PROTECTIONISM THE -ISM WHICH TEACHES THAT WASTE MAKES WEALTH WILLIAM GRAHAM SUMNER i Professor of Political and Social Science in Yale College NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1 8 83 COPYRIGHT, 1885, BY HENRY HOLT & CO W. L. MERSHON & Co., Printers and Electrotypers. RAH WAY, N. J. // is with pleasure that I place here the name of a gentleman to whom the cause of free-trade in the United States is under heavy obligations MR. THOMAS HOLLAND, PREFACE. During the last fifteen years we have had two great questions to discuss: the restoration of the currency, and civil-service reform. Neither of these questions has yet reached a satisfactory so- lution, but both are in the way toward such a result. The next great effort to strip off the evils entailed on us by the civil war will consist in the repeal of those taxes which one man was enabled to levy on another, under cover of the taxes which the government had to lay to carry on the war. I have taken my share in the dis- cussion of the first two questions, and I expect to take my share in the discussion of the third. I have written this book as a contribution to a popular agitation. I have not troubled myself to keep or to throw off scientific or professional dignity. I have tried to make my point as di- rectly and effectively as I could for the readers whom I address, viz., the intelligent voters of all vi PREFACE. degrees of general culture, who need to have it explained to them what protectionism is and how it works. I have therefore pushed the contro- versy just as hard as I could, and have used plain language, just as I have always done before in what I have written on this subject. I must therefore forego the hope that I have given any more pleasure now than formerly to the advocates of protectionism. Protectionism seems to me to deserve only con- tempt and scorn, satire and ridicule. It is such an arrant piece of economic quackery, and it masquerades under such an affectation of learning and philosophy, that it ought to be treated as other quackeries are treated. Still, out of defer- ence to its strength in the traditions and lack of information of many people, I have here under- taken a patient and serious exposition of it. Satire and derision remain reserved for the dog- matic protectionists and the sentimental protec- tionists; the Philistine protectionists and those who hold the key of all knowledge ; the protection- ists of stupid good faith, and those who know their dogma is a humbug and are therefore irritated at the exposure of it ; the protectionists by birth PREFACE. vii and those by adoption ; the protectionists for hire and those by election ; the protectionists by party platform and those by pet newspaper ; the protectionists by " invincible ignorance," and those by vows and ordination ; the protectionists who run colleges, and those who want to burn colleges down ; the protectionists by investment and those who sin against light ; the hopeless ones who really believe in British gold and dread the Cobden Club, and the dishonest ones who storm about those things without believing in them ; those who may not be answered when they come into debate, because they are "great " men, or because they are "old " men, or because they have stock in certain newspapers, or are trustees of certain colleges. All these have hon- ored me personally, in this controversy, with more or less of their particular attention. I confess that it has cost me something to leave their cases out of account, but to deal with them would have been a work of entertainment, not of utility. Protectionism arouses my moral indignation. It is a subtle, cruel, and unjust invasion of one man's rights by another. It is done by force of law. It is at the same time a social abuse, an viii PREFACE. economic blunder, and a political evil. The moral indignation which it causes is the motive which draws me away from the scientific pursuits which form my real occupation, and forces me to take part in a popular agitation. The doctrine of a " call " applies in such a case, and every man is bound to take just so great a share as falls in his way. That is why I have given more time than I could afford to popular lectures on this subject, and it is why I have now put the substance of those lectures into this book. W. G. S. CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER I. DEFINITIONS. STATEMENT OF THE QUES- TION TO BE INVESTIGATED i (a.) The system of which protectionism is a survival . I (^.) Old and new conceptions of the state ... 4 (c.) Definition of protectionism and of theory ... 9 (d.) Definition of free trade and of a protective duty . 16 (e.) Protectionism raises a purely domestic controversy . 17 (/.) "A tariff is not a tax" 18 CHAPTER II. PROTECTIONISM EXAMINED ON ITS OWN GROUNDS 24 (a.) Assumptions of protectionism . . . 25 (&.) Necessary conditions of successful protective legis- lation 27 (c.) Examination of the means proposed, i. e., taxes . 34 (d.) The plan of mutual taxation 37 (e.) The proposal to create an industry >^ . . .41 ^(y.) The proposal to develop natural resources .49 (.) The proposal to raise wages [^. . . . .54 ' (//.) The prevention of competition by foreign pauper labor 59 (i.) The proposal to raise the standard of comfort . . 60 CHAPTER III. PROTECTIONISM EXAMINED ADVERSELY. I. Protectionism is hostile to trade . . . . 67 (a.) Rules for safe trade . . . . . . .67 (3.) Economic units not national units .... 70 x CONTENTS. PAGfe 2. Protectionism at war with improvement . . 75 (a.) Taxes to offset cheapened transportation ... 76 (/>.) Sugar bounties ........ 80 (c.) Forced foreign relations to regulate improvements which can no longer be defeated . . . .91 3. Protection lowers wages . . . . .97 (a.) No true wages-class in the United States ... 98 (b.) How taxes do act on wages . . . . .104 (c.) Perils of statistics, especially of wages . . .107 4. Protectionism is socialism . . . . .ill CHAPTER IV. SUNDRY FALLACIES OF PROTECTIONISM . 114 (a.) Infant industries 114. (b.) Protection lowers prices . . . . . .117 (c.) Danger of becoming purely agricultural . . .119 (d.) Connection of manufactures and prosperity . . 121 (e.) Diversification of industry . . . . .122 (f.) Manufactures give value to land . . . '123 (g.) The truck-farm argument 125 (h.) Farmers are saved from competition . . . .127 (i.) Without protection no industries . . . .130 (/.) Protection offers variety of employment . * .134 (k.) Independence ..'', 134 (/.) Salvation from foreign monopoly . . . .136 (m.) Free trade good in theory but not in practice . . 137 (w.) Trade is war 139 (0.) Employment for idle labor and* capital . . . 140 (/.) Young nations need protection . . . . .141 (g.) The war argument . . . . . . .142 (r.) Great moral development of the nation by protection 143 "'(j.) Losing as consumers and winning as producers . . 147 (f.) That the foreign producer pays for protection . . 149 CHAPTER V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION . . .156 PROTECTIONISM. CHAPTER I. DEFINITIONS: STATEMENT OF THE QUESTION TO BE INVESTIGATED, A) The System of which Protection is a Survival. i. The statesmen of the eighteenth century sup- posed that their business was the art of national prosperity. Their procedure was to form ideals of political greatness and civil prosperity on the one hand, and to evolve out of their own consciousness grand dogmas of human happiness and social welfare on the other hand. Then they tried to devise specific means for connecting these two notions with each other. Their ideals of political greatness contained, as predominant elements, a brilliant court, a refined and elegant aristocracy, well developed fine arts and belles lettres, a power, ful army and navy, and a peaceful, obedient and hard working peasantry and artisan class to pay the taxes and* support' the other part of the polit- ical structure. In this ideal the lower ranks paid upward, and the upper ranks blessed downward, and all were happy together. The great political and social dogmas of the period were exotic and in- congruous. They were borrowed or accepted from the classical authorities. Of course the dogmas were chiefly held and taught by the philosophers, but, as the century ran its course, they penetrated the statesman class. The statesman who had had no purpose save to serve the " grandeur " of the king, or to perpetuate a dynasty, gave way to statesmen who had strong national feeling and national ideals, and who eagerly sought means to realize their ideals. Having as yet no definite notion, based on facts of observation and experi- ence, of what a human society or a nation is, and no adequate knowledge of the nature and opera- tion of social forces, they were driven to empirical processes which they could not test, or measure, or verify. They piled device upon device and fail- ure upon failure. When one device failed of its intended purpose and produced an unforeseen evil, they invented a new device to prevent the new THE ART OF PROSPERITY. 3 evil. The new device again failed to prevent, and became a cause of a new harm, and so on indefi- nitely. 2. Among their devices for industrial pros- perity were (i) export taxes on raw materials, to make raw materials abundant and cheap at home ; (2) bounties on the export of finished products, to make the exports large ; (3) taxes on imported commodities to make the imports small, and thus, with No. 2, to make the " balance of trade " fa- vorable, and to secure an importation of specie ; (4) taxes or prohibition on the export of machinery, so as not to let foreigners have the advantage of domestic inventions ; (5) prohibition on the emi- gration of skilled laborers, lest they should carry to foreign rivals knowledge of domestic arts ; (6) monopolies to encourage enterprise ; (7) naviga- tion laws to foster ship-building or the carrying trade, and to provide sailors for the navy ; (8) a colonial system to bring about by political force the very trade which the other devices had destroyed by economic interference ; (9) laws for fixing wages and prices to repress the struggle of the non-capitalist class to save themselves in the social press ; (10) poor-laws to lessen the struggle 4 PROTECTIONISM. by another outlet ; (n) extravagant criminal laws to try to suppress another development of,, this struggle by terror ; and so on, and so on. J5.) Old and Neiv Conceptions of the State. 3. Here we have a complete illustration of one mode of looking at human society, or at a state. Such society is, on this view, an artificial or mechanical product. It is an object to be molded, made, produced by contrivance. Like every product which is brought out by working up to an ideal instead of working out from antece- dent truth and fact, the product here is hap haz- ard, grotesque, false. Like every other product which is brought out by working on lines fixed by h priori assumptions, it is a satire on human foresight and on what we call common sense. Such a state is like a house of cards, built up anxiously one upon another, ready to fall at a breath, to be credited at most with naive hope and silly confidence ; or, it is like the long and tedious contrivance of a mischievous school-boy, for an end which has been entirely mis-appreci- ated and was thought desirable when it should have been thought a folly ; or, it is like the mu- WHA T A STA TE IS. 5 seum of an alchemist, filled with specimens of his failures, monuments of mistaken industry and testimony of an erroneous method ; or, it is like the clumsy product of an untrained inventor, who, instead of asking " what means have I, and to what will they serve ? " asks : " what do I wish that I could accomplish ? " and seeks to win steps by putting in more levers and cogs, increasing friction and putting the solution ever further off. 4. Of course such a notion of a state is at war with the conception of a state as a seat of origi- nal forces which must be reckoned with all the time ; as an organism whose life will go on any how, perverted, distorted, diseased, vitiated as it may be by obstructions or coercions ; as a seat of life in which nothing is ever lost, but every ante- cedent combines with every other and has its share in the immediate resultant, arid agajn in the next resultant, and so on indefinitely; as the domain of activities so great that they should appall any one who dares to interfere with them ; of instincts so delicate and self-preservative that it should be only infinite delight to the wisest man to see them come into play, and his sufficient glory to give them a little intelligent assistance. PROTECTIONISM. a state well performed its functions of provid- ing peace, order and security, as conditions under " which the people could live and work, it would be 'the proudest proof of its triumphant success that it had nothing to do that all went so smoothly that it had only to look on and was never called to interfere ; just as it is the test of a good business man that his business runs on smoothly and prosperously while he is not harassed or hurried. ^The people who think that it is proof of enter- prise to meddle and "fuss "may believe that a good state will constantly interfere and regulate, and they may regard the other type of state as *'" non-government." The state can do a great deal more than to discharge police functions. If it will follow custom, and the growth of social structure 'to provide for new social needs, it can powerfully * aid the production of structure by laying down lines of common action, where nothing is needed but some common action on conventional lines ; or, y it can systematize a number of arrangements which are not at their maximum utility for want of concord; or, it can give sanction to new rights which are constantly created by new relations *under new social organizations, and so on. STA TESMEN. J 5. The latter idea of the state has only begun to win way. All history and sociology bear wit- ness to its comparative truth, at least when com- pared with the former. Under the new concep- tion of the state, of course liberty means break- ing off the fetters and trammels which the " wisdom " of the past has forged, and laisscz faire, or " let alone," becomes a cardinal maxim of statesmanship, because it means, "Cease the empirical process. Institute the scientific process. Let the state come back to normal health and activity, so that you can study it, learn something about it from an observation of its phenomena, and then regulate your action in regard to it by intelligent knowledge." Statesmen suited to this latter type of state have not yet come forward in any great number. The new radical statesmen show no disposition to let their neighbors alone. They think that they have come into power just because they know what their neighbors need to have done to them. Statesmen of the old type, who told people that they knew how to make every body happy, and that they were going to do it, were always far better paid than any of the new type ever will be, and their failures never 8 PROTECTIONISM. costthem public confidence either. We have got tired of kings, priests, nobles and soldiers, not because they failed to make us all happy, but because our b priori dogmas have changed fashion. We have put the administration of the state in the hands of lawyers, editors, litterateurs and professional politicians, and they are by no means disposed to abdicate the functions of their predecessors, or to aban- don the practice of the art of national pros- perity. The chief difference is that, whereas the old statesmen used to temper the practice of their art with care for the interests of the kings and aristocracies which put them in power, the new statesmen feel bound to serve those sections of the population which have put them where they are. 6. Some of the old devices above enumerated <( 2) are, however, out of date, or are becoming -obsolete.* Number 3, taxes on imports for other than fiscal purposes, is not among this number. Just now such taxes seem to be coming back into * February 4, 1884, Mr. Robinson of New York proposed, in the House of Representatives, an amendment to the Constitution, so as to allow Congress to lay an export duty on cotton for the encouragement of .home manufactures. (Record, 862). THE -ISM DEFINED. 9 fashion, of to be enjoying a certain revival. It is a sign of the deficiency of our sociology as com- pared with our other sciences that such a phe- nomenon could be presented in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, as a certain revival of faith in the efficiency of taxes on imports as a device for producing national prosperity. There is not a single one of the eleven devices men- tioned above, including taxes on the exportation of machinery and prohibitions on emigration,. / which is not quite as rational and sound as taxes; on imports. I now propose to analyze and criticise pro- tectionism. C.) Definition of Protectionism. Definition of " Theory." 7. By protection/^;;* J^mean the doctrine of protective taxes as a device to be employed in the art of national prosperity. The protectionists are fond of representing themselves as " practical" and the free traders as " theorists." Theory is indeed one of the worst abused words in the language, and the scientists are partly to blame for it. They have allowed the word to come into 1 o PRO TECTIOXISM. use, even among themselves, for a conjectural explanation, or a speculative conjecture, or a zvork- ing hypothesis, or a project which has not yet been tested by experiment, or a plausible and harmless theorem about transcendental relations, or about the way in which men will act un^er certain motives. The newspapers seem often to use the word theoretical as if they meant by it imaginary or fictitious. I use the word theory, however, not in distinction from fact, but, in what I under- stand to be the correct scientific use of the word, to denote a rational description of a group of coordinated facts in their sequence and relations. A theory may, for a special purpose, describe only certain features of facts and disregard others. Hence " in practice," where facts present them- selves in all their complexity, he who has care- lessly neglected the limits of his theory may be astonished at phenomena which present them- selves, but his astonishment will be due to a blunder on his part, and will not be an imputation on the theory. 8. Now free trade is not a theory in any sense of the word. It is only a mode of liberty ; one form of the assault (and therefore negative) which WHA T LIBER TV MEANS. 1 1 the expanding intelligence of the present is making on the trammels which it has inherited from the past. Inside the United States, absolute free trade exists over a continent. No one thinks of it or realizes it. No one " feels" it. We feel only constraint and oppression. If we get liberty we reflect on it only so long as the memory of constraint endures. I have again and again seen the astonishment with which people realized the fact when presented to them that they have been living under free trade all their lives and never thought of it. When the whole \vorld shall obtain and enjoy free trade there will be nothing more to be said about it ; it will disappear from discussion and reflection ; it will disappear from the text-books on political economy as the chap- ters on slavery are disappearing ; it will be as strange for men to think that they might not have free trade as it would be now for an American to think that he might not travel in this country without a passport, or that there ever was a chance that the soil of our western states might be slave soil and not free soil. .It w r ould be as reasonable to apply the \vord theory to the protestant reformation, or to law reform, or to 1 2 PRO TECTIONISM IS anti-slavery, or to the separation of church and state, or to popular rights, or to any other cam- paign in the great struggle which we call liberty and progress, as to apply it to free trade. The pro-slavery men formerly did apply it to abolition, and with excellent reason, if the use of it which 1 have criticised ever was correct ; for it required great power of realizing in imagination the results of social change, and great power to follow and trust abstract reasoning, for any man bred under slavery to realize, in advance of experiment, the social and economic gain to be won most of all for the whites^by emancipation. It now requires great power of " theoretical conception" for people who have no experience of the separation of church and state to realize its benefits and justice. Similar observations would hold true of all simi- lar reforms. Free trade is a revolt, a conflict, a reform, a reaction and recuperation of the body politic, just as free conscience, free worship, free speech, free press, and free soil have been. It is in no sense a theory. 9. Protectionism is not a theory in the correct sense of the term, but it comes under some of the popular and incorrect uses of the word. It is WHAT SORT OF A THEORY? 13 purely dogmatic and a priori. It is desired to attain a certain object wealth and national pros- perity* Protective taxes are proposed as a means. It must be assumed that there is some connection between protective taxes and national prosperity, some relation of cause and effect, some sequence of expended energy and realized product, between protective taxes and national wealth. If then by theory we mean a speculative conjecture as to occult relations which have not been and can not be traced in experience, protection would be a capital example. Another and parallel example was furnished by astrology, which assumed a causal relation between the movements of the planets and the fate of men, and built up quite an art of soothsaying on this assumption. Another example, paralleling protectionism in another feature, was alchemy, which, accepting as unques- tionable the notion that we want to transmute lead into gold if we can, assumed that there was a philosopher's stone, and set to work to find it through centuries of repetition of the method of " trial and failure. "^-*- 10. Protectionism then is an ISM, that is, it is ar doctrine or system of doctrifte -which offers no ^^^ ~ < i . -,^^_ 14 PROTECTIONISM. demonstration, and rests upon no facts, but appeals to faith on grounds of its a priori reason- ableness, or the plausibility with which it can be set forth. Of course, if a man should say : " I am in favor of protective taxes because they bring gain to me. That is all I care to know about them, and I shall get them retained as long as I can ; " there is no trouble in understanding him, and there is no use in arguing with him. So far as he is concerned, the only thing to do is to find his vic- tims and explain the matter to them. The only thing which can be discussed is the doctrine of national wealth by protective taxes. This doctrine has the forms of an economic theory. It vies with the doctrine of labor and capital as a part of the science of production. Its avowed purpose is im- personal and disinterested, the same, in fact, as that of political economy. It is not, like free trade, a mere negative position against an inheri- ted system, to which one is led by a study of political economy. It is a species of political economy, and aims at the throne of the science itself. If it is true, it is not a corollary, but a postulate, on which, and by which, all political economy must be constructed. DOGMA AND SCIENCE. 15 II. But then, lo ! if the dogma which consti- tutes protectionism national wealth can be produced by protective taxes and can not be pro- duced without them is enunciated, instead of going on to a science of political economy based upon it, the science falls dead on the spot. What can be said about production, population, land, money, exchange, labor and all the rest ? What can the economist learn or do? What function is there for the university or school ? There is nothing to do but to go over to the art of legisla- tion, and get the legislator to put on the taxes. The only questions which can arise are as to the number, variety, size and proportion of the taxes. As to these questions the economist can offer no light. He has no method of investigating them. He can deduce no principles, lay down no laws in regard to them. The legislator must go on in the dark and experiment. If his taxes do not pro- duce the required result, if there turn out to be "snakes** in the tariff which he has adopted, he has to change it. If the result still fails, change it again. Protectionism bars the science of political economy with a dogma, and the only process of the art of statesmanship to which it leads is eter- \f 16 PROTECTIONISM. nal trial and failure the process of the alchem- ist and of the inventor of perpetual motion. D,) Definition of Free Trade and of a Protective Duty. 12. What then is a protective tax? In order to join issue as directly as possible, I will quote the definition given by a leading protectionist journal,* of both free trade and protection. " The! term free trade, although much discussed, is sel- dom rightly defined. It does not mean the aboli- tion of custom houses. Nor does it mean the substitution of direct for indirect taxation, as a few American disciples of the school have sup- posed. It means such an adjustment of taxes on imports as will cause no diversion of capital, from any channel into which it would otherwise .flow, into any channel opened or favored by the legislation which enacts the customs. A country may collect its entire revenue by duties on im- ports, and yet be an entirely free trade country, so long as it does not lay those duties in such a way as to lead any one to undertake any employment, or make any investment he would avoid in the * Philadelphia American, August 7, 1884. WHA T A PROTECTIVE DUTY IS. 17 absence of such duties : thus, the customs duties levied by England with a very few exceptions are not inconsistent with her profession of being a country which believes in free trade. They either are duties on articles not produced in En- gland, or they are exactly equivalent to the excise duties levied on the same articles if made at home* They do not lead any one to put his money into the home production of an article, because they do not discriminate in favor of the home producer." 13. " A protective duty, on the other hand, has for its object to effect the diversion of a part of the 1 capital and labor of the people out of the channels in which it would run otherwise, into channelsj favored or created by law/' I know of no definitions of these two things which have ever been made by any body which are more correct than these. I accept them and join issue on them. E.) Protectionism liaises a Purely Domestic Controversy. 14. It will be noticed that this definition of a pro- tective duty says nothing about foreigners or about imports. According to this definition, a protect- ive duty is a device for effecting a transforms- 1 8 PROTECTIONISM. tion in our own industry. If a taxislcvied at the port of entry on a foreign commodity which is actually imported, the tax is paid to the treasury ^ and produces revenue. A protective tax is one which is laid to act as a bar to importation, in or- der to keep a foreign commodity out. It does not act protectively unless it does act as a bar, and is not a tax on imports but an obstruction to imports. Hence a protective duty is a wall to inclose the domestic producer and consumer, and to prevent the latter from having access to any other source of supply for his needs, in exchange for his prod- ucts, than that one which the domestic producerj controls. The purpose and plan of the device is to enable the domestic producer to levy on the domestic consumer the taxes which the govern- ment has set up as a barrier, but has not collected at the port of e,ntry. Under this device the gov- ernment says : " I do not want the revenue, but I will lay the tax so that you, the selected and favored producer, may collect it." "I do not need to tax the consumer for myself, but I will hold him for you while you tax him." F.) " A Protective Duty is not a Tax." 15. There are some who say that " a tariff is not THE BEST JOKE. 19 a tax," or as one of them said before a Congres- sional Committee : " We do not like to call it so ! " That certainly is the most humorous of all the funny things in the tariff controversy. If a tariff is not a tax, what is it ? In what category does it belong? No protectionist has ever yet told. They seem to think of it as a thing by itself, a Power, a Force, a sort of Mumbo Jumbo whose special function it is to produce national prosperity. They do not appear to have analyzed it, or given them- selves an account of it, sufficiently to know what kind of a thing it is or how it acts. Any one who says that it is not a tax must suppose that it costs nothing, that it produces an effect without an ex- penditure of energy. They do seem to think that if Congress will say : " Let a tax of per cent, be laid on article A," and if none is imported, and therefore no tax is paid at the custom house, national industry will be benefited and wealth secured, and that there will be no cost or outgo. If that is so, then the tariff is magic. We have found the philosopher's stone. Our congressmen wave a magic wand over the country and say : " Not otherwise provided for, 150 per cent.," and, presto! there we have wealth. Again they say: 20 PROTECTIONISM. 11 Fifty cents a yard and fifty percent, ad valorem; " and there we have prosperity ! If we should build a wall along the coast to keep foreigners and their goods out, it would cost something. If we main- tained a navy to blockade our own coast for the same purpose, it would cost something. Yet it is imagined that if we do the same by a tax it costs nothing. 1 6. This is the fundamental fallacy of protection to which the analysis will bring us back again and again. Scientifically stated it is \\\?& protectionism sins against the conservation of energy. More simply stated it is that the protectionist either never sees or does not tell the other side of the account, the cost, the outlay for the gains which he alleges from pro- tection, and that when these are examined and weighed they are sure to vastly exceed the gains, if the gains were real, even taking no account of the harm to national growth which is done by restriction and interference. 17. There are only three ways in which a man can part with his product, and different kinds of taxes fall under different modes of alienating one's goods. 1st. He may exchange his product for the product of others. Then he parts with A TAX, WHA T KIND OF OUTLA Y. 21 his property voluntarily, and for an equivalent. Taxes which are paid for peace, order and secur- ity, fall under this head. 2d. He may give his product away. Then he parts with it voluntarily without an equivalent. Taxes which are volun- tarily paid for schools, libraries, parks, etc., etc., fall under this head. 3d. He may be robbed of it. Then he parts with it involuntarily and with- out an equivalent. Taxes which are protective fall under this head. The analysis is exhaustive, and there is no other place for them. Protective taxes are those which a man pays to his neighbor to hire him (the neighbor) to carry on his own business. The first man gets no equivalent ( 108). Hence any one who says that a tariff is not a tax would have to put it in some such category as tribute, plunder, or robbery. In order, then, that we may not give any occasion for even an unjust charge of using hard words, let us go back and call it a tax. 1 8. In any case it is plain that we have before us the case of two Americans. The protectionists who try to discuss the subject always go off to talk English politics and history, or Ireland, or India, or Turkey. I shall not follow them. I 22 PROTECTIONISM. shall discuss the case between two Americans, which is the only case there is. Whether English- men like our tariff or not is of no consequence. As a matter of fact, Englishmen seem to have come to the opinion that if Americans will take their own home market as their share, and will keep out of the world's market, they (the Englishmen) will agree to the arrangement ; but it is immaterial whether they agree, or are angry. The only ques- tion for us is : What kind of an arrangement is it for one American to tax another American? How does it work? Who gains by it? How does it affect our national prosperity? These and these only are the questions which I intend to discuss. 19. I shall adopt two different lines of investiga- tion. First, I shall examine protectionism on its own claims and pretensions, taking its doctrines and claims for true, and following them out to see whether they will produce the promised results ; and second, I shall attack protectionism adversely, and controversially. If anyone proposes a device for the public good, he is entitled to candid and patient attention, but he is also under obligation to show how he expects his scheme to work, OBLIGA TION OF THE REFORMER 23 what forces it will bring into play, how it will use them, etc. The joint stock principle, credit insti- tutions, cooperation, and all similar devices must be analyzed and the explanation of their advan- tage, if they offer any, must be sought in the prin- ciples which they embody, the forces they em- ploy, the suitableness of their apparatus. We ought not to put faith in any device (e. g. bi-met- alism, socialism) unless the proposers offer an ex- planation of it which will bear rigid and pitiless examination ; for, if it is a sound device, such ex- amination will only produce more and more thorough conviction of its merits. I shall there- fore first take up protectionism just as it is offered, and test it, as any candid inquirer might do, to see whether, as it is presented by its advocates, it has any claims to confidence. CHAPTER II. PROTECTIONISM EXAMINED ON ITS OWN GROUNDS. f 20. It is the peculiar irony in all empirical de- vices in social science that they not only fail of the effect expected of them, but that they pro- duce the exact opposite. Paper-money is expected to help the non-capitalist and the debtor and to make business brisk. It ruins the no/i-capitalists and the debtors, and reduces industry and com- merce to a standstill. Socialistic devices are ex- pected to bring about equality and universal hap- piness. They produce despotism, favoritism, in- equality, and universal misery. The devices are, in their operation, true to themselves. They act just as an unprejudiced examination of them should have led any one to expect that they would act, or just as a limited experience has shown that they must act. If protectionism is only another case of the same kind, an examination of it on its own grounds must bring out the fact that it THE ASSUMPTIONS. 2$ will issue in crippling industry, diminishing capi- tal, and lowering the average of comfort. Let us see. A.) Assumptions in Protectionism. 21. Obviously the doctrine includes two as- sumptions. /The first is, that if we are left to our- selves, each to choose, under liberty, his line of industrial effort, and to use his labor and capital, under the circumstances of the country, as best he can, we shall fail of our highest prosperity. ? Second, that, if Congress will only tax us [prop- erly] we can be led up to higher prosperity. Hence it is at once evident that free trade and protection here are not on a level. No free trader will affirm that he has a device for making the country rich, or saving it from hard times, any more than a respectable physician will tell us that he can give us specifics and preventives to keep us well. On the contrary, so long as men live, they will do foolish things, and they will have to bear the penalty, but if they are free, they will commit only the follies which are their own, and they will bear the penalties only of those. The protectionist begins with the premiss that we 26 PROTECTIONISM. shall make mistakes, and that is why he, who knows how to make us go right, proposes to take us in hand. He is like the doctor who can give us just the pill we need to " cleanse our blood " and " ward off chills." Hence either prosperity in a free trade country, or distress in a protectionist country, is fatal to protectionism, while distress in a free trade country, or prosperity in a protec- tionist country proves nothing against free trade. Hence the fallacy of all Mr. R. P. Porter's letters is obvious. ( 52, 92, 102, 154.) 22. The device by which we are to be made better than ourselves is to select some of our- selves, who certainly are not the best business men among ourselves, to go to Washington, and there turn around and tax ourselves blindly, or, if not blindly, craftily and selfishly. Surely this would be the triumph of stupidity and ignorance over intelligent knowledge, enterprise and energy. The motive which would control each of us, if we were free, would be the hope of the greatest gain. We should have to put industry, prudence, econ- omy and enterprise into our business. If we failed, it would be through error. How is the congressional interference to act? How is it to 7 HE CORRECTOR OF OUR BLUNDERS. 27 meet and correct our error? It can appeal to no other motive than desire for profit, and can only offer us a profit where there was none before, if we will turn out of the industry which we have selected, into one which we do not know. It offers a greater profit there only by means of what it takes from somebody else and some- where else. Or, is congressional interference to correct the errors of John, James and William, and to make the idle industrious and the extrav- agant prudent ? Any one who believes it must believe that the welfare of mankind is not depend- ent on the reason and conscience of the interested persons themselves, but on the caprices of blun- dering ignorance, embodied in a selected few, or on the trickery of lobbyists, acting impersonally and at a distance. B.) Necessary Conditions of Successful Protective Legislation. 23. Suppose, however, that it were true that Congress had the power (by some exercise of the taxing function) to influence favorably the indus- trial development of the country: is it not true that men of sense would demand to be satisfied on three points, as follows ? a8 PROTECTIONISM. 24 (a.) If Congress can do this thing, and is going to try it, ought it not, in order to succeed, to have a distinct idea of what it is aiming at and proposes to do? Who would have confidence in any man who should set out on an enterprise and who did not satisfy this condition ? Has Con- gress ever satisfied it ? Never. They have never had any plan or purpose in their tariff legislation. Congress has simply laid itself open to be acted upon by the interested parties, and the product of its tariff legislation has been simply the resultant of the struggles of the interested cliques with each other, and of the log rolling combinations which they have been forced to make among themselves. In 1882 Congress did pay some deference, real or pretended, to the plain fact that it was bound, if it exercised this mighty power and responsibility, to bring some intelligence to bear on it, and it appointed a Tariff Commission which spent sev- eral months in collecting evidence. This Com- mission was composed of protectionists with one exception. It recommended a reduction of 25 per cent, in the tariff, and said : " Early in its de- liberations the Commission became convinced that a substantial reduction of tariff duties is de- HO W CONGRESS HELPS US. 29 manded, not by a mere indiscriminate popular clamor, but by the best conservative opinion of the country/' " Excessive duties are positively injurious to the interests which they are supposed to benefit. They encourage the investment of capital in manufacturing enterprises by rash and unskilled speculators, to be followed by disaster to the adventurers and their employes, and a pleth- ora of commodities which deranges the opera- tions of skilled and prudent enterprise." ( in.) This report was entirely thrown aside, and Con- gress, ignoring it entirely, began again in exactly the old way. The Act of 1883 was not even framed by or in Congress. It was carried out into the dark, into a conference committee/ where new and gross abuses were put into the bill under cover of a pretended revision and re- duction. When a tariff bill is before Congress, the first draft starts with a certain rate on a cer- tain article, say 20 per cent. It is raised by amendment to 50, the article is taken into a combination and the rate put up. to 80 per cent. ; the bill is sent to the other house, and the rate on * Taussig : History of the Existing Tariff, 78 fg. 3 PROTECTIONISM. this article cut down again to 40 per cent. ; on conference between the two houses the rate is fixed at 60 per cent. He who believes in the pro- tectionist doctrine must, if he looks on at that proceeding, believe that the prosperity of the country is being kicked around the floor of Con- gress, at the mercy of the chances which are at last to determine with what per cent, of tax these articles will come out. And what is it that de- termines with what tax any given article will come out? Any intelligent knowledge of indus- try ? Not a word of it. Nothing in the case of a given tax on a given article, but just this: " Who is behind it? " The history of tariff legis- lation by the Congress of the United States, throws a light upon the protective doctrine which is partly grotesque and partly revolting. 25 (b.) If Congress can exert the supposed beneficent influence on industry, ought not Con- gress to understand the force which it proposes to use ? Ought it not to have some rules of protective legislation so as to know in what cases, within what limits, under what conditions, the device can be effectively used? Would that not be a reasonable demand to make of any man who DISTRESS WITHOUT FREE TRADE. 31 should propose a device for any purpose? Con- gress has never had any knowledge of the way in which the taxes which it passed were to do this beneficent work. It has never had, and has never seemed to think that it needed to get, any knowledge of the mode of operation of protective taxes. It passes taxes, as big as the conflicting interests will allow, and goes home, satisfied that it has saved the country. What a pity that phil- osophers, economists, sages and moralists should have spent so much time in elucidating the con- ditions and laws of human prosperity ! Taxes can do it all. 26 (c.) If Congress can do what is affirmed and is going to try it, is it not the part of common sense to demand tha&seme tests be applied to the experiment aftejr\ a/few years to see whether it is really doing as was^expected ? In the campaign of 1880 it was said that iT~ Hancock was elected we should have free trade, wages would fall, factories would be closed, etc., etc. Hancock was not elected, we did not get any reform of the tariff, and yet in 1884 wages were falling, factories were closed, and all the other direful consequences which were threatened had come to pass. Brad- 3 * PRO TECTIONISM. street's made investigations in the winter of 1884-5 which showed that 316,000 workmen, 13 per cent, of the number employed in manufacturing in 1880, were out of work, 17,550 on strike, and that wages had fallen since 1882 from 10 to 40 per cent., especially in the leading lines of manufact- uring which are protected. What did these calamities all prove then? If we had had any revision of the tariff, should we not have had these things alleged again and again as results of it ? Did they not then, in the actual case, prove the folly of protection? Oh! no, that would be attacking the sacred dogma, and the sacred dogma is a matter of faith, so that, as it never had any foundation in fact or evidence, it has just as much after the experiment has failed as before the experiment was made. 27. If, now, it was possible to devise a scheme of legislation which should, according to protec- tionist ideas, be just the right jacket of taxation to fit this country to-day, how long would it fit ? Not a week. Here are 55 millions of people on 3-} million square miles of land. Every day new lines of communication are opened, new discover- ies made, new inventions produced, new processes WHA T THE TARIFF DECISIONS MEAN. 33 applied, and the consequence is that the indus- trial system is in constant flux and change. How, if a correct system of protective taxes was a prac- ticable thing at any given moment, could Con- gress keep up with the changes and readaptations which would be required. The notion is prepos- terous, and it is a monstrous thing, even on the protectionist hypothesis, that we are living under a protective system which was set up in 1864. The weekly tariff decisions by the treasury department may be regarded as the constant attempts that are required to fit that old system to present circumstances, and, as it is not possible that new fabrics, new compounds, and new pro- cesses should find a place in schedules which were made twenty years before they were invented, those decisions carry with them the fate of scores of ne.w industries which figure in no census, and are taken into account by no congressman. There- fore, even if we believed that the protective doc- trine was sound, and that some protective system was beneficial, and that the one which we have was the right one when it was made, we should be driven to the conclusion that one which is twenty years old is sure to be injurious to-day. 34 PROTECTIONISM. 28. There is nothing then in the legislative machinery, by which the tariff is to be made, which is calculated to win the confidence of a man of sense, but every thing to the contrary ; and the experiments of such legislation which have been made, have produced nothing but warnings against the device. Instead of offering any reasonable ground for belief that our errors will be corrected and our productive powers increased, an examination of the tariff as a piece ( of legisla- tion, offers to us nothing but a burden, which must cripple any economic power which we have. C.) Examination of the Means Proposed, Viz., Taxes. 29. Every tax is a burden, and in the nature of the case can be nothing else. In mathematical language, every tax is a quantity affected by a minus sign. If it gets peace and security, that is, if it represses crime and injustice and prevents discord, which would be economically destructive, then it is a smaller minus quantity than the one which would otherwise be there, and that is the gain by good government. Hence, like every other outlay which we make, taxes must be con- trolled by the law of economy to get the best DISTRUST TAXATION! 35 and most possible for the least expenditure. In- stead of regarding public expenditure carelessly, we should watch it jealously. Instead of looking at taxation as conceivably a good, and certainly not an ill, we should regard every tax as on the defensive, and every cent of tax as needing justi- fication. If the statesman exacts any more than is necessary to pay for good government econom- ically administered, he is incompetent, and fails in his duty. I have been studying political economy almost exclusively for the last fifteen years, and when I look back over that period and ask myself what is the most marked effect which I can perceive on my own opinion, or on my stand- point, as to social questions, I find that it is this : I am convinced that nobody yet understands the multiplied and complicated effects which are pro- duced by taxation. I am under the most pro- found impression of the mischief which is done by taxation, reaching, as it does, to every dinner- table and to every fire-side. The effects of taxa- tion vary with every change in the industrial system and the industrial status, and they are so compli- cated that it is impossible to follow, analyze, and systematize them ; but out of the study of the 3 6 PROTECTIONISM. subject there arises this firm conviction : taxation is crippling, shortening, reducing all the time, over and over again. 30. Suppose that . a man has an income of $1,000, of which he has been saving $100 per an- num with no tax. Now a tax of $10 is demanded of him, no matter what kind of a tax or how laid. Is he to get the tax out of the $900 expenditure or out of the $100 savings? If the former, then he must cut down his diet, or his clothing, or his house accommodation ; that is, lower his standard of comfort. If the latter, then he must lessen his accumulation of capital ; that is, his provision for the future. Either way his welfare is reduced and can not be otherwise affected, and, through the general effect, the welfare of the community is reduced by the tax. Of course it is immaterial that he may not know the facts. The effects are the same. In this view of the matter it is plain what mischief is done by taxes which are laid to buy parks, libraries, and all sorts of grand things. The tax-layer is not providing public order. He is spending other people's earnings for them. He is deciding that his neighbor shall have less clothes and more library or park. But when we A, LESS CLOTHES ; B, MORE PROFITS. 37 come to protective taxes the. abuse is monstrous. The legislator who has in his hands this power of | taxation, uses it to say that one citizen shall have less clothes in order that he may contribute to the profits of another citizen's private business. 31. Hence if we look at the nature of taxation, and if we are examining protectionism from its own standpoint, under the assumption that it is true, instead of finding any confirmation of its assumptions, in the nature of the means which it proposes to use, we find the contrary. Grant- ing that people make mistakes and fail of the highest prosperity which they might win when they'act freely, we see plainly that more taxes can not help to lift them up or to correct their errors ; on the contrary, all taxation, beyond what is necessary for an economical administration of good government, is either luxurious or wasteful, and if such taxation could tend to wealth, waste would make wealth. D.) Examination of the plan of Mutual Taxation. 32. Suppose then that the industries and sec- tions all begin to tax each other as we see that they do under protection. Is it not plain that v/ 3 8 PROTECTIONISM. the taxing operation can do nothing but transfer products, never by any possibility create them ? The object of the protective taxes is to " effect die diversion of a part of the capital and labor of the country from the channels in which it would run otherwise." To do this it must find a fulcrum or point of reaction, or it can exert no force for the effect it desires. The fulcrum is furnished by those who pay the tax Take a case. Pennsylvania taxes New England on every ton of iron and coal used in its industries. Ohio taxes New England on all the wool obtained from that state for its industries.* New England taxes Ohio and Pennsylvania on all the cottons and woolens which it sells to them. What is the net final result? It is mathematically certain that the only result can be that (i) New England gets back just all she paid (in which case the system is nil, save for the expense of the process and the limitation it imposes on the industry of all), or, * The wool growers held a convention at St. Louis May 28, 1885, at which they estimated their loss by the reduction of the tax on wool in 1883, or the difference between what they got by this tax before that date and after, at ninety million dollars (N. Y. Times, May 29). If that sum is what they lost, it is what the consumers gained. They are very angry, and will not vote for any one who will not help to re-subject the consumers to this tribute to them. THE WAY A KING DID IT. 39 (2) that New England does not get back as much as she paid (in which case she is tributary to the others), or, (3) that she gets back more than she paid (in which case she levies tribute on them). Yet, on the protectionist notion, this system extended to all sections, and embracing all indus- tries, is the means of producing national pros- perity. When it is all done, what does it amount to except that all Americans must support all Americans? How can they do it better than for each to support himself to the best of his ability ? Then, however, all the assumptions of protection- ism must be abandoned as false. 33. In 1676 King Charles II. granted to his natural son, the Duke of Richmond, a tax of a shilling a chaldron on all the coal which was exported from the Tyne. We regard such a grant as a shocking abuse of the taxing power. It is, however, a very interesting case because the mine- owner and the tax-owner were two separate per. sons, and the tax can be examined in all its separ- ate iniquity. If, as I suppose was the case, the Tyne valley possessed such superior facilities for producing coal that it had a qualified monopoly, the tax fell on the coal mine owner (landlord^ ; 40 PROTECTIONISM. that is, the king transferred to his son part of the property which belonged to the Tyne coal own- ers. In that view the case may come home to some of our protectionists as it would not if the tax had fallen on the consumers. If Congress had pensioned General Grant by giving him 75 cents a ton on all the coal mined in the Lehigh Valley, what protests we should have heard from the owners of coal lands in that district ! If the king's son, however, had owned the coal mines, and worked them him- self, and if the king had said : " I will author- ize you to raise the price of your coal a shil- ling a chaldron, and, to enable you to do it, I will myself tax , all coal but yours a shilling a chaldron/' then the device would have been modern and enlightened and American. We have done just that on emery, copper and nickel. Then the tax comes out of the consumer. Then it is not, according to the protectionist, harmful, but the key to national prosperity, the thing which corrects the errors of our incompetent self- will, and leads us up to better organization of our industry than we, in our unguided stupidity, could have made, WHAT AN INDUSTRY 1$. 41 E.) Examination of the Proposal to " Create an Industry." 34. The protectionist says, however, that he is going to create an industry. Let us examine this notion also from his standpoint, assuming the truth of his doctrine, and see if we can find any thing to deserve confidence. A protective tax, according to the protectionist's definition ( 13) " has for its object to effect the diversion of a part of the labor and capital of the people * * * ^ into channels favored or created by law." If we follow out this proposal, we shall see what those channels are, and shall see whether they are such as to make us believe that protective taxes can increase wealth. 35. [What is an industry? Some people will answer: It is an enterprise which gives employ- ^ ment. Protectionists seem to hold this viewj and they claim that they " give work " to laborers when they make an industry. On that notion we live to work ; we do not work to live. But we do not want work. We have too much work. We want a living ; and work is the inevitable but dis- agreeable price we must pay. Hence we want as much living at as little price as possible. We 42 PROTECTIONISM. shall see that the protectionist does "make work" in the sense of lessening the living and increasing the price. But if we want a living we want capi- tal. If an industry is to pay wages, it must be backed up by capital. Therefore protective taxes, if they were to increase the means of living, would need to increase capital. How can taxes increase capital? Protective taxes only take from A to give to B. Therefore, if B by this arrangement can extend his industry and " give more employment," A's power to do the same is diminished in at least an equal degree. Therefore, even on that erroneous definition of an industry, there is no hope for the protection- ist. ' '36. An industry is an organization of labor and capital for satisfying some need of the community. It is not an end in itself. It is not a good thing to have in itself. It is not a toy or an ornament. If we could satisfy our needs without it we should be better off, not worse off. How then can we create industries? 37. If any one will find, in the soil of a district, some new power to supply human needs, he can endow that district with a new industry. If he NOT ENOUGH WORK TO DO. 43 will invent a mode of treating some natural de- posit, ore or clay for instance, so as to provide a tool or utensil which is cheaper and more con- venient than what is in use, he can create an industry. If he will find out some new and better way to raise cattle or vegetables, which is, per- haps, favored by the climate, he can do the same. If he invents some new treatment of wool, or cotton, or silk, or leather, or makes a new combi- nation which produces a more convenient or attractive fabric, he may do the same. The tele- phone is a new industry. What measures the gain of it? Is it the " employment " of certain persons in and about telephone offices ? The gain is in the satisfaction of the need of communica- tion between people at less cost of time and labor. It is useless to multiply instances. It can be seen what it is to " create an industry." It j takes brains and energy to do it. How can taxes do it? 38. Suppose that we create an industry even in this sense, What is the gain of it ? The people of Connecticut are now earning their living by employing their labor and capital in certain parts of the industrial organization. They have changed 44 PROTECTIONISM. their " industries " a great many times. If it should be found that they had a new and better chance hitherto undeveloped, they might all go into it. To do that they must abandon what they are now doing. They would not change unless gains to be made in the new industry were greater. Hence the gain is the difference only between the profits of the old and the profits of the new. The protectionists, however, when they talk about " creating an industry," seem to suppose that the total profit of the industry (and some of them seem to think that the total expenditure of capi- tal) measures their good work. In any case, then, even of a true and legitimate increase of industrial power and opportunity, the only gain would be a margin. But, by our definition, "a protective duty has for its object to effect the diversion of a part of the capital and labor of the people out of j the channels in which it would otherwise run." ' Plainly this device involves coercion. People would need no coercion to go into a new industry which had a natural origin in new industrial power or opportunity. No coercion is necessary to make men buy dollars at 98 cents apiece. The case for coercion is when it is desired to make them BUYING DOLLARS TOO DEARLY. 45 buy dollars at 101 cents apiece. Here the states" man with his taxing power is needed, and can do something. What? He can say: "If you will buy a dollar at 101 cents, I can and will tax John over there two cents for your benefit ; one to make up your loss and the other to give you a profit." Hence, on the protectionist' sown doctrine, his device is not needed, and can not come into use, when a new industry is created in the true and only rea- sonable sense of the words, but only when and because he is determined to drive the labor and capi- tal of the country into a disadvantageous and waste- ful employment. 39. Still further, it is obvious that the pro- tectionist, instead of " creating a new industry," has simply taken one industry and set it as a parasite to live upon another. Industry is its own reward. A man is not to be paid a premium by his neigh- J bqrs for earning his own living. A factory, an insane asylum, a school, a church, a poor-house, and a prison can not be put in the same economic category. We know that the community must be taxed to support insane asylums, poor-houses, and jails. When we come upon such institutions we see them with regret. . They arc wasting 46 PROTECTIONISM. capital. We know that the industrious people all about, who are laboring and producing, must part with a portion of their earnings to supply the waste and loss of these institutions. Hence the bigger they are the sadder they are. 40. As for the schools and churches, we know that society must pay for and keep up its own conservative institutions. They cost capital and do not pay back capital directly, although they do indirectly, and in the course of time, in ways which we could trace out and verify, if that were our subject. Here, then, we have a second class of institutions. 41. But the factories and farms and foundries are the productive institutions which must pro- vide the support of these consuming institu- tions. If the factories, etc., put themselves on a line with the poor-houses, or even with the schools, what is to support them and all the rest too? They have nothing behind them. If in any measure or way they turn into burdens and objects of care and protection, they can plainly do it only by part of them turning upon the other part, and this latter part will have to bear the burden of all the consuming institutions, including CONSUMING INDUSTRIES. 47 ~N the consuming industries. For a protected factory ^ is not a producing industry. It is a consuming ' industry! If a factory is (as the protectionist alleges) a triumph of the tariff, that is, if it would not be but for the tariff (and otherwise he has nothing to do with it), then it is not producing ; / it is consuming. It is a burden to be borne. The I bigger it is the sadder it is. 42. If a protectionist shows me a woolen mill and challenges me to deny that it is a great and valuable industry, I ask him whether it is due to the tariff. If he says no, then I will assume that it is an independent and profitable establishment, but then it is out of this discussion as much as a farm or a doctor's practice. If he says yes, then I answer that the mill is not an industry at all. We pay sixty per cent, tax on cloth simply in order that that mill may be. It is not an institution for getting us cloth, for, if we went into the market with the same products which we take there now and if there were no woolen mill, we should get all the cloth we want, but the mill is simply an institution for making cloth cost per yard sixty per cent, more of our products than it otherwise would. That is the one and only function which the mill 48 PROTECTIONISM. has added, by its existence, to the situation. I have called such a factory a " nuisance." The word has been objected to. The word is of no consequence. He who, when he goes into a de- bate, begins to whine and cry as soon as the blows get sharp, should learn to keep out. What I meant was this : A nuisance is something which by its existence and presence in society works loss and damage to the society works against the general interest, not for it. A factory which gets in the way and hinders us from attaining the comforts which we are all trying to get, which makes harder the terms of acquisition when we are all the time struggling by our arts and sciences to make those terms easier, is a harmful thing, and noxious to the common interest. 43. Hence, once more, starting from the pro- tectionist's hypothesis, and assuming his own doc- trine, we find that he can not create an industry. He only fixes one industry as a parasite upon another, and just as certainly as he has intervened in the matter at all, just so certainly has he forced labor and capital into less favorable employment than they would have sought if he had let them alone. When we ask which " channels" those WASTE MAKES WEALTH. 49 are which are to be " favored or created by law," we find that they are, by the hypothesis, and by the whole logic of the protectionist sys- tem, the industries which do not pay. The pro- tectionists propose to make the country rich by laws which shall favor or create these industries, but these industries can only waste capital, so that if they are the source of wealth, zvaste is the source of wealth. Hence the protectionist's assumption that by his system he could correct our errors and lead us to greater prosperity than we would have obtained under liberty, has failed again, and we find that he wastes what power we do possess. F.) Examination, of the Proposal to Develop our Natural Resources. 44. "But," says the protectionist, "do. you mean to say that, if we have an iron deposit in our soil, it is not wise for us to open and work it ? " " You mean, no doubt/' I reply, " open and work it under protective help and stimulus ; for, if there is an iron deposit, the United States does not own it. Some man owns it. If he wants to open and work it, we have nothing to do but wish him God-speed," "Very well," he says, " understand 50 PROTECTIONISM. it that he needs protection/' Let us examine this case then, and still we will do it assuming the truth of the protectionist doctrine. Let us see where we shall come out. The man who has discovered iron (on the pro- tectionist doctrine), when there is no tax, does not collect tools and laborers and go to work. He goes to Washington. He visits the statesman, and a dialogue takes place. Iron man. " Mr. Statesman, I have found an iron deposit on my farm." Statesman. " Have you, indeed ? That is good news. Our country is richer by one new natural resource than we have supposed/' Iron man. " Yes, and I now want to begin mining iron/' Statesman. " Very well, go on. We shall be glad to hear that you are prospering and getting rich." Iron man. " Yes, of course. But I am now earning my living by tilling the surface of the ground, and I am afraid that I can not make as much at mining as at farming." Statesman. " That is indeed another matter. Look into that carefully and do not leave a better industry for a worse/' NE W NA TURAL RE SO URGES. 5 1 Iron man. " But I want to mine that iron. It does not seem right to leave it in the ground when we are importing iron all the time, but I can not see as good profits in it at the present price for imported iron as I am making out of what I raise on the surface. I thought that per- haps you would put a tax on all the imported iron so that I could get more for mine. Then I could see my way to give up farming and go to mining/' Statesman. " You do not think what you ask. That would be authorizing you to tax your neigh- bors, and would be throwing on them the risk of working your mine, which you are afraid to take yourself." Iron man (aside). " I have not talked the right dialect to this man. I must begin all over again. (Aloud). Mr. Statesman, the natural resources of \ V this continent ought to be developed. American industry must be protected. The American la- borer must not be forced to compete with the pauper labor of Europe." Statesman. " Now I understand you. Now you talk business. Why did you not say so be- fore ? How much tax do ou want ? " 52 PROTECTIONISM. The next time that a buyer of pig iron goes to market to get some, he finds that it costs thirty bushels of wheat per ton instead of twenty. " What has happened to pig-iron? " says he. "Oh! haven't you heard?" is the reply. "A new mine has been found down in Pennsylvania. We have got a new 'natural resource.' " " I haven't got a new 'natural resource,' " says he. " It is as bad for me as if the grasshoppers had eaten up one-third of my crop." 45. That is just exactly the significance of a new resource on the protectionist doctrine. We had the misfortune to find emery here. At once a tax was put on it which made it cost more wheat, cot- ton, tobacco, petroleum, or personal services per pound than ever before. A new calamity befell us when we found the richest copper mines in the world in our territory. From that time on it cost us five (now four) cents a pound more than before. By another catastrophe we found a nickel mine, thirty cents (now fifteen) a pound tax ! Up to this time we have had all the tin that we wanted above ground, because beneficent nature has re- frained from putting any underground in our terri- tory. In the metal schedule, where the metals RESOURCES ARE CALAMITIES. 53 which we unfortunately possess are taxed from forty to sixty per cent., tin alone is free. Every little while a report is started that tin has been found. Hitherto these reports have happily all proved false. It is now said that tin has been -found in West Virginia and Dakotah. We have reason to devoutly hope that this may prove false, for, if it should prove true, no doubt the next thingwill be forty per cent, tax on tin. The mine-owners say that they want to exploit the mine. They do not. They want to make the mine an excuse to exploit the taxpayers. 46. Therefore, when the protectionist asks whether we ought not by protective taxes to force the development of our own iron mines, the answer is, that, on his own doctrine, he has developed a new philosophy, hitherto unknown, by which " natural resources " become national calamities, and the more a country is endowed by nature the worse off it is. Of course, if the wise philosophy is not simply to use, with energy and prudence, all the natural opportunities which we possess, but to seek " channels favored or created by law," then this view of natural resources is perfectly consistent with that philosophy, for it is 54 PROTECTIONISM. simply saying over again that waste is the key of wealth. G.) Examination of the Proposal to liaise Wages. 47. " But," he says again, " we want to raise wages and favor the poor working man/' "Do you mean to say," I reply, " that protective taxes raise wages that that is their regular and constant effect?" "Yes," he replies, "that is just what they do, and that is why we favor them. We are the poor man's friends. You free-traders want to reduce him to the level of the pauper laborers of Europe." " But here, in the evidence offered at the last tariff discussion in Congress, the employers all said that they wanted the taxes to protect them because they had to pay such high wages." " Well, so they do." " Well then, if they get the taxes raised to help them out when they have high wages to pay, how are the taxes going to help them any unless the taxes lower wages ? But you just said that taxes raise wages. Therefore, if the employer gets the taxes raised, he will no sooner get home from Washington than he will find that the very taxes which he has just secured have raised wages. Then he must go BOOT-MAN, HA T-MAN, AND CLOTH-MAN. 55 back to Washington to get the taxes raised to off- set that advance, and when he gets home again he will find that he has only raised wages more, and so on forever. You are trying to teach the man to raise himself by his boot straps. Two of your propositions brought together eat each other." 48. We will, however, pursue the protectionist doctrine of wages a little further. It is totally 4 ^ false that protective taxes raise wages v As I will show further on (91 and following), protective taxes lower wages. Now, however, I am assum- ing the protectionist's own premises and doctrines all the time. He says that his system raises wages. Let u's go to see some of the wages class and get some evidence on this point. We will take three wage-workers, a boot-man, a hat-man, and a cloth-man. First we ask the boot-man, " Do you win any thing by this tariff? " " Yes," he says, "I understand that I do." "How?" " Well, the way they explain it to me is that when any body wants boots he goes to my boss, pays him more on account of the tax, and my boss gives me part of it." " All right ! Then your comrades here, the hat-man and the cloth-man, pay this tax in which you share ? " " Yes, I sup- 56 PROTECTIONISM. pose so. I never thought of that before. I sup- posed that rich people paid the taxes, but I suppose that when they buy boots they must do it too/' " And when you want a hat you go and pay the tax on halts, part of which (as you explain the sys- tem) goes to your friend the hat-man ; and when you want cloth you pay the tax which goes to bene- fit your friend the cloth-man ? " "I suppose that it must be so/' We go then to see the hat-man and have the same conversation with him, and we go to see the cloth-man and have the same con- versation with him. Each of them then gets two taxes and pays two taxes. Three men illustrate r the whole case. If we should take a thousand men in a thousand industries we should find that each paid 999 taxes, and each got 999 taxes, if the system worked as it is said to work. What is the upshot of the whole ? Either they all come out even on their taxes paid and received, or some of the wage receivers are winning something out of other wage receivers to the net detriment of the whole class. If each man is creditor for 999 taxes, and each debtor for 999 taxes, and if the system is " universal and equal," we can save trouble by each drawing 999 orders on the creditors to pay THE THOUSANDTH TAX, 57 to themselves their own taxes, and we can set up a clearing house to wipe off all the accounts. Then we come down to this as the net result of the system when it is " universal and equal," that each man MS a consumer pays taxes to himself as a prodiiccr\f^\\-^\. is what is to make us all rich. We can/accomplish it just as well and far more easily, when we get up in the morning, by trans- ferring our cash from one pocket to the other. 49. One point, however, and the most import- ant of all, remains to be noticed. How about the thousandth tax? How is it when the boot-man wants boots, and the hat-man hats, and the cloth- man cloth ? He has to go to the store on the street and buy of his own boss, at the mar- ket -price (tax on) the very things which he made himself in the shop. He then pays the tax to his own employer, and the employer, according to the doctrine, "shares" it with him. Where is the offset to that part which the employer keeps? There is none. The wages-class, even on the pro- tectionist explanation, may give or take from each other, but to their own employers, they give and take not. At election time the boss calls them in and tells them that they must vote for protection 5 8 PROTECTIONISM. or he must shut up the shop, and that they ought to vote for protection, because it makes their wages high. If, then, they believe in the system, just as it is taught to them, they must believe that it causes him to pay them big wages, out of which they pay back to him big taxes, out of which he pays them a fraction back again, and that, but for this arrangement, the business could not go on at all.. A little reflection shows that this just brings up the question for a wage-earner : How much can I afford to pay my boss for hiring me?. or, again, which is just the same thing in other words: What is the net reduction of my wages below the market rate under freedom which results from this system ? (see 65). So. Let it not be forgotten that this result is reached by accepting protectionism and reasoning forward from its doctrines and according to its principles. In truth, the employes get no share Urn any taxes which the boss gets out of them and Y others (see 91 fg. f or the truth about wages). Of course, when this or any other subject is thor- oughly analyzed, it makes no difference where we begin or what line we follow, we shall always reach the same result if the result is correct. If SO ME BOD \ ' M US T COMPE TE. 59 we accept the protectionist's own explanation of the way in which protection raises wages we find that it proves that protection lowers wages. II.) Examination of the Proposal to Prevent Competition by Foreign Pauper Labor. 51. The protectionist says that he does not want the American laborer to compete with the foreign " pauper laborer" (see 99). He assumes that if the foreign laborer is a woolen operative, the only American who may have to compete with him is a woolen operative here. His device for saving our operatives from the assumed competition is to tax the American cotton or wheat grower, on the cloth he wears, to make up and offset to the woolen operative the disadvantage under which he labors. If then, the case were true as the protec- tionist states it, and if his remedy were correct, he would, when he had finished his operation, simply have allowed the American woolen opera- tive to escape, by transferring to the American cotton or wheat grower the evil results of com- petition with " foreign pauper labor/' 60 PROTECTIONISM. I.) Examination of the Proposal to raise the Standard of Public Comfort. 52. But the protectionist reiterates that he wants to make our people well off, and to diffuse general prosperity, and he says that his system does this. He says that the country has pros- pered under protection and on account of it. He brings from the census the figures for increased wealth of the country, and, to speak of no miner errors, draws an inference that we have prospered more than we should have done under free trade, which is what he has to prove, without noticing that the second term of the comparison is absent and unattainable. In the same manner I once heard a man argue from statistics, who showed by the small loss of a city by fire that its fire depart- ment cost too much. I asked him if he had any statistics of the fires which we should have had but for the fire department (see 102). 53. The people of the United States have in- herited an untouched continent. The now living generation is practicing bonanza farming on prai- rie soil which has never borne a crop. The popu- lation is only 15 to the square mile. The popula- tion of England and Wales is 446 to the square CHANCES OF PRO SPIRIT Y. 6 1 mile; that of the British Islands 290; that of Belgium 481; of France 180; of Germany 216. Bateman* estimates that in the better part of England or Wales a peasant proprietor would need from ^/^ to 6 acres, and, in the worse part, from 9 to 45 acres on which to support " a healthy family." The soil of England and Wales, equally divided between the families there, would give only 7 acres apiece. The land of the United States, equally divided between the families there, would give 215 acres apiece. These old nations give us the other term of the comparison by which we measure our prosperity. They have a dense pop- ulation on a soil which has been used for thou- sands of years ; we have an extremely sparse popu- lation on a virgin soil. We have an excellent cli- mate, mountains full of coal and ore, natural highways on the rivers and lakes, and a coast in- dented with sounds, bays, and some of the best harbors in the world. We have also a population of good national character, especially as regards the economic and industrial virtues. The sciences and arts are highly cultivated among us, and \ * Broderick, English Land and English Landlords, p. 194. 62 PROTECTIONISM. our institutions are the best for the development of economic strength. As compared with old nations we are prosperous. Now comes the pro- tectionist statesman and says : " The things which you have enumerated are not the causes of our comparative prosperity. Those things are all vain. Our prosperity is not due to them. I made it with my taxes/* 54 (a) In the first place the fact is that we sur- pass most in prosperity those nations which are most like us in their tax systems, and those com- pared with whom our prosperity is least remarkable are those which have by free trade offset as much as possible the disadvantage of age and dense popu- lation. Since, then, we find greatest difference in prosperity with least difference in tax, and least difference in prosperity w r ith greatest difference in tax, we can not regard tax as a cause of prosperity, but as an obstacle to prosperity which must have been overcome by some stronger cause. That such is the case lies plainly on the face of the facts. The prosperity which we enjoy is the prosperity which God and nature have given us mums what the legislator has taken from it. 55 (b) We prospered with slavery just as we BENEFICENCE OF OUR STATESMEN. 63 have prospered with protection. The argument that the former was a cause would be just as strong as the argument that the latter is a cause. 56 (c) The protectionists take to themselves as a credit all the advance in the arts of the last twenty-five years, because they have not entirely offset it and destroyed it. 57 (d) The protectionists claim that they have increased our wealth. All the wealth that is pro- duced must be produced by labor and capital - applied to land. The people have wrought and produced. The tax gatherer has only subtracted something. Whether he used what he took well or ill, he subtracted. He could not do any thing else. Therefore, whatever wealth we see about us, and whatever wealth appears in the census is what the people have produced, less what the tax gatherer has taken out of it. 58- (e) If the members of Congress can estab- lish for themselves some ideal of the grade of com- fort which the average American citizen ought to enjoy, and then just get it for him, they have used their power hitherto in a very beggarly manner. For, although the average status of our people is 64 PROTECTIONISM. high when compared with that of other people on the globe, nevertheless, when compared with any standard of ideal comfort, it leaves much to be desired. If Congress has the power supposed, they surely ought not to measure the exercise of it by only making us better off than Europeans. 59 (/) During the late presidential campaign the protectionist orators assured the people that they meant to make everybody well off, that they wished our people to be prosperous, contented, etc., etc. I wish so too. I wish that all my readers may be millionaires. I freely and sincerely confer on them all the bounty of my good wishes. They will not find a cent more in their pockets on that account. The congressmen have no power to bless my readers which I have not, save one ; that is, the power to tax them. 60 (g) If the congressmen are determined to elevate the comfort of the population by taxing the population, then every new ship load of immi- grants must be regarded as a new body of persons whom we must " elevate " by the taxes we have to pay. It is said that an Irishman affirmed that a dollar in America would not buy more than a shilling in Ireland. He was asked why then he NO COMFORT IN TAXES. 65 did not stay in Ireland. He replied that it was because he could not get the shilling there. That is a good story, only it stops just where it ought to begin. The next question is : How does he get the dollar when he comes to America ? The pro- tectionist wants us to suppose that he gets it by grace of the tariff. If so he gets it out of those who were here before he came. But plainly no such thing is true. He gets it by earning it, and he adds two dollars to the wealth of the country while earning it. The only thing the tariff does in regard to it is to lower the purchasing power of; ' the dollar, if it is spent for products of manufac-' ture, to seventy cents. 61. Here, again, then, we find that protective taxes, if they do just what the protectionist says that they will do, produce the very opposite effects from those which he says they will produce. They lessen wealth, reduce prosperity, diminish average comfort, and lower the standard of living. (See 30.) CHAPTER III. PROTECTIONISM EXAMINED ADVERSELY. 62. I have so far examined protectionism as a philosophy of national wealth, assuming and accepting its own doctrines, and following them out, to see if they will issue as is claimed. We have found that they do not, but that protection- ism, on its own doctrines, issues in the impoverish- ment of the nation and in failure to do any thing which it claims to do. On the contrary, an ex- amination in detail of its means, methods, pur- poses and plans show that it must produce waste and loss, so that if it were true, we should have to believe that waste and loss are means of wealth. Now I tuin about to attack it in face, on an open issue, for if any project which is advocated proves, upon free and fair examination, to be based an errors of fact and doctrine, it becomes a danger and an evil to be exposed and combated, and truth of fact and doctrine must be set against it. TRADE IS HARMFUL. 67 I. PROTECTIONISM INCLUDES AND NECESSARILY CARRIES WITH IT HOSTILITY TO TRADE, OR, A T LEAST, SUSPIC- ION A GA INS T TRA DE. A.) Rules for knoiving when it is Safe to Trade. 63. Every protectionist is forced to regard trade as a mischievous or at least doubtful thing. Protectionists have even tried to formulate rules for determining when trade is beneficial and when harmful. 64. It has been said that we ought to trade only on meridians of longitude, not on parallels of latitude. 65. It has been affirmed that we can not safely trade unless we have taxes to exactly offset the lower wages of foreign countries. But it is plain that if the case stands so that an American em- ployer says : " I am at a disadvantage compared with my foreign competitor, because he pays less wages than I," then, by the same token, the American laborer will say : " I am at an advan- tage, compared with my foreign comrade, for I get better wages than he." If the law interferes with the state of things so that the employer is enabled to say : " I am now at less disadvantage in com- petition with my foreign rival, because I do not now 68 PROTECTIONISM. have to pay as much more wages than he as for- merly ; " then, by the same token, the American laborer must say : " I am not now as much bet- ter off than my foreign comrade as formerly, for I do not now gain as much more than he as I did there is not now as much advantage in emigrating to this country as formerly." Therefore, when- ever the taxes just offset the difference in wages, they just take aivay from the American laborer all his superiority over the foreigner, and take away all reason for caring to come to this country. So much for the laborer. But the employer, if he has arrested immigration, has cut off one source of the supply of labor, tending to raise wages, and is at war with himself again ( 47). 66. It has been said that two nations can not trade if the rate of interest in the two differs by two per cent. The rate of interest in the Atlantic States and in the Mississippi valley has always differed by two per cent., yet they have traded together under absolute free trade, and the Mis- sissippi valley has had to begin a wilderness and grow up to the highest standard of civilization in spite of that state of things. 67. It has been said that we ought to trade only WHO ARE OUR " INFERIORS" ? 69 with inferior nations. The United States does not trade with any other nation, save when it buys territory. A in the United States trades with B in some foreign country. If I want caoutchouc I want to trade with a savage in the forests of South America. If I want mahogany I want to trade with a man in Honduras. If I want sugar I want to trade with a man in Cuba. If I want tea I want to trade with a man in China. If I want silk or champagne I want to trade with a man in France. If I want a razor I want to trade with a man in England. I want to trade with the man who has the thing which I want of the best quality and at the lowest rate of exchange for my products. What is the definition or test of an " inferior nation/* and what has that got to do with trade any more than the race, language, color, or religion of the man who has the goods? 68. If trade was an object of suspicion and dread, then indeed we ought to have rules for di$* tinguishing safe and beneficial trade from mischiev.- ous trade, but these attempts to define and dis- criminate only expose the folly of the suspicion, We find that the primitive men, who dwelt in caves in the glacial epoch, carried on trade. The 70 PROTECTIONISM. earliest savages made footpaths through the forests by which to traffic and trade, winning thereby 'mutual advantages. They found that they could supply more wants with less effort by trade, which gave them a share in the natural advantages and acquired skill of others. They trained beasts of burden, improved roads, invent- ed wagons and boats, all in order to extend and facilitate trade. They were foolish enough to think that they were gaining by it, and did not know that they needed a protective tariff to keep them from ruining themselves. Or, why does not some protectionist sociologist tell us at what stage of civilization trade ceases to be advantageous and begins to need restraint and regulation ? B,) Economic Units not National Units. 69. The protectionists say that their system advances civilization inside a state and makes it great, but the facts are all against them (see 136 fg). It was by trade that civilization was extend- ed over the earth. It was through the contact of trade that the more civilized nations transmitted to others the alphabet, weights and measures, knowledge of astronomy, divisions of time, tools IT IS BLESSED TO GIVE AND TAKE. 71 and weapons, coined money, systems of numera- tion, treatment of metals, skins, and wool, and all the other achievements of knowledge and inven- tion which constitute the bases of our civilization. On the other hand, the nations which shut them- selves up and developed an independent and self- contained civilization ( China and Japan) present us the types of arrested civilization and stereo- typed social status. It is the penalty of isolation and of withdrawal from the giving and taking which properly bind the whole human race together, that even such intelligent and highly endowed people as the Chinese should find their high activity arrested at narrow limitations on every side. They invent coin, but never get beyond a cast copper coin. They invent gun- powder but can not make a gun. They invent movable types, but only the most rudimentary, book. They discover the mariner's compass, but never pass the infancy of ship-building. 70. The fact is, then, that trade has been the hand- maid of civilization. It has traversed national boundaries, and has gradually, with improvement in the arts of transportation, drawn the human race into closer relations and more harmonious 72 PROTECTIONISM. interests. The contact of trade slowly saps old national prejudice and religious or race hatreds. The jealousies which were perpetuated by distance and ignorance can not stand before con- tact and knowledge. To stop trade is to arrest this beneficent work, to separate mankind into sections and factions, and to favor discord, jeal- ousy, and war. 71. Such is the action of protectionism. The pro- tectionists make much of their pretended "nation- alism," and they try to reason out some kind of relationship between the scope of economic forces and the boundaries of existing nations. The argumentation is fatally broken at its first step. They do not show what they might show, viz., that the scope of economic forces on any given stage of the arts, does form economic units. An English county was such a unit a century ago. I doubt if any thing less than the whole earth could be considered so to-day, when the wool of Australia, the hides of South America, the cotton of Alabama, the wheat of Manitoba and the meat of Texas meet the laborers in Manchester and Sheffield, and would meet the laborers in Lowell and Paterson, if the barriers were out of the way. THE LA TES T POLL Y. 73 But what the national protectionist would need to show would be that the economic unit coincides with the political unit. He would have to affirm that Maine and Texas are in one economic unit, but that Maine and New Brunswick are not ; or that Massachusetts and Minnesota are in one economic unit, but that Massachusetts and Manitoba are not. Every existing state is a product of historic accidents. Mr. Jefferson set out to buy the city of New Orleans. He awoke one morning to find that he had bought the western half of the Mis- sissippi valley. Since that turned out so the protectionists think that Missouri and Illinois prosper by trading in perfect freedom.* If it had not turned out so, it would have been very mis- chievous for them to trade in perfect freedom. * Since the above was in type, I have, for the first time, seen an argument from a protectionist, that a tariff between our States is, or may become, desirable. It is from the Chicago Inter-Ocean, and marks the extreme limit reached, tip to this time, by protec- tionist fanaticism and folly, although it is thoroughly consistent, and fairly lays bare the spirit and essence ot protectionism : " In the United States the present ominous and over-shadowing strike in the iron trade, by which from 75.000 to 100,000 men have been thrown out of work, is an incisive example of the ten- dency of this country, also, to a condition of trade which will com- Eel individual states and certain sections of the country to ask for 'gislation, in order to protect them against the cheaper labor and superior natural advantage of others " The remedy for the harm done by taxes on our foreign trade is to lay some on our domestic trade. (See 26, 95.) 74 PROTECTIONISM. Nova Scotia did not join the revolt of our thirteen colonies. Hence it is thought ruinous to let coal and potatoes come in freely from Nova Scotia, If she had revolted with us, it would have beqn for the benefit of every body in this union to trade with her as freely as we now trade with Maine. We tried to conquer Canada in 1812-13 and failed Consequently the Canadians now put taxes on pur coal and petroleum and wheat, and we put taxes on their lumber, which our coal and petro- leum industries need. We did annex Texas, at the cost of war, in 1845. Consequently we trade with Texas now under absolute freedom, but, if we trade with Mexico, it must be only very care- fully and under stringent limitations. Is this wisdom, or is it all pure folly and wrong headed- ness, by which men who boast of their intelligence throw away their own chances ? * 72. Trade is a beneficent thing. It does not need any regulation or restraint. There is no * Since the above was in type, a treasury order has subjected all goods from Canada to the same taxes as imported goods, although they may be going from Minnesota to England. Nature has made man too well off. The inhabitants of North America will not simply use their chances, but they divide into two artific- ial bodies so as to try to harm each other. Millions are spent to cut an isthmus where nature has left one, and millions more to set up a tax-barrier where nature has made a highway. TRADE IS BENEFICENT. 75 point at which it begins to be dangerous. It is mutually beneficent. If it ceases to be so, it ceases entirely, because he who no longer gains by it will no longer carry it on. (See 125.) PROTECTIONISM IS AT WAR WITH IMPROVEMENT. 73. The cities of Japan are built of very com- bustible material, and when a fire begins it is rarely arrested until the city is destroyed. It was suggested that a steam fire-engine would there reach its maximum of utility. One was imported and proved very useful on several occasions. Thereupon the carpenters got up a petition to the government to send the fire-engine away, be- cause it ruined their business. 74. The instance is grotesque and exaggerated, but it is strictly true to the principle of protec- tionism. The southern counties of England, a century ago, protested against the opening of the great northern turnpike, because that would bring the products of the northern counties to the London market, of which the southern counties had had a monopoly. After the St. Gothard tunnel was opened the people of southern Germany petitioned the Government to lay higher taxes on Italian products to offset the 76 PROTECTIONISM. cheapness which the tunnel had produced. In 1837 the first two steamers which ever made com- mercial voyages across the Atlantic arrived at the same time. A grand celebration was held m New York. The foolish people rejoiced as if a new blessing had been won. Man had won a new 1 triumph over nature. What was the gain of it ? It was that he could satisfy his needs with less" labor than before ; or, in plain language, get things cheaper. But in 1842 a Home Industry Conven- tion was held in New York, at which it was alleged as the prime reason why more taxes were needed, that this steam transportation had made things cheap here.* Taxes were needed to neutralize the improvement. A.) Taxes to offset Cheapened Transportation, 75. For the last twenty-five years, to go no further back, we have multiplied inventions to facilitate transportation. Ocean cables, improved marine engines, and screw steamers, etc., etc., have been only improved means of supplying the wants of people on two continents more abund- antly with the products each of the other. The * 62, Niles's Register, 132. ARTS VERSUS TAXES. 77 scientific journals and the daily papers boast of every step in this development as a thing to be proud of and rejoice in, but in the mean time the legislators on both sides of the water are. hard at work to neutralize it by taxation. We, in the United States, have multiplied monstrous taxes on all the things which others make and which we want, to prevent them from being brought to us. The statesmen of the European continent are laying taxes on our meat and wheat, lest they be brought to their people. The arts are bringing us together; the taxes are needed to keep us apart. In France, for instance, the agri- culturist complains of American competition not " pauper labor," but gratuitous soil and sunlight. He does not want the French artisan to have the benefit of our prairie soil. The government yields to him and lays a tax on our meat and wheat. This raises the price of bread in Paris, where the reconstruction of the city has collected a large artisan population. The government then finds itself driven to fix the price of bread in Paris to keep it down. But the reconstruction of the city was accomplished by contracting a great debt, which means heavy taxes. These taxes drive the 7 8 PRO TECTIONISM. population out into the suburbs. At least one voice has been raised by an owner of city property that a tax ought to be laid on suburban residents to drive them back to the city,* and not let them es- cape the efforts of the city-landlord to throw his taxes on them. Then, again, France has been subsidizing ships, and when the question of re- newing the subsidy came up, it was argued that the ships subsidized at the expense of the French tax-payer had lowered freight on wheat and made wheat cheap ; that is, as somebody justly replied, had wrought the very mischief against which the increased tax had just been demanded on wheat. Therefore the tax-payer had been taxed first to make wheat cheap, and then again to make it dear. 76. Tax A to favor B. If A complains, tax C /to make it up to A. If C complains, tax B to favor C. If any of them still complain, begin all over again. Tax them as long as any body com- plains, or any body wants any thing. This is the statesmanship of the last quarter of the nineteenth century. ^ * Journal des Economistes, March, 1885, pagq 496. THE MANIA FOR COLONIES. 79 77. Bismarck, too, is going into the business. He has to rule a people who live on a poor soil, and have to bear a crushing military system. The consequence is that the population is declining. Emigration exceeds the natural increase. Bis- marck's cure for it is to lay protective taxes against American pork and wheat and rye. This will protect the German agriculturist. If it lowers still more the comfort of the buyers of food, and drives more of them out of the country, then he will go and buy or fight for colonies at the expense of the German agriculturists whom he has just " protected/' although the surplus population of Germany has been taking itself away for thirty years without asking help or giving trouble. What can Germany gain by diverting her emi- grants to her own colony unless she means to bring the able-bodied men back to fight her battles ? If she means that, the emigrants will not go to her colony. 78. France is also reviving the old colonial policy with discriminating favors and compen- satory restraints. She already owns a possession in Algeria, which is the best example of a colony for the sake of a colony. It has been asserted in 8o PRO TECTIONISM* the French Chambers that each French family now in Algeria has cost the Government (i.e., the French taxpayer) 25,000 francs.* The longing of these countries for " colonies " is like the longing of a negro dandy for a cane or a tall hat so as to be like the white gentlemen. .B.) Sugar Bounties. 79. The worst case of all, however, is sugar. The protectionists long boasted of beet-root sugar as a triumph of their system. It is now an in- dustry in which an immense amount of capital is invested on the Continent, but cheap transporta- tion for cane sugar, and improvements in the treatment of the latter, are constantly threatening it. Mention is made in Bradstreefs for June 28, 1885, of a very important improvement in the treatment of cane which has just been invented at Berlin. Germany has an excise tax on beet- root sugar, but allows a drawback on it when exported which is greater than the tax. This acts as a bounty paid by the German tax-payer on the exportation. Consequently, beet-root sugar * Paris correspondent of the New York Evening Post, February 9, 1884. THE IND US TR Y VERSUS THE SUGAR. 81 has appeared even in our market. The chief market for it, however, is England. The conse- quence is that the sugar which is nine cents a pound in Germany, and seven cents a pound here, is five cents a pound in England, and that the annual consumption of sugar per head in the three coun- tries* is as follows : England, 67^ pounds ; United States, 51 pounds; Germany, 12 pounds. I some- times find it difficult to make people understand the difference between wanting an " industry " and wanting goods, but this case ought to make that distinction clear. Obviously the Germans have tJie industry and the Englishmen have the sugar. So. No sooner, however, does Germany get her export bounty in good working order than the Austrian sugar refiners besiege their government to know whether Germany is to have the monopoly of giving sugar to the Englishmen. f They get a bounty and compete for that privilege. Then the French refiners say that they can not * Economist^ Commercial Review, 1884, p. 15. f The Vienna correspondent of the Economist writes, June 15, 1885, ' ' The representatives of the sugar trade addressed a petition to the Finance Minister, asking, above all things, that the pre- mium on export should be retained, without which, they say, they can not continue to exist, and which is granted in all countries where beet root sugar is manufactured." 82 PROTECTIONISM. compete, and must be enabled to compete in giving sugar to the Englishmen. I believe that their case is under favorable consideration. 80^. I have found it harder (as is usually the case) to get recorded information about the trade and industry of our own country than about those of foreign nations. However, we too, although we do not raise beet-sugar, have our share in this bounty folly, as may be seen by the following statement, which comes to hand just in time to serve my purpose.* " The export of refined sugar [from the United States] is entirely con- fined to hard sugars, or, to be more explicit, loaf, crushed and granulated. This is because the drawback upon this class of sugar is so large that, refiners are enabled to sell them at less than cost. The highest collectable duty upon sugar testing as high as 99 is but 2.36, but the drawback upon granulated testing the same, and in the case of crushed and loaf less, is 2.82 less I per cent. This is exactly 43c. per one hundred pounds more than the government receives in duty. But it rarely happens that raw sugar is imported testing 99, * Brads tree? s, July 25, 1885. WHA T WE GIVE. 83 and never for refining purposes. The following table gives the rates of duty upon the average grades used in refining : Degrees. Duly. Fair refining testing 89 1.96 Fair refining testing go 2.00 Centrifugal testing 96 2 28 Beet sugar testing 88 1 . 92 It will be clearly seen from the above figures that with a net drawback upon hard sugar of 2.79 our refiners are able to sell to foreigners, through the assistance of our treasury, sugar at less than cost. Taking for instance the net price of centrifugal testing only 97 and the net price less drawback of granulated : Certrifugal raw sugar testing 97 6.00 Less duty 2.28 Net 3 . 72 Granulated refined testing 99 6 37^ Less drawback 2.71 Net 3-66^2 Nothing could demonstrate the absurdity of the present rate of drawback more clearly than the above. A refiner pays 6^c. per hundred more for raw sugar testing 2 less saccharine than he sells refined for. Not, however, to the American 84 PROTECTIONISM. consumers, but to foreigners. After paying the expenses necessary to refining by the assistance of a drawback, which clearly amounts to a sub- sidy of about 5oc. a hundred pounds, our large sugar monopolists are assisted by the government to increase the cost of sugar to American con- sumers. One firm controls almost the entire trade of the east ; at all events it is safe to say that the trade of the entire country is controlled by three firms, and the treasury assists this monopoly in sustaining prices against the interest of the country at large. Up to date the exports of refined sugar have amounted to 83,340 tons, which taken at 5oc. a hundred has cost the treas- ury over $830,000. All this may not have gone into the pockets of the refiners, as the shipowners have obtained a share, but the fact remains that the treasury is the loser by this amount. Besides this bounty presses hard upon the consumers. They not only have to pay the tax, but during the late rise they were compelled to pay more for their sugar than they otherwise would have done had not the export demand caused by selling sugar to foreigners at less than cost, the treasury paying the difference, increased prices. While an A REAL TARIFF COMMISSION. 85 American consumer is charged 6j^c. for granu- lated, foreign buyers, through the liberality of our government, can buy it under 3^c. Cer- tainly it is time that the Secretary of the Treas- ury asked the sugar commission to commence a comprehensive and impartial inquiry." 81. Of course the story would not be complete if the English refiners did not besiege their government for a tax to keep out this maleficent gift of foreign tax-payers. This, say they, is not free trade. This is protection turned the other way around. We might hold our own on an equal footing, but we can not contend against a subsidized industry. A superficial thinker might say that this protest was conclusive. The English government set on foot an inves- tigation, not of the sugar refining, but of those other interests which were in danger of being forgotten. There was a tariff investigation which was worth something and was worthy of an enlightened government. It was found /that the consumers of sugar had gained more than all the wages paid in sugar refining. But, on the side of the producers, it was found that 6,000 persons are employed and 45,000 tons of sugar are used 86 PROTECTIOAflSM. annually in the neighborhood of London in manu- facturing jam and confectionery. In Scotland there are eighty establishments, employing over 4,000 people and using 35,000 tons of sugar per annum in similar industries. In the whole United Kingdom, in those industries, 100,000 tons of sugar are used and 12,000 people are employed, three times as many as in sugar refining. Within twenty years the confectionery trade of Scotland has quadrupled and the preserving trade jam and marmalade has practically been originated. In addition, refined sugar is a raw material in biscuit making and the manufacture of mineral waters, and 50,000 tons are used in brewing and distilling. Hence the Economist argues (and this view seems to have controlled the (decision) : " It may be that the gain which we at present realize from the bounties may not be enduring, as it is impossible to believe that foreign nations will go on taxing themselves to the extent of several millions a year in order to supply us and others with sugar at less than its fair price, but that is no reason for refus- ing to avail ourselves of their liberality so long as it does last/' * (See 83, note.) * Economist, 1884, p. 1052. THE LOST INDUSTRIES. 87 82. One point in this case ought not to be lort sight of. If the English government had yielded to the sugar refiners without looking further, all these little industries which are mentioned, and which in their aggregate are so important, would have been crushed out. Ten years later they would have been forgotten. It is from such an example that one must learn to form a judgment as to the effect of our tariff in crushing out indus- tries which are now lost and gone, and can not even be recalled for purposes of controversy, but which would spring into existence again if the repeal of the taxes should give them a chance. 83. On our sideothe water efforts have been made to get us into the sugar struggle by the pro- posed commercial treaties with Spain and England, which would in effect have extended our pro- tective tariff around Cuban and English West Indian sugar.* The sugar consumers of the United States were to pay to the Cuban planters the twenty-five million dollars revenue which they * A friend has sent me a report (Barbados Agricultural Reporter, April 24, 1885), of an indignation meeting at Bridge- town to protest, because the English Government refused to ratify the commercial treaty with the United States. r l he islanders feel the competition of the '* bounty-fed " su'gar in the English mar- ket ; a new complication, a new mischief. 88 PROTECTIONISM. now pay to the treasury on Cuban sugar, on con- dition that the Cubans should bring back part of it and spend it among our manufacturers. It was a new extension of the plan of taxing some of us for the benefit of others of us. Let it be noticed, too, that when it suited their purpose, the protectionists were ready to sacrifice the sugar industry of Louisiana without the least concern. We have been trying for twenty-five years to secure the home market and keep every body else out of it. As soon as we get it firmly shut, so that nobody else can get in, we find that it is a question of life and death zvitk us to get out ourselves. The next device is to tax Americans in order to go and buy a piece of the foreign market. At the last session of Congress Senator Cameron proposed to allow a drawback on raw materials used in exported products. On that plan the American manufacturer would have two costs of production, one when he was working for the home market, and another much lower one when working for the foreign market. As it is now, the exports of manufactured products, of which so much boasting is heard, are for the most part articles sold abroad lower than here so as not INTERNATIONAL GIFT-MAKING. 89 to break down the home monopoly market. The proposed plan would raise that to a system, and we should be giving more presents to foreigners, 84. To return to sugar, our treaty with the Sandwich Islands has produced anomalous and mischievous results on the Pacific coast. In the southern Pacific New Zealand is just going into the plan of bounties and protection on sugar.* It would not, therefore, be very bold to predict a world-wide catastrophe in the sugar industry within five years. 85. Now what is it all for? What is it all about? Napoleon Bonaparte began it in a despotic whim, when he determined to force the produc- tion of beet root sugar to show that he did not care for the supremacy of England at sea which cut him off from the sugar islands. In order not to lose the capital engaged in the industry, pro- tection was continued. But this led to put- ting more capital into it and further need of pro- tection. The problem has tormented financiers for seventy-five years. There are two natural products of which the cane is far richer in sugar. But the processes of the beet-sugar industry have * Economist, Commercial Supplement, Feb. 14, 1885, p. 7. po PROTECTIONISM. been improved, until recently, far more rapidly than those of the cane industry. Then the refin- ing is a separate interest. If then a country has cane-sugar colonies which it wants to protect against other colonies, and a beet-sugar industry which it wants to protect against neighbors who produce beet-sugar, and refiners to be protected against foreign refiners, and if the relations of its own colonial cane-sugar producers to its own domestic beet-sugar producers must be kept satisfactorily adjusted, in spite of changes in pro- cesses, transportation and taxation, and if it wants to get a revenue from sugar, and to use the colonial trade to develop its shipping, and if it has two or three commercial treaties in which sugar is an important item, the statesman of that country has a task like that of a juggler riding several horses and keeping several balls in motion. Sugar is the commodity on which the effects of a world- embracing commerce, produced by modern inven- tions, are most apparent, and it is the commodity through which all the old protectionist anti-com- mercial doctrines will be brought to the most decisive test. FIGHTING OUR IV A Y OUT, 91 C.) Forced Foreign Relations to Regulate Im- provement 'which can no Longer be l)efeate fg-) * ne protected interests give and take from each other, but, if they as a group win any thing, they must win from another group, and that other group must be the industries which are not and can not be protected. In England these were formerly manufactures and they were taxed, under the corn laws, for the benefit of agriculture. In the United States, of course, the case must be complementary and opposite. We tax agriculture and commerce to benefit manufac- tures. Commerce, /. e. the ship building and carrying trade, has been crushed out of existence by the burden ( 86). But the burden thus ] THE BLESSING OF LESS COMFORT. 107 thrown on agriculture and commerce lowers the gains of those industries, lessens the attractive- ness of them to the laborer, lessens the value of the laborer's other chance, lessens the competition of other American industries with manufacturing, and so, by taking away from the blessing which God and nature have given to the American laborer, enable the man who wants to hire his ser- vices to get them at a lower rate. The effect of the taxes is just the same as such a percentage taken from the fertility of the soil, the excellence of the climate, the power of tools, or the indus- trious habits of the people. Hence it reduces the average comfort and welfare of the population, and ' with that average comfort it carries down the wages of such persons as work for wages. C.) Perils of Statistics, Especially of Wages. 102. Any student of statistics will be sure to have far less trust in statistics than the uninitiated entertain. The book-keepers have taught us that figures will not lie, but that they will tell very queer stones. Statistics will not lie, but they will play wonderful tricks with a man who does not understand their dialect. The unsophisticated Io8 PROTECTIONISM. reader finds it difficult, when a column of statistics is offered to him, to resist the impression that they must prove something. The fact is that a column of statistics hardly ever proves any thing. It is a popular opinion that any body can use or under- stand statistics. The fact is that a special and high grade of skill is required to appreciate the effect of the collateral circumstances under which the statistics were obtained, to appreciate the limits of their application, and to interpret their significance. The statistics which are used to prove national prosperity are an illustration of this, for they are used as absolute meas- ures when it is plain that they have no use except for a comparison. Sometimes the other term of the comparison is not to be found and it is always ignored ( 52). 103. A congressional committee in the winter of 1883-4, dealing with the tariff, took up the 'census and proceeded to reckon up the wages in steel production by adding all the wages from the iron mine up. Then they took bar iron and added all the wages from the bottom up again, in order to find the importance of the wages element in that, and so on with every stage of iron indus- FALLA C1ES IN STA TISTICS. 109 try. They were going to add in the same wages six or eight times over. 104. The statistics of comparative wages which are published are of no value at all.* It is net known how, or by whom, or from what selected cases, they were collected. It is not known how wide, or how long, or how thorough, was the record from which they were taken. The facts about various classifications of labor in the division of labor, and about the rate at which machinery is run, or about the allowances of one kind and another which vary from mill to mill and town to town are rarely specified at all. Protected employers are eager to tell the wages they pay per day or week, which are of no import- ance. The only statistics which would be of any use for the comparison which is attempted would be such as show the proportion of wages to total cost per unit. Even this comparison would not have the force which is attributed to the other. Hence the statistics offered are worthless or posi- tively misleading. In the nature of the case such statistics are extremely hard to get. If applica- * I except those of Mr. Carroll Wright. He has sufficiently stated of how slight value his are. 1 1 PRO TECTIONISM. tion is made to the employers, the inquiry con- cerns their private business. They have no inter- est in answering. They can not answer without either spending great labor on their books (if the inquiry covers a period), or surrendering their books to some one else, if they allow him to do the labor. If inquiry is made of the men, it becomes long and tedious and full of uncertainties. Do United States Consuls take the trouble involved in such an inquiry? Have they the training necessary to conduct it successfully? 105. The fact is generally established and is not disputed that wages are higher here than in Europe. The difference is greatest on the lowest grade of labor manual labor, unskilled labor. The difference is less on higher grades of labor. For what the English call " engineers," men who possess personal dexterity and creative power, the difference is the other way, if we compare the United States and England. The returns of immigration reflect these differences exactly ( 122, note). The great body of the immigrants consists of farmers and laborers. The " skilled laborers " are comparatively a small class, and, if the claims of the individuals to be what they call DEFINITION- OF SOCIALISM. 1 1 1 themselves were tested by English or German trade standards, the number would be very small indeed. Engineers emigrate from Germany lo England. Men of that class rarely come to this country, or, if they come, they come under special contracts, or soon return. Each country, spite of all taxes and other devices, gets the class of men for which its industrial condition offers the best chances. The only thing the tariff does in the matter is to take from those who have an advantage here a part of that advantage. 4 . PRO TECTIONISM IS SO CIA L ISM. 106. To simply give protectionism a bad name would be to accomplish very little. When I say that protectionism is socialism I mean to classify it and bring it not only under the proper heading but into relation with its true affinities. ( Social- ism is any device or doctrine whose aim is to save individuals from any of the difficulties or hardships of the struggle for existence and the competition of life by the intervention of "the State" Inasmuch as " the State " never is or can be any thing but some other people, socialism is a device for mak- ing some people fight the struggle for existence for others. The devices always have a doctrine 112 PROTECTIONISM. behind them which aims to show why this ought to be done. 107. The protected interests demand that they be saved from the trouble and annoyance of business competition, and that they be assured profits in their undertakings, by " the State," that is, at the expense of their fellow-citizens. If this is not so- cialism, then there is no such thing. If employ- ers may demand that " the State " shall guarantee them profits, why may not the employe's demand that " the State " shall guarantee them wages ? If we are taxed to provide profits, why should we not be taxed for public workshops, for insurance to laborers, or for any other devices which will give wages and save the laborer from the annoy- ances of life and the risks and hardships of the struggle for existence? The " we "who are to pay changes all the time, and the turn of the pro- tected employer to pay will surely come before long. The plan of all living on each other is capable of great expansion. It is, as yet, far from being perfected or carried out completely. The protectionists are only educating those who are as yet on the " paying " side of it, but who will certainly use political power to put them- EXPANSION OF THE DOGMA. 113 selves also on the " receiving " side of it. The argument that " the State " must do something for me because my business does not pay, is a very far-reaching argument. If it is good for pig iron and woollens, it is good for all the things to which the socialists apply it. CHAPTER IV. SUNDRY FALLACIES OF PROTECTIONISM. 108. I can now dispose rapidly of a series of current fallacies put forward by the protection- ists. They generally are fanciful or far-fetched attempts to show some equivalent which the tax- payer gets for his taxes. (A). That infant industries can be nourished up to independence and that they then become productive. 109. I know of no case where this hope has been realized, although we have been trying the experiment for nearly a century. The weakest in- fants to-day are those whom Alexander Hamilton set out to protect in 1791. As soon as the infants begin to get any strength (if they ever do get any) the protective system forces them to bear the burden of other infants, and so on forever. The system superinduces hydrocephalus on the in- fants, and instead of ever growing to maturity, INFANT INDUSTRIES. 1 1 5 the longer they live, the bigger babies they are. It is the system which makes them so, and on its own plan it can never rationally be expected to have any other effect. (See further, under the next fallacy, 1 1 1, fg.) no. Mill * makes a statement of a case, as within the bonds of conceivability, where there might be an advantage for a young country to protect an infant industry. He is often quoted without regard to the limitation of his statement, as if he had affirmed the general expediency of pro- tection in new countries and for infant industries. It amounts to a misquotation to quote him with- out regard to the limitations which he specified. The statement which he did make is mathemati- cally demonstrable.! The doctrine so developed is very familiar in private enterprise. A business enterprise may be started which for some years * Bk. V., ch. 10, I. f It has been developed mathematically by a French mathema- tician (/ournaldes Ecojiemistes, Aug. and Sept., 1873, pp. 285 and 464). Let a be the mean annual loss by the tax so long as it lasts in order to start the industry. Let b be the mean annual gain by the industry after it is started. Let x be the years that the tax is to last. The losses and gains must be capitalized at their present worth. The present worth of the losses is the sum of the series, a a a ' (i+r) ' ' 1 1 6 PRO TECTIONISM. will return no profits or will occasion losses, but which is expected later to recoup all these. What are the limits within which such an enterprise can succeed? It must either call for sinking capital only for a short period (like building a railroad or planting an orange grove), or it must promise enormous gains after it is started (like a patented novelty). The higher the rate of interest, as in any new country, the more stringent and narrow these conditions are. Mill said that it was con- ceivable that a case of an industry might occur in which this same calculation might be applied to a protective tax. If, then, any body says that he The present worth of the gains forever is the sum of the in- finite series, Putting one of these sums equal to the other we get lo g :(x+r) In this expression let r be six per cent., give various values to x, b and derive the ratio . It then appears that, if the tax lasts Jive a years, the mean annual gains forever must be one-third of the mean annual losses in order that there may be neither gain nor loss from the experiment. If the tax lasts ten years the gains for- ever must be 80 per cent of the losses for that period ; 25 years, 29 per cent ; 100 years, 33,900 per cent. MILL'S CA SE INADMISSIBLE. 1 1 7 can offer an industry which meets the conditions, let it be examined to see if it does so. If protec- tion is never applied until such a case is offered, it will never be applied at all. A thing which is mathematically conceivable is one which is not absurd ; but a thing which is practically possible is quite another thing. For myself, I strenuously dissent from Mill's doctrine even as he limits it. In the first place the state can not by taxes work out an industrial enterprise of a character such that it, as any one can see, demands the most in-i tense and careful oversight by persons whose capital is at stake in it, and, in the second place, the state would bear the loss, while it lasted, but pri- vate interests would take the gain after it began. (7?.) That protective taxes do not raise prices but lower prices. in. To this it is obvious to reply: what good can they then do toward the end pro- posed? Still it is true that, under circumstances, protective taxes do lower prices. The protection- ist takes an infant industry in hand and proposes to rear it by putting on taxes to ward off compe- tition, and by giving it more profits than the 1 1 8 PRO TECTIONISM. world's market price would give. This raises the price. But the consumer then raises a complaint. The protectionist turns to him and promises that by and by there will be " overproduction,'* and prices will fall. This arrives in due time, for every protected industry is organized as a more or less limited monopoly, and a monopoly which has overproduced its market, at the price which it wants, is the weakest industry possible ( 24). The consumer now wins, but a wail from the cradle calls the protectionist back to the infant industry which is in convulsions from " overproduction." Some of the infants die. This gives a new chance to the others. They combine for more effective monopoly, put the prices up again by limiting production, and go on until " overproduction " produces a new collapse. This is another reason why infants never win vitality. The net result is that the market is in constant alternations of stringency and laxity, and nothing at all is gained. 112. Whenever we talk of prices it should be no-, ticcd that our statements involve money the rate at which goods exchange for money. If then \ we want to raise prices, we must restrict the sup- V ply of goods, so that on the doctrine of money MAN A GEM EN T OF MONOPOL Y. 119 also we shall come to the same result as before, I y that protective taxes lessen production and dimin- ish wealth. 113. The problem of managing any monopoly is to dose the market with just the quantity which it will take at the price which the monopolist wants to get. In a qualified monopoly, that is, one which is shared by a number of persons, the difficulty is to get agreement about the management. They may not have any communication with each other and may compete. If so they will overdose the market and the price will fall. Then they meet, to establish communication ; form an " associa- tion," to get harmonious action, and agree to di- vide the production among them and limit and regulate it, to prevent the former mistake anJ restore prices ( 24). (C.) That we should be a purely agricultural nation under free trade. 114. A purely agricultural nation covering a territory as large as that of the United StaUs is inconceivable. The distribution of indus- tries now inside the United States is a complete proof that no such thing would come to pass, 120 PROTECTIONISM. for we have absolute free trade inside, and manufactures are growing up in the agricultural states just as fast as circumstances favor, and just as fast as they can be profitably carried on. Under free trade there would be a subdivis- ion of cotton, woollen, iron and other industries, and we should both export and import different varieties and qualities of these goods. The south- ern states are now manufacturing coarse cottons in competition with New England. The western states manufacture coarse woollens, certain grades of leather and iron goods, etc., in competition with the East. Here we see the exact kind of differen- tiation which would take place under free trade, and we can see the mischief of the tariff, whether on the one hand it strikes a whole category with the same brutal ignorance, or tries, by cunning sub-classification, to head off every effort to save itself which the trade makes.* If, however, it was conceivable that we should become a purely agri- cultural nation, the only legitimate inference would be that our whole population could be better sup- ported in that way than in any other. If there * See a fallacy under this head : Cunningham, Growth of English Industry, 410, note. PROFESSION VERSUS PER FOR MA NCR. 121 was a greater profit in something else some of them would go into it. (D.) That communities which manufacture are more prosperous than those which are agricultural. 115. This is as true as if it should be said that all tall men are healthy. It would be answered that some are and some are not ; that tallness and health have no connection. Some manufacturing communities are prosperous and some not. The self-contradiction of protectionism appears in one of its boldest forms in this fallacy. We are told that manufactures are a special blessing. The protectionist says that he is going to give us some. Instead of that he makes new demands on us, lays a new burden on us, gives us nothing but more taxes. He promises us an income and increases our expenditure ; promises an asset and gives a liability ; promises a gift and creates a debt ; promises a blessing and gives a burden. The very thing which he boasts of as a great and beneficial advantage gives us nothing, but takes from us more. Prosperity is no more connected with one form of industry than another. If it were so, some of mankind would have, by nature, a per- 122 PROTECTIONISM. manently better chance than others, and no one could emigrate to a new, that is agricultural coun- try, without injuring his interests. The world is not made so. (.) That it is an object to diversify industry*, and that nations which have various industries are stronger than others which have not various indus- tries. 116. It is not an object to diversify industry, but to multiply and diversify our satisfactions, comforts, and enjoyments. If we can do this by unifying our industry, in greater measure than by diversifying it, then we should do, and we will do, the former. It is not a question to be decided a priori, but depends upon economic circumstances. If a country has a supremacy in some one indus- try it will have only one. California and Austra- lia had only one industry until the gold mines de- clined in productiveness, that is, until their supreme advantage over other countries was dim- inished : they began to diversify when they began to be less well off. The oil region of Penn- sylvania has a chance of three industries, the old farming industry, coal, and oil. It will have only WHICH NA TION IS STRONGEST. 1 23 one industry so long as oil gives chances superior to those enjoyed by any other similar district. When it loses its unique advantage by nature it will diversify. The " strongest " nation is the one which k brings products into the world's market which are of high demand, but which cost it little toil and sacrifice to get ; for it will then have command of all the good things which men can get on earth at little effort to itself. Whether the products which it offers are one or numerous is immaterial. All the tariff has to do with it is that when the American comes into the world's market with wheat, cotton, tobacco, and petroleum, all objects of high demand by mankind and little cost to him, it forces him to forego a part of his due ad- vantage. ( 125, 134.) (F.) That manufactures give value to land. 117. This doctrine issued from the Agricultural Bureau. It has been thought a grand develop- ment of the protectionist argument. It is a simple logical fallacy based on some misconstrued sta- tistics. The value of land depends on supply and demand. The demand for land is population. Hence where the population is dense the value 124 PROTECTIONISM. of land is great. Manufactures can be carried on only where there is a supply of labor, that is, where the population is dense. Hence high value of land and manufacturing industry are common results of dense population. The statistician of the Agricultural Bureau connected them with each other as cause and effect, and the New York Tribune said that it : was the grandest contribu- tion to political economy since " the fingers of Horace Greeley stiffened in death ; " which was true. 118. If manufactures spring up spontaneously out of original strength, and by independent development, of course they " add value to land/* that is to say, the district has new industrial power and every interest in it is benefited ; but, if the manufactures have to be protected, paid for, and supported, they do not do any good as manu- factures, but only as a device for drawing capital from elsewhere, as tribute. In this way, pro- tective taxes do alter the comparative value of land in different districts. This effect can be seen tinder some astonishing phases in Connecticut and other manufacturing states. The farmers are tax?rl to hire some people to go and live in manu. EFFECT OF D ISP LA CING POP ULA TSOM i 2 g factoring villages and carry on manufacturing there. This displacement of population, brought about at the expense of the rural population, diminishes the value of agricultural land and raises that of city land right here within the same state. The hill side population is being impover- ished, and the hill-side farms are being abandoned on account of the tribute levied on them to swell the value of mill sites and adjoining land in the manufacturing towns. ( 120, 137.) (G.) That the farmer, if he pays taxes to bring into existence a factory, which would not otherwise exist, will win more than the taxes .by selling farm produce to the artisans. 1 19. This is an arithmetical fallacy. It proposes to get three pints out of a quart. The farmer is out for the tax and the farm produce and he can not get back more than the tax because, if the fac- tory owes its existence to the protective taxes, it can not make any profit outside of the taxes. The proposition to the farmer is that he shall pay taxes to another man who will bring part of the tax back to buy produce with it. This is to make the farmer rich. The man who owned stock 1 26 PRO TECTIONISM. I'm a railroad and who rode on it, paying his fare, 'in the hope of swelling his own dividends, was wise compared with a farmer who believes that j protection can be a source of gain to him. 120. Since, as I have shown ( 101), protective taxes act like a reduction in the fertility of the soil, they lower the "margin of cultivation," and raise rent. They do not, however, raise it in favor of the agricultural land owner, for, by the displacement just described, they take away from him to give to the town land owner. Of course, I do not believe that the protective taxes have really lowered the margin of cultivation in this country, for they have not been able to offset the greater richness of the newest land, and the advance in the arts. What protection costs us comes out of the exuberant bounty of nature to us. Still I know of very few who could not stand it to be a great deal better off than they are, and the New England farmer is the one who has the least chance, and the fewest advantages, with which to endure protection. GAIN BY S UPPOR TING T PIERS. 127 (//".) That farmers gain by protection, because it draws so many laborers out of competition with them. 121. Since the farmers pay the taxes by which this operation is supposed to be produced, a simple question is raised, viz., how much can one afford to pay to buy off competition in his busi- ness? He can not afford to pay any thing unless he has a monopoly which he wants to consolidate. Our farmers are completely open to competition on every side. The immigration of farmers every three or four years exceeds all the workers in all the protected trades. Hence the farmers, if they take the view which is recommended to them, instead of gaining any ground, are face to face with a task which gets bigger and bigger the longer they work at it. If one man should sup- port another in order to get rid of the latter's competition as a producer, that would be the case where the tax payer supports soldiers, idle pen- sioners, paupers, etc. A protected manufacturer, however, by the hypothesis, is not simply sup- ported in idleness, but he is carrying on a busi- ness the losses of which must be paid by those 1 23 PROTECTIONISM. who buy off his competition in their own produc- tion. On the other hand, when farmers come to market, they are in free competition with several other sources of supply. Hence, if they did any good to agricultural industry by hiring the arti- sans to go out of competition with them, they would have to share the gain with all their com- petitors the world over while paying all the expense of it themselves. 122. The movement of men over the earth and the movement of goods over the earth are com- plementary operations. Passports to stop the men and taxes to stop the goods would be equally legitimate. Since it is, once for all, a fact that some parts of the earth have advantages for one thing and other parts for other things, men avail themselves of the local advantages either by moving themselves to the places, or by trading what they produce where they are for what others produce in the other places. The passenger trains and the freight trains are set in motion by the same ultimate economic fact. Our exports are all bulky and require more tonnage than our im- ports. On the westward trip, consequently, bunks are erected and men are brought in space where WHO IMMIGRA TE. 129 cotton, wheat, etc., were taken out. The tariff, by so much as it lessens the import of goods, leaves room which the ship owners are eager to fill with immigrants. To do this they lower the rates. Hence the tariff is a premium on immigra-/ tion. The protectionists have claimed that the tariff does favor immigration. But nine-tenths of the immigrants are laborers, domestic servants, and farmers.* Probably more than one-third of the total number, including women, find their way to the land. As we have seen, the, / tariff also lowers the profits of agriculture,*' which discourages immigration and the move- ment to the land. Therefore, if the farmer believes what the protectionist tells him, he must understand that the taxes he pays bring in more people, and raise the value of land by settling it, and that they also bring more compe- * IMMIGRATION IN 1884. Males. Females. Total Professional occupations. . Skilled occupations. ...... . 2,184 . 50,905 100 4,156 2,284 55,061 Occupations not stated. . . . No occupation . 19.778 . 75,483 11,887 169,904 31,665 245,387 Miscellaneous occupations 160,159 24,036 184,195 Total. . .3o8,=;oQ 210,083 5i8,5q2 Under miscellaneous were 106,478 laborers and 42,050 farmers. 130 PROTECTIONISM. tition, which the farmer must buy off by lowering the profits of his own (the farming) industry. Then, too, so far as the immigrants are artisans, the premium on immigration is a tax paid to . /increase the supply of labor, that is, to lower wages, although the protectionists say that the tariff raises wages. Hence we see that when a tax is laid, in our modern complicated society, instead of being a simple and easy means or method to be employed for a specific purpose, its action and reaction on transportation, land, wages, etc., will produce erratic, contradictory, and con- fused effects, which can not be predicted or an- alyzed thoroughly, and the protectionist, when he pleads three or four arguments for his system, is alleging three or four features of it which, if properly analyzed and brought together, are found to be mutually destructive, and cumulative only as to the mischief they do. (See 29, 101.) (/.) That our industries would perish without protection. 123. Those who say this think only of manufacturing establishments as " industries." They also talk of " our " industries. They mean WHICH INDUSTRIES ARE OURS. 131 those we support by the taxes we pay; not those from which we get dividends. No in- dustry will ever be given up except in order to take up a better one, and if, under free ^ trade, any of our industries should perish, it would only be because the removal of restrictions enabled some other industry to offer so much bet- ter rewards that labor and capital would seek the latter. It is plain that, if a man does not know of any better way to earn his living than the one in which he is, he must remain in that, or move to some other place. If any one can suppose that the population of the United States could be forced, by free trade, to move away, he must sup- pose that this country can not support its popula- tion, and that we made a mistake in coming here. This argument is especially full of force if the articles to be produced are coal, iron, wool, cop- per, timber, or any other primary products of the soil. For, if it is said that we can not raise these products of the soil in competition with some other part of the earth's surface, all it proves is that we have come to the wrong spot to seek them. If, however, the soil can support the population under an arrangement by which cer- 132 PROTECTIONISM. tain industries support themselves, and those which do not pay besides, then it is plain that the former are really supporting the whole popula- tion, part directly and part indirectly, through a circuitous and wasteful organization. Hence the same strong and independent industries could certainly still better support the whole population, if they supported it directly. - 124. I have been asked whether we should have had any steel-works in this country, if we had had no protection. I reply that I do not know ; neither does any body else, but it is certain that we should have had a great deal more steel, if we had had no protection. 125. " But/' it is said, " we should import every thing." Should we import every thing and give nothing? If so, foreigners would make us pres- ents and support us. Should we give equal value in exchange? If so, there would be just as much " industry " and a great deal less " work " in that way of getting things than in making them our- selves. The moment that ceased to be true we should make and not buy. Suppose that a dis- trict, A, has two million inhabitants, one million of whom produce a million bushels of wheat, and THE GAIN BY TRADE. 133 one million produce a million hundred weight of iron ; and suppose that a bushel of wheat ex- changes for a hundred weight of iron. Now, by improved transportation and emigration, suppose that a new wheat country, B, is opened, and that its people bring wheat to the first district, offering two bushels for a hundred weight of iron. Plainly they must offer more than one bushel for one hun- dred weight, or it is useless for them to come. Now the people of A, by putting all their labor and capital in iron production, produce two million hundred weight. They keep one million hundred weight, and exchange one million hundred weight of iron for two million bushels of wheat. The destruction of their wheat industry is a sign of a change in industry (unifying and not diversifying) by which they have gained a million bushels of wheat. Such is the gain of all trade. If the gain did not exist trade would not be a feature of civili- zation, 134 PRO TECTIONISM. (/.) That it would be wise to call into existence various industries, even at an expense, if we could thus offer employment to all kinds of artisans, etc., who might come to us. 126. This would be only maintaining pub- lic workshops at the expense of the tax- payers, and would be open to all the objec- tions which are conclusive against public work- shops. The expense would be prodigious, and the return little or nothing. This argument shows less sense of comparative cost and gain than any other which is ever proposed. (K.) That we want to be complete in ourselves and sufficient to ourselves, and independent, as a nation, which state of things will be produced by protection. 127. I will only refer to what I have already said about China and Japan ( 69) as types of what this plan produces. If a number of families from among us should be shipwrecked on an island, their greatest woe would be that they could not trade with the rest of the world. They might live there " self-contained " and "independent," I SOL A TION AND INDEPENDENCE. 135 fulfilling the ideal of happiness which this propo sition offers, but they would look about them to see a surfeit of things, which, as they know, their friends at home would like to have, and they would think of all the old comforts which they used to have, and which they could not produce on their island. They might be contented to live on there and make it their home, if they could exchange the former things for the latter. If now a ship should chance that way and discover them and should open communication and trade be- tween them and their old home, a protectionist philosopher would say to them : " You are mak- ing a great mistake. You ought to make every thing for yourselves. The wise thing to do would be to isolate yourselves again by taxes as soon as possible. We sent some sages to the Japanese to induct them into the ways of civilization, who, as a matter of fact, did tell them that the first step in civilization was to adopt a protective tar- iff and shut up again by taxes the very ports which they had just opened, 136 PROTECTIONISM (L.) That protective taxes are necessary to pre- vent a foreign monopoly from getting control of our market. 128. It is said that English manufacturers once combined to lower prices in order to kill out American manufactures, and that they then put up their prices to monopoly rates. If they did this, why did not their other customers send to the United States and buy the goods here in the first instance, and why did not the Americans go and buy the goods of the Englishmen's other customers in the second instance? If the English- men put down their prices for their whole market in the first instance, why did they not incur a great loss ? and, if they raised it for their whole market in the second instance, why did they not yield the entire market to their com- petitors ? The Englishmen are said to be won- derfully shrewd, and are here credited with the most stupid and incredible folly. 129. The protective system puts us certainly in the hands of a home monopoly for fear of the impossible chance that we may fall into the hands of a foreign monopoly. Before the war SAL VA TION FROM MONOPOL Y. 137 we made no first quality thread. We got it at four cents a spool (retail) of an English monopoly. Under the tariff we were saved from this by beir.r; put into the hands of a home monopoly which charged five cents a spool. In the meantime the foreign monopoly lowered thread to three cents a spool (retail) for the Canadians, who were at its mercy. Lest we should have to buy nickel of a foreign monopolist, Congress forced us to buy it of the owner of the only mine in the United States, and added thirty cents a pound to any price the foreigner might ask. (M.) That free trade is good in theory but im- possible in practice ; that it ^vould be a good thing if all nations would have it. 130. That a thing can be true in theory and false in practice is the most utter absurdity that human language can express. For, if a thing is true in practice (protectionism, for in- stance) the theory of its truth can be found, and that theory will be true. But it was admitted that free trade is true in theory. Hence two things which are contradictory would both be true at the same time about the same thing. The 138 PROTECTIONISM. fact is, that protectionism is totally impracticable. It does network as it is expected to work ; it does not produce any of the results which were promised from it ; it is never properly and finally established to the satisfaction of its own votaries. They can not let it alone. They always want to " correct inequalities," or revise it one way or an- other. It was they who got up the Tariff Com- mission of 1882. Their system is not capable of construction so as to furnish a normal and regular status for industry. One of them said that the tariff would be all right if it could only be made stable; another said that it ought to be revised every two years. One said that it ought to in- clude every thing ; another said that it would be good " if it was only laid on the right things." 131. If all nations had free trade, no one of them would have any special gain from it, just as, if all men were honest, honesty would have no commercial value. Some say that a man can not afford to be honest unless every body is honest. The truth is that, if there was one honest man among a lot of cheats, his character and reputa- tion would reach their maximum value. So the nation which has free trade when the others do FREE TRADE LIKE HONESTY. 139 not have it, gains the most by comparison with them. It gains while they impoverish themselves. If all had free trade all would be better off, but then no one would profit from it more than others. If this were not true, if the man who first sees the truth and first acts wisely did not get a special premium for it, the whole moral order of the uni- verse would have to be altered, for no reform or improvement could be tried until unanimous con- sent was obtained. If a man or a nation does right, the rewards of doing right are obtained. They are not as great as could be obtained if all did right, but they are greater than those enjoy who still do wrong. X (N.) That trade is WAR, so that free trade methods are unfit for it, and that protective taxes are suited to it. 132. It is evidently meant by this that trade involves a struggle or contest of com- petition. It might, however, as well be said that practicing law is war, because it is contentious; or that practicing medicine is war, because doctors are jealous rivals of each other. The protection- ists do, however, always seem to think of trade 140 PROTECTIONISM. as commercial war. One of them was reported to have said in a speech in the late campaign, that nations would riot fight any more w r ith guns but with taxes. The nations are to boycott each othen One would think that the experience our southerners made of that notion in the civil war, upori which they entered in the faith that " cotton is king," would have sufficed to banish forever that antique piece of imbecility, a commercial war. If trade is war, all the tariff can do about it is to make A fight B's battles, although A has his own battles to fight besides. (O.) That protection brings into employment labor and capital which ivould otherwise be idle. 133. If there is any labor or capital which is idle that fact is a symptom of industrial disease; especially is this true in the United States. If a laborer is idle he is in danger of starving to death. If capital is idle it is producing nothing to its owner, who depends on it, and is suffering loss. There- fore, if labor or capital is idle, some antecedent error or folly must have produced a stoppage in the industrial organization. The cure is, not to lay some more taxes, but to find the error and cor- GREA TER ECOMOM Y. 141 feet it. If then things are in their normal and healthy condition, the labor and capital of the country are employed as far as possible under the existing organization. We are constantly trying to improve our exchange and credit systems so as to keep all our capital all the time employed. Such improvements are important and valuable, but to make them costs more thought and skill" ful labor than to invent machines. Hence Con- gress can not do' that work by discharging a volley of taxes at selected articles, and leaving those taxes to find out the proper points to affect, and to exert the proper influence. It takes intelligent and hard working men to do it. The faith t!:: t any thing else can do it is superstition. (P.) That a young nation needs protection a nd i. 7, ' suffer some disadvantage in free exdiaugc with en old one. 134. The younger a nation is the rhcro important trade is to it (cf. 127, fg). The younger a nation is the more it wins by trade, for it offers food and raw materials which are objects of greatest necessity to old nations. The things England buys of us are far more essential to her 14* PROTECTIONISM. than what she buys of France or Germany. The strong party in an exchange is not the rich party, or the old party, but the one who is favored by supply and demand, the one who brings to the exchange the thing which is more rare and more eagerly wanted.* If a poor woman went into Stewart's store to buy a yard of calico, she did not have to pay more because Stewart was rich. She paid less because he used his capital to serve her better and at less price than any body else could. England takes 60 per cent, of all our exports. We sell, 1st, wheat and provisions, prime articles of food ; 2d, cotton, the most important raw material now used by mankind ; 3d, tobacco, the most universal luxury and the one for which there is the intensest demand ; 4th, petroleum, the light- ing material in most universal use. These are things which are rare and of high demand. We are, therefore, strong in the market. Protection only robs us of part of our advantage ( 1 16). (Q.) That we need protection to get ready for war. 135. We have no army, or navy, or fortifications * See a fallacy under this point : Cunningham, Growth of English Industry, 410 note. GET AS RICH AS WE CAN. 143 worth mentioning. We are wasting more by pro- i tective taxes in a year than would be necessary to build a first-class navy and fortify our whole sea- coast. It is said that, in some way, the taxes get us ready for war, and yet in fact we are not ready for war. It is plain that this argument is only a pretense put forward to try to cover the real motives of protection. If we prefer to go without army, navy, and fortifications, as we now do, then the best way to get ready for war, consistently with that policy, is to get as rich as we can. Then we can count on buying any thing in the world which any body else has got, which we need. Protection, then, which lessens our wealth, is only diminishing our power for war. (R.) That protectionism produces some great moral advantages. 136. It is a very suspicious thing when a man who sets out to discuss an economic question shifts over on the "moral " ground. Not because economics and morals have nothing to do with each other. On the contrary, they meet at a common boundary-line, and, when both are sound, straight and consistent lines run from one 144 PROTECTIONISM. into the other. Capital is the first requisite of all human effort for goods of any kind, and the in- crease of capital is therefore the expansion of chances that intellectual, moral, and spiritual good may be won. The moral question is : How will the chances be used? If then the economic analysis shows that protective taxes lessen capital,' it follows that those taxes lessen the regular chances for all higher good. 137. It is argued that hardship disciplines a man and is good for him ; hence, that the free- traders, who want people to do what is easiest, would corrupt them, and that protectionists, by " making work/' bring in salutary discipline for the people. This is the effect upon those who pay the taxes. The counter operation on the beneficiaries of the system I have never seen de- veloped. Bastiat said that the model at which the protectionist was aiming, was Sisyphus, who was condemned in Hades to roll a stone to the top of a hill, from which, as soon as he got it there, it rolled down again to the bottom. Then he rolled it up again, and so on to all eternity. Here then was infinity of effort, zero of result ; the ultimate type to which the protectionist system would MORAL GAINS. 145 come. Somebody pitied Sisyphus, to whom he replied : " Thou fool ! I enjoy everlastiiig hope ! " If Sisyphus could extract moral consolation from his case, I am not prepared to deny but that a New England farmer, ground between the upper mill-stone of free competition, in his production, with the Mississippi Valley, and the nether mill- stone of protective taxes on all his consumption, may derive some moral consolation from his case. There are a great many people who are ap- parently ready to inflict salutary chastisement on the American citizen for his welfare and their own advantage. 138. The protectionist doctrine is that if my earnings are taken from me and given to my neigh- bor, and he spends them on himself ", there will be important moral gains to the community which will be lost if I keep my own earnings, and spend them on myself. The facts of experience are all to the contrary. When a man keeps his own earnings he is frugal, temperate, prudent, and honest. When he gets and lives on another man's earnings, he is extravagant, wasteful, luxurious, idle, and covetous. The effects on the community in either correspond. 146 PROTECTIONISM. 139. The truth is that protectionism demoralizes and miseducates a people ( 89, 153, 155). It deprives them of individual self-reliance and energy, and teaches them to seek crafty and un- just advantages. It breaks down the skill of great merchants and captains of industry, and develops the skill of lobbyists. It gives faith in monopoly, combinations, jobbery, and restriction, instead of giving faith in energy, free enterprise, public purity and freedom. Illustrations of this occur all the time. Objection has been made to the introduction of machines to stop the smoke nuisance because they would interfere in the com- petition of anthracite and bituminous coal. People have resisted the execution of ordinances against gambling-houses because said houses " make trade " for their neighbors. The theater men recently made an attempt to get regulations adopted against skating rinks, purely on moral grounds. The industries of the country all run to the form of combinations.* Our wisdom is de- veloped, not in the great art of production, but in * See an interesting collection of illustrations in an article on *' Lords of Industry " in the North American Review for June, 1884. The futile criticisms at the end of the article do not affect the value of the facts collected. HISTORICAL ECONOMICS. 147 the tactics of managing a combination, and while we sustain all the causes and all the great prin- ciples of this system of business we denounce " monopoly " and " corporations." (S.) That a " worker may gain more by having his industry protected than he will lose by having to pay dearly for what he consumes. A system which raises prices all round like that in the United States at present is oppressive to consumers, but is most disadvantageous to those who consume without producing any thing, and does little, if any, injury to those who produce more than they consume" 140. This is an English contribution to the subject dropped in passing by a writer on economic history.* It is a note-worthy fact that .the " historical economists " and others who deride political economy as a science do not desist from it, but at once set to work to make very bad political economy of the " abstract " or " deductive " sort. The pas- sage quoted involves three or four fallacies already * Cunningham, Growth of English Industry and Commerce, 316, note 2. (See also g 114, 134.) 148 PROTECTIONISM. noticed, and an assumption of the truth of pro- tectionism as a philosophy. As we have abund- antly established, " workers" gain nothing by pro- tection in their production ( 48.) Also, " a sys- tem which raises prices all around " must either lessen the demand and requirement for money, i. e. y restrict business and the supply of goods ( 112), or it must increase the amount of money. In the former case it could not but injure " workers;" in the latter case we should find ourselves dealing with a greenback fallacy. But passing by that, who are they who con- sume more than they produce ? I can think only of i) princes, pensioners, sinecurists, pro- tected persons, and paupers, who draw support from taxes, and 2) swindlers, confidence men and others who live by their wits on the produce of others. Those under i), if they receive fixed money grants or subsidies, find an advance in price most disadvantageous. So the protected, of course, as consumers of others* products, when they spend what they have received by protection, suffer. Who are they who produce more than they consume ? I can think only of i) tax-payers, 2) victims of fraud and of those economic CONSUMERS AND PRODUCERS. 149 errors which give one man's earnings to another's use. Rise in price is just as advantageous to this class as it was disadvantageous to the other, on the same hypothesis, viz., if they pay fixed money taxes to the parasites, and can sell their products for more money. Evidently the writer did not understand correctly what his two classes con- sisted of, and he put the protected " workers " in the wrong one. If in industry a person should produce more than he consumes, he could give it away, or it would decay on his hands. If he should consume more than he produced, he would run in debt and become bankrupt* Protection has nothing to do with that. That "a duty may at once protect the native manufacturer adequately, and recoup the country for the expense of protecting him'' 141. This is Professor Sidgwick's doctrine.f It has given great comfort to our protectionists because it is put forward by an Englishman and a Cambridge professor. It is offered under the "art" of political economy. It is a new thing; * Mill's Political Economy, bk. I, ch. 5, 5. Cairnes, Leading Principles, chap. I, 5. | Political Economy, 491-2. 150 PROTECTIONISM. an h priori art. The "may" in it deprives it of the character of a doctrine or dogma such as our less cultivated protectionists give us : " Pro- tective taxes come out of the foreigner," but it is not a maxim of art. It has the air of a very astute contrivance (see 3), and is there- fore very captivating to many people, and it is very difficult to dissect and to expose in a simple and popular way. It has therefore given great trouble and done great mischief. It is, how- ever, a complete error. It is not possible in any way or in any degree to use duties so as to make the foreigner pay for protection. 142. Professor Sidgwick states the hypothetical case which he sets up to prove by illustration that there "may" be such a case, as follows: "Sup- pose that a five per cent, duty is imposed on foreign silks, and that, in consequence, after a cer- tain interval, half the silks consumed are the pro- duct of native industry, and that the price of the whole has risen 2^ per cent. It is obvious that, under these circumstances, the other half which comes from abroad yields the State five per cent., while the tax levied from the consumers on the whole, is only 2^ per cent. ; so that the nation, MAKING FOREIGNERS PAY. 151 in the aggregate, is at this time losing nothing by protection, except the cost of collecting the tax, while a loss equivalent to the whole tax falls on the foreign producer/' 143. It is necessary, in the first place, to com- plete the hypothesis which is included in this case. Let us assume that the consumption of silk, when all was imported, was 100 yards and that the price was $1.00 per yard. Then the following points are taken for granted although not stated in the case as it is put : i) That the state needs $5 revenue ; 2) that it has determined to get this out of the consumers of silk ; 3) that the advance in price does not diminish the con- sumption ; 4) that the tax forces a reduction of price for the silk in the whole outside market ; 5) that the "silk" in question is the same thing after the tax is laid as before. Of these assump- tions, 3, 4, and 5 are totally inadmissible, but, if they be admitted in the first instance, and if the doctrine of the case which is put be deduced, it is this : If the part imported multiplied by the tax is equal to the total consumption multiplied by the advance in price, the consumers can pay the latter in protection, for it is equal to the 152 PROTECTIONISM. former, and the former, which is paid to the government by the foreigner, is what the con- sumers of silk must otherwise have paid. 144. Obviously this deduction is arithmetically incorrect, even on the hypothesis. In the first place, the government has not obtained $5 revenue which it needed, but $2.50 (5 cts. on 50 yards). In the second place, the foreigner sells at $1.02^ (net 97^) the silk which he used to sell for $1.00. He therefore gets back from the consumers 2^/2, cts. per yard on 50 yards, or $1.25 out of the $2.50 which he has paid to the government. Also, the domestic silk to compete must be equal to the dollar imported silk which now sells for $1.02^. Hence, the consumers really pay in protection only 2^/2, cts. on 50 yards, i.e. $1.25. This case then is, that the foreigner pays $1.25 revenue, and the consumers pay $1.25 revenue and $i. 25 protection. Hence the result is not at all what is asserted, and there is no such opera- tion of the contrivance as was expected. But the government needs $2.50 more revenue, the operation of its tax having been interfered with . by protection. As there is no equivalence or compensation in the case as it already stands, it REAL EFFECT ON PRODUCTION. 153 is evident that the effect of any further tax, instead of bringing about equivalence or compen- sation, will be to depart from such a result still further. 145. It is, however, impossible to admit assump. tions 3, 4, and 5 above, or to deal with any economic problem by any arithmetical process. The result above reached is totally incorrect and only serves to clear the ground for a correct analysis. The producer may have to bear part of a tax, if he is under the tax jurisdiction, or if he has a monopoly. If he has no monopoly, and is not under the tax jurisdiction, and works for the world's market, he can not lower his price in order to assume part of the tax. What he does is that he differentiates his com- , modity. This is the fact in the art of produc- tion which is established by abundant experi- ence. It is the explanation of the constant complaint, under the protective system, of " fraud 7 ' and of the constant demand for sub-classification . in the tariff schedules. The protected product y never is, at least at first, as good in quality as the ' imported article which it aims to supersede. Herice the foreigner, if he desires to retain the 154 PROTECTIONISM. protected market, can prepare a special quality for that market. The " silk " after the tax is laid is not the same silk as before. It nets to the foreign producer 97^ cents, and pays him busi- ness profits at that price. Therefore when he sells it at $I.O2J4 he gets back the whole tax from the consumers. The domestic silk sold at $i.O2 T /4 is no better than might have been obtained for 97^ cents. Hence the consumers are paying a tax for protection which is full and equal to the revenue rate. The fact that the price has fallen to $1.02^, and is not $1.05, evidently proves that instead of disproving it, as many believe. 146. Thus this case falls to pieces. It gains a momentary plausibility from the erroneous as- sumptions which are implicit in it. The foreign producer may suffer a narrowing of his market and a reduction of his aggregate profits, but there is no way to make him tributary (unless he has a monopoly) either to the treasury or the protected interests of the taxing country.* If it was true in general, or in any limited number of cases, that * I published a criticism of this case in the London Economist, Dec. i, 1883. TRIE UTE PAID B Y ENGLAND. 1 5 5 a country which lays protective taxes can make foreigners pay those taxes, then England, which has had no protective taxes since (say) 1850, and has been surrounded by countries which have had more or less protective taxes, must have been paying tribute to them all this time and must have been steadily impoverished accordingly. CHAPTER V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. 147. I have now examined protectionism im- partially on its own grounds, assuming them to be true, and adversely from ground taken against it, and have reviewed a series of the commonest arguments put forward in its favor. If now we return, with all the light we have obtained, to test the assumptions which we found in protec- tionism, that the people would not organize their industry wisely under liberty, and that protective taxes are the correct device for bringing about a better organization, we find that those two as- sumptions are totally false and have no semblance of claim upon our confidence. At every step the dogmas of protectionism, its claims, its apparatus, have proved fallacious, absurd, and impracticable. We can now group together some general criti- cisms of protectionism which our investigation suggests. WASTE MAKES WEALTH. 157 148. We have taken the protectionist's own defi- nition of a protective duty, and have found that such a duty, instead of increasing national wealth, must, at every step, and by every incident of its operation, waste labor and capital, lower the efficiency of the national industry, weaken the country in trade, and consequently lower the standard of comfort of the whole population. We have found that protected industries, accord- ing to the statement of the protectionists, do not produce, but consume. If then these industries are the ones which make us rich, consumption is production and destruction produces. The object of a protective duty is "to effect the diversion of a part of the capital and labor of the people out of the channels in which it would run otherwise, into channels favored or created by law" (13). We have seen that the channels into which the labor and capital of the people are to be diverted are offered by the industries which do not pay. Hence protectionism is found to mean that national prosperity is to be produced by forcing labor and capital into employments where the capital can not be reproduced with the same increase which could be won by it elsewhere. If that is so, then 158 PROTECTIONISM. capital in those employments will be wasted, and the final outcome of our investigation, which must be made the primary maxim of the art of national prosperity under protectionism, is that Waste makes Wealth. ^ Such is its outcome when regarded as an economic philosophy. 149. As regards the social and jural relations which are established between citizen and citi- zen, protectionism is proved by a half-dozen independent analyses of it to be simply a device for forcing us to levy tribute on each other. If the law brings a cent to A it must have taken it from B, or else it must have produced it out of nothing, that is, it must be magic. Every soul pays protective taxes. If then any body gets any thing from them, he needs to remember what they cost him, and he should insist on casting up both sides of the account. If any body gets nothing from them, then he pays the taxes and gets no equivalent. 150. During the anti-corn-law campaign in En- gland, a writer in the Westminster Review illus- trated protectionism by the story of the monkeys in a cage, each of whom received for his dinner a piece of bread. Each monkey dropped his own MUTUAL GRABBING. 159 piece of bread and grabbed his neighbor's. The consequence was that soon the floor of the cage was strewn with fragments, and each monkey had to make the best dinner he could from these. It is a good and fair illustration. I saw a story re- cently in a protectionist newspaper about the peasants in the Soudan. Each owns pigeons, and at evening, when the pigeons come home, each tries to entice as many of his neighbor's pigeons as he can into his own pigeon-house. " All of them do the same thing, and therefore each gets caught in his turn. They know this perfectly well, but no Egyptian fellah could resist the temptation of cheating his neighbor/' They ought to tax each other's pigeons all around. Then they would put themselves at once on the level of free and enlightened Americans. The protection- ist assures me that it is for the good of the com- munity and for my good that he should tax me. I reply that, in his language, " these are fine theo- ries," but that whether it is good for the com- munity or not, and whether it is good for me or not, that he should tax me, I can see that it is for his good that he should tax me. Then he says : " Now you are abusive." 160 PROTECTIONISM. 151. If Protectionism is any thing else than mu- tual tribute, then it is magic. The whole philoso- phy of it comes down to questions like this : How much can I afford to pay a man for hiring me ? How much can I afford to pay a man for trading with me ? How much can I afford to pay a man to cease to compete with me in my production ? How much can I afford to pay a man to go and compete with those who supply me my consump- tion ? It is only an expensive way to get ivhat we could get for nothing if it was worth having ( 89). It is admitted that one man can not lift himself by his boot-straps. Suppose that a thousand men stand in a ring and each takes hold of the other's boot-straps reciprocally and they all lift, can the whole group lift itself as a group ? That is what protection comes to just as soon as we have drawn out into light the other side, the cost side of it. Whatever we win on one side, we must pay for by at least equal cost on another. The losses will all be distributed as net pure injury to the community. The harm of protection lies here. It is not meas- ured by the- tax. It is measured by the total crippling of the national industry. We might as well say that it would be a good thing to put snags in the rivers, WAR AND PROTECTION. 161 to fell trees across the roads, to dull all our tools, as to say that unnecessary taxation could work a blessing. Men have argued that to destroy ma- chines was to do a beneficial thing, and I have recently read an article in a Boston paper, quoting a Massachusetts man who thinks that what we need is another war in the United States. Such men may believe that protective taxes work a blessing, but to those who will see the truth, it is plain that, when the whole effect of the protective system is distributed, it benefits nobody. It is a dead weight and loss upon every body, and those who think that they win by it would be far better off in a community where no such system existed, but where each man earned what he could and kept what he earned. 152. There is a school of political science in this country in whose deed of foundation it is provided that the professors shall teach how "by suitable tariff legislation, a nation may keep its productive industry alive, cheapen the cost of commodities, and oblige foreigners to sell to it at low prices, while contributing largely toward de- fraying the expenses of the government."* Is not * Quoted by Taussig : History of the Existing Tariff, 73. 162 PROTECTIONISM. that a fine thing? Those professors ought to likewise provide us a panacea, the philosopher's stone, a formula for squaring the circle, and all the other desiderata of universal happiness. It would be only a trifle for them. The only fear is that they may write the secret which they are to teach in books, and that other nations to whom we are " foreigners," may learn it. Then while Englishmen, Frenchmen, and Germans work for us at low prices and pay our taxes, we shall be forced to work for them at low prices and pay their taxes, and the old somber misery will settle down upon the world again the same as ever. 153. Some years ago we were told that protec- tion was necessary because we had a big debt to pay. Well, we have paid the debt until we have reduced it from $78.25 per head to $28.41 per head. We, the people, have also raised our credit until the annual debt charge has been reduced from $4.29 per head to 95 cents per head. Now it is necessary to keep up the debt in order to keep up the taxes, and protectionism is now most efficient in forcing wasteful and corrupting expenditures to get rid of revenue, lest a surplus should furnish an argument for reducing taxation. THE BLAME FOR HARD TIMES. 163 This is right on the doctrine that waste makes wealth. 154. They tell us that protection has produced prosperity, and when we ask them to account for hard times in spite of the tariff, they say that hard times are caused by the free traders who will not keep still. Therefore the prosperity produced by protection is so precarious that it can be over- thrown by only talking about free trade. They denounce laissez faire, or "let alone," but the only question is when to let alone, when to keep still. They do not let the tariff alone if they want to revise it to suit them, or want to make it "equitable." When they get it " equitable " they will let it alone, but that insures agitation, and makes sure that they will cause it, for an indefinite time to come. On the other hand the victims of the tariff will not keep still. Their time to " let alone " is when it is repealed. If the tariff did not hurt somebody somewhere it would not do any good to any body any where, and the victims will resist.* Mr. Lincoln used to tell a * Illustrations of this are presented without number. Here is the most recent one : " The [silk] masters [of Lyons, France], look to the government for relief by a reduction of the duty on cotton yarn, or the right to import all numbers duty free for ex- 1 64 PROTECTIONISM. story about hearing a noise in the next room. He looked in and found Bob and Tad scuf- fling. "What is the matter, boys?" said he. "It is Tad," replied Bob, "who is try- ing to get my knife." " Oh, let him have it, Bob," said Mr. Lincoln, "just to keep him quiet." " No ! " said Bob, " it is my knife and I need it to keep me quiet." Mr. Lincoln used the story to prove that there is no foundation for peace save truth and justice. Now, in this case, the man whose earnings are being taken from him needs them to keep him quiet. Our fathers fought for free soil, and if we are worthy to be their sons we shall fight for free trade, which is the necessary complement of free soil. If a man goes to Kansas to-day and raises corn on " free soil," how does he get the good of it, unless he can exchange that corn for any product of the earth that he chooses on the best terms that the arts and commerce of to-day can give him ? port after manufacture. With the present tariffs, they maintained, which is no doubt true, that they cannot compete with the Swiss and German makers. But the Rouen cotton spinners oppose the demand of the Lyons silk manufacturers, and protest that they will be ruined if the latter are allowed to procure their material from abroad. The Lyons weavers assert that they are being ruined because they cannot." (Economist, 1885, p. 815.) The cotton men won in the Chamber of Deputies, July 23, 1885. LIBERTY AND TAXATION. 165 155. The history of civil liberty is made up of campaigns against abuses of taxation. Pro- tectionism is the great modern abuse of taxation ; the abuse of taxation which is adapted to a republican form of government. Protectionism is now corrupting our political institutions jitst as slavery used to do, viz., it allies itself with every other abuse which comes up. Most recently it has allied itself with the silver coinage, and it is now responsible, in a great measure, for that calamity. The silver coinage law would have been repealed three years ago, if the silver mining interest had not served notice on the protection- ists that that was their share of protection, and the price of their cooperation. The silver coinage is the chief cause of the " hard times " of the last two or three years. In a well ordered state it is the function of government to repress every selfish interest which arises and endeavors x to encroach upon the rights of others. The state thus main- tains justice. (Under protectionism the govern- ment gives a license to certain interests to go out and encroach on others. It is an iniquity as to the victims of it, a delusion as to its supposed bene- 1 66 PROTECTIONISM. ficiaries, and a waste of the public wealth. There is only one reasonable question now to be raised about it, and that is, How can we most easily get rid of it ? THE ENDo INDEX. The numbers refer to the paragraphs. Abolition, 8 Act, the tariff, of 1883, 24 Africa, 92 Agitation, 154 Agriculture, 101 Alabama, 71 Alchemist, 3, n Alchemy, 9 Algeria, 78 Alphabet, 69 American, 18, 32 American, the Philadelphia, 12 Art of national prosperity, I, 5, 7, 148 , Art of political economy, 141 Art of production, 145 Arts, 56, 75, 120 Artisans, 75, 94, 1 21 Assumptions, 3, 9, 21, 31, 32, 147 Astrology, 9 Atlantic, 74 Atlantic States, 66 Army, 145 Australia, 71, 92, 116 Balance of trad, 2 Bastiat, 137 Bateman, 53 Belgium, 53 Berlin, 79 Biscuit, 8 1 Bismarck, 77 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 85 Book-keepers, 102 Boot-man, 48, 49 Boot-straps, 47, 151 Bounties, 2, 79, 80, 81, 84 Bradstreefs, 26, 79 Bread, 75 Brewing, 81 Bridgetown, 83 Broderick, G. C., 53 Burden, 29, 101 Bureau of Agriculture, 117 Cables, ocean, 75 Cairnes, J. E., 140 Calamities, 26, 46 California, 116 Cameron, Sen., 83 Cambridge, 141 Campaign, political, 26, 58, 132 , anti-corn-law, 150 against taxation, 155 Canada, 71, 129 Canal, 86, 88 Capital, 10, 12, 13, 21, 35, 38- 40, 43, 57, 9 1 . 97, 133, 148 Cattle, 37 Caoutchouc, 67 Census, 52, 57, 103 Century, eighteenth, I , nineteenth, 6 Character, national, 53 Charles II. , 33 Chastisement, 137 Chili, 89 China, 67, 69, 127 Church, 8, 39, 40 i68 INDEX. Circle, squaring the, 152 City-landlord, 75 Civil liberty, 155 Civilization, 69, 70, 127 Class, non-capitalist, 2 Clay, 37 Climate, 37, 53 Cloth, 42, 51 Cloth-man, 48, 49 Coal, 32, 33, 53, 71, 116, 123 Coal-owner, 33 Cobden, 91 Coercion, 38 Coin, 69 Colonies, 77 Combinaticns, 139 Comfort, see Standard of Commerce, 85, 89, 101 Commission, tariff, 24, 81, 130 , South American, 89 Committee, Congressional, 15, 103 , of Conference, 24 Compass, 69 Competition, 100, 107, 121, 132, 137 Confectionery, 8 1 Congo, 86 Congress, 15, 21, 23-26,33,47, 58, 83, 89, 129, 133 Connecticut, 38, 94, 118 Consuls, 104 Consumer, 14, 32, 33, in, 140, 145 Consuming industries, 41 Consumption of sugar, 79 Contrivance, 3. 141 Convention, wool-growers', 32 , Home Industry, 74 Copper, 33, 45, 123 Corn-laws, lot Cosmopolitanism, 86 Cotton, 37, 51, 71, 116, 134 , yarn, 154 Cottons, 32 Credit, 153 Cuba, 67, 83 Cunningham, 114, 134, 140 Custom-houses, 12 Debate, 89 Debt, 153 Decisions, tariff, 27 Definition, 14, 148 of an industry, 36 of a protective tax, 12, 13 of free trade, 8, 12 of protectionism, of theory, 7 Demand, 91 Democracy, 92 Demoralization, 139 Device, I, 2, 6, 7, 14, 19, 2O, 83, 96, 106 Diplomacy, 86, 87, 88, 89 Discipline, 137 Disease, industrial, 133 Distilling, 81 Distress, 21 Diversification, 116, 125 Dividend, 119, 123 Dogma, I, 5, n, 26 Dollars, 38, 60 Drawback, 79, 83 Duties, import, 12, 24 Economist, 80, 81, 84, 146, 154 Economists, historical, 140 Education, 93 Emancipation, 8 Emery, 33, 45 Emigration, 2, 6, 65, 77 Employer, 48, 49, 50, 65, 95, 98, 104 Employment, 35 Energy, conservation of, 1 6 Engineers, 105 England, 12, 53.67, 71. 74. 79. 83. 8$, 99, 101, 105, 134, 196 INDEX. 169 Europe, 96, 105 Excise, 12, 79 Expenditure, 30, 153 Experiment, 26 Exports, 122, 134 , bounties on, 2 , taxes on, 6 Factory, 39, 41 Earm, Farming, 44, 53, 95 Favors, special, by treaty, 89 Fire, 52, 73 Fire-engine, 73 Foreigners, 14, 15, 83, 141, 144, 146, 152 Fortifications, 145 France, 53, 67, 75, 78, 134 Free soil, 8, 154 Free trade, 7, 8, 10, 12, 21, 52, 54, 114, 123, 130, 131, 154 Gambling-houses, 139 Germany, 53, 74, 77, 79, 80, 105, 134 Glacial epoch, 68 Gold, 116 Government, good, 29, 31 Grant, Gen'l, 33 Grasshoppers, 44 Greeley, Horace, 117 Gunpowder, 69 Hamilton, Alex., 109 Hancock, 26 Harbors, 53 Hard times, 26, 153, 155 Hat-man, 48, 49 Hides, 71 History, 5 Hod-carriers, 96 Honduras, 67 Honesty, value of, 131 Humanitarianism, 86 Hydrocephalus, loo. Ideals, I, 3, 58 Illinois, 71 Immigrants, Immigration, 60, 105, 121, 122 Imports, 2, 6, 14 Impracticability of protection, 130 Improvements, 90, 133 Industry, 14, 34-43, 79, 82, 123, 125 Independence, national, 127 India, 18 Infants, 109, in Insane-asylum, 39 Insurance, 107 Interest, rate of, 66 Inter-Ocean , 71, 95 Investigation, sugar, 81 Iowa, 95 Ireland, 18, 60 Irishman, 60 Iron, 32, 44, 46, 71, 103, 107, 123, 125 Iron Association, 95 -Ism, xo Jam, 81 fcpan, 69, 73, 127 Jefferson, 71 Journal des Economistesrf^ no Kansas, 154 Labor, Laborer, 10, 13, 21, 38, 51, 57 65, 71, 90, 9!-98 133 , pauper, 44, 47, 51, 75, 99, 148 Laissez-faire, 5, 154 Land, 53, 57, 91, 92-98, 117, 118 Latitude, 64 Law, 13, 94 Laws, criminal, 2 , navigation, 2 INDEX. Laws, poor, 2 Leather, 37 Legislation, II, 12, 24, 152 Legislator, n, 54, 75 Lehigh Valley, 33 Liberty, 5, 8 Library, 30 Lincoln, 154 London, 74 Longitude, 64 ' ' Lords of Industry," 139 Louisiana, 83 Lowell, 71 Lumber. 71 Lyons, 154 Machinery, 2, 6, 90, 104 Magic, 15, 149, 151 Mahogany, 67 Maine, 71 Manchester, 71 Manitoba, 71 Manufactures, IOI, 114, 115, 117, 118 Margin of cultivation, 120 Marine engines, 75 Market, the home, 18, 83, 86 1 the world's, 18, 116 ; , the foreign, 83 , the labor, 92 Massachusetts, 71 Bay, 94 Materials, raw, 2, 83 Mexico, 71 Mill, John Stuart, no, 140 Mineral waters, 8 1 Mining, 44 Minnesota. 71 Miseducation, 139 Missionaries, 89 Mississippi Valley, 66, 71, 137 Missouri, 71 Monopoly, 2, 74. m,"3. 121, 128, 129, 139, 145, J 46 Money, 112, 140 Monkeys, 150 Morals, 136 Mumbo Jumbo, 15 Nation, I , an inferior, 67 , a strong, 116, 134 Nationalism, 71 Navigation laws, 2 Navy, 2, 15, 86, 87, 88, 145 New Brunswick, 71 New England, 32, 114 New Orleans, 71 New York, 74, 96 New Zealand, 84 Newspapers, 7 Nickel, 33, 45, 129 Non-government, 4 North America, 71 North American Review, 139 Nova Scotia, 71 Nuisance, 42 Ohio, 32 Oil, 116 Ore, 37, 53 . Overproduction, III Panacea, 152, Paper-money, 2O Parasite, 39 Paris, 75 Parks, 30 Passport, 8, 122 Paterson, 7 1 Paupers, 140 Peasant-proprietor, 53 Pennsylvania, 32, 44 Pensioners, 140 Perpetual motion, 1 1 Physician, 21 Pigeons, 150 Plunder, 17 Policy, vigorous foreign, 86, 87 INDEX. 171 Political economy, 8, 10, II, 140 Poor-houses, 99 Population, 53, 54, 77, 92, 117, 118, 123 Pork, 77 Porter, R. P., 21 Post, N. Y. Evening, 78 Potatoes, 71 Prices, 2, in, 112, 140 Primitive men, 68 Princes, 140 Prison, 39 Producer, 14, 140, 145 Product, mode of alienating, 17 Production, 10, 95 , cost of, 83 Profit, 22, 107 Proletariat, 92 Prosperity, national, I, 6, 7, 9, 10, n, 15, 21, 24, 25, 31,32, 33, 52, 53, 54, 61, 102, 115, 148, 153 Purchasing power, 60 Railroad, 119 Razor, 67 Refiners and refining of sugar, 80, 81, 82 Reformation, the Protestant, 8 Rent, 120 Reporter, Barbados Agricul- tural, 83 Resource, natural, 44, 45, 46 Revenue, 12, 14, 153 Richmond, Duke of, 33 Robbery, 17 Sandwich Islands, 84 Santa Maria, 89 Savings, 30 School, II, 39, 40 of political science, 152 Seminary, theological, 89 Sheffield, 71 Ships, 75, 89 Ship-building, 2, 69, 86, 87, 88 Sidgwick, Prof., 141, 142 Silk, 37, 67, 142, 145, 154 Silver coinage, 155 Sinecurists, 140 Sisyphus, 137 Skating-rinks, 139 Slavery, 8, 55, 155 Smoke nuisance, 139 *' Snakes," n Socialism, 106 Social science, 20 Society, human, I, 3 Sociology, 5, 6 Soothsaying, 9 South America, 67, 71 Soudan, 150 Spain, 83 Specie, importation of, St. Gothard, 74 St. Louis, 32 Standard of comfort, 30, 52, 59, 60, 61, 101, 148 Standard of gain, 89 State, 3, 4, 5, 8, 106, 107, no State in the Union, 71 Statesmanship, 5, n, 76 Statesman, I, 5, 38, 44, 75, 85, 86 Statistics, 52, 102, 117 Steel, 103, 124 Stewart, A. T., 134 Stone, the philosopher's, 9, 15, 152 Struggle for existence, 106 Subsidies, 75 Suburbs, 75 Sugar, 67, 79-85 Superstition, 133 Surplus revenue, 153 System, colonial, 2, 78 , credit, 133 , protective, 27, 32, 48 172 INDEX. System, wages, 92 Swindlers, 140 Tariff, 15, 18, 48, 83, 96, 97, 105, 116, 122 Taussig, F. W., 24, 152 Tax, 14, 15, 17 Taxation, 29, 75, 151, 155 Tax-gatherer, 59 Taxes, I, n, 29, 31, 48, 75, 87, 98, 101, 133 , on exports, 2, 6 , on imports, 2, 6, 12 , protective, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13. T 4, 35. 47, 4 8 . 61, in, 112, 118, 120, 135, 137,146, 151 Tax-payers, 140 Tea, 67 Telephone, 37 Texas, 71 Theorist, 7 Theory, 7, 8, 9, 10, 130 Thread, 129 Times t N. Y., 32, 89 Tin, 45 Trade, 63-72, 125, 128, 134 Trades, the building, 96 Trade, carrying, 2, 86, 87, 88 Trains, 122 Transportation, 74, 75, 91 Treasury, 14, 27, 71 Treaty, commercial, 83-89 Trial and failure, 9, n Tribune, N. Y., 117 Tribute, 17, 32, 118, 146, 149, 151 Turkey, 18 Turn-pike, 74 Tyne, 33 Types, 69 United States, 8, 52, 67, 71, 75, 89, 101, 105, 114, 123, 129, 133, 151 Units, 71 Vegetables, 37 Victims of the tariff, 10, 155 of fraud, 140 Wages, 2, 26, 35, 47, 48, 49 65, 91-105, 122 Wages-class, 48, 49, 92, 93 War, 87, 89, 132, 151 , commercial, 132 Washington, city of, 22, 44, 47, 89 Waste, 31, 43, 46, 62, 148, 153, 155 Wealth (see Prosperity), 43 Weights and measures, 69 Westminster Review ', 150 Wheat, 44, 51, 7*. 75, 77, "6, 125, 134 Winthrop, 94 Wishes, good, 59 West Virginia, 45 Wool, 32, 37, 69, 71, 123 Wool growers, 32 Woolen-mill, 42 Woolen-operative, 51 Work, 35, 71, 125, 137 Working-man, 47 Work-shops, public, 107, 126 Wright, Carroll, 104 foung country, no, 134 WIU . BE ASSESSED BOOK ON THE DATE D FOURTH CENTS SEVENTH O.V OVERDUE. YB 06094 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY