/ ^/ R ft TTim n nn-iTTi n mw Vj THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF California State Library vscriliing [If [50 ^j lembers a( i same ; ffi ecutivc ?i ffices at ill ^nd At- L'i 'ito take i\ laneous li 1 books ?' tm-ned; || ports of fl ibers of c letaiiied ij abers of (< rned at c L from f ^cticn, s the Li- ) )elongs; [ of any s his per ptiber or Im, and e of this e of the I e of the ibrai-y, ^ nade as i^ le bock ': books, and of the dates thcreot ; and it sliau te nis auty to carry I ,c provisions of this Act into execution, and sue tor all injuries me to the Library, and for all penalties ^^^^'^^^J^^^^V^^^^ f .r;i= AUfi), Stiiti; I'viiit. '/ < . : ^ .^s. ^^ _,* FMOWTISFIECEo I ^ ^® sMfcL^-BK effir^reg... A TALE BY MART HO^WITT , PLETON 4 C=> 346 ft i'^ \^ WHO SHALL BE GREATEST! BY MARY HOWITT, AVTBO" OF '.' STRIVE XND THBIVE," " HOPE ON ' HOPE IVSB' " SOWING AND REAPING," ETC. ETC NEW-YORK: D. APPLETON &, COMPANY, 846