GIFT OF Elisabeth Whitney Putnai * I ****fegft u \ X * ...v-r ^-f/ v PRAYERS BY HORATIO STEBBINS x **> J * N v ! * ' FROM BAS-RELIEF BY MRS C. H. RIEBER. PRAYERS BY HORATIO STEBBINS MINISTER OP THE FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH OP SAN FRANCISCO 1864-1902 SAN FRANCISCO THE MURDOCH PRESS 1903 TO THE PEOPLE OF THE FIEST UNITARIAN CHURCH IN SAN FRANCISCO "IN WHOSE FACES," FOB MORE THAN A GENERATION, " HE SAW THE REFLECTION OF CHRISTIAN LOVE FOR HIM, AND WHO RE- CEIVED WHAT HE HAD TO SAY AS THE STILL, THIRSTY EARTH RECEIVES THE GENTLE RAIN," THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED BY HIS CHILDREN. '"? * O " i/o NOTE. IN eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, unknown to my father, I engaged a stenographer, who, for nearly a year, sent me reports of the prayers of the Sunday services. My father never knew that this record existed. Feeling that their publication will afford an opportunity for members of his congregation and others who loved him to have and to hand down a precious memorial of his ministry, this little volume is offered. B. S. PBAYEKS In the order of services the short prayer immediately follows the sermon. FEBEUAEY 17, 1889 - MOENING INFINITE, Holy, and Almighty God, our Father, we come now to our place newly consecrated to thy service; we come with hearts refreshed in the genial air of this fair day ; lift up our minds and hearts to thee with devout feeling, rever- ence, and prayer. Our wants are ever constant and ever the same; our weakness is ever near and our sin ever nearer. Thy love and thy grace are greater than our weakness and mightier than our sins, and we come to thee, God, and take refuge in thee, our Strength and our Redeemer. Consecrate unto our hearts, we pray thee, our experience the experience of life, the experi- ence of its events, the experience of its trials, of its joys. We bless thee always for thy greatness, the majesty of thy beauty, and we pray thee let that beauty rest upon us, O God, yea, let the beauty of our God rest upon us. We thank thee, Almighty One, for the pleas- ant inheritance upon which we have entered. We 9 acknowledge with gratitude all our debt in the past to those who have gone before us, the foun- ders and builders, the teachers, those who have lifted up their voice to thee before the people, who have sung songs of mighty power, and spok- en words of grace, sweetness, love, and terrible retribution. And now, God, thy people wait for thee, and is not also thy coming prepared as is the morning? Dost thou not come to thy people as the early and latter rain to the earth? Come now, thou Holy One, refresh the hearts of thy children, wash away all their sins, and remove their sins from them as far as the east is from the west; and let thy blessing, thy tender com- passion, thy glory, and thy joy be upon us, now and evermore. AMEN. God, our Father, by whose Spirit all hearts are moved as the trees of the wood are moved by the wind, come now in thy abundant grace and bless thy people; confirm their hearts in every pure thought and in every good purpose, quicken their minds, their reflections, their meditations, their reason, and give them something of thy in- dwelling and divine life, which thy saints have ever called the life of God. AMEN. 10 FEBEUAEY 17, 1889 - EVENING GOD, our Father in heaven, whose strong and mighty hand supports the steady earth and turns it upon its soft and silent axle, bringing again the shadows of the night, we come again to our place of prayer to lift up our hearts to thee, reverently and devoutly to bow before thee in humble worship, to implore thee for the things we need, and cast ourselves upon thy al- mighty arm. We thank thee for the pleasant day, for its blessed charities, for its kind and gentle man- ners, customs, and habits, and we thank thee for the blessing it brings to the common family of man, to all who keep it, to all who are wise of heart and pure in their feelings, and who accept its enjoyments, its consecrated opportunities for prayer and song and teaching, and reverent act of worship and bowing down before thee. Let thy blessing be upon all the people to- night, and wherever the gentle currents of the evening air draw around a dwelling, there let gentle affection, pure desires have kingdom and sway. Watch with those who watch, wait with 11 those who wait, give cheerfulness and gladness to those who are cheerful and glad with pure hearts, make the pillow of little children, who will sleep well in thy care, smooth the bed of the weary, of the sick, of the dying, and let all the people be blessed in thy goodness, thy wisdom, and thy love. Forget our sins, and help us with sincere purpose to quit them, to give them into the past, and free us by thy great Spirit and thy goodness from the past, and let us be ever living now in the new present and coming future, where hope and joy and gladness invite us, and where we shall sit down in the kingdom of eter- nal power, grace, and glory. Almighty God, let thy blessing be as broad and wide as the shadow of the night, as the beams of the day, resting upon thy common hu- man family, the common race of man, in all climes, in all countries, in all nations, and wher- ever man lives, even though he lives in darkness and ignorance, if he lives according to the best light that is in him, may he be received by thee, the universal Father. Let thy blessing be upon us here now, upon each one according to his wants, to his experience, to his doubts and his failings, and let faith have its victory. Let the Spirit and the life of God in us subdue all other powers, and let thy kingdom come and be set up forever and ever. AMEN. 12 Almighty God, our Father, let thy blessing descend on us now, and as we go each one to his home, may we go with deeper thoughts and feel- ings and with pure affections; with bright and strong hopes and confirmed courage, and a di- vine resolution to live according to the best that is in us, and may we put our thoughts into daily practice and living. AMEN. 13 FEBEUAKY 23, 1889 - MOBNING INFINITE AND HOLY ONE, almighty Provi- dence of our lives, inspirer of our souls, the beginning of reason and the end of faith, we implore thee now by thy gracious Spirit to come nigh unto thine own, and lead forth thy flock in green pastures beside still waters of divine grace. "We were glad when our companions said to us, Let us go up into the house of the Lord." We are come in the gentle light of day; the sun shines bright and fair; our lives are blessed and our hearts are inspired by thy gracious Spirit. We come as we are, with all our earthly burdens ; we come as we are, with all our earthly joys, with all the hopes that thy Spirit has kindled in our breasts, thou knowing us better than we know our- selves, our inward thoughts, our veriest pur- pose, our desires, our pain, our will, are all known to thee. Pity our weakness; enlighten our darkness; confirm our feeble strength by thine own might; and let thy children rise up and sit down and lift up their voice in gracious 14 benediction and praise and blessing to thee, our God. Holy One, Infinite Father, we invoke thy blessing on us always. And renew in our hearts our sense of dependence on thee, our sense of filial trust in thee. Consecrate unto us all our experience ; what is dark do thou illumine in thy time ; what is a deep trial, or pain, or anguish of any sort, do thou relieve and assuage ; and gen- tly bless with tender and holy consolations and reverent feelings of how little we know of the mystery of thy ways, the mystery of thy provi- dences, the teachings and the wonders of thy grace. Almighty God, we thank thee for our daily affairs; for our constant occupations; for that which we find within our own dwellings and in the world of men to occupy our minds, our hearts, and our hands. Give prosperity to our honorable industry, to our intelligent service; and in doing good, in walking humbly, and in loving mercy, may we find the abundant reward and peace of thy divine kingdom. Almighty God, our Father, we would fix our mind and thoughts on thee now. We would think what thou art in thine ineffable beauty and per- fectness; and we would feel that thou hast in- spired us with a kindred nature to thine own, and called us to the great calling to be the sons 15 of God. May our minds be inspired and filled with reverence and devout feeling and holy pur- pose of obedience and trust in thee. And as we stand upon the great eminence the great eminence of our Mount Zion, the city of our God and look abroad over all the earthly scene of our experience, its mystery, its trial, its abundant salvation, its kindness, its times of dis- tress, may we see in it all and through all a wondrous leading, a divine hand, a holy and protecting care. Let thy blessing, Holy Father, be upon all to- day, as wide as the beams of the sun. Let thy gracious benediction be shed abroad. Guide with thy strong and merciful hand ; keep by thy pure Spirit ; and save all by thy eternal grace. Hear our prayer; forgive our sins, and re- move them from us as far as the east is from the west. And as our earthly experience increases, may that experience stretch over into unknown worlds, into untried scenes; and may divine wonder and curiosity enamor our hearts of what God has yet to reveal to his children. AMEN. 16 FEBBUAKY 23, 1889 - EVENING GOD, thou Light of our light, and Life of our life, we adore thy providence in the world of men, thy teaching, thy wisdom, and thy grace. And we give thee blessing and thanksgiving that all along the line of human ages thou hast had martyrs and confessors, saints and teachers, who have stood as the light and the ensamples of mankind, the interpreters of thy word, the com- munion of thy saints. We thank thee that we have entered into their heritage; that we have received the wisdom, the truth, and the grace of those who have gone before us. And we pray that in our minds and hearts the Dayspring from on high may arise continually, leading us into a nobler and more beautiful and a sweeter life. We acknowledge thy providence with rever- ence and holy fear in all the teachings of the Christian Church, in all its vicissitudes, in all its tumults, and toils and trials and dangers; and that, above all wreck of human fortunes and human failings, thy Spirit has kept on its mighty way, enchurching itself in mankind. Let thy blessing, Almighty God, be upon all 17 thy children everywhere who humbly and rever- ently think of thee ; in every race and clime and nation; in every division of the Christian Church ; in every division of the Church Univer- sal of God, the Maker and Inspirer of all. We thank thee, our Father in heaven, for all our blessings the blessings of human society, of civilization; for Christian teaching, Christian knowledge, and Christian hopes. And, Almighty One, let thy goodness be upon all everywhere, according to their need. Lift up those who are fallen; comfort those who are sorrowing and broken-hearted; enlighten the darkness of those who are benighted; and lead all gently by thy hand to better things and to the fulfillment of better hopes. And so may all thy people be blessed in thee now and hereafter and forever. AMEN. 18 MAECH 3, 1889 MOENING THE day is bright and fair, the world is filled with the glory of the sun, and thy Spirit, God, goes forth inspiring the hearts of all thy chil- dren, and we come, beckoned by divine signals, led on by holy hands, with our feelings drawn toward thee, to our place of prayer. Come to thy people as thou ever dost and hast done from all time ; come to us as to thy own, and give thy people peace. Forgive our sins; subdue our minds to patience, to penitence, to prayer; lift up our hearts in holy gratitude with exultation of soul and bowing down and worship, and ris- ing up before thee with awe and gladness and terrible reverence and comfort at thy goodness by thee manifested to thy children. We always thank thee, Almighty One, we al- ways bless thee, thou infinite and eternal God, and with holy patience and penitence and prayer we lift up our hearts to thee now. Let thy bene- diction be upon the homes we have left for an hour to come to this our house of God. Conse- crate them, consecrate this. Wherever our thoughts, flying on wings of imagination and love, rest down upon those whom we would bless 19 with thy blessing, there let thy love go inspiring, and thy almighty hand sustaining, comforting, and supporting. Let thy tender benediction be upon all thy suffering ones. Deal kindly with the wretched, the poor, the weak, the wicked, the wise, the good, the true. Thou knowest, Almighty One, our wants; thou knowest and thou canst supply them by thy Spirit and by thy grace and thy power. Subdue our hearts to thee. Teach us wisdom by thy divine grace and Spirit. Lead us in plain paths of duty and consecrate to our minds and hearts our daily work of coming be- fore thee, and as we go forth at any hour of the day, in the morning, at mid-day or evening, may the rising of a new life, the satisfaction of mid- day strength, the tender thoughts of the evening glories, fill our hearts with the divine presence and holy companionship of God in heaven. AMEN. God, thou Mysterious One, who dost move on our right hand and on our left, ever present, terrible, lovely Spirit, fill our hearts with all things true and good and beautiful ; let us dream and wonder and imagine of thee; let us be lost in thy own infinite glory, manifested on earth beneath and in heaven above; and may thy indwelling Spirit kindle our hearts to all medi- tation, prayer, and peace. AMEN. 20 MAECH 3, 1889 -EVENING LET thy blessing be upon us, God, according to thy tender mercies and thy loving-kindness, ac- cording to thy wisdom and thy grace. We thank thee for the pleasant day, for the gentle night, for thy hand that supports the morning and evening, that leads forth the glory of noonday and the majesty of night; in all we see thy pow- er, thy wisdom, thy goodness, thy love. We come each one from his place and duty and his dwelling to this our common meeting- place of prayer and teaching and song. Let our hearts be in devout mood of pure feeling, of clear intelligence, of devout faith and earnest hope. We give thee gratitude for all our bless- ings, the blessings of thy word spoken in all places of thy domain and of thy kingdom, and spoken in all times and all ages, among every race of man in the common human earth. Teach us by thy Spirit; inspire and refresh the light of reason, a ray from thyself; purify our affections by thy almighty Spirit that ever goes forth among the children of men. Chastise, rebuke, reprove, cheer, encourage, lift up, and 21 bless thy people forever and ever. Forgive us our sins and help us with thee to put them as far from us as the east 'is from the west. Let thy blessing be upon all manner and condition and fortunes of men. Cheer up those who are in great distress and perplexity of mind or body or heart ; give them wisdom, give them self-control. Make the pillow of the dying and lead them gently on. Lift up those who are fallen ; and so by thy grace and thy goodness be ever and ever more for thy people. AMEN. 22 MAECH 10, 1889 GOD, our Father, Infinite Spirit, Holy One, we come again to our place of prayer ; again we quit the usual cares and duties of labor and of life, to come here to remind thee of our gratitude for our divine calling in God, our Father, and we leave our earthly dwellings for this our place of prayer and worship, our remembrance of our " house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. ' ' We come with gladness and with joy, with awful mirth and song ; we come with grati- tude and penitence and contrition, and bowing down and rising up to worship thee, our Maker. Forgive our sins ; remove them from us as far as the east is from tne west. Pity our weak- nesses, overcome our doubts, strengthen our faith, and let us be glad in thee, our God, our Kefuge, our Eock. We thank thee always when we come together in our place of prayer for the common blessings of thy providence ; that we have food and cloth- ing and comfortable shelter; that in all things thy hand is bountiful, thy mercy is great, and thy loving-kindness everlasting. We thank thee, Almighty One, that in the midst of perplexities and doubts and fears, thy unspeakable gift has never been taken from us, the gift of thinking and of believing that somehow, in some way, within some time, thy eternal good-will is ever working and will work for the human family. We thank thee for the ever-increasing experience of our hearts which has increased our faith in thy Spirit and thy grace, which teaches us to overcome all the contradiction, the violence, the guessing, the uncertainty, the suspicion of the world and to believe that thou hast o'er every child of man an eternal "Yea"; that thou hast set in thy Son Jesus Christ an answer to all the great hopes, the aspirations, the feelings, the fears, and the loves of the human soul. May we enter into that great inheritance, and as thou hast given us examples here and there in the hearts of the good, may we there behold its beauty and accept its inspired power and grace. We thank thee, Almighty God, that wherever we are on earth, wherever our friends are on earth or sea, they are at home with God ; that no distance of land or ocean, of latitudes or longi- tudes separate from thy almighty protection or from thine inspiring Spirit; and we commend, O God, to thee those whom we love and think of here and there. We pray for all thy common human family in earth or in heaven; that every race and tribe and soul of man, in every age and every nation and on the far-off islands of the sea, may be all enfolded in thy almighty power, thy gracious and loving providence, and inspired by thy loving, tender Spirit. Let thy blessing be upon us now; let thy Spirit be infused in com- mon communion and our minds set free in the larger liberty of the sons of God, and know what it is to love God, to love one another, and feel that we belong to thy common human family. AMEN. MAECH 17, 1889 MOENING HOLY FATHER, Almighty One, our wants are ever new and our life is ever received afresh from thy hands and thy Spirit, and we come to our place of prayer to pour out our hearts to thee in devout gratitude, in penitence, in holy joy and awful gladness. We thank thee for thy protecting care, for thy almighty hand ever stretched out to hold us up, for thy love that ever encompasseth us, and for thy holy provi- dence, infinite, merciful, gracious, and kind ; and we thank thee that amid all the mystery and pain of life we have a confidence in thee our Maker that thou knowest all things, and when we are involved in great trouble or care or per- plexity and all the waves of affliction go over us, we thank thee that we do still have great confi- dence that thou knowest all, thou doest all, thou seest the end from the beginning, and that no hurt can come to thy beloved. We thank thee, Almighty God, that in the days that have past since we met here we have been able to go over our usual cares and business with the world. If the world has gone evenly 26 and well with us, we thank thee ; if adversity or trial or pain has overtaken us, and we have been comforted by the thought of our ignorance and weakness and thy goodness and greatness, and have found refuge in the Eternal Rock from storm and tempest, we thank thee, thou Inspirer of our hearts. Give us the grace and blessing, we pray thee, to enter into thy divine kingdom more and more, and that we may feel the power of a superior world, that we may live in that world to-day, and that all our affairs, our busi- ness, our daily actions, our exchange of commun- ion with our fellow men, may be so conducted as to bring back more and more that kingdom of power and grace and love. Almighty God, our Father, let thy blessing be upon all thy children to-day. Bless thine heri- tage and lift up thy people forever and ever. Work among the nations and the people of the world. Let thy benediction be upon the rulers and kings of mankind, upon the people far and near, and may prosperity, peace, and heavenly benediction descend upon the common family of man. Let thy blessing be, as ours, upon our be- loved wherever they are, on sea or land, at home or abroad. May they be upheld by thy care and protection and inspired by thy Spirit. Pity the poor, the afflicted, the weak, the wandering, or the wicked, and temper thy providence by holy 27 chastisements, by tender pity and compassionate love, and bring all thy people to dwell in the tabernacle of the Lord. AMEN. thou Inspirer of our hearts, confirm us now in those things that we do most truly feel and be- lieve. Help us to put our best thoughts and purest feelings into practice in the walk of life, and in the humblest work and duties and cares to find there a teaching of thy will, thy purpose, and thy Spirit. Give us a goodly prosperity and give us fortitude to bear adversity ; and whether it be prosperity or adversity, may we win the great victories of human life, the victories of purer souls, of eternal glory and eternal power. AMEN. MAECH 17, 1889 EVENING HOLY FATHER, Almighty One, hear the prayers of thy children now, and come to thine own with blessing and peace. We reverence thee and bow down in awe and holy fear ; we lift up our voice in devout song and praise and prayer. Pity our weakness, help our ignorance, heal our doubts and our wounds of mind and heart, and give thy people everlasting peace and trust and comfort and love. If any of thy people are in heavy trial, if they are alone in Gethsemane, be with them there with thy power and Spirit and lift them up and save them forever and ever. And if the cup may not pass from them, may they be enabled to say from hearts enriched by obedi- ence and faith, ' ' Not my will but thine be done. ' ' We rejoice, Almighty God, in the themes of thy eternal truth, that truth which thou hast set in the nature of man, in the world around us, in the works of thy hands ; and hast illustrated by the lives of prophets and martyrs and saints, and of thy Son Jesus Christ. We thank thee that that truth, rising upon the world, never sets; that it knows no eclipse of its increasing 29 glory, but stands higher and higher until its beams shall illumine the whole world. Confer upon us, thou Almighty Spirit, the spirit of truth, the love of what is, the joy of thy commandments, the beauty of thy love, and let us in our daily lives, with simplicity of heart and purity of thought, seek to know thee, to know our own being, our inmost purpose; and may our thoughts and our purpose be alike con- secrated to thee. Let thy blessing be in every heart of man ; let it be in every human dwelling, resting down in holy peace upon little children, upon youth, upon mature age and manhood, and upon the aged in years, and let all thy children be blessed in thee, their Father in heaven. AMEN. 30 MAECH 24, 1889 MORNING THOU INFINITE AND HOLY ONE, Maker of all things, and inspirer of all souls, who dwellest in thy own eternal glory, in thy own eternal strength, who art never moved, who alone art from everlasting to everlasting, and thou who alone in thyself art great, we, thy children, come again to offer our prayers. We lift up our hearts to thee in all our wants and weakness and our sins, and we implore thee to forgive these and to supply those from thy abundant grace, thy ten- der mercy, and thy bounteous glory. We come with all the daily wants and experiences of our lives, led forth as though by thy holy providence, made glad and happy in the light of day, in the genial presence of friends, with enough of this world's goods and to spare. Some, it may be, are afflicted, are sorrowful and broken-hearted; some indeed are discouraged, it may be, and per- plexed beyond their endurance; and we pray, Holy Father, let thy infinite knowledge, thy tender love, that goodness and love which we implore, mete out all that is wanted to every pure heart. 31 Almighty God, let us thank thee now for all common gifts received from thee. We always want, we always shall want from thee, and we would not be bereft of our wants. We all ever desire thee more and more. We would be par- takers of thy eternal beauty and glory more and more, and the more we want the more thou wilt supply. We give thee blessing, Almighty God, and gratitude that in the usual circumstances of life we have been permitted to go through an- other week, with our business with the world, blessed by thee, if we have made that business an honorable service to one another, to men, and to God, if in the humblest duties of our life we have manifested to the world that we have had such thoughts of thee as kept our hearts in awe and lifted us up in joy and peace. We thank thee, Almighty God, for the com- mon benefits and light of thy love and grace, and power and providence, upon our common land and country ; for all the men of honor, for all the noble records of the past treasury of our history, the treasury of God's will, the treasury of hu- man strife and human mercies in which the good has sustained itself above the evil, and brought a blessing to mankind; in these things we re- vere thy will and thy goodness forever and ever. And now, Holy Father, what wait we for? Let thy blessing come. Let thy Spirit be with thy 32 beloved. Consecrate us to each other, to thyself, and may we be prepared by service, by service here in thy house, to give thee service wherever we are abroad in the world of men ; and whether here or there, on land or sea, in thick-peopled cities or wide barren deserts, may thy presence be with us, and may it be as near to us from earth to heaven as from here to there, and may we be ever near thy love. AMEN. God, our Father, inspire the hearts of thy chil- dren with the best they believe and the best they know, and let thy eternal beauty, strength, and loveliness be manifested to our hearts; and let that strength and beauty and loveliness be in us and lift us up forever and ever. AMEN. MAECH 24, 1889 -EVENING ALMIGHTY GOD, thou joy and gladness of all the ends of the earth, Maker and Inspirer of man- kind and faithful Providence of our lives, gra- cious, merciful, and gentle Teacher, day by day we come to thee with rejoicing song and glad refrain and reverent prayer, and from the holy height of devout thought and feeling and con- templation, we would look down o'er all the scene of thy goodness, thy power, thy wisdom, and thy love. Thou hast given no time when thou hast not had on earth witnesses of thyself, and when man was a child thou didst fold him in thy arms and carry him upon thy bosom, and leading him by the hand send him forth upon the world to subdue it, to conquer it, and to win unto himself everlasting life in thee, in whom alone is immortality. We revere thy providence, we love thy grace, and we bow in humble adora- tion, in penitence and deep sense of need, in thy holy presence. We ask thy blessing upon us, Almighty God, that by that Spirit whereby thou dost awaken the souls of men and kindle in their hearts the 34 great and illustrious sentiments of our nature thou wilt increase our human sympathy, our breadth of intellectual and moral feeling, the eternal power and life of our faith, that we may receive and feel and know how we are joined to the common lot of man, to the common destiny of thy human world, and that if we are privileged above some, our duty, our obligation is increased and our own responsibility to thee and to one another is greater and greater. Almighty God, our Father, we ask thy bless- ing to-night upon all thy people wherever they may be, upon all nations and races and children of men, upon our common country, upon the commonwealth to which we belong, here upon the city in which we dwell; and let thy protect- ing providence be over all the weak, the wander- ing, the wicked, the foolish, the wise, the true, the good. Chastise with wise severity and rebuke with holy retribution, and let thy Divine Spirit go forth and adjust itself in the hearts of men. AMEN. Almighty God, confirm now in our hearts whatever truth we have. Let that truth be settled on an eternal base. Let thy Spirit shine, thy grace descend, and let our minds and hearts rise in eternal strength and glory and peace. AMEN. MAECH 31, 1889 MORNING GOD, our Father, Infinite Spirit, Almighty Being, we are here again in our place of prayer ; the sun shines bright, the day is glorious, all creation is glad, and the earth is filled with thy power and glory and beauty and goodness. Thy providence, wiser than our hearts and more patient than our reason, brings about the regular succession of day and night, of labor and rest, and we are come to our place of adoration, prayer, peni- tence, and peace, and ask thee that all the hearts of thy children may be blessed. Thy tender care, thy paternal love, thy wis- dom, thy eternal righteousness, thy awful retri- bution, let these be the dwelling-place of our thoughts, the rest of our hearts, the peace of our conscience ; and as we pray, for ourselves here, a worshiping company, let thy benediction, thy grace, thy wisdom, and thy power, go forth o'er all the earth to gladden, refresh, sustain, and encourage the heart of man. Be with all those who are in great distresses, who are walking in the midst of sharp trials and anxieties and fears, and who know not what a day or an hour may bring; may they commit the keeping of their souls to God as to a faithful Creator, and know that no harm can come to thy beloved. Let thy blessing be in the dwellings we have left while we come to this our house of God. Let those dwellings be consecrated by a pure spirit, by sweet and lovely affection, by patient will, by tender love, and may they be to us our best symbol and expression of the divine king- dom of God. And now, Holy Father, come to thine own here, to thy common human family, the nations of the earth, the people of the country, the citi- zens of the towns, the dwellers in the house of prayer, and in thine abundant grace and al- mighty power let all be blessed. AMEN. Holy Father, move our hearts by thy Spirit that we may learn quickly thy truth and thy presence, and may we behold in the world which thou hast made the manifestation of thy eternal beauty and glory, and may our hearts and minds be transfigured more and more into that beauty and glory that is everlasting and forever and ever. Let thy peace and thy blessing be upon us. Go with us where we go ; stay with us where we stay ; come with us where we come ; and in thine eternal presence let us live. AMEN. 37 MAECH 31, 1889 -EVENING ALMIGHTY GOD, our Father, we give thee blessing for the pleasant day, for the genial night, the calm fresh air, the night heavens with all their glory, and the peace that gathers around our earthly dwellings. Let thy blessing be upon us ac- cording to our need. Supply well and abundant- ly by thy Spirit all our wants, and may we be blessed with that better and diviner knowledge, the blessing of knowing our wants, our wants of one another, our wants of thee, our Maker and Inspirer. May the spirit of truth dwell in our hearts so that we shall love and revere and honor what- ever thou hast done, whatever thou hast said, and whatever places or footsteps thou hast hal- lowed by thy presence and power and providence and life in the world of men. Almighty One, thou who turnest the hearts of princes as the rivers of water are turned, let thy word have free course and be glorified upon the earth ; let thy Church, the Church of the Living God, be lifted up with towers and bulwarks and defenses, and let thy Spirit be with thy people, 38 and thy providence ever guide them on and on to the unknown land whither thou wilt lead them. Let our patient minds be constant in duty, faithful in every trust, honorable and pure in every relation. May we find, God, that thy word is not lifted up on high that we should send for it there, that it is not in the deep that we should send for it there, but "Lo, it is nigh thee, even upon thy lips and in thy mouth," the word of faith, the word of that humble faith in God, our Maker, in Jesus Christ, thy Son, the inspiration, the life of thy people. Let thy tender, pitying care be over all thy people, over those who are in distress, those who are in happiness and joy. May all be wisely taught and chastened and blessed in thee ; and as years increase and time runs on in its ceaseless beat, may we all grow wiser, better, tenderer of heart, more genial in feeling, and more righteous in will. AMEN. APEIL 7, 1889 - MOBNING FATHER ALMIGHTY, thou in whose hand we live, whose inspiration is the source of reason, faith, and love; the day is bright and fair, the sun in strong, the ocean rolls as in the hollow of thy hand, the mountains stand fast as by thy eternal word ; thy law is stamped in letters of life upon all things that thou hast made, from the sun and moon and stars and the revolving earth to all varieties of trees and blooming flowers, and thy word and thy power and thy law are written in our hearts. With reverence, with holy fear, with awful gladness and mirth we call upon thy name. We speak to thy heart, we pray to thy love. We implore thy wisdom and repose in thy almighty goodness, and as we come to our place of prayer we think in our inmost souls what we really are, what we are, not as compared to others, who may be better, who may be worse, but what we are ourselves by the temper of our minds, by the purity of our thoughts, by the direction of our will, and by our honest, sincere, and simple desires before God. May we from the depths of our hearts cry unto 40 thee, l ' God, search me, know me, try my ways and see if there be any wicked ways in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." We implore thy tender pity and forgiveness upon every contrite heart, upon every broken tender spirit, upon every promise of penitence and every aspiration for a better life, and as we look back clearly o'er the past, seeing many things forgotten that are sometimes revived, and many things which we would forget but which live with us for a constant reproach; as we look back o'er the bleak distances of opportunities lost, of occasions gone, of sins committed, Heaven, let some power of thy reviving grace send a gleam of life and beauty o'er all that past and bring back to us something of the innocent phases of life, something of the loveliness of childhood, and create within us some sentiments of a childhood's heart. Increase in our experi- ence those infinite and unsearchable depths of wisdom and love, and penitence and fear, and all those emotions, experiences, and feelings of the heart which reveal to us our infinite nature and our relations to God. Help us, we pray thee, to bring such thoughts, such sentiments, and such truths into our daily lives that we may set our houses and our homes in the order of the heaven- ly beauty. Let childhood be blessed in them, youth nurtured and strengthened against all 41 temptation and wrong, and over all let there be gladness and beauty and reverence and fear of thee. Almighty God, we ask thy blessing that it may be diffused abroad everywhere; that thy good- ness shall be as wide as the gleam of the sun; that thy eternal good- will, working ever for thy kingdom, will work that that kingdom may come in our hearts, and through us may it come to the world. Hear our prayers, forgive our sins, lead us by thy hand, and bring us at length to thy eternal peace and power and love and goodness. AMEN. God, our Light, illumine us by thy Spirit, and drive out all our poor conceits of knowledge and seeing, and reveal that inner glory and in- spired sight which sees thy truth, thy law, and thy love. May we be blessed in the truth, strengthened in the law, and comforted and blessed in the love. AMEN. APEIL 7, 1889 -EVENING ALMIGHTY FATHER, we thank thee for thy pro- tecting care, thy holy providence, thy inspiring Spirit, thy paternal love. They are expressed in our lives, in the events of every day, in the experience of our hearts, and in all the great sentiments with which thou hast blessed and comforted and adorned our earthly lot. We thank thee that we see in the life of the world the home of thy providence, reminding us that thy Spirit has been going forth from the begin- ning and is going and shall go time without end. For the vision of the kingdom of God and so- ciety of perfect and exalted souls on earth and in heaven, the hope of mankind, the destiny of thy earthly children, we thank thee, and also for all who have ascended from this life believing they saw a distant light, the light of a heavenly dwelling, the light of a Heavenly Father's love; and we implore thee for thy gracious Spirit to increase our human sympathies that we may be able to restore in our minds and hearts some- thing of the experience of the world, and have our imaginations to go back to the primeval age, to the days of the childhood of the world, the 43 feebleness of man's estate, his groping in much darkness and ignorance, yet illumined by celes- tial light; and we may see that great, that mighty thing, in the human world, the teachings and word of thy Son Jesus Christ. We thank thee, Almighty Father, that thou hast given us so great occasion to be called the sons of God, and as we endeavor humbly to walk, each one in the station which thy providence has assigned us, may we find, each one in his station, service enough to render unto thee, his God. May we bring to our daily affairs, to our life at home, to all the kindly charities of our earthly thoughts, may we bring a refined and exalted spirit, a pure temper and will, a cheerful and courageous heart, able to bear suffering, able to bear heavy burden; and may we not expect too much from this world, but expecting less may re- ceive more more of thy Spirit, more of thy wis- dom, and more of that divine inheritance which will stand us in good stead in that world to which we go. Almighty God, let thy blessing be upon all the families of the earth. Let it be among the sick, upon the country, upon all the homes and dwell- ings of our fellow citizens and our neighbors. Counsel, sustain, and bless by thy Spirit and providence all of us and every child of man. AMEN. 44 APEIL 14, 1889 MOENING GOD, our Father, Infinite and Holy One, mys- terious, wonderful, almighty, we thank thee for thy protecting care, thy strong and gentle provi- dence, thy pure spirit, thy paternal love ; and we look up to thee from humble and devout hearts to implore thy goodness, to rest upon thine al- mighty arm, to give thee thanks and gratitude and awful praise with gladness and holy mirth for what thou art in thyself, in thine exceeding glory, for what thou art to us by thy providence and love, and for what thou art to us in our own being, life, and actions. In thee we live and move and have our being, Infinite Spirit, Awful One, infinite, lovely Father. And as we come in the gentle light of a pleas- ant day again to our place of prayer, we would ascend into the high places of our experience and down into the depths of our humility and we would lift up our voices to thee from the depths and from the heights; and as we look along all the line of our earthly way we give thee praise and gratitude, and penitence and joy, and tears and gladness. 45 We thank thee, Almighty One, that in the sharpest stress of human experience, in the midst of many perplexities, borne down it may be by heavy trials now and then, we thank thee for the unspeakable gift that thou hast given us, the gift of believing in thee as children believe in their father because they think he knows, be- cause they trust his wisdom, because they feel his love ; and we thank thee that thou hast given us that great gift of believing that somehow and somewhere and somewhen, good will come out of apparent evil, and that if we are in the simple way of duty, if we are childlike and faithful, and are living without anxiety for this or that, but reposing on thee and following thy lead, that all shall be well, more than well, with us. And we give thee thanks and gratitude, Almighty God, that the worst never comes to us ; that whatever our lot and our trial, it is not as hard as it might be. The darkness is not as dark as it might be, and there is a wonder beyond, a wonder of be- lieving and hoping and trusting that thou seest the end from the beginning and that thy eternal will is eternal good. We pray that by thy Spirit we may enter into this experience with fullness of life, with cheerful resignation of heart, with humble sense of weakness and sin ; and that thou wilt give us strength enough to be thy people in our day. 46 Inspire us, we pray thee, to noble ambitions and godly lives ; kindle in our hearts those things that are so beautiful that we will rest under their banners for their own sakes, for their own love, for their own glory. May we have more and more things, thoughts, imaginations, and affections that we are willing to live for and die for. May we have more and more of those un- selfish experiences which teach us that if we would be anything we will be willing to be noth- ing. And so may we be lead into the mystery and secret of thy life, the losing ourselves to find ourselves, the losing ourselves that we shall be saved. Almighty God, our Father, we thank thee for all the blessings of our lot, the common blessings of daily life, our food and raiment ; for comfort- able shelter, for gentle and pure light, and for all the benedictions and blessings that beam upon us from the eyes of those that love us and from the hearts in which we trust. These, these, God, are thine, thou Inspirer of all goodness, all beauty, and all love. We would call to mind to-day the events in the life of Jesus, our Master. We would call to mind his trials, his temptations, the illusions and all the dreams and all the popular vanities which gather around it, and we will learn from them lessons of wisdom and of truth, and of all beauty 47 and of holiness ; and as we hear the cheers, as we hear the hosannas which hailed him, and which the next day or the day after were turned to storm and contempt, may we see his exceeding glory, infinite and divine his moral strength which could not be moved, by which he stood in his own divine power, in his own eternal might, and overcame with the sweetness and purity and strength of his spirit all the scorn of the world. So let our hearts be taught ; so let our footsteps be led and guided by eternal wisdom and eternal love. AMEN. God, thou who giveth to every man liberally and withholdeth not, fulfill now in our hearts the best thoughts, the purest purposes that we feel and know ; and when we go to our places, to our homes, to the world of business, the conflicts of life, may we keep the citadel of being in awful fear of terrible glory and surrounded by ever- lasting fires of watchfulness and purity and truth. And may the peace of God ever be with us ; the peace of a pure conscience, of an upright mind, of a tender heart; and may it be enough for us to know that thou art and we are. AMEN. 48 APEIL 14, 1889 -EVENING GOD, our Father, thou who makest day and night, who causeth the day spring to know its place and the setting sun to rejoice in its glory, we come again to our place of prayer for an hour, to meditate, to think, to worship, to pray to thee. We come with grateful minds, ever bearing in our hearts remembrance of thy good- ness. The whole earth is full of it, and thy wis- dom is high above the heavens and deeper than the earth ; thy understanding is from everlasting to everlasting, and thou hast guided man in his feeble steps through much ignorance and blind- ness and sin, and thou hast concealed in his heart thy word of truth and love and righteousness. We adore thy goodness, we bow reveringly be- fore thy power, we owe with gratitude thy eter- nal kingdom and righteousness and rule. Let thy blessing be on all to-night, upon the common family of thy earthly children, and let thy blessing and thy Spirit be with all those whom we think of when we think most deeply, most affectionately of the bonds that bind us here on earth. Wherever they may be, on land, on the sea, going or coming or staying, may they be blessed and upheld in the same almighty providence, and may we all feel that distance cannot be great between those who are thinking the same thoughts, worshiping the same God, and enfolded in the same almighty, almighty care. Let thy blessing be upon the people of this city and upon all their dwellings. Deal gen- tly with the weak, the wandering, the straying; with wise severity with those who are willfully wrong, and let all thy goodness again and again pass before thy children, that they may be turned from every evil way to their Father in heaven. Let thy blessing be upon all the widows, the sick, the tried, the afflicted, and the broken- hearted. May they have a mysterious comfort, even in their sorrow and trial itself, and may pain and anguish reveal in their hearts an awful mystery, the mystery of suffering to bring our hearts to the deepest experience of loveliness and truth. Almighty One, hear our prayers, forgive our weaknesses and our sins, and lead us by thy strong and merciful hand in safety and in peace. AMEN. 50 APEIL 21, 1889 - MOENING GOD, our Father, Infinite and Holy One, thou whose word is spoken in all places of thy domin- ion and the uttermost parts of the world; thou whose law goes forth to hold the worlds in their places and in whose hand the ocean rolls; thou hast proclaimed thy word and thy truth to the children of men; thou hast set thy Son Jesus Christ to confirm that word, to establish and to keep it forever and ever. We adore thy greatness; we bow in humble reverence before it, and we lean with filial trust upon thy almighty paternal arm. We thank thee (owning the presence of thy inspiring Spirit in all those great sentiments of the human heart which have struggled on in the darkest periods of man's trial and ignorance and sin) that somehow through the wicket gate of death we see a heavenly light. We thank thee (owning the influence of thy everlasting Spirit) for that faith by which thine humble children are gone up from the earth as the sea ascends in mists. They have gone up with a humble hope, with a humble trust, that somewhere and somehow they 51 would be nearer thee, their Maker, and feel thy paternal arm. In times of darkness and igno- rance and sin we thank thee that this great hope has struggled on in the human soul. And we thank thee, Almighty One, in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ, that thou hast confirmed the heart of man and strengthened his hope and comforted his spirit; that thou hast given to him thy Son to abolish death, to bring life and immortality to light through his gospel, and to establish thy eternal kingdom and that infinite communion of earth and heaven. Let this Spirit and this faith be upon all thy people to-day; on every land and clime and race and tongue, and in whatever humble ways men wor- ship thee, in whatever ignorance they lift up their hands unto thee, God, hear their prayers, strengthen their hearts, confirm their hopes, and lead them forth to everlasting life. We ask thy blessing upon us now, and receive, we pray thee, our humble prayers, our penitent confessions; and lift up thy people forever and ever. Let the blessing of the truth of the gospel of thy Son be in our dwellings. Let it be in all our hearts, blessing, consoling, lifting up, and com- forting amidst trials or perplexities or joy or gladness forever and ever. AMEN. 52 APEIL 21, 1889 EVENING ALMIGHTY GOD, our Father, we thank thee for the pleasant day, for the gentle evening hour, the fresh evening breeze, for the quiet of home, the fair and terrible heavens of night, and for thy watching over all. We come to thee in the evening hour to our place of prayer. We come to take thy name rev- rently upon our lips, to bow down and rise up before thee with reverent act of holy fear, of awful gladness and mirth, and humble peni- tence and contrition. Pity our weaknesses ; for- give our sins; restore us from every way of thoughtlessness or ingratitude or wrong ; and let all thy goodness pass before us, that we may know and love thee for what thou art. Tenderly let thy gracious compassion rest up- on all thy afflicted children. Pity the poor, the distressed, the captive, the prisoner, and may all conditions and fortunes of earthly life to which thy children may be appointed be blessed by thy o'erruling providence; and wherever they may be there let thy pity be also. Almighty God, thou whose providence hast 53 guided thy human race from the beginning from its days of feebleness, ignorance, weakness and want, and who hath kept thy word and thy promise to thy people, leading them on, we adore with reverence and gratitude thy presence and power in thy Holy Church thy Holy Church throughout the world, of all classes and races and of all men. We thank thee for thy Holy Spirit, which enchurches itself in the human world and leads forth the common race of man to its great destiny. Open our eyes and hearts to that truth, that truth that thou hast ordained to go forth from conquering to conquer, and in our hearts may it have free course and be glorified in the light of reason, in the purity of imagination and affec- tion, in our humble desire to serve God and our fellow men, and thus whatever earthly event may o'ertake us, may we ourselves be free free as those who are made free by the spirit of God. AMEN. 54 APEIL 28, 1889 MOENING GOD, our Father in heaven, Infinite and Holy One, almighty and all-good, we come again to our place of prayer. The week has passed, the days are gone; thy strong and merciful hand hath led and sustained us; thy Spirit hath in- spired us; thy providence hath protected us; and we come now to lift up our minds in com- mon prayer and hymn and song, to bow down before thee, reverently and devoutly, and with penitence and humility to implore thy loving forgiveness. Almighty God, be with thy people as thou hast been from of old. Let thy goodness be ac- cording to our wants, our ignorance, our weak- ness, frailty, and sin. Thou knowest us alto- gether, and it is well for us that thou shouldst know us fully. May we by thy Spirit be able to say with the sincerity and simplicity of a child- like heart, "Search me and know me, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." We always have much and everything to 55 thank thee for and to bless thy holy name. It is thy hand that guides us and thy Spirit that in- spires us ; and by thy blessing we are beset with many a charity and many holy things, the in- spiring gifts of our earthly lot. We thank thee, Almighty God, for the holy companionships of life ; for its homes, its beauty and grace and many virtues, its loveliness and many self-sacrifices, its tender sentiments that bind us heart to heart and thought to thought. And if any of thy children look back o'er the past, o'er a past that was wasted, o'er lives much of which they deplore, may they in such an hour, be restored by some fresh impulse of the will, some divine thoughts of thy suggestion and thy Spirit, which will set them free in the gladness and peace of thy own eternal life. Almighty God, we ask thy blessing upon us now, that in our minds and hearts (fit temples for thy Spirit) we may worship thee in sincerity and truth. May we have abundant blessings of thy grace, abundant communions of thy Spirit, and in humility and tenderness of mind and feeling may we be indeed adopted into the house- hold of our Father in heaven. Let thy blessing be upon all those whom we love everywhere; upon those who are in any distress, affliction, or perplexity of mind or heart. Open before them a plain path. Lead them by a strong hand. 56 Comfort them and lift them up forever and ever. Almighty God, forgive our sins; pity our weaknesses and lift upon us the light of thy grace and thy countenance, and give thy chil- dren abundant peace. AMEN. Almighty God, hear our prayer. Penitent, humble, self-reliant, and relying on thee, help thy servants in their most tried moments, in their sharp temptations, with purity of will and sweetness of affection, to read the life in thy law ; and may wisdom and truth and virtue seem beautiful to us ; and young or old, rich or poor, wherever we may be, may we hear thy voice and answer, "Here am I." AMEN. 57 APEIL 28, 1889 - EVENING ALMIGHTY and most merciful God, our Father in heaven, infinite in thy greatness and in thy goodness, who hast revealed thyself and art re- vealing thyself unto us through the generations and lives of men, in our own hearts, in our earthly experience; and thou art making known to us continually thy ways, thy word, and thy commandments. We would hear thy word. We would obey thy call. We adore thy providence as it is manifested in the world of men. We would, with devout feeling and pure imagination, go back in our thoughts to the early times of thy providences and thy doings in the world. God, thou hast no time, and the ages are but as a hand Vbreadth unto thee. Man has had his beginning, his childhood, his ignorance, his blindness, and his need of continual guidance and teaching and guardianship and care from thee. And we thank thee, Almighty God, as we run back in thought and imagination that we can see that thou hast treated man kindly. Thou hast taken him in thine arms, and he has seen his own image in thine eyes, and thou hast preserved 58 him as the apple of thine eye. Thou hast led him by the hand, held him in thine arms, taught him the simplest words of thy truth and com- mandment, and led him forth to a large place from conquering to conquer the world around him by the power of that spiritual being which thou hast given him. We thank thee, Almighty God, that devout and simple minds, the more they know the more childlike they feel; the greater the conquests of their knowledge, the simpler their hearts; and that as we grow older and the stream grows deeper that bears us on to the infinite sea, we thank thee that our highest experience is to be- come childlike again, to forego our worldly vani- ties and conceits, to remember our ignorance and our weakness, and to look into thy face with filial confidence and filial trust. Let all our earthly experiences, and all our knowledge of the world, and all the trial of our hearts, and all the glories of our minds be chastened by such thoughts. May our trials be consoled. May our knowledge be made modest and humble. May our reverence for the human heart and the human mind be greater and greater, and may we learn that thy grace and distinguished expression to us are through our fellow beings ; and so may our sym- pathy increase, and may we learn something of what it is we need, and know when we talk of the love of God that it is a love for all that is human, a love for every human child, with all its affec- tions, trust, burden, or care, a love for every triumph and conquest and faith and emotion; and may we learn something of what it is to be human ourselves. Almighty God, our Father, hear our prayers and pity our weaknesses; forgive our sins; chasten our pride and our conceit, and give us wisdom and virtue and faith and peace. AMEN. 60 May 5, 1889 - MORNING GOD, our Father in heaven, Infinite and Holy One, we thank thee for thy protecting care, for thy constant mercy, thy providence and good- ness, thy wisdom, thine eternal good-will. We thank thee for the fair order of our daily life; that to a believing and trustful heart it seems led forward by a providential hand. We are guided in darkness and we are led in light. When trial overshadows us and when peace surrounds us, there seems to the trusting spirit a guiding and protecting power over all, a fire by night a cloud by day, an almighty goodness and eter- nal wisdom and power and love. We rejoice, Almighty Father, that thou hast given us this grace and peace, that whatever comes, that whatever happens, that whatever bereavement or trial or joy or satisfaction or suc- cess may come to us, in the depths of our hearts we feel that there is a goodness and a wisdom guiding us better than ourselves and better than we know. Almighty One, terrible in thy greatness, lovely in thy goodness and in thy beauty, come 61 now to the hearts of thy people ; comfort, cheer, and bless; forgive our sins that we do repent of; lift up our discouraged hearts into joy and peace and triumph; and lead us on through a land of beauty and wonder and goodness, to a still fairer land of glory and power and might. We thank thee, Almighty God, for the won- ders of thy word ; the ancient stories of prophets and martyrs and saints and of thy servants, stories which do so illustrate our daily experi- ence, and seem to be the thread on which our common human lot is borne. We thank thee, Almighty God, for all those events in human experience that have a perpet- ual import, how the planting of the earth, the setting of the vine, the building of the wall and tower may all illustrate our earthly scenes and our earthly undertakings; and how all comes to nought without God's blessing and God's care, for the story of the wise man and king who went to be crowned and came back expect- ing wisdom and faithfulness and industry and honorable gains from his servants; for the wise reproof that he gave to one, the blessing and honor he gave to the other, because he had been faithful and true, or because he had been weak and cowardly, we thank thee for it all. And we pray thee, Almighty God, that thy Spirit in us, inspiring our intelligence, purifying our con- sciences and our hearts, may enable us to see the similitude of our earthly business with our spiritual lives, the glory of that life which is crowned with honor and immortality, symbolized and set forth in our getting and our doing, our planning and laying out our work for days and months and years ; and we pray, God, that by thy Spirit we may be illumined so as to turn those sharp conflicts of mind and spirit within, into those victories and triumphs of the heart which are hidden from the world, but which thou knowest, and which thy servants know in their own breasts, and which give us a place in the kingdom of God. May we ever be ready for unseen conflicts, for that hidden wall of trial; and may we feel with unseen hands the crown put upon our brow. Almighty God, we ask thy blessing now upon all who belong to us by the tender ties of human feelings and human love. We thank thee for all those whom we have had with us ever before, who are gone from us and are beyond our sight on earth. And we lift up our hearts to thee in gratitude for every manifestation of thy Spirit to human eyes and human hearts, and child- hood's love and childhood's memory. Let thy blessing be upon thy people now, and lift them up forever, and let not evil have domin- ion over us to-day and for evermore. AMEN. Almighty God, our Father, fulfill now in the hearts of thy servants their best thoughts, their purest purposes, their right good-will. Help us to overcome every infirmity of body or mind, and in the strife of life may we have great conquests, honorable, pure, and true; and in the secret places of our own hearts and in the walks of the world, may we have no doubt that things are eternal and everlasting. AMEN. 64 MAY 5, 1889 -EVENING THOU INFINITE SPIRIT, Holy One, we would come nigh unto thee with filial minds and trusting hearts. We adore thee with awful reverence, with gladness and holy mirth; and we lift up our voice unto thee in song and prayer. Give thy people of thy blessing and thy grace. Lead them into fresh pastures of thy truth and thy love. Let still waters sound near by, bringing peace of the heart, the conscience, and the spirit. Almighty One, thou in whose hand turns the soft axle of the earth, bringing day and night, ordering the fair seasons of the year, giving the rain, refreshing the earth, and gladdening every creature, gladden the hearts of thy people, and refresh them with wisdom and knowledge and beauty and truth. Pity our weaknesses; lift us up if we fall ; be patient with us in our ignorance and in our thoughtlessness; and may we feel that by being tenderly and wisely chastised we become wiser, better, more filial and true to thee. Let the knowledge of thy pity and faith in thy great wisdom, thy perfect righteousness, let that kindle our hearts in the midst of life's troubles and trials and tumults. It takes us a lifetime to learn the mysteries and plan of life ; to learn how deep are its sorrows, how high its morning^ how wide and strong its peace at evening. Teach us to feel that in thy almighty hand and in thy perfect wisdom no harm can come to us save through ourselves; that nothing can move thine eternal good-will from its purpose, and nothing can disturb its goodness, its power and wisdom, but our own waywardness, our own weakness or folly ; and so help us wisely to bear whatever comes, mindful of that which comes by thy providence, and mindful of that which comes of our folly; and may we use wisely our expe- rience, that our minds may be enriched, our hearts made more soft and gentle and teachable ; and as years increase may we have greater faith, greater peace, and have no fear or alarm, know- ing that we may be the friends of God. AMEN. MAY 12, 1889 GOD, our Father, Infinite and Holy One, whose hand sustains, whose Spirit inspires, whose lov- ing providence and paternal care blesses all thy creatures, we thank thee for the pleasant day, for all its happy opportunities, its freedom from the common cares and labors of life, its compan- ionships of home and friends, of childhood's gladness, of youthful associations, of pure affec- tions and tender cares ; and now we come in the evening hour to look up to thee again in grati- tude and in reverent thoughtfulness, to meditate upon the things that belong to us as the children of God, to think a little of the great mystery of existence, the glory, the wisdom, the wonder, the discouragement, the hope, and the victory of the human world. O God, help us by thy Spirit as we believe in thee to believe in man, thy child ; help us as we believe in thy providence to believe in the history of the world, and as we read the early story and read the later words of thy Son, may we with exalted imagination, with pure insight, see the meaning of all this human throng ; this mystery 67 of existence in this world of hope and doubt and fear and triumph and peace. Almighty Father, reveal unto us the simple truth and the simple faith that thou, the Maker of all things, knowest what thou hast made ; that thou knowest man's heart, his weakness and his sin, and that the chastisements of thy righteous- ness, the retributions of thy wisdom and thy love, are all in his behalf, for his welfare and for thine eternal good-will ; and help us, each one of us in his place, in the place which is providentially allotted to us in life, to act well our part with consecrated will, with pure affection, with sim- plicity of heart, to do our duty and to leave the rest to God. We thank thee for all the kindly charities of our human life, all its tender blessings that as- suage the hardness of our earthly lot, all its heavenly benedictions and graces that descend upon us, softening our hearts, purifying our af- fections, clearing our vision, so that the truth of God, his wisdom, our own hearts, and our own consciences are as plain to us as the sun. Let thy blessing be upon the dwellings of all the people to-night, upon all the people of the city, and upon all dwellings as the evening shadow falls around them. Be with those on whom a deeper shadow falls, deeper than the shades of night the shadow of trial, of anxiety, of grief, and of death. Let thy gentle provi- dences be with all the afflicted children of men, and thy wisdom and thy goodness be ever going forth to help the weary, to lift up the fallen, to bless the helpless, and to lead thy children on and on and on. AMEN. MAY 19, 1889 - MOENING GOD, the God who alone surrounds us on every side, thou Almighty, Mysterious One to whom all hearts are opened, we look up to thee reverently and devoutly, and we bow down with penitence and holy fear, and rise up with gladness and awful mirth before thee. We, thy children, al- ways need thee ; we call thy name ; answer thou us and hear our prayers. We come from the daily, constant, yet everchanging experience of the human life, its vicissitudes, its cares, its hopes, its fears ; the life that thou hast given us, a life of great rejoicing, a life of sublime wonder and wisdom, a life of infinite anxiety, a life of great and heavy pain and burden. We would not think to comprehend it or to understand it, but we would flee unto thee, thou Ordainer of it, feeling our own ignorance and our dependence on thee, and trusting that thou seest the end from the beginning, and hast ordained our lot in eternal wisdom, goodness, and good-will. We come to thee, God, in this our place of prayer. We have called upon thy name in gen- tler accents at our own home, and in the private 70 places of our thoughts, or it may be in a moment upon the streets or by the wayside we have thought of thee, our Maker and our Almighty Friend, our final Judge. And we pray, Almighty One, that these thoughts that come to our hearts as doves to the windows may chasten and bless and guide us ; that we may become so accustomed with them that we shall be in companionship with thee, and that we shall learn something of the mystery of thy servant's ancient word, when he spoke of the "light of God" that shone upon his beloved in the heavenly kingdom, where they have no need of the light of day or lamps or candles, but the light of thy Spirit enlightenth them, and they understand and see and discern the deep things of thy Spirit and of thy truth. Almighty One, terrible, holy, good, beautiful, let thy Spirit rest upon thy people now. Com- fort the afflicted; bind up the broken-hearted; and help those that have been afflicted to learn the great lesson of wisdom, the wisdom of their own weakness, the wisdom of God's love, the righteousness and uprightness of his providence, and may they have the peace of abiding near thee evermore. We ask thy blessing, Almighty One, upon thy common human family. We know that thou carest for them ; that thou hast measured out to them the bounds of their habitations; thou hast 71 appointed their years, their times, their eras, and we love with human sympathy and human re- gard to speak the common name of man man, thy son, man, thy beloved, weak, ignorant, and blind, often going away in many sins. Pursue him by thy love and bring him back, we pray thee, from all wanderings, and finally lead him on with all the conquering hosts of God to that eternal city where thou art the light and glory for evermore. AMEN. God, our Father, thou who hast kindled our hearts with celestial fires and inspired in us an eternal hope, let the light of that fire and the inspiration of that hope sustain, comfort, and cheer the hearts of thy children with holy forti- tude, with glad and happy courage, with patient strength and holy faith. May our vision be puri- fied ; may our hearts be made true ; and whatever we are called upon to do or bear may we say within our hearts, "This is the will of God," and may we bear it and go forward with the strength of God's will. Let thy gentle and tender compassion be upon all thy children; encourage, inspire, bless, and make glad the heart of thy people forever and forever. AMEN. 72 MAY 19, 1889 - EVENING AGAIN we come in the evening hour to this our place of prayer. Again we lift up our heart and voice to thee and commend ourselves and all those who are dear to us to thy holy providence, thy paternal and ever friendly care. The pleasant day is gone. Evening shadows are falling around the dwellings of man, and thy care and thy watching are over all. We adore thy providence; we wonder at thy works, the marvelous works thou art doing and hast been doing from when time began until now ; and the experience of human life renewed in the hearts of every generation, repeated in our hearts and lives, the leading of thy providence, the moni- tions of thy Spirit, the directions of thy will, all these fill our hearts with a revering adoration, and we look forward and around us and upward and we gain new and divine suggestions and hints of our being and our destiny. We thank thee for all the records of thy provi- dence in the world of men, for the testimony which the great and the good, the illustrious, and the ensamples of mankind give of their confi- 73 dence and their trust when guided by thy al- mighty hand. We thank thee for the story of the childhood of man; for thy care of him, for thy watching over him, for the adaptation of thy teaching to his mind and heart, and for thy guidance by thy Spirit and thy Son. Let a reverent mind, we pray thee, let a de- vout temper and disposition penetrate our hearts. Dismiss from our minds all conceit of knowledge. Now may reason and faith and affection, pure feeling and pure thoughts, guide us, inspire us, and keep us in perfect peace. Almighty God, we ask thy blessing upon and we commend to thy care all those whom we think of when we think of the human ties that bind us ; we remember our fathers and mothers in the past ; and we remember our fathers and mothers and brothers and sisters and neighbors and friends of to-day. For every feature of human life and experience, for every joy and grace, for every pain we bear, we give thee revering grati- tude, and we invoke on us daily thine eternal good-will. Let thy blessing be upon every human dwell- ing, on every human heart; chastise, reprove, lead by the hand, lift up, restore, and strengthen, and let all thy children be blessed in thee. AMEN. 74 MAY 26, 1889 MOENING INFINITE AND HOLY ONE, Almighty Maker and Inspirer, Guide and Providence of thy people forever and forever, we come to our place of prayer and meditation with our continually re- turning wants, with our newly offered praise, with our humble, devout, and contrite prayer. We own thy greatness, thy power, thy goodness, thy eternal good-will. We come to thee conscious of our own weaknesses, our shortcomings, our frequent failures, and our often sins. We would come with deep and tender humility; we would come with sincere and holy penitence; and for- give, thou Infinite God, forgive the sins that we do repent of and sincerely forsake, and pity our weaknesses, and lift up thy people forever and forever. We thank thee, Almighty God, for the common blessings of our lot, those blessings which are so common that we are quite inclined to forget them, or take no note of them, the genial light of day, the health-giving air, fair scenes and lovely sounds, the companionship of friends, the consecration of home with all its affections, all 75 the genial ties and hopes and pleasures and satis- factions, and all the deeper triumphs that give solemnity and earnestness and awe to our earth- ly lot. Holy One, we ask thy consecrating Spirit in blessing upon each one of us in whatever posi- tion thou hast placed us, and we pray thee to adorn our earthly habitations with fair and beautiful and holy associations. Let thy blessing be upon us according to our age, according to our experience, according to our wants; upon infancy, childhood, youth, manhood, ripe years; according to all that thou hast led thy children into, through, and out of; according to all that they have yet to learn to become wise and en- lightened and true and pure and good. So tem- per thy Spirit and thy providence that no evil shall have dominion over us. Keep us to-day without sin, and keep us all our days in eternal heights of moral strength and purity and good, where none can molest or make us afraid. Holy Father, hear our prayer, our prayer that is uttered and our prayer that is unuttered, that which is deeper than words can tell and flows from the depths of our hearts, the heights of our imagination, and the wonder and infini- tude of our love ; hear it all ; receive it into thine own heart. Pity, forgive, cheer, encourage, and lead thy people on. AMEN. 76 Almighty God, hear now the prayers of thy children, and answer them according to their needs, to their sincere purpose, their tender and pure affection. Consecrate us all to each other and to thyself, by thy Holy Spirit. Thou who turnest the hearts of kings as the rivers of water are turned, turn our hearts to genial sympathies, to pure feelings and simple loves ; and may we be blessed in the common good of the common heart inspired by thee. AMEN. 77 MAY 26, 1889 EVENING GOD, our Father in heaven, we are come again to our place of prayer, and as thou drawest the gentle curtains of night about the habitations of men we would lift up our hearts to thee in rever- ence and gratitude and humility and joy. We thank thee for the pleasant day, for its happy relief from the ordinary cares and business of the world, for its blessed opportunities of home, of childhood, of father and mother, brother and sister and friend ; and we thank thee, Almighty God, with simple and childlike feeling that, as our experience increases, we feel that the world is more and more one of a home in our Heavenly Father 's house ; that here thou hast fitted us our dwelling-place for a time, appointed us our sea- sons, to lead us forth by the hands of thy holy providence in a wise, paternal, severe, yet merci- ful manner ; that thou art chastising us morning and evening and admonishing us gently by thy word and Spirit, and teaching us to live unto thee, to love righteousness, to love one another, and to love thee, our Father and our God. May our filial heart receive these gentle teachings, 78 these wise admonitions, and if we look up to thee through our tears, if we sometimes cry to thee from the sea of trouble, God, give us faith and trust to look to thee with confiding hearts, and to believe in and trust thee with pure and childlike minds. Almighty God, we ask thy blessing upon all thy people of the city, of all conditions and for- tunes and experiences. Thou alone knowest the hearts of all men. Thou alone knowest their trials, their temptations, their sins. Chastise with wise severity, with tender mercy, with pa- ternal love; and pursue all with thy goodness, thy wisdom, and let thy goodness and thy wis- dom be on our behalf always. Give us such prosperity in the affairs of this world as it good for us, and out of it all may we gain that which is better, wisdom, grace, and love, moral beauty, spiritual life, and when finally we come to the end of this life may we not be compelled to exclaim, " Vanity of vanities, all is vanity, ' ' but may we be enabled to say from a pure and sincere heart that we have found wis- dom and grace and love and goodness in this world, and that we won some of these things to our hearts; and may we, when we are called to do it, may we be enabled to dismiss this world as a wise and good man dismisses his servant who has served him well, commending him to another. 79 And so, Holy Father, may thy word and thy kingdom live forever. Lead thy people on and on by thy power, by thy wisdom, and let none of us ever repent that we have lived, or ever be sorry that thou hast created us. Hear our prayer, forgive our sins, and lift up thy people forever and forever. God, our Father, hear now, in heaven thy dwelling-place, the prayers of thy people. In- spire our hearts with thy truth that we may live honestly and faithfully as we dwell here; and with pure consciences and good hearts may we pursue this world with higher objects than the world itself ; and when our work is done may we have no regrets, but rather gratitude, that we have been sustained to do God's will. AMEN. JUNE 9, 1889 - MOENING (After the Conemaugh disaster.) GOD, Infinite and Holy One, righteous 1 Gov- ernor, just Judge, Holy Father, we have gone through another week of our earthly experience ; day unto day have uttered speech, and night unto night have shown knowledge of thee; our hearts have borne testimony of thy word and commandment; thy Spirit has breathed its in- spiration into our hearts and thy holy providence has spread over us its ever-protecting care; and we come again with gladness and joy, and grief and pain, and penitence and tears, and awful re- joicing and mirth, with all the thoughts and senses and feelings that muster in human hearts. We are come from far and near upon the earth, across continents or seas, and from the near- lying city and streets and dwellings here. We are come, some of us, it may be, from great dis- tances, from wanderings of desire, from solitudes of ingratitude and thoughtlessness and indiffer- ence, great distances indeed from thee, from ourselves, from the better angels of our minds, from the guardian spirits of our affections; but we would come back, we would come to thee, to 81 one another, to this place of holy prayer, devout penitence, humble teaching, holy desire ; and we would come, O God, thou one in all, we would come with increased human sympathies and more abundant human charities and feelings. If we have any personal or peculiar or hidden distress of our own hearts, save us, God, from the selfishness of it; save us from that seclusion which grieves and mourns, and grieves and mourns, saying, "Was there ever any prophet afflicted as this prophet?'' but let our hearts be opened wide to receive the monitions of thy Spirit and providence always, that we may learn how great a company the afflicted are ; and if we have joy and gladness, may we multiply it as the light of day is multiplied ; may we multi- ply it as thy Son multiplied the bread to feed the famished multitude, multiply it by passing it around and giving to all. Almighty One, in thy infinite providence, un- der thy paternal law, we live ; under that provi- dence and in that law we rejoice and are glad always; and when by sudden calamity or man's weakness or ignorance or folly or sin our fellow creatures are snatched away from life and over- whelmed in destruction, we bless thee for the confidence and for the hopeful feeling that no human thing is really hurt, no eternal good is destroyed, but evil and pain, and every tear and 82 every prayer are heard and answered by thee in thine own eternal way. Let thy blessing be upon the afflicted ones around, upon the homes of mankind, those of our fellow citizens and countrymen, of neighbor- ing towns and cities; and may our hearts be taught by wisdom, by truth, and by love, that we may learn more and more that we are all one and another united to each other, and to all and to thee. Our Father, forgive our sins; help us, we pray thee, help us to renounce those sins of which we do humbly repent; and by thy love wash away even the last remnant of their power over us, so that we may go forth free and strong in heart, and that through all our earthly years, whatever scars we wear may all be healed and made pure and clean as the flesh of a child. Almighty God, order thou our way for us in thy word; lead us by thy strong and mighty hand ; give us something of thy paternal strength and something abundantly of thine eternal peace. AMEN. thou Almighty, terrible, lovely One, come now by thy Spirit of grace to our hearts ; take us into thy great companionship and partnership of work in the world ; fill our minds with a sense of the worthiness of our earthly vocation; lift us 83 up above its horrors or accidents ; give us a keen and tender heart and a sensibility of beauty, and in whatever time of peace or prosperity, of peril or safety we may be, may we be staid and steadied upon thee, our Rock, our Refuge, our Defense. AMEN. 84 JUNE 9, 1889 - EVENING ALMIGHTY GOD, thou whose protecting care is over all thy works, and whose Spirit inspires our souls, we thank thee, as we always do, for the common blessings of our lot, for the privileges, the charities, the opportunities, and the blessings of this day ; and now in the evening hour we im- plore again thy protecting care, and cast our- selves with filial trust upon thine almighty arm. Goodness and mercy have followed us all the days of our lives ; our cup runneth over ; we have more than enough, and our hearts are satisfied of thy mercy and of thy goodness. Let thy tender, holy providences, we pray thee, be everywhere to- night. Watch with those that watch; listen to the prayer of those who are cast down and brok- en-hearted; and the sigh of the oppressed, let that come up before thee ; and give blessing and grace, and relief and benediction. Almighty One, Holy Father, thou who know- est the mystery, and the pain, and the gladness, and the hope, and the sorrow of the human heart, let thine ear be open, and let thy heart be full of love toward thy weak, broken, erring, and wan- 85 dering ones. Forgive with the freedom of thine own Spirit ; restore with the beneficence of thine eternal mercy ; blot out the transgressions of thy children and remove their sins from them as far as the east is from the west, and let them be ever renewed in thy Spirit and thy grace. We thank thee, Almighty God, for that Holy One, that pure and divine ensample of man- kind, thy Son, the Son of God, the Son of Man. We implore thee that his divine life, his pure heart, his mysterious communion with God, his divine truth, his holy pattern, may ever be before us; and in the incidents of his life on earth, in his going from house to house, from village to village, may we see the wonderful connection of his history with the life of mankind, and let his pattern be ever in our hearts, and give us insight and grace to interpret the meaning of life. Almighty One, let thy tender mercy be every- where. Restore, bless, inspire, and let thy Spirit be ever enchurching itself in this human world, a figure of that divine and eternal so- ciety which thou wouldst raise up, which thy Son called the kingdom of God. AMEN. thou Inspirer of all, inspire and teach our hearts to see the spiritual meaning of things, and to transform our daily life into beauty and glad- ness and joy. By thy grace and by thy Spirit may we be a blessing to those around us; and may life be relieved of some of its burdens ; may strength be given to bear those burdens well; and may gladness be refined, may joy be purified, and grief blessed to all. AMEN. JUNE 16, 1889 MOENING INFINITE AND HOLY ONE, God, our Father in heaven, it's a pleasant thing to behold the sun; life is sweet, its fruits are fair, and it is good to live. We walk about in the fair light of day ; we look upon the heavens above, abroad upon the earth beneath and upon the great wide sea, thy power and Spirit are ever present; thy inspira- tion is nigh unto us that we should not ascend to the heavens after it, nor cross the sea that it should be brought to us; thine ever-present in- spirations are in our hearts, and intelligence and reason and faith and love spring forth from the touch of thy almighty being. We come to thee again now in the morning, on the return of the day and the week, to our place of prayer. Come with thy people; give us the gracious and blessed communion of thy presence and thy Spirit; give us that vision of our own nature, our own weakness, our own possible com- munion with thee, that shall at once make us humble, meek, and teachable, and make us aspir- ing and strong and faithful in the vision of God. We implore thee heavenly Father, that the days and weeks and years, with their ever-re- turning round of duty, joy or trial, grief or sor- row, may bring to thy children deeper wisdom and deeper insight into the meaning of the world, and shall make us at home with thee where we are, at home wherever we may be, at home with God in the world that he has made, wherever he provides for his children, from whatever place he speaks by his word and his Spirit. We thank thee, Almighty God, for the little things of our daily life, those little things that come again and again and again, duties that are always pleasant, if our hearts are lovely and sweet, duties that never weary us, if we are in- spired afresh by thy Spirit, of companionships and of home ; angelic visitations of goodness and beauty and truth, that sit with us at our daily board, walk with us as companions to the house of God, who beam in our countenances the light of heaven, and give us grace and benediction ever and ever. And we thank thee, Almighty God, for all great deliverances from evil of any kind, from the shock of any alarm, the collision of any of the powers of nature, or the triumphs of any of the instruments of man's device to turn and strike us with their blows. Increase our sympathies, Almighty Father; while we love one another, and while we love our friends, and while we are touched with the sorrows of our fellow citizens from afar, even beyond these horizons of homes and neighborhoods and countries, enlarge our hearts with the spiritual grace that was in Christ, thy Son, that we may have something of the vision of humanity, a vision of the human world that includes every race and tribe and na- tion, and knows and feels and interprets and be- lieves in mankind, mankind figured in the Son of God, the Son of Man. Almighty One, hear our prayers, forgive our sins, give us tenderness of heart and humility of mind, give us self-respect ; and while we deplore our weakness and our sin, may we ever have some good reason and some good faith in saying that there is much good in us; and may we appeal unto God, ' ' Search me and know my heart, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me into the way everlasting, ' ' the way in which my steps shall never weary, the road that shall ever grow brighter and brighter to the perfect day, the way of eternal life, eternal beauty, and eternal strength. AMEN. Almighty God, thou who givest thy Spirit without measure to those who will receive it, in- crease our faith, and increase our belief in our 90 faith, our courage in it, our trust in ourselves, and our trust in God; and may thy Spirit rest upon us abundantly, giving us a new baptism, adopting us day by day into thy heavenly king- dom, into thy divine family; and may we feel that we are not merely creatures of the world, but sons of God, partakers of his nature, bound to a great destiny, honorable, glorious beyond all telling or thinking ; and thus may we abolish and repent of all our sins ; may we purify our hearts even as God is pure, and, lifted up by thee, may no harm come to thy people. AMEN. 91 JUNE 16, 1889 EVENING ALMIGHTY GOD, thou Infinite in power and good- ness, we come again to our place of prayer; we give thee thanksgiving ; we bow in reverence, we humble ourselves penitently and contritely, and lift up our hearts unto thee, to cry unto thee from the depths and from the heights, from the depths of lowly penitence, and from the heights of awful joy. We thank thee for the pleasant day, and now for the gentle night; for all the cheerful and sweet opportunities of life that we have en- joyed, the companionship of home, friends, children, father, and mother; for the gentle re- lease from the ordinary cares of life, for the change of opportunity; for the blessed privilege of refreshing our own minds and hearts, and our own bodies, with rest and peace and holy contemplation and cheerful talk and pleasant charities. And we thank thee, Almighty God, always that we may ever bear in mind thy great goodness to us, thy children ; if we would count thy mercies we could not tell one in a thousand of them ; they are as common as the day, cheerful 92 and abundant as the light that descends upon us like the early and the latter rain, and the foun- tains of life are filled with thine abundant good- ness. Almighty God, what more can we ask? We would ever ask and implore thine inspiring Spirit that we may discern thy providence and thy goodness ; that we may have heavenly visions of thy own being and power and excellence and greatness and majesty ; that we may love thee for what thou art ; that we may fear and revere thee with holy awe; and that our hearts may ever bend in great humility, in humble reverence be- fore thee. Help us, we pray thee, by thy Spirit, each one of us, to live faithfully and honestly according to the best thoughts, the best things, the best faith and hope in us. Deal not with us, our God, too severely ; reprove us gently if thou wilt, and lead us in the way of thy commandment by a strong but tender hand. Reprove us if thou wilt, reprove us for our sins ; chastise us by thy paternal love, and let us with teachable, devout, and childlike minds learn that thy wisdom is better than our knowledge, and that our knowl- edge may be but folly compared with that wis- dom. Let thy blessing be abroad upon all thy com- mon human family ; wherever the shades of night are falling, there watch with thy protecting care and paternal love ; and wherever the sun is rising afresh upon the earth, upon distant habitations and populations of men, there let thy goodness be abundant as his beams, bringing light and gladness and peace and joy. Holy Father, hear our prayer, forgive our sins, lead us always in the plain path of duty, and give us a heart of fortitude, strength, and courage, gentleness and beauty; and let us ever be satisfied with the abundance of the goodness of God. AMEN. JUNE 23, 1889 GOD, our Father in Heaven, day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge of thee ; thy commandments are pure, thy statutes are right, and thy word is gone forth in all places of thy dominion. We, thy children, guided by thy providence, sustained by thy pow- er, inspired by thy Spirit, the creatures of thy hand, the sons of thy love, would come unto thee, unto thee, God, almighty, all-good, all-wise. Thy mightiness, thy goodness, and thy wisdom are ever on our behalf. Thy providence is gra- cious ; thy tender mercies are from everlasting to everlasting ; and thy goodness is without bounds. If we have gone astray, we would come back ; if we have been led by follies, we would return to thy wisdom; if we have fallen into sin or any wrong, we implore thy forgiveness ; and we pray thee to stretch forth thine hand and lift us up, and lead us in the way everlasting. In all our experiences we have had the faith, the divine gift of God, to believe that somehow there was a power above us, a wisdom and a goodness greater than we know; and thy chil- 95 dren, in their faithful hearts, have chosen rather to be led by thee in darkness than to walk alone at noonday. The testimony of thy believing ones on earth has ever been the same, that they have trusted thee, and they have never been de- frauded, they have never been confounded, but have found in thee their all ; enough to be satis- fied with thy being and thy love, and satisfied with the soundness of their own hearts. Almighty God, give us, we pray thee, such simpleness of mind, such purity of thought, and such heroism of conduct that we may have no doubt who is God. May we have no question, no word of decision, as to whom we would serve; but may we set before our hearts the very highest objects that it is possible to conceive of, the Supreme Good, the Perfect Wisdom, the Al- mighty Love ; and to these great purposes in our hearts and to the simplicity of our endeavor, to the purity of our devotion, do thou add such things in this world as seem to thee good. May we be chiefly concerned for the kingdom of God ; add thou the other things as thou wilt; we will receive them in greater or in smaller supplies, we will receive them as from thy hand, and trust that all is for the best, and though we lose yet we shall win, and though we die yet we shall live. Almighty God, let thy blessing be upon thy people here now, as we come again to our morn- ing service and prayer. Consecrate unto us all the experiences of the past week; and to thy servants, endeared to one another and endeared to thee, let thy providence seem all grace and love, and over all the scene of this our earthly lot may there be a celestial light, a divine peace, a heavenly glory; and while our feet walk upon the dust of the earth, may our hearts ascend into the mountain-heights of prayer and peace. Let thy blessing be abroad, God, upon all the earth as far as the beams of the sun, and wherever the sun is rising, and wherever it is setting, there let thy glory be in lingering beams or in rising beauty, and bless and guide and pity and comfort mankind. And may we learn more and more to be altogether human ; may we desire the greatest of all gifts, that we may have a spirit to share the common lot of men, to sympa- thize with the common heart, to believe in the common good, to worship, to serve, and to love the common God. Hear our prayer, forgive our sins, and give us answer of abundant peace and grace, according to thy word. AMEN. Almighty God, our Father, confirm in our hearts now the truth that we most deeply feel; give us the courage and strength of it; give us the peace and hope of it. Let thy good provi- 97 dence protect us; let thy Spirit inspire us; go with those that go, stay with those that stay, and come with those that come ; and wherever we may be, by night or day, on sea or land, may we be quite at home in our Heavenly Father's house, and may we feel that it is as near heaven from either mountain-top, or valley, or sea, and that wherever we are thou art. AMEN. AUGUST 4, 1889 THOU EVER-GRACIOUS AND MERCIFUL ONE, thou Guardian and Guide of all thy people, blessed art thou from everlasting to everlasting. Infinite and Holy One, we come again to our place of prayer; here we are in thy presence according to our accustomed habit; restored again to one another, never separated in our love from one another or from thee, and now we come again with holy and revering minds, with devout and loving temper, with gratitude and joy, with awful gladness and holy mirth; and we give thee praise and thanksgiving for thy goodness, we adore thy power, and we intrust ourselves to that goodness and to that power with filial confidence and filial love. We thank thee for the common goodness that is over all thy works, and that ministers to the happiness and comfort of all thy creatures; and that we can believe and feel and trust that, whatever comes to us, thou art working with thine eternal good-will, thy long-minded ways of wisdom and love and truth and goodness. And we thank thee that, in the daily experiences of life, we can turn to thee with devout confidence, with devout and pure filial affection, and that thou art always for us, that thou dost whisper every word of peace in our hearts, thou dost kindle every divine imagination, thou dost lead us on and on through every trial, and support us by a power greater than ourselves; and we thank thee with revering filial sentiments that when we have been low and weak and troubled with pain and grief we have been able to sustain it, and have been borne up by a mighty Spirit greater than our will; and we have been let into the mystery of suffering, the wonder of affliction, and we have seen the beauty and love of thine own face. And now, Almighty God, our Father, we ask thy blessing upon all thy children here, upon us all, according to our experiences, our wants, our joy, our grief, our suffering, or our glad- ness. The cup of life is mingled by a wise and merciful hand; human tears are tender and lovely, human hearts are sweet and true ; and we thank thee that, however the world has used us, whatever disappointments it has brought to us, however wicked we sometimes may think it is, we bless thee for the sight of those whom we never doubted, for eyes into whose depths we look with complete trust, for hearts of which we never had one suspicion, and for consciences 100 and spirits which stand erect as bright angels before the face of God. And now, holy Father, lead thy people on, lead them by their hopes, by their trusts, by their conscious rectitude toward one another and toward thee, and let all thy will, perfect and holy and true, be fulfilled in us. Let thy bless- ing be upon all those whom we think of now, whom we would bless, and we implore thy power and care for them; and let us learn, as wisdom increases in our hearts, that they can never be widely separated who are bound in bonds of love to one another, who think the same thoughts, live the same duties, love the same God and Father always. AMEN. Holy One, thou Dweller in the heavens, and who makest thy presence and thy heaven in the pure heart, let now thy peace come to the wait- ing minds and thoughts of thy children; love us with thy boundless love, and deal with us with all thy tender pity. And may we, by lov- ing thee, know thee fully, and know thee all in all. Hear our prayer, forgive our sins, and let thy wisdom, and thy goodness, and thine eternal good-will, be for us now and for evermore. AMEN. 101 AUGUST 18, 1889 GOD, our Father in heaven, we, thy children, often come to thee to tell thee our wants, our cares, our trials, our blessings, and our joys. We come to thee now in our accustomed place of prayer with all the common and oft-repeated stories of childhood wants, of gentle and tender love, of much weakness and impatience and want of trust, it may be, but yet with a keen and tender feeling for thy care, for thy love, thy wisdom, and thy power. We believe and feel, and we bless thee, that wherever we have wan- dered thou hast never forgotten us, in whatever paths we have strayed thy heart has ever pur- sued us, and in the midst of indifference or in- gratitude thou hast still longed for us, and waited and waited, and believed in us, and hoped in us, and expected in us. And now we come, Almighty God, our Father, we come, and let us fulfill thy hope, the hope of thy paternal heart concerning us. We come to this our place of prayer which we call thy house; we look up to thee with filial trust and confidence, because we believe and trust thee evermore. And now, of thine abundant grace, of thy wis- 102 dom and thy goodness, let thy heart be blessed, and let our hearts be at rest and restored by the plenitude of thy grace. Forgive our sins, we pray thee; and our sins which we do honestly and sincerely forsake, God, remove them from us, we pray thee, as far as the east is from the west; and if we do return from wandering and forgetfulness, from many ways of sin or wrong or doubt or weakness, if we return, God, go forth to meet us ; fall upon us as upon a return- ing prodigal, and speak not a word to us of our past, reproach us not with sins that are gone; but welcome us to our home, welcome us to thy heart, and give us the repose and the abundant love of thy house. We thank thee always for the common bless- ings of our lot; teach us wisdom, that we may see those blessings and that we may use them well. Save us from selfishness; save us from conceit in prosperity and from despair in adver- sity ; and may we keep that pure and true way, the way of eternal life, the way of upright will, or pure affection, of true conscience and imagi- nation that dwells face to face with God. We ask thy blessing, thou holy, terrible, and Almighty One; we ask thy blessing upon the fortunes and events and experiences of universal man on earth, mankind, thy children, human society, the Church of God. Over all man's 103 ignorance, and passion, and strife, and jealousy, and wrong, and despair, and cruelty reign by thy power and wisdom, and make the desert places of ignorance and wrong bloom with the beauty of righteousness and truth and peace. Enable us in our hearts, each one of us, to bring this thy kingdom; in our homes set up this em- pire; and, confident in thee, our Maker, led by the word and gospel of thy Son Jesus Christ, may we hold on our way with steady steps, with gentle hearts, taught by thee, secure in eternal strength and eternal peace. AMEN. Almighty God, our Father, hear us now. The thoughts that we think, the words that we speak, the resolves we make, may they all seem good in thy sight, and may they be consecrated in our hearts to devout and holy purpose. May we be undeceived in regard to all things of vanity and weakness in the world; may we be kings, each one of us in his domain and dominion. May our own nature serve, and may it be glorified by serving thee ; and as we look out upon the world, the human world, over all its wrongs and vio- lence and sin, may we love it still; may we be fond of thinking of it; and may visions of pro- phetic power and glory for its future, its great- ness, and its eternal kingdom ever dawn upon our souls. AMEN. 104 AUGUST 25, 1889 ALL eyes do wait on thee; all creatures look to thee; thou guidest them with thy hand, and givest them their meed in due season. The earth turns steadily by thy power; the ocean rolls in the hollow of thy hand. Almighty Being, terri- ble One, glorious in majesty, of eternal beauty, eternal excellence, goodness, and love, we come to thee. We come to our place of prayer, we love it, we revere it, because here we have seen thy face ; here we have heard thy counsels ; here our hearts have been lifted up on the wings of prayer, and peace has come to our thoughtful minds or to our afflicted hearts and our longing souls. And now we come in the return of the days of the week again with our oft-repeated story of this life, with its ever-returning wants, with its constant themes of joy and gratitude, and pain and grief and sorrow, with its note of gladness, and its deep wail of discontent and un- happiness. Almighty One, thou Infinite One, hear the prayer of thy people, spoken or not, uttered or unexpressed, hear the prayer of thy people. Forgive our sins. Give us that peace 105 of mind that coines of upright will and good con- science, the consciousness of service honestly rendered, and work well done, and duty faith- fully discharged; the consciousness that in our hearts there are no passions or sentiments of wrong, and no selfish desires or self-will. We thank thee, Almighty God, for what we call thy providence, thy care, thy protecting power; and we praise thee that amid all the realm of things unknown we may commit all to an infinite wisdom, to a faithful love, to an almighty power that can suffer no wrong to come to any human soul. We rejoice in the com- mon conquests of the human mind over this out- ward world. We rejoice in every triumph of intelligence, in every victory of reason, in every noble ascent and heavenly outlook of human faith. We are sometimes oppressed by the vast " Unknown, " how much more vast than all we know or think or feel, and as we go forth day by day with something uncertain always in our lot, some unlooked-for event, some strange and unreconciled power that mingles with our daily fortunes and lives, we would go forth, God, sowing seed of truth and virtue and honor, with- out a doubt that, whether we know this or that shall prosper, or whether both alike shall grow, we nevertheless trust to thee that what is best will be. 106 Almighty God, our Father, temper our hearts to the common providences of this life. Teach us that there is a bound to our earthly lot and the end will come, and deliver us from all sur- prise at it; and when our fellows, our fellow beings, our neighbors, our friends, our lovers, die, may we not feel surprised at it ; may we not be taken by sudden alarm; but may our well- taught hearts know that this is the way of Heaven, that it is the appointment of God ; that affliction in any form comes not from the air, that it comes not from the earth beneath, but man is born with it, it is a part of his lot, a part of his inheritance, yea, a part of the ap- pointment and will of God ; and so may our will bow down to that will with noble act, sure devo- tion, divine insight, immortal wisdom; so keep us, so replenish our hearts by thy grace, and for- giving all our sins that we do honestly forsake, let the power of eternal life ever abide in us, and let us commit the keeping of our souls to God, as those who are risen from the dead. AMEN. Hear now our prayer; fulfill in our hearts those things that we do most sincerely and faith- fully desire, to be at one with ourselves, at one with the world, and at one with God. Reveal unto us a plain path of duty, and increase the brightness of that light that lighteth every man 107 that cometh into the world; and may we know what it is to be at one with God, and to know that our will and thy will are ever in divine ac- cord. Lead us in times of difficulty and danger ; wipe the tears from our eyes in days of grief and anguish; lift us up from affliction and from all fear; and reveal unto us the ways of thy spirit, the glory of thy truth, and the awful beauty of thine own being. AMEN. 108 SEPTEMBEE 1, 1889 INFINITE AND HOLY ONE, thou almighty, ter- rible, lovely, true, and good, we, thy children, come again to our place of prayer. We come from the busy scenes of life, its absorbing cares, its frequent perplexities, its deep trials, and its dark sorrows. We come to ascend up into the mountains, into the heights above the clouds, above the dust of earth, to rest, to look abroad, to lift up our hearts in prayer, to bow down in holy adoration, in awful fear, and to rise up in childlike trust. We thank thee for the gentle day. We thank thee for the silent night; for their ever-steady succession and order and beauty and peace. Re- freshed and strengthened, man goes forth to his labor in the morning and returns again at even- ing. The ever-coming round of daily duty, of daily want, of returning feeling of gladness and gratitude, or pains and regrets, God, in these thy children find a mighty teaching, a wondrous guidance, a mysterious presence, and an al- mighty power. We are sometimes quite con- 109 fused and in darkness; we are sometimes led to shining heights of glory and of peace ; and some- times we are quite perplexed, even not to know whether thou thyself art, or whether life here hath any destiny. In all these vicissitudes of our feelings, in all these trials of our experience, God, minister unto us gently; speak to us as to children; take us by the hand; tell us the simple story of thy love, and tell our hearts to be still and quiet in thy presence. We thank thee, Almighty God, that there is such depth in our experience that we cannot fathom it; that there are times when in our hearts there is much that we cannot utter, and even thought itself cannot reach these heights. Blessed be thy name and thy grace for the mysteries of our being, for the wonders of our experience, for the strange and mighty guidance of our earthly lot. Remove from our hearts and our minds, we pray thee, all vain conceits, all vain wisdom; and may we accept at thy hand our daily lot, our daily experience, whatever it is ; and teach our minds and our hearts to make the best of it, the best of it, by a pure temper, by a consecrated will, by a readiness to follow the leading of thy hand and to accept the ap- pointments of thy love. We ask thy blessing, Almighty Father, upon all those who are dear to us, upon our neigh- 110 bors, our friends, those bound to us by ties of kindred blood, and those who are bound to us by that great human friendship that makes life lovely, that consecrates our being here on earth, and which grows dearer and dearer to us as our paths stretch on and on. Let thy blessing be in tender mercy upon all fortunes and classes and conditions of men, those who are put to hard extremity with distresses of many kinds, those who are bowed down with heavy and deep trials, those who by the humbleness of their labor help to give us decency, comfort, refinement, and luxury; and may our human sympathy be so true, our spiritual insight so penetrating, that no human being may ever seem unworthy, com- mon, indifferent, or lost in our sight. And now, Almighty God, let thy blessing be upon us. Let our contemplation be reverent and devout, our teaching pure and sincere, and all our service may it be worthy ourselves, and worthy of thee. AMEN. God, thou Inspirer of all, lift up our minds, we pray thee, to discern the greater truth of our being, the bond that binds us to thee, and the great vocation we have in thee, our God. Trans- form our daily labor into a school of moral beauty ; transfigure our trials into discipline of a saintly spirit, and walk with us through fire or ill flood, through joy or gladness ; and let our rever- ence and our peace be the pledge of our union with God. AMEN. 112 SEPTEMBER 8, 1889 THOU ALMIGHTY AND MYSTERIOUS ONE, thou who hast all things and all power and kingdom and glory, who art without beginning of days or end of years, in whose Almighty Being all crea- tures live, whose inspiration giveth us under- standing, whose holy providence protects us, and whose Spirit inspires us, we love to recite thy glory with reverent and devout hearts. We speak thy name, and wonder and awe and glory and majesty and beauty bow us down. We are come again to our place of prayer. We have come in a day of memory;* we have come in a day when recollection goes back for a little space of years, and returns again freighted with great gratitude, serene and happy joy, triumphs over many trials, burdens borne gladly, griefs accepted patiently, and triumphs of faith that stand on mountain heights of ex- ceeding beauty. For these, God, we bless thee ; for these we bow in proud humility before thee, and speak thy name with shout and joy and gladness. And we thank thee now, as we look back a *This service was conducted with special reference to the fact of the day being the twenty-fifth anniversary of Dr. Stebbins's presence as pastor in the church. 113 little to call to mind the things and events of other days, to review in the stream of life faces that were once familiar, whose images are still fresh, and whose hearts are still dear to us, we thank thee for the ever-flowing stream that never flows by, but is ever refreshed from eternal fountains, the stream of life and of being and of love. We thank thee, Almighty God, for the token we have in our hearts and in the world around us of the increasing kingdom of God, the power of man's intellectual, moral, and spiri- tual nature, the increase of intelligence, the in- crease of justice, the increase of truth, and for the feeling that those have who have the great- est confidence in thy power, that we are ever living in the morning of the world, that light is ever dawning, the sun is ever rising, noonday splendors are ever overhead, and sunset glories are ever in the west. For this mysterious pres- ence, for this manifestation of thy power and thy Spirit, thy sons do ever bless thee and re- joice. And, with deep humility of heart and conscious of weakness and of sin, we implore thy forgiveness, and pray that thy kingdom of power may come for us on earth. May it come in gentleness of mind, in purity of will, in sweet- ness of temper, in genial human sympathies with our fellows, and in humble, reverent, and devout love for God; and so may we be gaining such 114 foothold in eternal places that we shall be quite safe amid the wastes of time, the vicissitudes of change, that we shall be at home in the world as in our Heavenly Father's house. Consecrate unto us now, God, all the kindly charities of life; all its domestic ties, its bonds of friendship, its human regards, its firm, sub- stantial honors and manly respects. May we grow more and more into what is manly and godly. May the religion of thy Son become to us as natural and as easy as our conscience, as clear as our reason, and as pure as our love; and so may we be able to enter to some extent into his experience, and to say each one in a devout and triumphant heart, "I and my Father are one." Hear our prayer; forgive our sins; let thy blessing be as broad and as wide as the beams of the sun ; let thy wisdom, thy providence, and thy grace be for all thy human family. AMEN. Almighty God, confirm in our hearts, in the hearts of all Thy people, every good expe- rience, every sincere and devout feeling, and every consecrated truth. Let thy blessing and thy guidance be with us. Let thy Spirit ever inspire us, thy strong hand support us; and whether we are here or there may we be at home with thee, members and children of thy com- 115 mon family, inspired by a common hope, lifted up and blessed by the gospel of the truth of thy Son. AMEN. 116 SEPTEMBEE 15, 1889 GOD, Almighty One, terrible in glories, fearful in praises, lovely in goodness, thy people come again to their place of prayer. The day is bright ; the sun shines fair across sea and land, all creatures are blessed in its light, and the glory of its beams are sent far and wide. We come to our place of prayer. We gird up our souls and rise up and bow down before thee, the Lord God, our Maker. Thy goodness is from everlasting to everlasting, and thy loving-kind- ness is unsearchable. Thy providences are wise, and thy retributions are terrible. Almighty One, forgive our sins and separate them from us as wide as the east is from the west. Give us the joy and strength and satisfac- tion of feeling that, purged from all evil and purified by penitence and forgiveness, thou hast washed away all our sins, and that thy Spirit may descend upon us saying, " This is my be- loved son in whom I am well pleased. " Holy Father, we bless thee for the common sympathies of a common human heart. In our best moments, when we rise to supreme heights 117 above all selfishness, we are glad above all that thou hast made us human, that thou hast made us partakers of a common nature, that we are descended in a line of kindred blood from thy Spirit, and that all of us everywhere have that common lot, great, glorious, wonderful, how- ever we may be placed by outward circum- stances, by factitious events, by uncertain things of the world. And we implore now thy gracious pity upon all human infirmities, weaknesses, and sin. Thou knowest what is sin; thou knowest what is weakness; and surely thou wilt not quench the smoking flax of feeble desire; thou wilt not break the bruised reed of our feeble will; but cherish in the hearts of thy children every pure sentiment, every pure and upright principle, and give to all fortitude, strength, and righteousness. Almighty God, we ask thy blessing now upon all efforts of good and wise men everywhere, for the progress, the growth, the power of what thy Son called the kingdom of God, that eternal spirit that is enchurching itself in the human heart, that inspiration which is inspiring every man, that spirit diffused through all intel- ligence, the kindling fire of love, of faith, and of hope. Let thy pitying care and tender mercy be upon all those who are terribly afflicted, who are oppressed and bound in fetters and in chains 118 of iron. Chastise, correct, admonish, encourage, and bless ; and let thy wisdom and thy goodness, thy eternal power and righteousness, be ever for us, for us all, and for thy common human family. This we ask in the name of thy Son, in the name of our common nature, and in the name of thy paternal love. AMEN. 119 SEPTEMBEE 22, 1889 ALMIGHTY GOD, thou who art above all heights, who dwellest in inaccessible glory, whom we cannot comprehend, but to whom we stretch forth feeble hands of prayer and beseeching, come to thy children now in all thy gracious favor and blessed presence; come to us in the warmth and purity of our affections, in the recti- tude and righteousness of our will, in the holy aspirations of devout hearts, and by thy pure Spirit set us free from the ordinary toils and cares of life, and remove from us, God, our transgressions as far as the east is from the west. We have had another week of the experience of life. That experience has brought to each one of us, in the way of thy providence, those things which thou, our Guide and Protector, hast pre- pared for us. We have seen joy and gladness; we have seen grief and sorrow; we have seen penitence and exultation. And we come with all our varied care, with all our grief, with all our joy, whatever it may be that thy providence and Spirit have meted out to us, we come to 120 thee with our common prayer, our common sup- plication, our common suit. Almighty God, we bless thee that every day thou openest thy hand and satisfiest the desires of every living thing; our daily bread is from thee; thy strong protecting care preserves us from evil and from harm; thy Spirit inspires our intelligence and confirms our will; and we look to thee with devout and filial minds for all we need. Holy Father, give us wisdom ; rebuke us with wise severity and with tender mercy ; and let all thy goodness be so familiar and so well taught to our hearts, that we shall never again go astray. We ask thy blessing, Holy One, upon us, each one of us, in our daily experience of life; that thou wilt give us that reasonable worldly pros- perity that is good for us. Confirm our industry, and make that industry a school of human ex- cellence and virtue and worth; and may we, by the aid of thy Spirit and inspired by that Spirit, see in the common things of our daily life some- thing of a moral beauty ; may the ever-returning round of workday experience, of care and toil and labor, may it not be merely a dusty path be- neath a burning sun, but may it be relieved by glimpses of moral beauty, by gentle shadows that send their shade over us for rest beside pure streams that refresh us, while ever before 121 us are celestial heights of attainment, of knowl- edge, of wisdom, of virtue, and of the power of eternal life. Almighty God, consecrate to us our personal ties, our relations to one another, our pure affec- tions, our consecrated love. As we sit at the daily board and dispense the bread which thy hand hath given us, may we, each in his place, feel a kind of providence to those that are near. May the climate of the house be genial ; may its light be celestial, its love pure, and may it be to us, to some extent, a symbol of the kingdom of God; and so may life hold on its course guided by thee, setting us free continually from our past and guiding us onward to a better and bet- ter future. May we have great hope in ourselves, great hope in our fellow men, and trust in God. And so may the company on earth press forward to the company in Heaven. AMEN. God, hear our prayer that we offer now, that our best thoughts and purest affections may be made steadfast and strong, and that the foun- dations of thy eternal kingdom may be laid in our minds and hearts. Inspire us by thy Spirit, encourage us by thy grace, protect us with thy care, and let thy kingdom ever be in us a glori- ous city, a wonderful empire, a kingdom of power, of peace, of eternal life. AMEN. 122 SEPTEMBER 29, 1889 GOD, thou art my God ; early will I seek thee. The morning is fresh; the air is bright and clear; the world is filled with thy presence and thy glory; and we come humbly to our place of prayer that, in the midst of thy glory and thy power, we may bow with humble, contrite hearts before thee and beseech thee with all the power and imploring prayer of penitent and believing hearts. We come from afar; we come as doves to the window, from distant places of thought, of vocation, of daily life; from the streets of the city, the dwellings of men, and from countries far away. Let thy blessing in heavenly grace and love descend upon thy people. Teach us that we are all one kind, of one household and one family; and that thou, our Father in heaven, art the Father of all the families of men. thou who touchest the lips of thy prophets with flames, and they speak thy words and thy truth, speak now unto thy people and call them by name, by thine own name with which thou hast named them from everlasting to everlast- 128 ing, and may we rise up as the children of God, guided by thy hand, inspired by thy love, and led forward by thy holy and tender providence. Almighty One, we thank thee as it is our cus- tom to thank thee, may it not be a custom mere- ly, may it not be a vain word, but may it become the expression of a devout and grateful heart, we thank thee for thy protecting care; we own with gratitude thy never-failing love, and we bless thee that in the midst of mystery and of thy unsearchable providence and the strange events of human life thou hast given us an un- speakable gift; that in all the tangle and per- plexity and darkness and contradiction of mind in our earthly lot, thou hast given us the un- speakable gift of thy Spirit to help us to trust thee still, to believe in thee always, to believe that over and above, and deeper down and high- er, than all that we can see, thou art working, by a providence of wisdom and holiness and good- ness, thou art working out the good of every human soul. May we not hinder that good by bad will, by impure affections, by wayward de- sires ; but may we be with thee, and, if thou wilt permit us, may we even be the companions of God, his imitators, his likeness; and may his word and commandment be our comfort, our peace, and our strength. Almighty God, we ask thy blessing upon those 124 whose hearts are not yet quite formed in secur- ity and strength of life ; we pray that innocence may ever be guarded and protected; that inno- cence may become virtue, that virtue may be- come moral power, and moral power may become eternal life, and those who live a mixed life of good and evil, in whom there is much evil and some good, turn them toward thee, and let the good overcome the evil. Let thy mercy ever be with us; let thy severity deal with us as thy wisdom sees best, and let us never flinch or fear from the wise severity of a just and loving God. Holy Father, let thy tender compassion be with all; help the troubled to bear their trouble; those who are walking in darkness and in pain, may they be led by a mysterious and almighty hand, and may they rather be led in darkness than to walk in light by their own will; and so, in all the conditions and fortunes of thy chil- dren, in their outward lot and in their inward life, in their past experience, and in their pres- ent feeling, in their future hopes and present desires, may they dwell in thee, thou Guide and Hope of all thy people. AMEN. Almighty One, inspire now in our hearts by thy good Spirit every pure purpose, every good resolution, every right affection. If we are inno- cent, confirm that innocence by thy word spoken 125 in peace and power, ' ' This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased"; if our lives are brok- en, if we are fallen from supreme heights of moral beauty and glory, pity us in our broken condition, and let penitence and tears come with blessing and gentle forgiveness and holy peace; and may we think of the things that belong to us as the children of God; may we subdue this world and its possessions to a noble service ; may we, through God, be victorious over all evil ; and when we move on beyond the horizons of this visible world, may we go to greater companion- ships, greater glory and splendor, before which the eyes of angels are undimmed, and to peace which passeth understanding. AMEN. 126 OCTOBER 6, 1889 MOBNING WE are come again to our place of prayer with our ever-returning wants, with our common sup- plications, our common weaknesses, trials, cares, and sins. We cry unto thee, God, from the depths of a lowly spirit ; we implore thee not to despise the offerings of our hearts, and to listen to the prayer of thy contrite ones. We are come from thou knowest where, from distant places of the earth, from more distant places of thought and affection, engagements and duties of the world and affairs of daily life ; and we have all come to this place where our feet meet in one common way. We have come to remind our hearts of thee, to lift them up toward thee, to repose on thine almighty arm, to gain strength and fortitude to do and bear thy perfect will. We thank thee, Almighty God, for those great sentiments in our minds and hearts that seem to last forever ; and though we recite them over and over again, though we utter them in prayer night and morning and noon and evening, though we come again and again to our place of teaching and worship and bow down before thee, 127 still the same ancient song bears up our hearts on wings of power, the same words of lowly penitence ever interpret our inmost souls, and the words and thoughts and experiences of thy children for thousands and thousands of years are still fresh as the morning dew, with every generation and with every new experience and impulse of our hearts. We thank thee, Almighty God, with humble reverence; we adore thee, for thy great provi- dence which has brought us into so glorious a communion, the communion of human souls, the communion of human experiences, the com- munion of our common hearts with God our Father, and now we pray thee to temper thy providences to our hearts. If those providences are dark and mysterious, may we reflect and meditate seriously and earnestly how little we know, and may we find comfort in feeling that the great responsibility is with God, our Maker, our Inspirer, and that, if we have been true to that light which he has given, if we have been true to that light "that lighteth every man that cometh into the world/ ' we can be free from all mean anxieties, from all dark trouble, from all evil forebodings, and can rest upon thine eternal arm. If we look back upon the past, or if we stand up in the present, and have much to re- pent of, may we meditate on the healing power 128 of repentance, and upon the precious promises of God. So may our hearts ever be refreshed by divine breezes, may our fainting spirits be sus- tained by divine inspiration; and believing in ourselves and in God, led forward by the truth of thy Son, and sustained by the grace that is in him, may we do bravely, may we think honestly, may we act with sincerity ; and may we be at one with ourselves and at one with thee. Almighty God, hear our prayer for all men; give us human sympathy in the human world; take us out of the little horizons of all our nar- row thoughts, and expand our souls by divine wisdom and divine truth. AMEN. God, hear thou our prayer. We will not pray much ; but thou knowest all. Fulfill in our hearts now our best desires, our purest wishes, our most heavenly affections. Strengthen reason, give wings to imagination, give depths to feel- ing, give insight to love, and let thy people be blessed with something of angelic light and something of angelic joy. AMEN. 129 OCTOBEE 6, 1889 EVENING THE day is done; the evening shadows fall; the night stands above and around us protected by thy care; and now we come for an hour to our place of prayer, to lift up our voice in joyful song, to lift up our hearts in adoring prayer, to confess thy goodness, and, by solemn act of in- ward thought and feeling, to consecrate our- selves afresh to thy service, thy truth, and thy word. We thank thee for the pleasant day, for all its happy opportunities and privileges, its freedom from ordinary labor, the rest from toil, the op- portunity of home, of the companionship of friends, of children, of father and mother, brother and sister. We thank thee, Almighty God, for thy goodness that is without stint; for those gifts that thou dost continually bestow upon us, whether we are mindful of them or not ; so freely dost thou give that we are wont even to forget thy gifts. Teach us to remind our hearts of our dependence and to learn that our dependence on thee is our joy, our strength, our great privilege, and our blessing. Open thou to 130 us the fountains of eternal life, the glory that may shine upon the mind and the spirit, the love- liness that may be seen in pure affections, in righteous will, and in the insights and powers and glories of a true and heavenly love. Almighty One, thou Protector of all, let thy strong and loving care be over all. We would think of thy common human family, the world of mankind, thou knowest what thou madest; thou knowest what thy will is ; lead on thy people by mighty providences, by righteous retribution, by holy teaching, lead them on by the pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night, to fulfill the great destiny whicn thou hast appointed them, and may our will never defeat thy holy purpose. Forgive our sins ; let thy tender care be upon all those who are afflicted, who are bowed down with trouble, distressed in mind and heart. Be with those who languish on beds of sickness, and who are thinking yet ere long they shall de- part the lone soul to the lone God. And so let thy people be comforted in thee, the Almighty One. Thy perfect goodness, thy wisdom, thy power, thy love, let them be for all thy people. AMEN. 131 OCTOBER 13, 1889 MORNING GOD, our Father in heaven, we, thy people, thine earthly children, come to thee again in our place of prayer; we come with the ever-returning want, with the ever-same confession, with the oft-repeated supplication ; we come to thee with gladness, with holy fear, with awe and filial love; let our minds be reverently impressed by thy greatness, thy holiness, thy power, and thy goodness, and may we be drawn to thee by a sense of thine unspeakable glory and beauty and goodness; and as we look up to thee for every good thing, and confess that we receive our daily bread from thy liberal hand, may we feel that the inspirations of thy Spirit kindle understand- ing, reason, faith, affection, and imagination; may we feel that thy manifestation in us is the bond that binds us to thee, and by which we are the "sons of God." "We give thee common thanks, God ; we give thee gratitude for all the blessings of our lot, and we pray that when trial or darkness or dis- appointment comes to us, when perplexity and fear and almost death are near, we pray that 132 thou wilt help us, by filial trust, by gentle confi- dence, by tender and pure hearts, to lay our bur- den upon thy arm, to be led by thy strong and merciful hand, and to feel that no harm can be- fall us if thou art nigh. We adore thy providence, Almighty One; we praise thy works. As we look abroad over the earth and the sea and into the sky, thy glories are manifest to our minds, thy powers are set forth in every land where thy word is spoken, and we bow with reverence before thee. Almighty One, in the silent and still temple of our hearts let there be a sincere worship, a humble prayer, a deep and tender and broken- hearted repentance. Forgive our sins; remove them from us as far as the east is from the west ; remember them no more; and if we return to thee after having forgotten thee, after having rebelled against thee and shut our ears against thy paternal voice, if we return to thee, meet us, Father in heaven, meet us while yet we are afar off ; restore us to our home in thee ; and say not a word of reproach to us for all our past ; and so may we go on and on in a glorious way of moral and spiritual light, finding in our daily experience a training and discipline fitting us for the kingdom of God. And as years increase, may we, from new heights of attain- ment and of experience, be able to look abroad 133 and say in our deepest hearts, "Behold the good- ness and mercy of God." Protect us all by thy power; inspire by thy Spirit ; and let thy common blessings and provi- dences be for and over all the children of men. Hear our prayer, inspire our hearts, kindle our love, and let thy benediction be upon us ever- more. AMEN. God, most merciful and gracious, hear now the prayer of thy children. Transform us into thine own image thy divine likeness, and give us courage and strength and fortitude to put the best thoughts and the things that we do most sincerely believe into daily practice; and teach us to believe and feel that a pure thought, a good conscience, an upright mind outweighs a world of luxury and ease. AMEN. 134 OCTOBEE 13, 1889 EVENING ALMIGHTY and most merciful God, thou whose hand supports the steady globe of the earth and brings the fair procession of day and night, we ask thy blessing now that our minds may be attuned by the spirit of truth, by reverence, love, honor, uprightness, righteousness, and goodness. We confess thy providential Spirit in thy inspiring word that thou hast spoken all along the line of human generations, and art ever speaking to thy beloved human race. En- large our thoughts and sympathies to think of a human world, to think of that which we call " humanity, " the life of God on earth, the manifestation of thy Spirit in man, with love and honor and pity ; to think with joy and grati- tude of that crowning, mysterious life the life of thy Son Jesus Christ, leader of our salvation, captain of the victorious hosts that shall conquer for the kingdom of God. Let thy blessing now be upon all those whom we think of in our hearts, whom in our medita- tive moods we would name before thee, those who are not with us, who may be far away across 135 lands and seas, who are pursuing their own voca- tions in the name of God and by the help of his Spirit, wherever they may be encourage and inspire them, and let them cheerfully and faith- fully follow the appointments of thy providence. And let thy blessing be with those who are in places of special power and authority, of wis- dom, teaching, or divine appointment; let thy blessing be upon all institutions of learning, law, religion, may they have in them all grace and favor and wisdom, and may they instruct in the ways of God, in all truth and power and beauty. Let thy blessing, we pray thee, be upon those who are unknown to the great world, but not for- gotten by thee, in whose hearts there is going on the work of thy eternal kingdom, in whose minds and earthly experience there is being wrought out a great and mighty problem of which the world knows little, and yet for which the world was made; and let us all, each one in his place and vocation, feel that we have a divine appoint- ment, a vocation of God, a calling from on high. Let thy blessing be upon the city and all the people thereof; upon the high, the low, the rich, the poor, and those who know not their right hand from their left. Lead, guide, protect, and bless; and let thy people be led forward to bet- ter things than they know, taught by thy Spirit, guided by thy providence, and led for- 136 ward to greater and greater experience which shall be fulfilled at last in thine own good time, in some kingdom of God here or there. Almighty One, forgive our sins; hear our prayers, for thy name and mercy's sake forever and ever. AMEN. 137 OCTOBER 20, 1889 GOD, our Father, Holy One, we come to thee; thou art onr Refuge, our Rock, our Defense. We thank thee for thy protecting care, for the bounty of thy providence, the goodness of thy paternal love, the wise chastisements of thy righteousness and thy truth. We thank thee, and we confess in all this changing scene of the outward world, we confess thy power, thy pres- ence, thy interest, and thy love in the human world. The earth turns, suns rise and set, rains fall, and clouds are spread a.bove us; the ocean rolls in thine almighty hand ; the mountains are firm in the strength which thou hast established ; and all the scenes of earth, and all the vicissi- tudes of human existence are ordered and di- rected and controlled by thy omnipotent hand. Let reverence and holy fear be in our minds; and through rifts of earthly clouds may thy people have gleams of eternal beauty, of glories and grandeurs, of ineffable things, of God and his Spirit. Almighty One, we acknowledge with humble hearts our weaknesses and our sins; and we 138 pray for that forgiveness when we do sincerely forsake our sins, we pray for that forgiveness which removes them from us as far as the east is from the west ; and may we have that divine, that beatific sight of thy goodness, thy perfec- tion, and thy beauty, that shall lead us to say, "Let thy reproofs come upon us, let thy hand rest heavily upon us, if we may but be purified from our earthly dross and made fit for thy com- panionship, thy friendship, and thy love." Almighty God, we thank thee for the pleasant things of our earthly lot, for its kindly charities, its pities, its loves, its victories of pain and glad- ness ; we thank thee for the companionship and dependence of those who are dear to us, for those to whom we owe unspeakable debts of grati- tude, eyes that are to us the gate of heaven, and hearts that we never for a moment dis- trusted, these things, we would think with divine imagination and pure feeling, are earthly symbols of what we may find in thee. And so as years increase, may feeling grow deeper, may thought ascend higher, may imagination rise on stronger wings and with greater power, and may we have no reason to ask "Why?" or "Where- fore?" inasmuch as the kingdom of God shall be within us, God is, and we are, and we are at peace. Let thy blessing, Almighty One, be abroad 139 over all the human world, upon our common country and beloved land, upon the common- wealth of our state, upon the city and the dwellers therein. Cherish, by thy Holy Spirit, all goodness in the hearts of thy children ; chas- tise, rebuke, bless, console, and comfort them, according to their wants; and let no heart chal- lenge thy wisdom or thy grace, or ask thee "Why?" or "Wherefore?" AMEN. Almighty God, our Father, let thy Spirit in the depths of our hearts convince us of truth, of our own sins, our need of thy purifying fires ; and may we look up to thee with imploring prayer, saying, "Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee; and let thy judgments help me." And so may new heavenly light be shed abroad on all our earthly course ; may new courage come into our hearts, new fortitude into our breasts, and a wonderful vision of moral beauty into our minds. AMEN. 140 OCTOBEE 27, 1889 GOD, our Father, we thank thee for thy pro- tecting care, that again we are permitted to come to our place of devout prayer and contempla- tion, to lift up our hearts and voice to thee, to confess our sins, to bow down humbly before thee, and to rise up in joy and gladness. We praise thee; we give thee glory and honor and power and majesty, thou Almighty One, terri- ble in glory, beautiful in praises, and, in thine everlasting love, the life and light and hope and peace of all thy children. We thank thee for the common things of our earthly lot ; and we thank thee more for the unspeakable gift of thy Spirit that thou hast given us, by which, in the midst of many perplexities and trials and griefs and pains, amid all the disappointments and crosses and uncertainties of our earthly lot, we have a sustaining power, a mysterious grace, a heaven- ly love ; a power of trusting in thee, of hoping in thee, and believing that somehow, in some way, and at some time greater good shall come out of our evil, and that thy wisdom and thy power are ever for us, and that the penitent, the sorrowful, 141 and the broken-hearted thou wilt lift up to joy and peace. Hear us now, God, in our lowly prayer, our humble penitence, our longing cry. Forgive our sins; forgive our indifference; pardon our weaknesses; lift us up and strengthen us, and make us stand by the might of thy Spirit. We thank thee, Almighty God, that thou hast lifted up upon us the light of thy countenance, and that, in the word and face of thy Son Jesus Christ, thou hast revealed thyself and art reveal- ing thyself to us continually. We bless thee for all the grace and charity and benignity of human life, for the laugh and rollick of childhood, for the sweetness and promise of youth, for the strength of manhood, and for the gentle wisdom and grace of age ; and we bless thee that, through many vicissitudes of trial, of uncertainty, through much teaching and deep experience of the world, there are rifts of light through the clouds, there are gleams of peace to troubled hearts, and that there are solitary moments of gladness and joy and hope. And we thank thee, Almighty God, for those com- mon outward gifts and pleasures and satis- factions which belong to us in this life, which are blessings to our minds and hearts if rightly used for the kingdom of God, but which at length we dismiss as a wise man dismisses a 142 faithful servant whose services he no longer needs. We thank thee for our daily safety and ability to go about our affairs, for the satisfac- tion we have in our affairs, for the reasonable gratification we have in overcoming difficulties, making a way plain, in triumphing over this out- ward world by skill, by wisdom, by learning, by industry; and may we in all this school of life and teaching, may we learn and know some- thing better than the things we handle, and may we learn that we ourselves are no parts of the things; and may we remember that, through faithfulness and honesty and uprightness and a pure heart and upright will, we may be in this humble, dusty way of earth entering continually the kingdom of God; and so may success or disappointment, trial or joy, tears or gladness bring to our hearts the rich treasures of wisdom, the rich strength of peace. Almighty God, thou knowest us altogether; we need not pray much to explain ourselves to thine eternal and all-piercing Spirit. We are men of the world; we have the passions of the world ; but we have a light within, a light of thy Spirit, a divine guidance; and we beseech thee to help us to walk by that guidance, and give us the inspiration of that Spirit ; and may we come into communion with thy truth through the gos- pel of thy Son Jesus Christ. May we see in him 143 the wisdom of God, the power of God; and in walking in his footsteps, in looking to his divine example, in ascending into the celestial moun- tains of his trials and temptation, may we bear testimony in our hearts that we too are taught, chastised, reproved, and beckoned upward. Almighty God, hear our prayer; forgive our sins; lead us always in a plain path of duty; help us to bear our afflictions well, and to bear our prosperity and our successes with modest and humble minds ; and whatever comes, may we not be too much surprised or changed in our hearts; and when at last thou callest, may we each one be ready and answer, "Here am I." AMEN. O Holy Father, inspire our hearts now by thy Spirit to think and feel the things that we do most truly believe ; and give depth and power to the stream of experience, that wisdom and good- ness, and truth and moral beauty, may be a kind of common sense to our hearts, to our minds and Our souls. Let thy teaching be adapted to our weakness, to our ignorance, and to our want. Be gentle with us in our impatience, in our short- sightedness, and teach us how little we know, and yet kindle in our hearts an inextinguishable hope, a divine trust, a mighty conquest of faith. AMEN. 144 NOVEMBEE 3, 1889 - MOENING WE are come again to our place of prayer; God, Almighty Maker, Everlasting Friend, our Father in heaven, by thy gracious and inspiring Spirit, come to thy people now. Come, bring- ing gentle thoughts and pure feelings and sweet humility and penitence to their hearts; and as we rise up and bow down before thee, and lift up our prayer and song, let our hearts be instructed by thy presence, inspired by thy gracious Spirit ; and may thy providence, thy wisdom, thy good- ness, and thy power all seem to our believing minds to be on behalf of us, thy children. We come from many distances of thought and feeling, and action and experience. Thou know- est every heart, every mind, every will. We come from far and nigh; from cares, pursuits, troubles, trials, joys, satisfactions, and peace. Thou givest to us all our share of pain or joy, of gladness or tears; and may we have no selfish- ness about it; may we not be too much engaged with wonder and surprise at thy providence, and at the vicissitudes of human life; but may we flee from all that to the heights of inaccessi- 145 ble peace, where we trust and believe and hope in thee fully, and feel that we are safest when we are altogether in thy hand. We bless thee, Almighty God, and we confess thy ever-present and eternal Spirit working for us, that, in the vicissitudes of our earthly life, the things which we have most dreaded have sometimes turned out to be best ; and that those things which we have thought the best when they were nigh, when looked back upon in the genial light of distance and the temper of expe- rience, we see that they were not so good as we thought them. May we learn, Almighty One, may we learn of thee that there are treasures of wisdom yet to be unfolded to us far greater than we have yet known on earth ; and as we think of that innumerable company who have moved on beyond these earthly horizons, may we think of them as exalted, exalted above the earth, with purer insights, purer affections, stronger wills, and, as they stand with undazzled eyes in thy presence, they know thee better, they love thee more, and they serve thee with happier will. To that innumerable company we would be joined in holy sympathies, in devout gratitude, in holy recollections, and in immortal hopes; and may we learn, as life bears us on upon its mighty stream, may we learn to think more and more that our earthly lot is a part of our eternal be- 146 ing; that now is our immortality, that now is our eternal life ; and that, if we are living a life in God, obedient to his will, in pure affection toward one another, when we go hence, we have but to live on and on in the same ever-ascending course ; we will not change our love ; we will not abolish our consecrated will; but inspired anew and infused by thy life, rise on wings of power to thy presence, thy glory, and thy grace. Almighty One, hear our prayer; forgive our sins; pity our weaknesses; be compassionate with our ignorance and our bad temper; and in all things chasten us by thy word and command- ment; and may we be so childlike and faithful and sinless, as to feel that thy chastisements are sweet. Almighty God, now let thy blessing be abroad upon all the earth, as wide as the beams of the sun; and, as the waters fill the sea, so let thy righteousness come down upon the nations and upon the world. Go forth by thy Spirit, en- churching thyself in this human world, leading it by thy providence, inspiring it by thy Spirit, and lifting up thy people forever and forever. AMEN. God, our Father, around thy throne the in- numerable hosts do cry continually, ' ' Holy, holy, holy, Lord." Let our prayers join the heavenly 147 company; let our praise echo in the heavenly places ; and here, on earth beneath, may we feel that Heaven is begun, that we belong to the great communion of saints, of whom Jesus Christ is first, and the little child that last fled is last. And so may our great communion be with thee and thy beloved forever and forever. AMEN. 148 NOVEMBEB 3, 1889 - EVENING GOD, our Father in heaven, as the curtains of night fall around the dwellings of men, we come again to spend an hour in this place of prayer and teaching, and we implore thy gracious pres- ence, thy enlightening Spirit, thy forgiving love, thy protecting care. Over all the earth stillness reigns. The hosts of night are marshaled upon the heavenly plain ; the sea rolls in the hollow of thine hand; the mountains stand fast by thy power ; man rests from his labors, and his heart is refreshed by thoughts of God too great to be numbered, even beyond the number of the sands of the sea. We implore thy blessing, Holy Father ; we im- plore it upon ourselves, upon our homes, our friends, those whom we love, and we implore it for thy common human family, for every land and race on earth. Let thy truth be glorified, the truth of thy works, the truth of thy ways, the truth of thy word, the truth as it is in thine eternal righteousness, in thine almighty power, in thy perfect goodness and love. And teach us, men of the world with common cares and com- 149 mon duties, as we enter into the common expe- riences of thy human race, may we feel that we belong indeed to a great cause, that we are allied to an almighty purpose; and, according to our best and humblest thought, according to our purest vision and our sincerest reason, may we join ourselves to that cause, and be partakers of the eternal will. Let thy blessing be upon us now, upon the homes which we have left to come here, upon those who are separated from us by distances of time or space, across sea or land; and may we have confidence and simple faith that those who look up to thee and trust to thee, wherever they are upon the earth, cannot be far apart. AMEN. 150 NOVEMBEE 10, 1889 MOENING GOD, our Almighty and Everlasting Friend, we, thy people, are come again to our place of prayer. The day is bright ; the sun shines clear, and the earth is blessed beneath its genial beams ; and the heart of man, tried and afflicted, or rejoicing and glad, lifts up its voice and prayer to thee. Almighty One, glorious in praises, great in power, above all in beauty, stronger than strength, we implore thee ; we rise up and bow down before thee; we bring thee gifts of a con- trite heart, of a pure spirit, of devout faith and filial love. We thank thee, thou giver of all our good, for the ever-common gifts of thy providence, for thy steady power, thy patient love, thine ever- lasting and long-suffering goodness and truth. We thank thee for the common blessings of our lot, so common, as day and night, morning and noou, daily bread and divine gifts of love, holy charities of our daily life, and many bless- ings descending from the past and hopes that dawn in the future. 151 We sometimes feel afflicted ; we are sometimes much perplexed; sometimes we are broken- hearted ; but we have ever had a mysterious gift in our hearts, the gift of trusting in thee, of hoping in thee, and of believing that somehow, in some way, at some time, eternal good will come of all our apparent evil, of all our weak- ness, our shortcomings, our frailty, or our sins. And we pray thee, Almighty God, that as we look up to thee with such trust and implore thy guidance with believing hearts, thou wilt temper our minds to accept the events of life and provi- dence as they come; to accept them not only as inevitable, or as cruel fate, but as the wise cor- rections of one who sees the end from the begin- ning, who knows what is best, and who will do what is best for every soul of man. We thank thee, Almighty One, that when this earthly life and lot are over, we may trust to the same Almighty Providence; that we may go forth to new spheres of being, to a new thea- ter of action and life and thought, where our faith shall be clearer, thy presence shall be more manifest, and thy love shall warm and inspire our hearts more fully. And we thank thee that we can and may trust those who have gone be- fore us to that field and sphere and theater of spiritual life; that we may trust them to him who saith, "All souls are mine." Thou hast made them; thou hast inspired them; thou hast appointed unto them their discipline, their trials, their struggles, their pain, their grief or their loss, their joy or their gratitude; and we may commit them to thee. And we bless thee for all the flood of infinite goodness and wisdom and grace that flows down to us from on high from the higher places of spiritual life, where dwell those whom we remember, an innumerable com- pany, into whose lives and inheritance we have entered, and in whose hope we live and still have our being. Almighty One, forgive our sins; let thy bless- ing be abroad upon all the children of men ; bless and inspire the people of our land ; guide and in- struct our government and administrators of law, manners, religion, and teaching; and let them all look forth on the fair procession of the spiritual life of man. Let thy benediction be upon all the suffering ones, the poor, the op- pressed, the obscure, and the unknown ; and may our human sympathies be so increased that all our distinctions and all our pride and coldness shall be lost forever in the greater thought that we are simply human, and belong to the common family of God on earth. AMEN. Father in heaven, hear our prayer, uttered or unexpressed, and by thy Spirit kindle the 153 deepest and loveliest things and thoughts in our hearts. Increase that light in us that lighteth every man that cometh into the world; enlarge our sympathies to the breadth of true human feeling and divine grace ; and may it be enough for us that, living faithfully and honestly and devoutly here with one another, we may com- mend ourselves to God the faithful God for- ever and ever. AMEN. 154 NOVEMBER 10, 1889 - EVENING ALMIGHTY GOD, our Father in Heaven, let thy blessing and thy Spirit be upon us now, as we are come in the evening hour to our place of prayer, of teaching, and of song. Let thy bene- diction be upon the homes which we have left, the friends that are there; let thy blessing, too, go abroad o'er the whole world, genial as the beams of the sun, protecting, silent, and still as the shadows of the night. We thank thee for thy ever-constant and never-failing goodness, for thy strong and steady hand, leading us forward in places which we know not and where we should lose ourselves; for the enlightenment of thy Spirit, and the abundant gifts of thy grace, enlightening our minds, persuading our hearts, soothing our pain, and turning all things for our good. And let thy benediction, we pray thee, be everywhere, wherever there is a human heart, a human life to be taught and led and instructed by thee. In- crease in us, we pray thee, that genial and gener- ous feeling which is of the power of thy Spirit and thy grace to be in sympathy with thy 155 truth, in sympathy with human life and with human hearts. We ask thy blessing, Almighty God, and we commend to thy power and providence, all those influences, those institutions, those teachings, those words of truth and right, which are the forerunners of thy kingdom on earth; upon every institution of learning, of law, of religion, of good government, and all that pertains to man's spiritual and moral being, to his welfare on earth, and to his final destiny. Almighty God, let thy blessing be upon the people of the city, upon all classes and fortunes and conditions, upon all little children, young persons, those of mature years, the venerable and experienced and wise; over all classes and fortunes and conditions let the same good provi- dence preside, let the same paternal love and patience and wisdom reign, and let all be blessed in thee, the common Father and God of all. AMEN. 156 NOVEMBER 17, 1889 - MOENING GOD, our Father, Infinite and Holy One, Maker of all things, Sustainer of all things, Inspirer of men, our Father in heaven, our Almighty Friend, we are come again to our place of prayer according to our consecrated custom, according to the way and habit of our heart, ac- cording to our consecrated will and pure feeling. We are come to offer our prayer, to lift up our song, to listen to thy word, and to rise on wings of power to thy presence. Come now to thine own; come to the hearts that know thee, and to the hearts that wait for thee ; come to our weak- ness and our want, our frailty and our sin ; and lift up thy people forever and forever. We own thy blessing and thy goodness, thy providence that is plain and thy providence that is mysterious; we would accept them both with filial minds, with intelligent hearts, with humble and lowly feeling. For the common blessings of life we thank thee. May no habit or custom ever dull their beauty; but with ever-fresh inspira- tions and moments of divine illumining, may we see the beauty of the grass beneath our feet, and 157 may the very walks in which we tread be as sap- phire and rubies and gold to our sight; and in our dwellings, among those we love, in the special seclusion of our hearts and our lives and our loves, may there thy kingdom beam upon us with celestial glories in the common things of our daily lot, in those whom we meet day by day and hour by hour, and become so accus- tomed to them that there may be a veil drawn before their goodness. Almighty God, may we believe in the loveliness of human hearts, the beauty of human life ; and may we travel into no distant world or custom or clime, but learn that the besetting God is ever near, encompassing us behind and before, and laying his hand upon us in infinite wisdom and infinite love. Almighty God, let thy pitying care be upon all the distressed, the unfortunate, the poor, the wandering, the wicked. Check the proud and vain ; lift up the fallen ; comfort and console the broken-hearted; and according to thine infinite and inspiring will help, comfort, chastise, re- buke, and bless thy people everywhere. thou Infinite and Holy One, thou infinite, unique, and eternal Love, would that my heart were as thy heart, and that wholly ! And may it be even so with all thy people, thou Infinite God of eternal life. AMEN. 158 God, our Inspirer, quicken our hearts by thy Spirit now to discern thy near-by truth and pres- ence; and, in manifestations of that truth and presence, may we ever adore the besetting God, the inspiring One. Let thy fullness be poured in ample floods upon our receptive and teachable hearts, giving us wisdom, giving us grace; and let moral beauty dawn upon us from thine in- finite and eternal Spirit. AMEN. 159 NOVEMBER 17, 1889 EVENING GOD, our Father in heaven, we are come again to our place of prayer. From the heights of revering thought, of true and pure feeling, of reverence for thy word and thy providence, we would look abroad upon thy ways with man on the earth. We adore with reverent and devout minds that solemn procession of history which moves forward beneath thine enchurching Spirit, guiding mankind in doubts and perplex- ity, in wickedness and in wrong, to serener heights of patience, of pure acts, of charity and good, and giving fuller gleams of that eternal kingdom which thy Son did preach. We adore with reverent awe, with holy fear, and with in- spiring hope the progress of thy truth. We grieve over the darkness, the wrong, and the sin of the world; and we would grieve and repent sincerely over our own ignorance, our darkness, and our sins. And those sins which we do sin- cerely repent of, God, remove them from us, we pray thee, as far as the east is from the west ; and may we have something of that experience which the finest spirits of mankind have had 160 the experience which taught them that there was no contradiction between thy will and their will, that they have been led by thy hand and in- spired by thy Spirit, and that in days of tumult and trial, and in the last earthly extremity, they have had a great and exceeding peace. Let thy blessing, we pray thee, be a hallowed and consecrated benediction upon all the insti- tutions of society that promote the welfare of man, the good of the people, the cherishing and teaching of human love, the guide of the spirit of man; and as our years increase and our ex- perience grows deeper, may we learn that the chief thing, the chief thing on this earth, is not a thing but a being an immortal nature man, thy child, thy son. May we learn to look upon human society as more beautiful than worlds or stars; that we may look upon justice as more wonderful and more glorious than any proces- sions of the seasons, than any revolutions of the earth, than any motions of systems and of suns ; and may truth be more beautiful than the morn- ing, and wisdom fairer than the skies, and love sweeter than any landscape, sublimer than the sea, and stronger than the mountain; and so, having the beatific vision in our hearts, may we have something of celestial light beaming up- on our minds; and, inspired by a great hope, may we have great generosity of feeling, great 161 courage of thought, great persuasion and convic- tion. And do thou grant, Almighty God, as in thy wisdom shall seem best, the fulfillment of the prophecies of thy word, spoken by those who have seen in sublime vision of truth and love, and in the wisdom of God, the coming of an eternal kingdom a kingdom of power and of peace, a kingdom of unspeakable glory. And may those of us who shall never see that king- dom here on earth, may we live and die in the grateful and devout expectation that we shall be, and are, partakers of that kingdom in scenes be- yond this world. And so let thy people be blessed and lifted up forever and forever. We ask thy blessing upon all the people of the city to-night ; upon every home and habitation of man; upon all classes and conditions and for- tunes of human life. Watch with those that watch; pray with those that pray, and listen to their prayer; and let thy benediction, thy chas- tening grace, thy retributive mercies be with those who are gone astray in paths of wrong and wickedness; and do thou chastise, redeem, and bless all thy children according to thy wisdom, thy goodness, and thy power. AMEN. NOVEMBEE 24, 1889 GOD, our Father in heaven, we lift up our hearts to thee in devout prayer and gratitude; we humbly confess our sins and we look up to thee for thy free and abundant grace to remove our sins from us as far as the east is from the west. Pity our weaknesses ; reprove our wrong ; and by thy good Spirit lead us in paths of beauty and truth and peace. We confess, with holy reverence, thy guidance of thy people hitherto, and that thou dost lift them up forever and forever. We own thy protecting power and guiding Spirit in the life of the world, in the life of the Church of thy Son Jesus Christ; and we pray that the vision of prophets and saints and martyrs, and the prophetic word of thy Son, may in the eternal years of God be fulfilled. May the time come when that Spirit of truth the Spirit of God shall so inspire and dwell and abide in the hearts of men that there shall be peace in thy holy mountain, truth in all thy temples ; and that the heart of man shall everywhere rejoice in the abundance of the grace and beauty of God. 163 Heal all our weaknesses, our prejudices, our evil passions ; lift up our hearts into that greater and mightier kingdom of thy will and of thy love; and help each one of us to enter into this kingdom in his own heart, in his own home, and in his relations to his fellow men. Help us in our dwellings, in our homes, to live in the large grace of a pure affection, of an upright will, a true feeling, and a devout and reverent heart. Shine by thy gracious Spirit upon the towers and citadels of the New Jerusalem ; bring forth in the hearts of men the glad fruits of righteous- ness; and may the time come when man shall have no cause to say to his fellow man, ' ' Know ye the Lord," inasmuch as all shall know thee, from the least to the greatest, and shall be blessed in obedience to thy will. Let thy blessing be to-night upon all the peo- ple of the city upon every class and condition and fortune of human life and human lot ; upon every age and experience; upon every trial of sorrow or of joy, of prosperity or adversity ; and let all the people be blessed in thee, the common Father of all. Let thy gracious providence and protecting care be upon all men everywhere. Chastise, correct, guide, lead forward thy people forever and forever. AMEN. 164 DECEMBER 1, 1889 GOD, our Father in heaven, we look up to thee; we thank thee for thy protecting care, for thine upholding providence, for thine inspiring Spirit, and for thy love toward us manifested in Jesus Christ, thy Son. We thank thee for the day; for its respite from the usual cares and duties of life; for its blessed opportunity of home, of friendship, of thy house of prayer and hymn and teaching; and for all the blessings of tradi- tion and of truth that gather around it. And now we ask thy blessing on us, as with sincerity of mind and devoutness of heart we lift up our prayer to thee, and ask thee to bestow upon us all the good that thou knowest we need, the good of thy Spirit, of thy grace, of thy forgiving love, thy tender and paternal ad- monitions, and thy wise reproofs. Give us, we pray thee, by thy good providence seconding our honest labors, give us the things of this life that are good for the body, and are thy providence and the ways of thy provision for the children of men. We thank thee for the refreshing rain; we 165 thank thee for dwellings whose walls are adorned with many blessed vines of human af- fections, consecrated to our hearts by pleasant memories, and in which we may have some thought and some realization of what thy people have ever called the kingdom of God. And we ask thy blessing, Almighty God, upon all the people, upon every class and condition and for- tune of man. Assuage the passions and preju- dices of men ; awaken their minds from the deep slumbers of ignorance and passion and strife; and bring in the light of a better truth, a purer affection, and a more divine grace ; and may we all be led to feel how feeble and how small is our individual share yet in the wonder, the glory, and the power of the kingdom of God ; and may we ever expect more and more of thee; may we ever believe in thee for the best things ; and may our faith in thee be worthy ourselves and worthy thee, thou Almighty and All-loving One. Holy Father, hear our prayer; forgive our sins; lift us up from every weakness, and make us able to stand, to stand upon our feet in justice, in righteousness, in purity of purpose, and in upright will, to serve God with our fel- low men, careless for this or for that, if only God speaks to us and we shall hear. AMEN. 166 DECEMBEE 8, 1889 - MOENING GOD, thou who art to be feared and reverenced by all intelligent creatures, we look up unto thee with devout and humble feeling, with peni- tent and contrite hearts; we cast ourselves upon thine almighty arm, and implore thee for all we need. "We thank thee for thy protection; we thank thee for thy paternal providence; and more, and most of all, for thine inspiring Spirit that gives discernment to the heart of man. We look abroad upon the world around us; we be- hold Nature in her beauty, in her glory, in her terror and her storms, these are the vestures of the Almighty. Thy power is seen in the heavens above and upon the earth beneath, and abroad upon the great deep. The mountains stand fast by thy power ; the forests wave in the winds of heaven; and the earth and day and night are firm and strong in thy presence and in thy Spirit. But these are the things of thy crea- tion, the things of thine upholding, and the things of thy power; they know thee not; the mountains know thee not; the sea speaks no word of prayer; the fair fields of living green smile beneath the sun or drink the gentle rains 167 of heaven, but return no gratitude; while the heart of man discerns in these thy power, thy goodness, and thy inspiration; 'tis the heart of man alone that can welcome thee as a divine guest, that can receive thee with heaven- ly hospitality, and bless thee for thy Spirit and thy grace. God, give us, thy children, we beseech thee, this divine, this heavenly grace to stand apart from the outward world and to look upon it; to retire from the outward world to the world within, undelayed by outward glories, undazzled by brilliant suns or stars, and in safe retreat in thy eternal strength. Almighty God, we thank thee for, and we con- fess thee in, thine eternal, unfailing law the law that holds the worlds in place, that keeps them in their courses, that restrains the sea with- in its bounds, that sends the rain upon the earth, and pours rivers towards the eternal floods of the ocean. In these we revere thee ; but more in the heart of man, in the law of thy righteous- ness, thy goodness, and in the beauty of thy holiness. And may we be partakers, Almighty One, of something of thine own greatness and glory; may our consciences respond quickly to thy least command; may our hearts leap up gladly to love thee ; may our wills be blessed in thee in obedience to thee; and may an eternal Rock ever be our refuge and our strength. 168 We ask thy blessing, Holy One, upon our homes, upon our kindred and our friends, wherever they are on the earth ; and we pray for those too who are in heaven, blessed as they are indeed in the nearer presence of God. And may we all live as in thy presence wherever we are; and by sea or land, by night or day, may we be living a spiritual life, hid in the eternal life of the Lord. AMEN. thou Searcher of all hearts, ' * Search me and know me, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.'* Let that be the prayer of thy servants, and by thy Spirit purify the spiritual rays that dawn upon our minds ; and amid worlds and suns, amid per- plexity or danger or fear, may we ever be secure in thine eternal Spirit and thy eternal life. AMEN. DECEMBEK 8, 1889 EVENING (After the death of Jefferson Davis.) THOU ALMIGHTY CfoD, Infinite and Holy One, we adore thy power and thy providence; we bless thine inspiring Spirit and paternal love; and we come again, in the evening hour, to our place of prayer, and we look up to thee with devout and holy feeling. We confess our sins, our weaknesses, and our oft going astray; and we pray thee to receive us, as we are returned to thee and remind ourselves of thee, our strength, our refuge, and our rest. For all tokens of thy power in the world around we ever bless thee ; for the tokens of thy providence in the world of mankind we ever re- joice and are glad with reverent joy and glad- ness; and we thank thee for every token of a divine guidance, a divine power that the life of man affords, that in all ages and times and periods thou hast had witnesses of thee in saints and prophets and martyrs; that thou hast been with thy people evermore; and that every wise cause, and every just enterprise and power of 170 man, has been promoted by thy providence and thy will. We thank thee, Almighty God, for our coun- try, for its fair and large domain, for its happy people, its thronging industries, its insti- tutions of learning, of law and religion; and that, under the protection of a wise and great constitution that looks upon all men as equal, equal before God, we thank thee that the peo- ple have peace. And we ask thy blessing, Al- mighty Father, that all the memories of the past, that all the strifes and war of the past, may be year by year forgotten ; and as the gentle stream of history flows on toward the eternal sea may prejudice be assuaged, may good feeling be kindled, and may commerce and intercourse and learning and religion flow like rivers of goodness and blessing through all our land. Almighty Father, we ask thy blessing, and we implore thy inspiring Spirit, for every just and generous sentiment, for every magnanimous feeling, for every word of faith and confidence and truth. Let thy people be led by thy provi- dence ; let them be guided by a pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night ; and here may blessing and honor abide forever and forever. Let thy blessing be upon all the people of the city upon all classes and fortunes and condi- tions of men. Chastise, reprove, bless, pity, and 171 lift up, according to the want, the distress, the weakness of the waywardness of all mankind, and let all thy people be blessed in the common eternal good-will of God. AMEN. 172 DECEMBEB 15, 1889 INFINITE AND HOLY ONE, in the evening hour we are come again to our place of prayer. For the quiet day, for its freedom from common duties and labors, for its happy opportunities for occasion of thought and teaching, and medi- tation and prayer, we thank thee. We thank thee for homes consecrated by many charities; for life sweetened by many pure affections ; and for all the consecration which these receive from thy blessing and thy Spirit. And we look to thee now with gratitude, and ask from thee more and more. We ask from thee the abundant enlight- enment of thy Spirit that gentle, heavenly and gracious influence which, descending upon the hearts of men from the Spirit of God, leads them into all truth, illumines their minds with celes- tial light, and gives beauty and order and law and inspiration and love to our being. Almighty One, look upon us, we pray thee, with all those feelings which thou hast taught us in thy word and by the gospel of thy Son that thou dost hold toward all thine earthly children. Look with patience upon our ignorance, our 173 weakness, our forgetfulness, or our indifference. Awaken our minds to finer sensibilities; inspire our imaginations that we may see truth from afar, and seeing and feeling that we belong to thy family, that we receive our life from thee, and our nature is like thine own, may we feel in- deed that we have a great destiny, a great hope, an inextinguishable being. We thank thee, Almighty God, for those rich treasures of the past that have come down to us, and are a source of enjoyment to us, for the lives of the great and the good, the humble and the true, those who have imbued the world with something of their own beauty, who have in- spired the heart of man with something of the truth they received from God, and have handed it down to us ; and may we hand it down to the generations that come after us. Thou hast had a royal line of heroes and martyrs and saints; they have been here and there upon the earth in all periods of time and history, men and women who were ready to live or die for the truth, and who gloried in their devotion and in their self-surrender to what they thought best and truest. Almighty God, inspire us with deeper senti- ments for the common daily duties of human life, the daily round of life, its ever-returning cares, its monotonous anxieties, that they all 174 may be lifted up and glorified, and made the teaching and discipline which fit us for immortal life. Holy Father, we ask thy blessing upon all thy people to-night. Let thy blessing be upon every dwelling. Comfort those who are in trouble and distress; help them to bear their troubles, and give them a word of comfort and help in their distress; and increase our human sympathies until we feel that our great distinction is that we are human. AMEN. 175 DECEMBEE 22, 1889 GOD, our Father, all creatures praise thee ; thy works praise thee; and our hearts bless thee. Thou Spirit of eternal life, thou all-holy and all- good, come by thy gracious Spirit to thy people now, and give us that divine communion with thyself which is the life of our life and the light of our light ; and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, something of the beauty of thine eternal excellence, the beauty of thy joy, the beauty of thy love. We are very poor and needy, and our need is our blessing; that we need thy Spirit, that we need thy grace, that we need thy strong supporting hand and thy holy providence, thy paternal care, is indeed our blessing. Thou who in thine eternal strength knowest no change or shadow of age, look down with gentle and tender regard upon us in our earthly vicissitudes, in our changing seasons and years, in our feeble or failing earthly days, and give us to know and feel and to be partakers of thine eternal strength. We come to thee, God, to our place of 176 prayer from the daily experiences of human life. Some of us come in joy and gladness, some in pain and tears ; give us all to rejoice in God, our Maker; to rejoice in his commandment, in the strength and power of his hand, in the tender- ness of his mercies and the righteousness of his retributions; and so may we feel that here on earth we are entering into that higher life that belongs ever to the sons of God. We thank thee, Holy Father, for all the kindly charities, the hallowed loves, the sacred bonds of our earthly lot. We thank thee for the sympa- thies we have for our fellow beings, that when they are in distress, we are in distress ; that when they are cast down, we feel that we put our hands, feeble though they are, beneath them and lift them up. And we thank thee that we may humbly feel that in these divine sympathies we have something in our hearts of a revelation of thy heart ; and may we in our best moments cry unto thee, "0 that my heart were as thy heart, and that wholly." Almighty God, thou Father of man, thou Maker and Sustainer of the worlds, give us a dwelling-place in the strength of thine eternal power and truth and commandment, peace in thine inspiring Spirit, and hope in thy great promises. Let thy blessing be upon us, we pray thee, and upon all thy human family everywhere 177 on earth, everywhere in heaven. Let thy Spirit and thy grace comfort, inspire, encourage, and bless. Forgive our sins, and help us to forsake them ; and by thy wisdom do thou be wiser than our understanding ; and by thy strength do thou be stronger than our strength. AMEN. Almighty God, our Father, inspire by thy Spirit every good sentiment and pure desire in our hearts. Give us that depth of wisdom to know our wants, and knowing our wants may they be supplied from divine and eternal foun- tains; and may we increase in wisdom, may we increase in moral and spiritual life, and may we see that the eternal rock of safety and strength is within ; a feeling of being at one with thee, at one with ourselves, at one with the world. AMEN. 178 JANUAEY 5, 1890 MOENING GOD, our Father, thou Almighty and All-glor- ious One, we comprehend thee not ; thou art past our understanding, "We pass our days as a tale that is told": "from everlasting to everlast- ing, thou art God. " If in the midst of thy great- ness and surrounded by the tokens of thine infi- nite power, we are ever quite overcome and feel that we are little and nothing, if in the midst of thy works or in the whelming flood of thine eter- nal years we feel our weakness, we feel that in the crowds of the generations of men that are moving on we are quite lost from thee and to thy love and thy wisdom, God, may we remember that thou dost count the stars ; that thou dost call the hosts of heaven by name, even as a shepherd of Israel called his sheep by name; that thou holdest the ocean in the hollow of thine hand; and unknown and little as we seem sometimes in our moments of discouragement or doubt or de- spair, may we remember that thy care is infinite, thy love is boundless and ever-watchful, and that the mountains in their eternal strength are not so much to thee as one human heart. The moun- 179 tain has no grief, it has no sorrow, it has no joy, and if it ever seems to weep, it is but the rain falling from the clouds. The ocean sends up its eternal voice to thee, but it is not a prayer, it is not a penitence, it is not a sorrow, it is not a joy. Almighty One, may we cherish these things these human things in our hearts, and ever be refreshed and stand off against the world with conscious power in the light of God. We thank thee, Almighty One, thou Maker and Guardian of our human days here on earth, that there are so many of thy children that can give testimony and witness to the goodness and the mercy of God. Led by thy hand, cherished by thy love, guarded by thy providence, the aged man at evening, as he looks abroad upon the dis- tant horizon or into the deep heaven, can say in his heart, in silence and in peace, " Behold the goodness and the mercy of God. ' ' The child looks forward with boundless hope, and, bounding with expectation and joy, knows not what is be- fore him ; but he has been taught a gentle prayer and his evening pillow is made smooth by the thought that he has a Father in heaven ; and so our earthly days, from childhood and youth and manhood and age, are surrounded by, infused by the immanent and ever-present God. And now we pray thee, Almighty One, that our hearts may use rightly every moment, every 180 event, every occasion, and every thing; and for- getting the steps taken in the past, may we make a new beginning in the race for an eternal crown. May we remember that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, not on earth merely or chiefly, but the witnesses that have gone forward and look down upon us from a higher sphere; who sympathize with our struggles, who mourn at our failures, and who rejoice at our success. And so may our hearts be tempered and kept by thy inspiration ; may we ever be awake to every sense of duty; may we esteem conscience more than any earthly goods ; and may we esteem our greatest possession, the possession of power over ourselves, to do right, to revere God, to do justly, and to walk humbly. Now, Holy Father, be with us, thy people ; be with all men, thy children; let thy Spirit go forth, enchurching itself in the human world. May that kingdom of God which thy Son fore- told and taught, may it be coming ; and may thy human race be lifted and lifted nearer and near- er to it ; and may we ourselves be partakers in it ; and may that kingdom abide in our hearts. Now let thy blessing be with all thy people according to their wants, those who are grieved and afflicted, those who are glad and happy, those who are oppressed and cast down in despair, all, all, may they have the Spirit, the 181 blessing, and the care of God, the common Father of all. AMEN. God, hear now the prayer of thy people, that that which is best in their hearts, in purpose and in desire, by thy quickening Spirit and grace may be abundantly fulfilled. Forgive our sins; lift us up from all our downfalls and our des- pair; and encourage us by thy word from on high, calling us to victory, to duty, and to eternal life. AMEN. 182 JANUAEY 5, 1890 -EVENING GOD, our Father, in the stillness of the evening hour we are come again to our place of prayer. The nightly hosts are marshaled upon the sky; the earth turns upon its soft and silent axis; day and night, morning and evening, noonday and darkness are all subject to thy command- ment; and all things, and all creatures, are sus- tained by thy power and protected by thy care. We confess with reverent and filial feeling that care. We own with gratitude a wisdom greater than ours, a knowledge that includes our igno- rance, and a loving-kindness and a tender mercy that are from everlasting to everlasting. And now, Holy One, thou Eternal Spirit, dwell in our hearts, we pray thee; kindle anew that light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world; and may we feel that the gospel of thy Son is the renewal of our nature, the re- viving of our power, the strength and annuncia- tion of all that is best in us, of all that is true and pure and good. May we understand his words that he spoke, saying ''That he came not to de- stroy, but to fulfill," to fulfill thy word spoken of old ; to fulfill that common nature which thou 183 hast given us of thyself ; to make us partakers of life more abundantly. And may we see this life ; may we enjoy its power ; may we be led, through its grace and through its benediction, in the simplest walks of life, in the humblest place of duty ; and in all may we discern that it takes no great theater of this world to hold the kingdom of God; each one of us, in our places, in our daily and ever-returning duties, in the constant relation with our fellow beings, may we be con- scious that we are governed by divine power, of will, of conscience, of beauty, and of truth; and may reverence for thee, and abundant sympathy with our fellow men, be to us the constant wit- ness that the Spirit of God is upon us; and as thy Son ascended from his baptism and the Spirit lighted upon him, saying, * ' This is my be- loved Son, in whom I am well pleased," may we, thy children, have something of the same divine benediction, and know that we and God are one. Holy Father, let thy tender care be in every dwelling and in every heart ; let thy kingdom of peace and righteousness and power be increasing in glory and strength ; and as we, each one in thy good time, go forward beyond these earthly scenes, may we be satisfied with the appoint- ments of Heaven, and may we trust that what- ever is best for us will be done by almighty wis- dom, goodness, and power. AMEN. 184 JANUAEY 12, 1890 INFINITE AND HOLY ONE, we lift up our hearts to thee in reverence and holy fear ; we bow down in humble contrition and penitence; we praise thee, we glorify thee, thou Lord God Almighty. And come now, by thy gracious Spirit, to our hearts, and reveal unto us the hidden things of thy grace and thy love. Temper our minds to the daily experience of our earthly lot ; and teach us through all vicissitudes of change or disap- pointment or decay to win the victory of our be- ing, the triumph of our faith, the purpose of our life, and to find that life hid with Christ's in God. We thank thee always for the common gifts of thy providence, gifts that are so common that we are quite inclined to forget them, daily blessings, hourly comforts, which demand our gratitude and our love, but which we are quite disposed to think belong to us, as though we had earned them by the labor of our own hands or wrought them by our own skill. Almighty God, forgive our weaknesses, pity them, we pray thee. Teach us a better mind, and 185 save us from the conceits of the world. We thank thee, Almighty Father, that thou hast so richly endowed our being, that in the humblest things the spiritual mind can discern beauty and grace and loveliness. The simplest acts of daily life may have a halo of wonder and beauty around them; and the simplest circumstances of our earthly lot, the plainest duties, the daily round of care, may have something more than sunset or sunrise glory; and we thank thee for that peace of heart which thy servants enjoy and which is beyond all understanding of the wisdom of the world. We thank thee, Almighty God, for, and our hearts are lifted up as we read, the story of self-renunciation of thy servant of old, who would not quench his thirst with the water that the mighty men brought to him, but he poured it out rather as an oblation to God. We thank thee for the story of that womanly heart which sought to retrieve and bring back light and life and peace to her heart as she broke the precious oint- ment and poured it upon the head of Jesus. For every act of moral beauty, for every act of spiri- tual life, for every grace that adorns life and gives wonder and mystery to our being, we thank thee, thou Inspirer of all. We pray for that wisdom, Almighty God, that shall teach us to discern beauty and truth and loveliness in our daily affairs, in our work, our 186 plodding, our ever-constant and returning care. May we see in thy providence a loveliness beyond what the world calls success something for the mind to rest on, something with which the heart may be refreshed. Holy Father, we ask thy blessing always upon all our brethren, the common family of man. Thy promises we cannot fathom ; the mystery of time and events we can see into but a little way ; but we bless thee that the upright man, that the good and true heart, can do what it may, can do its duty, and look up unto God and say, "Now, thou Almighty and All-righteous One, thy servant hath done what he could; do thou the rest/' We ask thy blessing upon us, Holy Father, that by thy Spirit and grace our hearts may be so tempered and our wills may be so attuned, we may live and act as we believe ; that we may put our best thoughts and our best feelings into daily practice ; and that the bare and rugged walls of life may be entwined with beautiful vines of charity, of loveliness, and of truth. All of which we ask, as thy children, in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ. AMEN. Almighty God, our Father, receive now the devout and humble desires and prayers of our hearts. We wish that we were altogether at our best ; we would that the best impulses, the purest 187 desires, and true love controlled our lives; and that our whole being was in accord with thy divine grace and thy inspiring Spirit. Encour- age us greatly ; strengthen us with eternal right- eousness; and give us, thy children, wandering wherever we may be, give us the peace of God, which passeth understanding. AMEN. 188 JANUARY 19, 1890 GOD, our Father in heaven, Maker of all things and Inspirer of men, Holy Providence of our lives, Eternal Spirit of life and joy and strength and peace, we thy children come again in our ac- customed hour to lift up our hearts to thee in prayer, in solemn praise, in awful joy. We come as we are, from the common daily experiences of life, its ordinary cares, its perplexities, its anxieties, its gladness, its joy, and its peace. Whatever that daily life has been to us, whatever it has brought to us of better experience and of purer knowledge, we come now to confess all as of thy Spirit and thy grace ; and we thank thee for this divine providence of our earthly lot, by which thou hast given us enough to do, work, care, anxiety, provision, foresight, industry, in these all we would see thy hand ; we would see and own thy teaching; we would own thy guid- ance and inspiring Spirit. We pray thee, Almighty One, to help us with fortitude of will and with pure feelings to re- ceive thy blessings with gratitude and thy trials with patient resignation. And may we think 189 how little we know; and may we think how blessed it is often that we know so little. Thou art omniscient; thou knowest all things; thou knowest the hearts of men ; in thy hands are the issue of life and the issue of death. Why should we need, feeble as we are, to know much? We implore thee, God, to receive us into thine all- protecting care, into thy wise and Holy Spirit; and do better things for us than our wisdom can think or than our hearts can wish or our hopes can aspire. Holy Father, we implore thee for those things that thou knowest we most need, for a filial heart, for wide and generous human sympathies, for all that belongs to us that makes us peculiar- ly human and peculiarly children of God. Al- mighty One, forgive our sins, we implore thee, and separate them from us as far as the east is from the west. Those who are sincerely peni- tent, let them be restored in the gladness and joy and peace of thy forgiveness, and grant unto us all, in the private experiences of our own hearts, that increase in wisdom, that increase in love, which shall lead us to believe in thee more fully, which shall give us a complete triumph over the illusions of the world; and if we live to age, to experience, or to worldly honor, may we consider the bloom of age, the wisdom of experience, and the glory of worldly honor, to be the fact that we 190 know thee, the ever-loving and true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. And thus, upon the summit of human days, may we look abroad over all our earthly experience and ex- claim with gratitude and trust and hope, " Be- hold the wisdom, the goodness, and the mercy of God." AMEN. Almighty God, thou Maker of us all, impress upon our hearts all their pure and true senti- ments, and help us to believe, and to act as we believe, the best things, tne best feelings, the best thoughts. Increase our human regard ; give us a higher elevation of human thought and feeling, from which we can look upon ourselves as we are, and upon our fellow men as we wish that they were; and may thy holy providence, the wise teachings of thy Spirit, may they all be for us and for our fellow men, now and forever. AMEN. 191 JANUAEY 26, 1890 - MORNING GOD, our Life and our Light, the clouds are scattered; the sun comes forth in his strength; thy glories are revealed in the constant and eternal procession of thy power, thy goodness, and thy love; and we are come, in the order of our days and the customary hour, again to this our place of prayer. We have left our homes, endeared to us by their many kindly charities, their walls entwined with pleasant vines of beauty, love, and hope. Chastened, it may be, by trials, deeply enriched by tender sorrows, en- couraged and blessed by mortal hopes, we are come here to our common place of prayer, to make common supplication unto thee in the name of that common nature which thou hast inspired, and in the name of thy Son, the Captain, the Leader and Guide of all. We come with accustomed blessing to thee. We have no new word to speak of our wants, our weaknesses, or our sins; it is the same oft- repeated story of childlike ignorance, of child- like love, of childlike weakness, wandering, or forgetfulness. But, God, however childlike we 192 are or indifferent or forgetful, now coming back to love thee, and then forgetting thee again, thy goodness keeps on forever; thy patience is an eternal strength; and thy love flows as a river through the landscape, ever strong ; and thou art never sorry that thou hast done us good. The calling and the gifts of God have no repentance ; thy heart is ever full; thy Spirit is ever going forth; thou art ever enchurching that Spirit in the common world of men. We implore thy blessing now, Almighty One, that our hearts, attuned to pure feeling, to rever- ent and devout sentiments, to simple childlike faith, may sit in heavenly places, and be taught by thy Son and thy Spirit. Comfort those who are in deep anxiety and in sore distress ; lift up those who are almost over- whelmed in despair; enlighten the minds of the ignorant, and send rays of divine light and peace and glory upon the souls that are imprisoned and in darkness. Give thy Spirit abundantly to all thy human creatures; inspire good men more abundantly that their light may shine and that their works may testify of God, our Father ; and may we, in some humble earthly measure, be imitators of thee children of God, in thy like- ness, in thy love, following thy word and com- mandment, and trusting to thee, and expecting from thee all good. AMEN. 193 Almighty God, our Father, fulfill now in our hearts every pure desire, every heavenly thought, and every sweet affection; and may gratitude and blessing ever give us peace and joy in thy providence and Spirit ; and even as thy gifts are ever and ever without repentance, so if we have gone abroad in a world of thy making and of thy providence, if we have done any good, if we have given any good gifts, may we never repent of them. AMEN. 194 JANUAEY 26, 1890 - EVENING ALMIGHTY GOD, thou Inspirer of men, we thank thee for thy protecting care. We invoke now thy gracious presence and thy Holy Spirit. Let thy providences be for all men ; thy Spirit inspiring them with judgment and knowledge and reason and understanding and righteousness. Bless thou our common country, our beloved land; en- lighten the minds of all rulers, the President of the United States, his counselors, the Congress, the governors of states, the elders of cities; and everywhere may the minds of men be illumined as by a light from above, and reason itself transform to angelic moral beauty. Let thy blessing be upon our city to-night. May intelligence increase; may virtue abound; may righteousness be our law, with generous sympathies for our fellow men, and justness and uprightness before God. Let thy blessing be upon all those who are heavily tried or afflicted, by poverty, by distress, by sickness; who are brought nigh unto death. And over all, and through all, and in all, do thou be the Inspiring Spirit, the upholding Providence, the paternal God. AMEN. 195 FEBBUAEY 9, 1890 ALMIGHTY GOD, thou Maker and Inspirer of men, we invoke thy blessing on us now, and implore the enlightening light of thy Spirit, purifying our minds and hearts and making us children of the light those who love thee, who love the truth, who love the ways of righteousness, who love our neighbors, and who love God. Let that gracious Spirit flow in divine grace and benedic- tion among us ; let our common and daily duties be adorned with unearthly beauty; and let us find in the commonest occupations of life a teach- ing of God, a teaching of eternal wisdom, a guide and help of conscience, a purifying grace of our minds and hearts. We implore thy gracious benediction and thy tender pity upon all who suffer in any way, who suffer wrong, who suffer distress, who are in any woe of body or of mind. Check the proud, the thoughtless, and the selfish. Increase our human feeling and our consciousness of depend- ence upon one another; and may we feel and learn more and more that our great distinction is that we are human, that we belong to the com- mon lot of man, that we belong to the common 196 family of God, and that we can look up to him imploring his mercy, his providence, and his grace to guide us on to a great and common destiny. Father in heaven, forgive our sins; pity our weaknesses; lift us up if we are fallen; encour- age us if we are despairing; and may we all cry from our hearts, "Lead me on, my Host." AMEN. 197 FEBEUAEY 16, 1890 MOENING WE are come again to our house of prayer ; again we lift up our voice in solemn joy and gladness, in holy and devout meditation, imploring and be- seeching thee, thou Almighty One. Thy going forth, thy holy providence, thine ever-enchurch- ing Spirit, are with us. Thou guidest us by thy strong and merciful hand, and art wiser for us than we can know or tell; and even in our for- lorn and half -forgotten ways of thoughtlessness and selfishness, thou art still pursuing the divine husbandry of thy Spirit, and art teaching us in ways that we know not, and leading us up to heights from which we shall look back upon our past folly and weep over it and be ashamed for it. Lift us up, Almighty God, into such heights now. Give us a clear illumination of divine re- ligion and pure affection and penitent love, that we may feel what manner of men we are, what beings we are, what life we lead, what love sways us, and what principle is our guide. Holy One, we thank thee for the ever-present privilege we have of looking abroad on thy works and beholding thee in mountain, on the sea, and 198 through gentle valleys and by great rivers, and in the cataclysms of the world and the thorned service of the earth. We find the wonders of thy power in the parable of human life and being, in our own souls and our character before God ; and while no earthquake or storm or tempest quite destroys the world, so may no folly of ours quite ruin us, but by thy grace coming swiftly to our rescue, the sun of thy Spirit beaming ever upon us, may the good lessons of our experience come to life again and make our hearts to shine with beauty and be glad, and the gentle rains descend, the sun shine, suns rise and set, and dews fall, and all be green again. Holy Father, impress us deeply, we pray thee, by thine ever-present Spirit. Impress us with a sense of the earnestness, the reality, the solem- nity, and the hope of human life. Correct us with wise severity, if thou wilt, and give us a heart to desire that thou shalt never draw back thy corrections until our hearts are indeed re- newed renewed by thy Spirit, renewed by our own experience. Almighty God, we ask thy blessing upon all our fellow beings. We pray to be lifted into some serene height of human feelings, where we shall see the world of men as it is, and we shall feel that we are what we are, and no more and no less. May the vague distinctions of life be ban- 199 ished from our minds. May we learn to feel with gratitude that our great distinction is that we are human, that we belong to the common family of God, and we are called to be sons of God ; and may we be living in the world day by day, admonished of the uncertainty of life, and yet fully conscious that our mortality is but an event in our being, and that thou wilt lead us forward to new experience, to new fields of ac- tion, and to the wonders and unspeakable power of eternal life. Almighty God, hear our prayer; forgive our sins ; give us fortitude to meet every emergency of life, every trial, every disappointment, and every joy; and may we be ever strong in thee, our Rock, our Refuge, our Defense. AMEN. Almighty God, our Father, we thank thee for serene heights of holy visions which, as we look afar and see something of the hope and power of thy grace and thy providence, we think better of ourselves, however meanly we may think, we think hopefully, we think wisely ; and our hopes seem great enough to save us forever and for- ever. For these visions we thank thee. And may the outward world be a parable of our souls, a parable of thy providence, of thy love, thy Spirit, and thy grace evermore. AMEN. FEBEUAEY 16, 1890 EVENING THOU unto whom all creatures look, and on whom all creatures wait, thou openest thy hand and givest meat to every living creature; thou givest daily bread and providest for all the creatures that thou hast made; thy holy provi- dence is over the world of men; and as early as time began thou didst have witnesses of thyself ; and all the heights of the world blaze with tokens of thy presence, thy guidance, and thy power. Righteousness is thy throne and judg- ment is thy dwelling-place forever; and though justice be put off and thy kingdom is long com- ing, yet it is sure; thy justice is eternal, thy truth is ever-fast. Almighty God, we implore thy blessing upon our minds and hearts, that they may be con- firmed in the ever-coming of God's kingdom, in the continual advance and progress of man's earthly lot and fortune, and in the improvement and growth in power of his moral and spiritual estate. Let thy blessing be upon all good insti- tutions of society, upon all the courts of law, upon assemblies and legislatures, upon schools 201 of learning, upon churches of religion ; and may religion, law, learning, charity, human good- ness be increased and glorified in the world. Let thy pities and tender mercies be upon all those who are oppressed, whose lot is hard, whose for- tunes are feeble, and who are feeble in their own powers, feeble in the endowments of heaven, such as are given to the common lot of man. Lift up the oppressed; encourage and enlighten those who are always on the verge of despair ; and comfort and bless all according to thy good- ness. And let wisdom, and righteousness, and judgment prevail. We ask thy blessing, Almighty God, upon the people of the city to-night upon all classes and conditions and fortunes of men ; upon the weak, the wayward, the wicked; upon the strong, the proud, or the haughty, that these may be chas- tised, and that those may be looked upon with tenderness and lifted up with infinite grace. En- lighten our minds, we pray thee, by thy spirit, to discern all goodness, to sympathy with all human sinfulness, and to aspirations towards thee for every human being. AMEN. - tfl YC 15589