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Buckingham, Esq. 2 vols. 8vo. 2d Edit, with Maps, Plates, and Vignettes, 11. Us. fid. Bds. " Mr, Buckingham is a very clever, observant, and meritorious traveller."— Bcte in operation, which allowed wheat ^ to be imported at 6rf. of duty when the price was at or above 48s. per quai-ter, and granted a bounty of 5s. per quarter upon exportation when wheat was under 44s. per quarter. During which, and until 1804, the' 31 G. 3. c. 80. was in operation, which raised the importable price of wheat to 50s. per quarter, at which the duty was 2s. 6d., until the price reached 54s., at or above which the duty was Gd. per quarter During which, after 1804, the 44 G. 3." c 109. was in operation, which raised the importable price to 63s. per quarter, when at which and be- low 66s. the duty was 2s. 6f/., and when at or above 66s. the duty was 6d. per quarter In 1815 the 55 G. 3. c. 26. came into") operation, which prohibited the im- portation of wheat till it reached SOs. per quarter, was varied by the 3 G. 4. > c. CO., which admitted of importation when the price reached 70s., with a duty of 12s. - - - From Ireland. All other Parts. 27-2,037 373,791 616,776 2,362,202 1,811,480 2,130,123 1,396,639 1,923,994 2,009,333 4,402,314 1,543,380 6,131,246 1,428,278 3,153,638 3,649,396 5,166,506 8,252,044 10,874,059 24,292,609 5,935,906 3,780,337 2,282,297 8,700,467 2,104,714 11,277,466 2,634,239 2,183,271 2,746,899 3,520,653 6,411,647 7,674,826 7,365,184 6,933,975 5,931,693 1.3,866,973 10,356,958 22,151,525 243,130 1,385,382 9il,(W4 1,229,594 828,282 415,499 703,011 327,194 t 957,281 • 18,864 2 53 97,194 10 11 86,322 19 9 79,143 17 205,443 14 59,962 8 484,857 1 9 3,098,614 9 1: 3,583,471 10 101 647,294 18 2 2,206,246 U lOi 267 19 1 ' £ s. 10,979 1 272,462 11 160,241 10 7J 443,683 3 7 248,139 15 97,695 15 9J 5,613 7 351,448 19 0- 16,140 12 2| ^ 78 5 IH 52 3 — 41 4 51 11—39 2 74 2-42 11 113 7—50 3 118 3 — 56 6 106 2 — 73 3 94 9-63 7 70 7 — 39 11 76 7 — 50 9 41 8 — 37 6 32 6 — 24 2 35 2 — 30 48 3 — 34 58 4 — 34 72 6 — 31 73 5 — 49 63 4 — 44 8 50 10 — 32 11 92 1—42 36 0—18 8 72 11 — 18 10 On the 15th of July 1828 tlie present law (9 G. 4. c. 60.) came into operation, which allows wheat to be imported when at G2s. per quarter, upon pajment of \l. is. Sd. per quarter of duty, diminishing Is. for each U. of increase of price, until the latter reaches 73s., when Is. only of duty becomes payable. POPULATION. Numbers. Increase. 1800 - - 10,942,646 1810 - - 12,596,830 1,654,184 1820 - - 14,391,631 1,794,801 1830 - - 16,537,398 2,145,597 POOR-RATE. Last Year - - .£6,798,888 In 1815 - - 5,072,028 Licrease - i;i,726,860 The amount of duties received upon importation is not on record previous to 1789. This sum is therefore only the amount of the duties received in 1789 and 1790. ,t, ■"'.', ';"*i°"'''°"^'^'"'°'"''^''''S been destroyed by fire in 1813, there is no return of the exports for that year. If onefourtli be added on that account, the elportations in the five years endulg till be 1,190,602 quarU t Bounties ceased in 1814, and duties in 1815, until the latter § Of which 316,448 quarters were from Ireland. II The exports since 1820 appear no otherwise than by the Finance Accounts, in whicli the official value n ISIO only ^86,309. wed by the 3 G. 4. c. CO., whicli continued until the commencement of the existing net on the 15th July 1828. ve years ending in 1825 appears to be no more than ;£101,199, and in the fivi s ending CHAP. I. STATE OF THE IMPORTATIONS. 53 1830, botli inclusive, which are divided into periods of five years after the first three years, and again into periods of fifteen years ; showing also the duties received and bounties paid, and the highest and lowest average price of wheat in Great Britain, and the highest and lowest price at Dantzic in each period of five years, with an abstract of the laws passed in and since 1773. The numbers of the population are also stated, with the poor-rates in 1815 and in 1830. This table thus presents, at one view, all the facts from which any conclusion can be drawn. It thence appears that, from the year 1773 to the year 1815, the home growth of corn in Great Britain, indicated by the imports and exports, not only kept pace with the increase of the popu- lation, but outstript it, with the exception of the years of scarcity, which began in 1794-5, and continued, with little intermission, until 1801-2. But what followed the years of scarcity proves the beneficial operation of the laws which then prevailed, inasmuch as the importations of corn in the five years, ending in 1805, were upwards of 300,000 quarters less than they were in the five years ending in 1800 ; and in the five years ending in 1815, the importations were upwards of 1,700,000 quarters less than they were in the five years ending in 1800. The average amount of the importations in the E 3 CHAP. I. STATE OF THE IMPORTATIONS. 53 1830, both inclusive, which are divided into periods of five years after the first three years, and again into periods of fifteen years ; showing also the duties received and bounties paid, and the highest and lowest average price of wheat in Great Britain, and the highest and lowest price at Dantzic in each period of five years, with an abstract of the laws passed in and since 1773. The numbers of the population are also stated, with the poor-rates in 1815 and in 1830. This table thus presents, at one view, all the facts from which any conclusion can be drawn. It thence appears that, from the year 1773 to the year 1815, the home growth of corn in Great Britain, indicated by the imports and exports, not only kept pace with the increase of the popu- lation, but outstript it, with the exception of the years of scarcity, which began in 1794-5, and continued, with little intermission, until 1801-2. But what followed the years of scarcity proves the beneficial operation of the laws which then prevailed, inasmuch as the importations of corn in the five years, ending in 1805, were upwards of 300,000 quarters less than they were in the five years ending in 1800 ; and in the five years ending in 1815, the importations were upwards of 1,700,000 quarters less than they were in the five years ending in 1800. The average amount of the importations in the E 3 54 STATE OF THE IMPORTATIONS. PART III. five years ending in 1815 had come down to very nearly the average amount in the three years ending in 177*5.* Deducting exports, the yearly average, m 1815, was and in 1775 Quarters. - 947,418 - 757,036 Difference only - 190,382 If the operation of the laws which prevailed previous to 1815 had been suffered to continue, there can hardly be a doubt that the home growth of com would have still further improved ; but, in 1815, we passed a restraining law, which we have altered twice for the worse since ; and the * The Importations in the three years ending Quarters, in 1775 amounted to - - - 2,634,239 Deduct Exports - - - 243,130 2,357,109 Yearly Average - - 757,036 The amount of the Importations in the Jive years ending in 1815 was - - - 5,931,693 Deduct Exports - - - 1,196,602 4,737,091 Yearly average - ~ 947,418 CHAP. II. CONSEQUENCE OF ALTERATION. 55 consequence has been, that the importations in the very first five years of the restrained period were very nearly three times the amount, and the importations in the five years ending 1830 were upwards of four times the amount, of the import- ations in the five years ending in 1815 ; and the importations may be expected to continue to in- crease ; for, in the year 1831, the foreign import- ations were upwards of 1,000,000 of quarters above the amount of the preceding year.* CHAP. II. PROTECTION AFFORDED BY THE CORN LAWS PREVIOUS TO 1815. THE REVERSE SINCE. The trade in corn was virtually free in Great Britain from the year 1773 to the year 1815. By the law passed in 177^ *, wheat was import- able when at or above 48*., on payment of a duty Quarters. * In 1831, we imported from abroad - 3,528,998 and in 1830 - - 2,427,750 Increase in 1831 - - 1,101,238 See Pari. Paper, 1832, No. 89. t 13 G. 3. C.43. E 4 5b CONSEQUENCE OF FREE TRADE. TART IT. of 6d. per quarter, and other grain at equally low duties. The importable price was raised by the law of 1791*, whereby wheat was made im- portable when at 50s., on payment of a duty of Qs. 6d. per quarter ; and when at 54.9. , on pay- ment of 6d. per quarter. The importable price was again raised in 1804t, when wheat was not importable until it reached 63s., when importa- tion was allowed on payment of 2s. 6d. per quar- ter ; and when wheat rose to 66s. per quarter ; it was importable on payment of 6d. per quarter, and, by these two statutes, proportionate import- ation prices and duties were assigned to other grain. Though importable prices were fixed by all these acts of Parliament, yet, from the fall which then continued to take place in the exchangeable value of money, the prices fixed ceased to have any operation whatever as importable prices ; and grain was at all times importable upon payment of the duties fixed by these statutes, which gene- rally were the low duties. " The necessary consequence (as observed by *' the Agricultural Committee of 1821) of the " trade in corn having been virtually ojien with *' the Continent, and the importation allowed at *' prices merely nominal during the period of * 31 G. 3. C.80. t 44- G. 3. c.l09. CHAP. II. OPERATION OF FREE DEMAND. 57 *' forty years, has been, that the general price of " tlie shippmg ports on the Continent has not, " upon an average, been materially lower than *' the price in England, except to the amount '* of the charges to be incurred in bringing the *' foreign corn to the markets of this country." It had been remarked by the Committee on the Corn Laws, in 1814, that " the price of wheat " at the shipping ports on the Baltic is entirely " regulated by the demand in the other countries " in Europe ;" and the remark might have been extended to all corn whatever, the price of which, like the price of every thing else, is regulated by the demand for it. But this effect is pro- duced only when the demand is suffered to operate. It was, then, by the operation of the great demand for corn in this country being allowed to operate freely at all the shipping ports on the Continent that the price of corn previous to 1815 was always the same therewith the price here, with the difference only of the expense of bringing it here. But, in 1815, we passed a law*, which said that wheat should not be imported at all until it reached 80s. per quarter ; which we altered in 1822, by saying it should be importable when at 70^., upon the payment of a duty of 12,?.t ; and, * 55 G. 3. c. 26. t 3 G. 4, c. 60. 58 REVERSE AFTER 1815. PART III. in 1828, we adopted an ascending and descending scale of duties, of which 6'2s. per quarter was the pivot; at which price a duty of ll. 4