-SO REESE LIBRARY ill THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. _ Received ^^/^t^U^ , /< Accessions No. ^c^f^-^C Shelf No. THE SCIENCE AND ART OF THE MANUFACTURE OF POKTLAND CEMENT WITH OBSEEVATIONS ON SOME OF ITS CONSTKUCTIVE APPLICATIONS, BY HENRY REID, C.E., AUTHOR OF *A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE MANUFACTURE OF PORTLAND CEMENT,' AND ' A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON CONCRETE MAKING.' LONDON: E. & F. N. SPON, 46, CHABING CKOSS. NEW YORK: 446, BROOME STREET. 1877. THIS BOOK 2DctJicat0ti to tfje OF JOHN SMEATON, THE FAMOUS CONSTRUCTOR OF THE EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. PREFACE. DURING the last ten years great progress has been made in the knowledge of Portland Cement, and its use has in conse- quence been extended in a remarkable degree. Engineering works, more especially in the direction of docks and har- bours, have given an impetus to its application, securing for it a position of unchallenged importance. This increasing appreciation of its valuable constructive properties has se- cured a more reliable quality, which the manufacturers are now ambitious to maintain. Since 1868, when my book on the manufacture of Portland Cement was published, the production of Cement has more than doubled in the London district alone. This gratifying increase, and the accompanying prosperity of the Cement-maker, has not yet led to much improvement in the processes of manufacture, so as to cheapen its cost or render it more acceptable to the consumer. In Germany a more healthy feeling prevails, and no effort is wanting on the part of the manufacturers of Portland Cement to extend the range of its usefulness by the adoption of the best and latest improvements which technical skill can devise. In furtherance of this object the mutual co-operation of makers and users is secured with such profitable results as a con- fiding interchange of ideas must command. The first fruit of such a combination has resulted in the establishment of uniform testing on a basis sound enough to secure accurate returns, controlled by the best available scientific guidance. When by the process of evolution or some other force of VI PREFACE. " natural development" such a position is reached in Eng- land, all concerned will then be able to repose in a haven of comfort, sheltered from the storm of amateur experimenters and their bewildering creations. I have in the following pages, from the best available sources, discussed the question of Portland Cement-making in its numerous and varied bearings. Its geological aspect has been freely noticed, with the object of removing the erro- neous impression or belief that Portland Cement is only ob- tainable from a combination of chalk and river clays. The prominence given to that division of my argument will, I hope, direct serious attention to the easy production of Cement from sources hitherto regarded as quite incapable of furnishing the necessary materials for its successful fabri" cation. The treatment of these more obdurate materials naturally involves the use of machines differing widely in character from the wash-mill of the " chalk and clay " pro- cess. The machinery of reduction required for this purpose has therefore been noticed at some length, and the various machines and their characteristics reviewed and illustrated. I have discussed the question of Cement-burning in its purely scientific direction, and compared some of the more familiar methods, with an examination of the various kilns, and their leading features and character. Cement-testing, and the machines used for that purpose, have been referred to at considerable length, but not, in my opinion, more fully than the importance of the subject requires. If the observations on, and review, of the Cement experiments should seem to some of my readers hypercritical, I would plead that being in a great measure responsible for the original adoption of the "Board of Works'" test, I am anxious, if possible, to arrest its reaching a point where reason or common sense cannot follow. If this tendency of aiming at the ideal and impracticable continues unchecked, PREFACE. VU the eventual result will be a refusal to be controlled by an ever 'restless and changing system, the ultimate limits of which admit of no reasonable estimation. Although noticing generally some of the numerous appli- cations of Concrete, I have more particularly referred to the latest outcome of this material in its useful adaptation to paving and sewering. The progress already and so speedily made in this direction, in which all are so intimately con- cerned, indicates that even now we are still far distant from the ultimate usefulness of which it is capable. In this work, which treats more directly of the Cement, on the quality of which so much of the excellence of Concrete depends, it is impossible to notice at great length the numerous purposes to which it is applied. However, I intend shortly to follow up the subject in a work specially devoted to the consideration of Concrete construction in all its varied and interesting de- velopments. In a work of this character it would be mere affectation to pretend that its matter and details are altogether original. On the contrary, I am much indebted to many authorities for analyses and other information of the most valuable kind. When such extracts have been used I have, where it was necessary, acknowledged the source of their origin, not so much from the proper desire to record my indebtedness, as to add value to a work which, notwithstanding my earnest endeavours, cannot but fail to be regarded as imperfect in many of its parts. HENKY KEID. LONDON, October, 1877. CONTENTS. CHAPTEE I. PAGE HlSTOBICAL AND INTRODUCTORY . 1 CHAPTER II. GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS 31 CHAPTER III. ARTIFICIAL SOURCES PROM WHICH SOME CEMENT-MAKING MATERIALS MAY BE OBTAINED 120 CHAPTER IV. CONSIDERATIONS WHICH SHOULD INFLUENCE THE MANUFACTURER IN SELECTING A SlTE FOR THE CEMENT WORKS 135 CHAPTER V. OBSERVATIONS ON THE SELECTION OF THE HAW MATERIALS 140 CHAPTER VI. THE ESTIMATION OF THE KAW MATERIALS 148 CHAPTER VII. TREATMENT OF THE KAW MATERIALS 157 CHAPTER VIII. THE MANUFACTURE OF PORTLAND CEMENT FROM CHALK AND CLAY .. 162 CHAPTER IX. THE MANUFACTURE OF PORTLAND CEMENT FROM THE BLUE LIAS MATERIALS .. 168 X CONTENTS. CHAPTEK X. PAGE THE MANUFACTURE OP POBTLAND CEMENT FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS AND OTHER LIMESTONES 178 CHAPTER XI. MACHINERY OF KEDUCTION 182 CHAPTER XII. THE WASH-MILL 207 CHAPTER XIII. MILLSTONES 213 CHAPTER XIV. BACKS OR RESERVOIRS 229 CHAPTER XV. DRYING OVENS 234 CHAPTER XVI. KILNS AND MODE OF BURNING 239 CHAPTER XVII. BRICK-FORMING MACHINERY 262 CHAPTER XVIII. TESTING MACHINERY 274 CHAPTER XIX. CEMENT TESTING i. .. 294 CHAPTER XX. CARELESS USE OF CEMENT 350 CHAPTER XXI. THE VARIOUS USES TO WHICH PORTLAND CEMENT is APPLIED .. .. 362 INDEX .. .. ,. .. ( . 410 LIST OF ILLUSTKATIONS. PORTRAIT OF AUTHOR Frontispiece, PAGE PORTRAIT OF SMEATON xiii FIG. 1. SCHONE'S CLAY-TESTER 149 2. DR. SCHEIBLER'S CARBONIC ACID TESTER 154 3. ORIGINAL "BLAKE" STONE-BREAKER 184 4. MARSDEN'S IMPROVED "BLAKE" 187 5. HALL'S 189 ,, 6.- , 190 7.- 190 8. BROADBENT'S 193 9. GRAY'S EXCELSIOR STONE-BREAKER 194 10.- 195 M 11-- 196 12. ARCHER'S STONE-BREAKER AND PULVERIZER 197 13. GOODMAN'S CRUSHER AND TRITURATOR 199 14. DOUBLE- ACTION CRUSHER 203 15. IMPROVED SINGLE- ACTION CRUSHER 204 16. GOODMAN'S NEW DOUBLE- ACTION CRUSHER 205 17. HARROW WASH MILL .. -. .. 208 18. KNIFE 209 19. MILLSTONE BUILDING 215 20. PORTABLE GRINDING MILL 220 21. STRAUB AND Co.'s SCIENTIFIC GRINDER 224 22. COMMON DOME KILN 240 23. HOFFMAN'S KILN 247 24.- 247 25. BOCK'S 256 26 256 , 27. 256 Xll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE 28. BRICK-FORMING MACHINE 263 29. FAIRBURN'S STEAM BRICK-PRESS 266 30. GUTHRIE'S SPRING 268 31. 270 32. 270 FIGS. 33 and 35. VICAT'S PRISM TESTER 276 FIG. 34. VICAT'S NEEDLE TEST * 276 36. IMPROVED NEEDLE TEST 277 37. PASLEY AND TREUSSART TESTER 278 38. ADIE'S TESTING MACHINE 279 n 39. PALLANT'S TESTING MACHINE 280 40. MICHELE'S , 281 41. THURSTON'S 282 FIGS. 42 and 43. FRUHLING'S TENSILE TESTING MACHINE 284 FIG. 44. FRUHLING'S COMPRESSION TESTER 285 45. BAILEY'S TENSILE TESTER 286 46. HYDRAULIC TESTER 287 47. STETTIN TESTING MACHINE 288 48. LEGER AND ARON'S TESTING MACHINE 291 49. BRIQUETTE PRESS 297 FIGS. 50 and 51. MANN'S GRAVIMETER 299 FIG. 52. NICHOLSONS PORTABLE BALANCE 305 53. DEACON'S PROPOSED TESTER 317 54. DIAGRAM OF TWELVE MONTHS' TEST 336 55. TEN YEARS' TEST 338 56. VIEW OF WRECKED COTTAGES 353 57. WASHING GRANITE GRAVEL 383 58. MOULDING CONCRETE SLABS 384 59. SILICA TANKS .. .. .. 385 60. VIEW OF VICTORIA STONE WORKS 386 n 61. HODGES AND BUTLER'S WORKS 397 FIGS. 62 and 63. PIPE-MAKING MACHINE 398 FIG. 64. VIEWS OF SILICATED STONE PIPES 400 n 65. PIPES UNDER TEST 401 66. PIPES AND SLABS 405 JOHN SMEATON, CIVIL ENGINEER. goro 1724 ; &i*b 1792. EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. EXPLANATOEY. RECENTLY and some time after this book had gone to press, Mr. Douglas at the meeting of the British Association publicly disclosed the intention of the Trinity Board to dismantle the famous Eddystone Lighthouse. So startling a proposition has naturally created in the public mind a feeling of surprise, which has, how- ever, been somewhat allayed by the statement that the fabric itself has not succumbed to the elemental strife with which it has so long contended. The rock on which it stands is no longer stable enough to maintain its famous companion, and that circumstance, together with the increasing demands of commerce, necessitates a building of greater extent, capable of receiving the most improved danger-warning apparatus for the safe guidance of our own and other ships of any and every nationality. Having dedicated this book to the memory of the illustrious engineer by whom this world-famous building was erected, we consider it proper to insert here an article from the " Daily News " of the 23rd August, which fully describes the nature and necessity of this step on the part of the Trinity Light Board. " ' After having been buffeted by the storms of eighty years ' such are the words of an enthusiastic tribute to the work of a great engineer, which was then but eighty years in existence 'the Eddystone stands unmoved as the rock it is built on a proud monument to its great author.' There is something signifi- cant in the words which declare the Eddystone Lighthouse to be unmoved as the rock it was built on. The allusion to John Smeaton and his great work appears in the first volume of the Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers. The recent proceedings of the Mechanical Science Department of the British Association inform us that the Lighthouse is to be taken down because of the undermining of the rock on which it stands. It has thus proved itself unmoved as the rock; but when the rock is undermined, the Eddystone Lighthouse must submit to the XVI EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. necessity of change. A paper was read to the section by Mr. J. N. Douglas, Engineer to the Trinity House, explaining the facts which make it needful to take down Smeaton's lighthouse and erect a new one; and the president of the section, Mr. Edward Woods, expressed the common regret and concern that * the glory of Smeaton ' is about to become one of the things of the past. ' They had all hoped and believed,' he said, ' that the Eddystone Lighthouse would endure throughout all time;' but instead, it is only to be another illustration of the fact that men do not build for ever. It was not in any spirit of extravagant rhetoric that Smeaton's lighthouse was called his glory. It was indeed one of the glories of English engineering science. Our necessities, and with them our inventions, have grown, and it seems that the elevation and the range of lights which Smeaton's tower allows, are not adequate either to the wants or to the scientific capabilities of our time. When the new lighthouse is erected, a first-class fog-signal will, it seems, probably be introduced, for which the dimensions of Smeaton's tower are not adequate. Mr. Douglas expressed a hope that when the famous tower is taken down it may be put up again somewhere on the shore as a national monument. Certainly few buildings erected in England during many centuries could better deserve to be regarded as a national monument in the truest sense. Smeaton's work is a monument of English engineer- ing genius, invention, and success. The volume from which we have already quoted observes that buildings of the same kind as Smeaton's lighthouse have been erected since and indeed our ideas of engineering have considerably expanded since even those words were written * but it should always be borne in mind who taught the first great lesson, and recorded the progressive steps with a modesty and simplicity that may well be held up as models.' The tribute to the modesty and simplicity of Smeaton's personal character is well deserved. In dedicating his own account of the building of the lighthouse to George III., he observes : * I can with truth say I have ever been employed in works tending to the immediate benefit of your Majesty's subjects.' This was the simple truth. Little of his personal history is known, but enough is made public to show that he was unassuming and unselfish, and that he did his great work for good, and not for either fame or gain. EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. XV11 " There used to be a story popular among the children, who are elderly men and women now, about a group of young people sitting round a fire and talking of their favourite heroes. One admired Julius Csesar ; another Alexander the Great ; another, of a less warlike spirit, Christopher Columbus ; and so on, until the turn came to one little philosopher, who declared that they who liked might have their conquerors, but for him his hero was John Smeaton. Naturally the others of the little group had never heard of John Smeaton, and doubtless much of the effect of the story would have been lost if the readers had not proved to be in a similar state of ignorance. But the young philosopher went on to enlighten his hearers ; told them of John Smeaton's great work, and what good it had done for mankind ; and, we need hardly say, succeeded in the end in convincing all his listeners that Smeaton's was a success which properly ought to throw into the shade the triumphs of heroes and kings. We are not concerned to discuss the value of the familiar moral pointed thus by the youthful admirer of Smeaton ; but assuredly to those who hold that heroism is only to be tested by the amount of practical good it does, and is the first to do, the name of the builder of the Eddystone Lighthouse might serve as a very suitable illustration of their doctrine. It would not be easy to mention any great conqueror whose triumphs cost so many lives as the work of Smeaton may have saved. The Eddystone Lighthouse which he built was not the first, nor even the second, which stood upon the rock that gave it a name. The first lighthouse put there was that begun under Mr. Winstanley in 1696, which was finished in three years, and lasted but four years more. A winter tempest in 1703 destroyed it, and its builder perished with it. A second structure, which was formed of wood, for the sake of lightness, was put up a few years after. Fire destroyed this in 1755 : and then the genius of Smeaton discovered the way by which a tower could be perched upon the rock which could hold its own against the winds and waves, and yet defy fire as well. Even Smeaton's own structure was found afterwards to have too much woodwork about it, and a great part of its con- struction had to be modified by him in consequence of an imperious hint from the unsparing master which had destroyed the second edifice. But the great thing that Smeaton had done was to show how a lighthouse could be so constructed as to stand on a lonely I XV111 EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. rock in the midst of fierce waves, and to hold its erect position there while the furious winds, breaking all around, were shivering the spars of ships and rending branches from trees that stood far inland on the shore. A lighthouse to be of any use in such a place must be tall and stately. It must stand unsheltered, so as to send its light streaming far across the midnight sea. It must be enduring as the rock, and yet it must not present the rock's broad front. It must be at once slender and capacious. It must offer the least possible resistance to the storm, and yet be strong enough to stand up in any gale. These are the various and sometimes seemingly incompatible properties needed for a lighthouse such as the Eddystone : and it is due to the genius and the courage of Smeaton that England first knew how to combine them with some- thing like a certainty of efficiency and success. " Smeaton accomplished other great works as well as the building of the lighthouse, but his fame will always rest on that great achievement. He was, as an engineer, somewhat cast in the mould from which George Stephenson came forth. He was equal to any risk indeed, but he was essentially practical, and the success he looked to was that of really solid, valuable work. He did not care for merely brilliant enterprises. The romance of the pro- fession, that has proved so tempting and often so fatal to the genius of great engineers, had little charm for him. He was deliberate and cautious in all he did that is, until he thoroughly saw his way and then he was bold enough for anyone. In engineering science as in war, there seem two great classes of leaders ; the brilliant and adventurous, and the steady and safe : the Napoleon and the Wellington. Smeaton, like Stephenson, belonged to the latter class. There is something of the wild and the poetic in the very idea of his lighthouse perched upon its rock in the midst of the stormy waters. It might stand as the emblem of daring and of defiance. But it was the result of the most care- ful thought and cautious examination, and its builder scarcely took one step forward without having made the success of the movement certain. Its endurance justified in every way the anticipation and the confidence of its author. It yields now, if it is to yield, only to the operation of causes which affect in no manner his calculations. He established a principle which survives its particular application. He had a positive genius for his work. EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE. ^ XIX Those who tell us of his life, say that when he was a child his toys were the tools of men. Like all manner of poets, philosophers, and artists he had tried hard to be a lawyer and failed ; his mind refused to ' bite into ' any craft but that for which his very infancy had indicated such a capacity. His fame was like his work, solid and staunch. A great writer has compared men of a certain brilliant and superficial class to the lighthouse, which he says, is ever high, far-shining, and empty. But it is only by the utmost stretch of metaphor that the lantern of the lighthouse can be con- sidered as empty, full as it is of the light that is the guidance and safety of unending generations of voyagers. Assuredly no fame and no labours could be less fittingly illustrated by anything that symbolises emptiness than those of Smeaton. His name was popular everywhere in England. Thousands of Englishmen who had never seen the Eddystone Lighthouse were in the habit of citing it as a type of solidity, endurance, and success. The new building will no doubt be a great improvement on the old one, for the builder will come to his task with the advantage of all that engineering science has added since Smeaton's day. But whatever the structure that supplies the place of the ' Eddystone,' it might as well bear carved on it the name of Smeaton ; for that name will always be associated with the spot and be preserved by the genius of the place." THE SCIENCE AND AKT OF POKTLAND CEMENT. CHAPTER I. HISTORICAL AND INTEODUCTORY. THERE can be no doubt that the experiments of Smeaton in 1757 lightened up the darkness surrounding the subject of mortars, and their behaviour under varied circumstances. The necessity for a truly reliable mortar for the building of the Eddystone Lighthouse, capable of withstanding the influence of sea water, and possessing also the capacity of resisting the mechanical action of violent storms, was a problem of much difficulty, but which the illustrious engineer successfully solved. It is needless for us to recite the dangers surrounding the erection of a structure on the site of which the previous erections had been destroyed, and the successor of which still remains to testify, for more than a century, to the ability and foresight displayed in its con- ception and execution. Those who have read the story of that work during its preliminary stages, and the protracted and dangerous process of construction, will readily under- stand the anxiety of the directing engineer, on whom the whole responsibility devolved. Our allusion to it will only have reference to the mortar experiments for the purpose of showing the careful investigation and thoughtful reasoning displayed in the selection of the mortar, and as an example for others under similar circumstances to follow. There is & SCIENCE AND AET OF PORTLAND CEMENT. just as much necessity now for the engineer to adopt the same precautions as then, although we fear that those now representing the engineering profession would regard such a process of examination beneath their consideration. It is just possible that many in this country may fail to appreciate the great value of those experiments, but we are glad to find that elsewhere very recent testimony of a most laudatory character fully testifies to the value of Smeaton's exertions. We avail ourselves of this opportunity of putting it on record. In a work on ' Hydraulic Mortars,' &c. (published at Leipsig in 1869, by Dr. Michaelis), the following passage occurs : "A century has elapsed since the celebrated Smeaton completed the building of the Eddystone Lighthouse. Not only to sailors, but to the whole human race is this light- house a token of useful work, a light in a dark night. In a scientific point of view, it has illuminated the darkness of almost two thousand years. " The errors which descended to us from the Komans, and which were even made by such an excellent author as Belidor, were dispersed. " The Eddystone Lighthouse is the foundation upon which our knowledge of hydraulic mortars has been erected, and it is the chief pillar of modern architecture. Smeaton freed us from the fetters of tradition by showing us that the purest and hardest limestone is not the best, at least for hydraulic purposes, and that the cause of hydraulicity must be sought for in the argillaceous admixture. " It was a long time before men of science confirmed this statement of the English engineer, or corrected the ideas on the hardening of hydraulic mortars, which were then necessarily confused on account of the imperfect state of chemistry at that time. How could science subsequently keep pace with practical progress? for even at present, HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY. 3 though we have possessed for about half a century the most excellent hydraulic mortars, the hardening process is not yet completely explained." Pasley also, in the preface to the first edition of his work, dated 17th September, 1838, says of Smeaton, in very similar language, as follows : " Of all the authors who have investigated the properties of calcareous mortars and cements, from time immemorial to the present day, our countryman, Smeaton, appears to me to have the greatest merit ; for although he found out no new cement himself, he was the first who discovered, in or soon after the year 1756, that the real cause of the water-acting properties of limes and cements consisted in a combination of clay with the carbonate of lime ; in consequence of having ascertained by a very simple sort of chemical analysis that there was a proportion of the former ingredient in all the natural limestones, which, on being calcined, developed that highly important quality, without which walls exposed to water go to pieces, and those exposed to air and weather only are comparatively of inferior strength. By this memor- able discovery Smeaton overset the prejudices of more than two thousand years, adopted by all former writers, from Vitruvius in ancient Kome to Belidor in France and Semple in this country, who agreed in maintaining that the superiority of lime consisted in the hardness and whiteness of the stone, the former of which may or may not be accom- panied by water-setting or powerful cementing properties, and the latter of which is absolutely incompatible with them. The new principle laid down by Smeaton, the truth of which has recently been admitted by the most enlightened chemists and engineers of Europe, was the basis of the attempts made by Dr. John, at Berlin, and by M. Vicat (the engineer) in France, to form an artificial water-lime or hydraulic lime, in 1818, and of mine to form an artificial water-cement at B 2 4 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. Chatham, in 1826, to which I was led by the persual of Smeaton's observations, without knowing anything of the previous labours of these gentlemen on the Continent, or of Mr. Frost, the acknowledged imitator of M. Yicat, in this country." There can be no question of the indebtedness the science of water cements is under to Smeaton, and the above-quoted writers have unhesitatingly acknowledged what is now universally regarded as Smeaton's well-deserved due. A more than perhaps necessary reference to this subject may tend to stimulate engineers and chemists to a still further examination of cements and their peculiarities, and may thus develop some new properties of which we are still ignorant. Silica and, in a minor degree, alumina, which now play only a subordinate part (as far as volume is concerned) in con- nection with carbonate of lime, may be found to be capable of occupying a more important position in the fabrication of hydraulic mortars and cements. It is pleasing to find that the engineer and the lighthouse are so closely identified, and no one cares to recollect under what reign it was built. The name of the engineer and not that of the king descends to posterity, receiving the credit of his labours. Sostratus, the architect who built the famous tower of Pharos, near Alexandria, on the top of which a fire was kept burning to guide such ships as sailed at night in those dangerous coasts, resorted to a stratagem to hand down to posterity the fact of its being his handiwork. The poten- tate (Ptolemy Philadelphus), under whose authority and command the tower was erected, had the usual inscription placed thereon, but it was very evanescent in character, being cut on a coating of lime, under which was carved in the marble the following dedication : " Sostratus, the Cnidian, son of Dexiphanes, to the protecting deities, for the use of seafaring people." HISTORICAL AND A modern historian, however, did not appreciate this subterfuge, and thus remarks : " The lime soon mouldered away ; and by that means, instead of procuring the architect the honour with which he had flattered himself, served only to discover to future ages his mean fraud and ridiculous vanity." A long interval of time has elapsed between the building of the first lighthouse and that which is so intimately identified with Smeaton's name. It would be tedious to follow, in Smeaton's own words, the process by which he succeeded in eliminating from the then prevailing dogmatism the necessary data, even for a base or starting point on which to build his initiatory experiments. Up to this time varied proportions of lime and tarras were used in the preparation of mortars for engineering works in water. The practical masons of those days were of opinion that the harder the stone from which the lime was made, the better would it set or harden. It was also a common im- pression that if the mortar was made with sea water it would never harden in so great a degree as that made from fresh water. Smeaton's own observation had informed him that where plastering in house building was done by using sea water such work never became thoroughly dry, and was influenced by atmospheric change in a most prejudicial manner. The same injurious action occurred when sea sand was used in the mortar. Corresponding influences are still at work under like conditions of improper construction. There was no fresh water on the Eddystone rock, and only a comparatively pure limestone on the mainland, so that he directed his attention to the experiments with limes obtained from a distance. But we had better, before proceeding farther, give his own description of the mode he adopted in preparing for the experiments. " I took as much of the ingredients as altogether would 6 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. ultimately form a ball of about two inches in diameter. This ball, lying upon a plate till it was set and would not yield to the pressure of the fingers, was then put into a flat pot filled with water, so as to be covered by the water; and what happened to the ball in this state was the criterion by which I judged of the validity of the composition for our purposes. The measure I used was a common small chip box, taking as many measures from each ingredient as I meant to try. I constantly put down the lime upon the flat bottom of a common pewter plate, and with as much water as would sufficiently wet it, worked it upon the plate with a broad- pointed knife till it was become a tough, but a pretty soft paste. I afterwards added the quantity I intended of tarras or other gross matter gradually, working it after each addition till it was become tough ; and in this way adding the gross matter at three or four different times." These balls thus prepared were then immersed in water, and his first lot, two parts lime and one part tarras, set in water, although not to his satisfaction. He found at this stage the fallacy of the strongest lime being obtained from the hardest rock, such as the Plymouth marble, and also at this stage convinced himself that these proportions behaved equally well in salt water and fresh. This difficulty there- fore was overcome. Having seen in Wren's ' Parentalia ' that cockle or other shell lime had been usefully employed in the construction of St. Paul's Cathedral, he tried it, and found that, without any admixture of tarras or sand it set hard and readily ; but on being put into water after it was set, gradually macerated and dissolved. He afterwards learned that this kind of lime had been used in a part of the work of Kamsgate pier, and owing to its solubility in sea water the masonry had to be pulled down. The Aberthaw lime, from Glamorganshire, with various HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY. 7 proportions of tarras, excelled in a great degree any of the other mixtures, and its behaviour under water was of the most satisfactory character, besides it continued to harden for months. In the early stage of the experiments he had* while trying the hydraulic properties of plaster of Paris, decided that if the mortar used in the building of the light- house did not set fast enough he could (and eventually did) point the external and other exposed joints with this quick- setting material, which, although it could not long resist the action of the sea water, 'would do so sufficiently long to 'prevent any injurious action on the permanent or mortar joints. Analysis of Aberthaw Limestone ly Phillips. Carbonate of lime 86'2 Clay 11-2 Water, &c 2'6 100-0 The difference in the hardening of the mortars made from the various limestones excited his curiosity, and he became anxious to trace the cause. A friend instructed him how to analyze the limestones, and he thus describes the mode he adopted : "I took about the quantity of five pennyweights (or a guinea's weight) of the limestone to be tried, bruised to a coarse powder ; upon which I poured common aqua fortis, but not so much at a time as to occasion the effervescence to overtop the glass vessel in which the limestone was put ; and added fresh aqua fortis after the effervescence of the former quantity had ceased, till no further ebullition appeared by any addition of the acid. This done, and the whole being left to settle, the liquor will generally acquire a tinge of some transparent colour ; and if from the solution little or no sediment drops, it may be accounted a pure limestone (which is generally the case with white chalks and several others), as 8 SCIENCE AND AKT OF PORTLAND CEMENT. containing no un calcareous matter ; but if from the solution a quantity of matter is deposited in the form of mud, this indicates a quantity of uncalcareous matter in its composi- tion. When this is well settled pour off the water, and repeatedly add water in the same way, stirring it and letting it settle till it becomes tasteless. After this let the mud be well stirred into the water, and, without giving it time to settle, pour off the muddy water into another vessel ; and if there is any sand or gritty matter left behind (as will frequently be the case) this collected by itself will ascertain the quantity and species of fabulous matter that entered into the texture of the limestone. Letting now the muddy liquor settle, and pouring off the water till no more can be got without 'an admixture of mud, leave the rest to dry; which, when it comes to the consistence of clay, or paste, make it into a ball and dry it for further examination." The modern chemist would take a more accurate method to ascertain the analysis of limestone, but the simplicity of Smeaton's operation commends itself as a ready means of obtaining an approximate test of unknown limestones, and might even now be profitably performed in the preliminary examination of new and untried districts. Smeaton proceeds to give the results obtained from his chemical tests, and found chalk and Plymouth marble (as he terms it) were completely dissolved in the acid. Aberthaw limestone, however, resulted in a small deposit of sandy matter, some of which was crystalline in character, and the whole of a dirty appearance. The muddy residuum was tough and tenacious, resembling blue clay, which, when made into a ball and burnt, became reddish in colour, equalling a brick in hardness. The total sediment weighed nearly one-eighth of the whole. The Bridstow stone (obtained in Devonshire, about thirty-five miles from Plymouth) when similarly treated gave nearly the same results. HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY. 9 Having thus discovered the cause of hydraulicity in certain limestones, he was satisfied, and accordingly de- termined to adopt the Aberthaw lime in conjunction with tarras, but he paused, having heard that this material in combination with lime threw out, when constantly under water, concrescences resembling the stalactites found in the caves of the carboniferous limestone formation. A reference to Belidor's ' Hydraulic Architecture ' informed him that Terra Puzzolana found in Italy near Civita Vecchia, made a good water cement. Fortunately he found at Plymouth a con- siderable quantity of this material, which a merchant had imported on speculation, expecting to sell it to the con- structors of old Westminster Bridge. But neither com- missioners, engineers, nor contractors would trouble them- selves even to try it, so the venture turned out a bad one for the importing merchant, but a lucky thing for Smeaton. His experiments proved it superior to tarras, and in the end he says, " With respect to these balls that were constantly kept under water, they did not seem inclined to undergo any change in form, only to acquire hardness gradually, insomuch that I did not doubt -but to make a cement that would equal the best merchantable Portland stone in solidity and durability." It is worthy to note this distinction made by Smeaton. He says merchantable Portland stone, implying therefore that all the products of the quarries were not suitable for building purposes. Wren was equally fastidious, and only accepted such stones for his buildings as could be laid on their natural beds. Until recently some of these rejected stones were still to be seen at the quarries. We have already shown that there can be no question, from Smeaton's own words, that the method he adopted in carrying out his experiments indicated in the clearest manner how it was possible even to convert a limestone into 10 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. an hydraulic mortar, and also to ascertain beyond question the cause of such hydraulicity. All from the time of Yitruvius had blundered in the dark, working out the old dogmatic form of mixtures without the least knowledge of the action from which they derived their hydraulic properties. The resemblance to the Portland stone, and hence the origin of the name of Portland cement, is clearly also due to Smeaton. The chemical analyses of the two materials, " Tarras " and " Puzzolana." No. 1, Trass, by Berthier, and No. 2, Puzzo- lana, from Pit St. Paul, near Kome, by the same authority. 1. 2. Silica .. 57'0 44-5 Alumina 16-0 15-0 Oxide of iro 5-0 12-0 Lime . . 2-6 8-8 Magnesia 1-0 4-7 Potash 7-0 1-4 Soda .. 1-0 4-1 Water .. 9-0 9-2 A great similarity in the value of these two materials is apparent, and the preference given by Smeaton to the puzzolana may be due, in a great measure, to its physical condition or superiority to the trass. But this painstaking and persevering engineer had not yet completed his investigations, for although he was con- vinced that, for the purposes of mortars, the combination of the volcanic product with the Aberthaw lime was a success, he had still to test their capacity for being used in a semi- liquid state. We will again follow his own description of this experiment : " My reader will perceive from the nature of the bond that I proposed in my work that one-half of each piece of stone, being lodged in a dovetailed recess, wherein it was locked fast on three sides, there was no way to get them HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY. 11 into their places but by letting them down perpendicularly : in consequence of this, mortar beat up and prepared in a manner similar to what has been specified, could only be applied to the ground joint, or under bed of each stone : the upright or side joints (supposing the work to be close put together) could not be lined with any quantity capable of filling the whole joint ; for if that was attempted, the stone, in being lowered into its place, would carry down the mortar upon the sides along with it ; leaving so little as not to make these joints solid and full." In carrying out the experiment to prove the value of a thin grout he put a portion of the prepared mortar into a couple of quart pots (one being filled with beaten mortar), and added water enough to render them so fluid as to enable the mixture to be poured into a mould. They were allowed to stand for a month, and, on the pots being broken, the mixtures were found to be of a stony hardness. It was shown that the grout made of the beaten mortar was the best. The experiment was successful, and he says : "I had therefore no doubt of being able to unite the whole of the materials of my building into one solid mass of At this stage of the experiments, Lord Macclesfield, Presi- dent of the Eoyal Society, in a letter to Smeaton, dated London, 14th April, 1757, described what he calls "ash- mortar," and which the bricklayers using it regarded as more valuable for wet and dry work than tarras mortar. It was prepared as follows : " Take of lime that is very fresh two bushels, and of wood ashes three bushels. Lay the ashes in a round trench, and the lime in the middle of the trench ; then slake the lime and mix it well with the ashes. Let it lie there till it is cold, and then beat it well together, and so beat it for three or four times before it is used." 12 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. On going to Watchet, in Somersetshire, he found that the lias stone from which lime was made there was the same kind of stone as that from Aberthaw. During his travels in this neighbourhood he was surprised to find only one small limekiln at work, and on inquiry found that this lime was unsuitable for agricultural purposes, and a farmer told him that they brought the lime which the land required from St. Vincent, near Bristol, a distance of forty miles. If this lime of the locality (however finely ground) was laid on the land, the first shower of rain would turn it into stone. His observations led him further to investigate the various kinds of limestones in different parts of England, among others : 1. Clunch lime, from Lewes, Sussex. 2. Grey chalk lime, from Dorking, Surrey. 3. Lyas lime, from Long Bennington, Lincolnshire. 4. Aberthaw lime, Glamorganshire. 5. Chalk lime, Guildford, Surrey. 6. Barrow lime, Leicestershire. 7. Sutton lime, Lancashire. 8. Watchet lime, Somersetshire. 9. Berryton lime, near Petersfield, Hants. In experimenting on the stone from which these limes were obtained he found the muddy deposits, after their having been treated with acid, to be as follows : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. T5 TT inr !?3" A T 3 A A xV It will be profitable for us here to consider the exami- nation made by Smeaton of the effects produced by a com- bination of plaster of Paris with the mortars. The author is the more anxious to call attention to this point, and in doing so bring to his assistance so eminent and reliable an autho- rity to endeavour to check the tendency to adopt such com- binations as novel and useful inventions. Under fresh names many mixtures are sometimes forced into the market, and HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY. 13 their adoption secured before it is discovered with what danger and risk their use is attended. Smeaton says : " Particularly several mixtures of lime with plaster ; and although I am aware that the plasterers use some compo- sition of this kind with advantage in their works, yet, when subjected to the test for waterworks, that I had established for the conduct of my own experiments, I found nothing useful in all the mixtures of lime with plaster, nor even of tarras arid puzzolana with plaster ; as the result was that they rendered the plaster less speedy in setting, and the plaster rendered the compound, that would have resulted from the other ingredients, less firm and more crumbly." Sir C. W. Pasley is the next prominent experimenter with whose proceedings we shall continue this historical glimpse. The high position this gentleman occupied as a distin- guished officer of Koyal Engineers, and his association with all the important scientific bodies of his time, enabled him to command resources of information and facilities for expe- riment which no other individual less favoured could have secured. On the threshold of his investigations he ascribes to Smeaton (as we have already shown) the credit of being the first to point out what characteristics in a limestone indi- cated its claim to hydraulicity, and his ambition was to produce an artificial water-cement from the lines laid down by his eminent predecessor. His experiments began in the year 1826, by command of the Duke of Wellington, then Master-General of the Ord- nance, for the purpose of directing attention to the subject of mortars as a branch of study for the corps of the officers of the Koyal Engineers. The first series of these experiments were not satisfactory, owing to his having selected a brick loam to mix with the chalk, and it was not until 1828 that, 14 SCIENCE AND AET OF POETLAND CEMENT. by a happy accident,* he used the Medway blue clay. In 1830 he considered that the cement he produced was supe- rior in quality to the Roman cement, and indeed its suc- cessful application for constructive purposes confirmed his verdict. Before and during his initiatory experiments others had produced equally good cements from analogous materials, and Mr. Frost had actually started a cement factory at Greenhithe, in Kent. We can easily understand the amount of secrecy which would be displayed at the Chatham Dockyard (where Pasley's experiments were con- ducted), and also the unlikelihood of much information being given from the factory at Greenhithe. Under such cir- cumstances it was not likely that the labours of either could obtain much publicity, more especially when we consider the absence at that time of public interest in the question. In these experiments he had the advantage of the labours of his predecessors in the line of examination he had entered upon, and, indeed, before they were begun Aspdin had obtained his patent for the manufacture of Portland cement. In the specification of the first patent he is described as Joseph Aspdin, of Leeds, in the county of York, bricklayer. The specification, dated 15th December, 1824, is as follows : "My method of making a cement or artificial stone for stuccoing buildings, waterworks, cisterns, or any other pur- * In 1828, my friend and brother officer, Major Eeid, having come to reside at Chatham for a few months, chiefly from the interest he took in the architectural course then in progress, requested me to show him not only the mode I had adopted of testing the natural cement and limestones, which had proved perfectly satisfactory, but also in what manner I had attempted to form an artificial cement. I was at first reluctant to repeat any of these experiments, which I told him could only lead to certain failure, but on his expressing a strong wish to see them notwithstanding, I complied with his request ; and as my stock of Darland brick-loam was at this time expended, and that place was nearly two miles distant, a different clay was used in lieu of it, which, to our mutual surprise and satisfaction, formed an excellent artificial water-cement. HISTOEICAL AND INTEOD pose to which it may be applicable (and which I call Port- land Cement), is as follows : I take a specific quantity of limestone, such as that generally used for making or re- pairing roads, and I take it from the roads after it is reduced to a puddle or powder ; but if I cannot procure a sufficient quantity of the above from the roads I obtain the limestone itself, and I cause the puddle or powder, or the limestone, as the case may be, to be calcined. I then take a specific quantity of argillaceous earth or clay, and mix them with water to a state approaching impalpability, either by manual labour or machinery. After this proceeding I put the above mixture into a slip pan for evaporation, either by the heat of the sun, or by submitting it to the action of fire or steam conveyed in flues or pipes under or near the pan, till the water is entirely evaporated. Then I break the said mixture into suitable lumps, and calcine them in a furnace similar to a limekiln till the carbonic acid is entirely expelled. The mixture so calcined is to be ground, beat, or rolled to a fine powder, and is then in a fit state for making cement or artificial stone. This powder is to be mixed with a sufficient quantity of water to bring it into the consistency of mortar, and thus applied to the purposes wanted." Notwithstanding the existence of this patent, Pasley never alludes to it or Aspdin during the whole period of his expe- riments. The original process of Aspdin was what we now designate as the " double-kilned " treatment, and with the hard limestones, or their muddy results from the mac- adamized roads, it was even then considered that a fine condition for admixture with the clays was necessary. The word " impalpability " is made use of in the specification. This process is, however, abandoned, as modern machinery effects almost as perfect a reduction of even the hardest materials as is necessary for their perfect amalgamation with the silica and alumina ingredients. 16 SCIENCE AND AKT OF PORTLAND CEMENT. In 1810, Edgar Dobbs, of South wark, obtained a patent, dated August 2, which he describes thus : " The principle of my invention consists "1st. In making, with the aid of water, a suitable mixture of lime, or its carbonates, with either or several of the following substances, namely clay, loam, mud, slate, road- dust, earth, ochre, cheap metallic oxyd, ores, pyrites, blend, sand, stones, ashes, and all earthy materials (with the ex- ception of lime and its carbonic-acid salts as above) which can be reduced to powder, and which do not vitrify at the heat to which they are subsequently exposed. " 2nd. In expelling the superfluous water. " 3rd. In burning the mixture when hard ; and " 4th. In reducing it to powder. " This powder forms a composition suitable for hydraulic mortar, mortar, stucco, and plaster. " By carbonate of lime I mean chalk, common limestone, marble, oysters and other shells, earth and earthy materials which slake or fall to pieces after burning, either from expo- sure to the air or from being brought into contact with water. "By ashes I mean the natural remains of coals or of vegetables. " The process is as follows : " I bring the caustic lime, or carbonate of lime, to a state of fine powder, the former by slaking, the latter by grinding in the same way as chalk, white-lead or flint, or any other equally suitable way, till the particles are so fine that they remain suspended in water, and can be drained off from the coarser particles, which have subsided (and which are ground again) ; the product is then about as fine as precipitated chalk. I then reduce the other substances, which are to be mixed with the caustic lime, or carbonate of lime, to an equally fine powder. The hard substances are powdered with or without water, and the fine particles removed as HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY. 17 above by water ; if, however, the substances chosen are too soft to require pulverizing, they are simply comminuted by water, with which they are agitated till it acquires the con- sistence of a thin paste. I then take a certain quantity of the washed caustic, or carbonate of lime, as the required mixture necessitates, and also of the other washed substance or substances, and mix them well in any suitable vessel. Or the substances are ground or mixed together in their natural state till they become homogeneous and plastic. The mixed substances are then allowed to rest, the clear water is drained off, and the remnant dried either by artificial warmth or by exposure to the air, till the mass is stiff enough to be cut or moulded into pieces before burning. " The burning can be accomplished in a common limekiln or oven, or even without such an apparatus : but it should be remarked that the intensity and duration of the burning must suffice to consume the combustible parts of the fuel, if contained in the mixture, and to expel the carbonic acid from the lime without vitrifying any of the substances. The burnt fragments are then reduced to powder, either by hori- zontal millstones, or by any other arrangement for pul- verizing dry substances. The composition is then fit for use." He then goes on to describe the various uses, in com- bination with sands, &c., for which this lime or cement is applicable. It is evident that this patentee had a good knowledge of the subject, but he was also afraid of reaching tfce vitrifying point. We should here, in justice to Vicat, the eminent French engineer, and those who were doubtless inspired by his experiments, refer to a patent granted to Maurice St. Leger, of Camber well, in May 1818, the specification of which is as follows : " I take chalk, stone, or any other substance from which lime can be obtained, which I pulverize, to which I add c 18 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. coinmoii clay or any other substance containing alumine and silex, which I increase or diminish according to the required strength of the lime. I mix them together, and add water to them until they become a paste of the consistence of common mortar. I then make the said paste or substance into lumps. These lumps, after being thoroughly dried by natural or artificial heat, I put into a kiln, and expose to the action of fire in the usual way of making lime. The degree of heat must depend on the size and quality of the lumps, but I find the lumps have been sufficiently exposed to the fire when they can be broken by the hands. Instead of chalk, stone or such other substances as are above mentioned, ordinary lime, slaked or pulverized, may be substituted ; but in that case the compound does not require to be so much exposed to the action of the fire. The quantity of clay, or other substance containing alumine and silex, to be added to the chalk or such other substance as aforesaid, or to the lime slaked and pulverized, must depend as well upon the quality of the chalk, stone, or other substance, or lime, as upon the quality of the clay or other substance containing alumine and silex. But I find in general that from one to two and twenty measures or given quantities of clay, or other substance containing alumine and silex, to every one hundred measures or given quantities of chalk, stone, or other sub- stance, or of lime as above mentioned, is the proper quantity or proportion." All experiments up to this period apparently aimed only at the obtainment of a resulting product from the kiln which should in its leading characteristics approach the quality of lime freshly burnt. Instead of driving the mixture to the point of vitrifaction, all the operations were so conducted as to studiously avoid such a result ; and when by accident this occurred, the pieces so hardened were carefully rejected as worthless. HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY. 19 There were many other patents obtained at and about this time, but they possess no interest and contain but little information to warrant any particular reference to them. While all these patentees and other experimenters in Eng- land, France, and Germany were simply seeking, and indeed were apparently satisfied with an artificial hydraulic lime, ^ Aspdin went beyond, and gave the grand finish to the whole by his discovery of the increased temperature of the kiln, and consequent high specific gravity of the cement, now no longer regarded as a simple hydraulic lime. We are not to suppose that all these various efforts, even including Frost's and Aspdin's, were attended with im- mediately beneficial results to those who had given so much time to the question, besides the great cost of their experi- ments. Frost, who was the first to establish works for making artificial cement in 1825, at Swanscombe, in Kent, encountered many difficulties, and for some time after he disposed of these works to Messrs. White, the artificial cement failed to obtain a satisfactory reputation. Pasley considered the proportions then used at these works were inaccurate ; at alFe vents until 1833 the artificial cement was selling at one shilling a bushel, and the natural or Roman cement at eighteenpence. Some years later a son of Aspdin commenced to make Portland cement at Northfleet, in Kent, and the quality became more reliable, and since then a continuous demand at home and abroad has led to an im- provement in the quality. The profits attending the manu- facture of Roman cement were very considerable, and those interested in that trade were naturally opposed to the success of any new cement, however excellent its quality. Pasley continued his experiments, and tried many kinds of mixtures, but found the most favourable for securing a good water cement to be the alluvial clay of the Medway. This clay, however, he discovered to be unsuitable if allowed c 2 20 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. to remain exposed to the air for any length of time, a fact now universally acknowledged by Portland cement makers. He also proved that the proportions when mixed and prepared in small balls one inch in diameter for calcination, if allowed to remain for twenty-four hours in the air were deteriorated, and if continued to be so exposed for forty-eight hours would be worthless, whereas balls 2 J inches in diameter were not so prejudicially affected. These are results which experienced cement makers are familiar with in the most modern preparations. We need not follow the experiments with pit clays, slate, fullers' earth, and other ingredients, for they developed no new feature, and resulted in no practical advantage. His experiments with hard limestones were not satisfactory, but, on the contrary, he regarded their treatment for conversion into water cements as a waste of labour, and says, " Good water limes are too common in this country to render it worth while to make artificial ones, and too valuable to be used as an ingredient for artificial water- cement." The succeeding experiments with chalk and alluvial clay burned in an ordinary limekiln with Newcastle coal pro- duced a weak artificial cement, but one able to hold its own in competition with the then only known water cement (the Eoman cement made from the septaria of the London clay). Pasley did not imagine that the preparation required push- ing by a higher temperature to the point approaching vitrifac- tion, or he would have obtained results of a more satisfactory- character, for instead of appreciating those pieces which were slightly clinkered by the action of the lime of the kiln, he rejected them as unsuitable and devoid of any cementitious value. The danger of over-burning the Koman cement was doubtless present to his mind, for any of the over-burnt septaria was useless. The required heat was just enough to HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY. 21 reduce the weight of the stone to a minimum, and if the temperature of the kiln exceeded what produced that result the product was unmarketable. Eoman cement was best when of the lowest specific gravity. His mode of testing appears to us as being clumsy and deceptive. It was simply cementing bricks together and exerting a tensile strain until rupture occurred. It is evident in all Pasley's experiments that he was desirous of obtaining reliable results of an unvarying character, and his disappointments were many, owing doubtless to the want of chemical knowledge or its careful application. The task he undertook was to build up from English materials a water cement so as to equal that of Smeaton's Eddystone in quality. He all but succeeded in doing so, and probably if the duties of his position had permitted him to devote more personal attention to the experiments, the result would have been more satisfactory ; but they were spread over too long a period, and were some- what spasmodic in character. Smeaton, on the other hand, having an immediate and important object in view, ceased not in his endeavours until he had removed from his mind all doubts on the subject of water cements and their qualities. It is true he was assisted in his researches by the fortuitous circumstance of the Italian puzzolana, but it was only his energy and perseverance that obtained from this lucky chance the most advantageous results. The Aberthaw lime in itself could have accomplished all he desired, for he had unlocked the mystery of hydraulicity, and felt confident in the knowledge of its cause. While the military engineer only piled up innumerable disconnected and comparatively useless experiments (from a practical point of view), the civil engineer concentrated his energies and carried his results to a successful end : the one under Government auspices, and the other directed by private enterprise for the accomplish- 22 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. ment of a great work of human benevolence and universal importance. The Eddystone Lighthouse still stands to testify to the great ability of its constructor, and should be regarded by both makers and consumers of Portland cement as a beacon to light them in the way to its true and honest use. The Portland cement manufacture languished for many years, and indeed in this country at least it ran the risk of being utterly extinguished owing in a great measure to the hold Eoman cement had obtained of the constructive pro- fession. This long-established rival, however, gradually succumbed to the merits of the new product, and the impetus given to its use by the London Drainage Works in 1859 settled the question of its superiority, and it may safely be asserted that the quality now obtainable is 100 per cent, better than that made before that time. Some years after Smeaton's experiments, but before the publication of his great work, ' The Narrative of the Eddy- stone Lighthouse,' in 1791, Dr. Higgins published in 1780 his ' Experiments and Observations on Calcareous Cements.' He was previously prepared for the task he had undertaken by the information acquired from the writings of the celebrated Dr. Black (the discoverer of carbonic acid gas), and in the following words acknowledges that indebtedness : " I had already learned from the chaste and philosophic productions of Dr. Black that calcareous stones which burn to lime contain a considerable quantity of the elastic fluid called fixable air or acidulous gas, which in combination with the earthy matter forms a great part of the mass and weight of these stones ; and that the difference between limestone or chalk and lime consists chiefly in the retention or ex- pulsion of that matter." Dr. Higgins first entered on his experiments to ascertain HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY. 23 at what temperature the carbonic acid gas could be expelled, and the time such expulsion occupied. They were laboratory tests, and are chiefly remarkable for the care with which they were conducted, and the sensible conclusions arrived at by the experimenter. He obtained " letters patent " for his invention of a water cement or stucco made from prescribed admixtures of sand, rubble, lime, and bone ashes, and it would appear at that time this cement was received with much favour, and used by architects and builders of emi- nence. The process of preparation, however, must have been tedious and expensive, and could not withstand the com- petition and rivalry of Parker's cement, for which the patent was granted in June 1796. It is just possible that if Dr. Higgins had been an engineer and required cement for his own work, he would have found out what had been done by Smeaton, and directed his attention to the addition of clay to the chalks or their limes instead of the fabrication of a com- pound mortar of doubtful value. Hitherto it had been well known from the writings of Vitruvius that the Eomans used fat limes in combination with various volcanic products, and the accident of research after good mortars for the Eddy- stone structure disclosed the existence of hydraulic limes. At this time the limited use of mortars conduced to the subject remaining in a state of comparative darkness, but the increasing wealth resulting from industrial pursuits gave an impetus which necessitated the construction of great engi- neering works. Ancient and extinct civilizations had successfully used cements and mortars, as the existing remains of their engi- neering and architectural works fully testify. These remains of a varied and interesting character even now show us how much of their stability and permanence is due to the quality of the cementing agent by which the building materials were put together. Much admiration has been expressed on 24 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. the character and quality of ancient structures, and puzzling guesses as to the mode and manner of the preparation of the mortars. Lime mortar as a binding material was used by' the Phoenicians in the island of Cyprus, as shown by the temple ruins of Lanarca. The Egyptians in the Nile Valley are supposed to have made use of the river mud and burnt gypsum as a mortar in building the Pyramids. The Assyrians had recourse to asphalte as their cementing agent in the construction of Babylon and Nineveh. The asphalte of the Dead Sea was well known to the ancients. It was also obtained in pits and springs near the rivers Euphrates and Tigris. Even with such ancient testimony it is difficult to say when and where the first mortars were used. The term or name " mortar " is of Koman derivation, from the fact of these thoroughly practical people using a " mortarium " to secure the perfect homogeneity of the binding material. The name therefore should now be regarded in a generic sense, and alike applicable to all preparations used in binding together in structural form stones, bricks, or other building materials. While referring to these examples of ancient cementing agents, we are tempted to contrast the position of the modern Portland cement, which penetrates to every accessible quarter of the globe where engineering science demands its aid. From Kussia to India in the old world to the North and South Americas of the new, " English Portland cement " is an article of universal currency, and almost becoming one of necessity. The port of London attracting the commerce of the world to its docks and river, naturally assisted in the establishment of a belief that Portland cement was in- digenous to its neighbourhood, and could only be produced by a combination of the chalks and clays found on the banks and shores of the river Thames and its affluent the Medway. HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY. 25 In France and Germany, however, large works have been for a long time in existence, and it may be said that London, Boulogne, and Stettin respectively represent the chief centres of this industry in these three countries. From the preceding remarks it must be obvious that a difficulty occurs in attributing to any one of the numerous experimenters the credit of inventing Portland cement. We find differences, however, in the value of the assistance rendered at the various stages of progress, and Aspdin, although the least distinguished of all of them, persevered in bringing to our knowledge the importance and, indeed, necessity of a high temperature in the kiln. His sole aim was to render his supposed invention profitable, and he ultimately paved the way for a more extended system of manufacture by others in more favoured localities than that wherein he fixed his own isolated works. We have in this circumstance and its results ample evidence of the necessity of adapting any novelty to the wants of the public if it is wished to become ultimately a profitable commercial success. Having said this much of the introductory or historical features of our subject, we will now shortly state what Port- land .cement really is, for in the somewhat, and perhaps necessarily, confused accounts of its beginning this has been overlooked. Portland cement is a chemical product obtained by a preliminary mechanical combination of carbonate of lime with silica and alumina, which, after passing through the succeediog chemical stage of manufacture may be described as a double silicate of lime and alumina. The name given to it by Aspdin has tended to some confusion of ideas about its source and origin, many supposing it was the product of converted oolitic limestone from the island of Portland, in Dorsetshire. A close resemblance, when of an unexceptional 26 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. quality, in colour and texture to the celebrated Portland building stone favours this belief. This cement is simply an improved hydraulic lime. The term hydraulic is borrowed from the French engineers, who used it to distinguish the limes capable of setting under water from the common limes devoid of that property. It is synonymous with the term " water," which English engineers formerly applied to all limes used in the construction of sub-aqueous masonry. This distinctive term " hydraulic " is now generally given by European engineers to all cements or limes possessed of that property, whether artificial or natural. Vicat was the first, probably taking the idea from Smeaton, to experiment on the possibility of rendering the rich (com- mon) limes hydraulic by mixing with them (both in their carbonate and hydrate state) various proportions of different kinds of clays. When these experiments (probably the earliest reliable ones that were guided by chemical reason- ing) were first initiated, considerable doubt existed as to the true source from which the faculty of hydraulicity was derived ; some authorities maintaining that this valuable property was due to the oxide of manganese, and others attributing this effect to the existence of the oxide of iron. After a great deal of controversy, however, it is now finally conceded that silica and alumina, but especially silica, imparts to rich limes the desired quality of hydraulicity; the presence of the oxides of iron or manganese within certain limits being purely negative in character, so that in its simple and clearly defined position of an improved artificial cement the merits of this material should be easily understood. There is still a good deal of mystery imported into its manufacture, damaging to those who persist in its continu- ance. The author, while paying a recent visit to the parent HISTORICAL AND INTO.ODBCTOBY.* ' ' 27 ^^^/FORNIA.^/ or original manufactory at Wakefield, e^perreiree'd the still existing tendency to enshroud the process of manufacture with an air of ignorant exclusiveness. The most valuable property perhaps which a pure Portland cement possesses is that of being invariably uniform in quality. Such a result is, however, only attainable under accurate manipulation in every stage of its manufacture. It is this particular property, more than any other, which has tended most to its advancement, and which causes it to be especially acceptable to engineers for large and important works of all kinds, both on land and in water. This grati- fying position could not have been reached if engineers had neglected their duty of rigidly testing the cement before it was used. Manufacturers now understand the re- quirements of engineers, and act wisely in meeting them in such a way as to increase the good reputation of their manufactures. In the case of natural limes and cements considerable difference of value arises in the products from the kilns, owing to the variable character of the mineral deposits of the quarries. Such objection applies more especially to the marls and clays of the lias formation, and, indeed except in some rare instances the production of a first-class Port- land cement, by one direct and simple operation of calci- nation, is unattainable. It is seldom that any natural cements are capable of satisfactorily undergoing the ordinary tests applied to a high-class artificial Portland cement. In the valuable property possessed by Portland cement of re- taining its cementitious value for a lengthened period of time, they are also deficient ; and unless natural cements, of any class, are exceptionally good, they may be regarded as of less constructive value than the hydraulic limes of the blue lias and other analogous formations. The gradual increase in the use of Portland cement for 28 SCIENCE AND AKT OF PORTLAND CEMENT. large engineering works has led, in a corresponding degree, to a diminution of that of hydraulic limes and natural cements. Where large quantities of hydraulic limes are still used in important works much care is bestowed in securing them freshly burnt and finely ground. Under such precautions they may be profitably mixed with the various sands and gravels in the preparation of mortar and concrete. Any description of the various characteristics of Portland cement would be incomplete if, among its many advantages, we were to omit its most salient property of comparatively quick setting. This is a property, however, possessed by nearly all the natural cements, although their setting differs considerably. In the case of natural cements it is rapid, and the maximum induration quickly attained ; whereas in the case of Portland cement, of the highest class, the setting process is protracted ; and, indeed, for its most important uses, only such cement is admissible. Portland cement not only commands an important position as an English manufacturing product, but as an article of export it occupies a prominent place. It is not to be sup- posed, however, that this is due to any want of producing capacity on the part of either France or Germany, for near Boulogne in the one country, and at Stettin in the other, there exist, perhaps, the largest Portland cement works in the world. The home consumption is very large indeed, yet it is much exceeded by the amount exported to nearly all parts of the world. Many of the most important engineering works in France and Germany have been executed with English cements, although, as before stated, these countries can produce for themselves. Our extensive export trade is in a great measure due to our commanding shipping facili- ties, which is a matter of great importance in dealing with a HISTOKICAL AND INTRODUCTORY. 29 heavy article like Portland cement of comparatively low pecuniary value. We may briefly give the chronological order of the ex- periments so as to show how much ingenuity had been expended before the realization of the Portland cement desi- deratum was reached. First. Smeaton in 1756, to obtain a special cement for his own works. Second. Higgins, in 1780, for the illustration and development of his particular views and theories of a cement more especially suited for stuccoing or house-fronting purposes. Third. Parker, in 1796, with the most fortunate and useful discovery of converting the nodules (septaria) found in the London clays. Although we may now be able to discard the cement derived from this source, having at our command one of much greater value, it served most useful purposes. The Thames Tunnel could not have been made but for the advantages it secured, and many of the early railway tunnels were built with it as a cementing agent. Fourth. Dobbs, in 1810, shows by his specification that he had a good mechanical knowledge of the subject, but his chemistry was insufficient to guide him. Fifth. Foreign experimenters, as Yicat, John, Treussart, and St. Leger, all of whom aimed at the obtainment of an artificial hydraulic lime during and about 1818, assisted in an able and satis- factory manner with their chemical knowledge in the eluci- dation of the subject. Sixth. Aspdin is entitled to the next position, from the date of his patent, in 1824. Seventh. Pasley, for many years after 1826, when he first entered seriously on the subject in the extensive experiments which he so ably conducted. Eighth. Frost, in 1826, from his being the first to erect a manufactory, near London, for the purpose of making Portland cement for constructive purposes. Before closing this chapter, we in the most hearty manner 30 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. acknowledge the great services rendered to the scientiflc branch of the subject by Captain Smith, by his valuable translation of Vicat's work on mortars and cements, pub- lished in 1837 : a careful study of which will greatly assist the intelligent investigator in his future and more advanced studies and experiments. ( 31 ) ^ CHAPTEK II. GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. Natural Sources from which the Haw Material may le obtained. THE most important ingredients required for the fabrication of a good Portland cement, when truly combined, are carbon- ate of lime, silica, and alumina. It is seldom, however, that these leading and indispensable minerals are found in such a state of chemical purity as to be accepted without careful analysis. The impurities with which they are generally in combination, such as oxides of iron, manganese, magnesia, &c., are not up to a certain defined limit dangerous, but act simply in a negative capacity, and in such condition are harmless in character. Aspdin in the original or parent Portland cement manu- factory adopted those materials which the locality com- manded, and with whose properties he was acquainted. They were, however, unsuited, as well as the site of his works, for an extensive system of manufacture, and other localities were sought for where the necessary conditions of success could be more readily commanded and secured. London was chosen as the proper centre for the establish- ment of the new manufactory, commanding as it does all the required conditions for success ; a great commercial centre in and around which the new product could be absorbed in the numerous works of construction, as well as having within a convenient distance inexhaustible deposits of the most suitable raw ingredients. The chalk formations on the banks 32 SCIENCE AND AKT OF PORTLAND CEMENT. of the rivers Thames and Medway, and the deposits of mud in their estuaries and creeks, furnished at an inconsiderable cost the most suitable supplies in the best and most accept- able form. Fuel was readily obtained in the shape of coke from the gasworks of the metropolis, and as a crowning advantage to the happy combination we have described, the port of London, with its numerous shipping facilities, afforded the means of exporting the cement to distant countries on the most advantageous terms. These favourable and singularly fortuitous circumstances resulted, as might have been expected, in the establishment of extensive cement manufactories in the neighbourhood of London, and it is now regarded as the centre and largest field of this industry. Such a favoured combination naturally placed the London cement makers in a position of commanding influence, so as to secure for them a practical monopoly of the cement trade, not only of the home trade, but the foreign trade as well. Hence the hitherto prevailing notion that Portland cement was only made in London, and the materials for its manu- facture were elsewhere unattainable. Before entering on the discussion of the various cement- making materials, we are desirous of calling attention to the desirability of inculcating in the minds of the operative the advantage, if not the necessity, of acquiring something more than a simple external or surface knowledge of the materials passing through his hands, and in the conversion of which he plays so important a part. In other industries besides that of cement making the ignorance of the manipulator debars him from the enjoyment which a knowledge of geology and mineralogy would afford. Why should the sciences allied to the industries of the coal miner or iron worker remain a sealed book to them, and beyond their intelligent com- GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 33 prehension ? Is it creditable in this age of intelligence that the operative cement maker while dealing with the simplest of minerals should only exert mechanically the aid required of him, and continue debarred by his ignorance from ap- preciating the nature of these materials and the original sources from which they were derived. It may not be possible, nor is it necessary, that the work- man should have his mental training so acute as to be capable of determining like a De la Beche from the physical aspect of a country its geological period, or its mineral value with the facility or unerring instincts of a Dana, or its chemical value like a Liebig. Such prescience is only within the grasp of specially trained and highly gifted intellects. "Hard work" is made harder when pursued without interest. It is the wearisome uncongenial task that ulti- mately breaks down the most elastic mind. There is amongst several classes of operatives certain acquired knowledge resulting from intelligent observation in their pursuits, which assume practical application according to the sagacity of the observer. A familiar example of this kind of instinct is shown by the Scotch coal miner when deciding on the character and direction of the dislocation of the seam of coal, when in " troubled fields " they are inter- sected by trap or volcanic dykes or faults. The test indica- tion of the "coom," the remains of soot caused by the igneous action of the molten trap at the period of its intrusion, showing by its appearance whether the dislocation has led to the " upthrow " or " downthrow " of the seam of coal. The French quarryman, to give another simple and familiar example, in quarrying the famous Caen stone, estimates its quality by a kind of musical scale expressed by the application of his hammer. The sounds thus developed 34 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. are pif, puf, pouf. The first indicating the hard, and the last the soft and friable. Such rules are somewhat dogmatic in character, receiving their value only by the amount of intelligence exercised in their application; at all events they fall far short of the unerring rules prescribed by science. Analyses of Caen Stone. 1. 2. Water 1-91 1-28 Silica 13-71 13-53 Protoxide of iron 0-73 0-72 Carbonate of lime 82-58 82-38 Magnesia 0-48 0-52 Not only is the attainment of useful rudimentary know- ledge possible, but, as we will show, the higher rounds of the scientific ladder have been reached by the humblest individuals. In the field of geology two remarkable examples are to be found in the persons of Hugh Miller and Mary Anning ; the former, of world-wide reputation as an original discoverer and thinker, and the other probably as well known to the leading geologists of her time from her diligent labours in the exhumation of antediluvian animals ; the one devoting his great natural abilities to the develop- ment of a knowledge of the geology of his native country, and the other assiduously, in a not less useful manner, pro- secuting her researches after the long-buried remains abound- ing in the vicinity of her birthplace; both alike imbued with strong religious feeling, which must have been in- tensified from their capacity to translate or read the great book of nature, and the wondrous works therein recorded of its Author. A short account of the circumstances which originally led GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 35 to the connection of these two celebrities with the science of geology is peculiarly interesting. Mary Anning, the daughter of a carpenter, was left an orphan at eleven years of age, and at that early period commenced seeking for strange forms along the sea-beach in the neighbourhood of Lyme Kegis for a livelihood. Her first find she sold to a lady for half a crown, and this encouragement induced her to further and more diligent research. A few months afterwards she saw in the lias strata the projecting bones of an animal, in the digging out of which she employed the required manual labour. The skeleton thus obtained she sold for 23Z., and is the ichthyo- saurus now in the geological gallery of the British Museum. It is not to be supposed that this discovery led to the im- mediate classification of these bones so singularly and by such humble agency brought to light. It was not until ten years afterwards that the illustrious Cuvier finally allotted them their palseontological position. Through these dis- coveries Mary Anning became famous, and corresponded with Home, Buckland, Conybeare, De la Beche, and Cuvier, and they, as well as numerous students of geology, were indebted to her for many of their illustrative specimens. Here, then, is a good example of what may be accom- plished by the humblest artisan or hand-worker, and shows how even a comparatively ignorant and obscure orphan girl became the correspondent and associate of illustrious and eminent men. Indeed, her fame became widespread, and fully justified her humble claim to notoriety, and she may well be pardoned the egotism expressed in her reply to the King of Saxony, when she said, " I am well known through the whole of Europe." We will let Hugh Miller speak for himself out of his ' Old Ked Sandstone.' " I set out a little before sunrise to make my first acquaint- D 2 36 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. ance with a life of labour and restraint, and I have rarely had a heavier heart than on that morning." In the laborious occupation on which he had entered he met with the unavoidable hardships with which it was associated. But after a short interval he found ample re- compense for all the discomforts he had endured. The first quarry at which he laboured for a short time was abandoned, and in another one in the Bay of Cromarty, situated in a highly interesting geological formation, he first felt that inspiration which eventually led him to a high position in the scientific and literary world. In describing the locality in which his labour duties had so happily placed him, he says: " In short, the young geologist, had he all Europe before him, could hardly choose for himself a better field. I had, however, no one to tell me so at the time, for geology had not travelled so far north ; and so without guide or vocabulary I had to grope my way as I best might, and find out all its wonders for myself. But so slow was the process, and so much was I a seeker in the dark, that the facts contained in these few sentences were the patient gathering of years. " In the course of the first day's employment I picked up a nodular mass of blue limestone, and laid it open by the stroke of a hammer ; wonderful to relate, it contained inside a beautifully finished piece of sculpture, one of the volutes apparently of an Ionic capital ; and not the far-famed walnut of the fairy tale, had I broken its shell and found the little dog lying within, could have surprised me more. Was there another such curiosity in the whole world ? I broke open a few other nodules of similar appearance for they lay thickly on the shore and found that there might. In one of these there was what seemed to be the scales of fishes and the impressions of a few minute bivalves, prettily striated ; in the centre of the other there was actually a piece of decayed GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 37 wood. Of all nature's riddles, these seemed to me to be at once the most interesting and the most difficult to expound. I treasured them carefully up, and was told by one of the workmen to whom I showed them, that there was a part of the shore two miles farther to the west where curiously shaped stones, somewhat like the heads of boarding pikes, were occasionally picked up ; and that in his father's days the country people called them thunderbolts, and deemed them of sovereign efficacy in curing bewitched cattle. Our employer, on quitting the quarry for the building on which we were to be engaged, gave all the workmen a half holiday. I employed it in visiting the place where the thunderbolts had fallen so thickly, and found it a richer scene of wonder than I could have fancied in even my dreams." It is unnecessary for us here to follow further the inter- esting history, but would recommend a reference to the work itself (' Old Ked Sandstone '), from which may be derived much delightful scientific knowledge, imparted in the most charming and acceptable manner. If it were desirable we might furnish many more illus- trations of the assistance afforded to the highest trained intellects by the most humble agencies. We cannot leave this interesting page of our subject, however, without men- tioning the widely-known assistance or help afforded to the indefatigable naturalist, Mr. Frank Buckland, by his humble fishermen friends, who secure for him rare specimens for the illustration of the science of which he is so able and original an expositor. Theirs is, indeed, a labour of love, attracted to the person of the genial recorder of nature's living mysteries in their most interesting and alluring forms. Before entering on the more dry and scientific part of our subject we would preface the introduction thereof with the observation that exception may be taken to the prominence which we give to the geological branch, and some may even 38 SCIENCE AND ART OP PORTLAND CEMENT. question its relevancy. But we hope, before closing our labours, to show that in cement making its importance is only subordinate to that of chemistry. Geology has done much for agriculture : it developed the use of coprolites ; gypsum through its agency was applied to the improvement of the growth of clover. The danger of using, for agri- cultural purposes, lime made from the dolomite or magnesian limestones, was averted, and much valuable knowledge was acquired from its application in arriving at the value of the soils and the kind of manures best suited to their various characters. We do not intend to refer, in exact scientific terms, to the various geological deposits from which the raw materials for cement making are to be obtained, but discuss them in such order as they appear to us requisite to the subject, giving them priority as we measure their value and im- portance from a cement-making point. CAEBONATE OF LIME. This mineral is one of the most abundant constituents of rocks, rendering it almost impossible to define, with any degree of accuracy, the limits of its all-pervading presence. It occurs but rarely in a state of purity, and is only repre- sented in that condition by calcspar and arragonite. In chemistry it is known as the metal calcium, discovered by Sir Humphry Davy. Pure carbonate of lime consists of Lime 56'3 Carbonic acid 43*7 100-0 Carbonate and sulphate of lime have their representatives in nearly every stratified formation. The marbles of the Metamorphie ; the corals, or shells, of the Silurian; the coral- GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL line and shell marbles of the Devonian ; the encrinal shells and fresh-water beds of the Carboniferous ; the dolomites of the Permian ; the lias of the Triassic ; the oolites of the Jurrasio ; the shelly bands of the Wealden ; the chalks and gaults of the Cretaceous; the nummulites of the Tertiary; and the plastic clays of the Post Tertiary. In the various estimates made of the extent of the lime- stone formation it is computed that in one or other of its varieties it occupies three-fourths of the earth's surface. England and Ireland are especially well provided, but in Scotland it is less plentiful. Scotland's proximity to Ireland, however, secures for it a plentiful supply of lime for building and agricultural purposes, in exchange for coals, which in that country are comparatively abundant. The limestone tract in Ireland is of considerable extent, having a range from east to west, or from Dublin to Galway, of 120 miles, with a mean breadth of something like 100 miles. It seldom exceeds 250 feet in altitude above sea level. Carbonate of lime is insoluble, or only very slightly soluble in pure water, requiring 778 grains of water at a temperature of 60 Fahr. to dissolve one grain of lime, and at boiling point 1278 grains. In a hydrate state it is much more easily dissolved. According to Fresenius, one part of carbonate of lime can be dissolved in 8834 parts of cold and 10,601 parts of boiling water. When rendered caustic, as proved by Bineau's expe- riments, it is soluble in the proportion of 780 parts of cold and 1500 parts of hot water to 1 part of caustic lime. This extreme insolubility of the carbonate of lime does not affect the transparency of the water in which it is dissolved, and hence the necessarily slow and protracted process of its deposition in the various processes with which in the geolo- gical system of our globe it has played, and still continues to play, so prominent a part. 40 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. Notwithstanding this extreme minuteness of solution in the water, it is found to interfere prejudicially when so com- bined in the water used for domestic and manufacturing pur- poses. This difficulty is, however, readily overcome by the application of Dr. Clarke's process as now adopted in recently constructed waterworks when the supply is pumped from the chalk formation. The white crystalline marbles contain but a slightly appreciable quantity of impurities, as the following analyses by Wittstein indicate : No. 1, specimen from Carrara. No. 2, from Schlonders, in the Tyrol, crystalline. No. 3, from the same locality, compact. 1. 2. 3. Specific gravity 2-732 2-700 2-566 Carbonate of lime magnesia Ox?de of iron 99-236 0-284 0-251 99-010 0-521 97-040 2-109 0-360 99-771 99-531 99-509 It may here be observed that mineralogists are not quite agreed as to the accurate application of the term " crystal- line." Our use of that term may only, therefore, be re- garded as simply distinguishing the physical texture of the rocks, and not in their strict or accurate mineralogical sense. Such a classification as the following will be ob- served, viz. : Perfect crystalline, as in calcspar ; minute crystalline, as in the fine-grained marbles ; sub-crystalline, as in the oolite or the powdery and amorphous state of the chalk. It is believed that volcanic action has altered, in many formations, the original character of the carbonates of lime long subsequent to the period of its primary deposition. GEOLOGICAL AND MINEBALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 41 Numerous examples of this metamorphic change are to be found, amongst others that of the Carrara marbles, which, originally oolite limestone, became by this action the most valuable of known statuary marbles. In Ireland again, at the famous " Giant's Causeway," the intrusion of the molten basalt converted the chalk in the neighbourhood of its occurrence to a granular condition, thus destroying or changing its original or amorphous character. In North Derbyshire we also find the carboniferous limestone con- verted into a variety of marbles, almost of every shade and colour, by the extrusion of the igneous material known in the locality as " toadstone." These several metamorphic changes must have been pro- duced when the extruded material was at a very high tem- perature, and under conditions of enormous pressure, other- wise the carbonic acid gas would have been evolved, and instead of crystalline marble there would have been lime. From such widespread and, comparatively speaking, in- exhaustible supplies of carbonate of lime, the cement maker need find no difficulty in obtaining this, the first and most important ingredient for his manufacture. Besides the interest and value attaching to this material from a cement- making point of view, it has other claims on our attention from the singularly strange and varied processes by which it was formed. We will offer a few remarks on the generally accepted theories of the origin and growth of the earth's crust. Since the discovery of spectrum analysis, and its application to the purposes of astronomical observation, observers have concluded that the earth was originally in a gaseous state, at which time calcium, carbon, and oxygen existed in a free uncombined state on account of the then prevailing high temperature. On this temperature lessening carbonic acid was formed, and the calcium combined with oxygen, forming 42 SCIENCE AND AKT OF PORTLAND CEMENT. lime. At this period the temperature was still too high for water to assume a liquid form. Experiments of an inter- esting and reliable character, made by Schulatschenko, demonstrate that carbonic acid cannot combine with lime in the absence of water in its normal or liquid state ; it follows that carbonic acid and lime co-existed at this time without being in a state of combination. The lime, however, was already in contact with silica a much more powerful agent at high temperature than carbonic acid so that where the gradual lowering of the globe's temperature resulted in solutions of carbonic and other more powerful acids, they combined with silicate of lime and various igneous com- pounds. These were the more easily decomposed from the then existing enormous pressure caused by the quantity of water in the altering atmosphere. Whether under this pressure carbonic acid had previously existed in a liquid state is difficult of proof, as we are without experiments to explain the action of liquid carbonic acid on lime and its silicates. To have rendered possible the existence of liquid carbonic acid a pressure of 36 of our atmospheres would have been necessary. Silicates of lime are decomposed by carbonic acid ; the lime found in the springs of the granite formation is due to this source. Assuming that these theories are tenable, for at present there is no information or research which disturbs such con- clusions, we arrive at the reasonable inference that all the carbonates of lime are the result of decomposed pre-existing silicates. In modern times we have no evidence of any natural process by the agency of which silicates of lime are formed equalling in quantity those decomposed by water con- taining carbonic acid. There is no example where a deposit of carbonate of lime can be proved to have been deposited by igneous action without subsequent metamorphosis. Even the old crystalline marbles in the gneiss of Bio Janeiro are GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 43 so clearly stratified that Mr. W. F. Keid, during his recent visit to the Brazils, was enabled to point out to a local lime- burner the continuation of a stratum apparently lost from its partial obliteration by erosion. If the surface of the globe were covered with water, and a hot solution of bicarbonate of lime injected therein, there would be no precipitate of carbonate of lime owing to that substance being more soluble in cold than hot water. The above explanation of the primordial action during the earth's infancy brings us to the period before the " dawn of life," and in the absence of all organisms. We shall now examine the processes which are supposed to have continued the wondrous operations during the succeeding geological epochs, and their present and continuous action in changing the aspect and conditions of modern geology. In the sub-structural rocks, formed before and partly during the early Devonian period, carbonate of lime occurs in comparatively insignificant quantities. Where and whence, then, the sources from which the materials were obtained and used in building up the vast deposits of carbonate of lime? The explanation, or answer, is sought for in the following manner. In the fractured conditions of the earth's early crust numerous calcareous streams, forced by enormous internal pressure, jssued through the crevices. At this period water covered nearly the whole surface of the globe, and thus became charged with the ejected and boiling solutions of bicarbonate of lime, magnesia, &c. These agencies had their origin in a period so remote as to baffle our powers of com- putation to determine their beginning or end. The ocean, therefore, during all past time, and indeed at the present time also, became the storehouse, supplying the varied vitalities with the soluble materials to construct and main- tain their organisms, which by their decay eventually formed 44 SCIENCE AND AET OF POETLAND CEMENT. the deposit of carbonate of lime. Such agency may be con- sidered a chemical one, but there are others of a mechanical character ceaselessly at work in changing the face of nature, and by their action contributing to the building up of new mineral deposits. Of this class of agency the mechanical force of river action is not the least important in its effect and results. While depositing in its strictly river course vast quantities of insoluble materials, it carries in its seaward course others of a more soluble nature to be first absorbed in the various oceans of which they are the feeders, and at last utilized in the growth of organisms before referred to. The amount of river water flowing into the various seas and oceans is something enormous. We shall shortly allude to a few of the best-known examples. The Khone, through its 500 miles drains an area of 7000 square miles. The Khine, with its 800 miles, conveys to the sea the drainage of 14,000 square miles. The Danube, 1800 miles long, accommodates the drainage of 55,000 square miles of country. In North America, the St. Lawrence, traversing a distance of 1200 miles, discharges into the Atlantic Sea the drainage of 300,000 square miles. The great Mississippi, meandering through its tortuous course of 3800 miles, ultimately conveys the drainage of 1,000,000 square miles of country. It is estimated that 1,800,000,000 tons of water enter into the Mediterranean Sea during the twenty-four hours, being the collective contributions of all great and secondary rivers discharging along its shores. The Black Sea receives the discharge of one-fourth of the river waters of Europe. The flow of the river Thames at Teddington on a rough average is 8332 gallons of water per second, a gallon of which yields on analysis 22 5 grains of solid matter, chiefly bicarbonate of lime, equal to 96 '417 Ibs. per hour, or 377,058 tons per annum. The river Danube, after its traverse through 1800 miles GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 45 of fertile country, discharges itself into the Black Sea. During floods, and when its waters are most surcharged, they bear to the tideless sea as much sedimentary matter as, if precipitated and compressed, would be equal to 1 cube inch of solid matter to a cubic foot of water. Not above one-fortieth of this enormous quantity is, however, trans- ported when the highest floods have subsided. Upwards of 600,000 cubic yards of diluvial detritus pass into the sea by the several mouths of the river in twenty-four hours, and during its normal state 15,000 cubic yards in the same time. The maintenance of a navigable mouth has been successfully accomplished, through the skilful agency of Sir Charles Hartley, to whom the European Commission entrusted its execution. The Nile again, which through all historic ages has been the wonder and admiration of both learned and ignorant : the mystery of its source, and the marvellous fertility resulting from its periodical inundations, combined to render it, from the earliest period of recorded history, a subject of much controversy and speculation. The solid matter an- nually brought down by this river has been estimated, in pursuance of very careful measurements carried on for many years, at 240,000,000 cubic yards, that is, equal to an area of 2 square miles 50 feet deep. It is thought that a portion of this mass is carried eastward by the prevailing shore-current that sweeps the fringe of the Egyptian Delta, and either raises the bed of the Mediterranean or reappears in the shape of blown sand creeping over the gardens of Palestine. But, all deductions made, a steady annual growth of culti- vable land is added year by year to the dominions of the Khedive of Egypt. All these mighty masses, thus transported by natural agency in never-ending and continuous regularity, so far eclipse by their immensity any power at the command of 46 SCIENCE AND ABT OF PORTLAND CEMENT. man, or under his control, that even the combined energy of all the steam power on the globe exerted to its utmost point would, in comparison, be of the most pigmy character. The degradation of the various geological formations, due to the various atmospheric and meteoric agencies, assists to a great extent in preparing for the transport of these vast quantities so various in mineral character and value. These illustrations form but an insignificant item in the large total of the river power of the globe, bat they give us some idea of the force of such agency, and its ceaseless con- tribution to the ever-changing geological conditions of our planet. Wells and springs, by the deposition of the salts in their water, assist also in the production of carbonate of lime. A familiar example of this class of agency occurs to us in the case of the Bath old wells. A daily water yield of 181,440 gallons yields 608 tons of solid matter every year. In Italy a building stone, known as travertine, is com- posed solely of carbonate of lime deposited from volcanic waters. Some springs in Tuscany deposit as much as 12 inches of carbonate of lime during the year. Similar springs occur in England, as at Matlock, in Derbyshire, and other places, where they are locally known as petrifying wells. Carbonate and sulphate of lime is, indeed, to be found in nearly all wells, where its presence is indicated by the de- posited incrustations in cooking vessels, which is simply lime, or its silicate, after being deprived of its carbonic acid. Water in the London chalk district contains 20 grains of bicarbonate of lime in every gallon. The celebrated "Falls of Niagara" afford a favourable illustration of another kind of agency. The abrading action of the river flowing over the falls has reduced, during fifty years, the platform of the cataract to the extent of 40 yards, or nearly 1 yard per annum ; the degradation of the old rock resulting in the formation of a soft shelly limestone in GEOLOGICAL AND MINEEALOGIOAL OBSERVATIONS. 47 the new or lower river bed. The distance from the lower opening of the narrow gorge to the present face of the cataract is 7 miles, and the time occupied in this process of retrogression was computed, by the late Sir Charles Lyell, at 35,000 years : that is, from the period of the drift, or glacial action, to the present time. The falls are now distant 25 miles from Lake Erie, and when that space has been traversed by this destructive hydraulic agent the lake itself will be emptied, from the fact of its depth being less than the height of the falls, unless during that period the volume of water should become diminished and its force thereby be prevented from maintaining the present height of the fall. We will now proceed to describe the various formations from which supplies of carbonate of lime may be obtained. The first to which we shall call attention is, perhaps, the best known and most valuable, and with which, in England, we are best acquainted, viz. CHALK. Chalk is a fine granular carbonate of lime, existing geo- logically in three well-defined formations known as Chalk Marl, Lower Chalk, Upper Chalk, the latter being frequently interspersed with layers of flint nodules. It occupies a large portion of England's surface, and if the thin soils, with which in some places it is covered, were bared, it would be traceable in varying breadths from Dorsetshire to Flamborough Head, in Yorkshire. With the exception of the wealds of Kent and Sussex it prevails in all the south-eastern counties. Notwithstanding the extent of the English deposits, and even after adding those of the north of Ireland, they form 52 SCIENCE AND AET OF PORTLAND CEMENT. that the cement maker is to apprehend danger, from the consequences of which he can only protect himself by the exercise of the most careful attention. The next deposit we purpose considering is the lias, which we regard as second in importance from the cement-making point of view to that which we have just referred to. LIAS. This formation is so named, it is supposed, from a cor- ruption of the word lyas, or layers, and was originally applied to the thin-bedded limestones at the base of the oolitic system. It is generally arranged in the following divisions: 1st. Upper lias clay, or shale. 2nd. Marlstone. 3rd. Lower lias clay, or shale. 4th. Lias rock. Although, perhaps, not equalling the chalk in geogra- phical extent, it, however, occupies a considerable portion of this country's surface, and extends in almost unbroken con- tinuity from Lyme Eegis in the south, to the river Tees in the north, with isolated patches in North and South Wales and elsewhere. In Scotland and Ireland it exists but in comparatively insignificant quantities. The most favourable points for studying and observing this highly interesting geological formation are Whitby, in Yorkshire ; Westbury, in the estuary of the river Severn; Watchet, in Somerset- shire ; Aberthaw, in Glamorganshire ; Lyme Kegis, in Dorset- shire ; and Barrow, in Leicestershire. Besides its industrial value this formation commands much attention from its being the depository of the gigantic fossil remains of the ichthyosauri, plesiosauri, and other GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 53 extinct animals. Its prevailing and distinguishing colour is blue, its shade varying in different districts, even reaching that of a pale grey or white, known in some localities as the " white lias," when it assumes a highly indurated character, and when in that state is used for ornamental and other constructive purposes. This formation, from its muddy appearance, and the almost entire absence of any crystalline characteristics, induces a belief that some different natural process was at work than that which built up the chalk and other carbonate of lime deposits. The disproportion of the limestone to the shale is very marked, and although the former is seldom found with a larger proportion than 80 per cent, of carbonate, and then in comparatively shallow beds, the clays preponderate, and even in the best circumstanced quarries, unless where brickmaking is carried on, large quantities are wheeled to waste, thereby involving an increase in the cost of working. The perfect animal remains found in the " lias " induces the belief that the growth of its deposit was at a rapid rate, the unconsumed food, and other conditions of the exhumed remains, favouring this supposition. That the deposit was performed in still and placid waters is beyond question, from the accuracy even to the colour in the shells of the most delicate remains. The ooze bed of the great liassic sea formed a soft resting place for the delicate pentacrinites, as well as the huge saurians, both of whom, according to their weight, became entombed, to be recovered in distant ages, enabling us to read by their aid the lesson of the earth's history and its mutations. The eminent chemist, Bischof, affords us explanation on the general conservation of organic remains. He says : "The cause of the destruction of animal remains enclosed in sandstone is easily explained. These rocks are porous. 50 SCIENCE AND ART OP PORTLAND CEMENT. from careful examination, ascertained the character and form of these tiny creatures. It had hitherto been supposed that no living organism existed in any deep-ocean bed, and but for the aid of novel and specially adapted mechanical appliances we should have continued to remain ignorant of the knowledge of such jelly-like vitalism, not only main- taining life, but capable of constructing their skeletons out of the carbonate of lime contained in the water in which they lived ; these so-called Globigerina, when dead, be- coming imbedded in a granular matrix composed of various bodies so minute in character that a cubic inch represents hundreds of thousands compacted together by innumerable granules. The chalk is not solely composed of Globigerina, but con- tains a small percentage of siliceous bodies of a low type of vegetable organism named DiatomaceaB, together with the simple animals termed Kadiolariae, both of which live and die on the surface of the ocean. The time occupied by these siliceous organisms, scarcely equalling the lightest dust in weight, in gravitating to their final resting place in the ocean bed, must have been very protracted, more especially when we consider the great disparity between their super- ficial area and weight. If we assume that' during the geologic periods of the marine limestone formations the amount of carbonic acid was as great as that now existing, we find ample confirmation that such deposits were the result of organic agency. Bischof tells us that in our present seas there is seven times as much carbonic acid gas as is necessary to hold in solution the carbonate of lime, and that therefore its depo- sition on the sea bed could only be accomplished by vital forces: From an analysis made of the water flowing off from the mud of the river Hooghly, in the delta of the Ganges, after GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 51 the annual inundation, it was found to be highly charged with carbonic acid gas holding lime in solution. That the minute agencies contributing and collectively bringing about such results were various in character, is apparent from the fact that, with but slight exceptions, each formation has its distinct representative fossils. So also do we find that these remains indicate the particular epoch in which they lived and died. We have shown that these vast masses of extinct organisms were accumulated in ancient seas. Such a conclusion finds ample proof from the existence, in a fossilized state, of numerous remains of aquatic animals who passed their lives in the sea, the majority of them being similar to those now found in existing oceans. A good illustration of the ceaseless activity of submarine life is afforded by the following information : " A remarkable piece of coral has been taken from a sub- marine cable, near Port Darwin, Australia. It is of the ordinary species, about 5 inches in height, 6 inches in dia- meter at the top, and about 2 inches at the base. It is perfectly formed, and the face bears the distinct impression of the cable, while a few fibres of the coir rope, used as a sheath for the telegraph wire, still adhere to it. As the cable has been laid only four years, it is evident that this specimen must have grown to its present height in that time ; this seems to prove that the growth of coral has been much more rapid than scientific men have hitherto admitted." We seldom find chalk in so pure a state on the earth's surface as that found in the now forming ocean beds, various geological changes having occurred since that remote period, and those of more recent date especially have left ample evidence of their occurrence by deposits of a purely diluvial character. It is from the intermixture of these impurities E 2 52 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. that the cement maker is to apprehend danger, from the consequences of which he can only protect himself by the exercise of the most careful attention. The next deposit we purpose considering is the lias, which we regard as second in importance from the cement-making point of view to that which we have just referred to. LIAS. This formation is so named, it is supposed, from a cor- ruption of the word lyas, or layers, and was originally applied to the thin-bedded limestones at the base of the oolitic system. It is generally arranged in the following divisions: 1st. Upper lias clay, or shale. 2nd. Marlstone. 3rd. Lower lias clay, or shale. 4th. Lias rock. Although, perhaps, not equalling the chalk in geogra- phical extent, it, however, occupies a considerable portion of this country's surface, and extends in almost unbroken con- tinuity from Lyme Kegis in the south, to the river Tees in the north, with isolated patches in North and South Wales and elsewhere. In Scotland and Ireland it exists but in comparatively insignificant quantities. The most favourable points for studying and observing this highly interesting geological formation are Whitby, in Yorkshire ; Westbury, in the estuary of the river Severn; Watchet, in Somerset- shire ; Aberthaw, in Glamorganshire ; Lyme Kegis, in Dorset- shire ; and Barrow, in Leicestershire. Besides its industrial value this formation commands much attention from its being the depository of the gigantic fossil remains of the ichthyosauri, plesiosauri, and other GEOLOGICAL AND MINEKALOGICAL OBSEKVATIONS. 53 extinct animals. Its prevailing and distinguishing colour is blue, its shade varying in different districts, even reaching that of a pale grey or white, known in some localities as the " white lias," when it assumes a highly indurated character, and when in that state is used for ornamental and other constructive purposes. This formation, from its muddy appearance, and the almost entire absence of any crystalline characteristics, induces a belief that some different natural process was at work than that which built up the chalk and other carbonate of lime deposits. The disproportion of the limestone to the shale is very marked, and although the former is seldom found with a larger proportion than 80 per cent, of carbonate, and then in comparatively shallow beds, the clays preponderate, and even in the best circumstanced quarries, unless where brickmaking is carried on, large quantities are wheeled to waste, thereby involving an increase in the cost of working. The perfect animal remains found in the " lias " induces the belief that the growth of its deposit was at a rapid rate, the unconsumed food, and other conditions of the exhumed remains, favouring this supposition. That the deposit was performed in still and placid waters is beyond question, from the accuracy even to the colour in the shells of the most delicate remains. The ooze bed of the great liassic sea formed a soft resting place for the delicate pentacrinites, as well as the huge saurians, both of whom, according to their weight, became entombed, to be recovered in distant ages, enabling us to read by their aid the lesson of the earth's history and its mutations. The eminent chemist, Bischof, affords us explanation on the general conservation of organic remains. He says : " The cause of the destruction of animal remains enclosed in sandstone is easily explained. These rocks are porous. 54 'SCIENCE- AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. They are therefore saturated by the sea water, and, after their upheaval by the ocean, by rain water; the salts of lime of which these remains consist, are carried away. " If dead marine animals sink into sandbanks, they can, of course, only be enclosed by sand where currents exist ; for sand at the bottom of the sea can only be pushed forward, never lifted, by the water. Where no new deposits of sand took place the bones of the animal remains were exposed to the dissolving action of the carbonic acid contained in the sea water, after their flesh had become decomposed. Even if the body has been covered with sand at the bottom of the sea, and this sand has been cemented together, yet the bones are not protected from the dissolving action of sea water ; for no sandstone excludes water. "It is quite a different case with those substances held in suspension by the water. These belong to the whole ocean. They sink to the bottom whenever the water is not kept in continual motion by storms. Dead marine animals are there enveloped by these substances and thus preserved. They are also preserved if enveloped in carbonate of lime, whether-4liis has been produced by the decomposition of the bicarbonate, by the atmosphere, or by organic action. " Although clay-slate, clay, and limestone may not be com- pletely impervious to water, yet they are more so than sandstone. The circumstance is also favourable that water penetrating limestone layers becomes saturated with car- bonate of lime before reaching the organic remains, and can therefore hardly act upon them. Thus we find an abun- dance of remains of fish and saurians in the bituminous schists or limestone of the upper lias in several countries. The schists in which the remains of the ichthyosauri those voracious monsters occur, show everywhere such a uniform and remarkable composition, that one is inclined to ascribe the formation of those layers to the animals which are en- GEOLOGICAL AND MINEBALOGIC. closed in them. Under the magnifying glass you can see that they are composed of fishes' teeth, scales, fragments of shell, &c., and all is impregnated with the animal oil which renders these schists combustible. . . . We need not look for a mechanical power to account for the grinding up of the fishes' teeth, &c. We find one in the digestive apparatus of the saurians which fed on the fish." In the absence of such authoritative hypothesis we might feel disposed to look around for other natural agencies assisting in the formation of this remarkable geological deposit. We have instances innumerable of remarkable results from apparently trivial causes, such, for instance, as that stated by Agassiz occurring in the river Glat -one of the tributaries of Lake Zurich. Thousands of barbels were destroyed by a sudden reduction of 15 in the tempe- rature of the water. A sudden irruption of salt water into a fresh-water lake resulting in a similar disaster. Volcanic agency is another active instrument of de- struction. A comparatively recent instance of this power occurred at Quito in 1797. At the foot of the mountain of Tunguragua a stream of water and fetid mud poured out, overflowed, and carried destruction along their course. Valleys 1000 feet broad were flooded to the depth of 600 feet, and the course of the rivers completely choked by the deposited mud; the vapour killing all the cattle coming within its poisonous influence. In the Crimea there are active mud volcanoes, and in the neighbouring peninsula of Tamsau an outbreak of Ku- kuobo in 1794 emitted about 27,000,000 cubic feet of mud. The initial force by which some or all of these streams were propelled was in all probability derived from the elastic power of steam under enormous pressure. This agent, when relieved of the incumbent equilibrium by which pre- 56 SCIENCE AND ABT OF PORTLAND CEMENT. viously its latent energy had been controlled, discharging the mud, and thereby preventing, it is possible, destructive earthquakes. A singular phenomenon occurred in France during the recent heavy rains which fell during twenty-nine days over Paris. It was computed that during that time the quantity of water which fell amounted to 4,500,000 tons (about one thousand million gallons). From an analysis made it was estimated that about nine tons of ammonia had been pre- cipitated from the atmosphere, in which was contained nitro- gen sufficient to cover the whole of Paris with a forest. Besides the ammonia there were 88 tons of mineral sub- stances, amongst them being globules of meteoric iron. It was from the lias deposits that Smeaton selected the now famous Aberthaw lime, with which he mixed Italian puzzolana, for the mortar used in the construction of the Eddystone Lighthouse. The analyses of Aberthaw limestone are No. 1. Carbonate of lime 86 '2 Silica and alumina (clay) 11-2 Water, &c 2-6 100-0 No. 2. Carbonate of lime 86-0 magnesia 2*0 Silica 8-0 Alumina 1*0 Peroxide of iron 2'0 Water and loss I'O 100-0 The following analyses of lias limestone and shale are taken from Eogers' 'Iron Metallurgy,' and made presum- ably by the author thereof, or under his control and direc- GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 57 tion. The various specimens were submitted to him for investigation to ascertain their value in relation to iron making. Carbon- ate of Lime. Carbon- ate of Magne- sia. Silica. Alu- mina. Peroxide of Iron. Water and Loss. 1 (Black lias, Mumbles, near j \ Swansea / 50 20 4 2 20 4 2 Flesh-coloured ditto, ditto 37 34 5 2 14 8 3 Yellow ditto, ditto .. .. 50 28 4 2 8 8 4 fLime shale, Llangattock,! \ Breconshire .. .. ./ 34 4 24 2 16 20 5 Upper ditto, ditto 38 4 20 4 12 22 6 Yellow coarse ditto, ditto 75 2 10 2 4 7 7 Lias stone, ditto 48 30 8 4 4 6 8 Eeddish ditto, ditto 80 8 4 2 4 2 9 Blue sandy ditto, ditto . . 30 pt 64 2 2 2 io Blue smooth ditto, ditto . . 58 22 8 4 4 4 11 /Lias, near Bridgend, Gla-"l \ morganshire / 70 6 16 2 4 2 12 Ditto No. 2, ditto .. .. 76 2 12 2 6 2 13 Ditto No. 3, ditto 76 4 10 2 4 4 There are other well-known districts from which hydraulic limes have been obtained and used in important engineering works. From Lyme Eegis the mortar used in the con- struction of the London Docks was obtained ; and in the no less important undertaking of the Liverpool Docks, that from Holywell, in North Wales. Their analyses are as under : Lyme Regis. Holywell. Carbonate of lime Alumina and silica . . Water 79-20 17-30 3-50 71-55 23-60 0*50 Carbonate of magnesia Oxide of iron Alkalies 1-35 2-21 0-79 100-00 100-00 58 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. An exceptionally good specimen of the Warwickshire lias limestone, analyzed by W. F. Keid, gives : Carbonate of lime 68'25 Silica 17-90 Alumina 3*70 Oxide of iron 2 01 Magnesia 1-44 Sesquioxide of manganese 14 Organic substances 0'50 Water and loss . 6 -06 100-00 Lias limestone, from Larne, in Ireland, analyzed by Dr. Hodges, gives : Carbonate of lime 71*66 Carbonate of magnesia 2 67 Oxides of iron and alumina 9 42 Silica and insoluble clay 14 61 98-36 The singularly varied character of the several beds of this formation prevents our being able to add to the above limited number of analyses. In fact, every band of lime- stone and shale has its own distinct and separate chemical value. The stone may be regarded as worth in carbonate of lime from 60 per cent, to 80 per cent., and the shales seldom contain more than 30 per cent., or less than 10 per cent. In some districts it is not easy to discriminate be- tween the newly quarried stones and shales. After a short exposure to the air, however, shales disintegrate, and in that condition are readily distinguished from the stone. Like almost all other shales, those from the lias beds are found mixed with iron pyrites. As this substance (sulphuret of iron), when existing in certain proportions, exercises an injurious influence on the manufacture of Portland cement, great care is necessary in the selection of shales for that GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 59 purpose. It is probably owing to the presence of this dele- terious ingredient that so little progress has been made in producing first-class Portland cements from these deposits ; and the ease with which all the required materials are obtained may also have conduced to a careless system, disregarding the necessity of being guided by chemical knowledge. The favour with which engineers generally regard hy- draulic limes encourages its manufacture, to the exclusion of cement, notwithstanding that for all constructive pur- poses it is much more costly and less valuable in its results for mortar-making purposes than a good Portland cement. The manufacture of the ordinary lias lime is a simple ABC operation, and requires neither the outlay of large capital nor much technical knowledge. Geologists have given more than ordinary attention to this deposit, and the late Hugh Miller, in writing of that at Eathie, in Scotland, says : " The liassic deposit of Eathie must have been of slow deposition. It consists of laminae as thin as sheets of paste- board, which of course shows that there was but little de- posited at a time, and pauses between each deposit, and, though a soft muddy surface could have been of itself no proper habitat for the sedentary animals serpulae, oysters, gryphites,' and terebratulse we find further, that they did, notwithstanding, find footing upon it, by attaching them- selves to the dead shells of such of the sailing or swimming molluscs, ammonites, and belemnites, as died over it, and left upon it their remains ; from which we infer that the pauses must have been very protracted, seeing that they gave sufficient time for the terebratulse shells that never moved from the place in which they were originally fixed to grow up to maturity. The thin leaves of these liassic volumes must have been slowly formed and deliberately written ; for, 60 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. as a series of volumes, reclining against a granite pedestal in the geologic library of nature, I used to find pleasure in regarding them. The limestone bands, curiously marbled with lignite, ichthyolite, and shell, formed the stiff boarding ; and the thin pasteboard-like laminae between tens and hundreds of thousands in number in even the slimmer volumes composed the closely written leaves. For never did figures or characters lie closer in a page than the organisms on the surfaces of these leaf-like laminae. Permit me to present to you from my note-book a few readings taken during a single visit from these strange pages. " We insinuate our lever into a fissure of the shale, and turn up a portion of one of the laminae, whose surface had last seen the light when existing as part of the bottom of the old liassic sea, when more than half the formation had still to be deposited. Is it not one of the prints of Sowerby's 1 Mineral Conchology ' that has opened up to us ? Nay, the shells lie too thickly for that, and there are too many repetitions of organisms of the same species. The drawing, too. is finer, and the shading seems produced rather by such a degree of relief in the figures as may be seen in those of an embossed card, than by any of lighter or darker colour. And yet the general tone of the colouring, though dimmed by the action of untold centuries, is still very striking. The ground of the tablets is of a deep black, while the colours stand out in various shades, from opaque to silvery white, and from silvery white to deep grey. There, for instance, is a group of large ammonites, as if drawn in white chalk ; there, a cluster of minute bivalves, resembling pectens, each of which bears its thin film of silvery nacre ; there, a grace- fully formed lima, in deep neutral tint ; while lying athwart the page, like the dark hawthorn leaf in Bewick's well- known vignette, there are two slim sword-shaped leaves coloured in deep umber. We lay open a portion of another GEOLOGICAL AND MINEBALOGIOAL OBSERVATIONS. 61 page. The centre is occupied by a large myacites, still bearing a warm tint of yellowish brown, and which must have had an exceedingly brilliant shell in its day ; there is a modiola, a smaller shell, but similar in tint, though not quite so bright, lying a few inches away, with an assemblage of dark grey gryphites of considerable size on the one side, and on the other a fleet of minute terebratulse, that had been borne down and covered by some fresh deposit from above, when riding at their anchors. We turn over yet another page. It is occupied exclusively by ammonites of various sizes, but all of one species, as if a whole argosy, old and young, convoyes and convoyed, had been wrecked at once, and sent disabled and dead to the bottom. And here we open yet another page more. It bears a set of extremely slender belemnites. They lie along and athwart, and in every pos- sible angle, like a heap of boarding pikes thrown carelessly down on a vessel's deck on the surrender of the crew. Here, too, is an assemblage of bright black plates, that shine like pieces of japan work, the cerebral plates of some fish of the ganoid order ; and here an immense accumulation of glitter- ing scales of a circular form. We apply the microscope and find every little interstice in the page covered with organisms. And leaf after leaf, for tens and hundreds of feet together, repeat the same strange story. The great Alex- andrian library, with its unsummed tomes of ancient literature, the accumulation of long ages, was but a poor and meagre collection, scarce less puny in bulk than recent in date, when compared with this vast and wondrous library of the Scotch lias. " Now this Eathie deposit is a crowded burying ground, greatly more charged with remains of the dead, and more thoroughly saturated with what was once animal matter, than ever yet was city burying ground in its most unsanitary state." 62 SCIENCE AND AET OF POETLAND CEMENT. Sir Charles Lyell, in remarking on the line in Byron, " The dust we tread was once alive,'* says : "How faint an idea does this exclamation of the poet convey of the real wonders of nature ! for here we discover proofs that the calcareous and siliceous dust of which hills are composed has not only been once alive, but almost every particle, albeit invisible to the naked eye, still retains the organic structure which, at periods of time incalculably remote, was impressed upon it by the powers of life." In looking around us, and applying our intelligence, we can no longer doubt or hesitate to believe in the existence of an unceasing " great cause " shaping and operating at its will on every speck of the boundless space of the universe. Vol- canic action ! atmospheric action ! meteoric action ! with innumerable minor influences, all impenetrable to the ordi- nary mind, but occasionally, and at rare intervals, expounded through the acute intellects of some advanced scientific in- telligence. We can read, with a certain amount of clearness, the lessons taught by the volcanic outbursts of past and present times. Their external influence as it affects the physical conditions of ourselves and the surface of the earth ; but the cause lies hidden, and may still be regarded as a sealed book, notwithstanding the vaunted explanation of egotistic philosophers. That the prime agent is chemical we may safely assume, even with our comparatively limited knowledge of its vast agency, and those phenomena which, during the benighted ages, had their origin ascribed to " dark " or " infernal " agency, can be readily explained by modern scientists. Take, for instance, a natural occur- rence of the simplest kind, which recently took place in the adit level of a lead mine in the state of Missouri, North America. A sudden rise of the temperature from 60 to 100 obliged the miners to retire from their work. Chemistry GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 63 at once read the at least what would have been a hundred years ago riddle, and proved that the presence of 75 per cent, of sulphate of protoxide of iron in the strata through which the adit was driven had become disintegrated, and in this condition rapidly absorbed the oxygen of the atmo- spheric air, resulting in the increase of the 40 of temperature. Many a mysterious underground fire could have been similarly explained if the necessary intelligence could have been commanded. The phenomena of metallic snow, and other kindred occur- rences, should' now no longer terrify the ignorant, for science has loudly proclaimed the source and cause of their occurrence. We shall now proceed to examine the OOLITIC FORMATION, which, like the cretaceous and lias deposits, is well repre- sented in England, extending from Yorkshire in the north to Dorsetshire in the south, and having an irregular breadth of about thirty miles. The name by which geologists have distinguished the for- mation originated in its peculiar physical character, which resembles the roes or eggs of fish, around which are concen- trically accumulated layers of calcareous matter. It is arranged by geologists into three divisions, viz. : "Lower," "Middle," "Upper." From each of these divisions are quarried various stones for building and lime burning. The well-known and valuable Portland and Bath stone, as well as the Purbeck marbles, fullers' earth and firestone, are the most marked products 64 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. from this formation. Its use for Portland and other cement- making purposes has hitherto been but limited. The external aspect of the rock, and its general character, is not so well-defined, and is exceedingly variable, being neither crystalline nor amorphous. Its colour is also unre- liable, and exhibits almost every gradation of shade between white and yellow, according to the extent of metallic influ- ence with which it is surrounded. The clays which are intercalated in some of the series are generally of a dark blue colour, tolerably pure and well suited for cement making in conjunction with its allied stone. The chemical results are somewhat varied in character, and exhibit a wide range in the various widely separated districts from which the samples have been obtained. We here give six analyses : No. 1, from Portland (Dorset). 2, Ancaster (Lincoln). 3, Ham Hill (Somerset). 4, Barnack (Northampton). 5, Cirencester (Wiltshire). The two latter were analyzed by Dr. A. Voelcker, with a view to an ascertainment of their value to the farmer for agricultural purposes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Carbonate of lime 95-16 93-59 79-30 93-40 95-35 89-20 magnesia 1-20 2-90 5-20 3-80 0-74 0-34 Iron and alumina 0-50 0-80 8-30 1-30 1-42 4-14 Silica 1-20 4-70 2-44 6-89 Sulphate of lime . . .. . . .. 0-20 0-09 Phosphoric acid . . . . . . 0-13 0-06 Water and loss . . 1-94 2-71 2-50 1-50 One valuable peculiarity in connection with this formation is the fact of its being favourably circumstanced with regard GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOQICAL OBSEEVATIONS. 65 to means of transit, and in its northern and midland divi- sions within the influence of supplies of cheap fuel. Except in the southern fields it is far distant from the sea, and does not, like the chalk and lias, command the advantages of that means of cheap conveyance. These three formations, viz. the chalk, lias, and oolite, have to a greater or less extent, in this country at least, furnished the materials for Portland cement making, and we have taken them in the order of their acknowledged importance. We shall now enter on the description and discussion of other geological formations not yet sufficiently tested, but, nevertheless, possessing valuable sources from which can be derived inexhaustible supplies of the necessary cement-making ingredients. First of these in importance is the CARBONIFEKOUS (COAL-BEARING) LIMESTONE. It is also sometimes known and recognized as the moun- tain limestone, from the rugged character it imparts to the scenery of the districts in which it prevails. The physical character and aspect of this interesting formation differ widely from those we have already referred to. It forms bold and prominent mountain ranges, at considerable alti- tudes, while the chalk, lias, and oolite formations, are seldom found at any considerable height above the sea level, and on which are to be seen the most fertile valleys and hills from the deep soils of the midland counties to the thin ones of the southern downs : in the one case producing the rich crops of wheat, and in the other the no less valuable barleys and grasses, both alike the source of agricultural wealth. The mountain limestone exhibits no such pleasant aspects, for its texture is too hard, resisting the climatal and meteoric actions which so readily degrade the other rocks to a condition fitted for agricultural treatment, their F 66 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. high and exposed situation also unfitting them for successful cultivation, although at moderate altitudes the grass grown is of good quality, and is much superior to that grown in the gritstone soils at similar elevations. Generally speaking this formation is of great depth, and in some of its localities of deposit comes into close contact with the coal measures. It attains its greatest purity in the counties of Derby, Denbigh, and Flint, and in some of the Derbyshire quarries it is nearly of a pure white colour, having but an imperceptible trace of oxide of iron. This freedom from the usually associated impurities of crystalline limestones commands for it a high position with chemical manufacturers, and it is extensively used in the production of chemicals in Lancashire, Yorkshire, and Northumberland. Its purity leads to an enormous consumption at long dis- tances from its locality of deposit. , For cement making this property is not so important, as when impurities exist they generally favour the cement maker, at all events when they exist in clearly defined and easily estimated proportions. Owing to its generally isolated and unapproachable posi- tion the carboniferous limestone is in the more important deposits beyond the reach of the necessary silica and alumina, as well as unfavourably circumstanced in regard to a supply of fuel. There are, however, fringing on its margin, in some districts considerable deposits of aluminous and other shales from which can be readily obtained the necessary cement-making ingredients; more especially is this the case in some parts of North Derbyshire, where it comes in contact with the well-known millstone grit formation. The following analyses of the carboniferous limestone exhibit the chemical values of the best-known deposits, viz. : GEOLOGICAL AND MINEBALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. English and Welsh. No. 1. Derbyshire (Muspratt). 2. Yorkshire (Johnston). 3. Flintshire. 4. Weardale, Yorkshire. 5. Durham (Johnston). 6. Cumberland (Johnston). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Carbonate of lime Sulphate of lime Phosphate of lime Carbonate of magnesia Silica Alumina and iron Water 97-13 o'-18 0-69 4-00 94-56 0-32 0-33 2-32 1-29 1-15. 89-75 0-60 8-80 0-25 93-72 3-63 0-76 1-06 0-09 95-06 2-46 1-32 1-00 94-86 0-23 1-26 2-92 0-73 Bitumen Alkalies Silicic acid ,. . .. Sulphuric acid 0-'l6 o-io 0-24 0-60 trace trace Scotch. No. 1. From the Coal Measures, Burdie House, Edinburgh. Nos. 2, 3, and 4. Slate rocks, Ardgone, Argyleshire. No. 5. Relig, Inverness. 6. Cantyre. 7. Cantyre. 8. Fifeshire (Professor Johnston). Carbonate of lime magnesia .. Oxide of iron and alumina Inorganic siliceous material Silica 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 80-52 0-91 5-87 5-56 89-99 5-20 0-96 3-72 90-14 0-31 0-51 9-08 89-15 2-56 0-51 7-48 93-82 1-64 0-99 3-55 98-05 0-44 0-29 1-27 90-96 0-62 1-81 6-40 66-0 9-45 8-73 13-0 1-90 0-94 Water Bitumen Irish. Analyzed by Dr. Hodges. No. 1. Magheraw, County Antrim. 2. Glendarra, 3. Moira, Down. 4. Castle Espie, F 2 68 SCIENCE AND ART OP PORTLAND CEMENT. 1. 2. 3. 4. Carbonate of lime 98-63 95-03 96-80 94-40 magnesia 0-38 0-55 0-76 1-38 Phosphate of lime 0-10 0-18 0-12 0-05 Oxide of iron and alumina . 0-08 2-00 0-40 0-40 Silica and insoluble clay 0-45 1-20 0-56 2-40 From Brown's Cliff, Carlow. Analyzed by Mr. Griffiths. Carbonate of lime 95-0 Silica and insoluble clay 4*5 Dublin (Calp). By Mr. Knox. Carbonate of lime 68'0 Oxide of iron and alumina 9-5 Insoluble clay and silica 18*0 Organic matter 4-5 Analyzed by Mr. Jones. No. 1. Clones, County Monaghan. 2. Newton Gore, County Cavan. 3. Belturbet, 1. 2. 3. Carbonate of lime 89-08 65-10 98-00 magnesia 1-97 1-40 1-28 Oxide of iron and alumina . . 0-66 0-66 0-30 Silica and insoluble clay . . 8-16 32-85 0-42 Murlough Bay, Donegal. By Apjohn. Carbonate of lime 97'14 magnesia 2-32 Silica and insoluble clay 0'98 We have shown by the above selection of reliable analyses obtained from widely separated localities that in its larger deposits this limestone is comparatively pure, but in GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 69 those which are isolated and limited there is frequent and considerable admixture of impurities, of such a character, however, as to add to rather than detract from their cement- making value. In this formation are found the now famous caves on the contents and form of which so much has been said by geologists. The exploration of them made from time to time has revealed the existence of human relics commingled with the remains of extinct animals. These interesting discoveries prove that man was their occupant not simul- taneously with the animals, but at intervals of time proved by reliable scientific evidence of great duration. This for- tunate preservation of these remains has been due to the gradual deposition of the carbonate of lime in a state of solution gradually percolating through the fissures of the rock, and in its deposition forming stalactite on the roof and stalagmite on the floor or pavement of the caves. These caves it may be supposed were originally formed by the gradual action of a turbulent and highly agitated sea, pro- bably intensified by steam pressure, at a period long anterior to their occupancy by man or his contemporaries. By a careful study of these remains interesting evidence is obtained of the so-called antediluvian animals, their habits, their food, and organization. Such information is, however, of a problematical character when compared with the direct results obtained from an investigation of the contents of these caves. It is impossible to measure with any degree of accuracy the period at which man first sheltered within their rugged space. Kecent explorations of " Kent's Cavern " were made under the direction of Mr. Pengelly, who, speaking in 1872, says as follows: " Coming to the question of time (meaning the age of the several deposits in which the bones were found), we have gone back ten thousand years at least that is the minimum, 70 SCIENCE AND AET OF POBTLAND CEMENT. it may be more before we get through the Ulack mould ; we enter then the granular stalagmite, and we know from the nature of the case that that thickness of stalagmite must indicate an enormous length of time, inasmuch as the stalag- mitic floor cannot be formed faster than the limestone is dissolved overhead, and the solution of that limestone is due to the presence of carbonic acid, and there is no possibility, under existing conditions, of any other water entering that cavern than what falls on the hills as rain. I do not ask you to take the thickness of the stalagmite as a chronometer, but will tell you a fact. There is in one part of the cavern a huge boss of stalagmite rising up from the floor. That boss betokens that its formation was comparatively very rapid. Take that rapid rate as the measure. There is on the boss an inscription, * Kobert Hedges, of Ireland, February 20, 1688/ " For a hundred and eighty-four years the drip has been going on, and it has failed to obliterate that inscription ; the film of stalagmite which has accreted on it is not more than the twentieth of an inch in thickness. Nearly two hundred years for the twentieth of an inch, and you have five feet to account for! But whatever may have been the time necessary for the formation of the stalagmite, the cave earth is older still. There is another and more ancient stalagmite thicker still ; below that there is another deposit older than all, and in that we found human implements." Anxious lest his statements should be considered incre- dible, Mr. Pengelly adds this by way of confirmation, that he was in possession of McEnery's MS. (a previous explorer of the same cavern) in 1825, who described the above in- scription at that date, and adds : " The inscription then is good for forty-seven years. Further, it was not newly cut then, for he (McEnery) says the letters are glazed over with a film of stalagmite; in GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 71 short, his description applies accurately to it now. We have therefore the best possible reason for believing that it is genuine in every sense." How very modern and even recent appears " Uriconium," with its interesting records of Eoman occupancy, in com- parison with the undiscovered or untold age of " Kent's Cavern," or even the period at which it gave shelter to its first human tenant. Thus by the discriminating accuracy and observation of the skilled geologist, fact upon fact proves that this " Kent's Cavern " with others of a kindred character widely separated from each other had been occupied by a variety of animals Koman pottery indicating that even historic man found shelter therein. The bronze spear heads and polished stone celts affirming also the tenancy of the prehistoric or neolithic man, while the flint implements and the fossil bones of the great quadrupeds prove the contem- poraneous existence of palaeolithic man. During the intervals between one period and the other there were doubtless varied climates, ranging probably be- tween those of a torrid and almost glacial character. The numerous distinct animals created and adapted for such changeful conditions must also have been of divers cha- racters and constitutions. There are found in these caves in confused and intermingled masses fossilized bones of the hyena, bison, reindeer, brown, grizzly, and great cave bears, and man. Lowest in the series of limestones, and of doubtful value to the cement maker, occurs the MAGNESIAN OR DOLOMITE LIMESTONE, of considerable extent in this country, having its greatest range in a comparatively narrow strip between Sunderland and Nottingham. It is sometimes also called the " conglo- 72 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. merate limestone." The physical peculiarities by which it is readily distinguished from any of the other varieties of lime- stone consist in its texture and colour; the former being granular and the latter yellow. Its chemical analysis is somewhat fluctuating. The stone used in the construction of York Minster was obtained from this formation ; as also that used in building Westminster Hall. The analysis of the former, according to Mr. Smithson Tennant, is : Carbonic acid 47'00 Lime .. .. 33-24 Magnesia & .. .. 19-36 Iron and clay 0-40 100-00 While that at Westminster Hall is about 2 per cent, less magnesia. The following analyses are : No. 1. From Denton, near the Tees : by the Rev. J. Holmes. Nos. 2 and 3. From Eldon and Aycliffe : by Sir Humphry Davy. 1. 2. 3. Carbonate of lime 63 00 52-0 45-9 magnesia 30-00 45-2 44-6 Alumina, red oxide of iron,t and bitumen / 2-25 .. .. Water 0-25 1-1 1-6 Residuum 1-1 2-8 In the neighbourhood of Bristol Dr. Gilby found a lime- stone containing a considerable quantity of carbonate of magnesia, resembling in its physical characteristics that from Northumberland, which on analysis proved to be as follows : GEOLOGICAL AND MINEBALOGICAL OBSEBVATIONS. 73 No. 1. From near the village of Portishead. 2. From a point four miles north-west of Bristol. 1. 2. Carbonate of lime magnesia Oxide of iron Insoluble matter Loss . ...... 53-5 37-5 0-8 7-0 1-2 58-0 38-0 1-1 1*4 Silica and bituminous matter 1-5 100-0 100-0 Lime made from this stone is fairly hydraulic, and is gene- rally appreciated for building purposes. For agricultural use it is unsuitable, owing to the injurious influence of the magnesia when carelessly or ignorantly applied. It requires great care in burning, especially when bitumen is present in the analysis. The commission appointed to report upon the most suit- able stones for building the Houses of Parliament, selected four specimens from this formation, and submitted them for analysis to Professors Daniell and Wheatstone, who reported as follows : No. 1. Bolsover, Derbyshire. 2. Huddleston, Yorkshire. 3. Koach Abbey, 4.-ParkNook, 1. 2. 3. 4. Carbonate of lime . . 51-5 54-19 57-5 55-7 magnesia .. Iron and alumina 40-2 1-8 41-37 0-70 39-4 0-3 41-6 0-4 Silica 3-6 2-53 0-8 Water and loss 3-3 1-61 1*6 2-3 Owing probably to the great abundance of other well- known and easily accessible carbonates of lime, the mag- nesian limestone has not yet received much attention from builders. SCIENCE AND ART OP PORTLAND CEMENT. Scotch. The following analyses are by Professor Johnston, from specimens taken at Langton, Berwickshire : 1. 2. 3. 4. Carbonate of lime 43-64 47-00 39-00 43-81 magnesia . . 33-49 38-04 30-25 39-53 Oxides of iron and alumina 1-06 1-99 1-39 3-57 Insoluble siliceous matter 21-50 12-97 29-27 13-09 Irish. A sample from Holywood, County Antrim, analyzed by Dr. Hodges, gives : Carbonate of lime magnesia Phosphate of lime Oxide of iron and alumina Silica and insoluble clay Other localities by Sir Kobert Kane : No. 1. Kilkenny. 2. County Down. 3. Dublin. 4. Sligo. 46-33 44-11 0-31 2-25 5-00 1. 2. 3. 4. Lime 30-13 30-26 30-2 30-3 Magnesia ... 21-43 18-25 20-6 22-1 Oxides of iron and manga- 1 ! 0-95 3-10 1-5 0-6 nese . . / Silica 5-74 . . 1-5 Carbonic acid 46-65 47-26 46-2 . 47-0 In Germany and France much attention has been directed to the manufacture of a cement from magnesite (hydrous carbonate of magnesia), obtained from Frankenstein in Silesia. The mode of manufacture is as follows : The stone is broken into pieces about the size of the closed GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGIOAL fist, and then burned in retort furnaces, such as are used in gasworks. After being burnt, it is ground by edge runners, sifted fine, and at the same time mixed with a certain pro- portion of amorphous silica. It is used for castings, but cannot compete with plaster of Paris. When aqueous solutions of chlorides are added it is capable of attaining a high degree of induration. It is named "Albolith cement," and is used with advantage in coating plaster of Paris castings, which, when so treated, become extremely hard. As a wood preservative it is likely to become useful. Experiments have been made in saturating railway sleepers, but as a prolonged period is necessary to prove its value for such a purpose, we must wait some time yet for the result. This cement is unable to resist the action of water, and in consequence offers no advantage to the engineer in the construction of hydraulic works. When setting it develops a large amount of heat, approaching almost to the boiling point, and consequently when used in glue moulds requires special treatment and care. This objection, however, applies only to large castings, for when used for small ones the heat is very inconsiderable. The above allusion to this new cement is made to show that many materials, of which we know and care but little, are sometimes, by chemical ingenuity, converted into useful and profitable products. We may perhaps think that there is no possibility of getting a better cement than the "Portland," but the makers and users of Koman cement firmly and persistently opposed the introduction of that cement until its merits overcame at last all prejudices and opposition. Before leaving the carbonate of lime division, we will shortly refer to some of the Staffordshire stones. In South Staffordshire there are three groups of limestone 76 SCIENCE AND AKT OF PORTLAND CEMENT. rocks, each having a variety of beds of stone, separated by shaly partings, and belonging to the Upper Silurian formation. They are classed in three divisions as follows : 1st. Ludlow, locally termed Sedgley stone, or Aymestry limestone. 2nd. Wenlock rocks, producing the Dudley and Walsall stone. 3rd. Woolhope, from which is obtained the barn, or Say Head limestone. The analyses of these stones are as follows : No. 1. Aymestry or Sedgley. 2. Dudley Castle stone. , 3. Wren's Nest stone. 1. 2. 3. Carbonate of lime 81-10 90-09 74-64 magnesia 2-27 1-26 2-51 Carbonate and protoxide of iron } ,. { Alumina and Iron | 1-63 Alumina 0-45 2-30 0-75 Phosphoric acid 0-21 0-46 0-35 Insoluble matter 13-38 5-13 20-03 Loss 0-44 0-76 0-09 The two following are fairly hydraulic in character No. I. Walsall. Moisture 0'40 Organic matter 5-60 Carbonate of lime 76-40 magnesia 2-10 Oxide of iron 2-50 Silica 13-00 No. 2.Bushatt. Carbonate of lime 63-98 Alumina TOO Protoxide and peroxide of iron 5*17 Phosphoric acid, &c T70 Magnesia and alkalies 1-41 Insoluble earthy matter 25 '66 Loss 1-08 GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 77 In the same beds are found a finer quality of limestone used as a flux in the manufacture of pig iron ; two samples of which give the following analyses : 1. 2. Carbonate of lime 95-38 93-17 magnesia 0-31 Phosphate of magnesia and) phosphoric acid / 0-39 .. Phosphate of lime, iron, man- j ganese, and alumian . . . . / .. 3-03 Alumina 0-40 >( Protoxide of iron 1-37 tm Insoluble earthy matter 1-80 3 : 70 Alkalies and loss 0-35 Magnesia and alkalies trace The Woolhope limestones, locally known as, No. 1. Captain stone, 2. Middle stone, 3. Bottom stone, have analyses as under : 1. 2. 3. Insoluble matter 22-58 26-35 17-90 Oxides of iron . . 2-35 1-21 1-55 Alumina .... 2-30 1-70 2-13 Phosphate of lime and) phosphoric acid . / 0-90 1-54 0-77 Carbonate of lime 70-00 67-38 75-85 Magnesia and alkalies Moisture and loss 1-21 0-46 1-03 0-79 1-40 0-40 The insoluble matter in these three specimens on analysis gave: Alumina and oxides of iron 15 - 30 Silica acid and silica 77-10 Magnesia, alkalies, and trace of lime . . 7 60 We are again indebted to Kogers' * Iron Metallurgy ' 78 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. for the following analyses of limestones in various for- mations : Car- bonate of Lime Car- bonate of Mag- nesia. Silica. Alu- iniiiii. Per- oxide oi Iron. Water and Loss. 1 ("Brownish- white limestone,) \ Worcestershire .. ..J 88 1 4 2 3 2 2 White ditto, ditto .. .. 92 3 2 1 2 3 /Westcott stone, Somerset-) 92 1 2 2 3 \ shire J 4 Lype ditto, ditto 94 1 2 1 2 5 Pool ditto, ditto .. .. 92 4 2 1 1 5A (Bed marly stone, near) \ Boss, Herefordshire . . J 72 16 10 2 6 jWhite limestone, Newport,) \ Monmouth J 94 2 1 3 7 /Grey limestone, Bewdley) \ Forest / 82 6 2 8 2 SOUTH WALES. 8 (Brown limestone, Llangat- j \ tock, Breconshire . . / 75 3 5 2 14 1 9 Yellow ditto, ditto .. .. 80 2 4 1 2 1 10 Dark blue ditto, ditto .. 72 6 10 2 10 11 Brown Clydach, ditto .. 77 6 4 2 10 1 12 Ditto, paler, ditto .. 70 10 5 3 12 13 Yellow No. 2, ditto.. .. 60 8 14 4 14 14 Ditto No. 3, ditto . . 60 7 16 4 11 2 15 White, ditto 95 2 1 1 1 16 Ditto No. 2, ditto .. .. 98 1 1 17 Ditto No. 3, ditto . . 98 1 1 18 Green, with shells, ditto 90 2 6 1 1 19 Dark brown, ditto 64 6 4 10 16 20 Dark blue, Glamorganshire 70 2 8 3 17 21 Ditto No. 2, ditto .. .. 50 6 18 6 18 2 22 ("Pink-coloured, Pentmoels,! ( Glamorganshire .. ../ 44 16 12 10 16 2 23 White crystalline, ditto . . 94 2 3 1 24 Bough sample ditto, ditto 96 2 1 1 25 fBose-coloured, Pyle, Gla-j ( morganshire / 94 1 1 2 2 26 Ditto No. 2, ditto .. .. 88 2 6 2 1 1 27 White, ditto 84 5 3 2 4 2 28 [Bluish white, Glamorgan-^ [ shire / 95 2 2 1 29 Bed, Pentmoel, ditto .. 52 18 4 2 20 4 30 Blue, ditto 67 6 10 8 5 4 31 White Midkin, ditto .. 93 1 2 1 3 32 Bed Machen, ditto 64 10 2 4 12 8 33 Fawn-coloured, ditto 70 16 1 8 5 34 Blue, ditto 64 14 8 4 6 4 35 White, Bridgend, ditto . . 98 1 1 GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 79 SoTJTH "^^ALES- ~C(Wlt'iH1l>Cl Car- bonate of Lime. Car- bonate of Mag- nesia. Silica. Alu- mina. Per- oxide of Iron. Water and Loss. 36 37 White/Bridgend, No. 2, do. Yellow Khudry, ditto . . 97 72 1 6 1 2 14 1 6 38 Black, near Swansea 50 20 20 2 6 2 39 ("Fawn - coloured, Varteg,! \ Monmouthshire . . . . / 50 44 1 4 1 40 Ditto No. 2, ditto .. .. 50 46 1 3 41 Ditto No. 3, ditto .. .. 46 50 1 2 1 42 Ditto No. 4, ditto .. .. 50 46 1 2 1 43 Grey, Swansea Valley . . 82 2 10 1 5 44 Ditto No. 2, ditto .. .. 94 2 2 1 1 45 Ditto No. 3, ditto .. .. 76 15 2 4 3 46 White, ditto 98 1 1 47 Blue, ditto 76 10 6 2 4 2 48 Red Bisca, Monmouthshire 78 12 2 6 2 49 Ditto No. 2, ditto .. .. 78 12 1 8 1 50 (White, Llangattock, Bre-1 \ conshire / 96 1 1 2 51 Yellow, ditto 86 4 2 6 2 52 Brown, ditto 84 6 3 1 4 2 53 Blackish, ditto 76 2 12 4 4 2 54 Fawn colour, ditto 72 22 2 4 55 Greenish, ditto 94 4 2 56 White, with shells, ditto 96 2 2 K7 /Fawn colour, Pwlt Caer,\ 68 28 2 1 1 O i 58 \ ditto J White, ditto 97 1 1 1 59 Black, Cardiff Wharf .. 90 2 2 2 4 60 Blue, Breconshire .. 64 12 10 5 4 5 61 Pink, ditto 56 16 14 4 1 4 62 Yellow, Aberdare Valley 62 12 6 4 14 2 63 Nodular limestone, Builth 66 2 24 2 4 2 64 Crystals of ditto, ditto . . 68 14 2 8 8 65 Nodular, Park Farm, ditto 72 12 2 8 6 NORTH WALES. 66 Blue (no locality) 84 6 8 1 1 67 Brown coarse (ditto) 40 6 26 1 25 2 68 Ditto No. 2 36 4 26 4 28 2 IRELAND. 69 White, from Cork .. .. 98 1 1 70 Ditto No, 1, ditto . . 99 1 71 Ditto No. 2, ditto .. .. 99 1 72 Ditto No. 4, shelly, ditto 96 2 1 1 73 Grey, Limerick 96 2 1 1 These limestones are valuable, both as hydraulic limes, and for smelting purposes. We will now proceed to consider other materials of a less 80 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. clearly defined character, which in many cases only require chemical investigation to render them useful ingredients for cement making. CHALK MAKLS Are to be found in great abundance, and some deposits could by simple treatment be converted into good cements. Such a sample, taken from the lower stratum of the chalk formation, offers favourable advantages for that purpose. In general, however, the analysis of chalk marls is fluctuating, and therefore requires careful observation. Carbonate of lime 66-69 Silica, insoluble 19-64 soluble 6-45J 26 ' Oxide of iron and alumina 3 04 Magnesia 0*68 Phosphoric acid 1 82 Such as have been used for hydraulic limes or Portland cement have mostly exhibited the dangerous property of shrinking during setting. So that it would be safer to treat these marls under a cement-making process, and add the necessary ingredient which may be found to be deficient. It is unsafe to deal with any of the other marls, unless when found clear of sand and clayey in character. In such condition they may be easily and economically dealt with either under the wet or dry process. The following favourable analyses are from Khoetic beds in the neighbourhood of Bristol. No. 1. Variegated Keuper marl. 2. Black marly shale. Specimens dried : 1. 2. g Carbonate of lime 3-87 8-96 Silicate of alumina 92-97 89-01 Silica, &c 3-16 2-03 GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 81 Some of the fresh-water or infusorial deposits of carbonate of lime, resemble in many respects some of the marls. They are not of frequent occurrence in this country, but are abun- dant in Italy and other parts of Europe, as well as North and South America. Below are two analyses of a deposit from Hanover, No. 1 upper, and No. 2 lower : 1. 2. Silica 87-859 74-48 Alumina 0-133 Oxide of iron 0-731 0-39 Carbonate of lime 0-750 0-34 Organic substance . . Water 2-279 8-431 | 24-43 The above show a considerable difference in the value of separate parts of the same deposit. The following specimen of this class of deposit was sub- mitted to the author to test its value and capabilities for Portland cement making. It is from Italy, and an analysis by W. F. Keid gave the following results : Unburnt. Burnt. Silica . . 1 40 2-57 Alumina and oxide of iron . 0-65 1-20 Lime 52-17 95-42 Magnesia . . 0-46 0-81 Carbonic acid 41-40 Water ... .. 1-91 , t Loss and organic substance . 2-00 This material is of low specific gravity, and contained fragments of shells in their original state, showing it to be therefore a comparatively recent formation. Some vegetable fibres were interspersed throughout the mass, which pro- bably had been the remains of plants from the surface under which it was dug. In conjunction with the above material, and for the same G 82 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. object, a sample of marly clay of a pale yellow colour (almost white) was also submitted to the author, and by the same analyst was found to be as follows : Unburnt. Burnt. Silica 39-04 49-47 Alumina and oxide of iron 16-86 21-37 Lime 19-56 24-80 Magnesia 3-42 4-34 Carbonic acid 14-09 Water 5-57 Loss and organic substance 1-46 specific gravity also light; colour when burnt, pale red. The powder clinkered at a light red heat, on account of the existence of so much lime. Before burning this clay exhibited considerable effervescence when treated with acids. By an accurate amalgamation of these two materials the author succeeded in making a first-class Portland cement. He submitted the materials to both processes, and by each, with little difficulty, good and satisfactory results were obtained. These materials are singularly well adapted for the manu- facture of a good cement at comparatively low cost. In the various deposits of limestone we have described there are to be found innumerable varieties of fossils, a study of which would well repay the cement maker from the geological point of view, for in that direction much information is to be obtained of a useful kind. There are deposits from which natural Portland cements are obtained, such as that at Boulogne, where large quanti- ties are made from one of the layers of the Kimmeridge clay about 160 feet, below the strata in which the "septaria," or "Boulogne pebbles" are found. The deposit is argillo- calcareous, and in its natural state is first burnt and then ground for use. GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 83 The analysis of this cement is as follows : Lime 65-13 Magnesia 0"58 Silica 20-42 Alumina and small quantity of oxide of iron 13-87 Sulphate of lime a trace The cement is slow setting in quality, and some experi- menters attribute to it the objectionable, if not dangerous, quality of shrinkage during setting. There is some doubt as to the reliability of this cement, and it cannot at all events be equal in quality to an accu- rately prepared Portland cement. At the Vienna Exhibition there was exhibited a good Portland cement, produced from the two stones, of the fol- lowing analysis. It was an exhibit from Hungary. 1. 2. Silica .. .. 33-10 24-18 Alumina 1-40 12-10 Oxide of iron . . mt 4-80 3-78 Carbonate of lime .. 44-42 54-68 Magnesia 3-20 0-71 Alkalies .. . . 4-10 0-45 Sulphuric acid t ' t 0-28 Carbonic acid , , 5-98 0-78 Water .. .. 0-40 0-06 We shall now proceed to the discussion of the next most important ingredient in cement making, viz. : SILICA. We have endeavoured to show how abundant are the supplies of carbonate of lime and their almost universal distribution; but even their abundance is eclipsed by the G 2 84 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. deposits of silica which are to be found in nearly every geological formation. They exist in much variety of form, from the precious stones of the jeweller to the building stones of the mason. Silica imparts its speciarcharacteristic to the granites, and its combination with potash, alumina, and magnesia produce mica and felspar. Basalt, serpentine, lava, syenite, are all silicates, and its presence in soils adds to their fertility and value, while in the useful art of glass making it is a leading and indispensable ingredient. It has hitherto been supposed that the deposition and formation of siliceous rocks was solely due to the degrada- tions and wear of other formations, but recent explorations of the ' Challenger ' expedition are likely to throw some light on the existence of other vital agencies of incessant activity busy in the lowest depths of the oceans. The more familiar physical agencies, such as the meteoric, chemical, igneous, aqueous, may be regarded as the palpable force of the surface, while in the hidden depths of boundless seas the tiny converters of the raw material carry on their ceaseless energies hidden from our observation, and until recently unknown. The emerald consists of 68 per cent, of silica and 15 per cent, of alumina, and the presence of from 1 per cent, to 2 per cent, of the oxide of chromium imparts to it, according to the extent thereof, its beautiful shades of green. The opal has from 90 per cent, to 95 per cent, of hydrous silica, and from 5 per. cent, to 10 per cent, of water ; its variable and changing hues being due to the minute traces of per- oxide of iron, potash, soda, lime, alumina, &c. Major Koss, author of * Pyrology, or Fire Chemistry,' informs the author of the following interesting fact. '* I have just discovered that phosphoric acid, to the amount of 1 or 2 per cent., is the cause of opalescence in the opal, a problem hitherto unsolved." GEOLOGICAL AND MINEBALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 85 Klaproth's analyses of sapphire, catseye, emerald, and the pale bluish green Siberian beryl, are as follows : Sapphire. Catseye. Emerald. Beryl. Alumina 98-50 1-75 15-75 16-25 Oxide of iron 1-00 0-25 1-00 0-60 Lime 0-50 1-50 0-25 Silica .. .. 95-00 68-50 66-45 Glucine ft 12-50 15-50 Oxide of chromium 0-30 Loss 1-50 Amethysts, cairngorms, agates, bloodstones, carnelians, catseyes, onyx, &c., are only so many varieties of rock crystal, the water of which contains the metallic oxides which impart the varied tints and colours ; and we may regard them all as specimens of glass from nature's labora- tory and the produce of her unerring handiwork. The finest crystals are found in the mountains of Switzer- land, Ceylon, Madagascar, and the Brazils, the latter pro- ducing the pebbles for spectacles and the glasses of optical instruments. In calling attention to the silica and alumina division of our subject, we will give precedence to the clays which are almost invariably used with the chalk, and in combination with which produce in the easiest and cheapest manner Portland cement. ALLUVIAL CLAYS. The term "alluvial" is not strictly accurate, as in its geological sense it is more appropriately applied to the deposits of " alluvium " of a mixed and heterogeneous character. It would be more correct therefore to term this deposit one of a water or marine character, and of com- paratively modern origin. The following observations on the Thames and Medway 86 SCIENCE AND AET OF PORTLAND CEMENT. deposits are, with the exception of local differences, equally applicable to other tidal and river agency in nearly all parts of the world. The so-called alluvial clays are best known to cement makers from their local association with the chalks, and from having always formed one of the materials used by early experimenters in their search for hydraulic cements, those of the Thames and Medway more especially obtaining almost a world-wide reputation, and indeed until the appli- cation of chemical knowledge were believed to be the only clays by and through which Portland cement could be made. Good selected samples of these clays have been subjected to many analyses, but we will confine ourselves to the following, viz. No. 1 by Feichtenger, No. 2 Faraday, and No. 3 Kecent. . 1. 2. 3, Silica 68-45 64-72 70-56 Alumina 11-64 24-27 14-52 Lime .. .. 0-75 1-89 4-43 Oxide of iron 14-80 7-14 3-06 Soda and kali . . .. Soda 2-90\ Potash . I- 10) 4-00 .. 3-95 Carbonic acid .. 3-48 Owing in some measure to the favourable source of its origin from the wasting and degradation of the cliffs and shores of the Isle of Sheppy, and Kent, and Essex, it is found abundantly, and in certain localities of unexception- able purity. These cliffs and shores are much exposed to climatic and marine action, and owing to their being situated for the most part on the London clay formation, readily succumb to such degrading action. The clay so detached is readily taken up by the water, and the more soluble parts conveyed to considerable distances, according to the state and velocity of the tides. GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 87 At the time when the Medway clay was first used as a cement-making agent, there were extensive tracts of saltings or marshes in the estuaries of the rivers Thames and Medway formed by this sea action. These marshes when embanked or reclaimed became in that protected state valuable grazing land, in high reputation for cattle rearing. Around the coasts there are many similar reclamations, the most important of which occurs in the counties of Cambridge and Lincoln, by which an estuarine bay, seventy miles long and upwards of thirty in breadth formed from the denudation of the Kimmeridge and Oxford clays by engineering skill has become perhaps one of the most fertile districts of this country. This fine river clay became an object of considerable value to the cement maker, from the facility with which it can be amalgamated with chalk, and continues to be used by the cement makers whose works are situated on the banks of the rivers Thames and Medway. In the condition in which it is excavated there is a large amount of moisture, estimated by Pasley in his experiments to be iJ, or more than one-half of its gross weight. The deposits are of varied character, consequent on the condition of the water during their period of deposit ; in calm weather during neap tides, securing the best conditions for the deposition of the finer particles, and during spring tides and high winds, the coarser parts of the wasted shores were precipitated from their waters of solution. The use of this clay may be ascribed to the fortunate circumstance of Pasley having selected Chatham as his point of experiments. This was in 1828, and it is probable that Aspdin whose first patent was dated in 1824 in his remote field of practical investigation, remained ignorant of Pasley 's discovery. Deposits of pit and other clays are to be found in various conditions of purity in almost every district of this and 88 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. other countries, from the finest porcelain clay to the common kinds of brick earth. The purest porcelain clay (Kaolin), according to Forch- hainmer's analysis, is Silica . Alumina Water 47-0 39-2 13-7 while Phillips gives it as follows : Silica 71-15 Alumina 15*86 Lime 1'92 Water 6'73 Other examinations differ in value, as shown by the following analyses from specimens obtained at Mosl, near Halle. No. 1 (washed) by Forchhammer, No. 2 (raw) by Stephens, No. 3 (raw) by Michaelis. 1. 2. 3. Silica 46-80 67-58 68-371 Alumina 36-83 22-67 17-976 Oxide of iron . . ) 3-11 tm t : 46 : 202 Carbonic acid . . j Lime . . . . / 0-55 Potash 0-27 tt p> Water .. 12-44 7-85 8 : 300 A sample from Cornwall has Alumina 60 parts. Silica 40 . Dorsetshire Clays. Nos. 1 and 2, and No. 3 undried. ANALYSES. 1. 2. 3. Silica 65-49 72-33 68-95 Alumina 21-28 23-25 22-25 Iron oxide 1-26 2-54 Alkaline earths .. 7-25 1-78 Sulphate of lime . . 4-72 trace .. Water 8-80 GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 89 Potters' clay is of variable quality, and requires to be used with much care. Its chemical value ranges thus : Silica .. Alumina Iron oxide Water from 44 per cent, to 58 per cent. 24 to 38 1 to 7 10 to 15 White Clay, near Bristol. Silica 63-99 Alumina 22 '71 Water 13-30 100-00 Again we have especially in the "coal measures" abundance of fire-clays of high cement - making value. Those in Staffordshire, and Stourbridge in Worcestershire, are the best known, from their having been long used in the manufacture of bricks for iron making, and other purposes. The following analyses exhibit their silica-alumina value : No. 1. White fire-clay, Tamworth. 2. Black clay, 3. Burnt clay, Stourbridge. 4. Clay, Tintern Abbey. 5. Clay, Amblecote. 6. Best Glasshouse clay, Tamworth. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Silica .. .. 59-87 57-45 67-69 72-75 70-32 75-99 Alumina 33-49 37-93 27-91 22-37 26-42 22-53 Protoxide of iron 3-01 2-20 2-35 2-18 1-04 0-97 Lime . . 1-42 0-92 0-63 0-58 0-36 0-05 Magnesia 0-31 0-15 0-11 0-22 0-43 .. Soda and potash trace trace 1-40 0-87 Analyses of the celebrated Dinas fire-clay by Dr. Percy 1. 2. Silica .. .. 98-31 96-73 Alumina 0-72 1-39 Protoxide of iron 0-18 0-48 Lime 0-22 0-19 Potass and soda 0-14 0-20 Water combined 0-35 0-50 90 SCIENCE AND ABT OP PORTLAND CEMENT. Analyses of an artificial plastic so-called " Dinas-crystal," made by Messrs. Keith and O'Brien at Bonn. No. 1 analyzed by Dr. Carl Bischof, and No. 2 by Dr. H. Seger. Silica .. . Alumina . . Oxide of iron . Lime Carbonic acid, water, &c. . . 1. 2. 87-48 4-66 2-62 1-08 3-96 87-89 7-17 0-82 0-95 3-04 The above is a yellowish-grey mass containing grains of quartz. It neither shrinks nor expands in the fire ; but does not resist such high temperatures as the genuine Dinas brick. Clay from the river Mersey, near Liverpool, gives : Silica 37-75 Alumina 21-58 Carbonate of lime \ 40-67 Sulphate of lime and oxide of iron . . / This clay has been used for cement making in conjunction with London chalk. It is evident from the above varieties of clays on the sea and river shores, or in other deposits, whether formed by the precipitation of degraded rocks or through volcanic or organic agency, that abundance if not unlimited quantities of clays can be commanded by the cement maker. A valuable cement-making clay can be obtained from the deposit known as the " gault." The analysis gives : Silica 46-61 Alumina 16'06 Carbonate of lime 24-95 Oxide of iron 6-07 ; Alkalies 6-18 Scotch Fire-clays. No. 1. Garnkirk, near Glasgow. 2. Gartcosh, GEOLOGICAL AND MINEEALOGIC 1. 2. Silica 53-4 60-96 Alumina 43-6 37-00 Protoxide of iron 1-8 1-16 Lime 0-6 0-64 Magnesia Moisture 6'- 6 0-24 In the selection of clays from this group, great care should be bestowed on the examination of their mechanical or physical character, and preference given to those, where a choice is possible, of most perfect homogeneity, and capable of the readiest conversion into a state of plasticity. For blending with amorphous carbonate of lime (chalk) the alluvial clays are very suitable, and during the first forty years of the "Portland cement" period commanded the sole attention of the manufacturer. Their capacity of easy and simple conversion to the required purpose led to a hap-hazard system of manufacture, and a total disregard of the chemical element in the process. To show what care is exercised in the selection of clays for cement making on the Continent, we give the analyses of clays selected and analyzed by Dr. Michaelis. No. 1. From the province of Saxony, on the Elbe. 2. From Pomerania. 3. From the Upper Hartz. 4. From Brandenburg. 1. 2. 3. 4. Silica . . 60-06 59-25 60-00 62-48 Alumina 17-79 23-12 22-22 20-00 Oxide of iron 7-08 8-53 8-99 7-33 Lime 9-92 4-18 6-30 Magnesia 1-89 2-80 1-60 1-16 Potash .. 2-50 1-87 1-49 1-74 Soda .. 0-73 1-60 0-72 0-37 These clays resemble those of the Medway in their analyses, but are found in a more economical form in a dry state. 92 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. We shall now proceed to consider other more clearly defined sources from which silica and alumina can be obtained, with the advantage of being more reliable in character and free from the inconveniences attending the use of river clays. There can be no doubt, as we here admit, of the ex- tremely favourable circumstances which surround the manu- facturer of Portland cement, in the so-called "London district," and the cement makers so happily situated have no desire to alter the stereotyped character of their esta- blished processes. They are, however, limited to the use of the chalks and clays, for within their reach (with the excep- tion of flints) there do not exist other materials for their purpose, but if there were, their adoption would necessarily involve an undesirable change in the economy of their works. Flints furnish a valuable auxiliary to the cement maker by their being almost pure silica. Klaproth gives the analysis as, Silica 98-00 Lime 0'50 Alumina 0'25 Oxide of iron 25 Water 1*00 The specific gravity being, according to Brisson, 2 594. Flints are of various shades of colour, from grey to black, and are found sometimes hard enough to scratch quartz. It is infusible when in a state of purity, but becomes white at a moderate temperature. The most abundant deposits are found in the upper bed of the chalk formation. On exposure to air and water they become yellow, and in that condition are known as ferruginous flints, such as are found in gravel beds, which by the action of water have been rounded by attrition. It is difficult, if not impossible, to grind flints in their natural state fine enough for amalga- mation with limestone or chalk, but when they have been GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 93 exposed to the temperature of a dull red heat they are easily ground to a fine dust or powder. A cement has been prepared, called " Chalcedony cement," from flints, by H. Friihling, at Bliesshastel. In a description of the process he says : " Flints of the right kind are a good substitute for dear cements, when they occur in sufficient quantity and where the machinery of a cement manufactory is at hand for their conversion." He prefers fresh-dug flints from their original bed of deposit, and when in that state reduced to a fine powder, act similarly to puzzolana. This powder, when mixed in the following proportions, produces a good hydraulic mortar. One part of slaked lime, a quarter part of powdered flints, and three parts of sand. Flints containing a large percentage of lime melt at a high temperature into a vesicular and semi-transparent slag. The right temperature for roasting the flints is produced by a mixture of from 9 to 10 parts of flints to 1 of coke, and the operation performed in a common kiln. It is, however, preferable to use a kiln with a regenerator, as the flints need not in that case be so finely broken and the temperature can be regulated by the burner. After burning, crushing, and grinding, the product is a light bluish grey angular powder, partly soluble in a solution of caustic potash, and giving a gelatinous paste when im- mersed in concentrated muriatic acid. Exposure to the atmosphere has an injurious effect on the powder, and it should, therefore, to avoid deterioration, be packed in casks. The best way to use the powder is to mix it with equal parts of rich lime, to which add from 2 to 3 parts of sand. The mortar thus prepared binds or sets very slowly, and resembles in character those mortars made with rich limes 94 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. and puzzolanas. After from three to five days it resists the action of water, and gradually hardens until ultimately it excels all similar preparations. Mixtures of burnt flint or chalcedony cement, mixed with lime in the proper pro- portions, make a good Portland cement, but at a cost too high to permit of such application where siliceous clays or marls are cheaply accessible. However, in one direction, this cement appears to be most valuable, and from its colour could be used with advantage in wall decorations, either in exposed or sheltered situations. For this purpose (for which it appears to be invaluable) it is used in the following proportions: viz. 1 part of lime paste ; 1 volume of flint cement ; and 2 parts of white sand. In these proportions it produces a white shining plaster, which becomes extremely hard. The trowel used for polish- ing its surface should be made of copper. The main object of this division of our treatise is to point out the existence of such materials as possess in a high degree the necessary elements of successful cement making, and obtainable in districts where the cost of London cement is practically prohibitory of its use. When a proper and intelligent acquaintance with the chemistry of our subject has been established, the engineer or architect can, without any fear or misapprehension, secure the cement for his work at almost any point where a suffi- cient quantity may be required to warrant its local manu- facture for special purposes. Having thus directed attention to the mud or clay de- posits associated with the chalks, we will next consider the valuable deposits of silica and alumina of the lias formation, so fortunately allied and intermingled with abundance of carbonate of lime. GEOLOGICAL AND MINEEALOGICAL OBSEEVATIONS. 95 In the comparatively limited quarries of the lias districts widely scattered in remotely separated counties, we are unable to judge accurately of their extent or value. Until recently they were used only as sources for hydraulic lime, in the manufacture of which the valuable shales were regarded as waste. In Warwickshire the excavations have been carried on at depths limited only by the cost of quarry- ing and the water to be kept clear of the quarrymen ; but in Leicestershire more especially the Barrow district the excavations are limited in depth, and when the required rock has been obtained, the ground is levelled and again resumes its original agricultural aspect. In Warwickshire, more especially, much attention is now given to the manu- facture of Portland cement, and many of the hitherto re- jected beds of stone and shale are becoming more valuable, and instead of being buried at considerable cost are utilized for cement purposes. There is but a small percentage of these deposits suitable for simple lime making, and that is only found near the surface. There have been some at- tempts to make a natural cement from one of the beds, but owing to an excess of carbonate of lime, there is too much risk and danger attending it to warrant its con- tinuance. The disproportion of the shales to the stones, amounting generally in the proportion of from three to six of the former to one of the latter, entails an expense which makes the cost of the stone when saddled with the rejected shales a heavy item in cement making, in these otherwise favourably situated districts. It should be seri- ously considered by the proprietors of these quarries whether it is politic to send off the hydraulic lime in such quantities as to render the conversion of the shales into Portland cement comparatively impossible. For the reasons before given it is difficult to give reliable 96 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. analyses of these shales, but the two following of lias clays in Somersetshire will give some idea of their value. No. 1. Green lower lias. 2. Lower lias clay. Silica Alumina Sulphate and carbonate o lime, and oxide of iron Water 1. 34-50 29-05 17-20 19-35 100-00 2. 33-75 17-92 48-33 100-00 The majority of" the lias shales contain a considerable portion of crystals of iron pyrites, so much so indeed in some beds as would in favourable conditions of the sulphur market pay for its extraction, and leave the shale pure and in the best condition for cement making. The external charac- teristics of these shales when freshly quarried are most variable ; but it is found by experience that those of fine and even texture are the most suitable for cement purposes. It would be safest to deal with lias shales direct, and have the chemical value of each bed accurately ascertained, for in the heterogeneous condition in which they are found when promiscuously heaped up in the spoil banks they would be a source of trouble and anxiety in consequence of the diversity of their analyses. In the more irregularly and less defined deposits of Somersetshire, Worcestershire, Yorkshire, and North and South Wales, there is much less, and indeed in some in- stances an entire absence of the shales or clays. They have, however, an advantage over the inland deposits of having the command of sea transit, and of being generally within the reach of an economical supply of fuel. Oolitic clays are not so abundant or so pure, although in GEOLOGICAL AND MINEEALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 97 the deposits of Northamptonshire clays of a reliable character are of easy obtainment. An exceedingly favourable section of this formation is commanded by the London and North- Western Railway cutting between the stations of Blisworth and Eoade. If not so prolific in shales, there are abundant beds of silica of varied character intercallated between the beds of stone, which would serve as good substitutes for the clays. In the carboniferous or mountain limestone formation there is a scarcity of clays, and except where it comes in contact with the gritstone, the supplies of silica and alumina are uncertain and limited in extent. In the North Derby- shire division there are considerable deposits of basalt, known locally as toadstone, dunstone, &c., and in the north-western margin a fringe of shales of considerable depth. In both of these localities abundance of silica is to be obtained for admixture with the limestone. The beds of shale have at various depths layers of septaria from which might be pro- duced a good Eoman cement. The shales, however, are of varied character, generally impregnated with iron pyrites and sulphur, and therefore to be cautiously used for cement making. The following analyses are from the shales near Buxton : No. 1. Disintegrated shale. Nos. 2 and 3. Hard shales. Analyzed by W. F. Eeid. 1. 2. 3. Silica 49-78 50-67 57*00 Alumina and oxide of iron . . 29 07 Magnesia 1 I'll Manganese ! 1'43 Lime 0-40 28-37 1-98 trace 4-14 24-33 2-10 1-88 Water 12*84 12-35 12-27 Alkalies and loss ; 5-37 Alkalies and sulphur .... . . | Iron pyrites .* 2 : 49 2 : 36 98 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. With these shales in conjunction with lime waste and limestone under the author's patent a large quantity of Portland cement is now being manufactured by the dry process. The site of the works being favourable for a cheap supply of fuel and within the easy reach of good markets for the sale of their produce. The author has also made an excellent cement with the loadstone and mountain limestone. The analysis of the former by W. F. Eeid is as follows : Silica 43-59 Alumina 18'46 Oxide of iron 10'92 Lime 10-64 Magnesia 6'39 Water 2'21 Carbonic acid 4-41 Alkalies 3'31 The presence of carbonate of lime indicates a partial decomposition of the sample, which was in a slightly dis- integrated state. Analysis of Derbyshire toadstone by Dr. Withering : Specific gravity 2 3 Silica 63 Alumina 14 Carbonate of lime 7 Oxide of iron 16 100 The toadstone is a basalt, having a somewhat earthy frac- ture, and when exposed on the surface becomes pulverulent, forming a fertile soil whereon timber grows luxuriantly, con- trasting agreeably with the otherwise sterile limestone tracts, in which they may be regarded as the oases. The presence of intrusive basalt in this district is interesting not from its novelty, for it is found similarly placed in other parts and in Ireland and Scotland, but from the peculiar manner in which it is imbedded between the limestone deposits. It seldom exhibits itself on the surface, at least rarely in com- GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 99 parison with the extent of the country it traverses. The beds vary in character, some being basaltic and compact, others again earthy, vesicular, and amygdaloidal. The dis- tinguishing and most general term toadstone in Derbyshire is called in German "todt stein," or dead stone, such de- signation being applied to its non-metalliferous character, for lead veins running through the limestone are cut off at their contact with this erupted rock; the term toadstone of the Derbyshire miner originating doubtless in the resemblance to the spots on the back of the toad, more especially when the rock partakes of an amygdaloidal (almond-shaped) cha- racter.* There are various names applied to this basalt, such as black stone, dunstone, channel, black clay, &c., but they are of purely local significance and without scientific value. The lead mining operations carried on from a remote time in this part of Derbyshire, and at an early period of geological knowledge offered favourable opportunities for the study of this basaltic .rock and its influence on the surrounding rocks. An early geological observer, Mr. Whitehurst, in writing on this toadstone in 1792, observed as follows : " A blackish substance, very hard ; contains bladder holes, like the scoriae of metals or Iceland lava, and has the same chemical property of resisting acids. Some of its bladder holes are filled with spar, others only in part, and others again are quite empty. This stratum is not laminated, but consists of one entire solid mass, and breaks alike in all directions. It does not produce any minerals or figured stones representing any part of the animal or vegetable creation, nor any adventitious bodies enveloped in it ; but is as much an uniform mass as any vitrifieH substance what- ever; neither does it universally prevail as the limestone strata; nor is it like them equally thick; but in some instances varies in thickness from six to six hundred feet. * It is possible, however, that the name may be an inheritance from the German miners who were employed in ancient times in this part of Derbyshire. H 2 100 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. It is likewise attended with other circumstances which leave no room to doubt of its being as much a lava as that which flows from Hecla, Vesuvius, or Etna. " All these circumstances plainly evince that toadstone was formed by a very different law from the others, and was greatly posterior to them ; for the beds of limestone must have been formed before they were broken, and broken before their fissures were thus filled up ; therefore we may, with much reason, conclude that toadstone is actual lava, and flowed from a volcano whose funnel, or shaft, did not approach the open air, but disgorged its fiery contents between the strata in all directions." More recent and perhaps better-informed observers have arrived at a somewhat similar conclusion, and the following analyses confirm these views, at least so far as the chemical question is affected. No. 1. Basalt, Staffordshire, by Klaproth. 2. Basalt from Fingal's Cave, by Streng. 3. Basalt from the Giants' Causeway, by Streng. 4. Toadstone, from Derbyshire (before quoted), by W. F. Reid. 1. 2. 3. 4. Silica 48-0 47-80 52-13 43-59 Alumina 16-0 14-80 14-87 18-46 Oxide of iron 16'0 13-08 11-40 10-92 Oxide of manganese . . 0-09 0-32 Lime 9-0 12-89 10-56 10 V 64 Potash Soda i'-o 0-86 2-48 0-69 2-60 \ 3-31 Magnesia 6-84 6-46 6-39 Muriatic acid i-o Carbonic ... 4-41 Water 5-0 l'-41 l"l9 2-21 In the neighbourhood of the Giants' Causeway the basalt rests upon the hard or indurated chalk, and is generally separated by a bed of clay of varied depth. This clay being deficient in lime and alkali is probably the result of dis- integration from the parent basalt rock. GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGIOAL OBSERVATIONS. 101 The analyses as under of this clay and the superincum- bent basalt are, No. 1, clay, by Dr. Upjohn, and No. 2, basalt, by Dr. Kennedy. 1. Clay. 2. Basalt. Silica Alumina . . Peroxide of iro Lime Soda .. . Muriatic acid . Water a 50-75 20-87 15-90 0-72 10-50 48-00 16-00 16-00 9-00 4-00 1-00 5-00 Loss .. . 1-26 These chemical estimates of long extinct volcanic action have their analogous representation in active modern erup- tions at the Faroe Islands and Iceland. An analysis of the former lava or basalt by Durocher gives : Silica Alumina Oxide of iron Oxide of manganese Lime Magnesia Soda and potash . . Water 46-80 14-40 12-20 2-80 10-16 9-53 1-16 3-00 Other lavas : No. 1. Meissner, analyzed by Girard. 2. Wickenstein, Silesia, by Loewe. 3. Orouset (Haute Loire), by Ebelmen. 4. Eger, Bohemia, by Ebelmen. 1. 2. 3. 4. Silica .. .. .. 52-96 44-90 36-1 43-4 Alumina 16-46 18-71 30-5 12-2 Magnetic oxide of iron 5-32 . . . . Protoxide of iron 2-82 9-09 f , 12-1 Peroxide of iron . . 4-3 3-5 Lime 8-79 12-90 8-9 11-3 Magnesia 9-32 7-14 0-6 9-1 Soda 3-60 6-58 0-9 2-7 Potash 1-19 0-68 0-6 0-8 Water 16-9 4-4 102 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. Lava from Etna (eruption 1669), by Loewe : Silica 48-83 Alumina 16'15 Protoxide of iron 16-32 manganese 0'54 Lime 9'31 Magnesia 4-58 Soda 3-45 Potash 0-77 The conjunction of the basaltic or silica and alumina- bearing rocks with the crystalline chalk before referred to render the manufacture of Portland cement in the locality of the Giants' Causeway a matter of easy attainment. For manufacturing purposes basalt has already been used to a considerable extent for constructive and ornamental architecture. The experiments were made from the " Kowley rag," a basaltic product obtained at the village of Kowley Eegis, seven miles from Birmingham, having analysis as follows : Silica 46-0 Alumina 16 '0 Protoxide of iron 19 5 Lime 11-0 Manganese 3'5 Volatile matters 4-0 The fusibility of basalt was proved at the beginning of the century, but no attempt to utilize it was made until 1851, when Mr. Adcock patented a process for manufac- turing the Kowley basalt into various useful articles. The inexpensive raw material was, however, more than counter- balanced by the high cost of the required fuel of manufac- ture. There were two processes adopted for the fusion of the refractory basalt, in one of which crucibles were used, placed in a reverberatory furnace, and out of which was poured the molten rock into ordinary sand moulds, pre- viously heated and afterwards allowed to cool slowly in the GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 103 ovens in which they were moulded or cast. By this process window sills, pilasters, coping, &c., were produced. The other process for the production of roofing slates was similar to that used for the manufacture of plate glass. The fused basalt was cooled until it became plastic, and in that con- dition placed on a metal table and rolled to the required shape and thickness. Sheets measuring 8 feet by 3 feet 8 inches were thus formed, and were capable of resisting the wearing action of the atmosphere, being lighter than slates or tiles. By this process a variety of forms could be pro- duced, and the sheets could be cut by a diamond, like glass, its specific gravity being about the same. This industry was carried on for nearly three years, and was then discontinued owing to its not proving a commercial success. It succumbed to the overwhelming expense of first establishment. The initiatory experiments and large cost for moulds and other appliances were too much for this infant industry. Although a financial failure, it established the practicability of converting this natural basalt into useful and graceful forms as aids to the architect. The best examples resulting from this industry are to be found in the Edgbaston Vestry Hall, built in the Anglo-Norman style, the columns, window pieces, doorways, and ornamental steps being made from the melted Kowley rag. The molten mass, when cooled suddenly, was converted into black obsidian, or volcanic glass ; but when allowed to cool slowly, resumed its original crystalline basaltic struc- ture, without any apparent difference beyond the obliteration of the lines of cleavage. Since the time when these successful attempts were made great strides have taken place in the knowledge and appli- cation of heat for all purposes of manufacture, and it is just possible that this improved knowledge might yet lead to a more prosperous conversion of the Eowley rag. 104 SCIENCE AND ABT OF PORTLAND CEMENT. In the north of England, near Newcastle, occurs a basalt, known locally as the " whin sill," and closely associated with the carboniferous limestone of that district. Geologists have differed as to the mode of its formation, but it is now regarded as an intrusive rock, as originally classed by Pro- fessor Sedgwick. It appears to be similar in many respects to the Derbyshire " toadstone," and is found in horizontal strata, forced by the pressure by which it was originally impelled between the planes of bedding. Here again exists, in one of the most favourably circum- stanced localities, in juxtaposition, all the elements of suc- cessful cement making, favoured in a high degree with the command of cheap fuel and advantageous outlets by sea and land. The basalts, from which are obtained the most useful materials for road and street purposes, whether in the form of broken Macadam or setts for paving, occur in the dis- tricts of Shropshire and North Wales of the former from Glee Hills, and the latter ranging from Portmadoc in the west to near Con way on the east coast of North Wales. In Manchester and Liverpool these materials are used almost exclusively, unless where in the less populous districts, and where the traffic is but light and limited, the gritstone setts are considered sufficient. The excellent condition of the streets of Manchester is entirely due to the foresight and judgment of the engineer of that city, who may fairly claim the merit of raising it to the position of the best-paved town in England, and who has availed himself, with advantage, of these readily accessible materials. It may here be men- tioned that after an experience of many years the larger setts have been superseded by the smallest, which are now only " 6" X 4"," and prove the most suitable for the large and heavy traffic of this great manufacturing centre. There are now several patents for the utilization of the slag from iron and other furnaces, and considerable success GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 105 has been attained in making building bricks from this material. There is, however, some danger to be appre- hended from the action of the weather. In Staffordshire it has been found unprofitable to macadamize the roads with the waste slag, owing to its liability to disintegration, and its use is now abandoned, Kowley rag and Welsh basalts being substituted, at a very much greater cost. In fact, the waste slag cost was but nominal, from its abundance in the iron-making districts. In the neighbourhood of the carboniferous limestone for- mation, near Kendal, in Westmoreland, we find a favourable cement-making material in great abundance. It is a slate deposit, of imperfect cleavage, although tolerably compact and even in texture. Its analysis by W. F. Keid is : Silica 60-27 Alumina 18'48 Oxide of iron 7'13 Lime 0'89 Magnesia 3'62 Oxide of manganese 5 17 Water 4-45 The river Dee, in winding through the vale of Llangollen, in North Wales, intersects at several points the limestone and slate deposits, where the manufacture of Portland cement could be performed with more than ordinary advantage, and where, owing to the moisture of the climate, it could be used for many purposes where its present cost is all but prohibitory. An analysis of the Welsh slates is as follows, and does not differ essentially from that obtained near Kendal : Silica .. .. vT~7T .. .. 60-50 Alumina 19 '70 Protoxide of iron 7*83 Lime 1-12 Magnesia 2-20 Potash .. .. 3-18 Soda 2-20 Water 3-30 106 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. Pasley, in his experiments, tried a mixture of chalk, with slate dust, but probably owing to his imperfect knowledge of the chemistry of cements (then in its infancy) he failed to produce an hydraulic cement. He tried various pro- portions, but found all of them unable to withstand the action of the water on being immersed. In the description of these experiments Pasley quotes an analysis of slate made by Kirwan, which was : Silica 38 Alumina 26 Magnesia 8 Lime 4 Peroxide of iron 14 a very different result from those we have given above. Analyses of two varieties of Slate from County Tyrone, Ire- land, No. 1 being a quartz slate, and No. 2 an imperfect clay slate. 1. 2. Silica 67-02 52-45 Alumina 14-92 12-01 Peroxide of iron 11-36 17-92 Lime 0-73 7-72 Water 2-41 6-08 Magnesia, alkali, and loss . . 3-56 3-82 In Ireland there are large deposits of slate materials in many parts of the country. A clay slate (roofing) analyzed by Abuisson. Silica Alumina Protoxide of iron . , Soda Potash 50-01 34-74 3-73 0-87 0-04 7-21 Water 3-27 GEOLOGICAL AND MINEBALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 107 Before concluding this rather interesting part of our sub- ject we will refer to another important source from which silica and alumina can be readily obtained. In the igneous or Plutonic formations of almost universal distribution innu- merable varieties of rocks abound, closely resembling one another in chemical value. The lavas and puzzolanas will have our first attention, from the fact of their being so well known as the agents of hydraulicity used in the preparations of the early hydrau- lic mortars. The well-known and active volcanoes of Vesuvius and Etna emit abundance of silica and alumina in varied con- dition, which, in their natural state, on being mixed with caustic lime, render it hydraulic. There are numerous examples of the success which has attended such combina- tions, as illustrated by the experiments of Smeaton, Vicat, Berthier, and others. The following are some of the analyses of this class of minerals : No. 1. From near Eome, by Berthier. 2. From Vesuvius, by Vicat. 3. From Crater of Monti Nuovo, by Abich. 4. From Island of Vivara, by Abich. 5. From Vesuvius during its eruption in October 1868, by Silvestri. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Silica .. .. 44-5 46-5 56-3 51'0 39-0 Alumina .. 15-0 10-5 15-3 13-7 14-0 Oxide of iron . . 12-0 29-5 7-1 13-6 13-0 Lime 8-8 10-0 1-7 7-1 18-0 Magnesia .. 4.7 .. 1-4 4-7 3-0 Potash .. .. 1-4 .. 6-5 2-9 1-0 Soda 4-1 8-8 2-9 10-0 Chlorine .. .. 0-3 .. .. Water .. .. 9-2 0-25 6-7 4-6 - 108 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. Santorin earths and trass are closely allied in chemical value to the above, as is shown by the following analyses : No. 1. Trass, by BertMer. 2. Trass, by Vicat. n 3. Santorin earth, by Eisner. 4. Santorin earth, by F. Schulze. 1. 2. 3. 4. Silica . . 57-0 46-5 68-5 65-5 Alumina 16-0 20-7 13-3 16-5 Oxide of iron 5-0 5-6 5-5 3-1 Lime 2-6 2-3 2-4 2-9 Magnesia 1-0 1-0 0-7 1-5 Potash .. Soda .. 7'0 1-0 | 15-50 | 3-1 4-7 4-3 2'3 Water .. 9-0 . . ' 1-4 Chlorine 0-3 3'5 Again, trachyte, trachytic porphyry, phonolite, andesite, obsidian, pumice, and other kindred volcanic products, are, with slightly varying proportions though generally exceed- ing them in silica value similar to the above, and whether as unaltered mixtures with caustic lime, or more elaborately prepared combinations with carbonates of lime, they are alike deserving the consideration of the cement maker and engineer. In some countries various volcanic deposits are the source from which are obtained blocks for building. In his recent voyage in the 'Challenger' Sir Wyville Thomson came across the following interesting evidence of the most primi- tive use of tufa. He says : " The sixteen or seventeen families who reside on the island of Tristan d'Acunha, which is about half-way between the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn, have suffered so much from violent gales that they now build their cottages of blocks of stone a sort of soft volcanic tufa of four or five feet square, in order to enable them to withstand these storms. The wind was sometimes so violent that these blocks, when being brought down from the quarry, were GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSEBVATIONS. 109 lifted bodily by the wind. As there was no mortar on the island, all the stones were dovetailed into each other, and it was curious to see the people building these cottages. Very frequently wrecks occurred on the island, and a number of large spars were picked 'up on the shore as the remains of lost vessels. They got two or three of these spars, and, laying them up against the wall at a low angle, had them carefully greased, and, by a method which was known to have been used in Assyria and Ancient Egypt, they gradually moved on rollers, and slid up these blocks to the top of the wall, when they were fixed in their places. Tristan d'Acunha is one of a little group of three islands, one of which is called Nightingale Island." The next class of rocks to which we will call attention are abundant in this country, viz. the extinct volcanic products in England, Ireland, and Scotland, in the shape of granites, traps, and basalts. Their reputation as building and paving agents is too well known to require any de- scription in that direction at our hands, and we will there- fore confine ourselves to pointing out their chemical value in relation to cement making. Granite from a geological point of view is the primary rock on which all other formations rest, and which we may reasonably infer contributed largely in supplying some of the materials at least of all subsequent formations. The mighty and varied agencies through and by which this marvellous primeval rock was deposited, and the influences it exerted on all future geologies, are too remotely connected with our subject to require much consideration. The abundance of these rocks in Great Britain and Ireland con- tributes in a high degree to the picturesqueness of the locality in which they occur, and render attractive remote districts which would otherwise be uninteresting, as they are in an agricultural sense valueless. Granite must have had its origin from sources of 110 SCIENCE AND AET OP PORTLAND CEMENT. great depth, and after eruption cooled and crystallized slowly under the influence of enormous pressure. Mr. Sorby in his microscopic examinations proved the existence of cavities containing fluids, from which he calculated, according to their extent or volume, the relative depths at which granite was formed in different localities. He thus esti- mates, that the granites of the Highlands of Scotland indicate a pressure of 26,000 feet of superincumbent rocks more than those of Cornwall. This would depend, however, on the temperature at which these rocks were consolidated. Granites vary considerably in mineralogical character, and their texture is influenced by the fluctuating qualities of felspar, quartz, mica, &c., of which they are composed. They do not exhibit much diversity in their chemical ana- lyses, as the following selection shows : No. 1. Large-grained granite, from Streitberg, in Silesia. 2. Large-grained granite, from Fox Kock, near Dublin. 3. Fine-grained granite, from Heidelberg. . 4. Medium-grained granite, from Blackstairs Mountain, County Wexford, Ireland. 5. Granite, from Baveno, Italy. 6. Egyptian granite, or syenite. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Silica .. 73-13 73-00 72-11 73-20 74-82 70-25 Alumina 12-49 13-64 15-60 13-64 16-14 16-00 Oxide of iron Oxide of manganese Lime 2-58 0-57 2-40 2-44 1 : 84 1-53 0-26 1-26 1-72 0-96 1-52 1 : 68 | 2-50 1-16 Magnesia 0-27 0-11 0-34 0-47 ) Potash .. 4-13 4-21 5-00 4-80 3-55 [ 9-00 Soda .. 2-61 3-53 2-27 3-18 6-15 | Water .. 0-53 0-83 ,. 0-65 Loss .. 1-20 The granites are comparatively neglected, and their valu- able properties in consequence continue a blank to the artisan and manufacturer. Attention is, however, being directed to them in some directions, and a good example of TJNI VEH.SJ GEOLOGICAL AND Ill how much may be accomplished by an intelligent appli- cation of scientific or technical knowledge is shown by the treatment of the raw material from which the beautiful and much-admired Beleek porcelain is made. The rock is an orthoclase granite found near the works at a point where the waters of Lough Erne flow into the river Erne. The red orthose felspar retains its crystalline form in its original beauty and perfection, and when calcined becomes white. The iron which separates itself during calcination is extracted by magnets from the powdered clay when in a moist state. Granites from Finland, used for making bottle glass, analyzed by Struve : 1. 2. Silica .. .. 75-06 77-71 Titanic acid . . 0-36 0-48 Alumina .. , 11-70 10-13 Peroxide of iron 1-04 1-41 Protoxide of iron t 1-57 2-15 Protoxide of mang anese trace trace Lime 1-01 1-13 Magnesia 0-19 0-21 Potash . . . 6-25 4-50 Soda .. . 2-56 1-85 Water .. . 0-63 0-44 The porphyries approximate closely in chemical resem- blance to the granites, as shown by the following analyses : No. 1. Quartz porphyry, from the Hartz Mountains. 2. Quartz porphyry (Elvanite), from County Wexford, Ireland. 3. Kose-coloured quartziferous porphyry, from Grenville, Canada. 1. 2. 3. Silica .. .. 74-44 72-33 72-20 Alumina 13-51 8-97 12-50 Oxide of iron . . 2-25 7-46 3-70 Lime 1-19 1-98 0-90 Magnesia o-oi trace Potash . . 5-31 2-07 3 : 88 Soda .. .. 1-40 5-83 5-30 Water .. .. 1-34 1-86 0-60 112 SCIENCE AND AET OF PORTLAND CEMENT. Greenstone (Diorite, Diabase, &c.) is, like basalt, granite, &c., of igneous origin. The following samples are from the " Sanctuaries," St. Menan, Cornwall : 1. 2. 3. Silica .. 47-66 47-32 47-79 Alumina . . 17-50 17-15 17-83 Oxide of iron 21-94 22-60 22-49 Lime 4-20 4-03 4-10 Magnesia trace trace trace Potash . . 2-43 2-33 2-15 Soda 5-19 5-27 5-88 Sulphur .. trace trace trace Sulphuric acid Titanic acid 0-16 trace 0-18 trace trace trace Water . . 0-83 0-18 0-76 Dolorite, as the origin of the name indicates, is a rock of deceptive and uncertain character. No. 1. From Fifeshire, Scotland, analyzed by Drysdale. 2. From St. Austell, Cornwall, by Ebelmen. 1. 2. Silica .. .. 45-20 51-4 Alumina 14-40 15-8 Protoxide of iron 14-00 } 6-0 ,, manganese .. Peroxide of iron 10-7 Lime 12-70 7-8 Magnesia 6-55 2-7 Soda 5-22 \ 4.0 Potash r Tt O Water .. 2-40 Some years ago a cement factory was established at Eadstin, near Prague, for making cement from greenstone (Diabase) in combination with primitive and transition limestones. The analysis of the greenstone (Diabase) was : Carbonate of lime 2-60 magnesia .. .. 1*00 Oxide and protoxide of iron,j ^ ^ with little alumina . . . . / Silicates 79-25 Amount soluble in acid. Together, 19-90 per cent. GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 113 The limestones were, No. 1, primitive limestone from Cimelitz ; No. 2, transition limestone from Foditz. 1. i Carbonate of lime 97-00 97-05 magnesia.. .. 1-41 Oxide of iron and alumina . . 2- 00 1-40 Silica 1-00 0-22 The limestone was burnt and then slaked, with which the powdered Diabase was intimately mixed in a pasty or semi- plastic state. The facility with which the Diabase fused resulted at first in obtaining only vitrified balls. The Dia- base was more finely ground, and the result was a clinkered mass of the required quality. The burning took place in Hessian crucibles in a blast furnace, after which the crucibles were allowed to cool, from which the cement was taken and ground. It was proved that a long continuous heat was more beneficial than too high a temperature. It was found that the best proportions were three parts by weight of burnt lime to two of Diabase, which was equivalent to from 30 to 32 per cent, of silicates to from 68 to 70 per cent, of lime, and the soluble compounds of the Dia- base. The high percentage of iron in the raw mixture resulted in a dark-coloured cement somewhat slow in setting, but otherwise possessing the usual characteristics of a good Portland cement. Serpentine is another rock of metamorphic origin, and may some day become an important ingredient in the eco- nomy of cement making when the exact influence of mag- nesia has been ascertained and valued. 114 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. The specimens from which the following analyses are made were obtained as follows : No. 1. Bed serpentine, from Kyname Bay, Cornwall. 2. Light green serpentine, from Galway. 3. Dark green serpentine, from Col-de-Pertuis, Vosges. 4. Green homogeneous serpentine, from Oxford, Canada. 1. 2. 3. 4. Silica 38-29 40-12 40-83 40-30 Alumina gj 2-00 0-92 Protoxide of iron 13-50 3-47 7-39 7 V 02 Oxide of manganese trace 0-26 chromium 0-68 trace Magnesia 34-24 40-04 37-98 59-07 Lime it 1-50 eg Water, &c 12-09 13-36 10-70 13 V 35 Witherite, or carbonate of baryta, has been used with considerable success by Dr. Julius Aron in making a cement which in some of its characteristics and properties exceeds in value the best Portland cement. The baryta was used instead of limestone mixed with clay, obtained from the left bank of the Oder, at Stettin. The analysis of the baryta was: Baryta 69-29 Carbonic acid 22-95 Lime .. 3'85 Kesidue, &c r 3-20 indeed almost a pure carbonate of baryta. The clay used had the following analysis : Silica 54-82 Oxide of iron 6-38 Alumina 17'21 Carbonate of lime 2-39 magnesia .. .. 2-14 Potash 3-09 Soda 0-92 Sulphur 2-12 Carbonic acid 2*61 Water, &c. .. 7-58 GEOLOGICAL AND MINER ALOGIOAL OBSERVATIONS. 115 Proportions varying from 5 '75 to 4 '26 parts of baryta were mixed with one part of the clay. The first mixtures, 5 '75 and 5*01, after being finely ground were burnt in a sample kiln with the following results : No. 1, 5-75 baryta and 1 clay, after being submitted to the heat of the kiln for forty-se>en minutes, produced a clinker of a dark green colour. The resulting powder was grass green. When mixed with water it developed great heat, amounting to 50 C., increased in volume so much that it could only be retained in the mould by immersing it in cold water. In fifteen minutes afterwards the mould was taken out of the water, and it was found that the cement was still soft. When it hardened in the air the cement became as hard as stone, but immersed in water again it became gradually soft. No. 2, 5-01 baryta and 1 of clay, was burnt quickly, gave a grey powder, and developed considerable warmth when mixed with water, and the mixture was of a dark bluish green and set rapidly, but became soft when immersed in water. No. 3, 4*64 baryta and 1 of clay, burnt in forty-two minutes, gave a dark green clinker, from which was obtained a grey powder. An increase of temperature was almost in- appreciable when little water was used. In five minutes the cement set so that it could leave the mould and be marked with a lead pencil. A change of colour in the cement arose, turning from an ashy grey to a dark bluish green. After several days' immersion in water the samples became soft. No. 4, 4-26 parts of baryta and 1 of clay. The clinker of this mixture was dark green, the powder being ashy grey, and on mixing it with water an increase of temperature took place. In ten minutes the cement had set, and after four hours the nail could make only a slight impression on it. This cement also, however, when put in water softened. i 2 116 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. For so far these experiments indicate that baryta cement possessed different qualities from that made from carbonate of lime, and was in all the proportions tried deficient in hydraulic value. The silicate of baryta, which is analogous to the silicate of lime, appears to be far more soluble in water. Another experiment was tried with the proportions of 369 parts of baryta (witherite) to 100 of the clay. The clinker produced was dark green and the powder ashy grey. When mixed with water it set slowly, and appeared to be deficient in cement-setting properties. In the morning, how- ever, after having been mixed sixteen hours, it attained great hardness, and had slightly loosened itself from the mould. Its tensile strength was tested, and, compared with Stettin cement, exhibited the following results. Stettin cement, eight days old, 5 square centimetres section, broke at 86-400 kilos. = 17 '280 kilos, per square centimetre ; at eighteen days old, similar section, it broke at 121 '350 kilos., or = 24*270 kilos, per square centimetre. Baryta cement, with the same section, of 5 square centi- metres, broke as under in sixteen hours, 135*300 kilos. = 27 ' 060 per square centimetre ; showing, therefore, that a good Portland cement (which the Stettin cement is) in eighteen days did not equal the baryta cement sixteen hours in the air. A sample of this cement, after four days' hardening in the air, broke with a tensile strain of 50 '220 kilos, per square centimetre a strength never attained from cement made of carbonate of lime. These proportions having resulted in such satisfactory breakings, a larger quantity was made of the same mixture. The samples were made up of 214 grammes cement to 40 grammes water, which was found to be the best pro- portion, and again, in comparison with Stettin cement, ex- hibited the following results : GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 117 No. 1. Pure Stettin Portland Cement. Time of Setting. Age. Section. Breaking Weight. Breaking Weight per sq. cent. 15 minutes. 4 days. 5 sq. cent. 71 -55 kilos. 14- 31 kilos. One-half Stettin Cement mixed with one-half Baryta Cement. 15 minutes. | 4 days. | 5 sq. cent. | 127 -05 kilos. | 25-41 kilos. Pure Baryta Cement. 56 minutes. 4 days. 5 sq. cent. 312 -00 kilos. 62 -40 kilos. All the three samples had lain under water during the four days, and the result is good evidence that slow setting cement of any fabrication in the long run proves the best. Further experiments were made with the baryta cement with the following results : Age. Breaking Weight per sq. centimetre. No. 1 .. 3J hours. 24 -36 kilos. 2 11 days. 53-46 3* 13 42-09 4 23 53-11 * No. 3 sample had lain five or six days in water, but was taken out, having shown signs of cracking. The analysis of the cement from which these experiments or tests were made was : Silica 17-04 Peroxide of iron 2-83 Alumina 4-88 Baryta 69-27 Lime 4 '75 0-74 The results of these interesting experiments are given for the purpose of showing that a cement much excelling 118 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. Portland cement in its highest values can be made without chalk. It is not possible to introduce such a manufacture in this country, owing to the scarcity and value of witherite, but where great strength is required in works above water, this expensive cement might be used with advantage. The samples were very heavy and highly indurated, so much so, as to admit of being polished like marble. The specific gravity of the witherite, or carbonate of baryta, is 4 * 3, chalk being only 2 3, and the more compact limestones 2 6. Gneiss, a rock of frequent occurrence, and which usually prevails in the immediate neighbourhood of granite, for which it is sometimes from their great similarity mis- taken, is to be found in almost every geological age, and is regarded as the original stratified rock, from which con- dition it has been metamorphosed by the action of the molten granite. To such an extent has this change in its primary structure been carried as in many instances to ob- literate its original stratified character. Originating in all probability from the detritus worn from the granite in the then troubled and perhaps boiling seas, the metamorphic action by which it subsequently became changed destroyed nearly all trace of its aqueous origin. The main character- istics which distinguish it are the presence of irregularly laminated veins of striated combinations of mica, quartz, and felspar, very frequently, indeed, it may be said invariably, distorted into folds and convolutions of the most com- plicated character. This rock is represented as occupying nearly one half of the north of Scotland, is frequently met with in Ireland, and Devon and Cornwall. With this rock we will conclude our reference to the natural producing silica and alumina sources. In doing so we would call special attention to the necessity for a GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. 119 careful selection of these materials, guided by a previous physical and chemical examination. Some of the granites contain quartz in an unfavourable form for cement-making purposes, and by preference those of the fine-grained kind should be selected, where a choice exists. Wherever any of these rocks are obtainable, in their dis- integrated condition, they should be preferred, except when by their exposure to the atmosphere the alkalies have been washed away. In this necessarily hurried and somewhat imperfect de- scription of the natural depositories or storehouses accessible to the cement maker for his purposes much has been over- looked, and probably also a good deal carelessly described. We should, however, under whatever shortcomings our efforts may be surrounded, hope that a desire for further inquiry may be aroused, and if so, we feel sure that a new era will begin for the cement trade, and its valuable powers and capacities be made more generally useful. 120 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. CHAPTER III. ARTIFICIAL SOURCES FROM WHICH SOME CEMENT-MAKING MATERIALS MAY BE OBTAINED. Iron Slag. WIDE as we have endeavoured to show the field of selection from which may be obtained all the necessary materials for the manufacture of Portland cement in the various geo- logical formations, and which may be regarded as the natural supply, there are still to be found valuable supplies of an artificial character. Of those varying in importance and quality we may select as most noteworthy the slags of various kinds resulting from iron making and other allied industries, the waste lime heaps rejected by the lime burner, the gas and soap lime wastes, as well as those pro- duced in the alkali and alum manufactures. The abundance of the slags, lime heaps, alkali, and alum wastes in the various districts in which they occur, cannot but strike with surprise the simple observer, who must think that these industries have been of a more than usually profitable character to permit the waste of such apparently useful material. The iron and chemical trades of this country, however, have had such long runs of prosperity in times past as not only to render the manufacturers indifferent to the extent of the waste produced by their operations, but has also led to a most suicidal treatment of the minerals, as well as their extraction from their various beds of geological deposition. A general survey of our mining districts would exhibit an amount of accumulated waste both from coal mining and iron making operations of a formidable character. In the coal districts the immense heaps of calcined shales in- ARTIFICIAL SOURCES OF CEMENT-MAKING MATERIALS. 121 dicate the existence of some arbitrary clause in the leases compelling the lessee to such a mode of destruction. In many of the more favourably circumstanced districts, where the shales are in some degree bituminous, much valuable material has thus been dissipated. These heaps are, how- ever, now beginning to be utilized in certain districts as ballast for railways and also as a mixture for concrete build- ing. For both purposes they are exceedingly well adapted. We shall first consider the slags from their now in many districts attracting considerable attention, owing to their suitability for conversion to building purposes as well as with the burnt shales used by railway companies for bal- lasting the permanent way of their lines. In an industry like iron making, carried on in widely separated districts, and dealing with ores and fuels of diverse character, we are sure to find the resulting wastes differing much in their chemical value and physical characteristics. In the following analyses we have selected those best suited for illustration from a cement-making point of view, and the cognate process of slag brick or block making for building purposes. TABLE No. 1. Slags from South Wales. (From Eogers' ' Iron Metallurgy.') | 6 a 1 !I 1 |fj | 1 1 If 1 1* I 1 Tawny cinder slag, Nantyglo 50 26 4 14 8 2 2 Black scouring ditto, Blaina 52 18 2 12 28 12 3 Ditto ditto, ditto . . 46 25 3 10 24 8 4 Black solid slag, Tredegar 41 34 2 2 8 23 10 5 (Grey glassy ditto, Ebbw\ \ Vale / 47 34 3 1 12 3 6 7 Black solid ditto, Ehymney Ditto ditto, Dowlais .. .. 44 48 24 22 4 2 18 16 18 12 8 4 8 9 Yellow solid ditto, Cyfarthfa Ditto ditto, Blaenavon 42 46 30 31 2 4 14 14 10 10 8 5 10 Black solid ditto, Nantyglo 46 28 2 14 12 2 122 SCIENCE AND ART OF PORTLAND CEMENT. From Clarence furnace, Durham, smelting Cleveland ironstone, analyzed by (1) Bell and (2) Percy, both of which show a considerable increase of lime over the above tables of South Welsh slags. Used in the Bessemer process. 1. 2. Silica .. .. 27-68 27-65 Alumina 22-28 24-69 Lime t 40-12 40-00 Magnesia 7-27 3-55 Protoxide of iron 0-80 0-72 mang nes< 3 0-20 0-35 Sulphur .. Potash .. .. 2-00 1-95 0-46 Soda .. .. 0-99 Phosphorus . . 0-26 TABLE No. 2. Sundry Districts. (From Phillips' ' Metallurgy.') Analyzed (Nos. 1 and 2) by Riley, (No. 3) Forbes, and (No. 4) Dr. Percy. , 1 - j S c 2 11 "o . IB ft * J i 1? II II CO ^ 1 Grey iron slag,Dowlais 38-48 15-13 32-82 7-44 0-76 1-62 2-22 1-92 2 White iron ditto, ditto 43-07 14-8528-92 5-87 2-53 1-37 1-90 1-84 3 ("Iron slag, Wednesbury,! \ Staffordshire .. ../ 39-52 15-1132-52 3-49 2-02 2-89 2-15 1-06 4 /Ditto, Dudley, Worces-\ \ tershire / 38-76 14-4835-68 6-84 1-18 0-23 0-98 1-11 It will be observed that the analysis of slag produced in preparing for the Bessemer convertor is unusually favour- able as a cement-making agent from the high percentage of lime it contains. ARTIFICIAL SOURCES OF CEMENT-MAKING MATERIALS. 123 TABLE No. 3. (From Dr. Osborn's ' Metallurgy of Iron and Steel/) . 1