CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION FRUIT DEHYDRATION I. Principles and Equipment R. L. PERRY, E. M. MRAK, H. J. PHAFF, G. L. MARSH, and C. D. FISHER December, 1946 Bulletin 698 THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE UN! V E R S I T Y OF C A L I F O R N 1 A BE R K E L E Y CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 3 History of dehydration 3 Statistics 5 Advantages 8 Limitations 8 Principles of pretreatment 10 Condition of raw material 10 Harvesting 11 Storage of fresh fruit 11 Washing fruit prior to drying 12 Spray-residue removal 12 Sorting and trimming 13 Cutting, pitting, and peeling 14 Treatment of pits and waste materials 14 Dipping 16 Blanching 17 Sulfuring 22 Preparation equipment 23 Plant layout 23 Fruit boxes 26 Cutting tables 26 Blanchers 26 Boilers 28 Fruit washers 29 Washers and materials for spray-residue removal 29 Peeling, pitting, and cutting machines 31 Miscellaneous small equipment 31 Tray and box washers 32 Skin-checking equipment 32 Sulfuring houses and burners 33 Principles relating to dehydration 35 Process of evaporation 35 Moisture in fruit 37 Properties of air-vapor mixtures 38 Measuring air conditions 39 The psychrometric chart 40 Eecirculation 43 Drying rates and drying times 44 Fruit temperatures during dehydration 47 Air flow 47 Air pressures and friction losses 48 Power required to move air 51 Drying equipment 51 Evaporaters 51 Dehydraters 52 Countercurrent dehydraters 53 Cross-flow dehydraters 54 Center-inlet dehydraters 56 Center-exhaust or two-stage dehydraters 56 Cabinet dehydraters 56 Conveyor dehydraters 56 Vacuum dehydraters 57 Drum driers 57 Furnaces 57 Fans 60 Tunnel dehydrater operation 62 FRUIT DEHYDRATION: I. PRINCIPLES AND EQUIPMENT' R. L. PERRY, 3 E. M. MRAK/ H. J. PHAFF/' K. L. MARSH," and C. D. FISHER 7 INTRODUCTION History of Dehydration. — Fruits have been preserved by drying since the dawn of history, but the use of dehydration 8 for this purpose is a recent devel- opment. In California, mechanical driers made their first appearance in the Nineteenth Century. At the beginning of the fruit-drying industry mostly natural-draft evaporaters 9 were used; later, forced-draft evaporaters were introduced. The use of forced draft was an improvement, although all of the early driers were inefficient and frequently difficult to operate satisfac- torily. The characteristics and operating procedures of these driers are de- scribed in publications by Cruess (1919a), 10 Cruess, Christie, and Flossfeder (1920), Caldwell (1923), and Wiegand (1924). Except for the drying of apples and hops, natural-draft evaporaters are not now used extensively in California. Until 1919, sun-drying was favored for prunes and other fruits. In the prune-drying season of September, 1918, however, heavy rains caused severe losses to many growers. Most of the trays of fruit were stacked, but many were wet before they were stacked. After five days of rainy weather, many of the prunes became so moldy that little could be done to save them. Sulfuring was suggested as a means of retarding spoil- age ; this procedure was rejected, however, because there is no trade demand for sulfured prunes. Cruess (1919a, 1921) stressed the importance of dehy- dration and advised its use as an insurance against rain damage. Fortunately, the forced-draft dehydrater was developed and marketed in ample time to satisfy the subsequent demand for an efficient drier. According to Christie 1 Received for publication August 9, 1945. - This bulletin presents the principles and operations of dehydration ; specific directions for the dehydration of cut fruits and of whole fruits will be covered in separate publications. - Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Agricultural Engineer in the Experiment Station. 4 Associate Professor of Food Technology and Associate Mycologist in the Experiment Station. "' Instructor of Food Technology and Assistant Microbiologist in the Experiment Station. u Assistant Professor of Food Technology and Assistant Chemist in the Experiment Station. 7 Chief Chemist, Dried Fruit Association of California. H The term dehydration, as used in this publication, refers to the process of drying in a dehydrater. A dehydrater is a mechanical drier equipped to control temperature, air flow, and humidity. The operator of a dehydrater is called a dehydrator. Fruit dried in a dehy- drater is termed dehydrated fruit, in contrast to sun-dried fruit, which is dried in the sun, and evaporated fruit, which is dried in an evaporater. 9 An evaporater is a natural-draft drier equipped with artificial heat. Evaporaters which are equipped with forced draft, but which do not offer recirculation are termed air-blast evaporaters. 10 See "Literature Cited," at the end of this bulletin, for complete data on citations, which are referred to in the text by author and date. [3] 4 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 (1923), the use of dehydraters for the drying of prunes increased rapidly after 1918. At present over three quarters of the California prune crop is dehydrated. Grape dehydration began as a means of salvaging raisins when sun-drying conditions were unfavorable, but it assumed new importance as a means of preserving wine grapes in the years following the adoption of the Eighteenth Amendment. Wine grapes were later handled by other methods, and interest in grape dehydration declined until about 1925. In that year, a new type of raisin — the golden-bleached Thompson — was introduced as a competitor of the commercially known, light-colored Smyrna raisin. Prior to World War II, approximately 25,000 tons of golden-bleached raisins were produced per year, but, because of loss of export markets, production was curtailed in 1940 and 1941. In 1942, however, production was again increased, this time to meet the need of converting a greater percentage of grapes into raisins. In 1943 the War Food Administration required the drying of practically all raisin grapes. To aid producers in meeting this requirement the Administration sponsored the construction of a number of dehydraters. This spurred the industry to a record production in 1943 of 40,000 tons of golden-bleached and 10,000 tons of Valencia-type Muscat raisins. In 1944 and 1945, however, golden-bleached fell to about 28,000 tons and Valencias, because of almost no demand, to about 800 tons. In 1931, low prices for canning clingstone peaches stimulated a demand for their dehydration. Maximum production — about 50,000 tons of fresh peaches, or about 6,500 tons of dry — was reached in 1936. Since then, production has varied with cannery demands and with prices for the fresh fruits. Phaff, Mrak, et at. (1945) have described the manufacture of blanched dehydrated cling- stone peaches. This new product, first made on a small scale in 1943, was produced later for use primarily by the armed forces. A limited tonnage of dehydrated, unsulfured cut fruits has been prepared for sale in "health-food" stores and for use in the manufacture of baby foods. This fruit, however, because of its undesirable appearance and flavor, has not been widely accepted. In California in the past, practically all sulfured cut fruits, with the exception of apples, were dried in the sun. Occasionally, the drying of partially sun-dried fruit has been completed in a dehydrater. At present, however, there is considerable interest in drying cut fruits entirely in dehydraters. During the past few years, there has been an increasing tendency to dehy- drate figs as a means of eliminating the hazard of rain damage and of releasing drying-yard space for other purposes. A large proportion of the crop, how- ever, while on the trees or the ground, prior to harvesting, and while on trays in the drying yard, is still dried in the sun. Since the beginning of World War II, there has been an increasing produc- tion of dehydrated cranberries and blueberries for use as sauce and in bakery products. Other small fruits, such as huckleberries, have been dried on only an experimental scale, in most instances ; this production has been described by Friar and Mrak (1943). Consideration has been given to the possibility of drying guavas for later use in jams and jellies. Dehydrated sulfured bananas from Mexico have made their appearance on American markets. Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 5 Statistics. — In California, fruit drying is an industry of considerable im- portance; indeed, a large proportion of the many kinds of fruits in this state is grown for this specific purpose. The principal important exceptions are pears and clingstone peaches. Some fruits, notably Royal or Blenheim apricots, can be used interchangeably for fresh shipment, canning, freezing, and dry- ing. In some districts the selling of unblemished and well-formed apricots to canneries, and drying of the remainder of the crop has become common prac- tice. Certain varieties of apricots, especially Moorpark and Hemskirke, are seldom canned or sold fresh, but are grown almost exclusively for drying. Tiltons are usually dried, but are also canned or sold fresh in some regions of the state. Muir and Lovell peaches are used largely for drying, whereas the Elberta and J. H. Hale varieties, although sometimes dried, are planted chiefly for fresh shipment. During the last few years there has been an increase in the canning of Lovell, Elberta, and J. H. Hale freestone peaches. In addition a small tonnage is frozen each year. Raisin grapes may be dried, sold to wineries, shipped fresh, or, less frequently, canned. Figs, for the most part, are dried or shipped fresh; only one variety — the Kadota — is canned. In California prunes are grown almost entirely for drying, although in some districts Sugar prunes are shipped fresh. Cherries are seldom dried ; they are produced primarily for fresh shipment, canning, freezing, and sulfiting. In California the Black Tartarian, Bing, Lambert, and Black Republican varieties are produced almost entirely for shipping. The Royal Anne (Napoleon) variety, on the contrary, is used for canning and sulfiting, as well as for shipping fresh. Sour cherries, which are not commercially important in California, are almost exclusively canned or frozen for subsequent use by bakeries. About 50 to 60 per cent of the Cali- fornia apple crop is utilized fresh. The remainder, especially the lower grades, is canned, dried, or made into juice. Other fruits, such as berries, persimmons, and plums are seldom dried. The principal drying localities, seasons, varieties, yields, and over-all dry- ing ratios 11 of fruits dried commercially are given in table 1. The yields and over-all drying ratios vary with the variety and locality, as well as from year to year. These variations make extremely difficult the deriving of reliable average drying ratios for the various fruits ; therefore, only the ranges are given in this bulletin. The tonnages of the most important dried fruits produced in California, as compiled by Shear (1943) , are given in table 2. More than half of this fruit is still dried in the sun. Although the dehydration of fruits has been increasing from year to year, this increase has been restricted mostly to large producers of dried prunes, raisins, or figs. Small producers, because of the high initial cost of plant construction, did not find dehydration economically feasible in the past, for, until recently, there have been no dehydrater designs suitable 11 The term over-all drying ratio refers to the number of pounds of fresh fruit required to produce 1 lb. of dried fruit. For example, if 6 lbs. of fresh apricots yield 1 lb. of dried apricots, the over-all drying ratio is 6 to 1 (often expressed 6 : 1). In contrast to the over-all drving ratio, the actual drying ratio refers to the pounds of prepared fresh fruit to vield 1 lb. of dried fruit. For example, if 4 lbs. of apricot halves are required to produce 1 lb. of dried apricots, the actual drying ratio is 4 :1. 13 OQOOOOOOOQOOO 5 «o I -* OOON"5«OI»«)Oi'5M>OiO e« Tf< ffq e-I ONOOTf>OM>Oil5 — i (N i-I O i-I © -* ^h © © -*' O O drtdd ^i-iJ . a . "5 -*-> *> . .>>> a a-^ — *s QcQD.-^-^-^-^-^ cncoO'-iOmimxiOOOOO > > > > o o o o ££££ o o o o NNNN i '73 _2> Si «3 . . . H . . fl I 3 § .• § "3.^2 2j g-S^ g J sjf : ■§.* a- o« ■g-S o3«2 e8 6 aw O 03 "J 2° "3 08 S 03 AM w a 03 C j§ 03 fl£ 02 O 1 ^ fl I o3 O |0Q fl a a a I < •II «2 'H Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment for use on small farms. Farm dehydraters are described iu this bulletin in the section on dehydration equipment. Table 3 shows the percentages by uses of harvested California fruits for the years 1934-1938, as compiled by Shear (1943). Slightly over half the deciduous-tree fruits produced in California are dried, and the rest are either canned, frozen, or used fresh. TABLE 2 Tonnages of Dried-Fruit Production in California, Five-Year Averages, 1894-1938, and Annual, 1932-1945* (Unprocessed dry weight) Crop year 1899-1903.. 1904-1908.. 1909-1913.. 1914-1918. . 1919-1923. . 1924-1928.. 1929-1933. . 1934-1938.. Annual: 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 19458 Apples tons 2,200 3,200 2,600 3,000 5,600 9,000 9,800 10,700 10,500 9,800 13,300 8,800 12.500 11,700 12,000 7,500 10,900 4,800 8.500 6.700 8,900 5,200 8,800 Apricots tons 8,400 11,400 6,700 14,100 16,300 16,500 20,000 31,200 26.200 35,300 37,500 16,800 25,800 32,200 34,400 21 . 500 41,000 11,300 19,700 20.800 6,600 25,700 8.200 Figsf Peaches tons 1,500 3,100 3,300 4,700 8,500 10,900 10,600 19,100 25.500 19.000 21,500 23,500 24,000 20,000 28,700 31,500 26,900 32,000 33,500 28,200 36.700 35.200 31.700 tons 10,900 18,500 15,500 23,100 31,700 27,000 22,900 21,700 23,400 22,200 23,400 25,800 19,500 26,400 23.000 22.200 24,900 24,400 14,900 23.400 16,400 26,700 22,500 Pears tons 3,500 3,700 1,600 1,400 1,100 3,100 4,000 5,100 5,800 Prunes 5,500 7,000 4,900 6,100 8,100 3,500 6,500 8,100 3,100 3,600 2,600 3,700 3,300 4,900 tons 35,300 73,200 54,600 72, 100 76,200 115,500 176,400 185,600 212,200 168,000 182,000 171,000 258,000 159,000 249,000 224,000 185,000 175,000 178,000 171,000 196,000 159,000 231,000 Raisins and other dried grapes } tons 43,700 46,800 55,000 71,000 136,200 206,300 242,900 211,900 220.400 265,500 198,200 173,800 204,000 183,400 248.000 292,000 247,020 172.200 210,000 255,000 401,500 309,500 249,000 * After Shear, S. W. Deciduous fruit statistics as of January, 1943. Contribution from the Giannini Founda- tion of Agric. Econ. Rept. 83. (Mimeo.) t Includes merchantable and nonmerchantable figs. j Dried grapes other than raisins are included from 1936 to date. § Preliminary estimates. Preservation by drying effects a great saving in shipping weight and volume, as well as in manpower. These factors are important. Table 4 shows compara- tive equivalent weights and volumes of fruit packed for shipment in the fresh, canned, and dried form, based on 1 ton of fresh fruit. Most of the dehydraters in California are located in the prune and seedless- grape areas, particularly in the San Joaquin, Sacramento, and Santa Clara valleys and in Napa and Sonoma counties. Because a large proportion of the deciduous fruits is grown in these areas, it is possible in most instances to use existing dehydration plants for the drying of other fruits. Maps of the distribution of various fruit crops in California are given in Crawford and Hurd (1941). Evaporaters are located principally in Napa, Sonoma, and Santa Cruz counties — the important apple-producing areas. These evapora- 8 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 ters are not suitable for other fruits, although floor-kiln evaporaters can be used for hops. In the Pacific Northwest, prunes are dried by dehydration, and apples largely by evaporation, although all new plants are dehydraters. Evaporaters are also used for the drying of apples in New York and in other eastern states. Sun-drying, however, is primarily a California practice. Advantages. — Several advantages favor dehydration as a method of drying. Fruit drying on trays in the sun is susceptible to insect infestation, contami- nation with microorganisms which may cause molding and fermentation, contamination with dust and dirt, and damage caused by rain and by ani- mals. This type of drying is usually slow, causing great losses in sulfur dioxide in sulfured fruits. Dehydration, if properly controlled, not only pro- tects against all of these hazards but also produces clean fruit of higher quality. The percentage of sulfur dioxide retained during dehydration is, on an average, three to four times as high as that during sun-drying. Dehydration is preferable to evaporation because it more accurately controls temperature, air flow, and humidity. Some evidence indicates that a slightly better yield of prunes can be obtained by dehydrating than by sun-drying. Dehydration releases the sun-drying field for the growing of crops or for other uses, in- creases the turnover of trays so that fewer are needed, and saves in drying- yard labor. Limitations. — Certain fruits cannot be dehydrated very successfully. Im- perial prunes and some plums tend to crack and bleed; in this way they lose weight and become sticky. Until recently, cut fruits, with the exception of apples, when dried entirely in a dehydrater, were off-color and unacceptable to the trade. In order to avoid off-color in the fruit, it was necessary to expose the freshly sulfured fruit to the sun for several hours before dehydration. Not only is this procedure expensive and troublesome, but, in addition, the advantages of cleanliness and freedom from insect infestation offered by dehydration are partially lost. The pretreatment of cut fruits before dehydra- tion requires the services of more workers than may be available. The inefficient or improper operation of dehydraters may be costly, or may give rise to an inferior product through case hardening, bleeding, scorching, or smudging. In certain years, variation in the fruit or rapid drying at low humidity may cause the outside of the fruit to dry more rapidly than the moisture can diffuse to the surface from the interior flesh. This condition results in the formation of a hard, overdried layer on the surface, although the interior may be under- dried. This type of uneven drying is termed "case hardening." In storage, case- hardened fruit is likely to undergo fermentation when the entrapped moisture diffuses to the surface. In 1939, because of case hardening caused by im- proper dehydrater operation, certain growers were compelled to dehydrate their prunes two or even three times. Failure to control humidities, a tendency to use excessively high temperatures, and periodic variations in the composi- tion and structure of the fruit are the main causes of case hardening. The use of excessively high temperatures to accelerate drying may cause scorching, with an accompanying decrease in quality and, possibly, a loss in weight, The use of low-grade fuels, or inefficient burners, or direct heat from Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment TABLE 3 Uses of California Fruits, Average Crop Years, 1934-1938* Kind of fruit Total, listed Deciduous tree. . . . Grapes Citrus Deciduous tree, total Apples Peaches Pears Prunes Apricots Plums Cherries Figs Grapes, total Wine Table Kaisin Citrus, total Oranges Grapefruit Lemons Dried Canned Otherwise processed Used fresh per cent per cent per cent per cent 33.0 1.1 20.5 38.8 54.6 21.7 1.1 22.6 41.3 0.2 45.0 13.5 0.0 2.0 11.0 87.0 54.6 21.7 1.1 22.6 35.2 0.2 7.2 57.4 28.9 55.1 0.0 16.0 14.6 29.9 0.0 55.5 1)0.0 0.0 0.0 66.5 25.2 0.0 8.3 0.0 3.0 0.0 07.0 0.0 16.7 28.9 54.4 87.9 5.8 0.0 6.3 41.3 0.2 45.0 13.5 o.ot 0.0 100. Of 0.0 o.ot 0.0 46. 3f 53.7 73.0 0.3 18.8 7.3 0.0 2.0 11.0 87.0 0.0 l.S 0.4 88.8 0.0 t 6 . 3 93.7 3.2 17.8 79.0 * Compiled from data by: S. W. Shear. Deciduous fruit statistics as of January, 1943. Contribution from the Giannini Foundation of Agric. Econ. Reot. 83. (Mimeo.) t Dried table and wine varieties included in "otherwise processed" as mostly used for wine and juice ulti- mately. \ Assumed to be zero. TABLE 4 Comparative Equivalent Weights and Volumes of Fruit Packed for Shipment, in Fresh, Canned, and Dried Form, Based on One Ton of Fresh Fruit Fruit Fresl fruit Canned fruit* Dried fruit, t bulk pack Weight Volume Weight Volume Weight Volume Apples pounds 2,240* 2.380§ 2,310§ 2,240§ 2,420§ 2,320§ cu.ft. 61.5 51.0 56.0 46.0 45.0 45.0 pounds 2,460 3,300 2,400 2,400 3,300 cu. ft. 49.0 65.5 48.0 48.0 60.0 pounds 232 408 373 373 800 580 cu. ft. 6.9 9 Freestone peaches Pears 8.3 9.5 15.9 14.1 * Weights and volumes given for cases of No. 2} 2 cans. t Weights and volumes given for 25-pound bulk-pack boxes. t Standard apple boxes. § Standard lugs for the fruit. oil burners may result in a deposit of soot and smoke particles on the fruit. Although this deposit is not readily observable on prunes, it does have an adverse effect on their quality — especially on their flavor. In order to secure the best results, conscientious and well-trained operators are needed. Readings of wet- and dry-bulb temperatures should be taken, and 10 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 examination of the drying fruit made at frequent intervals. Unfortunately, dehydraters are sometimes operated in a manner so careless that damage to the quality of the product results. Neither sun-dried nor dehydrated fruits reconstitute, or rehydrate, in the ratio to which they dry. This is unfortunate, since the consumer usually does not consider the losses in preparation, nor realize the actual volume of fresh fruit represented by the reconstituted dried product. In some instances pro- longed periods of soaking are required in reconstituting the dried fruit to the maximum and desired volume. As an example, dehydrated clingstone peaches should be soaked 12 to 16 hours before cooking. If the peaches are cooked without soaking, their volume may be less than half that obtained by cooking after soaking. The time required for soaking and cooking is considerably reduced if, in the drying process, the fruit is blanched before sulf uring. In many instances the term "dehydrated" to the consumer implies that dehydrated food is actually imperishable. This is an unfortunate misconcep- tion, because dehydrated foods are perishable and must be handled accord- ingly. During storage, dehydrated fruits are susceptible to insect infestation, microbiological deterioration, and chemical changes. These destructive proc- esses not only affect the appearance of the fruit, but cause changes in taste and nutritive values. PRINCIPLES OF PRETREATMENT The preparation procedures to which the fruit is subjected before dehydra- tion are known collectively as pretreatmenf. Condition of Raw Material. — The quality of the final product reflects the condition of the fruit at the time of dehydration. What is accomplished in washing, spray-residue removal, and trimming may well determine the final grade and whether the dried product conforms with the requirements of the Food and Drug Administration. Peeling, cutting, lye-dipping, sulfuring, and blanching affect the drying characteristics, vitamin retention, cooking quali- ties, edibility, and storage characteristics, as well as the quality grade of the finished product. Inadequate or faulty preparation may mean the difference between profit and loss. The production of dried fruits of high quality necessitates the use of proper cultural practices, maturity standards, and harvesting methods. Cultural practices are discussed fully in other publications by Allen (1937), Condit (1941), Davis and Tufts (1941), Hendrickson (1937)", Howard (1943), Jacob (1940), Philp and Davis (1946), Veihmeyer and Hendrickson (1943), and others. As a rule, fruits to be dehydrated should be fully mature and in firm-ripe condition. Immature fruits should not be dehydrated ; they result in a product poor in color and flavor, and have a high shrinkage ratio. Great care should be taken to avoid injury to the fresh fruit during packing and subsequent handling. Apricots or peaches to be blanched before dehydration must be firm — never mushy ripe — in order to avoid slabbing and to prevent excessive losses from bleeding. Bartlett pears are picked while hard ripe. The pears are then allowed to ripen in boxes while in storage. Ripening may be hastened by the use of Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 11 ethylene gas or by storing mature pears near immature ones. Maturity can be determined by a pressure tester, as described by Davis and Tufts (1941), with the pressure test reading not over 19 pounds. For best quality and greater yield, raisin grapes should not be picked for drying until the Balling, or Brix degree (approximate sugar percentage de- termined by the use of a hydrometer) of the juice reaches 23; grapes allowed to attain 24 to 26° Balling yield even better raisins; (see Jacob, 1942 and 1944). In rainy and cool seasons, however, this range is sometimes difficult or even impossible to attain. In event of rain, grapes comparatively low in sugar may have to be dehydrated in order to salvage the crop, but they should attain at least a 21° Balling before drying. Cherries and berries should be picked when table ripe. Plums can be handled more easily if they are on the firm-ripe side of maturity and are allowed to finish ripening in boxes. Figs usually dry to a considerable extent on the tree before they drop and harden. Prunes, too, late in the season in certain areas, often dry partially on the tree or on the ground. Persimmons may be firm when harvested, but should be fully ripened before drying to avoid excessive puckery taste. Harvesting. — As a rule, figs and prunes drop to the ground when they are ready for drying. In the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, however, prunes often remain on the tree even after they are fully mature, and it is necessary to knock them from the trees with poles. Although the harvesting of apricots and peaches can be done at lower cost per ton by shaking the fruit to the ground or on sheets of canvas, the quality always suffers because : first, in falling the fruit becomes bruised or dirty, or both ; and second, immature fruit is always mixed with mature. Shaking should be done only for figs and prunes. All other fruits should be picked by hand from the tree or vine in order to secure the best quality. Storage of Fresh Fruit. — Mature fruit should be dried as soon as possible after it has reached maturity. If it must be held for more than 1 or 2 days it should be placed in cold storage. Some fruits cannot withstand the tempera- ture in warm weather for more than a day without showing bruises or molding. In cool weather firm-ripe fruit may well stand 2 or 3 days of storage at room temperature. Crafts and Brooks' 2 have observed and pointed out that apricots showing a slightly green cast will ripen evenly, though slowly, in cold storage or more rapidly at room temperature. Spoilage losses, however, may be very high in years of serious brown-rot infection. One successful grower in the Santa Clara Valley prolongs his drying season several days by holding firm- ripe apricots, of canning quality, in cold storage. Prunes are ordinarily considered capable of withstanding considerable abuse, but in humid seasons they will mold in the boxes if allowed to stand several days after picking. Moldy fruit should not be dried, even though an alkaline dip removes the obvious evidence of mold. Freestone peaches do not keep well in cold storage ; they should be dehy- drated as soon as possible after they are harvested. Firm clingstone peaches may be held, in carefully operated cold-storage warehouses, in reasonably good condition for several days, and apples and pears for considerably longer. 12 Crafts, A. S., and E. Brooks. Unpublished data. 12 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 For details concerning correct handling practices, storage temperatures, and humidities for fresh fruits see Rose, Wright, and Whiteman (1941). Washing Fruit Prior to Drying. — All fruits should be washed, but it is particularly important that ones picked from the ground should be thor- oughly washed to remove adhering bits of soil, straw, and other foreign material. Prunes and grapes are washed at the time of dipping; apples and pears are rather effectively washed during the process of spray-residue re- moval; in addition, pears are (or at least should be) washed after cutting and traying. Whatever the fruit, washing should be thorough and should be conducted in such a manner as to avoid recontamination of the fruit with dirt and microorganisms. The cleaning of prunes is frequently unsatisfactory, particularly where alkaline dips are no longer used for checking the skin. Frequently, where washers employing recirculation are used, a given volume of cold or warm water is sprayed over the fruit many times a day. After several hours' use this water becomes quite muddy and, in some instances, so dirty that the dried fruit actually shows dirty splotches. Recirculation is not recommended, but if unavoidable it must be carried out in a manner that will not impair the washing process. The latter can be done by applying an effective cold fresh- water spray after the initial washing. This will remove dirty water which remains after the first spray. Prunes washed properl} T before dehydration need no further washing after drying, if other handling equipment is kept clean. Under current practices, however, washing is nearly always necessary before dehydrated prunes are packed. Even though most foreign material may be removed easily, dehy- drators find it very difficult to remove from fresh prunes adhering particles of leaves and stems. These can be removed by means of a leaf and trash re- mover, which is equipped with a blower and an efficient slotted screen shaker. In addition, foreign objects and decomposed prunes should be removed at a sorting belt, Pears should be washed after cutting to remove adhering particles of dirt and evidences of insect infestation. As the trays are removed from the cutting tables, they should be sprayed with cold water. Figs are usually not washed before drying, because they are washed effectively at time of packing. Never- theless, it would be a desirable practice to wash figs before dehydration. After lye-dipping, grapes are usually washed in a spray shaker or in an immersion- type washer. Clingstone peaches must be thoroughly washed after lye-peeling. It is not customary to wash freestone peaches and apricots. These soft fruits, when allowed to stand with free moisture on the surface, may undergo rapid deterioration through growth of the brown -rot fungus. Cutters also object to handling wet fruit, because it reduces their output considerably. 8 pray -Residue Removal.— -Home spray materials leave residues on the fruit which, above certain quantities, are considered injurious to human health. Although the extent of the hazard in spray residues is not always measurable, the greatest danger to the consumer is in chronic rather than acute poisoning. The health hazard of arsenic- and lead-spray residues has been stronglv voiced by Geiger, Becker, and Crowley (1936) and Hanzlik (1937). Cardiff (1937), on the contrary, has argued strongly against the possible dangers of Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 1 3 ingesting spray residues. Fairhall and Neal (1938) fed two human subjects 100 milligrams of lead arsenate over a period of 10 days, during which time they were on a controlled diet. The degree of absorption, path of excretion, and toxicity of this dosage were evaluated. Fairhall and Neal observed that "While the lead arsenate was completely broken down in the body, no un- toward effects on the well-being of these two individuals attributable to this quantity were noted. The greater part of the lead and arsenic derived from the ingested lead arsenate was directly recovered, and it was found that the lead was excreted with the feces and that the arsenic was excreted in the urine." Laws exist — and are enforced — which limit the amounts of arsenic, lead, or fluorine that may remain on or in foods offered for sale for human use. Definite limits, or "tolerances," for these spray residues have been established by the Food and Drug Administration of the Federal Security Agency. In 1940 the Agency announced that the tolerance for lead and arsenic had been liberal- ized because of the experimental results obtained by the United States Public Health Service. The new tolerances, as of August 10, 1940, are : 0.025 grain arsenic as arsenic trioxide per pound (3.58 mg. per kilogram) and 0.05 grain of lead per pound (7.15 mg. per kilogram). Fluorine was not included in the study made ; consequently, the tolerance remains at 0.02 grain of fluorine per pound (2.86 mg. per kilogram) as of November 14, 1938. These limits apply to both fresh and dried fruits. The tolerances for spray residues are changed Prom time to time. Growers uncertain of current tolerances should obtain this information from the Federal Security Agency, Washington, D. C, or from the Federal Food and Drug Administration, Federal Building, San Francisco, California. There is greater necessity for removing spray residues from impeded fruit that is to be dried than from fruit that is to be consumed fresh. This is true, because during drying the percentage of residue increases proportionately to the drying ratio, and the Food and Drug Administration tolerance does not differentiate between fresh and dried fruit. In order to cope with this problem, the fruit should be washed before drying, and the use of toxic insecticides should be avoided for as long as possible before harvesting. These procedures are discussed more fully in publications by Allen (1937), Hough (1936), Haller, Smith, and Ryall (1935), Robinson and Hatch (1933 and 1935), Overly, St. John, et al. (1933), and Hartman (1929). Hoffman (1937) has discussed the removal of spray residues from cherries. Apples and pears, which are the most important fruits from the stand- point of methods for spray-residue removal, are discussed on page 29 of this bulletin. Sorting and Trimming. — As a rule, to harvest cull fruit for drying is in- advisable and uneconomical ; nevertheless, it is frequently done. Neither imma- ture, moldy, or heavily infested fruits, nor those imbedded with dirt should be harvested. Since pickers and cutters are usually paid by the box or by some other unit of volume or weight, however, it is unsatisfactory to depend on their sorting the fresh fruit. Sorting may be done as a separate operation be- fore cutting or dipping. Tf defective parts of individual fruits are small, they may be trimmed out and disposed of with the culls. Trimmings and cull fruit should be collected in a separate box, in order to avoid soiling the good fruit, 14 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 or, in the instance of apricots, contaminating the pits which have commercial value. Because of its sugar content, waste fruit may have value as a source of alcohol manufacture. Cutting, Pitting, and Peeling. — Fruits are cut, pitted, or peeled to facilitate drying and to produce dried fruit of better appearance and eating quality. Apricots and freestone varieties of peaches and nectarines are halved and pitted, but are not peeled in commercial practice. These fruits are cut by hand knife around the suture, the halves separated, and the pit removed. On a few occasions some freestone peaches have been peeled by hand after sulf uring ; this practice loosens the skin of mature fruit to such an extent that it can be removed without the use of a knife. This process, however, has never been found feasible because it is too costly. Cutting these fruits into smaller pieces — such as slices — facilitates drying, but offers difficulties in handling after drying because the fruit sticks to the trays. Occasionally apricots have been dried whole, but usually only after dipping them in lye and exposing them to prolonged sulf uring. Clingstone varieties of peaches and nectarines are cut around the suture, but require the use of a pitting spoon to remove the pit, which adheres to the flesh. In large establishments mechanical pitters, such as those described by Cruess (1938), are used. A superior product is obtained when cling peaches are lye-peeled after pitting. However, they may be dehydrated without being peeled. The quality of the dehydrated unpeeled peach is comparatively poor and there is relatively little demand for it. Peeling is accomplished by im- mersing the halved peaches in a hot 1.0 to 2.5 per cent lye solution for 30 to 60 seconds, then by washing in sprays of cold water. Apples are peeled and cored by machine. Since they are extremely suscep- tible to enzymatic browning, they are then immersed in a dilute sodium chloride (salt) or bisulfite solution to prevent initial discoloration. After apples are hand-trimmed to remove blemishes or pieces of skin, they are me- chanically cut into rings, quarters, or smaller sections ; preferably, they should be dipped again in a dilute bisulfite solution. The peels, cores, and trimmings amount to about 20 to 30 per cent or more of the fresh apple weight. Pears are stemmed and halved and the calyx is removed by hand or mechani- cal operations. It is not customary to peel, remove the core, or cut pears into thin slices, although these procedures do offer certain advantages. Sliced pears dry more rapidly than do half pears, but are rather difficult to remove from the trays. Pears that are peeled and cored before drying are more attractive, but these operations involve additional labor costs and loss in weight. Persimmons are cut into halves, quarters, sixteenths, or slices and may or may not be peeled. Cranberries are pulped or sliced before drying. Grapes, figs, prunes, berries, and other small fruits are dried whole and without peel- ing. Grapes are lye-dipped and usually sulfured. Equipment such as the cutting shed, cutting tables, and pit boxes has been described in detail by Mrak and Long (1941) . Treatment of Pits and Waste Materials. — Apricot pits should be collected in clean containers ; they should never be mixed with trimmings or with decom- posed fruit. The pits are dried in the sun by spreading them about 4 inches deep on trays or on concrete drying surfaces, where they are periodically Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 15 stirred by raking (see fig. 1). Apricot pits should not be sulfured, because this reduces their value, and the pits from sulfured whole fruit should never be mixed with unsulfured pits. The pits are sold to by-product plants where they are cracked and the kernels separated by brine flotation. The kernels are utilized in the production of sweet oil and of bitter-almond oil for the candy and bakery trades. The shells, after being pulverized, are used in several in- dustrial applications, principally as a filler for plastic and rubber products. Peach pits are principally used in the production of charcoal to be mixed with chicken feeds, but are also used for other purposes. Activated carbon Fig. 1. — Apricot pits spread on concrete surface for drying in the sun prior to sacking. made from peach pits for gas masks compares unfavorably with that made from other sources, for example, cocoanut shells. At one time, peach pits were subjected to a destructive distillation to recover methyl alcohol, acetic acid, pyroligneous acid, and other chemicals. But, as more efficient competitive processes have changed economic and market conditions, most of the destruc- tive distillation plants have discontinued operation except for the production of charcoal. Apple peelings and cores are utilized largely for making industrial alcohol, apple brandy, or cider vinegar. Much of the press-cake pomace is dried and sold as stock feed or for the manufacture of pectin. Pear trimmings and rotten fruit have no commercial value at present. They do have some feeding value for hogs, however, if fed with grain and other dry feed. This waste fruit is an excellent breeding source for insects which may later damage the dried fruit; it should not be dumped near the cutting shed. In order to eliminate this hazard, the waste material should be spread thinly for rapid drying ; or, if it is placed in holes or in piles, sufficient lye, quicklime, or chlorinated lime should be added to prevent fermentation, and resultant odors. The drying yard should always be kept free of such refuse in order to reduce insect infestation and to promote cleanliness. 16 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 Prior to the war, canners dried cherry stems to be sold in Europe for use in pharmaceutical preparations and as flavoring for liqueurs. Table 5 gives the types and percentages of waste of a number of fruits. Dipping. — Certain fruits are treated in an alkaline bath in order to remove from the skin the waxy coating termed the "bloom," or to induce the forma- tion of many minute skin cracks, called "checks," to facilitate drying. This may be accomplished by submersion or by passing the fruit under a spray of the hot alkaline solution. Many producers have found, however, that checking TABLE 5 Type and Percentages of Waste in Preparing Various Fruits for Dehydration Fruit Type of waste Amount of waste Apples Apricots. Bananas .... Cherries Figs Peelings and cores .... Pits Skins Stems and pit if pitted. . Only culls per cent 20-30 6-10 45-50 8-20 20-45 Grapes Nectarines Only culls Pits Pits Skins. . Pits Steins and calyx ends 9 14 11 15 Poaches (freestone) Pears 10-15 4 8 ,:, 25 35 Pineapples Pomegranates Prunes Crown, shell, and cores: ( 'row n removed Crown present Skins and sector tissues Only culls 35 45 45-55 50-60 causes the prunes to bleed or juice badly during dehydration, and, as a result, have resorted to cold- or hot-water washes instead of the alkali treatment. Hot water not only removes the bloom, but also reduces or eliminates bleeding. Cruess (1943) has reported, however, thai the drying lime increases when lye is omitted. In the production of golden-bleached raisins, Thompson Seedless grapes are treated with a % to % per cent hot lye solution for 5 to 15 seconds before sul- furing. By this procedure, the skins are checked and the bloom is removed. After the dipping and washing process, the checked areas tend to discolor rapidly. Hussein, Mrak, and Cruess (1942) found that the oxidase activity of these grapes was stimulated by a 5-second dip in hot lye but was greatly re- duced when the dip was extended to 30 seconds. The behavior of the enzyme was similar when hot water was used as a dipping bath. If in the latter type of bath the temperature of the water was lowered from 205° F to 180° more than twice as long a time was required to reach the same degree of inactivation. Unfortunately, the longer dip cannot be used on Thompson Seedless grapes because it results in overchecking and mushiness of the fruit. Furthermore, any discoloration resulting from oxidase activity in Thompson Seedless grapes bleaches out during sulfuring and leaves no noticeable effect on the final dried product. Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 17 Muscat grapes are sometimes dipped in a lye or carbonate solution before dehydration. The skin is not checked, but the waxy bloom is removed. The finished product is known as the Valencia raisin. It is advisable to lye-dip sweet cherries to be dried whole, but not sour varie- ties, which should always be pitted. Blanching. — Apricots, peaches, pears, and nectarines are usually sun-dried. Characteristically, the dried product is translucent, somewhat glossy, and is of good color and texture. Fruit sulfured and then dehydrated without other pretreatment is ordinarily opaque and dull in appearance, less uniform in color, and of tougher texture. Because of these differences, dehydrated cut fruits, with the exception of apples, have been placed in lower quality grades. It has long been known that the commercially acceptable appearance of sun- dried fruits can be attained by exposing freshly sulfured halves to the sun for 3 to 4 hours before dehydration. This process, however, has all the disad- vantages of sun-drying. It would seem that a rational basis for dried-cut-fruit standards would give greatest weight to such factors as nutritive value and sanitation. These factors, however, have been almost completely ignored by the trade, which substitutes appearance for food value. Appearance has been the primary trade require- ment for dried fruit for such a long time that a new product, whether or not it rates higher in all other respects, must resemble an older product to be acceptable. A dehydrated fruit, therefore, must meet the trade requirements for appearance. Mrak, Phaff, et al. (1943) have pointed out that the approved appearance of sun-dried cut fruit can be obtained in the dehydrater by using ultraviolet rays. They were able to demonstrate this experimentally by exposing cut sul- fured fruit to an H-5 (G.E.) lamp for 2 hours before dehydration. They also showed that steam-blanching, correctly applied to cut fruits, likewise yields a dehydrated product which resembles sun-dried fruits in appearance. Nichols and Christie (1930) called attention to the fact that steam-blanching shortens the drying time. They did not recommend it, however, for with the short blanching times used in their experiments they failed to realize its pos- sibilities. When longer blanching times were tried (Mrak, Phaff, et al., 1943) this method was found to produce dehydrated cut fruit similar in color and appearance to the sun-dried product. To date, this required appearance of dehydrated fruits can be obtained only by the two preliminary treatments described above. Of the two, blanching appears to be the most workable and practical. Fruit removed from cold storage should attain room temperature before it is cut. Cold fruit causes excessive condensation of the steam and increases blanching costs. Apricots, in particular, may slab and stick to the trays. Blanching is best accomplished by exposing fruit spread on dehydrater trays to steam at atmospheric pressure. This can be done in continuous or dis- continuous cabinet blanchers. The time of blanching will vary with the size, variety, and maturity of fruit, the efficiency of the blancher, the characteristics of the trays, and the extent of continued heat penetration into the fruit after stacking of the trays. Phaff, Perry, and Mrak (1945) pointed out that the temperatures attained and maintained in different parts of fruit pieces should 18 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 be known if the blanching process is to be understood thoroughly. When a cut fruit half — a freestone peach for example — is exposed to steam at atmospheric pressure, the surface temperature at once rises very rapidly, as shown in figure 2, then gradually approaches steam temperature. In the center of the fruit piece the temperature does not change at first ; but it begins to rise slowly and then more rapidly as it follows the surface temperatures. Small fruits heat through more quickly, but about 11 minutes are needed to heat the centers of 6 8 MINUT E S Fig. 2. — Temperatures in a laboratory blancher, and in freestone peach halves during blanching. Curves A, B, and C, blancher temperatures for runs 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Curves Al and A2, Bl and B2, and CI and C2, peach flesh temperatures for runs 1, 2, and S, respectively. Positions at which peach flesh temperatures were measured are indicated in the sketch at the lower right. larger peaches to above 200° F. When trays are removed from the blancher the surface temperature of the fruit begins to drop almost at once, if heat can escape readily from the stack, while the center temperature drops more slowly. Since the center was slower in heating, with its temperature better maintained on cooling, the blanching effect on the fruit is quite even. Each operator must learn to determine the proper degree of heat penetra- tion in order to avoid over- or underblanching. The cut fruit should be heated more than two thirds of the way through by the time it emerges from the blancher. The extent of heat penetration can be determined visually by cutting apricots, freestone peaches, pears, or nectarines with a knife, or by testing for the enzyme peroxidase 33 on the cross section (see figs. 3 and 4). The cutting 1:1 The test for peroxidase is made as follows: the cut cross section is flooded with a 0.1 per cent alcoholic solution of guaiacol or benzidine. A few drops of a 0.3 per cent hydrogen peroxide solution is then applied to the surface. In a few minutes any area where the enzyme peroxidase has not been heat-inactivated will turn brownish if guaiacol is used or dark blue if benzidine is used. Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 19 Fig. 3. — Appearance of sections of freestone peach halves blanched in steam for various periods of time. Blanching times were, from top to bottom, 0, 3, 6, and 9 minutes. Sections at the left were flooded with guaiacol and hydrogen peroxide, whereas those at the right were not. Dark-colored areas at the left and light-colored areas at the right indicate underblanching. (From Food Industries, vol. 15, no. 4, p. 59.) Fig. 4. — Appearance of sections of Bartlett pear halves after blanching in steam for various periods of time. Blanching times were, from left to right, 0, 4, 8, 12, and 16 minutes. Underblanched areas appear dull and chalky and are firmer than the blanched areas. (From Food Industries, vol. 15, no. 4, p. 59.) 20 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 test is not satisfactory, however, for clingstone peaches. Properly blanched fruit, after standing in the stack for some time, should be heated through, but not to the point where excessive bleeding or tissue breakdown occurs. Under- blanched fruit will retain firm areas, easily observed as described above. Bartlett pears in particular, when underblanched, tend to discolor because of oxidase activity. To avoid poor sulfur dioxide absorption and excessive bleed- ing in the sulfuring house, blanched fruit should be cooled sufficiently before sulf uring. Artificial cooling by means of fan blast is more efficient than cooling by natural draft, particularly with close-sided trays, or if cabinet-blanching, or mechanical car-loading pits are used. Most of the excessive bleeding caused by overblanching takes place during subsequent sulfuring. Lovell and Muir peaches in particular have a strong- tendency to bleed heavily if the fruit is overblanched. Sulfuring also causes the fruit to soften and become mushy, a condition accentuated by previous blanching. Phaff, Marsh, et al. (1945) found that bleeding can be eliminated by drying the fruit for 30 to 40 minutes before sulfuring, in a parallel-How tunnel at a hot-end temperature of about 185° F. Fruit treated in this way should then be sulfured in the usual manner (Cruess, Friar, et al., 1944) and dehy- drated to completion in a countercurrent tunnel. It was found that soft-ripe apricots and most freestone peaches, with the exception of the Curry variety, tend to bleed unless predried as described above. Pears do not bleed, even when overblanched, because the skins are tough enough to prevent collapse of the fruit half. An objection to blanching is the tendency of soft halves of apricots to flatten out and form slabs. This tendency is not so apparent in peaches and is absent in pears. Steam-blanching also tends to fix the green color (chlorophyll) so that, in order to produce an attractive dried product, the fresh fruit should be ripened evenly. There are, however, several advantages in blanching freshly cut fruit halves. Blanched fruit is translucent and glossy, similar in appearance to the sun- dried product. Tilton apricots and peeled clingstone peaches assume a deep orange color very similar to that of the Santa Clara Valley sun-dried Blenheim or Royal apricot. Dehydrated unblanched fruit is dull and opaque. According to Crafts (1944 a and b) the air pockets in the tissues of unblanched fruit disperse light and give the dried product this dull, opaque appearance. (See fig. 5). Blanching rids the tissues of air and improves the appearance of the fruit. Three effects of blanching account for the displacement of intercellular air. First, the air is expanded by the heat, and most of it escapes from the cut surfaces through intercellular spaces. Second, the cells are killed by the heat and rendered permeable ; in this way, the sap is allowed to escape. Third, the cell walls are softened, so that they bend and give under the compressional forces of surface tension. Mrak, Phaff, et al. (1943) have observed that the retention of provitamin A (carotene) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is greater in blanched dehydrated fruit than in sun-dried. Other advantages of blanching are: (1) improved cleanliness of the product; (2) reduced drying time and higher sulfur dioxide retention; (3) superior retention of the fresh apricot flavor; and (4) reduc- tion in time required for rehyd rating and cooking. Dehydrated fruit is not Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 21 , ■: ■ ■ ... , V ; .y. , d; Fig. 5. — Royal apricot tissues, thin hand sections: A, Fresh tissue, showing thin- walled parenchyma cells and prominent air-filled intercellular space. B, Dried fruit, not blanched or sulfured. Large black dots are air bubbles. Transparent areas are cavities filled with air. (Section mounted in glycerin.) C, Blanched, sulfured, and dehydrated fruit. Note the almost complete absence of air. Very small black dots are carotene masses. (Section mounted in glycerin.) D, Same as C, but rehydrated. Small black dots are carotene masses. Note that blanching and dehydration have not destroyed cellular structure. (Photograph by A. S. Crafts.) exposed to infestation and contamination while drying. Blanched apricots dehydrate in about two thirds of the time required for the unblanched fruit. With peaches and pears, the differences are greater. Large-scale cooking tests have shown that dehydrated blanched apricots require about 2 hours of soak- 22 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 ing and V2 hour of cooking to become tender, whereas sun-dried fruits require much longer. The storage qualities of the dehydrated blanched fruit are at least equal to those of the commercial sun-dried product, unless heat damage has occurred during dehydration. Sulfuring. — Certain fruits are sulfured before dehydration to preserve their natural color and flavor, to prolong storage, to retard the loss of pro- vitamin A and ascorbic acid, and to prevent microbial deterioration. Sulfuring is usually done after the fruits are cut or the skins are checked by lye-dipping to facilitate absorption of the sulfur dioxide. The fruits sulfured before drying are : apricots, apples, peaches, pears, nec- tarines, Thompson Seedless grapes to be made into golden-bleached raisins, and a limited quantity of Kadota figs. Sour and light-colored varieties of sweet cherries should also be sulfured. The best method of sulfuring is exposure of the cut fruit to fumes of burn- ing sulfur in a closed chamber. In addition, apples are dipped in dilute bisul- fite solution. Phaff (1945) has pointed out a number of factors which influence the absorption and retention of sulfur dioxide by the fruit. Time, temperature, and concentration of gas in the sulfuring house are factors of primary impor- tance. Even when very high concentrations of sulfur dioxide are used, a minimum period for adequate sulfuring is required to obtain sufficient pene- tration of the gas into the flesh of the fruit. Blanched apricots usually require from 2 to 3 hours, peaches 3 to 4, and pears 10 to 15 hours. Fisher, Mrak, and Long (1942) showed that cut fruits as well as whole fruits, such as grapes and figs, absorb less sulfur dioxide during sulfuring, but retain more after drying, when they are sulfured at a relatively high temperature, such as 100° to 120° F. The concentration of sulfur dioxide in the average sulfuring house will range from 1% to 2 per cent by volume. Concentrations as high as 3 per cent by volume may be attained by burning sulfur in a tightly constructed house. Concentrations of about 2 per cent are advisable if satisfactory sulfuring is to be accomplished in a reasonable length of time. Long, Mrak, and Fisher (1940) have discussed fully the time and concentration factors related to the sulfuring of fruits. The absorption of sulfur dioxide also varies greatly with the kind, variety, size, and maturity of the fruit. Apricots usually absorb more of the chemical than do peaches or pears. Immature fruit usually absorbs more sulfur dioxide than does mature fruit, but loses it much more rapidly during the process of drying. Grapes and cherries dipped in an alkaline solution absorb sulfur dioxide more rapidly than does untreated fruit. During the process of drying, sulfur dioxide losses are more rapid when the skins are checked by lye-dipping. The use of certain salts, such as sodium citrate, will facilitate sulfur dioxide reten- tion; these salts, however, have been used only experimentally. (See Mrak, Fisher, and Bornstein, 1942.) Apples may be sulfured after they are peeled and cored, or after they are trimmed and sliced or quartered. Sulfuring fruit before cutting arrests dis- coloration and gives more uniform penetration than sulfuring sliced fruit Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 23 which is piled deeply on kiln floors. The disadvantage is that, after subsequent cutting, the freshly exposed surfaces are susceptible to oxidation and dis- coloration. Sulf uring after cutting is more uniform if the fruit is quartered, cubed, or sliced, and spread thinly on trays. To prevent discoloration before sulfuring, some driers, immediately after peeling, dip the fruit in a 2 per cent salt solution, although a 0.5 per cent solution of sodium bisulfite is preferable. PREPARATION EQUIPMENT Plant Layout. — The plant layout should be planned so that the fruit can move through the preparation line in a continuous flow, with a minimum amount of labor, power, and equipment. The preparation line may be operated during a 24-hour day or for any fraction of a day convenient to the operator. Operation periods of 8, 10, 12, or 16 hours are most commonly used for the preparation line. For economic reasons, if at all possible, the dehydrater must be operated continuously during the full season. As the preparation line cus- tomarily operates for a fraction of a day, storage tracks to hold extra cars of prepared fruit must be provided. A plant design similar to that illustrated in figure 6 provides for a straight- line flow from the preparation line through the sulfuring house and tunnel to the finishing area ; here the fruit is removed from trays to boxes. Storage tracks are located between the sulfuring houses and tunnels and near the finishing area. The tray washer is so located that every tray is washed before it is loaded. A plant of this type is suitable for grapes and prunes, but it would have to be modified considerably to be used for apricots, peaches, or pears. To accommodate these cut fruits it would need continuous cutting lines and a steam blancher (see fig. 7). Since the double-decking of trays in the blancher gives satisfactory results and doubles the output, a number of parallel cutting lines preferably should be built. These lines would then make a junction with the main feeding line into the blancher, and at this point double-decking could be done. For apples, the plant layout must be different. In general, apples move from the receiving room through a peeling and coring machine, through a dipping trough, and on to a trimming table. From the trimming table the fruit is passed through a slicer into a sulfite bath equipped with a walker which con- veys the fruit either onto trays or into a w T heelbarrow for transfer to the kiln floor. Caldwell (1923) has described an apple-drying layout. He provides for a continuous sulfuring tunnel, which is still used in the Pacific Northwest. In this the whole apples, after being trimmed, cored, and dipped in a dilute bisulfite solution, are sulfured for about 45 minutes. In planning a plant layout, sanitation should be given serious consideration. Cleaning equipment should be amply provided. Wash bowls, soap, and paper towels, conveniently placed in the cutting shed encourage the cutters to keep their hands clean. Drinking fountains are a great convenience. Sanitary toilets should be conveniently located. Employees should be instructed to wash their hands frequently and especially after use of the toilets. Sewage lines from toilets and lavatories should run to a septic tank, with the final disposal line outside the plant area or to a city sewer. Rotten and waste fruit should be removed daily and treated as previously described to prevent insect breeding. fcd ^ S ^ . 5 w 'S a i^p#tin Fruit Dehydration : T. Principles and Equipment 25 Hosing and sweeping the cutting-shed floor should be part of the daily routine of cleaning. Dusty roads should be oiled or should be constructed on the side of the plant away from the prevailing winds, and no barnyards or corrals should be near the plant. Fig. 7. — Cut fruit preparation room showing continuous cutting table, blaneher, and tray stacker. (Courtesy of John Leonard, Cupertino, Calif.) Roads, cutting-shed floors, and paths along distribution tracks should be treated to settle dust, which otherwise may contaminate the fruit. Deliquescent salts, such as calcium chloride, spread on an earth surface absorb moisture from the atmosphere and keep the soil surface moist. The calcium chloride may be distributed at the rate of V2 pound per square yard, and may be either 26 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 spread dry and raked into the surface, or dissolved in water and applied with a sprinkling can. In very arid localities, the atmosphere may not give up suf- ficient moisture to the chloride ; here, treated areas may require one or two light sprinklings during the season. Being soluble in water, the chloride will be leached away by winter rains and will have to be replaced annually. On a cutting-shed floor it can be expected to last longer. Asphaltic oils of a heavy grade, with sufficient asphalt content to cement the soil surface may also be used. Lighter oils which do not consolidate the soil are objectionable, for coated particles that adhere to the fruit are difficult to remove by washing. Fruit Boxes. — Wooden lug boxes about 15 x 24 x 9 inches, to hold 40 pounds of fruit, are commonly used in transporting fruit to the cutting shed. The box should be made of lumber having a thickness of ^ inch for the sides and bot- tom, and 1 inch for the ends; triangular corner posts should be 2 x 2 inches; and top cleats across the ends, %x2 inches. All material should be of pine, nailed on about 3-inch centers, around sides and bottom, with 6-penny, cement - coated box nails. The top cleats are essential to the protection of the fruit; they also give a space for ventilation w r hen the boxes are stacked. In handling pears, boxes holding 44 or 45 pounds of fruit are used. The dimensions of these boxes are 14% x 20 x 10 inches, including a %-ineh top cleat ; or 14% x 20 x 10 2 % 2 inches, including a 2 % 2 -inch top cleat. Larger-sized boxes — holding 60 pounds of fruit — are not recommended for orchard use; they are difficult to handle and tend to bruise the fruit, Boxes with the sides and bottom of exterior-grade Douglas fir plywood have been introduced ; although higher in initial cost, they are durable and light in weight. Sheet-metal boxes have been used experimentally ; their proponents claim for them the advantages of cleanliness, improved ventilation, less bruis- ing because of improved shape, lower weight, and longer life. Of additional advantage is the fact that the boxes, when empty, require less storage and hauling space, since their design permits the stacking of one within the other. Cutting Tables. — Plans for three types of cutting tables are obtainable from the Agricultural Extension Service, University of California, Berkeley, Cali- fornia. Continuous cutting tables are preferable ; they eliminate much labori- ous handling of trays and facilitate the movement of freshly cut fruit directly from the cutting table into the blancher. Such a table is shown in figure 7. Where continuous cutting tables are used, the cutters may be paid either by the hour or by piecework. When the latter system is used, cutters should be shifted along the table periodically, or the last four cutters should be paid by the hour. If the fruit fails to fill the trays by the time it reaches the end of the table, a discontinuous system of operation may be used. Blanchers. — Since apricots and freestone peaches are blanched for rela- tively short periods and may be easily overblanched, the use of a continuous blancher is advisable. Cabinet-blanching with present equipment does not appear feasible for them; there is too great a possibility of uneven heating throughout the tray stack, in the short blanching period that may safely be used. Cabinet blanchers may be used for pears and clingstone peaches, which require a long blanching period and show only a slight tendency to bleed. Continuous vegetable blanchers, similar to those used for blanching trays of cabbage, are suitable for cut fruits. Because fruit must be blanched on trays, Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 27 care must be taken to attain smooth movement of trays through the blancher in order to avoid turning the fruit. Openings for steam jets should not be pointed toward the fruit, because of the danger of mechanical damage; they should slant downward, about 2 inches apart. To avoid steam currents which would overturn fruit, the openings should face each other in each successive steam pipe inside the blancher. Either a narrow blancher accepting trays in lengthwise position or better still, a wide blancher carrying trays in crosswise position may be used. The latter is more suitable for large-scale operations. When some blanchers were found to form bottlenecks, as compared with the operation of other plant equipment, the expedient of using trays double- decked was tried ; examination of the product indicated little difference in the results between top and bottom trays. The trays should be separated or so constructed that steam may flow freely to the fruit on the lower tray. If the following factors are known, one can easily calculate the required length of a continuous blancher. 1. Maximum blanching time in minutes for a given fruit (= t). 2. Average tray load in pounds for a given fruit (=L). 3. Dimension in feet of a tray measured in the direction of travel through the blancher (= W) . 4. Desired capacity in pounds of prepared fruit per hour (= C) . Assuming that double-decking of trays is used, the necessary blancher length should be computed by substituting the proper values for the letters indicated in the following formula : Blancher length = — — -r—- Lx 120 The following table shows maximum blanching time and average tray load for a few fruits : Maximum blanching Average tray Fruit time, minutes (t) load, lbs. (L) Apricots 3.5 35 Clingstone peaches 12 45 Freestone peaches 8 50 Pears 20 70 Example: A plant manager wants to cut 6 tons of apricots per hour. The waste may be assumed to be 10 per cent. Amount of cut fruit per hour 10,800 pounds (=C). # = 3.5; L = 35; W = 3 for a blancher in which 3x6 foot trays go crosswise. With double stacking, the effective required blancher i m CxWxt 10,800 x 3 x 3.5 _ „, __■ . _ A , _. , length = — = — ynQ- = — ~oE — ^ =27 ft. With single trays, the blancher length should be twice as long. After the trays leave the blancher they must be stacked on cars. Since the lifting of loaded and hot trays is hard on the workmen, loading pits or a mechanical tray stacker similar to the one illustrated in figure 8, are recom- mended. 28 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 Boilers.— 'OH- or gas-fired boilers are used to supply steam for blanching, and sometimes for heating washers, dippers, and peelers. Steam is also used for cleaning purposes. Because of the relatively short operating season, low initial cost is more important than high fuel efficiency. In many instances, reconditioned oil-field-type boilers have been installed. A permit to operate any boiler carrying over 15 pounds per square inch pressure, with the boiler subject to inspection, is required by the California Industrial Accident Com- mission. The purchaser of a used boiler should require that the boiler be in condition to pass inspection. Fig. 8. — Mechanical tray stacker in operation. The loaded trays pass from the con- tinuous cutting line at the extreme left, through the blancher onto the tray stacker, Avhere they are lifted, carried over to the car being loaded, and then lowered onto the stack. (Courtesy of John Leonard, Cupertino, Calif.) The custom of rating boilers in horsepower persists in the industry, although steam is seldom used for the generation of power in food-processing plants. The "builder's rating" is based on a unit of 10 square feet of heating surface per rated boiler horsepower. The rate at which steam is produced in a boiler is often spoken of in terms of "developed boiler horsepower," or DB hp. A developed boiler horsepower is equivalent to a heat absorption rate of 33,480 B.t.u. per hour from the furnace. This will convert per hour about 30 pounds of water into steam under dehydration-plant conditions. Some modern types of boilers are so designed and built that their perform- ance will exceed the builder's rating. The oil-field- or locomotive-type boiler, however, cannot be operated much above its rating without a considerable drop in efficiency. The horizontal return tubular boiler and the stationary Scotch boiler, which are used in some plants, will develop about 50 per cent above Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 29 their rating. Some types of water-tube boilers, installed in large industrial plants, develop from 250 to 600 per cent of the builder's rating. The size of boiler required for a blancher can be estimated roughly from the amount of fruit to be blanched, by use of the following formula : j^j, ! _ Pounds of fruit per hour x temperature change in °F Blancher efficiency per cent x 334.8 To use this formula, the blancher efficiency must be estimated. Continuous straight blanchers with adequate manifolds and end baffles will have efficien- cies between 30 and 40 per cent. Thus, to blanch fruit at the rate of 1 ton per hour, heating the fruit from 70° to 190° F, at an efficiency of 30 per cent, .i i i i u -i i .u 2,000 x (190- 70) .. __ ,. the developed boiler horsepower must be — —r^ — ., . . , , or 24. Blanching 1 1 30 x 334.8 3 tons per hour, with a horizontal return tubular boiler which will develop 150 per cent of its rating, will then require a rating of — — - — , or 48 rated -L.D horsepower. This is equivalent to 480 square feet of heating surface. If the boiler is to be used for other services, additional capacity must be provided. The thermal efficiency of a cabinet blancher may range from 46 to 60 per cent, an indication that it requires less steam than a continuous blancher. The steam demand, however, is intermittent; consequently, the boiler must be at least as large as for a continuous blancher. Fruit Washers. — A shop-built continuous washer has proved satisfactory for washing apricots. In the use of this washer, the fruit is carried on an end- less belt between water sprays, over a sorting table, and weighed onto trays ready for delivery to the cutting shed. Immersion washers are usually employed for grapes and prunes. In a washer more commonly used in Europe, the fruit moves through a trough with a perforated false bottom. Aeration causes the fruits to rub against one another, with subsequent removal of dirt particles. For prunes, it is advisable to include in the preparation line an air blower, trash remover, and strong water sprays to remove adhering leaves, stems, clods, dirt, and other foreign materials. After pears are cut — but before the trays are stacked — it is advisable to pass them under a water spray to remove adhering dirt and evidences of insect infestation. A hose with nozzle may be used, but more positive results will be obtained by passing the trays slowly under a battery of fixed spray heads, arranged to wash both top and bottom. At times the washing has been carried out after the trays were stacked on the cars. This is an unwise procedure, since the foreign material removed from one tray is merely deposited on the first tray below. The area under the spraying equipment and dripping tray stack on the car should be smooth concrete with suitable drain. A continuous-cut pear washer is shown in figure 9. Washers and Materials for Spray -Residue Removal. — Spray-residue re- moval has been discussed by Allen (1937), Essig and Hoskins (1944), and Haller, Smith, and Ryall (1935). 30 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 For the removal of spray residue, the fruit should be passed through a vat or a spray of acid at 70° F. When an excessive amount of wax has formed, or when oil sprays have fastened much lead arsenate on the fruit, the use of higher temperatures or an alkaline wash may be necessary. Most alkaline washes leave much of the lead and impair the keeping quality of the fruit, although they do remove arsenic efficiently. In California, pears are nearly always sprayed with lead arsenate and require thorough washing before drying. Apples are also sprayed with lead arsenate; they do not need the spray residue so thoroughly removed as do pears, however, since they are usually peeled and cored before drying. Washing the fruit in a 0.5 to 1.0 per cent Fig. 9. — Cut pear washer. The loaded trays are placed on a roller conveyor and passed into a spray chamber where rows of spray heads, two from above and one from below, wash the fruit and the bottom of the tray. The conveyor and catch basin are extended to permit the trays to drain. (Plans through the courtesy of California Packing Corporation, San Francisco, Calif.; from California Agr. Exp. Sta. Cir. 350.) solution of hydrochloric acid is a successful method. With simple immersion, a period as long as 3 minutes may be necessary ; but with power-spray washing machines, 30 seconds may be sufficient. Removal of the calyx, or blossom end, and the stem of the pear after washing helps greatly in reducing the spray residue, which is found chiefly in these areas. Two general types of washing machines are in common use. Simple dipping vats have not proved to be so effective as machines of larger capacity, such as conveyors and dipping vats, spray chambers and damp cloth or rubber wipers. They may be built from available designs, or they may be purchased pre- fabricated, as shown in figure 10. Somewhat simpler designs of washing equipment are being manufactured in local shops in fruit-producing areas of the state, the local designs usually being adequate. Responsible care in operation is required to maintain the solutions used at the concentrations and temperatures necessary for optimum results. In several instances smaller growers have found it advantageous to make use of large community fruit washers. Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 31 Peeling, Pitting, and Cutting Machines. — Where cling peaches are lye- peeled, a standard peeler and pitter such as is used in canneries may be em- ployed. Apples are always peeled and cored by machines, which may be either hand- or power-operated, and are sliced by power-driven machines. A pear- cutting machine has been evolved and tried in a few drying yards. Six stalls are provided where girls push the fruit against rotating spindles to remove lap Fig. 10. — Fresh-fruit washer and drier for spray-residue removal : A, section sketch; B, photograph. (Courtesy of the Cutler Manufac- turing Company, Portland, Ore.; from California Agr. Exp. Sta. Cir. 350.) the calyx, then place it on a rope-belt conveyor, or specially constructed "cupped" conveyor leading over a rotary knife. Unless the fruit is properly placed on the belt it may be cut diagonally. Four women are required to tray the fruit as it leaves the knife ; the entire crew handles about 60 boxes of fruit per hour. Miscellaneous Small Equipment. — Sharp cutting knives and satisfactory equipment for sharpening them should be provided. A container for rotten and cull fruit should be placed conveniently for each cutter; its contents should be emptied frequently for removal to a dumping place remote from the drying yard. Pit boxes which clip to the side of the fruit box, or hang from the side of the cutting table, should be provided for stone fruits. Cutters 32 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 should be informed that whole fruit dumped on the tray bruises unnecessarily and tends to smear rotten particles over fruit and tray. Pits must be kept separate from rotten fruit. They should not be thrown into the fruit box ; they make the boxes sticky, which, in turn, mars the appearance of the fruit. A wooden or concrete platform adjacent to the cutting shed should be pro- vided for the drying of pits. A satisfactory record for payment of the cutters consists in the use of a system of numbered cards and a foreman's punch to indicate the number of boxes cut each day. Tray and Box Washers. — It is imperative that trays and fruit boxes be kept clean. Some fruit juice adheres to the wooden surfaces with each handling; this results in an accumulation of dirt and mold that may contaminate and injure the appearance of the dried product. Soaking the boxes or trays in a vat of clear water, or in a heated solution of trisodium phosphate, or in some other cleansing material, then scrubbing them thoroughly with a stiff bristle or wire brush, and rinsing in clear water will cleanse satisfactorily. Or a strong lye solution may be applied by a power orchard sprayer. It should likewise be vigorously brushed with a wire brush, and then rinsed off. The strength of the cleansing solution will be determined by the condition of the trays, and whether or not brushes are used. These alkaline cleansing agents must be used with care, because they can cause serious skin burns. A con- tinuous tray washing machine installed in the line is desirable. One such washer has a rotary fiber brush under which the trays move continuously. Another type has reciprocating-motion fiber brushes, with interrupted move- ment of the trays to permit brush operation from the side. The second type has the advantage of working more closely into the corners than the rotary brush, and of rubbing with the grain of the wood in the tray bottoms. I £ heated water is used, 2 operators can clean 3 to 5 trays a minute at a total cost of about % cents a tray. To reduce mold growth on trays during off-season storage, they should be thoroughly washed and dried, then stored under a shed where ventilation is good. Skin-checking Equipment . — Grapes and prunes are dipped before deh\ < I pa tion. The simplest dipper consists of a semicylindrical dump basket, with a perforated sheet-metal or wire-screen bottom, hinged to one side of the lye tank. The fruit is poured from the boxes into the heated ]ye solution while the basket is submerged. After the desired period of immersion, the basket is raised by a hand-operated lever; the fruit is then discharged upon a shaker or a chute, which is provided with water sprays and leads to the trays. For large-scale operations, a power-driven rotary or a conveyor-type dipper is more suitable. The rotary dipper used for prunes consists of a per- forated metal cylinder mounted on a horizontal axis and containing a helical baffle to maintain positive discharge. The lower third of the cylinder is sub- merged in the lye bath. The prunes are introduced continuously at one side and discharged at the other. A variable control on the speed of rotation governs the time of immersion. The conveyor-type dipper has either baskets sus- pended from chains or a metal belt with cress vanes to carry the fruit. This type of dipper enters at one end of an elongated lye tank and emerges at the Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment oA other. The conveyor discharges the fruit on a shaker or a chute leading to tiie trays, where water sprays remove excess lye. The lye tanks are usually built of black iron instead of galvanized iron, because zinc galvanizing dissolves in lye. The vats are generally heated by oil burners, but gas, wood, coal, or steam may be used. In order to maintain the temperature of the solution at or near the boiling point, a relatively large heating surface and ample heat are necessary. The tanks usually hold 100 to 200 gallons or more; this relatively large volume of solution tends to maintain a more uniform temperature. The use of a trash screen, before the fruit enters the lye bath, is a material aid in maintaining a clean dipping solution. It is not usually provided in hand- operated basket dippers, but is commonly installed on power dippers. All types of dippers should have a screen between the lye tank and the tray, where additional debris and the film of hot lye may be removed with sprays of cold water. This screen is usually mounted as a shaker. Pricker or needle boards for prunes are sometimes used between the lye bath and the tray; they are not very satisfactory, however, because they are difficult to clean and keep in good order. Furthermore, they appear to be of little value except for use with the thin-skinned varieties of prunes, such as the Imperial, the dipping of which requires little or no lye. Prune dippers are often provided with grading screens, which segregate the large, plump prunes from the small or shrunken ones and permit the trays for the two grades to be handled separately. This process accomplishes more uniform drying. Commercial caustic soda, or sodium hydroxide in flake form, is commonly used in the preparation of dipping solutions. It quickly absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide from the air ; therefore, it should be kept in tightly closed metal containers. The amount in the vat, or concentration of the solution, varies with the character of the fruit and with other conditions. Usually it is adjusted to give a uniform checking of the fruit skin to the degree found best by experience. Overchecking, with consequent loss by excessive bleeding, must be avoided. The concentrations of lye commonly used range from ] /> to 1 per cent at a temperature of about 200° F. Some large operators maintain the lye concentration by allowing a concentrated solution of lye to drip very slowly into the dipping tank. Small producers will find it advisable to purchase lye in 1-pound containers ; larger producers will find purchases in either flake or liquid forms in drums more economical. Sulfuring Houses and Burners. — In large driers, as a precaution against fire, the practice is considered advisable to construct the sulfuring houses as two or more separate structures, rather than as one continuous building. They are of diverse design and construction. In a survey, made by Long, Mrak, and Fisher (1940), very few houses were found adequate. The requirements for these houses are economy in construction and durability under severe usage. Their design should promote rapid, uniform sulfuring, and should make them permanently tight against air infiltration and gas leakage. The compartment may be of a size to hold 1 or more stacks of trays, but should not contain excess space beyond the 6-inch clearances for convection circulation of air about the 34 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 stack and the open ends of the trays. The most positive convection distribution of sulfur dioxide gas is secured by making the compartment longer than the tray stack, so that the burner may be placed on the floor between the car and the door without fire hazard. For sulfur burners, clean metal pans are recommended; earth pits into which sulfur is sometimes dumped for burning not only are grossty wasteful of sulfur, but are also a major factor in the production of poor-quality fruit. A tin pan 10 inches in diameter and about 3 inches deep makes a very satis- factory burner for a single-car house. Concrete hearths, of an area equivalent to that of the pan burners, and shallow enough to permit easy cleaning, are satisfactory. Insulated, regenerative, or forced-draft burners may be advisa- ble for burning the poorer grades of sulfur, or sulf urs which do not ignite well because of contamination. Care must be taken to prevent the burning rate from becoming so rapid that some sulfur is carried through the flame and sublimed on the fruit. It is preferable to use pan burners and sulfur that burns readily. An operator can test the extent to which a particular lot of sulfur will burn, by igniting a weighed quantity of the sulfur in a weighed 10-inch pan in an empty, but closed, sulfuring house. After the sulfur has ceased to burn, the pan should be removed and weighed with any remaining slag. The percentage of sulfur burned can then be calculated. Where the compartment is short and the burner pan must be set in a pit under the end of the tray stack, a metal baffle sheet may be fastened under the end of the car for fire protection. Loose baffles laid over the pit are likely to reduce the opening materially and to restrict the burning rate, with resultant lower sulfur dioxide gas concentrations. In a house of sufficiently tight construction to prevent drafts, vents will be required to provide air for the fire — an inlet of not more than 1x2 inches beside each track at the base of the door, and outlet holes of 1-inch diameter located at the top center of both the rear wall and the door. When a 10-inch diameter pan is used as a burner, these outlet vents provide about 1 square inch of area to 50 square inches of burner surface. This ratio must be main- tained and the vent area modified, if the burning area is changed by varying the pan size or by using more pans — which may be necessary in a large house. A good grade of refined sulfur is recommended because it is more economical and less troublesome than cheaper grades. The sulfur should burn completely, leaving not more than 1 or 2 ounces of residue from the standard 4- or 5-pound charge per car containing about 1,000 pounds of cut fruit. If an appreciable amount of slag remains, the cause may be surmised from its color; a clean yellow color indicates an insufficient air supply, whereas a black residue of carbonaceous appearance indicates a poor sulfur and one probably contami- nated by oil or other organic material. Proper handling and storage of the sulfur supply is essential ; it must be kept dry and must not be permitted to come in contact with oily surfaces or vapors. It should not be stored in garages, or near oil tanks. (See Bisson, Allinger, and Young, 1942) . Maintenance of the sulfuring house is a most important phase of plant man- agement. To attempt to remodel old houses is poor economy, unless the frame- work is in good condition. If the structure is on mud sills it should be raised, Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 35 and a continuous concrete slab for floor and foundation poured. This base imparts a rigidity to the structure which helps keep it tight, and also holds the track firmly in position. Top-heavy, vertically sliding doors and swinging counterbalances for top-hinged doors cause warping and should be replaced by closely fitted and weatherstripped side-hung doors. All cracks and struc- tural joints of the interior walls and ceiling, particularly those at the sill and plate, should be calked with asphalt mastic, with two coats of asphalt paint applied in a continuous film to seal the structure. All visible leaks other than vents must be closed. If the interior cannot be sealed readily, it should be lined with plywood and sealed at all joints with mastic or asphalt-impregnated felt with sealed edges. For a more extensive discussion of the principles and practices of sulfuring, the reader is referred to another publication of this station by Long, Mrak, and Fisher (1940). As previously indicated, apples may be sulfured in a continuous sulfuring box or by immersion in a bisulfite solution for a short period of time, either alone or as a preliminary step to sulfuring with burning sulfur. The immersion equipment usually consists of a square wood tank with a walker, which moves the apples through the solution in about 2 minutes. The speed of the walker, however, should be adjustable. Iron should be avoided in sulfiting equipment. Sulfur dioxide (S0 2 ), or sodium bisulfite (NaHS0 3 ) solutions may be used. Sodium bisulfite is most widely employed, however. It is economical to use, easy to handle, and has given very satisfactory results. The use of sulfur dioxide solutions has been limited by the difficulties of controlling concentra- tion and the unpleasant environment for workers created by escaping gas. PRINCIPLES RELATING TO DEHYDRATION The principles underlying dehydration may be considered best with respect to the design and efficient operation of the dehydrater. The principles of dehydration have been discussed by Walker, Lewis, et al. (1937), Van Arsdel (1942), Cruess and Mackinney (1943), Eidt (1938), and Marshall (1942-43). Pierce (1942) and the Heating, Ventilating Air Conditioning Guide (Ameri- can Society of Heating & Ventilating Engineers, 1945) contain valuable production supervision, engineering, and operation data. The term dehydration as used in this bulletin may be defined as the removal of water from a product under controlled conditions of air flow, temperature, and humidity. Although drying in vacuo is being used for certain products, air is the common medium used in drying fresh fruits. Process of Evaporation. — Water escapes from exposed wet surfaces by evaporation. The evaporation reduces the amount of water at the surface and increases the concentration of vapor in the adjacent space. Evaporation is a process which absorbs heat energy; consequently, a certain amount of heat energy known as the latent heat of evaporation must be supplied. This heat energy is immediately secured from the material composing the surface, and its loss lowers the temperature of the surface. Any reduction in fruit tem- perature enables heat energy to flow from the adjacent air by convection, from other directly visible surfaces by radiation, and from still other surfaces in direct contact through conduction. In a conventional dehydrater heat energy is supplied mostly by connection from rapidly moving heated air. 36 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 The rate at which evaporation proceeds depends upon the difference between the concentration of vapor at the wet surface and in the adjacent space, and also upon the resistance offered to the passage of the vapor through a relatively stagnant layer of air (air-vapor mixture) next to the surface. The vapor concentration at the wet surface depends upon the nature and the moisture content of the material, and upon its temperature. For most rapid evaporation, the surface must be kept at as high a temperature as can be main- TABLE 6 Kelation between Moisture Content Expressed as T (Parts of Water per Part of Bone-Dry Matter) and as Per Cent on the Wet Basis Per cent moisture T Per cent moisture T Per cent moisture T Per cent moisture T 90.0 9.00 84.8 5 58 71.0 2.45 25.0 0.333 89.8 8.80 84.6 5.49 70.0 2 33 24.0 .316 89.6 8.62 84.4 5.41 68.0 2.12 23.0 .300 89.4 8.43 84.2 5.33 66 1.94 22.0 .282 89.2 8.26 84.0 5 25 64.0 1.78 21.0 .266 89.0 8.09 83.5 5.06 62.0 1.63 20.0 .250 88.8 7.93 83.0 4.88 60.0 1.50 19.0 .234 88.6 7.77 82.5 4.71 58.0 1.38 18.0 .220 88.4 7.62 82.0 4.56 56.0 1.27 17.0 .205 88.2 7.47 81.5 4.41 54.0 1.17 16.0 .190 88.0 7.33 81.0 4.26 52.0 1.08 15.0 .177 87.8 7.20 80.5 4 13 50.0 1.00 14.0 .163 87.6 7.06 80.0 4.00 48.0 0.92 13.0 .150 87.4 6.94 79.5 3.88 46.0 0.85 12.0 .136 87.2 6.81 79.0 3.76 44.0 0.79 11.0 .124 87.0 6.69 78.5 3.65 42.0 0.73 10.0 111 86.8 6.58 78.0 3.55 40.0 0.67 9.0 .099 86.6 6.46 77.5 3.44 38.0 0.61 8.0 .087 86.4 86.2 6.35 6.25 77.0 76.5 3.35 3.26 36.0 34.0 0.56 0.52 7.0 6.0 .075 .064 86.0 6.14 76.0 3.17 32.0 0.47 5.0 .053 85.8 6.04 75.5 3.08 30.0 0.43 4.0 .042 85.6 5.94 75.0 3.00 29.0 0.41 3.0 .031 85.4 5.85 74.0 2.85 28.0 0.39 2.0 .020 85.2 5.76 73.0 2.70 27.0 0.37 1.0 .010 85.0 5.67 72.0 2.57 26.0 0.35 0.0 0.000 tained without damage to the material. The vapor concentration at the surface decreases as the moisture content is reduced ; therefore, the evaporation rate diminishes as the material becomes drier. The vapor resulting from evaporation must be dispersed as rapidly as it forms, in order to prevent the concentration in the adjacent space from rising and interfering with evaporation. Vapor is removed by permitting it to escape by natural convection, by sweeping it away with an air stream of lower humidity, or by operating in a vacuum chamber. Most dehydrators employ a stream of air moved at a rapid rate through the tunnels or cabinets by a fan. The resistance to the escape of vapor, offered by the stagnant air layer at the fruit surface, depends upon the thickness of the layer, which is influenced by the turbulence and the velocity of the air stream. For rapid drying, the air velocity should be as high as is consistant with economy in fan power. Air then performs two functions in the conventional dehydrater : it carries Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 37 away the vapor which is formed ; and it supplies to the material being dried the heat energy which will be absorbed in evaporation. The air temperature should be high enough to keep the material at the maximum temperature which it can sustain without damage. A higher air temperature is permissible when the material is wet, not only because it is then less sensitive to heat, but also because it is cooled by rapid evaporation. The air- volume rate (cubic feet per minute) must be great enough to carr}^ away the vapor without causing too high a moisture content in the exhaust air. The air velocity must be reasonably high in order to reduce the resistance to escape of vapor from the evaporating surface. These generalizations can be applied effectively in dehydrater design and operation when physical properties of air-vapor mixtures, characteristics of the material to be dried, and principles of performance of fans, furnaces, and different types of dehydraters are known. Moisture in Fruit. — The moisture content of a substance is usually ex- pressed by the analyst in percentage by weight on the wet basis, or, in other words, in grams of water per hundred grams of sample. This method of ex- pression might give an incorrect impression if it were to be used in describing the rate of drying, since both the moisture content and the basis on which it is figured are variable. If, however, the moisture is expressed as moisture ratio, part of water per part of bone-dry matter (water-free solids), a correct rep- resentation of the drying rate can be given, since the amount of dry matter remains constant, whereas the moisture evaporates. The relation between the moisture content M, percentage on the wet basis, and the moisture ratio T, the pounds of water per pound of dry matter is M T - ztfu\ — tTt- Values of moisture ratio corresponding to given values of mois- ture content are given in table 6. For example, if the moisture content of fresh prunes is reported by the analyst to be 70 per cent, the moisture ratio is 70 100-70 or 2.33 pounds of water per pound of dry matter. In this case, 3.33, (that is, 2.33 + 1), pounds of fresh prunes contain 2.33 pounds of water and 1 pound of dry matter. If these prunes were dehydrated to a moisture content of 16.7 per cent, the final moisture ratio would be ., Ar . \ n _ , or 0.20 pounds of 10U— lb. 7 water per pound of dry matter. The amount of water evaporated in the ex- amples given would be 2.33-0.20, or 2.13 pounds of water per pound of dry matter. In a typical drying curve, figure 13. page 44, it can be seen that the drying rate, which is represented correctly by the steepness of the moisture - ratio curve, is quite different from that shown by the slope of the moisture- content curve, both plotted against time. The drying ratio — the pounds of fresh material required to yield a pound of dried fruit — can be obtained either from the initial and final total solid con- tents 8 1 and 8 2 , or the moisture ratios T } and T 2 , thus S„ 100 -M 2 T, + l drying ratio 8, 100 -M, T 2 + \ 38 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 For the initial and final moisture contents given above, the drying ratio is 100-16.7 w ig g Q . could be found ag 2.o' + wMch ig algo 2 7g 100-70 0.20 + 1 The pounds of water which must be evaporated from 1 pound of fresh material to yield a product of the desired moisture content may be calculated as follows : . . M 1 -M 2 T,-To Pounds of water evaporated per pound of fresh material = _ " = ™ . • The pounds of water which have been evaporated from the amount of fresh material needed to obtain 1 pound of dried product of the desired moisture content can be computed in the following way : Pounds of water evaporated to M -M T - T*> produce 1 pound of dried product = in n_ -J = "^ T ' The moisture content and moisture ratio of the edible portions of certain fresh fruits that are commonly dried or dehydrated are as follows : Ra Zl^! Ure Range of moisture Fruit content (M) per cent of water •atios (T) Apples 82 to 86 4.56 to 6.14 Apricots 83 to 86 4.88 to 6.14 Grapes 80 to 83 4.00 to 4.88 Peaches 83 to 89 4.88 to 8.09 Pears 82 to 85 4.56 to 5.67 Prunes 70 to 80 2.33 to 4.00 The moisture ratio gives a better indication of the amount of moisture to be removed than does the moisture content in percentage on the wet basis. Properties of Air-Vapor Mixtures. — The operator of a dehydrater must realize that there is a maximum limit to the absolute humidity, vapor density, or concentration of vapor, expressed as pounds of vapor per cubic foot, that can exist at any given temperature, as shown in figure 11, A. At the maximum concentration of vapor, the space in which the vapor occurs is said to be saturated — that is, if any more vapor were introduced, condensation would proceed until only the original amount remained. The dehydrater must be controlled so that saturation will not be approached at any point lest the drying rate be too slow, and spoilage by microorganisms occur in unsulfured products. In the early stages of dehydration of sulfured fruits, excessive losses in sulfur dioxide occur if humidities are high and drying is prolonged, for, although the air may be saturated with moisture, it is far from being saturated with sulfur dioxide. The term relative humidity is used to designate the degree of approach to saturation with water vapor at any temperature. Relative humidity is defined as the ratio of the concentration of vapor, for some given condition, to the con- centration for saturation at the same temperature. Curves representing vapor concentrations for several relative humidities are also shown in figure 11, A. Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 39 In certain dehydrater calculations, confusion might arise in dealing with the pounds of water vapor per cubic foot, because the vapor is mixed with the air, which changes in density as it passes through the dehydrater. It is then desirable to use the humidity (pounds of water vapor per pound of air), which avoids this difficulty, because the weight of the air (weight of air free of water vapor) remains constant as it passes through the system, unless leaks occur. The relation between humidity and temperature is shown in figure 11, B, for several relative humidities. 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 TEMPERATURE, °F. A 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 TEMPERATURE, °F. B SATURATED VAPOR 0.10 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 TEMPERATURE, °F. (DRY BULB) C — i 1 1 ry-B DRY-BULB TEMP. / WET-BULB TEMP ° DEW POlNT*.n/ REL.^ HUM"*/ o\«/ " 0.10 * < 0.06 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 TEMPERATURE, °R (DRY BULB) D O to Fig. 11. — Temperature charts: A, Kelation between vapor density, or absolute humidity, and temperature, at several relative humidities; B, relation between temperature and humidity (pounds of vapor per pound of dry air) at several relative humidities; C, relation shown in B, with wet-bulb temperature lines added; D, illustration of relations shown by psychrometric chart. Measuring Air Conditions. — In order to adjust dehydrater controls for best operation, the operator must be able to determine the conditions of the air entering and leaving each unit. This can be done readily by means of a psy- chrometer, or wet-and-dry-bulb hygrometer. The instrument consists of a pair of thermometers, one of which has its bulb covered with a porous wick sup- plied with distilled water. An air velocity of about 600 feet per minute across the wick is desirable. For measurement in quiet or slowly moving air, hand instruments are available which permit whirling of the thermometers to secure the desired speed. Various combinations of dry- and wet-bulb thermometers are available for permanent stationary mounting. The dehydrater should be equipped with such instruments ; they should be properly placed at the air-exit end of the tunnel, conveniently located behind small glass windows in the tunnel walls. 40 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 To secure a correct reading, it is extremely important that air at high velocity should pass over the wet-bulb thermometer. Only distilled or rain water should be used to fill the reservoir that moistens the wick. Because tap and well waters contain salts, which accumulate on the wick and interfere with the evaporation of water, the wet-bulb thermometer will give too high a reading, and this will result in serious error. An error often occurs in tunnels drying sulfured cut fruit, because some of the sulfur dioxide is transformed into sulfuric acid ; this deposits on the wick, digests the fabric, and causes erroneous readings. When sulfured fruits are being dehydrated, the wicks should be renewed every 2 weeks. When the air stream passes over the bulbs, the bare thermometer indicates merely the temperature of the air (called the dry -bulb temperature, to dis- tinguish it from the temperature of the wet-wick-covered thermometer). The air passing over the wet-bulb thermometer is usually not saturated with vapor ; consequently, evaporation can occur and cool the wick. As the wick gets colder, the evaporation rate declines, while heat flowing in from the adjacent air tends to maintain the wick temperature. A balance is soon reached, at which point the heat flow to the wick is just rapid enough to supply the heat absorbed in evaporation ; the temperature of the wet bulb remains constant as long as the wick is wet. In saturated air, no evaporation can occur to cool the bulb, whereas in moisture-free air maximum cooling results. From the dry- and wet-bulb readings, the relative humidity and other properties of the air can be found by reference to appropriate tables or charts. The Psychrometric Chart. — Charts which show only the relative humidity corresponding to given values of dry- and wet-bulb temperatures are quite simple; but a much clearer understanding of the processes which occur in dehydration can be gained from psychrometric charts which show additional properties of air-vapor mixtures, drawn so that the changes which occur in the dehydrater can readily be depicted. A chart which shows the maximum amounts of moisture that can be removed without approaching too close to saturation is especially useful. In the psychrometric chart which seems best adapted to use by dehydrater operators, the air temperatures (dry -bulb temperatures) are represented on the horizontal scale, and the humidity (pounds of vapor per pound of dry air) on the vertical scale. On these coordinates, curves are drawn showing the relation between the temperature and the humidity for a series of relative humidities. Figure 11, B thus forms the skeleton of this type of chart," but it lacks the wet-bulb temperature lines, which are added in figure 11, C. It will be noted that at saturation, the wet-bulb temperature equals the dry-bulb temperature, for example, point 0, in figure 11,7). For a low relative humidity, the wet bulb is much colder than the dry bulb, point X (for 140° F dry bulb and 100° wet bulb 26 per cent relative humidity). 14 Those interested in a complete chart may purchase an enlarged copy of a chart by H. J. Garber, reproduced from the Chemical Engineering Catalog, by writing to the Book Depart- ment, Eeinhold Publishing Corporation, 330 West 42 Street. New York, N. Y. Instead of relative humidity curves, Garber's chart shows per cent humidity curves. Per cent humidity is defined as the humidity for a given condition, divided by the humidity for saturation at the given temperature. It differs only a little from relative humidity, and a conversion chart is provided. Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 41 The use of the chart is illustrated in figure 11, D for a typical condition of a dry-bulb temperature of 140° F and a wet-bulb temperature of 100°. This air condition is found at point X, the intersection of line AB, which represents all conditions with a dry-bulb temperature of 140°, and line CD, which repre- sents all conditions with a wet-bulb temperature of 100°. The point X is just above the curve EF, a 26 per cent relative-humidity curve. The humidity for this condition is also illustrated in figure 11, D. All points on the horizontal line GH passing through X are at the same humidity. The numerical value is read from the right-hand scale at II, as 0.033 pounds of vapor per pound of air. O.IO 180 113.5 125 60 80 IOO 120 TEMPERATURE, °F, Fig. 12. — Use of psyehrometric chart in dehydration problems. 140 160 DRY BULB The dew point of an air-vapor mixture is the temperature at which conden- sation would begin, if the mixture were cooled without change in composition. This is illustrated in figure 11, D at the point G, which is on the saturation curve at a temperature of 92° P. During much of the fruit-dehydration season in California the humidity ranges between 0.008 and 0.010, corresponding to dew points from 51° to 57°. The psyehrometric chart is particularly useful because changes in air con- ditions which occur in the dehydrater are readily represented on it. The three principal changes are : ( 1 ) heating the air before it is delivered to the tunnel or cabinet; (2) passing the air across the fruit, where it picks up moisture and gives up heat; and (3) mixing exit air from the tunnel with fresh air when recirculation is used. Keating of air without addition or removal of moisture is illustrated by line AB on figure 12. Air at 70° F dry-bulb and 60° wet-bulb temperatures, point A (humidity of 0.0088 pound of vapor per pound of dry air, relative humidity 55 per cent, dew point 54°) is heated to 165°, point B. At B the humidity is the same as at A. The wet-bulb temperature is found from the chart, to be 86.5°, and the relative humidity 4 per cent. The changes which occur in air as it passes through the trays of fruit can be found readily from the psyehrometric chart. The vapor from evaporation mixes with the air and raises the humidity. The air must supply the latent heat of evaporation, and also the heat for warming the fruit, trays, and trucks 42 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 and the heat losses through the walls, ceiling, and floor. The evaporation of a pound of moisture at a typical fruit temperature of 130° F during evapor- ation requires 1,020 B.t.u. Warming the trays, trucks, and dry matter of the fruit to the temperature at which they leave the dehydrater, and warm- ing the moisture which does evaporate to its evaporating temperature, re- quire in addition only about 80 B.t.u. A pound of nearly dry air provides about 0.24 B.t.u. for each degree drop in temperature. Thus, a pound of air can supply the heat energy for evaporating — — j- — — , or 0.000218 pound of 1020 + 80 moisture, for each degree drop in air temperature. For an illustration on the chart, typical prune dehydrater temperatures will be chosen, namely, an air temperature of 165° F entering the tunnel, and 125° leaving the tunnel. With this temperature drop of 165°-125°, or 40 degrees, the humidity will rise by 40 times 0.000218 or 0.00872 pounds of vapor per pound of air. With the initial condition of point B (165° dry bulb, 0.0088 humidity, and 86.5° wet bulb) the final condition will be a dry-bulb temperature of 125° and a humidity of 0.0088 + 0.00872, or 0.01752. It is notable that when a point to represent this condition (point C) is placed on the chart, its wet-bulb temperature is found to be 86.5°. The above example illustrates a very nearly exact general rule : When air supplies the heat energy for evaporation, its exit wet-bulb temperature is the same as its entering wet-bulb temperature. This is a very convenient, albeit fortuitous, circumstance which greatly simplifies dehydrater design and con- trol. Lines which represent wet-bulb temperatures on the psychrometric chart also represent the drop in temperature and simidtaneous rise in humidity of air passing through the dehydrater. It is thus possible, by following a wet-bulb line, to estimate the amount of vapor which can be absorbed by air passing through the dehydrater by the time its relative humidity has risen to a point where dehydration will be materially retarded. With fruits in a counter- current tunnel, for example, this point has been found to be a relative humidity of about 60 per cent. Calculation of the efficient utilization of heat energy of the air in the tunnel can be illustrated by using the data from the preceding examples. Line AB, figure 12, represents heating the air from 70° to 165° F, while line BC repre- sents the useful drop in temperature of the air which is supplying the energy for evaporation. The heat energy involved in each of these is proportional 165—125 to the temperature changes of the air. The tunnel efficiency is then or JLoo — i\j 42 per cent. In this illustration the efficiency was low because, although the air had to be heated from 70°, it was exhausted at 125°. When a psychrometric chart is not available, a simple rule of thumb can be used to estimate the evaporation rate in a dehydrater. As shown above, a pound of air can pick up 0.000218 pound of vapor for each degree drop in tempera- ture. In rough calculations, it is often more convenient to use the volume of the air, which can be more readily measured, than the weight. In the dehy- drater, a pound of air occupies about 16 cubic feet. Each cubic foot can then Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 43 pick up — — — — , or 0.0000136 pound of moisture for each degree drop in temperature. The evaporation rate is approximately equal to 0.0000136, mul- tiplied by the air flow and the air temperature drop, or evaporation rate, in pounds of vapor per minute = 0.0000136 x air flow x tem- cubic ft. per minute x (air temperature drop) perature drop, or = * — 80000 ' The value of 60,000, sometimes given as the constant in the above equation, is based upon measurement of the air volume at a temperature of 60° F, which is seldom applicable to fruit dehydration. Recirculation. — The psychrometric chart is of great help in considering the recirculation of air in a dehydrater. With slow-drying fruits, such as prunes or grapes, air of the usual outside humidity will not reach a practical limit of its evaporative capacity in a single passage through the trays, unless the tunnel is unusually long or the velocity unduly low. In the example given on page 42 for operation without recirculation, fresh air was heated to 165° F and cooled by evaporation in the tunnel to a typical temperature of 125°, where it had a final relative humidity of only 20 per cent. The final relative humidity can be higher, up to 60 per cent, without materially lengthening the drying time of fruits. By opening the by-pass, or recirculation door, and, if necessary, partly closing the exhaust door, some of the humid air leaving the fcrays will pass into the heating chamber and the humidity will rise throughout the dehydrater. When part of the air is being recirculated, less fresh air has to be taken in and heated. The recirculated air itself will require less heating than the fresh air. Thus, a very substantial fuel saving may be realized. Although to measure the volume of the fresh and recirculated air, or the temperature of the mixture, is usually inconvenient or impossible, the condi- tions can be readily determined from the psychrometric chart. For example, the same initial and final air temperatures. 165° and 125° F, will be taken as in the preceding example for operation without recirculation. At the final air temperature of 125° F, with the relative humidity permitted to rise to 60 per cent, the final condition is represented by point G, figure 12, where the wet-bulb temperature is found to be 109.5° F and the humidity 0.0543 lb. of vapor per pound of air. Since, in passing over the fruit, the air conditions must have followed the wet-bulb line, the initial condition must have been at point E (109.5° wet bulb and 165° dry bulb), where the relative humidity is found to be 13 per cent, and the humidity 0.0446. The air given by point E is the mixture of fresh and recirculated air, which has been heated by the furnace. Before it was heated, its humidity must have been the same as at E, or 0.0446 ; its temperature before it was heated may be found from the chart. This can be done because the mixture has been formed from fresh air at A, and exit air at G. The rule for mixtures of humid air is : The condition of mixture D, made up partly of air of condition A, and partly of air of condition G, must lie on the straight line from A to G. The Quantities of each component are inversely proportional to the distances of the final condition D from the condition of 44 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 each component. Instead of distances DA and GD, the horizontal or vertical projections (KA and JD representing temperature or DK and GJ represent- ing humidities) may be used. Since the condition of the mixture lies on the line AG with a humidity of 0.0446, it is represented by the point D. The temperature of the mixture is found from the chart to be 113.5° F. Thus, in these examples, fresh air must be heated from 70° to 165°, or 95 degrees when recirculation is not used, while the mixture resulting from recirculating need be heated only from 113.5° to 165°, or 51.5 degrees. Neglecting the slight differences in heat capacity and 100 8Q _ \ WEIGHT OF SAMPLE (LEFT SCALE — ) ' , MOISTURE RATIO (RIGHT SCALE*-) Fie. 13.- LJ o 1200 80 r tr u 1000 60 0- sooi Q 40^ o 2 600 ?0 ^ h-" X 400^ u < 0* £ o z 200 > oc 6 12 18 TIME. HOURS 12 24 36 DISTANCE FROM START OF TUNNEL, FEET Fig. 14. — Average air and fruit temperatures, weight of fruit ou a car, and drying rate, as a car of fruit proceeds through a counterflow dehydrater tunnel. Fig. 15. — Kelation between air velocity and drying time, with final exhaust air tempera- ture also given, for counterflow dehydraters of different lengths. Initial air temperature 165° F, wet-bulb temperature not over 105°. Initial prune moisture content 70 per cent, final prune moisture content, 16.7 per cent. Prune size, dry count of 50 per pound. figure 14. Most of the moisture is removed in the first few car positions. The air temperature changes most rapidly along the tunnel where the drying rate is greatest. If the air velocity had been greater or the tunnel shorter, the air tempera- ture at the fresh-fruit end would not have dropped so low, and the drying time Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 47 would have been shorter. An example of the relation between velocity, tunnel length, drying time, and final air temperature is given in figure 15, which is for a counterfiow tunnel drying French prunes with a final size count of 50 per pound. Fruit Temperatures during Dehydration. — High air temperatures give rapid drying rates and short drying times. But if the fruit temperature rises above a certain critical value for more than a very limited time, when the mois- ture content is low, the quality of the product is impaired and the storage life is reduced. Critical temperatures depend upon the kind of fruit and upon the moisture content. Although fruit temperature cannot be readily measured in commercial dehydraters, it can be estimated from the air temperature and the drying conditions. When fruit is first moved into the relatively cool, humid end of a counter- flow tunnel, its temperature rises rapidly until it is slightly above the wet-bulb temperature. Because of the high moisture content of the fruit at this point, the evaporation rate is fairly high if the relative humidity is not excessive. The fruit, therefore, remains considerably cooler than the air, until its mois- ture content has been materially reduced. As the car is moved through the tunnel, the air temperature is higher at each successive car position. When the fruit decomes drier, the evaporation rate becomes slower and, finally, the fruit temperature approaches that of the air. Typical temperatures in a counterfiow tunnel are shown in figure 14. Special care must be taken to avoid exceeding the critical temperature near the end of dehydration, and to remove the fruit before its moisture content drops so low that its susceptibility to heat damage materially increases. Maximum air temperatures for typical counter- flow tunnel operation are given as follows : Maximum recommended Product air temperature, °F Apricots 155* Freestone peaches 155* Clingstone peaches 160* Nectarines 155* Pears 140* Golden-bleached raisins 150 Black Mission figs 140 Prunes 165 * These figures to be used only if the fruit is dried to a moisture content not below 25 per cent. In two-stage dehydration, the air temperature at the hot end of the primary parallel flow tunnel can be considerably higher than the values given above. The fruit is much cooler than the air, because of the high evaporation rate. Moreover, because of its high moisture content, it is not so susceptible to heat damage. Air Flow. — Air is drawn in by the fan and then forced through the tunnel where it passes between the trays, over and around the fruit, and out of the tunnel. In some designs the furnace is installed before, in others after, the fan. As the air flows through this circuit, pressure losses result from changes in air velocity and direction, and from friction by contact with the sides of the tunnel, travs, and fruit. 48 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 In dealing- with air flow, dehydrater performance, and friction losses, to attempt measurement of the actual velocities at all points adjacent to the fruit on the trays within the tunnel is seldom feasible. It is more practicable to measure the total air flow through the tunnel, bearing in mind that, with a given total air flow, the performance will vary with the tray spacing, tray loading*, and side and top clearances. The air velocity over the fruit will be consistently higher than that in the free tunnel cross section. Air velocities can be measured by the pinwheel anemometer, the balanced- vane impact instrument called the velometer, or the impact tip called the Pitot tube, which is read with a manometer or diaphragm chamber (fig. 16). In using- any of these instruments to find regions where the flow is uniform enough to give steady and representative readings is sometimes difficult. Fig. 1(5. — Instruments for measuring air velocities. For measuring the total volume rate of flow (cubic feet per minute passing through the tunnel) the pinwheel anemometer lias the advantage of giving an average reading. The recommended procedure is to move the instrument at a uniform, slow speed, in a traverse which will cover the entire cross section of the tunnel, at a point at least 2 feet from the downstream face of the last truck. Care must be taken to avoid speeding up the traverse, or dwelling in regions of high or low velocity, particularly at the walls or ceiling. The total air flow is found by multiplying the average velocity so obtained by the cross- sectional area of the tunnel. To investigate the uniformity of flow, the area can be divided into sections which can be traversed separately. For taking instantaneous readings at particular points, the velometer is useful. Variations of velocity across the tunnel and pulsations of Aoav make the averaging of results difficult, but the instrument is helpful in exploring quickly the uniformity of flow. Since a Pitot tube shows a differential of only a /j (5 inch of water at a velocity of 1,000 feet per minute, it is not well adapted for dehydrater-tunnel measure- ments. Air Pressures and Friction Losses. — The air pressures which are developed in dehydraters are only a fraction of a pound per square inch. Conventional Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 49 pressure gauges are not suitable for measuring these low pressure differences. Installation of a manometer to measure the pressure within a duct (the pres- sure difference between the inside and outside of the duct) is shown at A in figure 17. The pressure connection must be made carefully at the duct wall, witli the face of the tube opening parellel to the direction of air flow, and free from any projections or burrs. With a vertical water-filled manometer, the pressure is read from the difference in the levels in the two legs of the tube, as inches of water. Since a column of water 1 inch square and 1 inch high AIR FLOW IMPACT TIP OPENING Id tc D — U 1 5 * h 0. ■ RESISTANCE OF TUNNEL WITH 12 NORMALLY LOADED CARS OF PRUNES OR GRAPES (5) POWER REQUIRED BY FAN AT MODERATE SPEED_ 20 -15 -10 AIR RATE 20,000 CUBIC EEET PER 40,000 MINUTE Fig. 28. — Characteristics of an axial-flow fan. in short tunnels, the temperature drop will be small and the efficiency will be low unless recirculation is used. With a fast-drying material, the temperature drop per foot of tunnel length is large, and recirculation may not be practical even in a moderately short tunnel. If a fast-drying material is to be dried in a long tunnel, the tunnel should not be filled with cars, or the drying conditions at the cool, humid end will be unsatisfactory. G4 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 A very helpful indication of the operating conditions within a tunnel can be obtained from observation of the difference between temperatures of dry- and wet-bulb thermometers at the cool, or fresh fruit, end. Each time a car of fresh fruit is introduced, the final air temperature drops considerably, for the fruit on this car is relatively cold. In addition, each of the cars which has been moved ahead in the tunnel contains fruit that is not so dry as that on the ear previously in the same position,' and the evaporation rate throughout the tun- nel is greater than before the recharge. This also causes a greater temperature drop in the tunnel and a cooler final air temperature. The temperature grad- ually rises, as the fruit on each car becomes drier, until again it is time to remove the driest car and put in another fresh one. cr D H DRY-8ULB TEMPERATURE OF EXHAUST AIR \ EXHAUST AIR TEMPERATURE TO BE REACHED BEFORE PUTTING IN NEXT CAR / CARS PUT IN AT THESE TIMES < rr *1 ^*^\j>^\^^^^ u U. A ^MINIMUM RECOMMENDED EXHAUST AIR TEMPERATURE j ^WET-BULB TEMPERATURE THROUGHOUT TUNNEL TIME DRY-BULB TEMPERATURE OF EXHAUST AIR EXHAUST AIR TEMPERATURE TO BE REACHED BEFORE PUTTING IN NEXT CAR CARS PUT IN AT THESE TIMES / |5 "p MINIMUM RECOMMENDED EXHAUST AIR TEMPERATURE | yWET-BULB TEMPERATURE THROUGHOUT TUNNEL TIME Pig. 29.— Exhaust air temperatures, :it the end <.f single car and double-car dehydrater tunnels. If the drying rate is slower and the drying time longer than anticipated, the cold-end air temperature will be found to be a little lower each time a new car is introduced. This is a sign that the tunnel is being overloaded. If this happens, the time interval between cars should be lengthened, the amount of recirculation reduced, or the air velocity increased. It' an adjustment is not made, the cars will not be ready to be taken out when they reach the front end of the tunnel, and the number of cars in the tunnel— if it is not already filled— will be increased. The result at the cool end is that, with cooler and more humid air, the drying rate of the fresh cars will be retarded and soon the tunnel will be filled with cars, of which only the first few will be drying satisfactorily. If this condition is anticipated from observation of cool-end temperatures, poor operating conditions can be avoided. With appropriate attention, the operator can learn for each commodity the dry-bulb-wet-bulb difference which must be attained before the next car should be introduced. An approximate rule is that, after introducing a fresh car, the dry-bulb temperature should be 15 degrees F higher than the wet-bulb temperature. The extent to which the dry-bulb temperature should be allowed to rise before Fruit Dehydration : I. Principles and Equipment 65 a new car is put in depends upon the nature of the product, the air velocity, and the fraction of the tunnel load which one car comprises. Typical cool-end air temperature changes are illustrated in figure 29 for dehydration of peaches on single and on double cars. With single cars, the air temperature was found to drop about 7 degrees F when a fresh car was intro- duced. In order to have a 15-degree difference afterward, a 22-degree differ- ence between dry- and wet-bulb temperatures was necessary before a fresh car was put in. With double cars, a 14-degree temperature change occurred each time a new car was introduced; it was therefore necessary to have a 29- degree difference between dry- and wet-bulb temperatures before putting in another car. During much of the latter period, the air was not effectively used, but the new car could not have been introduced sooner or poor drying condi- tions would have resulted. Another disadvantage of double cars is the appreciable difference between the drying rate at the front and at the back sides of the trays. Furthermore, because of the great weight, handling is so difficult that an extra man is needed to move the double truck — yet he is frequently idle. In starting the operation of a tunnel, some modification must be made from the normal operating schedule. It is highly undesirable to put several cars of fresh fruit into one tunnel on starting; the evaporation rate from a car of fresh fruit in an empty tunnel is great, and the drop in temperature of the air passing through the car is high. For example, if 1 car, 6x6 feet in size, containing blanched clingstone peaches is introduced in an empty tunnel, with an air velocity of 1,000 feet per minute and a temperature of 155° F, there will be an initial temperature drop of almost 30 degrees. If more than 3 or 4 single cars are introduced at once, the air moving past the last car will be nearly saturated. This is indicated by the fact that the dry-bulb temperature will be nearly as low as the wet-bulb temperature. Thus, little evaporation can occur from the last car which has entered until the first cars have lost a con- siderable part of their moisture; at this time their evaporation rate will be less and the air reaching the last car will be warmer and less humid. The lower the air flow, the smaller is the number of fresh cars which can be introduced in an empty tunnel without excessively building up the humidity. One procedure in starting is to introduce cars at a regular schedule, with the hot-end air temperature at first adjusted to about the average cold-end temperature to be found with steady operation. Each time a new car is put in, the hot-end temperature is raised until the normal operating temperature is reached. The proper temperatures for the hot-end air can be selected from an air-temperature curve like that shown in figure 14 (p. 46). The first car under this procedure will dry in just a little less than normal time, for it was subject to approximately normal tunnel temperatures, although the humidity of the air passing by it was low during its entire drying period. The first car of an unfamiliar product should be examined as the predicted drying time is ap- proached, in order that the drying schedule can be modified if necessary. The other procedure on starting is to keep the hot-end air at normal operat- ing temperature and to introduce cars more frequently at first than would be done under the normal schedule. The latter procedure is simpler and requires less supervision than the former method. 66 California Experiment Station Bulletin 698 LITERATURE CITED Allen, F. W. 1937. Apple growing in California. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 425:1-95. Kevised. American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. 1945. Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning guide. 1146 p. American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, New York, N.Y. (Published annually.) Beavens, E. A. 1944. Cabinet dehydraters suited to small scale operations. Food Indus. 16(1): 70; (2):90; (3):75. Bisson, C. S., H. W. Allinger, and H. A. Young. 1942. Some factors affecting the burning of sulfurs used in sulfuring fruits. Hilgardia 14(6) : 361-72. Caldwell, Joseph S. 1923. Evaporation of fruits. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bui. 1141 : 1-62. 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Oregon Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 205 : 1-26. 25m-l,'47(A139)