r ersity of California suthern Regional V A THE tENTURIAL A JEWISH CALENDAR FOR ONE HUNDRED YEARS. REV. E. M. MYERS, 163 WEST 84TH STREET, NEW YORK. WITH A SUMMARY OP NEARLY SEVEN HUNDRED EVENTS OF HISTORY FROM THE TIME OF THE CREATION TO THE PRESENT YEAR. NEW YORK, 1901. STETTINER, LAMBERT & Co., Printers. THE BLOCK PRINTING AND PUBLISHING Co., Publishers, CINCINNATI AND CHICAGO. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1890, by EMANUEL MOSES MYERS, in the office of th Librarian of Congress at Washington. All rights reserved. NAME OF PARENTS. OF CHILD. DATE OF BIRTH. WHERE BORN. ^ DEATHS. -IS- NAME or DECEASED. PARENTS' NAME. DATE OF DEATH. A*:: 2095378 NAME OF BRIDE. NAME OF BRIDEGROOM. DATE OF MARRIAGE. THE CEKTURIAL. PENAL LAWS AGAINST THE JEWS. WHILE the Jews have so much reason to be proud of their present posi- tion in England, ti may be interesting to refer to the restrictions under which they existed in times now happily past. \Ve quote, in the first instance, the Penal Laws enunciated in Anno 7 Kdward I., 1279. 1. No Jew shall come to or depart from England, without license, on pain of death. 2. No Jew shall walk or ride without a yellow badge upon his or her out- ward or upper garment, on pain of death. 3. No Jew shall contemn Jesus Christ, nor blaspheme His Divinity, on pain of being burnt. 4. No Jew shall stir out of his house or lodgings on Good Friday. 5. No Jew shall strike a Christian, on pain of having his right arm cut off. G. No Jew shall kill a Christian, on pain that he be hanged alive on a gibbet, and be fed daily with bread and water, till he dies upon the same gibbet. 7. If any Jew shall cheat a Christian, and escape, all the rest of the Jews shall make satisfaction to the Christian so cheated. 8. All the Synagogues of the Jews shall be suppressed; and if any of their Rabbis or Priests shall teach or preach against the Christian religion hereafter, in England, all such preachers or teachers shall be burnt. 9. No Jew, on pain of hanging, shall transport any bullion or coin be- yond the seas, nor deface nor melt down any Christian coin. 10. The King's Judges shall not hear the testimony of a Jew against a Christian. 11. No Jew shall be sworn upon the Evangelist. 12. The Jew shall have four judges, two whereof Christians, and the other Jews, who shall try and determine all causes between Jews and Chris- tians. 13. All the children of Jews, as soon as born, the rector or vicar of the parish shall take from them, put such to nurses, and breed them up in the Christian religion, for which the Jews must pay all the charges. 14. In the Exchequer appointed for the Jews, there shall be half Chris- tians and half Jews, and they shall both have equal power, and different locks nnd keys, to prevent fraud. 15. The Jews shall account for all the money they lay out, and for the profits, -and return, before the justiciaries over the Jews, as often as they shall be required. 16. If any Jew shall be converted to the Christian Faith, all his usurious acquisition to be converted to pious and charitable uses; but all his goods, estate, or movables shall be his own, and not the King's as formerly ac- customed. 17. The Jews shall go to hear Christian doctrine once a week, and as many English Jews as turn Christians shall be as free of England as if they were born of Christian parents. 18. No Jew shall cohabit with a Christian woman. 19. No Jew shall be buried in any consecrated ground. PURIM ODE. .. BY... REV. DR. E. M. MYERS. In Persia once there dwelt a King Whose subjects all did fear him; Unless his sceptre he held forth, None dared to venture near him. In Shushan, where his palace was, He gave a celebration Its splendor nothing could surpass To the grandees of his nation. The wine did flow and toasts abound, And mirth along did roll; They sang as each cup they did quaff: " Let's drown it in the bowl! " Then Vashti gave a ladies' feast, 'Tis said, of equal splendor, Unto the greatest and the least Of those who did attend her. One day, when in his cups, the King Was seized with mad desire His beauteous Queen thereon to bring, That all might her admire. But she in modesty refused, With righteous indignation, To have her station thus abused Ignored his invitation. A council then held by the King, Of courtiers composed, Advised for such unheard-of thing The queen should be deposed. The King approved of their advice, And issued his decree That Vashti get out in a trice And Queen no longer be. His folly he did soon repent Another Queen he sought; And far and wide his envoys went, Then Esther fair they brought And in his eyes she favor found, His royal spouse he made her; The while his princes all around The deepest homage paid her. Then Mordecai, her cousin dear From infancy he'd reared her Watched daily near the palace gate That no harm might come near her. 'Twas there to kill the King he heard Two guards conspire one night; To Esther quickly he sent word Which filled her with affright. So thus the King from death was saved; In M'giltah 'tis recorded How loyal Mordecai behaved. And later was rewarded. Proud Haman then came on the sc.ne And Mordecai he snurned; But Israel's Help did intervene The tables then were turned. '', wh;n h: went before the King, With vengeance deep and dire, He little dreamed the awful thing His sov'reign would desire. Although a great blow to his pride, He did not dare refuse, And through the city had to ride The champion of the Jews. Now Mordecai was at the gate. And there he sat quite still, Whilst Haman vowed in rage and hate That all the Jews he'd kill. So back he went into his house, And as the door he banged He told his woe unto his spouse, Who said, ' Oh, he be hanged! " Three days and nights did Esther fast And with her maidens prayed, And then before the King appeared In royal robes arrayed. " What wilt thou. my dear Queen divine? Speak! What dost thou require ? Half my kingdom shall be thine, If such be thy desire." " O gracious King, if I have found Such favor in thy sight, With Haman do please come around And feast with me this night. For what I have to tell my sire Is not for any layman; But I will speak my heart's desire Before the King and Haman." Then came a message from the Queen To Haman, to invite him, Where she intended in her spleen For treason to indict him. And wh"n the King inquired the name Of him who formed this scheme. She told with scorn and great disdain That Haman it had been. On gallows fifty cubits tall, Which Haman had erected, That villain and his ten sons all Were hung quite unexpected. And Mordecai, the good old Jew, By Haman so much spited, DH then receive his well-earned due His faith was well requited. Unto the feast did Haman go, The Queen did there allure him; The fruit of which is. as you know, Our merry Feast of Purim. Shlack-monos give to rich and poor. To mirk the joy that's felt; Whilst jolly crowds besiege your door En-masque, and all Versthelt TA IPPflnTAIXT 10 ASCERTAlrl 1. Suppose a death to have occurred on the 4th day of Nissan ; to know what English date that will be in the year 18%, look when Rosli-Chodesh Nissan will be in that year. You will find it to be April 3d. That being the first day of the month, the 4th would be three days later ; and the Jahrzeit, in that year, will be April 6th. In 1906, Rosh-Chodesh Nissan will be on March 16th, so that the JahrzeiCwill be on the 19th. In 1934, Rosh-Chodesh Nissan will be March 28th, consequently the Jahrzeit will be on March 31st. 2. For a death which occurred on the 8th of Kislev, if the corre- sponding English date is required in 18U4, refer to that year ; and it will be seen that the 1st of Kislev will be November 29th. Add seven days to that, and it will give December 7th as the day. In 1898, the 1st of Kislev will be November loth ; therefore, the 8th will be November 22d. 3. For a Jahrzeit occurring on Sh'vat 10th, in 1898 the 1st day of Sh'vat will be January 12th ; therefore, the 10th, being nine days later, will be January 21st. In 1907 it will be January 25th. When there are two days as Rosh-Chodesli, the second day is counted as the first of the month, excepting Tishri, which is always reckoned from the first day. 5651 A.M. 1890-'91 Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev I 25 Tebet 1 " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 G Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1890. First Day of New Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tnes.-Wed. Thursday Sunday Friday Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Tues.-Wed. Monday. Tues -Wed. Thursday Thursday Fn.-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday T.iursday Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 15 17 24 " 29 Oct. 5 6 1* < " 14-15 Nov. 13 Dec. 7 12 21 Jan. 10 Feb. 8 9 Mar. 10-11 23 " 24 25 April 9 23 May 8-9 " 26 June 7 12 July 6 7 23 Aug. 5 13 ' Sept. 3-4 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshaunah-Rabbah Sh'mini Atseres Simchas Torali Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1891. Rosh Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh Chodesh First Day of Passover. Rosh Chodesh Lag B'Omer Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av f Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 1656 The Deluge. " 1948. The birth of ABRAHAM. " 1996. The confusion of language at the building of the tower of Babel, in the reign of SEMIRAMIS. 2018. GOD'S covenant with ABRAHAM. " 2047. Circumcision ordered. " 21)48. The birth of ISAAC. " 2074. The offering of ISAAC at Mount Moriah. " 2185. JACOB obtained the blessing, for which he had to flee from the wrath of ESAU. 2 5652 A.M. 1891-'92 Tishri 1 3 10 " 15 21 22 23 Oheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebut 1 10 Sh'vat 1 A ilar. " 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1891. First Day of New Year . Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tues.-Wed. Saturday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Saturday* Suu.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday AVed.-Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. 3. Oct. 3 5 12 17 23 24 2"> Nov. 1--^ Dec. 1 2 '' 26 j " 31 ( Jan. 1 " 10 " 30 Feb. 28-2!) March 1 2 " 13-14 " 29 April 12 " 27-28 May 1 5 27 June 1 " 25-2G July 12 " 25 Aug. 2 " 23-24 J Fast of GedaHah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle . 1 Hoshaunah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas Torah. . Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah 1S92. Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday previou EVENTFUL RECORDS. A M. 2216. JOSEPH sold by his brethren. " 2229 Jos KPH interpreted PHARAOH'S dream. 23G8. The birth of MOSES. " 2448. The Decalogue was given on MOUNT SINAI. MOSES ascended the Mount and received the Oral Law. The Molten Calf made and worshipped. A census of the male population over 20 years of age was taken by a tax of half a she'iel, to defray the expenses of the Tabernacle, which ws co*Hp^ted on the first of Tithri, 2450. 5653 A.M. 1892-'93 CJE. Tishri 1 3 " 10 15 " 21 22 " 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebet 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1S92. First Day of New Year Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Wednesday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Sept. 22 " 24 Oct. 1 e 12 13 " 14 " 21-22 Nov. 20 Dec. 14 " 19-20 " 29 Jan. 18 Feb. 16 17 Mar. 1 2-3 " 18 April 1 " 16-1? May 4 " 16 21 June 14-15 July 1 " 14 23 Aug. 12-13 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor . First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini Atseres Simchas Torali Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah . , Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1893. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Puritn Rosh Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh Chodesh . , Lag -B'Omer Rosh-Chodesh ... t . .. . . First Day of Pentecost Rosh Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed the day following EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 2487. A rebellion arose amongst the people through want of water. MOSES disobeyed the divine command by striking the rock instead of speaking to it, in consequence of which he was not permitted to enter the Holy Land. SIIION, King of the AMMONITES, and OG, King of BASHAN, were vanquished and their territories divided between the tribes of REUBEN, GAD, and half of MANASSEH. 6 5654 A.M. 1893-'94 CM. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet 1 " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 " 15 lyar. ." 18 Sivan 1 ' 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Kllul. 1893. First Day of New Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. AVednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Suu.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed-Thure. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. Sun. Sept. 11 " 13 " 2Q 26 Oct. 1 2 3 " 10-11 Nov. 9-10 Dec. 4 " 9-10 " 19 Jan. 8 Feb. 6-7 March 8-9 21 " 22-23 April 7 21 May 6-7 24 June 5 " 10 July 4-5 " 21 Aug. 3 11 Sept 1-2 Fast of Geda'iah Yom-Kippoor. . First Day of Tabernacle . Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini- Atseres Simchas Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1S94. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer . . Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observe J the day following EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 2448. MOSES died at the age of 120 years and was succeeded by JOSHUA, who was acknowledged as Judge of Israel. Under his guidance, the Israelites crossed the Jordan, entered the Holy Land and made an alliance with the GIBEONITES. Being attacked by five kings of surrounding people, JOSHUA organized an army and went to their assistance, at which battle, it is recorded in Scripture, he prayed that the Sun might remain stationary until he had completed his victory. J< 25<>3. An equitable division of Palestine was made by JOSHUA, amongst the remaining nine and t, half tribes. 5655 A.M. 1894-'95 OZE. Tishri 1 " 3 " 10 " 15 " 21 " 22 " 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet 1 " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 Nissan 1 " 15 lyar. "" 18 Sivan 1 G Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 filial. 189<4. First Day of Xew Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Sunday Friday Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Saturday* Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed -Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Oct. 1 3 " 10 15 " 21 22 23 " 30-31 Xov. v9 Dec. 23 28 Jan. 6 " 26 Feb. 24 25 Mar. 9 " 10-11 26 April 9 " 24-C5 May 12 24 29 June 22-23 July 9 22 " 30 Aug. 20-21 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle IIoshaunah-Rabbah Sh'miui Atseres Simchas Torah. . . Bosh Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Kirst Dav of Clianukah J Rosh-Chodesh , 1895. Fast of Tebet Rosh Chodesh R jsh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Puritn . Rosh Chodesh . . First Day of Passover Rosh Chodesh Lag B'Omer Rosh- Chodesh First Dav of Pentecost Rosh Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday previous EVENTEUL RECORDS. A. M. 2516. Having ruled Israel for twenty-eight years, JOSHUA died, aged 110 years, and was succeeded by OTHNIEL, who governed the nation forty years, the elders, however, assuming gov- ernment during his administration. 2525. In this year, anarchy and revolt took place. The tribes made war against the Benjamites, and Israel became tributary to CUSHAN-RISHATAYIM, King of MESOPOTAMIA. " 2533. They were released from paying further tribute by OTHNIEL, who fought against CUSHAN-RISHATAYIM, and defeated him. 10 5656 A.M. 1895-'96 CJE. Tishri 1 3 " 10 " 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 25 Tebet " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 " 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 ElinL 1895. First Day of New Year Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tues.-Wed. Friday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Thursday Fri -Sat. Sunday Sunday Mon.-Tues. Friday Wednesday Monday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sunday Stm.-Mon. Sept. 19 " 21 28 Oct. 3 " . 9 " 10 11 " 18-19 Nov. 17-18 Dec. 12 " 17-18 27 Jan. 16 Feb. 14-15 " 27 " 28-29 March 15 " 29 Apr. 1:3-14 May I i:j 18 June 11- 12 ^8 July 1 1 19 Aug. 9-10 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle. . Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1896. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther . . . , Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover . . tf Rosh-Chodesh , Lag-B'Omer . Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Ay Rosh-Chodesh * Observed the following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. A M. 2556. OTHNIEL was succeeded by EHUD, who judged Israel eighty years. ' 2623. EG LOST, King of MOAB, having oppressed Israel for eighteen years, was assassinated by EHUD. " 2635. SHAMGAR, who was the fourth Judge in Israel, only ruled one year, during which he made war against the Philistines and defeated them. 12 5657 A.M. 1896-'97 Tishri 1 3 10 15 " 21 22 23 Cheshvan. K islev 1 25 Tebct 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. :M Adar. 13 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. "" 18 Si van 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1896. First Day of New Year Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday TVed.-Thurs. Friday Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun Sept. 8 " 10 " IT " 22 " 28 " 29 30 Oct. 7-8 Nov. 6 30 Dec. 5-6 15 Jan. 4 Feb. 2 3 Mar. 4-5 17 " 18-19 April 3 17 May 2-3 20 June 1 6 j " 30 1 July i 17 " 30 Aug. 8 " x'S-'.'O Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle IIoshaunah-Rabbah Sh'mini Atseres Simchas Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah . , J Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1S97-. Rosh-Chodesh . . . Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh Chodesh First Day of Passover. . Rosh Chodesh .... Lag-B'Omer Rosh-Chodesh , First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodosh * Observed the following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. A.M. 2636. DEBORAH became Judge and ruled for forty years. Aided by BARAK, she delivered the people from the tyranny and op- pression of JABTN, King of Canaan Her song of praise and triumph will be found in the fifth chapter of the book of Judges. 2676. GIDEOX appointed Judge and ruled for forty years. The MIDIANITES were defeated by him, after they had spoiled j-nd laid the country waste for a period of seven years. 14 5658 A.M. 1897-'98 CM. Tishri 1 3 " 10 " 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 25 Tebet " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1897. First Day of New Year Monday Wednesday "Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Pri. Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues -Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri -Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 27 " 29 Oct. 6 11 " 17 18 " 19 " 26-27 Nov. 25-26 Dec. 20 " 25 ;6 Jan. 4 24 Feb. 22-23 March 7 8-9 24 Apr. 7 " 22-2J3 May 10 22 " 27 June 20-21 July 7 20 28 Aug. 18-19 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor. . First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbsih. . . Sh'mini- Atseros Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh . Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah . . . Rosh-Chodesh 1S9S. Fast of Tebet... Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh . Fast of Esther .... Purim Rosh-Chodesh . . . First Day of Passover . Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer Rosh-Chodesh . First Day of Pcntvcost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz. . . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh . . EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 2716. ABIMELECH, GIDEON'S son, assumed regal power and slew sev- enty of his brethren. JOTHAM, the youngest, hid himself and was thereby saved. After reigning three years, ABIME- LECH led an attack against THEBEZ, during which he was killed by a heavy stone which was thrown on his head. 2719 TOLAXG, the eighth Judge, ruled twenty-three years and was succeeded by JAIR. 2742. JAIR governed the nation for twenty-two years. 16 5659 A.M. 1898-'99 CM. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet 1 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 Xissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1898. First Day of New Year Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Friday Wednesday Friday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Thursday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Sunday Mon. -Tues. Friday Wednesday Monday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Sept. 17 19 " 26 Oct. 1 7 8 9 " 16-17 Nov. 15 Dec. 9 14 23 Jan. 12 Feb. 10-11 23 " 24-25 Mar. 12 26 Apr. 10-11 28 May 10 15 June 8-9 " 25 July 8 " 16 Aug. 6-7 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah- Kabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Chanukali . . 7 Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1899. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 2764. The AMMONITES began to oppress Israel. " 2781. The people appealed to JEPIIT.VH to lead an army against the Ammonites, and promised to make him ruler, if successful. He obtained a complete victory and governed Israel for six years. His vow, previous to going out to battle, is recorded in the book of Judges, xi. 31. A more correct translation of it, however, and one entirely in accordance with the He- brew text, would substitute the word or, instead of and, which would made it read, ''or I will offer it/' etc. This was probably what he intended to signify ; that if fit. it should be sacrificed, or should be consecrated to God's ser- vice. 13 5660 A.M. 1899-1900 O3E. Tishri 1 3 10 " 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 " 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1899. First Day of New Year . Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wed.-Thurs. Friday Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Sept. 5 7 14 19 25 20 " 27 Oct. 4-5 Nov. 3 27 Dec. 2-3 " 12 Jan. 1 " 30-31 Mar. 1-2 " 14 " 15-16 " 31 April 14 " 29-30 May 17 29 June 3 " 27-28 July 15 " 27 Aug. 4 " 25-26 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atsercs ' . . . . , Simchas Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh . . Fast of Tebet 19OO. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Passover . . Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Pentecost. Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed the following day EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 2787. IBZAN, otherwise named BOAZ, who espoused RUTH, governed Israel for seven years. " 2793. ELON, the twelfth Judge, ruled ten years. " 2803. ABDON succeeded ELON and governed eight years. " 2811. SAMSON, celebrated for his extraordinary strength, was Judge for twenty years. Through the treachery of his wife, DELILAH, he was overcome by the Philistines, who put out his eyes and made sport of him. Whilst thus engaged at one of their feasts, in their temple, SAMSON, who had been placed between the two main pillars of the building, prayed to God to give him back his strength. His prayer being an- swered, he snapped the pillars in twain, thereof fell in, kill- ing him with his tormentors. 20 5661 A.M. 1900-'! OZE. Tishri 1 1900. First Day of New Year. . Monday Sept. 24 " 3 Fast of Gedaliah Wednesday " 26 " 10 Yom-Kippoor Wednesday Oct. 3 " 15 First Day of Tabernacle Monday " 8 " 21 Hoshannah-Rabbah Sunday " 14 " 22 Sh'mini-Atseres Monday " 15 " 23 Simchas-Torah Tuesday " 16 Cheshvan. Rosh-Chodesh Tues.-Wed. " 23-24 Kislev Rosh-Chodesh Thurs.-Fri. Nov. 22-23 " 25 First Day of Chanukah Monday Dec. 17 Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Sat. -Sun. " 22-23 " 10 toot. Fast of Tebet Tuesday Jan. 1 Sh'vat 1 Rosh-Chodesh Monday " 21 Adar. Rosh-Chodesh Tues -Wed. Feb. 19-20 " 13 Fast cf Esther Monday March 4 " 14-15 Purim Tues. -Wed. " 5-6 Nissan 1 Rosh-Chodesh Thursday " 21 " 15 First Day of Passover .. Thursday Apr. 4 lyar. Rosh-Chodesh Fri.-Sat. " 19-20 18 Lasr-B'Omer. . Tuesday May 7 Sivan 1 Rosh-Chodesh Sunday " 19 6 First Day of Pentecost Friday 24 Tammuz. Rosh-Chodesh Mon.-Tues. June 17-18 t 17 Fast of Tammuz Thursday July 4 Av 1 Rosh-Chodesh Wednesday " 17 " 9 Fast of Av Thursday 25 Ellul. Rosh-Chodesh Thurs.-Fri. Aug. 15-16 EVENTFUL RECORDS. A.M. 2831. The government now devolved upon ELI, the High Priest, who judged the nation for forty years, although during his government SAUL was anointed, by the prophet SAMUEL, to be his successor. " 2854. The birth of DAVID. " 2864. SAUL anointed by SAMUEL to be king, after ELI'S death. " 2871. The Ark of the Covenant taken in battle by the Philistines. On hearing this, and that his two sons had been killed, ELI, who was very old, fell from his chair and died. SAMUEL, the prophet, acted as Judge until his death, which occurred in 2882, SAUL being king. 22 5662 AM. 1901-'2 Gffi. Tishri 1 3 10 15 " 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebet 1 " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 " 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 19O1. First Day of New Year . . Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Friday Monday Friday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Sun.-Mon. Saturday* Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. s. Sept. 14 " 1C 2J3 " 28 Oct. 4 " 5 6 " 13-14 Nov. 12 Dec. 6 11 " 20 Jan. 9 Feb. 7-8 Mar. 9-10 22 " 23-24 April 8 " 22 May 7-8 25 June 6 " 11 July 5-6 22 Aug. 4 " 12 Sept. 2-3 / Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle IIoshannah-Rabbah Sh/mini Atseres Simchas Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah . J Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 19O2. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh Chodesh . First Day of Passover. Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer Rosh-Chodesh , First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday pr^viou EVENTFUL RECORDS. A.M. 287G. SAMUEL anointed DAVID to succeed to the kingdom. " 2877. DAVID slew GOLIATH, which increased the already existing jealousy of SAUL against him. " 2884. The Philistines defeated SAUL in battle and wounded him. SAUL could not bear the humiliation and killed himself. DAVID was then declared king of Judah. ISH-BOSHETII, one of SAUL'S sons, raised a civil war, but was murdered in his bed. When the assassins brought his head to DAVID, he denounced the cold-blooded murder of a defenceless man, even of an enemy, and had them slain. 34 THE CEXTURIAL WESSON Vegetable Odorless IS STRICTLY KOSHER, It is as pure as science can produce, and, unlike animal fats, it can contain no animal disease. This oil fries every kind of food better than any other fat. It is superior to melted butter, as it gives no flavor to the food, but retains the actual food taste in each article. It costs less than butter, too. Sold by best Dealers Every wlnere WESSON PROCESS CO., 120 So. Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Also Makers of WESSON SALAD Oil,. J 5663 AM. 1902-'3 Tishri 1 19O2. First Day of New Year . Thursday Oct. 2 tt 8 / Fast of Gedaliah ... Saturday* " 4 tt 10 Yom-Kippoor Saturday " 11 (( 15 First Day of Tabernacle Thursday " 16 t< 91 Hoshannah-Rabbah Wednesday 22 a-'. Sh'mini-Atseres Thursday " 23 tt "3 Friday " 24- Cheshvun Rosh-Chodesh * j Friday 31 Kislcv Rosh-Chodesh ( Saturday j Sunday Nov. 1 " 30 ti X<5 First Day of Chanukab I Monday Thursday Dec. 1 " 25 Tebct Rosh-Chodesh . . Tues.-Wed. " 30-31 e. 1 19O3. Fast of Tebet Friday Jan 9 Sh'vat 1 Rosh-Chodesh Thursday " 29 Adar Rosh-Chodesh Fri.-Sat. Feb. 27-28 K 13 Fast of Esther . Thursday Mar. 12 t( 14 Purim . Fri.-Sat. " 13-14 Nissan 1 Rosh-Chodesh Sunday " 29 tt 15 First Day of Passover Sunday April 1 2 lyar Rosh-Chodesh Mon.-Tues. " 27-28 18 Lag-B'Omer Friday Ji J ay 1 5 Sivan 1 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh Wednesday *' 27 tt 6 First Day of Pentecost Monday June 1 Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Thurs.-Fri. (i 25-26 tt 17 Fast of Tammuz Sunday July 12 AT 1 Rosh-Chodesh Saturday " 25 tt q Fo,st of Av Sunday Aug. 2 Ellul Rosh-Chodesh Sun.-Mon. ' 23-24 * Observed the following day EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 2892. DAVID acknowledged king over all Israel. " 2893. Jerusalem taken possession of and constituted the seat of gov- ernment. " 2921. DAVID being old, and his son ABSALOM wishing to succeed to the kingdom, rebelled. " 2923. ADOXIJAH, also an aspirant for the throne, assumed regal au- thority, but DAVID publicly announced his son SOLOMON to be his successor. * 2924. DAVID died and SOLOMON ascended the throne. 5664 A.M. 1903-'4 CL3S. Tishri 1 19O3. First Day of Xew Year . Tue^dav Spnt 22 (t 8 Fast of Gedaliah Thursday u .1 1 t< 10 Yom-Kippoor Thursday Oft 1 -v >*v i f-v r iv I -I" 1 ACCIDENT GEO. H. HALSEY, President. CEIAS. T. HOPPER, Secretary, ^jashington INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK. W. A- BREWER, JR., F= i=t E 5 1 1=> E IM T . , ovi: it si i, 000,000. Address E. S. FRENCH, Sup't of Agencies, 21 CoHrtlandt St., Ner York City. PFIVIW ^ ou can ^ iei ' e S e ^ more life insurance, of a better quality, on easier terms, at less cost than elsewhere. . Address, 921-3-5 Chestnut St., LIFE. Philadelphia. MUTUAL 5668 A.M. 1907-'8 CJE. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet. " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan. 6 Tammuz. 17 Av. 9 Ellul. I9O-7. First Dav of Xew Year . Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Sunday Friday Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Tues.-Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 9 " 11 18 23 29 30 Oct. 1 " 8-9 Nov. 7 Dec. 1 6 15 Jan. 4 Feb. 2-3 March 3-4 " 16 " 17-18 April 2 16 May 1-2 19 31 June 5 " 29-30 Ju'y 16 29 Aug. 6 " 27-28 j Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle . . J Hoshannah-Kabbah . . . . , Sh'mini- Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1903. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh. Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost . . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3021. OMRI built Samaria. AHAB, his son, succeeded him and reigned twenty-two years. " 3024. ASA, King of Judah. was succeeded by his son JEHOSHAPHAT, who reigned twenty-five years, during which time the proph- ets ELIJAH and ELISHA existed. ** 3041. OBADIAH prophesied. In a battle between AHAB and JEHO- SHAPHAT, the former was fatally wounded. AHAZIAH, his son, reigned after him for two years. st 3042. The combined fleets of Judah and Israel were wrecked in an expedition to Tarshish. 36 THE CENTURIAL. Rotary Motion and Ball Bearings. THE NEW HOOK: SIMPLEST & BEST EVER INVENTED WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO., MAKERS OF SEWINQ MACHINES, ALL STYLES AND SIZES, FOR CLOTH AND LEATHER, FACTORY AND HEAD OFFICE, BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT, U, S. A. 5669 A.M. 1908-9 CJE. Tishri 1 3 " 10 " 15 " 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat. Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. " 18 Sivan. 6 Tammuz. 17 Av. 9 Ellul. 1908. First Day of Xew Year Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tries. -Wed. Saturday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sun -Mon. Saturday* Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed. -Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Sept. 26 28 Oct. 5 " 10 " 16 " 17 18 " 25-26 Nov. 24-25 Dec. 19 " 24-25 Jan. 3 23 Feb. 21-22 Mar. 6 " 7-8 23 Apr. 6 " 21-22 May 9 21 26 Junel9-20 July 6 19 27 Aug.17-18 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day,, of Tabernacle. . , / . Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh .. 19O9. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther .. Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover.. w Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday previous EVENTFUL EECOEDS. A. M. 3043. JORAM succeeded his brother AHAZIAH on the throne of Israel and reigned twelve years. *' 3047. JEHOSHAPHAT united his son JEHORAM with him in the gov- ernment, and reigned eight years. AHAZIAH succeeded his father to the kingdom of Judah, but after reigning one year was killed in a battle with JEHTJ, King of Israel. * 3055. Regal authority was assumed by his mother, ATHALI AH, who reigned six years. She destroyed all the members of the royal family, excepting an infant named JOASH. son of AHA- ZIAH, who was hidden in the Temple by his aunt, JEHOSHA- BETH, wife of JEHOIDA, the High Priest. 38 5670 A.M. 1 909-'10 CM. Tishri 1 3 " 10 " 15 " 21 " 22 " 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 14-15 Xissan. 15 lyar. 18 Sivan. 6 Tammuz. 17 Av. 9 Ellul. 19O9. First Day of New Year Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri -Sat. Sunday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Fri. -Sat. Thursday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Sunday Mon. -Tues. Friday Wednesday Monday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sunday Sun. -Mon. Sept. 16 18 25 30 Oct. 6 7 8 '' 15-16 Xov. 14 Dec. 8 13 22 Jan. 11 Feb. 9-10 Mar. 11-12 24 " 25-26 April 10 24 May 9 27 June 8 13 July 7-8 24 Aug. 6 " 14 Sept. 4-5 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah . Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah . j Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 191O. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. First Day of Pentecost Rosh- Chodesh Fast of Tammuz ... Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed the following day EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3061. Queen ATHALIAH killed by the populace, and Jo ASH declared king when only seven years old. JOXAH prophesied during this reign. " 3083. JEOAHAZ succeeded his father, JEHU, to the kingdom of Israel, and reigned fifteen years 1 ' 3098. JEOASU. his son, next reigned for a period of sixteen years. " 3100. Jo ASH, King of Judah, ordered ZECHARIAH, the High Priest, to be stoned to death in the Temple He obtained peace from the King of Syria by purchase, and was slain in a con- spiracy. AMAZIAH, his son, succeeded him, and reigned twenty nine years. HOSE A commenced to prophesy at this. time. 40 5671 A.M. 1910-'ll OSS. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheslivan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Aclar. 13 14-15 Xissan 1 15 lyar. " 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 " 9 Ellul. 1910. First Day of New Year Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wed.-Thurs. Friday Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri.-Sat." Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Oct. 4 " 6 13 18 24 25 20 Xov. 2-3 Dec. 2 20 ( " 31 - 1911 ( Jan. 1 " 10 30 j Feb. 28 ( Marcli 1 13 " 14-15 " 30 Apr. 13 " 28-29 May 16 28 June 2 " 26-27 July 13 " 26 Aug. 3 " 24-25 Fast of Gedali&h Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshaunah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah . Rosh-Chodesh 1911. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh , Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost. . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh F.iot of Av Rosh-Chodesh . EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3112. A victory obtained over EDOM by AMAZIAH. -'* 3113. AMAZIAH challenged JEOASH, King of Israel, who defeated him, took him prisoner, pillaged Jerusalem and the Temple. " 3114. JEROBOHAM II., son of JEOASH, succeeded to the kingdom of Israel, and reigned forty-one years. " 3129. AMAZIAH, who had been taken captive by JEOASH, was slain. His son, UZZIAH, succeeded him and reigned fifty-two years. The term of his government is dated from 3115, as, although not actually king, he assumed royal authority in that year, when his father was conquered and made prisoner. 43 THE CEXTURIAL. B. FISCHER & CO.'S BLACK PACKAGE Russian Caravan Tea. One Teaspoonful Makes THREE Cups. HEALTHFULNESS. 83 Second Avenue. MESSRS. B. FISCHER & Co , GENTLEMEN : Your Russian Caravan Tea (Black Package) is without exception the finest and most wholesome Tea that has yet come to my notice; ur Thursday Satitrday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Wednesday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Sept. 28 30 Oct. 7 " 12 18 19 20 " 27-28 Nov. -."; Dec. 20 " 25-26 Jan. 4 24 Feb. 22-23 March 7 " 8-9 24 April 7 " 22-23 May 10 22 27 June 2 0-21 July 7 20 28 Aug. 18- 19 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh 191-7. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover .... Rosh-Chodesh , , Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost. . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh . . Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3212. HEZEKTAH, King of Judah, being desirous of exempting him- self from further payment of the tribute which the Assy- r'ans had levied upon his kingdom in the time of his father, AHAZ, formed alliances with the Kings of Egypt and Ethiopia. SENNACHERIB. King of Assyria, went out against him, and he was only enabled to purchase peace by sacri- fic'.ng many of the treasures of the Temple. 3213. SENNACHERIB, encouraged by his success, renewed his march against Jerusalem, but was repulsed with the great loss of 185,000 men, and was slain by his own sons after his return to Nineveh. 54 5678 A.M. 1917-' 18 CJE. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 Nissan. 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1917. First Day of New Year Monday Wed nesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues -Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues. -Wed. Monday Tues. -Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri. Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 17 19 26 Oct. 1 7 8 9 " 10-17 Nov. 15-16 Dec. 10 " 15-16 25 Jan. 14 Feb. 12-13 25 " 26-27 Mar. 14 28 Apr. 12-13 30 May 12 17 June 10-11 27 July 10 18 Aug. 8-9 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor . First Day of Tabernacle IIoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1918. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover. Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh- Chodesh , , First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3214. SENNACHERIB was succeeded by ASSARDOX, otherwise called BALADAX. '* 3224. HEZEKIAH'S sickness and recovery. The Sun said to have gone back ten degrees (2 Kings xx., 9-11). " 3226. MERODACH-BALADAN, the successor of ASSARDOX, sent am- bassadors to HEZEKIAH to congratulate him on his recovery. He exhibited to them his great treasures, as a result of which act ISAIAH foretold the Babylonian captivity. " 3228. HEZEKIAH was succeeded by his son MANASSEH, who reigned the long term of fifty-five years. 56 5679 A.M. 1918-'19 CM. Tishri 1 I91S. First Day of New Year. . Saturday Sept. 7 " 3 / Fast of Gedaliah .... Monday a 9 " 10 Yom-Kippoor Monday tt 1G " 15 First Dav of Tabernacle . . Saturday ft 21 " 21 */ Hoshannah-Rabbah Friday et 27 " 22 Sh'mini Atseres Saturday 28 " 23 Simchas-Torah Sunday 29 Cheshvan Kosh-Chodesh Sun -Mon. Oct 6-7 Kislev 1 Rosh-Chodesh Tuesday Nov 5 " 25 First Day of Chanukah Friday It 29 Tebet 1 Rosh-Chodesh Wednesday Dec 4 " 10 Fast of Tebet Friday a 13 Sh'vat. 1919. Rosh-Chodesh Thursday Jan 2 Adar Rosh-Chodesh Fri -Sat I " 31 2d Adar. Rosh-Chodesh Sun. -Mon. ( Feb. Mar 1 2-3 " 13 Fast of Esther Saturday* 15 " 14-15 Purim Sun. -Mon. tt 16-17 Nissan 1 Rosh-Chodesh Tuesday April 1 " 15 First Day of Passover Tuesday tt 15 Tvar Rosh-Chodesh Wed -Thurs. J " 30 " 18 Lag-B'Omer Sunday ( Ma) tt 1 18 Sivan 1 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh Friday 30 " 6 First Day of Pentecost . . Wednesday June 4 Tammuz. Rosh-Chodesh Sat. -Sun. tt 28-29 " 17 Fast of Tammuz Tuesday July 15 Av 1 Rosh-Chodesh .... Monday tt 28 " 9 Fast of Av Tuesday AufiT 5 Ellul Rosh-Chodesh Tues.-Wed. ft 26-27 * Observed Thursday previous EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3240. NAHUM prophesied. " 3249. MAJTASSEH made captive and taken to Babylon. " 3250. Having repented of his evil doings, he prayed for pardon and was restored to his kingdom. His prayer is found in the Apocrypha. " 3254, -HABAKKUK, the prophet, lived 58 THE CENTURIAL. Shoninger Piano SUPERIOR QUALITY OF TONE AND ACTION, MTEST MRTISTIG DESIGNS, The Superior, Unrivalled Qualities of the SHONINQER PIANO : ITS MUSICAL AND SYMPATHETIC TONE ; ITS PERFECT REPEATING ACTION ; ITS EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP, have won a host of friends among Professional and Amateur Pianists, Durability Guaranteed. RECOMMENDED BY SUCH EMINENT M.USICIANS AS DUDLEY BUCK, S. B. MILLS, ITALO CAMPANINI, C. A. CAPPA, ACHILLE TOMASI, GEORGE SWEET, AND MANY OTHERS. THEY ARE First in Tone, Action and Durability, First in the Estimation of A rtists, First in the Concert-Hall and Parlor. There is no letter Piano than the SHONINGER. Every Instrument Fully Warranted, CATALOGUES MAILED ON APPLICATION. B. SHONINGER CO., Manufacturers, , CONN. 835 State Street, Chicago. 86 Fifth. ATO., New York. 5680 A.M. 1919-'20 Tishri 1 3 10 15 " 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. " 13 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. " 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1319. First Day of Now Your Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Wednesday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Sept. 25 O~ Oct. 4 9 15 Hi " 17 " 24-25 Nov. 23 Dec. 17 " 22-23 Jan. 1 21 Feb. 39-20 Mar. 3 4-5 " 20 Apr. 3 " 18-19 May 6 18 23 June 16-17 July 3 " 16 24 Aug. 14-15 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor ^ I'rst Day of Tabernacle IIoshannah-Rabbah . . . . , Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh 192O. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover ........ Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer. 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3283. AMOtf succeeded his father, MANASSEH, bat only reigned two years, being killed by a conspiracy. " 3285. He was saosesdod by his son JOSIAH, who reigned thirty-one years. " 3292. JOSIAH removed many abuses and restored the practice of divine worship, which, during the two preceding reigns, had been greatly neglected and interrupted. " 3^98 The prophecies of JEREMIAH commenced. " 3302. A book of the Law was discovered in the Temple by HILKIAH, the High Priest. 60 It isn't wise to buy of a store simply because it's the biggest in the world, but the chances are that it became biggest because it was wise to buy of it. There isn't a proper thing for wear or for home decoration or use but we have it. And the price is sure to be right as low as any- body's and very likely lower. You can write for whatever you want and be as well served as if you came to the store. Catalogue for the asking. JOHN WANAMAKER, Philadelphia. AN OLD AND WELL-TRIED REMEDY FOR OVER FIFTY YFARS. Winslooi's Soothing Syrap. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by mothers for children teething for over fifty years with perfect success. It relieves the little sufferer at once, pro- duces natural, quiet sleep by freeing the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleasant to taste, soothes the child, softens the gums, allays pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedyfor diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty-five cents a bottl. 5681 A.M. 1920-'21 CM. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1O2O. First Day of Xcv/ Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tucs.-Wed. Thurs -Fri. Wednesday Thurs. -Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed. -Thurs Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Sept. 13 " 33 22 27 Oct. 3 4 5 '' 12-13 Nov. 11-12 Dec. 6 " 11-12 " 21 Jan. 10 Feb. 8-9 Mar. 10-11 23 " 2425 April ft 23 May 8-ft 26 June 7 12 July G-7 23 Aug. 5 13 Sept. 3-4 Fast of Gcdaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini- Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Chanukah . j Rosh-Chodesh. Fast of Tebet 1921. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh . . Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover . Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh Chodesh Fast of Tammuz .... Rosh-Chodesh , Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed day following. EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3303. The feast of Passover was celebrated with unparalleled solem- nity and grandeur. ZEPHAXIAH prophesied. " 3316. In a battle against PHARAOH-NECHO, JOSIAH was wounded. He returned to Jerusalem and died there. His son JEOA- CHAZ succeeded him, and three months afterwards PHA- RAOH-NECHO imposed a tax on the country of two talents of silver and one of gold (about $100,000), deposed JEOACHAZ, md gave the throne to his brother, JEHOIAKIM, who reigned eleven years. 62 5682 A.M. 1921V22 Tishri 1 1921. First Day of New Year . Monday Oct. 3 ./ 9 Fast of Gedaliah Wednesday " 5 n 10 Yom-Kippoor Wednesday " It (I 15 First Day of Tabernacle Monday " IT *< 91 Hoshannah-Rabbah Sunday o;; < 9,9, Sh'mini-Atseres Monday " 21 ft 93 Simchas-Torah Tuesday " 25 Cheshvan Rosh-Chodesh Tues -Wed. Nov. 1-2 Kislev. Rosh-Chodesh Thurs.-Fri. Dec. 1-2 r< 95 First Day of Chanukah Monday " 26 Tebet 1922. Rosh-Chodesh Sat. -Sun. ( " 31 J 1922 ft 10 Fast of Tebet Tuesday ( Jan. 1 " 10 Sh'vat 1 Rosh-Chodesh Monday " 30 Adar. Rosh-Chodesh Tues. -Wed. ( Feb. 28 a 13 Fast of Esther . Monday ( Mar. 1 " 13 14- 15 Purim Tues. -Wed. " 1415 Nissan 1 Rosh-Chodesh Thursday " 30 tt 15 Thursday Apr. 13 Ivar j Rosh-Chodesh Fri.-Sat. " 28-29 tt IS Tuesday May 1 '1 Si van 1 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh Sunday " 28 it 6 First Dav of Pentecost. Friday June 2 Tammnz Rosh-Chodesh Mon.-Tues. " 26-27 tt 17 Fast of Tammuz , Thursday July 13 Av 1 Rosh-Chodesh Wednesday 26 tt q Fast of Av Thursday Aug. 3 Ellul Rosh-Chodesh Thurs Fri. " 24-23 EVENTFUL RECORDS. V. M- 3319. JEHOIAKIM became tributary to NEBUCHADXEZZAR. DANIEL and many noted men were led into captivity. " 3323. A revolt by JEHOIAKOI quelled by NEBUCHADNEZZAR, and the Temple plundered by him. 3327. JEHOIAKIM put to death, was succeeded by his eight-year-old son JEHOIACHIX, whom NEBUCHADNFZZAK sent for to Babylon and placed in prison. The throne was given to his uncle, ZEDKKIAH, who reigned eleven years, and was the la : Ki-j ci JuJah. 04 5683 A.M. 1922-'23 CUE. Tishri 1 3 10 " 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebet 1 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. " 13 14-15 Nissan 1 " 15 lyar. " 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 " 9 Ellul. 1922. First Day of New Year . Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Friday Wednesday Friday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Thursday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Sunday Mon.-Tues. Friday Wednesday Monday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Sept. 2'f. 25 Oct. 2 a f i " 13 14 1/5 " 22-23 Nov. 21 Dec. 15 " 20 " 29 Jan. 18 Feb. 16-17 Mar. 1 " 2-3 " 18 April 1 " 16-17 May 4 16 21 June 14-1 5 July 1 14 22 Aug. 12-13 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor. . First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah- Kabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Kosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1923. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lasr-B'Omer. . 83d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3332. The prophecies of EZEKIEL commenced. " 3336. ZEDEKIAH revolted against Babylon's oppression. On the tenth day of the month of Tebet, NEBUCHADNEZZAR laid siege to Jerusalem. " 3338. On the ninth day of Av he took the city, burned the Temple, massacred many of the people, caused the sons of ZEDEKIAH to be killed in their father's presence, then had his eyes put out, and took him and a large number of prisoners captive into Babylon. This ended the kingdom of Judah, after it. had been in existence four hundred and fifty-four years, under David and his lineal descendants. THE CENTURIAL. OUR THREE FAMILY ARE LIGHT RUNNING, NOISELESS, IN ADDITION TO DURABLE, SIMPLE, ALL OF FAULT SEWIN& THEY MAKE THE MOST EXQUISITE EMBROIDERIES, (WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS.) WE ALSO MAKE MACHINES FOR EVERY MANUFACTURING PROCESS In which a NEEDLE IS USED. AND FIT UP ANY Stitcrtiing P2.oom Complete:, OVER 10,500,000 SINGED M>CHI\ES SOLD, THE OFFICES EVERYWHERE. 5684A.M. 1923-'24O^. Tishri 1 3 10 15 ei " 22 23 Cheslwan. Kislev I " 25 Tebet. " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. " 13 14-15 Nissan 1 " 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 " 9 Ellul. 1923. First Day of New Year Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wed.-Thur. Friday Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thur. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Sept. fi tc ct Oct. it it (i Nov. Dec. tt (C Jan. Feb. Mar. te * Nov. 3-4 Dec. 3 27 Jan. 1 " 10 30 ( Feb. 28 ( Mar. 1 13 " 14-15 30 April 13 28 May Ifi " og June 2 " 26-27 July 13 " ' 26 Aug. 3 " 2425 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah- Kabbah. . ... Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Ilosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First J )ay of Chanukah IO3O. Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3622. MATTATHIAS died and was succeeded by his son JTJDA.H. who completely routed the Syrian army and slew many of its offi- cers, including APOLLOXIUS, its general-in-chief. On regaining possession of the Temple, he purified and re- dedicated it, and resumed divine worship on the 25th day of Kislev; in commemoration of which the festival of CHANUKAH is celebrated. A treaty of alliance was effected with the Senate at Rome, ambassadors having been sent there for that purpose. A copy of the treaty was engraved on brazen tablets. THE CENTURIAL. We again invite your attention to our " West Side Home of Art and Photography/' ..... Our $pecialtk$* Children's Portraits Original with our Senior away back in the sixties. Home Photographs At private residences, night or day, surrounded with home accessories. Triplex Portraits We had the honor of having our invention adopted in the principal cities of Europe as a standard prctu e. Domestic Pets Of every kind photographed at residence or at our studio. Photogravure Platinums This is more in the line of adult portraiture and seems to be the climax of the art. Family Groups Our studio, with its uninterrupted north light, is acknowledged to be the finest in the city. Hence our success with instantaneous groups. Photo-Etching This is a beautiful style of portraiture in which the product of the camera is sup- plemented by the skilled hand of the artist. Children photographed at their play How often you say " How I do wish I could have a picture of baby as he [or she] looks now.** "We go to your house and photograph the children at play. "We have secured two more distinguished photo- artists, presenting a staff of earnest, enthusiastic workers unsurpassed. The world is crazy on Photography. We have a special department of Amateur requisites, and are principal headquarters for the Eastman specialties. Amateur supplies. With each dozen pictures we present ONE PRINT ON LARGE MOUNT FOR FRAMING. ROCKWOOD, Jr. 2388 BROADWAY (87th Street). We make a beautiful style of Adult Photographs at $3.00 per dozen. 5691 A.M. 1930-'31 033. Tishri 1 3 " 10 " 15 " 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 # Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1S30. First Day of New Year Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wed.-Thurs. Friday Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 23 " 25 Oct. 2 7 13 " 14 15 " 22-23 Nov. 21 Dec. 15 " 20-21 " 30 Jan. 19 Feb. 17-18 Mar. 2 " 3-4 " 1'.) April 2 "' 17-18 May 5 " 17 22 June 15-10 July 2 11 " 19 Aug. 13-14 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle . . 7 Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1931. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost . . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3628. JUDAH, having been deserted by some of his troops, was killed in battle against DEMETRIUS, whose forces were led by BAG- CHIDES and ALCIMUS. He was succeeded by his brother JONATHAN, who renewed the friendly relations with Rome and Laced aemon. 3633. TRYPHON treacherously seized JONATHAN and demanded a heavy ransom for his release, but killed him after the amount had been paid. 3634. -^JONATHAN was succeeded by his brother SIMEON, and all the allies of Rome were favorably addressed on behalf of the Jews by the Consul Lucius. 5692 A.M. 1931V32 CJE. Tishri 1 3 10 15 " 21 " 22 " 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 18 Tebet. 10 Sb/vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. " 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1931. First Dav of New Year . Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tues.-Wed. Saturday Thurs. Fri. Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Tues.-Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri. -Sat." Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs. -Fri. Sept tt K tt Oct. tt if Nov. Dec. tt <( Jan. Feb. Mar. tt t < Apr. tt May June K July a Aug. tt Sent. 12 14 21 26 2 3 4 10-11 5 10-11 20 9 7-8 8 9 21 22-23 N 1 21 6-7 24 5 10 4-5 21 3 11 1-2 / Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle . . / IIoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres , Simchas-Torah Rosh-C'hodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Chanukah. . Rosh-Chodesh . . . , Fast of Tebet 1932. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer ........ ........ 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh . EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3C42. PTOLEMY, King of Egypt, and the son-in-law of SIMEON", assas- sinated the latter and his two sons at a feast. His object in doing so was to obtain the government of Judea, which he coveted. JOHN II YRC AN us, another son, managed to escape. On hearing of the cruel murder of his relatives, he waged war against PTOI.EMY and drove him to take refuge in the castle of I) AGON*. Finding himself besieged there, unable to escape and having in his power his enemy's mother and brothers, he had them taken on to the battlements of the tower and cruelly tortured in JOHN'S sight, threatening to throw his mother from the walls if he did not abandon the siege. She heroically encouraged and advised her son to the contrary, and suffered a martyr's death in the cause. 84 THE CENTURIAL. Silver Plate that Wears. Meriden Britannia Co Chafing Dishes * Trade- Mark on Chafing Dishes, Nickel Silver base. Chafing dishes of our manufacture are heavily silver plated on nickel silver base, which will not dent, and is better for the purpose than silver itself. Ask your dealer to show you some of the new designs. If he does not have them, write to us and we will inform you where they can be obtained. Send for our Recipe Book Free Trade-Mark on Spoons, Forks, etc. " 1847 " is the important mark. Meriden Britannia Co. Meriden, Conn. New York, Chicago, San Francisco. * Q , t^f *~ TRADE, /v\ A Fl. K 1O4/RPGER5BR05 ti^>r>4^c^^r*4^*>*^*^^*>*^*^^ Silver Plate that Wears The Impossible. The Actual. The Certain. IT is impossible to judge the quality o silver- ware by its appearance. The reputation of the maker must be the guide. IN plated ware, the Meriden Britannia Co., by half a century's honest manufacturing, has made its trade-marks a guarantee the world over. IF you buy Meriden Britannia Co. silverware, you will have the best that is made in plate. | I TRADE, AVAR K Trade-Mark for Spoons, Forks, Knives, etc. " 1847 " identifies the old original Rogers quality. Trade-Mark on Salad Dishes, Tea Sets, etc. If your dealer does not keep these goods, write us, and we will inform you where they can be obtained. Please mention this publication. Meriden Britannia Co. Lotus. MERIDEN, CONN NEW YORK, 208 Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. SAN FRANCISCO, 5693 A.M. 1932-'33 Tishn 1 3 " 10 15 21 22 " 23 Clieshvan. Kislev. " 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar, " 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 " 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammaz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1932. First Dav of New Year Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tues.-Wed. Saturday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sun. Mon. Saturday* Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. s Oct. 1 3 " 10 " 15 21 22 23 " 30-31 Nov. 29-30 Dec. 24 " 29-30 Jan. 8 28 Feb. 26-27 Mar. 11 " 12-13 28 Apr. 11 " 26-27 May 14 " 26 31 June 24-25 July 11 24 Aug. 1 " 22-23 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah- Kabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Siinchas-Torah , Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Chanukah . */ Rosb-Chodesb 1933. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh .... Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Pentecost . , / Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed on Thursday previou EVENTFUL KECORDS. A. M. 3642. ANTIOCIIUS SIDETES besieged the Temple, but granted a truce of eight days to celebrate the Tabernacle feast, and even sent offerings thereto. This action produced peace and a treaty of alliance. " 3648. The commencement in Judea of Roman authority. " 3665. The government assumed by ARISTOBULUS. who had his mother and brother murdered. " 3666. His brother ALEXANDER succeeded him. 3667. ALEXANDER engaged in war with PTOLEMY LATHYRUS and lost 30,000 men in an engagement. 5694 A.M. 1933-'34 Tisbri 1 3 " 10 " 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 35 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av * 1 9 Ellul. 1933. First Day of New Year Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Wednesday Mon -Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun. -Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Sept. 21 23 " 30 Oct. 5 " 11 " 12 " 13 " 20-21 Nov. 19 Dec. 13 " 18-19 " 28 Jan. 17 Feb. 15-16 28 Mar. 1-2 17 31 Apr. 15-16 May 3 " 15 20 June 13-14 30 July 13 " 21 Aug. 11-12 Fast of Gedaliah . . . 3 Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah .... Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Fast of Tebet leau*. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh- Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh .... First Day of Passover . . / Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3G69. ALEXANDER afterwards formed an alliance with CLEOPATRA. " 3674. On the day of Hoshannah-Rabbah, the people having revolted, they violently assaulted ALEXANDER with their citrons, in retaliation for which, six thousand of the unarmed populace were killed by his troops. " 3685. Queen ALEXANDRA, his widow, acted as regent after his death. " 3694. Her two sons, ARISTOBULUS and HYRCANUS, disputed as to the succession, but came to an agreement by which ARISTO- BULUS, the younger, was acknowledged. 88 5695 A.M. 1934-35 CM. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet 1 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. " 18 Sivan 1 " 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 " 9 Ellul. 193-4. First Day of New Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Sunday Friday Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Tues -Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 10 12 " 19 " 24 " 30 Oct. 1 2 " 9-10 Nov. 8 Dec. 2 7 " 16 Jan. 5 Feb. 3-4 Mar. 5-6 18 " 19-20 Apr. 4 18 May 3-4 21 June 2 7 July 1-2 " 17 " 31 Aug. 8 " 29-20 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh , Fast of Tebet 1925. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer .... 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh , Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh . EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3699. The two brothers were cited to appear before POMPEY, and he, being dissatisfied with ARISTOBULUS, deposed him and had him taken prisoner to Rome. " 3700. He then raised HYRCANTTS to the throne, on condition of his paying a heavy tribute and not wearing a crown. " 3713. The Temple was pillaged and an enormous booty taken there- from by CKASSUS. " 3719. The former alliance with the Romans was renewed with JULIUS C.ESAR. 90 5696 A.M. 1935-'36 Tishri 1 3 10 " 15 " 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 Nissan 1 " 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1935. First Day of New Year Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tues.-Wed. Saturday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Saturday* Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-\Yed. Sept. 28 " 30 Oct. 7 " 12 " 18 " 10 " 20 " 2T-2& Nov. 26-27 Dec. 21 " 26-27 Jan. a " 25 Feb. 23-24 Mar. 7 8-tf 11 24 Apr. 7 " 22-23 May 10 22 27 June 20-21 July 7 20 28 Aug. 18-19 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag- 13'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av .... Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday previous. EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3721. On the death of JULIUS CAESAR, all the requests of the Jews were granted by the Senate. " 3722. A contribution of seven hundred talents (about 8400,000) was levied on Judea by CASSIUS. " 3724. The kingdom was now sought by ANTIGONUS, but HEKOD and PHAZA.EL, sons of ANTIPATEU, were appointed Tetrarchs. ANTIGONUS was obliged to fly to Rome, and was granted the kingdom by the Senate. " 3727. The famous historian. JOSEPHUS, born. 92 5697 A.M. 1936-'37 Tishri 1 3 10 15 " 21 " 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 33 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. " 18 Si van 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1936. First Day of New Year . , Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri. Sat. Sunday Wednesday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thura.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Suu.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thur. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Sept. 17 " 19 " 26 Oct. 1 7 8 9 " 16-17 Nov. 15 Dec. 9 " 14-15 24 Jan. 13 Feb. 11 11 " 24 " 25-26 Mar. 13 " 27 Apr. 11-12 < 29 May 11 16 June 9-10 " 26 July 9 17 Aug. 7-8 J Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor. First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah- Kabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah .... Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Chanukah . j Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 193-7. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL KECOKDS. A. M. 3728. The famous colleges of HILLEL and SHAMAI existed at this time. They are noted as seats of learning where so many dis- cussions were waged . The Chaldean paraphrases, known as the Targum, were written at this time by Rabbi JONATHAN. HEROD having returned and captured Jerusalem, ANTIGONUS was made prisoner and beheaded by MARC ANTONY. " 3731. HEROD and MARC ANTONY made common cause against AUGUSTUS C^SAR. A terrible famine existed throughout Judea, ten thousand men perishing in Jerusalem. *f 3742. The rebuilding of the Temple was now begun. " 3751. The city of Caesarea, built in honor of AUGUSTUS, wassolemnly dedicated by HEROD. 94 5698 A.M. 1937-'38 CM. Tishri 1 3 10 " 15 " 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 14-15 Nissan 1 " 15 lyar. " 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 " 9 Ellul. 193-7. First Day of Xew Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Monday Sat.-Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Sunday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat.-Sun. Sept. tt et (( it i( (( Oct. Nov. tt Dec. tt Jan. Feb. Mar. a tt Apr. tt May tt tt June tt July (i Aug. tt 6 8 15 20 26 27 28 5-6 4-5 29 4-5 14 5 1-8 3-4 16 17-18 2 16 1-2 19 31 r, 29-30 16 29 6 27-28 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh . First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh. .... Fast of Tebet 1938. Rosh-Chodesh .. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh . ..... Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. A. M. 3752. To secure the valuable treasures which had been deposited h DAVID'S tomb, HEROD ordered it to be opened. Two of his attendants were struck by lightning and killed whilst the) were engaged in the act of desecration " 3757. All former rights and privileges enjoyed by the Jews at Alex- andria were ratified and confirmed by AUGUSTUS. " 3760. The Christian era now commenced, 1,312 years after the exo- dus of Israel from Egypt; and for the convenience of the general reader we shall from this point use that date. 96 5699 A.M. 1938-'39 CJE. Tishri 1 3 10 " 15 21 " 22 " 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebet 1 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 " 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 " 6 Tammuz. " 17 AT 1 9 Ellul. 1998. First Day of New Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Sunday Friday Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Saturday * Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Sept. 26 28 Oct. 5 " 10 " 16 17 " 18 " 25-26 Nov. 24 Dec. 18 23 Jan. 1 2L Feb. 19-20 Mar. 4 " 5-6 21 April 4 " 19-20 May 7 " 1& " 24 June 17-18 July 4 f 17 25 Aug. 15-16 Fast of Gedaliah Yoi-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Babbah Sh'miui-Atseres Simchas-Torah Kosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Kosh-Chodesh 1939. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost. . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday previous EVENTFUL RECORDS. CM. 1. HEROD was succeeded by his son ARCHELAUS. " 10. HEROD ANTIPAS succeeded to the government after his brother, ARCHELAUS. " 15. The edict in favor of the Jews, which had been issued by AUGUSTUS, was forwarded and proclaimed to the governors of every Roman province, including even Britain. " 21. Four impostors, in order to escape public punishment, fled from Judea to Rome. The misconduct of these fugitives was such in this latter city that the Jews residing there were ordered to quit. 5700A.M. 1939-'40CJB. Tishri 1 3 " 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. < 25 Tebct. " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 " 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 " G Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1939. First Day of New Year Thursday Sept. 14 16 23 28 Oct. 4 " 5 6 " 13-14 Nov. 12-13 Dec. 7 " 12-13 22 Jan. 11 Feb. 9-10 Mar. 10-11 23 " 24-25 Apr. 9 23 May 8-9 26 June 7 12 July C-7 23 Aug. 5 13 Sept. 3-4 Fast of Gedaliah i Saturday* Yom-Kippoor Saturday First Day of Tabernacle Thursday IIoshannah-Rabbah Wednesday Sh'tniiii-Atseres Thursday Sirnchas-Torah Friday Rosh-Chodesh i Fri.-Sat. Rosh-Chodesh Sun.-Mon. First Day of Chanukah Thursday Rosh-Chodesh .... i Tues.-Wed. Fast of Tebet Friday 194.0. Rosh-Chodesh Thursday Rosh-Chodesh Fri.-Sat. Rosh-Chodesh Sun -Mon Fast of Esther Saturday f Pnrim Sun.-Mon Rosh-Chodesh Tuesday First Day of Passover. . Tuesday Rosh-Chodesh Wed -Thurs. Lag B'Omer Sunday 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh Fridav First Day of Pentecost Wednesday Rosh-Chodesh Sat. -Sun. Fast of Tamrnuz Tuesday Rosh-Chodesh Monday Fast of Av Tuesday Rosh-Chodesh Tues -Wed. * Observe T^ TZ> TI> T^ TI> JL JL JL A_V JL JL J^vJtTV^ 14O1 BROADWAY, Between 38th and 39fh Streets, NE-\V YORK. TELEPHONE CALL. 38TH ST., 7O4. 5707 A.M. 1946-'47 Tishri 1 3 " 10 15 21 22 " 23 Cheshran. Kislev 1 25 Tebet. " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. " 18 Sivan 1 " 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 19-0-6. First Day of New Year Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri. Sat. Sunday Wednesday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Timrs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thur. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Sept. 26 28 Oct. 5 -" 10 " 16 17 18 " 25-26 Nov. 24 Dec. 18 " 23-24 Jan. 2 " 22 Feb. 20-21 Mar. 5 6-7 22 Apr. 5 " 20-21 May 8 20 25 June 18-19 July 5 " 18 26 Aug. 16-17 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle II oshannah- Kabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah . Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh IS-* -7. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost.. Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz , Rosh^Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed day following. EVENTFUL RECORDS. 71. Preferring death to falling into the hands of the Romans, the male population of Masada first killed their wives and children and then themselves. Judea was now finally subjugated, and it is calculated that in the various wars with the Romans the Jewish loss amounted to a million and a half. Of this number, only 100,000 were made captives, all the rest having sacrificed their lives in de fence of their country and their faith, which is a striking proof of their patriotism and fidelity. 114 THE CENTURIAL. THE DAVIDSON SCHOOL FOR BOYS. (Day and Boarding Ft_ipils.) AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Dr. DAVID DAVIDSON, Principal. 57 EAST 6ist Summer Vacation School. An Ideal Mountain Resort for Health, Recreation and Study, at Coolbaugfh, Pa. NEW YORK. 5708 A.M. 1947-'48 CM. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. " 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. " 18 Si van 1 " 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. \S4--7. First Day of Xew Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Monday Sat.-Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Thurs -Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun. -Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed. -Thurs Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat.-Sun. Sept. 15 17 " 24 29 Oct. 5 " C (( IV 1 " 14-15 Nov. 13-14 Dec. 8 " 13-14 23 Jan. 12 Feb. 30-11 Mar. 11- 12 24 " 25-2G Apr. 10 " 24 May 9-10 27 June 8 " 13 July 7-8 " 24 Aug. 6 " 14 Sept. 4-5 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah . . . . , Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1948. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover . . */ Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh .... Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh . * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. O9 CTD CTQ CD CO -f* CO The superior quality of my Yellow Wrapper Chocolate, which has made it famous all over the world, (33,000,000 Ibs. now being sold annually, making CHOCOLAT-MEXTER'S factory the largest in the world,) is fully maintained by my Cocoa, which, although a new line with me, has already an enormous and daily increasing sale. A trial will convince you of its merits. Try my Chocolate or my Cocoa instead of Tea or Coffee Once tried always used. 5709 A.M. 1948-'49 OSS. Tishri 1 " 3 10 " 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. " 25 Tebet. " 10 ShVat 1 Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 35 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 194S. First Day of New Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Pri.-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Oct. 4 " 13 " IS " 24 " 25 26 Xov. 2-3 Dec. 2-3 27 Jan. 1-2 " 11 " 31 Mar. 1-2 " 14 " 15-16 " 31 Apr. 14 " 2930 May 17 29 June 3 <' 27-28 July 14 27 Aug. 4 " 25-26 Fast of Gedaliah First L)av of Tabernacle . . j I loshannah- Kabbah . . . . Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah 1049. Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Passover J Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer. . . . . ......... 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Pentecost. . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh .... Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. circumstances. Having heard of the great fame of the cele- brated Rabbi HILLEL for extraordinary patience, he resolved to put it to the test. Accordingly, just as the rabbi was pre- paring for the Sabbath eve, he went to him and expressed his desire to embrace Judaism, provided he could be taught it in the short space of time that he could stand upon one foot. This absurd request, he thought, would naturally ex- cite the rabbi's anger ; but he was mistaken. HILLEL sim- ply answered him, "V'oHovxo L'RYERCHO K'MOUCHO" (T7iou fthaU love thy neighbor as thyself), telling him this 118 5710 A.M. 1949-'50 CM. Tishri 1 3 10 " 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebet 1 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. " 13 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1949. First Dav of New Year. . Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Friday Wednesday Friday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Thursday Fri -Sat. Sunday Sunday Mon.-Tues. Friday Wednesday Monday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sunday Sun. -Mon. Sept. 24 2G Oct. 3 (C " 14 15 " 36 " 23-24 Nov. 22 Dec. 16 21 30 Jan. 19 Feb. 17-18 Mar. 2 " 3-4 19 April 2 " 17-18 May 5 17 22 June 15-16 July 2 15 23 Aiiff. 13-14- / Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle . . J Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini Atseres Simchas-Torah. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet I9SO. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh , First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh . . EVENTFUL RECORDS. comprised Judaism, and that the practice of the forms and ceremonies connected with it were merely details, which he could study at leisure. CM. 115. The Jews at Gyrene broke out in rebellion, which extended to Egypt, where they slew 220,000 Greeks. MARTIUS TURBO quelled the disturbance and restored order. They had killed, also, at Cyprus, 240,000 Greeks ; but wher HADRIAN regained possession of the island, he prohibited trie Jews from reland- ing thereon under penalty of death. 120 THE CENTURIAL. THE Of Hartford, Conn. JAJVIES Q. BflTTBKSON, President J* Largest Accident Company in the World and a Leading Life Company & ISSUES ACCIDENT POLICIES Covering Residents of Travel, Sport or Business, at bonne and abroad Yearly, or premium paid up in Ten Years with return of all premiums paid, and running till 70. Death Only, or Death and Weekly Indemnity. No medical examination required. Not forfeited by change of occu- pation, but pa.id.flro rata. No extra charge for foreign travel or residence LIFE and ENDOWMENT POLICIES All Forms, Low Rates, and Non-Forfeitable ITS INCREASING LIFE PLAN affording options of conversion into temporary or life annuities, with liberal surrender values, is offered by no other Company ASSETS, $22,868,994 LIABILITIES, $19,146,359 SURPLUS, $3,722,635 Returned to Policy Holders since J864, $34,360,626 GEORGE ELLIS JOHN E. MORRIS Secretary Ass't Secretary 5711 A.M. 195CK51 Tishri 1 1950. First Day of Xew Year Tuesday Sept 12 3 Fast of Gedaliah Thursday " 14 " 10 Yom-Kippoor Thursday " 21 " 15 First Day of Tabernacle Tuesdav " 21 Hoshaunah-Rabbah Monday Oct 2 22 Sh'mini-Atseres Tuesday " 3 " 23 Simchas-Torah Wednesday " 4 Cheshvan. Rosh-Chodesh Wed -Thurs. " 111*' Kislev 1 Rosh-Chodesh Friday Nov. 10 " 25 First Day of Chanukah Monday Dec. 4 Tebet. Rosh-Chodesh .... Sat. -Sun. " 9-10 " 10 Fast of Tebet Tuesday (( 1 A Sh'vat 1 1951. Rosh-Chodesh ., Monday Jan. 8 Adar. Rosh-Chodesh Tues.-Wed. Feb. 67 2d Adar. Rosh-Chodesh Thurs. -Fri. Mar 8-9 " 13 Fast of Esther Wednesday " 21 " 14-15 Pnrim Thurs. Fri. " 22-23 Xissan 1 Rosh-Chodesh Saturday Apr. 7 " 15 First Day of Passover Saturday " 21 Ivar. Rosh-Chodesh Sun Mon. May 6-7 " 18 Lag-B'Omer Thursday " 24 Si van 1 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh * Tuesday June 5 " 6 First Dav of Pentecost Sunday " 10 Tammuz. Rosh-Chodesh Wed. -Thurs. July 4-5 tt 17 Fast of Tammuz Saturday* " 21 Av 1 Rosh-Chodesh Friday Aug. 3 " 9 Fast of Av Saturday* " 11 Ellul. Rosh-Chodesh Sat. -Sun. Sept. 1-2 * Observed the following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. 117. Circumcision, the observance of the Sabbath, and the public reading of the Law were forbidden by HADRIAN on his be- coming ernpe -or. The punishment for parmitting circumci- sion was to tie the children to their mothers' necks and throw them from the battlements, and the fathers were hanged. The reading of the Sabbatical portion of the Law being dis- allowed, the people substituted such portions of the prophets in place thereof, as ware analogous to the section of the Law which would other.vi.33 have been recited. These sections 122 THE CENTURIAL. FOR HEALTH DRINK Genuine German Leading phijgiciang Recommend It Bottling 'Department, 303 EAST 47th STREET, Telephone No. 13 38th. NEW YORK. 5712 A.M. 1951-'52 CJE. Tishri 1 3 " 10 " 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1951. First Day of New Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thurs -Fri. Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri. -Set. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon. Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Oct. 1 " 3 10 15 21 22 23 " 30-31 Nov. 29-30 Dec. 24 " 29-30 Jan. 8 28 Feb. 2G-27 Mar. 1 1 " 12-13 " 27 April 10 " 25-26 May 13 25 " 30 June 23-24 July 1 1 23 31 Aug. 2 1-22 Fast of Geclaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh 1952. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover . . Rosh-Chodesh , . Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. were called the HAFTOKAH, and when the public reading o the weekly portion of the Law in the synagogue was re- sumed it was decided to continue reading the HAFTORAH which custom still exists. From this custom probably arose the Christian practice of reading in the church every Sunday lessons from both the Old and New Testaments and portions of the Epistles and Gospels. C/E. 131. Ths Messiahship was assumed by BAR-KOCHBA. who. finding many adherents, held the Roman armies in Judea under sub- jection for more than two years. 124 THE CENTURIAL. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP Is marvelously efficient in clearing the skin of impurities and keeping it in a perfect state of health. It beautifies the complexion, while as a healing agent for sores and wounds it passes all praise. It removes pimples, blotches, eczema, and unsightly eruptions, and there is no form of eruptive disease for which this soap has not proved efficacious. In the bath it is as beneficial as the waters of the renowned sulphur springs. Linens and woolens washed with it are rendered superlatively white, and are disinfected if the material has been exposed to disease germs. The value of sulphur as a cleansing and purifying agent is everywhere recognized. Glenn's Sulphur Soap has stood the test of experience. It is highly recom- mended by physicians, and is used in hospitals for its disinfecting and healing properties. CAUTION. Glenn's Sulphur Soap (the only "original") is incompirable and wonderful in its remedial effects. Take no other. Of druggists. 5713 A.M. 1952-'53 Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 11 13 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. " 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1952. First Day of New Year Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tues-Wed. Saturday Thurs -Fri. Sunday Saturday Sun. Mon. Saturday* Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed. -Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat.-Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Sept. 20 " 2^ 29 Oct. 4 " 10 11 " 12 . " 19-20 Nov. 18-19 Dec. 13 " 18-19 " 28 Jan. IT Feb. 15-16 " 28 Mar. 1-2 17 31 Apr. 15-16 May 3 15 20 June 13-1 4 " 3) July 13 21 Aug. 11-12 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah- Kabbah Sh'mini-Atseres. . . . , Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 195S. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther , Ptirim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover , Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh ,.<,.. First Dav of Pentecost . J Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday previous. EVENTFUL RECORDS. C2E. 134. BAR-KOCHBAR took refuge at last in Either, which was captured and destroyed on the fatal ninth of A v. This revolution, it is esti- mated, cost the lives of 600,000 Jews. The slaughter was terrible, and many days were occupied in burying the dead. Amongst the massacred were Rabbi AKIBA and nine others of note, who were subjected to the most horrible tortures previous to being slain. The rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem ordered by HADRIAX. 126 THE CENTURIAL. PIANOS M A IM U R A C T U R I N G H INITIR FMAINO. PURCHASERS PAY ONLY ONE PROFIT. LARGEST PRODUCING PIANO FACTORIES IN THB WORLD. ABSOLUTE DURABILITY. Faultless Elegance of Design and Finish, i/ow Prices for cash, or on Easy Payments. ALSO TO RENT. NEW ENGLAND PIANO CO., WAREROOMS: WAREROOMS: WAREROOMS: 57 Tremont Street, State and Monroe t., 9 Fifth Avenue. BOSTON. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. 5714 A.M. 1953-'54 CJE. Tisiiri 1 3 " 10 <' 15 21 22 " 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 ! " 25 Tebet 1 " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 " 14-15 Xissan 1 " 15 I jar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tarn muz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1953. First Day of New Year Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Tuesday AVed. -Thurs. Fri.-Sat. Thursday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Sunday Mon.-Tues. Friday Wednesday Monday Thurs. -Fri. Sunday Saturday Sunday Thurs -Fri. Sept. te tt tt tt Oct. ft t( Nov. Dec. tt tt Jan. Feb. Mar. tt Apr. . ( May June July tt a Aug. (i 10 !;> 19 24 30 1 2 9-10 8 2 7 16 5 3-4 5-G 18 19-20 4 18 3-4 21 2 7 1-2 18 31 8 29-30 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres. Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1994. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Ptiritn Rosh-Chodesh First D.iv of Passover. . / Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Orner ... 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh .... First Day of Pentecost. . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av .... Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day EVENTFUL RECORDS. CM. 136. He changed the name to .ELI A CAPITOLAXA, and on the site where the Holy Temple had stood he had one erected to JUPITER CAPITOLAXUS. This caused a revolt of the Jews, who killed all the Romans in the city and destroyed the building. They were subdued by SKVERUS, upon which HADRIAN" and the Roman Senate decreed that any Jew com- ing within sight of it should suffer death. " 138. AXTONTNUS Pius is said to have studied under Rabbi YKHUDAH HANASSI (Rabbi JUDAH. the Prince), and to have become a proselyte to Judaism. By his order the College of Jamni was opened, and all the ordinances of HADRIAN against the Jews were repealed. 128 5715 A.M. 1954-'55 Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislcv 1 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 "' 14-15 Nissan 1 15 I jar, 18 Sivan 1 6 Tamtnuz. tt 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. I954-. First Day of New Year . Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wed.-Thurs. Friday Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday FrL-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 28 " 30 Oct. 7 12 18 19 20 " 27-28 Nov. 26 Dec. 20 " 25-2G Jan. 4 24 Feb. 22-23 Mar 7 8-9 24 Apr. 7 " 22-23 May 10 " 22 27 June 20-21 July 7 20 28 Auff. 18-19 / Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'miui-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chauukah . , */ Rosh -Chodesh 1955. Fast of Tebet Rosh Ghodesh , Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh ,. . . First Dav of Pentecost. ... ... Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz ,. , Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh . EVENTFUL RECORDS. C/E. 141.* Our great teacher, Rabbi YEHUDAH HANNASSI, compiled the MISHXA. His many virtues, sincere piety, and profound learning caused him to be much esteemed, especially by the Emperors ANTONINUS. AURELIUS, and COMMODUS. Rabbi HILLEL founded the principles of the Jewish Almanac. "19 6. The enactments which ANTONINUS Pius had issued in favor of the Jews were confirmed by SEVERUS. He also gave them all rights and privileges of Roman citizens, and held them ex- empt from all duties which such rights required of them when opposed to or interfering with their religious observ- ances. * Some claim 190 for this date. 130 THE CENTURIAL. NEW YORK. WILL SEND PRICE-LIST ON APPLICATION. i 6 A/v az?3?exL S*fc:r?ee*b., IN". ~X~_ THE TRANSATLANTIC WINE AND LIQUOR COMPANY. O. HOC3rTJE3 dfe OO-, IMPORTERS OF FINE WINES, LIQUEURS &CORDI/1LS Foreign and California Wines of Every Description. Fine Old Cognac and best brands of Whiskies, at lowest prices. DINNER CLARET A SPECIALTY, AT $3.OO PER DOZEN. 13O5 THIRD AVENUE, Near 75th Street, ISTe^TV ~3Torl5_- 5716 A.M. 1955-'56 OSS. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 " 15 lyar. 18 Si van 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1955. First Day of New Year Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tues.-Wed. Saturday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Saturday* Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday \Ved.-Thurs. Sunday Friday "Wednesday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Sept " " 19 26 Oct. 1 n 8 9 " 16-17 Nov. 15-16 Dec. 10 " 15-16 25 Jan. 14 Feb. 12-13 " 25 " 26-27 Mar. 13 27 Apr. 11-12 29 May 11 16 June 9-10 " 26 July 9 " 17 Aug. 7 8 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle. . Hoshannah-Rabbah Sb/mini- Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah . */ Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet isse. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh , Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday previous EVENTFUL RECORDS. 243. Rabbi SAMUEL, at Nahardea, and Rabbi ADA, at Babylon, were notable as famous astronomers. 250 The Jews were favored and protected by ZENOBIA, Queen of Palmyra, who is supposed to have been of Jewish descent. 277. The Jews were forbidden by the Council of Elvira from offer- ing their usual prayers for dew or rain. 297. Judaism embraced by TOBBA, King of Yemen, in Arabia Felix, and introduced by him into his dominions. * * " Memoires de la Littcrature," torn. 48. 132 THE CENTUKIAL. 16 SIZE. ILLINOIS \VATCHES. VERY BEST SOL-D SEND F=OR SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. 22O SUTTER ST., SAN FRANCISCO. 11 JOHN ST., NEW YORK. 104 STATE ST., CHICAGO. Old Dominion Steamship Co. General Offices of Company, -H't West Street, corner Beatli, N. T. (Opposite Co.'s Pier, 26 N. R. New Number. > FROM OLD POINT COMFORT, VA., AND WASHINGTON, D. C., From Pier 26, North River (New No.) Foot of Beach Street, New York. The Staunch New and Elegant Steamships Leave New York (James River Route) every Wednesday and Saturday, for Petersburg 1 and Richmond. For Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., and Washington. D. C., every Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Thursday, and Saturday. For Newport News and the West, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. For West Point, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. NOTE.-ALL STEAMERS SAIL FROM NEW YORK AT 3.OO P.M. Steamers leave RICHMOND for NEW YORK TUESDAY and FRIDAY. Leave WEST POINT MONDAY, THURS- DAY, and SATURDAY. Leave NORFOLK, PORTSMOUTH, and NEWPORT NK.WS, via Annex Boat. MONDAY, TUES- DAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, in connection with Trains from the South, West, and South- west. Time between New York and Norfolk (either way) 22 to 25 hours. The many and important railroad connections made by those steamships make them s peculiarly farorable and important rou'e to and from the South, Southwest, and West. All ilrst-oliiss tickets Include meals and stateroom berth. Tickets for sale at Principal Ticket Offices in the South, West, North, and East, and at General Offices of Company. 5717 A.M. 1956-'57 CM. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. " 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Si van 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 " 9 Ellul. 1956. First Day of Xew Year Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Suu.-Mon. Thursday Tues.-Wed. Friday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Sun.-Mon. Saturday* Sun. -Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. rsday previous. Sept. 6 8 15 20 26 27 28 Oct. 5-0 Xov. 4-5 29 Dec. 4-5 14 Jan. 3 Feb. 1-2 Mar. 34 16 " 17-18 April 2 " 16 May 1-2 19 31 June 5 " 29-30 July 16 " 29 Aug. 6 " 27-28 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle Hoshannah- Kabbah Kh'mini-Atseres Simchas Torah Kosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 195-7. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover. . Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost. . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz , Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. t Observed Thu EVENTFUL RECORDS. 310. The rebuilding of the Temple was commenced by COXSTAN- TIXE. 321. Sunday, until then called the Lord's Day, was ordered to be observed as the Sabbath instead of Saturday. Both days had been previously kept by primitive Christians. 322. Rabbi JOSEPH, who. on account of his profound erudition, was named SINAI, existed at this time. 325. Easter day being observed by the Asiatic churches on the first day of the Jewish Passover, the Council of Nice ordered it thereafter to be observed on the first Sunday on or after the twenty-first day of March. 134 5718 A.M. 1957-'58 OEJ. Tishri 1 3 10 " 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 Kissan 1 15 Ijer. 18 Si van 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 193-7. First Day of Xew Year Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sunday AVednesday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thurs. -Fri. Wednesday Thurs -Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-?lon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed. -Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Sept. 26 28 Oct. 5 " 10 16 IT 18 " 2526 Xov. 1 .* Dec. 9 " 14-15 24 Jan. 13 Feb. 11-1-i " 2t " 25-20 Mar. 13 27 Apr. 11-12 " 20 May 11 16 June 9-10 26 July 9 " r, Aug. 7-8 Fast of Gedaliah Yoni-Kippoor Fi"st Day of Tabernacle IIoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukali Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1958. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim .... Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL EECORDS. 353. The edicts of HADRIAN against the Jews were renewed by CON- STAN s, who also ordered that any Jew who married a Chris, tian, or circumcised a slave, should be put to death. 355. His oppression caused a revolt amongst the Jews of Diocsesarea, which was put down by GALLUS, who retook the city and burned it to the ground. 363. Preparations to rebuild the Temple were commenced by JULIAN. 136 5719 A.M. 1958-'59 Tishri 1 3 10 " 15 21 22 r 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet 1 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. " 18 Sivan 1 6 Tamm.uz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1OOC3. First Day of New Year Monday 1 Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Sunday Friday Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Tues -Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Thurs.-Fri. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 15 " 17 24 " 29 Oct. 5 * 6 7 " 14-15 Nov. 13 Dec. 7 12 21 Jan. 10 Feb. 8-9 Mar. 10-11 23 " 24-25 Apr. 9 23 May 8-9 26 June 7 12 July 6-7 23 Aug. 5 11 13 Sept. 3-4 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh .... Fast of Tebet 1959. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh ... First Dav of Passover Rosh-Chodesh 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av .... Rosh-Chodesh . . EVENTFUL RECORDS. 365. The former privileges of the Jews were accorded them by VAL- EXTINIAN and VALENS. but they enforced the performance of public duties by the Jews when appointed to office. 379. The Temple and the walls of Jerusalem were ordered by YAL- EXTINIAN to be rebuilt. 333. A synagogue at Rome having been wantonly burned, MAXI- MUS ordered it to be rebuilt at the public expense. The judicial court of the Jewish primate was empowered to punish members of its community, interference of the pre- fects being forbidden by THEODOSIUS THE GREAT. 138 [Continued from page 204] EVENTFUL RECORDS. 1189. Jews were forbidden to enter Westminster Abbey at the corona- tion of RICHARD I. Some from the country places, suppos- ing they might not be recognized, foolishly disobeyed the order, but were discovered and dragged out, and the people were so incensed that they maltreated every Jew they met, murdering many, plundering them, and then setting fire to their houses. The Lord Chief Justice and some nobles at- tempted to quell the riot by order of the king, but could not succeed for a considerable time. Three of the rioters were subsequently hanged. " 1190. Hearing that much wealth had been obtained by plundering the JCAVS in London, similar attacks were made upon them at Norwich, St. Edmondbury, Stamford, and Lincoln, in which latter place the governor protected them in the castle. At York the governor of the castle offered the same protection, and they accepted it. They discovered, however, that it was his intention to betray them, and they held possession of the fortress and refused him admission. They withstood a siege of several days, when, finding that they could no longer withstand it, they adopted the advice of their venerable rabbi, slew their wives, children, and themselves, having first burned all their valuables, then set the castle on fire to frustrate their persecutors and avoid their barbarities. Don SOLOMON JACHIYA was appointed Generalissimo of the Portuguese forces. f< 1193. At Bourges a Christian was executed by the authorities for the murder of a Jew, and in revenge for this act of justice PHILIP ordered eighty Jews to be burned. " 1196. The Duke of Austria appointed a Jew named SOLOMON" as Major Domo. " 1197. At Norsa, in Italy, the Jewish population was plundered. " 1198. The Jews were invited by PHILIP AUGUSTUS to return to France. " 1199. In England the Chief Rabbi was appointed by royal commis- sion, in which the king styled him " our friend and well be- loved/'* Pope INNOCENT III. wrote to the Archbishop of Narbonne, for- bidding compulsory baptism of the Jews, or their property being taken from them. * " AngliaJudaica," p. 61. 5720 A.M. 1959-'60 Tishri 1 3 " 10 15 " 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. " 25 Tebet. 10 ShVat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 Xissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av , 1 9 Ellul. 1959. First Day of Xew Year Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tues.-Wed. Saturday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Saturday* Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat, -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Oct. 3 5 JO (t j~ 23 " 24 25 Nov. 1-2 Dec. 1-2 26 ( " 31 \ I960. ( Jan. 1 " 10 " 30 Feb. 28-29 Mar. 12 " 13-U 29 Apr. 12 " 27-28 May 1 5 27 June 1 " 25-26 July 12 25 Aug. 2 " 23-24 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh I960. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh .... First Day of Passover . J Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer ... , 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday previous. EVENTFUL EECOKDS. CJE. 395. All rights and privileges given to the Jews by AUCADIUS and HOXORIUS in their respective kingdoms. HOXORIUS as- serted that the glory of a prince consisted in permitting every society to enjoy quietly the privileges they had ac- quired, and that, although a religion might not be approved by a sovereign, he ought to preserve its privileges. " 400. Compilation of the TALMUD Yerushalmi begun. " 408. The populace pillaged a synagogue at Antioch. Public demonstrations at Purim were forbidden by THEODO- sius II. 140 EVENTFUL RECORDS. GM. 1200. The Jews paid 4,000 marks to King JOHN for a charter giving them the following rights : They were empowered thereby to hold land, to practise all their rites and customs, to go from place to place without interference or molestation, to be exempt from all tolls and taxes upon wines, and to have all their differences decided by their own rabbis, according to Jewish law. " 1204. King JOHN notified the Lord Mayor and barons of London that he would make them responsible for any injury to the Jews, who were being ill-treated there. " 1205. MOSES BEN MAIMON, the celebrated philosopher, died. " 1210. All Jews in England were ordered by JOHN to be imprisoned until they made a full disclosure of all their property; then, by most cruel tortures, he exacted from them 60,000 marks. At Bristol he forced 10,000 marks from one merchant by ex- tracting one of his teeth daily, until he paid it. " 1214. FREDERICK II. of Germany extended his protection to the Jews. " 1215. In order to prevent illicit intercourse, the Jews were ordered by the Council of Laterau to wear a distinguishing badge. " 1217. At Toledo, Pope HONORIUS III. severely reprobated the massacre of the Jews. The Turks took Jerusalem. To protect the Jews from injury, and especially to guard them against insult from Jerusalem pilgrims, the sheriff, by order of HENRY III., appointed 24 burgesses in each city. " 1218. Another banishment of the Jews from France, but they were recalled by PHILIP II. " 1220. The noted commentator and grammarian, Rabbi DAVID KIM- CHI, known as E'DAK, was held in high esteem at Narbonne for his great erudition. He translated the Bible into Spanish. The bishop at Cologne fined the Jews of that city 4,200 pieces of silver upon an accusation that they had drowned a girl whose body was found in the Rhine. " 1226. Full liberty of conscience and numerous privileges were ex- tended to the Jews by BOLESLAS, King of Lithuania, and the nobles likewise protected them from assaults. " 1230. The magnificent synagogue in London was converted into a church, and the Jews were compelled to contribute a third of their movable property into the exchequer. 5721 A.M. 1960-'61 Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. 10 Sb/vat 1 Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 " 15 lyar. " 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. I960. First Day of New Year Thursday .Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Wednesday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Sept. 22 " 24 Oct. 1 6 12 13 14 " 21-22 Nov. 20 Dec. 14 " 19-20 " 29 Jan. 18 Feb. 16-17 Mar. 1 " 2-3 " 18 Apr. 1 " 16-17 May 4 16 21 June 14-15 July 1 " 14 22 Aug. 11-12 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh ...,. Fast of Tebet 1961. It osh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Pentecost. . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day EVENTFUL RECORDS. CJS. 412. The building of new synagogues was forbidden by HOXOKIUS. He would not, however, permit those in use to be destroyed nor used for other purposes, nor would he allow the Jews to be compelled to violate their Sabbath. " 415. At Alexandria many Jews were murdered, and a large number, whose families had resided there since the time of ALEXAN- DER THE GREAT, were compelled to leave the city. . 127. 5724 A.M. 1963-'64 CJE. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 " 14-15 Xissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 19CT.C3. First Dav of Xe\v Year Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Wednesday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun. -Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat.-Sun. Sept. 19 21 28 Oct. 3 9 " 10 11 " 18-19 Nov. 17 Dec. 11 " 16-17 26 Jan. 15 Feb. 13-i4 26 " 27-28 Mar. 14 28 Apr. 12 13 " 30 May 12 17 June 10-11 27 July 10 18 Aug. 8-9 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini Atseres .... . Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukali Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1964. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Otner. Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Pentecost . . */ Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. CJE. .037. BELISAEIUS conquered Naples. The seaside defences had been courageously contested and held by the Jews, even when the other fortifications had surrendered. They were, however, eventually obliged to yield, and were mercilessly slaughtered, without distinction as to age or sex. " 540. In order to protect the Jews from the fanaticism of a mob in Paris, CHILUEBERT proclaimed that they should not leave their houses from Maundy Thursday until after Easter. -*"' 54 L. For the same purpose, the Council at Orleans gave a similar order. 148 EVENTFUL RECORDS. 1288. In Germany, on the accusation of having killed a Christian, the Jev r s were grossly ill-treated. The archbishop of Metz was ordered by the Emperor EUDOLPH to preach publicly that the accusation was false, and that they were not to be harmed. The clergy were forbidden imposing fines on the Jews, by order of PHILIP IV. of France. 1290. By order of EDWARD I., the Jews were banished from England, under pain of death ; but he directed that they were to be treated honestly and kindly, and not to be overcharged for their passage or freight ; also that the poor were to be con- veyed at rates according to their means. It is estimated that about 16,000 departed in one day, October 9th. 1291. By force of arms, the city of Berne was compelled by the Em- peror ADOLPHUS to readmit the Jews whom it had exiled. 1292. During a war between ADOLPHUS of Nassau and ALBERT of Austria, a peasant named FLEISCH incited the people of Franconia against the Jews. Several had their houses set on fire, whole families perished in the flames, and half of the city of Nuremberg was destroyed by the conflagration. The cities of Nieumark, Eottc-nburg, and Amberg were heavily fined by the duke after tranquillity had been restored. 1304. Eabbi SOLOMON BEN ADERETH, celebrated for his erudition, and known as EASHBA. flourished at Barcelona. Eabbi ASHER, of Eottenburg, titled EABIXA ASHER, left Ger- many to settle in Spain, and, in consequence of his profound knowledge and deep learning, was appointed chief of the college at Toledo. 1306. All property of Jews in France was seized by PHILIP IV., who banished them, only permitting them to take their clothing and sufficient means to carry them out of his kingdom. Their synagogues at Paris were converted into churches and their cemeteries desecrated. He recalled them during the following year. 1309. Through the intercession of EOBERT, King of Naples and Je- rusalem, the edict of banishment from the Papal States was rescinded, upon the payment by them of 10,000 crowns. The Jews were granted many privileges, and the town of Gemappe was given them to reside in by JOHN II- of Bra- bant, who afterwards went to their assistance and defeated the Knights of the Cross, who had attacked them. The celebrated mathematician and astronomer, Eabbi ISAAC ISRAELI, flourished at Toledo. 5725 A.M. 1964-'65 Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. " 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 " 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 " 9 Ellul. \9G-4-. First Day of New Year . . Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Sept. <( (t a ft (f (C Oct. Nov. tt Dec. it Jan. Feb. Mar. tt Apr. (i May < i June tt j " ( July tt (( Aug. a 7 9 16 21 27 28 20 6-7 5-6 30 5-6 15 4 2-3 4-5 17 18-1 s 3 17 2-3 20 1 6 30 1 17 30 7 28 29 Fast of G-edaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle IIoshannah-Rabbah Sh'ruiui-Atseres. ... Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1965. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purina Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh . Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. CJ3. 555. At Caesarea the churches were destroyed and the governor and many of the inhabitants killed by the Jews, who had revolted. A great many were killed and a large number banished, and their property confiscated by ADAMANTIUS, who had been commissioned against them. tt 580. Jews settled about this time at Cochin and on the coast of Malabar. " 582. Those who refused to embrace Christianity were greatly perse- cuted by CHILPERIC. 150 EVENTFUL RECORDS. 1311. Jews again banished from France. 1314. Louis X. invited them to return. 1320. A body of fanatics, called the Shepherds, cruelly massacred many Jews and put others to torture. At Verdun, a tra- gedy was enacted similar to the one at York in 1190, but on their approach to Avignon, Pope JOHN XXII. put a stop to the barbarities by his anathemas. By order of Pope JOHN XXII., manuscripts of the Talmud in Italy were burned. 1331. At Provence, Languedoc, and Aquitaine many Jews were burned and murdered upon a charge of having poisoned the rivers. 1322. Rabbi LEVI BEN GEKSHON, a celebrated commentator, surnamed RALBAG, flourished at Perpignan. At Paris the Jews were imprisoned and compelled by PHILIP V. to prove all debts due to them, which he then seized. He secured thereby 150,000 francs, and then condemned many of the victims to the flames. 1333. ALPHONSO II. appointed a Jew, JOSEPH DE ASTIGI, Intendant of Finance. 1339. Persecution of the Jews, forbidden by the bishop of Spires. 1340. Rabbi DAVID ABUDARHAM, author of a learned work on our ritual, and a noted astronomer, was celebrated at Seville. Rabbi BECHATAI, son of Rabbi ASHER and known as RABINU BECHATAI HADAYAN, at Barcelona, was chief of all Jews in Spain. 1344. Jews banished by Louis I. of Hungary. 1348. An accusation was made against the Jews in France of caus- ing plague by poisoning the rivers. Many were cruelly slaughtered and the rest of them banished on July 22d. They were received kindly at Avignon by Pope CLEMENT VI., who severely condemned the atrocities which had been committed, and he was called by them their father and com- forter. 1349. In order to avoid the barbarities of the populace, which AL- PHONSO was unable to restrain, the family of Rabbi ASHER destroyed themselves at Toledo. At Spires, Strassburg, and Frankfort, the Jews were plundered and burned by the Flagellants, and many were massacred at Brabant and Fran- conia. At Frankfort many public edifices were destroyed by the conflagration. 5726 A.M. 1965->66 Tishri 1 a 10 " 15 21 22 " 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet 1 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 \ i -sun. I 15 ly:i:-. 18 Siva: i 1 6 Tararaua 17 Av I KlluL 196S. First Day of New Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Sunday Friday Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Saturday* Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed -Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Sept. 27 " 20 Oct. 6 " 1! " 17 18 " 19 " 26-27 Kov. 25 Dec. 19 24 Jan. 2 " . 22 Feb. 20-21 Mar. 5 " 6-7 " 2i Apr. 5 " 28-29 May 8 20 25 June 18 19 July 5 " 18 " X J ^> Aug. I'M 7 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh. Rosh-Chodesh . First Day of Chanukuh Rosh-Chodesh 196. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover .. Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av , Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday previous EVENTFUL RECORDS. CJE. 589. Jews were much oppressed and their schools of learning closed by CHOSKOES THE GREAT. " 590. They found great favor and received much kindness from HOMI- DAS III... who reopened their academies. " 591. A renegade Jew was baptized at Cagliari. and placed images of MARY and some saints in the synagogue the following clay. The act of desecration was brought under the notice ot" Pope GREGORY THK GREAT, who directed the bishops to cause their removal, and he further ordered that all synagogues then in existence should be protected, the law, a,t that time, forbid- ding the erection of new ones, 152 EVENTFUL KECORDS. 1351. A treaty was made by JOHN II. with the Jews, to readmit them into France and permit them to enjoy all the former privileges, upon payment of fourteen florins for a man and wife, one florin each for children and servants, and an annual payment of seven florins. They were permitted to hold landed property and were free of all taxes, except on k;:;d. 1356. The Jews were recalled by JOHN of Xormandy, but he econ again banished them. 1364. The treaty made by JOHN" II., renewed by CHARLF.S V. of France, first for six and afterwards for ten years. Many privileges were granted tbe Jews by CASIMIII III. of Poland, who obtained protection for them from Pope URBAN V. against the attacks of the clergy. He took a Jewess named ESTHER for a mistress. 1369. The Jews who defended Burgos for PETER THE CRUEL, would not surrender it to HENRY of Trastemar, his natural brother, until assured of the death of their legitimate sovereign. This loyalty on their part caused HENRY to afford them his protection. 1379. His physician, DON MEIR, being suspected or charged with poisoning him, his brother, JOHN I., who succeeded him, was about to banish the Jews, which they avoided by the pay- ment of 50,000 crowns. 1389. At Prague, on the first day of Passover, a synagogue was burned whilst full of people. The cemeteries were desecrated, and many slew their families and destroyed themselves, in order to avoid their barbarous persecutors. At Ulm every one was burned in their houses, and 12.000 were murdered at Metz. 1391. All debts, due from the nobility to the Jews, were cancelled by WlNCELAUS. At Spires, excepting some children who were baptized, all were slaughtered, and many were massacred at Gotha, in Saxony. In many parts of Spain, owing to the persecution of HENRY III. of Castile, many Jews were murdered. Numbers who escaped settled in Algiers and were governed there by their own judges. 1393. At Seville and Cordova, the civil power was unable to restrain the populace from plunder and murder of the Jewish in- habitants. 1394. Jews banished from France by order of CHARLES VI. The archdeacon of Ecija was arrested and punished for inciting the populace against them. 5727 A.M. 1966-'67 CJE. Tishri 1 3 " 10 " 15 " 21 " 22 " 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 19S6. First Day of Xe\v Year Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tues.-Wed. Friday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Sun. -Mon. Saturdayf Sun. -Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat. -Sun. T u esday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. rsday previous. Sept. 15 " 17 " 24 29 Oct. 5 6 7 " 14-15 Nov. 13-14 Dec. 8 " 13-14 23 Jan. 12 Feb. 10-11 Mar. 12-13 " 25 " 26-27 Apr. 11 25 May 10-11 28 June 9 14 July 8-9 " 25 Aug. 7 " 15 Sept. 5-6 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini- Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 196V. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. t Observed Thu EVENTFUL RECORDS. OJE. 603 The Jews of various places were invited by WITTIZA to settle in Spain. " 611. Jerusalem was taken and the churches destroyed by CHOSKOES II. , who received assistance from the Jews. " 615. Many Jews were cruelly tortured by MAHODES on his taking New Antioch; others were slain, and the remainder were sold as slaves. " 618. The Jews of Spain who refused to be Christianized were com- pelled by SIZEBUT, the king, to quit the country. Many whose families had been settled in France and Africa for nearly six hundred years, went there. 154 EVENTFUL RECORDS. 1394. At Bologna, where for many years the Jews had been highly favored and protected, they built a magnificent synagogue. The king of Fez established at Mequinez a superior court for governing the Jews, under the superintendence of their Chief Kabbi. 1400. Permission to establish a bank was granted to the Jews at Venice. The Emperor EGBERT banished them from the German Em- pire. 1405. The Ethics of ARISTOTLE were translated into Hebrew by Rabbi MEIR ALVARES, physician to HENRY III. of Castile. 1410. LADISLAS permitted the Jews to settle in Naples. 1415. The Anti-Pope, BENEDICT XIII., published his inhuman bull. At Saragossa, Rabbi JOSEPH ALBO flourished. He was the au- thor of a learned work on the Sifar Ikctrim (Articles of Faith). Thirty thousand Jews are said to have been baptized in order to save their lives from the fury of the populace, who were instigated against them by Friar VINCENT FERRER. 1416. The Queen Regent of Spain employed many Jews at court, which aroused the jealousy of the nobility, who caused their persecution at Segovia. 1417. A book of the Law was presented by the Grand Rabbi to Pope MARTIN V. on his installation, from which circumstance many popes afterwards demanded the same honor. In re- ceiving the gift, the Pope replied: " I honor and reverence the Law you received from God, but condemn your exposi- tion of it." 1420. Murder of many Jews and banishment of the rest from Alex- andria. 1430. At Aix, in Provence, they were plundered and many forcibly baptized. 1434. All connection between Jews and Christians was prohibited by the Council of Basle. 1448. Jews were protected by Pope NICHOLAS V. in all States. He also wrote to Spain that "they should not be forced to ab- jure their religion, and that they had the right to be ad- mitted to public offices." 1450. In Spain and Portugal the Jews who were baptized were called New Christians. An act was passed at Toledo that no public office could be filled by a Jew, and many of them there were massacred. 1451. Jews banished from Silesia, aftar many had been plundered and murdered. 5728 A.M. 1967-'68 CM. Tishri 1 3 " 10 " 15 " 21 " 22 " 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebet. " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Xissun 1 15 lyar. 18 Si van 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1OC7. First Day of "New Y?r Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sdt. Sunday Wednesday Mon.-Tues. Thursday AVednesday Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat.-Sun. Oct. ti i ; (i 1C NOT. Dec. tt Jan. t ( \ Feb. "( Mar. tt tt Apr. May . i June July a Aug. ( . 5 7 14 19 25 2 -3 2? 3-4 8 27 ]-Y 1] 31 26 1 13 14-15 30 13 28-29 1C SS '2 13 26 24-2.- Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Channkah . 7 Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. 622. The Mohammedan era commenced, and there was a persecution of the Jews to compel them to embrace Mohammedanism. 627. The decree of HADRIAN, prohibiting the Jews approaching within a league of Jerusalem, was enforced by HERACLIUS on his taking the city. 631. It having been predicted by an astrologer that Christendom would be destroyed by a nation which had been circumcised, the Jews were, in consequence, persecuted by UEKACLIUS. 156 EVENTFUL RECORDS 1454. Jews ordered by LEWIS X. to quit forty cities of Bavaria at one hour of the same day. 1472. At Venice they received protection from the Doge and Senate, who ordered the authorities of Padua to treat them the same as all other subjects. The Jews having gallantly defended Buda, in behalf of the Turks, from the attacks of the Christians, they were, in re- venge, banished from Trent by the latter at three hours' notice. BAJAZET II. selected a Jew as his physician. The author of the Menoros Hamour (the Lamp of Light), E. ISAAC ABOAB, flourished at Castile. 1479. FERDINAND of Aragon was successfully operated on for cata- ract by Dr. ABIATAR, a Jewish physician of Merida. 1480. Establishment of the Spanish Inquisition at Seville. Those condemned by it were burned, it being forbidden by the Scrip- tures to shed human blood. 1482. At Castile, ABRAHAM SENIOR was appointed receiver-general of the revenue. 1484. Eabbi Don ISAAC ABARBANEL was appointed finance minister to FERDINAND and ISABELLA. He had fled from Portugal two years previously to avoid the fate which the other minis- ters of ALPHONSO V. suffered from JOHN II. 1485. The celebrated historian, astronomer, and physician, Rabbi SOLOMON BEN VIRGA, flourished in Spain. 1486. The first book printed in Hebrew, at Soncino, near Cremona. 1488. On taking Malaga from the Moors, the New Christians who had gone there and returned to Judaism, were burned by the In- quisition. 1491. The great mathematician, astronomer, and physician, BONNET DE LATES, the inventor of the astronomical ring, flourished. The New Christians fled for protection to the dominions of the Duke of Medina Sidonia, and made a treaty^ for the pur- chase of the town and fortress of Gibraltar. When it was ready for signature the populace compelled the duke to breaK it off. 1492. The following edict of FERDINAND and ISABELLA was the most severe calamity which befell the Jews since their dis- persion: " Seeing that the Jews of our States induce many Christians, especially the nobles of Andalusia, to embrace Judaism, for this they are banished under the severest penalties/' 5729 A.M. 1968-'69 Tishri 1 3 " 10 " 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. " 25 Tebet. " 10 ShVat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 Xissan 1 ". 15 lyar. . 18 Sivan " 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 " 9 Ellul. 196C3. First Day of New Year Monday \Vodnesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues -Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Sept 2} r. Oct. 2 tl r- < 13 14 15 " 22-23 Nov. 2 1-22 Dec. 16 " 21-22 31 Jan. 20 Feb. 18-19 Mar. 3 4-5 20 Apr. 3 " 18-19 May 6 " 18 23 June 16-17 July 3 16 24 Aug. 14-15 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle ..... Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh , Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1969. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh , Fast of Esther Purim , Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer ... 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz ... Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. 633.- An order was made by the Council of Toledo by Avhich the Jews were freed from being baptized, but they were not allowed to hold any public office. The Jews were compelled to become Christians or quit France. This was the act of DAGOBERT, instigated by HERACLIUS. 636. The Council of Toledo administered an oath to the king, on his accession, that he would not favor the Jews, and that none ex- cept those who professed Christianity should be allowed any freedom in his dominions. 052. A Jew purchased from the Saracens, the Colossus of Rhodes. 158 EVENTFUL RECORDS. CM. 1492. The penalty was death, if found in the kingdom of Spain after four months, unless they embraced Christianity. Chris- tians were prohibited by the Inquisitor TORQUEMADA from supplying them after the month of April with bread, water, meat, or wine. When all appeals for justice and humanity failed to have any effect upon the royal pair, ABARBANEL, by an offer of 600,000 crowns, in the name of the people, had nearly obtained a revocation of the decree, but TOR- QUEMADA interposed and prevented it. It is estimated by MARIANA that the number that quitted was 170,000 fami- lies, or about 800,000 souls. They expatriated themselves from the country which had afforded them an asylum for centuries, which they had enlightened by the learning that cast a lustre on the darkness of the age. They quitted the soil they had cultivated, the happy scenes of childhood, and the graves of their dear ones, rather than abjure the religion of their ancestors, or abandon the Law which their fathers had received at Sinai. It is estimated that, although forced to make immense sacrifices in order to realize on their prop- erty, they took with them thirty millions of ducats,* exclu- sive of plate, jewels, and precious stones. Those from Aragon went to Navarre; many others went to Italy and were kindly received by Pope ALEXANDER VI. at Rome, al- though, for this cruel act, he conferred the title of Catholic on the crown of Spain. Some went to Turkey and Africa, and the miseries they underwent have been the theme of many authors. Of those who went to Portugal, those who could pay eight crusados per head were afforded a temporary asylum, but the poorer were seized and sent to colonize their ultramarine possessions. *' 1495. EMANUEL of Portugal appointed MS his astronomer and his- toriographer Rabbi ABRAHAM ZACUTO, formerly professor of astronomy at Saragossa. He was the author of the chrono- logical work Sifar Yochsin. " 1496. EMANUEL, married to the daughter of FERDINAND and ISA- BELLA, was instigated by them to drive the Jews from Por- tugal, although he had previously protected them. He ap- pointed Viana, Oporto, and Lisbon as ports of embarkation, but afterwards confined them to Lisbon. It was ordered that children under fourteen years of age be taken from their parents and baptized, and many mothers slew their children to avoid it. * "Historic der Judcn," p. 509. 5730 A.M. 1909-70 CM. Tishri 1 3 " 10 15 " 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebet 1 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 " 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1969. First Day of New Year ! Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Friday Wednesday Friday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Sun -Mon. Saturday* Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Sunday Friday "Wednesday Sat, -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Sept. ib '' 15 " 22 (( )~ Oct. 3 " 4 5 " 12-13 Nov. 11 Dec. 5 10 19 Jan. 8 Feb. 6- 1 ? Mar. 8-9 21 " 5W-23 April 7 " 21 May 6-7 " 24 June a 10 July 4-5 21 Aug. 3 11 Sept. 1-2 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah . / Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 19-70. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Lag-B'Omer. ... 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost . J Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av * Observed Thursday previous. EVENTFUL RECORDS. CVE. 655. Caliph OMAR took Jerusalem. The capita tax levied on the Jews was abolished by BATHILDA, the widow of CLOVIS. " GT5. The Jews were banished from Languedoc by WAMBA, King of the Goths. << 687. The first Arabian money was coined by a Jew, who was selected for that purpose by the Caliph ABD-EL-MALIK. C88. Jews who embraced Christianity were, by order of the Council of Toledo, made nobles and declared free from impost. 160 EVENTFUL RECORDS. QJE. 1499. Jews banished from the city of Nuremberg. " 1501. Louis XII. banished them from Provence. " 1503. Pope Pius III. protected and favored them. Rabbi Don JUDAH, son of Rabbi Don ISAAC ABARBANEL,. author of the Philography, practised medicine successfully at Genoa. " 1505. At Lisbon, 3,000 New Christians were massacred. Twenty thousand families, many of them refugees from Spain and Portugal, were banished by FERDINAND on his becoming king of Naples. " 1508. Don ISAAC ABARBANEL, whose many writings are universally admired, died at Venice, at the age of 71 years. On quit- ting Spain, he went to Naples and became minister to AL- PHONSO V., on whose death he filled the same office under FERDINAND II. (when CHARLES VIII. overran the Neapoli- tan territory). He accompanied the unfortunate monarch in his exile, remaining with him until his death. lie then set- tled at Venice, where he was engaged by the -Senate to assist in the formation of the treaty with Portugal regarding the trade in spices. " 1509. The bishopric of Cologne banished the Jews. 1510. At Brandenburg, many were persecuted and murdered. Pope ALEXANDER VI. wrote to all the States in Italy to grant the exiles from Spain and ' Portugal the same privileges as resident Jews. At the taking of Tripoli, the Jews were made captives, but ransomed by those of Naples and Rome. '* 1511. A Hebrew printing press was set up by DANIEL BOMBERG. SAMUEL ALVARENSI, a refugee from Spain, became the favorite of ABUSAID, King of Fez, who was killed and his kingdom taken by the CHERIFIANS. ALVARKNSI then took command of 400 of the late king's faithful vassals, and embarked for Ceuta, which was besieged by the Cherifians ; and, with this- small force, surprised and attacked their army of 40,000- men, compelling them to raise the siege and return to Fez * f 1513. SKLIM I. appointed JOSEPH A.MON as his physician. The JL",VS of Media and Persia were persecuted by SOPHI ISMAEL. 1517. By order of the Sultan, MOSES AMON translated the Hebrew ritual into the Turkish language. The celebrated Rabbi ELIAS LEVITA, a noted grammarian and lexicographer, was professor of Hebrew at Padua. * " Nomologia," p. 306, and " Chronicas dc los Xarifes." 5731 A.M. 1970-'71 CJE. Tishri 1 3 10 " 15 21 " 22 " 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Si van 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 19-70. First Dav of New Year . Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Wednesday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs. -Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed. -Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. -Sun. Oct. 1 3 11 10 15 " 21 22 23 " 3 r --31 Nov. 20 Dec. 23 " 28-29 Jan. 1 " 27 Feb. 25-26 Mar. 10 " 11-12 27 Apr. 10 " 25-26 May 13 25 " 30 June 23-24 July 10 23 " 31 Aug. 21-23 J Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh \<3~7\. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. 693. The Jews of Africa were charged by EGICA with inciting the Moors to invade Spain, in consequence of which the Council of Toledo decreed their property forfeited, they were to be accounted slaves, and their children, on attaining the age of seven years, were taken from them to be brought up as Chris- tians. 714. The Moors, having conquered Spain, favored and protected the Jews. 720. A number of Jews were forced into Christianity by the Emperor LEO III. 162 EVENTFUL RECORDS. (LE. 1519. CHARLES Y. was offered 800,000 crowns by the Jews to permit their return to Spain, but Cardinal XIMEXES prevented his acceptance of it. " 1520. Sultan SOLYMAX appointed as his physician MOSES, son of JOSEPH AMOX. The first edition of the Talmud was printed at Venice. " 1521. On the approach of the Turks, the Jews were ordered to quit Milan. " 1522. On Rhodes being taken by SOLYMAK, he granted the Jews many privileges. " 1523. A plunder of the Jews was begun by ACHMET, who revolted against SOLYMAX, in Egypt ; but they were saved by IBRA- HIM subduing him. " 152G. The impostor SAAVEDRA established tli3 Inquisition at Portu- gal.* " 1527. A plague from the Grisons having spread into Italy, and many Jews from Spain and Portugal having come there by that road, they were accused of its introduction, and banished from many cities. " 1529. At the intercession of the nobles, the intended order of CHARLES Y., for ths Jews to quit Bologna, was abandoned. " 1532. At Sicily, Patras, Zante, and Coron, the Jews were made cap- tives by AXDKEW DORIA. Many of them were ransomed by the congregations of Italy. " 1534. Don PEDRO DE TOLEDO, Viceroy of Naples, appointed BEX- VEXIDA, wife of the famous Don SAMUEL ABARBAXEL, governess to his daughter LEONORA, who married COSMO DE MEDICI, Grand Duke of Tuscany. f Jews banished from Sicily. " 1535. The Emperor of Morocco employed many Jews at his court. At Tunis they were made captives. The congregations at Xaples and Venice redeemed 150. " 1739. The Jews of Avignon received many honors and privileges from Pope PAUL III., in spite of many attempts to preju- dice him against them. " 1540. Rabbi JOSEPH CARO flourished at Saphet. lie was the author of the Beth-Yosef and Shukhan-Aruch, compendiums of Jewish laws and customs. SOLYMAX had the walls of Jerusalem rebuilt. . . * " Memoirs-concerning the Portuguese Inquisition, '' p. 15. f " Noinologia," p. 304. 5732 A.M. 1971-'72 CJE. Tisbri tt a it . .- n Cheshvan. Kislev. .- Tebet. .- Sh'vat Adar. (4 14- Xissan lyar. < Sivan . ( Tammuz. ; . AT (.- Ellul. 1 3 10 15 21 /V W 23 25 10 1 13 15 1 15 18 1 6 ir i 9 19-71. First Day of Xew Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues. -Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues. Wed. Monday Tues. -Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri. Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday T'nurs -Fri. Sept. 20 a 22 29 Oct. 4 10 11 12 ' 19-20 Xov. 18-19 Dec 13 " 18-19 28 Jan. IT Feb. 15-10 28 j " 29 ( Mar. 1 16 30 Apr. 14-15 May 2 14 19 June 12- 13 29 July !> 20 Aug. I'M 3 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle II oshannah- Kabbah Sh'iniui-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rooh- Chodesh ... First Dav of Chanukah Ilosli Chodesh Fast of Tebet 19-72. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh Chodesh. Fast of Esther Purim Rosh Chodesh First 1 > v of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag- B Onier . 3-Jd day of Oner. Rosh-Chodesh .... First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. 740. English chronicles first make mention of the Jews. Christians were prohibited by the Archbishop of York from joining with them at their festivals. 13 A LAN, King of Cozar, became a convert to Judaism. 754. Imposts were laid on the Christians by the Caliph ABU GIRAF- FAR ALMAXZOR, and he appointed Jews to collect them. 793. A Jew named ISAAC, and Counts SIGISMUND and LAVGFREDE, were appointed by CHARLEMAGNE as an embassy to the Ca- liph HAROUN AL RASCHID. During the journey the two counts died. ISAAC continued the journey alone, and was 1G4 EVENTFUL RECORD.-. (( O* June 20-21 July 7 20 " ^'8 Aug. 18-19 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh 1974. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover . . Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. 8'i \ Several Hebrew works were translated into Arabic by order of the Caliph MAMOUJS. 828. At Bezieres, during Passion AVeek, the people stoned all Jews whom they met in the streets. 836. A Hebrew dictionary was compiled by Rabbi MEXACHEM BEX SARUG, a celebrated grammarian. 846. Jews in Paris and Meaux were precluded from filling civil offices. 163 EVENTFUL RECORDS. C2E. 1589. At Constantinople the Janissaries put out a fire which had broken out in the Jewish quarter, but set it on fire again be- cause their exorbitant demand for their services was not acceded to. Three thousand houses, and property valued at fifty millions of crowns, were burned.* " 1591. The great Kabalist, MEHRSHAL (Rabbi SOLOMON LORIA). flourished in Poland. At Paris, ELIAS MOXTALTO, physician to MARY DB MEDICI, was publicly allowed the free observance of his religion. " 1592. The counsellors of HENRY JULIUS, Duke of Brunswick, per- suaded him to banish the Jews from the Duchy, but he soon recalled them. " 1593. The edict of Pius V., by which they were only allowed to reside in the cities of Rome, Ancona, and Avignon, was renewed by CLEMENT VIII. " 1594. Consuls were appointed by Pope CLEMENT VIII. to adjust the frequent disputes which occurred between the Jews and the custom-house officers. " 1595. At Amsterdam, on the day of Atonement, the Jews were sur- rounded in their synagogues by an armed force, being suspect- ed of Catholicism. The officers finding Hebrew prayer books instead of crucifixes and Catholic paraphernalia, they were allowed to remain, conditionally upon praying on every Sabbath for the prosperity of the United Provinces. *' 1598. Jews from the Portuguese congregation at Amsterdam were the first admitted to Hamburg about this time. " 1603. At Hamburg, although the Catholics were not permitted to build a church, the Jews were allowed to erect a synagogue. *' 1613. At Frankfort the magistrates discovered and frustrated a con- spiracy to destroy the Jews, but it was renewed six months later. The Jewish quarter was burned and its inhabitants obliged to flee the city. Subsequently the authorities re- called them, paid them their losses, 175,900 florins, and brought them back with a military escort and music, f The Emperor MATHIAS, in recognition of the philanthropic and generous acts of MORDECAI MAIZEL, of Prague, created him a Baron of the Roman Empire. J " 1615. A rebellion broke out at Berlin, which caused the Jews to be driven out also from Frankfort and Worms, but they were kindly received in the Palatinate. When the rebellion was quelled, the duke recalled them. * " Histoire Ecclesiastique," torn. 36, p. 300. f Jost's " Geschichte der Israeliten," Bd. 8. J Manasseh Bon IsraeJ (Mickveh Yisroile). 5735 A.M. 1974-'75 Tishri 1 3 10 " 15 " 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet. " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. " 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 197<4. First Day of Xew Year Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wed.-Thurs. Friday Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 17 " 19 " 26 Oct. 1 7 8 9 " 16-17 Xov. 15 Dec. 9 " 14-15 " 24 Jan. 13 Feb. 11-12 24 " 25-26 Mar. 13 27 Apr. 11-13 " 29 May 11 16 June 9-10 26 July 9 ir Aug. 7-8 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle Hoshannah- Kabbah Sh'mini Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Chanukah Kosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet \9~75. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther ... Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh La^-B'Omer 33d day of Otner. Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Pentecost. . */ Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. . 853. Jews, as well as Christians, who refused to receive the Alcoran, were subjected to great persecution by the Sultan MOTA- WAKEL. 877. Louis II. greatly oppressed the Jews. 893. It is supposed that Jews first settled in Poland about this time. 927. Rabbi SADIUS, the learned commentator on the Hagiographa, flourished at Sora. 942. SAADYA, the eelebrated "Gaon," existed. 948. At Cordova, in Spain, the first Jewish college in that country was established. 170 EVENTFUL KECORDS. CL3L 1616. The Cliizulc Amuno (Defence of the Faith) was published by Babbi ISAAC BEN ABRAHAM at Cracow. SAMUEL PALACHE, ambassador from Muley Sidan to the United Provinces, died at The Hague and was buried with great pomp, Prince MAURICE and many of the nobility fol- lowing in the cortege. " 1625. Emperor FERDINAND II. created JACOB BATSEBA a Baron of the Eoman Empire.* " 1634. Permission given to the Jews to settle in Switzerland. " 1637. AMURATH IV. took Bagdad and granted the Jews many privi- leges. " 1640. A namesake of SAMUEL CASTOEL succeeded him as Governor of Cochin, f " 1641. The Dutch government, granting toleration at the Brazils, about six hundred Jews went there with Eabbi ISAAC ABOAB and Eabbi RAPHAEL MOSES D'AouiLAR. Many of the New Christians residing there returned to their former religion. 1642. On May 22d, Her Majesty HENRIETTA, Queen Consort of CHARLES I. of Great Britain, accompanied by the Prince of Orange, visited the Portuguese synagogue at Amsterdam and received a complimentary address from the eminent writer, Rabbi MANASSEH BEN ISRAKL. " 1643. An exact model of the Temple of SOLOMON having been made by Eabbi JACOB JUDAH LEON, of Amsterdam, he published an elaborate description of it. ft 1646. J. SENIOR TEIXEIRA was appointed by CHRISTINA of Sweden as her agent at Hamburg. " 1647. G. NUNES DA COSTA was given letters patent of nobility by JOHN IV. and appointed by him Portuguese consul and after- wards agent and resident at The Hague. The States General presented him with a gold chain and a medal set in diamonds, to mark their appreciation of the valuable services rendered by him to the United Provinces. J " 1648. Persecution was rife in Poland under the Jesuit King, JOHN CASIMIK. " 1650. BENJAMIN DA COSTA was the first to introduce the cultivation of the sugar cane into Martinique. * Manasseh ben Israel (Mickveh Yisroile). f Barrios' "Historia Universal Judaica," p. 3. $ Leti's " Compendio d'elle virtue Eroiche," part 2, p. 123. Gregoire, " Cultes Religieuses, " torn. 3. 5736 A.M. 1975-'76 CJE. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 " 23 Cheshvau Kislev. 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2<1 Adar. " 13 14-15 Xissan 1 15 lyar. " 18 Si van 1 " 6 Tammuz. 17 AY 1 9 Ellul. 19-75. First Dav of Xew Year . Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tues. -Wed. Saturday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Tues -AVcd. Monday Tues. -Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon. Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs..-Fri. Sept. 6 8 15 20 26 27 2S Oct. 5 <> Xov. 4-5 M Dec. 4-5 ] t Jim. 3 Feb. ]-2 Mur. 2-3 15 " ic-ir April i ]5 j " 3o \ May 1 is 30 June 4 " 28-20 July 15 " ' 2$ Aug. 5 26-27 J Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh .... First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh ... Fast of Tebet 197. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh ... First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Pentecost . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh EVENTFUL RECORDS. 980. The colleges at Babylon were closed and many of their moct learned members went to Europe. Rabbi MOSES, called " Clothed in Sackcloth/' obtained great fame at Cordova, lie was re- deemed from pirates by his brethren, and although his iden- tity was at that time unknown, his great learning and pro- found knowledge obtained for him the distinction of being made president of the college in that city. 1006. The Caliph HAYSHEM directed that the Talmud should be translated into Arabic. 1012. The Turks took possession of Jerusalem. 172 EVENTFUL RECORDS. 1653. Settlement of the Jews at Surinam. The MISHXAH, with the commentaries of MAIMONIDES and BARTEXOORAH, were translated into Spanish by Rabbi JOSEPH ABKXDAXA. His original manuscript is in one of the libra ries at Cambridge. 1654. On obtaining possession of the Brazils, the Portuguese ordered the Jews to quit, but showed them kindness and considera- tion. The government placed at their disposal sixteen ves- sels to convey them and their property to any destination they chose, and furnished them with passports and safe-guards. After abdicating and changing her religion, CHUISTIXA of Sweden went to Hamburg and resided with the family of TEIXEIRA, her former agent. 1655. At the invitation of Mr. Secretary THUELOE, Rabbi MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL, accompanied by several Jews, went to England and presented petitions to CROMWELL and the Parliament in behalf of their brethren.* On the 4th of December, a council was held at Whitehall, to which Lord Chief Justice GLYXX, Lord Chief Baron STEELE> the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, and several merchants and di~ vines were summoned, to consider the following petition and propositions made by Rabbi MAXASSEH: " These are the graces and favors which, in the name of my Hebrew- nation, I, MANASSEII BEN ISRAEL, do request of your most Serene Highness, whom God make as prosperous and give as happy success to in all the enterprises as your Serene Highness could wish and desire. " 1st. That our Hebrew nation be received and admitted into this puissant commonwealth, under the protection and safeguard of your Highness, even as the natives themselves. And for the greater securitj", in time to come, I supplicate your Highness to cause an oath to be given (if you should think fit) to all the heads and generals of armies to defend us on all occasions. "2d. That it please your Highness to allow us public synagogues, not only in England, but also in other places under the power of your Highness, and to observe in all things our religion as we ought. " 3d. That we may have a place or cemetery outside of the town to bury our dead, without being troubled by any. " 4th. That we may be permitted to deal in all sorts of merchandise, the same as others. " 5th. That, to the end that those who come may be for the utility of this nation, and may live without bringing prejudice to any, and not to give offence, your most Serene Highness will make choice of some per- son of quality, to inform himself of and receive the passports of those who shall come in, who, upon their arrival, shall certify him thereof, and oblige themselves by oath to maintain fealty to your Highness in this land. * Petition of Thomas Violet to Parliament 5737 A.M. 1976-'77 CJE. 1 19-7 G. First Day of New Year Saturday Sept. 25 3 Fast of Gedaliah Monday " 27 ft 10 Yom-Kippoor ; . . . . Mondav Oct. 4 f( 15 First Dav of Tabernacle Saturday 1C I ' O-> " 15 First Dav of Tabernacle Tucsdav (1 .> V " 21 Hoshannah-Rabbah 'Monday OP* " 22 Sh'mini-Atseres Tuesday fi " 23 Simchas Toraii \\ cdncsday " Cheshvan. Rosh-Chodesh Wed -Thurs " 1-1'1 Kislev 1 Rosh-Chodesh Friday Xov 1 1 " 25 First Day of Chanukah . . Monday J^ec 5 Tebet. Rosh-Chodesh Sat -Sun " 10-1 1 " 10 Fast of Tebet , Tuesday " 20 Sh'vat 1 197S. Rosh-Chodesh Monday Jan 9 Adar. Rosh-Chodesh Tues.-Wed. Feb T-S 2d Adar. Rosh-Chodesh Thurs. -Fri. Mar 9-1'j 13 Fast of Esther AVednesday tt ^ ' " 14-15 Purim Thurs. -Fri. " 23-24 Xissan 1 Rosh-Chodesh Saturday Apr. 8 " 15 First Day of Passover Saturday " 22 Ivar. Rosh-Chodcsli Sun.-Mon. Mav 7-8 " 18 La^-B'Omer Thursday " 25 Si van 1 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh Tuesday June *> " 6 First Day of Pentecost Sunday " 11 Tammuz. Rosh- Chodesh Wed. -Thurs. July 5-0 " 17 Fast of Tammuz Saturday* " 22 Av 1 Rosh-Chodesh Friday Auff. 4 " 9 Fast of Av Saturday* " 12- Ellul Rosh-Chodesh Sat. -Sun. Sept. 2-3 * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS, C/E. 1050. ABULCASEM, King of Granada, received instruction in mathe- matics from Rabbi ISAAC BEN-BAROOCH, who was famous in that science. " 1055. On the death of Rabbi SAMUEL LEVY, prime minister to AB- BAS, King of Granada, his son JOSEPH succeeded him. " 1062. An uprising took place and an attempt was made by the people to murder the Jewsat Castile. FEKKIXAND. of ( 'astile, used hiseffortsto protect them on hearing which Pope ALEXANDER II. wrote to him as follows : " What we have heard of you is much to our satisfaction whk-li is, that you have defended the Jews that live amongst you against those who designed to kill them." 17(5 EVENTFUL RECORDS. Q/K, 1656. An attempt to expel the Jjws from Switzerland was frustrated by opposition from some of the cantons. The following advertisement ot the first Jewish work published in England appeared in the Mercurius Politic a*, 7th to 14th of February : " A short Introduction to the Hebrew Tongue, the like never before published, by JOHN DAVIS. Sold by HUMPHREY MOSELY, Prince's Arms, St. Paul's Church Yard." The letters patent granted to the Jews by HENRY II. in 1550 were confirmed by Louis XIV. *' 1657. The first interment in the Jewish burial ground was that of ISAAC BRITTO. MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL, the great scholar and philanthropist,. died. " 1659. A charter for the colonization of the island of Cayenne was granted to DAVID NASSY and other Portuguese Jews by the- Dutch West India Company.* " 1660. On January 18th, the king and Parliament were petitioned by THOMAS VIOLET, a goldsmith, to order the Jews to quit England and to confiscate their property. " 1662. The Portuguese synagogue was visited by THOMAS G-REEN- HALGH, where he found upward of one hundred men and many richly attired ladies. f " 1664. The Dutch inhabitants and the Jews forced to quit Cayenne by the French when they took the island. The Jews went to Surinam. The Jews, being threatened with insecurity and attacks against their persons and properties, petitioned King CHAELLS II., who on August 22d declared, by an order in Council, that, " as long as they demean themselves peaceably and with due submission to the laws, they may promise themselves the effects of the same favor as formerly." " 1G65. By proclamation, August 17th, the British government at Surinam ratified all former privileges of the Jews, guaran- teed them full enjoyment and free exercise of their religious rites and usages, and made void any summons served upon them on their Sabbaths or holidays. They were not to be called for any public duties on those days, except in urgent cases. Civil cases of less value than 10,000 pounds of sugar were to be decided by their Elders, and the magistrates were obliged to enforce their judgment. They were also per- * " Essai Historique sur la Colonie de Surinam," p. 113. f Manuscript in the Harleian Collection. 5739 A.M. 1978-'79 Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. " 25 Tebet. " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 JS'issan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 " 9 Ellul. IS 7S. First Dav of Xew Year . Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday .lay Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thurs.-Fri. Monday Sat. - Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thurs. Fri. Fri.-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Oct. > ;. (( It a a (( I Xov. \ " (Dec. t< Jan. n Feb. Mar. < e tt Apr. May B BELMONTE. He was greatly es- teemed by the various allies for the valuable assistance he rendered them.* F. LOPES SUASSO was likewise created, by CHARLES II., BARON" D'AvEKNA for similar services. f ' ' 1673. The assassins of ESTHER being discovered, the Jews were read- mitted to Vienna. At London they were indicted for meeting for public worship, and they petitioned the king that time be given them to withdraw from his kingdom, or that they might remain un- molested. On February 11 th, he ordered, in Council, "that the Attorney General stop all proceedings, and that they re- ceive no further trouble in this behalf." '' 1677. BARUCH SPINOZA, the celebrated philosopher, died. " 1683. Jews ordered to evacuate the French colonies. " 1684. A treaty for MULEY ISMAEL was concluded with the United Provinces by JOSEPH DE TOLEDO. ts 1685. Under Statute 23d of ELIZABETH, writs were issued and several Jewish merchants were arrested on the Exchange for not at- tending any church ; upon which they appealed to the king for his protection and permission to follow their own reli- gious observances. On November 13th, it was ordered in Council "that the Attorney General do stop all the said proceedings, His Majesty's intention being that they should not be troubled on this account, but that they should quietly enjoy the full exercise of their religion whilst they behave themselves dutifully and obediently to his government." There were present at this council : The King's Most Ex- cellent Majesty; H. R. H. PRINCE GEORGE; Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of London ; The Lords Chancellor. Treasurer, Privy Seal, and Chamberlain ; The Dukes of Ormond and Queensbury ; The Earls of Huntingdon. Bridge- water, Birkley, Nottingham, Plymouth, Craven, Peterbor- ough, Middleton, Sunderland, Morray ; Viscounts Fau- conberg, Preston, Melfort ; Lords Dartmouth and Godolphin and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. *Leti's " Compeudio dello virtu Eroiche," part 2, page 124. f Ibid. 5741 A.M. 1980-'81 OEJ. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheslivan. Kislev 1 25 Tebct 1 " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 14-15 Xissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. IO8O. First Day of Xew Year Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Fri.-Sat. Thursday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Sunday Mon.-Tues. Friday Wednesday Monday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Sept. ti i< a Oct. . c ti ( S Xov. Dec. ft (i Jan. Feb. Mar. tt K Apr. n May June it July it Aug. it 1C 11 13 20 25 1 2 3 10-11 9 3 8 17 6 4-5 6-7 19 20-21 5 19 4-5 22 3 8 2-3 19 1 9 30 31 Fast cf Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle IIoshaunah-Rabbah Sh'rniui-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet 1931. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. 1080. ALPHONSO I. of Castile afforded protection to the Jews and conferred many honorable and responsible positions upon them. 1086. Rabbi NATHAN, author of the Arooch (Talmudical Lexicon), was famous at Rome. 1096. The so-called holy wars were begun by the Crusaders, who mur- dered such Jews as would not consent to be baptized. In Aragon and Navarre there were many martyrs, but the most cruel butchery was in Germany. Men and women slew 182 EVENTFUL RECORDS. 1685. The Jews who had been made prisoners in the Morea by Gene- ral MOROSINI: were released by the Republic of Venice, through the intercession of Pope INNOCENT XI. In the French colonies, all Jews found there were ordered to be seized aud their property confiscated. 1687. PETER THE GREAT excluded the Jews from Russia. 1690. WILLIAM III. rejected a petition from the Council at Jamaica that Jews be ordered to quit that island. 1692. At Broad Court, Duke's Place, the first German synagogue in London was built. It is now the site of the Great Syna- gogue in that city. 1696 At Oxford, an almanac was printed with a daily Christian calendar on one side and a Jewish one opposite. 1697. ALEXANDER NUNEZ DA COSTA succeeded to his father's posts and honors, although powerful influence was used by several parties to obtain those offices. 1701. The Portuguese congregation in London appointed as their Chief Rabbi the learned Rabbi DAVID NIETO, author of the work Mattai-Dan. 1709. The royal arms of Prussia, surmounted by a crown, were en- graved upon a diamond of twenty-five carats for FREDERICK I. by LEVIN JOSEPH, the celebrated engraver at Berlin. 1712. The giv ng of an island in the Archipelago to the Jews, for the establishment of an independent State, was proposed by the Marquis of Langallerie.* 1723. The right of Jews to hold real estate was confirmed to them by. Louis XV. , to which he added the words, "without their being obliged to take out letters of naturalization." First acknowledgment of Jews as British subjects by the. fol- lowing act of Parliament: "Whenever any of His Majes- ty's subjects professing the Jewish religion shall present themselves to take the oath of abjuration, the words, 'on the true faith of a Christian,' shall be omitted out of the said oath; and the taking of it by such persons professing the Jewish religion, without the words aforesaid, in the manner as Jews are admitted to be sworn to give evidence in courts of justice, shall be deemed a sufficient taking." 1728. The first Jewish synagogue in America established in New York. 1730. Emperor CHARLES VI., King of Denmark, created MOSES LOPEZ PEREIRA, BARON D'AGUILAR, and he was appointed treasurer to the Empress, as Queen of Bohemia. * Gregoire's " Culles Religieuses," torn. 3. 5742 A.M. 1981-'82 Tishri 1 3 10 15 " 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet. " 10 Si'vat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 Xissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tarn muz. 17 Av 1 " 9 EIlul. 1881. First Day of New Year . Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wed.-Thurs. Friday Monday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tues.-Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 29 Oct. 1 8 13 " 12 20 21 " 28- \9 Nov. 27 Dec. 21 " 26-27 Jan. 5 " 25 Feb. 23-24 Mar. 8 " 9-10 " 25 Apr. 8 " 23-24 May 11 23 28 June 2 1-25 July 8 " 21 29 Aug. 19-20 / Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor. First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini- Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh 1932. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-JVOmer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh . EVENTFUL RECORDS. each other, and parents killed their children to escape the inhuman atrocities of the fiendish bigots of Spires, Metz, Cologne, Presburg, and Prague. Over two hundred who leaped into the Rhine were drawn from it to be cruelly slain. In justice to the bishops, it must be stated that they did all in their power to allay the barbarities, and many were re- leased through their influence. CJE. 1097. Jews who had been forcibly baptized were authorized by HEXRY IV. of Germany to return to their faith. " 1105. RASHI, the celebrated commentator, died. 184 EVENTFUL KECORDS. GM. 1735. CHARLES, Duke of "Wirtetnberg, appointed Susz OPPEN~HEIM his finance minister. The harsh conduct of the latter to- wards the people caused them to ill-treat the Jews. {( 1736. The formation of an independent establishment for the Jews was proposed by the Duke of Ripperda.* " 1738. The Jews of Copenhagen formed a society, giving premiums to those who learned trades, in acknowledgment of CHRISTIAN' VI., King of Denmark, affording them the facilities of be- coming manufacturers. " 17-40. CHARLES II. invited a return of the Jews to Naples and Sicily. An English act of Parliament was enacted as follows : ''That those Jews who had already resided in the American colo- nies, or who have served as mariners during the war, two years in British ships, are become natural-born subjects of Great Britain, without taking the Sacrament.'' " 1749. On June llth, M. J. PEREIRA, interpreter at the Royal Library at Paris, explained his method of instructing the deaf and dumb, which was afterwards adopted by L'ABBE L'EPEE with marked success. s< 1750. The repeating reflecting circle, to rectify astronomical observa- tions, was invented by TOBIAS MEYER, professor of mathema- tics at Gottingen. MOSES MENDELSOHN, the great philosopher, flourished. The Emperor of Morocco commissioned a Jew as ambassador to Denmark. FREDERICK II. tolerated the Jews in Prussia, but on the most intolerant conditions. For the active zeal of MOSES NAAR and GABRIEL DE LA FATTE in suppressing a revolt of the negroes at Surinam, they were presented with silver cups and the thanks of the govern- ment, f r< 1753. The Duke of Lorraine levied a capitation tax and laid several restrictions upon the Jews. England passed the Naturalization Bill. " 1754. Petitions from the city of London and other places caused its repeal. Jewish marriages declared not to be affected by the mar- riage act. ELIAS DE PAZ bequeathed twelve hundred pounds for found ing a Yexhibali (Jewish college). It was claimed to be for superstitious purposes, and confiscated to the Crown. It was given by GEOUGE II. to the Foundling Hospital. *Grcgoire's " Cultes Rtligieuses," torn. 8. f "Essai Historique sur la Colonie de Surinam," p. 123. 5743 A.M. 1982-'83 CM. Tishri 1 3 10 " 15 21 " 22 23 Oheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Xissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammaz. 17 Av 1 9 llul. 1982. First Dav of Xev. r Year . . Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tues.-Wed. Saturday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Saturday* Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat.-Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Sept. 18 20 27- Oct. 2 & 9 10 " 17-18 Nov. 10-17 Dec. 11 " 16-17 2G Jan. 15 Feb. 13-14 26 " 27-28 Mar. 1 5 " 29 Apr. 13-14 May 1 13 18 June 11-12 2S July 11 10 Au~. 9-10 J Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres. Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Cliodesh First Dav of Chanukali . */ Rosh-Chodesh . . . Fast of Tebet 1983. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Passover. . Rosh-Chodesh .... Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh >* First Dav of Pentecost . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday proviou EVENTFUL RECORDS. CzE. lill. A Jew was appointed by COLOHANUS, Duka of Bohemia, to b3 his treasurer, but was afterwards banished by him through popular force and clamor. ' 1126. A Jewish physician was called to attend LOTHARIO II. of Germany, and cured him. " 1129. The Jews were accorded the same rights as other citizens by ROGER of Naples, when he made Messina a residence of royalty. " 1142. Jews were appointed as tax collectors to ALPHOXSO VII., upon his defeat of the Moors, but were driven out and banished from Tangiers. 186 EVENTFUI KECORDS. 1762. Toleration of the Jews by CATHARINE of Russia. Those of the Crimea and the Ukraine already had the protection of the government. 1772. The English government passed an act that Jews should be entitled to all rights and privileges of British subjects after seven years' residence in any of its colonies. 1778. General WASHINGTON constituted Colonel DAVID FRANKS his confidential aid. 1780. Deputies were sent to Louis XVI. by the Jews of Metz with a petition to repeal all ordinances against them. The following advantages were accorded the Jews by Emperor JOSEPH II.: All schools and universities of the Empire were to ba open to them, with the right to take degrees in philosophy, medicine, and civil law. They were allowed to establish manufactories and follow any trade, except the making of gunpowder. They were under the same law as Christians, and permitted to attend fairs in towns where they did not reside. 1781. For gallant conduct in an action off the Doggerbank on Au- gust 5th, the States of Holland presented a gold medal to J. D ALMEIDA. 1783. A universal language, said to be superior to the Pasigraphy, was invented by ZALKIN HOURWITZ, interpreter at the Royal Library in Paris. He also gained a prize at Metz for a memorial in favor of the Jews. 1784. The oppressive laws against the Jews, by the DUKE OF LOR- RAINE, were revoked by Louis XVI. 1786. MOSES MENDELSOHN, the celebrated philosopher aud Bible com- mentator, died. 1788. A commission having been appointed to remodel all laws con- cerning the Jews, on principles of justice, MALESHERBES was made President thereof. 1789. Denmark opened to the Jews all the privileges of corporations. ELIAS LEVY, made minister to the Emperor of Morocco, was disgraced and sold to a slave dealer at Tunis, but afterwards was redeemed and reinstated in his position. 1790. Rights of citizenship claimed by the Jews of France. The Emperor of Morocco had SOLOMON HASSAN, Spanish Con- sul at Tetuan, beheaded for informing his government of the intended attack on Ceuta. 1791. M. BKKR-ISAAC-BERR, of Nancy, published his celebrated letter. 5744 A.M. 1983-'84 CJE. Tishil 1 3 10 15 21 22 " 23 Cheshvan. Kislev. 25 Tebet. 10 Sb/vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 " 14-15 Xissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Si van 1 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1OS3. First Day of Xo;v Yc::r Thursday Saturday" Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sun.-Mon. Thursday Tues.-Wed. Friday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Sun.-Mon. Saturday! Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. irsday previous. Sept. (t tt u (( t< t Oct. Xov. Dec. tt n Jan. Feb. Mar. < : U Apr. it May < < June a j " (July tt tt Aug. it 8 10 17 22 2b 2D 30 7-8 6-7 1 6-7 1G 5 3-4 4-5 17 18-10 3 17 2-3 20 1 6 30 1 17 30 7 28-29 Fast of Geduliali Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-RrJbbah Sb/mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Kosh-Chodesh Rosh.- Chodesh. First Day of Clianukali Rosh Chodesh Fast of Tebet 198-4-. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh *Observed following day. t Observed Thi EVENTFUL RECORDS. 1146. A second crusade being determined on and organized, ST. BER- NARD, with the view of preventing a repetition of the cruel atrocities of the previous one, wrote as follows to the Arch- bishop of Metz : ' Take thou heed that thou speak to the Jews neither good nor bad ; they are not to be massacred nor persecuted, nor should you even banish them/' Many were, however, killed in Germany in spite of this order, while the clergy and authorities afforded protection to those who es- caped to the fortresses and castles, in which they guarded them. 188 EVENTFUL RECORDS. 1 792. In the army at Praga for the defence of "Warsaw, there were siz battalions of Jews. * 3794. On behalf of Poland's independence, a regiment of cavalry, composed entirely of Jews, fought under the leadership of KOSCIUSKO. The Emperor of Morocco sent J. II. SUMBAL to London as envoy. 1795. Jews were given the same rights as other citizens by the Bata- vian Republic. 1796. In South Carolina LEVY MYERS became a member of the Legislature. At Dessau the public schools were opened to the Jews. 1798. M. DA COSTA ATHIAS was made President, and DR. LEMON and M. C. ASSER appointed members of the National Conven- tion of the Batavian Republic. 1800. In Denmark the public schools and universities were opened to the Jews. 1801. A suggestion was made by a Society of Dutch Jews for a gene- ral congress at Luneville of representatives of all congrega- tions in Europe. A Hebrew college was established at Seezen, in Germany, by M. ISRAEL JACOBSON, who was Privy Councillor to the Duke of Brunswick-Lunenburg. 1804. In Switzerland there was a renewal of prohibitory laws against the Jews. At Amsterdam, M. J. D. MEYER was made judge of the Tri- bunal de Premiere Instance and member of the Provincial State. In Poland, Jews were prohibited from peddling. 1805. The British Government sent AARON CARDOZA as envoy to the* Bey of Oran, with whom he concluded a treaty on Novem- ber 5th. In Russia the Jews were authorized by Emperor ALEXANDER to work at various trades. 1806. May 30th. A meeting of the Jewish deputies from the French departments was convened by the Emperor NAPOLEON. July 20th. The first meeting was held. The minister, finding that he had unthinkingly fixed it on the Sabbath, proposed to adjourn it, but the deputies declined his offer, stating that Jewish law commanded prompt obedience to the sovereign of the country which afforded them its protection. *Gregoire's " Cultes Religieuses," torn. 3. 5745 A.M. 1984-'85 CJE. Tishri 1 3 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kialev 1 25 Tebet. 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 " 14-15 Nissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. IQS^r. First Dav of New Yenr . Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Wednesday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun. -Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat. Sun. Sept. t 29 Oct. C 11 17 18 19 " 26-27 Nov. 25 Dec. 19 " 24-25 Jan. 3 23 Feb. 21-22 Mar. 6 " 7-8 23 Apr. 6 " 21-22 May 9 21 26 June 19-20 July 6 " 19 27 Aug. 17-18 */ Fast of Gedaliali Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle . . r Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh 19S5. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Dav of Pentecost. . Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. GM. 1147. Debts to the Jews, by the Crusaders, were annulled by order of Louis VII. The renowned rabbi, ABEX EZRA, was in the zenith of his fame. In addition to his learned commentaries on the Bible, he wrote valuable works on grammar, moral philosophy, mathe- matics, geometry, algebra, and astronomy; he is likewise credited with the invention of the Ecliptic.* The grand poet-rabbi, YEHUDAH HALEVI, is said to have ex- isted about this period. He was the author of Cuzri and * " Biblioteca Espagnola," vol. i., p. 21. 190 EVENTFUL RECORDS. (LE. 1806. September 18th. The minister proposed that all congrega- tions in Europe be invited to send deputies, for the purpose of establishing a Grand Sanhedrin. September 26th. Invitations issued accordingly to all the synagogues in Europe. December 9th. Consistories established in France, and adopt- ed since in other countries. The Prince of Parma and Piombino put the Jews upon an equality with his other subjects. ee 1807. The Emperor NAPOLEON decorated Rabbi ABRAHAM COLOGNA with the order of the Iron Crown. M. C. ASSEK appointed referendary to the Council of State. In Canada, EZEKIEL HART was returned as a member of the House of Assembly. In an attempt to secure an additional partisan of their own body, the French party moved and carried his exclusion on religious grounds. The governor dissolved the House, and Mr. HART was returned again on its re-formation. " 1808. The order and title of Knight of the Westphalian Crown was conferred upon ISRAEL JACOBSOX, Privy Councillor to the Duke of Mecklenburg. The capitation tax was rescinded in many parts of Germany upon Mr. JACOBSON'S representa- tions. Many restrictions were removed, and the Jews admitted to fill public offices in Westphalia. The royal dukes visited the great German synagogue in Duke's Place. London. The valuable cabinet of Dr. BLOCII incorporated with the Ber- lin Museum. His work on Ichthyology is highly es- teemed and greatly prized. A petition was presented to the Russian Government by NA- HUM FUNKALSTEIN, of Sklow, to establish colonies in Nico- lajow. As an encouragement, the government exempted all those who settled there from all services and military taxes for twenty years. The colonists engaged industriously in agriculture, built several villages and gave them Hebrew names, such as Nohor-Tov (Good River), Yefy-Nolior (Beautiful River), Eer-M'nucho (City of Rest), etc.* *' 1809 All Jewish disabilities removed by the Grand Duke of Baden. Louis. King of Holland, knighted Dr. CAPPADOCE and D. MEYER; they Avere also created members of the Legion of Honor by the Emperor NAPOLEOX, and the King of the Belgians conferred upon them the Order of the Belgic Lion. * Jost's " Geschichte der Israel iten," Bd. 9. 5746 A.M. 1985-'86 Tishri 1 3 " 10 15 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 " 25 Tebet 1 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 2d Adar. 13 14-15 Xissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Sivan 1 G Tammuz. 17 Av 1 " 9 Eilul. 19S5. First Day of New Year Monday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Sunday Friday Sunday Saturday Sun.-Mon. Tues.-Wed. Monday Tues.-Wed. Thursday Thursday Fri.-Sat. Tuesday Sunday Friday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Thurs.-Fri. Sept. 16 18 25 30 Oct. 6 7 8 " 15-16 Xov. 14 Dec. 8 " 13 22 Jan. 11 Feb. 9-10 Mar. 11-12 24 " 25-26 Apr. 10 24 May 9-10 27 June 8 13 July 7-8 " 24 Aug. 6 14 Sept. 4-5 Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle IIoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini- Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh ... First Day of Chanukali Rosh-Chodesh . . e Fast of Tebet 1986- Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Rosh-Chodesh - Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tamnruz * Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh . EVENTFUL RECORDS. many other valuable works and poems. The ritual, which was composed for the Day of Atonement, contains a selection of his sublime and soul-stirring hymns. 1154. At Cordova, ABDELMUNEN BEN ALI ALKUMI ordered that all who refused to embrace Mohammedanism, whether Jews or Christians, were to quic the city. MAIMONTDES, who was then only nineteen years old. pretended to comply, but found means of escaping into Egypt 1158. The great MAIMONIDES, called Rabbi MOSES MAIMO.V, began his noted work, the Yad ITckazokoh. lie also wrote in vari- ous Eastern languages and in Greek valuable treatise? on medicine, astronomy, theology, philosophy, and logic. On his arrival at Egypt his great fame and learning caused him 193 EVENTFUL RECORDS. (LE. 1810. MOSES MYERS became a member of the Legislature in South Carolina. A motion to refuse admission to HENRY JACOBS, on religious grounds, after he had been returned as a member of the Legislature of North Carolina, was unanimously rejected. " 1812. FREDERICK III. repealed all oppressive laws against Jews in Prussia, and admitted them to civil liberty. They were also relieved from all disabilities by the Duke of Mecklenburg- Schwerin and the Prince Primate of Frankfort. " 1813. Civil rights granted to the Jews by the King of Bavaria. They were exempted from special imposts, and all trades and pro- fessions were open to them. The United States qf America appointed MORDECAI M. NOAH their consul at Tunis. On the revolution in favor of the House of Orange, A. M. DE LEON" and J. D. MEYER were made members of the commis- sion at Amsterdam for securing order. At AVestphalia, Jews were only admitted who intended to es- tablish manufactories, but those who were natives were allowed to possess land free of seignorial rights, and all schools were open to them. MULEY SOLIMAN, Emperor of Morocco, appointed MASAHOI> C. MACNIN envoy to the British government. " 1814. Denmark gave civil liberty and removed all restrictions against, the Jews. Jews compelled to quit the Free Cities of Liibeck and Bremen. The city of Amsterdam elected A. MENDES DE LEOST as Alder- man. The Order of the Belgic Lion conferred on J. D. MEYER, who- was appointed secretary of the commission to form a new code for the kingdom of the Netherlands. " 1815. The Congress of Vienna adopted Article XVI., as follows : "The Congress will consider the best possible means of ef- fecting a uniform amelioration of the followers of the Jew- ish religion throughout Germany, and particularly of grant- ing them the enjoyment of civil rights in the Allied States, in return for their taking upon themselves all civil duties. Meanwhile, it guarantees to the professors of that faith the rights already granted them by the single States of the Al- liance." " 1817. C. MEYER made referendary to the Ministry of Justice, and a Knight of the Belgic Lion. 5747 A.M. 1986-'87 CJE. Tishri 1 3 10 15 " 21 22 23 Cheshvan. Kislev 1 25 Tebet 1 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. " 13 " 14-15 Xissan 1 " 15 lyar. 18 Si van 1 6 Tammuz. 17 Av 1 9 Ellul. 1986. First Dav of Xew Year Saturday Monday Monday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Sun.-Mon. Tues.-Wed. Saturday Thurs.-Fri. Sunday Saturday Sun -Mon. Saturday* Sun.-Mon. Tuesday Tuesday Wed.-Thurs. Sunday Friday Wednesday Sat. -Sun. Tuesday Monday Tuesday Tues.-Wed. Oct. 4 C 13 18 24 25 " 2G Nov. 2-3 Dec. 2-3 27 Jan. 1-2 11 31 Mar. 1-2 14 " 15-1 G 31 April 14 " 29-30 May 17 29 June 3 " 27-28 July 14 27 Aug. 4 " 25-26 Fast of Geclaliah Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chaiiukah 1&Q-7. Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh , Lag-B'Omer 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Peiitecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz ... Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday previous. 1160.- EVENTFUL RECORDS. to be appointed physician to the Sultan SALADIN. He died there at the age of seventy years, and is buried near Saphet. From his long residence in that country he was sometimes designated the Egyptian. So highly was he esteemed, and so great was his erudition, that the saying arose, "From MOSES unto MOSES there was none like MOSES." -Pope ALEXANDER III. favored and defended the Jews. He desired that none should be allowed to disturb them on their Sabbaths or festivals, and appointed Rabbi YECHIEL as stew- ard and overseer of his household and accounts. The Jews of Bagdad were much favored by MOSTAXGED, who formed for them courts of justice under their own system and rabbis. 194 EVENTFUL RECORDS. 1818. An attempt was made to prevent Jews from attending the Leipsic Fair. 1819. M. M. NOAH elected sheriff of the city of New York. 1820. JOHN VI. admitted the Jews and granted them toleration at Lisbon. The Emperor of Morocco appointed JUDAH BEXOLIEL, of Gibraltar, as consul, with power to appoint vice-consuls* wherever he might consider it necessary. 1822. NATHAN MEYER T)E ROTHSCHILD made Baron of the Aus- trian Empire by Emperor FRANCIS I. andappointad Austrian consul, the title of baron being conferred upon his brothers. He was the founder of the British house of that noted family. 1824. Knighthood of the Legion of Honor was conferred upon AARON CARDOZA, of Gibraltar, by Louis XVIII. J. BOAS was appointed one of the three magistrates of Am- sterdam. 1825. NATHAN LEVY made American consul to the island of St. Thomas. A fleet was sent against Morocco by Sardinia, but the differ- ences were pacifically adjusted by JUDAH BENOLIEL, con- sul at Gibraltar. 1826. It was reported by the CHEVALIER GAMBA that near Kouba, in Southern Russia, he found a Jewish village which had ex- isted from an unknown time. The Jews of France were relieved from a ceremonial oath on the Books of the Law, which had formerly been exacted from them. This was accomplished by the eminent Jewish advocate, CREMIEUX, who defended Mons. GUERNON" DE RANVILLE, ex-minister of CHARLES X. At Metz, a Jew was condemned simply because he had not taken the said oath, but Alvocate OULIFF, also a Jew, ob- tained a reversal of the sentence. 1827. Pope LEO XII. placed many restrictions upon the Jews at Rome. MORDECAI MYERS became a member of the Legislature of Georgia, U. S. A. MULEY ABD-ER-RAHMAN, Emperor of Morocco, appointed MEIR C. MACHNIN envoy to the British consul at St. James. 1828. The Emperor NICHOLAS adopted various regulations concern- ing the Jews. Baron N. M. DE ROTHSCHILD was made Austrian Consul- General. 5748 A.M. 1987-'88 CJE. Tishri 1 3 " 10 " 15 " 21 22 " 23 C hash van. Kislev 1 25 Tebet. " 10 Sh'vat 1 Adar. 13 14-15 Xissan 1 15 lyar. 18 Si van 1 " 6 Tammuz. " 17 Av 1 " 9 EUul. \9&~7. First Day of Xew Year Thursday Saturday* Saturday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fri.-Sat. Sunday Wednesday Mon.-Tues. Thursday Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Wednesday Thurs.-Fri. Saturday Saturday Sun -Mon. Thursday Tuesday Sunday Wed.-Thurs. Saturday* Friday Saturday* Sat.-Sun. Sept. 24 26 Oct. 3 8 H " 15 1C " 23-24 Xov. 22 Dec. 16 " 21-22 " 31 Jan. 20 Feb. 18 19 Mar. 2 " 3-4 19 Apr. 2 " 17-18 May 5 17 22 June 15-16 July 2 15 23 Aug. 13-14 Fast of Gedaliali Yom-Kippoor First Dav of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini-Atseres Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh . Fast of Tebet 19BS. Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer. ... 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av Rosh-Chodesh * Observed following day. EVENTFUL RECORDS. 1163. On account of an accusation of killing a child for the Passover celebration, eighty-four Jews were burned at Paris. The beautiful and sublime work, Chovox Holvovos, was writ- ten at Barcelona by Rabbi BECHAYAI the Elder. 1170. The Jews were ordered by HENRY II. to leave England, but upon the payment of about $15,000 they were allowed to re- main. A Jew named JOSEPH was appointed Prime Minister by AL- PHONSO VIII., who was deeply in love with a beautiful Jew- ess, which caused him to show great favor to the Jews. She fell a victim to the malice and ill-will of the court and clergy, who were jealous of her. 196 EVENTFUL RECORDS. ^E. 1830. In the British House of Commons, on April 5th, a bill passed its first reading, by a majority of 18. for the removal of all civil disabilities of the Jews. May 17th. At the second reading it was lost by a majority of 63. A resolution that the Jewish clergy be paid by the State was carried by a majority of 140 in the Chamber of Deputies in France, and confirmed by a majority of 52 in the Chamber of Peers. At Norfolk, Va., U. S. A., MOSES MYERS was appointed col- lector of customs. Knighthood of the Order of the Belgic Lion conferred upon J. MENDES DE LEON, alderman of Amsterdam. Fast of Gedaliah Yom-Kippoor First Day of Tabernacle Hoshannah-Rabbah Sh'mini- Atseres ,. .. Simchas-Torah Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Chanukah Rosh-Chodesh 199O. Fast of Tebet Rosh-Chodesh Rosh-Chodesh ,, Fast of Esther Purim Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Passover Rosh-Chodesh Lag-B'Omer ... , 33d day of Omer. Rosh-Chodesh First Day of Pentecost Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Tammuz Rosh-Chodesh Fast of Av .... Rosh-Chodesh * Observed Thursday previous. EVENTFUL RECORDS. CJ2. 1181. Whilst in their synagogues on February 14th the Jews were seized and imprisoned by order of PHILIP AUGUSTUS, who cancelled all obligations due to them. Two months later, he confis- cated all their immovable property, and decreed that they should leave France forthwith, which caused them to invent bills of exchange.* " 1187. SALADIN took Jerusalem. " 1188. To defray the expenses of the expedition of HENRY II. to the Holy Land, he ordered a levy of $300,000 upon the Jews, but it was not enforced, owing to his death. * " Dictionnaire de Tremoux." 200 [Continued on page 131.] EVENTFUL RECORDS. 1836. The Governor of Maryland appointed M. J. COHEN his aide- de-camp. Lieutenant UKIAH LEVY made a captain of the United States navy. 1837. At Saphet and Tiberias, 5,000 Jews perished in an earthquake. During the Viceroyalty of the Duke of Cambridge, the States of Hanover emancipated the Jews. MOSES MONTEFIORE elected Sheriff of London and Middlesex, and knighted by Queen VICTORIA. 1838. J. M. DE LEON and F. ASSER made members of the college for nominating the delegates of Amsterdam to the Provincial States of Holland. ALEXANDER BRAVO made a member of the Queen's Council at Jamaica. DAVID SALOMONS made a magistrate for the County of Kent, England. In return for the munificent liberality of the Jews to the suf- ferers by inundation, the municipality of Ofen declared them free to become citizens and landholders. The English Government ratified the hereditary title of Baron, to LIONEL, eldest son of N. M. DE EOTHSCHILD. A Jew, for the first time, called to the bar of the Court of Chancery in England. June 21st. Civil disabilities of the Jews removed. 1840. The Jews were dreadfully persecuted at Damascus. Sir MOSES MONTEFIORE went to Egypt in their behalf. February 10th. SOLOMON J. HART was the first Jew elected a Eoyal Academician in England. 1841. November 12th. The Jewish Chronicle, the first of the Anglo- Jewish press, established at London. 1842. Opening of the first Reform Jewish Synagogue in London, with Rev., now Professor, DAVID W. MARKS as its Minister. October 31st. Death of the Rev. SOLOMON HIRSCHELL, the venerated Chief Rabbi of Great Britain. 1845. Installation of the Rev. Dr. NATHAN MARCUS ADLER as his successor. 1846. Sir MOSES MONTEFIORE and Sir ANTHONY DE ROTHSCHILF made Baronets of the British Empire. 1847. Baron LIONEL DK ROTHSCHILD elected member of Parliament for the City of London. 1851. DAVID SALOMONS elected member of Parliament for Green.- wich. EVENTFUL RECOBDS. 1850. DAVID SALOMOXS was made Lord Mayor of London. " 1857. BEXJAMLX S. PHILLIPS elected alderman for the City of Lon- don. " 1858. Jewish Oaths Bill passed in the House of Lords. July 2Gth. Baron LIOXEL DE ROTHSCHILD took his seat in Parliament. " 1860. Sir FRANCIS GOLDSMID elected a member of Parliament. " 1865. Alderman BENJAMIN S. PHILLIPS elected Lord Mayor of Lon- don, and knighted in the following year. Mr. JOSEPH ABRAHAM, of Bristol, England, elected as its mayor. In Australia, between 1858 and 1865, several Jews were elected to various important offices. In Queensland, Mr. JULIUS VOGEL, who was afterwards knighted for eminent services, was Postmaster-General. In Sydney, New South Wales, there were several Jews in the Legislature, some of whom were in the Cabinet. In Mel- bourne they filled high civic positions, and Mr. EDWARD COHEX, for several years president of the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation, and an active member of all communal affairs, was elected mayor of the city and subsequently was Colonial Treasurer. Amongst the members of the Colonial Parliament were Messrs. NATHAXIEL LEVI, EPHRAIM Zox, and others. " 1866. Professor AKTOM appointed Chief Rabbi of the Portuguese Jews in England. *' 1869. XUMA HARTOG the first Jewish Senior Wrangler. Mr. SEAIUEAXT SIMOX elected M.P. for Dewsbury. Mr. GEORGE JESSKLL elected M.P. for Dover. Mr. NATHAXIEL M. DE ROTHSCHILD elected M.P. for Ayles- bury. " 1S71. The Messrs. WORMS created Barons. " 1872. Mr. GEORGE JESSELL appointed Solicitor-General for England, and knighted. Mr. ALBERT SASSOOX knighted. The University Test Bill passed in England. Congress at Washington opened with prayer by the Rev. ABRA- HAM DK SOLA, of Montreal. ** 1873. The freedom of the City of London presented to Sir A. SAS- SOOX, C.S.I. Sir GEORGE JESSELL appointed Master of the Rolls. He closed his Court on Yom-Kippur, the day of Atonement. EVENTFUL RECORDS CM. 1879. Death of Professor ARTOM and Baron LIONEL DE ROTHSCHILD. " 1881. H.R.H. the PRINCE OF WALES visited the Central Synagogue in London, to attend the marriage of Mr. LEOPOLD DE ROTH- SCHILD to Miss PERUIGIA, on January 19th. " 1882. Violent outbreaks occurred against the Jews in various parts of Russia, and many thousands were obliged to flee. Gross and inhuman outrages were committed on the unoffending victims, neither age nor sex being spared. They were kindly received in England and many European cities and foreign countries. Several thousands emigrated to the United States of America, where the utmost sympathy and most substantial aid were afforded them. Christian as well as Jewish communities in distant lands evinced their sympathies by practical and sub- stantial assistance. K 1883. Death of Sir GEORGE JESSELL, Master of the Rolls in Eng- land, March 21st. Mr. H. A. ISAACS, Common Councilman, elected Alderman of London. " 1884. Death of the Baroness LIONEL DE ROTHSCHILD, who was re- nowned for her unbounded and unsectarian charities, and for her personal and active interest in the management of the Jewish Infant and Free Schools, to which she was a fre- quent visitor. EDWARD LASKER, a Liberal leader in the German Parliament, died whilst on a visit to his brother in the United States. His remains were sent to Germany for interment, and all classes joined in paying honor to the deceased Jewish states- man. The American House of Representatives gracefully sent resolutions of condolence to the German Reichstag, but Prince BISMARCK, LASKER'S political enemy, refused to ac- cept and present them, on the grounds that by so doing he would stultify his principles, which were opposed to LAS- KER'S ; and that Herr LASKER'S position in the Reichstag was not sufficiently important to call for them. \ " 1885. The venerable and world-renowned philanthropist and cham- pion of liberty, Sir MOSES MONTEFIORE, died shortly after the celebration of his 100th birthday. L : eutenant-Colonel PHILIP COWAN elected alderman of Lon- don. Mr. FAUDEL PHILLIPS elected Sheriff of London and Middlesex. Sir NATHANIEL DE ROTHSCHILD, M.P., eldest son of Baron LIONEL, elevated to the peerage of England, with the title of LORD DE ROTHSCHILD. EVENTFUL RECORDS CLE. 1885. Baron HENRY DE WORMS, M.P., appointed Parliamentary Sec- retary to the British Board of Trade, England. " 1887. Alderman and Sheriff ISAACS knighted. Rev. Dr. GASTER appointed Chief Rabbi of the Portuguese m England. Special services to celebrate the Jubilee of Queen VICTORIA held in all the London synagogues. Death of Mr. LIONEL COHEN, M.P., an active and indefatiga- ble worker and promoter of all Jewish interests. Death of Sir BARROW ELLIS, K. C.S.I. " 1889. Lord ROTHSCHILD appointed Lord Lieutenant and Gustos Ro- tulorum for the County of Buckingham. " 1890. The Rev. Dr. NATHAN MARCUS ABLER, Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom and British Dominions, died at Brighton after an administration of forty-five years. The Russian Government ordered the enforcement of the edicts of 1882 against the Jews. These edicts had hitherto been held in abeyance. According to them Jews may henceforth only reside in certain towns. None are permitted to own land or hire it for agricultural purposes. The order in- cludes several towns and hundreds of villages which have large Jewish populations. No Jew is to be allowed to hold shares in or work in mines. The law limiting the residence; of Jews to sixteen provinces will be enforced. No Jew will be allowed to enter the army, to practise medicine or law, to be an engineer, or to enter any other professions, and they will be debarred from holding posts under the government. BARON DE HIRSCH, of Paris, through whose unbounded be- nevolence many educational and industrial schools were es- tablished in Egypt and European and Asiatic Turkey, gave 10,000,000 francs ($2,000,000) for educational purposes in Gallicia. Subsequently, he made to the Russian government the munificent offer of $10,000,000 for public instruction, with the sole stipulation that the fund should be applied " 1891. without distinction of creed or race, which unparalleled act of generosity was refused by bigoted Russia. Baron de Hirsch gave $240,000 for the amelioration of the condition of Jewish refugees in the United State?, placing the fund in the hands of a committee of prominent and influential gentlemen in New York, who were well known for their active and dis- interested works of benevolence and their capacity to carry out so responsible a task. The Baron's intention is not to pauperize the recipients of his charity, but, after having sup- EVENTFUL RECORDS. CM. 1891 plied their immediate necessities and established schools, to place them on small farms and teach them trades so as to make them self dependent. To Canada, the Baron sent $20,00u to the Young Men's Hebrew Benevolent Society at Montreal for the assistance of refugees arriving there from barbarous Russia, and there are many other instances of his great liberality. The private charities of the Baron and his estimable wife are on a par with their public benefactions, and they not only give lavishly to those who need, but per. sonally investigate the circumstances of applicants, with the view of giving them practical aid. Wherever help is re. quired the Baron and his wife make no distinction as to re- ligion or race. The REV. DK HERMAN ADLER, of London, England, elected Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and the British Dominions. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 049 666 1 University of Califo Southern Regions ibrary Facility