P5.74r ER% \\\EUN!VER% v^lOS ANGELA ^LOS-ANGELfju ^(MITVD ^y _ <^- ao 'F ^LOS-ANGElfj> FISHERY BOARD FOR SCOTLAND, SALMON FISHERIES. REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS OX THE LIFE HISTORY OF SALMON. presented to parliament bp Command ot 1ber /lfcajest. GLASGOW : PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE BY JAMES HEDDERWICK & SONS, AT "THE CITIZEN" PRESS, ST. VINCENT PLACE. And to be purchased either directly or through any Bookseller, from JOHN MENZIES & CO., 12 HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH, and 90 WEST NILE STREET, GLASGOW ; or EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE, EAST HARDING STREET, FLEET STREET, E.C. ; or HODGES, FIGGIS & CO., LIMITED, 104 GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN. 1898. ~C. 8787.] Price Is. lid. FISHERY BOARD FOR SCOTLAND, EDINBURGH, 23rd February, 1898. SIR, I am directed by the Fishery Board for Scotland to transmit herewith a Eeport of Investigations into the Life-History of Salmon in Fresh Water, which was submitted to the Board at a meeting held on 18th instant, and ordered by them to be forwarded to you, for the information of the Secretary for Scotland. I have the honour to be, SIR, Your most obedient Servant, WM. C. KOBEKTSON, Secretary. The Under-Secretary for Scotland. REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS LIFE-HISTORY SALMON IN FRESH WATER: FROM THE RESEARCH LABORATORY OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF EDINBURGH. E D 1 T E D B Y D. NOEL iPATON, M.D., SUPERINTENDENT OF THE LABORATORY. GLASGOW: KD HY JAMES HEDDERWICK & SONS, TiiK CITI/.KN" I'RKKS, ST. VINCENT PLACE. RESEARCH LABORATORY OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF EDINBURGH, January, 1898. To THE SCOTTISH FISHERY BOARD. GENTLEMEN. I have the honour to present the following- Report of the Investigations on the Life-History of the Salmon in Fresh Water, which have been carried 011 in the Research Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. In doing so, I desire to state that the valuable plan of procuring salmon simultaneously from the mouths and from the upper reaches of the rivers for the investigation of the migrations of the fish and the elucidation of the question of whether fish leaving the sea early in the year remain in the upper waters until the breeding season, is due to Mr. Walter E. Archer. Inspector of Salmon Fisheries for Scotland. On behalf of my fellow-workers and myself, I take this oppoi'- tunity of thanking him for much valuable advice and assistance during the prosecution of the work. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, D. NOEL PATON, Superintendent of the Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. SH CONTENTS. I. INTRODUCTORY. 1. General Introduction. By D. Noel Paton, M.D., B.Sc., F.R.C.P.Ed., Superintendent of the Laboratory, - 1 2. How far may the Salmon examined be considered typical of their respective classes. By Walter E. Archer, Esq., F.R.S.Ed., Inspector of Salmon Fisheries for Scotland, - 9 II. -THE SOURCE FROM WHICH SALMON OBTAIN NOURISHMENT, AND THE EXCHANGES OF MATERIAL IN THE BODY DURING THEIR SOJOURN IN FRESH WATER. A. The Power of the Alimentary Canal to Digest and Absorb Food. 3. The Minute Structure of the Digestive Tract of the Salmon, and the Changes which occur in it in Fresh Water. By G. Lovell Gulland, M.A., B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., 13 4. Changes in the Digestive Activity of the Secretions of the Alimentary Canal of the Salmon in different conditions. By A. Lockhart Gillespie, M.D., F.R.C.P. Ed., 23 5. Bacteriology of the Alimentary Canal of the Salmon in different conditions. By A. Lockhart Gillespie, M.D., F.R.C.P. Ed., 36 B. Changes in the Weight and in the Constituents of the Muscles, Genitalia, and other Organs during the sojourn of Salmon in Fresh Water. 6. Changes in the Weight and Condition of Salmon at different seasons in the Estuaries and in the Upper Reaches of the River. By D. Noel Paton, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., Miid J. C. ' Dunlop, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., - 63 Chemical Changes Preliminary Considerations. By D. Noel Paton, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., - 79 7 The Changes in the Solids and Water of Muscles and Genitalia in the Salmon in Fresh Water. By D. Noel Paton, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., - 83 8. The Changes in the Fats of Muscle, Genitalia, and other Organs of the Salmon in Fresh Water. By D. Noel Paton, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., - 93 9. Microscopical Observations 011 the Muscle Fat in the Salmon. By S. C. Mahalanobis, B.Sc., F.R.M.S., 106 10. The Nature of the Proteids, of Salmon Muscle. By Francis D. Boyd, M.D., F.R.C.P. Ed., - 112 11. The Changes in the Amount of Proteid in the Muscula- ture and Genitalia of the Salmon in Fresh Water. By James C. Dunlop, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., 120 12. The Fats and Proteids stored in the Muscle of the Salmon considered as a source of Muscular Energy. By D. Noel Paton, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., 139 13. The Phosphorus Compounds of the Muscle and Genitalia of the Salmon, and their Exchanges. By D. Noel Paton, M.D., F.R.C.P.Ed., - 143 14. The Exchanges of Iron between the Muscles and Ovaries of the Salmon in Fresh Water. By E. D. W. Greig, M.B., Ed., - 156 15. The Pigment of the Muscles and Ovaries of the Salmon and their Exchanges. By M. I. Newbigin, B. Sc., 159 16. The Changes in the value of the Salmon as a Food Stuff. By James C. Dunlop, M.D., F.R.C.P. Ed., 165 III. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. 17. General Summary. By D. Noel Paton, M.D., F.R C.P.Ed. -"-.-_. 169 INVESTIGATIONS ON THE LIFE-HISTORY OF THE SALMON IN FRESH-WATER. I. INTRODUCTORY. 1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. BY D. NOEL PATON, M.D., F.R.C.P.ED., B.Sc. SUPERINTENDENT OF THE LABORATORY. THE curious life history of the salmon has always been a subject of the deepest interest not only to the zoologist and physiologist bu1; also to the sportsman and the fisherman. In spite of the most careful study by scientific investigators, the migrations of the salmon and the various changes in condition which it undergoes are even now far from being fully understood, and the careless observations and foolish traditions of keepers, fishermen, and ghillies have only served to involve the matter in a deeper cloud of mystery. Only a few years ago the processes of reproduction and develop- ment were matters of speculation, and many of the older writers indulged in the most fanciful ideas upon these points. The investi- gations and experiments of Sir James Maitland and others have supplied the required information, and the reproduction and develop- ment of the salmon are no longer mysteries. But many other questions in its life history remain unsolved. Yearly, or at longer intervals, the fish appear on our coast, apparently from the deeper waters, and ascend the rivets, there, somewhere between October and January, to deposit their spawn and milt. Having done so they descend the river as " kelts," and again disappear in the sea, to return either in the same or in the following year to the fresh water. What force urges the fish to leave its rich feeding ground in the sea ? Is it necessary that it should enter fresh water in order to perform the act of reproduction 1 Does it require or procure any food during its sojourn in the river, and, if not, how is it able to maintain life and to construct its rapidly growing genital organs '( In the female the growth of these is enormous. In April or May the ovaries constitute only about 1*2 per cent, of the weight of the fish in November they are no less than 23'3 per cent. In a fish of 301bs. in the spring they weigh about 120 grms. in November they weigh 2 Investigations on the Life History over 2000 grrus. The increase in the testes in the male is not so marked, but is sufficiently striking. In April or May these organs are about 0-15 per cent, of the weight of the fish, while in November they are 3'3 per cent. From what are these structures formed ? As they grow, the muscle, as is well known, undergoes marked and characteristic changes. Not only does it diminish in amount as the season advances, so that the fish which have been some time in the river become smaller in the shoulder and back, but it loses its rich, fatty character, while it becomes paler in colour. Are these changes in the muscle connected with the growth ot the ovaries and te*tes ? And if so, in what manner and to what extent ? On the other hand, in fighting its way up rapids and over falls an enormous amount of muscular work is accomplished by the salmon. Whence is the energy for this work obtained ? Are the changes in the muscle connected with the performance of this work, and if so to what extent are these changes connected with the muscular work, and to what extent with the growth of the genitalia. Lastly, the question arises to what extent do these changes in the muscle modify the value of the flesh as a food stuff. In the investigation of some of these questions most excellent work has already been done, not only in Holland and Germany upon the salmon in the Rhine by Dr. Hoek* and Professor Miescher Ruesch,t but also by Mr. Archer, the Inspector of Salmon Fisheries for Scotland, in conjunction with Mr. Grey and Mr. Tosh. The careful series of ob- servations embodied in the Annual Reports J are well worth careful study by the zoologist and the salmon fisher. They should help to dispel the absurd traditions which cling around the history of the salmon, and to pave the way for the complete solution of many of the problems we have enumerated. The present investigation is a continuation and amplification of these researches, and would have been impossible without these previous laborious studies. Briefly stated, these investigations of the Fishery Board have estab- lished the following facts : 1st. That some salmon spawn every year, though there is strong evidence that all do not do so. (Eleventh Annual Report, Part If., p. 68.) 2nd. That the genitalia of fish coming from the sea develop steadily from April on to the spawning time, and that the genitalia of salmon in the earlier summer months develop more rapidly than those of grilse. (Fourteenth Annual Report, Part II., pp. 15 and 21.) 3rd. That the proportion of the weight of genitalia to the weight of the fish is constant for all sizes of salmon. (Fourteenth Annual Report, Part II., p. 11.) 4th. That salmon continue to feed while in the sea until September. This is shown, firstly, by the presence of food in the stomach of a certain proportion of the fish captured (Fourteenth Annual Report, Part II., pp. 77 to 80.) ; and secondly, by the fact that the fish leaving the sea are somewhat heavier from 2 to 3 per cent. in August and September than they are in the earlier months, whereas if they had entirely stopped * Rapport over Statistische en biologische onderyoekingen ingesteld mett behulp van in Neder- land gevangen Zalmen. Dr. P. V. C. Hoek, Wetei.schappelijk Adviseur in Visscherijzaken. t Statistische und biofogtache Beitrage zur Kenntniss von Leben des Rheinlachses im Susswasser Dr. F. Meischer Ruesch, Prof. d. Physiol. in Basel. A contribution to the literature of the Berlin Fisheries Exhibition of 1880. Publishers, v^on Metrger & Wiltijr, Leipsic. feee also Histocluinis- che , und Phvsiol gischen Arbeiten von Friedrich Miescher. Bd II. s. 116. Leipzig, 1897. t Appendices to Thirteenth and Fourteenth Annual Reports of the Fishery Board for Scotland, of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 3 feeding they should have been lighter. (Fourteenth Annual Report, Part //., ,>. 12.) If salmon do feed in the sea it is perhaps curious that food should be found in so small a percentage of those captured at the mouths of rivers. But it must be remembered that the estuary of the river is not the natural feeding ground of the salmon, and it is probably only by chance that food is still in the stomach of fish captured there. SCOPE OF PRESENT INVESTIGATION. The present investigation was undertaken with the following objects : 1. To throw light upon the influences determining the migration of salmon from sea to river and from river to sea, and to study more fully than has hitherto been done the course of the migrations. 2. To investigate whether salmon in fresh water require or use food; and whether fish which do nob leave the sea till late in the autumn continue to feed while their genitalia are developing ? o. To study the relative rate of growth of genitalia in salmon in fresh water and in the sea. 4. To investigate more fully the nature of the changes in the flesh (muscle) and genital organs throughout the year. 5. To determine the source of the material used in the construction of the genital organs, and to study the chemical changes which the various substances undergo. 6. To elucidate the source of the energy required by the fish in ascending the river. METHOD OF INVESTIGATION. To cany out this enquiry, it was necessary to have a supply of fish at all possible seasons of the year. Further, it was desirable to have fish from different sources at these various times some from the sea at the mouth of the river, some from the upper reaches so that the changes of the fish in their passage up the river, and in their sojourn in the upper waters, might be thoroughly studied. It is known that through the spring, summer, and autumn there is a more or less constant procession or stream of salmon passing from the sea into the rivers. Our plan, then, was to take samples of the fish just leaving the sea, and similar samples of those which had reached the upper parts of the livers, and, by comparing the latter with the former, to investigate the changes which had taken place during the sojourn of the fish in fresh water. The method may be compared to that of taking samples of water from two parts of a river in order, by examination of them, to ascertain what changes have taken place in the water between these points. MATERIAL FOR INVESTIGATION. () Supply of Fish. The observations were commenced in June 1895 at the request of Mr. Archer, Inspector of (Salmon Fisheries for Scotland. At this time Mr. Tosh was stationed at Berwick-on-Tweed investi- gating the growth of the genitalia in Tweed salmon, and it was arranged that he should send the viscera, with portions of the flesh, to the Laboratory. It was soon found that to make the investigation satisfactory it would 4 Investigations on, t/te Life- History be necessary to determine the precise amount of muscle on the fish, and since this was impossible in the fish required for market, Mr. Johnston, of Montrose, was approached by Professor Macintosh, of St. Andrews, and, at his own expense, supplied a series of salmon caught in his fishings on the North Esk throughout the season. The material so accumulated and examined yielded results of consider- able interest, but clearly showed that, to make the investigation complete, a more extensive supply was necessary. Further, Mr. Archer's Report to the Fishery Board for 1895 showed that in any such investigation results obtained from grilse could not with safety be applied to salmon. For this reason it was resolved to exclude grilse from the investigation. Mr. Archer threw himself into the progress of the enquiry with enthusiasm, and, a grant having been obtained from the Fishery Board to defray the expenses of collecting material, he made arrangements for a large supply of fish throughout the season of 1896. To thoroughly check and control observations, it was arranged to procure salmon from different rivers, and the Helmsdale, Spey, Dee, and Annan were selected. It was further arranged that fish should be supplied first from the mouth of each river, and second from the upper reaches. Through the liberality of the various proprietors the Duke of Richmond, the Duke of Sutherland, the Duke of Fife, the Dee (Aberdeenshire) District Board, Mr. Mackenzie of Newbie, and the late Mr. Heywood-Lonsdale, the following supply of material was obtained : 1895. From Mr. Johnston, of Montrose, 10 male and 9 female salmon and grilse were received. From Mr. Tosh, at Berwick-on-Tweed, and later at Melrose, the viscera and a portion of the muscle of 18 fish were obtained. Four whole salmon were late in the year received from the upper waters of the Tweed through the courtesy of the Police Committee of the Commissioners of the River. 1896. On March 6th the viscera of seven salmon captured at the mouth of the Tweed were procured at Berwick. From May to November 69 salmon were received from the various stations as follows : May-June. July-Aug. Oct.-Nov. Helmsdale. Spey, Dee, | Mouth, i Upper, - J Mouth, 1 Upper, - J Mouth, ! Upper, 3 3 4 3 5 3 2 4 6 5 5 1 5 3 1 5 3 Annan, - J Mouth, \ Upper, - 4 4 Totals, 25 26 18 [n the spring of 1897, 22 kelts were received from the Spey. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 5 In drawing conclusions from the study of this material one question must be considered. How far do fish captured in the upper waters actually represent the condition of all the fish there ? These fish were for the most part taken with the fly, and it is the common opinion of anglers that fresh-run fish take the lure more readily than those which have been in the water for some time. It is thus possible that the fish procured from the upper waters do not fairly represent the general condition. Fortunately at Kiiicraig, on the Spey, the fish were taken with the net, and an examination of the various tables shows that they do not differ from the fish taken with the rod in the upper reaches of the other rivers. (/>) Preparation and Preservation of Matwial. The duty of examining and preparing the fish as they were received in the Laboratory was discharged by Mr, Alfred Patterson, one of the assistants, who had had a special training in analytic chemistry, and his work was supervised by me. The external appearance of the fish was observed, and the presence of sea lice, ulcers, wounds, &c., noted. The fish was then measured as follows : Length from mouth to fork of tail, depth at anterior border of dorsal fin, and girth at the same place. It was next weighed. The skin covering the trunk muscles on one side was next carefully removed, along with the anal firi of that side, any adherent flesh being afterwards carefully picked off and placed along with the rest. The skin was weighed. The great trunk muscles on the same side were then carefully separated from the bones, and weighed. In some cases the " thin " belly muscle was separated from the " thick," and weighed separately. It was soon found that the " thin " was about a quarter of the whole muscle, and separate weighings were therefore discontinued. Pieces of the " thick " and of the " thin," of about 30 grms. each, taken at the level of the anterior edge of the dorsal fin, were preserved in spirit. Another portion of fie " thick " was weighed, and pounded up with an equal quantity of common salt. The abdominal cavity was now opened, arid the viscera, with the exception of the heart, the ovaries or testes, and the kidneys were removed and weighed. The liver was separated from the other viscera, and the condition of the gall bladder was noted. The gall bladder was removed and the liver weighed. A weighed portion of the organ about 30 grms. was put in methylated spirit. In many cases inoculations upon gelatin were made from the stomach, pylorus, and intestine for the investigation of the bacteriology of the alimentary tract. The stomach and intestine were opened, and the characters of the contents noted. Small pieces of stomach, intestine, pyloric appendages, and liver were in many cases placed in perchloride of mercury, and pieces of the liver were sometimes fixed in osmic acid for microscopic examination. The stomach and oesophagus were cut off from the lower part of the alimentary canal, and were placed in alcohol. The pyloric appendages, with the intestine, were placed in alcohol in a separate bottle. The ovaries or testes were now removed and weighed, the latter being weighed without the ducts, which were cut off' close to the organs. Pieces of the organs, of about 30 grms., were preserved in methylated spirits. The rest of the fish, consisting of the head, heart, vertebral column, kidneys, tail, fins, and the muscles of the other side, were weighed. 6 Investigations on the Life-History From these weighings the total weight of muscle and the weight of "thick" and "thin" could be calculated, as shown by the following example from the Receiving- Book : No. 23. Aberdeen, 27th May 1896. From Maidh of the Dee. Clean fish. Sea lice. Stomach empty. Intestine contained yellow mucus and tape-worms. Pyloric appendage coated with fat. Gall bladder distended. Length, 67 cm. Girth, 36'5 cm. Depth, 15 cm. Weight, 3,425 grms. of Skin on one side, . . . 110 grms. of Viscera, 103 grms. of Ovaries, 16 grms. of Trunk Muscle of one side, . 1,087 grms. of Rest of Fish, .... 2,005 grms. The weight of the trunk muscles was thus 2174 grms., and of this a quarter, or 543, was "thin," and the remainder, or 1631, was "thick." (c) Method of comparing Fish of different sizes. In dealing with this mass of material the first question which had to be considered was how to make the results obtained from one fish comparable with those obtained from another. The fish received varied in length from 66 to 108 cm., and in weight from 2675 to 12,670 grms. To compare the various parts of a fish of 3000 grms. with one of 10,000 grms. it is obviously necessary to reduce the results to some common measure. In previous observations the weight of the various organs has usually been expressed simply as a percentage of the total weight of the fish ; but, if the changes in substance of two structures such as the muscle and ovaries one of which steadily loses weight while the other steadily, gains it are to be compared, obviously to calculate the changes in muscle, in terms of the weight of the fish, will give a fallacious idea of the extent of these changes. A more constant standard is the length of the fish, and in his Annual Report, No. 14, 2-12, Mr. Archer has used this standard. But the weight of the fish varies not as its length but as some factor of its length approaching the cube, on the rule that two bodies of similar- shape and of the same material vary as the cube of their length or some like dimension. Thus a fish of 100 cm. in length is not twice as heavy as a fish of 50 cm., but is eight tunes as heavy. On trial, in a large number of cases of fish of different sizes, it was found that the cube gave satisfactory results, and it was therefore adopted as the factor. The standard length, or unit of length, selected was 100 cm. the ordinary length of a salmon of about 301bs. This was selected simply because it yielded convenient figures. To obtain the weight per unit of length the proportion thus is : Actual length, cubed : standard length, cubed : f actual weight : x. Table I. shows the correspondence of the results obtained in this way with the actual weights observed in the very large number of fish included in Table XIV., p. 27 of Vol. XIV. (1896) of the Fishery Board Reports, Part II. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. TABLE I. Length. Weight. Cube Calculation. Average of Actual Weights. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. 75 4289 4133 3707 4533 4333 4219 4199 76 + 4324 4409 4503 4458 4653 4390 + 4469 77 + 4666 4577 4644 4817 4462 4565 + 4633 79- 4706 4982 4804 5018 5355 4930- 4973 80 5160 5013 5249 5333 5129 5120 5181 I am indebted to Mr. Archer for the following observations on this point, made upon a very large series of fish of different lengths : TABLE II. Length in Cm. No. of Fish Examined. Average Weight in Grms. Weight for Fish of Standard Length. 70-0 102 3311-2 9716 79-0 265 4780-7 9777 88-0 106 6804-4 9684 The difference is thus less than 1 per cent. METHOD OF INVESTIGATION. It was impossible for a single individual to conduct so extensive an investigation as that contemplated, and I was fortunate in securing the co-operation of various workers in the Research Laboratory of the Koyal College of Physicians. The following scheme shows the general plan of the investigation and the manner in which it was apportioned among the various workers : How far may the Salmon examined be considered typical of their respective classes ? By Walter E. Archer, Inspector of Salmon Fisheries. The Source fn m which Salmon obtain nourishment and the Exchange of Material in their Body during their sojourn in Fresh Water?- A. The Power of the Alimentary Canal to Digest and Absorb Food 1. Changes in the structure of the lining membrane of the alimentary canal and in the various glands. By G. Lovell Gulland. 8 Investigations on the Life- History Changes in the digestive activity of the various secretions of the alimentary canal. By A. Lockhart Gillespie. Bacteriology of the alimentary canal in different conditions. By A. Lockhart Gillespie. B. Changes in the Weight and in the Condition ofttw Muscles, Genitalia, and other Organs during the sojourn of the Salmon in Fresh Water Changes in the weight and condition of the fish at different periods. By D. Noel Paton and J. C. Dunlop. Changes in the amount of solids. By D. Noel Paton. Changes in the amount of Fats (a) Chemical observations. By D. Noel Paton. (&) Microscopic observations. By S. C. Mahalanobis. The nature of the Proteids of the Muscle. By F. D. Boyd. Changes in the amount of Proteids. By J. C. Dunlop. The Fats and Proteids stored in the Muscle as the Source of Muscle Energy. By D. Noel Paton. The Phosphorus Compounds and the Changes in the distribu- tion of Phosphorus. By D. Noel Paton. Changes in the distribution of Iron. By E. D. W. Greig. The Pigments of the Salmon and their Changes. By M. I. Newbigin. The Changes in the Value of the Salmon as a Food-Stuff. By J. C. Dunlop. of the Salmon in fresh Water. 2. HOW FAR MAY THE SALMON EXAMINED BE CON- SIDERED TYPICAL OF THEIR RESPECTIVE CLASSES? BY WALTER E. ARCHER, INSPECTOR OF SALMON FISHERIES FOR SCOTLAND. The object of these observations is to determine how far the fish examined in the course of this investigation may be taken to fairly represent fish frequenting each locality in the periods named. The lower- water fish are represented by 34 females and 8 males, and upper- water fish by 2 1 females and 6 males. The lower-water fish were in each case taken at the mouths of the rivers. The fish from the upper waters of the Spey were taken at a distance of about 60 miles from the sea, those from the upper waters of the Dee at about 65 miles, and those from the upper waters of the Helrnsdale at about 15 miles. Fish from 8 to 10 Ibs. in weight were asked for, but those sent from the mouths in October and November were considerably larger. It has been shown that the average weight, per fish of standard length, of salmon measuring from 69 to 89 centimetres does not vary one per cent. provided the averages are calculated over large numbers, and the fish are taken in the same locality and during the same period of the year (Table II., p. 7). It is well known, however, that there is a considerable variation in the weight of single fish of the same length, taken at the same time and place. Table II., p. 65, shows the extent of these variations ; and the question arises as to whether the averages given in this table are taken over sufficient numbers, and therefore fairly represent the average condition of fish iiieach period and locality; or whether the fluctuations are due to the ordinary variations in the weight of fish of the same length. With the view of throwing further light on this question, the average weight, per fish of standard length, has been calculated on large numbers of fish taken in different localities in each period. The cal- culations which are given in Table I. refer to female salmon taken on the sea coast or immediately after entering the river. It is true that Kelso, in the neighbourhood of which one lot of fish was caught, is some 16 or 17 miles above the tideway ; but it would seem a fair inference that these fish have entered the river in the period in which they were caught, and that they should be treated as mouth and not as upper-water fish, since they are altogether of a larger class than those taken at Berwick-on-Tweed in July ; and, since, they resemble in size the large mouth fish examined by Dr. Noel Paton in October and November, being in marked contrast to the samples obtained by him from the upper waters in these months. 10 Investigations on the Life-ffisfory TABLE I. WKIGHT PER FISH OF STANDARD LENGTH FEMALE SALMON. PERIOD. LOCALITY. Average Weight. Average Length. No. of Fish. Average Weight per Fish of Standard Length. GRMS. CM. GRMS. May and June, Bervvick-on-Tweed, 4300 6509 73-8 232 10723 July and Aug,, Berwick-on-Tweed, . - 82-9 221 11723 Do., Dysart and Buckhaven (Fifeshire Coast), 5942 80-2 20 11511 Do., Tayport, 6531 82-6 40 11410 Do., N. Esk District (Sea Coast), 7166 84-6 65 11836 Oct. and Nov., Kelso, on Tweed, - 7711 87-76 85 11408 Do., Fochabers, on Spey,* - 8164 89 04 11580 The figures given in the last column show : 1. That the difference in the average weight, per fish of standard length, in July and August on five different parts of the coast does not exceed 4 per cent. 2. That in October and November the variation in the average weight, per fish of standard length, from the lower waters of the Tweed and Spey respectively is less than ] | per cent. The large number of fish dealt with, the wide area over which they were taken, and the very slight variation in the results, seem collectively to afford good grounds for believing that these figures represent with a considerable degree of accuracy the condition of female salmon coming in from the sea in each of the periods specified. A comparison of these averages with those of the estuary fish examined by Dr. Noel Baton (which are given in Table IV., p. 66), shows that the average weight per fish of standard length of the latter is in May and June 5-3 per cent, below the former, in July and August 7'3 per cent, below, and in October and November not quite 1 per cent. above. The smallness of the differences in these percentages would seem to indicate that the fish examined by Dr. Noel Paton may be token as tair samples of fish coming in from the sea in the periods named, and, in any case, that the excess of weight, per fish of standard length, of the mouth fish as compared with the upper-water fish is not due to his samples of the former being fish in exceptionally good condition. A similar calculation has been made with "regard to males, and is given in the following table : n pro^rliontoTheir T^ "'Th ^^^ T* nleasured whe dive. Their weight, therefore, "terbe^tkine^l S Fgrea ' rt a " that f fish which were weighwl a fewboun of the Salmon in Fresh Water. TABLE II. AVERAGE WEIGHT PER FISH OF STANDARD LENGTH MALE SALMON. 11 PERIOD. LOCALITY. Average Weight. GRMS. Average Length. Num- ber. Weight per Fish of Standard Length. CM. GRMS. May and June, Berwick-on-Tweed, 4784-8 76-11 43 10771 July and Aug., Berwick-on-Tweed, 7275-5 86-1 123 .11400 Do., Dysart, Buckhaven, } Tayport, and N. V Esk Districts, - - j 9071-8 91-9 22 11700 Oct. and Nov., Kelso, on Tweed, - 6518-1 83-4 98 11224 Do., Fochabers, on Spey,* 10750 98-5 21 11248 A study of this table shows : 1. That in July and August there is a difference of only 2| per cent, in the weight, per fish of standard length, of salmon taken at Berwick, and of those taken at Dysart, Buckhaven, &c. 2. That in October and November there is practically no difference in the weight, per fish of standard length, of salmon from the Spey and Tweed respectively. A comparison of the figures given in the above table with those given in Table XIV., p. 71, shows that the average weight per fish of standard length taken at the mouths of rivers, which were examined by Dr. Noel Paton, was in May and June 18 per cent, below that of the Berwick fish, in J uly and August 7 per cent, below the mean of the averages of the fish taken from the different localities, and in October and November 14- per cent, below the mean of Tweed and Spey salmon. The male fish examined by Dr. Noel Paton are thus not so typical of their class as are the female fish. Lastly, if the figures in the above table be compared with those given in Table I., it will be seen that, as regards the weight, per fish of standard length, there is a most striking similarity in males and females coming in from the sea. In May and June it is practically the same ; in July and August the excess in the weight of females over males is under 1 per cent. ; and in October and November it is barely over 2 per cent. Material, unfortunately, is wanting to enable the same test to be applied to the samples of the upper- water fish. * The fish takrn at Fochabers were weighed when alive. Their weight, therefore, in j roportion to their length, is rather greater than that of fish from other localities which were weighed a few hours after being killed. Investigations on the Life- History II. THE SOUECE FEOM WHICH SALMON OBTAIN NOUEISHMENT AND THE EXCHANGE OF MATEEIAL IN THE BODY DUEING THEER SOJOUEN IN FEESH WATEE. A. THE POWER OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL TO DIGEST AND ABSORB FOOD. In regard to this question the following evidence is at present forth- coming. Miescher Ruesch states (loc. cit.) that the stomach and gullet of the fish taken at Basel, about 500 miles up the Rhine, were contracted and folded, contrasting strongly with the distended stomach and gullet of the salmon taken in the East and North Sea. The stomach and intestine contain a clear slimy material which is never acid, while the intestine and pyloric appendages contain a slimy pus-like material full of shed epithelial cells. There was never any trace of auto-digestion. The glycerin extract of the slimy matter on the addition of dilute hydrochloric acid had sometimes a slightly dissolving action on fibrin, but so slight that it was concluded that no true digestive secretion was secreted. The gall bladder in all cases was collapsed, but the contents of the intestine are described as having a more or less deeply bile- coloured appearance. He further states that the intestines of these fish taken from the river did not show the same tendency to early putrefaction as did the intestines of sea salmon, and this, he thinks, was due to the fact that no food being taken no organisms were introduced into the stomach. In his whole series of nearly 2000 fish, he found evidences of feeding in the stomachs of two only, both male kelts. In one the scales of some Cyprinoid fish were found, in the other an acid secretion was contained in a distended stomach, possibly indicating that digestion had been going on. From this evidence he concludes (p. 164) that "the Rhine salmon from its ascent from the sea to its spawning, and also after this, as a rule takes no nourishment." The investigation of the Scottish Fishery Board carried on at Berwick- on-Tweed yielded results which are hardly comparable with those of Miescher, inasmuch as the fish were here captured either while still in the sea or just after leaving it. The question is not only one of very great interest, but it is of prime importance as regards the further investigation of the changes in muscles, ovaries, and testes. On considering Miescher's results it seemed to us desirable to repeat some of his observations and to extend the scope of the enquiry. With this purpose Dr. Gulland has studied the microscopic changes in the digestive tract, while Dr. Gillespie has investigated the digestive activity and the bacteriology of the stomach and intestine. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 3. THE MINUTE STRUCTURE OF THE DIGESTIVE TRACT OF THE SALMON, AND THE CHANGES WHICH OCCUR IN IT IN FRESH WATER. BY G. LOYELL GULLAND, M.A., B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P.E. The digestive tract of the salmon has not hitherto been the subject of any very detailed examination. Its general arrangement, of course, conforms to that usual in the group of Teleosteans to which it belongs, and it may here be divided into stomach, pyloric appendages, intestine, pancreas, and liver. All of these were examined in the series of fish under consideration. METHOD. The same method of preparation was used in all cases in order that the results might not be affected by any deviation in this respect. As early as possible small portions of the organs above mentioned were removed from the fish and were placed immediately in a saturated watery solution of corrosive sublimate. After 24 hours they were rapidly washed in water and then passed through a series of alcohols increasing in strength. They were embedded in paraffin, cut with the rocking microtome, and fixed to the slide by my water method. One set of sections was always stained with heematoxylin and eosin, whilst other stains, especially the usual anilin dyes, were employed for com- parison. The sections were all mounted in balsam. LITERATURE. The digestive tract of the salmon has never been examined micro- scopically with special care in recent tunes, but the stomach of the nearly allied trout has been described by Valatour (1), Cajetan (2), and Oppel (3). The most important contribution to the subject hitherto has been that by Miescher (4), who found that the stomach and gullet of the fish taken at Basel, far up the Rhine, were contracted and folded, contrasting 14 Investigations on the Life-History strongly with the distended stomach and gullet of the salmon taken in the Baltic and North Sea. His results are described on p. 165 et seq, It seemed desirable to re-examine the subject, and especially to subject the digestive tract of the salmon under various conditions to minute histological investigation. THE STOMACH OF SALMON ENTERING THE RIVER. The organ is surrounded by a serous coat, while beneath this are two layers of non-striped muscle. The external layer is thin and is disposed longitudinally ; the internal layer is circular and five or six times as thick as the outer one. Between the two layers run blood vessels, lymphatics, and a nerve plexus, with an unusually large number of nerve cells, often grouped together into comparatively large ganglia. Beneath the muscular layers lies the submucosa, with many large blood vessels. The muscularis mucosse consists of two layers, an external longi- tudinal and more delicate, and an internal circular rather thicker layer. The mucosa may be divided into two parts, the glandular portion and the connective tissue portion which underlies the glands and which supports them. The mass of connective tissue underlying the glands is very considerable, being often nearly as thick as the glandular layer-, and is itself divided into two layers by the remarkable structure described by Oppel in the stomach of the trout, the " membrana compacta " or " stratum coinpactum." This layer, in whatever plane the stomach is cut, is always found as a compact hyaline band lying rather nearer the muscularis rnucosre than it does to the fundi of the glands. It is, of course, pierced by the blood vessels, etc., but I have never seen muscle strands from the mu col. ep., ven. vein. ch. c. , cap., r.b.c. , 1 . - capillary, red blood corpuscle. deg. ep. r- 22 Investigations on the Life-History mucous membrane cut across and covered with columnar epithelium. Hsematoxylin and eosin. Fig. 6. T.S. Intestine of salmon from upper waters, with catarrhal change far advanced. Only a few patches of epithelium at the bottom of the folds remain attached, and these are degenerated. Hseruatoxylin and eosin. Fig. 7. Stomach of salmon from mouth of river, to show normal arrangement. Hsematoxylin and eosin. Fig. 8. Superficial epithelium of stomach (estuary salmon). Irori- hsematoxylin. Fig. 9. Junction of intermediate and zymin-secreting epithelium from gastric gland (estuary salmon). Iron-hsematoxylin. Fig. 10. Stratum compactum from gastric mucous membrane (estuary salmon), to show its continuity with the neighbouring connective tissue-fibres, and the number of eosinophile leucocytes about it. (The details of the nuclei of the leucocytes have been omitted). Hsernatoxy- lin and eosin. Fig. 11. T.S. through whole thickness of wall of pyloric appendage (estuary salmon), to show arrangement and the identity of its structure with that of the intestine. Hsematoxylin and eosin. Fig. 12. Portion of a longitudinal section through a fold of intestinal mucous membrane (estuary salmon). Haematoxylin and eosin. Fig. 13. Intestine of salmon from mouth of river, showing a patch of normal epithelium at the bottom of one of the folds, and the process of degeneration and desquarnation which the cells are undergoing. Hsema- toxylin and eosin. Fig. 14. Pancreas (estuary salmon), showing its distribution in the fat lying between the pyloric appendages. Hsematoxylin and eosin. Fig. 15. Pancreas (trout), showing an acinus in the "resting" stage, with the cells full of zymogen granules. Iron-hajmatoxylin. Fig. 16. Pancreas (trout), showing an acinus in the "active" stage, when most of the granules have been discharged. Iron-hsematoxylin. Fig. 17. Liver (salmon), from upper water, with only a small amount of fat in the cells. Hsematoxylin and eosin. Fig. 18. Liver (salmon), from sea, the cells distended with fat globules. Hasmatoxylin and eosin. PLATE I. FIG. ep m. tii PLATE II. m U m.circ. FIG. 3. >s.ep z.ep. c.t.Jc. FIG. 4. PLATE III. ep.m. FIG. 5. ep.m. FIG. 6. PLATE IV. FIG. 7- int.ep.- fi ' x z.ep. .eosl, ,c.tf , c .t.n. :i / / /01 c.t.f. c.tf. FIG. 10. PLATE V. colep. coLep. colep.- - FIG. 11. de^.ep. ch.c colep FIG. 13. PLATE VI. .z.ep. c.t.f. FIG. 14. FIG. 15. *-. FIG. 1 6. FIG. 17. c.t.n. Mo. 18. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 23 4. CHANGES IN THE DIGESTIVE ACTIVITY OF THE SECRETIONS OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL OF THE SALMON IN DIFFERENT CONDITIONS. BY A. LOCKHART GTLLESPIE, M.D., F.R.C.P.E., F.R.S.E. 1. PRELIMINARY. As already pointed out, the question of whether salmon feed during their sojourn in the river has been much debated. The absence of food from the alimentary canal has been variously explained by activity of digestion or by the power of rejecting the contents of the stomach when the fish is captured. Dr. Gulland's investigations have demonstrated the occurrence of a degeneration of the mucous membrane of the alimentary tract during the stay of the fish in the river, and very clearly indicate that little or no absorption of food can go on. In this investigation the digestive activity of the various parts of the alimentary tract is considered. The points investigated are the proteolytic and diastatic powers of extracts made from the mucous membrane lining the stomach, the bowel, and the pyloric appendages, and the variations in these in relation to the season and the part of the river from which the fish were obtained. It is well known that the peptic digestion of proteids in cold-blooded animals owes its activity at low temperatures it can take place at C. to the large proportion of pepsine present in the secretion of the gastric glands. There are two considerations concerning the degree of activity of enzymes, or unformed ferments, which apply to the subject under dis- cussion. The first is that the amount of digestive action exerted by any agent is in direct proportion to the quantity of enzyme present, while the second is that enzymes are more active in media as the temperature rises from deg. to 40 degs. Cent., their power gradually diminishing as the temperature rises above 40 degs., until at 70 clegs, all activity ceases. In fish the large proportion of pepsine .allows rapid proteolysis to take place in the stomach, although the temperature at which it occurs may be low, and if the active secretion be tested outside the body at a higher temperature, a very much more powerful action is exerted on proteids than by the ordinary peptic extract obtained from the gastric mucous membrane of mammals. Charles Richet, in his work entitled Du Sue Gastrlque chez I'JIonime et les Animaux, proved that the gastric juice in marine fish, such as the dog-fish, is almost neutral when fasting, and mucoid in character. During digestion the secretion is much more acid than in man, and con- tains a more active pepsin. In a dog-fish weighing 1 kilogramme he obtained 5 grammes of dried gastric mucous membrane, which was capable of digesting 150 grammes of egg albumin, or nearly one-sixth of the total weight of the fish. In Scyllium he found the gastric acidity to be as high as 0'79 per cent. HOI. 24 Investigations on the Life-History Krukenberg (Untersuchungen aus dem phys. Instit. der Univ. Heidel- berg, 1882, II., p. 396) states that the pepsine of the stomach of fish, or an analogous body to pepsine, acts as well at 20C. as at 40C., and is most powerful in solutions of hydrochloric acid containing 1, 1-5, or 2 grammes per litre, but is active in solutions with 10, 15, or 20 grammes of this acid in the litre. The frequent absence of the remains of food in the stomach of feed- ing fish very shortly after its ingestion led some to the idea that the rapidity of digestion might be accounted for by the action of the bacteria in the stomach in assisting the gastric ferment, or might even be due to the unassisted action of the bacteria. Richet, however, has showed (loc. cit.) that an extract of the gastric mucous membrane of fish is capable of digesting albumin in a 2'3 per cent, solution of hydrochloric acid, and in the presence of ether or chloroform in excess, or of cyanide of potash. Under none of these conditions would bacteria be able to exist. In herbivorous fish, such as the carp and tench, a diastatic ferment is present in the gastric secretion. In carnivorous fish this ferment is absent. In 1880 Miescher Ruesch published an important paper founded 011 his observations on the physiology of salmon caught in the Rhine during the preceding eight years. He agreed with Barfurth, His, and Glaser, that " the Rhine salmon takes no food from the time when it leaves the sea until it has spawned, and seldom even after this," until it again reaches the salt water. No remains of food were found by him in any of the winter and spring fish examined. The mucus occurring in the stomach was never acid in reaction. No active digestive ferment seemed to be secreted, while a glycerine extract of the gastric mucous membrane exhibited little proteolytic power. In a male fish, however, coming from the spawning beds a kelt he found in a large, flabby stomach two fairly large fish whose anterior portions were already digested. In another male kelt, although no trace of food was present, he found that the thin secretion of the stomach was of acid reaction. To sum up the outcome of Miescher Ruesch's work, it would seem that salmon ascending streams to the spawning grounds do not feed, and that if they swallow portions of food they are unable to digest them. After they have spawned, the males occasionally take food on their way down to the sea ; the female fish may or may not do so, but Miescher Ruesch failed to find any evidence in support of this, while as regards the male fish, the gastric glands have become so far more active that their secretion possesses an acid reaction. 2. THE MATERIAL EXAMIXED. In Table I. the details regarding the date of capture, the part of the river from which the fish were obtained, the number of fish used for investigating the peptic and tryptic power of their extracts, and the total number of salmon employed are arranged in tabular form : [TABLE. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. TABLE 1. TABLE OF FISH EMPLOYED. For Digestive Activity of Gastric Extract. 25 No. Year. Month. No. of Fish. Part of River. Kelts. Mouth. Upper. 1 1895. July. X. 1 2 XI. 1 _ _ 3 XII. _ _ 4 XIII. _ _ 5 XIV. 1 1 6 . . August. XIX. _ _ 7 ',. i September. XXIV. _ _ 8 October. XXIX. _ _ 9 XXX. _ _ 10 XXXI. _ _ 11 '| November. XXXVII. 1 _ 12 XXXVIII. 1 _ 13 Deoember. XL. _ _ 14 1896. March. I. _ _ 15 * ' II. _ _ 16 III. _ _ 17 IV. _ _ 18 V. _ _ 19 " VI. _ _ 20 " " VII. _ 21 VIII. _ 1 1 22 " IX. _ 1 1 23 May. X. - 1 1 24 XI. _ 1 _ _>. r " XII. _ 1 _ 26 XIII. _ - 27 XIV. _ _ 28 XV. _ _ 29 XVI. _ _ 30 " XVII. - ! - 31 XVIII. _ - 32 XIX. - Total, 23 9 4 For Tryptic Digestion of Intestinal and Appen/dical Extract. Part of River. Ke Mouth. Upper. \ 1895. July. XI. XIV. 1 1 3 December. XXXIX. 1 - 4 XL 1 5 XII. 1 _ ? 1896. May. XIII. XIV. 1 1 - 8 XV. 1 _ 9 XVL 1 _ 10 XVII. 1 - 11 XVIII. 1 _ 12 ' XIX. 1 - Total, 11 1 26 Investigations on the Life-History Table II. represents the same data arranged according to season 1 00 O .0 ~ 0000 - - y r-^-N oc ,0 - O T? 'NO * 3 "" ,4 i rr i--. o c-. 3 C*l $ 1 1 ^ C-3 -.-. i-i - l^ O 1 c- 1 1 *. , *- u-0 - o r: rj o I C CO 00 oo r- rr -* o OO s Z : ~ u ^ i> rj -7 o 70 o 71 O C 7*3 O N c ^ 1 jj, jj 1 1 5 ?5 ! J5*. I '43 1 5 1 r; CO o l-l I-I o i i 7C 7^ i 1 4 "^" 1 Oi CO CO COCO s | i O CO I--; rH 5O MW.5*^ s f 3 1 .... : j. 1 rf f H O s H 1 g >.l JC> be fill e o ri M *' of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 27 3. METHODS. The stomach and intestine of each fish used for the purpose of testing the digestive activity were placed, after removal, in methylated spirits for forty-eight hours to extract the excess of fatty matter, and to harden the tissues. They were then taken out of the spirit, cut up into small pieces, and placed in glycerine, to which a small quantity of water had been added. After a month to six weeks the glycerine extract was filtered off, and made up in each case to 50 cc. The stomachs and intestines were treated separately. The activity of the extracts was then determined in the usual way. 5 cc. of the extracts were added to 10 cc. of an egg-albumin solution of known strength, hydrochloric acid or sodium carbonate mixed with it, and the whole made up to 50 cc. by the addition of water. The amount of hydrochloric acid added represented in each case the quantity necessary to form an acidity of 0*1095 per cent, in the 50 cc., and the sodium carbonate represented 1'5 per cent, in alkalinity. Of the solutions 5 cc. were used to estimate the acidity or alkalinity present, and the remaining 45 cc. were left at the ordinary temperature of the laboratory for six to eight hours. The solutions were then neutralised, boiled, and then acidified with acetic acid, a few drops of a saturated solution of acetate of soda being also added. The precipitate which formed was caught on a weighed filter-paper, washed with boiling water, alcohol, and ether, and then dried and weighed. The increase in the weight of the paper represented the amount of albumin still undigested. This subtracted from the original weight of the albumin employed gave the quantity digested. Corrections were made in these figures for the amount of coagulable proteid contained in the glycerine extract on several occasions at the commencement of the research, but as the additional precipitate was found to be so small, and to be practically constant, it has been ignored throughout. The diastatic power of the glycerine extracts was estimated by its action on starch, a solution of iodine and iodide of potassium being employed as the indicator. A 1 per cent, starch solution was made faintly alkaline with sodium carbonate, 5 ccm. of the extract added, and the mixtxire left for two hours at the temperature of the room. No action was obtained from the gastric extracts, and the further details of the experiments with these extracts are omitted. All the intestinal and appendicical extracts proved to be fairly active. 4. DIGEST ON IN THE STOMACH. () The Peptic Activity of the Glycerine Extracts of the Gastric Mucous Membrane. In Table III. the details of this part of the research are sum- marised : [TABLE. Investigations on the Life- History TABLE III. PEPTIC POWER. 1. From Mouth of Rivers. Digestive ; A _: ri : tv ,,f Xo. Number of Fish. Season. Power. A ,"J" | % Digested. 1 XV. Mav, 1895 33-3 % 0-21 2 VII. March, 1896 33-0 0-65 3 XVI. May, 1896 22-2 0-13 4 XVII. 21-1 0-12 5 6 7 XXIX. XXX. XXXI. October, 1895 ns-3 JlS'S ll8-3 {0-24 0-24 0-24 8 VI. March, 1896 12-9 0-61 9 XIII. May, 1896 10-4 0-13 10 IV. March, 1896 9-5 0-24 11 XL. December, 1895 7-9 0-24 12 XVIII. Mav, 1896 5'5 o-oi 13 I. March, 1896 5-2 0-19 14 V. 2-6 0-41 15 XIX. May, 1896 1-1 0-004 16 XI. July, 1895 0-0 o-o 17 XII. o-o o-o 18 XIII. o-o 0-006 19 II. March, 1896 o-o o-oi 20 III. o-o 0-13 21 XIV. May, 1896 o-o o-o 22 XIX. August, 1895 o-o 0-022 23 XXIV. September, 1896 o-o 0-022 Total 23 9-5 % 0-167 Total with Digestive Power, 15 14-6% 0-244 2. From Upper Waters. No. Number of Fish. Season. Digestive Power. % Digested. Aciditv of Extract. 1 XXXVII. 2 XXXVIII. November, 1895 (14-7 \14-7 /0-17 "1 0-17 3 XI. Mav. 1896 10-4 0-004 4 XII. 6-08 0-005 5 X. July, 1895 0-0 O'Ol Total 5 9-17 % 0-074 Total with Digestive Power, 4 11-8 % 0-174 3. Kelts. X... Number of Fish. Season. Digestive Power. % Digested. Aciditv of Extract. 1 VIII. March, 1S96 ( 33'9 fO-47 2 IX. \33-9 "10-47 :! X. May, 1896 21-7 0-15 4 XIV. July, 1895 0-0 0-009 22-7 0-274 of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 29 1 . FISH FROM THE ESTUARIES. Of the 23 fish caught at the mouth of the rivers the glycerine extract of the gastric mucous membrane possessed some peptic power in 15. The average percentage of albumin digested in these is ] 4-6, while check experiments with ordinary commercial pepsine, at the ordinary temperature and with the same proportion of hydrochloric acid, show a digestive power reaching to 72 per cent. Including all the fish caught at the mouth the digestive activity only equals 9 -5 per cent. 2. FISH FROM THE UPPER WATERS. Four of the five fish from the upper waters were found to give positive results in this part of the research, with 11-8 per cent, of albumin digested. The total number five give a percentage of 9- 17 per cent. These results seem to indicate that the mucous membrane of the stomach in the fish which have reached the upper waters of the rivers possesses a somewhat smaller peptic power than that of salmon caught close to the sea. 3. KELTS. The figures obtained from the four kelts show a higher digestive activity than in the fish included in the first and second classes namely, 22-7 per cent. One of the kelts, however, possessed no proteolytic ferment in its stomach ; the remaining three possessed a digestive power of 2 9 -8 per cent. The kelt without digestive power was one which had not returned to the sea in July. (b) Relation of Peptic Activity to Acidity. A comparison of the percentage acidities of the extracts with their proteolytic power shows a direct relationship between these, although in several cases the relationship is departed from. In the fish caught at the river mouths those in which an active digestion of albumin w^as found, to a greater or less extent, the mean acidity of the extracts of the stomachs reached 0*244 per cent, in terms of hydro- chloric acid, against 0-023 per cent., or ten times as little, in those in which 110 digestive action occurred. Similarly, of the five fish from the upper waters the four presenting actual evidence of digestive power give a mean acidity in their extracts of 0-074 per cent., the remaining one a mean of only O'Ol per cent. In Table IV. the figures relating to the comparison between the amount of albumin digested and the acidity of the extracts are given for the total number of fish used : TABLE IV. RELATION BETWEEN THE DIGESTIVE POWER AND THE ACIDITY. Totals. No. Season. Digestive Power.! 1 Acidity. Total, 32 Whole Year. 7 11-1 0-166 Those with Digestive Power, ... With no Digestion, 22 10 - 16-13 0-231 0-0209 In the total number, 32, the digestive power averages 11-1 per cent., the acidity 0-166 per cent. In the 22 with some actual digestive power this reaches 16-13 percent., the acidity 0-231 per cent., while in the 10 fish in which no peptic digestion occurred the mean acidity is 30 Investigations on the Life-History only 0-0209 per cent. In the first two the proportion between the umount of albumin digested and the acidity of the extract is exactly the same. The acidity per cent, is 1-45 per cent, of the amount of albumin acted on. It would thus seem that the amount of active ferment extracted from the gastric mucous membrane appears to be exactly proportional to the acidity of the extract in the salmon examined in this research. Table V. shows the figures relating to the peptic power and acidity of the stomach extracts arranged as to season : TABLE V. FIGURES RELATING TO THE DIGESTIVE POWER AND THE ACIDITY. ARRANGED AS TO SEASONS. Season. Dig^STKwer. ! Average Acidity. March, ; 9 14-;") Q-:>;-,:\ May and June, ; 10 13'1 0'07 July and August, 6 O'O O'OOS September to December, 7 13'17 O'lH The result is very striking. The fish examined in March give a comparatively high digestive power with the highest acidity, those captured in Miay-June and September-December present a lower digestive power, identical in amount in both periods, though the acidity present in the fish of the latter period is almost three times that of those in former. The fish caught in July and August have m> digestive power and a very low acidity. (c) Relation of Peptic Activity to the Micro- Orya nisms present. Table VI. is formed of figures relating to the fish in which both the digestive power of the stomach mucous membrane and the number of bacteria present were investigated. The bacteriological data will be considered more fully later on, but a direct comparison between the results of the two investigations is useful in this place : [TABLE. 3. 3- a 5" S <8 d d d d o' d of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 31 TABLE VI. COMPARISON BETWEEN THE DIGESTIVE POWER AND THE ACIDITY OF THE GASTRIC EXTRACTS, ARRANGED WITH REGARD TO THE MICRO- ORGANISMS GROWN FROM THE STOMACH. No. Number of Colonies. No. of Fish. Date. Peptic Activity. Acidity of Extract, Tube I. Tube II. 1 XXIX. Oct. 1895 18-3 0-24 2 XXX. 18-3 0-24 3 XXXI. 18-3 0-24 4 1 Mould V. ' Mar ."1896 2-6 0-41 5 1 Mould III. ' o-o OM8 6 Several Moulds I. 5-2 0-19 75, 3 Moulds, 2 7 Moulds VII. 33-0 0-65 Liquefying 8 8, 5 Moulds, 3 1 Mould IV. 1-8 0-24 9 Liquefying 12 Liquefying 1 Liquefying II. o-o o-oi 10 Large Number 4 Moulds, 1 VI. 12-9 0-61 11 Liquefying Larare Number Pure Liquefying XII. July 1895 o-o o-o Growth B. Coli 12 Innumerable 200 (100 Coli) X. " o-o o-oi 13 53 ; 3 Coli XI. o-o o-o 14 45 ; 3 Coli XIII. o-o 0-006 15 : Large Number XIV. o-o 0-009 16 XXIV. Aug!'l895 o-o 0-022 {3 None ^ March 7 3 Moulds only | July 5 3 Small Number f August 1 7 Large Number J October 3 7'4 0-187 Of the 3 with no Growth, ' 18-3 0-24 , 3 with Moulds only, 2-6 0-24 3 with a few Growths, 14-1 0-3 , 7 with a Large Number 1-84 0-094 , 1 no Liquefying Growth, , 9 with Liquefying Growths, o-o 6-26 o-o 0-17:5 In Chart I. the relationship between the acidity, peptic activity, and bacterial contents of the stomach is graphically shown. The first three fish noted yielded no bacteria of any kind from the alimentary tract, while their peptic activity,, which was tested in common, was high, and the acidity of their common extract above the average. Three fish yielded growths of moulds only, and presented a much lower peptic power, but a similar acidity. Three also gave evidence of the presence of moulds, along with a small number of true bacteria. Their digestive power was above the average but less than in the first three, while the acidity in their extracts reached 0'3 percent. On the other hand, in the seven fish in which no digestive action was observed, the bacteria were very numerous, and the acidity low. The latter set were almost all captured during the months of July and August. These results appear to show that there is a direct connection between the digestive activity and acidity of the stomach extract and the number and form of organisms present. When the extract is acid and of con- siderable digestive power organisms are either absent, or few in number. When only a slight digestive power with a similar acidity occurs, no organisms are present save moulds. Here the growth of other organisms may be arrested by the growth of the moulds 32 Investigations on the Life-History contained in the contents. A low aridity and practically an extinct power of peptic digestion coincides with the presence of large numbers of micro-organisms. The fish from the stomachs of which no organisms were cultivated were all caught in October at the river mouth, and possessed a marked power of digestion and a high degree of acidity. The three in which moulds alone were found also came from the estuaries during March. The three with a few bacteria in addition to moulds were caught at the same time of the year, but gave a higher digestive activity. Of the seven in which innumerable bacteria were found one was caught at the mouth in March, the others in Jury and August, two in the upper waters, five at the river mouths. The peptic digestion of the gastric extract was tested in five of the fish from stomachs of which the Bacillus coli communis was obtained. The extract was inactive in all, and showed only a trace of acidity. In No. XII., 1895, the growth from the stomach proved to be a pure cultivation of this organism. Apart from the actual demonstration of the absence of food from the stomach cavity in all the salmon examined, the slight acidity and small digestive power of the extracts of the gastric mucous membrane recorded lead to the conclusion that the fish both in the estuaries and in the rivers were in a fasting condition. (d) The Nature of the Acid present in the Gastric Extract. Fifty ccin. of rectified spirit in which the chopped-up stomach of Fish No. XXXIX., July, 1896, had been immersed, were distilled. The first 40 ccm. which distilled over showed an acidity equal to 0-073 per cent, as HC1, but no hydrochloric acid was present. Ufielmann's carbolo- ferric reagent was turned to a greenish-yellow hue. The next 6 ccm. were neutral. The remainder, 4 ccs., was shaken up with ether, and then an excess of distilled water added. The water was removed from the ether by means of a separation funnel. It amounted to 163 ccm. 100 ccs. gave an acidity of '00438 per cent, with no free hydrochloric acid, both the phloroglucin-vanillin and the dirnethyl-amido-azo-benzol tests proving negative. On the addition of decinonnal hydrochloric acid to 24 ccm. in the presence of dimethyl -amido-azo-benzol 110 reaction occurred until 0'6 ccm. had been run in, or until 0*082 per cent, of the acid had combined with the substances present, which were previously free from such an acid combination. The addition of nitrate of silver in the presence of nitric acid to the 100 ccm. tested for acidity caused a precipitate weighing after incineration 0'025 gramme, 0-013 grammes of which was soluble in nitric acid, leaving 0*012 grammes of chloride of silver. This is equal to 0-00305 grammes of hydrochloric acid, or the chlorine present was 0-003 per cent., while 0-013 grammes of silver, equal to 0-0204 grammes of silver nitrate, were combined to organic bodies. The ether contained 0-00219 per cent, of acid, and on evaporation of part of the solution and addition of water Ufielmann's reagent was discoloured, leaving a very slight yellow tinge. llesult, 50 ccs. 46 ccs. distilled ; acidity equal to 0-0292 grammes HC1. 4 ccs. remaining ; 0-00819 ., Watery extract 163 ccm., acidity equal to 0-0071 grammes HC1. Ether extract 50 ccm., 0-00109 Acidity of distillate, 0-0634 per cent. Acidity of remainder, 0-2047 per cent. Acidity of total 50 ccm., 0-07478 per cent, or 0-03739 gramme of acid. of the, Salman in Fresh Water. 33 The chlorine present in the form of chlorides or of hydrochloric acid only amounted to 0*00489 grammes or -00978 per cent, as HC1, while 0*0148 grammes of hydrochloric acid had to be added before positive evidence of free mineral acid was obtained, or 0*0296 per cent. If the proportion of HC1, combining to proteid bodies be taken at 10 per cent. (Of. Journ. Anat. and Phys, Vol. XXVII., p. 195} 0*148 grammes of proteid was present unattached to this acid. Similarly it was shown that 0*0204 gramme of silver nitrate combined with organic material, which represents about 0*21 gramme of proteid. From this stomach and its contents, therefore, no free mineral acid was obtained, but only a small quantity of combined hydrochloric acid and some organic acids. The alcoholic extract of the chopped-up stomach of Fish No. XXVI., June 1896, caught in the upper waters, was mixed with ether, agitated, and then an excess of distilled water added. The water was separated from the supernatant ether and distilled to dryness ; 0*00684 gramme of free hydrochloric acid was obtained in the distillate, and no orgiiiiic acids were present. The alcoholic extracts of the stomachs of three salmon caught in July 1895, a kelt, a fish which had been some time in fresh water, and a fish caught at the river mouth, showed no evidence of the presence of free hydrochloric acid, and were only slightly acid to litmus. The gastric mucous membrane of salmon on their way to the spawning beds yielded no free hydrochloric acid to the alcohol (90 per cent.) in which it was immersed, but investigation showed the presence of some hydrochloric acid in combination with organic material. The alcoholic extract, however, contained a volatile organic acid which readily distilled over, and an organic acid which did not pass off' on distillation. In one fish caught in the upper waters in June a small quantity of free hydrochloric acid was obtained from the alcoholic extract of the stomach, after distillation to dryness. The almost constant coincidence of an increased acidity of the glycerine extract of the stomach with an enhanced digestive power must be regarded as being independent of the presence or absence of hydrochloric acid. Other acids are known to exert an appreciable power when acting in the presence of pepsine, and presumably, there- fore, are capable of converting to some extent the forerunner of that ferment, pepsinogen, into active pepsine. The extracts were made from the chopped-up walls of the stomach and its mucoid contents, the acid present in the mucus and formed by bacterial action may have acted on the pepsinogen and converted part of it into pepsine. But the results of the bacteriological cultivations do not bear out this theory, as, with two exceptions, the fewer the organisms the greater was the power of the gastric extract. Another difficulty, and a serious one, is afforded by the fact that the glycerine extracts, although made after immersion in alcohol for 48 hours or more, varied greatly in acidity, though without the presence of any bacterial decomposition. The peptic power with two exceptions corresponded with the acidity as determined. It is impossible to even hazard any theory to account for the apparent paradox, and it only remains to state that the greater the acidity the fewer organisms, and the greater the peptic power of the ferment in the stomach, although the acidity of the extract may not be due to free hydrochloric acid. 5. TRYPTJC DIGESTION. In a few instances the activity of the tryptic ferment of the c 34 Investigations on the Life-History intestinal mucous membrane or of the pyloric appendages was estimated by its power of digesting egg-albumin in 2 per cent, sodium carbonate at the ordinary temperature of the room. The extracts were made in the same way as those from the stomach. To prevent any fallacy from the growth of organisms during the digestive action a small quantity of chloroform was added to each all the extracts possessed active diastatic powers in alkaline solution. One or two of the extmcts were also used in an acid solution con- taining -12 per cent, of hydrochloric acid. No action was observed. I. INTESTINAL Mucous MEMBRANE. The results have been tabulated Table VII. and show a much greater proportion of digested albumin than in the peptic experiments. In two fish the intestinal walls and contents were used, one of them a kelt. Both were caught in July, and show a digestive power equal to 16-9 and 12-6 per cent, respectively : TABLE VII. ESTIMATION OF THE PROTEOLYTIC ACTION OF THE GLYCERINE EXTRACT OF THE INTESTINAL Mucous MEMBRANE, AND OF THE PYLORIC APPENDAGES. Fish Caught at the Mouth. 1. INTHSTINK. Corresponding n , Albumin Digested %. Means. Proportion % Digested by Gastric Extract. ! C>ICO i | 4 \ fl L MSI in r iPi"l ; v it S X. |1 S ^ 40 Investigations on the L Intestine. il I ^ 1 " J ' - J | ' Moulds . B. Uoli Com. i , 1 a" 5 ** 5 2 5^ 2 Stomach. 3 - be 3 13 ! 1 1 jf ' 1 3 I II I ,,. 1 11 Moulds w \ 8 Liquefying 1-8 Colony i S * | f 1 ' 1 ' ' .-i ' It >, f s 1 li I-I 00 | IL 1 1 1 1!H . 1 !li f 3 * ? Ill 11 II O c J 55 .= > O S'-='S III | o S I i l| 1 f i i S 1 -c ^ S Sg ^ 1 ! 1 ;=l 11 it | a |' =| -S-S i 1 . 1 ! ! s 11 o 3 ^ ^ j v , 7 / 20 Moulds 137 \117Li(iiiofyi 10-5 Colonies 1 1 I f 1 ' 1 "I 1 II g 1 11 1 o S oo S ^ S -( 22 Moulds ' U \D4Liquefyiiifc 10-8 Colonies J 1 . . . . . . = 1 g s 8 = * ~ a a > > H a i > of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 41 2 2 o o It 1 -6 I II i i 2 s ? it - Investigations on the Life-History 4 fee B j s 1 1 f ^ ' ' ' ' I = ' Si 1 O .J i-5 . 5^, o s 1 1 g 1 1 1 I if I * i ' -5 } 1 ^ c 192 Li( 1 uef.diijf 100 -Non-liquefying I j 5" s i 1 i : w 'i 1 { i i it If ' ds-e ; ll f 3 5" |4! !* 1 i i 51 i I 1 e II li 111 li -5 i o 1 - - g : I ! .2 s & *2 j |i - I til 1 ! i ' > f f I f ! 1 Sill IIS 4 Colonies i i g; |j | J ., be S ti S i 1 1 mi s ' S if li! 1 II I i i i| i i c5 c3 i c-j o5 ^^ , o f, , 11 : 3 if 6. !i! i!,i{ sii m: ! 3 y 5 6 '11'"' H | 3 S of : 1 Season. - - " : = ;l g g> . 1 |.l of the Scdmo i Frets// Water. 43 f i ! I 1 1 1. * i ! 1 1 - S, S3 t j S o = I CO 1 j 1 1 ! i I 1 1 1 1 c 1 J 1 ' 1 1- 1 1 ! 1 1 i I 1 1 I Intestine. ' ' ' i fii i ! Ipl! rfi4 / 518 Liquefying 084 \ 66 Non-liquefying 63-7 Colonies s 1 f I .= I ' " ' '111 1 liquefying Non-liquefying H nn ' i 1 O & 55 K T 1 ! it 5- it I if 1 II 1111 inn * i 11 1 e g a gas g. ^Q 550 ^ J 3 i 2 " * 1 1 3 1 1 ! t| ! jH-- : ; ! w 55 i 1 S ' : t d M - R D H M '' R' M I'M E BrH l! SIB-H- a 3 j Total 9. Average. ^^ 44 Investigations on the Life-History W 5 s ^ 1 W S s ! s* j 1 1 1 o I a i | 3 -S i s o ^ * S S S S R g 2 i? I | 1 I 1 c I If 1 i s ^ S | s| i 1 i J iS f to 1 I = 1 1 , 1 5 cC* 3 a 1 1 ^ ? a .2 9 O y$ - ^ s 1 g i T-( CO CO a i 1 3 1 1 to 8 ^ * *o .2 ^ C C .5 1 Intestine. 2 White Moulds 1 Liquefying, 3 liquefying 1 White' Mould C a Moulds 7-{ 3 Non-liquefy V.1 Liquefying Slflfc S 5^ N (N 8 c S / 408 Liquefy 85b t450JN T ou-liq 1 to uS 1 4 3 g {I J||| 1 -S a 1 g ol ft f f T i g IN - ^ y, BJ- oS f .2 "" 1 -W 1 1 1 /650Liqu \750Non Colonies ^ *3 * v ' o^l o cp o g o rH rH rt CO H 01 U3 W "ol ^ L^-* , xl 1 -,- 3 ^^ **^N ^' ^ as O p""^. ^ *^ s"" 1 i s IB! 4^ ffff JO I '& ' ft *= of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 47 much more numerous than during the first half of the year. The mean numbers in all of the three sections of the alimentary canal are the same in those months when the results from the first roll-tubes are considered. And it is a most noteworthy fact that in not one of the six fish from which second tubes were made could a single growth be detected in the cultivations from both the oesophagus and stomach, while only six colonies in all, or one per fish, were obtained from the intestinal contents. From these data it appears that there is a distinct connection between the temperature and the number of organisms present in the intestinal tract of the salmon caught at the mouth of fresh-water streams or in the tidal estuaries. The temperature of sea-water takes much longer to rise as the months advance than the temperature of the air, and the great increase in the number of bacteria cultivated during the months of July and August corresponds with the period of the year at which the temperature of shallow waters is near its maximum. The water in the rivers of Scotland, and in a considerable portion of the sea close to their mouths, must be affected in spring by the melted snow from the hills, with the result that the temperature of the tidal water remains low. Although the fish do not feed, they must swallow some of the water. (6) Salmon Caught in the Upper Waters. Twelve salmon from the upper reaches were employed for the investi- gation of the number of bacteria present in the alimentary canal. They fall to be divided as to the season of capture into three classes. Three were caught in May and June, four in July and August, and five in the months from September to November (Table III.) The results are depicted in Charts IV., V., and VI. in a similar way to those obtained from the fish captured in tidal waters. It is at once apparent that the same increase in the number of organisms occurred in the months of July and August, that almost no colonies were obtained in May and June, and that the bacteria found in the alimentary tract during the later months, though much less than in late summer, were more numerous than in the fish from the river- mouth (Chart IV.) In May and June the total number of colonies which appeared in the roll-tubes was extremely small. Only twelve growths were cultivated from the alimentary tracts of three fish in the first tubes, or four apiece, and only four in the second tubes, all of which grew in the tubes inoculated from the oesophagus. The increase in the numbers in July and August is shared equally by the oesophagus and stomach. The number grown from the intestinal contents was smaller by about three-fifths than the number in either of these sections. hi the autumn months the drop in the figures is most marked in the r;ise of the oesophagus, and least in the case of the intestine. The two Charts following (Charts V. and VI.), in which the organisms capable of liquefying gelatine have been separated from those incapable of so doing, show that the increase in the number of colonies obtained from the stomach contents in July and August is due to a predominance of bacteria able to dissolve gelatine. The number cultivated from the stomach exceeds that obtained from the oesophagus. Practically no liquefying organisms were grown from any of the sections during the first season, or from the intestine in the third season of the year. During the last period, however, the colonies from the stomach contents were numerous, those from the oesophagus fewer, but still much above the number in the intestine. 48 Investigations on the Life-History The non-liquefying forms were obtained in numbers which, of course, coincide with the differences between the figures given in Charts IV. and V. Almost nil in May and June, the summer increase is most marked in the oesophagus, and proportionally in the intestine, when compared with the last chart; while the autumn decrease is greatest in the oesophagus, less in the stomach, and least in the intestine, from which, indeed, the same number of growths were obtained as in the months of July and August. (c) Kelts. . Cultivations were made from the intestinal tract of one kelt, caught in July 1895 in the upper reaches. Owing to the examination of only a single specimen of this class of fish, the results have been included in the preceding section. A large number of non-liquefying growths were obtained from the esophagus, of both liquefying and non-liquefying from the stomach and intestine, the latter section containing a few bacilli coli communes. The peptic activity of 'this fish was nil, the amount of albumen digested by an extract of the intestine, 12-6 per cent. (d) Differences Between the Numbers of Micro-Organisms Grown from the Alimentary Tract in Salmon caught in the Estuary and of those caught in the Upper Parts of the Rivers. In the 12 fish from the upper waters, the following numbers of organisms were counted : Total, Per Fish, From the (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestine. Total. 1,826 2,277 1,419 5,522 152 189 118 460 in the 29 caught in the estuaries Total, 3,185 1 2,267 2,197 7,649 Per Fish, 109-7 78-1 75-7 263-7 f 1 and in the total number of fish, i.e., 41 Total, Per Fish, 5,011 4,544 122-2 110-8 3,616 13,171 321 In the total number of fish examined the oesophagus contained the largest number of organisms, the intestine the least. On the other hand, the colonies grown from the stomach contents of the fish caught in the upper reaches were the most numerous, then the colonies from the oesophagus, and those from the intestine. The colonies obtained from the oesophagus in fish from the estuaries presented a marked excess in numbers over those from the stomach and intestines. The numbers in the latter were nearly equal. [TABLE. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 49 Table showing the number of Mia'o-Organisms grown from different sections of the Alimentary Canal in Salmon caught in the Estuaries and in the Upper Waters: SEASON. Number of Organisms per Fish. (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestine. July -August From Upper Waters, . From Mouth, Difference. . Difference per Cent, of Upper- Water Figures, September-November From Upper Waters, . From Mouth, Difference, Difference per Cent, of Upper- Water Figures, 366 280-3 366 168-5 214-5 152-5 85-7 23-4 84-6 64.2 197-5 54-0 177 62-8 62-1 28-9 110-8 63-7 20-4 24-0 114-2 64-0 47-1 42-5 The proportion between the number of colonies found in the tubes made from the oesophagus from July to November in the fish from the upper reaches and the mouths of the rivers differ only slightly. The number of colonies cultivated in autumn from the stomach contents of the fish from the upper waters exceeds that of the lower fish by 64 per cent, of its total, against 54 per cent, similarly found in the summer fish. In like manner in autumn the excess of organisms grown from the intestines of the upper-water fish over those found in the fish from the estuaries constitutes 42'5 per cent, of their number, compared with an excess of 28*9 per cent, from the same part of the canal in the summer fish. The only season in which the figures for the average number of colonies grown from the alimentary canal of the salmon from the upper parts of the rivers are less than those for the fish from the mouths is that of May and June. During these months the excess in the number of organisms grown from the fish caught at the mouth over the number found in the others amounts to over 90 per cent, of the first number in all parts of the digestive tract. We may further say, then, that in early summer the bacteria present in the alimentary tract of the salmon are less numerous when the fish is in the higher reaches of rivers than when it is still in tidal waters. On the other hand, the upper-water fish caught during the next two months are characterised by a much greater increase in the number of bacteria present in their alimentary canals, and conse- quently show a marked excess in actual numbers of bacteria over those in the fish at the river mouth. In the following months the rate of decrease in the number of bacteria present is greater in the fish in tidal waters, so that, although the organisms in the upper fish are not nearly so numerous as in the preceding periods, the proportional excess of bacteria in the upper- water fish over the number in those from the mouth is increased. The number of organisms in the mucus in the cesophageal tube is practically the same in both sets of fish in May and June, but shows 50 Investigations on the Life- History in the upper-water fish an excess equal to about 24 per cent, of its total over the figure foi the lower fish. The colonies grown from the stomachs of the former class of fish were si little less numerous in May and June than in the latter, but show an enormous excess over those cultivated from the salmon caught at the mouth in July and August, and ;i proportionately larger excess in the next three months. The figures for the colonies grown from the intestinal contents present the same features as those for the stomach, hut in a less marked manner. (e) Relationship f Lius in the intestine, least in the oesophagus. Adding the totals together for both classes of organisms totals which, it must be borne in mind, are largely empirical, we find tliat the organ- isms grown from 41 fish numbered 13,176, of which 6687 were moulds or did not liquefy gelatine, leaving 6480 organisms capable of dissolving PLATE IV. 2 o lili \ f/ M IS ' /' o ,| JT x 1 1* - s 2 rt a 4 I 1 .-3 |^| N ^ ^ ill B T) ^> x^ ^ i f3 ^s X 3 ^ ! g ^ s 8 i a, j ! f, ^ ? !i ^ I S * n 5 , f ?, ? 5 S ) C * tage of Liquefying Organisms to in the Salmon from the River hs and the Upper Waters. May July September and and to June. August. November. \ s / /' /' \ / J j's \. 1 \ 7 / // / 1 x'^i ^ \ \ ' ^ k, ^ V \; 111 a * s, apable of Liquefyii uefying contrasted September to November. /^ ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ *s\ ''^. ^ Number of Organisms c Gelatine and Non Lie May and July anc June. August. <^ ^ ^^* X x x^ *< ' ^ ^*. ^r : ^ ^. ^~~. ->^ ^ -*** *-, ^$^ ;.^ ^~ C^ ^ ^i ""^^ 4 \f i u * S, {? 8 & t? of the Salmon i/i Fresh Water. 51 it. From each fish 321 colonies were obtained, or an average of 107 from each section of the alimentary canal. In March the average number of colonies obtained from all parts of the ti-.ict was 62 ; in May and June, 13-7 ; in July and August, 697 ; and September to November, 255. It is difficult to account for the larger number obtained from the fish caught at the river mouths in March than from those captured during May and June, especially as during the latter month several of the fish came from the higher reaches. CONCLUSIONS. From these observations it would appear that the alimentary tract of the salmon in tidal waters, preparatory to ascent of the rivers, contains a smaller number of bacteria than the tract of those fish which have proceeded up the streams. The number of growths obtained from the oesophagus of the lower fish is below that found in the upper fish (27 per cent.), from which fact it may be concluded that fewer organisms are swallowed, but that the difference is not very great. The greatest contrast between the results for the two classes of fish is presented by the figures for the growths cultivated from the stomachs. Fewer colonies were obtained from the stomachs of the lower-water fish than of the upper, while the liquefying bacteria formed the larger part of the colonies in the case of the upper fish. Mie.scher Ruesch affirms the exact opposite. He finds that the salmon, from the upper reaches do not decompose so quickly as the lower fish; due, he suggests, to the small number of organisms swallowed by the upper fish while fasting. Direct experiment shows that the putrefactive bacteria are more numerous in the upper fish than in the lower, as well as affording evidence of the greater number of all bacterial forms in these fish. Although the upper-water salmon may not feed, they must swallow some of the water of the streams more or less frequently. The variations observed are most probably due to the pro- portion of organisms in the surrounding water more numerous in the fresh water than in the tidal waters, and consisting of a greater number of liquefying or putrefactive forms. That the diminution in the numbers of organisms in the alimentary canal below the (esophagus is much more O>arked in the lower fish than in the upper cannot be due to any in- creased effect of gastric digestion, is shown by the smaller percentage of albumin digested by their extracts. The acidity, however, of the gastric extracts of the lower fish is slightly in excess of the acidity found in the upper salmon ; while the number of non-liquefying colonies, although actually less numerous, are, relatively to the total, in a much higher proportion. These facts seem to lead to the following conclusions : 1. Fewer organisms are swallowed by salmon in tidal waters. 2. A larger proportion of these organisms are non-putrefactive and acid-forming. 3. The presence of these non-putrefactive organisms in excess of the liquefying forms prevents the rapid growth of the latter. 4. As the members of the putrefactive class of bacteria grow much more quickly than the bacteria forming the other class, fewer colonies can be obtained from each part of the canal. 5. The proportion between the total number of organisms grown from the stomach and intestine in the lower and upper fish did not differ so much in the warm summer months as during the late autumn, when the colonies, grown from these sections in tne upper fish, largely exceeded the number grown from those in the fish caught at the mouth. 6. Of all the fish examined, the organisms weie very much more 52 Investigations on the Life-History numerous in those caught in July and August than in those caught in spring, or even in May and June. The autumn fish contained a greater number than the spring, but fewer than the summer fish. 2. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE MICRO-ORGANISMS CULTIVATED. (a) Absence of Micro-Organisms. In three fish, all caught in October (one in the upper waters) no organisms appeared in any of the tubes : TABLE IY. GIVING THE KESULTS OF THE BACTERIOLOGICAL CULTIVATIONS. 1. No Organisms Groivn from the Alimentary Canal. No. Date. Part of River. 1 XXVII. 24th October, 1895. Upper. 2 XXIX. 28th October, 1895. Mouth. 3 XXX. 28th October, 1895. Mouth. 2. No Organisms Grouni from (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestine. No. Date. Part of River. No. Date. Part of River. No. Date. Part of River. 1 XXIV. 1895 Sept. 4 Mouth. 1 XXXI. 1895 Oct. 28 Mouth. 1 XIII. 1895 1 July 25 Month. 2 XXXI. Oct. 28 2 XXXIII. Nov. 9 2 XXI. Aug.17 3 XXXV. Nov. 24 Upper. 8 XXI. 1896 May 26 Upper. 3 XXII. Aug.23 1 XXIV. May 29 Mouth. 4 XXXVIII. June 9 n 4 xxrv. Sept. 4 . 5 LXIX. Oct. 27 Upper. 6 XLV. July 18 Mouth. 5 XXXIII. Nov. 9 " 6 LXXVII. Nov. 7 i. Mar. 6 7 V. Mar. 6 8 XXV. May 30 9 XXXIX. June 10 I 3. Only Moulds Grown from Oesophagus. Stomach. Intestine. No. Date. Part of River. 1 No. Date. Part of River. No. Date. Part of River. 1 II. 1896 Mar. 6 Mouth. XXII. 1895 Aug.23 Mouth. 1 VII. 1896 Mar. 6 Mouth. 2 III. 2 XXXVI. Nov. 23 >. 2 xxrv. May 29 3 IV. 3 I. 1896 Mar. 6 3 XXXVIII. June 9 Upper. 4 V. , 4 III. a M 4 XXI. May 26 5 VII. 5 V. Jf 8 XXI. May 26 Upper. 6 XXVI. June 2 Upper. ; XXV. May 30 Mouth. 7 XXVII. it 3 Mouth. a XXVI. June 2 Upper. 8 XXXIX. 10 ,, 9 XXXIX. June 10 Mouth. XLIV. July 16 '- of the Salmon in Fresh Water. TABLE IV'. Continued. 4. No Bacteria Liquefying Gelatine Grown from (Non-liquefying forms, with or without moulds, present.) (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestine. No. Date. Part of Eiver. 1 No. Date. Part of River. 1 No. Date. Part of River. 1 XII. 1895 July 25 Mouth. XII. 1895 July 25 Mouth. X. 1895 July 25 Upper. 2 XIV. Upper. 2 XXXV. Nov. 24 Upper. 2 XXXVI. Nov. 23 Mouth. 3 4 XXI. XXII. Aug. 17 23 Mouth. 3 4 XXV. XL. 189G May 30 July 9 Mouth. 3 4 XXXV. III. 24 1896 Mar. 6 Upper. Mouth. 5 XXXIII. Nov. 9 M 5 LXXI. Oct. 27 5 XXVII. June 3 M 6 XXXVI. ,, 23 1896 6 LXXVI. Nov. 7 6 XLV. July 18 r XXVII. June 3 7 LXXVIII. Nov. 7 Upper. 8 XL. July 9 8 XL. July 9 Mouth. 9 LXXVI. Nov. 7 5. Organisms similar to, or identical with, Bacillus Coli Communis. (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestine. No. Date. Part of River. No. Date. Part of River. 1 NO. Date. Part of River. 1 X. 1895 July 25 Upper. 1 X. 1895 July 25 Upper. XI. 1895 July 25 Mouth. 2 XI. ,, Mouth. 2 XI. Mouth. 2 XII. 3 XII. 3 XII. 3 XIV. Upper. 4 XIII. ,, 4 XIII. 4 XXIII. Aug. 31 Mouth. 5 6 XXII. XXIII. Aug,23 31 5 6 XXIV. LXX. Sept. 4 1896 Oct. 27 Upper. 5 6 XXXVI. VI. Nov. 23 1896 Mar. 6 " 7 LXIX. Oct. 27 Upper. 6. Micro-organisms which Liquefied Gelatine were Grown from 1. IN ALL PARTS. No. Date. Part of River. 1 XI. 25th July, 1895. Mouth. 2 XXIII. 31st August, 1895. ,, 8 VI. 6th March, 1896. ,, 4 XLII. 14th July, 1896. Upper. XLHI. 16th July, 1896. C LXX. 27th October, 1896. " Investigations on the Life-History TABLE IV. Continued. 2. ONLY IN (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestine. No. Date. Part of River. No. Date. Part of River. No. Date. Part of River. 1 X. 1895 July 25 Upper. ! X. 1895 July 25 Upper. 1 XII. 1895 July 25 Mouth. 8 XIII. Mouth. 2 XIII. Mouth. 2 XIV. Upper. :! I. 1896 Mar. 6 ' 3 XIV. .. Upper. 3 XXXI. Oct. 28 Mouth. 4 XXXVIII. June 9 Upper. 4 XXI. Aug.17 Mouth. 4 II. Mar. 6 tl I XLIV. July 16 Mouth. 5 XXIV. Sept. 4 ' 5 XXVI. June 2 Upper. 6 XLV. LXXI 18 " 6 II. Mar. 6 6 7 XLIV. LXIX July 16 Oct 27 Mouth. s LXXVII. Nov. 7 8 VII. 8 LXXI. Mouth. 9 LXXVIII. Upper. 9 XXIV. May 29 9 LXXVI. Nov. 7 10 LXIX. Oct. 27 Upper. 10 LXXVII. 11 LXXVIII. Nov. 7 " 11 IV. Mar. 6 - No growths were obtained from the oesophagus in five fish four of which were caught during the later months of the year, and one in May. Two of the fish, during the autumn months, were from the upper reaches. Similarly the tubes were sterile which were made from the stomach in six fish three from the upper waters in November, May, and Jime, three in October and November from the mouth. The nine fish from whose intestines no growth, was obtained were all caught at the mouth two in March, one in May, one in June, one in July, two in August, one in September, and one in November. (b) Moulds. In many instances the colonies observed were entirely made up of moulds : thus in nine cases from the oesophagus, in the same number from the stomach, and in four from the intestine, this class of organism was present alone. In the fish caught at the river mouths in March the appearance of moulds, apart from other growths, was frequent : thus in the oesophagus of five fish, in the stomach of three, and in the intestine of one caught during March, only moulds developed in the tubes. The majority of the other instances of such single growth occurred in May and June, only three belonging to a later period of the year. All the five fish which belong to this class (from the upper reaches) were captured in June. to of Liquefying Bacteria. No bacteria capable of liquefying gelatine were grown from different sections of the alimentary tract in several fish. This class includes the cultivations in which non-liquefying bacteria, either alone or along with moulds, were present. In one fish caught at the river mouth, in July 1896, no liquefying colonies were observed in any of the tubes made from its alimentary tract. The oesophageal contents were free from liquefying colonies in of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 55 nine fish, one of them from the upper water ; the gastric. contents in six fish, one of them from the upper water in November 1895 ; and the intestinal contents in eight, with three from the same part of the rivers one in July and two in November. The fish included in this class may be divided into : (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestine. Total. [arch, . 1 1 Eay, 1 1 une, 1 1 2 uly, . . 3 2 3 8 .ugust, . 2 2 ctober, . . 1 1 oyember, 3 2 3 8 Total, . 9 6 8 23 occasions. (d) Bacillus Coli Communis. Among the growths which did not liquefy gelatine there were a number closely resembling in the form of their colonies and in their microscopic appearance the Bacillus coli communis. It is now recognised that several organisms may be included under this name. The individual differences between the varieties are very slight. The Bacillus coli communis was found in. the ossophagus and in the stomach in six fish, in the intestines in seven. In two of these (which were caught at the river mouth in July) the organism was detected in each section of the digestive canal. In many of these other organisms were also present. All the fish from which this bacillus could be cultivated from the (esophagus were caught during July and August ; and, in four of the fish caught during these months, from the stomach and intestine. The other occasions on which it was present were diiring the later months except for one in March. Only four of the fish came from the upper waters. 3. SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SOME OF THE MICRO-ORGANISMS CULTIVATED FROM THE CONTENTS OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. (a) Organisms which Liquefy Gelatine. The varieties of bacteria capable of liquefying gelatine which were found in the mucus of the alimentary canal may be divided into one or two types : 1. Bacilli liquefying gelatine in " stich " cultures, and producing a 56 Investigations on the Life-History dirty yellow-red deposit at the bottom of the tube, very similar in appearance to Ihe sediment in urine due to amorphous urates. The cultures soon acquired a disagreeable odour. Under the microscope long thin motile bacilli were seen, many of them in pairs, or chains ; very similar to the " roter " bacillus found in water. This class of organism was confined entirely to the salmon sent in for examination in July and August, 1895. The actual fish from which they were obtained were as follows : CEsophagus. Stomach. Intestine. Fish from the Mouth - Fish from the J Upper Water [ XIII. (1895), July. XX1I1. (1895), August. XIV. (1895), July. XXI. (1895), August. XIY. (1895), July. XI. (1895), July. XII. (1895), August, XIV. (1895), July. 2. Micro-organisms liquefying gelatine and forming a white deposit at the lower end of the tubes. In one or two instances these organisms were further examined. In No. XIII., July 25, 1895, very frvely motile bacilli, their length in relation to their breadth being 2| as to 1, were found in the stomach. They frequently were present in pairs. The gelatine was very rapidly liquefied, and rendered strongly alkaline. Organisms rapidly liquefying gelatine and forming a white flocculent deposit were grown from : (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestine. X. (1895) July. XIII. (1895) July. XXXI. (1895) October. XIII. XIV. XXVI. (1896) June. V. (1896) March. XXIV. Septr. XLII. July. XXXVIII. June. XXIV. (1896) May. XLIII. ,, XLII. July. XLII. ,, July. XLIV. ,, XLIII. XLIII. LXXI. October. XLIV. LXXVIII. Novr. LXXVII. ,, Novr. XLV. LXXI. October. LXXVII. Novr. LXXVIII. 3. Organisms colouring the liquefied -gelatine light yellow, and forming a bright yellow deposit : of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 57 (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestine. XIII. (1895) July. XI. (1895) July. VI. (1896) March. VI. (1896) March. VI. (1896) March. LXIX. October. LXX. October. VII. LXX. LXIX. ., October. LXX. 4. Large dense creamy colonies slowly liquefying the gelatine into hole,-- with sharp edges, no pigment formed. Very minute bacteria : XI. XXIII. XXIII. XI. XXIII. 5. Bacilli liquefying gelatine and forming a light yellow deposit without colouring the supernatant fluid : I. X. II. II. IV. IV. (b) Organisms not Liquefying Gelatine. 1. Bacillus coli communis (cf. Table IV., 5, p. 53). 2. Small round yellow colonies, formed by short bacteria, often in pairs, with rounded ends, very like micrococci, some in zoogloea. The outer ends of those joined in pairs stain a darker colour. The pigment formed was very bright in colour, and the growths were raised above the surface of the gelatine in a similar manner to those of yeasts. This bacterium was grown from the oesophagus of Fish No. XII., July 1895, No. XXVII., June 1396, No. LXX., October 1896 ; from the stomach of Nos. XXIV. and XXV., May 1896, No. LXX.. October 1896 ; and from the intestine in Fish No. VI., March 1896, No. XXVI., June 1896, No. LXIX. and No. LXX. in October 1896. 3. Small round yellow colonies of cocci, which were usually present in the form of diplococci ; the growths were raised on the surface, and like nail heads. These diplococci were only found on two occasions, both during the month of November 1895, in the oesophagus of No. XXXIII. and of No. XXXVI. Both these fish were caught in the lower waters. 4. Organisms forming creamy moist circular colonies on gelatine. The growths were white, faintly tinged with yellow in colour, raised on the surface of the gelatine, circular and moist. The organisms present were small non-motile bacteria, many of them looking like dumb-bells. They were found along with colonies of a very similar appearance, but which liquefied the gelatine, in the cesophagus of Fish No. XI., 1895, and in 58 Investigations on the Life-History the stomach of Fish No. XXV., the intestine of No. XXVII., and the esophagus of No. XXXVIII., 1896. 5. Small white colonies whose nature was not further determined. These occurred in a great number of the tubes. (c) Yeasts, Moulds, and Sarcince. Very few organisms akin to the yeasts were found. In No. 36, November 1895, a yellow torula was giwvn from the intestine, a yellow sjircinae from the intestine of No. 35, in the same month, and in the stomach of No. 70, October 1896, 20 yellow yeasts or torulse were found. The members of the mould class were much more numerous. Table IV. gives a list of the sections in which moulds were the only organisms grown. In the case of the oesophagus, cultivations of moulds alone were almost entirely confined to the late autumn months, in the stomach to three out of six the same applies, while in the intestine the season has little to do with their appearance, two occurring in March, two in May and June, three in July and August, and two in the later months. Five of these fish were caught in the upper water. Examination of Table V., giving some of the results of the bacteriological investigations in the fish caught at the river mouth, shows that moulds were most numerous in the fish caught in March, May, and June : TABLE V. (See also Table III). (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestine. Total. March, - 7 Fish. 22 Moulds. 16 Greenish. 4 White. 20 Moulds. 11 Greenish. 8 White. 1 Purple. 5 Moulds. 5 Greenish. 47 May and June, 4 Fish. 4 Moulds. 4 Greenish. 34 Moulds. 33 Greenish. 1 White. 27 Moulds. All white. 6.') July and Aug.. September to November, 9 Fish. 9 Fish. 30 Moulds. White. None. 2 Moulds. White. 1 White mould None. None. 32 3-2 1 29 56 57 145 Similarly the fish caught in the upper water gave results a^ follows : (Esophagus. Stomach. Intestine. May and June - 3 Fish. 2 White moulds. 2 White moulds. 3 White moulds. July and August September to November 4 Fish.^j 5 Fish.J None. None. None. 12 2 2 3 =7 of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 59 Moulds were therefore much more common in the fish caught in tidal waters, and in the earlier part of the year, than in those from the upper reaches or captured in autumn. The number found in the oesophagus and stomach were much in excess of those grown from the intestinal contents. (d) Micro-Organisms in Two Series of Fish. An interesting series of cultivations was obtained from a group of fish sent in on the 5th of November 1896, from the mouth of the Spey. Their numbers are 76, 77, and 78 : No. 76 - No 78 - (Esophagus. 300 non-liquefying spreading colonies. d. Gelatine rapidly liquefied with a white deposit. h. As in No. 77. Stomach. Intestine. Innumerable small : Gelatine rapidly colonies, a pure j liquefied. White growth. Non- ; deposit, liquefying. e. No growths. As in oesophagus. As in (esophagi Innumerable, no liquefying growths. Pure cultivation. The organisms in c, d, /, h, and i were identical. They liquefied gelatine, forming a pure white precipitate, and consisted of small motile bacilli, some of them joined together in chains. The growths in b and j were also identical. Innumerable small pin- head colonies, not liquefying the gelatine, and showing no variations when grown in second dilutions. The organisms were very short, small, plump bacteria, almost like cocci, immotile, and all of the same size. No growth appeared in e. The organism present in a was a short, broad bacterium, in many instances gathered into zoogloefe, in others prolonged into long jointed filaments. It was non-motile and did not liquefy gelatine. In these three fish caught at the same place and on the same date surprising variations in the number and nature of the organisms occur. No rule seems to guide either the number or the forms present, either when one fish is contrasted with another, or when succeeding sections of the alimentary canal are compared. Another interesting group of fish was sent in on October 27, 1896. No. 69, from the upper Helmsdale ; No. 70, from the upper Dee ; and No. 71, from the mouth of the Dee : [TABLE. 60 Investigations on the Life- (Esophagus. No. 69 - No. 70 - N 71 - - ! None. d. 13 bright yellow liquefying. 60 yellow non-lique- fying and 100 minute colonies, probably the same as last. 9 liquefying with a white deposit. Stomach. Intestine. b. Innumerable. Yellow and lion-liquefy- ing. 25 coli communis, 30 yellow liquefying. 20 yellow yeasts. 50 small yellow non- liquefying. 4 small white non- liquefying. 2 coli communin ; 12 bright yellow liquefying ; 30 opaque yellow noii- liquefying. 9 small yellow lique- fying. 2 liquefying with a white deposit. 50 small white non- liquefying. In the two fish from the upper reaches, tubes b, c, d, e, and /showed the presence of a liquefying organism, a small, short, and thin bacillus, which coloured the fluid portion of the medium a bright yellow, and produced a deposit of a similar colour. The third fish presented none of this variety. The organism which did not liquefy the gelatine in b, e, 35 Annan 70 3,434 10,010 2,280 6,646 71 207 UPPEU WATER. I i | 1! Spey 69 2,840 8,642 1,860 5,659 34 104 1-2 21 Spey . . Helmsdale . 75 3,740 8.863 76 4,055 1 9,239 2,354 2,690 5,578 6,128 57 97 135 221 28 Helmsdale 73 4,107 10,550 2,700 6,942 114 293 31 Spey . . 74 3,550 8,762 2,212 5,461 122 301 32 Dee 85 1 5,447 8,872 3,290 5,358 255 415 33 Dee 73 3,520 9,048 2,234 5744 144 370 1 July and August. ESTUARY. Weight. Weight of Muscle. Weightof Ovaries River. Length. Actual Per Std. Fish. Actual Per Std. Fish. Actual PerStd. Fish. Dee 78 4,752 10,010 3,074 6,477 ' 126 266 Dee 71 3,810 10,640 2,508 7,004 39 109 Dee 70 3,820 11,140 2,210 6,443 150 437 Dee 79 5,345 10,840 3,370 6,836 135 274 Spey . 75 4,225 10,010 2,646 6,270 66 156 Helmsdale 71 4,545 12,700 3,024 8,447 73 204 Annan . 77 5,165 11,310 3,404 7,456 202 Dee 80 5,170 10,090 3,434 6,707 162 316 S? : 74 81 4,336 5,875 10,700 11,050 2,840 3,680 7,009 6,923 80 158 197 297 Annan . 82 5,300 9,614 3,460 6,276 130 236 Spey 79 5,065 10,280 3 090 6,269 236 479 Spey . 94 9,780 11,780 6*248 7,525 258 311 UPPER WATEK. 37 Spey . 77 4,010 8,782 2,430 5,322 161 353 42 Spey 72 3,504 9.391 2,160 5,789 214 574 4-J Helmsdale 66 2,532 8,806 1,532 5,331 103 358 4V 49 52 Dee Helmsdale Helmsdale 72 70 73 3,800 3,490 4,035 10,180 10,170 10,370 2,320 2,164 2,470 6,218 6,310 6,351 258 160 241 691 467 620 of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 65 TABLE I. Continued. October and November. ESTUARY. Weight. Weight of Muscle. Weight of Ovaries fa River Length. Actual |^ s |td. Actual Per Std. Fish. Actual Per Std. Fish. 6f> 72 a? 87 89 8,520 7,214 12,940 10,230 4,800 4,790 7,290 6,794 1,025 70 1,557 99 7;j Dee 90 8,184 11,230 4,314 5,920 1,160 1,592 74 Deo 91 8,134 10,800 4,554 6,045 990 1,314 7ti 77 79 Spey . Spey Helmsdale 87 81 88 6,890 6,775 7,415 10,470 12,750 10,870 3,250 4,030 5,010 4,937 7,582 7,350 1,270 425 43 1,929 799 63 These fish are considered more fully on p. 85, and are not included in Table II. UPPER WATER. 62 Helmsdale 74 3,700 9,133 1,658 4,093 822 2,029 6:5 Helmsdale 74 3,460 8,541 1,504 3,712 750 1,851 61 Dee 69 3,270 9,956 1,490 4,537 694 2,113 66 Helmsdale 73 3,845 9,886 1,650 4,242 844 2,170 67 Helmsdalo 68 2,875 9,145 1,210 3,849 635 2,019 6!) Helmsdale 74 4,080 10,070 1,610 3,974 1,100 2,715 70 Dee 66 2,675 9,307 1,140 3,967 590 2,053 78 Spey . . 84 6,595 11,130 2,700 4,555 1,712 2,888 The analysis of such a Table shows : (a) Weight. 1. The weight per fish of standard length of salmon coining to the mouth of the river increases throughout the season. TABLE II. Showing Average Weight per Fish of Standard Length of Esttuiry Salmon (see footnote) : Spey. Helms- dale. Dee. Annan. Average. Limits of Variation. May and June, 9546 9834 10149 11233 10185 871412470 July and August, 10692 12700 10628 10460 10781 961012700 Oct. and Nov., 12053 10 870 11015 - 11648 1027012940 t Single fish. The average in table was calculated by adding the weight per standard fish of all the fish of period, and dividing by the number of fish. It is not an average of the rivers. Mr. Archer, from his analysis of the Berwkk-on-Tweed figures (Fishery Reports, Part II., 1895), concludes that fish coming to; the mouth of the river gain in weight to the extent of 3 per cent, from May to August. In our series the increase was 5*8 per cent. The statistics at his disposal did not enable him to study the change after August. 2. Salmon in the upper reaches are lighter than those at the mouth, and this difference increases a& the season advances, and is nearly twice as great in October and November as earlier in the season. 66 Investigations on the Life- History TABLE III. Showing Average Weight per Fish of Standard Length of Upper- Water Snlmon : Spey. Helms- dale. Dee. Average. Limit of Variation. May and June, 8756 9895 8960 9139 864210550 July and August, 9086 9782 *10180 9616 878210370 Oct. and Nov. *11130 9355 9631 9646 854111130 *One fish. TABLE IV. Showing Average per Fish of Standard Length of all the Rivzrsfrom Tables II. and III : Estuary. Upper Water. Difference. May and June, 10185 9139 1046 July and August, . 10781 9616 1165 Sept. and Oct., 11648 9646 2002 (b) Muscle. 3. Fish coming to the mouth of the river have, in July and August, a slightly greater amount of muscle, per fish of standard length, than fish in May and June, and a distinctly greater amount than fish in October and November. TABLE V. Showing Average Weight of Muscle per Fish of Standard Length from Estuaries : Spey. Dee. Helms- dale. Average. Limits of Variation. May and June, 6126 6345 6495 6326 54987230 July and August, 6768 6732 *8447 6901 62698447 Oct. and Nov., 6603 5982 - 6055 49377582 * Single fish. In July and August there was a rise of 10-8 per cent, in the weight of muscle as compared with May and June ; and a fall of 8'5 per cent, in the October and November fish compared with the mean of the fish from May to August. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. G7 4. The weight of muscle in fish in the estuaries is greater than in fish in the upper reaches, and this difference becomes more marked as the season advances. TABLE VI. Showing Average Weight of Muscle per Fish of Standard Length in Upper Waters: Spey. Dee. Helms- dale. Average. Limits of Variation. May and June 5566 5551 6535 5839 53586942 July and August 5555 6218 5997 5887 53226351 Oct. and Nov. 4555 4252 3974 4116 37124555 *Single fish. If the average of the three rivers be taken the figures are as follows: TABLE VII. Shouting Aven*age Weight of Muscle per Fish of Standard Length: Estuary. Upper Water. Difference. May and June 6326 5839 487 July and August 6901 5887 1014 October and November . 6055 4116 1939 Or, comparing the upper- water fish in October and November with the upper-water fish earlier in the year, a loss of nearly 28 per cent, in the weight of the muscle is found. (c) Ovaries. 5. The weight of the ovaries per fish of standard length increases steadily throughout the season both in the sea and in the river. These results may be compared with those of Hoek and Miescher, and of the Scottish Fishery Board (Fishery Reports 1895, Table p. 30). By these observers the weight of the ovaries is given not as per fish of standard length, but as percentage of the weight of the fish . Hoek's observations on salmon in the Lower Rhine show an increase in the ovaries of from 0'5 per cent, in March to 20 per cent, in November, while Miescher's investigations in the Upper Rhine at Basel give an increase of from 0'75 per cent, in March to 23 in November. The investigations at the mouth of the Tweed give an increase from 0-75 per cent, in March to 17 per cent, in November: [TABLE. 68 Investigations on the Life-History TABLE VIII. Showing Average Weight of Ovaries per Fish of Standard Length ;- Spey. Dee. Helnisdale. Est'ry Upper Est'ry Upper Est'ry Upper May and June - 106 177 118 392 140 257 July and August 286 463 283 691 *204 482 October and November 1428 2890 1454 2083 2157 * Single Fish. Or taking these together : TABLE IX. Showing Average Weight of Ovcvries per Fish of Standard Length: May & June July & Aug. Oct. & Nov. Estuary. Limits of Variation Upper. Limits of Variation 121 284 1439 53175 109479 13101930 263 510 2230 104415 353691 18512888 This gives an increase from May to November of from 1 to 1 1 '9 in the sea, or 1318 grms. per fish of standard length, and from 1 to 8*5 in the river, or 1967 grms. per fish of standard length. It will thus be seen that although in the upper waters a greater amount of material per fish of standard length is laid on by the ovaries, their rate of growth, considering the weight with which they start in May, is quite as great in the sea as in the river. Throughout every part of the season there is a most marked difference in the ovaries in the upper reaches of the river and at the mouth. In May and June the ovaries of the fish in the upper reaches are 117 per cent, heavier than those at the mouth, while in October and November they are 55 per cent, heavier. (d) Length of Salmon. 6. The length of the fish coming to the mouth of the river increases markedly in October and November, while the length of fish in the upper reaches remains fairly constant throughout the season, and corresponds to the length of fish at the mouths from May to August. TABLE X. Showing Average Length of Fish : Estuary. Upper Water. May and June - 74 75 July and August October and November 77 88 72 73 of the Salmon in Freak Water. 69 In drawing conclusions from these figures, it must be remembered that fish of from 8 to 10 Ibs. were asked for, but as the supply available was limited, the size of the fish sent was not specially regarded by the senders. Fortunately, the question has been elucidated by the investiga- tions at Berwick-on-Tweed. The following Table shows the results obtained from the examination of female salmon as given in the Fishery Board Report for 1895, pp. 64 to 72. TABLE XI. Showing Average Length of Fish in Kstiiaries : No. of Fish. Length. April May - 29 43 77 77-1 June - 29 77-3 July - 33 77-3 August 30 81 September 18 84 October 37 89 November - 45 88-3 FEMALE FISII, 1895. (a) Fish from B&rvnck-on-Tweed. In seven of these the ovaries, liver, and muscle thick and thin were weighed. The percentage results obtained agreed generally with those obtained from fish caught in the various estuaries during 1896, but as the weight of muscle per fish of standard length was not determined it is unnecessary to give the results of these analyses. (6) Fish from Montrose. So far as I am aware, all the fish received from Montrose were captured in the lower waters of the North Esk or in Montrose Bay. They are therefore to be considered as estuary fish and compared with the estuary fish of 1896. Table XII. gives the length, weight, weight of muscle, and weight of ovaries. A comparison of this Table with Table 1. (p. 64) shows a close correspond- ence, and bears out Conclusions 1 and 4. As regards the growth of the ovaries, it is to be noted that in the North Esk fish in July the ovaries were more developed than in the July and August fish of 1896, but that their average development did not exceed the greatest development observed in the 1896 fish. In the later months the North Esk fish have a somewhat less average size of ovary than the 1896 fish. [TABLE. 70 Investigations on the Life-History TABLE XII. FEMALE SALMON, 1895. Weight. Muscle. Ovaries. Remarks. No. Date. Lgth. Actual Per Fish ofStnrd. Length. Actual 2590 1262 3630 Per Fish of Std. Lgth. Actual PrFsh of Std. Lgth. North Esk. 3rls. Montrose Montrose Bay. North Esk. 10 11 12 Average- - 23.7 76 61 78 4130 2055 5390 9410 9053 11359 9940 5899 5560 7671 6377 218 725 218 496 319 459 424 24 25 Average - - 3.9 81 90 5954 7704 11235 10568 10901 278 240 523 331 427 29 31 39 Average - - 26.10 28.10 12.12 76 94 91 4555 9300 7686 10376 11197 10203 10592 2680 5560 3740 6105 6694 4322 5707 317 995 1588 722 1199 2108 1343 MALE SALMON. For the study of male fish the amount of material at our disposal was unfortunately very limited. TABLE XIII. Showing the Length, Weight of Muscle, and Weight of and per Fish of /Standard Length : May and June ESTUARIES. , both Actual Weight. Muscle. Testes. No. River. Length. Total. Per Std. Fish. Total. Per Std. Fish. Total. Per Std. Fish. 13 Spey . . 77 4090 8958 2670 5850 5 10-97 19 Annan . . 80 4435 8662 2870 5605 8 15-62 Averages . 78-5 4262 8810 2770 5727 6.5 13-3 UPPER WATER. 26 34 Helmsdale Dee . . . 83 68 5557 2650 9737 8429 3544 1654 6209 5261 24 14 42-05 44-46 75-5 4103 9083 2599 5735 19 43-2 J idy and ESTUARIES. 53 Annan . . 77 5290 11588 3564 7800 14 32-86 56 Spey . . 74 4480 11056 2810 6934 8 19-74 59 Spey . . 87 7010 10644 4604 6991 24 36-44 61 Annan . . 84 5650 9533 3230 5450 45 75-92 Averages . 80-5 5607 10705 3552 6794 23 41-2 of the Salmon in Fresh Water. TABLE XIIL- Continued. July and August. UPPER WATER. 7! Weight. Muscle. Testes. No. River. Lsngth. Total. Per Std. Fish. Tot,, I*"* Total. I^Jtd. 38 Helmsdale 74 3870 9551 2454 5957 10 44-42 39 Dee. . . 77 3885 8510 2420 5301 44 96-38 54 Dee . . . 79 3880 7810 2314 4694 101 204-88 77 3878 8623 2396 5317 52 115-2 October and November. ESTUARIES. 71 75 Dee. Dee . . . Averages . 108 68 12,760 2890 10129 9192 7610 1660 6041 5280 270 96 214-33 305-34 88 7285 9660 4635 5660 183 260 UPPER WATER. 68 Dee. . . 74 3280 8094 1712 4225 109 269- (a) Weight. 1 . The weight per fish of standard length increases in the salmon coming to the mouths of the rivers to August. TABLE XIV. Showing Average Weight per Fish of Standard Lent Estuaries :- Weight per Fish of Sbd. Length. Limits of Variation. May and June, 8810 8662 8958 July and August, - 10705 953311588 October and November, - 9660 919210129 2. The difference between the weight of the fish at the mouth and in the upper waters of the rivers is practically nil in May and June, but as the season advances the weight of the fish in the upper reaches becomes less than that of fish in the lower reaches. In May and June there is a difference of only 3 per cent. In July and August the estuary fish are 19 per cent heavier than the upper- water fish, and in October and November 16 per cent, heavier. 72 Investigations on the Life- Hi story TABLE XV. Showing Average Weight per Fish of Standard Length in Upper Waters: Weight per Fish of Standard Length. Limits of Variation. May and June, 9083 84^09737 July and August, 8623 78109551 October and November, 8094 8194 (b) Jfusde. The weight of muscle in fish coming to the estuaries is greatest in July and August and least in October and November. In May and June the weight of muscle is the same in fish in the upper waters as in fish in the estuaries, but in July and August it is 22 per cent, less and in October and November 25 per cent. less. TABLE XVI. Showing Average Weight of Muscle per Fish of Standard Length: Estuaries. Upper Waters. May^and June, 5727 5735 July and August, - 6794 5317 October and November, - 5660 4225 w The weight of the testes increases in fish in the estuary and in the upper waters throughout the season, and the increase is as marked in fish inJJie estuaries as in fish in the upper waters. TABLE XVII. Show-ing Average Weight of Testes per Fish of Standard Length : Estuaries. Upper Waters, May and June, 13-3 43-2 July and August, - 41-2 115-2 October and November, - 260-0 269-0 of the Salmon in fresh Water. 73 KELTS. It is a matter of no little interest to trace the changes which take place in the salmon between the time of spawning and their return to the sea. It is supposed by some that kelts feed voraciously. Of the two salmon captured at Basel in which Miescher Ruesch found traces of food, both were kelts. The evidence adduced by Dr. Gulland shows that the lining membrane of the stomach is regenerated in the kelt stage, while Dr. Gillespie's observations show that the digestive power is greater in kelts than in tmspawned salmon. In the kelts examined by us food was never found in the stomach, but, in nearly all, the gall-bladder contained a greater or less quantity of bile. Miescher Ruesch describes the changes in the salmon after spawning as follows : After a vivid description of the characters of the fish on the spawning beds, he says (p. 215): " How altogether different is the picture if we have the opportunity to see the animal ten days, or, better, two weeks, after spawning. The skin is again blueish, shining and clear, the ulcers cicatrized and healing, the flesh transparent and free of oil granules. The heart fibres also participate in the regenerative change; in the intestine is no trace of food. On the other hand, the ovary contains sometimes more, sometimes fewer eggs, which are embedded in a serous or somewhat purulent effusion of the follicular membrane, and are evidently shrinking and being absorbed. They are thus a sort of nourishment, a provision (Zehrgeld) for the return journey. But I ascribe the chief importance to the pale, shrunken, and folded follicular membrane. The collateral vessels of the ovary are closed through vascular contraction. The salmon is like a patient who has had a leg amputated after the application of an Esmarch's bandage. Its blood courses in a narrow circulation, thus with higher pressure, and supplies a less amount of oxygen-requiring matter than formerly. The circulation is again sufficient for its task, and the trunk muscle-; becomes normal The little nutrient matter coming from the ovary greatly helps the reconvalescence of the muscle." In the spring of 1897, 22 kelts were received from the mouth of the Spey between the 17th March and the 21st May, and other three kelts were procured in 1895-96. The weight of muscle, ovaries, etc., was determined in eleven of these, and a detailed analysis was made of four. Table XVIII. gives the length, weight, weight per nsh of standard length, weight of musculature total and per fish of standard length, and weight of ovaries total and per fish of standard length. The length is in centimetres and the weight in grammes : [TABLK. 74 In ''Vitiations on the Life-History TABLE XVIII. KELTS. W-. I 1-, t ,. Weight. Muscle. Ovaries. .HO. Uate. Length. Total Per Std. Fish. Total Per Std. Fish. Total Per Std. Fish. 14 1895. July 23 83 3,995 6,986 2,400 4,196 42-5 74 N. Esk. 1896. 8 March 17 66 2.458 _ 1,512 _ 11 N. Esk. 9 17 65 2',280 1,222 14 N. Esk. 80 81 82 1897. March 17 18 18 87 93 92 5,434 6,847 6,235 8,245 8,518 8,004 3,070 4,000 3,500 4,658 4,974 4,492 29 52 65 44 64 83 Spey. 83 18 89 4,800 6,866 2,480 3,548 42 60 84 85 April 1 5 93 94 6,485 6,455 8.064 7,771 3,916 3,610 4,807 4,346 38 40 47 48 86 8 94 6^95 8,252 3,730 4,490 54 65 87 15 91 6,280 8,339 88 15 96 6,110 7,000 89- 15 65 1,877 6,829 90 21 91 5,975 7,934 91 21 89 5,510 7,882 92 27 91 5,525 7,311 3,120 4,140 31 41 93 30 98 6,955 7,389 _ 94 My 5 92 6,080 7,809 95 5 90 5.735 7,867 96 67 2,365 7,865 . - 97 6 85 5,060 8,239 98 10 90 5,085 6,975 99 12 69 2,282 6,943 _ 100 14 91 6,035 8,008 101 21 85 4,867 7,925 | Average 83-8 5091 7,755 2,960 4,487 38 56 From the length of the fish it is manifest that most of these are kelts of the late-coming fish October and November salmon. Whether the smaller fish which come from the sea earlier in the year descend at an earlier date is not shown by these results. The table bhows : ( 1 ) That, as might be expected, the kelts are lighter per fish of standard length than the unspawned fish. (2) The amount of muscle is rather greater than in the unspawned fish. This is of interest in connection with Miescher Ruesch's descrip- tion of the possible regeneration of the muscle from the ova retained in the peritoneal cavity. (3) The weight of the ovaries is smaller than in the fish coming to the rivers in May and June. It should be mentioned that in all these kelts a considerable number of unshed ripe ova were always found in the abdominal cavity. As compared with winter salmon 72 and 79 (Table I., p. 65), the weight of ovaries in the kelt is not appreciably smaller. The average weight of ovaries in 72 and 79 was 81 grms. per fish of standard length. The average weight in the kelts was 58 grms. ; but while the ovaries of 79 were only GG grms. per fish of standard length, kelt 82 had ovaries of 83 grms. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS FROM THESE RESULTS. These figures throw important light upon several questions : 1st. They confirm the conclusions arrived at by Mr. Archer in his of the Salmon in fresh Water. 75 Report of 1895, that fish continue to feed in the sea at least till the end of August. The marked diminution in the amount of muscle in fish reaching the estuaries in October and November would seem to show that the supply of food is insufficient to yield the material necessary for the rapidly growing genital glands, and that therefore the solids of the muscle have to be drawn upon, or, at least, that accumulation of material in the muscles is prevented. The steady increase in weight per fish of standard length throughout the season seems to indicate that they con- tinue to feed even after August and (September, though, as will be shown later (p. 86), the flesh contains about 5 per cent, more water in October and November than in July and August, while the increase of weight is only 3*7 per cent. 2nd. The fall in the amount of muscle from the early to the late put of the season in fish in the upper reaches supports the conclusions arrived at by Meischer Ruesch, and by Drs. Gulland and Gillespie, that the salmon does not feed in fresh water. 3rd. Light is thrown on the question of whether fish entering the river early in the year go straight up and occupy the upper reaches, leaving the lower parts to be occupied by the later-coming fish. The following facts bear specially upon this : (1) The length of the fish coming to the mouth of the rivers is practi- cally the same from May to August (pp. 68 and 69). But in October and November a markedly larger class of fish appears in the estuaries. In the upper reaches, however, the size of the fish remains constant till October. This would seem to show that from early spring to August the fish pi-ess upwards, but that after this the later arrivals occupy the lower reaches of the river. (2) The fact that the weight per fish of standard length steadily rises in the estuaries throughout the season, and rises in the upper waters also until July and August, seems to show the passage of fish to the upper reaches during these months. But there is no increase of the weight of the upper-water fish in October and November corresponding to the increase in weight of those at the estuaries. This supports the view that the early-coming fish pass on to the upper reaches. (o) The weight of the musculature increases in fish coming to the mouth of the rivers from May to Atigust. There is also a slighter increase in fish in the upper reaches, due probably to the immigration of these more muscular fish from the mouth. But in October and November, while the estuary fish show only a slightly less developed musculature, the fish in the upper reaches show a very marked diminu- tion, indicating that immigration from below has practically stopped. These conclusions are further supported by the evidence adduced in a footnote of the Appendices of the Twelfth Annual Report to the Fishery Board, 1893, pp. 55 and 56 : " If fish ascended the rivers in the spring of the year only to rid them- selves of sea-lice, sis some consider, they might be expected to ascend only a short distance ; whereas, it seems, on the contrary, that in some rivers, at any rate, they press up immediately to the head waters. Thus, in the Forth District, it is said to be the floods in January and February that induce the fish to ascend to Lochs Venriacher and Achray. In the 'Tay District, the fishing is best in the Loch Tay in the early months of the year ; and I am informed by a gentleman well acquainted with the fishings at the foot of the falls of Tummel, that it is the M:irch floods that give a successful season in those waters, whereas the autumn fish do not ascend so far. The superintendent of the river Dee, in 76 Investigations on the Life-History Aberdeenshire, informs me that the spring fish in that river press up stream into the tributaries, some 15 to 20 miles above Braemar ; whereas the autumn fish, which collect in the greatest numbers between Banchory and Ballater, are seldom found above Braemar. He distin- guishes between spring and autumn fish from the fact that fish taken ascending the river in the spring are, as a rule, small fish, whereas those taken in the autumn are considerably larger. Small fish, corresponding in size to the spring fish and much discoloured, showing they had been in the fi-esh water a long time, are found in the upper part of the river, and are the first to spawn ; whereas the fish in the lower part of the river resemble, in size, those caught during the autumn, and present the appearance of having more recently left the sea. " In the district of the river Ness, the fish run straight through the river Ness and Loch Ness into the river Garry. The river Garry flows into the upper end of Loch Ness. Indeed, it is said that, although the Oick and Garry fish must pass up the Ness, scarcely any settle there, no fish being taken in the Ness by the fly before July. The same is said of the Orchy on the West Coast. The Orchy flows into Loch Awe, which is connected with the sea by the river Awe. The Awe is a late river, the heaviest salmon being got in the autumn, while the Orchy below the falls is best in the spring. The spring fish are said, as a rule, to come right up to the long, deep, rocky pool below the falls. In the river Severn in England, Mr. Willis Bund, in his book Sedition Problems, says that there is a spring run of small salmon, weighing from 81bs. to 1 51bs., in February and March. These are very strong active fish, and press up the river at once, those getting to the top forming the early spawners. These instances are sufficient to show that in some rivers, at any rate, clean fish, having their roe very slightly developed, ascend at, once to the head waters of the river. " It will be observed, also, that the observations of Mr. Willis Bund on the Severn, and the superintendent of the water bailiffs on the Dee, tend to show that the spring fish are the early spawners, and form the breeding stock in the head waters of the rivers. The observations of Mr. Ffennel, one of the commissioners appointed under the Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act of 1862, correspond with those of Mr. Willis Bund and the superintendent of the Dee. In his evidence before the Select Committee of the House of Lords in 1860, he said that tin- salmon which entered the rivers in November, December, January, February, and March, spawned in the following October. He said that in the river he had lived upon, the Suir, he had watched salmon from childhood ; in February new fish came up plentifully, the water got very low and clear, and they could see them in the pools through the summer. He had, therefore, no doubt that salmon would live and thrive for a whole twelve months in fresh water. He further stated that these fish, although discoloured, remained very fat and exceedingly good to eat up till midsummer. " At Sand in Norway, where I watched the habits of salmon for some years, the early fish having high crests and slight development of roe, -) July and August, . 34-4 72-0 38%5 168-0 October and November, 38-7 545-0 37-7 801-0 Such a table shows : --As regards (a) MUSCLE. 1. The percentage of solids is throughout the season markedly higher in the fish at the mouth than in the fish in the upper reaches of the river. 2. The percentage remains unaltered both at the mouth and in the upper reaches till August. 3. In October and November the percentage of solids falls markedly both at the mouth and in the upper reaches. 4. The October and November salmon in the estuary contain in the thick 7 per cent, and in the thin 8 per cent, more water than the salmon in May, June, July, and August, and thus, though the weight of the muscle does not show a diminution, there is actually a marked diminution in its solid constituents, and its weight is kept up by the addition of water. In the October and November fish in the upper waters, the thick contains 12 per cent, and the thin 15 per cent, more water than the thick and thin of fish in the estuary earlier in the year. This development of a more watery condition of the flesh is of considerable importance in estimating the food value of the salmon. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. S7 5. The solids in the fish of standard length undergo no alteration in the estuary fish from May to August, but in October and November there is a marked decrease. In the upper-water fish there is practically no change till August, but there is a very marked diminution in October and November. (b) OVARIES. 1. From May to August the percentage of solids is higher in the fish from the upper reaches than in those from the mouth of the rivers. In October and November the ovaries of fish at the mouth have as high a percentage of solids as those in the upper waters. 2. Throughout the season the total solids of the ovaries in the fish of standard length are very markedly less in fish at the mouth than in fish in the upper waters. From these tables a balance of Loss of Muscle and (Tain of Ovaries may be struck : A. Balance to Average solids of muscle per fish of standard length in estuary fish from May to August, - - 2240 Average solids in muscle per fish of standard length of upper- water fish in July and August, 1 690 Loss, 550 Average solids per fish of standard length in ovaries of estuary fish from May to August, - 59 Average solids in ovaries in upper -water fish in July and August, 168 Gain, 109 If 109 of muscle solids go to ovaries, then 441 grms. will be avail- able as a source of energy. B. Balance to November. Solids in muscle of estuary fish, May to August, - 2240 Solids in muscle of upper-water fish, October and November, - 880 Loss, 1360 Solids in ovaries of estuary fish, May to August, 59 Solids in ovaries of upper-water fish, October and Nov- ember, 800 Gain, 741 If 741 of solids of muscle go to ovaries, 619 will be available as a .source of energy. The amount of solids lost by the muscle is not only amply sufficient to yield the solids gained by the ovary, but a large surplus is left. 88 Investigations on the I/ife- History FEMALE SALMON- 1895. Table III. gives the results of the analyses of the amount of solids in the North Esk fish during 1895. It corresponds closely to Table I., except as to the solids of the ovaries. Here in July both the percentage amount and the amount per fish of standard length are markedly higher than in the corresponding fish of 1896. TABLE III. SOLIDS. Muscle. Ovaries. No. Date. Per Cent. Total per Standard Fish. Total per Per ( lent. Standard Fish. Thick. Thin. 10 23.7 33-8 -54-7 2004 41-3 204 12 i 35-4 36-6 2737 40-2 17. r > Average, . . 26.10 34-6 85*6 2370 1722 10-7 389 29 27-5 30-2 38-0 274 31 28.10 31-6 37-9 2120 88-5 461 39 12.12 23-2 19-9 1000 Average, . . 27-4 29-3 mil 38-0 ! 367 MALE FISH. Though the testes increase in size about twenty fold, they do not attain anything like the same proportionate weight of the fish as do the ovaries. In a fish of standard length in the male, 257 grins. of material are laid on to the testes; in the female, 2150 grms. are gained by the ovaries. It is, therefore, highly probable that since the muscles in the female contain sufficient material for the growth of the ovaries, in the male the stored material should be amply sufficient for the growth of the testes. Unfortunately the number of male salmon at our disposal was small. Table IV. gives the results of our investigations on the changes < f the solids in the muscle and testes : of t/te Salmon in Fresh Water. TABLE IV. SOLIDS. MAY AND JUNK. River. Spey Annan Muscle. Testes. Per Thick. Cent. Thin. Total per Stan- dard Pish. 1781 Per Cent. Total per Stan- dard Fish. 29-2 34-5 19-8 2-14 31-9 35-6 1873 20-2 3-30 30-5 35-0 1827 20-0 2-72 JULY AND AUGUST. Spev 24-1 38-1 2379 Spey . . 35-0 39-6 2526 Average, 29-5 38-8 2452 17-1 18-1 6-09 4-73 OCTOBER AND NOVEMBEH. Dee 25-9 24'9 28-8 26-2 1607 1333 Average, 25-4 27-0 1470 26-3 25-0 25-6 56-1 76-1 Upper Water. MAY AND JUNK. Helmsdale . Dee . . . . 32-5 28-4 35-5 30-0 2065 1484 19-3 18-1 8-1 8-0 Average, 30-4 32-7 1774 18-7 8-0 JULY AND AUGUST. Helmsdale . . .' . 30-5 32-1 Dee . . 30-0 34-6 Dee 27-2 28-1 Average, 29-6 31-6 1842 1648 1285 1592 OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER. 17-4 7'7 14-8 i 14-3 16-8 I 33-9 16-3 \ 18-6 58-3 Dee . . 20-5 20-4 865 22-1 Average, 20-5 20-4 M 22-1 90 Investigation* on the Life-History This somewhat too limited series of observations indicates 1 . That the male fish coming to the rivers throughout the season have a musculature somewhat poorer in solids than the female fish. 2. That in the upper reaches the percentage of solids is about the same as in the female fish. 3. That the nature of the change in the percentage of solids is the same as in the female fish. 4. That the testes are considerably poorer in solids than the ovai'ies. 5. That there is in the testes a more marked increase in the per- centage of solids than in the ovaries in October and November. 6. That in the estuary fish, as regards the amount of solids in the muscle per fish of standard length, there is a marked increase in July and August, and a decrease in October and November. 7. That throughout the season the amount of solids in the muscle is smaller in the fish in the upper reaches than in those at the mouths of the rivers, and that the difference becomes more and more marked as the season advances. TABLE V. Solids of Muscle. Estuary. May and June, 1809 July and August, - 2452 October and November, - I 1470 Upper Water. 1774 1592 865 8. That the amount of solids in the testes per fish of standard length steadily increases in fish in the estuaries and in fish in the upper waters throughout the season, and that the in- crease is even greater in the sea than in the upper reaches. But since only one upper-reach fish was examined in October and November, too much stress cannot be placed upon this. TABLE VI. Solids of Testes. Estuary. Upper Water. May and June. 2-72 8-00 July and August, - 4-73 18-60 October and November, - 66-00 59-30 of tlti; Snl in,-,,, in Fresh Water. 91- A balance of the loss of muscle solids and the gain in the solids of the testes may be struck as follows : A. Balance to August. Solids in muscle of estuary fish from May to August, Solids in muscle of upper-water fish in July and August, Loss, Solids in testes of estuary fish from May to August, Solids in testes of upper-water fish in July and August, Gain, Grins. 2130 1592 538 3-7 18-6 14-9 If 14-9 grins, of the solids of the flesh go to the testes, 523 grins, will bf available as a source of muscular energy. B. Ihdance to November. Solids in muscle of estuary fish from May to August, Solids in muscle of upper-water fish in Oct. and Nov., Solids in testes of estuary fish from May to August, Solids in testes of upper-water fish in Oct. and Nov., Gain, Grins, 2130 865- 1265 3-7 59-3 55-6 If 55*6 grins, of the solids of the muscle go to the testis, then 1209 grins, are available for muscular energy. The supply of solids, over that required for the construction of the testes. which is thus available for muscular energy, is considerably greater in the case of them ale than of the fimale fish. KELTS. Table VII. gives the amount of solids per cent, and in fish of standard length in muscle and ovaries in four of the kelts received in the spring of 1897:- TABLE Solids in V1J. Kelts. Muscle. I'er Cent. m \<> ; otal per tandard Fish. Ovaries. Per Cent. Total per Standard Fish. Thick. 1 Thin. ! 80 21-87 M 2379 S2 20-86 83 18-62 22-30 25-85 2078 17-69 1024 1178 934 649 14-14 14-68 17-13 12-24 6-20 9-41 14-19 7-32 i Average, ! 21 '28 21-65 i 946 14-55 9-28 1)2 Investigations on the Life-History The length of these kelts (see Table p. 74) indicates very clearly thnt they belong to the large late-coming fish. They cannot, therefore, be com- pared with the fish in the upper waters in October and November, but should rather be compared with the estuary fish of these months. This table shows that : 1. The percentage of solids in the muscle is slightly less than in the unspawned fish in the upper reaches in October and November, markedly less than in the unspawned fish at the estuaries in these months. 2. The amount of solids per fish of standard length is no less, perhaps rather greater, than in the unspawned fish in tne upper reaches in October and November, but markedly less than the unspawned fish in the estuaries during these months. Hence the apparent increased sixe of the so-called well-mended kelt is in part, at least, due to increase in the water, and not in the solids of the muscle. 3. The percentage amount of solids in the ovaries is very much smaller than in fish ascending the rivers to spawn. 4. The solids of the ovaries per fish of standard length are markedly smaller in amount than in fish ascending the river to spawn. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 93- 8. CHANGES IN THE FATS OF MUSCLE, GENITALIA, AND OTHER ORGANS OF THE SALMON IN FRESH WATER, BY D. NOEL PATON, M.D.. F.R.C.P.Eix Throughout the animal kingdom the material required for the evolution of energy is to a large extent stored in the body as fats. As is well known, the combustion of one gramme of fats liberates about twice as much energy as the combustion of a corresponding amount of proteids or carbohydrates. In the salmon the ova are largely composed of an oily fluid very rich in fats, and hence for the growth of the ovaries a large store of fats in the body is necessary. In this section we have to consider where and how this fat is stored and to what extent it is used as a source of energy and to what extent for the growth of the genitalia. METHODS. A portion of the organ usually about 30 grins. was preserved in spirit until it was analysed. The spirit was then poured into an evaporating basin and the organ finely powdered in a mortar, added to the spirit, and slowly dried over a water bath. When it had not powdered easily at first, it was again powdered after drying. The muscle readily broke up into very fine small fibrils, while the ovaries and livers were readily reduced to a uniform powder. The powder was placed in a filter paper, the mortar and basin being carefully washed with ether and the ether added to the powder, and was then extracted in a Soxhlet apparatus for two days. If by the end of this time the ether was not absolutely colourless, the process was continued until it became colourless. The ether was distilled off and the fat dried at 100 C. and weighed. By the preliminary heating with alcohol the extraction of lecithin was facilitated. This method was used in preference to the more recent procedure of Dormeyer (Pfliiger's Arch. Bd. 65, p. 90), because the residue after extraction of fats was required for the estimation of proteids, phos- phorus, and iron. To have put aside separate specimens for the analysis of each of these would have increased the accumulation of material to an unmanageable extent. As it was, no less than six or seven bottles of material were put aside for each fish. In face of Dormeyer's severe strictures upon Soxhlet's method it was necessary to test it carefully against the method devised by the former. Dormeyer found that with horse flesh Soxhlet's method of extraction failed to remove a very considerable portion of the fats, and he recom- mends that after an initial extraction bv Soxhlet's method the residue D4 Investigations on the TAfe- History should be submitted to artificial gastric digestion, by which the muscle fibres are dissolved and the fats liberated. These may then be removed by shaking the fluid with ether. The muscle, ovaries, and testes of the salmon after preservation in spirit are readily reduced to a very fine state of subdivision, and have not the tough, fibrous consistence of horse muscle. The ether in Soxhlet's apparatus has thus a much better chance of completely recovering the fats. But to test the method against Dormeyer's, the following experiment was performed on Salmon 44 : Ovaries. 38 grms., treated in the usual way yielded 3-841 grins, of extract in Soxhlet's apparatus after two days' extraction. The residue was subjected to peptic digestion for 12 hours, and yielded a brown fluid and a copious residue. The fluid was filtered off, and the residue and paper well washed with ether. The filtrate was extracted with ether in a separation funnel. On distilling and evaporating the ether, 0-022 grm. of residue was obtained *54 per cent, of the total extract. Muscle. Of the thick 44 grins, and of the thin 35 grins, were treated in the same way. The residue after digestion was very small in amount. The following are the results : Extraction by Soxhlet's Method. Subsequent Extraction by Dormeyer's Method. Thick, - Thin, - 3-477 5-158 0-008 0-007 In thick, 0-23 per cent, of ether extract. In thin, 0-13 per cent, of ether extract. Soxhlet's method as employed by us may thus be considered to give quite satisfactory results in the case of the muscle, and somewhat too low results in the case of the ovaries, but the difference is so small that in calculating the percentage of fats in the ovaries the Soxhlet's extrac- tion gives less than O'l per cent, less than Dormeyer's method. Soxhlet's method, 10-107 per cent.; Dormeyer's method, 10*166 per cent. For our purpose the accuracy of the method is amply sufficient. The ether extracts after weighing were preserved in small flasks, and in some the amount of fatty acids were determined by Kossel and Oebermiiller's method (Ztsch. f. phys. Chem. Bd. xiv. 599), while in others the lecithin was estimated in the usual way. AMOUNT OF FATTY ACIDS. The following determinations show the amount of fatty acids present in the ether extract of the muscle, and indicate that it is very largely composed of ordinary fats : TABLE I. No. Per Cent, of Fatty Thick. Acids in Ether Extract. Thin. i 32 66 74 86-5 89-5 91-7 86-0 88-5 92-2 of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 95 FEMALE SALMON, 1896. Table II. gives the amount of fats in per cent, and in fish of standard length in the " thick " and " thin " of the muscle, in the whole muscle, and in the ovaries. TABLE II. ESTUARY FISH. May and June. So. River. Muscle. Ovaries. Per cent. Thick. Per cent. Thin. Total per 1 Standard Percent. Fish. Total pei- Standard Fish. 16 20 25 27 15 17 29 Dee. . Helmsdale Helmsdale Dee. Average, 1070 10-90 8-14 11-20 16-9 17-1 14-6 21-3 732 838 641 861 9-04 9-40 9-45 8-66 8 13 16 12 10-23 17-9 768 9-14 ! 12 Spey - - - Dee. Dee. 3-96 8-85 7-10 7-27 12-00 15-20 287 329 510 11-60 8-50 7-90 9-30 12 7 11 Average, 6-64 11-5 375 10 Average of A & B, 8-69 14-9 r>99 9-17 11 July and August. 36 Dee. 8-5 17-0 688 40 Dee .... 10-6 17-8 867 45 Spey . . . 12-6 17-3 862 51 10-2 142 782 55 Dee. . . . 7'5 15-3 653 Average, \ 9-82 16-8 770 6-9 18 6-9 7 8-7 13 9-9 19 12-0 35 8-9 18 October and November. 65 Spey 7-03 9-8 562 973 151 73 Dee 5-07 12-1 403 1000 159 74 Dee. . . 415 8-4 313 9-64 126 Average, 5-41 10-2 426 9-79 145 72 Dee. 15-1 20-0 1109 8-05 7-9 79 Helmsdale 12-6 20-2 962 10-80 6-8 Average, 13-3 20-1 1035 9-42 7-3 Investigations on the Life-History TABLE II. Continued. UPPER WATERS. May and fame. Muscle. Ovaries. No. River. Per cent. Thick. Per cent. Thin. Total per Standard Fish. Per cent. Total per Standard Fish. 12 21 Spey Helmsdale 6-87 8-90 9-4 13-4 418 656 12-5 12-2 16 26 31 Spey 6-02 10-2 384 10-8 32 32 Dee. 5-62 8-1 383 10-5 43 11 Spey 6-63 10-5 432 6-8 11 Average, 6-81 103 / 448 105 29 July and August. "' 1 1 37 Spey 9-31 15-8 i 581 11-7 41 42 43 Spey Helmsdale 575 6-35 10-0 10-1 394 388 99 10-6 56 37 49 Helmsdale . 7-03 13-2 540 11-2 52 Average, 7-11 12-2 476 10-8 46 October and November. 62 Helmsdale 2-50 3-13 107 9-55 193 63 Helmsdale 3-34 4-21 131 9-62 177 64 Dee . 2-68 6-77 167 10-00 211 66 Helmsdale 6-66 13-60 335 9-83 213 67 Helmsdale 2-37 5-59 121 9-76 197 69 Helmsdale 3-72 6-60 175 7-56 204 70 Dee . 0-62 4-16 59 6-90 141 Average, 3-11 6-34 159 9-03 204 From tliis Table the average percentage of fats may he calculated : TABLE III. May and J une July and August . Oct. and Nov. Estuary. Upper. Thick. Thin. Ovaries. Thick. Thin. Ovaries. 10-2 9-8 5-4 17-9 16-8 10-2 9-1 8-9 9-8 6-8 7-1 3-1 10-3 12-2 6-3 10-5 10-8 *9-0 *The somewhat smaller percentage may be due to the more difficult extraction of fats from tin ripe ova, which, after preservatiou in alcohol, become hard and difficult to reduce to a powder. of the, Halm on in freak Writer. 97 The average amount of fats, per fish of standard length, is given in TABLE IV. May and June J uly and August October and November . Ovaries. Muscle. Estuary. Upper. Estuary. Upper. 12 18 145 29 46 204 768 770 426 448 476 159 These results closely correspond to the results obtained in the study of the changes in the total solids, but the proportionate changes are even greater. 1. In the fish coming to the estuaries the percentage of fat and the fat per fish of standard length in the muscle is practically the same from May on to August. The fish coming to the rivers in October and November have a markedly smaller percentage of fat, and a markedly smaller amount per standard fish about three-quarters of the original amount. 2. J n the ovaries, in fish coming from the sea, the percentage of fat does not alter much throughout the season. In October and November it is slightly higher than in the earlier months. The amount of fat in the ovaries per fish of standard length undergoes no very marked changes from May to August an increase of from 12 to 18 grms. But in October and November there is a rise to 145 grms. This is an eight-fold increase. 3. In the upper reaches, the fish in July and August show a slight increase in the percentage of fat and in the fat per fish of standard length in the muscle, when compared with the May and June fish. This is probably to be explained by the constant arrival of fresh fish from the sea. In October and November the percentage of fat falls to less than a half of the amount in the earlier months, while the fat per fish of standard length shows a fall of about one-third. 4. As compared with the fish in the estuaries, the percentage of fat, and the fat per fish of standard length, in these upper-water fish is very much smaller in amount. It should perhaps be noted that there is some indication of a division of the upper-water fish, especially from May to August, into two classes, one richer and the other poorer in fat. Thus in May and June number 21 has a much greater amount of muscle fat than the other fish of the class. In July and August 37 and 49 have an average of 560 grms., while 42 and 43 have only 391 grms. At first sight this would seem to indicate that some of these fish have come up earlier than others, and have lost a greater quantity of fat from their muscles. But a comparison of these figures with the total solids and with the proteids opposes the idea that such a distinction can be made. 5. In the ovaries the percentage of fat is slightly higher in upper- water fish than in the fish from the estuaries, except in October and November. As already pointed out, this is probably an apparent, and not a real difference. 6. Throughout the whole season the fat per fish of standard G 98 Investigations on the Life-History length in the ovaries of upper-water fish is about double that in estuary fish. The amount shows a small, though marked, increase from May to August, and an increase of four and a half times in October and November as compared with the earlier months. A balance between fat lo the. Life-History TABLE VII. FATS OF PYLORI c APPENDAGES. May to August, - Oct. and Nov., Estuary Fish. Upper-Water Fish. No. ?' fiJJSi Fat - Fish. No. Total Fat. Fat per Standard Fish. 27 11-744 28-4 31 2-440 5-73 45 14-085 33-4 32 (i-930 11 -iJ 41 20-856 58-0 4.3 4-987 17-3 73 2-103 2-88 69 0-506 1-24 74 3-812 5-06 70 0-43.5 1-50 72 47-429 67-2 79 Enormous quantity of fat, more than in 72. This was lost in analysis by break- ing of flask. These figures indicate : 1st, That in the early part of the season there is a marked difference as regards the amount of intestinal fat in fish at the mouth and in fish in the upper reaches. 2nd, That in October and November the amount of fat on the append- ages of the fish coming to the mouth of the river has greatly diminished. 3rd, That the "winter salmon" appearing at this time, 72 and 79, i.e., fish not ready to spawn till the next season, have an enormous accumu- lation of fat on the intestine. Taking the averages from May to August of estuary fish and fish iu the upper waters, it is found that 28-5 grm. of fat per standard fish is used up. From these results it would appear that this intestinal fat is the first to be drawn upon, and that it is used up more rapidly than the muscle fat. (b) Liver Fat. In many fish, such as the cod, the great accumulation of fat occurs iu the liver. I have shown elsewhere ("Journal of Physiol. ," vol. xix, p. 1 72) that as much as 67 per cent, of fat is found in the liver of the Gadidae. In the female salmon there is never such an accumulation of liver fat, In 1895 the amountof fat in theliver of several fish was determined, and no marked change was observed from July to October in fish in the estuary. In 1896 the liver fats were determined in four average fish : TABLE VIII. Estuary Fish. Upper-Water Fish. No. Per Cent. Fat per Standard Fish. No. Per Cent. Fat per Standard Fish. 27 17-90 29-7 69 3-39 4-66 45 8-65 20-5 70 3-33 3-94 of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 101 The livers of the two exceptional fish 72 and 79 from the mouth of the river in November yielded the following amounts of fat : 72 Per Cent, 12-56. Per Standard Fish, 2M. 79 5-76. 10-2. These figures show that the fats stored in the liver while the fish is feeding in the sea are to a great extent lost during the sojourn in fresh water. As much as 20 grin, of fat per fish of standard length may he given off from the liver. FEMALE SALMON, 1895. Table IX. gives the analyses of fats in the North Esk salmon of 1895. It agrees with Table II. except as regards the ovaries. A greater percentage and actual amount of fat is present in these North Esk fish in July than in the 1896 fish of the same month : TABLE IX. Muscle. Ovary. 1 No. Date. Per Cent. Total per Total per Q, 1 1 PPT- Ppnt ^ j i J Thick. Thin. Fish. Fish. 10 23.7 9-4 14-3 625 10-3 51 12 12-7 14-9 1015 10-7 47 Average, 11-0 14-6 820 10-3 49 29 26.10 6-4 10-3 449 8-2 59 31 28.10 9-6 18-7 795 9-5 114 39 12.12 5-1 1-9 212 10* 210 Average, 7-0 13-3 465 9-2 127 I * Analysis lost. Average from others. MALE FISH. In the male salmon the testes are comparatively poor in fats. For their development there is no need of the same storage of fats as in the case of the growth of the ovaries. It is thus a matter of very consider- able interest to ascertain whether in the male fish the same accumulation of fat in the muscle occurs as in the female, and whether this fat is used up to the same extent. Table X. gives the results of the analyses of the fat in male fash during 1896: [TABLK. Investigation* on. the /,//?'- TABLE X. ESTUARIES. May and June. No. River. Muscle. Testes. Per Cent. Total per Stan- dard Fish. Per Cent Total per Stan- dard Fish. Thick. Thin. 13 19 Average, 5-97 11-5 13-1 17-7 452 730 3-2 5-6 :34 87 8-73 15-4 591 4-4 6 July and August. 56 59 Average, 10-7 12-3 17-7 19-1 865 980 3-7 2-9 73 1-04 11-5 18-4 922 3-3 88 71 75 October and November. 3-3 2-9 ~*T~ 7-16 9-00 8-08 Average, -. . . - 4-0 2-8 9-6 5-6 326 183 254 3-4 7-6 UPPER WATER. May and June. 762 359 26 34 Average, 11-1 6-1 15-7 9-6 4-8 3-3 2-02 1-45 8-6 12-6 561 4-0 1-73 July a/id August. 38 39 54 Average, . 8-2 8-4 4-5 10-7 14-4 6-9 5-24 523 238 3-3 1-9 1-9 l'-46 1-87 3-91 . 7-0 10-6 428 2-3 2-41 October and November. 68 2-2 3-4 103 2-3 6-34 of the Salmon in Fresh Water. The average results of this table may be given as follows : A. Musde. TABLE XI. PER CENT. CF FATS. J03 lay and June, "uly and August, . . ." )ctober and November, . Estuary. Upper Water. Thick. Thin. Thick. Thin. 8-7 11-5 3-4 15-4 18-4 7-6 8-6 7-0 2-2 12-6 , 16-0 3-4 TABLE X[J. FAT PER FISH OF STANDARD LENGTH. May and June, July and August, . October and November, . Estuary. Upper Water. 591 922 254 561 428 103 B. Testes. TABLE XIII. FAT IN PERCENTAGE AND PER FISH OF STANDARD LENGTH. May and June, July and August, . October and November,. Estuary. Upper Water. Per Cent. Per Stan- dard Fish Per Cent. Per Stan- dard Fish 4-4 3-3 3-1 0-6 0-88 8-08 4-0 2-3 2-3 1-73 2-41 6-34 104 Investigations on the Life- History The fat balance in male fish is given below : A. Balance, to August. Muscle. Gnus. Average in estuary fish from May to August, . .756 Average in upper-water fish in July and August, . 428 Loss, . 328 Testes. Grms. Average iu estuary fish from May to August, . . 0'74 Average in upper- water fish in July and August, . 2*41 Gain, . 1'67 The testes thus accumulate 1'67 grins, of fat, and thus 326 grms. of fat are available as a source of energy. B. Balance to November. Muscle. Grms. Average in estuary fish in May arid August, . . 756 Average in upper- water fish in October and November, 103 Loss, . 819 Testes. Grms. Average in estuary fish in May and August, . . 0*74 Average in upper- water fish in October and November, 6- 34 Gain, . 5-46 The testes take up 5-46 grms. of fat, and thus 813-5 grnis. are left as a source of energy. On comparing these figures with the results obtained from female salmon it will be seen that the accumulation of fat in the muscles is as great in the male as in the female, and that the fat is used up to quite as great an extent. On the other hand, the accumulation of fat in the testes is trifling in amount, and thus the conclusion is indicated that in the male the utilisation of fat as a source of energy is much greater than in the female. This is especially marked in the later months. INTERNAL FAT. A. Pyloric Appendages. The storage of fat on the pyloric appendages of male fish was not inve>tigated by analyses. Some observations were, however, made upon the fats of the liver during the season 1895. Table XIV. gives the results of these :- [TABLK. >f the Salmon in Fresh Water. TABLE XIV. 105 No. Date. Solids. Fats. 4 6.7 39-5 12-9 5 10.7 35-9 19-7 6 10.7 38-1 24.5 19 8.8 42-6 28-0 10 12.12 20-3 1-5 43 24.12 18-9 3-1 All the fish except 40 and 43 were from the estuaries, but these two fish were taken from the spawning beds. KELTS. Table XV. gives the amount of fats in the muscles and ovaries of the female kelts analysed : TABLE XV. Muscle, No. Per Cent. Total per .Standard Fish. Thick. Thin. 80 2-27 3-95 125 81 4-79 8-05 278 32 83 1-86 92 2-98 1-09 9ti 34 Average, 2-43 4-02 133 Ovaries. 2-14 2-28 4-43 1-64 2-62 Total per Standard 94 1-46 3-67 1-76 These observations bring out the following points : 1. The per cent, of fats in the muscle is only slightly lower than in the upper-water fish of October and November, but markedly lower than in the estuary fish of these months.* 2. The same applies to the amount of fats per fish of standard length. 3 The percentage of fats in the ovaries is markedly lower than in any of the fish ascending the rivers. 4. The amount of fats per standard fish is still lower. * It has been shown (p. 92) that it is with these estuary fish that the kelts must be compared. 100 Investigations on the Life-History 9. MICROSCOPICAL OBSERVATIONS ON MUSCLE FAT IN THE SALMON. 15Y S. 0. MAHALANOBIS, B.Sc., F.R.M.S. The chemical observations on the changes in the fats of the salmon during its .sojourn in fresh water have .shown that the fish leaves its marine feeding ground with the muscles loaded with fat, and that this fat gradually diminishes in amount, being in part transmitted to the ovary and in part used up as a source of energy. The object of the present enquy-y is to investigate more fully the nature of this change. On this subject Miescher Ruesch says (p. 186) : * " That the lateral trunk muscles are the actual source of material both for the nourishment of the animal and for the ripening of the genitalia, is rendered evident by the microscope. Even the winter and spring salmon show a sometimes more, sometimes less, well marked series of fat droplets chiefly between the fine, cross-striped, elementary fibrillse of the unequally thick muscle fibres, especially in the thinner ones, such as we recognise as a sign of the so-called degeneration of muscle fibres. The amount of these fat droplets increases to mid-summer, when the ovary begins to grow more rapidly, and may lead to many fibres becoming opaque. A separate thin muscle plite which lies along the side of the body just under the skin degenerates most markedly. On the other hand, all the remaining muscles of the breast, belly, back and anal fins, of the jaw and hyoid bone, the upper and lower longitudinal muscles (Langsmuskel), and the tail muscle, in the stricter sense, continue, so to speak, fully intact and free of fat." Again on p. 208 he says : " . . . the trunk muscles, which already in the salmon in March, nay even in the winter salmon (December), show clear traces of commencing fatty degeneration (Fettentartung)." On p. 215, in describing the condition of the fish on the spawning beds, he says : The flesh of the trunk is entirely opaque, whitish, and entirely filled with fat droplets." As will Le seen presently, our obser- vations do not agree with this last description. Miescher then goes 011 to develop a theory of the liquidation and fatty degeneration of the muscles. After referring to the influence of diminished vascular supply and diminished respiration upon the meta- bolism, he concludes that the changes in the muscle arc caused by the diminution in the blood supply. It is thus a matter of very considerable importance to re-investigate the microscopic appearances of the muscle fibres and to determine how far Miescher is correct in his conclusion that a fatty degeneration occurs. It has already been shown (p. 93) that the salmon feeds during the time it remains in the sea, and that a store of fat appears in the muscles, which is evidently used up for the -nutrition of the animal, as well as the ripening of the generative organs, during its sojourn in the river. The results of the chemical examination clearly point to two facts : First, both at the mouth of the river and in upper water there is a fall in the amount of muscle fat from May to November, the amount of fat * Statistische und biologische Beitrage, " Zur Kenntniss von Leben dea Rheinliirhsos of the Salmon in Fresh-Water. 107 in November fish being about half that in May fish. Second, there it an enormous difference between the average amount of fat in fish at the mouth and the average in those in the upper water during the later months of the year. The exact nature of this change in the amount of fat can only be satisfactorily understood when the results of chemical examination are supported by histological evidences. 1. METHODS. Pieces of the lateral trunk muscle both thick and thin, i.e. dorsal and abdominal, from each fish, were fixed in (a) sat. sol. of corrosive subli- mate, and (b) in 1 per cent, solution of osmic acid for 24 hours, then thoroughly washed, hardened in alcohol in the usual way, and quickly dehydrated. They were embedded in paraffin, and longitudinal as well as transverse sections of to 8 microns thickness were cut. Various solvents of paraffin, e.g. cedar oil, xylol, clove oil, benzole, were tried before embedding, and xylol was found to % answer best in preserving the fat. The sections were mounted on albuminised slides to afford every facility for the preservation of fat. It was found by experiments that fixing tissues in reagents other than osmic acid, and afterwards treating the sections with osmic acid, did not give satisfactory results. Sections fixed in corrosive sublimate were stained with some suitable double stain such as hyernatoxylin and eosin or methyl-blue and eosin. The fat in these sections was, to a great extent, washed out, and they then served for comparison with the osmic acid sections, and helped in the study of the general change in the muscles. 'Ihe reduction of osmium in sections fixed in osmic acid revealed tin- presence of fat globules in a most perfect manner, and it only needed some single stain, e.g. eosin, to bring out other details. Tissues fixed in osmic acid are rather difficult to stain, but eosin seemed to answer the purpose well. II. RESULTS OF EXAMINATION OF THE SECTIONS. A. THOSE FIXED IN PERCHLORIDE OF MERCURY. 1. M-ttscle Fibres. The size of the muscle fibres varied very much, from 50 to 167 microns in diameter, the largest size being in early fish from the mouth of the river. In two specimens caught at the mouth in August, the fibres were about 134 microns in diameter. In those from the upper reaches the size of the fibres varied from 50 to 100 microns in diameter, the smallest size being in the thin or abdominal muscle of specimen No. 63, a fish caught in October. '2. Mriation. In longitudinal sections the transverse striatkms were well seen in fibres in the centre of a bundle, whereas the fibres at the periphery showed, in many cases, a tendency to longitudinal cleavage, and there the transverse striation was obscure. This longitudinal cleavage was most pronounced in fish from the mouth of the river. 3. Muscle Vibrillce. The size of the iudividul fibrils in muscle fibres seemed fairly constant in all specimens, being of 1-5 microns to 1'8 microns in. diameter. The number of Conheirn's ureas varied with the size of the fibres. 4. _Nnd<',nu. The longitudinal sections showed well-marked, rather elongated nuclei. No change was noticed in the different specimens except that in No. 79 they were very prominent, but there w.is no Indication of any active proliferation having taken place. 5. Amount of Fat. The amount of fat in specimens fixed in corrosive sublimate 1 could only bo approximately ascertained by the honeycomb like appearance of tlio emptv spaces in the connective tissue left by the t'at cells, and by a comparison with the osmic acid preparations. In the iwH this layer of empty spaces shows an average of hmn. in 108 Investigations on the Li fc- History thickness in the case of fish leaving the sea early in the year ; whereas towards the end of summer and in autumn I find an average of -^min. thick. For the amount of fat in the endami/sixm, as well as the iiitra cellular fat, we must depend on osmic acid preparations. B. THOSE FIXED WITH OSMIC ACID. J . Fat between Muscle Fibres. In fish coming from the sea there is an abundance of fat cells between the muscle fibres, but in fish that have been for some time in the r,ver this fat has almost entirely disappeared. Fig. 4 is from an upper-water fish, hence even in this longitudinal section we notice a marked absence of intercellular fat, whereas Fig. 5, being from No. 79 (a fish fresh from the sea), shows, even in the trans verse .section, presence of abundance of fat. 2. Fat Inside the Muscle Fibres. Treatment with osinic acid ex- plained the cause of longitudinal cleavages in the muscle fibres, and revealed the presence of tine granules of fat along the cleavage lines between bundles of fibrils, also between individual fibrils (Fig. 1). In transverse sections also these granules can be seen lodged between the fibrils. (Fig 2.) To make sure that these iiiterjibrillary granules of fat were not just small particles broken up from connective tissue-fat and scattered over the sections during washing, etc., every slide, during the whole process, was kept in a vertical position with a marked end always upward ; so that all flow of particles, if there were any, would be in one direction only ; but the specimens show a very uniform distribution of these granules. The amount of this intracelhdar fat varies very much at different periods. In early fish the amount is much greater and the granules much larger than in late fish. In the fish leaving the sea this accumulation of fat in the fibres sometimes reaches an enormous amount, and a thick layer occurs under the sarcolemma. This will be evident from a comparison between Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, the former being from a late fish, 69, and the latter from No. 79. Chemical analyses showed the amount of fat in these fish to lie, in per cent : Thick. Thin. G9 3-7 6-6 79 12-6 20-2 Summing up the results of the examination of the specimens fixed in corrosive sublimate and of the corresponding ones in osmic acid, we find that the evidence of the microscope tallies with the result of the chemical examination, and points not only to a change in the amount, of muscle fat, but also, to some extent, in the nature of its distribution, at different periods. The early fish at the mouth of the river have a much greater amount of fat in the muscles (both intercellular and intracellular) than the late fish in the upper rea< lies. This diminution of muscle fat in the late fish may be due to a want of fresh accumulation or to an increasingly active removal. But the enormous difference in amount between a fish like No. 72 or No. 79 and one that is about to spawn, cannot be accounted for by either of these causes singly. There is, no doubt, more active removal of fat- probably slightly due to increased amount of work in going up the river but mainly due to an export to the generative organs. A fish like No. 79 has a very small ovary and large amount of muscle, whereas a fish about to spawn has a very large ovary and small amount of muscle. This obviously points to the fact that in the late fish the ovary grows at the expense of the muscles. At the same time, it is evident that if during the growth and development of the sexual of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 109 organs there had been fresh accumulation of fat or, in other words, if the animal had been actively feeding the equilibrium would have been maintained an4 the muscles would not have lost, at all events, to such an extent. It would appear, then, that the fats taken in its food by the salmon in the sea accumulate between the muscle fibres and also inside the fibres between the fibril-, and that during the sojourn of the fish in the river these fats steadily diminish, being either used up as a source of energy by the muscle, or transported from the muscle to the growing ovaries. They do not bear out Miescher Ruesch's description of the condition of the muscles in the spawning fish, and they entirely oppose his view that anything of the nature of a fatty degeneration occurs. The results of this investigation throw some light on the so-called " fatty degeneration of muscle." Endless controversy has raged to decide the question of direct formation of fat from proteids in the cell. The results of Pettenkofer and Voit's classical experiments, the evidence of the formation of fat from blood by maggots, and the fatty change in the ripening of cheese have been recently dealt with by Pfliiger (*) who shows that the evidence is far from conclusive. The argument of " f titty degeneration of muscle" is the sheet anchor to the supporters of the theory of the proteid-origin of fat. But even with that their position is not secure, as has been pointed out by Dr Noel Paton (t). Pathologists usually fall into the error of depending on the evidence of the microscope only, without making thorough chemical investigation. But it has been pointed out by Krehl (J)th;it, hearts, showing the characteristic microscopic symptoms of fatty degeneration, may have less than normal amount of fat. In this investigation I had the advantage of comparing microscopical observations with the results of careful chemical examination made by Dr. Noel Paton. A glance at the Figures 1, 2, and 3 will at once show that it would be rather rash to come to a conclusion depending on the evidence of the microscope alone. Here we have the appearance at least resembling the so-called " fatty degeneration " of muscle. But how can there be any fatty degeneration unless the fat is formed at the expense of the proteid molecules of the muscle fibres ? The simple fact that the extremely minute granules of fat are found to arrange them- selve between the fibrils is no proof of their formation from the muscle substance. Fraser and Bruce () have described a somewhat similar appearance in the sections of the tibialis posticus muscle from a case of diabetic neuritis, and called it " disseminated interfibrillary fatty degeneration" ' suggt sting, at the same time, the origin of the fat from the cement substance rather than the muscle fibrils. But non- utilization of fat by muscles, due to failure of trophic influence of nerves and want of functional activity, may lead to an accumulation of fat which might be mistaken for fatty degeneration. It has been shown here that microscopic appearances, such as are described by the pathologists as typical of fatty degeneration, may be found in conditions that are necessary in the economy of Nature. In our specimens, although careful chemical examination detects no diminution of proteid in the muscle substance at all events nothing like the extent which would account for the enormous amount of fat there is the pseudo- evidence of the microscope pointing to so-called " fatty degeneration.' It i^ interesting to note that in the African mud tish Protopterus annectens great accumulation of fat appears in the lateral O Pfliiger's Arch. 52, 1 and 239. 1892. (t) Journal of Physiology. Vol. XIX. No. 3. 189G. ttl Deutsch. Arch. f. klin. Mod., LI., 416. 1893. () Edinburgh Medical Journal, October 1896. 110 Investigations on the Life- History muscles alongside the spinal axis in the tail, which serves as reserved material for the nutrition of the animal, as well as the formation of the generative products, while it passes into a torpid state during the dry season and encloses itself into a cocoon. Parker (*) supposes, on the authority of Professor 1 Ziegler, that in Protopterus the lateral muscles in the tail undergo fatty degeneration. He also notices a granular degeneration such as is described by Schneider (t) in the case of Petromyozon fluviatilis. The general appearance of the changes in the muscle fibre resembles that described by Fraser and Bruce (in the case already referred to), inasmuch as " the disintegra- tion occurs in small islands in a muscular fibre." Parker thinks that in Protopterus there appears first a fibrillar change causing a loosening of the muscular substance, followed by a granular degeneration which is probably the precursor of fatty degeneration. But, as his observations were made only on specimens in the torpid state (and almost all obtained in July), it would be hardly satisfactory to come to any definite conclusion as regards the nature of the muscle-fat without a comparison of the appearances of the muscle before and after the torpid period, and also at different stages of the same. In my specimens of the muscle of salmon (which, as already men- tioned, were taken from fish of different times of the year) I did not notice any granular change. It is probable that Protopterus passes into the torpid state with its muscles loaded with a store of fat, which is steadily consumed during its captivity. On this supposition the " fibrillar change " is quite explicable, as will be shown later on, in the case of the salmon. On the assumption of actual degeneration of muscular tissue, Parker suggests the probability of the re-absorption of the degenerated products, in Protopterus, lamprey and salmon, being brought about by the agency of wandering leucocytes, after the manner described by Metschnikoff (J). But, at the same time, he recognises the difficulty in the acceptance of such an explanation ; as, Loos () has pointed out that MetschnikoiFs researches regarding the part played by leucocytes in the absorption of tadpole's tail are not conclusive. Whereas, in the case of the salmon, the explanation is rendered invalid by the fact of its depending on data that, I contend, still remain not proven. " Fatty degeneration " is at pi-esent a misnomer. This investi- gation and similar other observations strongly suggest that, in many cases, the so-called fatty degeneration is a mere fatty infiltration due to increased accumulation of fat from diminished utilisation in the tissues. Bearing in mind the result of chemical investigation, the appearance in the Figures 1, 2, and 3, at all events, should be de-cribed as inter- fibril lary infiltration of fat. It has already been stated that Figure 3 is from a fish fresh from the sea one that had been actively feed- ing, and consequently its blood and lymph were rich in fat, whence, in all probability, the muscle cells absorbed fat and stored it between the fibrils. We know thf>t a dense network of capillaries surrounds the muscle fibres, and although no capillaries enter the fibres, there are lymph spaces surrounding Conheirn's areas and communiciting with those beneath the sarcolemma. As already pointed out, the fat granules in fish leaving the sea are more crowded immediately under the sarcolemma (Fig. 3.). Figure 2 is from a late fish one that had been actively using up the reserve fat, hence the transverse section of (*) " Anatomy and Physiology of Protopterus Annectens." Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. Vol. XXX., Part III., p. 207. (t) Beitrage zur vergl. Anat. u. Entwickelungsgesehichte d. Wirbelthiere, Berliu, 1879. (t) " Untersuch ueb. die mesodermalen Phagocyten einiger Wirbelthiere." Biol. Centralblatt Bd. III. () Biol. Centralblatt, IX., 1889. PLATE I. FIG. i. x 300. \ PLATE II FIG. 2. x 600. FIG. 3. x 6co. PLATE III. FIG. 4. x 50. PLATE IV. FIG. 6. x 600. FIG. 7. 600. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. HI the fibres does riot look nearly so crowded with ie, ; the fat granules are much smaller and more scattered, and the masses ao the periphery of the fibres are all used up. A comparison between the appearances of the Figures 2 and 3 would suggest the idea of a secreting cell during activity in the case of the former, and at rest in the latter. But it is a mere analogy and cannot be pushed f ,ir, as that would involve a formation of fat bv the protoplasm of the cell. As generally stated by pathologist s, and also found in my specimens, the fibres that undergo such fatty changes show indications of dis- appearance of the cross stripes. Tin's loss of transverse striation is usually concomitant with the appearance of marked longitudinal cleavages between bundles of fibrils and also individual fibrils. Hence it would appear that the obliteration, or rather obscuration, of the transverse stria- tion of a fibre is due to the relationship of the individual fibrils in lateral apposition being disturbed, and the intertibrillary spaces being crowded with highly refractile granules of fat. This is shown by Figuie 6, where the section was treated with ether to remove the fat granules, and thus render the fibres clearer. Now this section, when loaded with granules of fat, would present a somewhat similar appearance to Figure 7,* which is a typical pathological specimen of "fatty degeneration." Of course the fibres in t'ue mu.scle of salmon are very much coarser than those of human muscle. Bogdanow (I"), in an account of his research on the muscle fat in horse flesh, describes that, after a single Soxhlet extraction, most of the fat in the connective tissue disappears, while the muscle fibre treated with 1 per cent, osmic acid stains brown (though lighter than non- extracted fibres) ; this staining gets lighter with each extraction. He adduces this in support of the statement that there exist two fats in flesh. Muscle of fish is much more friable than horse flesh, at least sections treated with ether lose all fat, as shown in 'Figure 6 ; but with prolonged action of alcohol I find that all connective tissue fat (even intercellular fat) disappears, but the interfibrillary fat glanules are not so easily removed, .but from this it does not necessarily follow that the second fat is derived from the muscle plasma, whereas any attempt to prove its production by the muscle cell, owing to its resemblance to milk fat, would ainonnt to " begging the question." Scientific scepticism is always a great help towards the establishment of a firm foundation of truth. So the position assumed here is, that the usual microscopical evidence on " iatty degeneration of muscle " cannot be depended upon. A line of demarcation between fatty degeneration and fatty infiltration can hardly be drawn with a steady hand. Many cases of so-called fatty degeneration are merely such interfibrillary infiltration as occurs in the salmon's muscle. Actual breaking down of proteid molecules may take place, but any such state- ment has to be substantiated by resul's of chemical examination. DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES. THK FIGURES ARE REPRODUCTIONS OF MICRO PHOTOGRAI-HS. Fig. 1. Muscle of salmon leaving the sea, with fat-globules between fibrils. Fig. 2. T.S. muscle fibres of salmon from upper reaches of river with very little interfibrillar fat. Fig. 3. T.S. muscle fibres of salmon caught in the sea with abundance of fat in the fibres. Fig. 4. L.S. muscle of salmon some time in the river showing little fat between the fibres. Fig. 5. L.S. muscle of salmon caught in the sea with abundance of inter-fibrous fat. Fig. 6. L.S. muscle of salmon treated with ether to remove fat globules to show apparent disappearance of transverse striation. Fig. 7. L.S. human muscle in state of fatty degeneration. * This specimen was kindly lent by Dr. Robert Muir, Pathological Laboratory, Edin- burgh University, t Pfluger's Archiv., Bd. LXV. 112 Investigations on the Life-History 10. THE NATURE OF THE PROTEIDS OF SALMON MUSCLE. BY FRANCIS D. BOYD, M.D., F.R.C.P. ED. Dr. Dunlop, in his study of the muscles of the salmon during its .sojourn in fresh water, finds that the proteids undergo a marked diminution, being in part transferred to the growing ovary and testis, and in part used as a source of muscular energy (p. 1 20). These observations, however, do not deal with the nature of the proteids in muscle, and they leave unii instigated the question of which proteids undergo this diminution. Since in the salmon we have an animal undergoing a very prolonged fast, the subject seemed of interest in relation to the pathology of starvation, and in view of results obtained by previous observers in relation to this question. Thus the investiga- tions of Tiegel (1), Buchart (2), and Salvioli (3) on the question of the blood proteids during starvation have yielded somewhat contradic- tory results, and do not enable us to arrive at any definite conclusion. Before considering the changes which the proteids undergo, it was necessary to study the nature of the proteids which occur in the muscles of salmon. This paper is thus divided into two sections A. The nature of the proteids of salmon muscle. B. The changes which these proteids undergo during the sojourn of the fish in fresh water. A. The Nature, of the Proteids of /Salmon Muscle. 2. Soluble Proteids. Method. (1) In examining the soluble proteids of the salmon muscle, a portion of about 40 grammes of the flesh was taken, and all the bone and visible fibrous tissue separated. The muscle was then minced, pounded in a mortar, and extracted with normal salt solution. Normal salt solution was used, as von Fiirth (4) has shown that stronger salt solution possesses disadvantages, in that the proteids become altered under the influence of the salt. It was found that all the soluble pro- teid could be extracted by treating the muscle twice with normal saline solution. The mixture thus obtained was filtered under pressure, the filtrate got being a faintly opalescent fluid. The fluid gave all the pro- teid reactions. No precipitation occurred on the addition of 1 per cent. of a 33 per cent, solution of acetic acid. A. PROTEIDS COAGULABLE BY HEAT. An examination of the fluid extract gave the following result : 1. Dialysis. A quantity of the extract was put to dialyse in running water. After 48 hours a copious precipitate was present This preci- of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 113 pitate was separated. When redissolved in normal salt solution it gave the reactions of musculin. The filtrate after the separation of the musculin was subjected to fractional heat coagulation. The following results were obtained : 38 deg. C. - Very slight opalescence. 40 deg. C. Decided opalescence. 45 deg. C. Milky fluid (filtered clear). 47-5 deg. 0. Faint cloud. 48 deg. C. - Distinct cloud 53 deg. C. Precipitate (filtered clear). 55 deg. C. Faint cloud. 60 deg. C. Decided cloud. 62 deg. C. Precipitate (filtered clear). 64 deg. C. Faint cloud. 68 deg. C. Very slight precipitate. Heated to 80 deg. C. No further precipitate. The solution thus contained : (a) A proteid coagulated at from 38 to 45 deg. C. This would correspond to the fibrin-like modification of myosin the soluble myosin-fibrin described by Fiirth, rapidly formed at ordinary temperatures from the paramyosinogen, the formation having prob- ably taken place during the filtration of the original extract, a process which even under pressure is necessarily tedious. (b) A proteid coagulated at 53 deg C. myosinogin. (c) A proteid coagulated at 62 deg. C. myoglobidin. (d) A proteid coagulated at 68 deg. C. present in very small amount. It is possible that this proteid is an albumin derived from the blood. From the method in which the salmon flesh was obtained, it was impossible to wash all the blood out of the tissues by perfusion. 2. Fractional coagulation with ammonium sulphate. To the fluid extract a saturated solution of ammonium sulphate was added in the proportion of 2 parts of the fluid extract to 1*5 parts saturated solution of ammonium sulphate. The mixture then contained about 23 per cent, ammonium sulphate. A copious white precipitate formed. This was thrown upon a filter paper and washed with 23 per cent, solution of ammonium sulphate. On being treated with water the most of the precipitate went into solution. The fluid thus obtained gave all the reactions of proteid of the nature of a globulin. Precipitation with heat occurred at about 50 deg. C. The fluid gave a precipitate with nitric acid, the xanthoproteic reaction and the biuret reaction. The proteid answered closely to musculin or the paramysinogein of Halli- burton (5). After treatment of the muscle extract by fractional coagulation witli ammonium sulphate, the filtrate was saturated with ammonium sulphate. A copious precipitate formed. This \vas removed, and the filtrate examined and found to be entirely free from proteid. The precipitate was collected, washed with saturated ammonium sulphate solution, and redissolved in normal salt solution. The solution was clear, of a faintly golden yellow colour, neutral in reaction, and gave all the reactions of a proteid solution. Fractional heat coagulation was carried out (a), When the extract was rapidly prepared and quite fresh 55 deg. C. A faint cloud 60 deg. C. Marked cloud. 114 Investigations on the Life- History (b) When the extract had been allowed to stand 24 hours at the ordi- nary temperature of the room while in the process of filtering. 40 deg. C. - - Faint opalescence. 45 deg. C. Decided opalescence. 46 deg. C. Precipitate (filtered). 48 deg. C. Faint opalescence. 50 deg. C. ~ Faint opalescence. 56 deg. C. More opalescent. 60 deg. C. Opalescence marked. 64 deg. C. Faint precipitate separating. 72 deg. C. Decided precipitate (filtered). 80 deg. C. No further precipitate. Here again may be noted the formation of the soluble myosin fibrin, not precipitable on partial saturation with ammonium sulphate, but precipitable along with the myosinogen on complete saturation with ammonium sulphate the heat coagulation of the soluble myosin-fibrin taking place from 40 deg. C. to 46 deg. C., the myosinogen and myoglo- bulia precipitating at from 56 deg. C. to 64 deg. C. These temperature results slightly differ from the temperature results got by Fiirth in the case of the muscle proteids of dogs and rabbits. From numerous observations the myosinogen of salmon muscle appears to coagulate at 55 to 58 deg. C. Myosinogen of salmon muscle does not appear to be precipitated by dialysis, thus differing from paramyosinogen. It is completely preci- pitated by heat, gives a precipitate with nitric acid. It does not precipitate on the addition of dilute acetic acid. It gives the xanthro- proteic reaction and the biuret reaction. Method. (2) The muscle in some cases was extracted with strong salt (10 per cent. NaCl.) solution. It was then found that if the extracted fluid was rendered acid with acetic acid, as when 1 per cent, of a 33 per cent, solution of acetic acid was added, the whole proteid in the extract became precipitated. Some of the extract was taken and acetic acid added. The precipitate was removed, dried, and estimated. Some of the precipitate obtained with acetic acid was treated with a solution of carbonate of soda, when part went into solution. Thus : Total precipitate obtained with acetic acid, 2-415 per cent. Soluble in sodic carbonate solution, - - 0-665 Residue, 1-750 B. PROTEOSES AND PEPTONE. Fischel and Muira (6) have described the presence of peptone in muscle, and Halliburton described a muscle albumose. Halliburton, in his later work, however, has altered his opinion and agrees with Whitfield (7), who shows that protooses and peptone are not found in the muscles of warm-blooded animals. The same can be said of salmon muscle. In examining for proteoses and peptone the fresh muscle was extracted with 10 per cent, salt solution, and the extract filtered under pressure. The filtrate was saturated with ammonium sulphate while boil- ing. On cooling the mixture was filtered. The filtrate was entirely free from proteid, thus showing the absence of peptone. The residue after filtration was treated with water and filtered. The filtrate gave no proteid reaction, showing the absence of albumose. These observa- tions were repeated on half a dozen different fish which were selected under varying life conditions from the estuaries and upper waters of the rivers, and at different times of the year. of t/ie Salmon in Fresh Water. 115 C. THE PRESENCE OP ALBUMIN. Halliburton describes an albumin as present in muscle plasma. 1 have made a very large number of observations on the muscle of salmon, but have been unable to satisfy myself of its constant presence. If the extract of salmon muscle was treated with an equal volume of saturated ammonium sulphate solution and rendered slightly acid with acetic acid, as a rule the entire proteid present was thrown down. If any proteid remained in solution it was a mere trace. The presence of a mere trace of albumin might result from the imperfect washing away of the blood from the flesh, as from the method in which the flesh was obtained it was impossible to perfuse, and so remove all the blood. D. NUCLEO-ALBUMIN. The presence of nucleo-albumin in muscle is a subject which has been a good deal discussed of late. Whittield (7) expressly denies its presence, stating that myosin is not a nucleo-albumin, because it contains no appreciable quantity of phosphorus in its molecule, because on gastric digestion only an insignificant residue is obtained which contains no phosphorus, and because when injected into the circulation it does not produce in tra vascular coagulation. He concludes that muscle contains no nucleo-albumin, because after digestion it yields only an insufficient residue, and this contains no appreciable quantity of phosphorus. In a still more recent paper Peckelharing (9), however, reaffirms the presence of nucleo-albumin in muscle. I have made a large number of observations on the muscle of salmon. In all of them the phosphorus estimation was carried out by Dr. Noel Paton. In extracting the proteid different methods were used. (1) The flesh was extracted with 10 per cent, salt solution. The extract obtained was filtered first through muslin and then through filter paper under pressure. A large quantity of the extract was taken and to it 1 per cent, of a 'A3 per cent, solution of acetic acid was added. An enormous precipitate was obtained in every case on the addition of the acetic acid.* This precipitate was collected, washed, dissolved in 1 per cent, solution of sodic carbonate, reprecipitated with acetic acid, collected, and redissolved in sodic carbonate solution. The purification was repeated three times. The solution was then injected into the veins of a brown rabbit by Dr. Paton with negative results. It should be noted, how- ever, that since this observation was made Halliburton (12) has pointed out that if nucleo-albumin be subjected to repeated purifications, it loses its power of producing intra- vascular coagulation. (^) The precipitate obtained on the addition of acetic acid to the extract made with strong salt solution was separated, washed with acidulated water to free it of inorganic phosphates, and dried upon a porous plate. A small quantity, less than half a gramme, was examined for phosphorus, and a distinct but small trace was found. (3) Several specimens of salmon muscle were examined by Peckelhar- ing's method. Five hundred grammes of the salmon muscle was extracted with weak salt solution (1-5 grammes NaCl. per litre). The extract was filtered and the residue again extracted. The fluid thus obtained was filtered, and dilute acetic acid solution added ; a slight precipitate formed. Hydrochloric acid and liquor pepticus were added and the mixture put to digest for 48 hours. A considerable increase in the precipitate took place. It was thrown upon a weighed ash-free * It should be noted that the acetic acid solution carried down the entire proteid in solution in most cases. 116 Investigations an the Life- History filter paper, washed with water, alcohol, and ether, dried, weighed, and examined for phosphorus. A number of observations were made. Whenever a sufficient amount of muscle (about 500 grammes) was used, phosphorus was found to be present. From this it may be con- cluded that salmon flesh does contain a soluble proteid, in the molecule of which an appreciable quantity of phosphorus is present. From the behaviour of the extract obtained with strong salt solutions, I would be inclined to hold that the soluble proteid was present as a globulin loosely combined with a small quantity of phosphoric acid either as a true nuclein or a pseudo-nuclein. From the results obtained I must agree with Peckelharing, in so far as salmon muscle is concerned, that there is a nucleo-albumin present in the flesh. It is possible that Whitfield's results were got by using small quantities of flesh. 1 myself got the same results when dealing with an insufficient bulk of muscle. These results are confirmed by the observations on the distribution of phosphrous in the muscles (p. 1 45). //. Insoluble Proteids. Solid Residue after Extraction. The solid residue, after extracting the soluble proteids, was treated in the incubator for 24 hours with a one per cent, solution of caustic soda. The major part of the residue went into solution, the precipitate which remained representing less than a third of the original material : this consisted of collagen. The solution gave a copious precipitate when rendered faintly acid and treated with alcohol. It gave reactions of. a proteid solution. Some of the alkaline fluid was rendered faintly acid, then a copious precipitate formed. Liquor pepticus and acetic acid were added, when most of the precipitate disappeared. The mixture was digested for 48 hours, when an increase in the precipitate took place. This precipitate was separated and examined by LJr. Paton, when a distinct, though small, amoiint of phosphorus could be demonstrated. This corresponds with Karajew's (8) results. He found that the muscle of animals contained a body which he termed myostromin a complex phosphorus containing albuminous bodv soluble neither in water nor in neutral salt solutions. THE CURD. Specimens of curded salmon were examined with a view to ascertain- ing the nature of the curd. The flesh was plunged into boiling water for three minutes, when the curd became fixed. The curd was then removed from the muscle and examined. It gave all the reactions of a proteid coagulum. It was treated with ether and pounded in a mortar, the residue collected and suspended in water. The fluid gave a marked xanthro- proteic reaction. B. Changes in the Soluble Proteids at different seasons of the year, and imder differing conditions. A good deal of work has been done on the amount of soluble proteid in the muscle of different warm-blooded animals. Demant (10) places the proportion very low : 0-455 per cent, in the pectoralis major of rabbits. Danilewsky (13), in the case of man, found 3*68 per cent. Von Konig (11) gives the composition of the nitrogenous part of the salmon muscle as follows : of the tial'iiwn. in, Fresh Water Per cent. of N. containing Sul (stances. ! Albumin. Soluble Proteids. 19-39 3-39 Fibre. 11-02 Gelatin. 1-50 In examining the muscle of salmon a mixed specimen of the thick and thin was taken. It was minced, pounded, and rubbed up with an equal weight of common salt ; water was then added to the amount that would give a 10 per cent, solution of salt. The extract was passed through muslin, the residue again rubbed up with salt, water added, and the mixture filtered through muslin. The muscle was extracted in this way till all the soluble proteid had been removed. It was found that, as a general rule, three extractions were sufficient to remove all the soluble proteid. The extract was then filtered under pressure. The proteids were then estimated by heat coagulation and the gravi- metric method. The following Tables show the results : ESTUARY. River. Tweed Tweed Tweed Montrose Helmsdale Helmsdale *Dee No. Date. Soluble Proteids. Percentage. Grammes. 4 June 1895 2-98 June 1895 3-33 2 June 1895 3-3 24 20 25 72 September May May October . 1895 1896 1896 1896 3-97 2-8 2-65 3-97 Average, 3-285 Tweed Tweed Tweed Tweed Helmsdale Spey *This fish was in a specially fine state of nutrition. UPPER WATER. 34 42 44 21 69 78 November 1895 2-1 December 1895 2-1 December 1895 2-23 December 1895 2-38 May 1896 2-33 October . 1896 2-33 November 1896 3-1 Amwicro 9-3R7 The Tables show a considerable excess of soluble proteid in the fish taken at the mouth of the river as compared with the fish in the upper reaches of the stream. The fish passing up from the sea are in good condition, 118 Iiwestiyaiious on the Life-History with a large amount of soluble proteicl in the muscle. As the season advances, and the fish has been up the river for some time, the amount of soluble proteid in the muscle shows a very decided diminution. The muscle is relatively poor in soluble proteid. Danilewsky (13) has shown that in warm-blooded animals the muscles that have least work to do are richest in globulin, the globulin in active muscles being probably used up in doing their work. The same may be held in the case of the fish. It passes up the river with a large store of soluble proteid in its muscle. As time advances and its muscles are called upon to supply energy, not only does the total amount of its muscle greatly diminish, but there is a marked diminution in the proportional amount of soluble proteid in the muscle. This difference is considerable, amounting (as shown in the Tables) to 0-918 grammes per cent, of soluble proteid a percentage loss of 27 per cent. A comparison of this with the results obtained by Dr. Dunlop (p. 124) indicates that probably the proteid lost from the muscle is derived from these soluble proteids. There are two fish of special interest. The fish from the Dee (No. 72), the last in the first Table, was noted on arrival to be specially well nourished ; and on estimating the total soluble proteids they were found to be in very large amount. In the case of a kelt which was examined (an ill-nourished, lean fish which had not been down to the sea to feed), the proportion of soluble proteids was unusually low. CONCLUSIONS. From the foregoing the following conclusions may be deduced : (1) The salmon muscle contains three soluble proteids Musculin or Paramyosinogen, Myosinogen, and Myoglobulin. (2) That soluble Myosin-fibrin is rapidly formed from Pai-amyosinogen at ordinary temperatures. 3) That these proteids are of the nature of globulins. 4) That salmon muscle contains no albumin. 5) That salmon muscle contains no proteoses and no peptone. 6) That salmon muscle contains an insoluble albuminous body which contains phosphorus Myostromin, which is probably a globulin combined with a true or a pseudo-nuclein. (7) That the curd of salmon muscle is a proteid body. (8) That there is a marked diminution in the percentage of soluble proteids in salmon muscle in fish which have been in the river for some time. (9) That the muscle of the kelt is very poor in soluble proteid. REFERENCES TO LITERATURE. 1. Tiegel Pfliigers Archiv. Vol. XXXII., s. 278. 2. Buchart Arch, fiir exper. Path, und Phar. Vol. XVI., .s. 322. 3. Salvioli Du Bois Reymonds Archiv. fiir Physiol. Suppliment Band. 1879, s. 273. 4. Von Fiirth Arch, fur exper. Path, und f'har. Bd. 36. 1895, s. 235. 5. Halliburton Journal of Physiology. Vol. Vlll. 1887, p. 188. 6. Fischel Zeitschr. fur physiol. Chemie. Vol. X., s. 14. Muira Virchow's Archiv. Vol. 01., s. 316. 7. ~W bitfield Journal of Physiology. Vol. XVI., p. 487. 8. Kara jew Wratsch. 1895, No. 39, s. 1083. 9. Peckelharinsr Zeitschr. fUr phys. Chemie. Bd. XXII.. Heft 3, 8. 245. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 119 10. Damont Zeitschr. fur physiol. Chemie. Bd. III. 1879,8.241. 11. Von Konig Die Mensch. Nahrungs und Genusmittel. 2nd Part, s. 179. 12. Halliburton Journal of Physiology. Vol. XXVII., p. 135. 13. Danilewsky Zeitschr. fur physiol. Oheinie. Bd. V. 1881. s. 158. 120 //trevtigations on the Life-History 11. THE CHANGES IN THE AMOUNT OF PROTEID IN THE MUSCALATURE AND GENITALIA OF SALMON IN FRESH WATER. BY JAMES C. DUNLOP, M.D., F.R.C.P. ED. A study of the changes which the proteids of salmon undergo during the time of its ascending rivers and during its stay in fresh water is of interest, not only to those concerned with the marketable value of salmon as a food stuff, but also to the physiologist. In salmon we have an example of an animal which is required, during a long period of starvation, to do a large amount of muscular work, and at the same time to supply a large amount of substance for the require- ments of rapidly developing genitalia. Proteid is certainly required for the growth of the genitalia, and almost as certainly for the pro- duction of some of the energy for muscular work, and for the necessary repair of the energy-yielding mechanism, the muscle ; and so the question arises as to whether the salmon has in itself a sufficiency of proteids to supply these wants when it leaves the sea. Does a com- parison of the fish after their stay in fresh water with fish captured in the estuary as they come from the sea warrant the conclusion that they have been obtaining the proteid required for these purposes from their own tissues ? Should there exist a store of proteid in fresh run salmon, it is natural to look for it in the musculature, which is so rich in proteid, and which forms such a large amount of the total weight of the fish. Consequently in this research the proteid of muscle has been fully examined. Of the great requirements for proteids mentioned above, one only, the growth of the genitalia, lends itself to measure- ment, and consequently it is this which is here specially considered, and any proteid consumption not accounted for by it is put down to the other great requirements, the supply of muscular energy .and repair of the energy-producing mechanism. A point of physiology, on which this study has a direct bearing, is how far the proteids of one tissue can be called on to supply the wants of another. If this examination of salmon shows that the proteid wants of the genitalia are supplied from the proteids of muscle, it indicates a very large transference from one tissue to another. The subject has been previously studied by Miescher Ruesch (Internationale Fisherei-Austellung zu Berlin, 1880). He concluded that a fresh run salmon has an ample store of proteid to meet all its requirements in fresh water. The objections to Miescher's work have been considered in another portion of this Report (page 80). He gives percentage analyses of the proteids in a series of fish, but he made a definite quantitative analysis of the total amount, of muscle proteid in of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 121 only two fish, which were both caught in August . He did not make such estimations of fish in the later months with developed genitalia, hut from other observations he argues, that these two fish should have lost a certain quantity of proteid from their muscle, and have gained a certain amount in their gsnitalia, and from this calculation he strikes a balance. But the second factor of this comparison, the condition of the later fish, being more or less hypothetical, cannot be considered sufficiently definite; his balance can only be accepted as a probable but not as an absolutely proved one. Thanks to an ample supply of material from the fishery Board, this investigation has been much fuller than Miescher's. A series of fish from the upper and lower waters, at different seasons, have been analysed and compared by the method already described in the introductory section of this Report. The results obtained enable a fairly accurate balance to be struck. The method adopted for estimating the proteid of the organs was to determine the nitrogen contained, and from it to calculate the amount of proteid. This method being generally accepted as the most accurate available, does not require consideration. It gives the maximum possible amount of proteid, but its results are invariably too high, there always being present in tissues some extractive nitrogen. Results are stated as the amount of nitrogen, and changes in the amount' of nitrogen are assumed to indicate changes in the amount of proteid. In this section of the Report, when using the term proteid, not only are the true proteid s referred to, but also all albuminoid substances. No attempt has been made in this part of the investigation to separate the various proteids and albuminoids from each other. A study of some of the individual proteids will be found in Dr. Boyd's section of the Report (page 112). The nitrogen estimations were made by Kjeldahl's method on the dry residue left after the fats were extracted by ether (vide page 93). Knowing the amount of nitrogen in the dry residue, the amount of dry residue in the muscle or ovaries, and the total quantity of muscle or ovaries, the total amount of nitrogen in the muscle or ovaries of the fish is readily calculated. Thus, for an example : Fish 36. Ovary weighs 126 grms., the dried residue of this after the extraction of fat was 2 9 -3 per cent., and was found to contain 12*98 per . - , 12-98x29-3 , Q cent, nitrogen. Ihe ovary consequently contained - o o per cent, of nitrogen, and total amount of nitrogen in the ovary was 3-8x126 = 4 ' 13 grms - In the following Tables will be found the results of the analyses. In them the fish have been classified in the same manner as in the earlier sections of this work. The first group considered are the female fish of 1896, next the male fish of 1896, then the fish caught in 1895, and lastly kelts. The 1896 females are taken up first, because they form much the largest group. 122 '.ions on the Life-History Exceptionall ( Exceptiona 1 bladder 1-1 r-1 SO r-l 5^1 SKSSfefe ^- -t c: oo inn j o ft CO ^ > >. ji *Winter Sal *Winter Sal CC Oj CO O cb co co co SSSfeS SSSS^ ! of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 123 I I 7 1 (MCOCO ' CO ccco . ^t* ?D O-l C^ ( C^J >O l-H 1-- l^. i 1 O O OC ^ CO CO -^ CO Tt^ ^ iiniii sllis WWPWKWQ 124 Investigations on the Life,- History From the foregoing Tables 1 and 2, the following shorter Tables are constructed. In them the total nitrogen of the muscle and of the ovaries is expressed, not as the total ot the individual fish, but for purposes of comparison as the total of the fish of standard length (vide page 6). TABLE III. Showing Amount of Nitrogen per Fish of Standard Length in Muscle and Ovaries. FEMALE ESTI T ARY FISH, 1896. May and June. Muscle. Ovaries. No. Thick. N. per Cent. Thin. X. per Cent. N. Total per Fish of Stndrd Length. N. per Cent. N. per Fish of Stndrd Length. 16 20 25 27 Average, 3-80 3-25 3-29 3-25 3-18 2-91 3-02 3-05 218 219 209 201 3-01 3-16 3-24 3-35 2-85 4-55 5-50 4-92 3-40 :5-04 210 3-19 4-45 Juli/ and August. 36 3-75 3-31 211 3-80 10-10 40 3-31 2-95 225 3-06 3-03 45 3-02 2-90 188 2-98 4-60 51 3-56 3-18 238 3-35 6-50 55 3-96 3-06 228 3-62 10-70 Average, 3-52 3-08 218 3-36 7* i October and Xovembw. 65 73 74 Average, 2-93 2-93 213 4-07 63-5 3-43 3-48 206 4-12 65-5 3-52 3-44 208 3-26 42-7 3-29 3-28 209 3-82 57-2 of the Salmon in Fresh \\ r ater. TABLE IV. 125 Showing Amount of Nitrogen per Fish of Standard Length in Muscle and Ovaries. FEMALE UPPER WATER FISH, 1896. May and June. No. Muscle. Ovaries. Thick. Thin. N. Total per Fish of Stndrd Length. N. per Cent. N. Total per Fish of Stndrd Length. 12 21 31 32 Average, . 3-44 3-41 3-28 3-32 3-68 3-25 2-98 3-35 195 206 174 178 2-85 2-93 2-64 3-46 3-85 6-47 7-95 14-36 3-38 3-31 188 2-97 8-16 June and July. 37 3-20 2-89 165 3-69 12-8 42 3-50 3-13 197 4-11 23-4 43 3-22 3-07 172 3-55 12-7 49 3-34 3-03 205 3-79 17-4 erage, 3-32 3-03 185 3-78 16-6 I October and November. 62 2-89 2-65 - 123 4-01 81-4 63 2-82 2-76 104 4-14 76-6 64 2-99 2-87 134 4-30 90-7 66 2-54 2-20 107 4-33 94-0 67 2-70 2-54 103 4-05 81-8 69 2-82 2-45 108 2-68 99-7 70 2-88 2-73 113 2-83 78-5 Average, . 2-81 2-6 113 4-05 86-1 In considering the observations shown in the foregoing Tables, I shall first take up the condition of the muscle as shown by the percentage of uitrogen contained ; then the total amount of muscle proteid in the fish of standard length as shown by the amount of nitrogen ; then consider 126 Investigations on the Life-History the ovaries in a similar manner ; and lastly, consider the inferences that may be drawn from the changes observed. /. Percentage of Proteid in Muscle. Two samples of muscle from each fish were examined, one from the under part of the fish (thin), the other from the dorsal part (thick). It will be observed in the tables that the "thick" muscle is, at all seasons, and in both estuary and upper- water fish, richer in nitrogen than the " thin " muscle. This difference in the amount of nitrogen, and consequently in the amount of proteid, emphasises the importance of analysing both portions of the musculature as already noted (p. 80). The smaller percentage of proteid in the thin muscle is probably dependent on the larger percentage of fat there (vide p. 83), the fat of course increasing the weight reduces the percentage of other constituents present. The amount of proteid of the muscle in estuary fish is fairly constant throughout the season. It is slightly higher in July and August than in May and June, and slightly lower in October and November than in the earlier months. The fish which show the greatest divergence from the average are Nos. 72 and 79. These fish were caught in the estuary late in the year (winter salmon), had undeveloped ovaries, and would not spawn till the following year. Their muscles were laden with fat, and consequently the percentage of proteid was lower than the average. The muscles of the upper- water fish show more change. Those of the fish caught in October and November have a much smaller amount of proteid than the earlier fish. This percentage diminution is not due to increase of fat, as in 72 and 79, the amount of fat being diminished, but is due to an increase in the water of the muscle (page 84). The upper- water fish from May to August have a fairly constant percentage of proteid, and that percentage is nearly the same as in estuary fish throughout the series. TABLE V. Showing the percentage of nitrogen in the muscle of the different groups of fish : Estuary. Upper Water. Thick. Thin. Thick. Thin. May and June 3-40 3-04 3-38 3-31 July and August - 3-52 3-08 3-32 3-03 October and November - 3-29 3-28 2-81 2-60 //. Total Muscle Proteid of the Fish. In considering this point two comparisons suggest themselves. Firstly, comparing the muscles of the fish of the later periods of the year with the earlier ones; and, secondly, comparing the muscles of the upper- water fish with those of the estuary fish. The estuary fish, as is seen in Table III, have a nearly constant amount of muscle nitrogen throughout the season, the aveiage for the of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 127 three periods being 210, 218, and 209 grammes of nitrogen in the fish of standard length, the average for the year being 213. Some excep- tions to this were observed, notably Fish 15, 17, 29 (vide Table 1), the nitrogen of these amounting to only 196, 177, and 177 grammes per fish of standard length. Nos. 29 and 1 7 were exceptional in other ways. No. 29 had wounds on its side, No. 1 7 had an empty gall bladder, but about No. 15 nothing abnormal is noted. The upper- water fish show marked changes in the amount of muscle nitrogen, the amount decreasing as the season advances, the decrease being much more marked in the later part of the season. The amount of aitrogen per fish of standard length was in May and June 188 grms., in July and August 185 grms., in October and November only 113 grms. The large fall of the amount of muscle nitrogen in October and November will be considered after the gain of nitrogen by the ovaries has been discussed. A comparison of the upper-water fish with those of the estuary shows that all through the year the upper-water fish have less muscle nitrogen than the estuary fish, the deficit being greatest in October and November. ///. Percentage of Proteids in the Ovaries. An examination of the figures given in Tables 1 and 2 shows that there is throughout the season a steadily increasing percentage of proteid matter in the ovaries, both in estuary and in upper- water fish. In estuary fish the amount of nitrogen in the ovaries rises from 3'19 per cent in May and June to 3'36 per cent in July and August, and 3'82 per cent in October and November. In the upper-water fish the corresponding figures are 2-97 per cent, 3*78 per cent, and 4'05 per cent. IV. Total Proteids of the Ovaries This also shows a steady increase during the season ; not only are the ovaries richer in nitrogen as the season advances, as stated above, but they are increasing in weight the whole time. The increase of proteid takes place both in estuary and in upper-water fish, but it is greater in the upper water fish. These changes are shown in the following table. TABLE VI. Showing amount of ovarian nitrogen per cent, and in fish of standard length : May and June. July and August. Oct. and Nov. Estuary. Upper Water. Estuary. wE Estuary. wE Nitrogen per cent. . 3-19 2-97 3-36 3-78 3-82 4-05 Nitrogen per fish of standard length . 4-45 8-16 7-0 16-6 57-2 86-1 Comparing this Table with that referring to the total amount of muscle nitrogen during the three periods, it is evident that it is during the time of the greatest ovarian increase that the muscle loses most. A comparison between the loss of proteid from muscle and the gain of proteid by ovaries, when the salmon is in fresh water, is shown in the following table, the fish being compared with each other in the manner adopted by Dr. Paton (p. 81). 128 Investigations on the, Life-History TABLE VII. Showing balance of nitrogen between muscle and ovaries per fish of standard length: Date and Source of Fish. Average Muscle Nitrogen. Loss from Muscle. Average Ovary Nitrogen. Gain by Ovaries. Surplus Loss from Muscle available for Energy, &c. May to August Estuary, . 214 _ 5-7 July to August- Upper Water, 185 29 12-4 6-7 22 May to August- - Estuary, . . ,- : 214 5-7 _ October to November Upper Water, 113 101 86-0 80-3 20 These balances clearly show that the amount of proteid lost from the muscle is ample to supply the wants of the growing ovaries, as in each case the loss from the muscle is greater than the gain by the ovaries. As previously stated, the surplus loss may be considered as showing that there is a consumption of proteid to meet the other requirements the production of energy and the repair of energy-pro- ducing mechanism. It will be seen that this surplus loss amounts in each instance to a very considerable quantity in one case to 22 grammes of nitrogen per fish of standard length, in the other to 20 grammes. Twenty-two grammes of nitrogen are equivalent of 1 37'5 grammes of proteid, the energy value of which is 560 large calories or 240,000 kilogramme-metres, an amount of energy sufficient to raise a fish of standard length weighing 10 kilogrammes to a height of 2 4, 000 metres (or 78,000 feet). Similar calculation shows the other suiplus loss has an energy value of 2 1 7,000 kilogramme-metres, and is sufficient to raise a fish of standard length to a height of 21,700 metres (or 71,000 feet). V. Conclusions. The inferences to be drawn from this examination of the female fish of 1896 may be summed up as follows : 1. Estuary fish have more muscle proteid than upper- water fish. 2. The amount of muscle proteid in the upper-water fish diminishes as the season advances. The October and November upper-water fish are very poor in muscle proteid, having little more than half the amount of muscle proteid that estuary fish have. 3. The ovaries of both estuary and upper- water fish gain proteid as the season advances. 4. The estuary fish and the upper-water fish of the early months have sufficient proteid in the musculature to supply the wants of the growing ovaries, and from the deficit of muscle proteid found in the late upper- water fish, it is probable that there is a transference of proteid from the musculature to the ovaries. 5. The deficit of muscle proteid in upper water fish is so large that after allowing for the requirements of the ovaries there remains a surplus loss. This surplus loss is available for the liberation of a large amount of energy. MALE FISH, 1896. The examination of the male fish received during 1896 corroborates the results obtained from the examination of the female fish of that of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 129 year. Though the number received and examined was somewhat small, it was sufficiently large to show that the male fish ore affected by their stay in fresh water in exactly the same way as the female fish. The results of the observations are shown in the following Tables : 1 r y s 4J I 00 1 1 a +J i p 8 ! ^ i fl 1 3-S g 1 825 , C<1 I 1 O5 s .9 * IN I ^ CO 1 s I 1 1 130 Investigations on the Life-History Remarks. 1 55 ? S-S 55* CO evidence is against the idea that the lecithin of the muscles is also direct !\ taken from the lecithin in the food, for Hasebrock (Ztsch. f. phys. Chan., Bd. XII., 150) has shown that in the intestine lecithin is split up into glycero-phosphoric acid, cholin, and fatty acids. There must thus be synthesis of this material in the body. 156 Investigations on the Life- History 14. THE EXCHANGE OF IRON BETWEEN MUSCLE AND OVARIES OF SALMON. BY E. D. W. GREIG, M.B. EDIN. It has already been shown in another part of this Report (p. 147) that iron is present in the paranuclein of the ovaries of salmon. This investigation was undertaken to determine (1) whether the quantity of iron present in the ovaries increases during their growth, and if so (2) from what source it is derived. In considering the possible sources of supply, it was at once obvious that the food ingested could l>e excluded, as evidence has been adduced (p. 13 etseq.) to show that salmon do not take nourishment during their sojourn in the river. Did the ovary, then, as in the case of its fats and proteids, obtain the whole of the iron required from the muscle ? or did part only come from muscle, and the remainder from some other source, e.g., liver or blood ? To elucidate this the amount of iron in the muscles, ovaries, and in the livers of two typical fish leaving the sea in May, and in two typical fish from the upper reaches of the river in October, was determined. The very tedious nature of the analyses prevented a krger series of observations being accomplished. The close correspondence in the results obtained, however, indicates that the conclusions may be safely accepted. Method. The method employed in the analyses was that devised by Stockman (Journal of Phys., xviii., p. 485, 1895). The steps may. for convenience, be briefly recapitulated here. Portions of the dried residue of the tissue, after extraction with ether, were dried in the hot-air chamber and weighed. In the case of the livers, a portion of the organ was pounded down and extracted with alcohol for several days, and then dried and weighed. They were then completely ashed in porcelain. The ash was extracted overnight with strong HC1, and next morning dilute H 2 SO 4 was added, and the whole heated. It was then filtered through ash-free filter paper, and the filtrate placed on the steam bath to drive off the HC1. The iron was then left dissolved in the H^SO^ A few drops of potassium per- manganate were added, and it was set aside for several days. If the colour remained (showing that all organic matter was destroyed), it wa* then reduced with zinc, and titrated with a standardised solution of potassium permanganate. All the reagents, &c., were tested, and found iron-free. The following Tables give the results of these analyses in grins. : of the Salmon in Fresh Water. TABLE I. Per Cent, of Iron in Ovaries, Muscle, and Liver. 157 Estuary Fish. Ovaries. Muscle. Liver. Thick. Thin. 20 25 Average, 0-003 0-004 0-0015 0-0014 0-0018 0-0018 0160 0-0035 0-00145 0-0018 Upper- Water Fish. Ovaries. Muscle. Liver. Thick. Thin. 63 69 Average, 0-003 0-002 0-002 0-002 0-001 0-001 0180 0-0025 0-002 0-001 TABLE II. Iron in Ovaries, Muscle, and Liver, in Fish of Standard Length. Muscle. Estuary Fish. Ovaries. Liver. Thick. Thin. Total. 20 0-005 0-076 0-031 0-107 0248 25 0-0059 0-0704 0-0308 0-109 Total, . 0-0109 _ _ 0-216 Average, 0-0054 0-108 _ Muscle. Upper- Water Fish. Ovaries. Liver. Thick. Thin. Total. 65 0-0631 0-067 0-014 0-081 02489 69 0-0506 0-0603 0-0123 0-0726 Total, . 0-1137 0-1536 Average, 0-0568 0-0763 158 Investigations on the Life-History From the above Table it will be observed that the ovaries gain in iron at the expense of the muscle, thus : 1. Loss of Iron, Muscle of Fish in Lower Water = 0-1080 Muscle of Fish in Upper Water = 0-0763 Loss of Iron by Muscle = 0-0317 2. Gain of Iron. Ovaries of Fish in Upper Water = 0-0568 Ovaries of Fish in Lower Water = 0-0054 Gain of Iron by Ovaries = 0-0514 Total Loss = 0-0317 Total Gain = 0-0514 Difference = 0-0197 i.e., 39 per cent, of iron gained by the ovaries is not derived from the iron stored in the muscles. CONCLUSIONS. It may be claimed that the results of the analyses have demon- strated ( 1 ) that the quantity of iron in the ovaries becomes distinctly increased during the development of that organ, (2) that a considerable amount of its iron is derived from the muscles, which become corre- spondingly poorer in iron, (3) that none of it is derived from the liver. Although the muscles supply the ovaries with the greater part of their iron, yet there is a small quantity unaccounted for. The tissue which, in all probability, supplies this, is the blood. If such observation had been possible, it would have been of interest to investigate the changes in the hsemoglobin of the blood. Since the iron has been shown to be largely derived from the muscles, the amount from this source must be comparatively small. There is no indication that the store of iron in the liver is called upon. The iron which is stored up in the muscles is probably obtained from the food, and kept in the muscles until the development of the ovaries commences. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 159 15. THE PIGMENTS OP THE MUSCLE AND OVARY OF OP THE SALMON AND THEIR EXCHANGES. BY M. I. NEWBIGLN, B.Sc. Among the many curious and interesting changes which the salmon undergoes throughout the year, not the least interesting is the variation in colour seen in the skin, the muscle, and the ovaries. When the fish comes from the sea the skin is of a clear, bright silvery hue, while the flesh has the familiar strong pink colour. The small ovaries are of a yellow-brown colour. As the reproductive organs develop during the passage up the river, certain definite colour changes occur. The skin loses its bright silvery colour, and, more especially in the male, acquires a ruddy-brown hue. At the same time the flesh becomes paler and paler, and in the female the rapidly growing ovaries acquire a fine orange-red colour. The testes in the male remain a creamy white. After spawning the skin tends in both sexes to lose its ruddy colour, and to regain the bright silvery tint ; the flesh, however, remains pale until the kelt has revisited the sea. In other words, the salmon comes from the sea with a store of pigment in the muscles. During its sojourn in the river this pigment disappears from the muscles, is appar- ently in the female for the most part transferred to the ovaries, and so to the ova, and in both sexes is to a smaller extent deposited in the skin, there to undergo f urther changes. The accumulation of pigment in the muscle is associated with the presence of a large amount of fat, and fat and pigment disappear pari passu. While in the Salmonidse this colour change is most marked in the salmon, it is also observable in the sea trout. Even in certain varieties of brown trout, e.g. the Loch Leven trout, the pigmentation of the flesh is well marked when the fish are in prime condition, and becomes less marked as the genitalia develop. In all cases there seems to be the same close association between fat and pigment, and the simultaneous disappearance of the two. Even outside the limits of the family of the Salmonidse, pigmentation of the flesh is known to occur. Thus the Dawson salmon of the Australians ( Osteoi/lossum leichardti), a member of a small tropical family, is described as having pink-coloured flesh,\vhich tastes like that of the English salmon. The flesh of the Australian mud-fish (Ceratodus forsteri), again, is described as being oily and of a dark red or pink colour. Although there is no direct evidence, the descriptions would lead one to believe that in these cases also the pigment is associated with the presence of fat in the muscle. As the pigments in these and other cases have been directly ascribed 160 Investigations on the Life-History to the food, it was thought that their investigation in the case of the salmon would be of some interest. In this animal the pigments do not seem to have been previously studied. METHODS OF SEPARATION. If the red flesh be pounded up in a mortar with sand, and then extracted with ether, it yields to the ether practically all its pigment. The ether becomes a deep golden-yellow colour, and leaves merely a greyish mass behind. On the evaporation of this extract a mass of pinkish pigment mixed with other substances is obtained. The pink pigment when treated with concentrated sulphuric or nitric acid gives a pure blue colour, which fades very rapidly, especially if water be added. This reaction shows that the muscle contains one of the class of pig- ments called lipochromes, which are characterised by their solubility in ether, chloroform, benzol, petroleum ether, alcohol, etc. ; by their colour, which varies from yellow to red ; and by the fact that they give a blue colour when treated with concentrated acid in the dry state. In order to obtain the pigment pure, for further study, the method of sa.poni- tication was resorted to. Two methods of saponification are available : (1) by means of metallic sodium in ethereal solution ; (2) by means of caustic soda in alcoholic solution ; both methods were employed. 1. Small pieces of metallic sodium were added to a golden -yellow extract of the flesh in ether ; on standing, the soap separated out at the base of the flask and was of a reddish colour, while the ether remained clear yellow. The ether was poured off and the soap washed with fresh ether, which did not extract the pigment. The soap was then dissolved in water, which became a pure pink colour. The addition of a little acetic acid to this solution gave a pink precipitate, which was filtered off. This pink precipitate dissolved readily in ether, to form, when dilute, a yellow solution, and in alcohol to form a pink solution. It also dissolved in petroleum ether, benzol, chloroform, etc., and gave a beautiful blue colour with concentrated sulphuric or nitric acid. The yellow ether obtained by this method of saponification, after iiltering off the soap, left on evaporation a pure yellow pigment which did not give a blue colour with concentrated sulphuric or nitric acids. The ether of saponification is never anhydrous, and therefore when evaporated it usually leaves some drops of caustic soda solution behind ; the yellow pigment readily dissolves in this. 2. In this method an alcoholic extract of the muscle was boiled with caustic soda. A slight precipitate of red pigment was obtained from the solution, but the mass of the pigment remained in solution with the soap. To obtain the red lipochrome from this solution, two methods may be employed. The soap and the pigment may be precipitated by the addi- tion of common salt, or the caustic solution may be shaken with ether in a separation funnel. If excess of common salt be added to the caustic solution, a. bright red soap comes down, leaving the solution a clear yellow colour. The soap may be washed with alcohol and then treated with dilute acid, after which the pigment is readily removed by alcohol, in which it forms a pink solution. A simpler method is to shake the caustic solution after removal of the alcohol with ether, when the ether becomes deep yellow, leaving the caustic solution also yellow. The evaporation of the ethereal solution leaves a red pigment, which gives as before the lipochrome reactions. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 161 The yellow pigment remains in the caustic solution, from which it cannot be extracted by ether or petroleum ether. It is not precipitated by the addition of acid, but the solution is then decolorized. CHABACTERS OF PIGMENTS. The above observations show that the red flesh of the salmon contains two pigments, of which one is pink, and gives the blue lipochrome reaction, while the other is yellow, and does not give this reaction. An investigation of the mature ovaries conducted in precisely similar fashion showed that in them also two pigments a red and a yellow combine to produce the normal coloration of the organs. The Red Pigment. The characters of this red pigment are as follows: It is a lipochrome pigment, giving a blue colour in the dry state with nitric or sulphuric acid, and is soluble in alcohol, ether, benzol, petroleum ether, and acetic acid. Except in ether and petroleum ether, the solu- tions are of a pink or reddish colour, while these two solvents form pure yellow solutions. If the solutions are evaporated, the pigment recovers its red colour as the last drop of the solvent disappears. The pigment forms compounds with caustic soda and potash, which are soluble in dilute alkaline solutions, at least in the presence of soaps. From these solutions the pigment may be precipitated by the addition of dilute acetic acid, or may be directly extracted by means of ether. Similar compounds are formed with lime and baryta. The pure dry pigment fades very rapidly either in light or in dark- ness. Solutions also fade, but much more slowly. The loss of the power of giving a blue colour with concentrated acid is one of the first signs of change, and it may occur before the loss of colour in the solution is obvious. Pigment dissolved in benzol seems especially liable to undergo this change. As to its other characters, solutions of the pigment when examined with a microspectroscope exhibit an indefinite shading in the neighbour - hoodof the F line, but this is hardly visible when the solutions are examined with a spectroscope of larger dispersion. In this case there is merely continuous absorption of the violet end. As a whole, the pigment corresponds closely to the lipochrome pig- ment described in various animals, and notably in Crustacea, as tetro- nerythrin or zoonerythrin (by Moseley as crustaceorubrin). From the red pigment of the lobster the pigment differs slightly in tint and in the solubility of the sodium compound, but it is uncertain how much stress should be laid upon these differences. The Yellow Pigment. The yellow pigment does not give the lipochrome reaction. It belongs to a group of pigments which are apparently exceed- ingly widely distributed in the animal kingdom, but which have been little investigated. They have been commonly confounded with the lipo- chrome pigments. In the salmon the pigment occurs in the muscle, the ovary, and in large amount in the liver. It is always in close associa- tion with fat, and its solubility seems to depend upon that of the associated fat. In the salmon the pigment is associated with the fat olein, which is soluble in methylated spirit, and the pigment is also soluble in this solvent. In the case of bright yellow fat obtained from a cow, a pigment of otherwise identical characters was very little soluble in cold methylated spirit, but dissolved readily in ether. The fat with which the pigment was associated was here stearin and not olein. The yellow pigment does not apparently form compounds with the alkalies or alkaline earths. It remains in the ether when an ethereal 162 Investigations mi the Life-History solution is saponified by metallic sodium, and in the caustic solution when an alcoholic solution is saponified by caustic soda. DISTRIBUTION OF THE PIGMENTS. It is interesting to note that the relative amounts of the two pigments vary considerably. As the flesh grows paler, it is the red pigment which seems to disappear first. While the ovary is small it contains chiefly the yellow pigment, while as it increases in size the amount of red pigment also increases. It would thus seem that there is a direct transference of the red pigment from the muscles to the ova, along with the transference of fat. Both pigments occur dissolved in fat. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PIGMENTS. In this connection the first point of inte rest is that two pigments of similar or perhaps identical nature occur in the lobster and in all probability in other Crustacea. In the smaller Crustacea, as yet, the red pigment only has been described. In the Crustacea the pigments, especially the red one, are exceedingly important in producing the external coloration. In the lobster the digestive gland contains a considerable amount of fat which has a yellow pigment associated with it. The blood contains a red lipochrome, but no yellow pigment, while the hypodermis contains a large amount of red lipochrome, and apparently a small amount of yellow pigment. The red lipochrome forms a combination with some base, and then gives rise to the blue colour of the shell. (See Jour, of Physiol., 1897, p. 249). There is some reason to believe that in the lobster the yellow pigment and the red are closely related to one another. The yellow pigment contained in the digestive gland is in part got rid of by means of the alimentary canal, where it acts like a true bile-pigment in colouring the faeces, and is probably in part modi- fied to form the red pigment of the hypodermis and shell. Now, as to the relation of these facts to the pigmentation of the muscle of the salmon. The most obvious explanation is that the pig- ments of the salmon are derived directly from its food, and this is one which has been made by Gunther, and accepted by other authors, e.g., by Beddard in his " Animal Coloration." At first sight the suggestion has much to recommend it. The pigments are very similar to those of the Crustacea, and perhaps identical with them. They disappear during the period of fasting, and are regained when the animal begins again to take food. In certain brown trout they appear sporadically, as if dependent upon particular diet, and finally the pigments are widely distributed in the Crustacea, occurring in one form or another in fresh- water, littoral and abyssal forms. There are, however, some difficulties in the way of the acceptance of this suggestion. In the first place, the salmon seems to feed chiefly on haddock, herring, and similar fish, so that the transfer of pigment can hardly be direct. The herring, however, feeds habitually on small Crustacea, so that it might be said that the pigments of the salmon are obtained indirectly from the herring which forms its food. In consider- ing such a suggestion we have first to remember that the muscle contains two pigments, a red and a yellow, which simultaneously exist in the Crustacea. Of these pigments there is no reason to believe that the red exists in the herring. In three specimens examined I was unable to find any trace of it, either in the muscle or in the viscera. The stomachs in these cases were almost empty, but it hardly seems probable that the amount of pigment in the undigested food of the herring could be sufficient to supply all the colouring-matter of the salmon's muscle. As to the yellow pigment, the viscera of the herring yielded to cold of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 163 methylated spirit a small amount of a pigment which resembled the pigment obtained from the liver of the salmon, the same pigment bein- present in traces in a muscle extract. This suggests the possibility that the salmon obtains the yellow pigment of its muscle from food in association with fat, and that part of this pigment is modified to form the red. In the lobster there is some reason to believe that the yellow* pigment is capable of being transformed into the red, and the conditions under which the two exist in the salmon suggest the possibility of a similar transformation there. As to the possibility of transference of yellow pigment from one organism to another, there is some evidence apart from the case of the salmon. Thus Poulton (Proc. Roy. Soc., Lon- don, liv., pp. 417-430; see also Nat. Sci., vol. viii., pp. 98-100) has shown by experiment that certain caterpillars derive their pigments from their food. Again, it is not uncommon to find the fat of sheep and cows dyed .a deep yellow colour. According to some authorities, this occurs quite sporadically without known cause, while according to others special foods, notably maize, are the important agents. I have examined the yellow pigment of maize and compared it with pigment from yellow fat. The maize pigment gives the lipochrome reaction, faintly with sulphuric acid, distinctly with nitric, while the fat pigment gives no lipochrome reaction. In other respects, in tint, in solubility, and so on, the pigments closely resemble each other-. This fact, taken in combination with Mr Poulton's experiments, seems to me at least to prove the possibility of the transference of these pigments from one organism to another, and therefore to suggest such an origin for the yellow pig- ment of the salmon. This suggestion, however, gives rise at once to the difficulty that unless these three organisms can be shown to possess some common physiological peculiarity, then we are forced to the conclusion that all yellow pigments in animals are derived from their food a conclusion for which there seems little evidence. Further, if the presence of pig- ment in the food is the only condition necessary to produce pigmented fat, it is difficult to understand why such coloured fat should not be universal in herbivorous animals, for all green parts of plants contain also a certain amount of yellow pigment. It seems to me, however, that it is possible to point to a peculiarity possessed in common by the salmon, domesticated cattle, and cater- pillars, namely, the habit in each case of ingesting food in excess of the nor- mal requirements of the organism at the time of feeding. That this is so in the case of sheep and cattle undergoing the artificial process of fattening is obvious. Again, in both caterpillars and salmon the life-history is sharply divided into nutritive and reproductive periods, the periods occurring, respectively, once in the life of the caterpillar, and annually in the case of the salmon. During the nutritive period in both cases there is a large ingestion and deposition of fat, which later furnishes the energy used up during the reproductive period. It seems to me not unreason- able to suppose that while an organism which ingests a moderate amount of coloured fat is able to utilise or eliminate the pigment, and so deposit colourless fat in the tissues, one in which the ingestion of this coloured fat is excessive may be unable to do this, and so store coloured fat. In Poulton's caterpillars part of the pigment was eliminated with the faeces, which suggests that elimination is the natural fate of the pigment. If this explanation be correct, then it would follow that the reason for the coloration of the fat in sheep fed on maize must be that the ordinary diet contains as much pigment as it is possible for the organism to deal with, and the further addition of the pigmented fat of maize causes merely deposition of slightly altered pigment in the tissues. 164 Investigations on the Life- History If we apply this explanation to the salmon, we have of course to face the possibility that both the red and yellow pigment are ingested in this way with the food. On the whole, this seems to me improbable, and I am inclined to believe that it is only the yellow pigment which is so obtained, but that owing to the conditions to which it is exposed in the muscle, it becomes in part converted into the red, which then gives rise to the colour of muscle and ova. It is interesting to observe that smolt which was kept at Howietoun for three years developed ripe ova. These had the characteristic red colour. (Day's British and Irish Salmonidse, p. 102). I am thus of opinion that the presence of pigment-containing fat in cattle, in caterpillars, and in the salmon, is due in each case to the habit of ingesting coloured fatty food in an amount which is in excess of the immediate requirements, the consequence being that fat coloured with the pigment in a more or less modified condition is deposited in certain of the tissues. While the pigment so deposited is of no importance in cattle, in caterpillars it is important in producing the external coloration, and in the salmon in colouring the ova. In the male salmon the pig- ment is probably eliminated as the fat is used up. The question is of some interest, because if the suggestion here made be correct, it shows that a characteristic pigmentation may be acquired as it were inciden- tally in the course of the life history of the individual, under circum- stances which render the question as to the inheritance of acquired characters absolutely unimportant. of the, Salmon in Fresh Watei'. 165 16. ON THE CHANGES IN THE VALUE OF SALMON AS A FOOD STUFF. BY JAMES C. DUNLOP, M.D., F.K.C.P.E. The measurements and analyses of salmon at the different seasons of the year, described in the previous sections, enable us to consider the value of the fish as a food stuff. Every salmon killed, whether early or late in the year, causes the loss of one breeding unit. If the stock is inexhaustible it matters not how many breeding units are destroyed. But if, as is the case, the stock is a diminishing one, economy demands that there must be a selection of fish, only those which give the best return being killed, and those which, on account of their poor value as a food stuff, do not compensate for that loss to the breeding stock, being preserved. The subject of killing salmon for sport is outside the scope of this section. Two methods of considering the value of salmon flesh as a food stuff suggest themselves (1) The value per unit of weight of flesh, per 100 grms. may be taken ; or (2) the total value per fish killed may be calculated. Both these will be considered. The value of a food stuff is measured by the amount of energy which the combustion of its constituents produces, and is expressed as the number of calories heat units produced by that combustion. Calories are adopted as a convenient measurement of energy ; but when the energy value of a food stuff is expressed as so many calories, it is not implied that that food stuff is only capable of producing heat. One form of energy is capable of conversion into other forms, and so the measurement of the production of heat may be taken as a measurement of the energy available for all purposes. The calories referred to in this article are " great calories," each representing the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1000 cc. of water 1 Centi- grade. For practical purposes the food value of the flesh of fish may bo considered to depend on two constituents, proteids and fats, carbo- hydrates occurring in such a small amount that they may be dis- regarded. In the calculations which follow, the measurements and analyses of the fish are taken from the figures in the previous sections of this work, while the calorie value of proteid and fat is taken from Neumeister's Physiologische Chem., I., p. 282. Food Value per Hundred Grms. of Salmon Flesh at Different Seasons. In the following tables will be found a statement of the amount of proteid and fat and calorie equivalent of the flesh of the salmon at the different seasons, both from estuaries and upper waters. The calcula- tions are based on the averages of the actual amounts found in each group of female fish received in 1896 (vide pp. 95 and 122). 166 Table I. gives in calories. Investigations on the Life-History the percentage of proteids and fats, and the food value TABLE I. ESTUARY FISH. May and June. Proteid, Fat, . Calories, Thick Muscle. Thin Muscle. Total Muscle. 21-2 10-2 18- 17-9 20-6 12-1 181-7 244-1 197- July and August. Proteid, Fat, . Calories, Thick Muscle. Thin Muscle. Total Muscle. 21-8 9-8 18-7 16-8 21-0 11-5 180-5 233-0 193- October and November. Proteid, Fat, . Calories, Thick Muscle. Thin Muscle. Total Muscle. 20-0 5-4 20-0 10-2 20-0 6-6 132-2 176-8 143-4 UPPER-WATER FISH. May and June. Proteid, Fat, . . . Calories, Thick Muscle. Thin Muscle. Total Muscle. 21-2 6-8 20-6 10-3 21-0 7*7 150-1 180-3 157-7 July and Aiigust. Proteid, Fat, . Calories, Thick Muscle. Thin Muscle. 20-6 7-1 150-5 18-7 12-2 190-1 Total Muscle. 20-1 8-4 160-5 of the Salmon in Fresh Water. TABLE I. Continued. October and November. 167 Proteid, Fat, . Calories, . . . Thick Muscle. Thin Muscle. Total Muscle. 17-5 3-1 16-2 6-3 17-2 3-9 100-6 125-0 106-7 TABLE II. Showing Calories per 100 grins, of flesh of the various groups of fish. May and June, July and August, . . October and November, . Estuary. Upper Water. 197-0 193-0 143-4 157-7 160-5 106-7 It will be seen in this : 1. That the food value of salmon flesh is throughout the season greater when the fish is a fresh run fish, than when it has been some time in fresh water. 2. That the food value of salmon flesh diminishes as the season, advances, both in estuary fish and upper-water fish. 3. That the flesh of salmon caught in the higher reaches of rivers, in October and November, is of much less value than other salmon flesh being little more than half the value of the flesh of early estuary fish, and little more than two-thirds of that of earlier upper- water fish. Food Value of Entire Fish at different Seasons. The total food value of a salmon depends on the amount of flesh in the fish, and on the quality of that flesh. The amount of flesh possessed by a fish depends on the length of the fish and on its muscular develop- ment. These three factors and the resulting food values are shown in the following Table : TABLE III. Showing Total Food Value of average fish of the various groups offish, expressed as calories. Estuary. Upper Water. Length. Total Weight of Muscle. Calories perCent. Total Calories. Length. Total Weightof Muscle. Calories percent Total Calories. May and June, 75 2,667 197 5,254 75 2,477 158 3,866 July and August, 77 3,078 193 5,940 72 2,208 160 3,532 Oct. and Nov.. . 88 4,120 143 5,892 73 1,653 107 1,768 168 Investigations on the Life-History From this Table it will be seen : 1 . That the total food value of estuary fish remains nearly constant throughout the year, the poorer quality of the flesh in the later months being compensated for by the larger size of the average fish caught. 2. That from May to August the total food value of the fish caught in upper waters is about one-third less than that of estuary fish. 3. That the upper-water fish of October and November are of much less value as a food stuff than any other group of unspawned fish, their value being only one-half of that of the upper-water fish of the earlier months, and one-third of that of the estuary fish. of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 169 III SUMMAEY OF EESULTS. 17. GENERAL SUMMARY. BY D. NOEL PATON, M.D., F.R.C.P. ED. A. FACTORS DETERMINING MIGRATION. It has been generally assumed that the passage of the salmon from the sea to the river is due to the nlsus generativus. In considering the question it must be remembered that the Salmonidae are originally fresh- water fish, and that the majority of the family spend their whole life in fresh water. Salmo Salar and other allied species have apparently acquired the habit of quitting their fresh- water home for the sea in search of food, just as the frog leaves the water for the same purpose. When, on the rich marine feeding grounds, as great a store of nourish- ment as the body can carry has been accumulated, the fish returns to its native element, and there pefonns its reproductive act. That the immigration of the fish is not governed by the growth of genital ia and by the nisus generativus is shown by the fact that salmon are ascending the rivers throughout the whole year with their genitalia in all stages of development (p. 64). In fish leaving the sea the ovaries vary from 121 to 1439 grms. per fish of standard length, but the accumulation of solids in their muscles and ovaries together is about the same. Solids in Musde and Ovaries of Estuary Fish. November. (Winter Salmon.) May and June. July and Aug. Oct. and Nov. Muscle, - 2481 2210 2270 1750 Ovaries,- 23 47 72 545 Total, - 2504 *2257 2342 2295 * Or including all fish dealt with on p. 83: Muscle, - - 1990 170 Investigations on the Life-History The number of male fish examined was too small to allow of general conclusions being drawn. In the kelts examined the amounts of solids were per standard fish Muscle, - 946-00 Ovaries, - - 9-28 955-28 It would thus seem to be the state of nutrition which is the factor determining migration towards the river ; that when the salmon has accumulated the necessary supply of material It tends to return to its original habitat. From May to August probably from November to August the fish leaving the sea have the amount of material stored in their muscles about the same. During these months the ovaries are yet small, and do not act as a reservoir for stored material. In October and November the estuary fish have a smaller amount of stored material in their muscles. Why have these fish not left the sea sooner ? Is it that, either because they have left the rivers later, or because the supply of food has been less readily obtained, the period of rapid growth of the genitalia has supervened before the full accumulation of material in the muscle has been accomplished ? This rapid growth of the genitalia would withdraw material from the muscle and prevent its accumulating there, and thus, when the necessary amount of stored material was accumulated, it would be distributed between the muscles and genitalia. The late-coming fish, although the supply of solids in the muscles is smaller, have the ovaries so large that the total store of nutrient material in the fish is just about the same as in those entering the estuaries in the earlier months. A return to fresh water is essential for the completion of reproduc- tion, for it has been shown that salt water prevents the development of the ova. In its natural condition the fish is impelled to migrate sea- ward in search of more abundant food, but descent to the sea is not necessary for the development of the genitalia. This is proved by the experiments carried on at Howietoun, which show that fish, when properly fed, may develop their genitalia without leaving fresh water. Again, the salmon of the great American lakes spawn in the streams, and yearly descend to the main lakes, as the salmon of this country descend to the sea, there to feed and lay in the necessary store of material. The course of migration and the question of to-and-fro migration have been discussed on pp. 75 to 78, and it has been shown that the early- coming fish press up to the upper waters of the rivers, and that on to August fish continue to stream into the upper reaches ; but that the fish leaving the sea in October and November do not at once ascend to the upper parts of the river. It has been further shown that there is strong evidence against there being a to-and-fro migration from river to sea and sea to river throughout the season. B. Do SALMON FEED IN FRESH WATER? The question of whether salmon feed while in fresh water has been frequently discussed. Much depends on what is meant by the word "feeding." By feeding, we here mean not the mere swallowing of material; but the digestion, absorption, and utilisation of that material by the body. That salmon take the fly, minnow, or other shining object in the rnouth is no argument as to their feeding in this sense. That they may, of the, Sidmon in Fresh Water. 171 and occasionally do, take and swallow worms and other wriggling objects is well known. But the swallowing of a few worms can do but little to make good the enormous changes going on in the fish, even if, when swallowed, they are digested and used. The evidence we have adduced may be summarised as follows : 1st. There is no reason why salmon should feed during their stay in fresh water. When they leave the sea they have in their bodies a supply of nourishment not only sufficient to yield the material for the growth of ovaries and testes, but to afford an enormous supply of energy for the muscular work of ascending the stream (pp. 33, 93, and 120). 2nd. During the stay of the fish in fresh water the material accumu- lated in the muscles steadily diminishes, and there is absolutely no indication that its loss is made good by fresh material taken as food (pp. 83, 93, and 120). 3rd. The marked and peculiar degenerative changes which the lining membrane of the stomach and intestine undergoes during the stay of the fish in fresh water shows that during this period the organs of diges- tion are functionless (p. 13). The absorption of food stuffs is not a mere mechanical process, but is chiefly dependent on the activity of the cells lining the alimentary canal, and in the river these essential cells degenerate and are shed. It is a point of no little interest that before the fish again reaches the sea, after spawning, the lining membrane of the alimentary canal undergoes complete regeneration (p. 17 and 20), while the distended con- dition of the gall bladder seems to indicate that the bile-forming func- tion of the liver is again becoming active. 4th. The very low digestive power of extracts of the mucous mem- brane of the stomach and intestine, not only in fish from the upper- reaches in which the degenerative changes abovereferred to have occurred, but in fish coming to the mouth of the river and with the lining mem- brane still intact, seems to indicate that the salmon has practically ceased to feed before it makes for the river mouth (p. 23). It is to be regretted that, although every effort has been made, no specimen of a salmon stomach containing food has been procured. It is highly desirable that the digestive activity of such stomachs should be compared with the activity of those examined in this series of observations. 5th. The changes in the bacteria of the alimentary canal also throw light upon the question (p. 36). Generally speaking both in the estuary and in the upper reaches, the number of organisms varies directly with the temperature of the water. This is just what might be expected, since the number of organisms in the water largely depends upon its temperature. But setting this aside, it is found that while in the gullet there is no great difference between the number of organisms in fish in the estuaries and in fish in the upper reaches, there is a markedly greater number of organisms in the stomach and intestine of fish in the upper reaches. This is especially the case with the putrefactive organisms which are the most readily destroyed by free acids. The greater abundance of these in the upper water fish is strongly indicative of the absence of the free acid which is formed in the stomach of fish while digesting food, and which if present would destroy them. Miescher concluded that organisms are less numerous in the fish in the upper waters, but his conclusion is not supported by any evidence. 6th. Our observations confirm these of Miescher as regards the absence of food from the stomach. In not one of the 104 fish sent to the Laboratory during 1896 and the spring of 1897, was any trace of food 172 Investigations on the Life- History found either in the stomach or in the contents of the intestine. That this is not due to rapid digestion has been proved. That it is not due to the fish disgorging the contents of the stomach when caught is shown by the absence of any trace of the indisgestible portions of worms, insects, or fish in the intestine. To the unscientific mind it is perhaps difficult to realise the possibility of a fast of several months in so active an animal as the salmon. But it must be remembered that it is simply a question of supply of energy. The food yields energy for work, but if it is taken in excess, it is stored so as to be available at a future period. It has been shown that in the salmon such storage goes on to an enormous extent, and that, even at the end of the fast, there is still plenty of material available to meet any unexpected call for energy. Nor is the salmon exceptional in this respect. Many other cold-blooded animals have the same power of living for very prolonged periods without taking food, while several warm-blooded animals during the rutting season undergo prolonged fasts. It is stated that the male fur seal, after coming to land, may live for over a hundred days without food. During this period he is constantly engaged in struggles with other males, and he finally leaves the shore in a state of extreme emaciation. We have thus no hesitation in confirming the conclusions of Miescher- Ruesch that the salmon, at least before spawning, does not feed during its sojourn in fresh water. C. CHEMICAL CHANGES IN THE SALMON IN FRESH WATER. It is because of this prolonged fast and because of the important changes going on in the fish during the fast that it affords so interest- ing a physiological study in metabolism. An opportunity is afforded of investigating the manner in which materials are stored in the animal body, the extent to which they may be transferred from one organ to another, the nature of some of the chemical changes they undergo, and the extent to which the various stored materials are utilised as a source of energy in the body. /. Solids and Water of Miisde, Genitalia, etc. It has been shown that during the sojourn of the fish in fresh water there is a steady loss of solids from the muscles and a steady gain of solids by the genitalia, and it has further been shown that the gain of solids by the genitalia is small compared with the loss of solids from the muscle, that in fact the greater part of the solids lost from the muscles are used for some other purpose than the building up of the genitalia (p. 83). As the season advances, the fish coming to the estuaries have a larger percentage of water in the muscle about 6 or 7 per cent, more than the fish leaving the sea earlier in the season. In the upper reaches the flesh throughout the season contains a greater percentage of water than the flesh of estuary fish. In May and June the upper-water fish have about 5 per cent, more water than the estuary fish, and in October and November about 1 3 per cent, more water than the estuary fish of May and June. It is this increase in the percentage of water of the flesh which main- tains the weight of the fish per fish of standard length, although the solids as a whole have diminished. //. Fats of Muscle, Genitalia, etc. Nothing is more extraordinary than the enormous accumulation of fats which takes place in the muscle of the salmon during its visit to the of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 173 sea (p. 95). Not only is the tissue between the individual fibres loaded with fat, but, as shown by Mr. Mahalanobis (p. 106), an intrafibrous or interfibrillar accumulation of fat occurs. In the river, as the season advances, this accumulated fat is steadily got rid of by the muscle. There is no reason to suppose that anything of the nature of a degeneration occurs. The 'fat is simply excreted from the muscle to supply the fat of the growing genitalia, or used in the muscle as a source of energy. In the muscles the fatty acids are chiefly in the form of ordinary fats. In the ovaries and testes, on the other hand, the fatty acids are largely combined with phosphorus as lecithin. An important decomposition and reconstruction of the fats thus occurs in the growing ovaries. In the ovaries the amount of lecithin is very large, but the amount in the testes is by no means trifling, and the constant occurrence of this sub- stance seems to point to it as the first stage in the formation of nucleins. ///. Proteids of Muscle, Genitalia, etc. Dr. Boyd's observations (p. 112) indicate that the albuminous materials of the muscle may be divided into two classes : (1) Those soluble in salt solution ; (2) those not soluble in salt solution. He shows that globulin substances constitute nearly the whole of the soluble proteids, and that proteoses and peptones are not present in any circum- stances. He further shows that there is a small quantity of some phosphorus-containing proteid either a nuclein or a pseudo-nuclein among the soluble proteids. It is these soluble proteids which diminish in fish in fresh water. When they are abundant, as in fish at the mouth of the river, on boiling they may coagulate between the flakes of the muscle and form with the fats the characteristic curd. Of the insoluble proteids part is composed of white fibrous tissue, part of a phosphorus-containing proteid which may be called myostromin. Dr. Dunlop's results (p. 120) show more fully the extent to which proteids accumulate in the muscles, and the rate at which they diminish as the fish passes up the river. The first point of interest is that the proteids do not disappear to anything like the same extent or at the same rate as the fats. As already indicated, it is from the fats that the energy for muscular work is chiefly procured. The second point of interest is that the proteid surplus available for energy that is, the proteid not used in building the ovaries is no greater in the upper water water fish in October and November than in July and August. This seems to indicate that quite early in the season while the ovaries are grow- ing slowly, the proteids disappearing from the muscle are more than sufficient to meet the requirements of these structures, while later in/ the year, when the growth of the ovaries is going on more rapidly, all the proteid disappearing from the muscle is transported to and used in them. A further point of interest brought out is that in the male the amount of muscle proteid disappearing from the muscles is so much more than sufficient for the requirements of the growing testes that a very- much larger surplus is available for muscular work in the male than in the female. IV. Source of the Energy for Muscidcw Work, etc. (p. 139J. The extent to which the fats and proteids lost from the muscles are- used for the construction of the genitalia on the one hand, and for the liberation of energy on the other, varies somewhat in males and females. Taking the earlier months, to August, it has been shown that in the female 12 per cent, of the fats and 23 per cent, of the proteids go- 174 Investigations on the Life-History to the ovaries, the rest being available for energy ; while in the male about 5 per cent, of the fats and 14 per cent, of the proteids go to the testes. The total energy liberated from fats and proteids is possibly somewhat greater in the male than in the female, being to August 1,271,000 Kgms. per fish of standard length in the female, and 1,380,000 Kgms. in the male. Of the energy thus liberated about 2,200 Kgms. are required to raise the fish to the height of the upper water of the river, the remainder being available for the much greater work of overcoming the resistance of the stream, for internal work and for other calls upon the energy supply. Of this total available energy in the female, about 20 per cent, is derived from the proteids, while in the male only 9 per cent, is derived from this source. The rest is derived from the fats. f us of Muscle, Genitalia, etc. (p. It has been shown that in the female fish only just enough phosphorus is accumulated in the muscle to supply the wants of the growing ovaries, while in the male the accumulation is superabundant. In this connec- tion it has been further pointed out that in the male the enormous growth of the bony jaw may use up a further amount of phosphorus. Whether in the female any phosphorus required for the ovaries in excess of that stored in the muscle is procured from the bones, these observations do not indicate. The phosphorus is stored in the muscle chiefly as phosphates, and to a somewhat smaller extent as lecithin. The amount of lecithin in the muscle is not nearly sufficient to yield the lecithin of the ovaries. In the ovaries the phosphorus is in the form of ichthulin, a pseudo-nuclein and lecithin, so the phosphorus from the phosphates of the muscles must undergo profound changes in the growing ovaries, and being synthesised with organic bodies be built into these compounds. That these com- pounds are the forerunners of the still more complex nucleins of the embryo is indicated. In the male the transference of the phos- phates of the muscle into these higher nuclein compounds is even more direct, and the occurrence of lecithin in considerable amount in the growing testes seems to point to this substance as the first step in the synthesis of inorganic phosphates to nucleic acid. VI. Iron of Muscle and Ovaries. Dr Greig (p. 156) has shown that the ichthulin of the ovary contains iron, and the amount of iron in the ovaries thus increases as the organs grow. Whence is this iron procured ? It has been shown that the iron lost from the muscle is insufficient to yield the iron gained by the ovaries, and it is thus probable that the haemoglobin of the blood must be drawn on for this element. The liver does not seem to yield iron to the ovaries. VII. Pigments of Muscle and Ovaries. Miss Newbigin's study of the pigments of the muscle and ovary (p. 159) shows that two lipochromes are present. First, the very widely dis- tributed yellow pigment the so-called lutein which colours the yolk of the hen's egg ; and second, a bright red lipochrome which, mixed with the former, gives the characteristic colour to the salmon muscle and ovaries. Though it has not been possible to investigate the source of the pigments, the evidence adduced tends to show that the characteristic red pigment is probably not derived from the food, but that it is constructed of the Salmon in Fresh Water. 175 possibly out of the very widely distributed yellow pigment. Its storage in the muscles and its transference to the ovaries has been demonstrated. Its fate in the male fish is still obscure, though the deeper pigmentation of the skin in the male suggests its elimination by that channel. What the purpose of the pigment is, is not clearly indicated, though it seems probable that by colouring the ova it may assist in their concealment during development. VIII. Nature of the Transference of Material. On the nature of the transference of material these observations also throw important light. They clearly show that nothing of the nature of a degeneration in the muscle take place. The muscles simply excrete or give out the material accumulated in them. Miescher discusses this point at great length. He first considers if what he calls the liquidation and degeneration (Fettentartung) is caused by changes in the nerves. But since he finds no visible changes in the nerve bundles to the muscles he dismisses this possibility. According to his view, the liquidation is caused by deficient respiration in the muscle, due to the deficient supply of blood as a result of the starvation and of the rapidly growing ovaries taking off a Larger and larger amount of blood from the muscles. He supports this view first 011 general physiological principles, and secondly, from a consideration of the blood supply to the muscles and ovaries at various periods. The theory, however, assumes that the change in the muscle is a degeneration, which it is not, and it affords at best but a partial explanation of the condition. It is too mechanical, and leaves unsolved the problem of what starts the growth of the ovaries, what causes the dilatation of blood-vessels there, and thus leads to the diminished blood supply to the muscles. The growth of the ovaries may be considered a cyclic function, but in all these cyclic functions the nervous system is intimately involved. It is well known that not only is the blood supply to every part of the body under the control of the nervous system, but that the very rate of chemical change in the cells of the body is also under the influence of the nerves. Not only does the brain bring about and control the extensive chemical changes in the muscles which lead to movements, but it also governs the slower chemical changes, such as those by which heat is produced in the warm-blooded animals. The building up and breaking down processes are alike controlled by nerves, and it is only fair to assume that the growth of the ovaries and testes and the discharge of material from the muscle for their growth are primarily determined by the nervous system, and that the vascular changes are secondary and not causal. In this connection it must be remem- bered that throughout the whole period the muscles remain active, and not only excrete material to the ovaries and testes, but also set free the energy of the proteids and fats stored within them, a state of matters irreconcilable with the idea of the existence of a degenerative process. The investigation of kelts, though limited in extent, seems to show that, from the period of spawning to the return to the sea, the expen- diture of energy is at a minimun. That many ova remain unshed in the abdomen is clearly shown, and that these ova are absorbed and shrivel up has also been proved. It is thus highly probable that, as indicated by Miescher-Ruesch, the kelt utilises its unshed spawn. We have discovered no evidence that kelts feed. In none of the 22 fish examined was there any trace of food in the stomach, or any remains of food in the intestine. On the other hand, a point of very great interest is the regeneration of the lining membrane of the stomach and intestine, and the reappearance of bile in the gall bladder, 176 Investigations on the Life-History of the Salmon in Fresh Water. showing that the fish is again becoming capable of taking and using food. IX. Food Value of Salmon. The food value per unit of weight of muscle deteriorates as the season advances. In each fish caught in the estuaries the food value remains almost constant, the larger size of the late-coming fish making up for the deterioration of the flesh. The food value of each fish caught in the upper waters is less than of those caught in the estuaries, and in October and November is only about one-third that of fish caught in the river- mouth. This series of observations is only a contribution to a very large and very interesting subject. Many points yet remain to be investigated, while others touched upon here require extension and confirmation. As regards the course of migration, our investigations cover only a few months of the year, and interesting results are to be expected by extending the investigations into the other seasons. We have given evidence to show that the early-coming fish occupy the upper reaches of the river, but a more extended series of investiga- tions is required to show whether the late-coming fish, which during October and November are found in the lower waters, really spawn there, or whether they ultimately pass up to the upper waters. Whether the rate of migration can be satisfactorily investigated in our short Scottish rivers is very doubtful. In the great Canadian rivers, such as the Fraser, very valuable results might be expected from the study of this question. Indeed it would be a matter of the greatest importance to have the observations recorded in these papers checked and extended on a large scale in such a river, with its unbounded supply of fish and hundreds of miles of water way. The downward migration of kelts requires further study. Of the 22 kelts received in April, 1897, all were females. Is this a mere conci- dence, or do the male kelts descend at a different time from the female ? Some of the more important changes in the female kelts have been dealt with, but the interesting question of the loss of the great maxillary development in the male is yet to be elucidated. The study of these and many other problems must be left for future investigations. 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