f- THE •ETYMOLOGiiCAL ENCHIRIDION', OR SHEWING THE ETYMON OR ROOT Of all the Words in the English Tongue, Which are derived from the Hattit, dJr^efe, i^ebrfto, ifrenc^. Italian, antr ^psnwS Eanguage^: TOGETHER WITH AN EXPLICATION Of the Proper Names found in the Scriptures, and in the Classics ; as well as the ineaning of Christian Names now used among us, IN FRENCH AND ENGLISH. The whole arranged Alphabetically, Synthetically, and Analytically. BY The Rev. J. HARRISON, Incumbeut Curate of Grimsargh, near Preston, Lancashire. " VIVE, VALE : SI aUID NOVISTI RECTIU!^ ISTIS, CANDIDUS IMPERII : SI NON, HIS UTERE MECVMr^-Hor. TNTED FOR THE AUTHOR, N, CLARKE, WILCOCKSON, AND WALKER; Sold iu liOndon 1>y HARPING, MAYOR, AND LKPAIID; LONGMAN ANO CO.; BAhDV/IN, CRADOCK, AND JOY: G. A\D W. B. W5HTTAKER; T, CADSLL > F. €. AND J. RIViNGTON : AND J. RICHARDSON. 1923. t iS^o IS as ADVERTISEMENT, f^f^f^o — «>— As the Author of the following Work was in a very declining" state of health, at the time he was preparing it for the press ; and, as his life was most awfully and suddenly terminated,* whilst employed in correcting the proof-sheets, it is earnestly requested, that the Subscribers to the Work, as well as the Public, will make every reasonable allowance for any imperfection that may be found in the execution ; and particularly for the typographical errors, which, it is feared, will occasionally be met with. Notwithstanding the disadvantages under which it appears before the Public, it is still hoped, that it will be found to contain considerable information on the subject on which it professes to treat ; and to be very convenient and useful as a book of reference, particularly to the young ; for whose more immediate benefit it was intended by the Author. * Mr. Harrison had just seated himself at his writing-desk, and taken up his pen, when he fell from his cJiair, and instantly expired ! 1033 ( .'dY',] ^jr^LTZEK. A. ^B, from. Abalienate-ion, tor — ah ^ Alius, to take from another. Abbreviate-ion, or, ture — ah 8^ hrevis, short or shorter. Abdication-ate, ing — ah Sf dico, to disown. Abdomen — ahdo, to hide in the belly. Abduce-ent, tion, tor — ah^duco, to draw from. Aberrant-ion, ance — ah Sf erro, to wander from. Abhorrence-ent, er — ah horreo, to dread from. Abjectedness-tion, ly — ah Sfjacio, to cast from. Abintestate — ah, in, not, Sf testis, a witness. Abjugate — ah, from, 8fjugum, a yoke freed. Abjuration-abjure — ah andjiiro, to swear or deny* Ablactate — ah 8f lac, milk, weaning. Ablative, ablation — ahfero, latum, to carry from. Ablegate-ion — ah ^ legatus, an Ambassador. Abluents, ablution — ah 4' luo, to wash away Abligate — ah ^ ligo, to bind from. * Ablocate — ah ^ loco, to place out. Abnegate — ah 4* nego, to deny or refuse. Abnodatiou — ah ^ nodus, a knot cut off. AhnormovL^-^abSf norma, out of rule. Abolish-ment, ion — ab (§r oleo, to destroy. Abominate-ion, able, bly — ab & ominor, to hate. Aborigines — ab, or sine, without, Sf origo, a beginning first. Abortion-ive, ly — abSforiorortus, to arise m vain. Abrade, abrasion — ab <^ rado, to shave off. Abrogate-ation — ab 8f rogo, to ask, to destroy. Abrupt-ly, ion, ness — ab ^ rumpo, to break from. Abscess — abscessus, absSfcedo, to depart from. Abscind-ssion — ab 4* scindo, cut from. Abscond — abscondo, to hide from. Absent-ence, tee — abs 8f ens, from esse, to be. Absolve-tion, tely, ory — ab ^ solvo, to loosen from. Absonant — ah Sf sono, to sound wrong. Absorb-ent, orpt, ion — ab Sf sorbeo, to sup up from. Abstain-stmence, tention ) , . ,11^ ? ab &- teneo, to nold from. Abstemious, q. abstemous ) Abstergent-absterge, sion, ive—absSf tergeo, to wipe clean Abstract-ion, edly — abs fy traho, to draw from. [from. Abstruse-ly, ness —abs 8f irudo, to thrust from or hide. Absume— fl6 8f sumo, to take from. Absurd-ly, ity, or, ness — ab &f surdus, deaf to reason. Abundance-ant, antly -ab Sf unda, water or wave, flow- ing in. Abuse-€r, sive, ness, sively — ah Sf msus, trom the use. Ac for ad, and ad for ac. Accede — ac Sf cedo, to yeild to. Accelerate-ed, tion — ac Sf celer, made swifter. Accend-sion — accendo (ad <§r candeo), to blaze. Accent-uate, nation — accentus (ad Sf cantus), a tune. Accept-able, ance, tation, ter, ably — accipio (ad Sf capio), to accept Access-ary, sible, ion, ory 'accessus (ad cedo), to ga to. Accidence-dent, al, ally — accidens (ad cado), to fall out. Accipient — accipiens (ad capio), to take. Accite — accitus (ad do), to stir up. Acclam-ation — ad clamo, to shout for joy. Acclivity-acclivous — acclivis (ad clivus), steep. Accoil — accolo (ad colo), to dwell near. Accommodate-tion, able, ately — accommodo, to lend or fit. Accompany-ed, ment — ad cum panis, eat bread together. Accomplice — ad cum plico, involved. Accomplish-ment, ed — ad cum pleo, to fill or finish. Accompts-ant, accountable — ad comptus or compactus, agree, neat clean. Accord-ance, ant, ing, ingly — ad corda, a musical string. Accost-able — arfcosfa, a rib, or side, or near. Accouple — ad copula, to link together. Accretion-tive — ad cretus (cresco), to grow to. Accrue — ad cresco, to encrease. Accubation— -acZ cumbo, to lean upon. Ac cumulate- tion, tive, tor — ad cumulus, 2l heaping up. Accuracy-rate, ly, ness — ad cura, care, exactness. Accursed — ad cursus, running to ruin. Accuse-able, tion, sative, er — accuso (ad causa), to indict. Acerb-ate, bity, or itude — acerbus (acer), bitter, sour. Acervate-tion — acervus, a heap. Acetous, acescent — acetum, vinegar, sour. Acid-ity or ness, acidulate — acidus, sour, sharp. Acquiese-ence — adquiesco, quiet, rest, assent. Acquire-ment, acquisition — ad quiro (qucero), to obtain. Acrid, acrimonious, acrimony, acritude — aca^, bitter. Act, action-able, ary, ive, ly — actum (ago) to do. Aculeate^ acumen, acute acus, a needle, sharp. Adapt, adaptation -ad! Sf aptvs, fit for. Add, addition, additim — addo (ad) to add to. Addecimate — ad Sf decern, ten, to tythe. Addict, addicted — ad Sf dico, to say or give up to. Adduce, adducent — ad ^ duco, to lead to. Ademption -ad 4* emo, to buy for. Adept — adeptus (adispiscor), learned. Adequate-ly, ness — adcequatus (ad Sf mqiius^, equal to. Adhere-rence, rent, adhesion, sivc — ad hoereo, to stick to. Adhibit, adhibition — ad hibeo (ad ^ habeo), to have or use. Adjacent, adjacency, adject — ad jaceo, to lay to, or near. Adjective, adjection, adjections — ad Sfjacio, to throw to. Adjoin, adjoining — ad &f jungo, to join to. Adipose, adipous adeps, fat. Adit— ac? eo, to go to. Adjudge, adjudicate, ion — ad judico, to judge for. Adjudicate-ion — adjiigum,, a yoke, to subject. Adjunct, adjunction — adjungo, to join to. Adjuration, adjure — adjuro, to swear to. Adjust-ing, ment, er — ad Justus, just, or orderly. Adjutant, adjutrix- adjutans (adjuto), to help. Adjuvate — ad juvo, to help another. Admeasurement — ad metior, to measure. [a servant. Administer-ation, ter, tor, trix — ad minister, to assist as Admire-able, ably, aiion, er — admiror, to wonder at. Admissible-sion, admit, able, ance — admissus (adSfmitto)^ to send in. Admix-tion, ture — ad mixus (ad ^'' misceo)^ to mix with. Admonish-er, ition, itory —ad moneo, to reprove for, Add-ition — addo, to add {ad 4* do) to. Adolescence ad olescens (adSf oleo), to grow up. Adopt-tion, ed, ter, tivc-— ac/ opto, to wish for. Adore-ation, able, ness, bly — adore (ad ^ ova), Land to the lips, to worship. Adorn-ment — ad orno, to dress finely. Adscititious — ad for, ascisco, to add or borrow. Adstriction-tive — adstrictio (ad string o), binding. Advene-ient, vent, ture — ad venio, to come to. [uncertain. Adventurer-ous, some, ouslj — ad ventus, the wind, Adverb-ial, ially — adverhum, to a word, [to or against. Adverse-aria, ary, ity, ly — ad versus, (ad ^ verto) to turn Advert-ence,^ ise, ment, er, ing— ac? verto, to turn to or attend. Advesperate — ad vesper, the evening. Advise-able, edly, ness, er — advisus (ad Sf video), to see to. Adulation-tor, tory — adulatio (adulor), to flatter. Adult — adultus (adoleo), to crow up. Adultery-er, ess, ous, rate, ration — ad alter, to another. Adumbrate-tion — ad umbra, a shade. Adunation — adunus, one. Aduncity — ad uncus, crook or hook. Advoeate-tion — advocatus (ad <§r voco), to call to. Adure — aduro, to burn hard. Adust-ible, tion — adustus (ad (§r uro), burnt. Aerial, aerie — aer, air. CEstivation — cestas, summer. ' Afar, afeard, afraid — afari, too far to be heard speak. AfFable-ility, ness, bly — afarihabilis,^t to speak, [or do. Affected-edly, ness, tation — officio (ad &$• facio), to mak« Affection, affect-ing, ate, tive, ately — affectio (officio), to move. Affidavit — affido (ad Sfjido), to trust to, an oath. Affiliate-ion affiliatio (ad ^Jilius), a son proved. Affinage — adjftnis, an end or perfection* 6 Affinity, affined — affinity {ad Sfjftnis)^ bordering on. Affirm-ation, able, live, lively, er — ajjirmo (ad Sfjirmo), to strengthen. Affix — affixus (adjigo)^ to fix or fasten to. Afflatus, afflation — afflatus (adSfJlo), to blow on. Afflict-ion, live — afflicto (ad ^ fligo), to beat or vex. Affluent-ence, afflux, ion — afflucns (ad ^Jluo), to How to. AfFront-ive, er — affrons (adfrons), the forehead, to vex. Affusion, affuse — affusio (ad ^ fiindo), to pour on. Afore — affore (ad ^ fore), to be before. Agent, agency — agens (ago), to do or act. Aggelation — aggelo (ad 8f gehi), frost, frozen. Aggeneration — aggenero (ad ^^ genus), a kind. Agglomerate-ion — agglomero, to wind on a heap. Agglutination-ate, ative — agglutino (ad gluten), to glue to. Aggrandize-ment — ad 4' grandis, bigger and bigger. Aggravate-tion — aggravo, to load, or burden. Aggregate-tion --aggrego (adSfgrex), flock, or heap, [fight. Aggression-or, aggress — aggredior (ad gredior), to go to Aggreive-ance, ed — aggravo (ad ^ gravis), heavy, vexed. Agile-ity, ness — agilis (ago), nimble. Agitate-ed, tion, tive, able, tor — agito, to shake, or move. Agnation — agnatus (ad ^ nascor), to be born. Agnition, agnize — agnito (agnosco), to know. Agrarian — agrarius (ager), a field. Agriculture-ist — agricultura (ager 6f cola), till a field. Alacrity — alacritas (alacer acer), brisk. Alb, Albion — albus, white. Ale-alible, aliment, ary, mony — alo, to nourish. Algid, algidity, algiiick — algidus (algeo), to be cold. Alien-able, ate, ation — alienus, a stranger. Alias— a/icfi?, in another place. Aliquant — aliquanio, a little. Aliquot — aliquid, some part. AUege-able, ed — allego (ad 4' lego)^ to affirm, plea. Allegiance-ant^ — allege (ad c^ l^x), to obey the law. AUectation — alleeto, to allure. AUeviate-ation— a//euo (ad 5f levis), to lighten. Alliciency, allies — aliicio, to aiiuie. Allegation-ator — alligatio (llgo), to ty together. AWhion— allisus (allidOf ad Icedo), to dash. Alliteration — ad Utera, a letter repeated. Aiiocatiou — ad loco, to place to. Allocution — ad loquor, to speak to. Alder — alnus, an alder tree. Allude-sion, sive — alludo (ad Sf hido), to pun. Alluminate — ad lumen, light. Alluvion, alluvions — alluvio (ad S^ luo), to wash to. Altar — altare (altiis), high. Alter-able, ants, ation, tive — alter, another. Altercation — altercatio (alter), scolding. Alternate-ly, ancy, nation, tive alternus, another. Altisonant — altisonans, high sounding. Altitude — altitudo (alias), height. Alveolate- — alvcus, a channel. Alum, aluminous — aluraen, alum. Amability, amiable, ness, amorous — amo, to love. Amanuensis — amanuensis, pen in hand. Amandation — amando (alio mando), to send away. Amaritude — amaritudo (a mare), sea, bitter. Amaze-ed, ly, ment, zing — amaze, a labyrintli. ^ Amatuer, amatory — amator, a lover of arts. Ambages — ambages (amhi ago), turning, winding. Ambidexter-ous — ambo, both, dexter, right hand. 8 Ambient — ambiens (ambiSf eo), to go round. Ambifarious — ambi, about, Safari, to speak. Ambiguous-Ij, ness — ambi, about, S^ ago, to act. ^mbiloquy-quous — a7nbi, about, Sf loquor, to speak. Ambit-tion, ous — ambi, about, 3^ eo, to go. Amble-er, ation, atory — ambulo, to walk. Amoenity — amcenitas, pleasantness. Amicable-ness, ly, amity — amicus, a friend. Amiss-sion, amit — amissus {a Sf mitto) , lost, destroyed. Ammunition — am muniiio, a fortifying. Ample-ness, ate, ation, tude, ly-^amplus, large or widew Amplification-cate, fy — amplus ^fio, to be made large. Amputation-tate — amputo (am S^ puto), to lop off, Amuse-ment, ing — a musa, a song. Ancbor-age — anchora, an ancbor. Angel-ie, angelica — angelus, an angel. Angle, angular — angnlus, a corner. Anbelation -anhelo, to break sbort. Animadvert-sion — animadverto, to turn the mind to. Animdil - -animal {anima), life, living. Animate-tion, tive, osity — animo, to give life. Annals, annats, annalist — annus, a year. Annex-ion, ment — annexus (ad 4" necto), to" knit together. Annihilate-tion — annihilo {ad &f nihil), to destroy. Anniversary — annus, a year, <^ versus, a turning. Anno Domini 181B — anno, in tbeyear, c/owjiwi, of tlieLord. Annotation-tor — annotatio (ad S^ iiota), a mark. Announce-tion, annunciate — annuncio {ad df nuncio), to tell Annual-ly, tant, ity, lar — annus, a year. Annumerate-tion — ad Sf numero, to number or add to. Antecede-ence, dent, ssor — ante, before, <5r ccdo, to go^ Antechamber — ante S^ camera, a first chamber. Antedate ante <^ datus {do), to give prior date, [flood. Antediluvian — antCy before, <5r diluvian (luo), to wash, a Antemeridian — ante meridies, before south or mid day. Antemundane — ante mundus, before the world. Antepast — ante pastus (pascor), to feed or taste before. Antepenult, last but tvs^o — ante pene, almost, Sf ultimus, Anterior-oritj — ante, before. [last. Antique or antick-ary, ate, ty — antiquMs, old. Antichrist-tian — anti, against, Christus, Christ. Anticipate-tion — ante, before, cipate (capio), to take. Anticonvulsive — anti, against, convulsive (vello), to pluck. Autre, entry — antrum, a cave, den, or opening. Anxiety-hang, anxious — anxietas (anyo), to choak or vex. Apart-ment — a pars, partis, a part of itself. Aperient-tion, ture — operio, to open. Apiary — apis, a bee. Apparatus — apparatus (ad 4 paro), to prepare. Appear.ance, rel, rent, rition, ritor — appareo, to appear. Appeal-lant, lation, tive, tory — appello (ad Sf pello), to apply to. Appease-ment — ad pax pads, io drive to peace, [hang to. Append-age, dant, dic^te, dix-^appenc?o (ad Sfpendo), to Appertain-ent — ad per teneo, to hold as ones own. Appetence-tible, bility, tile — ad, for, ap peto, to desire or ask for. Applaud-ausc — ad, for ap, plaudo, to clap hands. [suit to. Apply-cation, cative, cant, tory — applico {ad Sf plico), to Appoint-ed, ment — ad punctum, to the point. Apportion — ad portio, to divide to or among, [or against. Appose-ite, ition, itely — appositus (ad Sf pono), to place to Appreciate — ad Sf pretium, ^ price or value. Apprehend-sion, sive — ad 4' prehendo, to take, to karn. 10 Oppressed — adpressns (premo), to press to. [approve. Approve-bation, al, able, ed — ad Sf probo, to prove, Appropriate-ation — ad 4* proprius, ones own. Approximate-tion — ad Sf proximus, the nearest. Appulse — ad^pelloy pulsus, to drive against. Appurtenance — ad ^ periineo, to belong to. Apricot, or apricock — apricer, to bask in the sunr. April — aperio, to open, i. e. the ground. Apt-titude, Ij, ness — apto, to fit. Aqua fortis — aqua fortis, strong water. Aquatic, aquarius — aqua, water. Aqueduct — aqua, water, 4* duco, to lead. Aquiline — aquila, an eagle. Arable-tion, lure, tory — aro, to plow. Araneous — aranea, a spider. Arbitrate-tor, tion, arj, ment — arbitror, to sentence. Arborary-eous, escenl, our, ist — urbur, a tree. Arbute — arbutus, a wild strawberry, [arch. Arcade-arch, archer, ery, arcuate, tion — arcus, a bow or Ardent-cy, dor, arduous, ly — ardeo, to burn with desire. Area, green area — area, any void place in a city. Arefaction — arefacio, to make dry. Arenacious, arenose — arena, sand. Argent — argentum, silver, Argillacious, argill — argilla, potter's clay. Argonauts — argo, a ships name, & nauta, a sailor* Argue-ment, tation, tive, tal, argute — arguo, to prove. Arians, arietate, tion — aries, a ram or tup, arius, leader of. Arid-ity— anc^MS (ardeo)^ dry. Arise — orisus (prior), to get up. Ark of Noah — area, a chest or coffer. [weapons. Arm-ada, ament^ dillo, ture arwo^ to arm or take up 11 Armiger — arma, anus, & gero^ lo carry. Armillary-lated, armlet — armilla, a bracelet. Armipotent-ence — arma, arms, & potens, powerful. Armistice — arma & sto, to stand still. Armory, armour, army — arma, arms, weapons. Aromatic-tize — aroma, sweet spices. Arrive-al — ad, to, & rivus, bank or shore, [rogo, to ask. Arrogance-ant, ly, arrogate, a rogue — arrogo, to claim, Art-ful, ly, ness, ist, less, ly — ars, art, cunning, science. Artery — arteria, the wind pipe. [utter. Articulate-tion, cle, lately — articulo (artus), to joint or Artilice-er, ial, ly — ars &facio, to do according to art. Ascend-ant, ancy, sion, ascent — ascendo (ad scando), to climb up to. Ascititious — ascisco, to add. Ascribe-tion — ascriho (ad & scribo), to write to any. Shore, ashore to the coast — ora, coast, shoi'e or shorn, cut ofF. Asinary, asinine, ass asinus, an ass. Asp, aspic- — aspis, an asp, poisonous. Asparagus — asparagus, an esculent plant. Aspect-tion — aspectus(adspecto), look or view Asperity, asperate — asper, rough. Asperse-sion — nspersus (ad & spergo,) to sprinkle, bedew, Asi^ire-^aspiro (ad & spiro), to breathe for, aim at. Assault — ad & salto, to leap to, or attack. [heaped up. Assemblage, assemble, ly, ate — ad & simiUs, like to like, Assent — ad & sentio, to think alike, or agree, [oneself. Assert-tion, tor, tive— ac? & sero, to sow, or plant for Assess-ment — assessor {ad &sedeo),Si justice on the bench. Asseveration — assevero {ad& sero verum), to affirm boldly. Assiduity-ous, ly — assiduus {ad & sedeo) , to sit close to. 12 Assign-ee, ation, able, ment — assigno (ad &signum), to appoint, depute. Assimulation — ad & simulo, to pretend or liken. Assist-ance, ant — assisto [ad sisto, sto), to stand to or help. Associate-ation — associo (ad & socius), to accompany, fit. Assonance-ant — assono (ad & sono) ans, by sound, echo. Assort-ment — ad & sors, a lot or portion, or class. Assuage, ment, er, sive — ad & suadeo, to persuade, to pacify. Adsubjugate — ad sub Sc jugum, to put under the yoke, Assiieiude— assiietiis (ad & suesco), to use to or accustom. Assunie-ing, ption, tive — ad & sumo, to take or claim. Astern — asterno (ad & sterno), to spread the water. Astonish-ment, astonied, astound or astounied — ad & iono, to thunder or frighten. Astral — astrum, a star. Astray — abs & traho, to draw from the way. Astriction — astrictio (ad&: stringo), to bind to. Astringe-ent — ad & string o, to draw or bind together, Atone-ment — ad, to, unns, one, to make one. Atrabilarius — atra, black, & bilis, bile. Atramental — atramentum, ink or blacking. Atrocious-it3% ly — 2itrox, crnel, or wicked, [to, or reach. Attain-able, ment, attaindre — attineo (adSz teneo), to hold Attemper-ate — attcmpero (ad & tempus), to make fit. Attempt — ad & tento, to try, (ad tempus], Attend-ance, ant, tion, tive — attendo {ad & tendo), to [stretch out the neck. Attenuate-ant — ad & tenuis, thin, or slender. Attest-ation — ad & testis, a witness. Attic — atticus, an Athenian, high and lofty. Attract-tion, tive — attractus (ad & traho), to draw to. 13 Attribute-able — ad &: trihuo, to give or ascribe to. Attrite-ion — attritus (ad & tero), worn, or rubbed bare. Attune — ad & tonus, a tone or sound. Avail-able, ment — a , to make. Belligerent-ous — helium, war, & ^fero, to carry on. Belluine — bellua, a beast. Benedict-ion, tines — bene, well, & dico, to speak. Benefaction-tor, tress, benefice-— ^ewe, well, Sc facia, to do. Beneficence-cent, cial, ciary, fit — bene, well, &Jio, to do. Benevolent-ence — bene, well, & vo/o, to wish, Benign-ity, ly — benignus, kind. Bicorne-ous — bis, twice, Si cornu, a horn. Bidental — bis, twice, & deiis, a tooth. Biennial — bis, twice, & annus, a year. Bifarious — bis, twice, Sifari, to speak. Biferous — bis, twice, Sz fero, to bear. Bifid— iis Sijindo, jidi, to cleave twice. Biformed — bis Si forma, a double shape. Bifurcated — bisSifurca, a fork, two grained. Binary— 6mws, double. Binocular — binus, two, & oculus, an eye, Bipartite-tion — bis &: partior, to divide twice. Biparous — bis Si pario, to bring forth two. Biped, bipedal — bis Si pes, a foot, two footed. Bipennated — bisSipenna, two winged. Biquadrate — bis & quadra (guatuor), four square, squared. Biquintdte — bis Si quintals, the fifth doubled. Bissextile — bis Si sextilis (bis sex, twice six), leap year 366 days, the 6th of cal. of March; being counted twice* 15 Bituminous — bitumen, pitch. Bivalve-alar^ — bis & valvce, two doors or shells.. Bland-ish, ment — blandus, kind. Bounty-ous, 1}% fully — bonitas, goodness. Brief-ly, ness, vity — brevis, short. Brumal — bruma, winter. Brutal-ity, lize, ally — brutalitas, brutality (brutus, beastly). Bulbous-aceous — bulbus, a round root. Butyraceous — butyrum, butter. ' C ' Cachinnation — cachinno, to laugh aloud. Cacuminate — cacumino, to sharpen or point. Cadaverous — cadaver, a carcase. Cadence— cac?o, to fall. Cade, caddy — cadus, a cask. Caduce — caduceus, a wand. Calamity 'Ous — calamus, a reed, leaned on. Calculate-tion, tor, orj^ lose — calculus, a stone, [make. Calefaction-tire, tory, fy — caleo, to be hot, ^ facto, to Calenture — caleo, to be hot. Calice or chalice — calix, a cup. Calid-ity — calidus, hot. Caligation-nous — caligo, a mist. Callous-ity — callus, hardness. Calorific — calor, heat, &: Jio, to make. Calumny-ate, tor, ous, tion — calumnia, reproach. Calx, calcine, ation, tory — calx-cis, lime or chalk. Camel - camehis, a camel. Camera obscura — camera, a chamber, Sz obscura, dark. Camerated-tion — camerarius, vaulted, or crooked. 16 Canip-aign-— c«wpws, a plain tieltl. Canal — canalis, a channel. Cancer-ous, ness — cancer, a crab fisb. Candent — candeo, to be red hot or glitter. Candid-ate, ly, candle, or, dy — candidus, while*. Cane — caniia, a cane or reed. Canicula-ar, canine — canis, a dog. Canis major — canis major, greater dog. Canis minor — canis minor, lesser dog. Canker — cancer, a crab fish. Cannabine — cannabiniis, hempen. Canopy — canopus, a bending. Canorous-cant, tata, tion — cano, to sing. Canter, canto, canticle — canto, to sing. Cap-ability, able, acious, ty — capio, to take or receive^ Caper-ice, ous, ness — caper, a goat. Capsular-late-sule — copsula, a small chest. Captive-ity-tiire, or — capto, to catch. Card, charter-er^-c/iarf«, paper. Cardinal — cardinalis, chief hinge. Cariosity-ous — caries, rottenness. Carnal-ity, tion, elion, osity — caro, flesho Carnivorous — euro, flesh,, & voro, to devour. Cartrage-ulary — carta, paper. Case~ous, al, ty, ist, irv— casus, case. Castle-ated — castellum, a strong building. Castigation-ory — casiigo, to beat or chastise^ Castrate-ion — castro, to unmai). Catenation — catena, a chain. Cavate-lion, cave — cavo, to hollow. Caveat — caveat, let him take care. Cavera-ous, etto — caverna, a hollow place. 17 Cave, cavity — caws, hollow. Cauliflower — caulis, a stalk, &floSf a flower. Cause-less, tive, al, able — causa, a cause. Caution-oxis, ly, ness, ary — cautio (caveo), to take care. Cease-less — cesso, to cease or forbear. Cedar-ine — cedrus, a cedar tree. Celebrate-tion, ous, ity — celeber, famous. Celerity — celer, swift. Celestial-ly, fy — coelestis, heavenly. Celebacy, celebate — coelebs, a bachelor. Cell-ar, ular — cella, a cellar. Celsitude — celsus, high. Cenatory^ — cena, a supper. Censor-ioiis, ure, able, ness — censeo, to judge. Cent-enary, esimal — centum, a hundred. Central-ly, centry — centrum, a centre or middle. Centrifugal — centrum & fuga, flight from the centre. Centripetal — centrum & peto, to desire the centre. Centuple — centuplex, a hundred fold (plico), Centuriate-on, ator — centurio, a hundred parts. Cerated, cere, ments — cera, wax. [wax. Ceremony-ious, al, alness — ceremonia, ceremony, Uera, Certain-ty, ly — certus, sure. Certificate-fy, tude — certus Szfio, to make sure. Cervical — cervix, the neck. Cerulean-ous — coeruleus, blue. Cessation-ibiliiy, or ion — cesso, to cease. Cestus — cestus, a girdle. Cetaceous — cete, a whale. Chancellor-ship, ry — cancellaria, courts of Chancery. Channel — canalis^, a gutter. Chant-er, ess, try — canto, to sing. b3 18 Chanticleer — canto & clarus, clear crowing. Chapel-ry, Iain, ship — capella, a chapei. Chaplet-eron, chapt€r — caput, the head. Chariot-eer— c«rrw6% a cart. Charity-able, Cherub — charitas (charus, dear,) love, Chart-er, ed — charta, paper. Chastity-ten, tiz€, ment, er — castus, chaste. Cheer-ful, ly, ness, cherry, ish — charusy dear. Cheese — caseus, cheese. Chord — chorda^ a bowstring. Chorus — chorus, a company of singers. Cibarious — cibus, food. Cicatrice — cicatrix, a scar. Cicuta — cicuta, hemlock. Ciliary — cilia, eyelids. Cincture— c/?t^o, to gird. Cinders, cinereous — cinis, ashes. Cingle — cingulum, a girdle. Circle-ed, let, cuit, tion — circulus, a round thing. Circuit-lation, lar, ly, ate — circum, about, Sz eo, to go^ Circulate-tion, tory — circum & fero latus, to carry round. Circumambient-tory — circum & ambio, to surround. Circumcise-on — circum & scindo, to cut round. Circumference-entor — circum 6i fcrOy to carry round. Circumflex — circum S^jiccto, to bend round. Circumlluence-ent — circum & fluo, to flow round. Circumfuse-ile, sion — circum Szfundo, to pour round. Circumjacent — circum S^ jaceo, to lie round. Circumlocution — circum & loquor, to speak round. Circummured — circum to stretch out : longest side of a triangle. E 40 Hypoth'esis, upo, and thesis, a position : a supposition. Hypotyposis, upo, and tupos, a type : a lively description. Hypozeug'ma, upo, and zeugma, a joining of subjects to predicates. Hysteric, us f era, the womb: troubled with fits. Hysterocele, ustera, the uterus ; and kele, rupture of the w^omb. Hysteron'proteron, isteron, the last; dJii\ protei^on, the first. Hysterotomia, ustera, the uterus ; and temno, to cut : Csesarean operation. Ichno'graphy, ichnos, a mark ; and grapho, to write : a platform. I'chor, a thin watery humour. Ichthyography, ichthus, a fish ; and grapho, to describe. Fcon, eikon, an image. Icon'olast, eikon, and klao, a breaker of images. Iconongraphia, eikon, and grapho, to describe images. Icon'lator, eikon, and latreuo, to w^orship images. Icterus, ikteros, the jaundice. Idea, ei !o, to see : the image of any thing in the mind. Id'iom, iiios, peculiar : phraseokgy of a country. Id'iot, idiotes, a fool ; from idios^ peculiar to himself. I'dol, eidolon, an image, worshipped as a god. Idol'ater, eidolon, and latreuo, to worship an idol. H'eura, eilos, an involution : the third of the small winding intestines. Illog'ical, in, not; and logos, reason: unreasonable. Impos'thume, apostema, an aposteme : abcess or swelling, lot, iota, a point : a tittle, the smallest part. 41 I'rony, eiroiiia, dissimulation in speaking ; eiro, to say. Iscuria, ischoy to stop ; and ouron, urine : a suppression. Isos'celes, isos, equal ; and skelos, a leg : two sides equal. K Kaleidoscope, kalos, beautiful ; eidos, forms, shapes, or ideas ; and scopeo, to examine or behold. Kenodoxy, kenos, vain ; and doxa, glory : vain glory. Kis'tus, kustisy a bag : a cyst, the cytis or bag of pus. Kanopy, kanipto, to bend over the head : canopy. 1-ab'yrinth, laburinthos, a winding place, much perplexed. Laic, laos, the people : laymen or laity. Lamp, lampas, a torch ; lampn, to shine. Larynx, larugux, the windpipe, throat, or trachea, laryncotomia, larugux, and temno, to cut the windpipe. Latria, la, very much ; and treo, to tremble : highest wor- ship. Lep'rosy, lepros, scaly. [siness. Lethargy, lethe, forgelfulness ; and argos, slow: a drow- Lexiography, lexicon, a dictionary ; and grapho, to write. Licorice, glukurriza, a sweet taste. Lientery, leion, smooth ; and enter on, an intestine : diarrhea. Lim'ology, limos, hunger; mid lego, to treat of famine. Link, lucJinos, a light or torch. Lit'aiiy, litaneuo, to supplicate, or say prayers. Lithogly phic, lithos, a stone ; and glupho, to engrave. 42 Tiitii'ology, lilhos, and lego, to treat on stones. Lithon'tribon, lithos, and tribo, to dissolve or break the stone. Lithos'permon, liihos, and sperma, seed : stone-crop. Litbotomist, lithos, and temno, to cut stones. Litlios'trata, lithos, and sfronnumi, to pave mosaically. Lit'urgy, litomai, to pray ; and ergon, a work of prayer. Lobe, lobos, apart, a division of tbe lungs ; lebo, to take. I ocbia, lochos, evacuations in parturition. Log'aritbins, logos, a ratio ; and arifhmos, a number. Log'ic, logos, reason : the art of reasoning, Logom'achy, logos, and mache, a fight, or strife of words. Loimography, loimos, the plague ; and graphe, a descrip- tion. Lych'mobite, luchios, a candle ; and bios, life : sleep by day. Ly'sis, luo, solvo, to grow weaker. Lys'sa, lussa, madness of a dog. M Machine, mechanao, to invent. Macrocepalus, maki^os, long ; and kephale, head. Macrocosm, makros, large ; and kosmos, the world. M aerology, makros, and logos, a long discourse. Macronosia, makros, and nosos, a long disease. Magophonia, magos, wise ; and phonos, murder of the Magi. Malacia, malakia, the green sickness. Malacost'omous, malakos, soft ; and stoma, leather- mouthed. Mandragora, mandra, a cave : mandrake, near caves. Mania, ynainomai, to rage : furious madness. Maras'made, maraino, to grow lean : a hectic fever. Maras'mus, to waste away : consumption. 43 Mar'tyr, martur, a witness: Steplien the first martyv. Martyrology, martur, and logos, a register of martyrs. Match, machcy a fight, or contention. Mathema,^ manthano, to learn : mathematics. Mechanic, mec/iane, art : belonging to an artificer. Mechonology, mekon, a poppy ; and logos, a description of opiates. Megacosm, megas, great ; and kosmos, the world. Megalophonous, megas, and phone, a great voice. Megrim, emikrania, a disorder in the head : vertigo, [per. Mel'ancholy, melas, black ; and chole, bile : a gloomy tem- Mellit'urgy, meli, honey ; and ergon, work of bees. Mel'ody, meli, sweet ; and ode, a song : harmony in music. Menagogue, menes, the catamenia, or menses ; and ago, to drive. Mentagra, mentum, (Latin) chin; 2Lnd agra, a seizure: a tetter, or ringworm. Mes'entery, inesos, the middle ; and enteron, the bowels. Mesopotamia, mesos, the middle ; and potamos, a river between Euphrates and Tigris. Mesozeug'ma, mesos, middle ; and zeugma, a joinhig by the word and, in the middle. Metachronism, meta, between ; and chronos, an error in time. Metalep'fcic, meta, and lambano, to take : transverse direc- tion. Metallography, meiallum, metal; ^nd grapho, to describe, MetaU'urgy, meiallum, and ergon, work in metals. Metamor'phosis, meta, against ; and morphe, a form : a change. Met'aphor, meta, again ; and phoreo, to carry : a simile. Metaphrasis, meta, against; and p fir asis, verbal translation. Metaphy'sic, tneta, and phusis, against nature. [order. Met'aplasm, meta, against ; and plasso, to place in wrong Metaptcsis, meta, and ptosis, a failing into another disease. E 3 44 Metas'tasis, meta, and stasis, the removal from one part to another. Metathesis, meta, and thesis, a position : a transposition. Metemp'sychosis, met a, and em, in ; and psuche, the soul : transmigration. Meteor, meta, beyond ; and aeiro, to lift up into the air. Meteorol'ogy, meteora, and logos, a description of meteors. Meteoroscope, meteora, and skopeo, to view meteors. Meth od, meta, with ; and odos, a way : order,, arrange- ment. Meton'ymy, meta, and onema, a name : cause put for effect. Metoposcopy, metopos, the face ; and skeptomai, to look at. Metre, metron, a measure : numbers or verse. [London. Metrop olis, meter, a mother ; and polis, a city : chief, as Miasma, miaino, to infect ; a contagion from morbid atoms. Microcosm, mikro,^, little ; and kosmos, world : man so called. Microscope, mikros, little; and skopeo, to view small objects. Mill, mule, an engine foi; grinding corn. Mim'ic, mimos, an imitator : a buffoon. Mineralogy, (Latin) minerale, a mineral; and lego, to describe. Mis'anthrope, miseo, to hate ; and anthropos, man: man- haters. Misog'amist, miseo, to hate ; and gamos, marriage. Misog'ymist, miseo, to hate ; and gune, a woman. Misoponis, miseo, and ponos, labour : a hater of labour. Mnemonic, mnaomai, to remember : memory. Moil, molos, labour : toil. [ina, Monodel'phia, monos, only ; and adelphos, a brother : stam- Monan'dria, monos, one ; and andria, virility : one stamina joined, Monan'thus, monos, and anthos, only one flower. Mon'arch, monos, and arche, chief: one ruler. 45 Monas'tie, monos, alone. / Monk, monos, one, or alone. Monocar'pus, monos, and karpos, one fruit only. Monoceros, monos, and keros, only one horn. Mon'ochord, monos, and chorde, only one string. Monochroma, monos, and chroma, all one colour. Monoc'ular, monos, and occulus, (Latin) only one eye. Mon'ody, monos, and oc/e, a song by one person only. Monog'amist, monos, once ; and gamos, married only. Mon'ogram, monos, and gramma, a cypher or character. Monogyn'ia, tnonos, and gune, a female : one pistil only. Monol'ogist, monos, and lego, to speak alone, Mon'ologue^ monos, and /e^o, a soliloquy. Monomachy, monos, and mache, a duel, or single combat. Monopetalous, monos, and petalon, a single flower-leaf. Monoph'yllon, monos, and pkullon, a plant with one leaf. Monop'oly, monos, and poleo, to sell by privilege only. Mon'optic, monos, and ojt)5, seeing with one eye only. Monorythme, monos, and ruthos, all lines ending with one rhyme. Mon'ostich, monos, and stikos, only one verse. Monosyllable, mono^, and sullahle, only one syllable. Monotheists, monos, and ^/ieo5, one God only : Unitarians, Monot/omy, monos, and tonos, one tone only. Moon, mene, a month. Moria, morios, foolish : goddess of folly. Morology, moros, foolish ; and logos, discourse or talking. Music, musa, a muse or song. Myle, mule, a mill ; and molo, to grind. Mys'tery, musterion, a mystery. Mythology, muthos, a fable ; and legos, a discourse. Mys'tic, mustikos, mysterious : obscure. My'riad, murias, ten thousand. My'ops, muo, to wink; and ops, an eye: near sighted. 46 N Nar'nia, a mournful song. Naiads, nao, to iiow or swim : nymphs of rivers. Napaese, nnpos, a grove : nymphs of groves and mountains. Narcos'is, nnrkoo, to stupify : stupefaction. Nard, narkos, spikenard : an odoriferous plant. Naumachia, 7iaus, a ship ; smd mache, a fight at sea. Necromancy, nekros, dead ; and manteia, magic : conjura- tion. Necrosis, nekroo, to kill : a mortification. Nec'tar, the supposed drink of the gods. Neogamist, 7ieos, new ; and gamos, married lately. Neomenia, neosy and mene, the new moon. Neophyte, neos, and phuo, to grow a convert. Nepen'the, ne, not ; and penlhos, pain : anodyne. Neph'ritic, nephros, a rein : stone in the rein or kidneys. Nephrotomy, nephros, a kidney; and temno, to cut for stone. Neurotomy, neuron, a nerve ; and temno, to cut nerves. Nomog'raphy, nomos, a law ; and grapho, to describe. Nomotheist, nomos, and tithemi, to make laws. Nosocomium, nosos, a disease; and komeo, to cure. Nosol'ogy, nosos, and logos, a description of diseases. Nosopoetic, nosos, and poieo, to cause diseases. Nyctalopia, 7iux, night; alopos, blind; a dimness of sight in the night. Nymph, numphe, a bride. Nvmphot'omy, numphe, the nympha ; and temno, to cut. 47 O Ob olus, obolosy half a penny. Ochlocracy, ochlos, a multitude ; and kratos, to have power* Oc'tag^on, okta^ eight ; and edra, a base : eight equal sides. Octan'dria, okto, and anevj a male : plants with eight sta- mina. Oc'tapla, okto, and plains, with eight columns : a polyglot; Octoteuch, okto, and teuchos, the eight first books of the Old Testament. Octopetalous, okto, and pe/a /on, having eight flower-leaves. Oc'tostic, okto, and stikos, a verse of eight lines. Oc'tostyle, okto, and stulos, a pillar: eight in front. Ode, ode, a song : a poem to be sung. Odontal'gia, odous, a tooth ; and algia, pain : tooth-ache. Od'ysse, odos, a way, or voyage. (Econ'omy, oikos, a house ; and nemo, to manage. CEcumenical, oikoumene, universal world. (Edema, oidco, to swell in the dropsy. (Enopolist, oinoriy wine ; and poleo, to sell : a vintner. Qilsophagus, phero, oiso, to carry ; and phago, to eat : the gullet. Oionism, oionos, a bird : to divine by flight of birds. Origarchy, oligos, few; and archc, the dominion of a few. Olym piad, the space of four years at Olympia. Omagra, omos, the shoulder ; and agra, the gout. Omega, the last letter in the greek alphabet. Omology, ornnos, like; and /o^os, proportionable. Oneirocritic, oneiros, a dream ; and kritikos, interpreter. n Onkotomy, ogkos, a tumour ; and temno, to lay open. Onomat'opseia, onoma, name ; and poieo, to make. Ontology, on, a being; and logos, discourse on metaphysics. 48 O'nyx, 071UX, the nail of the finger, or hoof of a beast. Ophiasis^ ophis, a serpent changing its skin. Ophiaph'agous, ophis, and phago, to eat serpents. Ophiomor'phites, ophis, and morphe, stones like serpents. Gphtharmia, ophthalmos , the eye enflamed. Ophthalraody'nia, ophthalmos, and odune, pain in the eyes. O'pium, opion, the juice of poppies : to promote sleep. Opsimathy, opse, late ; and manthano, to learn when old. Op'tic, ops, an eye : belonging to the sight. Orchesography, orchesis, a dance ; and grapho, to write. Or'chestra, orchester, a place in a theatre where they for- merly danced, but now occupied by the musicians. Orchotomy, orchis, the testicle; and lemno, to cut away. Or'exis, oregomai, to desire food. Or'gan, crganon, an instrument of music. Or'gasm, orgasmos, violent exerlion. Or'gia, orge, impelus, the drunken rites of Bacchus. Orniscopics, ornis, a bird ; and skopeo, to view their flight. Ornithology, ornis, and logos, a treatise on birds. Ornithotrophy, ornis, and trepho, to feed birds. Or'phan, orphanos, destitute of father and mother. Ory'sa, oruza, rice. Orthodox, orthos, right ; and dokeo, to think rightly. Orthodromy, orlhos, and dromos, a right course in sailing. Or'thogon, orthos, smd gonia, a rectangular figure. OrthogVaphy, or/Ao*, right ; and grcipho, to describe. Orlhop'noea, orthos, erect; and pneo, to breathe. Oscheocele, oscheon, the scrotum ; and kele, a tumour. OsteoKogis, osteon, a bone ; and logos, a discourse on bones. Os'tracism, ostrukon, a fish's shell : punishment. Otacoustics, ota, ears ; and akouo, to hear : good for. Otal'gia, Ota, ears; and algos, pain in the ears. Ouranography, ouranos, heaven ; and grapho, to describe. Ourorogy, ouron, urine ; and lego, to describe it. 49 Oxy 'crate, oxus, sharp ; and kerao, to mix- Oxydation, oxus, metals, and oxygen, make oxyds. Oxydercia, oxus, and derko, to see : good for the sight. Oxygala, oxus, sharp ; and gala, milk : sour milk. Oxy'gen, oxus, and ginomai, to generate : vital air. Ox'ygon, oxus, sharp ; and gonia, a corner. Ox'ymel, oxus, and mel, honey and vinegar. Oxynos'eraa, oxus, and nosema, a sharp disease. Oxy6pia, oxus, and opsis, vision: to see clearly. Ozsfc'na, oze, an offensive smell in the nostriU. Pae'an, paian, a song of triumph to Appollo. Psedabap'tism, pais, an infant; and hapiizo, to baptize. Pales'trical, palaistrikos, belonging to wrestling. Palilogia, palin, again ; and lego, to repeat the same word. Palindrome, palin, and dromeo, to turn again, as eye, both ways. Pal'inode, palin, and ode, a song : a recantation. Palladium, the statute of Pallas : a safeguard. Pal'sy, para, with ; and luo, to dissolve : a relaxation. Pamphar'macon, pan, all ; and pharmakon, a remedy for all. Panacea, pan, all; and a to, a cure: an universal remedy. Panaretus, pan, and arete, virtue : all virtuous. Pancratical, pan, and kratos, power : excelling all others. Pan'creas, pan, and kreas, flesh : the sweetbread. Pandaemonium, pan, ^nd daimonion, the hall of demons. Pan'dect, pan, and dechomai, to receive : a digest of laws. Pandemic, pan, ^nd demos, a people : vernacular. Panegyr'ik, pan, and agureo, to collect : an encomium. M Pan'oply, pan, and opla, aftnour complete. Panserene, pan, ojid selene, the full modti. Pansophia, pan, and sophia, all wisdom. [divinity. Pantheologia, pan, and theos, god ; and logo:^', a body of Pantheon, pan, and theos, god : all the gods kept at Rome. Pan'ther, pan, all ; and ther, wild : pard or lynx. Pan'tomime, pan, and mimos, to mimic all others. Panur'gia, pan, and ergon, work or skill : subtilty. [simile. Par'able, para, through ; and hallo, to cast : a continued Paracen'thesis, parakenteo, to pierce the chest: to let out. Parachronism, para, beside ; and chronos, time misreckoned. Paraclete, para, and kaleo, to call : the Holy Spirit. Parach'me, para, beyond ; and ackme, vigour : old age. Paradigm, para, and deiknumai, to show or illustrate^ Par'adise, paradeisos, a garden. Par'adox, para, and doxa, an odd opinion. Paradrome, para, and dromos, an open passage. Paragorics, parago, to mitigate pain. Paragraph, para, through; and grapho, to write : a section. Par'allax, paralatto, to change : between true and apparent. Parallel, para^ by the side ; and alios, of others. Paralogy, para, against ; and logos, reason : sophistry. Paral'ysis, para, through ; and luo, to dissolve : palsy. Paramount', para, above; dnid mons, amount: superior,. chief. Parapher'nia, para, beside ; and pherne, a dower. Par'aphrase, para, arid phrasis, a speech : free and diffuse. Par'asite, para, and sitos, corn or meat got by flattery. Parathesis, para, and tithemi, to put in the same case. Paren'thesis, para, en, and tithemi, to put in, thus ( ). Parhelion, para, and e/^05, the sun : a mock sun. Parish, para, near; and oikco, to dwell : a town and a church. Parasyl'lable, para,^nd sullctble, a syllable of equaJ num- 51 Par'od)^ para, and ode, a song by way of burlesque. Par'ody, para, and odos, a way : an adage or saying. Paronymous, para, and onoma, a name : a like name. Par'oxism, para, and oxuno, to sharpen : a fit. Path'ology, pathos, passion ; and logos, a treatise^ Patriarch, pater, a father ; and archos, chief of. Patriot, patriotes, a lover of his country. Patrony'mic, pater, a father ; and onoma, a father's name. Pause, />awo, to cease or rest. Pechiagra, pechus, the elbow ; and agra, gout in. Ped'agogue, pais, a boy ; and ago, to guide or instruct. Pedobap'tist, pais, an infant ; and baptizo, to baptize. Pedometer, pous, a foot ; and metrco, to measure roads. Pentacap'sular, pente, five ; and capsula, five seed vessels; Pen'tachord, pente, and chorde, with five strings. Pentag'amist, pente, and gamos, married five times. Pen'tagon, pente, ^n& gonia, of five corners. Pen'tagraph, pente, and grapho, to write : an instrument. Pentagy'nia, pew/e, Sindgune, a female : plants with ^ye pistils. Pentan'dria, pente, five; and andros, a man: five stamina. Pentapetulous, ;?e/j/e, 2ii\d pe talon, a leaf: five petals. Pentaphul'lum, pente, and phullum, a leaf : cinque foil. Pen'tateuch, />cwt'e, five; '^iwd teuchos, a book : Moses' five books. Pen'tecost, pefitecoste, fifty days after the passover. Pericar'dium, peri, about; and kardia, the heart. Pericranium, peri, and kranion, the skull : the periosteum. Perigae'um, peri, about; and ge, the earth : near the earth. Perim'eter, j^eri, and metreo, to measure round : circum- ference. Period, peri, through ; and odos, a way : a round of time, a rest. Perioeci, peri, and oikeo, to dwell in opposite points. 52 Periophtharmium^ peri, and ophthalmos, the eye's skin. Perios'teum, peri, and osteon, round a bone^ covered with a skin. Peripatetic, peri, and pateo, to walk about, as Aristotle. Periph'ery, peri, and phero, to carry round : a circumfe- rence. Periphrasis, peri, and phrasis, a speech round about. Peri plus, periplous, a voyage round a certain sea. Peristal'tic, peri, and stcllo, to contract : wormlike. Peritrochium, 7?^r2, and trecho, to run round a puUy. Petal, peialon, a leaf: the flower-leaf of a plant. Phaenom'enon, or, a, phaiiiomai, to appear in God's works. Phan'atic, phaino, to appear enthusiastic, frantic. Phantasmagoria, phantasma, a vision ; and agora, an as- sembly of visions. Ph an' torn, phaino, to appear or shew itself. Phare, pharos, a watch tower. Pharmacop'olist, pharmakon, medicine ; and poleo, to sell, 11 Pharyngotomy, pharugx, the windpipe; and /cmwo, to cut. Phial, phiale, a small glass bottle. PhiladeFphia, phileo, to love ; and adelphos, a brother. Philagathus, phileo, and agathos, a lover of good men. Philan'thropy, phileo, to love; and anthropos, a man. Philar'guros, phileo, to love ; and arguros, silver. Philautia, phileo, to love; and autos, one's self: self-love. Philis'toricus, phileo, and istoria, to love history. Philobotanus, phileo, and bolane, a plant lover, Philodes'pot, phileo, and despotes, a master lover. Philomath, phileo, and mathesis, a learning lover. Philop'sychy, phileo ^ and psuche, the soul or Hfe. Philos'ophy, phileo, and sophia, a lover of wisdom. Philos'torgy, phileo, and storge, natural affection. Philotech'nus, phileo, and techne, a lover of arts, PhihUimy, phileo, and ^iwc, honour : the love of honour. ^3 Philox'eny, phileOf and zenia, hospitality. Phirter, philtron, a love portion. [bleed. Phlebotomy, pli/eps, a vein; and temno, to cut a vein, or Phleborrhagia, phleps, a vein ; and regnumai, to break. Phleg'mon, pUego, to burn : an inflammation. Phlogiston, piilogizo, to burn : inflammable air. [its ai5;hes. Phcie'nix, phoinix, a fabulous bird, whose young rise from Phonocom'[rtic, phone, voice; and kampto, to inflect or alter. Phosphorous, jo/i05, light; and phero, to bring : morning star. PhraseoFogy, phrasis, a phrase ; and logos, a word : mode or style of speech. Phthiriasis, phtheir, a louse : the state of being infected. Phthisic, phthiomai, to waste : a consumption. n Phthon'gus, phthoggos, a sound, tune, or note in music. Phthora, phtheiro, to corrupt or destroy. [bandage. Phylac'tery, phulakterion, phulatto, to guard : a Jewish Phyl'lerca, phullon, a leaf : a beautiful evergreen. Phy'sic, phusis, nature : healing and opening medicines. Phy'sics, jjJiusiSj natural philosophy and divinity. Physiog'nomy, phusis, nature; miA ginosko, to know. Physiol'ogy, phusis, and logos, a treatise on works of nature. Physo'cele, phusao, to blow up ; and kele, a rupture. PhytoFogy, phuton, a plant ; and logos, a description. Pirate, peirazo, to put in danger, or rob. Plague, plege, a stroke of the pestilence. Plan'et, planao, to wander : a wandering star, Planim'etry, planus, plain ; and metreo, to measure plains. Plan'isphere, planus, and spharia, a sphere thrown on a plain. Tlas'ter, plasso, to form a cataplasm or poultice. Plas'tic, plasso, to form, shape, or cast in frames. 54 Pleonasm, pleo7iazo, to abound tvith too many words. Pler'otic, plero, to fill up as a wound with flesh. Pleuracy, pleuritis, a side, or inside of the chest affected. Plinth, pli7ithoSy a tile, or square stone for a foundation. Ploce, ploke, twisting a word for illustration or emphasis. Pneumatocele, pneiima, wind ; and kele, a rupture. PneumatoFogy, pneuma, a spirit ; and logos, a description of. Podagra, pons, the foot ; and agra, a capture, or gout. Poem, poieo, to make. Polem'arch, polemos, war ; and archos, chief : the general. Polemic, polemos, war : belonging to controversy. Polem'oscope, polemos, and skopeo, to view battles. PoHcy, politeia, the government of a city or polity. Politic, politikos, belonging to a city : cunning, artful. Polyacoustic, polus, many ; and akouo, to hear at once. PolyadeFphia, polus, and adelphos, a brother, in botany. Polyan'dria, polus, and ane7^, a male with more than twelve stamina. Polyan'thus, polus, and anthos, a flower like a primrose. Polycar'pus, polus, and karpos, bearing much fruit. Polyg'amy, polus, and gatnos, having two or more wives at once. Polygar'chy, polus, and arche, many to govern. Pol'yglot, polus, many ; and glofta, tongues or languages. Polygon, polus, and gonia, many corners or angles. Pol'ygram, polus, and gramme, the lines being many. Pol'ygraphy, polus, and grapho, to write in many cyphers. Polygyn'ia, polus, and gune, a female : plants with many pistils. Polyhym'nia, polus, and umnos, many hymns : one of the muses. Polym'ath, polus, and manthano, one much learned. PoFypus, polus, and pous, with many feet. Polypet'alous, polus, and petalon, having many petals* 55 Polyphagist, polus, and phago, to cat much. Polyptote, polus, and ptosis, having many cases. Polysai'chia, polus, and sarx, too much flesh : groSKiiess of habit. Pol'y scope, polus, many ; and skopco, to view : a multipher. PoFysyllable, polus, and sullabe, many syllables. Porysyndaeton, polus, and sundeo, to bind many by and. Polytheism, polus, and theos, heathen : many gods. Pore, poros, a small hole, or the optic nerve : to see eagerly. Prac'tice, prat to, to do or practise. Pragmatic, pragma, a business : busy, meddling. Pres'byter, presbuferos, old : an elder, presbyterians. Prob'lem, problema, a question proposed. Prochronism, pro, before ; and chronos, the time, antedated. Prodromus, pro, and dromos, a course before, or forerunner. Proem, prooimion, a preface or introduction. Prognos'tic, pro, before ; and ginosko, to know. Prologue, pro, and logos, a word : a preface. Proph'esy, pro, before ; and phemi, to tell. Prophylac'tic, pro, and phulasso, to guard, as camphire. Proplasm, pro, and plasma, a likeness or mould. Propoma, pro, and pino, to drink before meat. Pros'ylite, pros, and erkomai, to come to or agree. Pros'ody, pros, to ; and aeido, to sing, in quantity and accent. Prosopopeia, prosopon, a person ; and poieo, to represent. Pros'per, pros, to ; and phero, to bring to favour. Protocol, protos, first; and co/ow, a member or copy. Protol'ogist, protos, and lego, to speak first, [phen. Protomartyr, protos, first ; and martur, witness : St. Ste- Protoplast, protos, first ; and phtsso, to form : an original. Prototype, protos, and tupos, a type : the archetype. PrcStype, pro, before ; and typos, a tyi>e : a prototype. PsaFmody, psalmos, a psalm ; and aeido, to sing psalms. F 3 S6 Psam'mos, the sand or gravel which generates in men. Pseudang'elist, pseudos, false ; and angello, to tell. Pseiidodox, pseudos, false ; and doxos, glory. Pseudorogy, pseudos, false ; and logos, a word : falsehood. Pseudomar'tyr, pseudos, and martur, a false martyr. Pysch'ology, psuchc, the soul ; and logos, a discourse on the soul. Psychomachy, psuche, the soul ; and mache, a fight. Pty'alism, ptualizo, to spit: a salivation. Ptys'magogue, ptusma, spittle ; and ago, to excite spitting. Pyelos, puelos, a vessel to bathe in, or wash in. Pyg'ma, pugme, half a yard : a pigmy or dwarf. Pylorus, puhio, to guard, Pyr'amid, pur, fire which ascends in shape of a cone. Pyretic, purefos, a fever : a medicine for a fever. Pyrites, pwr, fire : so called from striking fire with steel. Pyrotech'nic, pur, fire ; and techne, art in fire works. Py'thon, putho, to corrupt: a great serpent slain by Apollo. Q Quin'sy, kunagche, from kuon, and ancho, to suffocate a dog. Quindec'agon, quinque, five; deka, ten; and gonia, a corner : fifteen angles. R Rag, rakos, a tatter: worn out, remnant. Rain, raino, to fall iu drops. 57 Rhap'sody, rapto, to sow ; and ode, a song. Rhet'oric, rhetor, a declaimer, or orator, or persuasor. Rheum, reo, to flow, or ooze through the glands at the mouth. Rheumatism, reumatizo, to be afflicted with defluctions. Rhinoceros, rin, a nostril ; and keros, a horn : elephant. Rhizot'omist, risa, a root ; and temno, to cut. Rhonchis onant, ronchos, a snoaring ; and sonus, a sound. Rhyme, ruthmos, a rule, in poetry, or a poem. Rhythm, in music, from ruthmos, a rule : rhyme. Rhytidosis, rutis, a wrinkle or fold of the body. Rick'ets, rachitis, a disease incident to children. s Sal'mon, saleuo, to toss or leap. Salammoniac, sal, salt ; and amnios, sand : used by braziers, San'hedrin, sun, with ; and edra, a seat : where the high priests presided. San'oides, sanis, a table : the breast flattened like a table. Sarcocele, sarx, flesh ; and kele, a rupture ; an excrescence. Sarcoph'agous, sarx, flesh ; and phago, to eat : a tomb. Sarcot'ic, sarx, flesh : generating flesh. Satrapa, sat rapes, a peer of the Persian realm. Satyr, saturos, a sylvan god. Scan'dal, skandalon, an infamy : an aspersion. Scaphism, skapto, to hollow a tree and put a man in. Scar, eschara, a scar : a cicatrix or mark by burning. Scarify, eschara, mid facio, to mark the scar by scarifying*. Scelot'yrbe, skelos, the leg; and turhc, a tumult: the scurvy. Scene, skene, the stage, or part of a play. Scenog'raphy, skene, and grapho, to paint the scenes. 58 Scep'tre, sJceptron, the ensign of royalty. Scheme, schema, a form or appearance. Schir'rus, schirros, from skirroo, to harden a gland. Schism, schizo, to cleave : a division in the church. Sciagraph, skia, a shadow ; and grapho, to describe. Sciamachy, skiay and mache, a fight with a shadow. Scleroph'thalmia, sklcros, hard ; and ophthalmos, the eye. Scruff, scropha, scrofulous : glandular swellings. Selenog'raphy, selene, the moon ; and grapho, to describe. Sep'tic, scptica, from sepo, to putrify or corrupt. Siagon'agra, siagon, the jaw; and agra, the gout. Silly, sillos, a species of ridicule : comic poetry. Sitoph'ylax, sitos, corn ; and phulasso, to keep. SkeFeton, skello, to dry. Skep'tic, skepiomai, to look round about. Smin'thean, sminthcos, a rat : a name for Apollo. Sol'ecism, solikos, barbarous. Somatic, soma, a body : corporeal. Soph'ism, sophizomai, to invent : a sophist. [diseased. Spargan'osis, spargao, to swell with milk ; and nosos, morbus. Spasm, spaOf to draw : the cramp. Spasmodic, spasmos, a spasm ; and odune, pain. Spaiha, spathe, a spattle : to spread plaisters. Spermatopse'a, sperma, seed ; and poieo, to make. Spacelus, sphakelos, destructive : a gangrene. Sphaera, sphaira, a ball or sphere. Spheeramachy, sphaira, and mache, to play at balls. Spheroid, sphaira, and eidos, shape of a sphere. n Sphinc'ter, sphiggo, to shut up : a binding muscle. n 71 Sphinx, sphigx, from sphiggo, to shut up in riddles. n Splanchonology, splagchnon, the bowels ; and lego, to de- scribe. m Static, Stat ike, belonging to weights ; istemi, to stand. Steganog'raphy, 5^^^awo^, secret ; and grapho, to write. Stegnosis, sfegnoo, to bind up the pores. Stellography, stelle, a pillar ; and grapho, to write on. Stenog'raphy, stenos, short ; and grapho, to write short- hand. Stenoth'oracos, stenos^ straight ; and thorax, the chest : phthisical. Stentorophon'ic, stentor, a herald; and phone, a voice: loud. Stereog'raphy, stereos, solid; and grapho, to describe solids. Sler'eotype, stereos, and tiipos, a type in printing, solid. Stereom'etry, stereos, and mctreo, to measure solids. Stig'ma, stizo, to brand : to mark with a hot iron. Styp'tic, stupho, to astringe or stop the blood. Stoic, stoaj a porch where Zeno taught philosophy. Stomacace, stoma, the mouth ; and kakos, bad or sore. Stor'ge, stork, from its affection to its parents. Story, isturia, history : an idle tale or fiction. Stran gury, stragx, a drop ; and ouron, urine by drops. Strat'agem, sirateiima, an army : artifice in war. Stratioc'racy, stratos, an army ; and kratos, power : chief. Struma, a swelling in the glands : scrofula. StnSphe, strepho, to turn : a stanza. Syc'amore, suke, a fig ; and inorea, a mulberry, Syc'ofant, suke, and phao, to inform of figs. Syl'lable, sun, with ; and lambano, to take together. SyHabus, sun, and lambano, to take an abstract. Syllogism, sun, together ; and lego, to reason by three arguments. Sym'bol, su7i, with; and ballo, to throw : a compendium. Sym'metry, sun, and metreo, to measure with, or agree. (JO Sym'pathy, sun, with ; and pascho, to suffer. Sym'pliony, sun, and phoneo, to sound together, Sym'ploce, sun, and pleko, to join with top and bottom. Svmphosiac, sun, and potizo, to drink with. Symp'tom, sun, and pipto, to fall : a sign, a token. Syn'seresis, sun, and aireo, to lift up two vowels into one. Syn'agogue, sun, with; and «o'o, to bring together. SynaFsepha, sun, and aleipho, to mix, or cut off first vowel. Syn'anche, kuon, a dog; and anc/io, to suffocate. Synarth'iosis, sun, and artJtroo, to throw together. Syn'axis, .s?/w, and a^o-o, to bring together to communion. Syn'chronism, sun, and chronos, to time together. Synchy'sis, sun, and cliuo, to pour out : confusion. Syn'cope, sun, and kopfo, to cut : a contraction of a word. Synchrisis, sun, and krino, to judge: a comparison, anti- thesis. Synec'doche, sun, ek ; and dechomai, to take a part for the whole. Syn'od, sun, with ; and odos, the way : an assembly of gods. Synon'} ma, sun, and onoma, a name like another in meaning. Synop'sis, su7i, and ops, a view : a general view. Syntag'ma, sun, and tasso, to order : regular order of things. Syn'tax, sun, and tasso, to order : a system. Synthesis, am72, and iithemi, to put together. Sys'tem, sun, and istemi, to put many things in union. Sys'tole, sun, and stcllo, to draw together : a contraction. T Tachygraphy, tachus, swift; and grapho, to write. Tac'tic, tasso, to put in order an army against Spain, 61 TaVismaii, talesma, a magical character. Tar, t arras so, to trouble. Tautorogy, tauto, the same ; and logos, a word. Tecton'ic, tekton, a builder. Td'egraph, telos, the extremity ; and grapho, to write. TeFescope, telos, the extremity ; and skopeo, to view. Tenes'mus, tcnesmos, from teino, to constringe. Teratorogy, terata, wonderful ; and logos, a tale of wonder. Terebrin'thus, the turpentine tree. Tetanic, tetanikos, teino, to stretch : a stiff-neck. Tet/ragon, tetra, four; and ^oy^^«, a corner : four sides and corners. Tetral'ogy, tetra, four ; and logos, a discoure in four parts. Tetran'dria, tetra, four ; and aner, a male : with four stamina. Tetrapet'alous, tetra, and peialon, with four flower-leaves. TetraphuFious, tetra, and phullon, with four leaves. Tetrarch, tetra, four; diXiAarchos, a chief of four provinces. Theatre, tlieaomai, to see. Theism, theos, God : natural religion. Theoc'racy, tlieos, God ; and kratos, power. Theme, thema, theao, to fix the eye upon for a while. Theogonia, theos, God ; and gone, an offspring. TheoFogy, theos, and lego, to know or describe God. Theorem, theorema, a truth. Theory, iheoros, a spectator. [of: treacle. Theriaca, ther, a wild beast ; and akeomai, to cure bites Thermom'eter, thenne, heat ; and metreo, to measure. Ther'moscope, therme, heat ; and skopeo, to view. Theta, eighth letter of the greek alphabet, and first of thanato ; a note of condemnation. Theurgy, theos, God ; and crgo7i, work. Thren'odia, threne, lamentation ; and ode, an ode. Thronos, thrao, to sit : the seat of a king, bishop, &c. m Timoc'racy, timcy dignity; ^nd krafeo, to govern. Tipos'comy, iupos, a type ; and kosmos, the world : a map. Tome, tomos, a book or volume ; temno, to cut. Tone, teino, to stretch. Toparch, topos, sl place; and arche to govern. Tophus^ tophos, a chalky substance in joints. Topog'raphy, topos, and grapho, to describe a place. Toxica, poison ; toxos, a bow with poisoned arrows. Trachelagra, trachelos, the neck ; and agra, the gout. Trag'edy, tragedia, a mournful event. Traulismus, iranlizo, to stammer. [stamina. Trian'dria, iieis, three ; and aner, a man : having three Triclin'iarch, triklinion, a dining-room ; and arche, a chief. Trig'amy, treis, ^nd gamos, having been thrice married. Trigon, ireis, and gonia, having three angles. [angles. Trigonom'etry, treis, gonia, and metreo, measuring tri- Trig'ynous, treis, ^i\d gune, a female : having three pistils. Tripet'alous, treis, and pe talon, having three petals. Triph'thong, treis, and phthongos, having three vowels. Tripod, treisy and pons, having three feet. Triptote, treis, and ptosis, having three cases only. Tris'mus, irizo, to grind the teeth. Tris'past, treis, and spao, to draw with three puUies. Trisper'mous, treis, and sperma, having three seeds. Tris'yllable, treis, and suUable, having three syllables. Trith'eism, treis, and theos, having three distinct gods. Trocli'Jea, trecho, to run, as a pulley. Trochus^ irochos, awheel; ivQm trecho, to run. Trope, trepo, to turn or change the sense. Trophy, trepo, to turn to one's own use. Trop'ic, trepo, to turn the sun twice a year. Truck, trochos, a wheel. Tylus, tulos, a callus for fractured bones. Tym'panum, tnmpanon, a drum of the ear. «3 Type, tupos, from tupto, to strike, in printing. Typ'us, tuphos, stupor, a continued fever. Typog'raphy, tupos, and grapho, to print with typeif. Tyran'uio, turanikos, cruel. u Undec'ag-on, endeka, eleven ; and gonia, a corner. Uran'oscopy, ouranos, and skopeo, to view the heavens. Uromancy, ouron, and manleia, to judge from the urine. Uroscopy, ouron, and skopeo, to inspect the urine. V Vial^ pJdale, a small bottle. Xenod'ocium, xenos, and doche, an inn for strangers, Xenoph'thalmy, xeros, and ophthalmos, a dry sore eye^ Xiph'ias^ xiphos, a sword fish : a comet like it. z Zeal, 2t7/e^— Bulletin. Bureau, a chest of drawers — Bureau. Burlesque, cojnical — ^^Buriesque. Bu:^2ard, a blockhead or dunce — Busard. Bust, a figure — Buste. Booty, spoil, prize — Butin. Bittern, a bird with long tail and /f^*— Butour, c CJABAL, aparty—Q'dh'd\t, Cgbin, a cottagc^^OixhAwe. 15 Cabinet, a closet — Cabinet. Cable, a very thick rope to hold a ship — Cable. Cabbage, headed — Cabus> Cabaret, a tavern or ale-house — Cabaret. Cocoa, see chocolate — Cocoa. Cash, to hide, conceal or cover — Cacher, Caisse. Coffee, the herry of a tree forty feet high — Caffe. Cage, an inclosure to keep birds in — Cage* Cadet, a younger brother — Cadet. Cajole, /o ^fl^/er— Cajoler. Cashier, a cash keeper — Caissier, Case, a box, chest — Caisse. Calcine, to burn to a cinder — Calciner. Calculate, to compute by little stones — Calculer. Calash, a charriot — Caliche. Calends, the Romans 1st of each month — Calendcs. Calender, to calender c/o/A— Calendrer. Calibre, the bore of a gun — Calibre. Chalice, communion cup — Calice. Callous, Atfr^-Calleux. Calm, quiet — Calme. Comerade, companion — Camerade, Camelion, of the lizard kind — Camelion. Camlet, stuffs made of goat's hair, woolly — Camelet. Cambric, fine linen, it was first made at — Camhray. Camphire, a gum — Camphire. Canal, n channel — Canal. Canary, a Canary bird from Canary isles —CAmri. Cancel, to ^e/izcf— Canceller. Cancer, an ulcer branching like a crab*s claws — Cancer. Canker, a crab fish or ulcer — Cancre. Candy, candy or candied — Candy, i6 Canvas, cloth of hemp or flax — Canevas. Canvass, to. enquire intOy to search — Canvasser. Cane, a cane or reed — Canne. Canzonet, a little song — (Italian) Canzonet ta. Canoe, a7i Indian boat — Canot. Cannon, a great gun — Canon. Canteen, a place for bottles — Cantine. Canto, a divisiot^ in a book, a song also — (Italian) Canto. Canton, a province — Canton. Cantata, music for singing, (^c— (Italian) Cantata. Cape, a cape or point — Cap. Captain, in the army — Capitaine. Capitulate, to parley or ^re^f— Capituler. Corporal, in tlie army — Corporal. Caprice, whim — Caprice. Capuchin, monks of the order of St, Francis— Capudn. Character, a wz^rAr-r^Caractere. Caravan, a company of merchants — Caravane. Carat, consisting of four grains — Carat. Carack, a gallon — Caraque. Carcase, a dead body — Carcasse, Card, to card or prepare wool — Carder. Cardinal, a principal — Cardinal. Cardinal virtues are Justice, Prudence, Temperance, and Fortitude. Careen, to careen a ship — Carener. Caress, to make much of — Caresser. Carmine, a fine red colour — Carmin. Carminatives, that expels wind — Carminatif. Carnage, slaughter — Carnage. Carnival, shrove-tide- Carnival. Carrot, a garden root — Carote. 17 Carousing, hard drinking — Carousse» Career, course or race — Carri^re. Card, paper — Carte, cliarta. Cartel, terms or stipulations between enemies — CarteL Cartoon, pasteboard — Carton. Cartridge, a charge for a small gun -Cartouche. Caraway, one of the four hot seeds sold in shops— C^r^i. Case, a case or exigence — Cas. Cassock, a surtout or gown — Casaquc. Cascade, a waterfall — Cascade. Casque, a helmet — Casque. Cashier, to ^reoA:— Casser. Casket, a little box — Cassette. Casual, accidental — Casuel. Casuist, that solves cases — Casuist. Catacomhes, subterraneous tombs — Catacombes. Cavalry, horse soldiers — Cavalrie. Cavalier, a trooper, a spark — Cavalier. Cave, a cellar or vault — Cave. Cavil, sophistical reason — Cavillation. Cause, to occasion — Causer. Caustic, burning — Caustique. Cauterise, ta sear or burn — Cauteriser. Caution, bail or surety — Caution. Cede, to yield — Ceder. Cedar, a cedar tree — Cedre. Conceal, to hide — Celer. Celery, a species of parsley — Celeri. Celibacy, a single life — Celibat. Cinders, cinders er ashes — Cendres. Censure, reproof — Censure. Cerate, made of oil, wax,^ and Qther ingrtdients--CerdU 1^ Circle, a ring or hoop— Cercle. Chase, io hunt — Chasser. Chagrin, ^ne/*— Chagrin. Chain, to fasten or secure, also to enslave — Chaine. Chair, pulpit — Chair, Chaise, a chair or seat — Chaise. Chamade, a parley — Chamade. Chamber, a retired room in a house — Chanibre. Chamois, a wild goat — Chamois, Champion, a field of battle — Champ. Chance, hazard — Chance. Chancel, the eastern part of a church — Chancel. Chandelier, a candlestick — Chandelier. Chandler, a seller of candles, S^x. — Chandelier. Change, to exchange — Changer. Canon, a prebendary — Chanoine. Chaunt, a singing — Chant. Chaos, confusion — Chaos. Chaplet, a garland — Chapelet. Chapel, a place for divine worship — Chapelle. Chapter, the division of a book, an assembly '-^VXi^^'iXve, Capon, a castrated cock — Chapen. Chariot, a covered four wheeled carriage — Char., Charge, a /(?«£?— Charge. Carriage, a vehicle to convey persons or gooartement. Compass, to surround — Compasser. Compassion, a feeling of sorrow — Compassion. Compatibility, agreement — Compatibilite. 22 Compatriot, of the same country — Compatriote. Compeer, an equal in rank — Compere. Complain, tojlnd fault ivith — Complaindre. Complaint, grief — Complainte. Complaisance, a civil behaviour — Complaisance. Complaisant, polite — Complaisant. Compliment, a profession of great est eent'-^ComipWm^Tii, Compline, the last act of worship at night — Complaina. Complot, a plot or ill design — Complot. Complot, to complot together — Complotter. Comply, to consent — Complier. Comport, to suit — Comporter. Compositor, he that works at the printing cflit?— Com- positeur. Comprehensible, capable of being known — Comprehensible. Comprise, to contain — Comprendre. Compt, to add tf/?— Compter. Comrade, a companion — Comarade. Conceive, to form or imagine — Concevoir. Concert, to contrive-^Coucerler, Concentre, to tend the same way — Concentrer. Concern, to relate or belong to — Concerner. Concubinage, cohabiting — Concubinage. Condescendence, good-natured — Condescendance. Conduct, management — Conduite. Conduit, a pipe — Conduite. Conference, to settle a dispute — Conferance. Confess, to acknowledge — Confesser. Confine, to limit — Confiner. Confiture, sweetmeats — Confiture. Confront, toface one ano/Afr— Confronter. Conge, a compliment "^Con^^i, : :1 23 Conjoin, to join together — Conjoindre. Conjuncture, an union — Conjuncture. Connoisseur, a judge, or cn7tc— Connoisseur. Conquest, success — Conqueste. Contain, to hold — Contener. Constrain, to conjine — Constraindre. Contented, satisfied^ Content^. Contemporary, oj the same time — Contemporain. Contest, to strive — Contester. Contour, of a face —Contour. Contraband, goods pi'ohibited-^iltdLlhn) Conlrabando. Contrariant, contrariety — Cantrariant. Contrast, one against another — Contraste. Contrive, to invent — Controuver, Control, to examine or check — Controller. Convoy, to protect — Convoyer. Conusance, knowledge, cognisance — Connoissance. Coom, the soot that gathers at ovens — E'cume. Cooped, a sort of dance — Coupe^. Copse, small woods often cut — Coupeaux. Coquet, a pretended lover — Coquette, Corant, a (/tfwce— Courant. Corbe, crooked — Courbe, Corbeil, a basket — Corbeille. Cordwainer, a skoemakej^—Cordoimkr. Cormorant, that preys upon fish — Cormorant, Cornet, a horn — Cornet te. Cornice, of a chimney — Corniche. Corporal, an inferior officer — Corporal. Corporal, relating to the body — Corporel. Corps, a body of soldiers — Corps. Calico, cotton c/(;M— Calcutta. 24 Corsair, a pirate — Corsair. Cotton like, soft — Cottoneux, Cost, to he bought at — Couster. Cotton tree — Cottonier. Cove, a small harbour — Couvrir. Cotton, the dawn of the cotton tree — Colon. Covert, sheltered — Convoiter. Covet, eagerly desired — Convoiter. Covey, a hatch of partridges — Couvee. Covin or covine, an agreement Convenir. Covin, the projecture of a building — Couvir. Counsel, to give advice — Conseiller. Count, to number— Compter. Count, a reckoning — Compte. Count, a nobleman — Comte. Countenance, the form of a face — Contenance. Counter, a small piece of money — Contoir. Counter, contrary to — Contre. Counterfeit, forged — Contrefaire. Countermand, to contradict— Con\x^m'3L\\Act, Countermarch, to march back — Contremarcbef. Countermine, to frustrate a design — Contreminer. Countermure, to build a wall close to anot her '^ConireimuT. Counterpoise, to counterbalance — Contrepeser. Counterscarp, a ditch next a camp — Contrescarpe, Counterseal, to underseal, or cowj^rm— Contresceller. Contravene, to come against — Contrevenir. Countess* the wife of a count — Countesse. Contra-dance, one against another — Contre-clance, County, a part of a country^ 40 in England — Comply Couple, a chain — Couple, Courage, va/owr—^ Courage, 25 Courageous, valiant — Courageux. Courant, runnings — Courant. Courier, a messenger — Courier. Course, a progress — Cours. Court, of King's bench — Cours. Court, or woo — Courtiser. Courteous, kind, affable — Courtois. Courtesy, favour — Courtoisie. Courtier, an attendant on a court — Courtisan. Courtesan, a prostitute — Conrtesane. Cousiu, a title of relation — Cousin. Coward, a timid person — Couard. Cuckoo, a bird well known — Coucou. Cramp, spasms — Crampe. Cranny, a chink — Creneau. Crack, a cracking noise — Crac. Crape, a mourning hat band — Crepe^ Crash, to make a loud noise — Craquer, Cratch, a manger or crib — Creche. Cravat, a neckcloth — Cravate. Craw-fish, like a lobster — Ecrevisse. Crayon, a pencil — Crayon. Craze, crushed or bruised — Ecraser. Cream, the best part of milk — Crenie. Credit, ho?ior, esteem-^-CrediU Creature, or person — Creature Crevice, an opening — Crevasse, Creek, a small bay — Crique. Cresset, a beacon — Croisset. Crick or Creak, to make a noise — (Itahan) Cricco. Crier* one that proclaims publicly — Crier. Crimson, a deep red colour — (Italian) Creuiobino. c 26 Critic, the art of judging on hooks — Critique. Croisade, a holy wa7\ a cross on the clothes — Croix. Crook, any thing lent — Croc. Crutch, for support mude thus t, a sheephook — Crochet. Crosier, the pastoral staff, cross like — Crosier. Crescent, or half moon — Croissant. Cross, of Christ — Croix. Crotchet, in music, hence crutch thus t — Crochet. Crucifix, a likeness of our Saviour on the cross — Crucifix. Crouch, to stoop — Crochuen Cruelty, rigour — Cruaut^. Croup, the rump — Croupe. Crudity, rawness — Crudite. Cruise, to sail after an enemy -^Croiser. Crucify, to fix to n cross — Crucifier. Crash, to crush to pieces — Craquer. Cry, to proclaim or publish — Crier. Crust, of ftreflc?— Crouste, CufF, a boos given on the ear — (Itah'an) Zuffa, CufF, a part of a sleeve — CoefFe. Cuirass, a part of defensive armour — Cuirassc. Cuish, the armour that covers the thigh — Cuisse. Cull, to pick or choose out of a number — CueiHir. Cullion, a mean dirty scow7ie\gx\et. Deist, who denies a revelation — Deist. Deity, God y the divine Being — Deite. i Delay, to pvt o^— Delayer. Delicate, ^we, dainty — Delicat. Delicious, giving exquisite pleasure — Delicicux. I>eUver, to free from danger, or give /o^-Delivrcr, Deliverance, the act of giving i/jp~ Deliverance. Deluge, ajiood — Deluge. Demand, claim — Demande. Domain, claimed hy a superior /{>r^— Domain. Demand, to ask with authority — Demander. Demean, to behave^ to undervalue — Demener. Demerit, want of merit — Demerite. 29 Demerit, to deserve blame — Demeriter. Demise, turned out, dead, removed — Dcmis. Demise, bequeath at ones death — Demettrc. Demur, to delay — Demurrer. Demy, one half — Demi. Denounce, to threaten — Denoncer, Density, thickness — Densite. Depaint, to describe — Depeindre. Depart, to go away, a departure — Partir. Department, a going away — Depart. Dependence, connexion — Dependance. Dependent, subject to another — Dependant, Deport, to behave ones self — Deport. Deportment, conduct- DeporiemenU Depurate, to purify — Depurer. Deputation, sending some owe— Deputation. Deputy, one that does business for another — Depute. Derision, raillery — Derision. Deray, tumult, confusion — Derayer. Derive, to descend from^^Detiver. Dernier, last — Dernier. Derogate, to lessen — Deroger. Descani» disputation, a song — (Italian) Descanto. Descry, to examine — Descrier. Desire, to wish — Desirer. Despair, loss of hope — Desespoir. Despite, mflZice— -Despit. Despotic, absolute — Despotique. Despotism, absolute power — Despotisme, Dessert, the last course — Dessert. Destiny, fortune — Destiuce. Detach, to separate — Detacher. c 2 so Detail, to relate a fad — Delailler. Detersive, having tke power to c/e«w— Detersif. Detestation, disiiking — Detestation. Detaiiider, a writ to detain in custody — Detainder. Develop, to uncover — Developer. Device, a contrivance — Devise. Devoid, empty — Vuide, Devoir, a duty or service — Devoir. Devotee, a hisrot — Devot. Diamond, a pellucid jem — Diamant. Diaper, linen cloth woven in figures — Diapre. Dieu & mon droit, God and my right — Dieu k nion droit, Diniitty, a sort of cotton stuff— D^miiXQ* Dine, to take the dinner — Diner. Disagree, not to please — Disagreer. Disabuse, to undeceive — Desabuser. Disaccord, to untune — Disaccorder. Disadvantage, to wrong — Desavantage. Disappoint, to supersede — Desappointer. Disapprove, disliked — Desapprouver. Disaster, misfortune — Desastre. Disavow, to refuse — Desavouer, Disbark, to put on shore — Debarquer. Disburse, to sptnd — Debourser, Discharge, vent, explosion — Decharge. Discontinue, to separate — Discontinuer. Discover, to make known — Decouvir. Discourse, to converse — Discourir. Discredit, disgrace— Descredit. Discreet, modest -^I>\scx^X, Discursive, in perpetual motion — DiscursivCo Disdain, confewp^-^Dedain. 31 Discuss, to examine — Discuter, Disembroil, to free from disorder — Debrouiiler. Disgorge, to i;omiY— Degorger. Disgrace, shame — Disgrace. Disguise, to conceal Desguiser. Disgust, an aversion — Degout. Dishabille, an undress — Dishabille. Dishevel, to spread hair abroad — Desheveller. Disjoin, to separate — Dejoindre. Disloyal, false — Desloyal. Dismay, to discourage — (Spanish) Desmayo. Dismount, to unhorse, Demonter. Disorder, want of method — Desordre. Dispatch, to send one away //as^^*/y— Depecher. Dispense, to distribute — Dispenser. Display, to spread abroad — Desplayer. Dispose, to employ or give — Disposer. Distress, things seized or distrained — Destresse. Diversify, to make different — Diversifier, Divertisement, diversion — Divertissement. Divisibility, being divisible — Divisibility. Diurnal, a day book — Diurnal. Doge, a supreme magistrate — (Italian) Doge. Donative, a gift — Donatife. Dormant, sleeping — Dormant. Dorture, a dormitory — Dortoir. Double, joined in pairs — Double. Doublon, a Spanish coid — Doublon. Doubt, to fear or suspect — Doubter. Dowager, a widow with a jointure— Dou2kiiire. Dozen, twelve different things — Douzaine. Dragon, a serpent — Dragon, 32 Drain, to draw off water-^TmrnT. Dress, to put on clothes — Dresser. Due, as a debt — DCi. Dulcify, to sweeten — Dulcifier. Dungeon, a close prison — Donjon. Duresse, imprisonment — D uresse. Duchess, the lady of a Duke — Duchesse, E. Jci AGLE, a bird of prey — Aigle. Ease, freedom from care — Aise. Eclaircissement, explaining — Ecciaircissement. Eclat, splendor — Eclat, Ecurie, a stable — Ecuri6. Efface, to destroy or blot out — Effacer. Effectual, producing the object — Effectual. Effectuate, to bring to pass — Effectuer. Effrontery, great boldness — Effronterie. Eglantine, a kind of wild rose — Esglanline* Egrette, an ornament of ribbons — Egretle, Elance, to dart — Elancer. Elogy, praise — Eloge. Embalm, to preserve dead bodies — Embaumer. Embark, to put on ftoflrrf— Embarquer. Embarrass, to perplex — Embarrasser. Embellish, to adorn — Embeller. Emblaze, to adorn or paint — Blazoner. Emboss, to form into knobs — Bosse. Embrace, to hold or clasp — Embrasser. 33 Embrasure, holes in batteries- — Embrazure. ; .i^j^ii^al^ Embroidure, to border with orwam^n^— Border. Embroil, to disturb — Brouiller. Emerald, a precious stone — Emeraude. Emotion, a violent «^rM»*^/e-— Emotion. Empannel, names on a square of parchment — Panne«u> Emparlance, conference of a jurj/^-FsLthr, Emperor, a title of honour — Empereur. Empire, imperial power — Empire* Employ, on commission — Employer. jl Empoison, to destro7/—Em^ohoner, 'f Empoverisb, to make poor — Pauvre. Enamour, to love a per son-r- Aimer ^ Enceinte, pregnant — Enceinte. Enchain, to fasten with chains — Enchaiiier. Enchant, to delight — Enchanter.^ Enchase, to adorn — ;Enchasser. Enclose, to surround — Enclos. Encore, again — Encore. Encounter, fight, or chance — Encontre. Encourage, to animate — Encourager. Encamp, to form a camp — Camper. Encumber, to load, to stop — Encombrer. Endive, a species of succory — Endive. Endorse, to write on the 6<7C^-- Endosser. Endamage, to hurt — Endommager. Enemy, a foe — Enemi. Enfilade, in a straight line —Enfilade. Eiiforce, to give strength to — Enforcer. Engage, to fight ^ to encotinte?'— Engager. Engender, to form or produce — Engendrer. Engine, an useful instrument — Engin. 34 Engineer, an officer in the army — Ingenieur. Englut, to swallow up — Engloutir. Eiigiafc, to insert into another Jow— Greffien Engrail, edges ragged or notched — Grele hail. Engrave, to cut metal in JlgureS'-^Engr^ver^ Engross, to seize upon the whole — Grossir, Enhance, to raise the value or price — Enhausser. Enjoin, to order or direct — Enjoindre. Enj^y* to delight, to gladden — Jouir. Ennoble, to dignify — Ennoblir. En passant, bi/ the way — En passant. Enrage, to put in a passion — Enrager. Enroll, to write his name in a list— Enroller. Ensample, copy, j^flf^^rw— (Italian) Essempio. Ensue, to follow after — Ensuirre. Entablature, the architrave, frize, and cornice — Entablature* Entail, limited or abridged— Ent2Li\lL Enter, to make an appearance — Eutrer. Enterprise, a dangerous undertaking — Entreprise, Entertain, to employ or treat — Entretenir. Entire, the ivhole — ^Entien Entiluler, to ew^i7/e— Entituler. Entrails, the intestines or guts — Entrailles. Envoy, a deputy — Envoy 6. Envy, to grieve at — Envier. Entrance, a passage or flrenwe— Entree. Entrap, to catch in a trap — Attraper. Entreat, to ask with humility — Traiter. Entry, or passage to a house — Entre^. Envelop, to inwrap or cover — Enveloper. Envelope, a cover — Envelope, ^ Environ, to surround — Environner. 35 Environs, tke neighbourhood-^^uy'irons. Envoy, a deputy — Envoye. Envy, to grieve at others success — Envier. Equerry, one that rides abroad with the king — Ecurie. Equip, to dress out or accoutre — Equipper. Equipage, furniture for a horse — Equipage* Equitable, just, impartial — Equitable. Equivocate, to use a double meaning — Equivoqucr. Erase, to scratch out any thing written — Raser. Escalade, scaling a wall or fort — Escalade* Escalop, flatter and larger than a cockle — ^Escalope. Escape, to avoid any inconvenience — Echappen Eschalot, a plant with a bulbous root — Eschalot. Escheat, land that falls by forfeiture — Echoir. Eschew, to avoid or sAwn—- Escheoir. Escort, to guard or protect by sea or /and — Escorter. Espalier, planted in rows — Espalier. Espouse, to contract in w/zrriflg'c— Espouser. Espy, to see a thing at a distance — Espier* Esquire, the armour bearer of a A:wig*A<— Escuycr. Essay, to try or attempt — Essayer. Essoine, to excuse, or wipe off or away — Essuyer. Establish, to confirm or ratify — Etablir. Establishment, a confirmation — Establissemcnt. Estate, condition — Etat. Estimable, valuable — Estimable. Estrade, an alcove, or public road — Estradc. Estrange, to keep at a distance — Estranger. Estrepement, spoil on land — Estropier. Etape, a staple or pablic warehouse — Etape. Eternal, /or ever, existing — Eternal. Evidence, testimony — Evidence. 36 Exalt, to raise on ^lo-^— Exalter. Excessive, greaty vehement — Excessif. Exchange, to give one thing for another — Exchanger. Exchequer, an ancient court of r^cor^ —Ecliiquier. Expedient, proper to attain any end — Expedient. Eyelet, a hole through which light en^er^—Oeilet. Fabulist, a writer of falles—^^hwMt. Facet, a small surface — Facette. Factor, an agent — Facteur. Fade, to grow weak — Fade. Fail, to grow deficient — Faillir, Faith, helief—Vol Fair, a public meeting-^Foire. Falchion, a short crooked sword— F^xxchon, Falcon, a bird of pre?/-— Faucon. Falsify, to misrepresent — Falsifier. Falter, to sfammer— (Spanish) Faltar. Fanfaron, a &mZ/?/— Fanfaron. Fardel, a bundle— (li'dlmn) Fardello. Fascine, faggots— T^sciue, Fatality, a decree of fate — Fatality. Fatuity, foclishness — Fatuit6. Faucet, a wooden pipe — Fausset. Falsehood, lying-- Faussel^, Fault, a slight defect or crime — Faule. Favourite, looked upon kindly — (Italian) Favoriia, Fealty, duty due from any person— Vi(\eM, ^7 feasible, mck as may he done — Faisible. FeaU o, thing done — Fait. Felony, rebellion — Felonie. Feeble, weak — Foible. Feign, to invent — Feindre. Feint, a meer shew — Feint. Female, that which has young — Femelle. Femee covert, a married woman — Feme coverte. Femesole, an unmarried woman — Femesole. Feodal, held from another — Feodal. Festoon, a garland of flowers — Feston. FeofFed, held from u superior lord — Infeode. Feuillage, a hunch of /eare^— Feuillage. Feuillemort, the colour of faded leaves — Feuillemort. Fever, a disease — Fievre, Fewel or fuel, to keep up afire — Feu. Fibrous, small threads orfihres — Fibreux. Fife, a small pipe Mown like the German flute— V\(rc. Financer, one that collects /fla7e5— -Financier. Fine, nice, exquisite, to end, enfin — Fin, enfin. Finesse, a sly artful stratagem-^Yinesse, Fitzroy, son of a king — Fitz-roy. Fixity, a strong cohesion of parts— Fixiie, Flagelet, a small flute — Flageolet. Flagon, a sort of hottle^Fhcon, Flank, to attack the side of an army, Sfc.-^Fhnc. Flask, a thin hottle with a long neck— V\^si[\xt» Flatter, to compliment — Flater. Fletcher, a maker of hoivs and arrows — Flecher. Float, to sivim on the waier-'^FloUer, Florist, a poison fond of flowers — Fleurist. Flower-de-luce, the lily — Fleur-de-lis. D 38 Fluidity, the quality of flowing — FJuidite. Flute, a ivind instrument — Flute. Foist, to interpolate falsely — Fausser. Foilage, flowers^ hranches, or leaves — Feuillage. Folly, a weakness — Folic. Fontanel, an issue to discharge humours — Fontanelle* Forage, provisions for horses and cattle — Fourrage, Force, power, vigour ^ strength^F or ce. Foreign, i^emote^ not allied — Forein. Forester, one that lives in aforest — Foretier. Forfeit, liable to he seized — Forfait, Forfeiture, trespass, offence — Forfaiture. Forge, to counterfeit — Forger. Formalist, one that seems what he is not — Fornialiste. Formalize, to he fond of ceremony — Foniialiser. Formulary, a hook of rules for doing any thing — Formu- hire. Forf, a little castle or fortress — Fort, Fortify, to make strong — Fortifier. Fortress, a strong hold — Fortresse, Foundery, a place where metal is cast — Fonderie. Foy, faith, allegiance — Foi. Freshness, refreshing, coolness — Fraischeur. Fraise, a pancake with bacon — Fraise. Franchise, a privelege — Franchise. Frank, llheral, generous, a French coin 20 Sous or 10d» Franc, is the same as a litre — lOd. Fray, a batik or fight — Effrayer. Freiglit, a cargo on board a ship — Fretement. French, belonging to jPr/7?2 re— Franc. Fresh, shade or coolness— {W'dXvdw) Fresco. Fresh, not sour or vajrid -^TrmcliQ* 39 Friar, a brother of some regular or6?er— Frere. Frieze, a com^se woollen cloth — Drap de frieze. i Fritter, a small pancake fried — Friture, :) Frizzle, to curl hair — Frizer. > Frock, a close coat — Froc. Frontal, an ornament for the forehQad -T~¥roi\iddi Frontier, utmost limits— ftontkYQ. Frontispiece, fronting the f«7/e /?.'?^'e-— Frontispiece. Frown, to express displeasure — Frogner. Fructify, to make fruitful —Fructifier, Fmctnous, making ff^uitful — Fructuous, > Fruiterer, 07ie that sells fruit — Fruitier. Fumette, the smell of meat in cookery— Fwiweiie, Fumous, or fumy, producing smoke — ^Fumeux. Fur, skin with soft hair — Fourrure. Furbelow, plated silk or linen — Falbala. Furbish, to burfiish — Fourbir, Furl, to draw up the sail to the mast — Ferler. Furnish, to give for use — Fournir. Furniture, any goods — Faurniture. Fusee, a pipe filled with wildfire — Fuseau. Fusilier, one armed with a musque.t — Fusileer, Fusion, a melting — Fusion. Fustian, made of cotton stuff— -Fni^ine, G. Gabardine, a coarse f rock— (linlmi) Gavardina. Gabal, a tax or excise — Gabelle. Gabion, a wicker basket filed with earth — Gabioa. 40 Gage, a pledge — Gage. Gage, wager — Gager. Gain, profit — Gain. Gain, to obtain profit — Gagner. Gall, to hurt — Galer. Gallant, gay — Galant. Gallantry, grandeur — Galanterie. Galleon, a large ship — Galion, Gallery, a covered place in a house — Galerie. Galley, a low built vessel — (Italian) Gallie. Galliard, a lively man — Galliard. Gallicism, the trench way of expression — Gallicism. Gallimatia, nonsense — Galimathies. Gallimaufry* harsh or hoch poch — Galimafree. Gallop, to ride quickly — Galoper. Gambado, a leather boot fixed to the saddle — (Italian) Gambo. Gambol, to dance or «^/p— Gambiller. Gammon, the thigh of a hog — (Italian) Gambone. Gamut, a musical scale — (Italian) Gama. Gaol, a place of confinement — Geole. Garb, a dress — Garbe. Garble, to separate good from bad^'{lid\mi)G?ixhe\\?iXQ. Garboil, tumult — Garboville. Gard, care — Garde. Garden, planted with flowers — Jardin. Gardiner, one that tills a garden — Jardinier. Gargle, to wash the throat — Gargoulller. Garland, a sort of flowers — Garlande. Garner, where grain is kept — Grenier. Garnish, to embellish — Garnir. Garret, a room on the highest floor^-Gdlei^iS^ m Garrison, soldiers f a* rfe/ewce— Garnisoii. Gaude, an ornament — Gaude. Grease, fat — Graisse. Gauntlet, an iron glove used for defence — Gantlet. Gavot, a lovely air — (Italian) Gavotta. Gay, brisk — Gay. Gender, to beget — Engendrer. Generalissimo, a supreme commander — General issime. Generality, the main body — Generalite. Generative, prolific— -Gener^tif, Geneva, distilled from Juniper berries — Genevre. Gentilesse, complaisance — Gentilesse. Gentilism, idolatry — Gentilisme. Gentility, good extraction — Gentilhommerie. Gentleman, of noble birth — Gentilhomme. Gibbet, a gallows — Gibet. Gibbosity, protuberance — Gibbosite . Ginger, an aromatic roof— (Italian) Gingero. Glaire, the white an of egg — Glaire. Glave, a broad sword — Glaive. Glean, to gather what is thinly scattered — Glaner. Gloss, a comment — Glose. Glue, to make a thing join — Gluer. Glut, to devour — Engluter. Glutinous, tenacious — Glutineux. Glutton, one that eats to excess — Glouton. Goal, a prison — Geole. Gobbie, to eat much — Gober. Goblet, a large cup — Gobelet. Goblin, a fairy — Gobelin. Gondola, aflat boat — Gondole. Gonfalon, an ensign; to sivell^—Gonfiew D 2 4S Gorge, the throat — Gorge. Goriiiand, one eating to excess — Gourmand. Govern, to rule over as a parent — Gouverner. Gouge, a chlssel with a round edge — Gauge. Gourd, a creeping plant — Gourd. Gout, a pa infu I disease — G out te . Gusto, a taste — GoAt. Gown, a long upper garment — ([lalian) Gouna. Gracious, merciful— GrAQ\^w\. Gradual, advancing by steps — Graduel. Graft, the shoot of a tree — GrefFe. Grammercy, grant me mercy — Greffe. Grammar, rules for writing, Sfc. — Grammaire. Grammarian, skilful in grammar — Grammarien. Grandeur, pomp — Grandeur. Grange, a farm — Marsh- Grange. Grant, to allow or concede — Garantir. Grannam, a grand-mother — Grande-dame. Granulate, formed in grains — Granuler. Grape, a single herry of the vine — Grappe. Grapnel, a small anchor — Grapin. Grasp, the gripe of the ^awc?— (Italian) Graspare. Grate, a harsh sound — Gratter. Grater, a kind of file — Graton. Gratuity, a free gift — Gratuite. Gravel, gritty sand for walks — Gravelle. Graver, an engraver — Graveur. Grease, the soft part of the fat — Graisse. Greaves, armour for the legs — Greves. Grenadier, a tall soldier — Grenadier. Grenade, a hollow hall of iron — Grenade. Gride, to cut— (Italian) Gridare. 40 Grieve, io afflict — Grever. Grill, to broil — Griller. Grimalkin, an old grey cat — Gris & Malkin. Grizzle, grey coloured — Gris. Grocer, one that sells groceries — Gross. Gross, large, thick — Gros. Grot, a cave or cavern — Grotle. Grotesque, unnatural — Grotesque. Group, a croud — Groupe, Gruel, a kind of broth — Gruelle. Guarantee, one that warrants — Guarant. Guard, a body of men to watch — Garde. Gudgeon, a small fish — Goujon, Guerdon, a reward — Guerdon. Guggle, to make a noise in the throat — (Italian) Gorgoliare. Guide, to direct — Guider. Guise, appearance — Guise. Guitar, a stringed instrument — (Spanish) Guitarra, Gulph, an abyss of great deep — Golfe. Gull, to cheat — Guiller. Gullet, the throat — Goulet. Gusset, something sewed on to strengthen i^—Gousset. Gusto, the relish of any thing — (Italian) Gusto. H. JljlABERGEON, a breastplate — Gaubergeon. Habiliment, dress — Habilement. Habitual, customary — Habituel. Hagard, lean, rvgged, tig/^— Hagard. 44 Halbert, a long pole with a battle «a?— Halebarde. Halloo, to call out or shout — Haler. Harangue, to make a speech — Harangucr. Hardiment, courage — Hardiment. Hardy, holy^ have — Hardi. Harness, armour for a horse — Harnois. Harp, to play on the harp — Harper. Harpooner, one that throws the harpoon — Harponeur* Harrass, to weary — Harrasser. Harrow, to break the clods — Charroue. Hash, to mince — Hacher* Haste, hurry — Hate. Hasty, speedy — H-^tif. Hatchet, a small axe — Hatchette. Hauberk, a coat of mail — Hauberg. Haui^ht, proud --HowU haughty, insolent — Haughtaine. Haum, stalks of beans and peas ^ a farm — Home. Haunch, the thigh — Hanche. Haunt, to frequent — Hanter. Hautboy, (hoboy,) louder than the fiddle — Hautbois. Hazard, chance — Hazard. Helmet, a covering for the head — (Italian) Elmetto* Heibage, pasture or grass — Herbage. Hermitage, a cell or cot — Hermitage. Heroine, a brave female — Heroine. Heroism, bravery — Heroisme. Heron, a bird with long legs and neck — Heron. Hiccough, an uneasy motion of the diaphragm — Houcjuet, Hideous, shocking — Hideux. Hobby, a kind of hawk — Hobercan. Hoise, to lift on Ai^A— H^usser. 45 Hollar to call fl/Ver— Hola. Honourable, worthy of respect — Honorable Hour, 60 iMiwMfes— Heure. Hoste, a person that keeps an Inn — Hote* Hostess, the mistress of an Inn — Hotesse. Hostility, open war — Hoslilite. Houlet, a young owl — Houlette. Hue and cry — Huee. Humane, kind — Huniain. Humble, hw minded — Humble. Humidity, moisture — Humiditc. Humility, lowliness of mind — Humility. Humorist, fanciful — Humoriste. Hypothetic, conditional — Hypothetique* I. tl ACKALL, that starts prey for the //on— Chacal, Jacket;^ a short eoat — Jacket. Jamb, a supporter or leg — Jambe. Jangle, to quarrel — Jangler. Jauntry, showy — Gentil. Jargon, words without ideas — Jargon, Jassemine, a tree with narrow leaves — Jasmin. Javelin, a spear — Javeline. Jaundice, a had state of blood — Jaunisse. Jargon, gihherish — Jargon. Identic, the same — Identique. Jealous, suspicious — Jaloux. Jealousy, vigilant or fearful— J^lomie. 46 Jet, to shoot forward — Jetter. Jet dean, a fountain — Jet d^au. Jesus, a saviour — Jesus, Jig, a light quick dance or fwwe— (Italian) Giga. Illume, to supply with %A^>— Illumiijer. Imagine, to fancy — Imaginer, Immaterial, spiritual — Immateriel. Immediate, nothing between — Immediate. Immodest, obscene — Immodeste. Impair, to lessen — Empirer. Impeach, to hinder-- Empecher, Imperceptible, not to be seen — Imperceptible. Impenetrability, not to be joiVrcec?— .Impenetrabilite. Impenitence, not penitent — Impenitent. Imperishable, not to be destroyed— Im^emsMt. Important, of great weight — Important. Impost, a toll — Imp6t. Impostor, a cheat — Imposteur. Impoverish, to wake poor — Appauvir. Impregnable, not to be taken — Imprenable. Imprint, to make or stamp — Imprinter. Imprison, to confine in a jor/^ow— Emprisonner, Impropriety, not suitable — Impropriete. Impugn, to attack — Impugner. Impuissance, want of strength — Impuissance. Impulsive, having power to move — Impulsif. Inadvertency, inattention — Inadvertence. Inamissable, not to be lost — Inamissable. Inanition, emptiness — Inanition. Inarticulate, not distinct — Inarticulc. Inattention, negligence — Inattention. Incapable, wanting power — Incapable, 4t Incarnadine, to die of a pdle red — (Italian) Incarnadino. Incarnative, producing flesh — Incarnatif. Incestuous, guilty of incest— Ince^sXexw, Incivility, rudeness — Incivility. Inclemency, cruel — Inclemenc^. Incompatible, irreconcileahle — Incompatible. Incongruity, ahsurdity — Incongruite. Incontestable, not to he disputed — Incontestable, Inconveniency, unfitness — Inconvenient. Incorporate, to mix together — Incorporer. Incorrigible, not to he mended — Incorrigible. Incumber, to perplex — Incombrer. Incurable, not to he cured — Incurable. Indecency, not hecoming — Indecence. Indeliberate, rash — Indeliberc. Indemnity, security — Indemnite. Independence, /reec?o»2— Independance. Indeterminate, uncertain-^lndeteYmmk, Indevotion, want of ardour — Indevotion. Indiction, a declaration — Indiction. Indign, not tvorthy or deserving — Indigne. Indiscreet, impi^udent — Indiscret. Indispensable, necessary — Indispensable. Indispose, to make unfit — Indisposer. Indissolubility, not to he separated — Indissoluble. Indivisible, single — Indivisible. Indociiity, disregarding instruction — Indocilite. Induced, lead — Induit. Indulgence, forbearance — Indulgence. Insult, fro?n indulge, a special favour — (Italian) Indulto. Inexplicable, not to he explained -Inexplicable. Infallibility, not to be cffceit'e^—Infallibilite. 48 Infanta, a title of honour in Spain — (Spanish) Infanta. 4^ Infantry, foot soldiers — Infanterie, Inference, a conclusion from previous arguments — Inference. Infertile, barren — Infertile. Infirmary, a place for sick or wounded — Infirmerie. Ingenuity, acuteness of mind — Ingenuite. Inlieret, to possess hy right — Enheriter. Ink, with which we zt- ri7e— Encre. Innovator, one that makes alterations — ^Innovateur. Insensate, without thought of danger — Insense. Insensible, dull — Insensible. Insignificance, want of importance — Insignificant. Insinuant, one that creeps into favour — Insinuant. Insipidity, want of life or s;?in75— Incipidite. Instal, to advance to an office — Installer. Instigator, an inciter to crimes — Instigateur. Instructive, conveying of ktwwledge — Instructif. Insufficiency, want of power — Insuffisance. Insure, to make good losses — Assurer. Intaglio, stones with men's heads on — (Italian) Intaglio. Intendment, design — Entendement. Inter, to put under ground — Interrer. Interest, to concern — Interesser. Interlace, to intermix — Interlasser. Interlard, to mix ivith bacon — Interlarder. lulernient, a burial — Eiiterrenient. Interpose, to step between- Interposer. Interrogative, denoting a question — Interrogatif. Interview, mutual sight — Entrevue. Intone, to thunder — Intt)nner. Intoxication, drunkenness — In & loxicum, poison. Intrench, to fortify with ditches — In & trencher. 49 Intrigue, a plot or amour — Intrigue. Invariable, not cAflMflfmo*— Invariable. Invalidity, want offeree — Invalidite. Inveigle, to allure — (Italian) Invogliare. Invent, to discover — Inventer. Inventress, a female inventor — Inven trice. Inventor, a contriver — Inventeur. Investiture, office or iewe/^cc— Investiture. Invoice, articles shipped on hoard — Envoyer. Involuntary, unwillingly — Involontaire. Jointure, an estate settled on a wife — Jointure, Jonquille, a yellow flower — Jonquille. Jostle, to rush — Jostle. Journal, a diary — Journal* Journey, the distance travelled in a day — Journee. Joust, fighting with spears — Jouster. Joy, gladness of mind — Joi, Jole, the face or cheek — Gueule, Joyous, glad — Joyeux. Irrefragable, not to be confuted — Irrefragable, Irreligion, want of religion — Irreligion. Irremediable, admitting no cure — Irremediable. Irremissible, not to he pardoned — Jrremissible, Irreproachable, hlameless — Irreprochable. Irresistible, above all 7'esistance — Irresistible. Irresolute, changing^-lntsold. Irreverent, not reverend to superiors — Irreverent. Issue, to pass out— Issuer, Itinerant, wandering — Itinerant. Judge, to decide a question — Juge. Judicature, the power of deciding cases — judicature. Jugg-le, to play tricks — Jougler. 50 Jua'iaii, of a hull and mare — Jumart. Juucate, a cheese cake — Juncade, Junker. Junction, union — Jonclion. Junto, a cabal or conspiracy — (Italian) Junto. Ivory, the tusk of the elephant — I voire. Justify, to clear from any charge of guilt — ^^Justifier. K J^EG, a small barrel — Caque. Kennel, a place where dogs sleep — Clienil. Kestrel, a bastard hawk — Quercelle. Ketch, a small vessel — (Italian) Caiccliis. Kickshaw, something contemptible — Quelque Chose. Kimbo, croo/cefif— (Italian) Aschembo. IjACE, a string or cord of thread, gold, or silver — Lacet. Lackey, a foot boy — Lacquais. Lair, the couch of a boar or wild beast — Lai. Laird, a Scotch Lord of a manor — Hlaford. Lamp, a light made of oil and wick — Lampe. Lanipas, jftesh in a horses W20?^//i— Lampas. Lancet, a small lance — (Italian) Lancetta. Lanch, to dart or throw — Lancer. Languet, shape of a tongue — Languette. Lantern, a case in which a light may he carried- Lanternc. 51 Lapidary, one that cuts precious stones — Lapidaire. Larceny, stealing a person's goods — La rein. Lard, to stuff with bacon — Larder. Lardon, a bit of bacon — Lardon. Largess, a gift or present — Largesse. Lastage, custom paid for goods sold — Lestage* Latchet, the string to fasten the shoes — Lacet. Latinize, to use latin words — Latiniser. Latiludinarian, unconfined — Latitudinaire. Lattice, to mark with ci'oss strokes — Lattis. Lave, to throw up water — Laver. Laver, a vessel to wash any thing in — Lavoir. Launch, to force out to sea — Lancer. Lavolta, a capering — (Italian) Lavolta. Laxative, to make loose — Laxatif, Lay, a song or poem — Lay. Lazar, a leper — Lazarus. Lazar, a house or hospital for /^jofrs— (Italian) Lazaretto- League, containing thiee miles — Ligue. Lease, for a certain number of years — Laisser. Leaven, a ferment of something mixt — Levain. Lech, to lick over — Lecher. Lecture, a public discourse — Lecture. Lee, dregs or sediment — Lie. Legality, consistent with the laws — Legalise. Legate, a deputy Ambassador — (Italian) Legato. Legerdemain, slight of hand — Legerete de main. Legerity, nimbleness — Legerete. Legitimate, to make lawful — Legitimer. Legitimation, lawfulness of birth — Legitimation. Leguminous, consisting of pulse — Legumineux. Leisure, freedomfrom busiiiess — Loisir. 52 Lemon, fruit of the lemon4ree — Limon. Lenify, to assuage — Lenifier. Lenitive, softening or emollient — Lenitif. Lentil, vetches — Lentil le. Lesson, a precept — Lecon. Lethargic, sleepj/ — Lethargique. Levant, the east, or sun rising — Levant* Levee, the time of rising — Levee. Levet, the sound of the trumpet — Lever, Levy, troops raised — ^Lever. Libertine, one acting without restraint — Libertin. Library, a collection of books — Libraire, Licentiate, to permit— Liceuiier* Licentious, unconfined — Licencieux. Lieutenant, a deputy — Lieutenant. Limn, to draw, or paint any thing — Enlumioer. Lineage, a race — Lignee, Linnet, a small singing bird — Linotte. Lintel, the upper part of a doorframe — Linteau. List, a catalouge — Liste. Literati, the learned — (Italian) Literati, Literature, learniug — (Italian) Literatura. Litigious, quarrelsome — Lit igieux. Litter, a carriage ivith a bed in it — Litiere. Livery, the giving or taking possession — Livrer. Livre, has 20 sols, each 12 deniers ; lOd. — Livre. Lixiviate, ashes of burnt vegitables washed — Lixivieux. Lizard, a small creeping creature cf green colour — Lizarde. Loach, a very dainty fish — Loche, Lobe, a division or distinct part for seeds — Lobe. Locket, a small lock — Loquette. Lodgement, accumulation or heaping up — Logement. 63 Longitudinal, lengthwise — Longitudinal. Lottery, a public game at hazard — Loteria* Louis d'or, value 2ls. or 24 liures: pro: — Looi dore. Loyal, faithful and true to the King — Loyal. Lozenge, a figure of four equal sides — Losenge. Lubricity, slipperiness — Lubricity Lucrative, gainful — Lucratif LufF, to keep close to the wind — Louvoyer. Luminous, shining — Lumineux Lunation, the revolution of the moon — Lunaison. Lunette, a half moon in fortification — Lunette. Lunge, in fencing to make a push — AUonger. Lurch, to he left in distress, or the lurch — Lourch. Lure, an enticement , or alluring — Leurre. Lustre, splendour — Lfjstre. Lute, a stringed instrument — Lutli. M JWlAC, signifies a son, the same as fit z, and put before sur^ names^-^Scoich and Irish. Macaroon, a sweet cake or biscuit — (Italian) Macarone. Mace, ensign of authority : mace or mass bearer — (Italian) Massa. Madam, is made up of thefrench, my lady — Madame. Mamesella, so pro: applied to ladies young or old — Made- moiselle, Madrigal, an amorous song — (Italian) Madrigale. Magazine a stove house — Magazine. Magnanimity, greatness of soul — Magnanimilc* E 2 54 Magnifico, a Grandee of Venice — (Italian) Magnifico. Mail, a coat of steel net work — Maille. Mainprise, friendly custody y taking hy the hand — Main- prise. Maintain, to protect hy taking the /i«w«?— Maintenir. Maintenance, protection or defence — Maintenance* Major-domo, in the place of his master — (Italian) Major- domo. Malady, a disease — Maladie. M^iX'Aniltxs, a disease in horses pasterns — (Italian) Melandare. Male, belonging to the he sex — Male. Malignant, envious — Malignant. lilalignity, malice— M?i\\gmiL Mallard, the drake among wild ducks — Malart. Malleable, capable of being hammered — Malleable. Mammiform, having the shape of a breast — Mammiforme. Manacles, chains for the hands — Manacles. Manage, to conduct or carry on, to train a horse — Manage. Management* conduct — Management. Manchineel, the juice of that tree, and very corrosive — (Spanish) Mancliinella. Mandrell, a wooden pulley — Mandrin. Mange, the itch or scab in cattle — Mangeaison. Manger, a place for the food of cattle — Mangeoir. Mango, afruit from Java brought pickled — Mangostan. Manifest, plain — Manifeste. Manifesto, a public declaration — (Italian) Manifesto. Manner, from method, custom, habit — Maniere. Manor, a rule a man has over them by holding courts, that hold lands in his fee — Manoir. Mantel, work raised to conceal a chimney — Mantel. Mantelet, a short cloak for ladies — Mantelet, 55 Mantua-makers, for makers of gowns — Manteux. Manufacturer, who makes by the hand or arty work of the hand — Manufacturer. Manure, to cultivate or improve land — Manouvrer. Marble, a kind of stone used in statues, Sfc. — Marbre. Marcasite, a solid, bright, hard fossil — Marcasite. March, a grave and solemn walk — Marcher. Marcher, a president of the marches — Marcheur. Marshal, a chief commander of an army — Mareschal. Marine, sea affairs, or forces — la Marine. Mark, to make an impression — Marker. Marmelade, plums^ oranges and quinces boiled with sugar — Marmalade. Marmoset, a small monkey — Marmouset. Marquis, a title of honour next to a Duke — Marquis. Marquisate, the province of a Marquis — Marquisat, Marriage, lawfully united — Mariage. Marry, to join together lawfully — Marie r. Martin, a kind of swallow — Martinet or Martlet. Marlingal, a curb for a horse — Martingale, Marvel, a wonder — Merveille. Marvellous, strange — Merveilleux. Mash, to heat or bruise into a mass — Mascher. Mask, a cover for the face — Masque. Mason, one that builds a house, a house is Maison. Masonry, the performance of a mason — Maconerie. Masquerade, a public assembly — (Arabic) Masquirade. Mass, a bulk or gross body — Masse. Mass, signifies a festival before the Romish Christmas, use of it as an Oblation — Masse. Mass, F. Messe, L. Messa, H. Messiah, Massacre, to destroy many, or in a mass — Massacrer. 56 Massive, heavi/, or in a great bulk — Massif, Mast, of a ship — Mat. Masticatory, to be chewed, not swallowed — Masticatoire. Mastiff, a large dog for guarding houses — Mastin. Masllin, wheat and rye mixed — Mesler. Matadore, a murderer — (Spanish") Matador. Match, to light Jires with — Meche. Material, matter of which things are made — Materiaux. Maternity, the relation of a mother — Maternitc. Matin, belonging to the morning — Matin. Matrass, a kind of hard bed — Matras. Maugre, in spite of, or ill will — Malgre. Maunder, to murmur^ to speak ill — Maudire. Maunday, mande (Sax.) a hand basket filled with haves, given by the King to the poor on the Thursday be- fore Good Friday, and called — Maunday Thursday. Meager, (pro. meeger, g hard) lean — Maigre. Meal, to mingle or mix — Meier. Mean, a medium or middle state — Moyen. Meander, a winding river in Phrijgia — Meander. Measure, a sufficient quantity — Mesure. Medal, an ancient coin — Medaille. Medalion, a large medal — Medallion. Mediate, to come between — Medial. Mediator, coming between offended God and man — Media- teur. Mediocrity, moderation — Medeocrite. Medullar, belonging to the marrow — MeduUaire. Megriin, a disoi^dcr of the head — Megrain. Meliorate, to make better — Meliorer. Memoir, an account of any thing — Memoire Menace, to threaten — Menacer. 5 V Menage, (pron. nienawje) a collection of animals — Menage. Mendicant, a ^eo-g-ar— Mendicant. Mention, to express in words — Mentioner. Merchant, a foreign trader— {M^Wm) Mercante, Mercenary, a hireling — Mercenaire. Mercer, one that sells silks, stuffs, S^c, — Mercier. Mercery, the trade of selling silks, S^c. — Mercerie. Merchandise, traffic, trade — Merchandise. Merchant, a trader in foreign countries — Marchand. Mercy, the act of pardoning — Merci. Mere or Mer, are from mare, the sea, and mean a lake as-^ Grasmere. Meridian, noon or mid-day — Meridian. Meridional, 50M-er. 91 Siircoat, a coat above dthers ; as, Surtout, Sure, certain — Seiire, Surety, certain ft/ — Surete. Surface, sur, above, and face, outside — Surface. Surfeit, sur, above, and faire, to feed too much — a Sur feit. Surgery, manual operations — Chirurgie. Surmise, to suspect — Surmiser. Surmise, an imperfect notion — Surmise. Surmount, to rise above — Surmoiiter. Surname, the family name — Surnom. Surpass, to pass over ; sur, and passer — Surpasser. Surplus, sur, and plus, overplus ; remainder. Surplice, for sur, and plico, to hang infolds over all. Surprize, to take ?/wa?x'rtre5— Surpris. Surrender, to give up to an enemy — Serendre. Surreption, taken by craft — Surprise. Sur, for Subrogate, a deputy — Sub, and rogo. Surround, to enveron — Surrender. Survey, to look over ; from Survoir. Survive, sur, and vivo, to outlive ; or Super, and vivo. Suspense, uncertainty — Suspens. Suspiral, a vent, or airhole — Soupirail. Sute, sort, or kind — Suit. Tabard, a kind of jacket— Ta}m\d. Tabby, a kind of rich silk — Tabis. Tabellio, a scrivener— T?ihe\\ion, Tabor, a small drum beaten trith a stick — Tabor. «^ Tack, to fasten to any ^/ii. v^—Tacher. 92 TafFety, a silken manufactuTe — Taffetas. Taillage, a 'piece cut out of the whole — Tailler. Tailor, from tailler, to rut ; one that make clothes— Tsiii- leur. ^ Taint, to infect, or corrupt — Teindre. Taint, a stain, or blot, corruption — Teinte, Tallage, impost, excise — Tallage. Tally, any thing made to suit another — Tailler. Talon, the claw of a bird of prey — Talon. Tan, to make brown by the sun — Tanner. Tank, a large cistern, or bason — Tanque. Tantamount, of equal value — Tantamount. Tapestry, cloth tvoven with forms of beasts — Tapesterie. Tarantula, a kind of spider — (Italian) Tarantula. Tare, the weight of any thing containing any thing — Tare. Tariff, a book of customs — Tariffe. Tarnish, to sully, or soil — Ternir. Tar, should be Terrier, from Terre, the earth — Terrier. Tart, a small fruit pfe-^-Tarte. Tassel, an ornamental bunch of silk — Tasse. Taste, to distinguish by the palate — Taster. Tavern, where wine is sold — Taverne. Tax, to load with imposts — Taxer. Tea, the leaf of a Chinese shrub — The. Temperament, the habitude of the body — Temperament. Temperature, constitution of nature — Temperature. Tempestuous, stormy — Tempestueux. Temporize, to delay, or put off — Temporiser. Tempter, one who seduces another — Tentateur. Tenable, such as may be maintained — Tenable. Tenant, he that holds of another — Tenant. Tender, delicate, effeminate — Tendre. Tenderness, softness, kindness — Tendresse. Tendinous, si?iewy^^T endhieux. 93 Tendril, the clasp of a ^i/ie— -Tendrillon. Tenement, proper tij, a house held— Tenement. Tense, ow/y three tenses, or times ; past, present, future — Temps. Tenon, a piece of timber cut to fit another — Tenon. Terrace, or Terras, a bank, or walk — (Italian) Terraccia. Testator, one that leaves a will — Testateur. Testy, fretful— Te^We. Tete-a-tete, face toface—^Teie-Q.-ie\je, Textuary, well skilled in the scriptures — Textuaire. Theorbo, a large lute — (Italian) Tiorba. Theory, speculation — Theorie. Theorical, speculative — Theorique. Treacle, Theriace, cures poisonous bites; fl^^ Ther, will beasts, and akeomai, to cure. Thump, a hard and heavy blow — (Italian) Thombo. Tick, a linen case for feather beds — Tique. Ticket, a right, or claim — Etiquet. Tickle, to create a tiiiUation — Titillo. Tinsel, any thing shewy, of little value — Estincelle. Tissue, cloth interwoven with gold and silver — Tissue. Titular, nominal — Titulaire. Toise, a French measure, six feet long — Toise. Torment, to put to pain — Tourmenter. Tornado, a whirlwind, or hurricane — (Spanish) Tornado. Tortoise, for land ar water — Tortue. Toupee, an artificial curl of hair — Toupet. Tour, a ramble — Tour. Tourniquet, to stop bleeding ; also a turnstile — Tourniquet. Towage, money for touting a vessel — Tone. * Towel, a cloth used for wiping the hands — Touaille. Trace, to follow footsteps — Tracer. Trade, the exchange of goods for money — (Italian) Tratta. Traffic, large trade — Traffique. 94 Trail, to hunt by track — Trailler. Train, to draw along — Trainer. Trait, a stroke or touch — Trait. TrameJ, a net — Tramail. Transe, the soul ivrapt in visions — Transe. Trans, in cotnposition, means over, beyond, through. Transitory, abiding a short time — Transitoire. Transparent, clear, cfztfp/mwow^-— Transparent. Transpose, to alter or c/i«w^e— Transposes Transubstantiate, to change substance — Transubstantier. Travail, to labour hard — Travailler. Traverse, something that goes across — Traverser. Travesty, to disjigure an author — Travestir. Treachery, p er/ic/y— Tricherie. Treacle, a medicine composed ofmolosses and Triacle. Treason, a betraying ^ disloyalty — Trahison. Treasure, riches — Tresor. Treat, to negotiate — Traiter. Treatment, usage — Traitement. Treatment, a covenant — Traite. Treble, to multiply by three — Tripler. Trefoil, or Clover, an useful plant — Trefle. Tremble, to shake with fear, or cold — Trembler. Trench, a jnt, or ditch — Tranche. Trenchant, cutting, sharp — Trenchant. Trepan, a surgical instrument, a snare — Trepaner. Trespass, a7i offence, or injury — Trespasser, Trespass, an injury — Trespasse. Trestle, a three-legged stool ; Trevet — Trestean. Trey, three — Trois. Triad, three united — Triacle. Trick, to defraud — Tricher. Trigger, a catch to pull to fire a gun — Trigue. Trill, in music to quaver — (Italian) Trilla. 9S Trinity, three in one — Trinite. Tripe, coiv's entrails properly dressed — Tripe. . Triturate, to pulverise or powder — Triturer. Troop, a small body of horse y or dragoons — Troupe. Trot, to move joltingly — Trotter. Trouble, to disturb — Trouble. Trover, an action against one finding ^ and not restoring — Trouver. Truck, to exchange, to barter — Troquer. Trudge, to jog on heavily — (Italian) Truggiolare. Truffle, a genus of fungi, or mushroom — Trufle. Trull, a bad woman — (Italian) Trulla. Trump, a trumpet — Trompe. Trumpet, a noble musical instrument — Trompette. . Truncheon, a short staff- — Troncon. Trunk, the stump of a tree — Tronc. Trunnions, the knobs of a cannon — Trognons. Truss, a bundle of hay, 66lbs. weight — Trousse. Try, io examine — Trier. Tuft, a bunch of feat hers ^-Tuffe, Tumbrel, a dung cart, a ducking 5^00/— Tombereau. Tumultuous, riotous — Tumultueux. Turcoise, an ore of copper — Turquoise. Turner, one who turns wood, or metal — Tourner. Turtle, a sea tortoise — Tortue. Tweezers, nippers to pull off hairs — Etui. Tyrannise, to govern impei^iously — T^ranniser, &6 - u— v., V AGABOND, icanderin^ aZ»o^/^— Vagrant, Vagabond. Vagant. Vail, a curtain, or cover ; also Veil — Voile. Valet-de-chambre, one who dresses his master — Vale-d^- chamb. Valiant, brave — Vaillant. Validate, to make good — Valider. Valorous, brave — Valoreux. Valuation, appraisement — Valuation. Value, to rate at a high price — Valoir. Van, the front, or first line of an army — xlvant. Van, to winnow corn — Vanner. Vancourier, a harbinger, one going before — A vaut- courier, Vanguard, the front or van — x\vant-garde. Vanquish, to conquer — Vaincre Vaporiferons, causing vapours — Vaporifen Varlet, a rascal — Varlet. Vassal, a dependant — Vassal. Vassalage, subjection — Vasselage. Vault, to shape like an arch, to leap — Voltiger. Vaunt, to brag, or boast — Vanter. Veer, to turn about — Virer. Vegetative, producing growth — Vegetatif. Venery, hunting, or with Venus— \cx\mQ, Venge, to punish — Venger. Vengeance, punishment — Vengeance. Venison, the flesh of deer — Venaison, Venom, poison — Venin. Vent, to publish^ or utter — Venier. Venture, hazard — A venture Verbosity, much prattle — Verbosite. 97 Terdigris, the green of grey ; a poison. Verdcleleav, color xrf green water ; a touchstone for gold or silver. Verdure, green colour — Verdurfe. Verify, to prove true — Verefier. Vermicelli, (Italian) ^owr made like worms, and put into soups. Versifier, one that makes verses — Versificateur. Vessel, which will hold water — Vaisselle. Wdindif food for a journeif^-Y'idinde. Victuals, sustenance — Victuailles. Victualler, a publican — Victuaillier. Vinegar, sour icine — Vinaigre. Vintage, the season for making wine — Vinage. Violet, a plant hearing a sweet flower — Violette. Violin, a fiadley or violin — :Violon. Virtuoso, skilled in curiosities, paintings, Sfc. — (Italian) Virtuoso. Visage, the countenance — Visage. Viscount, next to an Earl — Viscomte. Visit, tli€ act of going to see — Visite. Vista, a view, or prospect through a ivood, avenue, S^'c. — (Italian) Vista. Vivacity, sprightliness — Vivacite. Vivify, to animate — Vivifier. Visual, used in sight — Visuel. Vogue, fashion — Vogue. Void, empty — Vuide. Volcano, a burning mountain — (Italian) Volcano. Volley, a discharge of shot — Volee. Volubility, act of rolling — Volubilite. Vowel, a letter which sounds of itself perfectly — Voyelle. Voyage, any distance passed by water — Voyage, I llbiqulty, omnipresence — Ubiquite. Urictiwi, the act of anointing — Onction, Unotiious, fat — Onctueux. Urinal, a glass vessel to make water i*«-— UrinaJ. Usage, treatment — Usage. Usance, use — Usance. Usher, an under master — Huisser. Usual, common — UsueL Utensil, an instrument used in a hause — Uien«ile. T? AIL, to moan — (Italian) Gualare. Wardrobe, a place to keep clotkes—G^rdembe^. Warrau t, maintain — Garan iLr. PART IV.— HEBREW, &c. The meaning of most of the words below are given according to the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, Greek, Latin, and other ancient lan- guages, which often make a difference in the meaning of the same word. Aharon, a teacher^ a hill, a mountain, a strong hill — the son of Amram and Jochebed ; the elder brother of Moses and of Miriam, Ahk^Aou, destroying — one of the Hebrew names for the Devil : in Greek, Apollyon, which means the same, a destroyer. Abagtha,ya/Aer of the ivine-press—^onQ of the seven cham- berlains of Ahasuerus. A'bana, stony, a building. Father, I beseech now — a river of Damascus in Syria. A^barim, going over, conceiving, all kinds oj corn — moun- tains to the east of Jordan. A'baron, strength — the son Mattathias. A'bba — It signifies in the Syriac, Father. A'bda, a servant, a cloud — father of Adodirara# A'bdias, the servant of the Lord — the steward of A hab's household. A'bdiel, a servant of God, a cloud of God^s store — the fa- ther of Alii, of the posterity of Gad. A'bdon, a servant y a cloud of justice — a city of Palestine, in the tribe of Asher. Abednego, a servant of shining — the name given to Aza- riah the companion of Daniel. A'bel, mourning, vanifi/, vapour — the second son of Adam who was slain b}^ his brother Cain. A'bel-Misraim — the mourning of Egypt. A'bel-Shittim — the sorrow of thorns, A/bi, mi/ father — motI]er of Htzekiah kingof Jndah. Abiah, the will of the Lord — the second son of tije prophet Samuel. Abialbon, the father of great understanding — one of king David's worthies. Abiasaph, a gathering, consuming father— a son ofKorah, and a descendant of Levi. Abiather,/«///er of the remnant, or of contemplation — son of Abiraelech and tenth high priest. A' bib, green fruits, ears of corn — the name of the first EleVjrew sacred month before the departure from Egypt, and then called Nisaii, our March and part of April. Abirlah,/tt/A^r of knowledge — the son of Mldian. A'b\(\nn, father of judgjnent — the son of Gtdeoiii. A'biel, mi/ father is God — grandfather of king Saul. Ai>iezer, the father s help — on^ of king David's worthies. Abiga'i, the father's jo>/ — the wife of cliurlish Nabal, and afterwards married to king David, E. C. lOGO, Abiha;! — the father of strength, riches or sorrow. 5 Abilifi, he is father himself— the son of Aaron, the liigh priest, by Elisheba. Abihud, the father of praise, confession — the father of Bela. Abijah, the null of the Lord — the wife of Ahaz, and the mother of Hezekiah, king of Jiida. Abijain, the father of tlie sea — the soo of Rehoboam, and king of Jiida, B. C. 955 years. Abilene, tt'^/'/^z/?^, mournings the son of a mansion — a pro- vince of Syria. Abimnel, a father from God — one of thesons of Joktan, Abimelech, tJie king^s father^ father of counsel — the two kings of Gerar in Philistia, so named. Abinadab, the father of a vow, or of a free mind — the sou of Jesse and brother of king David. Abinoarn, the father of beauty, or gladness — the father of Barak. Abiram, a high father, a father of election — the eldest son of Hiel, rebnilder of Jericho. A^bishag, the father s ignorance or error — a beautiful Shunaiirite virgin, who was sent to comfort David ia bis old age. Abisha^i, thefather^s reward-^the son of Zeruiah, king David's sister, and one of his generals. Abishalom, father of peace — the father of Maachah who was the mother of Abijam. Abishuah, the father of salvation — the son of Phinehas, and fourth high |3riest of the Jews. A^bisbur, the father of a song — the sonof Shammai, of the posterity of Judah. A'bital, the father of the dew — the fifth wife of king Da- vid, and mother of Shephatiah, A'bitub, the father of goodness — one of the posterity of tlie patriarch Benjamin. A'biud, the father of goodness — the son of Zerobabel. A'bner, the father's cand/e-^ihe son of Ner, the Uncle of king Saul, and general of his armies. A'bram or Abraham, a high father, or a father of a great multitude-^ihe son of Terah, born at Ur, inChaldea, and father of Isaac, and husband to Sarah, died B. C. 1821, aged 175 years. A' hi^d.\om, father of peace, the father's reward — the son of David, by Maacah : was slain by Joab for rebelling against his father, B. C. 1020. A'ccad, a spark — a city of Asia, built by Nimrod. Accho, pressed together— -d city of Palestine. A'chan, troubling, gnashing — the son of Carmi, A'chim — rising again, revenging their brother. Achimelech, a king's brother, of his council — a priest of Nob, to whom king David went. A'chior, the brother's light — a general of the Ammonites. Achiram, a brother of craft — called also Abiram, A'chish, it is so — a king of Gath in Philistia. A'chitob or tub, a brother of goodness — the father of the high priest Zadok. Achitophel, a brother ofruin-^wn eminent counsellor, in the reign of king David, who hanged himself. Anchor, trouble — a valley of Palestine. AY'hsa, adorned, wanton and dishonest-^ihe daughter of Caleb and wife of Othniel. A'chshaph, a prisoner, sorcerer^ a witch — a city of Pales- tine in the tribe of Asher. A'chzib, a liar — a city of Palestine, in the valley. A'da, an assembly ^^Xh^ second wife of Lamech. Adadab, the witness of a congregation — a city of Palestine ill the tribe of Jndah. Ada^iah, the witness of the Lord — the fatber of Jedidab, the mother of king Josiah. Adaliab, poverty^ a cloud — one of the sons of Haman, whom the Jews slew. A'dam, man, earthy^ red, bloody — the first man who was created, who died, aged 930 years. A'damah, red, bloody— a city of Pentapolis and destroyed by fire with Sodom and Gomorrah. A'dar, power and greatness — the twelfth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical ye'ir. [IshmaeL A'bdeel, a vapour or cloud of God — one of the sons of A'ddan, Lord or foundation — a city near Babylon. A'ddi, witness — the father of Melchi. A'ddin, delicious or volupfuous — as Adin. AMI el, the ivitness of God — of the posterity of Simeon. Aditha im, a congregation or witness — a boundary, a city of Palestine, in the tribe of Judah. A'dlai, witness to me — the father of Shaphet. A'dmatha, a cloud or vapour of death — a prince of Persia and Media. A'dna, everlasting rest — a son of Pahath Moab. [David. Adonias, the Lord is the ruler — the fourth son of king Adonibezek, the Lord's thunder — a king of the city of Bezek in Palestine. Adonikam, the Lord is risen — one that returned from the Babylonish captivity. Adoiiiram, the high Lord — the receiver of the tributes of king Solomon. Adonizedek, the righteousness of the Lord — a king of Salem, or Jerusalem. 8 Adoraim, the strength of the sea — a city of Palestine. Adia'rnelech, the king's cloak, power or might — the son of Sennacherib, king of Syria. Adramyttium, the court or mansion of deaths mixed com^' monalty — a city of Mysia in lesser Asia. A'diiel, the flock of God — the son of Barzillai. AduUam, an ornament of their misery — a city of Palestine in the tribe of Judah, JE^gypt, anguish, tribulation — in the Hebrew it is Miz- raim, it. is a large country of Africa. iE'neas, praised — a man whom the apostle Peter miracu- lously healed of the palsy, ^theopia, black or burning — an extensive country of Africa to the south of Egypt. ATrica, without cold — one of the four quarters of the globe, 4000 miles in length, and as many in breadth from east to west. A'gaba, a grasshopper — same as Agabus, a locust, A^gag, a garret or upper room — a king of the Amalikites, who was hewn in pieces by Saul. A'gee, a valley — one of king David's warriors. [Great. Agrippa, sick and wearied — a grandson of Herod the A'gur, a stranger — mentioned in Proverbs. A'hab, the brothers' father — king of Israel, died B. C. 897. Aha' rah, a sweet savouring — son of Benjamin. Ahasuerus, a prince or head — a king of Persia, Esther's husband. A'haz, possessing — a king of Judah, Ahaziah, a possession of the Lord — a son of Ahab. A^hi, my brother — the son of Shamer. A'hiah, the brother of the Lord — a son of Shisha. A'hiam, brother of the mother -^oxiQ of David's worthies. 9 Ahiezer, a brother's help — a prince of the tribe of Dan. A'hihud, brother of vanity — a descendant from Benjamin. A'hikam, a brother rising to revenge — son of Shaphan. A'hilud, a brother born — the father of Jehoshaphat. Ahiraa'az, brother of counsel — father to Abinoam. A'himan, a brother of the right hand — a son of Anak. Ahimelech, the king^ s brother — a priest of Nob. A'himoth, a dead brother — son of Elkanah. Ahinadab, a willing brother — son of Iddo. Ahinoam, the brother^s beauty — wife of king Saul. A^hira, brother of iniquity — son of Enon. Ahiram, brother of craft or protection — son of Benjamin, Ahisamach, brother of support — father of Aboliah. Ahisha'hur — brother of morning dew or darkness. A'hisham. brother of the prince — Solomon's steward. A'hiud, brother of praise — son of Shelomi. A'hlab, brother of the heart — a city of Palestine. A'hlai, sorrowing — the daughter of Sheshan. Aliolah, a mansion — Samaria so called. Aholbah, my mansion in her — Jerusalem. Aholiab, the tent of the father — of the tribe of Dan. Aholiba'mah, my famous mansion — a duke of Edom. Ahuma'i — a meadow of waters — a brother of waters. Ahuzam, taking possession — a descendant of Judah. Ahdzzah — possession or vision, a collection. A'i, a heap — a city of ancient Canaan. Aiah, desolation^an isle — a vulture, a raven, A^iath, an eye, afountain-^a city of Palestine, A'ijalon, an oak, strength — the son of Zibeon. [music. A'ijeleth, Shahar, the hind of the morning — a note of A'kkub, the print of afoot, supplantation, lewdness, A'kra bbim, scorpions — a city of the Amorites, 10 Ali/melech — the kingdom of God, the council of God, A'lcimns, strength — an high priest of tlie Jews. Alexa'nder, an he/per of men^ most strong and virtuous — a king of Macedon, called the Great, died B. C. 323, aged 33 years. A' Wo i\, strong, an oak — descended from Simeon. AMldn-Ba'chfuh — the oak of the jnourning Alniodad — the measure of God or court of the beloved AMmon, hidden — a city of Palestine. [ment. Almon-Biblathaim, in a heap of fig-frees — 40tb encamp- Altekon — God^s correction : Alpheus — learned, A'lvah, rising vp higher — a duke of Edom. AMush, mingling together — 10th encampment. Amal, labour, iniqniti/ — a son of Helem. A' mad, a people of witness or prey — a cit}^ of Palestine. A'malek, a smiting people — the son of Eliphaz. A'man, mother, fear of them — a city of Palestine. A'mana,yai//i, truth, nurse — a mountain in Cilicia. Amaridh — the Lord said, the lamb of the Lord. Amaziah — the strength or burthen of the Lord, Amen — true, fait hfil, certain, or so be it. A' mi, mother, fear, or people — Solomon's servants. A^nlnadab — a free people, vowing, prince of people. A'mmah — his people : Ammi — mt/ people : Ammiel — the people of God, A'ramithud — people of praise and confession. Amisha'ddai — the people of the Almighty, A'mmon, the son of my people — descendants of Benammi. Amraonai, o?ir people — a city of Palestine. A'mmon, true, faithful — so is Amon l6th king of Judab. A'morites, bitter people, cruel rebels, talkative — they lived round the dead sea or lake of Sodom. 11 A'mos or z, hurden^ strong — the father of the prophet Isaiah. A'lnram, a high people — one of the tribes of Levi, A'nab, a grape or knot — a city of Palestine. Anaha'rath, burn^ wrath — a city of Palestine. A'nak, giants — the people of ancient Canaan. Ananiah, the cloud or deliverance of the Lord — a city of Palestine. Ananiel, grace from or of God — the grandfather of Tobit. A'nath, poverty, affliction — the father of Shamger. A'na'thema, Marana'tha (SyriacJ — the Lord comes or is come. Ana^thoth, answers, songs — a city of Palestine. A'ndrew, manly — one of the twelve apostles of our Saviour A'nem or nen — an answer ; song of them ; their aiSliction and poverty. A'nna, merciful, taking rest — a prophetess. A^ntioch, for a chariot, a waggon — where St. Paul and Barnabas preached. A^ntipas, against all — Herod Antipas son of Herod the Great. Antothijah, songs of the Lord, afflictions — a Benjamite. Apocrypha, to hide or conceal — not admitted into the Canon of Scripture. A pelles, expelling — bishop of Heraclea. Apha'raim, digging and searching the ^^a— see Hapha- raim. Apha'rrsites, tearing in pieces — people of Samaria. A'phek, vigour, going forth — a city of ancient Canaan. A'phiah, speaking, blowing — ancestor of king Saul. Apocalypse — the Revelation of St. John the divine. A'phrah, dust — a city of Palestine. [phanes. Apollonius, destroying — an officer of Antiochus Epi- 12 ApoWy on, destroi/cr — the devil. A'ppaim,yflfc^, nostrils — son oj' Nadab. A(\\x\\^, an eagle — the name of St. Paul's host. Ar, a rearing up, watches — capital city of the Moabites, A'ra, cursing, seeing — a son of Jether. A'rab, multipfying, window, locust — a c\ty of Palestine. Ava'bia, evening, sweetness, a crow, a desart — in A'^ia. A'rad, a ivild ass, a dragon — a city of the Amorites. A^ah, the way, a traveller — one returning from Babylon. A' ram, highness j deceiving, their curse — the fifth son of Shem . A' ran, an ark, malediction — a son of Dishon. ' Ararat, a curse of trembling, light oj^ a runner — Armenia* A'rba — -four: Araunah — a7i ark, a son, rejoicing, our light, Axc\v\pp\i^, a governor of horses — mentioned by St. Paul, ArctArus, gathering together — a star in theskirt of Bootes. A'rdon, ruling, the judgment of malediction — a son of Caleb. Areli — the altar, or light of God, or the sight oj God, A/retas, virtuous — a king of Arabia. A'rgob — turf of earth, fat Land, curse of the well. A'riel, altar, lion or light of God — a city of Moab. Arimathea — a lion dead unto God, or the light of the Lord's death, A^ri5ch — long, tall, thy drunkenness, the lion. Arista' rchus, the best prince — a companion of St. Paul. Aristobulus, the best counsellor — brother to Barnabas. Ark-kibotos, to dwell or inhabit — ark of Noah and of the Covenant. Armageddon, the hill of the gospel, the hill of apples — or of fruit, or of meeting. Amnion — rejoicing, the ark, the light of the sun, A' rod, ruling, descending — -froin whom came the Arodites, 13 Arod'i, a rulhg, domineerivg Hon — one of the sons of Gad. A loer — the watch of watches, the raising yp oj' watches. A'rpad or phad — the light of redemption, Ar^hii Kiid, healivg — a sou of the patriarch Shem. Artaxerxes — light, malediction, fervent to spoil. A'rteiiias — sound, whole, without fault, sightly, Aiuiiiah — high, exalted, cast away. A\sa, a physician — king of Judah, died B. C. 914. A'sciel, God hath wrought — an ancestor of Tobit. Same as Asahel-asaiah. A'saph, gathering — sang in concert with the cymbals. Asareel, Asaielah, the beatitude of God — of the tribe of Judah. A'scalon — the fire of infamy, a balance. A'setiath — a peril, a thing unfortunate. A^shan, a fume or smoke — axity of Palestine. Aslibe), a/2 old fre — a descendant of the tribe of Benjamin. A'shdod — a robbing of a country, inclination, learning. A^sher, blessedness or felicity — second son of Jacob by Zilpah. A'shimath— ///n of Shem. Ashurim — lai^ers in wait, slow goers, beholders. A'hicl, the word of God — one of the posterity of Simeon. A'bniaveth — a strong death, a buck, goat, the strength of death, Asmodeus — a destroyer, abounding in sin. A.nappci — unhapptjuss, misfortune of the calf. 14 A'srlel, the beatitude of God-^a son of Gilead. Assideans, pious, merciful — a numerous sect of the Jews. A'ssir — bound, imprisoned, prohibited. A^ssos, drawing near to — a sea-port town near Troas. Assyria, happy — an ancient country of Asia. Astyages, a governor of the city — also a leader. Asuppini, the counsel of God — the treasury place, A' tad, a thorn — afterwards called Abel Mizraim. Asyncritus, incomparable — bishop of Hercania. [Ion. A'ter, the left hand: shut — one who returned from Baby» A'thach, thy hour, thy time — a city of Palestine. Athaliah — the hour or ti?ne of the Lord, Athenobius — the love of Minerva, Athens — without increase ; of Minerva. Athlai — jny hour, my time, time unto me, A'ven — iniquity, sorrow, strength, riches, Augustus — lucky, royal, consecrated of great magnificence Avims, wicked, perverse men — inhabitants of ancient Pa- lestine. Azaliah, a departure of God — Sephan's father. Azaniah — hearkening the Lord; the weapons of the Lord, Azaziah — the strength of the Lord, Azekah — the strength of walls. A'zgad — a strong army, strength of felicity ; a gang of robbers, a troop of soldiers, A^zmon — a bone of a hone, our strength, Aznoth Tabor — the ears of election, or of purity, or of contrition, or breaking, A'zor — an helper, entry, a court, converted, A'zriel — the help of God, A'zrikam — help, rising up, revenging, A'zzur, holpen or helped-'-on^ who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah. 15 B Baal or Bel, master, lord, or husband — son of Joel. Baalah, her idol, or a spouse — a city of Palestine. Baalath, a proud lord or husband, Baal-Beer, subjected pit, a city of Palestine. Baal-Berith — idol of the covenant, Baal-Gad, idol of the troops — a city near Libanon. Baal-Hamon — one who rules a multitude. Baal-Hazor, the possessor of grace — a city of Palestine. Baal-Hermon — the possessor of destruction. Baali, my idol or my lord — so is Baalim. Baalis, a proud lord — a king of the Ammonites. Baal-Peor, master of the opening — a Moabitish deity, Baal-Perazim — master or god of divisions. Baal-Tamar — master of the palm-tree. Baal-Zebub — the master of the flies. Baana — in affliction : answering, Baara, aflame, or purging — a wife of Shaharaira. Baasha — in the work, or he who lays waste. Baasiah, in making or pressing together. Babel, confusion or mixture — a city of Nimrod. Babylon, confusion or mixture — capital of Chaldea. Baca, a mulberry tree — a village on the edge of Galilee. Bagoas — the inward parts ; most secret, advanced; lifted up, bodily. Bahurim — warlike or valiant. Bakbuk — a narrow-mouthed bottle. Balaam, the ancient of the people or their destruction — a soothsayer among the Heathens, of the city of Pethor. Baladan — without rule or judgment. Balak — who lays waste and destroys. Bamah — an eminence or high place. B 16 Bamotb-Baal— Ai^'/i places of Baal. Barabbas — the son oj confusion or shame. Barachiah, who blesses God — fatber of Zecbariab. Barak, thunder^ or in vain — fougbt against Sisora. Barcenor — a drunkard or wine-bibber. Barjesus, son of Jesus — called also Elj^mas. Barjonab, the son of a dove — or of Jonas, Barnabas, the son of consolation — St. Paul's companion. Ba'rsabas, son of return, or of rest — surnamed Justus. Bartbolomew — a son that suspends the waters, Ba'rucb, one that is blessed — be repaired Jerusalem's walls. Barzillai, the son of contempt — eigbty years old. Ba'san or Basban— m the chance or in the sleep. Basbematb — perfumed, or confusion of death, Ba'tbsbeba, seventh daughter, or the daughter of an oathj tbe wife of Uriab. Bealiab — the god of an idol, or in an assembli/* Bebai, void or empty — a Babylonisb captive. Becber — the first begotten or first fruits. Bedad, alone or solitary — so is Bedan. Beeliada, an open idol — one of David's sons. Beerelim, the well of Elim — mentioned by Tsaiab. Beerlabairoi — the well of him that lives and see me. Beersbeba, the well of an oath — a city of Palestine. Bebeinotb — the beast or greatest among beasts, or the multitude of earthly beasts. Bel-Baal or Beel — ancient and vain, destructive. Belial — wicked and worthless, the devil. Bel-Sha^zzar — a searcher of treasures. Belte-Sba'zzar — one who lays up treasures in secret. Bena'iab, the son of the Lord — son of Jeboiada. Bena^nmi, the son of my people— ^^'dther of the Ammonilts. Beneberak, sons of lightening — iu tbe tribe of Dan. 17 Beneja'akam — sons of sorrow. Benhadad — the son of noise arid clamour. Benha'il — the son of strength, Benha^nan — the son of grace. Benjamin — the son of the right hand. [mother Racliel.- Benoni, the son of my grief — Benjamin so called by his Benzoheth — the son of separation. Beon, in affliction — one of Judah's tribe. Beor, burning or mad — father of Balaam. Bera, a welly or declaring — a king of Sodom. B6rachah — blessing or bending of the knee. Berachiah — speaking well of the Lord. Beraiah— //?e choosing of the Lord. Berea, heavi/ or weighty — now called Aleppo. Beri, my son or my corn — of the patriarch Asher. Beriah, in fellowship or envy — son of Asher, Bernice, the weight of victory — sister to Agrippa, Berothai — ivells, or a cypress tree. Besai, a despising or dirty — one of the Nethenims. Besor, glad news — a brook in Philistia* Betha'bara — the house of passage. Bethanath — the house of ajjUiction^ Bethany — the house of song or of affliction^ Betha'rabah— .^Ae house of sweet smell. Betha'ram, the house of height — in the tribe of Gad. Betha'rbel — strong house of ambush. Betha'ven — the house of vanity or of iniquity, Betha'zmaveth — the house of death's strength. Bethbaa'lmeon — an idol of the dwelling-place. Bethba'ra, the choosen house — Bethabara. Bethbirei — the house or temple of my Creator. Bethcar — the house of the lamb or of knowledge. Bethda'gon — the house of corn, or offish, or Dagori. 18 E«^thdiblathu Im— /^e house of dry figs. Betliel, the house o/Gorf— formerly called Luz. Bethemek~/Ae house of deepness. Eethesda — the house of effusion, or of pity or mercy. Bethezel — the house of separation. Eethga'dor — a house for a mouse, Beth-Ga'mul— //^^ house of a cameL Beth- Ha' ran— -//i^ house of a hill. Betli-Horon — the house of wrath or of liberty. Bethnimrah — the house of rebellion. Bethpalet — the house of expulsion. Bethlehem, house of bread or war — where Christ was born, six miles from Jerusalem. Bethpa'zzer — the house of dividing asunder. Bethpeor — the house of gaping or opening. Beth phage, the house of early figs — near Jerusalem. Bethrapha — the house of health. Bethrehob, the house of liberty — a city of Syria. Bethsa'ida — the house of fruits^ hunters or snares. Bethshan — the house of ivory, or of change, or of sleep. Beth-ShemSsh — the house of the sun, or of service. Beth-Shittah — the house of thorns. Beth-Tappua—^^^ house of an apple-tree, ^ethdel, filiation of God — son of Nahor and Milcah. Bethzur, the house of a rock — a fortress of Palestine. Beza'leel — in the shadow of God — chief artificer. Bezek — lightening, or in the chains or fetters. Bezer or Bozra — munition or vine branches. 3\ch\\, first born or first fruit — father of Sheba. Bidkar — in compunction or sharp pain. [friends. Bildad, old friendship or old love — one of Job's three Bilgah, ancient countenance — a Levite. Bilha — who is old, troubled or confused. 19 Bilshan, in the tongue — one from Babylon. Binea, the son of the Lord — of the posterity of Saul. Bilhihah, the daughter of the ZorcZ— of thetribeof Judah. Bla^stus — one who sprouts and brings fojth. Boanerges, sons of thunder^^names of James and John. Boaz or Booz, strength — husband to Ruth, and son of Solomon. Bozor, taking away — father of Balaam the soothsayer; Bosrah — in tribulation or distress, Bukkiah — the dissipation of the Lord, [ber. Bui, changeable or perishing — part of October and Novem- Bukki, void as a bucket — father of Uzzi. Bunah — building or understanding, Bunni, building me — a Levitefrom Babylon. Buz, despised or plundered — Abraham's nephew. * Buzzi, my contempt — a Jewish priest. * c * Ca^bbon, as though understanding — a city of Palestine. Ca^bul, displeasing or dirty — Solomon's twenty cities given to Hiram, and called so by him. Ca'des, holiness — a place in Gallilee in Judea. Cse'sar, a cut or gash — a title of the Roman Emperors, Csesarea, a bush of hair — a place in Macedonia. Caiuphas, a searcher- — the high priest of the Jews. Csi'm, possession — the son of Adam, first man born was a murderer. Ca^inan — a possessor or purchaser, or one that laments* Ca!\a.h, favorable, or as green fruit— d, city of Palestine^ Ca'lamus, sweet — called sweet cane by Jeremiah. Ca'lcol — nourishing, or as consuming all things. * All Scripture Names beginning with C, in their originals are pronounced hard, and have k or ch for their initial letters. 20 Ca'leb — a Jog, crow, basket or the heart, Ca'lneh — our consummation or mourning. Casino, altogether, himseJf — near Euphrates. Calvary, the place of a skull — or Golgatha, Hebrew. Ca'na, zeal or emulation — a small town iniGallilee. Ca'naan, a merchant or trader — son of Elam, Noah's son. Capernaum — the field ofrepentanne, or city of comfort, C.ippadocia, an apple, a violet — in Asia Minor. Ca'rchemish, a lamb carried off- — Mesopotamia. [thronCm Ca'rkas — the covering of the lamb, or the lamb of the Ca'rmi — my vineyard^ or the lamb of the tvaters. Ca'rmel — knowledge of circumcision, harvest or vineyard, C'dfrpus, fruitful — a convert of the Apostle Paul. Carshena — a lamb sleeping. Castor and Pollux — sons of Jupiter and Leda. Casiphia' — money or covetousness, Cedron, black or sad — a brook near Jerusalem. Cellan, dissolving that — one that came from Babylon. Cenchrea, millet, small pulse — a seaport town of Corinth. Cephas, a rock or stone — the name given to Peter, Cha'lcol — who nourishes, consumes, or sustains the whole, Cha'rran — a singing or calling out, or the heat of wrath, Chederla'omer — a generation of servitude, Chelcias — the portion or gentleness of the Lord, Chelubai — he altogether against us — son of Hezron. Chemarims, black or blackness — names of idols. Chemosh, handling or taking away — an idol. Cherrethims — who cut or tear away, or exterminate. Cherith, cutting or piercing — a brook near the river Jordan. Cherub — as a master^ as a child, as fighting, Chesed — a devil, a destroyer, or a breast, Chileab, perfection of the father — son of king David. m ChiVidn—^nished, complete^ wasted or perfect. Chiliiiad, teaching or learning — a city of Arabia. Chimham, as they or like to them^-son of Barzillai. Chittim, those that bruise, or gold — Macedonia. Chorasin, the secret — a town in Judea. Chozeba — men liars. Chun — make ready, Chushan — Etheopian. Chusa — a seer or prophet. Cilicia, tcifh rolls, or overturns — St. Paul was born here. Cianaroth, as a candle — lake of Gennezareth & Tiberias are the same. Cla'uda, a broken or lamentable voice. Claudia, lame — a Roman lady, a convert of St. Paul. Clement, mild, merciful, — bishop of Rome. Cleopatra, the glory of the country — -queen of Egypt. Cleophas, the whole glory — Joseph's brother, and Christ's desciple mentioned by St. Paul. Cloe — the green herb. Colosse, punishment or correction — a city of Phrygia. Coniah — the strength of the Lord, or stability. Corinth, satisfied, ornament or beauty — capital of Achaia. Cozbi, a liar, or as sliding away-^whom Phinehas slew. Cra^tes, a harrow or hurdle — a Grecian philosopher. Crescens, increasing, growing — mentioned by St. Paul. Crete, carnal, fleshly — now called Candi. Cy'prns, fair — two hundred miles long and sixty broad. Cyrus, as a wretch or as a heir — son of Cambyses. Cushi, black, or an Ethiopian — Joab's messenger to Da- vid respecting Absolora. Cush, blackness or heat — eldest son of Ham. 82 D Dabareth — the xmrd, the thing, or a bee. Daberath — a wordy thing, obedient, Dagon, corn orjish — a Philistian idol ; half man, half lisb, Dala'iah — the poor of the Lord. Dalmanutha — a bucket, leanness, a branch. Dabna'tia — deceitful lamps or vain brightness. Dalpon, the house of caves — son of Ham. [pagite. Da'maris, a little woman — wife of Dionysius the Ares- Dama'scus, a sack full of blood — now Damas, jy-SimQX— judgment of God, or God is my judge. Da'ra — generation or the house of the shepherd. Darda — the dwelling place of knowledge. Darius — he that enquires and informs himself. Da'rkon — of generation or the possession. [priest. Da' than, laws or rules — one of the sons of Eli the high Da'vid, beloved or dear — king of Israel, son of Jesse, Debir, an orator or word — king of Eglon. Deborah, a word or a bee — ^a judgess of Israel. Deca' polls, contained ten cities — a country of Palestine. Dedan — their friendship or a judge. Dedanim — the beloved of those. Delilah — poor, small, a head of hairs. Demetrius, belonging to Ceres or corn — a silver-smith, Diascorinthius — a heavenly ornament. Dimonah, a dunghill — a city of Palestine. Dinhabah — his judgment in those things. Diotrephes — flourished of Jove. Dishan — threshing, jy'ishon-^atness. Diony'sius— ;/rom heaven, or moved forward. Dodanim, beloved — the youngest son of Javan, Dodo, his uwc/e— one of the tribes of Issachar, 23 Doegfj careful — an Edomite, chief herdsman to Saul. Dophkah, knocking — the ninth encampment of the Israelites, Dor, generation or habitation — on the left of Jordan. Dositheus, giving to God — an officer in the army of Ju- das Maccabeus, Dothan— ^^e law or custom, Dorcas, a female roe or doe — mentioned in Acts 19* Drusilla. sprinkled over with dew — wife of Felix. Dumah, silence or likeness — a dumb son of Ishmael. Ddra, generation or habitation — on the plains of Dura was the golden image set up. Drachma, a Grecian silver coin value 7|d. E ^ Ebal — a heap of ancientness, lE^dsL-^witness. E'bed — a servant. Melech — of the king, Ebenczer — the stone of help, Edar — a flock, E^ber — a passage or anger, Eden — -delight, E biasaph — a gathering father, Eder — a flock, Ebronah — passing over or being angry, Ecba'tanah — the brother of death, Edom — earthly, Ecclesia'stes — the preacher, Edrei — strength, E^glah — an heifer or chariot, E^ypt — anguish. E'glaim — drops of the sea, Ehi — my brother, Ehud — praising, E ker — barren, feeble, Eladah — the eternity of Gods Elath — strength E'lah — an elm, oak or curse, Eldad — the beloved, E^lam, a young man or maid — Shem's eldest son. Ela'sah — the doings of God, Elead — the witness, Elbethel — the God of Bethel, Eleph — learned, E^icia — the gentleness of the Lord or his portion, Eldaah, the knowledge of God — Abram's grandson. 24 E'leazer, the help or aid of God — Aaron's third son. Elha'nan, the gift or mercy of God — David's warrior. Eli, the offering or lifting vp — sixteenth judge of Israel, ninety-eight years old.. E'liab — God mi/ father. Eliah — God the Lord, Elidda, the knowledge q/*Gof?— king David's son. Eliakim — the resurrection of God or God ariseth, Eliali — God's ascension, 'Elim^-Rams, Eliam, the people of God — father of Bethsheba. Eliasaph, the Lord increaseth.^-^For Elias see Elijah. Eliashib, the Lord returneth^-^B. Jewish high priest. Eliatha— ;wy God cometh, or thou art my God. EUda, the beloved of God — the son of Chislon. E'liel, God^ my God — one who came to David at Ziklag. Elienai, God of mine eyes — one of Benjamin's posterity. Eli, Eli, La' ma Sabactha'ni. — My Godymy God, why hast thou forsaken me, Eliezar, the help of God — Abraham's Steward. EUhaba, my God the father — one of David's worthies. Elihoe'nai — the God of mine eyes. Elihoreph, the God of youth — one of the Jewish Scribes. Elihu — my God himself or he is my God. Elijah or Elias or Elizeus — God the Lord or a strong Lord* Eiika, the pelican of God — one of David's thirty worthies, Elimelech, my God the king — David's worthy. EHee'ndi, to him mine eyes — a son of Neariah. Elippal, a miracle of God — the son of \Jz. Eliphaleh, the God of judgment — a singer and porter, Elisha— -my God saveth or the health of my God. Elishah — it is God or the Lamb of God. EUshama— M^ God of hearing. Elishaphat, my Godjudgetkf^&ou of Zichri, Elisheba or Elisabeth, the oath or fulness of God'-^ Aaron's wife. Elisbua — the Lord keepeth safe* E'liud — God of praise, Enan— a cloud, Elizaphan — God of the north-east wind. Elizur — the strength of God, Enoch — taught, E^ Ikanah — the zeal of God, 'Enos-^allen man. End or — a well or habitation, Enam — an open place, Elkoshite — in th£ evening or rigour of God, E^llazar — revolting from God, EI on — strong, Ehnodam — themeasureofGod, Elul— OM^cry, E^lnaan — the fairness of God, Eloth — olives, Einathan — the gift of God, Elpaal— GocZ'5 work, Elohi or Eloi-—-the Hebrew name for God. Eltekon — God's correction, Ephai — tired, Eluza^i — God my strength, Epher — dust, E^lymas — a corrupter or sorcerer, Ephor— /ea(^. Enzabad— //le dowry of God, Ephod — an ornament, Eltolad— ^Me generation of God, Epheus — desirable, Emalcuel — the messenger of God, Ephial — judging, Ephesdammim — the portion or effusion of blood, E'phatha — be opened, 'EpWiha.nes^llustrious, 'EiyhYa.tuh^-fertility, Esau — doing or working. Epicureans — aiders or helpers, Erech — length or health, Esaiab, Esias or Isaiah — the health or saviour of the Lord, Esdras— a helper, Esek — contention. Es'drelon — the helper of strength, Eshean — held up* Es'hbaal — the fire of the ruler, Eshek — violence, "Es^hhaxi^-^reofthe sun, Esli — near me, Eb^chcol — grapes or clusters, Esrom — dart of joy* Es'hkaVon — the fire of slander, Esther — secret, Es^htaol — a strong woman, Ephraim— ^rw2(/M/. E'tani — their bird or their covering. 26 E'tham — their strength. Ether — talk, Et'hbaal — unto an image, Ethan — a gift. Eubdius — prudent, wise. Eve — living, enlivening. Evi — unjust. E vil-Morodach— -M^/o«c? of Merodach. Eunice — a good victory. F.ubd\as^a good smell. B'upator— a good father. Buphrsites— fruitful. 'Eupolemua^^fghting well'—Ezel — walking. Euroclydon— a north-east wind. Ezem — a bone. Eutychus — happy or fortunate. Ezer — help. Ez'bbn — hastening to understand. Ezri — my help. Ezekiel — the strength of God. G Ga'al— cow^^mpf, ahominationj. Gaba — a hilL Ga'ash— a storm. Gabbai — the hack. Ga'bbatha — high, elevated, or paved with stone. Ga'briel — a man of God or the strength of God. Gad — a hand, a garrison, happy or ready., Ga'darenes — walled or hedged round. Gaddi, my army or a kid. Gains — Lord or worldly, Gaddiel — the God of felicity. Galal — roll or wheel. Galatia — white or the colour of milk, Galeed — the heap of witness. Galilee — turning or rolling as a wheel. Qf-e^\Y\ui~^heaping up. Gareb— a scab. Ga'llio — he that lives on milk, — Gath — a wine press. Gama^Iul — God's reward or camel. Gaza— ^a goat. Ga'iijmadims — dwarfs or a cubit. Ga'miel— a recompence. Gatam — the bellowing. Ga'rmit,es — bones or my cause. Gath-Rim'inon — the high wine^press. 27 Gazabar — a treasurer. Gazer — a dividhg, Gazez — passing over, Gazzam — the fleece of them, Geba — a hill, Gebal — the end, Gebar^ — strong, Gebim — grasshoppers, Geuel— GW* redemption, Gedaliah — the greatness of the Lord, Gederah — a wall, Gedor — hedges, Gehazi — valley of sight, Gezer — dividing, (xemaliel — wares or a camel. Gernariah — perfectioti or consuming of the Lord, Genesaretb — the garden of a prince. Genesis — in the beginning, Genubatb — theft, or garden of the daughter, Gera — a pilgrim or stranger, G^rasbites — who arrive from pilgrimage, Gerizim — hatchets. Gershoms — strangers here, Gershon — his banishment, Gesheni — rain. Geshan — drawing near, Gesbur — walled valley, Getbsemane — a plentiful valley, Gibeon — a hill, Goatb — his roaring, Gideon — breaker or destroyer. Gob — grasshoppers, Gihon — a breast or valley of grace. Goj^ — roof of a house, Gilgal — a wheel or revolution. Golan — passing over, Giin^zo — that bulrush, Golgatba — aheap of skulls, Ginoth — a garden, GoHab — a captivity, Gittites — wine-presses. Goiiier — wanting Gizonite — shaving. Gorgms^^ terrible or swift, Goshen — a drawing near. Guni — garden, Gomorrali — a rebellious people, Grecia or Greece — deceiving or making sad, Gur, a whelp. Gur-Baal — the whelp of the governor^ Gud godah — happiness of felicity. 28 H Habikkuk — a wrestler. Habaiah — the hiding of the Lord. Habaziniah — a hiding of the shield of the Lord, Habor — afelloiv or partner. Hadad — rejoicing. Hac'hmoni — a wise 7nan. Hadassa — a myrtle-tree, Hada — power, greatness. Hadid — rejoicing. Hadadezer — Homeliness. Haorain — their praise. Hadadiimmon — the voice of height, Hadrach — joy of tenderness. Hagab — a grasshopper, Hagar— a stranger^ chewing of the cud, or fearing, Haggai — pleasant, turning in a circle, Haggeri — a stranger.— Hagg'vdh — the Lord^s feast, Haggith — rejoicing. Hakkatan— /i///e. Hakkor — thorn, summer, an end. Hakupha — commandment of the mouth, Halah — a moist table — Haman — troubling, H al h ul — grief Hali — sickness, a beginning. Halicarnassus — the chief dwelling-place by the sea. Hallelujah — praise ye the Lord. Ham — crafty or heat, Halloesh — saying nothing, or an enchanter. Hamalh — anger, heat, a wall, Haramedatha — troubling the law, Ham'melecb — a king or counsellor, Ham'mon — heat or the sun. Hanoch — dedicated. Hamonah — his multitude or his uproar. Ham'on-Gog — the multitude of the roof of a house, Hamor — an ass or dirt. Hamutal — dew. Mkmul^godly, merciful. Hanan — full of grace. Hananeel — grace from God. Hanes — banishment of grace Hanani — giving, merciful, godly. Hanun — merciful, Hananiah— ^/ Nazar^nes — kept flower, Ner — a candle. Nazar^tb — separated^ crowned^ sanctified. 36 Nazarlte— cAo^<»«, separated, distinguished. Nebuchadnezzar, or Nebuchodonosor and Nebuchad- rezzar — the sorrowing of poverty, Nehemiah — rest of the Lord, direction of the Lord, Nahiishtan— giw^w of the brazen serpent, Neri — the light of the Lord. Nerib — a plant, Nethaneel, the gijt of God — so is Nethaiiiah. Nethinims — given, rewarded, Nicknor — a conqueror, Nimvod— a rebel, Nicodemus — the victory of the people, Nicolas — the victories of the people, Nic6polis — the city of victory. No — a forbidding, Niger — black, purple, dark, Noah— ceaiiw^ rest, Nhieveh— ^air, beautiful. Nob — barked at, Nisan — a banner. Nod — a fugitive, ^Wroch— -flight, Noga — brightness, T^uii-^son, flock, a fish, Nymphas — a bride. o Obadi'ah — servant of the Lord, Og — bread baked in the ashes, [fessing, Obed — a servant, a workman, Chad — praising, con^ On — sorrow. Ox — pleasant, so Oz. Onesimus — profitable, Ohel — a tabernacle, tent, light, Onesiphoras — bringing profit, Olives — a hill two miles from Jerusalem. Opher — ashes. On — sorrow, strength, iniquity, P Palestine — covered with ashes, Pamphy'iia — a nation made up of every tribe, Pkrmenas — continuing, Pergamos— Ai^A. Par'thians — banished men, Pktmos- — bringing death. Perez — divided. Patriarch — a head of a family, Phar — a bull, Patr^clus — the glory of the country, Paul — marvellous^ entry into afioiky rest^ little, Peleg — a division, Peor — gaping, Peaiel — the face of God. Pethor — a table. Persia — dividing. Peter — a stone or rock. Pharaoh, spreading abroad — a king. Pharez — a division^ or parish, Phaebe — bright, Pliarisees — a division set apart, Pheiiice — red, purple, palm : so is Phenicia. Philadelphia — love of the brotherhood. Philemon — affectionate. Philetus — beloved, amiable. Philip — warlike, a lover of horses : so is Philippians, Philologus — a lover of learning or the word. Philoinetor — a lover of the mother. Phry'gia — dry, barren. Pilate — who is armed with a dart. Pontius — the sea. Pis'gah — a hill or fortress. Pul — a bean. Pisidia — pitch. Priscilla — ancient P6tiphar — a fat bull, Pudens — shamefaced. Procerus — one that presides over the choirs. Proselytes — strangers. Psalms — to touch. PlOlemy — warlike. Publius — common. Pur or Purim — lots, Pu rites — beholding my face. R Rab — great. Ram or Rem — high. Rama or Ramah, oth or ath, same. [piuliilude, Rabbi-Rabboni — a master. Rabmag — dissolving the Rabbhakeh — master overthe drinkers. m K4ca or Racba — vain, empty ; a Syriac word. Rachel — a sheep. Rabab — broad, strongs a street, Rapbael — the phi/sic of God. Rebekab or Rebecca— ^erf, contention, hindered. Racab — riding with/our horses. Red-sea or Sea of Edom — red. Reboboam — the breadth of the people. Repbaims — giants, j)hysicians. Rei or Reu — my companion. Reilben— //ie vision of the son. Rh6da or Rhodes — a rose. Rosb — a top or head. Rome — prevailing, mighty, stro7ig, exalted, high. Rilfus — red. Kuth—filledf drunken. s Sabactbani — thou hast forsaken me. S^baoth — the Lord of hosts or God of armies. ^khdU—Jlowing with abundance, Sabeans — drunken men. SaddCicees— jM5^ men, cut, schisms. Sadoc— -;w5^ Salmone — blowing^ commotion, a breaking in pieces, Salem — peace. Jerusalem, same as Salmah, Sahnon — peace-maker, perfect, so is Salome. Samaria — a briar or thorn, keeping, an adamant stone. Samos— ;/)/// of gravel. Samoth racia. Samson — his son, his ministry, there the second time* S?iVi\w^\, heard of God, asked of God — a prophet. Sanb^llat — a bramble or hid enemy. San' bed rim— -a Jewish council. Sappbira — declaring fear, handsome. Sarah or Sarai — a lady, dame, princess. Sktan — contrary, an adversary, an enemy. Saul — lent, ditch, gepulchre, death, hdL m Sceva-^set in order. Scribes — Jewish doctors, Scy'thians — tanners, leai/ier-dressers. Seba — captivity, Sebat— a sceptre. Selah— a rock^ a note of music or of praise, Ser'aphim — burning, fiery, Setb — set, put. Sbadracb — afine field, Shaleni — peace. Shall m—^/bxc.?. Shabnanezer — peace, taker away. Shamed — destroyed* Shaul — asked, a fox, Ie7it, grave, hell, Sheal, the same, Sheha^^captivify, Shechem — a part, Shem — a name, renowned, Sldon — a hunter. Shibboleth — an ear of corn, Shur — a wall or building, Shiloh or Shilo — sent, Shittah — tree, a thorn, Sim'oa or Siaieon — hearing, obeying, Siloah, Siloe or Siloam — sent, sending. Sin — a dart, armour, coldness, wilderness of sin, Sin'ai — a bramble, enmity, Sion — a heap, a tomb, looking-glass, drought, Sis'era— a swallow, horse or moth, Sodom — their secret, a heel, a mortar, Solomon — peaceable, Soppier— father, safe, Sosthenes — a strong saviour, Sud'^my secret, Sos'tratus — the health of the army, Sur — rebellion, Spain— rar^5 precious, Sparta — sowed, Stachys — an ear of corn, Stephanas — a crown. Stoics — a porch, Succoth — tents, booths, Sychar — a conclusion, finishing, Susannah — lily, rose, joyfulness* T ^T'dhhaih-^good, goodness . Tappuah — an apple, Tabeal or Tabeel — good God, Tanis' — motion. Tabitha— a roe-buck. Tamah — blotting out. Tabor — purity, Tamar — a palm-tree^ 40 Tadmor — confession ; a Syriac name for Palmyra. Talitha, Cumi — Syriac for my daughter arise* Tar'sus — winged* Tekoah — a pipe, Tekel — thou art weighed in the balance and art too light* Tertullus — wonderous. Tigria — a sharp sound, Thelassar — -heaping up, Tilon— mwrmifriw^. Theodotus — given to God, Tirana — -forbidding. Theophilus — a lover of God, Timon — honorable* Thessalonica — the other victory of God* Toi — erring. Theudas-^fl owing with water, Tirzah — pleasant, Thomas — a twin, Tibni— cAqj^, hay, Tohu — living. Thracia — stony. Tidal — breaking the yoke, Thyatira — sweet savour of labour, Tob — goodness. Tiberias — a. navel. Tirhakah — a beholder, Timothy or Timotheus — the honour of God. Tis'hbile — sitting, Titus — honorable, [Tobit, Tobiah — a good Lord : the same Tobias, Tobijah, or u Uriah--^re of the Lord: so Uriel or Urias, Uri, Urijah. Urim and Thummin — perfection and truth* z Zachariah — or as mindful of the Lord, Zaccheus — pure meat, Zelzah — noon-tide, Zadok — just, Zeeb — a wolf, Zin — a weapon, Zarephath — the perplexity of bread, Zion — a heap, Zebedee — endowed, Zer — perplexity, Ziph — mouth, Zehuhun-^abiding, 7,'\{--'Sple7idour, X'lz-— flower. Zedekiah— the justice of the Lord, Zoan — moving, Zephaniah — the secret of the Lord, Zippor — a bird, Zerubabel — banished. Zoar — little, Zur — a rock, Zidon — a hunter, Zuriel — the rock of God, 41 A TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS, , With their Explanations. A. B. — Artium Baccalaureus, Batcbelor of Arts. Abp. — Archbishop. A. C. — Ante Christum^ before Christ. Acct. — Account. A. D. — Anno Domini^ in the year of our Lord. A. M. — Artium Magister, Master of Arts. A. M. — Anno Mundi^ in the year of the World. A. M. — Ante Meridiem, Forenoon. Ansr.— Answer. Ast. P. G. — Astronomy, Professor in Gresham's College. A. U. C. — Anno urbis conditce, in the year of Rome's building. Bart. — Baronet. B. D. — Batcbelor in Divinity. B. v.— Blessed Virgin. Bucks. — Buckinghamshire. C. Cent. — a Hundred. Capt.— Captain. C. C. C. C. — Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Chap. — Chapter. Co. — Company. Col. — Colonel. [Seal. C. P. S. — Custos Privati Sigilliy Keeper of the Privy Cr. — Creditor. C. S. — Custos Sigilli, Keeper of the Seal. D. C. L.— Doctor of Civil Law. D. — Denarius, a Penny. D. D. — Doctor in Divinit}-. Dec. or 10 ber — December. 42 Deut; — Deuteronomy, secoiKl Law. Do. or Ditto — the same. 12mo. — Duodecimo, twelve leaves in a sheet. E. East, W. West, N. North, S. South. Eccles. — Ecclesiastes. Ecclus — Ecclesiasticus. e. g. — exampli gratiay as for example. Esq.— Esquire. &c. — et cetera, and so forth. Exon. — Exeter. Feb, — February. F. L. S.— Fellow of the Linnean Society. Fol. — Folio, two leaves in one sheet. F. R. S.— Fellow of the Royal Society. F. S. A. — Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries or of Arts. Gen. — General, Gent. — Gentleman. G. R. — Geor gilts Rexy George the King. Heb, — Hebrews. Ibid. — the same. Id. — idem, the same. i. e.'^id est^ that is. Inst. — Instant, i, e. the present month. Jan. — January. J. D. — Jurium Doctor, Doctor of Laws. [Men, I. H. S.-^Iesus Hominum Salvaior, Jesus the Saviour of K. B.— Knight of the Bath. K. G. — Knight of the Garter. Kt.— Knight. K. T.— Knight of the Thistle. L. — liber, a book : and libra, Pounds £* L. D. — Lady^-Day. Ldp. — Lordship. 43 Lieut. — Lieutenant. L, L. D. — Legum laiarum^ Doctor of Statute Laws. L. S. — Locus Sigilli, tlie place of the Seal. L. L. B. — Batchelor of Laws by Statute. M. A. — Magister Artiumy Master of Arts. M. B. — MedicincB Bacca/aureus, Batchelor of Physic. M. D.— Doctor of Physic. Mem. — Memento f Remember. . Messrs. — Gentlemen. M. P.— Member of Parliament. Mr.— Mister. Mrs. — Mistress. M. S. — Memorice sacrum, sacred to the Memory. N. B. — notahene, mark well. n. 1. — non liquet, it appears not. ]No. — Ntuuber. Nov. or pber — November. N. S.— .New Style. Obt.— -Obedient. Obiit — he died. Oct. or 8ber — October. 8vo. — Octavo, eight leaves iii n sheet. ISrao. — Octodecimo, eighteen leaves in a sheet. O. S.-.01d Style. Oxon. — Oxford. Olymp.^ — Olympiads. Pari. Parliament. Per Cent. — per Centum, by the hundred. Philom — Philomathes, a lover of learning. P. M, — Post Meridiem. Afternoon. P. M. G. — Professor of Music at Gresham College. P. S. — Postscript, written after. Psal. — Psalm, 44 Q. — Question, Qusere. Qrs.— stands for Farthings. 4to. — Quarto, four leaves in a sheet. q, d. — quasi dicaty as if he should say. q. 1. — quantum libet, as much as you please. qr. — query. q. s.—^quantuin sujpcitf a sufficient quantity. R. — Rexy King. Keg. VvoL-^Regius Professor, King's Professor. Hev. — Reverend. Rt. Hon. — Right Honorable. Rt. Wpful.— Right WorshipfuU S. — South ; and Solidus, a Shilling. S. A. — Secundum Art em, according to Art. Sept. or 7 ber— September. Servt. — Servant. Sol. — Solution. St. — Saint, or Street. [vinity. S. T. P. — Sacrce Theologice Professor y Professor ol Di- V. — vide, see. V. g. — verhi gratia, for instance. viz. — videlicet, that is to say, XJM.'^Ultimo, last month. Will.— William. Wp. — Worship. Xmas. — Christmas. Xn.— Christian. Xper. — Christopher. Yr, — Year. 45 AN ALPHABETICAL EXPLANATION Of Latin Words and Phrases^ As they frequently occur in Newspapers, Magazines, &c. Ah initio — from the beginning. Addenda — an addition, or to be added as a Supplement. Aut CcBsar aut Nullus — a man or a mouse. Ad irrfinitum — to infinity. Ad libitum — at pleasure. Ad referendum — for consideration. A fortiori — with stronger reason. Ad valorem — according to value. A priori — for something previous. Affirmatim — in the affirmative. Alias — otherwise. Abna mater — nourishing* mother. Alihi — elsewhere. A mensa et thoro — from bed and board. Arcana — secrets. Amor nummi — love of money. Arcanum — secret. Amor patrice — love of the country. Audi alteram partem — ^liear the other part. A posteriori — from an effect. A quid pro quo — an equivalent. B J5onaj^£f€— ^actually. c Compos mentis — in ones senses. 46 Cacoethes scribendi — great desire of writing. Corrigenda — to be corrected. Communibus annis — one year with another. Cum multis aliis — with many others. Copia fundi — readiness of speaking. Coram nonjudice — never been tried. Cum privilegio — with privilege. Cut bono — what good D Data — settled or determinate points. Dele ctando pariter que monendo — to delight and instruct. De facto — matter of fact. Dei gratia — by the grace of God. De mortuis nil nisi bonufu-'^speiik well of the dead. Dejure — of right. Dum vivimus vivamus — while we live let us live. De die in diem — daily. Dele — erase. De novo — anew. Divide et vince — divide and conquer. Delenda — to be blotted out. Dum spiro, spero — while I live, I hope. Deo volente — God willing. Deo juv ante — God helping. Dramatis personce — characters represented. De facto — in fact. Desunt ccetera — the rest are wanting. E Ergo — therefore. £rra^a— errors. Ecce signum — see a sign. Ecce homo — behold the man. 47 Erratum — an error. Ex officio — by virtue of an office. Ex officio — officially. Ex jjarte — partial. Ex post facto — after an action. Ex awimo— heartily. F Fac simile — an exact copy. Feb de se — a suicide. Finis — the end. G Gratis — free of cost. Genus irritabile vatum — angry poets. H Habeas Corpus — you may have the body set free by Act of Parliament, or removed to another prison. Hortus siccus — dried plants. I Imprimis — in the first place. Illuminati — enlig-htened. In commendam — for a time. Inforo conscienticB — at the bar of conscience. In propria persona — ^in person. Inter alia — among other things. In statu quo — in the same state. In limine — at tlie outset. In terrorem — -as a warning to others. Jure divino — by divine right. Ipse dixit — he himself said it. 48 Jus possessionis — right of possession. Ipsofaclo^hy the fact itself. L Lapsus lingucB — a slip of the tongue. Lex talionis — law of retaliation. Literatim — literally. Locum tenens — who acts for another. Lucidus ordo — perspicuous arrangement. Lusus wafttrt^— sport of nature. M Magna Charta — the great Charter. Malum in se — bad in itself. Mandamus — a writ from the king's bench. Materia medica — all physic. Meum €t tuum — mine and thine. Maximum pretium — highest price. MuUum inparvo — much in little. Memento mori — remember death. Mutanda — to be changed. Memorabilia — to be remembered. Mirahile dictu — wonderful to be told. [clianged. Mutatis mutandis'^such words as require it, being N Nem. con. fnemine contradicentej — without a dissenting voice. Ne plus ultra — the greatest extent. Nolens volens — willing or unwilling. Necessitas non hahet legem — necessity has no law. Ne quid nimis — too much good for nothino-. Ne sutor ultra crepidam — keep within your proper sphere Ne tentes aut perfice — attempt not or finish. 49 Nil desperandum — despair not. Nimium ne crede colori — trust not beauty. Nosce teipsum — know thyself. o O tempora, O mores — O the times, O the manners ! Omnes eodem cogimur — all die. Observanda — things to be observed. Omne bonum desuper — all good is from above. Onus probandi — the burthen of proof. Per cent — ^by the hundred. Pabulum — food. Paladium — protection. Per se — by himself. [deserved it. Palmam qui meruit, ferat — let him bear the palm that has Pro — for. Probatum est — it is proved. Parturiunt monies — the mountains in labour. Passibus acquis — with equal steps. Pro bono publico — for the public good. Passim — every where. Pro et con — for and against. Pro forma — for form's sake. Pro tempore — for a time. Posse comitatus — the power of the county. Prima facie — on the first view. Primum mobile — the main spring. Pro oris etfocis — for God and our country. Probalum est — it is tried. Propria quce maribus — for the gentlemen. 50 Quantum libet—^s much asyoii please. Quain diuse bene gesscrit — as long as he behaves well. Quantum sufficit — a sufficient quantity. Quondam — formerly. Quo warranto — by what authority. Qui capit illefacit — cap fits. Quot homines, tot sententice — many men, many minds. R Risum ieneatis amicz-— can you forbear laughing ? Requiescat in pace — may he rest in peace. Resurgam — I shall rise again. s Scandalum magnatum — great or libellous expressions. Si€ transit gloria mundi — so the world's glory passes away Secundum artem — according to art. Semper eadem — always the same. Suh poena — under a penalty. Sine die — a future day not specified. [in deeds. Suaviter inmodo,fortiter in re— gentle in manners, active Summum bo7ium — greatest good. Sub silentio — without remark. Sui generis — peculiar to himself. Slat nominis umbra — the shadow of a name remains. Tempora inutantur^-^iXm^^ change. u Utrum horum mavis accipe — take what you will* Utile dulci — instructive and entertaining. 51 Vade mecum — constant companion. Vestigia nulla retrorsum — no retreat • Via — by the way of. Vice — in the room of. Vice versa — the reverse. Vide — see. Vi et armis — by force and arms. Vox et preterea nihil — nothing but noise* Versus — agai nst. Vivant rex et Regina — long live the King and Queen. Veni, vidi, vici — I came, I saw, I conquered. Vivit post funera virtus — virtue lives after death. 52 A LIST OF FRENCH WORDS AND PHRASES, Commonly used in modern Publications. 4. Agremens — ornaments. Accoucheur — one who practises midwifery. Aide de camp — an adjutant to a field-officer. A la Francoise — in the French fashion. A la mode — in the fashion. A V Angloise — after the English fashion. Amende honorable — honorable satisfaction. A propos — to the purpose. Amour propre — self-love. Avant courier — a forerunner. Auto dafe — act of faith. Au desespoir — in despair. Au naturel — to the life. B Bagatelle-^B. trifle. Beau garcon — a fine boy. Beau monde — people of fashion. Belles /e/^re^— polite learning. Billet doux-—3. love letter. Bivouac — to be under arms all night, Bon goul-^fine taste. Bonne bouchce — a nice morsel. Bon mot — a witty saying. Bon vivant — a jovial fellow. 5a Bon ion — liigh life. Boudoir — a small private apartment. c Chapeau de hras — a hat for the arms. Chateau — a country seat. Canaille — the mob or rabble. Chef 6! cEuvre — a master- piece. Ci'devant — late or formerly. Cortese — a train of attendants. Comme ilfaut — as it should be. Conversatione — a meeting of company. Co7ige d' elire — permission to choose. Corps — body. Coup d' eclat — a remarkable action. Coup d' essai — a trial. Coup de grace — a finishing stroke. Coup de main — a sudden enterprise. Coup d' csil — a prospect or slight view, D Debris — rubbish, fragments. JDe hon cour — heartily. Debut — beginning, or first effort. Denouement — discovery. De cap au pie — from top to toe. Depot — store or magazine. Dejeune — a sort of breakfast. Dernier — resort, last resort. Dilletante — one delighted in science. Dieu et mon droit — God and my right. Double entendre — double meaning. Douceur-^^a, bribe or present. 54 E Kdairclssement — an elucidation. Eleve — a pupil. JEcIcU — splendour. Enbadinant — in fun. Esprit de corps — the life of the company. En bon point — jolly, plump. Enfamille — in a family way. Encore — again. Enfant gate — a spoiled child. Enjlute — to carry guns on the upper deck only. En masse — in a mass or body. En militaire — soldier like. En passant — by the way. Ennui — languor, Enlre nous — between ourselves. Entree — entrance. Expose' — a minister's budg-et. En verite — indeed. F Facade — the front of a building*. Eaux pas — a slip. Fete champetre — a rural festival. Fauteuil — an armed chair. Feu de joic — fi re of j oy . Einesse — cunning. Fille de chambre — a chamber-maid. H Hauteur — pride. Haut ton — Itii^h life. , . 55 Hors de combat — disabled. Honi soit qui mal y pence — evil to him that evil thinks. J Je ne sais quoi — I knov^ not what. Jeu d' esprit — a witticism. Jeu de mot — a quibble L U argent — silver money. Lettres de cachet — a writ of arrest. Lieutenant de vaisseau — the commander of a ship. • M Maitre d' hotel — master of the house. Mai a propos — unseasonably. Mauvaise honte — over bashful ness. N Naivete — innocence. Non chalance — indifference. o Outree' — strange, absurd. On dit — they say. p Par hazard — accidentally. Papier mache, for tea-trays. Penchant — inclination. Pas de charge — full gallop. Perdue — ruined. Petit souper — a light supper. Petit maitre — a beau or fop. 56 Place aux dames — give place to the ladies. Protegee — one protected and patronized. Pour les dames — for the ladies. Qui vive — upon the alert. R Regime — a diet. Rouge — red paint. Ruse de guerre — a stratagem of war. s Sang fr oid — col d hi ood . Sans ceremonie — without ceremony. Soiree — an evening entertainment. Savoir faire — wit or skill, Savoir viore — good manners, good living. Soi disant — pretended. T Table & hote — an ordinary. Tant mieux — so much the better. Tant pis — so much the worse. Tete a tete — f^ice to face, or head to head in private. Tout ensemble — the whole. u Unique — alone. Valet de chambre — a gentleman's servant. Vis a vis — opposite. Vive la bagatelle — success to trifles. Vive le roi — long live the king. 57 USEFUL HINTS IN SPELLING DERIVATIVES, when tion, and when sion. — See Rule 11, 15.-— when tive, and when sive, and ly. J), for derivatives. T for termination. 4o When a Primitive ends in ce^ its d will be tion, as de- duce deduction, describe description. When a Primitive ends in de, its d will he sion, as delude delusion, corrode corrosion, decide decision. When a Primitive ends in se, its d will drop e and take sion, as asperse aspersion, absterse abstersion, convulse convulsion. When a Primitive ends in ss, its d will be sion, as confess confession, impress impression, transgress trans- gression. When a Primitive ends in c, its d will be ian, as logic logician, magic magician. When a Primitive ends in t, its d will be ion, as afflict affliction, correct correction, bisect bisection. When a Primitive ends in ynit, its d drops t and takes ssion, as admit admission, commit commission, omit omission. When a Primitive ends in te, its d changes e into ion, as circulate circulation, accommodate accommodation. When a Primitive ends in y with a consonant before it, its d has i for y, as bounty bountiful, duty dutiful, beauty beautiful. When a Primitive ends in y with a vowel before it, its d retains the y, as annoy annoyance, betray betrayer. When a Primitive ends in e, the e is dropt before zwg*. 58 ish, able, ihle and es, as abide abiding, knave knavish, blame blamable, cure curable, sense sensible, deplore de* plorablie, evince evincible. Y is changed into ies when preceded by a consonant, as ally allies. All words ending in y and preceded by vowels should have s added, as attorneys, chimneys. i^andynly. u RuLij 12tli. — Some conjunctions, whqn they express ant addition, an inference, an opposition, admit the semicolon before them ; but, tlie proper point does not so much de- pend upon any particular ccmj unction as upon the degree of connexion, which subsists between the two adjoining clauses. ExAMHLE. — Most, of our pleasures may be looked upon as imaginary; bat, our disquietudes may be considered as rea'. So kids and whelps their sires and dams express ; And. so the great I measured by tlie less. Rule I3th. — When the degree of connection between the parts of a compound sentence are the same, and too impor- tant for the mere insertion of a comma, the semicolon must be introduced : as Tii8 orator speaks the truth plainly to his hearers ; he awakens them ; he excites them to action ; he shews them their impending danger. Rule 14th. — x\s the comma is adapted to mark the smaller divisions or parts of a sentence, so the semicolon is inserted to mark the greater divisions, but, which have yet a dependence on something that follows : as In the New Testament, as in the dignified and sober Liturgy of the Church of England, we see deep humility, but not loathsome abjectness ; sincere reppntance, but not agonizing horror ; steadfast faith, but apt pre- sumptuous assurance ; lively hope, but not seraphic abstraction ; thedep-p sense of humm infirmity, but not the unblushing profession of leprous de- pravity ; the holy and heavenly commupion, but not vague experiences, or the intemperate trance. OF THE COLON. The word colon is Greek, and signifies a member ; g,nd this point is used to divide a sentence i»to two or more partsr. 66 which are less connected than those which are separated by a semicolon, and, although the sense be complete, in its construction, yet, it is not so independent, as a separate distinct sentence. Rule 15th. — When a member of a sentence is complete in itself, but is followed by some additional remark or illus- tration of the subject, which naturally arises from the fore- going member, a colon must be inserted ; but, if a conjunc- tion be inserted before the words that follow the colon, that colon must be a semicolon. Do not hope to enjoy perfect happiness : there is no such thing in this world. Again : Do not hope to enjoy perfect happiness ; for there is no such thing in this world. OF THE t>ERlOD. The word period is derived from the Greek word peri odos, and signifies a circuit, in which the full meaning is suspended, till the sense is perfect ; so that, when a sen- tence is so complete and independent, as not to be connect- ed in construction with any thing that follows, it is marked with a period, or full stop, which is always placed at the end. Rule 16th. — Every complete sentence, however short, must have a full point or stop at the end, because there is a period to the sense : as Fear God. Honour the King. 67 Interrogation, from inter, between; and rogo, to ask : (marked thus) ? Exclamation, ex,m\d.clamo, tocryout^ as, oh! ah! Parenthesis, para, en, and tithemi, to put in between as, say ye, (who saw). Dash, or line of abruption: as, whom I , but first ril calm the waves. an eTPlanatioti of iTO;Xt&0 or ^ti^xiultv^. i^-e-iT A Caret, from careo, to want. It is put where some- thing is omitted : as such 111 heavenly minils can perverseness dwell? This character (a) is also called a circumflex, e e. a bending round, when placed over some vowel, or to denote a long syllable : as, Euphrates. The Acute or sharp Accent ( ' ) marks a short syllable: as, Fan'cy. The Grave, heavy or dull Accent ( ' ) marks a depressed sound : as. Favour. Hyphen, ( - ) from uphaino, texo, to join together compound words : as, self-love, to-morrow. It is also used at the close of a line, to divide the syllables of a word. DiiERESis, ( •• ) ex, dia, and aireo, to take or cut asunder, when placed over two vowels, and shews that they are to be pronounced separately : as, aerial, creation. Asterisk, astron, a star ( "^ ) directs the attention of the reader to something in the margin, or bottom of the page. 68 When several asterisks are used, they denote the omission of some letters in a word ; some defect in the original ; or conceal some bold expression. Section, seco, to cut; ( §) marks the division of a discourse, or chapter, into less parts or portions, PAFtAGRAPH, ( ^ ) para, and grapho, to write through ; it denotes the beginning of a new subject. It is most used in the Old and New Testaments. Ellipsis, en, in, and leipo, to fail; a deficiency of letters: as, B p, for Fiishop ; H of C , House of Commons. Obelisk, obeliscus, a dagger; ( f ) refers to some marginal notes ; or in dictionaries, to some obsolete or bar- barous word. Index, indico, to shew or tell; (E|S") points out a remarkable passage, or something requiring attention. Quotation from a book is marked with inverted commas at the beginning or end : thus, ' ' or " ^' Brace, brachus, short ; > is mostly used for the purpose of joining several lines together ; especially triplets in poetry. Crotchets, or Brackets, brachus, thus, [ ] serve to inclose a word or sentence which is to be explained in a note, or the explanation itself ; or a word or sentence which is intended to supply some deficiency, or to rectify some mistake. 99 IN THE SHAPE AND METHOD OF AN ANALOGICAL VOCABULARY- L. Latin ; G. Greek ; and II. Hebrew. ^O^ — - ADD, (L.) addo, ad. Adore, (L.)ad, ora, hand to lips. Assail, ady salio, to leap to. Autumn, auctumnus^ Bail, (G.) ballein. Belt, halteus. Beard, barba. Bark, barca. Baron, (H.) bar, pure. Buss, basium, a kiss. Bile, boil^ bilis. Biscuit, bin, cuit, twice baken. Boon, bonu/n, good. Brush, bruscus. Brain, breclio, humid. Bruise, (G.) bruQ, brew. Bufflo, (G.) boubalosy ox. Boil, {G.)ballo, to toss. Burse, or purse, (G.) bursa. Blab, {G.)blapto, to hurt. Ctreraouy, cerf5, godcfess of corn. Cdldmhy y calamus, a veed to kan on. Cauldron, calidus, hot. Call, {G.) kafo, to call. Calumny, (H.) klme, disi^race. Chalk, (H.) c^e//v, soft: smooth. Camel, (H.) gamely crooked. Chimney, (L.) camiuus. Campaign, 1 , . > campus, a plain. Champion, ) Channel, canale, a kennel. (Chancellor, cancelli, rails. Canker, cancer, a crabtish. Candidate, candidus^ white. Chaunt/ canto, to siiig. Capon, capus. Chapter, caput, hence; cap or cop. Carrion, caro, cat; catus. Crop, carpo, to crop 5 a carp crops grass. Celebrate, ce Leber, celcbre, fa-. mo us. Cellar, celo, to conceal. Cherry, cerasus, a cherry tree. Cow, (H.)A'oa, to biiliow* CJia^ta, chaiter, a paper, Caiii.-iion, (^(i.) • 'laiiiai,. !coa,or dwuili-ii iu;n. 100 Caress, (G.) charts. Character, (G.) charatto, to en- grave on men's minds a good opinion. Celedine, chelidon, 2l swallow. Cypher, (H.) sephir. Cinders, cinis, ashes. Chiirn^ kirno, to mix. Chest, kiste, a box. City, civitas^ a state. Clash, klao, to crash. Climb, klimax, a scale. Clip, (G.) clepo, to cut. Chick, (G.) chikkos. Cittern, (G.) kithara. Cockle, (G.) kathazo. Claustrum, a cloister. Clerk, (G.) kleros, clergy. Climate, klima, inclination. Cliff, clivus, a rock. Cuckoo, (G.) kokknx, Colewort, caulis, a stalk. Collop, collibium. Credit, credo^ to believe. College, colliyo, to collect. Croud, crotta, a fiddle. Cold, yelidus, glebe, gleba, Down, dunum, a hilL Decease, decessus, gone. Despite, despicio, to despise. Detriment, tero, to wear. Difficult, dis, and facilis. Diligence, diligo, to love. Dish, discus. Discover, discooperiory to un- cover. '1 District, distringoy to bind up by itself. Disturb, turba, a crowed. Ear, flum. Eager, (L.) sharp, acre. Edify, (L.) (Bdes, fio. Epicene, (G.) epikoinos, com- mon. Ensign, insignis. Esquire, scutarius. Emperor, imperator. Enemy, inimicus. Flagon, lagena» Feber, febris, ferrier, ferrum. Glory, gloriur. Grin, rm, nostrils. Horn, cornu. Inoculate, occulus, an eye. Insolence, in, not; and soleOy to be usual. Ignominy, in nomine. Insipid, in, not; and sapit. Juggle, jocular, to jest. Joke, joctM, jointure ; juncturum. Kitchen, coquina. Labor, labyrinth. Lizard, lacerta. Lettuce, lectuca. Larch, larix. Lantern, laterna. Libel, libella. Larceny, latrocinium. Lavender, lavo, to wash. Limus, limej liquor; liqueo. Lint, linum, Ugic ; logos. Long, longm. 101 Lupine, (G.) lupe, grief. Lurch, lura, booty. Link, ^'G.) lychnus, a light. Mace, macer, lean. Mire, (G.) miaros, sordid. Master, magister. Manteau, mantiea. Marquis, marches, qucBsitor, Matrimony, mater. Mat, (H.) mate, a bed. IMattins, matutinus, Melilot, mellotus. Month, moon. Mint, mentha. Mention, mens* Mart, mercatus. Minister, mtnM5. Modern, hodiern. Modest, modus. Mood, modus, mode. Mob, moveo. Meal, mill, mole. Molest, moles, moil. Monument, moneo. Morbid, morbus. Morose, maris sui. Muck, mucus. Mummy, (L.) amomum* Megrims, hemicrania. Mulct, mulcta. Mulier, mollier. Mule, molos, labour. Mouse, mus. Mutual, muta, to change. Mouth, muthos, a discourse. Mystery, (H.) mister, to cover. Neglect, nee lectusy not chosen. Need, inedia. Neuter, ne, notj and uter, ei- ther. Noble, (b, for v,) novi. Noose, nodus. Neat, niteo, to w«hine. Name, noun, nomon. Noon, nanus, or 9th hour ; i. e. 3 o'clock. Nod, nuto. Nurse, nutria. Nuts, nuar. Orange, aurantium. Obelisk, veru, a spit. Obscene, ccenum, dirt. Obsequious, sequar, to follow. Obsolete, absolea, not to use. Obstruction, o5, and struOy to build against. Ocean, oceanusy to flow. Orders, ordino, to ordain. Oyster, ostrea. Palliated, pallium, a cloke. Pool, palas, mud. Pair, par, equal. Parish, parcccia, (G.) paraikia* Punish, ptena. Parade, (L.) apparatus. Peerage, par, and ago, to act alike on their honour. Part, pars. Penetrate, penitus, thoroughly. Pencil, penicillum. Perch, perca, a fish so called. Pourtraiture, protracting. 102 Vencey pendo, to weigh. Pound, pindOf to pound. Piscis, a fish. Pencil, pinso, pi stum. Pease, pfsa. Please, placeo. Plaint, plango. Plain, planus, platanns, (G,) platus. broad. Plausible, plaudo, to appear. Pork, porcusy a hog. People, populus. l*orteiid, porro, and tendo. Porch, porticus. Post, posits. Prey, prceda. Preposterous, pre^ and post, Vre%s, premo. Price, pretmm. Prove, probo. Proctor, procurator. Picture, pingo, pictuniy painted. Pillow, pulvinus. Powder, pulvis. Point, punetum. Pupil, pupillus. Quash, quatio. Rabble, (H.) ruh, to quarrel. Rails, rallus, a rarus. Ravine, rapine. Remain, remaneo. Ravish, rapio. Recruit, recreare. Kecover, recupero. Render, reddo, to restore. Relent, relentesco. Redeem, re, and emo, to buy back again. Region, rego, to rule. Register, re, and gefo. Reign, regno, to rule. Rule, regula, to regulate. Relieve, relevo, to raise up. Remedy, re, and medeor. Remember, re, and memoro. Restore, restauro. Resto, resto. Retort, re, and torqueo, to twist out. Revolt, revolvo. Rebel, re, and helium, Rosemary, rosmarinus. Roll, rotula. Rudiments, rndis, a rod. Rubric, ruher^ fed. Ruin, ruina, ruo, to rush down. Rush, ruscus. Rustic, rus, the country. Sabbath, (H.) sebethj rest. Sugar, (H.) shekar. Sack, (G ) sakkos saccusy (L.) a bag. Sacred, (G.) saos, safe ; and ker, heart. Seignior, senior, older. Scout, ausculfo. Swear, (L.) assevero. Sparagrass, (G.) asparatto» Spider, (L.) aspfs» Satchel, sacculus, a little bag. Sacrament, sacra, mente, holy mind. 103 Sage, or wise, sagax, Slaver, saliva. Sallow, salix, a willow. Salmon, sal, salio^ to leap. Salvation, salvo, to save. Salute, salm, health. Sanctuary, sanctus, holy. Sound; sanus. Sap, sapit, wise. Scandal, skazo, to halt. Squirrel, skiouros, a shady tail, Scurrility, scurra^ a buffoon. Scutcheon, scutum, a shield. Secretary, secretus, secret. Settle, sedile, a seat. Secure, sina, cur a. Serpent, serpo, to creep. Sessions, or assizes, sedes, to sit. Six, sex. Simple, sine plico. Soldier, soldarius. Spirit, spiro, to breathe. Sputter, sputo, to spit. Sumptuous, sumptu, charge. Surrogate, substitute. Tata, dada. Tankard, cantharus, a jug. Tansey, athanasia. Udder, uber. Whilom, olim, formerly. Weather, (L.) {ether. Year, (L.)arttical m^t OF THE MOST COMMON CHRISTIAN NAMES OF MEN AND WOMEN, In French and ErigUsh, WITH THEIR MEANINGS AND ABBREVIATIONS. Nature of Mtn. A Aaron, Aaron, a strong hill. Abel, Abel J mourning. Adam, Adam, red earth. Abraham, Abraham, a high father. Adolphe, Adolphus, happy. Alexandre, Alexander, (Sany) helper of men. Alfred, Alfred, all peace. Ambroise, Ambrose, immortal. Andre, Andreic, manly. Antoine, Anthony, (Tony) flourishing. Arthur, Arthur, strong. W^ B Bcnoni, Bcnoni, son of my grief. Behhazzar, Belchazzar, a searcher of treasures Baptiste, Baptist, (Bap.) one baptizing, Barnabe, Barnabas, the son of consolation. [waters. r'alholemi, Bartholomeiv, (Cat.) a son that suspends the 105 Baudouiii, Baldwin, a bold conqueror. Benjamin, Benjamin, (Ben.) son of the right hand. Benoit, Benedict, or Bennet, blessed. Boniface, Boniface, a good doer ; bonus, and yacio. Bonaventure, Bonaventure, of goood fortune; bonus ad, and venio, Benammi, Benammi, son of my people. Caesar, Ccesar, (Zar) cut out when born. Charles, Charles, (Charley) all noble. Christophe, Christopher, (Kit, Kister) a hearer of Christ. Chrysostome, Chrystome, chrusos, gold; and stoma, mouth: a noble speaker, Claude, Claudius, all fast. Clement, Clement, merciful. [together. Constantia, Constantine, constancy ; con, and sto, to stand Conrad, Conrad e, able coursel. Corneille, Cornelius, a horn. Cyprien, Cyprian, handsome. D Daniel, Daniel, (Dan) the judgment of God. David, David, (Davy) beloved. Denys, Dionysius, from heaven. Donstan, Dunstan, very high. E Edmond, Edmund, happy peace. Mund, a mouth ; and ed, or cad, an oath : loyal to iiis oath. Edouard, Edward, (Teddy, Ned) an oath keeper. Eleazar, Eleazer, the help of God. Elie, Elias, my God the Lord. 106 Elisee, Elisha, my God savetli. Etienne, Stephan, a crown. Eusebe, Eusebius, pious. Eustace, Eustacius, happy. Ezechias, Hezekiah, strength, Ezechiel, Ezekiel, (Ekiel) the strength of the Lord. F Fabien, Fabian, a beam. Felix, Felix, happy. Ferdinand, Ferdinand, pure peace. Frederic, Frederick, (Fred) rich peace. G Gregoire, Gregory, watchful. [defence. Guillaume, William, Gild-helm, (Bill, or Will, Billy) much Gabriel, Gabriel, the strength of God. Gautier, Walter, pilgrim or woodman. Gedeon, Gideon, a breaker or destroyer. [loved of God. Gedouin, Goodwin, victorious in God ; godswine: be- George, George, (Geordy) an husbandman, Gervaise, Jervis, ancient. Giles, Giles, a little kid. [Guild, free brethren. Gilbert, Gilbert, bright as gold ; Gib, gild free : Preston Godefroi, Godfrey, God's peace, or good peace. H Hannibal, Hannibal, gracious Lord. Henri, Henry, Henricus, (Hal, Harry) a rich home. Hercule, Hercules, Juno's glory. Hierome, Jerom, a holy name. Hilaire, Hilary, cheerful. Homfroy, Humfrey, home, peace. 107 I J Jacob, Jacob, a supplanter. Jaqiies, James, (Jimmy, Jim) a supplanter. Jean, John, (Johnny, Jack) grace of God. Jeremie, Jeremiah, the height of the Lord, Jerom, Tiierome, holy name. Job, Job, sorrowful. Jonas, Jonah, a destroyer. Jonathan, Jonathan, the gift of the Lord. Joseph, Joseph, encreasing. Josias, Josias, the fire of the Lord. Josselin, Joceline, merry. Josue, Joshua, (Jos) a saviour. Irenee, Ireneus, peace. Isaac, Isaac, laughter. Jud«, Jude, confessing. Jule, Julins, a dowry. Julien, Julian, soft as down. L Lambert, Lambert, or Lambhart, the heart of a lamb. Lancelot, Lancelot, a lance Knight. Laurent, Later ence, a laurel. Leonard, Leonard, (Len) lion like ; lion-hearted. Leopold, Leopold, bold as a lion. liOuis, Lewis, Loudovicus, defence of his people. Luc, Luke, a light. M Malachie, Malachy, the Lord is my king. Marc, Mark, filled. Martin, Martin, a follower of Mars. Matthias, Matthias, the gift of the latiotJ : one of the twelve princij)al divisions of the year, as set down in the calendar. Sometimes it im- plies only the space of four weeks. MONTHS. January, (from Janus , to whom it w^as dedicated by the Romans) the first month in the year, containing 31 days. Janus, (in heathen mythology) is supposed to be the first king in Italy, was deified at his death, and depicted with two faces ; one face was supposed to look towards the new year, and the other towards the old. February, from the Latin or old Roman Februa, which signifies the sacrifice of the dead : because the Romans, in that month, used to off'er sacrifices to the shades of the deceased. Or it may be derived from fehruarius, which word comes from y^^rwo, to purify; because the feasts of purification were celebrated at this season. The second month in the year, containing 28 days ; excepting, that every fourth year, (called leap-year) it has 29 days. 121 March, (from Mars, to whom it was dedicated by the RomaDs) the third month in the year, containing 31 days. Mars was the supposed god of war. April, from the Latin Jprilis, the fourth month of the year, and contains 30 days. It is called aprilis from aperio, to open ; because at this season the buds and flowers open and disclose themselves. May from the Latin Maius, the fifth month of the year, and contains 31 days; the boundary of spring and summer. Mains y so named by the Romans, in honour of Maia the mother of Mercury, to whom they offered sacrifices this month. June, from Junius the sixth month of the year, and contains, 30 days : Junius, was sacred to Juno, a heathen goddess, to whom this month was dedicated. July, from Julius, the seventh month of the year, and contains 31 days. It was so called in honour of Julius Caesar, before which time it was known by the name of quintilis, as being the fifth month of the Roman year. August, from Augustus, the eighth month of the year, consisting of 31 days. It was so called in honour of Au- gustus Caesar, the second emperor of Rome : but before his time it went by the name of sextius, the sixth month> reckoning from March. September, from the Latin September, the ninth month of the year, and consists of 30 days. It took its name as being the seventh month, when March was the first. October, from the Latin October, the eighth month of the Roman calendar, from which it took its name ; the tenth month of the year, and consists of 31 days. November, from the Latin November, the ninth month of the year of Romulus, from which it had its name ; the eleventh month of the year, and consists of 30 days. December, from the Latin December, so called as being the tentli month of the Roman calendar, the twelfth or last month of the year: has 31 days. ^n f^jfig rule to fintr ti^e trags eacfj luontS contaiits: Thirty days liatli September, April, June, and November ; February halh twenty-eight alone, And the rest have thirty-one. 122 DAYS OF THE WEEK. Week, from the Saxon loeoc, the space of seven clays. The origin of the division of time into weeks appears to be very ancient. Jehovah himself commanded the Jews of old to work six days, and rest on the seventh, to keep up the remembrance of the seventh. Day, from the Saxon daeg, is the time from the rising to the setting of the sun, and distinguished from night, the time from midnight to midnight: contains 24 hours. The astronomer's day is from noon to noon. Sunday, from the Saxon sunnan, sun ; and daeg, day; the day which our heathen ancestors dedicated to the wor- ship of the sun : the first day of the week, the Christian sabbath, in commemoration of the resurrection of our Savi- our Jesus Christ. Monday, from the Saxon monan, daeg, that is Monday; is so called because anciently sacred to the moon : the second day of the week. Tuesday, from the Saxon Tuisco Mars ;. and daeg, a day; that is the day dedicated to the worship of the hea- then deity, Tuisco Mars : the third day of the week. Wednesday, from the Saxon Woden, the name of an idol ; and daeg, a day : the fourth day of the week. Thursday, from Tliur, the heathen god of thunder; and. daeg, a day : the fifth day of the week. Friday, from Figa, one of the Saxon idols ; and daeg, a day : the sixth day of the week. Saturday, so called from the Saxon idol Seater ; and thought to be the same as the Saturn of the Latins : the seventh or last day of the week, the Jewish sabbath. FINIS. m THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OP 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. r^/^ MAY 30 1938 ;J\iV^ \9A0 APR « iBU LD 21-95»n-7.'37 U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDSSab7S51 /033 3O //y THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY