028 THI: POMOLOGICAL MANUAL; OR, A TREATISE ON FRUITS : CONTAINING DESCRIPTIONS OF A GREAT NUMBER OK THE MOST VALUABLE VARIETIES FOR THE ORCHARD AND GARDEN. " When Autumn basks, with fruit empurpled deep, My pleasing theme continual prompts my thought; Presents the downy peach ; the shining plum ; The ruddy, fragrant nectarine ; and dark, Beneath his ample leaf, the luscious tig." BY WILLIAM ROBERT PRINCE, Author of a Treatise on the Vine, ffc. AIDED BY WILLIAM PRINCE, Proprietor of the Linnaean Botanic Garden and Nurseries ; Vice -President of tho New-York Horticultural Society; Member of the Linn&an Society of Paris ; of the Horticultural Societies of London and Paris; of the Imperial Society of the Georgofili at Florence; Honorary Member of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, etc. etc. PART I. SECOND EDITION. NE W-YORK: PUBLISHED BY T. t .1. SWORDS, G. & C & II. CARVILL. E BLISS, COI.UNS & CO. <; THnitliUUN & SONS, NEW- YORK; JUDAH DOBSON, I'HII.ADGJ.PIII \ , I. B. HHSSK1.L, (tosTON; GIDEON SMITH, BALTIMO11E ; JAMES WINSTON, KICIIMONU; AND JOSEPH SIMMONS, CHARLESTON, H. C. 1882. ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the ' J. SEYMOUR, PHIKTER, JOHN-STH*BT. TO TMK PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS MASSACHUSETTS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. IN the dedication of a work like the present, the attention is naturally drawn to those individuals and associations which evince the most zeal, and devote the most care and labour to the advancement of the object the author has in view. The association of such men as possess not only great intelligence, but are also ardently attached to Horticulture, and anxious for its complete elucida- tion, has given to your Society a distinguished claim to public respect, and has also created a high opinion of its present and anticipation of its future usefulness. It is, therefore, with much satisfaction that I dedi- cate this work to the MASSACHUSETTS HORTICULTU- RAL SOCIETY, with the hope that it may contribute its mite of information in the great field of that Science, to which its author, in common with your- selves, is most warmly attached. With the highest respect, WM. ROBERT PRINCE. ABBREVIATION OF AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Pr. ffort. Prince's Treatise on Horticulture. Pr. Cat. William Prince & Sons' Catalogue of the Linnsean Botanic Garden and Nurseries, twenty-sixth edition. Pr. Cat. 25 ed. Ditto, twenty-fifth edition. Duh. Duhamel Dumonceau Traitfe des Arbres Fruitiers. Duk. Syn. Synonyme according to Duhamel. O. Duh. Duhamel Dumonceau, first edition. O. Duh. syn. Synonyme according to the first edition of Duhamel N. Duh. Duhamel Dumonceau, nouvelle edition, 1825. Roz. Abb6 Rqzier. Hli-OID/ * Roz. syn. Synonyme according to Abb6 Rozier. Pom. Mag. Pomological Magazine. Lend. Hort. Cat. Fruit Catalogue of the London Horticultural Society. Lond. Hort. Trans. Transactions of the London Horticultural Society. Lang. Pom. Langley's Pomona. Mil. Miller's Gardener's Dictionary, edition of 1807. Mil. syn. Synonyme according to Miller. f\>r. Forsyth on Fruit Trees, seventh edition, which is the edition invariably referred to in this work. Par. syn. Synonyme according to Forsyth. Evel. Evelyn Silva. Evel. syn. Synonyme according to Evtelyn. Coxe. Coxe on Fruit Trees. Die. d'Agric. Dictionnaire Raisonn6, et Universe!, d'Agriculture. Die. d'Agric. syn. Synonyme according to the preceding Dictionnaire. Tourn. Tournefort. Van Mom. Van Mons Arbres Fruitiers. Quin. Quintinye. Quin. syn. Synonyme according to Quintinye. Fes. Amer. Gard. Fessenden's American Gardener- Bon. Jard. Bon Jardinjer. Calv. Calvel. Kraft. Kraft Pomona Austriaca. Jard. Fruit. Nois. Jard. Noisette's Jqrdin Fruitier. Nois. Cat. Noisette's Cntalogue. Nois. Man. Noisette's Manual. Pom. Austr. Pomona Austriaca. Christ. Christ Pomolog. TascA.- rascAenft.-Tagchenbuch. Pers. Synop. Persoon Synopsis Plantarum. Poit. et Turp. Traitfi des Arbres Fruitiers, par A; Poiteau et P. Turpin. Switz. Switzer. Hook. Pom. Lond. Hooker Pomona Londinensis. Knoop Pom. Knoop Pomologia. Diel Pom. Diel Pomona. Wild. Sp. Wildenow Species Plantarum. Lin. Linnaeus. Pal. Pallas. Gmel. Gmelin Flora Sib.irica. Lei. Lelieur Pomona Francoise. Mayer. Mayer Pomona. Pom. Fr. Mayer Pomona Franconica. G Lind. in Hort. Trans. G. Lindley in the Transactions of the London Horticultural Soc. Lux. Cat. Catalogue of the Garden of the Luxembourg. Down. Samuel Downer, Esq. of Massachusetts. Ehrh. Beitr. Ehrhart Beitrage zur Naturkunde. Auth. Author of this work. Hitt. Hitt's Treatise INDEX TO PART I. ADOPTED NAMES. APRICOTS. Alberge 159 Alexandrian 162 Algiers 164 Apricot of Noor 168 Hlack 170 Blotched-leaved 161 Breda 164 Brussels 164 Hemskirke 169 Holland 165 Masculine 157 Monstrous Peach 159 Moorpark 161 MwschMusch 167 Orange 163 Peach 158 Portugal 162 Provence 168 Purple peach-leaved 172 Red Angoumois 167 Roman 165 Royal -, 162 Iberian ~ 172 Turkey - 160 White Masculine 157 PEARS. Admiral 66 Ah! mon Dieu 37 Arnbrette 122 Angel 25 Angeliqnfc de Rome 80 Angleterre' 55 d'hiver 120 de Noisette 150 Apple 99 Ashton-town 129 Aurate 12 Bassin* 37 Beauty of Brussels 150 of Winter 112 of Summer 30 of Autumn 64 Belle Audibert 119 Bessa - 12U et Bonne 12f> Requesne 105 Bergamotte Cadette 76 de Soulers 78 Sy Ivange 77 Early 69 Early French 69 Easter English Autumn French Autumn 70 Gansels 7' Helland 73 Red 68 Summer 6 Swiss 7 I)eurr6 blac 48 d'Ardempont 9 d'Aremberg 5 Diel 55 Ranee 54 Beurr6 Remain 56 Spence 135 Brown 49 Black-seeded 151 Easter-- fi3 Bezi de la Motte 79 de Caissoy 125 de Montigny 48 d'Hfery 36 Blanquet, Great 15 Largeround 15 Long stalked 16 Little 17 Bloody 26 Jonchretien d'Auch 94 Summer 59 Musk Summer 61 Rushmore's 147 Spanish 93 Williams' 137 Winter 92 British Russet 22 Caesar 98 -- 127 - 90 piaumont Cardinale--- Calebash Cassante de Brest- -- assolette Great Catillac Chair ft dame Champ riche d'ltalie- "Jhaptal- ............. 67 ............. 65 ............. 31 -----. ........ 32 ............. 109 ............. 34 ............. 114 ............. 109 J hat- br usl6 - ' ........................ * . gg Chaumon tel - .......................... 94 !hio lap- x'olmar- Golden Urasanne Variegated- Gushing Dix 129 143 99 151 75 76 144 142 34 39 Donville - Double-headed eyed flowering 107 with striped fruit 108 Doyenne, white 43 GrTay 45 Duchess of Angouleme 126 Ecbassery 124 Epargne-* 152 Figue, or Petalless 27 Fine Gold'of Summer is of September 65 Flemish Beauty 133 Forelle ' 130 Forty Ounces 118 Franc-iveal 104 Summer 134 Frangipane : 49 Gillogille Ill Gore's Heathcot 143 Green Chisel 14 Grise Bonne 24 \! INDIA. : Nal it \v;i.- IM PREFACE. THE object of this work is to present to the public definite descrip- tions of the choicest varieties of fruit suited to the orchard and the garden, and best calculated for cultivation in our country ; and to thereby afford those who desire to make selections, a sufficient degree of information to enable them to do so, with advantage to themselves, and in a manner that will comport with their wishes. In pursuance of this task, all publications of the highest authority will be carefully consulted, and such matter as is important to the in- tended object will be transferred to the present work. The synonymse will be most ample, and much more comprehensive than any that has hitherto appeared, and will consequently render great aid towards defining with accuracy the respective varieties, and also dispel many of the errors which have crept into similar publications. The works of Duhamel, Rozier, and of the London Horticultural So- ciety, stand first in the rank of pomological publications, and have shed great light upon the subject; but the field is so ample, that an immen- sity of labour still remains to be performed, ere we can perfect the great task in view. Let it then be made the purpose of every one who is conversant therewith, to contribute his mite towards the general stock of information ; and by constantly hoarding the tributes which intelligent minds may thus offer, and whose opportunities may be peculiarly fa- vourable for investigation, we shall in the end arrive at such a consum- mation as is alone attainable by the united labours of pomologists throughout the world. The studies of nature have been wisely ordained by Omnipotence as the most pleasing to the mind of man ; and it is in the unbounded field which natural objects present, that he finds that enjoyment which their never-ending novelty is peculiarly calculated to impart, and which renders their study devoid of that satiety which attaches itself to other pursuits. Most wisely has it been thus prescribed, that by an occupation of the mind, in itself inviting and recreative, we should be insensibly led on to a development of the intricacies of nature, and be thus taught to appre- ciate the beneficence of the Creator, by a knowledge of the perfection and beauty which mark the labours of his hand. The establishment whence this work emanates is the oldest of the kind in our country, and it has from its commencement been the primary desire of its proprietors to preserve the utmost accuracy ; in doing which, pecuniary considerations have been deemed a subject of but minor importance, their nurseries and garden being a family inheritance, in the high character and perpetuity of which they have not only enlisted their interest and welfare, but whose advancement, as a great national institution, has been made a particular object of their feelings and pride. It has long been a received opinion among a portion of the public, that the proprietors of nurseries prefer to perpetuate a plurality of names for the same fruit, and are not desirous to reduce the nomenclature to a cor- rect basis, but find an advantage in the confusion which exists. This opinion has gained credence from the circumstance that the same fruit is cultivated in some nurseries under two, three or more names ; but as so Mil I'Klll'AC 11. erroneous a practice is most generally attributable to the ignorance of t he proprietor, and seldom arises from an intention to deceive, the oj)inio!i ref, rred to i> not supported bv the premi-es. It must, however, be acknowledged as a correct po.-itiuii. that the pro- pr:> tor ot' a nursery ought invariably to possess a t'nll knowledge of the t,'ua!;tics and peculiarities of the respective varieties ol' fruits which he cu';:\ ates, ;is \\ ithout >uch int'onnation lie would be altogether incompe- teiit to institute tin necessary coinpari.-ons. and to correct the in accura- cies winch ocea.-ionalh creep into such establi.-hments ; tor there is, perhaps, no other profes.-ion \vhere do-e attention and minute mve-tiga- tion arc to indi-pen.-ahle to tin- niaintenance ot' strict accuracy. So all- important is tins point of cour-ideratioii, that the jiennanency and future prosperity ot'a nursery wholly depend on its character for accuracy being supported : and it is only \vhere the owner intends to speedily discontinue his. establishment, that he can be so inditlereiit to its character as to intentionally injure the public bv deceptions. Tic 1 peculiar appropriateness of our country to the culture of the various fruits, and tiie advantages of >oil and climate lor the formation of extensive orchards, and fur enriching our gardens with the choicest productions of other dimes, render the study ot' pomology one ot' high and increaMnir interest. Horticultural purnnts add not onlv to the pleasures and convenienct.-s of life, but tend -' ?; '.';' ' *;>'.. : ; ' *"'''.:''. * ** V-. .^- /-.'": -:. 1 > This pear, which is one of the very earliest at maturity, is produced in clusters ; it is of a roundish form, somewhat in the shape of a top, very small, the largest not exceeding thirteen or fourteen lines in height and twelve or thirteen in diameter ; it is often somewhat flattened at the head, and the circum- ference of the eye is swollen by some slight ridges. The stem is in many cases short and thick, at others long and slender ; the skin is a yellowish green on the shade side, and more or less marbled with brownish red dots next the sun ; the flesh is half-breaking, of an agreeable taste, the flavour rather high and musky in the best expositions, but not so in others. The seeds are whitish, brown only at the summit, and large in proportion to the size of the fruit. This variety of pear ripens early in July, and may be ingrafted on both quince and pear stocks. Unlike the preceding variety, this is one of the most vigorous and thrifty growing pear trees, and remark- ably erect in its form, soon attaining to be a handsome and stately tree. Miller describes this under two distinct heads ; first as the Musk, Little musk, or Petit muscat, commonly called the Supreme ; and next as the Muscat, Petit muscat, or Little muscat for the former he quotes Duh. and for the latter Tourn. Forsyth follows this error, and continues it even in his seventh edition ; but by reference to the earlier authors, it will be perceived there is no authority for this course. I'EAR.S. 11 ROYAL MUSCAT. PR. CAT. Muscat Royal. Roz. Dull. This pear is nine lines in height and the same in diameter, its general form being that of a top ; the stem is slender, and fifteen lines in length ; the skin is a little rough, and of a red- dish gray colour ; the flesh is half-melting, sweet and pleasant ; the seeds are large and black, and the fruit ripens at the begin- ning of September. This variety has been but latterly intro- duced, and will be found in my catalogue, 26th edition. MUSCAT ROBERT. PE, CAT. QTJIN. EVEL. Roz. Dun. FOR. Poire a la reine, ) ^ - r\ i n>r-i Poire d'ambre, \ Qum ' Duh ' ^ Mlh Pucelle de Xaintonge. Quin. Mil. Queen; Amber, The Princess, Maiden of Flanders, ) Evel Maiden of Xaintonge, Great musk pear of Coue, Muscat d'ambre, ) f diffferent wri(ers Gros Saint Jean musquee, ) Queen's, Amber, Virgin of Xaintonge. Mil. Robine, Muscat Robine, Musk Robine. Mil. erroneously. This fruit is twenty lines in height and twenty-three in diameter ; its shape is pyriform, terminating in a point at the stem, which is eight to ten lines in length, and around which there are often some slight furrows ; the eye is large, very open, and often surrounded with some swellings or ridges ; the skin is smooth, thin, and light green, becoming somewhat yellowish when at perfect maturity ; the flesh is delicate and of very rich and sweet flavour ; the seeds are large and black. The period at which the fruif ripens is about the middle of July. The tree grows but slowly when ingrafted on the quince stock, but vigorously on the pear stock. It will be perceived that Miller confuses the Robine pear with this, by making them synonymous, see No. 14, Mil. Gard. Die. ; but Forsyth does not follow him in this error in his seventh edition. 12 PEARS. MUSCAT FLEURI. PR. CAT. Roz. Dun. Muscat a longne queue d'automne, } Long stalked muscat of autumn, \ Mil. syn. erroneously. Flowered Muscat, ) This little pear would be perfectly globular, if it was not partially flattened at the summit and base, which causes its diameter to rather surpass its height, the former measuring fourteen lines, and the latter twelve. The peduncle is very long in proportion to the size of the fruit, being often twenty lines in length. The skin is smooth and of a green hue, but attains at maturity a light yellow tinge on the shade side, and a red mingled with fawn colour on the side next the sun. The flesh is slightly greenish, half-melting, not very high flavoured, but somewhat musky. The seeds are very small, of a light brown colour, and the fruit ripens at the end of July, Quin- tinye speaks of a Muscat-Fleuri then cultivated in France that ripened the middle of October, to which the three synonymes above apply, and Miller most unaccountably annexes them to this variety, and even quotes the description of that pear, al- though it is totally distinct and a dark red fruit. RED MUSCAT. PR. CAT. Muscat rouge. Duh. This pear is small, pyriform, of a yellowish green colour where shaded, and a pleasant red next to the sun ; the flesh U breaking and perfumed, and the fruit ripens at the end of August. AURATE. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. COXE. Poire doree. Muscat de Nancy. This fruit has frequently the shape of a top, being fifteen lines in height, and of the same diameter ; the eye is placed in a shallow cavity j the stem is rather large in proportiqn tf> the PEARS. 13 fruit, and about an inch in length ; the skin is thin, of a very pale yellow on the shade side, and bright red on that next the sun ; the flesh is half-melting, not high flavoured, and is with- out much juice. This pear ripens in July, and the tree grows much more vigorously on a pear stock than on the quince. MADELEINE. PK. CAT. Roz. Dun. POM.MAG. MIL. FOR. COXE. Madelaine, and Madeline. Magdeleine. Magdalen. For. syn. Citron des Carmes. Roz. syn. Duh. syn. Mil. For. and others. Green Chisel, of Miller, and of most American gardens. Poire hastiveau, or hativeau. > m erroneousl Hasting pear, ) Early Chaumontelle, of some American collections. Duhamel thus describes this most excellent fruit, which is said to have received its name from its ripening about the period of the fete de St. Madeleine. The pear is twenty-five lines in height and twenty-four in diameter, and its form is precisely that of a top. The peduncle is very long, often two inches ; the eye, which is nearly even with the base of the fruit, is surrounded by slight furrows ; the skin, which is at first entirely green, becomes of a pale lemon colour when the fruit is at maturity, and occasionally, but not often, acquires a slight tint of red on the sunny side. The flesh is white and very delicate, perfectly melting and sweet, with a slightly perfumed flavour, accompanied by a small degree of acidity which ren- ders it extremely agreeable. It may justly be ranked among the most estimable of the early fruits, being surpassed by none and equalled by but few of them. The growth of the tree is very vigorous, and its whole appearance particularly flourish- ing, and it is remarkable for its erect and stately form ; these several characters so distinguish it, that it cannot well be mis- taken for any other. The seeds are of a brownish red colour, and the fruit ripens towards the end of July. It can be in- grafted on both quince and pear. The fruit does not last long, but keeps only a few days when gathered before it be- comes soft. 14 PEARS. There is one fatality attending this tree that I have particu- larly noticed, which is, that it is more subject to be affected by the fire-blight than any other variety, so far as my expe- rience goes, and this fact would seem to strengthen the opinion that such attacks are connected with vigour of growth and profusion of sap, which are particular characteristics of this tree. The following additional descriptive remarks are copied from the Pomological Magazine, a work published under the auspices of the London Horticultural Society. " Wood bright, clear, reddish brown, with a few scattered prominent pale spots ; leaves cordate, ovate, tapering a little to the point, finely serrated, and quite flat ; fruit middle-sized, turbinate, with a thickening on one side of the stalk, which is about an inch long (? Auth.), eye slightly hollowed. It bears much resemblance to the Citron de Sierenz, from which it chiefly differs in the wood and leaves." Miller states this pear to have been commonly called the Green Chisel, and in describing it he quotes both the Citron des Carmes, and the Hastiveau of Duhamel, which that author mentions as distinct fruits. It is doubtless from this cause that the English at length found they had tw Grosse blanquette ronde. N. Duh. Gros blanquet rond. Roz. O. Duh. This pear has the form of a top ; its height is twenty-two lines, its diameter eighteen, and the stem is large and short, being but five lines in length ; the eye is pretty large, and nearly even with the extremity of the fruit ; the skin yellowish white on the shade side, and slightly touched with red next the sun ; the flesh is white, half-breaking, and sweet, with some degree of flavour. This fruit ripens at the end of July or beginning of August, and has been but lately introduced to our country, where recent importations have now concentrated nearly all the most choice varieties of other climes. PEARS. LONG STALKED BLANQtJET. PR, CAT. FOR. POM. J*AG. Blanquette a longue queue. N. Duh. Blanquet a longue queue. Roz. O.Duh. Mil. Long taiVd Blanquet. Evel. Long stalk Blanquet, ) M ., Long stalked Blanket. $ Skinless, of the Bostonians ? This pear is small, being twenty-one lines in height and nineteen in diameter, terminated by an acute point at the stem, but handsomely rounded next the eye, which is even with the fruit ; the skin is smooth, of a whitish green hue, and very rarely coloured with a partial tint of red next the sun ; the flesh is half-breaking, white, rather delicate, with abundance of sweet juice, perfumed and slightly vinous, which render it very agreeable. The seeds are light brown, and the fruit ripens at the commencement of August. I copy the following additional remarks, in regard to this pear, from the Pomological Magazine : "The tree is a great bearer, and the fruit does not rot so quickly as most pears of the same season ; it is one of the first that ripens, being in perfection (in England) from the 20th to the 30th of July. Compared with others of the same season, it has high merit. The wood is strong, reddish brown, a little silvery on the lower ends, buds middle-sized lying close to the wood ; leaves small on very long stalks, finely toothed ; flowers broad with flat roundish petals, sometimes rather pink ; fruit growing in clusters, ( 9 B. a bouquet, Auth.) inversely egg-shaped ; skin deep clear green, in France acquiring a pearly lustre which it never has here." This last description applies in several respects very closely to the Cluster Blanquet, or Blanquet a Bouquet which is an ear- lier and distinct variety. In Fessenden's American Gardener it is stated that this fruit is known about Boston by the name of Skinless pear, which is in fact a very different fruit, as will, be seen by referring to Duhamel and other authors of cele- brity. PEARS. 17 LITTLE BLANQUET. PR. CAT. EVEL. FOR. Petite Uanquette. N. Duh. Petit blanquet. Quin. Roz,, Duh. Poire a la perle. Roz. syn. Duh. syn. Blanquet petit. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Pearl pear. Little blanket. Mil. Musk blanquet, or Blanquelte. Mil. Small Blanquet. White pear. Evel. This fruit is pyriform, eighteen lines in height by thirteen in breadth ; the skin is very smooth and yellowish white j the flesh is half-breaking, white, with a slight musk flavour and of pleasant taste. The seeds are well formed and of a light brown hue, and the fruit ripens the first part of August. The tree can be ingrafted on the quince or pear, and is very vigo- rous and fruitful. HASTIVEAU. PK. CAT. Roz. DUH. Hatweau. Coxe. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Hativeaux. Jard. fruit. Hativau. Lond. Hort. Soc, cat. Green Chisel. For. and the modern English authors ? This pear, which is of turbinate form a little flattened, usually measures fifteen lines in diameter, and thirty-four in height, and has a slender stem, whose length is disproportionate to the fruit, and often measures eighteen lines. The skin is very even, and entirely of a light yellow hue except on the sun side, where it has some touches of bright red. The flesh is half melting and musky, but nevertheless has but little flavour ; the seeds are black and well formed, and the fruit ripens about the middle of July, the tree produces abundantly, and may be propagated on both pear and quince stocks. I have already stated my reasons for the supposition that this may be the pear at present known in England as the Green Chisel. 3 18 PEARS. GROS HASTIVEAU DE LA FORET. PR. CAT. DCH. Gros hativeau de Hativeau gros de la foret. Roz. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Hativau de la foret. Lond. Hort. Soc. cat. Large hativeau of the forest. This fruit is of the shape of a top, and is but eighteen to twenty lines in height, by fifteen or sixteen in diameter, with a large and short peduncle of only eight or nine lines in length. Its skin at perfect maturity is whitish in the shade, and of a lively red next the sun ; the flesh is white, breaking, rather dry and very slightly acid, but of no peculiar flavour, and has nothing to render it particularly desirable. The seeds are dark brown and the fruit ripens about the middle of August. FINE GOLD OF SUMMER. PR. CAT. COXE. Finord'ete. Roz. Duh. Coxe. This fruit is of medium size, and turbinate form, somewhat truncate at the end next the stem, which is sixteen lines in length ; it is flattened at the base, and the eye is situated in the centre of a small cavity. The skin is very smooth, of a yellowish green, dotted over with red points on the shade side, and of a deep and brilliant red next the sun ; the flesh is deli- cate, greenish, half melting, a little acid, and very agreeable ; the seeds are black and tolerably large, and the fruit matures about the middle of August. I find by my own observations, and those of my intelligent friend Robert Manning, Esq. of Salem, Mass, that two other varieties of pears are erroneously cultivated under this name in some nurseries, probably without the knowledge of the proprietors. DOUBLE EYED PEAR. AUTH. Poire a deux yeux. N. Duh. This fruit greatly resembles both in form and in colour the one usually called here the Jargonelle, which is the Epargne PEARS. 19 of the French ; it differs only in being a little smaller, its greatest length is but thirty-six to thirty-eight lines, and its greatest breadth twenty-two. What particularly distinguishes it, is that it appears to have two eyes, which is caused by two sections of the calyx, forming themselves one within the other 111 such a manner as to divide the eye into two parts, and to give it the appearance of being double ; the flesh is half- melting, with a little sharpness, but of agreeable flavour. In the south of France, this pear ripens as early as the end of June, with us here the period of maturity is July. Rozier places the title of this pear as a synonyme of the Poire d deux teles, but the New Duhamel describes them as quite distinct, I have followed the latter. LARGE CRIMSON. PB. CAT. Grosse cremesine. N. Duh. Cremesine d' aout ? It is only comparatively with the still smaller variety of this pear, that the present one has received the term ofgrosse or large, for its height is but twenty-seven lines, and its greatest dia- meter twenty-one lines; the stem is ten or twelve lines in length, large in comparison with the fruit, and is inserted laterally. The skin is a whitish green in the shade, and of a lighter or darker hue of crimson on the side exposed to the sun. The flesh is somewhat firm, of a high and sugary fla- vour, and the seeds are dark brown or nearly black. The Petite-cremesine only varies from the preceding by being rather smaller and in general not so highly coloured. These two kinds are much cultivated in Provence, (France,) where they ripen in July; in this latitude they will probably mature their fruit by the first of August. 20 PEARS, EARLY ROUSSELET. PR. CAT. FOR, Rousselet haiif. Roz. Duh. Cyprus pear. Catherine, or Kattern, of the Bostonians, according to Fess. Amer. Gardiner. This fruit is small and pyriform, twenty-two to twenty-four lines in height, and eighteen to twenty in its greatest diameter, it is rounded at the head with a partial cavity to receive the eye. The stem is large in proportion to the fruit, and is rarely more than nine or ten lines in length. The skin is delicate, yellowish in the shade, and of a rather lively red, mingled with small grey spots next the sun. The flesh is white, with a partial tint of yellow, half-breaking, of an agree- able fragrance, with a sweet and perfumed flavour. This pear ripens here at the end of July, and greatly resembles the Rousselet de Rheims, but has less flavour and perfume. In Fessenden's Amer. Gardener, it is stated that this variety is known around Boston by the title of Catherine, or as pro- nounced Kattern, but some confusion exists there on this head, ROUSSELETTE DE RHEIMS. PR. CAT. DUH, Rousselet de Reims. Roz. Rousselet of Rheims, } Petit rousselet, V of various authors. Musk or Spice, y of some American collection, Musk, Spice, or Rousselet de Rheims. Coxe. This fruit is also pyriform, about two and a quarter inches in height, and twenty lines in diameter, the eye is large and even with the fruit, the stem is eight or ten lines in length ; the skin is green on the shade side, but becomes yellowish at perfect maturity, the sun side attains a brownish red hue, and is entirely covered with greyish dots. The flesh is half-melt- ing, musky, enriched by a peculiar perfume, which imparts an PEARS. excellent taste. In fact this fruit has the same flavour as our far-famed Seckel, (of which it is undoubtedly the parent,) though in a less degree, and the growth of the tree also bears much affinity to that of our well known favourite, but the shoots are longer and grow more vigorously. The seeds are large and brown, and the fruit ripens the beginning of Sep- tember. It is much better on standard trees than on espaliers, but does not grow so large, and the trees can be readily pro- pagated on both pear and quince stocks ; and when they have attained to a suitable age for bearing, they yield abundant crops. GREAT ROUSSELET. PR. CAT, FOR. Gros Rousselet, ) D n , M ., RoidXM, I Roz. Duh. Mil. Russelet. Quin ? Evel ? Large Rousselet. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Rousselet, Poire du Rousselet, or The Rousselet. Mil. ' King of summer. This pear is two inches and nine lines in height, and sit lines less in its diameter, with a stem sixteen to eighteen lines in length, which is often implanted in a little cavity encom- passed by swellings or projections. The skin is green on tie shade side, and brownish red next the sun, dotted all over with small grey points. The flesh is half-breaking, perfumed, somewhat acid and of agreeable taste. The seeds are elon- gated and the fruit ripens at the end of August or first part of September. The growth of the tree is vigorous, and it is propagated with equal facility on the quince as on the pear. WINTER ROUSSELET. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. Rousselet d* hyver. Roz. Duh. Mil. Rousselette d'hyver. Winter russelet. Evel. Coxe ? This fruit is pyriform and two inches in height by eighteen lines in diameter. The eye is even with the extremity of the PEARS. fruit, and the stem, which is six or eight lines in length, is in- serted in a small cavity. The skin is greenish on the shade side, and brownish red on that next the sun, the flesh is half- breaking, tolerably juicy, and of rather a rich taste ; the seeds are round, short, and of a light brown colour, and the fruit is at maturity in February and March. The tree is of very thrifty growth and succeeds on both pear and quince. Miller remarks that this pear is by some supposed to be the same as that called the Dry Martin, but that it is very different. BRITISH RUSSET. AUTH. Roussette de Bretagne. N. Duh. Calvel. Rousselet de Grande Bretagne. Pr. cat. ? This fruit is turbinate and flattened at the head, where the *ye is placed in a pretty deep cavity, and the stem is also inserted within a depression. The flesh is white, almost nelting, with a partially acid flavour, and possesses a taste somewhat resembling that of the Crasanne. It ripens in October and November, and the tree is vigorous. This variety, which is thus described in Duhamel, as different from the other pears cultivated in France, may no doubt (if it was carried from England) be synonymous with some one of the English pears described in their standard works. A pear has been recently imported into this country under the title given as the last synonyme, which I have thought it probable might refer to the same fruit, and I consequently subjoined it with an expression of doubt ; time not having yet elapsed sufficient for the necessary investigation. MUSCADELLE. N. DUH. Muscadelle a calyce caduque. This French Muscadelle pear is a small fruit, seventeen or eighteen lines in breadth and of nearly the same height, which PEARS. 23 renders it almost globular ; but occasionally it is pyriform, being- twenty lines in height and about seventeen in diameter at the largest part ; but what most characterizes it, is, that the eye placed in a regular formed cavity, is always naked in con- sequence of the divisions of the calyx falling off, which in general remain stationary on other sorts of pears, but which in this case fall at an early period, or at any rate before the maturity of the fruit. The peduncle, which is thirteen or fourteen lines in length, is generally inserted somewhat late- rally, and in a slight cavity, at one side of which is a partial projection ; the skin is greenish for the most part, with a light tinge of russet only next the sun ; the flesh has some firmness, and is enriched with a small degree of pleasant musk flavour. The seeds are light brown, and the fruit ripens in July or early in August. LARGE MUSCADEL. ATJTH. Grosse Muscadelle. N. Duh. This second French variety of the Muscadelle does not ap- pear to differ from the preceding, except in its turbinate form and its peduncle, which is shorter and larger, and its eye on which the segments of the calyx are commonly persistent. In relation to other points, its size can scarcely be deemed any larger ; the skin is often the same colour, the taste and flavour similar, and it ripens at the same period. PERFUMED. PE. CAT. FOR. Parfum d'aout. Roz. Duh. August perfume. This is a small fruit, nearly pyriform, very much swollen at the base, and terminating pretty regularly in a truncate or obtuse point at the stem, which is eighteen lines in length and somewhat fleshy at its junction with the fruit ; the skin is lemon 24 PEARS. colour, delicately touched with fawn colour on the shade side, and a fine deep red, dotted over with yellow points on the side exposed to the sun ; the flesh is highly musky and quite juicy ; the seeds are small, well perfected and of a brown hue, and the fruit ripens in August as its name ^indicates. The tree is productive, and succeeds on both quince and pear stocks. Mil'.er describes his Perfumed pear differently from the fore- going, and probably does not refer to the same fruit ; he quotes Tourn, therefor, and refers to no other author. OGNONET. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. MIL, Archduc u> Amire roux, Poire d'oignon. Gros ognonet, Roy ffete, erroneously, Archduke of summer, > Miller, and others. King of summer, erroneously, Brown admired, Great onion pear. Mil. For. This pear is of a turbinate form ; its height is twenty-two lines, and its diameter the same ; it is somewhat flattened at the head, where the eye which is of medium size, is placed. within a small cavity around which the form of the fruit is very ven and regular ; the stem is short, not exceeding eight or ten lines ; the skin is shining, yellow on the shade side and bright red next the sun ; the flesh is half-breaking, and often gritty, but of high flavour ; the seeds are very pale coloured, and the fr ait ripens at the beginning of August. OGNONET DE PROVENCE. N. Dun. Ognonet of Provence. This fruit in form greatly resembles the preceding, but is of smaller size, being only sixteen or seventeen lines in diameter, and about one line more in height, supported on a peduncle of PEARS, 25 twenty or twenty-one lines in length ; the skin is smooth, yellowish green on the shade side, and red or russet on the side next the sun ; the flesh is firm, breaking, and of a very plea- sant musk flavour. In Provence it ripens in July, and here will mature in August. ANGEL PEAR. PB. CAT. Poire d'ange. Roz. Duh. This fruit is of turbinate form, its height being twenty-one lines and its diameter eighteen ; the eye is pretty large, and situated almost even with the fruit ; the stem, which is seven- teen lines in length, is slender and surrounded by projections at its junction ; the skin is yellowish green ; the flesh half- breaking, rather delicate and very musky. The seeds are black, and the fruit ripens the beginning of August. MUSK DRONE. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. Bourdon musqute. Roz. Duh. Mil. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Bourdon, or Humble 'bee pear ? Orange d'ete. Drone. Mil. Musky Bourdon. This pear is of a round shape, almost globular, a little flat- tened at the base, its height is seventeen lines and its breadth eighteen or nineteen ; the eye is tolerably large and placed in the centre of a pretty broad cavity ; sometimes the upper end is rather contracted, assuming the form of a top ; the skin is light green, scattered over with small points of a darker shade of the same colour ; the flesh is white, breaking, with consi- derable juice, which possesses a musky flavour and some sweet- ness. The seeds are large and black, and the fruit matures in July ; the tree is very productive, and can be ingrafted either on the pear or quince. 4 PEARS. SUMMER BEAUTY. PK. CAT. BeUissime, or Super-fair. Evel. Muscadelle Rouge, > M>1 The Fairest, or Supreme, $ Bed Muscadelle. Mil. For. Uted Muscadel, of some English collections. Beauty of summer. Poire Jigue. Die. d'Agric. syn. ( ? Auth.) This pear, so called in France, and which I have latterly introduced, is very distinct from the one formerly cultivated by myself, and still generally cultivated by others under the same name. The latter appears to belong to either the Muscat or Muscadelle family described in this work. I am not fully certain that the Red Muscadelle of the English is the same as this, as there seems great confusion in the application of its synonymes. The fruit is twenty-four lines in height and twenty in diameter, and almost pyriform, having the base well rounded, and the space where the eye is placed being rather flattened than hollowed. The skin is smooth and light green on the shade side, which attains a lemon colour at maturity, mingled with some tints of pale red ; the whole side exposed to the rays of the sun is of a very deep red colour ; the flesh is half- melting, sweet and of agreeable taste, but not high-flavoured* The seeds are black, and the fruit ripens in July. The tree iSK)f the most vigorous growth, and forms very strong and thrifty shoots the first year from the graft or bud, and may with equal ease be propagated on the quince and the pear. I quote the Red Muscadelle of the seventh edition of For- syth as a synonyme ; but the circumstance which he relates, as well as other English writers, that this tree produces two crops in a year, is not deemed correct. BLOODY. EVEL. PK. CAT. Sanguinok. Quin. Evel. Roz. Duh. This frwit is twenty to twenty-four lines in height, and PEARS. 27 eighteen to twenty-two in diameter, with a stem rather more than an inch long, which rises from a small cavity ; the skin is grayish on the shade side, and slightly reddish next the sun, speckled (tiquete) all over with innumerable points or dots approaching a fawn colour ; the flesh is of a rosy hue, with but little flavour and rather insipid. This fruit ripens about the middle of August, and is a curiosity on account of the colour of its flesh, which it is to be regretted is not of supe- rior quality. RED FLOWERING. PE. CAT. Sanguine d' Italic. N. Duh. Sanguine, of various French publications. Poire d'ltalie. This pear greatly resembles the preceding; it is of turbi- nate form, being twenty-six lines in height and twenty-four in its greatest diameter; the eye is placed in a small cavity ; the peduncle is from eight to fourteen lines long and generally inserted somewhat laterally and not exactly at the apex of the fruit ; the flesh is firm, breaking, of a whitish and roseate hue, with some veins of deeper red. It has but little flavour and soon becomes soft. It ripens early in August, and the seeds are of a blackish brown colour. FIGUE, OR PETALLESS. PK. CAT. Poire Figue. Roz. Duh. Pistolette. Blossomless pear, or Pear without blossoms. This fruit is pyriform, but very much elongated, being three inches in height, and but twenty-two lines in diame- ter ; the eye is placed in a slight cavity, and the size of the fruit diminishes towards the stem ; the skin is pretty even and regular, and of a brownish green hue even at its maturity ; the flesh is white, melting, sweet, and pleasant. The seeds are black and oblong, and the tree matures its fruit in Sep- tember. 28 PEARS. SMALL SUMMER THORN. PR. CAT. Petite epine d'tte. Duh. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Fondante musquee. Roz. Duh. syn. Epine d^ete petite. Epine tfett. Roz. Satin vert. Bergiarda. Die. d'Agric. syn. This pear is of an exact pyramidal form, being twenty-three or twenty-four lines in height and twenty-five lines in breadth ; the peduncle is swollen or enlarged at the point of its junction, and that part of it becomes somewhat fleshy ; the eye is nearly or quite even with the surface of the fruit ; the skin even at maturity, is of a light green hue and perfectly smooth, but in some few cases acquires a slight tint of dull red on the sunny side ; the flesh is half-melting, replete with sweet juice, which also possesses a most agreeable perfume. The seeds are light brown, and the fruit ripens the beginning of August. GREAT SUMMER THORN. ATJTH. Grande fyine d'ete. N. Duh. This fruit is three to three and a half inches in height, and twenty-four to twenty-eight lines in its greatest diameter ; it is rounded at the base and pointed at the summit ; the skin is delicate, almost wholly a yellowish green, and scattered over with numerous small dots of a deeper shade of the same colour; the flesh is half-melting and of a very agreeable musk flavour ; the seeds are very dark brown, and the fruit ripens at the end of August or beginning of September. SUMMER THORN OF THOULOUSE. AUTH. Epine d'Ete de Thoulouse. N. Duh. This pear differs from the preceding in being of a turbinate form, of smaller size and more melting. It scarcely exceeds PEARS. 29 tiro inches in height, and its diameter is twenty-two lines, with a short stem, which is swollen at the part next the stalk, and likewise a little so at the other end where it unites with the fruit. The skin is greenish and not very even, on account of the dots and some grayish specks scattered here and there over its surface ; the flesh is very melting and sweet, with a little sharpness of flavour, which however is agreeable. The seeds are dark brown, and the fruit matures at the same period as the preceding. SAPIN. Roz. DUH. Coquillarde. This is a small pyriform fruit, flattened at its head, where the eye is placed in a pretty wide cavity of moderate depth ; the size of the fruit diminishes regularly, and terminates in an obtuse point at the stem, which is nearly an inch in length ; the skin is at first of a bright green hue, but becomes yellow at perfect maturity ; the flesh is white and rather coarse, with but little juice it is slightly perfumed, but does not possess much flavour ; the seeds are dark brown, and the fruit ripens at the end of July. DOUBLE HEADED. EVEL. PR. CAT. Two headed. Pr. cat. 25 ed. I Deux tetes. Poire a deux tites. Roz. Duh. | Double calice. Double headed. This fruit is of a turbinate shape, and but seldom well and regularly formed ; it is twenty-six lines in height and twenty- five in diameter, with a large stem varying from ten to twenty lines in length, and often somewhat fleshy at its junction it is inserted obliquely in the fruit, and partly covered on one side by a fleshy excrescence terminating nearly in a point ; the eye is placed in a raised position, formed by a number of small swellings or projections ; it is large and oval, with the appear- 30 PEARS. ance of being divided in two parts, from which circumstance this pear has received the title of Deux-tetes, or Two-headed, which is not however sufficiently precise, and it might better have been called Dcux-yeux, or Two-eyed. The skin is smooth and green, approaching to yellow on the shade side, and washed with brownish red next the sun ; the flesh is white, not very delicate, tolerably juicy and slightly perfumed, but often a little tart. The seeds are black, and the fruit ripens at Paris at the end of July. SUMMER ST. GERMAIN. PR. CAT. Saint Germain d J Ete. N. Duh. Van Mons ? Jargonelle, of Provence. The skin of this pear is entirely of a fine lemon colour, without any mixture of other shades, except some very small grayish or fawn-coloured specks, which are more or less scat- tered over it ; the fruit is of a very elongated pyriform shape, being three inches and three or four lines in height, and twen- ty-six lines in diameter ; the eye is nearly even with the extre- mity of the fruit, and the stem is twelve to fifteen lines in length, and has almost invariably a somewhat lateral position. The flesh is melting, sweet, and perfumed, with a little acidity in its flavour, which is not at all unpleasant, but assimilates its whole taste very much to that of the Crasanne : the seeds are brown, and the fruit matures early in August. In the new edition of Duhamel, where I have found this pear described, it is extolled as a most excellent fruit, whose culture merits to be extended to all the departments of France, it being as yet but partially known and cultivated even in that country. .- - i BEAUTY OF SUMMER. AUTH. Belle title. N. Duh. Bellissime tftte de Prwence. Pr. cat. 25 ed. ? This pear is of fine form ; it is globular for two thirds of PEARS. 31 its length next the base, and very much contracted at the point of junction with the peduncle, where it terminates in a pyra- midal shape. It is altogether three and a half inches in height and twenty-eight lines in its greatest diameter, but at an inch below the stem its diameter does not exceed twelve lines ; the stem is about fifteen lines in length, and almost invariably inserted in rather a lateral direction and within a small cavity; the eye is even with the fruit, surrounded with many small swellings which extend to the middle of the fruit or further, and form in the course of its height several undulations or slightly projecting ridges. The flesh is firm, rather sweet, and moderately perfumed ; the seeds are dark brown and often one half abortive. This fruit ripens at the middle of August. It has been cultivated for some time at the Jardin des Plantes at Paris, under the title of Bellissime d'ettj a name which be- longs to a very different fruit. CASSOLETTE. PR. CAT. QUIN. EVEL. Roz. O. DUH. MIL. FOR. Petite cassolette. N. Duh. Friolet, ) Muscat-vert, > Quin. Roz. Duh. syn. Mil. Lechefrion, ) Musca^verd' \ miss P elt quotations of some authors. Small Cassolette. Green Muscat, or Echefrion, Evel. This pear is frequently very small, and but nineteen to twenty lines in height and sixteen in diameter ; at other times, as Duhamel remarks, it is above two inches in height "and twenty lines in diameter. Its general shape is pyriform, rounded at the head ; at the other extremity is a small cavity, of very even form, from which rises the peduncle whose length is from five to seven lines. The skin is bright green, with a very little red on the sunny side ; the flesh is firm and break- ing, but delicate notwithstanding, and of a sweet and musky flavour. The seeds are brown, and the fruit ripens at the end of August. 32 PEARS. Duhamel speaks of a sub-variety of this pear of larger size, but possessing less excellence. It is pyriform, a little rounded at the base where there are some swellings, amid which the eye is inserted ; its height is two inches and nine lines, and its diameter twenty-seven lines; the stem is fre- quently accompanied by a small swelling at the place of its junction with the fruit ; the skin is green and rather smooth, although it is dotted over with numerous points of a greenish brown hue, and the side next the sun has a slight touch of rus- set ; the flesh is half-breaking, rather dry, and of a musky flavour. This fruit ripens the beginning of September. GREAT CASSOLETTE. AUTH. Grosse Cassolette. N. Duh. This pear has the form of a top, and is twenty-six lines in height and twenty-seven in breadth; the eye is somewhat sunken within a cavity whose border is very even and regular, and the stem, which is altogether sixteen or eighteen lines in length, is also placed in a cavity, and that part which joins the fruit is swelled in a remarkable manner. The skin is entirely of a light green, even at perfect maturity, and is dotted all over with numerous greenish specks ; the flesh is melting, of a very peculiar acid flavour, which however is no wise disa- greeable when the fruit is perfectly ripe, which takes place about the middle of August. SALVIATI. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. MIL. For, COXE. Perfumed, of some American collections. This pear is nearly globular, the height but little exceeding the breadth, its diameter being two inches and its height twen- ty-three lines ; it frequently has a small furrow upon one side, which runs from the summit to the base of the fruit ; the stem is twelve to fifteen lines in length, and implanted in a small contracted cavity, and the eye at the opposite extremity is situated in a wide depression, which is surrounded by some I'EARS. 33 small ridges ; the skin is light yellow, dotted over with very small russet points, and sometimes marked with a little red on the sunny side ; the flesh is breaking and of a very agreeable musk flavour ; the seeds are brown, and the fruit ripens at the end of August. SALVIATI DE PROVENCE. N. DITH. This fruit is of a turbinate form, which in some cases assumes that of a spheroid somewhat flattened ; it is usually twenty-nine or thirty lines in diameter, and twenty-four to twenty- six in height, with a short stem inserted in a depression scarcely perceptible, and the eye is situated in a wide cavity with a smooth border around it. The skin is entirely of a lemon colour, dotted over with small fawn-coloured or grayish specks ; the flesh is firm, breaking, and of a sweet and musky flavour. The seeds are light brown, and the fruit ripens in August. Duhamel states that he received it under the name of Mmcat'fleurii which is a very different fruit, and that from its great resemblance to the Salviati, he gave it the title here adopted. ROBINE. EVEL. Roz. DUH. PR. CAT. Roynl summer. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Royale d'ete. Roz. syn. Duh. syn. Robine, Averat, Poire Royal?, Muscat d'aout. Quin. Averat, Pear Roynl, Muscat pear of August. Evel. Awrat. For. Avorat, Robine, Muscat d'aoust, Au ust muscat, } ., Poire d'Aver , Averat pear, Poire royale, Royal Pear, ) I This pear has the form of a top, and its height, which is nearly equal to its diameter, is but twenty-two lines ; the eye is placed in a cavity which is pretty deep and very wide, and the stem may rather be considered as surrounded by protube- rances or swellings than as placed in a depression ; the skin is whitish green, speckled with brownish green, and becomes yellow at maturity ; the flesh is half-breaking, rather dry, and of' a sweet and "i-kv f'avour ; the fruit i< ai maturity during the month of X'l-ju-t. \\ e have received from Provence. >ays tl'e N< Duham-'l.a Rohine pi-ar, which differ- a little from the one ju>t described, not in respect to the size and form which are decidedly the same, but because the stem rises from a ravity u lio-c rd^es are even and reirular ; the eye less deeply -unk, and the >l\'m remains ^recu wlien the fruit is at perfect maturitv, and even when it becomes soft. Duhamel in the original edition, when >])eaUinu of the Hobine pear. sa\s that it does not readily become soli and dei ay. (,IUSi; BONNE. EVIL. IN-/.. J)r. Coxr. (rood a ran ])far. Ambretle e>r, Gray good, or Summer Amhrctfe Evel. Riule /'j(>ti'. This is a fruit of moderate si/e, of an oblonii' and som^u hai cucumber f n'm. beinn thirty Inu-s in hciu'ht \}\ twentv-two in breadth ; the head is quite round, and the eve is placed even with the extremity ; the >t i m i> larire, from nine to twelve lines in lenuth. and rises obliquely from a small caviu ; thr >l\in i> of a trreenish irray, speckled with whitish dot> over tlu^ whole surface and touched in some places with russet : the !le>h is Aiieltint:, rich rind sweet, and the fruit is ripe during the month of Auti'ust. (,'HAIR A I)\ME. PK. Thi> prar i^ twent\->i\ linc> in hc'iLiht and t\\'ent\'-two in diameter, with a laruc >hort -tern, not '\( ccdini: at most nine lines in length, and almost invariably placed obliquely in the ajnid some small protuberances. The skin is yellow. PEARS. 35 spotted with gray and marbled with HgM red on the sunny side ; the flesh is half-breaking, pleasant, and agreeably ^n- riched with a slight perfume ; the seeds are oblong and black, and the fruit ripens the middle of August. The tree is vigo- rous and productive, and may be propagated on both the pear and the quince. THE PRINCE'S PEAR. MIL. FOR. PR. Poir de Prince. Mil. For. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Although a French origin seems to be claimed for this fruit, I cannot find it mentioned by Duhamel, nor in the Jardhi Fruitier, Bon Jardinier, &tc., neither is it enumerated in any French catalogue that has met my eye ; it is consequently to be inferred either that it originated and received its title in some other country, or that it is known in France under a dif- ferent name. Forsyth remarks that it is said to be the same with the Chair a dame pear, a comparison with which had better therefore be instituted, and will receive my attention. He however describes it differently from that fruit as follows: " This is a small roundish pear, of a bright red colour next the sun, but of a yellowish colour on the other side ; the flesh is between breaking and melting, the juice very high-fla- voured. It is a great bearer, and ripens the middle of Sep* tember, but will keep a fortnight good, which few summer pears will do." In this country it ripens in August. Miller describes this pear without referring to any author even for its French title. Forsyth and others follow him, and thence we have the description in several works without any original reference. From this and other circumstances we may reasonably suppose it synonymous with some other des- cribed variety. The Admiral pear is stated by Quintinye and Evelyn to have been also called the Prince pear, and I don't recollect that any other author makes use of the title before Miller. 36' PEARS. EGG PEAR. PR. CAT. Poire d'oeuf. Roz. Duh. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Colmar dcte. Eyer pear. Swan's egg. For. Coxe, a very dubious synonyme. This fruit is of ovate form, and is nineteen lines in height and fifteen to sixteen in diameter, with a slender stem about an inch long, which is placed in a kind of funnel-shaped cavity ; the skin on the shaded part is yellowish green scattered over with russet touches, and the side next the sun is of a reddish hue ; the flesh is half-melting, sweet, partially musky, and very agreeable to the taste. The seeds have but little colour, and the fruit ripens at the end of August or early in the ensuing month. The tree is but moderately productive, and succeeds only on the pear stock. BEZI D'HERY. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. MIL. Besideri. Mil. Be^idery. Quin. Evel. Bezy d'Hery For. and others. Wilding of Hery. This fruit is in most instances regularly rounded, being from twenty-nine to thirty lines in diameter, and a line less in height, but sometimes it is more elongated, being contracted both at the base and the summit, and attains within a line of three inches in height without any increase in diameter over that already stated. The eye is almost even with the base of the fruit, or placed in a very shallow depression; and the stem, which is fourteen lines in length, rises from a very small cavity. The skin is even and regular, pale green, changing to light yellow at maturity, and on the sun side becomes mottled with red ; the flesh b firm, half-breaking, rather dry, with a sweet taste, and enriched by an agreeable musky flavour. The seeds are oblong and of a dark brown hue, and the fruit ripens in October and November. PEARS. 37 This pea? takes its name from Hery, a forest in Bretagne, between Rennes and Nantes, where it was first discovered. BASSIN. DUH. This pear is thirty lines in height and twenty-four in breadth, and is pretty regularly pyriform. The skin is a fawn-green on the shade side and dull red next the sun, and this redness often extends over a great part of the fruit, which is covered with very numerous small grayish dots ; the flesh is firm, of a very sharp flavour which combines with it some acidity, thereby rendering it not very pleasant to the taste. The fruit ripens at the end of August or early in the following month, and soon becomes soft. POIRE DES CHARTREUX DUH. Poire des champs des Chartreux, of some French catalogues. The height of this fruit is two and a half inches and its diameter twenty-six lines ; it is very round at its base, in which the eye is placed in a cavity scarcely apparent ; the stem is eighteen lines in length and swollen at the point of junction with the fruit ; the skin is entirely of a pale yellow colour, dotted over with very small russet specks ; the flesh is half- breaking and somewhat melting, with a sweet and pleasant flavour. The seeds are brown or blackish, and the fruit ripens at the end of August. AH ! MON DIEU. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. Mon Dieu. Quin. The my God pear. Evel. Mandim. Poire d? Amour, erroneously. Poire d'Abondance. Die. d'Agric. syn. This fruit is twenty-four to twenty-six lines in height and twenty-two to twenty-four in diameter, with a stem fifteen to eighteen lines in length ; its skin is light yellow on the shade side, and dotted over next the sun with bright red points, 38 PEAKS. very near together. The seeds are verv dark brown, the fruit ripens at the end of August or beginning of September, and the crops produced by trees of this kind are generally very great. This has been supposed by some persons to be the same as the Poire d* amour, but the differences will be perceived by re- ferring to the description of that fruit. SUMMER ROSE. POM. MAG. PH. CAT. rose. Roz. Duh. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Pore de rose. Quin Roz syn Duh. syn. Mil. Rosenbirne. Kraft. Pom. Austr. The rose pear Evel Mil. Epine rose d'ttt, % Poire d'e-iu rose, J Cafllot rostit, f of various publications and collec- Poire tFognan, tions. Poire tulipee V Poire de Mcdthe, J Rose, Epine rose. Mil For. Thorny rose Mil. Epine d'ele, > of some collections according to the Cailleau Rosat, $ Pom Mag. I extract the following descriptive remarks in relation to this very valuable early pear, which I introduced a few years since to this country, from the Pomological Magazine. Of the synonymes enumerated, six are according to the Magazine referred to, and the other eight I have added myself. " The French gardeners have a class of pears which they call Cailleaux, in consequence of the resemblance their speck- led appearance gives them to the cattle, or quail. To this class belongs the subject of the present article, which is even as Duhamel informs us, sometimes called the Cail'eau Rosat, a name however which belongs of right to another variety, ripening in the end of September. " There is no doubt about the synonymes above quoted, but it is necessary to remark that this is not the Epine Rose or Rosendorne of Mayer's Pomona Franconica, t. 22, which FEARS. 3*> as Mr. Thompson has justly pointed out, is a lonpr fruit, although that writer quotes Duhamel's synonyme without scruple. " We have not adopted the name of Onion-shaped pear, which would have been a more expressive name, because the French apply that term both to pears having the peculiar flat- tened figure of this, and to others which grow in such clusters upon the branches that the latter resemble a string of onions. " The figure of this is that of an apple rather than of a pear, and it is said by a French writer to be so in a greater degree than any other pear he knows. A most excellent and beau- tiful variety, not indeed to be compared with the Jargonelle (Epargne) with which it ripens, but greatly superior to any of the kinds commonly cultivated which are in eating at the same time. It bears well as a standard. In perfection from the 10th to the end of August. " Wood weak, deep chestnut-red, with distinct pale yellowish- brown spots ; leaves heart-shaped, ovate, nearly flat, sh.n ng, deep green, very slightly toothed ; petioles about an inch long; flowers early, petals roundish ovate ; fruit depressed, middle sized, with a slender stalk upwards of an inch long inserted in a small roundish hollow ; eye open, placed in a shallow depres- sion ; skin inclining to yellow, speckled with russet ; on the sunny side bright rich red, intermixed with brownish spots ; flesh white, juicy, rich, and sugary." I now proceed to give the description of this pear as de- tailed in the New Duhamel. " The diameter of the fruit is twenty-eight to thirty lines, and its height but twenty-four to twenty-six, its form being that of a globe somewhat flattened, with a small cavity at the part whence the stem rises, which is fifteen to eighteen lines in length ; the skin is yellowish green, scattered over with gray- ish points, and on the side exposed to the sun it is brownish- red ; the flesh is sweet, half-melting, partially musky and very agreeable ; the seeds are black and sometimes entirely abor- tive, and the fruit ripens the middle of "August." The assertion made in the Pomological Magazine, that Du- 40 PEARS. hamel states this pear to be sometimes called Cailleau Rosal, is derived from a rather forced construction, for having that work now before me, I can find no such synonyme or remark mentioned. He however states, that it is sometimes called Caillot rosat, a title which if I mistake not, claims a different derivation and application from that allotted to the appellation misquoted. The Caillot-rosat, Rosie pebble, Rosewater, or Pera del Campo, is distinguished from the Poire de Rose as far back as the time of Quintinye and Evelyn, and mention made by both those authors ; but it is not described separately either by Rozier or in the New Duhamel, which would seem to indicate some doubt as to their being distinct varieties. RED ORANGE. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. Orange rouge. Roz. Duh. Mil. Orange d'antomne. Orange. Mil. This pear is almost globular, having a little more breadth than height ; the former measuring from twenty-six to twenty- eight lines, and the latter about two inches. The stem is large, and but six or seven lines in length. The skin is whitish, touched over with greenish points on the shade side, and of a beautiful coral colour next the sun, and frequently over two thirds of the surface. The flesh is half-breaking and of a sweet, rich and very pleasant flavour. The fruit ripens the latter part of August, and soon becomes soft. MUSK ORANGE. PK. CAT. MIL. FOR. Orange musk. Mil. For. Pr. cat. 25 d. Oran.e musquee. Roz. Duh. Mil. Coxe. Orange d'ete. This fruit varies but little in form from the preceding one, but is rather smaller, and its skin, which is a pale whitish yellow on the shade side, is only washed with a very light red next the sun. The flesh is breaking, and of a very agreeable musky flavour. It ripens in the course of the month of August. Miller describes this variety under two distinct heads, (see Mil. PEAR*. 41 Oard. Die. No. 9 and 18) and quotes the same pear in Duha- mel in both cases, although lie himself gives different descrip- tions of it. Forsyth, it will be perceived, follows him by co- pying the error. TURKISH PEAR. PR. CAT. Poire Turque. Duh. fionchrrtien Turc, ) ? Bon Jard. and various European Bon Chretien T//rc, \ catalogues. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Turkish Bonchrctien. ? This pear, which is cultivated at the Jardin des Plantes at Paris, under the title of Bon Chretien Turc, whence it was sent to a friend who transmitted it to me, Duhamel remarks, has no affinity to either the Summer or the Winter Bonchretien, but has far more resemblance to the Epinc-rose, being of the same form, and nearly the same size and colour. The most essential difference is in the character of its flesh, which is of a more firm consistence, and of a flavour not equally high and perfumed. This fruit ripens in the course of the month of August. It seems difficult to reconcile the above remarks with the facts that are stated in the Bon Jardinier, published at Paris, a work professedly edited by intelligent horticultur- ists. In that publication it is remarked, that the Bon Chre- tien Turc is the most beautiful and the largest of all the varie- ties of the same class. It may possibly be the case that two distinct varieties are referred to by the respective writers, which have been confused under the same title ; and as the Bon Chre- tien de Vernois is asserted to be synonymous with the B. Turc, this supposition is rendered still more probable. WINTER ORANGE. EVEL. PR. CAT. Orange d'hyver. Quin. Roz. Duh. For. The form of this pear is somewhat globular, and flattened both at the summit and base. It is two inches in height, and 6 42" PEARS. twenty-seven lines in diameter. The eye is but partially depres- sed, being nearly even with the fruit ; and the stem, which is large and six or seven lines in length, is inserted at the bottom of a small cavity. The skin is very thin, of a brownish green, becoming some- what paler at its maturity, scattered over with very small dots of a darker shade of brownish green, and raised here and there by pimples, and sometimes by very projecting warts. The flesh is white, breaking, not gritty, of an exceeding musky and very agreeable flavour. The seeds are brown, oblong, pointed, and well matured, and are contained in broad cells. This fruit ripens in February, March, and April. The tree is rather vigorous, and may be grafted on both pear and quince. I have also a variety in my collection which was sent to me from one of the first establishments in France, under the title of Orange rouge d' hyvcr, but whose fruit I have not yet seen. STRIPED ORANGE. PK. CAT. Orange tulipee. Roz. Duh. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Poire tulipCe. Quin. Mil. Poire aux mouches. Quin. Roz. Duh. syn. Tuliped or Fly pear. Evel. Bigarrade. Mil. For. Tulip pear Great orange, > M - 1 La mllaine d'Anjou, $ i This fruit is of oval form, terminating in a point at the stem, and resembling the Doyenne family, consequently its height exceeds its diameter more or less. The former usually mea- sures near three inches, and the latter two inches and six lines. The stem is large and short, often only six lines in length, and is situated in a cavity, surrounded with some small projections. The eye is in a pretty broad and deep depression. The skin is green on the shade side, and brownish red next the sun, with some red stripes between the red and the green. The whole surface is also covered with grayish spots, which render it somewhat rough to the touch. The flesh is half-breaking, succulent, and of rather pleasant taste, although there is a little PEARS. tartness in the flavour. The seeds are long and slender, and the fruit ripens at the beginning of September. The tree propagates both on the quince and pear. Quintinye and Evelyn arrange the Tuliped or Fly Pear, and the Villain Pear of Anjou, as distinct fruits ; but Miller, it will be per- ceived, unites them, and from what authority I know not. WHITE DOYENNE. POM. MAG. PR. CAT. Virgalieu, Doyenne, St. Michael, Dull. syn. Mil. syn. Bonne-ente, ) Beurre doyenne blanc, of some French catalogues. St. Michel. Quin. syn. Beurre blanc d'automne, } White or autiimn butter pear, > Mil. syn. Snow pear, j St.MichaeVs. Mil. Fes. Amer. Gard. Dean's pear. Mil. syn. and others. Poire de neige. Mil. syn. and others. Valencia or Valentia. Mil. syn. and others. Carlisle. Mil. syn. and others. Poire de Limon, Poire Monsieur, Poire a courte queue, Citron deSeptembre, \^ { yarious collections . Poire de seigneur, White butter, White beurrt, Kaiserbirne, Die weisse herbst butterbirne. Christ. Yellow butter, Beurre doree, or St. Michaels. Coxe. of some American gardens. Burgalue, ) Garner, or Gardner, of the state of Rhode Island. I extract the following description from the Pomological Magazine. " This is a very old and excellent pear, which has so long been a favourite with cultivators, especially in France and Gennanv, that its names have become in themselves a 44 PEARS. * ' ^ ^^Km V catalogue ; it is a great and certain bearer, ripens (in Eng- land) from the end of September to the third week in October, and is of first rate quality as a juicy melting sort. It is one of the very best to graft upon the quince, and to cultivate en qumouitte. It is almost to be doubted whether Miller really knew it, although he quotes it, since he calls it an indifferent fruit, which he would have scarcely done, had he been ac- quainted with the true kind. During the time when it is in season, it yields to none in excellence. This must by no means be confounded with the Doyenne gris, or Red Doyenne, which is rounded and keeps better, but is of inferior quality. " Wood strong, bright chestnut colour, with brown spots ; leaves lanceolate, folded together, recurved, with fine regular serratures ; stipules linear, at some distance above the base of the petiole, which is slender and of a whitish colour ; fruit middle-sized, roundish oblong, narrowest at the stalk which is about half an inch long and rather thick, inserted in a small cavity ; eye placed in a shallow impression ; skin pale citron yellow, sprinkled throughout with cinnamon more or less ac- cording to its situation ; flesh white, juicy, very buttery and delicious." I now proceed to give the description from Duhamel : " This pear is of handsome form ; it is well rounded, the largest part being towards the head at about one third of its height, from which it diminishes to the stem ; it is two inches and six lines to three inches in height, its diameter in the broadest part is generally about three lines less than two inches ; the stem is large and strong, and only six or seven lines long ; the eye is small and placed in a slight cavity ; the skin is at first a greenish white, but becomes bright yellow in ripening -sometimes the side next the sun is a bright red co- lour ; the flesh is melting, sweet, very agreeable, and often somewhat perfumed ; it soon becomes stringy, and then loses a great part of its excellence. The fruit ripens at the end of September, and is frequently in eating during the month of October ; the tree is very productive, and may be propagated on either pear or quince." FEARS. 45 Many of the intelligent horticulturists around Boston have ceased to cultivate this variety on account of the fruit pro- duced being small and knotty, a difficulty that perhaps may be remedied by pursuing the same course recommended for the Summer Bonchretien. In the vicinity of the city of New- York and on Long Island this variety of the pear is more extensively cultivated than any other, and most of the very ancient ingrafted trees there met with are of this description, where from time imme- morial it has borne the title of the Virgalieu pear. How this name originated, and whether it was brought by the ancient Dutch settlers, or by some of the numerous French emigrants at the revocation of the edict of Nantz, it seems impossible now to determine ; suffice it to say, that by that title and cor- ruptions thereof, it has been solely known in the localities re- ferred to from the remotest period of its probable introduction. I am thus particular because there has been some cavilling at the application of this title in the New- York nursery catalogues ; and it has been also said that the name belonged to another fruit, and in support of the latter position, a misnomer never adopted here has been advanced for the real one, and by an erroneous statement at the outset that the horticulturists of this vicinity called this fruit the Virgouleme, a miraculous misap- plication has been made out where none existed. In support of the correctness of adopting the title of Vir- galieu, which long custom had established and by which it was alone known to the inhabitants of this state and adjoining districts of other states, numerous instances may be cited of fruits originally introduced into England and other countries under erroneous titles and long cultivated by those names, where it has been deemed a matter of necessity to retain them, and they have been consequently adopted by their most intelligent writers on horticulture. A very striking instance of this kind is that of the Jargonelle pear, (so called in England) which is the Epargne, or Grosse cuisse madame of France, the error in re- gard to which has been recorded for more than an age in English works without any attempt to rectify it,from the circumstance that -10 PEARS. usage hud too firmly established it, and this erroneous title is consequently continued in the Pomological Magay.ine and every other English author, although there has existed in England durum the whole period a French pear to which it was well known this title had been originally applied in its na- tive country, and by which alone it was there recognised. But in the present case even the danger of confusion docs not exist, because the title adopted had never been applied In any other variety, and in publications emanating from myself all the other most important synonymes were invariably subjoined to the one referred to. It is stated in Fessenden's American Gardener, that at Bos- ton this pear was till lately the pride of their gardens, but that causes unknown have for ten successive years blighted its fruit ; yet he advises the continued culture of it, because: they have seen the peach, after fifteen years of failure, resume it- wonted fertility and vigour. GRAY DOYENNE. POM. MAG. PK. CAT. Doycnnt gris. Roz. O. Duh. For. P-. cat. X?5 ed. Doyenn roitx. N. Duh. Le beurre. ) .. ,, ,, > 01 some rrench collections. Itciirrt doyennt roux, ) Red dnycntu', of some English catalogues. Late Virgnlicu, of some American collections. /)<>//< n//t d'automjic, of sonic Kuropean collections. Doycnni galcm. Nos. cut. and some American catalogues ? The following description is from the 1 PomoloG'ical i\laga- y.ine, published in London. " Tliis variety is often confounded \\ ith the White Doyenne already described. The (lowers, wood, and leaves are almn.>t the same as tho>r of that variety ; the fruit not so lar^e as that, but o! a similar form : >kin covered with a bright cinna- mon rus.-el, ;nifl occasionally in hiuh ripened specimens, red next the smi ; tle>!i scarcely '-o \\liite as that of the preceding Mjrt, rich, meltini:, and Hiirar\. " We think that thi- i- -carcel\ MJ vuud a.- the While Dov- PEARS, 47 tnnr when that variety is taken at its best ; but its period of perfection is so short, that this, which will keep much longer and also possesses much excellence of flavour, may perhaps be considered the most useful. It is a very great bearer grafted on the quince, and as it is very handsome and ripens immedi- ately after the white variety, no collection should be without it." I now add the description given in Duhamel : " This fruit is large, of a form slightly ovate, being rather more narrow at the end next the stalk ; it is usually three inches in height and two inches and four lines in breadth, but they occasionally find some which are one fourth larger every way ; the stem is an inch long and inserted even with the surface of the fruit, and generally in a somewhat lateral direction ; the skin is green, with abundance of broad gray spots, but ac- quires a dull red hue on the sun side ; the flesh is very melting, sweet, combined with a partial degree of acidity, and extremely agreeable. The seeds are dark brown, and the fruit, which is one of the best kinds, ripens in the course of the month of September." The Pomological Magazine "places the Doyenne roux of the French and the Red Doyenne of the English catalogues as synonymes, which by previous authors had been considered distinct. Having long cultivated this variety, I can state from experience that the fruit is almost invariably of fair form and good size, being full as large on the average as the one previ- ously described. The advantage of its keeping so much longer renders this far preferable for a market fruit, and some of the farmers of this vicinity preserve the pears until late in November and even December, when they are of most beau- tiful appearance and command an exceedingly high price. Wherever the culture of the St. Michael is discontinued, this should be the fruit to take its place, which it is so well calcu- lated to fill. It is remarked by French writers that the different varieties of Beurre pears should be gathered from the tree before matu- rity and ripened in the house, which is the course generally pursued in this vicinity. 48 PEARS. BEURRE BLANC. Dm. PR. CAT. Duhamel describes this as a variety distinct from the White Doyenne, although under that head he quotes the same title as a synonyme frequently applied to that variety. The Po- mological Magazine does not quote Duhamel for this as a synonyme, and therefore leaves it to be inferred that it is distinct. In the new Duhamel this fruit is described as bearing a per- fect resemblance in size and form to the Beurre gris, or Gray Doyenne last described, and only differing in point of colour, the skin being yellowish white on the shade side and washed with very light red next the sun. With regard to the taste, it is the same as that of the preceding ; but sometimes not quite equal in flavour. This fruit ripens during the month of September. I have had it under culture for some years and find the trees thrifty and productive, but have not yet sufficiently compared the fruit with the two preceding varieties to decide upon any differences from my own experience. BEZI DE MONTIGNY. PR. CAT. Roz. Dun. FOR. Trouvt de Montigny. This pear in its form bears much resemblance to the White Doyenne, but it is usually rather longer, being thirty-four to thirty-six lines in height and twenty-six to twenty-seven lines in its greatest diameter. The eye is situated nearly even with the surface of the fruit, and the stem, which is nine or ten lines in length, rises somewhat laterally from a small cavity with rounded edges ; the skin is very smooth and even, of a light green hue, which at the period of maturity becomes a lemon colour, and is dotted over with gray specks which are small and numerous ; the flesh is melting, with abundance of musky juice, and quite agreeable ; the seeds are dark brown, and the fruit ripens at the end of September or early in October. PEAKS. 49 FRANGIPANE. PR. CAT. Roz. OOXE. Franchipane. Duh. Pr. cat. 25 ed. This pear is of very regular form, measuring thirty to thir- ty-three lines in height and twenty-two to twenty-five lines in its greatest diameter, with a stem always rather short, rarely exceeding six or eight lines in length, and much larger at the ^extremity where it unites to the tree. The skin Is a lemon colour on the shade side, but red next the sun, and scattered nlmost entirely over with greyish specks ; the flesh is half- melting, of a rich and agreeable flavour, accompanied by a little sharpness ; the fruit attains to maturity in September, and its title originated from a real or imaginary resemblance in the taste to the kind of French pastry called Franchipane. BROWN BEURRE. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. POM. MAG. Coxi. Beurre. Roz. Duh. Beurre gris, or grise, i Beurre dore, > of all authors from Quintinye down. Beurre rouge, y Golden Beurre. For. and others. True golden Beurre. For. Red butter, ) Gray butter, > Evel. Mil. and others. Green butter, J AmtoiseorL'amloise, 1 Qujn . Evel. syn. Roz. syn. Isambert, of Normandy, > ^ , J Beurrt nrt, $ Duh. syn. Grey Beurre. Fessenden's Amer. Gard. This is one of the choicest fruits our gardens can boast, and it has been justly remarked, that there can scarcely be found any pear of autumn or winter that is superior to it. In England, however, it is not sufficiently hardy to bear as a standard, and they are under the consequent necessity of training it as a wall-fruit. Its period of ripening is about the end of September, and it will not keep very long. In Fessenden's American Gardener it is remarked, that this 7 50 PEARS. " is in Boston the prince of pears, but of no value in the coun- try unless on walls, or in gardens sheltered by walls and hills." From these considerations it would appear preferable, that the trees be low set, in order that they may be trained accord- ingly. The growth of the tree is slow, straggling, and irregular, and when young it is difficult on this account to be trained into an erect and well formed standard, from which cause it arises that trees of this variety and of the Gansels Ber- gamot, which grows in a similar manner, when sent from the nurseries, have so ill shapen and indifferent an appearance. The Brown, Red and Golden Beurres, which have been de- scribed by numerous authors as distinct, and the Beurre gris dore, and rouge, which have been separately applied as distinct titles, are identically the same fruit ; and the Pomologica! Magazine follows the correct course long since adopted by the intelligent French writers, of uniting them all under one head. The Pomological Magazine, however, pays a high compli- ment to Duhamel for making known these facts of the several titles being synonymous, when by referring to De la Quintinye, it will be seen they were already promulgated ere Duhamel was in existence, and had been repeated by Evelyn in 1693. It can readily be judged how much this measure of proper arrangement was called for in England, as .adopted in the Magazine referred to, when we see that even in the seventh edition of Forsyth, which purports to be and really is greatly improved upon the previous editions, this pear is described un- der no less than four distinct heads, the descriptions all vary- ing from each other. The following description given in the magazine referred to, being very precise, I have extracted it : "Wood, moderately strong, short jointed, flexuose, very apt to become cankered ; but if healthy, of a bright reddish chesnut colour, dotted witji pale brown : leaves rather large, ovate- oblong, tapering to the point, folded together, irregularly and obscurely toothed ; petioles nearly an inch long ; stipules often as long as the petiole ; flowers, opening early, middle sized ; PEAKS. 51 petals, obovate, tapering into the claw, very little tinged with red ; fruit, variable in shape, size, and colour, generally large, obovate, tapering to the stalk, which is usually from half an inch to an inch long, thick and fleshy at its union with the spur, and thickening obliquely into the fruit ; eye, somewhat open, placed in a shallow depression ; skin, soft, but not smooth, of a greenish golden yellow, appearing through a thin covering of russet ; on the sunny side sometimes reddish brown : flesh, white, greenish next the skin, with some greenish veins through it, melting, buttery, juicy, rich, and excellent, but sometimes rather gritty.'* BEURRE D'AREMBERG. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. TRANS. POM. MAG. Due d'Aremberg, of some collections and gardens. This very excellent variety was introduced into our country, from Flanders, about eight years since, and has become pretty widely disseminated throughout the middle and eastern states of the Union. The Gloux M orceau, which was sent to Eng- land from Flanders at the same time with this, has been culti- vated in several English nurseries and private collections for this kind, and in some instances the error originated there has been extended to this country by trees sent from them. The Gloux Morceau, although of great excellence, is rather infe- rior in quality to this. I extract the following description from the Pomological Magazine : " This pear is truly characterised in the Horticultural Trans- actions as deserving * to be placed at the head of all the pears in cultivation.' We certainly do not know any variety which can upon the whole be said to equal it ; for its flavour is not only excellent, and its flesh tender and juicy, but it is hardy, a great bearer, and will keep till March. It is usually culti- vated as a dwarf, being grafted on quince, and trained against a* PEARS. an east or west wall, but it succeeds perfectly well as an opei* standard. " The Colmar Deschamp, said to be the same as this, is not (juoted as a synonyme, because it is doubtful whether it be not a distinct kind. Wood, deep yellowish brown, sprinkled with gray spots ; leaves, middle sized, ovate oblong, a little waved, nearly entire on the old wood, slightly serrated towards the extremity of the young shoots, of a rich dark green colour ; fruit, turbinate, on an average three and a half inches long and two and three fourths wide at the broadest part, the stalk measuring one inch in length ; there is a contraction towards the setting on of the stalk ; skin, a delicate pale green, very slightly dotted with russet, which becomes a deeper yellow when ripe ; flesh, whitish, firm, very juicy, perfectly melting, without any grittiness, and of a very extraordinary rich, sweet, high flavoured quality." BEURRE DIEL. VAN MONS. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. POM. MAG. DieVs Butterbine. This very large and excellent fruit was introduced to this country from the Netherlands about the same time that it was sent to England. The following descriptive remarks are from the Pomological Magazine, which contains a very admirable figure of the fruit. " This noble pear was raised by Dr. Van Mons, at Lou- vain, and by him named in honour of Dr. A. F. A. Diel, one of the most distinguished of the German pomologists. Its great merit, independent of its excellence, is its fertility, both when trained on a wall and as a standard. Its period of ma- turity is the end of November, and it keeps well till the begin- ning of January. It is of the first rank among dessert pears. The tree is a free grower and acquires considerable size. " The wood is long, strong, flexuose, olive green, with a few scattered oval spots of an ash colour ; at the ends covered PEARS. 53 with clown ; when old becoming light gray ; leaves large, either roundish or broadly cordate, smooth ; fruit about the size and figure of the Summer Bonchretien, without the pro- tuberances of that variety ; it is much swollen a little above the middle, going off to the eye either abruptly or gradually, and tapering straight to the stalk without any contraction of figure ; when in perfection it is three inches broad and four inches long ; skin when the fruit is first gathered bright green, changing in a short time to a bright orange, with little trace of russet ; and its dots upon fruit from standard trees are usually surrounded with red ; eye close, in a deep cavity, sur- rounded by knobs, ribs or broad protuberances ; stalk strong, woody, one and a half inches long, inserted in a deep funnel- shaped hole ; flesh clear white, a little gritty towards the core, but otherwise perfectly tender and melting, juicy, with a deli- cious, rich, aromatic, saccharine flavour, without any percep- tible mixture of acid ; core very small, with narrow cells ; seeds usually abortive." EASTER BEURRE. POM. MAG. PR. CAT, Bergamotte de la Pentecote, > f v Bergamot pentecote, \ of Freneh catal 8<=s. Beurre d'hyver de Bruxelles. Taschenbuch. Bezy Chaumontel tres gros. Lond. Hort. cat. Doyenne d'hyver, of some collections. Beurrt d'hyver, nouvelle espcce ? This fine fruit, introduced of late years to our country, is thus remarked upon and described in the Pomological Maga- zine : " Of all the very late keeping pears, this is decidedly the best. It has been recently introduced into England from the continent, but its origin there is not known. In many of the foreign collections it is confounded with the Bergamot de paques or Easter Bergamot, a good but inferior variety, from which it is distinguishable, not only by its fruit, but also by its wood, which is reddish yellow, not green as that of the 54 PEARS. Easter Bergamot. It is probable from some circumstances that the origin of this kind was Flanders. " The pear of this name, described in the Hort. Transac- tions by M. Parmentier, is not here cited as a synonyme, be- cause it is characterised as a crisp fruit, which this never is ; for a similar reason the pear so called in Van Mons' Arbres Fruitier 'S, is omitted, that writer, speaking of its musky fla- vour, a quality unknown in the subject of these remarks, tt is a most profuse bearer grafted upon the quince. " Wood reddish yellow, sprinkled with distinct whitish spots ; leaves oblong, folded together ; flowers early, very abundant, middle sized, petals oval, not imbricated ; fruit large, roundish- oblong, broadest towards the eye, which is sunk in a mode- rately deep depression ; stalk short, thick, sunk in a deep ca- vity; skin green, speckled with russet-brown when ripe becoming yellowish ; flesh whitish, inclining to yellow, per- fectly buttery and melting, and extremely high flavoured." BEURRE RANGE. PR. CAT. VAN MONS. LOND. HORT. TRANS, POM. MAG. FOR. Beurre d'Ardempont du printems, } Hardenpont du printems, > of various collections. Beurre epine, y I quote the following description and remarks relating to this pear, from the Pomological Magazine : " It is described by Dr. Van Mons as being the best of the late pears, keeping from December to May. This is perhaps to ascribe too high a character to the variety, which is how- ever, undoubtedly of rare excellence, not only on account of its flavour, but also of the capability it possesses of keeping sound and in perfection till a late period of the spring. It was raised at Mons by the late M. Hardenpont, by whom a num- ber of other good Flemish pears were obtained from seed some years ago. The tree is vigorous, and a good bearer after a few years ; it has a straggling mode of growth, the shoots be- ing in many cases pendulous. PEARS. 05 Wood brownish yellow, sprinkled with roundish gray dots ; leaves middle-sized, ovate, flat ; stipules linear, about as long as the petioles, upon the young wood ; flowers early, large, with imbricated petals ; fruit middle-sized, oblong, ta- pering to the stalk, which is long and slender ; skin deep green at all times even when most ripe; flesh green, melting, rather gritty, having a delicious rich flavour, with very little acid ; the fruit shrivels in ripening." BEURRE ROMAIN. PR. CAT. N. Duh. Roman Beurrt. This fruit is perfectly ovate, but its form contracts abruptly towards the stem, which is short, being only five or six lines in length. The height of this pear is three inches and six lines, and its diameter twenty-six lines. Both the eye and the stem are placed even with the outer surface of the fruit, that is, they are not placed within any cavity ; the skin which is at first green, becomes altogether a light yellow during its ripening and interspersed with numerous grayish specks ; the flesh is half-melting, sweet, perfumed, and very agreeable. The seeds are brown, and the fruit ripens at the end of September. ANGLETERRE. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. COXE. Poire cTAnglelerre. Beurre d'Angleterre. Ros. syn. Duh. syn. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Angleterre, or English beurree. Coxe. The form of this pear is exactly pyramidal; its height thirty-three to thirty-six lines and its breadth twenty-three to twenty-five, but there are occasionally some of larger and some of smaller dimensions ; the skin is generally light green without any other particular shade, but sometimes it becomes a little yellowish at perfect maturity, and the sunny side acquires a reddish tint in all cases it is dotted over with numerous grayish specks. The flesh is very melting and replete with 56 PEARS. rich and pleasant juice. It ripens in September, and soon after becomes soft ; the seeds are blackish brown, large and per- fect. There is no variety more extensively cultivated at Paris and its environs than this, and during the month of September the markets are filled with the fruit. The tree is very produc- tive and seldom fails to afford a crop ; it is only propagated on the pear stock, as it does not succeed on the quince. I perceive that Forsyth quotes this from Duhamel as a syno- nyme of the Brown Beurre, which is a great error, it being a very melting pear, and therefore the appellation of Beurre, in every case misapplied. MOUTHWATER. PR. CAT. Verte longue. Roz. Duh. Mil. For. Coxe. Mouille louche. Roz. syn. Duh. syn. Mil. Great Mouthwater, } ., p, Gros mouille bouche, $ J Verte longue d'automne. Mouille bouche d'automne, ) -i Autumn mouthwater, $ Long green. Mil. and others. Muscat flcure, a synonyme quoted in Lond. Hort. cat. This pear is most commonly of an exact pyramidal form ; its height thirty-three lines and its greatest diameter twenty- six, tapering very much towards the stalk. Sometimes it as- sumes a turbinate form, of equal breadth as height, being twenty-eight or twenty-nine lines in each direction ; the posi- tion of the eye is even with the outer edge of the fruit, and the stem is green and eight or nine lines in length ; the skin is even at the period of maturity of an uniform shade of rather dark green, and is also perfectly smooth : in some cases, how- ever, one may observe a grayish streak running lengthwise of the fruit. The flesh is rather firm, but melting, and of a plea- sant flavour, with some sweetness and richness. The seeds are brown, and the fruit ripens at the end of September or early in October. The tree is thrifty, its foliage dark green, and it has altogether a very healthy appearance. Another PEARS. 57 Variety, totally different from this, is cultivated erroneously by the same name in some collections. Miller describes this pear also under two distinct heads, as quoted above, (see Mil. Gard. Die. No. 30 and 36) and although he varies in the de- scriptions, and states that one is round and the other long, still I consider them as without doubt synonymous, for I find no distinction of the kind advanced in any French publication, and he has referred to no authority but in the one case. This error Forsyth copies from him. STRIPED LONG GREEN. PR. CAT. COXE. Striped Dean. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Culotte de Suisse. Dull. Verte longue panache'e, or Suisse. Roz. Duh. Coxe. Verte longue. Striped, or Swiss. For. This is a very handsome fruit to the view, on account of the colour of its perfectly smooth skin, where the green is pleas- antly variegated by long yellow stripes which extend from the summit to the base of the fruit, with some occasional light touches of red next the sun. It is thirty lines in height, and two inches in breadth, its form being a pretty exact pyramid. The flesh is melting, replete with sweet juice, which is musky and very agreeable. The seeds are brown, of oblong form, and very much pointed, and the fruit ripens at the end of September. GREEN SUGAR. EVEL. MIL. PB. CAT. COXE. Sucr.e vert. Roz. Duh. Mil. Coxe. Sucre verd. Quin. Sugar green. Evel. This fruit has often a turbinate form, being twenty-five or twenty-six lines in diameter, and of the same height : some- times it is larger, and rather pyramidal in its shape, measur- ing thirty-three inches in height and twenty-eight or twenty- 8 58 PEARS. nine in breadth. The position of the eye is nearly even with the fruit. The skin is smooth, light green, scattered over with very numerous small specks of a deeper shade of the same colour : but when at perfect maturity, the green changes to a yellowish hue. The flesh is partially melting, and sweet, with more or less richness, and is quite pleasant to the taste. The seeds are brown and oblong, and the fruit ripens at the end of October. The tree is of very thrifty and vigorous growth, extremely productive, and produces its fruit in clusters. It may be propagated on both pear and quince stocks. VINE, OR LADY'S. PR. CAT. Poire de Vigne. Duh. Mil. Vigne Demoiselle. Roz. Vine pear. Mil. For. Vine, or Damsel. Evel. The form of this pear is that of a top. It is two inches in height, and two lines less in its greatest diameter, with a stem from eighteen to twenty lines in length. The skin is rough to the touch, and of a russet-gray colour. The flesh is half- melting and rather rich, but soon becomes mealy, and then loses its flavour. The seeds are dark brown, large in propor- tion to the size of the fruit, which ripens in October. MARTIN-SEC. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. FOR. COXE. Dry Martin. Rousselet d'hyver, ) Winter Rouiselel, \ erroneously. This fruit is two inches in diameter, and two inches an<^ six or seven lines in height, but often of smaller size : it is also pyriform, terminating in a point at the stem, which varies greatly in its length, from eight or nine lines to eighteen. The eye is close set in a small cavity, bordered with furrows PEARS. 59 and pretty distinct projections. The skin is of a russet hue or light hazel colour on the shade side, and bright red next the sun ; and is scattered over with small white specks which are very apparent upon the red part of the fruit. The flesh is breaking, occasionally somewhat gritty, in general dry, and possessing little juice. The flavour is sweet, partially per- fumed, and quite pleasant. It is excellent when cooked, and then becomes of a red colour, and is one of the best kinds to be stewed or preserved. The seeds are dark brown, moder- ately large, and long. The fruit ripens in November, De- cember, and January, and sometimes becomes mellow pretty speedily. The tree is very productive, and can be grafted on either pear or quince. De la Quintinye and Evelyn designate two varieties : one by the title of Burgundy Dry Martin ; and the other as the Dry Martin of Champagne ; the latter being the best. Miller also speaks of these two varieties. Rozier remarks, that the fruit, which is of medium size, bears some resemblance to the Rousselet, but is less round at the head. It is doubtless from such similarity that this has been by some called the Winter Rousselet, as Miller intimates. SUMMER BONCHRETIEN. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. MIL. FOR. Bon Chretien tfete. Roz. Duh. Mil. Gracioli. Roz. Duh. Gros Bon Chretien. Gracioli d'ete. Boncretien. Quin. Evel. Mil. Die Sommer Christbirne, } Die gute Christbirne, > of various German authors. Sommer gute Christbirne grosse, J Musk Summer Bon Chretien. Coxe. of some The following description I extract from the Pomological Magazine : " A valuable, well known autumn pear, the origin of which is lost in the darkness of antiquity. It has been long culti- 60 PEARS. vated all over Europe for the sake of the size and the delicious flavour of its fruit. By some pomologists it is supposed to be the Regalia of Valerius Cordus ; the Piri di Gacemella of Agostino Gallo, and the Domestica Pentagonum perelegans, and Pugillarium Bollcnse, of John Bauhin. If these conjec- tures be correct, its origin must be dated as liar back, at least, as the beginning of the sixteenth century, and probably much higher. It is quite certain that it has found a place in every work of consequence for the last one hundred and fifty years. Upon the continent it is known by a great number of different names. In Italy it is called Gracioli, and Gratiola di Rama ; in Holland, Zomar Safraan, Apotheker Peer, Kanneelpcer, Sucker Kanijpeer, Kanjerweel, Kruidkanjerweel, Marscpein- peer, and Schager Magd ; in some parts of Germany, Malva- sierbirne, and Strasburgerbimc ; in Wurtemberg and Anspach, it has the name of Zuckerbirne ; in Thuringia, of Zucheraden- birne ; and finally, in Vienna, it is known by the name of Plutzerbirne, from its resemblance in form to a wine-flask. " It keeps a few days only, and in a week or ten days after being gathered it begins to rot at the core. Wood, long, flexuose or zigzag, smooth, with prominent buds, forming a drooping tree like the Jargonelle (Epargne.) Leaves, roun- dish, with a point, smooth, flat, slightly and regularly serrated ; when young, very thin, and pale green on both sides, by which it is readily distinguished from the Jargonelle, (Epargne) in which they are at that time of a thick cottony texture. " Flowers, the largest among pears. Fruit, produced upon the extremities of young branches, which must be borne in mind in pruning the tree ; varying from three and a half to four and a half inches in length, and from two and a half to three inches in breadth across the widest part, exceedingly knobby and ir- regular in outline, particularly about the eye, quite blunt at the base : skin, when fully ripe, of a pale lemon colour, very slightly tinged with red on the sunny side, and covered all over pretty regularly with small green dots ; eye, prominent, small ; flesh, yellowish, breaking, firm, juicy, very sweet and excellent ; core, very small, placed near the eye ; seeds, all abortive." PEARS. 61 In referring to Duhamel's description, I see nothing to add to the above, except that the stem is generally from twenty to twenty-four lines in length, and is frequently inserted somewhat laterally in the fruit : the skin is very smooth ; the flesh is melting, but somewhat breaking, and very juicy. So far as my own experience goes, and I have had bearing trees around me from boyhood, this is one of the least produc- tive varieties cultivated among us, and without particular at- tention, the fruit is mostly knotty and of small size ; and Fes- senden remarks, that it is scarcely possible to raise it in the country around Boston, on account of its being subject to spots and cracks. I have noticed, however, that when the branches of large trees of this sort are sawed off, so as to force out new thrifty shoots, the crops are far more abundant as well as of large size and excellent quality. A tree thus treated stands in the garden of Gardiner Greene, Esq. of Boston, to which the po- mologists of that city can direct their attention. It is mentioned in the Pomological Magazine, that it is doubt- ful whether the second variety mentioned in the German pub- lications exists in England. I have possessed it in my collec- tion for many years, where it has repeatedly produced fruit, and I will now proceed to describe it. MUSK SUMMER BONCHRETIEN. PR. CAT. Bon Chretien d'ete, musqut. Roz. Duh. Bon Chretien musque. Bon Chretien d'ftt, or Summer Bon Chretien. Coxe. This fruit is thirty-three lines in height, and twenty-seven in diameter, and generally approaches a pyramidal form : it often assumes a shape more or less irregular : sometimes it is swollen with protuberances and ridges, and at others it is only partially angular near the head. The stem is fifteen lines in length, and inserted within a cavity surrounded by ridges or projections. The skin is smooth and yellow, with a slight tint of red next the sun. The flesh is white, speckled, with 62 PEARS. greenish points, and is breaking, rather sweet, and highly musky. The seeds are small and brown, and 'the fruit ripens at the end of August, or early in September. It is one of the best pears of that season, but is subject to split and crack be- fore it. attains to maturity. The tree does not succeed by in- grafting on the quince, and is delicate when ingrafted on the pear. Mr. Coxe, in his work on fruit trees, has transposed the titles of this and the preceding variety. MANSUETTE. PR. CAT. O. Dun. Solitaire. N. Duh. O. Duh. syn. Mansuette solitaire. Roz. Bon Jard. Solitary Mansuette. Auth. The form of this pear has but little regularity, approximating in a great degree to that of the Winter Bonchretien, (Bon Chretien d'hyver) but with fewer projections and undulations. Its height is three inches five lines, and its diameter two inches seven lines, with a stem twelve or fourteen lines in length, which commonly rises obliquely, and has at its junction a swelling or protuberance, and some compressed furrow's. The skin is green, speckled with brown, and sometimes entirely of the lat- ter colour on the shade side ; the part next the sun becomes a little yellowish, and even acquires a slight tint of red at the period at which the fruit attains to maturity. The flesh is white, half melting, quite juicy, accompanied by a little sharp- ness of flavour. The seeds are small, broad, and light brown. The fruit ripens about the beginning of September, and soon becomes soft. The tree can be grafted more advantageously on the quince than on the pear. MARTIN SIRE. N. DUH. This is a very different fruit from the one described in Du- hamel as the Ronville or Martin Sire, of which I shall next give a description. It is a very handsome pear, whose PEARS. 63 form would be almost ovate if it was not partially contracted towards the peduncle, and if the eye was not inserted within a pretty deep cavity, surrounded by very projecting swellings or protuberances. Its height is four inches less by three lines, and its greatest diameter taken at the medium of its height, is three inches and two lines ; the stem, usually inserted rather laterally, is nearly two inches in length, and the skin is almost wholly of a yellowish green hue, attaining only a slight russet tint next the sun. The flesh is firm, rather dry, sweet, and quite agreeable, although not high flavoured. The seeds are light brown and well perfected, and the fruit ripens in Novem- ber or December. In the New Duhamel it is announced that this fruit was presented to the author by M. Hervy, director of the gardens of the Luxembourg. I am not aware whether this or the succeeding variety is that which I have in my collection under the name of Martin Sire, but will soon be enabled, by critical examination, to decide the point. And as I have trees obtained from various sources under the same name, it is more than probable they may include both the varieties. RONVILLE. N. Dun. Martin sire, or Ronville. Roz. ? O. Duh. ? Mil. ? For. . Ronville, or Martin sire. Quin. ? Evel. ? Martin sire. Pr. cat. ? Lord Martin pear. Mil. syn. ? Hocrenaille. Mil. syn. ? Die. d'Agric. syn. Poire de Bunville. Die. d'Agric. syn. This pear is very oblong, being usually three inches and two to four lines, and sometimes even near four inches in height, and from twenty-five to twenty- seven lines in its greatest dia- meter. The stem is enlarged at the point of junction with the fruit, and from ten to twelve lines in length. The skin, which is at first light green, becomes a little yellow at maturity, and is entirely dotted over with a great number of small grayish specks. The flesh is firm, somewhat breaking, of a pleasant flavour, partially sweet, and sometimes gritty around the seeds, which are brown and well perfected. Duhamel himself re- 04 PEARS. marked, that there were commonly but four cells in this pear ; others, however, have observed five, but not a greater number. As is the case with a great many other varieties, one of the two seeds which are in each cell is almost invariably abortive. This fruit ripens at the end of October or early in November. I have quoted the Ronville, or Martin-sire of Quintinye and Evelyn, with an expression of doubt, because they mention theirs as ripening in January. It appears, by referring back to Rozier, that although he and the New Duhamel doubtless re- fer to the same fruit, there exists some variation between their respective descriptions. Miller's description likewise varies somewhat from the preceding one. BEAUTY OF AUTUMN. PR. CAT. Supreme. Petit certeau. This pear is much elongated, and not of very regular form ; it is rounded, and in general raised by swellings or irregular projections, and is three inches and a half in height and two inches in diameter at the widest part. The stem is fifteen to eighteen lines in length, and it has commonly one or two pro- jecting ridges around it. The skin is yellowish on the shaded side, and a fine red next the sun, entirely dotted over with small fawn-coloured specks. The flesh is white, half melting, occa- sionally somewhat gritty, with a pleasant and rather high fla- vour, which is very agreeable. The fruit attains to maturity early in September, and readily becomes mellow. The tree is vigorous, and may be propagated on either pear or quince. I perceive thatinthe London Horticultural Society's catalogue, the Vermilion d'ete is ranged as a synonyme of this variety, but I follow the New Duhamel in keeping them distinct, in which other French authors coincide. JL'EAltK FINE GOLD OF SEPTEMBER. PR. CAT. Fin or de Septembre. Roz Duh. Pr cat. 25 ed. Fin or d' Orleans. Quin.? Evel. ? and of many French collcc. This pear is of very regular form, two inches nine lines in height, and two inches in diameter at the most swollen part, which is towards the head, at about one third of its height : the stem is very long, often exceeding two inches : the skin is altogether of a light green hue, scattered over with small red- dish specks on the side next the sun. The flesh is half melting, with a small degree of acidity, and quite pleasant. The fruit ripens at the beginning of September. CASSANTE DE BREST. PR. CAT. N. DUH. Brest melting. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Inconnue Chenau. Quin Roz. Duh. Fondante de Brest. Roz. syn. Duh. syn. Unknown Chenau. Evel. Chenau. Breaking -pear of Brest. Auth. Per sick pear. The form of this fruit is precisely the same as the preceding ; it is only a little smaller, being but two inches six lines in height, and twenty-two lines in breadth, with a stem proportionate in its length, say from twelve to eighteen lines. It is in the con- sistence and flavour of the fruit that we find differences sufficient to establish its distinct character. The skin is white, approach- ing a very light green, dotted over with numberless greenish specks, and lightly tinged with dull red next the sun. The flesh is rather firm, half breaking, of a sweet and moderately rich flavour. The seeds are blackish brown, and the fruit ripens at the end of August or early in September. 9 66 TEAKS. ADMIRAL. PR. CAT. Pair d'Jlmiral N. Duh. Pr. cat. 25 ed. The Admiral pear is of exact pyramidal form, and very round near the base, with a height of three inches to three inches and a half, and a breadth of from twenty-eight to thirty lines. The skin is even and regular, of a light green hue, dotted over with numerous grayish specks, and a little touched with russet next the sun. The flesh is moderately firm, readily dissolving in the mouth, of a sweet and agreeable flavour, and soon be- comes soft. The seeds are brown and large when perfectly developed, the major part being often abortive. The fruit ripens at the end of September. De la Quintinye and Evelyn mention a pear called Portugal Summer, Prince pear, or Ad- miral, ripening in July ; we can therefore scarcely suppose them to refer to this. ST. LEZAIN. PR. CAT. N. DUH. St. Lezin. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Evel. Poit. et Turp. For. Monsieur le Curt. The merit of this fruit consists in its size, for this beautiful pear is in respect to taste but an indifferent va'riety ; it is often four inches six lines and even more in height, and three inches two or three lines in its greatest diameter, which is at about one third its height; the part next the stalk gradually diminish- ing in size. The stem which is sixteen to eighteen lines in length, emerges from a small cavity, one side of which is often raised by a singular protuberance ; the eye at the opposite extremity is situated even with the outer edge of the fruit. The skin which is at first green over every part, becomes a little yellow in ripening, and is dotted over with small grayish points, and sometimes acquires a very slight tint of red next to the sun ; the flesh is rather firm and does not possess a great deal of flavour, but has a partial acidity in its taste. The seeds are very oblong and almost black, and the fruit ripens at the end of September or early in October. PEAK* '' CALEBASH. PR. <;AT. Calebasse. N. Duh. The form of this pear has caused it to receive the title it bears ; its height is three inches and a half, and its greatest breadth twenty-four to twenty-five lines ; the eye is even with the fruit and indeed slightly projecting, surrounded with small swellings which extend a short distance over the fruit, thereby rendering its surface irregular and not perfectly round ; the stem is of a dark red colour and twenty lines in length ; the skin is yellow, dotted over with numerous russet specks, col- lected together in large groups in different parts of the fruit ; the flesh is white, half-breaking, sweet, and of very agreeable perfumed flavour. The seeds are brown and well matured, but small in proportion to the size of the fruit, which becomes ripe at the end of September. There is also a Calebasse Bosr originated by Van Mons. JALOUSIE. PR. CAT. Roz. Dun. Jealousy. This fruit is of turbinate form, being swollen next the eye and diminishing towards the stem ; its height is two inches and a half to three inches, and its diameter thirty-two to thir- ty-four lines, with a stem fifteen to eighteen lines in length, which is yellowish and commonly somewhat swollen at the part where it connects with the fruit. The skin is fawn colour, but not of* a dark shade, and is scattered entirely over with specks of a still lighter hue ; the flesh is white, melting, sweet, perfumed, and very pleasant ; the seeds are brown and rather oblong, and the fruit matures at the end of September or in the course of the month of October. The tree can only be in- grafted on the pear stock ; upon the quince it languishes and perishes in a few years. PEARS. RED BERGAMOT. PR. CAT. Bergamotte rouge. Roz. Duh. This pear is round, being near two inches in height and twenty-four to twenty-five lines in diameter, but diminishing in some cases next the stem, and becoming elongated until it attains a length of twenty-seven or twenty-eight lines, when it assumes the shape of a top ; the peduncle is large and only six to nine lines in length, and frequently inserted within a small cavity ; the skin is of a yellowish fawn colour, a little rough to the touch, and the part next the sun acquires a tint of dull red ; the flesh is rather breaking, and of a rich and rather perfumed flavour ; the seeds are pretty dark brown, and the fruit ripens at the end of October or in the month of No- vember. In the New Duhamel it is remarked, that there appears to have been another variety confounded with this in the first edi- tion of that work, which is therein stated to ripen about the middle of September, and that it is called in some nurseries Cratanne dete. I am not able at present to say whether the present one and the variety described under the same name, by Mr. Coxe, are synonymous ; but as I have both in my col- lection, I shall soon be enabled to determine that point. ' : ' '' " 1 SUMMER BERGAMOT. PR. CAT. EVEL. MIL. FOR. Bergam* He d'ttt. Quin. Roz. Duh. Mil. Milan de la Beuvriere. Quin. Evel. Roz. Duh., both editions. Mi an, and Milan blanc. Hamden't Ber^amot Mil svn. Be-gamotte d' Angleter.e, > M n Bergamoltt d< Hampden, \ w ' u This pear is of turbinate form ; its height is two inches and ten lines, and its diameter two inches and a half, with a large stem six lines in length, which is placed at the bottom of a small cavity ; the eye at the opposite extremity is also in a ca- PEAK- vity, which is surrounded by swellings or projections. The skin is rough to the touch, of a lively green hue, scattered over with fawn coloured specks, and sometimes washed with a russet tint next to the sun ; the flesh is almost melting, not very rich, slightly acid and pretty pleasant to the taste it is apt to become stringy when the fruit is not gathered rather green. The seeds are small and often abortive, and the fruit is at ma- turity early in September ; the trees may be propagated with equal facility on either the pear or the quince. In the New Duhamel, the Bergamotte d'Angleterre, or B. de Hamden is described as a variety distinct from the Berga- motte d'Ete, or Summer Bergamot ; but as there exist good reasons to think them synonymous, I have united them under the same head. The pear called Early Summer Bergamot, in Mr. Coxe's work, appears to be quite a different fruit from this. EARLY FRENCH BERGAMOT. AUTH. Bergamotte precoce. DUH. This fruit is about two inches in diameter, and rather less in its height ; it is very much flattened at the head, where the eye is inserted within a deep .cavity ; the skin is dark green speck- led with small brownish dots, and becomes yellow at maturity ; the flesh is melting, of a sweet and agreeably perfumed fla- vour ; it has however this objection to its value, that it very soon becomes soft. The tree is of vigorous growth, and the fruit ripens early in August ; it is much cultivated in the southern departments of France, but is rare at Paris and its vicinity. I have given to this pear the discriminating appella- tion of French, to distinguish it from another variety which I -hall now proceed to notice. EARLY BERGAMOT. POM. MAG. The pear for which the above title has been adopted by thr conductors of the Pomological Magazine, they state was trans- 70 FEARS. milled lo ihe London Horlicullural Sociely by M. Thouin, of Paris, under ihe lille of De Huchel, which il appears by iheir sialemenl does not properly belong lo il. The following re- marks I copy from ihe same work. " II is clear lhal ihis pear is unlike any kind cullivaled in this counlry, (England) ; aboul ihe period when il ripens we have none lhal are half as good. Il is a mosl excellenl variety of its season, and well worih growing. Il ripens in ihe end of Augusl and beginning of September, and bears mosl abun- danlly as an open slandard. " Wood slrong, yellowish green on the shade side, chesnut coloured next the sun, sprinkled with whilish spot>; leaves moderately large, broadly ovate, tapering to the point, with sharp serratures, scarcely downy on either side ; petioles about an inch long, stipules long and clear ; flowers very large, with roundish petals ; fruit middle-sized, roundish, flatlened, de- pressed at the eye, towards which end of the fruit it is slightly angular ; stalk about an inch and a quarter long, moderately thick, inserled in a shallow cavity ; skin green, wilh a linge of yellow when fil for use, wilh a few fainl slreaks of brownish red on ihe sunny side ; flesh yellowish white, very juicy? a little crisp and gritty, but very rich and sugary. FRENCH iUTUMN BERGAMOT. PR. CAT. Bergamottf d'<>utomne. Roz. Duh. Autumn Bergamot. This pear is of a very depressed turbinale form, being thirty-three to thirty-six lines in diameter, and twenty-seven to twenty-nine lines in heighl in some cases however, il ap- proaches a pyramidal shape, ils diameler b,;ing then about the same as its height ; the stem is short, being bul six lines in length, inserted in a slight cavity ; the eye is exactly even with the extremity of the fruit ; the skin is smooth, light green, ac- quiring a litile yellow al perfecl malurily, and assuming some- times next the sun a slight tint of brownish red -it is besides 71 more or less speckled all over with small grayish dots ; the flesh is half-breaking, dissolving pretty readily in the mouth, and abounds with cool juice, which is sweet and partially per- fumed ; the fruit when well ripened has an odour more regaling to the smell than to the taste ; the seeds are brown and oblong, and the fruit matures in October. This tree succeeds as well when grafted on the quince as on the pear ; some writers as- sert that the fruit produced on the former is superior, while others contend that there is no essential difference resulting from this course. De la Quintinye makes the remark that there existed no dif- ference between the Autumn and Summer Bergamot pears of his day, except what was comprised in the colour only, but that the difference in that respect was a real one. He states that one of these was usually called the Bergamot, or Common Bergamot, and also the Poire de la HilLre, or de Recous. ENGLISH AUTUMN BERGAiWT. PR. CAT. Autumn Bergamot. Pom. mag For. Pr. cat. 25 etL Autumn, or English Bergamot. Mil. Switz. York Bergamot. Common Bergamot. Ruddy English Bergamot. Evel. ? Heere pear. The pear generally cultivated in this country, as well as in England, under the name of Autumn Bergamot, differs from the Bergamotte d'automne of the French, although Miller, Forsyth, and various other writers put them down as synony- mous. I copy the following remarks from the London Porno- logical Magazine. " The Bergamotte d'automne has not yet fruited in the gar- den of the Horticultural Society ; there are in it, however, several trees from various French authorities which perfectly agree with each other in their wood and foliage, and so far also with the description of Duhamel, but they are very different in these respects from the sort here treated of about whose real origin nothing js known. If we are to believe Switzer, it was 72 PEAKS. brought over by Julius Caesar and formed part of c the furni- ture' of the gardens of Alcinous. According to Manger, it is of the highest antiquity, and was without doubt in former times the only one to which they gave the name, which is also now applied to other similar pears. This name, he says, is not derived from Bergamo in Italy, as many have believed, but .from the Turkish words beg or bey, a prince, and armoud, a pear. He also shows, that this princely pear was formerly written not Bergamotte, but Begarmoud, by referring to Gro- en's Niederlandischen Gartner. As its name is Turkish, he infers that this sort must have come from Turkey, and conse- quently originated in a warmer climate. With us (in Eng- land) this pear ripens remarkably well on standards as far north as Yorkshire, and is in eating in October, decaying soon after ; but both the old and young wood of the Bergamotte d'automne of the French, canker very much in this soil and climate. " The wood is yellowish brown, not much spotted ; leaves middle-sized, oval, wavy, generally entire ; stipules long, linear ; the leaves of the fruit spurs ovate, slightly cordate, on long and slender petioles ; flowers middle-sized ; petals round- ish, ovate, overlapping each other ; fruit small, approaching the middle size, depressed, globular, hollowed at the eye and stalk the latter is short and thick ; eye open, in a regularly formed shallow depression ; skin a little rough with russet, reddish next the sun fading into brownish green ; flesh whitish, a little gritty next the core, very juicy, sugary, and rich." I may here add, that the trees of this kind which I have in my collection are remarkable for their vigour and thriftiness of growth, in which points few varieties equal this, and the existence of which in so remarkable a degree in thisvery aged variety, serves for another proof against the fallacious doc- trine of exhaustion. The description given by Mr. Coxe of the Autumn Berga- raot, seems rather to refer to the French variety, as he states that the tree is not very vigorous, and in fact his descriptions of French pears generally follow those given by Rozier. PEARS. HOLLAND BERGAMOT. PR. CAT. FOR. COXE. Bcrgamotte de Hollande, )^ ^uh. Mil. Jlergamotte a Alencon, ) Amoselle. Duh. syn. Mil. Lord Cheney's. This is a very beautiful fruit. It is remarked by the authors of the New Duhamel, that all those which they had particularly noticed were of turbinate form, with an irregular surface raised here and there by slight projections, and that they measured three inches and three lines in height, by three inches and one line at the greatest diameter. The eye was situated in a wide depression, the edges of which were rather even, or presented some very trivial inequalities. The stem was large, two inches long : the skin wholly a light green, interspersed by numerous grayish specks, and at maturity attaining a pale yellow hue : the flesh, rather firm, half breaking, and abounding in pleasant juice, of considerable flavour: the seeds were brown, and somewhat protuberant, and the axis of the fruit in the centre of the cells was hollow. This fruit begins ripening in February, and may be kept till June. It appears subject to vary in its shape ; for in the first edition of Duhamel it is described and figured of an almost globular form, rather less in height than in breadth, and measuring three inches in diameter, by two inches nine lines in height. This variety is excellent, when cooked or made into composts. The tree is vigorous, and may be ingrafted on both pear and quince. Forsyth men- tions this as a synonyme of the Autumn Bergamot, cultivated in England, and of the Bergamotte d'automne of Duhamel, which are themselves two different fruits : this circumstance throws doubt on the matter altogether. The Pomological Magazine, on the contrary, does not quote this as a synonyme of the English Autumn Bergamot, and it is therefore most probably distinct. 10 ' PEAKS. SWIS^ BKUCJAMOT. PK. CAT. MIL. I- on. Brrgamottr Suiiftr. Quln. Flu/. Duh. Mil. Pr. cat. 25 ed, 1)('/'i!(i/n<>tl( /'c//;. i . *V//,v\f', cr Xtrq-td J>rr(i;nt'>t. Flve.1. This pear is twenty-eight lines in height, and tv.'enty-seven in diameter. Its form is turbinate next the stem, ^hich is from six to twelve lines in length, and inserted in a very small cavity, and sometimes in the centre of a flat space. The skin is smooth, striped with ureen and yellow, and on the sunnv side acquires a sl'mht tint of red, which is much more apparent upon the vellow stripes than on the uTeen ones. The flesh is melting, sweet, and replete with juice, especiallv when the fruit is not ripened on the tree. The seeds are linht brown, well matured, and terminate b\ a lonu point, and the Iruit ripens in October. The tree succeeds equally well, grafted either on the pear or the quince. It is quite productive, but not partial to a very hot situation. CAXSEL'S BEUGAMOT. PK. CAT. POM. MAG. FOR. ? Rrncas Bcrgamot, of various publications. //v.v tt< rud'inoi. Bon rov^:. The Brocas Ber^aniot is now >nppo>ed to be synonymous with thi^ variety, which i- tlms described in the Pomoloical " The wood is weak and ilexuose, like that of the Broun Beurre, Init is covered \\ith a kind of mealiness, as are also the leaves, bv which it i-> particularly distinguished from all the BeurrTs and Cliamontelles. The lea\<'s are shining, flat, and rather mealv : the fruit, ovate, verv much llallened at the crown, usually seven and a half or e'mht inches round, of a very regular fiL'iire, quite destitute of ani:le> : skin, dull brown like that of the Brown Beurre, a little marked with dashes of deeper russet : flesh, white, melting, very sweet, rich, and high PEARS. 75 flavoured : core, very small. Among the native English au- tumnal pears, this perhaps holds the highest rank, whether we consider its beauty, its excellence, or its prolific nature. It was raised by a Lieut. General Gansel, from seed of the Au- tumn Bergamot, about the middle of the last century. Some- times it attains a very large size, having occasionally been seen almost a foot in circumference." It does not bear well in England as a standard, but affords a tolerably certain crop when trained in an espalier form, and on the quince stock. It comes into eating here in October, and continues in perfection about a month. The growth of the tree when young is quite slow, and ex- tremely irregular, insomuch that it is very difficult to give it an erect and handsome form. I should be much more inclined to suppose this a seedling from the Brown Beurre, than from the Autumn Bergamot. CRASANNE. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. MIL. FOR. COXE. Bergamotte Crasanne. Roz. syn. Duh. syn. Mil. Crasanne Bergamot. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Cresane, and Crasane. Beurre plat, or Flat butter pear. Mil. A fine pear of this variety is round and somewhatturbinate, measuring three inches, or nearly that, in breadth, and thirty- four or thirty-five lines in height. The stem is slender and eighteen to twenty lines in length, rather bent or curved, and inserted within a small cavity. The eye is placed in a slight depression with a very smooth circumference. The skin is a grayish red before maturity, but when the fruit is ripe it be- comes a little yellow anr! is scattered over with red spots. The flesh is very melting, with abundance of juice, which is cool and sweet, combined with a slight degree of acidity, and of an exquisitely perfumed flavour. The seeds are brown, but very often wholly deficient even in the cells where it might be expected they would be perfect ; in such case their place is supplied by a pulp rather less melting than the residue of the 76 PEARS. fruit, and in which some very small stony particles are frequent- ly found. This pear is one of the choicest varieties that is cultivated, and there are few that can bear a comparison with it ; it ripens at the end of October or early in November, and keeps a long time before it becomes soft. Fessenden re- marks, that around Boston this pear has been found more apt to crack than any other variety whatever, and that it will not suit the country in that section of the union unless sheltered. VARIEGATED CRASANNE. AUTH. Crasanne panachee. Roz. Duh. This does not differ from the preceding as regards the fruit, but varies in the leaves, which are small and oblong, edged with white and undulated, with very delicate indentures, which are slight and acutely formed. The tree is very pleasing to the view, but ought not to be trained in espalier form, nor planted in a too hot exposure, as the sun reddens and injures the white border of the foliage. BERGAMOTTE CADETTE. PR. CAT. Roz. O. DUH. Bergamot cadet. Poire de Cadet. Roz. N. Duh. In form, this pear is commonly turbinate, being thirty- one lines in height and thirty-two in diameter, with a large stem eight to ten lines in length, which is inserted within a slight cavity ; the skin is smooth, yellow on the shade side at the period of maturity, and slightly tinged with red next the sun ; the flesh is pleasant, but soon becomes stringy. The fruit ripens in October. The tree is vigorous in its growth, and very abundant in its produce, and succeeds equally well on either pear or quince. PEARS. 77 EASTER BERGAMOT. PR. CAT. MIL. Winter or Easter Bergamot. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Bergamotte de Pdsques. Roz. Duh. Mil. For. Bergamotte d'hiver. Roz. syn. Duh. syn. Bergamotte Bugi. Mil. Bugi. Quin. ? Evel. ? Turling, or Terling, } Robert's keeping, > of some English writers. Paddington, ) Paddington, or Easter Bergamot. Coxe. This penr is almost, regularly globular, in some cases par- tially turbinate, being thirty-two to thirty-six lines in height ; the eye is situated in a very small cavity, and most generally even with the extremity of the fruit ; the stem, which is four to eight lines in length, is also inserted within an extremely small cavity, whose edges are quite round ; the skin, which is a light green, varying to pale yellow at maturity, is speckled over its whole surface with small gray dots, and acquires a slight russet tinge next the sun. The flesh is half melting, not very sweet, but abounds in rich juice possessing a very pleasant perfume. The seeds are brown, large, round at one end and pointed at the other, and in part abortive. This pear is scarcely fit to be eaten before the month of April, and it may be preserved until June, after which it becomes meally and much wrinkled without getting soft ; the tree is vigorous, and may be grafted on both the pear and the quince. BERGAMOT SYLVANGE. PR. CAT. N. Duh. Sylvanche. Roz. Bergamot sylvanche. Coxe. Sylvange. This pear has an exact turbinate form ; its height is thirty- two lines and its diameter thirty. The eye is small, and in- serted within a very slight depression, similar to that whence the stem emanates, which does not exceed six or eight lines in length ; the skin is light green even at complete maturity, in- 78 PEARS. terspersed with grayish specks, often very near together on the end next the eye ; the flesh is exceedingly melting, of a sweet, rather rich and very pleasant flavour. The seeds are frequently abortive, and the fruit ripens in October. BERGAMOTTE DE SOULERS. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. Bonne de Soulers. Roz. syn. Duh. syn. Bergamotte of Soulers. This fruit is twenty-five lines in height and thirty in diame- ter ; the head is more round than is the case with other Ber- gamot pears, and the eye is but slightly depressed ; the stem is rather large, eleven lines in length and somewhat sunk in the fruit ; the skin is shining, very light green on the shaded side, scattered over with dots of a deeper shade of the same colour, and changing to yellow at maturity ; the side next the sun acquires a slight tinge of brownish red ; the flesh is melt- ing, sweet, and of agreeable taste ; the seeds are large, well matured, and terminate in a long very acute point. This fruit ripens in February and March, and the tree may be ingrafted on both pear and quince. NAPLES. PR. CAT. DUH. MIL. For. EVEL. ? Poire de Naples. Roz. N. Duh. Quin. ? Easter St. Germain. Mil. This pear has usually a turbinate form, sometimes it is nearly round, the peduncle and the eye being even with the fruit ; the height of the largest is thirty lines, and the diameter thirty- two, but frequently far less ; the stem is scarcely ten lines in length, and the skin is almost wholly a light green, which changes to pale yellow at maturity, and occasionally the side exposed to the sun takes a partial tint of red ; the flesh is half- breaking, almost melting, of a pleasant and somewhat musky flavour ; the seeds are brown and proportionably large in comparison with the fruit. In the old edition of Duhamel OlYTECttHIC SOC i:uls ' ' ftv UIS - of this pear is said to ripen in i'Vl/niary and March, but in thr new one it is remarked that it bcuins to ripen in November. The tree is of vigorous growth mid quite productive, and suc- ceeds on both pear and quince stocks* - BEZI DE LA MOTTE. PR. CAT. Roz. Dun. Bezy de la Motte. For. and others. Best de la motte. Quin. Evel. This pear has a turbinate form, it is enlarged next the eye, but next to the stem the size is much diminished ; its height is thirty-two to thirty-six lines, and its diameter nearly as much at the largest part ; the stem is short, being only six or seven ' lines in length and inserted within a cavity, the edges of which are generally even and regular ; the skin is green, acquiring a little yellow when the fruit is ripe it is scattered over with very numerous russet specks, and in some sections these specks are very contiguous to each other, and formed into large irre- gular groups ; the flesh is white, melting, and of a bland and very agreeable flavour. This fruit has a great affinity to the Crasanne, in form, colour, and flavour ; it ripens at the end of September or in the course of October, and soon becomes soft. Duhamel says it does not succeed well on dwarf stocks. ST. MARTIAL. PK. CAT. FOR. Saint Martial. Mil. Angelique de Bordeaux. Roz. Duh. Saint Marcel, ) of some French Gros Franc-real, or Franc-real gros, $ collections. Christalline, a syn. Lond. Hort. cat. (? Auth. vide Quin. and Evel.) Poire Angelique, ) Poire douce, > Mil. syn. Angelic pear, ) Angelique de Rome. Mil. syn. erroneously. The form of this pear approximates to that of the Winter Bonchretien ; it is three inches wanting a line in height, and 81) PEARS. as it is flattened in the course of its length, its diameter varies considerably in one direction it is two inches eight lines, and in the other two inches and five lines only ; the eye is small and situated at the base of a narrow cavity ; the stem is large, eighteen to twenty lines in length, somewhat fleshy at its in- sertion in the fruit, which is even with the surface ; the skin is smooth, pale yellow, and almost whitish on the shade side, reddish on the part exposed to the sun, and sometimes slightly speckled with brown around the eye ; the flesh is breaking, and of a sweet and pleasant flavour ; the seeds are brown, moderately large, and terminate in a long acute point. This is a winter fruit and keeps a long time ; the tree is somewhat delicate and does not do well on the quince stock, and is not very vigorous on the pear. ANGELIQUE DE ROME. PR. CAT. Roz. Dun. This pear is of medium size, and has an oblong appearance, although its greatest diameter is nearly equal to its height, the one being twenty-seven lines and the other twenty-eight the part about the head is quite round, and the eye is placed in a small cavity ; the stem is seven to nine lines in length, large, and inserted even with the fruit or in a narrow groove ; the skin is rough to the touch, of a pale yellow or lemon colour, and sometimes very slightly tinged with yellow on the sunny side ; the flesh is half-melting, of a somewhat yellow hue, with a sweet and rather rich flavour. This pear ripens in Decem- ber, January, and February ; the tree is vigorous and may be ingrafted either on the pear or quince. MARQUISE. PB. CAT. QUIN. Roz. DUH. MIL. FOR. COXE. Marchioness. Evel. Mil. This fruit much resembles the Bezi de la Motte in form, size, and colour ; it is thirty-two to thirty-three lines in diame- ter, and the same in height sometimes it is of pyramida PEARS. 81 form, being three inches in height, without any augmentation of the diameter. The stem is sixteen or seventeen lines in length, and commonly placed even with the surface, and the eye is similarly situated or in a depression scarcely perceptible ; the flesh is melting, rich, of rather sweet flavour, and imparts to the mouth an agreeable coolness ; the seeds are large and swollen, short and terminated by an acute point, and the fruit ripens in November and December, and sometimes as early as the end of October. GERMAN MUSCAT. PR. CAT. EVEL. FOR. COXE. Muscat VAlleman. Duh. Mil. For. Muscat VAllemand. Muscat Allemand. Roz. Coxe. Almain. Quin. Evel. Muscat of Germany. Mil. In regard to form, size, and colour, this fruit bears great resemblance to the Royal Winter it only differs in common by being more enlarged near the head and sometimes more pyriform ; the flesh has also nearly the same colour and con- sistence, but differs from it in possessing a musky and richer flavour; the seeds are dark brown and very oblong, when they are not abortive. The fruit only begins ripening in Jan- uary, and keeps in some cases until May ; the tree is vigo- rous, and may be ingrafted on both the pear and quince. ROYAL WINTER. PR. CAT. COXE. Royale d'hiver. Roz. Duh. For. Winter royal. This pear is most frequently of a turbinate form, and some- times nearly globular, being thirty to thirty-two lines in dia- meter, and thirty-two to thirty-four in height it is not rare however to find some of a much larger size and measuring three inches three lines in height by three inches in breadth ; the eye is placed in a very broad shallow depression, and the 11 stem, which is about an inch lone, is inserted within a small cavity, nhose edecs are very e\en and reeular ; the skin is liiiht yellow in the shade and reddish on the side exposed to the sun ; the lle-1: i> rather yellowish, with a slight deerce ot firmness, almost meltine. and pretty abundant in sweet and aereeable juice. Frequently the most of the seeds are abor- tive, but those which perfect themselves are very oblong and dark brown ; the fruit ripens in December, January, Febru- ary, and March, and succeeds better on pear stocks as stand- ards, than on the quince as espaliers. The tree is of the most vigorous and thriving' description, and assumes an up- riirht and stately form. MKSS1UK .IK AN. PR. CAT. EVF.L. MIL. COXK. Tl li/fc and if/*' // .!/( .V.V//T Jt an, IV. cat. 05 ed. \\.ntc and u/v/// Mo/)Mr<\ Koz. J)uh. Mcssirc Jc/in h'tinc ^ i'7v.v. .Mil. J/o//.v/f nr Jctin, and J/r John. Monsieur. />rotrn trold ! ) T , ,, > h,vel. ' nroirn orangCj V Chan I is. This fruit is of turbinate form, somewhat rounded, brini?, thirty-two to thirty-six lines in diameter, and thirls to thirty- four in heieht, with a stem ten to twelve lines in leneth, which as well a< the eye, is inserted even with the Iruit ; the skin is a little roueh to the touch, of a dull yellow, and sometimes a grayish colour; the llesh is firm, breakine, perfumed, and ol a rich and excellent taste, but subject to be eritts". The seeds are liuht brouu, and the Iruit ripens in October and INovem- ber, and soon becomes si ft. SAINTONCM. N. Dm. ('fin! linixh . id' -oiiic l ; n'ii<-li ^anleus. r riii> Iruil in poin! of colour \er\ much re>embles the Me>- ire-.)ean. but it> |i\ ramidal form readil\ dij-liliu'ilishes il : it i- PEARS. 83 almost wholly of a dark gray colour, and is twenty-eight to thirty lines in diameter and three inches in height; the skin is a little rough to the touch, which arises from its being scat- tered over with a great profusion of specks, which viewed with a magnifying glass, appear like cracks in the skin itself this however is common to many other pears; the flesh is melting, sweet, and of a very pleasant taste. The seeds are brown, and the fruit ripens in October and November. It is culti- vated in the Jardin des Plantes at Paris and in many other French gardens under the name given above as a synonyme, as well as under the one at the head ; but another pear having already been called Chat-brule by Duhamel, the other title has been adopted in the last edition of his work, whence this des- cription is extracted. SAINT LAURENT. N. Dun. CALV. This pear is nearly of the form and size of the Early French Bergamot or Bergamotte-precoce already described ; the skin is at first greenish, but becomes yellow at maturity ; the flesh is slightly acid, but loses that flavour when cooked; it ripens early in August and is not considered very worthy o culture. It is common in the southern departments of France, but very little known in the environs of Paris. VALEE FRANCHE. Dun. This fruit is pyriform and flattened like a pelerin gourd ; the skin is green and shining, but acquires a yellow hue at full maturity; the flesh is rather greenish, replete with juice of an agreeable flavour, but it soon becomes mealy and soft ; the fruit ripens at the end of September or beginning of October. The tree is vigorous when grafted on the pear stock, but does not succeed well on the quince. $4 PEARS. POIRE DE PENDANT. N. Dm. Pendar? Quin. | Hanging pear 1 Evcl. Pcndar, or Knave's i>eur. Mil. ? For. ? It is from the long stem by which this pear is suspended, which is near two inches in length, that it obtains its title. The /'itire height of the fruit is twenty-eight lines, and its breadth ( AO inches, and sometimes a line more. The form is turbi- nate, the skin is ash-coloured, approaching russet, and dotted over with small points precisely of the latter colour ; the flesh is greenish white, melting, sweet, and partially perfumed ; the seeds are a blackish brown, and the fruit ripens at the end oi September. It is very dubious whether the synonymes quoted from Mil- ler and Forsyth apply to this fruit. The former quotes Tourn. and no other author, and the latter copies the descrip- tion from the former. I think it also doubtful whether Quin- tinye and Evelyn referred to this pear they mention the time of ripening to be in October. DONVILLE. Roz. Dm. This pear is of an oblong form, being thirty lines in height and twenty-two in breadth it diminishes towards the eye, which is situated in a small cavity, and it becomes still more contracted towards the stem, which is about eight lines long and inserted in a very small compressed cavity, surrounded by some furrows; the skin is smooth, shining, of a lemon colour, scattered over with fawn-coloured spots on the shaded side, and and of a rather livclv red next the sun, with some small light iirav >peck< ; the fle>h is breaking, white slightly inclining to yellowish, of a somewhat acid flavour, not disagreeable how- ever at the full maturity of the fruit, which takes place in the month of April. The seeds are oblong, perfect, and of a light brown hue. PEARS. 85 PROVENCE. N. DUH. Donville, of some collections. | Bequesne 1 This pear is of a pyramidal form, very regularly elongated ; it is three inches six or eight lines in height, and twenty-seven to twenty-eight lines in diameter ; the eye is inserted even with the extremity of the fruit, and the stem, without being exactly in a cavity, is usually surrounded by several furrows ; the skin is a lemon colour, scattered over with numerous fawn specks, which on the sunny side acquire a russet tint ; the flesh is ra- ther firm, breaking, of a pleasant flavour, combined with an agreeable perfume ; the seeds are brown and well perfected, and the fruit commences ripening at the end of October. When used for cooking, this pear acquires a sweet taste and delicious flavour. It is cultivated at the Jardin des Plantes at Paris, under the titles given above ; but as two varieties of pears have been called by the name of Donville, the title which heads this article has been adopted for this one in the New Duhamel. I notice that the Bequesne pear is ranged in the London Horticultural Society's catalogue, and in some others, as a synonyme of this variety, but I follow the New Duhamel in keeping them distinct. SAINT FRANCOIS. N. DUH. This pear has a great resemblance to the Saint Germain, but differs from it considerably in quality ; it is four inches wanting one or two lines in height, and twenty-four lines broad in its greatest diameter ; the skin is light green partially ap- proaching yellow, especially at maturity, and is covered with very numerous russet specks, and in some cases acquires a faint tint of red on the sunny side ; the flesh is firm, with not much flavour, and rather insipid ; but when cooked it attains a sweet and agreeable taste, and remains white. This fruit ripens in November and December. - I:\RS. This pear is three inches and a half to lour inches in height. :md two inches and a hall' in diameter ; its form is oblong and almost conical, terminated in a ratlin* obtuse point ; the stem is six lines long, and inserted within a shallow cavity ; the eve is small and but slightly depressed ; the skin, which is delicate and smooth, is sometimes washed on the sunnv side, and in other cases pretty deeply t mired with red, speckled with brown- ish red dots the other side is of a beautiful yellow colour, scattered over with specks of russet ; the flesh is very white, melting, full of very pleasant juice, which i> slightly perfumed, but not of a high llavonr ; the fruit ripens at the end of Sep- tember or beginning of October, and its colour, the period of' its maturity, and the defect of soon becoming soft, are almost the only points which distinguish it from the Louise-bonne. The trees of this kind yield abundantly. The description of tiiis variety was transmitted by M. I^e Berryais to M. Michel, one of the editors of the New Duhamel. OCTOHKK CRIMSON. Pit.t AT. Cramoi.fi. Duh. This pear, which has been lately introduced, is large and of a trlobular form, but often becomes more or less pyramidal. The >kin, which is at first irreenish, becomes yellow at the pe- riod of maturity, and the -ide next the sun attains a beautiful crimson hue ; the flesh is breaking, of a fragrant odour, but without combining a i^reat deal of flavour. Its period of ripening i^ ( October ; it i- Qtiin. Evel. and other writers. Chambrclte, V Poire de glace, of Gascony, ' La Virguleuse. Mil. syn. Ice pear. Evel. Mil. Winter Virgalieu, erroneously. The height of this pear is thirty-three to thirty-six lines, and its breadth twenty-six to thirty lines at the largest part, which is nearly midway of the fruit, and as the section next the stem is but slightly contracted and almost as broad as that near the base, it thence results that the general form of the fruit is more oval than pyramidal. The stem is short, being usually but nine or ten lines in length, and is inserted even with the fruit, or in a very small cavity ; the skin is at first green, but at maturity becomes of a lemon colour ; the side next the sun acquires a slight reddish tint and the whole sur- face is dotted over with small reddish specks ; the seeds are oblong and brown, and the fruit ripens in December and Ja- nuary. Duhamel himself places this among the number of the best pears ; the tree is vigorous, but irregular in its growth, and difficult to train into an erect or handsome form when young. Its bark is rough and the tree is slow to produce fruit ; but when it commences bearing, it affords crops pretty regularly. It may be grafted on either the quince or pear, but it is not recommended to train the trees in espalier form, nor to plant standard trees in a southern exposition, because the fruit is then apt to crack and become injured. This pear takes its title from the village of Virgoule, near St. Leonard, in Limousin, where it was first raised and sent to Paris by the Marquis of Chambrette, and from the latter circumstance has been called after him. Fessenden states that this, which he considers one of the finest French pears, is in 88 PEARS. the section of country around Boston very apt to crack in me same manner as the Crasanne, and warns cultivators in the ountry against planting it unless they have terraces or walls. ROUGSAUDE. N. DUH. Although this variety is described in the New Duhamel, it is there stated that it would not have been noticed by the edi- tors, if the figure had not been executed before they were fully acquainted with the quality of the fruit. With this remark I should pass it over here, were it not that I wish to fulfil the pledge made in the prospectus, that this work should contain all the descriptions of pears comprised in that publication. The form of this pear is a pretty regular pyramid ; it is thirty-two to thirty-six lines in height, and twenty-seven to thirty lines in its greatest diameter ; the stem, which is ten lines to an inch in length, is inserted even with the extremity of the fruit, and the eye is situated in a small cavity with per- fectly regular edges ; the shade side of the skin is yellowish, that next the sun, and indeed three-fourths of the fruit is of a darker or lighter shade of red ; the flesh is firm and dry, with some sweetness, but rather insipid, and possesses but little fla- vour ; the seeds are brown and oblong, and the fruit ripens in January. It was presented to the editors^by M. Noisette un- der the title of Beurrt (Phyver, but proved to be entirely erro- neous, as it possesses none of the qualities of that variety, or of others of its class. SUMMER VERMILION. AUTH. Vermilion tfEtt. N. Duh. This pear is round or partially pyriform ; the skin on the shade side is greenish yellow, and next to the sun acquires a tint of vermilion; the flesh is half-melting, somewhat per- fumed, but soon becomes mealy and soft. Its period of ripen- PEARS. ing is the end of August, and the tree succeeds equally when grafted on either the pear or quince. LARGE OBLONG. AUTH. Grosse alongee. N. Duh. This fruit is larger than the Mouthwater, or Verte longue, and approaches near to that of the common St. Germain ; the skin is greenish, dotted over with russet specks, but it becomes yellow at the period of maturity, which is in the month of October. This variety is cultivated in the Jardin des Plantes at Paris. CHAT BRUSLE. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. Chat britlc. Quin.? Mil. For. Pucelle de Saintonge ? Chat grille ? Burnt cat. Mil. Cat-burnt 1 Evel. Pucelle deXaintonge, > m erroneously. Virgin of Jiaintonge, ) This fruit, which I have in my collection, is thirty-one lines in height, and its breadth twenty-two, its shape being pyriform, somewhat elongated ; the skin is smooth and shining, of a fine bright red next the sun, and a lemon colour in the shade ; the flesh is delicate and not gritty, and when subjected to cooking acquires a very beautiful red colour ; the seeds are black and well matured, and the fruit is suitable for making excellent preserves or compotes. It is at maturity in February and March. MAUNI. N. DUH. This pear is moderately large, oblong, and rounded ; the flesh is rather firm, of agreeable flavour, and the fruit ripens 12 00 at the end of September. The tree can be ingrafted on ei- ther the pear or quince, and is one of tin- varieties cultivated al the Jardin des Plante> at Paris. KOrSSELINK. PK. CAT. lloz. Dun. MIL. FOE. Poire Roussclinc. Dull. Mil. Russelin. Quin. ' Kvel. ? Muscat a tongue queue de la Jin d'automnc, > ^^ Long stalked muscat of the end of autumn, ^ *' Brutte bonne, of some English gardens, erroneously, The shape of this pear is pretty nearly pyriform, being' thirty lines in height and twenty-two in it? greatest diameter, and it is supported bv a peduncle which is often near two inches in length ; some portion of the skin is yellow, but that colour is but partially apparent, as three-fourths and often nearly the whole surface is covered with large spots of russet, which by being nearly connected with each other, give the whole fruit the appearance of being of that colour ; the flesh is melt- ing, of a sweet and very musky flavour, which has a very great affinity to that of the Uousselet ; the seeds are brown and generally pretty perfect, and the fruit ripens in the month of November. CARDINALK. V Dm. Pen. n Tn;i i^ is a very beautiful fruit on account of its regular form and brilliant colouring ; it i- three inrhe* and a half in height, and a little less than three inches in diameter ; the skin at ma- turity is yellow where it is shaded and washed with bright red next the sun, besides being marked over the whole surface with a great number of small round dots, which become 1 brown upon the yellow part, and ^ray upon the red ; the llesh is half- breaking, considerably melting, sweet, and agreeable ; tin- most of the seed- are abortive, those which are perfect arc -hort, well matured, and brown, particularly ;it the apex. ThU fruit keeps until March, and i- a- vei bin M Idom to be met uitli, even in France PEARS. 91 POIRE PASSANS. Dun. Poire du Portugal. Duh. syn. Summer Portugal ? This fruit is pyriform and somewhat turbinate ; the base is round, and the eye is inserted in a deep cavity ; the skin is green previous to maturity, but becomes yellow when that pe- riod arrives ; the flesh is half-melting and of agreeable flavour, and the fruit ripens in the month of October. This variety is cultivated at the Jardin des Plantes at Paris. BEURRE D'ARDEMPONT. PR. CAT. N.Duii. Beurre d'Hardenpont. Lond. Hort. Soc. cat. Hardempont, and Hardenpont. In the last edition of Duhamel, this fruit is thus described : "This pear bears the name of M. d'Ardempont, canon of Tournay, who obtained it from seed and brought it into notice. It is one of the most beautiful fruits, and one of the best of its class. The proprietors of nurseries cannot be too anxious and prompt in obtaining and multiplying it. The fruit is of very irregular shape, it would approach considera- bly to an ovate form if the end next the stem were not more contracted than that next the eye, and if one of its sides was not enlarged and distended, whilst the other is compressed and diminished in size ; the form of the Martin-sire approaches this, but does not resemble it precisely. The skin is smooth and almost wholly of a light green hue, which changes to yel- low at the period of maturity ; the surface of the fruit is not uniform on account of its being here and there enlarged by swellings or projections, and on the side which is compressed there is also a furrow running the whole length from the eye to the stem, which is about two inches long and inserted rather laterally, in a small cavity surrounded by ridges or protube- rances. The pear from which this description was made measured four inches in height, and three in breadth at its 92 FEARS. greatest diameter ; the flesh melting, abounding exceedingly in sweet perfumed juice, with a trifling degree of acidity and of the most exquisite taste. Of ten seeds contained in it, four were abortive, the others were large and perfect and of a light brown hue. The fruit ripens in December, and from appear- ance soon becomes soft. It was transmitted to M. Michel, one of the editors of the work, by M. Vanakere of JLille." > j ' H ;j.*.i-v #vfU * / ' icyf .?..i ,;:'i o/ *i>~ ;*- t n WINTER BONCHRETIEN. PK. CAT. EVEL. MIL. FOR. COXE. Bon Chretien d'hiver. Quin. Roz. Mil. Good Christian of winter. Winter good Christian. Poire d'Angoise. The pears of this variety are usually four inches in height and three in breadth ; but there are frequently however some whose dimensions much exceed this. Duhamel himself states having met with them measuring six inches long and four in diameter. The usual form is that of a truncate pyramid they likewise often resemble a young calebash ; the head is very large and the eye is placed in a depression more or less hollowed, surrounded by protuberances which extend over a part of the surface of the fruit in such a manner as ito form angular ridges the end next to the stem diminishes greatly in size, but without terminating in a point ; on the contrary, it is nearly always obliquely truncate or obtuse, and the stem, which is in general very long, being always two and a half inches or more in length, is also inserted obliquely, with protuberances and ridges around its insertion. The skin is light green, which varies to yellow at full maturity, and in good expositions the side next the sun acquires a faint tint of red ; the flesh is breaking, rather delicate, very dry when it is not perfectly ripe and mature, but when it has fully attained that point, it becomes pretty abundant in sweet juice, which even has a small degree of odour. The seeds rarely attain to a perfect state, and in general are half abortive, and in some cases entirely so. This fruit begins to ripen in February and keeps until May, not be- TEARS. 93 mg subject to become soft. The tree when ingrafted* upon the quince produces fruit thfct is larger, higher coloured, and more delicate than the trees propagated on the pear. This variety is said to be rather slow in producing fruit, but when the tree is of sufficient size to commence bearing it yields good crops. SPANISH BONCHRETIEN. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. COXE. Bon Chretien d'Espagne. Roz. Duh. Mil. Good Christian of Spain. Autumn Bonchretien. Mansuette, or Amande Suede, of Flanders. This pear is very different in its form from the other varie- ties of the Bonchretien family, which is that of a pretty regu- lar pyramid somewhat inclined ; it is at the largest part thirty- one to thirty-two lines in diameter, and four inches less three lines in height some are even met with that are three inches in diameter, and four in height ; the section of the fruit near the stem is very much contracted, and in such a manner as to make that part appear almost acute ; the peduncle is inserted in a very small cavity, surrounded by three slight projections. The depression where the eye is situated is but a slight one ; the skin is smooth, almost entirely even and destitute of swel- lings, and on the shade side is of a light green hue, which varies to a pale yellow at maturity, but next to the sun be- comes a brilliant red, besides which the whole surface is scat- tered over with small russet points ; the flesh is firm, breaking, abounding in sweet juice which has an agreeable fragrance ; the seeds are brown and distended, and the fruit ripens in No- vember and December. The foregoing description is from the new edition of Duhamel. In the first edition the descrip- tion given of this pear differs somewhat from the one here stated, as some protuberances or swellings of the fruit are there mentioned which the writers in the present case have not ob- served on the specimens they have seen. The tree may be in- grafted either on the pear or the quince. nONTIIRETIEN D'ArCff. Pn. CAT. N. Dm. D'Auch, but not the Pear cl'Auch of Forsyth, which istlio Colmar. 7/0/1 Chrt'ticn i>anacln . This is one of the most beautiful fruits of its class ; it some- time* attains to live inches and more in height, and four inches three lines in breadth ; it is of an irregular pyramidal form, greatly resembling a calabash, and especially the kind usu- ally called a gourd ; its surface is neither even nor regu- larly rounded, but on the contrary, is covered with projections slightly raised and of considerable breadth, which form them- selves into ridtres of different shape and extent. The eye is placed in a very deep cavity, whose ediies present numerous protuberances, extending more or less over the rest of the fruit; the skin is light green, approximating to pale yellow at maturity, and wholly scattered over with small dots of deep green, some among which are of a russet hue ; the flesh is firm, granulated, breaking, and rather melting notwithstand- ing, full of sweet juice which is agreeably perfumed. The seeds are frequently abortive, and the fruit ripens in November and December. CHAl MONTEL. Pu. CAT. N. Dm. I\>K yfccy dr ChfimnontcUc. Pr. cat. ~f> ed. Ticzij dc Clinuinontcl. ltd/. (\\c. ftrz? dr Chinimnntrl. ( ). Dull. Yfrs? Chaumontcllc. Mil. Poire dr, Chaumontfllc. \. J")uh. Mil. fic.urrr d'hi/rrr. Ho/. Duh. Mil. n inter HCUTI'( . Winter butler pear. The form and the >iy.e ol this jiear are very subject to vary ; in ordinary cases it would rather incline to an ovate form if the part next to the stem \va> not narrower than that next the eye ; M is not uncommon to find the surface- slightly angular on one <-ide or the other- ItusualK measures Jrom twenty-seven lines PEARS. 95 in breadth and three inches in height, to three inches four lines in diameter and three inches seven lines in height this latter measurement is that which Duhamel gives of some pears of this kind, which were sent to him from Chaumontel itself ; but it appears that this fruit can far surpass these dimensions, for M. Vanakere of Lille, sent to M. Michel a Chaumontel pear, which was a foot in circumference, five inches in height, and four inches wanting two lines in diameter, and which weighed one pound four and a half ounces. In regard to the other points, the peduncle, which is almost invariably less than an inch in length, is often inserted somewhat laterally, sometimes even with the fruit, and at others in a shallow depression sur- rounded by small projections ; the eye is situated in a cavity varying in size, surrounded with swellings, but sometimes en- tirely even and regular ; the skin is usually yellowish, speck- led with gray and marked on the sunny side with paler or brighter red sometimes when the gray predominates over the surface there is no red visible, but that colour on the other hand is more wide-spread and of a brighter hue, when the shade side of the fruit is of a lemon colour ; the flesh is very melting and abounds with juice, which is sweet, musky, and very agreeable ; the seeds are light brown, and the fruit ripens in December and keeps until February. It takes its name from the locality where it originated about one hundred and sixty years since. It is very extensively cultivated and de- serves to be so ; it may be ingrafted on either the quince or pear. ST. GERMAIN. PR. CAT. EVEL. MIL. FOB. COXE. Saint Germain, > Quin RQZ Duh> m Inconnue la fare, ) Saint Germain blanc. Unknown La Fare. Evel. Mil. This pear is three inches and six to nine lines in height, and twenty-eight to thirty lines in its greatest diameter, which is at about a third of its height ; the stem, which seldom exceeds DC PEARS. eight or nine lines in length, is often inserted obliquely under a kind of protuberance ; the skin, which is at first greenish, acquires a faint yellow tint at maturity, and is profusely marked with russet spots and specks, which render it rather rough to the touch it also sometimes attains, though rarely, a slight tinge of red on the sunny side ; the flesh is extremely melting, with abundance of juice whose taste has a little acidity and is sweet, rich, musky, and very agreeable. It is to be regretted that this fine fruit is subject to often have small gritty or hard substances just under the skin and near the seeds, wherever the soil is dry and unfavourable. The seeds are brown and well matured, and the fruit ripens in November and December, and may be kept till three or four months after, as it is not subject to decay. It is one of the best winter pears that can be cul- tivated, and the trees when in a good rich soil and suitable situation, flourish and bear well. I have, however, observed that where the ground is not kept cultivated and where the trees have become old, the fruit is often small and knotty. I would recommend that the ground be kept rich and mellow, and that the old trees be treated in the same manner as recom- mended for the Summer Bonchretien. Much also may depend on the exposition ; for many varie- ties of pears are found to attain to great perfection in parti- cular locations, when in others they are .inferior or worthless. Be this as it may, the difficulties, imaginary or real in regard to this variety, have caused it to be far less extensively culti- vated in late years than formerly, and in some places, and par- ticularly in the vicinity of Boston, it has been almost aban- doned. On this point Fessenden makes the following remarks. " Formerly this most noble variety of the pear family succeeded as well in the country around Boston as in the town, but it has failed during nearly fifteen years. It has seemed latterly to be recovering, and it is advised to continue its culture for a few years longer." Tbis celebrated fruit derived the title of Inconnue La Fare, from its being first discovered upon the banks of a river, called La Fare, in the parish of Saint Germain, in France ; PEARS. 97 Hiid it will be perceived that it also obtained its most popular title from the circumstance of original locality. This variety can be ingrafted on either the pear or the quince. LOUISE BONNE. PR. CAT. QJJIN. Roz. Dun. MIL. FOR. Bonne Louise. I Avanchie. Good Louise. Evel. Good Louis. This greatly resembles the St. Germain in form, and is also nearly of the same size, but it is far from possessing as perfect and excellent a flavour. It differs from it besides in its skin, which is of a very light green colour, and becomes whitish at perfect maturity ; the dots with which it is covered over are not dark, and they are so very small that they do not prevent it from being smooth ; the flesh is half-melting, sometimes in- sipid, at others possessing a partial musky odour, but when the tree is planted in a cold and humid situation, the fruit often has a mouldy taste ; the seeds are brown, well matured, and pointed, and the period at which this pear ripens is in Novem- ber and December. I received a pear under this title some years since from England, which was much more of a turbi- nate form, but deeming it erroneous, I have discontinued its culture. POIRE A GOBERT. Roz. DUH. This fruit is thirty-three lines in height and thirty in diame- ter, and its form is like that of a top ; the eye is placed in a slight depression, and the stem, which is pretty large and of moderate length, is inserted even with the extremity of the fruit ; the skin is red next to the sun, and green on the shaded side which becomes yellow in ripening ; the flesh is very white, half-breaking, and musky ; the seeds are usually abortive and the cells very small. This fruit will keep until the month of June. 13 98 PEAR8. KITCHEN PEAR. AUTH. Poire de Cuisine. N. Duh. Poire de Cuisine de Varin. Calvel. This pear has quite a fine form, but is rather depressed ; the skin is of a russet hue, scattered over with gray specks ; the flesh is acid and only good when cooked ; it ripens at the end of autumn. This variety is cultivated at the Jardin des Plantes at Paris. PAYENCY. N. Dun. CALVEL. Poire de Payency. > XT TX , Poire deP/rigotd, \ N. Duh. S yn. This pear is oblong and shaped nearly like the Mouthwater or Verte-longue ; the skin is at first light green and scattered over with small grayish specks, it changes however in ripening and becomes yellow ; the flesh is half-melting and of a per- fumed flavour ; the fruit is at maturity in October. This new variety is cultivated at the Jardin des Plantes at Paris. C^SAR. AUTH. Poire de Cesar. N. Duh. This is a large fruit, being often over four inches in height, and three inches and a half or more in diameter ; the eye is inserted in a narrow and slight cavity ; the skin is smooth, pale yellow in the shade and of a deeper yellow next the sun, and sometimes very faintly washed with red the whole surface is also scattered over with very small specks ; the flesh is very white, more breaking than delicate, and of a rich and some- what musky flavour ; the fruit ripens in December, and has the demerit of becoming soft very speedily. It is extensively cultivated in the French department of Lorraine. I'EARS, APPLE-PEAR. AUTH. Poire pomme. Duh. The form of this pear is not regular it resembles an apple disproportionately rounded in its diameter, larger towards the eye than towards the stem, which is itself large, short, and in- serted in a deep cavity of not much breadth, surrounded with projections ; the eye is small, contracted, and sunk in a de- pression whose circumference is covered with protuberances ; the whole surface of the fruit is uneven, and the skin is a fine yellow colour, interspersed with very small russet specks ; the flesh approaches to delicate at full maturity, and is of pleasant flavour. This fruit, according to M. Le Berryais, will keep two years, from whose manuscripts the editors of the New Duhamel state they have described this as well as the preced- ing variety. COLMAR. PR. CAT. DUH. MIL. FOR. Colmart. Roz. Mil. syn. Coxe. Colmars. Jard. fruit. Poire de Colmar. N. Duh. Mil. Poire Marine. Roz. syn. Duh. syn. Mil. syn. Manna, and Manne. Mil. syn. and others. Belle et bonne. Bergamotte tardive, ) ,,-, Late Bergamot, { Mil. syn. and others. Winter Bergamot, of some English gardens. Pear d'Auch. For. and others. The shape of this pear is pyramidal and somewhat truncate at the base ; it is thirty-two to thirty-three lines in diameter at the largest part, and about three inches in height ; the stem, which is fifteen or sixteen lines in length, is often inserted even with the extremity of the fruit, and in other cases placed at the bottom of a pretty deep cavity, surrounded by several projec- tions ; the skin, which is at first green, acquires at the time of maturity a slightly yellowish tint all its surface is speckled 100 PEARS. with small brown dots, and the side next the sun is pretty often partially touched with red ; the flesh is melting, sweet, rich, and very agreeable ; the seeds are brown, and the fruit ripens in January, and keeps until April. It may be propagated on both pear and quince. The last synonyme I quote with certainty from my own knowledge, and it will be perceived that an error long since discovered in this country, has been handed down by English writers from the year 1767 to the present day. The Poire or Pear d'Auch has been invariably described by Forsyth and others as different from the Colmar, and that author states even in his seventh edition, published in 1824, that its shape is " fuller towards the stalk," and that " it is a more abundant bearer than the Colmar," when in fact they are not only pre- cisely the same, but the tree possesses characters strikingly dis- tinct from almost every other variety of pear. Even as early as the second autumn of its growth from the graft, the bark on the base of the stalk begins to show a de- gree of roughness which annually increases as the tree grows larger, until the whole body presents not only an extreme de- gree of roughness, but becomes covered with cracks and inci- sures of considerable width on every part of its surface, and in this striking peculiarity I know of no other variety that can be mistaken for it. This singular appearance of the bark, which is somewhat like that of trees of the Green Newtown pippin when ingrafted low, is by some persons supposed to arise from an unthriftiness of the tree, when in fact it origi- nates from no such cause. Fessenden in speaking of the culture of this pear in the vi- cinity of Boston, states that the same remarks made by him in regard to the Crasanne, and the Virgouleuse, apply also to this, viz. that it is only suited to the city, or where the culti- vators in the country make an artificial shelter for their trees, either by walls, buildings, or terraces. PEARS. PASSE COLMAR. PR. CAT. VAN MONS. N. Dun. POM. MAG. LOND. HORT. TRANS. anisel ' 101 van M ns - L nd - Hort - s c - cau Passe colmar gris, dit Precel. Lond. Hort. Trans. Beurrt colmar gris, dite Freed, \ T , , Chapman's, \ Lond. U Colmar reul, \ Prwte Colmar, (. of vari . ous Euro P ean and American Passe colmar vineux, ( catalogues. Beurre d'Argenson? ) Napoleon, of some American gardens. This fine Flemish variety has been more extensively culti- vated in our country than any other from the same quarter,, grafts having been sent some years since from the London Horticultural Society, and several trees having been received by the author about the same time from the vicinity of their place of origin. The following description is extracted from the Pomological Magazine. " From its ripening late, bearing most abundantly, and pos- sessing a peculiarly rich and agreeable flavour, this pear has become a universal favourite, and deservedly. It was raised in Flanders by a Mr. Hardenpont (? d'Ardempont, Auth.) to whom, in conjunction with Dr. Van Mons and some others of his countrymen, we are indebted for several very excellent va- rieties of the pear. This is a most abundant bearer, either as a standard or upon a wall ; the trees make fine clean wood, and have not been observed to have the least canker ; the fruit has the flavour and form of the Colmar, whence its name. " Wood fine clear yellow brown, sprinkled with a few pale brown spots ; leaves small, oval, tapering to both ends, erect or spreading, nearly flat, not waved, with a finely toothed mar- gin ; stalks rather slender, about an inch in length ; stipules linear, sometimes rather more than half the length of the pe- 102 , PEARS. tioles ; the leaves on the fruit spurs are narrower, with mucfr longer stalks than those on the young wood ; flowers middle- sized, with pointed petals ; fruit middle-sized, obconical, flat- tened next the eye, which is open ; stalk about an inch long, moderately thick, slightly sunk at its insertion ; skin green, when ripe becoming yellowish, sprinkled with russet, and if well exposed having a considerable tinge of red ; the surface is somewhat uneven, with some slight longitudinal furrows, run- ning downwards from the stalk end ; flesh yellowish, melting, buttery, juicy, very rich, and most excellent. It is said on the continent to be in season from December to February ; it will keep till the latter period with us (in England), but December and January are the months in which it is in its greatest per- fection." I will now extract the description of the same fruit from the New Duhamel, which was published in 1825, when the charac- ter of this fruit was not so well known. " This pear has quite a regular pyramidal shape, sometimes however it is more inclined to a turbinate form ; it is thirty to thirty-two lines in height, and twenty-four to twenty-six in breadth ; the stem, which is fifteen to eighteen lines in length, is somewhat enlarged at its junction with the fruit ; the eye is even with the extremity of the fruit, without any depression or any remarkable projection ; the skin which is at first greenish, becomes of a light yellow at perfect maturity, and it is often marked in different places by large russet spots ; the flesh is rather firm, pleasant and sweet ; the seeds are brown, and the fruit ripens in January and February." In regard to the synonymes, the seven first named are given in the Pomological Magazine, to which I have added the resi- due from my own opinion in regard to them ; and I scarcely deem any of those annexed by me to be dubious, although I have annexed to one of them an expression of doubt. The synonyme " Chapman's," extracted from the Pomolo- gical Magazine, is said in that work to have derived its origin from the circumstance of some grafts of this kind falling into the hands of a market gardener of that name, at an early pe- I'EARS. 103 riod of its introduction to Britain, by whom it was extensively sold under his own name. But there are two other pears which bear the name of Chapman, one of which is cultivated in France and is enumerated in several of the catalogues of that country ; the other is a variety so called about Phila- delphia, which I have in my collection. It is necessary there- fore to be watchful, or we may be led into error in adopting this synonyme. TARQUIN. PR. CAT. Dim. This pear is oblong, its form very much approaching that of the Epargne, or Jargonelle of the English, but it is slightly flattened at the base, and rather more pointed next the stem, which is of moderate length, and enlarged near its junction with the fruit, where it presents a fleshy appearance. The skin is delicate and at full maturity becomes greenish yellow, marbled over with fawn colour ; a shallow groove extends from one end of the fruit to the other ; the flesh is breaking without being dry, rather delicate, and has a slight acidity in its fla- vour somewhat resembling that of the Easter Bergamot, or Bergamotte de Pasques. This pear does not ripen until in April and May. POIRE DE JARDIN. PR. CAT. DUH. COXE. Poirier de Jardin. Roz. | Garden pear. This fruit is flattened at the head, and its form is nearly glo- bular like the Orange pears ; it is two and a half inches in diameter, and two inches three lines in height ; the eye is in- serted in a cavity which is usually of regular form and rather deep, and the stem, which is whitish green, large at its extre- mity and eight or nine lines in length, is situated in a small cavity that is contracted and shallow ; the skin is somewhat pimpled, and on the side exposed to the sun is a beautiful dark 104 PEARS. red, scattered over with golden yellow dots, whereas the shade side is speckled and striped with light red upon a yellow ground ; the flesh is half-melting, somewhat coarse and some- what gritty around the seeds, of a sweet flavour and excellent taste ; the seeds are long, dark brown, and lodged in broad cells around a hollow centre. This is a valuable fruit and ripens in December. FRANC-REAL. PR. CAT. Roz. DTJH. MIL. FOB. Frank Royal ? Quin. Evel. I Fine gold of winter. Pr. cat. Fin or d'hiver. Mil. syn. Golden end of winter. Mil. For. Gros micet. Nothing can show in a stronger light the complete system of copying from each other pursued by most of the English horticultural writers for a long period, than the circumstance that even original errors and mistranslations have been handed down for ages. The last synonyme above given is one of this description and is a mistranslation of the second synonyme, which by reference to Miller and other English works, will be found to have been copied from one to another from a very remote period down to the improved edition of Forsyth, pub- lished in 1824, where it is again repeated. I now proceed to describe this pear, the description of which in Forsyth is not correct. The form of this fruit is somewhat turbinate, being two inches ten lines in diameter and the same in height ; sometimes it is much larger and almost pyriform, having rather more height than breadth the largest part of the fruit is about the middle ; the skin is greenish, scattered over with dots and small spots of russet, and becoming yellowish at perfect maturity ; the flesh is firm and excellent for cooking and preserves ; the seeds are large, flat, and dark brown, and the fruit ripens in October and will keep till in December ; the tree is of vigorous growth and productive in its crops, and may be ingrafted on both the pear and quince. TEAKS. 105 BEQUESNE. PH. CAT. Roz. DUH. COXE. Bequene. Quin. ? Evel. ? This pear is two inches six lines in height, and two inches four lines in diameter ; it is often somewhat protuberant at one side and arched on the other its greatest diameter is about midway of its height, and it diminishes in size towards the two extremities, especially next to the stem ; the skin is slightly tinged with red next the sun, and in a great measure covered, especially on that side with dots and spots of a grayish or rus- se* hue ; the shade side acquires a lemon colour when the fruit is ripening. The flesh is firm, but it becomes soft and acquires a beautiful colour when cooked, and is excellent for that pur- pose and for preserves. It begins to ripen in October, and keeps until in February. The tree is strong and vigorous, and suc- ceeds better when grafted on the pear than on the quince. De la Quintinye mentions a pear called Bequene at that day, but I scarcely suppose it can be synonymous with the one described. WINTER THORN. PR. OAT. MIL. Epine d'hiver. Roz. Duh. Mil. For. Coxe. This fruit is twenty-six lines in diameter and thirty in height, the end next the stalk diminishes by degrees and terminates in a very obtuse point ; the stem is pretty large, ten to fourteen lines in length, and somewhat fleshy at its junction it is sometimes inserted even with the extremity of the fruit, and in other cases between several furrows and small projections, which form a kind of cavity at the place of its insertion. Frequently there is a shallow groove quite conspicuous, which extends from the stem to the eye, the latter of which is situated nearly even with the extremity of the fruit ; the skin is uniform and very smooth, of a whitish green hue, but becomes very yellow at maturity ; the flesh is melting, of a musky flavour, and very agreeable taste ; the seeds are oblong, well perfected, and of 14 106 PEARS, a light brown colour, and the fruit commences ripening in November, and keeps sometimes to the end of January ; the tree requires a good exposure in soils that are dry it should be grafted on the pear, and in humid soils on the quince. WONDER OF WINTER. PR. CAT, MIL. SYN. COXE. Merveille d'hiver. Roz. Duh. Mil. syn. Coxe. Petit oin. Roz. Duh. ayn. Mil. syn. Bouvar. Mil. Little lard, ) .. Amadont, \ MlL ^ Rousset, or Rousseite d'Anjvu. Mil. erroneously. This pear is usually round, being twenty-six lines in diame- ter and twenty-eight in height ; the part about the head is quite round, and the eye, which is large, is situated even with the fruit ; the stem is slender, short, and a little curved, and is inserted within a small cavity sometimes it is rather long and its junction even with the extremity of the fruit ; the skin- is somewhat rough, greenish, and often scattered over with small protuberances, and changes to a yellowish hue at matu- rity ; the flesh is melting, of a sweet flavour, musky, and very agreeable to the taste. This fruit ripens in November, and the tree is handsome when ingrafted on the pear, but does not do well on the quince. It is very productive, but in order to have excellent fruit, it should be planted in a soil which is nei- ther cold nor humid, and in a good exposure. VITRIER. PR. CAT. Roz, DUH. This pear is large and oval, being two inches and a half in diameter, and two inches ten lines in height ; the eye is large and quite open, very slightly depressed, and the stem, which is moderately large and about an inch in length, is inserted even with the fruit amid some projections ; the skin is smooth, deep red speckled with brown points on the sunny side, and on the shade side of a light green hue, dotted over with a deeper shade of the same colour ; the flesh is white, but not very de- PEARS. 107 licate, and the juice is of quite an agreeable taste ; the seeds are black, and the fruit ripens in November or December. GROSSE POIRE DE VITRIER. N. DUH. ' Great pear of Vitrier. Auth. Duhamel after giving the preceding description, states that he believes the true Vitrier, which he found under that name in many gardens, is different that it is a very beautiful and very large fruit, of a turbinate form, flattened at the base, and ter- minating at the stem in a point moderately obtuse. This pear is three inches nine lines in diameter, and four inches wanting one line in height ; the skin is smooth, scattered over with nu- merous fawn specks of a bright red next the sun, and lemon colour on the shaded side ; the flesh is white, of rather agree- able taste, and partially perfumed with musk ; the fruit ripens in November and December ; the tree is very vigorous, and succeeds when ingrafted on the quince. DOUBLE FLOWERING. PH. CAT. MIL. Double-fleur. Quin. Roz. Duh. Mil. Arm(nie. Armenian, > . The Double flower, \ This tree acquires its leading title from its flowers being semi-double, they having ten to fifteen petals ; the fruit is round and flattened, its diameter being thirty lines, and its height but twenty-six lines ; the head is flat, and the eye is there placed in a broad and regular depression ; the stem is eleven lines long, and inserted within a contracted cavity ; the side of the skin which is shaded is green, but becomes yellow as the fruit ripens the opposite side is red ; the whole fruit is besides in- terspersed with some dots and small spots of a gray colour ; the flesh is breaking, and good only when cooked ; the seeds are dark brown, broad and flat, and the fruit ripens in Febru- ary, March, and April. PEARS. DOUBLE FLOWERING, WITH STRIPED FRUIT. PR. CAT. Double fleur panachte. Roz. N. Duh. This is a subvariety of the preceding, which is distinguished by the colour of its skin, which is striped with green and yel- low, marked with large red dots on the side next the sun, and speckled with points and small spots of a gray hue ; the tree may be ingrafted both on the pear and the quince. PRIESTS-PEAR. AUTH. Poire de Pretre. Roz. Duh. This pear is twenty-seven lines in height and twenty-eight in diameter, its form being nearly globular ; the eye is inserted within a broad and shallow depression, and the stem, which is about nine lines in length, is implanted in a more marked ca- vity ; the skin is ash-gray, scattered over with small light gray dots ; the flesh is white, half-breaking, with a slightly acid flavour, and rather pleasant ; it is subject to be gritty near the seeds, which are very dark brown, well matured, somewhat ob- long, and contained in broad cells ; the fruit ripens in the month of February. TONNEAU. FK. CAT. Roa. DUH. This pear is of very fine form and very large size ; it is four inches three to six lines in length, and two inches nine lines to three inches in its greatest diameter ; the stem is twelve to thirteen lines in length and inserted within a cavity surrounded by some protuberances ; the skin is at first light green, scat- tered over with numerous small specks of deeper green, and becomes yellow at the maturity of the fruit the side exposed to the sun acquires a greater or less degree of red ; the flesh is firm, with a partial acidity ; the fruit ripens in October and November, and often keeps until in February and March ; it PF.A.RS. 109 is far better when cooked or made into preserves (compotes) than raw ; the tree is vigorous, and can be grafted on either the pear or the quince. CHAPTAL. PR. CAT. N. Dun. This fruit is of pyramidal form, four inches wanting three lines in height, and twenty-three lines in diameter at the broad- est part ; the stem, which is about an inch long, is usually in- serted somewhat obliquely in a small cavity, in consequence of one side being covered with a protuberance which inclines it sideways ; the eye is situated in a depression neither deep nor wide, and regularly formed in its circumference ; the skin is of a rather dull green, varying to yellowish at perfect maturity the side exposed to the sun's rays attains a slight reddish tint ; the flesh is firm, somewhat dry, pleasant, accompanied by a little sweetness, but not high flavoured when cooked, however, it acquires a very sweet flavour; the seeds are brown, very oblong and much pointed; the most part being abortive ; the cells which contain them are arranged round the axis of the fruit which is hollow ; this pear ripens in January and Feb- ruary ; it was raised from seed some years since by M. Hervy, director of the Luxembourg nursery, who gave it the title at- tached to it, and by whom it was presented to the editors of the New Duhamel. M. Chaptal, whose name it bears, was then Minister of the Interior, and it was under his auspices that the celebrated nursery referred to was re-established, which had been previously known by the name of Chartreux. CATILLAC. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. MIL. FOR. Cadillac. Franc real, of some American gardens. This pear is a very beautiful fruit, commonly quite round at the head and diminishing more or less in size towards the stalk, which gives it a somewhat turbinate form ; it is three inches eight or nine lines in its greatest diameter, and three inches 110 PEARS. three to five lines in height ; the stem is short, being often but seven or eight lines in length, and is inserted within a slight depression whose edges are rather even ; the skin is light green, more or less speckled with small red dots, and becomes pale yellow at maturity, attaining next the sun a lighter or darker red hue; the flesh is white, firm, breaking, and of an acid fla- vour, which is sometimes meliorated in particular cases where the fruit is well ripened ; ^when cooked this pear acquires a fine colour approaching to red, and is of a very pleasant sweet taste ; the seeds are oblong and small comparatively with the magnitude of the fruit, which ripens in November and De- cember, and may be preserved the whole winter ; it is only eaten when cooked and comes under the denomination of bak- ing pears, being used for that purpose and for compotes ; the tree is very vigorous, and succeeds better grafted on the pear than on the quince. RATEAU. PR. CAT. N. Dun. Gros Rateau. Pr. cat. 25 ed. This pear is as large as the Catillac, but is more of a tur- binate form, being usually three inches and a half in its greatest diameter, and a line or two less in height ; the stem is six or eight lines long at most, and inserted within a small cavity, one side of which is more elevated than the other the eye on the contrary is situated in a pretty deep cavity, whose sides are very even and regular ; the skin on the shade side is green- ish white, and of a vermilion colour on the side opposite, and is strewed all over with numerous small specks of a russet hue; the flesh is firm, breaking, rather sweet, with a partial odour and of agreeable taste when cooked it acquires a very slight rosy tint and a delicious flavour ; the seeds are almost invari- ably abortive, and the fruit ripens in December and January. This is a fine pear and merits extensive dissemination ; in a raw state it is suitable to form an ornament for the dessert dur- ing a part of the winter, and it is sufficiently agreeable to be FEARS. HI eaten with pleasure, and when cooked it forms excellent com- potes. It derives its title from the gardener who first culti- vated it. GILLOGILLE. PR. CAT. N. Dun. Gilogil. Pom. Mag. Lond. Hort. Trans. Gile-6'gile. Noisette Man. Garde-ecorce. Gros gobet, > of some French gardens, but not the Poire Dagobert, $ a gobert of Duhamel. The following is the description of this fruit as given by Duhamel. The fruit is round, almost turbinate, being three inches three lines in height, and of the same measurement in its greatest diameter ; the stem is situated in a cavity with regular edges, and nearly as deep as that which receives the eye ; the skin is partially rough, yellow at maturity, and almost wholly covered with russet spots, and in some cases slightly tinged with red next to the sun ; the flesh is breaking, of a flavour slightly acid, and scarcely to be deemed agreeable, as it leaves a great portion of huskiness and astringency in the mouth. It ripens in October and November, and is more in use for cook- ing than for eating raw, and in the former case acquires the taste of an apple. De la Quintinye and Evelyn mention a pear then known by the titles of Carmelite, Mazuer, or Gilogiles, ripening in November and suitable for baking ; but they could scarcely have referred to the present variety. Miller also describes a pear under the title of Carmelite, which he states is in season in March, and quotes Tournefort as authority. This pear is also figured and described in the Pomological Magazine, and I extract the following remarks from that work. " A valuable winter pear, although not of first rate excel- lence. It is a great bearer, has a tolerably pleasant flavour, is very handsome, and keeps well till March. As a baking pear it is particularly useful, but it is difficult to stew whole on account of its becoming too soft. According to the French, 112 PEARS. this will remain in use till April and May ; we have not seen any instance of its possessing such a property in England, but it probably would if grown on an open standard, for which it is well adapted. It should however be observed, that the pe- riod of ripening in pears depends very much upon the time at which their blossoms open ; fruit produced by late blossoms will invariably keep later than such as comes from early blos- soms ; hence it happens not unfrequently, that chambered fruit will vary as much as a month or six weeks in the time of its being fit for the table. " Wood very vigorous, bright brown, with numerous small russet spots ; leaves thick, flat, recurved, regularly serrated ; flowers middle-sized, roundish oval ; fruit large, roundish, flattened at the top and not tapering into the stalk ; eye large and deep ; stalk short, deeply inserted ; skin a deep close rus- set, a little tinged with red next the sun ; flesh white, juicy, breaking, a little gritty, sweet, and pleasant." BEAUTY OF WINTER. AUTH. BeUissime d'hiver. Roz. Duh. | Teton de Venus. De Bur. This pear is of round form next the head, and as it becomes somewhat contracted towards the opposite end, it thence de- rives a turbinate shape ; it measures thirty-six to thirty-eight lines in height, and thirty-four to thirty-six in diameter ; the stem and the eye are almost even with the extremities of the fruit; the skin in the shade is light green, changing to pale yellow at maturity, and the part exposed to the sun becomes of a crimson hue the whole surface is besides profusely strewed with small grayish specks ; the flesh is firm, rather dry, bland, and somewhat agreeable ; the seeds are large and of a light brown hue, and the fruit ripens in November and December, and keeps till in May. It is far better cooked than raw, and pretty good compotes may be made with it. PEARS. 113 SAINT.PERE. Dmr. Saint-Pair. Roz. syn. Duh. syn. Holy Father. The form of this fruit is pyriform, or we may rather say pyramidal ; it is three inches in height and thirty-three lines in diameter ; the eye is situated within a slight depression, and the stem, which ' is six to twelve lines in length, is inserted within a very small cavity ; the skin, which is green before maturity, becomes yellowish when that period arrives, and the side next the sun acquires a tint of dull red ; the flesh is dry and rather firm, but tender notwithstanding when fully ripe, and of a bland flavour ; when cooked it makes excellent com- potes 5 the seeds are brown and oblong, covered at the point and a little above with a small membrane ; the fruit ripens in March, and may be kept till in June. I have transcribed the foregoing description from the New Duhamel. In the ori- ginal edition of that work this pear is not stated to be as large as the dimensions here given it, being there recorded as mea- suring twenty-six lines in diameter and twenty-eight in height. PASTORALE. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. MIL. FOB. Musette d'automne. Quin. ? Roz- syn. Duh. syn. Mil. syn. Pastourette. Quin. ? Evel. ? Bagpipe of Autumn. Evel. ? Petit Rateau. This fruit is two inches six to eight lines in diameter, and three inches four to eight lines in height ; it is of a pretty re- gular pyramidal form, diminishing a little in size at the head, where the eye is placed nearly even with the fruit, the part next the stem is elongated and its srze lessens pretty regularly it is not pointed, but rounded at the extremity, where the stem, which is twelve to fourteen lines in length, is inserted even with the surface of the fruit, and sometimes upon a kind of 15 Ill spiral protuberance ; the skin i^ liLilit ureeii. interspersed with red spots, and becomes yellow at maturity, \\hen the sunny side also acquires a red tint; the lU-sh is somewhat firm, mode- rately meltinir, and of a musky and agreeable flavour; the seeds are broad, short, and very often abortive, and the fruit ripens in November and December ; the tree succeeds better on the pear than on the quince. De la Quintinye and Evelyn mention a pear then cultivated, which bore the title of Pastourelle, Musette, d'automne, or Bagpipe of autumn, from which circumstance it would appear that this fruit was known to the gardens of that day. ST. AUGUSTIN. IV. < AT. Evr.L. Xaint Augustiii. Quin. Ro/. Uuh. St. Austin. Mil. For. Poire dc Pise. This pear is thirty lines in height and tuenty-two in diame- ter ; it is swollen about the middle and diminishes in si/e to- wards the head, where the eye is placed even with the fruit- its size is still smaller at the other extremity, which terminates in an obtuse point, and in which the stem of an inch in length is inserted among some protuberances without any appa- rent depression ; the skin, which is at first green, becomes a light yellow at the time of ripeninu, the side exposed to the sun's rays is faintly tinged with red, and the whole surface is more or less scattered o\er \\ith brown specks; the flesh is hard and of a mu>ky llavour ; the seeds are black, oblong, and quite perfect, and the fruit ripens in December and Janu- ary ; the tree may be ingrafted either upon the pear or the quince. C11AMP-R1CI1E JJJTAUi;. PH. CAT. R../.. Jhn. RicliL fV Italic. \ Italian rich ////. Atitli. This fruit is three mche> and a half in height and two inches seven lines in diameter at the \\\n-\ -\\ ollen point, which is about PEARS. 1 15 midway of its length ; the eye is pretty large, placed in a broad and slightly hollowed depression ; the part next the stalk diminishes considerably in size, and terminates in an almost acute point at the place where the stem is inserted ; the skin is light green, interspersed with specks and small spots of a grayish hue ; the flesh is white, half-breaking, not gritty, and is very good cooked and in compotes ; there are usually in this fruit but four seminal cells, each of which contains two oblong seeds that are slender, curved towards the point, and of a light brown colour ; this pear ripens in December and Ja- nuary ; the tree is vigorous, and may be grafted on the pear and the quince. LANSAC. PR. CAT. Roz. DUH. MIL. FOR. sZ**' \ Roz - syn< Duh * syn * MiK syn< Satin vert ? Quin. Green satin ? Evel. This fruit is almost globular, its diameter being nearly equal to its height, the former measures twenty-three lines and the latter twenty-four ; the eye is situated in a slight depres- sion, and frequently nearly even with the fruit ; the stem is large, seven to ten lines in length, fleshy at its junction, and sometimes inserted even with the extremity, and at others in a small cavity ; the skin is smooth and yellow ; the flesh melting, and of a sweet, rich, and agreeable flavour ; the seeds are or- dinarily abortive ; the fruit begins ripening at the end of Oc- tober and keeps sometimes till in January : the tree may be grafted upon the pear and the quince. TROUVE. Roz. DUH. The form of this pear is very regular ; it is twenty-nine lines in height, and twenty-seven in diameter ; the eye is large, very open, and placed nearly even with the fruit; the stem, which is fifteen to eighteen lines in length, large at its extre- 110 PEAK*. inity and somewhat lleshy at its origin, i> inserted rather ob- liquely at the point of and even with the fruit; the skin is lemon colour where shaded, and sometimes faintly linked with light red on the side exposed to the sun it is a bright and pretty deep red, the whole surface is also interspersed with very small specks, which are red upon the yellow ground and light gray upon the red; the ilesh is white inclining to yellow, breaking, not gritty, and of a sweet and agreeable flavour , the seeds are short, quite perfect, not much pointed, and oi a brown hue, and the fruit ripens in January and can be pre- served until in April ; it is good when cooked, but at its per- fect maturity it answers very well to be eaten raw. IMPERIAL. Pu. CAT. Imperial oak leaved. Pr. cat. 25 eel. Imperials dfeuiUe de Clune. Roz. O. Dull. Coxe. Imperiale. N. Dull. Die. d'Agric. Oak leaved. This pear is two inches nine lines in height, and two inches three lines in diameter ; it is rounded at the head, and the eye. which is small, is there placed almost even with the fruit ; the part next the stalk diminishes almost uniformly in size, and its extremity is obtuse ; the stem is ten lines long, pretty large especially at its origin, and inserted in the centre of a flattened space; the skin, which i< at first green and very even, becomes wrinkled when it approaches maturity and by degrees attains a yellow colour; the Ilesh is meltinu and of a sweet llavour ; the seeds are large, brown, quite perfect, and terminate in a long point ; this fruit has commonly but four cells ; it ripens in April and Ma\, and although it is not deemed excellent, it has some merit at that sea.-on : the tree is \iuoroii-. ;uid may be ingrafted on the pear ;md the qinnee ; the I' ;i\;'.> are very lar^e, denticulated uiUiom much regnlani\ ,,,111 plaited and undulated on then- border.-* in MIUI ,i m.unn i Uiat lhe\ appeal &o if cut, and re-rmble a -mall ira! ( )i in/./.led cabbaiie, raliiei than an oak N-al PEARS. 117 FRENCH POUND PEAR. PH. CAT. Poire de livre. Duh. Mil. Pound pear, Gros Rateau gris, Great rake pear, I Mil. syn. Poire a amour, ' Black pear of Worcester, Parkinson's warden, This fruit from the similarity of title has been in many cases supposed to be synonymous with our common Pound pear, but it is widely different, as a comparison of the descriptions will in- dicate. This receives its name from the circumstance that it is not rare to find specimens of the fruit weighing a pound. Its form, although approaching considerably that of the Catillac, is nevertheless different from it, being more decidedly turbi- nate ; and also because it is only rounded at one end, the other being sensibly depressed. Its height is three inches five to six lines, and its greatest diameter three inches eight lines those of small size are four to six lines less ; the stem, which is four- teen to fifteen lines in length, is inserted in a small cavity, one of the sides of which is more elevated than the other ; the skin is greenish, and becomes yellow at maturity, but it is often so abundantly covered with grayish spots and russet specks that the ground colour is only partially apparent ; the flesh is firm, with a little acidity, but its flavour is not disagree- able. In cooking it acquires a faint rosy tint and a sweet taste, which greatly improves it ; but it is very seldom eaten raw. The seeds are brown and oblong, and the fruit ripens in December and the two fojlowing months. The two last synonymes adopted by Miller I think want confirmation. TREASURE. PR. CAT. Poire tf amour. Quin.? N. Duh. I Trcsor, \ n n , Tresor (V amour. Roz. | Amour, \ U> Love pear. Evel. ? This is one of the largest fruits of its class ; it is four inches nine lines in height and much bulged about the middle, where 118 PEARS. it is usually four inches in diameter, and its two extremities are contracted nearly in the same proportion ; the skin is a little rough to the touch, and at first of a greenish hue, some- times it is marked with fawn spots that become proportionably apparent as the fruit approaches maturity, at which period the green becomes changed to yellow ; the flesh is tender, break- ing, half-melting when fully ripe, and of a sweet and bland flavour ; the seeds, which are contained in narrow cells, are most generally small and abortive ; the pear, which is good raw and still better when cooked, begins to ripen in December, and keeps until in February and March. FORTY OUNCES. PR. CAT. Quarante onces. N. Dim. Lond. Hort. cat. This fruit seems to have been so little known about Paris at the time of the publication of the last edition of Duhamel, in 1825, that the editors of that work acknowledge their indebt- edness to a gentleman of Provence, one of the most southern districts of France, for the pears which enabled them to make their description, and which they say had not yet attained their full development from which -circumstance we may con- fidently infer, that they could not fully judge what are the en- tire merits of the variety at its complete maturity. The fol- lowing description is copied from the work referred to. " Of all the varieties this would be, without doubt, the larg- est, if in the comparison we excepted the Treasure pear, or Poire d' amour just described, rand the title which it bears is particularly indicative of its magnitude ; it appears necessary however to notice, that it is according to the customary pounds of Provence that this fruit has been found to weigh forty ounces, and even more. The one that we shall proceed to describe, and which had not attained its full growth, weighed twenty-seven and a half ounces according to the customary weight at Paris. Its general form was turbinate, being four inches and a half in diameter, and four inches in height ; its surface PEARS. 119 was raised here and there by some slight projections of consi- derable breadth ; the eye was placed in a broad depression, with a pretty regular border, and the stem, of an inch in length, was placed in a cavity, one side of which was even, whilst the other presented two large protuberances ; the skin was almost wholly a lemon colour, with a faint reddish tint on the side next the sun, and the whole surface was likewise inter- spersed with numerous russet specks ; the flesh was white, firm, breaking, granulated, of an agreeable odour, with an acid flavour which scarcely, allowed of its being eaten raw when cooked, however, it acquires a red colour, and a sweet and very pleasant flavour ; the seeds are dark brown, and nearly always abortive. This elegant fruit is cultivated in Provence, where it ripens in October and November, and will doubtless keep well -and become meliorated in its quality dur- ing the winter months. The proprietors of the Parisian nur- series are advised to cultivate it on account of its size, which renders it a suitable ornament for the dessert, and on account of its excellence when cooked. A single pear is large enough to make a compote." BELLE AUDIBERT. PR. CAT. N. DUH. LOND. HORT. CAT. This pear was also sent from Provence to the editors of the New Duhamel, as a variety of the Forty ounces, or Quarante- onces just described ; but it appeared of too distinct a charac- ter, in its general form, not to be distinguished, and they in consequence gave it the title it bears. It varies from the Forty ounces by being less in size and pretty regularly rounded in having its surface free from nu- merous swellings and projections, and by being somewhat com- pressed in its breadth ; it is four inches wanting a line in its diameter in one direction, and only three inches three lines in the other ; its height is also but three inches one or two lines ; the skin is a very pale yellow on-the shaded side, and the part opposite is of a light orange colour, with two or three oblong touches of russet ; the flesh is firm, breaking, granulated, of 1:20 1'EAR*. .in agreeable odour, and an arid llavoin like that of the Forty ounces, and it i.- likewise \ cry uood \\hen cooked ; thi- fruit begins to ripen in the month of November. I5KLLK BKSSA. N. Dm. This pear is very beautiful, and measures four inches in height, and three inches at its greatest diameter, which is nearly at the middle of its height, as the two extremities diminish very perceptibly, especially that next the stern, which is in- serted somewhat obliquely in a pretty deep cavity, surrounded by protuberances ; the eye is likewise placed in a depression, whose border is rendered uneven by projection- in general the circumference of the fruit is not perfectly round; the skin is a very light urecn, faintly approaching yellow at full matu- rity, and interspersed by some small russet specks ; the llcsh is somewhat firm, bland, and agreeable, without being very high llavoured, and the fruit ripens in November and De- cember. ft is remarked in the New Duhamel, that this pear is of late origin, and not having been previously named by any cultiva- tor, the editors dedicated it to M. Uessa as a testimony of satis- faction for the assiduity evinced by him in the completion of the desi.iz'iis of that work. ANULETKRUK inJIYEU. 11; /.. Dm. I'ji. CAT. This pear, well known ;iround 'Paris b\ the French title above, muM, if its origin i- correctly indicated by its name, be doubtless synonymous \\nli -ome one of the English pears known to us b\ a dilierent appellation. In the. Neu Duhamel n i- described as beinu' of a \ cry re- gular pyramidal form, \\nli the head rounded and measuring three inches and -i.\ oreiulu line- in hei-hi. and thirty-one to ihirty-two line- in it- i'nate.-t diameirr , tin Mem, which is fifteen line? in lenuth. i- -hunted even with die fruit, and the PEARS. 121 eye is inserted in a broad cavity, slightly excavated ; the skin, which is at first light green, becomes of a lemon colour at full maturity, the part exposed to the sun's influence sometimes ac- quires a faint red tint, it is likewise wholly scattered over with small russet specks ; the flesh is firm, dry or without much juice, possessing a very slight acidity of flavour, scarcely musky, and in general not very agreeable, but when cooked it is far better ; the seeds are very oblong, dark brown, and often abortive ; the centre around which their cells are placed is hol- low ; the fruit does not ripen before the month of April, and keeps until in July without getting soft, but becomes much wrinkled. The pear described in the first edition of Duhamel by the same name, appears to differ from this in several quite distinct traits, and especially in the quality of its flesh ; for in that pub- lication it is stated to ripen in December, January, and Febru- ary, to be very buttery, without astringency, quite bland and agreeable, and to become mealy when the period of its per- fection is past, and soon gets soft. Touching other points to be considered, the pear first described has no other affinities with the Common English pear, or L^Angleterre-ordinaire, which ripens in September, than a slight resemblance in its form, and it may be perceived by the descriptions that in other respects these two fruits are evidently distinct from each other. SARASIN. PR. CAT. Roz. Dun. Sarrazin. This pear is oblong, with but little regularity of form, somewhat contracted next the head, where the eye is situated even with the fruit ; it is thirty lines in height, and twenty-two in diameter ; the stem is large, and six to ten lines in length ; the skin, on the shaded side, is at first green, but becomes pale yellow at maturity the side next the sun is tinged with brown- ish red, and strewed with gray dots ; the flesh is almost melt- ing, of a sweet, rich, and partially perfumed flavour ; the seeds 16 122 PEARS. are long, pointed, not well matured, and of a black hue ; this fruit is excellent to cook or to form compotes, and will keep from one year to the other* Duhamel himself states that in the month of November, when he made his description, there were still some remaining of the previous year that were in a very sound and perfect condition, and which could yet be kept a long time, and at the period named, they were very palatable. Duhamel adds, that there are few pears which so highly merit cultivation as this variety. AMBRETTE. QUIN. Roa. TOURN. DUH. MIL. FOR. Ambret, Ambrette, Winter Ambret. Evel. Trompe-valet, of some countries according to Quintinye. Cheat-servant, synonyme according to Evelyn. Ambrette d'hiver, "\ Ambrette avec epines, I Ambrette d'hiver avec epines, s of various collections. Ambrette grise, t Thorny Ambrette, j The first notice I have found of this flue pear is in the works of the celebrated De la Quintinye, published about the year 1690. He enumerates three varieties of the Ambrette, viz* The Ambrette, ripe in November, December, and January, a very good pear. The Ambrette of Bourgeuil, or Graville, ripe the thirteenth of October, an indifferent pear. The thornless Ambrette, ripe in November, an indifferent pear. It is the first of these that is the subject of the present arti- cle, and strange as it may appear, the other two are not des- cribed by either Duhamel, Rozier, Miller, or Forsyth, or noticed in the Jardin Fruitier, or Bon Jardinier. This fine fruit is said to have derived its title from its musky odour, which has a strong affinity to that of the Sweet Sultan flower, called in France Ambrette. In the description given by De la Quintinye, after first re- PEARS. marking that the Ambret or Ambrette and the L' Echasserie -bear considerable resemblance to each other, he proceeds to comment on the differences that exist between them. The Ambrette, he states, is in point of shape a little flatter, and its eye sunk in a cavity, whereas the L' Echasserie has its eye or crown quite jetting out ; their size is similar, and they resem- ble each other likewise in colour, though the former is com- monly of a deeper and ruddier hue, and the latter lighter and yellower, more especially when it becomes fully ripe. They are also nearly alike in their stems, and ripen at the same pe- riod. They greatly assimilate in the delicious qualities of the fruit when at maturity, in which respect however the L' Es- chasserie partially surpasses the other. The flesh of the Am- brette is sometimes rather more of a greenish hue, its seeds blacker and in large cells, and its skin is usually a little more rough to the touch. The L' Echasserie is occasionally knobbed or warty, but it is the wood which presents the most striking distinction, that of the Ambrette being extremely thorny and prickly, precisely like the wild trees seen in the hedges, which is not the case with the other ; for although it shoots out some points, they are not however sufficiently sharp to prick the fingers as those of the Ambrette will do. M. De la Quintinye further re- marks, that the L' Echasserie had not made its appearance above twenty years, but that the Ambrette was already of an- cient standing. I will now proceed to give the description of it according to Duhamel and Rozier. The shoots of the Ambrette tree are short, straight, and perfectly round, of a light grayish green hue where shaded, and a gridelin colour next the sun ; the buds are large, round- ed, very acute, turned off from the branch, the base that sup- ports them projecting but slightly ; the leaves are of medium size, not indented, but furrowed or wrinkled ; the flower con- sists of oval petals, hollowed in the manner of a spoon, and the summits of the stamens are light purple mingled with white j the fruit is two inches in diameter, and twenty-five lines 124 PEARS. in height ; its form is rounded, and inclining to oval, dimi- nishing a little towards the stem, which is large, nine lines in length, and inserted in a very small cavity, whose circumfer- ence is swollen by some small protuberances ; the head is very round, and the eye is placed in a slight depression surrounded by some small projections ; the skin is whitish, and sometimes grayish, according to the soils ; the flesh is greenish white, Aielting, and of a sweet, rich, and very pleasant flavour ; the seeds are black and contained in broad cells, and the fruit be- gins to ripen in November, but keeps well till in February ; the branches are thorny, and the tree may be propagated on the pear, but better on the quince. It delights in a dry warm soil, with a good exposition, and succeeds better as a standard than as a dwarf; in wet and cold soils the fruit is far inferior to that produced in more favourable situations. ECHASSERY. PR. CAT. MIL. N. Dun. L'echasserie. Coxe. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Ambrette. Coxe. Fes. Amer. Gard. and many Amer. gardens. Bezy de Chassery. Duh. syn. Mil. syn. Eschassery. For. %SS&&* I Quin - Evel - Mil - Besidery, Sandry. Quin. Evel. Echasserie, or Bezi de Chasseri. Roz. Winter green long. Evel. Winter long green. Mil. syn. Wilding of Echassery. Yat or Yut pear. \ *** Tilton, of New-Jersey. The shoots of this tree are very slender, bending at every joint, very much speckled (tiqueU), gray on one side, and of a greenish gray on the other ; the buds moderately large, longish, pointed, turned off from the branch, and have a small and very slightly projecting base ; the leaves are long, narrow, somewhat wrinkled or furrowed, indented very partially, but PEARS. coarsely ; the flower is formed of oblong petals, each some- what hollowed or spoon-shaped, and terminating in a plicate or plaited point; the fruit is round, approaching to oval, and diminishes in size towards the stalk, considerably resembling the Ambrette ; it is generally ,two inches in diameter, and twenty-nine lines in height, but sometimes it measures no more in one direction than in the other ; the stem is large, eight to fifteen lines long, inserted in a small cavity, which is commonly surrounded with some small protuberances ; the part next the head is perfectly round, and the eye is there placed even with the fruit ; the skin is a whitish green, but becomes of a yel- lowish hue at maturity ; the flesh is melting, of a sweet, musky, and very agreeable flavour ; the seeds are brown, and the fruit ripens in November, December, and January ; the tree may be ingrafted upon either the pear or the quince ; it is produc- tive and soon begins to bear fruit. I have examined the subject very minutely, and have ascer- tained decidedly that this is the Ambrette pear of Coxe's work, a fruit of great excellence and held in the highest estimation. The only difference he speaks of is in regard to the indenture of the leaf, and on this point I find he fell into an error in his description, for all the trees that I have seen or heard of, that have been obtained from New- Jersey as the Ambrette or Tilton pear, have indented leaves, and this fact, with the circumstance of their being devoid of sharp thorns, settles the question of identity satisfactorily. BESI DE CAISSOY. PK. CAT. N. Dun. Bezy de Caissoy. Roz. O. Duh. Mil. For. Coxe. Besi de Caissoy. Quin. Evel. Mil. Bezy de Quessoy. Jard. fruit. Rousset d'Anjou. Quin. Evel. Roussette d'Anjou. Roz. syn. Duh, syn. Mil. syn. Rouselet d'Anjou. Wilding of Cassoy, i Petite beurrt d'hiver, > Mil. syn. and others. Small winter butter pear, y This pear is round and partially flattened at the head, being PEARS; only seventeen lines in height, by nineteen in diameter ; the eye is small and very slightly sunk ; the stem is straight, six lines in length, and inserted in a cavity which is deep and broad in proportion to the size of the fruit ; the skin is green, changing to yellow at full maturity, but it is so much covered with brown spots that one distinguishes but little of the ground colour ; the flesh is melting, sweet, and perfumed ; the seeds are black, small, and frequently abortive, and the fruit ripens in November. The tree cannot be propagated successfully on the quince, and even upon the pear stock it is quite delicate and not very vigorous in light soils ; it requires to be planted in a fresh and rather strong soil. When the earth is of a character that suits it in all respects, it yields abundance of' fruit, which is produced in clusters. This variety takes its name of Besi de Caissoy or Wilding of Caissoy, from a forest of Brittany, where it was discovered, and where it passes under the title of Roussette d'Anjou. DUTCHESS OF ANGOULEME. POM. MAG. PR. CAT. Dutchesse d'Angouleme, of most publications. This fine fruit, introduced some years since to our country from Holland, France, and England, is recorded to have been discovered growing in a wild state in a hedge near Antwerp. Its form and appearance are very much that of a Bonchretien. The Pomological Magazine gives the following details in re- gard to it. " This is the very finest of the late autumn pears, and ripens at the end of November. It is remarkable, not only for its excellence, but also for its irregular knobby surface, covered with broad patches of brown, by which it is readily known. It arrives at a weight quite unusual in pears that are fit for the dessert specimens from the island of Jersey having been seen weighing twenty-two ounces; and in 1827, a fruit ripened in the garden of the London Horticultural Society weighing TEAKS. 127 nineteen ounces. The form of the fruit is roundish-oblong, tapering towards the stalk, with an extremely uneven surface, usually measuring about three and a half inches each way, but sometimes much larger ; stalk and eye deeply sunk ; skin dull yellow, copiously and irregularly spotted with broad russet patches; flesh rich, melting, very juicy, and high-flavoured, with a most agreeable perfume ; wood yellowish, covered with white spots ; leaves ovate, middle-sized ; the flowers open early, and their petals are oval or somewhat obovate." PRINCESS OF ORANGE. POM. MAG. PR. CAT. Princesse d' Orange, of most publications. The Pomological Magazine gives the following description of this variety. "It was raised in 1802 by the Compte de Coloma ; it is in perfection in October, and from the great beauty, as well as good quality of its fruit, is strongly recommended to notice as a valuable autumn pear. From its not opening its blos- soms early, it is less exposed to spring frosts than many kinds. " The wood is reddish brown, with small round white spots; leaves ovate, rather sharply serrated ; stipules nearly as long as the petioles ; flowers white, rather below the middle size ; fruit roundish turbinate, about the size of a White Beurre ; stalk rather short, seated in a shallow cavity ; skin a bright reddish orange russet ; flesh yellowish white, sugary, and rich ; it is in some seasons perfectly melting, but occasionally is a little gritty." CAPIAUMONT. POM. MAG. PK. CAT. Beurrt de Capiaumont. Casswmont. Fes. Amer. Gardener. Of this fruit I have trees at my establishment from four or five different sources ; there appears to be among them two 128 PEARS. distinct varieties. The London Horticultural Society also received three erroneous varieties under this name. The ge- nuine one is that which is described in the Pomological Maga- zine as follows. " One of the best of the varieties raised in Flanders and stated to owe its origin to M. Capiaumont of Mons. A most delicious fruit, ripening in the middle of October, and keeping for a fortnight or more. It is of middle size, turbinate, regu- larly tapering into the stalk ; eye not at all sunken, but level with the surface of the extremity ; skin a fine clear cinnamon, fading into yellow in the shade, and acquiring a rich bright red in the sun ; flesh yellowish, melting, buttery, very rich and high flavoured; wood clear reddish brown, sprinkled with white spots ; leaves oblong, narrow, much folded, and recurv- ed, with very fine serratures ; stipules linear, and about the length of the petiole." BELLE ET BONNE. POM. MAG. Schone und Gule. Taschenbuch. This is described to be a harvest pear, ripe in September, magnificent, large, round, very good and productive, and the Pomological Magazine remarks that it answers this description perfectly, with the addition, that much as the autumn pears have been improved, this ranks among the very best of them. It is deemed a delicious Bergamot variety, possessing the very best qualities. It has in some cases been erroneously culti- vated in Europe, and possibly in this country, under the names of Charles d'Autriche, Bergamotte Crasane, and Belle de Bruxelles, by which latter title it is often called in England. The wood is very vigorous, short jointed, dark olive co- lour, with numerous dark brown spots ; leaves deep green, nearly entire, oval-lanceolate ; stipules subulate, about half the length of the petiole ; flowers middle-sized, petals obovate; fruit very large, globular, depressed, with a large deeply sunken eye ; stalk long, deeply inserted ; skin yellowish on the PJ2AUS. 129 sunny side, with numerous small russet brown spots ; flesh white, sweet, perfumed, exceedingly rich and agreeable. CHIO. MIL. FOR. Little Bastard Musk. Mil. For. This pear Miller describes as being much like the Little Musk, but smaller, and the fruit not often hanging in clusters ; the skin, when the fruit is ripe, has a few streaks of red next the sun. I think this a very dubious variety. Forsyth only co- pies Miller. ASHTON TOWN. HOOK. POM. LOND. PR. CAT. This pear has some similarity to the Swan's-egg, but tapers more towards the stalk $ and is somewhat flattened at the other end ; the colour is greenish yellow, spotted with russet, and it has a few large spots of dark brown when fully ripe ; the flesh is melting, perfumed, and high flavoured, but sometimes a little gritty ; it ripens in November, but will not keep long. FLOWERED AUTUMN MUSCAT. KNOOP POM. FOR. Muscat a long queue d'automne, ) ., Long stalked muscat of the autumn, Muscat Jteuri. Mil. erroneously. This is described by European authors as an excellent pear, of a medium size, round, and of a dark red colour ; the flesh very tender, and of a delicate flavour ; . it ripens in October. Miller confuses this with the true Muscat-fleuri of the French, which ripens in August, and I should not wonder if this des- cription refers to the Muscat-Royal. 17 130 PEARS. UVEDALE'S ST. GERMAIN. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. Union. Mil. For. This is a very large long pear, of a deep green colour, sometimes becoming red next the sun as it approaches matu- rity. It is not suitable for eating, but is a good baking pear, and the tree being a great bearer, the fruit very large, and in season for use from December to April, it merits to be in every collection. FORELLE. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. Forellen-birne. Diel, Pomol. Christ. Poire Truite, of the French. Trout pear. Dr. Diel makes the following remarks in regard to this pear. " Long as I have collected fruits and searched the gardens in the neighbourhood of the Rhine for French varieties, I have found none like the Forellen-birne. We may therefore proudly call this a national fruit, which most probably originated in Northern Saxony. It is a real addition to our stock of au- tumn pears, and may compete with the best French dessert kinds, ripening at the same period, and far surpassing them in the length of its keeping in perfection, and in its beauty." The Pomological Magazine in referring to these remarks says, that this variety merits the eulogium in all respects, it being a most beautiful fruit, and its quality equal to its ap- pearance. It has obtained its titles of Forelle, Truite, or Trout pear from a fancied resemblance between the specks and colour of its skin and those of the fish so called. In England its period of ripening is stated to be from No- vember to January ; it never shrivels, but remains quite melt- ing and firm, until its period of decay arrives ; the tree is very vigorous, and grows upright ; the leaves are small, nearly flat, with the apex a little recurved, and slightly woolly above ; PEAKS. 131 those on the fruit spurs are larger than the others ; fruit rather below the middle size, not very constant in form, but usually obovate, and more or less elongated ; eye rather shallow ; skin when fresh gathered, green on one side and red on the other, changing to a deep rich sanguine hue, speckled with grayish ocellate, broad spots next the sun, and a clear lemon on the other side ; flesh white, juicy, buttery, with a rich aromatic, subacid, vinous flavour. MARIE LOUISE. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. This variety was reared from seed by Dr. Van Mons, of Brussels, and having been introduced some years since to this country, has now become very considerably disseminated. The Pomological Magazine remarks, that in England the high opinion that was entertained on its first reception in re- gard to its good qualities, has been amply confirmed by expe- rience, and that it has been found one of the most valuable autumn pears, resisting the inclemencies of a severe climate, and appearing capable of affording a certain crop under what- ever circumstances it may be placed. In flavour and beauty it has scarcely a superior, and in unfavourable seasons and situations, when other pears failed to acquire their accustomed flavour, this has been found to attain it fully as well as its usual size and colour. The Magazine referred to further remarks, that there can be scarcely any doubt but that the pear mentioned in London's Magazine, vol. iii. p. 353, under the name of the Forme de Marie Louise is the same as this ; the appearance of the fruit from standards and walls being so different, as to justify any person unacquainted with the habits of the variety, in con- sidering them distinct. It ought to be in every collection, however limited or select ; it ripens in the middle of October, and keeps till the end of November ; the shoots are moderately strong, rather dark co- loured, with dull brown spots ; the leaves which are about the middle of the young shoots, are ovate, somewhat acuminate. 132 PEAKS. the margin being sharply pointed but not with deep serratures ; the petioles of these are about an inch in length ; the leaves near the base of the shoots, and particularly at the spurs, have very long slender petioles, so that they have a very straggling appearance, twisting and facing to various directions ; the leaves are there flat, elliptical, with the margin entire ; the flowers are middle-size with obovate petals ; fruit varying from medium to large according to circumstances, oblong, tapering from the middle towards both ends, the lower of which is ob- tuse and the upper oblique, with a permanent projecting calyx ; stalk more than an inch long ; skin in the most favourable situations and circumstances nearly smooth, with a little cin- namon coloured russet upon a light yellowish green ground, but it has much more russet and brown in other cases ; flesh white, exceedingly juicy, melting, buttery, and rich. There is said to have been an erroneous variety sent to this country from Europe under this name. WINTER NELIS. POM. MAG. PR. CAT. Nelis d'hyver, of many Flemish and English gardens. La bonne Malinoi&e. ) /. . L i- Bonne de Malines, \ of vanous P ubl ' ca "o s - The Pomological Magazine describes this as follows : " An excellent winter pear, in perfection in December and January, originally raised by M. Nelis, of Mecklin, in honour of whom it was named, but before its title was settled it had acquired the other appellations above stated. " It bears pretty well ; the fruit is of very high quality, and is expected to become a favourite of the dessert ; by some it is deemed superior to theChaumontelle, which is a high charac- ter ; the wood is moderately strong, yellowish, sprinkled with some small pale brown dots ; leaves middle-sized, elliptical- ovate, tapering regularly to each end, somewhat recurved on the midrib, the margins nearly entire ; petiole long and slender ; stipules linear ; flowers middle-sized, petals obovate, tapering PEAlltf. 133 to the claw ; fruit middle-sized, or rather large, obovate, some- what obtuse at the stalk, which is upwards of an inch long, and moderately thick ; eye generally open, but sometimes par- tially closed by the collapsing segments of the calyx ; skin yellowish, sometimes nearly covered with russet brown ; flesh yellowish, melting, buttery, juicy, very rich, and high fla- voured." FLEMISH BEAUTY. POM. MAG. PR. CAT. La belle de Flandres, "\ Imperatrice de la France. I T Lond. Hort. cat. an Fondante de bou, publications. Bouche nouvelle, I Brilliant, ) This variety has only been recently introduced to our coun- try, and in consequence is but partially disseminated. It is one of the best pears in point of quality, and bears abun- dantly ; its size and appearance are much in its favour, and it is expected to become an important appendage to the list of esteemed fruits. The Pomological Magazine describes it thus : " It is a large-sized, greenish russet, handsome kind, ripen- ing in October, and keeping for a month or two ; it has the remarkable property of improving more if gathered before it is quite ripe, than if fully mature when taken from the tree. In the latter case it is apt to acquire a kind of anise scent which is not agreeable ; in the former, it becomes perfectly melting and rich, without any such flavour. The wood is spreading, moderately strong, reddish brown, with numerous reddish spots ; leaves middle-sized, ovate, tapering to the point, slightly serrated ; petioles rather long and slender ; stipules linear ; flowers middle-sized and early ; fruit large, obovate, obtuse at the stalk, which is nearly an inch long, and mode- rately thick ; eye open, and placed in a slight depression ; skin russet, tinged with a crimson red next the sun, the shaded side greenish yellow ; flesh rather firm, yellowish white, sweet, rich, melting, and excellent. It must be gathered while it adheres 134 PEARS. yet firmly to the tree this is the only way to have it really in perfection, for if suffered to ripen fully on the tree, it is a poor variety. It decays externally before it gives way at the core." MUSCAT ROYE. CALVEL. Die. D'AGRIC. This is a small fruit, of oblong form ; the skin rough to the touch, of a yellowish green on the shaded side, and of a plea- sant red next the sun ; the flesh is breaking and perfumed ; the tree is vigorous, and the fruit is at maturity at the end of August. TROMPE CASSAIRE. Die. D'AGRIC. According to an account of M. Lardier, this variety is cul- tivated in the environs of Aix. It is an early fruit, of medium size, round and green, with a long stem ; the flesh delicate, with rather pleasant juice when it is not too ripe, and the tree bears abundantly. SUMMER FRANCREAL. POM. MAG. Francrenl d'tie. Diel's Pom. Lond. Hort. cat. Fondanle. Knoop Pomol. Gros Micet tfU) of some French gardens. This pear is figured in the Pomological Magazine, and des- cribed as follows : " A valuable variety, destitute of the hardness of the Bon- chretien, and of the muskiness of many French pears of its season. It is a very hardy, healthy, free growing tree, and a great bearer, ripening its fruit in the middle of September. " Wood greenish-yellow, brown, sprinkled with a few pale- brown spots ; leaves large, ovate, somewhat cordate, acumi- nate, almost entire at the margin, when young very woolly ; petioles upwards of an inch long, rather slender ; stipules 1*12 AltS. 135 long, linear ; flowers small, petals roundish, with a long claw ; fruit rather large, turbinate, thickest about two-thirds from the stalk, diminishing a little to the eye, which is moderately de- pressed and partly opened ; stalk short and thick ; skin green, nearly smooth, becoming pale yellowish green after the fruit has been gathered some time and is fit for use ; flesh white, firm, juicy, becoming buttery and melting, rich and excellent." This pear is stated to be particularly useful in England, where they have none of high quality to succeed the Epargne, which they call Jargonelle. PRESENT DE MALINES. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. Gift from Malines. This fruit was raised from seed by the late Count Coloma, of Malines, in Flanders, and was presented by him to the late John Braddick, Esq. one of the most efficient members of the London Horticultural Society, who from the circumstances as related above, gave it the title adopted. The fruit is said to be much of the Bonchretien shape, large at one end, smooth, and of a beautiful yellow colour ; the quality excellent, the flesh being melting and of a rich musky flavour. BEURRE SPENCE. PR. CAT. VAN MONS. LOND. HORT. CAT. The celebrated Mr. Braddick stated, in one of his public communications, that having asked M. Van Mons, the cele- brated pomologist, to which of all his new pears he gave the preference, he immediately replied, the " Beurn Spence," and added, *' this fruit to my taste is inestimable, and has no competitor." Mr. B. proceeds to say, that when his trees bore fruit he sent specimens to the London Horticultural Soci- ety, and that M. Turner, the under secretary, pronounced it the very best of all the new Flemish pears, and in this prefer- ence of Professor Van Mons and M. Turner, Mr B. coin- 136 PEAIIS. cides. The time of ripening is from the middle of October to the middle of November. The first trees of this kind brought to our country were imported by myself. I have ex- tended its culture very considerably, and have sent a number to different parts of the union. PINE APPLE PEAR. PR. CAT. Poire d? Ananas. Lond. Hort. cat. Ananas. This variety Mr. Braddick states to be nearly allied in ap- pearance and flavour to the Present de Malines and Passe Colmar, and some of the pears which he sent to Mr. Loudon were declared by him to be excellent. They were tasted on the first of March, and Mr. B. says that he had kept them back as long as he could. This may consequently be deemed a very valuable winter pear. He also makes the following remarks as to keeping pears well " They should be pre- served in an equal dry temperature, under the fermenting point; whence they should be brought out just at the time of using them. Acting upon this experience, 1 have prepared a fruit room thirty-two feet under the surface of the earth, in the dry solid rock." It is now six or seven years since I im- ported the first tree of this kind from Flanders, from which a great number have since been increased. I also received it a second time from Mr. Braddick in Feb- ruary, 1828, together with eleven others of his most choice varieties of pears, twenty very select varieties of apples, and six of strawberries. Indeed, the death of that friendly and excellent man, may be most justly deplored as a public loss. He communicated to me many circumstances respecting his fondness for the culture of fruits, which perhaps I may refer to hereafter, as being both amusing and instructive. PEAKS. 137 \\1LLIAMS' BONCHRETIEN. PK.CAT. LO^D.HOR.TRAN. FOR. Bartlett, > f h Bostonians . Summer St. Michael) $ This pear, which has been called by Mr. Aiton, (in his Epitome of the Hortus Kcwcnsis) Williams' Bon Chretien appears to have sprung from seed, in the garden of Mr. Wheeler, a schoolmaster at Aldermaston in Berkshire, about twenty-five years ago, and was suffered to remain, in order to prove the value of its fruit. Subsequently grafts have been ex- tensively dispersed, and many trees been propagated in Mr. Wil- liams' nursery near London, where it obtained its adopted title. The trees of this variety are of vigorous growth and fertile habit ; their branches remarkably erect and straight, until bent by the weight of fruit ; leaves broad, deep green, very sharply serrated ; fruit of an irregular pyramidal and somewhat trun- cated form, large, being from three to four and a half inches in length, and two to three inches in width at the widest part near the head ; the eye is inserted on the summit, and never sunk in a hollow cavity, as in the other varieties called Bon- chretiens ; the stalk is very gross or fleshy, about three-fourths of an inch in length ; the colour of the fruit is pale green, spotted over with a mixture of darker green and russet brown, becoming yellowish, and faintly tinged with red on the side next the sun when fully ripe; the flesh is whitish, very tender and delicate, abounding with juice, which is sweet, and agreeably perfumed ; ripens in August when trained to a west wall, but on standard trees it is from three weeks to a month later. This pear is deemed by many superior to any of its season. It immediately succeeds the Epargne or English Jargonelle, and is earlier than, as well as much superior to the Doyenne or White Beurre, and resembles in flavour the Summer Musk Bonchretien. Its merits over the latter variety are, that on standard trees, as well as when trained, it seldom fails to pro- duce fruit in abundance. It ha's been held in great esteem in the environs of Boston 18 138 PEARP. for many years, and very extensively cultivated there and else- where under the title of Bartlett pear. It obtained that name from the circumstance that the oldest or original tree in that vicinity stands on the property of a gentleman of that name, the real title not being then known ; and it is to the intelli- gence and discrimination of Robert Manning, Esq. of Salem, one of the most eminent and accurate pomologists of the age, that the public are indebted for an investigation and full eluci- dation of the facts. In the " Short Treatise on Horticulture,' 1 published by me, I erroneously stated this to be a native pear, having been so advised by the gentleman at Boston from whom I received the first tree. SKINLESS. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. Coxi ? Poire sans peau, > RQZ ^*. MIL. Fleur de Gmgnes, ) Flower of Guigne. Rousselet hatif. ) , Early Roussdet \ erroneously. This pear is in size about medium, being twenty- eight or twenty-nine lines in height, by twenty or twenty-one in its widest diameter, which is commonly about midway of the fruit ; the stem is rather slender, and sixteen or seventeen lines in length, and rises out of a small cavity, in- a somewhat lateral direction ; the skin is very thin, pale green where shaded, and marked with some reddish spots on the sunny side ; the flesh is partially melting, of a sweet and somewhat perfumed flavour; the seeds are brown, and the fruit ripens the first part of Au- gust. It is variable in its form, which is generally long and sometimes shorter and broader. Miller makes the remark that it is called by some the Rous- selet hatif or Early Rousselet, and Forsyth and Rozier also mention its resemblance to that variety; but Duhamel and Rozier make the difference between them, in their general size and form, to be considerable, this being the largest of the two. The pear, called Skinless in Boston and its vicinity, has already been referred to under the head of Long stalked Blan- PEARS. quet, but a very discriminating pomologist of that vicinity doubts its identity with that variety. The whole confusion in regard to that pear and the Early Rousselet, the Skinless and Rousselet de Rheims, has arisen from the adoption of the title of Catharine some pears being called Early Catharine, another the Green, and a third the Late Catharine, when cor- rectly speaking, we have no such fruit as a Catharine pear ; these being merely local titles applied to old established fruits of other names, and not even mentioned by Duhamel, Rozier, Miller, or Forsyth, and it is to be regretted that Mr. Coxe should have adopted them in his work in two cases as leading titles, although he no doubt did it with the best intentions. SECKEL. PR. CAT. SecJcle. Coxe. Lond. Hort. Trans. Pom. Mag. Fes. Amer. Gardener, and other publications. This incomparable little pear, which is now becoming so widely disseminated in our country and abroad, originated on the farm of Mr. Seckel, about four miles from Philadelphia. It is at least equal in flavour to any European pear I have met with, and by far the highest flavoured one that has originated in this country. It is melting, and its taste is that of a rich spicy concentration. The fruit is of a brownish russet colour, with a red cheek next the sun, but in some situations it is of a yellowish hue, and occasionally without any touch of red, and it usually grows in clusters of from two to seven in each. I have noticed, that much of its fine spicy flavour is contained in the skin, and in eating this should not be taken off*. It grows more slowly than any other pear tree I am acquainted with ; and in fact, at maturity, forms a tree of only moderate size, but peculiarly compact and regular in its form, with rich- ness of foliage, and a general flourishing appearance. Al- though this pear has been figured in the Transactions of the London Horticultural Society, and both European and Ame- rican gentlemen conversant on the subject have stated, that no fruit similar to it existed in Europe, still there is a pear 140 I'EARS. which has been long cultivated in France' and England, and almost every other country in Europe, so extremely similar to it, that I venture to assert, that beyond all doubt, it is^the pa- rent of the Seckel. The pear to which I refer is the " Rous- selet de Rheims, or Petit Rousselet," called also in Europe " the Musk, or Spice Pear.' 1 The growth of the respective trees is similar, and the fruit so much alike, that persons have mistaken them for each other. The difference consists in the part of the fruit next the stem being more pointed in one than the other, and in the spicy flavour of the Seckel being much higher than that of the Rousselet de Rheims. The colour and size are much the same. The form of the Seckel pear is regular, rounded at the head, and gradually diminishing towards the stem, which is large, of about an inch in length, and inserted in a slight depression ; the shoots are strong, but only of moderate annual extension ; the bark is a ruddy brown dotted over with specks of a paler shade of the same colour, and with others of a whitish hue ; the flowers are of small size, and at the period of expansion are of a roseate colour, and principally produced in clusters at the extremity of the shoots. It is much to be regretted that this fruit is not of larger size, it being among our smallest pears. It ripens from the latter part of August to the beginning of October, and by being gathered and placed carefully in a fruit room, will mature gra- dually, and furnish a regular supply for the table during the period named. The London PomologicalMag. when speaking of this vari- ety, says, it is found to exceed in excellence of flavour the very richest of their autumn pears, possessing a high vinous aroma, which can scarcely be compared with any thing in fruits, unless with a concentration of the taste peculiar to the Swan's egg pear. LEWIS. PR. CAT. DOWN. The descriptions of this and the four succeeding varieties are from the pen of Samuel Downer, Esq. of Boston. TEARS. 141 This fine American seedling pear has more than met our expectations ; its fine qualities will make it more generally known than heretofore ; the original tree, and the two suckers transplanted from it, have given full and constant crops the last ten years. I will here allude to the great necessity of allowing our late fall and winter pears to remain on the trees as long as possible, even at the risk of high winds and hard frost, (there is no danger from a little frost) their flavour im- proves very much the last ten or fifteen days they hang on the tree, and it prevents their shrivelling afterwards. The Lewis pear hangs on the tree very strong to the last. They have readily sold in our market, during winter, at eight dollars per bushel. This pear is in size a little under medium, and will compare with the Crasanne in appearance more than any other pear ; it is not so flat, but more pear-shaped ; has a stem one and a quarter inches in length, set in a little cavity, the blossom end indented with a large open eye ; the flower leaves He flat back on the head ; the skin of those growing on the outside of the tree is yellowish green, and of those growing on the inside dark green with cloudy spots ; flesh whitish and fine grained, melting, buttery, and juicy, not so high flavoured as many pears, but very pleasant, and calculated to become a favourite eating fruit with people generally. It is sought after by market-men, and sells for six and seven dollars per bushel ; it is a great and constant bearer, (bearing profusely to a fault) and its being a native, and a seedling of recent origin, render it valuable ; the tree being also acclimat- ed, it is not subject to so many accidents, as many of our deli- cate foreign trees. By having it grow in cultivated ground, you may be sure of a great crop ; the tree is vigorous, and makes good sized and sound wood ; the branches are long, and hang weeping, like our common willow ; it begins to be in eating by the middle of November, and some years has con- tinued till the last of January, and in a dry cool situation would probably keep much longer. Being but recently intro- duced to notice, the trees in the nurseries are yet of small size. 142 PEARS. DIX PEAR. PR. CAT. DOWN. Madam Dix's mansion house is situated at the south part of Boston, where she has resided for more than thirty years; contiguous to the house is a fine spacious garden, containing many large fruit trees, among which are a St. Germain, and a Bonchretien pear, both large and near together, which may be the parents of this seedling pear, which came up fifteen years since, near the wood-house. Its close resemblance in appearance to the St. Germain, gives the strongest reason to suppose that one of its parents. The seedling pear tree is twen- ty-three feet high, and ten inches in diameter four feet from the ground. With the exception of some of the lower limbs having been taken off last season, it has never been pruned, and has always remained where it sprang up. The top is so thick with branches and cross limbs, being full of thorns that the head cannot be entered without difficulty. The branches grow out at first horizontally, then after bending down a little, turn up at the end. It makes rather small wood ; leaves small and finely serrated, not folded like the St. Germain, but flat, with long stems, colour light green, with a gloss. The tree has been in bearing three or four years, and when it is pro- perly pruned, the size of the fruit will probably be increased, and the quality improved. The soil is rich, and its situation a very good one. Size over medium, and may rank with large pears ; the spe- cimen, of which a drawing was made for the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, measured four and a half inches in height, and eight round ; skin rough, and rather thick, the fruit re- sembling the St. Germain, but longer and larger those grow- ing inside of the tree are green, but those on the outside, exposed to the sun, have a fine blush, turning yellow when mature; stem not exceeding three quarters of an inch in length, not Jarge, and set on the top of the fruit ; blossom end a little indented, with a peculiar eye, appearing as if drawn up with a string, and puckered or plaited round it, and a little PEARS. 143 knobby at the head. This very fine pear compares very nearly to the St. Germain in appearance, but has a higher flavour. It comes in eating sooner than the above named pear, being in perfection from the middle to the last of October. It bids fair to be one of our very best autumn pears, and valuable for its recent origin, and its claims as a native. It may with the greatest justice be introduced to our gardens and nurseries. From what we have seen of this variety, we think it will be one of our handsomest and very best pears, and will be largely cultivated in gardens generally. GORE'S HEATHCOT. PR. CAT. This fine seedling did not, the last season, bear as well as usual ; but the fruit was very excellent. This variety will be a good substitute for the St. Michael's, or White Doyenne. This comparison is recommendation enough for it. I;. CLAP. PR. CAT. DOWN. This fruit is in point of size rather under medium ; colour yellowish green, with a little brownish blush on the sunny side; stem long and bending over, set on the top, with a little rising round the bottom of the stem ; eye or blossom end a little in- dented, and of common size ; flesh whitish, buttery, and juicy, it has a high aromatic flavour, and is a little musky, resembling very much the old sort of Boston Catharine, or " Kattern" in taste, but is a little more sprightly ; form being however one quarter larger ; the fruit more free from blast or black spots, and the brown not of so deep a shade. The tree grows vigo- rously, branches upright, leaves dark green, rather broad and flat, and finely serrated ; colour of the wood brownish, with long thorns ; the leaves turn yellow and commence falling as the fruit ripens, and in a short time the tree becomes nearly bare of foliage. There is no doubt of this tree being a seed- ling ; and I should judge from its resemblance, that the Ca- tharine above alluded to, was one of its parents. It caine up 144 TEARS. by chance near the house, and has never been moved. It is sixteen years old, thirty feet high, and seven inches in diame- ter; has borne constantly for the last four or five seasons pretty full, considering its vigorous growth. I should think this summer pear, on account of its good qualities and recent origin, worthy of recommending to the public. It is in eating by the middle of August, being a little sooner than the old kind. This variety was raised from seed by Capt. William Clap, of Massachusetts. GUSHING. PR. CAT. DOWN. This superior wilding pear originated on the farm of Col. Washington Cushing, of Massachusetts, where it was recently discovered and brought to notice. It is expected to hold a high rank among our native varieties. There is little doubt but it will improve in quality, and increase in size from one- quarter to one-third, when cultivated in our gardens or ploughed fields, as has been the case with the Harvard pear. I can also add the opinion of a gentleman, respecting this va- riety, whose judgment on fruits is considered first rate, and who declared on tasting it, that it was superior to the Bartlett, Harvard, Andrews, Moorfowl, or Swan's egg. The fruit is a little under medium size ; colour light green, with a little brownish blush on the sunny side, and a smooth and shining skin ; it is formed like the Harvard pear, but fuller near the stem, which is three-quarters of an inch long, placed on one side of the top in a little cavity, with a rise on the other ; the blossom end is a little indented ; the flesh whitish, melting, buttery, and full of delicious juice, tasting like the Andrews pear, but has more flavour and sprightliness. It is in eating the middle of September. It may be recommended with the greatest confidence to the public as one of our finest varieties, and the tree is a great and constant bearer. PEAR*. 145 HARVARD. PR. CAT. Boston Epargne, or L 1 Epargne. L'Epergne. Sugar pear, of Cambridge, Mass. This fruit is generally fair, possesses a fine flavour, and is valued as one of our best native fruits. It received its name in commemoration of the founder of Harvard University, it being satisfactorily established that it is a wilding of Cam- bridge, Mass. The branches grow upright, have thorns on them, and are remarkable for the yellowness of their bark during the winter and other periods when vegetation is dormant. The fruit ripens about the first of September ; it is above the medium size, weighing five to six ounces, and highly esteemed ; some even rank it second only among our native fruits to the Seckel. It is a constant and full bearer when the tree has age ; its ra- pid growth preventing its bearing for four or five years, which is a good peculiarity. Its excellent qualities make it deserving of a recommendation to nurseries and the public, as a very superior pear. It may be added, that it is in favour with the market-men, selling at four to five dollars per bushel. GUERNSEY. PR. CAT. Stevens' Genessee. This very fine pear is of the melting kind, larger than the White Doyenne, and ripens in September. It should be ga- thered as soon as the stem will separate by a clean fracture, and ripened in the house, and must be eaten as soon as it be- comes yellow and mellow, as it will not keep. It is said to be more juicy, and much more delicious than the White Doyenne, and in one case a fruit measured eleven inches in circumfe- rence. The tree was raised from seed in the western part of this state, and the grafts were politely transmitted to me by J. K. Guernsey, Esq. of Monroe county, from respect to whom I called it by the title here adopted. 10 146 TEARS. JOHONNOT. PK. CAT* This native variety received its title from its having been ori- ginated by G. S. Johonnot, Esq. of Massachusetts. That gentleman states, that its first fruit was produced in 1823 ; the stem is much shorter and thicker than is common with pears, and there is often a small protuberance on the fruit near the point of its insertion, similar to that on some Pearmain apples; the skin is nearly as thin as that of a peach, and of a dull yel- lowish brown hue. This pear is of medium size, and of a peculiar and irregular form ; the period of maturity is the last week in September. PRINCE'S ST. GERMAIN. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. This pear is a seedling of the French St. Germain or In- connue-la-Fare, impregnated by the White Doyenne, and was originated from seed by myself about twenty-six years since ; the original tree, which remained for several years among a cluster of seedlings without much chance for expansion, did not produce fruit till the ninth year. It is now in the most vigo- rous state, and stands near the entrance of one of my nurseries. Young trees to the number of many thousands have been pro- pagated from it, and are now to be found in every part of Eu- rope, as well as of our own country. The growth denotes health and vigour, and the tree comes early into bearing. The young wood is of a dark reddish brown colour, marked with small specks of white ; the buds are large and sharp pointed ; the fruit is on the average of a larger size than either of its parents, of a russet green colour, with a red cheek ; its flavour is similar to that of the French St. Germain, but it has the advantage of always being a perfectly fair fruit, and a great bearer. The pears should be gathered in October and laid separately on shelves, or carefully wrapped in paper, when they will gradu- ally ripen during several months, and may be preserved until late in the winter. Next to the Seckel, I consider this as thf finest table pear our country has yet produced. RUSHMORE'S BONCHRETIEN. PR. CAT. Harrison's large fall pear. Coxe. Large Swan's egg. Richmond. Autumn Bonchretien of some gardens. Mogul summer ? Loft's pear. This is a native pear of very large size, and one of the greatest bearers. It is flat at the head, and very regularly rounded for nearly two-thirds of its length, but diminished to- wards the stem, which is long and large ; the growth of the tree is particularly strong and rapid, and it soon arrives at ma- ture bearing ; the fruit when ripe is a pale yellow colour, with a red cheek; it is breaking when ripened on the tree, but be- comes buttery when matured in the house, and is considered but a tolerable table fruit, the flesh being coarse ; but this taken in connexion with its being a most excellent pear for bak- ing and cooking, and ripe at a season when few other pears are so, and producing very abundantly, it may be considered as one of the most useful pears in a general view ; it ripens in succession, from the end of August to the end of September, and may be preserved without rotting a considerable time, and when full ripe, can be used for baking without sugar. It is very much cultivated on Long Island, and particularly by those who supply the markets with fruit, it being well suited for that purpose! LONG ROSEWATER. AUTH. I adopt the above title for a pear received about eight years ago, from Paris, under the name of Caillot rosat, and I think it may possibly prove to be the German variety so called, and mentioned in the Pomological Magazine as a long fruit. The tree is remarkably vigorous in its growth, and its form is very regular and handsome. It last year produced fruit of a deli- cious quality ; the pear was nearly as long as the Epargne, not so large at the base, and diminishing towards the stem ; its colour was green when gathered in October, but it acquired a 148 TEARS. yellow hue when at maturity, which was in November or De- cember. The flesh was very rich, juicy, and high flavoured ; and although I had but one fruit, and did not therefore test its value as a keeping pear, I was highly gratified with it, and I deem it one of the very best of its season. I have as yet seen no description whereby to fully identify it ; but the appearance of the tree is so characteristic, that it cannot readily be mis- taken for any other, and it must without doubt be known to some of the numerous writers on the subject. SUMMER MELTING. PR. CAT. , Fondante d'&e. This is a tree of the most vigorous growth and flourishing appearance, shooting erect into a stately form ; the fruit is of fail- size, ripens early in August, and it has by .some been considered the best pear of its season. After it comes into bearing, it in- creases annually in fertility and the quantity of its produce, but it attains considerable size before it produces freely. I received the original tree of this variety in 1802, from a person then resident in Baltimore, who was very curious in fruits, and who had a number of French varieties of pears. It was on a quince stock and soon bore fruit, which was larger, handsomer, and more melting than any I have since had on pear stocks. RED CHEEK. PR. CAT. English red cheek. Pr. Hort. Pr. cat. 25 ed. This pear is cultivated at Rhode Island under the name given above as a synonyme, whence it was brought to Long Island. It is a bell-shaped fruit, of a beautiful yellow colour, with a red cheek ; it is not quite as large as the St. Michael or Virgalieu, is considered a very good fruit when not over ripe,' and the tree bears well ; it ripens at the latter part of August. 14!' A tree imported from France, but whose name is unknown, has produced fruit precisely like the foregoing, and it is there- fore most probable that the variety is of French origin. POUND. PR. CAT. COXE. FES AMER. GARD. Cordelier, or Large Cordelier, of English authors. Next to the White Doyenne pear, the present variety is the most common in this vicinity, it being of so great size and subserving such useful purposes, that all desire to possess it. It is the largest of all the older class of pears, and there are but three or four of those more recently introduced that can compare with it in this respect. It often weighs from twenty- five to thirty ounces, and one was exhibited in New Jersey, about four years since, weighing forty and a half ounces. It is of uniform shape, full and round at the head, and diminish- ing gradually to the stalk, which is large and long ; the skin is of a greenish hue, with a brownish russet cheek next the sun ; the flesh is solid, and when cooked acquires a red colour. This fruit is not suitable for the ta.ble, but is esteemed for bak- ing and preserving. It will keep till late in the spring, and may be used from time to time as required for the above pur- poses. It is preferable to allow the pears to hang on the trees until late, when after gathering they should be packed away in chaff, or wrapped in paper, which by excluding the atmos- phere, keeps them from drying and preserves their freshness, consequently rendering them more juicy and tender, and when so treated they become towards spring of a yellow colour, and the russet cheek acquires a fine tinge of red. The tree grows exceedingly strong even from its first ad- vance, and its progress is very rapid, perhaps none more so, forming one of the largest of its class, and being also exceed- ingly hardy, and subject to no maladies or defects. Large quantities of the fruit are put up in this vicinity in barrels for the markets of New-York and for exportation. 1 f>0 PEARS, SWAN'S EGG. PR. CAT. FOR. COXK. Poire d'Auch of some gardens. This fruit is of medium size, and the form elliptical ; the skin is green, slightly tinged with brown or russet ; the flesh quite melting, and abounding with juice of an agreeable musky flavour. Its period of maturity is November, and it may with attention be preserved for some time. Miller does not describe this pear, and Forsyth, after quot- ing the Poire d'cmf, or Egg pear of Duhamel, copies about half of the description of that variety, and adds thereto some further remarks of little import, and varies the time of ripen- ing. In truth, however, these fruits would appear to be very distinct, and Duhamel states the time of ripening of the Egff pear to be the end of August or beginning of September. ANGLETERRE DE NOISETTE. PR. CAT. Grosse Angleterre de Noisette. Bon Jard. This is a recent seminal production, said to have been raised by the person whose name is attached to it, and to be a vari- ety of the Angleterre of a larger size and later at maturity. BEAUTY OF BRUSSELS. PR. CAT. Belle de Bruxelles. Duh. Calvel. Die. d'Agric. Belle d'cKwt. Bon Jard . ? This fruit has the form of a Beurre ; the skin which is previous- ly green, becomes yellowish at the period of maturity, which is during the month of October ; the flesh is white, delicate, and of agreeable flavour, and the tree is of thrifty growth. The Diet, d' Agriculture gives a very similar description, but the Bon Jardinier describes it as a superb fruit of good quality, and ripening in August. PEAKS. 151 GOLDEN COLMAR. PR. CAT. Colmar dore. Lond. Hort. cat. Bon Jard. Pr. cat. 25 ed. The French describe this variety as being more oblong than the old .Colmar ; the flesh melting and very good, and the fruit at maturity in March. . BLACK SEEDED BEURRE. PR. CAT. Bewre noire graine. Lond. Hort. cat. Noir grain. Bon Jard. Black seeded. Pr. cat. 25 ed. European writers state that this fruit is of medium size, and that it is very highly esteemed in Flanders ; the tree is ex- ceedingly productive, and the fruit is at maturity in September. I imported this pear some years since ; but its value being little known, it has been as yet but partially disseminated through our country. SIEULLE. BON JARD. PR. CAT. Doyenne d'hyver ? This new pear was raised at Praslin, at the seat of the Duke of Choiseul, by a person whose name it bears. Its first intro- duction to notice was in 1815. The fruit is of medium size, resembling the Crasanne in form, but more swollen towards the base ; the stem is long, and inserted in a cavity surround- ed by several small lobes ; the eye is slightly depressed ; skin delicate, of a lemon colour, partially washed with red next the sun ; flesh half-melting, the juice sweet, rich, profuse, and agreeable ; the fruit ripens in October and November, and the tree is handsome, vigorous, and productive, and may be pro- pagated on both pear and quince stocks. This very fine va- riety is cultivated at the nursery establishment of the author. 152 PEAKS. EPARGNE. PR. CAT. DUH. Roz. Die. D'AGRIC. JARD. FRUIT. Bow JARD. FOR. COXE. Jargonelle. Pom. Mag. Lond. Hort. cat., and of most English gardens, erroneously. Espargne, or Saint Sanson. Quin. Espargne. Reserve pear, or St. Sanson. Evel. Lady's thigh, Grosse Cuisse madame, J Beau present. Roz. syn. f of the French authors and Saint Samson. Roz. syn. C catalogues. Saint Lambert, } Poire des tables des Princes, Real Jargonelle. Fes. Amer. Gard. This pear, which is extensively cultivated in this vicinity and in various sections of the union, is most generally known by the titles of Jargonelle, Cuisse madame, and Lady's thigh, it hav- ing been received from England under the name of Jargonelle, and from France under those of Epargne, Cuisse madame, and Grosse Cuisse madame. As I can perceive no good rea- son why we should adopt the blunders of the English, even if they have received countenance from being copied into some of their works deemed in other cases to be authority, and as both Miller and Forsyth reject the error referred to, it is to be regretted that a publication having so many claims to superi- ority as the Pomological Magazine should have continued it ; for although long usage may be sometimes allowed to form an apology for adopting a title erroneous in its origin, such course can only be admitted when it may be done without confusion ; but in the present case there is a genuine Jargonelle, so called by all the French authors since the middle of the 17th century, and supposed to be one of the most ancient varieties in culti- vation ; and the only means of preventing confusion is to cor- rect the error at once. The following description is from Duhamel, an author cele- brated for his great accuracy, and accords with my own observations. " This fruit is of very oblong form, being three to three PEAKS. 153 and a half inches in height, and twenty-two to twenty-four lines in diameter at its largest part, which is at about two- thirds its length, measuring from the base ; the eye is placed in a slight cavity, which is surrounded by several projections ; the stem is two inches in length, or thereabouts, and the fruit has often some prominences or swellings at its insertion ; the skin is greenish and somewhat marbled with fawn-colour min- gled with red next to the sun ; the flesh is white, and melting, with a slight acidity of flavour, which is rich and very agree- able ; the seeds are black, and frequently abortive. This pear is one of the most beautiful and one of the best that is to be met with at the period of its maturity, which is at the end of July to the tenth of August. The tree is vigorous, and may be propagated on both the pear and quince." I also add the following description from the Pomological Magazine. " Tree of a straggling, creeping habit ; wood yellowish green in the shade, reddish when exposed ; leaves rather large, woolly when young, ovate, acuminate, finely and doubly ser- rated ; petioles on the young shoots about an inch long ; sti- pules linear; flowers early, very large ; fruit large, oblong, with a long stalk, generally a little bent ; eye open, with long projecting segments of the calyx ; skin greenish yellow on the shaded side, with a tinge of brownish red when exposed ; flesh yellowish white, very juicy and melting, with a peculiarly rich agreeable flavour ; round the core it is rather gritty, and more so if grafted on the quince ; it is the queen of autumn pears, and unequalled in flavour by any of its season." In the orchards in the vicinity of New-York, we have no pear tree whose growth is more strong and vigorous than this, and its crops are exceedingly abundant. It is deemed by those who supply the markets with fruit, to be one of the kinds best calculated for that purpose, and such appears to be its charac- ter wherever cultivated ; and from its being one of the oldest pears, it forms a sorrowful comment on the principle of ex- haustion of the variety by age. In Fessenden's American 20 154 FEAKS. Gardener, it is stated to be a great and constant bearer, and to come in between the smaller fruits of the garden, such as the strawberry and raspberry, and the peach. It is also very justly remarked in that work, that the fruit generally seen in market is a caricature of that raised by the cultivator for his own use, it being in the former case gathered unripe and arti- ficially ripened, by being spread in great masses. It is a singular circumstance that Miller does not refer at all to the Epargne pear, although he evidently had the same fruit in view when describing his " Cuisse Madame or Lady's thigh, in England, commonly called Jargonelle ;" but he quotes Tourn. and Duhamel erroneously when applying their titles to his description. The whole chain of error and transposition seems to have arisen from its not being understood by Miller that the Epargne of the French was the Jargonelle of the English. JARGONELLE. QUIN. EVEL. DUH. Roz. Die. D'AGRIC. JARD. FRUIT. BON JARD. FOR. Summer Jargonelle. Evel. Jargonelle, called Cuisse Madame in England. Mil. Cuisse madame, of many English and American collections. French Jargonelle. Much difficulty has arisen from an erroneous title being ap- plied, in England, to this fruit, under which it has been, in many cases, sent to this country. It will be seen by the au- thors quoted above, that it has been regularly known and des- cribed by the name adopted since the middle of the 17th cen- tury, and its origin is traced much farther back by some writers. The remarks on that head, at page 108 of the Pomological Magazine, although applied to the preceding variety, refer without doubt to the present fruit. It is there remarked, that the name of the Jargonelle pear is derived, according to Me- nage and Duchat, from Jargon, anciently Gergon, in Italian Gergo, in Spanish Gericon$a 9 all corruptions of Gracum ; i'UAUS. 155 whence Merlet infers that the Jargonelle was the Pyrum Ta- rentinum of Cato and Columella, the Numidianum Grcecum of Pliny, and the Grceculum of Macrobius. If this conjecture be well founded, the kind to which the name belongs will be one of the most ancient in cultivation. This fruit has great* affinity to the Aurate, but is rather larger, more oblong, and pyriform ; it is twenty-two lines in height, and eighteen in diameter ; the skin is perfectly yellow on the shade side, and a beautiful red next the sun ; the flesh is delicate, white, half-breaking, and of slight musky flavour ; the seeds are small and blackish brown, and the fruit ripens at the beginning of September. The French writers do not deem it very worthy of culture, and indeed it is so very infe- rior to the preceding, and rots so soon at the core, that its beauty may be considered its principal recommendation. The growth of the tree is not as vigorous as the preceding kind ; but the young shoots have the same propensity to curve and bend over, which renders the young trees irregular and ill- formed in their appearance. WINDSOR. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. LANG. POM. KJVOOP. Cuisse Madame. Quin. Evel. Duh. Roz., and all French writers and catalogues, and also- of Forsyth and Coxe. Lady thigh. Evel. This pear is oblong, its height being thirty lines, and its diameter twenty-two ; the eye is small, inserted nearly even with the base of the fruit ; the stem r which is about fifteen lines in length, is somewhat furrowed at the extremity which unites it to the fruit ; the skin is delicate, shining, yellowish green on the shaded side, and brownish red next the sun ; the flesh is half-melting, and rather buttery, somewhat coarse, abounding in sweet juice which has a partially musk flavour ; the fruit ripens at the end of July ; the tree grows very vigorously when grafted on the pear, but does not do so well on the quince. lot) PEARS. This is deemed to be a fruit of only secondary quality, li soon turns soft, and in a few days after maturity becomes mealy. Many persons cultivate it for market, but of how much greater advantage would it be to themselves and the public, if they would reject inferior fruits and cultivate only the choicest for that purpose, which would command a very enhanced price, and thereby amply repay them. Forsyth describes this under two heads, the Windsor, and Cuisse Madame. The French writers state that the stem of the fruit is not strongly attached to the tree, and that in conse- quence the least wind blows it off, and Coxe adopts these and other remarks, which shows he had reference to the same fruit, and indeed he appears to have generally been guided by Ro- zier in his descriptions of pears, VANDERVEER. PR. CAT. This is a native, originated from seed by Dr. Adrian Van- derveer, of this island, to whose politeness I am indebted for it, and in commemoration of which I have attached to it the above title. The size is about that of a medium White Do- yenne, from the seed of which it originated ; the skin is yellow with a tinge of russet ; the flesh melting and buttery, and the fruit is at maturity in September; the tree grows rapid- ly, is a great bearer, and sheds its foliage at an early period. APRICOTS. MASCULINE. PR. CAT. MIL. FOB. Early Masculine, of some catalogues. Abricolier hatif. N. Duh. Abricot prtcoce, > Q Duh RQZ Aoncot hattj musquee, ) Abricotin, commonly in France. Red Masculine, of the English ? THE fruit of this tree is small and almost round ; it is fifteen to seventeen lines in its greatest diameter, is hollowed on one of its sides by a longitudinal groove, extending from the base to the summit, which although shallow is very apparent ; the skin is a fine yellow on the shaded side, and tinged with red on that exposed to the sun ; the flesh i light yellow, partially perfumed, easily separates from the stone, the kernel of which is bitter. In the climate of Paris it is at maturity the begin- ning of July, which is the sole advantage it possesses, for most of the other kinds are superior to it in quality. It may be propagated from the stone, as well as by the other modes of inoculating, &c. In this vicinity its period of maturity is the middle of July. Forsyth says this variety is chiefly es- teemed in England for its tart taste. In the English catalogues they enumerate a brown variety of the Masculine. WHITE MASCULINE. PH. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. FOR. Abricotier blanc. N. Duh. | Abricot Peche. N. Duh. In the New Duhamel it is remarked, that this variety has been improperly called Abricot-Peche. In size it much ro- 158 APRICOTS. sembles the preceding ; the skin is a waxen white, slightly tinged with red next the sun, and covered with a thicker down than other varieties ; the flesh is a very pale yellow, and even white on the side which has been shaded, not very high fla- voured, but Better and more delicate than that of the preced- ing one ; .partially adhering to the stone, which has a bitter kernel. The tree generally produces a great deal of fruit, which is at maturity the middle of July. It is the combined advantages of precocity and abundant product that cause this variety to be generally cultivated. PEACH APRICOT. PR. CAT. FOR. COXE. Abricotier Peche. N. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. Abricot de Nancy. O. Duh. Roz. Abricot de Piemont, or Piedmont. Abricot de Wurtemberg. Abricot de Nuremberg. The Peach Apricot which the New Duhamel states is inap- propriately termed Abricot de Nancy, it further mentions as be- ing the largest and the best of all that were then known at Paris, often measuring more than two inches in diameter ; the skin is a fawn-yellow, somewhat marked with red next the sun ; its flesh is likewise of a peculiar yellow hue, approaching a fawn- colour, of excellent taste, melting, full of very sweet and highly perfumed juice ; the stone is oval, compressed, equally convex on both sides, and is thirteen to fourteen lines in length, and ten to eleven in breadth, and contains a bitter kernel ; the fruit begins ripening in the early part of August, and it con- tinues to mature by degrees during the residue of the month. This variety is originally from Piedmont, whence it was first transmitted to Provence and Languedoc ; and although it is not at most forty years since it was carried from Pezenas to Paris, it is there cultivated in preference to the Abricot commun or Roman Apricot in most of the gardens and nurseries around the metropolis, where it will perhaps cause the culture of some other varieties to be discontinued whose fruits are inferior to APU1COT>. 159 this. It forms a tree of more vigour and of larger size than the Roman variety. In France it is much cultivated in the espalier form, but it grows equally well cultivated as a standard, and in the latter case the quality of the fruit is improved, and it acquires a delicious taste. The tree is some- times so very productive, that unless the fruit is thinned out, it will not attain its proper size. MONSTROUS PEACH APRICOT. PR. CAT. ., Largest Peach. Pr. cat. 25 ed. PSclie a ires gros fruit. A number of varieties have been obtained in France from seeds of the preceding one, among which the most noted is the present sort, which has there received the French title quoted above, as a synonyme, on account of its exceeding its parent in size. The growth of the tree is remarkably strong, and the fruit is one of the most esteemed, but does not materially vary in its colour from the variety before described. I im- ported it from the South of France, with a number of others of great excellence. Like the preceding, it requires that the fruit should be thinned out when the tree is too much loaded with it. ALBERGE. PR. CAT. O. Dim. Roz. Abricot Albergier. N. Duh. | Albergier ordinaire. The leaves of this tree differ somewhat from those of others, because they have usually at their base and upon their petiole two small appendages or ears. The fruit is rather compressed and of small size, measuring about fifteen lines in its greatest diameter ; the skin is a greenish yellow on the shaded side, and a dark yellow with some touches of brownish red next the sun ; the flesh is yellow, approaching to red, partially melting, of a vinous' and very rich taste ; the stone is more compressed than those of other varieties, and the kernel is bitter ; the fruit 160 APRICOTS^ is at maturity about the middle of August ; it is much supe- rior when produced on standards to that produced on espaliers, and in consequence is seldom cultivated in France after the latter mode. In the environs of Tours, where this variety is very extensively disseminated, they propagate it from the stone, which is found to answer instead of propagating by inoculat- ing, &c. Excellent preserves are made in many parts of France with this fruit, and there are also two other esteemed varieties of it, called Albergier de Montgamet, and Albergier de Tours. TURKEY. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. LOISD. HORT. CAT. Large Turkey, of some nurseries. Abricot de Nancy. O. Duh. vol. i. p. 144. tab. 6. It will be perceived by the synonyme last quoted, which I extract from the Pomological Magazine, that the Turkey Apri- cot is therein deemed to be the same as the one I have already described under the title of Peach Apricot. Without doubt- ing that such may be the fact, I copy the details and descrip- tion there given, in order to elicit investigation. " An excellent apricot, scarcely known in the gardens of this country, (England) but in good quality little inferior to the Moorpark, from which it is to be certainly distinguished by its figure being round, not compressed ; its skin much more transparent, and less deeply stained with red ; its stone with- out an open passage through it ; and especially by its kernel being sweet like an almond, not bitter. " About London it ripens on a south wall in the middle of August ; on an east or west wall it would, of course, arrive at perfection rather later. No gardens in which apricots are va- lued should be without this. " Duhamel says that it is sometimes called the Abricot Peche, but we believe all the trees in this country, (England) known by that name, are the Moorpark. " Wood strong, short-jointed, rather warted at the lower APKICOTS. ' 161 end of the yearling branches ; buds not particularly promi- nent ; leaves middle-sized dark green, rather evenly serrated, slightly concave, roundish, accuminate; flowers of th^-ordinary size and appearance ; fruit about the middle size, very hand- some deep yellow, with a number of rich brownish orange-red spots and blotches next the sun in form nearly spherical, not compressed like the Moorpark ; flesh pale yellow, firm, juicy, sweet, with a little acid, very rich and excellent ; stone sepa- rating freely; in figure like that of the Moorpark, but without the hole of that variety ; kernel quite sweet, like that of an almond." MOORPARK. PR. CAT. FOR. Anton's. Dunmore's Breda. Dunmore's. Temple's. Abricot peche, of many English collections. This variety, so far as my experience goes, differs from the Peach apricot in its growth and foliage, although the two fruits exceedingly resemble each other. It is of large size, of a fine bright yellow or orange colour, mottled or spotted with red next the sun ; the flesh is also of a bright orange hue, rich, juicy, and excellent in fact, this fruit is one of the most es- teemed ; it ripens at the end of July or early in August, and the stone is remarkable for having a passage or hole in the side through which a needle may be easily passed. BLOTCHED LEAVED. PR. CAT. FOR. Blotched leavrd Turkey. Lond. Hort. cat. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Goid blotched. Variegated Turkey. Striped Turkey. Abricot macvle, A Abricot a feuittes panaches, > of the French. Abricot de Messine, y Thp fruit of this apricot r'oes not differ essentially from the Roman, of which it is a variety ; its leaves however are pecu- liarly variegated, most of them having near the centre a large yellowish spot, presenting a very singular appearance, by which the tree may be readily distinguished from all the other kinds. 21 APIUCOTS. ALEXANDRIAN. PH. CAT. Abricotier d'Akxandrie. N. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. This variety is of medium size, of a greenish yeHow colour on the shaded side, and a bright red next the sun ; the flesh is yellowish white,veined with red, and very sweet. It is particularly esteemed in the south of France, where the heat of the climate imparts to it an excellent taste, but is not much cultivated at Paris, because it blossoms too early, and would consequently be very much exposed to the frosts from which the first part of the spring is there seldom exempt. I have cultivated this va- riety for a number of years, and found it to succeed well here and in other localities near New- York. PORTUGAL. PR. CAT. Abricot de Portugal. Duh. Roz. Lond. Hort. cat. Abricot male. This does not form so large a tree as the common varieties, the fruit is also one of the smallest of its class, being seldom more than fourteen lines in diameter ; its skin is a light yel- low, marked only on the side next the sun with some spots, part of which are red and the others of a brownish hue; the flesh is also but partially coloured, delicate, melting, high fla- voured, and slightly adhering to the stone, which is almost smooth, and contains a bitter kernel. This fruit is at maturity about the middle of August. ROYAL. PH. CAT. POM. MAG. Abricot Royal. Bon Jard. Nois. man. Lond. Hort. cat. This excellent variety, recently introduced to our country, is thus described in the Pomological Magazine. " The authors of the Bon Jardinier, in which work this first appeared in 1826, pronounce the present variety to be even APRICOTS. superior to the Moorpark, their Abricot Peche, and with some justice. It ripens from a week to ten days before that kind, possesses all its good qualities, and is less subject to be imper- fectly matured on one side. Its flesh when bruised becomes transparent. It may be readily distinguished from the Moor- park, not only by these characters, but also by the passage in the edge of its stone being scarcely pervious, by its form being less compressed, and by its not acquiring the size of the Moor- park. " Raised a few years since in the Royal Garden of the Luxembourg, whence a plant was sent to the London Horti- cultural Society, by M. Hervy, the director. " Wood strong, rather longer jointed than the Moorpark- when ripe, closely marked with pale transverse specks, ap- pearing through the openings of the epidermis ; leaves very large, roundish-cordate or ovate, in some degree cucullate, generally auricled at the base, petiole with about six equidis- tant glands, a character, however, which is too variable to be of importance in apricots ; flowers of the ordinary size ; fruit next in size to the Moorpark, rather oval, slightly compressed, of a dull yellow, slightly coloured with red on a small space ; suture shallow ; flesh pale orange, very firm, juicy, sweet, and high flavoured, with a slight degree of acidity ; stone large, oval, not adhering to the flesh, blunt at each end, with scarcely any passage on the edge ; kernel slightly bitter, much less so than the Moorpark." ORANGE. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Early Orange. This variety is of rather large size, but somewhat dry and insipid, except the exposition be a warm and favourable one, and on this account it is deemed more suitable for tarts and pre- serves than for the table, and no tarts are more exquisite than those made from the fruits of this class, which far surpass those made of green rhubarb, gooseberries, &c. The colour is a lG4 APRICOTS. deep yellow, touched with red next the sun when at perfect maturity, which is in the month of July. There is another fine variety called the Royal Orange apricot. BRUSSELS. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Although the fruit of this variety is inferior to those of the first class, still it is held in much esteem on account of pro- ducing abundantly both on standards and dwarfs. It is of medium size, greenish yellow on the shaded side, and tinged with red, with many dark spots on the side exposed to the sun ; it has a lively flavour, and is not subject to become dry and raeally ; it ripens in August, being one of the later varieties. BREDA. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. Lond. HORT. CAT. Although this is said by many to be the same as the Holland apricot, I think the fact is yet not satisfactorily ascertained ; and as the English claim to have brought this variety direct from Africa to England, there exists good reason to doubt the point of identity. This is of a large size, the form round, and the colour deep yellow ; the flesh is delicate, rich, and juicy, particularly on standard trees. It is deemed an excellent fruit, and ripens towards the end of July or early in August, ac- cording to the locality and exposition. ALGIERS. PR CAT. MIL. FOR. White Algiers. Lond. Hort. cat. This fruit is rather more oval in its form than the generality of its class, and is also somewhat flattened or compressed. It is of a light yellow colour, high flavour, and juicy, and ripens about the end of July or commencement of August. \PRICOTS. HOLLAND. PR. CAT. Abricot de HoUa'de. Duh. Roz. Lond. Hort. cat. Abricotier Aveline. N. Duh. Amande Aveline. O. Duh. Roz. This is a small fruit, almost globular, and about fifteen lines in diameter ; the longitudinal groove which extends from the base to the summit is very apparent, although not deep, and its sides are generally uneven. The skin is a beautiful yellow on the shaded side, and a dark red on that which is exposed to the sun ; the flesh is a dark yellow, and of a rich and excel- lent flavour ; the stone is of a round-oval form, seven lines in length, and half that in thickness ; it encloses a kernel, which is not only free from bitterness, but on the contrary, is of very pleasant taste, resembling considerably that of a filbert or a sweet almond. This apricot is one of the best varieties ; the tree is very productive and seldom fails to bear well in the es- palier form. Duhamel states that it yields the most fruit when propagated on the cherry plum, and that the fruit is larger in size but less in quantity when budded on the St. Ju- lien. It can also be increased from the seed without inoculat- ing, in which case the roots are as red as coral. ROMAN. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. MIL. LANG. POM. FOB. LOND. HORT. CAT. Abricot commun. O. Duh. and other French writers and catalogues. Die Gemeine Apricose. Christ. Tasch. Die grosse Gemeine Apricose. Mayer. This variety being very particularly described in the Porno- logical Magazine, I extract the following therefrom. " The most common apricot that is cultivated, and with the exception perhaps of the Masculine, the worst. It is not, therefore, its merits that has gained it a place in this work : but the being an old variety, which has acquired a station it does not deserve, its only good quality being its productive- 166 APRICOTS. ness. In the gardens and nurseries it is continually confound- ed with other sorts, particularly with the Turkey and the Brus- sels, two kinds superior in quality, especially the former, and both of which ripen some days later : the former is distin- guished by its finer, rounder, more highly coloured, firm and rich fruit, with a sweet kernel ; the latter by the deep colour of its skin, even on a wall, and its firm, juicy, subacid pulp. The French do not appear to distinguish the Brussels from the Roman, both of which are probably comprehended under their Abricot commun ; and it must be confessed that they are very similar. " The Blotched-leaved Turkey apricot of the nurseries, which is the Abricot macule of the French, is a variety of the Roman, differing only in having variegated leaves. " Bears abundantly on an east wall, where the fruit ripens in the beginning of August : as a standard, it acquires more colour and flavour. " Wood very smooth, rather short-jointed, reddish brown, when young not much speckled, but becoming conspicuously so when older ; buds prominent ; leaves large and broad, cor- date, irregularly crenated, between flat and concave ; petioles about an inch and a half long, brownish, with a few sessile, globose glands; flowers of the ordinary size and appearance; fruit middle-sized, dull straw-colour, with a little dotting on the sunny side of orange or red, but in such small quantity that the skin has always a pallid appearance ; in form slightly com- pressed, inclining to oval, with a shallow suture, through which the fruit can be readily, when ripe, separated into two halves by a slight pressure on each side of the base ; flesh dull pale straw-colour, soft, dry, mealy, with a little sweetness and aci- dity, but on the whole very insipid and indifferent it is only tolerable when rather unripe ; stone flat, oblong, rather obtuse at each end, with a very even surface, separating wholly from the flesh, except at the base it is generally divided from the flesh by a little cavity when the fruit is fully ripe ; kernel very bitter." Although it appears from the above description that this 16? variety is not much valued in England, I have tasted some which were of very good quality, our hot sun probably caus- ing a more perfect maturity of the fruit. MUSCH-MUSCH. PR. CAT. LO*D. HORT. CAT. Abricot MuscJi. Gros Musch. This highly esteemed variety was brought a few years since from the city of Musch, on the frontiers of Turkey, adjoining Persia. It is described by European authors to be round, of a deep yellow colour, remarkable for the transparency of its pulp, through which the stone is perceptible ; the flesh very delicate and pleasant ; the fruit ripens about the middle of July. The Bon Jardinier I perceive describes two varieties of it ; but as this practice is very prevalent in that work, the exist- ence of more than 6ne is a matter of doubt. RED ANGOUMOIS. PR. CAT. Abricotier rouge ou Angoumois. N. Duh. Angoumois. O. Duh. Roz. Lond. Hort. cat. Abricot violet. Lux. cat. This variety does not form so large a tree as the Roman and most other varieties ; its leaves vary considerably from the usual form of the other kinds, being of greater length than breadth, nearly oval, and commonly attended with two small ears or appendages at their base ; the fruit is small, often oblong, and from fourteen to sixteen lines in its greatest diameter the groove which extends from the base to the apex is not very ap- parent ; the skin is a reddish yellow where shaded, and a fine vinous red with some brownish specks next the sun ; the flesh is also yellow approaching to red, melting, and of a very rich and very pleasant vinous flavour, with a slight degree of aci- dity, and a strong and penetrating odour ; the stone does not adhere in the least to the flesh, its form is almost round, and it contains a sweet kernel, which has the taste of a fresh filbert. 168 APIUCOTS. and even its skin has scarcely any bitterness. This variety ripens at Paris early in July and rather before the Roman ; the tree seems to flourish most in calcareous soils, and succeeds best in an open exposure and free atmosphere ; in the espalier form it does not do well and produces but little. This fine apricot is stated to be yet rare in the environs of Paris, but is common in the French provinces of Guienne, Anjou, Lyons, and Dauphiny, where it is preferred to the other kinds, which they deem too insipid. PROVENCE. PR. CAT. Abricot de Provence. Duh. Roz. Lond. Hort. cat. This variety resembles the Angoumois ; it is tolerably pro- ductive, and succeeds as well in the espalier as in the stan- dard form ; its leaves are small, almost round, and terminated by a pretty broad point ; the fruit is small, slightly flattened, and fifteen to sixteen lines in its greatest diameter, and the groove, which is deeper than in other varieties, has one of its sides more projecting than the other ; the skin is yellow on the shaded side, and bright red next the sun ; the flesh is a very- deep yellow, less melting than that of the Angoumois, but of a rich and very aromatic vinous flavour ; the stone is uneven, and contains a sweet kernel ; the fruit is at maturity in the Parisian climate, as well as in this vicinity, the end of July or beginning of August, according to the exposition. I imported this variety a few years since from a source I presume to be one of the most accurate, and I find the trees I have propa- gated to be remarkable for their vigorous and rapid growth. APRICOT OF NOOR. PR. CAT. Abricotier de Noor. N. Duh. This new variety, which of late years only has been culti- vated in the Imperial Luxembourg nursery, is thus described APRICOTS. 169 by M. Hervy, late director of that establishment, in a commu- nication to the editors of the New Duhamel. This variety was obtained from the seed ; the fruit is of less size than the Peach apricot, and generally of oval form ; the stem is inserted within around, broad, and rather deep cavity; the groove at the side of the fruit, which extends its whole length, is very apparent, and continues so even at the period of perfect maturity ; the skin is a yellowish green, slightly co- loured, and covered with very fine down ; the flesh is light red, melting, and of a rich and agreeable flavour ; the stone is of medium size, swollen at its sides, and its two edges are very projecting ; the kernel, which it encloses like most others of its class, is of a bitter taste. This variety is deemed excellent for its flavour, and its period of maturity renders it still more in- teresting, as at Paris it scarcely attains to maturity until about the middle of September. It succeeds equally well both as a standard and as an espalier. HEMSKIRKE. POM. MAG. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. In the Pomological Magazine the following details are given in regard to this fruit. " The origin of this variety is not known. It was sold by the late Mr. Lee under the present name, but has hitherto es- caped public notice, of which its great good qualities render it far more deserving than many of those more commonly known. " It bears freely on an east wall, where it ripens thoroughly by the end of July, acquiring a high luscious flavour, superior even to that of the Moorpark. From the Royal apricot it differs in having a more tender flesh and richer flavour, and also in the greater sweetness of its kernel. " Wood short-jointed, like that of the Moorpark, with en- larged projections under the buds ; leaves broad, deep green, very like those of the Moorpark ; flowers of the ordinary cha- racter. It may be here remarked, that apricots do not vary in their flowers, except the Masculines, in which they are 22 170 smaller than ordinary. Fruit middle-sized, roundish, slightly compressed, very like a small Moorpark, from which it is only distinguished externally by its size ; flesh very bright deep clear orange, more tender and juicy than the Moorpark, with a par- ticularly rich delicate flavour, resembling that of an excellent Green Gage plum ; stone much smaller than that of the Moor- park, without a pervious passage ; kernel nearly sweet." BLACK APRICOT. PR. CAT. Slack fruited Apricot. Pope's Apricot. Abricotier noir, N D 1 Armeniaca atro-purpurea, \ ' Abricot violet. \ ~ ~, Abricot du Pape, \ of many European Abricotier afeuilles de Prunicr, J Armeniaca dasycarpa. Pers. synop. Prunus dasycarpa. Willd. Sp. Ehrh. Beitr. Plum leaved Apricot. Small black Apricot. Lond. Hort. cat. This tree is the strongest and most rapid in its growth of its class ; it does not however incline to grow so lofty as some others, but spreads its branches widely, and forms a large broad head like the common Cherry plum, and it may be considered a fruit intermediate between the plum and the apricot. Duha- mel states that its native country is not known, but that it is supposed to have originated in the east ; other writers remark that Siberia is its native country. Be this point as it may, it is a tree of most hardy character, and I think far more so than any other of its class. Duhamel mentions that the trunk is almost invariably crooked, but I have not found it particularly so ; the bark is peculiar, and of an ash-gray colour, with nu- merous cracks and crevices ; the leaves are oval, two inches in length, very finely indented, smooth, shining on the under side, and borne on petioles of about an inch long, which have two to four small glands; the flowers are usually white, about an inch in breadth, generally solitary and dispersed one APRICOTS. 171 by one at those points which formed the axils of the leaves the previous year ; the fruit is round, very slightly compressed, of moderate size, measuring from thirteen to fifteen lines in its greatest diameter, and supported on peduncles of four to five lines in length ; the skin is a violet red, very dark or blackish, on one side somewhat velvety, and is marked by a longitudi- nal line, which extends from the insertion of the peduncle to the summit of the fruit ; this line is only remarkable for its colour, but does not form a distinc\ groove ; the flesh is reddish, especially that part which is near the skin, the residue is yellow or a brownish-fawn colour and strongly adheres to the stone ; the flavour is sweet, not very rich, and is sometimes attend- ed with a small degree of bitterness or sharpness^ similar to that of particular Damask plums ; the stone considerably re* sembles that of a plunij and is seven and a half to eight lines in length, and six and a half to seven in breadth, and termi- nates in an acute point ; the sides are compressed, and one is rather more convex than the other ; the period at which the fruit ripens is later than that of most other varieties, being usually the latter part of August, and sometimes the first of September. It is both pleasant and peculiar, but I have not found the tree to bear well, perhaps however it may in a differ- ent climate ; it has altogether a wild and uncultivated aspect* being the natural variety of a species distinct from other apri- cots, but we may expect similar improvements in the seminal varieties that will be produced from it, to those which have re- sulted from a like course with the other species : and it is sin* gular that experiments in this respect have not been already made, as it is by the varieties of this species that we may be enabled to extend the successful culture of the apricot much farther to the north, for it is my belief that this species will support the winters of Lower Canada. 17'2 AI'llll OTiv PURPLE PfvU'll-LKAVKI). PK. CAT Black peach-leaved. PracJi-lcdvcd. Abricoiicr dfcuillrs dc Pecher, Armcniaca pcrsictrfolia, Purple fruited. Tliis is a variety of the preceding, and although the foliage is very different, the leaves of this being longer, narrower, and irregularly indented, still it is so closely allied in reality, that branches will often present themselves on the trees of this va- riety, bearing the foliage of the other, and by their great con- trast on the same tree, they form a striking singularity. Some- times the lower section of a branch will exhibit the broad foliage of the preceding one, and the upper section of it thr- um-row leaves peculiar to this. The fruit is the same as the other variety, and the tree equally hardy. SIBERIAN. PR. CAT. Abricotlcr dc Sihrric. N. Duh. Armeniaca Sibirica. N. Duh. Pers. synop. Lond. Hort. raf. Prunus Sibirica. Lin. Pall. (Jmcl. Wild. Lond. Hort. cat. Siberian Almond. Pr. cat. 25 cd. The present is a distinct species ; the leaves are oval, acute, dentated, and supported upon long petioles, measuring six lines or thereabout ; the fruit is sessile, the si/e of a small plum, and covered with a velvety skin, which is yellow on the shaded >ide, and bright red next the sun ; the flesh, of which there is not a great deal, is fibrous, almost dry, and of acid flavour ; the stone contains a kernel which is slightly bitter. This species is originally from Siberia, where it grows in mountainous local- ities, and it is seldom cultivated except in Botanic gardens. It is known in general under the title of Siberian Almond, and is so placed in the 2.5th edition of my catalogue, but Duhamel having ranged it in the class of apricoK I have now adopted the same course. In the London Horticultural Society's cata- logue, this is confused with the Peach-leaved apricot, and the two are united as one fruit, when none whatever are more widely distinct. 173 PEACHES. EARLIEST WHITE NUTMEG. PR. CAT. fcarly white Nutmeg. Lond. Hort. cat. White Nutmeg. Lond. Hort. cat. Mil. For., &c. Avant Peche blanche. Duh. Roz. Jard. fruit., and all other French writers. Avant blanclie, of some French catalogues. Green Nutmeg, of some gardens. THIS French variety many pomologists have considered synony- mous with the Common White Nutmeg of our gardens ; but it is a very different fruit, smaller in size and consequently in- ferior in value, though earlier at maturity. The genuine kind I have now under culture in my collection, and as this is called the White Nutmeg by English writers, I have added the term " Earliest" to distinguish it from our more common variety. The flowers are rather large, of a very pale rose colour or nearly white ; the fruit is very small, being not more than an inch, either in diameter or height ; it is on one side marked with a very deep groove, extending from the base to the sum- mit, which is terminated by a small pointed tit or mamelon ; the skin is delicate, covered with down, and whitish all over, and it is but very seldom that it becomes coloured with a slight de- gree of red, even on the sunny side, and only when the heat is very great at the time it attains to maturity ; the flesh is white even next to the stone, succulent, full of very sweet juice, which possesses also a musky perfume, that renders it very agreeable ; the stone is small, whitish or partially colour- 174 BEACHES. ed, and slightly adhering to the flesh. This is the earliest of peaches, ripening at the beginning of July, and the ants are very eager to attack it. RED NUTMEG. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. AND OTHER ENGLISH PUBLICATIONS. Red or scarlet nutmeg. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Scarlet nutmeg, of some American collections. of This tree has large rose-coloured flowers ; the fruit is larger than that of the preceding variety, being fifteen to sixteen lines in diameter, by thirteen to fourteen in height ; the longitudi- nal groove, which divides it lengthwise on one side, is not deep, and it is but seldom that it terminates in a mamelon or tit, but there are two small cavities at the place where that would have been situated ; the skin covered with down, is of a pale yellow colour where shaded, and tinged with bright red next the sun ; the flesh is white, melting, slightly touched with red under the skin on the sunny side, but without any red fibres near the stone, and is full of juice, possessing a sweet and musky flavour ; the stone is seven lines in length, six in diameter, and five in thickness it in general separates pretty easily from the flesh, but at other times cannot be detached without much difficulty ; it is at maturity about the end of July or early in August, and the ants and earwigs are very partial to it. SMALL, OR PETITE MJGNONNE. PR. CAT. Petite Mignonne, } Double de Troycs, > Duh. Peche de Troyes, > This variety, besides being larger than the Red Nutmeg, is also distinguished from it by its small flowers of a very pale rose colour, which are but eight to eight and a half lines hi PEACHES. 175 diameter ; the leaves are furnished at their base with reniform glands ; the fruit is commonly seventeen to eighteen lines in diameter, and in general nearly of equal height ; one of its sides is marked by a longitudinal groove, not very distinct, and the summit is terminated by a very small tit or point ; the skin is thin, covered with down, and tinged with red next the sun, the residue being wholly whitish, or sometimes more or less speckled with red dots ; the flesh is white, partially melting, rather sweet, and considerably perfumed, and sepa- rates readily from the stone, which is whitish or a very light brownish red, and is but eight lines in length, six in breadth, and five in thickness. This is one of the first peaches in rip- ening, and in early seasons is In eating at the end of July, and in ordinary years about the middle of August. NOBLESSE. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. Noblesse, of all English writers, beginning with Switzer in 1724, Noblest. Miller, No. 13, ed. 8. Hellish'' s Favourite, of the English gardens. Double Montague. Lond. Hort. Soc. cat. No. 48. Malta, f gome American collections. English Malta ? $ The following very complete description of this fruit I transcribe from the Pomological Magazine. " Flowers large, pale blush ; leaves serrated, glandless ; fruit large, in general of a roundish shape, somewhat hollow, the shape of the fruit varies on the same tree, being often a little elongated, with a large point on the summit ; skin slightly downy, marbled dull red next the sun, somewhat streaked with darker, breaking off in faint blotches towards the shaded side, which is pale yellowish green ; flesh white to the stone, from which it parts freely, melting and rich ; stone large, pale, obo- vate, pointed ; ripens in the end of August or beginning of September. It is one of the principal sorts for forcing. The tree is hardy and a good bearer." Switzer in his " Practical Fruit Gardener," published in London in 1824, speaks thus of the Noblesse of his time : 176 PEACHES. " The Noblesse peach, for largeness, good taste, and the hardiness and the durableness of the tree, is not equalled, much less excelled, by any fruit we have in England ; perfectly agreeing with our soil and climate, as much as if it had been a native of our own. It succeeds the Montauban, and for size improves upon him. The flowers are of the whitish pale blush, and the leaves somewhat serrated ; in short, it is the best peach (take it altogether) of any we have had from France ; and a man that is content with, or has but room for a few, cannot do better than to plant the Montauban and Noblesse peach, pre- ferable to any other." Hence it appears that this celebrated variety is of French origin, and yet it is singular that it has not hitherto been iden- tified with any thing in the modern French gardens. This has induced me to put together the following remarks : " The Noblesse peach is in the section of ' serrated gland- less leaves, large ftowers, melters,' of Mr. Lindley's classifica- tion. The French include in this section, according to the 4 Bon Jardinier,' the Avant-Peche Blanche (White Nutmeg, Miller,) Madeleine Blanche, de Malta, Madeleine de Courson, Cardinale, d'Ispahan, and Nain. "The three last are peculiar sorts, not generally cultivated, nor does the merit of their fruit deserve that they should be ; and the first is only cultivated for its precocity. The Made- leine de Courson is bright red next the sun, and mottled with small dots towards the shaded side, not marbled with blotches like the Noblesse, and its flesh is red at the stone. The Peche de Malta, as the French likewise admit, has an aflinity to the Madeleine Blanche or the Montague Blanche, and to these the Noblesse is nearly allied, by its colour outwardly, the na- ture and colour of its flesh, and in being also white to the stone ; but it is nevertheless different, being larger. " The Double Montagne has proved synonymous to the Noblesse. Knoop describes the Madeleine Blanche and ad- mits it to be the same as that called in the Low Countries the Montagne Blanche. He also describes the Double Montagne, but speaks of it with more uncertainty. He states it to be a r PEACHES. 177 clingstone ; but this he does of many others well known to be melters. " In Mayer's Pomona Franconica, vol. ii. p. 234, the Avant- Peche Blanche of Duhamel, and the White Nutmeg of Miller, is stated to be called in Holland ' La Montagne,' but this is contrary to the statement of Knoop before referred to, and as he describes the Madeleine Blanche as ' une grande et belle Peche,' he would not mistake the White Nutmeg for it, when he says, * Je pense que cette sorte est la meme qu'on appelle dans ce pays-ci la Montagne Blanche, a cause que la description de cette derniere sorte est entierement conforme a celle-ci.' " It appears, therefore, from the above authorities, that the Montagne and Madeleine Blanche are the same thing. The 1 Montagne Double' is, without doubt, a larger variety of the * Montagne Simple ;' as may easily be inferred from the sense in which double is used in the Netherlands. " From circumstances I think we are justified in concluding, that if the Noblesse peach is in cultivation in France, it must be included among their Madeleine Blanche peaches. To the Noblesse are closely allied Ford's Seedling, Sulhamstead, Cambray, Montauban, Vanguard." It is further remarked in the Pomological Magazine, that the Noblesse of the Americans appears, from Coxe's account of it, to be very different from the foregoing ; but I believe the one cultivated in my collection is the same as here described, and Mr. Coxe may have been led into a mistake from his tree being an erroneous one, as there were formerly several kinds cultivated near New- York to which the different owners gave this title. EARLY CHEVREUSE. PR. CAT. Chevreuse hdtive. Duh. Roz. Belle Chevreuse. Die. d'Agric. syn. The flower of this tree is small ; the fruit of fine size, ra- ther oblong, divided on one of its sides by a very distinct groove, one border of which is more elevated than the other ? 23 178 PEACHES. it is terminated at the summit by a small pointed nipple, and the surface is often scattered over with little protuberances, especially towards its base ; the skin is tinged with bright red on the sunny side ; the flesh is melting, replete with juice, which is sweet and of very agreeable flavour, and it is white except around the stone, where it becomes red ; the colour of the stone is a brownish red, and it is of a moderate size, some- what elongated. This peach ripens towards the middle or end of August, and the tree generally yields abundant crops. LATE CHEVREUSE. PK. CAT. Chevreuse tardive. N. Duh. Chevreuse tardive, Pourpree. O. Duh. The leaves of this tree are furnished at their base with reni- form glands ; the flowers are rose-coloured, and about ten lines in breadth ; the fruit is not exactly round, but is some- times a little compressed, and frequently presents small eleva- tions forming a kind of protuberances ; it is twenty-six lines in diameter, and twenty-four in height; the longitudinal groove, which divides it into two sections, is always very dis- tinct, and it frequently happens that one side of it is more swollen than the other ; the summit is terminated by a very distinct nipple ; the skin is pale where shaded, and a fine dark red where exposed to the sun ; the flesh is somewhat red around the stone, but the residue is white it is melting, and pretty abundant in juice, which is bland, sweet, and of pleasant taste ; the stone is very elongated, sixteen lines in length, and ten to eleven broad the point which terminates it is often a line in length. This peach attains to maturity at the end of September. BELLE CHEVREUSE. PR. CAT. DUH. Roz. Bellechevreuse. This peach is much less regularly rounded than most of the other kinds ; it is usually of greater height than breadth, often PEACHES. 179 measuring thirty-one lines in the former, and twenty-eight lines in the latter direction ; the longitudinal groove which sepa- rates it into two sections, forms this division in such a manner that one side of the groove is commonly flattened, whilst the other is swollen and more conspicuous, the summit is termi- nated by a small nipple scarcely apparent, and in most cases the fruit presents numerous protuberances scattered over its surface ; the skin is thick, velvety, whitish where shaded, and somewhat coloured next the sun it separates pretty readily from the flesh, which is white, except around the stone, where the colour is rather a dark red ; it is melting, full of juice, of a vinous, sweet, and excellent taste ; the stone separates tolera- bly well from the flesh, although some particles remain at- tached to it; it is of a reddish brown colour, large, seventeen lines in length, including a point of more than a line long ; and an inch in diameter. This peach ripens at the end of September or the beginning of October. ROYAL GEORGE. PR. OAT. POM. MAG. Royal George, of the English nurseries. Hort. Soc. fruit, cat. Red Magdalen, } Millett's Mignonne, > of the English nurseries. Lockyer's Mignonne, j Madeleine rouge a petites jleurs, of the French. The Pomological Magazine gives the following detailed description of this valuable freestone variety. " This and the sort usually sold in the nurseries under the name of Red Magdelen, are the same. The Red Magdalen of Miller (Madeleine de Courson of the French) is less com- mon, but is easily distinguished, not so much by its fruit as by its flowers, which are large. Ripens in the end of August or beginning of September, and is a proper sort for a peach- house. " The Royal George and Red Magdalen are different, say some, because the former is subject to mildew ; others say there is a difference, because the latter is the one the most subject to 180 PEACHES. it. The fact is, the same tree will mildew in one season, and not in another. A remedy, or at least a preventive in a great measure for this, is to keep the grounds clear and in good condition, and to see that there be nothing to obstruct a free circulation of air, and a full admission of sun. " In addition to the synonymes above enumerated, it is ex- tremely probable that Lord Fauconberg's Mignonne, the Early Royal George of the North of England, and the Grandville peach, are the same. It is also almost beyond a doubt, that the Madeleine Rouge a petites fleurs of the French, is the ori- ginal of the whole of them. " Flowers small ; leaves serrated, glandless ; fruit large, globular, moderately deeply marked by the suture along one side, with generally a slight depression on the summit ; skin dark purplish red where not exposed, the shaded side is whit- ish, the intermediate space between the shaded and most ex- posed part is thickly mottled with small red dots ; flesh white, rayed with red next the stone, melting, rich, with a plentiful, highly-sugared juice ; stone middle-sized, or rather small, and of a red colour, parting from the flesh." ISPAHAN. PR. CAT. N. DUH. This variety is a shrub of ten or twelve feet in height, and forms a round thick bush, filled with numerous branches ; the leaves are alternate, lanceolate, from one to two inches long, smooth, of a lively green on the upper side, and a paler green beneath, serrated, supported on short petioles, and devoid of glands ; the flowers, although they are only twelve to thirteen lines in diameter, may be ranked among those of large size, on account of the form of the petals, which are round they are of a delicate rose colour ; the fruit is nearly spherical, marked on one side by a deep furrow, and measures from three inches to three inches nine lines in circumference in each direc- tion ; the skin, which is covered with down and adheres to the flesh, is at first greenish, but becomes pale yellow at the pe- PEACHES. 181 riod of maturity, with a slight tinge of dull red on the sunny side ; the flesh is white, somewhat reddish near the stone, melt- ing, and abounding with sweet juice of a vinous and agreeable flavour, and it separates easily from the stone, which is almost round in its circumference, obtuse at its base, and terminated at its summit by an acute point. This peach has some affinity to the Avant-blanche, which however ripens two months sooner, and has leaves four times as large. The present most singular variety, which is much more of a bush than a tree, and whose whole appearance is so very strik- ing and peculiar, was found byBruguiere and Olivier, during their travels in Persia, growing in the gardens of Ispahan, where they frequently met with it flourishing naturally, with- out any of the advantages of ingrafting or pruning. It pro- duced fruit for the first time at Paris, in 1806, which attained to maturity in September ; but in Persia, the travellers referred to found the fruit ripe in November. I have noticed that during very severe winters the ends of the branches are sometimes partially injured by the cold, hi latitudes north of New- York. BELLEGARDE. PR. CAT. Dun. POM. MAG. MIL. Galande, i Early Galande, v of the English nurseries. Violette native, j Galande, 4* Galante-, ) c ^ Noire teMontreuil, \ ofsomeFrenchnurser.es. In regard to this fruit, the Pomological Magazine gives the following descriptive remarks. " It has been the fate of almost every peach of high merit to be known by many different appellations, particular culti- vators having given names of their own to that which was named before. Thus this, one of the most delicious of the varieties that ripen in the beginning of September, has no fewer than five names, under all of which it is often cultivated. " In addition to its good qualities ^is a fruit, this possesses 182 PEACHES; the merit of being a remarkably healthy tree, not subject to mildew. Both by the French and ourselves it is placed among the foremost class of melting peaches. It comes in at the be- ginning of September, after the Red Magdalen. " Leaves crenated, with globose glands ; flowers small, bright reddish pink ; fruit large, globular, of a very regular figure, with a shallow suture, and a slightly hollowed eye, with a little projecting point in its centre ; colour on the exposed side rich deep red, with dark purple or violet streaks on the shaded side pale green, faintly tinged with yellow ; flesh pale yellow, slightly rayed with red at the stone, very melting, juicy, and rich ; stone parts freely, rather large, slightly pointed." Duhamel states that this variety greatly resembles the Ad- mirable, and that it only differs in respect to its skin, being almost wholly tinged with purplish red, which approaches to black on the sunny side ; and in its flesh being more firm, as if breaking, and it also ripens at least fifteen days sooner, that is to say, at the end of August, and this is about the period at which it attains to maturity in our country. This variety is very extensively cultivated at Montreuil, near Paris, where the tree is considered one of the most productive and hardy, supporting the cold much better than many other kinds. YELLOW ALBERGE. PR. CAT. Pechejaune, > D , Albergejaune, $ J Rossanne. O. Duh. and some other French writers and catalogues. Rosamont. Die. d'Agric. syn. Petite Rossanne. Bon Jard. (supposed erroneously, Auth.) St. Laurent jaune, of some French catalogues. Rosanna. The flowers of this tree are of a delicate rose colour, and are small, being but ten lines in diameter ; the leaves are fur- nished at their base with rounded glands ; the fruit is twenty- four lines in height, and twenty-six or twenty-seven in diame- PEACHES. 183 ter sometimes it is one-fourth smaller in all its parts ; it is covered with a velvety skin, of a deep purple colour on the sunny side, and often over more than half the surface, and is yellow on that part which is shaded, but usually speckled all over with red dots ; the skin is easily detached from the flesh. In respect to form, the fruit has not much peculiarity, except that the longitudinal groove is in general strongly marked and likewise slightly apparent on the opposite side ; the summit is somewhat sunken, and often presents a very small tit which scarcely projects at all ; the flesh is entirely yellow, except around the stone, where it is of a rather dark red it is also melting, and abounds in sweet and vinous juice very agreeable to the taste ; the stone separates pretty easily from the flesh it is of a brownish red colour, measures nine lines in breadth, by eleven in height, and terminates often in a very short point. This fruit is at maturity the end of August or beginning of September ; it is subject to vary in^ respect to size, by which circumstance the editors of the new edition of Duhamel, sup- pose that author must have been influenced, when he distin- guished the Rossanne peach in the original edition as a differ- ent fruit, which they state to be identically the same kind, the fruit being varied in size, and acquiring greater or less dimen- sions according to the vigour of the trees and the nature of the soil. I consider this to be the Rossanne, and the following kind to be the Petite Rossanne of French writers where the terms are properly applied, but much confusion exists among ithem in this respect. EARLY YELLOW ALBERGE. PR. CAT. Avant peche jaune. Duh. Alberge jaune prtcoce, of some French catalogues. Rossanne. Die. d'Agric. syn. Petite Rossanne. Auth. This peach is distinguished from the preceding, by its being much smaller in size, and ripening at a much earlier period, but its flowers and leaves do not differ ; it is sixteen lines in 181 PK. \cnr.s. diameter, and seventeen in height, divided by a shallow longi- tudinal groove, and terminated by a large pointed and curved niamelon ; the skin, which is covered with thick down, is yel- low on the side that is shaded, and coloured with dark red on the side exposed to the sun ; the llr.sh is melting, of a fine golden yellow colour, tinned with red around the stone, and of a sweet flavour; the stone is brownish red, terminating in an obtuse point, and about seven lines long and six broad. In early seasons this fruit is in eating at the end of July, and in ordinary years towards the middle of August. I have no doubt the title adopted and tiie synonymes apply to the same fruit, and I have been guided by my own judgment in their arrangement. MADELEINE DE COURSOX. POM. MAG. PR. CAT. LF.L. POM. FR. r. 292. G.LIXD. I> T HORT. TRAP'S. VOL. v. p. 530. HoilT. SOC. FRUIT. CAT. XO. 8 1. Red Magdalen of C our son. Pr. cat. 25 ed. Madeleine Rou of the English nurseries. French Mignonne, j Mignonne, ) Vdoutee, > of the French gardens. Veloutee de Merlet, ) Royal Kensington. G. Lindley in Hort. Trans, vol. v. p. 544. Early Vineyard. G. Lindley in Hort. Trans, vol. v. p. 543. Grosse Lieblingspjirsiche. Taschenbuch, p. 478. The excellence of this variety will account for the number of different names under which it is cultivated. Some of these have previously been determined as synonymous; a few are now so considered for the first time. It is not improbable that the Marlborough, Ronald's Early Galande, Padley's Early Purple, and the Siviss Mignonne, will be hereafter added to the list; if not the same as the Grosse Mignonne, they differ from it so little as not to be worth cultivating in the same gar- dens as distinct varieties. The Vinewe de Fromentin of the TEACHES. 187 French differs only in being somewhat larger, rather longer, and not so much hollowed on the summit. A beautiful, melting, delicious variety, ripening in the be- ginning of September. One of the finest peaches in culti- vation. Leaves crenated, with globose glands ; flowers large, dark purplish-red ; fruit large, depressed, and hollowed at the sum- mit, with a moderately deep suture on one side, and a wide cavity at the base the side marked by the suture is shorter than the opposite one ; skin rather thinly clad with down ; co- lour rich deep red next the sun, thickly mottled on a yellow ground towards the shade ; flesh pale yellow, rayed with red next the stone, from which it parts freely, melting, juicy, with a rich vinous flavour ; stone small for the size of the fruit, ovate, very rugged. Pom. Mag. LATE MIGNONNE. AUTH. Mignonne tardive. N. Duh. This peach greatly resembles the Grosse Mignonne, the tree like that variety produces large flowers, which are of a delicate rose colour, and seventeen to eighteen lines in diameter; the essential distinction is in the glands of the leaves, which are reniform, instead of being globular, and in the fruit, which is not sensi- bly hollowed at the summit, but is terminated by a very distinct nipple or mamelon, although it is very small ; the fruit is of fine size, and measures twenty-six to thirty lines in its greatest diameter, and twenty-five to twenty-eight in height ; the flesh is white, somewhat coloured with red around the stone, very melting, replete with juice of a sweet, rich, and vinous flavour, and as pleasant as that of the Grosse Mignonne ; the stone detaches itself pretty easily from the flesh, and is of a reddish brown colour, fourteen lines or a little more in length, and nine in its greatest diameter. This is an excellent fruit ripen- ing in the earliest part of September, and sometimes at the end of August in an early season, but always eight to ten days 188 PEACHES. after the Grosse Mignonne. It is cultivated in the Jardin des Plantes at Pafls. ROUND TRANSPARENT. PR. CAT. Transparentc Ronde. N. Duh. and of some French catalogues. This tree produces flowers of a beautiful rose colour, about fourteen lines in diameter, and its leaves are furnished with re- niform glands. This last character forms its especiardistinc- tion from the Grosse Mignonne, as the fruit differs but little from that variety, except in point of size it being only twenty- two to twenty-three lines in height, by two inches at most in diameter ; its form, colour, and flavour do not present on their part any essential differences ; the stone is more oblong in pro- portion to the size of the fruit, measuring thirteen to fourteen lines in length, with a peculiar point, ordinarily very project- ing, and is nine to ten lines in its greatest diameter, and very perceptibly contracted towards its base. This peach is culti- vated in the Jardin des Plantes at Paris, and ripens at the end of August, or beginning of September. I introduced it to this country from the South of France, about six or seven years since. ENGLISH CHANCELLOR. PR. CAT. Chancellor. Pom. Mag. Mil. Lond. Hort. cat. No. 40. This peach, which is by no means uncommon, is said to be distinct from the fruit of the same name in the French gardens, which is described by Duhamel as having large flowers. In all other respects, however, the two seem to be much alike. It is generally considered, that the English Chancellor peach is the variety alluded to by Duhamel in describing the true kind. In the Jardin Fruitier the true Chancellor is stated to resemble the Chevreuse native, which this does also, except in being later. It is earlier than the late Chevreuse ; and, ex- cept those two, there is no peach in the section to which it be- PEACHED. 189 longs that it is like. The middle of September is the usual time of ripening. Leaves crenated, with reniform glands ; flowers small, red- dish ; fruit large, oval, with a very distinct channel on one side ; cavity at the footstalk rather small ; skin not very downy, dark crimson next the sun, pale yellow next the wall, finely mottled towards the union of the two colours it peels freely ; flesh pale yellow, very deep red from the stone half-way through, melting, very juicy and rich, with a vinous flavour it parts freely from the stone, but leaves some fibres behind ; stone oblong, tapering to the base, pointed at summit, with a surface almost like that of a clingstone. A capital sort. The French Chancellor of the nurseries, and of the London Horticultural Society's Fruit Catalogue, No. 41, is propably not distinct from this. The name appears to have originated in a nursery in the North of England. Pom. Mag. FRENCH CHANCELLOR. PR. CAT. Chancellor. N. Duh. Veritable Chancelliere a grandefieur. O. Duh. Chancellor. This variety has large flowers ; the fruit is twenty-two lines in height, and twenty-four in diameter it is divided into two unequal sections by a longitudinal furrow, which is deepest at its base ; and it is terminated by a very small mamelon ; the skin is a fine red next the sun ; the flesh is melting, sweet, and of very pleasant flavour. This peach is at maturity the begin- ning of September. EARLY PURPLE. PR. CAT. Pourpree haiive. N. Duh. Veritable Pourprfe hative a grande fleur. O. Duh. The flowers of this tree are large and bright red ; the fruit is twenty-five to twenty-seven lines in diameter, and twenty-three 190 PEACHES. to twenty-four in height it is divided on one side lengthwise, by a broad and rather deep channel, which terminates in a considerable cavity at the summit ; the skin is a fine dark red next the sun, and speckled on the opposite side with very small bright red dots, in such a manner that when they are very close to each other, it appears to be entirely of a red co- lour ; it is also wholly covered with a fine thick down, and readily separates from the flesh ; the latter is white, except around the stone, where there are some red veins it is very melting, and abounds in juice of an excellent flavour ; the stone is brownish red, and does not adhere to the flesh. This peach ripens early, being commonly eaten during the first part of August, and is esteemed a very good fruit. VINOUS PURPLE. PR. CAT. Pourprte vineuse, $ D h Pourpree hative vineuse, ) Vineuse, La Vineuse. Vineuse de Fromentin ? This tree also has large flowers, of a bright red colour ; the fruit is of fine size, divided on one side into two sections by a rather deep groove ; the skin is thin, and separates readily from the flesh it is covered with a very fine fawn coloured down, and its whole surface is a very dark red, including even those parts which are not exposed to the sun ; the flesh is succulent, with a profusion of juice of a vinous taste, accompanied in some cases with a slightly acid flavour ; the colour is white, except under the skin and around the stone, where it becomes very red ; the stone is brownish red, and detaches itself easily from the flesh. This peach has considerable affinity to the Grosse Mignonne, but is distinguished by the colour of its skin and flesh. PEACHES. 191 LATE PURPLE. PR. CAT. Pourpree tardive. Duh. Roz. This fine freestone peach has flowers of medium size, of a rose colour, and ten to eleven lines in breadth ; the fruit is one of the most beautiful of its class, and often measures thirty-one to thirty-two lines in its greatest diameter, by twenty-seven to twenty-eight in height ; the longitudinal groove which divides it on one of its sides, is not very distinct, and it extends beyond the summit, which is terminated by a small nipple ; the skin, which is covered with fine down, and separates easily from the flesh, is whitish on the shaded side, and reddish next the sun, where the red colour is frequently distributed in lines or stripes ; the flesh is white, except around the stone, where it becomes somewhat red it is melting, very succulent, abounding in juice of a sweet, perfumed, vinous, and excellent flavour ; the stone, which separates pretty readily from the flesh, is subject to split it measures fifteen to sixteen lines in length, and eleven to twelve in breadth, and is most swollen towards the point, and narrowest at the base. This peach is considered an excellent fruit, and ripens at the end of September or be- ginning of October. In my importations of fruit made from England, some years since, they sent me from one of the first establishments in that country for this variety, a late purple peach with a smooth skin, considerably resembling a nectarine, which beyond doubt must be one of the choice French Violet peaches, and I expect to be able soon to identify it with its proper title. MALTA. PH. CAT. POM. MAG. MIL. FOR. LOND. HORT. SOC. CAT. No. 90. Peche de MaUe. Duh. Jard. Fruit. Belle de Paris, of the French. Malte de Normandie. Lond. Hort. Soc. cat. No. 91. Maltheser Pfirsiche. Baum. Taschenb. The following description of this fine freestone peach I ex- tract from the Pomological Magazine. 19*2 PEACHES. " One of the very best of the melting peaches, ripening about the end of August. It bears carriage remarkably well, and will keep longer when gathered than any other peach, except the clingstones. From its reputed capability of bear- ing as a standard, it would be probably found to ripen on an east or west wall. " Leaves doubly serrated, rather larger than usual, without glands ; flowers large, pale ; fruit middle-sized, generally de- pressed at the apex, with a broad shallow suture on one side, and slight traces of one on the other ; colour on the shaded side pale dull green, next the sun broadly marbled with broken blotches of dull purplish red ; flesh greenish yellow, with a slight stain of purple next the stone, from which it parts freely, very rich and juicy, with an extremely agreeable vinous fla- vour ; stone middle-sized, oval, pointed, rather rugged. " The sort cultivated in Normandy was a short time since supposed to be a variety distinct from the Peche de Make of Duhamel ; but from plants grown in the garden of the Horti- cultural Society last summer, the two are now judged to be the same. " Upon the authority of Miller, the Italian is said to be a kind nearly the same as this." GEORGE THE FOURTH. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. This fine freestone variety is stated to have originated in the garden of Mr. Gill, in Broad-street, New- York. The tree is of vigorous growth, and produces plentiful crops ; the flowers are of small size, and a dingy red colour ; the leaves indicate much vigour, and are of large size, with acute crenatures, and are attended with small globular glands ; the fruit is dark red on the sunny side, and on the part that is shaded a fine light yellow, marbled with a lively shade of red where the colours meet each other ; the flesh is straw colour, with some veins of red near the stone, which is of small size ; in point of flavour, it may be ranked among our very good peaches, but we have a number that are more rich and perfumed ; in size this peach PEACHES. 193 is about medium ; the form is round, deeply lobecl at the head, and the stem is inserted within a deep cavity, which extends more towards one side of the suture than the other. BEAUTY OF VITRY. PR. CA?< Belle de Vitry, > Duh Admirable tardive, $ Belle de Vitri. Die. d'Agric. The leaves of this tree are furnished at their base with rounded glands ; the flowers are of medium size, and eleven to twelve lines in breadth ; the fruit is beautiful, and measures twenty-six to twenty-eight lines in height and often thirty ; its diameter is in proportion from twenty-eight to thirty and some- times even thirty-three or thirty-four lines ; its form has no pe- culiar characteristic, the longitudinal groove is not deep, but extends a little beyond the summit of the fruit, where there is a very small mamelon or nipple ; the skin is generally velvety, almost entirely of a whitish green, except on the sunny side, which is slightly washed with red ; it separates readily from the flesh, which is white with the exception of that part next the stone, where it becomes slightly reddish ; it is very succu- lent and replete with juice of a sweet, rich, and very pleasant flavour the stone is large, oblong, swollen at the part next the point, and thin at the base ; it is fifteen to sixteen lines in length, by about eleven in its greatest diameter. This peach attains its perfect maturity, in the vicinity of Paris, at the end of September, or the beginning of October, and in the South of France about the middle of September. The pe- riod of the maturity of peaches is generally rather earlier in the vicinity of New- York than at Paris. Although I follow Duhamel in placing the Admirable tardive as a synonyme of this variety, I perceive that in some French catalogues, the titles are placed separately, as if referrible to distinct fruits. 25 194 PEACHES, APRICOT PEACH. PR. CAT. Peche Abricot, } Admirable jaune, \ J)uh Abricotee, L Grosse Ptche jaune tar dive, J Peche d' Orange. Sandalie hermaphrodite. Fame abricote. Aud. lat. Grosse jaune. Peche de Burai. Yellow Admirable. Orange peach. For. Yellow Apricot. PR. HORT. The flowers of this tree are large ; the fruit is large, round, flattened, least broad at the head, and divided by a shallow longitudinal groove ; the skin is covered with down, yellow on the shaded side, and somewhat red on the part exposed to the sun ; the flesh is yellow like that of an apricot, and red next the stone ; it is rather firm, and ,sometimes even a little dry, unless it is perfectly ripe ; the juice is pleasant, perfumed, and much resembles the apricot, when the autumn is hot and fa- vourable for its maturity ; the stone is small in comparison with the size of the fruit, and it separates with difficulty from the flesh. This peach ripens at Paris about the middle of October, and on standards it gains in quality what it loses in size. Duhamel remarks that it may be propagated from seeds without degenerating ; he also remarks that it is sometimes met with producing small flowers, and that there also exists another variety with very large flowers, which yields still larger fruit. CATHARINE. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. LANG. POM. SWITZ. MIL. HlTT. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. I extract the following description of this clingstone variety from the Pomological Magazine. " An old and very valuable variety, ripening in the end of September and beginning of October, and possessing far greater merit than any other of our late clingstone peaches. PEACHES. 195 When fully matured, it is excellent and extremely beautiful ; but to be eaten in perfection, it should have been gathered a few days. It is said to force well, which is an important qua- lity ; for from want of solar heat in this climate, all the cling- stone peaches acquire their flavour most perfectly in a forcing- house. It is an abundant bearer, and according to Forsyth, well adapted for tarts. " It is remarkable, that although it appears from an old cata- logue of the Chartreux garden, that the Catharine was long since sent to France, under the name of La Belle Catharine, no trace of it is to be found in the great French works on pomology. " In the catalogue of fruits cultivated in the garden of the London Horticultural Society, the Green Catharine peach of the Americans is said to be the same as this ; but this a mis- take, that variety having globose, not reniform glands, (and being also a freestone, &c. Auth.) " The Incomparable peach is very nearly the same as the Catharine, but is distinguished by its higher colour, both in- side and outside, and by its flavour being inferior. On ac- count of its superior beauty, it is the most cultivated of the iwo. " Leaves crenate, with reniform glands, very deep green, somewhat puckered or crumpled on each side of the midrib ; flowers small, reddish ; fruit large, round, either depressed or pointed at the apex, in which respect it is very variable to- wards the base the surface is uneven ; colour a beautiful red next the sun, marbled and dashed with darker shades, pale yellow next the wall, where it is sprinkled with many red dots ; flesh very firm, of a deep crimson next the stone to which it strongly adheres towards the outside very white, becoming after having been gathered a few days tinged with yellow, and having then an abundance of juice, and a very rich and sweet flavour ; stone middle-sized, roundish-oval, very slightly pointed." 196 PEACHES. " ADMIRABLE. PK. CAT. DUH. Roz. Admirable. Pr. cat. 25 ed. No. 10*2. The flowers of this tree are small, and of a purple rose co- lour ; the fruit is thirty lines in diameter, and twenty-seven in height it is divided by a shallow longitudinal groove, and terminated at the summit by a very small nipple ; the skin is velvety, of a light yellow hue on the shaded side, and touched with bright red next the sun ; the flesh is white, except around the stone, where it is tinged with pale red it is rather firm be- fore it attains to maturity, but when perfectly ripe, it becomes melting, with abundance of sweet juice, of a vinous, rich, and excellent flavour ; the stone is small in proportion to the size of the fruit, which is one of the finest peaches, and ripens about the middle of September ; the tree is very productive, but it is found in France to require more attention to the pruning, than most others because it often has some weak and feeble branches, and it sometimes loses very large ones, being quite subject to the cloque, a malady which is attributed to the cold winds. NIVETTE. PR. CAT. DUH. Nivette velouite. Duh. La Nivette, or La Veloutce. Die. d'Agric. Velotte tardive. The flowers of this tree are of medium size, and eleven to twelve lines in breadth ; the leaves are furnished at their base with rounded glands ; the fruit is large, and sometimes thirty lines in diameter, and of the same height it is divided by a longitudinal groove of no great depth, one side of which is far more projecting than the other, and it is terminated at its summit by a very small nipple ; the skin is almost wholly of a yellowish white colour, and only occasionally tinged with some red veins on the sunny side it separates pretty easily from the flesh, which is mostly white, but reddish around the stone, and this redness penetrates considerably into the fruit ; it is PEACHES. 197 what firm before it attains to perfect maturity, but becomes then very melting, and abounds in juice of a vinous, sweet, and excellent taste, sometimes however it is a little bitter ; the stone is proportionate to the size of the fruit, of a pretty regular oval form, although a little narrower at its base than at its point it is eighteen lines in length, by an inch in diameter. This peach, which is one of the most beautiful and one of the best freestone varieties, ripens at the end of September. MONSTROUS POMPONNE. PR. CAT. Pavie de Pomponne. N. Duh. Jard. fruit. Paine rouge de Pomponne. O. Duh. Fame monstreux, > Duh . syn . Paw camu, $ J Gros Perseque rouge, Grosmelecoton. Monstrous Pavie. Coxe. Monstrous Pavy of Pomponne. Royal Pavy. For. _ This tree is of very vigorous growth and appearance ; its leaves are large, with small indentures. The flowers are large, but do not open perfectly, the petals being much hol- lowed or spoon-shaped. The fruit is round and terminated by a large mamelon ; and it is not only one of the most beau- tiful, but surpasses all other peaches in size. Duhamel men- tions, that it is often fourteen inches in circumference, and it is stated in the Jardin Fruitier, that it is frequently to be met with in the vicinity of Paris, three and a half inches in diame- ter, which work further adds, that, the climate there does not admit of its attaining to that perfection which it acquires in the south of France. The skin is velvety, white, approaching to a greenish hue on the shade side, and of a fine red colour next to the sun. The flesh is very firm, red beneath the skin on the sunny side, and also around the stone, to both of which it adheres ; elsewhere it is white, and at maturity becomes sweet, musky, vinous, and of very pleasant flavour. In rainy and cold seasons, and in climates too far north, it does not perfect its fine qualities, and is often insipid, a warm and dry autumn being required for it to attain to perfection, The 198 PEACHES. stone is small in comparison with the size of the fruit. Its pe- riod of ripening is in the month of October. In the more northern climates, the fruit is sometimes gathered before ma- ture, to preserve it from the frosts, and it is then placed on shelves to ripen in the house. It is also frequently made use of for preserves and compotes. MAGDALEN CLINGSTONE. PR. CAT. Pavie blanc. Duh. Pavie madeleine, or magdeleine, Duh. syn. The leaves of this tree are devoid of glands ; its flowers are of a very delicate rose colour, and of large dimensions, being fifteen to sixteen lines in diameter. The fruit is twenty-four to twenty-six lines in height, and twenty-six to twenty-eight in its greatest diameter ; and is sometimes terminated by a very small mamelon. The skin is velvety, and almost entire- ly of a whitish hue, being speckled only with some reddish dots next the sun ; it does not separate from the flesh, which is firm, white, succulent, and of a vinous flavor at perfect ma- turity. The stone is of a brownish red colour, strongly adhe- ring to the flesh, and is thirteen lines in length, by about ten lines in diameter. This fruit ripens in the beginning of September. FRENCH BLOOD PEACH. PR/CAT. Sanguinole. Duh. Better**, > Duh . syn . Druselle. $ Sanguinole. Bloody peach. For. Scarlet peach. Coxe. Peche Carotte. Sanguine, or Blood. Bloody peach. Mulberry. This is a fruit of moderate size when produced on dry and arid soils, often there not exceeding seventeen to eighteen lines in diameter, and of the same height ; in good soils, however, at attains to rather larger dimensions. The skin is thick, and separates with difficulty from the flesh ; it is covered with very PEACHES. 199 fine down of a grayish colour, and slightly tinged with dull red next the sun. The extremity of the fruit is usually termi- nated by a mamelon; the flesh is of the colour of lees of rather dark-coloured red wine ; it has not much juice, and its flavour is slightly acid, or bitter, and not agreeable to the taste. The stone detaches itself easily from the flesh, and is thirteen lines in length and ten in breadth. This peach commonly ripens about the middle of September, or towards the beginning of October. In warm and early seasons its flavour is somewhat improved; it is much used for preserves and compotes, being far better when cooked than raw. It also serves to make beautiful pickles, but the clingstone variety is more generally used for this last named purpose throughout our country. CARDINALE. PR. CAT. Dun. JARD. FRUIT. Cardinale de Furstemberg. Bloody peach. This peach Duhamel states to be much larger and better than the preceding one. The leaves have large indentures ; the flowers are large, and of a pale colour; the fruit is round, and of the size of a Magdalen ; the skin is wholly of a dull reddish violet hue, and seemingly dirty, from the appearance of the thick russet-coloured down which adheres to it. The flesh is generally of a dark purple tint, with veins of the colour of the blood beet ; the taste is usually flat, or even insipid. It ripens in October, and in consequence of its want of flavour, is rather an object of curiosity on account of its colour, than of value in other respects. It is said that in Italy and other warm climates it is much better than in colder latitudes, and that it is there much esteemed ; if so, it would find an appropriate climate in our Southern States. It is but recently that this tree was introduced to our country by myself, having received it from the south of France. Like the other varieties of the Blood peach, it serves for preserves, compotes, and pickles. 200 PEACHES. BARRINGTON. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. LOND. IIORT. CAT- Buckingham Mignonne. Lond. Hort. Cat. This peach, some trees of which I introduced a few years since from Europe, is one of great excellence. It is arranged in Mr. Lindley's classification in the same section with the Grosse Mignonne, but is a perfectly distinct variety, consider- ably later at maturity, and succeeds the Royal George. The tree is of a healthy habit, and produces good crops. The following detailed description I extract from the Po<- mological Magazine, in which work the fruit is admirably figured. " Leaves crenated, with globose glands ; flowers large ; fruit large and handsome, roundish, somewhat elongated, and rather pointed at the summit ; the suture moderately deep along one side ; skin pale yellowish green next the wall, deep red next the sun, marbled with darker : flesh yellowish white, slightly rayed with some crimson tints next the stone, from which it parts freely ; melting, juicy, and very rich ; stone middle-sized, ovate, with a lengthened sharp point, very rug- ged, and of a brown colour." END OF VOL. I. THE following works may be obtained of the principal booksellers : PRINCE'S TREATISE ON HORTICULTURE 200 pp. #0,75, do. TREATISE ON THE VINE 355 pp. 8vo. $1,50. do. POMOLOGICAL MANUAL 2 Yols. 8vo. each 200 pp. $2. The following Catalogues of the various Departments of the Liimsean Botanic Garden and Nurseries may be obtained from the different agents, or by applica- tion direct to the proprietors : No. 1. Fruit and Hardy Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Plants pp. 91. 2. Bulbous and Tuberous rooted Plants pp. 24. 3. Greenhouse Trees, Shrubs, and Plants pp. 44. 4. American Indigenous Trees, Shrubs, and Plants pp. 47. 5. A Catalogue of Seeds. TUT, POMOLOGICAL MANUAL; OR, A TREATISE ON FRUITS : CONTAINING DESCRIPTIONS OF A GREAT NUMBER OF THE MOST VALUABLE VARIETIES FOR THE ORCHARD AND GARDEN, "When Autumn basks^ with fruit empurpled deep, My pleasing theme continual prompts my thought; Presents the downy peach ; the shining plum ; The ruddy, fragrant nectarine ; and dark, Beneath his ample leaf, the luscious fig." BY WILLIAM ROBERT PRINCE, Author of a Treatise on the Vine, f t -c. AIDED BY WILLIAM PRINCE, Proprietor of the Linnirrxii Botnnic Garden and Nurseries ; Vice-President of the New- York Horticultural Society ; Member of the Linnaean Society of Paris ; of the Horticultural Societies of London and Paris; of the Imperial Society of the GpM^^Iiiif FlorKrfr : -ftonornrv Member of the Massachusetts Horticul PAR# n SECOND tyTViQ V d NEW.YORKt PUBLISHED BY T. & J. SWORDS, G. & C. & II. CARVILL, E. BLISS, COLLINS &. CO (.'. THORBURN & SONS, NEW- YORK: JUDAH DOflSON, PHH.ADEI.I'IIlA : I. B. KI'SSKLL, BOSTON; GIDEON B. SMITH, BALTIMORE: JAMES WINSTON, RICHMOND. AND JOSEPH SIMMONS, CHARLESTON, S. ( . UBBBAHY OF TE ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1831, by WILLIAM ROBERT PRINCE, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New-York. J. SEYMOUB, PHINTKR, JOHN-STHET. INDEX TO PART II. ADOPTED NAMES. PEACHES. ALBERGE.Late yellow 22 yellow clingstone 22 Algiers Yellow 16 Belle Bausse 11 Blood clingstone, French 3 , Prince's 32 Che vreuse clingstone 33 Columbia 19 Congress 27 Diana-' 17 Double-flowering 10 Dwarf Orleans 18 Early white clingstone 35 red clingstone 27 Favier-' 34 Favourite red - 23 French Willow-leaved ---- 12 Gold and Purple 12 Green Winter 15 Heath- - 29 Kenrick's 30 Hill's Madeira 20 Hyslop's clingstone 27 Kennedy's Carolina 17 Lisle-- 21 Melocoton, Red-cheek 31 Mignonne frizee - 10 , Large early 10 Monstrous freestone 36 Lemon 29 Montauban* 11 Newington, Old 9 , Early 9 Nutmeg, Green 23 , Brown 24 Oldmixon freestone 23 clingstone 23 Orange clingstone 15 freestone 35 Pavie de Pamiers 13 PechedePau 20 Persique-- 13 clingstone 36 Portugal -. 21 President 33 Rambouillet 21 Rareripe, Red 14 .Yellow 14 .Prince'sred 16 . Large early-- 25 .White 26 , Jacques' 26 , Sargent's 26 Royal 28 Royal George clingstone 20 Sernach 35 Spanish 32 Surprise - 33 Sweetwater 24 Spring Grove 17 Teindoux 16 Vandeveer's Optimum 12 Van Zandt's superb 15 White winter 32 White blossom 19 Yellow preserving 20 Cherry 44 NECTARINES. DesprSs ........ ........ ............... 40 Elruge, Common ...................... 41 .Miller's ....................... 42 Fairchild's early ...................... 46 French yellow ......................... 40 Golden ................................ 47 Italian Brugnon, or Brinion ........... 46 Late yellow ............................ 44 Lewis' ............................... 47 Murry ................................ 45 Old Newington- ...................... 45 Peterborough .......................... 47 Red Roman ........................... 45 Scarlet ................................ 46 Temples --.---* ....................... 47 Vermash ...... *- ...................... 45 Violet, Early .......................... 37 , Large early .................... 33 , Late marbled ........ - .......... 39 , Latest ......................... 39 ,Musk .......................... 39 White ........ - ....................... 42 French ......................... 43 PLUMS. Apricot-plum of Tours ................ 71 .Early ................... 70 .White .................. 71 ,Red .................... 72 Beach ................................. 108 Bingham .............................. IQI Briancon .............................. JQS Bricette ............................... 103 Brignole .......... - ................... g7 Bullace ................ .............. JQCJ Cherry-plum, American ............... go European ....... ----- go Cheston ............................... 92 Cliicasaw, Red ........................ jQ4 Coe's Golden drop .................... 95 Cooper's large red ..................... 97 Cyprian--- ............................ 95 Darnas Dronet ......................... 86 de Provence ................ -'-- gs Date Agen Damask, Maugeron , Early black .Italian , Spanish ,Musk . September .Violet Red , Late red ------ , Largest of Tours Damson, Prince's early , Small red , Shropshire , Large early , Small white , Large white . Late white .Late black , Late purple Diaper, White IV INDEX. Diaper, Red , Violet Drapd'Or Duane's Purple French- I r.1 1 rey Fotheringham French Copper - Gage, Green , Double flowering , Purple -. , Blue , Red , Bleeker's 5 , Frost j , Prince's imperial 5 , Prince's yellow 10 German Plum Giffbrd's Lafayette 9 Holland Huling's superb : Imperatrice, blue .( white ( Imperial, violet 5< with variegated leaves-- 6 White 5 Yellow 51 * sabe "a 10 Isle Verte 9 Jacinthe 9. Jerusalem Kirke's 9 Large early Montreuil 9 Peach--- 106 Late Chalons 9 Lucombe's Nonsuch Maitre Claude 52 Mimro's 91 Monsieur i Early 62 , Surpasse 63 Morocco g2 MouchetS 9- Moyen de Bourgogne 95 Muscle 1 05 Nectarine 102 Orleans 67 , Smith's OS , Wilmot's early 68 Perdrigon, White , 64 .Early 65 , Norman 65 .Violet 66 . .Red 67 *rimordian, White 79 Prince's 79 Prune d'Ast 10o Prune, German 77 Red St. Martin 74 JRognon d'Ane 100 Royal 72 , Early 72 St. Catharine 76 Saint Julien, Common 73 , Large 73 Sloe 106 Small Reine Claude ' 49 Mirabelle 76 Stoneless 81 Swiss 03 Tillemond 93 Tomlinson's Charlotte 59 Tours, Early 64 , Royal 64 Twice-bearing 103 Virginal, White - 73 , Rjed - 74 Washington 53 WetheriU's-sweet 101 White pear-plum 104 Wine 101 Winesour 101 CHERRIES. Allen's late Favourite ................. 123 All faints ............................. 152 Belle de Choisy Bigarreau, China , Napoleon d ,Re .White 125 , Pigeon-heart --- 127 , Large Red ]27 , Large White 127 , Common French 128 , Flesh coloured 128 , Lai ge late Red 128 , Large heart, shaped 129 ,Eaily White 129 .Early Red 130 .Black ,-- 130 , Late Black - 130 , HildeshQim 131 Bird Cherry, European 154 Black Carone ill Mazard 109 Heart 1 15 Eagle 1]6 Bleeding heart 120 Carnation 138 Cluster 132 CoeurdePoule 12! Davenport 151 Double-flowering, Large Ill , Dwarf 151 Downer's late red 154 Dovvnton 124 Duke, Prince's 136 May ,. 133 Late 134 Arch 135 Holinan's !.;."> Dwarf Siberian 153 Early May 131 Richmond 142 Elkhorn 117 Gascoigne's heart 121 Grafflon, or Amber - 137 Ridley 123 Griotte d'Ostheim 145 , Guigne 149 , Early 131 , Spanish 136 .Holland 141 , Short-stem 141 , Late large Black 145 .Northern 146 , Ratafia 147 , Small Ratafia 147 , Common French 148 , Large 14S , Poitou 148 , Heart-shaped 149 uigne Bigaudelle 113 , Late white 113 , Late red 113 , Lundie n$ .Transparent 119 , Early \\\ .Pointed---- 119 ,Red 112 , Black 112 , Drooping 119 .Small Black ---- 112 , Early White 112 uindolle, Large 149 lindoux, Parisian 140 ertfordshire Black 121 entishRed 142 Cnight's early Black 120 aikeward's heart 12~> arasquin 132 erise, Large black 110 Yellow fruited 110 INDEX. Montmorcncy, J/>ng-stem .............. i:i'.i Short-stem .......... Ho, Common ...................... M:> Lai!.' ........................... Ill Plurastone .................... 144 (.Vrinan ...................... 147 Peach-blossomed ...................... 1-M Prolilir ................................ 132 Prussian ............................ Remington White-limn ................ 117 Striped-leaved ........................ 151 Tartarian Blnck ....................... 113 White ...................... 114 Tobacco-leaved ....................... 12 Vill.'inres ............................. Jin Waterloo ............................. 118 \Miitr Heart .......................... 11.1 Willow-leaved ........................ 141 y ........................ 110 Spanish ....................... !-!"> ALMONDS. Bitter Hardshell , Large - Bitter SoftsheU Dwarf single-flowering-- double- flower ing- Great- fruited Ladies' Thin shell Large fruited double-flowering -- Peach - Pistachia- 158 158 159 160 161 157 15G 155 161 159 157 Silvery Oriental 160 Small fruited 155 bitter 158 Sultan lof> RASPBERRIES. Barnet 165 Brentford Red 16? Canada Red 168 Common Red 166 Cretan Red 169 Pennsylvania!! 167 Prolific Red----, 169 Red Antwerp 164 Short-jointed Cane 168 Tall Red Cane 168 VirginiaRed 167 Yellow Antwerp ---- 165 STRAWBERRIES. 1F-0 Alpine, Red , White - , White Bush , Red Bush Black Prince ,0ld , Pitmaston "- Bostock Bullocks Blood ---- 185 Carolina, Dwarf white 183 , Round white 183 Charlotte 189 Chili, True 181 , Yellow ---- 182 Chinos/: 184 Downton 174 Dutch 185 Elton Seedling 179 Gibb's Seed ling, black 186 Hautbois Bfack 171 French Musk 174 Common 182 Prolific 171 Globe 183 Large flat 183 Hudson's Hay 189 Hudson, New 177 Keens' Hredlin:; 170 Imperial 170 K n ifi I it's narrow leaved scarlet 171 carlet Lima 178 .Melon 188 Mulberry 184 Old Black ---- 186 Pine, Blood 184 , <;ia/.ed 185 Old, or Carolina 186 . Variegated 184 Roseberry 1 7 3 , Black 176 Scarlet, American 187 , Austrian 178 , Autumn 187 ,Bath---- 185 , Bishop's seedling 187 , Carmine 186 .Cluster 189 .Cockscomb 190 .Early 186 jGarnestone 188 , Grimstone 188 ,Gro?e-end J86 .Knight's large 191 , Large early 177 . Lewisham 191 .Methven 191 , Nairn's 176 .Obtong 191 , Pitnaaston black 192 .Scone 192 ,Sir Joseph Banks' ---- 190 , Vernon's 190 , Wihnot's late 190 Southborough Seedling 175 Surinam 184 Sweet Cone 172 Wilmot's Superb 182 Wood, English red 179 , English white 179 , Long conical 170 PEARS. Alexandre de Russie 197 Ambrqeia 193 Barlarid 209 Belle lucrative 198 Beurre" Knox 198 Bezy vaet 198 Bishop's Thumb 199 Bleeker's Meadow 215 Blodget 216 Bonchretien fondante 199 .Flemish 206 Cabot 214 Charles d'Autriche 195 Colmar, Autumn 197 , Sovereign 213 Darimont 200 Dillen 200 Dearborn's Seedling 214 Double d'Automne 195 Doyennfc panach.6 200 santelete 201 Elton 196 Fondante des bois 212 Frederic de Wurtemberg 211 Fulton 214 Gendeseim 201 Gloutmorceau 207 Green -winter sylvanche 214 Grumkower 207 Hacou's incomparable 201 Hazel 202 Henry the fourth-- 202 Holmore 209 Hone? 216 Huffcap 209 VI INDEX. Incommn nicablt; 20.'? Innominfie 213 Keizer 203 Lamas 193 London Sugar - 193 Longland 210 Moorfqwl Egg 196 Napoleon 204 Newbridge 204 Oldfield 210 Orange 215 Poire de Louvaine 205 Neill 205 Raymond 214 Riche depofllle 205 St. Germain Prunes 211 LIMII 208 Sabined't6 194 Seigneur d?6t6 194 Teinton Squash 210 Tillington 208 Urbanisle 206 Williarns's double-bearing 21 5 Yat, or Xut 194 PREFACE vii ABBREVIATIONS OF REFERENCES xvi EURATA 216 PREFACE TO PART II. IN tendering to the public the second volume of the Pomological Manual, it may be proper to indulge in a few remarks, explanatory of the views and objects of the author. It being found impossible to comprise descriptions of all the valu- able varieties of fruits within the limits of the two volumes, more particularly as the varieties of apples alone would occupy nearly or quite an entire volume of the present size, it has been deemed the best course to concentrate, in the first and second volumes, as great a variety as possible of the other classes of fruits, leaving the apples to form an after volume, which will contain, in addition thereto, the descriptions of other classes of fruits not comprised in the two first volumes, as well as some additional varieties of the classes previously noticed. The great number of specimen trees at present under culture in the experimental grounds of the establishment whence this work emanates, is calculated to afford the most important facilities for future investigations, and for the correction of errors still existing in the nomenclature of fruits. The collection of apples has been made an object of great interest, it being a fruit whose culture is of the highest importance to our country ; and the care and circumspection that have been ex- ercised, in order to concentrate the choicest varieties, can scarcely fail to termi- nate in the happiest results. One great object of the labors of the author, and of his father and brother, whose aid is combined with his own, has been to furnish the public with precise descriptions of the different varieties of fruits cultivated in their nurseries, and they trust the shall succeed in that object. Wherever, in describing a fruit, a reference is made to their catalogue, the identity is either known or believed to exist, and each year will afford additional opportunities for a satisfactory con- firmation of all doubtful points. It is possible, however, that an occasional error may arise from misplaced reliance in a correspondent, who may err in his communications ; or in the identity of articles obtained from him but they trust that their unceasing zeal will eventually eradicate any discrepancies on this head. It needs only to be added, that in the whole progress of this work, the utmost candor has been, and will continue to be exercised, and all important facts within the knowledge of the author, and of those associated with him, will be fully com- municated. This work, when completed, will comprise all that is useful or im- portant in the more ancient publications, and also all descriptions of choice fruits contained in the New Duhamel, the Transactions of the London Horticultural Society, the Transactions of the Horticultural Society of Paris, the Pomological Magazine, the Pyrus Malus Brentfordiensis, Lindley's Guide to the Orchard and Kitchen Garden, the different publications of Van Mons and other Flemish and German pomologists, and of the other modern writers of authority, and will further combine, as an object of the highest importance, the descriptions of all the choicest varieties of fruits which have originated in our own country. In " Lindley's Guide," above referred to, an introductory article is given on the subject of "Amelioration and Propagation," the purport of which accords so generally with the views of the author of the present work, that he has quoted it here entire. The greater part of the fruits comprised in Mr. Lindley's publication, having been described in the course of the present work, before his had reached this country, there consequently remains a portion only to be in- cluded in an after volume, which has been already prepared for publication. Mil PREFACE. " In all books upon gardening a great variety of modes of operating are com- prehended, each of which has, it may be supposed, its own peculiar merit under particular circumstances. In several the very same mode is repeatedly recom- mended, with slight variations of phraseology, in speaking of many different subjects; and it has at last become a common complaint, among those who seek for 'information from books upon horticultural subjects, that they can find plenty of rules of action, but very few reasons. " No greater boon could be bestowed upon the gardening world than to reduce all horticultural operations to their first principles, and to lay bare the naked causes why in one case one mode of procedure is advisable, and another in another. But there are few persons who are competent to undertake this task ; it requires a combination of great physiological knowledge, with a perfect ac- quaintance with the common manipulation of the gardener's art, and much experience in all the little accidents which are scarcely appreciable by the most observing cultivator, with which the mere man of science can necessarily have no acquaintance, but upon which the success of a gardener's operations often mainly depends; which are to the cultivator signs as certain of the issue of his experiments, as to the mariner are the almost invisible changes in the appearance of the heavens by which the weather is prognosticated. " Deeply impressed with a persuasion of the justice of the foregoing observa- tions, and sincerely regretting that there should be no present expectation of such a task being undertaken by any one fully competent to it, the Editor of this work ventures to throw himself upon the indulgence of the public by at- tempting, not to carry into effect such a plan himself, but to sketch out, in regard to the Fruit Garden, what he thinks the method should be upon which a more competent person would do well to proceed. " All our fruits, without exception, have been so much ameliorated by one cir- cumstance or another, that they no longer bear any resemblance in respect of quality to their original. Who, for instance, would recognise the wild parent of the Coe'a or Green Gage Plum in the savage Sloe, or that of the Ribston and Golden Pippin Apples in the worthless acid Crab 1 Or what resemblance can now be traced between the delicious Beurre" Pears, whose flesh is so succu- lent, rich, and melting, and that hard, stony, astringent fruit, which even birds and animals refuse to eat? Yet these are undoubted cases of improvement re- sulting from time and skill patiently and constantly in action. The constant dropping of'water will not more surely wear away the hardest stone, than will the reason of man in time compel all nature to become subservient to his wants or wishes. But it would be of little service to mankind that the quality of any fruit should be improved, unless we found some efficient and certain mode of multiplying the individuals when obtained. Hence there are two great con- siderations to which it is, above all things, necessary that the attention of the cultivator should be directed, viz. AMELIORATION and PBOPAGATION. " Amelioration consists either in acquiring new and improved varieties of fruit, or in increasing their good qualities when acquired. It will be as well to con- sider these two subjects separately. , " By what means the first tendency to change their nature was given to do- mesticated plants, we are entirely ignorant. It is probable that it was originally due to accident, and also that it was still mere chance which continued to ope- rate down to very modern times. Philosophers are unacquainted with the reason why there should be any tendency to variation from the characters first stamped on any species by Nature ; but all know that this tendency does exist, and in a most remarkable degree in many species. There is in all beings a disposition to deviate from their original nature when cultivated, or even in a wild state ; but this disposition is so strong in some as to render them particularly well adapted to become subject to domestication : for instance, the dog, the pigeon, and the barn-yard fowl, are cases in which this tendency is most strongly marked in animals; and domesticated fruits are a parallel casein the vegetable world. " Without, then, vainly endeavouring to discover the first cause of this dispo- sition to form, varieties, let us take it as a naked fact that the disposition exists. Cultivators increase this disposition chiefly in two ways; either by constantly selecting the finest existing varieties for seed, or by intermixing the pollen and stigma of two varieties for the purpose of procuring something of an intermediatr nature. The ancients were unacquainted with cither of these practices, and con- PREFACE. IX sequently their gardens contained few things which would now be deemed worthy of cultivation. The power of obtaining cross-bred varieties at pleasure has only existed since the discovery of sexes in plants ; but as it exerts a most extensive influence over alterations in the vegetable kingdom, it may be considered the improved varieties, care shpuld j finest existing kinds; but also that the most handsome, the largest and the most perfectly ripened specimens should be those that supply the seed. A seedling plant will always partake more or less of the character of its parent, the qualities of which are concentrated in the embryo when it has arrived at full maturity. How this concentration takes place, we are as ignorant as why certain constitutional peculiarities are in men transferred from father to son, and from generation to generation ; but we know that it does take place. Now if the general qualities of a given variety are con- centrated in the embryo under any circumstances, it is reasonable to suppose that they will be most especially concentrated in a seed taken from that part of a tree in which its peculiar good qualities reside in the highest degree. For, instance, in the fruit of an apple growing upon a north wall there is a smaller formation of sugar than in the same variety growing on a south wall; and it can le easily understood that the seed of that fruit which is itself least capable of forming saccharine secretions, will acquire from its parent a less power of the same nature than if it had been formed within a fruit in which the saccharine principle was abundant. It should therefore be always an object with a gardener, in selecting a variety to become the parent of a new sort, to stimulate that variety by every means in his power, to produce the largest and the most fully ripened fruit that it is capable of bearing. The importance of doing this is well known in regard to Melons and Cucumbers, and also in preserving fugitive varieties of flowers ; but it is not generally practised in raising fruit trees. " The power of procuring intermediate varieties by the intermixture of the pollen and stigma of two different parents is, however, that which most deserves consideration. We all know that hybrid plants are constantly produced in every garden, and that improvements of the most remarkable kind are yearly occurring in consequence. Experiments are, however, it may be supposed, sometimes made without the operator being exactly aware either of the precise nature of the action to which he is trusting for success, or of the limits within which his experiments should be confined. " Cross fertilization is effected, as every one knows, by the action of the pollen of one plant upon the stigma of another. The nature of this action is highly curious. Pollen consist of extremely minute hollow balls or bodies ; their cavity is filled with fluid, in which swim particles of a figure varying from spherical to oblong, and having an apparently spontaneous motion. The stigma is composed of very lax tissue, the intercellular passages of which have a greater diameter than the moving particles of the pollen. " When a grain of pollen comes into contact with the stigma, it bursts and discharges its contents among the lax tissue upon which it has fallen. The mov- ing particles descend through the tissue of the style, until one, or sometimes more, of them finds its way, by routes specially destined by nature for this service, into a little opening in the integuments of the ovulumor young seed. Once deposited there, the particle swells, increases gradually in size, separates into radicle and cotyledons, and finally becomes the embryo, that part which is to give birth, when the seed is sown, to a new individual. " Such being the mode in which the pollen influences the stigma and subse- quently the seed, a practical consequence of great importance necessarily follows, viz. that in all cases of cross fertilization, the new variety will take chiefly after its polleniferous or male parent ; and that at the same time it will acquire some of the constitutional peculiarities of its mother.* Thus, the male parent of the Downton Strawberry was the Old Black, the female a kind of Scarlet ; in Coe's Golden Drop Plum, the father was the Yellow Magnum Bonum, the mother the Green Gage ; and in the Elton Cherry the White Heart was the male parent, and the Graffion the female. * In early crosses between distinct species, this is particularly manifest ; but in those of varieties long domesticated it is less apparent, the distinctions between the parents them selves being less fixed, and less rloarly marked 1) 1'REFACE. " The limits within which experiments of this kind must be confined are, how- ever; narrow. It seems that cross fertilization will not take place at all, or very rarely, between different species, unless these species are nearly related to each other; and that the offspring of the two distinct species is itself sterile, or if it possesses the power of multiplying itself by seed, its progeny returns back to the state of one or other of its parents. Hence it seldom or never has happened that domesticated fruits have had such an origin. We have no varieties raised between the Apple and the Pear, or the duince and the latter, or the Plum and Cherry, or the Gooseberry and the Currant. On the other hand, new varieties obtained by the intermixture of two pre-existing varieties are not less prolific, but, on the contrary, often more so than cither of their parents ; witness the nu- merous sorts of Flemish Pears which have been raised by cross fertilization from bad bearers, within the last twenty years, and which are the most prolific fruit trees with which gardeners are acquainted ; witness also Mr. Knight's Cherries, raised between the May Duke and the Graffion, and the Coe's Plum already mentioned. " It is, therefore, to the intermixture of the most valuable existing varieties of fruit that gardeners should trust for the amelioration of their stock. By this operation the pears that are in eating in the spring have been rendered as deli- cious and as fertile as those of the autumn ; and there is no apparent reason why those very early, but worthless sorts, such as the Muscat Robert, which usher in the season of Pears, should riot be brought to a similar state of perfection. " There is no kind of fruit, however delicious, that may not be deteriorated, or however worthless, that may riot be ameliorated, by particular modes of manage- ment; so that after a given variety shall have been created, its merits may still be either elicited or destroyed by the cultivator. In this place those practices only need be considered that tend to improvement. " Some fruits of excellent quality are bad bearers : this defect is remedied by a variety of different methods, such as, 1. By ringing the bark; 2. By bending branches downwards; 3. By training ; and, 4. By the use of different kinds of stocks. All these practices are intended to produce exactly the same effect by dif- ferent ways. Physiologists know that whatever tends to cause a rapid diffusion of the sap and secretions of any plant, causes also the formation of leaf buds in- stead of flower buds; and that whatever, on the contrary, tends to cause an ac- cumulation of sap and secretions, has the effect of producing flower buds in abundance. This circumstance, which at first sight seems to be difficult to account for physiogically, is no doubt to be explained by the difference between leaf buds and flower buds themselves. In a leaf bud, all the appendages or leaves, are in a high state of development, and the central part or axis, around which they are arranged, has a tendency to extend itself in the form of a branch as soon as the necessary stimulus has been communicated to the system by the light and warmth of spring. In a flower bud, the appendages or leaves are in that imper- fectly formed, contracted state, which we name calyx, corolla, stamens, and pistilla ; and the central part around which they are arranged, has itself no tendency to elon- gate under the influence of the usual stimulants. Hence, a flower bud, or flower, is nothing but a contracted branch ; as is proved by the occasional elongation of the axis in flowers that expand during unusually hot damp weather late in (he spring, becoming branches, bearing sepals and petals instead of leaves. It is, therefore, easily to be understood why, so long as all the motions in the fluids and secretions of a tree go on rapidly, with vigor, and without interruption, only rudi- ments of branches (or leaf buds) should be formed ; and why, on the other hand, when the former become languid, and the parts are formed slowly, bodies of a contracted nature, with no disposition to extension, (or flower buds) should appear. " It will be found that the success of the practices above enumerated, to which the gardener has recourse in order to increase the fertility of his fruit trees, is to be explained by what has just been said. In ringing fruit trees, a cylinder of bark is cut from the branch, by which means the return of the elaborated juices from the leaves down the bark is cut off, and all that would have been expended below the annular incision is confined to the branch above it. This produces an accumulation of proper juice; and flower buds, or fertility, are the result. But there is a defect in this practice, to which want of success in many cases is no doubt to be attributed. Although the returning fluid is found to accumulate Above the annular incision, yet the ascending sap flows along the alburnum into PREFACE. XI the buds with nearly as much rapidity as ever, so that the accumulation is but imperfectly produced. < Mi this arc-mint tin- second practice, of bending branches downwards is found to be attended with more certain consequences. The effect of turning the branches of a tree from tliair natural position to a pendulous or a horizontal one is, to impede both the ascent and the descent of the fluids in a gra- dual but certain manner. The tissue- of which brandies are composed is certain- ly permeable to fluids in every direction ; and there can be no doubt that the vital action of the vessels of a plant is performed both in the natural and in an invert- ed position. So long as that erect direction of the branches which is natural to them is exactly maintained, the flow of their lluids, being subject to no interrup- tions, will take place in the freest possible manner; but the moment this natural direction is deviated from, the u-ssels become more or less compressed, theiraction is impeded, and finally, if the inversion is perfect, it becomes so slow that an accumulation of the proper juices necessarily takes place through every part of the system. "One of the objects of training is to produce the same effect. Branches arc bent more or less from their naturally erect position ; their motion, in consequence of the action of winds upon them, which is known to facilitate the movement of the fluids, is totally destroyed ; and hence arises the accumulation of proper juice which is necessary to their fertility. Nor is the influence of the stock of an es- sentially different nature. In proportion as the scion and the stock approach each other closely in constitution, the less effect is produced by the latter; and, on the contrary, in proportion to the constitutional difference between the stock and the scion, is the effect of the former important. Thus, when Fears are grafted or budded on the wild species, Apples upon Crabs, Plums upon Plums, and Peaches upon Peaches or Almonds, the scion is, in regard to fertility, exactly in the same state as if it had not been grafted at all. While, on the other hand, a great increase of fertility is the result of grafting Pears upon Quinces, Peaches upon Plums, Apples upon Whitethorn, and the like. In these latter cases, the food absorbed from the earth by the root of the stock, is communicated slowly and unwillingly to the scion; under no circumstances is the communication between the one and the other as free and perfect as if their natures had been more nearly the same ; the sap is impeded in its ascent, and the proper juices are impeded in their descent, whence arises that accumulation of secretion which is sure to be attended by increased fertility. No other influence than this can be exercised by the scion upon the stock. Those who fancy that the contrary takes place ; that the Quince, for instance, communicates some portion of its austerity to the Pear, can scarcely have considered the question physiologically, or they would have seen that the whole of the food communicated frcm the alburnum of the Quince to that of the Pear, is in nearly the same state as when it entered the roots of the former. Whatever elaboration it undergoes must necessarily take place in the foliage of the Pear ; where, far from the influence of the duince, secretions natural to the variety go on with no more interruption than if the Quince formed no part of the system of the individual. " If we consider upon what principle the flavour of particular fruits may be improved^ we shall find that it is entirely due to the increased action of the vital functions of leaves. When the sap is first communicated by the stem to the leaves, it has experienced but few chemical changes since it first entered the roots. Such changes as it has undergone have been due rather to the solution of some of the pre-existing peculiar secretions of the individual by the sap in its way upwards through the alburnum, than to any other cause. As soon, how- ever, as it enters the leave*, it becomes altered in a variety of ways, by the com- bined action of air, and light, and evaporation ; for which purposes the leaf is admirably adapted by its anatomical structure. Thus altered in the leaves, it ceases to be what we call sap, but becomes the proper juice ; or, in other words, acquires the peculiar character of the final secretions of the individual from which it is formed. Discharged by the leaves into the bark, it is then conveyed by myriads of channels of cellular substance throughout the whole system. From these secretions, of whatever nature they may be, the fruit has the power of attracting such portions as are necessary for its maturation. Hence it follows, that the more we can increase the peculiar secretions of a plant, the higher will become the quality of its fruit; and that, on the other hand, the less the plant it in condition to form those secretions, the less will be the quality of the fruit It Xll PREFACE. is for the purpose of producing the former effect that pruning and training trees are more especially destined. In pruning, we remove all those superfluous branches which overshadowed the remainder, and we endeavor to expose every part to the freest action of light and air. In training, the same thing takes place, but is increased ; there is not a branch that is riot fully exposed to the most direct rays of light, and to the freest circulation of air, and even to the un- impeded action of the sun in aspects exposed to the south, east, or west. This action is obviously most powerful on the south, and hence the higher quality of fruits matured upon that exposure than on any other ; while, on the other hand, fruits raised upon a northern aspect are well known to be less highly flavored than those from even an open standard. For a similar reason, forced fruits, which are obtained at a period when there is little light, cannot be compared with those which are matured in the full blaze of a summer sun; and hence melons grown in frames covered with mats, and carefully excluded from the influence of that solar light which is indispensable to them, have, whatever may be their ex- ternal beauty, none of that luscious flavor which the melon, when well cultivat- ed, possesses in so eminent a degree. " The next subject of consideration is the mode of multiplying improved vari- eties of fruit, so as to continue in the progeny exactly the same qualities as exist- ed in the parent. Unless we have the power of doing this readily, the advanta- ges of procuring improved races would be very much circumscribed ; arid the art of horticulture, in this respect, would be one of the greatest uncertainty. The usual mode of increasing plants, that mode which has been more especially provided by nature, is by seeds; but, while seeds increase the species without error, the peculiarities of varieties can rarely be perpetuated in the same manner. In order to secure the multiplication of a variety, with all its qualities unaltered, it is necessary that portions should be detached from the original individual, and converted into new individuals, each to undergo a similar dismemberment, with similar consequences. It happens that while in animals this is impracticable, except in the case of polypes, the system of life in a plant is, of all others, the best adapted to such a purpose. We are accustomed to consider individual plants of exactly the same nature as individual animals; this is, however, a vul- gar error, which is dissipated by the slightest inquiry into the nature of a plant. A plant is really an animated body, composed of infinite multitudes of systems of life ; all indeed, united in a whole, but each having an independent existence. When, therefore, any number of these systems of lile is removed, those which remain, as well as those which are separated, will, under fitting circumstances, continue to perform their natural functions as well a? if no union between them had ever existed. These systems of life are buds, each having a power of emit- ting descending fibres in the form of roots, and also of ascending in the form of stem. The first of these buds is the embryo ; the others are subsequently form- ed on the stem emitted by the embryo. As these secondary buds develope, their descending roots combine and form the wood, their ascending stems give rise again to new buds. These buds are all exactly like each other; they have the same constitution, the same organic structure, and the individuals they are capa- ble of producing are, consequently, all identically thesame ; allowance, of course, being made for such accidental injuries or alterations as they may sustain during their subsequent growth. It is upon the existence of such a remarkable physio- logical peculiarity in plants, that propagation entirely depends ; an evident proof of which may be seen in this circumstance. Take a cutting of a vine consisting only of the space which lies between two buds, or an internodium, as botanists would call such a piece, and no art will succeed in ever making it become a new plant, no matter how considerable the size of the internodium may be.* But, on the other hand, take the bud of a vine without any portion of the stem adher- ing to it, and it will throw out stem and root, and become a new plant immedi- ately. If we examine the various modes employed in horticulture for propagat- ing plants, we shall find that, however different they may be in appearance, they all consist in the application of these principles under various forms. It will be most convenient to consider these methods separately. Propagation is effected by the arts of Increasing by Eyes, Striking from Cut- tings, Laying, Budding, and Grafting. * This is, of course, said without reference to the power which some plants possess of developing latent buds, a subject which is foreign to the present inquiry. PREFACE. Xlll ' Increasing by Eyes is the simplest of all these methods : it consists in nothing but extracting a single system of life, or a bud, from a given plant, placing it in due heat and moisture, and surrounding it with fitting food, and thus causing it to grow as a solitary individual, instead of as one of the community to which it originally belonged. " Striking from Cuttings is a slight modification of the last method. Instead of taking a single bud, a stem containing two, three or more buds, is placed in circumstances fitted for the maintenance of its life. In this case, the chances of success are increased by the additional number of buds which are the subject of experiment. That bud which is the nearest the bottom of the cutting, emits its roots at once into theearth, and so establishes a communication between the ge- neral system of the cutting and the medium from which its food is to be derived. The other buds, by pushing their stems upwards into light, attract the nutriment absorbed by the roots, and so stimulate the latter to increased action. Ultimately the roots of all the buds descend between the bark and the wood until they reach the earth, into which they finally pass, like those of the first bud. There is an- other circumstance which renders the operation of striking plants from cuttings less precarious than from eyes. In both cases, the buds have, at the outset, to feed upon matter in their vicinity, until they shall have formed roots which are capable of absorbing food from the earth ; but in eyes, the nutritive matter can exist only in such portions of the stem as may have been cut away with them- selves ; while, on the other hand, in cuttings, the stem itself forms an important reservoir of nutriment. This is a consideration,- the practical importance of which will be obvious to every cultivator. As it is from the buds alone of cut- tings that roots proceed, it follows, that in cases of difficulty, when plants strike unwillingly, any thing which may facilitate the immediate introduction of roots into the soil will be advantageous. It is for this reason that a good operator always takes care, that the lower end of his cutting is pared down as close to the base of a bud as may be practicable without actually destroying any part of the bud itself; by this means the first emitted roots, instead of having to find their way downwards between the bark and wood, strike at once into the earth, and become a natural channel by which nutriment is conveyed into the general sys- tem of the cutting. Laying is nothing but striking from cuttings that are still allowed to maintain their connection with the mother plant by means of a portion at least of their stem. Where roots are emitted with great readiness, simply bending a branch into the soil, leaving its point above ground, is sufficient to ensure the success of the operation ; but in cases of difficulty other expedients are resorted to, all which will still be found to have reference to the emission of roots by buds. One com- mon practice is, to head down the branch that is laid into the earth ; this is to call into action the buds below the incision, by stopping the general axis of deve- lopment. Another method is to tongue the layer, that is, to split the stem just up to the origin of a bud ; a practice that has the effect of enabling the roots to be emitted into the soil through the wound more readily than if they had to pierce through the bark ; the resistance offered to their passage through the bark is in many cases so great as to compel them to continue to make wood rather than to appear in the form that is necessary for the success of the cultivator. "Budding and Grafting are operations that equally depend for their success upon the property that buds possess of shooting roots downwards and stems up- wards ; but in these practices the roots strike between the bark and wood of the stock, instead of into the earth, and form new layers of wood instead of subterranean fibres. The success of such practices, however, depends upon other causes than those which influence the growth of cuttings. It is necessary that an adhesion should take place between the scion and the stock, so that when the descending fibres of the buds shall have fixed themselves upon the wood of the stock, they may not be liable to subsequent separation. No one can have studied the economy of the vegetable kingdom without having remarked that there is a strong tendency to cohesion in bodies or parts that are placed in contact with each other. Two stems are tied together for some purpose : when the ligature is removed, they are found to have grown into one : two Cucumbers accidentally placed side by side, or two Apples growing in contact with each other, form double Cucum- bers or double Apples; and most of the normal modifications of the leaves, floral envelopes, or fertilizing organs, are due to various degrees of cohesion in contigu- XIV PREFACE. cms parts. This cohesion will be always found to take place in the cellular tissue only, and never in the vascular tissue. In the steins of all such trees as arc grafted by orchardists, the cellular tissue- is found alive only in the medullary rays and the liber ; it is therefore essential, in the first place, that those parts, both in the stock and the scion, should be placed in contact. In regard to the medullary rays, these are so numerous and so closely placed, that it is scarcely possible that a portion of one stem should be applied to another without the medullary rays of both touching each other at many points. ?so care, therefore, is required to ensure this, which may be safely left to chance. But in regard to the liber, as this is confined to a narrow strip in both stock and scion, great care must be taken that they are both placed as exactly in contact with each other as possible, so that the line of separation of the wood and bark should, in both stock and scion, be accurately adjusted. The success of grafting depends very much upon attention to this. But there are otlier reasons why this accuracy in adjusting the line between the bark and wood of the stock and scion is so important. It is at that part that the roots of the latter pass downwards over the former; and it is also there that the substance called cambium, which serves as food for the young descending fibres, is secreted. It is obvious, that the more- accurate the adjustment of the line separating the wood from the bark, the more ready will be the transmission of young fibres from the one tothe-other; and that the less the accuracy that may be observed in this respect, the greater the difficulty of such transmission will be. Provided the stock and scion be of exactly the same size, the adjustment can scarcely fail to be accurate in the most unskilful hands; it is in the more common case of the scion being much smaller than the stock, that this is to be most particularly attended to. " Budding differs from grafting in this, that a portion of a stem is not made to strike root on another stem, but that, on the contrary, a bud deprived of all trace of the woody part of a stem is introduced beneath the bark of the stock, and there induced to strike root. In this operation no care is requisite in secur- ing the exact contact of similar parts, and a free channel for the transmission of the roots of the bud between the bark and wood of the stock; for, from the very nature of the operation of budding, this must of necessity be ensured. The bark of the bud readily coheres with the wood of the stock, and secures the bud itself against all accident or injury. But if precautions of the same nature as in graft- ing are not requisite in budding, others are of no less moment. It is indis- pensable that the bud which is employed should be fully formed, or what gar- deners call ripe; if it is imperfectly formed, or unripe, it may not be capable of that subsequent elongation upwards and downwards upon which the whole success of the practice depends. Secondly, great care should be taken, in raising the bark of the stock for the insertion of the bud, that the cambium be not dis- turbed or injured. The cambium is a secretion between the wood and bark, not o'nly destined to support the descending fibres of the buds, but also to generate the new cellular substance within which the descending fibres are finally found imbedded. If, in the preparation of the bark for receiving the bud, this cambium be injured or disturbed, it becomes much less capable of effecting the cohesion that is necessary, than if uninjured. In budding, therefore, the bark should be carefully lifted up^ and not forced from the wood with a bone or metal blade, as is usually the case; for although it is no doubt true, that an operation clumsily performed will often succeed, yet it should be remembered, that if skilfully man- aged, it would be attended with much more perfect success; and that a habit of constantly operating with delicacy will enable a gardener to succeed with cer- tainty in cases in which a bungling practitioner would be sure to fail. Little do those who crush with rude hands the tender limbs of plants, reflect how delicate is that organization upon which the life of their victim is dependent. " Transplanting is, perhaps, that operation in which the greatest difficulty is generally found to exist, and in which the causes of success or failure are often the least understood. Volumes have been written upon the subject, and the whole range of vegetable physiology has been called in aid of the explanation of the theory ; yet I am much mistaken if it cannot be proved to depend exclusively upon the two following circumstances : 1. The preservation of the spongioles of the roots ; and, 2. The prevention of excessive evaporation. " It is well known that plants feed upon fluid contained in the soil, and that their roots are the mouths through which the food is conveyed into their body. PREFACE. XV But the absorption of fluid docs not take place cither by all the surface of their roots, nor even of their fibres, but only by the extremities of the latter, consisting of bundles of vessels surrounded by cellular tissue in a very lax spongy state, whence those extremities are called spon-Moles. That it is only through the spongioles that absorption to any amount takes place, is easily shown by grow- ing a plant in water, and alternately preventing the action of the spongioles, when languor and a cessation of vital action conies on, and preventing the action of the general surface of the roots, leaving the spongioles at liberty, when the vital energies are immediately renewed. These spongioles are exceedingly delicate in their organization, and a very slight degree of violence destroys them. It is scarcely possible to remove the s f French blications . Mignonne native, ) This is a variety of the Grosse Mignonne, with fruit of smaller size, and ripening at an earlier period. It has fre- quently a mamelon at the extremity of the fruit, and it partakes in its good qualities of the character of its class. The flowers are large, and the leaves are attended with globular glands. Its period of maturity is the beginning of August. MIGNONNE FRIZEE. BON. JARD. Frizzled Mignonne. Auth. The principal trait which distinguishes this variety, is found in the formation of its flowers ; which are so curled and friz- zled, that when the tree is in bloom, it is difficult at a distance to recognize it as a peach tree. The flowers are of the larger class, and the leaves are attended with globular glands. The fruit ripens at the end of August. DOUBLE FLOWERING. PR. CAT. Double blossomed. Lorid. Hort. cat. Hose peach. Pecker afieur semidouble. Duh. Pecker afleurs doubles. Bon Jard. Nain afleurs doubles. Bon Jard. This is a tree of beautiful appearance when in flower, yet it yields but few fruit ; the, blossoms are large, fifteen to six- teen lines in diameter, composed of fifteen to thirty petals of a lively rose colour, with more or less stamens, according to the multiplicity of the petals, and with from one to four styles. These flowers are produced in such abundance, as to give to the tree the appearance of being clad with roses. The leaves are dark green, very finely indented, and ter- PEACHES. 1 1 minate in a very acute point ; the peaches which succeed are, single, double, treble, or quadruple ; the two latter soon fall, but a portion of the two former generally attain to maturity. They are of medium size, rather oblong, twenty-one to twenty- two lines in diameter, and rather more in length ; they are seldom of the same form, some have a small mamelon at the extremity, others have none, and nearly all of them are of larger size at the head, than next to the peduncle. The skin is velvety, yellowish green, and sometimes of a partial fawn colour next the sun ; the flesh is white, and the juice of a rather pleasant taste. The stone is an inch in length, and eight lines in breadth, terminating by a very acute point ; the fruit ripens in Sep- tember. This tree is only cultivated for ornament, and there are few others which impart as much beauty to the garden at the early period at which its flowers expand themselves, and these continue their bloom for a much longer period than other peaches. The Bon Jardinier mentions a dwarf variety with double flowers, which I have ascertained only exists in imagination : the one I have described can, however, be readily made dwarf by inoculation on suitable stocks. MONTAUBAN. PR. CAT. MIL. LANG. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. This fruit is of rounded form, and medium size, with a suture at one side ; it is dark red approaching to purple next the sun, but of a yellowish green on the other side ; the flesh is white, with sometimes a tinge of red next to the stone ; it is melting, rich, juicy, and of pleasant flavour. The tree is productive, and the fruit, which is a freestone, ripens in the month of August. BELLE BAUSSE. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. Belle Bauce. Bon Jard. This fruit is in its general character nearly allied to the Grosse Mignonne, and from the high esteem in which that variety is held, this fact is of itself sufficient commendation. Its quality is equally good, its size larger, and it ripens about 12 PEACHE?. fifteen days later than that variety, its period of maturity being in September. It is also considered by many as excel- ling it in beauty. FRENCH WILLOW LEAVED. Pecker dfeuilles de Saule. Bon Jard. This tree has linear leaves resembling those of the willow ; the fruit is round, of medium size, a whitish colour, and ripens in October. It requires a warm exposure, and only succeeds when in such a situation, or in a southern climate. GOLD AND PURPLE. PR. CAT. Golden purple. This clingstone variety has small flowers ; the fruit is about the size of the Red Rareripe, which it resembles in shape ; its flavour is agreeable, though not equal to the Carolina cling- stone ; it is of the finest gold colour on one side, and the deepest crimson on the other. There is no tree more produc- tive ; and when you consider at one view the beauty of the fruit, and the immense quantities which load the branches, the appearance is truly striking. Its period of ripening here is about the 20th of August. VANDERVEER'S OPTIMUM. PR. CAT. Rapelyea's peach. This fine clingstone variety is a seedling from the Old New- ington, and received its title from respect to Dr. Vanderveer, an intelligent pomologist of this vicinity. It is extensively cultivated by Mr. Rapelyea of this vicinity for supplying the markets. The fruit is of large size, and Dr. V. remarks that one cheek is generally larger than the other. Its colour is a pale whitish yellow with russet spots, with a red cheek next the sun ; the flesh is very delicate, sweet, and juicy. The period of maturity is about a week later than that of its pa- rent, which is so well known as one of our greatest favourites ; the leaves are quite large, and the tree is of vigorous growth, and very productive. TEACHES. 13 PERSIQUE. PH. CAT. MIL. PUH. JARD. FRUIT. FOR. COXE. LOND. HCRT. CAT. Perseque. Gros Perseque. Perseque C 'allonge. Bon Jard. ? The flowers of this tree are small and pale red ; the fruit is of fine size, of rather greater height than breadth, irregu- larly rounded, being somewhat angular, or attended with swellings, and scattered over with small protuberances ; of which one at the base by the side of the peduncle is the most remarkable, and resembles an excrescence. The skin is vel- vety, much tinged with red next the sun ; the flesh is white, but light red next the stone, rather firm before its full maturity, but at that period somewhat melting and replete with juice, which is of a rich and agreeable taste, sometimes accompanied by a slight degree of acidity. The stone is large, considera- bly flattened, and terminated by a long point. This peach is a very good one, and also one of the latest, not ripening at Paris until the end of October ; the tree is exceedingly fruit- ful, and said to be capable of reproduction from the seed without degenerating. The fruit, before fully ripe, may be transported to some distance, and is suitable to cultivate for the market ; it is also one of the best of its season, ripening here about the last of September, or early in October. It is somewhat singular that it should be placed in the New Duhamel under the head of freestone varieties, and in the Bon Jardinier under that of clingstones. PAVIE DE PAMIERS. DUH. PR. CAT. Palmer's clingstone. Per sec, or Persego, of Languedoe. This tree produces small flowers, of a lively and rather dark red hue ; the fruit is large, being often eight inches in circumference ; the skin, which adheres closely to the flesh, is covered with a fine down, tinged with a fine red colour next to the sun ; the flesh is white, except around the stone, where it is a very dark red ; and although firm, it is nevertheless very melting, with a profusion of sweet juice. This peach becomes mature in the south of France early in August ; it 14 PEACttES. is widely disseminated in Languedoc, where it is called by the last two synonymes above quoted, and where it has be- come so naturalized that the inhabitants generally propagate it from the stones ; which produce, without inoculation, very excellent and beautiful fruit. This variety was introduced to our country the present year for the first time, by the author of this work, and is already in a course of propagation. In this latitude it will not probably mature its fruit until September. RED RARERIPE. PR. CAT. COXE. LOND. HORT. CAT. Morris's red Rareripe, of numerous catalogues. Monsieur Jean, of Coxe ? This variety is supposed to have been brought to Flush- ing by the French, at the first settlement of the place. It is one of the finest early peaches, and succeeds the Nut- meg varieties, its period of ripening being about the tenth to the fifteenth of August. It is of large size, and round form ; its colour is bright red next the sun, whitish and par- tially marbled on the other parts, presenting when ripe a beautiful appearance ; the flesh is very sweet, delicate, rich, melting, and exceedingly juicy, and separates with much facility from the stone. It is the first peach which is met with in abundance in our markets, as the persons engaged in rais- ing fruit for that object, seem to have almost totally neglected the Nutmegs, and the fine Early Yellow Rareripe, although they would doubtless derive great advantage from their cul- ture. It seems probable that the Monsieur Jean may be synonymous with the one here described. YELLOW RARERIPE. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. Alberge, or Yellow Rareripe. Maria Antoinette. This is an early variety, being one of those that follow next after the Nutmegs. It is of a rather oval form ; the skin is for the most part of a fine yellow colour, but has a red cheek, and is also somewhat mottled on the sunny side ; the flesh is yellow, melting, sweet, juicy, and very luscious, and parts freely from the stone. This may be justly considered one of the finest and most valuable peaches, and has a great affinity PEACHES. HP to the Yellow Melocoton, but is considerably earlier. I dis- covered the original seedling tree, when a schoolboy, growing in a field about two miles from the village of Flushing. And what is somewhat singular, the exceedingly valuable seedling apple which I have named the Sinequanon, I found growing in the same enclosure. This peach has been renamed in some gardens the Maria Antoinette ; and I have noticed that in one catalogue, this name has caused further error, it having been there noted as a French variety. The tree bears abundantly. GREEN WINTER. PR. CAT. This is a round clingstone of small size, suitable for pre- serves ; the flowers are of large size. In the month of Octo- ber it is at maturity ; the skin is perfectly green, and the fruit generally fair, and one and a quarter to one and a half inches in diameter ; the flesh is very firm, and adheres closely to the stone. It is not valuable as a table fruit, but makes beautiful preserves, which retain their green colour perfectly. It is usually the latest fruit of the peach kind to be met with in the markets. ORANGE CLINGSTONE. PR. CAT. This is a perfectly round fruit, whose skin is of a beautiful orange colour. The flesh is of the same colour, and of a pleasant aromatic flavour ; the flowers are of large size. The tree is productive, the fruit bears transportation well, and ripens in the month of August. VAN ZANDT'S SUPERB. PR. CAT. Waxen Rareripe. This is a delicious freestone, which originated in the garden of Benson Van Zandt, Esq. of Flushing. The form inclines to an oval ; the flesh is melting, juicy, and of fine flavour ; but its greatest peculiarity is in the colour of its skin, which is considerably mottled, and of a most beautiful waxen appear- ance. In point of beauty in this respect, there is perhaps no peach that surpasses it. Two seedling trees growing near each other in the same garden, produce identically the same fruit. The flowers are of small size. 16 PEACHES. PRINCE'S RED RARERIPE. PR. CAT. This is a seedling from the common Red Rareripe, rather larger than it in size, and resembling it in colour; the flesh is melting, rich, and juicy. The tree is very productive; the fruit is a freestone, ripens^ in August, and is well calculated for supplying the markets. ALGIERS' YELLOW. PR. CAT. Algiers' yellow winter clingstone. Yellow October clingstone. I first obtained the present variety in 1801, from an amateur iu Philadelphia. This peach, even at the end of September, is greenish, and of very indifferent appearance; but in the course of the month of October it swells and becomes a handsome round fruit, of medium size, and of a beautiful yellow colour. I have often found them in this state so late in the season that nearly all the leaves had fallen, and the remaining ones were so yellow as to resemble the fruit in colour. It is not a supe- rior fruit, but of good quality and pleasant flavour for one that ripens at so late a period ; the flesh strongly adheres to the stone. The tree is not a good bearer, and the flowers are of a large size. This variety was also imported from England, many years since, under a different and erroneous title. I do not perceive any peach so named in the Catalogue of the London Horticultural Society. It appears to be allied to the class called Alberge by the French. TEINDOUX. PR. CAT. DUH. LOND. HORT. CAT. TcintDonx. \ Tein Dou. For. The leaves of this tree are attended at their base with rounded glands, and its flowers, which are of medium size, are eleven or twelve lines in breadth. The fruit is twenty-six lines in diameter, and twenty-four in height, and divided into two sections, somewhat unequal, by a suture which is nearly of the same extent upon both sides ; there are commonly at the extremity two small cavities, in the middle of which rises a small elevation in the form of a mamelon. The skin is slightly coloured next to the sun, and detaches readily from 1'JLIACHES. 1 7 the flesh, which is white and melting, with highly pleasant sweet juice. The stone is oblong, seventeen lines in length, and rather less than twelve in breadth ; it appears more flat- tened at its smallest diameter than is generally the case with others, being only eight lines in thickness at its largest sec- tion. The fruit is at maturity the end of September. fern** DIANA. PR. CAT. COXE. This is a freestone fruit of medium size, and excellent flavour ; the flesh melting and juicy. Its colour is whitish, approaching to straw colour at its maturity, which takes place in August. The flowers are of the medium size. KENNEDY'S CAROLINA. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. Large yellow Pine-apple. Coxe. Kennedy's Carolina Clingstone. Early Lemon. Yellow Pine-apple. This is unquestionably one of the finest clingstone varieties known, both as regards size and quality. It belongs to the largest class of peaches ; is of an oval or oblong shape, pointed at the extremity, and terminating in a mamelon ; the skin is deep yellow, except next the sun, where it has a dark crimson cheek; the flesh is of a fine yellow colour, rich, sprightly, and high-flavoured, with a degree of acidity ; it closely adheres to the stone, and immediately around it is tinged with deep red. The tree is one of the most productive, yielding large and regular crops, so much so as to be often overloaded, in which case it is preferable to thin out the fruit, and to leave only a reasonable proportion. It ripens about the middle of September. This variety was brought from South Carolina, before the revolution, by a Mr. Kennedy, of New-York, who, on account of its excellence, sent a message to the grandfather of the author, knowing him to be very curious in fruits, and requested him to call and obtain scions from it. SPRING GROVE. . POM. MAG. LOND. HORT. CAT. The description of this new variety I quote from the Poino- logical Magazine. It was raised by Mr. Knight, from Neil's VOL. II. 3 18 PEACHES. Early Purple and the pollea of the Red Nutmeg, the former having crenated leaves, with globose glands and large flowers ; and the latter having crenated leaves with reniform glands and large flowers ; in these respects this agrees with its female parent. It ripens about the end of August, and differs from the Grosse Mignonne, and Neil's Early Purple, in being- much rounder than they are. A very good variety; its fruit not quite so large as that of some others, but remarkably handsome and well flavoured ; flowers pale, blush, the centre purplish red ; fruit middle-sized, globular, broadest at the base, with a shallow suture ; bright crimson on the sunny side, greenish yellow on the other ; flesh whitish to the stone, from which it parts freely, very juicy, rich, and high-flavoured. DWARF ORLEANS. PR. CAT. Dwarf Peach. Pot Peach. Pecker nain. Dull. Lond. Hort. cat. Nain d? Orleans. This tree attains only to two or three feet in height ; its flowers are of a delicate rose-colour, and fourteen to fifteen lines in diameter; they are formed in rows around the branches, and so closely set, that when expanded, they cover the limbs, more than forty flowers being sometimes counted upon a small branch of three inches long. The leaves are longer than those of any other variety, pendent, and much indented, espe- cially towards their base, where the teeth are of the greatest depth. The fruit is -of medium size, and disproportionate to the size of the tree, being nearly two inches in length, and as much in diameter ; it is divided on its side by a rather deep suture, which is terminated at the extremity by a remarkable cavity. The skin is usually of a greenish hue, never coloured, unless at the head, which is slightly tinged with red. The flesh is melting, but the juice is most generally bitter and of a disagreeable flavour ; the stone is whitish. This fruit ripens in October ; it is only cultivated as a curiosity, being very suitable to plant in pots, and made use of in that manner as 19 nn ornament to the dessert. The tree is more tender than other varieties, and in northern climates requires to be covered with a box, or to have some other slight protection. WHITE BLOSSOM. PR. CAT. Willow peach. White stone. White-blossomed Incomparable. Lond, Hort. Cat. The bark of this tree, when the leaves have fallen, is of a pale straw colour, which gives to it a very peculiar appearance ; the flowers are perfectly white, of large size, and quite showy, so that it is altogether dissimilar to others at the period of its bloom likewise. The fruit is perfectly white, of an oval form, and handsome appearance ; the flesh is also white, melting, juicy, and pleasant, and parts freely from the stone. It is much used for preserves when not over ripe, and is at full maturity in September. This variety originated on Long Island, and re-produces from the stone trees similar in the appearance of the wood, but varying in the quality of the fruit and the size of the blossoms. The Snow-peach is a variety with smaller flowers. I have put down as a synonyme the White-blossomed Incomparable of the London Horticul- tural Society's Catalogue, and it may be the same ; as trees were sent to England, more than fifty years ago, from the nursery at Flushing, and possibly they may have possessed the same variety in England anterior to its production here. The original tree of this variety was discovered in a hedge in King's county, from which scions were obtained by the grand- father of the author, who sent a great many of the trees to Europe before the revolution. COLUMBIA. PR. CAT. COXE. The form of this fruit is somewhat flat or compressed, its diameter being greater than its height ; it has also a suture running from the stem to the extremity ; the skin is thick and rough, of a dingy red hue, spotted over with dark reddish touches ; the flesh is of a bright yellow colour, melting, rich, and juicy, the grain or fibre bearing a similarity to that of an PEACHES. over-ripe Pine-apple. It is a freestone variety of great excel- lence, and ripens about' the first of September. Mr. Coxe remarks that this peculiar peach was produced from a stone brought to New-Jersey from Georgia, and that he gave it the name by which it is distinguished. ROYAL GEORGE CLINGSTONE. COXE. PR. CAT. This tree produces small flowers ; the fruit is very hand- some, of a pale yellowish white colour, tinged with red on the sunny side ; it is of large size and oblong form, terminating with a mamelon at the extremity ; the flesh is juicy, and of excellent flavour. The fruit is at maturity in August. YELLOW PRESERVING. PR. CAT. COXE. This tree has large flowers ; the fruit is a small freestone, of a greenish yellow hue; the flesh wholly of a yellowish colour, even around the stone, dry, and with but little flavour. Its period of maturity is in September. >*!*.* Su 4l*-'.i]!- M '.VJ ; : -. i 'il ( ) f.'iiflB'JJWOffit HILL'S MADEIRA. PR. CAT, .Cox*. This is described by Mr. Coxe as a very large peach; but the fruit from which he drew his description was probably produced under circumstances peculiarly favourable, and I am informed by Mr. C. R. Smith that its size 'varies exceed- ingly, and in proportion to the advantages of situation. I have not succeeded in having large fruit on my trees ; but it may be that their location was not sufficiently favourable. This fruit is white, with a faint tinge of red next the sun ; the flesh is tender, melting, juicy, and high flavoured ; it ripens in September. Mr. Coxe remarks that the tree was raised by the late Henry Hill, Esq, of Philadelphia, from a stone brought from Madeira, and that the fruit has weighed twelve ounces. P^CHE DE PAU. DUH. PH. CAT. Pcke de peau, ou tfltcHie. The flowers of this Variety are small, the fruit large, round, and terminating by a very projecting and curved mamelon. The flesh is white, slightly approaching a greenish hue, and PEACIII:S. * l becomes melting when tlie fruit is- at perfect maturity, with high-flavoured and pleasant juice. Duhamel states that it is very late in ripening, and consequently in the more northern latitudes it docs not come to perfection except in seasons when the end of summer and the autumn are dry and very warm. I obtained this variety only the present year, after having made repeated efforts, it being very rarely to be met with even in France. From the description given by Duhamel, it would appear to be best suited to the States south of the Potomac ; but it is quite probable it may succeed in this vicinity, as our summers have so much heat. LISLE. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. La petite Violette hative. Mil. ? ? This fruit is of rounded form and medium size ; the skin is of a fine violet colour next the sun ; the flesh is melting, and full of vinous juice ; of a pale yellow colour, except around the stone, where it is very red. It is a clingstone, and ripens early in September. I have not seen this fruit myself, and rely upon Miller and Forsyth for the above description. Miller quotes the "Petite Violette Hative" of Duhamel, which is a Nectarine, as a synonyme of this; Forsyth copies .the descrip- tion given by Miller, but omits the synonyme. 1 do not find this variety in the London Horticultural Society's Catalogue, winch would seem to throw some doubt on the subject. RAMBOUILLET. PR. CAT. MIL. LANG. FOR. LoND. HORT. CAT Rumbullion. Cannon's RambouiUet. This fruit is of rather large size and oval form, with a deep suture ; it is of a fine red next the sun, and yellowish on the shaded side ; the flesh is a bright yellow, deep red next the stone, melting, with rich and vinous juice. It ripens in Sep- tember. PORTUGAL. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. Lo VD. HORT. CAT. This is a very large round clingstone, of a beautiful red colour on the sunny side, and often marbled ; the flesh is firm, o-2 I'KAdirs. rich, juicy, and vinous, and its colour \\hite, but of a pule red next to the stone, which is of small si/.e. It is at maturity in September. YELLOW ALBERGE CLINGSTONE. PR. CAT. YeUotr Alberge. For. Pavic Albcrgc. Duh. Pcrsais (VAngoumois. Duh. syn. Paric jaunc. Loud. I fort. cat. Per sccque jaunc. Yellow Pcrsiquc. The leaves of this tree are attended with reniform glands ; the flowers are small, being not more than seven or eight lines in breadth; the fruit is of fine size and beautiful form, often measuring two to two and a half inches in its greatest diameter, by one or two lines less in height; it is furrowed on one side by a rather deep suture, one border of which is more project- ing than the other; and it is terminated at the head by a very conspicuous mamelon. The skin is velvety, yellow where shaded, and speckled with a considerable number of small reddish points, which become more numerous as they approach the sunny side, where they are so close to each other that they give it entirely a reddish hue ; the flesh is firm, rather dry, and almost breaking ; its colour is yellow, except around the stone, to which it strongly adheres, and where it is a rather dark red. In the first edition of Duhamel it is mentioned that it becomes very melting, but this is not the case in the vicinity of Paris, where, however, it is as yet very seldom to lie m Hitt. Jard. fruit. Nois. man. e ftmif. J For Lo nd . Hort . Cat . Admirable. Lond. Hort. Cat., No. 3. The following description is taken from the Pomological Magazine published at London : "This magnificent peach ripens in September, and is by far the most valuable of our late varieties. These, in an English autumn, are too often remarkable for nothing but their want of colour and flavour ; but the Royal yields to no summer peach in the richness of its juice, the delicacy of its flesh, or the beauty of its colour. Every writer agrees upon this point, and we scarcely remember an autumn which was too unfavourable for bringing it to perfection. There is no doubt whatever of the identity, of the Royal, the Bourdine, the Teton de Venus, and the Late Admirable" [of the English col- lections; the French Late Admirable being different. AUTH.] "The Royal and Late Admirable are admitted to be the same. Butret, a writer of the highest authority in all that relates to the peach, declares that the Teton de Venus, the Royal, and the Bourdine, are absolutely the same. Even M. Noisette, in his Manual Complct, although he retains the Teton de Venus and Bourdine as distinct, remarks that the Bourdine is nothing but the other in perfection. And finally, the observations of Mr. Thompson, in the garden of the Hor- ticultural Society, go completly to prove the identity of the whole. Leaves crenated, with globose glands ; flowers small, pale red ; fruit large, roundish, inclining to oblong ; suture deeply impressed along one side, having the flesh swelling boldly and equally on both sides, with a slight impression on the summit, where there is usually a small nipple but in this respect the fruit varies ; skin covered with a short, close down, streaked with dull tawny red next the sun, pale green or straw- coloured in the shade ; cavity of the stalk rather small ; flesh delicate, white, melting, juicy, and high-flavoured, with a PEACHES. 29 slight tinge of rose next the stone, from which it parts freely ; stone above the middle size, oval, constantly with a long sharp point." MONSTROUS LEMON. PR. CAT. Largest Lemon. Lond. Hort. Cat. This tree is of vigorous growth, and produces small flow- ers ; the fruit is of the largest size, and in the gardens of two persons at New-York has weighed seventeen ounces ; the flowers are but thinly scattered over the branches, and the tree does not bear well, unless the situation is a sheltered one ; the fruit is late in ripening, and in this latitude seems to require the warmth of a city, or a favorable sheltered situation, to perfect its maturity. This variety was first discovered in the garden of Mr. Tiebout, of York Island, and was sent, some years since, to the London Horticultural Society, with several hundred other varieties of fruits, at their express desire. HEATH. PR. CAT. COXE. LOND. HORT. CAT. Heath clingstone. Lond. Hort. Cat. The flower of this tree is of small size, and the leaf has smooth edges ; the fruit is very large, of oval or oblong form, terminated by a mamelon at the extremity ; the skin is white with a partial tinge of cream colour when the fruit acquires its maturity, and those most exposed to the sun have a slight touch of pale red next the sun ; the flesh is peculiarly rich and highly flavored, very tender, melting, and abounding with a greater profusion of juice than almost any other peach ; it strongly ad- heres to the stone which often divides, so as to expose the ker- nel. The tree is hardy and of vigorous growth, and so abun- dant in bearing, that it is often necessary to thin out the fruit on young trees, to prevent their being exhausted thereby, and their growth consequently impeded or stinted. It requires the ground around it to be kept cultivated or mellow, which will cause the fruit to be large and fair, and it is found to be in general longer-lived than other trees of its class. The fruit begins to ripen in September, but by being carefully placed on 30 PEACHES. shelves in the fruit-room, it may be preserved till November, and the juice acquires an additional richness after being thus preserved for some days, but if kept too long in that state, it shrivels and loses a portion of its juice and fine flavour. It is in great repute for preserves in sugar and brandy, and there can scarcely exist another peach superior to it for these pur- poses. The following history of its origin from the pen of William Prince, the present senior proprietor of the Flushing Nur- series, differs from that of Mr. Coxe : it is possible that two seedling varieties originating in different places may have pro- duced fruit so similar as to blend them with each other. " The original tree was discovered growing wild on the farm of the late Judge Willet, of Flushing, and it was called Heath clingstone, from the circumstance of its being found in a bar- ren field or heath, as the old English settlers sometimes termed such lands as were left uncultivated. My father cultivated it many years before the revolution. It has the peculiar pro- perty of perpetuating itself from seed with but a partial va- riation in most cases, from the original ; the fruit of some of the seedling trees being rather more firm, and that of others varying a little in the period of maturity, but the whole hav- ing a general affinity." KENRICK'S HEATH. PR. CAT. This freestone variety I received from the Messrs. Kenrick, who obtained it from the late Gen. Heath, of Roxbury, near Bos- ton. The flowers are of medium size ; the fruit is oblong, with a deep cavity at the insertion, and a slight mamelon at the extremity ; it has also a groove, or suture, extending almost from the base to the summit, which is sometimes very deep, but in general only slightly depressed ; the skin is a greenish yellow, touched with reddish purple on the sunny side, and sometimes of a purplish hue around the insertion ; the flesh is greenish, extremely, juicy, of a pleasant subacid, but not high flavour, and is occasionally somewhat stringy ; the stone se- parates from the flesh and is apt to split. This fruit is one of PEACHES. 31 the largest cultivated in New-England, frequently weighing half a pound, and sometimes more, and is strongly marked by peculiarity of appearance ; it ripens at Boston about the 20th of September, and in this vicinity a week earlier ; the tree is of the most vigorous growth, and produces good crops. r foimwrro-* '.-iiJ ite RED-CHEEK MELOCOTON. PB. CAT. Red.cheek Malacotan. Coxe. Red-cheek Malagaton. Yellow Malagaton. Alberge Incomparable. This is one of the most delicious freestone varieties, and the fruit is of a large size and oval form, with a mamelon at the extremity ; its colour is yellow, with a red cheek on the sunny side ; the flesh is also yellow, exceedingly melting, rich, juicy and luscious, and separates very freely from the stone ; the flowers are of small size. It ripens about the 20th of August, and the tree is healthy, vigorous, and very productive. The following statement of the origin of this fruit, from the pen of the present senior proprietor of the Flushing Nurseries may be deemed interesting. " This variety originated in my father's garden, the form and colour of the fruit greatly resemble the Kennedy's Caro- lina clingstone. A tree of the latter having thrown out a shoot from below the inoculation, formed thereby a forked top. My father, in passing one day, gathered some fruit from the inoculated branches, without noticing that the fruit on the other section of the tree was different, the appearance being so similar. The next day he sent a servant to gather some fruit from the same tree, and on eating it found the peaches then brought to be freestones. He immediately told the servant that he could not have gathered them from the right tree, but he declaring that he had done so, my father went to examine it, and found it as above stated ; the inoculated part being of the clingstone kind, and the natural branches producing this line freestone variety. He admired it so much, that he pro- pagated it extensively, and gave it the name, of Red-cheek Malagaton ; the common appellation of Malagaton being at that day given around the country, to all the yellow peachc* 3'2 PEACHES. which had no red on them. I notice there are some varieties of peach termed Malacotoon, by Quintinye and Evelyn, and Langley mentions a clingstone peach called Malacotune. The terms Melocoton and Malacoton, are Spanish words, and mean simply a peach, or a peach tree, and from these no doubt all the corruptions have originated which now exist." SPANISH. PR. CAT. Large Spanish. This is a clingstone, obtained many years since, from an intelligent cultivator at Baltimore. It is of a large size and the form nearly round : the skin is of a fair whitish colour, with a blush next the sun; the (lowers are of small size. The tree is of vigorous growth, and produces good crops; the fruit is of pretty good quality, and ripens at a very late period, not being at maturity till October. WHITE WINTER. PR. CAT. This clingstone variety was imported from England as a Nectarine. The flowers are of small size, and the fruit of an oval form ; the skin and flesh are both white, which colour extends quite to the stone ; and it is on that account preferred for brandy preserves, and also for those in sugar. It is deemed a valuable fruit for these purposes, and does not ripen until the month of October. The tree grows vigorously and bears well. There is another late variety, called the Free- stone Winter, which is an inferior fruit, of a greenish colour, with a tinge of red on one side ; its only value being the late- ness of its maturity. PRINCE'S BLOOD CLINGSTONE. PR. CAT. Blood clingstone. Claret clingstone, This very superior variety of its class was raised from seed by the grandfather of the author. The flowers are small ; the fruit is oval and of large size, surpassing the French vari- ety ; the skin is of a dark purplish colour, and very downy ; the flesh is of a crimson or purplish tint, but of indirterent flavour. The peaches of thi^ class, it is well known, arc noi PEACHES. valued for the table, but are much used for preserves, com- potes, and pickles, and for size and beauty, there is perhaps none to equal the present one. FRENCH BLOOD CLINGSTONE. PR. CAT. Sanguinole adherente. Sanguinole a chere adherente. Claret clingstone. This variety has large flowers, the fruit is similar in charac- ter to the preceding, but of a less size ; it is used for the same purposes, and ripens in September. There is a Blood cling- stone, cultivated in the Southern States, called there Georgia, or Indian Peach, but it is probably synonymous with one of the varieties I have described. SURPRISE. AUTH. This title I have given to a most peculiar fruit, first brought to notice by my esteemed friend and correspondent, the Rev. J. Kirkpatrick. The outward appearance is very similar to the Blood peach, the skin being of a dingy red or purplish hue, but the flesh is of a deep yellow colour, with crimson veins running from the skin to the centre. The flavour is very good, often deemed excellent, and it separates from the stone. The fruit is of very large size, and the tree produces abundantly. This variety is beyond all doubt of American origin. CHEVREUSE CLINGSTONE. PR. CAT. This variety I received from the Mediterranean. It has not yet borne fruit sufficiently to decide upon its merits ; it is of good size, and of an oval form ; the skin is of a greenish yellow colour, with a red cheek next the sun. It ripens at the end of September. PRESIDENT. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. LOND. HORT. CAT. This fruit, so much cultivated in our gardens, and so well known for its excellence, originated at Bedford, on Long Island, and was sent to the London Horticultural Society, some few years since, and I copy the following remarks rela- VOL. II. 5 34 PEACHES. live to it from the Pomological Magazine, a work published under the auspices of that society. " A good deal of curiosity has been felt in England, with respect to the peaches of North America, of the merits of which much has been reported by travellers from that country. There is no doubt that those kinds, beneath the fierce summer sun of the United States, fully merit the eulogium that has been passed upon them ; but it is equally certain, that they are almost uniformly worthless in the climate of Great Britain. There are, however, some exceptions, two of which deserve particularly to be recorded ; of these, the George the Fourth is one, and that which is now represented is the other. The President peach is, with us, a rich, melting, juicy fruit, ripening in the end of September, and is, therefore, va- luable on account of the late period of its maturity. Of course it requires a south wall, and care must be taken that it is per- fectly ripe before being gathered. Flowers small, deep red ; leaves crenated, with globose glands ; fruit large, roundish, approaching to oval, with a shallow suture ; skin very downy, dull red next the sun, pale yellowish green in the shade ; flesh whitish, juicy, rich, and high flavoured, parting freely from the stone, which is large, pointed, and very rugged." FAVIER. PR. CAT. This tree produces small blossoms ; the fruit is of medium size, so far as opportunities have yet allowed me to judge ; the skin on the side next the sun, is quite red, but its colour diminishes towards the shaded side ; even there, however, it generally has some touches of red and numerous dots of the same hue ; the form is roundish, but in some cases the diame- ter exceeds its height. On some specimens of the fruit I have noticed a plainly marked suture running through one side, and a partial one on the other side, while other specimens presented scarcely any appearance of a suture, its usual location being merely marked on one side by a variation in the colour of the skin; there is a cavity at the extremity of the fruit but no ma- melon ; the flesh is a pale yellowish white, with considerable PEACHES. 35 redness next the stone ; it is melting, juicy, rich, and of ex- cellent flavour, and separates readily from the stone. This is a new variety which I introduced from the Mediterranean, and ripens about the tenth of September. SERNACH. PR. CAT. This tree has large blossoms, and being a new variety which I but recently introduced from the Mediterranean, I have seen only two of the fruit, which were of medium size, and from which I take my description. The form is very peculiar, being oval and very much contracted at the base, and swelling gradually as it approaches the summit, where its size is the largest. In this respect it bears some affinity to the shape of the Blue Imperatrice plum, and is what may be termed pear shaped ; the suture extends entirely round the fruit, appa- rently dividing it into two sections, with a mamelon at the extremity ; the skin is a yellowish white, varying next the sun to a fine red colour; the flesh is a pale yellowish white, with some redness next the stone, and is rich, juicy, and pleasant. This fruit is a freestone, and what is singular, both the speci- mens I examined parted the stone readily as I divided the peach, and each had two kernels. I cannot say whether this was accidental, or if it is the peculiar character of the variety. Its period of ripening is about the tenth of September. EARLY WHITE CLINGSTONE. PR. CAT. This tree has small flowers ; the fruit is of medium size, and rather less in some cases ; its skin is pale yellow, marbled with red next the sun ; the suture terminates in a depression or cavity at the extremity of the fruit, without any mamelon ; the flesh is yellowish green, juicy and of pleasant flavour. It ripens at the beginning of September, and makes good pre- serves. ORANGE FREESTONE. PR. OAT. This variety is of uncertain origin, and received its present title from the father of the author, on account of its shape. It 36 PEACHES. is almost round, its diameter, however, rather exceeds its length, and at the extremity it has a small mamelon. It justly ranks as one of the largest and finest freestones ; the skin is yellowish white, but where exposed to the sun, it acquires a tinge of red on one side ; it separates very readily from the flesh, when at full maturity ; which is rich, juicy, sweet, and of high flavour, and in these points is perhaps surpassed by no other variety. The tree is of vigorous growth, and quite produc- tive ; the blossoms are of medium size, and the fruit ripens about the tenth of September. MONSTROUS FREESTONE. PR. CAT. English Malta. Noblesse. The fruit of this variety bears a striking similarity both in formj colour, and quality, to the preceding ; but the growth of the tree is different, the young branches are stronger and the buds larger. I have noticed that the leaves are generally attended with three glands. I imported this tree from Lon- don by the name of Malta, but found the title to be incorrect. It has been by some called the Noblesse, but the leaves of that variety are devoid of glands, not to enumerate other differ- ences. The tree grows vigorously, and bears well. In the absence of all knowledge of the true title, I have applied the one here adopted. PERSIQUE CLINGSTONE. PR. CAT. Pcrseque. Pr. Hort. This tree produces small flowers ; the fruit is of large size, of oval form and beautiful appearance when at perfection ; the skin is of a fine red colour next the sun, and of a paler hue on the other side; the flesh is juicy, and of very pleasant flavour. The tree is exceedingly productive, and like the Heath clingstone, is apt to be overloaded. I think this one of the most valuable varieties that can be cultivated for supplying the markets late in the season, the fruit not being ripe until the end of September or beginning of October : its large size and fine colour render it particularly attractive. NECTARINES. EARLY VIOLET. PK. CAT. KNIGHT IN HOKT. TRAXS. Violet. Pom. Mag. Hitt's Treatise. Petite Violette hative. Dull. Jard. fruit. Brugnon petite violette hatirt . { Bon. Jard. Nois. man. Lind. in Lond. Violette hative. < Hort. Trans. Lond. Hort. cat. and ( of the English nurseries. Lord Selsey's Elruge. Lond. Hort. cat. Large scarlet, of some collections? 1 CANNOT adopt the same title as the Pomological Maga- ine, as it is so extremely indefinite. The synouymes quoted above I doubt not are all correctly applied, with the exception of the one last named, which I quote from the Pomological Magazine. The trees in my collection received under the title of " Large Scarlet," from one of the most accurate nur- series in London, produce very deep red flowers, and differ very materially from the present variety, which I will now proceed to describe. The flowers are small, and the leaves are attended with reniform glands at their base ; the fruit is seventeen to eighteen lines in diameter, and often a line more in height, and is commonly terminated by a small mamelon. The skin is smooth, dark red approaching to violet on the sunny side, and light green, varying to whiteness on the shaded side ; the skin separates readily from the flesh, which is whitish, slightly coloured with red next the stone, melting, replete with sweet, vinous, and highly perfumed juice. The stone, which pretty easily detaches from the flesh, is a very light brownish red. The period of maturity is the^ beginning of September, and in order to taste the fruit in perfection, it should not be gathered until perfectly ripe ; the tree is generally very productive, 38 NECTARINES. yielding, even when quite small, an abundance of fruit. I extract the following description of this fruit from the Porno- logical Magazine. " This excellent nectarine is commonly cultivated under its French name ; we do not, however, approve of using a foreign nomenclature when we have an old established name of our own. It is not unfrequently sold for the Red Roman, a very different fruit. Ripens from the end of August to the middle of September, and deserves cultivation on account of its excel- lent flavour and great beauty. " A large Elruge Nectarine, described by Mr. John Bowers, in the fifth volume of the Horticultural Society's Transactions, page 523, as growing in a fruiting house in Lord Selsey's garden at West Dean, in Sussex, has been subsequently as- certained to be this variety. Leaves crenated with reniform glands. Flowers small, bright red. Fruit rather larger than that of other nectarines, and somewhat broader at the base than at the apex ; cavity of the foot-stalk middle sized ; the point which makes the base of the style seldom projects, but is generally in a shallow cleft, which runs across the apex ; skin where exposed, dark purplish red, intermixed or mottled with pale brown dots ; next the wall pale yellowish green. Flesh whitish, or very pale yellowish green, edged with red at the stone, from which it parts freely ; melting, juicy, and rich. Stone middle sized, roundish, obovate, its fissures not so deep nor so sharp as those of the Elruge, their ridges flattish but rough, and of a red colour, by which it may always be distin- guished from the fruit just named, the stone of which is pale, with no rays of red passing from it into the flesh." LARGE EARLY VIOLET. PR. CAT. Grosse violette hative. Duh. | Violettc de Courson. Rrugnon grosse violette hative. Grosse violctie. Bon. Jard. Lond. Hort. Cat. The principal difference between this fruit and the preceding one is, in point of size, it being much larger, and measuring twenty-four to twenty-six lines in diameter, by a line or two NECTARINES. 39 less in height ; the skin is also rather marbled than washed with a reddish violet colour, and the flesh less vinous ; its period of ripening is the middle of September. LATE MARBLED VIOLET. PR. CAT. uh. ^ , Duh - Violette tardive. Duh. Lond. Hort. Cat. Violette marbree. Violette panachte. The flowers of this tree are very small and of a pale red colour ; the fruit is of medium size, of rather greater height than diameter, somewhat of a round form, and often partially angular ; the skin is smooth, greenish on the shaded side, touched with red and violet spots next the sun ; the flesh is white, partially approaching a yellow hue, and red next the stone ; it is melting, separates readily from the stone, of a plea- sant vinous taste when at perfect maturity, which in northern climates it only attains when the autumn is dry and warm, as it does not ripen until sometime in the month of October. This is a rare variety which I introduced from the Mediterra- nean the present year. LATEST VIOLET. Violette ires tardive. Duh. | Peche noix. Duh. syn. This fruit resembles the preceding in almost every point ; it only differs in being of an uniform red colour next the sun, its flesh greenish, and in ripening at a still later period. In a dry and warm autumn and in the best exposure, it does not acquire its maturity until the end of October in the latitude of Paris, and where the circumstances are not thus favourable, it does not ripen at all. It seems, therefore, to be calculated only for the more southern climates. MUSK VIOLET. PR. CAT. COXE. Brugnon violet. N. Duh. Brvgnon violet musque. O. Duh. Violette miisquee. Lond. Hort. Cat. | Violet musk. The flowers of this tree are pale red, usually rather large 40 NECTARINES. but sometimes of smaller size ; the fruit is about two inches in diameter ; its skin is smooth, white with a yellowish tinge where shaded, and of a fine violet red next to the sun ; the flesh is firm without being dry, of a white colour approaching to yellow, full of sweet juice, which is vinous, musky, and of excellent taste ; the stone adheres strongly to the flesh. This fruit ripens at the end of September. Duhamel says that it should not be gathered until it begins to shrivel, and even that it should be placed for some time in the fruit-room in or- der to acquire its juice perfectly. FRENCH YELLOW. PR. CAT. Brugnon jaunc. Duh. Calvel. This variety which is cultivated in the southern depart- ments of France, differs from the preceding in several points ; being at first greenish, and even next the sun acquiring only a yellow colour ; its flesh is more melting, sweet, accompanied with a slight degree of acidity, and adheres less to the stone. In warm climates it ripens in September. I received this va- riety from the Mediterranean this year for the first time. DESPRES. Purr. JARD. FRUIT. BON JARD. Desprez. Early yellow ? This variety was introduced to the Parisian gardens from Belgium in 1810. It is, however, even at this date but sel- dom met with in the French collections. The leaves are long, of a light green hue, and bordered with small indentures; the flowers are the size of those of the Grosse Mignonne peach and of a rather pale colour; the fruit is sometimes round and in other cases oblong, varying in diameter from fifteen to eighteen lines ; the skin which is perfectly smooth and shining, is at first light green, it then acquires a yellowish white hue, and finally becomes partially marbled with red next to the sun at its maturity, which takes place about the 15th of August. The flesh is white, melting, vinous and full of very sweet juice. This new variety is recommended by French writers as highly worthy of extensive propagation, and is stated to be one of the NECTARINES. 41 earliest varieties of the nectarine. I have a tree which I ob- tained from Holland that I strongly suspect will prove identi- cal with this. COMMON ELRUGE. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. Elruge. Lind. in Lond. Hort. Trans. Not of Miller. I quote the following detailed description from the Pomolo- gical Magazine : " The name of Elruge nectarine has long found a place in the lists of English fruit trees, and is supposed to be the ana- gram of Gurles, a nurseryman, by whom it was either raised or sold. But it is singular, that from some unexplained cause, the kind to which the name was originally applied, and which is described by Miller, has been almost lost from cultivation, while that which is now represented has usurped its place. This fact was first pointed out by Mr. George Lindley, in the Transactions of the Horticultural Society, and has been since universally admitted. Hence, there are two Elruge nectarines in our gardens, one called Miller's Elruge, and the other Common Elruge. This last is the subject of the following remarks. It is to be suspected, that all the descriptions of modern authors refer to this rather than to Miller's. " It is probable that the Claremont nectarine is a synonyme of this, and there is reason to believe, that the Vermash, figured by Hooker in his Pomona Londinensis, is also a representa- tion of the same variety. The latter is, however, undoubtedly a distinct kind. " The Common Elruge nectarine ripens on a south wall, in the end of August and beginning of September ; it will also acquire maturity on a west wall. We have even seen an in- stance of its producing a perfectly well-grown ripe fruit in the end of September, upon an open standard tree. This occurred in the garden of the Horticultural Society in 1827. "One of our very best and most high flavoured of our nec- tarines, and one of those which are most generally cultivated. It is very like the Violette native, from which it is known by its parting more freely from the stone, and by the channel in its VOL. u. 6 42 NECTARINES. side being deeper and less pitted with little excavations. Leaves crenated, with reniform glands ; flowers very small, pale dull red ; fruit large, roundish, inclining to oval, chan- nel shallow at the base, becoming gradually deeper towards the apex ; skin deep violet, or blood colour when exposed, with minute brownish specks, paler in the shade ; flesh whitish, melting, very juicy, rich and high flavoured, a little stained with red next the stone, from which it parts freely ; stone mid- dle-sized, oval, slightly pointed, pale, in which it differs from the Violette native, the stone of which is deep red." MILLER'S ELRUGE. POM. MAG. . i. *;;' h :i,v. MwR .hta? W Elruge, of Miller. Lond. Hort. cat. Elruge. Mil. For. I Clermont. For. syn. Elrouge. The fruit of this variety is of medium size; the colour is dark red, or purple next to the sun, and pale yellow or green- ish on the shaded side ; the flesh is melting, vinous, and juicy, and separates freely from the stone. Its time of ripening is early in August. WHITE NECTARINE. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. Fou.-f' LOND. HORT. TRANS. Old White, of English Nurseries. White, or Flanders. Hook. Pom. Lond. ? Brugnon blanc musque'e. May, Pom. Fran. Nectarine blanche de Weitzenfeld, according to Mayer. The ample opportunities for correct decisions which the London Horticultural Society possess, give to their conclu- sions a high degree of authority, in accordance with which I have adopted the synonymes above quoted from the Pomolo- gical Magazine. It will be seen, however, that I have omitted one which is adopted in that work ; the " New White of the Nurseries," as I find the variety I have received by that title, from the English nurseries to be a freestone. It is also stated in the New Duhamel, that the variety therein described as the " Violette blanche," and which was obtained from Belgium under the title of " Brugnon blanc, is likewise a freestone, and NECTARINES. 4J from that circumstance I have attached a mark of doubt to the second synonyme, and which may possibly be applicable also to one or both of those last quoted. I now proceed to give the remarks and descriptions as contained in the Magazine referred to : " It is probable that there is no difference between the vari- ous kinds of White Nectarines now in cultivation ; at least, the differences, if they exist, are so unimportant as to be little deserving of notice. It is supposed that the sort mentioned in the Transactions of the Horticultural Society, under the name of the Cowdray White, is a rather large kind. Ripens in August and September, and is remarkable for its fine rich flavour and abundant juice. This variety is not noticed by Miller. Leaves broad, crenated, with reniform glands ; flow- ers large; fruit middle-sized, roundish, very pale yellowish green, becoming almost white in the shade, and slightly tinged with red next the sun ; flesh tender and juicy, with a fine vinous flavour ; stone rather small, adhering to the flesh." FRENCH WHITE. PR. CAT. VioJette blanche, N. Duh. Brugnon blanc. The leaves of this variety are large, attended with reniform glands ; the flowers are a delicate rose colour, and are sixteen to eighteen lines in diameter ; the fruit has a smooth shining skin, which is white approaching to a yellow hue ; it varies somewhat in the shape, being in some cases oblong, and in others round; the ordinary diameter is from eighteen to twenty lines. The flesh is entirely white, at first rather firm, afterwards melting and full of juice, of a very pleasant vinous flavour ; the stone is oval, terminated by a blunt point, and separates readily from the flesh. This fruit ripens from the middle to the end of August. In Belgium it is known by the synonyme last quoted, and was thence brought to Paris in 1808. The tree is said to be rather delicate in northeni lati- tudes, but I have never yet seen a nectarine tree of any variety whatever, affected by the winter in this vicinity. I introduced this variety from the south of Europe the present year. NECTARINES. LATE YELLOW. PR. CAT, Violette jaune. N. Duh. Jaune lisse, \ r\ r\ ^ Rousanne. Mofrin. Lisst jaune, \ Jaune lisse Yellow. Coxe. Jaune lisse tardive. The flowers of this tree are stated by Duhamel to be small, or at most, of medium size ; but the Bon Jardinier says they are of large size, and those of my trees are of that description ; the fruit is round and twenty two to twenty four lines in dia- meter ; the skin is smooth, yellow, partially marbled with red on the sunny side ; the flesh is yellow, with very pleasant sweet juice, possessing the flavour of the apricot. This fruit ripens about the middle of October, and requires a dry and warm autumn to ripen well, and to attain that agreeable taste which it will not otherwise possess. CHERRY NECTARINE. PR. CAT. Peche Cerise. O. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. Violette Cerise. N. Duh. The flowers of this tree are of a very pale rose colour almost white, and nine lines in diameter ; the leaves are at- tended with reniform glands. This is one of the smallest fruits of its class, being no more than fourteen to fifteen lines in diameter, by thirteen in height ; often about eighteen lines by fifteen ; and in a few instances twenty by eighteen, the latter being the dimensions given by Duhamel. The form is round, and the fruit is furrowed on one side by a very distinct longi- tudinal suture, which terminates at the head by a mamelon, always very visible, and somewhat pointed. The skin is smooth, delicate, and shining, of a fine red colour on the sunny side, and of a waxen white on other parts ; it separates readily from the flesh when the fruit is at maturity. These shades give to this fruit a highly pleasing appearance, and cause it to present a similarity to the Pomme d'Api, or Lady apple. The flesh is white, melting, and not highly flavoured ; it de- taches easily from the stone, which is oval, but nearly round, NECTARINES. 45 whitish, and only partially coloured. This fruit ripens com- monly at the end of August, and in early seasons at the begin- ning of that month, and sometimes, under very favourable cir- cumstances, even the latter part of July : it is very beautiful, and serves to ornament the desert. OLD NEWINGTON. PK. CAT. Newington. Mil. Lond. Hort. Cat. Late Newington. Lang. For. Scarlet Newington. This tree has indented leaves and large flowers ; the fruit is also of a large size ; the skin is of a beautiful red colour next the sun, and a fine yellow on the other side ; the flesh is yellow except next the stone, to which it adheres closely, and where it is of a deep red hue ; its quality is excellent, being rich and juicy. This variety is much esteemed and ripens in Septem- ber. RED ROMAN. PR. CAT. For. COXE. Roman. Lond. Hort. Cat. Old Roman. Roman red. Mil. Brugnon musqute. For. syn. ? This fruit is fair and of large size ; the form is round, the skin dark red next to the sun, and of a yellowish hue on the other side ; the flesh is firm, of a yellowish white colour, except next the stone, where it is very red ; it abounds with rich juice when the fruit is fully ripe, at which period the skin becomes shrivelled. This is a clingstone variety and greatly resembles the old Newington, from which it is principally distinguished by having a smooth leaf, that of the latter being indented. Both are highly esteemed varieties, and ripen in September. VERMASH. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. True Vermash. Hook. Pom. For. This fruit is of rather small size, and of a round form, taper- ing towards the eye, the skin is of a very deep red colour next the sun, and of a greenish hue on the other side ; the flesh is white, with a circle of red next the stone, which is small and 46 NECTARINES. from which it parts freely ; it is also rich, melting, and juicy, with a pleasant degree of acidity. The fruit is at maturity in August. FAIRCHILD'S EARLY. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. Fairchild's. Lond. Hort. cat. This is one of the earliest varieties ; the fruit is round and of small size, of a beautiful red colour on the sunny side and yellow on the other ; the flesh is not very juicy but of a pleasant taste and flavour. It is a freestone, and ripens early in August. SCARLET. MIL. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Early Scarlet. Large Scarlet. ? This tree produces small deep red flowers ; the fruit is of fine size, of a beautiful scarlet colour next the sun, and pale red on the shaded side ; the flesh separates from the stone. It is at maturity in August. ITALIAN BRUGNON. PR. CAT. Brugnon or Italian. Mil. Brugnon. ) Lang. Pom. For. Italian. J Lond. Hort. cat. Coxe. English Brugnon. The French word Brugnon, signifies merely Nectarine, and consequently this term, which is used by several authors as a title for the present variety, has no definite meaning, and can- not serve to distinguish it. I have therefore varied it to the one here adopted. This tree has small deep red flowers, the fruit is of a large size, a dark red on the sunny side and pale yellow on the other ; the flesh is firm, rich, of good flavour, and very red at the stone, to which it adheres. It ripens in August. MURRY. PR. CAT. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Coxe. Black Murry. This is a fruit of medium size, and round form ; the colour of its skin is a dull red next to the sun, and yellowish green on the other side ; the flesh is firm, adheres to the stone, and is of good flavour. The fruit ripens in September. NECTARINES. 47 TEMPLE'S. PR. CAT. LANG. MIL. FOR. LOND. 1IORT. CAT. This fruit is oval and of medium size ; its colour is pale red next the sun and yellowish green on the other side ; when it is at perfect maturity the skin becomes shrivelled ; the flesh is of fine flavour and abounds with rich juice. This is a free- stone, and is at maturity in September. GOLDEN. PR. CAT. LANG. MIL. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Orange. Fine golden Jleshed. This is a round fruit, of large size ; it is of the finest orange colour, delicately and beautifully mottled with red next to the sun, which gives to it a clear waxen appearance, so that it greatly resembles an artificial preparation. There is per- haps no fruit whatever more beautiful than this, when it is in perfection. The flesh is yellow, firm, adheres to the stone and is of pleasant flavour ; the tree bears well ; the flowers are of small size, and the fruit ripens in September. PETERBOROUGH. PR. CAT. Mil. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Late Green. Vermash. This tree produces small deep red flowers ; the fruit is of medium size, round form, and always of a green colour ; the part next the sun being of the deepest green and the other side of a paler hue ; the flesh is firm and of pleasant flavour ; the fruit ripens in September. LEWIS' NECTARINE. PR. CAT. FES. AMER. GARD. Boston. Lond. Hort Cat. Lewis' Boston yellow. This is said to have originated from seed at or near Boston. It is a beautiful fruit of a dark crimson colour inclining to a purple on the sunny side, and yellow on the other ; the flesh is yellow and of superior quality. There is another variety said to have been raised from the seed of this one, which is some- times called Boston Seedling, and represented to be of large size, and resembling this in its appearance. PLUMS. GREEN GAGE. PR. CAT. PK. HORT. LOND. HORT. CAT. COXE. Queen Claudia. Large Queen Claude. Reine, Claude. Grosse Reine Claude. Dull. Reine Claude. Lond. Hort. cat. Dauphine Abricot vert. Sucrin rertVerte bonne. Large green Claudia. Great Queen Claudia. Murray's Reine Claude. Huling's Reine Claude. La Grosse Reine Claude, or Dauphine. Mil. Reine Claude blanche, la grosse. Gros Damas vert. a THE form of this plum is nearly round, it being eighteen lines in length and the same in diameter ; the peduncle is eight lines long, and inserted in a slight cavity; the skin, which is marked with reddish dots on the side next the sun, is greenish on all other parts of it, with some partial touches of pale straw colour when it attains to full maturity ; but it never becomes yellow, in which respect it differs from the small Reine Claude, and the Double flowering Gage. The flesh is of a greenish hue, melting, with abundance of very sweet and highly perfumed juice of an exquisite taste ; it does not adhere to the stone, which is eight and a half lines long and six and a half broad. The fruit attains its maturity about the middle of August, and in rainy seasons is subject to crack when ripe. It is one of the finest plums for the table ; it is also used to make preserves in sugar and in brandy, as well as compotes, all of which are of excellent quality. The sweet preserves made from it in France, are commonly known by the name of raarmelades. It is not so suitable to make prunes, for in con- sequence of being so very juicy, there is not sufficient substance when it becomes dried, although the taste is excellent. This tree forms strong shoots ; the bark is smooth, of a brown colour, a little reddish on the sunny side near the extremities, and greenish on the opposite side ; the buds are of medium PLI'MS. 49 size, near to each other and have large projecting shoulders. It is well calculated to form dwarfs or espaliers. There are some fine seminal varieties of this plum, one of which has oval fruit, and I have recently received a new late variety from the South of France. DOUBLE FLOWERING GAGE. PR. CAT. Semi-double Jlou-crin^ Urine Claude. Pr. cat. 20 ed. Prunier afieur semi-double. Dull. Prime semi-double. Reine Claude a fleur semi-d^ubh. Lond. Hort. cat. Prune^d Jleurs semi-doubles. This is a variety of the Green Gage with double flowers, which render it highly ornamental when in bloom ; the blos- soms are numerous and produced in clusters ; the fruit is of the same shape and nearly as large as the Green Gage, but much inferior in quality ; its form is almost round, its pedun- cle at most about six lines in length, and the skin, which is at first of a greenish hue, becomes yellow as it approaches matu- rity ; the flesh, which adheres strongly to the stone, is yellow- ish, quite pleasant but not very rich, and is deficient in flavour. This plum ripens during the last two weeks of the month of August : the tree is more appreciated for the beauty of its flowers than for its fruit, and it is therefore better suited for pleasure grounds than for orchards. I have noticed that the trees, so far as they have met my observation, are remarkable for the roughness of their bark. SMALL REINE CLAUDE. PR. CAT. Small Queen Claude. Pr. cat. 26th ed. Petite Reine Claude. Duh. Mil. Reine Claude blanche petite especc. Lond. Hort. cat. Small Green Gage. Auth. Little Queen Claudia. Little Reine Claude. This plum is of the same size and form as the White Apri- cot plum ; it differs principally from that in having its skin speckled over with reddish dots, more especially on the side exposed to the sun ; the flesh is also sweet and more perfumed, but is nevertheless far from being equal to the delicious flavour VOL. n. 50 PLUMS. of the true Green Gage. The fruit ripens during the latter part of August ; the tree is of very thrifty growtli and soon attains to a large size ; the young shoots are much longer and more slender than those of the Green Gage, and of a darker red on the sunny side ; the buds are long, very pointed, and lie almost close to the branch ; the shoulder is rather large ; the leaves are of smaller size than those of the Green Gage, and in fact the trees of these two varieties are so very dissimi- lar in their general appearance as to render it almost impossi- ble even for a casual observer to mistake them. This variety has obtained place in some collections under the name of the Red Diaper, it having been disseminated from a nursery by that title, without a due examination of its fruit. I have re- cently received a new variety of this plum from the South of France. PURPLE GAGE. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. N. Duh. Bon. Jard. Nois man. Reine Claude Violetle. $ Lond Die Violate Kdnigen Claudie. Sickler. This fruit is almost round, and seventeen to eighteen lines in diameter. It is esteemed in France to be one of the finest varieties ; the tree is of strong and vigorous growth and seems to flourish exceedingly in our climate. I copy the following description from the Pomological Magazine : " A blue Gage plum has been long known and little esteemed in our gardens : it is the Azure Hative of the French. As the Reine Claude is the Green Gage of the English, it mig'ht have been supposed that a Reine Claude Violette, would have been the same as this Blue Gage ; such, however, is not the fact : the fruit now figured under the name of the Purple Gage, being a variety of very high quality, fully equal to the Green Gage in all respects, and having this superiority, that while the latter is apt to crack in wet summers, and will never keep at all after having been gathered, this, on the con- trary, will endure, if the climate be dry, through August and September, even till October and is scarcely at all disposed to crack. FLLMS. 51 "The origin of the variety is unknown ; it must, however, be recent, as it is not mentioned by Duhamel, or any of the old French writers, and is even omitted by Noisette in his Jardin Fruitier. " A good bearer as a standard, ripening in August and Sep- tember. It is also well adapted to an east or west wall, where its flavour becomes improved ; wood strong, spreading, short- jointed, smooth, brownish violet where exposed ; leaves mid- dle-sized, oval on the young shoots, obovate on the spurs, doubly and somewhat irregularly serrated ; above smooth, shining, deep green ; below slightly pubescent ; they are darker than those of the Green Gage. Petioles firm, half an inch to an inch in length, with globose glands near the base of the leaf; flowers middle-sized; petals roundish oblong; stamens shorter than the style ; fruit,, except in colour, very like the Green Gage, middle-sized, roundish oval, somewhat flattened at the ends ; suture moderately depressed along one side ; stalk about an inch long, rather thick ; skin violet, powdered with a light blue bloom, beneath which it is en- grained with pale yellow dots ; flesh greenish amber, rich, sugary, and strikingly high flavoured ; stone oval, inclining to ovate, compressed." BLUE GAGE. PR. CAI-. MIL. LOND. HOET. CAT. Azure hative. Poit. et Turp. This fruit is of a medium size, and of a roundish form ; the skin is of a blue colour ; the flesh rather rich and of good flavour. It is at maturity in the month of September. It seems uncertain whether Mr. Coxe refers to the same fruit as described here. He mentions his variety as having been imported from France; but as there is no plum called Gage in that country, it must have been imported under some other name. RED GAGE. PR. CAT. This is a tree of tke most thrifty growth and produces good crops : the fruit is of the same size as the Green Gage and 52 PLUMS. closely resembles it in form ; the skin is of a brick red colour, inclining to brown ; the flesh is rich and of excellent flavour. This variety was originated in the year 1790, by the grandfa- ther of the author from the seed of the Green Gage. There are several varieties of the Yellow Gage, which produce fruit of an excellent quality. BLEEKER'S GAGE. PR. CAT. Sleeker* s German Gage. Pr. Hort. German, or Bleeker's Gage. This plum I received from Isaac Denniston, Esq. of Alba- ny ; he states that it was raised by Mr. Bleeker of that city, about the year 1810, from seed received from Germany. It is rich and finely tasted, about two thirds as large as the Washington, and of similar shape ; the leaves are, however, much smaller. It is a great bearer and fine for preserving ; the tree is of very vigorous growth and luxuriant appearance, and the fruit ripens about the middle of August. FROST GAGE. PH. CAT. This fruit is about the size and form of the Green Gage, and of a dark purple colour ; it is not quite as sweet as the other Gage referred to, but has a more sprightly flavour, and is the best of the late plums found in our markets. It ripens about the first of October, and quantities have been sold in the New York market as late as the tenth of that month, but as these were from a more northern locality, they probably were a week or ten days later at maturity than they would have been in the immediate vicinity of New York. The tree is of thrifty growth and produces abundantly. It is a native of this State, and the circumstance of its ripening after nearly all the other fine varieties are past, renders it a highly valua- ble acquisition to our assortment of plums. MAITRE CLAUDE. PR. CAT. LANG. MIL. LOND. HORT. CAT. FOR. This fruit is of large size and round form ; the skin is of a bright yellow colour, with some spots of dark red next the sun, PLUMS. 53 and is covered with a thin white bloom ; the flesh is pale yel- low and firm, with sweet and sprightly juice, and separates from the stone. This plum is ranked in England among their best white varieties ; it ripens in September, and the tree is productive. WASHINGTON. PR. CAT. PR. HORT. POM. MAG. . JIORT. CAT. Bolmer' s Washington. Bolmore's Washington. Washington, or Bolmer. New Washington. Franklin. Washington Gage. Superior Gage, > of 'the "Flushing Nurseries for Superior Green Gage, ) about twenty years past. This tree is remarkable for the size and vigour of its shoots and for the great dimensions, luxuriance, and beauty of its foliage, which presents a striking contrast to that of most other plum trees ; the buds are also large and the shoulder particu- larly prominent : the fruit is of enormous size, and its form rather more round than oval ; it is not surpassed by any other variety in richness, beauty, or exquisite flavour, and in its ex- cellent qualities assimilates more nearly to those of the Green Gage than to any other plum. The origin of this fruit is in- volved in some obscurity ; the title here adopted is of but recent application. The following details, from the pen of Wm. Prince, senior proprietor of the Linnaean Botanic Gar- den, may prove interesting: "Some few years ago, Mr. Bolmer, a merchant of New York, finding a tree of this kind in his garden, and deeming it a new variety, presented some scions of it to a number of his acquaintances, from one of whom it received the appella- tion of Bolmer' s Washington. Its extraordinary size and fine Gage flavour, caused it to attract much notice, and supposing it to be a novelty, I procured a tree myself, for which I paid three dollars, a price at which they were readily selling at the time ; but to my great surprise, when its foliage and fruit were developed, I found it an old and familiar acquaintance, which had been cultivated in the Nurseries at Flushing during a long 54 PLUMS. course of years, under the title of" Superior Gage;" and of which trees of the thickness of a man's thigh were to be seen throughout the country, and particularly in the garden of Mr. Van Sindcren, and others in this vicinity. Mr. James Blood- good, of Flushing, (since deceased,) also made the same dis- covery about the same time. In the year 1824, happening to be on a visit at Albany, I was again surprised to meet the same plum in the garden of Isaac Denniston, Esq., under the name of the "Double Imperial Gage." The trees in his garden were of very large size, and he stated that he had ob- tained them under this name eighteen years before, from the vicinity of New York ; it having been long an object with that gentleman, who is distinguished for his judgment and discri- mination of fruits, to concentrate the most valuable varieties of the plum. I have taken some pains to ascertain the origin of this fruit, and particularly whether it was originally brought from Europe, being anxious to establish the native country of so superior a fruit, and I have come to the conclusion that it is of American origin, there being no such plum described in any European publication, and having been unable to trace it farther than to the Nurseries at Flushing. I will mention one circumstance which may throw some light upon the subject. It has always been the custom at the establishment of the wri- ter, to plant annually the seeds of the finest fruits, for the pur- pose of originating new varieties; and about the year 1790, his father planted the stones of twenty five quarts of the Green Gage plum: they produced trees which yielded fruit of every colour, and the Keel Gage, White Gage, Prince's Imperial Gage, and Prince's Green Gage, now so well known and so highly esteemed, form part of the progeny of the seeds then sown, and there seems a strong presumptive evidence to sup- pose that the Superior Gage, now called the Washington, was one of the same collection. John V. JJrevoort, Esq. so well known for his intelligence find for his care in making investi- gations, also staled to me, some years since, that he had satis- factorily traced its origin to Flushing." The following instance will serve to show the productive- PLUMS. 55 ness of this tree and the size of the fruit: A few years since, a small branch with twenty four plums on it, was sent by L. Richards, Esq. of New-Jersey, and exhibited to the New-York Horticultural Society, which probably presented the greatest weight of this fruit ever produced on so small a twig, the length of which I think was but twelve inches. Many plums on the same tree measured six and three quarter inches round, and in one or more instances, weighed four and a quarter ounces. The trees cultivated by Mr. Richards are called " Superior Gage," and were obtained by him from Flushing many years since, under that title. This plum is found also to succeed well in England ; and the following details in re- gard to it I copy from the Pomological Magazine : " The wood is pale brown on a wall, but darker on a stan- dard ; when young very slightly pubescent ; leaves oblong, very large and shining, with a luxuriant appearance quite un- known in other plums ; flowers very large, white ; fruit, from a wall, one and three fourths of an inch long by one and five eighths of an inch wide, regularly oval, with a very obscure suture, except just at the stalk, where it is rather deep ; stalk inserted in a shallow cavity, three fourths of an inch long, slightly pubescent. Before being cnt, agreeably perfumed like a Green Gage of the best quality ; skin dull yellow broken a little with green, assuming an orange cast on the sunny side, with a purplish bloom, and more or less mottled with crimson dots ; flesh yellow, firm, very sweet, and luscious, separating freely from the stone; stone oval, acute at each end, wrinkled all over, and nearly even at the edges." RULING'S SUPERB. PR. CAT. PR. HORT. Keysets plum. This plum is of monstrous size, and has measured six and seven eighths inches in circumference, and weighed nearly or quite four ounces. It is of a roundish form, and a greenish yellow colour ; its shape and appearance bearing an affinity to the Gage family, from the seed of one of the varieties of which it no doubt originated ; the flesh is sweet, rich, delicious, and 56 PLUMS. of very fine flavour, and the fruit has been pronounced " the first in rank among plums" It seems doubtful which will attain to the greatest dimensions, this or the Washington plum ; it is certain, however, that these two and the Prince's Imperial Gage, are the largest and most delicious varieties of the Gage or Reine Claude class, which are known either in Europe or our own country. This tree grows with great vigour, and the leaves are extremely large, broad, and luxu- riant ; the young shoots are very strong, and the buds are par- ticularly large and prominent. It was raised from the seed by Mr. Keyser, of Pennsylvania, but was brought into par- ticular notice by Dr. Wm. E. Hulings of that State, a gen- tleman distinguished as much for his zeal and perspicuity in the introduction of new and valuable fruits to proper notice, as for his extreme liberality evinced in their dissemination to others. PRINCE'S IMPERIAL GAGE. PR. CAT. Prince's White Gage. Pr. cat. 26th ed. , Prince's Gage. Pr. Hort. By way of distinguishing the present variety from the other Gage plums, which are now so numerous, I have adopted the title which heads this article. This tree was originated at the Flushing Nursery, from a seed of the Green Gage. It is of more rapid and vigorous growth than any other of its class with which I am acquainted, and often forms shoots of seven to eight feet in height, the first season, from the graft. It may be readily distinguished from the Washington, by the growth of the young shoots, which attain to more than twice the length in a season that they do on that variety ; the buds are also of much smaller size, and the shoulder of the bud does not project in that striking and peculiar manner which distinguishes the Washington and Huling's Superb. The tree appears to be the most productive in point of quantity of any of the large Gage varieties; the fruit is one of the largest of its class, and second only in size to the Washington and Ru- lings' Superb ; the skin is a pale green previous to its ripen- 1'LUMS. 57 ing, but becomes at full maturity of a fine yellow colour, dot- ted with red on the side next the sun ; the flesh is rich, luscious, and of excellent flavour. In addition to the fruit being of the finest quality, and among those most highly esteemed for the table, it is also much valued for making preserves, and when used for this purpose, the fruit is gathered before it is mature. It ripens the latter part of the month of August. Mr. Samuel R. Johnson, of Charlestown, Massachusetts, has a tree of this kind which I sent him, from which, according to a statement published in the New-England Farmer, he has sold fruit to the amount of fifty dollars a year for three years. The Wash- ington plum is sometimes called the Imperial Gage at Albany. YELLOW EGG. PR. CAT. PR. HORT. Mogul. White Imperial. ) Coxe,and ofmostAme- White Magnum bonum. Egg plum. $ rican collections. Dame Aitbert. Grosse luissante. Dun. For. syn. Dame Aubert. Jard. fruit. Bon Jard. Dame Aubert jaune, of some French catalogues. Dame Aubert grosse luisante. Lond. Hort. cat. Monsieur. Tourn. | Wentworth. Lang. Mil. Monsieur. Wentworth. For. Bonum Magnum. \ White Holland. White Bonum magnum. Large Yellow Egg. > of some col- Hick's large Egg 1 Young 's superior Egg ? $ lections. This is ranked by Duhamel as the largest plum then in the French collections, and I have seen it as large as a hen's egg of medium size. It often measures two and a half inches in length, and in some instances even thirty-two lines, with a diameter of twenty-two to twenty- three, and occasionally of twenty-five lines ; its weight is frequently three ounces, and those of the very largest dimensions even weigh four ounces. The peduncle is nine to ten lines long, and inserted in a shallow cavity ; the skin, which is of a fine yellow colour, scattered over with numerous greenish dots, is not very tender ; the suture, which divides the fruit on one side, is not deep ; the flesh is yellowish, and rather sweet, with but little flavour ; the stone, which adheres to the flesh until it is very ripe, is quite large in proportion to the size of the plum, being seventeen VOL- ii. 8 58 PLUMS. lines long and nine and a half broad. This fruit ripens at the end of August or the beginning of September; it cannot be ranked among the choice varieties, but deserves to be culti- vated on account of its beauty and its enormous size. The tree is of very strong and vigorous growth, and is seldom or never attacked by the insects which cause large knots and excrescences on many other varieties. It is very productive, and the fruit is esteemed for making preserves. There exists much confusion in the application of the synonymes of this plum and the White Imperial ; for while this is the kind almost invariably cultivated in our gardens, the titles which belong to that variety are generally applied to it. Langley, it will be perceived, by referring to the synonymes, calls this the Went- worth plum, and he remarks that its form, colour, and taste, are exactly the same as the Mogul, (White Imperial,) but that the latter cleaves to the stone, and this parts freely from it, on which account this was the most esteemed for preserves. There are, at present, several varieties of this plum, producing red, violet, and white fruit. WHITE IMPERIAL. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. Imperial blanc. Imperiale blanche. Dull. Imperiale blanche. Lond. Hort. cat. Mogule. White Bonum Magnum. \ T White Holland. Dutch plum. $ L While Imperial. Bonum Magnum. \ \M-\ T? White Holland. Mogul, or Egg plum. $ White Egg plum. This variety has been supposed by many to be synonymous with the Yellow Egg, but they are described as distinct by Duhamel, L'angley, and other writers, and so enumerated in various French publications, and in the catalogues of their nurseries. The tree is of very vigorous growth, and resem- bles the Yellow Egg in its general appearance. The fruit is very large, of the form, and almost of the si/.e, of an egg ; the skin is whitish, or a pale yellow ; the flesh is whitish, of a firm consistence, and dry, with an acid and unpleasant flavour ; the flesh adheres to the stone, which is long and pointed. This PLUMS. 59 plum is not suitable for the table nor for prunes, but is used for preserves, and is particularly remarkable on account of its iiandsomc form and extremely large size. It ripens in Sep- tember, and is very productive. Miller copies his description of this fruit from the first edition of Duhamel, and Forsyth from the new edition of the same work, notwithstanding which it is more than probable that the Yellow Egg is the fruit that has been long cultivated, and generally known in England under the titles they give for this variety, as this is much the most rare in gardens and nurseries, and indeed but seldom to be met with, while the Yellow Egg is found in almost every collection. YELLOW IMPERIAL. AUTH. Imperial jaune. Imperiale jaune. Duh. Calvel. This fruit is nearly as large as a small sized egg of the common fowl ; the skin is yellow and of rather a deeper shade next the sun than on the other side; the flesh is yellowish, sweet, with a small degree of acidity, and separates readily from the stone. This Plum ripens the middle of August. TOMLINSON'S CHARLOTTE. PR. CAT. PR. HORT. Charlotte. This variety I received from my friend, Judge Tomlinson ; it was originated by him from the seed of the Yellow Egg plum, and he gave it the name of Charlotte, after a lady of Schenectady, to which I have subjoined his cognomen. It is an early yellow fruit, of the shape of its parent, but different in quality, being sweet and agreeable in flavour, and better calculated for the table. It ripens about the middle of August. The growth of the tree is exceedingly vigorous, and perhaps not exceeded by any other of its class. IMPERIAL VIOLET. PR. CAT. DUH. COXE. Purple Egg. Pr. Hort. Pr. cat. 26th ed. Imperiale violetle. Duh. syn. Lond. Hort. cat. Prune-wuf. Prune d'ceuf. \ Imperiale. Mil. Red Imperial. Red Bonum Magnum. Mil. For. Large Orlean. This is a beautiful fruit, of oval form, nineteen to twenty lines long, and fifteen to sixteen in diameter ; it is divided on 60 PLUMS. one side for its whole length by a very conspicuous suture ; the peduncle is slender, nine to ten lines long, and inserted in a small and rather deep cavity ; the skin is a pale violet, covered with bloom, rather tough, and does not separate readily from the flesh, which is of a whitish green colour, firm, sweet, and of a rich taste ; it does not adhere to the stone, which is ten lines long and six broad. Duhamel says this fruit ripens >at Paris the end of August, and that it is subject to be wormy when the tree is planted in strong and cold soils. I received this plum from Scotland, under the name of Red Imperial. Most of the trees cultivated in American gardens for this variety, are the Blue Imperatrice, which is a much smaller fruit. IMPERIAJ, VIOLET, with variegated leaves. PR. CAT. Imperials violette afeuillespanachees. Duh. This variety is distinguished by its leaves, which are varie- gated with white and green, and thereby rendered quite orna- mental. The fruit is generally deformed, and half blighted, for which reason Duhamel recommends it to be planted in gardens for ornament, rather than in orchards. BLUE IMPERATRICE. PR. CAT. ) Mil. Hook. Pom. Pr. Hort. Imperatrice, Lond Hor( c&t> p Red Magnum bonum, or Red Imperial. Coxe, Imperatrice violette, Duh. J Prime d'Altesse ? Violet Empress. \ Empress. \ Late Red Imperial. Smith's large October ? This tree is one of the most flourishing varieties cultivated in this vicinity ; the fruit is of fine appearance, twenty lines in length and fifteen in its greatest diameter. The description given in the Pomological Magazine being very precise, I insert it here. " Well known as one of the best of our plums, for keeping late in the season. Its usual period of ripening is in September, when it begins to shrivel, and will then keep, if well managed, till the middle of December, its flavour continuing to improve. PLUMS. Gl It requires to be cultivated (in England) on an east or west wall, when it is a great and certain bearer. Some doubt has been expressed of the identity of the English Imperatrice and that of Duhamel, but we see no reason to believe they are different ; branches long and slender, with blunt, flattened eyes, and very smooth bark ; the lateral shoots are produced at nearly right angles with the main shoots ; leaves middle- sized, pointed at each end, finely toothed, closely downy; flowers small ; fruit oblong, blunt at each end, but tapering rather more to the base than to the apex ; foot-stalks rather less than three-fourths of an inch long; skin rich deep purple, covered over with a thick bloom, which is more copious than on any plum in Covent Garden Market ; flesh firm, yellowish green, rather dry, but exceedingly sweet and rich." Coxe appears to refer to this fruit in his description under the head of Red Magnum Bonum, or Red Imperial. WHITE IMPERATRICE. POM. MAG. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Imperatrice blanche. Dull. Die Weisse Kaiser pflaume. Kraft. Pom. Aust. This plum is eighteen lines in length, and sixteen in diame- ter ; the peduncle is four to six lines long, and inserted in a shallow but quite distinct depression ; the side which is divided by the suture is somewhat flattened, as well as the extremity of the fruit, upon which a slight cavity is observable ; the flesh, which is a pale yellow as well as the skin, is of a rather firm consistence, and of a sweet, perfumed, and agreeable flavour ; it does not adhere to the stone, which has a somewhat rough surface. The fruit ripens at the end of August or beginning of September. The following additional details I extract from the Porno- logical Magazine : "A handsome and useful plum, but very different from the Blue Imperatrice, to the name of which it has little title. It does not shrivel, or keep well. Leaves rather larger than those of the common Imperatrice, and more shining ; flowers somewhat smaller ; fruit middle-sized, oval, with an indistinct b$J PLUMS. furrow on one side, very blunt at each end ; foot-stalk short, in a narrow cavity ; skin bright yellowish ochre colour, with a slight evanescent bloom ; flesh firm, juicy, sweet, abundant, and rather more transparent than that of most plums. MONSIEUR. PR. CAT. DUH. MIL. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Late Monsieur. Pr. cat., 26th ed. Monsieur j of the French collections generally. Prune de Monsieur. Duh. Mil. Monsieur ordinaire. Lond. Hort. cat. This variety is the one which is the most extensively known wnder the title of Monsieur ; it is however very different from the Monsieur or Wentworth of the English. The plum is not perfectly round, being sixteen lines in length, and eighteen in diameter ; the peduncle is large, seven lines long, and inserted in a rather deep cavity, from which a very conspicuous suture extends to the extremity of the fruit, and divides it into two parts ; the skin is purple with a moderate degree of bloom ; the flesh is yellowish, melting, and rather high flavoured, provided the tree is in an elevated, dry, and warm soil ; inferior in point of flavour, when it is in a low or wet location. The stone is somewhat rough, and does not adhere to the flesh ; it is seven lines long, and of the same breadth. This plum ripens at the end of July ; the tree is of strong and vigorous growth, the crops are very abundant, and it is very extensively cultivated in the orchards and gardens of France, where it is highly ap- preciated. Tournefort gives the title of Monsieur to a yellow plum, which is consequently a different variety from this, and Duhamel states that he does not know what variety he could have referred to, unless it be the Yellow Egg, (Dame Aubert jaune.) The character he gives, "Prunus fructu ovato, max- imo, flavo," accords with that variety. EARLY MONSIEUR. PR. CAT. Monsieur hatif. Duh. Lond Hort. cat. | Monsieur Jiative. This fruit is nearly round, seventeen lines long, and the same in diameter at the largest part, and a line less at the PLUMS. 63 the suture is not deep ; the peduncle is only four to five lines in length, inserted in a narrow but rather deep cavity ; the skin is of a fine purple colour next the sun, paler, and inclining to a reddish hue, on the side that is shaded ; the flesh is yellowish green, somewhat firm, mode- rately melting, and of a rather pleasant flavour ; the stone separates readily from it, and is nine lines long and six in breadth. This plum greatly resembles the preceding one, but ripens about two weeks sooner. SURPASSE MONSIEUR. PR. CAT. BON. JARD. This fruit originated at Paris, from the seed of the Mon- sieur, which is an esteemed French variety. It is of beautiful appearance, and more perfumed than its parent, and of ex- cellent quality. The tree is productive, and the fruit is at maturity in August. SWISS. PR. CAT. Prune Suisse. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. Prune de Monsieur tardwe. Duh. syn. Prune Suisse, or Swiss plum. Coxe. Monsieur tardwe. Altesse. Bon. Jard. This plum is flattened at the extremity ; its diameter is greater than its length, the former measuring more than six- teen lines, and the latter but fourteen ; the peduncle is six lines long, and inserted in a slight cavity ; the skin is purple, covered with bloom, rather tough, but separates pretty easily ; the flesh is greenish, melting, full of very sweet juice, which is rich, and of a very pleasant flavour ; the stone adheres to the flesh, it is nine lines in length, seven in breadth, and has on each side a sort of projecting ridge. This fruit begins to ripen at the end of August, or early in September, and con- tinues during the whole of the latter month. It is one of the finest kinds known, and is very superior to the Monsieur, with which some compare it. The tree is productive, although the flowers are in general produced singly. 64 PLUMS. EARLY TOURS. PR. CAT. Precoce de Tours. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. Prune de la Madeleine. Duh. syn. Prune noire hative. This fruit is perfectly oval, and very round in its cir- cumference ; it is thirteen to fourteen lines in length, and about two lines less in diameter ; the suture, which runs pa- rallel with the end of the stone, is scarcely apparent; the peduncle is slender, six lines long, and inserted in a very small cavity ; the skin is a very dark purple, covered with bloom, rather tough, slightly bitter, and strongly adheres to the flesh, which is pale green, approaching to yellow, mode- rately melting, partially sweet, and of rather pleasant flavour, and even somewhat perfumed when the tree is planted in a dry and warm soil. The plum ripens the beginning of July, and is one of the best early varieties. ROYAL TOURS. PR. CAT. Royal de Tours. Royale de Tours. Duh. Royale de Tours. Lond. Hort. cat. This plum is nearly of the same colour, form, and size, as the Early Monsieur; its diameter and length are the same, it being eighteen lines in each direction ; the suture is very conspicuous, although not deep ; and the extremity of the fruit is somewhat flattened, or even depressed; the skin is very much covered with bloom, and of a rather pale purple colour next the sun ; it is speckled with bright yellow dots, and rather reddish than purple, on the shaded side ; the flesh is greenish yellow, sweet, rich,' more melting, and superior to that of the Early Monsieur ; it adheres to the stone, which is very flat and rough, ten lines long, and eight broad. This fruit attains its maturity at the end of July ; the tree is very vigorous, and generally yields abundant crops. WHITE PERDRIGON. PR. CAT. MIL. LOXD. HORT. CAT. Perdrigon blanc. Duh. This plum is fifteen and a half lines long, and fourteen and a half in diameter, and is rather smaller at the base than at the PLUMS. G5 extremity ; the peduncle is slender, eight lines in length, and inserted nearly even with the surface of the fruit; the skin is a greenish white, covered with a profusion of bloom, and speckled with red next the sun ; the flesh is greenish rather than white, somewhat firm, melting, perfumed, and so sweet that when the fruit is very ripe, it has the same taste as if it was preserved ; the stone is seven lines long and five broad, and does not adhere to the flesh. This fruit ripens at the beginning of September ; it is excellent for the table, and in France they make fine prunes of it. Duhamel states that the tree is subject to a blight of the blossoms, and therefore recommends that it be trained as the espalier. There is a variegated variety of this plum, which I have received from France. EARLY PERDRIGON. PR. CAT. Perdrigon hatif. Perdrigon hative. N. Duh. Perdrigon hatif . Lond. Hort. cat. This plum, which is borne on a peduncle eight lines in length, is of a perfectly ovate form, and fifteen lines long by eleven in diameter. The skin is of a violet colour, co- vered with a bloom, which gives it a grayish appearance ; the flesh is greenish, melting, juicy, and acid before its maturity ; afterwards it retains but little flavour, and even becomes flat and insipid. This fruit ripens about the middle of July, but as it is firmly attached to the peduncle, and that adheres strongly to the branch, the plums become half dried upon the tree ; yet far however from becoming better in that state, they acquire on the contrary a rather disagreeable taste. NORMAN PERDRIGON. PR. CAT. Perdrigon Normand. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. This plum is one of the best French varieties, and among those which are coloured, the Purple Gage is the only one that can be compared to it. The fruit is nearly round, but somewhat diminished at the base ; it is eighteen lines or more in length, and the same at its greatest diameter, but only seventeen at its VOL. II. 9 ')<> smallest part; being' somewhat compressed in the direction of the suture, which is very shallow. The penduncle is nine lines long, and inserted in a slight cavity, scarcely apparent ; the skin is a light purple, with considerable bloom, and marked with fawn coloured dots; the llcsh is yellowish, melting', abounding in juice, and of a bland, sweet and very pleasant flavour; it adheres strongly to the stone, which is ten lines lonu, and somewhat more than seven broad ; it is rather smooth on both sides; one of its edges has a deep grove, but the other projects considerably. This variety is yet rare in the vicinity of Paris, and it is but a few years since it was in- troduced to our country. Duhamel remarks that it merits ex- tensive cultivation on account of the great excellence of its fruit, which is at maturity the end of August. VIOLET PERDRIGON. AUTH. Perdrigon violet. J)uh. Lond. Hort. cat. Violet, or Jtlua. Perdrigon. Mil. For. This plum is supported by a peduncle eight or nine lines in ''until, which is inserted in a slight cavity; its form is not perfectly round, being somewhat contracted at the base ; it is seventeen to eighteen lines in length, and a line less in diame- ter ; the. -kin is purple, marked with fawn coloured dots and co- \crc-d uiih bloom; it is unfortunately very tough, which pre- vents it> being eaten with the fruit, as is usually the case with ino^t other plums ; the flesh is greenish, partially melting, and moderately sweet and rich ; it adheres to the stone, which is very flat and small in comparison with the fruit. This plum may be ranked amoim the choice varieties; it ripens about the middle of Auiriixt. 1 have received from France the Vio- let Perdrigon, of Provence, and the Violet Perdrigon, of Thoulouse, but am nut. aware to which the above description f Duhamel relcrs. or \\hether they mav not be both distinct from the one here described. L PLUMS. 67 RED PERDRIGON. PR. CAT. FOR. COXE. Perdrigon rouge. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. This fruit is nearly ovate, very round in its circumference, and devoid of any apparent suture ; it is fifteen to sixteen lines in length, and fourteen to fifteen in diameter, and sup- ported on a peduncle eight or nine lines long, which is in- serted in a very small cavity ; the skin is of a very red colour, approaching somewhat to violet, covered with bloom, and marked with very small fawn coloured dots ; the flesh, which is light yellow on the sunny side and greenish on the other, is somewhat firm, very sweet, rich and separates easily from the stone, which has a very wide and deep groove on one of its edges. This is an excellent plum, and does not ripen until September. The tree is more fruitful and the blossoms are less subject to blight than those of the two preceding varieties. I presume Coxe refers to this plum in his description, although he varies from its true character in some particular points. BRIGNOLE. PR. CAT. DUH. MIL. CALVEL. LOKD. CAT. Perdrigon de Brignole ? This plum takes its name from the town of Brignole, in France, in the neighbourhood of which it is very extensively cultivated for the purpose of making those excellent prunes known under the same title, and which are exported to every part of Europe. Duhamel confounds this variety with the White Perdrigon, but it differs from it in several respects; the fruit is of larger size, the skin less tough, and the flesh is yellow and not of a greenish while hue. It ripens in the south of France about the middle of August. There are two va- rieties of this plum. ORLEANS. PR. CAT. LA^G. MIL. FOR. LOND. HJRT. CAT, COXE. Old Orleans. Red Damask. English Orleans. Common Orleans. Red Orleans. Large red Orleans. The fruit is round and of medium size ; the skin is of a deep red colour mingled with violet next the sun, and of a more 68 PLUMS. clear red on the shaded side; it has a partial bloom ; the flesh is pale yellow, juicy, of good flavour, and separates freely from the stone ; one side of the fruit is marked by a suture which runs from the base to the extremity. The tree produces abundantly, and the fruit ripens in August. Miller and other writers consider this an indifferent fruit ; and it is in fact but secondary in point of quality, its great merit being the abun- dance of its crops. SMITH'S ORLEANS. PR. CAT. PR. HORT. LOND. HOHT. CAT. Smith's large Orleans. This is one of the most vigorous and flourishing trees that is cultivated in our gardens. I once measured a shoot which had grown ten feet the first season from the graft, and growths of seven and eight feet are very frequently met with. It is much less subject to the attacks of the insect which causes excrescences and knots to be formed on plum trees, than many other varieties. The fruit is round, with a deep suture on one side ; the skin is of a reddish purple colour ; the flesh is sweet, with a partial acidity, of a pleasant sprightly flavour, and separates freely from the stone. It ripens in the month of September. WILMOT'S EARLY ORLEANS. PR. CAT. FOR. LOND. HORT. TRAAS. Wilmofs large Orleans. This plum is of medium size and round form, with a suture running through one side ; the skin is of a dark purplish hue on the sunny side, covered with a fine bloom ; the flesh is greenish yellow, with a tinge of amber when fully ripe; it is more soft and juicy than the Old Orleans, and of excellent flavour, it being sweet combined with a pleasant degree of acidity ; it separates readily from the stone, which is of small size. The fruit ripens two to three weeks before the Old Orleans, and about as soon as the Morocco and Early Tours plums. PLUMS. WHITE DIAPER. PK. CAT. 7>'V//>/v hi tine. Dull. blanche. Dull. Lond. Hort. cat. This plum is fifteen lines in length, and eleven in diameter ; it is perfectly round, without any suture, and with simply a green line running from the base to the extremity ; the pe- duncle is four to five lines long, and inserted even with the surface of the fruit ; the skin is a whitish green, covered with a bloom, and somewhat tough ; the flesh is rather firm, of a very pale yellow hue, and of sweet and rich flavour ; the stone is about nine lines in length, four in breadth, and two and a half in thickness. The fruit is at maturity the end of August or beginning of September. RED DIAPER. PR. CAT. Diapree rouge. Lond. Hort. cat. Dlapre rouge. DiaprCe rouge. Dull. Mil. Roche Corbon. Duh. syn. Mil. Roche Courbon. This is one of the most beautiful plums, but its quality does not respond to its fine appearance ; it is of oval form, com- monly swollen at the extremity, and contracted at its base, which renders it nearly of the form of a pear. Duhamel him- self appears not to have seen this fruit when at its greatest size, as he allows it to be but eighteen lines in length. The editors of the New Duhamel remark, that they have never seen any of such small dimensions, and that the largest they had measured were two inches long and twenty-one lines in diameter at the largest section, and nineteen at the smallest part; the peduncle is ten to thirteen lines in length ; the skin is red and nearly of a cherry colour, with a partial degree of bloom, and speckled with dots of a deeper red ; the flesh is of a very pale green or whitish hue, and slightly adheres to the stone ; it is at first rather firm, without any very pleasant taste, and becomes at full maturity soft and sweetish, but devoid of flavour. The stone is eleven lines to an inch in length, and "0 PLUMS. seven in breadth. Tins^lum ripens at the end of August or beginning of September ; it is used for making prunes which are far superior to the fruit in its natural state. It is rarely met with in our American collections, and in some cases a different sort is cultivated under the same name. I obtained from one of the nurseries a tree for this kind, that proved to be the Little Heine Claude, which is a small green plum. VIOLET DIAPER. PR. CAT. Diaprc violet. Dlaprte violettc. Duh. Diapree violeltc. Lond. Hort. cat. This plum is perfectly oval, seventeen lines in length, eleven and a half in its greatest diameter, and six in its smallest section ; the peduncle is at most six lines long, and inserted in a cavity scarcely apparent ; the suture, which is parallel with the edge of the stone, is only distinguished by a line of a darker colour ; the skin is a dark violet covered with bloom, and marked with very small dots of a lighter shade; the ilesh is yellowish green, rather firm, without much juice, but of a sweet and pleasant flavour; it does not adhere to the stone, which is much compressed, and terminated by a very acute point. This fruit ripens during the first c!ays in August, and may be ranked in the class of fine plums for the table ; it also makes excellent prunes. The tree produces annually a mul- titude of blossoms, and almost invariably an abundance of fruit. EARLY APRICOT PLVM. Arm. Abricolc hut if. Abricokc hat ire. V Duh. This is a vei'v beautiful fruit, but its quality does not re- spond to its appearance ; it is twenty-one to t\\rnty-two lines in length, and the same in diameter; the suture is shallow, but rather broad ; the peduncle is six lines long, and inserted in a distinct cavity ; tin' skin, where shaded, is a vcrv pale red, almost grceni-li, but next to the sun it is of a rather darker h;te, and marked all over with small dots, which do not vary much from the colour of the rest of the skin, but are never- PLUMS. 71 jss very apparent ; the flesh is of a pale yellowish green, rather firm, moderately juicy, slightly acid, and adheres closely to the stone, which is oval and much compressed. This plum ripens during the month of July, and the tree seldom yields a large crop. | WHITE APRICOT PLUM. PR. CAT. Abricott blanc. AbricoUe blanche. N. Duh. AbricoUe Uanche. Lond. Hort. cat. This fruit is rather larger than the Late White Damson, but not of equal quality ; it is fifteen lines long, the same in diameter at its largest section, and thirteen to fourteen at the smallest part ; the peduncle is four lines in length ; the skin is at first of a greenish white hue, but changes to yellow when very ripe ; the flesh before it is perfectly mature is rather firm, and its flavour slightly acid, but when in perfection it becomes more pleasant. The stone is very flat, rather rough and separates readily from the flesh. This plum ripens about the middle of August. APRICOT PLUM, OF TOURS. AUTH. AbricoU de Tours. Abricotee dc Tours. Duh. Abricotee. Jard. fruit. Bon Jard. This plum is of larger size and superior in quality to the pre- ceding one, its diameter exceeds its length and measures eighteen lines, while the latter is but sixteen or seventeen. The peduncle is short, and inserted nearly even with the sur- face of the fruit, in a very small cavity ; the suture, which runs parallel with the edge of the stone, is broad and deep, especi- ally towards the extremity of the fruit, where it terminates in a small depression ; the skin is whitish green on the shaded side, and marked with red next the sun ; the flesh is firm, yel- low, musky, and quite pleasant, but possesses, even when per- fectly ripe, a slight acidity, which it no doubt derives from its skin, which is sourish and tough ; it does not adhere to the stone. This plum ripens at the beginning of September, and 72 PLUMS. is an excellent fruit. There is another fine variety much cul- tivated and esteemed, which is called Yellow Apricot Plum. RED APRICOT PLUM. PR. CAT. Abricott rovge. N. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. This plum is eighteen to nineteen lines in length, and seven- teen to eighteen in diameter; the skin is red approaching to violet, not deep coloured, but has a considerable bloom ; the peduncle is six lines long, and inserted in a slight cavity ; the suture is not very conspicuous; the flesh is yellowish, but quite distinct from the colour of the apricot; neither does the flavour particularly resemble that fruit, for it is rather flat than sweet, and without any peculiar perfume ; the stone does not adhere to the flesh, it is ten lines long and seven broad. This fruit attains to maturity about the middle of August. ROYAL. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. French Royal. Pr. cat. 26 ed. Prune Royale. Duh. | Royale. Lond. Hort. cat. This fruit is sixteen to seventeen lines long, and fifteen in its greatest diameter; the peduncle, which is eight to ten lines in length, is inserted in a slight cavity, and the suture is marked by a single line; the skin is purple, covered with bloom and marked with dots of a lighter hue, approaching to a fawn colour ; the flesh is greenish, approaching to yellow, rather firm, somewhat juicy, and of a sweet and pleasant fla- vour ; it adheres a little to the stone, which is eight lines long and near six broad. This plum may be ranked among the choice varieties, and is at maturity the end of August. EARLY ROYAL. PR. CAT. Royal hativc. Bon. Jard. This fruit is of a beautiful appearance and of much excel- lence ; the skin is of the same colour as the Purple Gage, and the flesh also resembles that variety in quality and flavour. It is at maturity early in the month of July. PLUMS. COMMON SAINT JULIEN. PR. CAT. Saint Mien. N. Duh. | French St. Julien. Petit Saint Julien. Saint Julien petit. St. Julian. Tliis is the smallest of the violet-coloured plums ; it is of rather an oval form, being ten to eleven lines long, and nine in diameter ; the skin is of a dark violet colour, covered with bloom; the flesh is greenish, slightly acid, without flavour when over ripe, and does not adhere to the stone. This fruit is at maturity the end of August or beginning of September ; it is not much^ valued for the table, but is in France very extensively used for preserves, in the same manner as the smaller varieties of the Damson. LARGE SAINT JULIEN. Auui. Gros Saint Julien. N. Duh. This variety is not larger than the common Saint Julien, but is of a rounder form, being eleven or twelve lines in length and the same in diameter ; the peduncle is four lines long; the longitudinal suture, like that of the preceding variety, is scarcely apparent; the skin is of a dark violet colour, covered with bloom ; the flesh is greenish, more melt- ing and juicy than the preceding one, of a sweetish but rather insipid taste, and the stone slightly adheres thereto. This fruit ripens about the same period as the preceding, say from the middle of August to the middle of September, and is not held in much esteem. There is a variety of this plum which has variegated leaves. WHITE VIRGINAL. PR. CAT. Virginal blanc. Virginal a gros fruit Wane. N. Duh. This plum is smaller* than the Green Gage, being but six- teen lines in length, the same in diameter at its smallest section, and seventeen lines at the largest part ; one side is rather compressed, through which runs a slight suture, distin- guished only by a line ; the peduncle is short, measuring only VOL. II. 10 74 PLUMS. five lines long ; the skin is a whitish green, with considerable bloom ; the flesh is of a pale greenish hue, very melting, and exceeding juicy, sweet, and pleasant ; the stone cannot be separated from the flesh without tearing it, and in such case that part nearest to it continues to adhere ; it is eight and a half lines long, seven broad, and quite smooth. This plum ripens at the beginning of September, and is a fine fruit. RED VIRGINAL. AUTH. Virginal Rouge. N. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. This fruit is fifteen to sixteen lines in length, and fourteen in diameter, the form being somewhat oval ; the skin is of a reddish hue, and the colour is deepest next the sun ; the flesh is yellow, and slightly acid. The fruit is at maturity the beginning of August. RED ST. MARTIN. PR. CAT. St. Martin. Prunier de Saint Martin. N. Duh. Saint Martin. Saint Martin Rouge. Lond. Hort. cat. The title given to this plum is no doubt derived from the circumstance of its ripening so late in the season that the fruit is often found upon the tree at St. Martin's day. It begins to ripen, however, about the middle of October ; but as the peduncles adhere strongly to the branches, the fruit does not readily fall off unless it is overtaken by the frosts. When the autumn is warm, it is not a rare spectacle to see the trees of this variety still loaded with fruit at the end of November, even after they have lost their foliage. This plum is red approaching a pale violet, and covered with bloom ; it is thir- teen to fourteen lines in lon^-th, and of nearly equal diameter; its peduncle, which is citrlit to nine lines long, is inserted within a shallow cavity ; the suture, which extends on one side from the base to the extremity of the fruit, is but slightly appa- rent; the ilesl) is yellowish, rather firm, somewhat melting, and flavoured \\itli a small decree of acidity; the stone i^ swollen on both sides, and not adhere to the flesh. Thi.s PLUMS. 75 truit is not particularly pleasant to the taste, but answers well for late preserves, and is interesting on account of its being the latest of all plums. DATE PLUM. PR. CAT. Prune Datte. Duh. | Prune d'Autriche. D'Autriche. Lond. Hort. cat. This plum is nearly round, fifteen to .sixteen lines in length, fifteen in its greatest diameter, and fourteen at its smallest part ; the side that is parallel with the edge of the stone is divided by a suture, which is rather flattened than hollowed ; the peduncle is fifteen lines long and inserted in a narrow and rather deep cavity ; the skin is yellow, often marked with small touches of very bright red on the sunny side, and entirely covered with a whitish bloom ; the flesh is yellow, soft, and without flavour. The fruit ripens early in September. AGEN DATE. PR. CAT. Prunier d'Agen. N. Duh. Calvel. D'Agen. Lond. Hort. cat. Prune d'Ante. Robe de Sergent. This fruit is oval, and of large size ; the skin is purple approaching to black ; the stone is very flat, and rather smooth. This plum is often confounded with the Royal Tours, but may be readily distinguished by its darker colour, and by its stone being more flattened. It ripens about the middle of July. It is one of the best kinds used at Agen for making prunes. DRAP D'OR. PR. CAT. DUH. LANG. MIL. LOND. HORT. CAT. COXE? Mirabelle double. Duh. syn. Yellow Gage, of some collections ? Cloth of Gold. Mil. Grosse Mirabelle ? Mirabelle la grosse, or Drap d'or. This plum is almost round, twelve to thirteen lines in length, and about a line more in its greatest diameter ; the peduncle is slender, six lines long, and inserted within a small cavity ; the skin is yellow, with but a slight bloom, and marked with 76 PLUMS. small red spots on the side exposed to the sun ; the flesh is yellow, melting, very sweet, pleasant without being particularly rich, and adheres to the stone, which is seven lines long and six broad. This fruit ripens the middle of August. It seems doubtful whether Mr. Coxe referred to the same fruit when making his description, which corresponds, however, in several particulars ; I have followed Duhamel in the one above given. SMALL MIRABELLE. AUTH. Prune de Mirabelle. Duh. | La Mirabelle. Mil. Mirabelle petite. Lond. Hort. cat. Petite Mirabelle. Little Mirabelle. Petit Drap d'or. This plum is one of the smallest of its class ; it is sometimes not larger than a cherry of ordinary size, being but nine lines long and eight in diameter ; and it is deemed of extraordinary dimensions when it attains thirteen lines in length by twelve in diameter ; the peduncle is long in proportion to the fruit, and measures seven to eight lines; the skin, at its perfect maturity, is of an amber colour, marked with some small reddish dots ; the flesh is yellow, extremely sweet, not very rich, and adheres slightly to the stone, which is smooth, and six lines in length. This fruit ripens about the middle of August, and serves to make fine preserves and compotes, and also for prunes, which, although small, are esteemed. There is a variety of this plum with coloured fruit, called the Red Mirabelle. ST. CATHARINE. PR. CAT. LANG. MIL. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Prune dc Sainte Catherine. Duh. MirabeJle tardive. Yellow St. Catharine. Saint Catherine. This plum is of ovate form, swollen towards the summit, and smaller at its base, being seventeen lines long, and fifteen at its greatest diameter ; it is somewhat flattened on one side, through which runs a slight suture, and the extremity of the fruit is quite compressed ; the peduncle is inserted almost even with the surface, and is right lines in length ; the skin i 1 - PLUMS. 77 green, approaching a little to a yellow ime ; the flesh is of a similar colour, rather firm, and even tough, with but little flavour unless the fruit is fully ripe ; but when it has attained to perfect maturity it becomes partially melting, quite sweet, and of a pleasant flavour ; the stone adheres but slightly to the flesh ; it is nine lines long and six broad, and has a deep groove along one of its edges. This fruit ripens about the middle of September, and from it are made the most esteemed prunes of Tours. GERMAN PRUNE. PR. CAT. True large German prune. Large German prune. Prune plum. \ Quetsche. Lond. Hort. cat. Quetschen. Couetche. Quetsche commune. Ztcctschen. N. Duh. | Prune d'Allemagne la commune. This plum is of a singular form ; it is oblong, somewhat flattened on two of its sides, with the other two of unequal dimensions, one being almost flat, and the other projecting; the side which projects is that which is parallel with the edge of the stone ; and it is also marked by a suture whose sides are not uniform, one being more raised than the other. The whole length of the fruit is two inches, and its greatest diame- ter fifteen to sixteen lines ; the peduncle is seven to eight lines long, and inserted nearly even with the surface of the fruit ; the skin is purple, covered with a thick bloom, which imparts to it a bluish hue ; the flesh is of a greenish colour, and firm ; the taste sweetish, with but little flavour ; the stone is very flat, fifteen lines long, seven broad, and at most three and a half in thickness. This fruit ripens at the end of August or beginning of September ; it is not extensively disseminated in France, and but partially so in the neighbourhood of Paris ; but in Germany it is cultivated to a great extent, and in particular districts it is almost the only variety planted, to the exclusion of all other kinds ; and in that country, as well as in Lorraine and in Switzerland, excellent prunes are made from it. The tree is of vigorous growth and healthy appearance, and seems to be well suited to our climate. The Prune plum of Coxe appears to be quite a different variety from the one 78 PLUMS. here described. They cultivate in Europe several very choice varieties of the Prune, all of which have been introduced to our country: these are the Bremen prune, Monstrous prune, Green prune, Early prune, and Italian prune ; the last of these is held in great estimation for its excellent qualities. GERMAN PLUM. AUTH. Prunier Allemand. Prune Allemand. N. Duh. This fruit is oval, somewhat swollen on one side, and measures fifteen to sixteen lines in length, and an inch in its greatest diameter ; the peduncle is inserted nearly even with the surface, and the suture, which is parallel with the edge of the stone, is distinguished only by a line slightly depressed ; the skin is purple ; the flesh yellowish, somewhat firm, quite sweet, and moderately rich; the stone, which scarcely adheres any to the flesh, is ten lines long and five broad ; it is very flat, not being more than two and a half lines in thickness. HOLLAND. PR. CAT. COXE. Blue Holland. Pr. cat., 26 ed. Large Holland. Kensington Prune. This tree is of vigorous growth, and the young shoots ar& downy ; the fruit is of a blue colour, with a bloom ; its form is round and rather compressed ; its flesh is juicy, rich, of very pleasant flavour, and separates from the stone ; the peduncle adheres so strongly to the branch, that the fruit frequently hangs on the tree after its maturity, and becomes dry without falling. It is, perhaps, more widely disseminated in our coun- try than any other foreign variety, and is frequently met with in the gardens and enclosures of the Dutch inhabitants in the State of New-York. It is supposed to have been brought from Holland by the original Dutch settlers, and has ob- tained the name here adopted from that circumstance. A tree received from Philadelphia, under the title of Kensington Prune, has proved identically the same with this kind. PLUMS. 79 WHITE PRIMORDIAN. PR. CAT. LANG. MIL. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Early Yellow. Pr. cat. 26 ed. > Duh. syn. Lang. Mil. For. Jaune hat lV e. Prune de Catalogue. Duh. Jaune de Catalogue. St. Barnabe. Jean hative. Early John. Bilboa. London plum Catalonia. This fruit is about fourteen lines long, and an inch in it& greatest diameter ; it is somewhat contracted at its base, and usually divided on one side by a quite conspicuous suture ; the peduncle is slender, and four to five lines long ; the skin is pale yellow, with a bloom ; the flesh is of the same colour, partially melting, and sometimes slightly perfumed, but gene- rally deficient in flavour ; it does not adhere to the stone. This plum is the first that ripens of the European varieties, and is commonly in eating the first part of July, which consti- tutes its chief merit. Duhamel states that very good compotes are made from it. The tree is productive, but grows slow ; the young branches are slender, and the bark on them has a grayish appearance. There is another variety called the English Blue Primordian, and Langley mentions a Red Pri- mordian as existing in his time. PRINCE'S PRIMORDIAN. PR. CAT. Prince's Blue Primordian. Pr. cat. 26 ed. This plum is of an oval form and blue colour ; the flesh is of a pleasant flavour, but the principal value of this variety is its early maturity. It was raised by the father of the author of this work, from a seed of the White Primordian, and is of about the same size. It is one of the earliest varieties I am acquainted with, being at maturity eight or ten days before^ its parent. The young branches aje most generally of slender growth and of u grayish colour. 80 PLUMS. AMERICAN CHERRY PLUM. PR. CAT, Cherry plum, or Mirobalan. Coxc. Loud. Hort. Cat. Myrobalan. Mil. Prunus myrulxilana, or Mijrolalan. Duh. Prunus ccrasifera. Elirh. Wild. Pursh. Early scarlet. Cerise. Prune Cerise. This is a distinct species, said to be a native of our country ; but I am not certain that I have ever met with it in a wild state, though I have seen a tree closely resembling it growing in great numbers along some of the hedges in Maryland, and which may possibly be the same kind. The tree does not at- tain to so great a height as most other plums, but forms a bushy spreading head at a few feet from the ground. Its growth is vigorous, and it is particularly healthy and free from the knots or excrescences which are formed on most other plum trees by the attacks of insects. The leaves which are borne on petioles, are smooth on both sides, and do not expand un- til after the flowers, which bloom very early, and are white, and so extremely numerous as to render the tree highly orna- mental during that period. The fruit is of good size and beautiful appearance, nearly globular, rather largest at the base, and terminated at the extremity by a partial projection, similar to a mamelon ; it is of a rather deep red colour, and of pleasant taste when fully ripe, but not high flavoured; the stone is oval and terminates in an acute point. This fruit ripens about the middle of August. The tree bears well in situations where the blossoms are uninjured by frost ; but as they expand so very early they are apt to be injured in this latitude, and the crops of fruit arc therefore but small. EUROPEAN CHERRY PLUM. PK. CAT. Prime Ccrixct. Ccrisc-tlc. N. Duh. Cherry. Ccrizcltc. Mil. This fruit is nearly globular, a little oblong, of small or medium size, and of a reddish colour ; the flesh is yellowish , partially melting, ruthu sweet, but not high flavored PLUMS. SI ;ind separates pretty readily from the stone. This plum ri- pens the middle of August ; it is not particularly esteemed, and the trees are consequently not extensively cultivated for their fruit. They are much used, however, for stocks on which to inoculate the superior plums, and particular varieties of apricots. STONELESS. PR. CAT. L JM>. IIOKT. CAT. Pitless. Pr. cat. 26 ed. Prunier sans noyau. Prune sans noyau. N. Duh. This is one of the smallest plums, being but ten to eleven lines in length, by eight to nine in diameter; the peduncle is usually four to five lines long, and sometimes even nine lines ; it is inserted nearly even with the surface of the fruit, there being no apparent cavity ; the skin is a dark violet or purple, covered with bloom ; the flesh is greenish, at first slightly acid, but at perfect maturity it becomes sweetish and devoid of flavour ; the stone is most frequently deficient, and there is in its place a small bony substance, six to seven lines in length and two in breadth, which adheres strongly to the flesh; the kernel formed in the centre of the flesh is four and a half lines long, and three broad ; in some cases the fruit has a perfect stone, six to seven lines in length, and four and a half in breadth. This variety is but rarely cultivated, as it is valu- able only as a curiosity ; the fruit being small and indifferent. It ripens during the month of August. MAUGERON DAMASK. Pa. CAT. Damas de Maugeron. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. This variety is of nearly a globular form, being seventeen lines in length, and sixteen and a half in diameter ; it is flat- tened both at the base and at the extremity ; the peduncle is ten lines long, slender, and inserted in the centre of a very small cavity ; the suture which divides the fruit its whole length, is very slight and barely marked by a line ; the skin is of a light purple colour, covered with bloom, and marked with 11 82 PLUMS. very small fawn-coloured dots; the flesh is greenish yellow, rather firm, of a sweet and pleasant flavour, and does not ad- here to the stone, which is nine lines long, and rather more and seven in breadth. This plum ripens from the fifteenth of August to the end of the same month, and is esteemed as an excellent fruit. It is said to be subject in France to the at- tacks of worms, but I am not aware that is particularly so L in our country, where, however, it has not been cultivated but a few years. There are two varieties, one producing larger, and the other smaller fruit. EARLY BLACK DAMASK. PR. CAT. Damas noir hatif. N. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. Saint Cyr. This plum is small and flattened at its extremity ; it is only twelve lines in length, and thirteen in its greatest diameter; the peduncle is five lines long ; the skin is of a deep violet co- lour, covered with bloom ; the flesh is greenish, melting, sweet, and of pleasant flavour ; the stone is seven and a half lines in length, and six in breadth, and adheres but very little to the flesh. The fruit ripens about the middle of July. MOROCCO. PR. CAT. LANG. POM. MAG. LOND. HORT. CAT. Early Damask, commonly called the Morocco plum. MiL Early Black Damask. For. Black Morocco, } Black Damask, > of various collections. Early Damask, j This plum appears to be distinct from the Damas noir hatif of Duhamel. I extract the following description from the Po- mological Magazine : " This is one of the very best of our early plums, and has long been an inhabitant of our gardens. In the time of Lang- ley it was evidently common and well known. It is not, how- ever, so much cultivated now as formerly, for which reason a figure of it is here given, in order that it may not be entirely lost sight of. It is very hardy, bears well as a standard, and ripens ftilly a month before the Orleans, coming in at the be- PLUMS. 83 ginning of August; the juice is unusually rich ; wood downy ; leaves middle sized, bluntly serrated, rather light green, shin- ing on the upper surface ; stalks from half an inch to an inch long, with globose glands ; fruit middle sized, roundish ; its suture moderately depressed along one side ; the apex a little flattened ; the stalk thick, scarcely half an inch long ; skin deep blackish purple, covered with a light blue bloom ; flesh greenish yellow, slightly adhering to the stone, juicy, rich, and high-flavoured ; stone middle sized, oval, compressed." ITALIAN DAMASK. PR. CAT. Damas d'ltalie. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. This tree is of very thrifty and vigorous growth ; the fruit is thirteen to fifteen lines in length, and nearly the same in di- ameter; the peduncle is eight lines long, and inserted in a slight cavity, the plum being -somewhat flattened at that part; the skin is purple, with a bloom, and speckled with some very small dots of a lighter shade of the same colour ; the flesh is yellowish green, melting, rather sweet, but in some cases in- ferior in point of flavour ; the stone does not adhere to the flesh, and is eight lines in length, by six in breadth. This plum ripens during the latter part of August. SPANISH DAMASK. PR. CAT. Damas d'Espagne. N. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. This fruit is of nearly a round form, its diameter being thirteen lines, and its length but half a line more ; the pedun- cle is very short, and inserted in a slight cavity ; the groove or suture is not very conspicuous; the skin is a deep purple, co- vered with bloorn ; the flesh is yellowish, not very rich, sweet- ish and without flavour ; the stone separates entirely from the flesh. This plum ripens about the end of August. MUSK DAMASK. PR. CAT. IJamas musque. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. Prune de Chypre. Prune de Malte. This fruit is almost globular, flattened at the base, and at the extremity ; twelve to thirteen lines in length, and fourteen in fc' PLUMS. diameter; the peduncle is six liiu^ long, and placed in a de- pression scarcely j)CiTcj)tihli. 1 : the longitudinal suture is rather more apparent : the >kin i- dark purple, speckled with very small dots of a lighter colour, and covered with bloom ; the flesh is greenish, melting, replete with juice, of a sweet and rather rich Ihmmr ; the stone is six lines long, and of the same breadth, it does not adhere at all to the flesh, but is smooth, with the exception of two or three projecting lines towards the ba-e. This fruit ripens about the middle of August. SKPTKMHEU DAMASK. IV CAT. Prunicr lourlem lines long, and two lino le-- in it- -jreate-t di:ii;.n ( r : the peduncle is five lines in liiejili. and in-ertcd ni a Alight e;ri!\ ; the suture is distin- ;rui>lied onl\ b\ .1 line; the i\in i^ol a violet colour, covered \\iiii bloom; ilie lie-h is yello\s i>h, melting, rej)lele witli juice. .. iir!i i bland, sweet, and Muiieuhat njn^kx. it does not adhere PLUMS. to the stone, or but partially so ; the stone is very much swol- len on both its sides, and is seven lines long and five broad. This plum ripens at the end of July or beginning of August, and is one of the best among the small varieties. The tree is very vigorous, but is said to seldom yield large crops in the vicinity of Paris ; its introduction here is so recent that suffi- cient opportunities have not been afforded to decide whether it will be more productive with us. RED DAMASK. PR. CAT. Damas rouge. Dull. I had supposed this variety to be the same as the Orleans of the English, but such appears not to be the fact. I intend, however, by further investigation to decide that point satisfac- torily. This fruit is a rather regular oval, sixteen lines in length, and fourteen in diameter; the suture is very shallow; the peduncle is six lines long, and inserted almost even with the surface of the fruit; the skin is dark red on the side ex- posed to the sun, and of a pale red on the other, and is covered entirely with bloom ; the flesh is yellowish, melting, very sweet, and separates readily from the stone, which is seven lines long, and five at its greatest breadth. The fruit ripens the middle of August. The French writers state that in their country it is subject to be wormy, and that the trees are far more productive in the south than in the north of France. LATE RED DAMASK. PR. CAT. Gros Damas rouge tardif. N. Duh. Damas rouge tardif. \ Late red Damson. The length and diameter of this plum are equal, each mea- suring eighteen lines ; the peduncle is six lines long, and in- serted almost even with the surface; the skin is a light purple colour, approaching to red, with a partial bloom ; the flesh is yellow, melting, with abundance of juice, which is rather sweet and rich, and of very pleasant flavour; the stone is very flat, rather smooth, nine lines long, six and a half broad, and but three in thickness; one of its edges projects considerably. 86 PLUMS. This plum is seldom at maturity before the 15th of September; it is an excellent fruit, and also very beautiful, and is therefore gratifying both to the eye and to the palate. The tree is vigorous and very productive, and deserves to be widely dis- seminated, and would fill the places advantageously of many of the inferior kinds now in cultivation. LARGEST DAMASK OF TOURS. PR. CAT. Gros Damas de Tours. Duh. Damas de Tours gros. Lond. Hort. cat. This plum is of rather greater length than breadth, the for- mer being fourteen and the latter thirteen lines; the longitudi- nal suture presents only a line, without any depression ; the flesh is whitish, firm, sweet, pretty rich, and of a very pleasant flavour ; it is unfortunate that the skin, which is tough and somewhat acid, imparts a bad taste to it ; the stone is rough, and adheres to the flesh. This plum is of a dark purple co- lour, covered with bloom ; it ripens towards the end of July and is greatly cultivated in the neighbourhood of Tours, where the inhabitants make excellent prunes of it. DAMAS DRONET. PK. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. This is a small fruit, of rather greater length than diameter, the former measuring twelve and a half lines, and the latter but eleven ; the peduncle is ten lines long, and inserted in a very narrow and rather deep cavity; the skin has but little bloom on it, and is at first pale green, but afterwards changes to a yellowish hue when at perfect maturity ; the flesh is green- ish, somewhat firm, sweet, of a pleasant taste, and does not adhere any to the stone. This plum ripens during the latter part of the month of August. DAMAS DE PROVENCE. N. DUH. LOND. HORT. CAT. Damas de Provence hatif. Early Damask of Provence. Provence Damask. Auth. This is an oval fruit, of medium size, its length being nine- teen and its diameter fourteen lines ; the peduncle is large, and PLM6. 87 six lines long ; the skin is purple, with considerable bloom ; the flesh is greenish, rather firm, partially acid before fully ripe, afterwards pretty sweet, but not of a very rich flavour ; the stone adheres considerably to the flesh. This fruit ripens very early, and is in France brought to the table in warm and favourable seasons at the end of June, which constitutes its greatest merit. SMALL RED DAMSON. PR. CAT. Small red Damask. Pr. cat., 26th ed. Petit Damas rouge. N. Duh. This fruit is nearly globular, being eleven or twelve lines in length, and the same in diameter ; the peduncle, which is four lines long, is inserted even with the surface of the fruit, and not in a cavity ; the skin is red on the shaded side, and approaches a violet hue on that next the sun ; the suture is distinguished only by a single line; the flesh is melting, bland, sweet, of good flavour, and of a yellowish colour ; it separates readily from the stone, which is five lines long, and rather more in breadth, and has a projecting ridge at the middle of one of its sides. This fruit attains its maturity during the month of September. PRINCE'S EARLY DAMSON. PR. CAT. Prince's Early Purple. This tree is of thrifty growth, and produces abundant crops ; the fruit is of medium size, and of an ovate form ; the skin is of a dark reddish purple colour, and the flesh of a pleasant flavour, and separates from the stone. It is much admired, being an excellent early plum, both for the table and for preserves. It ripens in the month of August. This variety was raised from seed by the father of the author. LARGE EARLY DAMSON. PR. CAT. Sweet Damson. Early Damson. Horse plum. This tree appears to have been brought to this country , either by the early Dutch settlers, or by the French who 88 PLUMS. settled here at the time of the revocation of the edict of Nantz. It is much disseminated throughout this section of country. The fruit is of good size, and of an oval form ; its skin is of a black colour ; the flesh sweet, and of very pleasant flavour, separating freely from the stone. It is much esteemed, both for the table and for preserves. The fruit ripens in August. The name here adopted is that by which it is gene- rally known ; its original title I am unacquainted with. SMALL WHITE DAMSON. PR. CAT. Petit Damas blanc. Duh. Damas blanc petit. Lond. Hort. cat. This fruit is thirteen lines in length, and the same in diameter ; the skin is of a yellowish white hue, with a partial bloom, and very slightly tinged with red on the side next the sun ; the flesh is of the same colour as the skin, melting, of a bland, sweet, and rather rich flavour; it does not adhere, to the stone, which is seven lines long and six broad, and has a kind of projecting ridge upon each side of it extending from the base to the point. This plum ripens at the end of August or the beginning of September. LARGE WHITE DAMSON. PR. CAT. Large white Damask. Pr. cat., 26th ed. . _ Gros Damas blanc. Duh. Damas blanc gros. Lond. Hort. cat. This plum has great affinity to the preceding one ; it is only a little larger and longer. In favourable situations it attains to fifteen or sixteen lines in length, and fourteen in diameter ; the skin and flesh are also nearly of the same colour as the one, before described, and its flavour does not differ, except that the present one seems rather sweeter. This fruit attains to maturity a few days the soonest. LATE WHITE DAMSON! PR. CAT. White Damascene. Coxo. White Damson. Late. Civ filer. Winter Damson. White Winter Damson. Frost plum. This tree is of very strong and vigorous growth, and PMTM*. 89 accords so well with our climate that it soon attains to a large size. It is exceedingly productive, the fruit hanging in numerous clusters along the branches. The form is rather more than an inch in length, and seven-eighths of an inch in diameter ; the skin is a greenish white, marked with brown spots ; the flesh is rather rich and juicy, of pleasant flavour, and adheres to the stone. This plum ripens in September, and sometimes continues on the tree until after frost appears, and in some instances a part of the fruit becomes partially shrivelled, in which case the flavour is much improved. LATE BLACK DAMSON. PR. CAT. Damns noir. Damas noir tardif. Duh. Damas noir tardif. Lond. Hort. cat. Black Damson. This fruit is thirteen lines in length and twelve and a half in diameter, and is sometimes flattened in the same direction as the stone, being about a line less in its diameter where thus compressed ; the peduncle is five to six lines long, and inserted in a very slight cavity; the skin is of a deep purple colour, almost black, and covered with bloom ; the flesh is rather firm, yellowish green, acid when the fruit is not fully ripe, but sweet and slightly perfumed when it has attained to perfect maturity. The stone in some cases slightly adheres to the flesh ; it is not quite seven lines long, and six in breadth, with a deep suture upon one of its edges. Duhamel states that the fruit ripens in France at the end of August. LATE PURPLE DAMSON. PR. CAT. Purple winter Damson. Pr. cat. 26th ed. Damson. Winter Damson. Late Damson. Blue Damson. Blue Damascene. Common blue Damson. This is the plum which is brought in the greatest quantities to our markets, during the fall season, under the name of Damson, and which is so much sought after for preserves. The tree is exceedingly productive, and in this respect is per- haps unsurpassed by any other variety. Those who cultivate this kind for the market find it very profitable, as the fruit is VOL. II. 12 90 PLUMS. in much request, and commands a high price. Unfortu- nately the tree is very subject to the attacks of insects, which cause knots and excrescences to be formed to a greater degree on this than on any other plum tree. This inconvenience may however be easily remedied by proper attention to prun- ing off all the wounded branches at the season of the year when tiie insect has taken shelter therein, taking care to burn them immediately ; which course, if followed up for two years, or three at most, will effectually destroy them. I have noticed that this tree affords abundant crops when growing in sod ground along the sides of the highway. The fruit is about an inch in length, and three-fourths of an inch in diameter ; it is of a dark purple colour, covered with bloom ; the flesh has rather too much acidity for a table fruit, but this tartness gives an agreeable flavour to the preserves that are made from it. The growth of the tree greatly resembles the preceding variety, and I have been inclined to think them the same ; but as this does not ripen till September, and also differs in some other points from the description given of that variety by Duhamel, I have been unable, hitherto, to satisfy myself on this head. SHROPSHIRE DAMSON. LOND. HOKT. CAT. Damson plum. For. This is a large variety of the Damson, of fine quality and rich flavour ; it is suitable for preserves. It ripens in October. The tree produces abundantly. MIMM'S PLUM. PR. CAT. POM. MAO. LOND. HORT. CAT. Imperial Diadem ? I copy the description of this fine fruit from the Pomological Magazine, in which it is admirably figured. " This variety is said to have been raised many years since from a stone of the Blue Perdrigon plum, in the garden of Henry Browne, Esq. at North Minim's Place, in Hertfordshire, and was exhibited at a meeting of the Horticultural Society, PLUMS. 91 in 1819, by Mr. William Morgan, at that time gardener to Mr. Browne. " The original tree was trained to a wall, with an eastern aspect, where it bears regularly and abundantly. The fruit is large and handsome, of a rich reddish purple colour, in size and figure approaching the Magnum Bon urn, but more sphe- rical. It is a pleasant dessert plum, but its great excellence is as a pie-fruit. It melts perfectly when baked, and possesses that just proportion of acidity and sweetness which is so essen- tial to the confectioner, and so rarely to be found. The tree succeeds well as an open standard. " There is a variety cultivated near Manchester, under the name of the Imperial Diadem plum, that apparently is in no respect different from this, with which it agrees in wood, foli- age, period of maturity x size, colour, and quality. The origin of the Imperial Diadem is, however, probably not the same as that of the Mimm's plum, which suggests the possibility of some difference that has not yet been detected, for which rea- son the two are not actually combined in this place. j r " Wood wiry, smooth, dull brownish purple, with short joints, the lower part of the young shoots is thickly covered with brown specks ; the buds are dull blackish gray ; leaves oblong, quite flat, obtuse, rather unequally crenated, smooth on the upper surface, pubescent on the under surface and peti- ole ; glands two, globose, minute at the base of the leaf; flowers, rather early, above the ordinary size ; fruit, oblong, with an oblique apex, and broad shallow suture, of the very largest size among plums, of a light clear purple colour, upon a greenish ground, which is fully exposed on the shaded side of fruit produced upon walls ; bloom copious, easily rubbed off; skin thickish, a little marked with brownish specks ; flesh pale dull greenish yellow, tender, juicy, and very agree- ably flavoured, like an Qrleans plum in perfection ; stone separating freely, very rugged, with a thin, irregular edge ; stalk pubescent." 92 PLUMS. FOTHERINGHAM. PR. CAT. LANG. MIL. LOND. HORT. CAT. FOR. Foderingham. Sheen plum. This fruit is of excellent quality, in which respect there are but few which excel it ; it is of large size, the form oblong, with a deep suture ; the skin is of a deep red colour, a little spotted, and covered with a slight violet bloom ; the flesh is white, firm and crisp, rich, juicy, and of fine flavour ; it sepa- rates freely from the stone, which is of large size. It ripens in August. CHESTON. P. CAT. LANG. MIL. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT, Matchless. This plum is of oval form, and of a dark blue colour, with a partial violet bloom ; the flesh is dark yellow, rich, and full of sweet and pleasant juice. The fruit ripens in September, and the tree produces abundantly. LARGE EARLY MONTREUIL. PR. CAT. Large early black. Pr. cat. 20th ed. Noir de Montreuil. Duh. Lond. Hort. Cat. Montr euil. Grosse noire hative. Grosse noir de Montreuil. This plum bears much affinity to the Damask of Tours. It is sixteen lines long and fourteen in diameter. The skin is dark purple, covered with bloom, coriaceous, and very acid ; the flesh is firm, at first approaching a white hue, but becomes yellowish when fully ripe, and has a very pleasant taste, espe- cially if pains be taken to separate it from the skin, which will otherwise impart to it an acid flavour ; the stone adheres but very little to the flesh ; it is eight lines long, five and a half broad, and three and a half thick. The principal merit of this fruit is its early maturity, which takes place about the middle of July ; the flowers are liable to be injured by late frosts. Duharnel states that the title of Grosse-noire-hative is given to a round plum, of larger size than the one here de- scribed, of the same colour, and nearly as early ; but whose flesh is coarse and without flavour. PLUMS. 93 MOUCHETE. N. DUH. Mouchette. N. Duh. This plum is of ovate form, an inch in length, and ten lines in its greatest diameter ; the peduncle, which is long in pro- portion to the size of the fruit, and measures seven lines, is inserted nearly even with the surface ; the suture is distin- guished only by a line ; the skin is greenish, with considerable bloom, and marked with whitish and yellowish touches ; the flesh is greenish rather than yellow, somewhat firm, and at first devoid of flavour, but becomes rather sweet when well ripened, and does not adhere to the stone. This fruit is at maturity in September. In the New Duhamel, where it is described, the author remarks that they had only met with it in the Jardin des Plantes at Paris. FRENCH COPPER. PR. CAT. COXE. LOND. HORT. CAT. Copper. This fruit is not exactly round, but measures nearly the same in each direction, being about an inch and three-eighths in length, and the same in diameter ; the skin is blue, with a tinge of copper colour ; the flesh is of pleasant flavour, and separates from the stone. The tree is of thrifty growth, and produces abundant crops of fruit, which ripens in the month of July. TILLEMOND. AUTH. Prunier de Tillemond. Belle Tillemond. N. Duh. This fruit is very large and oval, being twenty-six lines in length, and twenty in diameter ; the peduncle is rather large, eight lines long, or nearly that, and inserted in a slight cavity ; the skin is dark purple on the side exposed to the sun, and light purple on the other side ; the flesh is greenish, some- what melting, its flavour not very pleasant, being sharp and acid even when at full maturity. This plum is more pleasing to the sight than to the taste, and is scarcely eatable in a raw "94 PLUMS. state, but is much better in preserves or compotes. It is a late fruit, and does not ripen until September even in the south of France, and always hangs on the larger branches. The tree is upright, rises to a considerable height, and never forms a very bushy head. ISLE VERTE. PR. CAT. Dun. Isle vert. lie vert. Duh. I Ille verte. Lond. Hort. cat. Savoy. Prune de Savoye. \ lie verte. Jard. fruit. Bon. Jard. This fruit is of very oblong form, being two inches in length and twelve to thirteen in diameter at its largest section ; one of its sides is nearly flat, and the other swollen or pro- jecting; the peduncle is seven lines long, and inserted in a shallow cavity ; the skin is greenish, approaching to yellow, and even a little to a reddish hue on the side next the sun ; the flesh is greenish, soft and sweetish, and occasionally quite sweet and musky, but generally devoid of flavour, and not particularly pleasant ; it strongly adheres to the stone, which is rather smooth, seventeen lines in length, seven in breadth, and very flat, not exceeding three lines in thickness. This plum ripens at the beginning of September ; it is of no value as a table fruit, but Duhamel states that it is good for preserves and compotes, which another writer seems to doubt. JACINTHE. PR. CAT. DCJH. COXE. LOND. HORT. CAT. Hyacinth. Pr. cat., 26th ed. This plum is oval, twenty lines in length and seventeen in diameter, somewhat swollen towards the base, and divided on the side which is parallel with the edge of the stone by a shal- low suture, which terminates at the extremity of the fruit by a sinall depression ; the peduncle is short, inserted in a narrow but rather deep cavity ; the skin is of a pale violet colour, with a bloom, and does not readily separate from the flesh, which is yellow, moderately firm, of a rich and sweet taste with a partial degree of acidity, and adheres but slightly to the stone. This fruit ripens at the end of August, and bears a great resemblance to the Purple Egg, or Imperial Violet. PLUMS 95 MOYEN DE BOURGOGNE. DUH. CAIVEL. LONP. IIORT. CAT. Moyeu de Bonrgogne. This plum is of a large size and an oval form ; the skin and flesh are both yellow ; it is not a fruit of delicate flavour, but the tree produces an abundant crop. It ripens about the middle of September. COE'S GOLDEN DROP. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. Coe's Plum. Pom. Mag. Coe's Imperial. Golden drop } of different New Golden drop. Bury Seedling $ collections. Of all the plums of any modern origin, this and the Wash- ington, already described in this work, are not only among the best, but perhaps superior to any of the oldest varieties. I extract the following from the Pomological Magazine : " This was raised by a gardener of the name of Coe, at Bury St. Edmund's, in Suffolk, about twenty years since ; but from the stone of what variety is not known. It is very handsome, ripens about the end of September, and will shrivel and keep in a good state for more than a month later ; indeed, if pro- perly dried, it will keep as well as the best Imperatrice plums. It is a great bearer, but (in England) should be trained upon a west or east wall to insure a crop. Wood smooth, deep purplish brown, with a few paler spots ; leaves oval, flat, taper- pointed, crenated, smooth, rather shining above; petioles short, slightly pubescent, with two globose glands near the base of the leaf; flowers middle-sized ; petals roundish oval, imbricated ; fruit oval, of the largest size among yellow plums, deeply marked with the suture, pitted at the point, abruptly tapering, and hollowed out at the base for the reception of the stalk ; stalk from half an inch to an inch in length ; skin greenish yellow, with numerous rich spots of bright violet-red next the sun ; flesh greenish yellow, adhering firmly to the stone, and very sweet and delicious ; stone sharp-pointed." JERUSALEM. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. Prunier de Jerusalem. Duh. | Oeil de Bwuf. De Bordeaux. This large and beautiful plum is almost round, its length 96 PLUMS. is twenty to twenty-one lines, and its diameter nineteen ; it b supported on a peduncle six lines long, two-thirds of which extends within a deep cavity at the base of the fruit, from which a suture forming simply a line runs to its extremity, which is sensibly flattened ; the skin is dark purple, almost black, with a slight bloom ; the flesh is yellowish, a little in- clining to bitter, its flavour is not particularly pleasant, or at best but moderately so, and is far from what might be expected from the fine appearance of the fruit ; the stone is an inch long, very flat, and partially adheres to the flesh. This plum is not very common even in France, it ripens at the end of July or beginning of August, and is esteemed rather for its beauty than for its quality. CYPRIAN. AUTH. Prune de Chypre Duh. De Chypre. Lond. Hort. cat. This is a very beautiful fruit, of almost a globular form, be- ing nineteen lines long, and nineteen and a half in diameter ; the longitudinal suture, which extends on one side for its, whole length, is not very conspicuous ; the peduncle is large, seven lines in length, and inserted in a rather spacious cavity; the skin is of a fine violet hue, covered with bloom, tough, acid, and separates with difficulty from the flesh, which is firm, greenish, with a sweet flavour, that is rather pleasant when the fruit is fully ripe, but before that period it is commonly acid and bad tasted ; the stone adheres to the flesh, is very rough, swollen on one side, with very projecting edges. This plum ripens at the end of July. GIFFORD'S LAFAYETTE. PR. CAT. This fine variety of the plum is a seedling which bore last season for the first time. It was transmitted me by David Thomas, Esq. of our State, and was originated in his neigh- bourhood, by a gentleman whose cognomen is attached to it. Mr. T. remarks to me, that although the tree was very full, yet the fruit was large and fine. It ripens in August, and he PLUMS. 97 states that although he has the Washington, Green Gage, two varieties of the Orleans, and other kinds of the first character, he deems it at least equal, if not superior in flavour to any of them, and that he is not singular in this opinion, as several of the first amateurs of fine fruit in that quarter think it excellent. COOPER'S LARGE RED. PH. CAT. Cooper's plum. Coxe. Cooper's large. Lond. Hort. Cat. Cooper's large American. This plum is of extraordinary size, measuring within an eighth of two inches in each direction ; the skin is of a fine dark purple colour ; the flesh is yellowish green, rich, juicy and of pleasant flavour. The fruit makes excellent preserves, but should be used for this purpose before fully ripe, and it has been also recommended to take off the thin outward skin. This plum is at maturity in August; its great defect is an in- clination to rot, for which it is hoped a preventive may be dis- covered. It is a native variety, and originated from the stone of an Orleans plum, planted by Joseph Cooper, Esq. of Glou- cester county, New-Jersey. KIRKE'S PLUM. POM. MAG. LOND. HORT. CAT. This is said to be one of the best plums they have in Eng- land, and I copy the following description from the Pomolo- gical Magazine, published in London : " It is very handsome, a most abundant bearer both as a standard and upon a west or east wall, and its flavour is scarcely inferior to that of the Green Gage. It was first brought into notice by Mr. Kirke, whose name it bears, and was met with by that gentleman in a singular way. Passing along the street one day, he was struck with the beauty of a basket of plums in a fruiterer's window. Upon tasting them, he was surprised to find that they excelled in flavour any purple plum with which he was acquainted. The fruiterer had re- ceived them from a gardener in the country, who, it afterwards appeared, had procured the variety from the garden of a geu- VOL. II. 13 98 PLUMS. tleman in his neighbourhood, and to that garden it was said to have been introduced from some foreign country. We have in vain sought to trace it in the writings of foreign pomologi- cal authors ; and we therefore figure it for the sake of making it known through the means of this publication. A plum as hardy and prolific as the Orleans, as handsome as the Damask, and as good as the Green Gage, cannot be too extensively cul- tivated ; it ripens in the beginning of September ; wood very like that of the Red Magnum Bonum ; flowers resembling those of the Reine Claude Violette, which, however, this is not ; leaves like those of the Green Gage ; fruit large, round- ish oval, rather broadest at the base ; suture slightly de- pressed ; stalk three quarters of an inch long, very little sunk at its point of insertion ; apex not depressed ; skin covered with a close, firm, copious, azure bloom, through which appear a few golden specks : this bloom is extremely remarkable, and does not readily rub off ; flesh greenish yellow, firm, juicy, and rich ; stone middle-sized, irregularly and broadly oval, flattened, with a groove or channel along one face. The ac- companying figure was taken from a specimen grown on a wall. There is another plum in cultivation about London like this, purple, a great bearer, and also called Kirke's, but it is of very inferior quality. Purchasers will do well to bear this in mind." ELFREY. PR. CAT. COXE. LOND. HORT. CAT. Elf reth's prune. Elf rey's prune. This tree is of very vigorous growth, the foliage is luxu- riant and glossy, and has a particularly flourishing appear- ance ; the fruit is about an inch and three-eighths in length, and an inch in diameter ; the skin is blue ; the flesh of a green- ish colour, firm, rich, somewhat dry and of a pleasant flavour ; the fruit frequently splits open when fully ripe. This plum is much admired and ripens in August ; the tree is exceedingly productive. There appear to be two distinct varieties culti- vated in gardens under the name of the present one. PLl'MS. 99 LATE CHALONS. PR. CAT. Tardif de Clwlons. Tar dive de Chalons. N. Duh. This fruit is nearly oval, sometimes a little contracted at the base ; it is fourteen lines in length, and thirteen in diameter ; the skin is at first of a whitish yellow hue, with a slight tinge of red next the peduncle ; afterwards at its full maturity, the skin becomes wholly of a pale violet colour, covered with bloom ; the flesh is yellowish, melting and very juicy ; pre- vious to its attaining its full maturity, it is slightly acid, and as it possesses more flavour when in that state, it is in reality better than when perfectly ripe, at which period it acquires a sweet taste, but is devoid of flavour ; the stone is rather rough and adheres to the flesh. This plum is very late, not ripening until the first part of October. It is stated in the New Duha- mel, that the authors had only met with this variety in the Jardin des Plantes, which shows that it is rare. LUCOMBE'S NONSUCH. POM. MAG. I extract the following description of this plum from the Pomological Magazine : " This valuable variety has been lately raised from seed by Messrs. Lucombe, Pince, and Co., of Exeter, by whom we were favoured with the specimen now represented. It is un- doubtedly the nearest approach that has as yet been made on the part of a seedling to the famous Green Gage of the Eng- lish, or Reine Claude of the French, and although it cannot be said to equal, in all respects, that celebrated variety, it is nevertheless entitled to a character of very high excellence. It bears well as a standard, is remarkably handsome, as it were variegated with dull yellow and orange, and larger than the Green Gage usually is. We consider it an important acquisi- tion to our varieties of plums ; ripens about the end of August; wood very like that of the Green Gage, strong, short-jointed, smooth, brown, sprinkled in some places with a brownish epi- dermis ; leaves middle-sized, ovate or broadly oval, acuminate, 100 PLUMP. cioubly crenated, quite smooth on the upper surface ; petioles strong, about an inch in length ; flowers middle-sized ; petals roundish oblong, somewhat concave at the top ; fruit extremely like a Green Gage plum in colour, but more streaked with yellow, covered with a fine glaucous bloom, generally com- pressed in the direction of its suture, which is the reverse of the usual mode of compression in stone fruit ; stone adhering firmly to the flesh, ovate, not very uneven ; flesh firm, juicy, of the colour and consistence of a Green Gage plum ; flavour be- tween that and an Orleans, better than the latter, but perhaps not so good as the former, when in its highest perfection. ROGNON D'ANE. N. Dim. CALVEL. This fruit is of very large size, and also of a very dark pur- ple colour, almost black ; it greatly resembles the Yellow Egg in point of form, and attains its maturity at the beginning of September. DUANE'S PURPLE FRENCH. PR. CAT. PR. HOHT. Dunne's large purple. Dunne's large Orleans. This plum I received from my esteemed friend James Du- ane, Esq. of Duanesburg, who obtained it originally from France many years since. Its colour is a pale purple or violet; its flesh is juicy and fine flavoured, and it is of mon- strous size ; indeed I never recollect* seeing a larger purple plum ; it ripens the beginning of August. The tree is of exceedingly vigorous growth, and the bark of the young shoots is downy and of a grayish colour. The fruit ripens in the month of August. PRUNE D'AST. N. Dim. CALVEL. This plum, M. Calvel remarks, is very little known in the northern departments of France, but it is much cultivated and in high estimation in the south of that country for making prunes. It is preferred to the A gen Date, which it greatly re- sembles ; it is however, of larger size and not equally good PLUMS. 101 tor eating. The period of its ripening is the middle of Au- gust ; there is a sub-variety which has always a double kernel. BINGHAM. PR. CAT. PK. HORT. This fruit is of a large size, oval form, and yellow colour, and in its shape and appearance assimilates to the Yellow Egg, but is of smaller dimensions ; the flesh is tender, juicy, and of good flavour ; the tree is of luxuriant growth. There can be little doubt but this variety is also cultivated under a different title, as the one here adopted appears to be of local applica- tion, arising from ignorance of its true name. The fruit ri- pens early in August. I received this variety from Philadel- phia, where it appears to have received its title from a family of the name of Bingham. WINE PLUM. COXE. This fruit is above an inch and a half long, and about an inch and three-eighths in diameter at the largest part; the form is oblong, diminishing both towards the base and the ex- tremity ; the peduncle is long in proportion to the size of the fruit ; the skin is of a pale green hue, and the flesh juicy, rich and of good flavour. This plum ripens in August, and Mr. Coxe makes the remark that it is less in size than the White Magnum Bonum, but otherwise much like it in appearance. WINESOUR. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. FOR. This plum is from Yorkshire, England, and is one of the best for preserving ; it is of oblong form, and somewhat larger than a Damson ; the skin is of a dark purple or blackish co- lour when ripe ; the flesh is yellow, juicy, of a pleasant acid flavour, and adheres to the stone. The fruit ripens in Octo- ber ; the tree produces abundantly, and will succeed in any soil, but flourishes most in limestone or gravel. WETHERILL'S SWEET. PR. CAT. PR. HORT. HORT. CAT. This fruit is of small size, being but little larger than the Late Purple Damson ; the flesh is sweet, of delicious flavour, and adheres to the stone. It is at maturity in August. PLUMS. NECTARINE PLUM. POM. MAO. Caledonia. Goliath, of some collections. Prune Peche. Lond. Hort. cat. No. 190 syn. HowelVs large. The following details relative to this plum I copy from the Pomological Magazine : " Two plums, which it is presumed will now be rendered very distinct, have hitherto been confused under the names of Nectarine plum, Goliath, and Caledonian. They are ranged as synonymous in Hooker's Pomona Londinensis, in Forsyth, seventh edition, and in the London Horticultural Society's Catalogue. The Nectarine plum will however be found superior to the other, which is more generally cultivated under the name of Goliath. The appearance of the two sorts of fruit is considerably alike, but in order to distinguish them very readily, it will be only necessary to observe that the shoots of this sort are glabrous, and those of the other very pubescent. This smoothness and pubescence extends also to the fruit stalks of the respective sorts, so that they may be known by them independent of the shoots. This is a good bearer and ripens in July, being considerably earlier than the Goliath. " The wood is strong, shoots glabrous, brownish violet where exposed to the sun ; leaves large, ovate, flat, or some- what convex, with rounded serratures, and having large glands at the base ; petioles strong, scarcely an inch in length on the young shoots ; flowers large ; petals roundish, much imbricated ; fruit very large, like a nectarine in shape and size ; footstalk smooth, about half an inch in length, and of moderate thickness ; skin purple, covered with a fine azure bloom ; flesh dull greenish yellow, somewhat adhering to the stone, but less so than in the Goliath, compared with which it is much finer and richer, being decidedly the best plum yet known of fts size : stone middle-sized, oval, compressed." PLUMS. 103 BRICETTE. PK. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. Bricet. Bricette. Dun. Petite Bricette. Bon. Jard. This plum is of a peculiar form, it is oval and partially compressed at the base, sixteen lines long, and twelve to thir- teen at its largest section ; the suture is marked only by a line which is scarcely apparent ; the peduncle is nine lines in length ; the flesh is yellowish as well as the skin, quite firm, rather more dry than juicy, of an a,cid flavour, and without any quality that is particularly pleasant, it separates readily from the stone, which is large in proportion to the size of the fruit, with quite a deep groove along one of its edges. This plum ripens in the course of the month of September, but as it strongly adheres to the peduncle and that does not detach itself readily from the branch, it often happens when people neglect to gather it, that the fruit remains a very long time upon the tree. Duhamel mentions having seen a considera- ble quantity hanging upon the branches after they were en- tirely stripped of their foliage, which was at the end of No- vember. In this state the fruit becomes half preserved and somewhat improved in sweetness, but it does not acquire any very pleasant flavour. TWICE BEARING. PR. CAT. Prune de deux saisons. Prunier quifructifie deux fois par an. Deux fois Van. Bon deux fois Van 1 Bifere. Prune bifere. This fruit is oval, sixteen to seventeen lines in length, and thirteen to fourteen in diameter; the skin is at first greenish, but in ripening acquires a slight tinge of violet on the side next the sun, and at its full maturity is almost wholly of a pale purple colour, with some fawn-coloured dots, the extrem- ity of the fruit being the only part which retains its greenish appearance ; the peduncle is seven to eight lines long ; the flesh is greenish, approaching to yellow, adheres strongly to 104 PLUMS. the stone, and is soft, sweetish, and without flavour. It ap- pears by the statement given in the New Duhamel, that this tree does not produce two distinct crops, but that the fruit ri- pens by degrees from August to October, and consequently a portion of it hangs on the tree for a long period after the ear- liest part has attained its maturity. The Jardin Fruitier de- scribes a plum under the title of Bifere, as producing a crop in July, and a second one in September, and the Bon Jardinier copies from it, but the statement wants confirmation. RED CHICASAW. PR. CAT. Prunus Chicasa. Mich. Pursh. Cherokee. Lond. Hort. Cat. ? Prunier de Virginie. Duh. ? Mandan plum. This fruit is nearly round and of good size ; the skin is of a fine cherry colour ; the flesh yellowish, soft and melting when at full maturity, with a pleasant and peculiar flavour. This plum ripens from the 20th to the end of July. The tree is naturally low set and bushy, being inclined to spread its branches but a short distance from the ground. It also throws out short spurs, with leaves on them, each of which is termi- nated by a sharp pointed thorn. Numerous suckers spring up from the root and serve as a means of propagation ; but the trees which are inoculated on other stocks attain the handsomest form and make far the best appearance, and they have also the advantage of not generating suckers to the same extent. There is another variety which produces yellow fruit, but it differs only in respect to colour. WHITE PEAR PLUM. PR. CAT. MIL. LOND. HORT. CAT. This fruit is suitable for preserves, but is very unpleasant to eat in a natural state ; it ripens very late in the season. The tree is seldom cultivated except for stocks to inoculate the other varieties of plums upon, and also the choice kinds of Peaches and Apricots. There is also a dark coloured variety called the Black Pear plum. PLUMS. 105 MUSCLE. PR. CAT. MIL. LOND. HORT. CAT. Mussel. The chief use made of this tree is also to form stocks on which to propagate the other varieties of plums, as well as peaches and apricots. The fruit is of an oblong form, and dark red colour ; the stone is large in proportion, and the flesh is but thin, and not of good flavour. BULLACE. PR. CAI. MIL. Prunus insititia. This is a distinct species of the plum ; the tree grows twelve to fifteen feet high or more, the branches are generally thorny, and the leaves are on short petioles ; the fruit is acid, " but so tempered by sweetness and roughness as not to be un- pleasant," especially after it is mellowed by frost. A conserve is made by adding to the fruit thrice its weight in sugar. An infusion of the flowers sweetened with sugar is a mild purga- tive, not improper for children ; the bark of the roots and branches is considerably styptic. There are two varieties, called the White and the Black Bullace, which produce fruit of the different colours corresponding to their titles. BRIANCON. PR. CAT. LOISD. HORT. CAT. Prunus Brigantiaca. This species grows only to the height of eight to ten feet ; the leaves are oval and glabrous, bordered with unequal indentures, and terminate in a rather acute point. The flowers appear in the month of April, before the leaves ; they are ranged along the branches in the same situations which were occupied by the leaves of the previous season, and there are usually three or four together. The fruit is nearly globu- lar, smooth, of a pale yellow colour, with some reddish touches next to the sun ; the flesh is yellow, partially acid before fully ripe, and even at maturity not very pleasant, but of a rather insipid flavour. The stone separates freely from the flesh, and VOL. H. 14 ft/I I I Lond. Hort. cat. 106 PLUMS. contains a bitter kernel. The Marmotte oil, (Vhuile de Mar- motte,) which sells in France at double the price of olive oil, is extracted from the stones of this fruit ; it is as sweet as that extracted from the almond, and more inflammable. The tree is of very easy culture, and its appearance is very different from that of other plum trees, being intermediate between the plum and the apricot. SLOE. PR. CAT. White blossomed Sloe. Black thorn. Prunelier. Prunus spinosa. Prunier epineux. Epine noire. Common Sloe. Prunallier. Petit prunallier. This is naturally a large shrub, rather than a tree ; it some- times attains to ten or twelve feet in height, seldom more, and frequently forms only a bush of a few feet high. The large branches form numerous small twigs, from one to three inches in length, each of which is terminated by a thorn ; the bark is of a ruddy brown colour, and in some cases of a grayish hue ; the leaves are numerous, small, and finely indented ; the flowers, which are small and white, are produced in great numbers along the branches, and particularly on those which are thorny, and render the shrub very ornamental. The fruit is small, almost globular, of a dark violet colour, and covered with a thick bloom ; it is very acid, powerfully astringent, and hangs on the trees until long after frost, which is said to some- what ameliorate it; when made into a conserve it is very efficacious in cases of hoarseness and common colds. The Double-flowering Sloe is a very showy, beautiful shiub, of rather lower growth, and produces no fruit. The leaves of the Sloe are used in the vicinity of London to make an imitation of tea. LARGE PEACH PLUM. PR. CAT. Prune pche. Duh. Calvel. Bon. Jard. Peach plum. Pr. Hort. This tree is of exceedingly vigorous growth, and appears to be particularly adapted to our climate. Although intro- PLUMS. 107 duced but a few years since, it has produced fruit in a number of instances, some specimens of which were last year exhibited to the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. The fruit is of very large size, and of an oval form ; the skin is of a fine purple colour, with a slight bloom ; the flesh adheres to the stone, and resembles that of the Monsieur, but is not quite equal to it in quality. It attains its maturity in the month of August. The Pomological Magazine quotes the Peach plum of the Horticultural Society's Catalogue, as a synonyme of the Nectarine plum ; but whether that synonyme refers to the kind here described, appears to be a point not adequately settled, otherwise the Prune peche of Duhamel and other French authors would have been also quoted as a synonyme : such omission would be unpardonable if the point of identity had been satisfactorily ascertained by the authors of that work. ISABELLA. POM. MAG. This plum is said to exceed most of the English varieties, and to be secondary only to the Green Gage, Coe's Golden Drop, the Washington, and other plums of primary excel- lence. The Pomological Magazine gives the following ac- count of it : " This tree is said to produce three crops a year. In the specimens we examined there was fruit perfectly ripe and half grown. The shoots are vigorous, brownish, and pubescent, like an Orleans; the leaves middle-sized, oval, crenated, slightly pubescent above; petioles of medium length and thickness ; flowers middled-sized ; petals roundish, obovate ; the fruit two inches and a quarter long, and one and five- eighths broad, oblong, and tapering towards the stalk, with very little apparent suture ; stalk half an inch long, very slightly downy ; skin deep dull brownish red when nearly ripe, where shaded a little inclining to yellow, copiously covered with deep-coloured dots; flesh sweet, rich, and very agreeable, adhering to the stone, which is acute at each end, but taper- ing a good deal towards the base, and one and a quarter inches long." 108 PLUMS. BEACH PLUM. PR. CAT. BIGELOW. Prunus littoralis. Bigelow. | Prunus spharocarpa. Michaux. This variety does not attain to much height, but throws out numerous branches at a short distance from the ground, form- ing a bushy shrub rather than a tree. The flowers appear before the leaves, in numerous umbels, comprising from two to five each ; the fruit is globular, often an inch in diameter, of a purple colour, with a glaucous bloom ; it is pleasant for eating, and in flavour similar to the common plum. Its natural loca- tion is near the salt water, along the coast and on islands. The fruit ripens in August and September. Gen. Dearborn, the enlightened and distinguished President of the Massa- chusetts Horticultural Society, has himself discovered several varieties of it growing in a wild state, two of which are purple, but vary in respect to size, and a third of a shining crimson colour ; and it is to his liberality that I am indebted for the trees in my collection. PRINCE'S YELLOW GAGE. PR. CAT. This excellent variety was originated by the grandfather of the author, in the year 1783, from a seed of the Green Gage, and from some cause was not until lately much increased in the nurseries. The tree is of strong and vigorous growth, far surpassing its parent in this respect ; the fruit is also of larger size, and of a rather oval form, its length being somewhat more than its diameter. When the fruit has attained its perfect maturity the skin is a bright yellow, and of an almost transpa- rent appearance, with veins of a darker colour under the surface ; the flesh is sweet, rich, and high-flavoured. The fruit ripens rather later than the Green Gage, and is very highly esteemed. CHERRIES. BLACK MAZZARD. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. Mazzard, or Common Black. Coxe. Bristol cherry, of Rhode-Island. Prunus avium. Willd. Pers. sinop. Cerasus amum. N. Duh. Decand. Cerisier Merisier. Duh. | Merisier. Cerisier sauvage. Hazard. Common Mazard. Black honey. THIS is the natural species whence culture has obtained all the fine varieties known by the appellations of Heart cher- ries and Bigarreau cherries. It grows spontaneously in the forests of France, and some other coantries of Europe, and is said to be found also in Africa. Although an exotic in our country, it has become so much disseminated, that thousands of the trees are found growing wild in the forests of Long Island. It is of rapid growth, and attains a very large size, with a lofty conical shaped head rising to the height of thirty to forty feet, which renders its appearance particularly grace- ful. The fruit is small, being but four or five lines in diame- ter and five or six in height ; its form is more ovate than heart-shaped ; the skin is of a very dark red or blackish hue ; the flesh is of the same colour, acid and bitterish before matu- rity, but very sweet, without much flavour when perfectly ripe. This variety ripens after the Heart cherries and most other varieties are past, and is valuable on that account. The fruit is much used in this vicinity to make cherry brandy and cherry- rum, for which purpose the juice is distrained, and then added to the liquor. Thousands of bushels are consumed in this way, the fruit being sold at about a dollar per bushel, at which price it affords a handsome profit to the owners of the trees, as the crops are exceedingly abundant. The trees of 110 CHERRIES. this and of the Yellow Honey cherry are planted in great numbers along the sides of the highways in many parts of Long Island, and hundreds of children regale themselve swith the fruit at the period of its maturity. LARGE BLACK MERISE. PR. CAT. Merisier a gros fruit noir. Grosse Merise noire. N. Duh. Corone ? Caroon 1 Kirchenwasser ? This tree does not attain so great a height as the smaller fruited varieties ; its leaves are, however, of a darker green, and their nerves are usually of a reddish colour. The fruit, in its size, approaches that of the smallest Heart cherries ; it is oblong, and has along peduncle ; the flesh is tender, very dark red, and almost black, mild, sweet, but without much flavour. This variety is cultivated for its fruit, which is made use of in Europe to colour the ratafia ; it is also used to make the famous Kirchenwasser. YELLOW HONEY. PH. CAT. Honey. Coxe. Merisier a fruit blanc. Merise blanche. N. Duh. Cerise blinche. Cerise ambree, erroneously. Large Yellow Homy. Lond. Hort. cat. This tree attains to nearly or quite as great a height as the Black Mazzard, and is more spreading in its form ; the fruit is round, about six lines in diameter, yellow, approaching to an amber hue, and partially tinged with red on the part exposed to the sun ; it is bland, sweet, and very pleasant, and much supe- rior to the two other varieties of the Merise which immediately precede this, and to the one that is next after described. The fruit ripens late, and at about the same time as the Black Maz- zard, which gives it additional value. YELLOW FRUITED MERISE. AUTH. Merisier dfruitjaune. Merise jaune. N. Duh. This variety is distinguished from the preceding one by th colour of its fruit, which is entirely of a yellow colour ; its flavour is also considered to be rather inferior to the foregoing one. C HUH 111 Us. 1 1 1 BLACK CARONE. PK. CAI. LANG. FJR. Corone. Lang. Lend. Hort. cat. Caroon. Coroun. This is a large and improved variety of the Black Mazzard, which it resembles in form, colour, and general properties ; the fruit ripens about the same time, and may be used for the same purposes ; but its size renders it more suitable for the dessert. The tree yields plentiful crops. LARGE DOUBLE FLOWERING. PR. CAT. PR HOHT. Cerasus avium, multiplex. Lond. Hort. Bnt. Prunus avium, fare pleno. Prunus cerasus,flore pleno. Merisier dfeurs doubles. Duh. Lond. Hort. cat. This variety is of the same species as the Heart Cherries, and it consequently forms a large tree. In growth and foliage it resembles the Mazzard and the Black Heart ; the flowers are from one to one and a half inches in diameter, and are composed of about forty perfectly white petals disposed in the form of a rose, with about thirty stamens, and a very large pistil which is abortive. These very double flowers are pro- duced in great numbers, resembling clusters of small white roses, and render the tree one of the greatest ornaments of the garden ; and when it has acquired to a considerable size, which its rapid growth enables it speedily to attain, the dis- play of its great profusion of blossoms is peculiarly striking. I have never yet known this tree to produce fruit. Its flowers expand at about the same period as those of other cherries, but continue for a longer period. EARLY GUIGNE. AUTH. Guigm precoce. GuignedelaPentecote. This fruit begins to ripen at the end of the month of May ; it is then small, whitish tinged with light red, and almost de- void of flavour ; but, as it is one of the earliest varieties, it is esteemed as an appendage to the desert. About the middle of 11*2 CHERRIES. June, when it has attained its full size and perfect maturity, it sometimes measures nine lines in diameter and seven in height, and the skin acquires a darker hue, and becomes of a fine red colour upon a pale yellow ground ; the flesh is, at that period, rather firm, and of a pleasant flavour. There is a sub-variety of this Cherry, which differs only in being of much larger size. RED GUIGNE. AUTH. Guigne rouge. Duh. This fruit is more oblong than the early Guigne, and of rather larger size, being nine lines in height and the same in diameter ; its skin is entirely red ; the flesh soft and delicate, but not very high flavoured. It ripens in June. EARLY WHITE GUIGNE. PR. CAT. Guigne blanche. $ D h Guigne a gros fruit blanc. $ White Heart ? This variety is not so large as the preceding one, but more oblong ; the side, which is shaded, is of a dingy white ; that which is exposed to the sun is washed with red or flesh colour ; and when the fruit is very much exposed, it frequently happens that a portion of it becomes tinged almost wholly with light red. The flesh is white, somewhat firm, and of an agreeable flavour. The fruit ripens about the middle of June. BLACK GUIGNE. AUTH. Guigne noire. Guigne d fruit noir. Duh. This variety is smaller than either of the two preceding ones ; it has a thin skin, which is brown, and nearly black when the fruit is fully ripe ; the flesh is of a very dark red colour, tender without being soft, and of good flavour. It is at maturity the beginning of June. SMALL BLACK GUIGNE. AUTH. Petite Guigne noire. Guigne d fruit noir. Duh. This variety does not diner greatly from the preceding one ; CHERRIES. its fruit is, however, of less length ; its flesh is not of as deep a red colour, and it is also rather inferior to it in point of fla- vour. GUIGNE BIGAUDELLE. N. DUH. LE BERK. This cherry resembles in its form the Early Guigne ; but its skin is brownish red, and becomes nearly black at perfect maturity ; the flesh is dark red, somewhat firm, and of a rich flavour in warm and light soils. It ripens at the end of June. LATE WHITE GUIGNE. AUTH. Guigne blanche tardive. Guigne de Dure Peau. N. Duh. This variety is nearly round, but has a rather deep longitu- dinal suture ; the skin is whitish, or of a very pale amber hue, tinged with light red ; the flesh is firm, and of quite an agree- able taste. It is stated in the New Duhamel, that it does not attain its maturity in France until September. I have not had an opportunity of deciding that point as regards our country. LATE RED GUIGNE. AUTH. Guigne rouge tardive. N. Duh. Guigne defer, ou de Saint Gilles. Iron Cherry. This cherry is quite round, of a dark violet colour, ap- proaching black ; it is one of the latest varieties, and even in the South of France does not ripen till July. The French writers state, that in the northern part of that country it does not attain its maturity until September. BLACK TARTARIAN. PR. CAT. PR. HORT. POM. MAG. Lo*D. HORT. CAT. Black Circassian. Hook. Pom. Fraser's Black Tartarian. "| Eraser's Black Heart. Ronald's Black Heart. i Of vari ns Superb Circassian. and g ardens ' Black Russian. This very superior variety was long since introduced to our country by the father of the author, through whose exertions VOL. II. 15 114 CHERRIES. thousands of the trees have been disseminated in the Union. I copy the following description from the Pomological Manual : " This cherry is generally considered to have been brought into this country by the late Mr. John Fraser, from Russia. In the account given of it in the Pomona Londinensis, it is stated to have been introduced from Circassia by Mr. Hugh Ronalds, of Brentford, in 1794. We have also heard it said that it originated in Spain, whence it was transmitted to the Russian Gardens, and through them into England. It is a cherry of great excellence, bearing well as a standard, but doing best on an east or west wall, on which its branches are usually loaded with a profusion of rich and handsome fruit. It has received in our gardens a variety of names, of which those given here are only a portion ; but those which are omit- ted are readily referable to some of the above. The wood is vigorous ; the branches upright, the bark of the young shoots light-coloured and spotted ; leaves large, pendulous, waved on the margin, evenly serrated, deep green, veins pro- minent beneath ; flowers large ; petals roundish oval, concave and imbricating ; stamens shorter than the styles ; fruit large, heart-shaped, with an uneven surface, and of a shining pur- plish black colour ; flesh purplish, juicy and rich ; stone mid- dle-sized, roundish ovate." WHITE TARTARIAN. PR. CAT. PR. HORT. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. White Transparent. Transparent Crimea. Fraser' s White Tartarian. White Transparent. / Lady Southampton's Duke. / Yellow. The cherry, long cultivated and most generally known by this title, I discovered, a few years since, to be entirely erro- neous, it being nothing more than a half barren variety of the White Heart. The genuine kind is a beautiful fruit, of me- dium size, excellent quality, and of a transparent appearance. The tree grows rapidly, erect like the White Heart, and bears well ; the fruit ripens in June, and is highly esteemed. CHERRIES BLACK HEART. PR. CAT. LAW. MIL. LANO. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Large Black Heart. Coxe. This tree acquires the very largest dimensions attainable by any of its class ; the branches spread widely, and frequent- ly form a head of thirty-five to forty feet in diameter, the sum- mit of which is about thirty to thirty-five in height. It grows vigorously, and is one of the most productive in its crops. This variety is more extensively cultivated in this vicinity than any other, probably from the circumstance of its early intro- duction, as well as from its good qualities already referred to, and fully one half of the cherries sold in the markets of New- York are of this kind. The fruit is of fine size, of a heart- shape, and blackish when at full maturity ; but it is generally picked before it is ripe, when its colour is only red, and it has attained but two-thirds of its size ; the flesh, when perfectly ripe, is very sweet, rich, juicy, and high flavoured, and it is even quite sweet before maturity, when the skin has only acquired its red colour. The tree is of the most vigorous growth, and the fruit ripens about ten days after the May Duke. WHITE HEART. PR. CAT. LANG. LAW. MIL. LOND. HORT. CAT. FOR. COXE. This cherry ripens immediately after the May Duke ; the tree attains to an erect and rather conical form, spreading much less than most other varieties ; the fruit is of medium size, oblong and heart-shaped ; the skin is of fine appearance, being a yellowish white on the 'one side, and tinged with pale red next the sun ; the flesh is rather firm, of pleasant flavour, accompanied by a honied sweetness. The tree bears very in- differently, but grows with rapidity until it has attained consi- derable size. I noticed, when on a visit to the vicinity of Boston, in 1826, that the cherry, to which some gave this title, was a late whitish firm fruit, entirely different from the present variety : that error has, however, most probably been corrected since 1IG CIIERRIEM. the formation of the Horticultural Society there, whose labours appear to be most unwearied, and eminently successful. BLACK EAGLE. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. HORT. TRANS. The following descriptive remarks I copy from the Pomo- logical Magazine : " This is as good a bearer as the Black Heart, and far superior to that variety in the quality of its fruit : it is not to be doubted that this will one day usurp the place of that an- cient variety in our gardens. " It was raised by Mr. Knight from a seed of the Ambree of Duhamel, impregnated with the pollen of the May Duke ; and it really combines all that is most worth raising in both these varieties. At least, such is the account of its origin as given in the Horticultural Transactions, vol. ii. p. 208, and it is probably the genuine history of the variety, notwithstanding a different account to be found at p. 302 of the same volume. " This is another of the cherries raised by Mr. Knight which have been alloyed an introduction into this work ; and it is not too much to say, that the improved varieties of the distinguished horticulturist, to whom they owe their origin, are among the most valuable sorts that we possess. It ripens soon after the May Duke ; the tree is spreading ; branches strong, dark brown, partially sprinkled with a gray- ish epidermis ; leaves oblong, acuminate, broadest about two- thirds from the base, doubly serrated, but not so deeply as those of the Heart Cherries generally are ; partaking also of the thick texture of the leaves of the Duke Cherries ; from their larger size, pendulous growth, and somewhat wavy mar- gin, they are rather more allied to those of the former ; peti- oles longish, and moderately strong, with reniform glands ; flowers middle-sized ; stamens shorter than the style ; petals roundish or roundish-oval, concave, imbricated ; fruit between heart-shaped and round, flattened at top and bottom ; stalk short and thick, like that of the May Duke ; skin black, when the fruit is fully ripe and well exposed ; flesh tender, with a dark purplish juice, rich and high flavoured ; stone small, round." . MERRIES. 11? KLKMoKN. PK. CAT. PK. HORT. LUND. HORT. CAT. of Maryland. This is one of the largest black cherries I have ever seen ; its size varies little from that of the Black Tartarian, but it ripens two weeks later, and is peculiarly distinct from every other kind that has met my observation, the flesh, when eaten, having a liver-like consistence and being very solid. It is per- haps less highly flavoured than some others, but still a superior fruit ; and from its solidity is well calculated for transportation to the markets, and its ripening at a later period causes it to be very suitable for filling up the space between the ripen- ing of the earlier Duke and Heart Cherries, and the later varieties. It was discovered by the father of the author on a tour through Maryland about thirty-four years ago, growing in a garden attached to a hotel, who finding it very different from any that he had seen, brought home some scions for inoculation. The landlord called it the Elkhorn, which name has been adopted for it. The tree is exceedingly vigorous, and its bark of so peculiar an appearance, that it may thereby be distinguished from the trees of other varieties. REMINGTON WHITE HEART. PR. CAT. PR. HORT. This variety was presented to the father of the author in 1823, by Zachariah Allen, Esq. of Providence, Rhode Island, who transmitted a tree, which he stated was budded from the original one, accompanied by the following description : " This is a new variety raised from a stone, planted about twenty years ago by Mr. Remington of this vicinity. It is remarkable for being in perfection very late in the season, when all other cherries are past. The colour of the fruit is yellow, tinged with carnation on the sunny side ; the flesh is firm, and somewhat resembles a Bigarreau. The tree bears profusely in clusters, and the cherries are not perfectly ripe here until September." In addition to the above, a branch was sent from Rhode Island about the 10th of September full of fruit, which was 1 18 CHERRIES. then but just ripe. The flavour of the cherries is pleasant, but not superior, their greatest merit being the very late period of their maturity. This is the latest variety which has originated in our country, and in this vicinity ripens at the end of July or in August. WATERLOO. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. Hour. TRANS. LOND. HORT. CAT. This valuable variety was introduced to our country by the Hon. John Lowell of Massachusetts, to whose ardour, intelli- gence, and liberality in horticultural pursuits, his fellow- citizens are so largely indebted for numerous interesting acquisitions, and to whom I am happy to render this passing tribute of respect. I extract the following description from the Pomological Magazine : " Raised by Mr. Knight, from the pollen of the May Duke and a seed of the Ambree of Duhamel. It ripens in June. The tree partakes of the character of both its parents in a remarkable degree ; the wood and leaves are those of the Bi- garreau tribe, while the flowers are those of the May Duke, the stamens being shorter than the styles, a peculiarity which is universal in all the Duke Cherries. For this observation we are indebted to Mr. Thompson. The wood is strong, with a grayish cuticle ; leaves drooping, large, wavy, with moderately deep serratures ; flowers large ; petals roundish, imbricated ; stamens rather slender, usually shorter than the styles ; fruit very large, broad and cordate at the base, convex on one side, flattened on the other with a broad suture ; apex slightly depressed ; skin dark, purplish red, or almost black, covered with numerous minute dots of a paler colour ; flesh deep purplish red, darkest next the stone, from which it parts freely ; tender, juicy, with a rich sweet flavour ; stalks long and slender ; stone small, roundish, compressed. LUNDIE GUIGNE. PR. CAT. Lundie Gean. For. Lond. Hort. cat. This tree is of vigorous growth, and attains to a large site ; CHERRIES. 119 the fruit is black, about the size of a Black Heart, of fine quality and pleasant flavour. In some situations the tree does not bear very well. TRANSPARENT GUIGNE. PR. CAT. Transparent Gean. For. The word Gean, applied to a number of varieties of cher- ries by the English, is only a corruption of the French word Guigne, and should therefore be exploded, and give place to the correct appellation. The fruit of the present variety is of medium size, and oblong form ; the skin is of a yellowish colour tinged with red ; the flesh is of pleasant taste and good flavour. It has the advantage of ripening quite late, being at maturity in July, about the same period as the Honey Cherry. The tree is one of the most vigorous in its growth, and attains a large size and stately form ; it is also one of the most pro- ductive, yielding abundant and regular crops. POINTED GUIGNE. AUTH. Guigne piquante. Guigne a piquet. N. Duh. This variety derives its title from the circumstance, that a part of the style becomes hard and ligneous, and forms a kind of sharp point at the extremity of the fruit, which is more of a heart-shape than any other Guigne cherry ; its diameter is eight lines, and its height rather less ; the skin is dark red on the sunny side, and light red and even yellowish on the other ; the flesh is firm, crisp, of quite a rich taste, accompanied by a little bitterness. This variety is not much cultivated in France, because it ripens in June, at the same period as many other kinds which are preferable to it. DROOPING GUIGNE. AUTH. Guigne a rameaux pendans. N. Duh. This tree is only remarkable for the peculiarity of its growth, the branches being pendent or weeping like those of the All- saints' Cherry. It is of no particular value as regards its fruit, which is indifferent in point of quality. i'20 CHERRIES. KNIGHT'S EARLY BLACK. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. HORT. TRANS. LoND. HORT. CAT. I copy the following remarks and description from the Po- rnological Magazine : " If we are called upon to state specifically the difference between this and the Black Tartarian Cherry, we should cer- tainly be unable to do so ; but, at the same time, we should not be the less of opinion that they were distinct. It is well known to fruit-growers, that slight shades of difference, fleet- ing characters which words are unequal to express, often alone distinguish varieties materially different from each other as objects of cultivation. In figure, size, colour, and flavour, this is nearly identical with the Black Tartarian, but it has the rare merit of ripening earlier : on a south aspect it will be ripe even earlier than the May Duke. The beauty of the fruit renders it particularly interesting, and its flavour is equal to that of most cherries. This was raised by Mr. Knight, about 1810, from seed of the Graffion impregnated by the May Duke ; the same parentage as the Black Eagle and the Wa- terloo ; the branches are spreading, brown with a grayish^cu- ticle; leaves oblong, pendulous, nearly flat, of thin texture, with unusually prominent veins beneath ; flowers middle-sized ; petals somewhat imbricated ; fruit large, blunt, heart-shaped, with an uneven surface like that of the Black Tartarian, but it is less pointed, and has a thicker, shorter stalk, which is rather deeply inserted ; skin nearly black, shining ; flesh firm, juicy, very deep purple, rich and sweet ; stone small for the size of the fruit, and nearly round." / BLEEDING HEART. PR. CAT. LANG. LAW. MIL. LOND. HORT. CAT. CoXE. Ox Heart. Coxe ? This is one of the largest and most beautiful cherries ; its form is a very long heart-shape, terminating in a point ; the skin of a fine dark red colour, and its flesh very high flavoured, and delicious, perhaps none more so ; the stone is also oblong. Some of the largest cherry trees I have ever seen, were of CHERRIES. 121 this variety ; they grow very vigorously, and it is unfortunate that they do not bear well. GASCOIGNE'S HEART. PR. CAT. LANG. LOND. HORT. CAT. This tree is of thrifty growth, and attains a large size ; the fruit resembles the preceding in form, but is not of so dark a colour ; it ripens about the same time. This variety may be easily distinguished from the Bleeding Heart by examining the growth of the tree, which is quite different. It has, how- ever, been confused with it by several writers on pomology ; but it will be perceived, on reference, that it was stated to be distinct as far back as the time of Langley. HERTFORDSHIRE BLACK. PR. CAT. MIL. Late Black Heart. Herefordshire Black. Lond. Hort. cat. Hertfordshire. For. This fruit considerably resembles the Black Heart, and is much esteemed for its excellent qualities ; it is rather more firm, of equally fine flavour, and ripens much later, which renders it valuable, as it aids in keeping up the succession of fine cherries. The tree is particularly vigorous in its growth. ELTON. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. HOOK. POM. LOND. HORT. CAT. I copy the description of this cherry from the Pomological Magazine : " This invaluable variety was raised in 1806, by Mr. Knight, from a seed of the Graffion or Ambree Cherry which had been fecundated by the pollen of the White Heart. It was first made known by Mr. Hooker, in his Pomona Londi- nensis, and since by communications at various times to the Horticultural Society. Its merits can scarcely be too highly spoken of. In flavour it is considered by many the most deli- cious of cherries ; in beauty it is scarcely surpassed by any other ; and its hardiness and productiveness, whether upon a standard or against a wall, are now ascertained by the expe- rience of all who have cultivated it. It ripens in the begin- VOL. II. 16 1*22 CHERRIES. ning of June, about the time of the Mayduke, or soon after ; the tree is strong and healthy, with dark brown wood ; the shoots are rather drooping ; leaves very large, doubly ser- rated ; petioles about two inches long on the young wood, with large reniform glands near the top ; flowers large, opening about the second or third week in April ; fruit about the size of the Bigarreau, and a good deal like it, but much earlier, and with a longer stalk ; heart-shaped, and rather pointed ; colour, on the shaded side, pale, waiy yellow, mot- tled and dashed with rich red next the sun ; flesh firm, but not so much so as that of the Bigarreau, very sweet and rich ; stone middle-sized, ovate. TOBACCO LEAVED. PR. CAT. PE. HORT. Quatre a la lime. Lond. Hort. cat. Guigne de qitatre a la Iwre. \ T\ v. Guigne a feuilles fa Tabac. ] L Bigarreautier a grandes feuilles. Jard. fruit. Ccrasus decumana. De Launay. Bon. Jard. Cerisier a feuilles de Tabac. Four to the pound. This fruit is rather below a medium size, of a yellowish colour on the shaded side, and mottled with red on all other parts of it, somewhat in the manner of the Carnation cherry, but more closely resembling the China Bigarreau ; the part next the peduncle is much more deeply coloured than that towards the extremity. It is partially flattened on two sides, on one of which is a rather deep and very distinct suture, and on the other a more slight one ; the form inclines to oval, with a small point or mamelon at the extremity ; the leaves, which are gene- rally pendent, are exceedingly large and vigorous, and on the young shoots of the first year's growth from the inocula- tion, they often measure a foot in length, and five to eight inches in breadth ; but this character is not so remarkable on trees of more advanced ago, as the loaves then produced arc of much smaller dimensions. The young shoots often present a flexile or undulated appearance, which they probably acquire from the rapidity of their growth, which advances in a degree CHERRIES. disproportionate to their strength and to the weight of their foliage. The French received this variety from Germany, with (as Noisette says) the assurance that its fruit was as large as the Yellow Egg-plum, which he gives as an excuse for its being imposed on the public under the name of Quatre a la livre, or Four to the pound. But what excuse is there for its having been represented in the Bon Jardinier, a work repub- lished annually at Paris, as the largest of all cherries, for several years after the deception was ascertained ? The tree is far from being productive, and yields but sparingly, and the fruit ripens late in July : its foliage, however, renders it an object of curiosity, and distinguishes it from all other cherries. ALLEN'S LATE FAVOURITE. PH. CAT. This variety was presented to my father by Zachariah Allen of Providence, a gentleman distinguished for his intelligence in horticultural pursuits. The tree grows vigorously; the fruit is of fine quality, juicy and well flavoured, and ripens in Rhode Island at the same time as the Black Mazzard, which constitutes its particular value, as most of the finer varieties are then past. The fruit is sold in considerable quantities in the markets at Providence. GRIDLEY. MASS. HORT. Maccarty. Apple Cherry. This variety was discovered thirty-seven years ago, by Mr. Wm. Maccarty, of Roxbury, near Boston, growing in the gar- den of Deacon Samuel Gridley of that town. He states that the tree was then five or six inches in diameter. The flesh is firm like the Bigarreau, sprightly, and fine flavoured ; the colour is black ; the size that of a medium Black Heart, but the stem is shorter and stone smaller. It comes into eating immediately after that variety, and is much esteemed as a market fruit, and possesses the advantage of bearing carriage well. Its only defect is, that when near maturity, if the weather be damp or wet, the fruit cracks open and spoils. The tree grows upright, ^4 CHERRIES. and \6 vigorous when young-, but is said to be subject to a premature decline from the abundance of its produce. C(EUR DE POULE. N. Dun. CALVEL. Guigne Occur dc Poule. Ccrissc Cicur de Poule. N. Dull. Cor dc Gulino. It is mentioned by Calvel, and in the New Duhamel, that this variety is not often met with in the environs of Paris, but is more cultivated in the south of France, and especially in the vicinity of Thoulouse, where it is known by the title last quoted as a synonyme. The tree acquires a lofty expansion ; the leaves are long, dark green, with large nerves ; the buds are large, and produce one or two flowers, which are also of large dimensions, their petals being of greater size than those of the Bigarreau class. The fruit ripens in July, and its form is precisely that of a heart; it is more than an inch in length, and in some cases fifteen lines, and measures almost as much at its greatest diameter. When at maturity it is of nearly a black colour, and its juice is highly coloured and dark red; the peduncle is eighteen lines in length. DOWNTON. Pu. CAT. POM. MA. HOKT. TRANS. Lo>D. HOitT. CAT. This variety, which has been latterly introduced into our country, is described in the Pomological Magazine as follows: " The Downton is ripe soon after the Mayduke, it bears well as a standard, and in richness of juice it yields to no cherry of any season. It was raised by Mr. Kniirht from a seed either of the Waterloo or the Elton, but from which is not certain. The wood is spreading and strong ; buds pointed, ovate ; leaves moderately large, oblong, acuminate, pendulous, some- what waved at the margin, acutely serrated, rather thin in texture ; flowers large ; stamens weak, unequal, generally as long as the style ; petals obo\ ate, imbricated ; fruit pale yel- lowish, much speckled with red, especially towards the sun, where the red spots run together ; flesh light yellow, very tender, juicy, and high flavoured. It adheres slightly to the- i 1IKRIUF.S. YELLOW SPANISH. Tourn. Mil. For. 125 This variety I believe to be at present extinct, as it is not enumerated in any catalogue of the present day, not even in that of the London Horticultural Society. To awaken re- search, however, I mention it here, as it may be synonymous with one of the French or German varieties bearing a different title. It is described as being of an oval form and amber colour, sweet and pleasant, but not of a rich flavour ; the tree an indifferent bearer, and the fruit ripening in England in August, which would make it a July cherry with us, our seasons being a month earlier. LUKEWARD'S HEART. PR. CAT. LANG. LOND. HORT. CAT. Lukeward. Mil. For. Miller and Forsyth describe this as a very good cherry, of middle size, and of a dark brown or black colour. A fine pleasant fruit and the tree a good bearer. It ripens in July. WHITE BIGARREAU. PR. CAT. White Ox Heart. \ Tradescant. Coxe. Apple Cherry. Amber. Bigarreau blanc 1 Bigarreau commun 1 Common French Bigarreau ? Turkey Bigarreau ? HunneweWs Favourite. This tree is of rather slow growth, and attains to a medium size ; the fruit is heart-shaped, somewhat pointed, of a very large size, and beautiful appearance ; it is one of the most firm cherries, and also sweet, and of an excellent flavour, being among the most esteemed varieties ; the skin is yellowish white, tinged with red next the sun, and somewhat mottled. The fruit ripens late in June or at the beginning of July. The tree is rather more tender than other varieties generally, and bears but indifferently, far less than many other excellent va- rieties of the same class, which cannot fail to take precedence of it as they become better known. CHERRIES. | RED BIGARREAU. PR. CAT. This tree grows vigorously and attains to a larger size than the preceding one ; the fruit is oblong and heart-shaped, of a dark red colour, very firm, sweet, and pleasant. The tree is far more more productive than the foregoing variety, and fre- quently bears abundant crops. I have noticed that it is rather more regularly productive when budded on the Kentish and other stocks of a similar character, than when budded on the Mazzard. It ripens among the latest varieties towards the end of July, and in northern localities is often not mature until in August, which renders it of particular value. NAPOLEON BIGARREAU. PR. CAT. PR. HORT. LOND. HORT. CAT. Napoleon. Lourman. Lond. Hort. cat. Gros Bigarreau de Lauermann. Die. d'Agric. This tree grows vigorously and attains to a large size. The fruit is large ; the skin mottled with red ; the flesh firm, sweet, and of pleasant flavour ; the juice not coloured. This variety being of recent introduction, the opportunities have not yet been sufficient to fully test its excellence, but the appearance of the tree is indicative of a superior fruit ; and we may justly suppose that the French would not have given this title to any variety that did not possess superior merit. CHINA BIGARREAU. PR. CAT. China Heart. Pr. Hort. Pr. Cat. 26 ed. This variety was raised by the father of the author, from a seed of the White Bigarreau, and is very distinct from every other that has met my observation. The tree grows vigor- ously, and attains a lofty stature ; the lower branches, as it advances in height, assume in many instances a drooping or somewhat pendent form. The fruit is of moderate size, beau- tifully mottled, much like a waxen preparation, or some repre- sentations on China ware ; the flesh is between the solid and the melting, quite sweet, with a flavour peculiar to itself, and CHERRIES. 127 differing from all others. The tree is exceedingly productive, and the fruit ripens just after the Black Tartarian, Black Heart, and many other fine cherries are past, and forms a link between them and the later varieties. As it partakes more of the Bigarreau than of the Heart class of cherries, I have thought it best to connect it by title to the former. PIGEON HEART BIGARREAU. PB. CAT.' Pigeon's Heart. Pr. Hort. Bigarreau Cceur de Pigeon. Gros Bigarreau hatif. This fruit is nine lines in height and the same in diameter ; it is nearly equally diminished at the base and at the point, so that it has rather the form of an abridged oval, than that of a heart ; it is convex on one side, flattened on the other, and marked with a very conspicuous suture ; the side exposed to the sun is dark red, the other is a yellowish white, with a slight tinge of rose colour ; the flesh is firm, crackling, and of good flavour. The fruit ripens at the end of June. LARGE RED BIGARREAU. PR. CAT. Gros Bigarreau rouge. Duh. Pr. cat., 26th ed. Bigarreautier a, gros fruit. Duh. syn. The fruit of this variety is larger than the preceding one, being ten lines in diameter and the same in height ; it is a little hollowed at the extremity, and flattened upon the two principal sides, each of which is marked with a suture ; the skin is shining, dark red on the part exposed to the sun, and of a more delicate shade of red on the other side ; the flesh is whitish, firm, succulent, and of a very rich and excellent taste. This fruit is one of the best of its kind, and ripens at Paris towards the end of July. LARGE WHITE BIGARREAU. PR. CAT. Bigarreau blanc le gros. } Gros Bigarreau blanc. > Duh. Bigarreautier a gros fruit blanc. j This fruit is of the same form and size as the preceding : 128 CHERRIES. it differs, however, in a few other points ; its skin is alto- gether of a paler hue, the side exposed to the sun, instead of being deep red, is only of a flesh colour, and the oppo- site side is whitish ; the flesh is rather less firm, and of not quite as rich a taste. COMMON FRENCH BIGARREAU. PR. CAT. Bigarreau commun. Duh. Pr. cat. 26 ed. Belle de Rocmont. Duh. syn. 1 This is less flattened and less oblong than the Large Red Bigarreau ; it measures ten lines in height and eleven in dia- meter ; the side, which is slightly depressed, does not present any distinct suture, but has merely a whitish line partially ap- parent ; the skin is smooth, shining, of a fine red next the sun, marbled or finely speckled with white in different places, and of a very light red, or almost wholly whitish on the opposite side ; the flesh is firm, crisp, and of a very agreeable flavour. This fruit is intermediate in its period of ripening between the early and late varieties of the Bigarreau, and attains its maturity in the earlier half of the month of July. The trees of this and of the preceding variety produce abundant crops of fruit, which is the reason that they are cultivated in pre- ference to all the other kinds of Bigarreau, the majority of which produce much less fruit. FLESH COLOURED BIGARREAU. AUTH. Bigarreau couleur de chair. N. Duh. This is an excellent fruit ; it bears a strong resemblance to the preceding one, of which it is but a subvariety, distinguished by the variation in the colour of its skin, which is of a rose colour : it ripens at the end of July. LARGE LATE RED BIGARREAU. PR. CAT. Gros Bigarreau tardif. N. Duh. Bigarreau gros rouge tardif. This fruit is, according to M. Le Berriays, of somewhat smaller size than the Large Red Bigarreau, and much later CHERRIES. 129 at maturity ; the skin is of a rather dark red on the shaded side, and on the other is a brownish red, almost black, which causes this to be sometimes called the Black Bigarreau ; the flesh is firm, juicy, and of excellent flavour. I imported this tree, a few years since, from France, and there are now some hundreds in the Flushing nurseries. LARGE HEART SHAPED BIGARREAU. AUTH. Guigne noire luisante. D h Guignier a gros fruit noir luisant. ) Grosse guigne noir luisante. Bigarreau Gros C&uret. Jard. fruit. Bigarreau Cceuret. The skin of this variety is black, smooth, and shining ; its flesh is red, tender without being soft, and of a rich and quite pleasant flavour ; the fruit is said to be of very large size ; it ripens in July, and, if it was earlier at maturity, would be preferred to most others. EARLY WHITE BIGARREAU. AUTH. Petit Bigarreau blanc hatif. > n , Bigarreautier a petit fruit hatif. \ This variety is of moderate size, measuring about eight lines in height, and rather more in diameter ; the suture, which is quite conspicuous upon most other Bigarreau cherries, is, on the present one, marked but by a simple line, and this is only rendered apparent by a partial variation of colour ; the skin is a light red next the sun, and white, blended with a very slight tint of rose colour, on the shaded side ; the flesh is white, and not as solid as that of most others of its class, but crisp, and much more firm than that of the White Guigne, to which it bears a great resemblance in other respects ; its taste is rich when at full maturity, which it attains about the middle of June ; but it is somewhat acid if the fruit is not perfectly ripe. VOL. n. 17 130 CHERRIES. EARLY RED BIGARREAU. AUTII. Petit Bigarreau rouge. C&urct. > ^ , Bigarreautier a fruit rouge, hatif. ) This Bigarreau, according to M. Le Berriays, is rather larger than the preceding one, and a little more pointed than any other ; the skin is tinged with a light red upon a whitish ground ; the flesh is white, somewhat firm, and of a pleasant taste. This fruit ripens fifteen days later than the Early White Bigarreau, say about the end of June. Duha- mel expresses some doubt as to its being distinct from the pre- ceding variety, and thinks that when any difference exists, it arises from the fruit being more fully exposed to the sun, and from its being left longer on the tree, which causes it to acquire more colour. BLACK BIGARREAU. AUTH. Bigarreau noir. Cerise de Norttege. N. Duh. The leaves of this tree support themselves better than those of many other Bigarreau- varieties ; the fruit is not distinctly flattened as many other kinds are ; it measures nine lines in height and the same in diameter ; its form is rather oblong without being cordate ; the skin, when fully mature, is as black as that of some particular Heart cherries ; the flesh is very firm, somewhat juicy, of a red colour, and not particu- larly rich in point of flavour. LATE BLACK BIGARREAU. PR. CAT. Bigarreau noir, tardif. N. Duh. This fruit is not as large as the preceding one, being scarce- ly nine lines in diameter by eight in height ; it is not heart- shaped, but almost equally contracted at its base and its point, partially flattened on one side, and very rarely marked with a suture ; the skin is at first a very dark brownish red, but "becomes black when it attains its perfect maturity, which, at Paris, is not until the end of August ; the flesh is red, rather dry, and very firm. I have recently imported this variety, which has since been considerably increased. t IIERRIES. 131 H1LDESHEIM BIGARREAU. PR. CAT. Rigarrcau marbrt de Hildesfteim. Die d'Agric. Bigarreau tardif & Hildesheim. Pr. cat. 26 ed. This variety is of but recent introduction, and was imported by the author. The fruit is marbled with red ; the flesh firm, sweet, and of pleasant flavour, and the juice free from colour ; it ripens very late, not being at maturity in the north of France until the month of August. EARLY MAY. PR. CAI. MIL. LOND. HORT. CAT. May Cherry. Law. Lang. Cerisi&r nain a fruit rond precoce. Duh. Griottier nain precoce. Griottier nain. Of all the varieties, the fruit of this is the smallest ; the tree seldom attains to more than six to seven feet in height, if in- oculated near the ground ; and for this reason, as well as on account of the flexibility of its branches, it is well calculated to be trained in espalier form, which is the course usually adopted in France. The only point of value in this variety is its early maturity, it being ripe before any other ; it is of quite small size ; its taste acid, but pleasant ; and the skin of a red colour. This cherry is much cultivated at Montreuil, near Paris, for supplying the markets ; and, being the first ripe, the fruit is tied in little bunches, interspersed with sprigs of the lily of the valley, &tc., and serves to -gratify children. EARLY GRIOTTE. AUTH. Cerisier hatif. Duh. This tree attains a much greater height than the preceding one, but less than most other varieties of its class ; it forms a head of but moderate dimensions, and its branches are drooping, especially when they are greatly loaded with fruit, which happens frequently from it being very productive. It is not uncommon to see the peduncles of six or eight cher- ries united in one umbel. As this tree is a great bearer, and 132 CHERRIES. its fruit quite early, it is much cultivated in the vicinity of Paris, and is the earliest, after the preceding variety, that is met with in the markets of that city. The fruit is generally gathered as soon as it acquires a pale red colour, and before it is ripe ; it is then very acid and inferior in taste ; but, when left to attain its full maturity, it becomes of a quite dark red colour, and is much better and of finer flavour. MARASQUIN. N. DUH. Cerisier Marasquin. ? ja D h Griottier Marasquin. $ This variety was brought from Dalmatia. It has been sug- gested by Professor Bosc, that it was probably the original species ; but the information possessed in regard to its growth in its native country, is too limited for a decision of that point. The fruit is small and of an acid taste, and it is supposed to be from it that they manufacture at Zara that excellent liqueur, denominated Marasquin de Zara. PROLIFIC CHERRY. AUIH. Cerise d trochet. Cerise tres fertile. Griottier d trochet. This tree is intermediate in height between the Early May and Early Griotte ; the fruit is of moderate size, and dark red when at full maturity ; the flesh is tender, but has rather much acidity. The tree is very productive, and the crop of fruit is often so abundant, that the branches, which are long and slender, bend beneath its weight. CLUSTER. PR. CAT. LAW. LANG. Cerise d bouquet. Duh. Griottier d bouquet. Prunus Cerasus potygyna. This tree resembles the preceding in appearance ; it forms a bushy head, and its branches are in like manner feeble and pendent ; but its flowers have a peculiar character, which is, CHERRIES. !''> without doubt, a monstrosity arising from cultivation. Thr\ are produced in umbels similar to the other varieties ; the calyx and petals present no peculiarity, but in the centre of the flower there are several pistils, varying in number from one to a dozen, a part of which blight ; but there are often several which become perfect fruits. These fruits, to the number of three, four, five, and sometimes more, are sessile at the extremity of the peduncle, closely set to each other, com- pressed at the sides where they touch, but perfectly distinct, and each containing a stone. Duhamel states that it is only on old trees that clusters of eight to twelve cherries are met with, and that on young trees, but one, two, three, or at most five grow upon the same peduncle. The fruit ripens about the middle of June ; the flesh is white, but too acid to be pleasant for eating, unless with sugar or in preserves. It does not ap- pear to have been ascertained whether this tree can be repro- duced from the stone with all its peculiarities of character. MAY DUKE. PR. CAT. LAW. MJL. FOR. HOOK. POM. Lo VD. HORT. CAT. CoXE. Duke. Lang. Cerise Royale, hative. N. Duh. Cerise (VAngleterre, of the Parisian gardens. Cerisier Anglois. Royal hatif. Early May Duke. The present variety and the Black Heart are more exten- sively cultivated in this vicinity than any others, arising, no doubt, from their being among the first that were introduced from Europe. This tree attains to the height of thirty feet or more, forming a head commonly more conical than spreading ; the fruit is usually the first that is met with in our markets, it being gathered for that purpose as soon as it has acquired a red colour, and before it has attained its maturity and attend- ant excellence. From this circumstance few are aware of its real quality when fully ripe, or even of the colour it then at- tains, having drawn their conclusions from seeing such as has been prematurely gathered. This cherry, when perfectly ma- 134 CHERRIES. tu re, is of a very dark red colour, and of large size, often measuring two and a half inches at its greatest circumference, by nearly nine lines in height ; it is compressed at both ends ; the peduncle is rather long ; the flesh is white, with a slight tinge of red when very ripe ; tender, melting, very juicy, and high flavoured, with a partial and highly pleasant acidity. Duharnel states that there is a small leaflet on the peduncle. I do not recollect noticing that point ; but it may be so. This variety is one of the most productive, the crops being very abundant. It usually attains its red colour during the last days of May, and perfects its maturity early in June. One peculiari- ty of this tree is, that there are almost invariably a few branches, whose fruit is quite green when the other part is ripe, and which does not come to maturity until two or three weeks later. I think Mr. Coxe labours under a mistake when he states that there are " several varieties." I have never known but one. LATE DUKE. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. FOR. Cerise Royale. Cherry Duke. Duh. Cerise Angloise tardive. Bon. Jard Lond. Hort. cat. Royale tardif. Bon. Jard. | Kolsmanduc. June Duke ? I copy the following remarks and description from the Pomological Magazine : " Though this cherry is only known to us through the French gardeners, yet its name is evidence of its English origin. We have not, however, been able to discover it in cultivation in any of our own gardens, except that of the Horticultural Society, where the drawing was made, in the present year, from fruit produced on a tree received from Paris. " Our old writers of authority, Switzer and Hitt, mention a Late May Duke, or Late Duke Cherry, which is probably the one before us ; but these names, although now to be found in the nurseries, are certainly there applied to trees in no re- spect different from the original May Duke. We have con- sequently given the name of Late Duke to the present variety, as being perfectly appropriate. The fruit ripens, on a standard, CHERRIES. 135 in August ; and, independently of its value from the period o! its maturity, is of considerable excellence on account of its appearance, size, flavour, and productiveness. " The branches are of vigorous growth, but more spread- ing than those of the May Duke cherry, and the leaves are larger ; flowers large, and resembling those of the May Duke, but opening later ; fruit large, the size of a May Duke, bluntly heart-shaped, somewhat compressed, with a shallow depression on one side ; skin a rich shining red ; flesh tender, juicy, am- ber-coloured, and rich, of the same quality as the May Duke ; stone rather large, roundish-ovate, compressed." ARCH-DUKE. PR. CAT. MIL. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Royal Archduke ? Late Arch- Duke. Arch-due. Royal Archiduc. Griotte de Portugal. Duh. Roz. Portugal Duke ? The Portugal. Coxe. This tree is thrifty, of medium size, and produces pretty good crops ; the fruit is of a very large size, flattened at its base and summit, and on one side ; it measures nearly an inch at its greatest diameter, and eight or nine lines in height ; the peduncle is of medium length, and rather large, especially at the section which joins the fruit ; the skin is crisp, brownish red, approaching to black ; the flesh is firm and crisp, of a dark red hue, devoid of acidity, but has a slight degree of bitterness, which does not prevent it, however, from being very pleasant, and even excellent in the opinion of a great many persons, who esteem it as the best of all cherries, it be- ing also one of the largest size. It ripens during the earlier part of July. HOLMAN'S DUKE. PR. CAT. LANO. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. I have always suspected that this tree was synonymous with one of the other varieties of the Duke, but as several authors describe it as distinct, 1 insert their description of it. The branches are more spreading and loose than the May duke ; 136 CHERRIES. the fruit is larger, of equally fine flavour, and ripens about two to three weeks later. Forsyth remarks that the tree does not bear equally well ; but Langley states that it is a great bearer, and as early as the Mayduke. Mr. Coxe observes that it is an early variety of the Mayduke; so that thetf. much confusion in the several opinions. I shall endeav<*tti ; *to solve all doubts by a critical examination of the fruit pro* 1 -* ed by the trees now growing in my experimental orchard. .' PRINCE'S DUKE. PB.CAT. PR. HORT. LOND. HORT. { . Of all the varieties that I have seen, this cherry excels >m point of size, though not greatly exceeding some of the o\ largest varieties. It was raised by the father of the author, from the seed of a Carnation cherry, and consequently belongs to the Griotte class. The fruit is of a red colour, shaped like that of its parent, and much compressed; very rich and lus- cious when at perfect maturity, but previous thereto posses a little of the bitterness peculiar to its parent when in the same state. The tree in its growth and foliage partakes of the ap- pearance of the Carnation cherry, and the fruit ripens about the same period. The original tree is not a good bearer, but budded on other stocks may perhaps prove more productive. SPANISH GRIOTTE. PR. CAT. Griotte d'Espagne. N. Duh. Le Berr. This cherry greatly resembles the Archduke, of which it is perhaps but a sub-variety ; it is still larger, being sometimes more than an inch in diameter, by eleven lines in height ; the form is oblong, of smaller size at the extremity than towards the base, somewhat flattened in its diameter, bul with less of a cordate form than the Heart Griotte; the peduncle is very large, and of medium length ; the skin is a very brownish red or dark violet approaching to a black hue, slightly itinged with blue ; the flesh is red, somewhat firm, and less melting than fine cherries usually are, sweet and rather rich. This beauti- ful fruit ripens the beginning of July, and if the weather be rainy when at its maturity, it causes the cherries to crack open CHERRIES. 137 BELLE DE CHOISY. PH. CAT. N. DUH. POM. MAG. JARD. FRUIT. BON JARD. LOND. HORT. CAT. Cerise doucette. Belle de Choisy. Griotte de Palembre. N. Duh. Belle de Palembre. De la Palembre. \ie following description is taken from the Pomological M -zine. ~'his cherry is of French origin, and is said to have been raf^d at Choisy, near Paris, about the year 1760. It has suf ient merit to induce us to recommend it as deserving ci vation in this country, being hardy and bearing well as a sL mard. We know no other cherry of a similar character w h is equally sweet. The general habit of the tree has a strong resemblance to that of the Mayduke, but the branches are rather more spreading, and the leaves are more evenly serrated ; the flowers large ; petals roundish, concave ; sta- mens strong, shorter than the styles ; fruit middle-sized, TV J 'sh, depressed at the apex; skin transparent, red mottled wiui amber colour, especially on the shaded size ; flesh amber coloured, tender, and sweet ; stone middle-sized, round." GRAFFION. PR. CAT. FOR. B' -rreau. Hook. Pom. For. and of the English publications generally, and of some American collections. bigarreau. Graf on. Lond. Hort. cat. C rise ambree. Guindoux blanc. N D h Cerisier a fruit ambr(>, a fruit blanc. \ Amber, or Imperial. Coxe. Yellow Spanish, of most American collections. Harrison heart, of some English gardens, according to Forsyth. This tree is one of the largest of all the varieties that belong to the same species ; its branches are strong and vigorous, and form a handsome and well supported head. The growth of the young trees is particularly thrifty ; their lateral shoots are remarkable for taking an almost horizontal direction, and the bark i? marked with small dots. The fruit is the largest I have ever seen, except the Prince's duke ; it is round at the extremity and somewhat flattened at the base, borne upon pe- duncles of from fifteen to twenty-four lines in length; the skin VOL. n. 18 138 CHERRIES. is delicate, a little firm before maturity, of an amber yellow, partially tinged with red in small spots when at full maturity, and especially on the side exposed to the sun ; the flesh is white, bland, and luscious, with a honied sweetness. This fruit ripens in June, and if there are long continued rains at the time of its maturity, it is apt to rot. It is remarked in the New Duhamel, that this cherry is but partially disseminated in France, and that it would merit culture more than any other, on account of its excellence, if it were not for the defect of its fruit not being apt to set well. On this point, so far as my opportunities have allowed me to judge, and they have been rather numerous, as the tree is much cultivated in this vicinity, I have found it to produce good crops and to be a constant bearer. This tree was imported from London, by the father of the author, in the year 1802, under the name of Yellow Spanish, and one of the original trees is now grow- ing in his garden, where it produces abundantly, and there is little doubt that from his stock have originated most of the trees of this kind now in our country, as he has taken much pains to recommend it. During a visit to the vicinity of Bos- ton, in the year 1826, at the period when the cherry trees were in fruit, I noticed that this variety was by some called the Bi- garreau, and by others the Carnation, but the error has no doubt been corrected ere this, through the great intelligence and accuracy of their Horticultural Society. There is another European cherry, called Ambree or Amber, which is far smaller than this, and also very inferior in flavour ; its only advantage being that of ripening at an earlier period. CARNATION. PR. CAT. LAW. LANG. MIL. FOR. LOND. HORT. CAT. Late Spanish. Wax Carnation. Wax Cherry. Griotte d'Espagne, erroneously. This fruit, which derives its title from its colour, is of a large size, and nearly of a round form ; the skin is a yellowish white, beautifully mottled with red ; the flesh yellow, rather firm, and of a pleasant taste, but less sweet than many other CHERRIES. 139 varieties ; the juice is sprightly and of a pale colour. If eaten before it is fully mature, it has a slight degree of bitterness. This cherry ripens among the late varieties in July, and is held in high esteem for preserves. The tree is of low stature, being more spreading than lofty, and its branches have often somewhat of a horizontal or even a drooping appearance. Its foliage indicates much vigour, and the fruit is less subject to the attacks of birds and insects than most of the other fine varieties of cherries, and also remains without decay or rotten- ness for a longer period than other sorts usually do. The tree bears tolerably well, but not abundantly. A tree imported from London, some years since, as the Late Spanish, and one from the north of France, under the title of Griotte d'Espagne, have both borne fruit of this kind ; the latter variety, however, is in fact a dark coloured fruit, and the above circumstance must have arisen from error. LONG STEM MONTMORENCY. PR. CAT. Cerise de Montmorency, ordinaire. ) ^ i Cerisier de Montmorency. J Kentish 1 Common Red ? This tree resembles the Early Red Griotte in its growth, form, foliage, fertility, etc. The fruit is not as large as the Short stem Montmorency, and its peduncle is of greater length, measuring fifteen to sixteen lines. The skin is dark red at full maturity, the flesh white, not too acid, and of pleasant flavour. This fruit ripens the beginning of July. It is preferred in France to the short stem variety, on account of the tree being so very productive, although inferior to that in size and quality. SHORT STEM MONTMORENCY. PR. CAT. Gros Gobet. Gobet a courte queue. ^ N D h Montmorency a gros fruit. Cerise de Kent. $ Kentish. Cerisier Coulard, of some French cultivators. Cerise de Vilaine. This tree produces abundance of flowers, but the French complain that the fruit does not set well, and that the crop is usually but small. The cherry is large, flattened at both ends, 140 CHERRIES. its diameter eleven lines, and its height rather more than eight; the peduncle is very short, being but five to seven lines in length ; the skin is of a brilliant red, and not very dark ; the flesh is yellowish white, slightly acid, and highly pleasant. This excellent fruit, which is one of the best that is cultivated, is but partially disseminated even in France for the reason before stated, it being found only in the gardens of those who prefer the fine quality to the quantity of fruit. It ripens about the middle of July, and it is possible that in our climate it may prove more generally productive than in France. Forsyth places this as synonymous with the Kentish cherry of England, but I think there is some doubt as regards the point of iden- tity. The Kentish cherry is mentioned by the earliest English writers, and Langley gives a plate of it. VILLENNES. PR. CAT. Cerise de Villennes. Guindoux rouge. N. Duh. Cerisier a gros fruit rouge pale. O. Duh. Roz. This tree is one of the very largest of its class of Cherries ; the shoots are twice the size of those of the preceding variety, and its leaves are terminated by a long acute point. The fruit is eleven lines in diameter, and ten in height, borne on a strong peduncle, from ten to sixteen lines in length ; the skin is delicate, and of a light red colour ; the flesh white, succu- lent, slightly acid, and of a very pleasant flavour. This beau- tiful cherry is one of the best for the table ; and Duhamel re- marks that it ought to be preferred to all others for preserves. It ripens at the end of June or the beginning of July. PARISIAN GUINDOUX. AUTH. Guindoux de Paris. Guindoux rose. N. Duh. This tree becomes moderately large, but its branches do not preserve a handsome form ; the fruit is of the same size as the preceding, but ripens rather sooner ; the skin is of a still paler red, assimilating to a rose colour; the flesh is pleasantly sweet and excellent. CHERRIES. 141 HOLLAND GRIOTTE. PK. CAT. Cerisier de Hollande. Coulard. Duh. Griotte de Hollande. This tree is the largest of its class of cherries; it produces abundance of blossoms, but a paucity of fruit. A great part of the flowers blight, which no doubt is caused by the pistil being a great deal longer than the stamens, which prevents their fertilizing the germs with facility. It is to be regretted that the tree possesses this disadvantage, and that it should on such account be neglected, for the cherries are large and ex- cellent. The peduncle is fifteen to twenty lines in length ; the skin is of a fine red colour ; the flesh delicate, sweet, and white with a little of a reddish hue. The period of their maturity is the end of June. WILLOW LEAVED. PR. CAT. Balsamine leaved. Hinterose. Cerisier a feuillesde Saule, ou de Balsamine. Duh. Griottier de Hollande afeitille de Balsamine. Griottier dfeuilles de Pecker. Die. d'Agric. This is but a sub-variety of the preceding, characterized by its longer and narrower leaves, which are of peculiar appear- ance ; its fruit does not differ in any respect. It merits culti- vation on account of its singular foliage, but more especially because it yields fine fruit ;*the leaves sometimes change their form when the tree grows with great vigour, and in such case they resemble those of other cherries. SHORT STEM GRIOTTE. AUTH. Cerise a courte queue. Gobet. N. Duh. This tree much resembles the Early Red Griotte in its growth, its slender and drooping branches, and the dimensions and form of the leaves. Its fruit is rather above the medium size, nine lines in diameter and eight in height ; its form is spherical, flattened at the extremities, and often divided on one side by a. deep suture ; its skin is a light red, and does not become dark coloured even at its fullest maturity : the stem is CHERRIES. six to eight lines long ; the flesh possesses rather much acidity. The tree seldom produces an abundant crop, and the fruit ripens in the first part of July. EARLY RICHMOND. PR. CAT. LOXD. HORT. CAT. Early Kentish. Virginian May. This variety was brought by the father of the author from Richmond, Virginia. The tree is thrifty, and attains to the usual size of its class, being generally about 15 to 18 feet in height, with a round and well formed head, rather more spreading than elevated : a part of the branches take a some- what drooping inclination, but whether this is natural, or is caused by its great crops of fruit, I cannot decide. The fruit is of large size, nearly round, and of a beautiful red colour ; the flesh exceedingly tender, rich, juicy, of a fine flavour, and pleasant sprightly acid taste. When fully ripe, if the fingers in plucking the fruit, press only upon the flesh, it will strip off, leaving the stone and peduncle attached to the tree ; the latter is quite short, and adheres to the branch rather more strongly than is usually the case. This tree is exceedingly productive, and the fruit becomes red nearly or quite as soon as the May- duke, and being in very great estimation for tarts, &c. it commands a high price at market ; and it is said by those who cultivate the trees for that purpose, that they yield a greater profit than any other variety. KENTISH RED. PR. CAT. COXE. Late Kentish. Pie Cherry. Common Red. Kentish, of American collections. This is a variety of the Montmorency, but I have not yet been able to identify it with any of those I cultivate of that class. It is propagated in this vicinity from seeds and from suckers. The young trees spring up along the hedges, and large numbers are planted along the sides of the highway. They attain only to moderate dimensions, seldom over fifteen feet in height, with a small, round, and compact head ; the fruit is of medium size, of nearly a round form, too acid CHERRIES. 143 to be pleasant for eating, except in tarts and preserves, for which purpose it is greatly used and much esteemed. It ripens in July, about a month after the earlier varieties of cherries, and is the latest that is met with in the markets, the people who pursue the avocation of supplying them, having totally neglected to cultivate the finer late varieties. The present variety appears to be a smaller fruit than the Kentish cherry of Forsyth, which is described by him as synonymous with the short stem Montmorency. COMMON MORELLO. PR. CAT. Black Morello. Pr. Cat. 26th ed. This tree attains but moderate dimensions, and forms a round head, with innumerable small slender branches; the fruit is only of medium size, but its flavour, when fully ripe, is peculiarly sprightly, rich, and highly pleasant to the taste. It is one of the finest for drying, and also for tarts, preserves, and brandy, and when bottled may be preserved for a long period, without spirits or sugar. It attains its maturity late in July ; is seldom attacked by insects or birds, and often becomes shrivelled and dry, while still hanging on the branches. It is unfortunate that this variety is more subject than any other cherry to the attacks of the same insect which so fre- quently stings certain varieties of the plum, and which often perforates the branches of this tree to such an extent that they are covered with the numerous knots and excrescences which arise therefrom. The only remedy is to prune off all branches thus attacked at the period when the insect or its eggs are concealed therein, and to burn them immediately, for if they are left to increase annually, they present a most disagreeable appearance, and in time entirely destroy the tree. The same course may be adopted with success for all other trees attacked in a similar manner ; and if it was adopted generally through- out our country, it would in a few years nearly or quite anni- hilate this formidable depredator on our gardens and orchards. Formerly this variety of the Morello was very common in this vicinity, and frequently met with planted along the sides of 144 CHERRIES. the highway ; but the depredations of the insect referred to, and a total inattention to all remedies have rendered it at the present period quite a rare tree. LARGE MORELLO. AUTK. English Morello. Pr. cat. 26th ed. | Merella. Law. Morella. Lang. | Morello. Mil. Lond. Hort. cat. Large English Morello. Milan. Griottier du nord. Die. d'Agric. This tree attains a moderate size, with a round compact head ; its shoots are stronger than our common Morello, and the branches are never attacked by the insect which so often perforates the common variety, and causes large and numerous excrescences to be formed. The fruit is of large size, round, and of a dark red colour, almost black, and when perfectly ripe is tender and juicy, with a sprightly and pleasant acidity. In England they preserve the fruit on the trees till September and even October, and it is then highly esteemed for the dessert. It is not, however, properly speaking, a table fruit, but best suited for tarts, preserves, and cherry brandy. It ripens among the latest varieties in July, and the tree is productive. PLUMSTONE MORELLO. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. This is the largest variety of the Morello that I have yet seen, but it is stated that some of the kinds from the north of Europe exceed it in size. It is round in its diameter, some- what pointed at the extremity, and has a long stone resembling that of a plum, on account of which circumstance it received the title here adopted. When perfectly ripe the skin is of a dark red colour ; the flesh very rich and high flavoured, with a sprightly and agreeable acidity. It is a most excellent fruit for preserves, tarts, and brandy ; and as it ripens late in July, after most other cherries are past, it also serves as a pleasing appendage to the dessert. The tree is thrifty, but, like the other varieties, attains only a moderate size, being seldom over twelve or fourteen feet in height, with a round well- formed head ; it is quite productive, and I have never seen it CHERRIES. 145 attacked by the insect that depredates to such an extent on the Common Morello, which circumstance, together with its great excellence, gives it high claims to that general estimation in which it is held. SOFT STONE CHERRY. AUTII. Cerise a noyau tendre. Duh. Although several authors make mention of cherries which contain no stones, and even propose the means of having them, yet such statements may be justly deemed apocryphal. The present variety has obtained its name from a real or supposed claim to the quality its title indicates, but the peculiarity on which it is based seems rather to be doubted by some writers. Duhamel describes this fruit as being eighteen lines in diame- ter ; the peduncle very slender, and thirteen to fourteen lines in length, and the stone thin and easily broken. It is stated in the New Duhamel, that it greatly resembles the Holland Griotte, and that it is perhaps only a sub-variety of that cherry. The tree is productive, but the fruit is said to be indifferent in point of quality. GRIOTTE D' OSTHEIM. PR. CAT. Cerise d'Ostheims. Pr. Cat. 26th ed. | Griottierd'Osteims. This variety was recently introduced into our country by the author, and sufficient opportunities have not yet been afforded to fully test its merits. It is described in the Diction- naire d' Agriculture as follows : The skin is of a dark colour, and the juice is also coloured ; the flesh is sweet, with some acidity ; and it is deemed an excellent fruit. The branches of the tree are drooping, or somewhat pendent, and the leaves small. In the north of France it ripens at the end of July. LATE LARGE BLACK GRIOTTE. AUTH. Grosse Griotte noire, tardive. N D h Cerisier d gros fruit noir, tardif. \ M. Le Berriays in his Traite des Jardins, and the New Duhamel, describe this variety as follows : The tree is of mode- VOL. II. 19 146 CHERRIES. rate size, with numerous slender branches, which do not sup- port themselves well, and many of which perish when it is not pruned ; its leaves are small, finely indented and almost as acute towards the petiole as at the point ; its fruit is borne on very long peduncles, measuring from two to two and a half inches ; it is quite round at the extremity and in its diameter, but partially flattened at the base ; it is slow in gaining its full size, but will attain to a circumference of thirty-eight lines ; the skin becomes a very dark red colour, nearly black ; the flesh is red, full of very acid and bitter juice, which is some- what ameliorated at extreme maturity. It is stated that at Paris this cherry will continue on espalier trees facing the north until in October, which circumstance, joined to that of its beauty, is worthy of consideration. NORTHERN GRIOTTE. PR. CAT. Griotte du Nord. Cerise du Nord. N. Duh. Brune de Bruxelles ? This variety appears to bear great resemblance to the preceding, and perhaps it varies but little, or is not at all dif- ferent. The fruit is borne upon a peduncle one and a half to two inches long; its form is almost spherical, the diameter being eleven lines, and its height ten ; the skin and flesh are both of a dark red colour. This is a beautiful cherry, and acquires sometimes the size of a medium Green Gage plum, but it is very acid, and even somewhat bitter. There is a sub-variety, which is much more pleasant, being of more mild taste, and less austere. This fruit is yet rare in the vicinity of Paris, but is very much disseminated farther to the north. In Holland it is almost the only cherry which is extensively cultivated, and its culture is also attended with great success in Belgium. In those countries they make use of its fruit for preserves, and especially for a kind of wine, which is very pleasant, and of which the higher classes consume large quan- tities. The Dutch obtained this variety from Russia. CHERRIES. 147 RATAFIA GRIOTTE. PR. CAT. Griotte a ratafia. Cerisier a petit fruit noir. Duh. Common MorelJo ? The branches of this tree grow pretty erect, and free from irregularity. The leaves are of medium size, and well sup- ported on their petiole ; the flowers have the divisions of the calyx indented, as is the case with those of most of the seedling cherries of the Griotte class. The fruit is small, being only seven to eight lines in diameter, by six to seven in height ; its skin is thick, dark red, and almost black; the flesh is also dark red, acid and bitter at its full maturity, which it attains at Paris during the month of August. This cherry is seldom eaten, but is almost wholly used to make ratafia and cherry wine. SMALL RATAFIA GRIOTTE. AUTH. Petite Griotte a ratafia. Cerisier a tres petit fruit noir. Duh. This cherry is smaller than the preceding one ; its peduncle is longer, and often attended by a small leaflet at the base ; the skin is, like the foregoing, of a dark red colour, and its flesh has still more acidity, sharpness, and bitterness ; it is made use of for the same purposes, but is later at maturity, and at Paris does not ripen until the end of August. GERMAN MORELLO. PR. CAT. German Griotte. \ Griotte d'Allemagne. Griotte de CJiaux. Duh. The branches of this variety are long and slender, and do not support themselves well ; the leaves are broad, and its flowers take a moderate expansion; the fruit, whose peduncle measures fifteen to twenty lines in length, is eleven in diame- ter, and nearly the same in height ; its skin is brownish red, approaching a black hue, and its flesh dark red. This is a handsome cherry, and it is to be regretted that it is subject to blight, and is also too acid, and even sour, when planted in a cold and humid soil. It ripens in the first part of July. 148 CHERRIES. COMMON FRENCH GRIOTTE. AUTH. Griotte commune. Griottier. Duh. This tree is of large size, and supports its branches well ; it is very productive, and is one of the kinds most worthy of culture for the crops ; the fruit is of medium size, compressed at its base, and supported by a peduncle eighteen to twenty- four lines in length ; it is nine to ten lines in diameter, by rather more in height; the skin is shining dark red, and almost black at its extreme maturity ; the flesh is of the same colour, and both sweet and pleasant. This cherry ripens in July, and is deemed an excellent fruit. LARGE GRIOTTE. PR. CAT. Grosse Griotte. N. Duh. Le Berr. This variety resembles the preceding one, but it ripens rather sooner, and is of larger size ; the skin is delicate, black, and shining ; its flesh of a very dark red colour, firm, sweet, and of a pleasant flavour. POITOU GRIOTTE. AUTH. Griotte de Poitou. Guindoux de Poitou. N. Duh. Le Berr. This tree is described in the Traite des Jardins, and in the New Duhamel, as somewhat larger than the Villennes cherry; its branches are less numerous, but of rather larger size; its leaves are of much greater dimensions, broader, with larger and deeper indentures on their edges ; the fruit is similar in form, and of nearly the same size ; it is washed with pale red at the commencement of its maturity, but afterwards becomes of a very dark red hue, though not as blackish as the other Griottes; the flesh, which is also dark red, is tender, and replete with juice of an excellent taste; the stone is small; the stem quite large, and of medium length. It ripens at the end of June, and the tree has, like some other Griottes, the defect of producing only a small quantity of fruit, even when trained in the espalier form. CHERRIES. 149 GRIOTTE GUIGNE. DUH. Roz. Cerise-Guigne. Cerise d'Angleterre. Duh. This tree attains to a rather large size, and is very pro- ductive ; the flowers are large, disposed in umbels of three to five each, and these umbels are grouped, to the number often or fifteen, at the extremity of the branches ; the fruit is ten lines in diameter, and nine in height ; it is larger at the base than at its summit, and also partially flattened at its sides, which gives it the form of a contracted Heart cherry ; the peduncle is slender, and one and a half to two inches in length ; the skin at perfect maturity becomes dark red, but has less of a blackish hue than most of the other varieties of Griottes ; the flesh is red, sweet, and pleasant, but not very rich. This cherry ripens towards the end of June, and is one of the varieties that are most extensively cultivated in France. HEART-SHAPED GRIOTTE. AUTH. Griotte Occur. Cerise Ccsur. N. Duh. Le Berr. This tree attains to a rather large size, and its branches are of ordinary dimensions ; the leaves, which are of a thin sub- stance, finely but not deeply indented, are not well supported, in consequence of the petioles being feeble ; they are not of very large size, and the most of them are of a rhomboid form, being almost as narrow next the petiole as at the point, which is short, their greatest breadth being about the middle ; the fruit, which is more heart-shaped than any other of its class, is ten lines in diameter and nine in height, flattened at its sides ; the skin is of a brownish red, but not very dark, and the flesh red, moderately melting, and sweet, accompanied by a slight de- gree of bitterness. This cherry ripens in the earlier part of July. LARGE GUINDOLLE. AUTH. Grosse Guindolle. N. Duh. Le Berr. This tree, which is cultivated in the neighbourhood of Poi- tiers in France, has no peculiarity of appearance. Its leaves, 150 CHERRIES. which are of moderate dimensions, and broad, are pretty deeply indented, and even double toothed ; the fruit, whose stem is eighteen lines in length, and inserted in a small and slight cavity, is of large size, flattened at its extremities, and measures an inch in diameter by only nine lines in height ; its colour is a fine pale red ; the flesh is white, very melting, with abundance of sweet and rich juice. It ripens at the end of June or beginning of July. PRUSSIAN CHERRY. ATJTH. Griotte de Prusse. Cerise de Prusse. N. Duh. Le Berr. This fruit, which is borne on a slender peduncle fifteen to eighteen lines in length, is seldom more than nine lines in diameter by eight in height ; it is partially heart-shaped, and marked occasionally on one side by a suture ; its skin is dark red, approaching to black at its extreme maturity, and its flesh red, sweet, and pleasant, but less firm than that of many Griottes, and less melting than that of others. In favourable expositions this variety ripens during the earlier part of June. It is remarked in the New Duhamel, which was published in 1825, that this tree is not much disseminated in France, but that it merits to be so, on account of its abundant crops, although they are not quite equal to those produced by the Griotte-Guigne, and also because its fruit is intermediate among the varieties of its class. POPE'S CHERRY. AUTH. Cerise d'ltalie. Cerise du Pape. N. Duh. This variety, which has been cultivated of late years at Montmorency, and other parts of France, was obtained from Italy. The following description is given of it in the New Duhamel : " The leaves have no striking peculiarity ; the fruit is round, of a fine red colour, and of the largest size ; the pedun- cle is very long, and the flesh similar in quality to the Short- stem Montmorency, but has more firmness." CHERRIES. 151 This cherry does not there become fully ripe until about the 15th of July, at which period the tree presents a great singularity, which is that of still having some cherries on it entirely green, whereas the greater part of the others have acquired their full maturity. PEACH-BLOSSOMED. AUTH. Cerisier a fleur de Packer. N. Duh. This variety is in no wise remarkable, except as respects the colour of its blossoms, which, instead of being white, as is the case with other kinds, are of a rose-colour. STRIPED-LEAVED. AUTH. Cerisier a feuilles panachees. N. Duh. Griotte dfeuillcs panache'es. Die. d'Agric. This variety, as well as the preceding, is cultivated for ornament, its peculiarity consisting merely in its striped foli- age, the fruit having no particular claims to superiority or merit. DWARF DOUBLE-FLOWERING. PR. CAT. Small Double-flowering. Double-flowering Kentish. Cerisier a fleur double. N. Duh. Prunus capronianaflore pleno. Griottier tifleurs doubles. Griotte double. Prunus Cerasus flore pleno. Cerasus caproniana, multiplex. Loud. Hort. Brit. This tree is of the same species as the Kentish, Morello, and Duke cherries, and unlike the other double-flowering variety described, attains to but a moderate size, and when inoculated near the ground seldom forms more than a large shrub or very low tree. The blossoms are exceedingly double, very showy, of even greater diameter than the other variety, but the petals project less and make less display ; the blossoms often have some small leaflets intermingled with the petals, and frequently present the appearance of several flowers concentrated in one. This species is not so beautiful as the other, but as that forms a large tree and this but a shrub, the two serve to occupy very 152 CHERRIES. different locations in the garden or pleasure ground; this also has the advantage of blooming much later than the other, and scarcely begins to expand its bloom until that has faded. Duhamel describes a semi-double variety, which I have never seen nor been able to procure. Miller mentions a double- flowered cherry, but without any particulars, so that it is impossible to decide whether he referred to this variety, or to the one before described. ALL-SAINTS. PR. CAT. LOND. HDRT. CAT. Pendent flowering. Evcr-Jlowering. Weeping cherry. Cerise tardive. \ Prunus semper 'florens. Willd. Pers. synop. Cerasus semper/lor ens. N. Duh. Decand. Lond. Hort. cat. ) of most European collections, erroneously, Prunus serotzna, J faut ^ of F p ursh . Michaux> &c . Cerise de la Toussaint. Cerise de St. Martin. Cerisier a lafeuille. This variety forms naturally a tree of but medium size, with very thickly-set branches, which are slender, feeble, and par- tially pendent ; its leaves are alternate, of an oval and some- what lanceolate form, indented on their borders, and have usually a gland on each of the teeth next the petiole ; the flowers are produced on slender pendent peduncles, and are attended by bractes ; they do not begin to expand till June, and continue to bloom in succession for a long period. The appearance of the tree, with its weeping or drooping blossoms, is peculiarly striking ; in addition to which circumstance, the period of their expansion is when the other varieties of cherries are mostly at maturity. The fruit is of the size of our smallest cherries, and in taste somewhat resembles the Common Mo- rello, being acid, and not very pleasant ; the skin is firm, and of a pale colour, and the flesh white. The cherries ripen in continuation, from the month of July to a much later period, and the ripe fruit, green fruit, and flowers, may be often seen on the tree at the same time. The quantity of fruit produced is however so very small, that the tree is not of value except as a curiosity. It is a hardy variety, but requires to have a portion of the branches thinned out, or they will become too CHERRIES. 153 dense. It acquired the title adopted in consequence of its producing ripe fruit at All-Saints day. DWARF SIBERIAN. PR. CAT. Prunus chamcEcerasus. \ Cerasus chamacerasus. N. Duh. Cerisier de Siberie. This variety attains at most but three to four feet in height ; its branches are very numerous, forming a dense shrub ; the leaves are of a long-oval form, with short petioles ; the flowers have rather long peduncles, and are sometimes solitary, but most generally united in umbels of from three to five each, which are sessile and axillary ; the fruit is globular, of a bright red colour, and about the size of our smallest cherries ; the flesh is red, very acid, but not disagreeable when perfectly ripe. The flowers expand in April, and the fruit ripens about two months afterwards. It is deemed the most suitable species to furnish stocks for dwarf trees of the fine varieties, being exceedingly hardy, and requiring no particular care. It was introduced by the author about eight years since. WEEPING. PR CAT. Prunus pendula. Fern-leaved. This variety seems nearly allied to the All-Saints and Dwarf Siberian, but its branches are far more pendent than those of any other cherry. The tree is usually ingrafted at six or eight feet from the ground, when it forms a round and very compact head, which is rendered dense by the innumerable slender branches which shoot forth in every direction; this head seldom exceeds four or five feet in diameter, and from it the delicate branches weep on all sides until they trail upon the earth, thus presenting to the view a most interesting and singu- lar spectacle, highly ornamental to the pleasure-ground. The fruit is of medium size, and when fully ripe is of a pleasant acid flavour, similar to the Morello, and ripens about the same time. Two trees imported from London, one under the name of Fern-leaved, and the other under that of Prunus pendula, have proved to be the present variety. VOL. II. 20 154 CHERRIES. EUROPEAN BIRD CHERRY. PR. CAT. Prunus padus. Lin. Willd. Pers. synop. &c. Cerasus padus. Duh. Decandolle. | Prunus avium. Mil. This tree attains to a height of nine to ten feet, or twelve at most; the leaves are alternate, and of an oval-lanceolate form ; the flowers are white, disposed in long clusters, or racemes, which are somewhat pendent, and being very numerous, they render the tree highly ornamental at the flowering season ; the fruit is round, red, or black, according to the variety, and similar in size and appearance to our common Bird cherry, (P. Virginiana,) which it resembles in quality, and is there- fore suitable for the same purpose, which is that of making what is called cherry-bounce, or cherry-brandy. The birds are equally as fond of the fruit as of our native species, and the tree is so hardy that it is said to flourish in Sweden and in Kamschatka. There are several varieties, which vary in the colour of the fruit, and in other respects ; one of these has gold-striped, and another silver-striped leaves. DAVENPORT. PH. CAT. Davenport's New Mayduke. New Mayduke. American Red Heart. This fruit is of the same colour as the Black Heart, and of pleasant flavour. The tree is said not to attain to so great a size as that variety; the body and limbs are apt to have swellings or excrescences on them, and the bark, on young shoots, is covered with small white specks. Mr.Davenport states that the fruit ripens two weeks before the Black Heart, which it equals in size and quality, and that it is less subject to rot in wet weather. If the tree sent to me under this title be correct, it belongs to the class of Heart cherries. DOWNER'S LATE RED. PK. CAT. This tree grows vigorously, and belongs to the class of Heart cherries, as its growth evidently indicates. The fruit is red, of good size, and fine flavour. It is one of the late varieties in point of maturity, and much esteemed as a market fruit. The tree is very productive. ALMONDS. LARGE-FRUITED. AUTH. Amandicr a gros fruits. N. Duh. | Jordan ? THIS variety is remarkable for the size, sweetness, and firmness of its almonds, and is said by Duhamel to merit culti- vation more than any other. The leaves are at least a third larger than those of the wild or common almond, and acumi- nate at their extremities ; the shoots are large and vigorous ; the flowers are large; the petals very much hollowed at their summits, and more or less undulated on their edges; the drupe is covered with a pretty thick skin ; the shell is rather hard, and the almond large and of excellent taste ; the peduncle is very short and thick, and inserted obliquely in the fruit. SMALL-FRUITED. AUTH. Amandier a petits fruits. N. Duh. | Common Almond. This differs from the preceding in the size of its fruit, being smaller, more or less oblong, covered with a whitish green skin, which is coated with thick down. The stone terminates in an acute point, and the almond it encloses is sweet, and of a very pleasant taste ; the leaves are narrow and oblong ; the petals are very broad, and somewhat furrowed, and there are sometimes as many as six of them to one flower. This almond, which is the most common in the French gardens, produces quite good crops. There is another variety, that has white blossoms, but with whose fruit I am unacquainted. 156 ALMONDS. LADIES' THIN-SHELL. PR. CAT. Amandier des Dames. N. Duh. This variety is principally characterized by the shell, which is far more tender, and is easily broken between the fingers ; the almond enclosed in it is sweet and very delicate ; the leaves are only of moderate size, supported by large petioles ; the flowers are of medium dimensions, the petals but half as broad as they are long, rather deeply hollowed at the summit, of a lively red at the base, and sometimes entirely red on the outside, and white within. This tree blossoms later than the other kinds, and its first leaves expand at the same time as the flowers, whereas the other varieties expand their flowers before the development of their leaves ; the stone is formed, like that of other almonds of two parallel coverings, the interior one of which is thin and rather hard, and the exterior one thicker, but so easily broken that when transported to a considerable distance the friction of the almonds against one another reduces it to powder ; it does not attain its formation until a long time after the interior covering, so that if about the middle of August the skin of the fruit be taken off, it will be found scarcely apparent, and will detach itself with the enve- lope ; and it is this backwardness in its formation which prevents it from becoming hard. This is one of the varieties that most deserve to be cultivated, although Duhamel men- tions that in France its flowers are a little subject to be blighted. The same author also states that old trees some- times produce almonds with a rather hard shell, but far less so than those of the common almonds. SULTAN. PR. CAT. Sweet Sultan. Pr. cat., 26th ed. | Amandier Sultane. N. Duh. The principal difference between this and the Ladies' almond, consists in the size of the fruit, which is smaller in the present case. This variety is common in Provence, where ALMONDS. 157 they also greatly estimate another kind of almond, which I will proceed next to describe. PISTACHIA ALMOND. PR. CAT. Amande Pistache. N. Duh. This is nearly of the same size and form as a Pistachia nut, and is therefore still smaller than the Sultan almond. The stone terminates in a point, and the shell is very tender ; the almond is firm, and of good taste. The tree differs only from other almonds by the small size of its fruit and leaves. GREAT FRUITED. PR. CAT. Large fruited. Pr. cat. 26 ed. Amygdalus macrocarpa, of English collections. A variety of the almond has been recently brought into particular notice in England under the botanic title quoted above, and was imported by the author under the impression of its being a novel acquisition ; but on examination it has proved to be one of the fine varieties which his father has cul- tivated at Flushing for more than thirty years. The tree is of more vigorous growth than most other almonds ; the bark is of a yellowish brown colour, and the growth quite peculiar on account of the young branches often taking an undulating form, similar to that of the Tobacco leaved cherry, which pro- bably arises from their very rapid growth, without a propor- tionate increase of strength. The leaves are larger, and the whole tree presents a much more thriving appearance than the Ladies or Sultan almonds, and is also much more hardy. It is the only one of the sweet soft-shell varieties that has ripened its fruit well in this vicinity, as they do not generally succeed in this respect to the north of the Potowmac, and even the present one only attains its perfection in our most favourable seasons. The late Dr. Bard, of Hyde Park, had a fine crop from a tree growing on his grounds, and he described the fruit as extremely large and of the finest quality. This is the far- thest to the north that perfect fruit has yet been produced, and 158 ALMONDS. it must be attributed to a most advantageous location, or to a very favourable season. As the almond can, however, be culti- vated very profitably in Virginia, it is probable that but few years will elapse ere extensive orchards are planted in that state for supplying our citizens with a fruit which is now im- ported in such great quantities. COMMON BITTER HARDSHELL. PR. CAT. This tree has leaves of greater length and of a darker green than most of the sweet fruited varieties ; the flowers are also of much larger size, and make a greater show when the tree is in bloom, which takes place before the blossoms of peach trees have expanded, and about the same period as the Apricot. The drupe is oblong, and terminates in a long acute point. The tree is very productive, and the fruit ripens regularly in the gardens of this vicinity. There is quite an extensive consumption of this fruit in the confectionary establishments of our cities. LARGE BITTER HARDSHELL. PK. CAT. Grosse Cassante. The fruit of this variety bears considerable resemblance to the preceding, and so does the growth of the tree ; but on a close comparison of the latter, it will be perceived to be differ- ent ; the leaves are long, and the flowers of large size and showy ; the fruit, like the foregoing one, has a hard shell and a bitter kernel, as its name indicates. SMALL BITTER ALMOND. AUTH. Duhamel states that this variety has much smaller fruit than the one previously described, it being but an inch in length, and seven lines in diameter. The flowers also distin- guish it ; they are seventeen to eighteen lines in breadth, and the petals are very narrow in proportion to their length, the latter measuring eight and a half lines, while their width is but five and a half; they are deeply cleft, and slightly tinged with red at the base. ALMONDS. 159 BITTER SOFTSHELL. Auxir. Amandier a noyau tendre et amande amere. This variety, Duhamel remarks, differs only from the La- dies' almond in respect to its taste and its flowers, the latter of which are fourteen to fifteen lines in diameter, and more re- semble those of the Common almond than the Ladie's almond, but expand at the same period as those of the latter variety. PEACH ALMOND. PR. CAT. LOND. HURT. CAT. Amandier Pecker. N. Duh. There is nothing that more strikingly proves the great affinity of the almond and the peach than this variety. It partakes both of the Common almond and the peach, but generally rather more of the former than the latter. The fruit is sometimes covered with a dry and thin skin similar to that of almonds generally, and other times with a thick and succulent pulp resembling that of the peach, but of a bitterish taste. It often happens that these two kinds of fruit are pro- duced on the same tree, and sometimes upon the same branch ; they are in both cases large, round or somewhat oblong, greenish, slightly downy, and enclose a large stone which is almost smooth, and contains a sweet almond. This variety appears to be one of those hybrids, which, according to Du- hamel, are produced by an almond when its flower has been fertilized by the pollen of a peach-blossom. M. Bernard thinks that ingrafting may have had great influence in pro- ducing this peculiar variety, and founds his opinions upon the statement of Dr. Beal in the Transactions Philosophises ; but this opinion of M. Bernard will, to say the least of it, admit of much argument, and my present opinion is decidedly adverse to his position. The tree is of strong and vigorous growth ; its leaves are smooth and narrow, and finely indented on their edges ; being intermediate in their form between those of the peach and the almond. The blossoms are white, washed with red, rather large, and partially hollowed at their summit. 160 ALMONDS. SILVERY ORIENTAL. PR. CAT. Amygdalus argentea. N. Duh. Amygdalus orient cdis. This is a distinct species, and is cultivated only for orna- ment. It is a handsome shrub, or small tree, and attains to the height of eight to ten feet ; its limbs spread in every di- rection, from which spring numerous slender, supple branches, most of them inclined or bent, and which are covered with a whitish pubescence ; the leaves are not closely set, but scat- tered over the branches ; they have petioles, and are reflexed, of a long-oval form, with very entire edges, white and downy on both sides, shining and almost of a silvery hue, partially acute at the extremity, and contracted at the base ; they are about an inch in length by half an inch in breadth, and do not fall off until very late in the season. The flowers expand during the first fine days of spring, a short time before the appearance of the leaves, and are small, of a delicate rose- colour, ranged along the branches on short petioles, either singly or two or three together ; the fruit is small, somewhat oval, terminating in a long sharp point. This species is a native of the Levant, and grows in the vicinity of Aleppo. Its appearance is particularly ornamental to the pleasure ground in the spring on account of its flowers, and in au- tumn its foliage is so from its long continuance. This shrub will not bear our winters much farther north than New- York. DWARF SINGLE FLOWERING. PR. CAT. Amygdalus nana. N. Duh. Lin. Mil., &c. This is a small and very ornamental shrub, with running roots ; the body is slender, with many small branches, and from one to two feet in height ; the leaves have petioles, and are alternate, lanceolate, almost linear, green, palest on the under side, and glabrous on both, finely indented, three to four inches in length by four to six lines in breadth, and some- what decurrent on the petiole. The flowers are numerous, ALMONDS. 161 almost sessile, solitary, or sometimes by pairs, of a fine bright red, or of a deep rose colour. The fruit is small, oval, some- what rounded ; the skin is covered with thick down, and con- tains an almost smooth stone ; the kernel or almond is small, and of a bitterish taste. This shrub, though naturally so very dwarf, can be elevated to a standard by inoculation on a tali stock of some other species. The present, as well as the preceding species, was introduced to our country by the author a few years since. DWARF DOUBLE FLOWERING. PR.CAT. Double dwarf Almond. Amygdalus pumila. Lin. Prunus sinensis. Desf. Prunus sinensis pleno. This most beautiful ornamental shrub attains to the height of two to two and half feet, and is not surpassed by any other in the profusion, beauty, and brilliancy of its rose-coloured blos- soms, which are produced in wreaths on the whole length of its slender branches. It throws up numerous suckers, by which it is readily increased, and by being budded on a high stock of some other species, it may be converted into a standard ; but its appearance is much the most pleasing in its natural dwarf state. It does not produce any fruit. No garden should be without this interesting shrub. LARGE DOUBLE FLOWERING. PR. CAT. Amygdalus communis, pleno. This tree was introduced to our country by the father of the author, about nine years ago, and was by him sent to England, and it is not, even to the present day, to be met with in the catalogues of the English nurseries. The growth is the strongest and most vigorous of all almonds ; and there are few peach trees that surpass or even equal it in this respect. The blossoms are very large, of a delicate rose colour, and highly ornamental, affording a brilliant display early in the Spring. The leaves bear some affinity to those of the bitter VOL. II. 21 162 ALMONDS. almond ; but the whole appearance of the tree is strikingly distinct from every variety of the almond and the peach. It is very hardy, which renders it still more valuable. There are many other fine varieties of almonds. Among those with sweet fruit are the following, which are much cultivated in Provence, in France : Amande a flots, Balotte, Aberame douce, Farisienne, Materonne, Marseilles, De la race, Grosse verte, Round fruited, Boutiere, &c. ; also the Aberame-demi- amere or Half-bitter almond, which is cultivated in Provence for its fruit, and the Striped leaved, Caucasian, and Silvery Oriental, which are cultivated in gardens for ornament only. FILBERTS AND HAZELNUTS. LARGE SPANISH. PR. CAT. Barcelona nut. THIS variety of the filbert grows with exceeding vigour, and forms a large shrub or small tree, rising to the height of twelve to fifteen feet or more. It is exceedingly productive, and one tree, that has been kept as a specimen by the father of the author, has produced half a bushel of nuts in a single season. These nuts are of the same kind as those that are imported in large quantities and sold in our markets, being of large size and of excellent quality. They command a high price ; and if some of our intelligent farmersw ould plant hedges of this tree, and of the English White-skin and Red- skin filberts, they would find themselves greatly remunerated by the produce. FILBERTS AND HAZELNUTS. 163 FK1/ZLED. PK. CAT. POM. m Frizzled nut. 1 The following; description is extracted from the Pomological Magazine : " Of all the nut tribe, this is among those most deserv- ing" cultivation, whether we consider its hardiness, beauty when in the husk, or abundant produce. In flavour it is not materially different from the White filbert. It originated in a garden at Hoveton, near Norwich, where it is well known for its annual crops, when all the bushes near it are almost desti- tute of fruit. It has been, within a few years, extensively disseminated, and is now far from uncommon. Its name is derived from the singular appearance of the husk or involu- crum. The branches are spreading ; the clusters of fruit usually in threes or fives, fometimes more ; the involucrum much and deeply divided, spreading open at the mouth, large, extending twice the length of the nut; the nut rather small, oblong, and flattened ; shell of moderate thickness, filled with the kernel, which is of good flavour ; ripens rather late." COSFORD NUT, POM. MAG. LOND. IIORT. CAT. In regard to this variety the Pomological Manual makes the following remarks : " It highly deserves cultivation, being a great bearer, and having a remarkably thin shell, both of which qualities entitle it to attention. The tree grows vigorously, and the branches upright ; the involucrum is nearly the length of the nut, slightly hispid at the base. When the nut is ripe, which hap- pe^ early, the involucrum expands, but is not reflexed ; its segments are deeply divided. The nut is large, oblong, cylindrical at the base, rather broader and slightly compressed towards the apex, with stripes of dark and light brown, of which the former are the narrower ; the shell thin, and break- ing easily ; kernel white, filling the shell, sweet, and of excel- lent flavour. 164 RASPBERRIES. There are many other fine varieties cf this fruit ; among these are the Red-skin, White-skin, and Prolific filberts, which are very extensively cultivated in Englang^^d highly esteem- ed ; also the Clustered filbert, the TH bates* or Lambert's nut, the Constantinople nut, which forms a large tree, and several others of less note, or more recently brought into notice. Of the hazelnut there are several specie*, producing excel- lent fruit ; but as the nuts are of much less size than the filbert, they are but little cultivated. The best are the Common hazelnut, the Cuckold nut, and the English hazelnut. RASPBERRIES. RED ANTWERP. Pu. GAT. POM. .IAG. LOND. MOKT. CAT. Large Rc& Antwerp. For. THIS variety is held in the highest esteem, and is much cultivated in the gardens of select fruits in this vicinity, and in many other parts of our country. In frequent instances, however, varieties altogether different and very inferior are called by the title belonging to this, r. circumstance that leads to incorrect impressions, and to disappointments. In Europe it is much cultivated for the market, and is deemed one of the most profitable by the growers, on account of its abun- dant produce, its early ripening, and its bearing carriage well. As yet, but small quantities have found their way to the ptffilic markets of our own country; and it is a matter of surprise, that none of our intelligent cultivators have formed plantations of so excellent a fruit, as it could not fail to readily command a much higher price than the kinds they at present cultivate for the market. RASPPT:RRIES. 165 The Pomological Magazine gives the following very correct description of this valuable variety : " Canes strong and long, yellowish green, slightly glaucous, occasionally tinged with purple, covered below with dark brown bristles, which de- crease in quantity, upwards : early in the autumn the canes change colour and become entirely brown sooner than those of most others ; bearing wood vigorous and nearly smooth ; leaves large, slightly rugose, plaited, irregularly serrated, dark gren ; clusters large ; fruit large, conical, dull red ; grains middle-sized ; flavour rich and sweet." "In situations where the plants grow with much vigour, a crop is sometimes produced in the autumn on the shoots of the year ; this is however at all times but a scanty one, and too small to entitle the kind to the name of a double bearing variety." YELLOW ANTWERP. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. White Antwerp. Large Yellow Antwerp. For. This fruit is of large size, and of the same form as the red variety. It is in high repute for its excellence and delicate flavour, and merits general cultivation. The canes differ from the preceding, in being of a much lighter colour, and the bristles or spines on the young shoots are of a similar hue. BARNET. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. LOND. HORT. CAT. Cornwall's Prolific. Cornwall's Seedling. This variety, which b^ars a considerable resemblance to the Red Antwerp, is distinguished from it by its canes being much inclined to branch, and the prickles being long, slender, and reddish. It is very productive, and one of the earliest in ripening, but from its not bearing carriage well, it is not culti- vated even in Europe for the supply of the markets ; its excel- lence however, renders it one of the most desirable for family gardens. This superior variety is said to have been raised from seed by a person named Cornwall, at Barnet in Hert- fordshire, England, from which circumstance it has obtained RASPBERRIES. its different titles. The London Pomological Magazine describes it thus : " Canes long, yellowish green, frequently tinged with purple, and branching towards the ground ; they are thickly covered with slender bristles, which become stronger towards the upper extremity, and assume a dull brown colour early in the autumn; bearing wood strong and nearly smooth ; leaves large, rugose, slightly plaited, and irregularly serrated ; clusters large ; fruit of a greater size than in any variety except the Re^Antwerp, globular, inclining to conical, of a bright deep transparent purplish red ; grains large ; flavour extremely rich and plea- sant, without much acidity." In some seasons this variety produces a second crop of fruit, which ripens in August. COMMON RED. PR. CAT. Rubus americanus. Pr. Cat. English Red. "w ' This variety is a native of our state, and grows naturally in the Catskill mountains, but notwithstanding this fact, it is very frequently denominated English Red. The shoots are of a dark red hue, and grow to a great length, often attaining to ten or twelve feet, and even more. On the shoots of the same year the spines at and near the base are of a purplish colour, and those on the upper part, greenish with brown or purplish barbs or points. The fruit is one of the earliest at maturity, of medium size, fine flavour, and held in great esti- mation, as well for the dessert as for making cherry brandy, &tc. Indeed this is the only variety at present cultivated to a great extent for the supply of the New-York market, and there are probably near one hundred acres of land on Long Island appropriated to its culture. The plants do not throw up suckers during the summer season as most other varieties do, but in the spring, young plants shoot up in-great numbers, from the small roots on all sides of the main stock. The American Black raspberry, or Black-cap, as it is commonly denominated, forms long shoots in the same manner as the foregoing; but 16? has much stronger spines, and is altogether a more rustic plant; the fruit is of peculiar flavour, and esteemed by many persons. The American White, resembles the black in the growth of the plant and in the form of the fruit, but the latter as well as the canes are of a pale yellow or straw colour. BRENTFORD RED. PR. CAT. The fruit of this variety is of excellent quality, and possesses a high flavour, when at full maturity; it is of a rather oval form, of good size, and dark red colour. The plants are pro- ductive, and the berries ripen in continuation for a considera- ble period. The canes are set with purplish spines; those on the new shoots when they first come out of the ground, are of a reddish colour, but they afterwards attain a purplish hue. (In all the descriptions I have given of the canes, colour of spines, &c. of the different varieties, I refer to the shoots of the same year, and to their appearance during the summer season.) This variety often produces a second crop in Au- gust. VIRGINIA RED. PR. CAT. Rubus strigosus. Pursh. Rubus coccineus. The fruit of this species is round, or a little inclining to an oval form, of larger size than the Common Red, and of good flavour. The canes rise to the height of four or five feet or more, and in favourable locations produce good crops. PENNSYLVANIAN. PR. CAT. Rubus pennsylvanicus. The canes of this variety are of peculiar appearance, and the young shoots are set with red hairs, which extend from the base to the extremity. The fruit is of a very dark red colour when at maturity, its form rather oval, and its flavour indif- ferent. The plants are very productive, the berries are pro- duced in numerous clusters, and ripen in succession. An after crop is frequently produced even as late as the month of 108 RASPBERRIES. October. I obtained this variety from a London nursery, under the title of Rubus pennsylvanicus, but have since found it to be identical with plants received from the forests of the State of Maine. CANADA RED. PR. CAI. Rubus canadensis. Pr. Cat. This fruit is of medium size, being about as large as the Common Red, to which in point of quality it assimilates more nearly than to any other. It possesses a high and rather peculiar flavour. The canes are very thickly set with brown- ish spines, which extend from their base to the extremities. I first noticed this variety growing along the road sides, a few miles from Montreal, where the plants are to be met with in great abundance. The fruit is collected from them by the country people, and large quantities sold in the markets. TALL RED CANE. PR. CAT. This variety produces good crops ; the fruit is of a round form, of good size and quality, but not of a high flavour; the berries detach themselves so easily from the hull when fully ripe, that if not gathered in time, very many of them fall to the ground. The canes are covered at the base and the ex- tremities with numerous fine spines or hairs, but these are much more sparsely set on the intermediate portion of the shoots. SHORT-JOINTED CANE. PH. (AT. The canes of this variety are almost spineless, and are pe- culiar on that account, as well as for the closeness of the joints. There arc a few small spines on the peduncles and on the mid- rib of each leaf. The fruit i* of a pleasant taste, rather larger than the Common Red, but not quite equal in size to the kind last described, though it is superior to it in flavour. The ber- ries part very easily from the hull when they have attained their full maturity. This and the preceding variety are later in ripening than the Common Red, and produce good crops. RASPBERRIES. 169 CRETAN RED. PB. CAT. Rubus creticus. This variety, the Alpine, and the Flesh-colored raspberries are of quite recent introduction to our country, and appear to belong to the same species. The plants are readily distin- guishable from other varieties ; they, however, bear much affinity to the Antwerp class in their foliage, but their canes have a much less number of spines. The fruit is of good size, and of a very high and peculiar flavour : it is produced during several successive months, usually ripening from June to September. I obtained the three varieties above referred to from the Mediterranean. PROLIFIC RED. PR. CAT. This variety is of more dwarf stature than most others ; the canes are slender, and set with small spines, which are rather numerous, even at their extremities. The fruit is of good size and quality, and a second crop is usually produced in the month of August. There are many other valuable varieties that merit culture, among which are the Double bearing Red, Double bearing Yellow, Old English Red, Old English Yellow, Brentford Cane, Twice bearing, &c. The Canada Purple flowering, the Large White flowering, and the Rubus spectabilis, are cultivated for their flowers only, their fruit being of little or no value. VOL. ii. STRAWBERRIES. KEENS' SEEDLING. PB. CAT. POM. MAG. LOND. HOEI . TRANS. Keens 1 New Pine. > ~ Keens' Black Pine, j of some c IIect ' ons - THIS variety was raised from the seed of Keens' Imperial, thus affording a proof that like produces like in the vegetable kingdom, and that the seeds of a fine variety will most proba- bly produce fine varieties ; but my own opinion in relation to this point is that one parent at least should be of such character. The great merits of this strawberry are, that the fruit is very large, very good, and that it is a very prolific bearer ; it also carries well, and bears its fruit high enough above the earth to keep it free from the soil, and it is one of the most vigorous varieties. Its leaves are broad and dark green, and the heal- thiness of its appearance is scarcely equalled by any of its class, except the Old Pine, and if this be inferior to that in flavour, it is much more than equal to it in size and produc- tiveness. The following description of it is given in the London Horticultural Society's Transactions : " A most excellent bearer, ripening early, soon after the Scarlets, and before any other of the Pines ; the fruit is very large, round or ovate, some of the largest assuming a cocks- comb shape ; when ripe of a very dark purplish scarlet next the sun, the other side paler, slightly hairy ; seeds (grains) a little embedded in the polished surface of the fruit, which has usually a furrow at the apex; the flesh is firm, solid, scarlet, without any separable core, tolerably high flavoured ; calyx is of moderate size, hairy, incurved ; the footstalks of the leaves are tall, slightly hairy ; the leaflets very large, roundish, for the most part flat, reclined, of a very smooth shining dark STRAWBERRIES. 171 green, with coarse serratures, which are large and rounded ; the runners are small, numerous, greenish yellow, and slightly hairy; the scapes are of moderate length, sometimes very short, branched, with short weak clustered peduncles middle- sized, opening early." BLACK HAUTBOIS. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. LIKD. New Hautbois. The appearance of this plant is much the same as the other varieties of its class ; its growth is quite strong, and indicative of health and vigour ; the fruit is oblong and pointed some- what obtusely ; it is a profuse bearer, and one of the best of its class for a market fruit. KNIGHT'S NARROW LEAVED SCARLET. PR. CAT. Knight's No. 14. The fruit of this variety greatly resembles the old Pineapple strawberry, in flavour, form, and manner of growth, and the plants also assimilate in their proportionate produce ; the ber- ries are rather compressed or flattened, and are rounded at the extremity ; they generally trail near the earth, and may, in point of flavour and excellence, be ranked among the best. PROLIFIC HAUTBOIS. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. Prolific, or Conical Hautbois. Lond. Hort. cat. Double Bearing. Hermaphrodite. Spring Grove. The following remarks relative to this exceedingly valuable variety are contained in the Pomological Magazine, and I find tjiem to agree precisely with my own views, and with my own notes made on the same subject : " It is a common observation that good Hautbois strawber- ries are nearly lost. This position is not correct. The Haut- bois, which has male flowers on one plant and female on another, is frequently found in our gardens, and as the sterile plants of it are more vigorous than the fertile ones, the unpro- 172 STRAWBERRIES. ductive runners become in time more numerous, and gain the ascendency, and then the whole are considered as being de- teriorated. This variety having perfect stamens in all its flowers, is consequently not liable to the inconvenience above mentioned, and it is very productive of fruit. It frequently in good seasons yields a second crop in autumn, the berries of which are much larger than those of its regular produce, but they are not very numerous. It is the best Hautbois we possess, and was first described under the name of Prolific or Conical Hautbois, being distinguished, by the latter appellation, from the Flat Hautbois, which is also very prolific. It may be cultivated in good garden soil, in an open situation, and will continue to produce well for many years, even if not removed. Leaves light green; footstalks long, hairy; leaflets middle sized, oblong, with coarse serratures ; hairy. Scapes long, raising the flowers above the leaves, with branched peduncles; calyx small, reflexed ; petals broad, at first imbricated, after- wards folded together ; stamens strong, higher than the stig- mas, remaining after the fruit ripens ; anthers perfect. Fruit large, conical, dark dull purple, grains slightly imbedded ; flesh solid, greenish, high flavoured, and musky." SWEET CONE. POM. MAG. LOND. HORT. TRANS. This variety was raised by Mr. Knight in 1817, from a seed of the Old Pine, impregnated by the Old Black, thus com- bining the qualities of the two best flavoured varieties then existing in the English gardens. Its greatest aflinity is to the male parent, and it has consequently been placed by the Lon- don Horticultural Society in the class of Black Strawberries. It is a moderate bearer, but produces fruit more abundantly in a shaded and moist situation than when exposed to much sun. It is hardier than the Old Black variety, and the plants grow bushy and produce few runners. This deficiency is however frequently supplied by the first scapes forming young plants, which when put into the ground emit roots. The leaves are yellowish green, footstalks erect and slightly hairy ; STRAWBERRIES. 173 leaflets small, oval, coarsely serrated, convex, their upper sur- fin very slightly hairy, scapes as long as the leaf stalk, up- right, partially pubescent, with short pedicles j calyx large, reflexed ; petals rather large, obovate ; stamens of moderate length, with perfect anthers ; fruit of good size, with a neck, a lengthened cone in shape, bright shining scarlet ; grains prominent; flesh firm, red, very rich and high flavoured. ROSEBERRY. PK. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. LIND. Rose Strawberry. Scotch Scarlet. This is a very high flavoured and productive variety ; the fruit has a neck and separates readily from the hull; its form is oblong and pointed; the plant is not of tall growth, and the berries are of medium size. It is very extensively cultivated near London, for the supply of the markets of that city, and is also deemed one of the best for forcing during the winter. OLD PINE, OR CAROLINA. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. LOND. HORT. CAT. LINO. This strawberry, although but a tolerable bearer, has been long held in estimation ; and a fact which goes to prove its extensive dissemination in Europe, is, that there are twenty- one synonymous titles quoted for it in the catalogue of the London Horticultural Society. It is claimed in the Pomolo- gical Magazine to be of British origin, and mention is there made that it is not found in the gardens of France, being dis- tinct from the Frasier Ananas of the French writers. The following description I extract from the same publication : " Its merit and value are universally admitted, and amidst the diversity of opinions which must exist as to which is the best strawberry known, there can be no doubt that this will always receive the greatest number of suffrages to its supe- riority. In many situations it bears abundantly, in most well, and continues to produce on old beds for several years. It forces well under strong heat. Leaves very deep green ; foot- tnlks long and upright; leaflets small, roundish, with rounded 174 STRAWBERRIES. serratures, upper surface nearly smooth ; scapes shorter than the footstalks, upright, stiff, with long branching peduncles ; calyx large, spreading ; petals large, much imbricated ; sta- mens moderately long ; anthers perfect ; fruit large, ovate- conical, sometimes cockscombed, of a rich bright scarlet ; grains slightly imbedded ; flesh pale scarlet, rich and juicy, with a very grateful flavour." FRENCH MUSK HAUTBOIS. PR. CAT. This fruit is more round or globular than most of the other Hautbois varieties I have seen ; it is very dark when fully ripe, being of a blackish purple colour. The plants are exceedingly productive, and yield some fruit after the regular crop is past, and flowers may even be here and there seen, when the main crop is at perfect maturity. The flavour is high and musky, and the fruit is much esteemed by those who are partial to this class of strawberries. DOWNTON. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. LOND. HORT. CAT. This strawberry comes into bearing about eight or ten days later than the other varieties most cultivated, and is particularly valuable on that account. The plants are distinguishable by their foliage, which is of a pale green hue. This is a tolerably productive sort, and the fruit when fully ripened is of excellent quality, possessing a highly aromatic flavour. Some of the berries are cockscomb shaped, but the greater part are ovate, and have a neck. The preserves and jam made from this kind are excellent. For the acquisition of this variety, the world is indebted to Mr. Knight, who originated it from seeds of a large Scarlet strawberry, at present little valued, after having im- pregnated it with the Old Black. Its male parent, although of a superior flavour, is very little cultivated, as it seldom flourishes or produces well. The Pomological Magazine describes the Downton strawberry thus : " Leaves pale green, footstalks very long ; leaflets of thin texture, moderate size, with large coarse serratures ; scapes very long, stifl", and STRAWBERRIES. 175 upright, with short crowded peduncles ; calyx large, greatly incurved, sometimes spreading, or slightly reflexed ; petals oval, tapering to the claw ; stamens moderately long ; anthers perfect. Fruit rather large ; when fully ripe, a dark purplish scarlet ; grains but little imbedded ; flesh scarlet, firm. SOUTHBOROUGH SEEDLING. PR. CAT. The fruit of this variety is of the very largest size, and it ripens gradually, some portion being much later than others. The growth is remarkably upright, and of the most vigorous character ; the leaves are very large, supported on long and strong petioles; the fruit stems are also very large and strong, elevating the berries much more than is usually the case, which from these causes seldom or never touch the earth. In point of shape the fruit resembles the Hudson, but is of larger size. GROVE.END SCARLET. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. LIJSD. Atkinson's Scarlet. Wilmot's Early Scarlet. Early Scarlet. This valuable strawberry I have had under cultivation for several years, and find it to realize all my anticipations. It does not attain a size equal to many of the other varieties, but in abundant produce it can scarcely be exceeded. It has sup- plied the market of London with forced fruit for several years past, under the name of Early Scarlet. The following de- scriptive remarks are extracted from the Pomological Maga- zine : " This excellent variety was raised from seed, in the garden of William Atkinson, Esq. at Grove-End, near Paddington, in 1820, and was exhibited to the London Horticultural So- ciety in 1822. It is now to be found in most gardens where choice fruit is cultivated." As a variety of the class of Scarlet strawberries, it possesses peculiar merit ; it is a most productive bearer ; the fruit is supported stiffly above the earth ; it forces as well as, if not better than, any other sort ; bears carriage securely ; is remarkably handsome, and though slightly acid, is very 176 STRAWBERRIES. well flavoured. Footstalks long and nearly smooth ; h ; small, oblong-, very deeply and sharply serrated, of a light clear green colour, and slightly hairy on the upper side ; scapes shorter than the footstalks, peduncles lorrg, elevating the fruit clear of the leaves ; calyx large and reflexed ; petals unusually large, with a marked tendency to exceed the usual number five, having frequently eight or nine; filaments strong ; anthers perfect; fruit large for a Scarlet strawberry, of a flat- tened spherical figure, and a bright vermilion colour ; grains 'deeply sunken, with the intervals between them flattened; flesh pale red, and firm. This is a genuine variety of our native Scarlet strawberry, Fragariavirginica, and nearly approaches it in foliage, &c. NAIRN'S SCARLET. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. LIIXD. This strawberry, judging by the foliage, is evidently of the same class as the old Hudson variety ; the fruit is also about the same size, but much less pointed ; and although this kind bears well, it does not equal that variety in abundance. KEEN'S IMPERIAL. PR. CAT. LOKD. HORT. TRANS. Keens' Black: Keens' Black Pine. The fruit of this plant is large and rounded at the extremity, but with somewhat of a point. Its growth and general ap- pearance denote its alliance to the Pineapple class of straw- berries. It was originated by Michael Keens, an intelligent cultivator of fruits, living near London. BLACK ROSEBERRY. POM. MAG. LOXD. HORT. CAT. The present variety is figured in the Pomological Maga- zine, whence I extract the following description : " This is a singular fruit in its appearance, and peculiar in its character and flavour. It was obtained by the London Horticultural Society from the garden of John Williams, Esq. of Pitmaston, under the name of Black round-fruited Rose- berry, having been raised from the Common Roseberry, im- pregnated by the pollen of the Early Pitmaston Black, from STRAWBERRIES. 177 which it derives the remarkable dark colour of its skin. It may be cultivated in any good garden exposed to the sun, and is a tolerable bearer, ripening about the middle of the season of the Scarlets, to which class it belongs. Leaves dark green ; footstalks of moderate length, slightly hairy ; leaflets middle-sized, roundish, with obtuse and wide serra- tures, the upper surface hairy ; scapes short, with long and numerous spreading peduncles ; calyx small, incurved ; petals roundish, small, somewhat tinged with pink ; stamens of mid- dling length; anthers perfect; fit. nf good size, bluntly coni- cal, dark purplish red and shining ; grains slightly sunken, with the intervals between them flattened ; flesh dark red next the outside, solid, buttery, and juicy, with a very excellent flavour, differing much from other strawberries." LONG CONICAL WOOD. PR. CAT. Raspberry favoured. This variety I raised about three years since, from seeds received from Paris, under the title of Raspberry flavoured strawberry ; it differs from the other kinds in my collection, the fruit being of a very long conical form. It produces well, and I have noticed that some of the plants have blossoms on them when the main crop is fully ripe. NEW HUDSON. PR. CAT. This strawberry was raised from seed about eight years since, in a garden near New- York. The fruit is large, being about the same size as the old Hudson, from which it probably originate I, but it is more rounded and less pointed at the ex- tremity ; the fruit stems are also mere upright, and seldom fall down and settle near the earth, as is often the case with that variety : on the other hand, it is not so great a bearer, and consequently less valuable. LARGE EARLY SCARLET. PR. CAT. The fruit of this variety is quite large, being of the size and form of the Hudson, from the seed of which it is supposed to VOL. ii. 23 178 STRAWBERRIES. have originated in a garden of this vicinity. The great ad- vantage it claims over its parent, which is one of the largest, finest, and most productive market strawberries, is that it ripens a week to ten days earlier than that variety a circum- stance of great import in regard to the value of a fruit at market. It is of high flavour, and of a paler and brighter red colour than the Hudson, and is a most prolific and regular bearer ; in fact, since its introduction to notice it has become a general favorite, and no one thinks of having a good collec- tion without this to commpnrp the season. LARGE SCARLET LIMA. PR. CAT. This variety is of a very vigorous growth, with large leaves, and strong stalks and stems ; the fruit is very distinct in its character, and has commonly a long neck ; its form is oblong, somewhat flattened on two sides, and terminating in an obtuse point. I have noticed that the berries are generally formed on the first blossoms towards the base of the peduncle. It is a tolerably good bearer, and repays any deficiencies by its large fruit of most excellent flavour. This variety is not described in any European publication that I have met with ; and I have been informed that it was originally brought from South America to Rhode Island, and it was there that I acci- dentally found it, under the name of Lima strawberry, and obtained plants for propagation. The garden in which I first noticed it was that of Captain Jacob Smith, of Newport, the same gentleman who plucked scions from the willow which droops over the tomb of Napoleon, at St. Helena, and to whose politeness I am indebted for a portion of them, which have now become flourishing trees, nearly twenty feet in height. AUSTRIAN SCARLET. PR. CAT. LIND. Duke of Kent's Scarlet. Lond. Hort. cat. Pr. cat. 26 ed. Globe Scarlet, Cluster Scarlet, } Nova Scotia Scarlet, Prolific Scarlet, f of English cat- Duke of York's Scarlet, Oatland's Scarlet, f alogues, &c. Early Prolific Scarlet, ) This variety is said by Mr. Lindley to have been introduced STRAWBERRIES. 179 to England from Germany in 1798, and also from Nova Sco- tia in 1802. The fruit is nearly of a globular form, of a moderate or a medium size and of a rich bright scarlet colour ; the seeds are deeply embedded, with sharp ridged intervals ; the flesh solid, pale scarlet ; the flavour peculiar, sharp and pleasant. This is one of the very earliest varieties, and a most profuse bearer. The runners] are produced very early, they are numerous, small, and of a reddish colour. ENGLISH RED WOOD. PR. CAT. Fraisier des bois. Caperon? Montreuil? of the French gardens. Fragaria vesca. Lin. This species is a native of Europe, and has been long an inhabitant of our gardens, where in former years it was more frequently to be met with than any other variety. The fruit being of but moderate size, its culture has been rejected by many persons who have substituted the larger varieties in its stead. There may be a question whether we are gainers by a total rejection of this ancient and more humble represen- tative of a favorite class of fruits. The plants are exceedingly productive ; the berries ripen in gradual succession, and al- though of small size, contribute by their abundance to make up in part for their deficiency in this respect. The flavour of the fruit is very agreeable ; and this old friend of our gar- dens, which makes so little display, and has appeared for some time to be sinking into utter neglect before its congeners of greater magnitude and beauty, is with me still a great fa- vourite. The English White Wood strawberry is similar to the one here described in almost every point except colour. ELTON SEEDLING. PR. CAT. POM. MAG. LIND This variety has been recently brought to notice, and has proved one of the very first class in point of excellence, and on a par with the celebrated Keens' Seedling. It is a healthy plant, bears most profusely, and the fruit is very large and 180 STRAWBERRIES. handsome. It ripens so late as to furnish a supply of Pine strawberries, to which class it belongs, long after all other pine-like sorts are over; and finally, it possesses the great merit of packing well, and being peculiarly suitable for pre- serving a quality which very few strawberries possess. " It comes after the Old Pine, Downton, and Keens' Seed- ling ; it is larger and a much more abundant bearer than either of the former; and like the latter, keeps ripening its berries in long succession. The leaves are middle sized; the leaflets ovate, in general slightly concave, sometimes a little convex, obtusely serrated; upper surface somewhat hairy; deep green; the younger light grass green, with a slight tinge of yellow ; leaf-stalks upright, moderately strong, rough, with hairs, spreading horizontally, which is also the case with the scapes, but on the peduncles the hairs are adpressed. It may be ob- served, that all strawberries with rough leaf-stalks contain more acidity than those with smooth. The flowers are large, petals roundish, concave ; stamens rather short, with anthers generally perfect ; calyx middle-sized, incurved, sometimes partially reflexed ; scapes strong, nearly as long as the foot- stalks ; branchlets or peduncles rather short. The fruit is large, ovate, often compressed or cockscomb shaped, of a rich, shining, dark red ; grains yellow, regularly imbedded between ridged intervals, which are flattened or rounded on the tops ; flesh firm, with a small core, deep red, juicy, and having a sharp rich flavour." Pom. Mag. RED ALPINE. PR. CAT. Monthly. Everbearing. Fraisier des Alpes, a fruit rouge, > of the French Fraisier des quaire saisons a fruit rouge, ) collections. The fruit of this variety greatly resembles that of the Eng- lish Red Wood strawberry, in colour, size, and quality. It sends out numerous runners early in the season, and these as well as the older plants produce moderate crops of fruit, until the severity of the weather arrests vegetation. I have culled a dish of the fruit even at Christmas, and this is not an un- STRAWBERRIES. 181 common circumstance, when the autumn is prolonged by fine weather. The White Alpine, with runners, is similar to the preceding, except in point of colour. , The habits and general character of the Alpine and Wood strawberries are very similar ; the principal difference is in the shape of the fruit, and in the period of production. In the former the berries are usually conical, and in the latter more globose. The Alpine varieties continue to produce fruit after the main crop has passed, in greater or less quantities, until the severity of the weather prevents, but the Wood strawber- ries do not. WHITE BUSH ALPINE. PR. CAT. Fraisier des Alpes sans filet, a fruit Uanc, } of the French Fraisier des quatre saisons sans Jilet, a fruit blanc, > ,, . Fraisier buissondes quatre saisons, a fruit blanc, J The fruit of this variety is similar in size and quality to the English White Wood strawberry. The peculiarities which dis- tinguish it are the following : It forms no runners, but conti- nues flowering and producing fruit until the winter sets in. The crop produced towards the close of the season is, how- ever, far less abundant than that produced in June. The Red bush Alpine is only distinguished from the white variety by its difference in colour. Both are interesting appendages to the fruit garden, and their being devoid of runners renders them suitable for borders. TRUE CHILI. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Fraisier de Chili. Duh. Patagonian. GreenwelVs New Giant. Large Hairy Chili. Bourbon. This is the original species from which several seminal va- rieties have been produced. The fruit is particularly large, of irregular shape, but generally ovate or bluntly conical, and when ripe of an uniform dull varnished brownish red ; the seeds are dark brown, and projecting ; the flesh slightly tinged with red near the outside, the other part whitish, very firm, hollow in the centre, with a small core. The fruit ripens 182 STRAWBERRIES. Jate, and the foliage mostly perishes during the winter, and frequently a large proportion of the plants also, unless they are well covered with straw, &c. The two succeeding varieties, which have been raised from the seeds of this, are more hardy, and usually retain their leaves perfect. WILMOT'S SUPERB. PR. CAT. LIND. LOND. HORT. TRANS. The berries of this variety which ripen first are very large, irregularly rounded, ovate or flattened, and sometimes of a cockscomb shape ; the others are invariably round ; all are hairy, of a pale scarlet hue, appearing as if polished ; the seeds are brown, and projecting ; the flesh very firm, pale scarlet next the outside, and whitish within, with a small hol- low at the centre, and a core ; the flavour is very good, but- tery, and rich, mingled with acid. YELLOW CHILI. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. The fruit of this variety is of a very large size, irregularly ovate, frequently compressed, and sometimes cockscomb shaped; of a brown hue on the sunny side, and yellow on the other ; the seeds are brown, slightly embedded, with flat intervals ; the flesh very firm, buttery, yellowish, with a core, flavour very rich, with some acidity. COMMON HAUTBOIS. PR. GAT. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. English red Hautbois. Pr. Cat. 26 ed. Capron Demelle. Duh. Dicecious Hautbois. Old Hautbois. English Hautbois. Musky Hautbois. This variety is more commonly met with in our gardens than any other of its class, and yet it is the least worthy of cultivation. It has been very frequently complained of, on account of its propensity to overrun the beds with male or barren plants, thereby rendering the plantations of it partially or entirely unproductive. The fruit is rather small or of me- dium size, spherical, of a pale greenish white tinged with dull STRAWBERRIES. 183 brownish purple ; the seeds are slightly embedded and the flavour musky. The flowers called males produce occasion- ally small imperfect berries with projecting seeds, and it is re- quisite that the plants which yield flowers of this description should be eradicated as useless. GLOBE HAUTBOIS. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. The fruit of this variety is of nearly a spherical form, small, becoming dark purple when ripe ; the seeds prominent ; the flesh greenish, firm, with a separable core ; the flavour good, with the aroma or perfume peculiar to its class LARGE FLAT HAUTBOIS. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Bath Hautbois. White Hautbois. Formosa Hautbois. Weymouth Hautbois. This has large fruit, of a roundish form, depressed, light red, and pale on the under side ; the flesh is greenish, without core, and juicy ; but though delicate, it is not so high flavoured as the other ; the seeds are embedded in the skin. DWARF WHITE CAROLINA. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. This has large fruit, of an irregular ovate form, hairy, brown- ish on the sunny side, white on the other side j the seeds are scarcely embedded, prominent, and darker than the fruit ; the flesh white, soft, woolly, with a large core, and the flavour in- different. Although English pomologists attach the title of " Carolina" to this variety, I have not been able to discover such a one among our natives. ROUND WHITE CAROLINA. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND, Large White. White Chili. White Pine. Large pale Chili. Large blush Pine. Large flesh-coloured, Chili. This fruit is of large size, irregularly ovate, sometimes roundish, having a tendency to form a neck, of a brownish colour towards the sun, and white on the opposite side ; the seeds deeply embedded, with ridged intervals ; the flesh is soft, white and woolly, with a large core ; the flavour is in- diflerent. 184 STRAWBERRIES. BLOOD PINE. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. This is a sub-variety of the Old Pine or Carolina. Its* scapes are considerably longer, and it is distinguishable by its leaves being of a darker colour and thicker texture, with stronger footstalks. CHINESE. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Bourbon blush. North's large scarlet. Red Chili. This fruit is apparently compressed, nearly round, of me- dium size, and of a pale varnished red colour ; the seeds are brown and prominent ; the flesh soft, light pink, with a larg core, and woolly ; the flavour indifferent. MULBERRY. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Mohone. King. Cherokee. This fruit is of ovate form, with a short neck; it is of me^ dium size and a deep purplish red hue ; the flesh is soft, red,- coarse, with a long core, and the seeds are slightly embedded in the skin j the flavour is but moderate. VARIEGATED PINE. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. This variety is cultivated more for ornament and curiosity, than for usefulness ; the leaves are prettily mottled or varie- gated with white, but the plants being weakly, the fruit pro- duced by them is of little or no importance* SURINAM. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Devonshire Scarlet. Oldaker's New Pine. Red Chili. Red Pineapple. Sutton's large. This variety produces very large fruit, of an irregularly ovate or round form, without a neck, of a light shining red on the sunny side and pale coloured on the other ; the seeds are yellow ami prominent, the flesh firm, pale red, with a large core y the flavour indifferent. The fruit is entirely concealed by the leaves. STRAWBERRIES. 185 BULLOCK'S BLOOD. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. This fruit is of large size, of ovate form and of a light shi- ning red hue ; the seeds are dark red on the sunny side, yel- low on the other, projecting from a polished surface ; the flesh is pale red, firm, juicy, and of indifferent flavour. DUTCH. LOAD. HORT. TRANS. LIND. This fruit is of a brilliant red colour, of round form, and large size ; the seeds project from a smooth varnished surface ; the flesh is pale red, downy, hollow at the centre, with a core, and of indifferent flavour. BOSTOCK. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Caledonian. New-Bath. Prolific Bath. RostocTc. Rostock Pine. Whitley's Pine. This variety produces very large fruit, of nearly round form, slightly hairy, with a small neck ; the largest berries are irregularly swelled towards the base, and terminate in a point which is of a dark polished red next the sun, and light scarlet on the opposite side ; the seeds are prominent, brown on one side of the fruit, and yellow on the other ; the flesh is of a pale scarlet hue, firm, coarse, with a small hollow arid core, and without any particular flavour. GLAZED PINE. LOND. HOKT. TRANS. LIND. Scarlet Pine apple. Knotfs Pine. The fruit of this variety is variable in point of form ; the largest berries often appear as if compressed, but are generally conical, with a neck ; large, hairy, of a darkish varnished scarlet, and the seeds prominent ; the flesh is of a pale scarlet hue, firm, with a large core ; the flavour good, but inferior to that of the Old Pine. BATH SCARLET. PK. CAT. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Devonshire. North's seedling. Golden Drop. Milne's seedling. This variety produces scarlet fruit of a roundish or ovate form, with a short neck, small for its class ; the flesh is soft, VOL. II. 24 186 STRAWBERRIES. with a large core, pale scarlet, and very coarse, without any particular flavour ; the seeds are very prominent and of a dark shining red hue. BLACK PRINCE. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Wilmot's Black Imperial. This fruit is of a very dark purplish hue, hairy, and of me- dium size ; its form depressed, spherical, with a furrow at the apex ; the seeds slightly embedded ; the skin highly polished ; the flesh solid, firm, of a rich dull scarlet with a small core ; the juice dark and highly flavoured. GIBBS' SEEDLING BLACK. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. The fruit of this variety is small, conical, and hairy, with a neck ; and of a dark purplish red colour ; the flesh scarlet, firm and very high flavoured. OLD BLACK. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Black Pine. Turkey Pine. Mulberry. Black Canterbury. This fruit is of a medium size, conical form, elongated, and pointed, with a neck, hairy, and very dark purplish red ; the flesh is scarlet and firm, with a buttery core, very rich and high flavoured. PITMASTON BLACK. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Late Pitmaston Black. This fruit is of medium size, ovate, with a neck, slightly hairy, and of a very dark purplish red hue ; the flesh scarlet, solid and very firm, buttery and of a rich flavour ; seeds are slightly embedded. EARLY SCARLET. PR. CAT. ^rl^Swrlet \ of Prince ' s Catalogues for the last sixty years. Morrisania scarlet. Lond. Hort. Trans. Lind. Fragaria virginiana. Lin. Pursh. For. Nut. and other botanists. This is the type or original species of the class termed " Scarlet strawberries." The plants in the garden of the STRAWBERRIES. 187 London Horticultural Society, denominated " Morrisania scarlet," were sent to them by the father of the author, and were collected in the woods of Morrisania, the seat of the late Governeur Morris, Esq. They are identical with the com- mon Fragaria virginiana, found so common in our woods and uncultivated fields. The berries are small, but occasionally attain a medium size ; their form is roundish, the colour red, and they are produced in clusters ; the seeds are not nume- rous, rather deeply embedded, with wide rounded intervals ; the flesh whitish, soft, with a detached core ; the flavour when in a wild state is superior, but perhaps not equal when the plants are cultivated in gardens. AMERICAN SCARLET. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Black American. They cultivate in England a variety by the above title, which I presume originated there from seed of the preceding one, though it may possibly have been transported from our forests. The fruit is large, conical, and pointed, with a neck, of a deep rich shining blood red, and rough ; the seeds nu- merous, brownish; not deeply embedded, with sharp intervals ; the flesh dark scarlet, firm, with a core ; and the flavour rich and agreeable. AUTUMN SCARLET. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND, The fruit of this is of medium size, and ovate form, with a neck, and of an uniform dark shining red ; the seeds yellow, deeply embedded, with ridged intervals ; the flesh solid, firm, of a pale scarlet hue and good flavour. BISHOP'S SEEDLING SCARLET. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. This variety produces fruit of a moderate size, round, with a neck, hairy, and of a light scarlet colour ; the seeds deeply embedded, with ridged intervals ; the flesh solid, firm, and pale scarlet, with a moderate flavour. 188 STRAWBERRIES. CARMINE SCARLET. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Carmine Roseberry. This fruit is of a large size, bluntly conical, with a neck, and of a brilliant shining varnished red ; the seeds are slight- ly embedded, with sharp ridged intervals ; the flesh is of a pale scarlet hue tinged with red, firm and of a very high flavour. MELON. PR. CAT. LOUD. CARD. MAG. Loudon gives the following descrip'.on of this variety. It is a seedling, raised at Aberdeen, which has been declared by Dr. Dyce of that city, to be " the finest variety in existence." " The size and shape of this fruit in a great measure resemble the Roseberry but rather larger ; * IP colour is very dark, the flavour exquisite, and the plant i* an abundant bearer and forces well." The above description (Mr. Loudon observes) was sent to London together with two or three plants, by Mr. Alexander Diack, secretary to the j. berdeen Horticultural So- ciety ; and Mr. L. further states t at he had tasted in Mr. Groom's garden what are there died Diack' s No. 1 and No. 2, which are excellent strawb* Ties and great bearers. GARNESTONE SCARLET HORT. TRANS. LIND. This fruit is of medium size, rou id, hairy, with a short neck and of a rich glossy scarlet hue ; the seeds are red, deeply embedded, with round intervals ; the flesh scarlet, firm, with a sharp agreeable flavour. GRIMSTONE SCARLET. HORT. TRANS. LIND. This fruit is of medium size, conical, with a neck, and of a dark scarlet colour ; the seeds are numerous, variously but deeply embedded, with regular acutely ridged intervals ; the flesh solid, pale scarlet, of excellent flavour, and possessing a peculiar sweetness. STRAWBERRIES. 189 HUDSON'S BAY. PR. CAT. I ' i Hudson's Bay Scarlet. Hort. Trans. Lind. American Scarlet, Late Scarlet, } of English Hudson's Pine, York river Scarlet, $ Catalogues, &c. Hopwood's Scarlet. This variety is more extensively cultivated for supplying the markets of New-York than any other. The Large Early Scarlet is the only one preferred to it for the same object, but that is of recent origin, and has not yet become generally dis- seminated, owing in a great measure to the unwillingness of the person who raise 1 it to allow it to go out of his possession. The fruit of the present variety is quite large, with a neck, irregularly shaped, approaching to ovate, and of a dark rich shining red hue ; the seeds are unequal in size, deeply embed- ded, with ridged int-rrals; the flesh is a pale scarlet, firm, hollow, with a core ; of good flavour with some acidity. The berries should not be gathered until they assume a dark colour, and are fully ripe, as otherwise the acidity of the fruit pre- dominates, and injures its flavour. This is an exceedingly productive strawberry, nd its culture for market is found to be highly profitable. Th . New-Hudson is a seedling variety raised from the one her^described. CHARLOTT 2. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Princess Charlotte's Strawberry. This fruit is of medium size and round form, hairy, and of a purplish red hue ; the riesh scarlet, firm, and high flavoured. It is a very moderate bnarer, but ripens early. CLUSTERED SCARLET. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Clustered Wood Pine. This fruit is of a moderate size, obtusely conical, or nearly round, very dark purplish red ; the seeds are of the same colour as the fruit, unequally embedded between the intervals, which are sometimes flat, and at other times bluntly ridged ; the flesh is scarlet, firm, and well flavoured. 190 STRAWBERBIES. COCKSCOMB SCARLET. HORT. TRANS. LIND. This fruit is large, compressed, with a furrow along the apex, which appears as a simple indenture when the berry does not put on a cockscomb-shape ; the early berries are complete- ly cockscombed, so much so as to enclose the calyx within the fruit by surrounding the end of the peduncle ; the colour is a bright scarlet ; the seeds are pale, slightly embedded between flat intervals ; the flesh is of a pale scarlet hue, solid, with a large core, well flavoured but without acidity. WILMOT'S LATE SCARLET. PR. CAT. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Wilmofs Scarlet, Wilmot's New Scarlet, ) f v .. , Wilmot's Seedling, Large Scarlet, > n ! Late Scarlet, Late Virginian, ) Catalogues, &c. This fruit is very large, bluntly conical, irregularly shaped, and of a shining light red colour ; the seeds are small, deeply embedded, with ridged intervals ; the flesh white, hollow, in the centre, and of moderate flavour. It is a good bearer, ripening late enough to succeed the Old Scarlet, and produc- ing its berries in succession, so as to afford a continued supply. In order to taste it in perfection, it should be eaten as soon as gathered. SIR JOSEPH BANKS' SCARLET. HORT. TRANS. LIND. New Scarlet. Ib. This fruit is of a bright scarlet colour, of moderate size, oblong, with a neck, the apex blunt ; the seeds are nearly prominent, with very flat intervals ; the flesh is a brilliant scarlet, firm and high flavoured. Mr. Lindley remarks, that this variety is very closely allied to the Austrian scarlet, with which it has probably been sometimes confounded ; it ripens nearly at the same time, and though not so prolific, has a superior flavour. VERNON'S SCARLET. HORT. TKANS. LIND. White's Scarlet. Ib. This fruit is of medium size, round, dark red, rather hairy, STRAWBERRIES, 191 the seeds are slightly embedded, with flat intervals ; the flesh is of a pale vermilion hue, white at the centre, solid and well flavoured. It is a good bearer, and ripens early. KNIGHT'S LARGE SCARLET. HGRT. TRAISS. LIND. Hairy leaved Scarlet, } Great American Scarlet, > of English collections. Large Scarlet, ) This fruit is about the medium size, roundish or slightly conical in its form, and of a light vermilion colour ; the seeds are deeply embedded, with ridged intervals ; the flesh is nearly white, soft, and of a pleasant flavour. LEWISHAM SCARLET. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Scarlet Cluster. Ib. This fruit is of small size, roundish, with a short neck, slightly hairy, of an uniform dark shining purplish red and grows in clusters ; the seeds are embedded, but not deeply so, and with flat intervals ; the flesh is scarlet, firm, and solid ; the flavour very moderate. METHVEN SCARLET. PR CAT. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Methven Scarlet. Southampton Scarlet. Lindley and others thus describe this variety. The fruit very large, cordate, compressed, inclining to cockscomb shape in the earliest fruit, the late berries conical : the colour dark scarlet ; the seeds pale yellow, not deeply embedded, regularly and closely set with ridged intervals ; the flesh of a scarlet hue, very woolly, and tasteless, with a large hollow in the centre. OBLONG SCARLET. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Long fruited Scarlet, Long Scarlet, > ru ,. , Padky's Early Scarht, \ of En 8 llsh catal g ues ' &c - This fruit is of a rather large size, oblong, with a long neck, which part being without seeds, has a peculiar glossy or shining appearance, of a bright light scarlet colour ; the the seeds are few, deeply embedded, between ridged intervals ; 192 STRAWBERRIES. the flesh is nearly of the same colour as the outside, but of a little paler hue, firm, and of good flavour. PITM ASTON BLACK SCARLET. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Early Pitmaston Black. Ib. This fruit is of moderate size, oblong, with a neck, slightly hairy, and of a dark purplish red colour ; the seeds on the sunny side are of a similar hue, but on the other they are yellow, not deeply embedded, and the intervals are rather flat. The flesh is tinged with scarlet, tender, with a small core, sweet mingled with a pleasant acidity, and partaking a little of the raspberry flavour. SCONE SCARLET. HORT. TRANS. LIND. This fruit is of moderate size, round, without a neck, hairy, of a light shining red on the sunny side, and paler on the other ; the seeds are dark brown, deeply embedded, with round intervals ; the flesh firm, and of a pale pink hue ; the flavour sharp, with abundance of acid. It is a great bearer, ripens late, and the fruit contains more acidity than any other known variety. Remarks. The varieties of strawberries here described are deemed suf- ficient in point of number for the purpose of selection ; the author has, however, a number of kinds under culture of which he cannot at present define the peculiarities with sufficient pre- cision, and he therefore defers noticing them until his investi- gations are perfected. In the descriptions given in this work, where the size of the fruit is mentioned, it is to be understood that the comparison is only made between the varieties belong- ing to each particular class, and that it does not comprise the varieties belonging to other classes ; and where it is stated that the fruit has a core, the idea intended to be conveyed, is, that the core readily separates, adhering to the calyx, when the receptacle is removed. PEARS. AMBROSIA. SWITZ. LIND. Early Beurrf. Lond. Hort. cat. " FRUIt middle-sized, of a roundish and somewhat flatten- ed figure. Eye rather sunk. Stalk an inch long, slender, arid a little bent. Skin smooth, greenish yellow and full of small gray specks. Flesh tender, with a rich, sugary, and perfumed juice. Ripe the middle of September. This pear was brought from France soon after the restoration, and planted in the Royal Gardens in St.- James's Park. It is a very good pear, but will not keep long." Ltnd. LAMMAS. LOND. HORT. CAT. LIND.J " Fruit rather small, of a pyramidal shape. Stalk half an inch long, straight. Skin pale yellow, tinged and slightly streaked with red on the sunny side. Flesh melting, juice plentiful, of a very good flavour. Ripe the beginning and middle of August. This is a very excellent pear for the market gardener, as it is not only a very good bearer, but the first strong pear that comes to market, and the tree is hardy, and an erect handsome grower." Lind. LONDON SUGAR. LIND. and of European catalogues. " Fruit below the middle size, turbinate, and rather narrow at the crown, about two inches long, and one inch and three quarters in diameter. Eye small with a connivent ealyx, rather prominently placed, and surrounded by irregular, puckered? apparently blistered plaits. Stalk an inch long, slender, inserted in a small oblique cavity. Skin pale green, approach- ing to pale lemon colour when fully ripe, with a slight brownish tinge when fully exposed to the sun. Flesh tender and melting. juice saccharine, of a rich musky flavour. Ripe the end of July VOL. II. 25 194 PEARS. and beginning of August. The branches of this tree are long, slender, and for the most part drooping, in the manner of the Epargne. It is an excellent early fruit, and a hardy bearer, and may be found in great plenty in the Norwich markets, under this name. It is very much like the Madeleine, figured in the Pomological Magazine ; but its branches are pendulous, in the Madeleine they are ascending." Lind. i i SABINE D'ETE. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. " Fruit of a pyramidal form, broadest at the crown, and tapering to a round blunt point at the stalk. Eye small, not deeply sunk. Stalk an inch long, inserted in a shallow cavity. Skin perfectly smooth and even, of a yellow .colour on the shaded side, and of a fine scarlet, minutely dotted when exposed to the sun. Flesh white, or nearly so, melting, juicy, and highly perfumed. Ripe the beginning and middle of August. Raised in 1819, by M. Stoffels, of Mechlin, and named by him after Mr. Sabine, at that time Secretary to the Horticultural Society of London." Lind. SEIGNEUR D'ETE. LOND. HORT. TEAKS. LIND. Lord of summer. Fruit above the middle size, of a blunt oval figure. Skin of a fine orange, with bright scarlet on the sunny side, sprinkled with brown spots, and partially marked with larger ones of the same colour. Flesh melting, with an extremely small cone, and a rich high flavoured juice. Ripe the beginning and middle of September. This very beautiful pear has been known in Flanders many years, and the fruit was sent to this country by M. Stofiel's of Mechlin, and exhibited at the Horti- cultural Society in 1819." Lind. YAT. LIND. Yat, or Yut, of the Dutch gardens. " Fruit rather small, turbinate, about two inches long, and one inch and three quarters in diameter, generally a little flattened on the opposite sides. Eye small, opens with a very PEARS. 195 short calyx, seated in a rather shallow uneven basin. Stalk an inch long, rather slender, obliquely inserted, without any cavity. Skin of a very thick russetty brown, thickly covered with round gray specks, and generally a little coloured when exposed to the sun. Flesh breaking and tender, with a very sugary, rich, and highly perfumed juice. Ripe the middle and end of September. The trees of this very valuable variety grow large, and the branches are drooping like those of the Epargne, but much more slender and numerous. A very hardy bearer, brought from Holland by the late Thomas Harvey, Esq. and planted in his garden at Catton, near Norwich, about sixty years ago, along with some plants of the Dutch Mignonne Apple, both sorts of which are now growing." Lind. CHARLES D'AUTRICHE. PR. CAT. LOXD. IIORT. TRANS, LIND. Charles of Austria. " Fruit large, very handsome, about three inches and a half long, and three inches broad, in colour something like a White Beurre, but in shape more convex and irregular. Eye in a confined hollow, not deeply sunk. Stalk an inch long. Skin greenish yellow, profusely sprinkled with brown specks, and partially russetted. Flesh white, melting, very juicy, with a rich high flavour, but with little perfume. Ripe the beginning to the end of November. A fine and beautiful fruit, raised by Dr. Van Mons, and sent to the Horticultural Society, where it was exhibited in November, 1816." Lind, DOUBLE D'AUTOMNE. LOND. HCRT. CAT. LIND. Double Autumnal. " Fruit middle-sized, in the form of a Bergamot, handsomely rounded, without angles, and tapering towards the stalk. Eye small, open with very short segments of the calyx, sunk in a handsome, round, shallow basin. Stalk three quarters of an inch long, inserted in a small oblique, slightly-lipped cavity. Skin an entire cinnamon russet, through which a little green 196 PEARS. appears, the whole covered with numerous light gray specks f Flesh white breaking, a little gritty, but mellow. Juice saccharine, very excellent, with a little perfume. Ripe the end ' of October, and good all November. A very handsome new pear, and very excellent when in perfection." Lind. ELTON. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. TRAXS. LIND, "Fruit middle-sized, of an oval figure, a little broader towards the crown. Eye very small, nearly free from the segments of the calyx, and very slightly imbedded, Stalk rather stout, straight and deeply inserted. Skin of a greenish russetty gray, with numerous specks of a darker russet, and tinged with orange on the sunny side, which is generally towards the stalk, as the fruit is mostly pendent, from the extremities of the branches. Flesh crisp when in perfection, and of an excellent flavour ; but will be mealy if kept too long upon the tree. Ripe the middle of September, and by gather- ing at different times, may be kept five weeks. Its season generally terminates with the commencement of the Autumn Bergamot, In 18J2, the original tree about one hundred and seventy years of age, was standing in an orchard in the parish of Elton, in Herefordshire, from whence it received its name from Mr. Knight, who thinks it may remain in health three centuries, as it is now in a very vigorous state of growth. It is much better as an open standard, than if cultivated against a wall." Lind. MOORFOWL EGG. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. LIND. " Fruit rather small, of a globular ovate figure, abruptly tapering from the middle, both to the crown and to the stalk, about two inches and three quarters deep, and the same in diameter. Eye small, open, with a short, slender, strigose calyx, placed in a rather narrow and shallow basin. Stalk one inch and a half long, slightly inserted by the side of a small elongated lip. Skin pale yellow, mixed with green, and tinged on the sunny side with a lively orange-brown, inter- spersed with numerous minute russetty spots. Flesh yellowish PEARS. 197 white, a little gritty, but tender and mellow. Juice sugary, with a slight perfume. Ripe the end of September, and will keep two or three weeks. This is a Scotch variety, and par- takes something of the Swan's Egg. It is a desirable and hardy fruit." Lind, ALEXANDRE DE RUSSIE. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. LIND, Poire Alexandre. " Fruit above the middle size, somewhat obliquely pyramidal, with a very uneven knobby surface, about three inches and a half long, and two inches and three quarters in diameter. Eye open, with short narrow segments of the calyx, placed in a shallow, narrow plaited, hollow. Stalk half an inch long, thick, almost horizontally inserted under an elongated knobby lip. Skin greenish yellow, but almost wholly covered with a cinnamon gray russet. Flesh almost white, gritty, but tender and mellow. Juice saccharine, with a slight musky perfume. Ripe the beginning and middle of October, but will not keep more than two or three weeks. This is a very fine Bonchre- tien-shaped variety, which has been lately raised in Flanders, and sent to the Horticultural Society, in whose garden, it in 1830, produced some uncommonly fine fruit upon an open standard, from which this description is taken." Lind. AUTUMN COLMAR. LIND. HORT. CARD. COL. Beurr6 Colmar d'automne ? Colmar ffautomne ? " Fruit middle-sized, oblong, its shape that of a Colmar, but irregular in its outline, about three inches long, and two inches and a half in diameter. Eye small, with a short converging calyx, slightly sunk in an uneven depression. Stalk an inch long, straight, inserted in a small uneven cavity. Skin pale yellow, sprinkled with russetty specks, which become broader on the sunny side and spread into a thin russet. Flesh rather gritty but mellow, with a sugary and slightly perfumed juice. Ripe the beginning of October, but will not keep more than two or three weeks in perfection. This is another of the new Flemish pears, grown in the Horticultural Society's garden 198 PEARS. at Chiswick, and bears extremely well upon an open stand ard. Lind. BELLE LUCRATIVE. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. LIND. Fonda?ite d'automne, Lond. Hort. Cat. " Fruit middle-sized, round in its outline, tapering to the stalk, and a little uneven in its surface, about three inches deep, and two inches and three quarters in diameter. Eye open, with a very short calyx, in a shallow rather oblique impression. . Stalk an inch long, strong, curved, inserted in a very narrow, oblique, shallow cavity. Skin pale yellow, mixed with green, slightly russetted. Flesh a little gritty, but very soft, mellow, and tender. Juice abundant, sugary, with a slight musky perfume. Ripe the beginning and middle of October, but will not keep above two or three weeks. Another of the new Flemish pears, grown in the Horticultural Society's garden at Chiswick, on an open standard. It is good and handsome." Lind. BEURRE KNOX. PH. CAT. LOND. JIORT. CAT. LIND. Knox Bcurre. " Fruit above the middle size, oblong, in form somewhat like the Brown Beurre, about three inches and a quarter long, and two inches and three quaters in diameter. Eye small, open, in a very narrow shallow depression. Stalk an inch long, crooked diagonally inserted under a short, knobby elongated lip. Skin pale green, with a little thin brownish- gray russet on the sunny side. Flesh a little gritty, but mellow. Juice saccharine, but without any peculiar flavour. Ripe the middle and end of October, and will keep a few weeks in perfection. Another of the newly raised Flemish pears, grown in the Horticultural Society's garden at Chiswick, upon an open standard." Lind. BEZY VAET. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. Bezy waat. " Fruit somewhat of the shape of a Swan's egg, but larger. Eye a little sunk. Stalk an inch long. Skin dull green, PEAKS. 199 covered with russetty spots. Flesh yellowish, perfectly melt- ing, remarkably sweet, and very agreeably perfumed. Ripe in November, and will keep a month or more. Raised by M. Parmentier, at Enghien, and exhibited at the Horticultural Society in 1820." Lind. BISHOP'S THUMB. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. LIND. "Fruit long, rather slender, slightly tapering from the crown to the stalk, having an irregular and slightly knobby outline, in the manner of the Calebash, about three inches and three quarters long, and two inches in diameter. Eye small, open, with slender segments of the calyx, slightly sunk in an uneven hollow. Stalk one inch and a half long, slender, recurved, and obliquely inserted in a two-lipped cavity. Skin dark green, almost wholly covered with an iron-coloured russet, on the sunny side of a dark rufous brown, thickly sprinkled with gray russetty dots. Flesh greenish yellow, melting, with an abundance of rich, saccharine, high flavoured juice. Ripe the middle to the end of October. A very excellent pear, although its figure is far from being handsome. Decidedly distinct from Calebash." Lind. BONCHRETIEN FONDANTE. LOND. HORT. CAT. LIND. Melting Bonchrfrien. 11 Fruit above the middle size, oblong, with a pretty regular outline, about three inches and a half long, and two inches and three quarters in diameter. Eye small, with a closed calyx, slightly sunk in 'a narrow and pretty regular hollow. Stalk three quarters of an inch long, rather stout, curved, and slightly inserted in a narrow round cavity. Skin pale green, a good part of which is covered with a deep cinnamon russet, thickly sprinkled with light-coloured russetty specks. Flesh yellowish white, a little gritty, but rich and buttery, and full of a highly saccharine rich-flavoured juice. Ripe the end of October, and will keep a month. This most excellent pear is also a newly raised Flemish variety, grown in the Horticultural Society's garden at Chiswick, on an open standard." Lind. 200 PEARS. DARIMONT. LOND. HORT. CAT. " Fruit middle-sized, oblong, in some specimens slightly pyramidal, tapering a little towards the stalk, about three inches long, and two inches and a quarter in diameter. Eye small, open, the segments of the calyx generally falling off before the fruit is fully grown, placed in a very narrow shal- low depression, and surrounded by a few slightly radiated plaits. Stalk three quarters of an inch long, inserted in a small uneven cavity, sometimes obliquely inserted under a small elongated lip. Skin a complete yellowish gray russet, sprinkled with numerous scabrous specks. Flesh white, gritty, but melting, with a saccharine, slightly musky, and somewhat astringent juice. Ripe the end of September and beginning of October. This is another of the new Flemish pear?, grown in the Horticultural Garden at Chiswick, upon an open stand- ard." Lind. DILLEN. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. TRAKS. LIND. Gros Dillen. Lond. Hort. cat. and of other catalogues. " Fruit ovate, irregularly turbinate, about three inches and a half long, and nearly three inches in diameter. Eye flat. Stalk short and thick. Skin yellowish green, slightly speckled with brown. Flesh white, with a slight musky flavour, and very little core. Ripe early in October, and will keep a few weeks. A fine buttery pear of the first order, and very hand- some. It was received by the Horticultural Society from Dr. Van Mons, of Brussels, in 1817," Lind. DOYENN& PANACHE. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. TRANS. Li?u>. Striped Doyennt. Pr. cat. " Fruit in form the same as the Gray Doyenne, but tapers a little more towards the stalk. Skin a bright, clear yellow, faintly striped with green and red, and sprinkled all over with small russetty brown dots. Flesh white, melting, sweet, and very agreeable, but is not so high-flavoured as the Gray Doy- enne. In eating from October till Christmas." Lind. PEARS. 201 DOYENNE SANTELETE. L>SD. HORT. CAT. LIND. " Fruit above middle size, pyramidally oblong, not much unlike a Chaumontelle in shape, but narrow at the crown, and more compressed towards the stalk ; about three inches and a half long, and two inches and a half in diameter. Eye small, open, and a very short strigose calyx, slightly sunk in a narrow obtusely angular hollow. Stalk an inch long or more, curved^ very slightly inserted, sometimes a little obliquely, in a narrow tase. Skin pale green, thinly covered with detached specks of gray russet, which are more numerous around the stalk. Flesh white, a little gritty, but tender. Juice saccharine, with a slight musky perfume. Ripe the beginning of October, and will keep till the end. This is a very fine handsome pear from Flanders, grown in the Horticultural Society's garden at Chiswick upon an open standard." Lind. GENDESEIM. LOND. HOKT. CAT. LIND. " Fruit middle size, pyramidal, a little uneven in its outline, about three inches and a quarter deep, and two inches and a half in diameter. Eye small, rather open, in a narrow, shallow depression. Stalk an inch long, crooked, diagonally inserted, under a large, curved, elongated lip, and slightly covered with thin patches of gray russet. Flesh a little gritty, but mellow, and full of saccharine, rich, and slightly musky juice. Ripe the end of September and beginning of October. This is another of the new Flemish pears which is grown in the Hor- ticultural Garden at Chiswick, upon an open standard."- Lind. H AGON'S INCOMPARABLE. LIND. "Fruit middle-sized, somewhat turbinate, and a little irregu- lar in its outline, occasioned by one or two slightly protube- rent angles near its crown ; about two inches and a half deep, and three inches in diameter. Eye small, open ; segments of the calyx, short and narrow, slightly sunk in a rather wide, uneven depression. Stalk an inch long, rather stout, inserted VOL. n. 26 202 FEARS. in a somewhat lipped and rather deep cavity. Skin rugose, pale yellow, or yellowish white, a good deal mixed with green, and partially covered with a grayish orange russet, particularly round the stalk. Flesh yellowish white, slightly gritty, but very buttery and melting. Juice abundant, very saccharine, extremely rich, and possessing a high, musky, and perfumed flavour. In perfection in November and December. This very valuable and excellent pear was raised by Mr. James Gent Hacon, of Downham Market, in Norfolk, from a seed that is called in that neighbourhood, Rayner's Norfolk. The tree is an open standard, about sixteen years old, and six- teen feet high, with pendulous branches, which reach nearly to the ground. It bears most abundantly, and may be justly considered one of the best pears ever raised in this country. It was exhibited at a meeting of the Horticultural Society in Norwich on the 17th November, 1830, when it obtained the silver medal as a prize." Lind. HAZEL. PR. CAT. LOSD. HORT. TRANS. LIND. "Fruit rather small, oval, somewhat turbinate, about two inches long, and one inch and a half in diameter. Eye small, with a short acute calyx, placed in a rather shallow basin. Stalk an inch long, obliquely inserted. Skin yellowish, very much freckled. Flesh nearly white, with a very pleasant and agreeable juice. Ripe the end of October, and will keep a few weeks only. It is uncertain where this pear originated. It is now extensively cultivated in the Scotch nurseries ; and for its early bearing and abundant produce it is by them highly esteemed." Lind. HENRY THE FOURTH. PR. CAT. LIND. Henri quatre. Lond. Hort. cat. Pr. cat., 26th ed. " Fruit below the middle size, pyramidal and somewhat oblique at the crown, about three inches long, and two inches and a quarter broad. Eye small, open, with a short slender calyx, slightly sunk in a narrow, shallow, oblique depression. TEARS. Stalk an inch long, crooked, curved, obliquely inserted under a small elongated lip. Skin pale yellow, mixed with green ; on the sunny side of an orange-brown, and full of gray russetty specks, which are the more numerous as they approach the crown. Flesh pale yellow, a little gritty, but very tender and melting. Juice abundant, highly saccharine, with a slight musky perfume. Ripe the end of September, and will keep a few weeks only. This is a very excellent dessert pear, and is grown in the Horticultural Garden at Chiswick upon an open standard." Lind. INCOMMUNICABLE. Loxn. HORT. CAT. LIXD. L' 'Incommunicable. Lond. Hort. trans. " Fruit above the middle size, pyramidal, and compressed towards the stalk, about three inches and a half long, and two inches and a half in diameter. Eye small, closed by a very short slender calyx, and placed in a very slight narrow depres- sion. Stalk half an inch long, stout, bent, diagonally inserted beneath a small elongated lip. Skin pale grass-green, thickly sprinkled with small gray russetty specks. Flesh yellowish white, tinged near the cone with a slight shade of orange colour, a little gritty, but melting. Juice saccharine, with a slight musky perfume. Ripe the middle to the end of October. It is difficult to conceive the origin of this singular name. It has been attached to one of those newly raised Flemish varie- ties which bear so well and so regularly in the Horticultura Garden at Chiswick upon open standards," Lind. KEIZER. LOXD. HORT. CAT. Lixu. "Fruit middle-sized, turbinate, gradually tapering from the middle to the stalk, about three inches deep, and two inches and a half in diameter. Eye small, with very short erect segments of the calyx placed in a very narrow depression. Stalk three quarters of an inch long, thick, and woody. Skin pale green, becoming yellowish green, thickly sprinkled with small gray russetty specks, and russetty round the stalk. Flesh 204 TEARS greenish white, a little gritty, but melting. Juice saccharine, without any peculiar flavour. Ripe the middle of October, and will keep some weeks. This is also another of those hardy pears which bear so plentifully upon an open standard in the Horticultural Garden at Chiswick." Lind. NAPOLEON. PR. CAT. HORT. TRASS. POM. MAG. LIND. Medaille. Lond. Hort. cat. Lind. " Fruit large, the form of a Colmar, angular about the eye, a good deal contracted in the middle, about three inches and three quarters long, and three inches in diameter. Eye small, with a connivent calyx, a little depressed. Stalk half an inch long, thick, straight ; in some specimens diagonally inserted under a large, elongated, curved lip. Skin smooth, bright green, in which state it remains for some time after the fruit is gathered ; it finally changes to a pale green, when the flesh becomes very melting, with a most unusual abundance of rich agreeable juice. Ripe the middle of November, and remains in perfection several days, This succeeds equally well upon the pear and the quince. The Napoleon pear is an excellent variety, raised by Dr. Van Mons at Louvain, and thence sent to this country in 1816. It is a profuse bearer upon an east or west wall ; it also succeeds as an open dwarf grafted upon the quince, and as a common standard." Lind. NEW BRIDGE. LOND. HORT. CAT. LIND. "Fruit below the middle size, of a turbinate figure, about two inches and three quarters long, and two inches and a half in diameter. Eye small, with a short slender ,calyx. Crown flat, not depressed. Stalk an inch long, a little obliquely inserted. Skin dull gray, covered with thin gray russet, and of a light, lively, shining brown on the sunny side. Flesh melting, a little gritty, with a sugary juice, but without any peculiar flavour. Ripe the end of September and beginning of October, and will not keep longer than a few weeks. This is another of the new hardy pears which are produced upon PEARS. 1205 open standards in the Horticultural Garden at Chiswick." Lind. POIRE DE LOUVAINE. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. LI\D. Bezi de Louvain 1 " Fruit middle-sized, pyramidal, uneven on its surface, three inches long, and three inches and a half in diameter. Eye small, closed with small short segments of the calyx, sunk in a narrow hollow. Stalk half an inch long, curved, obliquely inserted. Skin dull green, mixed with yellow, full of russetty spots, and a little russetted round the eye. Flesh very tender, slightly gritty, and full of a rich, very saccharine, musky juice. Ripe the beginning of October, and fine till the end. This is a very excellent pear, and one of those cultivated in the Horticultural Garden at Chiswick as an open standard. It highly deserves cultivation." Lind. POIRE NEILL. LOXD. HORT. CAT. LLXD. " Fruit large, pyramidally turbinate, generally a little flat- tened on its opposite sides, and tapering to the stalk. In some specimens the outer side is considerably more elongated than the inner one next the branch on which it grows, nearly four inches long, and three inches and a half in diameter. Eye open, rather deeply sunk in an irregular hollow. Stalk three quarters of an inch long, obliquely inserted in a narrow uneven cavity. Skin pale yellow, intermixed with green, a good deal mottled and marked with thin gray russet. Flesh white, a little gritty, but soft and mellow, abounding with a saccharine and slightly musky juice. Ripe the beginning of October, and good to the end. This very fine and handsome pear is one of those lately introduced from Flanders into the Horti- cultural Garden at Chiswick, where it is grown as an open standard," Lind. RICHE DEPOUILLE. PR. CAT. LOXD. IIORT. TRANS. LIND. Richc d'Apoie. Lond. Hort. trans. " Fruit somewhat resembling the Saint Germain in shape and size, and tapering considerably towards the stalk. Eye 206 PEARS. prominent. Stalk one inch and a half long, rather thick. Skin of a clear citron yellow, with a slight tinge of bright red on the sunny side, a little mottled with russet, and rough like the skin of an orange. Flesh white, melting, not perfumed, but sweet and very pleasant. Ripe in the autumn and winter months. This succeeds on both the pear and the quince. Raised some years ago on the continent, and was brought into this country under the name of Riche d'Apoie." Lind, URBANISTE. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. TRANS. LIND. " Fruit pyramidally ovate, very even in form, but compressed towards the stalk ; about three inches and a half long, and two inches and three quarters in diameter. Eye a little sunk in a very narrow crown. Stalk an inch long, obliquely inserted in a moderately deep cavity. Skin pale green inclining to yellow, profusely sprinkled with greenish specks, with small patches of gray russet dispersed over its whole surface, but more particu- larly round the eye and the stalk. Flesh white towards the outside, but deepens to a reddish j^ellow next the core, which is large, and possesses a small quantity of grit; it is, never- theless, quite melting, juicy, and very sweet, with a little perfume. Ripe the end of September and the beginning of October. Raised by the Count de Coloma, of Malines, and specimens of the fruit were exhibited at the Horticultural Society from that gentleman in 1823." Lind. FLEMISH BONCHRETIEN. LUND. Bon Chretien nouvelle espece. Hort. Gard. col. " Fruit large, oblong, turbinate, tapering towards the stalk, where it is slightly compressed; about four inches and a half long, and three inches and a half in diameter. Eye open, with a very short calyx, sunk in a rather shallow, round, even depression. Stalk one inch and a half long, embossed next the fruit, a little curved, and obliquely inserted under an elongated single or double lip ; in some specimens which are more conical, the stalk is direct and straight, and not obliquely PEAKS. 207 inserted. Skin green, becoming yellow, thickly sprinkled with gray russetty specks, and which form a mottled russet on the sunny side. Flesh yellowish white, breaking, a little gritty, but becoming mellow when matured. Juice saccharine, with a slight musky perfume. In eating the beginning of November till the middle or end of January. It succeeds very well upon the quince stock. This very fine pear has lately been raised in Flanders, and sent to the Horticultural Society of London, in whose garden at Chiswick it (in 1830) produced some uncommonly fine fruit upon an open standard, from which this description was taken." Lind. GLOUT MORCEAU. PR. CAT. LOND. HORT. CAT. LIND. Gloux Morceau. Lond. Hort. trans. "Fruit very like the Beurre d'Aremberg, but larger, more oval, not so turbinate in its shape, about four inches long, and three inches and a half in diameter. Eye small, deeply sunk in an uneven oblique hollow. Stalk an inch long, rather deeply inserted in an oblique cavity. Skin pale, dull olive-green, a little inclined to yellow, and covered with nu- merous gray russetty specks, with russetty blotches round the stalk. Flesh whitish, firm, very juicy, but a little gritty at the core. Ripe in November, but will keep till February or March. This very beautiful and fine variety was sent to the Horticultural Society by M. Parmentier, of Enghien, along with the Beurre d'Aremberg, in November, 1820. It requires an east or southeast wall to grow it in perfection ; but very fine specimens were (in 1830) grown upon open standards, in the Horticultural Garden at Chiswick, three inches and a half long, and three inches in diameter." Lind. GRUMKOWER. LIND. Grumkower Winterbirne. Lond. Hort. cat. " Fruit middle-sized, in shape somewhat like a Bonchretien, having a few obtuse angles or ribs extending from the middle of the fruit to the crown, and narrowed towards the stalk ; 208 PEARS. usually about three inches long, and two inches and a quarter in diameter. Eye narrow. Stalk half an inch long, inserted without any cavity. Skin smooth, pale green, sprinkled with a few gray specks. Flesh melting. Juice plentiful, saccha- rine, with a good deal of musky flavour. Ripe in November, and will keep till Christmas." Lind. LENT ST. GERMAIN. LOXD. IIORT. CAT. LIND. Easter Saint Germain, of some gardens. " Fruit pretty large, of an oblong figure, broadest in the middle, and tapering to each extremity. Eye small, and prominently seated. Stalk an inch long, slender, obliquely inserted under an elongated lip. Skin pale green, full of small white specks. Flesh firm and breaking, with a very good flavoured juice. In eating in March and April. This, although not a high-flavoured pear, deserves cultivation, as it comes into eating when most winter pears are gone." Lind. TILLINGTON. PR. CAT. LOND. IIORT. TRAINS. LIND. "Fruit of the shape and size of the Gray Doyenne, but more perfectly rounded at the crown ; about two inches and three quarters long, and two inches and a half in diameter. Stalk short, fleshy at its insertion. Skin dull green on its shaded side, but of a dull brick-dust red where exposed to the sun, the whole a good deal russetted. Flesh white, nearly buttery, with a little grit at the core, particularly rich and sweet, though not very juicy. Ripe the middle of November, and will keep a considerable time without spoiling. This hardy pear, for orchard purposes, was raised from the seed of an autumn Bergamot, the blossom of which had been impreg- nated with the Epargne, in the village of Tillington, near Hereford. Its fruit was sent to the Horticultural Society by Mr. Knight, of Downton Castle, in the autumn of 1820, the first year of the tree producing fruit." Lind. PKAK*. 209 BARLAND. PH. CAT. POM. HEREF. LIND. " Fruit rather small, of an oval figure, but broadest towards the crown. Eye prominent, and the segments of the calyx nearly erect. Stalk half an inch long, slender. Skin dull green, russetted with a muddy gray. Specific gravity of its juice 1070. The Barland pear appears to have been exten- sively cultivated prior to the publication of Evelyn's Pomona, in 1674, and many hogsheads of its perry are yet made annually in Herefordshire and the adjoining counties, in a productive season. It may be mixed in considerable quantity with new port, without its taste becoming perceptible. It sells well while new to the merchants ; and as it is comparatively cheap, it probably forms one of the ingredients employed in the adulteration of this wine. The original tree grew in a field called the Bare Lands, in the parish of Bosbury, in Herefordshire, whence the variety obtained its name, and was blown down a few years previous to 1811." Lind. HOLMORE. PR. CAT. POM. HEREF. LIKD. Holmer. Holmar. New Holmar. " Fruit small, globular, frequently growing in clusters of three and four together, with a very stiff, half-closed calyx. Stalk short and thick. Skin muddy, yellowish olive-green, thickly reticulated, with a thin epidermis, and tinged with a fine red on the sunny side. Specific gravity of its juice 1066. The original tree, in 1811 was growing in a hedge, on the estate of Charles Cooke, Esq. of the Moor, in the parish of Holmore, between Hereford and Leominster, and appeared then to be seventy or eighty years old. The young trees are very productive, and the perry is of excellent quality." Lind. HUFFCAP. POM. HEREF. LIND. " Fruit middle-sized, oval, somewhat broader at the crown, and drawn towards the stalk. Eye with the segments of the calyx slender and pointed. Stalk long, irregular in its thick- VOL. n. 27 210 PEARS. ness, and curved, having now and then a small leaf growing upon its lower part next the branch. Skin pale green, marked with gray russet. Specific gravity of its juice about 1070. There are several varieties of the Huffcap pear in Hereford- shire, such as the Brown, Red, and Yellow ; 'but this is by far the most deserving of cultivation. Its perry is rich, strong, and said to be very intoxicating. It is of great excellence." Lind. LONGLAND. PJM. HEREF. LIND. " Fruit very handsome, not much unlike the Swan's Egg in shape, except being broader towards the crown. Eye somewhat large, with a converging calyx. Stalk short, stiff, and inserted into an unequal base. Skin bright gold colour, tinged and mottled all over .with a russetty, lively orange. Specific gravity of its juice 1063. The tree of this sort grows handsome and upright. It is hardy when in blossom, and consequently an abundant bearer. The name of Longland is supposed to have been derived from the field in which the original tree grew." Lind. OLDFIELD. PR. CAT. POM. HEREF. LIND. " Fruit below the middle size, turbinate, somewhat narrowed at the crown. Eye small, converging. Stalk half an inch long, slender. Skin pale green, spotted and marbled with a darker colour, and intermixed with a thin gray russet. Specific gravity of its juice 1067. The perry produced from this pear is excellent; and from its being a very hardy tree, and an abundant bearer, is more extensively planted in Here- fordshire and the adjoining counties than any other pear. Its name is believed to have originated from an inclosure called the Old Field, near Ledbury, a noted place for the finest perry." Lind. TEINTON SQUASH. PR. CAT. POM. HEREF. LIND. Taunton Squash. Squash. "Fruit "middle-sized, of angular shape, somewhat like that of a Bergamot, but more tapering at the stalk. Crown even, PEARS. 211 divisions of the calyx spreading. Stalk half an inch long, slender. Skin a muddy, russetty green, marbled on the sunny side with a pale brown or dull orange, interspersed with a few ash-coloured specks. Specific gravity of its juice not men- tioned. Its name of Teinton is supposed to have originated from Teinton, in Gloucestershire, where it has been much planted. There are some very old trees of it in this neigh- bourhood and in Herefordshire, and the perry they produce is of the very highest quality, something approaching in colour and briskness to Champagne, for which fine samples of it have sometimes been sold. It is always in demand, and at a high price ; but from the great uncertainty of the crop, the supply is very limited." Lind. ST. GERMAIN BRANDES. VAN HO*I. Pyrus Brandesia. Van Mons. The original tree of this new variety is of large size and pyramidal form. It was raised from seed in the garden of Dr. Van Mons about seventeen or eighteen years since, and has produced fruit for the last thirteen years. The shoots are short, slender, feeble, and quite numerous ; the buds are small, pointed, and closely pressed against the wood ; the leaves are shining, deep green, long and narrow ; the flowers are small, and resemble those of the Doyenne. The fruit is in form in- termediate between the Urbaniste and the St. Germain, and like the latter, its skin is a ruddy green, changing to yellow at maturity, its flesh delicate, with a cool juice, flavoured with vi- nous acidity. It seems to assimilate so much to the St. Ger- main when that variety is eaten in perfection, that it will serve admirably as a substitute for that ancient variety. Dr. Van Mons named this fine pear in honour of Professor Brandes, of Salzuffln. FREDERIC DE WURTEMBERG. VAX Pyrus Wurtembergia. VAN Moxs. Roi de Wurtemberg ? This Jruit is very large, shaped like a top, and contracted 212 PEAKS. next the stalk ; it is rounded at the summit, considerably swollen at the middle, and decreases gradually towards the stem, where it terminates in an acute point. The skin is rough, hard, pale green, with fine specks of a reddish or a russet hue, and often tinged with rose colour ; the green changes to yellow at its maturity, which is about the period of the autumnal equinox. This tree is a twice-bearing variety, but the fruit of the second crop only attains to a third or a half of the usual dimensions. The leaves are of elliptical form, smooth on both sides, with the edges partially indented ; the petiole is long and slender ; the flowers are large, single or semidouble, very fragant, with rounded fringed petals, and en- dure a long time before they fall off ; the summit of the sta- mens is of a bright rose colour. The tree is of vigorous growth, and attains to lofty dimensions. Dr. Van Mons dedi- cated this superior pear, by particular request, to the late king Frederic of Wurtemberg, and he also makes the following remarks. This pear has much affinity to the Colmar, which in its turn has a similitude to the Passe Culmar. The Syl- vestre d'hiver and the Colmar-Delvigne have also an affinity to the present variety, and are in respect to it what the Col- mar-epineux, Precel, and Souveraine are to the Passe Colmar. All these varieties are descendants from the Colmar, and are its respective congeners. FONDANTE DES BOIS. VAN MONS. Boschier. Boschpecr. Poire des bois. Poire de persil. Petersilic-peer. Poire de Def tinge. Beurre de Def tinge. Dr. Van Mons states that this is incontestably a Belgian variety, supposed to have originated in the woods from a seed chance sown. The fruit is large, nearly round, usually flat- tened at the middle of its summit, and swollen at the middle of the base, with some slight protuberances, its greatest diam- eter being about midway of its height. The skin is rough, ot a dull green hue, with large reddish specks, and next the sun acquires a reddish brown colour. The flesh is white and deli- cate, enriched as much as possible with sweet juice, and an TEARS. 213 exquisite flavour. The fruit should be gathered shortly after the skin begins to change from green to yellow, for if gather- ed too soon, it rots ; and if too late, it becomes soft and loses its excellence. The branches of the tree are drooping ; the shoots of the year are short and slender, with small grayish spots scattered over at intervals ; the leaves are oblong, co- riaceous, shining, and nearly as smooth on one side as on the other, with numerous small oblique indentures ; the pe- duncle is entirely woody, curved at its summit, with nume- rous furrows, which extend even on the end of the branch to which it is attached, and its other extremity is inserted in a broad open cavity. This pear has an affinity to the Beurre Spence. SOVEREIGN COLMAR. PR. CAT. Colmar souverain. La souverain. Rejenlin. This tree is of vigorous growth, but the branches usually assume a curved or drooping direction. The fruit is of large size, and turbinate form, diminishing gradually towards the stem ; the skin is at maturity of a beautiful golden russet hue ; the flesh is delicate, rich, and high flavoured. The tree pro- duces abundantly, and the fruit which ripens in October and November is one of the most beautiful in appearance and de- licious in quality, and is highly esteemed by all who cultivate it. INNOMINEE. VAN MONS. L'Innominte. Pyrus innominata. VAN MONS. The leaves of this variety are narrow, pointed at each ex- tremity, and of a pale green colour. The flowers are remark- ably white, and the petals rounded. The fruit is very large, of a rather pyramidal form, rounded at the summit, swollen at the middle, and terminating in an obtuse point, where there is a swelling that partially covers the peduncle, and which is thereby pressed towards the opposite side ; the peduncle is long and large, inserted even with the fruit ; the skin is light green, mottled with pale fawn colour, and becomes yellow on some parts when at maturity. The flesh is delicate, melting-, 214 PEARS. sweet, and enriched with an agreeable odour. This fruit at- tains its maturity between summer and autumn, and is not in- clined to rot. FULTON. PR. CAT. This native pear is of small size, and of a golden russet co- lour. When gathered at the proper period, which is a short time before its maturity, and ripened in the house, the flesh is sweet, juicy, melting, and of a delicious flavour. The tree is an abundant bearer, and the fruit is at maturity in October. DEARBORN'S SEEDLING. MAS?. HORT. This pear is rather under the medium size, the skin smooth, fair, and of a pale yellow colour ; the flesh is very melting, and of excellent flavour, being deemed equal in this respect to the ancient and delicious White Doyenne or St. Michael. It originated from seed in the grounds of General Dearborn, President of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Its period of maturity is the month of September. CABOT. This pear was raised by J. S. Cabot, Esq. of Salem, from a seed of the Brown Beurre- It has a short stem, and is of much smaller size than its parent, but resembles it in shape and colour, and has a faint red cheek on the side next the sun. GREEN WINTER SYLVANCHE. PR. CAT. Sylvanche vert&hiver, of various catalogues. Winter Sylvanchc. This is a vigorous growing tree, and one of the most pro- ductive. The fruit is of good size and much excellence, and as it is a winter pear, it will serve as a most valuable acquisi- tion to our collection of fine fruits for the table, during that part of the year. RAYMOND. PR. CAT. This was raised from seed by Dr. J. Wight, of Raymond, Maine. It resembles in form the White Doyenne, and is of a PEARS. 215 pale yellow colour. It is deemed of fine quality and good flavour, and ripens in the month of August. WILLIAMS'S DOUBLE BEARING. PR. CAT. This variety was raised in the garden of Mrs. Williams, of Salem, Mass, from a seed of the St. Germain. It is a large pear and resembles its parent, but is of rather greater diameter, and its skin is of a lighter shade. The flesh is of fine quality, melting, but not high flavoured. This tree has the peculiarity of producing, as it were, two crops ; the fruit of the first is of the size above stated, and ripens early in October, that of the second is of much smaller size, and ripens from two to four weeks after. BLEEKER'S MEADOW. PR. CAT. Meadow Pear. This variety originated in Pennsylvania, and is said to be a seedling from the far-famed Seckel, which is highly probable, as the tree greatly resembles that variety in the appearance of the wood, foliage, &tc. Its growth, however, is much more rapid and vigorous, and it will perhaps attain to double the size in the same period. The trees in my grounds have not yet produced fruit, but some specimens sent from a distance, and stated to be of this variety, were more than double the size of the Seckel, and of a yellowish or russet colour, resem- bling somewhat in shape a large bergamot pear, not com- pressed next the stem ; they were also of much excellence as regards quality and flavour, and of beautiful appearance. The period of its maturity is the month of October. ORANGE. PR. CAT. *' This variety is considerably cultivated in some parts of Rhode Island, under the above title, where it is held in great estimation. Whether it is a foreign or a native varie- ty, is not yet precisely ascertained. It ripens ten or twelve days before the White Doyenne, and is more buttery but less melting than that variety, and inferior to it. In respect to 216 PEARS. form, it is not as long a fruit as the White Doyenne, being be- tween that and a bergamot pear in shape, but at its greatest diameter, it equals in size a large fruit of the Doyenne. BLODGET. PR. CAT. This variety was raised from seed by Deacon David Blod- get, late of Camden, Maine. The original tree is now thirty- two years old, in a vigorous state, and a good bearer. The fruit is of medium size and pyriform, and at maturity is melt- ing, juicy, and of a very pleasant vinous flavour. It attains its maturity here in the month of September. HONEY. PR. CAT. This variety is considerably cultivated in the state of Maine, and claimed by some persons there to be a native. The fruit is under a medium size ; the flesh melting, very juicy, and of a rich, sweet, musky, and sprightly flavor, and deemed by the gentleman who sent it to me, to be equal to the White Doy- enne. The tree bears abundantly, and in its form is rather more spreading than lofty. The period of maturity is the be- ginning of September. I am informed by Jacob Patch, Esq. of Maine, that this and the preceding varieties are found to be exceedingly hardy and well suited to the severe climate of that state. PARTI. PART II. ERRATA. Page 147 6th line, omit " Mogul Summer." 75 17th line, omit" Coxe." " 150 6th line,/or " November," read " September." 175 20th and2lst lines, omit $ " Malta, > of some American collec- l English Malta? \ tions." " 197 3