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Cornell ^ni\)et6ttp JLibrarp
Rhaeto-Romanic Collfxtion
ITH>\CA, N.Y.' • '• •
C () N T E N T S.
Introductory Note iii
History, Philology, and Description 27
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f P For '' . '-?oom Only
TN the late summer of 1891 I was sent to the baths of Tarasp in the Lower
-*■ Engadine, where, aside from the small portion of the day devoted to the
waters, I soon found time hanging heavy on my hands. One morning I
walked to the neighboring village of Schulz, and while there chanced to see,
in a window of the principal shop, some books in the RomaiinscJi, or Rhaeto-
romanic language. They brought to my mind the little I had read in regard
to that decadent tongue, which, with variations of form, so long held its own
throughout the border region of German and Italian speech — in the higher
recesses of the valley of the Inn, and along the steeply-sloping shores of the
upper Rhine ; and which, extending in the shape of linguistic islets into remote
parts of the Tyrol, finally becomes known to us, on the confines of Austria
^ and Italy, as the Friulan. I at once bought and carried back to my hotel
X the score of small volumes — chiefly school-books — which were on sale at
the shop in Schulz, and wrote to Leipsic, the afternoon of the same day, for
^ a Rhaeto-romanic bibliography and dictionary, if such were to be had. By
return of post two or three books of reference, including Dr. Boehmer's
excellent Verzeichniss rdtoromajiischer Litteratur, were at my disposal. Mean-
while I had been joined by an American friend, — who, like myself, had
discarded the title of professor, but still felt a lively interest in philological
pursuits — and together we made daily excursions to the picturesque villages
overhanging the rapid waters of the Inn. On entering a hamlet we invariably
asked at the first door for old Romaunsch books. The purport of our visit
to the place became known in an incredibly brief space of time. Within a
quarter of an hour, women, gathering up their aprons laden with dusty vol-
umes, and boys bearing baskets equally overflowing, were running in search
of us from all quarters. We seated ourselves at a table in the first convenient
room ; each person's bundle of books was handed to me for examination ;
my companion checked off, in Dr. Boehmer's list, the titles not previously
acquired ; and I then offered, for the desired volumes of each lot, what I
deemed a proper sum, which was, often at once and ahnost always ultimately,
accepted. So the collection grew daily. The evenings were passed partly in
collating and cataloguing our purchases, and in forwarding them to London
to be bound, partly in correspondence with German and Italian dealers in old
books, — several of whom had in stock a shelf or two of Rhacto-romanic
works, — and especially with the booksellers of Innsbruck, Trent, Udinc, and
Gorizia, in which cities most of the Rhaeto-romanic literature emanating from
the Tyrol and from Friuli first sees the light. Of course we had a full measure
of the delight which the collector takes in the examination and re-examination
of his treasures — in supplying missing leaves or plates, in patching together
fragments of various imperfect copies, in completing and arranging files of
periodicals, in studying the distinguishing characteristics of editions, in hunt-
ing up unstated dates, in solving anonymous and pseudonymous problems,
and in endeavoring to make sense of the alphabetical vagaries and chiro-
graphic flourishes of scribes who wrote in a tongue which we, at least, only
half understood. It was a golden moment when we could record a title or
an edition not cited by the industrious Dr. Boehmer.
At the end of a fortnight we took up our quarters for ten days at St. Moritz,
and explored, in the same way, the villages of the Upper Engadine. Return-
ing thence to Chur we made a trip or two to the Upper-Rhenish region, where
we found a different religion prevailing, and were obliged to learn a new series
of bibliographical facts bearing upon Catholic tracts and service-books, legends
of saints and litanies of the Virgin. The book-shops of Chur yielded some
additions; those of Zurich proved to be of little avail. When I reached
Heidelberg I discovered a few packages from German antiquarians awaiting
me, and from that favored university town — a little more than five weeks after
ni}- first purchases for the collection here catalogued were made — I sent my
last acquisitions to the London binder.
W. F.
Villa Landor, Florence.
January, 1894.
Abbreviations. — G. =Grisons. O. = Oberland. E. = Engadine. U. E. = Upper Engadine, L. E. = Lower
Engadine. RL = Miinsterthal. Sm. = Surmeir. F. = Friulan. T. = Tyrol. B, = Bergell. Ga. = Gardena. N. = Noce.
Is. = Istria. Fa. rr Fassa. R. = Rendena. Ro. = Roveretano.
Titles with asterisk prefixed are not recorded in Bohmer's " Verzeichniss ratoromanischer Litteratur" and supplement
A few texts which bear also upon the history of Rhaetia are entered under both divisions of the catalogue.
ABC romanscha, composta per imprender ils
bustabs, il bustabgar, et il leer. [L. E.] Strada,
1844. 12°. pp. II. 993 c 41
Affittual (L') de lune ; lunari pel an 1878. [F.]
Udin, [1877.] 160. 997 E 98
In case with " Strolic furlan." By Fabio Simonutti.
Agit dils Christgieuns, roga per niis. Invid tier
iii'uniun d'oratiun per mantenimen e vivificatiun
della cardienscha sut protectiun de Maria Sanctis-
sima e de s. Glezi. [O.] Nossadunaun, 1843. 16°.
pp. 8. Eiigr. t.-p. 3.\\d p/ate. 997 a 45
*A1 pievel grischun ! [O.] n. t.-p. 1. 40. pp.
(3)- 991 G 85
Signed " Ina redononza d'amitgs della scola. Cuera, el
November 1882."
*Same. AI povel grischun ! [IT. E.] n. t.-p.
[Coira, 1882.] 1. 40. pp. (3). 991 085
Bd. with the preceding.
An address exhorting the people to vote in favor of the law,
authorizing the appointment of a Federal secretary of educa-
tion, which was submitted to popular vote, and rejected, on the
26th November, 1S82.
Alchunas chanzums spirituselas da chanter in
baselgia auntz et zieva ils psalms da David ; promo-
vidas alia stampa tres un amatur dal chaunt. [U. E.]
Coira, 1779. 16°. pp. 16. 993 F 22
Bd. with Wietzel's version of the Psalms, 3d ed., 1776.
*Alexander, Blasius. Una charta da Blasius
Alexander Blech, del an 1622; e quater plaids de
cummin. Publican da H. Caviezel. [G.] Cuera,
1890. 8«. pp. 19. 991 G 51
*Alexis, Saint. Vitta e mort digl glorius S. A-
lexij confessur e patrun della purschialladat. [L. E.]
n. t.-p. 320. pp. 16. 993 B 37
Bd. with P. Segneri's " II penitent bein mvssavs de confes-
sar," 1713.
Alianza de charezia cun Maria, agit dils fideivels,
muma della divina providientsha. II suttascret cau
tier autorisau spiritual pren si en 1' alianza de chare-
zia cun Maria. [Added in vis.] Ona Maria Euphe-
mia Alpagaus. 1 1, 7ber, 1S64. Job. Jos. Ilifenhoser
[O.] [Einsiedeln], 185-. 32". pp. 4. Eiigr. i.-p.
997 A 48
Contains the rules and privileges of tlie confraternity. Bd. in
vol. lettered " Devoziuns tier il cor de Jesus."
Alig, Balthasar, translator. Epistolas ad evan-
See Bible. —A^. T. — Selections.
Alphonso Maria [de Liguori], Saint. Visetas
al ss. sacrament et alia b. purschalla Maria ; versiun
romonscha de J. L. V. Fing. [O.] Muster, 1881.
32". pp. 208. frontisp. 997 b 51
Alton, Johann. Proverbi, tradizioni ed anned-
doti delle valli ladine orientali ; con versione ita-
liana. [T.] Innsbruck, 1881. 8". pp. 146.
997 D 52
Ami (II) del contadin, contenent I'agronomia pel
Romansch-Grischun. [L. E.] 2d fasc. Scuol, 1844.
i6«. pp. 33-64. 997 F 91
Amitg dil pievel. [O.] 28 Fevrer 1849-11 Nov.
1853. TV. Cuera, 1849-53. 77 "os. 40. 997 p
Each of the years above included is incomplete.
Amprima lectura par la giuventegna da scola
e'gl cantun Grischun ; dada or da la Societad tiers
promotiun da las scolas cuminas e'gl medem cantun.
[O.] Cuera, 1834. sm. 8°. pp. 288. 995 c 51
Andeer, Johann Jiist. Speculum christianum
qvai ais vn spejel in il qual ilg christian po vair
qual saja sais nom, stadi, & offici ; in trais parts
tschantat. [L. E.j Celin, 1681. 240. pp. (39) -f-
374- 993 A 87
Ilg spejel christiavn tschantat a cantar in
diversas melodias. [L- E.] [Celin.'], 1681. 240.
pp. 89. 993 A 87
The pagination from p. 70 on is made by a printer's error
79-89. Bd. with the preceding.
Andeer, Peter Justus. Ils reformaturs vel
restauraturs della religiun Christiana nel xvi. secul :
Luther et Zwingli. [L- E.] Scuol, 1845. 16". pp.
xi + 239. 993 D 69
The two biographies have their separate t.-pp., " Succinta
descripziun della vita," etc.
[ ], compiler. Cudesch da devoziun contenent
uraziuns e chanzuns : las priimas vertidas our dal
Tudaisch, las otras raccoltas our da scripturs ro-
mantschs. [L. E.] Coira, 1881. sm. 8°. pp. v -|-
(1)4-223. 993 c 92
Andeer, Simeon Justus. Chant da triumph
siin cumplida cumbatta et obtgniida victoria ; com-
ponii da S. J. Andeer et salva per sia predgia fune-
rala tras Peter Mohr, die 29 December 1836. [L. E.]
[Strada ? 1837.] 8°. pp. 24. 993 D 53
*Antiphonas et hymni d' enzacontas fiastas dil
uorden de S. Franceschg. [O.] n. t.-p. 16°. pp.
XV. 995 E 69
Bd. with G. G. Bossi's " Ufleci de Nossa Dunna e dils
morts," 1821.
Appello a Philippo dormiente. See [Dorta,
J. H.].
Aqvi zieva svn alchiins zvond bels ditts, prains
our da la S. Scrittiira. [U. E.]
Appended to the various editions of Habermann's " Ora-
tiuns, " wliich stir.
Arboit, Angelo, compiler. Villotte friulanc
raccolte e pubblicate. |F.] Tiacenza, 1S76. 8°.
pp. 3'!^- 997 K 31
Prefixed is an essay, " Del dialetto friulano e delle sue canzoni
Arndt, Johaiin. Orations siin la saira et la
daman per scudun di dell eivna; vcrtidas our dal
Tudaisch tras L. Sartca. [L. E.) Coira, 1S36.
320. pp. 39. 993 c 34
Same. Strada, 1S46. 16°. pp. 40. 993 c 35
[ 1 Uraziuns da daniauns a da seras sin tuts
gis dal'cama; vcrtidas or d' i^l Tudesc en la Ru-
inonsch da la part sura. [O.] Quera, 1837. 320.
pp. 3S. 997 A 23
Arpagaus, Gion. Fablas e novellas dedicadas
alia giuventegna romonscha. [0.| Cuera, 1878.
sm. 8u. pp. (i) + 105. 997 B 36
Arquint.Nott. Hurlescasd' Engiadina. |L. E.|
Pontroin.i, iSSo. 16°. pp. 28. 993 C 86
Artickels (Us) dad una provisiun, faigs dad un
ludeivel congress, raspaus ansembel a Tusaun a".
1767 elg Marz. MS. [E.] 4" ff. (10). MSS D 3
•Signed " Ilg Landrichter a Praeses da las ludeivlas Ligias da
la Grischa a d' ilg Gottliausbiind, las qualas ean quou pariiina-
meng raspadas ansembel."
Astronom (L') ; chalender d' Engiadina per 18S3.
[L. E] .Strada, [1882.] 160. 99508.
Aurelius, pader. Qiiorta historia dil perdun do
s. FranCLStg d' Assisi. [O.J Muster, 1871. 48".
pp. 48. 907 B 9
Aurora (L') d' Engiadina. [L. E.] 28 Marz, 1843
2 Jan. 1844. 'lU. Strada, 1843-44. 12 nos. 4'^.
997 Q
Incomplete. Edited by J. U. Konz. Discontinued in 1S44.
Bagnolo, Daniel de. Cuorta declaratiun, oder
parafrasi <.ligl ottici de nossa cara donna soingia
Maria, con ils salms & hymnis dellas viaspras dilg
offici grond sco era dellas completas & offici dils
morts. [O.] Bannaduz. 1751. 24". pp. 346.
995 D 80
Lacks pp. 337-338.
Defensiun della vera cattolica romana car-
dienscha ; pertgidas or enten dus cudischs, enten
r emprim vign tractau dellas contraversias funda-
mentalas, enten Tauter dellas contraversias particu-
laras. [O.] Hanaduz, 1746. 2 pts. in i v. 16".
995 D 69
L.icks 2 ff. after the t.-p.
Balletta, Giachen. Cudisch de oraziuns per la
cummina gliaut. [O.] Dilingen, 1796. 16". pp.
299. 995 E 27
Lacks pp. S5-64, 299.
Same. 2'' cd. Bregens, 1806. 16". pp.423.
Froittisp. 995 E 28
Barandun, Johannes. Fablas, siemis a Wil-
hchn Tell. [0.| Cuera, 1S60. 16". pp. 248.
997 A 78
La giuvantegna dilg Johannes Barandun,
M'-'' dais 1847 'l''a cuming d' Ortcnstcin. [0.|
Cuera, iS6(. 16". pp.296. Port. 997 a 91
Barblau, Dominic. Succint intraguidamaint
nella religiun cristiauna per il povel ladin evangelic
del chantun Grischun. (U. E.] Cuoira, 1855. 16°.
pp. vii -|- 142. 993 F 62
* Barblan, Florian, cofupiler. Vuschs della pa-
tria; collecziun da chanzuns ladinas a trais vuschs.
[E.] Frauenfeld, 1886. i6'», pp. iv + 156. 993 A 31
iih music.
[♦Barblan, G.] Cudesch da Icctura per la
quarta annada dellas scolas ladinas. [L. E.] Coira,
1888. 80. pp. iv + 154. 993 n 87
[Barlaam and josaphat.] Versione letterale e
annotata del testo soprasilvano ' Barlaam e Giosa-
fat ' di G. 1. A[scoli]. {In Archivio glottologico
italiano. Vol. vii., 3. 1883.) 995 F 53
For the original text, see Decurtins, C, editor, Quattro
test! soprasilvani.
Baselgia, Placi L. Devoziuns per affons pigns.
[O.] Altstatten, 1878. 32". pp. 96. Frontisp.
997 B 38
* Battaglia, Gion Fidel, Bp. of Coire. Circu-
lara digl ordinariat episcopal agl ault revcriu clerus
romonsch digl uestgiu dc Cuera. [O.] n. t.-p.
[Cuera, 1891.] f'\ pp. (3)- 991089
In case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
Battuti, Confraternita di. Statuten einer
Geisslcr-Bruderschaft in Tricnt aus dem xiv. Jahr-
liundert; mit geschichtlichen und si)rachlichen
Erlaeuterungen von C. Schneller. [T.] Innsbruck,
18S1. 8°. pp. 52. 997 1) 49
" Sonder-Abdruck ans der Zeitschri/t des Ferdhiatideiiin
flir Tirol uud Vorarlberg, 3^ Fo'ge, 25. Heft." Text and
German translation.
Baxter, Rr.'. Richard. La vusch da Deus, ca
clomma ils pucconts tiers la penitcntia ; ussa mess
giu en Rumonsch. [O.] [Cuera], 1669. 240. pp.
^0 + 292. 995 B 27
Translated by Hans Caflisch. pp. 23-24 are omitted in the
paging, but the text is continuous, pp. 291-292 are lacking.
La vusch da Dieu chi clama ils pecchia-
duors a poenitentia ; scrit in la lingua englesa,
huossa our d' il Franzees verti in noss Rumansch
tras J. H. Dorta. [L. E.] Scuol, 1700. 24". pp.
(271 + 528. 993 B 25
Bayly, Lewis, Bp. of Bangor. La prattica da
pielact, chi intragvida il Christiaun ; a'l priim des-
crilta in linguaig anglais, huossa transponida danbf
in Romacunsch traes Lurainz Wietzel. [U. E.]
Scuol, 1668. 2 pts. in I V. 16". 993 K 43
Pt 2 is a distinct work, not belonging to the original of Bayly.
Same. [2^ ed.], con 1' adjunta d'iina nova
praefatiun traes V. Nicolai. Scuol, 1771. 2 pts. in
I V. 16°. 993 E 44
Lacks one folio of the preface.
Praxis pietatis ; quei ei, La prattica ner
e.vercizi da la temma da Deus ; da nief mess giu en
Rumonsch tras Christian Gavdents. [O.] liasel,
1670. 160. i)p. (14) + 762 + (6). 2 copies.
995 B 29 ; 995 li 30
Bazar luigiadina ; publicaziun a favur del fondo
chantunel per ils demaints. [E.] Samedan, 1881.
40. pp. 8. 997 G 99
" Numer unic," edited by G. F. Caderas and E. Ganzoni.
Contains Rhaeto-ronianic, Italian, and German.
Bazar Engiadina; publicaziun a favur d'iin
osi)idcl in Engiadin' Ota. [U. E.] Samedan, 1883.
4"- pp. 8. 997 G 99
" Numer unic," edited by G. F. Caderas. Contains Rhaeto-
romanic and German. Hd. with the preceding.
Bella (Unna) chianzun davart la battaglia chia
las trais Lias haun Aitt cun quells del Impcradur gio
in Chiavalaina, a". 1499. [U. E.] {In Ulrich, J.,
editor. Chansons ladincs. 1SS5.) 991^73
Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo,
Card., A/ip. of Capita. Curta doctrina Christiana,
fatschia per schifameint da Papa Clement Vlii. ;
midada aint ilg lunguatg rumansch da eina parsuna
spirituala. Coira, ijSr. [Sm.] {Reprint. In
Ulrich, J., editor. Rhatoromanische Texte. I.
1883.) 997 B 63
Benedictines. Ventireivla steilla della mar chc
meina tier ina buna mort ; qiiei ci, ina sointgia com-
pagnia c confraternitat dilg s. Benedeig, schentada
si enten la claustra da Disentis dilg uorden de s.
Benedeig avat. [O.] Nossa Dunaun, 1825. 24°.
pp. 32 4- 12. 997 A 6
Appended, with separate t.-p. and paging, is "Ci\ort entrui-
dament dell' obligatiun e dils perduns che tutts confrars e con-
sorurs screts enten la s. compagnia dilg Carmel della claustra da
Muster u Dissentis pon guder u gudigniar."
Ventireivla steila della mar, che meinas tier
ina buna mort ; quei ei ina sontga compagnia e con-
fraternitad dil s. Benedetg, tschentada si enten la
claustra de Muster. [O.] Muster, 1876. 16". pp.
21+8. 997 B 30
Appendix as in the preceding.
Benedida (I-a) solennisaziun. See ItMtta.
* Berther, Tuniaisch G-., tmnslafor. La frequen-
tacommuniun; libramein translatau ord il Tudestg
en Ramonsch. [O.] Muster, 1885. 32°. pp. 28.
997 B 84
* [Bezzola, A.] 15 chanzuns ladinas per coros
viriles, ]3ublichadas cun autorisaziun dels edituors.
[E.] Chur, n. d. 8°. pp. (2) + 30. 993 D 16
Songs, with music, lithographed.
B[ianchi], A[ndred]. II 1883 strene popolar
in poesie furlane. [F.] Udin, 1882. 32°. pp. 64.
997 E 91
Bible. La sacra Bibla ; vertida in lingua ruman-
scha d' Ingadinna Bassa, traes J. A . Vulpio et J. Dorta
a Vulpera. [L. E.] Scuol, 167S-79. fo. pp. (12) +
753 + 2S6 + (2) + 332 + 140. E)ii;r. t.-pp. and orn.
995 G 3
First edition of the Bible in the Lower Engadine dialect, and
the first book printed at Scuol. — Brunei. Suppl. I. 129.
Same IL ed. da N. da Porta. Scuol, 1743-
[45.] fo. pp. (16) + 716 + 271 + (2) +342 + 131 +
(16). Eiigr. t.pp. and orn. 995 G 5
La Sancta Biblia ; tradiit in lingua ladina
d' Engiadina Bassa. [L. E.] Colonia, 1870, '67.
2 V. in I. 8°. 993 D 77
La s. Bibla, quei ei, tut la soinchia scartira,
cun ils cudischs apocryphs ; messa giu ent ilg lan-
guaig rumonsch da la Ligia Grischa. [O.] Coira,
I7i7-[i9.] £0. pp. (10) + 554+364+ (4) + 230 +
(I). Orn. 995 G 7
First edition of the Bible in the Oberland dialect. This vol.
contains the dedication to George I. of England, wliich is not
found in all copies.
La Bibla, u la sontga scartira dil Veder a
Niev Testament ; vertida en Romonsch da la Ligia
Grischa. [O.] Francfort al Main, 1870. 8". pp.
551 + 76 + 277 + 308. 995 F 18
The "Niev Testament," with separate t.-p. and imprint 1S69,
is the translation of Lucius Gabriel
— Selections. lis principals spruchs da la
Bibla, tiers diever et niz dils uffonts, da la juven-
tegnia ; raspai ansemel da Mattli Conrad. [O.]
Coira, 1804. 16". pp. 68. 995 e 37
Same. Another copy, with t.-p. mat.
995 F- 3S
Cudisch da pardichias, ner iina collecziun
d' ils principals spruchs da la Bibla par cunfennar
las wardads da nossa religiun christiauna, [by Flo-
rian Walther]. [O.] Cuera, 1821. 16°. pp. 64.
995 E 67
— O. T. Bibla, o vero la soinchia scritiira
del Velg Testamaint ; tras directiun della Societa
Biblica in Coira promoviida alia stampa. [3^ ed.]
[L. E.] Coira, 181 5. 8°. pp. vii + (i) + 2268+ (4).
993 n 4S
La s. Bibla, ner la soinchia scartira d' ilg
Veder Testament ; messa giu ent ilg languaig ru-
monsch da la Ligia Grischa. [O.] Coira, 1818.
8«. pp. (2) + 2094. _ 995 c 25
— ^ — Genesis. Da la Biblia ilg priim cuciasch
nominad Genesis; miss in la lingua da Engadina.
Bassa traas J. P. Salutz. [L. E.] Tury, 1657. 16°.
pp. (98) + 447 + (I). 993 A 77
Prefixed is a rhymed version of Genesis, ascribed also to
— Exodus. Da la S. Biblia ilg secuond
cudasch nominad E.xodvs ; mis in la lingua da En-
gadina Bassa tras J. P. Salutz. [L. E.] Scuol, 1662.
16°. pp. 253. 993 A 79
At the end, pp. 257-292, is the rare fragment of Leviticus,
the first 8 chapters, which accompanies only certain copies.
This copy lacks the 8th chapter.
— Psalms. Un cudesch da psalms ; dritzad
a chiantar in Romaunsch traas Dvrich Chiamj^el.
[2=»ed.] [L. E.] S^At end]: Lindau, 1606. 16°.
ff. (12) + pp. 589 + ff. {60). 993 A 60
Appended is Chiampell's " Iiitragvidamaint dad infvrmar la
giuuantiin in la vaira cretta," of which ff. (58) and (60) are
Same. Psalterivm Rheticvm. Huossa da
noew fat stampar traas Andri Peer. [L. E.] [At
end] : Lindau, 1606. 16°. ff. (18) + pp. 589 + ff.
(60). 993 A 61
A second impression of the preceding, differing only in t.-p.
and preliminary matter.
Same. Vn cvdesch da psalms. [3-^ ed.]
[L. E.] Basel, 1606. 16°. pp. 16 + 476+ (12) +
80. 993 A 62
Biblia pitschna ; quai ais, lis psalms tots
cl., da nov vertids in Romansch d' Ingadina Bassa
tras N. A. Vulpium et tras I. A. Vulpium, cun
alchiins psalms da cantar & autras canzons spiri-
tualas. [L. E.] Scuol, 1666. 16°. pp. (32) +422
+ (io) + 205 + (i). 993 A 83
The " XXX. psalms da David vertids in vers romanschs da can-
tar tras 1. A. Vulpium " has separate t.-p., imprint, and paging.
lis psalms, segond melodia de A. Lobvasser ;
SCO eir otras festales & spiritualas canzuns, con pliis
adjunctas sur diversa materia, in las melodias dad
alchiins moderns authurs. Tuot componii & miss in
rima volgare tras V. Nicolai. [L. E.] Scuol, 1762.
240. pp. (36) + 68t + (5) + 210+ (4). 993 K. 79
lis psalms d' ilg soinc prophet a reg David ;
suenter las melodias franzosas, cun iv. vuschs da
cantar, messi giu enten vers rumonschs tras Johann
Grass. [O.] Turig, 1683. 24". pp. (23) + 573 +
(7). Enj^r. t.-p. 995 h 55
With music.
Same. La 2* gada stampai. Cuera, 1790.
240. pp. (8) + 592 + (6) + 20. Frontisp. 995 B 56
Appended, pp. 20, is " Canzuns da dumengias," with music.
lis psalms da David, suainter la melodia
francesa, schantaeda eir in Tudaisch traes A. Lob-
vasser ; cun bgerras bellas canzuns ecclesiasticas
& spirituaelas suainter la melodia & veglia versiun
tudaischa da Martin Luther e d' oters homens ; da
noef vertieus in vers romaunschs da cantar traes
L. Wietzel, cun iin cuort intraguidamaint per im-
prender 1' art da cantaer. [U. E.] Basel, 1661.
240. pp. (34) + 726 + (28). 993 E 37
With music.
Same. 2^ ed. augmentaeda. Straeda, 1733.
sm. 4°. pp. (18) + 761 + (15). 993 H 10
Same. [3=' ed.] Resquitscho parte tras J.
N. Gadina, et parte tras Joh. Pfeffer & parte tras
Bern. Otto. [Scuol, Coira], 1776. 16°. pp. (14)
+ 803. 993 F 22
Appended, with separate t.-p., imprint, and paging, is "Al-
chuns psalms da David. Canzuns ecclesiasticas & spirituaelas.
Compli per Joh. Pfeffer," Zernez, 1775, pp. 226 + (9).
Bible — Ecclesiasticus. La sabgienscha da
lesv tilg da Sirach ; missa in Runiaunsch traes Liici
Papa. [U. E.] Puschlaetf, 1613. 16°. ]>p. (14) +
179. 993 E 17
Same. [2* cd.] Turich. 162S. 24°. pp-45'-
993 !•• 'S
— iV. T. U Nouf Testamaint ; tradiit in
Rumansch d' Engadina Bassa. [3* ed.] [L. E.]
Basel. iS 1 2. 8". pp.526. 993^46
II Nouf Testamaint; tradiit in Rumansch
d' Kngadina Bassa. [4'cd-] [L- E.] Paris, 1S36.
240. pp. (1) + 474- , . ,993 c 32
II Nouv Tcstamamt ; tradut in Kinnansch
d' Engiadina Bassa. [5' ed.] [L. E.J Frankfort
al Main, 1S67. 16°. pp. 376 + 104. 993 c 68
Appended, with separate t.-p., imprint, and paging, is " lis
psAlnis da David."
Ilg Nief Testament ; iness giu en Rumonsch
da ia Ligia (irischa tras Luci Gabriel. [O.] Basel,
1648. 160. pp. (22) -j- 1 1 12. 995C3
Sittru. Another copy lacking pp. 1 107-12.
995 c 4
Same. [2^ ed.] Basel, 1S09. 8". pp. ( i ) +
531. 995 L<3
Same. [3'cd.] Cuera, 1S20. 8". pp.566.
995 c 8
Same. Ed. nova [4^ ] rcvcdida a corregida
da Otto Carisch. Qucra, 1856. 8°. pp. (459)-
995 c 10
Same. II Niev Testament; vertieus en Ro-
monsch tras Lucius Gabriel. [O.] Francfort al
Main, 1S69. 160. pp. 408 + loi. 995 c 12
Appended is '' II cudisch dils psalms."
L'g Nuof Sainc Testamaint da nos Signer
lesv Christi ; prais our delg Latin & our d'oters
launguax & huossa da noef mis in Arumaunsch tres
lachiam Bifrun. [U. E.] n. p. 1560. 16". pp.
(26) + 869+ (2)- 993 Kii
The second printed book in Romansch, the first being Bif-
frun's translation of Comander's Catechism ( Huschl.ieff , 1552),
of which no complete copy is known to exist. This vol. was
printed according to some at Basel, according to others at
Puschlaeff. T.-p. and pp. .S57-869, also final folio, are in fac-
simile. The 26 pp. of preliminary matter iiave fac-simile leaves
inserted beside the original. Lacks pp. 855-856 and 3 final pp.
of errors.
Same. L'g Novf Saench Testamaint. [2'' ed.]
Puschlaeff, 1607. 16°. pp-(3i) + 9'i- 993^12
The title folio and final folio are in fac-simile.
Bifrun's Uebersetzung des Neuen Testa-
ments (Vnrworte, Kv. Matthaei, Ev. Marci). [U. E.]
(/« Ulrich, J., editor. Rhatoromanische Te.xte. II.
1883.) 997 " 63
L' Nouf S. Testamaint ; huossa da noef
vertieu in Romaunsch our da 1' originael Grace traes
J. L. Gritti. [U. E] Basel, 1640. 16°. pp.
(15) -f- S70+ (42). 993 K 31
II Nouv Testamaint; tradiit nel dialect
romauntsch d' Engiadina Ota tres J. Menni. fU. E.]
Coira, 1S61. sm. 8". jip. (474). 993 " 51
.Same. 2'' ed. [Sainaden], 1883. sm. 8". pp.
(i) + 459 + («). _ 993 "8'
— Selections. Epistolas ad evangel is sin
tvttas domeingias a firavs ; mess giv ent Ramonsch
tras Balthasar Alig. [O.] Cuera, 1674. 24". pp.
(6)4-471- 995 "33
Evangelis e epistolas per tvt igl onn ; nova-
mein carschentai, i mcssi en Ramonsch tras F. I).
Gallin. [O.J Beneduz, 1737. 24°. pp. (10) -f
552 -f- XV. 995 " 35
Die Parallel vom verlnrncn Sohne, im Dom-
leschger Dialect [und] im Obcrhalbsteiner Dialect.
[O.] (In Ulrich, J., editor. Rhatoromanische
Tcxte. I. 1S83.) 997 B 63
— Calatians. Epistola d' apostoli Pauli ad
Galatos pro contionibus ordinariis explicata a Bal-
thasaro . . . V. D. M. Ms. [L. E.] 1710-18. 16".
MSS n 18
Synopses of sermons on the Epistle to the Galaiians, followed
by an alph.ibelical Latin index, which lacks several fT at end, so
that it breaks off in the letter M. In the title the writer's sur-
name is illegible. In c.ise lettered " Predgias. Engiadina Bassa."
— Revelation. Las profundas revelatiuns
d'el apostel S. Johann ; cun otras adiunctas; com-
postas & missas in rima volgare tras lacobum de
Cappaulis. [L. E.] Scuol, 1770. 16". pp. 173 +
(I). 9931587
Willi imisic.
Biffrun, Jachiam. Taefla. [U. E.] n. t -p.
[^/i-W:] Turich, 1629. 24°. pp. {24). 993 E 28
The first folio is in fac-simile.
, translator. L'g Nuof Sainc Testament.
.sv^ Bible — N. T.
Biiina, Dominico. Raims spiritvals chi conte-
gnan 1' inter' historia, materia principala dil N. Tes-
tam. [L. E.] Scuol, 1748. 16°. ff. (112). 993 h 61
Appended to Nott da Porta's " Raims spiritvals."
[Biveroni, F.] Notizias istoricas sur i'organi-
saziun drcttiiricla dcU' Engiadin' Ola e sias relaziuns
cun il pajais Grischun e la Swizzera. [U. E.]
Pontresina, 1879. 8". pp. iv + 35 + ( i )• 993 " 67
Blaechiiis, Conradin Salomon. Ilg desideri
spiritual ; iina Christiana pracdgia funerala, pro la
sepultiira da I. A. Stvpan, 1725, die 22. Maij.
[L E.J Strada, [1725. J sm. 4". pp. 32. 993 D 36
Blech. Johann Salomon, translator. Uraziuns
or da la soinchia scartira d'igl Niev Testament; ver-
tidas en Rumonsch da la part sura. [O.J Cuera,
1834. 16". lip. 39. 997 A 13
Bohmer, Ediiard. Churwalsche Sprichwurter.
[G.J {In Romanische Studien. Bd. ii. 1S76.)
991 r, 68
Grednerisches. [G-a.J (/« same. Bd. iii.,
I, 1878.) 997 D 46
Contains a reprint of '' La stacions o' la via della s. crousch
che cunleng de bella conscliiderazions i uraziuns; metudes dal
Talian tel parlii de Gordeina," translated by J. P. Runcaudie.
Nonsbergisches. [N.J [In same. Bd. iii.,
1,1878.) 9971^43
Contains reprints of the following poems : " En ogghiasion
che va al possess del prencipat de Trent Pieder Mighiel Vegili
Giambattista Vettor dei conti ed chiastel Thonn," by Nardoleo
Circio ; " Per esser devent.^ vescou e prenci|> ed Trent el sior
cont chialoiifgh Pero de 'J'hnnn," by Siel da Cles ; " Per le
nozze del sur cont Matteo ed chiastell Thunn colla siora contessa
Marianna ed Sinzendorff," by hiel da Cles; " Qarela nonesa
Eora la parlison del pak'i de Tuen, Tassul e Cles;" " Peucghi
versi en 1 'occghiasion che e torna el nos vescof," by G. Sicher;
" Feste sopratofiane per le nozze Danna e Cristani li 15 Aprile,
1828 ; " " .San Silvester del sessanta ; " " En viaz attorn la Val
de Non ; " " Dealopo fra la Trinele e la Minegya sora chel
Basalisco che gy 'era io sora Mezz-Todescy," by G. B. Lucchini.
Bonifaci, Daniel. Catechismus. See Ponti-
sella, J.
Bonom, Gaudenz. Catechiscm in il qiiael las
controversias u dispiittas da quaist temp sun cuort-
aniaing decididas our dal placd da Dieu ; mis gio
in Runiaunsch d' Engiadina Zura our dal Taliaun.
[U. E.j Coira, 1720. 24°. pp. 208 -f 99 -f (12)
993 F 3
Appended is "Confessiun u descriptiun dall' intera religiun
& cretta reformaeda ; our dal Frances," also by Bonom.
Bonom, Jacomo. II oblig da fidels audituors
vers lur iidcls ct zclants conduttuors ministers da
Jesu Christi, demonstro in un sermon funerael salvo
i'ann 1771 die 14 Jiilii in Samoedan. Cun occasiun
d'havair accunipagno alia tomba il chiierp dal Prae-
ses lohann I'crnisch, minister in la baselgia da
Samoedan. [U. E.J Schianff, 1772. 4". pp. 32.
Contains also sundry memorial poems.
993 " '9
Bonorand, Dumeng Conradin, translator. II
mandel spiritval.
See [Heidegger, J. H.]
Bossi, Gion Gieri. Cudisch d' oraziuns per
catholics christgieuns. [O.] Cuera, 1829. 24". pp.
(2) 4- 36S + (4)- 997 A 8
Same. [2d ed.] Cuera, 1849. 24". pp.354-
997 A 9
Braviiogn. Catcchissem della doctrina della re-
ligiun christiauna. [U. E.] Coira, 1845. 32". pp.
71 + (I). 993 '•54
*Bravuogn-Latsch. Constituziun revisa. 1878.
[U. E.] [Cuera, 1885.] 8«. pp. 80 + iii.
993 " 84
[Brunei, Josef.] Grottol, ossia dialoghi e scene
pastorecce in Fuccliiada di Soraga. [Fa.] Trento,
[1S84.] 16°. pp. 25. 997 D 55
Biihler, Joann Anton. Canzuns de scola per
la giuventetgna romonscha. [O.] Glion, 1857. 8".
pp. (24). Engr. title. 995^85
With music. Lithograph copy.
* Combatt del cor; una novelletta gri-
schuna. [O.] Coira, 1889. 8". pp. 79- . 995 ^ 78
Curta instrucziun per emprender il lungatg
tudesc en scolas ruralas romonschas. [O.] 2-' ed.
Cuera, 1864. sm. 80. pp. (2) + 104. 991 E 30
* Same, y^ ed. Cuera, 1889. 8°. pp. (2)
+ 112. 991 E31
* Gianin e Marinella ; una novelletta origi-
nal. [O.] Coira, 18S6. 80. pp. 66. 995 f 61
Grammatica elementara dil lungatg rhato-
romonsch. i. part. [O.] Cuera, 1864. 80. pp.
vii + (I) + 104- 991 E32
No more published.
* L'Indian grischun ; iina novelletta popu-
lara. [O.] Cuira, 1890. 8«. pp. 74. 995 F 84
Rimas. [O.] Coira, 1875. ^^"^ PP- '^ +
64+ (I)- 997 B 22
*[ ] Scheiver romansch, 9. Fevrer, 1889.
-] Scheiver romansch, 15. Fevrer, 1890.
997 B 94
2 cards containing each a banquet menu of the Societat
Rhaeto-romonscha, in verse, with author's autograph.
* , co7)ipiler. Collecziun da proverbis rhaeto-
romanschs. [O.] Coira, 1888. 8°. pp. 93 + (O-
995 F 72
, compiler. Collecziun de canzuns per sopran,
alt, tenor e bass. i. fasc. [O.] Cuera, 1870. sm.
8°. pp. (2) + 96. 997 B 8
Bundi, Jacob. Cudisch dilg viadi da Jerusalem.
[O.] [In Decurtins, C, editor. Quattro testi so-
prasilvani. i88r.) 995^44
11 viadi a Jerusalem ; edius da F. Berther.
[O.] Basel, 1891. 8°. pp. xiii + 51. (Decur-
tins, C, editor. Nies tschespet ; bibliotheca ro-
monscha. i.) 995 F 96
Biindner Kalender fiir 1845. [G.] Chur, [1844.]
40. Wdcts. 995 G 8
Text is in part Romansch.
*Bundner Kantonal-Schiitzenfest in Chur,
1891. Festzeitung. 14 Juni, 1891. Chur, 1891. fo.
pp. (4). 991 G 89
Contains among the " Humoristica" two paragraphs in the
Oberland dialect. In case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
BUsin, Peidar. Catechisein da chianter, in ilg
quel vain cumprains la summa della vaira religiun.
[U. E.] Tuii, 1674. 240. pp. 44. _ 993 E 49
*Caderas, Albert. Per la consacraziun del ma-
trimoni Barblan-Rocco. [U. E.] Samaden, [18S9.]
Broadside. 995 G 13
A poem of four stanzas. In vol. lettered " Caderas e Ca-
ratsch Poesias."
* Per las nozzas Sandi-Tognoni. [U. E.J
Samaden, [1890.] Broadside. 995*^13
A poem of three stanzas. Bd. with the preceding.
Caderas, Gian Fadri. II chastlaun da Guarda-
val. — 11 convivi. — II chesa dad Adani. — La mort.
[U. E.] (/;/ Saison-Almanach 1881-82 fiir Enga-
din. 1 88 1.) 993 F 115
Fluors alpinas, rimas. [U. E.] Coira,
1883. 16°. pp. 185 + (i). 993 F 124
Inserted is "Annuiizia da mort," a notice of the death of
Caderas, issued in behalf of his friends by A. Fanconi, Samedan,
25 Nov. 1S91.
Nouvas rimas. [U. E.] Coira, 1879. 16".
pp. 135. 993 F 109
* Per las nozzas Barblan-Rocco. [U. E.]
Samaden, [1889.] 2 nos. Broadside. 995 G 13
A poem of five stanzas and another of four. In vol. lettered
"Caderas e Caratsch. Poesias."
Per las nozzas Gredig-Fanconi e Gredig-
Enderlin. [U. E.J Samedan, [1881.] Broadside.
995 G 13
A poem of eleven stanzas. Bd. with the preceding.
Per las nozzas da sar Andrea Miiller cun
giunfr' Anna Miiller. [U. E.] Samaden, [1882.]
2 nos. Broadside. 995 G 13
A poem of twelve stanzas and another of nine. Bd. with the
las nozzas Danz-Rocco.
Samedan, 1888. 2 nos. Broadside.
[U. E.]
995 G 13
Bd. with the
A poem of eight stanzas and another of six.
* Per las nozzas Fanconi-Pool e Ludwig-
Fanconi. [U. E.] Samedan, 1888. 2 nos. Broad-
side. 995 G 13
A poem of four stanzas and another of eight. Bd. with the
* Per las nozzas Lehr-Gredig e Gredig-Fan-
coni. [U. E.] Samaden, [1886.] 2 nos. Broadside.
995 G 13
A poem of ten stanzas and another of six. Bd. with the
Per las nozzas Robbi-Joos. [U. E.] Sama-
den, [1882.] 2 nos. Broadside. 995 G 13
A poem of fourteen stanzas and another of twelve. Bd. with
the preceding.
* Per las nozzas Sutter-Gadmer. [U. E.j
Samedan, 1888. Broadside. 995 G 13
A poem of eight stanzas. Bd. with the preceding.
* Per las nozzas Voneschen-Rocco. [U. E.]
Samaden, [188S.] 2 nos. Broadside. 995 G 13
A poem of six stanzas and another of five. Bd. with the
* Per las nozzas Zambail-Perini. [U. E.]
Samedan, 1887. Broadside. 995 G 13
A poem of ten stanzas. Bd. with the preceding.
* La saira dels 11 Favrer 1889. [U. E.]
[Samedan, 1889.] Broadside. 995 G 13
A poem of eight stanzas. Bd. with the preceding.
Rimas. [U. E.] Coira, 1865. i6«. pp. vii
+ (0 + 107. 993 F 79
* Sorrirs e larmas ; rimas. [U. E.] Same-
dan, 1887. 160. pp. 92 + (3). 993 F 121
See also Bazar Engiadina.
Caduff, Gian Christian. Testamen dell' oltna,
u kunst da ventireivlameing viver a beadairiemg
murir. [O.] Panaduz, 1705. 24°.
pp. (18) +
995 D 14
Muster, 1745.
995 '^ 14^
Same. Squicciau la 1^ gada.
240. pp. (6) + 482.
Lacks pp. 239-40, 435-38, 45 '-54-
Same. Squicciau la 3^ gada. Muster, 1755.
240. pp. (6) + 483- 995 D 15
*Cadiiff, Julius. Aus der Sclnveiz ; Gedichte.
Chur, ii>59. 32". pj). xi + 100. 997 A 70
Contains, p|). 80-100, '' Koinanische nediclue, Aiiliaiig,"
four |xtems in (he Oberland dialect, three being translations and
one original.
Calender (II) ladin per 1849, '54, '55, '58. [L. E]
Stratl.t, I iS.)S-57.1 41105. 16". 995 c. S
Calender roiiionsch per 1S61-92. [O] Muster,
[1S60-91.J 26 nos. 16". 997 A 86-S9
Uy I'lacidus Condrau. Lacks the first issue, i860, also 1863,
iS6S 70, iV;4, !>;-;. 2 copies of 188S.
Canien, Jacum, translator. Cuort e bi nui-
S(f Cuort e bi musamen.
[Cameniscli, Giusep Maria.] Devoziuns en
special tier 11 sancti.s.siin cor dc Jesus e Maria, cun
biaras autras oraziuns ; portau cn.semen d'in sijiri-
tual della Cadi. [O.] Surrlicin-Suinvitg, 1S46. 16".
pp. xvi + 3^5+ (')• 997 A 48
Lacks all between t.-p. and p. 1, also all after p. 368.
I ] Devoziuns en special tiel sanctissim cor
de Jesus e Maria cum biaras autras oraziuns. 4^ ed.
[O]. MustL-r, 1S71. 32". pp. viii -f 532. 997 « 11
Caniinada, Christian. Salidcivlas uratiuns a
cordials susjjirs.
Appended to his version of Martin Moller's " Manuale,"
whicii see
[Candrian, Lucius, a)id ol/iers.'] La liibla, u
la sontga .scartira dil Veder a Nicv Testament,
vertida en Komonsch, stampau a Frankfort al Main,
1870. [O.] n. ]). 1 1872.] 240. pp. 12. 997 1! 15
Addressed to the " Protestants romoiisclis da la Ligia Gris-
cha," and sipned by L. Candrian and J. M. Darnis ; followed
by a notice signed Stephan Schlatter, St. Gall, 1872. An adver-
tisement of a new edition of the Uible in Romansch, published
by the I'ritish Uible Society.
Candrian, Peider. Problems aritmetics per
scoulas insemljel culs rcsultats appartenents. [U. E.]
Coira, 1856. 16°. pp. (12S). 993 K 64
[Canisius [Dutch de Hondt), Petrus, .S'. y.]
Ina cui^rta doctrina Christiana cntcn damondas e
respostas. [O.] P.regenz, 1804. 24°. pp. 47. 2
copies. 995 e 35 ; 995 e 36
Translated from the " Parvus catechismus" of Canisius.
Same. Cuorta doctrina en dainondas e ris-
postas ; cun nuissaments jier prcndcr penitentia e
pervergiar, de novameing fatgia stampar dil r. p.
lieat Ludescher. [O.] Cuera, 1832. 240. pp. 35.
995 K 36''
♦Canzun della purificatiun de nossa Duna S. M.
— Canziin de screcomendar a Diu. — Canzun sur
las siat daniondas dil i)ater nies. — Canziui de Soing
Abrosi. — Canzun della buentat dil vcr Diu. — L'Avc
maris stella. — Canzun dell S. Michael victorius
prinz. — Canzun din che serecamonda a Maria.
[O.] n. t.-p. 16''. pp. (i6). 995^57
}'d in vol. lettered "8 canziins diversas."
Canzun nova sin il dy dil pcrdun grond de giefgia
grassa. — Canzun en laud dils zcns novs de Muster.
— Susjiirs d' in morilnind tier Maria Mumma della
misericordia. [O. ] n. t.-p. 16". pp.15. 995 A 59
Lettered " Canzun nova e Suspirs."
Canzun sin la fiasta della naschienscha de Nossa
Donna. — Canzun della conseratium dilg altar en
Beselgiade Nossa Donna della Misericordia a Muster
il 13. de Favrcr 1S05. — Canzun sin la restauratiun
della Baselgia della Comjiignia de Maria Mmnma
della Misericordia en Muster, 1814. [O.] n. t.-p.
16°. pp. 15. 995 A 55
Bd. in vol. lettered " Canzun della naschicnza de Nossa
Canzuns pellas empremas classas.
.V.v ICarigiet, P. B.
* Canzuns spiritualas de cantar sut la s. mcssa,
transpurtadas digl Tudeschg en Ramonsch. [O.]
Coira, 1S05. 32". ])p. (21). 995 K 46
Canzvus spiritualas las qualasilsChristians poll a
dien cantar fiissiamong tiers la gliergi' ad hanur da
Deus. [O.] Seoul, 1756. sm. 8°. pp.95- 995^/(3
Bd. with C. Kiola's " Musica spirituala," pt. 2, 1756.
Cappol, Jacomo. Nomenclatura romanscha &
todaischa, fatta in adoevcr & benelici della Chris-
tiana juventiina; eir Una informatiun & instrucliun
nella iioassa Christiana reforinata religiun. [L. E.]
[Scuol], 1770. 16*^. pp. 248 + (2). 991 1)79
, translator. Las profundas revelatiuns d' el
apostel S. Johann.
See Bible — .\'. T. — Revelation.
[Caratsch, Aaron.] 11 cristiaun catholic siil
viadi vers retcrnita, sive facil miid jierdirigier I'hom
a sia ultima fin. [M.] Coira, 1849. 12". pp. 318.
993 D 9S
* Caratsch, Simeon. In occasiun del scheiver
dels Rato-romanschs a Tiirin, 9 marz 1889. [U. E.]
Torino, 1889. llroadside. 995 c. 13
A poem of nine stanzas. In vol. lettered " Caderas e Ca-
ratsch. Poesias."
In occasiun dcUas nozzas del sigr. Giacomo
Moggi con la sigra. Annetta Courtin, e sigr. Henri
Tester con la sigra. Angiolina Moggi, Samedan, 27
Settember 1S81. [U. E.] Samedan, [18S1.] IJroad-
side. 995 G 13
A poem of six stanzas. I!d. with the preceding.
Per las nozzas del sigr. Alfred Robbi e la
sigra. Margaritha Joos, .Samaden, 9 Marz 1882.
[U. E.] Samaden, [1882.] Broadside. 995 G 13
A poem of si.x stanza.s. Bd. with the preceding.
Per las nozzas del sigr. Giorgio Siegel
e la sigra. Margherita L' Orsa, 9 C3ctober, 1881.
[U. E.] Samedan, [1881.] Broadside. 995013
A poem of six stanzas. Bd. with the preceding.
Poesias umoristicas c ]W]iulcras in Ro-
mauntsch d' Kngiadin' Ota. [U. E.] Turin, 1865.
16". pp. 153- Orn. 993 r 81
Contains, pp 133-150, " Poesie italiane."
Same. 2^ ed. aumenteda. Turin, 1881. 16°.
pp.154. Orn. _ _ 993 r82
Revistas umoristicas e satiricas dels ans
1866 al 1879. [U. E] Turin, 1885. sm. 8". pp.
79. 993 "86
Toast purto avaunt in occasiun del gianter
chi avet 15 in S-chanf, ii liigl 1875 '" onur del rev.
J. Trainer. [U. E.] n. p. [1875.] Broadside
bd. 40. 995 c. 23
An autograph letter from the author to Willard Fiske, dated
Scanfs, 14 agosto iS()i, is inserted.
and Gian Fadri Caderas. 11 spiert del
I'iz Bernina efl il landamma d' Kngiadina ; scena
allegorica. [U. E.] Samedan, 1874. 16". pp 28 -|-
34-f(i). 993 K 102
Appended, with separate t.-p., imprint (1S77), and paging, is
J. Valerians' " La lingua reto-romauntsclia."
[Carigiet, Conradin.] I^xercezis per scolas per
cmprcnder da Icgier divers maunscritts contenend ina
collecziun de brefs e concepts de trafic cun in en-
truidament Icuticr. [O.] Cuera, 1843. 40. pp. 64.
995 c 69
[Carigiet, Peider Baseli.] Canzuns pellas em-
jiremas classas de scola ruralas, effectuadas dad in
amitg dellas scolas. I. fischett. [O.] Altstiitten,
1878. 16". pp. i6-F(i). 9971534
With music.
Ortografia gienerala, speculativa ramontscha
cun in s])eciai, quort compendi per diever dil scolar.
[O.] Muster, 1858. 8". pp.153. Table. 991 E 36
Raetoromanisches Wbrterbuch, surselvisch-
deutsch. [O.] Bonn, etc., 1882. 16". pp. viii +
400. 991 D 91
Carl, Caspar de, Bp. of Coire. Brev pastorala
dada sil temps della s. cureisma 1848. [O.] Cuera,
1848. 16°. pp. iv + 26. 997 A 56
Lacks pp. 1-12.
* Caspar de Carl, uestg dc Cuera, a nies
venerabel clems et a tuts fideivels salit e benedicziun !
[O.] n. t.-p. [Cuera, 1847.] 1.4". pp.3. 991089
In case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
* Caspar de Carl, uestg de Cuera, a nies
venerabel clerus, e tuts fideivels de nossa dioecesa,
part Grischuna, salid, benedicziun e tut bien ent il
Segnerl [O.] n. t.-p. [Cuera, 1855.] f". pp.3.
991 G 89
In case lettered "Miscellanea Romanica."
Casanova, Leonardo. Las compariziuns de
Nossa Dunna e las miraclas de Lourdes ; cun in
appendix d' oraziuns. [O.] Gossau, 1883. 320. pp.
207. 997 B 68
* Savic. 3a augmentadaed. Muster, 1888.
320. pp. 607. Frontisp. 997 K 70
[Castelberg, Balthasar de.] Reflexiuns sur
il ritorno da Protestants ner aschi nomnai reformai
tier la s. Baselgia catholica et apostolica. [O.]
[Cuera], 1825. 8°. pp. 25. 995 c 35
Canzun sur da 1' apostasia da Balthasar de
Castelberg. [O]. n. p. [1825.?] 8°. pp.8.
995 c 33
Castelberg, Cristian de. Cristian de Castel-
berg, prenzi avat de Muster t 1584. [O.] Muster,
1884. 16°. pp. 36-63. 997 F 91
Perhaps an extract from a calendar.
Catechismo agrario. [Fasc. i.] [L- E.] Scuol,
1844. 8". 993 D 65
Issued free to subscribers to " II ami del contadin."
[Catechismus.] [O.] n. p. n. d. 24°. pp.
51. 995236'^
A work in 22 chapters, lacking t.-p. Prefixed is " Canzun
avon la doctrina."
* Catechismus, oder intraguidamaint in la reli-
giun christiauna, per adover dellas basselgias d' En-
gadina Bassa. La 9. avla vota tschanta. [L. E]
Malanz, 1798. 180. pp. 69. 993 B 93
* Same. La 8. avla vota tschanta. n. p.
1813. 24". pp. 59. 993 c 6
Satne. La 9 avla vota tschanta. Strada,
1820. 240. pp. 60. 993 c 17
* Same. La 10 avla vota tschanta. Strada,
1827. 240. pp. 60. 993 c iS
Same. 11^ augmentada ed. Scuol, 1S44.
12°. pp.48. 993 c 43
* Same. Strada, 1S46. 24". pp. 60. 993 c 45
Same. 12^ ed. Coira, 1853. 16". pp. 48.
993 c SO
pp. 35-46 are lacking.
* Catechismus pitschen da Turi, per ils iffaunts
chi commainzan a ler& 1' catechisem grond amo nun
pon chiapir, sco eir per chi nun sa ler. [L. E.]
Scuol, 1692. 240. pp. 24. 993 B 13
Catechismvs, que ais un intraguidamaint in la
religiun christiauna per adrciff da las baselgias
d' Engiadina Zura. [2^^ ed.] [U. E.] Coira, 1738.
240. pp.81. 993^6
Same. [3-^ ed.] Scuol, 1756. 24°. pp. 81.
993 F 7
Same. [4^ ed.] Coira, 1776. 24°. pp.
65-fis. 993 F 8
Appended, pp. 15, is " Alchunas dumandas davart la senchia
tschaina dal Segner."
Same. [5^ ed.] Coira, 1813. 24°. pp. 70.
993 F 9
[Catechissem.] I\Is. [U. E.] Fettan, 1820.
4°. ff. (52). MSS-ai,
Signed " Michel D. Lansel, Fettan, 12. Marz, 1820." Lacks
5 ff. at beginning. Text begins at the top of folio 6 with the
words "spendres dogni iniquita."
* Catholic Church — Liturgy and Ritual. Offici
de Nossa Donna c dils morts, las viaspras cullas
antiphonas, psalms et hymnis, et oraziuns. [O.]
Cuera, 1S85. 16°. pp. 398 -f ii. 995 k 75
Cudisch dil uffeci de Nossa Dunna. [O.J
Cuera, 1799. 24°. pp.311. 99S^2P
Lacks all before p. 3. The text is in Latin ; only the rubrics
and pp. 30S-311, an address to the "Olma fideivla," are in the
Oberland dialect.
Uffeci de Nossa Dunna e
morts ; las
viaspras cullas antiphonas, salms et hymnis per
tuttas las fiastas digl onn, et enzacontas oraziuns.
Promoviu alia stampa tras G. G. Bossi. [O.]
Cuera, 1821. 24". pp. (3) + 330 + (2). 995 E 69
Same. [2-^ ed.] Cuera, 1830. 24°. pp.
(3) + 390 +(2). 995 E 70
Lacks all after p. 3S0.
Sanie. Surrhein — Somvitg, 1841.
(3) + 38S + (3)
Same. 6
ed. Glion, 1858. 24"
240. pp.
995 E 72
pp. 390 +
995 E 74
(2). Fro7itisp.
Lacks all after p. 38S.
[Caviezel, Gian.] Metoda prattica e ligera per
imprender il linguach tudasch, seguond F. Ahn.
[U. E. ] Coira, 1863. 160. pp. iv + (i) + 68.
991 E 43
Lacks pp 47-48.
Same. Coira, 1872-76. 2 pts. bd. in i v.
991 E 44
Rato-romanische Kalen-
Caviezel, Hartmann.
der-Litteratur ; gesammelt und herausgegeben. [G.]
Halle a/ S. 1891. 8°. pp. 39. 991 D 26
" Separat-Abdruck aus der Zeitschrift fiir rom. Philologie,
Bd. xvi." Contains a collection of poems which originally ap-
peared in the calendars of various districts
Caviezel, Luzius. Dus priedis p' ilg gi foederal.
[O.] Cuera, 1857. 80. pp. 16. 995 c 82
* Celerina. Reglamaint pel sunteri della vschi-
nauncha da Celerina, approvo dal la radunanza d' abi-
tants il 12 October 18S6. [U. E.] Samaden, [1886.]
40. pp. (6). 993 H 90
Chalender d' Engiadina per 1859, '91. [E.] Zuoz,
Coira, [1S58-90]. 2 nos. 8°. and i6«. ^995 G 8
Chalender grischun per 1' anno 1S55, '56, '58, '60-
85. [L. E.] Coira, [1854-84.] 29 nos. 16°. 993^72
Chalender ladin per 1849. [L- ^J Coira,
[1848.] 4°- IVdds. 995 G 8
Chalender (II) roraansch per 1832, '33, '37, '40.
[L. E.] Strada, [1831-39.] 4 nos. 16°. 995^8
This calendar for 1832 is unknown to H. Caviezel. See his
Rato-romanische Kalender-Litteratur, p. 9.
[Chanzuns.] [L. E.] n. t.-p. obl. 80. pp. 13.
991 G 89
Twelve lithographed songs, words and music, with t.-p.
lacking. The first song is entitled |' La bunta del Segner." In
case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
[Chanzuns.] Ms. [U. E.] obl. 8°. loi ff. of
music. MSSv,i^
A collection of hvmns, with words and music, written on one
side of the page only. The first folio is inscribed " II presaint
cudasch apartain a me Ana Gianmarchet Colanj chia Dieu mim-
prasta la gratzidia chia poasa our da que! bger chanter et der lot
a Diu a saliid da mia oarma amen. Pontresina ano 1811."
Chanzuns religiusas.
See [Lechner, E.], compiler.
Chialender d' Engadina per 1823, '24. [L. E.]
Coira, Strada, [1822-23.] 2 nos. 4". and 16".
Same. Another copy, fragmentary, of the no.
for 1824.
Cbiampell, Durich, translator. Un cudesch da
Se( Bible — O. r. — Pialm}.
Cbiailtzun (I'na) davardt la lihcrtaed da Schwit-
zers. [O. U. E] (In Ulrich, i., editor. Chan-
sons ladiiies. 1SS5.) 991 G 73
Chianzun (L'ua) davard la ruvijna da Plugr.
[U. E] (/// sanu.) 99' G 73
Chianzun davart la stramantusa lavinna.
Set (Rumbella, D.)
• Chianzun in la quaela vain introdiit a tschanls-
chatr Clin lur genitiiors duos pitschcns infaunts, chi
da ciuasta vita sun rivos all' ctcrna. [L. E] Scuol,
I7V> I''" I'p. (6). 993 "66
Chianzuns s|)iritualas aunt ct davo prcdgia.
.V.'*' [Miniir, J. , Irantttitor.
Christiana catholica (La) doctrina en damondas
c rispostas. [O.] Cucra, 1S23. 24°. pp. 103.
995 E 80
Same. Cucra, 183S. 24". pp.88. 995 E 81
L.icks pp. 85-8S
S.ime. Cuera, 1S44. 16". ])p. SS. 995 k Si •
Same. Cucra, 1S47. 24". pp. 96. 995 E 82
.S,ime. Cuera, 1.S65. 16". pi>. 115. 995 E 84
•Claf dil purgaticri ; qvei ei, bialles nizeivlcs
oraziuns per spindrar Ics olmas ort les pcinas dil
purgaticri; tratges cnscmel c messes giu d' in rcli-
gius dil uorden -I
Cloetta, Jacob de Chiaaper. I,a religiun re-
formaeda declaraeda in seis artichcls principaels, in
iin comi)cndio erotcmatic da theologia. [U. E]
Coira. 1S07. 16". pp. (18) + 420. 993 '' 29
Cloetta, Johan Lucius. II catcchet evangielic.
fU. E.] //./-,". [('.lira, 182S.] 8". pp.20.
993 II 31
Codasch da liger per 1' amprcma classa delhis
scolas clcmentaras de .Surmeir; antras ena societad
scolastica. [Sm.] Coira, 1859. 16". pp. (31).
995 A 8
Codasch da liger per la sagonda classa dellas sco-
las elenientaras rumanschas an dialect de Surmeir ;
translato antras ena societad scolastica. [Sm.]
Coira, 1S57. 160. pp.158. 995^6
• Codesh della soingia messa con jna bialla e
nizeivla forma per bcin se recommcndar a Div. [O.]
Thront, iGSr). 2 (". ])p. 72. 995 H 65
Colloredo, Ermes di, eonte. Poesie in lingua
friulana, ora per la prima volta date in luce. [F.]
Udine, 1785. 2 v. sm. 8". Port.?iXi<\ont.
997 K 13-14
Tom. i. contains a bi0graphic.1I sketch of the .lullior, by
D. Ongaro.
Poesie scelte cdite ed incdite in dialetto fri-
ulano ; con aggiunte di Pictro Zorutti. [F.] Udine,
1S2S. 2 V. bd. in I. S". 997 E 15
Condrau, Jac. Antoni. Mira de bein morir.
Stf Mira tic bcm morir-
Condrau, Placidus. Contabilitad ne cntruida-
mcnt ro manar ils f[ucns. [O.] Muster, 1859. 80.
pp. 118. 995 F ID
Cudisch instructiv pells, giuventetgna cato-
lica. [O-] Must<5r, 1857. 2 v. bd. in i. sm. 8".
995 F 8
Inserted i» an autograph letter of the author to W. Kiskc,
HaicH .Awe. f». iS<)i.
C'onrad], F. I,a Sursclva c la via-ficr ccntrala.
[O 1 it.i.p. [iS.SS'] 8°. pp.8. 2 copies.
995 B 6; 997 K91
Conradi, Matthias. Cudisch da devoziun, quci
ei, da christiancivlas uratiuns, salidcivlas considcra-
tiuns a bagieivlas spirtualas canzuns. [O.] Pre-
genz, 1809. 160. pp. (16) + 465 + (16). 995 E 53
Lacks the List 3 pp.
Novas canzuns spirtualas, cumjioingiadas
er novas mclodias, sin giaviscliament da bers com-
ponidas tiers cummin niz da las baselgias evangclicas
rumonschas. [O.] Coira, 1784. l6». pp. (23) -f
370. 995 E 17
With music.
Same. Canzuns spiritualas cun melodias.
Stampadas la 2' gada. S. Gallen, 1825. 8°. pp.
vi + 377- 995 c y
Consolatiun della olma devotiusa ; quei ei, Can-
zinis spiritvalas de cantar cnten basclgia. [2^* ed.]
[O.] Pan.aduz, 1731. 24". pp.564. 995^35
L.icks pp. 551-552.
Same. [3-^ cd.] Muster, 1749. 24''.
Same. (Repnnt.) Muster, 1749.
pp. 576.
995 n 37
240. pp.
995 ^ 38
406 + (2)
According to P.oelimer this belongs without doubt to a later
date than the imprint indicates.
Same. 5' ed. [by G. G.
1S31. 24". pp. (2) + 476+ (4).
Slime. 6' ed. Cuera, 1856.
Bossi]. Cuera,
995 ^ 40
12". pp. (2) +
995 D 42
Dudesch chanzuns re-
476+ (t)-
Corai, Paul, translator.
ligiusas, tradiittas in Rumaunsch d' Engadin' ota.
[U. E.] Coira, 1875. 16". pp. 18. 993 v 104
Cordials sus|:)irs d' in puccont avon la Mumma
dclla glisch a Trun. [O.] n. t.-f. [iS— ?] 16°.
pp. (4). 995 A 6i
Courtin, Fort., translator. Historias morelas,
verticu del P'rances nel dialect romaunsch d' Engia-
dina Ota. [U. E.] Paris, 1840. 120. ])p. (2) -f-
'37 + (3)- ^ ^ , . 993 " 39
* [Crastan, L.] Quortas observaziiins riguardo
las stradellas da costniir sul territorio da Sent.
[L. E.] Pontedcra, 1S64. 8". pp. 15. 993 d 74
Crema, Daniel da. Cuort compendi dellas re-
jlas ])er la Conipagiiia della Doctrina Christgiauna.
995 D 73
obi. 8". 68
MSS D 14
The 2d folio
[O.] Urcssa, 1748. 24". pp. 72.
Cristiaun (I!) catholic.
See [Caratsch, A.].
[Cudasch musicale.] Ms. [U. E.]
ff. of music.
A collection of hymns, with words and music,
is inscribed " 11 preschaint ciiedasch musicale ais scrit per iioss
e apartain al Elias A. Man/.inoia . . . Scrit in Chiamuoesch,
I'anno 1S3S in Mag." At end of the ist folio, containing the
" Dedicatium a lehova" is " C. P. M. scripsit."
Cudesch da scoula per la seguonda classa del-
las scoulas deir Engiadina Bassa. [L. E.] Coira,
1S57. 160. pp. 115. 993 c 57
PP- .T-34 '"""e lacking.
Cudisch da pardichias.
See Bible— WItole — Select iotts.
Cudisch de leger en relaziiin cun il niev ABC
per l.i giiivcnlegna ramonscha catholica. [O.] Cuera,
1840. 16". pp. 88. ■ 997 A 38
Cudisch de oraziims ed instrucziuns culla historia
della confraternitat dil scapulier. Promovius alia
stamjja tr.is in spiritual ord il capetel della Foppa.
[O.j Muster, 185S. 16°. pp. 222 + (2). Froiitisp.
997 A 77
* Cudisch dclla doctrina catholica. [O.J Cuera,
1S91. 160. ]}p. iv -f- 160. 997 B 105
Cudisch della soingia messa, con inna bialla e
nizeivla fuorma per bein se recommcndar a Diu.
[O.] L' antra gada squicciau. Banaduz, 1739. 240.
pp. 153-220. 995 D 5
Appended to Mira dc bein morir, which see for other
Cudisch d' instriicziun e devoziun per il jubilaeum
ordonaus da sia sontgadat Papa Pius IX., 1847.
[O.] Cuera, 1847. 16°. pp. 24. 997 A 50
Cudisch instructiv per las scolas ruralas catho-
licas. [O.] Cuera, 1840. sni. 8". pp. 228+110.
995 c 66
* Cuort (Un) catechismus par quels 'Is quals nun
saun Scritliira. [L. E.] Scuol, 1749. 24". pp.
(23)- . . 993 li 63
* Cuort (In) compendi digls principals mussa-
mens per beiii prender penetienza a pervergiar, cun
igls acts a oraziuns da far avon a suenter la s. con-
fessiun a communiun ; mess giu enten Ramonsch da
in capucciner missionari. [O.] Brescia, 1765. 32°.
pp. 112. 2 copies. 995 E 7 ; 997 E 8
Cuort (In) e bi musamen da suondar la benedida
mumma Maria; vertius or dil lungaitg tudeschs en
Ramonsch da mei Jacum Camen. [O.] Bergen,
18 1 5. 24°. pp. 96. Frontisp. 995 E 61
Lacks pp. 93-94.
Cuort entrvidament della obligatiun e dils perduns
che tuts confrars e consorurs scritti enten la soingia
conipagnia de Carmelo \sic^^ ; mess giu enten Ra-
monsch de d' in pader Benedictiner della claustra de
Muster. [O.] Panadutz, 1707. 24°. pp. 11.
995 D 19
Appended to Florian's " Obligatiuns," 1707.
Cuort entruidament sullas obligaziuns che tuts
confras e consoras screts ella sontga compagnia dil
Carmel ella claustra de Muster pon guder e gudi-
gnar. [O.] Muster, 1876. 16°. pp. 8. 997 B 30
Appended to Benedictines. Ventireivia Stella della
mar. 1876.
Cuort (In) mussamen et intruidamen de quellas
caussas, las qualas scadin fideivel christgieun ei
culpons de saver ; mess avon cun pli bia damondas
a rispostas che sco entochen ussa entras spirituals
dilg capetel della Cadi. [O.] [Coira], 1788. 240.
pp. 202. 995 D 49
Cuort (In) mussament et intrvidament de quellas
caussas, las qualas scadin fideivel christgiaun ei
culpons de saver ; suenter sco la soingia catholica
romana Baselgiamussa, schentau giu ent' igl lungaig
ramonsch. [O.] Panaduz, 1733. 24". pp. (7) +
291- 995 D 45
Text and German translation, by Christian Columberg, on
opposite pages. Has a second t.-p. in German. Contains,
pp. 186-291, "In' antra damonda, prius ora digl cudesch digl
N. Cusani." Lacks pp. 1-2, 121-122, 287-291.
Same. Muster, 1757. 24°. pp. 143.
995 D 46
Text only. Lacks pp. 23-24. pp. 25-26 mutilated.
Same. Bergom, 1769. 12°. pp.71. 995 D 47
Lacks pp. 25-49. pp. 69-70 mutilated.
Same. Cuera, 1786. 24". pp. 144. 995 D 48
Same. Cuera, 1791. 24°. pp. 120. 995 D 51
Bd. at end, pp. 16, without t.-p., " Canzun da N: D: de
Citeigl. — Autra canzun de N : D : co Kristus retheiva ella dal
mond en ciel. — Autra canzun de S. Francesh d' Ascizi."
Same. Coira, 1803. 24". pp. 84. 995 D 52
This ed. does not contain the " Auter discuors " which is
found in each of the above, but has " Via crucis," and at end,
pp. 8, " Pami manizau."
Same. Bregenz, 1804. 240. pp.92. 995 D 53
Contains the " Auter discours."
Cuorta doctregna o mussamaint da quellas tgio-
sas, tge mintgia fidevel christgiang e obliea da saveir,
SCO la sointgia cattolica romana Baselgia mussa;
messa giu en Rumansch de Sursees. [Sm.] Bana-
duz, 1755. 24°. pp. 140.
995 A 4
Sattie. Der Oberhalbsteiner Catechismus von
1755. {In Ulrich, J., editor. Rhatoromanische
Te.xte. Bd. i. 1883.) 997 « 63
* Cuorta (Ina) doctrina Christiana enten damon-
das e respostas, mess vitir zaconts bials mussaments
per prender penetienzia e pervergiar. L' autra gada
squicciau. [O.] Banaduz, 1739. 24°. pp. 22.
995 D 59
A different work bearing the same title may be found under
Canisius, P.
Cuorta instrucziun dils ss. perduns et en particular
dil jubilaeum, cun oraziuns et enzacontas reglas de
bcin viver ; mess ensemel en chischun dil Jubilaeum
universal digl onn 1826. [O.] Cuera, [1826.] 24".
pp. 48. 995 E 93
Cuorta niemoria della successiun u diember dils
avats, SCO era dellas causas ch'en succedidas cun la
claustra de Muster. [O.] {I>i Decurtins, C, edi-
tor. Quattro testi soprasilvani. 1881.) 995 f 44
Danz, Peder. Una cuorta informativn davart
Is' principals puoncks da nossa christiauna religiun,
in adoever dala juventlina. [U. E.] Scuol, 1699.
24". pp. (I) -I- 42 -f- (4). 993 E 64
* Darms, J. M. Canzuns choralas par baselgia,
scola, familia e societad. [O.] Cuira, 1886. 160.
PP-xiv + (I) + 254. 997 B 86
With music.
[Deolara, Matthaeus.] In gausiung dies diis
messes novelles di m. r. s. Zeno Maring e Alvisio
Soppla celebrades a S. Ciasseng ai 5 d' agost 1878.
Ciantia. [Gd.] [Modena, 1878.] 8°. pp. (3).
997 F 91
Decurtins, Caspar, editor. Eine altladinische
Reimchronik. [U. E.] [In Zeitschrift fur roma-
nische Philologie. Bd. ix. 18S6.)
Ascribed by the editor to Pieder Alesch.
Deux legendes surselvanes
Genevieve, Vie de saint Ulrich.
mania. Tom.xiii. 1884.)
Ein ladinisches Riigelied.
Zeitschrift flir romanische Philologie.
An anonymous poem directed against Georg Jenatsch
Ein oberengadinisches Formelbuch.
317 E
: Vie de sainte
[O] {In Ro-
317 A
[U. E.] {In
Bd. vii.
317 E
— Volkstiimliches aus dem Unterengadin. [L. E.
(/;/ same. Bd. vi. 1S82.) 993 D 14
* Pater Placidus a Spescha ; Lebensbild
eines rhatischen Forschers. Chur, 1874. 8°. pp.
63. 995 F 26
Contains, p. 32, a hymn "Tier il gloria" [O.].
= Praulas surselvanas. [O.] {In Roma-
nische Studien. Bd. ii., 7. 1876.) 995 f 30
Quattro testi soprasilvani. [O] {In Ar-
chivio glottologico italiano. Vol. vii., 2. 1881.)
995 F 44
Contents: — Bundi, J. Cudisch dilg viadi da Jerusalem. —
Cuorta memoria della successiun u diember dils avats, sco era
dellas causas ch'en succedidas cun la claustra de Muster. —
[Barlaam and Josaphat/] Vita de soing Giosaphat, conver-
tius de soing Barlaam. — [Octavianus.] Roman u historia
de Octavianus.
* Ratoromanische Chrestomathie. [O.]
Bd. i.. Lief. i. Erlangen, 1S88. 8". 2 copies.
995 F 74; 995 F 76
Contents: — i., 1. Surselvisch, Subselvisch, Sursettisch :
das xvii. Jahrhundert.
Eine subselvanische Liederhandschrift. [O.]
{In Zeitschrift fiir romanische Philologie. Bd. vi.
1S82.) 995 F 46
Ein siirsettisches Weistum. [G.] {In same.
Bd. vi. 1882.) 995 F 49
The statutes of Oberhalbstein, translated from the German
into the Subsilvan dialect by J. A. Pedretti. The "Furma da
dar ilg saramaint," at end, is of another dialect.
[Deharbe, Joseph.] Coinpendi della historia
ecclesiastica; daus ora dall' Uniun de Pius ella
Cadi. [O.] Muster, 1872. 16°. pp. 96. 997 B 13
Translated from the German " Katechismus " of Deharbe.
Der die das.
Ste [Sechia, B.].
Devotiun tier S. Aloysi Gonzaga.
Sit [Siilesius, P. M.J.
Devoziiins en special.
See (Camcnisch, G. M.).
Dieterich. Johaiui Samuel IVedgia d' ingratz-
chiamaiiu sopra la a liubcrtspurg concliita paesch,
1763, die 15. P'cbr. ; vertida in noss vulgar d' Enga-
dina Alta tras J. Honnom. [U. E.] Scuol, 1763,
16°. pp. 56. 993 »•' ^^
Dita dclla Senchia-Scrittiira in adiiever dais cha-
ers ifauntsda noassa Engiadina. [U. E.] St. Galla,
pp. 72.
993 ^■ 3'
A( the foot of the t.-p. are the initials I. A. S., perhaps the
author's. Lacks pp. 19-20, 29-30.
Donatif (II) da biimann (our del joiirna! del
pover vicari da Wiltshire). [L. E ] (/w Chialen-
der d' Engadina per 1823, 1824.) 995 G 8
Translation of a lale which appeared in an English magazine
of 1766. Incomplete.
Dondo, Giuseppe. Le curiositad sacomade ;
confabulazioii tra si>ir Intendo, so muir siore Seiii-
pronie e sior Minigul. [F.] Cividale, 1SS5. 8°.
pp. 19. Orii. 997 E 60
[Dorta, Jacob Henric] Appello a I'hili|)po
dormiente ad l'hiiip[nitn vigilantem : causa, chi non
sea vaira cliia reformats al evaiii;eii seaii apostatats.
Tras Meductuzeliviiesu ! [L. E] Scuol, 1672. 16".
pp. r66 + (I). 993 A 85
Un spiritual fiiment, oder offerta et raschuii
d' iininchiatli da priisas orinas cun Deis; liuossa
danov dal Tudaisch vertid in nos Ruinansch. [L. E.]
Scuol I, 1697. 48". pp. 242. 993 K 19
Lacks pp. 145-146, 167-168, and all after p. 242.
Sanu. Muossa danoev promovii i la stampa.
[L. E.] [ScuolJ, 1758. 240. pp. 160 + (2).
993 » 20
Lacks pp. 121-122.
Dorta, Martin. Sacra predgia, in Scuol, 1713,
die 29 Septembris, supra la mort da lohan Marnia.
[L. E.] Scuol, 1722. 40. pp.28. 993034
Contains several memorial poems, pp. 3-4 are mutilated.
Drelincourt, Charles, the elder. Praeparatiun
siin la s. tschaina ; que cis il drett moed da prouv^r
se svessa avaunt la maisa da '1 Segner. Da '1 Tu-
daisch & da '1 originael Frances, translate in Ro-
maunsch traes L. Wiezel. [U. E.] Basel, i66r.
48«. pp. (12) -f 201. 993 E 35
Same. Iluossa reformo cun qualche addi-
tiun traes G. Viezel. Straeda, [1696]. 32°. pp. iSi.
2 copies. 993 E 59 ; 993 e 60
Siiine. Ilg bi fittamcnt d' ilg ver penitent,
prus a cartent sin las fcstas tiers la soingchia
tscheina. [O.] Cucra, 1752. 16". pp. 256.
995 D 83
" Ilg qual cudischet ei vertieus en elg languaig d' Engadina
tras ils singr. Viezels, ad iissa or da quel vertieus a mess en
Rumonsch d.i la Ligia Grischa tras Conradiii Riola."
Dumengia saira (La) ; tres N. Vital cd E. Lech-
ner, in cumnuiniun con oters. [E.] Coira, 1855-
58. 4 V. bd. in I. 16". 993 A 25
A quarterly periodical. No more published. The "quarta
annata" is by E. I..echner and others.
Du Moulin. Pierre, ///,■ elder. Capuciner ; quai
ais, \l,n tractad in ilg qiial vain descrit la parschan-
diida, ilgs vuts, reiglas & discii)lina dais Capuciners.
In ilg priim fat oura in ilg languack frances ; huossa
mis in Romaunsch tras J. P. Salutz. [L. E.]
Tvrich, 1650. i6». pp. (49) -f 343 -{. (54).
993 A 72
Appended is Salutz' " Kundamaint c compilgiamaint."
Durgiai, Johannes Martin. Oraziuns e cuor-
tas instrucziuns per ils affons de scola. [O.] Cuera,
1847- 48°- Pi'- vi -^ 133 -f iv. 997 A 52
Duttrine cristiane: lis orazions, il segno de cros,
cognizion di Dio il nestri fin, ju doi inisteris prin-
cipal de nestre s. fede, lis virtus teologals, il pecciat.
Libri prin. |F.] Udin, 1SS3. 120. pp. 22 -j- (2).
997 E 55
Eberhard, Gerold. Cudcsch da lectura per las
classas inedias e superiuras da nossas scoulas ladi-
nas. [U. E.] Coira, 1867. sm. 8°. pp. v -)- (2)
-f 146. 993 F^7
Translated from the German by J. A. Biihler.
Cudisch de legier per I'instrucziun en
classas mezaunas superiuras dellas scolas ruralas
romonschas. Ft. i. [O.] Cuera, 1878. 8°. pp. iv
+ 176. 995 E 32
Revised by J. C. Muoth.
* Same. Ft. I. Cuera, 1889. 8". pp. ii -f-
22.\. 995 F 33
Same. Pt. 2. Cudisch de lectura per las
classas mezzaunas e su])eriuras dellas scolas ruralas
romonschas; scrits da G. Eberhard ed augmentaus
cun lavurs originalas d' aucturs romonschs. [G-]
Cuera, 1882. 8«. pp. x -(- 355. 995 k t,3
Revised by J. C. Muoth. Bd. with Pt. i, 1889.
Eberhard, Johann. La accurata, evangelica
ordinan/.a del saliid ; hora in lingua ladina transla-
tada [by J. Minar.J [L. E.] Coira, 1775. 24". pp.
xiii -+- (I) -h 123. 993 B 89
Egger, Augustin. Devozius exercezis quotidi-
ans per serestigiar tier Temprema s. communiun ;
translatai en Romonsch da J. Vincenz. [O.] Muster,
1S72. 16". i)p. 31. 2 copies. 997 li 17; 997 n 18
* Elementari, oder intraguidamaint in ils prims
princips d' imprender la scritura romanscha; per
adciver in las scolas d' Engadina I'assa. [L. E.]
Malaiiz, 1797. 240. pp. 22. 993 n 91
Eniprini cudisch de leger per las scolas ruralas
dil cantun Grischun. [O.] Frauenfeld, i860. 160.
pp. (28). 997 A 74
Engadine, Upper. Reglamaint da polizia da
fo. [U. E.] Samedan, 1866. 16". pp. 21.
993 F 83
* Rendaquint da 1' uffizi circuitel a mauns
dels ondros publics del cumon d' Engiadin ' Ota.
[U. E.] n. t.-p. 4°. pp. (3). 991 G 89
Dated at end " Samedan, 1 Giin, 1S88." In case lettered
"Miscellanea Romanica."
Statiits criminels dels comoens d' Engiadina
sur Punt Ota e liravuong. [U. E.] Cuoira, 1841.
sm. 8". pp. 167 + (i)- 993 ^ 4'
Statiits del circul d' Engiadina sur Punt
Ota. [U. E.] Samedan, 1S83. 16". pp. 37 -f
24. 993 F 118
Statiits organics, administrativ-poliziels et
economics. [U. E.] [Samedan], 1866. sm. 8°. pp.
236 + (3)- 993 F 85
The place of printing is given on the authority of Willard
Statiits organics, civils, matrimoniels e da
polizia; revis. [U. E.] Cuoira, 1839. sm. S". pp.
(204). 993 H 36
Same. Aggiunta : ordinaziuns dal priim Ge-
najo 1840 als 7 Giuni 1847. [U. E.] Cuera, 1847.
sm. 8°. pp. 50. 993 H 36
Bd. with the preceding.
Same. 2"^ aggiunta, 7 Giin 1847-2 Meg 1859.
[U. E.] Samedan, 1859. sm. 8°. pp. 25. 993 h 36
Bel. with the preceding.
Stratvts civils, criminels, matrimonels, qve
ais leggias civiles, criminalas & mattrimonialas ;
schantadas & missas gu tras homans deputes in
noas comoen d' Engadina Zura sur punt hota. Des-
crittas tras me Lucium rai:)ani. Anno 1686, 29.
Martij. Ms. [U. E.] R ff. (59). MSS v, ic.
Contains additions in another hand, noting various ordinances
of the years 1687-1697.
— Evangelical C/iurc/iex. Formvlar per las
baselgias da Engadina Zvra. [ U. E.] Scuol, 1665.
4°. pp. 43. 993 H 4
Sc!>?ie. [2^ ed.] Straeda, 1691. 16". pp.
55- 993 H 5
Engiadina (L') ; gazetta populara. [L. E.] 22
Marz 1S68-30 Marz 1869. w. Strada, 1868-69.
53 nos. bd. in i v. f". 995 G 61
Edited by M. Malloth. No more published.
Engiadinais (L') [U. E.] 17 Liigl 1876-21 Giin
1882. w. Pontresina, Coira, 1876-82. 7 v. bd. in
3, and unbd. nos. 4"^. and i'^. 997 M ; 995 G 71-72 ;
995 T I
Only 1S78, 1879 and 1880 are complete.
Enzenna (L') miraculusa della benedida mumma
de Diu Maria senza macla concepida. [0-] Cuera,
1836. 240. pp. 71. 997 A 21
*Erni, Hs. La rosetta; 10 canzunettas a 2
vuschs per la giuventetgna romonscha. [O.] Cuera,
1890. sm. 8". pp. 10. 997 B 100
With music.
Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft in Ba-
sel. La missiun evangelica ; tin' acclamaziun a tuotts
Christians. [L. E.] Basel, 1845. S°. pp. 32 +
16. Map. 993 D 67
Translated from the German. Appended is "Descriptiun
della charta universalla della missiun."
Same. Another copy lacking map. 993 D 68
Exercezis per scolas.
See [Carigiet, C.].
Exercizis da quints.
See Pensums per il quen.
Exerzezi de devoziun tier lamumadellas dolurs,
oravon per ils confrars e consoras de quella confra-
ternitat tshentada si ella baselgia parochiala della
pleif de Sagoing e Schluein, Tonn 1838. [O.]
Cuera, 1840. 32". pp. 16. 997 a 37
Fenelou, Frangois de Salignac de La Mothe,
Abp. of Cavibray. Sabis cuseilgs ; translatei ord ilg
lungaitg franzos ell Ramonsch, cun augmentatiuns,
entras in farrer catholic ell cumin della Foppa. [O.]
Nossadonaun, 1S36. 8". pp. 6. 995 c 55
[Fing, Al.] Historia della baselgia de Nies-
Segner Jesu Christi. [O.] Cuera, 1866-68. 4 pts.
bd. in I V. 16°. IVdct. in title. 997 a 96
Cudischet 2-4 add to the title as above given "pils affons
della pleiv de cazas."
Same. Another copy of cudischet 3.
997 F 91
Finsler, G. Huldrich Zwingli ; biografia in onur
da seis 400vel anniversari ; vertida in Ladin tras
A.P. Mohr. [L. E.] Samaden, 1884. 8°. pp. 170 +
(2). Port, and lodcts. 993 d 84
Ulrich Zwingli ; cudischet festiv a memoria
de siu 40oavel gi natal. Versiun romonscha da J. M.
Darms. [O.] Cuira, 1884. 8". pp. 94. Port, and
wdcts. 995 F 57
Flims. Constituziun comunala per la visch-
naunca de Elem. [O.] n. t.-p. [Coira, 18S3] 8".
pp. 36. 995 F 55
Interleaved copy with manuscript additions.
Florentini, Theodosius Anton Crispin von.
Legendari della vita dils sogns ; concepius en Tu-
destg, translataus libramein en Romonsch da C. M.
Tuor. [O.] I fasc. Cuera, 187 1. 4". pp. viii -j-
136. 995 F 22
No more published.
[Florianus, of Brescia.'\ Obligativns per jls con-
frars c sorvrs della cotnpagnia dellas tristezias de
n. c. donna 8. Maria. [O.] Panaduz, 1707. 240.
pp. 144 -f- II -f (4). 995 D 19
Appended, with separate t.-p., imprint, and paging, is " Cuort
entrvidament della obligatiun e dils perduns che tuts confrars e
consorurs scritti enlen la soingia compagnia de Carmelo " \sic\
Flugi, Alfons von. Historische Gedichte in
ladinischcr Sprache. [U. E.] {In Zeitschrift
fiir romanische Philologie. P)d. iv. 1880J. 993 ir 72
Ladinische Liederdichter. [E.] {/n sat/ie.
Bd. iii. 1879.) 993 D 12
Die Volksliedcr des Engadin ; ncbst ei-
ncm Anhang engadinischcr Volkslieder im Original
und in deutschcr Uebersetzung. [E.] Strassburg,
1S73. sm. 8°. pp. iv + 85. 993 D 7
Zwei ladinische Dramen des 16^" Jahrhun-
derts : [Der reiche Mann und der arme Lazarus
and Die drei Manner im Feuerofen.] [E.] (/«
Zeitschrift fiir romanische Philologie. Bd. v. 1S81.)
991 G71
Zwei weltliche ladinische Dramen des 17^"
Jahrh. [by Fadri Wietzel]. [E.] {In same. Bd.
iv. 1880.) 991 G 71
Bd. witli the preceding. Both contain numerous extracts
from the texts.
, editor.
Chanzuns popularas d' Engadina.
/// Romanische Studien. I5d. i., 3. 1873.)
993 H 61
, editor and translator. Zwei historische Ge-
dichte in ladinischer Sprache aus dem 16. und 17.
Jahrhundert ; zum ersten Male herausgegeben, iiber-
setzt und mit einem Abriss der ladinischen Literatur
eingeleitet. [U. E.] Chur, 1865. 8°. pp. 113 +
(I)- 993 H 55
Contains Travers' " Musserkrieg" and Wietzel's "Veltliner-
Flugi, Conradin de. Alchiinas rimas romaun-
schas offertas in favur dels disfortiinos abitants da
Felsberg. [U. E.] Coira, 1845. 80. pp. 42+(i).
. 993 H 45
Fogl d' Engiadina. [U. E.] i.-xxxvi. ann. 5
Favrer 1858 - 28 Oct. 1893. w. Zuoz, Samedan,
1858-93. 27 V. bd. in 9, and unbd. nos. f°. and ip.
997 I
In progress. 185S, 1859, 1S60, and 1S62 are incomplete.
1S61 is lacking entirely.
Forcalquier and Gap — Comite des Fetes Inter-
nationales Latines. Jeux floraux de Provence ; fetes
latines internationales de Forcalquier et de Gap,
mai, 1882. Gap, [1883 ?] 80. pp. 369. 993 H 79
Contains various notices of G. F. Caderas, and, p. 126, his
poem " AH' Engiadina" [U. E.] ; also, pp. 312-314, his trans-
lation of F. Vidal's " La marsigliesa dels Latins."
Forinular, quai ais, Christiana ordinanza, laquala
tenor stylo da las baselgias da Turi, vain usitad pro
'1 servezen da Dieu in las baselgias da Engadina
Bassa. [L. E.] Scuol, 1691. 16°. pp.112. 993 A 99
pp. 103-104 are supplied in ms.
Same. Olim dat. [L. E.] Scuol, 1741.
160. pp.95. 993 A 100
* Franciscans, Third Order of. Orativns per
la duman e la saira mod da tadlar la s. messa ; cun
iin cuort cumpilgiamaint dellas regulas & indulgenzas
della terzavla religiun da S. Francaisg. [L. E.]
Scuol, [17— ]• -4"- pp.151- 993 A 55
La regla dil Tierz-Uorden secular de Song
Francestg, renovada da Pajja Leo il XIII ; trans-
latada en Romonsch. [O.] [Milan, 18S4.] 16".
pp. 31 -f (i). 997 B 74
II tierz uorden de s. Francestg d' Assissi,
portaus enten il lungatg romonsch dal Pader D.
missionari capuciner. [O.] Muster, 1874. 32°.
pp. 175. 997 B 19
[Frisch, Sigisbert] llistoria dil Veder e Niev
Testament, cun tuortas instructiuns moralas ; mess
giu en lungaig dil comin dclla Cadi tras in spiritual
della part sura. [O] Cuera, 1823. 16°. pp. 2S0 -r
(6). 995 E 89
Fritziin, Casper, translator. II christian cate-
Ste (Heidelberg catechism].
Frizzoni. Giovanni Battista. .\rtichels davart
chossas t(>n(i.imcnt.icl.is anuissacdas dalla S. Scrit-
tiira. [U.E.J Coira, 1776. 16°. pp. 884-15.
993 P 24
Appended, pp. 15, is " A. B. C in benefizi dels infaunts. —
Canzun — Oruziun. — Un semplice e cuort intraguidamaint
nell' aritmetic.t pratlica."
] Canzvns spiritvaelas davart Cristo Gcsv
un p.astur. [U. E. J Ccllcrina, 1765. 16".
pp. (30) f- 643 + (13). 993 "'2
With music.
^— Same. 2* cd. revaisa cd in part renoveda.
Coira, 1S40. 8" pp. (S) + 655 -f- (8). 993 H 13
Introduziun dell' ornia beaeda in las
chambras del raig da gloria; siahd anno 17S5 ac-
compagno alia tomba Mengia Frizzoni ; in j^rcdgia
funeracla. [U. E. ] Cclleriua, 1789. 4°. pp. 32.
993 " 23
Tcstimoniaunza dall' amur stupcnda Gesv
Cristo vers pchiadiiors uniauns ; per gnir cantaeda
in vcrss missa. [U. E.] Ccllcrina, 1789. sm. 8". pp.
(22) + 1047 -f- (9). 993 H 15
With music.
Gabriel, Steffan, the clthr. Unna stadera da
pasar quala scig la vera cardienscha. [2'^ cd.]. [O.]
Basel, 1649. 24". pp. (22) -I- 225 4- (10). 99515 11
The last 3 pp. are lacking. 13d. with liis " Ver sulaz," 1649.
Satne. [3^ cd.] Basel, 16S3. 240. pp. (22) +
225 4- (10). 995 u 12
Bd. with the "Vcr sulaz," 1683.
Same. [4' ed.] Cuera, 1740,
16". pp.
995 n '3
A later reprint of the 4th
(16) 4- 2054- (9)
Bd. with the " Ver sulaz," 1740,
ed., Cuera, 1769, is appended to the " Ver sulaz," Cuera, 1768.
Ilg ver sulaz da pievel giuvan, quei eis
linna curta suinina da la cardienscha. Itcvi anza-
qtionts psalms da David a canzuns spirilualas, item
anzaquontas uratiuns. [3' cd.] [O.] Basel, 1649.
240. pp. (12) 4-3394- (6).
Same. Squitschau da nief
24". pp. (12) 4-339+ (6).
Same. Squitschau la 4' gada.
995 » II
Basel, 16S3.
995 H 12
Cuera, 1740.
995 n '3
Cuera, 176S.
995 15 14
16". pp. (8) 4- 266 4- (4J-
Lacks pp. 261-262.
Same. Squitschau la 5 gada.
16". i)p. (8) 4- 492 4- (9)-
Appended, pp. (271) - 492 4- (9)1 i» his " .Slader.i," Cuera,
Slime. Unna curta summa da la cardienscha.
Malaiiz, 178S. 24°. pp. 59. 995 K 19
The catechism only, without the psalms and hymns.
Same. Coira, iSoi. 16°. pp.70. 995 is 16
The catechism only. Edited by L. Wallher, who has added
" La moral chri^tiancivla."
Same, Italian. Catechismo ; cio c. Breve
sommario dclla fcde ; hora tradotto dal Tedesco in
volgare Italiano dalli ministri di 15regallia. Zurigo,
1697. 240. pp. 66 4- 27 4- 23. 995 li 15
A translation of the catechism alone, without the psalms
and hymns.
[Gallerio, Giovanni Battista.] L'otante;
lunariiit del Citit
i //;//;/, ])e biiine iiit Furlane a
benctizi dci pilars uirfins di Tomadin. [F.] Udin,
1879. 160. pp. 324- ( I). 997^47
(4) +
Poesie. [F.] Udiiie, 1SS5.
16°. pp.
997 E 62
-Appendix, pp. 257-293, " Raccolta di poesie italiane del me-
desinio autore.
, compiler. Vilotis furlanis. [F.] [Udine,
1S82.] 80. pp. (25). 997 E 52
"Per le faustissimc nozze Brunetti-Cardini." Edited by
P. di CoUoredo Mels.
[Gallin. Francesg Damian.] Ecr en igl qual
ei igl scazzi zupau ; quci ci, La compagnia della
gloriusa momma S. Onna, con sias rcglas, consti-
tuziuns, grazias e perduns. [O.] Beneduz, 1735.
240. pp. (6) -f 155. 995056
Formular dc risponder, a gidar cantar en
tutt igl onn las viaspras, con sias antifonas, psalms,
cd hymiiis per iiia dcvoziusa giuventegna. [O.]
Beneduz, 1739. 24". pp. (2) -f 131. 995 D 58
Lacks 2 ff. at end after p. 131.
, reziiser. Evangclis e epistolas.
See Bible — A'. T. - Selections.
Gartner, Theodor. lierichtigungen zu Ulrichs
Abdrlickcn der cistcn bciden Evangelien Bifruns
und des Katechismus von Bonifaci. [G.] (/;/ Ro-
manische Studien. Bd. vi., 3, 1885.) 995 f 59
Gasetta romonscha. [O.] i.-xxxvi. ann. 27
Mars 1857-29 Dec. 1S92. w. Muster, 1857-92.
28 V. bd. in 14, and unbd. nos. £°. 997 K ; 997 l
Edited by P. Condraii. From the beginninp, 1857, to 1S66
inclusive the title was "Nova gasetta romonscha." 1857-62,
1S67, 1S68, 1S75, 1S76, 1884, 1891 are incomplete.
Gausiung (In) dies dus messes novelles.
See [Declara, M.].
[Gengenbach, Pamphilus.] Die zchn .Mter;
eiiie ratoronianisclie HLarbcituiig aus dcm 16 Jh.
[by G. Siujipaii, edited by T. Gartner.] [U. E.]
\ln Romauische Studien. Bd. vi.. 3. 1885.) 2
copies. 993 H 83 ; 991 d 16
Gerhard, Johann. Meditatiuns saenchias ; ver-
tidas in Roniaimsch da i\I. A. Bisatz. [L. E.] Turi,
1686. 240. pp. 309-+- (i). 993 A 94
Soings discurs dad linn' olma fideivla cun
Deus a cun saseza par sa muentar si tier linna veia
tenima da Deus ; ussa mess giu en rima rumonscha
tras Johan Moeli. [O.] Luven, 1686. 240. pp.
(22) -f 570 -f (I). 9951? 60
Same, [i^ ed.] tras Barnabas Moeli. Ba-
naduz, 1739. 16". pp. (20) -[-441 -\- (i). 995 ]i 61
Gersen, Joannes, Abhot of Vercelli. Dig! suon-
dar Christvm qvater codishs ; shentai giu en Ro-
monsh. [O.] Typis Monasterii Desertinensis,
17 16. 240. pp. (6j -I- 433. 995 D 23
In the paging the numbers 22S, 287, 358 are used twice;
431 is omitted. — Sec also Thomas a Ketiipis.
*Gieriet, Giachen Fr. Cuortas devoziuns
)5rincipa!incing per aifons. 2-' ed. [O.] Nosa
997 A 40
pp. 1234-
997 A 41
Duiiaun, 1840. 32^. pp. 124 -)- (2).
Same. 3'' ed. [Glion], 1S56. 32°.
Lacks pp. 33-34, QS-'j''-
Same. 4'' ed. Nossa Duiu-iiin, 1S6S. 32°.
pp. \2(^ 4- (2). Froiitisp. and eiii^r. t.-p. 997 a 42
Glogn (II); calender pil pievel romonsch per
1S67. [O.] Glion, [1866]. i6« 99508
GoflBne, Leonhard. Catholicas instructiuns,
ner cuortas explicatiuns dilgs evangelis sin tuttas
domcngias ; translatadas en Ramonsch entras G. E.
Riedi. [O.] Cuera, 1823. 2 pts. in i v. 160.
995 E 87
Pt. 2 has title "Catholicas instructiuns, ner cuortas explica-
tiuns dilgs evangelis sin tuttas fiastase firaus; translatada entras
G. G. Degonda."
Gortani. G., compiler. Saggio di canti popolari
friulani. [F.] Udine, 1S67. 8". pp. 32. 997 e 24
Grass, Johann, tratislator. lis psalms d' ilg reg
See Bible — O. T.— Psaims.
[Greminger, — ] La sabienscha tier il salid ;
vertiii en Komonsch da la Ligia Grischa tras M. G.
Lutta. [O.J Cuera, 1S79. 16°. pp. «. 997 B 48
[ ] La sapienza pro beadentscha. [L. E.]
Coira, 1S79. 16". pp. S. 993 C S2
Translated from the German by P. J. Andeer.
Grischot, Murezzi. Kurzer Lebensabiiss des
Murders Moriz Grisciiot von Hiireiiburg in Schams ;
nebst der Sentcnz und der bei seiner Ilinrichtung
gehaltenen Keden. Cluir, 1S31. sm. 8". pp. 26 +
iS. 995 ^ 46
Contains in German and in tlie Oberland dialect the speeches
of J. P. de .Marchion and J. Liitla.
Grischuu (II). [G.J i .Schencr 1S59-20 iVLatg
1864. w. Cuera, 1859-64. 68 nos. fo. 997 g 98
Each i)f tlie years above inclnded is incomplete.
Grischuu (II) romonsch. [O.] i Mars 1836-
21 Favrer 1S37. 7u. Cuera, 1836-37. 52 nos. 4".
997 K
Grisons. Bundsartikel en Ramonsch : statuts et
artikels della Ligia Grischa. [O.] Coira, 1797.
4". pp. 36. 995 ^ '9
Codex civil per il cantun Grischun. [O.]
Cuera, 1S63. 8°. pp. (329). 995 F 13
By p. C. von Planta.
Collectiun officiala de leschas. Tierz torn.
[O.] Cuera, 1842. 8". pp. xviii + 316. 995 c 67
Concept revedius din codex criminal per il
cantun Grischun. [O.] Cuera, 183S. 8'^ pp. x +
141. 995 c 64
Constituziun pel chantun Grischun. [L. E.]
[Coira, 1876.] 8°. pp.16. 993 D 79
" Verfassungsentwurf, der nicht angenommen vvurde." —
Cudisch de polizia dil cantiui Grischun
(entraus en vigur i Fenadur 1873). [O.] n. t.-p.
[1873.] 8°. pp. 16. .995 F 24
Lescha sur la procedura civila dil cantun
Grischun (passad' en vigur i Juni, 1871). [0.|
Cuera, 187 1. 8°. pp. iv + 3-104. 995 k 20
Lescha sur las elecziuns circuitalas (en-
trescha en vigur cugl i de Schaner 1S75). [O.]
n. t.-p. 8°. pp. 8. 991 G 89
In case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
Progett tiers I'erectiun d'iin stabilmaint
da sgiiraunza cunter ils danns causos traes incendis
per il cantun Grischun. [U. E ] Cuoira, 1822. sm.
80. pp. 19. 993 F 36
Project tier in codex criminal (cudisch de
lescha peinala) per il cantun Grischun. [O.] n. p.
1850. 40. pp. 63 +(3)- . . .995*^77
Project tier ina constituziun per il cantun
Grischun. [O.] n. p. [1S50?] 40. pp.16. 2 copies.
. 995 F.4; 995 » 8
Project tier ina constituziun revidida per il
cantun Grischun. [0.| n. t.-p. [1869.] sm. 8«.
pp. 24.
In case lettered
991 G 89
991 G 89
Regulativ davart il
Miscellanea Romanica."
Projects de leschas. [O.] n.
40. pp. 30.
In case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
manar ils protocolls
n. p. n. d. Broadside.
991 G 89
In case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
Traductiun fideivla en Ramonch dela
adressa de las Ligias Grischas en la rimnanda natio-
nala a la sessiun dilgs 2 d' Avrel 1790. [O.] n. t.-p.
8°. pp. 4. 995 c 17
d' hypotheca. [O.]
Uorden da polizia stradala per il chantun
Grischun, tenor decrets del grand cussagl, Juni, 1867.
[U. E.] Coira, 1868. sm. 8". pp. 24. 993 v 89
— CoDiinissiiin Forestala. Cudaschet clii
tratta davart ils gods, a ponderaziun e niiz del povel
Grischun. [U. E.] Coira, 1848. sm. 8°. pp.16.
993 F 58
Same. Cudischett sur d'ils guaulds. [0.|
Coira, 1848. 16°. pp. 16. 997 a 54
— Ciissegl iP Ediicaziioi. ABCoderpriim
cudesch da scola per las scolas dell' Engiadina
Bassa. [L. E.] Cuoira, 1S50. 16". pp. 46 -f (4).
993 c 48
* Cudesch da Icctura per le seguonda e
terza annada dellas scolas ladinas. [L. E.j Coira,
1888. 8°. pp. iv-f 132. 993 D 86
Cudesch da scoula per la terza e quarta
classa dellas scoulas dell' Engiadina (liassa). [L. E.]
Coira, 1864. 16". pp. 176. 993 c 63
Cudisch d' A B C, e de nums per las
catholicas scolas elementaras dil cantun Grischun.
2' ed. [O.J Cuera, 1850. 16". pp. 44 -f (4).
997 A 59
Cudisch de leger per la secunda classa
dellas scolas elementaras romonschas dil cantun
Grischun. [O.] Turitg, 1857. 16". pp. 124.
997 A 67
* Same. Cuera, 1890. 16". pp. 124.
997 A 68
Cudisch de scola per la tiarza e quarta
classa dellas scolas elementaras romonschas dil can-
tun Grischun. [O.] Cuera, 1859 16°. pp. 195.
997 A 72
* Same. Cuera, 1885. i6'\ pp.192.
997 B 82
* Emprim cudisch de leger per las scolas
ruralas dil cantun Grischun. [O.] Cuera, 1890.
16°. pp. (32). 997 A 75
Programm della reunida scola cantonala
grischuna. |0.] n. p. n. d. 8°. pp. 8. 995 C 79
Dated at end " Cnera, igl Auost 1S50."
* Priim cudesch da scoula per las scoulas
deir Engiadina (Bassa). [L. E.] Coira, 1889.
sm. 8°. i)p. (44). 993 c 96
Secund cudisch de scola ne cudisch de leger
per classas maseunas dellas scolas romonschas re-
formadas. [O.] Cuera, 1S51. 16". pp. (143).
997 A 61
Uorden de scola per las scolas ruralas dil
cantun Grischun, tenor decret d'als 9 de Mars 1846.
[O.] Cuera, 1S46. 8". pp.20. 3 /^/i/^i/ /■(i'^Vj.
995 c 74
Cussei:^l Groiid. Decret pervia de treer en
ils dazis. Decret pervia de tschentar si in tribunal
mercantil. 25 Fenadur, 1835. [O.]
Cussegl grond. 27 Oct., 1847. [O.]
Cussegl grond. Revisiun della ligia. 5
Matg, 1848. [O.^]
Cussegl grond. 25 Marz, 1S48. [O.]
Cussegl grond. 26 Zarcladur, 1848. [O.]
Appendi tier il recess dais 26 juni, 1848.
Puigns de recapitulaziun. n. d. [O.]
Aggiuntas tier il recess. 1850-56,1860,1861,
1865, 1869, 1870, [1873], 1876, 18S7, 1S89. [O.]
Annexa B tier il recess dais 28 Nov., 1854.
Proposiziun tier ina lescha de polizia. [O.]
Abscheid dils 29 Juni 1858. Project per ina
lescha peinala de polizia e procedura. [O.]
Annexa tier il rapport. 1861, 1S62. [O.]
Cussegl grond. Banca cantonala. 1S69. [O.]
Cussegl grond. Lescha de rempars. 1S69.
Cussegl grond. i Fenadur, 1S71. [O.]
GnaonB—Citssc'i,'/Gn>H(/. Cussegl grond. i Oct.,
1871. 10.]
Cussegl grond. 27 Avril, 1S72. Revisiun
della constituziun federala. [O.]
Supplement tier il recess. 1873, 1S75-7S,
1S80-S4. 10.]
Proposiziun tier ina lescha revedida sur il
proceder en 1' c.xccuziun cnconter dcbiturs. n. d.
Pungs de recapitulaziun ed aggiuntas tier il recess,
•874 [O.] ^ ^
Cussegl grond. 16 Zercladur, 1877. [O]
Cussegl grond. S Fenadur, 1S89. [O.J
Cussegl grond. 6 Marz, 1889. [0.|
The preceding public.itions of llie Cussegl Grond are in case
lettered " II cussegl grond." 995 v 4
Cuss,x/ J'i,i:ti. II cussegl pign dil cantiin
r.ri>cliun [concerncnte ina via de ficr sur il Spiigial.
[O.l n. t.-p. ICuera, 1871.] 8". pp. ii4-(i)-
995 1^ 4
In case lettered "II Cussegl Grond."
Lescha sur 1' e.xccuziun dil drctg de far
grazia modilicaus suentcr ils conclusums dil Cussegl
CJrond dais 250 26 de Zercladur, 1S46. [O.] Cuera,
1847. i". pp. 6. 995 F 4
In case lettered " II Cussegl Grond."
Mandat per il di de rogaziun. [O.] i860,
1866, 1S6S, 1869, 1S71, 1S77, 1878, 18S2, KSS3, 1SS5-
87, 1S89, 1890. Cuera, 1860-90. 14 nos. I'.roadside.
991 V. 89
The title varies slightly in the different nos. In case lettered
" Miscellanea Komanica."
» Norma din uorden de vischnaunca. jO.)
Cuera, 1S90. S°. pi). 14- 995 '" 8^
Ordonaziun cantonala ariguard peisa e ma-
sira. [O.] n. t.-p. [Cuera, 1876.] 8°. pp. 8.
995 F 28
_ litspectiir Cantonal d' Uauls. Entruida-
ment tier 1' ameglifjraziiin della economia d' uauls
grischuns. [O.] Surrhein-Somvitg, 1S40. 16". pp.
viii + 3-104. s plates. 997 A 35
Lanilta:^. Ault honorai, stimai & prudens
signurs nos fideivels & cars confederay. [O.]
n.t.-p. [Cuera, 1794.] f°. 991087
Bd. in vol. lettered " Pnblicaziuns ufficialas." A series of
reports on their deliberations and decisions from April 1 1 to
June II, 1794, signed variously: " llg praeses e la antira depu-
tatiun da cuminas treis ligias," •' Ilgpraeses & tutts ils depniaus
della lud. extraordinaria deputatiun dilg stand," etc.
Aulta superioritat dils lud. cusselgs a cu-
mins, fideivels a chars confederai ! [O.] n. t.-p.
[1794] f'- PP' 6. 991 ''87
Dated September 14, 1794. Contains "Project d' ilg lud-
Hundstag als lud. cusselgs a cumins." Hd. in vol. lettered
" Publicatiuns ufficialas."
Synod. Liturgia ner uraziuns ad agendas
par las basclgiadas rumonschas evangelicas sur a
sut ilg uault en 1' Aulta Rhdzia. [O.] Cuera, 1834.
4». pp. viii -f 153. 995 c 48
Liturgia overo oraziuns ed agendas per
las baselgias ladinas evangelicas in Uezia. [L. 13.]
Coira, 1840. S-. pp. viii + 188 + (5)- 993 1^57
Translated from the German by J. R. da Porta.
Liturgia o saja oraziuns ct agendas per las
baselgias evangelicas in Rczis.. [U. E.] Coira,
1 84 2. sm. 8'. pp. vi 4- (3) + 213. 993 " 43
The iireface is signed by Gian Sandri, reviser of the transla-
[Gritti, Johan L.] Ein altladinisches Gedicht in
oberengadiner Mundart; hcrausgegeben, iibersetzt
und erklrirt von A. Kochat. [U, E] Ziirich, 1874.
8°. pp. 56 4- (I). ^ 993 H 63
The poem is entitled " Cna historia da la schgrischusa ruvina
dalg Vich da Plur." Added is "Una chianzun spirituaela,"
by Gritti.
-, translator. L' Nouf Testamaint.
See Bible — iV. T.
Guidon, O. L' instrucziun educativa; referat
jiorta avant la conferenza generala da magisters.
[L. E.] Scuol, 1S81. 16°. pp. 32. 993 c 90
, compiler. Chanzuns religiusas per adover
da baselgia, chasa e scoula. [E,] Coira, 1875.
sm. 8". pp. (2) 4- 272. 993 A 27
Hymns with music.
, translator. Coro mi.xt. Nr. 218. (Libra
traducziun da sigr. min. Guidon.) [L. E.] [Scuol,
1881.] broadside. 997 i" 9'
A song of three stanzas.
Habermann (La/. Avenarius), Johann. Ora-
tiuns ciuistiaunas, fattas per uracr da ttiots temps
& in tuots bsaengs ; prainsas our da las Oratiuns
I. Avenarii [and translated into Romansch by
J. L. Gritti.] [U. E.] Basel, 161 5. 24°. pp. (24)
+ 423 4- (9) 4- 40. 993 K 20
Appended is " Aqvi zieva svn akhiins zvond bels dilts, prains
our da la S. Scrittiira." — Lacks title folio and the 3 following ;
also ff. 9-12 of signature a, and b i : also pp. 25-26 of the
" Hels ditts," and 6 pp. at end of same. The t.-p. of the lat-
ter is bd. at the beginning of the vol., in place of the miss-
ing t.-p.
Same. [3^ ed.] Basel, 1651. 240. pp. (20)
-f 428 4- (8) 4- 48. 993 K 22
Lacks t.-p. and one folio at end after p. 48. Appendix as
in preceding.
Same. [4^ ed.] Turi, 16S0. 24°. pp. 378 +
(6) + 48- . . 993 E 23
Appendix as in preceding.
Same. [S"" ed.] Augusta, 1734. 240. pp.
(26) 4- 428 4- (8) 4- 52- 993 E 24
Appendix as in preceding.
Same: [6-^ ed.] Luzain, 1S12. 24". pp. xxiv
+ 336 + 36-. . 993 E 25
Appendix as in preceding.
Uratiuns salideivlas par urar da tut temps
enten tut basengs; messas giu 'Ig ami)riiii en Tu-
deschk, mo ussa mess giu en Rumonsch, a carschen-
tau cun las uratiuns da fests. [O.] Basel, 1663. 24".
pp. (24) 4- 254+ (10) 4- 33 + (I)- 995 » 21
Facsimile t.-p. The preface is signed " Men-Fort Gabriel."
Appended, pp. 34, with separate t.-p., is " Uraziuns da clum-
mar Deus."
Satne. [2-^ ed.] Cuera, 1744. 24". pp. (18)
4- 254 + (10) 4- 33 + (')• 995 B 22
-Alipendix as in preceding.
[Hausius, Casparus. Canzuns spiritualas et
Porismata. 177S.] Ms. [L. E.] 160. pp. 15-287,
290-391 4- (9) 4- 1-27, 30-31, 64-75. MSSd 12
Imperfect manuscript volume containing, first, a collection of
hymns, some of which are certainly, and all are jirobably com-
posed by Casparus Hansius, sometime pastor of the church of
Sent, his name being given in the following stanza, at the end
of the Register sopra las caitzutis :
Certa sagitA, fideS, sPcs nervus
Ara, anioR xai arcUS
HiL'C sol.A, ad celum, jaNua,
Scala, meta, trIunphUS.
P. Eccl. Sentinae
Anno a reparata salutis, 1778, 3 Febr.
The text of the hymns begins at the top of page 15, in the
middle of a hymn, with the words "da Ncbagiar nel jiled ama,"
and ends on page 391. On the following (unnumbered) page
begins the Keffister sopra las canzuns et cirprhicipalla materia,
which occupies eight pages; on the ninth is the stanza given
above. This is followed by a collection, in the same hand-
writing, with separate pagination, entitled Porisvtaia., sive doc-
triiias sitme saluiiaivlas, et ftecesan'as, qualas eiig, in vieis
officio pastoral, las tuij explichiadas in pidpita. This ends
abruptly at the bottom of page 75.
Hansen, Wilhelm. Spirituals mussaments per
maiiar ina christianeivla vita; translatai en Ra-
monsch, creschentai c ])roporzionai als baseings
della patria entras J. A. Carigiet. [O.] Cuera,
1821. 16°. pp- (7) + 403. 2 copies. 995 E 77;
995 E 78
Hebel, Johann Peter. Istorias biblicas ; ver-
ticlas or d'ilg Tudesc tier diever della juventigna
en las scolas romanschas evangelicas dador ils
culms. [O.] Cuera, 1831. 2 pts. bd. in i v. 8".
995 ^ 43
See also Heinrich, G., and E. Lechner. Istorias.
Also Istorias biblicas.
[Heidegger, Johann Heinrich.] II mandel
spiritval, que ais il minz dalla cristiauna theolo-
gia our dalla S. Scrittiira ; tratt' oura da U. C. lio-
norand. [L. E.] Scuol, 1747. 16". pp. (7) -f
566+ (2). 993 « 59
[Heidelberg catechism.] II christian catechisem
suainter chel vain usito in las baselgias da Heidel-
berg ; huossa danof vertieu in Rumaunsch traes
Casparum Fritzum. [U. E.] Scuol, 1686. 24°. pp.
(6) + 14S. 993 E 56
Same. 2-'' ed. Augusta, 1722. 24°. pp. (6) +
144- . 993 K 57
Informativn chrastiavna, cun sias explica-
tiuns siin tuotts principaels puonks da la vaira
religiun tres Zacharias Ursinus ; huossa ovr da sieu
tractat latiun aschanto in noas Runiauntsch tres P. S.
Schvchiavn. [U. E.] Tigvri, 1613. 16°. ff. (7) +
343- 993 E 15
Lacks f. 344.
Heinrich, Florin. Succincta formula dad' in-
chialamar fraischias mansinas, nella vaira vitt' lesv
Christo. [L. E.] [Scuol], 1763. 24°. pp. (145).
993 i^ ^i
Heinrich, G. Fuormas grammaticalas del lin-
guach tudaisch, in benefizi dellas scoulas romaunt-
schas. [U. E.] Coira, [1841.] 16°. pp. 99+(0-
991 E 94
Same. 2^ ed. Coira, [1855.] 16°. pp.99.
991 E95
[ ] II pitschen lectur ; iin cudaschet per prin-
cipiants nel ler. [U. E.] Cuoira, 1845. 16°. pp.
8i + (i). 993 F 56
, and Ernst Lechner. Istorias della Sen-
chia Scrittiira. [U. E.] Coira, 1857. 160. pp.
(203). 993 F 68
Special t.-pp. : " Vegl Testamaint tres Heinrich," " Nouv
Testamaint tres Lechner." For the most part a translation of
Rebel's " BibHsche Geschichten."
Heinrich, Matthias. lis sagels da la ligia da
la grazia, ner la doctrina davart ils s. sacraments
declarada. [O.] Coira, 1768. 16°. pp.80. 995^9
Lacks pp. 77-So.
Hermann, H. C. II cultivatur d' aviuls, li me-
toda per bein cultivar ils aviuls e trer da quels in
gron profit ; translatau libramein ord il Tudestg dal
N. J. Huonder. [O.] Tumein, i860. 16". pp.
100. 2 plates. 997 A So
Hilber, Joseph Anton. Tegn ad honur bab
e mumma ! Cuorta instrucziun per affons sul quart
condament de Diu ; cun reglas de viver per la giu-
ventetgna ed ina addiziun d' eligidas devoziuns.
Translatau en romonsch da N. J. Huonder. [O.]
Muster, 1S69. 24°. pp. vii -|- 317. Frontisp. 997 B 6
Hiob, ein oberengadinisches Drama.
See [Rueff, J.].
Historia de Gion Actif feilg d' m pauper pur ;
translatad' e' 1 lungaitg romantsch [from the Ger-
man] et augmentad' entras M. S. [O.] Quera,
1S36. 16°. pp. 125 + (3). 997 A 19
Has second t.-p. " Ina cuorta mo fetg interessant' historia
per 1' instructiiin," etc
Historia della baselgia de Nies-Segner.
See [Fing, A.].
Historia dl grand Alexander nomino rag della
Maccedonia. Copchieda da me Gio F. Stuppano,
1795. Ms. [E.] 40. ff. (44). MSS\i\
HUbner, Johann, the elder. Cient et quater his-
torias sacras ; transponiidas in Ladin da P. 1). R. de
Porta. [E.] Scuol, 1770. 16". pp. (21) + 441 +
(5)- 993 A 10
* Huonder, Anton. Ligia grischa ; canzun na-
zionala romonscha. [O.] n. t.-p. [1891.] 8°. i
folio of 7niisic. 995 F 88
Tlie music is by J. Helm.
* Poesias; edidas de C. Decurtins. [O.]
Muster, [18 — .' ] 320. pp.14. 995 a 67
Huonder, Nic. Jos., translator. Maria sont-
gissima e s. Alois, exemplars della giuventetgna ;
cudisch d'instrucziiui ed oraziun. Daus ora
en Romonsch. [O.] Muster, 1876. 16". pp. 296.
Frontisp. 997 B 28
* Raccolta de sontgas novenas specialmein
en honur de Maria. 2' ed. [O.] Muster, 18S5.
16". pp. 55. 997 B 80
Inforniatiun davart il dret saludaivel adoever
dalg s. sacramaint dalla tschaina dalg Segner.
[U. E.] Basel, 1661. 24". pp. 36.
993 E 39
* Instrucziun sur la s. messa. [O] n. t.-p. 32".
pp. 32. 995 A 69
* Instrucziun sur 1' educaziun dils affons ; me.s-
sas avon da paders capuciners. [O.] Gossau, 1884.
320. pp. 167+ (I). _ _ 997 B 72
Intraguidaniaint nella religiun Christiana.
See [Mohr, A.].
Istoria (L') da Abraham. Ano 1709. Ms. [E.]
160. ff. (42). MSS u II
Istorias biblicas publichedas tres il coUoqui
d' Engiadina Ota. [U. E.] Coira, 1872. pp. (185).
993 F 96
Translated for the most part from Hebel's " BibHsche Ge-
* Same. 2^ ed. Samedan, 1890. 80. pp. (5)
+ 88 + 87. 6 fnaps. 993 H 98
Ive, Antonio, compiler. Canti popolari istriani
raccolti a Rovigno. [Is.] {In Comparetti, D.,
and A. d' Ancona, editors. Canti e racconti del
popolo italiano. Vol. v. 1877.) 997 D 40
[J., and J.] Seguond cudaschet per las scoulas
deir Engiadin' Ota. [U. E.] Coira, 1S60. 160.
pp. (i) + 125+ (I). 993 F 70
Jannett, Johann. lis trais tractats per oarmas
daletaentas dellas divinas e saludaivlas vardaets per
il saliid dal oarma. [U. E.] Coira, 1816. 16°.
PP- 45- 993 F 34
Jesus Christ, Archconfraternity of the Sa-
cred Blood of. La devoziun tier il prezius e
soing saung de Jesus Christus per niz de scadin
fideivel, oravon aber per ils Confrars de quella Ar-
chiconfraternitat tschentada si a Roma entras Papa
Pius VII. [O.] Cuera, 1839. 12°. pp. 20.
997 A 33
* Jesus Christ, Confraternity of the Sacred
Heart of. Fegl de uniun tier igl apostolat dell'
oraziun ed associaziun u federaziun tier il ss. cor
de Jesus ; purtaus enten il lungatg romonsch dad
in p[ader] missionari cap[uciner.] [O.] n. t.-p.
1873. sm. Sf>. pp. (4). 995 A 64
Joppi, Vincenzo, editor. Testi inediti friulani
dei secoli xiv. al xix. [P.] (In Archivio glottolo-
gico italiano. Vol. iv. 1S78.) 997 E 41
Joseph, Saint. II cudisch de s. Giuseph ; quel ei
zacontas biallas devotiuns per reverir et honorar s.
Joseph, SCO particular patrun da bein morir. [O.]
Cuera, 182S. 24°. pp. vi -f- 185. 995 E 95
Josty, Daniel. Biere de mon tonneau, offerte
en trois langues. [U. E.] Berlin, 1S35. 16°. pp.
xiv + (I) + 352. 993 F 43
Prose and verse in German, French, and Romansch of the
Upper Engadine.
Juvalt, Fortunat von. Commentarii vitae et
selecta poemata. [U. E.] Curiae Raetorum, 1S23.
4°. pp. xi + ( I) + 160. 993 11 29
Edited by L- Hold. Cuntains, pp. 114-117, 139, poems in ihe
Upper Engadine dialect
Juvalta, Otto Paul, iutd Peider Jann. Prob-
lems aritrnctics per las scoulas iiil'criura.s dell' En-
giaditia Sur. 2^ ed. [U. E.] Zurich, 1S74. 16".
pp. 5S.
[Kirchen, Nicolo]
[U. E.J Samedan, 1S70.
993 F 10?
da viedi.
II ciimpagn
16". ])p. 95. 2 copies.
993 '•■ 91 ; 993 »■" 92
One is a presentation copy, with author's autograph.
[ 1 In incnioria da D. Josty e da G. C. Ta-
[U. E.J Zuoz, 1S5S. sni. 8". pp. (6) + 30.
993 » 49
[ , ami others?^ L' inauguraziiin della chesa da
scoula a Zuoz di 24 Oct., 1S69. [U. E.] Samedan,
1570. 16'. pp. 31. 993 F 94
The above is the title on the outer cover, whicli is lackinp; in
tliis copy. The inner t.-p. reads "A Zuoz ed a Lavin dedicho
dais autuors."
Kohler, Johann. Granimatica roniaunscha e
tucLiischa, per adiiver nelias sciKjJas romaunschas
del chantun Grischun. i'^-3» lief. [U. E.J .Strada,
1S40. 3 pts. in I V. 16°. 991 E 97
No more published.
Kiiug, Giachem. Jagdabenteuer des beriihmten
Biirenjagers Jakob Kiing. 2'-' vermehrte Aufl. Turin,
1571. sm. S". pp. 45. Froiitisp. 993 J' 57
Appended are two poems, as specimens of the Upper Enga-
dine dialect, one by Caratsch, which ha^ also a German trans-
[Kupfer, Fr.J Nos dovair da cooperar alia con-
ver.siun dels pajans ; tradiit our dal Tudaisch [by
J. F. Vital and A. Mohr .? J [L. E.J Basel, 1869.
sm. 8'. pp. 24. 993 c 72
* Lanz. Rodolfo. II Biviano: poesias diversas
sur fatgs Icggcniliarics ed istorics scritgas an dialett
romantsch da Baiva. [Sin.J Cuera, 1887. 16°.
pp. V + 100. 995 \ 12
Latour, Alois de. Plaid tenius alia fin dils
e.xamens de nossa scola catholica cantonala, ils 14
d' Uost 184.}. [O] Cuera, 1844. 8°. pp. 8.
. . « , . 995 c 72
Lazzarini, G. E. Dug e nissun ! commedia in
un atto, in dialetto friulano. [F.J Udine, 1882.
sm. 8".
pp. 31 -f (I).
997 E 50
In Germanic ; commedia in tre atti, in
dialetto friulano. [F.] Udine, 1890. sm. 8°. pp.
43- 997 E71
" Approvata dalla Commissione del concorso ed ammessa
al premio, Udine, 1875."
* II lunis; comedia in tre atti. [F.J Udine,
189 1, sm. 8°. pp. 64. 997 K 69
Malis lengliis ; commedia in 3 atti in dia-
letto friulano. [F.J Udine, 1876. 8". pp. 78.
997 E 33
" Premiata al concorso drammatico friulano, Udine, 1875."
La sdrondenade ; commedia in 3 atti in
dialetto friulano. [F.J Udine, 1876. 8°. pp. 54.
907 E 37
II Vencul ; commedia in 3 atti in dialetto
friulano. [F.J Udine, 1876. 8". pp. 57.
997 E 35
[Lechner, Ernst J Pitschen catechisscm : col-
letziun da dits della oibgia cun sentenzas poeticas.
[U. B.J Coira, 1855. 16". pp. 32. 993 f 60
[ J, compiler. Chanzuns religiusas suainter
melodias contschaintas. [U. E.J Coira, 1857. 16".
PP- «=;•(•)• 993 F 66
Ledschas criminalas ad uso della lod. drettura
suott Montfallon, formadas & reformadas in Ce-
lin r a". 1796, 25 Feb. tras ils sigrs. deputads dells
hrs. commiins, corroboradas, affirmadas & approba-
das dels lis. comiins Sent, Scuol, Ramosch & Celin
chi formen detta lod. drettiira. Descrittas di me
[oliann II. Fulia. mastral hora in offizi a". 1796 ils
"ult. MaiJ. Ms. [L.E.J 40. ff. (117). MSS V) 2.
Bd. with " Statvtci, 1758."
Ledschas criminalas drizadas sii revisas corectas
et abrobadas da tuots 4. honorats cumiins da nossa
laudabla drettiira suot Muntfallun, 1707. Suot otflci
del sign mastral Johan D. Agustin. Ms. [L. E.J
160. IT. (7) -f 106. MSS V, XT,
Prefi.\ed are two poems, " Carmen davart la libarta " and
"Davart las ledschas."
Leges criniinallas drizadas sii revissas correctas
& approbadas da tuots quater honorats comiins da
nossa laudabla drettiira suot Muntfallun sub ao.
1760. Suot offici di me Jachen L). Schtnid nel anno
di meis offici ut supra die 18 Jener. Ms. [L. E.J
Sent, 1760. 4". ff. (15) + 126 -f (5). MSS D 6
Prefixed are tlie index and two poems, 'Carmen davart la
libertat" and " Davarts las ledschas."
Leitenburg, Francesco. Commediole in dia-
letto friulano. [F.J Udine, 1883. sm. 8°. pp.
208+ (I ). 997 E 57
*Leo XIII. [Vincenzo Gioacchino PecciJ,
Pope. Preghiere alia b. Vergine. [Udine, 1887. J
8°. pp. 15. Orn. 997 f: 65
" Fauste nozze ing. Luij^i Renciolini, Gemma Donati."
Has also Friulan version of the " Preghiere " and is edited
by G. Loschi.
* Cudisch d' iiistrucziun e devoziun per
igl jubileuni extraordinari conccdius da sia sontga-
d.at Papa Leo XIII., 1886. [O.J [MusterJ, 1886.
32". pp. 127 + (i). 997 H 91
Ligiagrischa (La). [O.J vi.-viii. ann. 21 Avril
1871-11 Schaner 1873. w. Cuera, 1871-73. 28
nos. f". 997 G 98
Each of the years above included is incomplete.
Same. Rosas alpinas ; feuilleton della Ligia
grischa. i ann. No. 1-3. 1870. 7/1. Cuera, 1870.
997 G 98
Liguori, Alphonso Maria de.
See Alphonso Maria.
Linard, Jan Christian. Unna curta a clara
informatiun la quala nus mussa, enten III. parts.
[O.J Cuera, 1717. 16". pp. 77 + 18. 995 D 25
Appended is his "Zund basngusa reforinatiun da la gronda
corruptiun, la quala regia, laider! da quest temps, tenter la
gronda part, er da quels carstiauns ils quals sa numnaun refor-
maus d' ilg Evangeh."
Uratiun par vantir' a benedictiun. [O.J
Cuoira, 1719. 16". pp. (16). 995 D 28
, compiler. Cvdaschaet da cuffvert et conso-
lativn incunter tvotta crvsch et afHictivn; our da
Molicro, .Spinxo, & oters cudaschs, j^rincipaelniaing
our della Scrittiira. [U. E.J Tschlin, 1682. i6*>.
pp. (23) -f 406 4 ( 10). 993 V. 53
Lohr, Johann Andreas Christian. Las his-
torias della llibla, per adoever dcllas scolas ronian-
schas ; vertidas our del Tudaisc [by T. von MohrJ.
[L.E.J Cuoira, 1821. sm.8''. pp.170. 993 D 50
Lonato, Gion Batista. Igl puccont sforzaus a
sc retrer per diesch gis ; oder, Cuort mussament
d' exercizis spirituals. [O.J Muster, 1747. 240.
pp.78. 995 D 71
Lacks pp. 73-78.
Lucas (le S. Giiisep, pader. Vita dil survient de
Diu frar Giacum de S. Aloys; translatada ord il
Talian en Romonsch [by C. M. TuorJ. [O.] Cuera,
1878. 16". i)p. T44. 997 V. 42
Ludescher, Beat. Arithmefica u cudisch de
quin nua ch' ei denter auters quins ed inschins curt
e clar veng mussau principalmeing il interessant
quill de proportiun
pp. (7) + 180.
Devotiuns per
Feldkirch, 1S09. 16°.
995 E 5'
scadin christ-catholic fi-
deivel. [O.] Cuera, 1829 24". pp. 146 + (2).
Frontisp. and ettgr. t.-p. 995 E 97
Same. 2^ ed. Cuera, 1832. 24". pp. 227 +
(3). Frontisp., plate, -^iwA engr. t.-p. 9951:98
Same. Devotiuns per catholics fideivels.
3'^ ed. Cuera, 1842. 16°. pp. 234 + (3). Plate.
995 E 99
Lacks pp. 17-18.
Same, ip- ed. Cuera, 1S46.
995 E 102
La benedida solennisaziun del
PP- 311 +
(8). 2 plates. 995 e 100
Same. Renovadas ed augmentadas dal r. p.
P. Tenner. 5'' ed. Muster, 1S70. 16°. pp. vii + 392.
Frontisp. and 3 plates. 995 e loi
Same. 6'^ ed. Muster, 1882. 160. pp. 436 +
[Lutta. .]
di Dumcngia. [U. E.] Cuera, n. d. 501.8". pp.
(i)+i5- 993 E 3
[Lutta, Murezi ] Uraziuns: i. Da mmtgia gi,
sin treis emdas; it. da festas ; ill. da cunfiert. [O.]
Cuera, 1S83. sm. 8°. pp. (i)+i92. 997^65
Magister (II) amiaivel.
See Portia, A. B. da.
Maudel (II) spiritval.
See Heidegger, J. H.]
Maniera de clamar en agit Mariani cun la de-
voziun die veng nomnada, il salid de nossa dunna.
[O.] IJregens, 1807. 24". pp. 48. 995 e 48
Maniera de far la via della cruscli. [O.] Cuera,
1794. 24^ ff. (17). isw^/f/.-. .995 E 23
Maniera de far la via crucis. [O.] Coira, 1805.
160. pp. (31). 995 E 40
Same. Coira, 811. 16°. pp. (31). 995 E 41
Same. Sco era litanias, et autras oraziuns
della pissiun de Jesus e dellas dolurs de Maria.
Cuera, 1S21. 24°. pp.36. 995 e 42
Same. Statiuns ner via della cruscli, sco era
litanias, et autras oraziuns et ils acts theologals,
Cuera, 1834. 24". pp. 36. 995 e 43
Same. Maniera de far la via della crusch.
Surrhein — Somvitg, 1837. 24°. pp.32. 995 E 45
* Manuscripts.
Tlie manuscripts are entered in their proper alphabetical
places under the following headings : ^
Bible — A^. T.— Galatians.
[Cudasch nmsicale.]
Engadine, Upper. Stratvts
[Hansius, C]
Historia dl grand Alexander.
Istoria da Abraham.
Ledschas criminalas.
Leges criminallas.
Missive ner abscheid.
[Oratiuns e psalms.]
Bascher, P. J.
Salzmann, C. G.
Sent- Chiartas.
Zaa, N. P.
Manzinas da palnias. [L. E.] Coira, 1S79.
160. pp. 16. 993 c 84
Translated by P. J .Vndeer from the German " Palmzweige."
[Marchi, J.] Representanza fatta d' un baur als
seis convaschins da Schuls per I'jnstituziun d' una
scliola comiina. [L. E.] Strada, 1827. 160. pp.
30. 993 c 26
* Maria della glisch, venerada c* miraculusa a
Trun. [O.] n. t.-p. 16". pp. (4). 995^71
A poem of twenty-five stanzas.
Martin (Lat. Martinus), Jolian. Philomela;
quai ais, Canzvns spiritvales, siin divers temps &
occasions, in part da noev componidas & in part
our da autras linguas vertidas ; drizadas la plii part
a 4. vuschs in las melodias dal cudesch musical da
r revd. sgr. lohan Vilhelm Simler; sun adjunctas
alcluins canzuns conijionidas da Martinoex Martinis.
[L. E.] Tschlin, 1684. 240. ff. (18) -|- 216 4- (26).
993 A 89
\\ ith nuisic.
Same. 2^ ed. revisa dal authur cun auctiu.
Turi, 1702. 24". pp. (26) + 432 4- (7)- 993 A 90
Same, y ed. tras J. J. Vitalium. Scuol,
1751. 240. pp. (22) +472 -I- (8). 993 A 91
Same. 4'' ed. Coira, 1797. 240. pp. (6) -f
496 + (8). 993 A 92
and Andreas V. Ranch, compilers. Abyss
dal aeternitat in 3 cudeschs considerata ; our da
divers authurs clet insembel. [L. E]. Turi, 1693.
240. pp. (16) + 156 + 127 -I- 274 + (2) + 264.
Frontisp. 993 B 17
Martyrologium magnum ; oder, II cudesch
grand dels martyrs. Part prima : la historia della
Baselgia & dels martyrs da Christo fin ano 1560.
Primo Stat tschanta in Frances, dajjo in Todaischk,
& huossa in noss Romansch verti & contract da
Conradino Riolano. [L. E.] Strada, 17 18. 4".
pp. (20) -f 556 -f (8). 993 D 30
No more published.
Maschdina (La) universaela, o 1' efilicazia dell'
urraziuii ; tradlit e ]iublich6 tras la Sozietaet gri-
schuna par la publicatiun da scrittscristianeivels.
[U. E.] Cuira, 1836. 16". pp. 8. 993 F 50
Matta (La) d' igl migiur.
See Bichmond, L.
[Mauretzen, Mathieu Steffan.] Ideas soppra
las diffarentias clii agiteschen noass hondro comoen
reguard la juriditium civilla. [U. E] n. p. [1796.]
40. pp. 70. 995 G 21
[Maurizio, Gic] La stria; ossia, I stinqual da
1' amur ; tragicomedia nazionale bargaiota [B.]
Bergamo, 1S7 5. sni. 8°. pp. (196). Frontisp.
997 D 5
Presentation copy, with author's autograph.
Medicina dell' orma.
Sec [Sechia, B.].
Meins (II) de Matg consecraus a Maria sontgis-
sima, cun meditaziuns et e.xenipels et in appendix
d' oraziuns. Translataus en Romonsch entras Do-
natus d' Obervaz. [O.] Gossau, 1S81. 320. pp.
ii -f 26S. 997 B 53
* Meissen, J. La zopina. [O.] Muster, 1885.
160. pp. 23. 2 copies. 997 B 76; 997 B 77
* Memoria del festagio tschinchtschientevel aii-
niversari della battaglia da Sempach, 1386-18S6.
[U. E.] Einsiedeln, 1S86. 4«. pp. 8. Wdcts. and
plate. _ 995 G 25
Menni, Janet. Philipp Gallicius Saluz ; cuorta
descripziun della vita da quaist refuormatur. [U.E.]
Samedan, 1878. 16°. pp. 36. 993 F 107
, translator. II Nouv Testamaint.
See Bible — N. T.
[Miliar, Jacob, and others^ Principis da grani-
matica nel linguaig todaisc, a norma dellas gramma-
ticas del sigr. Gottsched e Braun. [U. E.] Coira,
1778. sm. 8°. pp. 95+(i). 991 E 88
The preface is signed " Minar. Catani. Paoli."
[ ], translator. Chianzuns spiritualas aunt et
davo predgia, dal Todaisch in Romantsch vertidas.
[L. E.] Coira, 1770. 160. pp. 4S. 993 B 85
Hymns with music.
Miny, Giovan. U. Reciprocal cumgio, pilgio
d' niieu chaer filg G. G. Miny, sto oach ans minister
24°. pp. 22S. 995 n 6
p. 144 is omitted in the pag-
della Vda. Haselgia da Scanf : traes alchiins vers in
rima composts da scis addolloro bap. [U. E.J
Coira, 1795- 4°- PP- (7)- ^'^"'''- 993 "-(^
Mira (La) de beia morir; quel ei zccontas bialla.s
devoziuns pertidas giii sin niingia di, per tutt 1'
iarma ora, per reverir e hondrar S. Joseph sco
particular patron per bein morir. [O.] Typis nion-
asterii Uisertincnsi<, i^-)i. 24". pp. 120. WJcts.
995 D 3
The last leaf is in f.lc■^lrllUL■.
Same. Banaduz, 1739. 24°. pp.250. 995 '> 5
Appended are " Cudisch della soinRia messa, con inna bi.illa
6 nizeivia fuornia per bein se rccommendar a Diu la domaun
h la sera h per il dii ora," which has a separate t.-p. between pp.
152 and 153, and •' Soingias letanias della nusieruisa vita de
nies .Signer." also with separate t.-p. and imprint, which is
signed P. C C.
Same. Muster, 1748.
Appendix as in the preceding,
ing, but the text is continuous.
Same. Muster, 1770. 24". pp.226. 995 D 7
Appendix as in the preceding.
Same. [Edited by J. A. Condrau.] Nossa
Dofiaun, 1792. 24°. pp.'(i2) + 213. 995^8
.•\ppcndix as in the preceding.
Mirar (Ilg) sin Jesum antschcata a compliment
d.i la cardicnscha. [O.] Cucra, 1S15. i6». pp.
80. 995 Ji 63
pp. 51-S0 contain hymns.
Same. Cucra, 1835. 160. pp. 71- 997 A 15
Contains only the hymns, with music.
Missive ner abscheid scrit tiers a Igi ludeivla
ligia grischa davart ils articliels declaraus da la ligia.
Ms. [O.] 4°- ff- (8)- ^^^^"^ " 9
At end: "Datum en Lgond '1'. da Nov. 1711. Landrichtcr
a dt;putaus raspai lou."
[Mohr, Auton.] Intraguidamaint nella religiun
Christiana in dits biblics. [L. E.] Ikisel, 1S59.
\U\ pp. (x,. 993 c 59
Mohr, Theodosius Conradin, caUin:^- himself
Tlieodor, von. II stadi da noss antenats avant la
Rufornia; tin discuors salvk ad occasion del in.
jubilaeo de la Kcforma. [L. E.] Strada, 1820. 16°.
pp. 19- 993 c 19
Mohr, Ulrich von. Geordnete Gesetzes-Samm-
lung und grundsatzliche Uebersichten der achtzehn
Erbrechte dcs eidgennssischen Standes Granbiinden,
nebst einem Entwurf zu cincm allgtmeincn V.x\>
rechte flir den ganzen Canton; mit einer Einleitung
und einer deutschcn Uebersetzung der romanschen
Statutcn. [G.] Chur, 1831. 8". pp. xi + (i)-|-
356. Plate. 991 G 61
The statutes are in their original text, being German, Italian,
or Rhaeto-romanic.
Molitor, Ludvig. Un cudeschet da soinchias
hi.-slorias i)ridas or d'iig Vedcr Testament, sco er,
Anzacjuontas ranzuns spiritualas messas giu en
Kumonsch. jO.] Ilascl, 1656. 24". pp. (14) +
201 i- (12). 995 i; 18
Lacks pp. ic)i-if>2, also the last page. The "Canzuns" has
separate t.-p., between pp. 166 .iiid 167.
[Moller, Martin.] .Manuale
ad mortein ; cpiui
paratiun tiers la
rumonsch tras Christian Caminada [O.] Ttnig.
1690. 240. pp. 290 + 54 + (2). 995 H 69
Appended is " S.ilidcivlas urati^ln^." by Caminada.
Monod, Adolphe. La femna in duosdischcuors
e.xplicha seis dubel destin i)er la vita tcmporala et
per la beada vit' actcrna ; vcrti in Komansch tras
C. J. Bott. [E.] Coira, 1879. sm. 8". pp.121.
993 A 28
de praeparatione
ei, Un mnssament davart la ])rae-
mort. Mess giu ent ilg lunguaig
More, Hannah. II bescher siin la planura da
Salisbury; verti our dal Tudaisch n' il Ladin d' En-
gadina Bassa tras L. Sartca. [L. E.] Coira, 1843.
S". pp.32. (Collectur christianaivel. I.) 993 D 61
Igl nurser sin la planira da Salisbury ; or
d'igl Engles, werticus or d' igl Tudesc en la Ku-
monsch da la part sura tras Florian Walther. jO.]
Cucra, 1S36. 8°. pp.32. (Collectur christianaivel.
I.) 995 c 59
*Morf, H. Urci bergellische Volkslieder. [B.J
(/// Nachrichten der Koniglichen Gesellschaft der
Wisscnschaften, Giittingen. 1886.) 997 c. 84
I Moroni, Giuseppe Maria] Ristret des prima-
riis instruzions che devin da ju paris e lis maris alia
tcnerae fiolanzac in chiasae, e ju mestris e lis maes-
tris nc primae scuclae ; tradot in Furlan. In chestae
gnovac impression ridot. [F.] Udin, 1779. 12".
pp. 96. 997 K 45
MUller, Johannes von. La ligia da Trun, 1424.
[O.] Quera, 1824. sm. 8». pp.24. 995^9°
Translated, with an introduction, from Miiller's " Geschichte
der schweizeriscben Eidgenossenschaft," perhaps by G. W.
* Muoth, J. C. II Gioder ; ina cantada sur fatgs
da cuschina, dedicada a nossas caserinas, mo senza
malart. [O.] Cuera, 1886. 8". pp.16. 995 K 67
* Grammatica romontscha-tudestga, conte-
nenta ils eleincnts dil lungatg tudestg en lur relaziun
cul lungatg romontsch dil Rein. [O.] Cuera, 1890.
8". pp. (i"95). 2 copies. 991 f 18; 991 F 19
* Ilistoria grischuna dil novissim temps.
I. part : curs preparatoric. [O.] n. t.-p. [Coira,
1886.] S". pp. 66. 995 I'' 65
Separately printed from the Aniialas of the Societat Rhato-
romonscha, i<^ ann., 1SS6.
* Normas ortograficas tschcntadas si per igl
idiom sursilvan entras la commissiun della Confe-
rcnza scolastica districtuala Rein Anterieur & Glogn.
[O.] Muster, 1888. 8°. pp. 116 -f (2). 991 F 16
* Mussamen ct intruidament per in olma devo-
ziusa per la danieun, de tadlar et assistcr a la s.
messa con dcvoziun, do far gl' e.xamen per la con-
fessiun generala a particulara, de prender penetenzia,
con biallas oraziuns a suspirs avon e sventer per
vergiar. [O.] Sondres, 1776. 240. pp.33.
995 E 12
Lacks pp. 17-20.
Same. Bergamo, 1777. 24°. pp. 60.
995 E 13
Nadal en la camonna; vertiu en Romonsch da la
Ligia Grischa tras M. G. Lutta. [O.J Cuera, 1879.
i6'\ pp. 16. 997 « 44
Translated from the German "Weihnachten in der Hiitte."
Nadig, Bernard. Rosas e spinas dil spiritual ;
pricdi sin la messa nuvialla digl N. Berther ils 15.
d' Uost 1882. [O.] [Muster, 1882.] 160. pp. 24.
997 n 57
Nella nativita di nostro Signore dialogo. [F.]
n. t.-p. [18—.] 16". pp.4. 997 F 91
Nicka, A-wAxea., translator. Cunfiert da I'olma
carlcnla ancunter la temma da la mort. [O.]
Turig, 1692. 16". pp. (6) + 744. 995 D 12
According to Rausch, this work is translated from the Ger-
man " Trost der glaubigen Seele gegen die Todesfuicht."
Nicolai, Valentin, translator. lis Psalms.
S,;- Bible — O. T. — Psalms.
Niederberger, R. Curt cntruidamen per cele-
brar vengonzamcin il sogn iubilaum groiid; trans-
latau en Romonsch d' in si:)iritual. [O.J Cuera,
IS7;. 16". p]-). 26. 997 ]! 24
Nonius, Peter J. Scharfa pcrchia da chiastia-
maint dal utissem Dieu, cun la quala el in quist ao.
1720, die 8. Februar, tras iina lavinna ha chiastid il
comiin da Ftan ; cun iina preidgia. [L. E.J Scuol.
1720. sm. 4°. pp- 52- 9931^3-
Added, Ingenua confessiun d' iinna salvifica cretta, da Balsar
A. Biiia.
Notegen, Huldricus D. La morale vel doc-
trina practica dil Christianismo. [L. E.] Stiada,
1822. 24". pp. (5) + 190 + (2). 993 ^ 21
Nouf (II) chaleiider d' Eiigadina siin Tanii 1845.
[L. E.] Scuol, [1844.] sm. 80. 995^'^
Nova gasetta romoiischa. [O.] 27 Avril, 1840-
2 Nov., 1840. Sunhein-Somvitg, 1840. 2 nos. 4°.
997 K
Incomplete. See also Gasetta romonscha.
Novellist (II) ; in fegl periodic per las familias
romonschas, redigiu da J. A. BUhler. i^ 2^ annada.
1867-68. yi VI. [G.] Cuera, 1867-68. 2 v. bd. in
I. 8«. 99' « 78
Nozze Schiavi-Bressanutti : prose e versi. Udine,
1884. 1. 4°. pp. 93 + (2). 997 G 52
Contains, p. 42, a sentence in Friulan, and, pp. 6i;-76, " La
fujazze de niadonne, tradizione friulaiia," by Caterina Percoto.
Oberhalbstein. Erbsatzungen der Landschaft
und dcs Hochgerichts Oberhalbstein und Tiefenkas-
ten. [Sm.] {In Ulrich, J., editor. Rhatoroma-
nische Texte. i. 1S83.) 997 B 63
Oberhalbsteiner Catechisnius.
See Cuorta doctregna o mussamaint.
[Octavianus.] Roman u historia de Octavianus.
[O.] {/;/ Decurtins, Q., editor. Quattro testi so-
prasilvani. 1S81.) 995 F 44
Oguyomi ; [translated from the German by A.
Mohr]. [L. E.] Basel, 1S67. 24°. pp. 23. 3 wdds.
993 c 70
*01ina (L') pietusa; cudisch d'oraziuns daus ora
d'in spiritual della societat de Jesus, publicaus en
Romonsch da E. Deragisch. [O] Cuera, 18SS. 16°.
PP-330+(3)- 997 B. 93
Oratiuns, Las pli bunas, las qualas sia somt-
giadat Pius ils VI. ha declarau & explicau. Nova-
meing augmentada ed., translatau ord la Tudeschg
en Ramonsch. [O.] Nossa Donnaun, 1796. 24".
pp. 96. 995 E 24
[Oratiuns e psalms.] Ms. [E.] 1631-39. 16°.
ff. (165). MSST>\(i
Lacks ff. at beginning and end. The text begins with the
7th stanza of a liymn " Lg pled da Dieu disch cler."
* Orazions (Lis) in dialet, o sei esercizi del
cristian par ogni di. [F.] 3* ed. Udin, 1887. 32°.
pp. 46- . . 997 E 93
* Oraziuns de recitar tenor ordinaziun de sia
sontgadat Papa Leo XIII. alia fin de scadina messa
bassa. [O.] n. t-p. [Gossau, 1S8- .'] 320. pp. (4).
995 A 75
Orelli, Johann Kaspar von. Cuorta exposi-
ziun historica della reformatiun arrivada avaunt
trajatschent ans nella Helvetia e nella Rhaetia ;
componida in Tudaisc e tradiitta nella lingua d'
Ingadina tras J. S. Blech. [U. E.] Cuoira, 1S19.
40. pp. 12. ... 995 c 29
Curta expositiun historica da la reforma-
tiun faigchia avont treitschient ens enten Helvetia
ad enten ilg cantun Grischun ; componida en Tudesc,
vertida en Rumonsch tras L. Walter. [O.] Coira,
18 19. 4°. pp. 12. 995 c 29
Bd. with the preceding.
Ostermann, Valentino. Proverbi friulani rac-
colti dalla viva voce del popolo. [F.] Udine,
1876. 8°. pp. 306 +(2). 997 E 39
Pallioppi, Zaccaria. La conjugaziun del verb
nel idiom romauntsch d' Engiadin' Ota. [TJ. E.]
Samedan, 186S. obi. 8°. pp."ioi + (i). 991 f 28
Ortografia et ortoepia del idiom romauntsch
d' Engiadin' Ota. [U. E.] Coira, 1857. sq. S".
pp. X + 128. 991 F 27
Pallioppi, Zaccaria. Poesias. I. [U.E.] Coira,
1864. 16°. pp. 21 + (i). 993 E76
Poesias, in part proprias, in part libramaing
vertidas. I.-III. [U. E.] Samedan, 1866-68. 3pts.
bd. in I V. 16". 993 F 77
Pt. \. is " 2-1 ed., revaisa et augmentada."
Program : dizionari dels idioms retoro-
mauntschs, congualos con linguas parentedas e
condots a lur provenienza. [G.] n. t.-p. [Samedan,
1869] f°. pp. (3.) 991 G33
, aiid Emil Pallioppi. Dizionari dels idioms
romauntschs d' Engiadin 'Ota e Bassa, della Val
MUstair, da Bravuogn e Filisur, con particulera
consideraziun del idiom d' Engiadin 'Ota. [G] i.
fasc. Samedan, 1893. 8°. 991 G 34
To be continued.
Papa, LUci, translator. La sabgienscha da lesv
filg da Sirach.
See Bible — O. T. — Ecdesiasiicus.
Papanti, Giovanni. I parlari italiani in Cer-
taldo alia festa del v. centenario di Giovanni Boc-
cacci. Livorno, 1875. 8". pp. xiv + 736. Fac-sim.
and/wA in title. 1009 B 51
A collection of 700 dialect versions, Italian and others, of
the "Novella i.x. della Giornata i. del Decameron." Many
Romansch versions are included.
Patertgiaments d' in olma devoziusa, manifestai
en oraziuns ed affects, ordinal per far 1' ura d' oraziun
avont il ss. sacrament dilg altar. [O.] Bergen, 17S0.
120. pp. 28. 995 E 15
Patriot (II). [O.] 6 Februar 1875-7 Schaner
1882. w. Cuera, 1875-S2. i v. and 131 unbd. nos. £0.
997 s
1879 is lacking. Each of the other years above included is
incomplete, excepting only 18S1. Publication discontinued after
no. I of 1SS2.
*Paun manizau, quel ei : enzaconts acts ne ora-
ziuns pils uffons che se pervergian 1' emprema gada.
[O.] n. p. 1793. 24«. pp. II. 995 E 22
Same, [In Cuort mussamen, 1S03.) 995 D 22
Same. Bergem, 1S05. 24°. pp. 14. Frontisp.
995 E 39
Pcheder (II) ed il Salveder. [U. E.] n. t.-p.
[1880.] i6<'. pp. (8). 993 E "3
Pensums per il quen. [O.] Cudischett ii.-vi.
Cuera, 1S78-89. 5 pts. bd. in i v. 16°. 995 F 35
Contettts: — \\. Wieland, C. andj^. Jost. Pensums
en il spazi numeral tochen 100. iiSyS. — ill. Christ, L., atid
L. Jost. En il spazi numeral tochen 1000. 2^ ed. 1889. —
iv. En il spazi numeral nonterminau. 1878. — v. Sch.inid,
L., and N. Jeger. Cun fracziuns ordinarias. 1S78. — vi.
Cun fracziuns decimalas. 187S.
Same. Another copy, of which cudischett
ii.-iv. are 2d ed., 1890-91. 995 E 37
* Same. Exercizis da quints ; traducziun in
Romansch ladin. [E.] Cudischett ii.-iv. Coira,
1885. 3 pts. bd. in I V. 16". 995 E ?,7
* Per vus tuots me nun suna [etc.'] [U. E.]
n. p. n. d. Broadside, ivdct. 991 G 89
A poem of four stanzas, whose first verse is as above. In
case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
Percoto, Caterina. La fujazze de madonne,
tradizione friulana. (/;/ Nozze Schiavi-Bressa-
nutti. 1S84.)
Perini, Gaud. II bain della liberted dalla pressa ;
aphorismas relativas, ed consideraziums sopra il
spiert della glilisch. Seguond M. G. S. [U. E.]
Coira, 1851. sm. 80. pp. 15. _ 993^47
[Pierre de Provence^ Ein suerselvisches Volks-
buch : Historia dilg niebel cavalier Pieder de Pro-
venza e della biala^Magelona, prinzessa de Neapel.
Scuoll, 1698. 32°.
993 K 22
[Kdited by C. Decurtins.] [O.] (/// Zeitschrift
fiir romanische Philolugie. Bd. v. iSSi.) 991 c. 71
PietU8 (11) affon ; in cudisch d' oraziun et instruc-
ziun. 2a ed. [O] Cuera, 1S76. 32°. pp. v + 2i6.
Frontisp. 997 B 26
Pincetti, Casparo. Conversiun da Caspar!
Pincettij Genves. [L. E] n. p. n. d. 16". pp. (53)-
993 B 34
The dedication is dated '' Sent, 1711, die 24. Marly."
Pitsch, Florian. Ave Maria, composta da sgr.
mastral Florin Pitsch a Miistair, 1S62. [M.] n. p.
[1S62.) 16". pp. 11 + 7. 993 D 99
Appended, pp. 7, is another poem " Vale Maria," perhaps
also by Pitsch.
Ein miinsterischer Dichter. [M.J [In
Zeitschrift fiir romanische Philologie. 13d. vii.
1S.S3.) 993 D 100
Eight poems by Pitsch, edited under the above title by
C. Decurtins.
Pitschen, Nuot Cla. Catechismvs da la vaira
Christiana religiun, per dover dalas baselgias dal
evangelij in Engiadina. [Ii. £.]
pp. (7) + 60.
Lacks pp. 51-54 and 61-64.
Euthanasia; quai ais. Art da morir bain;
per bun cufort contra la mort, ordiiia & cun diligetia
in quatter cufortusas cungualezzas in nos Ladin
miss oura. [L. E.] Scuoi, 1662. 240. pp. 191
+ (!)• 993 A 81
Pitschen catechissem.
See [Lechner, E.].
Pitschen (II) lectur.
See IHeinrich, G.].
Pittores ( I ) ; commedia e atzetta in tre atti.
[N.J Treiito, n. d. 16". \i\>. 27. 997 D 21
Pins VI. IG-iovanni Angelo Braschi], Pope.
See Oratiuns, I,r\s pli Ijun.is.
* Pius l.\. [Giovanni Maria Mastai-Fer-
REiTi], Pope. Brev apostolica sur la doginatica
definiziun della immaculata concepziun de Maria
Purschala Mumma de Diu. [O.] Roma, 1854. f".
pp. 9. 995 G IS
* Planta, P. C. von. Thomas Massner, senator
de Cuera; ina tragiklia historica. TransJalada cl
lungatg sursilvan da .\lplions Tuor. [O.] Coira,
1889. 8". pj). 70. 995 K 80
Plattner, Placidus. Aus den rhiitischen Alpen ;
Dichtungen. ICinsiedeln, etc., [1859.] 16°. pp. 256.
Frontisp. and orn. 995 a 76
Contains, pp. 95-97, " Canzun d' iijarra dils Grischuns." [O.]
* Gian Caldar ; drama in 5 acts. Versiun
rhato-romanschada J. A. Blihler. [O.] Coira, 1887.
8". pp. 85. . 995 F 70
Pleds da benevolenza adressats als abitants d'
Engiadina, relativs alia vendita della nova ediziun
della I5ibla in lingua romantscha. [E.] [St. Gallen],
1S70. 8". pp. 8. 993 D 5
Contains also a German version of the same.
Ponte-Campovasto. Aschantamaints del pub-
lic da Pontc-Campovasto. [U. E.] Samcdan, 1879.
1 6". pp. viii -f- 103. 993 Fill
Pontisella, Johann. Le catechisme dc Boni-
faci [edited by J. Ulrich]. [O.] (/// Romania.
Tom. i.x. 1880.) 995 F 42
Translated by D. Bonifaci.
Sinue. P.onifaci'sCatechismus von 1601. [O.]
(/;/ Ulrich, J., editor. Rhatoromanische Te.xte. 1.
J 883.) ^ 997 ij 63
Pontresina. Schanlamaints della vschinaunchia
da Pontresina. [U. E.] Coira, 1862. sm. 8". pp.
88 -f iv. 993 F 72
[Porta, And. R.] II magister amiaivel, chi
muossa als infants a lear ; cun ils manar a cognos-
chenscha del muond. [L. E.] Luzein, 1S18. 16°.
pp. 200. 993 c 8
Same. Luzein, 1819. i(f. pp.200. 993 C 9
* Same. Strada, 1819. 16°. 993 c 10
Incomplete copy.
Same. 2^ ed. Coira, 1831. 16''. pp. 176.
993 c II
[ ] Reflexiuns cristianas sopra 1' incendi da
Ftan arriva la not del \% Avril 1794. [L. E.| n. p.
'795- 4" PP- 31- 993i>43
Porta, Jolian Rosi da, the elder. La gloria
pella religivn Christiana nell' adorabla persuna da
Christi ; iina predgia. [U. E.J .Scuol, 1761. 16°.
pp. (195). 993 K 14
Appended is " lesvs plain d'grazia vers pouvers pchiaduors ;
in iina chianziin coniponida d' iin minister evangelic lehr da
Turi, hiiossa tradotta da G. Frizzoni."
With music.
[ J, translator. Saimpla & cordiaela confessivn
della beaeda contemplaziun da 1' agne mazzo &
fuorma da sia ]jassiun & mort ; tradotta our del
Tudaisch. [U. E.J [ScuolJ, 1765. 16". pp. 80.
993 F 19
The German original is " Einfaches und herzliches Hekennt-
niss vom seligen Anschaun des getodteten Lammes," printed
in Berlin, 1758. With music.
[ ], t/ie yozmger. Cudesch da scoula. [L. E.J
Coira, 1856. 16". pp. ii -)- 183. 993 c 54
Same. 2=' ed. Coira, 1857
pp. IV +
993 c 55
Porta, Nott da. Catechism' odcr informaiiu da
la vaira religiun Christiana. [L. E.J Scuol, 1724.
i6«. pp. (6) + 304^. 993 B 44
pp. 289-290 are lacking.
Chronica Rhetica ; oder, L' historia dal'
origine, guerras, & auters evenimaiiits da Rhetia;
our da divers authurs conponiida. [L. E.j Scvol,
1742. 16". pp. (2) + 209. 993 B 52
La dottrina da la cretta, e da la pieta.
[L. E.J Scuol, 1741. 160. pp. (113). 993 B 50
Raiins spiritvals chi contegnan 1' inter'
historia, materia principale dil V. Testam. [L. E.J
Scuol, 1748. 16". ff. (ii2). 993 B 61
Appended, also, 112 unnumbered ff. , with separate t.-p. and
imprint, is D. Binna's " Raims spiritvals chi contegnan I'intfer
historia dil N. Testam."
La spartida in pasch dils serviaints da
Dieu ; oder, Christiana preidgia funerala in Sent
1749, d. 19 jun., pro la sepultiira di lohan Salvio.
[L. E.J Scuol, 1750. 4". pp. 35. 993 D 38
Porta, Peter Dominic Rosi da. 11 preini dells
venschaduors ; iina Christiana jircdgia funeraela all
ultim honore dell' iunker Pavllvs de Perini, 1774,
die .\.\.\i. Januarii. [U. E.J Scanff, 1774. 4°. pp.
(39)- 993 H 21
Posta d' Engiadina. [L. E.J i Liigl 1871-15
Giin 1872. 70. Coira, 1871-72. 42 nos. 4°. 997 o
Incomplete. Edited by A. Bezzola, and discontinued after
no. 26 of 1872.
*Pren mira, tiu retg vegn tier tei ! in per plaids
als affons che scpervegian per Temprcmaga. [O.J
n. t.-p. 24". pp. 24. 995 A 77
*Priedi (Un) salvau en 1' onn 1S14 ils 16. Feb-
ruari. [0.| Coira, n. d. i6<'. i)p. 13. 995 E 59
Progress (II). [L. E.J 10 Jan. 1871-18 Sept.
1883. 70. and j.j m. Strada, Scuol, 1871-S3. 292
nos. £0. 997 N
Only 18S0 and 1S81 are complete. 1872 is entirely lacking.
Publication interrupted from Jan. i, 1876 till July 7, 1877: again
from Oct. 1877 till April 1879 ; again from June 26 till Nov. 6,
1880; and again from April 8 till Oct. 7, 1882.
Protestants in the Grisons. Traduziun d' iin
n. t.-p.
991 c; 87
Cantieni, "our
memoriael als lodevols comons.
[Coira, 1790.] f. pp. (4).
Signed by Wolfgang 1'. Juvalta and Otto
d' conimissiun e con procura da tuots ils reforni6.s nel
suddit" Bd. in vol. lettered " Piiblicaziuns ufficialas
Priim ciidasch clascoula ]5er il.s infamits ncl chan-
tun ( irischun ; veitieii our dal Tudaisch in il dialect
romaunsch d' Engiadina Sura. [U. E.] Coira, 1833.
sm. So. pp.294. 993 F 39
Translated by Heinrich, Sandri, and Wetzel.
Priim cudesch da scola per ils infants nel chantim
Griscliini ; verti or dal Tudaisch in il dialect ro-
niansch d' Engadina Bassa. [L. E.] Coira, 1841.
8°. pp. iv + 251. 993 D 59
Translated by J. F. Vital, J. a Porta, J. Sandri?
* Quadern con ils texts romanchs per las chan-
zuns generalas alia festa da cliant districtuala a Sent
29 Avrigl 1SS8. [L. E.] Chur, 18S8. 80. pp. 9.
993 D 18
Quortaa observaziuns.
See [Crastan, L.].
Rascher, Peider P. J. Arithmetica, qve eis
intraguidainaint et art da faer qtunts, ciin las cifras
tres tschinch specias et tres la regida de tri. Mis
insembel tres ine Peider P. J. Rascher da Zuotz in
I'ann 1766 adi 17 Noembris. Ms. [U. E.| 4". ff.
(122). Orn. MSSv,-]
At end: " Desclirit tres me Peider P. J. Rascher in I'ann
1767 adi 26 Aprili in Zuotz."
Recomondatiuiis tier Jesii la fanteuna de gratia
ent' ilg ss. sacrament dilg altar. [O.] n. t.-p.
[1827?] 16". pp.8. 995 A 79
Reformed Church of Switzerland. Confes-
siun da la vera cardienscha; quei ei, Unna einfaltia
declaronza da la doctrina da la vera cardienscha.
[O.] Cuera, 1776. sm. So. pp. (6) + 154+ (3).
995 E II
A translation of Bullinger's "Zvveiter helvetischer Confes-
Regordienscha della missiun. [O.] n. t.-p.
[Cuera.] 16". pp. 7. 995 a 82
*Remarkeivla descriptiun da la vieulta da treis
soras or d' ilg pievel Judeu, las qualas ean batiadas
en Berlin en 1' onn 1797. [O.] n. p. 1S13. 4S0.
pp. 24. 995 E 57
*Rensch, M. Jert dil salit; plontaus cun ora-
ziuns per il devozieus fideivel. [O.] Nossadunneun,
1890. 32°. pp. 381. Wdcts. and colored plates.
997 B 102
Representanza fatta d' un baur.
See [Marchi, J.].
Republicano (II). [L. E.] 26 Aug. 1843-14
Oct. 1S43. w. Strada, 1843. 2 nos. 4°. 997 g 98
Only nos. 22 and 29. Has also German text.
Richmond, Legh. La figlia del fittadin, ilna
historia vardaivla ; vertida n' il Romansch d' Enga-
dina tras L. Sartea. [L. E.] Coira, 1S35. \(f.
V-17- J, . , . . 993 c 30
La matta d igl miguir ; vertidas en Ru-
monsch da la part sura tras J. S. Blech et J. R. a
Porta. [O.] Cuera, 1836. sm. 8°. pp.52. 995 c 53
This work and the preceding are translations of the " Dairy-
man's daughter."
Rier, Peter. Canzuns spirituales siin divers
temps & occasions da pudair ngir lettas & cantadas,
componidas dal bain sabi & prudent hom Sr. Av.
Petar Rier. [L. E.] Strada, 1745. 16°. pp. (95).
993 ^ 56
Only complete copy known.
* Rimathieu, Nuot. [Christiana preidgia fune-
rala.] [U. E.] n. t.-p. [1714.] 160. 993 \ 51
Imperfect and mutilated copy lacking all before p. 9 and after
p. 40. The above is the running title. The vol. consists of a
funeral sermon in memory of Nuot Rimathieu, followed bv
"Plaunt condolent" signed Johannes Martinus, " Plaunt da
seisj. filgs & 10. abiadis & lur familias," a third poem signed
Conradinus Salomon B. fBIech?], and a fourth, entitled
'■ Plond, giaviisch & cuffort."
Riola, Conradin. Musica spirituala da 1' olma ;
quei ei, Canzuns spiritualas, vertidas a messas giu
enten vers a rimas rumonschas. [O.] Cuera, 1749.
16". pp. (23) + 305 + (6). 995 D 75
Same. IL part da la Mus. spir. ner triunph
d' ils ligeus festal a passional. [O.] Coira, 1756.
16°. pp.144. 995. D 76
Bd. with this is " Canzvns spiritualas las qualas ils Christians
pon a dien cantar flissiameng," Scuol, 1756, 95 pp.
Sawe. [2-' ed.] Cuera, 1782. 160. pp. (26) -f
302 + (4). . 995 T^ 77
Trommeta spiritvala per excitar tots dor-
menzats pecchiaders. [L. E.] [Strada], 1709. 24".
pp. (23) + 168. 993 B 27
, translator. Ilg bi fittament.
See Drelincourt, C.
Riola, Johann. Catechismus catehumenorum
[j/V] ; odcr, Cuorta niizeivla informatiun per la ju-
vantiim, cun canzuns & oratiuns. [L. E.] Scuol,
1759. 240. pp. {26) + 136 + (3). 993 B 75
Same. \y- ed.] n. p. 1810. 24°. pp. (29) +
138- 993 i^ 11
Robar, Heinrich. Comi^endium elencticum re-
ligionis inter no reformats & ils papals. [L. E.]
Scuol, 1721. 16". pp. (14) + 412. 993 H 40
Compendivm religionis Christianae : un
cuort compilgiamaint da la religivn christianae.
[L. E.] Strada, 1693. 16°. pp. (11) + 305. Orn.
993 B 15
Robbi, B., translator. Pitschens dits morels
vertieus dal Frances in Romaunsch d' Engiadina
Ota. [U.E.] Genevra, 1834. 160. pp.17. 993 F41
Rochat, A., editor. Ein altladinisches Gedicht.
See [Gritti, J. L.].
Romonsch (II). [O.] No. 32. 7 Aug. 1851.
w. Cuera, 1851. i no. 1.8°. 997 G 98
* Rosari per las olmas dil purgatieri. [O.] n. t.-p.
[186-.?] 16". pp. (4). 995 A 85
Rosas alpinas; feuilleton della Ligia grischa.
See Ligia grischa (La).
Rotmund, Gion V. La sanadat ; messa avon
tras nizeivels mussaments e reglas, per viver ditg e
mantener quella da pign ensi, suenter rinomnai
aucturs e miedis. [O.] Cuera, 1800. 160. pp. 47
+ (i). 2 copies. 995 E 32 ; 995 E 33
* [RueflF, Jacob.] Pliob, ein oberengadinisches
Drama aus dem xvii. Jahrhundert ; mit litterar-
historischer Einleitung und etymologischem Glossar
herausgegeben von E. O. Kofmel. [U. E.] Solo-
thurn, 18S9. S". pp. 67 + xvi. 993 H 96
A translation from the German, " Die Beschrybung Jobs," etc.
[Rumbella, Dumeng.] Chianzun davart la
stramantusa lavinna da Ftaun gniida gio anno 1720,
5. Februarij. [L. E.] n. t.-p. [Scuol, 1720.] 16''.
pp. (16). 993^53
Sagira via tier il parvis enten stand de sanadat,
de malsognia e de malmort suenter il exempel dil
Jesus vid la crusch morient. [O.] Disentis, 1751.
16"'. pp. (6) + 226 -f (6). 2 copies. 995 D 29 ;
995 D 78
Saimpla et cordiaela confessivn.
See [Porta, J. R. da, translator].
Sale, Flaminio da, S.J. Fundamenti principali
della lingua retica o griggiona, con le regole del
declinare i nomi e congiugare i verbi, all' uso delle
valli di Sopraselva e di Sorset ; coll' aggiunta d' un
vocabolario italiano e reto di due lingue romancie.
[O.Sm.] Disentis, 1729. 4°. pp. (2)4-322. 991 F 46
The t.-p. and pp. 5-6 are supplied in ms. pp. 103 and 300 are
omitted in the paging, but the text is continuous, pp. 323-328
are lacking.
[Salesius, P. Maria ] Devotiun tier S. Aloysi
Gon/.i:ja. [O.] < uera. 1S31. z\°. pp.21. 997 A 10
• Salideivel avis alia giuvcntcgna per enconos-
cher iU sees gronds spirituals iniinigs; dal Tudesg
mess giu enteii kamonsch. [O.] Muster, 1757.
240. pp. 190 + (-'). 995 li 4
The last 3 ff. are supplied in ms.
Salo, Zaccaria da. La glisch sin il candclicr
inviiLida ; mess ora cnten dodisch parts, ncr tractats
cun ils quals clar-e sinCLTameing alias cccelsas trcis
Ligias vcn mussada, c dada d'enconoscher la semper
stada, f mai miiiada soingia catliolica carilienscha.
Componida per gi' emprim cnt' il lungaig italian, all'
liura Romaunsch. [O.] Combcl, i6S5-[S7]. 12
pts. in I V. 4«. 995 c 14
Lacks I ff. before ihe preface ; also 3 ff. after p. 386 at end
of pt. 4 ; also pp. 105-134 in pt. 5 : also pp. 71-72 at end of pt.
10; also pp. 1(16- 16H ill pi. 12 ; and 3 ff. at end of vol.
Spicghel de dcvotivn diviis cnten siis |)artz,
cavaus ordt divers cudcschs & mess ghiu cnten il
luiii;haaig ramonsch. [O.] Verona, 1665. 6 pts.
in 1 V. 16". W'dcts. 995 I! 24
Same. 2 ' imprcssionc. IJolzan, 1676. 16°.
PP- (•) + 739+ (24)- 995 » -5
Hd at end arc " Fornivla dell' indvlgenze, Roma, 1671 ; "
" Indul^entz vnd .Abla.ss, Rom, i66>; "and '" Korma dell' indul-
genze, kom.i, 1677."
Salutz, Joan Pitsclien. Kvndam.^int e coni-
pilgiamaint da la gr.uula tlilt'crentia c contraiictad
chi es ir> ilg fat dalg saliid tainitcr ils praedicants,
serviaints da Jcsu Christi, et ils Capuciners Fran-
ciscaners, seruiaints dalg Papa da Roma. 1649.
[L. R] 993 A 72
Appended 10 P. Du Mouhn's Capucmer," 1650.
Nocbel clinoct da I'orma. [L. E.] [Zii-
rich .'] 1657. 16°. pp. (60). 993 A 75
, tratislator. Da la Hiblia ilg priim cudasch.
See Bible — O. T. — Genesis.
Da la Hiblia ilg secuond cudasch.
See Bible — O v. — Exodus.
Salutz, Ulrico de. Zardin da 1' orma fidela,
quai cs dalettaivel hiert sjiiritual ; in il qiial, cun,
pro c suot ses saliidaivcls boscks da la vita ; pro,
e cun saunas e saliidaivlas herbas e fluors d'
oratiuns e canzuns, I'orma fidela %' \>o dalettar e
s'allegrar pro '1 zardin celestial. [L. E.] Coira,
171 1. 24". pp. (22) + 564 + (S). 993 H 30
With music.
.Same. 2^ ed. Scuol, 1764. 24". pp. (9) +
592 -■■ (S). 993 H 31
Same, y ed. .Scuol, 1791. 24°. pp. (ii)-|-
547 • ''7)- 993 u 32
Salzmanu, Christian Gotthilf. Moralisches
Kleiiientarbiich llistoiie, .-.tampa a Leipzig et huossa
vcrti alchwnas in Romansch a"" 1791 tras Nuott
Salutz pro tcmj). in Cooira. Ms. [E.] [Coira,
1791.] 40. ff. (29.) MSSr^i
TrantLitcd from the 2d part of the " Elementarbiich." The
index, which beRins the vol., accounts for 27 stories; only the
first I I are contained.
Sapienza (La) pro bcadentscha.
See [GrcminKcr, ].
Sartea. Ludovig, translator. II beschcr siin la
l>laniira Aa .Salisijiiry.
See More, H-
La figlia del fittadin.
See Richmond, L.
[ ] II pouver lavuraint d'Irlandia ; tin' historia
vcrtida del Tudaisch n' il Romansch d' Engadina
Bassa. [L. E.] Coira, 1839. sm. 8°. pp. 20.
.^, . . . . 993 n 55
The original is an anonymous Eni;li«h tale, entitled "The
Irish peasant ; or. The history of Peter Lacy."
* Scanfs. .Vii d.is hohe Schweizer Bundesgericht 1
Duplik der Gemeinde .Scanfs die Competenz-Einrede
und evcntuell die Hauptsache bctrcffcnd. n. t.-p.
[Chur, 1SS9.] So. pp. 31 + 9.
991 c 44
An appeal concerning a dispute between the conimunes of
Sc.infs and Zuoz. Appended is " Abschrift und Uebersetznng.
Urkunden aus deni kleinen Urkundenbuch der Gemeinde
Scanfs." lU. E.J
.Schantamaints e statiits della coniunited
politica da .S-chanf. [U. E.] Pontresina, 1879. ^"•
pp. 55. 2 copies. 993 H 69 ; 993 H 70
Scaramitzza, Pietro. El Nones zivilizza. [N.]
Trcnto, 1.SC2. 8". pp. 99 + (i). 997 I) 27
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von.
La canziin davart iiscnn; verlida en Roiiionsch da
la Surselva tras P. C[oraiJ. [O.] n. t.-j). [Cuera.]
16". pp. 16. 995 A 87
Guglielm Tell ; drama en 5 acts; vertius e
publicans en lungatg rhato-romonsch da J. A. liiihler.
[O.] Cuera, 1865. 16". pp. viii + 174. 997 A 93
Schmid, Christoph von. Ilg utschi canari ;
ina cuorta iiijstoria che vcng per Ramonsch alia
glisch. [O.] Cuera, 1837. 24°. pp. 71. Frotitisp.
997 A 29
Translated from the German.
Veta de St. Gienoveva ; translatada ell Ra-
monsch entras in farrer catholic [Joan Riedi.] [O.]
Nossadonaun, 1837. 12°. pj). ii -f 92. Fro)itisp.
997 A 25
Schmidt, M. Priim cudaschet da lectiira per
ils prinzipiants da nossas scoulas ladinas. [U. E.]
.Samedan, 1881. 8". pp. (2) -f 32. 993 h 74
[Schucan, Janet Jacob.] Christiaun sermon
funerael davart il glorius ct bio stacdi dellas liiaedas
& elettas ormas in la vitta aeterna ; hagieu in Zuoz
die 24. Martij, 1666, zieva la sepultiira della Magreta
Wiezcl. [U. E-l Scvol, i666- 4°. pp. 23. 993 h 7
Schucan, Nuot N., editor. Collectanea da
discuors festals, chi tratten davart la allcgrusa nas-
chenscha da Jesu noss Salvador, davart la dolorusa
circumcisiun, la victoriusa resiistanza, sia trium-
phantc a.scensiun, davart ils duns del Spiert .S.
[L. E.] Scuol, 1761. 16". pp. (315). 993 D 40
Lacks f. A 2. Contains sermons by D G. Grass, F. Hein-
rich, V, Nicoini, J. Riola, P D. R. de Porta, and S. Benedict.
Schuster, Ignaz. Historia dil Veder e Niev
Testamcn per scolas catholicas ; translaziun da J. M.
Durgiai. [O.] Cuera, 1851. 120. pp. 415 + (i).
997 A 63
[Sechia, Bastian.] Der die das; oder, Nomen-
clatvra qiiala contegna in orden alfabetic ils noms
substantivs tudaischs ; con ils trais pronoms primi-
tivs & e.xaimpels da la conjugar la verba tudaischa &
italiana. [L. E.] Scuol, 1744. 16". PP- (i) + 134
+ (I). 993 B 54
I ] Medicina dell' orma; chi representa in
divina clereza : imo. II principi, forza e privel mor-
tal, della spirituala malatia \_etc.'\ [L. E.| n. p.
[1769.] 16". pp. 66. 993 B 83
La via del eel in Jesu avrida, experimental-
m.aing & cvangelicamaing ])roponiida ]jcr preidgia
d' introit, e dopo ])lu completamaing missa in scrit.
[L. E.] Scuol, 1755. 24". pp. [t^i) -f 10-311.
993 V. 68
Secka, Dominic. Vistmaint per las nozzas dell'
ague qui in Icna. [L. E.] Scuol, 1725. 24°. pp.
M3 + (I)- 993 B 47
Appended, pp. 79-143, is Secka's " Informativn in la Chris-
tian.! evangelica reh'giun."
Segneri, Paolo, .v. /. II penitent bcin mvssavs
de confessar ; en Ramonsch, mcs giu digl Rev.
Alexio Camen. [L. E.] Panaduz, 1713. 240. pp.
(14) + 546. 993 B 37
Seguond cudaschet da lectura per las classas
inferiuras da nossas scoulas ladinas. [U. E.] Coira,
1872. 16°. pp. (2) + loi + (3). 993 F 98
Same. [2=' ed.] Samedan, 1881. 8°. pp.
(2) + 104 + (4). 993 H 75
Seguond cudaschet per las scoulas.
See [J., (tud J.J.
Sent. [Chiartas, statvts, tschamamainls, led-
schas.) Ms. [L. E.] ca. 1750. fo. pp.28 + (iio).
MSS 1) 20
Imperfect vol. lacking ff. at end and having many mutilated
pages. The text of the charters begins " Nuo Leopold per
gratia da Dieu Arcidiichia d' Austria & da 1' iina & nuo Joseph
per gratia da Dieu Uvaisch 4 Cuoira." Tliese are followed on
p. 2S by " Statuts civils per noss hont com. da Sent . . .
Descrittas statlas da P. Land"ii» Jacob D. Schmidt a" 1753.
Et ao 1774 suna remoderadas in Scuol ..." These are fol-
lowed by " Ledschas craminalas ... In .Sent descrittas ex
original da mai Hartnian N. Muoschia 13 Jener a" 17S6."
* . Statuts della comunita i^olitica Sent.
Revists e complettads nell' ann 1887. [L. E.]
[Sent, 18S7.] 16". pp. iv + [3]-6i. 993 c 94
Saras (Las) d' unviern : fegls per promoziun
della scola e della agricultura. Dau ora da J. A.
Deplazes. 18 Nov., 1S66-3 Avrel, 1S67. [O.] Glion,
1S66-67. 10 nos. in i v. 8°. 995 F 16
A fortnightly journal. No more published.
Siath, Johann Julius Fidel Vincenz de.
Cudisch de devoziun ed instruczian [ler in cristianei-
vel pievel. [O.] Glion, 1S66. i6'\ pp. 191 + ii.
997 A 95
Singer, Johan. Poesias. I. [U. E.] Coira,
[1875.?]. 8". pp. 48. 993 H 59
[Societa Scholastica d' Engadina Bassa.]
Proclam concernente 11 melioramaint dellas scoulas
d' Engiadina-Bassa. [L. E.] n. t.-p. [1831.] 120.
pp. (II). 993 c 28
Signed by the secretary. J. R. a Porta, and dated " Fettan,
die 13. Febr. 1831."
Societad d' Ajiit per ils Grecs in Engadina.
Statuts. [L. E.] n. t.-p. [1S22.] 16°. pp. 8.
993 c 22
Contains also appeals for contributions, addressed to the peo-
ple of the Engadine.
* Societat Rhato-romonscha, Coire. An-
nalas. i-^-6^ annada. 1SS6-91. [G.] Cuera, 18S6-91.
6 V. bd. in 3. 8°. 991 081-83
* Programm per la redunonza generala,
Cuera, 17 Dec. 1890. [O] [Cuera, 1S90.] Broad-
side. 991 G 80
Scheiver romansch, 24. Schaner 1891. [O.]
[Chur. 1891.] 16". pp. (2). 997 B 94
A rhymed banquet-menu. For similar menus of iSSy and
1S90 see Biihler, J. A.
80. pp. (3.)
991 G 80
" Acceptai en la redunonza digl i de Mars, 1863."
* Safiie. [E.] n. t.-p. [Coire, 1863.] 16°.
pp. 4- 991 G 80
Bd. with the preceding.
Soingias letanias della misteriusa vita de nies
Signer. [O.] L'autra gada squicciau. Banaduz,
1739. 24°. pp. 221-250. 995 D 5
Appended to Mira de bein morir, which see for other
Sol^r, Chr., and B. F. Arpagaus. Canzuns
pellas classas superiuras. [O.] Cuera, 1882. 16°.
pp. 63 + (2). 997 B 56
With music.
Spillmann, Joseph, S.J. Burascas e bialaura ;
historias translatadas da Florin Camathias. [O.]
Cuera, 1892. 16°. pp. xi + 249. 995 e 109
Contents : — II Filippun. — II figl din giediu de Prag. — Ina
tresta Nadalnotg. — Lady Nithsdale.
Statuts. [O.] n.t.-p. [1863.]
Spirituala% canzuns de cantar sut la s. messa.
[O.] n.t.-p. 160. pp.12. 995 A 89
Sporeno, Plutarco. Canzone di nozze. [F.]
[Udine, 1878.] 16". pp. (10). 997 K 43
" Felicissime nozze Marcotti-Rubini." Edited by Vincenzo
Statvtci vil : scritas gia da maj men Casp.
Arquint a". 1758. Aschantamaint civil, quai ais
letschas civiles da nos trais honorat. cumiins Sent
Scuol et Ftann. Afs. [L. E.] 4°. ff. (48).
Steinhauser, C. J. Fundainentala instructiun
en la aridmetica. [O.] Cuera, 1808. 2 pts. in i v.
16". 995 E 49
Paged continuously.
* Stokl, Helene. Ileiner e Meiner. — II vut
[by W. Koch]. — II padrin e siu figliel, legenda spa-
gnola. Comparidas en libra versiun romonscha.
[O.] Muster, 1886. 160. pp. 30. 2 copies.
997 B 88; 997 E 89
Stratvts craminels fats ao. 1665. Jlls. [E.] n. p.
n. d. 4". ff. i24+(i5). A/SS I) 10
A collection of the criminal and civil statutes of the circuit of
the Upper Engadine. On fol. 24 begin the " Statvs civils davart
la raspeda dalg Comiin grand et otras chioses chi pertuochian
lo tiers."
Strolic (II) furlan a la prove. fF.] An r, 2.
1873, i'^74- Udin, 1872-73. 2 nos. 16°. 997 E 98
By Fabio Simonutti.
Strolic (I!) furlan pronostic par I'an 1851 di
Pieri Zorutt. [No. 16.] [F.] Udin, [1S50.] 16°.
997 E 98
Suot-Tasna. Regolamaints da sprizzas ed uor-
dens da fo e precauziuns confer incendis. [L. E.]
Coire, 1869. 12". pp.12. 993 c 74
Uorden da fo. [L. E] Scuol, 1881. 16°
pp. 19. 993 c 88
Surselva (La) e la via-fier centrala.
See [Conrad, F.].
Sursilvan (II). [O.] i.-ix. ann. 6 Schaner
1S83-17 Dec. 1891. ?a. Cuera, 1883-91. 4 v. bd.
in 2, and unbd. nos. f. 997 H
1883, 1S84, i8go lack one no. each, i88g lacks 4 nos., and
1S91 2 nos.
* Surtasna. Regulamaint polizial in cass d' in-
cendis per il circul Surtasna, i. April 1865. [L. E.]
Zuotz, 1865. sm. 8°. pp. 12. 993 c 65
Statuts del circul Surtasna, i. Juni 1867.
[L. E.] Coira, 1867. sm. 8°. pp. 38. 993 c 66
* Susanna, ein oberengadinisches Drama des
xvi. Jahrhunderts ; mit Anmerkungen, Grammatik
und Glossar herausgegeben von J. Ulrich. [U. E.]
Frauenfeld, 1888. 8°. pp. vi -f 140. 993 H 94
Translated from the German of Xystus Betuleius.
Switzerland. Schwaller e Herzog members
dils legislaturs della helvetica republica, comniis-
saris della regenza en Rhetia ails burgers dil cantun
Rhetia. [O.] Cuera, 1799. Broadside. 991 G 89
In case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
Bimdesrath. Proclamaziun pella votaziun
supra la nova constituziun, chi ha lo als 19 Avrigl
1S74. [L. E.] n. t.-p. [1874.] 4". pp. 4- 991 G 89
In case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
Project per ina constituziun de ligia (Con-
stituziun federala) della Confederaziun Schwizzera
SCO el ei vegnius deliberaus dalla dietta dils 15 de
Maig entochen e cun ils 27 de Juni, 1848. [O.]
n. p. [1848.] 80. pp. 34. 991 G 89
In case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
Prospect dils puncts de revisiun ils quals
deien vegnir mess avon al pievel schvizzer ils. 14 de
Schaner 1866. [O.] Bern, 1S65. Broadside. 991 G 89
In case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
Sw^itzerland. — Bumlisrath. Regulativ per la
statistica dils cass de disgrazia (dils 17 de Schaner
188S). [O.J n.t.-p. (Brugg, 1SS8.] 8°. pp.8. 991 G 89
In case lettered " Miscellanea Komanica."
Constitution. Ledscha fcdcrala resguar-
dant la rcvisiuit della constituziun fcderala dels \2
Settember, 1848. Dels 31 d' Schner, 1874. [L. E.]
[Loira, 1874.] 4". pp.31. 2 copies. 991 G 76;
995 G 10
Sitinc-. Lcscha federala concernent la revisiun
della constituziun fcdcrala dils 12 dc Settember,
1S48. Dils 31 de Schaner, 1S74. [O.] n. p. [1874.]
4". pp.35. 9'J' ^7^
Lescha federala concernent la revisiun della
constituziun federala dils 12 dc Settember, 184S.
(Dils 5 de Mars 1872.) [O.] n. p. [1872. ]^'>.
pp. 32. 991 G 89
In case lettered "Miscellanea Romanica."
Project della constitutiun helvetica dils 25.
de Mav 1S02. [O.] Cuera, [1802.] 8". pp. 16.
. . 995 c 22
Tabula (Una) per la chaera christiauna juven-
tiim da nossas scoulas romanschas. [U. E.] Straeda,
24". pp. (II).
993 P 37
Taevla (La), cun otras bellas, christiaunas & nii
zaivlas oratiuns ; jier hi chiaera juvenliinna da las
schoulas d' Engadina Zura. [U. E.] Turi, 1674.
240. ijp. 34. 993 E 47
Tapfer, Fraucestg Antoni. Ina fideivla
memoria dil Antoni Tajifer ; translatada ord' il
Tudestg. [O.] Cucra, 1835. 24". pp. 24.
997 A 17
Contains a biographical notice of Tapfer, and his " Devotiun
della messa "
Tarmess, Gisep. La spousa dil solegl ; ro-
ni.inza. |0.| Solothurn, [18 — .-•] 8°. pp. 8.
995 It 10
Teuner, Placi, translator. La clav dil purgatieri,
u pietus exercezis de far per confiert dellas olmas
dil purgatieri. |0.1 Muster, 1 868. 16°. pp. (11) +
384 + l.v.xii. Frontisp. :s.wA plate. 997 H 4
* Same. 2' ed. Muster, 18S6. 16°. pp.
512. Frontisp. 997 V. 5
Compendi della historia dil Veder e Niev
Testament ; translatau en Komonsch. i* ed. [O.j
Nossaduncun, 186S. 16". pp. viii -|- 296. Frontisp.
and ivJiti. 997 A 97
Thomas |Hammerlein, /.///// Malleolus] a
Ktinpis. Cudiscli dil suondar Cristus ; cun appli-
caziuns et in ap|)endix de curtas devoziuns. Trans-
lataus denovainicin en Komonsch da C. M. Tuor.
[O.] Cuera, 1874. 16". pp. vii + 511 + ix.
Front is f'. 997 B 21
Sff iilso Gcr.sen, J.
Tilemann, Johaiin Philipp. II thrvn da gratia
lesvs Christvs conprenda in se saidasch puonchs:
oich preparatiuns & cir taunts ingrazchiamaints siin
iminchia di da I'eivna auntz & zieva I'administra-
tiun della s. tschaina. Componieus in Tudaisch,
vcrtieus in Kumauntsch tras Coradin i Planta.
|U. B I Scvol, 1755. 2 pts. in I V. 16". 993 F 1 1
Appended, with separate p.iRing, is "Alchunas oratiuns auntz
& zieva la s. tschaina."
Tillotaon, John, A.''p. of Cmiterbury. L'exc-
lenza della rcligiun christiauna, expoasta in Una
l)redgia; tradiit del Frances. [U. E.j Coira, 1S35.
16". pp. vi + ( I ) + 50.
[Tobias.] Der ladinischc
von .\. von Flugi. |X7. E.]
Studiin. I'.d. i.. 3. 1873.)
Toutsch, Conradin Unna informativn in la
vaira, velgia, christiaunna religiim e cretta ; in la
quala wengian cuortamaingk tutt ilgs puoingks de
,, ,. 993 'MS
I obia ; hcrausgcKcben
[/;/ Romanische
993 " 61
la cretta christiaunna, cun fuorma a la scrittiira s. &
a la confessiun da la cretta cuwengaiwla. |L. E.|
Puschlaff, 1613. sm. 8". pp. (16) -f- 289. 993 A 66
Tramagliuuz (11); chalender d' Engiadina per
I'an 1862-66. [U. E] Zuoz, [1861-65.I 5 nos.
bd. in I V. So. Illus. 993 h 53
Tramer, J., and Florian Barblan. Chanznns
roniauntschas a trais vuschs per las scoulas supe-
riuras dell' Engiadina. [U. E.] Ccira, 1863. 160.
pp.31. 993^74
With music. The text is in part original and in part trans-
Trastut civil et criminal da la honorata dratiira
sur val Tasna et in criminal sur Muiit Fulun.
Scrit in Coira a" 1806 tras Nuott Sahitz, die 3.
Jener. Ms. [L. E.] 40. flf. 48 + 33 + (10). Orn.
■ MSS D 8
The collection of statutes is followed by " La chiarta da la
Lia statta renioderada et derifichiada da comiinas Trais Lias Ano
154.1," and this by " Malefiz-Ordnung da comiinas Trais Lias."
* Travers, Johannes. Joseph ; engadinisches
Drama des xvi. Jahrhinidcrts, herausgegeben und
mit Glossar versehen von J. Ulrich. [U. E.]
Zurich, 1891. 40. pp. viii -f 43. 995 g 27
Miisserkrieg. [La chanzun dalla guerra
dalg Chiaste d' Miisch.] [U. E.] (/;/ Flugi, A.
von, editor and translator. Zwei historische
Gedichte. 1S65.) 993 h 55
Trins. Constituziun per la vischnaunca de Trin.
[O.] n. t.-p. [Cuera, 1883.] 40. pp. 40. 995 f 51
Tschin il pover giuven Chines; tradiit our del
Tudaisch [by A. P. Mohr and J. F. VitalJ. [L. E.|
Basel, 1855. 320. pp.31. 993^:52
Contains autograph of Vital.
* [Tuor, Alphons.] La crotscha cxponida ina
ballada culturhistorica ; fatga sigl anniversari de si'
exposiziun da A. Etcetera [/j,f«a'.] |0.] [Cuera],
1S90. 16". pp. 8. 997 B 97
* Poesias romonschas, translatadas ed origi-
nalas. [O.] Cuera, 1891. 8°. pp. 48 + iii. 2
copies. 995 F 90; 995 F 91
* Psalin schvizzer. — II schnec de Medel.
[O.] n.t.-p. [Coira, 1891.] 8°. 2 f. of mtisic.
995 F 92
Rd. \\\ vol. lettered " Canzvns. — Tuor."
Ulrich, Jakob, editor. Canzoni in varj dialetti
ladini. [G.] [In Archivio glottologico italiano.
Vol. viii., I. 1882.) 991 G 72
Contains "Canzoni alto-engadine di Bravugn " ; "Canzoni
nel dialetto di Schonis," and " Canzone nel dialetto della Mun-
Chansons ladines. [G.] (/;/ Romania.
Tom. xiv. 1885.) . pp. 34-f (i).
993 !■' 10-
Appended to Caratsch, S., and G. F. Caderas. II
spiert del Piz Bernina 1S74.
V& pro Gesu ! vertida our dal Tudaisch nel
Ladin d' Engiadin Bassa [by A. P. Mohr]. [L. E.]
Coira. 1877. sm. 8°. pp. 93 + (0- 993 c 78
The original is an English tract, "Come to Jesus," which
appeared about 1S55.
Vegn tier Jesus ! verteu or d' il Tudesc en la
Runionsch de la part sura tras J. Caviezel. [O.]
Cuera, 1877. 16°. pp. 56 + (i). 997 B 32
[Veit, Baseli.] Gramatica rainonscha per em-
prender il lungaig tudeschg ; portau enzemen dad in
bien amig della giuventegna. [O.] Bregenz, 1805.
16". pp. 175+ 100 + (2). 991 F 92
[ ] Nova graiiimatica ramonscha e tudeschgia.
Portau enzemen dad in conventual digl. uord. de s.
Benedeg a Muster. [O.] [Muster], 1771. 16".
PP- (6) + 99- 991 F91
Vergilius Maro, Publius. La georgica ; tra-
dotta in ottava rinia friulana da Z. J. Busiz. II. ed.
rivioduda da Z. B. Filli. [F.] Gurizza, 1866. 16".
pp. 134 + (i). 997 E22
Vias (Las) ad ovras da Deus enten I'olma, ner
CO Deus cunventschig a s'ilg suenter glorificeschig
tin pauper puccont ; mess giu en Rumonsch tras
JH. C. V. D. M. P. d. C. [O.] Schaffusa, 1728.
24°. pp. 166. 995 D 32
Lacks pp. 3-4, 121-122.
Vidal, Nuot Jacob. Davart la deita pussonta
in spaventablas flamnias ; tant sur terra ; co flam-
mas prodiitas our dilla terra. [L. E.] Strada,
181S. 16". pp. 212. 993 c 12
Vielanda, Mengia Bisazia. Ovretta mvsicala,
chi consista in certas canzuns spiritualas in diversas
melodias. [L. E.] Scuol, 1756. 24". pp. 59-|-(i).
993 B 71
Same. La 3avla votta. Scuol, 1769. 24°.
pp. 71 + (!)• 993 E 72
* Vieli, Balthasar. Entgins manuscripts de
poesias popularas ; referat tenius ella Societad
Rhaeto-romonscha ils 15 d' Avril 1SS6. [O.] n.
t.-p. 8". pp. 26. 995 F 63
Reprinted from the Annalas of the Societad Rhaeto-romon-
scha, i. iS86.
Vieli, Georg A. Marsch viers la perpetuadat.
1829. [O.] (/// Biindner Tagblatt. No. 91.
18S1.) 991 G 89
In case lettered " Miscellanea Romanica."
Vita (La) de soing Antoni de Padua, confessur,
e de Modest, s. Vitus e s. Cresentia, martirs. [O.]
Surrhein-Simivitg, 183S. 16°. pp. 23. q97 A 31
Vital, Jolianu Friedricli Uliich. So historias
biblicas or dal Nov Testaniaint, in immitaziun da
L Iliibner missas insembel et accompagnadas con
cuortas annottaziuns. [L. E.] Strada, 1844. sm.
8". pp. (2) 4- 113 + (2). 993 D63
Vital, Johann Ulrich. Cudaschetchi contegna
ils pri-ims principis nel bustabgiar et leer, per
adover nellas scholas dell' Engadina Bassa. [L. E.]
Strada, 1840. 24". pp.72. 993^37
Vital, Johann Ulrich G., compiler. Collecziun,
la quala contegna in se : i. Cuorta catechisaziun ;
2. Canzuns in raima; 3. Oraziuns in prosa. |L. E.]
Strada, 1841. 24°. pp. 164 -|- (4). 993^39
Vital, Nicolai. L'crudiziun ulteriura dellas
mattas ; referat prelet ncUa redunanza a Sent di 25
Januar 1872. [L. E.] Coira, 1872. 240. pp. 23.
993 c 76
Vital, Ulrich Johann. Christiana predgia
seculara, salvada in la baselgia di Fetan nella festa
d' ella Reformatiun, 1S19, 3. Januarii; con Una de-
scriptiun della Reformatiun della Bassa & Auta
Oengadina. [L. E.j Strada, 1819. 16'^. pp. 106.
993 c 14
Vitali, Johannes Jacob. La cascada ino-
pinata della gioventii ; siin 1' occasiun funerala del
iunker Heinrich I. Bazell, our dais pleds Esaj. xl.,
V. 30. [E.] [Scuol], 1765. sm. 40. pp.52. 993 A 8
Contains, pp. 25-52, several memorial poems.
Voneschen, J. P., compiler. 46 canzunettas per
las classas inferiuras. I. fasc. [O.J Gossan, 1S82.
16°. pp. 32-h(i). 997 B 59
With music.
"La flur alpina"; 50 canzunettas a 2 e 3
vuschs per la scola mesauna. II. fasc. [O.] Cuera,
1884. 160. pp. 54. 997 B 59
Bd. with tlie preceding, of which it is the 2d pt.
Vulpi, Jachen Antoni. Historia Raetica;
translatada et scritta in lingua vulgara ladina.
[L. E. I (/« Mohr, C. von, editor. Biindnerische
Geschichtschreiber und Chronisten. 7« Publikation.
1866.) 993^75
Vulpi, Nicolaus Antonius, and Jachen An-
toni Vulpi, translators. Biblia pitschna.
See Bible — O. r. — Psalms.
Walther, Floriau. Cudisch da pardichias.
See Bible — IVhole — Selections.
, compiler. Collectiun da canzuns spirtualas;
cun las melodias da psalms, ad autras melodias
choralasdaqnater wuschs. [O.] Cuira, 1816. sm.80.
pp. xvi + 517 -l-(5). 997 --v I
Same. 3^ ed. Quera, 1834. sm. 8°. pp. viii -|-
457 + (6). 997 A 3
Lacks pp. 455-456-
and translator. Uraziuns da prus chris-
tiauns sin tuts gis, temps a circumstanzias ; raspa-
das ansemmel or da las scartiras tudescas da
renumnaus theolog.s. [O.] Cuera, 1827. 8°. pp.
(2) + 204. 995 c 37
, translator. Igl nurser sin la planira da
See More, H.
Walther, Franz. Catechissem da la religiun
christiauna ; mess enten Rumonsch da Beat Liver a
Julius Lutta. [O.] Cuera, 1836. 8". pp. iv 4-
102. 995 c 57
"Walther, Franz. Catechissem della doctrina
della religiun cristiauna; vcrtieu our dal Tudaisch
[by Gian Sandri.] [tJ. E.) Cuoira, 1S36. 16".
pp. viii 4- 123. 993 ^ M
S.imi. 2^ ed. Coira, 1S66. i6". pp. 109 +
(I). 993 I" 48
Cudisch da religiun par uffonts ; iin extract
or d'igl catcchismus da Valther. [O.] Cuera, 1837.
120. pp. .,,,. 997 A 27
"Walther. Leonhard. La moral christiancivla.
(//; Gabriel, S. Curta summa da la cardienscha.
iSoi.) 995 » '6
Waser, Caspar, S. J. La uniun della sontg'
affonza. ne uniun dils christ. affons per spindramen
dils affons pageuns ; mess en Romonscii da C. M.
[O.] Cuera, 1S55. 16°. pp. 34. Frontisp.
997 A 65
Wasserburg, Philipp. Roman Peluski ; ina
historia polonesa enUKjrn ilg onn 1S60 da Philipp
Laicus \f
*** Grammars and other text-books in Romansch dialects are entered under division I, Literature.
Alton, Johann. Die ladinischen Idiome in La-
dinien, Groden, Fassa, Buchenstein, Ampezzo. Inns-
bruck, 1S79. S°. pp. 375 + (i). 991 E 4
An Sanct Moritz. n. p. n. d. Broadside. 997 F 91
A poem.
Andeer, Peter Justus. Rhaetoromanische Ele-
mentargramniatik, niit besouderer Beriicksiciitigung
des ladinischen Dialects im Unterengadin. Zurich,
18S0. 8°. pp. 112. 2 copies. 991 E9; 991 E 10
Ueber Ursprung und Geschichte der rhaeto-
romanischen Sprache. Chur, 1S62. sm. 8°. pp.
viii + (i) + 138. 991 E 7
P. J. Andeer. (/;/ Naturforschende Ge-
sellschaft Graubiindens, Coire. Jahres-Bericht.
Neue Folge. Jahrg. .\xvi. 1883.) 991 e 13
Anhorn, Bartholomaeus. Graw-Piinter-Krieg,
1603-29 ; nach dem Manuscript zuni ersten Male
herausgegeben. (/// Mohr, C. von, editor. Biind-
nerische Geschichtschreiber und Chroniken. 96 Pub-
likation. 1873.) 991 c 96
Arboit, Angelo. Del dialetto friulano e delle
.sue canzoni spontanea ; memoria letta nella seduta
del 27 novembre, 1874. [Udine, 1S80.] 8°. pp.
[83]-99- 991 e 16
" Estratto dei Atti della Accademia di Udine, II. serie,
vol. iii."
Ardiiser, Johann. Riitische Chronik; heraus-
gegeben auf Veranstaltung der biindnerischen na-
turhistorischen Gesellschaft, nebst einem histori-
schen Commentar von J. Bott. Chur, 1877. 8°. pp.
vii + 638. 991 B 6
Includes the author's " Selbstbiographie." — " Erschienen
als Beilage zu den Jaliresberichten xv.-.\x. der N. G."
Arquint, Albert. Der Curort Tarasp-Schuls
und seine Unigebung; eine topographisch-historische
und balneologische Skizze. Chur, 1S77. 8°. pp.
(5) + 221. Map. 991 B 7
Contains, pp. 97-104, a sketch of the Rhaeto-romanic
Ascoli, Graziadio Isaia. Annotazioni ai
" Testi friulani" [di V. Joppi]. — Cimelj tergestini.
— II participio veneto in -csto. (In Archivio glot-
tologico italiano. Vol. iv. 1878.) 321 A
Saggi ladini. (Itt same. Vol. i. 1873.)
3-1 A
Saggio di morfologia e lessicologia soprasil-
vana. (/« sa^ne. Vol. vii., 3. 1883.) 321 A
Studj critici. Gorizia, 1861. 8°. pp. 142 +
(I). 185 E 89
II testo istriano del Salviati. [In Archivio
glottologico italiano. Vol. iii. 1S78.) 321 A
Badrutt, J. Sammlung antiquarischer Biicher
zum Verkaufe bei J. Badrutt zum Engadiner Kulm
St. Moritz (Graubiinden). Chur, 1881. sm. 8°. pp.
24. 991 D 46
No. 1-S3 are Rhaeto-romanic.
Barbiera, Carlo Raffaello. Voci della mon-
tagna e Pietro Zorutti. (/« his Simpatie, studi
letterari. 1877.) 1031 A 55
Bidermann, Hermann Ignaz. [Review of]
B. Malfatti, Degli idiomi parlati anticamente nel
Trentino e dei dialetti odierni. [In Zeitschrift fur
romanische Philologie. Bd. ii. 1878.) 991 e 23
Die Romanen und ihre Verbreitung in Oes-
terreich ; ein Beitrag zur Nationalitaten-Statistik,
mit Bemerkungen iiber deren Verhaltniss zu den
Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften. Graz, 1877. 8°.
pp. V + (i) + 206. 991 G4
" Festschrift der Universitat Graz aus Anlass der Jahresfeier
am XV. Nov., 1876."
Bohmer, Eduard. Pradicatscasus im Ratoro-
manischen. {In Romanische Studien. Bd. ii.
1876.) 991 G 68
[Recension von] F. Rausch : Geschichte
der Literatur des rhato-romanischen Volkes. {In
same. Bd. i., 2. 1872.) 991 d 9
Verzeichnissratoromanischer Litteratur. {In
same. Bd. vi., 2, 3. 18S3-85.) 991 d 16
Bonini, Pietro. Del teatro friulano ; memoria
letta nella seduta del 14 maggio 1875. [Udine, 1S80.]
So. pp. [103]-! 12. 991 D 22
"Estratto degH Atti della Accademia di Udine, II. serie,
vol. iii."
Brugger, Chr. G. Beitrage zur Natur-Chronik
der Schweiz insbesondere der rhatischen Alpen.
Chur, 1876-88. 6 pts. bd. in i v. 4". 991 b 9
" Beilage zum Programm der biindnerischen Kantonsschule."
Biihler, Valentin. Davos in seinem Walser-
dialekt; ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss dieses Hochthals
und zum schweizerischen Idiotikon. i.-iv. Heidel-
berg, 1872-86. 4 pts. bd. in 2 V. 8°. Plates.
991 b 12-13
Cottfnts: i. Lexicographischer Theil. 2e Ausg. — ii. Syn-
onymerTheil. — iii. Homonymer und grammatikalischer Theil.
— iv. Erstes und Hauptsupplement : Der Obersaxer Dialekt.
No more yet published.
Burckhardt, J. Rudolf. Untersuchungen iiber
die erste Bevolkerung des Alpengebirgs, insbeson-
dere der schweizerischen Urkantone, des Eerner
Oberlandes und des Oberwallis. {In Archiv flir
schweizerische Geschichte. Bd. iv. 1846.) 991 B 11
[Caratsch, Simeon.] Notizias istoricas sopra
la tipografia in Engiadina, 1660-1883. Samaden,
[1883.] 8". pp. (7). 991 D 13
Carisch, Otto. Grammatische Formenlehre der
deutschen und riiiitoromanischen Sprache; nebst
einer Beilage iiber die rhatoromanische Grammatik
im Besondern, und einigen Proben aus der iiltesten
rhiitorom. Prosa und Poesie. [G.] Chur, 1S52.
8". pp. viii + 214 + (4). 991 E 38
Kleine deutsch-italienisch-romanische Wor-
tersammlung. [G.] 2« veranderte und vermehrte
Aufl. Chur, 1836. 8°. pp. xviii + 100 + (2).
991 D84
Satne. 3<^, theils verminderte, theils ver-
mehrte Aufl. Chur, 1848. 8°. pp. vi + 70. 991 D 85
Taschen-Worterbuch der rhaetoromanischen
Sprache in Graubiinden, besonders der Oberlander
und Engadiner Dialekte. [G.] Chur, etc., 1887.
40. pp. xl + 204 + 56. 991 D 87
" Unveranderter Neudruck."
Caviezel, M. The Upper Engadine ; a guide.
5th enlarged ed. Samaden, 1891. 16°. pp. xii +
236. 991 A II
Chiampell, Durich. Historia Raetica ; heraus-
gegeben von P. Plattner. {In Allgemeine Ge-
Bchichtforschende Gesellschaft d. Schv^eiz.
Quellen zur Schweizer Gcschichte. Bd. viii., ix.
1S87-90.) 991 B 17-1S
Kaetiae Alpestris topographica descriptio;
herausgegeben von C. J. Kind. (//; savu. Bd. vii.
18S4.) 991 B 16
Zwci Hiicher riitischer Gcschichte ; nach dem
ungedruckten lateinisclien Manuscripte im Auszug
deutsch bearbeitet unci mit Anmcrkungen versclien
von C. V. Mohr. (/// Archiv fiir die Gcschichte
der Republik Graubiinden. Bd. i., 5, ii. 1851.)
991 B 14
Christmann. Wilhelm Ludwrig. Nachricht
von dcr sogcnannten ronianisciien Sprache in Grau-
biindtcn. Keiitliiigen, itc, 1S19. 8". pp. 68.
991 E 51
Colliui, Carlo Alcune notizie intorno all' antico
ospizio e santuario di S. Maria di Campiglio di
Rendena nella diocesi di Trento. Rovereto, 1875.
8°. pp. 42. 991 B 22
[Combi, C. A.] Saggio di bibliografia istriana.
Capodistri.i, 1S64. 8". pp. vii + 4S4. 991 D 24
" I'ubblic.ito a spfse di una society patria."
Conradi, Matthias. Dictionar (lexicon) di
tasca dilg lingiiaig romansch-tudesc. [O.] Turig,
1823. 24°. pp. X + 265 + (i). 991 D 81
Praktische deutsch-romanische Grammatik.
[G] Zurich, 1S20. 80. pp. xiv + 176. 991 E 54
Taschcnwiirterbuch der deutsch-romani-
schen Sprache. [O.] Zurich, 182S. 240. pp.
(4) + 19'- 991 D 81
Has also Rhaeto-romanic t.-p. , and is bd. with the author's
" Dictionar dilc; liiipu.iij; romanscli-tudesc."
Coryate, Thomas. Crudities; reprinted froin
the edition of 161 1. Added, his Letters from
India, &c., and extracts relating to him from various
authors; with his orations, character, death, &c.
London, 1776. 3 V. 8". Plates. 991 b 23-25
Vol. ii. contains "Obseruations of Rhetia commonly called
the Grisons country."
Coxe, Re''. William. Briefe iiber den natiirli-
chen, biirgerlichen und politischen Zustand der
Schweiz, an W. Melmoth ; aus dem Englischen
iibersetzt. Zurich, 1781-92. 3 v. 16".
991 A 12-14
Bd ill. contains especially a description of Graubiinden, with
a chapter relating to the language.
Czoernig, Karl Joseph, Freihcrr von. Die
alten Volkcr Oheritalicns, Italiker (Umbrer), Raeto-
Etrusker, Raeto-Ladiner, Veneter, Kclto-Roinanen ;
eine ethnologische Skizze. Wien, 1885. 8". pp.
(0 + 3" + (')• 991 B 29
Ueber Friaul, seine Gcschichte, Sprache und
Alterthiimer. [Wicn, 1853.] 8". pp.18. 991 B 28
" Aus dem Fcbruarhefte des Jahrganges 1853 der Sitzungs-
berichte der philos.-liistor. Classe der kais. Akademie der
Wisscnsch.iftiMi besoiukTs abgedruckt."
Diefenbach, (Georg) Lorenz (Anton).
Ueber die jctzigen romanischen Schriftsprachen :
die spanische, portugiesischc, rhatoromanische,
franziisische, italianische und dakoromanische, niit
Vorbemerkungen iiber Entstchung, Vcrwandtschaft
u. s. w. dieses Sprachstammes. Lcipzi',', 1S31. 4".
pp. (I ) + 122. Table. ' 991 e 61
Discovrse vpon the reasons of the resolvtion
taken in the Valtelinc, against the tvranny of the
Grisons and hcrctiqvcs; written in Italian by the
author of the Councell of Trent, and translated into
P^nglish, with the translator's epistle to the Com-
mons House of Parliament. London, 1628. 40.
PP- loi. 991 A 31
According to the British Museum Library catalogue, cer-
tainly not by Sarpi, who was the author of the " Council of
Trent." The translator's epistle is signed " Philo-Britannicos,"
pseud, of Sir T. Roe.
Disentis, Abbey of. Regesten ; bearbeitet
von T. V. Mohr. (/// S'witzerland. Regesten
der Archive in der schwcizerischen Eidgenossen-
schaft. lid. ii., 4. 1853.) 991 G 17
Fetz, Johann Franz. Gcschichte der kirchen-
]iolitischen ^\'irrcn im Freistaat der drei Biinde
(IJisthiimcrn Chur und Como), vom Anfang des 17.
Jahrhundcrts bis auf die Gcgenwart. Chur, 1S75.
So. jip. vii -f- 367 4- (i). 991 B 37
Flugi, Alfons von. Die Hoheitsrechte des
Kantons Graubiinden iiber das Bisthum Chur.
Chur, i860. 12°. pp. 24. 991 A 16
Johann von Travers' Gedicht vom Miis-
serkriege und die ladinische Literatur des i6<^" Jahr-
hundcrts. (/« Schvceiz. y-' Jahrg. 1864.)
991 G 24
Die ladinischen Dramen im 16'^^" Jahr-
hundert. (/« Zeitschrift fiir romanische Philo-
logie. l!d. ii. 187S.) 993 D 10
Foflfa, Faul. Das biindnerische Miinsterthal ;
eine historische Skizze, nebst eineni Anhange von
beziiglichen Urkunden. Chur, 1864. 8". pp. viii -f-
664-413. 991 B 39
Foth, Karl. Die Verschiebung lateinischer
Tempora in den romanischen Sprachen. (/«
Romanische Studien. Bd. ii. 1876.) 991 E 66
Fuchs, August. Ueber die sogenannten un-
regelmiissigen Zeitwortcr in den romanischen
Sprachen ; nebst Andeutungen iiber die wichtigsten
romanischen Mundarten. Berlin, 1840. 8°. pp.
xxxvi -f 375 + (i)- Tables. 991 e 69
Treats of the Rhaeto-romanic, pp. 337-369.
Gartner, Theodor. [Anzeige von] Storia d' S.
Genofefa trasportada t' nose' lingaz dao '1 canonico
Smid da M. D. (/« Literaturblatt fiir germa-
nische und romanische Philologie. Nr. 4. 18S0.)
Die Gredner Mundart. Linz, 1879. 4°-
pp. xi -f- 166 4- (2). 991 G 38
" Nur 180 Exemplare im Handel."
Die judicarische Mundart. n. t.-p. [Wien,
1882.] 80. pp. 803-884. 991 e 76
" Sitzungsberichte der phil.-hist. Classe. Bd. c. Hft. 2."
Raetoromanische Grammatik. Heilbronn,
1883. 8°. pp. xlviii -f 206 + (i). 991 E 78
An addendum of 4 pp. to the author's " Gredner Mundart"
is inserted at the end.
Sulzberger Worter. Wien, 1883. 80. pp. 30.
991 E 80
" S^T Jahresbericht iiber die k. k. Staats-Unterrealschule im
V. Bezirke in Wien, 1S82-83."
Viaggi ladini ; con un saggio statistico.
Linz, 1882. 8". pp. 45. Map. 991 B 46
, editor. W. V. Humboldt iiber Ratoroma-
nischcs ; nebst Ungcdrucktem von M. Conradi.
(/;/ Romanische .Studien. 15d. vi., 3. 1S85.)
991 D 16
Gatschet, A. Ortsctyinologische Forschungen
als Bcitrage zu einer Toponoinastik der Schweiz.
Bd. i. P.ern, 1S67. S". 991 E 82
Genelin, Placidus. Zwci vergessene roina-
nistische Abliandlungcn aus den Jahren 1775 und
1819. (/;/ Zeitschrift fiir das Rcalschulwesen.
Jahrg. ix., Hft. 7. 1884.) 991 E 85
Notices of the work of Joseph Planta and of W. L. Christ-
Geschichtforschende Gesellschaft von
Graubiinden. Riitia: Mittheilungcn, herausge-
geben von C. v. Moor und C. Kind. Jahrg. i.-iv.
Cur, 1863-69. 4 V. bd. in i. 8°. 991 c 34
Jahrg. iv. is edited by Moor alone.
Goetzinger, (Maximilian) Wilhelm. Die
romanischen Ortsnamen des Kantons St. Gallen.
St. Gallen, 1891. 8". pp. iv + 91. 991 e 90
" Herausgegeben vom Historischen Verein des Kantons St.
Grisons. Beilagen. n. t.-p. £«. pp. 55.
991 G 87
Documents relating to disturbances in the summer of 1793,
dated from July 3010 September 14 of that year. In vol. lettered
" Publicatiuns utficialas." German text with an occasional
version in Italian.
Eva)igelischer Kantoiiskirchenrath. Die
okonomischen Verhaltnisse cler evangelischen Kirch-
gemeinden des Kantons Graubiiiiden. Chur, 1883.
4°- PP- (3) + 57 + (i)-. ^ 991 G 29
— Kanioiis-Bibliothek. Katalog. 3^^ Fort-
setzung. Chur, 1868. 80. pp. vi -j- 243.
991 D 39
pp. 215-243 contain " Romanische Biicher."
Katalog. Bd. i. Chur, 1S86. 8°. 991 D 38
Con/e>t/s : — i. Raetica et Helvetica.
Guler, Joliann, vo?i IVimck. Deduction biind-
nerischcn Handlungen ; oder, Rechtfertigung des
Prattigauer Freiheitkampfes vom fahre 1622. {In
Mohr, C. von, editor. Biindnerische Geschicht-
schreiber und Chronisten. io<= Publikation. 1877.)
991 n 49
Raetia : das ist, Aussfiihrliche Beschrei-
bung der dreyen loblichen Grawen Biindten vn
anderer retischen Volcker. \^At eiid:^ Ziirych,
1616. fo. 'ff. (23) -\- 225. lilies. 991 G 8
Haig, Maj.-Geii. Malcolm N. The death of a
language. (In Davos courier. Vol. iv., no. 21, 22.
1892.) 997 G 99
[Hardmeyer, Johaiin Jakob], compiler.
Schweizerbund im Schweizermund : Cjriindung und
Aufbau der Eidgenossenschaft dargestellt in sechs-
undzwanzig Hauptmundarten. Zurich, 1891. 8°.
pp. 160 -\- (2). Orn. 991 G 65
pp. 106-11S contain specimens of Rhaeto-romanic dialects.
Hess, J. Catalogue d'une collection de livres
retoromans en vente chez J. Hess a Ellwangen.
Ellwangen, 1SS8. 8°. pp. (3) +32 + (2). 2
copies. 991 D 43; 991 D 44
Same. Ellwangen, 189 1. 8°. pp. (3) -j- 32 +
(i). 991 D 44
Same. Supplement. AIs. [1890.] 4".
pp. xxi. 991 G 32
Katalog des antiquarischen Biicherlagers
von J. Hess in Ellwangen. No. 29. Ellwangen,
1889. 80. pp. (i) + 124. 991 D 44
Bd. with his " Catalogue de livres retoromans." Contains,
pp. 93-96, " Raetoromaiiische Litteratur."
Horning, Adolf. Zur Geschichte des lateini-
schen c vor e und ;' im Romanischen. Halle, 1S83.
8°. pp. (2) + 140. 991 E 96
Jecklin, Constanz, editor. Urkunden zur Ver-
fassungsgeschichte Graublindens. lift. i. Chur,
1883. 8". 991 B 90
Contents: — i. Bis zum Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts.
" Als Fortsetzung von Mohr's Codex diplomaticus v. Bd."
Jecklin, Dietrich. Volksthiimliches aus Grau-
biinden. Zurich, Chur, 1S74-78. 3 v. bd. in i. 8°.
991 G 57
Appended to Th. i is " Marclien aus dem Biindner Ober-
lande, gesammelt und nach dem Rato-romanischen erzahlt von
C. Decurtins."
Juvalt, Fortunat von. Denkwiirdigkeiten ; aus
dem Lateinischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen
herausgegeben von C. v. Mohr. [In Archiv fiir
die Geschichte der Republik Graubiinden. Bd. i.
1S48.) 991 B 93
Hinterlassene Beschreibung der Geschichte
gemeiner drey Biinde vom Jahre i 592 bis 1649 > '"^"s
einer lateinischen Handschrift iibersetzt und her-
ausgegeben von H. L. Lehmann. Ulm, 1781. 8°.
pp. (5) +232. 991 B 58
Juvalt, Wolfgang von. Forschungen uber die
Fcudalzeit im Curischen Kaetien. Zurich, 1871.
2 pts. bd. in I V. 8°. 2 inaps and tables.
991 B 55
Keller, Ferdinand. Die romischcn Ansiede-
lungen in der Ostschweiz. {In Gesellschaft fiir
Erforschung und Bewahruug Vaterlan-
discher Alterthiimer, Ziirich. Mitthcilungen.
Bd. xii., 7 ; XV., 2. 1S60-64.) 991 G 10
Kesselmeyer, Charles A. Rhaetien ; philo-
logisch-geographische Studie : Reise-Skizzen in
Versen. Manchester, [18— .'] 8°. pp.20. Map.
991 B 61
Killias, Ed. Der Kurgast in Tarasp-Schuls ;
ein Fiihrer zu den Heilquellen und ihren Umge-
bungen. Schuls, [1870.] 160. pp. (i) + 118+ (i).
^"^lap. 991 A 19
Contains, pp. 11 1-118, specimens of the dialects of Upper
and Lower Engadine.
Kind, Christian (Immanuel). Anleitung zur
geographischen Kenntniss des Landes Graubunden.
Chur, 1S55. 8°. pp. 78. 991 B 64
Kreuzlingen. Die Regesten des Stiftes Kreuz-
lingen in Canton Thurgau; bearbeitet von J. A.
Pupikofer. (/« Svvritzerland. Regesten der
Archive in der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft.
Bd. ii., 4. 1853.) 991 G 17
Kuoni, Michael. Ueberreste der romanischen
Sprache in den Thrilern der Landquart und der
Plessur (Pratigau-Schanfigg) sowie in den angren-
zenden Gebieten ; etymologische Studie. Chur,
1886. 8°. pp. iv + [3]-35. 991 E 98
"Separatabdruck aus dem Rhato-romanischen Jahrbuche pro
Lebert, Hermann. Das Engadin, seine Heil-
quellen, seine Natur und seine Bewohner ; ein Vor-
trag gehalten in Breslau den 6. Januar, 1S61, nebst
einem medicinischen Nachtrage iiber Tarasp und
St. Moritz. Breslau, 1S61. 8^. pp. (2) + 52.
991 B 71
Contains, pp. 2S-29, a poem from E. Lechner's " Piz Lan-
Lechner, Ernst. Piz Languard und die Ber-
nina-Gruppe bei Pontresina, Oberengadin ; Skizzen
aus Natur und Bevolkerung. Leipzig, 1858. 8°.
pp. X + 121. Map and z plates. 991 B 74
Contains, pp. 28-32,3 notice of the Engadine dialects.
Same. 2<= Auflage, erweiterte Bearbeitung.
Leipzig, 1865. 160. pp. viii -\- 147. 2 maps and 3
plates. 991 A 22
Leonhardi, Georg. Philipp Gallicius, Refor-
mator Graubiindens. Bern, 1865. 16°. pp. viii -f-
103. 991 A 24
Same. Biografia da Filipp Gallicius ; vertida
our dal Tudaisch nel Romantsch d' Engiadina
Bassa, con notas ed tin appendice, tras P. J. Andeer.
[L. E.] Ccira, 1878. 16°. pp. iv -f 94 + (i).
993 c 80
Same. Philipp Gallicius; biografia vertida
or dil Tudesc en il Romoiisch da la Ligia Grischa
tras L. Candrian. [O.] Cuira, 1878. 16°. pp. vi -|-
76. _ _ 997 B 40
Das Poschiavino-Thal ; ein Beitrag zur
Kenntniss der italienischen Schweiz. Leipzig, 1859.
sm. 8°. pp. (3) + 136. Plate and map. 991 B 77
Ueber das alte Volkstheater in Graubiin-
den. — Das rhatische Miinsterthal. {In Schweiz.
7'^'' Jahrg. 1S64.) 991 G 24
[ \, compiler. Wanderungen durch Graubiin-
den ; Mittheilungen iiber Land und Volk in Ge-
schichte und Sage. Chur, 1859. 8°. pp. var.
991 B 79
Lienhard & Salzborn, photographers. [Views
in Graubiinden.] Chur, n. d. 21 monttUd cabinet
fhoto^niphs in case. 99' '^ 4
Martineau, Russell. On the Romonsch or
Rhaetian lanj^uv^e in the Crisons and Tirol. (///
Philological Society. Transactions. 1880-81.)
991 F 6
Mischi, Josef. Deutsche Worte im Ladinischen.
brixen. 1S82. 8°. pp. 31 + (O- 99i i" 9
"VII. Programm des F. B. Prival-Gymnasiums am Semi-
narium Vinceiitinum in Brixen."
Sum. " Separat-Abdriick." 991 K 10
Mitterrutzner, Joh. Chrysostom. Die rha-
toladinischcn Diaiektc in Tirol und ihre Lautbe-
zeichnung. Bri.xcn, 1856. 8°. pp. (2) + 30.
991 r 1 1
"fies Programm des Gymnasiums zu Brixen."
Mohr, Conradin von. Geschichte von Cur-
raticn und der Republik "genicincr drei Biinde "
(Graubunden). Chur, 1S70-74. 2 v. in 3. 8°.
991 H 96-98
Contents: — i. Von der Urzeit bis zum Schlusse des i5<;i'
Jahrhunderts. — ii., 1. Bis April, 1621. — ii., 2. Bis 1S14.
Historisch - chronologischer Wegweiser
durch die Geschichte Curratiens und der Republik
Graubunden ; nach des Verfassers Geschichte bear-
bcitet. Cur, 1S73. S". jip. iv + 178. 991 H 94
Mohr, Theodosius Conradin, {culling himself
Theodor) von, tutJ Conradin von Mohr, editors.
Codc.\ diplomaticus: Sammlung der Urkunden zur
Geschichte Cur-Rjitiens und der Republik Grau-
biinden. Cur, 1848-61. 3 V. in 2. 8°.
991 B 86-87
Bd. i., ii. are edited by Theodor von Mohr ; Bd. iii., iv. by
C. von ^Iol^r. Vox continuation see Jecklin, C.
Mohr, Ulrich von. Geordnetc Gesetzes-Samm-
lung und grundsiitzliche Uebersichten der acht-
zehn Erbrechte des eidgenossischen Standes Grau-
biinden, ncbst cineni ICntwurf zu eincm allgemeinen
Erbrechte fiir den ganzen Canton ; mit einer Ein-
leitung und einer deutschcn Uebersetzung der
romanschen Statuten. [G.] Chur, 1831. 8°. pp.
xi + ( I) + 356. Plate. 991 G 61
The statutes are in their original text, being German, Italian,
or Khaeto-romanic.
Moosberger, Heiurich. Die biindnerische
AUmende. — Inaug.-Diss. Chur, 1891. 8°. pp. iii +
157 -f (I). 991 C 4
Morf, H. Die sprachlichen Einheitsbestrebun-
gen in der ratischcn Schwciz. Bern, 18S8. 8". pp.
43- 991 I" 13
Muoth, J. C. Die Ilcrrschaft St. Jnrgenbcrg
iin Graucn Bund. (/// BUndnerisches Monats-
blatt. iSSi.) 991 c 7
[ ] Rhactoromanische Volksliteratur. [Ziirich,
1883.] 8". pp. 13. 991 D 19
Ueber Ursprung und Vcrbrcitung der
rhato-romanischen Literatur. (In Sonntagsblatt
des " Bund." 1880. No. 7-1 1.) 991 g 13
" Vortrag in der Rhiito-romanischen Gesellschaft in Chur,
1875, in's Deutsche iibertragen von A. B."
Niger, Franciscua. Rhetia, siue de situ &
moribus Rhctorum. Basileae, [1547.] sm. 8". ff.
(31.) 991 A 26
Appended is the author's "Sylwla."
Niggli, P. Die Aussicht von Piz Languard.
Samadcn, n. d. Broadside.
A poem.
Peer, Florian. L'cglisc de
et xvii"'<= siccles. Geneve, 18S8.
997 ••■ 91
8». pp.
au xvr"<^
84 -f (I).
99r c 17
"Thfese prdsenfde & la Facultd dc Thdologic de I'Universitd
de Genfeve."
Pirona, Jacopo, abate. Vocabolario friulano ;
pubblicato per cura [di] G. A. Pirona. Venezia,
1871. 80. pp. cii + (2) -f 710. Map. 991 D 96
[ ] Voci friulane significanti animali e piante ;
pubblicate come saggio di un vocabolario generale
della lingua friulana [da G. A. Pirona]. Udine,
18^4. s». pp. 126. 991 D95
Planta, Joseph. An account of the Romansch
language; read at the Royal Society, Nov. 10, 1775.
London, 1776. 4°. pp. 31. 99' '' 3'
Same. Geschichte der romanschen Sprache ;
aus dem Englischcn ubersezt. Chur, 1776. 8°.
pp. 63. 991 F 32
Planta, P. C. von. Das alte Raetien staatlich
und kulturhistorisch dargestellt. Berlin, 1872. 8°.
l^p. viii 4- 530. 2 viaps. 991 c 21
Die curratischen Herrschaften in der
Feudalzeit. Bern, iSSi. 8°. pp. iv -f 481. Map
z.\\Ci tables. 991. c 23
Geschichte von Graubiinden in ihren
Ilauptziigen gcmeinfasslich dargestellt. Bern, 1S92.
8". pp. viii + 440. Map. 99' ^ ~^
Planta, Vincenz von. Joh. P^riedrich v.
Tscharners Lebcn und Wirken ; nebst einer Zugabe
aus dessen schriftlichem Nachlasse. Chur, 1848.
8°. pp. xiv -f 479. Port. 991 c 79
Die letzten Wirren des Freistaatcs der
drei Biinde (vom Friihling 1797 bis Fruhling 1799);
herausgegeben von P. C. Planta. Chur, 1857. S".
pp. iv -I \^\. 991 c 26
Porta, Peter Dominic Rosi da. Compendio
della storia della Rczia si civile che ecclesiastica.
Chiavenna, 17S7. 16". pp. xvi + cccxc. 991 A 28
Historia reformationis ecclesiarum Raeti-
carum. Curiae Raetorum, etc., 1772-77. 2 v. 40.
991 c 30-31
Rausch, Friedlieb. Geschichte der Literatur
des rhiito-romanischen Volkes, mit einem Blick auf
Sprache und Character desselben. Frankfurt a. M.,
1870. 80. pp. (182). 2 copies. 991 D 7; 991 D 8
Sprachliche Bemerkungcn zum " Miisser-
kricg " des Gian von Travers. \ln Zeitschrift fiir
romanische Philologie. Bd. ii. 187S.) 3i7 E
Reber, Balthasar. Georg Jenatsch, Graubiind-
tens Pfarrer und Held wiihrend des dreissigjiihrigen
Kriegs. (/;/ Historische Gesellschaft in Basel.
Beitrage zur vaterlandischen Geschichte. Bd. vii.
1S60.) 991 n 53
Redolfi, A. Die Lautverhaltnisse des bergel-
lischen Dialekts. (/« Zeitschrift fiir romanische
Philologie. Bd. viii., 2. 1S84.) 99i,i'"38
Rommler &. Jonas, photographers. Ober-Enga-
din. Dresden, 1S90. 20 mounted cabinet photographs
in cot>er. 99' A 3
Rufniatscha, Pirmin. Ueber Ursprung und
Wcsen der romaunschcn Sprache. Innsbruck, 1853.
40. pp. 18. 991 »•' 42
" Programm des Gymnasiums in Meran, 1S53."
Zur Genealogie der Rater. Fortsetzung.
Innsbruck, 1865. 4°. pp. 20. 991 F 42
" Programm des Gymnasiums zu Meran, 1864-65." Bd.
with llie preceding.
Saison-Almanacli 1881/82 fiir Engadin und die
rhiUischcn Curortc. Chur, iSSi. 160. pp. xviii +
92 -f xxxxvi. Frontisp. 993 F 115
Contains also four poems fU. E.] by G. F. Caderas.
Salis-Marschlins, Ulysses von. Denkwiirdig-
kcitcn ; nach dem unedirten, italianischen Original-
manuscript bcarbeitet und herausgegeben von C. v.
Mohr. (/// Archiv fiir die Geschichte der Republik
Graubiinden. I'.d. vi. 1S5S.) 991 C 41
Salis-Soglio, Nikolaiis von. Die Familie von
Salis : Gcdcnkblaltcr aus der Geschichte des ehe-
maligen Freistaates der drei Biinde in Hohenrhatien.
Lindau i. B., 1S91. 8°. pp. xiii + 36S. Tables.
991 c 39
Scala. Giacomo. Piccolo vocabolario domestico
friulano-italiano ; con alcune voci attenente ad arti e
mestieri. I'ordenone, 1870. 8°. pp. 112. 991 d 97
Schmeller, Johaun Andreas. Ueber die soge-
nannten Cimbcrn der VII und XIII Coniniunen auf
den vencdischen Alpen und ihre Sprachc. [Wien,
1834.] 4"- PP- [S59]-7oS. 991 G 20
" .Abhandliiiigen der i. Classe der Akademie d. Wissenscliaf-
ten, II. Th., III. .Abth."
Schneller, Christian. Deutsche und Romanen
in Siid-Tirol und Venetian. {In Mittheilungen
aus J. Perthes' geographischen Anstalt. 1877.)
991 G 22
Die romanischen Volksmundarten in Siidti-
rol, nach ihrem Zusammenhange niit den romani-
schen und germanischen Sprache etymologisch und
grammatikalisch dargestellt. Bd. i. Gera, 1870. 80.
pp. X + 291. 991 F 54
No more published.
Ueber die sogenannten rhjito-etruskischen
Inschriftcn ; Lesungs- und Losungsversuche. n. t.-p.
8". pp. [i75]-2o8. Plate. 991 K 52
Ueber die volksmundartliche Literatur der
Romanen in Siidtirol. Innsbruck, 1S69. 4°. pp.20.
997 G 45
" Programm des kaiserl. konigl. Staats-Gymnasium zu Inns-
Ueber Ursprung und Fortgang der rhati-
schen Namensforschung. n. t.-p. [Innsbruck, 1877.]
8°. pp. 24. 991 F 56
" Separat-Abdruck aus ' Skizzen und Culturbilder aus Tirol,'
von C. Schneller."
Schuchardt, Hugo (E. M.) Ueber einige Falle
bedingten Lautwandels im Churwalschen. Gotha,
1870. 8°. pp. 51. 991 F 60
•' Habilitations-Schrift."
Zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft. [In
Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung.
Bd xxii. 1S74.) 130 B
Contains, pp. 1S1-185, " Ueber ca»is rectus und casus obli-
guus im Mitielromanischen."
Schweizerbund im Schweizermund.
See [Hardmeyer, J. J.], compiler.
Sererhard, Nicolaus. Einfalte Delineation aller
Gemeinden gemeiner dreien BUnden ; samt beigefiig-
ten etwelchen Merkwiirdigkeiten der Natur. (In
Mohr, C. von, editor. Biindnerische Geschicht-
schreiber und Chronisten. 8<= Publikation. 1872.)
991 c 47
Siegfried, J. Statistik der schweizerischen I>evnl-
kerung nach den Landessprachen. (/// Zeitschrift
fiir schweizerische Statistik. Jahrg. 9. 1873.)
991 G 25
Simler, Josias. Vallesiae descriptio, libri dvo. —
De Alpibvs commentarivs. Accessit his appendix
descriptionis Vallesiae. Tigvri, 1574. 16°. ff. (7) +
151 + (I)- .^^^^}^
The appendix consists of " Martyriiim beati Mauritij et socio-
rum eius.ex V. C. descriptum" ; " Elojium Matthaei Cardinalis
Sedunensis, ex Paulo louio"; and " De thermis et fontibus
medicaiis Vallesi.morum, Gasparo CoUino auctore."
Simzig, Federico. Notizie varie intorno il
dialetto friulano, con appunti critici e saggi etimo-
logici. Gorz, 1878. 8°. pp. 18. 991 v 63
" Jahresbericht des Gymnasiums zu Gorz." Lacks t.-p.
[Sprecher, Anton von ] Sammlung rhatischer
Geschlechter. i" Jahrg. 1S47. Chur, ^1847.] 320.
pp. vii + 247 + (3). Tables. 991 A 29
Wappen der Ano 1854 lebenden Geschlech-
ter der Stadt Chur. Zurich, 1855. 80. Ens^r. t.-p.
+ 13 colored plates. 991 c 52
Sprecher, J. Andreas von. Geschichte der
Republik der drei Biinde (Graubiinden) im i8<="
Jahrhundert ; zum erstenmale nach den amtlichen
und sonstigen handschriftlichen Quellen bearbeitet.
Chur, 1873-75. 2 V. 8°. 991 c 58-59
Die Offizin der Landolfi in Poschiavo,
1549-1615; Vortrag gehalten in der historischanti-
quarischen Gesellschaft zu Chur. (In Bibliogra-
phie und literarische Chronik der Schweiz. 1879.
No. 3-8.) 991 G 26
Sprecher von Berneck, Fortunat, Kitter.
Pallas Rhaetica armata et logata, ubi priniae In-
alpinae Riiactiae verus situs, bella, & politia, cum aliis
memorabilibus, adumbrantur. [Basilcae], 1617. 4°.
pp. (14,1 -f 298+ (45.) 991 c .54
Sa?ne. Rhetia, vbi eius verus situs, politia,
bella, et alia memorabilia describuntur. Lvgd. Ba-
tavorvm, ex offi-cina Elzeviriana, 1633. 32". pp.
424 -f (7). Engr. t.-p. 991 A 34
Same. Gerjnan. Rhetische Cronica ; oder,
Kurtze Beschreibung rhetischer Kriegs- unnd Regi-
nients-Sachen, biss auff dass Jahr 1617 zugetragen.
Erstlich in lateinischer Sprach beschriben, hernach
von dem Authore selbst corrigiert vnd vermehrt,
jetzt aber in die teutsche Sprach libersetzt. Chur,
1672 (?) 40. pp. (6) -f 373 + (3) 991 c 55
The last figure of the date is written over with a 6, making
it 1676 instead of 1672, the probable date.
Stalder, Franz Joseph. Die Landessprachen
der Schweiz, oder schweizerische Dialektologie ; mit
kritischen Sprachbemerkungen, nebst der Gleichniss-
rede von dem verlorenen Sohne in alien Schweizer-
mundarten. Aarau, 1819. sm. 8°. pp. xii + 424.
991 G 63
Stengel, Edmund (Max). Vocalismus des
lateinischen Eiementes in den wichtigsten romani-
schen Dialekten von Graubuenden und Tyrol. Bonn,
1868. 8". pp. (I) + 64 -f (3). 991 F65
"Zur Erlangung der Doctorwiirde bei der philosophischen
Facultat der Universitat Bonn."
Steub, Ludwig. Kleinere Schriften. Stuttgart,
1873-75. 4 V. bd. in 1. sm. 80. 991 c 68
Contents : — \, Reiseschilderungen. — ii. Literarische Auf-
satze. — iii. Tirolische Miscellen. — iv. Altbayerische Mis-
Bd. i. contains among other sketches " Nach Hohenrhatien."
Bd. iii. contains, in particular, "Die Sprachgrenzen in Tirol " :
"Die romanischen Volksmundarten in Siidtirol "; and "Ueber
rhatoromanische Studien."
Ueber die Urbewohner R'atiens und ihren
Zusammenhangmitden Etruskern. Munchen, 1843.
8°. pp. vi -f 1S5. 991 c 63
Zur rhatischen Ethnologic. Stuttgart, 1854.
8°. pp. xii -f 250 + (i). 2 copies.
991 c 65 ; 991 c 66
Stobbe, J. E. Otto. De lege Romana Utinensi.
— Diss, inaug. Regimontii Prussorum, [1S53.] 8°.
pp. 78. 991 c 70
Includes an historical sketch of Khaetia.
Storm, Johau. Bemaerkninger i Anledning af
Ascoli, Saggi ladini. n. t.-p. [Kristiania, 1873.] 8".
pp. 25. 991 F 67
" Aftryk af. Nord. tidskr. for filol. og paedag. Ny raekke. i."
With author's autograph.
Strickland, F. de Beauchamp. The Enga-
dine; a guide to the district, with articles by J. A.
Svmonds [and others]. 2d ed. 'London, etc., 1891.
16°. pp. vi+339. Maps. 991 A 35
Contents:— "S-AViTi, J. Constitution of Switzerland.—
Symonds, J. A. History of Graubiinden. — Caviezel,
M. Plant life of the Upper Eneadine. — Pallioppi, E.
The Romansch language. — McConnel, J. C. Physical
notes on glaciers. — Maiin, Mrs Notes on climbing. — Vas-
sal!, Jottings on Alpine natural history. — Holland,
Dr. St. Moritz in summer. — St. Moritz in winter. — Strick-
land, F. de B. The Engadine.
Stiirzinger, Jakob. Ueber die Conjugation im
Ratoroinanischen. — Inaug.-Diss. Wintertliur, 1879.
8". pp. 64. 991 K 69
Sulzberger, H. Giistav. Geschichte der Re-
formation im Kanton (jiaubiinden. [Ileiden], 18S0.
8°. pp. iv-f 90. 991 c 73
" .Sfp.-.Abdruck .Tiis dcni .App. Sonntagsblatt."
Sulzer, Joseph Georg. Uell' originc c della
natura dei dialetti coimmcmente chiamati romanici
messi a confronto coi dialetti consimili csistenti nel
Tirolo; dissertazione corredata d' un triplice voca-
bolario sanscrito, celtico ed osco, d' un poliglotto dell'
Orazione Dominicale in cento lingue, e d' un quadro
sinottico d'alfabeti. Trento, 1855. 8°. pp. 321.
\o folates. 2 copies. 991 K73; 991 i-" 74
Switzerland. — F.idgenossischts Topoi^rnphisches
Bureau. Toi)ograijhischer Atlas der Schweiz : Ober-
Engadin. Hern, //. KorbeVy 1889. Size, 74 X S3 cm.
Scale, I : 50,000. Folded. 991 A 94
Theobald, Gottfried. Das Biindner Oberland,
oder der Vorderrhcin mit seinen Seitenthalern.
Cluir, 1 861. 16". pp. iv-h2is. Alap and wdcts.
991 A 38
Naturbildcr aus den rhcitischcn Alpen : ein
Fiilirer durch Graubiinden. 2"= verbesserte Aufl.
Chur, 1862. 160. pp. ix + (i) -I- 380. Wdcts. and
4 viaps. 991 A 39
Thurneysen, Rudolf. Keltoromanisches : die
keltischcn l*2lymologiecn im Etymologischen Worter-
buch der romanischcn -Sprachen von F. Diez. Halle,
1884. 8". pp. (2) -I- 128. 991 F 78
Truog, Leonhard. Geschichte der Reformation
von Graubiinden. Chur, 1819. sm. 8°. pp. xii +
(2) + 132. 991 A 41
" Als Denkmal der 300 Sekular-Jubelfeier der biindnerisclien
Reformation herausgegeben."
liistorisch-grammatikalische liemerkungen
liber die romansche .Sprache und ihre vcrschiedene
Dialckte im Kanton Graubiinden. (/// Akademie
zu Bern. Littcrari.sches Archiv. Jahrg. i., 4. 1807.)
991 F 82
Tscharner, Johann BaptLsta von. Griind-
lichc Darstellung der landcsherrliclien Rechtsamen
der Rcpublik Graubiinden iiber die Frovinzen Velt-
lin und Clefcn ; als eine IJeleuchtung des " Raggio-
namento sopra la constituzione della Valltellina e del
contado di Chiavenna." Chur, 1789. 16". pp.174.
991 A 43
Tschumpert, Martin. Versuch eines biindneri-
schcn Idiotikon, zuglcich ein Bcitrag zur Darstellung
der mittelhochdeut.schen Sprache und der Cultur-
geschichte von Graubiinden. Lief. 1-3. Chur,
1880-8S. 3 pts. bd. in I V. 8°. 991 D 68
Includes Rhaeto-romanic.
Unterforcher, August. Romanische Namen-
reste aus dcm Pusterthale. Leitmeritz, 1885. 8".
pp. 29. 991 F 88
" Jahres-Bericht desk. k. Staats-Ober-Gymnasiums zu Leit-
Valaer, Michael. Johann von Planta ; ein IJei-
trag zur politischcn Geschichte Rhjitiens im xvi.
Jahrhundert. Ziirich, 1888. 8". pp. x -f 1 18 + (i).
991 c 19
Valentiuelli, Giuseppe. Kibliografia del Friuli.
Ed. sovvenuta dall' Imp. Accademia delle Scienze in
Vienna. Venezia, 1861. 80. pp. viii + 540.
991 G 43
Varnhagen, Hermann. Churwalschc Iland-
schriftcn des British Museum. /// Romauische
Studien. Bd. iv., 3. 1880.) 991 D 31
[Vian, J. A.] Groden, der Grodner und seine
Sprache ; von einem Einheimischen. Bozen, 1864.
80. pp. (2) + 202 4- (4). 997 n 29
The cover title is " Zum Studium der rhetoladinischen Dia-
lekte in Tirol."
Vieli, Balthasar. Geschichte der Ilerrschaft
Raziins bis zur Uebernahme durch Oesterreich
(1497). Chur, 1889. 80. pp. iii + 150. 991 c 86
Vonbun, F. J. Bcitragc zur deutschen Slytho-
logie, gesammelt in Churrhaetien. Chur, 1862.
sm. 8". pp. (3) + 137. 991 A 47
Walter, Fr. De Romanensibus Ilelvetiae et
Teriolis gentibus. Berlin, 1832. 40. pp. 19.
991 F 94
" Zu der iiffentlicben Priifung des Konigl. Friedricli-Wil-
lielms-Gymnasiiims ladet ein der Director."
[Wartniann, Hermann], editor. Ratische Ur-
kunden aus dem Centralarchiv des fiirstlichen
Ilauses Thurn and Taxis in Regensburg. (In All-
gemeine Geschichtforschende Gesellschaft
der Schweiz. Quellen zur Schweizer Geschichte.
lid. X. 1891.) 991 c 36
"Witte, (Johann Heinrich Friedrich) Karl.
Alpinisches und Transalpinisches ; neun Vortrage.
Berlin, 1858. 16°. pp. vi + 4S2. Froiitisp.
991 A 49
Contents : — Die Gletscherwelt. — Die Alpenpasse. — En-
gadin. — Der Rosengarten und das Grbdnerthal. — San Marino.
Ravenna. — Palinuro und Sapri. — Palermo. — Ein Kloster in
den Apenninen.
Engadin ; ein Vortrag auf Veranstaltung
des Evangelischen Vereins fiir kirchliche Zvvecke
gehalten am 26. Februar, 1855. Berlin, 1855. 8".
991 c 90
Ziegler, J. M. Reduzirte Karte des Unter-
Engadin. Ziirich, J. IViirster &^ Cie, n. d. Size,
36 X 17 cm. Scale, i : 150,000. Folded. 991 A 96
Biblioth^que Patoisc de feu M. Burgaud des
Marets ; livres rares et precieux. Deuxieme partie.
Paris, 1874. 8". pp. (4) + 130. 991 D 48
A classed catalogue; class H (Rh^to-Romanche ou Grison),
pp. 105-106.
Bottiger, Carl Wilhelm. Rhetoromanska
spr.^kets dialcktcr. Upsala, 1853-54. 8°. pp. 80.
991 E 28
Issued in five parts, with contmuous pagination, each part
presented as a dissertation in the name of a different respondent,
with Professor Bottiger as Praeses.
Hitz, Leonhard. Verlags-Katalog. Chur, 1862.
sm. 8". p]i. 12. 991 D 49
[Herrmann, C] A vendre : une collection de
livres retoroinans d'une richesse fort rare. Coire,
1892. sni. 8". PP- 15. 991 D 49
Sprecher, J. A. Helvetica. Chur, 1870. 8°.
pp. (2) + 40 +(2). 991 D49
" Sammlung von Rhaetica." pp. 22-33.
Triibner, Carl J. Catalogue de livres relatifs
a I'etudc des langues romanes. Strassburg, 1888.
80. pp. 50. 991 D 49
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