^laoNvsoi^ %a3AiNn-3\ft^ mw -s^lllBRARYQ^^ %0inVJJO^ %OJnVD \\\.t:UNIVERS/A , ^ ^ o ^lOSANCElfJi> %a3AINn-3WV^'' ■M ^OFCAIIFO/?^ ^OFCAIIFO% \WE-.DNIVER5'/A ^ommw"^ ^^AHvaaii-^^ o ■ o %83AINn3UV C-1 rn ,^Wt■l]NlVERS/^_ ^lOSANCEl^^ ^lOSANCElfj-^ .^HIBRARYQ^ ^l-llBRARYQ/r, ^^ ^«aojnv3-.jo>- ^OFCAllFOff^ ^OFCAIIFO/?^ '^ ^OAavaan#" ^J^13DNVS01^' 3 "v/iasAiNn^wv 9r ^ ^■.. .&^ %a3MNrt-3i\v* ^^AHVHaiH^ >&Aavaani^ %i30nysoi^ ^^lllBRARYQr \WEUNIVER5'/A ^lOSANCElfj^ ^ :? ^AOJI1V3JO>^ ^TilJONVSOl^"^ %a3AINIl-3WV^ ^^l•llBRARYQ^^ '^^I/OJIIVJJO-^ ^OFCAIIFO%^ >'OAMvaan•l^(^ ^\^E■UMVER^/A o v;>:lOSANCElfj> 8 >-> — ^^ so -.- -I ^.OFCALIFO/?^ >&AHV}lfln-^\^ '>Ca o .^VilOSANCflfj-^ %a3AIN(l-3V\V ^;jMllBRARYQc ^HIBRARYd?/ < ^V\E•UNiVER5•/A C3 o ^lOSANCElfj-^ O ^ 5 ^OFCAIIFO/?^ "^AHvaan-^ ^OFCALIFO/?^ '^^ ^\\EUNIVER5/A o iterature of Ancient Greece. 2 v. 1895. DuNCKER, M. History of Greece, translated by Abbott, E. 6 v. 1882. 6 LIST OF AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS DuRUY, V. History of Greece to 146 B.C. 8 v. 1892. Dyer, T. H. Ancient Athens. 1873. Evans, M. M. Chapters on Greek Dress. 1893. Falke, J. Von. Greece and Rome. 1886. Fowler, W. W. City State of the Greeks and Romans. 1873. Freeman, E. A. Historical Geography of Europe. 2 v. 1882. Freeman, E. A. Studies in Travel ; Greece. 1893. Fustel de CouLANGES, N. D. Ancient City. Translated by W. Small. 1889. FvFFE, C. A. History of Greece (Primer). 1887. Galey, C. M. Classic Myths in English Literature. 1893. Gardner, E. A. Handbook of Greek Sculpture. 1895. Gardner, P. New Chapters in Greek History. 1892. Goodyear, W. H. History of Art. 1889. Gow, J. Short History of Greek Mathematics. 1884. Grant, A. J. Greece in the age of Pericles. 1893. Greenidge, a. H. J, Handbook of Greek Constitutional History. Grote, G. History of Greece. 10 v. Guerfer, H. a. Myths of Greece and Rome. 1893. GuHL, E., and KOner, W. Life of the Greeks and Romans. 1876. Haigh, E. C. Attic Theatre. 1889. Hamlin, A. D. F. A History of Architecture. 1896. Hanson, C. H. Land of Greece. 1886. Harrison, J. A. Story of Greece (Story of Nations). 1887. Harrison, J. E. and Verrall, M. de G. Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens. 1890. Ha'Wthorn, N. Tanglewood Tales. 1853. Hawthorne, N. Wonder Book. 1851. Holm, A. History of Greece (3 V. published). 1894. Jebb, R. C. Greek Literature (Literature Primers). 1888. Keightley, T. Classical Mythology. KiEPERT, H. Manual of Ancient Geography. 1881. LIST OF AUTHORS AND TPIEIR WORKS 7 Labberton, R. H. Historical Atlas. 1888. Leaf, W. Companion to the Iliad. 1892. Lloyd, W. W. Age of Pericles. 2 v. 1875. Lang, A. Homer and the Epic. 1893. LuBKE, W. History of Sculpture. Mahaffy, J. p., and Oilman, A. Alexander's Empire (Story of Nations) 1887. Mahaffy, J. P. History of Classical Greek Literature. 2 v. 1885. " " Social Life in Greece. 1888. " " Rambles and Studies in Greece. 1887. " " Old Greek Education. 1882. " " Old Greek Life (History Primers). 1889. ** " Problems in Greek History. 1892. Marquand, a., and Frothingham, A. L. A History of Sculpture. 1896. Mathews, C. T. The story of Architecture. 1896. Myers, P. V. N, History of Greece. 1895. Mitchell, L. M. History of Ancient Sculpture. 1883. Morris, C. The Aryan Race. 18S8. Murray, A. S. Handbook of Greek Archaeology. 1892. . Oman, C. W. C. History of Greece to 343 B. C. 1892. Pater, W. H. Greek Studies. 1895. Perry, T. S. History of Greek Literature. 1890. Plutarch, Stewart, A., and Long, G. Translation. 4 v. 1888. Racinet, a. Le Costume Historique. 6 v. 1888. Reber, F. Von. History of Ancient Art. 1882. St. John, J. A. History of the Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece. 3 V. 1842. Sankey, C. Spartan and Theban Supremacies (Epoch Series). 1886. Schuchhardt, C. Schliemann's Excavations. 1891. Seyffert, O. Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. 1895. Sheldon, M. D. Studies in General History. 1886. Smith, J. M. Ancient Greek Female Costumes. 1892. 8 LIST OF AUTHORS AND THEIR WORKS Smith, T. R. , and Slater, J. Architecture, Classic and Early Christian. 1888. Smith, William. Smaller History of Greece. Snider, D. J. Walks in Hellas. 1883. Stuart, J., and Revett, N. Antiquities of Athens. 1889. Sturgis, R. European Architecture. 1896. Symonds, J. A. Studies of Greek Poets. 2 v. Tetlow, J. Greek Arithmetical Operations. School and College. Jan- uary, 1892. TiMAYENSis, T. T. Greece in the Times of Homer. 1885. TiMAYENSis, T. T. History of Greece. 2 v. 1881-83. TozER, H. F. Classical Geography. 1889. TsouNTAS, C, and Manatt, J. I. The Mycenaean Age. Van Dyke, A. Text-Book of the History of Painting. 1896. ViGNOLA, G. B. DA. Five orders of Architecture. Wilson, W. The State. 1889. Wincklemann, J. History of Ancient Art. 4 v. in 2. 1872. TOPICS HISTORY OF GREECE A. GEOGRAPHICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES Chronology. I. Descriptive. 1. Location, size, form, coast-line, surface, climate. 2. Mountains, plains, rivers, lakes, bays, gulfs, capes, etc. 3. Islands. 4. Divisions of Greece. a. Main Divisions ; d. Sub- ordinate Divisions. 5. The ^gean Sea. 6. Asia Minor. a. Physical Features. fi. Divisions. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. i, 4. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. i, Ch. I. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, 15k. i, Ch. I. Freeman, Hist. Geog. of Europe, V. I, Ch. 2. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. I. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 2, Pt. 2, Ch. I. Harrison, Storj' of Greece, Ch. i. Hoh-n, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Ch. 2. Kierpert, Manual of Classical Geog. ,Ch. 4, 7 . Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. I. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. I. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. I. Tozer, Classical Geog. (Primer), Ch. I, 5-8, 10. n. The Influences of the Topography of Greece on Its People. (References as in I. ) III. Map Work. Using an outline map of Greece, insert the correct names on all the important geographical features. References Any good atlas. Maps in Greek Histories. lO TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. B. GENERAL OUTLINE OF EVENTS B.C. ?-500 L From the Earliest Times to the Persian Wars. 50(MW II. The Persian Wars. 479-431 III. From the Persian Wars to the Peloponnesian War. 431-404 IV. The Peloponnesian War. 404-338 V. From the end of the Peloponnesian War to the Macedonian Supremacy. 338-146 VI. From the beginning of the Macedonian Supremacy to the de- strnctlon of Corinth by the Romans. -500 C. OUTLINE OF EVENTS IN DETAIL I. From the earliest times to the Persian Wars. a. The Pelasgi. b. Hellen and his sons. c. The Foreign Heroes. d. The Phoenicians. e. The Egyptians. /. Other Prehistoric In- fluences. The origin of the Greeks Referen'ces Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 2. Cox, General Hist, of Greece. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Bk. I, Ch.2. Fyffe, Hist of Greece (Primer), Ch. I. Grote, Hist, of Greece (lo V), V. 2, Pt. 2, Ch. 2, 3. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 2-8. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. I, 3-10. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. I, 2. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 2. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 2. 2. The Heroic Age a. The Homeric Poems. Subject, author, date, value. b. The Homeric States. King, nobles, people. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Ch. 3, 5. Benjamin, Troy. Bulfinch, Age of Fable. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. i, Ch. 3. Cox, Tales of Ancient Greece. Church, Stories from Homer, etc. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE I I Chronology. c. The moral character of the age. d. Heroes and Stories. Notably : Heracles, The- seus, Minos, the Argonau- tic Expedition, The Seven against Thebes, The Tro- jan War and the heroes concerned in each. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Bk. i. Fyfte, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. I. Gardner, New Ch. in Gk. Hist., Ch. 2, 3, 5. Galey, Classic Myths. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. i, 2, Pt. I. Guerber, Myths of Greece and Rome. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 4-6. Hawthorne, Tanglewood Tales. Hawthorne, Wonder Book. Jebb, Gk. Literature( Primer), Pt. I, Ch. 2. Keightley, Classical Mythology. Kingsley, Greek Heroes. Lang, Homer and the Epic. Leaf, Companion to the Iliad. Mahaffy, Gk. Literature, V. I, Ch. 3, 5. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 2. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 3. Perry, Gk. Literature, Ch. 1-3. Schuchhardt, Schliemann's Excavation. Sheldon, Studies of General Hist. p. 32. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 2. Tsountas and Manatt, Mycenaean Age. See Contents and Index. 3. The Religion of the Greeks References a. Greek Mythology. b. The Olympian Dei- ties. c. Lesser Deities, mon- sters, etc. d. The Greek Oracles. e. The Delphic Amphic- tyony. f. Greek Games, p-. Greek Festivals. Abbott,iHist. of Greece, Vol. I, Ch. 5, 10, 15. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. i, Ch. 2, 4, 7- Coulanges, Ancient City, Bk. I, Bk. 2. Ch. I. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Bk. I, Ch. 2, 4- Diehl, Excursions in Greece, Ch. 7. Fyffe, Hist, of (Greece (Primer), Ch. i. Gardner, New Ch. in Gk. Hist., Ch. 9, 13, 14- Grant, Greece in Age of Pericles, Ch. I, 2. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. i, Pt. I, Ch. 16; V. 2, Pt. 2, Ch. 2. Harrison, Stor}' of Greece, Ch. 2, 3, 10, 14. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. ii, 19. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 3. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 4, 9. Sheldon, Studies of General Hist., p. 32. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 3. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, Pt. I ; Pt. 2, Ch. I, 3 and 6. Wilson, The State, Ch. 3. The Doriafi Migration a. The Cause. l>. The Early Attempt. c. The Return of the Heraclidae. d. The Results. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Ch. 3. Cox,'"General Hist, of Greece, Bk. I, Ch. 3. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Bk. I, Ch. 4. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. I. Grote, Hist, of Greece (loV.), V. i, Pt. I, Ch. 18; V. 2, Pt. 2, Ch. 5. Harrison, The Story of Greece, Ch. 10, II. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 12. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 2. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 5. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 32. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 4. 5. The Greek Colonies les. a. The Early Colon- 1 . Cause and Direction. 2. Character of Asia Minor. 3. The ^olian Migra- tion. 4. The Ionian Migra- tion. 5. The Dorian Migra- tion. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Ch. 3, 4, ir ; V. 2, Ch. 12, 13. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. I, Ch. 13. Cox, Greeks and Persians, Ch. 2. Curtius, Hist. ofGreece, V. i, Bk. I, Ch. 4. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 1 1 . Holm, Hist. ofGreece, V. I, Ch. 12, 21, 25. Grote, Hist. ofGreece (10 V.), V. i, Pt. I, Ch. 18; V. 2, Pt. 2, Ch. 13-15, 22, 23, 26. Myers, Hist. ofGreece, Ch. 2, 5. Oman, Hist. ofGreece, Ch. 6, 9. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 47. Chronology. 800-600 800 U3-645 700-500 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 13 b. The Later Colon- Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 6. • les. 1. In the East. 2. In the West. c. The Character of the Colonies. 6. Wilson, The State, Ch. 3. The Early History of the Spartans a. Early Events. b. The Lycurgan Con- stitution. c. The Messenian AVars. d. Manners toms. and Cus- References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 6, 8, 14. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Ek. I, Ch. 5. Cox, Greeks and Persians, Ch. 3. Cox, Lives of Greek Statesmen. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Bk. 2, Ch. i. Grant, Greece in Age of Pericles, Ch. 3. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 2, Pt. 2, C. 4-8. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 19. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. r, Ch. 15, 16. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 4. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 7, 8. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 47. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 4. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Pt. 2, Ch. 3. Wilson, The State, Ch. 3. 7. The Age of Tyrants References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 12. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. I, Ch. 6, 9-II. Cox, Greeks and Persians, Ch. 4. Cox, Lives of Greek Statesmen. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Bk. 2, Ch. I, 2. Fowler, The City-States of the Greeks and Romans, Ch. 4, 5. Fyfife, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 2, 3. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 2, Pt. 2, Ch. 9, ii; V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 30. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 12. H TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 22, 27. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 6. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. lo. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 47. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 5. 8. The Early History of the Athenians 621 594 309 a. Early Events. b. Reforms of Draco. c. Reforms of Solon. d. Reforms of Cleis- thenes. e. Manners and Cus- toms. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Ch. 9, 13. Botsford, Athenian Const. See Contents and Index. Cox, Greeks and Persians, Ch. 4. Cox, Hist, of Greece, Bk. I, Ch. 9-12. Cox, Lives of Greek Statesmen. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Bk. 2, Ch. 2. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 3. Grant, Greece in the Age of Pericles, Ch. 4, 7- Greenidge, Greek Const. Hist. See Con- tents and Index. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 2, Pt. 2, Ch. 10, II; V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 30, 31. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 15-18. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Ch. 16-28. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 7. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. II, 12, 16. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 47. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 5. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Pt. 2, Ch. 4. Wilson, The State, Ch. 3. 9. The City -State of Greece References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Introd. Botsford, Athenian Const. See Contents and Index. Cox, Greeks and Persians, Ch. I. Coulanges, The Ancient City. Fowler, The City-State. Greenidge, Greek Const. Hist. See Contents and Index. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 3. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 15 10. Changes in the form of Government in the Grecian States previous to 500 B. C. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Introd. Botsford, Athenian Const. See Contents and Index. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. I, Ch. 9-12. Coulanges, Ancient City, Bk. 3, Ch. 9 ; Bk. 4. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 2, 3. Greenidge, Gk. Const. Hist. See Contents and Index. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 20. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 6, 7. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 10. 1 1 . The Political Leaders of the Period a. The character, career, and influence of Lycurgus, of Solon, of Peisistratus, of Hippias, of Cleisthenes. b. Give a brief account of the Alcmgeonid?e, of Cleomenes, of Cylon, of Cypselus, of Draco, of Hipparchus, of Megacles, of Pheidon, of Periander, of Phalaris, of Polycrates. Note. — Accounts of the Greek Heroes should be learned under " The Heroic Age." References Cox, Lives of the Greek Statesmen. Plutarch, Lives of the Greeks and Romans. Classical Dictionaries. Indices of Histories already mentioned. 12. Map Work Using an outline map. a. Locate all noted places thus far mentioned. b. Trace the Dorian Migrations and the changes which followed. c. Indicate by shading or by boundary lines, the territory cov- ered by Hellas at this period. (Colonies included.) References Duruy, Hist, of Greece, V. 2. Freeman, Hist. Geog. of Europe, V. 2. « i6 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. Labberton, Historical Atlas. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 5. Any good atlas of ancient Geog. 13- Terms to define Agora, Hegemony a Hoplite, Oracle, Amphictyony, Hellas, Monarchy, Palaestra, Democracy, Hellene, Oligarchy, Timocracy, Gymasium, Hellenic, Olympiad, Tyranny, b. aidia, Perioeci, Tyrant. Apella, Gymnop Ephors, Helot, Rhetra, Gerousia, Mora, The Two Kings (Sparta), The Three Tribes (Sparta). Aroeopagus, Demiurgi, c. Metics, Prytanaeum, Archon, Diacrii, Ostracism, Prytaneis, Barathron, Dicasteries, Pedias, Prytany, Bema, Ecclesia, Peltast, Sesiactheia, Boule, Ephetas, Peralia, Solon' 34 Classes Cleruch, Eupatridae, Phalanx, Strategi, Cleruchies, Geomori, Pnyx, The Four Tribes Demes, Heliaea, Polemarch, The Ten Tribes [Cleisthenes] Thesmothetse. References Dictionaries of Antiquities. Indices of Histories. 14. Make a compact analytical {topical') review of this sectioti 15. Topics for Special Investigation a. The Sources of Greek History. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 2 ; V. 2, Appendix 2. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 3. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 17 Gardner, New Ch. in Gk. Hist., Ch. I. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), Pt. i. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. i, 3-10. b. The Geographical Knowledge of the Ancient Greeks. References Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 18. Kiepert, Manual of Classical Geog., Ch. i. Tozer, Classical Geog (Primer), Ch. I. c. The Aryan Races in Europe. References Freeman, Hist. Geog. of Europe, V. I, Ch. I. Morris, The Aryan Race. Wilson, The State, Ch. i. d. The Character of the Greeks. References Abbott, Hist.- of Greece, V. 2, Introd. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 4; V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. i. Grant, Greece in Age of Pericles, Ch. I, 9. Grote, Hist, of Greece (lo V.), V. 2, Pt. 2, Ch. 2.- Jebb, Greek Literature (Primer), Pt. I, Ch. I. Mahafty, Social Life in Greece. Meyers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 1-3. e. The Greek Priesthood. References Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ek. 2, Ch. 4. Grote, Hist, of Greece (lo V.), V. 2, Pt. 2, Ch. 2; V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 28. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 19. /. The Greek Priesthood and the Prophetic Art. References Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 4. Grant, Greece in Age of Pericles, Ch. 2. Grote, Hist, of Greece. (See ref. for ^. ) Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Ch. 19. g. The Power of the Greek Oracle and its Priesthood. i8 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Introd. Curtius, Hist of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 4. Grant, Greece in Age of Pericles, Ch. 2. Grote, Hi.st. of Greece (10 V.), V. 2, Pt. 2 ; Ch. 2, V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 28. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 3, 5. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 4, 9. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Pt. 2, Ch. i, 6. Wilson, The State, Ch. 3. h. The Worship of Apollo and its Influence on Greek History. (References as in g. ) j. Greek Mythology. (References as in C. I, 3.) ( Also Cox Mythology of the Aryan Races. ) k. Greek Athletics. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Introd. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 4. Diehl, Excursions in Greece, Ch. 7. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 2, Pt. 2, Ch. 2, 6; V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 28. Guhl and Koner, Lives of Greeks and Romans, p. 106. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 19. Mahafify, Old Greek Education, Ch. 3. Mahaffy, Rambles and Studies in Greece, Ch. 11. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 3, 4. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 4, 7. St. John, Ancient Greece, V. i, Bk. 2. Seyffert, Classical Antiquities, articles, "Gymnastics," "Olympian Games," etc. /. The Political Leaders of the 6th Century, B. C. (References as in 11.) 500-479 II* The Persian Wars. ^ I. The Greeks in Asia References a. Their History and Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Ch. 16. Character Cos., General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 2, Ch. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 19 Chronology. 685-546 610-331 610 546 538 526 b. The Lydiaii archy. 546^ 512-? 500 499 Mon- Cox, Greeks and Persians, Ch. 2, 5. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 5. Fyfife, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 4. Grote Hist, of Greece ( 10 V. ), V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 13-17, 31. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 23-25. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 13, 22, 24. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 5, 8. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 13, 14. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 72. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 7. 2. The Persian Empire a. The Rise of the Em- pire. b. The Capture of Nin- eveh. c. The Medes and Per- ians. d. The War with Crce- sus. e. The Capture of Baby- lon. /. The Conquest of Egypt. g. The organization of the Empire. References Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 2, Ch. 12. Cox, Greeks and Persians, Ch. 3. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 3. FyfFe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 4. Grote, Hist, of Greece (loV.), V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 32, 33. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 23-25. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 8. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 13, 14. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 7. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Pt. 3. Ch. I. Duncker, Hist, of Greece, V. 6. The Evejits leading to the Persian Wars a. The Conquest of Io- nia by the Persians. b. The Scythian Expe- dition. c. The Ionic Revolt. d. The Sack of Sardis. References \ ,^bbott. Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 2. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 2, Ch. 3. Cox, Greeks and Persians, Ch. 3, 4, 5. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 5. Fyfie, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 4. 20 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. e. The Re-conquest of *»^-5 Ionia. /. The Reasons for the Faihire of the Revolt. Grote, Hist, of Greece (loV. ), V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 22-25. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 25, 26. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 1. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 8, 9. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 15, 17. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 72. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 7. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. i, I't. 3, Ch. I. 490 492 490 490 490 4. The Causes of the Persian Wars References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. i. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. I. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 7. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 15. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Pt. 3, Ch. i, 2. 5. The First Persian Invasion References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. a. The Expedition un- der Mardonius. b. The Expedition un- der Datis and Artaphernes. 1. The Capture of Ere- tria. . 2. The Battle of Mara- thon. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 2,Ch. 4. Cox, Greeks and Persians, Ch. 6. Creasy, Fifteen Decisive Battles, Ch. i. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 5. Bk. 3, Ch. I. Freeman, Studies in Travel, pp. 52-67. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 4. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.),V. 4, Pt. 2. Ch. 36. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 26. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 2. Myers, Hist, of ^Greece, Ch 10. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 15, 18. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 72. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 7. Snider, A Walk in Hellas, Talk 4. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Pt. 3, Ch. 2. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 21 Chronology. 489 487 m m 480 Events between the First and Second Invasions a. The Second War be- tween Athens and ^gina. b. Modification of the Constitutionof Cleisthenes. y c. The Athenian Navy. d. The Congress at Cor- inth. a. The Persian Host and its Route. 480 b. The Battle of Ther- mopylae. 480 c. The Battle of Arte- misium. 480 d. The First Occupa- tion of Athens by the Persians. 480 e. The Battle of Sala- mis. 479 / The Second Occupa- tion of Athens by the Per- sians. 479 g. The Battle of Plataea. 479 h. The Battle of Mycale. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 2. Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 3. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 2, Ch, 5. Cox, Greeks and Persians, Ch. 7. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. I. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 4. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.),V. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 38, 39. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 27, 28. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 3. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 10. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 18. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 72. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 8. The Second Persian Invasion References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 3-5. Church, Stories from Greek Tragedians, Persians. Cox, General Hist. of Greece, Bk. 2, Ch.S,6. Cox, Greeks and Persians. Cox, Lives of Greek Statesmen. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. I. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 4. Grote, Hist, of Greece (loV. ), V. 4, Ft. 2, Ch. 38-42. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 29, 32. Holnr, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 4, 5. Lloyd, Age of Pericles, V. i, Ch. 1-8. Myers, Hist, of Greece,' Ch. II-14. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 19. Plutarch, Lives of Themistocles and Aris- tides. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 72. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 8. Snider, A Walk in Hellas, Talk lo. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Pt. 3. Ch. 4-13. 22 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. 600-473 6th Cent 485-468 480 473 The Reasons for the Defeat of the Persians References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 5. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bit. 3, Ch. I. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 4. Grote, Hist, of Greece (loV. ), V. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 44. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 32. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Pt. 3, Ch. 9. 9. The Results of the Persian Wars References Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 2. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. i. Harrison, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 32. 10. The Greeks in Italy and Sicily References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 12, 13. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. i, Ch. 7,8. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Bk. 2, Ch. 3; V. 2; V. 3, Bk. 4, Ch. 3. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 37, 43. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 20. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Ch. 21, 25, V. 2, Ch. 6. a. The Pythagorean Brotherhood. b. The Tyrants of Syra- cuse. c. The Carthaginians in Sicily. d. The Defeat of the Italiots by the Italians. 1 1 . The Leaders of the Period a. The character, career and influence of Miltiades, of Leoni- das, of Themistocles, of Aristides, of Pausanias, of Cyrus the Great, of Darius I. , of Xerxes. b. Give a brief account of Aristagoras, of Artaphemes, of Croesus, of Datis, of Eurybiades, of Gelo, Gyges, of Hiero, of Mardonius, of Xanthippus. References Cox, Lives of Greek Statesmen. Plutarch, Lives of Greeks and Romans. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 23 Chronology. 479-431 47M 477-404 479-466 466 465 470-464 Classical Biographies and Dictionaries. Indices of Histories already mentioned. 12. Map Work On an outline map covering the region of the Persian Wars. a. Locate all important features and places. b. Trace the routes of the Invasions. References Duruy, Hist, of Greece, V. 2. Freeman, Hist. Geog. of Europe, V. 2. Labberton, New Historical Atlas. Any good Ancient Atlas. 13. Make a compact, analytical {topical) review of this Section. III. From the eDd of the Persian Wars to the beginning of the Peloponnesian War. The Supremacy of Athens, or the Age of Pericles 1. The Military and Political History a. The events immediately succeeding the defeat of the Per- sian Invasions. 1. The Rebuilding and Fortification of Athens. 2. The Confederacy of Delos. 3. Campaign against the Persians. 4. Revolt of Naxos. b. The Revolt of Tha- sos. c. Peloponnesian Af- fairs. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 6-1 1. Abbott, Pericles. Cox, Athenian Empire. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 2, Ch. 18. Cox, Lives of Greek Statesmen. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 2, 3- Fyfi'e, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 5. Grant, Greece in Age of Pericles, Ch. 5, Grote, Hist, of Greece (loV.), V. 4. P . 2, Ch. 44-47- Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 32-34. 24 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE ogy. 462 458 458-« 457 451 447 445 445 440 Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 7-21. Lloyd, Age of Pericles. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 15, 16. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 22-24. Plutarch, Lives of Greeks and Romans. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 87. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 9. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Ft. 4. d. Party Struggles at Athens. e. The War with Cor- inth and yEgina. /. The Building of the Long Walls. g. The War with Boeo- tia. h. The Five Years' Truce. /. The War Renewed. j. The Thirty Years' Peace, or the Years of Peace. k. The Technical End of the Persian Wars. /. Constitutional Changes. 7)1. The Revolt of Samos. n. The Greek Army. 2. The Extent of the Athenian Empire 3. The Social Eeatures of the Age Note. — Brief accounts of the persons of note mentioned under this topi c should be learned as they occur ; they will not be listed under 4. a. The Topography of References Athens. I. The Acropolis. 2. The Lower City 3- The Suburbs. 4- The Hills. 5- The Harbor. 6. The Walk. Greek Literature. Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 17. Dyer, Ancient Athens. Freeman, Studies in Travel, pp. 16-52. Hanson, Land of Greece, Ch. 7, 8. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 16. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 25. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. lo. Classical Dictionary. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 25 Chronology. a'. Poetical. 1. Epic. Homer, Hesiod. 2. Elegiac and Lyric. Al- cseus, Anacreon, Pindar, Sap- pho, Tyrtaeus. 3. Dramatic. Tragedy, ^Es- b' . Prose. 1. Historical. Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon. 2. Philosophical. Aristotle, Epicurus, Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, Thales, Zeno. 3. Oratorical, ^schines, De- chylus, Sophocles, Euripides ; mosthenes, Isocrates, Lysias, Comedy, Aristophanes. Pericles. Note. — A general survey of Greek literature, architecture, fine arts and home life, is taken at this point. There are chronological inconsistencies in- volved, but the advantage of tuassing the subject is gained. References Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 17. Butcher, Some Aspects of the Greek Genius. Church, Stories from Greek Tragedians. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. i, Ch. 7 ; Bk. 4, Ch. 4. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 4 ; Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Duruy, Hist, of Greece, V. 3, Ch. 20, 22. Falke, Greece and Rome, their Life and Art. Grote, Hist, of Greece (loV.), V. 2, Pt. i, Ch. 21 ; V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 29 ; V. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 37. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 20. Jebb, Greek Literature (Primer). Lloyd, Age of Pericles (See Index). Mahaffy, Hist, of Classical Greek Literatuie. Perry, Hist, of Greek Literature. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 22. Symonds, Studies of Greek Poets. Greek Architecture. a' . The Buildings on the Acropolis. b' . The Buildings in the Lower City. c' . The Buildings in other Places. d'. The Greek Theatre. e' . The Greek Temple. 26 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology, i. General Description Stylobate, exterior, interior, roof. 2. Style and Details a. Style. Doric, Ionic, Corinthian. b. Detail. Columns ; Entablature ; Cornice ; Pediment. Ictinus, Mnesicles. 3. Architects References Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 17. Bishop, Pictorial Architecture of Greece and Italy. Blumner, Home Life of the Ancient Greeks, Ch. 122. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Donaldson, The Theatre of the Greeks. Duruy, Hist, of Greece, V. 3, Ch. 20-22. Dyer, Ancient Athens, Introd. Goodyear, Hist, of Art. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 47. Guhl and Koner, Lives of Greeks and Romans. Haigh, The Attic Theatre. Hamlin, A History of Architecture. Harrison, Introduction to Studies in Greek Art. Harrison and Verrall, Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 34. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 20. Mathews, The Story of Architecture. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 16, 28. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 25. Reber, Hist, of Ancient Art, pp. 175-264. St. John, Ancient Greece, V. 2, Bk. 4. Seyffert, Diet, of Classical Antiq. , articles, "Architecture," "Theatre," " Temple." Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 87. Smith and Slater, Classic Architecture, Ch. 5, 6, 7. Stuart and Revett, Antiquities of Athens. Sturgis, European Architecture. Vignola, Five Orders of Architecture. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 27 Chronology. d. The Fine Arts. I . Sculpture a' . Early Greek Sculpture. b' . Architectural Sculpture. The ^gina Marbles. The Temple of Jupiter at Olympia. The Parthenon. Pediment, Friezes, Metopes. c' . The Great Sculptors. Pheidias, Polycletus, Praxiteles, Scopas. References Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 17. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Duruy, Hist, of Greece, V. 3, Ch. 20-22. Gardner, Handbook of Greek Sculpture. Goodyear, Hist, of Art. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 29 Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 20. Lloyd, Age of Pericles (see Index). Liibke, Hist, of Sculpture, V. I, Bk. 2. Marquand and Frothingham, A Hist, of Sculpture. Mitchell, Hist, of Ancient Sculpture, Ch. IO-23. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 28. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 25. Reber, Hist, of Ancient Art, pp. 264-366. Seyffert, Diet, of Classical Antiq., article, "Sculpture." Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 87. Smith, Small Hist, of Greece,'Ch. 10. 2. Painting Polygnotus, Apelles, Zeuxis. References Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 17. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 3 ; V. 5, Bk. 7, Ch. 2. Duruy, Hist, of Greece, V. 3, Ch. 21. Goodyear, Hist, of Art. Lloyd, Age of Pericles (see Index). 28 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. Mahaffy, Rambles and Studies in Greece, Ch. 15. Seyiifert, Diet, of Classical Antiq., article, "Painting. Reber, History of Ancient Art, pp. 366-387. Van Dyke, A Text- Book of the History of Painting. 3. Music References Blumner, Home Life of the Ancient Greeks, Ch. 9. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 4, Ch. 2. Duruy, Hist, of Greece, V. 3, Ch. 21. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 2, Pt. 2, Ch. 29. Lloyd, Age of Pericles (see Index). Mahaffy, Rambles and Studies in Greece, Ch. 15. Seyffert, Diet, of Classical Antiq., article, "Music." e. The Private Life of the People. Education, Morals, Religion. Homes, Dress, Customs, References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 6. Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 18. Becker, Charicles. Blumner, Home Life of the Ancient Greeks. Coulanges, Ancient City, Bk. 2. Davidson, The Education of the Greek People. Evans, Greek Dress. Guhl and Koner, Lives of Greeks and Romans. Mahaffy, Old Greek Education (Primer). Mahaffy, Social Life in Greece. Murray, HandBook of Greek Archaeology. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 31. Racinet, Le Costume Historique,' Premiere Partie. St. John, Ancient Greece. Seyffert, Diet, of Classical Antiquities. Smith, Ancient Greek Female Costvmie. Timayensis, Greece in the Time of Homer. Chronology. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 29 4. The Noted Leaders of the People a. The Character, Career, and Influence of Pericles, of Ci- mon. b. Give a short account of Artaxerxes, of Ephialtes, of My- ronides, of Tolmides. References Cox, Lives of Greek Statesmen. Grant, Greece in Age of Pericles, Ch. 8. Plutarch, Lives of Greeks and Romans. Classical Biographies and Dictionaries. Indices of Histories already mentioned. Note. — For names noted in literature, architecture, etc., see III., 3. 5. Map Work Using an outline map. a. Mark the extent of the Athenian Empire. b. Locate all important places mentioned since the last use of the map. c. Draw a map of Athens locating all the famous buildings and other places of importance. References Freeman, Historical Geog. of Europe. Labberton, New Historical Atlas. Any good Ancient Atlas. 6. Define all the new terms mentioned under III., j References Dictionaries, Indices of books referred to. 7. Make a compact analytical {topicaP) review of this section. 8. Topics for Special Investigation a. The Influence of Pericles at Athens. 30 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. II. Abbott, Pericles. Cox, Athenian Empire, Ch. 2, 3. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 2, Ch. 8 to Bk. 3, Ch. 2. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Grant, Greece in Age of Pericles, Ch. 8. Grote, Hist, of Greece (loV.), V. 5, Pt. 2, Ch. 49. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 14-22, Lloyd, Age of Pericles, V. 2. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 15, l6. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 23-27. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Pt. 4, Ch. 4. b. The Power and Policy of Pericles. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 12. Abbott, Pericles. Cox, Athenian Empire, Ch. 2, 3. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 2, Ch. 8 to Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Grant, Greece in Age of Pericles, Ch. 8. Grot^',' Hist, of Greece (loV.), V. 5, Pt. 2, Ch. 49. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 14-22. Lloyd, Age of Pericles, V. 2. Mahafiy, Problems in Greek Hist., Ch. 6, 7. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 15, 16. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 23, 27. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Pt. 4, Ch. 4. c. Athens under Pericles. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 9-11. Abbott, Pericles. Cox, Athenian Empire, Ch. 2, 3. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 2, Ch. 8 to Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Grant, Greece in Age of Pericles, Ch. 7-9. Grote, Hist, of Greece ( 10 V. ),V. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 46, 47 ; V. 5, Pt. 2, Ch. 48, 49. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE OLronology. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 19-22. Lloyd, Age of Pericles, V. 2. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 16. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 23-27. Timayensis, History of Greece, V. i, Pt. 4, Ch. 4-Pt. 5, C!i. 2. d. The Privileges of an Athenian Citizen. References Abbott, Pericles, Ch. l6-iS. Bot:.i'ord, Athenian Const. See Contents and Index. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. i, Ch. 9, 10, 12. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Bk. 2, Ch. 2 ; V. 3, Bk. 4, Ch. i. Greenidge, Gk. Const. Hist. See Contents and Index. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 31 ; V. $, Pt. 2, Ch. 48. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 16. e. The Hellenic Nationality. Its Unity and its Divisions. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Introd. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Bk. i, Ch. i. f. The Colonial Policy of the Greeks in the Time of Pericles. References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 10, 12, 13. Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 16. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 2 ; V. 3, Bk. 4, Ch. I. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 4, Ch. 47. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 17, 19. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 25. g: The Intellectual Life of Athens in the Time of Pericles. References Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 16-18. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, P>k. i, Ch. 7. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V. ), V. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 46; V. 5, Pt. 2, Ch. 4S. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 20. I.loyd, Age of Pericles, V. 2, Ch. 46. 32 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. h. The Greek Dialects. Ionic, Doric (.^olic). References Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Bk. i, Ch. i. Grote, Hist, of Greece (lo V. ), V. 2. Jebb, Greek Literature (Primer), Pt. I, Ch. i. Lloyd, Age of Pericles, V. i, Ch. 13. /'. The Latin and Greek Languages Compared. References Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Pt. i, Ch. i. j. The Use of Writing among the Greeks." References Abbott, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ch. 4. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 2. Grote, Hist, of Greece (loV. ), V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 29. Jebb, Greek Literature (Primer), Pt. 2, Ch. I. k. The Greek Method of Calculating. References Ball, Hist, of Mathematics (Primer). Cajori, Hist, of Mathematics, pp. 16-17. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 4. Gow, Short Hist, of Greek Mathematics. Tetlow, School and College, Jan., 1892. Dictionaries of Antiquities. /. The Greek Method of Reckoning Time. The Attic Cal- endar. References Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 4. Dictionaries of Antiquities. ;;/. Greek Commerce. References Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 4 ; Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Mahaffy, Social Life in Greece, Ch. 13. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 2, 9. St. John, Ancient Greece, V. 3, Bk. 6. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 33 n. Greek Philosophy. References Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 17. Burt, Brief Hist, of Greek Philosophy. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. I, Ch. 6 ; Ek. 4, Ch. 2. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 4. Grote, Hist, of Greece (loV.),V. 2, Pt. I, Ch. 21 ; V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 29; V. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 37. Jebb, Greek Literature (Primer), Pt. 2, Ch. 3. Lloyd, Age of Pericles, V. 2, Ch. 45, 46. Mahafiy, Hist, of Classical Greek Literature, V. 2. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 30. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 13, 21, 34, 45. Perry, Hist, of Greek Literature, Bk. 6. 0. Greek Poetry. Referenxes Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 17. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 4 ; Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 3, Pt. 2, Ch. 29. Jebb, Greek Literature (Primer). Lloyd, Age of Pericles, V. I, Ch. 17, 20, 24; V. 2, Ch. 32-34, 43, 52. Mahaffy, Hist, of Classical Greek Lit., V. i. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 29. /. Greek Coniedy. References Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 17. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 4, Ch. 2. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 4 ; Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V. ), V. 7, Pt. 2, Ch. 67. Jebb, Greek Literature (Primer), Pt. 2, Ch. I. Mahaffy, Hist, of Classical Greek Literature, V. I, Ch. 19-22. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 29. Perry, Hist, of Greek Literature, Bk. 3, Ch. 6. q. Greek Tragedy. References Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 17. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 4, Ch. 2. 34 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Ch. 4; Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 7, Pt. 2, Ch. 67. Jebb, Greek Literature (Primer), Pt. 2, Ch. i. Lloyd, Age of Pericles (see Ref for n). Mahaffy, Hist, of Classical Gk. Literature, V. i, Ch. 14-18. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 29. Perry, Hist, of Greek Literature, Bk. 4, Ch. 1-5. r. The Greek Drama. Referenxes Abbott, Age of Pericles, Ch. 17. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 4, Ch. 2. Curtius, Hist, of Greece (see Ref. for/). Grote, Hist, of Greece (see Ref. for/). Jebb, Greek Literature (Primer), Pt. 2, Ch. i. Lloyd, Age of Pericles (see Ref. for «). Mahaffy, Hist, of Classical Greek Literature, V. I, Ch. 14-22. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 29. Perry, Hist. Greek Literature, Bk. 3. s. The Peculiar Beauties of Greek Architecture. References Abbott, Age of Pericles, Ch. 17. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 2, Grote, Hist, of Greece (loV. ), V. 3 Lloyd, Age of Pericles, V. I, Ch. 18 Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 28. Pater, Greek Studies. Smith and Slater, Classic Architecture, Ch. 5-7. Winckelmann, Hist of Ancient Art. See table of Contents See also under III, 3, cand t/. t. Greek Art and Architecture. (References same as for s. ) 71. The Effect of the Art Industry at Athens. References Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 3. V. Greek Science. Ch. 4; Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Pt. 2, Ch. 29 ; V. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 47. V. 2, Ch. 47, 52-54. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 35 Chronolcgy. 431^04 431-421 421-414 414^04 431-421 436^32 431 431-430 430-127 429 429-427 429 428-427 References Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. I, Ch. 7. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 3. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. i, Pt. I, Ch. 16. lY. The Peloponnesian War. I . The Divisions of the Period a. From the beginning of the War to the Peace of Nicias. b. The Peace of Nicias. c. The Remainder of the War. 2 . The a. From the beginning a' . The Causes of the War. b' . The Condition of the Contestants. c' . The Episodes rela- ting to Corcyra and Poti- dsea. a' . The Attack on Pla- taea. e! . The Plan of Peri- cles. /'. The Invasions of At- tica. g' . The Plague at Athens. h'. The Death of Peri- cles and its Results. /'. The Siege of Plataea. f . Phormio's Sea Fight. K. The Revolt of Les- bos and the Siege of My- tilene. Course of Events of the War to the Peace of Nicias. Referen'ces Cox, Athenian Empire, Ch. 2-4. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Pt. 3, Ch. i-S- Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 3, Bk. 4, Ch. I, 2. Fyffe, Greek Hist. (Primer), Ch. 5. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V. ), V. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 47-V. 5, Pt. 2, Ch. 54. Harrison, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 35, 36. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 21-23. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 17, 18. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 26-30. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 113. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 9, II. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Pt. 4, Ch. 8-Pt. 5, Ch. 4. 56 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. /'. The Treatment of the Mytileneans. 425 m' . Pylos and 'Sphacte- ria. 425 //. The Overtures for Peace. 424 o'. The Battle of De- lium. 424-422 /. Brasidas in Thrace. 421-414 421 419 416 415-413 415 415 414-413 413 413 414-104 b. The Peace of Nicias. . a' . The Rupture between Sparta and Argos. b' . The Intrigues of Alcibiades. c'. The Battle of Mantinea. d' . The Fall of Melos and the Treatment of its inhabitants. e' . The Sicilian Expedition. 1. The Reasons for the Expedition. 2. The Mutilation of the Hermje. 3. The Character of the Expedition. 4. Summons and Flight of Alcibiades. 5. The Siege of Syra- cuse. 6. The Sea Fights at Syracuse. 7. Retreat and Ruin. 8. Results of the Expe- dition. References Cox, Athenian Empire, Cli. 4, 5. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 3, Ch. 16, 17. Creasy, Fifteen Decisive Battles, Ch. 2. Curtius, Hist of Greece, V. 3, Ft. 4, Ch. 2, 4. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 5. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 5, Ft. 2, Ch. 54-56, 58 ; V. 6, Pt. 2, Ch. 60. Harrison, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 36, 37. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 24, 25, 27. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 19-21. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 31, 32. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 1 13. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 12. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Ft. 5 Ch. 4, 5- c. The Remainder of the War, or The Decelean W?r. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Z7 a'. The War renewed in Greece. b' . Seizure of Decelea. c'. The Revolt of Athe- nian Allies. a'. Spartan Alliance with Persia. References Cox, Athenian Empire, Ch. 5-7. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 3, Ch. 7-10. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 3, Bk. 4, Ch. 4, 5- Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 5. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 6, Pt. 2, Ch. 61-V. 7, Pt. 2, Ch. 65. Harrison, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 39. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 28. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 2i. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 32-34. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 113. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 13. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Pt. 5» Ch. 5-8. Alcibiades and the Persians. The Rise and Fall of the 400. The Recall of Alcibiades. The Battles of Cynossena and Cyzicus. The Successes of Alcibiades. The Battle of Notium and the Disgrace of Alcibiades. The Battle of the Arginusse Islands. /. The Treatment of the Athenian Generals. m' . The Battle of ^gospotami. n' . The Surrender of Athens. f t 6 h' i'. /. 3. The Results of the War References Cox, Athenian Empire, Ch. 7. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 3, Ch. 10. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 3, Bk. 4, Ch. i, 5. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 21. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 35. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. I, Pt. 5i Cli. i 38 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. 4. The Noted Leaders of the Period a. The Career, Character and Influence of Brasidas, of Al- cibiades, of Socrates, of Lysander. b. Give a short account of Agis, of Aristagoras, of Callicrati- das, of Cleon, of Cleombrotus, of Conon, of Demosthenes the Admiral, of Lamachus, of Nicias, of Pisander, of Phormio, of Tissaphernes, of Theramenes, of Thrasybulus. References Cox, Lives of Greek Statesmen. Plutarch, Lives of Greeks and Romans. Classical Biographies and Dictionaries. Indices of Histories already mentioned. 5. Map Work On an outline map indicate the noted places of the Pelopon- nesian War. References Any good atlas of ancient geography. 6. Make a compact analytical {topical) review of this section. 7. Topics for Special Investigation a. The Reasons for the Failure of Athens and the Success of Sparta. References Cox, Athenian Empire, Ch. 7. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 3, Ch. 10. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 3. Bk. 4, Ch. i, 5. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 28. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 35. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Pt. 5, Ch. 8. b. The Political Leaders of the 5th Century, B.C. References (See III, 4, a and b and consult references there given.) TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 39 Chronology. c. The Relations between Athens and her Allies. Referen'ces Abbott, rericles, Ch. 16. Cox, Athenian Empire, Ch. I, 2. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 2, Ch. 8; Bk. 3, Ch. i. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 2 ; V. 3, Bk. 4, Ch. I. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 45, 47. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 17. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 25. Consult also III, I, a, b''. d. Comparison of Athenian and Spartan Treatment of Allies and Conquered States. References Abbott, Pericles, Ch. 16. Cox, Anthenian Empire, Ch. i, 2. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 2, Ch. 8 ; Bk. 3, Ch. I. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Bk. 3, Ch. 2 ; V. 3, Bk. 4, Ch. I ; V. 4, Bk. 5, Ch. I. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 4, Pt. 2, Ch. 45, 47. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 25. Sankey, Spartan and Theban Supremacies, Ch. 6. Consult also III, I, a, b^. e. The Principal Enemies of Athens and the Reasons for their Enmity. References See references for IV, 2, a, z.' . See also " The History of the Confederacy of Delos " (f. below). /. The History of the Confederacy of Delos. References See references for III, I, a, b^. For later history consult tables of contents and indices of Histories. 40 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY' OF GREECE Chronology. 404-362 403 403 401 401 399 390-5 395-387 394 393 390 m 392-382 382 y. From the End of the Peloponncsian War to the Macedonian Supremacy. I . T/ie Supremacy of Sparta a. Events leading to the Supremacy. b. Character of their Rule. c. The Anarchy at Ath- ens. d. The Thirty Tyrants. e. The Persians in Asia Minor. /. The Anabasis. g. The War between Sparta and Persia. h. The Campaigns of Agesilaus in Asia Minor. /'. The Corinthian War, or The Attempt to over- throw Sparta. j. The Battle of Coronea. k. The Rebuilding of the Long Walls. /. Spartan Intrigues with Persia. m. The Peace of An- talcidas. n. The Results of the Peace of Antalcidas. 0. The C h a 1 c i d i a n League and War. /. Civil Troubles in Thebes. q. The Downfall of Sparta. References Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 4, Ch. 1, 3- Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 4, Bk. 5. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 6. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 6, Pt. 2, Ch. 65; V. 8, Pt. 2, Ch. 78. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 40. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 22. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 35, 36, 38. Sankey, Spartan and Theban Supremacies, Ch. i-io. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 113. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 14-16. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V, I, Pt. 6, Ch. 1-7. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 41 Chronology. 4ia-S38 382 379 378 378-7 376 374 374 371 371-362 371 370 2. The Greeks in the West a. The Carthaginians in Sicily. b. Dionysius in Sicily and Italy. References Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 6, Ch. i. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece {Primer), Ch. 6. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 8, Pt. 2, Ch. 81 ; V. 19, Pt. 2, Ch. 85. Holm, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Ch. 29. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 24. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 37. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 18. 3. The Theban Supremacy The Events leading to the Supremacy. a! . The Seizure of the Cadmeia by the Spartans. b' . The Theban Con- spiracy. (f. The Athenian Alli- ance. d' . The Campaigns of Agesilaus. e'. The Battle of Naxos- /'. The Conquest of Boeotia. g'. The Attempts at Peace. h' . The Battle of Leuc- tra. /'. The New Tactics. References Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 4, Ch. 3 ; Bk. 5, Ch. 2. Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 4, Bk. 6. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 6. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 8, Pt. 2, Ch. 78-80. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 40. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 22. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 39, 40. Sankey, Spartan and Theban Supremacies, Ch. 10-12. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p I13. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 17. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. i, Pt. 6, Ch. 7 ; V. 2, Pt. 7, Ch. 1-3. b. The History of the Supremacy. a' . Jason of Pherse. b' . Anarchy in the Pe- loponnesus. 42 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Chronology. 370-362 362 c' . Epaminondas's Cam- paigns, in the Peloponne- sus. d' . Pelopidas in Thes- saly. e\ The Battle of Man- tinea. 362-338 (594) 357-339 357-346 352 346 c. The Downfall of Thebes. d. The Interval between the End of the Theban and the be- ginning of the Macedonian Supremacies. a\ The Macedonians and their Kings. 3'. The Sacred Wars. c\ The Social Wars. dK The Macedonian Phalanx. e\ The Olynthian War. /'. The Peace of Phi- loctetes. References Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 5, Ch. 2. Curteis, Rise of the Macedonian Empire, Ch. 1-7. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 6. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 9, Pt. 2, Ch. 86-90. Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 4I. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 25. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 41, 42. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist. , p. 113. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 19. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Pt. 7, Ch. 4. 4. The Noted Leaders of the Period a. The Career, Character and Influence of Agesilaus, of Epaminondas, of Demosthenes, of Pelopidas, of Philip of Mac- edon. b. Give a short account of ^schines, of Antalcidas, of Cyrus the Younger, of Dionysius, of Diogenes, of Iphicrates, of Jason of Pherae, of Leontiades, of Phoebidas, of Timoleon, of Xeno- phon. References Consult Indices of Histories already mentioned, Biographies and Dictionaries. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 43 Chronology. 5. Define the following Terms BcEOtarch, Harmost, Satrap, Decarchy, Nauarch, Satrapies. References Dictionaries of Antiquities ; Indices of Histories. 6. ATake a compact analytical {topical^ review of this section 7. Map Work On an outline map locate all the important plates mentioned since the Peloponnesian War. References Any good ancient atlas. 8. Topics for Special Investigation a. The Thebans in Greek History. References Consult Tables of Contents and Indices of the various Histories. b. The Struggle with Philip of Macedon. References Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 5, Ch. 2. Curteis, Rise of Macedonian Empire, Ch. 1-8. Cvirtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 5, Bk. 7, Ch. 3, 4. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 6. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 9, Pt. 2, Ch. 76-90. Myers, Hist of Greece, Ch. 25. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 41, 43. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Pt. 7, Ch. 4. c. The Olynthiacs of Demosthenes. References Butcher, Demosthenes. Curteis, Rise of Macedonian Empire, Ch. 5. Mahaffy, Hist, of Greek Literature, V. 2, Ch. II-13. 44 Chronology. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 25. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 42. Perry, Hist, of Greek Literature, Bk. 5. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Pt. 7, Ch. 4. d. The Philippics of Demosthenes. References Butcher, Demosthenes. Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 5, Ch. 2. Curteis, Rise of Macedonian Empire, Ch. 4-7. Curtius, Hist of Greece, V. 5, Bk. 7, Ch. 3, 4. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 6. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 9, Pt. 2, Ch. 87, 90. Mahafify, Hist, of Greek Literature, V. 2, Ch. II-13. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 25. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 42, 43. Perry, Hist, of Greek Literature, Bk. 5. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Pt. 7, Ch. 4. e. Greek Oratory. References See references under III, 3, b, \>' , 3 and V. 9, c and d. See also indices of Histories. f. The Decadence of Literature and Art after the Peloponne- sian War. References Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 4, Bk. 5, Ch. 2. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 7, Pt. 2, Ch. 67, 68. Mahaffy, Hist, of Greek Literature, V. 2, Ch. 6-9. Mahaffy, Social Life in Greece, p. 269. 338-146 VI' From the Beginning of tbe Macedonian Supremacy to the Destruction of Corinth by the Komans. I. The Macedonian Supretnacy a. The Events leading to the Supremacy. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 45 Chronolcgy. U6 339 338 33S-323 338 338 336 334-323 334 334 333 332 332 331 331 a'. Macedonian In- trigues. ^'. The Amphictyonic Council. c'. Demosthenes and -^schines. a'. The Battle of Chs- ronea. References (for a and d) Cox, General History of Greece, Bk. 5, Ch. 2, 3. Curteis, Rise of Macedonian Empire, Ch. 8-13- Curtius, Hist, of Greece, V. 5, Bk. 7. Fyffe, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 6, 7. Grote, Hist, of Greece ( 10 V. ), V. 9, Pt. 2, Ch. 90 ; V. 10, Pt. 2, Ch. 95. d. The History of the Supremacy. a . ens. ^'. c'. ip. Submission of Ath- Congress at Corinth. The Murder of Phil- Harrison, Story of Greece, Ch. 41. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 25, 26. Oman, Hist of Greece, Ch. 42-44. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 119. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 19. (f'. Events preceding Alexander's Conquests. c. The Conquests of Alexander the Great. a'. Condition of the Persian Empire. ^'. Battle of the Grani- cus. c'. Conquest of Asia Minor. d'. Battle of Issus. e'. Siege of Tyre. /'. Phcenicia and Egypt. ^'. Battle of Arbela. //. Conquest of Persia. /'. Settlement of the Empire, References Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 5, Ch. 3. Creasy, Fifteen Decisive Battles, Ch. 3. Curteis, Rise of Macedonian Empire, Ch. 8, 17. Dodge, Alexander. Fj^e, Hist, of Greece (Primer), Ch. 7. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 10, Pt. 2, Ch. 92-94. Mahaffy, Alexander's Empire, Ch. 1-4. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 26. Oman, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 44. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 119. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 20. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Pt. 8, Ch. 4-S. 46 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Ohronolocfy. 330-324 323 334-323 323-^2 323-146 322 280 146 y. Conquests in the far East. k\ Death of Alexander and Collapse of the Em- pire. d. Events in Greece during the Conquests of Alexander. The Lamian War. References Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 6, Ch. i. Grote, Hist, of Greece (lo V.), V. lo, Ft. 2, Ch. 95. Mahaffy, Alexander's Empire, Ch. 5. Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 21. e. Results of Alexander's Conquests. 1. On the political development of the East. 2. On the language. 3. On later history. References Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 5, Ch. 3. Creasy, Fifteen Decisive Battles. Curteis, Rise of the Macedonian Empire, Ch. 17. Grote, Hist, of Greece (10 V.), V. 10, Pt. 2, Ch. 94. Mahaffy, Alexander's Empire, Ch. I, 4. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 26. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, Pt. 8, Ch. 8. 2. Events Succeeding the Death of Alexander a. The .^tolian League. b. The Achaean League. c. Destruction of Cor- inth by the Romans, References Cox, General Hist, of Greece, Bk. 6, Ch. 1, 2. Grote, Hist, of Greece (loV.), V. 10, Pt. 2, Ch. 96. Mahaffy, Alexander's Empire, Ch. 5-32. Myers, Hist, of Greece, Ch. 27. Sheldon, Studies in General Hist., p. 119. Chronology. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 47 Smith, Smaller Hist, of Greece, Ch. 21. Timayensis, Hist, of Greece, V. 2, I't. g, Ch. l-io. 3. T/ie Noted Leaders of the Period a. The Career, Character and Influence of Alexander, of Darius III. b. Give a short account of Antigonus, of Cassander, of De- metrius Poliorcetes, of Lysimachus, of Ptolemy, of Pyrrhus, of Seleucus. References Consult Indices of Histories already mentioned, Dictionaries and Biographies. 4. Map Work a. On an outline map locate the important places mentioned since the Downfall of Thebes. b. Trace on an outline map the route of Alexander's Con- quests. References Any good ancient atlas. 5. Make a compact analytical (Jopical) review of this section D. GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW. References Any good ancient atlas. I. Divisions of Greece a. Name and locate the main divisions of Greece. b. Name and locate the subordinate divisions. c. On an outline map mark off all the divisions mentioned in a and b. 48 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 2. Asia Minor and the East a. Cities. Abydos, Cunaxa, Jerusalem, Sidon, Alexandria, Cyme, Magnesia, Sinope, Antioch, Cyrene, Miletus, Susa, Arbela, Cyzicus, Mytilene, Thapsacus, (Gaugamela), Ecbatana, Nineveh, Trapezus, Aspendus, Ephesus, Persepolis, Troja, Babylon, Gaza, Rhodus, (Troy, Ilium, Cnidus, Gordium, Sardis, Ilios), Colophon, Halicarnassu s, Seleucia, Tyre. Cos, Issus, Sestos, b. Islands. Arginusae, Icaros, Lesbos, Symphlegades, Cos, Imbros, Rhodus, (Cyaneae), Chios, Lade, Samos, Tenedos. Cyprus, Lemnos, c. Mountains. Ida, Mycale, Sipylus, d. Rivers. Taurus, Tmolus. Caicus, Granicus, Nile, Simois, Cayster, Halys, Pactolus, Thermodon, Cydnus, Hermus, Sangarius, Tigris. Euphrates, Indus, Scamander, Eurymedon, Mseander, Scylax, e. Seas, Gulfs, etc. Bosporus, Hellespontuj ;, Internum, Issacus, Euxinus, Icarium, (Magnum), Propontis. TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE 49 Colonies, yEolia, Doris, /. Other Places. Colonies (con.). Libya, The Susian Gates, Ionia, The Amanic Gates, The Syrian Getes. Cynossema. The Cilician Gates, 3. Greece, Macedonia, and Thrace a. Cities. Acanthus, Delium, Leuctra, Pherae, yEgina, Delphi, Mantinea, Philippi, Amphipolis, Dodona, Megalopolis, Plata^a, Argos, Eion, Megara, Pydna, Athenee, Ehs, Mycenae, Salamis, Aulis, Eleusis, Naupactus, Sparta, Byzantium, Epidamnus, Naxos, (Laceda^mon) Calcis, Epidaurus, Nemea, Tanagra, Chseronea, Eretria, Olynthus, Tegea, Chalcidon, Lampsacus, Olympia, Thasos, Corinthus, Lariosa, Orchomenus (2), Thebas, Coronea, Lerna, • Pharsalus, b. Islands. Thespiae, Trcezen. Aegina, Cyclades (con .). Cyclades (con.). Leucadia, Cephallenia, Delos, Paros, Salamis, Corcyra, Gyaros, Tenos, Samothracia, Creta, Melos, Thera, Scyros, Cyclades, Myconos, Cythera, Sphacteria, Andros, Naxos, Euboea, Strophades, Ceos, Olearos, Ithaca, Zacynthos. c . Mountains. Acroceraunus, Hcemus, Olympus, Pentelicus, Aracynthus, Helicon, Ossa, Pindus, Athos, Hymettus, Othrys, Rhodope, Citha^ron, Ithome, Parnassus, Taygetus, Cyllene, Lyca^us, Parnes, Tymphrestus. Erymanthus, CEta, Pehon, 50 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE d. Rivers. Achelous, Cocytus, Haleacmon, Peneius, Acheron, Danubius, Hebrus, Peneus, ^gospotami, (Ister), Ilissus, Sperchius, Alpheus, Eurotas, Pamisus, Strymon. Cephissus (2), e. S ;eas, Gulfs, etc. JEgtum, Creticus, Lerna, (Euboicum), Ambracius, Cyparissus, Maliacus, Pegasgean, Argolicus, Euripus, Messanicus, Salamis, Copais, Ionium, Myrtoum, Saronicus. Corinthiacus, Laconicus, Opunticus, /• Other Places. Acrocorinthus, (Thracian), Marathon, Scyllaeum, Acropolis, Chalcidici, Munychia, Sunium, Actium, Cynoscephalae Phyle, Ta^narum, Artemisium, Decelea, Piraeus, Tempe, Chersonese, Malea, Pylos, Thermopylae. 4. I^a/y, Sicily, and the West. a. Cities. Acragas, Cumse, (Messene, Zancle) Sybaris, (Agrigentum), Gela, Pgestum, Syracuse, Carthage, Lilybaeum, Rhegium, Tarentum, Croton, Massilia, Segeste, Thurii. (Croto, Crotona) Messana, (Egesta), b. Islands. Ortygia, Sicily. c. Mountains. ^tna. Eryx. d. Seas, Gulfs, etc. Ionium, Tarentinus, . Inferum I, Tyrrhenum. ■4f e. Other Places. Charybdis, Pelorum, Pachynus, Scylla. HISTORICAL FICTION, TALES, POETRY AND DRAMA RELAT- ING TO ANCIENT GREECE.* Consult, also, references under topics "The Heroic Age" and "The Religion of the Greeks. ' ' Fiction and Tales Adams, W. The Fall of Croesus. A story from Herodotus. Barthelemy, J. J. The Young Anacharsis. A book of imaginary travels. 4th Cent. B. C. Becker, W, A. Carikles. A story of domestic life. 2d Cent. B. C. Bulwer Lytton. Pausanias, the Spartan. An unfinished romance. 5th Cent. B. C. Church, A. J. Callias. A story of the Peloponnesian War. 5th Cent. B. C. Same. Heroes and Kings. Same, Stories from Herodotus. Same. Stories from the Greek Comedians. Same. Stories of the Persian Wars. From Herodotus. Same. Three Greek Children. Home life among the ancient Greeks. Cox, G. W. Tales of the Gods and Heroes. Same. The Tale of the Great Persian War. From Herodotus. Ebers, G. The Daughter of an Egyptian King. A story of Egyptian life. 6th Cent. B. C. Eckstein, E. Aphrodite. The life of a sculptor; Miletus. 6th Cent. B. C. * For more complete lists consult library bulletins. See list for Ancient Rome. (51) 52 HISTORICAL FICTION, ETC., RELATING TO ANCIENT GREECE Hamerling, H. Aspasia. A romance of Hellas. 3d Cent. B. C. JHanson, C. H. Homeric Stories Simply Told. Same. The Siege of Troy and the Wanderings of Ulysses. Landor, W. S. Pericles and Aspasia. Conversations. 5th Cent. B. C. Mariager, p. Pictures of Hellas. Five tales of Ancient Greece. Osborne, D. The Robe of Nessus. 5th Cent. B. C. Poetry and Drama Browning, E. B. Promethus Bound. Browning, R. Eurydice to Orpheus. Dryden, J. Alexander's Feast. Homer. Iliad, trans, by Bryant, by Pope, by Lang, Leaf and Myers. Same. Odyssey, trans, by Bryant, by Butcher and Lang, by Palmer. Keats, J. Hyperion, Endymion, Hymn to Apollo. Kingsley, C. Andromeda. ■ Long, A. Helen of Troy. Longfellow, H. W. Promethus, Epimethus, etc. Lowell, J. R. Promethus, Hebe. Morris, L. The Epic of Hades. Morris, W. Life and Death of Jason. Same. The Earthly Paradise. Shelly, P. B. Promethus Unbound, etc. Story, W. W. Phidias to Pericles, Cassandra. Swinburne, A. C. Atalanta in Calydon. Taylor, B. Prince Deukalion, etc. Tennyson, A. Ulysses, etc. INDEX Achaean League, 46. Acropolis, 24, 25. ^gina, Marbles, 27 ; War with, 21, 24. -iEgospotami, Battle of, 37. ^olian Migration, 12. ^olic Dialect, 32. ^schines, 25, 42, 45. ^schylus, 25. ^tolian League, 46. Agesilaus, 42 ; Campaigns of, 40, 4I. Agis, 38. Alcaeus, 25. Alcibiades, 38, and the Persians, 37 ; Dis- grace of, 37 ; Flight of, 36 ; Intrigues of, 36 ; Recall of, 37 ; Successes of, 37 ; Summons of, 36. Alcmreonid^E, 15. Alexander, 47 ; Conquests of, 45 ; Death of, 46 ; Events succeeding Death of, 46 ; Events in Greece during the Con- quests of, 46 ; Alexander's Conquests, Events preceding, 45 ; Results of, 46. Amphictyonic Council, 45. Amphictyony, Delphic, 11. Anabasis, 40. Anacreon, 25. Antalcidas, 42 ; Peace of, 40 ; Results of Peace of, 40. Antigonus, 47. Apelles, 27. Apollo, Worship of, 18. Arbela, Battle of, 45 . Architects, 26. Architecture, 25, 34 ; Beauties of, 34. Arginusre Islands, Battle of, 37. Argonautic Expedition, II. Argos, Rupture between Sparta and, 36. Aristagoras, 22, 38. Aristides, 22. Aristophanes, 25. Aristotle, 25. Army, The Greek, 24. Art, 34 ; Decadence of, After the Pelopon- nesian War, 44. Art Industry, Effect of, at Athens, 34. Artaphemes, 22 ; Expedition under Datis, and, 20. Artaxerxes, 29. Artemisium, Battle of, 21, Arts, 27. Aryan Races, 1 7. Asia, Greeks in, 18. Asia Minor, Conquest of, 45 ; Persians in, 40. Athenian Alliance, 41 ; Allies, Revolt of, 37; Citizen, Privileges of the, 31 ; Em- pire, The Extent of, 24 ; Generals, Treatment of, 37 ; Treatment of Allies, 39, Navy, 21. Athenians, Early History of, 14 ; Manners and Customs of, 14. Athens, Anarchy at, 40 ; and -Egina, Sec- ond War between, 24, and her Allies, Relations between, 39 ; Enemies of, 39; First Occupation of, by the Persians, 21 ; Intellectual Life of, in time of Pericles, 31 ; Party Struggles at, 24 ; Plague at, 35 ; Reasons for Failure of, 38 ; Re- building of, 23 ; Second Occupation of, by the Persians, 21 ; Submission of, .^5 ; (53) 54 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Supremacy of, 23 ; Surrender of, 37 ; Topography of, 24 ; under Pericles, 30. Athletics, 18. Attica, Invasion of, 35. Babylon, Capture of, 19. Boeotia, Conquest of, 41 ; War with, 24. Brasidas, 38 ; in Thrace, 36. Cadmeia, Seizure of, 41. Calculating, Method of, 32. Calendar, 32. Callicratidas, 38. Carthaginians in Sicily, 22, 4I. Cassander, 47. Chaeronea, Battle of, 45. Chalcidiau League and War, 40. Changes in Government previous to 500 B. C, 15. Character of the Colonies, 13 ; of the Greeks, 17 ; of the Greeks in Asia, 18 ; of the Homeric Age, II. Cimon, 29. City-State of Greece, 14. Cleisthenes, 15 ; Constitution of. Modifica- tions of, 21 ; Reforms of, 14. Cleombrotus, 38. Cleomenes, 15. Cleon, 38. Colonial Policy of the Greeks in the Time of Pericles, 31. Colonies, 12, 1 3. Comedy, 25, 33. Commerce, 32. Conon, 38. Constitutional Changes, 24. Corcyra, Episode of, 35. Corinthian War, 40. Corinth, Congress at, 21, 45 ; Destruction of, 46 ; War with, 24. Coronea, Battle of, 40. Croesus, 22; War with, 19. Customs of the People, 28. Cylon, 15. Cynossema, Battle of, 37. Cypselus, 15. Cyrus, the Great, 22 ; the Younger, 42. Cyzicus, Battle of, 37. Darius, 22, 47. Datis, 22, and Artaphemes, Expedition under, 20. Decelea, Seizure of, 37. Decelean War, 36. Deities, li, 49. Delium, Battle of, 36. Delos, Confederacy of, 23, 39. Delphic Amphictyony, II. Demetrius Poliorcetes, 47. Demosthenes, 25, 42, 45 ; Olynthiacs of, 43 ; Philippics of, 44. Demosthenes, the Admiral, 38. Dialects, 32. Diogenes, 42. Dionysius, 42 ; in Sicily and Italy, 41. Dorian Migration, 12. Doric Dialect, 32. Draco, 1 5 ; Reforms of, 14. Drama, 34. Dramatic Poetry, 25. Dress of the People, 28. East, Colonies in the, 13 : Conquests in the far, 46 ; Development of, 46. Education of the People, 28. Egypt, 45 ; Conquest of, 19. Egyptians, 10. Elegiac Poetry, 25. Epaminondas, 42 ; Campaigns of, in the Peloponnesus, 42. Ephialtes, 29. Epic Poetry, 24. Epicurus, 25. Eretria, Capture of, 20. Euripides, 25. Eurybiades, 22. INDEX 55 Festivals, II. Fine Arts, 27. Five Years' Truce, 24. Four Hundred, Rise and Fall of the, 37. Games, II. Gelo, 22. Geographical Knowledge of the Ancient Greeks, 17 ; Review, 47. Geography, 9. Government, Changes in, previous to 500 B. €., 15. Granicus, Battle of, 45. Gyges, 22. Hellen, 10. Hellenic Nationality, 31. Heracles, 11. Heraclidae, Return of the, 12. Hermse, Mutilation of, 36. Herodotus, 25. Heroes, Foreign, 10, II ; of the Homeric Poems, 10; of the Trojan War, ll. Heroic Age, 10. Hesiod, 25. Hiero, 22. Hipparchus, 15. Hippias, 15. Historical fiction, tales, etc., 51. Historical Prose, 25. History, Sources of, 16. Homer, 25. Homeric Poems, 10 ; States, 10. Homes of the People, 28. Ictinus, 26. Intellectual Life of Athens in the Time of Pericles, 31. Ionia, Conquest of, I9 ; Reconquest of, 20. Ionian Migration, 12. Ionic Dialect, 32; Revolt, 19 ; Failure of the, 20. Iphicrates, 42. Isocrates, 25. Issus, Battle of, 45. Italians, Defeat of the Italiots by the, 22. Italiots, Defeat of the, by the Italians, 22. Italy, Dionysius in, 41 ; Greeks in, 22. Jason of Pherse, 41, 42. Jupiter, Temple of, at OljTnpia, 27. Lamachus, 38. Lamian War, 46. Languages, Latin and Greek, Compared, 32. Latin and Greek Languages Compared, 32. Leaders of Alexander's Time, 47 ; of the Theban Supremacy, 42 ; of the Peloponnesian War, 38 ; of the People, 29 ; of the Persian Wars, 22 ; Polit- ical, of the 5th Centur>', B. C, 38; of the 6th Century B. C, 18; of the Early Greeks, 15. Leonidas, 22. Leontiades, 42. Lesbos, Revolt of, 35. - Leuctra, Battle of, 41 . Literature, 24 ; Decadence of, after the Peloponnesian Wars, 44. Long W^alls, Building of, 24; Rebuilding of, 40. Lycurgan Constitution, 13. Lycurgus, 15. Lydian Monarchy, 19. Lyric Poetry, 25. Lysander, 38. Lysias, 25. Lysimachus, 47. Macedonian Intrigues, 45 ; Phalanx, 42 ; Supremacy, 44 ; Beginning of, 42, 44 ; Events leading to, 44 ; History of, 45. Macedonians, 42 ; Kings of, 42. Manners and Customs of the Athenians, 14 ; of the Spartans, 13. 56 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Mantinea, Battle of, 36, 42. Map Work, 9, 15, 23, 29, 38, 43, 47. Marathon, Battle of, 20. Mardonius, 22 ; Expedition under, 20. Medes and Persians, 19. Megacles, 15. Melos, Fall of, 36. Messenian Wars, 13. Migrations, 12. Military History after the Persian Wars, 23. Miltiades, 22, Minos, II. Mnesicles, 26. Morals of the People, 28. Music, 28. Mycale, Battle of, 21. Myronides, 29. Mythology, il, 18. Mytilene, Siege of, 35. Mytileneans, Treatment of the, 36. Navy, the Athenian, 21. Naxos, Battle of, 41 ; Revolt of, 23. Nicias, 38 ; Peace of, 35, 36. Nineveh, Capture of, 19. Notium, Battle of, 37. Olynthiacs of Demosthenes, 43. Olynthian War, 42. Oracle, Power of, 18. Oracles, II. Oratorical Prose, 25. Oratory, 44. Painting, 27. Parthenon, 27. Pausanias, 22. Peisander, 38. Peisistratus, 15. Pelasgi, 10. Pelopidas, 42 ; In Thessaly, 42. Peloponnesian Affairs, 23 ; War, 35 ; Causes of, 35; Endjof, 40; Results of, 37. Peloponnesus, Anarchy in, 41 ; Epamin- ondas's Campaigns in, 42. Periander, 1 5. Pericles, 25, 29 ; Age of, 23 ; Athens un- der, 30 ; Death of, 35 ; Plan of, 35 ; Power and Policy of, 30 ; Influence of, 29. Persia, Conquest of, 45 ; Settlement of, 45 ; Spartan Alliance with, 37 ; Spartan In- trigues with, 40 ; War between Sparta and, 40. Persian Empire, 19 ; Condition of, 45 ; Organization of, 19; Host, 21 ; In- vasions, Events between 1st and 2d, 21 ; Events succeeding the, 23 ; First, 20 ; Second, 21 ; Wars, 18 ; Causes of, 20 ; End of, 24 ; Events leading to, 19 ; Results of, 22. Persians, Alcibiades and, 37 ; Campaign against, 23 ; Defeat of the, 22 ; First Occupation of Athens by the, 21 ; In Asia Minor, 40 ; Second Occupation of Athens by the, 21. Phalaris, 15. Phalanx, Macedonian, 42. Pheidias, 27. Pheidon, 15. Philip of Macedon, 42 ; Struggle with, 43 ; Murder of, 45. Philippics of Demosthenes, 44. Philoctetes, Peace of, 42. Philosophical Prose, 25. Philosophy, 33. Phoebidas, 42. Phoenicia, 45. Phoenicians, lo. Phormio, 38 ; Sea Fights"of, 35. Pindar, 25. Plague at Athens, 35. Plataea, Attack, 35 ; Battle of, 21 ; Siege of, 35- Plato, 25. INDEX 57 Poetry, 25, 33. Political History after the Persian Wars, 23 ; Leaders of the Early Greeks, 1 5 ; of the 5th Century, B.C., 38 ; of the 6th Centur>', B.C., 18. Polycletus, 27. Polycrates, 15. Polygnotus, 27. Potidsea, Episode of, 35. Praxiteles, 27. Priesthood, 17. Private Life of the People, 28. Prophetic Art, 17. Prose, 25. Ptolemy, 47. Pylos, 36. Pyrrhus, 47. Pythagoras, 25. Pythagorean Brotherhood, "22. Reforms of Draco, Solon and Cleisthenes, 14- Religion, 1 1 ; Of the people, 28. Sacred Wars, 42. Salamis, Battle of, 21. Samos, Revolt of, 24. Sappho, 25. Sardis, Sack of, 19. Science, 34. Scopas, 27, Sculptors, 27. Sculpture, 27. Scythian Expedition, 19. Seleucus, 47. Seven against Thebes, II. Sicilian Expedition, 36 ; Reasons for, 36 ; Results of, 36 ; Retreat and Ruin of, 36. Sicily, Carthaginians in, 22, 41 ; Diony- sius in, 41 ; Greeks in Italy and, 22. Social Features of the Age, 24 ; Wars, 42. Socrates, 25, 38. Solon, 15, Reforms of, 14. Sophocles, 25. Soiuces of Greek History, 16. Sparta and Persia, War between, 40 ; At- tempts to overthrow, 40 ; Downfall of, 40 ; Reasons for the Success of, 38 ; Rupture between, and Argos, 36 ; Su- premacy of, 40 ; Supremacy of, leading to the, 40. Spartan Alliance with Persia, 37 ; In- trigues with Persia, 40 ; Treatment of Allies, 39. Spartans, Early History of, 13 ; Manners and Customs of, l^. Special Investigation, Topics for, 1 4, 29, 38, 43- Sphacteria, 36. Stories of Homeric Poems, 10. S)Tacuse, Sea Fights at, 36 ; Siege of, 36 ; TjTants of, 22. Temple, 25 ; of Jupiter at OljTnpia, 27. Terms to be defined, 16, 29, 43. Thales, 25. Thasos, Revolt of, 23. . Theatre, 25. Theban Conspiracy, 41 ; Supremacy, 41 ; End of, 42 ; Events leading to, 41 ; History of the, 41. Thebans, The, in Greek Historj-^ 43. Thebes, Civil Troubles in, 40; Downfall of, 42; Seven against, 11. Themistocles, 22. Theramenes, 38. Thermopylae, Battle of, 21. Theseus, II. Thessaly, Pelopidas in, 42. Thirty T}Tants, 40. Thirty years' Peace, 24. Thrace, Brasidas in, 36. Thrasybulus, 38. Thucydides, 25. Time, Method of Reckoning of, 32. 58 TOPICS ON THE HISTORY OF GREECE Timoleon, 42. Tyrtaeus, 25. Tissaphernes, 38. Tolmides, 29. West, Colonies in the, 13 ; Greeks in the, 41. Writing, Use of, 32. Xanthippus, 22. Xenophon, 25, 42. Xerxes, 22. Topics for Special Investigation, 14, 29, 38, 43. Topography, 9 ; Athens, 24. Tragedy, 25, 33. Trojan War, II. Tyrants, 13 ; of Syracuse, 22 ; The Thirty, Zeno, 25. 40. Tyre, Siege of, 45. Zeuxis, 27. <^3^u^/^Z %130NVS01^ •^/Sa3AINn3Wv V? ^OAavaaii-^ 1-3WV -< r ^o, 3AiNa;3vr so ■>■ ^v? I mmojr . ^imuno/:. ^^WtUNIVER% ^lOSANCtlfj-^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY h^ | > Los Angeles f^ -^ This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. i3MN(l 3^^^ NQPIlu s mi OCT 2 4 1987 -i^ci/^Mi^, Jriimi .vS '"' >i«^ =0 ■DSANCEl£r> a3AiNn-3\\v i-UBRARY/?/: !?Aava8n-^^ s;lOSANCElfX> f7ja3A)N(l-3WV^ ^lOSANCELfXy . 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