GEO.MUNRO, w ^~^ ' ~ *-"^"" 77 to tiVandewafefSt MUNRO'S PUBLICATIONS. THE NEW YOKKFASHION BAZAE. The Best Ladies' Magazine. WHAT IS SAID OF IT. THE May number of THE NEW YORK FASHION BAZAR is rich in fashion illus- trations and in entertaining reading matter. The success of this periodical is pronounced. Chicago Herald, Chicago, 111. THE NEW YORK FASHION BAZAR for May will please the ladies. It is a magnificent publication, containing the latest fashions, the plates being got up in the most artistic manner possible. The table of contents, too, contains a fine selection of choice reading. Get one. Published by Geo. Munro, New York. Metropolis, Jacksonville, Fla. GEORGE MUNRO, the great cheap publisher of New York, has brought hi celebrated BAZAR of New York Fashion into sharp rivalry with Harper, Demo- rest, Le Bon Ton and other self-sufficient delineators of feminine fashions. Munrp's April number is a great publication, as it presents women and chil- dren in their most artistic and enchanting habiliments. The Daily City Item, New Orleans, La. GEORGE MUNRO'S NEW YORK FASHION BAZAR for May is a great number, with more of the very latest styles and patterns of ladies' and children's clothas from top to toe than any reasonable person could desire. The colored plate of New York and Paris spring fashions is a splendid picture, designed and furnished by Lord & Taylor. The price of this useful guide to elegance is $8 per annum. The Daily City Item, New Orleans, La. THE NEW YORK FASHION BAZAR is a most attractive magazine for ladies. It is a treasury of lovely dresses, hats and mantles, and every thing new and fash- ionable. Every mother and head of a family of boys and girls will find abundance of new suits for their little ones, as well as pretty spring dresses for young ladies and misses. In the literary department, the FASHION BAZAR for April contains a charming novelette by the popular American author, William Henry Bishop, entitled " A Dinner at McArthur's." The Times-Star, Cincin- nati, Ohio. THE NEW YORK FASHION BAZAR, published by George Munro, of New York, is one of the best magazines published in the United States. The May number shows all the latest fashions and designs of spring and summer styles in ladies' and children's dress. Ladies need never fear being out of style in dress if they will follow the fashions in this splendid fashion book. There is also in this issue a great amount of reading matter, several continued stories, "Null and Void," " Connie Forrester's Husband," also other short stories. Price $3.00 per year. The Enterprise, Tonawanda, N. Y. THE NEW YORK FASHION BAZAR is one of the best magazines published for ladies. It has a large colored fashion plate, containing the latest styles for ladies in every number, and upward of one hundred engravings of fashions and embroideries. All the fashion plates are perfectly and fully described. This magazine contains many continued stories, short stories. Sketches and humorous articles, written by the best authors. There is a series of articles n housekeeping, which is especially designed for young housekeepers, also a de- partment for cooking recipes and household information. This book is pub- lished every month, and is really a valuable magazine, and should be in every family. A single copy can be obtained by sending twenty-five cents to the publisher, George Munro, 17 to 27 Vandewater Street, New Yrk. Subscription price $3 a year. New England Home Journal, Worcester, Mass. THE NEW YORK FASHION BAZAR Is for sale by all newsdealers. It will also be sent, postage prepaid, for 25 cents per single copy. The subscription price to $3.1)0 per year. Address GEORGE MUNRO, Munro's Publishing House, P. O. Box. 8751. 1* to 2T Vandewater Street, New York. MUtfRO'S PUBLICATIONS. PRICE 25 CENTS. This is a little book which we can recommend to every lady for the preserva- tion and increase of Health and Beauty. It contains full directions for all the arts and mysteries of personal decoration, and for increasing the natural graces ot form and expression. All the little affections of the skin, hair, eyes and body that detract from appearance and happiness are made the subjects of precise and excellent recipes. Ladies are instructed how to reduce their weight without injury to health and without producing pallor and weakness. Nothing necessary to a complete toilet book of recipes and valuable advice and information has been overlooked in the compilation of this volume. THE NEW YORK FASHION BAZAR BOOK OF THE TOILET is sold by all newsdealers. It will be seat to any address, postpaid, on receipt of price, 25 cents, by the publisher. Address GEORGE MUNRO, MUNRO'S PUBLISHING HOUSE, P.