wisconsin then existing, which provided for the organization of state and county agricultural societies, and it adopted the name of "Monroe County Agricultural Society.'' The first officers elected were Samuel Hoyt, president ; L. S. Fisher, secretary, and Amos Kendall, treasurer. The association held its first fair in Sparta in September, 1858, in what was then knoAvn as "Denny's Lot," situated on South AVater street, where the 0. I. Newton Son's Company electric light office and the adjacent lumber yard is situated; at least one man is living who attended this fair in the jicrson of Fred A. Ilolden. assistant register of deeds. ]\Ir. Ilolden relates that the fair was quite a success, and that the exhibits consisted of cattle and agricultural products, and the sports consisted of foot races and a Avrestling match, in Avhich a -Ml-. Uui-linganu^ challenged all comers. He states that there were only three teams of horses at the fair, lieing the ones owned by Scpiire Andrews, who then Avas the landlord of the "]\Ionroe House;" his father. A. D. Ilolden. owning a span and also one of :n6 THE SPARTA FAIR ASSOCIATION 317 the Bard's. The rest of the inhabitants from the country came with ox teams and with the old-fashioned liueh pin Avagons, which were greased with tar. This seems peculiar at the present day, but it seems to be the fact that tar was used as a lubricator for wagons in those days. The receipts of the exhibits were rather light, but exceeded the disbursements, and the people who attended were unanimous in the claim that the gathering was a great success. In 1863 the society became the purchaser of the present fair ground, situated west of the city, for which $725 was paid and a deed received from the owner on the third day of September in that year. The plat originally consisted of an entire forty acres, but this being too much for the purposes of the societ3^ all but twenty-five acres were disposed of and are comprised in the present fair grounds. The purposes of this society was to promote the annual gath- erings at which the best products of the soil and the dairy were exhibited; improved machinery and implements for agricultural and dairy purposes were exhibited, and farmers, merchants, manufacturers and all classes of industries joined in making ex- hibits of their specialty, for which liberal premiums were offered in all lines. Fairs, which were more or less successful, were held in the succeeding years, and by means of donations from citizens, it was kept going financially and, up to 1880, was in a flourishing con- dition ; at that time a tornado, which passed through this section of the country, caused a severe loss to the society, as the build- ings on the grounds Avere completely demolished, causing a great expense to rebuild and repair ; by prudent management, how- ever, the debt was paid and the society once more placed upon a good financial footing. The society continued its existence until about 1892, when interest in it lagged and no fairs were held and, in May, 1894. it was succeeded by the "Sparta Driving and Agricultural Associa- tion," which was incorporated by AV. T. Sarles, Fred Gross. M. R. Gage, ^X. P. Palmer, L. D. Merrill and F. L. French, whose names appear on the original articles of incorporation. This society acquired the old fair grounds and improved the racetrack and held horse races at difi^erent times during the season of such sports, and revived the old fair and conducted the same for a great many years. No fairs were held during 1909 and 1911, and the society, as then in existence, transferred its whole property in the winter of 318 HISTORY OF .MOXKOK COIXTY 1911-12 to tlie "Sparta Fair Association," suiifiidcrcd all llicir stock, and tlie organization Avhicli now owns the pi-opcrty is coin- posed pi'incipally of farmers; it has been thoroughly reorganized with AV. H. llancliett i)resident and AV. A. llolden secretary. Active preparations ai'c ])eing made, and undouhtcdly the year 1912 will see the resumption of holding an annual lair in the fall of the year. There are upon the grounds at the present commodious grand stands, a large exlubition building for farm products, mercantile exhibits and all those requiring indoor space, a large and commodious barn with 1)0X stalls for racing stock, ample cattle sheds and barns for the stock, togetlier with pens for pigs and sheep and a large house Avhere cliickens and other domestic birds are exhibited ; all together, the plant is very complete; a good half-mile track for racing, in the center is a baseball ground. There is an artesian well on the grounds which furnishes the best of water to the l)arns and stock sheds. The neAV fair association starts with bright prospects, has a very large number of stockholders, as no person is allowed to OAvn more than one share of stock, and whatever place it takes in the future history of the county, it certainly does not lack for good equipment, good membership and ample opportunity. CHAPTER XXXI. MANUFACTURES AND BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. IManufactui'ing was inaugurated in the little village of Sparta in 1853, when A. H. and Hilton Blake erected a sawmill upon the banks of Beaver creek ; were it still standing it would now be located about in the center of Water street; this was the only sawmill here in this vicinity, except the one which is situated in Angelo, having been built there in 1852 by Seth Angel. Messrs. Blake run this sawmill until about 1857, when the same was purchased by K. and 0. P. ]\IcClure, who destroyed the old building and built the first grist mill in Sparta ; this was situated about forty feet east of the old building. This grist mill was operated by I\IcClure Brothers for several years to great ad- vantage, the farmers bringing their grain to the mill from a great distance to be ground. In June, 1867, the property was bought by T. B. Tyler and T. D. Steele for .$27,000 ; they erected on the site of the grist mill a woolen mill, at an estimate cost of $30,000, and commenced the operation under the firm name of T. B. Tyler & Co. ; they con- tinued to operate the mill until 1872, when they sold it to II. Greeve. At that time the greater part of the original plat belonging to the mill property had been disposed of as building lots. From that time, 1872 to 1878, the mill did not meet with a great deal of success, not running regularly, and in September of the latter year, T. B. Gibson bought the mill and commenced operation ]\Iay 1, 1879, manufacturing woolen goods, making a specialty of fine white blankets, which became quite noted. In the spring of 1881 Mr. Gibson made several improvements in the work in order to fill the demand for his goods, and increased the machinery ; he manufactured fine white blankets and ^Mackinaw cloth, tlie latter being a grade of goods used for out-clothing for lumber and woodsmen. The business ran at that time up to a capacity of $50,000 worth of goods per year and employed as high as twenty-five hands ; it was operated as a woolen mill for several years, until it passed into other hands and the manu- 319 320 IIISTOKY OF MONROE COUNTY facture of goods was no longer continued ; the building was used for various purposes at different times up until about 1909, when it was sold to AV. A. Ileinstoek, and is now used as a livery stable. As early as 1864 the village of Sparta boasted of a paper mill, which was erected in that year by John L. Mather, at a cost of $42,000. In 1871 it came into the possession of Oran I. Newton, who ran it until 1879, Avhen he rebuilt the entire plant at a cost of over $50,000. The mill Avas situated on the LaCrosse river, when the water power, which is now used by the 0. I. Newton Son's Electric Light Company, was first put in. The mill's capacity was over 6,000 pounds of paper daily, and employed as high as twenty hands, using in the manufacture of a certain kind of paper five tons of straw daily. In addition to the manufacture of wrapping paper and paper bags, !Mr. Newton dealt very largely in other grades of paper, and built up a large trade throughout the Northwest, keeping several salesmen on the road constantly. After his death the mill was operated by his sons, Harry i\I. and George Newton, until it burned some years later. AVith the destruction of the plant the business went out of existence, as the Newton boys did not rebuild it, but used the Avater power for operating the electric light plant, which they subsequently ac- quired, and the general powerhouse of which is situated on the site of the old paper mill at the present time. Among other industries which have gone out of existence and which were prominent at one time, was the carriage works of Messrs. E. and A. Thorbus, Avhich was established in the village of Sparta in the fall of 1866 by the senior partner of the firm. ]\lr. Thorbus commenced business in an old frame building and, during the first year, turned out seventy-five wagons of various kinds, the greater part of which were heavy vehicles, adapted for hauling and fai-m work. In 1870 A. Thorbus Avas admitted as a partner, bringing both business, capital and energy, and during this year the firm erected a warehouse at a cost of $3,000, which they occupied for many years. AVhen the Avorks were run to their full capacity, they employed twenty-five hands and kept in stock al)out 450 vehicles of various kinds. As the years went by the manufacture of Avagons Avas gradu- ally discontinued and, finally, under the name of E. Thorl)us & Son, the busini^ss Avas conducted ]>rincii)ally as a headquarters for farm machinery up to the time of the death of E. Thorbus. It Avas afterAvards continued by the estate under the management MANUFACTURES: BUSINESS ENTERPRISES 321 of the son, C. T. Thorbus, until a few years ago, when he sold it to Davis & Jones. There are three feed mills at present being operated in the city. One on Water street by G. H. Bunnell, he having acquired the Bacon mill dam and operates it at the present time ; a pros- perous business, manufacturing flour of different grades in a small way and being very useful for the farmers for feed grind- ing. The old mill by the St. Paul depot is now owned by Bergman Bros., both of these properties have, in the past years, gone through so many different hands that tlie records of them cannot be gotten at the present time. Both have had various ups and downs, and the trouble Avitli the water power, especially the dam, has taken the course that is common with the dams constructed of wood and dirt. At present it appears to be operated successfully, being owned by Bergman Brothers, who have increased its clientage since they came in the business. The old McCoy mill, situated on the lower end of Court street, is still operated with the water power which had been in ex- istence for so many years. It is used as a feed mill and has built a large clientage among the farmers of the south and west. Monroe County Telephone Company. This company was organized in a small way in the year 1897, with eighty-five phones and with V. V. Willey, E. V. Benjamin and H. C. Jackney as incorporators, who, in December, 1907 sold out their hold- ings to about thirty local men, who have since owned it. It has grown steadily and extends its lines in all directions in the county, and in the year 1904, it closed a contract with Bell Tele- phone Company by which it is also connected directly with long- distance lines, which is a great convenience to its patrons; it operates at the present time 552 miles of rural routes and city lines, with 950 telephones ; has its central office in the Teasdale building, where a fine equipment is maintained with modern and most improved switch-boards, and in connection a rest room for the girl operators. The plant is valued with all its connection lines at about $50,000, and owes its success principally to Senator Howard Teasdale, who has been the secretary and general manager of the organization since its start. The present officers are C. M. Beebe, president ; W. G. AYil- liams, vice president ; H. Teasdale, secretary and general man- ager, and W. McBride, treasurer. 322 HISTORY OF .MOXKOP: COUNTY Sparta Grain Separator Company. This company lias tlie distinction of building a machine lor the separating of Avheat and oats and tlic cleaning of wheat and oats, which is the work of a Sparta man, JMr. George W. Richardson; ^Ir. Richardson worked a great many years upon his idea and finally succeeded in getting a patent on a machine which would accomplish the Avork, so longed desired by mill and elevator men, that is a machine which Avould clean wheat and other mixtures of grain, separating them, thus making the grade higher. The company Avas organized in Ihe year 1902, in the manu- facture of this machine, and started in a small way in its present location and met with success and, finally, in the year ]909, the entire plant was sold to C. T. Thorbus, who is now the sole owner; he has perfected the machine in various ways and en- larged the plant at difit'erent times and the machines have been sold in various parts of the United States, and at the present time Mr. Thorbus has organized a stock company at AVinnipeg, Canada, for the manufacture of Richardson Grain Separators, so that starting from a small beginning, this business promises to extend itself over a large territory. Several sizes of these machines are manufactured, from a small machine for mills, up to a large machine of big capacity for handling grain in ele- vators. American Cigar Company. This is not an industry by local capital, but is one of tlic many i)lants of this great company which is operated in ditferent i)arts of the United States for the sorting and grading of tobacco ; the company located here in the year ]9()1, and erected several large brick buildings, near the Northwestern depot, upon Ihe land donated to it by the city for this purpose; to this plant is l)rouglit a large stock of tobacco, bought in different parts of AVisconsin by the diflferent agents of the company, and here it is sorted, graded and packed ; the gen- eral manager and staff are employed the year around at the plant, and during the sorting season it has enijiloyed as high as 5UU hands in the handling of tobacco. There is also an e(|ui{)nH'nl of machinery for curing tobacco, by which the leaf is started in one end ol' the nuichine and at the end of a few hours comes out tlie othor side, cured and ready for use. This is a very complicated machine, and reqiiires the atten- tion of an ('\])ci-t to operate it and accomplish the results, which otherwise reciuires considerable time. The present general manager is IT. S. AFcGiffin, with a corps of assistants. MAXUFACTUEES: BUSINESS ENTERPRISES 323 Jefferson Leaf Tobacco Company. This organization was in- corporated l)y AV. T. Jefit'erson and his son Harley, in connection with several others, in the year 1909. Mr. W. T. Jefferson had formerly been a manager of the plant of the American Cigar Company here and also state manager for that institution ; he re- tired from its service in 1909 and organized the Jefferson Leaf Tobacco Company ; his long experience in the business in Vir- ginia and in AVisconsin fitted him to engage at once in this busi- ness, and the company leased commodious quarters, situated on "Water street, where it congregates its stock of leaf tobacco, sorts and packs it. It employs about fifty hands. The present officers of the corporation are W. T. Jefferson, president ; D. AY. Cheney, vice president ; H. W. Jefferson, secre- tary and treasurer. Sparta Iron Works. Originally established as an iron foundry, the present plant is the outgrowth of the oldest estab- lished industry in the city. In 1857 Captain Fisk erected the first foundry in response to a demand growing up in this section of the state for such a business ; he afterwards sold an interest to Frank Skillman and Jeremiah Andreas; this firm ran the business until 1860, when Skillman acquired the entire business, buying out the other two, and conducted it until 1865, when he sold out to LoAvrie, Mock & Stevens ; this firm sold to H. Greve, and he in turn was bought out by J. J. Owsley, during Avhose ownership the plant was destroyed by fire. In 1867 Lowrie, Irwin & Gilbert built another foundry near where the present works are located, and this was finally pur- chased by the Sparta Manufacturing Company, and again the plant was destroyed by fire. L. ]\I. Newbury bought what was left and built another shop in 1869, sold a half interest to J. P. AVard, and in 1872 built what is the main building of the present works. AVard sold to Air. Satterlee and the firm of Newbury & Satterlee carried on the business extensively, at times employing as many as sixteen hands. The works passed into the hands of Carl Newbury and J. U. Durant, by whom it was formed into a corporation ; the entire plant was taken over by Lee and Robert Canfield, who are the principal stockholders, and the business has been conducted under their management ever since. Gradually the foundry and casting business was dropped and the entire plant is now devoted principally to the manufacture of well drilling machinery, and in this business the Canfield brothers have made a success which is hardly realized by the citizens of Sparta ; modest and unassum- 324 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY intr. they have developed surprising business ability, employ about forty hands, five of whom are traveling salesmen, and their machinery is sold all over the United States, in Canada, Porto Rico, Africa, India and the South American states and elsewhere. CHAPTER XXXII. CHURCHES OF SPARTA. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The Congregational church liad its beginning with the com- ing of Rev. AV. F. Avery, who arrived October 24, 1854; having finished his studies at Amherst College, Massachusetts, he started West and, upon his arrival, found everything crude and primi- tive, but he entered into the work with great earnestness ; after three and a half years his health broke down from overwork. At first, there being no meetinghouse, services were conducted in private houses, the church being formally organized June 22, 1855, commenced the building of a church in the winter of 1856, which was formally dedicated June 11, 1857 ; it was erected at a cost of $3,800 complete. The first deacons of the church were Joseph Avery, the father of the pastor; Guy C. Hoyt, and H. M. Sandford. Deacon Avery was untiring in his efforts in behalf of his church, and it was through his efforts that the church build- ing was erected. The first board of officers was elected March 8, 1856, consisting of six trustees, being George AV. Root, G. C. Hoyt, E. S. Blake, E. Lathrop, Joseph Avery and A. F. Childs. In 1858 Rev. Avery resigned, and from that period to 1867 the pulpit was occupied by five different clergymen ; the Rev. Joseph Carmichael became the pastor in 1866 and served for nine years, being followed by Rev. Geo. F. Hunting for two years, and he in turn succeeded by Rev. Frank T. Lee, who entered the pastorate January 23, 1879. During his time the church made rapid progress. The Rev. AVilliam Crawford followed him, commencing the work April 8, 1883, and continued as pastor for about eighteen years, and it was during his long pastorate that the church reached its climax of success ; Dr. Crawford, a most earnest Christian, of great executive ability, a profound scholar upon whom his college, Amherst, has conferred the degree of D.D., was closely allied with the best interests of Sparta, and the memory of the great work accomplished by him will long linger in the minds of the people of Sparta. It was during his pastor- 325 32G HISTORY OF ]\IOXROE COUNTY ate, ami largely due to his efforts, that the present beautiful cluireh was erected at a cost of about ii^20,U()0 and dedicated June 23, 1879. This church is far beyond the cliurch building ordinarily found in a city of this size; it is l)uilt upon grand architectural lines, handsome in appearance, fitted inside with a large pipe organ and modern church furnishings, a large, roomy audi- torium, tlie acoustic properties of which are excellent, church ])arlors Avhicli can be opened into the main auditorium and a Avell-appointed basement dining room and kitchen, in which church suppers are frequently held. Rev. E. AV. lluelster was called to the pastorate from the East, succeeding Dr. CraAvford, in January, 1901 ; upon his re- tirement, after considerable discussion, the Rev. F. AV. A\'alker Pugh, pastor of the First Baptist Church of the city, was en- gaged as pastor, and the two church organizations formed an alliance; the Baptist church being so small in num])ers that to maintain a clergyman was almost out of the question ; the coali- tion Avas effected ; the two church societies joined in supporting the church Avork of the Congregational church, although each organization still retains its olftcers and each conducts its annual church meeting as before. The arrangement seems to be a A'ery happy one, as the congregation, thus augmentedj supports the church very Avell. Rev. Harding Hogan succeeded Dr. Pugh. having been the pastor for about tAvo years last past ; Rev. Hogan is a fortunate addition to the local clergy, a man of broad mind, a deep student, gifted far beyond the ordinary Avith eloquence, his sermons, habitually delivered AA'ithout the aid of a manuscript, are models of logic, thought and diction. There are the usual societies con- nected AA'ith the church Avhich maintain the ordinary church ac- tivities and do much charity A\'ork, and the church is fortunate in having a large choir of mixed voices, ably conducted by Dr. S. D. Beebe. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Sparta Avas visited for the first time by a Catholic priest in 1858, in Ihe ]>erson of the Rev. Father Rrtche. Avho celebrated mass in a lailroad shanty. At lliat time there Avere but few Catholic families in the village, but Avith the advent of Father ]\Iontague, who succeeded Father Roche in 18G0, began the groAvtli of the congregation UJitil in llie year lS(iT a frame ehureh AA'as built, under the direction of Father Alarco; Father CHURCHES OF SPARTA 327 Montague was succeeded by Father Stroker about 1864, and he in turn, by Father Gallagher about 1865, and Father Marco. This building was located somewhere near the present Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company depot, and the first members of tlie congregation were H. Fanning, Thomas and Pat Brennan, H. Schroff, D. Sullivan, P. Fitzgerald, C. Bedenk, H. C. MuUer, T. McGargle, H. Carr. AY. Lennon, M. Bransfield, Thomas and Bernard Mulrenin. Ed Barry, William, Thomas, Ed and John BoAvler, Pat Davis, Con. Carroll, Jacob Poss, J. Ant- weiler, John AYagner and Alec Allen, five of whom, Pat and Thomas Brennan, AA^illiam and Thomas Bowler and Thomas Mul- renin, are still living. The Rev. Father Quigley succeeded Father i\Iarco as the pastor in 1867, and he in turn was succeeded by the Rev. Father Dorward of Tomah, who on the 14th day of August, 1876, was succeeded in turn by Rev. J. B. IMetzler, who held the pastorate until August, 1877. when the Rev. Joseph Bauer relieved him ; he officiated until 1877, when Rev. J. AVicker took charge, until 1879, when Rev. J. B. AViedman succeeded him. The church first erected in 1867, near the depot, was moved to the present loca- tion in 1877 ; the membership at that time consisted of about fifty families. Rev. Father T. H. Beau succeeded Father AYiedman in the pastorate, and after a short pastorate of a few months by Rev. J. Kennedy, he in turn was succeeded by Rev. Father H. F. Flock, who marks the twenty-fifth j^ear of his pastorate in 1912. During the latter 's pastorate the old church was enlarged and remodeled at an expense of about $2,000. Until about 1897 two mission churches were attached to the Sparta church, one at Summit of about fifty families, and one at Pine Hill, near Sham- rock, of about twenty families. Since 1897 the Sparta congre- gation has service every Sunday ; the aforesaid church at Summit now having a resident pastor, and the church at Pine Hill being attended from Black River Falls. On Sunday morning, January 22, 1905, the church was totally destroyed by fire, which started in the basement and, it being an old wooden building, it soon went up into flames. The congre- gation, luckily, had $2,300 of insurance on this building, so that it was not a total loss. Steps were immediately taken for the erection of a new church, and on Sunday, September 24, 1905, the cornerstone of the new edifice was laid with impressive ceremonies by Bishop Schwebach, of LaCrosse, and on June 5, two years later, the 328 HISTORY OF :\lOXR0P: COUNTY bishop again visited the elnireh and presided at the dedicatory ceremonies, Avliieli were very e]al)orate. The clnirch OAvns the entire ])lock upon wliidi its huildinos are situated, Avith tlie ex- ception of four h)ts Avhieh are owned bj' the Franciscan Sisters and upon which stands the St. Mary's Domestic Science school building. The congregation has a membership of something over 100 families, who are steady supporters of the church, besides about fifty who are occasional contributors. Though not large, the congregation has made a splendid showing the last few years in erecting a new parsonage at a cost of !|<4,000 ; buying new prop- erty to the value of $6,000, and building the new church at a cost of $30,000 with a residue debt of only $15,000 at the present time and that is being paid at a rapid rate. ST. MARY'S DOMESTIC SCIENCE SCHOOL. This is not financially connected with St. Patrick's congrega- tion, but is a separate institution conducted by the Franciscan Sisters of LaCrosse, "Wis. Originally the building which was considerably smaller than now, was used as a school and after- wards it was changed to a girls' orphanage, for which purpose it Avas used until 1889, when the orphans were taken to LaCrosse, and it then became a boarding school until about the year 1905. The sisters then determined to undertake the opening of a domestic science school in connection with the St. ]\Iary's Con- vent, and it became a success from the start; it then was neces- sary to enlarge the buildings to accommodate the increasing at- tendance. The building was thoroughly remodeled and enlarged and school formally opened on I\Ionday, January 6, 1908. It is equipped with a large and commodious kitchen, a spacious dining room, sewing room, class room, bright, airy dormitories, a well- equipped laundry, several music rooms, all well lighted, steam heat and ventilation and provided with all modern improve- ments, arranged with a view to the practical convenience and comfort of the pupils. This is a school for girls, and its principal purpose is to teach domestic science and all its branches, which includes for the first year, cooking and serving of meals, table etiquette, study in composition and nutrient value of various foods, housekeeping and home management, laundering in all its branches, plain sewing, mending and darning, the making of simple garments, common and fancy needlework. The second year of the course includes also home-nursing, care of the sick and the sick room, CHURCHES OF SPARTA 329 making, cutting and fitting of garments and art needlework. Music is also taught, tlie music department being well provided with rooms and instruments. Orchestra concerts and musical programs are provided for the entertainment of the pupils and their friends ; there is also a course of drawing and painting, which is optional for those who desire to take it. In connection with the other instructions in the school, religious instruction is given, and the training and discipline Avhich will cultivate in its pupils the Christian virtues and special traits of womanly char- acter that should be prominent in good Christian homes. The following is. a list of the graduates of the school: 1910 — Veronica Elner, New Ulm, Minn. 1911 — Emily Shornar, La Crosse, Wis. ; Gertrude Beecher, Eau Claire, Wis. ; Pauline Hil- debrand, Sheboygan, Wis. ; Catherine Schmitt, St. Lucas, la. 1912 — Clara Belter, Athens, AVis. ; Anna Beil, Athens, Wis. ; Mary Greiner, Athens, AVis. ; Clemence Canar, Mondovi, AVis. ; Florence Schlosser, Eau Claire, AVis. ; Anna Alariek, Eau Claire, AVis. ; Sophia Duren, Cazenovia, Wis. ; Clara Muehlenkamp, Nor- walk, AVis. ; Elizabeth Rick, Plain, AVis. ; Alary E. Hughes, Green- wood, AVis. The total attendance for the year 1911-12 was forty-five pupils. THE ORDER OF THE SACRED HEART. This city is fortunate in being selected as one of the three points in the United States where is established a home for the members of this order. In August, 1911, the property known as the Judge Romanzo Bunn residence, on South Court street, was purchased, which in- cludes about thirteen acres of land, and became a mission house of this order, and on September 27th it was dedicated by the Rev. James Schwebaeh, bishop of LaCrosse, with impressive ceremonies. This order was originally founded in France, by Very Rev. Jules Chevalier, December 8, 1851, but in consequence of the French anti-clericalism, the society was moved from France, wdiere it had a magnificent basilica, dedicated to our Lady of the Sacred Heart, which annually attracted thousands of pilgrims and established its headquarters in Holland, from which it rapidly spread over many countries. The mother home is now located in Rome. The chief activities of the order are the missions of the South Sea and Philippine Islands ; the society is especially strong in New Guinea, where it has a complete organization, headed by an 380 HISTORY OF IMOXROE COUNTY arclil)isli()|) willi 140 ])riests and 100 lay bretiircn ; in llic i'liilip- piue Lslands tlicro are twenty-five priests and twenty lay breth- ren. Altlioujrli 1lic missions are dang^erons and ditficult, they are declared lo he llic most pi'ospt'i'oiis of any througlioul the world, and the ordci- lias at this time a total membership of 600 priests and 200 lay brothers. At tiie mission home in tliis city tliere are at tlie present time an average of about seven priests who are here for rest from their arduous labors. The home is well located geographically, and it is expected in the future that it will grow in usefulness and be the home of many of these missionaries during the times in which they are permitted to retire from active service and recruit their health and strength. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. In the early settlement of the country it seems that the Methodist denomination Avas first on the ground in Sparta in the person of Rev. Frederick Walrath, who preached the first sermon in 1851 to a congregation of five persons, services being held in the cabin of iNlr. Petit. Rev. AValrath continued to hold services from that time until 1854, the membership numbering about twenty-five persons ; in that year the first regularly appointed pastor took charge, the Rev. Mr. ^layne. Although regularly assigned to this clnirch, the organization did not, in fact, take place until 1850: at that time Rev. Reuben R. Wood, presiding elder of the LaCrosse dis- trict, AVisconsin conference, appointed Frederick AValrath, AV. J. Tucker, Albert II. Blake, Benjamin Stevens and J. W. Harding as trustees of the church at Sparta, to hold in trust all church property; the organization being completed according to the laws of the state by the presiding elder acknowledging the ex- ecution of the certificate before E. S. Blake, notary public, at Sparta, on the 16th day of February, 1856, the document being filed in the office of the county clerk on the same date. In 1856 a neat church was erected at a cost of about H'2,500. and about that tinu' a bell was presented to the church by the members of the community, the sum of $450 having been raised by subscription for that jMu-pose. and became a great addition to the building. The eliureii was. of course, regularly sujiplied inuler the system used in the Methodist conference, Avith })astors, during the first years, and for a great many years the five-year rub' being in force; a record of all of the pastors is not available, but among them have been humi of high intellectual attainments, aiLRCIIP:S OF SPARTA 331 among them might be mentioned the Rev. Seamann, Rev. Trimm, Avho became presiding elder of this district a few years ago ; Rev. AVright, who afterwards was sent to Europe in the mission- ary work; Rev. Bauchop, who believed in practical patriotism, joined the Sparta military company and received a commission as lieutenant, serving for a time faithfully and well. Rev. L. A. Brenner perhaps accomplished the greatest amount of improvement in church property, for during his incumbency for a few years ending in 1911, the church Avas greatly improved and enlarged, and through his etforts money was raised and a magnificent pipe organ purchased and installed ; the building en- tirely fitted with beautiful stained glass windows. In the past years the church has had able managers among its trustees, and has acquired the title to most of the block upon Avhich the church building is situated ; has erected a fine parson- age for the pastor's use, which is one of the finest appointed resi- dences in the city. During the fall of 1911 the conference of the LaCrosse dis- trict was held at this church; at this meeting Rev. L. A. Brenner was appointed district superintendent, a fitting reward for good and faithful service. The church has a large membership, is in a good condition financially, and wields a considerable influence in the community ; has many societies connected with it, espe- cially among the young people, and strong Sunday school and Epworth League ; the pastor at the present writing being Rev. Straw. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Was organized September 9, 1854, with sixteen members, its first pastor being the Rev. James Squier; after an existence of some months the church disbanded and was reorganized on the 29th of June, 1856, with twenty-two constituent members, who adopted the New Hampshire confession of faith, and during the first year, under the pastorate of Rev. AY. H. Card, the member- ship increased by the addition of fifty-one persons ; in 1 858 the first church building was erected on Benton street ; subsequently this was disposed of and, under the pastorate of Rev. S. S. ATalker, a church building was erected on the corner of Oak and Court streets, the present site ; in 1895 the congregation having grown to substantial proportions, erected the beautiful church Avhich occupies the site Avhich was formally dedicated February 7th, 1897. The church, during the succeeding years, had varied success, but gradually, through removals from the city, the mem- 332 HISTORY OF ^^lOXROE COUNTY bershij) clwiiulknl to a })uiiit wliieh, as has l)i'eii said, resulted in the coalition with the Congregational society during the pastor- ate of the Rev. F. AV. AValker Pugh ; at the publication of this history the arrangement still continues, a striking illustration that letting down the bars in denominational religion results and can result in greater good. THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The first services of this church were held at what was known at "Union Block," just south of Assembly hall, by Rev. Fayette Durlin, missionary stationed at LaCrosse ; he visited Sparta oc- casionally thereafter for some time. Bishop Kemper made the first Episcopal visitation in 1859, at which time Mrs. J. AV. AVal- rath, ]\Irs. J. D. Condit and Mrs. J. AY. Smith received the rite of confirmation. In 1860 the first Sunday school was organized by a few ladies at the home of ]\Irs. 0. D. Kaiidall, which held its first sessions at Liberty hall. In 1861 the lot was purchased where the little church noAv stands, and in 1863 a plain church "was erected through the efforts of the few meml)ers and the donations from all classes of citizens. In April, 1863. St. John's Church Avas formally organized with the Rev. AV. P. Ten Broeck as pastor. !Many clergymen have been assigned to tliis little church, Avhich has had a varied existence, at times no services being held, at others occasional service and at times having a missionary priest regularly in charge. Of late years the most determined effort to inaugurate a re- vival of the church membership and work was undertaken, with the coming of Rev. A. J. R. Goldsmith from England, sent here by Bishop Nicholson; he arrived in July. 1906. and remained about two years, during which time he was ordained by Bishop AYebl) ; he resigned and went to Arapahoe, Neb. In September, 1909, Rev. Robert T. ]\IcCutchen assumed charge, holding regu- lar services up to the time when he received an appointment from the general board of missions in New York City as missionary to the Philippine Islands, with residence at Sagada, for whicli duty he and his wife left Sparta early in 1911. The church has since been closed, except for occasioiud services which have l)een sup- plied by Rev. Link fioiii Alauston. CHAPTER XXXIII. TOMAH, MENOMONEE CHIEF. It having been established beyond the question that the city of Tomah was named from Tliomas Carron, or "Tomah," which is the French pronunciation for Thomas, a biography of this remarkable man merits a place in this work. There seems to have been a great deal of uncertainty in the past among the people of Tomah who have been interested in investigating its early days and the reason for the name, and it has frequently been written that he was a Winnebago chief, but through the efforts of the Wisconsin State Historical Society the principal facts in his life have been gathered and are here presented. Tomah was the most noted of the sons of the old Carron, a celebrated Menomonee chief, and was born in 1752 in the old King's village, opposite Green Bay. He was a man of magnifi- cent appearance, being six feet tall, with dark eyes and handsome features, and was very prepossessing, with a lordly bearing. He looked every inch a king and one writer, Grignon, says that he was the finest looking chief that he had ever seen. He was firm, prudent, peaceable and conciliatory, and wfss sincerely loved alike by the white and red men of his time. In his early man- hood he became the acting chief of the ^Menomonee tribe, although he had no hereditary title to the chieftainship. This was held at the time by a man about as old as himself, who was an idiot. Tomah merely ruled as the acknowledged strongest man of his nation, and this he continued to do for a great many years. The Indian tribes around him are represented as being- afraid of him, which is mentioned as a singular fact, that he never engaged in Avar with any of them while in control of the nation, but seemed to inspire awe by his great ability. The home of this tribe was in the vicinity of Green Bay, l)ut the Indians at different times roamed tJiis entire country, and no doubt at some time the chief Tomah occupied for a brief space some portion of the site of the present city of Tomah as his camp- ing grounds and made the acquaintance of some settler or settlers in that region, who were so impressed with his bearing and 333 334 HISTORY OF :\10NHOK COUNTY frii'n(llin(\s.s that liis name was jji-oposed for the little early settle- ment, and (^ver since the village, and afterwards the city, has horiK^ his name. An account Avritten by James AV. Biddle, of Pittsburgh, Pa., of a visit to the Indian trilx'S at Green Bay and vicinity along in 1810 and 1817, gives many interesting events in the history of this great chief. jMr. l^iddle relates that on his visit he learned that in 1810 or 1811 Tecumseh was forming his great combination for drivint: llic Americans back, who, like the waves of the sea, were encroaching upon their hunting grounds. AYith this vicAV he visited Green Bay, obtained a council and hearing from Tomah and his people, whom he addressed in a man- ner he best knew how to do, and in the course of which, in true Indian spirit, he pictured the glory, as well as certainty of suc- cess, and as omens of this recapitulated to them his own hitherto ])rosperous career — the number of battles he had fought, tlic vic- tories he had won, the enemies he had slain, and the scalps he had taken from the lieads of the warrior-foes. Tonuili appeared sensible of this influence, for he was opposed to leading his people into war. His reply was in a tone to allay this feeling, and he closed Avith the remark to tliem that they had heard the words of Tecumseh — heard of the battles lie had fought, the enemies he iiad slain, and the scalps he had taken. He then paused, and while the deepest silence reigned throughout the audience he slowly raised his hands, and his eyes fixed on them, and in a lower I)iit not less prouder tone, continued, "But i1 is my boast that these hands are unstained with Imiiuiii blood!*' The eflt'ect is described as tremendous — nature obeyed her own impulse; an admiration Mas forced even from those who could not. or did not, approve of the moral to be implied, and the gravity of the council Avas disturbed for an instant by a murmur of ai)proba- tion, a tribute of genius, overpowering at the moment the force of education and of haliit. He concluded Avith remarking that he had ever supported the policy of peace, as his nation Avas small and consequently Aveak; 1li;it he Avas I'lilly awai-e of llie injustice of the Anu'ricaus in tlu-ii- encroadiiiienls upon the lands of Ihe Indians, and for them feai'ed its consecjuences. I)u1 llial he saw- no I'elief for it in going to Avai-. aiul therefore, as a national tiling, he Avould not do so, but that if any of his young nuMi Avere desirous of leaving their hunting grounds and foUoAving Tecum- seh they had his permission to do so. His prudent councils pre- vailed. The further report of Mr. Biddle. given in his oavu language, is as folloAvs: "I always thought this an odd speech, a very TOMAH, MENOMONEE CHIEF 335 remarkable one to come from a savage, for such Tomali was by l)irth and edneation, but by nature I always thought him one of the grandest specimens of humanity I had ever seen. I had not met with him at Green Ba^' ; I was only a few days here in 1816 and hurried with business, nor did I hear much, if anvthing, of him, until after meeting him the next year at ^lackinaw. The tirst I lieard of him was a prescription of his to Col. John Bowyer, tlie Indian agent at Green Bay, for the gout, of which my brother, EdAvard Biddle, told me, and a very rational one I thought it, ' to drink no whiskey, live on lean meat and wild rice and scarify his feet.' This led me to make inquiries about him when I found that my brother had become a warm friend of his — an admirer of him. "When at Mackinaw early one morning in the latter part of May or early in June, 1817, I had come out of my lodgings and observed approaching me one of tlie many Indians then on the island, and taking a look at him as he emerged from the fog, then very heavy, I was struck as he passed in a most unusual manner by his singularly imposing presence. I had never seen, I thought, so magnificent a man. He was of large size, perhaps full six feet, with hue proportions, a little stoop-shouldered, and dressed in a someAvhat dirty Indian l)lanket, and had scarcel}^ noticed me as he passed. I remember it as distinctly as if it was yesterday. I watched him until he disappeared again in the fog and remember almost giving expression to a feeling which seemed irresistibly to creep over me, tliat the earth was too mean for such a man to walk on ! The idea, to be sure, was discarded the moment it came up, but existence it had at this, my first view, of Toraah. 1 had no knowledge at the time who he was or that Tomah was on the island, but while standing there before my door and under the influence of the feeling I have described, Henry Graverat, the Indian interpreter, came up and I inquired of him whether he knew an Indian who had just passed by? He replied yes. that it was Tomah, chief of the IMenomonee Indians, who, with his people, had arrived late the evening before and were encamped at the 'Point;' that Tomah had just been with him to ask a council with the Indian agent, Maj. Wm. H. Puthuff. The council was held at 10 o'clock and I made it my business to attend. "To understand what follows, I must make a short digression. The British for many years had paid annual contributions, termed by them Indian annuities, giving each member of the tribe a suit of clothes, consisting of a shirt, leggins, breech-clout and blanket 336 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY — and each family a copper kettle, knives, axes, guns, ammuni- tion, etc. For these each tribe came regularly in the spring or fall, either to ^Mackinaw or Drummond's island or the Sault Ste. ]\Iarie. Tomah was a British Indian. He had not himself engaged in the war, but his feelings were with the British, as were per- sonally some of his young men. He had arrived on ^Mackinaw island Avith his whole people on their way to Drummond's island to receive their usual annuity, and stopped at ^Mackinaw to rest over night. There was nothing novel to us in this as a number of tribes had previously arrived, stopped and had a council, at which they told their story, always winding up with professions of love for their 'Chemuckiman Nosah,' or American father, who, they hoped, would open his heart and give their people some meat to stay them on tlieir journey, and his breasts to give them some milk — i. e., whiskey — to make them joyful. This was the usual winding up of all such councils. AVhen the council in this instance had met and the proper time offered, Tomah arose and stated to ]\Iajor Puthuff that he had arrived Avith the Menoinonee nation the night before on their Avay to visit their Britisli father, and that having stopped on the island to rest over the night he had thought it his duty to report the fact to his American father. "With this simple announcement he sat down. Puthuff, a little nettled, made a short reply and the council broke up. "Coming out of the council house I waited for ]\Iajor Puthuff and remarked to him tliat Tomah would want some provisions for his people, and that I wished he would give me an order for that purpose. 'D — n the rascal, why didn't he ask for it, then?' 'I suppose,' said I, 'being a British Indian, he is too proud.' 'AVell, let him starve then.' 'If all are to starve who are proud, God help manj^ that I know of, major.' I had no difticulty in prevailing in the matter as the government had made provision for such issues to Indians, and Graverat and I made out an esti- mate proper under the circumstances to give, and Tomah and his people continued their voyage. "In a few days he and they returned, dejected and disconso- late. A change had come over the spirit of British policy. They had just come out of a long and exhausting dance, led them by Napoleon, and were counting the cost. They had been casting around to find where surest and readiest to cut off drains upon their treasury and judging tiiat they had no further need of Indian services, lopped off the whole list of Indian annuities. This was already known to ^lackinaw and had been told to Tomah upon his arrival, but he Avould not, or did not, believe it. He found TOMAH, MENOMONEE CHIEF 337 it, however, too true. There were no annuities there for him or for any of the other tribes, many of whom were there, and it was anticipated at one time that they would rise against the British force there and take what they could get. But this was not attempted. "My brother Edward, then and now at Mackinaw, had been well acquainted with Tomah at Green Bay, and immediately after his return to the island he came into the store, spoke a few words to my brother and left. I had seen the interview and watched the result without making any inquiry, for I saw that my brother, who greatly loved Tomah, was imbued with all his melancholy. In a few moments a young Indian came into the store with a three-gallon keg, which my brother bade the young man in the store to fill with wdiiskey, which was charged on the books to Tomah. I was looking over the books but a few years ago and saw the entry on the ledger, which brought with it a train of wild and melancholy thoughts. This insult from the British authorities, as he took it, was more than his proud heart could bear. For himself he might have borne up against it, but for his people, and in the sight of those whose good offices he had refused to ask, he could or would not. The keg Avas brought to him in his tent, from which he drank alone, and to an excess that relieved him on the third day of pride, grief, joy and care. He was buried on the island. I was present at his funeral and witnessed his daughter, a young girl of nineteen or twenty, as she mournfully sang his death song at the head of the coffin just before lowering into the grave all that was mortal of Tomah. I never saw so distressed and broken-hearted a people. They said they were no longer a nation, no longer anything. Tomah could alone command and keep them together, but now they would be scattered and lost. We made a collection and bought them pro- visions which carried them home, where they organized under some other chief, until driven from their old hunting-grounds by you land-grasping AYisconsiners !" Tomah died and was buried at Mackinaw, July 8, 1818, at the age of sixty-six years. On his grave IMr. John Law, of Green Bay, erected a monument with the following inscription : "Here rests the body of Thomas Carron, grand chief of the Folle Avoine (Menominee) nation, who departed this life July 8, 1818, aged sixty-six years, regretted by all who knew him." Thus lived and died this great man, for great he was in his day, a heroic figure of commanding ability, gifted with that nobility of character and breadth of mind which makes men 338 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY great, whether civilized or savage ; and his great influence among his people and the surrounding tribes did much in keeping the friendly relations -with the early settlers, whom he invariably protected. He was fully as great as Phillip, of Pokanoket, or Pontiac, or Tecumseh, not as well known perhaps, but exhi1)iting traits of character which called for great admiration, and the city which bears his name may well be proud of it. — Ed. CHAPTER XXXIV. CITY OF TOMAH. Woven around the adoption of the name of this beautiful city are a number of interesting facts. How and why it was given this name appears a little later in the chapter. "Tomah" is truly an euphonious word, pleasing to hear, giving the idea of gentle- ness and yet sturdy strength. The village and the city bears the name of that celebrated Menomonee chief whose life and char- acter show him to have been a mighty man among his people and in his time. So the city, his namesake, has become a familiar word throughout the state and stands for sturdy municipal strength and progress. Contrary to the general belief as to who was the first settler upon the site of the city, credit usually being given to Robert E. Gillett, stands forth the fact that Jesse Boorman was the first actual settler and the first man to acquire title to any portion of the land upon which the city is now situated. When in 1854 Mr. Boorman, who was then living in Wal- worth county, was informed by an itinerant preacher that the region to the west, near the Mississippi river, was the "Promised Land," the first idea of the new settlement began to take form. In that year jNIr. Boorman drove through from Walworth county to LaCrosse and entered three forties of land, which are now a portion of the site of the city. He came back and located the land and proceeded to clear a portion of it, going back to Wal- worth county in the winter and returning in the spring to further improve the land. To digress from the story at this point it seems fitting to give a short sketch of Mr. Boorman 's life. He was born July 4, 1830, in Kent county, England. When about six months of age he came with his parents to this country, embarking at Liverpool in a sailing vessel and landing in New York on New Year's day, 1831, the voyage having occupied six weeks. The family soon located in ChautauqvTa county. New York, where they lived for three years, moving from there to Green county, in sight of the Catskill mountains, where they resided for 339 340 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY three years more. Mr. Boorman's father then decided to "go "west," left that location and went to Schenectady by way of Buffalo, coming to AViseonsin by the lake route, passing through Chicago and then on to AValworth count.y by teams, arriving there early in June, 1837, when "Wisconsin was still a territory. John Boorman, Jesse's father, entered 320 acres of land in AVal- worth county; his son, Jesse, remained at home and assisted in working the farm until 1854, when he located the 120 acres of laud wliich Mill be described hereafter, securing a patent signed by James Buchanan, then President. In 1855 he, with his brother-in-law, came to Madison by rail and then walked from there to the present site of Tomah and established a farm home, where he lived for many years until 1903 when, owing to his advanced age, he retired from active farm life and has since resided in the city of Tomah. He was married to Miss Lucilica Constance Ryland, November 4, 1858. In 1855 Robert E. Gillett, accompanied by Robert Howie, arrived upon the scene. Mr. Gillett purchased some land which lay south and east of the present location of the city, and went to Walworth county during the Avinter of 1856-57 and offered to trade land with ]\Ir. Boorman. Mr. Boorman requested him to wait until spring, when he would be on the premises again. Accordingly in the spring of 1857 Boorman came back. At that time he had no idea that this location might be a good trading point with the advent of the railroad which it was rumored would be constructed through from ^Milwaukee, and the land he owned not being the best for agricultural puposes, on April 24th he traded with Mr. Gillett. On that day he gave Gillett a deed of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and tlie southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section four, township seventeen, range one west, which deed was recorded in the office of the register of deeds in volume four of deeds, on page 285, on April 24, 1857. For this land ^Ir. Boorman received an equal amount and sixty acres "to boot," which comprised a portion of the old Boorman farm, upon whicli, with additional purchases, he remained as stated until 1903. ]\rr. Gillett had four forties in section nine, joining section four on tlie south, and the impulse which led to the selection of tliis point for a village is an interesting story. Robert A. Gillett, the son of Robert E., when a young man of twenty years was employed with the surveying party which staked out the route of the Alilwaukee and LaCrosse Railroad from ^Milwaukee to the CITY OF TOMAH 341 Mississippi river. His father, Kobert E., instructed him to find out from the engineer in charge of the work at what point the line of railroad was most likely to be built to the north, and in tlie course of events it was found that Council House creek was the most likely and logical point for such an extension. Word was sent back to Milwaukee and a movement was immediately started to buy the property necessary for a town site. This was done at what would be considered a trifling cost in these days. The United States government and the state of AVisconsin held title to the land and settlers were able to secure it at very reason- able prices. The land grants were secured by Robert E. Gillett and a tract covering a mile in length and a half-mile in width was secured south of and abutting upon the projected railroad, which the founder often stated, and firmly believed, would some day be a railroad center. His untimely death prevented him from seeing his dream realized even to a small degree. In 1855 Griswold Gillett, the father of Robert E., took up 160 acres of land adjoining the southeast corner of the original village, on a land warrant for service rendered the United States, government in the war of 1812. This became the homestead of the family, and on this farm the third house in the village was. built. After the trade which had been made between Robert E. Gillett and Jesse Boorman, plans were at once made for laying out the town site. AVhen the plot of ground was selected it was necessary to find a name for the proposed village, and it appears that the son, Robert A. Gillett, after the perusal of an old history of the state in Avhicli a record was found telling that an old and highly esteemed Indian chief, contemporaneous with and friendly to Chief Oshkosh, had at one time gathered his tribe for confer- ence in the council house located on the headwaters of what is now known as Council creek, he chose the name "Tomah," which was accordingly adopted. In connection with this chapter it is eminently fitting that here be given a short account of the founder of the city and his son, remarkable men, both of them, in many ways. Robert E. Gillett Avas born in Mesopotamia, 0., on the 23rd day of June, 1809. He was one of the three sons of Griswold Gillett and Elvina Tracy, both of whom were pioneer settlers of the western reserve of Ohio. Born in the first decade of the nineteenth century, Robert E. Gillett combined the spirit of the pioneer with an appreciation of the value of education, and was one of the first to become identified with the educational move- ment of which Oberlin college, Ohio, was the center, and became • 342 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY thf first financial secretary of the society or group of earnest men antl women who laid the foundation of this Avonderful school. He was a man of sterling character and strong convictions,' and his love of justice prompted him to take up the cause of abolition, and lie Avas known throughout tlie South as a "black abolition- ist." Ilis home in Oberlin later ])ecame a station in the t'iiiiious "underground railroad," and tlie shop over his kitclien was used for sheltering negro slaves on their way to Canada and freedom. At one time he Avas chosen by a Southern judge as guardian of five mulatto children. Family records do not sIioav the date of this period in his career, but tliere Avere three ^Miner children and tAVO LalNIar children, the latter being a branch of the family of AA'hich Senator LalMar of late fame belonged. These children Avere taken to Oberlin and their estates administered in a just and satisfactory manner, and all fiA^e in due time graduated from Oberlin college. His activity in tlie cause of abolition Avas cai'- ried on until the election of President Lincoln, of Avhom he Avas a staunch supporter. Just before his death his services Avere recognized by President Lincoln, avIio commissioned him ^Minister to Venezuela, but death came before he could assume the responsibility of this mission. In the early days of the settlement of JMonroe county he Avas one of the fcAV judicial officers in tiie community, holding for a short time the office of justice of the peace. He AV'as married September 8, 1833, to INIarie Ann Bussell. Tavo children, Robert Arthur anci Mary A., Avere the fruits of this marriage. In 1837 his Avife died and a year later his marriage to Lucy Kellogg took place. The children by this marriage Avere Ruth K., Theodore AV., Julia King and Frederick F. About a year after the death of his second Avife he married Lois Ann Ingraham, October 27, 1849, a AvidoAv Avith tAvo children, a son and a daughter. The son died at an early age. The daughter. Lucy, lived a short time in Tomah, died in early Avomanhood, mourned by a large circle of friends. Robert E. Gillett died at Tomah, September 28, 1861. No history of Tomah Avould be complete Avithout reference, at least, to "Grandma Gillett," or "Aunt Lois," as she Avas knoAvn to the family, but universally knoAvn and called in the last years of her life "Grandma Gillett" by the people of Tomah. She possessed the true pioneer spirit and it Avas to her qualities of mind and heart that the social life of the neAv settlement OAved much. Her interests were Avith everybody, her charity kncAv no limit except that of the means to do Avith, and her religion Avas CITY OF TOMAII 343 of a type which is so rare and sweet that it has left its imprint on all who kneAV her. She survived her husband many years and was known and loved by the children of Tomah for three generations. Robert Arthur Gillett, son of the founder, was born in Elyria, 0., July 6, 1834. As a mere boy he traveled on horseback and on foot as far as the Indiana line, going two or three times to Boston with his father, who was engaged in the business of drover. He lived in Ohio until about seventeen years of age, when he took his worldly goods, consisting of a team of horses, a wagon and a cow, boarded a steamboat at Cleveland and went west, arriving in Milwauke in due course of time, where he engaged in teaming. During the early period of the settlement of Tomah he owned and operated a sawmill at LaCrosse, and after the panic of 1857 wiped out his resources and his health demanded a change of climate, he again "went west," this time to the gold fields of Colorado, with a wagon train of emigrants composed of Wisconsin people, many of whom never returned to this state. He was located at Pike's Peak and vicinity for about eighteen months, returning home at the beginning of the civil war, being called back to his father's death bed. As has been stated previously, after reaching Milwaukee and being employed by Kellogg & Strong in teaming, he joined the surveying party which blazed the trail of the Milwaukee & LaCrosse Railroad. As the road building progressed he followed the railroad business and was the first station agent at Iron Ridge, at Horicon and at Tomah for a short time, where the family were located, living in the log house on his grandfather's farm. After the death of his father he became the administrator of the estate, and although his grandfather, Griswold Gillett, was still living, he became the virtual head of the familj^ In 1862 he married Sarah Caroline Turner and took up his residence at Tomah, acting as recruiting agent for the army. In the spring of 1864 he enlisted in the Forty-third Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, and was commissioned captain of Com- pany K of that regiment. His discharge came with the close of the war. His family consisted of five children, Charles, Matie, Theodore W., who died in 1872; Minnie, who died in 1902, and Sarah Lettie, who died in infancy in 1872. During the few years following the war he endeavored to unravel the tangled afi^airs at Tomah, but in 1866 he was obliged to abandon the task as too big for his limited capital. He was elected chief clerk of the AVisconsin asserablv in 1866, and after the close of the session of 344 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY the legislature that year he reengaged in the transportation busi- ness and was contracting agent for the AVestern Transportation Company for nearly thirty years. During tliis time he also tilled many of the clerical positions at ]\Iadison during the winter months and Avas always active in state politics. In 1872 his wife died and a year later he married Serepta A. Atkinson, of LaCrosse. He was actively engaged in ])usiness in ^Milwaukee up to 1905, when he again Avent west, this time to Los Angeles, Cal., but returned the same year. His second wife died in December, 1905, at Fox Lake, AVis. His last years were spent with his daughter, ]Matie AVarren, at Fox Lake, at whose home he passed aAvay December 28, 1907, after a most active and useful life. Resuming our narrative : After completing the trade Mr. Gil- lett employed AYilliam Spear, a civil engineer, of LaCrosse, who made the original plat of the village settlement on the south half of section four and a part of the north half of section nine, the plat being completed June 4, 1857, and the future city began to be a reality. The manner in w^hich this original plat was laid out reflected the tendencies and character of Mr. Gillett in a most gratifying manner, Superior avenue being made 100 feet wide and all other avenues running north and south seventy feet wide, and all cross streets sixty feet wide. His generosity was further evidenced by the fact that for a time after the plat was completed he offered to give free lots to any who would build buildings upon them. In the southeast corner of the village he set aside a ten-acre tract, known as the Gillett reserve. Here was to be the home of the founder of the village. This tract, however, was destined never to fulfill its original purpose, and in 1869, or early in 1870, was divided and sold to AYatson Earle and Judge George Graham. Directly north of this plat a piece of ground was set aside for a female seminary, a beautiful place, well wooded and sloping eastward to Council creek. This project was never carried out owing to the death of Islr. Gillett in 1861. His monument, how- ever, is the attractive Gillett park which, through the enterprise of later generations, has been made into a delightful spot. S. D. Hollister, who came to the village soon after the arrival of Mr. Gillett, owned the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section four, and in August, 1858, platted what is known as " Hollister 's first addition'' to Tomah. The survey was made by C. C. ^Miller, a civil engineer, lately settled in the village, and this plat was added to and became a part of the village CITY OF TOMAH 345 proper. This was followed the same year by "Railroad addi- tion," platted by Robert E. Gillett and McLean Stoughton, on August 7, 1858, being also surveyed by C. C. Miller. Then came "Hollister's second addition," which was platted August 19, 1859, so that in the space of two years the little settlement began to take form and shape as a municipality. Buildings sprang up like mushrooms, people came in rapidly from the east to swell the population, and in 1858 Tomah was incorporated into a village having facilities for transportation by the opening of the Mil- waukee and St. Paul Railroad, became an important trading point. The first building of which there is any record built in the village proper was the cabin built by Cady Hollister and occu- pied by him and his wife and son, Solomon Hollister, which was erected on the hill where the high school building now stands. The cabin built by Robert E. Gillett in 1856, on what is now known as the Benjamin farm, was the second building erected and is still standing, being joreserved as one of the few land- marks still remaining to remind us of pioneer days. This cabin, according to Robert Howie, was originally started by two hunters whose names are unknown, but was afterwards enlarged and finished by Mr. Gillett. Robert Howie at the writing of this work is still living at the ripe old age of eighty-two years, and deserves more than passing mention in this book. Meeting Robert E. Gillett on his way to the future village they became acquainted, and Mr. Howie came with him and worked for him a great many years. Mr. Howie was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, August 6, 1830. When about twenty-six years of age he left his native country and landed in New York on the Fourth of July, 1856, and came directly to Wisconsin. ]Mr. Howie engaged for several years in farm and mill work, and among his early emploj^ments was that of carrying mail between Tomah and Sparta. This he did on foot through the wilderness, following the Indian trails, and it is related that he made the trip from Tomah to Sparta and back in one day, sometimes carrying as much as $2,000 in orders and cash in his mail sack. This trip he made twice a week. After leaving the employment of Mr. Gillett he assisted C. C. IMiller in surveying for several months, and then engaged in teaming from Sparta to Tomah and LaCrosse, hauling many of the early families and their goods to Tomah, and was well known throughout all that region. About 1858 Mr. Howie began to farm the land which he had purchased from Gillett and others, con- 346 HISTORY OF .MONROE COUNTY sisting of 100 aei'es in and around Toniali. lie first erected Ijarns for stock and then built his frame residence, which still stands upon the original site, having been enlarged and improved. In 1871 hf was nian-icd to Agnes Alexander, a native of Scotland, and to tliem Avas born five children. During the course of his life he has had many hardships to undergo. One time his jaws were broken by Ihc kick of a horse; at another time he was run over by a Avagon load of hay. In the winter of 1857, Avhen the snow covered this territory to a depth of five feet on the level, he, in company with Mr. Gillett, befriended the Indians in many ways and Avon their love and friendship. As early as 1854 AV. AV. Jackson and AVebster Kenyon, Avith several others, settled in the toAvn of Adrian, at a point Avhich they afterAvards called Jacksonville. Tavo years afterAvards Gil- lett built a saAAmiill in the northern part of the village of Tomali, Avhich Avas run for him by Jackson and Kenyon. When the surA'cyors Avere coming through the route of the ]\IilAvaukee and LaCrosse Raihvay a keen rivalry existed betAveen the village of Tomah and Jacksonville as to the route of the original line, ^luch pressure Avas brought to l)ear upon the surveying party, but Mr. Gillett in his engaging and logical Avay finally induced the surveyors to nuike the line Avhere it noAv stands, instead of sAvinging farther to the south and going through Jacksomilic ; in th.e meantime a plat had been made of Jacksonville and its inhabitants had full faith that the railroad Avould go through their community and there Avould be estab- lished a future city; they Avere doomed to disapjiointment, hoAV- ever, and Jacksonville dwindled to a mere settlement and later became only a farming community, and thus the dream of a municipality faded aAvay, the victim of circumstances. To attempt to folloAv out the arrival of the earlier settlers is a task for Avhich no record noAV serves, to name them all in the first fcAv years of pioneer days is noAv an impossible task; many familiar names, hoAvever, are remembered and are here given as Avell as can be done at this time; James Garnock and family came Avith Robert IloAvie in 1855. ]Mr. Garnock soon after opening a blacksmith shop and building a residence on Avhat is still the old (Janioek homestead; William IMunkett came from Walworth county the same y<'ar: AVilliani AlcLauren also came Avith Mr. IIoAvie and -lames (iarnock and settled in the town near tiu' village. The year 1856 saAV the coming of S. Jennings, O. W. Kellogg, CITY OF TOMAII 347 Joseph D. Cady, who afterwards liought a lot on Superior Avenue and Imilt a house, Alden Cremer, Amasa Meloy, Harvey Bush, who built the third house or cabin in the vicinity, being situated somewhere near the present cemetery, C. C. Miller, the civil engineer, who built a log cabin about where Watson Earle's liouse now stands and afterwards secured the property on the ridge in later days known as the "Beers" place. In 1856 or 1857 Dr. Walker and Dr. Goyer arrived, which was first on the ground is not known, but they came at about the same time and commenced the practice of medicine a few years later. Dr. Rouse Bennett located here and went into the army as a surgeon soon after the commencement of the civil war. The Bradley boys, Josiah, Charles and Henry, came in 1857. In 1858 James Rockwood and his four sons, Theodore, Delorama, Edgar and James N. moved into the village from Limerick Avhere they had located about two years before, there being at that time a saw mill operated there by Jackson and Kenyon. Mr. Rockwood secured the piece of property where the old Grant house stood and proceeded at once to erect a barn on the back end of it. AVhen the barn was finished he moved and started to keeping boarders. He at once, however, began the construction of a hotel building on the corner and at its com- pletion called it the "Rockwood House," vxhich he ran until 1867 when he sold the property to a man named Smith from Leon or LaFayette ; it being right after the war he changed the name to the "Grant House," in honor of General Grant, and conducted a hotel for a number of years, when the property was sold to Mike Gondrezick. John Dodge came in 1858 and built a sliop having over it a public hall on the site where the old Dr. Vincent residence stands: afterwards this building was moved down to the St. Paul depot and enlarged, being converted into a hotel, which was known for many years as the "Dodge House." In every history there must necessarily be the "First Events" which are so often alluded to and concerning which at times there is nuich discussion ; the year 1856 saw the birth of the first white child in the little settlement, being a daughter who came to brighten the home of ]Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Meloy, March 6 ; she Avas named Hattie and grew up to womanhood in the village ; the first male child was Frank, the son of C. C. Miller, born in June of the same year. He now resides at Pasadena. Cal., where he runs a large hotel. 348 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY The cause of education received a feel)le start at this time, school being held in a eorucrib for a brief period; afterwards conducted in a building built for the purpose. The year 1857 was indeed a red letter year for the village, for with it came many new families, including Aslier Ilaynes, Reuben SchafTer and many others; (\ AV. Kellogg, who was a Methodist clergyman, commenced religious services that year, holding church on the first Sunday in July in a new barn erected by Robert E. Gillett, which Gillett said he wanted to have "dedi- cated"; the first business building Avhicli Avas put up Avas a small store building erected by I!lder Kellogg on the corner now occu- pied by the Ziegler store ; Kellogg put in a small stock of groceries and drugs. Soon after that Asher Haynes built a store and dwelling combined a little further south in the same block and entered into the mercantile business. The premises w'ere after- wards occupied for a number of years by Dr. J. II. ]Mosele}' ; part of the building is still standing, though the place has been fre- quently remodeled during these modern times. A school house Avas built on the site where the home of Harvey M. Sowle now stands and school regularly commenced with an attendance of eight pupils under the direction of Emma Bush, daughter of Harvey Bush as teacher. The old school house stood on that place for a great many years, one of the landmarks, afterwards used for dwelling purposes until torn down by ^Mr. Sowle. Elder Kellogg also built the first frame house in the village in that year upon the knoll on a lot given to him by Mr. Gillett. This house is still standing, although greatly changed in appearance upon what the later generations called '* Kellogg 's Hill," and the editor has many pleasant recollections of coasting down this hill on bright moonlight Avinter nights. On November 13, 1856, a resolution AA^as passed by the County Board of Monroe County detaching from the toAvn of Adrian all of toAvnship seventeen range one Avest and constituting it a ncAv toAA'n to be knoAvn as the toAvn of Tomah. There Avas at this time only a temporary government in the so called village and this was the beginning of municipal government in the tOAvn and of course the village Avhich Avas then a part of it. This resolution provided that the first election should be held in the house of James Randall on the first Tuesday in April, 1857, for the election of toAvn ofificers; it seems, hoAvever, that Avhen the time came for the election it Avas not held at IMr. Randall's, but in the home of John Sexton, Avho, much to the disgust of the toAvn officers, CITY OF TOMAII 349 charged $3.00 for the use of his house ; at that election John J. Stacy was chosen chairman, Benjamin IMeacl and C. A. Adams supervisors, Harvey Bush town clerk, Alden Cremer treasurer. The following year 1858 the village was incorporated, but the charter, however, was not granted by the legislature until several years later; 1858 saM^ the completion of the railroad from Milwaukee to LaCrosse, with exception of a small strip at Tunnel City ; the rails being laid from the east to the tunnel and starting on the west side of it, going to LaCrosse; the tunnel was not completed until about seven months later and during this interval the company was compelled to run a stage over the tunnel hill to transfer passengers from one side to the other ; the opening of this line to traffic caused a large increase in the population of the village. The population now demanding it a petition was gotten out and forwarded to the postmaster general asking for the estab- lishment of a post office and this was granted early in 1859 and the office established amidst the rejoicing of the inhabitants; it seems that in those days people did not cpiarrel about who should be appointed postmaster, Cady Hollister Avas appointed to that office which was rated fourth class, at which rating it continued until 1867 when it was made a monej' order office, and the records show that the first money order was purchased by a Mrs. Charles AV. King for the sum of $50.00; by 1860 manufacturing interests began to come and different lines of business to open up, until the time of the breaking out of the civil war when the little village did more than its share in sending to the front a large number of its best citizens. While there was no company recruited and organized at Tomali Dr. Foote, who had located there some years before, raised quite a number of men and took them to New Lisbon where they enlisted in Company H Tenth AVisconsin Volunteer Infantry of which company Dr. Foote was a lieutenant. A great many enlisted at Sparta, some at LaCrosse, some went to other parts of the state to enlist, so that the record of those who went from the village of Tomah into the great struggle is impossible to compile at this time. The implements of industry were in great part laid aside for those of war and while business was carried on in all lines in a desultory way, all watched the course of that great struggle, which appeared at times to have no end ; a reign of sadness existed most of the time, from which it slowlv recovered at the 350 HISTORY OF :\IONKOE COUNTY close of the war. AVitli the deelaration of peace and tlie return of the soldier lioys who survived, an era of ])rosperity l)egan and a numher of stores and dwellings were erected in lliis and the succeeding years and the people branched out in all kinds of business. During the war period there were some new arrivals, notably Harry Howard, who came in 1860 and bought a farm next to Robert Howie; Lewis S. Barnes, in IHfil, who innnediately went into business, became one of the substantial citizens and mer- chants for nearly a half century ; AVatson Earle came in 1868 and built the little feed store which existed for so numy years on the site of the fine block now owned l)y him on Superior avenue, at first he kept a meat market and then Avent into the feed business and later putting in groceries. A. D. Benjamin also came in that year in March, and his brother Tj. S. Beiijainiii in .June of 1863; Edwin Eaton arrived in 1865 and went into business; A. AV. Gibbs, who had oi'iginally settled at Ridgeville, moved to Tomah in 1864 and put up a livery stal)le, purchased considerable property and later platted Gibbs Addition; Sam Gunn also came in 1864 and went at first into the lumlier business; in 1866 Dr. J. F. Richards moved up from ^lilwavdvee and entered into the practice of medicine ; L. S. Griggs moved in from LaGrosse that year; James Tormey also arrived and at onee entered into business, some time later being joined by William Prettyman, and the firm of Tormey & Prettyman was a household word for years; we neglected to mention \ho advent of Col. J. P. Tracy who came in 1861 and erected a store l)uilding down at the lower end of Superior avenue, which was at first used as a sort of a hotel. Thomas McCaul moved here in 1867 and laid the founda- tion for the large real estate holdings he now enjoys. In 1866 the legislature granted a charter to the village and in 1867 the first village officers were elected; they were as fol- lows: President, D. C. Proctor; police justice, D. R. ]Meloy; village trustees, William Ruiikel, L. S. Barnc-;, John Dodge, H. L. Crandall, A. AV. Gibbs and Mr. Shepherd; village clerk, W. H. Wright; treasurer. J. 11. Clian-eton; street commissioner, Levi Benjamin. It appears tli.it the new administration started in with a wave of reform right away by j^assing an ordinance imposing a fine of $40.00 upon a i>erson eaught playing cards in a saloon, thus the cause of good government started at once. In 1867 all of the above otfieials were engaged in business and several other well known names call iliemselves to mind, .). .1. Kil)be, Avho kept a feed store; David Johns, who conducted CITY OF TOMAH 351 a wagon factory and blacksmith shop; J. A. Wells, who estab- lished the Tomah Journal; George Runkel, who afterw^ards engaged in milling and established the first bank. In 1871 and 1872 Tomah in common with all new western towns felt the shock of the Jay Cooke failure and business received a setback from which it was many long years in recover- ing; in 1871, however, the building of the Wisconsin Valley Railroad from Tomah to Grand Rapids in AVood county did much to revive business and marks the beginning of a rapid growth in population ; many families moved in, as they knew that Tomah would be the division point of the new road and the increase in population of the village was nearly five hundred. One thing in which all Tomahites are interested is the old reliable ' ' Sherman House " ; at the close of the war Joseph McGinnis' father had a little building on the old Sherman House corner which was about 16x24 in which he had a shoe shop in front and lived in the back end ; it is impossible to supply exact dates, but along about the last year of the war Mr. Schultz, father of Adolph Schultz, bought the property of McGinnis and erected a large frame building upon it and commenced keeping boarders; he sold the property to H. G. Boyington after he had improved it by building what was called the north ^ring; in this wing upstairs was the only public hall and stage in town for a number of years; Boyington ran the hotel as the "Boyington House" for a great- many years and when the Opera House Block was built by Thomas ]\IcCaul, Mr. Boyington turned the public hall into sleeping rooms. Along in the early eighties the property was sold by ]\Ir. Boyington to R. F. Parshall who built on what is known as the east wing and rented the place to Frank Sherman, of Mauston, who conducted the hotel up to the time of his death for a long term of years as the "Sherman House" and finally purchased it ; under his management and that of his excellent wife and daughter, Mrs. Altenberg, the hostlery became famous for its excellent home-like cooking, cleanliness and home appear- ance and became a favorite resort for traveling men, a reputation which has been sustained to this day under Charles Hamilton, the present owner, who clerked for many years for ]Mr. Sherman. In 1907 the Sherman House property was sold to the Tomah Cash Mercantile Company and the buildiiigs were purchased by Charles Hamilton Avho moved them to the present location on the southeast corner of the same block and later added another story, putting in steam heat and improving the entire property so that it is today a modern little hotel in every particular. 352 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY In 187ti the old Grant House, then owned by M. Goudreziek, was destroyed by fire. Tlie building had been raised up by Mr. Goudrezick, a basement with a barroom and offices put under it and the building greatly improved. It was destroyed with its contents December 17th of that year. But to go back to the chronological narrative. The period from 1872 to 1890 did not hold many noteworthy events, per- haps the most important of which was the mustering into the AVisconsin National Guard of Company K on May 28, 1884. Numerous business blocks and residences were built during the time, and in 1883 the city Avas incorporated by the granting of a charter by the legislature, which was known as chapter 134: of the laws of 1883, and the city of Tomali was a reality. Eighteen hundred ninety-three marked the Thayer bank fail- ure at Tomali and Sparta, which affected the financial interests of so many people of the county and wrought great hardsliip upon many, and adding to this the fact that it was panic year business in all lines suffered in consequence. Eighteen hundred ninety-four was quite a lively year in politics, especialh^ on the Republican side, for it was the time of the memorable convention in this senatorial district to nominate a candidate for state senate, the district comprising Jackson, Monroe and Vernon counties. It was in this celebrated contest that C. A. Goodyear, D. F. Jones and J. J. Gillivray were candi- dates, a deadlock causing several adjournments to diflf'erent places. In September of that year, after considerable agitation, a spe- cial election Avas held upon the question of the issuing of $15,000 bonds for a water works system. The election resulted in a ma- jority of 303 for the proposition, and the following year the first water works system was installed. On September 23, 1894:, occurred the first disastrous fire in the city's history. It started about 9:20 in the evening, breaking out in the second story of the Joe Disper building, in block 25, in the business district on Superior avenue. A high wind blowing at the time soon spread the flames to adjoining buildings and the entire block of business buildings was consumed. A. AV. Rice's small frame building, used as a barber shop and dwelling, was partially wrecked in an attempt to check the flames. The fii'e department consisted of a chemical engine, which was totally inadequate to handle such a fire. The block on the opposite side of the street was threatened but by the heroic efforts of the fire- men and citizens it was saved. CITY OF TOMAH 353 Stocks of goods were moved out into the streets and thieving- began more or less, and in order to aid the police force in guard- ing all of this property that night, the men of Company K volun- teered for that service and stood guard until morning, when arrangements were made by the several owners to care for their goods. Following is a list of the losses, and it will be noted how small the value of buildings is compared with the present time : Gondrezick building, $2,000; Grutsch building, $2,000; stock, $350; Disper building, $1,000; Johnson & Simpson, hardware, building and stock, $2,800; G. Eeel, building and stock, $4,000; Aller & Button, $1,600; Blome building and stock, $1,800; Barnes building and stock, $4,000 ; Rice building and stock, $1,300 ; Root stock, $200; Johnson & Bongers, stock, $2,000. Building opera- tions were at once begun and the year 1895 saw the block rebuilt with substantial brick business blocks and in better shape than ever. From this time until 1898 business resumed its normal condi- tion; prosperity reigned, business in all lines was good. In that year the war cloud began to take form early. Trouble with Spain had been brew^ing for some time. The blowing up of the Maine in Havana harbor was the needed touch to fire the American spirit, and war was formally declared by congress. This meant troops and at once. After all the years that Company K had been in existence, after all the criticism that it, in common with other companies of the "Wisconsin National Guard, had received from some classes of citizens who, perhaps, might have been thoughtless in their statements, after all the years of being "tin soldiers" in the minds of some, the opportunity came at last for active service in the field, and how was it met by this little com- pany of home boys? It was necessary as the law then stood, the national guard being state troops, that the men volunteer in- dividually for service in this war. Early in April the company was assembled for this purpose and the proud fact was recorded that sixty-seven out of the entire sixty-eight officers and men volunteered to go to the front. On April 27, at 4 o'clock a. m.. Captain AVarren received tele- graphic orders to proceed to Milwaukee, where the regiment M'ould be mobilized together with the other two AVisconsin regi- ments. That morning the special train bearing the other com- panies on this line took Company K, equipped, eager and ready for the business in hand. That they met the issue, every officer and man, and came back with a record to stand for all time to their credit, is told in another chapter. 354 niSTORY OF .AlUXROK COUNTY The eominunity was shocked on June 20th at the shooting of AVilliain AVotzel l)y A. F. l^ynch. Tliis affair resulted in two long and expensive trials, which resultinl finally in Lynch being de- clared insane and sent to ]\Iadison. In June, Lieut. Frank L. French, of Company L, Tliird Wis- consin Volunteer Lifantry, was sent back to enlist recruits for the Second battalion, Companies B, K, L and M, and from the 17th of June for a few days enlisted enough men to till up Com- pany K to war strength, they being promptly sent on to Chick- aiiiauga pai'lv', whci'c tlic regiment was then in camp. In August the first note of sadness came from the war with the deatli of Private Paul Curtius, of Company K, ol' tyi)]uud fever, at Cliarleston, S. C. His })0(ly was returned home and the funeral held on August ir)th, which was largely attendetl. Time dragged slowly on. News came from the boys; now they were at Charleston, then embarking to go to Cuba. Orders changed, they were on their way to Porto Rico, where they ar- rived in July. After that llie news from the front came only occasionally. ^Many anxious hearts at home Avaited, for they did not know wdiat. The campaign was soon over as far as hostilities were concerned, but danger, greater than ever, of fever in that tropical climate, still remained and wrought havoc in the ranks. At last, however, the latter part of October came the .joyful news that the "boys are coming home." Great preparations were at once undertaken, committees appointed, and a fitting celebration of tlieir return arranged for. On the morning of October 31st the special train l)earing the Second battalion steamed in the station at Tomah amidst the elieers of thousands assembled to greet the boys. They filed out of their coach, each to be greeted by Ids loved ones; then swung into line for their last march of the campaign, to their armoiy. l^ut they were no longer boys. Hardship and suffering had left their mark on every one. The boys of a few months before Avere men now with lines on tlu'ir faces, but — they were "home." After an informal lunch at the armory they dispersed to their families and friends. On Thanksgiving day, in November, a great banquet was ten- dered to llie company, an elaborate jirogram was carried out. The company, in common Avith the other companies of the regi- ment, were placed on furlough for sixty days, and finally mus- tered out of the service of the United States the following January, On Deceml)ei' 2?). 1898, the new Calholic cluirch was formally CITY OF TO:\IAH 355 dedicated by Bishop Schwebaeh. This handsome structure, erected at a cost of many thousands of dollars, standing on an eminence, is one of the show places of Tomali. In May, 1899, the Third regiment was reorganized as a state organization, with Orlando Ilohvay as its colonel, and Company K was mustered into the service of the state in May by Col. George Graham, manj^ of the veterans of the Porto Rican cam- paign going into the company, and its commissioned officers were the same who had recently been mustered out. On February 12, 1901, a serious fire occurred in the store of the Tomah Cash IMercantile Company, which had succeeded C. A. Goodyear, in Avhicli there was a loss of about $2,000, mostly on the stock. ''"Wash" Snow, as he was familiary called, a veteran engineer in the employ of the Chicago, JMihvaukee & St. Paul Company, and a long-time resident of Tomah, was killed June 25th at Portage. James P. Galiger, at one time county superintendent of schools, passed away on July 21st. At the school meeting in July the proposition came up to build a new high school building, the old building being over- crowded and it being very evident that a move of that kind was necessary. The meeting adjourned without taking any action until early in August. At the adjourned meeting, after consid- erable discussion, a resolution was passed appropriating $25,000 for a new high school building, resulting in the erection of the present handsome and well-appointed structure. The assassination of President ]\IcKinley shocked the com- munity, as it did all others. On September 19th a memorial meeting was held at the armory in which addresses were made by Captain Butters, Rev. Johnathan Smith, Rev. Louis Wurst and others. At about this time the agitation was commenced for a sewerage system and for street paving by the Advancement Association, and went to the extent of consultation, and E. Sands, a civil engineer, as to the cost, etc. This matter came up later on for action and caused considerable heated discussion among the citizens as will be seen. On the night of November 31, 1902, the post office was broken into and robbed of stamps and cash to the amount of $1,400. The safe was blown open by the burglars and some of the fittings of the office damaged. The robbers made their escape. Tomah had for years numbered among her citizens many men who were almost experts with the shotgun. A shooting 356 IIISTOKV OF MOXKOE COUNTY (•lul> or gim club had been in existence for a number of years, which had joined the AVisconsin League of Gun CIuIjs, and Toniah was successful in securing the fourth annual tournament of the organization, which was held Alay 25 and 26, 1903. At this meeting there were gun clubs from Appleton, Antigo, Columbus, AVcst Superior, ^Merrill, .Marshlicld, ]\lonroe, the Na- tional Gun Clul) and the South Side Gun Club, of ^lihvaukee, Palmyra, Khinelaiuler, Kacine, Sparta, Two Rivers, Viroqua, Waupaca, Wausau and INIarinette, in attendance. There were eighteen contests or events on the program. The big event, how- ever, was the one of twenty-five targets for the championsliip of the state. This was won by Charles D. Johnson, of Tomah, who made the remarkable record of twenty-five straight hits. During the month of May a unique school institute Avas held at the government Indian school, being an institute conducted somewhat on the lines of public school gatherings. The insti- tute Avas conducted by Superintendent Compton, of the Tomah Indian school, and was participated in l)y about fifty instructors and superintendents from five or more different states. The meeting Avas held May 6th and 7th, and Avas A-ery interesting. As a result of the agitation mentioned before regarding seAverage and paving, the first step Avas taken in September, 1903, Avhen macadam pavement Avas put on tAvo blocks of the business sec- tion of the city, a much-needed improvement, as before that \he street had been simply a clay road, requiring constant filling and Avorking, and in Avet Aveather Avas sometimes inches deep Avith mud. Word was received that R. P. Hitchcock, a former resident, passed aAvay at St. Louis, Mo., on November 20tli. Mv. Hitchcock Avas one of the early merchants of Tomah, and for a great many years prominent in municipal affairs. He was appointed post- master by President Cleveland, serving one term. During November of this year tlie city authoriti(^s closed a deal by Avhich the city became the oaviht of the old "Whitfield'' property, for use as a city nmrket. A little later on. however, the dwelling upon it Avas, and is noAv. used for housing the ])ublic library, and the prciuiscs have not been used foi" market purposes. Here Avill undoubtedl.A' be the site of the ncAV "Buckley "" public library building. On ^lay 11, 1904, Company K inaugurated the custom of cele- brating the date when the company Avas mustered into the gov- ernment service in the S]->miis]i Avai-. A larg(> ]'>arade. headed CITY OF TO]\IAH 357 ])y the Third regiment baud, iiiehidiiig Company K, Spanish War Veterans and others, went to Gillet park, where appropriate exercises Avere had, followed by sports in the afternoon and a large ball in the evening. This custom has been continued since with the exception of one or two years. Alva Stewart Goodyear, formerly lieutenant and later cap- tain of Company K, died at Chicago, May 13, 1904. He was a graduate of the Tomah High School and a veteran of the Spanish- American war. His funeral was attended by a large delegation of his comrades and friends. An old pioneer in the person of Amos Greenfield passed away on May 16th. Mrs. C. A. Good- year, mother of Captain Goodyear, soon followed him and de- parted this life at Chicago, May 25, 1904. In December of this year this section was visited by a very severe blizzard, which resulted in considerable suffering, especially by live stock. It lasted for three days, December 28, 29 and 30, and will long be remembered by the inhabitants. Railroads were blocked, tele- graph and telephone communication cut off for some time, and business generally was demoralized. In January, 1905, on the 6th, Company K indulged in a jolli- fication in unveiling the "Pfister trophy," which the company had won during the past year by its excellent work in all departments. This trophy is given for the best all around com- pany in the state and is held for one year until won by some other or the same company upon its record. In February the Crescent Glee Club, of Sparta, Avith about thirty-five male voices, visited Tomah, gave a short program at the Indian school in the afternoon for the pupils and a concert at the armory in the evening, Avhich Avas greatly enjoyed by a large audience. February 23rd, the old Advancement Association having passed into history, the business men of the city met in a pre- liminary session to take steps to organize a new Advancement Association. This Avas brought to a succesful conclusion, the society organized and a formal opening of the rooms secured for it in the Lynch block took place on the evening of ]\Iarch 24th. This organization has been a great benefit to the city in many AA'ays, as it makes concerted action possible on propositions affect- ing the commercial interests especially. Its committees have been, and are, actiA^e in the interests of the city generally and through their efforts many municipal improvements have been furthered. Another block of macadam paving Avas put in dur- ing the spring of 1905 on Superior avenue, betAveen IMonoAva and 358 HISTORY OF .AIOXROE COUNTY Juneau slrei'ts. \Villi tlic coiiiplt'tit)!! ul' tliis the agilatiuii for sewerage and paving was renewed, and this marked the begin- ning of a long fight in the city council, which resulted in a dead- lock in September and nothing was accomplished that year. On January 23, 1906. Harvey Seymour, a conductor on the Vallo}' division of the Chicago, ^Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, was instantly killed in the yards at Tomah. In February, on the 16th, Oscar Zimmerman Camp No. 20, Spanish-American AVar Veterans, was organized with Capt. AV. AV. Warren as com- ' mandcr. The camp was named after a member of the company ' Avho died in Porto Rico during the campaign. The organization has been successfully maintained, as has a good membersliip. ' The spring of 1006 marked a hot campaign for municii^al officers. The long draAvn out fight on the former council regard- '' ing sewerage and paving resulted in a united action of the people who desired those improvements. Hon. Thomas McCaul, under whose administration of former years as mayor the first improve- ment was inaugurated, that of water works, was drafted as the candidate for mayor of the party in favor of improvements and ' a campaign began which was the most bitterly fought, perhaps, of any in the history of the city. It resulted in the election of Air. AlcCaul and enough members of the council to break the i deadlock which had existed before that, and prospects then began to look bright for paving. Tomah was now indeed a city with all the things that go to make up municipal life, so there must be a strike; and there was one, not a very l)ig one to be sure, but a num- ber of men employed in the bridge works of the Chicago, Alil- Avaukee and St. Paul company took it into their heads to walk out, which they did, claiming increased pay. The strike was of short duration, however, as men were too easy to get in this locality. The strikers went back to Avork and the industrial war was over. AiM Lieut. Irving Jones, first lieutenant of Company K during the Sj)auish war, was instantly killed at the tOAvn of Lake, near Alil- waukee. by the cars, on July 2, 1906. Air. Jones had formerly been employed in the bridge shops of the St. Paul company here as a painter. He served with distinction in the campaign in Porto Rico, and when the company reorganized became first lieu- tenant of tlie company, wliich position he lield for a sliort time until he moved away Avith his family. As Avas stated in this chapter, quite a number of the citizens of Tomah enlisted in Company 11. Tenth AVisconsin Infantry, CITY OF TOI\IAH 359 during tlie rebellion, and on October 7th and 8tli a reunion of the Tenth AVisconsin was held at Tomah, participated in by a large number of the survivors of that regiment. The sessions were marked by much interest in the way of reminiscences. A banquet closed the meeting fittingly. The advance of years had began to tell upon the earlier citi- zens, and one by one they dropped away. January 6, 1907, Capt. Charles K. Erwin, so long identified with Tomah, died at Savanna, 111., the funeral being held at Tomah on January 11th. Captain Erwin came to Tomah in 1868 after a brilliant record in the war of the rebellion. He went into the mercantile business, in which he continued until 1892. In 1881 he was elected state senator from this district, and served in that office until 1888. In 1889 he was appointed postmaster at Tomah and at the expiration of his term of office was made superintendent of the new State Home for the Feeble Minded, which had just been built at Chippewa Falls, which position he held for a number of years. He was prominent in the councils of the head organization of the Wood- men of the AVorld, and was well known throughout the state in his time. He enlisted in the Forty-seventh Illinois on October 22, 1862, and rose through the various grades to the rank of cap- tain. He Avas a member of the Loyal Legion and of Henry W. Cressy Post, G. A. R. An old land-mark went up in smoke the latter part of Janu- ary in the old freight depot. This building was the depot and freight house of the St. Paul road in early years. A new building was erected by the company farther west for freight purposes. At a meeting of the common council, February 19, 1907, plans were adopted for a sewerage system for the city and five and one-half miles was ordered laid. Tomah received a boom in the form of the railroad shops, which were located here and build- ings erected during 1907. The works were moved here from Milwaukee and brought a large number of families. This, in con- nection with the bridge works, which had been moved to the city in 1890, made a large plant employing several hundred men, with a pay roll of several thousand dollars per month, added greatly to the growth and prosperity of the city. Nineteen hundred and seven was a year of tornadoes. On July 5th the city barely es- caped the effects of the terrible cyclone which did so much damage in the town of Oakdale. This storm, which wrought so much damage and loss of life in the northeastern part of the county, passed within a short distance of the city, but fortunately, did no damage here. In August, on the 10th, however, the city did not 360 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY escape so easily. A tornado struck the place witli mii'.-li force, tearing down 1li<' partially completed walls of tlic new Cash Store on the old Sherman House corner, wrecked the hay harn of Henry Meineckc on his fai-ni just west of the city limits, blew down telegraph and telephone lines and did much damage in a minor way to ])uildings in the city. John Little, an old-time resident, a veteran of tlic civil Avar, and one of the oldest engineers on the St. Paul road, died in Col- orado on October 20, 1907. ]\Ir. Little was an old and respected member of the community, a member of Henry W. Cressy Post, and for many years identified Avitli the growth and improvement of the city. He was a strong ^Mason and served in several capacities at dififerent times in that order. In January, 1908, Tomah people contributed liberally to the relief of the cyclone sufferers and $1,300 was raised by the Busi- ness I\Ien's Club and used for that purpose. The old fight on street paving came up in the council in February and was again held up in that body, and the Avar began once more. At a meeting on March 16th plans Avere adopted by the council for paving Superior avenue. At the spring election AV. J. Mc]\Iullen Avas elected mayor and the project Avas again halted after a fight betAveen the mayor and the council. The council meeting of July 6th Avas a Avarm one indeed. Brick paA'ing Avas adopted, hoAvever, by a close vote, but at a later meeting in July the entire project received a body bloAv from Avhicli its advocates did not recover until about the middle of August. By that time the people had practically settled doAvn to Avhat they Avanted, and on August 18th the paving ordinance Avas finally adopted. The remodeled and enlarged Catholic school building Avas dedicated by Bishop SchAvebach on Septem])er 17, 1910. On July 22nd of this year AVilliam Feitiug, one of Tomah 's solid l)usiness men, passed aAvay at his home. He came to Tomah in 1868 and engaged in the tailoring Inisiness. In 1890 he built the present Feiting block on Superior avoinie. in Avhich the business has ever since been conducted, his sons. AVilliam and Frank, succeeding to the management. ]\lr. Feiting Avas a progressive husincss man, ahvays found on the right side of municipal questions, and highly respected by his business associates and the community generally. But the Avorst Avas to come, that is. some people might say so, and some say it Avas the best, for after a campaign on the tem- perance cpiestion Tomah Avcnt "di-y" at the spring election of 1910 by a majority of five votes. This A'ote Avas so close that the gentlemen avIio Imd t In retofor(^ boon engaged in the "Avet goods" CITY OF TOMAH 361 business determined to liave a contest upon the matter and ac- cordingly engaged attorneys and brought the matter into court. But after one or two hearings the contest was dismissed and Tomah M^as sure "dry," and it stayed dry, the law being rigidly enforced by the authorities. This condition existed for a year and in the meantime an election had been held on the amount of the license, which was increased to $800.00. The following spring another election was held on the license question at which license was carried by a fair majority and the city has remained "wet" up to this time. After all the agitation, turmoil and strife over the paving question the final completion of the brick paving of Superior ave- nue and the continuation of the macadam road from the head of Superior avenue out to the cemetery, was nevertheless a matter of great pride and rejoicing to the citizens generally, for nowhere in the country can be found a handsomer street ; outside of the business district the boulevarding of the center, with its closely clipped lawn and artistic setting of shrubbery makes a beauti- ful appearance in the summer months. With this has come the desire of the citizens in some section to improve the side avenues, and with the improvements in Gillett park it can truly be said that no prettier or well-kept 'city can be found anywhere in this great state. In addition to that there is pervading the atmos- phere of Tomah a sort of a progressive spirit which can best be described by saying that its people "hang together" when any- thing important is necessary. It is true that among themselves they have honestly differed upon questions of municipal policy, but let any matter of general interest to the city be proposed and they get into line quickly as one big community and tackle any question which may arise with true "Tomah spirit," and gener- ally carry out what is undertaken. This is a happy condition for any municipality and its benefits are more than demonstrated in this hustling little town. It has increased in population until it is now but a few hundred behind its sister city, the county seat ; its business interests are large and varied and the volume of busi- ness transacted in the course of a year compares with that of the county seat most favorably and, in fact, is greater than most cities of its size in the state. Surrounded nearly on all sides by a good farming country, it is the central market for a large region, affords excellent markets for stock and produce, and now has the benefit of transportation over l)oth the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul and the Chicago and Northwestern Eailways. Every- thing points to a healthy growth in the future, and could old ■M2 HISTORY OF .MONKOK COLXTY Chief "Toiiiali"' come l O THE TOMAH SCHOOLS 365 stood. In the summer of 1890-91 primary schools were estab- lished in the First and Third wards. Meanwhile the high school curriculum was extended and three courses of study offered, the English, Science, and the Classical. The additional fact that the school was placed upon the accred- ited list of the State University gave evidence of the progress that had been made. Under the superintendency of Mr. Clark, after- wards at River Falls Normal School, the first school library was established. Little interest was taken in the improvement of the school grounds until 1891, when Mr. Reigle was principal, and as the year went on new departments were added to the system, E. H. Cassels organizing the kindergarten, and C. H. Maxon, who pre- ceded Professor McNeal, introduced drawing in the grades, and it was during his incumbency that the present high school was built in the year 1902. Before this building was erected the high school was held on the second floor of the Central building, and for a short time the seventh and eighth grades were held in the old Catholic church, now known as the Auditorium. The old high school became so crowded that these two grades had to be conducted in this place until the new high school was finished. It was not long before the grounds were made beautiful by the walks, trees and terraces, and in 1909 shrubbery was planted which added much to the beauty of the grounds. Even with the new departments which had been added in the past and tlie improvements which had been made, others seemed necessary, and under Professor McNeal the first supervisor of music was engaged. Of course the contrast between the schools of 1856 and 1912 is great, but it is simply another illustration of the progress which is bound to come with the growth of settle- ment and civilization. From a corn crib to a magnificent high school building with the beautiful grounds is a long step, and from a course of study consisting of most anything to several courses from which a graduate of the high school may step into the university without examination is indeed good progress. The smallest graduating class was that of 1888, which consisted of but one member, and the classes of 1911 and 1912, each consisting of thirty-six members, have been the largest. In addition to other departments under Professor Bray there liave been introduced domestic science for girls and manual train- ing for boys, and the Tomah High School is now not only upon the list of the university, but stands high among educational institutions in this and other states, and its graduates are accepted ;i66 HISTORY OF :\I()XKOE corxTv without examinations in a innnlx'i- ol' prominent educational institutions. The faculty of the years 1911-1912 are as Follows : F. M. Bi-ay. principal, science; Adeline Keifer, assistant principal, (lermaii and mathematics; Florence Ilargrave, Englisli : May Kice, his- tory; George Karnopp, mathematics and ]>o]itical economy; Emmett Hassett, science; ]\Iary O'Keefe, Latin: Belle Souku]), domestic science: Earl AV. Eversmeyer, manual training; Julia O. Ilarvey, music. Board of Education — "\V. B. Naylor, .Jr.. president; 11. B. Sowle, clerk; AV. L. Howes, treasurer. Alany of the prominent business and professional men of ihc village and city have served on the school hoard. The policy ])ursued has uniformly been that of liberality, broad-mindedness and a desire to bring the schools to the highest standard possible, Avith a result that has been very gratifying and is a source of pride to every citizen of the city of Tomah. Back of it all has been the true "Tomah spirit,'' which marks the energy and per- sistence with which any public movement is aided by the good people of the city. Among the students have been maintained the usual societies of these modern days, especially debating clubs, and these had a place in the school scheme from very early times. Athletics have come in for a prominent part and the football. basel)all and track teams of the Tomah High School have at times reached high places in the scliool athletics of this part of the state. Perhaps the most prominent society is the Alumni Associa- 1ion, which w'as organized in June, 1893, at a meeting held at the high sciiool rooms, and through tlie nineteen years of its existence has grown in membership with eacli succeeding year, luitil now its meeting is quite the social event of the year. At the outset the custom Avas inaugurated of liolding a bancjuet and business meeting on the night or evening after the graduating exercises and to receive into full membership the class just gradiuited. This custom has been continued through all the years with the result that its membership keeps pace Avith the graduates and is far better than holding its meeting at some other time of the year Avhen the gradiuiting class has scattered and never again are all together, perhaps, and consequently do not join tlie society, as is the case Avith other associations of the kind. At its banquets fine programs of toasts and addresses are ai-ranged, interspersed Avith musical numbers, folloAved by a business meeting, and usually a ball, and in connection Avitli tb(^ opportunity 1o rencAV "auld THE TOMAH SCHOOLS 367 acquaintances"" it h;is ])ecome one of the principal events in the school year, the session of 1912 being nuusnally well attended as it was carried out as a sort of a "home coming," resulting in many coming from quite a distance. One pleasant event of this last session Avas the presentation to Miss Adeline Keifer of a diamond ring in remembrance of her twenty-five years of faithful labor as assistant principal of the high school ; a rare character whose uniform kindness and cour- tesy, coupled with thorough methods, has made her the friend and almost the companion of the successive classes who have graduated during this time ; a little woman richly endowed by nature to fill just such a position, and in it accomplish great good perhaps gi'eater than in any other sphere of life. Many of the alumni and alumna? have achieved prominence in the various walks of life. Among them may be mentioned Col. W. W. AVar- ren, now the head of a great banking house in Tomah and the father of a growing family, who achieved prominence not only in business, but in a military w^ay as captain of Company K dur- ing the Spanish war, and since as colonel and inspector of small arms practice of the national guard ; the Boltons, Herbert aiad Ed, who have taken prominent places in the educational world ; the Powers boys, AVill and Bert, prosperous merchants at Grand Rapids, Minn. ; Edwin Cassels, a prominent attorney, now prac- ticing his profession at Chicago, 111. ; the Thompsons, Alva and Charles, the former of Avhom served several terms as superin- tendent of schools of this county and is now the head of the in- dustrial school at Richland Center, where his l^rother Cluirles is also employed ; Alva Goodyear, now deceased, who made a fine war record; Jennie MeCaul-Hart, Mho has become a prominent club woman in the state ; Lulu Janes, whose fame as a musician and vocalist is now assured; John G. Graham and AVm. R. ]\IcCaul, both prosperous attorneys, practicing at Tomah ; Ida IMiller, still engaged in teaching the young idea in the Tomah schools; Arthur AVinter and Ray Bell, both prominent physicians at Tomah ; George Robertson, who served as county superintend- ent of schools for two or three terms ; Claude Sowle, now the doughty captain of Company K ; and so the list might be multi- plied, for the Tomah High School has sent her share of good men and women into the Avorld to reflect credit upon the mother insti- tution. Perhaps the uian who attained the most prominence from among the number was Earnest Buckley, whose untimely death brought sadness to his host of friends; he was born at Alillbury, 368 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY ]\Ias.s., September 3, 1872 ; liis boyhood days were spent in Tomah, graduating from the high si-hool in 1S!)() lie entered the university, graduating in 1895; he continued liis studies there, specializing in geology, and acquired great prominence in this work ; he was made director of the natural history survey of the state, and in 1898 his alma mater conferred upon him the degree of doctor of philosophy ; he was soon after called to the position of state geologist to the state of JMissouri, where lie niDNcd to Kollo; he Ix'came an eminent authority in geology and mineralogy and his services were in great demand in the practical ai)iilication. He was also honored l)y being chosen president of the American Mining Congress. In the fall of 1911 he located in Chicago and op(>ned an office as consulting geo- logical engineer. In the prime of life and in the midst of a brilliant career he was suddenly stricken down. His heart had always been true to the little high school and to the little city of his boyhood, for after his death it was found tliat he had bequeathed a suffi- cient sum to be devoted to the purpose of building a library for the city of Tomah, which will be his monument for all time. His death occurred at his home in Chicago on Friday, January 19, 1911, his remains being brought to Tomah and interred in the family lot upon Avhii-h a handsome vault will be erected. LIST OF GRADUATES. Class of 1880— Mary Ida ]\Iiller, Ida Auten and Curtis Boorman. Class of 1882 — Addie Leach, Bertha Irons, Randolph Richards, AVill Powers, Bert Powers, Addie Earle and La iMont Boorman. Class of 1883 — AV. AV. AVarren, AA". S. IMason, Luman AVariner. Charles Calkins, Tressa Alaxwell, Hannah Carnecl. Carrie Thomp- son, .Minnie Howard, Ruby Earle, Jessie Button, Georgia Jackson and Evelyn Barber. Class of 1884 — Fred Perry, Bert Stannanl, ]\Iary Perry, Bert Xaylor and .Jennie IMcCaul. No record of class of 1885. Class of 1886— Nellie Howard. IMae :\lather. Josie ]\Iiller, Harrison Barber, Perry Cowles and (trace Graham. No recorrt of class of 1887. Class of 1888— Edith Kenyon. Class of 1889— Herbert Bolton, Edwin Cassels, C. F. Moll, George A^arney and Anna AVilson. THE TOMAH SCHOOLS 369 Class of 1890 — Earnest Buckley, Alva Thompson, Adolpli Wilson, Gertrude Janes, Carrie Perry, Melzina Smith, Una Richardson and Ethel Maynard. Class of 1891 — Edith Howard, Nellie Alverson, Libbie James, Will McCaul, Belle Button and Anna j\lonahan. Class of 1892 — Charles Thomson, Herbert Calkins, Grace McMillan, Jennie Voswinkel, Nina Lombard, Blanche Bennett, Clara Spaulding, Ella Wells, Ella Perry and Minnie Wood. Class of 1893 — Lottie Wood, Fred Thompson, Frank Saner, Dora Heintz, I\Iinnie Root, Bessie Jackson, Alva Goodyear, Hattie Nieholis, Herbert Johnson and Gray Graham. Class of 1894 — John Brennen, Jessie Hill, Otis Calkins, Ray Bell, Fred Barrows, Roy Bolton, Earnest AVyatt, Bernard Paley, Jennie Jennings, Albert Rich, Ella O'Leary, Ella Hastings, May Graham, Lulu Janes, Carrie Jones, Mamie Ebert, Laura Bolton, Minnie Wells, Clara McPherson and Eleanor Voswinkle. Class of 1895 — Louie Corrigan, Emma Earle, Ellen Gammons, Harriet Hall, Gertrude Reynolds, Arthur AYinter, Wallace Mc- Pherson, George Cassels and George Robertson. Class of 1896 — Wilda Hancock, Rufus Jackson, Lottie Jackson, Edith Root, Maud Bell, Herbert AA^right, Alfred Schultz, Eugene Hancock, Rose Barbour, Isabelle Bliven and Edward AA'ells. Class of 1897 — Orpha AYoodard, Gertrude Zimmerman, Susan Graham, May Scott, ]\lary Donovan, Alice Gunnison, Cora Schroeder, Simon Bailey, Rosco Jennings, Bert Cassels and W. J. Tarr. Class of 1898 — John Larkin, Laura Spaulding, Grace Talbot, Grace Cristy, Euphemia ]\lcKane, Lula Palmer, ]\Iaud Boyington, Dora DroAvatzsky, Jessie Goodenough, I\Iay Smith, Alice Hanchett, Delia Polifka, Flora Earle, WiR Healy, AYill Falkner, Harry Spaulding and Claude Sowle. Class of 1899 — Grace Bolton, AVilliam J. Brennen, lone Gove, Edith Mosley, AVill Gooder, George Marcher, Lula Sowle, Ger- trude A. Smith, Pearl Gammons, Ellen Clay, Belle Newsome, AVilliam D. Smith, Clara Schedler and Lula Scott. Class of 1900— Hal Sowle. Catherine Treat, Fred Ebert, Marius Larsen, Edgar Secor, Charles Tarr, Joanna Donovan, Hattie Dewey, Mary Garnock, ]\Iyrtle Seibold, Kathleen Graham, Grace Cassels, Glen McClatchie, Edith Christie, Charlotte Reynolds, Lizzie Schenecker, Rosa Drowatzky, Mabel Stevens, Nellie Brennen, Rosa Baumgart, Anna Clay, Ella Jennings, Charles 'Brian and Bertha Drowatzky. Class of 1901— Ella Birr, Otto Uttech. Captain Aller, Nellie 370 HISTOKY OF :\rOXROE COUNTY Edwards, Pearl Eaton, Frank King, Ethel Sowle, Lucetta Case, George Anderson, Gertie Smith, Gertrude Smith, Susan Wells, Anna Costello, Raljjh Ford, Oscar Schroeder and Rudolpli Andres. Class of 1902 — p]thel Abbott, Edwinna Bolton, Gertude Benja- min, Louis Baumgartcn, Harry Bell, Grace Dunning, Ilattie Hanchett, Louis Hancock, Edith Johnson, Fred Johnson, Grace Keeler, Ben Reynolds, Ruth Stevens. Edith Sowle, IMattie Sweet, John Tarr, Earnest Vandervort, Vera Wyatt and P>ed AValter. Class of 1903 — Tessie Brenncn, .I()sei)iiine Bongers, Delia Drew, Jessie Daniels, Ralph Goodenough, Grace Garnock, Florence Jay, Ella Johnson, Ed Spaulding, Lela Howard, ]\Iary Sizer, Kathryn Costello iitid Sue Moseley. Class of 1904 — Pier Aller, Bessie Brace, May Barrett, Agnes Brennen, AYalter Drew, Norma Fitch, John Louis Franz, William A. Gilson, Pearl Heineman, Allan Homermiller, Nina Homermiller, Pearl Henry, Francis Johnson, Don Keeler, Clara ]\Iathews, Alva ]\Ic]Mullen, Rena Olson, Blondina Pingle, ]\Iinnie Pingle, Grace Randall, Leslie Spence, Theodore Smith, Gloria Tolles, Roy Washburn, George Wells and George Bell. Class of 1905— Dell AVilson, Anna Wolf, Myrtle Smith, Jennie Stanley, Leonard Stevens, Amy Randall, Laurence Larson, Josie Lingon])lod, Alex. Garnock, Gertrude Freemore, Nete Moseley, ]\Iae i\Ioran, Herman j\Iast, Bernard Mast, Lillie Kuekuck and Percy Daniels. Class of 1906— Arthur Atkinson. J. E. Black. AVeina Briese- meister, Fred Bentzen, Lola Dickenson, Florence Eraser, Will Eraser, Hugh Johnson, ]Mal)el Keene. George Kuekuck, Charles Kupper, Hilmer Loehr, Coral Logan, Anna Nelson, Nora Peterson, Josephine Pragge, Inez Purdy, Tom Sheehey, Grace Schroeder, Lucy Sowle, Ray Spooner, Mina Spradling, Vila Stone, ]\Iinnie Thom, Lillian Yackel and Ella Young. Class of 1907 — Frank Andres, Nelly Barry, Marcena Black, Ada Birr, Herman Birr, Dorothy Bernie, Edith Beardsley, Laura Bosshard, Ella Drowatzky. Alpha Diemer, Archie Harris, Vernon Hilliker, Will Howes, Edna Tiarson, Bessie ]\Iedd, Jesse ]\Ieinecke, Gladys Olson, Earl Terry, Jessie L'win, Nena Dano, Ray Talbot, Mae Vandervort, Ella Warner and Ethel AVyatt. Class of 1908 — Charlotte Button, Louis Barnes, Irene Baker, Arthur Boehmer, Fay Burger, Lydia Cross, Constance Cross, EdAvard Franz, AVilliam (Jleis, AVill Ilonun'miller, Harold Holmes, Leland King, Leo Keley, Edward Kruger, Fraidv ]Moran, Rosa ]\Ianaig('. Ruth ^Maxwell, Edith Steinke, John Sweet, Katherine Tibbilts and Hazel AVells. o o W a m < I— 1 Q O THE TOMAH SCHOOLS 371 Class of 1909 — Glen Barber, Catherine Bethauser, Raymond Bolton, Carl Cady, Nellie Dauo, Timothy Donovan, Frank Drew, Jr., Hazel Elwell, Jessie Johnson, Florence Johnson, Harrison King, Edward Kupper, Rosa Kuekuck, Bessie Lamb, Mary Linehan, Selma Mathews, Cecil Mahr, Claude McConnell, Ray McMullen, Mae McWithy, Harry Moran, Rosa Otto, Edwin O'Leary, Anna Robertson, Elsie Ranthum, Jessie Reynolds, Edna Rezin, Vella Syverson and Benlah AA^arner. Class of 1910 — Byron Black, Ralph Baker, Eva Cornish, Laura Dravel, William Dravel, Margaret Flaharty, Robert Get- man, Nina Goerbing, Louis Hoag, Stella James, Bernice James, Irene Kuekuck, John Kitzki, Elizabeth Kitzki, John Kress, Joseph Kress, Lizzie Linehan, Margaret Moran, LaVerne McClatchie, Genevieve Oakes, Lydia Stelter, Margaret Smith, Hazel Webster, Russell Wells and Anna Wolf. Class of 1911— Mabel Dreps, May Prickett, Raymond Eber- hardt, Lois Smart, George Von Haden, Henry Greutzmacher, Grace Kuekuck, George Knick, Edna Reinhold, Edgar Staben, Rudolph Hopp, Alice Snodgrass, Arthur Janes, Anna Cramer, Amanda Reisenauer, Henry Retter, Deycie Rose, Arthur Verick, Elizabeth Blaschke, Minnie Wolf, Ada Sandley, Sadie Rodell, Archie Chapman, Jessie Chapman, Oscar Eirschelem, Steven Donovan, Earnest Yeager, Elmer Bell, Ruth Treat, Elizabeth Goerbing, Pearl Schwartz, Vere Johnson, Walter Detert, Steven Taylor, Roy Fitch and Alvin AVirth. Class of 1912— Gladys Forrest, Bessie Eberdt, Lillian Tib- betts, Gertrude Kippen, jMitchel Tuttle, Evelyn Alderman, Robert Graewin, Raymond Smith, Iva Medd, Mary Mast, Otto Birr, Lela Bongers, Leslie Bongers, Frieda Last, Perry Gilmore, Earle Sullivan, George Fuhrmau, Beatrice Regalia, Hazel Gilson, Una King, Mabel Maxwell, Mary Clay, Ruby Lamb, Neta AVilliams, James Finucain, Edward Mick, Katheryn Howes, Louie Barnes, Leila Janes, Sarah Libbey, Hugh Hilliker, Alfred Bongers, Marguerite Sherwood, Edwin Finnerty, Mary Simonson and James Moran. CHAPTER XXXVI. TO.MAll CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. The First Baptist Church. AVas organized August 6, 1859, a meeting I'or the purpose being called at Staysa's liall, at which the Rev. L. C. Herrick was chosen moderator, and A. Kendall clerk proteur; eleven brethren and sisters of the Baptist Church enrolled themselves as members. The constituent mendjers were Brethren Simeon AVood, Jesse Boorman, Peter Cramer, Alden Cramer, H. J. Sherman, and sisters Mary Jane Wood, Lucinda C. Boorman, Lucinda Powers, Elizabeth Cramer, Polly G. Sinery and Atlante Cramer. The NcAv Hampshire Article of Faith and Church Convenant, as given in the "Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge" by J. Newton Brown, was endorsed and adopted by the church. Simeon Wood was elected deacon and Alden Cramer church clerk. A ministerial committee was appointed and also a committee to purchase lots for a meeting house. By invitation of the church soon after, members of neighboring Baptist churches, on October 26th, 1859, met and an ecclesiastical council convened for public recognition services. Soon afterwards the Rev. L. C. Herrick Avas called to the pastorate of the church, measures were taken to build a church and about two years thereafter a meeting house was dedicated. This building was remodeled in 1874 and again in 1897. Tlie church property is now valued at about $4,000 and is free from debt. Since its organization in 1859 there have been received into membership 404 persons. At present there are ninety-seven resident members and forty-four non-resident. The following is a list of the ministers, Avhich we believe is complete, in the order of their pastorate: Rev. L. C. Herrick, Rev. E. D. Barbour, Rev. W. H. Card, Rev. I. II. Cameron, Rev. T. D. Growe, Rev. I. C. Weeden, Rev. B. II. Barber. Rev. Phillips. Rev. J. H. Bowker, Rev. R. S. Parshall, Rev. AV. H. Barner, Rev. AV. M. Robinson, Rev. Roberts, Rev. J. J. Gorham, Rev. B. P. Russell. Rev. Arthur AVinte, Rev. Hayden. Rev. Agar, Rev. G. Cressy. Rev. C. H. Smith, Rev. AA^ D. Bancroft, Rev. C. E. Henry, Rev. C. C. Colby and the present minister. Rev. H. AI. Spickler. 372 TOMAH CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES 373 St. Mary's Episcopal Church. Began with a Sunday school gathered and conducted by Mrs. C. K. Erwin and Mrs. John Little in McCaul's hall, in 1874. A congregation was formed and after several meetings was regularly organized in March, 1874, with the Rev. E. DeAVolfe, of St. John's church, Sparta, as priest in charge, and the following officers were appointed: John Bostwisk, w^arden ; L. Martin, clerk, and John Little, treasurer, the Rt. Rev. Edward R. Wells being then the bishop of the diocese of AVisconsin, the entire state being in one jurisdiction at that time ; the following clergy succeeded as priest in charge on the respective dates : Rev. J. B. Gedelupe, 1878 ; Rev. W. H. H. Ross, December, 1883; Rev. L. H. Shubert, October, 1884; Rev. F. K. Allen. 1886 ; Rev. C. P. Dorset, January, 1890 ; Rev. S. W. Moran in 1892; Rev. C. E. Roberts, 1894; Rev. B. T. Bensted, September, 1898; Rev. R. Rowley, October, 1899; Rev. A. F. Schepp, July, 1902; Rev. A. F. Ruge, April, 1904, and the Rev. James AV. Smith, February 1, 1907, w^ho is still in charge. The present officers are L. B. Squier, warden, AVilliam B. Naylor, treasurer, and Dr. C. L. Anderson, clerk, under Rt. Rev. William Walter AVebb, bishop of the diocese. The church was built and opened September 23, 1879, being then situated on Kilbourn avenue, in the north end of town ; it was consecrated in October. 1881, and in July, 1892, it was moved to the corner of Kilbourn avenue and Monowau street, its pres- ent location ; it was rebuilt and enlarged with a chancel. The church also owns a rectory situated just north and across the street from the church. Methodist Episcopal Church. This organization was undoubt- edly the pioneer church in Tomah, and it is to be regretted that a complete record does not seem to be available. In 1857 Rev. C. W. Kellogg preached the first sermon ever delivered in Tomah. This was on the tirst Sunday in July of that year, the meeting being held in a new barn erected by Robert E. Gillett. This gave an impetus to the movement to organize a church, which was accomplished this same year, and during the next year a neat church building was erected, meetings prior to this being held wherever most convenient. The congregation now owns a fine church building situated on the site of the old one, being a commanding position on a slight ridge. The building is well equipped and the congregation large. The church is in a pros- perous condition. Among its ministers have been many men of prominence in the Methodist Church, among them Rev. Chas. E. Butters, who left his church and went into the Spanish-American war from Tomah, enlisting as a private. The Rev. Haskell, the 374 JllSTOKY OF .MONROE COUNTY present pastor, is a man of broad mind, a thorougli student, a man of strong executive ability and an impressive speaker. The Congregational Church. Tlie history of tliis organization connucnced with the coming of the Rev. ]\Ir. AVells in 1858. At first, as is the case with ;ill pioneer movements, meetings were held at private houses unlil the little organization grew strong enough to erect a church building. This was accomplished in 1859, when a frame church was built, the congregation regularly organized as the "First Congregational Church of Tomah." The meeting for the church organization was held in Staysa's hall pursuant to notice which had been regularly given by Rev. \V. F. Avery, the pastor of the Congregational cliurch at Sparta, and Rev. F. M. Gams. At that meeting the following trustees were elected: AVilliam F. ShaAV. Daniel Braman. Robert E. Gillett, Jolui Dodge, Henry AV. Cressy, John Howard and S. D. Powers. In 1861 the Rev, AY ells, on account of ill health, was com- pelled to resign the pastorate of the church at Tomah, as he was also in charge of the church at New Lisbon, at which latter place he made his home. From that time on the pulpit has been occu- pied by many ministers, a list of whom it is impossible to give at present. As ministers are called to the service in the Congre- gational church by the congregation, the ministers served various periods. The church building has of late years been remodeled and considerably enlarged and is well equipped for church purposes. The congregation also owns a parsonage situated next to the church, w^hich is modern and a fine home for the resident pastor. At present the Rev. J, AY. Smith is the pastor, having occupied the pulpit for a number of years; a strong man in the church and one who has made his good influence felt in the community. The Catholic Church. The first organization of the Catholic Church of Tomah Avas in the year 1867, the first priest being the Rev. AI. AI. Alarks. Avho attended from LaCrosse. During the year a church building was erected at a cost of $2,500, being su- perintended by the Rev. John Casey, Avho attended from Alaus- ton. The first resident priest was Father J. T. Durward, who took charge in 1870 and remained many long years the priest at Tomah. A man of broad education and liberal views he endeared himself to people generally and Avas highly esteemed by the citizens of Tomah. The Tomah church has been again fortunate in the services of Rev. Louis AYurst. its present priest, who has been a resident TOMAH CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES 875 for many years. His great executive ability has shown itself in the management of its financial affairs, for under his charge has been erected a fine brick church, equipped with a town clock, a fine residence for the priest and St. Mary's school "has been greatly enlarged and improved. The new Catholic church, erected on a commanding knoll, Avas formally dedicated on De- cember 29. 1899. The remodeled St. Mary's school was dedicated by Bishop Schwebach, of LaCrosse, on September 17, 1910. The congregation is prosperous and the church property is now one of the finest in buildings and equipment to be found in any city of the size of Tomah. The German Methodist Church was organized in 1866 and a church building erected in 1870. A parsonage was subsequently added to the church property, the church itself remodeled. The congregation, though small, is earnest and prosperous and much good is accomplished by its members. LODGES. Tomah Lodge, No. 132, F. & A. M., w^as organized and dis- pensation granted April 19, 1861. The charter members were C. W. Kellogg, Noah Maltbie, A. B. Smith, J. P. Thompson, John Dodge, Enoch Baker and S. D. Powers. The first officers installed were C. W. Kellogg, AV. M. ; Noah Maltbie, S. AV. ; A. B. Smith, J. AV. ; J. P. Thompson, secretary ; John Dodge, treasurer, and Enoch Baker, tyler. The first meet- ings were held in the upper story of an old blacksmith shop sit- uated on the back end of the lot now^ occupied by AA'arren's bank. Afterwards it held its meetings in different halls until 1884 when, by an agreement with. H. S. Beardsley the lodge became the owner of the upper floor of the brick building so long used as the postoffice and now owned by Harvey M. Sowle. This was the home of the lodge for many years until an opportunity came to get more commodious quarters. The lodge purchased the upper floor of the building situated in the block just north of the old Sherman House, being erected by M. H. Moore, and now^ has flne lodge and reception rooms, a commodious dining room and kitchen well equipped. The Blue Lodge, Royal Arch Alasons and Order of the Eastern Star occupy the rooms. Tomah Chapter, No. 63, R. A. M. Dispensation was granted for the organization of this chapter of Royal Arch Alasons on January 27, 1887, and the charter was issued February 22, 1888. The chapter has a fine set of robes for the work and is steadily 376 IIISTOKY OF :\rOXROE COUNTY growing ill inciiibcrshii). At present F. S. Narrows, Jr., is high priest; Peter Johnson, king; John G. Graham, scribe, and C. H. AViekluiHl. secretary. There is a strong lodge of tlie Order of the Eastern Star, which, as has been stated, occupies tlie lodge rooms of the Ala- sonic Temple. Tomah Lodge, No. 178, I. 0. 0. F., Avas organized under dis- pensation grant cd ]\larcli 15, 1870, the charter being issued by the Grand Lodge January 19, 1870. The charter members were: Thomas McCaiil. L. S. Benjamin, O. T. SoAvle, A. G. Schultz, K. Kinmore, Charles Organ, Charles S. Hubbard, George B. Rob- inson. .J. P. Tracy and IL A. 8oAvle. The first olKicers elected under the dispensation were Thomas McCaul, noble grand; IT. A. Sowle, vice grand; 0. T. Sowle, re- cording secretary ; G. B. Rolunsoii. permanent secretary ; J. P. Tracy, treasurer. The lodge held its meeting at first in the ^Ma- sonic Hall until ]881, when their OAvn comniodious lodge rooms were built. The lodge home is situated right in the heart of the business district on Superior avenue, has a large lodge hall with ample ante-rooms, a large dining room and finely equipped kitchen, all well furnished and modern in every way. The pres- ent officers are C. F. Fick, noble grand; J. N. King, vice grand; H. C. Bongers, secretary. There is also a lodge of Rebeccas, which occupy the same lodge rooms. Tomah Camp, No. 554, M. W. A., was organized ]\Iarch 21, 1888, with forty charter monibers, among whom were many of the prominent business lucii of Tomah ; F. S. Barrows, Ernest Bartels, J. J. King, R. P. Hitchcock, H. H. Sherwood, C. K. Erwin, 0. J. Eaton, C. E. Quigg, G. R. Vincent, J. H. Mosely, George B. Anderson, L. AV. Earle, Peter Johnson, Thomas McCaul, Robert Schroeder, W. C. Hommermiller, AY. H. Schultz, Fred Meinecke and others. I. N. Palmer was its first and only clerk, making an enviable record of twenty-four years' faithful service since the first organization of the camp, truly a testimonial of the strongest character of the confidence and esteem with Avhich he is held by his brother AYoodmen. The camp now has its quar- ters in the Odd Fellows Hall, where it meets tAvice a month; there are now about ISO members, the camp is in good condition financially and in every other way. There is a strong lodge of Knights of Pythias at Tomah, the official records of which were not available for the purpose of this work. CHAPTER XXXVII. THE HELPING HAND SOCIETY OF TOMAII. This unique society is one the like of which should exist in every city and village and the example of which has been made by this little organization in the city of Toinah as to what can be accomplished in doing good to your fellow creatures through the broad exercise of diplomatic charity is one which any com- munity, no matter where situated, can well take heed. The society was organized September 8, 1886, as an auxiliary of a Universalist church, which church had planned to establish in Tomah, but the plans were not carried through and the society soon afterwards became a non-sectarian charitable organization. The following ladies were the original members or joined soon after the organization of the society: Mrs. George H. Warren, Mrs. J. H. Warren, Mrs. W. N. Alverson, Mrs. C. A. Goodyear, Mrs. W. W. Alverson, Mrs. E. M. Hamilton, ^Mrs. H. H. Ackuer, Mrs. C. Stannard, Mrs. Julia Eaton, Mrs. Electa Wilkins, Mrs. D. P. Rockwood, ]Mrs. A. Soule, Mrs. H. L. Crandall, Miss Jessie Campbell, Mrs. George Graham, Mrs. C. F. Richardson, Mrs. George Thomas, :\Irs. H. Doxtader, :\Irs. W. Earle, Mrs. N. R. Richardson, Mrs. R. Toombs, Mrs. B. Irons, ]\Irs. E. W. Beebe, Mrs. L. Richards, Mrs. Addison Cady, Mrs. C. Llerrill, Mrs. IT. W. Calkins, Mrs. G. R. Vincent, Mrs. L. Cady. The iirst officers of the association were : I\Irs. A. Cady, presi- dent ; Mrs. E. Hamilton, vice president ; Mrs. Adenzy Irons, secre- tary, and Mrs. George Warren, treasurer. The object of this society is to relieve the needy, which the members have tried to manage in such a delicate and diplomatic way that their beneficiaries may not be pauperized, but helped in the time of misfortune and whenever possible aided and encour- aged to help themselves. The committees appointed for the sev- eral wards in the city inquire into every case brought to their notice and such assistance as seems advisable is rendered. The society has had the hearty co-operation of the public and so has been enabled to do much work that it otherwise could not have done, especially at the Christmas season, when it is the object of 377 378 IIISTOKY OF .AIONKOE COUNTY llie orgaiiizaliuii lo grt ii liox of clothing, toys aud other tilings to each needy child Avho otherwise might have none of the sea- son's good cheer: and many are the little hearts who have been made glad throngh the t honghtfulness and kindness of the Help- ing Hand Society. In 1898 when the war' cloud w;is dark and threatening and the boys of the local military company were innking preparations to go to the front, the Helping Hand Societ\ formed a nucleus around which gathered those who wished to hel{) in pre|)aring bandages and small conveniences that "our hoys" could carry with them, and when the company Avas at Charleston, S. C. the nuMubers gathered and sent a 1)0X of bedding and many other useful articles and money with which, to purchase medicine and other necessities. When the society was first organized it met at the various homes of its members, but in 1887 it purchased what Avas known as the Central Hall or the old skating rink, selling it a little later and securing a ]^ortiou of the armory build- ing as soon as it was completed, in Avhich the society holds a financial interest and have a long lease of rooms on the ujiper floor consisting of a living room, kitchen and dining room for their use ; and under the arrangements Avith the Armory Asso- ciation the society has the use of the entire building for the cost of opening and lighting it for any entertainments Avhich they may Avish to give for the i)urpose of raising money to go into its treasury. The present membership of the society consists of the folloAv- ing ladies: Mrs. G. A. Altenberg, jMrs. AV. D. Bosshard, ]Mrs. AVilliam Cassels, ^Mrs. J. Hancock, ]Mrs. Thomas ]\IcCaul. ]\Irs. J. J. King, Urs. C. Quigg, INIrs. F. K. Talbot, Mrs. F. S. BarroAvs. Mrs. E. Crocker, JMrs. "William Ilomermiller, ]\Irs. D. P. Rock- Avood, Mrs. Treat, ^Nlrs. A. N. Cross, Mrs. B. Irons, :\Irs. C. ]\Iax- Avell, Mrs. J. B. McMullin, ]\Irs. C. T. Sipple, Mrs. E. Terry, Mrs. Burlin, Mrs. Alice Eaton. IMrs E. Polifka, Mrs. H. H. Shater- Avood, ]\Irs. G. H. Warren, and the folloAving honorary members: Mrs. L. Burdick, I\lrs. TI. Boxtader. :\Irs. D. E. :\liller. :\lrs. A. Cady, Mrs. Sherman. The present officers are: ]\Irs. Eaton. ])resident ; ]\[rs. Talbot. vice president; Mrs. Cassels, treasurer, and ]\lrs. King, secretary. CHAPTER XXXVIII. TOMAII PUBLIC LIBRARY. Like the beginning of most institutions of this character, the Tomah Library was instituted through the efiforts of a few citi- zens, who believed that such an institution was necessary. Mrs. S. D. Palmer called to her assistance several ladies of the city and in the summer of 1881 organized what was known as the Tomah Library Association ; these ladies gave an entertainment, the proceeds of which were used to purchase the first books of the library, and these w^ere afterwards supplemented by the gifts of various citizens. The books were at first kept in the photograph gallery of the late E. N. Palmer, Avhere they remained for about a year. Later the citizens gave to the Library Association the use of a room in the city hall, where it was housed and where it remained for a great many years. Soon after the library moved into the city building the city appropriated $100 per annum for the purchase of books, and at about this time rules and regulations were drawn by Judge George Graham and an annual fee of $1 w^as charged for the use of the books, which fund was used for the purchase of books. The first librarians were Mrs. S. D. Palmer, !Mrs. John Boor- man, ]Mrs. Ida Vincent and INIrs. Rockw^ood, all of whom served faithfully and long without any remuneration, the latter up to July, 1902. Some years prior to this it was turned over to the city and became a municipal institution and. was controlled by a board of trustees, three in number, appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the common council, and became known as the V Tomah City Library." In July. 1902, a change of librarians brought about the reorganization of the institution under the state law% and on December 18, 1902. the board of trustees met in the council cham- ber of the city hall in response to the call of ]\Irs. F. S. Barrows ; three additional members, bringing the board to the legal num- ber, having been appointed by the Hon. W. E. Nuzum, then mayor of the city, it was found necessary to adopt by-laws bringing the library into harmony with the state laws governing public libraries. The members present at this meeting were ]\Irs. F. S. Bar- 379 , I 380 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY rows, ]\Irs. P>nnk Fietin^, ]\[rs. John King, Rev. Father AVurst, Dr. A. R. Bell. :\Irs. ('. 11. Maxon. :\Ir. A. S. Goodyear and by invitation ]\liss Cornelia ]\Iarvin, of the State Library Commis- sion, Avho presented a set of by-laws, whieh, with minor changes, were adopted. The election of olficers was then declared in order following: Rev. Father AViirst, president; I\Irs. F. S. Barrows, vice president, and Mrs. John Fieting, secretary. The action of the former board as to the appointment of Caroline AY. B. Vos- winkel as librarian was confirmed and the purchase of supplies necessary to inaugurate to the new system of changing books, cataloging, etc., was authorized. All the books were called in and the library closed to the public during the reorganization whii-h occupied a period of about two weeks. The librarian was assisted in the work of reorganization which was under the supervision of Miss Marvin, of the State Library Commission, and by j\Iiss Reilly, of Madison. After the com- pletion of the reorganization the library was thrown open to the public on January 2, 1903, Avitli 793 books on the shelves, with a registry of 105. The library continued to be housed in the council cliamber of the city hall until December, 1903. when through the efforts of the mayor, Hon. AY. E. Nuzum, the "Whit- field" property on Superior avenue was purchased and the library moved into its present quarters. The growth since 1902 has been steady, the days and hours of opening having been gradually extended from twice a Aveek to daily opening; this last com- mencing November, 1911. The actual number of its borrowers is fully one-third, if not more of the population of the city. At the last annual report dated June 30, 1911, the number of vol- umes in the library was 3,733 and is now approximately 4,000 volumes, and circulation for the year June 30, 1910, to July 1. 1911. was 19,688. The liln-ary is supported by the city and receives an ajipro- priation l)eginning with the current year of $1,200, apportioned approximately as follows: One-third for books and periodicals, one-third for the librarian's salary, and one-third for current expenses. The city of Tomah Avill in a short time liave a fine new library building, undoubtedly located on the site of the pres- ent occupancy, a gift from the estate of Dr. Ernest R. Buckley, a former resident of Tomah and a graduate of the Tomah High School, who acquired considerable prominence as an expert geolo- gist and having in mind, undoubtedly, the v\-elfare of his home town, made provision in his will for the building of a library building to be presented to the city of Tomah. CHAPTER XXXIX. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB OF TOMAH. By Ella D. Goodyear. It was in 1907 that the members of three exclusive clubs in Tomah came together one day for a joint session of mutual benefit. The leaven of social service had faintly begun to work in the minds and hearts of a few, so when the suggestion to form a civic club with an inilimited membership came it found a few enthusiastic sponsors, and the club became a reality at that time. Members of the study clubs, who had part in organizing became charter members of the civic club. Mrs. F. S. Barrows was the first president, with ]\Irs. AV. W. "Warren as secretary. It took the entire year to organize, make definite, workable plans and make the club popular, for it had to be popular in order to get into its ranks indifferent women and prejudiced ones. Some were opposed to club work, using the old argument that it took too much time away from their home duties. But the five years' existence has proven the fallacy of this argument, because all the club work carried on has been in the interest of the home and now the most intelligent women in the community belong. The club has been fortunate from the beginning in having the business men's club rooms for meetings. It has added 50 per cent to the interest in the club. Standing committees have carried on from the beginning a definite line of work, and taking each in turn I will try to show those plans, and some of the results accomplished. For three successive years the art committee has held in the club rooms an art exhibit, charging a low rate of admission. School children have been admitted ahvays at a nominal price, and have been encouraged to come. The Copley, Turner, and Elson prints have been exhibited, and from these the committee has made wise selections for the walls of the school rooms. These pictures were given by the club. One year ]\Irs. John B. Sherwood, of Chicago, exhibited colored prints and American oil paintings in the high school, giving special talks to children. She also gave a fine 381 382 IIISTOKY OF .MOXKOE COUNTY stereoptieon lecture on Italian art to a mixed audience in the evening. Tliis visit from ]Mrs. Sherwood, a recognized art lover and critic, was a great inspiration to the community at large. As a result of five years' work, this committee, the personnel of which changes every year, has not only given the city oppor- tunities in art, but each school room in the city has at least a copy of one fine picture on its walls. The educational committee has done thorough and conscien- tious Avork in many lines. A^'isiting committees of club members regularly visit the schools and tliis has brought teachers and parents into closer touch; occasionally school receptions are held in the different buildings for parents and teachers. Tomah has always had to its credit a broad-minded school board. Suggestions for repairs and decorations in school rooms, improvements in sanitary conditions or increase in library facili- ties from this committee have always met with a ready response from the board. In the central building a beautiful rest room has been fitted up. Teachers, pupils and the school board cooper- ated with the club to accomplish this. At present the same com- bination is working for play ground equipment for the large and spacious grounds surrounding this same building. Under the direction of this committee also, the club annually gives a recep- tion to the teachers, which is always a pleasant and social affair. Perhaps the largest task undertaken by the committee was the agitation for music, manual training, and domestic science in the schools. But after the patrons of the school became assured of the benefits to be derived from these branches, the matter was easily and quickly settled at the annual school meeting of 1911, and as a result the Tomah high schools are among the most up- to-date in the state. The music committee furnishes a piano for the club rooms the year around. By this means every meeting has a good program of music. School children under the leader- ship of the music teacher often entertain, and many high school students of talent have been brought before the public in this way, and also have given niurii pleasure to others. The library committee has always been in accoi'd with the library board and librarian. Their active work has been con- fined to substantial gifts heretofore. One year the committee held a double program, calling it Library Day. The afternoon program Avas given up to a review of the past and an analysis of the present by the librarian. The past was reviewed by some of the founders of the library, who gave a most interesting account CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB OF TOMAII 383 of the beginning and early struggle of what is today an excellent free public library. The evening was devoted to the possibilities of the future for a library, Avitli an address by Miss Stearns of the State Library Commission. The civics committee started out Avith the definite plan of making Tomah more clean and more beautiful. AVith this pur- pose in view, and with the financial support of the C. A. Good- year Lumber Company, they engaged Mrs. McCrea, a professional landscape gardener of Chicago, to come to Tomah to plant trees and shrubs in all private yards of owners interested. The only expense to the owners to be the cost of the shrubs. Public school grounds, the library lot, and many unsightly places were cleaned up and beautified under the inspiration of Mrs. McCrea. Prizes to the amount of $100 were offered at the end of the season for those private places showing the most improvement. Since that time an annual Municipal Cleaning Day has been appointed by the mayor. On one cleaning day the citizens of one neighbor- hood secured the use of Barrows Grove, a natural beauty spot in the southeast corner ol the city, as a picnic ground for the pub- lic. They cleaned it up, and made picnic benches and tables and hung swings. Recently the civics committee has assisted the schools on Arbor Day by arranging for the planting of trees. The Junior Civic League is a protege of the civics committee organized in the schools. The children buy league buttons to wear and sign a pledge to keep the city clean and to protect the birds and animals. Penny packages of flowers and vegetables are sold to the children in the spring. In September a flower and vegetable show is held, prizes being given for the best. The Humane Society was organized under the direction of the civics committee, but entirely independent to the club. A campaign against bill boards, agitation for a saner Fourth, rest rooms for county fair week, are some of the proposed reforms now in committee. The club as a whole has raised money for a large fountain for dogs and horses, costing $400. And the latest effort has been a Tomah cook book, gotten up primarily as a means of earning money, and has been successful from every standpoint. The ways and means committee has always had an important part to play in the club, for without it no work could have been accomplished. They have given card parties, dances, a ball game between the professional and the business men of the city, and in many ways raised the necessary funds. The social commit- 384 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY tee lias done effective service by promoting sociality, providing entertainment for members and their friends. They arrange for the annual banquet each year, and one year gave a complimentary banquet to the Business ]\Ien's Club. And last, but not least, must be mentioned the program and press committee, "who keep the wheels oiled. They -work early and late, but behind the scenes. Neither club members nor the public realize the faithful attention these committees must give to details. Many entertaining programs are given throughout the year, and many instructive ones. Men and women of note in the state have been guests of the club and spoken before it. Social center work, boy problems, domestic science, peace and conversation, are among the subjects which have been discussed. And not less helpful have been the interesting talks given by Tomah's own citizens on live topics of the day. At the close of five years' existence, the club is a prosperous and active agent in the plans for progress in the city of Tomah. OFFICERS, 1911-1912. President, ]Mrs. AV. R. ]\lcCaul; first vice president. ]Mrs. AV. AV. AYarren ; second vice president, Mrs. H. J. Skinner ; third A"ice president, Mrs. E. K. Tuttlo ; corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. L. Burt; recording secretary, Mrs. A. A. Fix; treasurer, Mrs. AYallace Taft. Active Membership List : Airs. 0. L. Anderson, Airs. R. Andres, Airs. Robert Babb, Airs. F. S. Barrows, Airs. Earnest Bartels, Airs. ^Y. R. Bartels, Airs. L. N. Burt, Airs. Addison Cady, Airs. T. B. Corrigan, Airs. Frank Drew, Airs. Alice Eaton, Airs. Fred Eldridge, Airs. Alois Fix. Airs. AYill Gleis, Airs. AI. Gondre- zick, Airs. A. S. Goodyear, Airs. George Graham, Airs. Clarence Hanover, Airs. F. AI. Hart. Airs. E. E. Hatch, Airs. C. C. Hazen, Airs. Anna Homermiller, Airs. AV. C. Homermiller, Airs. II. B. Johnson, Airs. Carrie King, Airs. E. F. Koon, Airs. AYilliam Lee, Airs. AI. B. Lee, Airs. E. Lockwood, Airs. AA'. E. Barnhart. Airs. L. AY. Earle. Airs. Thomas AlcCaul, Airs. AY. R. AlcCaul. Airs. Charles AIcFadden, Airs. L. AIcKain, Airs. C. J. Alaxwell, Airs. E. Aleloy, Airs. AI. Aloran, Airs. James O'Leary. AFrs. Sarah Palmer, Airs. A. B. Pennewell, Airs. C. E.' Quigg. Airs. AYilliam Roddell, Airs. Edward Schwerer, Airs. Elizabeth Seymour, Airs. C. T. Sipple, Airs. J. Simonson. Airs. II. J. Skinner, Airs. I. G. Stutsman, Airs. Charles Taft, Airs. AVallace Taft, Airs. F. K. Tuttle, Airs. F. K. Talbot, Airs. Emma J, Treat, Airs. George Uebele, Aliss C. AY. C. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB OF TOMAH 385 Voswinkle, Mrs. AY. W. Warren, Mrs. Waltman, Mrs. Charles Weiss, Mrs. C. H. Wiklimd, Mrs. A. Withers, Mrs. W. B. Naylor, Mrs. George Warren, Mrs. C. J. Wells, Mrs. A, E. Winter, Mrs. A. C. Stone, Mrs. Charles Hanehett. CHAPTER XL. MAXL'FACTrRlXG IXTEIJESTS OF TOMAII. Goodyear Lumber Company. The original firm of D. A. & C. A. Goodyear was organized in 1876, its first plant being a portable mill located at Mather Station, on the Valley division of the Chicago, :\Iihvaukee & St. Paul Railroad. In 1879 C. A. Goodyear became a resident of Tomah, and in 1883 the lumber yards of the company were located here, followed by the location of their large planing mill the next season, at the site where it now stands. In connection Avith the planing mill they put in an electric light plant and furnished light for the city and private residences and business houses for many years, until this part of the business was sold a few years ago to a stock company. Tlie company operated mills at different points on the Valley division when the building of the Goodyear railway in the heart of a large tract of timber resulted in the construction of their large mill at the station of Goodyear. After this pine was exhausted the company, having purchased a large tract of land in the northern part of the state with several hundred millions of good pine upon it, the big saw mill was moved to Tomah and arrangements made with the railway company to haul logs to the mill on the Valley division, which situation obtains today; a train a day of logs is delivered at the mill. This saw mill has within the past few years been thoroughly overhauled and improved ; is now operated by electricity and is considered a model of its kind and one of the best equipped saw mills to be found anywhere. The Bridge Works. In 1890 the Chicago, :\Iilwaukee & St. Paul Company decided to locate its bridge building department at Tomah ; this only came about after quite a contest between several towns along the main line of the road, as most of the cities from AVatertown to LaCrosse, including both places, made offers of bonuses in various forms. The common council of the city of Tomah tendered the company ten acres of land lying north of the new depot, which oft'er was accepted, and it was mainly due 386 MANUFACTURING INTERESTS OF TOMAH 387 to the fact that Tomah was centrally located that induced the company to locate here and refuse more advantageous offers from other places. It consists of a large office building and a factory building 60 by 350 feet, equipped with machinery for wood working; a large yard for the storing of lumber, timber, piles, concrete mix- ing apparatus and general supplies ; there is also a paint shop in connection. At this plant not only are wooden culverts and bridges constructed, but depots, store houses and other build- ings are manufactured ready to set up ; it employs a large force of men and operates the year around. The Frog Shops, as they are familiarly called, were located here, by the St. Paul company, and the buildings erected for the plant in 1907 ; the shops are most modern, being equipped wnth electrical machinery and manufacture frogs for the tracks and other iron work ; it is operated by a large power plant in a sepa- rate building containing powerful engines and huge dynamos, used for both power and lighting. This is a busy place and employs about from 100 to 150 men. Sash and Door Factory, operated by Crosset brothers, started a number of years ago in a very modest way, is now a large plant employing quite a force of men ; the company does an extensive business in contract work, from building frames and interior finish, to erecting of entire buildings. The plant has a fine equip- ment of machinery and is operated by steam. Tomah Electric Light and Telephone Company now owns and controls the telephone plant and connecting lines and also the electric lighting plant ; the telephone company is equipped with its own office building with modern switch boards, and owns a large mileage of line having connection with long-distance serv- ice. The electric light plant is the only one in the city furnish- ing street lights as well as for business places and residences; a well managed, up-to-date institution. Farmers' Creamery was organized in August, 1902, and located its plant in the city building, a brick building with a most modern eciuipment ; this institution has been successfully con- ducted and does a large volume of business each year running close to $150,000. Soda Water Factory has been conducted for many j^ears by M. Gondrezick at the same location known as the old "Grant House" corner. Mr. Gondrezick owns the building there located and uses the entire basement for his factory. 388 HISTORY ' MONROE COUNTY A Flour and Feed Mill is operated by AT. H. Schultz & Co. in the same block in wliiei the Sherman House is located, and enjoys a large clientage aniong the farmers. A number of. years ago a brick manufacturing plant was operated by Thomas ]\IcCaul near the city; good clay for the manufacture of red brick being found upon the property acquired by him Avest of town; it was operated for a few years, but for some reason was abandoned and tlie land used for farming purposes. Another Wood-Working" Plant is operated by the Tomah IManufacturiug Company, Avhich does general contracting in the building line ; has been operated for about eight or nine years. CHAPTER XLI. BANKS IN TOMAIl. The early history of the baiikiiig interests in Tomah is not in the form of corporate existence; and up to the time of the change in the banking laws, were private banks owned by partnerships ; no public record is available and no record at all can be found. In the early seventies Runkel & Freeman entered into the bank- ing business in a w^hite brick building in the block just south of Gillett pg.rk ; what the capital invested was or the volume of business transacted is not noAv known. The Bank of Tomah suc- ceeded this and was established by Thayer & Kingman, of Sparta, in 1879, and was also a private bank. These gentlemen were at the time conducting the Monroe County Bank at Sparta also. But in 1893, Mr. Kingman having withdrawn from the busi- ness some years before, under the management of Mr. Thayer, both these institutions failed and went into the hands of an assignee, "W. G. Williams, who wound up the affairs of both institutions. AVith this exception the banks in Tomah have been conducted on sound financial principles, conservatively managed and have retained the confidence of the people in the city and surround- ing country. At this time Tomah is well favored with banks, having four banking houses, each, of course, organized under the laws of the state. The combined capital of these institutions is $90,200, and the combined assets foot up to the sum of $1,118,527.02, aggre- gated from the reports of June, 1912. Warren's Bank was organized in 1888 as a private banking house under the name of J. H. Warren & Son. Its officers were : J. H. Warren, president ; G. H. Warren, vice president, and AV. W. Warren, cashier ; the composition of this firm was unique in that it represented three generations of the Warrens, and at the time of the organization of the firm their ages were, respectively, eighty-six years, fifty-three years and twenty-three years. As a private bank it had from the start the confidence of the public, and wliile still conducted as such its deposits ran up to 389 390 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY over $270,000, -which is a remarkabh^ testimonial of confidenee in an institution without capital. This bank passed through three panics witliout closing its doors, and in. the panic of 1893 was the only bank in the county that kept its doors open and did business at the old stand. In 1903, under the laws then passed, it was organized as a state bank with a capital of $25,000; at that time John H. "War- ren had passed away and George H. \Varren became president, W. W. AVarren remaining cashier; the bank having been con- ducted under the same management for over twenty-three years up to the death of George II. AVarren. AV. AY. AA^arren has suc- ceeded to the position of his father and is now president and manager; J. P. Reinhard, formerly of the ]\Ionroe County Bank at Sparta, cashier. Norma Fitch, bookkeeper. That under tlie management of Colonel AYarren the same con- servative methods are used and that the confidence of the public is still the same is evidenced by the deposits which in June. 1912, were $509,146.18. and this together with its capital stock, sur- plus of $5,000 and undivided profits, brings up the grand total to $541,743.55. The bank occupies its own l)uilding, built in 1888, in which business was first opened up. Bank of Tomah. After the failure of the Thayer bank in 1893, the opportunity to establish a bank business in Tomali appeared good to Frenk Drew, formerly of Portage, later of Dakota, where he had been engaged in tlie 1)anking business Avith his brother. He came to Tomah late in the year 1893 and pro- ceeded to interest some of the business men of the community in the organizing of a banking corporation under 'ihe name of the Bank of Tomah. A Ijanking corporation was organized witli Frank Drew, AYat- son Earle and Charles A. Goodyear and AVilliam Feiting as its incorporators and principal stockholders. The business name of "Bank of Tomah,"' together with the building in whieh tluit institution had been housed, were purchased of the assignee. AY. 0. AVilliams, and its existence as a bank began Alardi 1. 1894, with a capital of $25,000. In Septem])(M*, 190;^, an amendment was made to the articles of incorporation so that the capital was made $15,200. C. A. Goodyear was its first president, with Frank Drew as cashier. Later ^Ir. AYatson Earle succeeded to the presidency. The bank has been successfully conducted under the manage- ment of ]\Ir. Drew since its organization ; has the confidence of BANKS IN TOMAH 391 the public and has a large clientage of depositors among the busi- ness men and farmers of the surrounding territory. Its deposits in June, 1912, -were $216,936.84, which, together with its capital, surplus and undivided profits, makes a grand total of $237,842.32. Farmers' & Merchants' Bank. This institution has not been organized long enough to have much of a history, as its authority to do business dates from February 25, 1911. It was incorporated by Thomas E. Anderson, George P. Stevens and William J. Bren- nan ; erected a handsome banking house on Superior avenue, starting business with a surplus fund of $10,000 in addition to its capital. Thomas E. Anderson is president and William J. Brennan is cashier. Under their management, in little over a year, the insti- tution has grown remarkably. In June, 1912, its deposits w^ere $220,661.33, and taken together with its capital, surplus fund and undivided profits, makes a grand total of $256,243.76. The State Bank. This bank also is of so recent an organiza- tion as to preclude any historical sketch, for its history is yet to be made outside of the fact of its organization and commence- ment of business. Its organizers, believing the field for another bank at Tomali still a good one, notwithstanding the fact that there Avere three other banking institutions, incorporated under the state law with a capital of $25,000 ; J. P. Rice, C. B. Drowatzky and G. C. Pingel were its incorporators; the present officers are, J. P. Rice, president ; G. C. Pingel, vice president ; C. B. Dro- watzky, cashier ; H. B. Vaudell, F. 0. Drowatzky and A. 'Leary, directors. The bank opened business under circumstances which seem to insure a good growth in business. During its short existence its deposits have reached in June, 1912, $57,074.14, and, taken together with surplus fund and undivided profits, makes a total of $82,692.39 at that time. CHAPTER XLII. THE TOMAII INDIAN INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Perhaps one of the most interesting educational institutions in the county is the Indian Industrial Boarding School located at Toniali; this is one of the several schools owned and conducted by the United States Government for the education of Indian children. AVhen in 1890 the subject Avas agitated of establishing an Int^iian school in the central portion of Wisconsin, a strong com- petition began between several cities of the state to secure the school; Tomah, Sparta, Eau Claire, La Crosse, Black River Falls and several other cities entered the contest and all sorts of inducements were offered to the government authorities. The city of Tomah offered to i)urchase a farm of 200 acres located tM'O miles north of the city limits for the farm and the buildings; the citizens were successful in securing its location; originally the sum of $25,000 was appropriated for the initial expenses of building the plant ; the original buildings consisted of a large brick building and boiler house containing heating plant and laundry. Since that time six brick and ten frame buildings have been added and the farm has been increased by the Government to 340 acres. This farm is under the man- agement of an expert farmer aid a competent dairy man is also employed, who has at this time under his charge fifty Holstein dairy cattle. ]\Iuch valual)l(' instruction is given to the Indian l)oys l)y the manager of these two industries and at the same time considerable experimental work has been done and is now being done on the farm under the direction of the Agricultural Department of the State University. All of this fur- nishes instruction of the finest kind for the benefit of the Indian boy pupils, who are thus receiving a practical education in farm- ing and dairying and in other agricultural pursuits. In addition to that boys are taught carpenter work ; there is a complete course in domestic science and art for the girls which is main- tained in a well equipped l)uilding provided for that purpose. The Government ]>ays all the expenses of the pupils, including 392 THE TOMAH INDIAN INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL 393 transportation to and from school ; they are kept for a term of three years and literary instruction is given during nine months of the year, the pupils being carried through the eight grades of the common school branches being the state school course for AVisconsin. Pupils are received from any of the middle western states and most of them come from Wisconsin, some coming from IMinnesota and Michigan. The school is maintained under the semi-military discipline and the boys wear a neat blue uniform trimmed with red, and the girls are dressed in becoming dresses; they are taught the habits of cleanliness and all of the pupils live at the school iu large dormitories which are cared for by the pupils principally. Some of the girls, in fact most of them, show a great talent for needle work and turn out beautiful pieces of embroidery and other fancy work as well as neatly executed plain seMdng. The boys go into athletics quite freely under the instruction of their teachers and for a number of years a football team has held ujj the honor of the little Indians in various, contests with high school and other teams throughout this part of the state ; every summer a baseball team has been supported consisting entirely of pupils of the school and under the instruction of an expert ball player who formerly graduated from the Carlyle School, and is a ball team which is no mean antagonist and plays games with different clubs in this part of the state. For a number of years a brass band has been a part of the equipment of the school and the young Indian boys take to music very readily; the Tomah Indian School Band has quite a reputa- tion in this part of the state ; the entire band is composed of th(! Indian youths of various ages under the instruction of an Indian leader, a man by the name of "Look Around"; he is an excellent slide trombone player and a very fine musician. Many of th(^ graduates of the school have taken responsible positions and have made homes for themselves and great benefit is derived from this institution ; it is hoped that many good citizens may bo made from the Indian children in the future as has been done in the past. The present superintendent, L. ]\I. Comptoji, has been in charge of the school for the last fourteen years and his fine executive ability, together with a disposition which seems to be suited to over-mastering difficulties, has built up an institution which is second to none of its kind anywhere in the country; Mr. Comp- ton is considered a vlauable citizen of Monroe county as well, as he is public spirited and has given a good deal in the interests of the community at Tomah. He recently was appointed a gov- 394 HISTORY OF ]\rONROE COUNTY ernmeut Indian agent for this section of the state and it is his duty to look after the tribal Indians and to conduct the govern- ment annuity payments, a duty which he performs to the satis- faction of the Indian department. A good residence is provided on the farm for the superintendent and also for the farmer, and together with fine outbuildings makes a plant which is not only valuable, but conducted in all lines in the highest of development and is visited by many people from different parts of the country. The attendance at the present time is 250 scholars. CHAPTER XLIII. STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL. Chapter 337, laws of 1885, made it the duty of the board of supervision, by and with the consent of the governor, to select a suitable site and erect thereon buildings for a state school or temporary home for dependent and neglected children — such institution to be known as the "State Public School." Soon after the enactment of this law the board advertised for proposals for furnishing a site for this institution, and received responses from Stevens' Point, Waupaca, Green Bay, Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, Ripon, New Lisbon, Sparta and La Crosse. Subsequently the board visited all these places, inspecting the sites proposed and canvassed the advantages of each locality, and, finally, with the approval of the governor, selected Sparta as the locality for the school, accepting an offer of a tract of land embracing 164.8 acres as the site. This land lies in one regular body on the northeast of the city, being partly within its limits, having the La Crosse river for its eastern boundary and one of the city streets as its western line. The location is in all respects a health- ful one, possesses many attractions in itself, and commands a view of one of the finest landscapes in the state. During the year 1886 three cottages were erected and equipped in accordance with the provisions of the law, two of them of solid brick, two stories and an attic in height, with stone base- ment, and capable of accommodating 100 pupils. The third cot- tage, a frame structure, veneered with brick, two stories and an attic above a stone basement, was devoted at first to the uses of the superintendent and his family, but subsequently to the accom- modation of the young children, of Avhom it affords room for thirty. The institution was opened for the reception of pupils on the 13th of November, 1886, with Robert T. Roberts as superin- tendent. It soon became apparent, from the rapidity with which committments were made, that more room must be provided before the full benefits of the institution could be realized. Accordingly the legislature of 1887 made provisions for the erec- tion of a central building, two cottages and such other structures 395 396 HISTORY OF :\10XR0E COUNTY as it should (Icciii iiocpssary. The board of supervision, during that year, had erected the buildings named, and in addition tliereto a boiler and engine liouse and laundry and a l)arn. The central building is of briek, three stories in height upon a stone basement, and furnishes room for the superintendent and his family and employes, a general kitehen and large dining room, an assembly room and offices. The cottages are of brick, two stories and an attic in height, with a stone basement, and furnish accom- modations for sixty pupils each. A school house, two stories in height, containing three class rooms and necessary halls on each tioor, and furnishing accommodations for about 250 pupils, was erected in 3889, as were also a cold storage building, ice house and additional farm buildings, and a dAvelliug house on adjoining land purchased was reconstructed into a comfortable hospital. In August, 1891, the board of control elected F. L. Sanborn, of Ashland, to be superintendent in place of ]\Ir. Roberts, whose term had expired. July 7, 1892, fire, believed to be the work of an incendiary ward, destroyed the roof and upper story of the main building. The building was promptly reconstructed at a cost of .^4,814. 96. The primary object of the institution is to fur- nish a temporary home for dependent and neglected children until suitable homes can be found for them in good families. AVhile they remain in the institution they are instructed in the elementary branches of an English education. July ], 1895, lion. S. S. Landt was elected to the superiu- tendency, which position he held for four years. Under his administration a general hospital Avas constructed at a cost of $3,300; also an addition to the laundry building for storage pur- poses at a cost of $1,000. M. T. Park succeeded Mr. Landt on July I, 1899, and continued in office nine years. •During his administration the following buildings Avere erected: Horse barn for driving teams, at a cost of $2,250; two playhouses or pavilions, costing $300 each ; new coal shed with capacity for storing 600 tons of coal, at a cost of $4,000; shed for farm machinery, at a cost of $300; two additions were built on Cottage "D," increasing the capacity from fifteen to thirty 1)abies, at a cost of $6,000. C. M. Bright succeeded ^Ir. Park as superintendent on July 1, 1908, and continued in office three years. Two niMv cottages Avere constructed at a cost of about $22,000; alst) other improvements of remodeling and new ])lumbing in the cottages, school liouse and kitchen, at an expense of $1,000. J. F. Brown, superintendent of School for the Blind at Janes- STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL 397 ville, was transferred to the State Public School, succeeding C. M. Bright as superintendent on August 1, 1911. LTp to the present time 3,711 children have been committed, the majority having been placed in homes on indenture contracts, where they remain until they become eighteen years of age. The average population of the institution is now (May 29, 1912) 140. CHAPTER XLIV. VILLACxES OF THE COUNTY. VILLAGE OF CASHTON. Eighteen miles south of Sparta, on an elevation 700 feet above the county seat of Monroe county, overlooking one of the prettiest districts of farm lands in western Wisconsin, stands the village of Cashton. The land Avhere the village is located is on section thirty, township fifteen, north of range three Avest, in the town of Jefferson, and was formerly OAvned l)y Andrew Nelson and Hans Larson, the latter of whom is still living near the village. On September 28, 1879, AVilliam Byer came to the place from Sparta and bought the first lot sold where the ]\Iitchell building stands at present, on the corner of Front and Broadway streets, and on this lot Mr. Byer started to erect a small ])uiid- ing. Two or three days later Peter E. Nelson arrived on the scene and thus the Village of Cashton made its start. There was no place to board, and ]Mr. Nelson had his food sent up to him from Virequa for about three weeks. During the fall ot! 1870 nine business places and two dwelling houses were built ; the business buildings Avere AVilliam Byer, shoeshop and boarding house ; H. D. Tate, merchandise ; W. H. H. Cash and AV. Surdam, merchandise ; Lee and Holderson, grain warehouse ; Coats & Com- pany and P. Sederson, grain warehouses ; Lars Peterson, black- smith shop ; John J. Krain, a saloon ; Newbury & AVagner, lum- ber office and the depot of the Chicago, Alilwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. Air. Byer boarded a large number of the earliest citizens, as there were no married ukmi in the village for some time except himself, AI. Daniels, Avho was the depot agent, and Lars Peterson. His beds Avere made of tAvo by fours and boards nailed together and filled Avith straAv, and the board- ers Avere obliged to sleep three in a bed. Early in the spring of 3880 a ncAv start in 1)ui]ding Avas made by Utziner & Dahl. Avho built a hold and saloon : Hansen & Bates, hardware store; Air. Tony, a grocery store; and Dr. J. B. Grow- bridge. the first jihysician. arriA'ed and occupied the si^cond story 898 VILLAGES OF THE COUNTY 399 of the Bates store as his office, and iu the spring erected a small building and opened a drug store. In the fall of 1880 Mr. Erank Dule, Sr., moved from Newry and erected the building now OAvned by his estate and the Odd Eellows jointly, and the same fall C. & J. Cremer erected a saloon on the north corner of what is now the Heilmann property. James Lord, who was running a small store at Hazen's corner, moved to the village and went into business there. George Hargrade also built a wagon shop the same year, and Louis Perkins a blacksmith shop and a residence. One thing that troubled the people of Cashton very much during the first years of the existence of the village was the water supply. For a long time the only water works in the village were four barrels which were set in a small building near the depot, and Mr. P. R. Mitby was engaged to haul water from the railroad tank and from Jersey's spring, and the people went to him for their water. A little later Mr. Cash made a contract with someone to drill a well to furnish water for the village, and agreed to give a public square on the west side for a park if the well was completed, but it failed to materialize and so Cashton is still without her park, although there is now a sufficient water supply. In June, 1881, the citizens met for the purpose of devising a way to provide sufficient water for the village, and propositions were made and accepted for a well which was drilled by John Miuroth, in the street, near Broadway, then a part of the town of Jefferson, permission having been given by said town to have the well drilled. A water association was organized and its offi- cers were : President, M. Daniels ; vice president, J. Dahl ; sec- retary, John King ; treasurer, John Konper ; trustees, J. W. Wag- ner, G. V. Hargrave and P. E. Nelson. On May 31, 1892, the water association voted to turn over its property to the village of Cashton, which was incorporated June, 1892. An election having been previously held to determine the question, which result was a vote of fifty-five for and ten against it. The village for some time after the railroad was built was called "Hazen's Corners," but by the persistent efforts of Mr. Cash, who owned and controlled a large portion of the village property and who built the railroad for the company, it was christened ''Cashton." On May. 23, 1892, the first election was held, there being sixty-two votes cast ; the following officers were elected : Presi- dent, P. E. Nelson ; trustees, John Cremer, Martin Jackson, A. 400 HISTORY OF MOXKOK COUNTY Roessler, Frank Delle, A. A. Du ]\[ez and L. A. Lane ; clerk, E. E. Gaines; treasurer, C. II. Campbell; police justice, A. Heizer; jus- tice of the peace, L. B. Perkins; marshal, C. ^l. Culver; con- stable, "William Schrier. The village in the last ten or twelve years has made rapid strides in improvements, putting in quite a little macadam streets and enjoying water works and an elec- tric light plant. A bank was organized at Cashton by "Watson Earle, John C. Ford, L. "W. Earle, Peter Nelson and some others, which con- ducted a good business as a private bank for a number of years, but in order to conform to the state law, it was incorporated in 1903; it subsequently built the handsome building in which it has its home. The bank has been well managed under the direc- tion of L. M. Earle, its cashier, and enjoys the confidence of the community, and serves a large clientage of depositors. The population is today about 568, and the present officers of the village are : E. 0. Dosch, president ; P. J. Hegge, clerk ; L. M. Earle, treasurer ; J. H. "Wilgrubs, assessor ; John Cremer, supervisor; Emet Peterson and H. S. Evert, justices of the peace. On "Wednesday, October 5, 3904. the village had a grand jubilee celebration of a quarter of century of its existence and an elabo- rate program carried out which was much enjoyed by the thou- sands of people who came to participate. There is a high school and graded schools, conducted by a corps of competent teachers, giving fine educational facilities to the children of the village ; the high scliool being taken advantage of by many pupils from surrounding towns. The Congregational Church, of Cashton, is the only church in the village. It was organized September 22, 1892. Practically all the citizens subscribed liberally for the erection of a house of worship. The amount subscribed and $500.00 from the Con- gregational Church Building Society, of New York, constituted the "Building Fund." The building was soon completed and regular church work started. ^Ir. A. A. Du ]\Iez has been Sun- day school superintendent from the first. ^Irs. Rena (Johnson) Barth has been the faithful organist. The pastors who have served the church are the following: Rev. John AVillan, Rev. Henry S. Evert. Rev. Lewis B. Nobis, Rev. James Rowe, Rev. Christian S. Johnson, ^\r. Richard G. Ileddon and Rev. Henry S. Evert, the present pastor. The church has been thoroughly remodeled and recarpeted and rewired for best electric liglits. tlius making it a modern struc- VILLAGES OF THE COUNTY 401 ture. The parsonage and cliiu'ch are together valued at about $3,600 to $4,000. KENDALL. The history of the village of Kendall begins with the assurance of the Chicago & Northwestern Eailroad in 1870 and its com- pletion in 1872. It was the civilizer of this then wild region. The man from whom the place took its name was a railroad contractor and never was a resident. He bought a considerable portion of the land on which the village is built while helping put the railroad through. In the early fifties, however, a rail- road survey was made up the valley, and this, with the promise of a grist mill at Glendale, was the inducement held out to pros- pective settlers and purchasers of land by Jason AVeaver, of Ohio, who had preempted most of the available government land. For twenty years before the railroad was built the pioneers of Clifton and Glendale townships did their milling and mer- chandising at ]\Iauston, Wonew^oc, AVilton, Sparta, New Lisbon and Elroy. The pioneers often carried in from these places on their backs the bare necessaries of life, or when they could they used ox teams, it was not until about 1861 that horses began to be used. Because of the unusual advantages, for this rough country, presented by the location occupied by the village for yards, tracks and switching purposes, a larger tract other than the right of way was secured by the railroad company. A four- teen stall round house was built, and this was the center of a busy crew of artisans required to run the shops and machinery used in making and repairing for the company. The village was incorporated October 8, 1894, wdien 0. B. Wyman was circuit judge. AYalter Baxter was the first president, and the first trus- tees were Andrew Felker, G. F. Lillie, Charles Torrence, John Kier, AV. S. Canney and James Gammon ; other officers were AV. T. Cutland, clerk ; G. L. Adrion, treasurer ; John Rose, asses- sor ; Lewis Buswell, supervisor ; Thomas Pierson, marshal ; Sam- uel McQueen, constable, and R. B. Dunlap, justice of the peace. Thus the rule was transferred from the town board, which met at the village of Glendale. The first setback the village had was in 1886. when the rail- road division was moved to Baraboo ; that took away a large number of families, but other things came to fill the vacancies and Kendall still enjoyed the advantage of being a registry sta- tion and the end of the "hill division," where extra crews and 402 HISTORY OF MOXROP: COUNTY engines were kept to doiihle over the three tunneled liills Ijotween the village and Sparta. This railroad condition continued until the eompletion of the new line from Sparta to ^Milwaukee. The round house and coal sheds were then closed, the station force reduced and most of the remaining railroad men transferi-ed to points on the new line, over which the hulk of the freight was now sent; this, however, has had no noticeable effect upon the business and prosperity of the village. The second great drawback experienced by the village was on ]March 31, 1893, when a fire started in the brick veneer store of G. F. Lillie and wiped out the entire block of frame buildings. Plans were at once made to rebuild on a more substantial basis. Inside of a month the work of erection was begun, brick replacing the old frame structures, and by September 30tli the splendid buildings now adorning the street were occupied by their own- ers and business was going along better than ever before. COMMERCIAL INTERESTS. Immediately after the fire Henry Senz, then a resident of Clifton, bought the corner OAvned by J. J. Kelley and built one of the best hotel structures in any small town of the AVest. The hotel is noAv owned and conducted by J. L. Ilayward. In Octo- ber, 1903, the Kendall State Bank was incorporated by G. R. Hill, 0. R. Holmes, L. H. Felker and Charles ^Marquette. Since then it has twice increased its capital and in 1911 completed and occupied its own handsome brick building. The village has five general stores, two hardAvare stores, a strong agricultural firm, a drug and jeAvelry store, tAvo grist mills, a splendid farmers' cream- ery, tAvo blacksmiths, tAvo physicians, furniture store, lumber yard, harness shop, tAvo real estate dealers, tAvo hotels, restaurant, den- tist, telephone system, photographer, barber, dray line, livery, four churches and three saloons. At this Avriting the village is putting in a AvaterAvorks system. Not the least important factor in the life and progress of the village is its ncAvspaper, the Kendall Keystone. The paper Avas established in Januai-y. 1904, by Clar- ence S. Dodge. In July, 190."), it Avas pui-chascd by Alexander R. McCleneghan, Avho has since conducted it. He came to Ken- dall from tlic desk of a city daily ncAvspaper, but as a youth he had learned the mechanical part of the business in a country neAvspaper office, and his practical experience in every branch of the Avork has enabled him to make the Keystone one of the brightest and most prosperous country papers in the state. VILLAGES OF THE COUNTY 403 CHURCHES OF KENDALL. As near as can be ascertained Methodist preaching began in this vicinity as far back as 1854. "Grandpa" Moore preached in school honses for a number of years until the Rev. ]\L Doolittle took charge of the work. The first church building was erected soon after; later the building now in use was built and the old one sold to the Baptist denomination. The Glendale Methodist Church is connected with this charge and is supplied by the same minister. The church building there was purchased from the Episcopalians, who have no present organization. Later Wilton was also made a part of the same charge. Hoffman Corners was formerly includeci, but the membership was so reduced by removals that in 1911 services were discontinued there and the building sold. The history of the Baptist Church antedates the Civil War, when, in 1858, one Elder Stevens, a pro-slavery southerner, began preaching in Glendale. The church became disrupted during the war and Avas not revived until 1874. In that year J. H. Bowker organized the Baptist Church of Kendall and Glendale, afterwards taking in Elroy. It was perhaps due to the efforts of John Bald- win, resident here until his death, that the organization owes its continued existence. The church building purchased from the ]\Iethodists was used until 1910, when the present modern build- ing was erected. The Baptists now have as handsome a church home as can be found in any village of the size in the state and maintain all the customary church activities. The Catholic Church began its existence in Kendall thirty years ago, the Rev. Father Kellar being the first pastor. He was followed by Father J. H. Herman, who resided in Union Center and had charge of the churches of that place, Elroy, Kendall and Wilton. AA^hen the church was first organized in Kendall there were but few families to support it ; the building of the church depended upon those few and though started immediately after the society was formed it stood for five years with only the roof and sheathing as a protection against the rigors of winter. Pre- vious to its erection the services were held in halls and private houses. The present building Avas completed about twenty-three years ago, but in 1911 was extended and much improved to meet the needs of a large, growing and prosperous congregation. The present pastor, the Rev. J. II. ]\IcAteet, has had charge of the churches at Kendall and Wilton for twelve years, living at Wil- 404 HISTORY OF ]\[OXROE COUNTY tun aiitl lioUliiiy service Mt tlio two jjlaces on alternate Sundays. He is now located at Kendall, the AVilton church being in charge of another pastor. At this writing the church here is erecting a $.'5,000 home for its pastor; it has become the strongest of all the churches in the village. The German Lutheran Church has a brief history. The Ken- dall society was organized in ]909 by the Rev. Otto Engle, who came from Mihvaukoe, and a fine church building was at once erected and dedicated. The communion is a growing one, embracing many farmers and families adjacent to the village. The pastor resides at Norwalk and has charge of the church there, also holding service in the Kendall church every third Sunday. SOCIETIES. Kendall Assembly, No. 265, Equitable Fraternal Union, was instituted December 23, 1902. with seventeen charter members. The first officers were: President, Herbert IMist; treasurer, E. R. Gallagher; secretary, Jesse W. Jones. There are now fifty-five members in good standing. The Camp of Modern Woodmen of America was organized in August, 1888, with thirteen members. Al Wyman was the first consul and Dr. G. R. Hill the first clerk and medical examiner. The membership at one time was over 100. Tunnel Lodge, Knights of Pythias, was organized August 21, 1907, with thirty-five charter members. G. R. Evans was the first chancellor commander. The present membership is fifty-four. In 1910 a Lodge of Beavers was organized. This had a brief existence, some of the members connecting themselves with the order elsewhere. The Mystic Workers organized September 12, 1903. with ten charter members. The organization is still in good condition. WILTON. T^ntil the first half, of the nineteenth century the present site of the village of Wilton and vicinity was the cami)ing ground of the Kiekapoo Indians who roamed unmolested over this territory hunting the deer and tlu> bear and waging war on their neigh- bors, the IMascotines and tiie ^Miamis. From them comes the name of the river which rises in a southern part of the county in the fertile valley in the vicinity of Ontario. But civilization was bound to make its w;iy and in 1842 Esau Johnson, of Prairie du Cliien, as has already been described in another part of this Avork, loaded his goods on a raft and with VILLAGES OF THE COUNTY 405 his family came up the Wisconsin and Kiokapoo rivers across the rich farming land that had just been surveyed near the source of the Kickapoo river; he landed in the town of Sheldon at a point somewhere about half way between what is now Ontario and AVilton ; he was the first settler near Wilton, but was soon fol- lowed by others who came in with ox teams from their old homes to the new; sometimes a family came alone and others came in groups of two or three families. It was a wild country, far from being civilized and it is related that one settler upon seeing the situation said : ' ' Surely God made this country for the Indians and we ought to let them have it." The first settlers took up land paying ten shillings an acre for it and as soon as possible built a little log cabin, and their lives for the first few years was not of the most pleasant. ^Money was scarce and as is the custom in all new settlements the inhabitants borrowed tea, flour, sugar and cooking utensils of each other in order to keep going. Sparta was the nearest railroad town or shipping point of any consequence and the road to it was over rough ground filled with stumps and holes, and there flour could be purchased for $5 per hundred. One neighbor would make a trip, doing errands for the whole community and then jolt home again. Mail was brought from Sparta in saddle bags once a week, the carrier stopping to leave it at each door. Wages were low and few could afl:'ord to hire men and many a man was glad to get work at 75 cents a day. The woods abounded in game, however, and it was not hard to provide fresh meat for the family table. After the farms were fairly started better buildings were erected upon them, and in 1855 Mr. Rhodes built a saw mill in the eastern part of what in time became the village of AYilton. This, the first industry within the limits of the village, was soon followed by others. In 1856 ]\Ir. Kinmore started a store in his dwelling house, now known as the Steciman place. Roads w^ere improved and a stage line was established from Sparta once a week, bringing mail and passengers. A postoffice was estab- lished in Mr. Hillyer's house and this gentleman also started a blacksmith shop. Mr. ]Miller and Mr. Grey erected a grist mill where Vogel's mill now stands and soon afterwards Mr. Chapman built a little store near the mill. A Mr. Endrey built what was called Hickory Hall, being the first public hall in the village, the lower part of wdiich was used as a store and the hall above for church services and social gatherings. 406 HISTORY OF .AIONROE COUNTY The first school house was built of logs and was situated on the eastern part of what is called Gooseville, on the south side of the road. In 1870 Avhen the railroad questioii was agitated AVil- ton consisted of about fifteen buiblings in all — a school house, two stores, one blacksmith shop and a grist mill, the saw mill having been al)andoned some time before. As soon as the Northwestern road was started, people saw business openings and more build- , ings were erected; two stores Avere built on the corner where the opei-a house now stands; ]\Ioll & O'Brien built the red front store. Mr. Lyons built a store and ]Mr. Rice a blacksmith shop, which, although remodeled, still stands. Mr. Walker built the first drug store, and a neAV school house was erected, but was soon afterwards destroyed by fire, but replaced by another and this is still standing, but not used. AVhen the railroad was completed in 1872 it becar/ie a more desirable place for business and began to attract trade in a larger degree in the surrounding country. Dr. C. E. Phillips, who for so many years practiced his profession in tlu' \ illage, was the first physi- cian to locate here and came in 1862. A Roman Catholic Church was built in 1888, which afterwards became the property of the Ignited Brethren: and in 1888 a Ger- man Lutheran Church and in 18!)G a Methodist Episcopal Church, were erected. The village now has three hotel buildings, an opera house, a town hall and the mercantile interest that goes with the villages of its size. Perhaps one of the best evidences of the prosperity of this village is the high school which was built in 1902-03 and is e(|uipped in a manner almost equal to those of larger cities. The village ha/5 an excellent water Avorks system and its people are progressive in other directions, keeping abreast of the times in municipal improvements. In 1899 the AVilton State Bank Avas esta])lished by S. AV. BroAvn, president and OAvner, Avith a capital of $5,000; in 1903 it AA'as incorporated under the state bnv as the AVilton State Bank, Avith a capital of $10,000. As its business increased it required more capital and on February 1, 1912. the capital stock Avas increased to $15,000. Its present oi^cers are : President, S. AY. BroAvn ; A'ice presi- dent, Charles Todd; cashier, Charles AYeingarten. After the incorporation of the village its first election Avas held on December 23, 1890. AVilliam II. Ferris Avas elected presi- dent, A. S. NcAvhouse, clerk, and as trustees. II. AY. A'ogel, John Rice, C. AYurster, S. M. Titus, M. Cremer. T. S. Alartin. VILLAGES OF THE COUNTY 407 St. John the Baptist's Church, Wilton, Wis. "Tiie first Catholic family known to have lived in the territory now included in the parish of Wilton, was that of Anton Toniah, who located about the year 1852, some seven miles north of the present vil- lage of "Wilton. There were no churches in this locality at that time, hut mass was said once a month in a little town hall at Tomah, then a small village of fifty inhabitants, by Father Noyes, at that time resident priest at ]\Iauston. About a year later a few Catholic families came and settled in the neighborhood of Mr. Tomah. Thus the Catholic settlement increased from year to year until 1857, when Mr. Frank Barry took up a tract of land about four miles south of Wilton. Patrick O'Gara, James Cook, Patrick AVelch and others followed, who were obliged to attend services at Tomah, some eighteen miles distant, but at that time w^as the nearest point visited by any priest. A few years later James Nolan, James Kerrigan, John Kerrigan and others formed a settlement in the vicinity of Ridgeville and soon after began to talk seriously of building a church. In 1865 a church was erected, the same being attended by Father Quigley, then a resident priest at Mauston. Some few years later the congregation of Tomah and Ridgeville were both placed in charge of Father Durward, who took up his residence at the former place. During tliis period, Catholics had been set- tling rapidly around Wilton and their number so far increased that they also demanded a church and pastor. Father Durward, as well as the bishop, demurred on the grounds that the set- tlement was not of sufficient strength to justify the erection of a church or to be able to properly care for a resident pastor ; how- ever, there being some thirty families in all in 1875, a mission was formed and a small church built, which was attended by Father Durward for eight years. At the end of that time Father Durward was succeeded by Father IMetzler, who objected so strongly to assuming the charge that it was transferred to the Rev. Father Keller, of Union Centre, by whom it was attended as a mission for two years. By this time the congregation had increased to some sixty families. At the termination of Father Keller's pastorate the congre- gation of Union Centre, with the adjoining mission, w^ere placed in charge of Father Herman, who did considerable in the way of improvements to the church building at AYilton. These improvements were hardly completed when the center portion of the building was struck by lightning and so badly injured that the necessary repairs almost equalled in extent the cost of an 408 ITTSTORY OF MONROE COUNTY entirely new structure. This -work was, however, accomplished and in addition a new structure was added to the main building. In 1892, the mission at AVilton was placed in charge or Father Campbell, of Elroy, but for some two years prior to acquiring its own resident pastor, was attended by the Rev. Father Burns, who had been appointed assistant to Father Campbell. In July, 1895, the Rev. J. D. Mauning was appointed to the pastorate at AVilton. Upon arriving he found the church and its surround- ings in a rather diplapidated condition, but through his persistent and energetic eflforts the property was soon brought into a more satisfactory condition ; buildings repaired and a parsonage built, all of which Avas completed without leaving any outstanding debts. In August, 1896. the church was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, but within a few days Father ]\Iauning had a new building under way, mass in the meantune being cele- brated in the school house. The corner stone of the church was laid on October 7. 1896, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Schwebach, who blessed the l)nilding January 14, 1897. The Rev. D. J. ]\launing acquired his classical education at Toronto, Canada. He took a full course of philosophj^ at the Grand Seminary, at ^Montreal, and completed his studies at St. Francis' Seminary, near ^Milwaukee, where he Avas ordained to the priesthood in June, 1893. He was appointed to the jiresent charge as rector of St. John the Baptist's on July 25, 1895. The Rev. D. J. ]\rauning remained pastor of "SVilton church until February, 1900. The Rev. John C. !McAteer, the present rector, was appointed to AYilton and Kendall January, 1900. On his arrival at AVilton. February 24, 1900, he found both church and parsonage in need of repairs. After strenuous efforts he succeeded in renovating both church and parsonage. The Rev. John C. ]\IcAteer was born at Loretto, Cambria county, Pa., ]\Iarch 27, 1858. He studied classics at St. Yincent's College at Beatty, AYestmoreland county. Pa. He completed his theological studies at St. Francis' Semi- nary, in ]\Iilwaukee, AYis. He was ordained to the priesthood by the Rt. Rev. Kilian Flasch, D. D., in St. Joseph's Cathedral, at La Crosse. June 29, 1885. On June 29, 1910, he celebrated his sil- ver jubilee as priest at AVilton, "Wis. Lutheran Church. A few Lutherans started the St. Paul's Lutheran church about forty years ago. Rev. A. T. Siegler, of Ridgeville, did the first missionary work at AYilton and vicinity. Services were conducted occasionally by the ministers located at Clifton until the Rev. John Liebell received charge of the two VILLAGES OF TJTE COUNTY 409 congregations at AVilton and in the town of Wellington, in 1890, and was located at AVilton. He attended these congregations for three years and afterwards the Rev. Koehler for two years. The congregation consecrated their own church on the 11th of Decem- ber, 1887, and built a parsonage in 1894. In January, 1905, the Rev. John Hering took charge at Wilton and town of AVellington, attending both congregations until the first of August, 1908, as from that date he took charge of Wilton alone, the congregation at Wellington having its own minister, which is the situation at this writing. NORWALK. Nestled in the hills in the southern part of the town of Ridge- ville lies the beautiful little village of Norwalk. Situated in the midst of a very rich farming region and on the Chicago & North- western Railway, its advantages as a mercantile center are very apparent. The land upon which the village is located was originally owned by S. McGary and C. G. Hettman, portions of both farms being included in the original plat, Main street being the divid- ing line between the two farms. S. McGary was one of the first settlers in this village, or rather in the place where the vil- lage now stands, coming here from Norwalk, Ohio, in an early day, and when the village was organized he named it Norwalk in honor of his native village back in Ohio. The real beginning of the growth of the village perhaps dates from the building of the Northwestern Railway in 1873, the first survey having been made that year and the road afterward constructed, building a depot in 1874, though for a time the present warehouse was used for that purpose. The early growth of the little village produced the necessity for educational facili- ties, and in 1875 a school house of moderate dimensions was built, and the first teacher secured was A. F. Brandt, who afterwards became county superintendent of schools, and is now connected with the State Public School for Dependant Children at Sparta. The schools more than kept pace with the growth of the village and in 1905 the high school was organized and a building built to accommodate it. This school has taken high rank among the high schools of the county ; has been well managed ; its teachers well selected, and has kept up with the times in educational work, a fact which is taken advantage of by pupils from the surround- ing towns. Among the first men to engage in business when the settle- 410 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY ment reached any size were D. ^l. Dolson, general store ; John Crook, hardware merchant; Ellis AVood, blacksmith; Charles Ebert, harness maker; W. F. Ilorstman, furniture dealer; C. G. Hetman, lumber yard ; ]\Ioul & Darwin, grain buyers ; I\I. Goetz, wagon maker, and others. In 1893, having arrived at a population and business impor- tance which demanded it, the village was duly incorporated according to law and a set of village officers chosen, S. McGary being elected the first president ; many men of prominence in the community have served upon the village board ; its affairs have been well conducted and are in a prosperous condition. To endeavor to ascertain the exact time of the coming of a number of the earlier settlers has been very difficult, but the first physician to minister to the ills of humanity hereabout Avas Dr. Fischer ; the first hotel which could be called such was opened and conducted for a time by John Horning, and called the NorAvalk House, and the first drug store to supply the medicines prescribed by Dr. Fischer Avas conducted by Earner & Seibolt. In 1903 the NorAvalk State Bank Avas incorporated by M. Goetz, Henry Schell, J. P. Andres, C. H. Drier, William Schell, Fred Leutke, John "Weibel, Ernest Pingel and H. L. Vieth. The institution has conducted a safe and conservative business under the able management of its president, M. Goetz, and enjoys a large clientage. As a mark of the prosperity and business groAvth of the village, a second bai^' Avas organized in 1907 by H. L. Vieth, Fred Leutke and Frank AVartman, knoAvn as the Farmers' State Bank, Avith a capital of $10,000, AA^hich has had a successful career from the start and serves a large number of depositors. The village has the usual number and variety of business enter- prises found in a community of its size, has a population of 502, according to the last census, and is considered one of the solid and substantial business centers of the county. CHAPTER XLV. BERRY CULTURE. Among the things which has brought fame and much pros- perity to some parts of iMouroe county and a subject which deserves more than passing mention is that of berry culture. From a small beginning in this matter has grown an immense business in several localities, especially in the vicinity of Sparta, where the largest interests are located, and around Tomah. Perhaps the first man who conceived the idea of making a commercial business out of strawberries and bush berries was AVilliam Wells, "Uncle Billy," as he was familiarly known. It seems that his early attempts at growing strawberries for the market met with some success, though his methods were some- what crude as to marketing the product. He secured cheap tin pails in which he shipped the berries, realizing a fair return on his ventures. He grew them extensively enough so that it was necessary for him to employ pickers. Perhaps the pioneer in the business of strawberry raising and shipping as a regularly organized business was Mr. E. AV. Babcoek, of Angelo. He was undoubtedly the first man to inaugurate the quart box as a con- tainer in which to get his produce to the market. In the raising of bush berries George Ilanchett, of LaFayette. Avas undoubtedly the pioneer in the western part of the county, and doubtless went into the business of raising blackberries as an industry prior to any one else in the county. He purchased of C. H. Hamilton, of Ripon, AVis., a stock of plants of the "Ameri- can Briton" blackberry and started successfully to grow them for the market. Since then the large fruit farm developed by ]\Ir. Hanchett and his son, William H. Hanchett, has become one of the large, if not the largest, of its kind in this part of the state. Mr. Hamilton visited Sparta the winter after he sold the stock of blackberry sets to Air. Hanchett, and lectured on the subject at a farmer's institute, going into the raising of small fruits quite thoroughly. AI. A. Thayer, at that time in tlie banking business, and being preA'iously interested in horticulture, became very much taken up with the subject, and the year following he 411 412 HISTORY OF MOXKOE COIXTY inspected ihc Ilaiichett farm and determined to go into the busi- ness. The result was the "Thayer Fruit Farm."' whii-h acquired a state-wide reputation, whicli was the result in a measure of the fact that considerable advertising was done and also to the sys- lem of "Thayer's lierry l^ulletin," a series of articles issued by 31r. Tluiyci- wliilc ])r('sident of the "Wisconsin Horticultural Society. The Thayer fruit farm was starteci in 1887 witii tlic first year's planting of seventeen aeres, including blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. Jt was demonstrated beyond all doubt that the soil and climate around Sparta and in other parts of the county was right for the conducting of this industry on a large scale. In 1891 the Thayer farm marketed over 5,000 cases of berries of all kinds, for Avhich Avas received J}?7,074.44, and including the plants sold and the farm produce nuirketed brought the income of the farm to $8,810.76. yielding a net profit over all expenses of $4,316.76. But perhaps this farm, and it is referred to here as a sample of Avhat was the result achieved by many others in a greater or less degree, reached its best productiveness in 1905, when there were under cultivation twenty-five aeres of straw- berries, twelve acres of raspberries, four and one-half acres of gooseberries, two acres of currants and eighteen acres of black- berries, and in that year over .$4,000 worth of plants alone Avere sold. As the vears went bv, this industry became firndv established, thousands of dollars worth of berries w^ere marketed from ditfer- ent parts of the county. Around Sparta, especially, the industry had grown to such ])roportions that every year during berry season many commission firms in Chicago. Milwaukee, St. Paul, St. Louis and other points sent their buyers here and at first when tills system came into vogue these buyers were on the watch for loads of berry cases, a man with a good sized load was stopped in the street and the buyers bid for the load, the highest offer per case getting it. This system continued for a time until it seemed that the buyers were entering into a combination to control prices, which is of course the same old story, and it occurred to the fruit growers lliat Ihcy miglit handle their own product, eliminate some of the things that went for expense and get fair prices by finding their own market and conducting the busiuess of selling the crops of the members of an association to greater advantage. Growing out of this movement came the organization of the Sparta Fruit Growers' Association, a pioneer organization of its BERRY CULTURE 413 kind. On May 15, 1896, the articles of incorporation were per- fected; as appears in them the organizers were C. E. Tobey, E. A. Richardson, Jesse D. Searles, E. W. Babcock, "W. H. Hanchett, Alexander Mclntyre. L. S. Fisher, C. G. Hettman and W. M. Bowler; the officers provided for in the articles were L. S. Fisher, president ; AV. H. Hanchett, vice president ; W. M. Bowler, secretary, and C. G. Hettman, treasurer. The capital stock of the association was 150 shares at $2 each. Afterwards the articles were amended twice in this particular ; in April, 1906, the capital stock was increased to 1,000 shares of $2 each, and again in Feb- ruary, 1907, to 3,000 shares of $2 each, making the capital stock $6,000. The advantage in membership to the fruit grower is the handling of his crop by the association without his being com- pelled to look after the selling, his product being delivered to the association and in due time his remittance reaches him. The association first commenced business in a wooden building which stood upon the site of the present building and had been used theretofore principally as an office for a lumber yard. The asso- ciation acquired title to this property and the demands of the business increasing to such an extent it became necessary to build a building suitable for the purposes of the corporation, 1909 saw the completion of the fine building now owned and occupied by the association, built of solid brick on the plan of what is known as "slow fire" construction, with ample offices, store rooms and a basement with concrete floor under the entire building, making a very complete plant for the purposes of the business carried on. The association now does business the year around, handling vegetables, apples and small fruits in their season at wholesale. The Sparta Fruit Growers' Association has attracted a large amount of attention from people interested in the fruit business and it has become a power in the business world in its line. The wise administration of its affairs in the past under such men as L. S. Fisher, its first president ; AV. H. Hanchett, the present pre- siding officer ; J. W. Leverich, one of its directors, and E. A. Richardson, its most efficient secretary and general manager, has steadily increased the influence of the association and aided won- derfully in the development of the business of small fruit raising here and elsewhere. The volume of business transacted is very large; it seeks the best markets, successfully competes Avith the products of other parts of the country, and is a striking example of the benefits of co-operation when rightly conducted with busi- ness acumen and foresight. CHAPTER XLVI. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. Tlu' liistoi'v of the two coiiipaiiies in this (^oimty belonp:ing to the Third Regiment,AVisconsiu National Guard, is, of course, the history of the Third AViseonsin Volunteer Infantry in the Spanish AVar. While at intervals either Company L or Company K may have been on detached service for a short time, upon the whole the companies were with the regiment and participated with it in the campaign in Porto Rico. A¥hen tlic news was flashed over the Avires that war had been declared by the United States against Spain, patriotic feeling was kindled all over the country and the excitement attending these times was very great in every town in which a military company was located. The call by the President for volunteers required three regiments of infantry from the state of Wisconsin and orders were at once wired to the three regiments then organized to prepare for war. It was necessary, of course, under the law, as it then stood, that each company and each individual in each company should volunteer, and when the call came to the companies of the Third Regiment about the 26th day of April, 1898, the companies, L and K, almost to a man volunteered and Avere ready to go to tlie front. On the night of the 27th and 28th of April orders were issni'd by telegraph by the governor ordering the Third Regiment to mobolize at ]\Iil- waukee on the following day, and the 28th of April found the Third Regiment complete and assigned to eaiiip at the state fair grounds in jMihvaukee, the various companies being quartered in the horse barns, which were very comfortable for this purpose. "Camp Harvey," as it was known, has many memories in the minds of those who were there ; the anxious days preceding the I)hysi('al examination, to know whether one would be accepted or re.ieeted, the drills and parades, and the thousands upon thou- sands of people who came to see the soldier Iioys. all coml)ined to make the two weeks of this camp one long to be remembered. On tlie nth day of Alay. ]8n8, Ca])t. AVilliam L. Buck, of the United States Army, mustered into the service the Third Wiscon- sin Infantry and from that time forth it became the Third Wis- consin Volunteer Infantry, and it was tlie first regiment to be 414 THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR 415 mustered into the service of the United States from AVisconsin. Orders were received soon after to proceed to Chickamauga Park, near Chattanooga, Tenn., and on the morning of ]May 14th the first section of the special train containing the third battalion, headquarters, and staff left Camp Harvey, passing through the Soldiers' Home, where the old veterans were lined up on the lawn on each side of the track, truly a pathetic sight and one which affected every man who saw it. Down through Chicago into the state of Indiana, passing through historic battlefields in Tennes- see, arriving at Chickamauga on the morning of the 16th of May, detrained Lytle, Georgia, the railroad station at the park, the regiment was assigned to camp ground on the Kelly Field and went into camp. The regiment was assigned to the First Bri- gade, First Division, First Army Corps, under the command of Brigadier General Andrew Burt ; afterwards General Burt was sent South and Brigade General 0. H. Ernest was assigned to the command of the brigade, which was later made up of the Second and Third Wisconsin and the Sixteenth Pennsylvania, although the brigade was first composed of the Third Wisconsin, Fifth Illinois and First Kentucky. Several weeks were occupied at the camp waiting for the mobolization of other troops before proceeding to the front and the time was taken up with drills of all kinds, parades and reviews, in all of which the regiment received high praise from the corps commander, General Brooke, for its soldierly appear- ance and the personnel of the men. Orders came July 4th for the regiment to march to Ringgold, Ga., there to entrain and pro- ceed South. On July 5th the march was taken up, the regiment arriving at Ringgold on the evening of that day, in connection with the Second AVisconsin, and was taken by three special trains to Charleston, S. C, and there quartered in large cotton ware- houses on the sea front. The Third Wisconsin held a dress parade soon after its arrival on Marion square, in front of the statue of Calhoun, and it was the first dress parade of Northern troops ever held in the city of Charleston. The people of Charleston evidently had become thoroughly reconciled to the results of the AYar of the Rebellion, for the troops everywhere met a hearty reception and it was an inspiring sight indeed when the regiment, dressed in its best, swung into the street leading to Alarion square headed by Dana's magnificent Third Regiment Band playing "Dixie," to see the stars and stripes waving everywhere, out of the win- dows, and to hear the cheers of the people as the regiment swung 416 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY by. AVliilc at Charleston practice inarclies were ordered l\v Gen- eral AVilson, the division commander, which v.rought much harm to the health of the men. The hot nights iu these large ware- houses, with no air stirring, was not a good condition for sleeping and the men became jaded and were ordered upon these marches as some sort of a test, which both resulted disastrously; many men in all of the companies were overcome by the heat and fell by the roadside and afterward required considerable treatment and in some cases healtli was entirely shattered. Bad food, bad quarters and the hot days undoubtedly all combined to help pro- duce this result, but it was a cruel thing to order such a march and one which was severely condemned, not only by the civil but by the military authorities. The editor cannot refrain from com- menting, as a result of his experience, upon the inefficiency of the quartermaster's department in this campaign; often by political appointment some senator's son, who didn't know a side of pork from a can of beans, was appointed chief quartermaster com- missary and spent his time swelling around in a new uniform while the men starved ; for it is a fact, that right in the city of Charleston, during the ten days this regiment spent there, there were times when the men. in the midst of plenty, didn't have enough to eat. Orders came at last to go to the front and reinforce General Shafter in Cuba. The ''Obdam" steamed into port. Orders were issued to load the entire regiment with their horses in this boat, w^hich was folloAved by the "Duchess," having on board the Second Wisconsin. The orders Avere changed, however, to go to Porto Rico and reinforce General Miles, instead of Cuba. The trip South cannot be called a delightful one, for here, more so than ever, was the inefficiency of the commissary department notable, for the men actually suffered for the want of food on the voyage. On the morning of July 26th the ''Columbia," one of Uncle Sam's warships, came racing around the high land of Porto Rico with the information that General ^Miles had lauded at Guanico on the previous day and was Avaiting for the regiment. Grim and business like, indeed, was this warship, with its gray paint, and showing the marks received at the battle of Santiago. The next morning the "Obdam" arrived at Guanico, a most beautiful little harbor, Avhich looked for all the Avorld like a piece of stage setting with its luxuriant foliage rising out of the still waters of the bay. Orders Avere issued to capture the city of Ponce, farther THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR 417 up the coast, the next morning, so that the regiment did not disembark. On the morning of the 27th the "Obdam" steamed into the harbor of Ponce, having been preceded, however, by the Massa- chusetts battleship and the cruisers Gloucester and Dixie ; and orders were issued to disembark, with the Third regiment lead- ing the way, and capture the city. The harbor and surrounding territory was shelled by the gunboats, and the Third AYisconsin landed in lighters, without resistance. Detachments were dis- patched here and there to hold strategic points, and the regi- ment took up its march to the city of Ponce, up the paved road, through the magnificent tropical scenery of this beautiful little island. Reaching the city they marched through paved streets, the city having water works and electric lights, much to the astonishment of the boys. They had not expected to see a mod- ern city in this island. Arriving at the plaza amid the noisy acclaims of the inhabitants, who everywhere were frantic with joy, waving flags, embracing each other with many "viva Ameri cano." After a short halt the regiment marched out into a field west of the city and camped upon ground belonging, before that time, to the little King of Spain, and its first night on the for- eign soil was spent sleeping under the blue sky for a camp. The editor secured that day a copy of a native paper, pub- lished principally in the Spanish language, but having in one or two columns an account printed in quaint English of the land- ing of the American troops, which is herewith quoted. An extract from the La Nueva Era, published at Ponce, Porto Rico, July 30, 1898, is as follows : "On the 27th inst., at 2 p. m., a fleet approaching the port w^as signalled from the signal hill, and truly from all the roofs and points of vantage of the city could be seem three ships near- ing our harbor at great speed, of which two were apparently transports and the other a tug. It did not take them long to come into port and anchor. After a while a boat was seen to leave the side of one of the ships bearing a white flag reached the shore shortly afterwards with an officer, who on landing bent his steps to the captain of the port's ofiice in search of the mili- tary commander of the town for whom he had a despatch. "The captain of the port answered him that he had no mili- tary jurisdiction and sent for the military commander, residing up town here, to take delivery of the despatch brought by said officer. At about this time a small volunteer force got into posi- 418 IIIi^TORY OF MONROE COUNTY tion near the custom house and the two companies of the regu- lars. Avhich on tlie first alarm of the approach of the American tieet had been ordered to the port, -were stationed on the road leading from here to the harbor. With the latter forces came the late military commander of this district, Colonel Sanmartin. "On the latter being informed that there was an American officer bearing, under flag of truce, a despatch for him. he replied that without direct authority from the governor general he could not receive it. On getting this reply the American officer informed the captain of the port that he Avould give half an hour's grace for the military commander to come and take delivery of the despatch. "In the meantime >ianmartin had come up town and had a conference with the governor general by wire, laying before him the state of affairs. But as the hour fixed by the American officer was drawing to its close, and he threatened to return on l)oard Avitli the despatch undelivered, two members of the coun- sular body — Messrs. F. ]M. Toro. British vice consul, and P. J. Rosaly, vice consul of the Netherlands — went down to the port together with our mayor — ^Ir. R. U. Colom — and one of our citi- zens — ^Ir. P. J. Fournier — with the ob.ject of requesting an exten- sion of the time fixed by the officer to await the reply of the governor general. "It seems that the latter 's answer to the military commander was that he should do his duty ; by which, we suppose, he implied that resistance should be made, in spite of the immense superior- ity of the invading forces and of the fleet, which, by this time, had increased by the arrival of several vessels more. As the American commander grew impatient at the non-return of the first boat sent ashore, they sent another, bringing two officers and a squad of soldiers, who bore with them the American flag and two rockets for sigalling, we presume, in case of need. Said officers with the squad and flag advanced as far as the very door of captain of the port's office; but the British vice consul re- quested that the soldiers should Avithdraw to the sea shore, the officer with Old Glory, etc.. remaining, however, at the door of the building. The consular and other officers entered the building. They were there received by the captain of the port, who, by the way, was dressed in a soiled white drill suit witliout any insignia to denote his rank. The German vice consul — ^fr. 11. C. Fritze — .-joined his colleagues of England and the Netherlands in their good offices in the matter, together with the American merchant. !Mr. Lucas Valliviese. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR 419 "Said consuls began to work to bring about the surrender of the town (which had been demanded at discretion), in their desire to avoid bloodshed and damage to the town, as the Spanish forces Avere insignificant, compared with tJiose of the United States and besides the Spaniards having no defensive works or artillery to answer the fire of the fleet. At about 10 p. m. it was rumored that an armistice had been arranged, in virtue of which the Spanish forces would evacuate the town and that the Ameri- can troops would not land Avithin a stipulated time to allow the former forces to get well on their way to Aibonito. It was reported that this arrangement was firm and the people began to treat more freely about the peaceful solution of the conflict. But unhappily their joy was of short duration as — about 1 a. m. — • it began to be noised about that the governor general had deposed the military commander, Sanmartiu, ordering him to give up the command to the lieutenant-colonel of the Civil Guards, instructing the latter to offer resistance to the invading forces. "On this becoming known the alarm was great among all classes, and the exodus to the neighboring country, which had already begun in the afternoon and evening, was immense, approaching nearly to a panic. But the vice consuls continued their labors to obtain that the armistice arranged with Colonel Sanmartin by them should be respected and kept in good faith, and the representative of England and Germany protested against its being broken and brought to bear on the negotiations all the weight that their nations represent. "The lieutenant-colonel of the Civil Guard on his part, seeing the impossibility of resistance to the powerful fleet of the enemy, which had been reinforced by several ships more, with the means he had at his disposal, decided at length to evacuate the town, retiring with all the forces under his command, by the road leading to the interior of the island. "As soon as this decision was arrived at the retreat began, but not before attempting to set fire to the railroad station, in M'hich they only succeeded in burning a few cars. But even after the retreat there was anxiety among the inhabitants, as it was reported that the powder magazine of the barracks would be blown up before the Spaniards left the town definitely; we are happy to say that this did not happen. "The town was left in charge of the local first brigade, who undertook the duty of keeping order, but their services were not called upon that night, nor has been since, as not the slightest disturbance has taken place. Ponce gave proofs of its good sense 420 HISTORY OF :\IOXK0K COl'XTY as usual. At dayhi-rak the next morning a half dozen men of the American forces hoisted the Stars and Stripes on the custom house together Avith the headtjuarter's tiag of the commander in chief. Later llic flag was unfurled over the town liall. "Tlie landing of the troojjs began aiul were distributed about in accordance with instructions of the American commanders. The people welcomed the American forces as liberators and friends and with the greatest demonstrations of joy and heartiness. "The commander of the expeditionary forces decided that the municipal and judicial authorities should remain at their post as well as the local police and the employees of the custom house, which later is in charge of Colonel Ilill, appointed inspector of the port and customs. The American troops have entered this town with the greatest order and are fraternizing Avith the people. Said troops later relieved the fireman at gu;ird duty at the city prison and other places. "The political prisoners have been set at lil)erty and among them our friends Messrs. Santiago Geraldino, Rodulfo Figueroa, Jose Hilaria Roche and others. AVe heartily congratulate them all. The inhabitants that had gone into the country have gradually begun to return to town, in which the greatest order prevails. "At the town hall there took place an incident worthy of mention. Mr. Figueroa, who had l)een just sot free, went up to the Seasions hall and unslinging tlie porti-ait of the queen regent with the king and the crown which overtopped them, attempted to throw them over the balcony, saying: 'There go the remnants of Spanish domination.' But an American officer who was present interfered in a friendly way, requesting that said picture and crown should be given him as a historical memento of the occasion, which request was immediately granted." Notice. "To this office has been brought a hat belonging to one of the guards of the army at present in the city. Tt is marked R. J. Bilie, Fort AVingate. X. AT. AVe hold same at the disposal of said guard." Colonel Sanmartin was in charge of the Spanish troops at the city of Ponce. At the time of the advance of tlu^ American troops he and his men Med along the military highway lowards the northern i)art of Ihe island, leaving the Spanish barracks, a fine large building, cai)able of housing a reginuMit. with nil its furnishings, including the Spanish flags and sonu> uniforms and equipments, and all of his own household furniture; afterwards Colonel Sanmartin was sentenced to death bv a court nuirtial for THE SPANISH-A:MERICAN AVAR 421 not defending the eity, but it was afterwards changed to life impi'isonment. After a few days' stay in camp at the city of Ponce, Avhere the regiment was fully equipped with new "Krag" rifles, orders were given to proceed to the front and early in the morning of the 7th of August the regiment started on its march to meet the enemy and arrived in front of Coamo on the evening of August 8th ; outposts were thrown out, almost being in touch with the Spanish troops. Company K under Captain Warren being sent out to the front. It was important that this city be captured and a careful plan of campaign was laid out by Gen- eral Ernest and the commanders of the Second and Third Wis- consin and Sixteenth Pennsylvania, comprising the brigade. To understand the battle of Coamo a description of the city and sur- rounding country is necessary; the land is very hilly along the entire south coast and towards the west it becomes mountainous. Coamo is eight miles from the seashore and is situated in a pocket of high hills; these hills are a guard to the city, being covered with ravines and clitfs which in many places are impass- able. An advance on the city by any other way than the roads leading to the toAvn is next to impossible ; three roads lead toward the city; from the southwest is the San Juan road lead- ing from Ponce, from Coamo to San Juan; this road takes a northeasterly direction from the city towards Aibonito ; from the south is a road leading from St. Isabel, the road having been named after the town; on all of these roads the Spanish govern- ment had built many culverts and bridges to cover ravines and streams ; the work was done with great care and the bridges were very substantial ; the roads are all macadamized and are like boulevards ; on the outskirts southwest of the city is a block house situated between the San Juan and St. Isabel roads. From the block house the Spaniards had a clear range of the valley leading towards the city and in this block house the enemy was lodged and from there the Spanish had shut off former attempts to enter the city. Company K, as has been stated, and Com- pany G of Wausau were posted on the high hills commanding the San Juan road and had a full view of the block house and the city; all night a vigilant Avatch was kept on the Spanish, but they made no demonstration. The commanders were given their instructions for march on the; day previous. At four o'clock in the morning the troops w^ere awakened, men were ordered to take their guns and belts, haversacks and three meals and their poncos, leaving the rest of the equipments behind. It was yet dark and at -4:30 breakfast was served; the men 422 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY were in high spirits, only the sick Avoro s.ad ; 1 rouble was brewing niul at last we w^rc within touch of the enemy; the Second and Third Wisconsin were iudil back and the Sixteenth Pennsylvania was sent l\y a detour to get in the rear of the city and there attack the enemy should they retreat; all the American forces had camped before the city on the San Juan road two miles st)uthwest of it. At 5:80 iu llie inoiiiiiii;' 1lie Sixteeiilh Pennsylvania had started for its position and after a wait until six o'clock the Second and Third were ordered to move; taking a position in the valley near the San Juan road. Lancaster's battery had from there a clean sweep of the block house and also commanded the range for firing into the city. The Second and Third "Wisconsin supported the battery on the left, the Second being nearest to it. General Ernest and staff had taken a position on the hills where Captain AVarren and the Tomah men had acted as pickets during the night and from here he directed Colonel ]Moore where to move his regiment; he was to take the Third to the south of the town and advance by way of the St. Isabel road, cutting off all escape from that direction, (\iptains AVrrren and Abraham and their companies had been left ))ehind on outpost duty, and Captain Hommel, of Neillsville. with his company guarded the camp at Jnana Diaz, so that the Third only had nine companies in the field. IMajor Richards liad two companies of his battalion left, Company D of INIauston, Captain Turner and Company F of Portage, Captain Lee, and was assigned to lead the advance. INIajor Kircheis followed with the Second Battalion consisting of Company B, Captain Schultz, La Crosse; Company M, Captain Peck, La Crosse; Company L. Captain ^IcCoy, Sparta, and Alajor George Avith the First Battalion, composed of Company Y., Cap- tain Ballard, Eau Claire; Comjiany C, Captain Kiney. Hudson; Company I, Lieutenant Smith. AVest Sui)erior; the Second Regi- ment followed to the letl ; the movement began at (i:30; the battery had taken its position and IMajor Richards ami Lieutenant Colonel Saloday of the Second sent out their skirmishes. They stretched out toward the hills covering nearly a mile and cau- tiously the advance on the hills south of the town began. At exactly five mimites past seven the first shell from Lancaster's battery was fired and at the third shot the range of the block house, having been gotten, it was set on fii'e. AVith the advance began the opening of tire by the Spaniards and the AVisconsin troops were for the first time engaged in battle; the men in the advance skirmish line crept through the Avet grass which was high enough to almost hide them from view; the regiment f(^l- THE SPANISH-A:\IERICAN war 423 lowed as close behind as Avas deemed safe -without exposing them to an ambush. The skirmishers and their squads had gone about 60 yards when General Ernest moved from the hill in which he had sta- tioned himself and went over to the battery. It was then seven o'clock and it was decided that the Pennsylvania regiment had by that time arrived in rear of the city. "With the opening of fire by the battery the battle became lively and when the block house was set on fire by shells the Spaniards retreated along the road back into the city; while the battery was shelling the block house INIajor Richards had advanced the skirmishers towards the east and was within range of the hills on Avhich the Spanish outposts were stationed. Thoroughly aroused at this time by the boldness of the Americans in shelling the block house the Spaniards opened fire on the skirmishers and the bullets whistled thick and fast over the heads of Captain Turner's men; but they were poAverless to return the fire, because under the cover of the heavy brush the Spaniards could not be seen ; with the retreat of the Spanish troops the advance of the Second and Third AVisconsin, which up to this time had been comparatively smooth, now became difficult ; ravines, rivers, groves with deep underbrush and other obstructions were soon encountered, scarcely had one obstruction been overcome than another was met with ; then came the river and the bluffs. ])oth sides of which were so steep that for a time it was thought impossible to reach the other side. The block house had long before been deserted and now the infantry fire of the Sixteenth Pennsylvania was heard. The advance skirmishers of the Third climbing the bluffs Avith the guns in one hand and with the other holding on to vines that hung over the cliffs, to hold themselves not knowing what awaited them below, nor did they care ; once below the river was waded and a march through a cornfield brought them to the St. Isabel road leading to the town where the Second Regiment and Second Battalion of the Third Regiment Avere coming along the road. Adjutant Holway and Major George leading the First Battalion on the other side of the river ; scouts were sent out to see the effect the artillery fire had; the terrible result of it Avas seen; on reaching the river both regiments crossed the stream, the Third taking the lead and up the road toAvard the city Avhere the Spanish had tried to bloAV up several bridges, but in their haste had not been successful. The AVisconsin troops Avere noAV Avithin a mile of the toAvn and natives came out to meet them; Avord came that the Spaniards had deserted the place and Avere 424 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY l)eing ongagfed liy tlic Peniisylvaiiia regiment on the outskirts towards the west. Tired and wriwy, yet the l^adgcr men liurried on, still spoiling for a tight. As the Third entered tlie town many natives came out Avaving white tlags, they cheered the Americans, and it was a repetition of the entrance into Ponce; in the streets Spanish I'ntrenchments were encountered which Avere made by digging a ditch and piling u[) hags of sand and in some instances iron water pipes and sewer pipes; the barracks were soon reached Avliere the natives Avere found in control, tearing everything that Avas Spanisli to pieces, shoAving their utmost hatred for Spain. Stores Avere closed, many merchants had fled and the toAvn Avas on the A'ery verge of starvation, ttie Spanish soldiers had taken all they needed and the country folks had not brought any eatables to toAvn for over a Aveek, being afraid of the soldiers. The Third Regiment flag Avas raised over the town, and soon Avord came that the Pennsylvania regiment had routed three hundred Spanish regulars ; the Spanish troops, thoroughly frightened by the advance of the Third Regiment, had attempted to flee toAvards the north and had run directly into the trap set for them ; a sharp but decisiA'e skirmish engagement in the brush took place at Avhich Major ]\Iarlinez, commander of the Spanish troops made a gallant etfort to hold his position flying up and doAvn his line like a mad man, thereby making a target of himself which soon resulted in his being shot from his horse, pierced in many places. The Spaniards lost six killed, tAvelve Avounded and one hundred and fifty prisoners and about one hundred and thirty-five Spaniards escaped by taking to the hills and later some of them surrendered. The regiment took possession of the city and established a camp on the military road about a mile beyond the city limits; it Avas necessary to hold a large bridge over Avhich the Spanish had retreated up the road, leading to Aibonito pass Avhere the Spaniards had their stronghold and immediately ]Major Kircheis was sent to the front about four miles to hold this bridge having under his command Company D of ]\Iauston, Captain Turner; Company F, Portage, Captain Lee ; Company L, Sparta, Captain McCoy; Company ^1. T^a Crosse, Captain Peck. The enemy held this pass Aviiicli led through the Sierra Del Sur ^Mountains and Avere thorougldy intrenched on three hills Avhich commanded the pass and the road leading doAvn the mountain; ^Major Kircheis occupied the position beyond th(^ bridge and thrcAV outposts into the hills covering the position thoroughly and on August 12 THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR 425 Lancaster's battery was ordered to the front to shell the enemy as it was deemed impossible for infantry to make a charge upon the hills in order to capture the Spanish position ; the road which led toward their outposts was almost a crest of a moun- tain, and before the artillery could get into position it came into full view of the Spanish outposts and also of those behind the entrenchments. The battery as it advanced up the road was fired upon by the Spanish with their artillery, which seemed to be rather an obsolete kind, but which threw shells more or less effectively. The Spaniards changed their range from the battery and directed their fire toward the infantry, who were holding their line, all Wisconsin men, as before stated. About one dozen shells were thrown when a shell burst in the midst of Captain IMcCoy's Company L, which was stationed on the hill sloping toward the outposts headcjuarters, and Corporal Swanson, Com- pany L, and a private of the same company were killed by the explosion, Corporal Yanke and Corporal Bunce were wounded. The artillery was now under a heavy fire from the enemy. Three pieces were stationed in the field below the road and opened fire on the entrenchments. General Wilson and staff then arrived and directed the infantry to cease firing on account of the long range, but the Spaniards continued to shoot at the Portage and La Crosse troops ; when the battery had fixed its distance the cannonade on the earthwork soon had its effect and whole com- panies of Spanish infantry could be seen leaving and after an hour's firing directly on the position held by the Spanish field- pieces they were compelled to retire. During the time that the artillery was firing the Spanish had also continued to shell the infantry stationed aloiig the hills ; finally everything seemed to be silenced and the guns of the battery were ordered to move further up the road with Company F under Captain Leo as support. As the horses and cannon dashed toward the enemy's position followed by the Portage troops they Avere surprised by a storm of bullets from a company of Spanish infantry and several shells from the hills, showing that the Spaniards were still in full pos- session of the position. The Portage company with the battery were obliged to fall back under a heavy fire which, however, caused only a few slight wounds, and the artillery then being out of ammunition, they were obliged to withdraw from the field. The Spanish had left their entrenchments and concealed them- selves in a banana field ; it was almost impossible to locate them at first as they used smokeless powder with the ^lauser rifles. 426 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY TIr'V retreated into the hills, however, and the engagement ended with the Spanish still in their position and nothing gained for the American troops. General Wilson determined to attack Aibonito pass by going through the mountains; a mule pack train was sent up to the Third Infantry and it was ordered to prepare for an early march tiirougli llie mountains by way of the trail in an endeavor to drive the enemy out of Aibonito and capture the pass and the cit3^ Ammunition and two day's rations were issued ready for the start at daylight. Colonel ]\Ioore called his officers together and stated that the Third would lead the assault up the mountain and that it would be the hardest piece of work yet ast^igned to the regiment and dismissed them Avith the statement, made in that positive way he had, of ""SVe will take that pass or there will be lots of room at mess for those Avho come back." An hour before daylight bugles rang out the reveille, the regiment had its breakfast, packed its packs, ammunition and rations, filed out into the road and awaited the order to start on their perilous march. AVhile waiting for the connuand to move a horseman was seen rushing up the road from the city, where the military tele- graph station was located, waving in his hand a despatch, which was found to be ncAvs from the War Department that the peace protocal had been signed and that officially the fighting was over. While it was fortunate and saved the lives of many score of brave AVisconsin boys, still the news came as a disappointment, for the fighting blood of the Old Third was up. and on the face of every man w^as seen a determination to do his full share, whatever the result might have been. After this, white fiags were put out by' both the Spanish and American troops, and the Aveary routine of camp life and Avait- ing began, Avith nothing to do but establish outposts. Avith occa- sional drills for the sake of the health of the men. Still the malarial fever began to get its grip on these Wisconsin boys and the brigade hospital became larger than the l)rigade camp, and here is giA^en two sets of figures. While they are not official, they Avere gathered from a reliable source and are taken from a little l)ook published by Emanuel Rossiter. being a history of Company I of the Third Regiment: On September 13tli, out of the strength of the regiment there Avere 126 men sick in hospital, 200 sick in quarters and 128 sick in other places, making a total of 454; and to shoAV the increase of this terrible disease, just six days after that, on the 19th of September the reports shoAV 138 men sick in hospital, 413 men sick in quarters, 148 men sick THE SPANISH-AIMERICAX AVAR 427 in other places, 18 left for home invalided, 12 men died in Porto Rico, a total of 729. These were dark days indeed for the Third, for in August the Second Wisconsin was sent home but the Third, being still considered efficient, was held for whatever duty might arise and the dreary routine of waiting pulled heavily on the spirits of officers and men ; but the Third exhib- ited its sterling worth and when the order came to march from Coamo through to San Juan, there to take part in the formal exercises of raising the flag over the island of Porto Rico, great was the rejoicing, and upon the morning that the march began the editor, sitting on his horse beside Lieutenant IMcDonald. a surgeon of the regular army detailed for duty with the Third Regiment, watched the men as they swung out of the field and into the road, men who were indeed men in looks, some of them with lined faces, who had enlisted a few months before as mere boys, and Lieutenant IMcDonald said after the last company had gone by: "There are 600 men which you cannot kill with a club." The brigade, consisting of the Sixteenth Pensylvania and the Second AVisconsin, reached Cayey on the 3d of October after a three days' march and here on the 4th orders were received to return to Ponce to take transports for home ; and returning over the same road, reaching Ponce a few days later, where the regi- ment was very comfortal)ly quartered in camps left by a regular regiment of infantry which was ordered away, the tents being left standing. Here the men rested for several days visiting the city, busily engaged in picking up souvenirs to carry home, wait- ing for the transports to arrive. On October 20th the "i\Iani- toba," a fine ship, came into the harbor at Ponce and the regi- ment was ordered to pack up, go aboard and start for home. True to its record, the Third, instead of straggling down to the harbor, as had been the case with a regiment or two which had gone home before, packed its baggage, swung into column and, headed by the pitiful remnant of Dana's once famous Third Regiment band, marched proudly through the city with the same old swing, cheered mightily by their old friends, the First Kentucky, which had arrived on the island, and the Nineteenth Regular Infantry. Quickly they loaded everything on the "Alan- itoba," laid in the harl)or that night for the sole reason, as was told, that it was Friday night and no sailor would move on that night, and the next day, October 22d, started the journey for home. This proved to be a record breaking passage of four and one-half days, and on the evening of the 26th of Octolier the twinkling lights along the Jersey shore were greeted witli great 428 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY shouts of liappiness. for at last, after many trials, it looked like home. Held in quarantine that night, the ship steamed into the harbor the next morning, "where it was met by Governor Sco- field himself, Avho came on board the vessel and had words of great praise for tlic conduct of the regiment. On the 28th ar- rangements were fully completed for the regiment and three special trains of sleepers started for home on the West Shore railroad, and on their way stopped at ^Milwaukee where a loyal banquet was served to every officer and man by the city of Milwaukee, and here the troops were distributed, going to their various home towns. Later on they Avere mustered out by companies along in January, 1899, being visited at their home stations for that pur- pose by regular army officers detailed to muster out the com- panies and pay them in full. The total strength of the regiment was 1,353, of Avhom two men were killed in action, three wounded and forty-one died of disease. The colors carried by the regi- ment during the Spanish war are now at ^ladison in the capitol building in the case with flags of the Rebellion. The regiment was reorganized in a few months afterwards with Orlando Hol- way as its colonel and is now and has been ever since a part of the National Guard, in which Companies L and K have made good records. CHAPTER XL VII. THE MILITARY COMPANIES. COMPANY K. In 1883, early in the year, Col. George Graham, believing that the time was ripe for the forming of an independent military company, with the view to have it eventually mustered into the Wisconsin National Guard, started a movement which resulted in the organization of a company of about fifty young men. They had no money, no arms and no uniforms. The latter were soon supplied by the individual members of the company, who worked and earned money with which to procure a suit consist- ing of a cap, blouse and trousers of blue. Upon application to the adjutant general a set of old muskets was issued to the com- pany and some old-fashioned belts. They had no armory, but the firemen agreed to let the organization use its hall, which was very small, for meeting purposes and most of the drilling was done out of doors in the summer months. Colonel Graham was captain, Charles K. Erwiu, first lieutenant, and John Richards, second lieutenant. Faithful work brought its reward, for early in 188tt the opportunity came and the ad.jutant general deeming the company sufficiently instructed, issued an order that it be mustered into the Wisconsin National Guard. On the 28th of May, 1884, Capt. J. W. Curran, as officer on the governor's staff, mustered the company into the Third Regi- ment as Company K. It being the custom, however, at that time to give each company a name, the "Tomah Guards," was adopted as the name of the organization. It was initiated into military life by participating in the camp of the regiment at Mauston during the summer of 1884 and has, of course, attended every camp of the regiment held since. jMcCaul's hall was rented for an armory and the company used that for a number of years until the old skating rink fartlier down the street was secured. This was fitted up and used as an armory and public hall. This building had been purchased by the Helping Hand Society in 1887 and the company acquired it from them. 429 4:50 HISTORY OF :M0XR0K ('OIN'r^' Til July, 18!)(). the c-onipany liaving acquired some means, in or- der to liave a civil or^ifanization -which could own property and conduct th(> luisiness atf'airs connected witli sucli ownership, was organized into a corporation named the Tomah Guard Armory Association, PI Battles, Irving E. Jones and R. A. Ricliards ])eing the incorporators. Every member of Company K, Third Regiment AVisconsin National (luard, is a member of this corpora- tion as soon as enlisted and holds his membership until dis- charged; a member who has served for six years in the company thereby becomes a life member of the association. This association secured a valuable lot opposite the old Sher- man House and erected the present armory building, w'hich was at the time considered a model for its purpose ; the society went heavily in debt, but with the passing of the years the revenue derived from the l)uilding, Avhich is nicely fitted up with a stage and good scenery, and is now the onl.y opera house in the citj% and the armory fund furnished by the state to the company, together with profits from entertainments, have cut down the indebtedness very materially and in a few years the association Mill be free from debt and the owner of a very valuable prop- erty. The company has always maintained a high standing in the companies of the state, with the exception of two or three years when it dropped in general standing; and at the l)reaking out of the Spanish war sixty-seven out of the sixty-eight officers and men volunteered for that service, and we here give the names of all the men who went into the company, both at the first call and those recruited later, taken from the original nuister-out roll of the company in that war: Capt. AVinfield AY. AYarren, First Lieut. Alva S. Goodyear, Second Lieut. Irving E. Jones, First Sergt John I. Bigelow, Q. M. Sergt. Glenn AV. Graham, Sergts. Oscar AV. Alick. John AlcKane, II. Artlnir Clark, Joim C. Flood; Corporals Ned Lombard, AVill- iam II. AVisc, Bert Trowbridge, George J. Kuckuck, C. Wallace AlcPherson, Charles F. jMyer, Claude R. Sowle, Lester F. Penne- well, Claude B. AYells, Parker Aloseley. AYaren D. Jones, Christie H. Smith; Alusicians Charles K. AVright and Edward J. Peacor; Artificer Ernest Pincel, AYagoner Alfred Harp: privates: Henry II. Aiistin, George R. Alverson, Alvin E. Baumgarten, Edward A. Baumgarten, Charles Bohn, Alax P. Curtius, Herman 0. Conrad, Alax Case, Jason A. Dcnvey, Lee R. Dewey, Hans Folson, An- drew F'lood, Leroy AV. Fcrdon. Ransom E. Gove. Lester E. Get- man, Fred AY. Heeler, ]\Iilhird II. Hammond, Thomas J. Johnson, THE :\IILITARY COMPANIES 431 Bennie Lapp, William Lenz, Herbert E. Logan, Bert A. Lee, George McLean, E^riiest A. Miller, Arthur D. ^Miller, John ]\Iiek, AVilliam ^lullenberg, Henry jMcCanley, Brice jNIeMnllen, Henry M. Montgomery, Adolpli Nelson, AValter Newsome, Arthur H. Otto, Oscar Paley, John Palmer, Luvern Reynolds, AYilliam H. Root, Albert Reich, John C. Schueman, Frank J. Saner, William H. Saner, Harold Stevens, Edwin P. Smith, Orson Shearer, Her- man Schultz, Dave W. Scruby, Edward R. Wells, Harry M. War- ren, George H. Williams, Thomas E. White. The following joined the company as recruits on the dates named: Charles Armstrong, June 18, 1898; Harry B. Alexander, June 18, 1898 ; Daniel J. Adam, June 18, 1898 ; Emil Bickel, June 18, 1898 ; August Capelle, June 18, 1898 ; Oscar Emery, June 18, 1898 ; Otto C. E. Franz, June 18, 1898 ; James AV. Gordon, June 18, 1898; Ralph P. Johnson, June 18, 1898; Lee H. Jones, June 18, 1898 ; Dwell P. Jackson, June 18, 1898 ; James Larson, June 18, 1898 ; Charles T. Leonerd, June 15, 1898 ; Edgar Lea, June 17, 1898; Gustave AV. Marquart, June 18, 1898; Frank Aliddleman, June 18, 1898; August Mitchell, June 18, 1898; Homer Meloy, June 18, 1898 ; James Murphey, June 17, 1898 ; Charles J. Peter- son, June 27, 1898 ; Joseph Pelon, June 18, 1898 ; Arthur L. Pat- terson, June 18, 1898; John AV. Reynolds, June 18, 1898; Mett Rose, June 18, 1898 ; Elex Roscovius, June 18, 1898 ; Frederick R. Skogland, June 18, 1898; Albert J. Siebert, June 18, 1898; George H. Terry, June 18, 1898 ; Lorenzo A^an A^oorhees, June 18, 1898. Discharged. Frederick S. Barrows, corporal, September 11, 1898, at Coamo, P. R. Charles E. Butters, promoted to regiment chaplain, commissioned October 1, 1898. Transferred. AVilliam F. Fethenhire, transferred to hospital corps by S. 0. No. 5, headquarters First Army Corps, at Chicka- mauga Park, Ga., June 23, 1898. Arthur J. Ratcliffe, transferred to hospital corps, S. 0. No. 5, First Army Corps, June 23, 1898. Olaf Thuleen, detached from company and attached to band at Chickamauga Park, June 1, 1898. Adolph AV. Pellants, detached from company and attached to band at Chickamauga Park, June 1, 1898. Died of Disease. Paul Curtius, died of typhoid fever at Charleston, S. C, August 9, 1898. Oscar Zimmerman, died of typhoid fever at Coamo, Porto Rico, October 15, 1898. Maj. R. A. Richards was mustered into the service as major and commanded the Third Battalion of the regiment. 432 HISTORY OF :\10XR0E COUNTY AVilliaiu H. ]\IeCaul was mustered iuto the service as sergeant- major of the Second Battalion and afterwards promoted to regimental sergeant-major. The following is the official record of the company during the Spanish Avar, as recorded by Captain AVarren : The company was organized at Tomali, AVis., by Capt. AV. AV. "Warren and mustered into service at Camp Harvey, Wis., by Capt. AVilliam L. Buck, :\Iay 11, 1898. Left Camp Harvey, AVis., May 14, 1898, by rail; arrived at Camp Thomas, Ga., May 16, 1898. Left Camp Thomas July 5th. Marched to Ringgold, Ga., thence by rail to Charleston, S. C, where it arrived July 6th. Embarked on transport, the "Obdam," July 20th; left Charles- ton for Porto Rico July 21st; arrived off Guanica, P. R.. July 27th. Landed at Ponce, P. R., July 28th. On outpost duty July 29th. Provost guard Ponce August — . ^Marched out of Ponce August 7th as advance guard of brigade. Performed outpost duty August 8th. Rear guard August 9th. Second Lieutenant Jones and twenty men support for battery at battle of Coamo. October 2d marched to Aibunito ; October 3d marched to Cayey; camped at Cayey October 4th to 6th. October 6th marched to Aibonito ; October 7th marched to Coamo ; October 8th marched to Juana Diaz; October 9th marched to Ponce. Camped near Ponce October 10th to 21st. October 21st embarked on board transport "Manitoba." Left harbor of Ponce October 22d for New York. Arrived in New York harbor October 26. Landed at "West Shore railroad dock October 28th. Left by rail for ]\Iil- waukee October 28th. Arrived there October 30th. Left ]Mil- Avaukee by rail, arriving at Tomah, "Wis., same date. On fur- lough to date of muster out. The company was mustered out January 13, 1899. After the close of the Spanish American AVar tlie Third Regi- ment was reorganized and Company K, in common with other companies of the regiment, went back into the state service; the company was reorganized ]May 2, 1899, ami took its old place in the regiment. The company has since maintained its reputation as one of the best all-around companies in the state and demonstrated that fact decisively by winning the "Pfister Troi)hy" in 1904, this being a trophy for the best all-around company and competed for each year. Here is given a complete list of the commissioned officers of the company with their service before, during and since the Spanish American "War. THE MILITARY COMPANIES 433 Captains. George Graham, May 29, 1884, resigned November 30, 1888. R. A. Richards, December 14, 1888, promoted major October 19, 1897. AV. W. Warren, October 19, 1888, volunteered in U. S. service May 11, 1898. A. S. Goodyear, December 30, 1899, resigned April 28, 1903. W. "W. Warren, April 20, 1903, to rank December 20, 1902, resigned February 15, ]905. A. E. Winter, February 15, 1905, resigned April 30, 1907. M. P, Curtius, June 14, 1907, resigned November 2, 1908. C. R. Sowle, December 20, 1908. First Lieutenants. C. K. Erwin, May 29, 1884, resigned Janu- ary 18, 1886. Louis Schalle, January 19, 1886, promoted bat- talion adjutant July 19, 1895. W. W. Warren, July 19, 1895, promoted. A. S. Goodyear, October 19, 1897, volunteered U. S, service May 11, 1898. I. E. Jones, January 8, 1900, resigned September 1, 1900. W. AV. AA'arren, September 24, 1900, pro- moted. 0. M. Mick, January 30, 1903, resigned March 9, 1904. A. E. AA^inter, May 7, 1904, promoted. C. R. Sowle, June 9, 1907, promoted. E. R. AVells, December 20, 1908. Second Lieutenants. John Richards, May 29, 1884, resigned July 2, 1885. Louis Schalle, July 2, 1885, promoted. Hubert C. Powers, January 19, 1886, resigned September 5, 1887. R. A. Richards, September 5, 1887, promoted. Luman C. AA^arriner, December 14, 1888, resigned April 25, 1890. AV. AA^ Warren, May 16, 1890, promoted. A. E. AA^inter, July 19, 1895, resigned January 19, 1897. J. G. Graham, January 25, 1897, resigned July 28, 1897. A. S. Goodyear, August 18, 1897, promoted. I. E. Jones, November 30, 1897, volunteered U. S. service May 11, 1898. J. I. Bigelow, January 8, 1900, resigned August 31, 1900. 0. M. Mick, November 14, 1900, promoted. Bert Trowbridge, January 30, 1903, resigned December 12, 1905. E. R. Wells, June 9, 1907, promoted. C. H. Wiklund, December 20, 1908. THE SPARTA RIFLES. In 1883 the Third Regiment, far from being the organization it is now, held an encampment in the city of Sparta ; in those days soldiering in the National Guard was a good deal of a picnic and the custom was in vogue of holding encampments at different towns within the territory of the regiment; the encampment at Sparta was the first regular encampment as a regiment, and naturally the presence of the companies with a regimental band, the drills, parades and ceremonies aroused a military spirit in the community, although before that some kind of an inde- pendent organization had been maintained; through the efforts 434 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY of many of tlic good citizens the company Avas recognized anil Avas mustered into the Wisconsin National Guard September 28, 188;:{, and given the designation of Company 1, with John J. Esch, now congressman from this district, as its first captain. The company was nuiintaincd at a xcry good standard in membership drill and discipline for a nund)er of years, but during the term of Gen. Charles King as adjutant-general, owing to lack of inter- est, there being at that time strong efforts made in other towns in the regimental territory to get into the Guard: the company was mustered out of the state service in 1895. During the existence of the company, on ^larch 9, 1889, a connnittee consisting of D. AV. Cheney. Frank L. French and Timothy 0. Thorl)us selected and l)ought tvro lots of "William Kerrigan and two lots of E. W. Robie on East Oak street, sold stock in an association formed for that purpose and erected the present armory, a brick building 65 by 130 feet in dimensions. One of the lots purchased Avas afterAvards sold to AV. C. Hoffman. Company I had two disastrous fires Avhich burned up the build- ings the company had theretofore been occupying as an armory, one of them being an old roller skating rink Avhich the company bought. The commissioned officers of this company Avith the date of their commissions Avere as folloAvs : Captains. John J. Esch, September 28, 1883; D. W. dieney, August 16, 1887; T. O. Thorbus, December 14, 1888; B. 0. Ray- mond, November 15, 1889; John H. Saxe, January 8, 1894; "William H. Van AntAverp. January 2, 1895. First Lieutenants. Frank F. Oster, September 28, 1883; T. D. Bleacher, October 11. 1885; T. O. Thorl)us, S(>ptember 13, 1886; B. O. Raymond, Decendier 14, 1888; AVilliam A. Dickinson, November 15, 1889; Oscar S. Blakeslee, October 31, 1890; Frank L. French, June 17, 1892; AVilliam H. Van AntAA-erp, January 8, 1894: AVilliam Foss, January 2, 1895. Second Lieutenants. T. 1). Bleecher, September 28, 1883; Timothy O. Thorbus, November 13, 1885; John Saxe, Septemlier 13, 1886; B. 0. Raymond. Alay 18, 1888; AVilliam A. Dickinson, December 14, 1888; Oscar S. Blakeslee, November 15. 1889; Frank L. French, October 31. 1890; John Saxe. June 17, 1892; Fred :\1. Foster, January 8, 1894; Fred L. Sdialler, Jatuuiry 2, 1895. COMPANY L. The nuistering out of Company I came as a shock to the citizens of Sparta and steps Avere almost immediately taken ^o THE MILITARY COMPANIES 435 organize another company among the patriotii- young men of the eommiinity. On November 15, 1895, an agreement was signed by seventy- one men whieh provided that the signers would become nicnibers of a military company to be stationed at Sparta and become a part of the National Guard; this was done in pursuance of llie assurance of Adjutant-General King that at the first opening in the regiment, provided Sparta maintained an independent organization, equipment being furnished by the state, and it was brought up to the standard required by the regulations, it would be mustered into the National Guard. The provisional company was at once organized and went to work in earnest. The efforts of this organization were soon rewarded ; one of the two com- panies at Eau Claire having fallen below the standard required was mustered out and the Sparta company took its place in the regiment, being nuistered in by General King on the fifteenth. day of July, 1896, as Company L. The occasion was made memorable by the presence of a large audience of Sparta people and many notables, civil and military. The selection of the proper officers was somewhat of a prob- lem, and Eobert B. McCoy was induced to take the captaincy, although he Avas without any previous military experience; but his well known executive ability coupled with the energy for which he was noted gave promise that he would be a good com- pany commander and the estimate was not wrong. Under his connnand, assisted by his able lieutenants, Frank L. French and John P. Rice, the company forged to the front and has always held a high place among the National Guard companies. It just got into the state service in time to get thoroughly organized, participate in an encampment or two when the oppor- tunity came for active service in the Spanish American War. Its members with few exceptions volunteered for the service, and here follows the roll as taken from the official records of Company L. Third AVisconsin Volunteer Infantry : Capt. Robert B. McCoy; First Lieut. Frank L. French; Second Lieut. John B. Schneller; Milon R. Gould, first sergeant; Clark S. I\IcCoy, quartermaster-sergeant ; sergeants, Silas M. Lewis, Frank J. Schneller, Arthur L. Hollenbeck, Charles A. Perham ; corporals, August Yanke, Fred V. Burrows, Ray Palmer, George Esch, Theodore Hanson, George W. King; musicians, Frank E. Frazier and Harry N. Kurtzman; wagoner, John H. Van Kirk; artificer, AVilliam D. xVllen ; privates, Albert Anderson, Gardner E. Bacon, Elbert J. Brooks, August F. Becker, James R. Boyle, 436 IllSTOKY OF MONROE COUNTY George J. Bunce, AVilliam B. Carrigan, James Davis, Ileury E. Davis, AVilliam L. Davis, George E. Davenport, Arthur DeGroff, John B. Edwards, Evan S. Evans, Thomas Finn, Ole Gustad, Jr., Bjurne Gustad, Uh'sses G. Gilbert, II. A. JIanson, Andrew L. Ilarr, Henry C. Ileitman, Olaf C. Howard, Chauncey Ilutson, Frank L. Hubbard, Albert Hiles, H. Clay Hogue, j\Iark J. Jewett, John H. Jackson, Clarence E. Kenyon, Homer A. Landt, George A. Lowry, Earl Lucas, Amiel N. Loberg, Gustave C. Link, Nathan C. ]\Iarkham, John McAuliffe, Charles L. McArthur, Edmond 0. Gillis, Lewis Navotny, John F. Nolan, Peter B. Nolan, Frank B. Nichols, Evander Noble, Edward ]\I. Perham, Frank E. Perham, George W. Paul, Lester I. Putman, ]Milton E. Put man, AValter B. Phelps, John J. Selke, Henry J. Selke, Oscar R. Swan- son, John C. Shattuck, Ernest J. Servis, Bert Smitii, Adelbert "\V. Thurston, James Van Kirk, North Vice, Fred J. Vought, Ileury A. AVaste, Roy L. Ware, Herbert E. AVebster, Perl J. AVilcox, Henry G. Wilcox, Fred W. Yanke. Pursuant to special orders First Army Corps, dated June 8, 1898, Lieut. Frank L. French, battalion recruiting officer, returned to Sparta and enlisted the following recruits and sent them to Camp Thomas, Chickamauga Park, Ga., June 15, 1898: William H. Ackerman, Edgar Abbott, Orin Brist, Clarence Chase, Olaf Erickson, IMartin Flaig, George Gamon, Ernest Gamble, Harley A. Gunn, Anton 0. Ha gen, W. N. Hubbell, W. L. Hubbell, John Houghtalling, Albert Isaacs, Ossian R. Link, ]\Iiner E. Moyer, Ned Olson, Anton Olson, Harley B. Oaks, Charles A. Preston, Aaron E. Russell, John A. Smith, Jerry Sullivan, Frank A. Seymour, Henry Schell, Lloyd Sines, Charles B. Stolts, John C. Tester and John E. Williams. During the term of service of the company several changes took place in the commissioned and noncommissioned officers. Captain INIcCoy resigned and came homo undrr date of October 13, 1898, and First Lieut. Frank L. French was commissioned captain to rank from that date and was assigned to the command of the company; John B. Schneller was promoted to first lieu- tenant October 13, 1898, and INIilon R. Gould was commissioned second lieutenant on the same date; these officers were mustered out holding the ranks named, and the noncommissioned officers at the muster out were Clark McCoy, quartermaster-sergeant; sergeants, Frank J. Schneller, August Yanke, Theodore J. Han- son, Fred V. Burrows; corporals, George W. King, Jason P. AVilliams, James Roy Boyle, Frank E. Perham, John D. Smith, THE ]\IILITARY COMPANIES 437 Frank B. Nichols, John F. Nolan, Ossian R. Link, New Olson, Clarence E. Kenyon. Musician, artificer and wagoner the same as mustered in. Discharged by Order. Corp. Ray Palmer, September 29, 1898, per cablegram Secretary of War. Pvt. Milton E. Putman, Chickamauga Park, Ga. Transferred. Pvt. Albert L. Miller to Hospital Corps, Ponce, August 5, 1898. Pvt. James Davis to Hospital Corps, Chicka- mauga Park, Ga., June 28, 1898. Pvt. Edmund McGillis to Regi- ment Band, January 2, 1899. Pvt. Earl S. Lucas to Hospital Corps, June 28, 1898. Pvt. Arthur DeGroff to Signal Corps. Pvt. Louis Navotney to Regiment Band, June 1, 1898. Killed in Action at Aibonito Pass. Corp. Oscar R. Swanson, August 12, 1898. Pvt. Fred V. Voight, August 12, 1898. Died. Pvt. Leslie McArthur, typhoid fever, in Brigade Hos- pital, Coamo, September 11, 1898. Pvt. Peter Nolan, typhoid fever, General Hospital, Ponce, October 29, 1898. Pvt. E. Miner Moyer, typhoid fever, hospital, Philadelphia, November 1, 1898. The official record of the company as it appears upon the muster out roll, compiled by Capt. Frank L. French, is as follows : '' Mustered into U. S. service May 11, 1898. May 14, 1898, left Milwaukee, AVis., for Chickamauga Park, Ga., arrived May 16. 1898. Remained in Camp Chickamauga Park until July 5, leaving for Charleston, S. C, on that date; arriving at Charleston July 7, 1898, remained in camp at Charleston until July 20; on that day embarked on U. S. transport No. 30 (Ob dam) and sailed for Porto Rico, daylight July 21. Landed at Ponce, P. R., July 28, remaining in camp there until August 7. Advanced towards San Juan, took part in engagement at Coamo August 9. 1898, went into camp that night near Aibonito Pass. August 12, during engagement wdth the Spaniards, Corporal Oscar Sw^anson and Private Fred J. Voight were killed and Cor- poral August Yanke and Private George Bunce were wounded by shrapnell fired from enemies' trenches on Asomanta Mountain. "August 13 returned to camp near Coamo, remaining there until October 2, 1898, at which time regiment proceeded toward San Juan, arriving at Cayey October 4, remaining there until October 6, 1898, returning to camp near Ponce, arriving October 9, 1898, remained until October 21, on which date we boarded steamer Manitoba and sailed for New York harbor October 22, 1898, arriving at New^ York October 28, 1898. Left New York for home station October 29, 1898, arrived at Sparta October 3L 438 IIISTUKY OF .MONROE COUNTY 1808. ]Mustored out of service January 1:^ 1890 by Captain Andrus, Fifth Cavalry mustering officer." In coninion with the other companies of tlie Tliird Regiment, Company L was reorganized and mustered into the state service ]May 1, 1890. The company has stood high among the National Guard companies and made an enviable record as a good all- around company. Its commissioned officers since the original organization with dates of commission are as follows : Captains. Robert B. IMcCoy. July 15, 1806 ; 0. L. Arnold. June 14. l!!t)7: C. C. Ayers. :\Iarch 7, lOOT: AV. A. Dickinson. January 25. 10(19: E. A. !\Ierri]l. June 1, 1911. First Lieutenants. F. L. French. July 15. 189(i: :\1. R. Gould, May 1, 1899; A. DeGrotf, January 25. 1902; 0. L. Arnold, ]\[arch 20, 1905; C. C. Ayers, June 9, 1907; J. B. Fosnot, March, 1909; W. A. Dickinson. July 7, 1909; R. A. :\Ierrill, January 25, 1909: AV. A. Ilolden June 1, 1911. Second Lieutenants. John P. Rice, July 15. 1896; J. B. Schneller. September 29. 1907; T. J. Hanson, :\Iay 1. 1899; A. DeGroflf, June 17. 1901 : 0. L. Arnold, January 25, 1902; F. E. Bauchop, April 10, 1905; C. C. Ayers, January 11. 1907; .1. B. Fosnot, June 9. 1907; W. A. Ilolden. July 7, 1909; C. F. Hanson. June 1, 1911. April 18, 1900. the company was organized into the Ail)onito Guard Association under the corporate laws of the state; every member of Company L ])eing a memlier of the association and five years' service entitles each man so serving to life member- ship. This association bought the present armory property and has it fully paid for and are entirely out of debt, and during lin2 numy valual)le imjii-ovements were uuide, including a new heating plant. UNITED SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR VETERANS. Following the Spanish-American war the necessity for organ- ization to promote the welfare of the veterans of that struggle became apparent, and in due time two camps of the order were organized in this county. Oscar Zimmerman Camp No. 20 was organized at Tomah Fei)ruary 4. lOOii. with tiie following charter members: Geo. R. Alverson. Thos. .J. .lohnson, Oscar ]\Iicl<, ^Nlet Rose, Arthur Pat- terson, Alvin E. Baumgarten, Ralph P. Johnson. W. R. ]\IcCaul. Louis Schalle. W. AV. Warren. Chas. E. Holm. Geo. J. Kuckuck. Adolph H. Nelson. Claude R. Sowle, Chas. K. "Wright, Chas. E. THE :\IILITARY COMPANIES 439 Butters, Fred Keyes, Arthur Otts, Wm. H. Sauer, J. A. Dewey, Ned. H. Lombard, Edward J. Peeore, Frank H. Sauer, Geo. H. Williams, Andrew L. Flood, Herbert Logan, John W. Reynolds, Geo. H. Terry, Harry M. Warren, Otto 0. E. Franz, Edgar A. Lea, Albert D. Beck, Bert TroAvbridge, Alfred Harp, Wm. E. Lerz. Wm. H. Root, Thos. E. C. Vesper, Benj. Lppp. Its present offcers are : Oscar Mick, commander ; Bert. Trow- bridge, S. V. ; Fred Keyes, J. V. ; Adolph Nelson, 0. of D. ; Wm. Lerz, 0. G. ; adjutant, Claude R. Sowle; quartermaster, Frank H. Sauer. Sparta Camp No. 17. A camp was originally organized some few years ago under this number, but it did not survive, owing to lack of membership, but the old number was preserved and when, in February, 1912, another camp was organized, it was given the old number of seventeen. The charter was granted February 2, 1912, with the following charter members : Geo. Esch, Geo. W. King, John A. King, F. L. French, H. C. Heitman, Evan S. Evans, John H. Jackson, H. Clay Hogue, Frank Perham, J. J. McAulitfe, Wm. L. Davis, R. B. McCoy, E. M. Perham, E. J. Brooks, Henry Selke, Perl J. AVilcox, H. H. Williams, E. A. Baumgarten, A. Anderson, Albert Larson, R. A. Richards, AValter Hammond, C. A. Hutson, Andrew J. Harr, Louis A. Losby, N. C. Markham, A. L. Hollenbeck, M. E. Putnam, A. F. Becker and H. N. Kurtzman. The present officers are : Geo. Esch, com- mander ; F. L. French, S. V. ; E. M. Perham, J. V. ; R. A. Richards, 0. of D.; Perl Wilcox, 0. of G. ; John H. Jackson, Adj.; E. J. Brooks, Quar. CHAPTER XLVIII. THE LEGAL FRATERNITY. AYliatever else may be said of the legal fraternity, it cannot be denied that its members have a more prominent position in public affairs than any other class of a community. This is but the natural result of the ability and training -which qualify one to practice law, for this also qualifies him in manj^ respects for duties Avhich lie outside of the strict patii of his profession and touch the general interest of society. His training as a public speaker gives him prominence and power; the study of the principles of jurisprudence qualify him above everything else for useful membership in law making bodies. The leaders in Congress and in our Legislature are usually lawyers. During the war of the Rebellion no one class of people went earlier to the front, served their country more devotedly or with greater distinction than the lawyers; and of the men who re- mained at home during that contest, no class of citizens took a more active part in sustaining the soldiers in the field. Without any partiality it may be said that in every period of our country's history members of the bar have shown themselves to be patri- otic ; the Declaration of Independence was drawn by a lawyer; in the war of tlie Rebellion great aid Avas rendered by such men as Adams, Hamilton, King, Marshall, Jefferson, Livingston, Clin- ton, Granger and hundreds of others who belonged to the legal profession. It is a peculiar fact that the legal mind has been and ever Avill be arrayed to the side of order, good morals and good gov- ernment. A lawyer's experience with the affairs of men, his habits of thought and reflection all tend in that direction ; Avlien elevated to the bench his influence for good is unlimited. The prominent part that members of the bar take in public affairs in this and in every other country, the weight of the influence they have exerted and the dignity they have imparted to the profession requires that in this work a permanent record of the lives of those men who have been chiefly instrumental in 440 THE LEGAL FRATERNITY 441 making the history of the bench and bar of this county should be here recorded. It may not be comph?te, as the difficulty of procuring data concerning the lives of the earlier practitioners has been great. In placing these sketches in this chapter the author has no favorites to please and has endeavored without discrimination to get the facts as they are. The earlier lawyers at Tomah were George Graham, Henry C. Spaulding and James LeRoy; A. E. Bleekman started his practice at Tomah, being associated with Mr. Spauding for a time, subsequently removed to Sparta, forming a partnership with F. H. Bloomingdale under the firm name of Bleekman and Bloom- ingdale, which firm moved to LaCrosse. F. E. Campbell was also associated with Mr. Spaulding under the firm name of Spaulding and Campbell ; Mr. Campbell, however, soon retired from the firm and went west and in later years received judicial honors. Almon A. Helms, while an employee of the St. Paul railroad, studied law in Tomah with Judge George Graham and was taken into partnership as Graham and Helms, but soon moved to ]\Ier- rill. Wis., where he has since resided. David F. Jones was admitted to the bar in 1884 and began the practice at Sparta a few years afterwards, forming a partnership with S. AV. Button, which continued a number of years ; about the time of its dissolution Mr. Jones was apointed United States District Attorney for the "Western District of Wisconsin. In 1899 found a partnership with R. A. Richards, Avho moved over from Tomah, under the firm name of Jones & Richards which con- tinued until the death of ]Mr. Jones about two years later. B. H. Hackett came to Tomah about 1895, entered the office of Judge Graham, who moved to Sparta shortly afterward and was elected district attorney twice, but died in 1901 just before beginning his second term. H. C. Altizer and AV. B. Clark lo- cated in Sparta about 1898 ; Altizer was elected district attorney and served one terra beginning in 1899 ; a partnership was formed with AV. B. Clark, which continued a short time ; soon after the expiration of Altizer 's term of office he left the county; Clark continued practice for a time and then moved to Texas. Howard Teasdale began practice in 1891 and R. B. McCoy in 1894. Four Bowler brothers — Edward, Timoth}^ James J. and George — all received their legal education while residents of the county, the first two being now in successful practice in Sheboygan, having George associated with them. James J. was in partnership with R. A. Richards under the firm name of Richards & Bowler, which was dissolved after a 442 HISTORY OF :M0XR0E COUNTY few years, ]\lr. Kiehards enlerling into partnersliip witli Z. S. Rice which continued about two years. James J. Bowler and his brother George practiced for a term under the firm name of Bowler & Bowler, but in 1IK)9 closed up their office and moved elsewhere. Of the older lawyers still in the county there remain Judge C. M. blasters, Judge George Graham, Judge S. AV. Button and George A. Richai-dson, none of whom are now in active practice except ]Mr. ^Masters and he has practically retired from court work. "William ]5. Xaylor began practice at Tomah in 1894 having associated with him H. E. Glover, Avhich continued under the firm name of Xaylor & Glover for about a year, ]\Ir. Glover retiring in 1901. "William R. ]\lc('aul and ]Mr. Xaylor formed a partnership which still continues. AVhile Colonel Graham has retired from active practice, and is at the present time serving as postmaster at Tomah, his son John G. Graham, who has l)een associated with his father for a number of years, continues the firm of Graham & Graham. A. 11. Smith practiced in the county for a time, later entering the employ of the Great Xorthern Railway, severing his con- nection Avith the road about two years ago and has since resided at ]\Ierrill, AVis. ThorAvald P. Al)el and Zelotus S. Rice both commenced the practice about 1891, ]\Ir. Rice being for a time associated with R. A. Richards. At the present tinu' the hnv of the county is composed of Messrs. Graves & blasters, S. "W. Button, George A. Richardson. R. A. Richards, R. B. McCoy, Howard Teasdale, T. P. Al)el and Z. S. Rice at Sjjarta. and Graham & Graliam and Xaylor t.^ McCaul at Tomah. Quite a number of young men received their early legal train- ing in the county and though not engaging in practice in the county to any extent, a luunber of them acquired great promi- nence on the bench and at the bar. James X'. Gillett, who became governor of California, studied law with ^lorrow & ^Masters. John J. p]sch, of national i)rominenee as congressman from this district, graduated from the Sparta high, school in 1878. In that same class was Julian Bennett, who was elected to a district judgship in South Dakota, while residing at Watertown; he died about 1905. iiox. JOHN J. EkSCii THE LEGAL FRATERNITY 443 Frank Sawyer, of same class, has for niauy years practiced law ill San Francisco. Frank F. Oster, also a high school graduate in '78, is now a district judge in California. Fred V. AVood, a high school graduate in 1886, has recently been appointed a judge in one of the northern counties of California. Of the sons of Romanzo Bunn all of them received their early education at Sparta ; George Bunn is now a district judge at St. Paul, INIinii. ; ( '. AV. Bunn is now general counsel for the Northern Pacific Railway Company, with headcpiarters at St. Paul; John Bunn is practicing at Spokane, Wash.; all very l)right men. George Gray, Avho graduated from the Sparta high school in 1886, has been practicing for some years at ]\Iilad, Idaho. Charles AV. Meadow^s, who practiced for a time at Sparta, is now county judge of Barron county. Carl Montgomery, son of Gen. Milton Montgomery, is a promi- nent lawyer of Nebraska, residing at Omaha. Judge John Anderson, of Chippewa Falls, received his early education at Tomah, afterwards graduating from the university. Clark Rosecrantz, now of IMilwaukee, at present general attorney for the Milwaukee Street Railway System, is a graduate of the Sparta high school. M. E. Powell, who studied law with L. AV. Graves and prac- ticed in the county for a time, is now a resident of Redwood Falls, Minn. A distinguished list of INIonroe county's sons who are helping to make history elsewhere. In a snbsequent chapter will be given a brief history of the county court of INIonroe county and included in it will be the lives of the men who have served as judges as far as it is possible to obtain them at this time, and naturally included in it will be those members of the bar who for a time practiced law as well as served as judges. To attempt in this work to give an historical account of the litigation which was prominent in the courts during all these years would be a task which would require a volume in itself. Among the members of the bar have been men who attracted state Avide attention by their ability and skill and advocates; but of its number only two members of the bar in this county became judges of this circuit, Hon. Romanzo Bunn and Hon. Joseph M. Morrow. 444 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY As it is men Avho make history, the lives of the members of the bar furnish, perliaps, the best historical account of the bar itself, as each one unfolds its own peculiar matters of interest anil the story of the bar in this county may best be told by giving here, as far as we are able to get them, sketches of the lives of its members, past and present. Some we have been unable to get, in some instances because of failure to answer requests, and in others a lack of opportunity, by reason of the length of time, to get information. On the 18th of September, 1854, the Circuit Court of Monroe County had its first term; the judge at that time who presided over this and over three sul)se(iuent terms of court Avas the Hon. AViram Knowlton ; unfortunately we are unable to learn any- thing of his liistorj' and except the fact that he held the first court in this county and tried a number of cases at that and the subsequent terms. E. AValrath was the sheriff and John II. Barker the clerk of the court. It is interesting to know that in these days when grand juries are almost called a thing of the past in this county and when it has been the custom of circuit judges for a long series of years to file an order dispensing with the calling of a grand jury, that .at the earlier terms of court in this county for several years a grand jury was summoned; in the first panel appears several names which are still familiar. The jury at the term of court in September, 1854, found one true bill and was then discharged by the court ; its members were Morrison ]\Ic]\[illan, foreman ; R, J. Casselman, Lymon Prescott, Loyd Angle, W. "Wooldridge. C. IT. Blake, Tliomas Fawcett, Jr., S. AY. McLogan, Alva Heath. James Rath])un, E. I. Lathrop, David IMayward. J. C. Inman, T. Barker, E. AY. Dexter and John Foster. Upon the establishment by law of the Sixth Judicial Circuit George Gale became the first judge serving from 1856 to 1861, Isaac E. ]Messmore 1861 to 1862, Edwin P'lint 1862 to 1869, Romanzo Bunn 1869 to 1877, A. AY, Newman 1878 to 1893, Joseph M. ]\Iorrow 1893 to 1894, Orvis B. AA^yman 1894 to 1900 (w^hen he died), J. J. Fruit from 1900 to 1909 (when he died), 1909 to the present by Hon. E. C. Higbee. Among the earlier practitioners we find the names of a great many of those who doubtless appeared in court in this county, but were residents elsewhere; at the first term the firm of Denison & Lyndes appears frequently upon the calendar, and at that term Ebenezer Lathrop, James H. Edsall and Carlton E. Rice were admitted to practice as attorneys; at the next term, THE LEGAL FRATEKNITY 445 in March, 1855, George F. Haswell and E. S. Blake were admitted to practice and Mr. Haswell, owing to the fact that there was no district attorney in the county, was appointed district attorney for the term by the judge. At subsequent terms during the next few years J. C. Pratt, Lincoln Montgomery, Levi "VV. Barman, Goodwin AV. Lincoln, Samuel C. Lyon, L. AY. Graves, George AY. Pratt, L. Vanshirk, N. Leonard, Joseph AA". Losey, Thomas B. Tyler, Romanzo Buun and E. I. Lathrop were admitted to practice at various terms of court. It seemed to be the rule among the earlier practitioners to form firms and to make frequent changes. For. during the years 1854 up to 1861, we find upon the court records the firms of Leonard & Tyler, Graves & Montgomery, Lathrop & Blake, Lathrop, Pratt & Blake, Lincoln & A^an Slyck, Lincoln & Rice, Graves, IMontgomery & Rice, Rice & Pratt, Montgomery, Leon- ard & Tyler, Graves & Rice, Graves & Leonard, Lincoln & Pratt, Montgomery & Tyler, Rice & Bunn, and several single practi- tioners. A little later on came J. M. Morrow^ who was associated Avith L. AY. Graves for a time under the firm name of Graves & Morrow, then came S. N. Dickenson, and for some time the firm of Mont- gomery, Tyler & Dickenson existed ; soon after the admission of C. M. Masters to the bar. in 1871 the firm of Morrow & Masters was formed and existed for a long term of years until Judge Morrow was appointed to the Circuit Bench; with his defeat for election the firm, which had, when he went to the bench, been dissolved, was again united and remained until the death of Judge Morrow, after which Judge Masters associated with himself R. B. Graves, who had previously been employed in the office of Masters & Graves, and later the son, H. M., was admitted as the junior partner and the firm is today Masters, Graves & Masters. AV. M. Graham came in the early eighties to Sparta and soon after formed a partnership with S. N. Dickenson as Dickenson & Graham. In 1891 both these gentlemen moved to AA^est Sueprior, where the firm of Knowles, Dickenson, Buchanan, Graham & AVilson was formed. C. AV. Graves practiced in the county for a number of years and at one time formed partnership with A. E. Bleekman under the firm name of Graves & Bleekman, but Graves retired and went to A^ernon county, practicing in A^iroqua, Avhere he still resides. U6 IIISIORY OF .MUXKUK LUlXTY L. W. Graves. In the earlier period of Monroe county, from about 1857 to 1874, there Avas no more prominent lawyer than Lewis AV. Graves, and there are many of the older residents of this and surrounding counties who still recall anecdotes of his forensic ability and caustic wit in tlie trial of notable cases, of which there were many in those days. "Lew" Graves, as he was familiarly known, Avas born at Attica, Wyoming county. New York, on February 28, 1825, and was the son of Rev. Xathaniel Graves, who lived for many years on Bush Prairie in tlie town of Lafayette. He received a common school education and studied law in East Aurora. Erie county, Ncav York, in the office of Humphrey & Sawin, and Avas admitted to the bar at Albion. X. Y., in 1853. lie practiced his profession in p]ast Aurora until 1856, when he came Avith his Avife and infant son to Sparta and at once Avent into active practice. He Avas married to ■Mary J. AValdo, at Fast Aurora, on August 3, 1852, and three sons Avere born of the marriage: Charles AV. Graves, a avcII knoAvn laAvyer of Viroqua, Frank H. GraA^es, editor of tliC Vernon County Leader, of Virociua, and AVilliam Graves, Avho died in 1879. Mrs. Graves surviA^ed her husband many years and died at Sparta in June. 1909. L. AY. Graves serA^ed as district attorney of Alonroe county in 1859-1860. He died at his home in Sparta on Alay 3, 1876. During his career at the bar he Avas at ditfereut times connected, as a partner, AA-ith Carlton E. Rice (Graves & Rice), Alilton ^Montgomery (Graves & IMontgomery), E. G. AVheeler (Graves & AVheeler), J. E. SnoAv (Graves & SnoAv), and .J. AI. MorroAv (GraA'cs & AIorroAA-). He Avas at all times a Democrat in i)olitics and in 1864 Avas one of the delegates to the National Democratic ConA'ention. Avhich nominated George B. AlcClellan. Mr. Graves Avas a laAvyer of great force and ability and Avas especially strong in jury trials. He loved a sharply contested laAVSuit and AAas especially noted as a socalled criminal hiAvyer. His practice extended throughout the Avestern portion of the state and he Avas constantly bi-ought in contact Avith a lot of able laAA-yers, such as AVilliam 11. Tucker. .1. \V. Loscy and B. F. ^Montgomery, of La Crosse; Fnnnons Taylor, of Portage; G. C. Pope, of Black River Falls; .John Turner, of ^lauston. and George B. Smith, of Madison, and others of like calibre. During his career at the bar he ])articipated in many notable trials and Avas nearly alAA-ays successful. Among these may be recalled the famous Skippens nuirder trial (Viroqua). in Avhich, aft conducted the prosecution of the two trials of Samuel ^Montgomery for the niurdci- of his wife, which rc^sulted in the con\'iction of ^Font- THE LEGAL FRATERNITY 455 gomery, and the appeal from the Circuit Court was sustained by the Supreme Court of the State. In 1901 a partnership was formed between Mr. Naylor and William McCaul under the firni name of Naylor & IMeCaul. which firm still continues at practice in Tomah. At the present time ]\Ir. Naylor is serving his school district as president of the school board. He is a pleasing and forceful speaker, has always been an active Republican worker and takes great interest in the local affairs of his ow^n community and the county at large. Howard Teasdale, state senator, of Sparta, has made an indeli- ble impression on the public life of Sparta and throughout the state of Wisconsin. He was born at Janesville, Rock county, on August 9, 1855, son of John and Sarah (Seymour) Teasdale (sketch of whose life appears elsewhere in this work). Mr. Teasdale first attended the schools of District No. 8, of Sparta township, where his parents were early settlers ; he after- ward pursued a course of study at the Sparta high school which was supplemented by a modern classical course at the Wisconsin State University, and afterwards a special one-year course, then took up the study of law in the law department of the university, graduating with the class of 1882. During the years of 1881 and 1886 he was engaged in the machinery business, retailing binders and other machinery with his father, who was an extensive operator in this line. It was this business and the management of the homestead farm of 1,000 acres, that engaged Mr. Teasdale 's attention until 1889, when he moved to Sparta and opened an office and engaged in the practice of law, which he has since carried on successfully in addition to many other business enter- prises in the city. Senator Teasdale 's life has been one of constant activity since early boyhood. During some ten years he followed the vocation of teaching country schools during the winter months, eight years were spent in the Monroe county schools, and two years in Dane county. He has taken an active interest in politics and has been called upon to fill many local offices of trust. For one year, 1890 to 1891, he was justice of the peace, and from 1891 to 1896 was city clerk ; it was largely through his influence that the city waterworks system was installed in Sparta, he having charge of the system as superintendent for ten years, until October, 1910, when he resigned on account of his pressing senatorial duties. He was city attorney ten years, has been treasurer of city schools fifteen years, and in 1905 was appointed by Governor LaFollettee as district attorney for Monroe county, 456 HISTORY OF .AIOXROE COUNTY filling the office for nearly two years, and vras then elected for a two-year term. He was elected state senator in 1910 from the district conii)osed of Jackson, ^Monroe and Juneau counties. His opponents in this campaign were AV. B. Nay lor, W. S. Hake and G. il. Frohmader, ^Ir. Teasdale winning in the four-cornered contest by a majority of 500. During his term of office Mr. Teas- dale has taken an active part in all the important legislation coming before the senate ; he represents the Progressive Tem- perance element and he literally opposed the Income Tax Act and the Teachers' J'ension Act. He introduced a bill for ad valorem tax of telej)hone property ; a hill forcing the physical connection of the two railroads entering cities and villages; a bill requiring owners of cemetery lots to give them care; a bill requiring uniform accounting of all asylums; a bill permitting county court to be held at Tomah ; a bill on drainage; the law requiring physicians to make thorough examination of patients before prescribing liquor; a bill for the protection of shredder operators against injury while their machinery is in operation, and many other matters of legislative importance. Senator Teasdale is a man of pleasing personality, courteous in manner, quiet in demeanor, of generous impulses, and Avithal public-spirited and charitable, and whatever relates to the moral or material betterment of the community fiiids him an ardent advocate and hearty supporter. Fraternally he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Independent Order of Good Templars, the ]Modern "Woodmen of America and the Rebekahs. He is one of the largest stockholders in and has had charge of the local telephone system since 1898 ; he is a stockholder and director in the Electric Light & Power Company, a stockholder and director in the Bank of Sparta, and stockholder of Citizens' Bank, ]\Ionroe County Bank, of Sparta, and Bank of Ontario, special state treasury agent for Wisconsin, and has been court commissioner for several yeai's. He also has large property holdings both in Sparta and other localities of the county. In 1897 Senator Teasdale married IMiss Carrie E. Davis, a native of Pennsylvania and daughter of Thomas Davis, of Tomah. ^Irs. Teasdale is a woman of fine endoAvments, whose superior qualities of mind and heart attract to her- the admiration of all who come within the range of her influence. William R. McCanl was born in Tonmh. December 5, 1872, and has resided in that city all of his life. He is a graduate of the Tomali high school, studied law in the office of Judge Graham HOWARD TEASDALE THE LEGAL FRATERNITY 457 and was admitted to the bar in 1900. He practiced for one year alone and in 1901 formed a partnership with Mr. Naylor under the firm name of Naylor & jMcCaul, which firm still continues in practice at Tomah. Mr. McCaul has been city attorney for several years, of the city of Tomah, and has conducted the affairs of this position with marked ability ; outside of that he has never held any office. He is a public spirited citizen and interested in the affairs of his community of the county; is a Democrat in politics and has become prominent in the affairs of his party. John Jacob Esch, Republican, of La Crosse, was born near Norwalk, Monroe County, Wisconsin. ]March 20, 1861, of German parents; in 1865 his parents moved to ^Milwaukee, and five years later to Sparta, Wis., where both still reside; after graduating from the Sparta high school entered the modern classical course of the state university at Madison, and took his degree with the class of 1882; for three years following engaged in teaching and the study of law, and in 1886 entered the law department of the state university and graduated in 1887 ; since being admitted to the bar has practiced law in La Crosse ; th-3 only elective office held by him was that of city treasurer of Sparta in 1885; in 1883 organized the Sparta Rifles, afterwards known as Company I, Third Regiment, Wisconsin National Guard, and was commis- sioned captain, retaining the office until 1887 ; upon his removal to La Crosse helped organize Company M, of the same regiment, being first lieutenant and afterwards captain; in January, 1894, was commissioned acting .judge advocate general, with the rank of colonel, by Gov. W. H. Upham, holding the office for two years; was elected to the Fifty-sixth, Fifty-seventh, Fifty-eighth, Fifty-ninth, Sixtieth and Sixty-first congresses, and reelected to the Sixty-second congress, receiving 15,365 votes to 7,365 for Paul W. Mahoney, Democrat; 1,180 for John Marquet, Socialist- Democrat, and 458 for A. A. Merrill, Prohibitionist. JAMES N. GILLETT. Autobiography. I w^as born in Viroqua, Vernon county, Wisconsin, on Septem- ber 20, 1860. Within a month after the great tornado which destroyed that town my parents moved to Sparta, Wis. This was about August, 1865. My father was Cyrus F. Gillett. He had two brothers. Ransome and Abraham, who also moved to Sparta about that time. I went to school at the North Primary 458 HISTORY OF .MONROE COUNTY Sc-liool, \vlu'ii the oUl brick liijili scliuol was iiiiislictl 1 went to it. I did not prradiiate from high school, ))ut was in the class that graduated in the spring 1870. In Decenilx'i-. 1S7S. I (•oininciiccd llie study of law in tlio office of Bleeknian & Graves. Before finishing my studies J\lr. Graves retired fi'diii llic (inn jind Mr. i"'. II. Iil(imiiing\^47} wlien T started, but I considered this sufificient capital for any young man going into a country having the great possibilities that I dreamed the AVest had. I remained in Alontana for several mouths, working in a saw mill ni'ar Bozeman to earn enough money to take me further on m\- journey. I learned that the thermom(>ter fre(|uently fell as low as 40 degrees below zero and as 1 li;id lived many years in a cold climate I Avanted to get away if I could. About tlie iiiiddh' of July. 1883, I reached Seattle, Avhich Avas then a siiKill town of about five thousand. I took a contract for clearing a block of land overlooking Lake AVashington. I cleared the land all right, according to contract, hut the felloAA-s for THE LEGAL FRATEKNITY 459 whom 1 was working were as poor as I was and tliey failed to pay me $83, the bahmee due in my behalf. Both of them after- wards became millionaires. While in Seattle, Henry Ward Beecher appeared there and lectured in one of the churches, his subject being "The Common People," and charged $1 admission. I happened to be in from my work getting supplies and I thought this would be my only opportunity to hear and see Beecher. I was not dressed at all for the occasion, but inasmuch as his sub- ject was on the common people and as I represented that class about as thoroughly as anybody could at that time, I concluded to go and hear what he had to say about me and the rest of us and I hid my supplies in an alley near the church and went in. After M'orking a while in Seattle I met a couple of young lawyers who were just locating. Both w^ere from La Crosse. I believe one's name was Kellogg, although I am not sure. I got them the first business they had. After this 1 found employment in a saw mill at Port Gamble, owned by Pope, Talbott & Co. I worked for them through the fall and winter of 1884, when I decided to go to California. I arrived in California about the 22nd day of April, having been seasick all the way. AVe had a storm and a rough voyage. I was traveling steerage and somehow or other I did not seem to get along just right and remained for several days in San Francisco recuperating and in looking over the situation. I finally decided to go to Humboldt county. I was told that Eureka was a thrifty little city and the center of the great redwood forests. As I had always lived in a country where there was timber and hills I thought I would feel more at home if I settled in such a place and I arrived in Eureka on the 5th of May, 1884. I worked there for a while in the woods and in saw mills until I had earned sufficient money to get a small law library and some office furniture. Having secured enough to get started I bought my library, furnished my office and commenced the practice of law. At that time Eureka was a very prosperous community. There was considerable litigation and in a very short time I had Avorked myself into a very good practice which continued to grow as time rolled on. In 1896 I became a candidate for the state senate from the First Senatorial District and was elected for a term of four years. In 1902 I became a candidate for Congress from the First Con- gressional District of California and was elected and served through the Fifty-eighth and Fifty-ninth congresses. While I was in Washington I was a member of the Judiciary Committee. 460 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY Judge Jenkins, of Chippewa Falls, AVis., Avas chairniau of that eommittee. ]\ly life in AVashington was very pleasant. I met there ]\Iiss Anna Smith, who was tlim cinployed in the Interior Department. She was my teacher in Sparta for many years in the primary, intermediate, and higli school grades. I also met Henry Casson, sergeant-at-arms of the House of Representatives, and AVilliam Kern, who lived in Sparta a iuiml)er of years ago and who will be rememl)eri'd by all the old settlers. I also had the pleasure of again meeting my old ehum and schoolmate, John Esch, who at thai lime was, and is now, one of the most prominent and highly respected iiicinbers of the House of Representatives. In 1906 I was elected governor of the State of California I have had four children, two l)oys and two girls. My oldest boy died about eight years ago. Tlie youngest boy, James, is now nearly eleven. J. N. Gillett. C. W. Bunn, tlie son of Judge Ronumzo l^unn, who moved to Tomah with his father in 1861, at which time he was six years of age. lie attended the public schools of Sparta and from there, in 1870, went to the University of AViseonsin, graduating there, B. S., in 187-4, and from the law school in 1875. He then moved to La Crosse, Avhere ho lived until 1885 and Mas a member of the firm of Cameron, Losey & Bunn, which firm afterwards became Losey & Bunn, upon the retirement of Air. Cameron. In 1885 he removed to St. Paul, forming a partnershij) with J. AV. Lusk. who formerly had lived at Reidsburg, AVis., under the firm name of Lusk & Bunn, which was succeeded by the firm Lusk, Bunn & Iladley and afterwards by Bunn & Hadley. In 1896 he became the general counsel of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, M'hich position he still holds. Frank Fredrick Cster was born at Sparta, AVis., June 3, 1860, his parents being Alidiarl Peter Oster and Alagdalene Oster (nee Titus). Attended llic public schools of Sparta and graduated from the Sparta high school in June, 1876. Entered the Uni- versity of AVisconsin tlie same fall and graduated tlu^refrom in June, 1882, Avith the degree of bachelor of letters. Read law with Alorrow & Alasters and was admitted to the bar in 1885, While reading law, was elect(>d justice of the peace and police judge (two offices) for tlie tei'iii of Iwo years, served one year, rcsigiKMJ iiiKJ. in the fall of 1886 removed to California, where 111' lias since resided. On the organization of the city of Colton, in 1887, he was a]ipi)inted its first city attorney and held that office niitil 1892. when he resigned. In 1890 he formed law ]iart- THE LEGAL FRATERNITY 461 nership with W. J. Curtis, at San Bernardino, under the name of Curtis & Oster, but continued to reside at Colton until Janu- ary 1, 1893, when, on taking office as district attorney of San Bernardino county, he removed to the city of San Bernardino — the county seat. Served two years as district attorney, declined renomination which was offered him. In 1895 he was nominated and elected judge of the Superior Court of San Bernardino county for the term of six years ; was reelected in 1901 and again in 1907, the last time without opposition either in conven- tion or at the polls. Still holds that office. In politics he has always been a Republican. He was married at Colton, Cal., October 15, 1891, to ]\Iiss Elsie ]M. Donald and has one child — a son named Donald Titus Oster, now 17 years old. He is a Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner, belongs also to the Elks and Knights of Pythias. He is active in all public atfairs. Secured $20,000 from Andrew Carnegie for a library at San Bernardino, was first president of the San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce, and was chairman of the committee appointed to prepare and was the principal author of the present Juvenile Court Law of California, generally believed to be the most advanced measure of its kind in existence. He was also chairman of the campaign committee which recently sought to raise $75,000 for a Y. M. C. A. at San Bernardino and succeeded in raising donations aggregating nearly twice that amount. Randolph A. Richards Avas born at ^Milwaukee. Wis., January 5, 1863 ; in 1867 his parents moved to Tomah. his father. Dr. J. F. Richards, there entering upon the practice of medicine. He attended the public schools at Tomah, graduating from the high school with the class of 1882; was the valedictorian of his class. Soon after graduating he entered the law office of Hoii. George Graham as student and clerk; he passed the examination of the State Board at ^Milwaukee and was admitted to the bar December 28, 1887 ; his practice has been principally confined to this county. AVhile living at Tomah he served as city attorney several terms and as district attorney one term and was a mem- ber of the Board of Education of Tomah for four years and served on the county board for three years. He was one of the organizers of Company K, Third Regiment W. X. G., being mustered in as a corporal with the Company May 28, 1884; was elected second lieutenant in 1886 and captain in 1887; he commanded Company K from September 5, 1887. until his promotion to the rank of major in 1897; during this term he was instrumental in causing the erection of the armory. 462 lllSTOKY OF ,MUXKOK LOINTY I'poii rc((i\iii^- his (•(iimnissioii ;is major he ^v\Ir. Willett M. Spoonei- "s retirement from the tinn Charles P. Spooner continued under the firm name of Spooner l^ Rosecrantz until 1890 when S|)ooi;er left Alilwaiikee to engage in the practice of law at Seattle, Wash. Mr. Rosecrantz continued the practice alone until .May, 1910, when tli(> firm of Van Dyke, Rosecrantz, Shaw & Van Dvke was formed, which still continues. THE LEGAL FRATERNITY 463 ]Mr. Roseerantz has for a great many years been the general attorney of the ]\Iihvaukee Light & Traction Company, which control the street car lines in that city and several interurban lines. M. E. Powell Avas born at Farmsville, Cattaraugus county, New York, April 11, 1840, and came to Sparta in 1853; resided on a farm until 1858 when he connnenced th.e study of law in the office of L. AY. Graves, which continued until the time of his enlistment in the First AVisconsin Battery of Light Artillery at La Crosse in 1861. He served throughout his term of three years and was mustered out in 1864, then returned to Sparta and com- pleted his legal studies in the office of lion. Romanzo Bunn and was admitted to practice l)y Judge Edwin Flint, September 25. 1865 ; he removed to Redwood Falls, Minn., in 1867 and there practiced law for about forty years; he has retired from active practice and is now enjoying the fruits of his labor at Redwood Falls. John Anderson was born at Fox Lake, AYis., January 22, 1855, his family soon removing to Tomah. He attended the schools at Tomah and Sparta and later graduated from the University of AVisconsin. He taught the ]\Iauston High School for two years as principal, came to Sparta and studied law in the office of Morrow & ^Masters ; was admitted to the bar and began practice at Chippewa Falls, soon afterwards being elected county judge, Avhich ot!ice he held for twelve years; was at one time city attor- ney and mayor of Chippewa Falls. He died Alarch 25, 1911. Almon A. Helms was l)()rn in the town of Norfolk, St. Law- rence county, state of New York, October 18, 1846. Received a common school education in the schools of the counties of St. Lawrence and Franklin, in that state. After he became abont 14 years of age he worked at farming summers and taught school two winters in the district schools of the state of New York. Canu^ to AVisconsin in the spring of 1866, locating at Durand, in Pepin county, and resided there nntil the spring of 1874. AVhile at Durand he worked one sunnuer in the Knopp, Stout & Co. saw mill, clerked in a drug store one sum- mer, clerked on a steamboat on the Chippewa river four summers, taught in the county schools four winters and two summers, read law with Hon. II. E. Houghton one winter. He moved to Tomah with his family in jNlarch, 1874, entering the employ of the Chicago, iNlilwaukee & St. Paul Railway as a clerk in the Tomah depot, remaining there about a year and a half; afterwards entering the employ of the Wisconsin Valley 464 HISTORY OF :\IONROE COUNTY Conipany until January 1, 1876, at wliich time he entered the olilicc of Hon. George Graham as i-h-rk and student. He "vvas admitted to the bar by Hon. Romanzo Bunn, eireiiit judge, in September, 1876, entering into partnership with Judge Graham, ■\vhicli continued until August, 1881. He removed to Osseo, "Wis., in September, 1881, and from there to ]\Iei'rill, Wis., in ]\Iay, 1882, entering into partnership with S. ^I. Hoyt, which continued until 1885. He was elected county .judge of Lincoln county, serving one term, and was elected municipal judge in 1891, and has been the incumbent of the office as municipal and superior court judge ever since. Served as mayor of the city of ^lerrill for one year JNIay 1, 1887, to ]\Iay 1, 1888; is now a member of the Board of Education of the Merrill schools and has been for some time. Charles W. Meadows was born at Trenton. X. J., February 24, 1847; in the fall of 1855 his parents moved to ]\Ionroe county, locating in the town of Leon and meeting with their full share of the hardships and inconveniences which fell to the lot of the pioneers of early days. At the breaking out of the Civil AVar his two older brothers, AVilliam H. and Thomas p]., enlisted and went to the front, leaving him at home with his father, mother and little sister. Plowever, early in January, 1864, although not yet seventeen years of age, being five feet seven inches tall and weighing one hundred and twenty-five pounds, passed him into the service and he enlisted and served with bis two lirothers until the close of the war; he enlisted in Company A of the Third Cavalry and joined his comj^any at Fort Curtis. ^lo., where the troops of whicli lie was attaclied were engaged in contesting with Price, Shelby and Quantrell as to who should occupy that jiart of the country. From the time he joined the company until he was nuistered out. September, 1865, he saw a great deal of service, chietly scouting and escoit duty, but also quite a battle of sharp fighting during the campaign against Pric(» in the fall of 1864, taking part in several battles Avhere from fifteen to twenty thou- sand cavalry engaged on a side. Til tlie summer of 1878 he began the study of law in the office of \V. J. llahn, Lake City, ]\Iinn., and in the fall of the same year entered the office of ]Morrow & ]\Iasters at Sparta and was admitted to tlie bar there by Judge Newman at the October term of the circuit court in 1880; he remained with ]\Iorrow & Masters until the spring of 1881 when he married jMiss Kdna L. Tri.sh, at Viroqua, when, in company with S. 'M. Hoyt, also a student THE LEGAL FRATERNITY 465 of Morrow & Masters, opened a law office at Merrill, Wis. ; when there, he states, they practiced "economy" for several months, when, owing to the death of his father, he returned to Sparta, remaining there until the following spring and then removed to Barron county, which he has since called his home, although he spent a year or tAvo in Georgia and four years in AVashington, D. C. In 1901 he was elected county judge of Barron county and at the present time is serving his third term in that capacity. Mr. Meadows was in Sparta during the days of J. N. Gillett and he states that his first lawsuit was tried in the winter of 1881 and that if he had known that he was fighting against the future governor of the state of California it is quite probable, he says, that he would not have gone into the case, as Governor Gil- lett was at that time a student in the office of Bleekman & Bloom- ingdale and the case referred to Avas also the time Avhich Gillett had the honor to try as his maiden effort. As Mr. Meadows very tritely phrased it : "It Avas a horse trade case and I had not a oit of eA'idence and what Avas still Avorse my client had no money; besides, Jim, like the red nose man in 'PickAvick, ' had the 'gift of the gab Averry gallopin,' and he just 'Avoke the cathedral music of the universe' in trying the case, entirely submerging my penny whistle, and of course I lost, but I do not believe Jim has collected his judgment yet." Charles W. Graves, of Viroqua, was born at East Aurora, Erie county, Ncav York, on November 29, 1854; is the oldest son of Lewis W. Graves. His mother's maiden name Avas I\Iary J. Walds. In 1856 his parents removed to Sparta, Avhere JNIr. GraA^es spent his years until 1879, receiving a common high school educa- tion in the Sparta schools. In 1874 he began the study of laAV in his father's office and in January, 1876, Avas admitted to the l)ar at Sparta before Judge Romanzo Bunn. He began practice in Sparta and in 1876 Avas associated Avith Fred T. Condit and later (1877-78) Avith A. E. Bleekman. In 1876 Mr. Graves Avas toAvn clerk of the town of Sparta. In May, 1879, he removed to Viroqua, forming a laAV copartnership AA^ith Col. C. M. Butt, of that city, Avhich continued for fifteen years. During the years 1891-1892-1893 he served as secretary of the State Board of World's Fair Managers in connection Avith the Chicago AVorld's Fair and during these three years gave nearly his entire time to the duties of the office. In May, 1894, he Avas appointed county judge of Vernon county and served until January 1, 1898. Since then he has practiced laAV in Virociua and is still in active practice. 466 HISTORY OF :\10XR0E COUNTY In 1875 he married Miss Ida Reas. of Sparta, four children l)ein^ born to them, viz., Earl AY. Graves, R. B. Graves, of Sparta, Allan ]\I. Graves and Mrs. S. M. C'offland. In 1897 Mrs. Graves died, and in the fall of 1899 he married Miss Nettie McMichael, of Viroqua. E. R. Bowler was born in Uic town of LaFayette, ]\Ionroe county, Wisconsin, on September 25, 1869. lie attended the Bush Prairie school, wliicli Avas known as one of the leading district schools of ]\lonroi' county. He afterward attended the Sparta high school ; after completing the course he was appointed to the position of railway mail clerk under the United States Civil Service Act, and served in that capacity for a period of about three years, his principal route during that time being between Chicago and j\Iinneai)olis. He lefr the railway mail service to enter the University of AVisconsin. and when taking the academic course he belonged to the Philomathea Debating Society, as well as other prominent debating societies at the University of AVisconsin, and w'as chosen as one of the joint debators to represent the University of Wisconsin in joint debate between that institution and the university of the state of ]Miune- sota. His associates in this debate were ]\Ir. E. A. Evans, of Baraboo, and Mr. AY. J. Kalaher. Milwaukee, and with them he won the first debate that had been won from the University of Minnesota in a number of years. He completed the law course at the University of AVisconsin in 1896, after which lime he was employed in the office of D. F. .lom^s. who was then United States district attorney for \ho western district of AVisconsin, In P^ebruary, 1898, he formed a pai'tnership Avith his ])rother, T. ]\I. Bowler, and under the partnership name of Bowler & Bowler they entered into the practice of law at the city of Sheboygan. Wis. His advancement as a lawyer was very rapid, and he has been recognized throughout the state as one of the leadinir lawyers. He has been engaged from tiine to time in some of Ihc most important litigations in the eastern jiart of the state. During the last sessions of the legislature he has represented large interests before that body in framing l.>gislation. he having represented the State Bankers' Association ol' the State of AVis- consin: State AFanufacturers' Association of th(> State of AVisconsin, as well as many other large interests. He, together with his brother, T. AI. Bowler, who comprise the firm of Bowler & Bowler at Sheboygan, are enjoying the confidence of the entire community, and have a very large prac- tice in thcii" profession in that section of the state. He was united THE LEGAL FRATERNITY 467 in marriage in Jnly, 1900, to Gertrude Edmondson, of Albany, Mo., and to them have been born three children, Madeline, Harold and Gertrude. T. M. Bowler was born in the town of LaFayette, Monroe county, Wisconsin, on August 26, 1871. He attended the district school during his early boyhood, and thereafter attended the high school in the city of Sparta, and taught school in several parts of Monroe county, after which he attented normal school, and shortly after being a graduate of the normal school in 1892, was elected county superintendent of schools of Monroe county on the Democratic ticket, he being one of the few Democrats elected to county office at that time. During his term as county superintendent he established the summer school for teachers in this county, which has been conducted yearly ever since, and has been a great help to the common schools of this county. He was defeated for reelection in 1894, on account of the large Republican majority in the county, and at the expiration of his term as county superintendent on January 1, 1895. entered the law school at the University of Wisconsin, and finished that course with his brother, E. R. Bowler, in June, 1896. He was excused from taking final examinations in the law school on account of his high class records, and in February, 1898, he entered the practice of law at the city of Sheboygan, AVis., in partnership formed wnth his brother, E. R. Bowler. He was elected city attorney of the city of Sheboygan in the spring of 1899, and held that office for a period of four years. During this time the firm of Bowler & Bowler had become employed by and represented large interests, such as the Chicago & North- Western Railway Company, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, the Sheboygan Railway & Electric Company, as well as other large interests, and for this reason he declined to accept further political office, and has since that time devoted his entire attention to those interests which his firm represent. He is a member of the Knights of Columlnis, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and Fraternal Order of Eagles, and has held the highest office in all those orders, and Avith his brother, E. R. Bowler, enjoys a very successful practice. He has succeeded from a business standpoint, at this time being president of the Citizens' Telephone Exchange, and is interested in a financial Avay in many other large interests in Sheboygan. He married a Monroe county girl. Miss Mary Ebert, Tomah, Wis., and one child was born, Dorothy, aged eleven years. James J. Bowler was born in the town LaFayette, in Afonroe 468 IITSTORY OF IMOXROE COFXTV county, on the 0th day of ^March, 1877. He obtained his common school education in the liush Prairie sclioois, and entered the Sparta high school in 1800, and graduated therefrom in ]S04. Upon graduation from tlie Sparta high school he taught school in j\Ionroe county for three years, being principal of the Tunnel City and Cashton graded schools. Cashton school became a high school the year ]\Ir. Bowler gave up the vocation of Tcniching to enter tlie law department of the state university at ^ladison, which he did in the year 1897. He received his degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1000. While at the university, "Jim'' was prominent both in debating circles and in tlie management and direction of the athletic affairs at the university, being selected as a member of the joint debate of the Missouri inter- collegiate debate and also acting in the capacity of baseball manager and assistant football manager. ]\Ir. BoAvler, upon being admitted to the practice of law, entered the law office of Jones & Rieliards, at Sparta, and shortly after the death of Mr. Jones became the junior member of the firm of Richards & Bowler, which partnership continued until January 1, 1007, when he entered into partnership with liis brother George under the firm name of Bowler & Bowler, which partnership continued until Januai-y 1. 1008. George then went to Sheboygan with his older brothers FA and Tim, and Jim engaged in the practice of law at AYausau. AVis.. where he remained until the first of December, 1011, when he removed to IMilwaukee, AYis.. where he is now engaged in the practice of his profession. George J. Bowler was horn in tlie town of LaFayette, ]\Ionroe county, Wisconsin, July ]0. 1870. He attend<'d the district school of that town and later entered the high school in the eity of Sparta, graduating from thai school in -hine, 1805. lie tlien taught school in the county of IMonroe, afterward conducting Avitli his brother, John Bowler, the Bowler Brothers' Fruit Farm, whieh has been generally known as one of the pioneer fruit farms of this section of the state. He later entered the I'ni- versity of Wisconsin, and graduated from the law department of that institution in June, 100:^. after which he entered the employ of the firm of Richards & Bowler at S]iarta, Wis., and continued in their employ until January 1, lOOo, at which time he, with his brother. James J. liowler, formed a partnership and practiced law at Sparta under the firm name of Bowler & Bowler until Januarv 1, 1008, at wliich time he went to Shel)ovi]ran, Wis., and has been associated there with his brothers, E. R. Bowler THE LEGAL FRATERNITY 469 and T. M. Bowler, until January 1, 1912. He is now practicing law in the city of jMilwaukee, now" being associated with the firm of McGee & Jeger, Nos. 1126-1180 AVells Building, of that city. William F. Sawyer was l)orn in La Crosse county about two miles northwest of what is now the town of Rockland and attended the country school near Big Creek, afterwards attending Viroqua high school for a time and then came to Sparta, attend- ing the high school there and graduated in the same class with John J. Esch, Frank Oster and others. After leaving the high school he taught school for a time and then attended Valparaiso university where he obtained the degree of A. B. and afterwards entered the Colombia Law School in New York City, finally completing his legal education at the Hastings College of Law in San Francisco, which is a part of the University of California, where the degree of LL. B. was conferred upon him. He w^as then admitted to practice law and located at San Francisco^ Avhere he has practiced for over twenty years. At the time of the great earthquake and fire in April, 1906, he had his offices in the ]\Iills building, which was burned and in which he also resided in apartments. He saved some of the records and a few books from his office at the time of the fire, but in order to do so, he had to move them five times and was from four o'clock in the afternoon of the day of the earthquake until the forenoon of the next day in saving what few things were not burned. Immediately after the fire he was in doubt as to what to do, but finally decided to establish an office again and he found that since the earthquake and fire there has been more legal business in the city than there was prior to that time. ]\Ir. Sawyer engages in the general practice of law, except that he does not take criminal cases; and gives special attention to the law of real estate and corporations. For about ten years Mr. A. C. Freeman, George E. Bates and Mr. Sawyer had offices together, Mr. Freeman being the author of "Freeman on Judgments" and the editor of the "American Decisions" and of the "American State Reports." Mr. Sawyer is unmarried ; and is a member of the Union League Club of San Francisco and takes an active part in polit- ical matters. He is interested in the growth of the city and believes that San Francisco, wdien fully rebuilt, will be one of the finest cities of its size in the world. Ray B. Graves was born at Sparta, AVis., October 1, 1878, is the son of C. W. Graves; his parents moved to Viroqua soon after his birth or during early boyhood and his early education 470 TTTSTORY OF :\rOXROE fOrXTY was received in that city, graduating from tlif X'ironua high school in 1897. lie studied law in tlie otficc of ('. AV. Graves and passing the state bai- examination successfully, was admitted to the bar August 28, 1898. He came to Sparta and entered the office of Morrow & Masters in January. 1899. After the death of Judge ]\I()rrow, the fii'm of blasters & Graves was formed and some time later tlie fii'm Ix'came Masters, Graves & ^Masters, by the admission of II. J. .Masters. Mr. Graves is a successful trial lawyer and has been engaged in much of the important litigation in the county, notably being selected by the court and appointed to assist the district attorney in the Montgomery murder trial. John G. Graham was born at Tomah. September 2. 1875. and is the son of Col. George Graham. He received his early education in the schools of Tomah, graduating from the liigli school in June, 1898; he afterwards took a two-years' collegiate course at the University of Wisconsin. He studied for three years at the law sehool of the T^niversity of AVisconsin and then entered his father's office, being successful in passing the state bar examination and was admitted to practice January 1, 1900. He commenced the practice of law with his father the same year under the firm name of Graham & Graham, which is still the firm name, though Colonel Graham has retired from active practice. Mr. Graham has won good success at the bar and is considered one of the growing young men in the profession. Harry J. Masters was born at Sparta, AVis.. Alay 29, 1880. and is the son of Judge C. JVI. IMasters. He was educated in Sparta, graduating from the high school with the class of 1899, afterwards entering the University of AVisconsin. taking uj) the study of laAV ; graduated in 1904, and after a period of rest, took nj) the practice of his i)rof(\ssion as the junior member of the firm of Masters, Graves & Alasters. lie is a close student, endowed with a good stock of common sense, and is one of the <'omi]ig young members of the bar. Thorwald P. Abel, district attorney of Sparta. Among the well-known attorneys of Alonroe county is he whose name heads this sketch. His parents, John J. and Laura (Johnson) Abel, immigrated from Denmark, their native country, to the United States in the sixties, and settled at Kenosha. AVis., where our sul)ject was born April 24. 1878. Among the many responsible positions held by the si'uior Abel may be mentioned that of United States inspector of immigration at Portal, X. D. The preliminary (>ducation of Thoi'wnld V. was ol)tained at THE LEGAL FRATEENITY 471 the Kenosha public schools, which was supplemented with a thorough course in the law department of the Wisconsin State University at Madison, where he was graduated wath the class of 1902. In October of that year he located at Sparta and com- menced the practice of his chosen profession, which he has since followed wnth gratifying success. In 1908 he was elected dis- trict attorney for ]\[onroe county, and so well did he discharge the duties of the office that he Avas re-elected in 1910 for a sec- ond term of two years. In fraternal and social matters he is an active participant, being a member of the Knights of Pythias order and the Modern Woodmen of America. He was united in marriage on February 8, 1905, to Miss Charlotte C. Kent, daughter of William and Florence (Cooper) Kent, of Beloit, Kan. Zelotus S. Rice, attorney at laAv, and one of the substantial citizens of Sparta, is a native of Monroe county, and was born at Wilton, August 7, 1881. His father, Mr. J. P. Rice, who is prominent in business circles throughout the county, and his mother, whose maiden name was Mary A. O'Leary, are also natives of Wisconsin. Mr. Rice received his education in the public and high schools of Sparta, graduating from the latter w^ith the class of 1901. He spent a year in the law department of the University of Minnesota and finished his course at the University of Wiscon- sin, graduating with the class of 1904. After completing his law studies, he located at Sparta in 1905 and formed a partner- ship with Col. R. A. Richards in the practice of his profession, the firm name being Richards & Rice. This partnership con- tinued for about three years — 1908, at which time it was dis- solved and Mr. Rice moved into the Knudson building, on Oak street, where he has since carried on a general practice on his ow^n account, and has been eminently successful. He is serving his third term as city attorney of the city of Sparta, and has made for himself an enviable record during his incumbency. He holds the office of the local examiner of the Civil Service Commission. Mr. Rice is one of that coterie of young men of the Sparta high school who were developed under the tutelage of Professor Doty. His ambition to become a lawyer was manifested early and met with the approval of his father, whose knowledge of the law is broad because of his w^ork as an abstractor and county officer, and his success in his home city has been w^ell earned •and notable. During the past four or five years he has attracted 472 HISTORY OF .MONROE COUNTY to his office a great deal of the eoinmereial and real estate law business of the better sort. His practice is firmly established and is more extensive than his county. lie has the appearance and demeanor of a lawyer and is endowed with a great brain and much talent. ilr. Rice has. up to lliis time, given his entire attention to his law i)ractice and avoided tlie many temptations and oppor- tunities to enter politics, although he has been twice elected to the office of supervisor from the Fonrtli ward of the city of Sparta, without opposition and without his having sought the office, and has served on the county board and has been one of the leaders there and a great power for good. CHAPTER XLIX. THE COUNTY COURT. Everything in niunieipal affairs has its beginning and the establishment of the county government by law brought with it the inauguration of the county or probate court; naturally, the duties of the judge were very light for a number of years, how light is best indicated by the fact that A. H. Blake, the first county judge, received no pay for his services until 1857, and at a special meeting of the county board held in March of that year, the judge presented a bill for his services from May, 1854, to March, 1857, being for holding court thirty-one days at $2.00 per day, a total of $62.00, which was allowed. In 1858 the per diem was increased by an act of the legislature from $2.00 per day to $5.00, and this, with some fees provided for, made the office pay a little better. In 1862, the records and files of the office having accumulated to such an extent as to require some method of filing, G. E. Pratt, who was then county judge, asked the county board for an appropriation to procure a filing case. The board, at its November session of that year, passed a resolution, in response to this request, appropriating the sum of $3.75 for that purpose, authorizing the judge to have a filing case made to cost not more than that sum. To us today that looks ridiculous, but was undoubtedly ample for the time and the amount of busi- ness to be done. The jurisdiction of the court in this county has never been enlarged to include the trial of minor civil and criminal cases, as is the fact in some counties, such enlarged jurisdiction being conferred by a special act of the legislature. Principally a court of probate for the administration of estates of deceased persons, the law prescribes additional powers, including the sentencing of offenders who plead guilty in cer- tain cases; the hearing of i)reliminary examinations to bind over offenders in cases beyond the jurisdiction of a justice of the peace, to the circuit court for trial ; the examination of insane persons and paupers, committing them to the proper institutions, together with all the powers of a court commissioner as to per- forming marriages, taking depositions and the like. 473 474 HISTORY OF .MONROE COUNTY AVith the lapse of years, and espoc-ially in the last fifteen years, the work has grown to sueh an extent as to occupy nearly the whole time of the judge; the salary is now $1,000 per year with an allowance for clerk hire; terms are held twice a month, one of them being held at Tomah, under an act of the legisla- ture passed in I'Jll i)eniiitting tliat to be done; it is often neces- sary for the court to hold special terms, which at times average more than one a month besides the regular terms. In the fifty- seven years of its existence, the court has had ten judges: A. H. Blake, George E. Pratt, L. B. Xoyes, W. W. Jackson, George Graham. T. D. Steele, C. :\r. .Alasters, AV. :M. Graham, S. AV. Button and Robert B. McCoy. It is unfortunate that there is nt) data nor any persons now at hand from which can be pro- cured the account of the lives of some of these judges, notably A. II. Blake, G. E. Pratt and L. B. Noyes. Here are given sketches of the lives of those judges which we have been able to obtain. William Wallace Jackson was born in Ontario county, state of New York, in 181."^: he moved to Adrian, Alich.. when about seventeen years of age, where he resided until the breaking out of the Black Hawk War; he enlisted as a soldier in that war, but before the troops to which he was attached reached the scene of conflict the war over and he was discharged and returned home. He came to AVisconsin in 1853, locating first at Hart- ford, in AVashington county; a year later, in April, 1854, he came to Monroe county and settled in what is now the town of Adrian. At this time the Chicago, Alilwaukee & St. Paul Railway Avas pushing its line westward, not luiving yet ri-aclicd Tomah. Air. Jackson believed that the line would come through the town of Adrian in order to avoid tunneling the ridge at what is now Tunnel City; in fact, the engineers of the company contemplated this route for some time, as there is a natural pass through the dividing ridge which would obviate the necessity for a tunnel. Acting upon this belief, which was well founded at the time. Mr. Jackson chose a good location and platted the village of Jack- sonville in the town of Adrian, the plat of v/hich is still in exis- tence; the proposed village was twelve miles from Sparta, and about four miles west of Tomah; the railroad did not come that Avay. however, and the village of Jacksonville became a memory. Kai-ly in 1855 Air. Jackson built a saw mill in the town of Adrian and also one in the town of Tomah, the latter being located east of the village of Tomah, about two miles, at a place which was THE COUNTY COURT 475 named "Limerick," which consisted of the mill and a few shacks for the employees. This place, Avith the removal of the saw mill also passed into oblivion wnth the decay and destruction of its buildings. Judge Jackson was admitted to the bar in 1858, but did not folloAV tlie law as a profession, devoting himself almost wholly to agriculture and engaging occasionally in politics. He was very prominent in county affairs, and in 1858 was appointed county judge by Governor Randall, and was re-elected for the full term. He served as chairman of the town board of Adrian for fourteen years and occupied an influential position in the board of supervisors in his time ; he served in the legislatures of 1862-63 and 1874-75. Approaching the age limit, when rest was desirable, Judge Jackson, a few years before he died, built a home in the city of Tomah and moved from his farm with his family, where he lived until the time of his death. Judge Jackson was truly one of the pioneers who helped to hew civilization out of the wilder- ness in AVisconsin, a broad minded, big hearted man, a leader in his community, typical of that splendid manhood to which this county and state owes so much. Charles M. Masters. The senior member of the firm of Mas- ters, Graves & Masters, has had a distinguished career, and made an enviable reputation in his chosen calling. He has practiced law in this county something like thirty-nine years, giving good service to his clients and gaining the respect of the community in which he lives. Judge Masters was born in Springfield, Mass., October 1, 1841, w^as educated at the high school, and at Amherst and AVil- braham academies. He taught school in Connecticut for two years and then removed to La Crosse, Wis., where he engaged in the insurance business for about two years. In 1865 he located at Sparta and engaged in the book and stationery busi- ness, and while engaged in that business he read law with L. AY. Graves; he was admitted to the bar in 1871 and in 1872 formed a partnership with Joseph M. IMorrow. In 1878 he was elected county judge of this county, and was re-elected in 1882, serving in that office for eight years. Judge Masters is a thirty-second degree Mason, a member of Wisconsin Consistory, is a past master of Valley Lodge, No. 60, Free and Accepted Masons, and was a member of the local lodge of the Ancient Order of Ignited AYorkmen, in which order he became grand master of the grand lodge of the state of Wis- 47G IIISTOKV OF MOXKOE COrXTV cousin, ami Avas also ok'ctcd supreme grand master of the supreme lodge of that order of the I'nited States and Canada. After the death of -Tudgi^ IMorrow, Judge ^Masters formed a partnership Avith R. H. Graves, and later on took into the firm his son. II. J. ]\Iasters. ■Judge ^Masters Avas mai-i-ied on Deeeniher 7, 1865, to ]\Iiss Klla Seely, of Bangor, AVis.. who died :\Iay 12, 1882. Two chil- dren were born to them, Louise B.. -who died in 1878, and Harry J., now junior partner in the tinii. fii January, 1911, he married Mrs. Alice Pharis, of Syracuse, N. Y.. and during the fall of the year purchased what is known as the Dr. Gage resi- dence, on Water street, in the city of Sparta, where he no\v resides. Seth W. Button, was born in ^Michigan in 1836. He came with his i^arents to Green county, AVisconsin, in 1842, and has resided in the state ever since, except two years. ]\Ir. Button's father died in 1844, leaving him an orphan at a tender age. He made his hoine mostly with a brother on a farm, doing farm work for several years, attending a district school occasionally, school advantages being very meager in those days and in that new country, and he made little progress in his studies. AVhen sixteen years of age he went on foot to a place just east of "Whitewater, Wis., where the first railroad in the state was being Iniilt from ]\Iihvaukee to Prairie Du Chien, and got work excavat- ing for the road bed until late in the fall; returned to Decatur, Wis., and as soon as he could do so began attending district school for the balance of the w'inter and working at any odd job about town to earn a livelihood ; studied evenings and at spare times, but owing to the fact that he had to earn his own living, he found himself l)ehind most students in his studies. During the summer of 18r)4 he worked at the carpenter's trade at Stillwater, ]\Iinn.; the next spring, being then nine- teen years of age, he bought a breaking team of five yoke of oxen, mostly on credit, hired a boy younger tlian himself, and started from Green county across the country, past IMadison, Devil's Lake and so on along the ridge road just south of Sparta down into the valley and on to La Crosse, ferried his outfit across the river on a one-horse ferry, slept in the swamp on the west side of the river that night ; in the morning he got his team together and steered his course to the country about twelve miles southwest of Red AVing, ^Nliiui., and in that vieinity he followed the l)usiness of breaking prairie during the summer, sleeping on the ground and cooking his own meals, and rustling his cattle THE COUNTY COURT 477 in the high wet grass, going to work mornings wet to the shonl- ders with the heavy dews; in the late fall he sold his outfit, returning to Green county, paid his debts, and with a party of other young people started a select school and hired a teacher for the winter, studied hard, and finally in the district schools and Beloit college he fitted himself for teaching, this work and carpentering work he followed, in tin- meantime keeping up his studies and also the study of law ; he finally passed a successful examination and was admitted to the bar in 1860 and opened a law office at Prescott, Wis. ; the Civil War breaking out in 1861, he closed his office in the late summer of that year, enlisted in Company F. First Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Colonel Stark- weather's regiment; Avent to the front and soon was in the thick of the fight. For gallant conduct he was rapidly promoted to the grade of sergeant, first sergeant, orderly sergeant, sergeant major of the regiment and second lieutenant of his company, and finally first lieutenant by brevet ; had command of his com- pany while still a non-connnissioned officer in the battle of Perrysville, Ky., and Stone River, Tenn. ; was slightly wounded at Perryville by a spent ball. In the battle of Chickamauga, Tenn., he was severely wounded, and this ended his service at the front. As soon as he was able he w^as put on duty as a mili- tary conductor on the railroad from Nashville to Louisville and from Nashville to Johnsonville, Tenn. Judge Button's regiment, the First AVisconsin Infantry, was always with Gen. G. H. Thomas' corps, and as has been stated, was with him at the bat- tle of Chickamauga, where this gallant old fighter was named the "Rock of Chickamauga." Lieutenant Button was in many fights during his military service and has had many experiences, not only in military, but in civil life. Just before the battle of Chickamauga, while the forces to which he belonged were vigorously pushing the rebels under General Bragg back to the Tennessee river, the rebels burned the bridge across Elk river, in front of the T^nion forces. This river must be crossed ; it was badly swollen by rains, and was, in fact, a raging torrent ; a force under General Reausau was sent some distance up the river to effect a crossing. Lieutenant But- ton's company was selected to effect a crossing, which must be done under a galling fire. Lieutenant Button was the first man to reach the opposite bank. As fast as they crossed the mem- bers of his company were formed in line and began pushing the rebels back, when he received word that some of his men were in trouble and probably drowning, he put the company under 478 HISTORY OF IMOXROE COUNTY cliargo of a sergeant, liasteiied baek to the riV(M- and alone and unaided he carried out eight drowning men, exliihiting a strength and energy whieh caused his soldiers to dub him the "Long Pinery Man." It seems that ]\Ir. Button was fated to be mixed up with floods, for after liis war service was ended he returned to Galesville. AVis.. in the spring of 1866. In that yeai- a terrific flood swept away ;ill 1lie property and buildinjis in llu^ lower table land of the village and Judge Button and a .Mi-. AVyman carried out of the railing torrent fifteen persons and saved tlieir lives. After the close of his military service in the army he took employment in Capt. James' quartermaster department at John- sonville, Tenn., as chief clerk, and Avas i)rcsent with liis Avife and a young child when the rebel General Forrest attacked and destroyed the i)lace, with all its Government stores, buildings and gunboats, the lieutenant and his family having a narrow escape. After the war was over he took up the study of law, attending the law school at Cincinnati. After receiving his diploma he opened a law office at Galesville, Wis., and in the fall of 18H7 he formed a i)artnership with the late A. AV. New- man, which continued five years. Judge Newman was eletced circuit .judge and afterwards became a justice of the supreme court. During ]\Ir. Button's residence in Trempealeau county he served seven years as county .judge, thi-ee years as district attorney, one term in the assembly, and held several other minor oflfiees. After dissolving with Judge Newman, his ju-actice grew to such an extent that from overwork a nervous breakdown ensued, and under the advice of his physician, he turned his law business over to his brother, an attorney, and went to the "Pan-Handle," Texas, to recuperate his health; procured a catth^ ranch in the northwestern part of Texas and went to the southeastern part of the state and bought a drove of cattle, hired cowboys, bought loonies, took charge i)ei'sonally of the outfit, and was on the trail over forty days to his rancli, near Fort ]\Iobeita. Tex.; sold out the l)usiness that fall and met his family in To]>eka. Kan. In the spring following he again went to Texas and went south and purchased another divu'e of cattle. (Ir()V(> theni north to the i)lace selected, and tinally. ai'tei- al)()ut loui- years spent in the business, he ch)sn we con- 482 THE MEDICAL FRATERNITY 483 sider how we have conquered many of thu dread diseases, as diphtheria, typhoid fever, malaria, etc., and robbed them of their terror through the knowledge of their cause and the appli- cation of the one and the onh' thing that will destroy that par- ticular cause, then we begin to realize what is being accom- plished in modern medicine. The Panama Canal stands not only as a monument to the skill and energy of American engineers, but even more to the glory of American physicians. DeLessep's failure was not due to a lack of skill or courage on his part, l)ut to yelloAV fever and malaria. The medical profession has paved the way for this great undertaking l)y discovering and proving that certain mosquitos are responsible for the spread of both these dread diseases, but not until two loyal and unselfish physicians, Car- roll and Lazear, had given their lives to prove this. Todaj^ we know that if "we destroy the mosquito we can stamp out yellow fever and malaria. As a result of the energies of the American physician the Canal Zone, with its heterogeneous population, has lieen made more healthy than New York City. AVhen ]\Ionroe county was first organized and began to be settled the etiologic phase of medicine was unknown. All tlie diseases we now know were known then and were perfectly described except for their cause, and armed Avith this knowdedge the pioneer doctors came into this wilderness and worked hard and faithfully in the endeavor to relieve the suffering of their fellow men. At first it was necessary to send to La Crosse as the nearest jilace to obtain a doctor. Consequently, the mother of the family applied "home remedies" as long as she could before sending for a doctor, who often came too late. There was. therefore, great rejoicing when the first doctor came into the county and cast his lot with those early pioneers. The people were scattered and drives were long and hard, especially in the winter. In those days there were not the fine roads we have now, but one had to pick his way around stumps, over logs and through creeks. ]\Iany times the doctor had to go a foot or on horseback because the roads would not permit the use of a buggy. Without the telephone a man had to drive for the doc- tor, and if he lived twenty or thirty miles away the doctor could not get there until the next day. jNIany trips were so long that it required two days to -make the trip and return. The people were very poor and were unable to pay more than a very meager compensation or nothing at all for the services rendered. However, those early men cared not for that, they went and did 484 HISTORY OP^ :\IOXROE COUNTY all they could to i-dicve the suffering. Thoy often had to act as nurse as well as physician. They sat by the sick bed for long weary hours to see whether the spark of life was going to be siuiffed out or Avould take on added vigor and begin to l)urn anew. They were the recipients of family secrets and their advice was sought in times of trouble. They healed and soothed the troubled mind, soul, and body, with their cheerful words, kindly advice, or some simple decoction. Is it any wonder that they gained a place in the hearts of the people that could not be supplanted, and as long as they were able to drag one foot were sought, and no one else would do l)ut the old family doctor? As preachers and lawyers were equally scarce, the doctor was called upon to perform the services of both, and was held to be thoroughly competent. In those days there were no specialists, so the family doctor administered to all ailments. Today cer- tain men specialize on different parts of the body, and become more expert in dealing with that part. They are thus enabled to give the people better service. ])nt in order to do this they have sacrificed much in tlie love and esteem in Avhich they were held in tlie lunirts of the people. AVho would think of going to an eye specialist or an abdominal surgeon witli his family troubles and expect sympathy and advice? The days of the old-time family physician are past. To be sure, we still have the general practitioner who looks after the general sickness in the family, and is ready to call the aid of someone especially skilled when needed. Indeed, this must be so, Avhen we consider what is being done all around us. Some wealthy men, as John D. Rockefeller and ]\IcCormick, have given large sums of money to establish research laboratories, to equip them, and to pay men to devoti' their whole lives to the study of one disease, as infantile paralysis, etc. Some men are devoting their lives and energies to perform- ing and perfecting surgical operations, so that today there is not a single organ of the body that is not the subject of opera- tion. And then there is the pathologist and jihysiologist, who works in the laboratory experinuniting with animals to ascertain th(^ cause of disease and its treatment before applying the same to man (yet there are those who would say do not experiment Avith animals in order to learn how to save a human life, but rather let man die). "When we consider these and the many more departments of medicine, with all the accumulating knowledge it is no wonder that one poor man cannot master them all. THE MEDICAL FRATERNITY 485 About tlie only thing that keeps alive the old spark of gratitude and love for the general practitioner is his obstetrics. He who stands beside a woman during her suffering and com- forts her and encourages her in her great and holy, yet trying- mission, of bringing a new soul into the world endears himself to her in a way that it not easily forgotten or cast aside. AVhat a pleasure it is and what gratitude one receives only he who has had the experience knows. The doctor's life must be an unselfish one, for hoAV often is he aroused from a sound sleep or disturbed while at a meeting, a social gathering, to go and relieve the suffering. If he is for- tunate enough to make a discovery or invent some new instru- ment he does not hurry to the patent office to protect himself and enrich his purse, but gladly gives his knowledge to his brothers for the good of mankind. This has been handed down to him from the days of Hippocrates that he is in honor bound to impart all good knowledge to his worthy brother practition- ers. Neither does he go to the newspaper office that his fame may be heralded abroad, but rather spreads the glad tidings only among those who will be able to use them. And many is the doctor, whose epitaph has overtaken him, long before his good works are known. Grant, Sherman and Napoleon are household names, because they have commanded armies and lead many men to death, while Pasteur, Koch, Virchon, Senn, Billings, and hosts of others, are hardly known, and yet for every life the generals have sacrificed these men have saved hundreds. Few people know wdiat a debt they owe to Lord Lister, when he dis- covered that by the use of antiseptic, surgical operations could be performed without lieing followed by the dread hospital gan- grene or suppuration. This, together with the use af anaes- thesia, has enabled the surgeon to go fearlessly at his task, and thus Darwin's law of the "survival of the fittest" no longer applies. As there are no large cities in this county, hospitals were slow to make their appearance, and the doctors were compelled to perform many operations in private houses, which they did Avith the skill and success of their more fortunate brethren at the hospital in the cities. A doctor not only devotes his time and energies to the study of cause and treatment of disease, but places before himself the higher ideal of preventive medicine. Thus, he goes about telling people how to live to avoid sickness. However, they are 486 IIISTOKY OF .AIOXROK COUNTY very slow to chanijc their liahils tli.it tliey may enjoy better healtli. IF you tell them to eat plainer food and masticate it more thoroughly, so as to avoid dyspepsia, they think they are wasting too much tinu'. If you tell him to live in the sunshine and exercise moi-c they ai-e afraid Ihry will neglect their l)usi- ness. AVheii you tell them to breathe plenty of fresh air and sleep with their windows open at niglit. they are greatly alarmed lest some dread monster will come in with the "night air," lit- tle thinking that after sun down all air is ■"night air." People are no more ready to barken to our modern physicians than they were to the (Jreat Physician when lie said. "Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft would I have gathered you under my wings as a hen gathers her chickens, and ye would not." (The above excellent article is here supplemented by the lives of physicians of the county, living and dead, as far as we have been able to obtain them. — p]ditor.) Martin Rockwell Gage, M. D., deceased, who for many years was one of the most ])rominent and well known physicians of western Wisconsin. Avas born in Bellona, Yates county, X. Y., in 182o. His father, Martin Gage, was also a native of the p]mpire state, and by occupation a merchant, which business he success- fully followed in the state of New York, wiiere he died at the age of tift.y years. Soon after the death of her husband, i\Irs. Gage removed to P^ast Saginaw, ]\lich., and died there at the age of eighty. The Gage family Avere of English origin, and the ancestors of Dr. Gage were among the eaily jiioneers of New England. Dr. Gage was one of a family of six children, five brothers and one sister, all of whom lived to a mature age. ]Mary Ann, the sister, married S. ]M. AVhittaker. and died numy years ago. D. AV. C. Gage, eldest brother of Dr. Gage, studied law in the office of Judge Folger, of Geneva. N. Y.. and after being admitted to the bar, located at East Saginaw. .Midi., in isr)(i. and engaged in the i)ra('tici' (»f his profession, and there di'^d in 1880. Erasnnis I), resided at Geneva, and for many years was in the employ of the New York ("cntral TJailway. He entered the army in 18(51, as captain of a company in the One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Regiment. New York Volunteers. He Avas seriously Avounded in the head Avhich caused him to leave the army for a time, but recovering from liis injury he I'e-entered the army and Avas placed in command of a regiment and Avas killed at the battle of Cold llaihor. Charles Carroll Gage Avas an attorney at law and loi- a time was engaged in the practice Avith ]\I. P. AVing at MARTIN R. GAGE, M. D. THE MEDICAL FRATERNITY 487 La Crosse. After a brief illness he died at Sparta. Daniel Web- ster Gage, when eighteen years of age, went to California, and afterwards to Arizona, where he died in 1891. Dr. Gage received his education in Geneva, N. Y. lie began the study of medicine in the office of Dr. E. S. Smith, of Bellona, Yates county, and began his collegiate medical course at the Geneva college. He later attended the Buffalo Medical College, but returned to Geneva, and graduated from the medical depart- ment of that college with the class of June 26, 1852. He began practice with his preceptor at Bellona, N. Y., but later went to Coudersport, Pa., where he remained until 1854, when he came to AA'isconsin and first located at Beloit, and there resided until he came to Sparta. In August, 1862. he entered the army as surgeon of the Twenty-fifth Regiment, AVisconsin Volunteers, remaining with this regiment until the Atlanta campaign, being then ordered on detail duty, and so continued to the close of the war. While in the army he was for a time, in 1863, acting medical director of the military district of Columbus, Ky. ; was brigade surgeon in Gen. Nathan Kimball's division on the forced march from Satartia to Snyder's Bluff, Miss., about June 1, 1863, and was present at the seige of Vicksburg, and acting division surgeon of General Vietch's division of Sherman's army during its march from Vicksburg to ^Meridian, Miss., in 1864. At the close of the war he returned to Sparta and resumed the practice of his profession, in which he engaged for fifty-one years. He was a close student and devoted himself assiduously to his pro- fession, attaining to a position of prominence as one of the most learned and skillful physicians in Wisconsin. lie was possessed of a cheerful disposition, was broad minded and liljeral in his views, and those traits endeared him to those with Avhom he came in contact. In 1877 he became associated with Dr. D. C. Beebe, another well known physician of Sparta, under the firm name of Gage and Beebe. Later Dr. W. T. Sarles became connected with the firm, Avhich arrangement continued until 1888, when Dr. Gage withdrew, and was ever after in practice alone. Before coming to AVisconsin he served as county superin- tendent of schools in Potter county, Pennsylvania, and was the first county superintendent of schools in Monroe county, under the act of the legislature creating that office, resigning the posi- tion when commissioned surgeon of the Twenty-fifth Wisconsin Regiment. He was a member of the AVisconsin State Medical Society, and of the American Medical Association, and was 488 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY pliysieiaii fur llie State I'ublic School tor Depeudeut Cliikh'eu, located at Sparta. Politieally a Democrat, he was candidate for the state legis- lature iu 1865, and though he ran far ahead of his ticket, lie was defeated. In 187G he Avas chosen by his party as a candidate for congress for the Seventh Congressional district, but as his dis- trict was overwhelmingly Republican, he again suffered defeat with the others of his party. Sociality, he was a member of the Kniglits of Pythias, and prominently identified with the ^Masonic Order, being a member of Valley Lodge, No. 60, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Sparta Chapter, No. 19, Royal Arch ]\lasons, and Sparta Commandery, No. 16, Knights Templar. Dr. Gage was twice married. His first wife, whom he mar- ried at the "Ladies' Seminary," Ebnira, N. Y.. where she was a teacher, died two years after their marriage. On May 27, 1858, the doctor was united in marriage with Miss Maria Louise ]Mar- tin, daughter of Nathaniel and Octaria AY. ]Martin, of Beloit, AVis. After forty-five years of happy married life. Dr. Gage was called to his great reward ; his death occurred February 25, 1903, and was mourned by his many friends and the citizens generally as a great public loss. His widow, who still survives, is a descend- ant of an old and prominent New England family. She was born at AYestfield, N. Y., and came with her parents to "Wis- consin at the age of eight years, receiving her education at the academy at Southport, noAV Kenosha. She is a lady of rare mental attainments, kindhearted and generous, and con- tributes liberally of her means to the support of all worthy causes, never forgetting to bestow kindly tokens of respect upon her many and dear friends. DeWitt C. Beebe, M. D., was born at Rupert, Vt., February 19, 1838, passing his early life in his native state. He received his medical education at Belleone Hospital ^Medical College, New York City, and at Albany (N. Y.) Medical College, from which institution he graduated. Early in the "War of the Rebellion he entered the army as surgeon in the Fourth New York Cavalry, in which he served until the close of the war. Soon after the declaration of peace the doctor came west, locating in Sparta, and later became associated with Dr. IM. R. Gage, under the firm name of Gage & Beebe, which continued for a great many years, later Dr. AV. T. Sarles was taken into the firm, which was styled, Gage, Beebe & Sarles. Dr. Beebe was a Alason and member of the Knights of Pvthias. and served as state medical examiner of the Ancient DE WITT C. BEEBE, M. D. THE MEDICAL FRATERNITY 489 Order of United Workmen during the prosperous days of the order. He was a member of the Wisconsin State Medical Society and the Central Wisconsin Medical Society, and served for many years as a member of the local board of United States Pension Examiners. Dr. Beebe was a man of strong religious tendencies, and was connected with the Congregational Church for more than a quarter of a century; was prominent in its affairs and devoted much time to the work, especially in connection with the Sunday school, of w^hicli he w^as superintendent for a long period. At this church, every year, for more than twenty years, he con- ducted the memorial service on the Sunday preceding Decoration Day. Strong in his patriotism, he was prominent in G. A. R. circles, and it was principally through his untiring efforts that the Soldiers' Monument, now standing in North Park, was finally completed and presented to the city of Sparta. His good citi- zenship was further exemplified by his long service as a member of the board of education, and accomplished inueh for the Sparta schools by his broad minded policies; served the city as mayor, and at the time of his death had served two years as postmaster; under his administration the free delivery system was inaugu- rated. Dr. Beebe was a strong man and noted for having the courage of his convictions, a man of ideals who held to them steadfastly, once he was convinced of their righteousness; one of those men who in a way dominate in a community, but always in the interest of progress and good government. He was a stanch Republican, and high in the councils of his party. At all times a deep student, his professional career was marked by great success and in the latter years of his life his advice and counsel was much sought by other physicians. He died at his home in Sparta, July 4, 1908, leaving surviving him his widow and four children. He w^as married in the town of his birth to Mary C. Sheldon on the 31st day of May, 1863 ; five children came to them, Carl M. and Spencer D., both practicing physicians, now located in Sparta ; July i\I., now^ deceased ; IMamie, the wife of P. H. Ber- trand, now living at Jefferson City, Kan., and Alice ]\I., who lives with her mother in the Sparta home. George W. Milligan, M. D., is the oldest physician in Sparta, Wis., having located in that city in 1852, since which time he has been in continuous practice. He was born March 11, 1826, in Cairo, Green county, N. Y., a son of James A. and Eleanor Mille- gan, the former of whom was a native of Green county. James 490 HISTORY OF :\rOXROE COUNTY A. Millegan ^n-t'W to in and acquaintance, as a man who placed loyalty to his home city above everything else, and did not hesitate to devote his time and some money to l)uilding iij) the interests of the community. Dr. Horace Palmer was born in .Motitix'licr. Vt.. on October 28, 1823; graduated at the Vermont Medical College at Wood- stock, January 18, 1851, and commenced tlie practice of medi- cine in the same year at Manstield, ]Mass. II<' married Susan (". Hall, at ^Mansfield, March 22. ISoT, and removed to Wisconsin the following May, settling in West Salem. where he continued practicing his profession, and July 13. 1875. thp: medical fratp^enity 495 mo\(.'(l to Sparta and i)ur('hased the pioneer drug store oi' the ])lace, at that time owned by Ira A. Hill, placing George E. Mar- riner, now of La Crosse, in charge of same while he continued the practice of his profession. Dr. Palmer's fatal illness began vritli a cold which developed into pneumoni;i, and the fatal end came on December 25, 1880. Dr. Palmer occupied a prominent place in social and business circles, and was universally esteemed, lie left a wife, two daughters and one son, Lissie H. (deceased), wife of Henry S. Howell, and Fannie A., wife of ]\l. Fillmore Howell, and Fred E. Crawford. E. Phillips, M. D., one of the leading representa- tives of the medical profession of ]\Ionroe county, was born near Meadville. Crawford county, Pa.. October 31, 1853, a son of David J. Phillips, a native of Ohio, but of New England ancestry. He was reared in his native state, and married Huldah Winans, also born in Ohio, and, like her husband, descended from a New England family. Di-. Phillips was a farmer by occupation, and a few years after his marriage he moved to Crawford county, Pennsylvania, where he lived until his death, which occurred in February, 1872, at the age of about fifty years. C. E. Phillips, M. D., received his education at the common schools, and also took a scientific course of study at the Mead- ville Commercial College. Pearly in life he decided to engage in the medical profession as his life w^ork, and at the age of seventeen years he began the study at jNIeadville, and graduated at the Eclectic ^ledical College at Cincinnati in the spring of 1874. Believing that superior opportunities for rising in his profession might be found in the West, Dr. Phillips decided to locate in Nebraska, and accordingly removed to Arapahoe. But the devastations of the grasshoppers in that state rendered his selection of a location an undesirable one, and after spending a year tliere recruiting his health as well as practicing his profes- sion, he decided to seek another place of residence. Wilton at that time promised favorably, and consequcjitly in the fall of 1875 he located in this city, where he enjoyed an extensive and lucrative practice. In order to inform himself in the later dis- coveries of the science of medicine, the doctor took a course at the Bennett ^ledical College in 1886, and received the degree of M. D. at that institution. Dr Phillips was married October 17, 1877. to Eva Winans, a daughter of Dr. J. C. AYinans, a prominent physician at ]\Iadi- son, Ohio. j\Irs. Phillips is a lady of culture and a fine artist. To this union has been born one son, Vernil, born October 4, 1887. 496 HISTORY OF :\10NK0E COUNTY The doctor was both an excellent physician and a popular and l)rogressive citizen. He was a prominent ^lason, being a mem- ber of the Blue Lodge, chapter and Commandery of Sparta. He removed to California in 1909 and died there September 17, 1910, his remaii.s b('in«i- tal\cii to ]\Iadison, Ohio, for burial. John F. Richards, M. D. Among the earlier physicians on the eastern side of the county was Jolni F. Richards, who came to Tomah in 1862, and resided there continuously until the time of his death. Dr. Richards was born in Clermont county, Ohio, in 1818; his father, John R. Richards, and hiy mother were both natives of ]\Iaryland. AVhile a boy, Mr. Richards lived in the same vil- lage as the Grant family, and was well acquainted with the father and with U. S. Grant, afterwards the celebrated general, Avho went to AVest Point from Clermont county, Ohio. Dr. Rich- ards studied medicine in his native county and attended the Ohio ]\Iedical College, from which he graduated in 1848, and began the practice of his profession in Highland count}' later, where he remained until 1802, when he removed to the city of ^Milwaukee and there engaged in the drug business and prac- ticed his profession. Tn the spring of 1866 he removed with his family to Tomah, where he remained continuously until September 3, 1903, the date of his death. He served one term in the legislature, being that of 1872, and was a Democrat in politics. He was a quiet unassuming man, a deep student in his profession, and during the later years of his life, after he had retired from active prac- tice, he was frequently called into consultation with other physi- cians, who availed themselves of his vast experience in the gen- eral practice of medicine. The last fifteen years of his life he retired from active work and lived in his old homestead in the city of Tomah, visiting among liis three children: his daughter, ]\Irs. D. C. Cheney, who lived at ^Milwaukee, AVis.. at that time; Randolph A., tlie editor of this work, at Sparta. AVis., and John F., living at Kansas City, Mo. He died at the home of his daughter in ^lilwaukee on the date stated above, and his remains were brought to Tonmh and interred beside those of his wife, whose death had taken place several years before. Carl M. Beebe. M. D. Among the young men in this profes- sion who have made rapid strides to the front is Carl 'SI. Reebe, of Sparta, one of the firm of Sarles, Beebe & Beebe. He was born at Sparta, "Wis., February 19, 1866, the son of THE MEDICAL FRATEENITY 497 De Witt C. Beebe. He received a high school education, gradu- ating from the Sparta high school with the class of 1884, after which he attended the state university for two years and then took a course at Rush Medical College, in Chicago, from which institution he graduated in 1889, and pursuing his medical study farther he went to New York and took a course in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and graduated from that institution in 1891. He was for some time the assistant physician at the Wisconsin Hospital for the Insane, at Oshkosh, and from there he removed to Zumbrota, in the state of Minnesota, where he con- tinued the practice of his profession until 1896, when he returned to Sparta and went into partnership with his father and Dr. Sarles. This firm continued until the time of the death of Dr. D. C. Beebe, and upon its reorganization, S. D. Beebe, the younger brother, was taken into the partnership under the firm name of Sarles, Beebe & Beebe. Dr. Beebe has taken an active interest in municipal affairs in the city ; has served as alderman on the city council ; is now a member of the board of education and is a supervisor represent- ing the First Ward of the city upon the county board; he has been closely connected with several movements for the better- ment of conditions in the city generally and is one of the pro- gressive citizens of the community. He married Miss Minnie Blakesley September 1, 1891. William B. Ford, M. D., was born at Sparta, Wis., August 27, 1874, received his early education in the schools of the city, graduating from the high school with the class of 1893 ; he entered the University of Wisconsin soon after, graduating from that institution in 1898. After spending one year in Philadel- phia, Pa., he entered Rush Medical College, at Chicago, from which institution he graduated in 1903. The doctor is a Mason and a Knight Templar, being a mem- ber of Sparta Masonic lodges and Commandery; is a member of the Kappa Sigma college fraternity; served as secretary of the Monroe County Medical Society for three years. He has, since his graduation, practiced continually in Monroe county, a por- tion of the time in Sparta ; is now located at Norwalk. where he enjoys a lucrative practice in the village and the farming coun- try in the vicinity. Lewis S. Graves, M. D., was born at Jordan, New York state, December 24, 1873. His early education was received at Jordan high school and the Jordan free academy. He entered Bennett Medical College, at Chicago, from which he graduated with the 408 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY class of 1901 ; he has practiced his profession at Couneaut, Ohio, and Chicago, 111. ; and is at present located at AVilton, "Wis., enjoy- ing a lucrative practice, lie is a meniber of tlie ]\Ionroe County ^Medical Society ; the AVisconsin State Medical Society, the Wis- consin Eclectic ]\Iedical Society and the American ]\Iedical Association. George Oliver Murray, M. D., was born iji Hawick, Scotland, October 4, 1857. where lie received an academic education. lie elnig^ated to Canada in 1882 and engaged in mercantile business until 1893, when he went to Keokuk, Iowa, entering the College of Physicians and Surgeons, from which he graduated in 1896. Ill that year he located at AVindsor, Dane county, Wis., where he practiced for three years; then removed to Tunnel City, ]\Ionroe county, where he remained for seven years. In 1906 he moved to Tomah, where he has since resided. In 1908 he was appointed health officer of the city, which position he still holds. He married Sarah Jolmsoii, of Ilighgate, Canada, in 1894, two children being born to them, Robert Oliver, in 1895, and Agnes Oriska in 1897. Spencer D. Beebe, M. D., was born at Sparta, Wis., in 1869, is the youngest son of Dr. 1). C. Beebe, now deceased. His early education was received in the schools of Sparta, graduating from tlie liigli school with the class of 1889 ; afterwards attended the university, from which institution he graduated and entered Rush ]\Iedical College, graduating in 1896. He commenced the practice of his profession at Aurora, 111., moving from there to p]lroy, Wis., where he remained for a few years, afterwards com- ing to Sparta and entering the firm of Sarles, Beebe & Beebe. Dr. Beebe is a fine musician, having a tenor voice, highly trained, and for some years has directed the large chorus choir of the Congregational Church. A. R. Bell, M. D., was born at Tomah, July 26, 1872; he received his early education in country schools, entering the Tomali higli school, from which he graduated with the class of 1894. Clioosing the medical profession for his life work he entered the AVisconsin College of Physicians and Surgeons, from which he graduated April f), 1900, came back to Tomah and entered upon the practice of his ])rofession April 7. 1900. lie was at one time connected with Dr. Simonson of the Tomah Hos- pital, but is at ]n-esent ])racticing alone. He is now serving as secretary of the Alonroe County IMedical Society. Hugh H. Williams, M. D., a practicing physician of Sparta, lias pursued bis iirdt'cssioii in that city since 1896. Avhen he was THE MEDICAL FRATERNITY 499 graduated from the Rush Medical College, of Chicago, 111., and in the intervening years, has by his skill and prepossessing man- ner, built up a flourishing practice. He was born in "Wales on August 20, 1869, the sou of AVilliam and Elizabeth (Williams) Williams, who both spent their lives in their native country and where both died in 1873. Hugh II. attended the common schools of Wales, and after the death of his parents, accompanied by his uncle, Peter Wil- liams, he came to the United States in 1879 and located at Pipers- ville. Wis. Ilis Uncle Peter was afterward killed by a horse in Coles Valley, Monroe countj^ Coming to Sparta, Mr. Williams entered the Sparta high school, graduating therefrom Avith the (.'lass of 1891 ; he then began the study of medicine in the office of G. W. ]\Iilligau, of Sparta, and later entered Rush Medical College, of Chicago, graduating with the class of 1896. He immediately began the practice of medicine in the city of his adoption. Upon the breaking out of the Spanish-American War he enlisted in the Third Regiment, Wisconsin National Guards, and as assistant surgeon, participated with his regiment through the Porto Rican campaign, and after his discharge from the regi- ment, continued for one year to act as assistant surgeon with the United States regulars in Porto Rico. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Order and a Knight Templar. On March 4, 1901, he was married to Miss Tillie Olson, daughter of Ole Olson, of Sparta. ]\Irs. William died on Sep- tember 6, 1906, leaving besides her husband, one son, Hugh H. Williams, Jr. E. J. Riordon, M. D., of Wilton, Monroe county, w^as born in Massachusetts, June 1, 1856, and is the son of Janos and Mary (Richards) Riordon, natives of Ireland and Massachusetts, respectively. In 1867 the father came west with his family and located at ^Milwaukee, Wis. He was a shoemaker by trade and obtained employment with Bradley and Metcalf, manufacturers of shoes, with whom he remained some years. He died in 1903, honored and respected by his fellowmen. He was the father of five childrei:. only two of whom are living. In religious affilia- tions he was a member of the Catholic church, and in politics a Democrat. Dr. Riordon received his education in the common school which he attended until his fifteenth year. In early life he gained some renown as a violinist and dancer, and for three years was one of the attractions of Dan Rice's show. In 1876 he en- listed in Company B, Fourth United States Cavalry. He was sent 500 HISTORY OF IMONROP] COUNTY to Jefferson Barracks. ^Missouri, and later to Fort KUiott. He Avas discharged in 1879 and returned to his home in ^Milwaukee, where for eight years he was employed by Bradley and ]\Ietcalf in the manufacture of shoes. At the end of that time he com- menced the study of medicine, which he pursued for three years in ]\Iilwaukee, then entered the Keokuk IMedical College (now the Drake University, of Iowa), and graduated with the degree of ]\I. D., and in 1900 eame to Monroe county and commenced the practice of his profession. He is a member of the ]Monroe County Medical Society, a member of the "Wisconsin State ]\Iedical Asso- ciation. He is president of the village of "Wilton, member of the village board of health, and in politics a Democrat. L. G. Scheurich, M. D., of Tomah, is a native of Germany, and ranks among the younger class of wide-awt'ke and progressive professional men of ]\Ionroe county. He was born in December, 1882, and is a son of August and Barbara Kathryn (Maurer) Scheurich. In 1886 he came to America with his parents, who located in Baltimore, Md., his father here finding employment in a tobacco factory. He had a family of seven boys, all of whom are now (1912) living, the doctor being the oldest of the family. Dr. L. G. had good educational advantages during his boy- hood, attending the public schools of Baltimore, and after com- pleting his common school work he entered the Loyola college at Baltimore in 1896, where he received a thorough course of training and graduated with the class of 1903 with the degree of A. B. In 1904 he entered the University of Maryland, and after a four-year course graduated from the medical department with the class of 1908 with the degree of M. D.. and immediately thereafter went into the Bay VieAv hospital at Baltimore as assist- ant physician. After spending one year in this capacity he became chief resident physician, which position he hold until June 15, 1910. October 11, 1910, he moved to Tomah and com- menced an active practice here, his experience and efficiency acquired from his hospital service placing him at the head of a large and lucrative business, and during his last year in tlie liospital at Baltimore he made a specialty of the use and adminis- tration of tuberculin in the treatment of tuberculosis, which has been effective in much of his practice. In this specialty he was associated with Dr. Gordon "Wilson, one of the leading tuber- culosis specialists in the world. Dr. Scheurich is a man of fine personality, courteous, affable and pleasing in manner, with the ability botli to make and hold friends, of whom he has a wide circle. In love with his profes- THE MEDICAL FRATERNITY 501 sion, he devotes himself to it with fidelity and gives promise of a successful and useful career. Vernon W. Stiles, M. D., who has attained to a position of prominence in the line of his chosen profession, is the youngest of a family of five sons and two daughters born to Cornelius C. and Cornelia (Phelps) Stiles, both of wdiom were natives of central New York. Besides our subject, the others are : Emma G., widow of J. C. Taylor, Oceanside, Cal. ; Luther II. Stiles, of Minneapolis; William II., of San Bernardino, Cal.; Dr. Fred P. Stiles, a practicing physician of Racine, "Wis. ; Susie C, widow of E. AV. Hills, Redlands. Cal., and Henry A., who is a druggist at Sturgeon Bay, Wis. The paternal grandparents of our sub- ject were Luther Stiles and Clarissa Pierce, natives of Massa- clmsetts; the grandfather on the maternal side was also a native of Massachusetts. Cornelius Stiles, father of Dr. Stiles, went from New York, his native state, to Coldwater, Mich., when fourteen years of age. Remaining there for six years he then removed to Elgin, 111., where he learned the trade of carpenter and joiner and also engaged in farming. It was while living at Elgin that he met and married Cornelia Phelps, and where the family was born. In about the year 186-1 he moved his family to Kankakee, and ten years later to Sandwich, 111., where he died in 1907 at the age of eighty-three years, having been born in 1824. His wife, mother of our subject, was born in 1827 and died in 1905, aged seventy-eight years. They were successful, liberal, broad-minded, public-spirited and influential citizens and enjoyed the confidence of all who knew them. Dr. Vernon W. Stiles was born at Elgin, 111., January 31, 1861, receiving his education in the public schools of Kankakee and the Sandwich high school. Completing his studies he went to Chicago when seventeen years of age and secured a position as clerk in a drug store. At the end of three years he entered the drug store of his brother in the same capacity, and later opened a drug store on his own account at Manteno, 111., which he sold one year later and came to Sparta, where he was employed for two years in the drug store of Fred Newton. He was offered and accepted a position with Hemphill & Woy and established a drug store at the Cheyenne Indian agency in the Indian Territory, and two years later began the study of medicine. He matricu- lated with the Hannemann Medical College, in Chicago, where he was graduated with the class of 1888, receiving his degree of M. D. He spent one year as house physician in the Hannemann hospital in Chicago, and located in 1889 at Riverside, Cal., where 502 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY lie eontinut'd a successful practice for ten years. In 1S{)9 he came to Sparta and entered into ;i co-partnership with his l)rother, Dr. Fred P. Stiles, in the practice of medicine, and has since con- tinued his professional work with jrratifying results. Dr. Stiles is a man of intense energy and activity and devotes nuich time to atfairs outside of his professional duties. lie is a member of the California State ^Medical Society, the Southern California INIedical Society, the AVisconsin Homeopathic ]\Iedical Society, and the American Medical Association, and is affiliated with the Knights of Pythias order. In 1905 Dr. Stiles was united in marriage with ]\Iiss Helen Frances Dodge, daughter of the late Rufus S. Dodge, of Sparta. They have one daughter, Frances Stiles. CHAPTER LI. TOWNSHIP HISTORY. It is with the deepest regret that the editor finds it necessary to record the meagre historical data concerning some of the town organizations. The passing away of so many of the pioneers in various parts of the county has deprived us of the means of gathering historical facts concerning the early days in several communities, facts which would, no doubt, be of great interest and value; interesting indeed because of the conditions which existed, the privations endured, the difficulties overcome by the first settlers furnishing the individual experiences which go to make history. Through all the events of the past we make our way to the present, but how the pioneer lived, the kind of house he man- aged to erect, the political events surrounding the newdy formed municipalities, the story of how the pioneer saw the wilderness gradually transformed into fine farms, prosperous villages, busy cities, all paying tribute to their creative energy and untiring perseverance, is one which always brings its lessons to the pres- ent, lessons taught by the hardest and sternest of all teachers, experience. But the lessons are rich in results. At the organization of the county, as appears in another chapter, there was but one town, wdiich included the whole county, the town of Leon. As the years went by and circumstances warranted it, the county board created new townships, setting them otf from those already established. It is difficult to follow the records concerning territory embraced in the limits of each town, for of necessity newly created towns were composed of parts of others so that no attempt will be made to do so in this chapter. There are now twenty-four townships, four villages and a part of a village. Ontario, and two cities. ADRIAN. In 1854, at the first meeting of the board at which anything was done with reference to dividing the county into townships, the county board created five towns, includiug the town of Adrian, it being set off at the same time as Angelo, Sparta and 503 504 HISTORY OF :\10XK0E COUNTY Leon. The two persons niainl}' instrumental in the settlement of tills town were AV. AV. Jackson and Webster Kenyon, who settled there in 1854, together with a number of others, and com- menced at once laying plans for a village in the township to be called Jacksonville. As has been told elsewhere the coming of the Milwaukee and LaCrosse railway raised great hopes in the breasts of these pioneers, that it would come through their town and proposed village, but fate had decreed it otherwise. The town was settled quite rapidly, however, and farming lands opened u]) for settlement. The life of AV. W. Jackson has been told elsewhere, and here we record a short sketch of Webster Kenyon. He was born in New York state, November 18, 1830, coming west in 1854. In 1863 he enlisted in the army, remaining until the close of the war. Mr. Kenyon Avas by profession a civil engineer and held the office of county surveyor of Monroe county for eighteen years. Having retired from active work on his farm and in surveying he moved to the city of Tomah and there passed the remainder of his days. He died Wednesday, December 6, 1911. The township of Adrian contains fine farming land and many valuable farms have been developed. The history of this progress is that of about every other toAvnship, one of struggle and privation for a time with the rcAvards of earnest labor reaped by succeeding generations. The present tow^n officers are: Geo. P. Stevens, chairman ; William Bakkhouse and M. Kroener, supervisors ; George Falkner, clerk ; John Edminster, treasurer ; W. C. Kirst, assessor; E. C. Cole, justice of the peace. The pop- ulation at the census of 1910 w^as 806. TOWN OF ANGELO. The story of the race between a man by the name of Searl and Dr. Seth Angle to the land office in ]\Iineral Point to locate the present site of the village of "Athens," in the town of Angelo, has already been told. Angle came out ahead by one hour and located the land upon Avhich the water poAver Avas situated and proceeded to erect a saAvmill, Avhich at that time AA'as the only one in this part of the country except the one erected by Esau Johnson in the southern part of the county, on the Kickapoo, and the lumber business Avas lively in those days at the doctor's mill, so much so that at times settlers Avere obliged to get in line and Avait for hours for their turn to get a load of lumber. Loyd Angle, a brother of Dr. S. P. Angle, also came about the same time, and in 1852, Avith his son, 0. F. Angle, settled on a farm located near the mill. 0. F. Angle some years later came to TOWNSHIP HISTORY 505 Sparta and weut iuto the livery business and was elected sheriff of the county, serving one term. Dr. Angle, however, did not stay a great while in the sawndll business, but sold out to Ed- ward Canfield, brother of Lee Canfield, Sr. Edward Canfield had one of those dreams which came to many enterprising settlers in the days of the early settlement, a dream which pictured a city on the site occupied by his mill and the two or three stores and dwellings of the then inhabitants of the village, and so he had a plat made of the land, streets and alleys regularly set out and dedicated, had the plat duly made by the county sur- veyor. Seeking to give it a name equal in fame with "Sparta," he called it "Athens," so those two famous cities of Greece find their namesakes in America, but history was not kind. Sparta became a city, but Athens still remained a country village, and its shadow gradually grew less from a business point of view, as in 1856 there were more stores there than there are now. It is a mistake made frecpiently and very commonly in alluding to Athens as "Angelo," but that is not correct, as the settlement retains upon the records to this day its original name and all conveyances of property in the so-called village are made under its name of Athens. Originally the village v\'as laid out in gen- erous proportions. It had its public square, now occupied by a church; and its "State street," and to its credit be it said that at the time the county was organized this little group of settlers put up a very good fight to have the county seat located there. The plat of Athens was recorded in the offices of the register of deeds, May 13, 1856, made by C. C. Miller, the then county sur- veyor. Early settlers were numerous. Among them may be men- tioned L. M. Huntley, who arrived in 1854, as did George Shepherd and John "W. Smith. In 1859 Rev. Robert Williams, a Welsh minister, settled in the town and established a Welsh church. His son, W. G. Williams, now prominent in banking circles, farmed it with his father as well as attended to his ministerial duties. The old Angelo water power is now the property of the 0. I. Newton's Sons Company and is used for furnishing power for the electric light and power plant, in connection with the power in the city of Sparta. Within the town are many valu- able small fruit farms, many in a high state of cultivation, and this industry is a large source of revenue to its inhabitants. The present officers of the town are: J. W. Leverich, chairman; George Kronberg and Jenk AVilliams, supervisors; Wilber S. Fish, clerk; Fred Hutson, treasurer; Fred Heilman, assessor; E. T. Hanchett, justice. Population census of 1910, 666. 50G HISTORY OF :\H)XROE OOFXTY BYRON. At ;i inciting of the county l)oarcl of ^lonroo county on Jan- uary (i. 18G3, a petition having been presented by the inhabitants of the proposed town, a resolution was passed detaching town- ship sixteen, range three west, from the town of Leon and creat- ing it the town of Byron, and provided that the first election should be lield at the house of Frederick Swartslow on the first Tuesday in April, 1863, which was accordingly done and the town organization perfected. Originally the town comprised the entire^ territory of what is now the town of Scott and Byron. A large portion of the then town, in the nortlieast part especially, is low land and at the time there were large cranberry marshes in their wild state, except that as the industry developed ar- rangements were made by ditching so that the marshes could be flooded whenever there appeared to l)e danger of frost, and it was during the height of this business that a station and post- office was established at Dodge's mill and called Norway Ridge, the name it still bears. Cranberry culture is still a large factor in the commercial life of the town. Several very productive marshes have been brought to a high state of development and are situated near Valley Junction, but perhaps the most valuable are to the east and north in Juneau and Jackson counties. The town was not settled as thickly as some other portions of the county until after the war, and is now rather thinly settled in some portions. There has been for some years quite a sale for the peat lands around Valley Junction. Drainage ditches have been constructed, which developed some of this land so that dry farming is carried on successfully. Of those who went into the rebellion from this town their record, if they were enlisted in the county, appears elsewhere; outside of that there is no record. The present town officers are : C. T. ]\relteson, chairman ; super- visors, Odis McLin, A. Anderson: clerk, F. Muerman ; treasurer, A. 'SI. ("hristensen ; assessor, F. A. Bennett. Population census of 1010, 806. CLIFTON. Clifton was one of the early towns being organized by a resolution of the county board on August 14, 1855, and the an- nual meeting ordered to be held in the home of A. Heath on the first Tuesday in April, 1866. The meeting, however, was held at the home of Tj. A. Farr. The first town officers elected at that time were John Foster, chaii-man: Andrew Lansing and A. H. TOWNSHIP HISTORY 507 Ishani, supervisors ; G. B. Holdeii, town clerk ; L. A. Farr, treas- urer; Edward Masters, school superintendent; Leonard Phillips, assessor; justices, J. L. Sargent, Charles Dickinson and Edgar H. Eddy; constables, Roswell Smith, A. M. Baldwin and Henry F. Dresden; sealer of weights and measures, Smith Austin; so the town started out with a full equipment of officers. There were twenty-four votes cast at that election, six of whom are still living. The oldest settler in the town w^as Lyman Preseott, who came in 1853 or 1854. Industries began early, for we find that in 1856 L. A. Farr erected a sawmill, and in 1858 A. A. Noyes built a grist mill. The first farm house in the town is said to be the one erected by Lody Angle before its organization. It will be noted that this town was very large and took in territory afterwards cut out for other towns, so that many familiar names of other towns appear. School was commenced in a building l)uilt in 1856 for that purpose. There are at present three school buildings in the town, all first-class district buildings. The pres- ent town officers are: Vincent Arzt, chairman; Wm. Vonhaden and Cr. Johnson, supervisors ; Oscar Blaschke, clerk ; Frank Blaser, treasurer ; Edwin Eirschele, assessor ; Charles F. Froh- mader, justice of the peace. Population at census of 1910, 934. GLENDALE. This town was organized November 13, 1855, and the first town meeting was held on the first Tuesday in April, 1856, at the home of Samuel C. Lyon. The officers elected at that time w^ere Samuel C. Lyon, chairman ; Gaines Phillips and C. D. Bradley, supervisors ; Charles Tollard, clerk ; Hiram Driggs, treasurer ; H. J. Moore and L. Johnson, justices; J. E. Lyon, J. G. Moore and S. Worden, constables ; R. H. Benedict and S. D. Moore, assessors. The first store building was built by J. R. Lyons in 1871, and a mercantile business conducted by him there for a great many years. Mr. Lyons, at the preparation of this work, is still living, making his home at Kendall. He has held many official positions, being at one time member of the assembly, and served two terms as register of deeds of the county. A postoffice was first estab- lished at the home of S. C. Lyon in 1872 with him as postmaster. Glendale has a noble record of enlistments in the army during the rebellion, and here is the roll of honor: William Harland, John Harland, Henry Davis, Richard Windson, John Brigham, Daniel Newton, Thomas New^ton, T. B. Broughton, Z. R. Brough- ton, P. W. Broughton, Samuel AVorden, Leonard Johnson, John 508 HISTORY OF .AIOXROE COUNTY Birdsill, George Birdsill, Chang Green, Chester Green, Mauson Green, Richard Douglas, Job Driggs, Phillip Spohn, Charles ]\Iiller, AViliiam ]\liller, Ilial AVest, Casper K(.'ller, James R. Lyon, Samuel Lyon, Samuel Richardson, John Richardson, Perry Rich- ardson, Nelson Paine, Norrie Greely, Henry Greely, John Wil- liams, David Moore, Horace ]\Ioore, James ]\IcQueen, George Rob- bins, James Dunlap. Robert Dunlap, Frank Fi'ench, Hiram French, Leander Brainerd, Organ Benedict, James Searles, Charles Tol- lard, 0. K. Thompson, Joseph AVard, James Kellar, John Leason, and ]5arroAV Stone. The present town officers are: A. I. Street, chairman; H. D. Chard and J. R. Rossol, supervisors; George H. Robertson, clerk; E. J. Gregor, treasurer; J. AY. Bradley, asses- sor; F. C. Stokes, justice. Population, 971. GRANT. This town was so long a part of the town of Lincoln, having been set off in 1899, that its early history is that of Lincoln and is embodied in the sketch of that town. The present officers of the town are: S. F. Shookman, chairman; AA'illiam A^roman, Her- maii Kemp, supervisors; AA^. C. Green, clerk; Fred Pnrdy, treas- urer; Eli Sutherland, assessor; Ham Griffin, Abe Griffin and AVilliam Brennan, justices. Population, 442. GREENFIELD. Organized August 14, 1855, the same time tliat the towns of Clifton and Sheldon were organized, and in point of years it is one of the oldest settlements. A\^ith the building of the Chi- cago, IMilwaukee & St. Paul line, or the Milwaukee & LaCrosse Railway, as it was then knowm in 1858, came the establishment of the little settlement of Tunnel City, at the tunnel on that line. This place has grown steadily as a trading point, at one time being a central market in the blueberry trade. It has now sev- eral stores and other business interests. The building of the ^Milwaukee, Sparta & Northwestern Railway in 1910 and 1911 made a great change in the village as the route went right through the business section of the place, resulting in the com- pany buying a lot of buildings, and in some cases just the lots, so that the little place has shifted around considerably. A large double-track tunnel has been put through the bluff a little north of the'tunnel of the St. Paul company. The present toAvn officers are: George Becker, chairman; Fred Heser and 'M. J. Betthau- ser, supervisors: clerk, AY. II. Hinds; treasurer, A\''illiam Seno- TOWNSHIP HISTORY 509 gles; Frank Pier, assessor; D. J. Woodward and A. I. Reich, justices. Population, 800. JEFFERSON. The town of Jefferson, lying in the southwestern part of J\Ion- roe county, known as township fifteen, north of range three west, was originally a part of Portland township, which comprised townships fifteen, range three west, and fifteen, four west, until the year 1858, when the tow^nships separated and township fif- teen, range four west, was organized, and by a vote of its people it was named "Jefferson." Township fifteei:!, range three west, retained its name of Portland, which it still bears. The years 1854 and 1855 found in the town of Jefferson the following fami- lies located on their several homesteads : Alex. Thompson, James Thompson, Abram Aller, Joseph McFarland, John and Hames Draper, John Breatiff, James Stansby, H. Shattuck, John Hall, Simpson, Thomas and Henry Matby, Richard F. Cole, Thomas, William and Elviridge Rathbun, Oren Hutchinson, L. AVeight- man, Sam Osburn, Dixon, Chester Perkin, Gibert and Washington Love, Gilbert Tuttle, John Sullivan, Jefferson Lower, James Erkenbraetz, Pat Chambers, Joseph Koeslier, Albert Fisher, Christ Fuhrmeister, A. Heiser, Stephen Doering, Charles Rumppe, Peter Herring, John Krahenbush, George Klues. In the year 1856 and early in 1857 the following emigrants, mostly from the beau- tiful Rhine river country near Cologne, established their homes in this town : Hilger Karis, Matt Esser, Herman Brois, Peter Schrier, John and Quirin Schrier, Hilger and Ludwig Schotten, Caspar Schmitz, Peter Gross, John J. and Fred Gross, Peter and Caspar Schiefer, Mathias and Gerhard Butzler, Peter Miehels, and in November of the same year Cornelius and Henry H. Cremer, Henry Berg, Martin Jungferdorf, William B. Brueggen, Herbert Koehlbraf. William McFarland, John Aller, George Whittley, Thomas Young, and a few more. At this time and since the organization of the town in 1858 we find a little log school house in Coles valley, and near Melvina is a school dis- trict called "District No. 1;" a little frame school house near Thompson's is District No. 2, and a little log school house, now known as St. Mary's, is District No. 3. Richard Cole was the first chairman of the town, and James Thompson and Michael Wiebel were the side supervisors, with A. Heiser as town clerk and Albert Fisher, town treasurer ; A. Thompson, assessor, and James Drapper, town superintendent of schools. In the spring of 1858 the first church was built in the town, 510 IIISTOKY OF MONROP] COUNTY being the Catholic ehureh of St. Mary's, ^hieh was constructed of logs twenty by forty-eight feet in size, ne;ir section one. The post office in St. ]\Iary's was established in 1859. Caspar Schmitz was its first postmaster, and during this time new settlers came into this town: .Jacol) Joesten, Mathew !Muehlenberg, C. Wie- bell, C. Dickson, S. Betz, Peter Basciiii.li. F. R.'iiihnl.l. C. Bier- haum, ]\latt Ileintz, Peter Flock, II. Rondorf, John and Jacob Seiberg, J\Iannlius Squires, A. Harrington. A\'illiam Collins, John ]\Iitchell, Herman Schrier and a few more. It was indeed a hard struggle for tlic first settlers in the fo^^n. as the land was very hard to clear and the crops of 1858 and 1859 Avere poor and there was no waj' of earning anything in this new country, so that tlie hardships endured -by the pioneers in this section were quite severe, but the year 3860 brought abundant crops of every kind and tiie people began from that time to prosper. The first presidential election was held in the town of Jefferson in November, 1860, and the toAvn went Democratic, and to this day has ever since cast its majority vote in the Democratic colunui. During the Civil "War, 1861-1865, the toAvn furnished more than its quota to serve their country in this struggle, and it pro- gressed in various wa,ys, forming a new school house district. No. 4, and two joint school houses in the towns of Portland, and Jefferson, and Wells, and the ])olitical affairs for a good many years were run by A. Heiser, Peter Schrier, P. Basenach, A. Fisher, Cole James Thompson, II. II. Cremer, Q. Schnieier, and a feAV others, and at this time Fred Feihrmiester was town su- perintendent of schools up to 1862, and after that time the county superintendent system was formed and Dr. ^1. R. Gage became county superintendent. The increasing population in the town and in adjoining towns made it necessary for the people around St. ]\Iary's in the year 1868 to build a new church, which was constructed of lumber forty by eighty-four feet in size, and ihcn a resident priest stationed there, it having, previous to this time uji to 1865, been attended from LaCrosse ; Jacob Joisten being now postmaster at St. ^NFary's until 1884. Capt. C. A. Hunt in 1866-67 bought some three hun- dred acres of land and erected the first mill on the section, gathering some families around him. This ])Iiice he named '']\Iel- vina," which was on the mail route that then existed between Sparta and Viroqua, and the captain Avas its postmaster until the time of his death. ]\relvina is a thrifty village and the railroad station, with good markets, and merchants lumdling goods of every description, lias a creamery, a i liurch ;ind graded schools. TOAVNSIIIP HISTORY 511 In the winter of 1866-67 seventeen families organized and de- cided to build a Catholic church in Pine Hollow, being the north- east quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-nine, to which II. H. Cremer donated three acres of land, and a frame church was built thirty-four by sixty-eight by twenty-two feet in size, which was destroyed by a tornado on the 25th of June, 1875. This storm swept over this part of the country, doing great damage. Soon after that the organization of seventeen families was increased by the following, which came from Jef- ferson county, Wisconsin: Peter Klinkler, Michael Berens, M. Hensen, Joseph Futhren, j\Iatt Biver, A. Justinger, P. Klesar, F. Bussinger, I\I. Sneider, J. Graff, Joseph Bluer, all of whom came in 1868, and the membership of this church having increased to about sixty, it was decided to build a new structure of stone, which was completed in 1878 and remained in St. Mary's until 1886, when it received its own pastor. At the present writing it has a congregation of about one hundred and sixty families, with a parochial school and a fine government in every way. Pine Hallow's postmaster was ]\Iatt Cremer, and he was post- master from the early 70 's to 1879, when the postoffice was then established in Cashton and Mr. Surdam was its first postmaster. In the year 1878 the Northwestern Railroad Company started to build a road from Summit, in ]Monroe county, to Viroqua, in Vernon county, and some grading was done along the line, but it appears this work was transferred over to the Chicago, ]Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railroad system and work was then begun on the present line of the road to Melvina, from where the Hon. H. H. Cremer was the first to buy a ticket to Sparta over that road, December 25, 1878, and in 1879 the road was completed to Viroqua, and the village platted, which was named Cashton in honor of W. H. Cash, of New Lisbon. Wis. The village was sit- uated on section thirty and people now began buying lots and buildings sprang up like magic. William Byries, Tate Nelson, Matt Cremer, William Kissel, F. Delle and many others erected business buildings, blacksmith shops and the like, and sooner than the space of one year it became quite a thrifty village, though under the town government, and in 1891 the village was incorporated under the statutes of this state and began to operate its own affairs. The town of Jefferson has from its earliest organization. 1855-1858, to the present time progressed in its farming and dairy interests, and its people have kept abreast of the other towns in the countv. It is now^ considered one of the best towns 512 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY in ]\Ionroe county, having in its domain tlie village of j\Ielvina, with its schools and church, tlie magniticent church of St. Mary's, a parochial school and district schools; and Pine Hallow, Avith St. Peter's and St. Paul's church and its parochial school, and district schools, and also two more schools of modern styles, mak- ing in all eight schools. The population is over eleven hundred. Two lumber yards and a mill at Mclvina, and various industries now existing at the village of Casliton comprising the many im- provements; the people are active and industrious. At this time only tw^o of the earliest settlers survive, Henry H. Cremer and Quirin Schreier; the rest have gone to their long reward, so that many doubtless interesting incidents of the hard- ships and trials of those early pioneers are forever lost. Its present officers are AVilliam Ileiser, chairn^an; R. Bruggeman and W. Mullenberg, supervisors; H. J. AVillgrub, clerk; Frank AV. Scliroicr, treasurer, and Peter Jost, assessor. CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY OF ST. MARY'S. This, the oldest religious community in the county of Monroe, was founded in the fall of 1856 by ten immigrant families from Germany, They were at the same time the first settlers of what is known as St. ]\Iary's ridge, in the towns of Jefferson, AVells, and Sheldon. Their names are : John Schreier and family, Peter Schreier, Herman Schreier, Quiram Schreier, Louis Schot- ten, Fred Gross, Herman Bans and family. Hilary Karis and family, Peter Michels and family. Math. Butzler and family, Ger- hard Butzler, Philip Becklor and Jacob Nelles, Mr, Peter Schreier was the first to arrive on the ridge and having explored the surroundings called the rest of his friends in the fall of 1856, The year folloAving fifteen more families from the fatherland in- creased the young colony. Among these were Peter Schiefer, Hilary Schotten, Peter Gross, Herman AVackcr, Casper Schieflfer, Herman Flock, Henry Schmitz, Casper Sclimitz, John Schaaf, Martin Jungferndorf. AVilliam Brueggen, Adam Kohlgraf, John Gross and Christ Brueggen. These settlers were nearly all from the shores of the Rhine. The first ground Avas donated to this congregation by Caspar Schieffer. It forms the present St. IMary's cemetery, where nearly all these old settlers were finally l;iipu- lation increased rajiidly. A postolfice was established in 185C. was discontinued after a few years, but was again re-established and has existed there ever since. In 1861 a grist mill was built by (\ F. Western, Avho ran it about a year, when it was purchased by Mr. Austin in 18G2. The mill at one time during his ownership had four run of stone and turned out as liigh as I-IO barrels of flour a day. The mill is fur- nished l)y a tine water i)ower equal to forty-eight horse power and today is used principally as a feed mill. Among the early settlers aside from those mentioned were A. TI. Gilliland. who came in 1853; AV. S. Jewell, who came the same year; A. II. Matteson, who arrived in 1858; Charles J. Mat- teson. who settled in the toAvn in 1854, built a store and engaged in the mercantile business for about twelve years; afterwards went to farming. H. A. Link, wlio came in June, 1858. His son, the Hon. "W. W. Link, still resides in the town and is the oldest living settler. He has lieen prominent in ]\Ionroe county atfairs and is living a peaceful life on his estate at an advanced age. In the early days a tavern was kept at Leon by D. M. "West, who Avanted tlie town naiiu^d ''^Miranda," after his wife, but the name was proposed by a man named LaAvton, who said it reminded him of a beautiful little valley he had seen in ]\Iexico called Leon. The early settlers liked it, so Leon it was. Peter DeCoursey, Avho was one of the first county board, came in 1851 with his father, Isaac; Samuel AVakeman, Reuben Kudney. Nelson 1'. Carrier in 1852; Aitlnii" Jewel. John Oakley and Henry Oakley, 1854; Hiram Hutchins and Henry Vanetten, in 1855 ; David Johns and Lewel- len Johns, in 1853; James ]\rort()n. the stage driver, and Samuel Greenman. in 1852. The first religious service in the town was in the 50 's by a Congregational minister named Reynolds sent out by a mission- ary society in the Kast to ])reach the gospel to the "heathen" in Leon. He did not stay very long. Leon is truly one of the garden spots of the county. Its TOWNSHIP HISTORY 523 beautifully situated farms, highly developed, are among the richest to be found anywhere. There are two creameries in the town, one situated in the settlement and the other on the farm of Ernest Austin, one-fourth of a mile south of the village. There are three churches in the town, the oldest being the Congrega- tional, and the next in point of time the jMethodist church. At one time an Advent church Avas maintained for a time, but went out of existence for lack of support. There is a Norwegian Lutheran church situated on Fish creek ridge, about five miles from the village, which has a large congregation. The present officers of the town are : A. E. Evenson, chair- man ; Ben Lee and Clyde Richardson, supervisors ; Winfield Link, clerk; Ben Fox, treasurer; E. C. Solberg, assessor; Justice, Ben Fox. Population, 751. TOWN OF LINCOLN. AVas set ofl: November 22, 1860 ; originally included territory comprised in it and towns of LaGrange and Grant. In April, 1861, the first town meeting Avas held, at Avhich AV. L. Hay ward was elected chairman ; M. C. Hart and Benjamin Miller, super- visors; AVilliam Parsins, toAvn clerk; C. C. Miller, town super- intendent ; A. Alaynard, assessor, and AVilliam Farnum, toAvn treasurer. The first settler in the territory of the present town, Avhich is township nineteen, range one west, was either AV. T. Alaynard or a man by the name of Isaac Cooper, each of Avhoni came into the town in 1855. In 1857 Hannibal Hamlin Lamb came and erected a building Avliich became familiarly known as "Lamb's Tavern" until it was burned doAvn, the last occupant of which Avas a son of the original founder, and in this house Avas held the first tOAvn meeting, at wdiich Calvin Beers Avas elected chairman ; L. N. SAveet and William Randall, superAdsors; AY. A. Barber, toAvn clerk ; Clifford AYoodard, treasurer, and J. L. Burk, assessor, this being a temporary organization. The first saAvmill in this ncAV toAvn Avas built in 1861 and Avas knoAvn as "Beer's mill," but reliable information shoAvs that it was built by other parties. It Avas in this mill that the first school was taught in the tOAvn, and the first sermon preached, and the first Sunday school held Avithin its Avails. The first sermon was preached by old Elder Medd, as he Avas fandliarly knoAA^i, and one other minister, Avho came into the town early and was knoAvn as "Pappy Lea," Avho also conducted services here. About the 524 IlliSTOKY OF MONROE COUNTY year 1863 Kiiiory's saAviiiill and also Snow's mill wore built. Emory's mill Avas later known as Lowrie's, and in Ihis mill a boiler ex])losioii kilb'd. or fatally injured, John Lidtlle and Mr. Gilson, the father oT W. E. Gilson, who is at present a resident of the town. In ]8(i7 WaiTcii and Gand)le bnill the sawmill at Ihc place which is now the xiMage -of Warrens, aiul there lias been several stationary and portable sawmills located in the town for a portion of the lime. l)nt oid.N' one of early date, which became established as a i)ermanent business, is the George Warren Company, of War- rens, which conducted a sawmill business for a great many years, and it lias now become a mill for finishing lundier ready for the builder. This firm has grown to such ])roportions that they noAV conduct a Idacksmith shop, repair shop, grist mill and a bank, each business being located in connnodious buildings. There is also located at Warrens the Rex ]\Ianiifacturing Company, owned liy C. O. Siiipper, and this plant is a sawmill and jdaning mill, manufacturing and repair shop, and is con- ducted in a substantial stone liuilding. For the first years of its existence and up to 1871 mail for this town came directed to Tomah. but at that date a postoffice Avas established near War- ren's mills, and James Gamble bcn-ame the first ]K)stmaster. serv- ing until 1875. when AY. A. Barber Avas appointed, and he has served continuously in that capacity up to the present time. The name of the ]iostoffice Avas changed to AYarrens. For the south- ei-n j)oi'ti()ii of the toAvnship mail Avas i-eceived at the Tomah postoffice until the establishment of a j^ostoffice at Kirby and then there Avas a Aveekly, and afterAvards, a daily service from AYarrens until the rural routes Avere established. In the toAvn- ship there ai'c noAV three rural routes starting from Warrens Avhich. to a great extent, cover the toAvn. The cranberry business is of considerable imiiortance and has been lor a great many years. Aluch capital has been invested in inipiiixing the cranberry marshes, until noAv it has becoim^ a i)er- manent industry. Here also at the village of AYarrens is a profitabh^ point for the sale of Avild blneberrjes and blackberries, and (juite a number of farmers in this vicinity have gone into raising strawberries, raspberries and cultivated blackberries, so that it is a rai)idly groAving industry, and even apples are being raised to some extent mi tlie heavi(M- soil of the ridge lands. The toAvn has many up-to-date and jjrogressive farmers, and in com- mon with most of the toAvns in the county, the dairying industry has become piominent and the breeding of thoroughbred cattle TOWNSHIP HISTORY 525 is undertaken by its more advanced farmers with great success. During- the Civil AVar the town furnished four sokliers, all brothers, and were the sons of Landlord Lamb, of "Lamb's Tavern:" Louis A. Lamb, Galon A. Lamb, Henry Lamb, and William Lamb, w^ho all returned honorably discharged, Galon A. being the only one wounded, and he still resides in the town. Some of the earlier pioneers are still living, notably L. N. Sweet and wife. G. R. Baker and wife, W. A. Barber and Avife, Clifford Woodard and wife, George Munson, F. G. Warren, Louis Morse, T. R. Gillett, B. L. Gillett, L. L. Gillett, and W. H. Gillett. The present town ot^eers are: George F. Goff, chairman; August Burkholz and J. P. Pederson, supervisors; H. H. Harris, clerk, and L. B. Lauser, treasurer. An incident is told of one of the earlier settlers, an old-time hunter, Silas Patterson, who bears on his person the marks of an attack of a large black bear, being at that time (not many years after the Civil War) in need of aid in purchasing supplies for a hunting trip. Mr. F. G. Warren w^as asked by Patterson to loan him the money with Avhich to make the purchase, stating that if Mr. Warren would trust him he would pay him as soon as he got the bounty on a nest of young wildcats he had located. ]\Ir. Warren replied that he "did not care to take chances on wild- cat security," but much to his surprise, a few days later Silas came in, bringing the cats ^nd exclaiming, "What did I tell you!" At the breaking out of the Spanish-American war Lincoln sent two men, Mett Rose and James Larson, who enlisted in Company K, Third Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, served through the campaign in Porto Rico, returning with that regiment in October, 1898, and were mustered out. The town of Grant was from 187-I to 1891) a part of the town of Lincoln. Present officers : Geo. E. Goff, chairman ; August Burkholz and J. P. Pederson, supervisors ; H. H. Harris, clerk ; M. P. Laur- sen. 'treasurer ; JMelvin IMosher, assessor; W. C. Goff and T. R. Gillett, justices. Population, 902. TOWN OF LITTLE FALLS. There is no record of the organization of the town of Little Falls in the proceedings of the county board of this county. It seems that at the time of the organization of this county the territory comprised in the towai of Little Falls and wdiat was then known as the town of Eaton on the east of it was supposed to be in Jackson county, and these two towns were originally 526 lllSTOKY OF .MOXHOH ("OUXTY orgaiiizi'il iiiid their tirsl nicetiiigs held as a part of that county, l)ut subsequently the mistake was discovered and the chairman of the town board of Little Falls appeared at the annual session of the county board of iMonroe county in November, 1856, claim- ing a seat as a member of that body. Objection Avas raised to this, but the reason for it does not appear upon the record. After some discussion and consideration of tlic; matter the board tinally voted to give the supervisor from the town of Little Falls a seat with all the rights of a member, and AV. \V. Benton wa.s duly sworn in as the first member of the county board from the town of Little Falls on Xovemlx-r 11, 1856. Settlers canie into the town early and ])egan developing its farm and timber lands and water i)owers. Perhaps the oldest settlor in point of time was AVilliam Printz. who came in 1852, being some two years before the county itself Avas organized, and the {)oint near Cataract Avas, in fact, one of the first localities in Avhich settlers ])egan to take up land. He Avas folloAved by Thomas Richards in 1854, and the other pioneers in order in Avhieh they came Averc George Walters, 1855: ^Ir. Ilovey, 1855, Avho kept a store; Bert :MatheAvs, 1856; :\[. P. Matteson, 1856; C. AV. Johnson. 1857; John ir. Brackett, 1864. There Avere many other settlers betAveen 1856 and 1860, but it has been impossible to mention them all. It is sufficient to say that they Aver(^ men of sturdy character and lielped to build uj* the early industries of the toAvn, laying the foundation for the future, Avhieh has surely proved their Avorth. There is a fin(! Avater poAver at the present site of the village of Catarait Avhich has been in use for a great many years and at one time furnished the poAver for a Avoolen mill. Avhich Avas erected there and has since run vni-ious institutions, including saw mills and a grist mill. BetAveen the years 1850 and 1860 the tOAA'u of Little Falls saAV some A'ery lively times. There Avas no railroad then at Black River Falls, as Sparta liecame the first railroad point. Little Falls being situated on the Avay betAveen these tAvo toAvns there Avas considerable teaming done, not only from Sparta up to the lumber Avoods, but also in the other direction. Freight Avas hauled back and forth and a stage made daily trips each Avay be- tAveen Cataract and Sparta and to Black Riv(M' Falls, another line running also from Sparta and Cataract up to Eau Claire, and during this period and later these stage lines and freight hauling companies did an inunense amount of travel. Th(» toAvn being sit- uated as it Avas, became a sort of center for a stopping place for TOAVNSIIIP IITSTORY 527 ti-MvcU'is, and at one time there were six hotels in the town, two at the village of Cataract, one at ]\lax Craig's, one at !Sam Ba- con's, one at Hugh Gallagher's, and one at Pett's tavern. At the breaking ont of the Civil War the citizens of Little Falls came forward handsomely to take up the gun for their country. On the call for three months' men Ilarold AValker and George Pomeroy were the first to enlist, and at the second call David Douglas, Perry AValker and Alonzo Barr were the first to i)ut down their names and enter the service, and all tJiree were subsequently killed. All of the men who went to the front from this town volunteered, and none had to ho drafted. LaRoy Farr, then eighteen years of age, left his home as a first lieutenant, was taken prisoner at his first battle, which was Pittsburg Land- ing, and was put in prison at Andersonville. Later he was sent to IMacon, Ga., and when he was finally released his health was broken down. The veterans Avho enlisted in the various military organizations in the rebellion from the town of Little Falls were as follows : Samuel Janes, Warren Pomeroy, George Pomeroy, Anthony Trumbly, Thomas McCumber, Samson LaBew, William Henry Washburn, Robert A. Duws, II. PI. Atchison, John Baker, Isaac i\Iatteson, Charles Matteson, LeRoy Farr, Albert IMatthews, C. AV. Johnson, Austin S. Beemer, David Douglas, Perry AYalker, Harold AValker, John Locke, AA^illiam Dodson, Adam ("arnahan, Archie Carnahan, Andrew Carnahan, Charles Edwards, Chub Sanders, T. P. Loyd. John Alartin, DeLos Head, Mr. Birge, Bert Matthews, Alonzo LaBarr. Robert AIcLain, George Cross, Pliilo AValker, ]\Ir. Brennan, Henry Crossen, Cummins Sprout and Rushbrok Sweet. Most of the town is now well developed and the village of Cataract has become quite a little settlement, situated as it is near a good Avater power and is a convenient trading point for the farmers living in the vicinity. The town has furnished from its citizens several men who have acquired prominence in the county affairs, among Avhom may be named the Seantletons, father and son ; a\Iyron Brackett, who for a number of years was a member of the county board and later served as supervisor of assessment until the office was abolished ; A. J. Carnahan, who now resides at Sparta, but who was elected as sheriff while a resident of the town ; Hugh Gallagher, who was chairman during the railroad agitation, when the now defunct Sparta-Melrose rail- road was cutting a good deal of figure, and many others who have helped manage the affairs of their town and county. During 1908-09-10 there was considerable excitement through- 528 HISTORY OF .MUXKOE CULXTY oiil tile town over llir ])on(liiig: of it to aid in lniiUliiig tlie Sparta- ]\lt'lrosc' railroad, whii-li was then undt-r consideration, and a rather warm meeting was held upon the proposition at which the citizens took sides, whidi finally culminatetd in a lawsnit to de- clare the l)onds illegal. The town lost the litigation Init in the course of time the railroad bond limit exi)ired and the Sparta- ]\Ielrose railroad has become a matter of history, and it may also be said that it never made any history, it being a project on paper, principally. I'l-oin start to finish. The present officers of the town are: D. R. Richards, chair- man; Jacob "Walters and Obert Isensee, supervisors; X'eil Han- son, clerk; J. T. Scantleton, treasurer; AV. V. Schmelling. assessor, and G. S. Greeno. justice of the peace. NEW LYME. This is one of the later towns, the territory endiraced in it being originally' a part of LaFayette. ajid its early history, there- fore, is that of the latter towu. ft was organized in 1872 and the toAvn was also at one time included in \^hat was known as the town of Eaton, no longer in existence, but the sketch of its early history being given later on in this chapter. The present town officers are : L. R. Hoard, chairman ; Ezeb Veir and David Fletcher, supervisors; Robert Prescott, clerk: John B. JMeyer, treasurer; Leo Richmond, assessor; L. D. Pres- cott, justice. Population, 281. OAKDALE. On Xovcniher 12, 1857, the county board cut off the territory now comprised in Oakdale and created a new town under the name of Leroy. At the session of the county boai'd in X^)V(Miil)er. 1862, the name Avas changed to Oakdale. Among the earlier settlers were E. ]\lel(>\ and Daniel Dame, in 1854; Enoch Baker and William Y. Baker, 1855; Lewellan Amidon and Seth Chase, in 1856. The first Iniilding erected was a log cabin built by E. ^INIeloy on section seventeen: the fii'sf church on the ground was the Catholic, which began services on Indian creek, three miles south of Oakdale station, in 1869. In 1857 a school house was built and school commenced with a small nund)er of pupils, ]\liss Emma Baker being the teacher. The toAvn had the ordinary existence of toAvns in the county, developing with the coming of the railroad, settlement being quite rapid after that. Nothing of consequence disturbed the peaceful occupation of its inhabitants until 1907. On AVednes- TOAVNSIIIi* HISTORY 52'J day, July 3rcl, of thai year llic town was visited with a cyclone which passed through the to^vns in the nortlieastern part of the county and was particularly severe in this town. The line of the storm was from Jackson county down tlirough a portion of the town of Lincoln, across the east side of LaGrange, through the southwest corner of Byron, and then midway through the town of Oakdale. The cyclone struck Oakdale near J. ('. Hill's farm and de- stroyed iMr. Hill's barns and other buildings, except his house. All of the buildings on the farms of Mr. ]Myers and Mr. Musser w'ere destroyed, as were also all the buildings on the farm of Fred Gabower. ]Mr. IMyers had his arm broken and Mr. and Mrs. Mus- ser saved themselves by going into the Avoods and clinging to small trees. The little village settlement was right in the path of the cyclone. The houses of B. C. Dame and A. N. Maltby were completely destroyed, and Daniel Dame killed. Nothing but the foundation of Mr. Dame's house remained. Mr. ]Maltby's house was moved a little from its foundation and crushed into kindling wood ; the windmill, barns, sheds and everything on the prem- ises were swept away. Robert Smith was killed also, and many persons received injuries more or less severe. Trees were up- rooted or were broken off, some were left standing with the bark completely stripped off from them. Mr. Johnson's store was moved slightly from its foundation, part of the roof torn off and the windows smashed. Syverson's elevator, containing 1,350 bushels of oats, was unroofed and w^recked and the grain scat- tered all over the country. The amount of damage done in the town of Oakdale is hard to estimate, but it ran up into many thousands of dollars. In addi- tion to the destruction of the buildings mentioned the barn on Jackson Prell's farm was wrecked and Fred Gabower, in addi- tion to the loss of his buildings, lost all his crops and a fine orchard. The present officers of the town are: George Kelk, chairman; Richard Wagner and Charles Shelby, supervisors; "VV. W. Hug- hart, clerk; Joseph Tiber, treasurer; R. A. Weiss, assessor; A. N. ]Malt1)y. justice. Population, 813. PORTLAND. This town was organized in 1858 and the first election of town officers held April 5, 1859, in the school house situated on section thirteen. The officers elected at that time Vv^ere : Richard Cole, chairman; Peter Schreier and John E. Stevens, supervisors; 53Q HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Adolph Ileiser, clerk; Albert Fisher, treasurer; J. J. Willsey and J. MeFarlaiul, assessors; James Draper, superintendent of schools; J. E. Stevens, Jolin Leigli and Adolph Ileiser, justices; Solomon Roberts and Albert Fisher, constables; John Cleaves, sealer of weights and measures. Among the first settlers in the town were Adam Russell, who held the position of postmaster at what was then called Mt. Pisgah, and operated a tavern, or stopping place, for travelers located on section thirteen, on the so-called Black river road, where it is related Gen. Jeremiah Rusk, then a stage driver on the line l)etween Sparta and Yii'(>i|ua. stopped for r(^fr(^slnnent for man and l)east. Jn 1857 or 1858 Jacob llazen came and started the tirst store on section tliirty-six at what is called "Hazen's Corners." In 1858 James Lord settled on section thirty-six and started a store with a bar in connection, whicli did not last long. The women in the community made a raid on the saloon, carried the kegs outside, opened the bung holes and let the evil spirits run at large. The first dwelling recorded is that located on section twenty-three, which was erected in the early 50 's by a man named ITayden. Among the earliest settlers were Sam Krahen- l)uhl. F. A. Meissner, David Kallicut, Thomas Clegg, J. Phillips, Henry AVillsey, J. E. StcA^ens, J. J. AYillsey, John B. Skinner, Christoff Cleaves, H. Troop, James Spa\dding, Christ Brown, D. Jones, E. E. Evans, H. H. Barber, ]\latt Sturdevant and Eric Peterson. The town furnished about seventeen soldiers during the Civil AVmi': James Ilalverson. J. J. AVillsey. John E. Stevens. J. B. Skinner, ^Martin" Frickson, Louis Ei-it-kson, AYesley Sturtevant, Eri(d< Peterson, Jacob Hazcn, AV. Stalker. T'lirist Brown. Lars Loom, Lars Peterson. Gustav Olson, Adrian Aliller, Anuind Han- son, and C. Cleaves. Henry AVillsey erected the first grist mill in 1859. and the first sawmill was built by David Killicut in 1864. Tlie German Lutheran clnirrh was established in 1878. There is a very pros- perous creamery located in the town, which enjoys a large num- ber of patrons in the town. Portland is one of the richest farming territories in the county. Its present officers are: T. R. Jones, cimirman: Frank J. Alasliak and Ilelmer Paulson, supervisors; Charles Perso, clerk; Ole C. Lee, treasurer; ^Martin A. I]rickson, assessor. Population, 1.088. TOWNSHIP HISTORY 531 TOWN OF RIDGEVILLE. This town was organized on the first day of April, 1856, the first tOAvn meeting being held on the first Tuesday of April in this year, at which M. Aney, B. S. Blake and A. W. Gibbs were elected supervisors; Samuel H. Griswold, town clerk; George B. Aney, assistant clerk, and Anson Spinner, justice of the peace; later on A. AV. Gibbs having moved away, Sanford A. Haushaw was appointed supervisor in his place on the 28th of January, 1857. Among the first settlers was Manuel i\Ietzger, who came direct from Germany and settled on a piece of land south of and near the present village of Norwalk, the farm now being owned by Mrs. Abraham Smith. He built a stone house of rough stone on a hillside, and this, undoubtedly, was the first building erected in the town of Eidgeville. From his early residence there the entire valley has acquired the name of "iMetzger's valley," by which it is known even to tlie present time. At about the time that Metzger came other settlers drifted in, among whom were Silas McGary, Anson Spinner, L. II. Gonger, Sebastian Feldmuir, David AVoodliff, George and M. Aney, John Bell, Henry Vieth, John AVallz, Jacob Aney, Carl Zimmerman, Oliver Hale and Isaac Ilargrave, and many others, following each other so quickly that it is difficult to get all of the names. The Lutherans erected the first church in this town in the year 1870, but prior to that time preaching had been had by an English ^Methodist preacher whose name cannot be recalled. Tlie first sermon in German was delivered by Henry Esch, the father of Congressman John J. p]sch. ]\Ir. Esch later moved to Sparta. This sermon was delivered at the log school house in the town of Ridgeville, and after that for a number of years Mr. Esch held religious services in the German homes in that vicinity. Beginning Avitli the earlier days the cause of education re- ceived due attention, and soon after the organization of the town a small log building was erected upon Emanuel Aletzger's farm, about three-fourths of a mile south of the present village of Nor- walk, and school was opened and has continued. At about 1875 a frame building was erected in the village of Norwalk, one mile north of the first place. In the War of the Rebellion this town furnished not less than thirty-nine soldiers, a record surely to be proud of, and Avhile 532 lllSTOKV OF MONROE COUXTY tlit'ir full naiiK' cannot in all cases he (riven. Ilie following is the list as near as can be ascertained : Mr. Jiluni, Jacob Root, Abraham P""airbanks, John Brnnner, C. ^leyers, Jacob Ilettnian, Silas ]\lc('ary. James Shanbin, Fred Vincenz. A. Vinccnz. F. Heller- man, Ileiiry Kroeger, William ^lunz. Tom ]\lcGary, John Woodliif, Henry ]\IcGary, Delos Crandcl. ^Ir. Sherwin. Leander Perry, Thomas Jones, Samuel Jerred, Fred Smelling. ^Ir. Grosset, ]Mr. Vanalstine, J. ('. ]Munz. George ]Munz. .Mr. Baidver. William Wil- liip, John IIolz, >Mathew Flock. AVilliam Cari'. Aiidriw Xolan, John Xolan, Oliver Hale, August Rath, William ("harideg. Sigiium Congei", ^Ir. Edwards and ]\Ir. Richards. This town in the earlier days was quite heavily tindjered and attracted the business of lumbering, which was commenced by Ilaldeman Brothers and Luethe in 1887, by the erecting of a saw mill on the ^Morris creek, near the present school house. It was operated l)y steam and conducted for some time. A grist mill Avas built in tlie town in 1898 by Bergman Brothers and is still in operation. A feed mill Avas erected by ("hrist Hett and p]ugene IMcGary in 1883-4. The advantages for a trading point led ]Mr. B.dz to build a store at what is known as Ridgeville. at the four-road crossing, where, at present, Paul Kewitt is living. This Avas erected in the early 50 's, and after the Northwestern Railway Avas built, stores Avere built up by Dolson and Sanbert on or near the place Where Norwalk is uoav situated. Fred IJettman built a blacksmith shop near the railroad cross- ing, south of Avhat is knoAvn as NorAvalk in L-^57. and at al)out the same time one Avas erected in Ridgeville 1)y A. Englert on Avhat is noAV one of Fred Zlemer's farms, so that in tlie early days nearly every requirement of the inhal)itants as far as stores, mills and shops Avere concerned, Avas satisfied. In 1894 the village of XorAvalk Avas inc<)r})oratcd and tluis hecame a separate municipality from the toAvn. With unceasing toil of the early German pioneers and con- tinued by the later generations, the tOAvn of Ridgeville has becouK^ one of the richest farming connnunities to b' found, perhaps, in this jiart of the state; its ridge lands are \ei-y fertile and lieautiful farms can he found along the i)latcau raising cro])s of various kinds as Avell ada]>tcd to the gi-owing of ajiples and other fruits. Present officers: Fred AV. Xoth, chairman; Charles Ilanisch and Fred AVoodliff, sujiervisors; Fred F. Leulhe, clerk; Herman AVendorf, treasurer; Anton Kroeger, assessor; John H. Alannel and AndreAv Anderson, justices. Population, 775. TOWNSHIP HISTORY 533 TOWN OF SHELDON. The first reeorcls oi' an election in this town was that of the second day of November, 1858. It was held at the mill of Millen Graham in the present village of Oil City. There appears to have been held, iiowever, a town meeting on the fifth day of July, 1848, at which a temporary organization was effected and Millen Gra- ham elected chairman; AYilliam Hubbard and ]\Iiner Moore, super- visors; AV. J. Heath, clerk and assessor; William Abbott, treas- urer, and Henry Eseh, assistant assessor. Esau Johnson was the first settler in this town, having come in the year 1846, and was also the first man to settle in the county of Monroe. Soon after that others began to drift in and to work for him in the lumber business, and in the year 1856 quite a number had settled in this vicinity, among whom were Jacob INIenn, Jacob Farmer, Henry Eseh, Edward Warren, AVilliam A. Hubbard, George Daughtery^ H. J. Smith, W. J. Heath, Elison jMcGee, Thomas Day, Tom Lewis, Patrick DeVany, Bernard Ilamatty, George Shippe, Thomas Wilkins, Andres Molley, Ezra Cook, Fern Rawson, William Crichett, Joseph Tritett and M. M. Curpy. The first building erected was a lumber shanty, built by Esau Johnson, on section twenty-four, in 1846, and it probably was the first structure of any kind erected in the county of Monroe ; a church was l)uilt in 1860 ])y J. J. Menu, constructed of logs, and was a small building. Before that time services had been held in dwelling houses and school houses and the first sermon that was preached was by a man named John Hamilon, and not long after that services were conducted by Henry p]seh and by Galusia and J. Brown. The first school house was erected in 1856 and was taught by one Andrew Faust. It was located near the present village of Oil City. During the ( ivil AVar this town furnished more than its share of soldiers, some of whom were Millen Graham, John Switzler, George Lewis, AY. P. Abbott, Andrew AYruck, Fredrick Talkey, Hod Lamg, George Daughtery, James Moomy, Edward J. Harris, David Eviur, Peter Singer, John Singer, AVilliam Schmitz, Christ AYruck, George AYilson, Martin Moore, L. C. Johnson AY. J. Heath, Sam AVilkinson, E. B. Smith, Henry Johnson, Thomas and Eugene Sullivan, E. Tuttle, Louis Walker, Hen Iloldcomb, Louis Everts, Andrew Alolley, C. B. Stoddard, James Finnel, Edward and Henry Critchett, Elusion Rawson, Leonard Hutchins, Gilbert and Daniel Hutchins, Eles Prichard, John Granzo, L. Savier and Daniel Moore. 534 inSTORY OF .MONROE COrXTY 111 comnutii with other towns of the county, the IuihIkt busi- ness commenced quite early, and the first saw mill was l)uilt by AV. J. Heath in 1856 and was in existence quite a number of years. The first grist mill was erected by ^Millcn Graham in the early 60's and the first store was conducted by Willifim Ohatnuiii. beginning: in 1868. There are two ehurehes in the town, one in the village of Ontario, and one about two miles south of Xorwalk, which is a German Evangelical ; tiie one situated in Ontario is conducted by the United Brethren and services are conducted in l)oth at the present time by the same pastor, the R'-v. Mave. There is considerable dairying among the farmers in tliis town and a creamery is located in Ontario, one, which at the present time does a large amount of business and a great deal of good to the surrounding farmers who have access to it. Its present officers are Ben Drawver. chairman; R. Ilaldeman and John Barry, supervisors; Eld. Abbott, clerk; Sam AVruck, treasurer; Fred Schumacher, assessor; P. H. Marburger, justice. Population, 771. TOWN OF SPARTA. Closely connected with the history of the city of Sparta is that of the town, for it Avas all one at the beginning, and the settlers who came in and took up land at the point and vieinity of where the city now stands Avere the earliest settlers of the town of Sparta, notably the Petit boys, wdio first settled somewhere near Castle Rock, Rev. Walrath, J. D. Damman, A. H. Blake and the score or more of others, who are so fully mentioned in the chapter devoted to the city. There are many who came in during the later fifties and early sixties, and to give a complete list of .them would be a task, indeed ; among them, however, may be mentioned Palmer Austin, who was an early settler in the fifties; A. P. Payne, also E. II. Eddy in 1854, and C. E. Peek. :\rr. :\Ie:\Iann and Josiah Tueker in the same year; 0. M. Shattuek, 1856; John Ilutson, Sr.. and Sol Ilutson, who settled in Big Creek in 1855 or 1856. Among those who came later were Peter Frye, Russell Brownell, John AYinters, Henry Esch, Lansom Parks and R. 11. Rogers. The town of Sparta has prospered amazingly since the earlier days and its assessed valuation in 1011 reached the enormous sum of !|<1,016,526 and its equalized valuation $1,272,900; and among the towns in the county which have pushed tlie good roads move- ment this town has been the pioneer. In fact, the efforts nmde TOWNSHIP HISTORY 535 by the town in this direction called itself to the attention of the state anthorities and undoubtedly was one of the moving causes to the extensive plans for the improvement of country roads everywhere in the state, and to it, Chairman Aug Sehlaver, now deceased, was due great credit for inaugurating it. The town was originally organized October 8, 1854, by a reso- lution of the county board and was one of the first five towns into which the county was divided after the organization of it. An election was held the following spring in which a full complement of town officers w^as elected, the town board continuing to admin- ister the municipal affairs of the entire territory within the limits, including the so-called village until the latter was incorporated and became a separate municipality, as lias been elsewhere related. The present officers of the town are J. P. Johnson, chairman; Evan Humphrey and J. T. "VVillgrubs, supervisors ; A. J. Frye, clerk ; W. P. Bamber, treasurer ; Gothern Liddle, assessor. The population of the town, according to the census of 1910, was 1,504. TOWN OF TOMAH. Containing within its limits, as it did, from the earliest day the village of Tomah, the history of this town naturally is merged in that of the village; for it w&s here that the earlier settlers located and right around the territory of the village were built the first farm buildings of any kind and the first land was taken up for farms, so that the history of the city of Tomah is practi- cally that of the Avhole township, except, of course, the develop- ment of the farming communities. The town was organized by a resolution of the county board on November 13, 1856, with a provision for the election of officers on the first Tuesday in April folloAving; the village then being a part of the toAvn, participated in the election which was held at the house of John Sexton; John G. Staysa was elected chairman; supervisors. Benjamin ]\Iel and C. A. Adams; clerk, Harvey Bush, and treasurer, Alden Cremer. The early settlement of the town outside of the village was quite rapid, many coming in during the early fifties ; among them were many names which are today familiar not only to the older residents, but to the present generation through their descend- ants. D. R. ]\Ieloy, who afterwards moved into the village and became a justice of the peace, came into the town in 1854, took up some land and went to farming; Charles Gilson, for so many years one of the most respected citizens of Tomah, came in ]\Iay, 1854, 536 HISTORY OF .MOXKOE COUNTY took land near tlie village. Avlii
  • ttlement known as the village of Eaton ; this town being in the northern part of the county, was gradually split up in the making of diflf^erent towns, and finally passed out of existence altogether, the last of its terri- 538 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY tory being attached to the town of Greenfield, as it is no longer in existence its history is of little importance and will not be entered into. TOWN OF SCOTT. This town was set off from Byron in 1880 ; its first settler was Andrew Scott, who came there in 1850, followed by William Dodge, who ])ut up a saw mill. The principal settlement is at Norway Ridge, surrounding Avhich are large cranberry marshes, which lias been the principal industry of the town for many years. Its present officers are Henry Soraers, chairman; John Scott and Ernest ]\Iiers, supervisors; L. jM. L. Purvianee. clerk: Chris Nelson, treasurer; L. L. Cook, assessor, and AV. ]M. Hunt ;iiid AVilliam Gray, justices. Population, 180. CHAPTER LII. SPARTA WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. BY ELIZABETH S. DUNN. The mothers of Sparta caught the vibrating current from the crusade spirit emanating from Hillsboro, Ohio, in 1875, and tra- dition says Miss Francis E. AVillard gave an address in the Metho- dist Episcopal Churcli and organized the union; Mrs. Gorman, wife of the pastor of the Baptist Church, was chosen president ; Mrs. Hoyt, Mrs. Allis, Mrs. Ady, Mrs. Dr. Millegan, Mrs. Hage- man Palmer, Mrs. Wolcott and Mrs. C. M. Foster were charter members, besides others whose names I have not learned. The early record was not preserved, therefore a correct history of the beginnings that perfected a firm foundation for reform work can- not be given. AVe are told that the early work was conducted along the lines of the original crusade, which had its birth at Hillsboro, Ohio, December 23, 1874. These consecrated women, led by Mrs. Gorman, met in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and after a session of prayer, marched sixty strong and prayed and sang in front of the saloons. The union entertained the state convention in the fall of 1882 ; the sessions were held in the old Baptist Church. Mrs. D. T. Hoyt was president, Mrs. R. S. Baldwin, Mrs. D. C. Beebe, Mrs. M. A. "Wilson and Mrs. Dunlevy were among the helpers. The writer became a member at this convention. Mrs. M. A. Wilson, Mrs. Sarah B. Dunle\y and Mrs. A. M. Pilcher served as presidents from 1883 to 1889. During Mrs. Wilson's administration a flourishing Y. W^. C. T. U. was organ- ized, with Mary Foote as president and Belle Ady as treasurer, also a Loyal Temperance Legion was mothered by the union. Howard Teasdale gave good service as superintendent, and after he resigned Mrs. Fred Richardson took up the work. This most essential part of the work was given up for want of a leader in the existing organizations for children. Mrs. Pilcher resigned in the fall of 1889 and Mrs. Cornelia M. Foster volunteered to fill the unexpired term. In the spring of 539 540 lllSTOKY OF .MOXKOK lULXTY J 890 she received a iinaiiiinuus call to the ])residency, and for eleven years, until lilOl, she was i-e-elected annually by the wishes and votes of all. These were years in which tiie society exercised large intlueuce and enjoyed signal prosperity. In January. 1890, she inaugnrated the annual thaidv-otfering meeting, entertaining the AVhite Kibbons at her home. At these social functions national and state oilficers were invited; they came, bringing messages from workers of national repute; the money received was used to carry on the work. Mr.>. Foster a(loi)te(l -lohn \V<'sley's motto for the union's guitje lo adivity. to "Do all the good you can. to all the i)eoi)le you can. in all llic ways you can. and just as long as you can." Taking up the following departnu'uts of work : Kvangc^listic. mother's meetings, franchise, Hower mission, litera- ture, jiarlianuMitary usage. i)ress, jail and almshouse work, scien- tific temperance instruction in schools, Sabbath observance, social purity, lumberman's work, narcotics, soldiers and sailors. A superintendent was api)ointi'(l to take charge of each department, several of these departments of work having been adopted in the early history of the union. (The national carried on forty depart- ments of work, each local union adoi)ts as numy as can be made useful.) The union was a prominent factor in the campaign in 1892 and 1893 that secured no license f AV. C. T. U. rooms with baskets of sanchviches and doughnuts, coffee ■and cream, until all had been served. Attaining towards greater possil)ilities in temperance work, Mrs. Foster, ]\Irs. AVilson. Emily Garrett and Mrs. AVolcott, as leaders in the niovenu^nt, conceived the idea of building a temple to take the place of the converted saloon, and as if by magic the struc- ture materialized. The building was erected and dedicated in June 1895 to temperance reform work, to be known as the W. C. T. U. Temple of Sparta. ]\Irs. Foster's ability as a leader and organizer caused the AV. C. T. U. of Sparta to become one of the banner unions of the state, both in UK^nbership and methods of work. In May, 1899, the union entertained the state convention, meetings being held in the armory. As a reminder of the union's popularity at that time I quote from Dr. CVawford's address of welcome, "The present membership is about one hundred and fifty and it is a ■growing membership. It comprises some of the best women of the city. In this society may be found piety, cultivation, tact, social influence, business al)ility and practical poAver. " Tlie Eau Claire Home for Unfortunate Girls appealed to the hearts of many of the union and it was given loyal support while it existed. Airs. Foster resigned the presidency in Alarch, 1901, on account of failing liealth, and Airs. AVilson, the vice president, acted as president until the annual election Alarch 22, 1901, when she was advanced to the president's chair, serving until December 22, 1901, when she resigned by letter. The office was not filled until the election in Alarch, 1902, at which Airs. Prill was elected; she served two terms, being re-elected in 1908, and in Alarch, 1904, Elizabeth S. Dunn was chosen to that office, which she still fills. AVith the passing years, noted changes have taken place, con- ducive to lessening the union's power for advancement and many of the true and tried have been promoted — Airs. Alae Richardson, Airs. Foster, Airs. Emily Garrett Foster, Airs. Hoyt, Airs. Sarles, Airs. Ady and many others, besides those who have moved from us. The formation of many clubs has reduced our member- ship ; the ministers of churches nor their wives of the later years have co-operated with us as in Dr. and Airs. Crawford's time. But through the inevitable changes we have endeavored to main- tain the principles for which this organization was called into existence, the betterment of humanity ; keeping the fires of inter- est burning in the different departments of work. A calender con- 542 HISTORY OF :\10XRO?: COT'XTY taining topics for eaeli meeting is adopted eaeli year. Frequent visits to tlie county alinsliouse and asylum are made holding a service of song. AVe are active in fifteen lines of work. This year tlie franchise department undo- tlie supervision of ]\Iiss Belle Ady, is considered the most important. This year, 1912, marks the receiving of a legacy of $1,630 left the union by Kmily Oarrett Foster, who loved the AV. C. T. U. Temple and made j)ossible the perpetuation of a "Avoman's build- ing," which stands as a monument to her memory. Though taken from us, she still lives in the hearts of the AVhite Ribbon sister- hood. The present membership is between fifty and sixty; Mrs. E. S. Dunn has served as president since 1904. We are glad we have a part in the largest organization in the world of women, Avaging our peaceful war (our weapons are agi- tation, education and converting public sentiment) against the greatest home destroyer, soul destroyer and vice creator in the world, the legalized liquor traffic, and Ave Avill not be justified in disbanding "until the last Avhiskey bottle comes off the medicine shelf; Avhen the last saloon is closed; AA^hen ti>e last church meni- l)('r has signed a dramshop petition ; Avhen the last boy has quit drinking beer; then the temperance people can sit doAvn and rest, until then our Avork is not done in the AVoman's Christian Tem- perance Union. CHAPTER LIII. GERMAN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES. BY REV. OTTO ENGEL. ST. JOHN'S, TOWN OF RIDGEVILLE. The earliest settlers of this portion of Monroe county, for- merly called "Dividing- Ridge," were Lutheran peasants from Jefferson county. In 1855 Gottlieb Gnewikow, William Albrecht, Ferdinand Vincenz, Carl Fuerbringer and Henry Vieth appeared on the ground. Daniel Zellmer, Gottfried Kewitt, ]Michael Zielke, Daniel Raedel and Louis IMatthes followed during the subsequent year. But it was not until the arrival of Mr. AVilliani Waegner in September, 1860, that efforts were made to gather the scattered Lutherans into a congregation. AVith indomitable energy he canvassed the neighboring country and called a meeting for the tenth of IMarch, 1862. Fifteen persons heeded the call. Regular services were now conducted under the leadership of Mr. Waeg- ner, who read from Hof acker's sermon book. April 1, 1862, a permanent organization was established. A congregational con-, stitution was at once adopted for the government of the infant society, which was subscribed by twenty-five men, heads of fami- lies, as uniting in the organization of this church. Their names were AYilliam Waegner, Christian Richert, Frederic Gnewikow, Daniel Zellmer, Christoph Eckelberg, John Bartels, Daniel Raedel, Meinhardt Gnewikow, Ludwig Kuthlow, Christoph Hoffman, Christian Libke, William Albrecht. August Koellner, Gottfried Kewitt, Frederic Eckelberg, Christian Helmke, ' Asmus Holz, David Kortbein, Christian JMueller. Carl Mueller, Joachim ]\Ietel- mann, John Schultz, Gottlieb Kuehl, Herman Horstmann, Chris- tian Marten. The following were chosen as the first officers: AVilliam AVaegner, Frederic Gnewikow, Christian Richert, John Bartels and Daniel Zellmer. At the same tiiiic the congregation was incorporated under the incorporate title, "The Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Church." After due deliberation a commu- nication was sent to Senior J. Muehlhaeuser, founder and first president of the Wisconsin Synod, applying for a pastor. As a 543 544 HISTORY OF .MOXKOE COLXTY consequence, Rev. ^Michael Ewert, the nearest Lutheran i)astor, having his home at Burr Oak. was instructed to provide this faith- ful band with the means of grace. lie was received with great joy when he preaclieil the first Lutheran sermon in ]\Ionroe county on the fifteenth of ]\Iay. ]8()2, at the district school house No. 1, in the present town of Ridgevillc He promised to preach at least once in eight weeks, receiving for every round trip of sixty miles .^8.00 in casli. The Lord's Su])p('i- was administered for the first time on the eighteenth of May to thirty-four communicants. Dur- ing his time a suitable place of worsliip was erected, a log iiouse, 20 l)y 'A2 feet. In -Tune, ]8fi2, after the congregation had pre- viously been admitted to the Wisconsin Synod, the new church was dedicated with solenni ceremony, tlie Jxrv. F. AV. Hass from ]\Iormon ("ooley assisting. Rev. ^Michael Kwert, the first minister who preached tlie word to the oldest Lutheran settlement in .Monroe county, was born at Radschief, Province of Posen, Germany, February 18, 1812. After receiving his preliminary education in the parochial schools of his native village, he entered the Teachers' Institute at Brond)erg. In 1856 he crossed the ocean and came to AVisconsin. wliere he was called upon to preach to the pastorless peo])le of Golden Lake. AVaukesha county, connecting himself with the Frankeau Synod. By reconnnendation of Pastor Muehlhaeuser, he was ordained for the gospel ministry in October, 1861, therewith becoming a member of the "Wisconsin Synod. In the same year he accepted a vocation to the "jMemminger ("hurch" at Burr Oak, resigning his pastorate at Cedar Creek and Richfield, "Waukesha county, shortly after Christmas. He died January 10, 1888, and is buried in tl'tc cemetery at Ox Boav, Jackson county. Througli the instrumentality of Dr. Ed. Aloldehnke. wlu) had previously, in June, 1863, preached at Ridgeville while on his missionary expeditions, the Rev. John A. lloyer Avas connnis- sioned to become the first resident Lutheran nunister in ]\Iouroe county. He arrived August 25, 1865, and delivered his first ser- mon on the following Sniiday. His ordination was performed by "W. Dammann, of Milwaukee, on llu^ nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. A parsonage was built for liim in tlie spring of the following year. Rev. Hoyer labored with great zenl. ]u-eaching not only at Ridgeville, but also at Clifton, where he had organized a congregation during the first year of liis ministry, until he received and accepted a call to Eldorado, AVi.-; . October 27, 1867. During the ensuing interim of seven months Air. AVaegner con- ducted services. May 20, 1868, the Rev. Ludwig P^bert was unani- EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES 545 moiisly called from Portland, Houston county, jMinnesota, where he had rendered service to a number of German Lutheran congre- gations. He founded a church at South Ridge and erected a house of worship at Clifton, whereupon he departed from Ridgeville April 9, 1871, in order to return to the fatherland, accepting a position as teacher in a gymnasium. April 10, 1871, the Rev. Albert F. Siegler, a native of Wollin, Pomerania, Germany, and first student under Dr. Moldehnke in the College at AVatertown, AA^is., was invited to take charge of the church. He accepted the invitation, and entered upon his work April 26, 1871, preaching his first sermon from the Gospel of the Good Shepherd. His installation followed on Pentecost Monday, May 29, Rev. C. G. Reim, La Crosse, AVis., officiating. During his pastorate the congregation grew too large to be accom- modated in the old log church, and consequently it was decided to erect the second house of w^orship, a frame building, 54 by 32, spire 75 feet, with altar niche and sancristy, at a cost of $3,000. Mr. H. L. Scherr and E. Brauer were the contractors. In Feb- ruary, 1874, the completed building was set apart to the worship of God, the pastor loci conducting the official ceremony. A church strife, into which the congregation was precipitated by the Reformed members, while the building was in progress, ended in the withdrawal of thirteen families and the formation of Salem's Church, October 17, 1873, which became extinct in 1890. Rev. Siegler 's career of this and fourteen other congregations and preaching places came to a close when he was called to Ixonia, AVis., July 17, 1877. July 24, 1877, the Rev. Erdman A. Pankow, whose father immigrated to Lebanon, Dodge county, with the so-called old Lutherans of Pomerania and Brandenburg in 1843, was called to the pastorate. He accepted and commenced his labors October 14, being installed by Rev. C. G. Reim of La Crosse, AVis. This rev- erend gentleman held the office of pastor of St. John's at Ridge- ville. St. Paul's at Tomah and St. Jacob's at Norwalk four years, when he was obliged to give notice to this congregation that on account of ill health he would have to sever his connection with this pastorate September 18, 1881. AVhen Rev. Pankow removed to St. Louis, IMo., the services of Pastor Andrew Schroedel was procured September 18, 1881. After due deliberation he commenced his labors in December, when he was formally installed by Rev. J. Badke of Dorset Ridge. Shortly after his arrival the first bells were hung in the steeple. The first mission festival was celebrated September 20, 1885. At 546 IllSTOKY OF MONROE COUNTY a eoiigregatioiial meeting held June 2, 1889, it was resolved to ereet a new i)arsonage on a recently purchased lot, whereupon AVilliani Zelhner, P'red Gnewikow and Henry Schlinz were appointed a building committee to carry out the design of the congregation. Accordingly, November 25, 1889, a contract was entered into with Charles Prehn of Portage, AVis., for the erection of a frame building, for the sum of $1,050. But before the com- pletion of the parsonage, October 28, the Rev. Schroedel asked for an honorary dismissal, having received a call to AVatertown as i)rofessor. This was granted November 25, 1889. December 29, 1889, the Rev. Christian F. C. Koehler from East Farnungton, Polk county, AYisconsin, was chosen to fill the pulpit. He entered upon the duties of his office on the twentj^-second of February, 1890, being installed by Professor Schroedel. Upon his instigation a special meeting was called on March 7, 1892, for the purpose of devising plans for a new school house, 22 by 36. On March 13 the congregation took title to a plot of ground com- prising two acres, purchasing the same from ^Martin Achtenberg, for a consideration of $275. AYilliam ]\Iatthes was given the con- tract and finished the work in November. Rev. Koehler 's min- istry lasted until June 4, 1899. when he was compelled to resign, being stricken with a hemorrhage. He removed to AYhite Bear. Minn., and soon after died, October 11, 1900. Rev. George AVashington Albrecht was tl'c next pastor. He entered upon his clerical duties July 26, 1899, and was introduced to his congregation the following Sunday l)y Prof. Jul. Gamm. The membership soon became too great to accommodate the crowds. A larger ])uilding became imperative. It was, therefore, decided to erect a brick structure, 45 by 65, siltar niche 16 by 20. tower 110 feet high. Plans sketched by Schick and Harrison of LaCrosse, AYis., were ai)prov(Ml. and the contract let to Ernest Daherr. of Tomah. AYis., .May 14. 1900. tlie excavation Avas begun willi. The cornel' stone was laid with ini]^ressive services on hte twenty-second of July, the Rev. Pi-of. A. F. Ernest of AYatertown, AYis., preaching frdiii Romans 8:31-32 and 1 Corinthians 3:11-12. The new church was formally dedicated to Almighty God on Jan- uary 20, 1901. 1lie Rev. Phil von Rohr, jiresident of synod; Rev. J. Gamm, iirofessor at Watertown. AYis., and Rev. A. F. Siegler. ])astor at AVauwatosa. AYis., conducting the services of consecra- tion. The Rev. Albrecht continued in faithful service in tlie con- gregation until December 1, 1907, when he received permission to move to Osceola, AVis. He died May 14. 1910. P'ebruary 1. 1908, Rev. Ewald Herrmanns' faithful and EVANGELICAL LUTIIEKAN CHURCHES 547 iiiiliapi)y i)astorate of two years began, lie eanie to this charge from the Deerfield and Newville congregations, near Waterloo, Wis., where he had labored since 1904. His resignation was accepted March 7, 1910, whereupon he removed to Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. The present incumbent is the Rev. August C. Stock, wdio has labored with diligence and acceptability since June 19, 1910. Dur- ing his nunistry a pipe organ was purchased for $2,000. The golden jubilee of the congregation was celebrated June 2, 1912, the Revs. E. A. Pankow, A. F. Siegier, 0. Kulow and Prof. J. Schaller delivering sermons. Extensive rebuilding and beautify- ing of the parsonage have taken place lately at a cost of about $1,600. The membership of the church is represented by one hundred and thirty-six families. The present officers are Fred Gnewikow, president ; William Lange, secretary ; Aug. Kewitt, treasurer • William Sommerfeld, F. Fuchs, Aug. IMartin, elders. The prop- erty owned by the congregation is estimated at $20,000. In con- nection with the church is a congregational school with about forty-five in attendance. A Ladies' Aid Society is in flourishing condition. A very able church choir is under the direction of the present pastor. The "Gemeinde-Blatt" is read by thirty-two members. Rev. Leo Kirst and Rev. Arnold Schulz have entered the gospel ministry from this congregation. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH OF TOMAH. By Rev. J. G. Glaeser. As near as can be ascertained at present writing, the first regular sermon was preached in Tomah by the Rev. A. F. Siegier, the resident Lutheran minister of St. John's Church of the towai of Ridgeville, Monroe county, Wisconsin, oji Monday follow^ing Easter Sunday, in the year 1872. The services were held in the home of William Fieting. Christians of Lutheran faith residing in Tomah and vicinity had prior to the date given occasionally assembled in private homes, having one from their midst to read a sermon. As shown by the early records, once before the men- tioned date the Rev. Ebert of Ridgeville delivered a sermon in Tomah at a special occasion. Regular services were inaugurated by the said Rev. A. F. Siegier in 1872. Services were held every four weeks in the private homes of Lutherans in Tomah. In those days the homes of the people were mostly small. Much incon- venience w^as soon experienced to accommodate the worshippers. 548 IIISTUKY OF .MONROE COUNTY So the thought to provide for a more siiital)k' jilaee to assemble, if such eoukl be had, became dominant. In the fall of 1873 an agreement was made by the Jaitherans of Tomah with the Con- gregational Church Society of said village by which the Lutherans should have the use of their church every fonrtli Sunday in the afternoon. ^Misunderstandings over prosperity urgently de- manded to organize as a church body and seek an own churcli home at an early date. At a congregational meeting July 26, 3874. articles of incorporation were drafted, agreed to and tli" same received and fih'd liy the register at the court house in Si)arta on August 18, 1874. The society is known under the incor- porate name, German Evangelical Lutheran, St. Paul's Church of Tomah, AVis. The constitution of the society sets forth that the Holy Scriptures shall be source, norm and rule of doctrine and Christian life, that the Book of Concord, the volume containing the General and the Lutheran confessions of faith, shall be the true manifestation of faith as the same is propagated by this chin-ch. Aside from the doctrine question, the object of organ- izing, the aims, the Avork of the organization, the requisites of membership, etc., are defined. The names of the charter members, seventeen in number, may find place in the history of the church, to wit: E. Daher, "William Fieting, Aug. Scholz, Carl Kuppcr. Louis Schnlz, Fred Helmke, L. Frieske, Fr. Maas, Dav. Martin, Ad. Koehn, Fred Schmidt, Fr. Duwe, Fr. Lueck, Alb. Bongers. Jul. Lueck, Ferd. Krueger and Rud. Roscovius. The statistics on the day of organization give seventeen voting members, forty- four communicant members, ninety-three souls. Lnmediately after organizing Karl Grutke was taken in as voting member, making eighteen in all, and the first board of trustees was elected, a l)ody of three in the early days of the church, which has been changed later to six. The first board of trustees were Karl Grutke, David ^Martin and Lud. Frieske. The financial powers of the members of St. Paul's Church was very limited in the early days of its existence, but the trust in God gave the small congregation courage to vote to purchase suitable ground for a church building. Two lots on North Superior ave- nue, 50 by 150 each, Avere purchased. Consideration, $180.00. At a meeting September 26, 1875, the congregation decided to erect a church edifice on their lots. Tlic building 1o be 24 x 36 x 12, of frame construction. The construction work was at once taken up and the first church building of the congregation Avas soon completed. On December 26, 1875, the new church Avas dedicated. The entire cost of same Avas $600. The building is to this day EVANGP]LICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES 549 occupied by the congregation, it being a part of its parochial school building. St. Paul's Lutheran congregation of Tomali has always known the duty of Christian congregations toward the rising genera- tions in their midst and has made provisions for Christian train- ing of the children of its members, as circumstances demanded. In the early days of the congregation, when the members were few and poor at that, they could not see their way clear to provide a regular day school, so they did the next best thing, giving the children a Sunday school. But a Sunday school could not suffice, where the young should learn to know the Savior well and where god-fearing men and women should be trained, who could serve God, country and fellowman aright. So the congregation decided at a meeting December 26, 1877. to furnish a winter term of four months' daily schooling to the children of the church members. Mr. E. Daher was engaged to teach the four months' term of 1877-1878. Re-engaged the succeeding terms to 1881. October 9, 1881, the congregation voted to call its first regular teacher and organize a full day school of nine and one-half to ten months a year. Mr. Kahlfass was called at the meeting above stated. He accepted the call and taught for one and one-half years. A school board was elected February 5, 1882, by the congregation. The members of the first school board were William Fieting, Ernst Daher and Fr. Helmke. The parochial school had come to stay. The first teacher, on his resignation, was succeeded by Messrs. Jul. Bittner and Ad. Stolz. Thus the things were done by the congregation to rear the young in the admonition unto the Lord, as circumstances and ability of th(^ church of Tomah could possibly afford. One live question of the congregation yet was unsolved, the provision of an own resident minister. True, the pastor of St. John's Church of Ridgeville, the Rev. A. F. Siegler, and his suc- cessors, the Revs. E. Pankow and A. Schroed<^I, did all their time and ability permitted to provide for the spiritual wants of the Tomah Lutheran Church. The growing congregation in Tomah demanded its own resident minister.. At the congregational meeting April 6, 1884, it was voted to call a minister. Mr. John Jenny was elected to fill the pulpit of St. Paul in Tomah. Mr. Jenny, at present pastor of St. James* Lutheran Church of Milwaukee, is a graduate of Northwestern College of Watertown, Wis., graduating from the Lutheran Sem- inary of ]\Iilwaukee in June, 1884. The Rev. Jenny accepted thf 550 HISTORY OF :\10XROE COUNTY call to Toniali in 1884 and was installed pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Tomali in the fall of the year given. Pastorate of the Rev. J. Jenny, 1884-1892. The congregation now had its own resident minister. The next step to be taken was to provide a parsonage for the congre- gation. After considering several locations for same it was decided, January liO, 1886, to accept an otter of the lot, 50x150, adjoining the cinircli projx'rty on the south. Avith a small cottage thereon, consideration being $900. Tlic Rev. Jenny had taken unto himself the ministerial work as well as the school work, the congregation l)eing too weak then to support a minister and a teacher. But soon the Lutheran congregation of Sparta pe- titioned the Tomah congregation to i)ermit tlieir pastor to till tiic pulpit of theii- small church also. The petition was granted De- cember 26, 1887, and the Rev. J. Jenny became pastor of the circuit — Tomah, Sparta and town of Lincoln,, Zeeda and (Jood- year. The ministerial Avork thus plentiful left no. or not sufficient. time to the minister to properly care for the school. So a parochial teacher was again called by the congregation. ]\Ir. Phil Gruetzmacher took charge. The congregation had grown to number fifty-nine voting mem- bers January 1, 1889. A larger church edifice became a pressing need. At a meeting August 25, 1889, the congregation voted to build a neAv church, which church building, by a decision arrived at in special meeting December 1, 1889, should atford a seating capacity of 350 and be of frame with brick veneer construction. The contract of erection was awarded to E. A. Daher of Tomah for $3,585 on February 15, 1890. On June 8, the basement com- plete, the corner stone was laid. Prof. E. Xotz of the Lutheran Seminary of IMilwaukee assisting the pastor in the act, preached the sermon. On the twelfth day of Octol)er. 1890, the church Avas dedicated. The Revs. IL Vogel, F. Stromer and C. Gansewitz doing service to an elated congregation by speaking Avords to the honor of God, Avho had made Avilling liearts and open hands to erect a structure of the kind. The ])astor read the dedicatory praj^er. The dimensions of the church edifice, stately Ihon. Avere 38x56xl(i. Avith toAver 104 feet and altar niche and sancristy. The total costs Avere $4,493.92. At a special meeting September 19. 1892, the pastor AA'as given an honorable dismissal from his duties in order to accept a call to Dnluth, ]\liun. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES 551 PASTORATE OF THE REV. G. E. BERGEMANN, NOVEMBER 1, 1892— NOVEMBER 30, 1899. Rev. G. E. Bergemami, of Bay City, Midi., was called to fill the pulpit of St. Paul's Lutheran church, of Tomah, vacated by Rev. J. Jenny. Rev. Bergemann accepted the call and took charge of his work in Tomah November 1, 1892. The Rev. Berge- mann is at present pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran church, of Fond du Lac, AVis. He holds the office of president of the Evangelical Lutheran synods of AVisconsin. A. 0. States is ex- officio member of various boards of said synod. The Rev. Berge- mann is a graduate of Northwestern college, of Watertown, '85, graduating from Lutheran seminary in June, 1887. In the parochial school of Tomah congregation Mr. Gruetz- macher having resigned as teacher ]\Ir. Brann succeeded him in November, 1892. Mr. Otto Borchert took charge of the school in the spring of '9.3, resigning his position in January, 1899. Mr. Chas. F. Brenner was given the school the same year. In 1896 the parsonage was altered — -enlarged at an expense of $700.00. During Rev. Bergemann 's pastorate the church's indebtedness was reduced to -$500.00. In the year 1899 the con- gregation celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of its exist- ence, commemorating the day by placing a ncAv pipe organ in their church at a cost of $785.00. August 20 was the day desig- nated to mark the twenty-fifth mile-stone. Services were held in the forenoon, afternoon and evening, the speakers being the Revs. J. Jenny and G. E. Bergemann. Church census figures on the day were given out, 126 voting members, 437 communicant members — 682 souls. The Rev. G. E. Bergemann soon thereafter accepted a call to St. Peter's Lutheran church, of Fond du Lac, leaving his Tomah charge the first days in December, 1899. PASTORATE OF THE REV. J. G. GLAESER, FROM JANU- ARY 11, 1900, TO PRESENT DATE. The Rev. J. G. Glaeser, of Naugart, Marathon county, Wis- consin, was called as pastor by St. Paul's Lutheran church, of Tomah, to succeed the Rev. G. E. Bergemann. Rev. Glaeser, a graduate of the Lutheran seminary in December, 1887, ordained a minister of the gospel in town of Paris, Kenosha county, Wis- consin, December 26, 1887, accepted the call tendered, arriving in Tomah, January 11, 1900, taking charge of the work of his ncAV field at once. The congregation had A'oted December 31, 1899, to wipe out the entire indebtedness of the society the coming 552 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY year. It was accomplished. In the general meeting of December 27, 1900, the congregation decided to purchase a peal of tAvo bells from ]\Ienerly Bell Foundry for $740.00. The money was raised within ten days by subscription ])y the meml)ers. The location of the school house along side the alley back of the church was unsatisfactory from every point of A'iew. So the congrega- tion elected a committee lo find a suitable location for their school. Of the several locations offered the congregation de- cided to purchase the lot, 50x150, north of ihe church property, owned by Mrs. A. i'techl, for !l>l,500.00. The dwelling on same was sold by the church for .^500.00. It was planned to move the school building on the lot, to add a new part, 12x26, same height and form of architecture to building, and put a high basement under entire building (26x52) for class room purposes. The plan was realized and improvements made as planned, costing closely to $8,000.00, of which sum one-half was paid at once, the balance the year following. The teacher resigned in June, li)02. The school year 1902-1903 was filled by Theo. Kadert, a student of New Ulm Seminary for Teachers. In September, 1903. Teacher Emil Reim took charge of the congregation's parochial school. The school had by a vote of the members taken July 12, 1903, been made an institution of two class rooms. Mr. Reim was chosen as principal and teacher of the I room, and ]Miss Ella Birr taught the lower grades from 1903-1906, ]\[iss Anna AVolflP, 1906-1911. In September, 3911, iMiss Frances Glaeser took charge of room II of the school. ]\Ir. Alex. Jaeger succeeded ]Mr. Reim, who A^acated liis position in June, 1908, accepting a call as principal to Tlustisford. Wis. On January 1, 1912, the school register showed ninety-three scholars; fifty-one were in the first room, with Alex. Jaeger as teacher; fni't>'-two in the lower grades, wilh Frances Glaeser as teachei-. The church membership had grown so that the l)uikling could no longer house the congregation. The question : What can be done to furnish more room for assemblies on the days of public worship? became i)ressing. It was decided to have the architect firm of Schick & Roth look into the cost of remodeling and enlarging the church edifice if possible. ^Ir. Scliidv. looking over the groui;d, liuilding, and inquiring how the congregation thought to ace()mi)lish an enlargement of their church, gave as his o])inion that an addition suitably large conld well be built. Sketches were drawn by tlie architects setting fortli the inner and outward appearance of the remodeled building. August 16, 1908, it was voted I)y the congregation to call upon Schick & EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN ("IIURC'IIES 553 Roth, architects, to draw plans and specifications as sketches liad shown. The plans drawn called for an addition 36x50, with sacristy and altar-niche of solid brick construction. The base- ment under addition to afford room for an assembly hall, furnace room and spacious closets. The old part to receive elevation of ceiling, new plaster and stucco work, etc. January 26, 1909, the bids for material and work of erection were opened and awarded to Mr. Peter Nelson, contractor and builder, of LaCrosse. The bid was $8,575.00. With the opening of spring work was com- menced, and no accident or misunderstanding of the parties concerned marring the progress of work, the building was com- pleted October 10, 1909. On that day the church was dedicated in proper manner. The former pastors, J. Jenny and G. E. Bergemann, were come to rejoice in the Lord with the congre- gation and preach the Word. The two young ]nen in the ministry of the Lutheran church gone forth from the Tomah congrega- tion, the Revs. Arnold Scliulz and Leo Kirst, Avere present and spoke the Word of Truth to their home church members. The cost of the addition, remodelling of old pait, new furniture, electric fixtures and heating plant amounted to $14,000.00, of which sum $11,000.00 was paid in by the members and friends on completion of improvements stated. In February. 1909, the congregation purchased the lot north of their property of Mrs. Crabb for $1,800.00. The same year, 1909, the city of Tomah put in brick pavement on Superior avenue, causing St. Paul's Lutheran congregation an expense of $700.00 as its part of payment. The church's property, located on Superior avenue, the beauty street of the city of Tomah, comprises five lots, each 50x150, a half block excepting the southeast corner lot. On the lots are to be found a two-room school house, the spacious church edifice having a seating capacity of 650, and a good-sized parson- age. January 1, 1912, the following figure-J were given: 196 voting members, 623 communicant members, 1,035 souls. ST. JOHN'S, SPARTA. About thirty-seven years ago a few German Lutherans drove to the town of Ridgeville for the purpose of listening to a Lutheran sermon and partaking of the Lord's Supper according to the institution of the Lutheran church. The pastor at Ridgeville w^as at that time the Rev. A. F. Siegler. He kindly invited them to his house and inquired about the religious outlook in Sparta. He subsequently 554 inSTOKY OF .MOXKOE COUNTY came to Sparta at liis earliest convenience, collected the scat- tered Lutherans, ijreadicd to thcin. and administered the sacra- ments. Divine services were lu'ld in ])rivatc houses at irregular intervals for nuuiy years, until the Kcv. Siegler asked the Sparta Lutherans to look for the service of some other pastor who could SU])pl\' 1 ln'iii ol'tciici-. The iK'xl iniuister who was calh'd upon to ])r('ach the Lord Jesus ('hrist and administfi- the sacraments was Rev. Henry ('. Daget'oerde, the tirst laljorer commissioned to Amci-ica by Pastor Ludwig Harms, founder and soul of the Hei'mannsl)urg Foreign ^Missionary Society. He was stationed at Barre .Mills. LaC'rosse county, and pleached the gospel to this people until he accepted a pastorate in Jiloomtield, Wis., in the fall of 1877. After the resignation of Rev. Dagefoerde the Rev. Louis E. Junker, pastor of ("hrist Lutheran church, ut J^nrr ()al<. i)rom- ised to preach tlic word every third Sunday. During his circiun- spective i)astorship, in 1S80, Sparta Lutherans organized themselves into a congregation, calling themselves ''St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church." The following persons consti- tuted the organization : August Schlaver. Sr., August Niemasch, Peter Boelke, ^lichael Lueck. Julius Dellmann, Godfrey Gantke, Julius jNleseur, August Jaiinke, Julius Pollack. Of these Peter Boelke, ^Michael Lueck, Julius Pollock and August Jahnke are still members of tlu^ church. Immediately after the organization steps were taken to erect a house of worshi]) on a ]»ai'ccl of land located on ]\Iain street. This frame building served the congre- gation foi' twenty-two years until it was supplanted by a more substantial sti-ucture. After the removal of Rev. Junker the cJuirge was entrusted to the care of Rev. Phillip Sprengling, a graduate from the Theo- logical seminary in ^lilwaukee. lie Avas ordained for the minis- try in May, 18S2. at Burr Oak, the Rev. 1'. Lange officiating. After five years of untiring and conscientious discharge of duty he was called to llika. town of Centerville, Manitowoc county, where he is still laboring with nmrked success. AVhen this chai'ge Avas vacated l)y the resignation of Rev. Sprengling the Lutherans of Sparta thought it more expedient to iniite witli the congregation at Tomah. In 1887 the Rev. John fJenny, Avhosc i)arents Avere nuMubers of the Swiss colony coming to Xcw (ilai'us. Ci-een couTity. "Wisconsin, in 1845, entered the field. Rev. Jcnn.N' was succeeded 1)\- tlie Rev. G. E. Bergemann, AA'ho received his theological training from Prof. Dr. Adhoenecke, the EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHLURCllES [)oo foremost instructor of dogmatics in America. He severed his connection with this congregation when he accepted a more prominent pastorate at Fond du Lac, AVis., serving the Wisconsin synod as vice-president since 1907 and as president since I'JUU. The subsequent herald of the cross was Rev. John G. Glaeser, visitor of the Southwestern district of the Mississi[)pi confer- ence. He came from St. Paul's church in the town of Berlin, Marathon county, and was installed at Tomah on January 11, 1900. At the suggestion of Rev. Glaeser Mr. H. W. Schmeling was called to be pastor of the German Lutheran tlock at Sparta. Ho was ordained to the office of the ministry July 7. 1901. The necessity for a more spacious place of worship soon became more and more apparent. In January, 1902, active measures were taken for a new church edifice. A lot was procured on Jeff^erson avenue and L street. 3Ir. Parkimon furnished plans and speci- fications. The contract was let to Ernest Schmalz and Gustav Friske. Work on the projected church, 84x40x20, spire 109 feet, was commenced early in spring and the corner stone was laid with becoming ceremonies I\lay 4, 1902. On this occasion a ser- mon was preached by Rev. Rich. Siegler, of Barre Mills. No-' vember 9, 1902. dedication was held. Rev. G. E. Bergemann. Fond du Lac, AVis., proclaimed the gospel in the forenoon. Rev. J. G. Glaeser, Tomah, AVis., conducted the afternoon's service, and Rev. J. Jenny, Alilwaukee, AVis., delivered an English address in the evening. In 1905 the congregation celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of its organization by arranging special services for the 3rd of September, the Revs. F. A. Siegler and P. Sehroeder officiating. A bell weighing 1,302 pounds was bought from the famous jNIeneely Company. Troy, N. Y., and in- stalled on the same occasion. A commodious and convenient parsonage was purchased in 1907. Following the custom of the Lutheran church, a parochial school was established in 1903, the pastor, Rev. Schmeling, conducting the same for five years. In 1908 Aliss Edith Steinke was employed. IMiss Ella Lorenz will take her place in September, 1912. The average attendance has been from forty to fifty pupils. The present congregation consists of 94 families, 350 com- municants, and 490 souls. The present officers of the church are : Pastor, Rev. H. AA". Schmeling; president. Alichael Lueck ; secre- tary. Henry Hoppmann ; treasurer, Hugo Protz ; school director, Louis Luebcke; teacher. Ella Lorenz; organist, Amelia Jalinke. 556 IIISTOKY OF .MOXKUE COUNTY Tlie whole value of the church puroperty approximates $1,600, Kegular P^nglish preaching is given once a month. ST. JACOB S, NORWALK. St. Jacob's is an outgrowth of St. John's, at KidgeviHc, the mother church of eight congregations in ^tonroe county. In 1875 some of its members living in the vcinity of Xorwalk were inclined to tiiink that the time had ai)proached to hold services in a somewhat closer proximity to their homes. Accordingly ihey asked the Rev. A. F. Siegler, pastor at Ridgeville since 1871, to hold religious services in the village of Xorwalk. Soon after- wards Rev. Siegler came here and began to labor with intentions to establish a preaching post. The first meetings were conducted in the old school house and at Roof's hall. Rev. Siegler remained with this society two years. He was succeeded on his departure by the Rev. Erdman A. PankoAV, at one time professor of ancient languages in Concordia college, Concordia, ^lo. During his time the congregation Avor- shiped fortnightly in a wagon shop. Septendjer 18, 1881, the Rev. Pankow, by reason of continued ill health, Avas compelled to tender his resignation, much to the regret of his ])arishioners. The third incuml)ent was the Rev. Andrew Scliroedel. late president of the Minnesota synod, who was called innnediately after his predecessor's resignation, assuming his position in De- cember, 1881. ITnder his skillful guidance. January 30, 1882. the permanent organization of the society was effected with nine members. The names of those who participated Avere : Jacol) Schuele, Gustav Prechcl. AVilliam Schedler. Clii-istian Drawer. Julius ]\Iittelstaedt, John Arndt. AVilliam Schulz. J. (iurske. At the same time they Avere incorporated under the prevailing bnvs of the state, naming themselves "Evangelical Lutheran St. Ja- cob's Church."' The first trustees Avere : President, AVilliam Schedler; secretary, Gottlieb Jahnke; treasurer, Jacob Schuele. A congregational constitution Avas ado])ted and signed by tlie A'oting members. Febniai'v 12, 1881. the lii'st cliun-h house. 2-4x36, for Avliidi ])i'o\isioiis had bi-en made during Rev. PankoAv's term, Avas completed and litly dedicated, the loi-al ])astor per- forming the dedieatoi-y act. and the Rev. J. Badke. from Dorset Ridiie. assisting. Tlie Luthei-ans of X'orAvalk may. therefore, .justly asci-il)e to themselves the honor of erecting the first house of Avorship in tlie village. Rev. Scliroedel supplied this church until October, 1880, Avhen he accepted a ]irofessorship in the XorthAvestern T"^niversitA', WatertOAvn, AYis. EVANGELICAL LLTIIEHAX CHURCHES 557 The next pastor, serving witli great earnestness from 1890- 1899, was the Kev. Christian F. C. Koehler, who previously had been serving congregations at East Farmington and Osceola, AVis. The first confirmation took place during his ministry on April 5, 1891. In June, 1891, this congregation Avas received as an integral part of the Wisconsin synod, the only German Lutheran church body represented in Monroe county. Mr. John Koeninger was the first delegate to synod convened at St. John's Lutheran church, ]\Llwaukee. June 18-25, 1891. A Sunday school was established and placed under the management of INIr. Jacob Schuele and Mrs. J. Koeninger. The Rev. Koehler continued to perform his duty in the midst of this congregation until he Avas forced to resign on account of a severe abdominal disease. He occupied the pulpit for the last time at Burr Oak, on tli(> occasion of a mission festival, his death taking place four days later, October 11, 1900, at the parsonage of Rev. Phil von Rohr, AVinona, Minn. After Prof. John P. Koehler, instructor of church history and new testament exegesis in the theological seminary of the p]van- gelical Lutheran AVisconsin Synod in Milwaukee, had acted as supply for nearly a whole year, the Rev. George AVashington Albrecht was appointed to the charge, his installation occurring on the 30th of July, 1891. He officiated in that capacity until it was decided by the congregation to become an independent charge, October 21, 1906. December 8, 1906, Pastor E. IMayerhoff, who resides at AA^oncAvoc, AVis., since his retirement from active Avork on account of infirmities of age, Avas called as vicar. He labored AA'ith this people until the Rca'. Otto Engel, the present incumbent, Avas extended a call. The Rev. Engel, a graduate of Concordia college and the sem- inary in Mihvaukee, accepted the call after mature deliberation, and Avas ordained to the office of the ministry by Rca'. Mayerhoff, August 18, 1907, thus becoming the first resident minister of any denomination at NorAvalk. Shortly after his arrival an ex- cellent parsonage Avas erected at a cost of about $2,000. A full parochial school Avas opened in the fall of the same year, the pastor acting as teacher four years. The congregation ha\dng groAvn in the meantime, in the fall of 1909 it Avas decided to build a ncAv house of Avorship. The l)uilding committee consisted of Eduard Bergmann, Robert GracAvin and Rudolf Martin. Plans and specifications Avere furnished by Schick & Roth, LaCrosse architects. The contract Avas let to J. A. Heilmann on the 15th 558 IlllSTOKY OF .MONROE COUNTY of February, 11)10, for ^(),280. Five thousand and twenty-six dol- lars were raised by the pastor to carry on the woik. Tlic corner stone was laid ]\lay 29, 1910. The services were participated in by Rev. J. G. Glaeser, Toniali, Wis., and Rev. C. AV. Siegler, Hanj?or, AVis. The new church was completed in October. It is a hue brick structure, ."UxliO, beautiful and churchly in all ap- ])ointnu^nts, calculated to comfortably seat 2.10 ])crsons. The (b'dication services were held OcIoIxt 2:5, Prof. -J. P. Koehler, ^Milwaukee. Wis.; Rev. K. A. Paukow, Caledonia. .Alinn.. and Rev. A. (". Stock. Ridgevillc. Wis., preaching- dedicatory sermons. In the construction of the new chui'ch an expenditure of about j)^10,000 was made. The motto had been: Evei-vthing new for the new church. The congregation is composed of forty-fiv(> voting and eleven contributing niembers. The present officers of the society are: President, Robert Graewin; secretary, Gusta^- .lanke; treasurer, Carl Hanisch ; elder, Soren Kastberg. A Sunday school is ably oonducted by 3Irs. Emma Hornung and Alarie Koepcke, having an attendance of twenty-two scholars. Connected with the church there is a Ladies' Aid Society, consisting of twenty-five active members. The church property is estimated at .tlo.OOO. About twenty-six copies of the Gemeinde-Blatt and three copies of the Lutheran AVitness ar-e taken by the congregation. The salary paid to the pastor at present is .$400. The congregation possesses its own cemetery. Xorwalk Lutherans have one of the most beautiful, substantial and commodious church buildings in ]\Ionroe county. The basement of the ehnreli is utilized for school purposes. ST. MATTHEW'S, TOWN OF LINCOLN. The jjutheran families in the town of Lincoln were visited by the Revs. A. F. Siegler, E. A. Pankow, A. Schroedel, pastors of St. John's in the town of Ridgevill(\ at irregular intervals, public services being conducted in ]iiMvate residences. This was ]>rior to 1880. When the Rev. .1. .lenny, formerly stationed al iron Cr(>ek, near ]\Ienomouie, AVis., liecame the first resident Lutlieran min- ister of Tomah. Sei)teiiiber 28, 1884. lie was c.dled upon to take charge of the missidu in the town of Lincoln. Regular services were now held every three or four weeks in the school house on tlie Rlacdv River road, one and one-half miles north fi-om T\ii-by. On November 6, 1892, after Rev. -Jeiniy had been appointed missionary of the mining district near Duluth. ^linn.. th(> Rev. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES 559 G. E. Bergemann, since 1887 pastor of Trinity church at South Ji.iy ( ity, ]Mich., assumed full charge of his clerical duties at ToHiali and town of Lincoln. December 16, 1894, a meeting was held by the mend)ers of the mission in the aforementioned school house immediately after service for the purpose of organizing a congregation. A constitution stating name, object and doctrinal position of the society was drafted and signed by the vofing members present, December 26, 1894. The organization was completed by electing the following olBcers : President, Rev. G. E. Bergemann; secretary, Wm. Hoffmann; treasurer, Wm. Kemp. The name "Eivangelical Lutheran St. ]\[atthew's Church of the Town of Lincoln, Monroe County, AVisconsin, " was unanimously selected. A call to St. Peter's Lutheran church at Fond du Lac, Wis., ended the labors of Rev. Bergemann for this people, December, 1899, and the Rev. J. G. Glaeser was called from Naugart, AVis., entering upon his work January 14. 1900. Soon after his ar- rival a meeting was called to consider the question of building a church edifice. The congregation voted to purchase an acre of land from Llenry Severloh, Sr.. located on Black river road, only a few rods distant from the school house which had served the congregation for many years. It was decided to erect a build- ing 26x40 feet, frame, with brick veneer, tower 52 feet high. The contract was awarded to E. A. Daher, of Tomah, early in the spring. In ]May the corner stone of the proposed building Avas laid with customary ceremonies, the local pastor delivering an appropriate and impressive address. July 1. 1900, the new church was dedicated to the worship of the Triune God, the former pastors. Rev. J. Jenny and G. E. Bergemann. upon special invitation by the congregation, conducting the dedication serv- ices. The total cost was .^1.600, there being nineteen members to contribute towards the elimination of the church debt which remained after the completion of the building. April 4. 1907, the congregation incorporated under the laws governing religious societies, the papers being filed at the Courthouse in Sparta, Col. 8, No. 223-224. The first board of trustees of six members w^ere : Aug. Kemp, Fred Gehrke, AVm. Schroeder, Frank Hoffman, Her- man Gehrke and AYm. Kastens. In 1911 the congregation had the interior of the church covered with tasteful metal ceiling, at a cost of $225. The membership is twenty-six A-oting, four contributing and about ninety communicant members. The present church of- ficers are: Pastor, J. G. Glaeser; trustees, John Zahrte, August 560 HISTORY OF :moxroe county Kc'inp. Augu;sl iJirkliolz; elders, Win. Ka.stuii!;, IJeniiaii Oehrke, AVin. Ziininormann. FRIEDENS CHURCH, TOWN OF LITTLE FALLS. The tirst iiiiiiister of the gospel who acliuiiiistered the means of grace among tlie Lutheran families in the town of Little Falls, fourteen miles north of Sparta, was the Rev. Louis E. Junker, a self-sacrificing and devout Christian. He came from Burr Oak valley sixteen miles, where he had been located since 1878, and preached at irregular intervals in private residences and school houses. In the spring of 1882 Rev. Junker left this congrega- tion and went as pastor to Eitzen, ]\Iinn., closing his earthly pilgrimage December 5, 1910. After the removal of Rev. Junker the administration of the sacraments ceased until, through the instrumentality of ^Ir. John Loesch. a staunch Lutheran who had served Rev. Junker as driver, the Rev. J. J. ]Mcyer. an unpretending laborer in the Lord's vineyard, was called upon to look after the spiritual wel- fare of this people. Rev. ]\Ieyer resided at Burr Oak. and com- menced to preach the AVord every fourth week in 1890. conduct- ing divine Avorship with six families in district school house No. 6. the use of which was kindly and gratuitously granted to them l)y the school board, an offer wliich was accepted with gratitude! AVhen the little flock was strengthened by the addition of a few families coming from Irish Valley and Pine Hill, an organization was effected with sixteen male members in 1896. In the follow- ing year it was desired to erect a house of worship, ^lessrs. II. Parlow. AVm. Jahnke and Franic Zillmer Avere appointed as a building coniniittee. 'lln' new Iraiiic church, 32x42. tower oO feet, was appropriately dedicated October 2-1, 1897. the Rev. Meyer preaching. From 1882-1888 this preaching station was supplied with tlic AVoi'd of God by Rev. Pliillip Sprengling. a graduate from the seminary at .Milwaukee, who sat at the feet of Dr. A. L. GraebiH'r. a i'ecogniz(Hl authority on the history of the Lutheran church in America. He Avas succeeded by Rev. AVilliam Parisius. Avho was installed as pastor of Christ's church at Burr Oak. and of Frieden's church on the 16th of Septend)er, 1900, by the Rev. R. Siegler. But since the Avork at Burr Oak so occupied the time of Rev. Parisius that he could not look after the interests of this congregation as Avell as he Avould like to, he asked them to (-aW upon some other neighboring minister. By his recommendation, in the summer of 1902. the serA'ice or EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CIlUKC'llES 561 Eev. n. AV. Sc'limeling, of Sparta, was secured. He preaches every alternate Sunday in the afternoon, conducting an English service immediately after the German every month. The present congregation consists of 45 families, 160 com- municants and 240 souls. The church officers are : President, August Brandt ; secretary, Albert Wegner ; treasurer, John Hanke. The Sunday school has a comparatively large enroll- ment. Summer school is held every year during July and August, religion and German reading and writing being the principal branches. The pastor resides at Sparta. PORTLAND CHURCH, TOWN OF PORTLAND. The first German settlers of the southwestern part of JMonroe county, known as Portland Center, came from Jefferson county, and were members of the Lutheran church. In May, 1862, Ferdinand Perso, Carl Voelz and William Hanke entered this district. Christian Hanke, August Savall and Frederic Breiten- feld came in close succession. Destitute of Lutheran preaching they resolved to send Mr. Christian Hanke, a strict Lutheran, to <\Iormon Cooley in order to secure the services of Rev. Fred. Wm. Hass. In 1865 this pioneer-preacher made his first appearance, traveling the distance of twenty-four miles on foot. Thus these early Lutherans were privileged to hear the gospel from the lips of an old acciuaintance, for some had known the Rev. Hass in Pomerania, Germany, where he labored as teacher in Alt-Sans- kow and Zuchen for over twenty years. He crossed the ocean in 1856, settling at Watertown, "Wis., September 9, where, upon the advice of Phil. Wetzel, a teacher, a school was entrusted to his care by Rev. A. Wagner. October 1, 1858, he Avas made pastor of Bethany church and St. INIichael's, near Hustisford, and through the instrumentality of Rev. G. Fachtmann he located at IMormon Cooley, town of Shelby (formerly town of Greenfield), July 9, 1862. He died, seventy-one years of age, June 14, 1890. The next pastor was Rev. Henry C. Dagefoerde, who was in- fluenced by the powerful sermons of Pastor Ludwig Harms to enter the Hermannsburg Foreign Mission Institute at Hermanns- burg, Hanover, Germany, in his thirty-sixth year, and who en- joyed the reputation of having been an industrious laborer in Christ's vineyard until his death at Trumann, Minn., October 9, 1910. He took charge of this congregation when he was installed as pastor of St. John's Lutheran church at Barre Mills, LaCrosse county, popularly known as "Bostvick Valley church," May 11, 1873, coming from Leeds, Columbia county, where he served 562 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY liis first ehargo after his arrival in America, in 1869. Rev. Dage- foerde supplied this small band of Lutherans with the means of grace in the l*ortlaud Center school house until he took leave of his congregation at Barre Mills to labor at Bloomfield, Wis. After the resignation of Rev. Dagefoerde Ihe congregation secured the service of Rev. I'eter U. Lange, Avho was l)orn at Sclduepke, near Ilermannsburg, Germany. August 28, 184:^, and immigrated to the I'nited States in 1872, sfttling at Peshtigo, AVis., where, October 6, he became pastor of a congregation that had lost cliui'ch and parsonage in the great forest fires, October 6, 1872. He located at liarro ]\Iills in Deceml)er, 1877, and per- formed ministerial acts among these people until ^lay. 1886, wlien lie removed to Pipestone, 31 inn., to serve in the capacity of synodical missioiiai-^-. During his stay, in 1878, a brick chui'ch, 20x.'^(), Avas completed and dedicated, the neighboring ministers assisting. Decemliei- 'A]. 1877. a constitution was drawn up and signed liy tlie following members: C. A. Yoelz, C. Hanke, Ferdinand I'crso, August Sa\all, Ma.rtin Savall, August Hoehn, Carl Mai'tin. Tlie fii-st regularly elected church officers Avere: ("hrislian llaid^e. Fei'dinand l^erso. C. A. Yoelz. The death of Mr. Lange occurred Mardi 22, 1900, at AVeyauwega, AYisconsin. The fourth iiicumlieiit was Rev. K'ichai'd .^ieglei-. who pursued his collegiate studi<'s at Xorl Invest ern rni>'ersity. Watertown, AVis.. and has now adxaiieed to tlie position of tield missionary. He took 111. liis resi(]eiice at Uarre .Mills. A|.ril 26, 1886. In 1890, when West Salem and Bangor wei-e added lo his care, the con- gregation Avas advised to call upon the ser\ice of Rev. F. Bred- low. ])astor of Zion's Lutheran eliurcli at Klroy. In a congregational meeiing held Xovember 80. 1890, a call was extended to Rev. Bi'edlo\\- for one yi'ar. his salary being $7."). He served this people as avcII as he could every third Sunday, traveling ])y rail to Alelvina or Norwalk and then walking the rest of the (listanc(> to Portland Center. Tlie Rev. F. Bredlow was born May 31, 1852, at Eichberg, near Kreuz, Province of Posen, Oermany. He came to this country in 1881 and then ac- quired his training for the Avork of the ministry at the Lutheran theological seminary of the AVisconsin synod in Alilwaukee, lo- cated in Eimmermann's park, on Thirteenth, between A'^ine street and Fond du I^ac avenue. He finished his course in 1886 and has served congregations at Thei'csa, Dodge county; Tuckertown, Sauk county, and Elroy, .Tuneau county. Mr. Bredlow is now EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES 563 connected with the general council and serves congregations near "VVetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada. After the removal of Rev. Bredlow, the Rev. W. Parisius, Avho had recently arrived from the pro-seminary for America at Kropp, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, was placed in charge of this organization. He was introduced to his congregation at Elroy, August 27, 1893, by Rev. E. Mayerhoff, a superannuated minister of the Lutheran church, and drove to Portland via Kendall, Ontario, Cashton, a distance of about forty miles, once a month. In 1895 this congregation came under the pastoral care of Rev. Theodor Hartwig, who located at Bangor as the first resi- dent minister of St. Paul's church, an offshoot from the Bost- viek Valley church, September 15, 1895. Rev. Hartwig obtained his education in the schools of the Lutheran church in Water- town and ^Milwaukee, is a contributor to the Theologische Quar- talschrift, a religious periodical, and read a doctrinal paper at the last convention of the Wisconsin synod, assembled at Mil- waukee, June 19-24, 1912. When Rev. Hartwig took leave of this flock to follow a call to Naugat, Wis., the Rev. William F. Rader, for twenty-one years pastor of St. John's, at Wauwatosa, Wis., was appointed to this charge, his installation taking place in the fall of 1904. He re- mained until 1908, when he was transferred to Prairie du Chien, Wis., the Rev. H. Schmeling, of Sparta, in the meantime filling the pulpit. The present pastor is the Rev. Carl W. Siegler. who minis- tered to St. John's church at Stanton. Neb., from October, 1900. to July, 1907, serving at the same time as recording secretary of the district synod of Nebraska, affiliated with the general synod of Wisconsin, IMinnesota, Michigan and other states. He en- tered upon his duties in January, 1909. The congregation now numbers eleven voting and five con- tributing members. The property owned by the congregation is estimated at $1,500. The present church officers are : C. Perso, Wm. Rosenow and A. Breitenfeld. A graveyard surrounds the church. ST. PETER'S, TOWN OF CLIFTON. The first Lutheran sermon in the towns of Clifton and Oak- dale was preached during ]\Iay. 1863, in the house of Christian Hergert, by Prof. Dr. Ed. F. ^Moldehnke, first itinerant mission- 564 HISTORY OF .AlOXKOE COUNTY iiry ol' the Wist-onosiii syjiod. Jii 3865 St. Peter's, second oldest J^uthcran cougregation in ^loiiroe couuty, commonly called "Clifton'' or "Jndian Creek" clnucli. was organized at tiir resi- dence of Christian Joos, Avho came to this section of the state from Jefferson county in 1859. The first regular nnnister representing the TiUthci-an churt-h in this Aicniity was Rev. John August lloyer, who emigrated from Hamburg, Germany, April 15, 18()5, and came to Ridgeville. August 25, as the first resident minister in ]\Ionroe county, lie preached his first sermon to the newly organized congregation in the latter part of October, supplying this charge Avitii preach- ing every third Sunday, the services being held in private dwell- ings and jiublic school houses. After two years of faithful labor. Rev. Iloyer accepted a call to Eldorado, near Fond du Lae. Wis., and })reached his farewell sermon on the seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, October 13. 1867. Ilis last entry in the Clnirch- Record reads: "The Lord bless this congregation, young and old, unto eternal life and salvation. Amen." Ilis successor was Rev. Ludwig Ebert. wlio came to America from the Pilgrim IMission House at St. Chrischona, near Basel. Switzerland, in 1862, to serve the Lutheran church in the Dia- spora. During his pastorate in 1869 steps were taken to erect a house of Avorship on a site presented to the congregation by Fred. Geil, t"wo and one-half miles west from the present village of Clifton, on the old ]\Iinnesota stage road. The result was a frame building, 24x.36xl6 feet in dimensions, which was sol- emnly dedicated on the ITtli of October, 1869, the Rev. Ebert preaching the dedicatory sermon at the altar from the First Book of Kings, eighth chapter, verses 22-30, 54-60, ami then expound- ing from the pulpit the fundamental doctrine of justification according to John 3 :16. After Rev. Ebert 's departure, which occurred around Easter. 1870, a call was extended to Rev. Albert F. Siegler, of IMenomo- nie, Wis. He followed the example of his predecessor and resided at Ridgeville, breaking the bread of Life to this congre- gation every third Sunday. Extending his missionary journeys into Jackson, AVood and Juneau counties, he deemed it necessary to divide his field and induced Indian Creek, Dorset Ridge, South Ridge and AVilton to call their own minister. This plan went into effect when ]\Ir. AV. II. Bergholz, a grad- uate from Concordia seminary. St. Louis, ^lo.. came to live at Dorset Ridge, six miles south of the Clifton church, his ordination and installation taking place July 13. 1873. In 1877 he severed EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES 565 his connection with this charge, having received and accepted a call to Eldorado, Fond dn Lac county, "Wisconsin. He was followed by Rev. Carl Zlonike, who, after taking active part in the Austro-Priissian and Franco-Prussian wars, had left the fatherland as a candidate of th-^ Wangeniann Mis- sion Institute at Berlin, Germany, commissioned for emigrant missionary work in America. After a conscientious discharge of his ministerial duties he moved to Golden, 111. Mr. Julius Badke, graduating from the Practical seminary of the Missouri synod at Springfield, 111., succeeded to the pas- torate in 1880, being ordained for the ministry by Rev. E. A. Pankow, November 25, 1880. He relinquished his charge in July, 1884, and then left for Glencoe, Trempeleau county, AVisconsin. afterwards entering the Canada synod, of which he still is a member, residing at Brantford, Ontario. Immediately after his predecessor's resignation. Rev. Frank Stej'er was called from Ahnapee (Algoma), Kewaunee county, Wisconsin, where he had been active as missionary, covering the territory along the "Wisconsin Central railroad, from Auburndale to Ashland. During his pastorship a commodious parsonage was built on the property adjoining the church, and henceforth we find the ministers of this charge permanently located in the midst of this congregation. In a joint meeting held at Wilton, under the chairmanship of Rev. A. Schoedel in the spring of the year 1889, it was decided to divide the field comprising St. Peter's at Clifton, Immanuel's at Dorset Ridge, St. Matthew's at South Ridge, and St. Paul's at Wilton. As a result Rev. John Casparius Himmler was called to Indian Creek and Dorset Ridge, Avhile South Ridge and Wilton became a separate charge. ]\Ir. Ilinnnler reports at the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the congregation, 664 baptisms, 304 confirmations. 112 weddings and 181 burials. Rev. Himmler 's ministry with this organization lasted until 1895, and Rev. Henry Viestenz was chosen as the next officiating pastor. On IMay 25, 1896, the resolution was passed to erect a new church. Messrs. R. Grassmann, H. Battalia, J. Senz, A. Brock- mann and C. von Iladen were appointed the building committee. October 17. 1896, the new frame church, 34x50 feet, was conse- crated to the service of Almighty God, Rev. J. Himmler, Helen- ville. Wis., and Rev. L. Ranch, Fountain City, Wis., preaching able sermons. After an efficient service of seven years Rev. Viestenz was obliged to resign on account of ill health, March 16, 1902. AVhen Rev. Viestenz moved to Tacoma, Wash., to regain his 566 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY health, Rev. Iimnauuel Brackebnseh was chosen to become his successor. He came from Door county and preached his first ser- mon in ]\Iarch. December 18, 1108, Si. Paul's church, at Hustler, was organized with members of this congregation. In a regular congregational meeting, held on the 26th of .June. 1912, it was decided to introduce f]nglish preaching once a montii. The first service of this kind was conducted .lul\- 14. 1!)12. The congregation at ])resent iniinhers sixty-six voting and fourteen paying members. The present officiary of the church is: Rev. I. Brackebusch, president: Rich. Wagner, vice-presi- dent; Ed. Wappler, secretary; Al. Brockniann, treasurer; Gustav Grassmann, John Brandt, Louis von lladen, trustees. Connected with the church is a school Avith thirty to forty scholars, the basement of the church being used as a school room. The chiu-eh property is valued at about il^o,000. IMMANUEL'S, TOWN OF CLIFTON. Lnmanuel's Lutheran church more commonly known as "Dorset church," is located five miles northAvest from Kendall. It was organized, in all probability, in 1870, upon the sugges- tion of ]\Ir. Hugo AVetzel, who Avas the first German pioneer in this vicinity, coming from Dodge county in 1861. In the sum- mer of 1870 a parsonage and a church were erected of hewn logs upon a site deeded to the organization by Ernestine AYet- zel on March 28, 1870. During the same year, in the fall, Rev. Phil. "Wetzel arrived from Hustisford, AYis., and preached at irregular intervals to Hugo AYetzel, Christian Ililke, Henry Zarling, Fred Thurow, Carl Glander, Christian AYolkow, Carl Radloflt" and Fred Raabe. But since ]Mr. AYetzel Avas no ordained minister nor connected Avitli a Lutheran synod, the Rev. A. F. Siegler, pastor at Ridgeville, Avas called upon to perform the duties of an ordained clergyman. He preached in the parsonage and in the incomplete church until Rev. "\Y. Bergholz Avas chosen first resident pastor, serving at the same time St. Peter's at Clifton and St. MatthcAv^s at South Ridge. In a joint meeting AA'hich Avas called by the Dorset, Clifton and South Ridge congregations, January 10. 1877. it Avas agreed to appoint Rev. C. Zlomke from Atlantic. la., to the charge. He entered the field during !May. preaching on tAVO consecutive Sun- days at Dorset and Clifton, and devoting every third Sabbath day to missionary Avork in the South Ridge and AYilton settle- ments. His salary amounted to $325, Immanuel's contributing $125. When he Avas granted an honorarj' dismissal, June 27, 1880, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES 567 he accepted a position at Golden, 111. The Rev. E. Pankow preached during the interval. In October, 1880, the congregation came under the pastoral care of Rev. J. Badke, who had been connected with the Illinois Staatszeitung, in Chicago, until he determined to prepare him- self for the ministry, graduating from Concordia seminary, Springfield, 111., in June, 1880. He moved into the parsonage on the 26tli of October and delivered his introductory sermon on the last of the same month. Under his administration, February 11, 1883, the board of trustees was enlarged, consisting now of six members instead of the customary three, viz. : Carl Siekert, Ferd. Waege, Fred Raabe, Fred Thurow, Fred Steingraeber and Henry AVestphal. In January, 1883, Rev. Badke decided to move to Wilton. This caused considerable dissatisfaction on the part of the congregation, and the visitor. Rev. Phil, von Rohr, Winona, Minn., was called upon to settle the difficulties. The result was that the congregation, consisting of thirty-six fam- ilies, changed the constitution and called a Reformed minister. On May 13, 1883, Rev. John Wirz, stationed at Ridgeville, where, in 1873, under similar conditions, a Reformed church sprang into existence, spoke his first sermon and was soon after, June 3, chosen as preacher. In consequence of this change a few members deemed it inconsequent to have a Reformed pastor preach to Lutheran people and withdrew. They were : Fred Zimmermann, August Klatt, Fred Thurow, Carl Zimmermann, August AA^olfgram, Henry Koehler and Carl Bellack. Rev. F. Steyer, who had been appointed by the remaining three congregations, took up his residence at Clifton and came to preach in the Strozinsky school house to the few afore- named Lutherans. Instruction for confirmation was conducted in a vacant house belonging to Mr. Bruno Krueger. After a few months they worshiped in district school house No. 5. At last, the congregation failing to collect the promised $200 salary, the Rev. Wirz was asked to resign, June 4, 1886. On April 17, 1887, Rev. Steyer was allowed to preach in the church, where- upon he was chosen pastor May 2d. In the spring of 1889 Rev. Steyer dissolved his connection with this congregation in order to go to Fair Haven, Stearns county, INIinnesota, and Rev. J. Himmler came to fill the vacancy, his installation taking place on the 7th day of July, 1889. He labored diligently in the midst of this congregation and at Clif- ton, South Ridge and Wilton, having in the meantime separated from this charge with intentions of calling their own minister. 568 HISTORY OF .MOXKOK ("Ol'XTY Rev. Iliinnilcr. luning been called to St. Peter's ehurch at lleleiiville, AVis.. in the spring of 1895, was succeeded by Rev. II. Yiosteuz, who had last held a position as pastor of several Lutheran organizations in the town of Greeufield, Sauk county, Wisconsin. Soon after ills arrival it became evident that a larger edifice was essential to the prosperity of the congregation, and it was decided to erect a new church structure. The l)uilding committee was composed of the following men: Fred Zimmer- mann. Christian Glauder and Fred Raabe. In the fall of 1898 the elegaiil cliurch, 28x44 feet in size, Avith a seating capacity of 250, Avas completed, the dedication taking place on October 23, Rev. AV. Parisins officiating in tlie forenoon and Rev. G. Berge- inann i)reaehiiig an ai)i)r()pi-iate sermon at the afternoon's service. In 1902 Rev. Yiestenz' health began to fail and he was finally obliged to discontinue his work on that account. After his departure the congregation gave a call to Rev. Im. Brackebusch. the i)resent pastor, who was installed into the pastorate of linmanuel's Lutheran church on the 9th of ]\Iarch, 1902, by request of Rev. Phil, von Rohr, late president of the Wisconsin synod, the Rev. J. G. Glaeser delivering the sermon. The church enrollment nuiii])ers at present forty-two voting and eleven paying members. The present board of trustees are; Eniil Pasch. president; August Raabe, secretary; Christian Glan- der, treasurer; Ed. AYendorf, Al. Gloede and Carl Glander, elders. The churdi pro[)erty is valued at $4,500. Every other year German school is held during six months, the average attendance Ix'ing .dxuil Iwenly-iive. Public serAices are con- ducted every alternate Sunday. The minister occupies the parsonage at Clifton, six miles north. ST. MATTHEW'S, TOWN OF WELLINGTON. Tlie nucleus of Si. .Matthew's Lutlieian churcli, al the junc- 1ion of South Ridge and Pleasant Ridge, in lise town of \Yelling- ton. may be found in a conversation between Louis Friske and a Lutheran from Ridgeville. at Enderby's uiill in Wilton, in the fall of 18()!). When lojd aliout ihe existence of a Lutiieran church at Ridgevide. Louis Friske and his h •oilier Julius walked fourteen miles to hear a Lutheran sei-mon. .'\s a result Rev. L. Ebert. i)astor of St. .loim's Lulhci'an church in the town of Ridgeville. inaugurated Lutheran |)reaching at South Ridge. whci'c until then .Methodist ministei-s from Spring A'alley had been condui'ling services at the .Musch schot)l house with Lutheran people. The homes of Peter Friske and John Klaehr EVANGELKWL LrTIIEKAX ( IirRClIES 569 were the tirst gathering places. Those who attended here Avere : Louis Friske, ]\lilliam Schatz, Carl Brandenbvirg, Peter Friske, AVilliani Pahl, Carl Rohde, William Arndt, August Bartz, Louis Ziebart, Fred ^laluege, Julius Friske, Louis IMusch. AVilliam Brandenburg, John Klaehr. Pastor Ebert conducted divine wor- ship once a month on week days, administering Holy Communion on Sundays, this hai)pening four times during the year. AVlien, in April, 1871, Rev. Ebert resigned at Ridgeville and chose some other vocation, the Rev. A. F. Sicgler was appointed to fill the vacancy. He continued the good work of his prede- cessor and came to labor among these Lutherans during mid- week, mostly on AVednesdays, accompanied by AV. AYaegner, a devout layman. On account of large attendance Air. Siegler abandoned the services in private houses and began preaching at the Alusch school house. Noticing that the care of fifteen congregations and preaching- stations exceeded his power, the Rev. Siegler insisted upon call- ing a special minister for Dorset Ridge, Indian Creek and South Ridge. The proper man was found in the person of Rev. AA". Bergholz, who took up his residence in an old-time log house on the Dorset ridge in 1873. He came every third Sabbath day, often walking the distance of fourteen miles. The minister's salary at that time was $3 per member. Rev. Bergholz. in the meantime having received a call to the eastern part of the state, was followed by Rev. C. Zlomke, who Avithdrew from the Iowa synod in 1875 on account of doctrinal differences. His installation took place on Alonday before Pentecost, Alay 14, 1877, and w^as effected by Rev. A. F. Siegler. Air. Zlondvc. who served in the Second squadron of the First Royal Hussar regiment at Danzig, Germany, in 1864, made use of his skill as a horseman, coming on horseback from Dorset to teach the children the fundamental truths of Christianity on Saturday and preaching Christ every third Sunday. After three years' service Rev. Zlomke was succeeded by Rev. J. Badke, who came from the fatherland in June, 1864, and after many hardships finally entered the ministry, serving the congregations at Dorset, Clifton, AA'ilfon and South Ridge as his first charge. During his incumbency, January, 1881, the resolution was i)assed to build a church. January 7, 1883, the church officers, Gottlieb Jesse, Louis Ziebart, Henry Klaehr, were authorized to purchase a tract of land comprising one acre from Frank AVebb, at a cost of $60. In the meantime this charge was vacated. Rev. F. Steyer, 570 HISTORY OF MOXKOE COUNTY for whom a parsoiiaj^e liad hoeii l)iiilt at Clii'ton, beginning his ministry in 1884. Difficulties arising during the building period, 1880-1887, (h'manded i)rea('hing ;i1 the red ])riek and the Ilef- fernan school liouses, until the new diurrli, ;i0xr)0x20 feet, Avas completed, and October 16, 1887. approi>riately dedicated, the Rev. A. Schroedel delivering the sermon and the local pastor ably conducting the dedicatory services. Rev. Steyer preached his last sermon on Easter ]\Ionday. April 22, 1889, and then re- moved to Minnesota, where he united with the ^Missouri synod, which, together with the AVisconsin, ^Minnesota, ]Michigan and Nebraska synods, forms the synodicnl conl'erence, the largest Lutheran church body in Americn. In the spring of 1889, by the ri'comnieni'ation of the .synod, this parish, comprising four congregations in the eastern section of this county since 1873, divided, St. Peter's at Clifton and Ininianuel's at Dorset forming one charge, and St. Paul's at AVilton and St. Matthew's at South Ridge the other. The latter at once extended a uninamous call to Rev. .1. Ziebell. who ac- cepted and took charge July G, 1889. Immediately after his installation he settled at AVilton, six miles northwest, from which place this congregation was supplied until it becanu' an inde- pendent charge, in 1908. A several years' vacancy occurred when Rev. Ziebell resigned in the winter of 1892. During this time, 1892-1895, St. Alat- thew's had the service of Rev. C. Koehler, from Ridgeville. lie conducted divine worship every third Sunday, tending at the same time to tlie construction of a parsonage at AVilton. towards which this congregation contributed il<250. The next incumbent was Rev. J. Ilering, at one time assist- ant professor in the seminary of tlie Towa synod. During his ministry, in 1899. an organ was bt)uglit ; two bells were dedi- cated in 1905. January 25. 1908, it was agreed to separate from the AVilton charge and engage a minister. A property opi)osite the cliui-cli was securetl from F. F. Alachus at .$1,500 to serve as a i)arsonage. Rev. PI. Zimmermann, foriiierl\- at Shickley, Neb., followed the call which was extended to him on the 11th day of June, 1908, thus becoming the first resident jiastor. Authorized by the president of the synod, the Rev. Ziunnei-mann Avas installed as pastor o! this conogregation by Rev. J. Ilering on the 2d of August, 1908. I'pon his instigation a seccnid organ was ob- tained, which served for the first time on the 28d of ^lay, 1910. Rev. A. F. Siegler preaching a special sermon upon this occasion. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES 571 On November 5, 1911, a total remodeling of the eliureh was planned, with a school room in the basement. The present church membership consists of 88 voting, 8 con- tributing and 310 communicant members, 451: souls. This church also maintains a day school, which has an enrollment of forty pupils, German and religion being the principal studies. Regular monthly English services have become a permanent institution. The following are the present officers : Wm. Graewin, president ; Otto Schnell, secretary ; Louis Klaehr, treasurer ; Albert Neitzel, elder. The value of the church property, including parsonage, is about $6,300. The church will be ready for re-dedication about the 1st of September. ST. PAUL'S, WILTON. When, in 1873, upon the request of Rev. A. F. Siegler, until then the only stationary Lutheran minister in Monroe county, the Rev. W. Bergholz was chosen pastor of the Indian Creek, Dorset and South Ridge settlements, this field of labor was soon, in 1875, extended by the addition of a preaching post in the vicinity of AYilton. The names of those assembling for divine services at the Mitchel school house, one and one-half miles south of the village, were: Christian Holch, John Jesse, AYilliam Arndt, August Bartz, Carl Liefke, August Rohde and Carl Brandenburg. They contributed $20 towards the support of the minister. Upon the departure of Mr. Bergholz, which occurred in 1877, Rev. C. Zlomke was elected to serve the society, the Rev. A. F. Siegler supplying the pulpit until his arrival. Pastor Zlomke came to proclaim the gospel to this little flock every third Sun- day on his return from South Ridge, where he preached in the morning. His annual pay was $30. In 1880, when the same call had been tendered for the second time, Rev. Zlomke moved to Illinois, and from there to St. Joseph, ]\Iicli., vvdiere he was connected with Trinity Lutheran church for twenty-eight years, retiring from active service in 1911 after a continuous service of thirty-eight years. In 1880 Rev. J. Badke was appointed to take charge of the four congregations belonging to this parish: Immanuel's at Dorset Ridge, St. Peter's at Indian Creek, St. Matthew's at South Ridge, and St. Paul's near Wilton. On account of incon- venience of location and insufficient accommodations, it was de- termined in May, 1882, to discontinue preaching at the Mitchel school house. Services were now held at the L^nited Brethren 572 IIISTOKY OF :\10XR0E COUNTY church, in AVillon. \\liicli "was rcnitod for an infinite period at $16 per iiiimiiii. Ju .Januai'v, 1883, Rov. Badkc found it expe- dient to live in AViitou and consequently vacated the parsonage on Dorset Ridge. Here he eanie in contact with Rev. Phil. AVetzel, who, in consequence of advanced age, had retired from the Dorset Ridge in the I'ail of 187:^, preaching occasionally to his family and a circle of close friends. After tlie arrival of Rev. I^adke. .Mr. AV(4zel refrained from public preaching, and soon, ill 1884. rctui-ned to Watertown, AVis., his former home. Avhei-e he-died JMarch 8, ]890, eighty-four years of age. In 1884, Api-il 2. tile coiigregation adopted a constitution by which it shall be govci'iicd. The church ot'ticers appointed at l!iis meeting were: W. Arndt. II. .Mittag, J. Schroeder, F. AVaege. Rev. Badke connnenced preaching every alternate Sunday in the afternoon, for wliicli service he received $30, since 1883, $50. Air. Badke was succeeded in 1884 by Rev. F. Steyer, who preached to his parishioners in the chapel ov ned by the United Brethren, coming foiu'teen miles froni ("lit'lon, Avhere a roomy and comfortable parsonage had been built for the pastors of this charge. Fel)ruary 7, 1887. the congregation organized under the state laws in the presence of Air. August Newhouse, the justice of the peace. Soon the necessity of possessing a place of worship Avas severely felt. Ste]is Avere. therefore, taken to secure a site on whicdi to er(»ct a suitable church edifice. A tract of Innd was ])ui'chased from Frank Farmer, one block west from tiie Knglish eluireli. Two hundred and sixty-four dollars were signed by the thirty-four members, and $11.") were collected from the Inisiness people and neighboring congrega- tions. The completed church building was appropriately dedi- cated December 11, 1887, Revs. A. Schroedel, of Ridgeville, and A. Sehlei, of AVonewoc, AVis.. officiating Avith the pastor. In the spring of 1889 ReA'. Steyer accepted a pastorate in Alinne- sota, but soon moved to Arkansas, Avhere he lias ser\'ed a num- ber of congregations attached 1o th(» Alissouri syiuxl for more than eighteen y(»ars. After Rev. Steyer 's honorary dismissal, the synod advised to divide this charge, lu'oposing Rev. J. llinnuler for Indian Creek and Doiset Ridge, and Rev. J. Ziebell for AVilton and South Ridge. Thi' inslallation of Rca'. Ziebell. formerly of El- roy, occurred on the 7th of July, 1880. the sermon of the occa- sion being given by Rev. A. Schroedel. July 14, 1802. tAvo acres of lai:d Avere bought from O. \. Ilillger for a cemetery, tlie ground being consecrated on Ihe 31st of July, (^n December 5, EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES 573 1892, Rev. Ziebell delivered his farewell address and resigned from the ministry. During the interim which followed Rev. Christian Koehler, jiastor at Ridgeville, supplied the congregation with regular preaching from December, 1892, to January, 1895. He super- intended, in 1893, the erection of a parsonage on the lot adjoin- ing the church. In the construction of this parsonage, main part 24x16x16 feet, addition 24x16x10 feet, an expenditure of $881 has been made. South Ridge congregation contributing $250. December 14, 1894, Rev. Julius Hering, who received his classical training at the universities of Leipsig and Rostock, Germany, was called from Norton, Minn. The call was accepted and by authority of the president of the Wisconsin synod, the late Phil, von Rohr, the Rev. C. Koehler installed Mr. Hering on the 27th of January, 1895. An organ was purchased in 1896, a bell was placed in the belfry in 1898, church furniture was ob- tained in 1899. a marble baptismal font is used since 1911. On January 23, 1897, the spire of the church ^\as struck by light- ning, causing considerable damage. July 4, 1897, it was decided to repair the damage and add sixteen feet to the old church. ]\Ir. Adolf Prochnow, the contractor, finished the work in November. The membership of this church is represented by about seventy families. A parochial school is held under the auspices of the church, with about thirty-five in attendance, in a special building bought for this purpose in 1906. The present church officers are : Fred Schroeder, president ; Ferdinand Waege, secretary ; Hugo Limp, treasurer ; Emil Friske, elder. The amount of the pastor's salary is $550. Since 1908 St. Paul's is an independent charge. ST. JOHN'S, KENDALL. The first attempt to gather the few scattered Lutherans in and about Kendall into a local congregation was made by Rev. John Wirz, a Reformed minister, in 1884. Mr. Wirz, who lived on the Dorset Ridge, where, besides Salem's Reformed church at Ridgeville, he served Immanuel's Lutheran church, came here every third Sunday to preach to eight families : Julius Raabe, Henry Paeth, Ernest Siekert, John Boetzel, August Rosenkranz, Carl Sumke, August Raabe, George Krause, receiving $8 per member for his salary. But when, in the summer of 1886, ]\Ir. Wirz accepted a call to Cincinnati, 0., this little flock dis- banded, some of its adherents moving West, the remainder at- 574 IIISTOKY OF MONROE COUNTY tending church in the neighborhood, at South Ridge and Dorset or North Ridge. The second effort to establish a Lutheran cliurch was made twelve years later by Rev. AVm. Parisius, wiio resided at Klroy, and i)i(;i(li((I to a congregation in the town of Glendale, four miles southeast of Keiidnll. lie conducted divine services every alternate Sunday, especially in the shoe shop of ]Mr. Jul. Friske, the former toAvn hall, having about twenty persons in the audi- ence, among others: H. ]'rielii)p, August Rlieden, Julius Friske. Frank Schankc, Ijouis Jahnke, Emil Friske and Fred ^Mantzke. In 1899 failing health compelled liim to limit his woi-k to the congregations at Elroy, Glendale and Ilillsboro. thus leaving Kendall Lutherans without a spiritual guide. His successor, Rev. L. Ranch. i)reached twice in the house of ^\v. IT. Prielipp, in 1900. After five years Rev. Im. l^r.ickebusch, pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran church at Clifton, endeavored to organize a Lutheran congregation. Upon the urgent request of Mr. Fred Zimmer- mann, an elder of the Dorset charge living in Kendall, Rev. Brackel)usch wrote to the Home Mission Board of the "Wisconsin synod, asking them lo commission a pastor for Kendall. But they did not deem tlic plan expedient and nuittcrs Avere dropped. Then it happened that the Rev. Brackebusch called the attention of Rev. Phil, von Rohr. at that time president of the AVisconsin synod, to this inviting and seemingly ])romising field, where- upon the responsiliility for the provision of these i)eople rested with the ])resi(lent himself. In Alay, 190t), the superintendent of the home Alission board, Rev. E. F. Dornfeld, came to investi- gate the religious outlook, advising to form a congregation and raise $100 as a salary for a pastoi". A meeting was called for the 17th of -lunc. Id lake i)lace at the home of Fred Zinnner- mann. A call sisiiicd l)y August Wolfgram. August Zirk. Fred Zimnun-mann. Ilein-y Kiel. George AViese, Ilernum Prielipp and Henry Stade, was delivered to Rev. Brackebusch. instructing him to a])pear with it before synod, assembling at Alilwaukee, June 20-2(). The result was that Senior E. Alayerhoff was in- duced to look after the spii-ilual welfare of these Lutherans. Coming from AVonewoc. Wis., by rail, he ])ri;u"lu'd six times in the Alethodist church until, in October, he was called to Norwalk to officiate as vicar. In 1907 Rev. Otto Engel came to Norwalk as a graduate from the tlieological seminary in Alilwaukee, AVis.. with instructions to resei've (^'erv third Sundax' for Kendall, lie deli\('re(l his EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES 575 first sermon at Norwalk on the 25th of August, and came to Kendall to rent a church and advertise Lutheran services on the last of the same month. The Rev. Engel preached his first sermon to a Kendall audience September 8, 1907, at the Baptist church, then located in the northern section of the village, near the Catholic church. When the small band of faithful Lutherans were refused the use of this house of worship, they rented the English Methodist church. Soon after a Sunday school was commenced, Avith jMrs. Sophia Kiel, Manda AA'iese,, IMinnie Waffle, Paulina Pasch as first teachers. After several informal meetings a special meeting was announced for the 12th of Jan- uary, 1908. On that day an organization was effected, the society resolving to adopt the name, "Evangelical Lutheran St. John's Congregation." The founders were: Fred Zimmermann, August Krause, Fred Flatow, Henry Kiel, Herman Prielipp, George Wiese, August Klatt, Henry Stade, William AVitt, August Heseley, Fred Apmann, Gustave Gruhlke. Having as yet no church property of their own, they at once decided to accept a lot donated by Mr. H. P. Waffle, a descendant of the Mohawk Dutch in New York, and proposed to build a church. George Wiese and William Witt comprised the building committee. On the 10th of May, 1908, a regular congregational meeting was held for the purpose of incorporating according to the laws of the state. May 13 rules and by-laws for the government of the church were accepted and signed at the house of Henry Kiel. The new church, a frame building in gothic style, 80x56x18 feet, was solemnly dedicated on the 28th of October, 1908, the follow- ing pastors participating: Rev. Im. Brackebusch, of Clifton; Rev. H. Zimmermann. of South Ridge ; Rev. 0. Kuhlow, of Wonewoc, Wis. The total cost of the building was $2,800. The first mission festival was held September 12, 1909, Revs. H. Viestenz, Greenfield, Wis. ; G. Baum, North Freedom, Wis., and H. Zimmermann, South Ridge, delivering mission sermons. The first confirmation took place March 20, 1910, six being taken up into membership. At present the congregation numbers twenty-five voting, five contributing and about seventy communicant members. The summer school, whose organization is contemporaneous with the beginning of the church itself, has an attendance of seventeen pupils. The church property is valued at $3,500. The present trustees are : August Krause, president ; Fred Zimmermann, secretary; Henry Kiel, treasurer. ^Meetings are held every third 576 HISTORY OF .AlOXHOK COUNTY Sunday, the forenoon being devoted to German, the afternoon 1o Eiiglisli preacliinjr. The pastor lives at Xcrwalk. ST. JOHN'S, SHENNINGTON. This eongregation is located on the boundary line of ]Monroe juitl -luneau eounties, the majority of its nnmibers living in the town of liyroii, .Monroe county. The first Lutheran minister of the AVisconsin synod who vis- ited this district Avas the Rev. G. E. Bergemann, then residing at Tdinah, thirteen miles southwest, the occasion being the burial of ]\Ir. AVill's child, February. 1897. Those M-ho came to hear the i)reaching of Christ and Ilim crucified, were members of the families of AVill, Kunkel and Koppehengst. The Rev. Bergemann labored very acce])tably for two years, when he was called to Fond du Lae, Wis., where, since 1908, he serves in the capacity of president of the "Wisconsin synod. This preaching post Avas now supi)lied by the mini.sters occupjdng the parsonage at Clii'ton. hi 1S99 the Rev. II. F. Yiestenz entered the field, having ])r('viously been preaching at a school house two and one-half miles north of Oakdale. Under his energetic guidance St. John's was organized at the red school house, one and one-half miles west of Shennington. Those who signed their names to the constitution were : Fred Laudon, J. B. Helmuth, August Schmeckel, Henry Busse, F. Kunkel, C. Tiedemann, Henry Busching. John Schmidt and Her- man Baumann. When in 1902 Rev. Yiestenz removed to the Pacific coast. the Rev. I. Brackebusch was appointed to take charge of this newly organized congregation. At his suggestion a meeting was called for August 17, 1902, at which it was resolved to erect a house for the worship of God, 26x.S() in dnnensions, tower ')() feet, on a site presented by Air. Shoening, an old German settler coming from Silver Lake, AVis. IMay 8, 1902, the corner stone was laid according to the ritual of the Lutheran church, tlic Rev. AViu. Xonimensen, INIauston, AYis., preaching in the English language. Dedication was held with elaborate ceremonies on August 23, Revs. J. G. Glaeser and IT. AY. Schmeling assisting the local pastor. The total outlay of money was $1,350. Rev. Brackebusch 's ministry with this infant congregation lasted until ]\rarch 9, 1905, when, ujion the recommendation of the home mission board it was decided to join with Babcock (Rev. G. Baum, Grand Rapids), Gernuintown (Rev. AY. Nommensen. Maustou), and Millston (Rev. J. Glaeser, Tomah), in calling a EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES . 577 pastor to Necedah. In the course of the year 1905 Rev. M. Biisack was called to the pastorship. The next pastor was Rev. 0. B. Nommensen, a candidate for the ministry, his ordination and installation taking place on the 25th of August, 1907, Rev. B. P. Nommensen, Wm. Nommen- sen and Brackebusch officiating. In December, 1907, New Lis- bon was added to this charge, and Rev. Nommensen removed to that place. February 7, 1909, an honorary dismissal was granted to Rev. Nommensen, allowing him to accept a position as pastor at South Milwaukee. The present pastor is Rev. H. Brockmanu, who came to this field from Beaver Dam, Wis. He has established for himself a reputation as an artist, having painted the life-size portraits of Rev. Phillip von Rohr, late president of the Wisconsin synod, and of Rev. John Bading, venerable president of the synodical conference, for Northwestern college, Watertown, Wis. The present membership includes eighteen families. The present board of trustees consists of the following members: Gust Woggan, Fred Laudon, August Schmeckel. The value of the church property is $1,700. The church is served every alter- nate Sunday from New Lisbon. ST. LUKE'S, TOWN OF GLENDALE. The German element in the town of Glendale, to the greatest extent Lutherans coming from the metropolis of the state during the panic of 1893, at first attended church in Elroy, where a Lutheran congregation existed since 1885. In the winter of 1894 Rev. Wm. Parisius, who is closely related to the famous dramatist, Henric Ibsen, conducted school in the Schauer valley, instructing children from five to fifteen years of age, and through them gaining their parents for church. In January, 1898, a number of Lutherans assembled at the home of Gustav Schauer for the purpose of organizing a congregation. There were thirteen charter members, as follows: William AA^allberg, Fred Schauer, Robert Holtz, Ferdinand Ziese, Gustav Schauer, William Knoll, Julius Weber, Carl Schauer, William Weisspfen- nig, John Zirk, William Ludwig and William jMatz. On the 12th of February, 1898, it was proposed to build a church on the site deeded to the congregation by Gustav Schauer. The building committee consisted of AVm. Wallberg, Rob. Holtz and H. Ziese. The church, though small, 20x36x14 feet, is neat and churchly in appearance. The dedicatory services were held by the pastor. Rev. Parisius, in the fall of 1899, the sermon being 578 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY (k'livered by Senior E. Mayerhoff, Wonowoc. Wis., one of tlie oldest and most honored members of the Wisconsin synod. Wlieu Rev. Parisius, in 1900, assumed a pastorate in Jiurr Oak, LaCrosse county, Wisconsin. Rev. L. Raueh, of Fountain City, Wis., was vnianimously elected to ])e pastor of Zion's at Elroy, St. Paul's al Ilillsboro. and St. Luke's at Glendale. lie accepted in August, sup|)lying the pulpit of Ihc last mentioned congregation every second wecl\. During his administration the fii'st mission festival was celebrated, October 15, 15)11, Rev. K. Mayerhoft' preaching the morning sermon and stud, theol. 11. Zimmci-mann i-endering a suitable sermon in the afternoon. ri)on his instigation a Sunday school was organized, with ]\Ir. AVm. Wallberg as superintendent and the following as teachers: ^Messrs. Jul. Seefeld, Wm. Ludwig, Carl Schauer, Rich. Ziese, Carl IMatz, and .Miss Bertha Ziese. Pi-()])()sim1 by Dr. Stoecker, the court chaplain, foi- a pastorate in IJeilin, Germany, Rev. Ranch resigned in the fall i)f IHO^i and was succeeded by Rev. P. Schroeder, who had been serving congregations at Hartland and Pewaukee, Wis., since 1897. In 1905 the congregation purchased an organ and communion ware. The lodge (piestion, which caused a rupture in the congregation at Klroy in 1906, also agitated the members of this congregation, but without serious results. Rev. E. Diierr became successor to Rev. Schroeder. who re- signed in order to accept a call to Germania. Wis. His stay was of short duration, vacating the charge in the fall of 1010, by folloAving a call to the Zicui-Rosendale charge in Fond du Lac county. Shortly after the resignation of Rev. Duerr. Rev. H. Zim- merii'.ann. of South Ridge, served as a supply for nine months, until, in July, 1911, the present pastor. Rev. G. Westerhaus. a late graduate from the seminary at ^Milwaukee, came to take up his ministerial duties. He introduced regiilar English preach- ing with much success, and teaches a summer school. The congregation has seventeen voting and a few paying members on the roll, and has a graveyard of its own. The pres- ent board of trustees are : Carl Schauer, vice-president ; Win. Matz, secretary; Fred Schultz, treasurer. 'Pliis little flock con- tributes $125 per annum towards the su]iport of the pastor. CHAPTER LIV. NORWEGIAN CHURCHES. BY REV. A. H. EIKJARUD. Norwegian Lutheran Church of Fish Creek. The territory wliere the Norwegian Lutheran Church of Fish Creek is located was first settled by Ole Hansen Ekern in 1855. The following year Nils Hansen came and in 1858 Amund Hansen. These pioneers settled in the upper part of Fish Creek valley. The ridge was not at that time considered worth very much and on the dis- tance from Fish Creek to Newry only one dwelling house was to be found. The first settlers on the ridge were Ole Andersen, John Svensen, Grilbrand Paulsen, ^Mathias, Even and William Johnson (1859), Hans Hansen. I\Iagnus Svensen, Ole Svensen, Marcus Gul- brands(M^ and John Eriksen (1861). Every year thereafter Nor- wegian settlers came thick and fast and the beautiful valleys and ridges of Fish Creek became a little Norway. From the early 60s Rev. A. C. Preus from Coon Prairie occasionally preached the gospel among them, and as they as yet had no church meetings were for many years held in the dwelling house of Gulbrand Paul- sen. January, 1869. Fish Creek Norwegian Congregation was organized and a constitution adopted. Rev. A. C. Preus served as their pastor to June 5, 1871. December 3, 1871, a meeting was held and it was decided to build a church on a piece of land bought from Mrs. Ole Olsen Dandvaasen. Rev. H. Halvorsen from Coon Prairie served the congregation occasionally as his time permitted until December, 1874, when he was succeeded by cand. theol. A. S. dieting, who l)esides Fish Creek served three congregations at Coon Valley to July 1, 1882. Together with these same con- grgations Fish Creek called Rev. E. Jensen, who was their pastor for eleven years to July 1, 1898. The congregation now decided to join the charge of Rev. A. II. ?"ik.jarud. North Coon Prairie, Portland and Brush Creek, and he has been the minister of the gospel at Fish Creek to the present time. From a small beginning the congregation increased every year and it became necessary to build a neAV and larger church, which was ready for use the last part of 1893, and the next year they 579 580 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY took part in the erection of the >Jorwegian Lutheran parsonage at Cashton. Very seldom have I seen a congregation where the attendance at diA'ine services is better, and especially so among the young people. Portland Norwegian Lutheran Church is located in the toAA-n of I'ortland, livr miles nortlnvest fi'oui ("asliton. In the early 60s the first Norwegians settled around Melvina, in Cannon valley and on the siirrounding ridges. For many years there was no organ- ized congregation, but services occasionally were held by Rev. A. C. Preus from Coon Prairie at different places among the farm- ers. For confirmant instructions the children had to journey to the far off Coon Prairie church, one and one-half miles south of where Westby now is located. April 2 and 8, 1874, meetings were held at Melvina, where Portland Norwegian Lutheran Congrega- tion was organized and a constitution adopted. Ole Thoresen, Christopher Brown and Hans Davidsen were elected as trustees. At the same time it was decided to build a church on the present location and call Rev. H. Ilalvorsen from Coon Prairie as their pastor. The first meeting in the ncAV church was held the same year — August 23. Rev. Halvorsen served as their pastor from 1874 to 1895. February 5, 1890. cand. theol. A. H. Eikjarud was called as chaplain for Rev. Ilalvorsen, and when the charge was divided in 1895 a call was extended to him from the northern part, consisting of North Coon Prairie, Portland and Brush Creek congregations. He has been their pastor up to the present time. For every year the congregation of Portland has increased in membership and has been active and faithful workers for the wel- fare of the church. May 25, 1893, they decided, together with the other congrega- tions in the call, to build a parsonage at Cashton, Avhere their pas- tor has resided ever since. BY LARS OLSON AAS. The Immanuel United Norwegian Congregation. The Im- manuel I'uited Norwegian Conjiregation of tlie town of Portland, Monroe count}', was organized in 1890 with about 100 members. The majority of the members were formerly of the Norwegian Sj^nod and quite a few new members joined. The church was built the same year on a lot donated by Martin P. Moen and was a brick veneer building, costing about $3,000. On May 22, 1907, the church was struck by lightning and was totally destroyed. In the year 1908 a new church was built on tlie same ]o\. wliidi was also a brick veneer building, at a cost of .$7,500. NORAVEGIAN CHURCHES 581 The first pastor of tltis con.oTe2:ation and three other congrega- tions in Vernon connty was Rev. Chr. Nodtvedt. In the year 1894 Rev. Chr. Nodtvedt resigned and a call was extended to Rev. Martin Gulbrandson, which he accepted. lie served as pastor from 1895 to the time of his death, December 17, 1907. His resting place is in the cemetery by this church. Rev. J. Tanner was temporary pastor until 1909, wdien a call was extended to Rev. Chr. Sybelrud, who served until 1912, when he resigned. Rev. E. Ilofstad is now serving as temporary pastor. A call has been extended to Rev. S. O. Rondestwedt, but it is not certain that he will accept. The present mendjership of this congregation is 350. The first trustees of this congregation were Lars O. Aas, Chr. Anderson and S. Stenerson ; secretary, John 0. Aas; treas- urer, Martin P. Moen. The present trustees are James Luckason, Ole Justen, Andrew Johnson, Ole Aarness and Ingebrit Olson; secretary, Lars 0. Aas ; treasurer, Ole C. Aas. The Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Sparta, AVis.. was organized about the year 1880. The tirst nnnister to preside was the Rev. A. C. Preus, of Coon Prairie. He was suc- ceeded by Rev. I. B. Frich. of La Crosse, who was followed by Rev. A. G. Helgeson, of La Crosse. The next pastor was E. 0. Vik, of La Crosse, who for twenty-five years, on Septendjcr 7, 1912, has presided over the congregation of the church, its membership con- sisting of twelve families. CHAPTER LV. HiouKArnv Lars Oleson Aas, who lives on his farm of eiglity acres in sec- tion Iwciity-live Porthind township, is a native of Eidsvokl. Nor- wny, and was born November 16, 1852. II is parents were Ole and Mavy (Lee) Aas. The father was born in 1807 and spent his whole life in Norway, where he died in 1859. The mother, who was born in 1810. came to tli«- Tnited States with the family a short time after the death of lici- husbaiid and settled in Portland township when Lars was 16 years old, and here spent the remaining yeai-s of her life, her death occurring -lainiai-y 2. 18i)7. Of a family of three children. Lars is the only surviving son. The names of those deceased are John and Catherine. Coming to the United States in 1869, ]\lr. Aas found employment among the farmers and endured the hardships connuou to the pioneers of AVisconsin. By hard work, thrift and economy he accunnilated his earnings, and in 1885 purchased his present farm ffoiii Andrew Erickson and immediately set to work to improx'e the place and establish the home. lie built a log house, wdiich is still well perservcd and to whicli he has since made additions, together with liis ( ommodious barn and other outbuildings, he has a substantial and comfortal)le farm home. On ]March 19, 1885, ^Iv. Aas was united in mai-riage to ]Miss Annette P. Brethingen. daughter of Peder and Karen Brethingen, l)rominent and enterprising citizens of Vernon county. AVisconsin. To this union has been born one daughter. Karla ]\Iabel, now .Mrs. IltMH-y P. Ilalvcrson, of Portland township. Mr. Aas takes an active interest in the affairs of his town and county, and all matters pertaining to their welfare receives his hearty support. lie has been ti-casurer of his town and in 1900 and again in 1910 was census enumerator for Portland township. In n^ligious matters l\Ir. Aas and his family ai'c mendiers of the United Xoi-wegian Luthei-an church, of which he is secretary. Edward M. Adams, oiu' (»f the oldest and most respected citi- zens of Kidgeville township, was l)oi-n at Laporte. Indiana. -laii- uary 21, 1832. tlie son of .loseph and Maria Adams, natives of New Hampshire and \'ei'nion1. i"esj)eclively. The father came west to 582 BIOdl^APIlY 583 Indiana in an early day, where he married INIaria Stone ;inasses it. The mother passed away in 1898. Rudolph has always lived on the home farm and limited his school days to his fourteenth year, devoting all his time and strength to the farm work, and in 1898 he came into possession of the farm and Avas married on June 6, 1899, in Ridgeville, to !\Iiss Emma Zellmer. daughter of Fred and Amelia Zellmer. who were among the flrst settlers of Ridgeville township. !Mr. and BIOGRAPHY 585 Mrs. Affeldt have two children. Orville IT., horn -Tune 19, 1904, and Raymond A., horn June 25, 1912. Mr. Affeldt is a Repnhlican in his political views, and is con- sidered an all 'r(nnid good man. Alexander Allen-'=, a native son of Wisconsin, was l)orn Jan- nary 1, 1874, on the family homestead in AVells township, ]Mon- roe connty, the son and yonngest child in a family of ten chil- dren, five of whom are now. 1912. living, born to Alexander and Elizabeth (Shepard) Allen. When fourteen years of age, in 1857, the father emigrated from Ireland to the United States and loca- ted in New York City, where he learned the tinsmith's trade. He later came west to Wisconsin, and located at Sparta, where for fifteen years lie worked as a laborer. He was thrifty and economical and by frugality accumulated sufficient means with which to purchase the "Barker Farm" of 150 acres in the town of AVells. He engaged in general farming and was generally successful, and there lived until his death in 1904. His wife, mother of our subject, survived until 1908 when she passed away mourned by her family and a large circle of friends. They were hind hearted christian people, and members of the Catholic church. He was a Democrat in ])olitics. and took an active interest in the affairs of his party. Mr. Allen, subject of this sketch, received his edncation in the common schools of his home town, and remained on his father's farm until he reached the age of twenty years. He then entered the employ of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Com- pany, remaining in this position until the death of his father in 1904, when he returned to the homestead and assumed active management of the farm. He employs up-to-date methods and is successful in his operations of the farm, being known as one of the most prosperous farmers of his town. Like his father before him Mr. Allen is a Democrat in politics. Edward Allendorf*, who resides on his farm of 226 acres of well- improved land in section thirty Lafayette township, where he was born December 16, 1870, is a son and the second child in a family of four children born to Peter and Tena (Stark) Allen- dorf. both of whom were natives of Germany. They came to the laiited States in the fifties and first located in New York City. They later came to Wisconsin and settled in Monroe county where the father found employment on the Canfield farm in Angelo township ; here he remained for a time, then purchased the farm in Lafayette township where Edward now resides and 586 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY sturtt'tl ill lo improve the phice and estaljlisli the I'aiaily lioiin.'. but the Civil "War then beinji- in proirress he entered the service in eompan\' D. nineteenth refriniml. Wisconsin Vohinteers in Sep- tembei- 1!». lS(i4. and a1 llie li;inlc of Fair Oaks. May IG. 1865, was taken prisonei' and sent to Libby Prison, but smui there- after was transferreil to Salisbury Prison. Aftei' the close of the wai- he returned home and continued operations on his farm which he continued to improve: he cleared additional land, erected new buildiuiis. antl thei-e made liis home until his death in 18110. at the as>e of sixty years. His widow, mother of our subject, survived until liXl."). when she passed away at the ajje of sixty years. Besides Edward, the other inend)ei-s of the family are. Fred. Frank and Albert, of Little h'.ills township. Our subject was reared on his father's farm, attended the common schools and assistetl in the fai-m work- until he reached the age of twenty-two. when he assumed full management of the affairs. Avhicli he continued until 1004. when he became owner of the farm. In IfJOO he erected a new residence ecpiipped with many modern improvements, such as hot and cold water, gas, etc.. he has also built a new silo and made other improvements. In politics he is a Republican, and takes an interest in the live issues of the day. On Sei)tember 26. 1900. ]\Ir. Allendorf was married to ^liss Lulu ^lary Rhodes, daughter of Henry and Emogene (Braekett) Rhodes, pioneer settlers of Lafayette township. ]\Irs. Allendorf is one of a family of four children. The others are. Harry, mail carrier on rural route No. two. Eva. a teacher at ^linneapolis, ]\Iinnesota. and Arthur L.. who died February 5. 1911. at the age of forty-one years. To ]Mr. and ]Mrs. Allendorf have been born two children: Spencer B.. born August 5. 1904. and Arthur E., born December 29. 1906. John Allingham was born January L"). 1815. in Lister county. New York, is a son of Hugh and ^Mary (Thompson) Allingham. His father Avas a native of Iicland and in an eai-l>- i\i\y moved to St. Johns, New Brunswick, and afterward moved to the United States, locating in Ulster county. New York. wher(> he resided until the fall of 1865. when he came t<^ "Wisconsin, and located in the town uf Tomah. Monroe county, where he had previously bought 820 acres of land in section twenty-one. He continued to re- side here until his death which occurred in iSiil. 1 le was the father of six children, foui- of whom are now living. His wife, mother of our subject, died in 1858. ILigh Allingham was a successful general fai-mer during his lifetime. He began life without means BIOGRAPHY 587 and had accumulated an ample fortune by hard labor and indus- try; he first worked in the lumber woods of New Brunswick, previous to his moving to New York state, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits until he came to Wisconsin. He built his residence in 1865, and his commodious barn later. Some sev- eral years before he died he became disabled with rheumatism. He aiid his wife were members of tlie Episeoi)al church and in politics he was a Democrat. Our subject during his early boyhood was engaged in assist- ing his father with the work on the farm, hence the education he received was limited. In 1868 in the City of Tomah he was married to Miss Elizabeth Wilson, daughter of John and Jane AVilson. who came early from New York to Monroe coiuity. Mrs. Allingham is the eldest of a family of six children. John Wil- son, father of ^Irs. Allingham, died in 1884. ]\Irs. Wilson passed away in 1909. In religious belief Mr. Wilson was a Presbyterian, but afterwards joined the Congregational church, of which he was a faithful and consistent member up to the time of his death. Mr. and Mrs. Allingham have six children, viz. : Margret, Hugh, John Plamilton, Jane Grace and Bertha. After Mr. and ]\Irs. Alling- ham married they lived on the old homestead, and after the death of his father, he acquired by inheritance eighty-two acres of land on which they have since lived. Our subject has made valuable and lasting improvements on the land he acquired, and has on his farm a good, comfortable residence and a commodious barn built in 1902. He is a successful general farmer, and from his dairy business receives a profitable income, and his farm is well stocked with a fine grade of cattle. i\Ir. Allingham has been treas- urer of the town of Tomah for two terms, director of the school board for six years and he and his wife are members of the Con- gregational church, and in politics Independent. Andrew Anderson is another good farmer of Ridgeville town- ship, Monroe county, who came to America from Norway, where he was born August 6. 1860. His parents were Salve and Kristna (Nelson) Anderson, who emigrated to this countrv in 1870 with a family of four children, and located first in the village of Wil- ton in this county, where the father worked for about four years as a farm laborer and then purchased a tract of eighty acres in the town of Wellington, ]Monroe county. Wis. Here l\Ir. Anderson and his faithful wife are spending their last days in comfort and ease, as the result of their early labors. They are eighty-four and eighty years of age respectively. They hcid a 588 IIISTOKY OF :\[OXROE COrXTY ' family of eiglit children, ou\y lliree of whom are now — 1912 — living. Andrew is what we may call a self-made man: liis cliances for education were limited wlien he was young, liaving attended only the district schools of ]\Ionroe counly. which prompted him to exercise his best efforts in ol)taining a j)ractical knowledge of affairs in general, to which he a implied himself diligently and is now considered amonu the leading cilizens of his township. He lived at home on the farm until he was thirty-six years old, and in 1896 was man-ied to ]Miss Ilenryetta AVillgrnb. and their chil- dren were llui-hcit II.. hoi-n -Inly (1. 1897. and Ivlwin II.. l)()rn June 28, 1898. Mrs. Anderson di.'d in 1899. -Just before their marriage, ]\Ir. Anderson inherited from his aunt a farm of eighty acres in section fourteen, town of Ridgevillc which has ever since been the family homestead, Avhere ]\Ir. Anderson lives with one son, since the death of his wife, lie is a public spirited man. full of ambition and takes an active interest in the affairs of his town. He is a Republican in politics and has served two terms as justice of the peace of Ridgeville. He is fair and square in all his dealings, and well liked by his neighbors. Thomas E. Anderson is another native son of Monroe county. Wisconsin, and was born ]March 2, 1871. to Thomas X. and ^lary (Davis) Anderson. The former came from County Wexford, Ire- land, to the United States in 1850, and found employment in Xew York state as a farm hand, where he remained for a time and then came to Wisconsin, where he met and married ]\liss ]Mary Davis, of F\)x Lake, this state : she was a native of County Wick- low, Ii'elantl. To this union was born five children — three of whom are living. While living at Fox Lake, be purchased a farm of 120 acres in Monroe county, Wisconsin, and in 1850 moved his family to the farm where he made his home up to the time of his death wliidi occurred in 1905. He was a thrifty, energetic man. and in later years achieved a fair measure of success as a farmer; was widely known in his connnunity and highly respected by all who kncAv him. He was a Denu)ci*at in politics and took an active interest in tlie affairs of his ]iai'ty. In religious faith he was a devoted member of the Catholic church. Thomas E. was raised on his father's farm aiul his early life Avas about the same as tlu' ordinary farmei- boy: he attended the district schools in wintei- and lu'lped witii the larm woi'k in sum- 7ner. Hy hard W(U-k. economy and good .judgment, he early laid the I'onndation i'oi' a successful career, lie saved his earnings and soon purclnised in jiis own i-iulit a twenty aci'e tract to which BIOGRAPHY 589 he added from time to time until he is now rated as one of the largest land owners in Monroe county. He also deals exten- sively in live stock, and his extensive herds of thoroughbred cat- tle, has caused him to be branded "The Cattle Man of Monroe county." Mr Anderson is careful, conservative and methodical in his affairs, and in all his business dealings is known for his uprightness and fairness. He is a man of fine personal qualities, social and companionable, affable and congenial, loves good com- radeship and good cheer, and is loyal to his friends. He is a Dem- ocrat in his political opinions, and active in the councils of his part}^ He is a member of the Catholic church and president of the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Tomah. Warren A. Aney*, a native of Monroe county, Wisconsin, is one of the progressive and prosperous farmers of Cole's Valley, Adrian township, where he is the owner of a 360-acre farm in sec- tion thirty-four. He was born April 3, 1870, and is the son of Samuel and Ruth (Gibbs) Aney, natives of central New York, who left the Empire state in the late fifties and came west to Wisconsin, first locating in Racine county, and a short time there- after came to what is known as the Ridge' in Ridgeville town- ship, returning again to Racine county, and after seven years came to Adrian township, Monroe country, where Mr. Aney bought 160 acres of land in section thirty-four, where with the excep- tion of three years spent in Sparta, he has resided for forty-five years. The land at that time was only partially cleared, and the buildings inadequate. In 1870 a modern brick residence was built which has since been kept iu a fine state of preservation. A large barn w^as built the year previous, and as time demanded other out-buildings have been erected. Choice stock is always to be found on this farm, which has been enlarged by our subject by additions until he now has 360 acres of land. Mr. Aney makes a specialty of choice Jersey cattle, Sherock sheep and Durock Jersey hogs. Samuel Aney, the father of our subject, was born in New York state, January 12, 1828, and still resides with his son on the homestead farm. His wife, mother of subject, died at Sparta, in 1895, at the age of sixty-five years. Samuel Aney is the son of Michael Aney, of German lineage, who came early from New York state, and settled in Ridgeville township and spent his last days in Adrian township, where he died at the age of eighty-two years. Samuel, the father of Warren, has been three times mar- ried, and is the father of four children, viz. : Warren T. Herman, who resides in Adrian township ; Mary, wife of A. H. Edminster, nOO HISTORY OF .MOXKOK COrXTV of SiJ.irtM. and Saj-ali deceased, who was the wife of 0. F. Sias. Samuel Aney had five brotliers and one sister who came to !Mon- roe eouiity and setth'd in Kidticxillc township in the late fifties; they were John, (ieorge. -laek. Daniel. Jesse J., and Xancv. wife of James Johnson. January 18. 1892. ]\Ir. Aney was united in marriapre with ]Miss Anna BredloAv. dauyhter of Louis Bredlow. of Sheldon township, hnl now resident of Xorwalk. William H. Ascott''-, a substantial farmer and laild owner in Anselo township. >\lonroe eounty. Wisconsin, was born in tliis county. July IS. 18()fl. His parents. William and Jane (McCreary) AscGtt. were natives of Knjiland and Ireland, respectively, and came to tlu' Fnited States in about 1850. and located first at Schenectady, Xew York, and later removed to Pennsylvania, where they renuiined until 1854. when they came to AViseonsin, ■,\]]d Were amonu the pioneer settlers of ^Monroe county. He had eleven brothers and sisters, only one of Avhom ar(» now livinp-. namely, ^lordica. who resides at Wiiu)na, .Minn. In 1870. ^Ir. Ascott moved to the iai'in in Aniiclo township, which is now owned by our subject, Avhich then contained 120 acres, with only a small clearing. Fie made nuuiy improvements and brought the land to a good state of cultivation and there made his home until his death, which occurred August 30, 1904, at the age of sixty- nine years. His wife, mother of our subject, passed away Feb- ruar\ 22. 3904. aged seventy-two years. They were kindhearted and generous, prosperous in their undertakings, and were held in lii'jli fsleciii by ;dl who knew them. William II. Ascott is the onl>' surviving member of a family of three children, tlie others were ]\Iary. who married George Dunbar, and G'eorge. both of whom are deceased. ^Ir. Ascott Avas but nine years of auc when his parents moved to his present farm, and here AVilliam gi-ew to manhood. He attended the dis- trict school and assisted in the farm woi-k. until 1902. when he |)urchased the luune fai-m anil started on his own account. To Ihe original 120 acres he has ailded from time to time, until now he has .■]20 acres. The first bai'u on the place was built of logs, which was re])laced by our subject in 1!)05. with a frame structure forty by eighty feet. .Many other inipi-ovements have been made, includini: a silo with a capacity of 175 tons, which was erected in li'lO. -Mr. Ascott is en.uaged in geiu-ral fai'uiing. and since 1910 has made a specialty of i-aising Holstein cattle, and he also is extensively engaged in raising snudl fruits. He is recognized as BIOGRAPHY 591 one of tile prourcssive men of the county, and as a farmer he is thorouijlily systematic and up to date in his methods. On September 19, 1899, ]Mr. Aseott was united in marriage with ]\Iiss Xelli(> X. llutson, youngest daughter in a family of nine children born to -John antl ^lary (Mann) Ifutson, both of whom were born in Lincolnshire. England. They came early to Wis- consin, and were among the pioneers of Big Creek Valley, hav- ing located on the farm now oAvned l\v W. F. Parsons, and at the time of his... death, which occurred in ]March. 1907, he was con- sidered one of tbie well-to-do farmers of Big Creek, popular in his community and beloved by all who IcncAr him. Ilis widow, mother of Mrs. Aseott. sni-vives. and makes her home in the City of Sparta. To ]\lr. and ^Irs. Aseott have been born three children, ]\Iary N., born August 17. 1900, John W., born May 14, 1901, and Ruth J., born July 26, 1907. Clifford R. Austin, a native of ^Monroe county, Wisconsin, was born in Leon township. October 20, 1853. His parents were William J. and ^laria E. (Sanford) Austin (notice of whom will be found els(Mvhere in this volunu^). He received a good educa- tion in the common school, and lived with his parents on the farm until 1880, when he went to South Dakota and purchased a farm of 453 acres. After spending three years there, he sold his land and returned to the old homestead in Leor. township and assumed the managenu^nt of the farm, which he continued to carry on until 1903. He then moved to the tract of land left to him at the death of his father, and remained there two years. In 1905 he purchased the Rol)ert Smith farm of 520 acres which he improved Avith a handsouK^ residence, substantial barns and outbuildings, and made other improvements which makes his farm one of the model, up-to-date country homes of ^fonroe county. He is en- gaged in general farming, dairying and stock raising- and is a suc- cessful breeder of light and heaA'y draft horses and short-horned cattle. He Avas one of the organizers of the Co-opieratiA'e Creamery Company and for tive years has been its president and treasurer; he is also one of the organizers and treasurer of the Sparta DriA'- ing and Agricultural Association, Avliich Avill have its annual ex- hibit of firje stock early in Sept(Mul:)er of the year 1912. ^Irs. Austin. Avhose maiden name Avas Jennie Matteson, was born August 10, 18(Jl, in the toAvn of Leon, ^lonroe county, where she obtained a good common school education, Avhich Avas sup- plemented by one year in the Sparta high school. She is a mem- 592 HISTORY OF :\IONROE COUNTY IxT of the W. r. T. I'., and president of her society, Avhieh has always been a ]il)eral contributor to the National Lodge at ]\Iil- wankee. She is also a member of the Royal Neighbors. Her paternal grandfather. Nathaniel ]\Iatteson, was born in Vermont in 1796, and in 1805 went to Ncav York w'ith a family of five children and lived there until the winter of 1858, when they came to Wisconsin, then practical ly a wilderness sparsely inhabited, and settled in Leon, Monroe county. Alonzo IL Matteson, father of ]Mrs. Austin, who was born June 24, 1830, preceded his parents to Monroe county one year, and ])ui'chased 120 acres of land which, on the death of his father fell to him. and there he reared his family of four children, i\Irs. Austin being the second child. lie is still living, and for the past few years 1ms lived in retire- ment, a believer in the principles of the Rej)id)liean party and a strong advocate of temperance. The grandmother died in 1866, and the great-grandfather of ]\Irs. Austin, who was one of the minute men under Washington, and who also served in tlie War of 1812, died August 11. 1875. On May 5, 1881. ]\Ir. Austin was united in marriage with ^liss Jennie Matteson. Seven children have been born to this union, six of whom are now living, viz : Loren E.. AVinfield W.. Clifford R. Jr.. Truman A.. Kenneth IL and Ruth T. Austin. Eugene F. Austin, a successful farmer and representative citi- zen of Leon township, Avhere he was born July 16, 1852. is the son of the late William J. and ]Maria (Sanford) Austin, who were both natives of Ohio. Eugene F. is the second eldest in a family of five children ; he attended the common school and La Crosse Business College, graduating in the commercial course, and re- sided on the home farm until 1882, assuming the management of the farm. In 1883 he embarked in the mercantile business, open- ing at that time a general store in the village of Leon, which he successfully carried on until 1907, when the large land interests he had acquired denumded his time and attention, and he dis- posed of the business. He owns 800 acres in Billings and Bowman counties. North Dakota, and 360 acres of choice Leon valley land, besides several buildings in the village of Leon, including the store building adjoining his residence. For many years ]Mr. Austin was the manager of his father's lumber l)usiness at Black River Falls, and was also manager of the Leon mill. He is now engaged in general farming, stock raising and dairying, and his fai-m is well improved with a good class of outbuildings which, with his nu)dern eleven-room residence and the up-to-date equip- ment, makes an ideal country home. In politics Mr. Austin is a EUGENE F. AUSTIN I BIOGRAPHY 593 Republican, but is an independent thinker on all subjects, and believes in putting only the most capable men in office. While he has never sought nor cared for public office, he has served as town clerk. On November 8, 1882, Mr. Austin was married to Miss Sallie Ann DeWitt, daughter of Richard DeWitt, one of the early set- tlers of Leon valley, and Sallie Ann (Thompson) DeWitt. Her ancestors on her father's side are traced to France, while on the mother's side they are traced to the Puritanic stock of Vermont. Mrs. Austin w^as born at Florence, Erie county, Ohio, March 31, 1846, and is one of a family of four daughters and two sons, all of w^hom are now living. Her parents settled in A¥ells township, Monroe county, in 1856, and were among the well-to-do and in- fluential citizens of that town, and held the confidence and esteem of all who knew them. The father died November 17, 1901, and the mother passed away in 1908. To Mr. and Mrs. Austin has been born one daughter, Edith Estella, who, after graduating from high school, took a commercial course at a La Crosse business college, is now proficient in bookkeeping and stenography, and for some time was in the employ of a large department store at La Crosse. She is a talented musician, having had the advantage of some of the best nnisical instructors in the country, and she is now instructing a class in instrumental music at her home in Leon. In addition Miss Austin has received thorough instruction in the art of hair dressing and has opened a hair dressing parlor at her home, where she serves her many friends and patrons. Fred R. Austin, progressive farmer, was born in Leon, Monroe county, Wisconsin, December 21, 1873, and is a son of Henry and Isabella (Reed) Austin. He received his education in the district schools of his county, which was supplemented by a four-year course in the Sparta high school. He then served an apprentice- ship in a flouring mill at Leon, and for R. M. DeLong, who at that time was operating the mill under lease, from 1897 to 1902, and from 1903 to 1906 had full charge of the mill. He then purchased the old homestead of sixty-five acres from his father in section ten, Leon township, and has since made this his home. He carries on general farming and is specially engaged in the dairy business and supplies a large amount of milk and cream for the town and creamery. He is a busy man of atfairs, a director of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the town of Leon ; has held the office of town clerk for eleven years and is now school treas- urer. He is a director of the Leon Creamery, and from 1907 to 1909 was its secretary and manager. He is a member of the 594 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Modern Woodineii of America and tlie B. A. Y. In politics he is a Republican and takes an active interest in the affairs of his party. On August 4, 1900, ^Mr. Austin was married to Miss Nora An- derson, of llillshoro, N. D. Of three children born to them. two, Earl, born ]\Iarch 7. 1!)()]. and p]rma, born September 1."), 1908, are living. Henry Austin, father of our subject, was born July 27, 1834. in Medina county, Ohio. In 1848 he emigrated with his parents to Sheboygan county, AVisconsin, Avhere his father lived and died. In 18.13, ]Mr. Henry Austin left Sheboygan county on foot for Monroe county, where he explored the Leon valley and returned to Sheboygan county, but soon came back to the Leon valley, and for three years worked on the farm of his brother, \V. .1. Austin. He then purchased sixty-five acres of land which he afterwards sold to his son, the subject of this sketcli. lie was twice married, first to Miss Lauressa Reed, and 1)y this union there is one daugh- ter, Eleanor, living. ]\Irs. Austin died in 1871, and he married for the second wife, Isabella Reed, sister of his first wife. She was born December 24, 1850, and by this union there are three living children, viz : Fred R.. our subject ; Roy and Allyn ; the latter two residing in Chicago, 111. Mr. Austin is a highly i-e- spected citizen of his community, and all his life has been a hard working man. By incessant hard toil, he l)ecame physically dis- abled, causing him to retire frou) active business. Although in feeble health, his mental faculties are unimpaired, and he relates many interesting incidents of his pioneer life in "Wisconsin. William J. Austin, who for many wears was prominently identified with the agi'icultural and l)usiness interests of ]\Iouroe county, was born in Trumbull cimnty, Ohio, ]May 26, 1822, a .son of Freeman Austin, a native of Columbia county. New York; the paternal grandfather was a native of ^Massachusetts, and some of the earlier ancestors took part in the War of the Revolution. They were of English and Scotdi extraction. Freeman Au.stin lived in the county in which lie was born until he was sixteen years of age; he then went to Trundndl county, Ohio, where he was married to Elizabeth Johnson, who was born in that county, a daughter of ^Villianl Johnson, a native of New England. Wil- liam J. was three years of age when his parents removeil to ^Medina county, Ohio, and at the age of twenty-one years he went to Portage county the same state; he was reared to the occupa- tion of a farmer, and received his education in tb.e connnon schools and in the academy at Poland. After leaving school he BIOGRAPHY 595 began teaching, and followed this profession for some time; he took lip horticulture, and gave his attention to this business for three years. At the end of this period he went to Rock county, AVisconsin, and embarked in the nursery trade, an industry of great importance to a new country; three years later he went to Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, where he purchased a small tract of land, and for three years carried on farming. Disposing of his interests at the end of that time, he removed to Monroe county, in the fall of 1851, and entered a quarter section of Government land in the then wilds of the Leon valley. He subsequently added to his origninal purchase until he had accumulated 1,040 acres, which he retained as the home farm and which, by his energy and perseverance, was converted from a wild state to one of high cultivation and productiveness. Soon after locating in the Leon valley, he became interested in the milling business; he took charge of and operated the Leon mill at Leon, which at that time was the largest mill using M^aterpower in the state outside of Alilwaukee. For several years he continued the successful operation of this business, as a custom and merchant mill, in connection with his farming interests. Settlers were few and far between in 1851, Avhen Mr. Austin located in the Leon valley; the three or four families who located at about the same time gradually moved away, leaving him the oldest settler in the valley. In his farming operations his attention was mainly given to the raising of grain and stock, and maintained a dairy from which he derived a handsome revenue. He Avas also engaged in the mercantile business for many years, carrying on a store in the village of Leon, under the firm name of Tuttle & Austin. For a number of years he engaged in the manufacture of lumber, and operated a lumber yard. The old paper mill in Sparta was built by him and a man by the name of Mather. He was a man of rare business judgment, and with the assistance of his wife, who w^as also possessed of good business ideas, and her diligence in home matters, was largely responsible for the success achieved. Mr. Austin was a man who always commanded the esteem and confidence of tlie community in which he lived. He was plain and unassuming in manner and very modest and reticent as to his own accomplishments. Although not a member of any church, he contributed liberally to their support as well as to all worthy enterprises. A Republican in politics he was active in the affairs of his party, was a member of the general assembly of 1880-1881, and in fraternal matters was a thirty-second degree Mason. During the latter years of his life he and his wife did much 596 IIISTOKY OF .MONROE COUNTY traveling;, spending their winters in Florida, on tlie Gulf and in California. His death, which occurred April '.]0, 1904, was mourned as a great loss to his community. He was married April 4, 1850, in Sheboygan county, AViscon- sin, to INIaria E. Sanford, who Avas born at Copley, Summit county, Ohio, a daughter of Benjamin Sanford. of Vermont. Her paternal grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary AVar, and the mother's maiden name was IMargaret Kiefer, a relative of ex- Speaker Kiefer, of Ohio. She died when Mrs. Austin was a girl of ten years; the father died April 12, 1857; they reared a family of tliree sons and three daughters: William, Aaron, Ransom, Cordelia, Orphic and Marie E. Airs. Austin passed away April 10, 1901, beloved and esteemed by all who knew her. She was a woman of many domestic virtues and mental attainments, un- assuming in manner, nu)dest, of good judgment and untiring energy, always ready to do her part. Her ancestors were of English, Frencli and German lineage. Ernest Austin, who was l)orii in Alonroe county, AViseonsin, February 10, 1860, is one of a family of five cliildren, three of whom are now (1912) liAiiig. lioiii to AVilliain -I. and Alaria E. (Sanford) Austin, both of whom were natives of Ohio. Avhere their families were prominently identified with the early history of that state. Ernest received his early education in the public schools, which Avas supplemented by a thorough course of training in the commercial department of the A^'alparaiso Xonnal school, and sulisequently the law department from wliich he graduated in 1886, with the degree of Bachelor of LaAvs. The folloAving year he Avent to IMinneapolis, Avhere for ten years he Avas engaged in the laAV and real estate l)usiness. After a brief visit to his home in 1898, he Avent to Seattle, AVash., making that place his home for a time, prosj)ecting and speculating. He also A'isited Alaska and British Columbia, and later spending one year in California, Oregon, Nevada and other AVestern states. He re- turned to Alonroe county in 1902 and tt)ok charge of liis business interests, consisting principally of farming and milling in Leon toAvnship. He is knoAvn as a public-spirited citizen and Avide- BAvake and successful in his business undertakings, and in poli- tics is a Republican. William Alonzo Barber, merchant, manufaetui-cr. l)anker; born Saratoga county. Ncav York, January 11. 1848; son of Rev. Brad- ford K. and RoAvena A. (AVest) Barber; educated in common schools of Ncav A'^ork state and AViseonsin; married AVestfield, AVis., April 9, 1867. Alary LaAvton; chikiren: Fred R., born July BIOGRAPHY 597 1869, Edith M., born 1875. AVas teacher in country schools during winter months and worked on farms during summer months from the age of fifteen until enlisted in army; engaged in lumber Inisi- ness 1874; became partner in lumber firm of George Warren & Co., 1875 ; Inisiness incorporated later and now having added in- terests, and he is president of the company. In 1891 commenced promotion of inventions of Howard D. Colman ; first success in 1896 with Barber-Colman Check Pump for creameries; then the Barber Knotter for spoolers, after that "Barber- Warp-Tying Ma- chine," both now being largely used in cotton mills and popular in the United States, England and Continent of Europe; is not now connected with this company, having retired early in 1910. Partner with Ilulbert and Barber "Ilulbert Ranch," Meade county, Kansas, in course of development ; now president General Store Company, merchants. Warrens, and of George Warren Com- pany, manufacturer and dealer in lumber, real estate, etc., Wis- consin ; vice-president George Warren Company, bank, Warren, Wis., and AYarren Land Company, real estate, telephone and farm- ing, AVarren, AVis. Has served as town officer ; on county boards, and as school district officer many terms ; member of assembly, Wisconsin legislature, 1882; appointed postmaster of AYarren, AA^is., under President Grant, 1876, and has served continuously ever since; enlisted for three years in Civil Y^ar, IMarcli 24, 1864, in company B, thirty-seventh AVisconsin Infantry, and served with regiment at Cold Harbor, and near Petersburg, Va.; dis- charged July, 1865. Republican (Stalwart), Baptist. Director AVayland Academy, Beaver Dam, AA'is., and of AYisconsin Baptist State Convention, Incorporated. Arthur W. Barney, banker, of Sparta, AVis., was born in Juneau county, July 28, 1871, and is the son of Charles AY. and INIary Hatton (Davis) Barney, natives of New York and AViscon- sin, respectively. ]\Ir. Barney received his preliminary education in the public schools. He began his business career in 1890 as bookkeeper in a bank at Reedsburg, AA^is., with which institution he remained until the fall of 1894, when he accepted the position of cashier in the Alonroe County Bank of Sparta, and served in that capacity until the spring of 1901, when he became assistant cashier of Bank of Sparta. Shortly afterwards he became vice- president of Bank of Sparta, which position he still retains. Fra- ternally, he is a member of the Alasonic order, and a Knight Templar. On November 30, 1898, he was united in marriage with Miss Kittie Hill, daughter of Ira A. and Mary E. Hill, of Sparta. To 598 HISTORY OF .MONROE COL'XTY this union has been born two children, viz: Tyler Davis, born January 28. 1900. and .Marion. Ix.ni December 12. 1001. Gustav Bartels, for numy years a prominent and useful citizen of Riilj^evillc township, ^lonroe county, is the son of John and Anna (Kicksoer) Bartels, both natives oi' Gci'inany. He was born ]\larch 18, 1860, in AVilton, this county. His parents came to America in 1855 with two children and first located in Wilton township, where the father worked at farming and his trade of stonemason, which lir learned in his native country, and with the proceeds of his labor and economy, he purchased a tract of fifty acres in the town of Wilton, which he improved, brought to a high state of cultivation and made the family homestead, and here lived until his death in 1907. His Avidow still survives, and her wide circle of friends and ac(iuaintances listen with nnich interest to her many thrilling stories of their pioneer life, for instance : of the days when Mr. Bartels carried fiour on his back all the way from Tunnel City to his home in Wilton, in this county, then a small village of only a few houses and one rail- road; he also often made the trip up and back the same day with a team of oxen, which he used altogether in place of horses, and in those days their meat was wdld game and their neighbors were Indians. Mr. and ]\Irs. Bartels were both members of the Luth- eran church at Ridgeville. Mr. Bartels was full of ambition and ready to assist in every enterprise that could be brought about in those days. He organized one of the first schools in Wilton town- ship, in fact, he was a prime mover in bringing the township to the front as near as could be attained at that time. He was formerly a Democrat in politics, but the latter years of his life, he voted the Republican ticket. They raised a family of four chil- dren, all of whom are living in this county. Gustav was the third child of the family ; he attended the district schools until he was eighteen years of age and lived at home. His first employment away from home was as a farm hand at a salary of $12 per month, and after working for a short tinu^ in this capacity, he took a position to work in the pine lumber camps in Warren INlills, Wis., but after a short time he changed again, and this time bought a farm in the town of Ridge- ville in 1881. Three years later, on September 6, 1883, he was married in the town of Tomah, AVis., to ^Miss Lizzie [Martin, a. daughter of Christ and ]\Iary ]\Iartin, early settlers of ]\Ionroe county and natives of Germany. ]\Irs. Bartels is one of a family of eight children, six of whom are living. Her father died in 1890 and the mother still lives BIOGRAPHY 599 on the old homestead about four and a half miles south of Tomah, at the age of seventy-two years. Mr. and Mrs. Bartels have had four children, only two of whom are living, viz : Albert C, born October 13, 1891, and Cora M., born December 27, 1905. Their home farm consists of 150 acres of fine land in sections three, four and ten, town of Ridgeville. Avhere they have lived since their marriage, and is one of the ideal country homes in the county. They have made many lasting and valuable improve- ments ; in 1883, they built their first home ; in 1893, built a base- ment barn, and in 1903 they built a new residence, containing sixteen rooms. A large and commodious granary was built in 1887, and their water supply comes from a drive well 205 feet in depth, besides having several natural springs on the place. Mr. and ]\Irs. Bartels are both devoted members of the Lutheran church at Ridgeville. Mr. Bartels is considered one of the most successful farmers in the township, thoroughly up to date in his methods, and is al- ways ready to aid in furthering the interests of his town and county. He is a Republican in politics and has served in various local offices; he Avas supervisor for some time and has been treas- urer of the school board for some eighteen years. Henry W. Battalia, general merchant of Tunnel City, Monroe county, is a native of the Badger state, having been born in Jefferson county, April 26, 1858, the son of Christian and Julia (Schultz) Battalia, natives of Switzerland and Germany, re- spectively. More than fifty years ago they came to Monroe county and settled in Clifton township, and were among the hon- ored pioneers of that section, and there lived the allotted time; the father died in 1900, at the age of sixty-five years, and the death of his wife, mother of our subject, occurred more than thirty-five years ago. Their family consisted of six children, Henrj^ W. being the oldest. The others are John, of Oakdale, this county ; Anna married J. Bowser, of Marinette, Wis. ; Lizzie is the wife of C. W. Haase, of Clifton township ; Christian lives in New Lisbon, and Amelia married William Pascoe, of Ash- land, Wis. Henry W. was reared on the home farm and attended the dis- trict schools. At the age of twenty, he began the carpenter trade and followed that occupation continuously for eight years. He then purchased his father's farm of 200 acres in section four, Clifton township, and for seventeen years was actively engaged in farming operations. In 1903 he moved to Tunnel City and bought the store of C. E. Davenport and conducted a successful 600 HISTORY OF :^rOXROE COTXTY business for four years; in li)()7, in coinpanx' with .Vndres Brothers, lie purchased tlie general store of W. .1. Donakl. and for two years tile l)usiness Avas condueted under tlir fii-iii name of Andres lirothers & Battalia. Avhoi this iinii was dissolved, and AVilliam AVoodai'd purchased an interest with .Mi-. Battalia; at the end of one year Mr. Battalia purchased Ihc interest of his partner and became sole ownei- and lU'oprietor. which he has successfully carried on since 1!J1(), and has now one of the leading geni-ral stores of the county. AVhile interested in farming, our subject often worked at Ids ti'adc as carpenter and joiner, and built sev- eral of llic buildings in that section, anu)ng them being the St. Peter's cliurcli al ('lil'toii, which was constructed in 1897, and later he erected two residences at Tunnel City besides his i)resent residence, yiv. Battalia besides conducting a prosperous business, is the owner of consitUu-able other property, including his store building and others in the village. lie is interested in other en- terprises, and while a resident of Clifton, was a director and for a time treasurer of the Farmers' ^Mutual Insurance Company. He has been treasurer of Greenfield township, and is a member of the I\Iodern Brotherhood of Anu^rica and the ^loderii AVoodnum of America. He was married September ID, 1885, to Aliss Anna Grassman. daughter of Rudol]di and Rosa Grassnum, of Clifton township. They have had three children and the sad misfortune of losing one — Oscar K., Avho was drowned at IIonuM-. ]\linn.. in 1010. at the age of twenty-three years. The others. Elsie F and Freil A., live at home with their parents. John Battalia''', who resides on his fai'ui in Oakdale township, was born in Jefferson county, AVisconsin, September 2(j, 1859, the son of Christian and Julia (Schultz) Battalia, natives of Switzerland and Germany, respectively. The father came to America sonu' time in the early fifties with his mother and two sisters, and located in Jefferson county, where he resided until he removed to Clifton townsliip in ]\Ionroe county, in 1862. He homesteaded eighty acres of land in Clifton, and there made his home until his death. Dui'ing the Civil AVai' the father enlisted and served with distinction until its close. John lived at hom(^ until 188(5 when, in ]\Iay of that year, he was married to Aliss Anu'lia lleintz, of Oakdale. She Avas edu- cated ill the district and high schools of ]\Ionroe county, and for five years previous to hei- marriage Avas a teacher. Four children liave been born to ^Ii". and Airs. Battalia, three of Avhom are living. Julia Al., boi-n ]\Iay 11, 1889; Inez, born November 3, 1890, Avas BIOGRAPHY 601 educated in tlie district and liij^h schools oi' ]Monroe county, and in the Iowa State Normal school at Des Moines. After completing her education she was engaged three years as a teacher. She now lives at home. The son, Alfred, was born April 14, 1892. After the marriage of ]\Ir. Battalia he purchased forty acres of land in the town of Oakdale, which he afterwards sold and repurchased 100 acres in section fifteen, and later added eighty acres in section nineteen of the same town, where he now" resides. He is a carpenter and for twenty-five years followed his trade, during which time he built many of the tine large barns in Clifton and Oakdale townships. For the past five years he has given his entire time and attention to his farm, and has been successful in its opera- tions. Besides general farming he does an extensive dairy busi- ness and keeps his farm well stocked with a good grade of horses, cattle and hogs. In politics he is a Republican and takes an active interest in the affairs of his party. He has been supervisor of his town two years, treasurer one term and for twelve years a member of the school board. Walter Baxter, a veteran of the Civil AVar, was born in Scot- laud, November 8, 1842. His father, George Baxter, was born in Scotland, August 5, 1817, and his mother, whose maiden name was Jean Duncan, also born in Scotland, was married December 21, 1841, and emigrated to America in 1851, when AValter was but nine years of age, and settled in the state of Wisconsin, Waukesha county. In 1864 Air. Walter Baxter came and located in Monroe county, where he has since resided, engaged in farm- ing in Clifton and Glendale townships. In 1865 he enlisted in company A, fiftieth regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers and served about one and one-half years, until receiving his honorable dis- charge June 12, 1866. Mr. Baxter is one of the substantial' and influential citizens of Monroe county, and takes a commendable interest in the wel- fare of his town and county, and for sixteen years has been clerk of his town and village. On October 6. 1867, Air. Baxter was united in marriage to Miss Alargaret AlcQueen, daughter of James and Nancy Mc- Queen, of Glendale, Wis. Of four children born to this union, but one, Luella, who is the wife of H. AV. Smith, of Kendall, is now living. George G. Becker, farmer and substantial citizen of Tunnel City, Alonroe county, AVis., is a native of Illinois, and was born in Chicago, December 29. 1867. His parents were Ignatz and 602 HISTORY OF .AEOXROE COT'XTY ?Jary (]\Iarhoefer) Becker, who emiirrated from Germany early ill life, got acquainted in Chicago and were united in marriage their, where they made their home until 1895. They then moved to ]\Ionroe county, Wisconsin, and settled in Greenfield town- .ship. where the\' lived until the father died at the age of seventy- four years. Ilis widow, mother of our subject survived four months when she passed awav at the aire of sixtv-four vears. They raised a family of nine children, our subject being the eldest. Of the others, Henry is deceased, Charles and Harry are engaged in the grocery business in Chicago, Fred is a member of the police force in that city, Clara is deceased, Ignatz is deceased, Elizabeth Becker (Hall) resides in Greenfield township, Edward also re- sides in Greenfield township. George G. received his education in the public schools of Chi- cago, and early learned the brick mason's trade, which he fol- lowed until his removal to Greenfield township, in 1893. He first i)ur('liased eiszhty acres of land in section thirty-four, which he sold three years later and moved onto a rented farm in LaGrange township, Avhich he carried on for a period of three years. At the expiration of that time he purchased a 2-40-acre tract in section ten of Greenfield township, which he farmed and improved by a high state of cultivation and substantial build- ings, and there resided until 1910, when he moved to Tunnel City, Avhere he has since lived. Beginnino; his operations in ]\Ion- roe county with a cash capital of $100, he has won success and became known as one of the enterprising and well-to-do citizens of this section ; he takes a commendable interest in affairs of the county and any movement which he thinks is for the better- ment of the community, receives his support; he is now serving his third term as chairman of the town board, and for two terms has held the office of treasurer of the town. He was married ]\Iarch 22, 1890. to ]\Iiss ]Minnie Krase, daughter of Gustave and Fredreka Krase, of AVisconsin. Ernst Behrens, farmer. Tomah township, was born in (Jermany. Xoveiuber ;}, 18"):^. He is the son of Fred and Wehliminia Beh- rens. also natives of Germany. They came to America in 1867. with a family of five children, two brothers of the subject having preceded them the year before. They located in the town of AVilton. ^lonroe couiity. Wis,, where Mr. Behrens bought 120 acres of land, only eighteen acres being improved, in section four, town of Wiltdii. where he lived until lie died. He was successful in his early occupation of raising large and profitable grain crops. and thus he was able to etjuip the farm in first class shape. He BIOGRAPHY 60:^, was an earnest, sincere christian gentleman, and a well respected citizen of his community, and a member of the German Reformed church, to which he gave liberal support., Ernst is of a family of eleven children, two of whom are liv- ing. He received a good education in his native country, up to his sixteenth year, when he came to Monroe county, and attended school but a few months after reaching the new country. He remained on the homestead farm until the age of twenty-three, Avhen he acquired 100 acres of land in section four, Wilton town- shi]). which he sold a few months later, and was employed at farm work by his father-in-law for six months, when he returned to the neighborhood of his first purchase and bought sixty acres of land to which he later added sixty more, and here made his home until 1894. when he bought eighty acres where he now re- sides in the town of Tomah. He built a comfortable house the first year, a barn in 1902, and silo in 1911. His farm has a fine spring which furnishes water for both his house and barn. His farm is Avell stocked with horses, cattle, hogs, etc. ; and he car- ries on a profitable dairy business, and Mr. Behrens ranks among' the successful farmers of Monroe county. He has been trustee of the Tomah Lutheran church for fifteen years, and one of the organizers of the Tomah Creamery, and in politics is a Republican. October 1. 1876, in the town of Ridgeville, he was married to Miss May Merten, daughter of Chris and Maria Merten. Seven children have been born to this union, six of whom are living : Caroline L., now JNIrs. John Sherman ; Emma, now ]\Irs. Herman Mathewes: Ernst. Louis. Fred. Lidia and Elmer, deceased. George Benson, section twenty-four, Sparta township, a native son of Monroe county, was born on the homestead farm where he now resides, January 16, 1877. He is a son of Charles and Ernstine (Linke) Benson, natives of Stoten, Germany. Charles Benson, the father of our subject, w^as the eldest of three chil- dren, the others, Minnie, the former wife of John Winters, is de- ceased, and Fred, of Eagle River, Wis. Charles was born in 1832, and came to the United States in 1850, at the age of eighteen years. Imbued w'ith the energy and vigor of his young man- hood, he set forth to make his way in the then new country. His first stop after leaving the port of New" York was in Chicago, and from there continued his course w^estward into the then wilds of Wisconsin, of which Monroe county formed a part. Locating first on' a rented farm in Bowler's valley. It Avas two years later that he purchased 100 acres of wild land covered with heavy timber, to which he later added sixty acres more, which embraces 604 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY the homestead farm. The tirst effort toward home biiildins was the erection of a lo^ shanty, nearly across the hisrhway from where the present house occupied by our subject now stands, which his father built over forty-two years asro, and where he died in 1S90. at the asre of fifty-eisht years. Ilis widow, mother of George, is a resident of Sparta. She is the eldest of a family of three children. The others are Fredricka Schmidt, of Eau- claire. and ^linnie Zimmerman, deceased, of Chicago. Oeorsre Benson is the youngest of his family, the others are. Charles W. and John F.. of Sparta, Emma, deceased, who was formerly the wife of Charles Jones, of Newlyme township, Minnie, wife of Arthur Jenkins, of Little Falls township. Edith, wife of David Jenkins, of Lafayette township. The paternal grandmother, born in 1S12. died in Sparta at the age of ninety-one years. On December 9, 1903. ^Ir. Benson was united in marriage with Miss Maude Rowe. of Burns Valley. LaCrosse county. Wis. George attended the district schools of his native township, and has been in possession of the home farm since the age of twenty-one years. He is a member of the ^lodern AVoodmen of America, and is interested in th^ live issues of the day. Edward Bergman, a popular young farmer and business man of Xorwalk, with property interests in various parts of ^lonroe county, was born October 11. 1S73. in the towii of Ridgeville. this county, to William and Bertha (Ilass"* Bergman, the father a native of Saxony. Germany, and the mother a native of Ohio. ^Ir. Bergman. Sr.. came to America in 1S52. and first located in the state of Ohio, where he was married, and shortly after- ward moved to the town of Ridgeville and homesteaded an eighty acre tract of wild land in section twenty-eight, which at that time was unbroken and covered with timber and n^ameil by wild game and Indians. To this he eventually added another forty acres, makinsr in all a farm of 120 acres, and immediately set to work to clear and improve the land and establish the family home, battling, as it were, the trials and hardships of pioneer life. There were no roads of any kind in the county except the Indian trails and a stage road from La Crosse to Sheboygan, and white settlers were scarce; the only means of transportation being either on foot or by ox team. They raised a family of ten children, nine of whom are living. Edward is the seventh child. ^Ir. Bergman. Sr.. was a brilliant and well educated man. was a great reader and kept up with the current events of the day, he was a Democrat in politics and took an active interest in all BIOGRAPHY 605 public matters, and Avas a prime mover iu every enterprise that might develop his town and county. Edward lived at home until he was twenty-two years of age and acquired an education in the district schools. His first expe- rience on his own resources was in the threshing and saw mill business; the threshing machine he operated during the summer season and the saw mill during the winter months; he was a faithful worker, economical and persevering, and made a suc- cess of his occupation. On October 11. 1897. he was married in the town of Ridgeville. to Miss Alvina Generikow. daughter of Miuherd and Amil Generikow: she was the fourth child of a fam- ily of six children, all of whom are living. Mr. and ]\Irs. Berg- man have one child. Otho 0.. born October 20. 1909. After their marriage they moved to Xorwalk. in ^lonroe county, where ]Mr. Bergman purchased a livery stable, which he operated for a while, then disposed of this and returned to the threshing and saw mill business, which he has since conducted along with other lines most successfully. In 1898 he took a con- tract to carry the mail on the rural delivery route, and is still holding this position with the Government. In 1899 he erected a modern residence in the village of Xorwalk. containing eleven rooms, which he occupies with his family. ]\Ir. Bergman is a Republican in politics. A. W. Bernett*, a resident of the city of Tomah. was born in Switzerland in 1855. and after the death of his father, his mother left her native coimtry and came to America with her family of children in 1872. our subject being one of that number. After a residence of live years in Bangor. La Crosse county. AVis.. ]\Ir. Bernett was employed at farm Avork. and afterwards engaged m track laying for the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail- road, and after a time he took charge of a section as foreman, which position he held for several years. In 1885. he came to Tomah and purchased eighty acres of land in the town of La- Grange, which he now owns and upon which he has made exten- sive improvements, having in the year 1900. erected a large and commodious barn. Mr. Bernett has since that time resided in Tomah. where he has been employed as a skilled mechanic in the shops of the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, where he is now engaged as a faithful and valued Avorkman. He owns a fine and substantial residence, and is a progressive citizen and is inter- ested in the advancement of his home city and county. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and the Woodmen of the World. 606 HISTORY OF .AIOXROF COrXTY ;Mr Bernett was married at Lafayette, Wis., to ^liss Barl)ara Orplnvell, and to this union has been born one son, George, born in 1883. He received liis education in the graded and high school of Tomah. and lias been game warden of the district for one year. Joseph Betthauser, who lives on his farm of 115 acres in sec- tions tliirty-l\V(). Ihii'ty-one and ten, Oakdale township, is a pros- perous farmer and one of the steady office holders of the town. He is a Democrat in politics and has served the town board for years in the capacity of supervisor, assessor, chairman of the board, town clerk and ti-easurer and for twenty-four years has been school treasurer and a hard worker in the school interests. He was born June 25, 1858. in Rockboro, Dane county, AVis.. the son of Val ;ind ^largaret (Snider) Betthauser. both natives of Germany. They came to America in 1856 and located in Dane coun-y. where they lived on a rented farm for about eight years and then moved to Oakdale township, in ]\Ionroe county, in 1861, and bought forty acres in section twenty-eight and homesteaded another forty acres which he converted into a highly productive farm and beautiful country home. They were among the early settlers of the county and ]Mi'. Betthauser now lives in ease and comfort as a result of his many years of hard work, at the age of eighty-eight years, and tells many interesting tales of pioneer life. His wife passed away in 1881. They were devoted mem- bers of the Catholic church and raised a family of nine children in that faith. ^Ir. Betthauser helped to l)uild the first Catholic church in Oakdale in 1870, and in 1910 assisted in the erection of the St. ]\Iichael Indian Creek church, at a cost of $6,250. Rev. Luuis Wurst, pastor; Joseph Betthauser, Seb. Richer aiul L. Shie. building committee. Joseph is the oldest of the family, and lived at home on the farm nnlil he was twenty-two: he attended school nj) to his six- teenth year, and on November 26. 1884. he was married in ^laus- ton, Juneau ccninty. to ^liss Anna ]\Iary Haschke, daughter of Her- onimad and ]\Iary TIaschke. and they have eight children, viz.: Frank. Joseph. John. Kddie. Otto. Anna, Mary and Louis. ^Ir. Betthauser bought his farm shortly after his marriage in 1886. and since tliat time has been conlinually improving it, so that it is now one of the Ix'st farms in Indian Creek. He keeps i1 well supplied with a good grade of stock, and uses tlic most modern methods in conducting it. In connection with his general farm- ing, he carries on a tine dairy business, .uul is considered one of th.e vahijiblc cili/cns (tf the townshi]). lie mnkes n specinlty BIOGRAPHY 607 of raising' and breeding Durham and Holstein cattle, of which he has a fine display. William L. Blake, a well known farmer of section twelve, Greenfield toAvnship, was born in Gamden, Oneida county, N. Y., September 3. 1848. His parents, Frederick and Emily (Sanford) Blake, who w^ere natives of New England, came to Wisconsin when William was but nine months old, and located in Waukesha county, but soon thereafter moved to Walworth county, where they remained three years, then came back to Waukesha. From there they returned to New York, but again came back and set- tled in Waukesha county, w^here they spent the balance of their lives. William L. is the youngest and only surviving member of a family of three children ; of the others, Mary married Jonas Stahl, and is now deceased, and Aurelia, the wife of Dr. S. S. Smith, is deceased. The grandparents on the Sanford side were also from New York state. They had a family of twelve chil- dren, ten^sons and two daughters. William L. Blake, the subject of this sketch, was raised on the farm and attended the district school. He remained at home until he was twenty-six years of age, when he started out for himself. He went to northern Wisconsin and found employment in the lumber woods. He went next to Iowa, from where he re- turned after a time to his boyhood state of Wisconsin, and located in 1876 on his present farm containing seventy-seven acres, only seven acres being cleared at the time of purchase. Since that time the soil has been brought to a high state of cultivation, and the place improved with a good class of buildings, making it a beautiful country home. He has always been interested in the affairs of his community, and for some time served on the side board, was assessor for seven years, and chairman of the tow^n board for one term. ]\Ir. Blake is a lover of antiquities, and has in his possession a rare collection of Indian relics. He is known as one of the well-to-do. public spirited, and influential citizens of jMonroe county. On February 25, 1875, Mr. Blake was married to JMiss Lydia E. Fulmer, daughter of William and Lucretia L. (Martin) Fulmer, natives of New York state, w^ho came to Oconomowoc, AVis., Mrs. Blake's native place, in 1847. They reared a family of six chil- dren, Mrs. Blake being the fourth in order of birth. The others are Wallace AY., of Sioux Falls, S. D.. :\Iarian. the wife of W. Hatch, of ]\Iadison, S. D., William H. resides in Coleman, S. D., Albert Al.. who died in 1903, and Alfred B. Fulmer. of Dell Rapids, S. D. The children of Air. ami Airs. Blake are For- 608 lll:STORY OF MONROE COUNTY rest L., Ethel :M., deceased. R<.1)ci1 0., Carl F.. and Frank AV. Blake. Jesse Blake, grandfather of onr sul).jeet. Avas horn Decemher 14, 1775, in Coiniectieut, and ]\Iarrilla Loomis. his Avife. Avas horn May 20, 1775. They eanie from Litchfield, Conn., to the tOAvn of Camden, Oneida county. N. Y.. Avhere they spent their lives. Ephriam Sanford, tin- maternal grandfather, waf^ born August 12, 1789, and his Avife. Temperance Dunbar, AA'as born August 13, 1791. Albert A. Bliss, a progressive and prosperous farmer and sub- stantial citizen of LaOrange tOAvnship, is a native of GeorgetOAvn, ]\radison county, Ncav Y'ork, and Avas l)orn December 18, 1857, to Eliab and R]u)da (Davenport) Bliss, also natives of Ncav York state, and Avho Avere descended from Phiglisli and German an- cestry. Eliab Bliss, was a millwright and spent most of his active life in ]\Iadison county, conducting the GeorgetoAvn mill. He died at the age of eighty-six and his Avife, mother of oiu' sub- ject, died at the age of eighty-tAvo years. Of seven children born to them, five are noAV living, vi/. : Albert A, Charles of NeAV York state. Sarah Jane. AvidoAV of George Tripp, (^f Hamilton, N. Y., Harriet Bliss, and Celestine. Those deceased ai-e P^vert and Betsey Ann. Albert A. received a limited education in the public schools and assisted his father in mill Avork and Avas employed on the farm ; when yet a young man he came Avest to St. Joseph, ]Mich., and later moved to LaGrange toAvnship, Monroe county. Wiscon- sin, Avhere he made his home Avith his uncle. Burden Davenport, and Avas variously employed at farm Avork for a time and then spent three years in railroading Avith the AVisconsin Valley Railroad. He then Avent Avith the Northern Pacific Railroad, and for several years Avas employed in the engineering and train de- partment of that road. At the death of his uncle, Air. Davenport, in 1896, he fell heir to the present farm Avhere he noAV resides in section seventeen, LaGrange toAvnshiji. and to Avhich he has devoted much time and energy in improving. Burden DaA'enport, uncle of our subject. Avas a native of Ncav York state; in 1855 in company Avith Amos Greenfield, he came to AVisconsin and located on Ihc faiiii in LaGrange toAvnship, Alonroe county, where he built a log house where he lived for some years, Avhen he erected a iu>av frame residence AA'hieh Avas his home until his death Avhich occurred in 18 , at the age of seventy-tAvo years. He Avas one of the pioneers of his toAvnship, BIOGRAPHY 609 and like our subject, was one of the progressive and influential citizens of the town. William H. Elyton, one of the veterans of the Civil War, and a prosperous and respected citizen of Sparta, was born on October 4, 1842, at Franklinville, N. Y. Ilis father, Thomas W. Blyton, was born in western New York in 1814. The maiden name of his mother was Elizabeth McClure, a native of Cattaraugus county, New York. The paternal grandfather was Thomas Blyton, a native of Ohio. The ancestors of the Bly tons' and McClures' were of Irish descent. As early as 1844, Thomas W. Blyton, father of our subject, went to Illinois, but after a short sojourn, returned to New York and resided in Cattaraugus count}^ until 1852, when, at the earnest solicitation of Mr. A. F. Bard, of Sparta, he came to this city, then but a small village, and fol- lowed his trade as carpenter in the employ of Mr. Bard. At the end of two years, he sent for his family, who arrived at their new western home in October. 1854. He lived here uninterrup- tedly engaged at his trade until 1864. On September 13. of that year, he enlisted for service in the Federal Army in Company C, Nineteenth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. He con- tinued in the service until the close of the war, when he was honorably discharged. Returning home with health much im- paired from exposure and fatigue, incident to his service in the defense of his country which left him severely afflicted with asthma on account of which he decided to change his place of resi- dence. He removed to Barron county, this state. He died at Sparta, Wis., July 28, 1898. William H. was the oldest of a family of nine children, five sons and four daughters ; the next in order of birth was Charles W. Blyton. He also was a member of Company C, Nineteenth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, but on account of disability, was discharged at Suffolk, Va., on June 15, 1863. He returned to his home in Sparta, wdiere he died December of the same year. De Forest Blyton is a resident of Austin. Minn. DeWilton. lives in Barron county ; Manley died in childhood ; Olive, the oldest daughter, is the wife of A. J. Pierce, of Austin, ]\Iinn. ; Medora, is the wile of Samuel Finley, and resides at Devil's Lake, N. Dak.; Merissa, is the wife of William Pitts, and also lives at Towner, N. Dak. ]\Iary the youngest, died in childhood. ]Mr. Blyton was but twelve years of age when the family came to AVisconsin — in fact they arrived in Sparta on his twelfth birthday. In 1862, when little more than twenty years of age, he also enlisted in Company C, Nineteenth Regiment, Wisconsin 610 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Volunteer Infantry, witli liis father and brother. He was made Coniniissary Scriieant of liis reiriment and was later promoted to Quartermast('r-S('rcrt News, where it remained until November. It then went to Newborn. N. C. and was in defense of that place mitil 1864. The regiment was then ordered back to Y^'orktown, and assigned to tlie Third Brigade. First J)ivision of the Eighteenth Army Corps, under the connnand of General B. F. Butler, and took part in the lY'tersburg and Richmond campaign. The nineteenth was the lirst infantry regiment to get into the city of Richmond after the liight of Jeff Davis, and its tiag was the first infantry flag that floated from tlu' state house. ]\Ir Blyton lias many nai-row escapes, bill I'tM't'ivcd no wounds in Ihe war of the Rebellion, but during a skirmish willi the Indians on December 7, 1865. he was severely wounded by being shot in the left arm which was permanently disabled, i-esultinsi- in liis discharge for disability. Upon leaving the army. ]Mr. Blyton returned to Sparta where he was engaged for two years in merchandising. In 1869 he entered the Insurance field, which business has ever since been his occupation. On Jan- uary 16. 1864. whih' at home on a furlough. .Mr. Blyton was mar- ried to .Aliss Haiiiet E. Washburn, daughter of William and Harriet Washhuni. who settled in Sparta in 18.")."). wliei'e ?*Ii". AVasliburn died in 1S()2; liis wife, mother of ^Irs. Blyton. surviving until 1869. Besides ^Irs. Blyton. the members of the family are, Josephine, wife of S. C. ]\Iiles, of Prairie Farm. Barron county. AVis. ; Clara N.. who is the wife of B. L. Spring, and Andrew C, both of whom reside in ^Milwaukee. To ]\Ir. and ]Mrs. Blyton one son was born. Edgar E., born ^larcli 12. 1869. j\Irs. Blyton died in 1881 and he again mar- ried, Sarah E. Burroughs. June 16, 1883. BIOGRAPHY 611 j\Ir. Blyton has for many years been one of Sparta's most enterprising and progressive citizens. He has filled various offi- cial positions with credit and ability. lie has been city clerk constantly since 1870; was supervisor in 1884, representing the second ward of the city, he was elected to the legislature in 1883 to 1885 and again in 1889, holding the office for three terms. Politically he is a Republican. He is a charter member of the John W. Lynn Post No. 30, G. A. E., and has held all the posi- tions of the Post. James A. Bolton, (uie of the progressive and wide-awake native sons of INIonroe county, resides on his farm of 105 acres in section sixteen. La Grange township, was born in Wilton township, De- cember 29. 1867, the son of Edwin L., and Roseline (Cady) Bol- ton, natives of Vermont. The original Bolton ancestors came from England; the grandfather of (Uir subject, John G. Bolton, a woolen manufacturer, settled in New York state when Edwin L. was fifteen years of age. They later came west to Wisconsin, and located in Dane county, near ]\Iadison, and in the late fifties,, moved to IMonroe county and settled in the town of Wilton. Edwin L.. father of our subject, was a school teacher, which oecu- paticui he followed in Monroe county for tAventy-one years, and occupied a prominent place in educational circles as well as the general aii'airs of his town. In 1873 he located on a farm in sec- tion seventeen. La Grange township, where he died in 1886, at the age of forty-nine years. During the Civil War he enlisted in Com- pany E, Seventeenth W^isconsin Regiment, and served nine months as clerk and adjutant. His widow, mother of our subject, resided at Tomah until September 23. 1912. wdien she died. They were the parents of ten children, eight of Avhoin are now living. (See sketch of W. E. Bolton.) James A. Bolton spent his boyhood on the home farm, receiv- ing his education in the district schools of his neighborhood; he had nearly reached his majoritj^ when he started out to make his own way in the world. He was employed at farm work for six years, and in 1894 leased the Henry Mallory farm which he conducted for ten years in connection with his own farm pur- chased the same year, which he has improved with a substantial residence, new ])arn, sheds and other outbuildings. Here he car- ries on general farming and dairying, using modern methods in his operations, and his equipment is of the latest and up to date. As a man, Mr. Bolton stands high in the confidence and esteem of the community and he is justly counted as one of its fore- most citizens. He has devoted his time to home matters, and be- 612 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY lieves in tlio welfare and progress of his eomminiity. ]\[r. Bol- ton and his cstimahle wife, who Avas ]\Iiss Lillian Stowell. of Big- Sj)rin,us, Adams county. AVis., and the daughter of Ceylon and I\lary Stowell. of New York, were married November 24, 1S98. Westley E. Bolton resides in section seventeen La Grange town- ship, and is one of the leading' cili/ens of the town. lie was born in Wilton township. ]\Ionroe county, Wisconsin, October 1, 1863. His parents, Edwin L.. and Roseline (Cady) Bolton, Avere natives of England and Vermont, respectively. The father came west to Wisconsin in the early fifties, locating in Dane county, where he remained four years, when with his father, John G. Bolton, he came to Wilton township, .Monroe county, and iu 1873, when our .■subject was ten years of age, moved to La Grange township and settled on the farm where our subject now resides, a small amount of which was cleared at that time. The father died in 1886, at the age of forty-nine years. His widow, mother of our subject, made her home in Tomali until her death, September 23, 1912. John G. Bolton, grandfather of our subject, who was born at Leeds, England, died in 1884, aged about seventy years. Har- riet Lathem Bolton, his wife, died in 1889, at the age of seventy years. The maternal grandfather of Wesley E. was Reverend Cady, a Methodist clergyman. He died in Greenfield township, and was survived for some years 1)y his wife. AVestley E.. the subject of this sketch, is one of a family of eleven children, seven sons and four daughters ; of the others. Frederick E., is professor of psychology in the State T7niversity of Iowa, James A., of LaGrange township, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume: Herbert F,.. has chair in history of Berkeley, (^al. ; Laura, wife of Dr. A. R. Bell, of Tomah : Dr. Ernest LeRoy, of Chilton, Wis. ; Grace is a teacher in the Tomah high school; Edwinnie, wife of Roy Naphus, resides in lowaj Edmund and John W. and Hattie M. are deceased. Our subject was reared on the home farm and received his education in the district schools. He assisted his father with the farm work until he reached the age of seventeen, when he started out in life for himself. He was employed four years by S. H. Griswold in the lime business in the town of Wilton, and then rented a farm in AVilton tovrnshijx which he carried on initil 1897, then jiurchased the home farm of 14.3 acres to which he has since added the Henry IMallory farm of eighty acres, making in all 225 acres which is well iin])roved. His residence, barns and outbuildings are of modern construction and well kept up. aiul the beautiful country home of Mr. Bolton is indicative of the ambition of its BIOGRAPHY 613 owner, lie is .letive in the affairs of his township and for the past seven years has heen diaii-nian of tlie town board. lie has filled the office of treasurer for one year, was assessor for the years 1004 and 1905. and has also been a member of the side board. lie is at present and has been for the last five years, sec- retary of the Farmers ^Mutual Fire Insurance company of Tomah. He was married at Wilton in 1884 to ]\Iiss Willella Hancock, daughter of William and Ellen (Gooder) Hancock, natives of Enii'land, and who settled in Wisconsin many years ago. jMr. and ]Mrs. Bolton are the parents of four children, viz. : Char- lotte ]\I.. Edwin E.. Raymond L.. a student at Lawrence univer- sity, and Russell B. Bolton. William H. Boomer, proprietor of the Spring Brook farm, con- sisting of 110 acres in section 22. Adrian township, is the son of Charles C. and Avilla (Holmes) Boomer, of Tomah, and was born on the old homestead August 11, 1869. The father came to Adrian township in 1865 and purchased the land, which at that time was little less than a wilderness; the parents were both natives of ^Michigan, and in 1866 they moved to the farm in Adrian and immediately set to work to improve the land and establish the family home; they erected a substantial residence and outbuild- ings, cleared the land and soon brought it to a high state of cul- tivation and productiveness. Charles C. Boomer, father of our subject, for many years a prominent and intiuential citizen of Adrian township, is a native of Saline. !]Mich.. where he was born in 1834. His parents, Caleb and ]Mahalia (Barton) Boomer, who were natives of New York state, were among the early settlers of Michigan, where Charles Boomer was reared. When the Civil War broke out ]\Ir. Boomer enlisted on August 14, 1862. at the age of twenty-eight, for three years at ^Manchester, in Company B. Seventeenth Regiment. !Michi- gan Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered into the service on August 26 of that year, and after faithfully serving his country until June 3, 1865. he was mustered out at the Delaney house in Washington. D. C. Among the many batttles in which he par- ticipated was the batttle of South ^Mountain, ^Maryland ; Antietam ; Fredericksburg; siege of Vicksburg: Jackson, ]\Iiss. : Wilderness; Spottsylvania ; Petersburg, Va.. and many others to the mimber of thirty in all. After the surrender of General Lee his regiment embai'ked at City Point for Alexandria, Va.. and participated in the grand reviev.' at Washington. IMr. Boomer is a well-preserved man for one of his years, and lives to enjoy the fruits of his long and busy life, honored and respected by all who know him. (114 III8T0KY OF .MOXKOK ("OrXTY William II. received his education in tlic coimnon schools, assist- ing in the farm work durinj; his boyliood. He remained on the home farm witli his parents until he reached the ajre of twenty-six. wlien he purchased his ])resent farm, which he has since conducted with ureat success. Tliis fai'm. as well as its proprietor, is famous for the production oi" the celeln alcd jii-ize-winniui: Brown Swiss cattle, which are said to hv amoiiu llie very hfst of milk producers in the country, yielding: as high as if^Kll pci- head in milk and cream ])er year. ^Ir. Roomer occupies a pi-omincnt place among llie progressive and inlluential farmers of the county, and takes a lively interest in all jiublic matters pertaining to the Avelfare of his comnnniity. On .June 1'), 189i). Mr. Booniei- Avas married to ^liss Estella Relief Nelson, daughter of J. ('. Nelson, a prominent citizen of Tomah. George Bradley, who has heen a resident of ]\Ionroe county since 1804. is a native of Lincolnshire. England, where he was born June 26. 184."}. At the age of nine years he became i)age for John Prankish and was four yeai's in that service; he received 12 cents per day. his duties being to carry mail to and from the postofifice. He was then employed at farming, at about $25 per year, until one year before leaving his native country, when he worked in the city of Lincolnshire, at the end of which time, when twenty-one years of age, he came to America, purchasing a passage ticket from Lincolnshire dii'ect to Fond i\n Lac. Wis., wliere he ari'ived with just $1.")() in his po(dr(ini;iii is a consislcnt ineniber of the Catholic church and a member of llic ('atholic Order of Foresters. Politically lie is a Democrat. He was nuirried on -linie -'id. 1!i()!). at Toinali. to ?kliss Katlii-yn Coslello. J. E. Brcadwell, secretai-y of tlie 11. \j. Stevens Company, architectui'al eii.uineers. with headcpiarters in Chicago, has in his career demonstrated the vahu- in the husiness world today of well- directed industry and eiu'i-,u\-. for althonoh still ?i youni; man. ,Mi'. Broadwell has W(M-k('d his way to a position of responsil)ility and trust. His ancestors were of En held an enviable position by reason equally of his high personal standing and business qualilicat i(»ns. He followed the insurance business for fifteen years piior to hecominu intei-i*sted as secretary of the H. L. .Stevens Com])any. with branch offices in vai-ious cities of the Thiited States. So extensive has the Inisiuess of tlu' company become in erect inti' reinforced concrete buildings in the United States and Canada that it re(|uires several bi-anch offices, and I\Ir. Broadwell has headtiuartei-s at Minneapolis. wt)rking the terri- tory from ]\Iilwaukee. AVis.. to AViiHiijieg. Canada. The father of Horace aiul grandfather of our subject was Will- iam Broadwell. Cyrus Pei'i-\-, inatei-nal grandfather of subject, was a relative of the faiiKuis Commodore I'erry. Mr. Broadwell is jn-omiiieiit in fi'atei'ual oi'ders — a member of BIOGRAPHY 619 Valley Lodge, No. 60, A. F. & A. :\r. : Sparta Chapter, No. 19, K. A. M.: Sparta Comiiiandery. No. 16. Knight Templars; a Modern Woodman of America. AVoodmen of the AYorld and the Eastern Star. lie is also a trnstee of the ]\Iethodist Episcopal church. On November 11. 1886, ^Ir. Broadwell was united in marriagw with ]Miss Sarah E. Lovell. of Sparta, daughter of the late Carr and Eutli (Wyman) Lovell. Peter Wyman. maternal grandfather of ]\Irs. Broadwell, was a native of IMaine and built the first saw- mill at Wilsonville. Mr. and ]Mrs. Broadwell have one daughter — Jessie Elberta Broadwell. Hans Bronscn is a prosperous farmer and worthy citizen of Leon township, ]\Ionroe county, Wisconsin, and settled there after his marriage. His birth occurred ^lay 16, 1867, in the toAvn of Portland, this county, and he is the eighth child of a family of ten children, six of whom are now living, born to H. and Anna (Stigen) Bronson. His parents were both natives of Norway and left their native land in 1853 for America with a family of four children, two of whom died on the ocean voyage and were buried at sea. Upon arriving in this country they came to Wisconsin and homesteaded 120 acres of land in Portland township. Monroe county, to Avhich he afterward added forty acres, and there made their home and reared their family. Te father was born Jan- uary 15, 1818. and died March 16. 1910. ]Mrs. Bronson was born March 1. 1823, and passed away in 1909, loved and respected by all who knew her. In his long and active life he labored under the difficulty of being crippled ; still he overcame many obstacles and succeeded in the end. He was an honorable and highly respected citizen, a member of the Lutheran church and in politics a Repub- lican. Hans Bronson spent his boyhood on his father's farm, attend- ing the district school and assisting in the farm work, remaining there until he reached the age of twenty-four, when on December 31, 1891, at Westby, AVis.. he was married to ]Miss Dora Swenson, daughter of jNIagnus Swenson. Unto this union has been born one daughter — Edna, born December 4, 1892. After his marriage ]\Ir. Bronson ])urchased 151 acres of land in section 26, Leon township, where he has since resided, engaged in general farming, stock raising and dairying. He has made numy needed improvements; in 19C0 he built a modern residence, in 1903 the barn and in 1908 the silo. His artesian well, 285 feet deep, furnishes an abundant supply of pure water, which under hydraulic pressure is carried by a system of pipes 150 feet to the house, 160 feet from the house 020 HISTORY OF .MOXROP: COUNTY to the creaint'i'x- lank and •")() feet to the street waterin"- trough. INIr. Bronson uses uiodern inetliods in all his farmino- operations, and his well-improved and eultivated farm is one of the ideal coun- ti-y lutnu's of tlu' county, in jKililies he is known as a propressive Republiean, jind he and his wife are members of tlie Lutheran church. George Brooks, a ])r()niinent citi/en and farmer of Wells towu- shi]). Avas born in JMorrow county. Ohio, September 27. 1851, son of James and ]\Iaria (Hull) Brooks, natives of the Keystone state. They moved to AVisconsin with their family of five children — three boys and two girls — in 1854 and settled in Monroe county. Although James' school advantages were limited and he was prac- tically a self-educated man. the natural thrift ami enterprising energies with which he was endowed won for him success and the respect and confidence of his community, lie served as justice of the peace for some twenty years, Avas a strong t('ni])crancc advocate and was affiliated with the Prohibition party, and was identified ■\\-ith the ]\Ieth()dist clergy. He was born in 1818 and jiassed away on ]Marcli 17, 18!)5. His Avife. mother of our subject, died in 1858. and he was married for a second time to ^Margaret Juliet ^lorgan, by Avhom he had seven children. George attended the district scliools until he was sixteen and assisted with tlie farm work at Imnie. He remained on the liome- stead until he was twenty-one aiul then for two years lived with his brother. After his ninrriage he lived on the old homestead for a time and then ]un*chased a farm of 185 acres in the town of "Wells. Avhere he has since made his home, and is considered one of the most successful and enterprising farmei's of that town. He has always taken an intei-est in the affairs of liis town and has held many minor offices; he has been treasurei- of the town for four years: was also a member of the school board for eighteen years, assessor and overseer of highways, and in politics is a Republican. I\Ii-. Brooks was nuirried November 29. 1874, at Si)arta. to ]\liss ]\Iartlia Krotzman. daughter of John and Frederica Ki'Dtznian. To this union were born three sons, viz: I'liillip Iv. born March 0. 1876. died ]March 0. 1905, leaving a wif(» and two sons; James Ernest, born ^larch 21. 188:?. ])hysieian aiul surgeon of Chicago, and (;e()i-n(. Iv. honi .June 15, 1892. now manager of his father's farm. Arthur F. Brownell, of section 8. Portlaiul townshij). ^Monroe county, was horn at Sheldon. .Miiui.. Xovenilter 21. 1888. son of Arthur S. and Phoebe (.McKee) Brownell. natives of Michigan and ^Minnesota, respectively. When Arllnic was fourteen years of age BIOGRAPHY 621 in 1897 his parents moved to Portland township and located on the farm where our subject now resides. The mother, who was a charming lady of many womanly virtues, passed away in 1899 at the early age of forty-one years. The father, who is still living, resides on a farm in IMontana. Besides Arthur there is one brother, Philip Brownell, living in Montana, and one sister, Miss Cora Brownell. who lives in Portland township. Arthur was raised on the farm and educated in the district schools of his neighbor- hood, and since moving to the present farm has resided there and since the death of his mother in 1899 has had full charge of the place. He belongs to the younger class of farmers of his towm- ship and is thoroughly practical and up-to-date with his farming operations. On June 29, 1904, Mr. Brownell was married to Miss Eliza- beth jM. Shultz, daughter of Gotlieb and INIinnie (Preng) Shultz, formerly of Portland township, but now residents in the town of Sparta. To j\Ir. and ^Nlrs. Brownell have been born five children; they are Arthur G., born ]May 9, 1905 ; Ernest W., born June 1, 1907 ; Mabel E., born April 27, 1909 ; David L., born October 10, 1910, and Harry T., born August 5, 1912. John B. Brunner, of Ridge ville township, Monroe county, is one of the representative farmers and substantial citizens of this section. He was born in Hegenheim, France, April 9, 1837. His parents were John Brunner and Anna Rieder, natives of France. In 1852 Mr. Brunner with a cousin emigrated to America and first located in Washington county, Wisconsin, and for two years worked as a laobrer. He then went to live with an uncle at Black River Falls and for six years worked in a lumber camp in that locality. At the end of that time, in 1862, he came to Monroe county and f)nrchased 146 acres in section thirty, town of Ridge- ville, where he has since made his home. His farm is well improved by cultivation and substantial buildings, both residence and barns. On his place are two living springs, one hard and the other soft water, which furnish an abundance of pure running water for stock and drinking purposes. In August. 1864, Mr. Brunner was drafted into service and was assigned to Company H, Third Wisconsin Infantry, and served until June 9, 1865, when he was honorably discharged. He saw much active service ; was engaged in several severe skirmishes and took part in the battles of Nashville, Tenn., and Decatur, Ala., after which his regiment was transferred to North Carolina and placed under the command of General Slocum, and took part in the engagement of Goldury and Raleigh, N. C. After receiv- 622 IIISTOKV OF .MOXKOE COUNTY illy his (liscliai-yc .Mi'. Ri-uiiiier roturnod hoiiic and in 1870 lioiiie- stcaded forty acres of land adjoininu- his rami. .Mr. liriinncr lias all his life hi't-ii an adixt', hard working luaii. and in atldition to liis general fai-iiiing he has carried on a profitable dairy bnsiness, keeping a tine lierd of milch cows, lie is now on the shady side oi' life and mkiUcs iiis lioiiic with one of his children on the old homestead, practically retired fi-om labor. In 1861 Mr. P>nnnii'r was married to IMiss Elizabeth Wolf, dniightei- of -lacob Wolf, of Hlaek Hiver Falls. Of livi- childi-en born to them fonr are now liviiiL;'. viz: Lizzie, boi-ii August 8. lS(i7; John, boi'ii ()c1ober 21). 1870; Louisa, born Octol)er 15, 1872, and Fred, horn Octobi'r (i. 1874. ^Irs. P>runner. who was a kind and indnluent wife and mother, jiassed away in 1905, leav- ing besides liei' faniilx' a host of friends to mourn her loss. Adelbert H. Burdick, who lives . The father died February 19. 19(]9, aged seventy-two years. l']zra Burdick. grandfather of our subject, came to Wisconsin with an ox team and was one of the early residents of Hartford and among the first settlers of that section. Adelbert II. is the eldest son of a family of four children; of the others RosAvell U. resides at Tomah. Alpha is deceased, and X'oiniie is the \\ife of AV. 0. JStotera. of Montana. Mr. l^urdick received his education in the district schools and in the Tomah High School, and when a youiiL;' man went to South Dakota, where hi' preempted a tist church, and !Mr. Burdiek is a member of the Mod- ern AVoodmen of America. Dennis Burke''', of Wells townshi}), who is engaged in farming and lireeding blooded stock, was born in the state of Ohio, Feb- ruary 26, 1855. son of Demiis and Bridget (Ileely) Burke, both natives of Ireland. The father came to America in 1840 and after a time went to New Hampshire, where he spent one year, then moved to Ohio and was employed as a laborer for five years. In 1857. when our subject was less than two years of age, the family came to ]Monroe county. Wisconsin, and located on a tract of wild land in AVells township, which the father purchased from a ]\Ir. Faucett. Here he established the family home and by hard work and perseverance cleared the land and brought it to a high state of cultivati(m. By working on the farm and in the mills he accunndated sufficient means to ])urchase more land, and at the time of his death oAvned 2()() acres in Wells township. He was boi'u in 1817 and lived for eighty years, his death hav- ing occurred in 1897. The mother, who was born in 1816, lived to the ripe age of ninety-three yeai's and died in 1909. The father was twice married; by his first marriage he had two children. He married for his second wife ■Miss Bridget Heely, by whom he had two children. They experienced the hardships of pioneer days and lived to enjoy the fruits of their many years of toil. 624 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY He Avas an lioiinrable. ii]»ii.i;hl man and held the confidence and respect of all who knew hini. He and his devoted wife were niembers of the Catholic chnrcli. Our snbject attended llic cnininon schools and remained on the homestead farm with his ]>arents. He purchased forty acres from his fathei". whicli lie carried on on his own account, and at the death of his pai-ents he acquired the balance of the home- stead and is now the owner of 200 acres of highly cultivated land, ■svell improved with a good class of buildings. He is successfully engaged in general farming and dairying and breeds and deals in Percherpn horses, Holstein cattle and Poland China hogs. He is a stockholder and director in the .Mcl\iiia Creamery Company and a stockholder in the Sparta Fair Association. He has been a member of the board of supervisors for three years and is now school clerk for the town of Wells. ]\Ir. Burke was married February 10, 1880, at Tomah. AYis., to ]Miss Helen Sullivan, daughter of Deiuiis Sullivan. They have a family of ten children, vi/. : Daniel 1'.. horn January 21. 1881; Dennis J., born February 21, 1882; Mary E., born :\Iay 15, 1884; Delia A., born April 1, 1885; ^Margaret, born May 17, 1886; Timothy H.. born January 24. 1887; John J., born February 12, 1890; Florence, horn March 29. 1891; Cornelius, boi-n February 22, 1892, and William L.. l)orii :\lay 10, 1893. In religious faith ]Mr. and ]\Irs. Burke are membeis of the St. Mary's Catholic church. Lee Canfield, president of the Sparta Iron Works. There are men of sncli hroad minds, wide information and wonderful tact that hy husbanding their forces and planning their various enter- prises with somethinu' like military precision they are enabled to accomplish sph'udid rc^sults in ditferent walks of life. Gifted Avith natural al)iHly. j\Ir. Canfield lias devoted his talent to the iron business, in which lie has gained a prominent place. He is a product of Sparta, Wis., born June 15. 1873, and the son of Edward and Abigail (Goodwin) Canfield, natives of Connecticut. In the late forties they came to jMonroe county and first located at Anuelo. where the father farmed and latei- run a grist mill, and still hilcr coiulucted a store. He became one of the most prominent .nid influential men of the county and did much for its advancement, and was at one lime a direct(n- in the Bank of Sparta. He was hoi-n in 1822 aiul died at Sparta in 1903. Mrs. Canfield \\;is born in 1S31 and died in 1!)09. aged seventy-eight years. The subject of tliis sketch bears the name of his grandfather, BIOGRAPHY 625 Lee Canfield, who was also a native of Connecticut and a promi- nent iron manufacturer in New England, and it was he who built the first ear wheels for the Housatonic railway. Mr. Canfield received his education in the public schools of Sparta and early became interested in the iron business. In 1872 the Sparta Iron Works was originated by L. M. Newbury and conducted by him for a number of years, when in 1894 a stock company was formed and the business incorporated. The ownership and man- agement was taken over by the Canfield brothers and others in 1897 ; the corporation now has a cash capital of $-40,000. They manufacture well-drilling machinery, which is sold throughout the United States and Canada and points in South America. This is the largest manufacturing institution in Sparta, and the pres- ent officers are : Lee Canfield, president ; George D. Dunn, vice- president ; Robert Canfield, secretary and treasurer. In September, 1894, Mr. Canfield was married to Miss Sadie, daughter of John L. ]\Iather, of Sparta. They have two children —Josephine and John Canfield. Fraternally ]Mr. Canfield is a member of the Knights of Pythias order. Robert Canfield was born at Sparta, May 22, 1875, and was educated in the public schools and Beloit College. He became a member of the Sparta Iron Works in 1896, and is its present sec- retary and treasurer. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias order and the Modern Woodmen of America. In June, 1899, he married jNIiss IMary Elizabeth Lee, daughter of W. F. Lee, of Sparta. Their children are Lee Goodwin, Robert Raymond and William Frederick Canfield. Andrew J. Carnahan, retired, is descended from Scotch-Irish ancestry and was born in IMereer county, Pennsylvania, January 7, 1842, the sixth child in order of birth in a family of twelve children ; those besides our subject who are now living are : Eliza- beth, wife of Charles Madison, of Newell. S. D. ; Nancy, widow of DeLos Henry, of Fingle, N. D. ; James M., who makes his'%ome in California: Joseph H., of Black River Falls, Wis., and William, who lives at Wittenberg, Wis. Those deceased are : Archibald, Adam IL, Maggie, formerly the wife of Charles Trumley; Jane, former wife of Adam Ringer, and two who died in infaucj^ James and Rosanah (McCormick) Carnahan, parents of our sub- ject, who were natives of Pennsylvania, came to Wisconsin in 1856 and were among the pioneer settlers of Little Falls town- ship, ]\Ionroe county, where he spent the balance of his life. He was one of the sturdy and well to do citizens of the county and fi26 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY a kind and obliging neighbor. In politics he was known as a war Democrat. He was the son of Andrew Carnahau, also a native of the Keystone state. He lived to the age of sixty-nine years and died in 1876. His widow, mother of our subject, survived until 1881. when she passed away at the age of seventy-one years. Our subject's maternal grandfather was Archibald MeCormick, a native of Pennsylvania and an influential citizen of Sandy Lake. Andrew J. Carnahan was reared on the family homestead, receiving a common school education. After leaving home his first undertaking on his own account was at luml)ering in the woods of AVisconsin. where he remained two years i)rior to his enlistment on August 2(j, 1862, as private in Company (J. Tentli Regiment, AVisconsin Volunteer Infantr}'. He was mustered into the service August 28 and served with his regiment until 1864, when he was transferred to Company C. Twenty-first Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, and served thuslv until the close of the war in 1865. He saAv much service and was in many of the san- guine engagements of the Avar, among them being the battles of Stone River. Chickamauga, ^Missionary Ridge, and was Avith Sherman in his campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta and nortli through the Carolinas. After being mustered out of the service he returned to AVisconsin and again became engaged in lumber- ing on the Black river. Morrison creek, and for four years on the Embarrass river. He had three brothers who also took an active part in the Civil War. Adam served in Company C. Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Volunteers, and Avas Avounded at Cold Harbor; Archibald served in Company G. Tenth Regiment, and Avas Avounded at Perryville, Ky.. and James served in the Third AVis- consin Cavalry. In 1876 ]Mr. Carnahan located in section 29, Little Falls tOAvnship. and engaged in farming. Avhieh he success- fully followed until 18!)2. Avhen he moved into Sparta. Avhere he has since made his home. He is an active A\'orker in the Repub- lican ])arty and has been called upon to fill many otlficial positions. He was assessor of Little Falls toAvnshij) two years, served as member of the lioard of supervisors for many years, ami for six years Avas chairman of the board. As deputy sheriff he served for tAvo years under D. AI. Fuliner and tAvo years luuler Henry Coomes. In the fall of 189!) he Avas elected sheriff o\' the county and filled the offiee during the years 1900 and 1901 and lias served as alderman from the second Avard for six years. Air. Cai-nahan Avas first married in 1869 to Aliss Frances Dun- ham, of AVest Salem. AVis.. Avho died in 1873. He Avas mai-ried for the second time on April 1. 1S7(). to Aliss Axa AVilson. daughter BIOGRAPHY 627 of Charles and Adeline (Bartlett) Wilson, natives of New Hamp- shire, of French and German origin. They came to Monroe county in 1856 and located in Little Falls township, where they were considered among the best class of pioneer settlers. Mrs. Wilson died in 1886 at the age of fifty-four years, and he is still living and active at the age of eighty-three. Mr. and Mrs. Carna- han have one son, Charles C, who is cashier of the First National Bank of Fingle. N. D. Those deceased are Irving, who died in 1893 at the age of seven years, and Estella May, who was the wife of George Hewitt, of Sparta. Her age was twenty-six. She died April 7, 1903. She left one daughter, Estella Berneice Hewitt. Mr. Carnahan is a member of John W. Lynn Post, G. A. R., a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. Anton Chapiewsky, ^\■ho lives on his farm of 217 acres in section 17. Portland township, where he was born October 9, 1875. is one of the prosperous and wideawake farmers of Monroe county. He is the son of Albert and Mary (Mashak) Chapiew- sky. natives of Poland, who came to the LTnited States over fifty years ago and settled in Portland township, jMonroe county, on the farm now occupied by our subject, which at that time was all wild, timbered land. This he cleared, erected buildings and engaged in general farming and raising of standard-bred stock. Bartle Mashak, maternal grandfather of Anton, came to the United States many years ago and was one of the pioneer settlers of La Crosse county, where he spent his life. Joseph Chapiew- sky, paternal grandfather of our subject, also came to La Crosse county in an early day and spent the remainder of his life there. Our subject is the fourth child of a family of nine children; the others are John. Josephine, wife of Louis Peplinsky. both residents of Portland township ; Frank, of Cashton ; Katherine, wife of August ^Michel, of Portland township ; ]Mary, wife of Joseph AVunsch; Albert; Louis and Clara, wife of Otto Kumm. all reside in La Crosse county. Anton Chapiewsky attended the common schools of his native town, was reared on the farm, where he assisted his father until he was thirty-one years old, when he leased the farm in 1906 and commenced operations on his own account. He was successful and in 1910 purchased the homestead where he is now engaged in up-to-date farming and stock raising. His residence, barns and other outbuildings are well constructed and commodious, and with his other improvements he has a model farm home. On September 13, 1905, he was married to Miss IMinnie Kumm, G28 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY danjjhter of Carl Kuinm, of La Crosse connly. 'J'hoy liave one child, Esther A., born June 2, 1009. In religious belief ]\Ir. and ]\Irs. Chapiewsky are members of St. Peter's Catholic chnrch of ^Middle Ridgre. David D. Cheney. While not one of the earliest residents of the city of Sparta, David D. Cheney came here early enough to be unseparably connected with the growth and development in all lines of industry which marked the period from the Civil AYar on. ]\Ir. Cheney was born in Scioto valley, Ohio, .January 19. 1822; his father was a native of New Hampshire and the family one of the oldest in the state, his mother being a native of Yer- mont. The family moved to Scioto valley. Ohio, and from there returned to western New York, from which they later moved to Girard. Erie county. Pa., in 1835; subsequently the father and David D. started west in a one-horse wagon, arriving in Frank- lin, ]\Iilwaukee county. AVis., April 1, 1837, Avhich was the earliest of the pioneer days in Wisconsin. At this time David D. was fifteen j'ears of age. and as no schools had as yet been established in this state his father determined to send him back to New York to get an education. lie supplied David with $10 and the latter started his return tri]); upon arriving in Chicago, from wliich place he intended to take a steamer to Buffalo, he found that, owing to the lateness of the season, no boats were running; he had but two alternatives, to continue on foot or to return to his father in AYisconsin ; he chose the former and went to Adrian. ]\Iich., Avhere he had an uncle: his entire capital when he left home being only $10, it was necessary for him to work his way, which he did, as it was the season of husking corn and he found })len1y to do on the route and in that way paid his expenses. xVrriving at Adrian he went by i-ail to Toledo, where he engaged to work his passage on the steamer George Washington, but owing to an unfavorable wind they could not make, the landing until they reached Dunkirk; from the latter place he continued to Girard. Pa., on foot. lie attended school the following winter. The entire Cheney family eventually located in Waukesha county, where the father made a homestead and where he lived until his death, which occurred in August. 1869. at an age of nearly ninety years. The fatiuM- was a ''Free WilT" Paptist and one of the pioneer ministers foi* over seventy years, yet received no salary for his services. There were ten children in the family, of whom six sons jind two dauirhters ai'i-ived to mature years. i);ivi(l 1). ('heu('\ was married to Aliss Alartha Kvan. of Alil- BIOGRAPHY 629 Avaukee, February 22, 1842. In 1847 he went to Milwaukee and from there to the town of Chester, Dodge county, from which phice he removed to St. Marie, Marquette county, thence to Stevens Point and hiter on to Fox Lake, in Dodge county in 1853. The foHowing year he removed to Black River Falls, returning three years later to Fox Lake; later in 1850 he traced his way back to Black River Falls and three years afterward located at Sparta : his wife died on March 16, 1869, and two years after- ward, January 1, 1871, lie was married to Mrs. George Darringer. He had four children by his first marriage — Emily, who died in infancy; Marvin H., who died at the age of ten years; Lydia Ann, wife of N. J. Kemp, now of ^Minneapolis, Minu., and David W., of Sparta. ]Mr. Cheney was one of the most successful business men in the City of Sparta, at various times engaging in different enter- prises, at one time being employed in the mercantile business and also as a grain dealer and lumber merchant. Later he became interested in banking. He built two large warehouses and a number of dwellings and was one of the most enterprising citi- zens in the city. In earlier days ]Mr. Cheney voted with the Abolitionists and subsequently liecame a Republican, but as issues changed he voted for the party whose principals seemed to him right. He was opposed to the saloon in all its forms. He held various official positions in the gift of the people and in 1870 was elected to the legislature of the state of Wisconsin on the Republican ticket. He served as chairman of the county board for several terms and also as president of the village and village treasurer before Sparta became a city, besides serving on the school board. David D. Cheney was one of the best known and highly respected citizens of Sparta, and socially was one of the most genial and companionable of men, firm in his convictions and positive in his character, yet he was a man of broad and tender sympathies, ever extending aid to the needy and encouraging deserving enterprises, he was generous yet unostentatious. A man of sterling character, right principles, clear headed and progressive, he was a man among that great body of men who have done so much to make the state of Wisconsin what it is. He died at Biloxi, Miss., where he was spending the winter with his family on February 16, 1904, from paralysis. Milliam Christopherson, for many years a resident of Monroe county, was born in Norway, October 1, 1845, a son of Gilbert and Carolina Christopherson, natives of Norway. They emi- 630 HISTORY OF .MOXROE COUNTY g:rated to Amerioa Avith a family of four cliildren and settled in the Cannon valle\'. .Monroe county. Wisconsin, where the father worked as a farm laborer for some time and in 1872 homesteaded 120 acres of land in Pleasant valley, where he esta])lished the family home and si ill resides. The mother. ;i devoted wife and an indiiliiciit mother, died in 1911. honored and respected by her wide circle of iViends. ^Milliam Christopherson is the second child in a family of eleven children ])orn 1o his i)arents; he attended the district school up to his fourteenth year and assisted in the farm work. He remained with his parents until he was twenty-three, wlien he and his brother ]*eter purchased 240 acres. Three years later they divided this farm, subject taking eighty acres for his por- tion in l^leasant valley, where he antl his family reside. In 1910 he purchased forty-six acres additional. He carries on general farming, stock raising and dairying, and keeps his farm well stocked with a good grade of horses, cattle and hogs. He is an enterprising, energetic and progressive man, and takes pride in keeping his farm up-to-date and well supplied with modern labor- saving devices. He Avas married jNIay 6. 1890. to ]\liss Sophia Oleson. by whom he has had six children, viz: Inga, a student in Sparta High School, Glenn, liable. Arthur, Clarence and Everett. ]\Ir. Christopherson with his estimable wife are members of the Luth- eran church and he affiliates with the Repul)lican party. John Clements*, a progressive farmer of Portland township, is a son of -John P. and Rosenia (Hise) Clements. Avho Avere natives of France and Holland, respectively. His father came to America Avith his parents Avhen he Avas nine years old and settled at that time near Mihvaukee, AVis. The mother came to the United States Avith her parents Avhen she Avas thirteen years of age, and they also settled near Mihvaukee. When a boy the father. John P., Avas employed at farm worlv and later came to La Crosse county, Avhere his brother Nicholas Avas located. He afterAvard Avent to Rock county. Wisconsin, making the trij) on foot: there he secured em])loyment and saved sufficient means for a start in life, and returning to La Crosse county, purchased a farm, Avhich he afterAvard sold, and purchased another, Avhich he ]iartly cleared, and again sold out and moved for a time to ChijipcAva Falls, Wis.. Avhere he was engaged in toting on the Thornapple river for several Avinters. Some time in the sixties he moved to Portland tOAvnship and purchased a farm of 160 acres in section 8, noAv OAvned and occupied by our subject. At the time he pur- BIOGRAPHY 631 chased this tract there was but fifteen acres under cultivation. He erected nearly all the buildings now standing, including a solid stone house ; only two others of a similar kind were built in this township. He cleared ninety acres, and here with his wife, whom he married near INIilwaukee, made their home and reared their family and followed the busy life of farming until the death of the father, which occurred December 26, 1910, in his seventy- third year. The death of the mother occurred in 1903 at the age of sixty-fonr years. He was a member of the town board and the school board for several years, was a successful farmer, a liberal and broad-minded citizen. Eight children were born to them, viz : Henry, who lives in the town of Leon ; Mary is the widow^ of John Gother, of Jefferson township ; Kate, formerly the wife of John Algray, of Leon, is deceased; Rosa, wife of eTohn Taylor, of Ladysmith, Wis.; our subject; Peter, of Cashton; Louisa, and Anna, w^ho is a teacher, are residents of Portland township. John Clements attended the district schools of the neighbor- hood and was reared on the home farm. He began farming on his own account with his brother, Peter, and together they ran a threshing machine and lumber-saw for ten years. Disposing of his interests to his brother, John took up the management of the home farm in 1907 and has since cleared ten more acres and is conducting successful farming operations. In November, 1905, Mr. Clements was united in marriage with Miss Kate Smenk, daughter of Albert Smenk. of Monroe county. They have a family of four children, viz: Sylvester A., Rosenia M., Clarence P. and Clement F. With their family Mr. and Mrs. Clements attend St. Peter's Catholic church of Middle Ridge. Ben Cole, the genial and popular proprietor of the Park hotel, of Sparta, is a native son of Wisconsin. He was born in Vernon county on June 3, 1861, to Benjamin and Elsie (Wyman) Cole, both natives of New York state, where they were married in 1858, and the same year came to Wisconsin and located on a farm near Baraboo. At the breaking out of the Civil War he was among the first to offer his services in defense of his country and in 1861 enlisted as a private in Company F, Sixteenth Regi- ment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and after serving with dis- tinction the term of his enlistment he re-enlisted and participated in many important engagements, receiving wounds at Pittsburg Landing and in other battles, from the effects of which he died on his way home. He was a brave soldier, a loyal citizen and 632 IKSTOKV OF :^I().\1{()K ("OINTY enjoyed the irii'iulsliip jiiid esteem of liis coinmunity. The maternal grandfathci- of oiir siil).ject, Ezra Wynuui, "was a native (iT the empire state niid came to AVisconsiii in ;iii early day, locat- inu ill Sauk eonnty, where lie follDMcd Ihe trade of a shoemaker, lie was a ])rominent citi/.eii. and willi his wife, whose maiden name was Emily Seymour. dan local lodge Al. \V. of A. and A\Mierable Council. AVhile a resident of T^nion Center and while at AVarren he was local ])resident of tlu^ AI. B. A. and also a leading officer in the Ik^avers. He was local lu-esideiil of the Eternal Reserve Association at Ashland while he was a resident of Black River Falls. Edward C. Cole'"', who resides on his farm in sections 28 and 83, Adrian township, is the son of Charles Cooper and Celista (Sawyer) Cole natives of Ohio, and New llamiishire, respectively. BIOGKAPIIY 633 ('liarles Cooper Cole was born July 9, 1829, and died September 20, 1876. He was the son of David Cole, a native of the Mohawk valley in New York state, who came to AViseonsin and was one of the first settlers in Adrian township, Aloiiroe county, for whom ( 'Ole's valley was named. He was one of the most prominent and well-to-do citizens of Adrian township, and took an active inter- est in. the local affairs of the town. lie built what was known as the Yankee tavern, Avhich he ran for several years, and was an experienced and well-known eye specialist. lie was an exten- sive laud owner, and sold five forties of land to the county for the ]\Ionroe county poor farm, wliich was located in Adrian town- ship prior to its removal to the town of Sparta. lie was honora- ble and npright in all his dealings and held an enviable position in his community, and was highly respected by all who knew him. After a residence in this county for many years, he in later life removed to Eau Claire county, where he died. Charles Cole, father of our subject, came to Wisconsin in 1866, locating in Adrian township on the farm where our subject now resides, and was married in 18(i7 to ]\Iiss Olistia Sawyer. They were among the prominent settlers of the town, and died honored and respected by the whole community. Edward C. Cole was born on the farm where he now resides, September 18, 1869. He had one brother, Elmer, who is now deceased. His education was received in the district school of the neighborhood, and after the death of his father he removed with his mother to the city of Tomah, and when a young man was employed in the Central hardware store for a period of ten years, and afterward became a member of the drug lirm of Banks & Cole. In 1893 he went to San Antonio, Texas, and remained there until 1898, when he went to Chicago, 111., and spent two years. In 1903 he returned to IMonroe county and the homestead farm, consisting of six forties in Adrian township, where he has since resided, engaged in general farming. He is considered one of the progressive, up-to-date farmers of the town, and besides his farming operations he takes an active interest in the affairs of the town and has been a member of the township board. On June 15, 1901, INIr. Cole was married at Chicago to Miss Sarah McGavin, daughter of James and ]\Iary (Farley) McGavin, natives of Scotland and Ireland, respectively. jMrs. Cole has one brother. ex-Congressman McGavin, who is noAV a resident of Los Angeles, Cal. 634 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY John J. Collins, (JlcntlaK', .Monroe county. Wis., was boni in t!ic city of lioslon. ^lass.. Oct. 10. ISoo. His parents. ]Michael and Catherine (Dwyer) Collins, were; Ixdli natives of Ireland and came to the I'liited States in 184") witli their family of two childi'cn. He was first cinplox cd as a teamster and after a few years spent in the East came to Wisconsin and was in the employ of the ^Milwaukee and St. I'anl i-ailroad as traveling frei^rht agent until 1860. Tn that Near he came to ^Monroe county and purchased 1*20 acres of land in seclidn 1. (Jlendale township, and there spent the balance of his life, his death occurring in 1880. He was one of the early .settlers of Glendale and experienced the hardships of the pioneer days. He cleared and subdued his wild land and l)routiht it to a i^ood state of cultivation, lie was a hard working man and was highly respected in his community. He Avas a devoted member of the Catholic church and contributed liberally to its support, and in his lifetime helped to organize and build up two or three churches. The mother of our subject is still (1912) living at the advanced age of 100 years. They had a family of seven children, only two of whom are living — John J. and William. One son, James, served three years in the Civil War in the Tenth Wisconsin Regiment. John J. attended the district school until he Avas eighteen and after the death of his father lived on the farm Avith his mother and sister, AA^hich he acquired by inheritance and has never left the home place. Since acquiring the farm ]Mr. Collins has added many A'aluable improA'ements. He built a large brick residence in 1902 and a barn in 1896. He keeps his place Avell stocked Avitli horses and cattle and carries on general farming. For many years he gave his special attention to the raising of sheep, but of late years has turned his attention to dairying and raising Hol- stein cattle. Mr. Collins has for fourteen years in connection Avith his fanning interest been engaged in the buying and sellinir of cattle. He is a good judge of stock, has been successful in that line of business, and is one of the public spirited and influential men of his toAvn. and takes a keen interest in all public matters. He organized and Avas president of the first creamery in Clendnle toAvnship. run as the Coopei'ative Creamery Company. Avhiclj Avound up its aft'airs in 1910. lie has since helped to organize the Olendale Cooperative Coini>any and is its president. In politics he is a Democrat and an admirer of Senator LaFollette. He was married February 14. 1881. at Union Center. Wis., to jNIiss ^lary Gallagher, daughter of EdAvard and Kathern Gallagher, BIOGRAPHY 635 of Gleiidalo, wlio were also natives of Ireland. To ]Mr. and ^Mrs. Collins have been born five children — ]\Iichael, Edward, John, Mary Pearl and Charles. Henry Coome*, ex-sheriff of ^Monroe eonnty. is a native of New York state : he was born in Cayuga eonnty on February 8, 1842. His parents Avere Robert and ]\Iariali (Harris) Coome, who came from England to America in an early day and located in the above named eonnty. He had learned the carpenter and builder's trade from his father in England, and after coming to the Ignited States followed that occupation in New York for about fiftepn years. In 1856 they came West to AVisconsin and settled in Sauk county, where he continued his operation as a carpenter until he secured a farm of wild land, which he subdued and brought to a high state of cultivation; here he made his home engaged in general farming nntil 1867. Purchasing a farm of eighty acres in Monroe county, he moved hither and for the next twenty-live years this was tlie family home. Disposing of this farm, the father moved to St. Paul, Minn., where he died in 1903; his widow, mother of our subject, survived him five years and passed away in 1908. Both were Christian people and de- voted members of the INIethodist church, and were among its most generous and faithful supporters. Mr. Coome was a man of genial nature, loyal to his friends, liberal with his money, com- panionable, a lover of good comradeship and generous to a fault. In politics he was a "Whig and strong anti-slavery man. Mr. Henry Coome received his early education in the district schools of Sauk county, which he supplemented witli a course at the Baraboo high school. He remained at home assisting with the farm work until he was twenty-two years of age. when on April 1, 1864, he was married to ]\Iiss Eliza Watson at Baraboo, and they had on^ daughter. Lotta, who is now deceased. In 1867 ]\lr. Coome came to ]Monroe county and engaged in general farming and stock raising ; he later made a specialty of buying stock for the market, and was at one time one of the largest shippers from this county to the Chicago markets. He con- tinued in this line of business nntil 1886. and then turned his exclusive attention to farming, which he followed until 1897. He is indeed a man of ambition and energy, and worthy of mention in the history of Monroe county ; he is interested in all public improvements, ever ready to do all in his power for the good of the community, and while not a politician, he has taken an active interest in the affairs of the Republican party, and in 1897 was its candidate for sheriff', being elected over 636 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY his opponent l)y ;i haiidsomo majority. Assuming' the (.luties of that office lie moved witli his family to Spai'ta where they remained during his service in office, and u])on the expiration of this tei-m he returned to Tomah and retiretl from active business. JMr. Coome is a man of thoronuli business qualifications, gen- ei'ons, kind-hearted and ])0|)ular in llie circles in which he moves; he is an active member in the Knights of Pythias lodge, has filled all the chairs of the oi-dei- and is now nuister of the ex- chequer; is also promiiuMit in the uniform rank of the order and has attended its convocations at various ])oints of the United States. Shortly after assuming the duties of sheriff of the county, he experienced the sad misfortune in the death of Mrs. Coonie which occurred in 1898. He was married for the second time to ]\Irs. Ada Hall, daughter of James Sweet. Fred H. Crossette, one of the enterprising, wide-awake and progressive ])nsiness men of Tomah. is a native son of Wisconsin. He was born at Ridgeville, ]Monroe county, December 11. 1859, the son of Z. H. and Jane (Davis) Crossette. The ancestors on the maternal side were natives of Vermont. The father of Fred H. came west to Wisconsin in 1855 and settled in Walworth county, remaining there three years. In 1858 he moved to Monroe county with his family and purchased 150 acres of wild land and immediately set to work clearing and improving his farm. AVhen the Civil War commenced, he M'as drafted and served in the twenty fifth regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry until the close of the war, when he was honorably discharged and returned home. He Avas a successful farmer, a good citizen and brave soldier, and enjoyed the contidence and esteem of all Avho knew him. lie was a devoted member of the JNIethodist Episcopal church, and for many years a stew^Trd in that church. His death occurred in 187!). The mother of our subject raised a family of seven chihlrcn. foui' of whom ;ire now living. She Avas a model housewife, and hei- womaidy graces aiul domestic virtues made her a worthy helpmeet to her husband. She was a charming lady, a good wife and mother and was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. She died in 1898. Fred II. Crossette was raised on his father's farm and at- tended the district schools until he was sixteen years of age, and finished his education in the high school at Tomah. At the age of twenty, he entered the general store of R. B. Dunlap, at Kendall, where he was employed as clerk for nine months. He was next employed at eai-jienler work which he followed BIOGRAPHY 637 ■with some degree of success for a time and then went to Barron county and embarked in the furniture and undertaking business. He later returned to Tomah. and with three brothers, put $300 into a portable saw mill, which furnished them with employment during the winter months. From this small beginning, the business grew, and other kinds of woodworking machinery were added and they soon had established a fine plant for saAvins:. planing and manufacturing sash, doors, blinds and store fixtures. This model plant equipped with modern, up-to-date machinery, was destroyed by fire in 1901 with a loss of $12,000. After prospecting through the county for a location better suited for their business, they finally decided to rebuild on the same spot formerly occupied by them. ]Mr. Crossette organized a stock company with a capital of $25,000, which was incorporated in 1901; new buildings were erected and equipped and ])usiness resumed, which has since met with increased prosperity. To the line of sash, doors, blinds and fixtures, they have recently added the manufacture of silos, also dealers in building material. This is one of the largest and most complete manufacturing plants in the county. Mr. Crossette is widely known for his sterling qualities, both as a business man and in a social way. and is respected by his friends and asociates as a true example of American manhood, energetic, thrifty and upright. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and in political faith, is a Republican. In all matters pertaining to the betterment of his cit}" and county, he gives his hearty support. William L. Daly* is one of the live wires of Greenfield town- ship, where he resides on section sixteen, engaged in farming. He was _ born at Tomah, AVis.. on November 14, 1862, the son of John and Catherine (Haley) Daly, both natives of Ireland, who, after their marriage, came to America, and in 1856 to Tomah; they removed after a time to Tunnel City, where the father was employed on the original tunnel of the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railway. In 1867, he settled on eighty acres of school land, called at that time on account of its condition, "Grub Land," and there he continued to reside until his death in 1893 at the age of eighty-six years. His wife, mother of our subject, passed away the same year at the age of seventy-tw^o. William L. is one of a family of six children, of the others, Timothy is deceased; Martin; Mary, deceased, was the wife of James Barney ; John, deceased ; AYilliam L. and Jerry, who is in the employ of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. 638 HISTORY OF .AIOXROE COI'XTY AVilliam attended the district seliool and was raised on the home farm Avhere he has always lived with the exception of about seven years he was employed on tlic railroad and minino- eon- tract work in northern AVisconsin. lie returned in 1894 and permanently located <>n tlie homestead farm as owner and pro- prietor, and in 1901. he built a modern residence and barn. Be- sides general farminj":, Air. Daly deals extensively in urade Dur- ham and Ilolstein cattle, and is a recognized authority in those lines, having been generally successful in every branch he has undertaken. lie is thoroughly up Avith the times, jiublic spirited and generous and is considered one of the most prosperous and progressive citi/.ens of his community. He Avas married on April 14, 1895, to Aliss Alargaret O'Brien, daughter of AVilliam and Catherine (Sullivan) O'Brien, of Toniah township. Five children have been born to Air. and Airs. Daly, vi/: Alarcus J., John AA"., Bernadine K.. Florence Al. and Helen F. Elijah Davenpcrt, who has l)een conspicuous for numy years in the farming community of Greenfield township, is among the few pioneers now living in Alonroe county. His birthplace was Dorchester, AIa.ss., four miles from the state house at Boston, the date being November 3rd, 1830. His parents. Elijah L.. and Alarta 0. (Sweat) Davenport, were natives of Alassachusetts and Alaine respectively. He was a currier by occupation, and they spent their married life at Dorchester, where he died at the age of eighty-, and she at the age of eighty-five years. They reared a family of four children, of whom our subject is the eldest. Of the others. Abbie Al.. deceased; Augusta is the Avife of Edward Crocker, of AVinthrop, Alass., and Clarence, Avho resides at the old home in Boston. Elijah received his education in th(> common schools, and early assisted his fathei- as a curiMci-: he later leai'iied the trade of cabinet maker and also followetl tlie trade of carpentei- and joiner, and for twenty years Avas engaged in the construction of raihvay bridges foi- tlic Omaha raihvay. Avhich is noAv a part of the .XortliAvesfern systt^n. Air. Davciipoi-i ]>r;u-tically built the village of Humbird. AVis., after he became idciititied with Alonroe county, and embarked in the cabinet and fui-niliirc luisi- ness in Sparta, Alonroe county, in IS;")?; the folloAving year he moved to (ireenfi(^l(l toAvnship. wheiv he endui-ed the priA'ations and hardships of lhos(» pioneer days, cleared tlu^ land and en- gaged in hop-raising, and afterAvard took up the Avork for the railroad as above mentioned. In 1892. he returned to his fai'm of 240 acres in Ihc town ol' ( ii-cciilicld. which has since Ix'cn his BIOGRAPHY 689 home. An interesting volume could be made of liis experiences and escapades with the Indians in the early days, when there was less than half a dozen white families in his locality, the Indians at that time being bent upon plundering their property, and it was with difficulty that ]Mr. Davenport could induce them to stay away. Mr. Davenport comes of a family remarkable for its longevity, and thus inherited his share of mental and physical vigor neces- sary to the successful farmer. He carries on general farming and enjoys one of the most beautiful farm homes in the county. He has been a JMason since 1878; and is a member of Tomali Lodge, No. 132. He was married on June 19, 1862, to Miss Emiline Sawyer, daughter of David M. and Julia (Adams) Saw- yer, both natives of Maine and the first settlers in Tarr valley — she being the first white woman to realize the hardships of the pioneer in this town. The father came to Greenfield with Mr. J. M. Tarr and they entered the first land in the town together — Mr. Sawyer being the first to make the entry and his name was given to the valley which was afterwards, however, changed to Tarr valley, which name it still retains. Mr. Sawyer, father of ]Mrs. Davenport, was born P>bruary 20, 1807, and died April 24, 1864; his wife, mother of Mrs. Davenport, was born Sep- tember 2. 1816, and died December 12, 1911. ]Mrs. Davenport was born in 1842 and is the eldest of a family of three children; the others are ]Martha, wife of AV. S. Wyman, a carpenter by occupation, who resides in South Dakota, and Agnes, now INIrs. J. M. Ferguson, of Hastings, Neb. Mrs. Davenport came to Wisconsin at the age of thirteen years and recalls distinctly many incidents of privations during the pioneer days and espe- cially of the Indian trouble in Minnesota when it Avas necessary for the family to take protective measures each night against molestation. ]\Irs. Davenport taught the first school in Greenfield tow^nship in a log schoolhouse which was raised July 4, 1857, and built by David Sawyer, J. ]\I. Tarr, John Rich, Joseph Conch and others. She also taught the first school in Tunnel City. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Davenport are Clarence E., of Encino, N. M. ; Marta A., deceased, and Agnes J., now Mrs. G. W. Bond. Mr. Bond is a prominent and influential citizen of Boise City, Idaho. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Davenport have traveled extensively throughout the United States, having visited nearly all the points of interest, and recently celebrated their golden wedding. Both Mr. and ]\Irs. Davenport bear the weight of their years most 640 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY gracefully and their liospitality extends to a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Hal J. Davis, one of the i)runiinent luert'luints of Sparta, is pre-eminently a self-made man. Beginning life with no capital other than his native abilities, he has by perseverence, industrj' and the force of a strong personality, attained to a place among the intiuential and substantial ciliznis of his community. A native son of AVisconsin, he Avas born at Beaver Dam in 1868, his parents being Chester P. and Caroline Davis. lie received his education in the schools of his home town and came to Sparta in 1882 when he was fourteen years of age and first entered the employ of Rufus Dodge, as salesman in the then leading mercantile establishment in Sparta. lie early displayed such exceptional business ability, he was told l)y his emploj^er that if he Avonld save his earnings, he might some day become a partner in the business. Young Davis accepted the oppor- tunity, and in 1898 became junior member of the firm. ]\Ir. Dodge, senior member of the firm, was born in jNIonroe county, New York, in 1840. lie carried the musket throngh the Civil AVar with tlie Sixteenth New York Volunteers during the regi- ment's term of service. After the close of the war, ]\Ir. Dodge came to "Wisconsin, settling at Columbns, wliere he engaged in the mercantile business. In 1872, Gilbert T., Harvey K., and Rufus S. Dodge established the Sparta store, which Avas con- ducted nnder the name of Dodge Brothers and the pei'sonal management of Harvey K., until 1877, when Rufus Dodge came to Sparta and took personal charge of the business. In 1879. Gilbert T. Dodge retired, and the same year his l)rother. Harvey K., died, and from that time until 1898, Rufus S. was the sole proprietor, and J\Ir. Davis purchased an interest. In 1908, ]\Ir. Dodge died, leaving Mr. Davis in full charge, which he has since continued, occupying the most spacious block in the city with a handsome department store. In the spring of 1900 the old Jackson building was removed and in its stead the present structure was erected on what is known as the old Jackson corner, purchased by the Dodges in 1872. and here the business has since flourished witli ])eriodical additions. In 1893 the Tyler store on AVatei- street was i)urc'hased. and in 1897 a large addition to botli stoi'cs was erected in tlu> rear. Capt. Martin Warner Davis, rrtircd. one of the i)ublic spirited and su])stantial citizens of Sparta, is descended from old and jiromincnt New Knglaiul families. He was born at Newark. Caledonia coniitx. \'t.. -laniiarv 24. 1836. the son of BIOGRAPHY ■ 641 Eleazer and Diana (Stoddard) Davis, natives of Chesterfield, N. H., and who when young, removed to Vermont, where, like his father before him, engaged in farming. During the gold excitement in 1849, he went to California via the Isthmus of Panama, and there spent three successful j^ears. His Vermont farming interests were carried on on a large scale, he having at one time as many as 100 acres devoted to the raising of tim- othy, from which he on one occasion, obtained 600 bushels of seed. In political faith he was a Whig, and was elected to the Vermont legislature and served with distinction through the sessions of 1815-6. He was generous, kind-hearted and a man of unblemished character. He lived to the age of ninety-one years, his death occurring in 1898. Eleazer and his brother, Jonathan Davis, were the sous of Osborn Davis, who spent his active life in northern Vermont, and was known as a stalwart figure among men, and in those early days would often shoulder three bushels of wheat and by the aid of snow shoes, carry it for a mile. He died sometime during the 40 's. This particular branch of the Davis family has been definitely traced as far back at 1702. The maternal grandfather of our subject was Alpheus Stod- dard, also from Chesterfield, and extensively engaged in farming in northern Vermont, and owned in his own right 500 acres of land. His wife, the maternal grandmother of Captain Davis, was Charlotte Farnsworth. Avho also was a native of Vermont. The early ancestors of this branch of the Stoddard family were David, born October 23, 1754, and who was the great grand- father of Mr. Davis; Sarah, the great grandmother, was born February 20, 1757. Thej' were the parents of ten children, viz: Lucy, born October 26, 1775 ; David, born June 24, 1777 ; Jesse, born June 30, 1779 ; Lydia, born March 24, 1782 ; Arad, born February 15. 1784; Charles, born March 16, 1786; Alpheus, grand- father of our subject, born January 11, 1788; Luther, born February 6. 1790; Sally, bom March 19, 1792; Eleazer, born May 18.' 1794, and Abel, born September 28, 1796. Captain Davis was reared on a farm in Vermont, and re- ceived his elementary education in a log schoolhouse, after which he attended a select school for a short time, and this was supple- mented by a course at the Orleans Liberal Institute, which he attended during the year 1852-3. He taught school during the winters of 1855-6-8-9, and worked on the farm during the summer months. He continued farm work until the breaking out of the Civil AVar, and being imbued with patriotism and 642 HISTORY OF :\rOXROE COUNTY love for the I'liiun. he enlisted Jis a ])i'ivatt' in coiupauy D, sixth Vermont Volnntccr Infantry. OctolxT '2. ISHl. and was mustered int<» llic service at .Mon* pelief. \'1.. ()('1()l)ei' 15. of that year, as second sergeant, was proindted tn onlei-iy ser ntitil his death in 1887. The mother ]iassed away when Cahin was twelve years old. They reared a family of nine children. After the death of his wife. Elias Day was married for the second time to Jane Dudley in Athens county, Ohio, and by this union two children were born. Tlu^ early ances- tors on the iiateriuil side of Calvin Day came from Wales, while his mother was Peinisylvania Dutch. Ilis grandfather on the maternal side was a soldiei- in the War of 1812. and his great grandfather was a soldier in the Revolution. BIOGRAPHY 647 "When a mere lad. Calviu received liis early education in the cooper shop of his father from a private instructor, and when he reached the age of seventeen years, he bought his time from his father with his share of his mother's estate, so that he was free to carve out an independent livelihood for himself. He began his career as a laborer, which occupation he followed until he bought from his father fifty acres of land in Athens county, Ohio, for which he paid his father $200. A man of thrift, steady and economical habits, Mr. Day from the beginning pros- pered, and is noAv the owner of 139 acres of land in Wellington township and 123 in Forest township, on which he has made valuable and lasting improvements. He has built a fine resi- dence, barn and outbuildings, and keeps his place well stocked with good horses and cattle, and in his farming operations, employs the most up-to-date methods. Mr. Day is a man of liberal education, self acquired, and is well posted on all current subjects. In political sentiment he is independent, but a strong believer in Socialism. IMr. Day has been four times married ; first at the age of twenty, and by his first wife had one child, Elenor. He married again in 1856 and by that marriage had one son, John. In 1857, he married for the third time and seven children were born, viz : Helen, Jane, Frank, Sarah, Calvin, Alvin and Samuel. On Sep- tember 30, 1883, in the town of Wellington, he was married for the fourth time, this wife being Mrs. Adda L. LaRouge, and by this union four children were born, viz: INIary, born March 3, 1885; Lewis, born February 8, 1887; Archie and Arthur, twins, born June 20, 1891. Mrs. Day is one of a family of ten children. Her parents were among the early settlers of Monroe county and the father at the time of his death, w^hich occurred INIay 20, 1885, was the owner of 160 acres of land. His wife, mother of Mrs. Day. passed away September 25, 1885. Erie DeWitt is the son of Richard and Sally Ann (Thomp- son) DeAVitt, who came to Wisconsin in 1856 with a family of five children, and located in Wells township, Monroe county, where the father purchased 360 acres of land in section nineteen and twenty-nine, and it was here our subject was born on August 25, 1858, and is the youngest of a family of six children, all of whom are now — 1912 — living. The others are, Ora Richard, of Sparta, Eugenia, Wells township. Sally Ann, wife of Eugene Austin, of Leon, Jaiie, wife of Alortimer Arnold, of Sparta. Laura, widow of George V. Riggs. of Wells township. The father was born in Vermont in 1812, and the mother in New York state in 1823. 048 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY lie was an honored and profrressive citizen of Wells township, where he spent his life, his death havincr occurred in 1901. His wife, mother of our subject, was a charmins: lad}' of many domes- tie virtues, devoted to her home and family, and held in high esteem by all who knew her; she passed away in lf)()8. mourned by lici- devoted family and a larsre circle of friends. In religious faith, botii ^li'. and Mrs. DeWitt wd-e Spiritualists. Erie DeWitt was reared on Ihc lidnic farm and received his education in the district schools, assisting in carrying on the farm work until 1889. when he was married to ]\Iiss ]Mary Glass in ]\IcIIcnry county, Illinois. He then purchased 195 acres of choice land in Wells township Avhich is under a good state of cultivation and well improved Avith a modern house and barn and other outbuildings, all of wliicli are supplied witli pure water from a flownng well 275 feet deep. He carries on general farming and stock raising and is one of the well-to-do farmers of this town- ship. He is a Repul)lican in politics and active in the councils of his party, and has been called upon to serve in various minor town offices. ]Mr. and ]\Irs. DeAVitt have an interesting family of four (laughters and two sons, viz: ]\Iay. born April 25, 1890; Ernest, born March 18, 1894: Richard, born May 7, 1895; Grace, born December 2, 1896; Eliza, born August 28, 1900, and Laura, born November 7. 1901. Gecrge E. Dinger is a ])rominent farmer of Leon township. Monroe county, where he Avas born January 24, 1867. son of George and Radical Dinger, natives of Germany, who came first to La Crosse county. Wisconsin: to Leon township in 1866, and Avere among the representative citizens of that town. He AA'as a farmer by occupation and lived on his farm of .S()5 acres until 1892, Avhen he retired from active labor and moved to Sparta, Avhere he died in 1907. George E., our subject. Avas reared on the farm and his ex- l)erience Avas the same as most farmer boys. He attended tb.e district school in Avintei- and assi.sted Avith the farm Avork during the summer. When his father moved to the city of Sparta, he purchased the old homestead of 305 acres and has since made many A-aluable aiul lasting improvements. During the year of 1912. he l)uilt a new residence of si.xteen rooms, containing all modern conveniences, hot and cold Avater, etc. Mr. Dinger is engaged in general farming and for some time has made a specialty of dairying. He built a large separator aiul milk house Avhich is supplied \\ itli pure miming Avater from an artesian aa'cH BIOGRAPHY 649 265 feet deep. He is one of the solid men of his town and a generous public spirited gentleman. On Jnne 9, 1892, he was married to Aliss p]mina Croft, daughter of William and Elizabeth Croft. The father was born in England and came to America with his parents when a boy, who were among the early settlers of Leon valley. The father died in 1910, leaving besides his widow, who now lives in Oregon, at the age of seventy years, one daughter, now Mrs. Dinger, and one son. who resides in California. To Mr. and ]Mrs. Dinger have been born six children — five of whom are now — 1912 — living, viz : Russell, born March 30, 1893 ; Floyd, born February 2, 1896 ; Georgia, born January 17, 1898; Florence, born April 10, 1900, and AVilliam, born June 5. 1908. ]Mrs. Dinger is a graduate of the Sparta high school, and taught several years in Cannon valley and Pleasant valley, in Leon township, and afterwards at Summit. Archie Lee Doane. Among the progressive farmers of Lafayette township is Archie Lee Doane, who was born Septem- ber 6, 1859, son of Timothy A. and Sarah Maria (Rhodes) Doane, natives of New York state and Connecticut, respectively. AVhcn Archie was two years of age. in 1861, his parents moved to IMonroe county and settled in Bush prairie on the farm where Peter Allendorf lived during his lifetime. The father died in 1866 and the mother is still living (1912) at the age of eight-eight years. They raised a family of five children, viz : Orceins, de- ceased; Charles A.; Archie L. ; Lillian J., wife of Andrew Ilutson, of Big Creek, and Ernest T. Archie L. received a common school education in the local district schools and helped in the farm work during his boy- hood. When twelve years of age, he left the home farm and came with his mother who. after the death of the father, married in 1872 for her second husband, William P. Williams, and moved to the farm in section seven, Lafayette township, where our subject has since resided. After the death of 'Sir. Williams in 1878, Archie in connection with his two brothers, managed the farm for twenty years, and in 190-4 our subject purchased the whole place and has since carried it on alone. The farm con- taining 2-40 acre^. is well improved, with a comfortable residence and outbuildings, besides a commodious barn erected by Mr. Doane in 1908. He has cleared sixty acres since he purchased the farm and one fall he grubbed some 600 stumps and has made many other improvements on this magnificent farm which was noted in the early days for the wheat raising quality of 650 TIISTOKY OF :\I()XROE COUNTY the soil. ^Ir. Doaiie is engaged in general farming and stock- raising, Durham and Ked Pole cattle being his favorites. In addition to this, he, during the threshing seasons from 1905 to 1908, ran a thresher through the Welsh and Beaver Creek valleys. Prominent in the affairs of his township, he has been supervisor two terms and overseer of the highways. On ^lay 12, 1890, ^Ir. Doane married ]\Iiss Emma Herring, daughter of Peter and ]\Iary (Smith) Herring, natives of Ger- many. To this union have been born five children, viz : Fern, Ralph. Fay. Joy and Irene Doane. Charles A. Doane, a well known citizen of ]\Ionroe county, and one of her large class of prosperous and substantial farmers, was born in Genesee county, Xew^ York, October 27. 1855, the second child of a family of four sons and one daughter born to Timothy A. and Sarah (Rhodes) Doane. natives of New York state and Connecticut, respectively. Of the other children, Orceins is deceased; Archie resides on section seven. Lafa.yette township; Lillian is the Avife of Andrew Hutson. of Big Creek valley, and Ernest is a prosperous farmer of Lafayette township. The parents with their family came to jNIonroe county. AYis- consin, in 1861, and located on a farm in section twenty, Lafayette township, where the father died in 1865. aged forty-five years. The mother, a charming lady, still survives (1912) at the age of eighty-eight years, and makes her home with the snli.ier-t of this sketch. Charles A. was reared ou the farm, having the common experience of the ordinary farmer boy, receiving his education in the district schools. lie lived on the home farm until he reached the age of twenty-four, in 1879, then purchased his present farm in section thirty-two, tow^n of Lafayette, where he has since resided. He has made many improvements, added new buildings and the land is in a high state of cultivation, which produces each year an abundant harvest. On June 6, 1888, Mr. Doane was united in marriage to Miss Anna Wilson, daughter of Charles Wilson, of Little Falls town- ship. Three children have been born to this union, viz: Clarence L., resides in Montana; Lucile J., and Sadie M. reside at home. Mr. Doane takes an active interest in the affairs of his town and county and his integrity has been recognized by his fellow citizens in many ways, by placing him in the office of town treasurer, treasurer of the school di.stricl and cliaii-inan of the town lioard. BIOGEAPIIY 651 Ernest T. Doane, who has passed his whole life as a farmer in Lafaj'ette township, Monroe county, where he was born November 7, 1864, is the son of Timothy A. and Sarah (Rhodes) Doane. natives of New York state and Connecticut, respectively, and is the youngest son of a family of five children. (See sketch of Charles A. Doane of this volume.) The parents came to ]Monroe county in 1851 and settled on a farm in Lafayette tow^nship, where the father died in 1865 at the age of forty-five years. The mother is still (1912) living at the age of eighty-eight, and makes her home with her son, Charles A. Doane. Ernest was raised on the farm and attended the district schools and later the high school of Sparta. Afterward he became associated Avith his brothers. Archie L. and Charles A., in farming opera- tions, wdiich arrangement continued until 1896, wdien our subject purchased his present farm of 120 acres in section twenty-eight, Lafayette township, from AV. H. White. The same year he erected a new residence and otherwise improved the place. Dur- ing the years 1897. 1898 and 1900 he added outbuildings and in 1892 built a large and commodious barn 28 x 72 feet, and in 1911 erected a modern silo. A flowing well supplies the barn and stock with running water. He engages in general farming and dairying and his farm is well stocked with a good grade of horses, cattle and hogs. Mv. Doane has been recognized in his town and county as a man of marked ability and worth; he has been township clerk for six years; chairman of the town board three years and clerk of the school district. He is presi- dent of the Sparta Creamery Association, and a director in the Farmer's Mutual Insurance Association. On September 9, 1896. ]Mr. Doane w^as united in marriage with Miss Mary Belle Remington, daughter of John and Martha. (Harris) Remington, now residents of Sparta. Mrs. Doane is one of a family of three children. The others are Ida, now Mrs. Frank Gantka, of Little Falls township, and IMinnie, deceased. Mr. and IMrs. Ernest Doane have a family of two children : Gertrude Leah, born November 10, 1900, and Wilmer Ernest, born October 8. 1905. Theodore Donskey,* one of the leading farmers of Ridgeville township, was born in Germany on October 29. 1869, and came to America with his parents, John and Josephine (Grathenerk) Donskey, the following year. The family first located in Chicago, 111., and shortly afterward moved to the town of Wells, in Monroe county, where, in 1872, they purchased a farm of 160 acres and lived there until thev retired from active farm life. Thev raised 652 IIISTOKY OF ,M()XH()E ("Ol'XTY a family of six boys and five uirls. all of whom are now — 1912 — living, Theodore being the eldest of the family. The parents were thrifty and persevering, and it was not long after they purchased the fai'm. before their faithful efforts were justly crowned with success. They brought the land to a high state of cultivation and made it one of the ideal country homes. They were both devoted members of the Catholic church, and were highly respected in their community. The mother passed away in 1900, the father still survives at the age of seventy-two and holds the confidence and esteem of his many friends and acquaintances. Theodore Donskey was married in Chicago, 111., in 18S7, to ]Miss Frances 0. I^arker. They have had two children, viz: :\Iartha, born January 12, 1896. and Rosa, born July 28, 1898. After their marriage, ]\Ir. and ]\Irs. Donskey lived in Summit Ridge, in Ridgeville township, where they worked a rented farm for about twelve years, then bought a farm of 330 acres in the town of Ridgeville. which they afterward sold, and purchased another tract of 209 acres in sections nine and four, which has since been their homestead and is one of the ideal farm homes of Monroe county. Mr. Donskey is a man of excellent judgment and thoroughly up to date witli liis farming methods as Avell as in matters involving public interest, and consequently he has made his chosen occupation a grand success. He is a Democrat in his political views, and has held the office of town treasurer for two years, and takes a keen interest in the general progress and Avelfare of his town and county. He is public spirited and enterprising and is a valuable citizen in his community. Orville J. Dorwin, a former ni(Mnl)er of the Sparta Sash & Door Company, Avho has arisen from a poor but ambitious farmer boy to the position of one of the leading manufacturers and substantial business men of Sparta, was born in Angelo town- ship. ]Monroe county, AVisconsiu, July 28. 1866, the son of Sam- uel N. and Lucy (Rollins) Dorwin, both natives of Vermont, who were among the early settlers of Monroe county. Raised on the home farm with the success of the business largely de- pendent upon liiiii. -Ml'. Dorwin 's educational advajitages were somcAvhat limited; he attended llie district schools ;iiid his apti- tude for practical knowledge, overcame (he obstacles which con- fronted him in tlu^ way of education, and placed him on the plane with others whose advantages were far greater. At the age of twenty-four, he left the farm ami spent two years at the carpenter trade with E. T. TTanehelt. and in the spring of 1892, BIOGRAPHY 653 he located in Sparta and commenced contracting and building, which he followed for a period of six years, during which time he erected some of the most substantial dwellings and other buildings in the city. In 1898 he engaged in the sash and door business with Frank Freeman, the style of the firm being Dorwin & Freeman. JMr. Freeman later sold his interest to Mr. Dorwin, and later he sold a half interest to W. H. Stelting and the firm name changed to Dorwin & Stelting, which continued for two years, Mr. Stelting selling his interest to M. R. Ebert, when Mr. Dorwin became sole owner of the business, and carried it on successfully until 1908 ; at this time he associated with the Naset Brothers, inider which arrangement the business has since con- tinued as the Sparta Sash & Door Company, one of the chief industries of the city, its output being distributed throughout the entire state. The finishings for two buildings for the state school, two ward schools, and several store houses for the gov- ernment range, as well as numerous other buildings have come from this factory, the business having increased from a small beginning to over $40,000 in 1910. Mr. Dorwin severed his con- nection with the above firm on November, 1911, and now has lumber interests at Ft. Meyer. Fla. Mr. Dorwin is a man who enjoys the confidence and esteem of all with whom he comes in contact, both in a business way and socially. Unassuming in manner, he has a cpiiet conscious- ness of his own, strength of character and latent force thus has carried him past all difficulties which he has encountered during his lifetime. He is an active member of the jMasonic fraternity at Sparta. On October 18, 1892, Mr. Dorwin was married at Baraboo, to Miss Amelia Seltz, daughter of August Seltz, of Sparta. Sidney N. Dorwin, for fifteen years local manager of the Brittingham & Hixon Lumber Company, of Sparta, came from Fairfax, Franklin county, Vermont, where he was born on Augsut 22, 1859, to Samuel N. and Lucy (Rollins) Dorwin, natives of that state, where they lived until 1860, then moved to Wisconsin and located at Angelo, in Monroe county, where the father con- ducted a shoe store until the breaking out of the Civil War. He enlisted in company D twenty-fifth regiment Wisconsin Volun- teer Infantry for three years' service in which he experienced many hardships. In one of the battles in which he was engaged, he received a severe wound from the effects of which he lost one of his legs ; as soon as his condition would permit, he received his discharge from the service and returned to his home in Angelo 654 IIISTOKY OF .MONROE COI'XTY and I'osumcd his shoe business, lie was one of ^Monroe county's most hiyhly i-es])eet»'(l eiti/ens. ;iii(l altliongh being at the dis- advantaiie of having but one limb, lie was active and progressive and took a deep interest in all pnbJic matters. He died in 1907 at the age of sevenly-Hve years. liVmaii Dorwin. palt-rnal iii'aiHll'athcr of Sidney X.. was also a native of Vermont. wIumc Ik- lived and raised a family of four children. Samuel X. being the oldest. He was a tanner by trade, and upon his arrival in ^loni'oe coimty in the late fifties, he ])uilt and operated for several years the first tannery at Sparta. He later traded this ]iroper1y for a farm in Spai"ta township, which he made his homestead and lived there until his death at the age of eighty-two years. His wife, grandmother of our sub- ject, died whei. Sanuiel X. was but twelve years of age. The second marriage of Lyman DorA\iii was with ^liss Cheida Hoyt. of Vermoiil. To this union one daughter, Agnes, was liorn ; she married Frank Kendall, of Sparta, both are deceased. Rollins, maternal grandfathei- of our subject, was a shoemaker by trade, and a native of ]\Iilton Falls, Vt. Lucy Rollins, maternal grandmother of ]Mr. Doi-win. was the oldest of a family of ten children. She died at St. Albans, ^'t.. the ]ilace of her birth, in 1909, aged eighty-eight years. Both the Dorwin and Rollins families were descended from English ancestry. Sidney X. Dorwin was reared on the farm and attended the district schools until he reached the age of nineteen years, Avhen he became imbued with the advice of the late Horace Greeley to go West, he went to Dakota, where he secured a claim, but not finding the situation to his liking, he returned to "Wisconsin, and engaged for two years in farming. The luml)er Imsiness licing at this time at its height, he went to Cumberland. Wis., and Avas employed for three years by the Beaver Lake Lumber Company. He then worked in the mill and woods until 1886, when he came to Sparta and entered the employ of O. L. Irwin in 1886. \\'\\h whom lie remained until 1896. Mi-. Irwiu was then conducting the lumbei- business which has since consolidated with othei- plants and is now under the ownership of Brittingham & Hixon, with ]\lr. Dorwin as its manager until September. 1911, having been with the last named comi)any since 1896. Since that time lias been engaged as hnnber salesman in southern Wisconsin. 31 r. Dorwin is a devoted member of the ^Methodist Episcopal church, a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and of the I\Iodern Woodmen of America. On September 20, 1882. he was married to ]Miss Xettie J. llarvev. only child of BIOGRAPHY 655 ]\lieali A. and Delia (Chamberlain) Harvey, natives of New Hami)shire and early settlers of Angelo, Monroe county, Wis- consin. ]Mr. ITarvey is a mechanic liy trade, and is a highly respected citizen. His wife, mother of ]\Irs. Dorwin. died in 1898 at the age of sixty-two years. To Mr. and ^Irs. Dorwin have been born four children, viz: Harvey C. born February 25, 1885 ; Ernest J., born June 28, 1888; Harold M.. born January 16, 1891, and died June 3, 1911; Delia Lucy, born February 3, 1907. The following is an extract from an article of the Sparta paper on the death of Harold M. Dorwin : "Harold M. Dorwin departed this vale of tears and took leave of his beloved parents, brothers and sister early Saturday night, June 3rd. The immediate cause of his death was tuberculosis which developed into an acute form in February of this year. Harold had been in poor health at time of his graduation from the high school, and never really recovered completely from his troubles at that time. His parents and friends besought him to rest, but he was ambitious and anxious to get on in the world, and could not be persuaded to give up his employment until this })ast winter, when he was beyond help. The work of this young man in the Monroe county bank, has been such as to attract favorable comment from his employers, other bankers and from business men who have observed it. There was a seriousness of i^urpose and sincerity of interest that foretold promotion and advancement in his chosen profession and in the world of business. His young friends and school associates knew an entirely different side of him from the business side, and feel their loss keenly. His even temperament had a soothing effect upon his companions of less fortunate disposition, and he was a source of comfort to them. Up to the time of his serious attack, he was organist of the Methodist church, and while this work and his work on the piano, he did because of his great love for it. he gave evidence of much talent and musical ability and his efforts on the piano as well as on the large organ were little less than wonderful. The funeral was held at the residence of his parents on south K street, Tuesday P. M., and was largely attended." Albert E. Drowatzky,* who resides on his farm of 280 acres in section tifteen, Adrian township, was born on the farm ad- joining his on June 26, 1877. His parents, Frederick and Bertha (Holtz) Drowatzky, who reside on section ten, this township, are natives of Prussia. The father was born November 6, 1839, 656 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY and is the son of .Joliii and .Mary (Jess) Drowatzky. also natives of Prussia, antl who came witli their son to ]\Ionroe county in 1856 and settled in Adrian township where our subject's father now resides. His l)rothers, Charles and Bernard, uncles of our subject, had preceded him in isr)4. and the three brothers took up six forties of government land and for many years resided in the same neipldiorhood. The farm where Albert E. now resides being that of Charles, wlio died there. Bernard, the other brother, now" resides in Tonudi. The grandparents of our subject died on the homestead farm and were buried in the cemetery at Jackson- ville. The first buildings on the homestead farm where Fred- erick D. now resides, were a log house and stables which were later sujiplanted by a modern house built in 1876 from stone taken from the farm, and other up-to-date buildings followed as the times demanded. Tlie journey to this new home was made overland from IMadison w itli a team of oxen and the hardships experienced were many, and they had some difficulty in reaching the home, which was then only a wilderness. The grandfather had the misfortune of a broken limb and remained at ]\Iadison for some time before being able to join the rest of the family. The land was cleared by members of the family, who used three yoke of oxen in tilling the soil, which was transformed from the wild state to one of protliictiveness. and at this time, ]\Ir. Drowatzky 's is one of the fine farms of Monroe county. In the early days of their residence in this county, the Indians were numerous and sometimes troublesome, often stealing their stock and otherwise annoying the newcomers. One year the smallpox scourge raged among them and they died so fast that their bodies laid piled up in one place on the farm until they could be given the Indian burial. Mr. Drowatzky. Sr.. is a repre- sentative of the sturdy pioneer of Adrian township, and a man of strict integrity and sterling worth, a standard citizen who enjoys the confidence and respect of the entire conununity. The subject of this sketch, Albert E. Drowatzky. is the third child in order of birth in a family of eight children; of the others, Rudolph, resides in ^Montana ; William II. in 8an Antonio, Texas: Elizabeth is the wife of R. ]\1. Jones, of Bangor. La Crosse county; Louis resides at Tuniud City, this county: Arthur lives on the homestead farm; Emil resides in Oakdale township and jNIartha is in :Montana. On December 19, 1902, :\Ir. Drowatzky purchased his present farm from tiie heirs of his uncle, and has since there resided engaged in general farming. At the time of his ])urchase, the fai-m was considered little more than a BIOGRAPHY 657 pasture, which Mr. Drowatzky has transferred into a productive and desirable farm. The same year he settled on this place, he built a barn, and in 1903 erected a residence and in 1906 built a large and commodious barn ; the farm is now under a good state of cultivation, and contains the finest spring of pure Avater in that locality. During his whole lifetime, Mr. Drowatzky has been a resident of his native town with the exception of four years when he was variously employed in ]\Iinnesota, southern Wisconsin and for one year was employed by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Eailroad in building and contracting. On December 23, 1903. he was married to INliss Augusta Miscli, daughter of August and Reka (Trapp) Misch, residents of Grant township, Monroe county. The parents emigrated from Germany to this country when jNlrs. Drowatzky was three years of age. They have two children, viz : Leo Ray, and Elmer Raymond Drowatzky. Re- ligiously iMr. and Mrs. Drowatzky affiliate with the German Lutheran church of Tomah. Ben A. Drawver, one of the successful farmers of Sheldon township, was born in the town of Wells, Monroe county, on February 13, 1875, and is the son of Paul and Anna Drawver, both natives of Germany; the father came to America in 1873 and located first in Dane county where he worked a few months as a farm laborer. The same year, 1873, he came to Monroe county and settled in the tOAvn of Sheldon and for a time worked at carpentering and milling. He homesteaded eighty acres of land in section thirty-five, town of Wells, and lived there until 1909, when he moved with his family to the village of Norwalk, where he has since been generally successful in all his under- takings and active in the affairs of the Republican party. He was married in 1874 and reared a family of nine children. Ben A. Drawver received his education in the common schools, and lived at home with his parents until he was twenty years of age. Thrown upon his own resources in early life, he began his career at various employment and small wages. At the age of twenty he went to North Dakota where he spent five years at the threshing machine business, and by his economy and perseverance he succeeded in saving enough whereby he purchased a farm in his own right near Oil City in Sheldon town- ship, and is now one of the representative and popular citizens of the town. Besides his farming operations, Mr. Drawver has for the past twenty-one j^ears been engaged in the threshing machine and saw mill business, and has held various political 658 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY offices in his town. He is a Republican in polities and active in the councils of his party. He served one year as supervisor and for seven years was clerk of the school hoard ; he was elected chairman of the town hoard in 1912. On November 2, 1904, he was married in Sheldon to Miss Grace Curtis, daughter of Jed and P^tta Curtis. They have three children, viz : Wayne, born August 7, 1908 ; Wendell, born August 4. 1906, and Orlaiid. hnni April 5. 1910. Charles Ducklow, deceased. To the young men of our land the life of tli<' subject of this sketch is an enduring example of the cai'dinal virtues of industry, uprightness and frugality, of si riot temperance and unwearied perseverance. ]\Ir. Ducklow was a native of Wisconsin, born Ai)ril 3. 1853, in the town of Ashippun. Dodge county. His parents were Thomas and Elizabeth (Nicholson) Ducklow, natives of Cork, Ireland, and who came to the United States and settled in Dodge county in the early forties. They were the parents of twelve children, Charles being the eighth in order of birth. Five brothers and three sisters still survive. Charles Ducklow passed his boyhood in Dodge county and his early experiences w^ere those of the average poor boy of that region. He received his early education in the common schools of his native place, and in 1874 began the trade of carpenter and joiner, and followed this occupation in his home town, and also bought cattle in Calumet and Pierce counties. In 1879, he removed to Pierce county. AYisconsin. where he continued at cattle buying, until 1883, whence he moved to ^lodena, Buffalo county, and w^as postmaster under both the Garfield and Harrison administrations, and also engaged in mercantile pursuits, carrying on a successful business here until the spring of 1890. He then moved to Wilton, ]\Ionroe county, and resumed his mercantile trade in that place. In 1893 he added a lumber yard to his other line of business, which he enlarged from time to time as in- creasing trade demanded. In 1897 he disposed of his mercantile establishment and from that time on devoted his entire attention to his lumber interests, which grew to such large proportions, that at the time of his decease, November 26, 1911, his Avas among the largest enterprises of its kind in ]Monroe county. He Avas n man of excellent ability, keen foresight, and success crowned his efforts. In all his affairs. ]Mr. Ducklow was characterized by his ])romptiU'ss. good judgment and conservation, and admired by all Avho Avere brought into contact Avitli him for his honorable and inherent methods, and his passing aAvay was mourned as that ^~ BIOGRAPHY 659 of a j^ood man. a nset'ul citizen and a loyal friend. He took a commendable interest in jiublic atfairs, and for several years worked in Repnl)lican campaigns. ]Mr. Ducklow was reared an Episcopalian, l)ut contributed liberally to the support of other churches. He was prominent in ]Masonic circles, a member of Wilton Lodge, No. 203, Sparta Lodse. No. 19, R. A. M., Sparta Commandery, No. 16, "Wisconsin Consistory, Scottish Rite, and Tripola Temple, Mystic Shrine, Mil- waukee. He Avas also a member of the Eastern Star, and Modern Woodmen of America. The burial was made at Woodlawn ceme- tery, Sparta, November 80, 1911. under Masonic auspices. On November 20, 1882, Mr. Ducklow was united in marriage to ]\Iiss Eva I. Shaw, daughter of John and Jerusha A. (Wheeler) Shaw, residents of Rock Elm. Pierce county. Mrs. Ducklow is a iiative of Dodge county, Wisconsin, where her parents resided for many years. Her father died in 1904; he was born in 1840. Her mother is still living. To Mr. and Mrs. Ducklow were born four children, viz: William T., born October 22, 1883; Elmer E., born March 25, 1889; Charles E.. born IMarch 15, 1891, and Lynn S. Ducklow, born February 21, 1902. Since the death of his father. William T. has been the active manager of the lumber business formerly conducted by his father. He is an enterprising young business man and gives promise of becoming one of Monroe county's most influential citizens, fol- lowing in the footsteps of his father in many ways. He is also active in ]\Iasonic circles, being a member of the same bodies as was his father, with the exception of the Eastern Star. ]Mrs. Ducklow is a most estimable lady whose superior quali- ties of mind and heart attract to her the admiration of all who come within the range of her influence, and presides with grace and dignity over her beautiful home at Wilton. George D. Dunn was l)oni at Elmira, N. Y., September 18, 1838. being the son of Thomas and Rachel (Satterlee) Dunn, natives of Bath and Elmira, N. Y., respectively. Thomas Dunn was born in 1799 and married Rachel Satterlee in 1829; he was reared in the mercantile business wdiich he carried on when he came to manhood and also engaged in the real estate business; his early business career was at Eimira. N. Y. He came to Sparta, Wis., in 1862, where he died in 1871. Rachel Satterlee, the mother of George D., was born in 1809 and died in 1885; she was the daughter of Elias and Elizabeth (Smith) Satterlee; their earlier life was spent at Elmira and 660 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY tlu'v were ainoii^- the pitmeei's of that i)lat'e; Elias Satterlee, h(?r father. Avas a physician by profession and at the time of the Wyoniino; valley Indian niassaere his father's family were residents of the town of Wyoming. I'a.. and when the Indian ontbreak occnrred. they retnrned to Connecticut -. about the year 1804 Elias Satterlee moved to Elmira. N. Y. lie "was in the military service for a time as a surgeon in the war of 1812. and participated in the Battle of Lundy's Lane, Canada. After his return to Elmira he was accidentally killed by the dis- charge of a gun; his death occurred when Rachel, the mother of George D.. was six years of age. The family consisted of five children, two sons and three daughters; they were of English descent. Mr. Dunn's ancestry were of Scotch descent and were among the earlier settlers of the state of Pennsylvania; William Dunn, jiateriuil grandfather of George D., settled at Hath, N. Y., wher he remained until 1804. then removed to Elmira. N. Y., when the father of George D. Avas five years of age. Charles Dunn, the brother of Thomas, was the first white child born at Bath, N. Y. ; the other members of the family were Thomas Dunn and Judge James Dunn and William Dunn, and two sisters, Susan and Elsie. They each raised large families w^hose descend- ants are to be found in the different parts of the United States. George D. Dunn was the only son in a family of five children, and besides himself there is only surviving a sister, Fanny S., widow of S. N. Dickinson, now^ living at Sparta, Wis. George D. was educated in the public schools of Elmira. N. Y., and began his business career as clerk for the firm of Thompson Dunn at Elmira, at the age of sixteen. In 1856, he came West and located in Lodi, AVis.. where his uncle. Rev. John Lewis, was then located. A few months later he went to Janesville, and entered the em- ploy of Chapman Brothers as clerk. After a time he was placed in charge of a branch store, of this firm at Albany, Wis., which he managed for about two years in that place. In June, 1861, the store was removed to Sparta, and ]Mr. Dunn continued in charge of the same. In the fall of the same year he })urchased this branch store and has been since continuously engaged in the dry goods busi- ness at Sparta. His first store was located in a wooden building where the Stringham building now stands. In 1869, he erected the present store building which he has occupied ever since. !Mr. Dunn has been continuously engaged in business for himself and has made a remarkable record, being the only merchant in BIOGRAPHY 661 the state of Wisconsin who has continued in the dry goods busi- ness without any change of firm name for over fifty years. AYhen Mr. Dunn came to Sparta in 1861, it was but a small village of about six or eight hundred people, and his competitors were, S. D. Jackson and Co., 0. D. Randall, brother of ex- Governor Randall, and G. W. Root. At present 0. D. Randall is the only one of the above merchants who is living besides Mr. Dunn. Mv. Dunn was one of the original organizers and stock- holders of the IMonroe county bank, which was inaugurated in 1894. At that time he was elected president of the board of directors and has continuously held that office since that time. Under his presidency the bank has built up a handsome business and is 02ie of the solid financial institutions of this part of the state. During his long career in business Mr. Dunn has accumulated a comfortable fortune and his liberality in aiding in different enterprises has been one of the characteristics of his life ; many a struggling church has received a generous contribution from Mr. Dunn to aid it in building a building or for some other worthy purpose, all given unostentatiously and with a desire to do good; he was one of the principal instigators of the company w^hich originally built the armory now owned by the Aibonito Guard Association and he has been equally and at all times interested in public enterprises which were for the benefit of the city and surrounding country and has been free to give to objects which he thought were worthy and of benefit to the community at large. Truly a remarkable record is that of Mr. Dunn in the mer- cantile business; his name is synonymous with square dealing, honesty and uprightness and when the last chapter of his life is brought to a close it may be truly said that the career of George D. Dunn, while modest in its way, was that of a typical American boy coming from good old pioneer stock, who steadily climbed the ladder of success depending entirely upon his own native gifts and perseverance. Among the relatives of jMr. Dunn wiio helped to make history in the different parts of the country was an uncle by the name of Dr. Benedict Satterlee, who gave up his duties in the East and went as a medical missionary among the Pawnee Indians and was stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., in 1833, at a time when that M-as indeed a part of the far West and almost out of the reach of civilization. He left Elmira with his bride in that year, 662 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY she dyinti' ii. niul fi'oni there he aj;aiii li\i\ clcil on to KufT';il(» by tcciiii. where he took passage by boat for Monroe, ^lieh. .\niviii.i: at the hist named place, he traveled by rail 1i> Chicago, and Muain went forth ])y way of Lake ]\Iichigan to ^Milwaukee. On his arrival tliere he secured a team and starterl overhmd foi- .Monroe county, arriving at Sparta on June 20, 1854. aiul first stopped witli Andrews Lyman, who ran the old Globi; hotel, wiiieh stood where the Sparta Library now stands. A few days later he proceeded to Beaver Creek, in Sparla township, and located on section 8 on wliat is now known as the Shattuck farm and near tiie now famous Castle Rock, the top of whicii at that time was covered Avith red cedar trees. There was but one house then between Sparta and his claim. lie fir.st built a small shack for a house and began life in the then new country. That same season. hoAvever. he erected a frame liouse and began clearing the timber and making other improve- ments. Royal Eddy, his fathei". had preceded him one year to this locality in 1858 and preempted a half section of government land. On the arrival of ]Mr. Eddy he and liis l)rother George entered a (inarter section of wild land in 1854. At the end of the first year they had cleared eight acres. At that time the hills and forests were abundant with wild game, whicli furnished plenty of subsistence: at the end of the second year ]\Ir. Eddy sold his interest to his brother and ])roceeded to the lumber woods near AVitterville, Wis., where he was employed for three years. At the end of that time he returned to ]Monroe count}' and located on a rented farm in Bis creek, known as the Harr farm; after spending two years on tliat ])lace he moved to Sparta and at the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted in Company A, Third "Wisconsin Cavalr\. and was nnistered into the service in Decem- ber. 1862. and served on the frontier west of the ^Mississippi and for tAvo .vears Avas among the HusliAvhackers of ^Missouri and Kansas. He Avas honorably disclnirged at the close of the Avar and mustered out in Eel)ruary, 1865, and returned to ]\Ionroe coiuity and homesteaded a (|uarter section of land in sections 20 and 21 of Sparta toAvnship. Avhere he cleared five acres and estab- lished the family home, lie continued to clear and improve the land until he had fifty acres nndei- cultivation and there con- tinued to nud<(' his home until .\pi-il 1, 1907, Avhen lie retired from active labor, and has since made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Walter IIoAvartl. On June 20. 1849, ]\lr. Eddy Avas united in marriage Avith ^liss Catherine Tucker, dauuliter of Josepli and Catliei'ine (Church) EDGAR H. EDDY BIOGRAPHY 665 TiU'ker. To this union was born six rhildnMi — Ella, who married Charles Aniidon. is tleeeased; Royal lives in Hand county, S. D. ; Sarah is the ^vi(lo^^• of Joseph AYillard and resides at Salem, Ore.; Ed^ar N.. of Sparta township; ({eortie is deceased, and j\Iiniiie, Avife of Walter Howard, of Big Creek. Mrs. Eddy, who died Auiiust 16, 1890, at the a^e of fifty-six year.s, was a worthy helpmeet of her husband and shared the trials and hardships incident to pioneer life, and was held in high esteem by her wide circle of friends. Mr. Eddy is a man of quiet, unassnming man- ners, of strong physique, possessed of those sterling traits which win respect of the entire community. He is regarded as a man of great worth, and has always been a cordial supporter of the various enteri)rises of his town and county, and Avhile he has nearly reached the four-score-and-ten mark, he is mentally strong and vigorous and delights in relating the incidents connected with his early life in INlonroe connty. Pie is broad and liberal in his views and is well posted on the topics of the day, and delights in the membership of the John W. Linn Post, G. A. R., of Sparta. Since the foregoing Avas written ]\Ir. Eddie died, on September 1-}, 1912. Samuel D. Edwards, owner and proprietor of Sparta's mod- ern and ui>-to-date bus line, was born at Cambria, Wis., March 20, 1858, the son of R. D. and Jane Edwards, who left Wales, their native country, in the early fifties for America. After arriv- ing in. this country they came to Wisconsin and settled first near Cambria, where the.y engaged in farming for several years, when Mr. Edwards took up the jorofession of school instructor, teach- ing schools in the vicinity of Cambria, Bangor, Portland and New Cambria. In 1877 he came to Sparta and was for a time employed in the Letson furniture store, after which he removed to Rockland, Wis., and entered the employ of the Northwestern Railway Company as depot agent, remaining in this position for several years. After leaving this position they moved to Har- vard. Ill, where they l)otli died — ]Mrs. Edwards in 1891. at the age of seventy years, and ]\lr. Edwards in 1893 at the age of seventy-six years. Samuel D. Edwards is the second of a family of three children ; the others are Jane, wife of A. C. Astrup. and resides at Madison, Wis., and Benjamin, who is agent for the Northwestern railway at A\'ales, Wis. ]Mr. Edwards was raised on a farm and received his education in the public schools and learned the carpenters' trade, which he followed together with other lines of employment until he began operating a bus line at Sparta, September 13, 666 IILSTORY OF MONROE COUNTY 18!)4. On ()i't()l)er 1, ^S^.)r), lie purcluiscd the Ihildi P>iis Line and consolidated tliis and other lines with his own. and on November 6, 1905. he added the Hotel line, and in 1910 he built a concrete and brick barn, oOxlOO feet, modern in every detail and stocked w ilh twenty horses and seven buses. Tlic equipment and service which jNIi-. Edw;ir(ls has placed ;i1 the disposal of the public is the best to be found in any town in western AVisconsin. On May 7. 1893. ^Ir. Edwnids was united in uuirriage with ]\Iiss Nancy I. Nicholson, dauijhtei' of .lolm and Nancy (Douglas) Nicholson, of Rockland. Wis.. wIkm'c botli died. The Nicholson family were of English descent. The early ancestors in this coun- try were residents of New York. .Mrs. Ethvards is one of a family of six children; the others are .John, who lives ;it Watertown, S. D. ; George, deceased : Jennie, the wife of Daniel Traverse. resides at Rockland. Wis.: Thomas, of Watertown, S. D.. and Oharles, deceased. They have one daughter, Mollie, who is the wife of George Siedel. druggist of Sparta. Louis Errickson, a progressive farmer and representative citizen of Portland township, was born August 6. 1841. in Nor- way. When he Avas ten years old his parents, Andrew and Nickoline (Larson) Errickson, came to this country from their native land with a family of five children. One child died during the voyage and Avas buried at sea. They settled in Racine county. Wisconsin, where the father Avas employed four years in a fanning mill factory. At the expiration of that time they moved to Monroe county, and for a tinu^ the father followed mechanical Avork in Portland toAvnship. He then purchased forty acres of land in section twenty-five, and connnenced the life of a farmer, living there until 1858, Avhen he moA'ed to another forty-acre tract he had prcA'iously acquired, and there made his home dur- ing the remainder ol' his lifetime. He Avas progressive and industrious, and from time to time added to his original ]uiiThasc until at his death, Avhich occurred in 1899. at the age of eighty- three, he OAvned 180 acres of land in Portland toAvnship. He Avas a successful farmer and turned his attention to raising grain for market. The death of his Avife. mother of our subject, occurred in 1875. They Avere members ol" the Lutheran church, ami in public affairs he took an acti\(' and prominent part. He Avas chairman of the tOAvn board and treasurer for several terms, ahvays interested in the affairs of the Republican party. They had a family of eleven children, three of Avhom are noAv (1912) living. BIOGRAPHY 667 Louis Errickson received his education in the common schools of his native town and also in America, which he attended until he was fifteen years old. At the age of twenty he enlisted for service in the Civil AVar, in Company E, Fifteenth Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. After serving six months with this regiment he was discharged on account of disability. In 1863 he again enlisted, this time in Company F, First AVisconsin Cavalry, and participated in many lively battles, among them being the battle of Resaca, Dallas, Calhoun, Big Shanty moun- tain, Kenesaw mountain in front of Atlanta, Georgia, Jonesboro and many other engagements and skirmishes, and after two years of honorable service he was discharged in 1865 and returned to his home in AVisconsin, and until 1880 was employed on the farm. He then purchased a farm of 160 acres in section thirty-six, town of Portland, near the village of Cashton, on which he has made many improvements and since resided. In 1898 he built his modern residence and substantial outbuildings ; in 1912 he erected a large and commodious barn, 36x80 feet, with 16-foot posts and basement 8 feet high, sheeted with oak, covered with galvanized iron, accommodating thirty head of cattle and six horses, and he will soon build a large silo in connection. This is the finest barn in the township. His farm is well supplied with modern machinery and labor-saving devices, and well stocked with a good grade of horses, cattle and hogs. Mr. Errickson uses the most up-to-date methods in his farming operations and is also engaged in the raising of live stock and dairy business. He is one of the well-to-do and public spirited men of his town and takes an active interest in public affairs. He has been treasurer of his town and is an ardent supporter of any movements pertaining to the betterment of his community. On January 7, 1880, he was married in the town of Portland to Miss Helen Hansen Sveum, daughter of Hansen Sveum, a native of Norway, and early settler of Vernon county AVisconsin. Three children have been born to Mr. and IMrs. Errickson, viz. : Laura, born October 6, 1880, is now Mrs. John Benrud, of Vernon county; Amanda, born January 27. 1884, married Melvin AA^ang, of Cashton, and has two children. Henry, born October 20, 1887, received his education in the common schools and the Cashton High Scliool, graduating from the latter institution in the class of 1906, after which he spent two years at St. Olf College at Northfield, Minn., and graduated from the agricultural depart- ment of the AA^isconsin State Universitv in 1912. Mr. and Mrs. 668 HISTORY OF MONRO?] COUNTY Krricksoii have one adopted child, Fryda. In icliji:ioiis matters they are iiiemhers of the Lutheran church. Martin Erriekson. oldest l)rother of Louis. Avas a ineuiher of Company 11, Fifteenlli Wisconsin Lifantry. liavinta, respectively. The father died in IMay, 1887. at the age of thirty-two years, leaving the mother and two children. Leo B. and his sister Alildrcd. wife of AV. W. Card, all residents of Sparta. Supplementing liis ]iublic school education with a course at the Lawrence T'niversity, Appleton, AVis., Air. Evenson began his career as a (dothing merchant in tiie employ of Dodge & Davis, in 1901, contiiniing in this position for two and a half years. He then engaged in the same line of Inisiness with George Grossman, under the name of Leo Evenson Clothing Company, Avhich later merged into the Pickwick Clothes Slioj). the Sparta establishment being one of a cliain of stores operating in tlie various towns around Sparta, the holding company being known as the Gross- man AVardrol)c Company. Ti'.c Sparta store Avas the first one organizetl in lilO!), and is one of the chain of stores. The Tomali store is under the charge of AY. AY. Card, and the store at Elroy is operated by Louis Larson, all (tf Avhich are operated by the holding company under the name of the Pickwick Clothes Shops. The company is comjiosed of tlic following named gentlemen : George Grossman, president, treasurer and general manager: Leo B. Evenson, vice-president and assistant general manager: "NY. AY. Card, secretary. The directors are : Dr. AY. T. Sarles, C. Al. Alasters, AYilliam AIcBride, Dr. Carl B(>ebe. Harry Alastcrs. George Grossman and Leo B. Evenson. Air. Evenson is one of the wide-awake and progri'ssive cloth- ing men of this section, and his broad experience in the line has fitted him for the position he now occupies. lie is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Alodern AYoodmen of America, and is active in the social circles of Sparta. On February 12, 1905. he was married to Aliss Julia Cholvin. daughter of Samuel Cholvin. a resident of AYilton, Alonroe county. Air. and Airs. Evenson linvc tliree children, viz.: Elizabeth. A'irgiiiia and Eleanor. W. J. Ferries, a native son of Alonroe county, was horn on the ridge in Wilton township, on -Inly 9, 1862, the son of AY. 11. and Alargaret (Ilarland) Ferries, both natives of AYales. In the early fifties tile fatluM- came to America with his parents, and AV. J. Ferries, grandfather of our subject, homesteaded a (juarter sec- tion of land on the ridge, and was one of the earliest settlers in AVilton township. His brother, Avho came with him to America, BIOGRAPHY 671 also took a homestead of 160 acres. The great-grandfather was a farmer and hotel keeper and established the first hotel in Ridge- ville. where the tourist and newcomer were treated to his hos- pitality. His son, father of our subject, who was his chief aid, managed the farm while he attended to the hotel business and was generally successful in his undertakings and was well known over the county as a kind-hearted, generous and public spirited man. highly respected by the entire community where he lived. In the cultivation of his wild land he used nine yoke of oxen to turn the sod. He lived on his farm for many years and finally sold the land and moved to Tomah. where he died in 1882. He had a family of three children, one of whom still 1 1912) survives, two sons deceased, and one daughter. Elizabeth, now living at Norwalk, at the age of seventy-five years. W. H.. father of our subject, was twice married, first to Mar- garet Harland in 1853. by whom seven children were born, five sons and two daughters, five of whom are now living. Mrs. Ferries died in 1881, and two years later he married for his second wife IMrs. Catherine Pratt, who died in 1904. The father operated a threshing machine for about twenty-five years, and became well known all over the county as a high-minded and upright man. He acquired a farm of 160 acres in Wilton town- ship and was also engaged in the furniture and undertaking business in the village of AVilton until 1898. where he resided and died in 1905. He was a staunch Democrat and was always active in the aft'airs of his party. He served as chairman of the town board for six years and was for many years a director of the schools. He was a thirty-second degree ^lason and was consid- ered one of the most popular and Avell-kno^ATi men of the county. "W. J. Ferries, our subject, had the advantages of the district schools up to his eighteenth year, and remained on the home farm. On September 7. 1890. he was married to ^liss Gusta Popp. daughter of Herman and Carrie Popp. Three children have been born to them. viz. : Lillian ^l.. who graduated from high school in 1910 and is also a graduate of the Wisconsin Business Uni- versity at LaCrosse, 1911. was born May 4. 1891; Vilas, who is also a high school graduate, was 1iorn July 4. 1892. and Vern. born Xi^vember 23. 1895. August Fetkenheuer,* a prosperous farmer who lives on sec- tion twenty-four. Adrian township, is a son of John and Marie (Ratke) Fetkenheuer. who spent their lives in Germany, where our subject was born August 23. 1856. He attended the common schools of his native town from the age of six to foui-teen years. 672 HISTORY OP :moxroe county and was variously employed in the city of Staten until 1887, when he emigrated to the United States. Arriving in this country he first settled at Baltimore, and after a time came to Wisconsin and to Ilillsboro, Vernon county, where he remained but three months, when he went to the city of Tomah, and for ten years was in the employ of the Goodyear Lumber Company. In 1897 he purchased his present farm of 160 acres, ten of which he cleared, l)uilt two barns, granary and a comfortable residence. He has improved the land by cultivation and has made a most creditable showing for the years spent on the farm, using in his operations the most improved methods. Besides general farming, ]Mr. Fetkenheuer has always been a successful raiser of fine stock, and at this time his favorites are the Holstein breed of cattle. He Avas married in November. 1880, to ]\Iiss Louisa Fick. also a native of Staten, Germany. The children ])orn to this union are "William, who resides at Two Rivers, AVis., is a veteran of the Spanish-American war, having served in the hospital cori)s of the Third AViseonsin Regiment ; Frank is deceased ; Paul A. lives on the homestead farm; Emma married Louis Herwig, of Wono- woc. Wis.; Edith is deceased; Anna, wife of Henry E. Zcllmar, Adrian township; Amanda, at home; Arthur, deceased, and Otto A., at home. Besides being intensely interested in the affairs of his town Mr. and ]\Irs. Fetkenheuer are members of the German Tjutheran chureli of Tomah. Herman M. Flock, one of the wealthy farmers of Ridgeville township, ]Monroe county, is the son of ]\Iatt and Elizabeth (Lang) Flock, l)oth natives of Germany. Herman was born August 27, 1868, in Ridgeville, this eount.y. Matt Flock came to America with his parents in 1857 and located in Monroe county, where they homesteaded 160 acres of land and were among the first settlers of that locality. Here they lived for many years and the father died on August 15, 1880, and tlie mother on January 29th, about eight years later. They had a family of six children and were considered one of the leading pioneer families. INIatt, with the others, received a good common school education and Avorked at farming all his life. He is now a prosperous general farnun- and lives in Norwalk. He was married at Watertown, Wis., in 1867, and they had a family of twelve children, nine of whom are now. 1912, living. Herman is the oldest of the family, and like his father, has always followed the oci-upation of farming. He was married in Sparta on Mny 7, 1895, to .Miss Barbara Sclimitz. and tlu\v have BIOGRAPHY 673 had a family of eight children, seven of whom are now living: Matt, William, Alios, Freddie, Elizabeth, Joseph and Elnora. After his marriage Mr. Flock rented a farm for one year, and in 1901 he purchased 160 acres in section thirty-one, in the town of Ridgeville. His residence was built in 1886 and in 1902 he erected a new barn, which adds greatly to the prosperous appearance of his farm. He keeps the best grade of stock and uses the most up-to-date methods in conducting it. He is a Democrat in politics and has been supervisor for some time, and served also as chair- man of the town board of Eidgeville for four years. Mr. Flock is a good general farmer and well liked by his neighbors. Charles L. Flume, who resides in section thirty-two, Lafayette township, is pre-eminently a self-made man. Starting out in life with nothing but his native ability, he has risen from obscur- ity to a place of prominence among the enterprising and influential citizens of Monroe county, and is widely known as the successful owner and proprietor of "Clover Dale Farm," which is unexcelled, if equalled, by any other farm in the county, A native of La Crosse county, "Wisconsin, he was born May 6, 1859, the son of Carl and Kate (Schladger) Flume, natives of Germany, who came to the United States, he in 1848, and she in 1856. "When he first arrived in America he was engaged for a time in the copper mines on the Eagle river, but later settled in La Crosse county, and where his wife also settled, and where they were married. They were among the early settlers of that locality and among the best class of pioneers. He lived to the age of seventy-one years, and died in 1893. His wife, mother of our sub- ject, survived until 1903, when she passed aAvay at the age of sixty-eight years. They raised a family of six children, Charles L. being the eldest. The others are : Kate, who is the wife of Frank Kiel, of La Crosse county; Josephine, wife of Peter Haas, lives in La Crosse county ; Minnie, resides in Indianapolis ; William, also of La Crosse county, and ]\Iary, of Minneapolis. Charles L. was raised on his father's farm, attending the common schools and assisting in the farm work until he became of age. He then went to Spink county, Dakota, where he re- mained one year. Returning to La Crosse county, at the end of that time, he was employed at farm work for the next seven years. Thrifty and economical, he saved his earnings until he had accumulated $1,200, and at the age of twenty-nine purchased his first farm of 220 acres, in Greenfield township, La Crosse county, where he made his home until 1900, when he removed to G74 lUSTOKV OF .MUXHOK COIXTY the ]Morse farm, w liicli lir had |)urchasecl the same year and which contained 620 acres, and has been known Foi- many years as thi' "Clover Dah' Farm."" lie has since sohl to the United States goverinnent 280 acres, wliicli forms a part of the government range in ^lonroe i-onnty. 1I<' is thorongldy systematic and np-to- (hitc ill his operations and liis farm, wliich is highly cnltivatcd and handsomely im])roved and cquippici, and well stocked with horses and registered Dnrham cattle, of which he is one of the Icatliiig hi'eeders in tiic coiihIn'. Jle carries on general farming and (hiirying, and in addilioii lo his blooded Dnrham cattle he raises J'oland China hogs. Mr. Flnme is a hard working man Avhd has made his way in the world by persevering and persistent effort, and by his straightforward, manly life maintains the con- fidence and esteem of all who know him. On Jannary 17, 1888, Mr. Finnic was nnitcd in marriage with Miss ]\[aggie Kiel, danghter of Fred Kiel, a prominent citizen of La Crosse connty, and a native of Bavaria. To Mr. and Mrs. Flnme have been boi-n five children. J. F. carries on 160 acres of the home farm Avhich he rents from his father; (leorgia E. resides at La Crosse ; Viola, Forrest and AVilliam L. reside at home. In politics the subject is a Democrat. AVhile he has been offered ])n])lic office at the hands of his parly he has never accepted. Nelson J. Forrest, of section 6. La Grange townshij). ^Monroe c(ninty, Wisconsin, was born here on -Jannary 4, 1868, the yonng- est of a family of fonr children born to Thomas N. and Martha (Edgerton) Forrest. Of the others, Elizabeth is the wife of .1. AV. Taft, of Hood River, Ore.; Harriet is Ihe wife of Jacob Vander- vort, of La Grange toAvnshii), and Charles \V., wlio resides at Grand Rapids, ]\Iinn. The fath.er. who was a native of Scotland, came to AVhitewater. AVis.. when he was twenty-one years of age. He later went to AValworth connty, thence to ]Monroe connty in 1855, and settled on the fai'in of 1"):^ acres Avhere onr snli.iect now resides. He was niari'icd Xovcmlx'i- (i. 1859, to ^Martha Edgerton, a native of Connecticnt, and danghter of Charles and ]\Iary Edgerton. who came west to AVisconsin in an early day and first located in .Jefferson county. From there tlicy came to ^Monroe county in 1856, and sjient the balance of their lives experiencing the hardships and |)ri\ations incident to pioneer life in La Grange township. Thomas N. Forrest was one of IMonroe county's most influen- tial citizens, straightforward and honorable in all his dealings, and a man with manv warm friends. He had one brother. AVilliam J BIOGRAPHY 675 Forrest, who came to "Wisconsin from Scotland, and settled at Whitewater, Wis., where he spent the balance of his life. His widow, whose maiden name was Huldah Rawson, still survives. ]\Irs. Forrest, mother of our subject, is a charming lady, and one of three survivors of a family of twelve children; the others are Frank Edgerton, of La Grange township, and Caroline, widow of William Sayre. He was a native of New York state and in about 1879 came to Monroe county, locating in section tive. La Grange township, on a farm of eighty acres, consisting mostly of unim- proved land, and for a time lived near the present homestead. He started to improve his land and first built a log house, which was replaced with a jnodern one, where his widow and son, Clarence M. Sayre, now reside. Mrs. Sayre was born in 1831 and at the age of more than four score years is well preserved and enjoys good health. Mr. Sayre, after a long and busy life, died at the age of eighty-four years. Nelson J. Forrest was reared on tlie home farm and received his education in the district schools and early devoted his time and attention to farming and the management of the homestead Avhere he has spent his entire life. He carries on general farm- ing, dairying and stock raising, and makes a specialty of Duroc- Jersey hogs. The farm is under a high state of cultivation and the place is Avell improved with a good barn erected in 1903 and a modern residence erected in 1909, witli outbuildings to corre- spond, lie takes an active interest in local matters; has been treasurer of the town, supervisor two terms, and is now serving his third term as assessor. He is president of the Farmers' Co- operative Elevator Company and is a well-to-do and progressive man of aifairs. He was married February 17, 1892, to Miss Julia ]\Iininger, a native of Waukesha, AVis., and a resident of La Grange township. They have an interesting family of six children, viz. : Guy N., Gladys J., valedictorian of the 1912 class of the Tomah high school ; Raymond T. and Leroy C, twins ; Ruth E., and Chester W. Forrest. Fred M. Foster, the popular and enterprising photographer of Sparta, a lifelong resident of that city, was bom June 25, 1862, the son of Hiram and Julia A. (Harvey) Foster, natives of Cat- taraugus county. New York, and wdio early came to Sparta, where he built th(> Globe Hotel, the first frame building erected in Sparta and whieli stood on the ground now occupied by the Carnegie librarj'. He later engaged in farming in Sparta town- ship, which he continued for several years, where he died in 1889 at the age of seventy years. His widow, mother of our subject. 676 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY died ill 1899. He has always taken a commendable interest in the affairs of his town and county and served as treasurer of his township. He is one of Sparta's most prominently and highly respected citizens. His father, Ezekiel Foster, was a native of Maine and followed his son to ^Monroe county, where he died. Our subject, Fred ]\I., was the fourth child of a family of four sons. Tlie others are : Theodore, who resides at Santa Clara, Cal.; Orlando lives in AVasliingtun, and Edgar M. resides in Sparta. Fred was reared on his father's farm, attending the dis- trict schools and assisting in the farm work. When starting out in life for liimsclf. His first employment was that as clerk in the Winship Hotel at Sparta, and later he became clerk at the Jewell Hotel, at Winona, ]\Iinn., remaining there until he became engaged in the photograph business with Richardson Brothers, of Sparta, this arrangement continuing until the fall of 1894, when he purchased the studio at No. 101 South AVater street, whidi lie has continued with unabating success. ]\Ir. Foster is a man of decided artistic tastes and has made a thorough study of photography in all its phases and branches, and is recognized as a most skillful expert and operator in his class of art. His studio is a perfect model in all its appointments, equipped as it is with every facility and appliance for turning out the highest class of work, producing portraits on platinum, in water colors, sepia, etc., with every variety and style of finish and mounting. Mr. Foster is a member of the Northwestern and the National Photographers' Associations, and is also a member of the Knights of Pjiihias. He was appointed captain and commissary of the Third Regiment, AYisconsin National Guard, April 7, 1912. He was married April 19, 1887, to Miss Georgie A. AVise, daughter of G. A. "Wise, of Michigan. They have one child, Gerald L. Foster. Mrs. Louise B. Fox, Avidow of the late Benjamin F. Fox. Avas born in Sussex county. New Jersey, April 28, 1834. Her parents were natives of Ncav Jersey and the father by trade Avas a cooper and also folloAved farming. He Avas born in 1800 and died in 1884. The mother of Mrs. Fox Avas born in 1811 and died in 1867. They moved from Ncav Jersey to Milan, O., AA'here they lived for a short time, then moved to Huron county, that state, and lived for sixteen years. They had a family of scA'en children, three of whom are noAV (1912) living, viz.: ]\rrs. Fox, Avhose maiden name Avas Louise Be Dell : p]dAvin Be Dell, born June 24. 1836, and Jonathan N. Be Dell, born February 22, 1851, makes his BIOGKAPIIY G77 home with his sister, Mrs. Fox, and looks after her business inter- ests. He was formerly a resident of Oakland, Cal., a man of fine education and experienced in school teaching. Mrs. Fox is a member of the Congregational cliureh, a devoted Christian worker, and all charitable subjects receive her support. Benjamin F. Fox, deceased, was born April 1], 1821, at Milan, Erie county, Ohio. In 1851 he came west to Wisconsin and located in tlie Leon valley, Monroe county, and purchased 120 acres of school land one and one-half miles from the A'illage of Leon. He was married March 18, 1858, to Miss Louise Be Dell at Norwalk, 0. One son, George Collins Fox, was born to them in ]\Ionroe county, December 16, 1858, and died in 1878. Starting out in life with little else than his native ability, Mr. Fox by thrift, perseverance, hard w^ork and good management succeeded in accomplishing the greater part of his undertakings, and at the time of his death was enjoying the fruits of his labors in com- fortable circumstances. He improved his farm and soon after his marriage built a modest residence, which was later replaced with a large and commodious residence, where they lived until 1905, and then purchased the comfortable home in the village of Leon, where he passed away in 1909, and where his widow now (1912) resides. He was a successful general farmer and one of the sub- stantial and representative men of Monroe county, and owaied at the time of his death 200 acres of land in Leon valley. He w^as a typical American, self-educated, a great student and much interested in all matters of public importance ; a man of sound judgment. Avhose influence was felt by his neighbors and friends. He was strictly temperate in all things, never used tobacco in any form, and was an active member of the Congregational church, to which he contributed liberally. He was superintendent of the Sunday school and all worthy charitable objects found in him a liberal supporter. A Republican in politics, he was active in the affairs of his party and held nearly all of the minor offices of his town. Benson S. Fox, of Leon, is the son of George ^Y. and Candice (Lee) Fox, and was born at New Hartford, Minn., February 4, 1861, and is the eldest in a family of three children, all sons, wlio are now living. The father came from Ohio in an early day and settled at New Hartford, Minn., wdiere he was married in 1863, and in 1873 removed to the town of Leon in Monroe county. By hard work, thrift and economy he acquired 280 acres of land and there lived until his death, which occurred August 30, 1911. His widow, mother of our subject, still survives at the age of sixty- 678 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY eight years. He was a man of imicli foree and highly respected by the citizens of his eoinnninity. He was moral and upright and gained many friends by his honest dealings, and was one of the most respected and highly esteemed citizens of Leon. lie served as a member of the town board, was school director for many years, and assessor for two years. The paternal ancestors of onr subject came over with AVilliam Penn and settled in ]Massachu- setts. Peter Clow, the grandfather of the subject's mother, was a soldier in the war of 1812. Grandfather Lee lived in Canada during the French and Indian Avar, and because he refused to take up arms against the United States he was forced to leave Canada and removed to New York, the English government confiseating all his property. After the war lie returned to Canada but failed in his efforts to regain his property. He emigrated to ^Minnesota when the mother of our subject was thirteen years old, going overland with ox team from Rockford. 111., where the family had lived a short time. He Avas born in Jefferson county, Ncav York, in 1820, and died in 1904. The grandmother Avas born in 1822 and died in 1872. He enlisted in 1862 during the Civil War in Company D, Seventh Regiment, ]Minnesota Volunteers, and served until the close of the Avar. Benson S. attended the public schools until his seventeentli year and remained at home until he l)ecame of age. He Avas married December 4. 1884. to ]\Iiss Aurella Smith at Sparta, the daughter of Alcander and Catherine Smith. To this union Avere born three children, of Avhom tAVO are noAV living, viz.: Herbert L., born September 25, 1885. and B. Earl, born June 24, 1895. Mrs. Fox died January 17, 1912. The farm, Avhich Avas homesteaded and OAvned by Mr. Smith, father of Mrs. Fox, Avas purchased by Mr. Fox and he there made his home for tAveuty-fiA'e years, suc- cessfully engaged in farming, and Avhere he made many of the A'aluable improA-ements. ]\Ir. Fox for many years has taken an active interest in the affairs of his toAvn. and has held many local offices. For tAventy years he Avas school director, has been super- visor and assessor, and for nine years treasurer of the toAvn. and is the present incumlient. An extract from the La Crosse Trib- une says of him: '"Ben Fox, treasure!- of the toAvn of Leon, has made his annual settlement Avith County Treasurer Babcock. and again presents a book clean of all delin^iuents, not a dollar being returned on either real estate or personal propeity. His total roll amounted to >1<10,060.79. This is the tenth year that :Mr. Fox has served as the treasurer of the toAvn of Leon, and for the past six vears he has collected nil tlie taxes on the roll." BIOGRAPHY 679 In polities Mr. Fox is a La Follette Republican, and takes an active interest in the affairs of his party. He has served two years as justice of the peace. On February 28, 1909, he moved into the village of Leon, where he owns considerable property besides his commodious residence Avhere he now resides. Capt. Frank Lyon French, who has attained to a prominent position among the military men of the country, is a product of Monroe county, AVisconsin, and was born October 29, 1862, the son of Jacob Jewell and Elizabeth C. (Lyon) French, natives of East Jeffery, N. H., and Benton Center, N. Y., respectively. In 1860 Jacob J. French removed from his native state to Wisconsin and settled in La Fayette township, JMonroe county. Here he re- mained until 1866, when he moved into the city of Sparta and embarked in the grocery business, and in 1868 he engaged in hop and stock raising, and still later was engaged with the firm of French & King from 1870 to 1886, who were extensive dealers in hops and live stock. During the administration of President Cleveland, Mr. French was, in 1886, appointed postmaster of Sparta, and continued to dispatch the duties of this office for five years. His next business venture was in the fruit business, which continued to be his occupation until his death, which occurred on February 7, 1903, in his eighty-fifth year, he having been born August 21, 1818. He took an active part in all matters pertain- ing to the betterment of his city and county, was prominent in business and social life, and was at one time president of the village board, city treasurer and promoter of Sparta's North park. In 1872 he held the honor of being the champion rifle shot of the LTnited States, and was an active member of the original Masonic lodge in Sparta. Elizabeth C. Lyon French, mother of our subject, was born July 14, 1845, and died April 28, 1902. She was the youngest of a family of six children, one of whom, James R. Lyon, of Kendall, a pioneer of JMonroe covmty, is still living. Those deceased besides Mrs. French are : John C, Myran F. and Harriet C, wife of Rev. J. R. Jaques. Samuel C. Lyon, maternal grandfather of Frank L., was born in the state of New York in July, 1800. and was one of the first settlers in the town of Glendale, Monroe county, AA^isconsin. He died November 5, 1873. His wife, Lois Elizabeth Kendall Lyon, maternal grandmother of our subject, was born in August, 1802, and died May 4, 1873. She married Samuel C. Lyon, at Benton Center, N. Y., in 1824. Jacob Jewell French, father of Frank Lyon French, was a son 680 niSTOKY OF MONROE COUNTY of Thomas Freiu-h, Jr., of East Jeft'cry, N. H. His fatlun-, Thomas French, was a native of Dunstable, N. 11. The mother of Thomas French, Jr., Avas Hannah Cnmmings, and the mother of Jacob Jewell French was Sophia Jewell, of ]\Iarlborough, ]\Iass., and she was a daughter of Jacob Jewell, of England, and her mother, Polly Smitli, came originally from Ireland. Frank Lyon French Avas married Septeiid3er 25, 1897, to ]\Iiss ]Mabel Laura Masters, daughter of Bissill ]\I. and Helen (Cross) ^Masters, of Sparta. The father of ]\Irs. French, Bissill ]\1. blas- ters, was born in Springfield, Mass., in 1838, came west in 1865, was on the coast during the San Francisco earthquake in 1908, and is now a resident of Sparta. ]\Ir. ^Masters Avas a son of John I\Iasters, Avho was born April 4, 1805, and died in his one hun- dredth year. He traces his ancestors ])ack to the Huguenots of France in 1562. His wife was Laura Bissill, born October 28, 1807. ]\Irs. Helen (Cross) ^Masters, the mother of ]Mrs. French, Avas born .March 16, 1847, and died April 15, 1888. The maternal grandfather of Mrs. French Avas AndrcAA' Cross, a natiA'e of Ncav York state, Avho came to Sparta and Avho Avas at one time sheriff of his natiA'e county. He Avas born in October, 1804. and died February 11, 1878. His Avife AA'as Mary Moak, of Ncav York, born August 11, 1810. Other members of this family Avere Katherine, born December 21, 1818; Emonzo. liorn ]March 31, 1824; John, born ^lay 13, 1836 ; Alexander, born December 14, 1839 ; Virgene, born December 16, 1843, and Germane, born Septembei- 24. 1849. The children of Mr. and Mrs. French are Helen Elizabeth, born December 27, 1898; Virgene, born July 31, 1902; Katiiryn Belle, born September 9, 1903. Mrs. French Avas graduated from the Sparta high school Avith the class of 1891. Captain French AA'as educated at the public schools of Sparta, and on October 13, 1879, began to learn telegraphy at Viroqua, AYis., and followed that A'ocation until NoA'ember 5, 1880. Avhen he entered the emplo}- of the Chicago, Mihvaukee & St. Paul Raihvay C()nii)any as telegrapher at the Sparta station, continu- ing here until ]\Iay 11, 1881, avIkmi he entered the service of the NorthAvestern Raihvay Company in the train dispatcher's office in November, 1882, at Huron, S. D., and in December of the same year Avas transferred to Pierre, S. D.. in charge of the AYestern Union, Chicago & NorthAvestern, ;iiul the government telegraph lines, continuing here until July 8, 1883, Avhen he made a trip to the Black Hills, thence to northAvestern "\Yyoming and the ]\ron- tana buffalo range, Avhere he remained until December 15, 1883, BIOGRAPHY G81 when he returned to Sparta, but soon after went to Glendale and took charge of a store of general merchandise for J. R. Lj^on, remaining here until October, 1886. He was then appointed assistant postmaster of Sparta, under his father, in November of that year, continuing in that capacity until December, 1891, when he engaged in the l)ook and stationery business in Sparta, whicli he followed for seven years, or until April 28, 1898, when he entered the service of the United States in the Spanish-Ameri- can war as first lieutenant of Company L, Third Regiment, Wis- consin National Guard Volunteers, and was made captain September 13, 1898. He served with his regiment through the Porto Rican campaign until January 11, 1899, when he was mus- tered out with his regiment. He was appointed captain of the Thirty-fourth United States Volunteers, July 5, 1899, by President McKinley, and entered upon his two years' service in the Philip- pines. He was promoted to battalion commander August 11, 1900, and discharged with his regiment April 17, 1901, when he returned to Sparta, where he was engaged in the fruit business until September 1, 1904, he was appointed njail agent for the rural route service. He has been commander of the American post of Spanish-American war veterans, and a member of Valley Lodge No. 16. A. F. & A. M., since 1891. Captain French was a member of the local militia company from August 31, 1887, to May 11, 1898. During that time he was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant, his duties consisting of general instructions in shooting. He was a member of the state rifle team for several years and attended several interstate shoots. He also won the General King revolver for best revolver shot. The military record of Captain French, Avhich follows, is one that he may .justly be proud of : Recommended by Maj. J. A. Penn, Thirty-fourth Infantry, U. S. v., for commission as major by brevet for gallant and meri- torious services in action at Tangnadan mountain, December 4, 1899, and in pursuit of General Tinios' forces, December 5 to 11, 1899. Actions at Bandi, December 8 ; Banna Canon, December 9 ; also recommended he be commissioned lieutenant-colonel by brevet for especially hazardous and meritorious services in the rescue of Lieutenant Gilmore, U. S. navy, and twenty-five Ameri- can prisoners, etc., December, 1899. Approved by Lieut. -Col. Robert L. Howze and Gen. S. B. M. Young. Expeditions: General Lawton's northern expedition, October, November and December, 1899 ; advance on Aliaga, November 682 HISTORY OF :\IONROE COUNTY 9 to 1]. 1899; Colonel Ilowze's expedition from Aliaga, Luzon, via Victoria and Rosales to Bautista, November 13 to 20, 1899; Gen- eral McArtlmr's advance, Bautista to Dagupan, November 21 to 24, 1899; General Young's expedition up west coast of Luzon, November 25 to December 11; pursuit of General Tinio, December 5 to n, 1899; Gilmore relief expedition, December 14, 1899, to January '.i, 1900. Assisted in rescues: I'idigan Abra, December 6, 1899, 300 Spanish soldiers; Banquet, Al)ra, December 6, 1899, 1,100 Spanish soldiers; La Pax, Abra, December 8, 1899, three Americans; Dingras, I. N., December 10, 1899; General Pena, 450 Spanish officers and 450 Spanish soldiers; Salsona, I. N., Decem- ber 10, 1899, 100 Chinese; Gaset, upper Abulug river, December 16, 1899, three Americans; Lannae, upper Abulug river, Decem- ber 18, 1809. Lieutenant Gilmore, V. S. Navy, and nineteen Amer- icans. Participated in captures: Dunlas, Abra, December 8, 1899, great qiumtity of arms and war material : Banquet. Abra. Decem- ber 6, 1899, insurgent arsenal. Battles: Tagnadin mountain, December 4, 1899. Engagements : Bandi, Abra, December 8, 1899 ; Banna, Ca- non, December 9, 1899; Gaset, upper Abulug river, December 16, 1899; Marradong, I. N., February 14, 1900; Bulbulhila. L N., April 9, 1900; Ester, I. N., April 16, 1900; Laoag, L N., April 17, 1900. Skirmishes : La Pax, Abra, December 7. 1899 ; Caramine, near Banna, December 9, 1899; Salsona. I. N., December 10, 1899; IManintin, I. N., December 11, 1899; Cabagoin Grande. December 22, 1899; Caban Garang, I. N., January 14, 1901. December 7, 1899, defeated insurgent forces at La Pax. Abra, killing General Quesada, insurgent paymaster, and captured his money and payrolls. Just prior to his leaving the Orient for America, his command presented him with a handsome diamond ring. Upon his return to AVisconsin from the Philippines he was pre- sented with a beautiful solid gold medal by the state of "Wiscon- sin. This medal was designed by Gov. J. O. Davidson and Gen. C. R. Boardman. Engraved on one side were tiie words: "AVis- consin — Distinguished Alilitary Service," and on the reverse, "Presented to Capt. Frank L. French. Sparta. Wis., late of the Thirty-fourth T'. S. Y., by act of tli.> Legislature, 1901." His Sparta friends presented him Avitli a handsome gold-mounted sword and scabbard, with a sole-leatln^r trunk case for same. Captain French was tendered a commission in the regular army 1)y President j\IcKinley, but decided to remain a citizen of Sparta. BIOGRAPHY 683 Joseph Gasper, a successful fanner who resides in section seven, l^orthmd township, was born in LaPorte county, Indiana, November 9, 1858. His parents, AVilliani and Lena (Green) Gasper, were natives of Germany, and after their marriage, came to Illinois and located in Chicago in 1848. which at that time was a small village. He first found employment in a brickyard, and after three years, moved to LaPorte county, Indiana, where he carried on farming for twelve years. In 1865 the family moved to La Crosse county, Wisconsin, and settled on 120 acres of wild land in Washington township which the father imme- diately set to Avork to clear and soon he erected a log house and some outbuildings which sufficed until the dawn of better days, and here they experienced the hardships of pioneer life and passed the remainder of their days. He died at Tunnel City, ]\Ionroe county, in 1886 at the age of seventy-four years, and Mrs. Gasper passed aAvay in AVashington township. La Crosse county, in 1882 at the age of sixty-three. They had a family of thirteen children, viz: Peter, deceased; John resides in ]\Iichi- gan City, Ind. ; j\Iary, now ]Mrs. John Keef er, lives at ^Michigan City; Kate and Mary are deceased; Nicholas lives in INIichigan City; Emma is deceased; Anna, wife of S. Strittmatter, of La Crosse county; William, of Adrian toAvnship ; John, who was a twin brother of our subject, is deceased, as is also Eliza- ])eth ; John Henry is road master for the Chicago, IMilwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company, resides at Chillicothc Mo. In 1882 Mr. Joseph Gasper was united in marriage with ]Miss Clara Brecht, daughter and fourth child in a family of five children born to John and Katherine Brecht. early settlers of La Crosse county. The others are Katherine, wife of Amil Moser, of Cripple Creek, Colo. ; Anna, wife of August Hunt, deceased ; Margaret, wife of C. F. Brown, resides at Desota, Wis., and John of La Crosse. To ]\Ir. and Mrs. Casper have been born six children, viz: Laura, wife of Frank Zebell. of Portland township ; Louisa, married Henry AA^hitehead, and resides at Bangor, La Crosse county; John, Frank J., AVilliam and Kath- erine reside at home. Mr. Gasper received his education in the district school and remained on the home farm until twenty-four years of age when he started farming for himself on a rented farm. Seven years later he purchased 160 acres of land in AVashington town- ship. La Crosse county and after four years, in 1892, he disposed of his interests in La Crosse county and purchased his present farm of 160 acres, 120 of which is under a high state of culti- 684 HISTORY OF :\I0XROE COUNTY ration. AVhen ]\Ir. Gasper first moved to his present farm, there were no biiiklings but an old log house; he has since erected a commodious dwelling, substantial barns, machinery shed, wind- mill and made other improvements, l^esides general farming and dairying, he is engaged in raising ITolstein-Fresian cattle and Poland-China hogs, and is one of the most progressive men of the community. At the age of eighteen ^Iv. Gasper started to run a threshing machine which he followed eaeh season for seventeen years. He takes an active interest in the affairs of his townshij), has been supervisor for three years, chairman of the board one year, and treasurer for twelve years of school district number five and is now serving as clerk of school dis- trict number five of Portland toAvnship. Emil Gerke,* Avho noAv resides on section nineteen. Sparta township, is one of the M'ide-awake and enterprising young farmers of Monroe county, was born in La Crosse county, AVis- consin, ]\Iay 81, 1882, the son of Fred and Dorothy iC'lements) Gerke. The father, a native of Germany, came to the United States when fifteen years of age, located in La Crosse county, AVisconsin, where he married, and there spent the greater part of his life engaged in farming. He was one of the representative citi- zens of La Crosse county, a kind father and husband, and at the time of his death, Avliich occurred Jime 24, 191L ;it the age of sixty years, held the confidence and esteem of his wide circle of friends. Air. and Mrs. Gerke had a family of seven children, as follows: Frank lives at La Crosse, Con Peter is on the home farm, Louisa is the wife of Edward Smaltz, of Bangor, AVis. ; Christina is the Avife of Frank Kirschner. of La Crosse county; Emma is the wife of Charles Stark and resides in Sparta township; Sophia and Maggie reside at home with their mother. Emil Gerke attended the distri<'t schools at La Crosse county, and remained on the home farm until he was fift(^en years of age. During the next seven years he was variously employed at farm work, his last employer being AYilliam Cassel, Avho died on June 1, 1904, and in 1905, Mr. Gerke purchased the farm, which he has since successfully carried on, and has made ex- tensive improvements. He has l)uilt a barn, 36 by 96 feet, erected a silo. wiiKlinill. and made oilier improvemciils. Tin- land is under a high state of cultivation, from whii li he reaps an abundant harvest each year. On July 24, 1906, Mr. Gerke was married to ]\Iiss Lena Leek, daughter of Fred and Amelia (Patz) Leek, of Sparta township. ]\Irs. Gerke died in Xovendier. 1911. leaving besides lici- worthy BIOGRAPHY 685 husband, two children named Clara Amelia and Dorothy Hulda. In religions faith Mr. Gerke is a member of St. Patrick's Catholic chnrch of Sparta. Henry F. Gerke, one of the influential and successful farmers of Ridgeville toAvnship, was born in Hanover, Germany, Septem- ber 12. 1846, the son of H 0. and Sophia (Klingo) Gerke. Mr. Gerke emigrated to America in 1866 and located first in Mil- waukee, where he worked out at odd jobs, and made his home with his uncle, Gus Kling. He remained there three years, then came to Tomah and remained one year with a sister, then Avent to Olmstead county, Minnesota, where he remained for a time, then in 1871 returned to Monroe county and purchased 160 acres of land in section tw^o, Ridgeville township ; he later sold eighty acres of land to his brother, but since has acquired by purchase, additional acres until he now owns 320 acres in sections two and three. Being thrown on his own resources at an early age, Mr. Gerke started out in life with nothing but his native ability, and has by hard work, thrift and economy worked his way to a commanding position of influence in his town. When he purchased the home- stead, where he now resides, the land Avas raw and in a wild state ; he erected a modest house in M^hich he lived for fifteen years, and set diligently to work to clear and improve his land. He worked hard and overcame many obstacles, and in the end gained success. In 1909 he built a large and commodious residence, and with his large lawn and handsome shade trees, all set out with his own hands, his well built barn and outbuildings, makes his one of the ideal country homes in Ridgeville township. Mr. Gerke takes pride in making his farm one of the best in the county, and keeps it well stocked Avith Percheron horses and Durham cattle. He uses the latest up-to-date methods in his farming operations, and his place is well supplied Avith modern labor-saving devices. Mr. Gerke is one of the solid men of his town and is well known as one of the public spirited and successful citizens. He is active in all matters of interest in his community, and secretary of the German Mutual Insurance Company, Avhieh Avas organized in 1876, and incorporated in 1895. Its total assets are $8,990.37, and in every way on a sound foundation. AVinand Mullenburg is its president. In politics Mr. Gerke is independent, Avhile in religious matters he and his wife are members of the Lutheran church. Mr. Gerke Avas married at OconomoAVOc, Wis., in October, 1871, to Miss Dorothy Winzenburg, whose parents also came from Ger- many. Mr. and Mrs. Gerke have a family of eight children, as 686 ITISTORY OF :\I().\R()E COIXTY follows: lIiMiry W., Leiiii, Ku(U)li)h. Ih'i-iiu'iiia. Fred, Mary, Ferdi- nand and .lulius. William H. Gerke, a successful German farjiicr of Wilton township, ami owner of al)out 4H0 acres of fine farm land, is tile son of Henry and Soi)liia (Clin was a steady and economical young- man, and through his faithful etfoi-ts, lie managed to accunndate sav- iugs sufficient to purchase a lOd acre fai'm in Wilton township in 1877, to which he added from time to time, including a half section, wliich he pui'chased in North Dakota, until he now owns about 460 acres. lie has made many lasting and valuable improvements on his farm in way of cul- tivation and ])uildings. In 188:j he erected a new modern resi- dence and the following year a commodious barn aiul other out- buildings to correspond. He makes a specialty of dairying and raises the best grade of stock of all kinds. He is a Democrat in ])olitics. was treasui'er of the town of Wilton for two years, ehainnan of the board for four years, school treasurer for twenty- three years and a mend)er of the Lutheran church. On March 15, 1877, he Avas married in Wilton to ]\Iiss Caroline Behrens. daughter of Fred and ]Mina Behi-ens. both natives oi Germany, who came to America in 18G7 and located in Wilton on a farm of 140 acres in section five, where they lived until 1897; the mother died two years previous. ^Mrs. Gerke is one of a family of twelve children, two of wliom are living. Her ])eo])le Avere mend)ei's of tlie Lutheran church. All', and Mrs. Gerke have liad a family of twelve children, eleven of whom are living, viz.: Fred, born June 10, 1877; Gusta. born April 26. 1880; Lizzie. l)orn October 18, 1882: Willie. l)orn Novendx'i- 18. 1883: Gari-io. liorn Xovend)er 18. 188o; Julius, born August 8. 1887: riara. boi-n .\ugust 9. 1889: Albert, born October 12. 1891: Ida. born Alay 17. 1893: dohnny, born April 18, 1896, and Flla. horn February 24. 1900. Arthur N. Getnian"-, a |)rogressi\-e farmer of st'ction nine, LaGrange township, is a native of Alonroe county, antl was born on the farm where he resides on August 23, 1868, the son of Will- iam and Fidelia (Vandervort) Getman, who were also natives of Wisconsin, having been born in AVaukesha c()!' and has since added other improvements. ]Mr. Gould takes an active interest in the affairs of his town and county; for the past five years he has been a member of the side board; has been clerk of the school district two years, and in social circles he is a mem})er of the INIodern AVoodmeu of America and the ]\Iystic AVorkers. On IMay 25, 1891, he was married to ]\Iiss Mary ]Mcj\Iullen, daughter of Joseph Mci\Iullen, of New York State, who about fifty years ago came to Tunned City, but later moved to Dodgeville, AVis. Edward C. Graham, is a native son of AVisconsin, and ranks among tlie Avide awai\e and progressive farmers of LaGrange township. He was born in Tomah township. A})ril 11. 1868. to INIichael and Sarah (Nash) Graham, natives of New York state and Ireland, resjiectively. ^Michael (irahani. who settled in LaGrange township in the early fifties, and his brother, in com- pany with their father, Thomas Graham, came to AVisconsin, Avhere ]\Iichael died at the age of forty-three years, in 1S79. His widow, mother of our subject, still (1912) survives. They reared a family of four cliildi-eii: Ella married Al. I'. Finuerty. and resides at Tomali : Edward (\. our subject; AVilliam. who lives on the homestead, and May, the Avife of Fitz Chapman, of Chicago. Receiving his education in the district schools of his home town. Ah". (Ji-aham assisted his father on the farm, which, since his death, our subject has conducted. He lives now in tiie enjoy- ment of his model counli'v home; with his modern residence, erected in 1!>(!9. and his coniMiodioiis barn, buill in 1899. with other improvements in keepini: with these, liave been made. He carries on general farming, dairying and stock raising, making a si)ecialty of Durham and Ilolstein cattle, lie takes an active interest in the affairs of his township, has served as treasurer of BIOGRAPHY 693 his toA\ni, and was treasurer of the school district for twenty years. lie was married in October, ISIM, to Miss Elizabeth Brennen, dautihter of Edward and Mary (Gillespie) Brennen, of Adrian township. To JMr. and Mrs. Graham have been born four children, viz. : Marie Grace, Irene Katheryn, Mildred Ellen and Michael Francis. I\Irs. Graham was a resident of Adrian township for many years, where lier father, Edward Brennen, died in Novem- ber, 1909. and where her mother now resides. Albert Gril?'', the wealthy and prominent young farmer who occnpies and owns the family homestead of 200 acres in sections ten, eleven and fifteen in Ridoeville township, where he was born on December 16. 1868, is the son of August and Wilhelmina (Sum- merfield) Grill, both natives of Germany, who came to America in 1858 and first located in New York state. Later they moved to Monroe county. Wisconsin, and settled in the town of Ridgeville, where they purchased eighty acres of land in section ten, and another eighty acres in section eleven, where they made their home for about twenty years, and on November 22, 1911, they moved to Norwalk and retired from active farm life. Mr. Grill has always been a hard working man, began life in the midst of "hard times.'' worked for small wages and endured the hardships of pioneer days, and in all respects has lived a truly strenuous life. In later years, however, he achieved a fair measure of success as a farmer and is liighly respected for his honesty and integrity. He and Mrs. Grill now live in comparative ease and are really enjoy- ing the fruits of their early efforts. Their son, Albert, attended the district schools while he was small, being only eleven years of age when he was forced to aban- don his chances for an education on account of his home duties, as he Avas the mainstay of his parents, and as the result of his econ- omy and perseverance and of his steady and gentlemanly habits, he came into possession of the homestead in his own right and since then he has made many valuable and lasting improvements on the farm in way of bringing the land up and rebuilding the residence, barns, etc., until now he has one of the ideal country homes of the township. His water supply comes from a drive well, 160 feet in depth, with Avindmill power; he is thoroughly up-to- date in his farming methods and is considered a successful general farmer. He is a Democrat in politics and has held several local offices; was assessor for two years and a member of the school board for about thirty years. ^Ir. Grill has been married twice. His first marriage was with 694 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Miss Bertha Peth. and thev liad a family of seven children, onlv three of whom are now (1912) living, viz.: Louis W., born Feb- ruary 15, 1892; George, born November 20, 1897, and Elma, born January 10, 18—. Mrs. Grill died in 190:^. The second Mrs. Grill was ]\Iiss ]Mary Kortbein, daughter of AV. F. and A. Kortbein, to whom he was married in 1904. They were the parents of four children, all of whom are living. ]\Ir. and ^Irs. (irill have one flauLditcr. \'(']uria. Ixtrn June 14, 1905. Fred Gross, of the well known firm of Gross & Schaller. drug- gists, is a native son of Wisconsin. He was born in Armena town- ship, AVood county, on February 18, 1864. to A. L. and Louisa (Polansky) Gross. Avho emigrated from Germany to Wood county, Wisconsin, in the early fifties. l)efore their marriage. A. L. Gross, father of our subject. Avho was a baker by trade, and his brother. Jacob Gross, Avere the only members of a large family who braved the trials and hardships of an ocean voyage in those early days to become pioneers of Wisconsin. They were both I)rogressive and thrifty and were numbered among the most sub- stantial citizens of Wood county. The father died in 1907 at the age of sixty-nine years. Mrs. Gross, mother of Fred and daughter of Herman Polansky, a well-to-do farmer of Wood county, is still (1912) living at the age of seventy-seven. ]\Ir. Fred Gross was educated in the public schools of his county and early entered as clerk the employ of Garrison & AVhittlesey, druggists and general merchandise, of Grand Rapids. Wis., and at the age of nineteen he had full charge of the drug department. Following this employment. ]Mr. Gross went to Dakota and jNIontana. but soon again returned to Wisconsin, and on October 1, 1884, located at Sparta, and at first was located in the store of AVilliam Potter Palmer for a period of four years, when he became a partner of Ali". Palmer and the firm was Palmer & Gross, also continuing until April, 1895, when Air. Paul Sehaller purchased the interest of ]\Ir. Palmer and the firm became Gross k Sehaller. The building occupied by them was bought in April, 1896. at which time the store was enlarged and many improvements made, and now ranks as one of the model stores in AVisconsin and the business a thriving success. In public affairs Mr. Gross is no less active and influential than as a business man, in advancing the interests of Sparta. Believing it to be the duty of every citizen to contribute to the extent of his ability to the good government of the community in which he lives, and also that good municipal government is a matter of BIOGRAPHY 695 the greatest importance in any city, he took from his business the time necessary to serve as mayor of his city two years, supervisor of his ward for several terms and is now president of the board of trustees of the Monroe County Insane Asyhnn, is ex-officio superintendent of the poor and a director in the Bank of Sparta. He is now a director of the Monroe County Telephone Company and was its first secretary. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic order, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the LaCrosse Club. On June 24, 1903, he was married to Miss Wanetta Baldwin, daughter of R. S. Baldwin, of Sparta. John L. Guthrie, who resides on his farm in section three, Oakdale township, is the son of William and Susan (Wright) Guthrie and was born in Genesee Valey. N. Y.. September 2, 1837. His parents were born in New York state, the father on July 18, 1803, and died on October 15, 1853. Susan Wright, mother of ]Mr. Guthrie, was born in Hebron, N. Y., February 7, 1808, and was married to William Guthrie at Salem, N. Y., July 11. 1831. She was the mother of four children, two sons and two daughters, of whom l)ut one, our subject, survives. She lived to a ripe old age and died June 8, 1896. At the age of twenty-three, in 1860, John L. came AVest from New York and located at Fox Lake, Wis. Diu'ing the same year he came to Oakdale township, Monroe county, and for a time engaged in getting out railroad ties and wood. He later purchased from the railroad company 160 acres of land in section three, where he now resides. He was married at Tomah, April 27, 3863, to Miss Caroline Leffingwell, daughter of Hiram and Julia Leffingwell, both of whom are now deceased. Mrs. Guthrie was born in Steuben county. New York, and is the fifth child in order of birth in a family of seven children. To Mr. and ]\Irs. Guthrie have been born six children : Julia S.. now the wife of Frank Snider, of Oakdale ; William L., married Florence Logan, of Oakdale. now deceased, and has three children ; Emma, at home ; Cora is the wife of Elmer Hill, of Tomah, and has five children ; Bertha is now Mrs. W. Wallace, of Oakdale, and Arthur J., who resides at home. AVhen Mr. Guthrie first located on his present farm it was a dismal looking swamp, which, by hard work and persistent effort, he has reclaimed and converted into one of the best farms in Oakdale township. He has built a fine residence and large and commodious sanitary barn and other outbuildings and keeps his place well stocked with a good grade of horses, pure bred Jersey cattle and hogs, and besides his general farming, he makes a specialty of ti96 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY dairyiiit;'. Altliouuh on the slijuly sido of lifo. ]\Ir. Gutlirie takes ^I'cat ])ride in koepintr liis fai'iii in a lirst-class and np-to-date con- dition. One of the very lirsl settlers in Oakdale township, Mr. (inlhi'ie pas.sed thronyh all the nps and downs of pioneer life, and is now reaj)in^ the Tniils of his privations ami the many years of toil. A Kepuhlic.iii ill polities, ]\Ir. (iiithric lias jilways taken an active intei'est in the (Miniieils of his ]»arty. and has been called npon to till many offices of trust. He was ehairnian of the town board and a member of the side hoard for thirteen years, clerk of his school district for twenty-nim' years and was one of the or^ran- izers of the Oakdale ( "o-operative Butter Association. His son, Arthui'. has tilled the office of treasurer. Since its organization, Angnst, 1862. ]Mr. Outhrie enlisted in Coiiip;ni\- G, Berdons First United States Shaip Shooters, from Uodge county, AVisconsin ; he was engaoed in the second battle of Bnll Rnn, Sonth ]\Ionntain. Antietam and Blackmail's Ford. He was discharged on account of disaliility in Febi-uary. 1868. He is a mendier of the Kilpatrick Post Xo. 2i). G. A. K.. of Camp Douglas. William N. Guy, whose l)ii-th occurred in Canada. ]\Iay 27, 1853, is one of a family of twelve children, three of whom are now living, born of the marriage of Thomas and Anna (Spear) Guy. natives of P^ngland and Canada, respectively; the Guys being of French extraction. Besides William .\.. the others living are Orlean Jaiues. of Kansas City, ]Mo.. and Norman Wesley <;uy. of Sparta. The parents of Mr. Guy married in Canada February 27. 1843. and came to llliiKtis in an early day; thence to ]\Ionroc county, Wisconsin, when AVilliam was Init a mere boy. They first located and spent some time in the then village of Sparta, and subserpiently removed to a farm in S])arta township and engaged in fai-ming. Thomas (Juy. the father, wlio w;is one of the pioneers of ]Monro(> county, and a substantial and representative citizen, was boi-n in 1822, and died in .May, 1873, aged fifty-one years. Anna Spear Guy, inother of our subject, was born May 5, 1825, and died in June. 1892. aged sixty-seven years. AVilliam X. Guy atti'iidcd the disti'ict schools of his neighbor- hood, was i-eai-ed on the home farm, where he renuiined for twenty-one years, when he located in section five. Sparta town- ship. He was married January 1. 1876. to Aliss Isabella Nicol. She is the daughter of Alexaiuler and Aiuia (Denwoody) Nicol, who came to Sparta township. ]Monroe county, among the first pioneers. He was the son of Robert and IMary (Pringle) Nicol. and was born in Roxbury county, Scotland, in 1827. His parents BIOGRAPHY 697 were also natives of Scotland, where they spent their entire lives, and raised a family of two sons and three daughters; the father was by trade a shoemaker, and in religions faith Avas a Presby- tertan. Alexander Nieol left the land of his nativity in 1852, and upon his arrival in this country settled first in Westchester county. New York, but afterwards came west to Wisconsin and located in Eock county, and worked at his trade of carpenter and joiner. In 1857 he came to Monroe county, and purchased eighty acres of land, and ever after made this county his home. Mr. Nicol was married in Scotland to Miss Ann Denwoody, a daughter of John and Ann (Stevenson) Denwoody. There were four sons and two daughters born to this marriage, namely, Alexander, Robert, John, who lives in Sparta ; James resides in California ; Isabella, now the wife of William X. Guy. and one daughter who died in infancy named Jennette JNIay. Mr. Nicol was one of the most sub- stantial and highly respected citizens of Sparta township, and after a residence of fifty-three years in ]Monroe county, died in 1910 at the age of eighty-three years. It was he who erected the original building that stood on the lot noAv occupied by the Dodge & Davis store. The mother of IMrs. Guy Avas born February 14, 1827, and died ]\Iarch 9, 1910, aged eighty-three years. Mrs. Guy Avas born at Janesville. Rock county. Wis., and Avhen three years of age mo\'ed Avith her parents to INIonroe county. At that time there Avere but three or four families in the toAvnship. AA'hich Avas then a dense Avilclerness, inhabited by Avild beasts and Indians. INIr. and Mrs. Guy are the parents of five children : Anna L. is the Avife of John Herring, Agnes is the Avife of Carl Pierce, and Charles N. and Harry AV., all of Avhom live in Sparta toAvnsliip. and Russell lives at home. j\Ir. Guy is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Sparta, the Modern Woodmen of America, the ^Maccabees, Beavers and the Order of Good Templars. Charles N. Guy Avas born in the toAvn of Sparta, March 4, 1881. He attended the district schools and remained on the home farm until he reached the age of tAventy-tAvo years, AA'hen he remoA^ed to the Teasdale farm. AA'here he remained for tAvo years. He next went to the Putnam farm, Avhich he conducted for five years, and in the spring of 1912 purchased his present farm of 120 acres from Joseph Heasty. On April 21. 1903, ]Mr. Guy Avas married to ]\Iiss Elizabeth McGarvey, daughter of James and ]\Iary (Ryan) IMcGarvey, of Wilton, Wis. To this union have been born four children. James William, born July 26, 190-1; Isabella, born April 10, 1906; Thomas, born October 25, 1908. and Nelson Arthur, born June 19, 1911. 698 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Harry W. Guy was born in Sparta township, February 20, 1890. lie received his education in the common schools and remained on the liome farm until 1911, when he removed to the Lawson farm, which he now carries on in conjunction with the work on the home place. He was married October 4, 1911, to Miss Lila Bur^r. of Sparta. He is a member of the ]\Iodern Wood- men of America, the Knights of the Maccabees and the IMethodist Episcopal church. Walter Roy Guy* belongs to the younger class of successful farmers of Sparta township, and was bom iti ]\Ionroe county April 26, 1886, and is the son of Wesley and Ella (Aylesworth) Guy, natives of Wisconsin. Walter was reared on his father's farm, and his experience was the same as that of most farmer boys. He attended the district school of his home town, and assisted with llic fanu work until 1906, when he Avent lo I. a Crosse and became manager of the Raiiid ^Milling Company, remaining in that position foi* three years, when he came to Sparta and purchased what is known as the Sam Biddeson farm, containing 120 acres in section twenty-seven, Sparta townshiji, where he now resides engaged in general farming and stock raising. He is thoroughly up to date in his fanning m<4hods. and keeps his farm well supplied with modern labor saving devices. Since purchasing his present farm he has enlarged his residence, built two new silos and made many other improve- ments, including a flowing well which furnishes an abundance of pure running water for house and stock. Mr. Guy was married September 4, 1909. to ]\Iiss SopiiiM. daughter of Frank and Amelia Riser, of La Crosse county. Mr. Guy takes an interest in the affairs of the county, and in social matters is a member of the iModern Woodmen of Anun*ica. William Henry Hanchett is a native son of ^Monroe county and has always lived on the farm where he now resides. He was born in 1867 and is one of a family of seven children born to George E. and Elizal)eth (Oakley) Hanchett. Of tiie others, Azaline is deceased, Helen married Christian Dahl and lives at Bismark, N. D. ; John O. ; Ruth ^I., now ^Irs. Edward Schmidt, of Crandon. AVis. ; George E., of Pierce county, North Dakota, and Hernum E., of IMadeline Island, in Lake Superior. George E. Hanchett has been a resident of IMonroe county since 1856. He was born in Litchfield county. Connecticut, January 22, 1828, a son of Isaac and Chloe (Brown) Hanchett, who were also natives of Connecticut. The first Hanchett came to this country on the coaling ship ''Marion John" from GEORGE E. IIANCHETT BIOGRAPHY 699 Plymouth, England, to Massachusetts in 1630 and was of Eng- lish ancestry. Thomas Hanchett was a Puritan of Norman French descent, and was probably the ancestor of all the Han- chetts in this country. The father of George E. died in 1840, leaving a widow, four sons and four daughters ; the mother lived to be seventy years of age ; her death occurred in Dodge county, Wisconsin. One of the sons was a soldier in the late Civil War, member of a Wisconsin regiment. At the age of sixteen years, George learned the blacksmith trade, and in 1854 he joined the train of western emigrants coming to Wisconsin, and two years later settled on a farm in Monroe county which has since been his home. He erected comfortable dwellings and other neces- sary buildings and his specialty has been fruits and berry culture, and of this industry he and his son, William Henry, have made a marked success. The father began the fruit culture in 1886 and has had as high as sixty acres devoted to this line at one time, and holds the reputation of being one of the most successful fruit growers of the state. They have made a study of the soil and climate and the varieties best adapted to these, and hence their success. Mr. George Hanchett was married on November 6, 1862 to Miss Elizabeth Oakley, daughter of John and Eliza Oakley, prominent settlers of the county. Mrs. Han- chett was born in C'olumbia county. New York, and died in Monroe county April 6, 1902. She was the mother of seven children. Mr. George Hanchett has represented the people of his township as clerk, assessor, treasurer and chairman of the board, and supports the principles of the Republican party, taking active interest in all their movements. He is loyal to home enterprises, honorable and upright in all his dealings, and worthy of the confidence bestowed upon him by his fellow citizens. William H. acquired his early education in the district schools of his neighborhood and grew to manhood on his father's farm, which originally contained forty acres and to which has sub- sequently been added 220 acres, making a total of 260 acres known as one of the most productive fruit farms in Wisconsin. The father began the raising of small fruits in 1886, and since reaching his majority, our subject has worked the farm in con- nection with his father, making fruit raising a specialty. The farm is highly cultivated and improved with a fine array of buildings, and besides general farming, they carry on a fine dairy business, the farm being at all times stocked with the best horses and Guernsey cattle. Mr. Hanchett, Jr., is a man of high 700 UISTUUY UF .MONKOK ( OIXTY standing in the connnuiiity, and his upright demeanor and cliar- acter coiinnand the eonfidence and respeet of all "svho know liini. He was one of the organizers of the Sparta Fruit Growers' Assoeiation. and for s('^•el•al years lias been its ])resident. sui-- eeeding ]\lr. L. S. Fishci-. Tie has been township clerk, eluiiruian of the town board and is n iHeiid)er of the state board of public affairs, and in 1912 declined Die nomination to the general assenihly. lie is a nicndx'i' of the class of 1898, stale agricultural college, also of llic .Modern Woodmen Assoeiation, the l^eavers, and the Angelo Union einnch. On Se]itember l(i. 1 !>()!». ^Ir. llanchett was married to Miss Bessie L. Anderson, daughter of Nels and Christina (AViiliams) Anderson, who came from Norway in IS")!) nnd located at Deer- field, in Dane county. Michael M. Haney, county superintt-ndent ol' scliools of .Mon- roe county, AVisconsin, is an earnest and enthusiastic educational M'orker who has established for himself a reputation that has popularized him with the patrons of the schools over Avhich he has jurisdiction. ^Ir. Haney was born August 15, 1867, at AVinona. ]Minn., son of John and Julia (^McDonald) Ilaney. natives of County Galway, Ireland. Late in the 50 \s they came to the I/nited States and settled at AVinona, ]Minn., where the father was employed in railroading. In 1870 they moved to the town of Sheldon, Alonroe county. "Wisconsin, and settled on a farm. Here they lived and died, he in the fall of 1903 at the advanced age of eighty years, and she in 1905 at the age of seventy-two years. They raised a family of seven children, five boys and two girls, six of whom are now living. Mr. Haney 's parents were ])Oor and were unable to give him the educational advantages that he desiriMl. He. however, made the most of those otfered him. After finishing the conunon school he wallx'ed four miles to attend the village school and began to teach on a tliii'd grade certificate. He continued to teach and go to school during vacation until he secured a state certificate.- He assumed charge ol' liis first school in Hie town- ship of Sheldon, in the district where he first attended school. This was followed l)y teaching in tlu^ district schools at Oil City, Lyon's Valley and Leon, and later in the villages of Glen- dale, Kendall and Norwalk in ]\lonroe county. Onlai-io in Vernon county, where he once attended school, and I^oaz in Richland county. BIOGKAPHY 701 His long aud varied experience in teaching fitted liiiu for the office of superintendent, to which he was elected in the spring of 1905. By the choice of the people he has since been returned to the same office three successive terms. Some of the stronger features of the work during his terms of office have been closer supervision, the introduction of the graded system, and freearm movement in penmanship and emphasis on the "Three R's. " Mr. Haney was united in marriage August 15. 1895, to Miss Lenora Moore, daughter of A. D. and Janette (Jones) Moore, of Glendale, "Wis. They have three children, Gladys J., Merwyn A., and AYinona J. Haney. Sever Hansen", a prosperous and loyal citizen of section twelve, Sparta township, iMonroe county, Avas born in Koljing, Denmark, February 12, 1849. the only son born to Hans and Jacobine Hansen, who lived and died in Denmark. The father was a soldier in the Danish army and was killed in battle during the war witli Germany at the age of twenty-six years. After the death of his mother, which occurred three years later when she was only twenty-five years old, Sever went to live with his uncle, John Hansen, where he remained until he reached the age of fourteen years. He then began to make his own way in the world by working on a farm for two years, after Avhich he Avent to sea and Avas a sailor for about tAVO years; farming, however, Avas the occupation Avhicli appealed most favorably to him, and he returned to Denmark and folloAved that line for some nine years. In 1876 he emigrated to America and arriA'ed in Sparta, Wis., on April 1, of that year; he hired out to Benjamin ]\Iorse, Avitli whom he remained tAvo years, and in 1879 Avas employed by the Chicago, Mihvaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company at construction work on the Viroqua branch of that road. After the completion of this he Avas employed at the same Avork in Iowa. Missouri and Canada, and later re- turned to Sparta and again took a position Avith the Mihvaukee road and Avhile thus employed, in 1882, he purchased his present farm, containing at that time sixty acres, to AAdiich he later added another forty acres and took up his residence there for two years. He again returned to the employ of the road for a short time, before taking up his permanent residence on the farm in 1886, and since then he has made many improvements in erecting buildings and clearing the timber land. He noAV has a good residence, barn, granery, machine shed, etc., and has brought the land to a higii state of cultivation, making it 702 HISTORY OK MOXROK COUNTY 0710 of the model farm homes in that s(M'tion of the eounty, and .Mr. Hansen is considered one oT the most sueeessful general farmers and stoek raisers. On Januai'V 8, 1888, j\Ir. Hansen was man-ied 1o ]Miss Helen Hansen, a nati\'e of Norway. They have six ehildren, viz: Ilciii-y T. lives in S|)arta townshi]). ("arl K. is a gi'aduatc of tlie Agririiltiiral Dcpartiiiciit of the Stale rnivci'sily of Wisconsin, and now in the employ of the experimental department of that inslitntion; Ennua A., Norman J., Fred A., and Viola M.. all reside at home. ^Ir. Hansen is Icnown as an enerjrelic and en- terprising citi/en, and in I'cligious association he and his family are members of tln^ Sj)arta Noi'Avegian Lutheran church. Calvin L. Hanshaw, on<' of the progressive farmers of Port- land township, was horn near Moiiinoiit li. Wan-en count \\ 111., and is the youngest and only living son of a family of four childr(>n born to Janu^s and Susannah (Osborne) Hanshaw. The others are Elizabeth, noAV Mrs. AVilliam AVhistler. of Iowa : .Maggie and AVilliam, both of whom are deceased. The pai-ents of All'. Hanshaw, who were natives of Indiana, moved to Ohio after their marriage, and thence to Illinois, Avhere our subject was born, and there the father died in 18()7. His widow, mother of our sub.ieet, survived until 1904, when she passed aAvay at the age of eighty-two years. (.'alvin >vas reared on tln^ home farm in Illinois, where he continued to reside until 1872. Avhen he eame to Wisconsin and located on his ])resent farm of 155 acres in section se\('nteeii. Portland township. Here Air. Hanshaw lived for many years in a log house of the early day pattern which was rejilaced in 1900 Avith a beautiful and commodious frame residence, and with his modern barn and other outbuildings and the high state of cul- tivation to which he has brought his land, he has one of the best farm honu^s in the count \. He carries on general farming and stock raising and with his thorough methods of operating, he has nuule a grand success. He is recognized as one of l\)rtland"s best citizens, ever ready to aid in any enterprise for the benetit of his town and county. On February (i, l!)(tl. .Mi-. Hanshaw was married to Aliss .Matie -lones, daughtei- of -lohii X. and Laura .\nn \Vheldon'i Jones, of La ("rosse comity. There were nine childi'cn in the family; besides Airs. Hanshaw: Herbert, of Newton Center. AVis. ; AVilliam. (»f Bangoi": Delia, deceased: Xewton lives at Sioux Falls, S. D.: Jesse, of I^angor, Wis.: Xellie. of Winnipeg. Canada: Jeiniie. of Sparta, and one who died in infam-.w a w Q l-H w K BIOGRAPHY 703 To Mr. and Mrs. Hanshaw have been born two children, viz : Elvira May, l)orn June 9, 1902, and Orville Calvin, born March 3, 1905. Orlando H. Hastings, veteran of the Civil War, was l)orn at Charlestown, Orleans county, Vermont. March 7, 1840, and is the oidy surviving- mendjcr of a family of nine children born to Osmyn and Dolly (Buck) Hastings, natives of Caledonia county, Vermont. The other children were Dolly Ann. Osmyn, Delight, Climena, married Bernard Whitney; Ozro B., Orsino, twin brother of our subject; Josephine A., and Angelette J. When our subject was ten years of age. his parents moved to Wisconsin and located in Dodge county. In 1852 they moved to Juneau county and in 1859 to Monroe county where they settled on a farm of 150 acres of wild land in LaClrange township, which the father sold in 1867 to Levi Woodard. and thence moved to Minnesota, where they spent one year. Exchanging farms with their son-in-law, Bernard K. Whitney, they returned to La- Grange township and lived on the farm of seventy acres, where our subject now resides. They later returned to Minnesota, where the father died in 1878 at the age of seventy-five years and the same year his wife, mother of our subject, passed away at the age of sixty-nine years. He w^as prominent in his town- ship, and was always an active man of affairs and Avas called to the various local offices of trust. Orlando H. received his education in the district schools and remained on the home farm until he reached his majority, when he secured employment at farm work in Dane county, Wisconsin. At the age of twenty-two, on August 14, 1862, he enlisted in company F, twenty-fifth Wisconsin infantry, and was mustered into the service at La Crosse. After a few months spent in IVIinnesota and at Madison, his regiment went to Columbus, Ky., and the following May to Vicksburg. On account of illness Mr. Hastings went to the hospital in ^lemphis, Tennessee, and was given a furlough of three months, at the end of which time he returned to his regiment at Helena, Ark. ; thence the regiment proceeded to Cairo, 111., and was with Sherman in the Atlantic campaign. Again becoming ill, he was sent to several field hos- pitals and afterwards to the Jiospital at Rome, Ga., where, on account of disability, he was discharged on October 2, 1864. He then returned to his home in LaGrange township, where he soon after married and for three years conducted a farm in Glendale township, then returned to the town of LaGrange and spent three years. He then went, again to Glendale and in 704 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY 1875 came back to LaGrange towiisliip, wlicre lie lias since made his home, actively engaged in general farming. He was married I\Iarch 7, 1866, to Miss Clarissa J. AVest, daughter of the late Hiram AVest. She died in 1882 in her thirty-fifth year. They IkkI six children l)()rn lo them, viz: George W., deceased; Lettie J. is the Avife of Albert Doolittle, of Vilas county, AVisconsin ; Lydia T., Avife of Fred TT. T^undy. of Sand Point, Idaho; j\Iary Josephine, deceased; Ella C, married AVilliam Kampman, of ]\Iinneapolis, and Orlando Jay is deceased. Mr. Hastings married for his second wife, ]\Iiss Christina Semersen, daughter of Christian Semersen, a native of Denmark. She died December 9, 1910, aged sixty-four years. J\Ir. Hastings has been active in the affairs of his town and has l)een director and treasurer of the school district. He is a member of the Henry W. Cressy Post, G. A. K., of Tomah. Lyle H. Heath'^' lielongs to the younger elass of prosperous farmers of jMonroe county. He was born in Arcadia, Trempea- leau county, Wis., and is the son of Edwin S. and Anna (Busby) Heath, of La Crosse and Trempealeau counties. The father removed from Trempeleau to La Crosse county, and in 1911 came to Monroe county. The paternal grandparents of Mr. Heath were Oscar B. and Ann (Miller) Heath, long-time resi- dents of Marengo, Wis., and who later removed to La Crosse county, wdiere he died in 1902. His wife, grandmother of our subject, survived nine years and passed aw;iy April 2, 1911. Lyle H. attended the public schools and was reared on a farm in La Crosse county, where he lived until the fall of 1911, when he removed to IMonroe county and purcliased the Dedrick Langrehr farm of 160 acres in section five, Sparta township. He is engaged in general farming and takes pride in raising Holstein cattle. He is a member of the Modern "Woodmen of America, and the Yeomens. AVliile only a recent settler in Sparta tOAvnship, ]\Ir. Heath is interested in the affairs of his town and county, and is one of its most loyal citizens. He has one brother, AYilliam 0., Avho resides in Los Angeles, Cal. Air. Heath was married on September 1, 1910, to Aliss Alartha LaFleur, daughter of Henry LaFleur, of New Amsterdam. AVis. They have two children, Alabelle A. and AVillard L. M. 0. Heffernan, cashier of the Farmers' State Bank. Xor- walk, is the son of Morris and Elizabeth (Sims) Heffeiiiaii, natives of Canada and Kngland respectively. His father in early life lett his native counti-y and came to the States, and for some time after his arri\al. followed the occupation of a BIOGRAPHY 705 sailor on Lake Erie. His next move was westward, this time coming to Wisconsin, where he arrived in the early fifties, locating in Hazel Green township. Grant county, where he engaged in farming and continued to reside, and at the time of his death in 1904, owned one of the best farms in the county. His widow, mother of our subject, still survives. Mr. Heffernau, grandfather of M. 0., was also a native of Canada, where he spent his life in the occupation of farming. The ancestors on the Heffernan side were of Irish descent, while the Sims family were of English extraction (Cornish). "William Sims, the maternal grandfather, was for many years a resident of Hazel Green township, Grant county, where he died in 1890 at the age of ninety years. M. 0. Heffernan was the ninth child of a family of thirteen children, twelve of whom are living; the others besides our sub- ject are John, of Wilton ; William, deceased ; Albert lives at Ireton, Iowa ; Thomas, of Dubuque, Iowa ; Abbie, wife of E. J. Osborn, Carroll, Iowa ; James E. lives at Birmingham, Ala. ; IMary is the wife of Grant Wills and resides at Cuba City, W^is., as does Oscar ; Walter lives in Beloit ; Jesse E. at Black Earth, Wis. ; Clyde and Elmer reside at Platteville, Wis. Mr. Heffernan, our subject, received his education in the public schools of Grant county and at the Platteville Normal school, graduating from the latter institution with the class of 1901 ; he began teaching the same year at Hollandale, AVis., and in 1902 became principal of the Norwalk high school, continuing as such until 1909. In 1905 he was a candidate for county superintendent of schools in opposition to M. M. Haney, but was defeated after a hotly contested campaign. Closing his term as principal of the high school in 1909 he went to Hayti, S. D., where for two years he was engaged in the furniture business. Eeturuing to Norwalk in May, 1911, he became cashier of the Farmer's State Bank, which position he still retains. This financial institution was organized September 17, 1907, with a capital of $10,000. The total footings of this bank often reached the snug sum of $100,000, and is considered one of the soundest institutions in the county. On August 16, 1907, Mr. Heffernan was married to Miss Mabel McGary, daughter of Eugene and Lydia McGary, one of the prominent and highly esteemed families of Norwalk, and whose biography appears elsewhere in this work. Mr. and jMrs. Heffer- nan are the parents of two children, viz : Olive Lydia, and Eugene, who is deceased. Mrs. Heffernan was graduated from 706 IIISTOKV OF MOXKOE COUNTY the Sparta high scliool with the chiss of 1898 and for .several terms -was a leadier in the seln)ols of Xorwalk. Adam J. Heintz. Anionj? the many suceessful and public spirited farmers of Portland township. Monroe county, is Adam J. Ileintz. lie is the son of Peter and Barbara Ileintz. natives of Germany, whero Adam was born February 20, 1847. the eldest of a family of seven children. Of the others. Katherine is the wife of \\'illiam Jenson and lives at ( "ashton ; Caroline, widow of August ^Miller. Portland township: Adeline, wife of John Schmitz, of Portland township: ]\Iary, deceased, was the wife of Peter AVeber. \Vhen our subject reached the age of one .year, his parents emigrated to America, arriving here in 1848. They came to Wisconsin and first settled in Jefferson county, and in 186.S moved to Alonroe county, where liic fathei' i)urc]iased eighty acres of land in Portland township, to which he later added three 40 's, and here established the family home where they passed the remainder of their lives. Tlie mother died in 1882 at the age of seventy-six years; the father survived until August 2, 1892. when he passed away at the age of seventy-two years. Our sub.iect was reared on the farm and attended the district schools, assisting in tlie farm work until twenty-three years of age, when he |)Hi-(]uised 120 acres of Avild land in section twenty-three. Poi-tiand township, and was one of the tirst settlers in that section. Starting in life with no cajiital l)ut his native ability, he endured the many hardships of the pioneer, and by the good graces of AV. H. Blytou and ]\lartin Erickson, of Sparta, who extended him a line of credit for supplies, he was enabled to clear his land and place the same under cultivation. The first successful crop raised was wheat. His farm is under a high state of cultivation and well improved with a good residence, barns and tobacco sheds and other buiklings. He has spent his whole life in farming and has been generally successful. In August. 1872, ]\Ir. Ileintz was married to Aliss Victoria IMashak. daughtei- of Hartlemas ]\Iashak. ^Irs. Ileintz died two years later in 3874, leaving one daughter. Anna, who is now the wife of ]\Iatt ]Marx. of Brush Creek. Ilis second marriage was with Alary Schmitz. daugliter of John Schmitz. of Portland town- ship. Of this union six children have been born, viz: John lives at home; Peter lives at Casliton : Lena is the wife of August Aleisner, of Portland township; Alaggie is the wife of Frank Alasenberg, of Jefferson township: Christ and Agnes Heintz are at home. In the early days of the township Air. Ileintz was a member of the side board and for thirty rears has been treasurer BIOGRAPHY 707 of the school district. He and his family affiliate with the Pine Hollow Catholic cluirch. Herman Heintz"', a ])roniinent farmer of Oakdale township, was born in ]\Ionroo county, Wisconsin, March 3. 1866, the son of John C and Caroline (Hubert) Heintz, both natives of Germany. The parents came to America in 1852, and located in Waukesha county, this state, where they lived for five years. In 1857 tliey moved to Monroe county, where the father purchased 120 acres of land in section thirty in the town of Oakdale, to which he later added sixty acres, all of which was wild land covered with timber. He erected a log house of one room, in which the family lived for twenty years, and with his own hand cleared eighty acres, and placed the same under a good state of cultivation. The trip from Waukesha to Monroe county was made in a second class wagon which contained all their earthly possessions, and which was drawn by an ox team. Some relics from this old wagon are now in possession of our subject. They were honest, hard working people, devoted to their home and family and were members of the Lutheran church. Their family consisted of eight children, five of whom are now living. As a man he took great interest in all public matters, and for twenty years Avas school clerk of his town, and secretary of his church. The mother was also born in Germany, and died in 1906. Herman was educated in the district schools and at the age of twenty years purchased 180 acres of land in sections ten, twenty and thirty, Oakdale toAvnship, being the old homestead. Many of the improvements made by his father were on the place, the residence, which has been rebuilt by Mr. Heintz, w^as erected thirty-six years ago, and the barn was built thirty-eight years ago. A modern, up-to-date barn, 30 by 101, has recently been liuilt, and a large compressed air tank furnishes water through a system of pipes for both house and barn. Mr. Heintz has an ambition to run his farm in the latest up-to-date manner, and in his operations uses all the modern devices. He was the first man in Monroe county to use a manure spreading machine, which was ordered direct from the factory, and he is the first man in the town of Oakdale to engage in alfalfa raising. He makes a success of this adventure, and during this year of 1912 has cut three crops from five acres. He is an extensive dealer in and breeder of Holstein cattle, and now has a fine herd of 250 head. In addition to his general farming operations, he carries on an extensive dairy business, and is also an extensive raiser of full- 708 HISTORY OF :\IONROE COUNTY blooded white leghorn chickens. In every sense Mr. Heintz is a model and influential citizen, and one of tlie prosporous and progressive farmers of the county. John Heintz, who is one of the successful citizens of Jefferson township. ]\Ionroe county, Wisconsin . was born in Jefferson county, Wisconsin. July 17. IS^A. the son of Michael and Catherine (Boltz) Heintz. The parents were natives of Rhein Pfaltz, a prov- ince of Bavaria. The father came to America in 1849 and first located at Grand Haven, Mich., wliere he was employed in the pineries for four years. In the fall of 1852 he returned to his native country, got his wife and came back to America in the spring of 1853 and settled on forty acres of land in the town of Sullivan, Jefferson county, and there passed his life. He was born in March, 1824, and died November 6, 1870. His wife, mother of our subject, was born in 1836, and died ]\Iarch 3. 1898. The father had a liberal education, secured in his native country, and after settling in this country', experienced all the ups and downs of pioneer life. He was honorable and upright, and a man of genial disposition, and with his wife was a member of the Catholic church. At the time of INIichael Heintz 's death. ]\Irs. Heintz. mother of our subject, acquired 140 acres of land in Jefferson county, and in 1863 ^Michael Heintz purchased 160 acres of land, part of which was in Monroe and a part in Vernon county. John attended the common schools until he was seventeen years old, and lived Avith his mother until 1884. when the family became separated, and he began to look out for himself. Has improved a farm and at present has one of the best, if not the best, orchards in the town. In 1911 liad a fruit yield of 300 bushels of apples. On ]May 6, 1884, he was married at Ottawa. Waukesha county, to ]\riss Barbara Bischel, daughter of Henry ami Barbara (Ruf ) Bischel. To this union has been born nine cliildren, viz. : Gertrude B., born September 22, 1885, graduated from the Cashton high school in 1905, and for five years she taught school in Monroe and Chippewa counties. AVisconsin, which she gave up to accept a position with ^Marshall Field & Co., of Chicago. At present (1912) Gertrude is employed in one of the departments of the Boston store, Chicago; Clara J., born October 31, 1887, is in business at La Crosse Steam Laundry; Bruno Henry, born January 21. 1890. is at home on the farm; INIichael P., born December 29. 1891; Agnes G.. born Deceml)er 22. 1893: Frances Emma, born INIay 12. 1896; Lucia M.. born September 17. 1899: Philamena. born :\lay 29, 1902; Francis, born August 7. 1904. Several of the children attended high school at Cashton. BIOGRAPHY 709 Mrs. Heintz is the fourth child in a family of eleven children, eight of whom are now living. Hei- father came to America in 1851 and located in AYaukesha county, Wisconsin , he was born at Gallinsheim Hessen Dornistadt, Germany, on the Rhine, July 18, 1828. The mother was born August 20, 1831, in Bavaria, Ger- many, and came to America with her parents in 1849. They were married at Ottawa. Waukesha county. Wis., in 1857. and cele- brated their golden wedding April 20, 1907. The.y have five sons, three daughters and forty-three grandchildren. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Heintz are members of the Catholic church, while in polities he is a Democi"at. William Heiser, one of the influential and public spirited citi- zens of Jefferson township, is the sou of Adolph Heiser and Eliza- beth (Fuhrmeister), both natives of Germany. The father came to America from Germany in 1851 with his brother William, and located at Beloit. Rock county. Wis. lie was a watchmaker by trade and followed this occupation for some time in Beloit, when in 1856 he moved to the town of Jefferson, in Monroe county, and purchased 120 acres of land in section twenty-three, and there made his home and engaged in farming for thirty-six years, when he retired from active labor and spent the remainder of his life enjoying the well-earned fruits of his many years of toil. He died at IMilwaukee in 1908. He had received a good education in his native county and was a man well posted on all current topics. He was well known in Monroe county as one of the most successful farmers: was prominent in public matters, and all worthy projects received his hearty support. He was a Democrat in politics and took a great interest in the affairs of his party. For several years he was f^hairman of the town board and clerk of the town, and no man stood higher in the estimation of the community than did he. The mother of our subject, who was a woman of many virtues, died in 1882. William Heiser was born at Beloit. AVis.. October 5. 1854, and is one of a family of five children, four of whom are now (1912) living. He received his education in the district schools which he attended up to his eighteenth year, assisted his father in the farm work and lived on the homestead until his father retired. In 1844 the grandfather, Christopher Fuhrmeister, emigrated from Ger- many to America and first located at Rockford, 111., and after- guards, in 1856, removed to ]Monroe county and purchased a farm of 320 acres in sections twenty-two, twenty-three and twenty- seven, in the town of Jefferson. He was a successful farmer and one of the pioneers of the county. After his death, the farm was 710 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY acquired by one siiIj.jccI. avIio 1i;is since made many valuable iuiproveiiienls. In 1!U)4 a larye ham was built, the resilience was enlarged and the land iin])roved by cultivation so that now it is one of the most fei'tile and productive farms in Jetiferson town- ship, and is located tive miles northeast of C'ashton, and the farm is well stocked with i^(»o(l cattle, horses and hogs, while the up-to- date methods used in his opei-ations makes him one of the most successful fai'iuers and dairynieii in his town. J'ublic spirited and generous, IMr. Ileiser has alwa\s been active in atfairs of his county and has held several ot'tices of the town : he was constable for one year, assessor three years, clerk of the school tlistrict for twelve years and is now serving his twelfth term as chairman of the town board. He has also been connected with several busi- ness entei-prises; he was pi-esident of the Fai-mer's Creamery of Cashton for two years, and treasurer for eight y^ars; vice presi- dent of the ^loni'oe County Tornado Insurance Company of ]\Ion- roe comity, and is president of the Amei-ican Society of Equity; he is a Democrat in politics and active in the councils of his party. Mr. Ileiser has been twice married, first on July 26, 1890. to ]\Iiss ]Matilda ]\1. Smith. Two childi'en were born to this union, viz.: Frederick (J., boi-n October 2!). 18})1, and "William J., born April 29, i89'A. Mvs. Ileister died in 189:3, and he married for the second Avife ]\Iiss Adelia Smith, daughter of Jacol) and Kate Smith, October 2, 1899. Her parents were l)oth natives of (Jermany. The father died in 190-1: and the mother survives at the age of eighty years. They had a family of ten childi-eii. One daughter has been born to this second mai'i'iage — Elsie, born oMarch 7. 1900. C. C. Helmke"-', a resident of Wilton. ^lonroe count.Y, is an extensive stock raiser and general farnuM'. and was born in the town of Wilton, SeptembiM- 17.'lSti4. His parents. Christum and Elizabeth (IMarten) Ilelmki'. came from (iernumy to America in 18r)0, with one child, and located in ('(iluiubus. Wis., for a short time, then moved to Monroe county the Following yeai'. wliei-e for five years j\lr. Ilelmke worked as a faiiii laborer. In 1855 he bought a farm of his own. containing eighty acres, in section nine. of the township of AVilton, where he lived for years in a log cabin of two I'oonis. and later added to his oi-iginal jiurchase another eight\-aere ti-aet. all ol' which was wild land and had to be cleared and brok'en Ixd'orc any pi-olits could be i-eali/ed. lie died in 1872 aiul the remaining ones oi' his laiuil.v continued to live there, ami in 1877 erected a new frame house in which they lived until our subject bought out the interests of the other heirs ami erected a fine lunv residence in 1899. which has since been his home. The BIOGRAPHY 711 mother died in 1906. They were well educated, thrifty and highly respected people and members of the Lutheran church. He was a Democrat in polities. C. C. attended school until he was fourteen years of age and was the mainstay of his parents on the farm and instigated most of the later improvements. He was married on June 3, 1897, in the town of Wilton to Mrs. Hannah Pach. Her people also came from Germany and located in IMonroe county in 1870; they had eight children, seven of whom are living. They are now living in Wilton, the father at the age of seventy-three and the mother is seventy-one, and both are devoted members of the Lutheran church. Mr. Pach owns 160 acres of fine land in Sheldon township. Mr. Helmke has been a successful stock raiser for thirty years ; he is a Democrat in politics and has served as assessor of the town of Wilton and was also treasurer for three years and for twenty years was a member of the school board. David Hemstock, a jirominent drayman of Sparta, is the second eldest of a family of ten children. He was born in IMilwaukee county, AVisconsin. October 13. 1858, to William and Elizabeth (Steadman) Hemstock. natives of England and Canada, respect- ively. The parents came to Wisconsin more than fifty years ago and located in IMilwaukee county, where they remained for a short time and moved to La Crosse county and purchased a farm in Burns township, which by hard work and perseverance they brought to a high state of cultivation and made it their homestead until 1899, when the father died at the age of seventy-three years. William Hemstock. the paternal grandfather, was a native of Canada, wdiere he spent his life and raised his family of four sons, the third being the father of David, our subject. IMr. Steadman, maternal grandfather, was a native of London, England, and was a captain on the high seas for some time. He came to Canada and made that his home for a number of years, and moved to La Crosse for a short time and later to Chicago, 111., where he spent the remainder of his life. Besides David, the other members of his family are Elizabeth, now the wife of N. V. Jewett. of Monroe county. Wisconsin; Fainiie. the wife of F. A. Hubbard, of Barron; Sarah (deceased), wife of David Jones; William A., of Sparta: INIary Ellen, wife of Lemuel Jones, of Arkansas ; Lillie. wife of John Boweu, of Barron ; Ethel and George E.. who reside in Sparta, and Gertrude, wife of Chris Thompson, who resides at Ladysmith, Wis. David Avas reared on his father's farm, where he remained helping with the farm work until he was twenty-five years of age. 712 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY and t)ien took uj) t';ii'ining on liis own account in Burns township. La Crosse count\'. Nine years later lie moved to Sparta, and in 1894 i)urcliased. with his brother, William, the dray business oi Ilott'maii & Fich. wliii-h ihey successfully conducted under th<; firm name of Hemstock Brothers for some five years, when David ])urchased the interest of his bi'olhei- and has since conducted the business on his own account. 11(^ is a wide aw^ake, prosperous and energetic business man, thoroughly up to date. He takes an active part in the fraternal orders to which he belongs, being a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the ^Modern Woodmen of America, the Knights of Pythias and the Rebecahs. ]Mr. Hemstock was married in December. 1893. to ]\Iiss Clara E. Hulbert, daughter of Ira Hulbert, of Sparta. They have one child. Vena Ray Hemstock. William A. Hemstock, liveryman and popular business man of Sparta, is a native of Wisconsin. He was born in Burns valley, La Crosse county, and is the youngest of a family of ten children, three boys and seven girls born to William and IClizabeth (Stead- man) Hemstock. both natives of Canada, who came to the Ignited States in an early day and settled first at ^Milwaukee. From there they moved to West Salem, and nearly fifty years ago they came to Burns valley, La Crosse county, and located on a farm. They were among the early pioneers of this section and were considered substantial and successful farmers. Here they reared their family and lived nntil 1899, when the father passed away at the age of seventy-three. ]Mrs. Hemstock still survives and makes her home at Sparta. AVilliam attended the district schools while living on the farm, and at the age of twenty-three he married ]\Iiss ]\Iaude Skelton, of Lewis valley. Wisconsin, on November 24. 1892. He then rented a farm, which he worked on his own account for two years. In 1894 he gave up farming and moved to Sparta, where he engaged with his brother, David, in the drayage business, under the firm name of Hemstock Brothers, continuing for about five years; he then sold his interests to his brother jiiul purchased the livery business of J. C. Hewitt, on Oak street, whidi Ik^ carried on for five years before moving to his present quarters on North Water street, and now conducts the largest livei-v business in INIonroe county. Begin- ning with nine horses, he now has a stock of thirty and other equipment in proportion, and is recognized as one of the leading men of Sparta. He is active in fraternal organizations, being identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Modern BIOGRAPHY 713 Woodmen of America and the Equitable Fraternal Union, and is prominent in social circles. Mr. and Mrs. Hemstock have one daughter — Lila Belle. George A. Henry, ex-sheriff of Monroe county, was born at Kingston, Ulster county, N. Y., March 18, 1859, to John and Hannah (Steanson) Henry, both of whom were born in Ireland. In 1850, while still a young man. he came to America and located at Kingston, where he served an apprenticeship for three years at the trade of currier, and after working with Neas & Teller for nearly twelve years, he came to Wisconsin in the spring of 1861 and purchased a farm of 120 acres four and one-half miles south- west of Tomah. Possessed with that thrift and energy common to his race, he brought his farm to a high state of cultivation, and there made his home until 1875, when he disjiosed of his land and returned to Kingston. N. Y. He remained there but a short time, and in 1877 came back to Monroe county, and on May 1 of that year purchased another farm of 120 acres near Jacksonville, and engaged in general farming and stock raising for about eighteen years, whence, in 1895, they moved to the city of Tomah, where Mrs. Henry died May 30, 1910. and where he still lives at the age of seventy-eight years. They had a family of two sons, George A. and William C, and both stood high in their community. He is a member of the Presbyterian church and the mother was a member of the Episcopal church. George A. Henry was raised on his father's farm and his experience was the same as that of most farmer boys. He attended the district schools and helped with the farm Avork until he was twenty-three years old, and for five years after his marriage, con- tinued to reside on the home farm, then inoved to the city of Tomah and engaged in the milling business for some four years, and from 1892 to 1908 was engaged in the dray business, and for fourteen years was a local agent for the Standard Oil Company. Mr. Henry is a Republican in political views, and is active in the councils of his partj'^, and has been called upon to fill many public offices. He was school treasurer in the town of Adrian for two years and supervisor for one year; he was elected alderman of the city of Tomah from the second ward and served two years, and for four years was treasurer of the fire department. In 1908 he was elected sheriff of his county and served with distinction until 1911. Fraternally Mr. Henry is a member of the Knights of Pythias, the ^lodern Woodmen of America and the Woodmen of the World. On November 18, 1882, Mr. Henry was united in marriage with ]\Iiss Mary Schultz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz, pio- 714 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COrXTY neers ol' .Mniii'dr coiinty. luiviim' coiiu' lierc in 1850. To ^li-. and ]\Ii's. Henry liavo been horn lixc cliildicn. foui- of wlioni ai-e now livino-. viz.: Hobcrt AV.. horn July 8. 1883; Arthur J., horn Feb- ruary 7. 1887; Fay II.. l)orn December 26, 1889; Carl R.. born Novemh.'i- 12. ISDl. and Karlc II,. l)orn Scptcnihcr •J4. ISOl. is no\v deceased. George L. Herbst, a i)roniiiu'nl inerehant oi' Spai-la. was horn lici'i' on .May 7. IShS. the son of Fidel and P'lizaheth (Stauss) Ilerhst. lie atlcnch'd the public schools in Spai-ta. and early started in life as a clerk in ihc store of J. J. ]\Iason tJc ("o.; he i-eniained with this firm for some five years, then wcnl to Water- town. S. I)., where he remained for a short time, returninj? to AVisconsin he found employnu'iil with the Fostei- Lumber Com- pany, of Fairehild. Wis. So well did he fuHiiJ liis duties here that he remained in tlieir ejnploy for twelve yeai's. lie next eno-ao'ed with the firm of Kei)ler & Co., of Eauclaire. Wis., where he remained for about two years, and moved to Sparta ajiain and took a position as clerk with the firm of Dodjre & Davis in the dry goods business. Durino' all these years, the one desire upper- most in the mind of Mr. IIerl)st was 1he ownership of a store; he had been attentive to business, and witli his natural energy ant! economical tact, at the end of two years Avith Dodge & Davis, he had accumulated sufficient funds, so tliat in 1002, associated with his brother, Edward, lie embarked in the dry goods business on his oAvn acconnt. wliieii they successfully carried on for a short time, when ]Mr. Herbst purchased the interest of his brother and became sole i)roprietor. On February 8, 1905, the business was incorporated luider the name of the Herbst Dry Goods Company, which it still retains, and Avith their new and up-to-date stock of goods, is one of Sparta's busiest and well known business establishments. In June, 1898, IMr. Herbst married ^liss Winnie Kyle, daughter of H. H. Kyle, of Augusta. Wis. Three children have been born to them. viz. : H. Robert. George F. and Elizabeth Herbst. Fraternally IMr. IIerl)s1 is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the ]\Iaccabees. Fidel Herbst. father of our sid).)eet. was a luitivt- of Preussen, Germany, boi-n Ai)ril 24. 1838. In 1S54. when but sixteen years of age, he emigrated to tiu- I'nited States, stopjiing first at Syracuse, X. Y.. where he was employed at the blacksmith trade; he remained there until 18G6, when he came to Sparta, and was actively engaged at his trade until a little uKU-e than a year prior to his death, which oeoirred October 3. 1901. A Hepnblican in his BIOGRAPHY 715 political opinions, he was interested in the afitairs of his i)arty anil held numerous positions of trust. He was for a time chief engi- neer of the Sparta fire department ; held the otfiee of city treasurer and alderman from his ward, was in the city council and was a member of the Cong-regation church, lie was the son of John Ilerbst, a native of Sigmaringen, German^', who was a forester and spent his life in Germany. His wife's maiden name was Katherine Knittel. Fidel Herbst was married November 30, 1861, to ]\Iiss Elizabeth Stauss, daughter of Hartman and Katherine Elizabeth Stauss, natives of Germany. He was a merchant tailor in his home country, where he died in 1866, aged sixty-nine years. Mrs. Herbst, mother of our subject, was born September 28, 1841, and was the youngest of a family of seven girls and three boys. Shortly' after the death of her father, when but ten years of age, accompanied by her older sister, Sophia, and two others, she came to this country and located at Hazel Green, Wis. She soon after went to Galena. III., where she was married to Mr. Herbst. They had a family of six children, viz.: Fred W.. of Fairchild, Wis.; Carl ('.. of ]Minneai)olis; Anna j\Iarie Pjlizabeth. wife of Congressman John J. Esch. of La Crosse, Wis. ; George L.. John L. and Edw^ard, all of whom reside at Sparta, where also the mother resides. Fred B. Herrman, who has been a resident of Monroe county since 1888, is a prosperous and influential farmer of Sparta town- ship. He was born in the town of farmington, La Crosse county, February 9, 1862, and is one of a family of thirteen children, born to William and Katherine (Williams) Herrman. Those besides our subject are : Amelia, now the wife of Frank Huber, resides in La Crosse county; Lucas B. is deceased; Frank A.; Anna, widow of Phillip Corelett ; Bessie is the wife of John Rhyme, of Sparta township ; INlary is the wife of William Kuhen, of Dodge county, AA^isconsin; Matilda is the wife of Kirt C. Squires and lives at Gladstone, N. D. ; AVilliani resides in Sparta, where he is engaged in the grocery business; Henry resides in Indiana. Robert in La Crosse, and Amos lives in La Crosse county, and Lillian Herrman in La Crosse. The parents were natives of Germany, and after coming to the United States in the early forties, located first in Dodge county, AVisconsiu, and later by ox team made their way to La Crosse county, where the father acquired a farm of 200 acres, and successfully engaged in farming, and there made his home until his death in 1900, at the age of seventy-three years. i\Irs. Herrman, mother of our subject, passed away in 190L at the age of sixty-three years. 716 HISTORY OF .AIONROE COT'XTY They were high iiiiiided and progressive, and enjoyed the friend- ship and esteem of all Avho knew them. The grandfather of Mr. Fred Herrman was Bartle Ilerrman, also a imtive of Ger- many. He eame to America and settled in Dodge county, Wis- consin, where he lived for many years, and died on a farm near "Waupnn. Fred B. Herrman attended the district school at Farmington, La Crosse county, and remaincil on the liomc farm until he arrived at tlie age of seventeen. He was tlu'u employed at farm work })y AVilliam Storandt, of La Crosse county, and later entered the employ of Sawyer & Austin, in the lumber business, where he remained for three years. He next located on a farm in Burns township. La Crosse county, and there remained two years. He then, in ISSS. purchased his present farm of 160 acres, of which forty acres lie in La Crosse county, and 120 acres in Sparta township, in section nineteen, from ^Martin Flood. Mr. Herrman is one of the thrifty and well-to-do farmers of the county, and his farm is e(iuipped with the latest and modern labor saving machinery, and in 1897 he erected a large barn, to which during the year 3912 Avill be added an addition of 42 by 60 feet. In 1902. a new and up-to-date residence was erected, and this with his ninety-ton silo and other improvements, makes his one of the ideal couiiti-y homes in ]\Ionroe county. He is engaged in general farming and djiiiying. and makes a siiecialty of raising Jersey cattle. On April U. 1885, Mr. Ilerrman was united in marriage witli Miss Ida J. Flood, daughter of ]\Iartin and ]\Iary (Ilanunond) Flood, natives of Vermont and Canada respectively. Pearly in the fifties they came to Ridgeville township, in ^lonroe county, and located on what is known as the Shulte farm. In 1865, when ]Mrs. Ilerrman was four years of age, they removed to the farm in Sparta townsliip whei-e .Mr. and ]\Irs. Ilerrman now reside. .\t that time the farm was in a wild state covered with a growth of timber, which ]\lr. Flood by hard work, thrift and perseverance, succeeded in clearing, and the land Avas ])rouglit to a good state of cultivation, and there made his home until 1902, when he died at the age of eighty-seven years. Mrs. Flood, mother of .Mrs. Herrman. died October 24. 1890, aged seventy-one years. Bei-nai-d Flood, who resides in the city of Sparta, is the only bi-othei- of .Mrs. Ilernnaii. To .Ah", and .Mi-s. Ilerrman has been born three children. Harry F., born :May 11, 1888; Harriet, born Decend)er 7. 1892, is now a student at the State University, and Robert A., born August 11. 1902. BIOGRAPHY 717 Mr. Herrman adheres to the principles of the Republican party, and while he has never sought or cared for office, he has been a member of the tOAvnship board for several years, and was at one time a director and manager of the Rockland creamery. John Herring", who is justly ranked among the substantial and progressive farmers of Sparta township, is a native son of Monroe county, Wisconsin, and was born on section thirty-six, Sparta township, May 2, 1867, son of Peter and Mary (Smith) Herring, both natives of Germany. The father when yet a young man, left his native land for the United States, and upon arriving in this country, came to "Wisconsin and settled first in Leon township, Monroe county, where he found employment as a farm hand. Imbued with the determination to succeed, he went to work with a will, and by strict economy accumulated means with which he purchased a farm of 160 acres in section thirty-six, Sparta tOAvnship, and commenced farming on his own account. He fought manly the hardships incident to pioneer life, and by hard work, thrift, and judicious management, he mastered all obstacles, improved the farm with a large and com- modious dwelling, and outbuildings, and brought the land to a state of cultivation where it produced enormous crops, and at the time of his death, which occurred January 7, 1887, he was considered one of the most influential and substantial farmers of his township, highly respected by all who knew him. His wife, mother of our subject, was a lad}^ of many womanly virtues, and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of her large circle of friends. Her death occurred November 2, 1902. They were the parents of seven children, six of whom are now living. Emma is the wife of Archie Doane and resides in Little Falls township ; John, the subject of this sketch ; Lillie, the wife of George Merrow, of Sparta ; Hattie, the wife of Fayette Baldwin, lives at Sparta ; William is deceased, having met his death in a dynimite explosion in December, 1903, at the age of twenty-five years; Mary is the wife of Roy Francis, and Frank, both of whom live in Sparta township. Mr. John Herring attended the district schools of his town, assisting in the farm work on the homestead, where he remained until 1900. In the meantime he had purchased a farm of 160 acres in section thirty-five, opposite the old home farm, which he continued to operate until his marriage, when he moved to his present home. Since residing on his present place he has changed and remodeled the buildings erected a new silo, and made other improvements, while bringing the land to a high state of cultivation. He is engaged in general 718 HISTORY OF :\[OXROE COUNTY fannintj. stot-k raising and (l;iiryinriea. On April 12, 1 !)()(>, Mi-, llri-rin^- was miited in marriage with !i\liss Anna L. Guy, daughter of William \. and Isabella (Xicol) Guy, and granddaughter of ^Vlexander and Anna (Denwoody) Nicol, whose sketches appear elsewhere in this work. To Mr. and Mrs. Herring have been born foui* sons. Leo Nelson, John Petei', Spencer and AVilliam. Fred Heser, a i)i-osperous fanner of section one. Greenfield township, is the son of Fred and Barbara (Silverhorn) ITeser, l)oth natives of Germany, who came to America early in life, settling first at Cleveland, Ohio, where they married ; they after- ward came to AVisconsiu and located at Hartford, remaining there but one year, when in ISofJ they moved to Neilsville, in Clark county; they remained there seven years, then in IStiii moved to Monroe county and settled on eighty acres in the town of P]aton, a farm of and a part of the 160 acres now owned by oin- subject, eighty acres of which is in Greenfield township and eighty acres in the original town of Eaton but which is now Grant township ; they first resided on the eighty lying in Eaton, but in 1868 moved to the eighty in Greenfield, where our subject now resides. He was energetic and thrifty, and l)y hard work subdued his wild land and brought it undci- cultivation. He was prominent in the affairs of his town and at one time was chairman of the town board. AVhen the Civil ^V;^• hi-oke out, he enlisted and served in the Wisconsin regiment until dis- charged. He died in 1875 at the age of fifty years, honored and respected by all Avho kncAv him. His widow, mother of our subject, still survives and resides at La Crosse. The maternal grandmother, Barbara Silverhorn, came to AVisconsin from Ger- many, died in Greenfield townsliip and was buried in Tunnel City". Fred Heser was Ixun in Clark county, AViscousin. November 8, 1856, and came with his parents to ]\Ionroe county when seven years of age, and is the second child in a family of eight children, five of whom an^ now living, viz: Fred, the subject of this sketch: William, a resident of Greenfield township: Laura, married John Snowberry. and lives in La(irange township: George, also of LaGrange. and Barbara, who is the wife of C. H. Wiekland, resides at Tomah. Those deceased are Helen. Henry and AVallace. ]\Lr. Heser 's education was obtained in llic district schools, and Avitli the exception of three years spent in BIOGRAPHY 719 the lumber woods of Clark county, he has resided on the home< farm since boyhood. After the death of his father, he, in 1881, came into possession of the i)lace and has since made many improvements. While the original house built by his father still stands in a fair state of repairs, it was replaced in 1911 by a modern residence, ecpiipped with up-to-date appliances. A large and substantial barn was l)uilt in 1907. The place is now under a high state of cultivation and well supplied with everything that goes to make a model farm. ]\lr. Heser is a thorough and practical farmer and occupies a prominent place in his town and county. He has been a member of the side board for two terms and is still a member ; he has been treasurer of the school district for six years and in fraternal matters is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the ^Modern AVoodmen of America. He was married July 2, 1882, to ]\Iiss Emma Purdy, daughter of Daniel and Susan (Savage) Purdy, of Greenfield township. To this Tuiion lias been born ('(^lia. wife of Albert AVoodard, of Tunnel ("ity: Earl E., of Greenfield township; Edna, wife of Paul RosenaAv, of LaGrange township; ]\Iyrtle E., Verna F., and Fred D. are at home ; Robert is deceased. Earl E. Heser married Edith Schuler. daughter of August Schuler, of Tomah. in September, 1909, and has one child, Kenneth R. Celia was the wife of the late Carr Johnson, and has three children, viz : Georgie, Ortis and Thelma, the latter is now the wife of Albert Woodard, by whom she has had two children. Alice and Margaurite ; Edna J. married Paul Rosenaw and has one daughter, Luceil. E. Glenn Hesselgrave, editor and publisher of the Norwalk Star, was born at AVestport. Columbia county, AYisconsin, August 10, 1876. Son of David and Hannah (Armour) Hesselgrave, natives of St. Lawrence county, New York, and Baltimore Md., respectively. They came to AYisconsin in 1851, and located at Lodi, where the father followed blacksmithing, and where they remained for twenty years. He died September 19, 1911, in his ninetieth year. He was an ordained clergyman of the Uni- versalist church, and was also well posted in law. His wife, the mother of our subject, survives at the age of seventy-four years. E. Glenn was the eighth child in a family of ten children; the others are : Mary, wife of Niles Fellows of Aladison ; Clar- ence, of Lodi: Isabella, wife of Scott Xutting, Eldorado, Iowa; IMiles, Long Prairie, ]Minn. ; Florence, wife of AY. J. Harriman, Baraboo ; Blanche, Avife of Hon. C. L. Pearson, of Baraboo ; Alfred, St. Cloud, Minn. ; Claude, Prairie Du Sac, AYis. ; and Leroy. of Lodi. Our subject was educated in the public schools 720 HISTORY OF ^lONROE COUNTY of Lodi, and early began the printers trade at Eldorado, Iowa; was then employed at Lodi, Baraboo, and various papers, and in November, 1907, purchased the Norwalk Star of \Y. J. Robinson, which he has since continued to publish as a non-partisan paper, changing the size from a quarto to a folio. He was married October 17, 1910, to Miss Anna McGary, daughter of Eugene McGary of Norwalk. Ira A, Hill was born in Belknap county. New Hampshire, on November 26, 1841, and died at Pasadena, Calif., where he was spending the winter, on ]March 20, 1904. He received his education at Gilmanton Academy, in liis native state, and later taught school. In 1862 he recruited for the Fifteenth New Hampshire Yolunteers, enlisted therein and was appointed third sergeant. His regiment being sent to New York, he was detached and detailed as commissary sergeant on board transport of General Banks' expedition to New Orleans, and after reaching there, continued in the commissary department until, stricken with fever ,he was sent to the hospital. Upon conva- lescence he re.joined his regiment at Carrollton, La., and was employed in the regimental ad.jutant's office. In the fall of 1863 he Avas mustered out from the military service, returned to his native state and spent an invalid year. In 1864 ]Mr. Ilill managed the business department of the Galena (111.) Gazette, the editorial charge of the paper falling under a former New Hampshire acquaintance. After two years, meantime making the acquaintance of L-^. S. Grant and his brother, Orville, he was employed for one year with Grant & Burke in the leather and saddlery hardware business at Chicago. Entering the firm of Davis, ]\Iedary & Hill, who acquired the La Crosse, AVis., branch of the Grant & Burke business, ]\Ir. Hill spent two years, during which time he was married to ]\Iary E. Tyler, only daugh- ter of Thomas B. Tyler, of Sparta, Wis., their marriage occurring December 8. 1868. Disposing of his interests at La Crosse in 1871. he removed to Sparta and engaged in the wholesale grocery business, later enter- ing the drug business. In 1874 he united with Thomas B. Tyler, under the firm name of Tyler & Hill, in the real estate and loan business, which, together with banking, occupied ]Mr. Hill during the rest of his life. In 1879 he became a director in the Bank of Sparta, was vice president in 1883 and president from 1886 until his death in 1904. Mr. Hill Avas a representative citizen and successful business man, taking an interest in whatever tended to promote the moral BIOGRAPHY 721 and intellectual growth of the community. He served for ten consecutive years on the school board of Sparta, was in the city council and the board of supervisors. In 1891 he was appointed regent of the normal schools of Wisconsin by Governor Peck, of which board he was president, 1894-5. As a Democrat in politics, he was a delegate and again was alternate delegate to national conventions. He was a member and past commander of John W. Lynn Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. As a Mason he took an active part in the lower bodies, being past high priest of the chapter and past eminent commander of the commandery. He was grand king of Wisconsin grand chapter and grand representative of North Carolina, near the grand chap- ter of Wisconsin. He was a member of Wisconsin Consistory and of the shrine at IMilwaukee. He was also a member of the Knights of Pythias and other orders. Mr. and Mrs. Hill had two children, Louis T., who is a resident of Sparta and vice president of the Bank of Sparta, and Kittle, who is the wife of A. W. Barne.y, also vice president of the Bank of Sparta. Merle W. Hill,* manager of the F. P. Mooney farm in La Grange township, was born in Tomali, Wis., December 22, 1888, the sou of Oliver Mason and Sophia (Sprague) Hill, natives of Cortland county, New York, and who were married in Illinois. He was a pioneer settler in Wisconsin, and came to Monroe county and Tomah township more than forty years ago, where he settled on 200 acres of wild land, which he improved and where he con- tinued to live until his death in 1910, at the age of seventy-three years. He was one of Monroe county's thrifty and progressive farmers, a man of prominence and influence in his township. The mother of our subject, a woman of rare attainments and domestic virtues, died in October, 1909, at the age of seventy years, loved and esteemed b.v all who knew her. They had a family of nine children, as follows : Ira, Ernest, both of Tomah ; Emma, wife of Edwin Eaton, of Waukesha, Wis. ; Caddie C, of Tomah township ; Ella, wife of F. J. Mooney, superintendent of the Monroe County Asylum, and Merle W. Those deceased are William, Oscar and Jessie. Merle W. Hill attended the district school of his neighborhood and remained at home assisting in the farm work until 1911, when he became manager of the IMooney farm, where he carries on general farming and dairying, conducting a milk route in the 722 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY city of Tomah. He is a member of the ]\Iy.stie Workers, and on June 28, 1911, was married to ]\Iiss Blanche Dana, danohter of Edward and Ella Dana, of Tomah. They have one child — Bulah S. Hill. Oliver Mason Hill, deceased, who was a i)ioneer settler of Wisconsin and was among that class of sturdy, thrifty and pro- gressive farmers to whom ^Monroe county is so largely indebted for the high place it holds among the banner counties of the state. He was born April 14. 1837, in Cortland county. New York, a son of Samuel H. Hill, who was born jMareli 12, 1794. When Oliver Avas but three 3'ears of age his parents came west to Illinois and located in Kane count}', where they made their home \mtil they came to Monroe countA^ in 1865. Here the father purchased 200 acres of land and established the family home, and here they lived the balance of their lives — his death occurring in (Colorado ]\Iarch 12, 1870, whither he had gone in search of health. His wife, grandmother of our subject, survived him thirteen years, and died in Monroe county in August, 1883. He Avas a AVhig until the formation of the Republican partj'^, and e\'er after Avas a staunch supporter of this party, and in religious belief a Universalist. Oliver ]\lason Hill Avas educated in the public schools of Kane count}', Illinois, Avhich he attended up to his eighteenth year, remaining at home. At the death of his parents he inherited the family homestead and continued to carry on general farming and stock raising, making a specialty of high bred Jersey and Durham cattle, Avhich he often entered in competition Avith others for first prize at stock exhibitions. He Avas a successful farmer, a man of sterling character, faithful in all his undertakings and no one in the community Avas more highly respected than he. In ]iolities a Republican, he Avas a strong adA^ocate in the cause of temperance and Avas formerly a member of the Grange organization and sec- retary and treasurer of the Eastern Monroe County Agricultural Society. ^Ir. Hill Avas united in marriage Avitli Miss Sophia Sprague, October 13, 1861. Nine children Avere born to them, six of Avhom are noAV living, viz.: Tna. born December 10. 1862; Ella, born NoA-ember 10, 1864; Ernest, born August 26, 1876: Emma, born December 10, 1878 ; Caddie C. born February 12, 1881. and :\Ierle, born December 22, 1888, and surviA-e the father Avhose death occurred in 1910 at the age of seventy-three years. Those deceased are William II., Oscar S. and Jesse P. Hill. William Avas droAA'ned in the LemonAveir river in 1881. Caddie C. Hill was raised on his father's farm and attended o f < SO a ! >* I ^ k! BIOGRAPHY 723 the district school until he was seventeen years old, and helped with the farm Avork. At the death of his father, he came into possession of the home farm of 200 acres, which he has success- fully carried on, and since added 170 acres more. lie is among the younger class of Monroe county's prominent and progressive citizens. A Republican in political sentiment, he has never sought nor held public office. He has been secretary of the Farmers' Elevator Company at Tomah, and for one year served as presi- dent of the Monroe County Fair Association, and is a stockholder in the Farmers and Merchants' Bank, of Tomah. Fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias. Mr. Hill being unmarried, the household duties are looked after by his aunt, Mrs. Mary Amidon. She was married June 1, 1862, to Llwellen Amidon, a prominent citizen, civil engineer and county surveyor of Monroe county and locator of Government and school lands, and in poli- tics a Republican. At the time of his death in 1898 he was the OAvner of an eighty-acre farm. To Mr. and Mrs. Amidon were born four children, two of whom are now (1912) living. William Hoard, one of the progressive and enterprising citi- zens of Wiltt)n, was born in Cuyahoga county, Ohio. April 13, 1859, the son of Philander and Nancy (Reed) Hoard, both natives of the Buckeye state. They reared a family of three children, William, the subject of this sketch, being the only surviving mem- ber of the family. They were farmers by occupation and were among the ]n'ominent and most highly respected citizens of their locality. The father died in 1862 and the mother passed away in 1874. " William received his education in the common schools, and was thrown on his own resources at the early age of thirteen years. He worked eight months on a farm at small wages, and was later employed by one man for eight years, the highest wages received during this time being $12 per month. He came to Wisconsin with his mother and brother from ^Michigan, and located in Wilton township, Monroe county, where, on March 15, 1882, he purchased 120 acres of land in section twenty-eight, where he lived, engaging in general farming until 1911, when he removed to the village of Wilton. In addition to his successful general farming, he has car- ried on an extensive dairy business, having a herd of twenty-eight Jersey milch cows. He is an extensive breeder and owner of Jersey cattle and Poland-China hogs, and is ivcpt busy managing his farm. He is one of the influential and public spirited men of his town, and has always taken an active interest in all matters for the betterment of his town and county. He is now president 724 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY of the Farniprs" Livestock Association, and in politics he is a Democrat and takes an active interest in the councils of his party. He Avas niai-ried ]\Iarch 15, 1882, to ]Miss La Rue. daughter of S. B. LaRue. a i)i-oininent citizen of AVilton townsliip. ^Irs. Hoard is one of a family of seven children. Her parents were also natives of Ohio and emijirated to AVisconsin and settled in the town of Wilton in 1858, and were among the early settlers of that town. The father purchased 280 acres of wild land in section twenty- eight, where the family lived for ten years in a log house of one room. They then built a small frame house, where they lived for thirty-eight years, and then erected a tine residence. The large and well constructed liarns and silo have recently been added to the im])rovements, all of which go to make it an ideal up-to-date country home. The father died in 1911 and the mother passed away in 1897. Three children have been born to Mr. and ]\lrs. Hoard, viz.: .Mildred, born March 24. 1883: Glenn, born June 18, 1886. and Ray. honi A])ril 28. 1889. Reuben Hohn is another one of the native sons of ^Monroe county and was born in the town of Wells. April 17. 1864. the son of Cyrus Hohn and Sarah (Sherwood) Hohn. the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Wisconsin. The father came to Wisconsin when a young nuiii aiul Avorked on a farm and in a sawmill and later at the carpenter's trade, which he had previously mastered. He lived in Wisconsin until his children became grown, where he died in 1906. He was twice married, first to Miss Sarah Sherwood, by whom he had nine children. After her death he married for his second wife ]Miss Sarah Miller. Samuel Hohn. grandfather of our subject, also came to Wisconsin. Reuben attended the common schools during his boyhood and after the death of his mother lived nine years with ]Mr. Al. Fulton. He then found employment on a farm at .^10 jht uKuith. At the age of twenty-four years, in 1888. he was married to .Miss Cornelia ]\Iay Hudson, daughter of AVilliam. from England, and Lizzie Hudson, whose family canu^ originally from Vermont. ]\Ir. and ]Mrs. Hohn have two children, Ellis. Ixu-n Decendier 8. 1890. and Delia, born Alarch 18. 1892. In 1912 Mr. Hohn ]mrchased 160 acres of choice hiiid in Leon lownship. adjoining Wells, where he is well and favorably know n ;is oti<" of the progressive men of the county. Hans C. Hoitomt, who is the son nf Adoli)h and Alaren (Skulei'ud) lloiloml. was born in Norway, .\ovendier 14. 1878. and when seven years of age came to America with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Guilder Olson, who located in the town of Portland, BIOGRAPHY 725 ]\Iouroe county, Wis., where our subject was reared. The uncle died in 1902. his aunt is still living at the age of eighty-three years. Mr. Hoitomt started out in life for himself and was engaged in running a thrashing machine, and also operated a sawmill for a time in Vernon county, and afterwards came to Monroe county and located at jMelvina, and Avith others engaged in the lumber business, dealing extensively in pine and hemlock lumber. Out- side of the lumber business, he owns considerable property, among which may be mentioned several ice houses in Vernon and Monroe counties. He also deals extensively in cord wood, shipping many carloads to eastern markets each year. He also controls and operates the transfer line at Melvina. Besides his many business ventures. Mr. Hoitomt takes an active interest in the affairs of his town and county, and is treasurer of the IMelvina Creamery Association. He is the owner of the largest private fish pond in the state, which covers an area of five acres, and Avhich was eon- verted from a mill pond by Captain Hunt in his lifetime, and is plentifully stocked with thousands of black bass and bull heads, weighing up to five pounds each. ]Mr. Hoitomt is figuring on marketing this product in the near future and will ship to eastern markets. In 1898 ]\lr. Hoitomt was married to Miss Dora Olson, by whom he has five children, viz. : James. Morris, Viola. Harold and Gordon Hoitomt. In political sentiment Mr. Hoitomt was formerly a Republican, but now is independent in thought and action, while in fraternal matters he is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. Fred A. Holden, deputy register of deeds of Monroe county, is a native of New York State, having been born at Ellicottville, June 19, 1849, the son of Amos B. and Mary L. (Lynes) Holden, who were also natives of that state. In 1855, when Fred A. was six years of age, his parents came to Sparta ; soon after arriving at what was to be the future home, his father engaged in business with D. R. Wheeler and W. S. Newton as contractors and builders. Mr. Holden, Sr., had the honor of building the first hardware store erected in Sparta, but which was later destroyed by fire. He continued this business for some years and then engaged in farming. Among the many buildings erected by him besides the hardware store was the Congregational church, of which he was a devoted member. In 1905 he passed from this life to his well- earned reward at the age of eighty years. Not only did he stand high in the community as a citizen, but also in his home and domestic relations, and among his friends he was greatly beloved 726 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY and esteemed for his loyalty and devotion to those near and dear to him. His wife, mother of our subject, preceded her liusband to the grave, liaving passed away in 1897, at the age of seventy years. She was a woman of charming disposition and many womanly virtues. Amos B. Holden was the son of Arnold Holden, a native of Massachusetts, Avho settled in Western New York in an early day, and there lived to the age of ninety-six years. His wife was Patience Tanner, who lived to the age of ninety-eight years. The paternal great grandfatlier of our sub- ject was a native of Ireland, who came to this country and settled on Nantucket Island, where he mndc cloth after the plan of those early times. Fred A. Holden was raised on a farm and received his edu- cation in the public schools of Sparta. He remained on the home farm until he was twenty-four years of age, and then for eleven years was engaged as traveling salesman for a wholesale imple- ment house. He afterwards purchased a farm of his own and besides farming, he worked at various times Avith his father at the carpenters' trade, and later took up civil engineering, which he followed for twenty-five years, twelve years of which time he was county surveyor, and during this period he became familiar with all parts of Monroe county. Since the fall of 1910 he has been deputy register of deeds under his son, AVilliam A., and has prepared a valuable map of the county. Mr. Holden is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. On January 14, 1886, he was united in marriage with ]\Iiss Mary Miller, daughter of Samuel Miller, of Milwaukee. Their children are AYilliam A. and Mabel. William A. Holden, register of deeds of i\Ionroe county, was born in Sparta township, Monroe county, February 6, 1887. His parents, Fred A. and Mary M. (Miller) Holden, are natives of New York state and Switzerland respectively, the former being born at Ellicottville, and the latter at Argon. His paternal grand- parents also were natives of New Y'ork state, came to Sparta in 1855, where they lived until their decease ; his death occurred in 1905, at the age of eighty years, and hers in 1897, at the age of seventy years. AYilliam A. was reared on the home farm, receiving his education at the Angelo district school. He followed farming pursuits until 1905, when he became rural mail carrier on Route Number Three, from Sparta, Avhich occupation he followed until the fall of 1910, when ho was elected on the Republican ticket BIOGRAPHY 727 by a majority of 1200 to the office of register of deeds, whicli position he is filling to the satisfaction of his many friends, and the citizens of the community generally. His term of office will expire in 1913. Mr. Holden has been a member of company L, third regiment Wisconsin national guards since April, 1903, and is now, 1912, first lieutenant of his company. Also a member of Sparta lodge No. 94, I. 0. O. F. On November 22, 1910, he was married to Miss Anna K. Axelson, daughter of Asmus Axelson, a popular and prosperous citizen of Sparta township. Albert E. Hollister*, a well-known and popular citizen of Tomah, where he has lived for more than forty years, was born in Lima, Livingston county, New York, May 26, 1845. His father, John Hollister, was a native of Osnabruck, Ontario, where he was born in 1819. He served as a soldier in the English army in the Patriot War. When eighteen years of age, he went to the town of Lima, N. Y., and while a resident of that place, married Miss Mercy S. Irish, a native of Livingston county, and daughter of David Irish, a soldier in the American army in the War of 1812, and died of w^ounds received while in that war. When our subject was three years of age, he removed with his parents to Cass county, IMichigan, where they settled on a farm and where the father died in 1887. His wife, mother of our subject, made her home on the homestead until her demise. They were of sterling character, influential in their community and universally esteemed and beloved. Albert E. Hollister is the eldest of a family of eight children — five sons and three daughters. The second in order of birth is Mary E., who married G. M. Wilson ; Charles R., second son and third child in order of birth, was killed by an accident when seven years of age ; Bennett L. ; AVilber ^Y. ; Ellen M., married Perry Osborne and died in Barton county Missouri, in 1875 ; Gordon L., and Elvene M., married to J. H. Long and resides in Michigan. The subject of this sketch was reared on the farm and trained in that occupation. He received a common school education in the district schools of his neighborhood, and at the age of seventeen in August, 1862, he enlisted in company A., nineteenth regiment Michigan volunteer infantry, but being of under age, he was released on demand of his father, and hired out as a farm laborer, which he followed but a few days and again enlisted, but with the same results. After remaining at home one year, he again enlisted and this time "stuck." (A detailed account of Mr. Hollister 's military career will be found 728 IIISTOKY OF .AIOXKOK ('OIXTY ill anotlicr chapter of this volume. j .\t the elose of the war ]\lr. Ilollister returned to his former home in ^Michigan, and on September 10, ] 865, married ^Miss Charlotte A. Powell, daughter of Jason and ]\Iary A. Powell. In 1866 he came to Wisconsin but remained only a short time and returned to Miehigan. In 1868 he eame again lo AViseonsin and was for two years engaged in lumbering in the woods, lie then came to ]\Ionroe county and settled on a farm in the townshiji of Tomah, but his health failing on account of wounds reeeived in the army, he was com- pelled to retire from active farm work and moved to the city of Tomah and engaged in the sale of musical instruments, and has since here made his home. ]Mi'. and .Mrs. Ilollister have two children — Mary Bell, born ]\Iay 9. 1870, married Walter S. Mason, head bookkeeper for G. F. Swift & Sons, of Omaha, Nebr., and John R., born September 2, 1873. ]\Ir. Ilollister is a Republican in political sentiments, and a strong supporter of Robert M. LaFollette. He is a man of fine personal qualities and social standing, courteous in manner, of generons impulses and a lover of good cheer. Sylvaniis Holmes. The late Judge Holmes, of Sparta, was a native of the Empire state, ami was born in 1816. Sylvanus Holmes liad a marked and interesting personality, and had passed through many striking and romantic adventures in the course of his long life. His youth, np to the age of nineteen, was passed npou his father's farm at the suburban village of Aurora near Buflfalo, X. Y. He was kept hard at work for most of the year, picking up such education as he could in the Avinter months at the district school. In 1834, he took boat for Detroit, where he made a brief stay. He worked at Xiles, ^Michigan, that winter, and then went by foot to Racine, where he found a very small village, among a good many stumps. He spent the summer with a party of government surveyors, returned to Racine for the winter, and in the spring of 1836, went with a large party of Indians, l)y way of ("liicago. to Council Bluffs, having a position in the commissary de])artment. The country was almost wholly Avithout roads or inhabitants. The .iourney occupied six months. About the first of January, 1837, he and a friend bought a canoe, and with a small stock of provisions, started on the ^Missouri river, not knowing how far it was to the first settlement. After five days provisions gave out, but Holmes, who was a good shot, l)rought down a fine deer, and with the supply of venison the young men renewed their jonrney. Once they were followed and shot at bv Indians, but got awav under cover of night. JUDGE SYLVANUS HOLMES BIOGRAPHY 729 After eleven days they came to a cahin oeeiipied by two white nieri, and thence they started on foot for St. Joseph, then a mere trading post, being forced to stop for one night on the cold prairie with the wolves howling around them. The winter they spent at Plattsbnrgh, Missouri, and thence Holmes went by boat and stage to Peoria, 111., where he was persuaded by a contractor to accompany another band of Indians to Council Bluffs, serving out provisions and keeping accounts. In the spring of 1837, he commenced trade for himself a few miles below Council Bluffs, and the fall of that year he built the first hewed log house on the site where Omaha now stands. Being prostrated by a severe, persistent fever and ague he was com- pelled to leave the country and returned to his early home. In 1840 he went to Hume, N. Y., Avhere he lived for several years, filling various public offices. In 1842 he was married to IMiss Mary Ann Stone, at Varysburg, N. Y. Mrs. Holmes died at the age of sixty-five years. In 1846 he removed to Bradford, Pa., where he lived for twenty years. AVhile there he served as justice of the peace, as county connnissioner for three years, and associate judge of the county for five years. In 1861 he enlisted for the war, raised a company of volunteers and received a com- mission as first sergeant. He was subsequently promoted to be adjutant in the fift^^-eighth regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers, but ^vas compelled to resign on account of ill health. From 1863 to the close of the war he was provost marshal of his con- gressional district. In 1865 he came to Sparta and became a merchant here, as he had been at Bradford. In 1869 he removed to Wilmar, Minn., and was judge of probate of the county for five years. He then returned to Sparta, where he continued to reside until his death, Avhich occurred January 23, 1895. Judge Holmes was emphatically a good man, who commanded the respect of all. He was an honored member of the Congrega- tional church, having been one of the deacons from 1883 until his death. In politics he was a radical prohibitionist, expressing his opinion with positiveness and frequency but with courtesy. His height was over six feet and his size in proportion, and with his erect bearing and firm step he was, perhaps, the most mili- tary figure in Sparta, at least since Major Davidson passed away. He was a member of the Masonic order and the Grand Army post. His three children are: Mrs. E. M. Calhoun (deceased), Mrs. Robie Lee, of Sparta, and Eugene S. Holmes, of Billings, IMontana. 730 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Mathias Hoveland, a native of Norway, was born in 1853 and died in Angelo township in 1909. It was in 1869 that he came to the United States, and in Vernon county, Wisconsin, the subject of this sketch began the active duties of his farm life and first located on a farm near AVestby. where he remained for two years. At the end of that time he removed to Viroqua, and twenty-one years later to eastern ^Monroe county, and there resided until 1901, when he located on the farm in section five, Angelo town- slup, where his widow and famil}- now reside. This farm of 220 acres is among the best in the township and I\Ir. Iloveland did much to improve and bring the land to its present high state of cultivation. The residence, barns and outbuildings are large, commodious and well constructed, and the place is well supplied with up-to-date appliances used in modern farming methods. Mr. Hoveland had one brother, Andrew, and three sisters, viz. : JNIatie, Christina and Bertha. He was a good citizen, a prominent and useful man in his comnuinity, and a member of the ]\Iodern Woodmen of America, and the Beavers. On September 23, 1877, he was united in marriage with ^Mi-ss Emma Van Dyke, daugliter of Abraham Van Dyke, of Ohio. To this union was born five children, as follows: Ethel, wife of Eli Sutherland, of Tunnel City; Christina, wife of Ray "Webster, of Sparta ; Asa, who conducts the home farm ; Hazel, wife of Chester Green, of Sparta, and Harold, who. resides at home. George A. Hoffman is a native of IMonroe county, and repre- sents one of the pioneer German families who came to the county in the early fifties and located in Jefi:'erson township. Avhcre George A. was born August 25, 1857. His parents were John E., who met an untimely death by being thrown from a horse in 1867 — he was at that time forty-five years of age — and f]lizabeth (Seymour) Hoffman, who died in 1882 at the age of fifty-nine years. They followed the occupation of farming and until George A. was nineteen years old he lived with his parents on the home- stead, attending school and assisting in the farm work. T'^pon leaving home our subject's first employment was with 0. D. Stevens, and later with the firm of ]\Iyer & Youngman in the butcher business at Sparta, where he remained about three years altogether, and then engaged with his brother, William C, in the same business. This partnership continued until he pur- chased a half interest with William Potter in a meat nuirket on Oak street, and this lasted for several years. He next sold his interests to his brother AVilliam, and in 1905 opened his present market on Water street by purchasing Lyon Conger's half BIOGRAPHY 731 interest, and the firm name became Doxrud & Hoffman, continu- ing until 1911, when he purchased his partner's interest and thus assumed entire control, where he now reigns both successfully and independently. He was also, in the meantime, for a short while connected with his two brothers, William C. and J. H. Hoffman. Mr. Hoffman is a man of extraordinary business ability and since his first venture on his own resources he has seldom under- taken a proposition that has not yielded to his benefit. "Fair Dealing" is his motto, and to this he attributes his success. He is a good conversationalist and interests his hearers with many incidents of early pioneer days, when the ox team was a fixture on the homestead farm, and the wearing apparel was made by hand for the family of eight, of which he was the sixth child. He also recalls vividly the responsibility of the mother in rearing the family after the death of the father and of his own part in helping to cultivate the 280-acre farm. On November 9, 1883, Mr. Hoffman married Miss Julia T. Nolan, daughter of Andrew and Anna Nolan, of Eidgeville, Wis. Their children are Arch W., Myrtle Ann, Alica Elizabeth and Harvey W. Hoffman. Julius H. Hoffman, brother of AA^illiam C. and George A. Hoff- man, all of Sparta, who has been a lifelong resident of Monroe county, was born in Jefferson township November 12, 1861, to John and Elizabeth (Seymour) Hoffman, pioneer Germans of this township, having located here in the fifties. Born and raised on a farm, Mr. Hoffman attended the district schools of his native township and the public school of Sparta. His early life was spent on the homestead farm and upon leaving that he was engaged in the butcher business at Sparta with his brothers for about eight years, and then engaged in the retail grocery business, but this was of short duration and he went into the harness and saddlery business in Sparta, and after making a success of this for about ten years he concluded to try the real estate business, and in the year 1908 he formed a partnership with William Pearson, of AVinnipeg, of the firm of AVilliam Pearson Company (Limited), with offices in Sparta, dealing largely in western lands and the Last Mountain valley. They also handle farm and city property in Monroe county and Sparta. Mr. Hoffman is a- high-minded, public-spirited man, and is in- terested in whatever relates to the well being or betterment of his community. He is actively identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Modern AYoodmen of America. 7^2 HISTORY OF .AlOXROE COUNTY lie ^vas lor fourteen years chief of tlie fire department and served two terms as meml)er of tlie city council from the Tliird ward. On -lune 10, 3890, ]\Ii-. lIoiTiiian was united in niarriaarta. where he re- mained one year, then went to ^linnesota. After a short time he returned to ]Monroe count\- and located in Leon township, remain- ing there two years, and then moved to the town of AVells and spent two more yeai-s. and again returned to Leon and spent two years; thence to the town of Angelo. locating on his i)resent farm, eighty acres of which lies in section thirty-four. Angelo, and loT acres in section three. AVells township, in 1!>0L In 1905 he erected a new barn and othei- outbuildings, and in 1907 built a new residence. Since ])urchasing this farm, ]\Ir. Hutson has. besides cai'rying on general farming, been actively engaged in making many imi)rovements. A Republican in politics, he is in- terested in all ])ublic matters, and is now (1912) serving his fourth BIOGRAPHY 739 term as township treasurer. In social matters he is a member of the Beavers. On January 'S, 1895, Mr. Ilutson was married to JNliss Eliza- beth Jones, daughter of J. E. and Carrie (Calkins) Jones, of Leon township. ]Mrs. Hutson passed away in 1910, at the age of forty years, leaving, besides her husband, a family of eight children, viz : Phillip, Evelyn, George, Carl, Grace, Ruth, Gertrude and Dorothy. Robert W. Hutson is a native of Monroe county and was born in the town of Angelo on August 9, 1860, the son of Thomas and ]\Iary Ann (Wooley) Ilutson. lie received his education in the district schools of the neighborhood, and early in life started out for himself, dependent upon his own resources. In 1881 he bought his father's farm and has actively managed it ever since; in 1901 took a position Avith the Piano Manufacturing Company as travel- ing salesman for some three years ; he then resumed work on the farm, which is located in section three of Wells township, at which he has been successful from the start, and is now consid- ered one of the most progressive and hustling farmers of his town- ship. Besides general farming, Mr. Ilutson does quite an exten- sive dairy business and takes pride in keeping his place well stocked with horses, cattle and hogs, and well supplied with modern equipments for carrying on the work. ]\Ir. Ilutson takes an active interest in the aft'airs of his town and county and works in the Republican ranks in any movement pertaining to the betterment of the community. Fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias. On February 13, 1882, Mr. Hutson was married at Leon, to ]\Iiss Georgia E. Rich, and they have had seven children, six of whom are now (1912) living, viz: Lola, born July 31, 1884; Floyd, born March 12. 1886; Bessie, born January 31, 1889; Jessie, born jMarch 4, 1891 : Robie, born December 7, 1893, and Georgia, born January 9. 1898. Lizzie is deceased. Martin Jackson. No history of Monroe county would be com- plete without a biography of Mr. Martin Jackson, the pioneer grain, seed and stock dealer. He was born in West Toten, Nor- Avay, on December 13, 1846. His parents, Jacob and Christinina (Hangrud) Jackson, emigrated to the United States in 1870 and located at Cashton, where the father died at the age of ninety- four years, and the mother passed away at Cashton at the age of eighty-four years. After arriving in this country Mr. Jackson spent the first three 740 HISTORY OF :\IONROE COUNTY years at various kinds of employment. He had received a thor- oug:h education in Norway and in the meantime developed an unusual executive ability, which aided him greatly after coming to America. He was an ambitious and energetic young man and soon after coming to Sparta he secured a position in a grain ele- vator, w^hich he held for about ten years, six of which he operated the grain warehouse for the firm of Dorwin, King & Company, and gained a thorough knowledge of the business with a reputa- tion for honorable and upright dealing. He was thrifty and saving and soon accunudated means with which he purchased a ware- house at Casliton. He enlarged and remodeled his buildings and soon established a good trade, and by his honesty and square dealing secured the patronage of that entire section, where he did an annual business running as high as $100,000, his shipments of grain and stock often reaching 100 cars or more. He soon again enlarged his facilities, and for a period of seventeen years he operated three warehouses. In 1897, disposing of his interests at Cashton, he returned to Sparta, where he owned and operated a grain elevator on the C, M. & St. P. R. R., and also took charge of the Northwestern, and at Sparta, in the live stock business, transactions amounted from $120,000 to $150,000 a year for some time, and subsequently leased it to McEchorn &, Company, of Wausau, Wis. This elevator was soon thereafter destroyed by fire. Since disposing of his elevator interests Mr. Jackson has been engaged in the seed, stock and wool business at Sparta, Avhich has grown to large proportions, he having the reputation of being the largest dealer in wool in jMonroe county and of being the most proficient in the grading of grain of any man in the county. In 1873 Mr. Jackson married Miss Mary Langard, daugliter of Lars O. and Mary Langard, both natives of Norway, and Avho emigrated to "Wisconsin in 1868 and made their home in La Crosse county. Mrs. Jackson died in 1908 at the age of fifty-five years. Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, viz. : Olga, who is the wife of C. AY. Craig and lives at Hoquaim. Wash. ; Claudie is the wife of Robert Merrill, of Sparta; Clara married James A. Uttley and resides in Nortli Dakota; INlinnie is the Avife of Cleo Evans and lives in Sparta ; George and Elystar, who also live in Sparta. Mr. Jackson is an ardent Republican and from the first has taken an active part in local and state politics. He has been a member of the county board, president of the village of Cashton, and a member of the Cashton school board for several years. lie BIOGRAPHY 741 is a man of fine personal qualities and social standing, courteous in manner, dignified in his bearing, of generous impulses and a lover of good cheer. He is a devoted member of the Norwegian Lutheran church of Sparta, and of the Order of the Knights of Pythias. He is one of Monroe country's most reliable and substantial citizens. Joseph Jankel,"' a prosperous farmer, whose 160-acre farm is located in section twenty-one, Lafayette township, is a son of Peter Jankel and was born in Germany, July 3, 1850. While yet a young boy his parents both died and he went to live with his aunt, ^Irs. Derbert, with whom he remained until he became sixteen years of age, when he started out in life for himself. He was first employed in a machine shop, where he remained for a time, and then was engaged in railroad work at Hamburg, Ger- many, Avhich occupation he followed for two years. When he became of age he entered the German army and served as a pri- vate until 1875, when he received his discharge and returned to his former home and resumed employment in the machine shop, Avhere he remained for one year. In the spring of 1877 he sailed from his native land for America, and on June 10 of that year he arrived in Sparta and went to live with his brother William in Ridgeville township. During the next five years he was variously employed, making his home for the time with his brother. He then rented a farm, which h(> conducted on his own account for seven years; thence he went to Coles valley and lived on a rented farm for four years, and at the expiration of that time he came to Sparta township and worked the King farm for one year, and in November, 1893, purchased his present farm. The land is under a good state of cultivation, is well stocked and improved with a good class of buildings, in the most part put there by Mr. Jankel since he has owned the place. Mr. Jankel began life on this farm with a cajntal of ^{^300, ])acked by a determined purpose to succeed, and the first year cleared ten acres, and has since continued to improve the land. He is engaged in general farming and raising of Durham cattle. In 1880 he was married to Miss Amelia Dresner, daughter of Christ Dresner, of Leon township. To this union have been born three children. Clara A. and Martha E. are now engaged in teaching, and Adolph A. is conducting the John Swartzlow farm in Lafayette township. Adolph A. Jankel was born in Ridgeville township, January 13, 1888, and is the son of Joseph and Amelia (Dresner) Jankel. He attended the district school and was reared on the home farm. 742 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY After leaving lioine he was employed at farm work for E. T. Doane and Charles L. Flume, and later was employed by David Ilemstock iu the draying business. lie was married Fel)ruary 1-4, 1912, to Miss Nina Dald, daughter of Jens and Celia (Madsen) Dahl, of Angelo township, and immediately thereafter took charge of the Jolui Swartzlow farm. William T. Jefferson, president of the Jefferson Leaf Tobacco Company, another one of Sparta's representative business iiicn and liigldy respected citizens, is a native of Pittsylvania county, Vii'ginia, and was born April 29, 1862, and is the second of a family of ten cliihlron l)orn to William TazAvell and Amelia (Wilcher) Jefferson. Tlie otliers are James T., of Franklin county, Virginia; Mollie is the wife of F. P. Graves, of Franklin eount3% Virginia ; Charles F. and Vincent AV., of Danville, Va. ; Leslie AV. resides at AVorth, AV. A'^a.; Christianl). and Ossie A., of Roanoke, Va.; Cabell 1). resides on the homestead fai-m ne;ir Sandy Level, Va.. and Kelly B. lives at AVatertown. Wis. AVil- liam T. Jefferson, father of our subject, has been a resident of Pittsylvania county for many years, where he has been success- fully engaged in agricultural pursuits and attained to a position of prominence. Isaiah Jefferson, paternal grandfather of our subject, is also a native of A^irginia, as was also Coleman AVitcher, the maternal grandfather, who was a representative of one of the oldest and most respected families of A^'irginia. AVilliam T. was educated in the public schools of his native toAvn and his life up to his twenty-fourth year was spent in farm- ing, a portion of his time l)eing associated with bis ohlei- lirother, James T. In 1886 AVilliam went to Danville, A^'a., and established the firm of AV. T. Jefferson & Company, dealers in leaf tobacco. He later followed the same line of business in North and South Carolina, making his headquarters at Danville, A"a., and purchas- ing tobacco at Fair Bluff, N. C, and ]\lullen, S. C, for some five years, whence he came to AVisconsin, and in 1901 1o Sparta, as manager of the American Cigar Company's plant. He contiinied in that capacity until January. 190(), when lie was nuide state manager of the same company Avith head(|uarters at ^Madison. After a residence of four years at this place he resigned his posi- tion and returning to Sparta in November, 1908, organized the Jeft'erson Leaf To1)aceo Com]>any, Avhieh is incorporated for $50,000, with AV. T. Jefferson, ])resident ; D. AV. Cheney, vice- president, and H. AV. Jeft'erson, secretary and treasurer. The extensive output of Uiis establislunent is distributed throughout 1lie middle Avest and eastern states. The purchase of this product BIOGRAPHY 743 is made iu Wisconsin and Minnesota, and is sold to large jobbers and manufacturers through William T., who represents the company in the various cities of the two states. In Bedford county, Virginia, January 17, 1881, Mr. Jefferson was united in marriage with Miss Laura D. Rorer, daughter of J. Q. and Sallie (Hensley) Rorer. They have six children, viz. : Harley W., Mahlon H., attorney at law, Beach, N. D. ; Earl A., Rorer, Sallie A., and Thomas Jefferson. Harley W. Jefferson, secretary and treasurer of the Jefferson Leaf Tobacco Company, was married in June, 1908, to Miss Lelia A. Shannon, daughter of W. 0. and Alice Shannon, of Henderson, N. C. They have one son, Harley W. Jefferson, Jr. Mr. Jefferson is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Knights of Pythias, the Modern AYoodmen of America, the U. C. T., and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Mrs, Anna Jenkins, the widow of the late David Jenkins, a resident of section eight, Leon township, a daughter of Evan S. and Ann Evans, one of the early settlers of Fish Creek valley, who emigrated to La Crosse county from North Wales in the spring of 1855, was married to Mr. Jenkins December 7, 1877. Mrs. Jenkins was born June 14, 1858, and is the oldest of a family of eight children, all of whom are living. David Jenkins was one of the highly respected citizens of the Fish Creek valley in Monroe county, and was a native of South Wales. He was the third child in a family of five children born to Evan and Margaret (Williams) Jenkins, also natives of AVales. His birth occurred August 5, 1848, and he came to America with his mother, two brothers and a sister, and joined his father, who had preceded them to Leon township. Mr. Jenkins, the father, was a coal miner from South Wales, but wishing to better his condition sought out the new country in which to make a more desirable home. He homesteaded 160 acres of land where Mrs. Jenkins, the subject of, noAv resides, he being one of the very early settlers of the valley, where he continued to reside during his active life, making his home with his sons during his later years, and died in La Crosse county in 1898 at the age of eighty years. He was a good citizen and a devoted member of the Con- gregational church, and in politics a Republican. His wife, the mother of David, died in 1880. There were born to David and Anna Jenkins three children, viz. : Arthur, born April 15, 1878 ; Emlyn, born March 15, 1883, and Vida Claudia, born June 8, 1887. David Jenkins was one of the successful farmers of Leon town- ship, a man devoted to his home and family, a strict temperance lu HISTORY OF moxrop: county }nan and a staunch Republican, and witli his estimable wife was a member of the Congregational church. He passed away on June 20, 1910, and was buried in Fairview cemetery at Bangor, Wisconsin. SKETCH OF THE JENKINS FAMILY. The Jenkins family are of Hritish origin. The name in AVelsh is "Cuncyn'' or ''Sheukiu." They originated in South AVales and dwelt there for many generations. Very few of this name are found in North Wales. They are quite numerous in Clamor- gan county. They were freeholders of land until mining Avas developed about one hundred years ago ; then they followed min- ing, iron and tin workers, and tlu* clan have scattered to every part of the globe. They have taken part with other family clans in the advancement of freedom, education and religion. Wales has advanced more in comparison than any state in Europe. Education in different grades is of the best. It furnishes more preachers and divines than any part of the United Kingdom. The Bible and the hymn book is the encyclopedia and songster of the Welshman for a long period. The Welsh language is spoken by hundreds of thousands through the principality. It is a poetical and musical language ; it has variety of sound almost endless ; it has a stanza to the spider composed of vowels alone. No other language can boast of such a feat ; the people have clung to the language for thousands of years Avith wonderful tenacity, while cousins, the Scotch and Irish, have neglected their vernacu- lar to an alarming extent. The Scotch clung to the nuisical bagpipe while the Welsh and Irish have taken to the harp. This three clans are holding a triennial festival they call the sitting, or "Eistedfod," w^here they have competition in essays, poetry, songs, music, instrumental, dancing, art, etc., in every branch of learning and literature. The foremost kelt of the clans today are leaders in every branch of learning and constitute noblemen in the advanced line in civilization of mankind in every ]iart of the globe. PROGRESS OF FIFTY-FOUR YEARS. AYlien father and T came to America in 1858 we came to a comparatively wild and desolate country. The ^Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad was then built to Tomali. Farmers who lived there then had rude small log huts. Their only market was Ua (^rosse. Sparta Avas a small place then. There were only a few horses in the La Crosse valley: people used oxen. A buggy or cutter, and THOMAS JENKINS BIOGRAPHY 745 eveu a bobsled was a rare article. The long sleigh was in vogue and some used these in summer until they procured wagons. To cut grass and grain they used scythe and cradle and bound by hand. The virgin soil was very productive ; everything was very cheap, wheat 33 cents per bushel, pork 2 cents per pound, and good cows $25. Horses were very dear, a good team costing $400 or $500 ; hired men $1 per day ; people very contented and wonderfully accommodating. The first settlers were strong men and Avomen of all nationalities. If a man climbed on top of the bluffs he could see only timber, timber. Today field, houses, barns, cattle, horses, school houses and healthy and rugged look- ing children. Monroe county, thou hast changed wonderfully ; thou art big and almost square, so big I guess as Milwaukee, Kenosha and Eacine counties. Thou art a baby yet in numbers of population, but there is great progress within thy bounds. La Crosse valley, the great rail highway to the wonderful west, is romantic and beautiful with young forest trees on both sides of the valley. Sparta, the most American city of Wisconsin, is located in a fertile and picturesque spot within five miles of the greatest soldier drilling camp in the United States. There are as good farms in this valley, as you can see in any part of the United States, and a glorious and progressive future awaits the coming generations. Thomas Jenkins, one of the intelligent farmers of Leon town- ship, Monroe county, Wisconsin, w^as born in Wales, February 16, 1840. He emigrated to America and settled in ^lonroe county in 1858, and is a loyal citizen of the country of his adoption. Evan Jenkins, his father, was born in Wales in 1813, a son of Thomas and Mary Morgan Jenkins, also natives of Wales. He was reared in his own country and during his youth was engaged in agricultural pursuits and mining. In 1858 he determined to try his fortune in the new world, and accordingly crossed the sea to America. He came directly to Wisconsin and settled in Monroe county, where he made his home until his death, which occurred in November, 1898. He was one of the pioneers of this section and bravely bore his part in developing the resources of the country. He was married in his native land at the age of twenty- seven years to Margaret Williams, who w^as born in Wales. Of this union five children were born : Thomas, the subject of this sketch ; Elizabeth, the wife of W. W. AVilliams, of Scranton, Pa. ; David, who lived on part of the old homestead, died in June, 1910 ; Evan, who lives on a farm near Bangor, and Llewellyn, who lived on part of the old homestead, died in March, 1904. The 746 HISTORY OF MOXROP] COUNTY mother of these children died April 21, 1879, at the age of sixty- six years. She was a consistent member of the Congregational church. ]\Ir. Jenkins is a member of the church ; politically af- filiates Avith the Republican and Prohibition parties. lie is a man of integrity, and honorable in all his dealings, and enjoys the highest respect of the community. Tliomas, the oldest of the family, remained with his father on the home farm until he purchased a farm of AV. S. Jones in 1874. He received his education in the common schools and was fairly trained in all tlie details of agriculture. He now owns 379 acres in two farms and good Iniildings in Pleasant valley. The writer has been married twice, first to Mary Lloyd, daughter of John and JMargaret Lloyd. Three children were born to them, INIilton, Annie and ]\Iargaret. The mother of these children died in 1881, :Milton died in 1898, and Annie and Margaret in 1906. ]\Iarried for the second time in 1888 to Laura Rathbun, daughter of Ilallet and Catherine (Cramer) Rathbun. at Cashton, AYis. The latter is now deceased. Six children are the result of this union : Hallet Rathbun, died in infancy ; Gathorn Meredith, Lyel Newton, Melita Lucinda, Tliomas Hallet, Glen Llewellyn. Deeming the temperance movement the greatest question of the day, the writer has given his hearty support and influence to temperance in every form ; has served twice as juror and twice on the town board. I am glad that I did not load myself with bad habits in my youth, such as drinking, using tobacco, swearing, playing cards, dancing and mastered superstition and unrelial)le legends. I am a lover of books and am standing on a broad platform in my views and thinking that there are good people in all parties in every country. I admire Wisconsin Avitli its equity and ad- vancement, and its great university. Our free schools will drive darkness, middle age dogmas and superstition out of the land. I leave my blessings to my descendants and kindest wishes to the readers of the history of Monroe county. AYisconsin. Respectfully, THOAIAS JENKINS. Zeno Kent Jewett, whose death occurred at Sparta. September 12, 1908. was a leader among the horticulturists of Wisconsin, and an illustrious example of that type of enterprising, intelligent and resourceful business men who have given to INIonroe county the advanced station i1 hdlds among the progressive counties of this state. He was a native of Aurora, Portage county. Ohio, born in Septeml)er. 1837. His father, Christopher Jewett, was a native nf New Hampshire and was descended from one of the BIOGRAPHY 747 earliest and most respected New England families. lie was one of seven brothers who have numerous descendants throughout the country. The paternal grandfather, James Jewett. emigrated to Ohio when his sou Christopher was a youth, and was among the early pioneers of Portage county. The mother of Zeno Kent Jewett, whose maiden name was Arabella Kent, was also a pioneer of that part of Ohio, having emigrated from Connecticut. Christo- pher Jewett. accompanied by his family, went to Illinois in 1841 and settled in Chicago, which was at that time a small village, remaining there but one year, when he removed to McHenry county. After a residence of a few years at this place, the family again moved, gomg at that time to Lake county, Illinois, where the father died in 1851. His wife, mother of our subject, survived him many years, spending the latter part of her life with her son, Zeno, at Sparta. Christopher and Arabella (Kent) Jewett were the parents of three children, Zeno K. being the eldest. The late Mrs. jMiriam Morehouse, a long time resident of Sana Andro, Cal., was the second in order of birth and lived to the age of sixty-six years, her death occurring in 1908; the youngest and only sur- viving member of the family, A. H. Jewett, is a resident of White Salmon, Wash. Zeno K. Jewett was reared and spent his early youth in Illi- nois. In the fall of 1865 he came to INIonroe county and pur- chased a farm in LaFayette township. Returning to Lake county, Illinois, he married, in 1866, Miss A. Eliza Judd, daughter of Artemus and Hannah (Halliday) Judd, natives of New York state and Canada respectively. Artemus Judd accompanied his parents to Canada Avhen twelve years of age, and here resided until early manhood, whence he came to Wisconsin, where Mrs. Jewett was born. The family later removed to Iowa, where he died in 1870. His widow survived until 1882, when she too passed away. IMrs. JeAvett has four brothers living, viz. : Eli E. Judd, of Antioch, 111. ; Capt. Samuel H. Judd, of Tacoma. Wash. ; Artemus W. Judd resides in Illinois, and F. B. Judd lives in Iowa. Four children were born to JMr. and Mrs. Jewett, viz. : Miriam Irene, Art Judd. Maude lone, all of whom reside at Sparta, and Bella, who is deceased. Art Judd Jewett was united in marriage with Miss Catherine McMillen, daughter of C. W. and INIary K. McMillen, of Sparta, August 11, 1890. They have one son, Zeno Kent Jewett, who married Minnie D. King, daughter of John A. King, of Tomah, September 17, 1909. and they have one son. John Artemus Jewett. 748 HISTORY OF :\10XR0E COUNTY ]\Ir. Zeno K. Jewett returned to ]\Ionroe county witli liis young wife in llic sprin*? of 1866, iind moNcd onto the farm that he had purchased llic tail j)revious, wliidi lie improved with a good residence and outbuiUlings, and carried on general farming until 1868, at wliicli time he Avas joined by his l)rother. A. II. -lewett, and togellici" they continued to operate the fai"m successfully initil 187;i. wlicn Mr. Zeno K. -lewett jmrchased tlu^ interest of his brother and .-ifterward conducted the farm alone, starting, in the meantime, a nursery and farm within the city limits of Sparta. Gradually disposing of all his holdings in LaFayette township, he devoted liimscir entirely to his Sparta interests and conducted a protitfd)le ;iiid growing business. For years he kept a very com- plete nursery, making a specialty of the finest evergreens. He was also successfully engaged in the i-aising of small fruits and was foi" many years known as one of llie most prosperous nursci-y- nien and horticulturists. Jn 18!J8 he established the -lewett gi-een- houses. which were also an accpiisition to his already' tine culture, and which are still most ably and successfully conducted under the management of his daughter, Miss ]\Iiriam Irene -Jewett. while the farm and nursery is being carried on by his son. A. J. -Jewett. Mr. -Jewett had always taken an active interest in public affairs and was always i-eady to lend his moral intlnence and financial aid to any worthy enterprise tending to the betlermeni of his conniiunity. lie never sought ])olitical preferment nor desired public oftice. although he Avas alderman from the First AVard and chairman of the board at the time the waterworks system was inaugurated, lie was a Republican in politics and a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. A man of jovial dis- position, he was recognized as one of Sparta's most influential citizens and highly esteemed by all. Dni'ing his lifetime. 'Sir. -lewett and his estimable wife were extensive travelers and visited the I'acitic coast and other impor- tant points of the Republic, securing many mementoes from the interesting points visited. ]Mrs. -Jewett relates many of the vivid scenes and incidents connected with the early days when they first settled in J.a Fayette township, at which tinu' the Indians came and camped on their farm, the chief and others of their tribe often seeking a night's lodging at their home. She also tells of attending the war dances, which at times continued toi- three days and niLilils. it is such stin-ini; incidents as she is able to relate that heli)ed to make up llic history of jiionccr da\s in ]\Ionroe eountv. BIOGRAPHY 749 George A. Johnson,* who resides on section twenty-two, Green- field township, is a native of Monroe county, having been born on the homestead farm adjoining the one of 320 acres where he now resides, and Avhich is one of the well cultivated and pro- ductive farms of the county. He was born on June 14, 1884, to Albert and Sarah (Tarr) Johnson, who were natives of New England, and descended from an old and prominent family. The Tarr family were among the first settlers of Greenfield township, together with the Sawyers and others, sketches of whom appear elsewhere in this work. Albert Johnson is a son of Calvin Johnson, who came to INIon- roe county in an early day and settled in section twenty-two, Greenfield township, where he spent many years of his active life. He moved to Riverside. Cal., where he passed away at the age of eighty-four years. His wife, grandmother of our subject, also died there. The parents of our subject are still residents of Greenfield and classed among the well-to-do and highly respected citizens of that town. They have had a family of nine children, eight of whom are now (1912) living, viz.: Herbert, deceased; William resides in California; Ralph lives in Greenfield town- ship ; Harr}' in Iowa ; Fred is a civil engineer and is located in the Philippine Islands; George A., our subject, Jesse and David are residents of Greenfield township, and Charles lives on the home- stead farm. George A. was reared on the farm, where he remained a greater part of the time until he reached the age of twenty-two ; he at- tended the district schools and assisted in the farm work. He started on his own resources on a rented farm, which he subse- quently purchased in 1910, and where he now resides. He has his farm under a high state of cultivation and well improved with a good residence and outbuildings, and it ranks among the best farms of the township, while the owner occupies a prominent place among the citizens and is known as a thorough and up-to- date farmer. He was married, January 12, 1910, to INIiss Minnie Prescott, daughter of A. G. and Sarah (Hackett) Prescott, prominent citizens of Tuunell City. John L. Johnson, a prominent resident of LaGrange township, was born in Sauk county, Wisconsin, July 2, 1855, the son of Rev. A. J. and Clarissa Almeda (Rouse) Johnson, natives of Penn- sylvania, where they married and came to Sauk count}', thence to Monroe county ; the father was a traveling preacher, in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal church, and in 1862, when our subject 750 HISTORY OF .MONROE COIWTV was seven years of afre. befiaii fanniiiir. He continued in this ocenpation, tofjether with liis ininistcrial work, nntil his (h^ath, wliicli ocenrred in ^losiiicc. Wis., in ISSI). ;it the aye of sixty-nine years. He was the fatlicr of eight ciiildreii. w/..: Klson AV., of Augusta. AVis. : Hari-iet. Avife of Samuel Hinkley. of ^losinee, Wis.; .lohn 1^.. oiii- subject; Elniar. ck^ceased ; Sarah AliiKHhi, wife of Daniel Roberts, of Alilwaiikcc ; bhi ^lay, wife of William Upton, of Minneapolis; Dr. II. H. .lolinson, of Toniali. and Vance, of Beloit. John L. a11ciid(^d the common schools and has been on the farm since he was seven years of age. Early in life he was em- l)loyed for three years as overseer of a cranberry marsh at Ray- mour, wdiere he continued for some time after the exjiiration of his three-year contract. In 1909 he purchased the Alvin Day farm in LaGrange township, where he now resides, engaged in general farming. In 1879 he was married to Miss Phoebe Getman, daughter of Nicholas and Jane Getman, of Monroe county. One son, Ernest H., Avas born to this union. Mrs. Johnson died in 1896 at the age of forty-two years and lie nmrried for his second wife Airs. Fidc^lia Featherly, of Monroe county, in 1899. Julius P. Johnson,* ])rosperous farmer in Sparta township, is a native of Denmark and was born January 10. 1870. lie is a son of Hans Henry and Marie Johnson, also natives of Denmark. Hans II., the father of our subject, was the son of Jens and Kate Johnson, who spent their early life in Denmark, where lie died at the age of fifty-six years. His wife, Kate, was left with a family of five children and later came to the United States and located at Tomah. Alonroe county, AA^isconsin, where she died in 1890. The children — three of whom are now living — are: Peter, of Tomah: X(ds. of A^alley Junction; Sina. the Avife of Christ Hansen, of X'alley -Innction; Kate and Alina. \\lio are now de- ceased. Our siihjecl was raised on llic home farm in Denmark, con- sisting of eight acres, every spot (>f wliicli was like a garden. •luliiis attended tlif i)iil)lic schools unlil the age of fourteen. Be- side the farm his father was engaged in shoe making, and. upon the compldioii of liis schooling. .Inlius was engaged in the shoe business and farming until his seventeenth year, then for one year he ti-aveled through Denmark, and in llie .spring of 1889 lie came to America. Coming direct to AVist-onsin, he first settled at Bangor. La Crosse county, where he Avas employed as a farm hand for three years. lie then rented a farm near that place and engaged in farming on his own account, coni inning to reside here BIOGRAPHY 751 for eight years, and in 1901 came to Sparta township, Monroe county, where he purchased a farm of 120 acres from L. R. Cham- berlain in section two. to which he has since added fifteen acres. Under ]Mr. Johnson's management the phice has been greatly improved, the residence has been remodeled and made into a modern and up-to-date home, with fine outbuildings consisting of barns, to which he added a large new silo. He is engaged ex- tensively in stock raising and dairying, and has a fine herd of full-blooded Holstein cattle. On November 22. 1899, he was iniited in marriage with Miss Clara Rhyme, daughter of Henry aiul AVilholmina Rhyme, of Farmington township, La Crosse county. ]\lr. and Mrs. Johnson have an interesting family of three children, as follows : Ethel Elizabeth, born November 19. 1901: Fay ^Margaret, born January 22, 1904, and Julius EdAvard, born February 21, 1908. ]\Ir. John- son is one of the enterprising men of his town, and now serving as chairman to the town board. Mr. Johnson is the third child in order of birth of a family of nine children, eight of whom are now living: Jens, of Denmark; Charles AV.. of North Dakota: our subject: Christ, of Bangor, Wis. ; Otto, of South Dakota : Augusta, wife of John Evans, of Bangor; Henry and Julia, who live in Denmark, and Hansen, wiio is deceased. Lewis C. Johnson. In perpetuating in words more enduring than monuments of stone, the memory of men of prominence whose active and valuable lives were spent in ]Monroe county, the pages of this volume would be incomplete Avere mention not made of the honored pioneer whose name is here recorded. Esau Johnson, father of our subject, was a native of South Carolina; he came west to AVisconsin, and was the first white man to settle in Monroe county. In 1846, according to government reports, he Avas a squatter on the northwest quarter of section twenty-four, township fifteen, range tAvo Avest, Avhich, after the establishment of ^Monroe county. Avas in Sheldon toAvnship. He was energetic and thrifty, a man of good judgment, kind-hearted and generous. His death occurred in 1888, honored and respected by all Avho kncAv him. Tlie death of the mother occurred in 1876. Lewis C. Johnson Avas born in the toAvn of Sheldon. IMonroe county, on June 2. 1846, Avhose portrait adorns the Avails of the county clerk's office in the court house at Sparta, has the honor of being the first Avhite child born in this county. He lived at home Avith his parents until he Avas sixteen years of age, and, being so early throAvn upon his oAvn resources, commenced his 752 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY L-areer as a common laborer, working for the meagre salary of 75 cents per day; yet, in the face of these difficulties, by his hard work and economy, he finally acquired a farm in his own 'right, which he afterward developed into one of the model homes of the county, while for many years he has witnessed the growth ;nn] taken an active ])ar1 in the development of his community and the transforming of Monroe county into its present condition among the banner counties of the state. lie is a man of recog- nized ability and influence, and has been generally successful in whatever branch of business he has undertaken, showing himself cai)able and trustworthy. He now resides witii his family in a comfortable residence at Oil City, and is one of the oldest settlers now living in the county. On February 21, 1865, he enlisted in Company K, Forty-sixth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served seven months and six days, receiving his discharge September 27, 1865. He is a Republican in politics and takes an active part in all matters of public interest. He was married in the town of Sheldon in 1867, to Miss Olive Floyd, and they have had six children, four of whom are now living, viz.: Luella. Eva E.. Adelbcrt ]\1. and Henry AV. Johnson. Those deceased are Jane and Huldah. David r. Jones, a progressive farmer of Sparta township, is a native of the Keystone state, born at Danville, ]\Iay 3. 1865, the son of John F. and ]\Iary (Williams) Jones, both of whom were born in Wales. In 1851 the father emigrated to America and located in Pennsylvania, wlicie he was em])loyed in the coal mines nntil 1866. He then removed with his family to Wisconsin and settled on a farm which he purchased, consisting of sixty-five acres near Watertown. in Jefferson county. After a residence there of four years, they removed to La Crosse county, where their lives were spent; the father died in 1891 and the death of the mother occurred in 1884. They were the parents of seven children, six (»f whom ai-c now living, viz.: John. Sarah. William. David F., Mary, now tlic wife of George Welsh, and p]lizabeth. David F. Jones received his education in the common schools of La Crosse county, and remained at home with his parents until he was twentv-three vears old. In 1895 he came to ^Monroe countv • • • and for sixteen years resided in the city of Sparta, where he con- ducted a lucrative dray and coal business. He moved onto his present farm in section twenty-two. Sparta township, where he is successfully engaged in general farming. ]\Ir. Jones is one of the influential and juiblic-spirited men of his township and enjoys the respect of all wiio know him. He is a Republican in political BIOGRAPHY 753 sentiment and fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the F. R. A. Mr. Jones has been twice married ; his first matrimonial ven- ture was on January 15, 1890, with Miss Sadie Hemstock, daugh- ter of William and Elizabeth Hemstock, of Sparta. By this union three children were born, viz. : Earl F., born February 16, 1891, is now attending the agricultural department of the State Uni- versity at Madison ; Mildred S., born January 13, 1893, and Ethel E., born April 17, 1896. Mrs. Jones passed away in 1903, and he married for his second wife Miss Theiza Hutson, daughter of Thomas and INIary Hutson. John L. Jones is one of the sterling men and successful farmers of Leon townslii]). He was born near Rockland, in La Crosse county, Wisconsin, on January 4, 1856. His parents were John W. and Mary (Jones) Jones. The father, who was born in Eng- land, emigrated to Canada in the early fifties, where he remained three years, then moved to Wisconsin and located in the Fish Creek Valley, La Crosse county, on a farm, which was his home for about eighteen years ; then moved to the town of Portland and purchased 680 acres of land. Earlier in his life he had learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, and, after locating in the Fish Creek A^alley in 1854, he built the first saw mill on Robinson's creek. He also assisted in building the railroad depot at Bangor, and built the first grist mill at this place ; he followed the car- penter 's trade until 1858, after which he made farming his chief occupation. During the Civil AVar he engaged in buying substi- tutes for drafted men, which business often necessitated his walk- ing to La Crosse and back the same day, a distance of twenty-five miles. He was prominent in the affairs of his community and held several local offices in the towns of Bangor and Portland, and during the fifteen years he was justice of the peace he was always an advocate of arbitration in disputes of all causes that came before him. He was an ardent prohibitionist and a firm believer in the cause of temperance. From a poor man and a small beginning, he became a man of means and influence in his town and county. Three years prior to his death, which occurred in 1900, he moved to the city of Sparta. Mrs. Jones, mother of our subject, survives at the age of eighty years, and is the only person living of the early pioneers in the Big Fish Creek Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were the parents of six sons and two daugh- ters, seven of whom are now (1912) living, viz.: AV. A. Jones, a prominent banker of Sparta ; Mary ; Evan M., a druggist at Clark, S. D. ; David S., druggist at AVatertown, S. D. ; Thomas R., a 754 HISTORY OF 3I0XR0E COUNTY farmer of I'oi-lland towiisliip ; lieiijaiuiii; Edwin resides in Bis- marck. X. D.. enf;a^ed in the real estate and insurance business, and John L.. our subject. Sarah is deceased. John L. Jones acquired his education in the common schools of liis home town and at the Cleveland. Ohio, hij;h school. After completing his education, he tau<.dit school four years in ]\Ionroe county and for two years in La Crosse county. On .Inly 5. 1882, he moved with his sister to ]*leasant Valley and purchased 220 acres of land three miles southeast of Leon, where he has since resided, engatred in iieneral farmin<:: and stock raisin«r. He deals extensively in blooded shortJiorned cattle and Poland-China hogs. His place is under a good state of cultivation and well imjjroved with a substantial residence, barns, tool shed and granary, all of which have been erected since ,"\lr. Jones purchased the fai-iii. He is a progressive and high-minded gentleman and takes an active interest in the affairs of his town. For five years he held the position as manager of the Leon Valley Creamery Association, and in politics he is a progressive Republican. On February 27. 1885. he was married to ]\Iiss ]\Iarv Harr, daughter of John Harr, an old and prominent pioneer of Big Creek Valley. Seven children have been born to ]Mr. and Mrs. Jones, viz. : Sidney D., a student in the medical department of the Valparaiso University: Vivian, (jladys and ]\Iyrtle. Vivian and Myrtle are teachers; Hazel and Isabelle are attending the Sparta high school, and Florence resides at home. John R. Jones, member of the General Assembly of Wisconsin from the county of Monroe, was born at Pittsburg, Pa., in 1850, the only son of John R. and Anna (Davis) Jones, both natives of Wales. The father came to the United States in 1840 and located at Pittsburg, where he was employed in the iron and steel mills for sixteen years. In 1856 the familv came to AViscon- sin, taking passage by boat from Pittsburg. They went down the Ohio river to Cairo, thence up the Mississippi to La Crosse, then overland to the Fish Creek valley in ]\ronroe county. Avhere the father purchased 120 acres of land. Previous to this, how- ever, the father, with a friend, had visited this section on a prospecting tour, at that time making the journey from ]\Iihvau- kee on foot. On the arrival of th(> family, ]\Iay 6, 185(5, they set to work to improve, subdue and cultivate the wild land. Their first residence was a board structure 12x16 feet. The lumber was hauled from Ontario by ox teams, a distance of twenty odd iniles, over hills and creeks which had no bridges. At this time the streams were abundant with fish and tlie Avild game roamed HON. JOHN R. JONES BIOGRAPHY 755 over the hills and valleys, wliieh contributed largely to the sturdy pioneers' menu. From a meager l)eginning and without tlie ad- vantages of wealth conferred upon him, having lost $5,(,)()0 of hard earned money by the collapse of a bank in a financial panic of the late forties and early fifties, ]\Ir. Jones, Sr., fought manfully the battles of pioneer life and by hard work, thrift and economy, converted his wild land in the valley to a good farm and pleasant home. He was one of Monroe county's most exemplary citizens, and by careful, judicious management made life a success and owned at the time of his death, which occurred April 21, 1903, 320 acres of land in the Fish Creek valley. His early education was limited, but he was a constant reader and a close observer of events, and in his mature years was known as a well-read and thoroughly posted man, and he was withal a man of generous impulses, given to acts of charity and kindness to those in need. Having but a small family of his own his heart went out to many orphan children who had no home or funds, and to this class he gave liberal succor. During his lifetime he gave a home to some four or five boys, raised and educated them until they arrived at the age of manhood. All of them turned out to be honorable and respected citizens. Mr. Jones was one of the founders of the "Welsh Presbyterian church, whose first meetings were held in the little log school house one-half mile from his residence. In 1876 a new frame church edifice was erected, and still a little later a large building was constructed on the same site, to all of which ]\lr. Jones contributed liberally of his means. This latter buildhig was destroyed by fire in 1910, and during the year 1911 another building was erected, whore our subject and his family now w^orship. In all matters of public interest, whether of count3% state or national, Mr. Jones took a commendable interest, and his home was at all times open for the gathering of his friends, who dis- cussed all the live issues of the day. In early life he was a AVhig, but upon the formation of the Republican party he became one of its most ardent supporters. He was born at Cardigan Shire, in South Wales, in the year 1816, and died at the age of eighty- seven. His wife, mother of our subject, was highly respected and beloved for her many womanly virtues and noble Christian char- acter. She was born at Cardigan Shire, South AYales, in 1806, and died at her home on January 13, 1897, at the age of ninety- one. John R. Jones, the subject of this sketch, attended the district schools of his neighborhood until he Avas sixteen years of age 756 HISTORY OF MONROE COUXTT and tlien took a course of instruction at "West Salem Academv, euniiiiercial colleye and at the Si)arta liigh school. lie after- wards taught school for four years in La Crosse and ]\Ionroe counties. Later he spent two years and a half as a student in the law office of Bleeknian & Blooniingdale, at Sparta, but over- exertion so impaired his ej'esight that lie was compelled to aban- don law and he then returned to the farm. In politics he is a staunch supporter of the principles of tiie Republican party and is active in its councils. He has been called upon to fill many positions of trust. He has served as treasurer of his town, has been supervisor for six years, and for eleven terms a member of the county board, two terms of which he has been chairman. In 1906 he was elected to the general assembly, and was re-elected in 1908, and again in 1910. He has served on the committees of agriculture, state department, engrossed bills, and as chairman of charitable and penal institutions, also as chairman of highways. He was chairman of the joint committee of the assembly and senate to investigate the highways of the state, and is known as the father of the present efficient highway system of the state. He is a progressive Republican and ardent advocate of reform, and believes in a pure and unsullied government. On ]May 25, 1882, Mr. Jones was married to ]\liss ^Margaret James, daughter of ]\Ir. D. J. James and ]\Iary (Jenkins) James, of La Crosse county, one of the most prosperous and highly es- teemed citizens thereof. To this union have been born four children: David S., Stephen R.. John R. and Wilford :\1. IMrs. Jones possesses all the amiable traits common to the AVelsh people. She is kind, generous and hospital)le. Her parents came from Wales in an early day and also settled in the Fish Creek valley in 1852. They had a family of twelve children, only two of whom are now living, ]\Irs. Jones being the youngest. ]\Irs. Jones was born at Fish Creek. November 15. 1856. Her father was born in 1813 and died on June 1. 1895. Her mother was born ]Marcli 9. 1812. and died February 15, 1879. They were both born in Gla- morgan Shire, AVales. ]\Ir. Jones owns 406 acres of land in the Fish Creek valley, which is highly improved with a substantial and modern residence and outbuildings, located on the side of the great ridge, which is a beautiful spot and presents to the eye a landscape scene admired and not to be forgotten l)y all who see it. Marvin E. Jones, deceased, was boiii in Liverpool, England, February 22, 1841, and died in La Grange township. ^Monroe county. Wisconsin. April 3. 1897. AVhen ten years of age he BIOGRAPHY 757 came with his pareuts to Dodge county, Wisconsin, where he lived nntil 1864, when lie moved to Monroe county. In 18f)6 he was united in marriage to ]\Iiss Alice S. Waterman, daughter of Othaniel and Mary (Gambia) Waterman, natives of Oneida county, New York. Mrs. Jones was born near Utica, N. Y., De- cember 17, 1842. Her parents, after leaving New York, went first to Indiana, thence to Fox Lake, Dodge county, Wisconsin, and in 1864 they moved to La Grange township, Monroe county, where with the exception of a few years spent in Minnesota they resided during the remaining years of their life. He w-as a progressive, puldic spirited citizen, and at the time of his death at the age of sixty-three years, had many Avarm friends. His widow survived until February 4, 1899, when she passed away at the age of eighty-two, beloved and esteemed by all who knew her. They had six children, Mrs. Jones being the eldest daughter. Of the others Frederick C. lives at Waterloo, Ind. ; Charles and Mary Ellen are deceased, and two w^ho died in infancy. The parents of Mervin E. Jones were Robert and JMary Ann Jones. He was born in Whales and she in England. They came to Dodge county, Wisconsin, and there died. Mervin E. had one sister, ]\Iary, deceased, and four brothers, viz.^ Andrew, Thomas and ]\Iande]-ville, residents of ]Minnesota ; Aniron, who is also deceased. The children born to Mervin E. Jones and Alice S. AVaterman Jones are ]\Iary Elizabeth, wdfe of John McCurdy, of Tomah township; Alice S. ; Genevieve, formerly the wife of Har- vey Cook, of California, died in June, 1911 ; Maud is deceased ; Charles ^lervin, of Puyallup, AYash.; Frederick E., La Grange township ; Robert 0., of Valley Junction ; Happy L., married Louis Curabo and resides in Pennsylvania ; Edward resides at Tomah ; Nellie E. is the wife of Ray McGuinniss, Valley Junction; Glad- stone of Ontario ; Sydney P.. Valley Junction, and Margaret R. married Charles Houck, who lives at Valley Junction. Mr. Jones was a man well thought of in his town and popular alike with the citizens of the surrounding towns. He was for nine years continuously employed by Gleason & Squier, the Good- year company, as head sawyer at the water mill and other places, and finally met with an accident wdiich terminated in his death. He was a kind neighbor, loyal citizen and esteemed by all who knew him. On July 3, 1903, the home of Mrs. Jones was visited by a cyclone, which demolished her residence, tore up trees and destroyed other buildings. Neighbors who chanced to drop in as the storm approached fled to the cellar and saved their lives from the cyclone. 758 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Thomas R. Jones, another thrifty farmer of Portland town- ship, was born at Rockland, La Crosse county, "Wisconsin, Janu- ary 20, 1870, son of John AV. and Mary (Jones) Jones, both natives of South Wales. The father was born in 1828 and the mother in 1832. John Jones followed farming in La Crosse county until 1871, when he came to ^Monroe county and bought land in section sixteen, Portland township, which he improved and added to until at the time of his death he owned 720 acres. There were seven children in his family, as follows: John L., of Leon town- ship; AVilliam A. and IMary, of Sparta; p]van M. lives at Clark, S. D. ; David F. resides at AVatertoAvn, S. D. ; Thomas R.. the sub- ject of this sketch, and Edwin, of Bismarck, N. D. John Jones, father of Thomas R., was one of ]\Ionroe county's most h.ighly respected and progressive citizens, and took great interest in public matters, and any enterprise which he thought was for the interest and betterment of his community received his endorse- ment and hearty support. "While living in La Crosse county he served as assessor, and after moving to Portland township he served as town clerk for a number of terms, and for many years was justice of the peace. His death occurred in December, 1900. His widow, mothet of our subject, is still living and resides in Sparta. Thomas R. Jones was reared on his father's farm and attended the district schools and lived with his parents until they moved to Sparta in 1899, when he purchased from his father the home farm, where he still lives. On March 1, 1899, he was married to Miss Emma Breitenfield, who was born in Portland township, August 28, 1877, the daughter of "William and Anna (Oswald) Breitenfield, natives of Germany and Switzerland, respectively. The father was born near Bremen, Germany, September 23, 1848, and the mother was born in Switzerland on January 8, 18-t9. They were married in Leon township, Monroe county, December 3, 1872, and raised a family of nine children, eight of whom are now (1912) living. They are: Albert, who lives at La Crosse; ]\Irs. Albert Erickson, of Portland township; ]\Irs. Thomas R. Jones, wife of our subject; Mrs. Adolph Everson lives in La Crosse; Herman resides in Portland township ; ]Mrs. Carl ^Moede, of Cash- ton, Monroe county; Otto and Theodore, of Portland township. The mother of this family, a lady of fine mental attainments, a good wife and mother, passed away on December 3, 1906. ^Ir. and Mrs. Jones have one daughter, ^Nlabel A., born February 7, 1900. Mr. Jones' farm of 160 acres in section sixteen, Portland town- BIOGRAPPIY 759 ship, is highly improved by cultivation and a fine residence, barns and other outbuildings, besides being equipped with many labor- saving devices, and in addition to general farming he is interested in the Citizens' State Bank of Sparta. He is serving his fourth term as chairman of the town board, and for a number of years has been a justice of the peace. In politics he is affiliated with the Republican party, and in religious matters both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church of Portland township. George W. Kelk, present chairman of the Oakdale town board and a prominent farmer of this township, was born here on June 7, 1883. He is the third child of a family of fourteen children, ten of whom are now (1912) living, born to Charles and Matilda (Halvorson) Kelk, natives of New York and AA^isconsin, respectively. Charles Kelk moved with his parents from New York state to New Lisbon, Monroe county, AVisconsin, some time during the seventies, where they lived for about ten years, and then moved to Oakdale township and made their permanent home. The father died in 1906. The mother is still living at the age of eighty-three years. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelk also live in Oakdale and are considered among the leading farmers and citizens of that township. George lived at home until his twentieth year, attending the district schools of his neighborhood until he was sixteen. He was a thrifty and energetic young man and decided that upon reaching his majority he was both able and capable of making his own way in the world, and accordingly started out with a portable saAv mill, which he operated with success and followed that busi- ness for about five years. On October 20, 1909, he wedded Miss Elizabeth Giesler, daughter of Robert and Matilda Giesler, in Monroe county. Mrs. Kelk's ancestors on her father's side came from Germany to AViseonsin state in an early day, where her father was born. Her mother was a native of New York. They had a family of six children, all of whom are living. Mr. Kelk is a young man of fine personality, strictly up-to-date with his methods of farming, and has one of the best dairies in his section, which yields a regular income. He keeps posted on all public matters and takes a keen interest in the affairs of the Republican party. Ransom Kenyon,* of Sparta township, is one of the well-known early settlers of Monroe county. He dates his birth in the town of Frabius, Onondago county, New York, January 30, 1832. His 760 HISTORY OF :\10NR0E COIXTY father, Enoch -J. Kenyon, was also born in central New York, as was liis mother, whose maiden name was ]\Iiss Lucy Reed, and their married life was spent in the p]mpire state. The subject of this sketch was the eldi'st in a family of six children, and is the only surviving member. Farm duties early claimed his attention to such an extent that his school advantages were limited. At the age of twenty-four he left his native heath and came to ]\Ion- roe county, AVisconsin, where he pre-empted a forty-acre tract in Leon township, and proceeded to clear the timber and establish a home in the new country. It was here that he first built a log house and stal)le. mikI where he enjoyed the varied experiences of the i)ioneer in the then dense wilderness, surrounded by deer, wolves and other wild sjame, and Avhere the Indian Avas not an unfrequent visitor. In 1855, three years after he had established himself in the Cooley, he bought his present farm of James Rich- ardson and removed to this place, which has since been his home, carrying on both the farm in Leon and the one where he lives. In 1858 Mr. Kenyon was united in nuirriage with Miss Anna Caroline Palmer, daughter of Kernetus and Harriet Palmer, of Fabius, Onondago county. New York. !Mrs. Kenyon was born in Cortland county. New York, in 1839, and was a faitiiful helpmeet to her husl)an(l in the struggles of pioneer life. A few years after her marriage her father came to La Crosse county, where he was employed for a time. Her mother continued to reside in New York state until 1888, when she came to AVisconsin. making lur home with her daughter until her death in 18!)8, at the age of eighty-two years. ]\[rs. Kenyon is the third child in a family of five children, as follows : Harriet, of Syracuse, N. Y. ; Amelia C, wife of Homer D. Call. Those deceased are AYilliam O. and Harriet, who died while young. Mrs. Kenyon 's paternal grandfather Avas Titus Palmer, avIio came from Conn(M-ticut to Cattaraugus county, New York, thence to Onondago county, where he engaged in farming, and there died. Her maternal grandmother was Arvilla AVheat, who came from Connecticut to New York state on horseback at the age of sixteen years to join her parents, who had preceded her to Courtland county, being among the pioneers of that locality. ]\Iiss Wheat nmrried -lol) AVhitmarsh Avhen seA'enteen years old and they raised a family of fifteen children, and he Avas an exten- sive farmer and cattle droA'er of that day and frequently took large herds of cattle overland on foot to Ncav York city. ]Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon have Iavo children, AVillis 0., on the home farm, aiul Alice A., Avife of C. E. ]\Iiller, of Yiroqua. Wis. In politics ^Ir. Kenyon has been a life long Democrat. BIOGRAPHY 761 Webster Kenyon/'' who was one of the ijublic spirited and sub- stantial eitizens of Tomali. Wis., attained to success by patient and persistent efforts in tlic line of an honest calling and held the confidence and esteem of all who knew him by reason of the honorable, upright and manly character of his dealings. He was born November 18, 1830, at Hartland, Niagara county. New York, a son of Daniel and Elma Kenyon, both natives of that state, of J]nglish-Scotch ancestry on the father's side, and Holland an- cestry on the mother's side. They came to Wisconsin with a family of six children in 1848, and settled in the town of Honey Creek, Walworth county, remaining there for three years, w^henee they removed to Hartford, Washington county, and here passed the remainder of their lives. The death of the father occurred in 1855 and that of the mother in 1856. They were farmers by occupation, thrifty and enterprising, and enjoyed the friendship of all with whom they came in contact. He w'as brought up in the Quaker faith and w^as a man of excellent habits and devoted much of his time to the buying and selling of stock. AVhen en- gaged in farming he paid much attention to the raising of thoroughbred cattle, which he took pride in exhibiting at fairs, and often received the highest premium. Upon coming to AVis- consin he sold his farm in Niagara county containing 182 acres. He had a good common school education, and in later years was an active member of the Universalist church. He was an old-lime Whig and a strong anti-slavery man. and often gave assistance to slaves in escaping from their masters. Mr. Webster Kenyon attended the common schools of Niagara county and the select school taught by the Aldrich children, Quaker instructors. After coming to Wisconsin he attended the high school in AVal worth county, which was supplemented by a special university course in engineering and surveying, and thereby acquired a thorough knowledge of civil engineering. AVhen he first came to AVisconsin Mr. Kenyon worked as a farm hand during the summer months w'hile attending the com- mon schools in winter, and for the first tw^o years thus employed he received the munificent salary of $8.00 per month, and for the next three years he received $11.00 per month. After receiving so small a salary on the farm he was induced by a friend to go into the lumber regions of Michigan, and there obtained employ- ment at $18.00 per month, but after a short time he joined a party of surveyors as chainman at a salary of $20.00 per month, and so apt w^as he and so faithful did he perform his duties his salary was soon raised to $60.00 per month. He afterward spent one 762 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY year in the employ of the Chicago, ^Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad on their line between ]\Iihvaukee and Fox Lake, Wis. In the fall of 1854 he decided to go to Kansas, but on his way visited Monroe county and becoming so impressed with the advantages that this county offered he located in the town of Adrian and at once en- gaged in surveying, a business he followed part of the time in connection witli his lumber interests near Tomah. During the civil war 31 r. Kciiyon was drafted for service and assigned to the Twenty-second Regiment, AVisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served with that regiment until the close of the war, when he was honorably discharged. Mr. Kenyon was three times married, the last time in 1886 to Miss Mary Gott, by whom there was no issue, but by his former marriages there were born four children, all of Avhom are now (1912) living, viz.: Alma Eloise, Schuyler Colfax. Henry Wilson and Kathleena. A Republican in political faith, he took an active interest in the affairs of his party, and any public movement toAvards the betterment of the commiuiity always received his sanction and support. He served the county as surveyor for fif- teen years. He was an active member in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and in the Grand Army of the Republic. He moved to the city of Tomah in 1911, where he resided until his death, enjoying the fruits of his hard work which the years of conscientious endeavor brought. George A. King", who resides in section thirty-five, Adrian township, is a descendant of one of the early settlers of Wiscon- sin. In the forties his parents, Robert and Harriet (Tobner^i King, natives of Cambridgeshire, England, came to the United States and settled at Whitewater, AVis., where our subject. George A., was born April 9. 1856. In June of the following yeai' the family moved from AVhitewater to Alonroe county, and located on the farm now owned and occupied by our subject. A short time after locating on this farm the parents went to Jacksonville, Adrian township, but soon returned to the homestead perma- nently, where they lived and experienced the hardships and trials of the pioneer. He was a veteran of the Civil AVar, having served as a member of the Twenty-fifth Regiment. AVisconsin A'olunteers, and was with Sherman on his march to the sea. He was one of Ihe representative citizens of Alonroe eoimty, a man of high ideas, a kind and generous neighbor, and one of the useful citi- zens of the county. His death occurred July 5, 1895, at the age of sixty-seven years. His wife, mother of our subject, who was a woman of many domestic virtues, a good wife and kind and BIOGRAPHY 763 loving mother, passed away in November, 1879, at the age of fifty-fonr years, loved and respected by all who knew her. George A. King is the second youngest of a family of three children ; of the others, John J. is deceased, and Oscar R. resides in Tomah, Mr. King was reared on the home farm and attended the public school. He early started in life for himself and as a result of his thrift and ambition he acquired a farm of eighty acres adjoining the old homestead at the age of twenty-five years. The original farm was wild land, fully one-half of which lias been improved by Mr. King, until now it contains 120 aer?s and is considered one of the finest homes in the county. The road pass- ing the homestead farm was originally an Indian trail from Kick- apoo to Gray Pines, and Indians could be seen flocking with baskets of blueberries to and from Tunnel City at nearly all times of the day. The view from this home is one of the most pictur- esque of any in Monroe county, and one can view the landscape for miles to the north and east from one of the highest altitudes of the township. Here Mr. King is successfully engaged in gen- eral farming and stock raising, and keeps a fine herd of Durham cattle in his dairy. In all public matters he takes a keen interest and any movement for the betterment of his community receives his loyal support. lie has been chairman of the town board for five years and for a period of fourteen years has been one of the jury commissioners. Fraternally he is a member of the Woodmen of the World. In December, 1880, he was married to Miss Kate Seibold, daughter of George and Armenia (Kuapp) Seibold, natives of Germany and Canada, respectively. In 1850 the father came to Baraboo, AVis., and from there came to La Grange township in IMonroe county, and in 1869 moved to Ridgeville township, where they remained until 1887, when they moved to Tomah, where the father now resides, the mother having passed away in 1905 at the age of sixty-four years. Mrs. King is the eldest of a family of six children. The others are : Emma, wife of Truman R. Tal- bot, of Sparta ; Ira Seibold, Tunnel City ; Etta, wife of Bert Hoag, of Tomah ; Olive, wife of Henry Skinner, of Tomah ; Myrtle, wife of William Young, Spokane, Wash. Those deceased are George, Mary and Laura. The children born to ^Ir. and Mrs. King are Maude A., Vnn M.. and Vyrgil M. Thomas H. King, of Sparta, Wis., is a native of Monroe county, and was born in Wells township October 26, 1871. Among the pioneers of Wells township were George E. and Helen E. (Nichols) King, parents of Thomas H., who came from Cattarau- 7G4 HISTORY OF .MOXKOK COl'NTY gus coiuilx. Nt'W '^'(trk. 1() .Mdiiroc county aiul ciitcrfd a lioiue- stead of government land. Tiny were thrifty and enterprising ])eopl<' and represented tlie l)est class of ])ioneer citizens, wlio devoted llu'lr lives to building \i\t tlir country ;iiid adding to its taxable "wealth. They reared a family of seven children, two sons and five daughters, viz.: ]\Iina. wife of Robert Allen, of AVells township; Ida. Avife of Thomas J. Taylor, of Spai-ta; Thomas II., the subject of this sketch; ]\li]li(! .M., wife of Charles Blake, of Sparta ; George AV. ; Blanche, wife of p]rnest Gerscheske, deceased, and "Winnie, Avife of Russell ( 'atley, of Sparta. Thomas S. King, paternal grandfather of our sul),j('ii. was also among the early settlers of the same locality. Here he cleared up and brought to a high state of cultivation 120 acres and there spent his life. His death occurred in December, 1897. at the age of eighty-eight years. Henry Nichols, the maternal grandfather of ]\[r. King, left the Empire state and came to "Wisconsin early in 1854, and also entered a government claim of IGO acres, and later added to this claim additional land by purchase, which he OAvned at the time of his death about twenty-five years ago. His wife, the maternal grandmother of our subject, Avas ]\Iary 0. Stearns, Avho is still living at the age of eighty-one years, and her superior qualities of mind and heart attract to her the admiration of her many friends. Thomas attended the district schools of his native toAvnship until he Avas fourteen years of age, Avhen he entered the Sparta city schools, and upon completing his studies he entered the em- ploy of E. E. Oliver, Avho Avas engaged in the general merchandise business at tJiat time and later in the timber business in northern AVisconsin. He afterAvard spent two years as traA^eling salesnum for a Avholesalo implement house in ^Mihvaukee. In 1002 he opened au office at Sparta and endjarked in the real estate busi- ness, in Avhich he has been ennnently successful, not only in his immediate locality, but in the sale of ]\Ionroe county iin])Toved farms and city property and soutlnvestern lands. On July 4. 18!)4, he married ^Miss ]\Ielila V. Loddiigton, of CraAvford county, "Wisconsin, and they have three children, viz.: I\I. Alarie, Thomas R. and Helen I. AFr. King is a man of fine social (jualities, generous, kind- hearted and popular in the circles in wliich he moA'es. Albinus Kirst, avIio for nmre than half a century has been a resident of Monroe county and an active citizen in deA^eloping the material resources of the countA' and aiding in its transformation BIOGRAPIli^ 765 from a wilderness to its present place among the rich and fruitful counties of the state, is a native of Germany, and was born De- cember 21, 1849. When he was six years old his parents, Gottlieb and Sophia (Weidmann) Kirst, came to this country from Ger- many, arriving in 1855, and after spending two years in the vicinity of Chicago they came to Wisconsin and first located in Greenfield township, this county, where they made their home until 1866, when they moved to Adrian township and settled on a farm of wild land in section twenty-three, cleared and cultivated it and made it their home, and here our subject now resides. The father, who attained the age of eighty-seven years and eight months, passed away in 1897. His wife, mother of our subject, died in 1871 at the early age of forty-nine years. They were hard-working, faithful and highly respected people, and the farm, which at the time of settlement contained but sixteen acres of cleared land, now consists of 120 acres of highly cultivated and productive soil. Albinus Kirst is one of a family of six children. Of the others Louis is deceased; Ernestine is the wife of Bernard Drowatzky, of Tomah ; Ida, widow of the late John F. Schultz. of Toniah ; Emil is deceased, and Emma is now ]\lrs. James Ebert and lives in Tomah. Our subject coming to Monroe county with his parents, was reared on the home farm amid the struggles of pioneer life, and has always been a successful farmer. He is energetic, enterprising and progressive and a man of strict in- tegrity. He takes pride in making his farm one of the best in tiie county. In 1891 he built a large and commodious barn and in 1908 a modern residence was erected on an elevation, backed by a beautiful oak grove, and is made picturesque to the observer, and in front of this is a sparkling spring of pure water, the pride of the owner of this ideal farm home. Mr. Kirst has always taken a keen interest in the affairs of his town, has been treasurer of the school district, and himself and wife are members of the German Lutheran church, of Tomah. On March 31, 1874. ]\Ir. Kirst was married to Miss Fredrecka Matzka, also a native of Germany. The fruits of this union has been seven children. Those living are: Anna; Leonard, wJio is pastor of the German Lutheran church at Cambria. Wis. ; Lydia and Arthur. Louis. Otto and Rinold are deceased. William C. Kirst, who condiTcts the farm of 165 acres in sec- tion twenty-two. Adrian township, the estate of his father, which has been his home all his life, is the son of Emil and Margratha (Wagner) Kirst, botli natives of Germany. The father came with 766 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY his paiM'iits to America wlit-n he was two years of age, and they settled on this lioniestead when hnt few acres of it were cleared. Tlu'v immediately set to work to improve the land and soon hi-onjiht it to a fjood state of cultivation, built a residence and outhuildini»s. Aviiicli have since been remodeled and imitroved by our siil)je('t. and is now one oi' Ihe best fai'ui hdiiies in the county. p]mil. one snhjeel 's father, was the son of Gottlieb Kirst, and died in 1!!(I7 at the i\^e of fifty-two years. His Avidow. mother of William C, was born in IS.")?, the daughter of William and Sarah (Iluth) Wagner, also natives of (Jermany. who came first to Mil- waukee and six years later to Ridgeville township. ^lonroe county, more than fifty years ago. Ibn- father was the founder of the St. John's (lerman Lutheran church of Kidgeville. of which ^Irs. Kirst is a devoted mend)er, and makes liei- home willi our subject. William ('. is the ohb^st of a family of si.\ childi-eii: the others are: Rev. Ewald Kirst. \vlio. aftei- completing a ten yeai's' course of study, is now pastor of the (iennan Lutheran chiu'eli at Ellens- burg, Wash.; Ernest is a student of the agricult nral dei)artment of the Wisconsin Thiiversity at Madison; Alfred, of Adi-ian town- ship, has also completed a thorough course in agricultui'e at the same university; Fred 1j. ami liobert (\. who are at home. On JuiK^ 27. 1012. ]\li'. Kirst was mai'iied to ]\Iiss Lillie Matzke, of Tomah. lie lived at home until he was twenty-one years of age, obtained a good education in the schools of his neighborhood. and tlien learned the carpenters' trade, at which he has worked in connection with his farming operations for several years; he built many tine barns and other buildings in his community, and, besides conducting his home farm, he works tlie W. L. Kehberg place in the same township, ami is considered one of the most prosi)erous and enterpi-ising young farmers in the count>'. lie is a nuiii of ability and push and has served his town in various offices, being treasurer for three years, and is now tilling the office of assessor, being elected in 1911. Mathias Knorst, a native of Germany, is the son of Jacob and r^Iary (Ilotf) Knor.st and was boi-ii August 14. 1S4S. lie came to Ainei'ica with his parents and four l)rothers and two sisters. He tii'st located in IMercei- count.w Pennsylvania, where they i-e- sided until 1S7(). when the fatliei- jtun-hased a farm of 160 acres of laiul. known as the Thom])Son farm, in section lifteeii. -letferson township. Moiu'oe county. AVisconsin. and movcul thither and there made liis home until his death, which occun-ed in 18!);i. The mother died in IS!)."). He was an iiulustrious and hard working man, ami cleared, grubbed and transformed his farm from its BIOGRAPHY 767 wild condition to a state of cnltivation and productiveness. He was honorable and upright in all his dealings, and a man of influ- ence in his town, and he and his wife worshijied at the Catholic church. jNIatliias received his education in the parochial school, which he attended up to his thirteenth year, and remained at home with his parents until he reached the age of twenty-four. He came to Monroe county ten years after his father and located on a rented farm in Jefferson township, which he carried on for a time, and after the death of his father he acquired the old homestead, to which he has since made many and valuable improvements. Along the banks of the stream which runs through his jilace are found specimens of blue and white clay that resemble matrix stone taken out of the Rocky mountains in Colorado, and a rich red clay of metal appearance is found in large cpiantities and is believed by many to be valuable for manufacturing purposes. The farm also contains a good (piality of limestone, and it is believed that the farm contains valuable minerals. Mr. Knorst is a progressive farmer, using the latest up-to-date methods in his operations, and is one of the influential ])ul)lic-spirited men of his town. His son J. J., who is an accomplished watchmaker and jeweler, has re- ceived a liberal education, resides at home and devotes much time in assisting his father in the farming operations. On September 9. 1873, Mr. Knorst was married, in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, to ^Nliss Barbara Franz, daughter of John and Catherine Franz, who were also natives of Germany. To ]Mr. and Mrs. Knorst have been born Ave 'children, four of whom are now living, viz. : Anna M., born March 5, 1875, married George Weiner and is the mother of six children: Catherine A., born July 32. 1877: Jacob J., born April 29. 1879, and Mary A., born May 13. 1881. In politics Mr. Knorst is a Democrat, and in religious affiliations he and his family are members of the Catholic church. Nicolaus Koopman resides on section twenty-nine, LaGrange township and is one of the thrifty farmers of that section. He was born in the Province of Holstein, Germany, March 9, 1849 ; his father, Johan Koopman. never left the fatherland, preferring to spend his life in the country where he lived and died. lie was the father of seven children: of the others, Johan lives at Bram- stadt, Germany; Margarete is deceased; Henri, deceased; Anna, of Germany; John, of Tomah. and Kathrina, who lives in Germany. Nicolaus received a common school education in his native town and at the age of fifteen years his father gave him one dollar and told him that he would have to make his own living. At the 768 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY age of twenty-one he entered the German army and served tliree years. In 1884 he came to America, and. upon his arrival in this conntry. came direct to Monroe connty. landing at Tomah July 5 of that 3'ear. He spent a few days at Jacksonville, Wis., and on •Inly L'L'. 1884, he entered the employ of the C. A. Goodyear Com- I)any. where he remained until April, 1912. During the period of from 1884 to 1897 he was a resident of the city of Tomah, but in the hitter year he came to his present farm, which he has since carried on in addition to his business with the Goodyear Company. The residence on this place having been destroyed by fire, ^Mr. Koopman erected a small structure, which was replaced in 1911 by his present modern and commodious home. In addition to his residence, he has a fine barn, granary and hog house. The place is well improved by cultivation, and modern conveniences and api)liances which go to make a model, up-to-date country home. In all his business ventures. 'Mv. K()oi)man has scored a grand suc- cess as a result of his thrift, ambition and fair dealing, and now abides at his ease in one of the best country homes in his township. He was married. November 8. 1874. in his native country, to ]\Iiss Geeshen Sandkamj). daughter of Claus and Katherina Sand- kamp. Of the children born to ]Mr. and Mrs. Koopman. ^larcus is deceased ; Eliza married Carl Wagner, of Tonuih ; Ennna is deceased, and Edward resides at home. In religious affiliations, ]\Ir. and ]\Irs. Koopman are members of the German Lutheran church. Carl Kortbein, a wealthy farmer and one of the leading men of this section of ]Mimroe county, was born in the town of Ridge- ville, this county, on June 30. 1865. His parents were David and Louisa (Kube) Kortbein, both natives of Germany. David came to America with his parents in 1856, and the family first located on a farm near Watertowu, Wis., where they lived among the Avilds for about five years, with the Indians for neighbors, and then moved to IMonroe county in 1861. Christian Kortbein, his father, and grandfather of Carl, was an ambitious and thrifty farmer and labored hard against the difficulties of those pioneer days; he died in 1873. and his wife passed aAvay two years previ- ous. They were l)oth devoted members of the Lutheran church. David ac(|uired a good education in Germanv, and was a close student in all matters of general importance in his native country, and. after eoming to America, ajijilied liimself diligently to the task of obtaining a home for himself and family. lie was married in Watertown, Wis., in 1862, and had a family of three children, 1\vo of whom are now (1912) living, viz.: Carl and a twin brother. BIOGRAPHY 769 Albert Kortbein. In 1895 they purchased the farm where our subject now resides, in sections twenty-four and thirteen in Ridge- ville township. He was hard-working, energetic and persevering, and a man of excellent judgment in matters of public interest, as well as in his farming methods, and was considered a valuable citizen to his community. He was born in 1826 and died in 1912. His widow, mother of Carl, still lives at the homestead with her son, at the age of seventy years, and is held in the highest esteem by her many friends. Carl has always lived on the home farm and until he was fif- teen years old attended the district schools, where he acquired a good substantial education, considering the limited course, and after his school days were over he made a special effort to obtain the practical knowledge of matters in general which now ranks him among the foremost men of his township. He was married at the age of thirty-one, on June 23, 1896, to Miss Adelhaide Roscovius, daughter of Rudolph and Augusta Roscovius, in Adrian township, and they have had a family of five children, four of whom are now living, viz.: Edwin J., born July 4, 1897; Agnes, born April 10, 1899; Hilda, born December 15, 1901; Arnold, born October 4, 1902, and Ethel, born August 4, 1912. Mrs. Kortbein is the second child of a family of ten children, nine of whom are now (1912) living. Her father was a railroad contraetor and bridge builder and came to America from Germany with his family in 1872, and settled in Tomah, Monroe county, where he worked at his trade until he retired — ^twenty-seven years ago. Anton Kroeger,* who was born in Waukesha county, Wiscon- sin, September 6, 1859, is the youngest of a family of three chil- dren — two of whom are now (1912) living — born to Henry and Anna Kroeger, both natives of Germany. They emigrated to America in 1852 and located first in New Jersey, from whence they came to Waukesha county, where the father worked for a time as a laborer. In 1860 he moved with his family to Monroe county and purchased a farm of 160 acres in Ridgeville township and added later eighty acres more, and here established the family home, where he lived until his death in 1907. His wife, mother of our subject, died in 1884. The father was an energetic, hard- working man and was a successful farmer and was considered authority on many points of agriculture. His first vote for presi- dent was cast for Franklin Pierce. Both he and Mrs. Kroeger were members of the Catholic church. Anton Kroeger received his education in the district schools 770 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY ami assisted his fatlun- willi llic f'ai-m \V()fl<. liviim- at home during tlicir lifetime. In 1!)(12 lie ])iir('hased a farm of eighty acres in section eight. Kidgeville towiiship. and has since been successfully engaged in general fai'iiiiiig on his own ))lace. He takes pride in keei)ing his ])laee well imi)i-o\('(| and stocked, employing only the most up-to-date methods in his operations. In politics he is a Democrat and takes active inlci-est in the atfairs of his party. He has held minor local offices and is now (1012) assessor for the town of Ridgeville. lie was married June 8. 1892. at Sparta, to ]\Iiss Kat(^ Doll, daughter of .John Doll, a pioneer of ]\Ionroe county. To this union has been born eight children, four sons and four daughters, viz. : (xertie L.. Joseph A.. (Jrace K.. Walter ]^.. Helen II.. Alex. P.. Ruth and James J. George P. Kronberg, one of the industrious tillci-s of the soil in ]\Ionroe connt.w and a man of sound judgment and good prac- tical sense, is the owner and pro|)i-ietoi- of the Kronberg farm in section twenty-nine. Angelo township, consisting of eighty-four acres. He was l)orn in Denmarlv. January 18. 1866, the son of N. J. and Christiana Kronberg. The father came to the United States in 1885. and is now {lf)12) living at AVest Salem, La Crosse county. AVisconsin. The mother, who was born in Denmark, sjient hei' entire life in that country, Avhere she died, (ieorge P. Kronberg. the snl).)ec1 of this sketch, attended the common schools of his native country, and "vvas reared on the farm, where he re- mained until 1884. when he set sail for America. Upon his arrival in this connti'v he raine to Bangor. La Crosse county. Wisconsin, ■where he found he had but 5 cents in his jjocket. He immediately found em])loyment with tln^ Chicago. ^Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, and later with the Northwestern Railroad, and still later he hired out as a farm laborer, and continued at this occupa- tion until 1891. M'hen he came to Angelo township and ])urchased his present farm and immediately nu^ved hithei- with his family. Since I'cmoving to his ])resent place. Air. Kronberg has remodeled and improved his residence, built a large and commodious barn, silo and other outbuildings, and has brought the soil to a high state of cultivation. Sixty-five acres of this farm is so highly improved that each year it i)roduces a bountiful harvest. He is a practical, systematic and ])rogressive farmer and gives particu- lar attention to the fertilization of the land, the rotation of crops and other means of deriving the best results from his farm opera- tions. He takes an active interest in the aifairs of his town and county, and is now serving his fourth term as member of the town board. He has been interested in the construction of bridges BIOGRAPHY 771 on the highways and in other improvements of his township, and is known as a high-minded, public-spirited and successful citizen. On Jul}' 1, 1888, Mr. Kronberg was united in marriage, at West Salem, La Crosse count}^ Wisconsin, to Miss Roberta Miller, daughter of Robert F. and Nancy D. (Washburn) Miller, natives of Ohio, and who came to La Crosse county in 1849, being among the early pioneers of that section, the towns of Burns and Bangor. He was a veteran of the Civil War and died soon after his return from the army, at the age of thirty-seven years. Mrs. Miller, mother of Mrs. Kronberg, is also deceased, her death having oc- curred in 1897. Abel AVashburu, grandfather of Mrs. Kronberg, came from Ohio to Wisconsin in 18-48, and was one of the most highly respected pioneers of Burns township, LaCrosse county, where he died at the age of eighty-six years. To Mr. and IMrs. Kronberg have been born four children : Rob- ert P., born in July, 1889; Ruddie R., born June 11, 1892; Tressie C, born December 30, 1899, and Levi M., born August 11, 1903. Irvin A. Krotzman, of AA^ells township, IMonroe county, was born July 21, 1861; his parents were John E. and Fredarica (WoeWin) Krotzman, both natives of Germany. The father came to America before his marriage, and first located in Pennsylvania, where he worked at his trade of shoemaker for ten years. He then spent a short time in New York and in 1858 came to AVis- consin, locating at Sparta, but later moved to Walworth county, continuing at his trade luitil he purchased 160 acres of govern- ment land, to which he added until, at the time of his death, he owned 360 acres in ]Monroe county, where he lived for thirty-four years, then moved to Salem, La Crosse county, and resided with our subject. The father was born in 1824 and the mother in 1827. They toiled hard in the honest endeavor to build them a home, and suffered many privations at first, but in the end were successful, passing away at the close of a busy and well spent life, honored and respected by all who knew them. INIr. Krotzman died in 1895 and INIrs. Krotzman in 1901. They had a family of seven children, all of whom are living. Irvin A. was the fifth child in the family and received a good education, and, after spending two years in the Sparta high school, he spent ten winters in teaching and working at the stone masons' trade during the summer months. He then embarked in the mer- cantile business, cari\ving on a general store at Clifton, Wis., for five years. Disposing of this business, he moved to Salem, La Crosse county, and engaged in the hotel business from 1893 to 1895, and then purchased the old homestead in section fourteen, 772 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY AVells towiisliii). where he has since resided and lias been con- stantly adding to the improvements of the place. His house and barns are well built and of modern construction, and, in addition to his general farming, he carries on a paying dairy business, and his elegant fish i)(,tnd near his residence is bountifully supplied with the finny tribe. ]Mr. Krotzman is a man of thrift and ability and has made a grand success of the farming business since he began, as well as gaining the good will of his fellowmen. He is a Republican in politics and has served as chairman of the town board and also as clerk of the board. He was married, February 3, 1889, at Tomah, Wis., to Miss Carrie Frohmader. Four children have been born to them, three of whom are living, viz. : Celia, born April 1, 1891 ; John, born January 19, 1893, and Alma, born July 7, 190-1. In religious affiliations, Mr. and Mrs. Krotzman are members of the Methodist Episcopal church of Sparta. George F. Kuckuck owais one of the best 150-acre farms in Mimroe county; it is located in sections seventeen and twenty, in Oakdale township. Avhere he has lived since 1910. He is a car- penter by trade, but has followed the occupation of farming most of his life. He w'as born on January 30, 1888, in Oakdale town- ship, the son of George and Rose (Gabower) Kuckuck, who were both natives of Germany. He lived at home and attended school until he was eighteen years of age and then learned the carpen- ters' trade and worked at that for about four years, after which he purchased his father's farm. On June 24, 1909, he was wedded, in Monroe county, to Miss Charlotte Avery, whose parents are early settlers here and highly respected people. Mr. Kuckuck is one of the hustling young farmers of this local- ity, and is thoroughly up-to-date on all issues of public interest. At the present time he is secretary of the Oakdale Co-operative Butter Association and is a man of good business judgment. He is a Democrat in politics, and takes great interest in the move- ments of that party. Fraternally he is a member of the ]\Iodern Woodmen of America. "Lawrence A. Lane, of Cashton. Monroe county, Wisconsin, is a native of New York State, and was born yt Plattsburg, August 10, 1851. His father. Dyer Lane, was born in Ottawa, Canada. October 21. 1828, and his mother, whose maiden name was ]\Iary Fitzpatrick, was born in England in 1830. They were nuirried at St. Andrews, Canada, in 1846, where they resided luitil 1848, and removed in that year to Plattsburg, N. Y., wiiere they made their home for nine years, thence in 1857 came w^est to Wisconsin and BIOGRAPHY 773 first settled at Horicon. They remained here one year, and in 1858 went to Maiiston, Juneau county, where they made their per- manent home. The father followed the occupation of farming and lumbering, and, being thrifty and progressive, met with much success. He is still living (1912) at Mauston at the age of eighty- four years. The mother died in 1902. They were the parents of eleven children, eight of. whom are now living, viz.: Mrs. Emery Root, who resides at Mauston ; Lawrence A., our subject ; Mrs. Thomas Dowd, of Omaha, Neb. ; Alex. Lane, Rapid City, S. D. ; Albert resides in western Nebraska; Mrs. Peter Comer, of Maus- ton ; J. D. Lane lives at IMansfield, S. T>. Those deceased are Mrs. Emery Newkirk, and Phoebe, who died at the age of twenty-seven years, and two children died in infancy. Lawrence A. Lane was seven years old when his parents lo- cated at Mauston, attended the common schools at this place, after which he attended the Cashel & Rogers Business College at La Crosse, which is now known as the Wisconsin Business University, Here he received a thorough business training, and after com- pleting the course was engaged as a school teacher, which voca- tion he followed for about twelve years. In 1882 he entered the employ of the Chicago, IMilwaukee & St. Paul Railroad as ware- house man at New Lisbon. He remained thus employed for eight years, and so well did he perform the duties assigned him he was transferred in 1890 to Cashton and given entire charge of the company's business at that place, in which capacity he is still engaged. On October 20, 1878. he was united in marriage with Miss Jennie JMeredith, who was born at Racine, Wis., October 10, 1853, daughter of Thomas and Ann Meredith, both natives of Wales. There were nine children born to them. viz. : Thomas, who en- listed and served in the W^isconsin Regiment in the Civil War, died while in the service ; Mrs. Ernest Jewett, of Wheaton, 111. ; IMrs. Rachel Demeroe, of Grand Rapids, Wis. ; George is deceased; Mrs. Lawrence A. Lane, deceased; Mrs. Sarah Louie and Mrs. Robert Marshall, deceased; Edwin lives at New Lisbon, and Mrs. Maggie Rourke resides at Grand Rapids, Wis. One daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lane on December 21, 1881, and is now" Mrs. Carl C. Coe. On November 9, 1903, Mrs. Lane died. She was most highly esteemed by all who knew her, was a good wife and mother, and a lady of many womanly virtues. A Democrat in political opinion, Mr. Lane takes an active part in the affairs of his party, and is interested in all matters per- 774 HISTORY OF :\[OXROE COUNTY taining tt» tlic welfare of his community. He has served eleven years as clerk of the village of Cashton. Fraternally he is a mem- ber of the Cashton Camp, No. 2671. ^Modern "Woodmen of America, and in religious matters is a member of the St. Peter and Paul's Catholic ehurcli. ]Mr. Lane was a member of Company D, Third Regiment Wisconsin National (Juaixls, and spent five years in that service. Joseph J. Lee, a prominent farmer of Portland township, is a native of lesvold, Norway, where he was born June 29, 1847. lie remained in the land of his nativity until he became twenty-two years of age and then came to the United States, landing at Sparta, AVis., ]\Iay 17, 1869. The first three years after his arrival he made his home with his uncle, Lars Peterson. In 1S72 he purchased a farm of 120 acres in section tw^enty-one, Portland townshij). The land was in a raw' state and he immediately set to work to subdue, cultivate and improve it, and. by hard work and per- severance he succeeded and now has one of the best cultivated and most joroductive farms of the township. His first house and also his barns were built out of logs, and so wild was the land that he found it necessary to grub the stumps in order to build the foundation for his house. To replace the old log house he has recently completed a modern twelve-room residence, finished in quartered oak, with a steam plant in the basement for heating and other up-to-date appliances, and his is now one of the finest homes in jMonroe county. His barn, whicli is 34x86 feet, is one of the most modern barns in that section. It has 9-foot ceilings below, with a basement under the whole, with cement fioor, and contains stable room for fifty head of cattle and six horses; also a modern silo, built in 1912. On ]\Iarch 7, 1876, Mr. Lee was married to ]\Iiss Olive P. Ben- rud. Mho is also a native of Norway, and was born in the same town as Mr. Lee on April 12, 1856. They have a family of nine children, viz. : Leonard J., ]\Irs. Peter Peterson, Ole R., ]\Irs. Henry Peterson, Lenora, John A.. Louis Y., Albert and Fstella. ]\Ir. Lee's whole life has been spent in farming and dairying. He was one of the original incorporators of the Farmers' dairy of Portland, and one of its directors, and for some time its secre- tary. He is a Republican in politics and has served several terms on the township board, and is a member of the Norwegian church. He came to America with limited means to start with, but as a result of his ambition and thrift, hard work and economy, he has added to his original purchase from lime to time until he now owns 280 acres of fertile and liigblv cultivated land, and with his Q K BIOGRAPHY 775 fine country home, is surrounded by a wide circle of friends, wlio regard him as one of the prosperous and influential citizens of the county. J. B. Leis is a native of Cole's valley, Jefferson township, Monroe county, where he was born February 7, 1869. His parents, Bernard and Catherine Leis, Avho were both natives of Germany, came to America in the early fifties, and in 1857 located on the ridge in the town of Jefferson. They had a family of five chil- dren, our subject being the fourth. When the family first settled in Jefferson the father purchased a small tract of land and there lived until 1863, when he enlisted for service in the Civil War and with his regiment served in the Army of Tennessee until the close of the war, and after receiving his honorable discharge he returned to the old homestead and purchased 200 acres of wild land, and with his own hands cleared and grubbed 100 acres and converted it from a wild state to a highly productive farm. In those early days settlers were few and wild game, bear and deer, were plentiful, with Indians roaming over the country. Mr. Leis was a hard working man and always sociable and good natured, and held the confidence and esteem of his acquaintances. His word was considered as good as his bond. He and his wife were both members of the Catholic church and Mr. Leis assisted in building a little church at the cemetery where they worshiped, but which has since been destroyed by cyclone. He was an advo- cate of pure democracy and was a loyal supporter of this party all his life. He died in 1904. The mother passed away in 1907. J. B. Leis, our subject, lived on the home farm until he was twenty-five years old, attending the district schools until his fifteenth year. After his marriage he moved on to his father-in- law's farm, which he rented for two years, and then engaged in the saloon business in Pine Hollow and operated that together with his farm. He purchased eighty acres of land in sections twenty-eight and twenty-nine and erected thereon a modern resi- dence of ten rooms and a good, substantial barn. His farm is well stocked with good horses, cattle and hogs and the cream from his dairy is sold to the Farmers' Enterprise Creamery, at Cashton, of which he became president in 1909, a position he still holds. He is independent in politics and has held several minor offices. He has been supervisor for three years, and for a long time overseer of highways, and takes a deep interest in all matters of general importance, and is one of the public spirited men of his town. On August 21, 1893, Mr. Leis was married to IMiss Eva Han- 776 IITSTOKY OF .AIONROE COUNTY sen, daughter of P. J. Hansen, and they have five children, viz.: Henry B., born March 3, 1895; Katie E., born October 11. 1896; Lawrence H., born September 10, 1898; Celia M., born February 26, 1900, and Addla ("., born December 24, 1902. Capt. M. E. Leonard, Civil AVar veteran and an industrious citizen of Sparta, was l)()rn at Fort Ann., "Washinorton county, New York. September 27, 1832, his parents l)ein^ Jarvis and Eliza Leonard, both natives of New York state. Jarvis Leonard was the son of Elisha and Clara Leonard, natives of ^Lissachusetts and Connecticut, respectively . The early Leonard faniily were strong believers in the P>ai)tist faith. The subject of this sketch was the second of a family of three children, the first being Eliza Jane, wife of Rev. Robert A. Adams. She is now deceased, lier death occurring in Boston, ]\Iass., and Philetus A., who died at Odell, 111., in February, 1912. Jarvis Leonard, father of our subject, was twice married. His second marriage was with Elizabeth Pierce, by whom he had one son, ]\Iason Leonard, who lives at Chicora, Pa. Captain Leonard Avas married December 10, 1869, to I\Iiss Olive A. Damon, daughter of Seth and ]\Iary Damon. She lived to the age of sixty-eight years and died in ^lay, 1909. There were five children born to Captain and ]\Irs. Leonard, viz. : Kliza, mar- ried George Hasty and lived at Aberdeen, S. D., where she died; Frederick J. married ]Miss Lettie Burnham, of Cambridge, ]\lass. They have one child named Leoua, and reside at La Crosse. Wis. ; AVilliam T. lives at Watertown, S. D. ; Arthur M., of Chicago, and ]\Iinnie B. Leonard, who resides at Sparta. ]\Ir. Leonard was reared on the home fai-m, going with his family to Cattaraugus county, New York, Avliither they moved from AVashingtou county in 1837. At the age of twenty-one Mr. Leonard began farming on his own account, which he followed until 1856. In early life he had made the acquaintance of the late Judge ^Morrow, of Sparta, and they became fast friends. In the year 185() they decided to accept Horace Greeley's advice, "Go west, young man," and came to AVisconsin together in the fall of that year. It was with great difficulty, however, owing to Judge IMorrow's ill health that they were able to reach Sparta. The first occupa- tion accepted by Mr. Leonard after reaching this, the then new country, was that of clerk in the Hotel ]\Ionroe, where he remained until this hotel Avas destroyed by fire two. years later. He then became clerk of the Denny House, which stood where the AVarncr House now stands. There were no railroads in those early days and the only means of travel was by stage coach, which was slow BIOGRAPHY 777 and tedious. The line of coaches between Portage and St. Paul were run in relays and the duty of caring for the men in Sparta fell to Mr. Leonard. His experience as hotel clerk was varied and his duties strenuous in that he had to manage many a rough gang of men. This work was followed by varied experiences in other lines of business, and later he ventured into hop raising for two years. He then took up the trade of carpenter and joiner and built several of the early buildings of Sparta and many of the large barns in and about Sparta township, as well as the first silos and bridge were constructed by him. He continued at this trade until 1909, when he retired. In July, 1862, he enlisted in Company D, Twenty-fifth Regi- ment, Wisconsin Volunteers, and the first service he performed was as a recruiting officer, a position he held for several months. The governor, appreciating his fitness to command, commissioned him captain of his regiment. Captain Leonard is one of the stal- wart figures of Sparta and a man of strong physique. His experiences during the Civil AVar will be found among the reminiscences of this work. All through his service as captain of the Twentj^-fifth Regiment his motto w^as, "Simply do your duty and fear nothing." Gothern Liddle, who resides in section ten, Sparta township, was born at Herseyville, Monroe county, Wisconsin, August 24, 1874, and is the youngest of a family of seven children born to William and Mary (Aherne) Liddle, natives of England and Ire- land, respectively. Of the others, Kate is now Airs. John AlcVay, of Hardin, Mont. ; William is deceased ; Alary, wife of Charles Jarvis and resides at Culbertson, Alont. ; Sarah, wife of Richard Barrett, Alerrill, AA^is. ; Isabelle, Airs. Charles Hubner, of Culbert- son, Mont., and Alantille, wife of Jefferson Butterfield, who resides at Beacli, N. D. In 1846 Mary Aherne, with money furnished by her mother, came to Canada and for two years made her home with William Tate, who at that time was engaged in surveying the Grand Trunk railway. In 1850 William Liddle came from England to Canada and while there met and married Alary Aherne. With money saved while a girl Airs. Liddle bought a home of James Aherne near Saginaw, Alich., which she later traded with Stephen Wilbur for an eighty-acre farm at Hersey- ville, Alonroe county, whither they went in 1861. Some nine years later disposing of the farm at Herseyville, they purchased what is known as the Putnam farm in Sparta township, where they re- moved in 1872, and afterwards bought the present home farm. Here Air. Liddle died on February 3, 1909, at the age of seventy- 778 HISTORY OF .MONROE COUNTY three years. He had been actively engaged in farming and railroading during his lifetime, was a man of genial tempera- ment, kind-hearted and generous, and esteemed ])y all who knew him. William Alexander Liddle, i)at('rnal grandfatluT of our suh- jeet, a native of Scotland, moved to Newcastle, England, in an early day, where he died when his son "William was a boy. His wife, grandmother of our subject, was Isabelle (Donohue) Liddle, wlio died j)rior to lier liu.sband. ]\Iichael and Kate (Harden) Aherne, maternal grandparents, were born in Shandon and Lim- erick, Ireland. He died in Ireland and she at Saginaw. ]\iich.. wliere she-came after the death of her husband. He was a sailor on the deep seas and during the Crimean war sailed from England under the American flag. They had a family of three children, ]\Irs. Liddle being the only surviving mein])er. Those deceased are Sarah, wife of iloses Kahoe, who was at one time foreman on the Evening Post, at Brooklyn, N. Y., and Katherine, who was the wife of Lewis Anger. On April 10, 1912, ]\Irs. Liddle celebrated her seventy-ninth birthday by entertaining a large number of her friends and neighl)ors. Gothern Liddle received his preliminary education at the dis- trict schools of his home town, which Avas supplemented by a thorough course in the Sparta high school. "With the exception of one year spent on the road as salesman for a farm machinery concern, ^Ir. Liddle 's whole life has been spent on the farm, which, since reaching the age of twenty-two years, he lias man- aged and conducted. The original farm, which consisted of eighty acres, has been added to from time to time until it now contains 200 acres of highly cultivated land. He has been lavish in his expenditures of time, energy and money in improving the farm, erecting a commodious and substantial residence, barns and silo, and supplying modern appliances and ecjuipments, so that this is in reality one of the most desirable homes in Sparta township. Mr. Liddle has always carried on general farming and dairying and for many years has been counted one of the thrifty and pros- perous farmers of his section, and an influential and wide-awake citizen. He has taken an active interest in township affairs and in 1012 was elected assessor. In religious belief he and his family are mend)ers of St. I'atrick's church, of Sparta. On October 26. 1910. ]\Ir. Liddle was married to ^liss Julia Madden, daughter of Jolin and .lulia (Crowley) ^Madden, natives of Limerick, Ireland. The father emigrated to America when sixteen years of age. and settled on a farm in Lemonweir town- BIOGRAPHY 779 ship, Juneau couuty, near Mauston, where Jic was engaged in farming and railroading for forty years. He died February 15, 1904, at the age of eighty-two years, beloved and esteemed by all wdio knew him. His wife, mother of Mrs. Liddle, who was a woman of many domestic virtues, held the contid(>ne(> and respect of her wdde circle of friends, survived until September 25, 1905, when she passed away. They raised a family of nine children, as follows : Anna, wafe of James MeCarty, of Iron River, Wis. ; John, resides at Minneapolis and is conductor on the Great West- tern railroad ; P. II. is roadmaster on the Chicago, ]\Iilwaukee & St. Paul road from Portage to La Crosse ; Maggie married John Hurey, of Mauston; James lives on the old homestead; David is deceased; Julia, wife of our subject; Dennis, of Chisholm, IMinn., and Beatrice, wife of John Maloney, a farmer in Juneau county. George F, Lillie comes of Scotch ancestors. Ills parents, Wil- liam and Isabella (Young) Lillie, left Scotland in 1858 and upon their arrival in this country settled at Lake Champlain, N. Y., where they remained but a short time. They again moved west- ward, settling in Jefferson county, Wisconsin, where our subject, George F., was born on October 6, 1860. In the spring of the fol- lowing year they came to Monroe county and settled on a farm in Wellington township. They followed agricultural pursuits for several years in this township, then moved to the village of Ken- dall, in IMonroe county, where he followed the trade of carpenter and builder. He held the office of township treasurer for several terms, was a member of the school board and filled other minor offices. Mr. and Mrs. Lillie were among the early and most re- spected pioneers of their section, and after a long and busy life Mr. Lillie died in October, 1908, at the age of seventy-eight, and ]\Irs. Lillie passed away in 1871 at the age of forty-one years, respected and esteemed by all who knew them. William Lillie was the son of David Lillie, a blacksmith by trade, wJio spent his entire life at Orwell, Vt. The father of Mrs. Lillie, and grandfather of our subject, was William Young. James, a brother of William Lillie, w-as a farmer at Orwell, Vt., where he died. He was in the service for his country in the Civil War. Walter Lillie, another brother of the late William Lillie, is still living at Orwell, Vt., and is engaged in making and sharpening marble cutters' tools. George F. Lillie is the seventh of a family of eight children. The others are Betsy H., wife of James M. Gordon, of Nebraska; Frances, wife of Nelson Crouch, and resides at Kendall, in this county; Loran E. Lillie lives at Boone, la., and David, James, 780 HISTORY OF MOXROP] COUNTY William aiul Walter arc dei-eused. ]\Ir. Lillie was reared on his father's farm in Wellington township, attended the common schools, and at the age of nineteen years was employed in a country store conducted by Samuel Cholvin. At the age of twenty years he entered the employ of Messrs. Burrington & TiOckwood, merchants at Kendall, with whom he remained for three years. After spending one year in Nebraska he returned to Kendall and embarked in the grocery business on his own ac- count, lie later added other lines and for thirteen years suc- cessfully conducted a general store. In 1898 he was elected clerk of the circuit court for Monroe county, and disposing of his merchandise interests, assumed charge of that office. He was re-elected for a second term, at the close of which he entered the employ of the Wisconsin Telephone Company. After two years spent in the telephone service he, in September, 1807. removed to Sibley, la., and there conducted a bakery and restaurant for one and a half years. Returning to Sparta in 1909 he decided to again engage in business in his home town, and on April 24, of that year, opened a A^ariety store, which he made a success, and in 1911 enlarged his facilities and changed the name to the Variety Emporium, and is now conducting a thriving and j^ros- perous business. He is a man of sterling worth and industrious habits, generous in his dealings and well liked by his customers. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias order and the ]\Iodern Woodmen of America. On October 81, 1883, ]Mr. Lillie married ]\Iiss Annie Josephine McFee, daughter of Washington and Eliza (Hart) McFee. of Ontario, Vernon county, Wisconsin. Their children are Earl B., who resides in Portage, Wis. ; Mamie J, and Paul W. reside at Sparta. Dean H., George W. and Gladys are deceased. Joseph A. Lincoln" is a native of Wilton, ]\Ionroe county, Wisconsin, where he was born May 11, 1873. He is a son of George and Hannah (Falkner) Lincoln. George Lincoln, the father of our subject, was a native of Dorset, Vt., and his father, James Lincoln, emigrated Math his family from Vermont to Illi- nois, and after a short time came to Wisconsin, locating in the town of Wilton in the early fifties, where he homesteaded eighty acres of land in section ten of that town, where George, his son, bought eighty acres of land in the same section, and his father, James, had acquired 440 acres at the time of his death. He ex- perienced the ups and downs of pioneer life, with the land wild and uncultivated. The homestead is now occupied by our subject and the house built on this farm is one of the oldest land-marks in BIOGRAPHY 781 the valley. James, the grandfather of our subject, reared a family of five children, of whom George, father of our subject, is the only surviving member. George Lincoln attended the district school and at the age of eighteen began to learn the carpenter's trade, to which he gave his undivided attention for several years. His marriage occurred in 1870 and to this union were born eleven children, the subject of this sketch being the second child. In 1891 he removed with his family to Hebron. N. D., where he has been successful, and is now the owner of 320 acres of land in that northwest country. Joseph attended the public school up to his sixteenth year and made his home with his uncle, Joseph Lincoln, and was ahvays a laborer until 1906, when he became the ow^ner of sixty acres of choice land in Wilton township. October 25, 1895, he was united in marriage with Miss Isabell Allingham, daughter of Hugh 0. and Elizabeth Allingham. They have one son, Hugh 0., born November 1, 1899. Mrs. Lincoln has one brother, Hugh 0. Allingham, Jr. The father of Mrs. Lincoln is a resident of Tomah township, and is the owner of 143 acres of laud. In polities Mr. Lincoln is a Republican and active in the interest of his party. In 1912 he was elected chairman of the town of "Wilton. William Wallace Link. Among the early settlers in western Wisconsin, away back early in the Nineteenth century, was Henry A. Link, father of the subject of this sketch. A native of Kinder- hook. N. Y., he left that state at about the time mentioned, and became located in what is now the Leon Valley, in Monroe county. He was a son of Nicholas Link and grandson of William Link, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. His ancestors were natives of Holland, and settled at an early day on the North river in Columbia county, New York. Here Henry A. was reared and educated. His wife w^as Laura Hutchins, daughter of M. and Sybil (Simpson) Hutchins, of Scotch and Irish ancestry. They raised a family of eleven children, five of whom are now living. He was born in the town of Kinderhook, state of New York, in 1809, and died in January, 1880, aged seventy years. He was a successful farmer in his native state, where he grew to manhood, and received a good education. He was a student of economic principles and a man of good sound judgment; in every walk of life his career was above criticism or reproach ; a man of unbend- ing honor, incorruptible honesty, broad but practical charity, noble and generous in his dealings, dignified in his manhood, worthv as a citizen, true and faithful as a friend, he merited and 782 IIISTOHV OF .MOXROK CorXTY received lli<' lioiioi- miuI respect of all who knew liiin. TTc ;it one time ran for mciiilxT of the yeneral assembly of New York state, heiiiij' (lefealcd l)y oin' vote; was a Jacksonian Deniocrjit and a l)eliever in in-incipjes of J)emocraey. and after coming to Wis- consin attained to a position of prominence in every movement of ])uhli(' interest. He held iiuiiiy town offices, was justice of the peace for a iiundx'r of years, and his advice was soug:ht on many occasions by the ])eop]e of liis town. With a view to l)ettering his condition, Henry A. Link came to Wiscdiisin iiti ;i tour of inspection and ii|)oii Ids arrival in the Jjcon \'alle.\ lie was so impressed with the country that he pur- (diased lliO acres of land which he cultivated and seeded, then returned to his native state for his family. Taking passage at Jiuft'alo, they came by the way of the Great Lakes to ^Milwaukee, from which point they came to Portage City. Avhere they pur- chased a team of horses and wagon Avitli which they traveled overlaiul to the Leon Valley in ^Monroe county, ai'riving here in September, 1853. He added to his original purchase from time to time until he had acquired 1.000 acres of the choice land in the valley, besides purchasing other tracts in Iowa and ^Missouri. lie was one of ]\Ionroe county's foremost citizens, kind and con- siderate of the poor, to whom lu' always extended a helping hand, in many instances cancelling the debts owed him without any remuneration. He was a man of decided views and disliked the aristocrat and looked with disfavor on the rich who took advan- tage of their i)Oor debtors to increase their omu fortunes. To charitable subjects he gave thousands of dollars, and will always be remembered as one of the mo.st liberal, open-hearted men in the county. When ho ari'ived in this section but few settlers lived near him. His was the first frame residence erected in the Leon Valley, aiul at this time trips to Delton. AVis.. a distance of 100 miles, were necessary to secni-e flour and other provisions. He always bought as much as he could haul and sold the surplus to his neighbors. His wife, nuither of William "\V., was born in New York state in 1815, and died in August, 1S78, at the age of sixty-three years. She A\as a wonuni of I'are Avomanly graces, a devout Christian, and, while in New York, was with her husband a consistent member of the Lutheran church, but after coming to AVisconsin became a Congregationalist. William Wallace Liid< av;is l)orn in Colum])ia county. New York, October 21. 1887. and came to Wisconsin in 1858 with his l)arents and family, consisting at that time of nine children. He attended the common schools of New York state, receiving a BIOGRAPHY 783 limited education, but he was a constant reader aiul close observer of events and became thoroughly posted on almost any subject. He delved into historical science, mental and moral philosophy, and is also a great Bible student, lie has beconu' a theologian and from deep thinking and study has accepted the belief which he now enjoys, when the Almighty manifests himself in diflferent and mysterious ways to his children he has created in this world. William remained at home assisting on the farm until he was twenty-six years of age, when he went AVest to Montana, where he remained two years. At the end of that time he returned home and rented his father's farm, which he carried on for two years, when he purchased a farm of 120 acres and has since made additions until now he has a farm of 270 acres of choice valley land, located near the village of Leon. ]Mr. Link is the oldest living settler in the Leon Valley, and is one of the most prosper- ous and influential citizens of the county. He takes an active interest in the affairs of his town and county, and in all matters pertaining to the welfare of his community he gives his hearty support. In politics he is a Prohibitionist, but previous to be- coming allied with the Prohibition jiarty he had been active in the interest of Democracy. AVhile he has never sought official position, he has held many minor town offices and for several years was justice of the peace ; being a member of the county board for three years. He is now clerk of the school district in which he lives and has tilled that position for more than twenty- five years, having always taken a deep interest in educational matters. Mr. Link has been twice married ; his first marriage w^as Avith ]\Iiss Carrie Olson, on June 7, 1868. Seven children were born to this union, three of whom are now living, viz. : Dorothy, who is now in the office of the secretary of the Board of Trade at Chi- cago ; George Martin is instructor in the high school of Minne- apolis, Minn., and 0. R. is in the United States mail service and resides at Leon. Mrs. Link died June 1, 1879, and on February 28, 1881, he was married for the second time to Miss Irene Under- wood, who was born in Lorain county, Ohio, she was reared in Vernon county, AVisconsin. where she Avas educated. Her father, Avho died in Vernon county, Wisconsin, in 1882, Avas a native of Xcav York state, and Avas a soldier in the Civil War, as were his tAvo sons, Oliver and Horace. The mother, AA'hose maiden name Avas Eliza Hunter, was a native of Ohio. To Air. and Airs. Link have been born tAvo children ; Ethel J., uoav Airs. HoAvard G. 784 HISTORY OF .MOXROK ("OrXTY Slayttm. ]i<).st mistress of J^eoii. and Wiiificd \V.. who is engaged in tannin!.'' on the homestead farm. Charles E. Loomer is one of tliose unassuming men who has proven his worth botli as a soldier and a citizen. He was one of the first to take up anus in defense of his country at the beginning of the Civil War, and when no longer needed in the ranks of the firing line, he dropped the tools of strife and put his hand to the plow in an honest endeavor to redeem the wilderness and make two blades of grass grow where only one grew before. He is a native of Massachusetts and was born at Boston October 1, 1841, the son of Charles and Mary Ann (Rivers) Loonier, natives of Nova Scotia, from where they moved to ^lassa- chusetts. and in the early sixties to .Monroe county. Wisconsin, and settled on the farm now owned l)y our subject. He was a slii{) carpenter by trade and after coming to the then new coun- try, worked at liis trade building houses for settlers. He was prominent in his community and held man\' local otifiees. Both he and our subject's mother were born in 1809 and both died the same year — in 1877. j\Ir. Loomer. our subject is the only sur- viving member of a family of eight children. ^lary. Avho married Henry Van Antwerp, died at Sparta November 4. 1911: Ilattie, who married Gideon Bigelow. and died at San Jose, Calif., May 10, 1912; Maria died at the age of eighteen, and the others died when young. Charles E. Loomer received his education in the common schools of his home town, and when ten years of age. his parents moved to Kansas, where they pre-empted Government land; after ten years spent in the Sunflower state the family came to Wis- consin and .settled at Sugar Creek, in Walworth county, on a farm purchased by the father. Charles remained here until 1865. when he njarried and came to ^Monroe county, settling first in Glendale township, moving to his present farm the following year, which was then a forest in the wilderness of the northern part of LaGrange township, which, at that time formed a part of the town of Lincoln. He purchased his land of James B. Avery, who had bought the land witli script, and here ^Ir. Loomer assumed the task of clearing and subduing the land and estab- lishing a permanent home. He proceeded to build a home, 16x24. and in 1869 built his present residence, which has since undergone repairs and atlditions made. A house erected by his father now forms a part of this residence. Out of these primitive surroundings, with the Indians foi- neighbors, he carved out a home, and by persistent effort has subdued and brought the land BIOGRAPHY 785 to a high state of cultivation, and now enjoys the fruits of his many years of toil. Out of the original wilderness he still retains a ten-acre tract of woodland of the forest, which has yet not seen the woodman's axe, and is a marvel of beauty. Besides cultivat- ing and improving the land by substantial buildings, as opportu- nity afforded, j\Ir. Loonier has this year (1912) erected a sub- stantial modern residence in the city of Tomah. He occupies a prominent place in his community, has been a member of the board of supervisors, and takes a commendable interest in church work. He was married on October 6, 1865, to Miss Phoebe C. Parkyn. daughter of Rev. Joseph and Rebecca (Lake) Parkyn, natives of England and New Jersey, respectively. The father was of the Free Will Baptist persuasion, and a man of influence in his denomination. He was born in 1812 and died in Nebraska in his eighty-eighth year; Mrs. Loomer's mother survived until 1909, when she passed away at the age of ninety-three. Mrs. Loomer was born in LeRo}', Genesee county, N. Y., September 29, 1840, one of a family of five children, viz. : John L.. of Mountain Grove, Mo. ; Mrs. Loomer. Mary H., wife of Byron Jenkins, of Holbrook. Neb. ; Joseph 0., of Hillsdale, Mich., and Alice, who married Elisha Hulce, of Walworth county, Wisconsin, is deceased. Mv. and Mrs. Loomer are members of the LaGrange Methodist Episcopal church. On September 2, 1861, Mr. Loomer enlisted in company I, thirteenth Wisconsin Infantr}^ which was detailed for duty at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and thence to Fort Scott. The regi- ment was ordered to Alabama, thence to Chattanooga, Tenn. Upon reaching Knightsville, Mr. Looiuer was taken ill and sent to a hospital, where he was given a furlough; he served until the close of the war and was finally discharged in July, 1865, having attained to the rank of sergeant. John J. Lucas, dealer in ice, of Sparta, comes from English ancestry. He Avas born February 8, 1851:, the son of James and Berthia (Lewis) Lucas, who came to Ncav York state from Eng- land, their native country, in the early forties, locating first at East Galway. He being a glove cutter by trade, here found employment in the glove business, and after a short sojourn, moved to Gloversville, and thence to Funda's Bush, where he con- tinued to work at his trade for some two years. In 1856 he left the Empire state and came west to Sparta, where he was employed by Hageman & Roberts for two years, and then moved to Hartford, Wis., and remained there for the next two years. 786 HISTORY OF :\IOXROE COUNTY He then moved to Chicago, HI., and there lost his life in the great fire of 1871. hciiiu' then sixty-eiglit years of aye. His widow, mother of our sut)ji'ct. died about 1872. John .). is the youngest of a family of four children, three of whom arc now living. After ohlaiuiiii: an (Mlucatioii in the |)ul)lic schools, he secured employ iiuMit on a farm in Dane county for a time, and latci- went to KoihI du Lac Wis., where he learned the paper maker's ti-ade. and foi- a period of Iwo \'ears was in the employ of (Jeorge Hunter. At Ihe end of that time he went to Kaukauna, Wis., and after spending one year in the paper mills at this place, came to Sparta, and in the year 1879 (Migaged in the paper making business with the late O. 1. NiMvton. whose i)lant was on the site of the present electric light and power company plant. He remained with Mr. Newton for six years. Fraternally ]\Ii'. Lucas is a mend)er of the Knights of Pythias and ^Modern Woodmen of America. He was married in 187") to ]\Hss Maggie Gartman. daughter of Alexandei- and Chi-istina (Many) Gartman. iNIrs. Lucas died Jammry 4. 18!)8, leaving, besides her husband, four children, viz. : Earl Spencer, Nina, ]\raude. who married Walter Lake and resides in California, and Alexander Lucas, of Sparta. In June, 1910, Mr. Lucas was again married to ^liss P^stella Grove, of La Crosse, AVis. Herman Ludeking is a prosperous German farmer of section four, in the town of Wilton. Alonroe county, where he first bought ninety-six acres in 1889. and later added another twenty acres, making his pi'esent farm contain about 110 acres. He was born in Germany on Ai)ril 7. 1859. and came to America with his parents and three other children in 1872 and located in Wilton townshi]). There the father worked for about oiu* year as a fai'm laborer, tluui bought eighty acres in section four, wiiere they made theii- home foi- twenty-two years, and he died in 1894 and the motiiei- in IS!)!). They had seven children, four of whom ai'c now (1912) ]i\inii-. They were among the best people of their township; Republican in politics and members of tlu^ (Jerman Reformed church. Herman b(>gan his career as a farm laborer, receiving ^W for his first year's work. He continued, however, in this business for about nine years and tlien ]iui'chascd a farm of his own. He was married on December ;U. 188."). to Miss Emma Hehnke. who died in 1894, leaving three children, two of whom are now living: Myi-tle. born October 26. 1886. and IVarl. born August 17. 1888. Mr. Ludcking was married for the second time on December 1. BIOGRAPHY 787 1895, in the town of Adrian, to Miss Emma Wenclland; her parents settled in Adrian, whei-e the father died in 1904, and the mother still lives at the age of sixty-five years. They had a farm of 120 acres and a family of nine children, all members of the Lutheran church. ]Mr. and Mrs. Ludeking have had a family of five children, three of whom are livinp:: INIartha. born September 14. 1897; Alvira. born August 16. 1905, and Lorenz, born September 10. 1911. ]Mr. Ludeking is a thrifty general farmer and employs the latest methods in his farming operations ; his stock is of the best grade, and at present (1912) he is erecting a new modern resi- dence, which makes his home ideal in every respect. Albert William Luebchow, one of the enterprising and pro- gressive farmers of ^Monroe county, was born in Germany, August 6, 1866, to August and Louise (Rehbein) Luebchow. When four years of age, he ^\ith three other children accompanied his parents to America, arriving in this country in 1870. The family located in Iroquois county, Illinois, where they made their home and spent their lives, the d(^ath of the father occurring in 1908, ancl that of the mother in 1904. They had a family of seven children, of whom three are now living, viz: Albert AVilliam, Frank and Jacob. He was a member of the Lutheran church and a devoted Christian, and at the time of his death owned a farm of 160 acres in Iroquois county, Illinois. Albert William was reared on his father's farm, attending the district schools and assisting in the farm work. When twenty-eight years old. on April 28, 1894, he was married at Tomah to ^liss ]\Iinnie Rasch. Four children have been born to them, viz : Hilda, Emma, George and Alice. For six years after his marriage ^Ir. Luebchow and his wife resided with his parents. In 1902 he moved to the city of Tomah and purchased and ran a feed barn, and after remaining here a short time, he purchased a farm of 190 acres in section eighteen, Tomah town- ship, where he moved and has since resided, engaged in general farming, and carries on quite an extensive dairy business, sup- ]ilying the Tomah creamery with a large amount of milk and cream. He is considered one of the most thrifty and prosperous farmers of his section ; a man of sterling character, faithful in all he undertakes, and is highly esteemed in his neighborhood. He is a Republican in political opinion, and although he has never aspired to political office, he has served three years as school director and has been commissioner of public highways. He takes a counnendable interest in all public affairs, and all 788 IlISTOKY OF MONROE ("OIXTY iiialtcrs ])('rtainiii2: 1o tlic Ix'ttonncnt of" the coniinunity rooeive liis licai'ty suppoi'l. Fred E. Luethe, oin- uT the progrcssiN c- Janiiurs oi^ Kidgeville townshi]), was l)()rn in Switzerland, November 2, 1848. and is the first child born to Jacob and Anna Barbara (Hertig) Luethe. Mr. Luethe received a good iinriiial scliool education and after spending several years teaching high school in Switzerland, he came In Wisconsin, and after working nine months on a farm in Sheldon township, inirchascd eighty acres of land in that town. He Avas married to .Mrs. !\Iiiniie Heitmann (nee Farner) in 1S84. To this union six children were born, namely: Emma P., Walter J., Werner ('., Dorothy S. B., Otto F. and Ernst A. W. In 1886 they moved to Norwalk, where ]\Ir. Luethe was engaged in the sawmill husiness for some time. In Septendjer. 1898, he purchased a farm of 160 acres in section tAvenly-one of the town of Kidgeville, to which he subse- quently added eighty acres, owning at the present time, 220 acres Avhere he now resides. lie is one of the successful farmers and prominent citizens of Kidgeville township, and has made many valualde improve- ments on his farm. He built a large and conunodious barn, 34 by 64 feet, in 1898, and his modern twelve-room residence was erected in 1899. and later man>' other outbuildings. Mr. lAiethe takes a prominent part in the affairs of his town, aiul has Ix-en called upon to fill several im])ortant offices. He has been rlei']\ of llie town f(M' 1wciity-one years, school treasurer for twelve years, and in 191):^ helped to organize the Norwalk Creamery Company of which he lias since been secretary. He is one of the Avell-to-do men of his town, public spirited and infiu- eutial. In politics he adheres to tlie jirinciples of the Republican party, while in religious matters he and his wife and children are mendiers of the German Evangelical chun-h. Appleton N. Maltby, post master at Oakdale. Wis., was born October 16, 1840. in Dekalb county, Indiana. His parents. Noah and .Jane (Coleman) Maltl)y. wiM-e natives of New York state, liaving been born in Oneida county. They came west to Indiana in 1838, and after a residence there of ten years, moved to Illinois in 1S4S. and in isr)2 went to Iowa, and in 1860, they came to Tomah. Wis. He was a carpenter and joiner by trade, and for many years was express agent at Tomah. The father later went to Greeley, Colo., where he died in 1S99. at the age of eighty-eight years. The molhei- |)asse(l away in 1S92. They reared a fajiiily of seven children, five of whom are now li\ing. BIOGRAPHY 789 Appletoii N. reccixcd his ('(lucatioii in the coiniiion schools of "^luliaiia and Iowa, and in 1859 came to Tomah and Tor thirty vears was employed in the saw mills. ?Ie was married on "^^eeember 27. 18H2, to J\Iiss Clemy I. Baker, daughter of Enoch Baker, an old and highly respected citizen, who came from Wash- ington county. New York, and settled in Oakdalc lownsliip, in 1855. ^Irs. ]\Ialtby is the oidy surviving mend)ei" of a family of three children, and at the death of her father inherited 200 acres of land near the village of Oakdale. IMr. and Mrs. Maltby have one daughter, Leah, born August 25, 18H(>, who is now the wife of J. N. AYeloby. Mr. Maltby was ai)pointed postmaster of Oakdale in 1897, and is still the incundient. lie lias held the office of town clerk for six years, and for eight years has been treasurei- of his school district. He is now rc^tired from a<'tive business, except the duties of postmaster. On August 7, 1862, at Tomah, he enlisted in company D, twenty-fifth regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war. His regiment Avas sent to jMinnesota during the Indian Massacre, afterwards returning to La Crosse, and in February. 1868. was ordered to Columbus, Ky., and from there to Yicksburg, and took part in the siege of that <'ity, and the capture of Helena, Ark. He was Avith Sherman on his march to the sea and lat(M' his regiment Avas transferred to tlie army of Tennessee. At the battle of Atlanta, his company Av<^nt into the engagement A\'ith thirty-four guns and came out Avith seA^en- teen. He Avas honorably discharged at Washington, D. C, in 1865. In fraternal matters. INIr. ]\Ialtby is a member of the i\Iasonic order, and Henry W. Cressy Post, G. A. R., of Tomah. F. E. Markgraf^''. The parents of F. E. Markgraf, Frederick and Anna (ITmbright) ^larkgraf, came to America from Ger- many in the early fifties Avith a family of tAvo children. After tAvo years spent at ]\Iadison, Wis., they moA^ed to the tOAvn of Sheldon in Monroe county, Avhere the father purchased a small farm, Avhicli he afterAvards sold and purchased 820 acres of AAdld land in sections ten, three and elcA^en of the same toAvn, and there established a family home and commenced the life of a farmer in the then ucav country. With no capital but his native ability, in a Avilderness without settlement, and markets and trading posts a long Avay off, and the only means of transportation an ox team, here he built a small log house, and as there Avere no shingles or roofing to be had. bed sheets Avere substituted for the roofing Avhich sufficed until a better one could be procured. There the 790 HISTORY OF :M0XR0E COUNTY family lived for six years, w hen a larger and better log house was eonstrueted, wliidi they afterward occupied for twenty years. Mr. Markgraf set diligently to work clearing and cultivating his land, and from a sickly calf iiresciilcd lo him. he commenced the raising of stock which resulted in the successful breeding and the building up of a large herd of Durham cattle, with which he in later years kept the farm Avell supplied. In those early days wild game was plentiful and the family relied on the deer for their meat sui)ply. ^Mr. ]\Iarkgraf, Sr., was in every way a suc- cessful farmer, a model citizen, and well informed on almost any subject. In ])olitics he w^as a Republican, and in religious matters affiliated with the German Evangelical chun h. Tu this family there were twelve children, of whom two sons and four daughters are now living. Prior to the death of the father he sold his farm to his son, the subject of this slvetdi. Ills wife, mothei- of our subject, is also deceased. F. E. Markgraf Avas born in the town of Sheldon. July 20. 1862, and had the advantages of the district schools until his fifteenth year. He assisted in the management of his father's farm until he purchased it. He cleared 100 acres, and following in the footsteps of his father, has brought it from a wild to a highly cultivated state, and with the substantial residence, barns and other outbuildings, makes it one of the best farms in Sheldon township. Besides general farming, ]\Ir. ]\larkgraf is a breeder of Durham cattle, high grade hogs and sheep, and his farm is well sui)plied with modern equipments. He was married at AVatertown, AVis., to Aliss Tillie Osbreich. daughter of "William and E. O. Osbreich. They have three chil- dren, viz: Elma. born February 26, 1890; Louis, born INIarch 4. 1895, and Ada, born April 24, 1897. David C. Marten", whose parents, David F. and Caroline (Link) Marten, were early pioneers of Wilton, ]\Ionroe county, owns a nice farm of 160 acres in sections four and nine of AVilton township. He was born here on Fe])ruary 22, 1868, and attended school until he was fifteen years old and for several years after- ward, worked as a farm hand in his neighborhood. On November 23, 1898, he was married in the town of Oakdale. to Aliss Anu^lia Rogge, daughter of Henry and Johanna Rogge. She was the sixth child of a family of nine children and was educated in the district schools. I\[r. and JMrs. ]\Iarten have two children, l-j-nia Caroline, born Septem])er 19, 1899. and Elba Heui-y. boi-n ."\I;ircli 18, 1903. David F. Marten came to America in 1857, two vears after his BIOGRAPHY 791 brother came, and settled in Monroe county. David worked as a farm laborer for a while, then bought eighty acres in section three, in the town of AVilton, and lived there until he died on August 22, 1905. Tliey had a family of nine children, eight of whom are living. He was a hard working man and good citizen, and in acquiring his beautiful liome, he passed through the trials and hardships of the pioneer, and at his death, left his widow and family in comfortable circumstances. Mrs. jMarten is still living at the age of sixty-six years. Our subject is a successful farmer and makes a specialty of the dairy business; he keeps the best grade of stock and uses the latest methods in his management of the farm. In 1901 he built a nice barn and in 1898 built his residence, with which his other buildings correspond. He is independent in his political views and they are devoted members of the Lutheran church. Frank Mashak* is another one of the wide-awake and pro- gressive men of Portland township, and is the son of Frank J. and Razy (Sleider) jMashak, natives of Poland and Bohemia respectively. The father came to the United States with his parents when he was nine years of age and early in the seventies he located on a farm of 182 acres in section seventeen, Portland township, Monroe county, where our subject, Frank, was born October 9. 1877. When the father settled on his farm, it was all wild land covered with a heavy growth of timber, which he cleared and brought to a good state of cultivation, improving the farm with a substantial residence, barns and other outbuild- ings, and here made his home until 1904, when he moved to the village of Cashton, where he now resides. Mr. and Mrs. Mashak raised a family of seven children, of which our subject is the third in order of birth. The others are: John, of Cashton; Lena, the wife of Jake Konen, resides in Washington township, La Crosse county; Razy is the Avife of Albert Marx and lives at Cashton; Vincent lives at Melvina, where he is engaged in the hardware business; Louis and Edward, who reside in Portland township. The subject of this sketch attended the district schools and lived on the home farm, assisting in the farm w^ork until 1904, when he purchased the place, which he has since carried on with marked success. He is engaged in general farming and dairying and uses all the improved methods in his operation. On June 7, 1904, Mr. Mashak was united in marriage with Miss Amelia Dagenhardt, daughter of Henry and Katherine Dagen- hardt, of St. Mary's Ridge, Jefferson township. To this union 7i)2 IIISTOHV OK .MONKOI-: (OIXTY lias been Ixuii live ehildreii. \i/.: Ktliel. ( larenee, Raymond, Sylvester iind Li>rine. ]Mi'. .MasliMk is a ijuhlic spirited, enter- prising eiti/eii. ;iiid takes an active interest in the affairs of his town and county, and for tlircie years lias been a member of the town boai'd. Helijjionsly he and liis wife ai'e niendjers of the [Middle l^idiic Catholic ehurcli. John W. Mashak'-', son of Franl; .1. and Ka/.y (Sleider) ^lashak, early settlers and prosperons citizens of iNIonroe eounty, was born January 2r), 1812, in the to\\ii of Portland. Tie attended the dis- triet seliool and I'cniaincd at home with his parents until he was twenty-three, when on May 2:^. ISi)."). he niari'ied in La Crosse county, ^liss ]\Iary Coi-n. one of a family of ei«iht (diildren. Mr. and i\lrs. IMashak have two children, Joseph and Levi. After his marriage, ilr. Mashak purchased a farm of 215 acres, where he lived for five years, then moved into the village of Melvina in Jefferson township, and for a short time was engaged in the saloon business. lie erected a large brick business building, which is now owned by Tony Pelzer. After disposing of his interests in Melvina, ]\Ir. Mashak, in 1905, moved to the village of Cashton and again endiarked in the saloon business, but soon moved from his first location to one near the dejiot. and after one year, re-purchased his first saloou and has since operated that. Besides the 215-acre farm Avhich he owns, he purchased in 1906 another farm adjacent to the village of Cashton, which he disposed of in 1!)(I7. He also owns considerable property in Cashton. In 1911 lu^ went into the automobile business and now i-oiiducts a large garage whcic he does all kinds of automobile repairing and handles the sale of the Jackson autonu^bile. and is doing a si)lendid business in this line. Mr. Mashak is one of the most enterprising business nuni of Cashton. public spirited and progressive, and takes a com- nuMidable interest in all public matters, especially in those of his town and county. He is a Democrat in politics, and both he and his es1inial)le wife ari' mend)ers of the Pine Hollow Catholic church. Vincent Mashak''' leading hardware nuM-chaid at [Melvina. ^lonroe count.w ^Visconsin. was born .\pril 14. 1S8:}. and is ojie of a family of eight children, seven of whom ai'c now living, born to Frank and Kazy (Sleider) [Mashak. natives of Poland and Bohemia respectively; both are now living, the fornu>r at the age of sixty-two and the latter at the age of sixty years. Emigrating to America, the father started life as a poor nmn, locating near [Melvina in "Monroe county, fortv years ago. He endured the BIOGRAPHY 793 .struggles aiul luii'dsliips oi' pioneer life in ;i new eounlry, and by hard work and perse\eranee beeanie the owner of six hundred aeres of huid, niucli of whicli was in its wild state. He was ener- getic and thrifty, and hrouglil the land to a good stale of cultiva- tion and inii)roveinent and it is now wortli •i^lOO pel' acre. He recently removed to the village of ("ashton, where he now lives in retirement, enjoying the fruits of his many years of activity and toil. Vincent, though comparatively a young man. possesses gooti business judgment and is i)rosperous in his hardware business. He received his education in the common school, which he at- tended nntil sixteen years of age, then for three years was em- ployed as clerk in a Cashton store. In 1905, he ])urchased a stock of hardware and located at Melvina, where he has dealt exten- sively in general hard-ware, agricultural impl(Miients. gas engines and sanitary dairy nuichinery. Besides his business interests, ]\Ir. ]\Iashak is ((uite an extensive owner of real estate in ^lelvina. On ]\Iay 8, 1907. ]\Ir. Mashak w\as married to Miss Lizzie Seitz, daughter of Anton Seitz, and to them have been born two children, viz : Earl and Alta iNIashak. In politics, Mr. Mashak is independent in thought and action, and in religious nuitters he and his Avife are nuMubers of St. Mary's Catholic church, Ellis E. Matteson, a native of Monroe county, ^\"isconsin, is the son of ]\iark P. and Eliza (Lock) Matteson, and was l)orn in Little Falls township, December 9, 1867. The father was a native of Michigan and the mother was born in Canada in 1852. They came to Wisconsin with their family and settled at Hartford, Wis., moving from there to the town of Little Falls near Cataract, Avhere the father purchased a farm of 120 acres, established the family home and rinirinl his family and lived until his death in 1889. He was a successful farmer, and as a man, Avas held in high esteem and respected as a citizen and neighbor. He took a keen interest in the affairs of his town and county and served on the town board, and for several years was a school director. He was a Republican in politics, and he and his wife were mem- bers of the Fpisco})al clnirch. Th(\v had a family of nine chil- dren, of whom six are now living, viz: ^Mrs. Christenia Hyslop. I\Irs. Amy Morgan, D. T., V. M., A. L.. and Ellis E. Reared on the honu' farm, Kllis E. attended tlu^ district school until he was sixteen years of age, assisted with the farm work and remained at home until he attained his twenty-third year. On April 80, 1891, he was married to Miss Bertha A. Richardson, daughter of Joel F. and ^lartha ^F. Richardson. Thev are tlie 794 HISTORY OF MONROP] COUNTY l)areiits of three eliiklrcii: .Mabel ('lairc, horn April 2H. 1892; Hazel Bell, horn January 2G, 3894, and Forrest Clyde, horn June 20, 1897. After his marriage. ]\Ir. Matteson lived on the home farm until 1898, when he moved to Black River Falls, AVis., and engaged in the livery husiness, whieli he followed for four years. Disposing of his interests here, he returned to ]\Ionroe county in 1902 and pui-diased a farm of 110 acres in tlie Leon valley, and has since made this his home. He is successfully engaged in general farming and stockraising and keeps his farm well stocked with a good grade of horses, cattle and hogs; he operates an extensive dairy, tlie income from which amounts to ahout $1,200 per year. Since purchasing his present farm, he has made many improvements, erected a silo, separator house, etc. He is known as one of the progressive and i)ul)li(' spirited citizens of his town, employs modern methods in his farming operations, and is president of the Leon Valley Creamery Association. E. M. McCann, an extensive farmiM- and stock raiser of Monroe county, owns a farm in Wilton townshiji. wher*' he resides. He was born April 12. 18G7. in the town of AVilton, the son of Patrick and ]\Iary ]McCann, both natives of Ireland. Patrick came to America some time during the forties, and after stopping for a short time in New York, he moved to Walworth county, Wisconsin, where lie was married ;iiir ciylily-oiic years, and llu- death id' llic inothtM- t»e('urred in 1!*()1 ;il jdjoiit sixty-eifrht years. Tliomas II. attended the district sehools (d' ins lunne town, and was employed at tarni work. Iui\inu been Ixmnd ont nntil he reached tlic aye of eighteen, lie i-tnnained in Walworth county until he became of aii'e, and then for a time resided in (Ii-een \'aney. He then went to Dell Rapids in 188.'i. where he purchased a farm t>f KiO acres, built a residence and made other improve- ments. After residin.ii' here for nine years, lu* returned t(> AValworth county and purchased a tine farm of KiO acres, payiuir tiierefoi" $10. 000. Here he remained for ehn-en years, and dis- posinjr of his interests, he. in 190:1 moved to IMonroe county and puichased his pi'ese;i1 fai'ni of 10(1 aci-es. in section twenty-eii'oved witli modern buildinsrs. lie carries on general farming and the place is well stocked with hiiili y:rade horses, hojrs ami a Hue herd of full blooded (iuernsey cattle. ]\Ir. ]Mc('onnell has a model home, which he has acle of what may be accomjilished by energy and resolution. when guided by honorable principles and aided by agreeable per- sonal characteristics: he was in truth a successful business man. and his actions in ail his transactions were marked by scrupu- lously fair dealing, frankness and kindness and faith in the better side of human nature. Of his two brothers. Thomas was a soldiei- in the Civil War. and was killed at the battle of Bull Run. and Henry died in 1898. Eugene IMcGary was raised on his father's farm, and obtained his education in tlie public schools while assisting in the farm work. He has resided on the homestead all his life, and when his father became incai)acitated and inactive he assumed full man- agement, and at the death of his father inherited the farm. Uo carries on general farming and does considera])lc dairying, in which he is generally successful, and with liis inodern residence, which he erected in 1910. overlooking the village of Xorwalk. commodious barns and outbuildings, his is one of the model, com- fortable homes of the county. He takes a commendable interest in all public matters ami has served as president of the village of Norwalk in all ten years; his last term of service extending con- tiiniously over a period of seven years. Fraternally he is a mem- ber of the Knights of Pythias and the ]\lod(M'ii AVoodmcn of America. As a man. ]\lr. Mc(iary is well thought of in the connuunity; has always shown himself capable and trustworthy in any jilace he has l)een called to till, and no man enjoys more public confi- dence and esteem. On March 4. 1877. Mr. ]\IcGai-v was united in marriage with BIOGRAPHY 801 Miss Lydia Sour, daughter of David Sour, one of the prominent and successful citizens of Cole's valley, Monroe county. They have an interesting family of five children, viz. : Mabel, Anna, Harold, Lester and Clayton McGary. Lucien A. McWithey, son of Tilly Gilbert and Betsy Maria (Blyton) McAVithey, was born November 9, 1831. Through his father and mother, he inherited the strong and independent char- acteristics of a Scotch-English race, from which his parents both descended. The McWithey and Blyton families were natives of Kentucky and Vermont respectively; the father, Tilly G., a farmer by occupation, and a son of Isaac McWithey, who came from Scotland, the land of his nativity, to New York, and sub- sequently moved to Ohio, where he spent the remainder of his life. Tilly G. McWhithey was the fourth of a family of eight children. Ithimer, Stephen, Charles G., Tilly G., James, Jemimah, Sarah and Caroline. Betsey JMaria Blyton McWhithey was the youngest of a family of eight children, viz: Polly, Christopher, William, Elijah, Russell, John, Thomas and Betsey Maria Blyton. Thomas Blyton, maternal grandfather of our subject, was a native of England; he came to the state of New York early in the nineteenth century and was the father of John Blyton, the inventor. The wife of Thomas Blyton was Nellie Sharp, and the maiden name of the wife of Isaac McWithey was Katherine Sharp. Tilly G. McWithey was born March 19, 1800, and died October 27, 1878. He married Betsey Maria Blyton March 8, 1826. She was born September 17, 1812, and died November 1, 1894. Mr. McWithey, the subject of this sketch, was the second child of a family of eight children born to his parents as follows : James D., born February 29, 1829, is deceased; Lucian A., born November 9, 1831 ; Thomas A., deceased, born January 10, 1834 ; Julia A., born February 11, 1836 ; Henry E., born August 6, 1838 ; Lucy A., born April 7, 1840; Elbert P., and Adelbert P., twins, born April 11, 1847. Mr. McWithey was united in marriage October 16, 1861, to Miss Ophelia Smith, of Sparta, daughter of John M. and Experience Forsythe Smith, natives of New Med- ford, Ct., and Owego, Tioga county, N. Y. Mrs. McWithey Avas born at Owego, and her mother was born on a farm near that' place. John M. Smith was employed for many years as foreman in a carding mill ; they later moved to Cattaraugus county, locating for a time at Farmersville. In 1855 they came to Wis- consin and were among the pioneers to take up land in Leon township, Monroe county, which they improved and brought to 802 IIISTOKV (»K .MOXKM)!-: COINTY ;i liijrh state of eultivatinn, and liorc remained tin- Ijalauce of their lives. lie was oiic of tlu' succi'ssfiil and intlueutial citizens of Jiis township and passed a\\a.\ -lanuary 12. 1864, aged fifty-eight years. Ilis widow, mother ol' .Mrs. .McAVitliey, wiio was a wo)nan of many domestic virtnes, survived until Dec('nd)er (5, 1883, wlicn she died at the age of sevcuty-scvcn years. They luid a family of seven children, vi/ : William Henry, deceased; Freelove, deceased: Alva L. : .John J.: Charles E. : Ophelia and Frank W., deceased. .\lva L. and -lolui •). Smjih are residents of Farmer's valley, lliis countx'. and ( harles K.. resides at Bloomer, Chij)- pewa eouni\. Wis. The ancestors of the Smith family were of Welrli (nigin : John Smith, father of John jM. Smith and grand- father of Mrs. ]McAVithey. was horn April 5, 1773; His wife, grandmother of ]\lrs. ]\IeWithey. Avhose maiden name was Ophelia Smith, was liorn June 15, 1774. Their children were Anna. l)orn ]\Iay 10, 1775; Edward F.. born March 27, 1797; Athalia, born November 18, 1798; Electa, born June 15, 1800; Asemath, born January 18, 1802; Tliursa il., born December 26, 1803; John M.. father of :\Irs. McWithey, born December 28, 1805; Sylvia, born in Deceml)er, 1807; Esther, born June 22, 1809; ■William H., born April 16, 1812. and Eliza, born July 24. 1815. p]lisha Forsythe. matei'nal grandfather of Mrs. McWithey ■was born September 10, 1773 ; his wife, whose maiden name was Freelove Parks, was born September 17, 1775. He was the son of Jonathan Forsythe. whose father was a full-blooded Scotch- man aiul a native of Edinburgli. The children of Elisha and Freelove Park Forsythe were Katherine, born September 18, 1795; George, born July 2. 1798; Elisha. l)orn February 14. ISOl ; Azar, born October 17. 1803: Experience, mother of ]\Irs. ]\IcWithey, born Septembei- 17, 1806: Gilbert, born October 4. 1808, and Eldridge, born August 5, 1812. :\Ir. and ^Irs. :\rcAVithey had one daughter, a young lady of much ])romise. born August 14, 1867. and who died October 12. 1887. Lucian A. ^McAVithey was reared on a farm, receiving his education in the district schools. After leaving home, his first employment was that of clerk in a hotid. On (October 7, 1861, he enlisted in company A, third Wisconsin Cavalry, and served as corporal for nearly three years. His regiment Avas detailed for frontier service and engaged in bushwhacking on the border line of ^Missouri, Kansas, Indian Territory and later Arkansas. Returning to Kansas, he was located at Fort Scott, Fort Leaven- worth and Troy. During his service his eyesight became impaired BIOGRAPHY 803 from the effects of dust encountered on the frontier, from wliicli his sight has never fully recovered. After his discharge in 1864, he returned home, and for some time was totally blind. After receiving expert treatment at Milwaukee, which partially restored his vision, he returned to Sparta, and for some years was engaged in distributing wheat and Hour with his fine team of horses for the Angelo mill, until this mill was destroyed by fire, and after it was rebuilt, and until the second mill was burned; he then with the aid of his wife and daughter, opened a variety store in the city of Sparta. He first came to Wisconsin with his father and f amil}^ in 1849 and located in Dane county, but soon thereafter returned to his native state. In 1858 he again came to AVisconsin and settled at Sparta, which has since been his home. He states that in 1851 Sparta had but a single log house which stood where the public library now stands. He with his estimable wife, are members of the First Congregational church. He is a member of the John AY. Lynn Post, G. A. R., while she is a member of the AV. C. T. U., Congregational Missionary Society, and the Ladies Auxiliary G. A. R., and the Happy Ten. On October 16, 1911, Air. and Airs. AIcAVithey celebrated their golden wedding, and entertained 100 guests during the day and evening. They were remarried by Rev. Harding R. Hogan at 2 :30 p. m., under practically the same weather conditions as those of fifty years before. Among the presents was a gold-headed cane to ^Mr. AIcAVithey from the John AA^ Linn Post, G. A. R. B. W. Mee, who now owns 240 acres of choice valley land in section twenty-five, township seventeen, one west, has been for years one of the most extensive real estate owners in Alonroe county, where he was born November 7, 1864, the son of Benjamin and Alargret Alee, natives of England and Scotland. They came to America in 1845, and first located in Racine county, but during the year 1855 moved to Monroe county and homesteaded eighty acres of land in Tomah, now a part of our subject's present farm, and here passed their lives. The father died in 1882. He was a tailor by trade, and as a pioneer, experienced the ups and downs of those days, and after struggling the while through hard work and perseverance, he acquired suificient means to make their last days comfortable and enjoyed the highest esteem of their neighbors. Airs. Alee was born in St. Andrews, County Fife, Scotland, in Jime, 1826, and died at her home in Tomah on Alarch 15, 1910. Air. Alee was a Republican in politics and served as justice of the peace for many years in Tomah. They were devoted members of the Methodist church. 804 HISTORY (JF MOXROP] COUNTY I). AV. attended the common schools of his neighborhood up to his fifteentli year, lived at home and worked on the farm. Ilis father died when he was seventeen years of age, and on Christmas day, in 1888, he Avas married to ]\Iiss Emma Roeder, daughter of August and Elizabeth Roeder, natives of Germany, Avho came to America in 1858 and settled in Tomah, where the father died in 1893 and the mother still lives at the age of sixty-eight. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Mee have had three children, two of whom are living: Archie, born April 9, 1890, and Luella, born January 17, 1902. Their farm is equipped with the best grade of horses, cattle and hogs, and in connection with his general farming, Mr. j\Iee makes a specialty of dairying. He was formerly president of the Farmers' Co-operative Creamery Company for four years and was its secretary and treasurer for some time. He is a Republican in politics. Oluf C. Melg'ard, manufacturer and dealer in marble and granite monuments at Cashton, Monroe county. Wis., was born in Coon valley, Vernon county, March 12, 1860, and is the second child in order of birth of a family of nine children, six of wliom are now (1912) living, born to Carl and Bertha (Knud- son) Melgard. The father, Carl Melgard, emigrated from Norway to America in 1850, and located in Coon Prairie, Vernon county, when approaching middle age, and found employment as a farm laborer, which occupation he followed some five years. In 1855 he married and purchased a tract of forty acres in Vernon county. He was a carpenter and cabinet maker by trade and in a small way was engaged in making furniture at his home seven miles from Cashton, where he lived for forty years. At the age of seventy-eight years, he became an invalid, and in 1893 moved to the village of Cashton. He was born on May 18, 1822, and died at Cashton in 1907. He possessed a good education and excellent business judgment; a man of prominence and influence in his community and his advice on business matters being often sought by the early Norwegian settlers. His wife, mother of our subject, was also born in Norway, in 1831, and is still (1912) living at an advanced age. Both she and her husband were mem- bers of the Coon Valley Lutheran church, of which lie was trustee. Oluf C. received his education in the common schools of Vernon county, and at the age of twenty years, came to Sparta and served an apprenticeship for two years at the marble ])usiness. He then moved to La Crosse, where he was employed for two years in the leading marble shop of the city. On December 5. BIOGRAPHY 805 1885, he eame to the village of Cashton and embarked in the marble business on his own account, starting in a small way with only about one dozen small slab stones. His business has grown to large proportions. Mr. Melgard inherits his father's business acumen, and by close attention and good management, he has established and built up a monument business second to none in western AVisconsin. The best quality of Wausau and red granite obtained from the granite quarries in Minnesota, also Vermont granite, is used in his work, and the trade extends over a large area of Wisconsin and other states, all operations being carried on under the name of 0. C. Melgard. Besides the home business at Cashton, branch houses have been established in other places : the one at Sparta, opened under the management of Carl Melgard, employs three skilled workmen and three traveling salesmen, while the one at Galesville, established four years ago, is doing an extensive business under the management of Hans Twesme. Mr. Melgard is one of the solid men of Cashton, and is popular alike in business and social circles. In politics he adheres to the principles of the Republican party, and fraternally belongs to the IModern Woodmen of America, while religiously he and his estimable wife are members of the Lutheran church. In addition to his marble business, Mr. Melgard owns a choice forty acre tract two miles from Cashton, Avhile his home is one of the most modern and commodious in the village of Cashton. In January, 1884, ]Mr. Melgard was married at La Crosse to Miss Amelia Larson, daughter of Gilbert and Caroline Larson, w^ho also came from Norway and settled at Cashton. Nine children have been born to Mr. and ]\Irs. IMelgard, viz : Eilert. born December 5, 1885 ; Carl, l)orn March 11, 1888; Herbert, born June 3, 1890; Anna, born January 3, 1892; Oscar, born August 4. 1894; Ida, born December 24. 1895; Rosa, born May 30, 1899: Howard, born January 13. 1903. and Nina, born October 2, 1906. Emil Mickelson, who resides on section tw^enty-six, Leon township, was born in the town of Leon, Monroe county, on May 5, 1874. His parents were Louis and Martha (Gilbertson) Mickelson, both natives of Norway. The father emigrated to America in the fifties and located in Cannon valley, Monroe county, where he homesteaded eighty acres of government land in section twenty-six, Leon township. After a residence of one year there, he married and continued to make that his home. He was energetic and thrifty, and as a result of overwork, he suffered a sunstroke in 1874, from which he never recovered, and passed away in 1884. They were the parents of four children, 806 111 STORY OF MONROE COUNTY three of whom are now living. The mother now, in 1912, resides in IMinnosota at the age of fifty-four years. The father was a great liil)le student and a member of the Lutlieran church . Emil received a rather limited education in the district schools, assisting with the work on the farm. lie was married December 17, 1806, in Leon to Miss Dora l^rooks, daughter of F. L. Brooks, who was born in 1850. lie Avas twice married, first to ]\liss Alice Waters, by whom he liad three children, two of whom, Dora, wife of our subject, and Clifford Brooks, are now living. The iiiothcT- died August 10. 1897, and he was married for the second time to ]Mis Ida Alga. To this union was born six children, five of whom arc now (1912) living, viz: Ilattie, l)orn August 10, 1886; Howard, born Octo])er 81, 1888; Jessie, born February 29, 1892; Myrtle, born August 18. 1895, and Eva, born July 26, 1898. The father now resides in South Dakota. Seth Brooks, grandfather of Mrs. Miekelson, came from New York state in an early day and settled in the Cannon valley, where he died in 1867. To JMr. and Mrs. Miekelson Imve been born three children, two of Avhom, Louisa, ])()rn January 31, 1904, and Leslie, born August 18, 1907, are living. In 1901 ]\Ir. IMickelson pur- chased his present farm of 166 acres in section tAventy-six, Leon toAvnship, Avhere he has since made his home engaged in general farming and dairying, and is counted among the thrifty and progressive farmers of Cannon valley. Peter E. Mitby is another one of Cashton's representatiA^e business men, a natiA^e of Norway: he Avas born at Toten, ]\Iarch 20, 1858, and came to the United State, landing in Xcav York September 3, 1880. lie then sel out for the Avest aiul came direct to Cashton, Avhere he Avas employed in various lines of industry for five years. By hard Avork and strict economy, he saved his earnings ajid eml)arked in the saloon l)usiness in 1SS6, and sinud- taneously began the l)nying and selling of grain. In that year he erected the l)uilding in Avhich his saloon Avas located, and in 1888 built his grain elevator and in 1889 erected his modern residence, and still jjilcr constructed the l)uilding now occujiied as a i-estaui-ant, and in 1S97 erected a ncAV grain elevator Avhieh he has since oavikmI .-iikI operated. On December. 5, 1886, Mr. Mitby Avas united in marriage Avith ]\Iiss Petrina Fremstad. Avho Avas born in Venion county. They have an interesting family of four childi'eii. vi/, : Edna. Lillian, ^lyrtle and Chester. In adilition to his business and proi)erty holdings in Caslitt»n, i\lr. ]\Iitby OAvns a farm of sixty acres just oA'er the line in Vernon cininty. and owns one-lialf interest in the Hotel LcAvis at Sparta, BIOGRAPriY 807 and is a stueklioldcr and director in the Caslitun bank. A Kei)ub- lican in politics, he is active in the eonncils of his party and all matters pertaining to the betterment of the connnunity receive his hearty support. He is a high minded, public spir-ited man, surrounded by a wide circle of friends who regard liim as one of the prosperous and influential business men of the county. In religious faith he is a member of the Lutheran church. George J. Moen, son of one of the early and prosperous farm- ers of Portland township, was born here on June 19, 1874. His father was Bernt Johnson IMoen, a native of Norway, who came to America in 1869 and first located in Sparta ; he was born Feb- ruary 23, 1842, and passed away on March 12, 1909. Mrs. Moen, our subject's mother, was Miss Carrie Gustava Rognstad, born April 12, 1847, and they were married on July 16, 1872, the same j^ear she came to America. For several years Mr. Moen worked at various occupations, and by close application, economy and thrift, he saved enough to purchase a tract of forty acres of practically Avild land, which he cultivated and soon brought to a high state of cultivation, and purchasing additional land from time to time, until at his death he owned 100 acres of fine land near the village of Cashton. Their family was small, our subject and Jorgen A. being the only children. They were members of the Lutheran church, and Mr. Moen Vv'as always an active worker in the Republican ranks, ready at all times to give his aid towards the best interests of his fellowmen, and his death was mourned as a loss to his community. George J. obtained his earh" education in the public schools of his township and later graduated from the high school at Viroqua with the class of 1896. He then followed the vocation of teaching for some eight years near Viroqua, after which he accepted a position with the Brown Music Company, of that place, remaining there until the death of his father; he then took up the manage- ment of the home farm, where he has since lived with his mother. Has been organist and choir leader of the Immanuel Lutheran church since 1890. His brother, Jorgen, was born December 11, 1877, after receiv- ing his preliminary education in the public schools, took a one- year course at the St. Olaf College at Northfield, Minn., and from there he went to the Valparaiso University and spent two years in the law department. Spent one year at the law department of Northwestern University of Chicago. He was admitted to the bar in 1904 and is now located in Viroqua, conducting a successful law practice under the firm name of Smith & Moen. 808 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY John Mohring"'-', one of the substantial and progressive farmers of La Fayette toAvnsliip, was horn in Germany, May 24, 1862, the son of Fred and Sopliia Mohring, both of whom spent their lives in Germany. The mother died when John was six years of age. He is one of a family of tliree children, as follows: Mary is the wife of H. Leeler, and resides at Hammond Point, N. Y. ; John, the subject of this sketch, and Sophia. John attended the com- mon schools of his native country, and at the age of sixteen began to make his own way in tlu^ \\()i'l(l. His first employment was at farming in the fatherland, his duties consisting of stock feeding and teaming. At the age of twenty-four he came to the United States, and \ipon his arrival in this country, he located at Berry Mills, La Crosse county. Wis., where he remained foi' twenty years. He then moved to Monroe county and purchased his pres- ent farm of 220 acres, in section seventeen. La Fayette township. He has improved his ])lace with substantial buildings, and has brought his land to a high state of cultivation. He is engaged in general farming, stock raising and dairying, and in addition to operating his own farm, he rents 237 acres, wdiieh he carries on in addition to his own ; and in his operations he employs modern and up-to-date methods, and his nicely located farm is well stocked with a good grade of horses, Durham cattle, sheep and Poland-China hogs. In June, 1886, Mr. jMohring was married to Miss ]Mary Plate, daughter of Dedrick Plate, of Germany. To this union have been born the following children : Mary is the wife of AVilliam IMiller, of La Fayette ; Dora is the wife of Will Kenyon, of La Crosse ; William, Henry, Erne, John and Ora, all at home. In religious matters, Mr. and Mrs. Mohring. wnth their family, worship at tlie German Lutheran church at Sparta. Fred J. Mooney, superintendent of the ]\Ionroe County Insane Asylum and Poor Farm, is a product of Wisconsin, liavin^' ])een born at Tomali June 10, 1867. His parents, Edward and Ami (Fuller) ]Moone\-, were natives of New York state, and early in 1865 they came to Wisconsin and settled at Tomah. He followed the occupation of millwritiht and head saAver in the mill, and in 1871 turned his attention to farming at a settlement called Limerick. He Avas a successful, hiuh minded, public spirited gen- tleman, and took an active interest in the affairs of the county. He served as chainn.-m of the Tomah township board for five years, and in ])olitics a\;is a Democrat. While a resident of Cole's valley he was ai)pointed sui^erintendent of \hc ])oor, a position he filh-d from 1881 to 1888. He later retired from ;ictive FRED J. MOONEY BIOGRAPHY 809 duties, and made his home at Tomah, where he died in 1896 at the age of sixty-four years. His widow and our subject alone survive. Fred Mooney had one brother, Frank, and a sister, Gertrude by name, both of whom were older than he, and are both deceased. Ambros Fuller, the maternal grandfather of our subject, was at one time keeper of the New York State Prison at Auburn. The Mooney family came originally from Ireland, while the Fullers were from New York state. Mr. Fred Mooney was raised on his father's farm and received his education in the public schools of Tomah. He went to the city of Chicago, where he was engaged in the milk business from 1892 to 1897. At the end of that time he returned to Tomah and engaged in the grocery trade until 1903, when he retired from business, and was soon thereafter appointed overseer of the poor, under Superintendent C. B. Chamberlain, and held that position for a period of fourteen months, when he was appointed superin- tendent of the Monroe County Insane Asylum and Poor Farm in 1904, and has been reappointed each year since, and is now serving his ninth term, which is sufficient evidence of his fitness for the position. The farm originally contained but 160 acres, but in 1909 an additional 120 acres was purchased, making the county farm now 280 acres, with the finest water system of any institution in the state. Under Mr. Mooney 's careful manage- ment this institution has been made self-sustaining, and for the first time during its existence, the year 1911 showed a balance in the treasury from the proceeds of the farm amounting to $2,300. A complete chapter showing the progress of the institution under Mr. Mooney 's incumbency, will be found elsewhere in this work. It is but fitting to say, that Mr. Mooney, while occupying a posi- tion of prominence in the county, is possessed of a cheerful dis- position, is broad minded and liberal in his views, and these traits have endeared him to those with whom he has come in contact. His splendid record as the head of the greatest institu- tion in the county, aside from all other considerations, will cause him to long be remembered as one of the most useful citizens of Monroe county. On November 3, 1889, Mr. Mooney was united in marriage with Miss Ella P. Hill, daughter of Oliver M. and Sophia (Sprague) Hill, of Tomah. Mr. Hill was for many years engaged in agricultural pursuits in Tomah township, and was one of the most prominent and representative citizens of the county. He held the office of trustee and chairman of the township board, was treasurer of this town and for several years was president of the 810 HISTORY OF .MONROE COUXTY Mouroe CouDty Agricultural Society. lie was boru in Cortland county, New York, April 14, 1837, and died July 12, 1911, at the age of seventy-four years. Mrs. Hill, mother of jMrs. Mooney, whose maiden name was Sophia j\I. Sprague, lived to the age of seventy years and died October 18, 1909. ]Mr. and ]\Irs. Hill were both natives of New Y'ork state, and resided on the same farm in Tomah township for forty-three years. The paternal grand- parents of J\lrs. ]\!ooney were Samuel and Rebecca (JNlason) Hill, natives of New York and Vermont, respectively. The ]Mason family were among the early pioneers of New England, while Grandfather Hill was a veteran of the War of 1812. They came early to Illinois and settled near Elgin, and in the sixties came to Wisconsin. He died iMarch 12, 1870, aged seventy-six years. His Avidow survived until 1883, when she passed away at the age of eighty-three years. Samuel Sprague, maternal grandfather of Mrs. Mooney, was also a native of New England, and died in 1844. His wife, Rachael Sprague. died in 1893 at the age of ninety-one years. Leonard C. Morse, who passed away January 12, 1909, was a leading and central figure in the business and social activities of the city of Sparta, and one of the representative and progressive men of IMonroe county. He was one of a family of six children and was born in Hanover, N. H., December 8, 1832. He came west first to Ohio, where he taught school in Bloomington for about two years, and later came to AVisconsin, arriving at Sparta in 1854. Of his early business ventures here, the one most con- spicuously remembered, is his association with the Letson Brothers in the sash and door factory, now owned by J. AY. Evans. He was a young man then, strong, alert and vigorous, and early in the sixties he turned again to the west and pushed out into far Idaho, engaging in mining, then in stock raising along with a partner. In this business he achieved success, and though he and his associates sustained great losses by prodigious storms, in which most of their cattle perished, they eventually came out with considerable money. He was some thirteen years in this occupa- tion, with headquarters at Salmon City, Idaho. In the spring of 1884 he sold out to his partner and returned to Sparta. Here he purchased the estate then called the Steere farm, just north- west of the city, and built up the Chalange Stock Farm, as he named it, making it the pioneer and leading dairy and stock farm of Monroe county. He chose the Holstein-Friesian breed of dairy cattle and developed a herd second to very few, if any. in Wis- consin. It was his pride and ambition to have the best, and he LEONARD C. MORSE BIOGRAPHY 811 realized it to a marked degree. INlr. ]\Iorse was twice married, in 1861 to Alvira Crosby, who died two years later, they having no children ; on November 25, 1884, he was again married to Miss Mary Carmichael, daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Brower) Carmichael, natives of Brodalbin, N. Y. He was a farmer by oecnpation, and in 1856 came Avest to Sparta, where both father and mother died. ]\Irs. Morse had one brother, AVilliam H. Carmichael, who died near Chattanooga, Tenn., during the Civil War. He was postmaster for his regiment, and died from an acci- dent received on the cars. The Carmichaels were of Scotch ancestry, while the Browers were of Holland descent. Mrs. Morse has resided on her present farm since the fall of 1884. During her early life she taught school near Cateract, in IMonroe county, and was engaged in this work at the time of the big Indian scare. She also taught at Tomah and Leon. She was employed in tho office of register of deeds in JNlonroe county, under M. A. Thayer, in the old courthouse, and held that position for thirteen years. She was afterward employed at clerical work in the office of Tyler & Dickinson for six years. She is a charater member of the Good Templars lodge at Sparta, and the Eastern Star. She was a devoted wife and a worthy companion and helpmeet of her noble husband, and is universally loved and honored for her noble womanly qualities of mind and heart. Mr. Morse's kindly and genial temperment made him friends with all, and he had the public spirit and enterprise which gave him leadership in all circles and activities in which he engaged. He w^as a loyal jMason, a charter member of Valley Lodge and a prominent member of all four of the Masonic bodies of this city — Blue Lodge, Chapter. Commandery and Eastern Star. Though not a church member, he was identified with the Congregational church in work and spirit, and ever its loyal and generous sup- porter. He was an enthusiast in music, and a staunch member and at one time president of the Crescent Glee Club. The largely attended funeral services were held at his late residence Friday, January 15, 1909, Rev. Pugh conducting the service of the Congregational church, and the INIasonic burial service in charge of Valley Lodge, No. 60. Interment being made in Woodlawn cemetery. James H. Morton, a progressive farmer of Wellington town- ship, was born in the province of Ontario, Canada, son of James H. and Alice Morton, both natives of Canada. In 1869 our sub- ject came to the United States, and for one winter worked in the lumber woods near Grand Rapids, AVis. He then went to Alerrill, 812 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY this slate, and was employed eight years in the Avoods, and was considered an export at logging. He came to Monroe county in 1892, and on September 26 of that year was married at Wilton to Miss ilargaret Welch, daughter of Patrick Welch, an influential citizen of tliat town. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. ^Morton, throe of whom are now living, viz. : William P., born April 15, 1896; Bernard E., born November 16, 1902, and Lizzie, born September 2, 1904. In the year 1900 Mr. Morton purchased 120 acres of land in section eight, town of AVellington, and has since been successfully engaged in general farming and dairying. Since purchasing his farm he has added many improvements ; he built a large and com- modious barn in 1907, and has improved his residence and brought the land to a higher state of cultivation. He keeps his place well equipped with modei'n la])or saving machinery and well stocked with a good grade of horses and cattle. In politics Mr. Morton is a progressive Republican and takes an active interest in the affairs of the party. Arthur G. Moseley, one of the substantial and inllueutial farm- ers of New Lyme township, Monroe county, Avas born in Sparta on what is now known as the county poor farm or alms house, September 17. 1864. His parents. Alonzo and Eunice (Hunt) Moseley Avere natives of Franklinville. Cattaraugus county, N. Y. They were married March 26, 1850, and came to IMonroe county in 1852, locating in Sparta when it was a log hut village, where they lived for two years until they got a log house built and land cleared and broken, upon which to raise some crops, the father teaming and hauling merchandise in the meantime. The parents sold the farm to Peter Webster in April, 1867, and moved to Sparta. Avhere they lived until the fall of 1873, when they bought a farm in tlie Hill settlement in New Lyme township, where the father died on December 4. 1892. The mother. Mrs. Eunice (Hunt) Moseley is now. August 24, 1912, still living and enjoys excellent health at the age of eighty-one years, having lived in Monroe county over sixty years, longer than any other woman now living in this county. Arthur (i. Avas educated in the district schools ;ind lias spent his entire life on the homestead farm of 560 acres, Avhich he noAV owns. He is one of the successful. i)ublic spirited men of his tOAvnsliip. every ready to lend a lu>li)ing hand to evei-y worthy cause for tlu' intei-est or beltei-meiit of his town and county. He Avas married on January 5. 1893, to Miss Myrtle Parmenter, daughter of Ethan and Eva (Phelps) Parmenter, of La Crosse BIOGRAPHY 813 county. They have been blessed with nine children, viz. : Eunice, born December 4, 1893; Jennie M., born November 14, 1895; Gladys, born January 17, 1898; Nina J., born April 29, 1900; Emma, born January 1, 1902; Rose L., born June 11, 1904; Lila C, born June 14, 1906; John II.. born June 8, 1908, and Helen K., born August 4, 1911. Winand MuUenberg, a successful German farmer of Jefferson township, Monroe county, was born in Stommel, Germany, on November 30, 1857, the son of Benedict and Anna Mary (Schmitz) MuUenberg, who came with him to America in 1861, when Winand was four years of age, and settled on a farm in Jefferson town- ship. The father was born in 1829 and died in 1910 ; the mother was born in 1828 and died in 1890. Benedict MuUenberg worked for a time as a farm laborer during and after his school days, and then purchased a forty-acre tract of wild land to Avhicli he added from time to time until at the time of his death he owned about 160 acres, which by hard work and perseverance, he subdued and converted into a highly productive and valuable farm. They were members of the St. Mary's Catholic church and well respected in their neighborhood. Winand attended the public and parochial schools until he was sixteen and obtained a good education. He worked on a farm and was steady and economical ; on June 26, 1883, he was married to Miss Mary Kreuser, daughter of Theodore and Margaret Kreuser, both now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. MuUenberg have had six children, viz : Benedict, Theodore, Anna, Katie, John and Lizzie. Mrs. MuUenberg died on February 12, 1898, and two years later, in May, Mr. MuUenberg was married in La Crosse county, W^isconsin, to Miss Susie Andres, and they have had three children, Matt, Margaret and Mary. After his first marriage, Mr. MuUenberg bought 160 acres of land in Jefferson township, and later added to this until he now owns about 350 acres. He keeps it well stocked with a good grade of horses, cattle, hogs, etc., and uses the latest methods in conducting it. He is a public spirited man and always ready to assist in furthering the development of his town and county. He served eleven terms as assessor for Jefferson township and also as supervisor. He has been president of the Farmers' German Mutual Fire Insurance Company since 1898, with head offices in Norwalk, and is a Democrat in his politics. Dennis M. Murphy'-', who resides in Lyons valley, Wells township. Monroe county, was born in the tow^n of Wells, April 24, 1880, and is the youngest of a family of nine children — eight 814 IIISTOK'V OK ."\IOXROK CorNTY of whom arc living, l)orn lo .Inlm and .lulia i Jiurke) Murphy, botli natives of Ireland. Tlic fiitlu'i- caiiic to America in ]854, and in 1855 located in Lyons valley, Monroe county, where he home- steaded 120 acres of land in section twenty-one, Wells townshij). Here 111' established the family home and successfully euiJ^aged in general farming, and at the time of his death, in 18J)(j, owned a farm of 200 acres. He Avas thrifty and enterprising and was well thought of in his comnnmilA-. In polities he was a Democrat, and in religious faith himself and ]\[rs. ]Murphy were members of the Catholic church. His wife, mother of our subject, was a lady of many domestic virtues and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of her friends and neighbors. Her dealli occinrcd in 1SS4. Dennis ]\I. s})eut his boyhood on the home faiiu and i-eeeived his preliminary education in the district schools, which was sup- l)lemented with a three years' course at the Tomah high school. After completing his education, he taught two years in Sheldon and AVells towiishii)s, then purchased a Jialf interest in 200 acres of land in sections sixteen and twenty-one, AVells township, and still later purchased a farm of 182 acres, twenty-five acres of which are in Leon townshij) and the ])alance in "Wells. He is a prosperous general farmer and one of the progressive citizens of the town. He takes a keen interest in all public matters and any movement for the betterment of his town and county receives his support. In politics he believes in the jn-inciples of the Democratic party, and since ]911 has been clerk of his town. He being still unmarried, malces his home with a In-other in Lyons valley. Anton Nelson i-esides in section twenty. Greenfield township, successfully engaged in farming. He was boni September 22. 1849, in Denmark, and is the son of Nels and Dorothy Nelson, both natives of Denmaik. His father Avas a farmer by occupation aiul a mason l)y trade in liis native country, where they spent their lives. Anton is the second child of a family of two sons and two daught(M-s. He attended the connnon schools of his native land during his boyhood and served the usual period in the Danish army, but the opi>ortunities for advancement there seemed limited for one of his ambitious tciii|)ci-aiiu'nt and he decided to come to America, landing liei-e in the spring of 1881. He came direct to Tomah where he immediately secured employment Avith the Goodyear Company in a sawmill, which lasted f(n' four years, after Avhich he was likewise employed at Waterbury; he then retncned to T year. lie then returned to Sparta, where he has since resided. He has been a stockholder and director in the Citizens' Bank of Sparta since 1907, and the same year was chosen as vice president, in which capacity he is still acting with credit to himself and to tlie satisfaction of his associates. On November 28, 1895, Mr. Newton was uinted in iiiari-iage to Miss Eleanor W. Gary, daughter of AV. H. Gary, a substantial and prosperous citizen of Croswell, Alich. They have had six children; those living are Orin I., George M., Janet C. -lohn Theodore, and P^leanor Emma Newton. Air. Newton is a man of fine social qualities, generous, kind hearted and genial ; is domestic in his tastes, and delights in nothing better than what he finds in his home and family. Tie is a member of the Alasonic fraterniay. Orin I. Newton. After an illness of years, Air. Oiin 1. Xcwton fell into his final sleep on Saturday, Alarch 80, at 6:30 p. m. Air. Newton was for the better part of his life a resident of Sparta and for twenty yeai-s or more was a leading and promi- nent figure in its business history. He was born in Georgia, A^t., in Aucust. 1842. his father dying when he was five years old, leaviim a widow and eitihl children. In 1860 the familv camo to BIOGRAPHY 819 Sparta, Oriii being then about eighteen years old. His first busi- ness experience was in farming in company with his younger •brother, Fred, in the valley southeast of Sparta in the summer of 1861, and he also taught school for a while. Subsequently he entered the store of Mr. John L. Mather, who was in the drug business in Sparta at that time and he managed the store during one season while Mr. IMather was absent prospecting with a party of gold seekers in Utah. After the latter 's return Mr, Newton entered into partnership with him, their business connection con- tinuing until Mr. jNlather sold his interest to 0. L. Irwin, and about six months after Mr. Newton bought out ]\Ir. Irwin and became the sole owner of the establishment. Mr. Newton became the owner of the Sparta paper mill, so-called, in 1871. and in the course of years built it up into a strong and profitable business and the chief manufacturing inter- est in the cit3\ The mill was originally established by J. L. Mather, who subsequently^ transferred it to the firm of Farnaham, Slmter & Co., and its early history was one of considerable vicissi- tude. Mr. Newton bought it, in company with W. E. Briggs, but soon after acquired the latter 's interest, and by hard work got it on a paying basis. ]\Ir. Newton was chiefly identified by the paper mills which have so long borne his name, but this busi- ness by no means represents the extent of his business operations, which have been extensive and varied. He managed a large lum- bering business, purchased and successfully carried on a flouring mill at Angelo, built and operated a paper pulp mill at Tomahawk; in connection with M. A. Thayer, established the electric lighting company and had interests in other enterprises. Mr. Newton was a man of marked force, energy and business sagacity and possessed a resolute will and indomitable courage. These alone enabled him to combat so long the constantly aggres- sive physical ailment from Avhich he suffered, and in the face of which he kept up the management of his affairs till long past the period wdien ordinary men would have succumbed. Ill health began with a congestive attack as long ago as 1875, and with this began a pulmonary trouble, which, after long years of stubborn contest, finally gained the mastery. Mr. Newton united with the First Baptist church in 1868 and was one of its most prominent members, active in its work and generous in giving to its support. He was a good and valuable citizen in all relations and one of whom the city OAves much of its material prosperity as well as moral welfare. ]\rr. Newton was married in 1867 to ]\Iiss Emma ]Mather, who 820 IIISTUKV OF .MOXROK LULNTY died in 1873, leaving two sons. In ISliS he was again married, his present wife and his two sons. Harry and George, surviving liini. Joseph Nichols, the son of David and Eunice (Mayfield) Nichols, was horn .July 28. 1840. in New York. His jiarents. who were also natives of New York state, came to Wisconsin in 1834 with their family, and settled in P^armers' valley. [Monroe county. Here the eldest brotlier of our subject ])urchased eighty acres of Avild l.ind. which was improved and i)laced under a high state of cultivation. In that early day the hills and forests were abund- ant with wild i^anie and the creeks and rivers were well stocked with fish, of which the father toolc advantage — his chief recrea- tion being hunting and fishing. The father died in 1877 and the mother passed away in 1874. Joseph was the niiith of a family of eleven children, aiul started in early life to nuike his own waj' in the world; he was variously employed at faini work, receiving $7 per month for his labor. When the Civil War broke out in 1861 he enlisted in company A. third Wisconsin Cavalry, and served until the close of the war. He participated in many engagements, among them being the l)attles Big North Fork Creek. ^lo. ; Clarendon. Ark., Bull Ci-eek. White Oak Creek, Jacksonport : Osage ^Mission. Kan.; Clarkesville. Ark. : Lexington. ]Mo.. Little Blue Creek, Independ- ence. Big Blue ^line Creek, Newton ia. Dry wood and Clear Lake, and received his hoiu)rable discharge Septendjcr 29, 1865, at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and returned to his home, where he again engaged in farming on a i-entetl farm until his marriage in 1867; he went to Clark county, Wisconsin, in the fall of 1870 and lumie- steaded a (|UHitei" section of Government land, wliich he improved and whci'e he made his home luilil 1S77. when he purchased the farm in Wells township, where he now I'csides. The farm is well improved, witli a good resideiu'c. barn and outbuildings. Tlii.^ has been his home for the jiast thii-ty-five yt>ars and is one of the few surviving Civil War vetei'ans residing in the town of Wells. In politics he is a Rej)ublican and upholds the ]irinciples of his party. He was niairii-d .hnuuii-v 1. lS(i7. at Sjjarta. to ^liss Mtdissa French, dauirhter <>f William French, also a native of New ^'oi-k state, and who in an early day located in Clark county. Wisconsin. Both parents of Mi-s. Nichols are deceased. To Mi-. and ^Irs. Nichols have been born nine children, eight of whom are living. viz.: Edward H.. born February 7. 1870-. (Jertie (i.. liorn ^larch 7, 1872: Louis 11.. horn Mai-(di 10, 1874; Clara A., boi-n November BIOGRAPHY 821 28, 187'): .Johiiie E., horn October (i, 1877; ]Maud 1., hoiii •January 12. 1882: Josephine M.. ])oni November 27, 1889, and Myrth- K., born January 9, 1893; Odell J., born December 28, 18()7, is deceased; (Jertie G., Louis H., Clara A., Maud I., Josei)hine M., Edward II. and Johnie E. are married. Robert G. Nicke, dealer in agricultural implements at Toniah, was horn in Germany October 5. 1875, and came to America with his father. Gotlieb Xicke. and his family of five children in 1892. They first located in Chicago, 111., where for two and oneJialf years the father worked as a day laborer. In the fall of 1895 they removed to ]\Ionroe county. AVisconsin, and purchased forty acres of land and here made their home for ten years. For two and oneJialf years Robert and his father operated a sawmill with marked success near Tomah. In 190-4 Robert G. moved into the city of Tomah and engaged in the grocery business, which he conducted for three years. Disposing of his grocery, he pur- chased the implement business from Dan Crowley, and has since successfully continued in that line. He carries a large stock of all kinds of farm machinery, including gasoline engines, binders, twine, pumps, windmills, spring and farm wagons and carriages from the leading manufacturers of the country. He is one of Toniah 's prosperous, safe and reliable business men and promi- nent alike in business and social circles. In politics he is inde- pendent in thought and action, supporting the man for office whom he thinks best qualified for the position regardless of party affiliations. On August 12. 1908. at Tomah, Mr. Nicke w^as united in mar- riage to jMiss Eda ]Miller. They have two children, Raymond and John Xicke. Abel Benjamin Naset, manager of the Sparta Sash and Door Company, one of Sj)arta's younger class of successful business men, is a native son of Wisconsin, being born in Dane county, March 20, 1880, to J. J. and Anna B. (Johnson) Naset, natives of Norway and Illinois, respectively. In 1844 Mr. Naset came to Wisconsin and located in Dane county, where he successfully carried on farming foi- a number of years. He is the youngest and only surviving member of a family of six children — two sons and four daughters, and is now a resident of Bloomer, of this state. His wife, mother of Abel, died September 19, 1903, at the age of sixty-four years. Mr. Naset, the subject of this sketch, is the youngest of a fam- of eight, five sons and three daughters. He, with his brother, W. 0. Naset, are associated with the Sparta Sash and Door 822 HISTORY OF :\rOXROE COUNTY C'uiii])aii\-. Jiai.sL'd uii a i'anii, la- received his educatiou in the public schools of his home town, in the Albion Academy, and the Northern Indiana Normal School. He early gave up the idea of farming, and after finishing his school days, set out to learn the woodworkers' trade, beginning first as a carpenter. During the years 1901-2, he was in "Winnebago county, Iowa, and the year 1903 he spent at Bloomer, Wis., working a portion of the time at the carpenter's trade. From 1903 to 1907 he was successfully engaged in the woodworker's trade and contracting at Edgerton. The year 1907 and part of 1908 was spent at Eauclaire, AYis., where he conducted an architectural office. On jNIarch 30 in the year 1908 he came to Sparta, and purchasing an interest in the Sparta Sash and Door Manufacturing Company, assumed the management of the concern. This is one of Sparta's largest insti- tutions, and turns out a high grade of interior and exterior finish- ings, as demand requires from a wide radius of territory. Mr. Naset was married April 30, 1907, at Cambridge, AVis., to INIiss Ilattie ]May, daughter of William and Kate (^Nlechersmith) Koiislei". IMr. Kensler died in October, 1910. August H. Noth, one of the influential and successful farmers of Wilton township, is a native son of Monroe county, and was born in the town of Wilton. August 10, 1869, the son of Fred and Louisa (Reke) Noth. The father Avas born in the state of Lippe, Germany, March 6, 1839, and when twenty years of age came to America and first located at New Orleans in the fall of 1859. After his arrival there he found the war clouds so heavy that he moved on to St. Louis, not being in sympathy with the Southern cause, and not feeling inclined to take up arms against the Union. He enlisted at St. Louis, INIo.. on July 21, 1861, in company E, second Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and was made sergeant and color bearer of his regiment, and served until honorably dis- charged September 29, 1864. In 1866 he came to Monroe county, and with his father, purchased 240 acres of land in sections seven and eight, Wilton township, which at that time was wild land. He endured many hardships and privations as a pioneer, but by hard work and perseverance succeeded in subduing the land and bringing it to a good state of cultivation and jiroductiveness. He was one of the successful farmers of the county, and owned at the time of his death, which occurred in 1890, one of the best farms in the township. He was honorable in all his dealings, public spirited and genial, and any worthy cause always received his support. He stood high in his community, and was considered one of the well-to-do men in the town. Mrs. Noth, mother of our BIOGRAPHY 823 subject, who was a kind and loving mother and indulgent wife, passed away October 27, 1881, honored and esteemed by all who knew her. August H. received his education in the district school, which he attended up to his twentieth year, helping with the general farm work and assisting in clearing the land and making the improvements. Since the death of his father he has had charge of the farm, which he has continued to improve and bring to a higher state of cultivation. The residence, which was erected about thirty years ago, is comfortable and well constructed, and his barns, one of which is 30 x 56 feet, and other outbuildings are commodious and conveniently arranged. His supply of pure water, which is secured from a deep driven well, operated by a large windmill, furnishes plenty of water for his house and stock. In his farming operations, Mr. Noth uses the latest up-to-date methods and his place is well supplied with modern labor saving machinery, and he takes pride in keeping it well stocked with a good grade of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. On October 26, 1898, he was married in the town of Ridgeville, to Miss Amelia Kevit, daughter of August and Arnstena Kevit, pioneers, and highly respected settlers of Ridgeville township. Mrs. Noth is the second child in a family of six children, five of Avhom are now living. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Noth, viz. : Neta, born January 27, 1900 ; Raymond "W., born February 22, 1902 ; Corliss August, born July 11, 1905 ; Adalia A., born October 25, 1907, and Mildred L., born March 11, 1911. Mr. Noth is one of the substantial farmers of his town, and takes an interest in all public matters. He has been chairman of the town board, treasurer of the Farmers' IMutual Fire Insurance Company and a director of the school board for fifteen years. He is a stockholder in the Elgin Creamery Company, of Wilton, and in politics a progressive Republican. Fred W. Noth, chairman of the board of Ridgeville township, Monroe county, was born March 29, 1874, in the town of Wilton, Wis., the son of Fred and Louisa (Reke) Noth, both natives of Germany. The father came to America in 1860 and settled in St. Louis, Mo., where he lived until he enlisted in the second Missouri Volunteer Infantry. After the close of the war, he came with his father, mother, two sisters and one brother to Ridge- ville, AVilton township, and settled on the farm, where he married and where he lived until his death. His first wife died and he remarried. After the death of his father, our subject went with 824 HISTORY OF .MOXKOK COIXTY his stepinotlier to Ikt farm in Kid.ireville, which he leased from her and took t-are of her, A. II. Xoth gettin«r the home farm. !Mr. and Mi's. Xoth raised a family of six children, five of whom are now (15)12) livinu:. P^'red W. l)ein7. he was married to !Miss Bertha Kewit. whose parents were early settlers of Ridgeville township. They have two children, viz.: ?]ldon, born July 20, 1899. and Leona. Ix.rn February 27. 1902. Fred W. Xotii accpiired the homestead of 120 acres in sections ten and eleven. Kidgeville township, by purchase, where he has since resided: the mother also lived here until 1909. when she died. He is a nuiu of more than usual thrift and ambition, and the wave of prosperity which he has enjoyed for the past few years is evidence of his good management and economical meth- ods, lie ii;is increased his aci'eage to 260 in sections ten, eleven rUid twenty-three, enlarged his residence, barns and other out- buildings, until he noAv has one of the most spacious and commo- dious homes in ^Monroe county, and besides carrying on general farming, he makes a specialty of the dairy business. He is a Republican in ])olitics and active in all movements i)ertaniing to the welfare of his community. In 1912 he was elected chairman of the board of Ridgeville township, and for some time served as supervisor. lie is also a director of the Farmers' State Bank. George Novotny is one of the prominent Bohemian citizens of Ridgeville township. ^lonroe county. He was l)orn in Racine county. Wisconsin, on ]\larch 11. 1859. the fifth of a family of six children, only three of whom are now (1912) living, born to Francis and Therisa (IToudek) Novotny, both natives of Bohemia. They came to America in 1852 and located in Racine county, where they j)urchased forty acres of wild timber land and imme- diately set to work to clear and cultivate the land, and after about .seventeen years of pioneer experience, they disposed of this farm aiul moved to ]Moni-oe county in 1869 and purchased a farm of 120 aci-es in section twelve in the township of Ridgeville. which they made their homestead and where they continued to exi)eri- ence the trials and liardshi|)s of pioneer life. Ten years later the father diet!, and his wiiloAV survived until 1898. ^Ir. Xovotny was married twice: his first marriage was with ]\liss Lydia Tonuis. and they had a family of four sons. .Mrs. Xovotny died in 1841. and he married again in December. 1842, the second Mrs. Novotny being the mother of our subject. George was always the mainstay of his jiarents, and after the BIOGKAl'llY 825 death of his tathci- he eoiitiiiucd to live on the homestead with his inothcr diirinu' lier lifctiiiie. and eventually ;i('(iuii"ed the farm ill his own riiilit. Ilis education was liinifed, however, to the district schools of his iieighboi'hood up to his fourteenth year, owing to his farm duties, but being an apt pupil and wide awake to the affairs of the day, his practical knowledge soon placed him in the front ranks in the township as a farmer and citizen. He has always been a good Republican and a faithful worker for the principles of tliat party. He is greatly interested in and favors every enterprise for the development of his town and county. Mr. George Novotny was married on November 19, 1885, in the city of Racine. AVis., to Miss Mary Haman, daughter of AntoJi and Marianna Haman. who were also natives of Bohemia, and came to America in 1865 and settled in Racine county, where her father was employed in a sash and door factory for some twenty- five years. He died in 1891; the mother is still living at the age of seventy-six years. They were both devoted inembers of the Catholic church. They had a family of three children, Mrs. Novotny being the second child. ]\Ir. and INIrs. Novotny have two children: Esther M., born Octol)er 25. 1886. married August 28, 1912, to Mr. Adolph Noth, moved to ITnity, Clark county, Wis., and Gordon G., born January 16. 1891. Nehemiah Oakley, who has been a resident of ]\Ionroo county, Wisconsin, foi- forty-three years, is an active and useful citizen and has done his full share in developing the material resources of the county and transforming it from a wilderness to its present high i)lace among the rich and fruitful counties of the state. A native of Montgomery county. New York, he was born August 19, 1884. AYhen he was three years old, his parents, Edward and Polly (Wire) Oakley, who Avere also, natives of New York state, moved to Ontario, Canada, and there spent the balance of their days. Mr. Oakley, our subject, is the second child and mdy surviving member of his family of brothers and sisters; the others were Charity, C^harles, Alary Elizabeth and Phoebie Jane. Nehemiah attended the common schools of Ontario, Imt the death of his father having occun-ed when he Avas twelve years of age, he was practically thrown upon his own resources, and his chances for advances v/ere limited. At the age of eighteen, he purchased the home farm from his stepfather, and in that year married and began a farmer's life in earnest; he afterwards sold this farm, however, and rented a farm in the same locality, where 826 HISTORY OF .UUXKUE I'ULXTY he remained for six years. Jii 1869 he came to AVisconsin and homesteaded an eighty-acre tract in Monroe county near Tunnel City, to which he subsequently added another eighty acres in section two, (Jreenfield township, where he now resides. lie was not long in eleai'ing the first eiti'hty and fifteen acres of the other, which he subdued and brought to a good state of cultivation, erected a good class of buildings and added all the needed a])i)liances and conveniences of an iii)-to-date, model farm. p]nergetic, enterprising and progressive, he takes pride in his farm, town and county. Mr. Oakley is one of the representative and intelligent citizens of Greenfield township and is a man of general worth in the community; he has been chairman of his town for nine terms and a member of the side board ; clerk of the school district, and for nineteen consecutive years school treasurer. On May 23, 1852, Mr. Oakley was married to Miss Fannie II. Woodard, daughter of Daniel and Harriet (Sisco) Woodard, who also were natives of the Empire state, but who moved to Ontario, Canada, and later to ]\Iichigan, where both died. Mrs. Oakley is one of a family of eleven children, six of whom survive, viz. : Elvira is the wife of William Sisco, and resides in Michigan ; EdAvin, also of Michigan: Clifford lives in Lincoln township, this county; Sophia married Alfred Quick, of ]\Iichigan : Flavilla is the wife of Andrew Ililliker. late of Tomah, and Sarah is the wife of AVellington Schnell, of Michigan. Those deceased are Wilson, Anna, Marietta, Daniel and one wlio died in infancy. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Oakley are Elveretta, who married Stowell Brown, of Trout Falls, LaFayette township; Mary E. is the wife of John Purdy, of Greenfield township ; Wellington lives in Oregon; Oscar resides in the state of Wash- ington ; Armina is the wife of Hamlin Griffin, of the town of Grant, this county, and Arcenith, wife of Edwin Purdy of Green- field. Those deceased are Sarah Jane, who married Frank Purdy: Alice; Emma and three who died in infancy. The celebration of the golden wedding of Mr. and ]\Irs. Oakley was an event long 1o be remembered by their wide circle of friends, Mrs. Jens Oleson, wife of Jens Oleson, deceased, was boi'ii in Norway December 7, 1860. the daugliter of Ilalvor Bergerson. She came to America with her parents from Norway in 1872. who, after their arrival in this country, came to Monroe county. Wisconsin, and located on a (juarter section of land in section sixteen, Leon township, where they spent their lives. The father was born in 1810, and died in 1!)02. The mother, born in 1810. Q J I— « BIOGRAPHY 827 passed away in 1896. They were the parents of six children, and the father was a successful farmer and stock raiser, keeping his farm well stocked with a good grade of horses, cattle and hogs. He was a man of noble Christian character, and he and his wife were honored members of the Lutheran church and had great influence in the community. Mrs. Oleson was married March 12, 1878, in the town of Leon, to Mr, Jens Oleson, who was born in Norway October 26, 1853. When five years of age, in 1858, his parents came to America and w^ere among the early settlers of the Leon valley. The father was a hard working, thrifty farmer and owned at the time of his death 320 acres of land. Mr. Oleson, husband of our subject, w^as successful in his operations as a farmer, and his farm w^as highly improved by cultivation and buildings, and the modern residence erected in 1904, with the commodious outbuildings, make theirs one of the up-to-date country homes of the valley. He w^as kind-hearted and generous and a devoted member of the Lutheran church, having the confidence and esteem of all ^vho knew him. He died May 7, 1904, leaving besides his estimable wife, a family of twelve children, as follows : Johanna, born August 11, 1878; Dora, born February 11, 1880; Oscar, born September 2, 1882; Harold, born December 20, 1884; Ida, born February 18, 1887; Augusta, born April 21, 1889; Nora, born January 6, 1892; Olga, born June 17, 1894; Joseph, born Sep- tember 2, 1896; Leonard, born October 6, 1898, and Walter and William, twins, born February 23, 1902. Godfrey Oswald, of Pleasant valley, was born in Switzerland, May 11, 1854. His parents were Jacob and Anna (Frey) Oswald, both natives of Switzerland. They came to America with a family of eight children and located at Bangor, La Crosse county, Wisconsin ; after a residence there of two years they moved to Salem, and afterwards, in 1860, came to Monroe county and began the life of farmers on 160 acres of land, which the father home- steaded in the Pleasant valley, and where they spent the balance of their lives. They toiled hard in the honest endeavor to build them a home and suffered many privations at first, but were successful in the end, passing away at the close of a busy and well spent life, honored and respected by all who knew them. Mr. Oswald Avas born in 1811 and died in 1883. Mrs. Oswald, born in 1816, passed away in 1885. In Switzerland the father secured a liberal education and belonged to the Lutheran church, but after com- ing to America was never identified with any religious denomina- tion. Although not being able to converse fluently in the English 828 ITISTOKV OK MOXROK COrXTY languaf^c, lie had many I'cinai'kalili' ti'aits in his character. Ihat were appreciated and admii-cd hy his many friends. In liorti- (•ultni-al matters he t(H)k a (h'ci(h'd interest, and durinu' his lifetime planted two api)le inchards. which are now l)cariug prolitlcail.w and neai-l\' every yeai- produce liberal returns, and there is no oi'chai-d in the Plesant \alley that will sni'pass them. Godfrey Oswald i-eceived a limited (Mincalion, hut is well posted on all euri-ent topics. lie has made fannintr his life work, and aftei- the d(»ath of his father was made administi-ator of his estate and sul)sequentl>' ])urchascd the old homestead. .Mr. Oswald is a man of thrift and aliility, and has made a jrraiul success of farming;, as well as jjaining and retaining; the good will of his fellow men. He was married July 4. TSDO. 1o ]\riss Agnes Flog, whose parents came from Germany. Three diildren liax'e been born to this union, vi/.. : Kmma Maggie. Dorotha K.. a graduate of the Sparta High School in the class of 1911, is a teacher, and George, who is living at home Avith his parents. Nicholas F. Palen, one of the leading iiumi of Spai'ta in his line of business, that of a plumber, is a native of Caledonia. l\liiiii.. where ho was boi'ii l)eceml)er l'■^. IST^^ His parents. Leopold and Mary (Hupert) Palen were born in Luxemburg, Germany, and emigrated to the United States in the (^arly sixties. Their first stopping place after reaching this country was at Oubnqne. Iowa, whei'e they remained foi* only a short time and nu)ved on to ^linnesota. Avliere "Sir. Palen entered land and engaged in farm- ing, which he followed nntil about four >ears previous to his death, which occurred in the fall of 1909. at the age of sixty-nine years. He was a thrifty, pi-ogressive and successful fai'iiier an '■ considei-ed amonu the l)est class of pioneers of his comnninity. ^Irs. Palen. his widow, si ill survives and makes her liome at (^alech>nia. Leo|)ol(| Palen was one of a famil\- of nine children, all of whom came IVom (lermany. the only sui-viving member of that familx- being Mrs. Frances Hurkhart. wife of Jnlins Purk- hai't. of L;i ( 'i-osse. Wis. Prank- llniiert. the matei-nal graiul- father of oiii- subject, emigrated 1o this country at alxuit the same time of the Taiens. atul settled at Duiuujue. Iowa, where he also engaged in farming. Nicholas is the fifth child of a family of fourteen childi-en. (deven of whom ai'e now (1912') living. They are Frank •!.. of l)ubud('iii WuodiutMi ill America, and he and his family affiliate with the Bif; Creek Methodist Episcopal church. Erick Peterson, one of Ihc very first settlers of Portland town- ship, a Mian of i)rogressive ideas and a snbstantial citizen, was born in Xdi-way. February IS, 1829, the son of Peter and ]\Iartha Erickson. botli natives of Norway. Onr subject remained in his native country until 1851, when, with his wife and one child, he came to America, and for a time was located at Rochester, Racine county, Wisconsin, where he was employed in a fanning mill fac- tory. His fathci'. wlu» alwM\s lived in Norway, was a milhvright, and worked a1 this trade as well as that of carpenter. lie was a man of excellent judgment and the father of eight children, our subject l)eing the second cliild; seven of this family are still (1912) living. The parents were mendiers of the Lutheran church and prominent in their community. In 1858 Erick Peterson located in the town of Portland, and for a time followed the trade of carpenter and builder. In 1859 he purchased 240 acres of land in sections six and twenty-five, and afterwards added forty acres in section thirty-six. After a residence here of nine years, he mov(>d to the town of Jefferson. ]\lr. Peterson relates that when he first located in the town of Portland there were but few settlers, and no settlement from which to procure supplies. La Crosse being the nearest trading point: i\onr at that time was ten dollars per l)arrel, and othiM- things in proportion ; the country was l)ut a Avilderuess inhabited by Avild game and Indians; ])ear and deer Avere plentiful, and ]\lr. Peterson being an excellent marksman, lie had no trouble in supplying his family Avith venison, which was their ehief means of subsistence; he has killed many bear and deer on the old homestead, and relates a little Hirilling experience of a day's hunt for deer in a st)'ip of timbei-. when, after sighting the game, he was attracted by a noise in the tree tops, and upon looking up saw a large panther nuiking ready to spring upon him : he quickly fired a lucky shot which brought the panther dead at his feet. It was the only aninial of tliis kind he ever saw in Portland, and the hide was purchased by a man from ^lilwaukee. at a fancy ])i"iee. This incident niei-ely touches on the volume of interesting experiences which ^fr. I'eterson relates, but lack of space pre- vents us from going further into details. Vv. Peterson, possessed with that energy' and thrift com- mon to his people, by hai-d work and persistent energy, cleared his land and soon 1)rought to a good state of cultivation and pro- ductiveness, and now values it at one hundred dollars per acre. BIOGRAPHY 835 after experiencing the jn-ivations and hai'ilsliips of pioneer life for many years, and now holds a prominent place in his eom- nuniity. He has been active in the affairs of the Republican party and for years has served liis town in various capacities, being supervisor for one year, assessor for three years, and many other offices. He now lives in practical retirement at liis tine home on the farm near Cashton. He was married in Norway, in 1851. to Miss Olena Oleson, daughter of Chris and Alena Oleson, she being one of a family of three children. ]\Ir. and ^Mrs. Peterson have luul a family of twelve children, six of whom are jiow (1912) living, viz.: Peter, born February 7, 1853; ^Martha, born February 9, 1855; Edward, born May 9, 1859; Elizabeth, born April 17. 1861; p:ilsworth, born June 12, 1864, and Oscar, l)orn January 13, 1868. Ellsworth Peterson, Avho was his father's mainstay on the farm, where he resided until he w^as tAventy-two years old, was then employed by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad for ten years, after which he returned to the home farm and remained for twelve years. On March 20, 1886, he was married, in the town of Portland, to ]Miss Martha Christian, whose parents are both deceased, Mrs. Peterson being the only living member of a family of three children. To Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Peterson have been born nine children, viz.: Edwin, Cleuse, Emma, Clara, Lewie, AVillia, Amanda, Clarence and Tellman. Oscar Peterson, the sou of J. and Christina (Oleson) Peterson, was born in Norway, September 30, 1867. He emigrated to America, preceding his parents, who also came to this coun- try in 1892. They reared a family of seven children, six of whom are now living. The father, at the age of seventy years, and his mother, at the age of seventy-four years, are both living in Monroe county. Our subject began his career as a cook in a restaurant, and by thrift, industry and economy accumulated his earnings, and then embarked in the mercantile business. In 1892 he opened a general store at Melvina. John E. Fremstad after- ward entered into copartnership with him. and for four years the business was conducted under the firm name of Peterson and Fremstad. Mr. Peterson purchased his partner's interest, and since that time has conducted the business by himself, and uoav has one of the largest general stores in Monroe county. He car- ries a good class of merchandise, and has a large and growing patronage, and by his honorable and -upright dealing has won the confidence of his patrons, which he justly merits. In 1911 Mr. Peterson purchased the old Hunt Mill, Avhich for more than 836 HISTORY OF MOXKOE COUNTY forty vi'iU's lias Ijci-u .siu'ccssI'iiHn' i-iiii, Ix'iiig: first ()})erate'd by water power, then steam, which has finally given way to the pop- ular gasoline engine. The mill is Avell equipped with modern machinery and is operated in connection with his store. The mill has recently been remodeled and has a capacity of fifty barrels of flour daily and three hundred sacks of feed, and Mr. Peterson is kept busy in supplying the demands of his customers. During the administration of President McKinley, Mr. Peter- son was api)()inted postmaster at Melvina, a position, with the exception of a brief time, he has since continued to fill. He is Republican in politics, and for over thirty years has been a director on the school board, and for two years has served as justice of the peace. In fraternal matters he is a member of the Modern AVoodmen of America. In 1892 ]\[r. Peterson was married to ]Miss ]\Iatilda Anderson, daughter of John Anderson, of Leon. To this iniion has been born nine children, viz.: Elmer R., born January IB, 189-1; Oscar M., born February 12, 1896 ; JMabel C, born May 2, 1897 ; Ernest J., born February 23, 1900; Evelyn C, born January 27, 1903; Joseph L., born October 5. 1905 ; Clarence A., born December 24, 1907 ; Alice R., born January 23, 1910, and Julia H., born March 20, 1912. Frank Pier, who Avas born on section twelve, Greenfield town- ship. Monroe county, where he now resides, is a son of Peter and Mary (Schlichter) Pier, both natives of Germany. They came to America in early life, and were married at East Troy, Wis. Coming west to "Wisconsin, they first settled in Clark county, near Neilsville, and from there to Monroe county, fully a half century ago. Arriving here and finding it one of the best agri- cultural fields in the West, they located in Greenfield township, on a tract of 320 acres of Avild land, forty of which was pre- empted from the Government, and here he established a home for himself and family; clearing seventy acres, he erected build- ings and brought the land to a high state of cultivation, improving as the years passed. Here the parents spent their lives, the father died in 1904, at the age of eighty years, and the mother passed away in 1910, at the age of seventy-six. They were both devoted members of St. Mary's Catholic church. Frank first saw the light of day July 14, 1870, and is the youngest of a family of seven children, of whom three are now living, viz. : John resides on a farm in Greenfield township, adjoining that of our subject ; Mary married J. J. Kiefer and lives in the town of Greenfield : and Frank, our subject. Those .M BIOGRAPHY 837 deceased are Michael, Anna, Maggie and Peter. Frank was reared on the home farm and attended the district schools, assist- ing with the farm work. In 1897 he came into possession of the homestead, where he now lives, successfully engaged in general farming. He is one of the progressive and popular men of his town, is active in its interests, and served his town as assessor for the term of 1911 and 1912. He was married October 18, 1898, to Miss Lena Burkart, daughter of Milo Burkart, of Fairchild, Wis. Carl N. Pierce,* farmer and dairyman, who resides on section fifteen, Sparta township, is a native son of Wisconsin, and was born in Green Lake county, near Randolph Center, January 2, 1879, the second child of a family of five children born to W. H. and Minnie (Ruh) Pierce. Of the others, William is deceased; Harry lives in Oregon; Alonzo resides in Sparta, and Marie is the wife of Thomas Brown, of Sparta township. The parents emigrated from Germany to the United States and first settled on a farm in Green Lake county, but subsequently moved to Monroe county. Carl N. was raised on the farm in Adams county, Wisconsin, and attended the common schools. He came to Monroe county with his parents in 1893, where he engaged in the farm work and assisted his father in operating the Testor Mill. At the age of twenty-two he began farming on his own account on the Lawson farm in Sparta township; at the end of four years he purchased 110 acres in Leon township, which he sold one year later and returned to the Lawson farm, which he continued to operate until 1909, when he purchased the Kenyon farm of 119 acres, which he has since conducted, and on February 1, 1912, he began operations in the dairy business, conducting the same from the AV. E. Davis farm. In 1901 Mr. Pierce was united in marriage with JMiss Agnes Guy, daughter of William N. and Isabella (Nichol) Guy, whose sketch will be found elsewhere in this volume. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have two children, viz. : Earl Guy and Agues Ethel Pierce. Fraternally, Mr. Pierce is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and the Beavers. John C. Pingel,* farmer, section twenty-seven, Tomah town- ship, ]\Ionroe county, Wisconsin, was born in the town of Wilton, April 11, 1871. He is a son of John and Beatrice (Fisher) Pin- gel, natives of Germany. John Pingel is now living in the town of Tomah, at the age of seventy-three years. 838 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY John C attended the district schools up to his sixteenth year and began to make his way and gain a livelihood at the age of seventeen years, when he was employed as a farm hand at twelve dollars per month, and continued at this occupation until 1894, when he was employed in the saw mills at Ackley, ^Minn., until 1902, when he came to Monroe county, and purchased 180 acres of land in sections twenty-seven and thirty-four, Tomah town- ship, where he now resides. Since his purchase he has added extensive improvements by erecting a barn :Ux60 feet in 1911, and has put the land under a high state of cultivation. His farm is also well stocked Mitli a fine grade of horses, cattle and hogs. September 25, 1894, Mr. Pingel was united in marriage with ]\Iinnie Ruuion, in Minnesota. They have five children, viz.: Ida H., John F.. George E., AValter R. and Clara S. .Mr. Pingel is one of the progressive citizens of his township and takes an interest in all public matters for the good of his town and county. He is a member of the Woodmen of the "World, and in politics is a Republican. Albert G. Prescott, secretary and numager of the Greenfield Creamery at Tunnel City, JMonroe county, is a native of Farm- ington, ]Maine, where he was born August 19, 1864, and is the only son and eldest child in a family of two children born to George C. and Naomi (AVhitney) Prescott, also a native of ]\Iaine. The other, Jennie, is the Avife of G. A. Hackett, and resides in La Grange township. George C. Prescott. father of our subject, served during the ( ivil War in tlie Fifth Regiment Main(^ Bat- tery; the parents came to JMonroe county in 18(i7, wlieii our sub- ject was three years of age, and settled in La Grange township, where the father died in 1892, at the age of sixty-three years. Albert G. was reared on the home farm and attended the dis- trict school. In 1888 he was employed by tlie Chicago. ^Milwau- kee & St. Paul railroad in Iowa and Soutli Dakota. After a short time thus spent, he returned to llie liome farm, which he successfully carried on until the death of his father. Avhen he became the owner, and which he continued to condiu-t until 1908, when he assumed his present duties as secretary and man- ager of the Greenfield Creamery, which under his management lias shown an increased business each year. The members of the organization are: AVilliam Gasper, president; George Heser, vice-president; A. C Prescott. secretary and manager; E. C. Graham, treasurer. Tlie l)()ard of directors are: Joseph Zastouiiil, William Ilines and T. .1. Rowan. During his busy life. 'Mv. BIOGRAPHY 839 Prescott has found time outside of his personal affairs to serve as clerk of his town, treasurer and member of the town bonrd. For four years he served as a member of Company K, Third Regiment, Wisconsin National Guard, and in fraternal riiatlers is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Modern \\'o()(liiiC]i of America. On April 3, 1889, Mr. Prescott was married to Miss Sarah Hackett, daughter of G. 0. Hackett, of Plattville, Wis. To them have been born five children, viz. : Florence is the wife of Charles Johson, of Greenfield township, and Minnie married George John- son, and lives in Greenfield township. George W., Claude E., and Dora M. reside at home. Irving Price,* son of Sanford and Phoebe Price, was born on September 7, 1850, in Washington county, New York, and is the only child living of a family of two. His father was born in 1826, and died in 1885 ; his mother was born in 1831. The family came to Dane county, Wisconsin, in 1853, and were among the early settlers in that part of the country, and after living there for a time, they decided to move to Columbia county, where the opportunities seemed more favorable, and where he sought employment at varied occupations for several years, with rea- sonably good success. He was a bright and energetic young man and through his faithful efforts and close application to work it was not long before he was making a comfortable livelihood for his family. He was courageous and forceful in his habits, and where duty demanded he was the first to act. In 1862 he enlisted in the Eighth Wisconsin Battery, which he followed to the end of the war, and his army history alone would make an interest- ing volume. Among the many encounters in which he partici- pated were the following : battle of Bay Springs, August 2, 1862 ; battle of luka, Miss., September 19, 1862 ; battle of Chaften Hills, October 8, 1862 ; battle of Lancaster, October 8, 1862 ; battle of Corinth, November 3 and 4, 1862 ; battle of Stone River, Decem- ber 30 and 31, 1862; battle of Chickamauga, September 19 and 20, 1863 ; battle of Mission Ridge, November 24, 1863, and battle of Lookout Mountain, November 25, 1863. After obtaining his discharge in 1865, he returned to Dane county for a short time, then moved to Monroe county with his family of two children, and purchased a forty-acre tract of land in section thirty-two, which was his homestead until his death, and which has since been conducted by our subject, who lives here with his mother, who is now (1912) in her eighty-fifth year, and the quaint little 840 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY home with its occupants has for many years been the center of attraction for a large circle of friends who hold them in the hiirhest esteem. Mr. Price is a Republican in politics and takes an active inter- est in all matters iicrtaining to the welfare of his community. Frank F. Prielipp. To the younger class of ])rogressive farm- ers of (jfreeuticld township belongs Frank Prielipp, of section thirteen. A native of ]\Iilwaukee, AVis., he was born November 8, 1882, the son of Ferdinand and Louisa (Albright) Prielipp, natives of Germany. They emigrated to America in the early 80 's and engaged in farming, first on an eighty-acre tract. ))ut subsequently moved to the farm of 120 acres, which our subject now conducts, and which at that time was mostly wild land. Tlu- father establisluMl the family home, cleared and subdued the lai'.d, erected buildings and engaged in general farming, at which he was successful. ]Mrs. Prielipp, mother of our subject, lived to the age of thirty-two years, and died in 1894. Frank F. attended the common scliools and spent his boy- •hood on the farm, and since 1900 has had full management of the home place, and in 1912 purchased from George IT. Dohle, of section seven, La Grange toAvnship, his finely improved and i)ro- ductive farm of 120 acres which he works in connection Avith his old homestead farm. ]Mr. Prielipp is one of a family of five sis- ters and brothers. Of the others, Lena married Levi Ryckman and resides at Rockford, 111.; Fnnna is the wife of Adolph Sell, Greenfield township; T\Iartlia is the wife of E. Snowberry. o(" Tunnel City, and Otto Prielii)p, of La Grange township. On ]\Iareh 27, 190B, ]\Ir. Prielipj) married Aliss .Julia Heser. daughter of William and Cora (Kenyon) Heser, of Pleasant Val- ley, Greenfield toAvnship. They have two children, viz.: Ralph A., born December 3. 1908, and Tiuella L., born January 22, 1911. Louis Pollock was ])orn on a farm in section thirty-six, Sparta townsliip. where he now resides, November 30, 1871. son of Julius and ^linnie (Secert) Pollock, natives of Germany, who emigrated to the United States in the late sixties. They came to ]\Ionroe county, Wisconsin, and purchased a farm of IfiO acres, where our subject now resides, from Ilagerman Palmer: h(>re he lived until 1902. when he removed to the city of Sparta. He is a carpenter and joiner by trade and at times, as occasion demanded, followed his trade in connection with his farming ojiei-ations. Louis was reared on the home farm and attended the district schools, and when his parents removed to Sparta assumed the management of the farm. BIOGRAPHY 841 On May 18, 1901, he was married to Miss Lucy Lord, daugh- ter of Edward and Mary (Sprague) Lord, of Lafayette town- ship. Mrs. Lord died in 1897, at the age of forty years. Mr. and Mrs. Pollock have five children, viz. : Alvina Alnora, born October 18, 1902 ; Carl Alexander, born March 18, 1904 ; Bertha May, born July 24, 1905 ; Marie Minnie, born April 30, 1907, and August Louis, born April 20, 1909. Jacob L. Poss belongs to the younger class of successful farm- ers of Wells township, Monroe county, where he was born June 10, 1878, and is the eldest in a family of ten children born to Henry and Louisa (Johnson) Poss. The father was born in the state of New York and the mother in Denmark. The parents are both living in the town of Wells, and are numbered among the most progressive people of that section. Jacob attended the pub- lic schools of his neighborhood until he was sixteen years old: he remained at home until he was twenty-three, employed at farm work, and afterwards spent four years in Sparta, engaged in teaming. Li 1909. associated with his brother, he purchased a farm of 320 acres in sections twenty-five and twenty-six, Leon township, where he now makes his home with his sister. He carries on general farming and makes a specialty of breeding and dealing in Holstein cattle and Poland-China hogs. Mr. Poss adheres to the principles of the Republican party, and is one of the wide-awake young farmers of Cannon Valley. John Purdy, one of the substantial farmers and leading citi- zens of Pleasant Valley, Greenfield township, was born in Middle- port, N. Y., August 11, 1854, and is the fourth child of a family of six children born to Daniel C. and Susan (Savage) Purdy, natives of New York state. They came to Wisconsin in 1859, wdien our subject was five years old. Soon after their arrival in Sparta, they moved to Greenfield township, where they located and set- tled on three forties of wild land, to which they afterwards made addition. He cleared the land and made a home for himself and family, and engaged in general farming and stock raising, and there the parents made their home until their decease. The father died in 1881, at the age of sixty-four, and the mother passed away in 1884. They were thrifty and energetic, and considered among the best class of pioneer settlers and held the confidence and esteem of all who knew them, and in honor of the family the section where they lived was named ''Purdy Val- ley." Of their other children besides our subject, E. A. Purdy died in Purdy Valley in April, 1911, at the age of sixty-four years; Mary resides in Tomah, and is the wife of Albert Dixon; 842 HISTORY OF .MOXHOP] COUNTY Frank also resides at Tomah ; J^iinna married Fred Ileser, of Greenfield, and Byron is also a resident of Greenfield. John J. Purdy, the subject of this sketch, received his educa- tion in the district school and remained at home assisting with the Avork on the farm until lie reached the age of nineteen, when he started life on his own resources ; he first rented a farm, which he carried on until 1876, when he purchased the first forty acres of his present farm, to which he added until now he has one of the best farms of 100 acres, where he lives, to be found in the county. He has also purchased forty acres in Grant township and forty acres in La Grange. AVhen he began on this farm, the greater part of it was covered with heavy timber, which he cleared, subdued and brought to a high state of cultivation, erecting a commodious residence and outbuildings, and has made various other improvements as conditions demanded. He keeps his place well supplied with modern equipments, and in his farm- ing operations employs the most up-to-date methods. ]\Ir. Purdy comes from one of the old line and representative families of the county, and is considered one of Monroe county's well-to-do and most influential citizens. In all public matters of his town and county, he takes a prominent part, and any movement for the betterment of his community receives his hearty support, lie has been a member of the Side board for two years and assessor for his town for two years. He was married October 24, 1875. to Miss Elizabeth Oakley, accomplished daughter of Nehemiah and Fannie (Woodard) Oakley, pioneers and influential citizens of Greenfield township, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume. To Mr. and Mrs. Purdy have been born five children, viz.: Adelbert. who resides in the tOAvn of La Grange ; Estella is the wife of Albert Griffin, of Grant township; Lettie, the wife of Leslie Hart, who resides in the town of Grant; Milo A. lives on the homestead farm, and Mabel A. lives at home. Mrs. Purdy is the third child of a famil.y of seven children; the others are: Sarah, deceased; Elveretta, wife of Stowell Brown ; Wellington, of Oregon ; Oscar, of "Washington; Mina, the wife of H. Griffin, of Grant town- ship, and Arcenith, wife of Edwin Purdy. of Greenfield townsliip. Thomas Quinn, one of ]\Ionroe county's prosperous farmers and liiglily csteeiiied citizens, was 1)orn in County IMaide. Irc^land, in 1831. His parents were AVilliam and Betsey (Waters'! Quinn, who lived and died in Ireland. AVhen seventeen years of age, in 1848, Thomas emigrated to the United States, and after his arrival Avorked six years on a farm in Cliester county, New Y''ork. BIOGRAPHY 843 At the end of that time he came West, working for six months at Dixon, 111., then moved to AVaukesha county, Wisconsin, and worked on a farm until 1861. In the last named year he came to Monroe county, and settled on eighty acres of land in section eight, Wellington township, which he had previously purchased. This land he cleared and brought to a good state of cultivation, and improved by erecting a comfortable residence, good barns and other farm buildings, making it one of the good farm homes in the town. He has added to his original purchase from time to time, until he now has 160 acres of as good land as is to be found in the township. From 1861 to 1864 he worked for a lum- ber company, getting out pine logs, which he rafted down the Kickapoo river. In 1865 he enlisted in the Fifty-second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry and served on the frontier until his regiment was mus- tered out. He was a brave and efficient soldier, and served with honor to himself and his country. He was married in New York state in 1853, to Miss Jane Quirk, by whom he had two children, one son and one daughter, viz. : Elizabeth married James Barry, a prosperous farmer of the same township ; they had six children : Thomas, Ettie Jane, Mary, Theresa, Josephine, Ambrose, Blanch and Sylvester. AVill- iam Quinn. the youngest, married Miss Catherine Daugherty, dalaghter of Eugene and Mary (Gehan) Daugherty. Their chil- dren are : Raymond, Arthur, Barnard, Thomas, Earl W., Edward A. and Erwin J. After many years of faithful devotion to her husband and children, IMrs. Thomas Quinn died, November 5, 1892, honored and respected by all who knew her. Thomas Quinn is a member of the Grand Army Post at NcAvark, Wis., and has always taken a keen interest in all matters pertaining to the welfare of his county, and has been clerk of the school board. Coming to America without means, he has by honest and persistent effort gained a place among the well-to-do farmers of Monroe county. Louis Radke,* who owns one of the best 160-acre farms in Wellington township, was born July 7, 1875, in La Salle county, Illinois, the son of Louis and Caroline (Bartz) Radke, both natives of Germany. Louis, Sr., came to America in 1872 and located in La Salle county, where he was married and worked for about eleven years in the zinc factories, and in 1883 moved to Wisconsin and bought three forty-acre tracts of land in sec- tion nine, in the township of Wellington, which was made the family homestead, and where IMr. Radke died in 1910. He made iiU HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY inauy iiuprovements on his farm after he bought it : a new resi- dence was built in 1891 and a barn in 1900, and, with the other commodious outbuildings which correspond, makes it an ideal country home. Mrs. Radke, his widoAV, is still living, at the age of sixty years. They were both members of the Lutheran church, and Mr. Radke, formerly a Democrat in politics, was affiliated with the Republican party during the latter years of his life. They had a family of five children, four of whom are now living. Louis, Jr., is the fourth child. ITe attended the district schools until he was seventeen and always lived at home on the farm, the mainstay of his parents. He was married September 5, 1907, in the town of AVilton, Monroe county, to Miss Anna Schroder, daughter of John and Anna Schroder. She is the fifth of a family of ten children, and her father was one of Ihe early German set- tlers of Monroe county, and died in 1911. IMr. and Mrs. Radke have three children : Ila, AYilmer and "Werner. Mr. Radke is a successful general farmer and a good lively citizen. In connection with his farming, he has a fine dairy l)usiness and keeps his farm well supplied with a good grade of stock. He is independent in his politics, and both he and his wife are devoted members of the Lutheran church. W H. Randall, a native of ]\Ionrop county, AYisconsin, was born in section sixteen, Tomah township. May 10, 1857. He is the son of John and Ann (Watson) Randall, natives of Eng- land, who came to America, their family locating near Beloit. Wis., where he homesteaded eighty acres of land, residing there until 1855, when they removed to Monroe county, locating in the town of Tomah, where the father purchased eighty acres of land, to which was later added forty acres, all being in section sixteen. Mr. Randall, father of our subject, made this his per- manent home until his death in 1876. His widow, mother of our subject, is still living at the age of eighty-three years. John Randall was one of the early pioneers of the town of Tomah, Avhich had only a few settlers in that early day, which was before the city of Tomah Avas started. The farm which he by incessant toil brought to a fine state of cultivation, and made into a valuable home, was at the time of its purchase covered with a thick growth of timber. Mr. Randall was a sincere Christian gentleman and a consistent and faithful member of the Church of England. ^Irs. Randall, niotlnM- of our subject, is a Baptist in religious belief. W. H. is the onlv son in a family of four children, three of BIOGRAPHY 845 whom are living. As lie greAv to manhood, mueh of the respon- sibility of the farm devolved upon him, and he performed an important part in the clearing and grubbing of the land on th(i homestead, bringing it to a high state of cultivation, so that when Mr. Randall came into possession of this farm he found himself on the road to success, conducting a lucrative dairy business, and his farm is now well stocked with good horses and cattle, making a specialty of Poland-China hogs. The farm residence where he noAV resides was built in 1865, and the barn was built in 1863. Our subject has held the office of town clerk for two terms, and has been school director for thirty-two years. He with his estimable wife were members of the Baptist church. December 23, 1880, he was united in marriage with Miss Eva Dewey, daughter of N. Dewey, a prominent pioneer citizen of Ridgeville township. The Dewey family came from Vermont and settled in Ridgeville township. Mrs. Randall was one of a family of three children. She died in 1890. One daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Randall: Grace L., born May 20, 1886. She was educated in the district school and is a member of the class of 1904, Tomah High School. Mr. Randall affiliates with the Repub- lican party, and was a director in the old Tunnel City Creamery and a stockholder in the Farmers' Co-operative Creamerj- of Tomah. Fred C. Rath is one of the pioneers and prosperous and thrifty farmers of Little Falls township. He was born at Hoboken, N. J., October 8, 1855, the son of Charles and Mary (Blindt) Rath, natives of Germany. In 1860, when our subject was five years of age. his parents came west to Wisconsin and settled in Little Falls township, Monroe county, and were among the early and most highly respected citizens of that town. During the Civil War the father enlisted and served with distinction until his death in 1864, at Nashville, Tenn., leaving his widow, mother of our subject, with a family of six children. Fred was engaged in the milling business in Minnesota until he married, then returned to the old homestead, and later purchased another farm, which made him an extensive wheat farm, and has since followed the raising of wheat and stock. On October 4, 1879, Mr. Rath was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Risser, daughter of Andreas and Salome Risser, well-to-do citizens of Wisconsin. To Mr. and Mrs. Rath have been born three children : they are Pearl M., Russell R., and Floyd C. Rath. 846 TIISTOKV OK ."\I()XK(M^ (OrXTY Frank J. Rehberg, jiropri.-tor of \\w IIi years, and in lil(l4 jnirchased his ])resent farm of 100 acres in Greenfield township, which he has since carried on successfully. The plac(^ is well improxcd Avith up-to-date buildings, and the soil is in a high stale of culti\ation : he has cleared fifteen acres since he owned it. and in 1908 erected a modern residence and in 1910 e(piii»iied it with additional modern appliances; in 1909 he built his silo and hen house and (Established a .system of water works. The bai'ii is thirty by sixty feet, with sixteen-foot posts and sits on a wall of (piarry slone. ]\lr. Kefibei-g malves a si)eeialty of Jersey cattle, and by his daily record is al)le to tell what each cow jiro- duces in money value, and with his milk .sejiarator. ])in"e watei* and modern inventions, togetlier with the advantages of the agri- cultural course he pursued at the I'niversity of Wisc(Uisiii. he is able to firing about results from scientific nu^thods in keejiing with liis day and age. In addition to his farming operations. .Mr. l\ehbei"g takes a connnendable interest in the affairs of his town and C(uinty. Tie has been school direetoi- in Anroe county, AVisconsin. was born April 24, 1860, and reared here on the old homestead which he now owns, and where he has always resided. He is the son of Thomas and Catherine (Will- iams) Richards, both natives of Wales, and who emigrated to the United States ]\Iarcli !». 1842. They settled near Waukesha. Wis., and in 1854 came to Little FmIIs township ;iii. in connection with his brother-in-law, David S. Moore, lie built the (JbMidale Hour aiul feed mill, which was operated under tlie firm iwiiiie of Rol)ertson & ]\Ioore; Mr. Robert- son, later ])uicli;isini; the interest of Mr. ^loore, carried on the business uiuler the name of George II. Robertson Company, under whose management the business prospered. .Mr. Robertson has recently sold the milling business to A. -I. ("lark, but remains as its manager. ^Ir. Robertson was manager six years, manager and treasurer two years and managei- and secretary one year of the (llendale Co-operative Creamery Association. In 1912 he was elected clerk of the town of Glendale, and is also clerk of the Glendale graded school. In fraternal matters lie is a member of the I. 0. G. T. and the Knights of Pythias Lodge. Of the latter he is a past chancellor. He was married August 11. 1896. at Glendale, to Miss Sadie A. Moore, youngest daughter of David and Mary ^loore. natives of Connecticut and Vermont. Mrs. Robertson is a highly educated and cultured lady, and a former teacher. One daughter has been born to this union. Laverne. born August 17, 1897, is now the second year in hiiili school at Kendall. Richard H. Rogers, who for nearly thirty years was a jiromi- nent and successful citizen of ]\Ionroe county, was born iu Sara- toga county. Xi'w York. October 13, 1809. His father, Jeremiah Rogers, was a native of Xew York state, and at tlie age of sixteen years enlisted as a soldier in the AVar of the Revolution, serving until the end of that struggle. The mother of Richard II.. whose maiden name was Phoebe Hart, was also a native of Xew York state. AVhen our subject was but seven years of age. lie removed with his parents to Seneca county, that state, where they remained some twelve years, thence moved to Huron county. Ohio. Avhere they spent the balance of their lives; the father died at the age of sixty years, and the mother at the age of sixty-five years. Jeremiah Rogers was a shoemaker by trade, and in politics was a staunch supporter of the Jacksonian principles. Richard IT. Rogers, following in the footsteps of his father, learned the shoemaker's trade, which vocation he followed until he was twenty-three years of age, whence he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, and made a specialty of breeding fine sheep. He was successful, and became widely known as an authority upon all subjects pertaining to the breeding and care of sheep. In 1869 he sold his farm in Erie county. Ohio, and RICHARD H. ROGERS JilOURAPUY 857 cninc West to Wisconsin and settled in lAlonroe eouuty. He ])iii'- ehased fi-oiu S. Holbrook a 1i-ac1 of seventy-five acres of land of as fertile soil as lies wiliiin the coujity. lie raised some (ine speeiinens of registered stock, including sheep and cattle; fi-oui one ewe, Aveighing sixty-five |)ounds, he sheared twenty-fonr and a half pounds of wool, a record rarely equaled, and almost never excelled; his cattle were of high grade and full blooded. Tin- buildings on the place are neat and substantial, arranged for comfort and convenience. At the age of twenty-three years, Mr. Rogers married, in Krie county, Ohio, IVIiss Lucy Tucker, a daughter of II. Tucker. By this marriage two children were born: Richard H. and Lucy In 1860 Mr. Rogers was united in marriage with Rebecca Smith, daughter of P^lisha and Julia Ann (Ashton) Smith, of Guernsey county. Ohio, and who came to Wisconsin and settled six miles south of Viroqua, in Vernon county, where the father engaged in shoemaking and farming. He was born on February 27, 1811, and died February 4, 1879. Julia Ann Smith, daughter of William and Mary Ashton, was born December 11, 1817, and died in Ver- non county in 1887. They had two sons who participated in the Civil War: William S., of the Third W^isconsin Cavalry, and Harrison, of the Eighteenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. Mr. Rogers died January 17, 1895, at the age of eighty-five years, and left, besides his widow, two sons: V. Grant and John Murray. On January 16, 190-1, Mrs. Rogers married George Bradley, and for more than fifty years has lived in her present home on section ten, in Sparta township. Ernst Rogge, a lifelong resident of Monroe county, was born in the town of Oakdale, January 16, 1867, the son of Henry and Johanna (Resler) Rogge, natives of Germany and Austria, respectively. The father came to America in 1856, and first located at Milwaukee, Was., where he was emiJoyed as a laborer for a time, and later moved to Columbus. When the Civil War broke out he (^ilisted in Company D, Sixteenth Regiment, Wis- consin Volunteers, on October 7, 1861, and was transferred to Company E, same regiment. November 1, 1862, and ^^^stered out of service July 12, 18(i5. having served his country for three years, nine months and five days. Among the battles in whicli he participated were the battles of Shiloh, Corinth and Atlanta. He was a brave and gallant soldier, and was twice wounded, once severely while in the front ranks at Atlanta, Ga. After his discharge he returned to Colundius, where he was married the following year, and moved to Oakdale townshii). Here he pur- 858 IllJSTUKY OF MONROE COUNTY chased ninety acres of land, to wliieh he added from time to time until he acquired about 220 acres. He was one of the early set- tlers of the toAvnship, and there made his home until 1903, then moved to Tomali and passed the remaiuder of liis life; he died on May 18, 1911, at the age of seventy-five years, eleven montlis and twenty-nine days. The mother still (1912) survives at the age of sixty-seven years. They reared a family of twelve chil- dren, eight of whom — three sons and five daughters — are living. He was a thrifty and progressive farmer and lived to enjoy the fruits of many years of toil and hardships in converting a tract of wilderness into the beantiful home he left. Krnst attended the district scliools until he was sixteen years old. and remained at home assisting in the management <»f tlie farm until he was twenty-seven. In 1894 lie was married, in the town of Tomah, to Miss Amelia Pingel, daughter of Joseph and Mrs. Pingel. ]\Irs. Rogge passed away the same year of her mar- riage, and in 1898 ]\lr. Rogge again married, this time to ]\Irs. Anna Ott, daughter of John and Mrs. Hintz, of Oakdale. They have three children, A'iz. : Irene, Emma and Ernest. Mrs. Rogge is one of a family of five children, four girls and one boy. Iler parents came from Germany to AYankesha county in 1853, and moved to Monroe county in 1858. In 189-1 ]\Ir. Rogge purchased a farm of 160 acres in section twenty, Wilton township, which has since been his home. He made many improvements, built a substantial barn in 1900, and a modern residence the following year, and the highly culti- vated state of his land makes his farm one of the most fertile and productive in the Slaten Creek valley. Two excellent wells operated by a wind engine supply his residence and barn with pure water, and in addition to general farming he makes a spe- cialty of dairying. He is independent in his political opinions and takes a keen interest in the affairs of his township. He served two years as town treasurer, was chairman of the town board for three years, and in February, 1912. was elected ])resi- dent of the Farmers' Creamery Association. Himself and family are members of the Lutheran church. William F. Rogge, of Oakdale township, is a son of Henry and Johanna (Resler) Rogge, and was born in Monroe county. AVis- consin, on August 4, 1879. He obtained a good education in the district schools, attending until he was eighteen years of age. and lived at home until he was twenty-three. On June 3. 1903, he was married to Miss Henrietta Giesler, daughter of Robert and ]\Iatilda Giesler. ]\Ir. and ]\Irs. Rogge have had four chil- BIOGRAPHY 859 dreii, three of whom are now (1912) living, viz.: Agnes May, boru November 1, 1904; Glacia Matilda, born February 20, 1908, and Norma Louretta, born July 6, 1910. After their marriage, Mr. Rogge purchased a farm of 260 acres in sections nineteen and twenty in the town of Oakdale, which he has since continued to improve and beautify until it is one of the ideal country homes in IMonroe county. The soil is highly productive and the water supply comes from natural springs in the hillside. They have a comfortable residence and commodious outbuildings, and in connection with his general farming he carries on a profitable dairy business, and the place is well stocked with the best breed of cattle, horses, hogs, etc. He is thoroughly up to date with his farming methods and is a man of good .judgment in other lines of business. He was one of the organizers of the Oakdale Creamery Association, is inde- pendent in politics, and uses his own best judgment when he votes. He is interested in the atfairs of his town and county and favors all movements for their further development. William Rondorf resides on the old homestead farm in Jeffer- son township, where he was born November 18, 1866, the son of Hilarius and Anna Maria (Schell) Rondorf, both natives of Germany. The father w^as born in Bergheim, a village in the district of Siegburg, Germany, December 23, 1828, and was the first one of that name to emigrate to America. The mother was born July 2S, 1830; they were married May 18, 1851, in Berg- heim, Germany, and lived with his father until he died in 1854. On April 27, 1854, they left Antwerp on the sailing vessel "Leo- pold I," bound for New York. On their arrival here they came to Dane county, "Wisconsin, where they became homeless and moneyless. Meeting a felloy countryman who sympathized with them, they were offered the hospitality of his home on the farm, where the father labored in the field and the mother in the house. Here they made their home until they had earned and saved suffi- cient means with which to purchase a small farm of eighty acres in Jefferson township, Monroe county, the farm being purchased June 1, 1860. They started from Dane county wdth an ox team, and after two days and nights on the road they reached their future home in the then new country. They built a small house, which has since been enlarged and improved. On February 19, 1865, he enlisted in Company K, Forty-sixth Regiment, AYiscon- sin Volunteers ; the regiment was then stationed at Athens, Ala. At the early close of the war, he was discharged September 27, 1865, returning hom.e October 12, the same year. Mr. Rondorf 860 IITSTOKV OK .MO.XHOK CO IN TV luul received ii liberal ('(lucatioii in liis native eountry. was a liberal reader, and was posted on all eiureiit events of the day. He was ecoiioniieal and thrifty, honorable and upright in all liis dealings, of a genial social disposition, and made many warm friends. He was interested in all 1ownslii|> matters, and held many minor offices. He was assessor, clerk and treasurer of his town several years, and a member of the ]\Iasonic lodge, and in politics a Democrat. He reared a family of six children, all of whom aic nMr. and ]Mrs. Schniit/ have been born four children, viz.: Elizabeth, born December 6, 1902; Frank, born IMarch 10, 1904; Sophia, born March 4, 1905, and Geniveva, liorn October 31, 1909. August Schlaver,* who departed this life Tuesday, December 5, 1911. and who had prepared to enjoy a long life of continued usefulness, was attacked by a fatal malady and, although he made a good fight and was determined to the last that he would over- come its remorseless attacks, the final call came just as he was making plans to go to Colorado for the winter, in the hope that the climate might aid him in his fight for life. He was born in the province of Posen, Germany, December 3, 1863, and came to the United States with his parents in 1870. The family settled on the farm now owned by Otto Schlaver, and there August grew to manhood. He attended the Hogue district school and remained on the home farm until his marriage, when he located in Burns township, La Crosse county, on a rented farm, which he conducted for five years, when he purchased 160 acres in Sparta township, to which he later added 100 acres. The improvements at that time were unsuited for a man with the progressive disposition of Mr. Schlaver, and under his careful management he had erected all the buildings now on the farm, consisting of a commodious dwelling, large and substantial barn, silo and other outbuildings. He was never satisfied unless working to improve the farm. He w^as a high-minded, public-spirited gentleman, kind and generous and ever mindful of the comforts of his family. He was alive to the interests of the community and active in public matters. He was interested in the Kockland Creamery, of w4iich he was at one time manager. The roads of the town of Sparta, together with the inspiration and example they created and set for Monroe county and vicinity, will stand as a sturdy lasting monument to him who was the moving spirit in their construction. He was a pioneer in this movement for good roads, and the vitality and effort, the time and money he put into this work, cannot be esti- mated. As chairman of his town, an office he held for five years, to the time of his demise, being a member of the side board for years prior to that time, his work was very ef^cient and note- worthy, but it is particularly by his road improvements that he will be remembered. Mr. Schlaver was united in marriage April 17. 1887. with Miss Augusta Richert, daughter of Frederich and Louisa (May) Rich- ert, of Sparta. They were born near Berlin. Prussia, and came 866 IlISTOKY OF MONROE COUNTY to America wIumi Mrs. Schlaver was but three years of age. In 1868 they settled in Spfirln. where the fatlier for ;i time was em- ployed in the pnpei- mills of O. I. Ncwioii Sons ("omp.iiiy. and where he rcnui iiii'd iiiilil ;i sliorl time hci'ore his death, when he Weill 1(1 li\(' willi .Mi's. Selda\'ei'. where he died. Mrs. Schlaver's mother is also deceased, both he and she liviii'.;- to the a»;e of seventy rour \ears. .Mrs. Setila\er is the niiitli child of a family of ten children. Those besides .Mi's. Selila\er who are now liviiiL!' are: Louisa, the wife of lli'i'iiian ^'ankee. .Mary. Fred. Auj^ust and William. Those deceased are: .Minnie, ('arl. Cai-rie. and one A\lio died in infancy. To ^li-. and Mi's. Scddaver were horn Hve chiidi-eii: Klla. a graduate of the Sparta hiuii school, has l)eeu eiijiaii'ed in teachitm' foi- the past six years: Laura and Theodore, Avho I'eside at home, and Lillian and .\r1lnir, who are deceased. Otto Schlaver," one of the eiiter|)risinu' farmers of Sparta township, is a native of (Jei'maii\' and was horn Maivdi 28, 1870, son of Auiiiist and Henrietta (Leek) Schlaver. When Otto was hut a few weeks old his jiareiits. in the sjirin.u' of 1870, came to the United States. Upon tlieir ari-ival in this country they came to Wisconsin and settled in ^lonroe county on the farm in section nineteen, Sparta townshij), where our subject now resides. He was a man of iicnial temi)eraiiieiit. kind hearted and lil)ei-:usta. the wife (d' -lohn Ilui)pler. of S]>;ir1;> : Hiiima. wife ot H'red Sunday, of Leon townshi]). and I'ertlia is the wife of Con Koehler. of Krskine. Minn. On February 17, ]W:\. Mi-. Otto Schlaver married Miss Eliza- beth Khyme. ilaughtir of .\ugust Ixhyme. of Hurr Oak. La Crosse roniity: the\- have three childi-en. Fdiia Iv. Clarence O. and Lester \. The |»areiits (d' .Mrs. Scddaver were aiiioiii; the pioneer settlers of La Crosse count w and in these early days there were no means BIOGRAPHY 867 (tf travel except by tlie overlaiul route, and the Hliyuie ramily niaile their way to La Crosse county l)y ox team. Since Mr. Schlaver became owner df his ])resent farm lie has made many imjirovements, remodeled his outbuildings, added an ui)-to-date windmill improved his daii'y stables by adding new stanchions and cow stalls. In lilOT he built a modern residence. e(piipi)ed with up-to-date appliances, and during the year 1912 a cement silo was erected. !Mr. Schlaver is thoroughly progressive in his farming methods, public-spirited, and takes a lively interest in public atfairs. A Democrat in political view, a member of the school board, and the Lutheran church, and from 11)00 to 1906 was a member of Company L. Wisconsin National Guard. Henry F. Schroeder, county surveyor of ]Monroe county, Wis- consin, ranks among the younger class of enterprising, energetic and progressive business men of the county. He was born in Iroquois county. Illinois, January 1, 1873, the son of Albert and j\Iary (Bakker) Schroeder. natives of Germany and Holland re- spectively. The parents came to the United States in 1861 and settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where the father was employed for three years in the Austin gunpowder mill ; they afterwards moved to oMonroe county, and in 1867 settled on a farm in section eight- een, Oakdale township, which the father homesteaded. and where h(^ lived until his fathci-'s death, which occurred in 1880. His father Avas the father of fcuir boys and one daughter — Albert, Robert and a sister being the only survivors. Henry F. Schroeder received his preliminary education in the common schools, which was supplemented by a course of study at the Dixon. 111.. Normal School. After completing his course in engineering and surveying, he returned to JMonroe county, and in 1896 became deputy surveyor of the county, which position he held for six years. In 1910 he was elected county surveyor, with headcpiarters at Tomah. He takes a commendable interest in the affairs of his community, and, besides being thorough in the arts of his profession, he is the owner of a good farm live miles south- west of Tomah. Robert F. Schroeder, the popular and well known coal dealer of Tomah. Wis., is the youngest child of a family of seven chil- dren, three of whom are now (1912) living. The others are Emily and Albert. Eobert F. was born in Germany, April 10, 1854, and came with his parents to Ottawa, Canada, where they resided for about three years, and then moved to Cuyahoga county, Ohio, with a family of four sons. On account of failing health of the father, it was necessary for the boys to assist in supporting tln^ 868 HISTORY OF .AIOXROE COFXTY family and they all secured ciiipNtyiKciit with the Austin Powder Company at Cleveland. Here they remained for some four years and then moved to Wisconsin, settling; on a farm in the town of Oakdale. Avliich the fatlicr homesteaded and with tlie aid of his sons soon subdued and made into a iikhIcI farm. Here the parents passed the remainder of their lives, the death of the father occur- ring in 1879 and that of the mother in VJOi. They were thrifty, energetic people and prominent in their community. He was con- sidered one of jMonroe county's substantial citizens, and while engaged in farming paid a great deal of attention to the raising of sheep, at which he was successful. He was a devoted member of the Lutheran church and contributed liberally of his means to its support. Robert F. received a limited education in the common schools of Ohio, and at the age of eighteen started to learn the black- smith's trade, and after coming to Tomali was apprenticed to David Jones for three years. Mastering the trade in all its l)ranches, he was employed by others on a salary for a short time, and then engaged in business on his own account. By close appli- cation and by honorable and fair dealing, he soon acquired the reputation of turning <»u1 the best work of any blacksmith in that locality. He gained a large patronage and successfully carried on this line of business until 1906, when he embarked in the coal and wood trade, in which he has been equally successful; he handles all kinds of hard and soft coal and his business has steadily in- creased until his sales amount to something more than sixty cars , per year. Fraternally ^Ir. Sehroeder is an active member of the Masonic order and has filled all the chairs in the Blue Lodge and Chapter. He is also a member of the ]\Iodevn Woodmen of America. Polit- ically he formerly was an adherent to the principles of the Demo- cratic party, but now is independent in thought and action. He has always taken an active interest in all matters pertaining to his city and county and has filled numerous public offices. He served as alderman for five terms and was mayor of the city of Tomah for two terms. On January 19, 1877. .Mr. Sehroedei- was united in marriage to Miss Hulda W. Ziebell. of Watertown, Wis. Of three children born to Mr. and ]\Irs. Sehroeder, two — Osar R. and Grace M. — are living. Charles H. Schulte was ])oiii in tb.e town of AVells, Monroe county, January 16, 1872, and is a son of Anton and Elizabeth (Stute) Schulte, both of whom are natives of Germany. The BIOGRAPHY 869 father eaiue to Auierica in 1850, and the mother, accompanied l)y her parents and one brother, came in 1854. Upon arriving in this country, they located and remained for a time in Waukesha county, AA^isconsin, where the father of our sul)ject had pur- chased fifty-one acres of land, and where he resided for four- teen years. The family after^vards moved to Monroe county and for five years resided in the town of Ridgeville, whence they moved to Wells township, where the father purchased 240 acres of land in sections one, two and eleven, and here they have since resided. Both the father and mother were born in 1831, and are now retired from active labor and make their home with our sub- ject, Charles H. The paternal grandfather died in 1874 and the grandmother in 1876. The parents have been residents of Mon- roe county for many years, and during this time they have been considered among the most progressive and influential citizens of the township. Mr. Schulte is a Democrat in politics and has always taken an active interest in matters pertaining to his town and county. W^hen the Civil War broke out, he enlisted in Com- pany A, Seventeenth Wisconsin Infantry, in 1861, and after serv- ing ten months, was honorably discharged on account of dis- ability, returned home and resumed his farming operations. Charles H. is one of a family of nine children, four of whom are noAV (1912) living. He acquired his education in the dis- trict schools, attending until he was fourteen years old, and has always lived on the home farm, which he now owns, and carries on general farming and dairying. He uses the most up-to-date methods in his operations and is one of the wide-awake and progressive men in his township. Although formerly a staunch Democrat in political views, he is now independent and supports whatever appeals to his best .iudgment in matters of public importance. He occupies a prominent place in the affairs of his town and county, and for five years has been chairman of the town board and supervisor for two years ; he has been a director of the German Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Norwalk for many years, and was one of the organizers of the Norwalk Tele- phone Company, of Norwalk, which was incorporated on June 11, 1907, and is now its secretary. He was married on May 28, 1907, in Richland county, Wis- consin, to ]Miss Ellen Cruise, daughter of Bernard Cruise, early settlers and prominent citizens of Richland county. Adolph H. Schultz, prominent alike as a farmer and citizen of Monroe county, resides in section fourteen, Adrian township, where he was born July 18, 1871, and is the fifth child of a family 870 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY of seven children born to Carl and Mary (Baunigarten) Schultz, both natives of Germany. Of the others, George resides in Tomah ; Fi-ed lives in ^linneapolis, ]\Iinn; Otto lives at AVinona, ]\Iinn.; Dcna, who is deceased, married Edward Baumgarten; Herman also resides in ^Minneapolis, and ]\Iary is the wife of ^Villiam Lenz. of Tomah. Tlie jiarents came to AVisconsin in an early day and were married at Columbns, this state, fifty-three years ago. They came to ]Monroe county and settled on eighty acres of wild land in Adrian township, where they estal>lished the family home, and to which they subsequently added another eighty acres, making the farm contain 160 acres. Here they built a log house and barn and set to work to subdue and improve the land, and by hard work and perseverance succeeded in trans- forming it from a practical wilderness to one of the choicest farms in the county for productiveness. In 1878 a new and commodious frame residence was erected and other valuable improvements were made, and ]\Ir. Schultz was considered one of the most successful farmers of his township, and was always ready to assist in any movement towards the general development of the county. He was genial, kind-hearted, and was held in the highest esteem. On April 19, 1900. he passed away, at the age of seventy-nine years. His widow, mother of our subject, still survives (1912) and resides in the city of Tomah. Ad()li)li H. was reared on tiic lidiue farm aiul received his education in the common schools, and since boyhood has devoted his entire attention to farming, lieginning on his own resources at the age of fifteen years. He rented and carried on the home farm for five years previous to its purchase in 1902. since which time he has continued to nuike improvements and has brought the land to its present high state of cultivation, taking great pride in making his one of the most attractive farm homes in Adrian townshiji. In 1908 he built a modern residence with u]i-to-date fittings and furnishings, and in 1912 constructed a large and com- modious l)ai'!i. which contains all the late ajipliaiu'cs used in carrying on a model dairy business; it has patent stanchions, concrete floors, the latest feed devices, waterworks system, silo. Other buildings are granary, sheep barns, etc., etc. His farm is well stocked with good horses. Holstein cattle and Oxford sheep. Besides his farming opei-ations, ]Mr. Schultz is kcjit busy look- ing after his other business interests throughout the county. He is a director of the Farmers' and ^lerchants' Bank of Tomah. a director of the Tonuih Co-operative Creamery Company, a director BIOGRAPHY 871 of the Tomah Mutual Town Farm Insurance Company, and has served both as treasurer and assessor of his town. On November 17, 1897, he was married to Miss Emma Biekel, daughter of John and Mary (Bartel) Biekel, of Tomali. Mrs, Biekel died in 1906. To Mr. and Mrs. Schultz have been born four children, viz. : Lueile Violet, Mildred Dorothy, Carl John and Helen Marie Schultz. Henry W. Schultz, who was born on the farm where he resides, in section thirteen, Adrian township, June 13, 1867, is a son and one of a family of eight children born to John and Mary (Bartels) Schultz. Of the others, John F. is deceased in 1908 ; William H. lives in Tomah ; Dr. C. L. lives in Clark county, Wis- consin; Mary is the wife of George Henry, of Tomah; Carrie is the wdfe of William Henry, Taylor, N. D. ; George died in 1910, and Ida is the wife of William Schultz, of Adrian township. The parents emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1858, and were among the early settlers of Adrian township, where they lived on section thirteen; the original farm contained 120 acres. Their first residence and barn was made of logs, which were afterwards replaced with more pretentious buildings, as circumstances demanded. Mr. Schultz was a sturdy and ambi-. tious man, and won his way to success through the pioneer strug- gle, and at the time of his death, which occurred on June 1, 1898, in his eighty-first year, held the confidence and esteem of the community. His wife, mother of our subject, who died in 1894, at the age of sixty-three years, was highly respected and beloved by all who knew her. Henry W. spent his boyhood on the homestead farm, of which he came into possession in 1898, since which time he has made many improvements; the farm residence, which was built forty- nine years ago, has been remodeled and the land brought to a high state of productiveness. He attended the district school when a boy, and is now counted among the industrious and worthy citizens of his township. On February 2, 1898, Mr. Schultz was married to Miss Agnes Rehberg, daughter of E and Agnes (Zastoupil) Rehberg, of Adrian township. Seven children have been born to them, viz. : Eunice, Kenneth, Leonard, Clarence and Allen, twins, and Claude and Arthur, twins, both deceased. Lewis J. Schultz, one of the representative and influential farmers of Adrian township, ]\Ionroe county, lives on section twenty-seven, and is the owner of 400 acres in Cole's Valley. He 872 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY is a native of Monroe county, born in Adrian, February 15, 1865, and is the eldest of a family of nine children born to Lewis J. and Reka (Jense) Schultz, both natives of Germany. When a young man, the father came to this country and first located on a tract of wild land in Ridgeville township, and soon after locating here he took up a homestead claim in the eastern part of that township, which he afterwards sold and purchased one forty and home- steaded another forty in section ten, which he improved and there nuule his home for twenty years, then moved to Tomah, where he resided until his death in 1009, at the age of seventy- seven years. He was enterprising and thrifty and generally made a success of his undertakings and enjoyed the confidence and respect of his community. His widow, mother of our subject, who still (1912) survives, makes her home in llie city of Tomah, esteemed by a large circle of friends and acriuaintances. Of their other children living. Albert resides in Outagamie county. "Wisconsin; Emil lives at Russell, this state, and Frank is in Adrian townshi]). Those deceased are Dora, Adolph. .Alatie, Gustaf and Emma. Lewis J., subject of this sketch, was reared on the home farm and received his education in the district schools; he remained at home until he reached his majority, and then rented a farm in Adrian township and began farming for himself. He was a success at it from the start, and later purchased his father's farm in section ten. wliicli he carried on for two years, then turned it over to a renter and went to Chicago, 111., and remained one year; came back to his farm and conducted it himself until 1896. then moved to Tomah and rented the AVilliam Lee farm, and at the end of four years, in 1900, he purchased what Avas known as the Tal- bot farm, in Adrian township, and tAvo years later bought the Herman AVestphal farm, which he has since conducted, and where he now resides. He has recently built a large modern barn with the latest modei-ii devices and a silo, and has also added one thousand rods of woven wire fencing. He is one of the most l)rogressive and up-to-date farmers of bis town, and uses the most modern methods in his farming operations. On :\Iay 8, 1890. Mr. Schultz was married to :\Hss Dora Seflow. daughter of Henry and ^lary (Zahrite) Seflow. prominent citi- zens of Kirby, Lincoln township, where they now reside. Mrs. Schultz is the third child of a family of ten children : the others are: Henry, of Lincoln townshij) : ^lary is the wife of Alexander Randall, of Marshfield, Wis.; Anna married George "W'arnke and resides in Chicago; Emma is the wife of William Schick: ^lin- LEWIS J. SCHULTZ BIOGRAPHY 873 nie the wife of Christ Bock, of Chicago ; Augusta married Rich- ard Erickson, of Chicago, and Julia is now j\Irs. John Clay, of Lincoln township. Those deceased are Elizabeth and William. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Schultz. Those living are: Elva L., Ernest F., and Dorothy L. Schultz. Three are deceased, viz. : Raymond W., Clarence F. and one who died in infancy. William H. Schultz, dealer in flour, feed and millstnff at Tomah, Wis., was born at Ilotsvelt, Germany, August 6, 1853, the son of John and Mary (Bartels) Schultz, and came to Amer- ica with his parents and two brothers — John F. and Charles — in 1858 ; they located at Jacksonville, Wis., and purchased 120 acres of wild land and immediately set to w^ork to establish the family home, subdue and cultivate the land. By hard work, thrift and economy, his farm was brought to a high state of cultivation and productiveness with substantial buildings and other improve- ments, and here they lived the balance of their lives. Mr. Schultz made a specialty of raising the best grades of grain for the market and was a recognized leader of his community. He died in 1906, and the death of his wife, mother of our subject, occurred in 1903. They Avere the parents of eight children, six of whom are now living. The father was a devoted member of the Lutheran church, and contributed liberally to its support. William H. was raised on the farm and acquired his education in the district schools up to his eighteenth year. He left the home of his parents when he was twenty, and for the three succeeding years was employed at farm work. He then went to Humbird, Clark county, and here served an appreticeship of three years as a millwright, and after acquiring a good kiiowledge of the mill- ing business, he went to Red AA^ing, Alinn., and secured employ- ment in the La Grange flour mill. In 1871 he came to Tomah, and taking charge of the Barnes-Doxtader flouring mills, success- fully managed the business for eleven years, when he leased the property from that firm and conducted the business on his own account with gratifying success until 1888, when he purchased the Blackman feed mill, which he remodeled and made into a modern flour mill, and has since done a flourishing business in retailing flour and feed. On January 1, 1877, Mr. Schultz was united in marriage with Miss Dena Nelson, daughter of one of Monroe county's most respected pioneer citizens. Mrs. Schultz' parents were of Eng- lish ancestry, and located in this county in 1854. They had a family of four children. Of three children born to Air. and Mrs. 874 HISTORY OF .AIOXKOE COUNTY Schultz, two are now iiviug, viz.: Fred D., born July 2, 1878, and Goldie M., born July 30, 1892. A Republican in his political views, Mr. Schultz has been lionored with the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens and has on many occasions been nominated and elected to offices of trust and responsibility. He was elected and served as alderman of the city council, has held the office of mayor of the city, and for two 3^ears was city treasurer. He is a man of pleasing social qualities, genial, kind and broad-minded, and takes the keenest interest in whatever relates to the material and moral l)etterment of his city. He is identified with the Knights of Pythias, the ^Modern AVoodmen of America, and the Woodmen of the World. Melchor Schwarz is another one of the younger class of wide- awake and successful farmers in ]\Ionroe county. A native of Wisconsin, he was born in Dane county, ^May 26, 1884, son of Anton and Helen (Mack) SchAvarz. The father was born in Bavaria, Germany, and the mother was born in Sauk county, Wisconsin. His father came to America in 1852 and located in Dane county, where he rented a farm, married and reared a famih'. In 1892 he moved his family to Monroe county and pur- chased 200 acres of land on Summit ridge. Wells township, which he afterwards sold to a son, Avho in turn sold to our subject, the third child in a family of five boys and three girls. After dis- posing of the home farm, the father moved to Sauk City, Wis., Avhere he now lives in retirement. Alelchor spent his boyhood on his father's farm, attending the district school and assisting in the farm work until he reached his majority. He took a commercial course in the l)usi- ness college at Madison, and becoming efficient in bookkeeping, he was in the employ of the Schlitz Brewing Company from 1906 to 1908. His health failing by too close confinement, he went to Colorado, 1)ut after a short time he returned to ]\Ionroe county and purchased the farm where he now resides. He has made many improvements, including a large cement silo, and has the land under a good state of ctiltivation. He is largely interested in stock, raising alfalfa, and is a successful breeder and raiser of pure-bred Guernsey cattle and Percheron horses, which he raises for the market. He recently sold two Guernsey calves for $125 each, and in addition to these, he keeps a good Ilamiltonian driving team. ]\Ir. Schwarz was married at ]\Iadison, Wis., November 3. 1909. to Miss IMartha Bauml)ach. datighter of Henry Baumbach, whose parents are now both deceased. To ]\Ir. and ^Irs. Schwarz have BIOGRAPHY 875 been born two eliiklreii, viz.: Norl)ert, l)oru December ].0, J!J10, and Margaret, born April 2'A, 1912. Theodore A. Serrurier, of Wilton, was born at xMelboiirne. Aus- tralia. April 5. 1858. a son of Theodore and Johanna (Schmidt) Serrurier. natives of France and (lermany respectively. The par- ents came to the United States in 1867. with a family of eight children, and located first in Chicago, where he engaged in the lumber and banking business, and at the end of seven' years re- moved to New Lisbon. AYis.. and emharhed in the hotel business, conducting what was known as the Commercial House. This business the father continued until 1896, at which time he died. The mother died in 1906. They had a family of sixteen children, eight of whom are living. The father received a liberal education in his native country and previous to coming to America spent eleven years in Australia, in gold mining and the hotel business. Fraternally he was a member of the ^Masonic Lodge, and polit- ically a Republican, but later in life a Democrat. Theodore attended the public schools until he was eighteen years of age, and for three years was a clerk in a general store at New Lisbon, and from 1877 to 1880 w^as in the employ of H. Shultz & Son at Toraah: from 1880 to 1883 he engaged in mer- chandising at Tomah, and in the last named year came to Wilton and purchased 160 acres of land in Wilton township and engaged in farming until 1887; disposing of his farm he moved to the village of Wilton and managed a general store for T. L. Martin. He was appointed postmaster at Wilton by President Cleveland in 1893, which position he resigned in 1895. He then engaged in the hardware business for C. Hett. where he remained until he retired from active business. In politics he is a Democrat and in 1908 was the unsuccessful candidate for clerk of the Circuit Court. He is now (1912) Demo- cratic candidate for the General Assembly. Fraternally Mr. Ser- rurier is a thirty-second degree Mason and a member of the Mod- ern Woodmen of America. He was married November -t, 1883, in Wilton, to Miss Helen Platner. Three children have been born to this union : Richard S., born August 14, 1884: Kate L., born October 30, 1885, and Edith A., born Septeinber 1, 1887. Mr. and Mrs. Serrurier reside in their tine modern residence erected in the village of Wilton in 1899. Charles Sholes, a native son of Wisconsin, was born in Jack- son county, February 23, 1863, and is a son of William A. and Ellen (Marvin) Sholes, both natives of New York. When a young 876 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY mail, llic fallici" caiiic to .Jarkson cHUUily aJid lor a tiiiK' worked in tile liiiiihcr woods: lie later purchased 160 acres of wild land, whieli 1)\' hai-(l work ;iiid industry lie improved and brought to a good state of cull i\ at ion. After a residence of twenty years on this i)lace. lie disposed of the land and bouf-ht a farm of 200 acres near Melrose, in .]a(]-iist 25, 1894; Lloyd W., born September 11, 1898. and Lilah I\Ia.v, born September lU, 1903. Charles E. Simpson, only son of Gustavus and Mary E. (Kemp) Simpson, -was born at Havana, 111., November 20. 1862. His par- ents were natives of Watertown, N. Y., Avhere they remained nntil 18-19. when, during the gold excitement in California, they joined the ranks of the westAvard traveler, and started overland for the tield of promised riches. Arriving at Havana, 111., after a long and tiresome trip, they gave up the undertaking and located there, where Mr. Simpson embarked in the hardware business. Disposing of his interests in Havana in 1865, he came to Sparta, Wis., and again opened a hardware store and was one of the first men to engage in this line of business in the village. He con- ducted a successful business from the start, which he followed for the remainder of his active life. As a progressive and enterprising citizen and business man, Mr. Simpson ranked among the first. He was a man of marked individuality, independent in thought and action and an impor- tant factor in the early upbuilding of the town selected for his future home. He was at one time village assessor and later was an alderman in the city council for his ward, and a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He was born in 1830 and died in 1897. His widow, mother of our subject, was born in 1832, in Watertown, N. Y., and came west, with her parents, to Havana, 111., in 1840, where she was reared and educated. She was possessed of remarkable energy and thoroughly domestic in her ways, and sought no g-reater pleasure than she found in her home and family. She died in 1901 at the age of sixty-nine years. Charles E. Simpson received his education in the public schools and the Sparta high school, and when still a .young man he entered the hardware store with his father and received a thorough knowl- edge of the business, and in 1896 he embarked in the same line of business on his own account, in which he has since been emi- nently successful, and at this time (1912) conducts the leading hardware store in Sparta. On Angust 8, 1886. he was married to Miss Hortense Smith, daughter of D. H. Smith, of Sparta. They have four children, viz. : David G.. Grace PL, Paul and Eloise Simpson. Samuel Sizer, a prominent and substantial farmer of section eleven. Adrian township, is one of the pioneers of that town. A native of England, he was born at Cambridgeshire, November 1, 1847, the son of Samuel and Sophia (Laton) Sizer. also natives of England and of English parentage. The same year our subject 878 HISTORY OF MONROE COrXTV \v;is 1kii-ii. in 1S47. his pni-ciits ('ini\Iiiinie Hukat/, by whom he has three chihiren, Clarence IL, born November 20. 1908; Edwin K.. Iioni Decembei- 27. 1909, and Earl A., born December 19, 1911. In religious affiliations. Mr. and Mrs. Strozinsky are members of the Lutheran church, Avhile in politics he is actixc in llie affairs of the Re])ublican party. John J. Sullivan", freight agent. Chicago, .Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company, is a native of Norfolk, Conn., where he was born on DeccMidiei- 25. 1861. and is the oldest of a family of six children, viz. : John J., Kate (deceased). Mary, ]Murt, Nellie and Daniel (deceased), who were born to Daniel and ]Mary (Stack) Sullivan, who emigrated from Ireland to the United States when young, settling first in Connecticut, where the father found employment in a foundry. , After remaining here for a short time, he came to Sparta, where he found employment with the Chicago. ]\Iilwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company as section fore- man, which position he retained for the balance of his active life. His death oceurretl in January. 1907. at the age of seventy-six yeai's. His widow. ]iiother of our subject, is still a resident of Sparta, and enjoys the affection and esleeni of her large circle of friends. Mr. Sullivan, the subject of this sketch received a thorough education in the publir and high schools of Spai'ta. ami while still a boy di'o\-e the ' wa , and to Wisconsin when Thomas was two years old. He enlisted in Juneau county, in Company C. Nineteenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. William H. Blyton's regiment, and served until honor- ably discharged for disability. Returning to Wisconsin, he pur- chased 160 acres of land in section tvrenty-tw^o, Sheldon township, where he lived until his death in 1864. Ilis wife, mother of our subject, passed away during the same year. They experienced the privations and hardships of pioneer life in the then new^ country, but by hard work and perseverance subdued the soil, and became known as one of the well-to-do and most highly respected farmers of their towmship. Thomas was educated in the common schools, and while yet a young man, at the age of sixteen, enlisted in Company D, Forty- fourth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war. Tlis regiment w^as in the Army of the Cum- berland, under General Thomas, and participated in the battles of Johnsonville, Duck River, Franklin. Tenn.. and Nashville. He was honorably discharged at Paducah. Ky.. July 2. 186;"). Return- ing to Wisconsin, he acquired a quarter section of land in Sheldoii township, IMonroe county, where he now resides, engaged in gen- eral farmino'. He is one of the representative men of his town. and enjoys the confidence and respect of the ciutununity in which he resides. He was married in June. 1867. at St. ^Mary's, to ^liss Catherine Onalphy, daughter of a proinintMit ^lonroe c(MUity family. In «9U HISTORY OF .MONROE COUNTY politics, ]\Ir. Sullivan is a staunch believer in the principles of the Democratic party. Levings N. Sweet, a prominent early settler of Lincon town- ship, Monroe county, Wisconsin, a resident of section twenty- nine, is a native of Vermont, and was born at Ilinesburg, Chittenden county, in that state, May 13, 1837. Ilis parents, Ezekiel and Cleora (Mack) Sweet were also natives of Vermont of English extraction. They later settled in Madrid township, St. Lawrence county. New Y^ork, where they spent the balance of their lives. Our subject is the seventh child of a family of nine children and the only surviving member. The otiiers were James M., Henry 0., Sarah, who was the wife of D. A. Olan; Charles, Enu'ry A., Mary A., Augustus, and Norman E. Sweet. Mr. Sweet, our subject, was educated in the common schools and Potsdam Academy, and remained at home ujitil twenty years of age, when he came to "Wisconsin, first stopping at Milwaukee, where he was in the employ of the Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien Railroad. At the end of eight months he went to Iowa and engaged in teaching school. After two seasons he returned to AVisconsin, and for one year farmed in Waukesha county. In July, 1860, he came to Monroe county, and opened a farm for his brother near Tomah, in Lincoln, now LaGrange township. He cultivated the soil and improved the place continuously for twelve years, at the end of which time he came to his present location and ])ought three forties, which was for the most part wild land. He took possession in 1871, and erected suitable buildings and has since engaged in general farming and raising of live stock. Mr. Sweet has been prominently identified with the early organization of his township, and has represented the people officially on several occasions, and was the first to aid in the erection of the Kirby LTnion church. He has been a member of Tomah Lodge, No. 132, A. F. and A. M., since the early sixties. January 28, 1862, Mr. Sweet was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Howard, a native of Milwauke, Wis., where she was born April 5, 1845. She is a daughter of Harry B. and Avilla (Webber) Howard, natives of Ohio. Four children were born to this union, viz.: Emory A., who died June 28, 1910, at the age of forty-eight years; Warren H.. of Portland, Ore.; Arthur L., of Lincoln township, aiul Lottie C.. wife of ]\rett Rose, of Tiiiicolu jowiisliip. Arthur L. Sweet, oiu^ of the progressive farmers of ^lonroe county, who resides in section twenty-nine. Lincoln township, was born near Tomah, in LaGrange township, June 9, 1868. He BIOGRAPHY B91 is a son of Levings N. and Sarah (Howard) Sweet, of Lincoln township,. Mr. Sw^eet attended the district school and remained on the homestead farm until he reached the age of twenty-four, when he purchased his present farm of 120 acres, whicli at that time was only partly improved. He erected a comfortable resi- dence, large and commodious barns and outbuildings, and made other improvements, besides bringing the soil to a high state of cultivation. In addition to general farming he carries on an extensive dairy business, and has a fine herd of Holstein cattle. In fraternal matters, Mr. Sweet is a member of Tomah Lodge, No. 132, A. F. and A. M., Modern Woodmen of America, and the Woodmen of the World. He is also a member of the Union church. On December 14, 1892, he was married to Miss Mabel A. Payne, daughter of H. S. and Beulah E. (Bisbee) Payne, of Sparta. Mrs. Sweet is the oldest of a family of three children. The others are Clarence H., who resides in the state of Washington, and Leo H., of North Dakota. Norman E. Sweet, one of the early settlers and highly respected citizens of LaGrange township, was born in Hinesburg, Vt. His parents, Ezekiel and Cleora (Mack) Sweet, were natives of Vermont, from whence they moved to St. Lawrence county, New York, when our subject was two years old, and there died. Norman E. was the youngest of a family of eight boys and three girls, all of Avhom are now deceased excepting Levings N. Sweet, of Lincoln township, this county. Mr. Sweet came to Monroe county with his two brothers; Emery J. purchased 300 acres of land from the government, in LaGrange township, whicli at that time formed a part of Lincoln, and L. N. and N. E. Sweet pur- chased an interest later. In 1874 our subject sold his interest in this land and moved to section nine, LaGrange township, and purchased a farm of 120 acres ; the residence having been burned in February of that year, a new one was immediately erected, which is still in use by his widow and son, Edgar C. Sweet. In 1904 a modern barn was built and many valuable and lasting improvements have been made. A pioneer in that section, Mr. Sweet took an active part in transforming Monroe county from a wild state to one of the highly cultivated farms and good homes. He took an active interest in local matters and was known as one of Monroe county's public spirited and high minded citizens, and his death, which occurred December 27, 1893, was mourned as a great public loss. On April 15, 1864, Mr. Sweet was united in marriage with Miss Diana Barkley, a native of Upper Canada, and a daughter of 892 lllSTOIvV OF .M')Xlx()E COUNTY llciiry I', iiiid {'jilliL'i'inc (Sliavcr) Barklcy. also natives of Canatla, wliere they .si)t'iit their lives. ]\Irs. Sweet is 1lu' sixtli child in order of birth in a family of nine children; those living are: Gordon, who lives in Ontario; ^Iarent his boyhood days on the homestead rami, attending the disti'ict school and assisting in the farm Avork. lie was wide awake and thrifty, and soon after reaching maidiood, acquireil a good farm in Leon tOAvnship Avher(^ he lived until his death, February 4, 1910. and Avas engaged in general farming and stock-raising. He was kjiOAvii as a successful farmei-. ;i moi-al and upright citizen, and a man dcA^oted to his lionie and fiiniily. He Avas a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. AVilliam H., since the death of his falhei-. has had the manage- ment of the homestead faruK BIOGRAPHY 839 Charles Todd, vice presideiil oi' the State ]3ank of WiliDii. was boni near Homer, Cortland eouiity, X. Y.. Septeinlx'i- :5(). ls;}7. to Cliarles and ]Mai-ie ( W'illiaius) Todd, on the same I'anii \vhe)-e ins father was Itorn. and died in 1838 at the age of 1hiii\-six \-ear.-'. His wi(h)\v. mother jf our subject, survived until 1S74 and died at the age of sixty-tive years. Charles Todd. Si-., was a son of Dan Todd, a native of Connecticut, who, in 17U4, came up the Tioughnioga river in a canoe and was one of the pioneer settlers of Cortland county. lie died in 1842 at the age of sixty years. His wife, paternal grandmother of our subject, was Sarah Foot, w^ho lived to the age of seventy years and died in 1845. The maternal grandfather of Charles Todd was Thonuis Williams, whose wife's maiden name was Olive Blodgett ; they were natives of Massachusetts. luiAing l)een liorn near Springfield, that state: he was the son of Ambrose Williams and died at the age of sixty- eight : her death occurred in 1860. and tradition claims that his great great grandfather was a passenger on the ^Mayflower. Charles Todd, Jr.. was raised on a farm whicli was sold when he enlisted as a private in the Union Army on Ai)ril 24. 1861. in Company D. Twelfth Regiment. New York Volunteer Infantry, and was nuistered into the service at Elmira "Slay 12. and his regiment was immediately ti'ausferred to Washington, D. C. He participated in the skii-mish at Blackburn Ford. July 18. 1861. and was also in sevei-al of tlie important engagements in Virginia, .ncludinu' the l)a1tle of l^ull Run. He served with distinction Throughout his term of enlistment and received hif^ honorable dis- charge at Elmira in May. 1863. After returning to his home in Homer he was employed for a time at general carpenter work, and in 1868 came to Wisconsin, locating in Sauk county, where he remained three years, until 1871. when he was employed by the Chicago ct Northwestern Railroad in construction work. Since the spring of 1873, Avhen he first came to "Wilton, he has been a resident of ]Monroe county, he was first em])loyed by the Chicago (fc Northwestern Raih'oad at tunnel No. 1. and for the next three years followed the occupation of railroad building, taking part in gr.-iding and track laying. His next employment was with ]Moll & O'Brien, with whom he remained three years, when he purchased a farm of eighty acres in section nineteen, Wilton township, where he was engaged in farming from 1883 to 1890. He then received from Gov. George R. Peek an appoint- ment as messenger at the state capitol at jMadison, and served in that capacity four years. He then returned to Monroe county anf¥ects in a wagon drawn Ijy oxen. There were no roads at that time l)ut Indian trails, and the mother was compelled in pioneer fashiop to take up the ax and cut down tind)er in order to open a I'oad tor the wagon. j\Iany times did she have to resort to this Ix^fore she reached the land wliidi was to Ix' licr future home, whei'c slie BIOGRAPHY ■ 907 reared her family. It was on this lioniestead where our subject was born and Avhere he now resides. After marriage Mr. Verken cleared up 110 acres of this wild land and converted it into one of the best farms in Sheldon township. In those early days deer and all kinds of wild game were abundant. Mr. Verken, father of "William H., acquired KiO acres of land in Sheldon township, Avhicli he afterwards sold. He stood high as a man. and was upright in all his dealings, a successful farmer and sheep raiser, having at times as high as 500 head. He also kept a good grade of horses and cattle, but he derived his best revenue from selling wheat and other grains. He was a Republican in politics and held the office of supervisor and director of the school board. He died in 1911, a member of the Evangelical church, as was his wife. William II. attended the district scliools and remained at home. He was the only son and the mainstay of his father. He Avas married April 3, 1884, at Madison, Wis., to IMiss Carrie Detrich, and they had six children, of which three are living: Abner E., born January 21, 1892; IMelvin L., born February 27, 1894, and Miss Violet C, born June 16, 1897. Mrs. Verken was educated at ^Madison, Wis., where her father for many years was a leading merchant. She is the third child in a family of seven. The family went to California in IMay. 1884, where they now" reside. Besides her devotion to her liome and family she is a leader in social matters, and is deeply interested in church work. For many years she has been a teacher in the Sunday school, and the missionary society finds her one of the most zealous workers. Mrs. C. Verken has been corresponding secretary of the Home Mission Society for a number of years. Mr. Verken is one of the public spirited men of his town and besides general farming, conducts an extensive dairy on his 160-acre farm in section thirty-one, and has made many improvements. Erected a modern residence in 1900, and barn in 3908. His farm is ecjuipped with up-to-date appliances, and his three large trout ponds are well stocked with plenty of speckled trout, while his two springs furnish an abundaiuM^ of Avater for his house and barn. In politics he is a Republican. Leo Vieth, one of the successful and influential farmers of Ridgeville township, was born in ]\Ionroe county, AVisconsin, April 1, 1865, the son of Henry and Emstena (Noth) Vieth, both natives of Germany. The father emigrated to America in 1848, and first settled in Walworth county, this state. He later came to ]\Ionroe county, and acquired a farm of 200 acres in 908 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Ridgevillr, and was uue oi' tliu early settlers of that tuwu, where he experienced the privations and hardships incident to pioneer life. lie was a progressive farmer, an honorable, npriglit and liigh iiiiiidrd cili/cii. and occupied a prominciil place in the section in which he lived. He died in 1897 and the mother passed away in 1882, honored and respected by all wdio knew them. Tliey reared a family of nine cliildren, three of whom are now living. Leo received his education in the pul)li(; scIkiuIs, whicji lie attended up to his eighteenth year, and remained at home with his parents as long as they lived. After the death of his father, he acquired the old homestead in sections fourteen and twenty- three, Ridgeville township, in Avhich lie had taken an active part to improve. He was his father's mainstay, and for years ])re- ceding his father's death, had the active management of tlie farm. Since coming into possession of the homestead he has made many improvements by bringing the land to a higher state of. cultivation, erecting buildings, etc., amounting to over .1^8,000. He is one of Monroe county's successful and up-to-date farmers and a man who stands high in his community. He takes a prom- inent and active part in the aft'airs of the county, is strictly upright and honorable in his dealing with his fellow-men. and holds the confidence of the people, In 1901 he was elected to the office of sheriff of the county, a position he held for two years, discharging the duties of the ofHce fairly and imi)artially. He is now (1912) the nominee of the Repu])lican party for the same office, and as the nomination is considered as good as election, it is safe to say that j\Ir. Vieth will be the next sheriff of Monroe county. He was chairman of the town of Ridgeville for twelve years. In fraternal matters, Mr. Yieth is a mend)er of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Knights of Pythias. He w^as one of the promoters and organizers of the Monroe County Cyclone Insurance Company (incorporated), Avhich began busi- ness in 1911, and the company now has over 300 policies in foi-ce and their business is extending rapidly. He is also a diiv^ctor in the German IMutual Fire Insurance Company. Henry G. Vincenz is one of the hustling young farmers of Ridgeville township, jMonroe county, where he was born February 12, 1876, and raised. He is the son of Frederick A. and Carrie W. (Mausch) Vincenz: his father was a native of Saxony, Germany, and his moHiei- was born in Jeffei'son county, Wis- consin. The father came to America sonu' time during the fifties BIOGRAPHY 909 and located iii Jefferson county, where he worked as a farm laborer for some time; in 1860 he moved to Leon township, in Monroe county, where he also worked at farming, until about the time the Civil War broke out, and he enlisted in Company K, Third Regiment Wisconsin, June, 1860. After serving three years, he returned to Monroe county and again engaged in farming. In 1867 he was married in Jefferson county, and they had a family of eight children, four of whom are living, Henry, our subject, being the sixth child. In 1887 Mr. Vincenz pur- chased a farm of 180 acres in sections four and nine in the township of Ridgeviile, which was soon converted by them into an ideal family homestead, where they lived the remainder of their lives. Mr. Vincenz died in 1900, and Mrs. Vincenz in 1883. They were highly respected by all who knew them, and con- sidered among the leading farmers of the township. They were members of the Methodist church. Upon the death of his father, Henry G. inherited the greater part of the homestead farm, to w^hich he afterward added a twenty-acre tract adjoining, so that his farm now contains about 140 acres and is a fine piece of ground. His residence is modern, and Mr. Vincenz lives here with his sister. Miss Paulina. Mr, Vincenz is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran church at Norwalk, Wis., and is surrounded by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Mr. Vincenz is at the present time a member of the Farmers' Equity, a stockholder of the Norwalk Independent Telephone Company; also a stockholder of the Farmers' Creamery Company at Norwalk, and a director of school district number four. He is a Republican in his politics, and is active in all matters Avhich point towards the development of his town and county. Levi Wallace, a prominent and influential citizen of Sheldon township, is the son of John and Harriet (Otter) Wallace, and was born in Muskingum county, Ohio, October 20, 1839. His father was born in 1811, and lived for over forty years in Morgan county, Ohio. His mother was born in Pennsylvania, in 1813. They reared a family of twelve children, ten of whom, six sons and four daughters, are now living, our subject being the fourth child in order of birth. The parents came to Wisconsin in 1882, locating in the town of Sheldon, and were among the prominent settlers of that section. They followed the lives of farmers and were among the well-to-do and highly respected citizens of the town. There they spent the last days of their lives, and died honored and esteemed by the whole community. The death of !M(; lilSToKV OK AIONKOK C'OlXTY the Jallicr occiinvd in 1S!)(), ;ii.(l tluil ol' the iiiotlicr in 1898. On llic |);it('i'nal side, .Mr. W'jillacc traces liis anccslry to Scot hind. liis grandfather AN'allacc liaving conic I'l-dni thai cnnnli-y to America in a very early day. Ijcvi Wallai-c i'ccci\-c also held many important offices while a resident of Veriu)n county. As a nuMuber of the legislature for four years, prior to 188"). he was t)i-ominently identified with nnn-h imimi'tant h^gislation. and tilled the position Avith honor to himself antl the satisfaction of his constituents. He was one of the organizers and pi-esident of the first creauH'ry operated in the town of Sheldon, and is now connected in an official wa\' with the Farnuu's' Creamery of the sanu' town. Mr. Wallace has been an e\tensi\'e dealci' in ami shipper of live stock, having begun his oiteratiuns in this li?ie in 1868. lie has l)een the general nuinager and luiyer for the Western Livestock Association for more than twenty-five years. ]\Ir. Wallace has been twice married. First, in 18r)f). to Miss TTattie Dalton, of Vernon county, by whom he had four children, two of Avhom are now living, viz.: ]\Iinnie, wife of C. AV. Harmon, of Mrgiiiia. ]Miiii].. and .Mai-ian ().. of I>cac!i. X. I). Tin- first ]Mrs. Wallace died in ISSO. and he married for his second wil'c Miss ( ivillia J. Applenian, who was the eiohtli child in a family of eleven children, six of whom ai-c now (]!)12) livinji'. viz.: Elizaheth, wife of Ilenrv ^mith. of I. a l'\)r»:,e, Wis.; P^va, wife of Jefferson Perkins; ]\latilda (".. wife of Jolm Edirar: Ueorge and Phillip, all of Vernon county. AVisconsin : ;ind Mrs. Wallace. Her father was horn in 182."), and died April Ki, ISDo. Her mother was horn in 1880, and died November 29, 1868. They were among the prominent and very early settlers of Vernon connty. To Mr. and Mrs. AVallace have been born six children, viz.: Lena C, born December 21, 1879; Albert A., born January 5, 1882; George R., born Febrnary 20, LS88; Susan 11.. born November 3, 1885; Harrison M., born February 5, 1889; and Millie Flo, born October 6, 1890. In fraternal matters ]Mr. AVallace is a mend)cr of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, and has tilled all the chairs of the order. Politically. ]Mr. AVallace is a Progressive Republican and takes an active interest in the affairs ol' the party. George H. Warren, whose death occurred at Tomah. Wis.. Octol)cr. 1911. was a leader in the commercial life of Tomah and an illustrious example of that type of enterprising intelligence and successful business men which has given that prosperous and growing city the advanced station it Indds among the cities of ]\Ionroe county. He was a native of Rutland county, A'ermont, born December 14, 1887. and was a son of John H. antl Lida (McGregor) AVarren. 3Ir. AVai-rcn was in the best sense a thor- ough and practical business man. whose clear-cut. honorable meth- ods, skillful management of affairs and sterling manliness in all his varied relations made him a leader among his associates, and a force of good in the community in which he lived. His life was clear, his motives ]uire and uo (>ne could come within the I'ange and sphere of his iiifluence without recognizing the force of his strong jiersonality and integi-ity. elements of character which had nnich to do with securing to him the high jdace h(> held in busi- ness and commercial circles, as well as in his social and othei- rela- tions. For forty years Mr. AVarren was continuously and closely identified with the financial interests of Tomah. and his mcmoi-y is cherished and kept in grateful remend)i-ance for the important part he played in the material development of both the institutions witli which he was so closely connected and the city in which he lived and loved. His father. John IT. Wari'eii. was a nati\e ol' Scotland, and by trade a carpenter and conti'actor. Tie came to U12 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY Wisconsin from western New York in the early fifties, with a family of three sons and one daughter, viz. : John F., George H., Charles II. and Laviene, and settled in the town of Stoiighton, where he followed his trade as carpenter and builder, and for ten years was engaged in the retail luml)er business. In 1868 he moved to Tomah, where he also engaged in tlie lumber trade, which he followed up to the time of joining his son, Charles II., at Shenandoah. la., a short time before his death, Avhen he returned to Tomah and made his home with George H. He was a great Bible student, popular and well known in business and social circles; of kind disposition and considerate of those near and dear to him. In his early years he took deep interest in music, took instructions at Boston and became a noted singer and taught vocal music in his native state, and also after coming to Wisconsin. Was a member of the Boston Glee Club. Ilis death occurred in 1892. George II. AVarren received a limited education, attending the common schools until he became twelve years of age. He lived under the paternal roof until the age of nineteen and worked at the carpenter trade with his father until he was twenty-two. He began his long and prosperous career as night operator in the employ of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, and for twenty-three years was employed as night operator and billing clerk, and was then employed as station agent at Tomah, Wis., hy the same company for some twelve years. In 1871 he asso- ciated with his younger brother, Charles H., secured a contract from the railroad company to furnish railroad ties. They fur- nished all the ties used by the company for the roadbed between Chicago and ]\Iilwaukee; they then became purchasing agents for the company, which position was held for fifteen years. When the Chicago, jNIilwaukee & St. Paul road purchased the Wisconsin Valley road, Charles H. was made superintendent, with offices at Tomah, Wis., and continued to fill that position until promoted to superintendency of Shenandoah (Iowa) branch. Retiring from the railroad business, Mr. Warren purchased the lumber interests of his father at Tomah, and for six years successfully conducted that business. In 1888 he organized the Warren Bank of Tomah, with John II. as president and George II. as vice president and Winfield W. as cashier. With a capital of .^10.000 the bank began business and has had deposits of over half a million dollars. Up to the present time the stock has been owned and controlled by the Warrens and has always been considered one of the soundest insti- tutions in tilt' founly. He was prominent in Masonic circles antl lUOGRAPHY 913 had attained to the degree of Kiiidit Temi)hu'. In i)olities he was a Cleveland Democrat. On February 26, 1860, he was united in marriage to Miss Helen M. Stoughton, who was a native of Vermont, and a daughter of George Stoughton, wlu^se bi-otlicr was the founder of Stoughton. To this union was born one son, AA'infiold W.. now prosidcnl of the AYarrens' bank. Mr. "Warren passed away in tlie full strength oL" his mental vigor, and though his going was universally felt to be a public loss and by those near to him as a loss that nothing can fully repair. It is to them and to all a source of consolation to know that he left the enduring influence of a good life and the lasting lieritage of an honored name. Franklin Webb, a highly respected farmer and resident of Wellington township, inirchased his farm of 160 acres in sections twenty-two and fifteen in 1876, Avhich has since been liis home. He was born on December 11, 1835, in New York state, the son of Napthali and Hannah (Hall) Webb. The Webb family descended from three brothers of that name who came to America from England in an early day, and the grandfather of Franklin, (Libeous) Webb, settled in Connecticut and was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Napthali Webb was born in Connecticut and was one of a family of five children. They moved from there to Oswego county. New York, where they lived until some time during the fifties, when Napthali, with his family of four children, moved to Jefferson county, Wisconsii], and lived there until his death at the age of ninety-four. He was one of the early pioneers of Jefferson county, who passed through the trials and privations of the early days and did much toward the development of his tOAvn. He raised a family of fourteen children, seven of Avhom are living. Franklin Webb is the tenth child ; his brother, William Webb, was a soldier in the Civil War, serving in the Twenty-ninth Wis- consin Infantry until the close. Franklin lived with his parents and worked on the farm until he was forty-one. He was married on August 16, 1857, in Jefferson county, Wisconsin, to Miss Elizabeth Crout, and moved to the town of Wellington, in Monroe county in 1876. He had purchased his farm there in 1873, and has since been a successful general farmer and a most valuable citizen to his neighborhood. His laud was unimproved when he bought it, and with the many years of hard work and economical perseverance, he brought it to its present high state of cultiva- tion and made it one of the ideal country homes of the township. 914 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTr His method of farmintr and his business dealings witli liis neigh- bors won for him the confidence and esteem of all who know him. Both he and ]\Irs. AVel)b are members of the ]\Iethodist Episcopal cluirch. lie is now j-ctired from active life on account of poor eyesight, and his son. Iliram, a l)riglit and thi-ifty farmei-. manages the farm. ]Mr. and IMrs. AVebb liavc a family of five cliildi-en. all ol' whom were born in -fcfferson county, viz.: ('larcnce F.. born June 20, 1858: (leorge W.. boin September 10, 1850; Jcri-y W.. born January 4, 18(i] ; IliiMui L.. hoiii Januar.v :'. 1863, and KImer M.. born November 20. 18(j7. .Mi-s. ^V('bl) was one of a fainil\- of twelve children, of whom llii-cc boys and two girls are now living. She was born at Martin. Ohio. January 20. 1840. Her father. Nicholas Crout. who was born in France, emigrated from the state of Ohio to Walworth count.y, Wisconsin, in 1843. antl in 1848 moved to Jeflferson county, where he bought a farm of 120 acres. He afterwards moved to (.'alifornia. where he died in 1888. Ilei- mother. Catherine Talbot, was born in Germany and died in Jeffei'- soii ei)iuit\ ill 1865 at the age of forty-four years. They were memlters of the Freewill liaptist church. Thomas Welch, a prosperous farmer of Wellington township, was born .May 6. 1857. to Patrick and Elizabeth (Quirk) Weicii. natives of Ireland. The father came to America in early life and first located in New York, where lie woi-ked as a laborer for some time, and Avhere he was married and raised a family of six ehil- dren. In the fall of 1864. the father, with his family, came to Monroe county, AVisconsin. and settled in 1lie Black valley, in Wellitiiilou Inwnshi]). where he homesteaded eighty acres of land in section eight, lo wliieli he subsequently added, until a1 the time of his death, which occurred October 5. 1908. he owned 120 acres. He was among the early settlers of Black valley, and the wild land which he acrpiired. M'as by hard work and ])ei-severance. converted into a valuable and productive farm, lie was honorable and upright in all his dealings antl gained many friends, which he retained. In religious affiliations he and his wife, who died in 1904, Avei'c devoted members of the Ciitliolie ehufcli. Thomas received his education in the pul)lie schools, which he attended until his seventeenth year, .ind made his home with his parents, though at the early age of fifteen he started in life I'nr himself, receiving $10 per month as a farm laborer, whicii occupa- tion he followed foi" several years l)efore buying a farm of his own. In 1S92 he was mari'ied to Aliss Catherine Egan. daughter of Peter Egan. of Wellington township, who came with his familv BIOGRAPHY 915 to Monroe coimty in 1859, where he i)iii'ehaseil liOU acres of wikl laud in the town of Wellinijton. To Mr. and Mrs. Wei eh have been born seven children, of whom six are now li\iii^-. viz.: Mary p]., born May 25, 1894; Catherine, hoi-ii Kehniary 2, 189G; Thomas, born October 10. 1898; Agnes, l)orn Jannary 25, 1900; Donald, born July 10, 1904, and James, born February 5, 1908. Prior to his marriage IMr. Welch had acquired seventy-four acres of land in section eight, AVellington township, to which he has since added forty acres, and is now the owner of 114 acres of choice land. He is a successful farmer and keeps his place w^ell stocked with horses, cattle and hogs. He has made many valuable improvements ; built his residence in 1904, and erected a large and commodious barn, 32 x 54 feet, with other substantial outbuild- ings. Tw^o deep wells and a fine spring of running water, furnish his house and barn with an abundant suppl}^ at all seasons. Besides being successful in farming, Mr. Welch is a public spirited and influential citizen, and for eighteen years has been elerk of the school board. Simon J. Wells, one of the prosperous and influential farmers of Wells township, is a native son of Monroe county. Wisconsin, and was born in the town of Wells January 11. 1858. His parents were James and ]\Iinerva (Cline) AYells. natives of Ohio and Pennsylvania, respectively. The father came to Wisconsin in 1853, and for five years followed the occupation of sheep and horse drover. He made his home in !l\Ionroe and La Crosse counties, until his marriage in La Crosse county, about 1857. He was a man of energy and thrift, and became the owner of 380 acres of land. He was a successful farmer and made a specialty of raising Oxford sheep, cattle and hogs. He took an active interest in town and county matters, and for tw^o years was chairman of the town board and a member of the board of supervisors, and in politics a Democrat. He lived a long and useful life, his death occurring in 1904. Wells township was named in his honor, and is a fitting- compliment to a worthy pioneer and citizen. His wife, mother of our subject, still (1912) survives, and is a resident of Sparta. Simon J. was raised on his father's farm, and during his boy- hood attended the district schools and assisted in the farm work. He remained on the homestead with his parents until he reached the age of tw^enty-eight years. He has follow^ed farming during his whole life; has been generally successful in his undertakings and is knowai as one of the prosperous, public spirited citizens of IMonroe count}', and all matters pertaining to the welfare of his 916 lll.STUiiY OF .MONROE COUNTY commuuity, received his hearty support. In politics he affiliates with the Democratic part3^ The marriage of ]\Ir. Wells occurred ou May 27, 1886, to ]\Iiss Clara Lee, daughter of Peter Lee. Six children have been born to them. viz. : Frances, Fern, Lee. Myrtle, James and ]\Iyra AVells. Will N. Wells was born in the town of (Greenwood, Oceana county, ^licli., February 3, 1865. He is the son of Kufus Frank Wells and Fannie Fortune Wells, both descendants of Revolu- tionary families, which settled in Ncav York and Pennsylvania at an early day. ]\Ir. Wells came to Michigan Avith his parents when that state was a territory, being pioneers there and also in Wisconsin. Rufus Wells was a car])enter by trade and helped to build many of the earlier houses in Hlack River Falls during the fifties: failing health forced him to abandon the trade and he engaged in the mercantile business in 1870. which he followed until his death. AVill N. came to Ilumbird with his parents, where his father opened a pioneer hardware store in 1870. AVas educated in the common schools of that place, going to Dakota with his father in 1878 and being pioneer settlers at Gary. His father died at Gary the following year, when subject of this sketch Avas attending school at Ilumbird ; he went tn Xeillsville in 1880 and luul one year in the high school. Financial circumstances compelled him to abandon school and he entered the printing office of the Clark County Courier, at Xeillsville. to learn the trade. The remainder of his education Avas acquired in the '"school of experience'' and he graduated from a country printing office. In 1884 he purchased a half interest in the Neillsville Times, selling out six months later; and until 1890 he followed the occupation of journeyman printer. Avorking in many of the large cities of the country. Tn December. 1890. he returned to Black River Falls. AVis., and leased the Jackson County Journal. Avhich he conducted for two years. On September 11, 1891. he Avas married to ]Miss ^Margaret Kerrigan, daughter of ]\lr. and ^Ir.s. William Kerrigan, of Sparta, the latter being pioneer settlers of that phu-e. In December, 1892, he gave up the lease of the Journal and in January. lSi>;5. Avas I'lected engrossing clerk in the state senate at Aladison. In September. 1908. Avas appointed depnly collector of internal revemie for the La Crosse division, comprising ten counties of Avestern Wisconsin, and served in that capacity until June 1. 1900. Upon receiving the appointnienl to that position he moved Avitli his family to Spjirta in Februai-y. 1894. Avhere he has since BIOGRAPHY ill 7 resided. Since leaving the internal revenue service he has l)een engaued in the business of stationery dealer for sevi'ii ncji rs. jiiid foi- the past four years one of the proprietors and editor of the ]\lonroL' County Democrat. rie served three >'ears years. Aftei- Ihe death of her husband, .Mrs. Willgrubs disj)Osed of the farm and removed to the city of Sparta. Avhere she noAV resides. They had a fannly of nine childi-en: John, lives at Cashton; Jib T.. subject of this sketch; Ellen. Avife of Walter Parks; .\nna, Avife of Christ Ganunerdinger, of Hustle, Juneau county; Nettie, AvidoAV of Thomas AFui-pliy. of Sparta, and Bertha is the wife of Allen Schutt. and resides in Alihvaukee. Those deceased lMO(iKAPTTY 921 are Margaret. \\lu» died ;il the age of two years: llmi-y died in infaney, and Charles died at the age of twenty-six years. j\Jr. ^Villgi'uhs was nuii-ricd on September 27. IS!),'). ;it Home, Wis., to ]\liss Kose Frohmader, daughter of .lohn niid Mary (Boruhimer) Froliniader. Ilei- parents moved Irdiii Rome. -Jeffer- son eonnty. to ("lifton townsiiip, .Monroe eounty, in 1872, where the father died in 1907 at the age of seventy-one years. His widow, mother of Mi's. Willgrubs, survives, and lives in tlie city of Sparta. To Mr. and ]Mrs. Jib T. AVillgrubs have been horn three children : Leonard G., Everett J., and Enniee M. In 1908. Mr. Willgrubs removed to Sparta townshi}) and purcliased eighty acres of land in section eighteen in the Big Creek \alley, to which he added by purchase until he now has one himdrcd jiiid thirty acres of higldy cultivated land. Mr. \Viligrul)s is one of the public spirited and influential farmers of jMonroe county, and takes a lively interest in the affairs of his town and county. For four years he was chairman of the Jeft'erson town l)t)ai'd, treasurer of the school district for seventeen years, and for several years overseer of highways. He is a member of the Sparta toAvn board, a member of the Sparta Fruit Growers' Association, director and treasurer of the ]\Inlnal Fire Insurance Company, and in polities a Republican. William U. Willgrubs is another one of the prosperous and influential farmers of the Big Creek valley. He is the son of Menke and Anna (Baker) AA^illgrubs, and was born in Algona. low^a, June 26, 1869. His father came to the Ignited States from Germany, and first located in AVisconsin in the early fifties, where he made a start in life and returned to Germany for his parents, with whom he later returned to Amcu'ica. ]\Irs. AVill- grubs, mother of our subject. Avas a native of "Wisconsin, having been born in Waukesha count.y. After returning to America Avitli liis parents, the father of ]Mr. AVillgruI)s went to Towa, and remained there until 1872, whence they removed to ^lonroe county. AA^isconsin, and settled on a farm in Sparta township, where they remained for se\-en years, when the father purchased the farm in section eighteen, this towaashi]i. which is now owned by AVilliam. and Avhich he successfully cari-ied on for eiyhteen years. He then removed to the city of Sparta, where he lives in practical retirement, enjoying the fruits of his long years of toil. i\Irs. AA'illgrubs. mother of our subject, died when William was nine years old. ^Ir. AA^illgrubs is the second child of a family of four children. The others are George, who lives in Spnrta : Ida. formerlv the Avife of D. L. Powell, is deeeascnl : and .Xettie. who !)22 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY (Hod at the age of four years. ^Villialn, our subject, obtained his education in the district school and assisted in the "work on tlie farm until the fall of 1890, when he purchased the same from his father. He has since made many improvements on the place, among these being his modern residence, "which "was erected in 1903, and has many up-to-date appliances, such as hot and cold water, etc. In 1911 a new and commodious barn, 36 by 48 feet, with twenty-foot post, was erected, besides which there is a fine silo and other improvements. ]\Ir. "Willgi'ubs uses modern methods in his farming, and his is one of the model country homes in Monroe county. On June 10, 1891, ]\Ir. AVillgrubs Avas united in marriage witli ]\Iiss Ida B. Hutson, daughter of John Ilutson, of Sparta town- ship. To Mr. and Mrs. AVillgrubs have been born five children : Ralph v., AVilbert J., Harold, who died in infancy ; Francis D., and Dorothy Mary Ann. Mr. AVillgrubs is one of the enterprising public spirited citizens of the county, and takes an active interest in public affairs. He has been treasurer of his town one term, highway commissioner one term and for thirteen years a member of the school board. In religious faith and fellowship Mr. AYill- grubs and his family affiliate with the Big Creek Methodist Episcopal church. George Williams, who is one of the successful farmers of Wells township, was born at Kilbourn City, Wis., April 14, 1864, son of Casper and Elizabeth (Craig) Williams, natives of Germany. Some time in the fifties the parents, with one child, emigrated to America and located at Grand Rapids, Wis. After a residence there of two years, they moved to Kilbourn City and there remained ten years, whence they went to Bangor, La Crosse county, making the trip from Kilbourn with an ox team, one cow and two pigs, which followed the wagon all the way to La Crosse countj'. For fourteen years the father was engaged in rafting on the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers. He homesteaded eighty acres of land in La Crosse county at a time when there were no rail- roads, and he would often carry a sack of flour on his back, weigh- ing 150 pounds, from I^a Crosse to his claim. They experienced all the trials and hardships of pioneer life in a new country, and later purchased a farm in Burns township. La Crosse county, and there lived until the father's death at the age of eighty-two years. The mother died in 1902. They were the parents of six children. In religious belief they were Lutherans, and the father was a Democrat in politics. George Williams, who was the fifth child in order of birth. BIOGRAPHY . 923 attended the district schools and remained on the home farm assisting- with the farm work nntil he was twenty-one. He then went to Sonth Dakota and spent one year. Returning to Wis- consin, he purchased the George King farm of 167 acres, in section eleven, Wells township, where he has since resided, and has made valuable and lasting improvements to the house, barns and other buildings, and is known as one of the most progressive and influential general farmers and dairymen of his town. In politics he is a Democrat and has served as treasurer of the school district for three years. He was married at Cataract, Wis., to Miss Helen Stetzer, daughter of August Stetzer, one of the early settlers of La Crosse county. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are the parents of seven children, viz. : Gertrude, Robert W., Lloyd, Harold, Vera, Ralph and George Williams. Robert Williams, one of the model farmers of ]\Ionroe county, who resides on section nine, Little Falls township, was born at Grand Rapids, Wis., August 12, 1855, to Casper and Elizabeth (Craig) Williams, natives of Germany, and who after marriage came to the United States in 1853 and located in Wood county, AVisconsin, where the father worked in the lumber woods, and rafted logs down the Mississippi river to Dubuque, Galena and other points. He followed this occupation nntil 1864, during which time he changed his place of residence to near Kilbourne City, and there remained nntil 1865, when he removed to La Crosse county and located in Farmington township, and there cleared up and improved two farms, which he brought from a wild state to one of cultivation and productiveness, and there made his home until his death, which occurred at the age of seventy-eight years. His wife, mother of our subject, passed away in 1900. Robert is the second child of a family of six children. The others are, Ahart, who resides on the homestead farm in La Crosse county; Lizzie, wife of Henry Storandt, of Little Falls township ; Mary, now the wife of James Troy, resides at Groton, S. D. ; George, of Farmers valley, Monroe county, and Anna, wife of John Dahl, of Burr Oak, La Crosse county. Mr. Robert Williams received his education in the common schools and remained on the home farm until twenty-seven years of age. At the age of eighteen he commenced operating a thresh- ing machine, which he ran for twenty-five years, covering in his operations La Crosse, Monroe and Jackson counties. His first venture at farming on his own account was on a rented farm, where he continued for three years. In 1885 he purchased his 924 IIISToliV OK .MONROE COUNTY present t'rii'iii. consist illy of four forties in sections eitilit and nine, to wliicli lie h;is since added eiyhtx' acres in section seventeen. 172 acres in section seven, and anotlier forty in seel ion nine, wliich with UiO acres in La Crosse eounty. makes liis landed holdinus (il2 acres. Tlic Ikhiic l';ii-ni is iitidci- a uood stale of cull i\at ion. is well stocked and iiii|iid\c(l with a u(mmI class of buil(lin«rs. lie carries on general lai'iniiiL; and dairyiiii;-. and is cxieiisixclx' eiiL;aL;i'(l in breedinji' and raising reuistered J\'relieroii horses. .Mr. Williams is a man of hiiih standing' in tlie conuiiiiiiity. and has the respect and esteem of all who know him. and he lak'es a coninieiidahle interest in the all'airs of his town and coiinly. and f(U' two terms has serx'ed a.s a nieinhei' of the side ixiard. ( )ii .Jul\- 22. ISSl. ^Ir. Williams anms uni1e(l in marriaiic with .Miss .\melia Sidileiyer, daughter of Georo-e and .Maruarel ( Younji) Schlei«i'er. also natives of Germany. ]\Irs. AVillianis was horn in La ( rosse county. AVis., in LS."),'). and is the third child in a family of seven children. Mv. and Mrs. Williams have two datighters, Edna Amelia, horn .March 27. 1SS2. and .Mary (Jrace. hoi-ii .\iiunst Iti. L'^S."). hi addi- tion to these two daimhters. .Mr. and .Mi's. Williams have eiveii a home to a younL!' man hy the name of liichard ^'oulll:■ until he becomes of av.('- George Schleijier. ileceased. one of the best known early Gei-iiian settlers of La Crosse county, father of Mrs. Iioix rt AYillianis, was a resi(h'nt of that coiintx' from .\pril 17. IS.").!, to the time of his death, which occurred .January 2. 1!H)(). at the aj^e of ei,ulity-two years. His wife, the moiher of .Mrs. Williams, died November 18. 1898, at the age of sixty-eiizht years. Mr. Sehlei.trer was born at Saxony, Germany. Se])tember !). LS22. and was a son of Henry and Eve (Storandt) Schleiger. lie was the youngest of a famil.\' of tliree sons and ff tifty-eiuht days lie reached America, continued his joiiriie\ to ^lilwaukee. Wis.. b_\ the way of the .ii'reat lakes, thence iie went to Walworth county. Wiscousin. and settled at Lake Geneva, where he secured employment as a hostler in a hotel. lie was one of the tirst settlers in this plaee. BIOGRAPHY 925 there were no roads except Indian trails, and game could be had in abundance. Fortune did not first smile on Mr. Schleiger, but being M-ell endowed with that ])luek and perseverance which so strongly characterize his nationality, he overcame many obstach^s and became the owner of one of the fine farms and homes in La Crosse county. Mr. Schleiger Avas united in marriage Fchi-ujiiy 2f). 1848, at Lake Geneva, to Miss Margaret Young, also a native of Saxony, and a daughter of John Adam Young, who settled in Wisconsin in 1847. To Mr. and J\Irs. Schleiger were born seven daughters: Mary, deceased; Amelia, wife of Kobert Williams; Orpha, deceased; Anna Elizabeth, wife of 0. D. Robinson, of AVest Salem, Wis. ; Lydia, wife of Dell Quiggle, of Burr Oak, AVis., and Sarah, wife of Ed Radcliflfe, of Farmington township. La Crosse county. William D. Williams Avas born in LaFayette townshij), where he still resides, on March 31, 1877. the son of Richai'd Williams, who was born in Wales, and INIartha W'illiams, also Ixii'u in Wales, where thej' married fifty years ago and came to America, locating in LaFayette township, IMonroe county, W^isconsin, on a tract of wild land. The father followed the occupation of farming the remainder of his life experiencing the usual difficulties of the pio- neer, and died in 1879 at the early age of forty j^ears. His wife, mother of our subject, passed away in 1883. They raised a family of children, viz.: ]\Iaggie, wife of E. A'anorman, Sparta; Mary, wife of Oscar Damman, of Sparta ; Roger, deceased ; John lives in Little Falls township ; Katherine is Mrs. Al Gibbard, and resides in Milwaukee, and William D., the subject of this sketch. Being but six years old when his mother died, Mr. Williams made his home Avith Thomas Richards, of Little Falls toAvnship, until he was old enough to work out. He was given a conmion school educa- tion by Mr. Richards, and started life on his own resources by Avorking at farming for various people until 1900, Avhen he had accumulated sufficient means Avith which he purchased his present farm of 120 acres from Mrs. C. A. Cross, and has since l)uilt a comfortable and commodious residence, made additions to the barn, erected a berry house, machine shed, silo and granary and has otherwise improved his place until he noAV has an ideal farm home. He is engaged in general farming and dairying, and makes a specialty of raising berries and small fruit at Avhich he has been one of the most successful in his toAvnship. He has ahvays been interested in the affairs of his community and has served as super- visor of his town and is a member of the school board. Frater- nally he is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. 926 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY ill 1!)()() .Mr. Williams was united in marriage wilh .Miss ^laud A. AVilcox, daugliter of Wellington AVileox. now a resident of Sparta. They have one eliild. -lesse Roger Williams. William G. Williams, a pioininent Ijanker and business man of Sparta, was Ixirn (ni l^'i'liniary 1(5, 1848, in the town of Kingston, Green Lake eonnt\ , Wis. His parents were Robert and ]Margaret (GritTfith) AVillianis, avIio came to this state from AVales in 1845, and settled in Green Lake county, where they engaged in farm- ing, and the father was a local clergyman. They were among the first settlers of that section of the country. ]\Ir. AVilliams died at the age of tifty-three years, and Mrs. AVilliams is now living in Milwaukee in her eighty-third year. Five children survive them, two sons and three daughters, our subject being the eldest of the family. Mr. and i\lrs. Williams were residents of both Milwaukee and Monroe county, "Wis., for many years. William G. AVilliams acquired his early education in the public schools of Dodge county and in IMilwaukee, and in 1859 removed with his parents to Angelo tow^nship in Monroe county, and has since been one of the leading citizens of the connnunity, his energy, enterprise and persevering industry having gained for him a degree of success of which he may justly be proud, lie served the position of register of deeds of ]\Ionroe county for many years, and also held the position of clerk in the land office, resigning the latter position on account of ill health. He was afterward appointed assignee for Al. A. Thayer & Company, both from Sparta and Tomah, and a year later he assisted in the establishment of the Monroe County Bank, of which he was made vice ])resid('nt at the opening in 1894, and as such has since continued. Although he is a thorough business man, ]\Ir. Williams stands well in social circles of Sparta, and is a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge. On November 2, 1875. he nuirried Aliss Anna Jones, daughter of Stephen Jones, of Adrian, ]Monroe county. Their children are Everett L., Ethel, Ralph S.. and Eunice. Margaret T. (Ii(>d Api-il 17. 1897. William J. Williams, a well known farmer of Leon township, was l)()ni ill Wank'csha coiinly. Wisconsin, Alarch 12. 18()1. son of William 1'. and :\Iartha T. AVilliams, both natives of AVales. The father came to America in 1852 and located in AVaukesha county where he married. He later, with his wife and three I'hildren, went to Bangor, La Crosse county, making the trip ovei-land by ox team. lie acquired 100 acros of land and there made his home niilil 1873. when tlun- moved to the Leon \all('\- in AFonroe BIOGRAPHY 927 county and purchased 324 acres three miles south of the village of Leon, and there lived for thirty years, when he went to reside with his son, who had purchased a farm close to Leon. Here they passed the balance of their long and useful lives; the father died November 21, 1907, in his seventy-fourth year; his Avidow survived until January 23, 1910, Avhen she passed aiWRx at the age of seventy-five years and eight months. They were married in 1857 and raised a family of five children, all of whom are now living, viz. : Richard Thomas, born June 15, 1859 ; William J., subject of this sketch, born March 12, 1861 ; Martha Jane, born July 30, 1864; Lizzie Ann, born November 5, 1867, and Sarah Ellen, born February 19, 1873. At the time of their marriage their finances were limited, but by hard work, industry and economy, they succeeded in accumulating a substantial for- tune in due time and Mr. Williams was recognized as one of Leon's most successful farmers, a man of quiet, unassuming manner, public-spirited, charitable, and a devoted Christian. He and his most estimable wife were members of the Congregational church, and contributed liberally to its support. He was a close student, and practically knew the Bible by heart. He was a Republican in polities, but never sought political preferment, and being a man of good judgment, he served for twenty-five years as school clerk and for fifteen years as supervisor. During his active lifetime he was a successful breeder and raiser of good cattle, horses and hogs, with which his farm was plentifully stocked. Mrs. AYilliams, mother of our subject, was one of a family of fourteen children, all of whom are deceased. Her father emigrated from Wales and also located in AVaukesha county, where he spent liis life a successful and influential farmer. William J. received his education in the district schools and assisted his father on the farm. In 1899 he purchased a farm of 140 acres, where he no^v resides, paying for the same $45 per acre. Since making his substantial improvements he has refused $100 per acre. From a small beginning in raising a few colts, our subject has developed into a successful horse breeder and trader. Some years ago he formed a copartnership with John L. Jones, and under the firm name of AYilliams and Jones, did an extensive business in buying and selling cattle, shipping some years as high as 100 carloads of cattle to Eastern markets. Air. AYilliams, with his brother Richard, owns 600 acres of land in Alinnesota, where the brother conducts a large logging camp, lie having 928 JllSTOin' OF .MONROE COUNTY been a successful luinbernian and contractor for thirty years, and now resides at Duluth, jMinn. John J. F. Winters, who is one of tlie Avide-awake and pro- gressive farmers of Sparta township, was born at Burlington, Racine county, Wis., April 28, 1859, son of John and ]\linnie (Benson) "Winters, of Baden, Germany, and Berlin. Prussia, respectively. The father was born in 18:}0, and when a young boy came to the United States, stopping first at ^Milwaukee. When fourteen years of age he moved to Burlington, where in 1857 he was married, and in 1860 moved to ]\[onroe county, Wis- consin, and settled on a farm of eighty acres, which he purchased in section twenty-four, Sparta township, wliich was at that time but a wilderness inhabited by Indians and wild game. To his original purchase he continued to make additions until he acquired 360 acres. He carried on general farming, and for fifty years made this his liome, until 1910, when he removed to the city of Sparta, Avhere he now resides, enjoying the well- earned fruits of his years of toil. ^frs. Winters, mother of J. J. F., was born in 1840 and died May 4. 1910. She was a woman of strong personality, brilliant and intellectual, well versed in matters of ancient history, on Avliich she was considered an authority, was often consulted on the subject, and made her- self felt in the community in which she resided. She was promi- nent and active in religious circles and assisted in the building of the Advent church at Sparta. The paternal grandfather, George Winters, a native of Germany, came to America in the early fifties and located at Burlington. Racine county. The maternal grandfather, Frederick Benson, who was a native of Berlin, Prussia, came to America in 1852 and also setth'd in Burlington, and engaged in farming, and there died in 1859. John J. F. Winters was raised on his father's farm and attended the district schools. He helped to clear the home farm with his own hands, and has l)eeu a hard worker since boyhood. In 1912 he purchased the old homestead, Avhich, added to iiis • original purchase, makes him a farm of 560 acres, of which 270 i are improved and under the plow, the balance being in Avooded '* land and pasture. The comniodious residence, large barns and outbuildings, including the silo, have all been erected by Mr. J. J. V. Winters, and for twelve yeai-s last past he has been engaged in raising Guernsey cattle, both registered and grades, being the first breeder of this stock in the town of Sparta. He also makes a speialty of Poland-China hogs and Brown Leghorn chickens. !Mr. Winters is the eldest of a familv of three children. t I i BIOGRAPHY 929 The others are: Eliza, widow of Daniel Evans, of Oswego, Ore., and George, of Sparta. Mr. Winters has ahvays taken an active interest in the atfairs of his town and county. He lias been a member of the board of supervisors, chairman of the town board and treasurer of his town, and in politics he is a Republican. For twenty years he has been prominent in Masonic circles, is a member of the Blue Lodge, Chapter and the Knights Templar. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias. There are few men living in Monroe county whose early experience were equal to those of Mr. Winters. Coming to this county when but one year old, he grew up in that part of the county, which was then in a wild state, and relates that some of his early playmates were Indian boys and girls, and how he joined with tlictn in their sports. The Indian children were trained to the use of the "bow and arrow," Mr. Winters joining them in target practice, and soon became efficient in their use. Albert W. Withers, the son of William and Martha Withers, was born in New York, on January 16, 1847. His parents were both natives of England, where the father Avas born in 1795. He emigrated to America in 1844, and located in Ncav York, and remained there until 1854, when he came west to AVisconsin and located in Monroe county, and was one of the early pioneers of Ridgeville township, and settled on an eighty-acre tract which he purchased for $100, which was all the money he had at that time, and immediately set to work to clear and improve it, and finally, by hard work and perseverance, established the family home, and cultivated the land to a point where they were able to realize quite a comfortable livelihood. During those pioneer days in Monroe county. La Crosse was the nearest trading point, and Mr. Withers often walked there to purchase provisions and clothing for the family. He was the father of sixteen children, five of whom are now living (1912). Besides general farming, Mr. Withers made somewhat of a specialty of stock raising. After years of labor, his farm was made one of the most productive in the county. He w^as a broad-minded, energetic man, and highly esteemed as one of the best class of pioneers. He was a devoted member of the Methodist church, and contributed liberally to its support. The little church which he built on his farm in those early days still stands, in a fair state of preservation. His death occurred December 10, 1876. His widow, mother of our subject, is still (September 30, 1912) living, at the advanced age of eighty-nine years, much esteemed by the citizens of the locality in which she lives. 930 llLS'l'OKY OK .MoNKUE COUNTY Albci-I \V. was raised on liis father's farm until liis scxcuteenth year, receiving a thorough training in farm work, and attending the district schools. He then came to Tomah and apprenticed himself for three years to h-arn the wagon-making trade. At the end of that time he went to Sparta and worked at his trade one year, then moved back to Ridgeville and established a wagon shop of his own. He later purchased a farm near Oakdale, which he successfully carried on. engaged in general farming until 1901, when he returned to Tomah and entered the employ of the Crossette ^Manufacturing Company, Avhere he has since been engaged. On October 9, 1872, he was united in marriage to Miss Dora M. Kolster, of the town of Tomah. They have had four chihlren, three of whom are living, viz.: Ida, ]\Iyrtle and Cora. In politics Mr. AVithers affiliates with the Repul)lican party, and takes an active interest in its councils. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and in religious matters belongs to the Congregational church. Herbert Wood,* one of the energetic, enterprising and wide- awake farmers of Monroe county, came from a prominent New England family, his ancestry on the paternal side coming to this country shortly after the landing of the Mayflower and settling in New England. His parents, F and Mary (Pierce) Wood, were natives of Massachusetts, where they resided until 1856. In that year they came west to "Wisconsin, and settled at Tomah, where our subject was born, November 23, 18 — -. The father purchased from the government 640 acres of land, three and one-half miles south of the city of Tomah. The farm was unbroken and practically a dense wilderness, and largely popu- lated by Indians and wild beasts. There were no roads in the county and traveling was difficult, and he immediatel.v set to work to clear aiul subdue the land and establisli tlie family home. By hard work, thrift and economy, the land was improved witli a good residence and outbuildings, and soon brought to a high state of cultivation, and besides successfully carrying on general farming, he made a specialty of high-grade cattle and hogs. There were five boys in the family, three of whom are now liv- ing, viz.: Herbert, Milton C. and Leonard A. 'Mr. AVood was a strong anti-slavery man, was a AVhig until the formation of the Republican part.v, and forever after was a member of that i^olit- ical party. He was a high-minded, public-spirited man. a devoted Christian, and for over tAventy years a deacon in the Baptist church, and occupied a prominent place among the citizens of BIOGRAPHY 031 the eommiuiity. lie died DeceiiibiT 5, I89}!, and his wire, mot her of 0111- siil).)ect, February 15, 1907. The maternal gr eat- <>• rain I- fathin-. KuHcr, was a soldier in the Eevolutionar\' War. and served nnch'r Washington, and was Avilh his coniiiiaud at Valley Forge. The paternal grandfather of our subject was cap- tured liy the British at Saekett's Harbor iu th(> AVar of 1812, and held a prisoner by them for twenty-two months. He held the rank of orderly sergeant, and at the time of his death owned HiO acres of land iu IMonroe county. Herbert was raised on his father's farm, and alleiided thi; district schools u\) to liis twentieth year, and then taught school one winter. He remained on the farm with his parents until their death, succeedjng his father on the homestead, which he; acquired l)y purchase. He is a Democrat in political sentiment, and takes au active part in the councils of his party; he has held the office of clerk and treasurer of the township, and on August 1, 1911, Avas chosen secretary of the Tonuih Creamery Association. He is a member of the T'ongregational church, and of the E. F. U. Mr. AYood was married November 28, 1891, at Tomah, to ]\Iiss Ida A. Glaede. Four children have been born to them, three of whom are now (1912) living, viz.: Gladys, born November 23, 1903; Edwin, born ]March 22, 1906. and Rogers, born January 29, 1910. Nelson M. Woodworth, who has lived in ]\Ionroe county, Wis- consin, for more than half a century, was born Decendier 28, 1848, in the town of New Lyme, Ashtabula county, Ohio. His father, Story Woodworth, was born in Pennsylvania, August 14, 1809, and in 1838 married IMiss Candace Jyne, in Ohio, who was born in New York state, December 14, 1816. They had a family of six children, viz. : Luther J., Sarah M., Mary L., Nelson M., Phila E. and Abel AYoodworth. In 1855, when our subject was a boy of six years, the family moved to Jefferson county, where they remained for a time, then came on to Sauk county, where they remained four years, thence to Monroe county, locating at Cataract, where the father was engaged in farming, and expe- rienced the hard.ships of pioneer life for a great many years; they came here when the country was practically a wilderness, and thus struggled the while against the difficulties they encoun- tered until as a result of their hard work and perseverance they passed their last days in a comfortable and happy home. In 1891 Mr. Nelson M. WoodAvorth moved to Little Falls township and purchased a farm of 170 acres in section two. 932 HISTORY OF :M0NR0E COUNTY Avhere he has since carried on general farming and dairying, and is considered one of the most thrifty and prosperous farmers of the county and an influential and wide-awake citizen. He has been lavish in his expenditure of time, energy and money in improving his farm, erecting commodious and substantial build- ings, with the most modern appliances and equipments, making it one of the most attractive homes in the country. ^Ir. Woodworth was married in 1878 to Miss Ida Moseley, daughter of Alonzo and Eunice (Hunt) Moseley, She was born January 16, 1861, and has spent her entire life in Monroe county. Mr. and Mrs. AVoodAvortli have an interesting family of eight children, viz. : lilanche. Wade H., Bertha E., Spencer W., Bessie I., IMildred E., AVallace M. and Rachel M. Samuel Wruck," who was born June 28, 1865, is a native of Sheldon township, and the son of Andrew and Euphraseno (Krugor) Wruck, both natives of Germany. They came to America in Ihc early fifties, witli a family of five children, and first located in Sauk county. Remaining there but a short time, they moved to INIonroe county and settled in Sheldon in 1854, and homesteadcd a quarter-section of wild land in section five, Avhere the father established a home for himself and family. He cleared the land and brought it to a good state of culti- vation. In those early days there were plenty of Indians, and even after the massacre in Minnesota the Indians often camped on their farm, but always treated, them kindly, never subjecting them to any kind of cruelty. Wild game Avas plentiful, and venison Avas the principal means of subsistence; the father had learned the trade of carpenter, and Avhile living on the home- : stead he Avorked at his trade for a man at Sparta, receiving from I $8 to $10 per month for his labor, and used to carry a sack of f meal on his back Avhen returning from Avork. Mr. Wruck used scA'eral ox teams in carrying on his farm Avork, as Avas usual in « those days, and Avas considered an authority on many points of ^ agriculture. When the CiA'il War broke out. he enlisted in the Eighteen Wisconsin InfantrA', and Avas killed in service Avhile in line of duty. He Avas a AVhig in politics until the formation of the Republican party, and ever after Avas a staunch sup]>orter of the principles of that party. He Avas tAviee married, having no issue by the first marriage, and his second Avife Avas ]\Iiss E Kruger, to Avhom eight children Avere born, scA'en of Avhom are now (1912) living. Samuel Wruck, our subject, Avas reared on the farm and attended the district schools up to liis eighteenth year, but Avas a f BIOGRAPHY 933 practically dependent npon his own resources at the age of fifteen. He was first employed at farm work and received the sum of fifty cents per week ; he later went to Madison, Wis., for a time and afterwards to Montana, where he herded cattle on a ranch for one year. From there he went to North Dakota, and for nine years, off and on, was engaged in running a threshing machine. His next employment was in a grain elevator at Castle- ton, N. D., but subsecjuently he returned to Monroe county and purchased 220 acres of wild land in sections twenty-six and twenty-seven, in the town of Sheldon, where he has since resided. In 1898 he built a large and commodious barn, and in 1900 erected a modern residence; he has a flowing spring which furnishes an abundant supply of pure water for his house and stock ; his place is always w^ell stocked and in addition to his general farm- ing, he carries on quite an extensive dairy business. He is a Republican in politics, and takes an active part in promoting the interests of his party. In 1900 he was elected treasurer of his town, an office he has held for twelve years, and for several years has been a school director. He is one of the public-spirited and influential citizens of his town and en.joys the confidence of all who know him. On October 5, 1892, he was married in the town of Wells, to Miss Anna Herzberg, and they have had four children, viz. : Ruth A., Grace L., Earl S. and Taft Claud. Lucian D. Wyatt, who has resided in section seven, Tomah township, since 1874, is a native of Streetsboro, Medina county, Ohio, Avhere he was born March 6, 1813. He is a son of Ezra and Mary (Whipple) Wyatt. Ezra Wyatt was a native of New York, and moved in an early day to Ohio, in which state he died. Our subject is one of a family of eleven children, five of whom are living. At the age of eleven years he came with a sister and her husband, David Olds, to Oconomowoc, Wis., where he resided for a time, later making his home with another sister, ]\Irs. H. Campbell, in the town of Wellington, in Monroe county, attend- ing the district school until the age of fourteen, when he returned to Oconomowoc, where he was employed at farm work. At the age of eighteen, August 26, 1861, he enlisted in Company A, First Wisconsin Cavalry, and served three years in the army, and was discharged in 1864. His regiment operated largely in ]Missouri and Arkansas, and was afterwards sent to Tennessee, where it participated in several sharp skirmishes and engagements, at Chickamauga, Knoxville and other points. At the expiration of his term of service, Mr. Wyatt returned to Monroe county, and 934 IIISToin' OK ,MOXKOE COUNTY bouglit an t'igiit y-ac-rc farm du whal is known as the Ridge. It was in 1874 that In- bought 100 acres of land in section seven, Mln're lie now lives, and later bought a forty-acre tract in the town of Wellington. To llic lioiuc farm he has added many valuable and lasting improvements, including a fine residence, connuodious barns, two silos, granary, and other outbuildings, lie is an extensive raiser of thoroughbred stock, Jersey cattle and Perclieroii horses. Cattle raising has ix'cn his specialty, and he is now chiefly engaged in llic dairy business, lie is a stock- holder in the Farmers' Co-operative Creamery Company; and the Farmers' Insurance Company. On -Tidy •>, 1S7"). in the town of La (Jrange, ^Ir. Wyatt Avas mari'ied to ^liss Vicjhi liurdicl:. a da\ighter of Ezra and .Mary Burdick. The children of tliis union are Ernst E., Vera ^M., Ray L. and Ethel. ]\lr. AVyatt is a man well posted on the events of the day, and in politics he is a Republican. He and liis esti- mable Avife affiliate Avitli the Baptist church. The maternal grandfather of our subject, AVilliam Whipple, served in the Revolutioiiai-y AYar under AVashington. John J. Youngman, one of the leading business men of Sparta, is the son of John and Barbara Youngman, born at ^Milwaukee, AYis., April 15, 1854. His ])arents emigrated to America from Germany, settling in Alilwaukee in the early fifties, where they Avere married and raised their family. He Avas a butcher by trade, and after I'ollowing this occupation for some time in Alil- Avaukee. the family moved to NeAv Lisbon, Avhere the father met an untiiic'ly death l)y accident with a I'unaway fejuii of jiorses in 1865, at the ;ige of thirty-nine years. John J. Avas educated in the public schools of Alihvankee, and brought up in the butcher business Avith his father. After the death of the lattei'. he Avas employed for a time by Samuel Ilolzer, at NeAv liisbon. then Avent to Mauston, in Juneau county, Avhere he Avas emi)loyed by Thomas Jennings. afterAvards to Tomah. and Avas employed l)y I'ldward AVaggonei'. and it Avas in 1S70 that he first came to S|>;ii'ta aiul entered the chiijIox' of Benjamin Stevruis & Son. ^\•llo then conducted a meat market on Oak street. His next emi)loyment Avas Avith l*ottei'. Audis & Palmer, Avhich posi- tion he hebl for two years. Avhen he purchased the interest of Potter and associated Avith Tlii'ani DaA-enport by disposing of a half interest to him. with the lirm name DaviMijiort & Youngman. This continued for about three y(>ars, Avhen Air. Davenport sold his interest to ]\Ir. Youngman, Avho later sold to N. P. Lee. the style of the firm then changing to Lee & Youngman, and at the BIOCRAPHY 935 eud of two years William i'. iMcycrs pureliasctl an Jntiu'cst, and a year later Mr. Yoiingman acquired entire control and associated with his brother, Louis -J. Youngnian, under the name of Young- man Brothers, and under this name tlie business was carried on from 1892 to 1901, when John J. sold out to his brother and retired from the business after a long and successful career. AVe next find Mr. Youngnian engaged in the real estate business, han- dling principally farm lands, and this, together with looking after his own extensive property interests, has since given him ample employment to occupy his time. In 1907 he rebuilt his old home, where he has lived for the past twenty-seven years, with a beautiful modern residence, No. 316 Pine street, where he enjoys, with his family, the fruits of his past labors. On October 8, 1874, Mr. Youngnian was united in marriage with Miss Margaret Fitzgerald, daughter of Patrick and Mar- garet (Lynch) Fitzgerald, of Herseyville, Wis. Mrs. Youngnian is the fifth child of a family of seven children, viz. : Patrick, deceased ; Mary, now^ the wife of AA^illiam C. Hoffman, of Sparta ; Nellie is the wife of Irvin Childs, of Sparta ; John resides in Chicago; Catherine, wife of Eobert McGrath. of Great Falls, Mont., and Thomas Fitzgerald, who resides in Canada. The par- ents of Mrs. Youngnian were natives of Ireland, and came to Canada, where their family was born. They moved to Herseyville, Wis., during the Civil War, wdiere both parents died at the age of eighty-five and seventy years, respectively. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Youngnian are IMary, wife of James ]\IcCabe. of Sun Prairie, Wis., and Jessie, wife of Joseph Milligan, of Proc- tor, Minn. Mr. Youngnian is the oldest of a family of four children, the others being Louis, of Sparta; May, wdfe of James Zimmeler, of Washington, and Flora, deceased, wdio was the wife of Henry Barrett. The family was reared in the Catholic faith, Mr. Young- man being a member of St. Patrick's church, of Sparta. Joseph Zastoupil,* an Austrian by birth, is one of the substan- tial and successful farmers of La Grange township, where he resides on his farm of 100 acres in section thirty-one. Ilis par- ents, Frank and Agnes (Plobulick) Zastoupil, w^ere natives of Austria, and came to Wisconsin in 1867, and first located in Watertown, Dodge county, where they remained for two years, and came to Monroe county and located in Oakdale township, wdiere the father was successfully engaged in farming sixteen years, and where he lived until his death in 1885, at the age of sixty-five years. His widow, mother of our subject. surviv(Hl 936 HISTORY OF MONROE COUNTY until 1903, -when slie died in La Grange township, at the age of seventy-two years. They reared a family of six children; of the others besides our subject. Trena married John AValrath, of La Crosse county ; Agnes is the wife of A. Rehberg, of Toniah ; Anna is deceased; Barbara is the wife of Theodore Rehberg and lives in Oregon, and ]\Iary married John i'rohasky, of La Grange townshiji. Josei)h Zastoupil was l)oi-n in Austria. ]\Iarch 18, 1856; his educational opportunities were limited, the farm duties i-equiring his attention from ])oyhood : lie remained on the home farm in the town of Oakdale until he was lliirty-three years DJd. then went to Wilton township and ])ur('liase(l a farm of 120 acres, and remained there for eleven years; lie then moved to his i)resent farm, which he has continued to improve and bring to a high state of cultivation. His l)uildings are commodious and well constructed, and in his farming operations he uses the most modern methods. In 1882 he was married to Miss Kathryn Brouch, daughter of George Brouck, a native of JeflFerson county, and wlio when but two years of age moved Avith his parents to ^Monroe county. To 3Ir. and ]\[rs. Zastoupil have been born eleven children, viz. : ]\Iary, wife of John Gasper, of Adrian townshiji; Anu^lia married Barnett Ilerricks, and lives in Barron county, AVisconsin ; Knniui ; Joseph; Clara; Henry; John; Irene and Agnes reside at home; and three died in infancy. Charles Ziegler, \vli()S(^ ])arents were both natives of ^Viscou- sin, was born November 1."). 1882, and is the fourth cliihl of a family of eleven cbildi-en boi-n to John and Belle f Fairbanks ~) Ziegler. The father was born in Dane county and the mother in Burlington county. He attended the connnon schools until his sixteenth year, and lived at home with his parents until he Avas twenty-one. He commenced the life of a farmer on a rented place, and although a young man. he has been successful, and is now managing and conducting the large farm of Fi-ank Taloc, which is considered one of the licst improved farms in the town of AVells. This place is well stocked Avith horses, cattle etc.. the greater part of which is owned by Mr. Ziegler. He also carries on a ])rofitable dairy business in addition to his general farming. Tn politics he is a Democrat and takes an active interest in ])ai-ty aft'airs. He has been treasurer of the town for two years and is now serving his third term as overseer of pulilic highways. On November 15, 1911. Mr. Ziegler was nuirried to ]\Iiss Dora BIOGRAPHY 037 Johusoii, daughter of Matt Johnson, wlio is a resi(h'nt of Leon township. Arno William Zimmerman," who belongs to the younger class of energetic, enterprising and wide-awake l)usiness men of Xoi-- walk, Wis., was born on a farm in Ridgeville townsliiji, .Moin'oc county, October 19, 1879, the son of AVilliam and Adelia (Hoff- man) Zimmerman, of American and German descent. The fatlier of our subject came to Wisconsin in the early fifties, stopping first at Watertown. After remaining there for a short time, he came to Monroe county and settled on a farm of 100 acres in Ridgeville township, which, by economy, hard work and thrift, he improved and brought to a high state of cultivation, and has since been engaged here in general farming. He is one of the substantial men of his locality and prominently identified with the affairs of his community. He has served as township treasurer and member of the school board. He has one brother, who also came to this county and located on a farm near Norwalk. His father was Carl Zimmerman, who early came from Germany, his native land, and bought a farm in ]\Ionroe county and established the family homestead, where he lived until his deatl), at the age of eighty years. The maternal grandfather of our subject, Hoffman, was one of the pioneer settlers of this county. Arno AV. is the eldest son of a family of eight children ; the others are: Benjamin, a resident of Norwalk; Edward A. lives in Ridgeville township ; and Esther AY., Raymond, Grace, Reu- ben and "Werner live at home with their parents. Our subject w^as reared on the home farm, attending the district schools, and helped with the farm work. During the years 1901-02 he attended the commercial department of the Northwestern Col- lege at Naperville, 111., receiving a thorough business training. Returning to AYisconsin, he was employed for a time in the Cash- ton creamery, then went to Cross Plains, AYis., and was engaged at the same occupation. Returning to Norwalk in 1908, he took charge of the Norwalk creamery as buttermaker and operating manager, which position he still holds. He has taken an active part in village affairs, and is now serving his Ihird term as clerk of Norwalk. Mr. Zimmerman was united in marriage November 5, 1908, with Miss Elizabeth Noth, daughter of Anthony Noth, of Nor- Avalk village. ILLUSTRATIONS Austin, Eugene F 592 Bank of Sparta 302 Beebe, Dr. DeWitt C. . . 488 Bush, AVilliam 1 516 Davis, Hiram S 644 Ducklow, Charles 658 Eddy, Edgar II 664 Esch, Hon. John J 442 Gage, Dr. Martin R 486 Hanchett, George E 698 Hanshaw, Calvin, residence 702 Hill, Oliver M., and family 722 Holmes, Sylvanus 728 Jenkins, Thomas 744 Jones, Hon. John R 754 Lee, Joseph J., residence 774 Leonard, Capt. M. E 169 Maple Grove Farm 204 McCoy, Bruce E 796 McCoy, Hon. Robert B . 480 Monroe County Court House 60 Monroe County Insane Asylum 240 Mooney, Fred J 808 Morrow, Hon. Joseph M Frontispiece Morse, Leonard C 810 Oakley, Nehemiah, and family 826 Purdy, John, and family 842 Richards, Randolph A 268 Richards, Thomas 852 Rogers, Richard H 856 Schultz, LeAvis J .' 872 Stevens, George P 884 Superior Avenue, Tomah 364 Talbot, Truman R 76 Teasdale, Howard 456 Teasdale, John 896 Tomah Indian School ,. 370 939 f INDEX Aas, Lars Olesoii, ;')S2. Abel, Thorwaia P., 470. Acreage of Farm Crops, 207. Adams, Edward M., 582. Adrian, Town of, 503. Affeldt, Eudolph, 584. Agriculture aud Dairying, 204. Allen, Alexander, 585. Allendorf, Edward, 585. Allingham, John, 586. American Cigar Co., 322. Anderson, Andrew, 587. Anderson, John, 463. Anderson, Thomas E., 588. Aney, Warren A., 589. Angelo, Town of, 504. Apple Industry, 209. Ascott, William H., 590. Athletics, 292. Attendance Law, 235. Austin, Clifford E., 591. Fred E., 593. Ernest, 596. Eugene F., 592. Austin, William J., 594. Avery, Ealph H., 136. Austin, Austin, Austin, Bank, Citizens ' State, 304. Bank, Farmers' & ^Merchants', 39L Bank, Monroe County, 304. Banks of Sparta, 301. Bank, State, of Tomah, 391. Banks, Tonuih, 389. Bank of Tomah, 390. Bank, Warren's, 389. Barber, William A., 596. Barney, Arthur W., 597. Bartels, Gustav, 598. Battalia, Henry W., 599. Battalia, John, 600.. Baxter, Walter, 136-601. Becker, George G., 601. Beebe, Dr. Carl M., 496. Beebe, Dr. DeWitt C, 488. Beebe, Dr. Spencer D., 498. Bell, Dr. A. E., 498. Behrens, Ernst, 602. Bennett, Eouse, 137. Benson, George, 603. Berdan's Sharp Shooters, 131. Bergman, Edward, 604. Bernett, A. W., 605. Berries, 212. Berry Culture, 411. Betthauser, Joseph, 606. Biography, 582. Black Hawk War, 45. Blake, Albert H., 135. Blake, Levi E., 133. Blake, William L., 607. Bleekman, Adelbert E., 451. Bliss, Albert A., 608. Bloomingdale, Frank IT., 453. Blyton, William 11., 135-609. Bolton, James A., 611. Bolton, Westley E., 612. Boomer, William H., 613. Bowler, E. E., 466. Bowlei', George J., 468. Bowler, James J., 467. Bowler, T. M., 467. Bradley, George, 614. Brainard, Darwin L., 615. Brandon, Barthold, 616. Brandt, Fred A., 615. Breunan, William J., 617. Bridge Works, Tomah, 386. Broadwell, J. E., 618. Bronson, Hans, 619. Brooks, George, 620. Brownell, Arthur F'., 620. Brunner, John B., 621. Bunn, C. W., 460. Bunn, Hon. Eomanzo, 202. Burdick, Adelbert H., 622. Burke, Dennis. 623. Button, Seth W., 476. Byron, Town of, 506. Caufield, Lee, 624. Carnahan, Andrew J., 625. Carnahan, Archiliald, 136. Carpenter, Eobert, 133. ('ashton, Village of, 398. Castle Eock, Legend of 79. Chandler, John A., 133. Chapiewsky, Anton, 627. Chase, Myron P., 135. Cheney, David D.. 628. Christopherson, Milliam, 629. Church, Baptist, Sparta, 331. Church, Baptist, Tomah, 372. Church, Catholic, Sjiarta, 326. Church, Catholic, Tomah, 374. Church, Congregational, Cashton, 400. Church, Congregational, Sparta, 325. Church, Congregational, Tomah, 374. Church, Episcopal, Sparta, 332. Church, Episcopal, Tomah, 373. Church Fish Creek, Norwegian, 579. Church, Frieden's, Little Falls, 560. Churches, German Evangelical Lu- theran, 543. 941 942 INDEX Church, (uTiiiaii ,M. J^., Toniah, Mo. Churrh, Iiiiniamu'l "s, Cliftou, oOG. Chiireh, liiiiiiiimial, Xoivvcjjiaii. 580. Churches ol' Keuihill, 403. Churcli. Lutheran, Wiltou, 408. Church, .Motliodist, 373. Church, Metliodist, Sparta, 330. Churches, Xorucgian, 579. Churdi, Xorwegian Ev. Luth., 5S1. Church, Porthiud, 561. Churcli, Porthmd Xorwegiau Luth., 580. •Churches of .Sjiarta, 325. Churches and Societies, Toniah, 372. Church, St. Jacob's, Xorwalk, 556. Church, St. John's Baptist, Wilton, 407. Church, St. John's, Kendall, 573. Church, St. John's, Kidgeville, 543. Church, St. John 's, Shcrmington, 576. Church, St. John's, Sparta, 553. Church, St. Luke's, Glendale, 577. Church of St. Mary 's, 512. Church, St. Matthew's, Lincoln, 558. Church, St. Matthew's, Wellington, 568. Church, St. Paul's, Tomah, 547. Church, St. Paul 's, Wilton, 571. Church, SS. Peter and Paul's, 514. Church, St. Peter's, Clifton, 563. Circuit Judges, 188. Classifications by Grades, 236. Clements, John, 630. Clerks, County, 75. Clerks of Court, 76. Clifton, Town of, 506. Closing Campaign, 53. Club, Civic Improvement, 381. Cole, Ben, 631. Cole, Edward C, 632. Collins, John J., 634. Commercial Interests, Kendall, 402. Commissioned Officers, 132. County Court, 473. County Surveyors, 76. Countrv Schools, 227. County Seat War, 214. Coroners, 77. Coome, Henry, 635. Creamery Farmers, 387. Cressv Post, G. A. K., 147. Crop Report, 206. Crossette, Fred H., 636. Dairy Statistics, 205. Daly, William L.. 637. Damman, Joromiah D., 133. Davenport, Elijah, 638. Davis, Capt. Martin W., 640. Davis, Tlal J., 640. Davis, John, 137. Davis, William E., 643. Day, Alvin, 645. DaV, Calvin, 646. DeLaiiev. James, 138. Desks. 228. DeWitt, Eric, 647, Dickenson. Samuel N., 449. Dinger, (ieorge E., 648. District Attorneys, 76. Doane, Archie L., 649. Doane, Ciiarles A., 650. Doane, Ernest T., 651. Donskey, Theodore, 651. Dorwin", Orville J., 652. Dorwin, Sidney X., 653. Drawver. Ben A., 657. Driggs, Jobe S., 135. Drowatzky, Albert E., 655. Ducklow, Charles, 658, Dunn, George D., 659. Earle. L. M., 662. Early Settlements, 63. Earlv Settlement, 517. Eddy, Edgar II., 663. Edwards, Samuel D., 665. Eighteenth Infantry. 104-123. Eightli Regiment, 121. Eleventh Kegiment, 122. Ellis, George M., 136. Ericksou, Martin, 668. Erickson, Martin A., 136. ErrJckson. Louis, 666. Esch, Hon. John J., 457. Evenson, Albert E., 669. Evenson, Leo B., 670. Farnaham, Charles S., 135. Farnsworth, James B., 133. Ferries, W. J., 670. Fetkenheuer, August, 671. Fifteenth Kegiment, 123. E'iftieth Keginieut, 109131. Fifty-First Regiment, 131. Fiftv-Second Regiujent, 131. Fifty-Third Regiment. 131. First Batterv, Light Artillerv, 119. First Cavalry. 116. Fisk, George A. ,132. Flock, Herman M., 672. Flour and Feed :\Iill. 388. Flume, Charles L., 673. Foote. Oscar E., 135. Ford, Dr. William B., 497. Forrest, X'elson J., 674. Forty-Eighth Regiment, 108-130. Forty-Fourtii Regiment, 130. Forty-Xinth Regiment, 130. FortV-Sixth Regiment, 130. Forty-Third Infantry, 107-129. Foster, Fred M., 675. l''ourteenth Regiment, 122. l-\)urth Cavalry, 112-118. Fox. Benson S., 677. Fox. .Mrs. Louise B., 676. Fox AVars, 18. Free Tuition, 237. INDEX 843 Freui'h, (apt. Frank L., ()7il. Frishy, Wiliiam R. V., 13G. Flog SliojiM, Toinah, 387. Gasper, Joseph, (iSo. Gage, Ur. Martin K.. i;'.7-4S{;. Gerke, Kinil, 6.S4. Gerke, Henry F., US;'). Gerke, William 11., (i,s(i. Getniau, Arthur N., tJSG. Gilbertson, George, 687. Gillett, James N., 457. Gilliland, .John II., 688. Gilliland, JNlis. Lizzie, 690. Glaeser, Eev. .John G., 690. Glendale, Town of, 507. Goodyear Lumber Co., 386. Gould, William C., 691. Government ^lilitary Reservation, Graham, Edward C, 69li. Graham, George, 480. Graham, .John G., 470. Grain Separator Co., S[)arta, 322. Grant, Town of, 508. Grapes, 212. Graves, Charles W., 465. Graves, Dr. Lewis S., 497. Graves, L. W., 446. Graves, Eay B., 469. Greenfield, Town of, 508. Grill. Albert, 693. Gross, Fred, 694. Guthrie, John L., 695. Guy, Charles N., 697. Guv, Harrv W., 698. Guy, Walter E., 698. Guy, Williem N., 696. Hal:)its and Domestic Life, 29. Hall, Joseph, 133. Hanehett, William H., 698. Haney, Michael M., 700. Hansen, Sever, 701. Hansliaw, Calvin L., 702. Hastings, Orlando H., 703. Hawes, Lewis M., 138. Heath, Lyle H., 704. Heating and A'entilating, 237. Heffernan, M. O., 704. Heintz, Adam J., 706. Heintz, Herman, 707. Heintz, .John, 708. Heiser, William, 709. Helmke, C. C, 710. Helms, AluTon A., 463. Hemstock, David, 711. Hemstoek, William A., 712. Henry, George A., 713. Herald Advertiser, 95. Herbst, George L., 714. Herring, John, 717. Herrman, F'red B., 7L5. Heser, Fred, 718. Hesselgrave, E. Glenn, 719. ■ licks, Henry .V., 137. High. Andrew I)., 137. Hill, Kber H., 137. Hill. Ira A., 720. Hill. Merle W., 721. Hill, Olixcr .Mason, 722. Hoard, William, 723. HotHman, (ieorge A., 730. Hoffman, .lulius H., 731. Hoffman, William ('., 732. Hoitomt, Hans C, 724. Holden, I'^r^Ml A., 725. Holdeii, William A., 726. llollister, .Vlbert E., 150-72: Hohn, Eeuben, 724. Holmes, Sylvanus^ 728. Hoveland, .Mathias, 730. Hubbard, ICdwin S., 733. 175. Hughart, Walter W., 734. Humphrey, Kvan, 735. Hutson, Andrew, 736. Hutson, Benjamin F., 737. Hutson, Fred G., 738. Hutson. Roliert W., 739. Invprovements of Teaching, Insane Asylum, 240. .fackson, Maitin, 739. -Jackson, William W., 474. dankel, .loseph, 741. .Jefferson Tobacco Co., 323. .lefferson. Town of, 509. .refferson, William T., 742. Jenkins, Mrs. Anna, 743. .Tenkins Family, 744. Jenkins, Thomas, 745. .lewett, Zeno Kent, 746. .Johnson, Chester W., 136. .lohnson, (ieorge A., 749. .Tohnson, John L., 749. .Johnson, Julius P., 750. .lohnson, Leonard, 133. .Johnson, Lewis C, 751. .Jones, David F., Atty., 452. .Tones, David F., 752. .Tones, Mervin E., 757. Jones, John L., 753. .Tones, .Tolm E., 754. .Jones, Thomas R., 758. Judges, County, 75. Kelk, George W., 759. Kendall, Village of, 401. Kendall,' Keystone, 97. KenyoH. Ransom, 759. Isenyon, Webster, 7(H. King, (ieorge A., 762. Iving, Thomas H., 763. Kirst, Albinus, 764. Kirst. William ('., 765. Knorst, ^iathias, 766. Koopman, Xicolaus, 767. Koitiiein, Carl, 768. 944 INDEX Kroeger, Anton, 769, K ion berg, George P., 770. Krotznian, Irvin A., 771. Kiukuck, George ¥., 772. LaFayette, Town of, 516. LaGrango, Town of, .315. Lane, Laurence A., 772. Lee, Joseph J., 774. Legal Profession, 440. Leis, J. B., 775. Leon, Town of, 521, Leonard, ('apt. ]\L E., 169-776. Lconaid, Mortimer, 134. Library, Tomah Public, 379. Library, Sparta, 312. Liddle, Gothern, 777, Li.^lit and Teleplmnc, Tonvali, 387, l^illie, George F., 779. Lincoln, Joseph A., 780, Lincoln, Town of, 523. Link, William W., 781. List of Graduates, 368. Little Falls, Town of, 525. Lodge, Eastern Star, Sparta, 308. Lodge, Eastern Star, Tomah, 376. Lodge, Tomah Camp, "M. W. A., 376. Lodge, L O. O. P., Tomah, 376. Lodge, Knights of Pythias, 310. Lodge, K. of P., Tomah, 376. Lodge, Masonic, Tomah, 375, Lodge, Sparta Camp, M, W, A., 310. Lodge, Sparta Chapter, 307, Lodge, Sparta Commandery, 308, Lodge, Sparta Encampment, 309, Lodge, Sparta, I. O. O. F., 309. Lodge, Sparta, Eebeccas, 309. Lodges, Societies. Sparta, 306. Lodge, Tomah Chapter, 375. Lodge. Valley No. 60, 306. Loonier, Charles E., 784. Lowrie, Alexander, 134. Lucas, John J., 785. Ludeking, Ilernran, 786. Liielichnw. AU^ert W., 787. Luethe, Fred E., 788. Lynn, .John W., 134. Lynn, .Tohn W., Post, 162. Lynn. James H., 136. Making a County, 66. Maltby, Appleton N., 788. ^rannfacturors, Business Enterprises, S|.arta, 319. Manufacturing, Tomah, 386. ' :\larten, David C, 790. Mashak, Frank, 791. IMashak. .Tohn W.. 792. :\Iasliak. Vincent, 792. Markgraf. F. E., 789, Masters, Charles M., 475. Masters, Harry J., 470. Matteson, Ellis E.. 793. McCann, E, M., 794, McCann, .Tohn, 795, McCaul,' William R., 456. McConnell, Thomas, 795, McCoy, Bruce E., 796. McCoy, Robert B., 479. McCray, David G., 799. McGarv, Eugene, 799. McMilian. William F., 137. McWithey, Lucian A., 801. Meadows, Charles W., 464. Medical Fraternity, 482. Mee, B. W., 803. Melgard, Oluf C, 804. Members of Assembly, 77. Menominee Tribe, 9. jNlickelson, Einil, 805. .Miles. Stephen C, 134. Militaiv ('()in|(aiiies. 429. Miller, 'Chri.stopher C, 134. Milligan, Dr. George W., 489. Mitby, Peter E., 806. Modes of Punishment, 231. Moen, George J., 807. Mohring, John, 808. Monroe Citizen, 91. Monroe County Branch, 31. Monroe County Democrat, 92. ]\lonroe County in Civil War, 99. ^Montgomery, Milton, 132, Mooney, Fred J,, 808, Morrow, Hon. J. M., 188. Morrow, Hon. .J. M., 450. Morse, Leonard C, 810. Moseley, Arthur G., 812. Morton. James IL, 811. Mullenberg, Winand, 813. Murphy, Dennis M., 813. IMurray, Dr. George O., 498. Naset, Abel B., 821. Naylor, William B., Jr., 454. Nelson, Anton, 814. Nelson, J. C, 815. Nelson, Peter E., 816. New Lyme, Town of, 528. iVewspapers of Cashton, 96. Newspapers of Monroe County, 91. Newton, George :\r., 817. Newton, Harry M., 818. Newton, Orin 1., 818. New York Indians, 26. Nichols. Joseph. 820. Nicke, Robert G.. 821. Nineteenth Infantry, 105-124. Niculet Comes to Doty Island, 17. Norwalk Sentinel, 97. Norwalk Star, 97. Norwalk, Yilla-re of, 409. Noth. August H.. 822. Noth. Fred W.. 823. Novotny, George, 824. Noyes, Luther B., 136. Oakdale, Town of, 528. INDEX 945 Oakley, Nehemiah, 825. Officers and Kiilisted Men, IIG. Olesoii, Mrs. Jeus, 826. Oster, Frank F., 460. Oswald, Godfrey, 827. Other Border Wars, 21. Palen, Nicholas F., 828. Palmer, Dr. Horace, 494. Palmer, Irvin N., 829. Palmer, William P., 830. Parsons, William F., 832. Peterson, Erick, 834. Peterson, Oscar, 835. Phillips, Dr. C. E., 495. Phillips, Dr. Crawford E., 495. Phillips, Enos M., 138. Phillip, William J., 137. Pier, Frank, 836. Pierce, Carl N., 837. Pike, Anson A., 136. Pingel, John C, 837. Pollock, Louis, 840. Portland, Town of, 529. Poss, Jacob L., 841. Powell, M. E., 463. Prescott, Albert G., 838. Price, Irving, 839. Prielipp, Frank F., 840. Progress Fiftj'-four Years, 744. Purdy, John, 841. Quigg, Dr. Charles E., 493. Quinn, Thomas, 842. Radke, Louis, 843. Railroads, 82. Railroad, C. M. & St. P., 82. Railroad, A'orthwestern, 84. Railroad, West Wisconsin, 87. Randall, W. H., 844. Rath, Fred C, 845. Recollections of the War, 157. Recruits, 121. Registers of Deeds, 76. Rehberg, Frank J., 846. Reich, John W., 847. Rhyme, John, 848. Rice, Edward C, 849. Rice, Zelotus S., 471. Richards, David R., 850. Richards, Dr. John F., 496. Richards, Randolph A., 461. Richards, Thomas, 851. Richardson, Clyde C, 853. Richardson, Eli A., 853. Richardson, George A., 453. Richgruber, William, 854. Ridgeville, Town of, 531. Riordon, Dr. E. J., 499. Robertson, George H., 855. Robinson, William W., 132. Rogers, Richard H., 856. Rogge, Ernst, 857. Rogge, William F., 858. Rondorf, WJlliani, 859. Root, Ephraim G., 860. Root, William IL, 861. Rosecrantz, Clark M., 462. Russell, Alonzo H., 134. Sacred Heart, Order of, 329. Sarles, Dr. Wilbur T., 491. Sash and Door Factory, 387. Sawyer, William F., 469. Scantleton, John T., 861. Schaitel, Joseph, 862. Schaller, Paul, 863. Schlaver, August, 865. Schlaver, Otto, 866. Scheurich, Dr. L. G., 500. School Board Convention, 234. School Houses, 227. School, St. Mary's, 328. Schools, Sparta, 287. Schools, Spelling, 233. School, State Public, 395. School, Tomah Indian, 392. Schools, Tomah, 363. Schmitz, P. W., 864. Schroeder, Henry F., 867. Schroeder, Robert F., 867. Schultz, Adolph H., 869. Schulte, Charles H., 868. Schultz, Henry W., 871. Schultz, Lewis J., 871. Schultz, William H., 873. Schwaiz, ]\Ielchor, 874. Scott, Town of, 538. Senators, 77. Serrurier, Theodore A., 875. Settlement Days, 27. Seventeenth Regiment, 123. Seventh Regiment, 121. Sheldon, Town of, 533. SherifPs, 75. Sholes, Charles, 875. Simpson, Charles E., 877. Sixteenth Regiment, 123. Sixth Infantry, 100-120. Sizer, Samuel, 877. Slayton, Mrs. Cecillia, 879. Sloggy, Peter, 134. Smith, Charles W., 880. Society, Helping Hand, 377. Societies, Kendall, 404, Societies, School, 295. Soda Water Factory, Tomah, 387. Soldiers' Monument, 171. Sonnenburg, Emil C, 882. Sonnenburg, Fred P., 882. Spanish-American War Veterans, 438. Sparta, Citv of, 244. Sparta Eagle, 92. Sparta Fair Association, 316. Sparta Herald, 91. Sparta Rifles, 433. Sparta, Town of, 534. 946 INDEX fSparta Tiibiiue, 9-1. S|):ut:i lion Works, 323. Spaiilding, llenry (j., 451. Steele, Saiiuiel M., 883. Stevens, CJeorge P., 884. Stiles, Dr. Fred P., 490. Stiles, Dr. VxMnon W., 501. Storkel, Louis, 885. Stratni'an, Charles, 886. Strozinskv, Will F., 887. Sulijeits 'and Methods, 228. Sullivan, .lolm .}., 888. Sullivan, Thomas, 889. Superintendents of Schools, 76. Sweet, Arthur L., 890. Sweet, Hdgar (.'., 892. Sweet, Levings N., 890. Sweet, Norman E., 891. Talbot. Truman R., 893. Taylor, Robert J., 894. Teai-liers Boartling Around, 229. Teachers and Wages, 230. Teall, Fred W., 895. Teasdale, Howard, 455. Teasdale, .John, 896. Ti'lojihone Co., Monroe : 'M ,..,r. T'i/: FORM no: 'DD 6^ 40m, 6'76 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 U U DthM:LtY LIbhAhltb CD3fl^3Eba3 J^jgSlji / /HmVt:,^ ^ r. "IF