'GUSH CO \ND TOh JLND ENGLISH COINS AND TOKENS. BY LLEWELLYNN JEWITT, F.S.A., A iithor of ' ' Half-Hours among some English A ntiquities ;" " Grave Mounds and tlieir Contents ;" " The Ceramic Art in Great Britain ;" " Corporation Plate and Insignia of Office; " " The Stately Homes of England" etc., etc. WITH Cftaptn* on i], or other abbreviations. THE ICENI. A number of inscribed coins about which nothing certain is known have, with considerable show of reason, been attributed generally to the Iceni. Their types are very varied, and need not be recapitulated. Among the inscriptions are the follow- ing : ECE or ECEN (probably for ICEN), AESV, SAEMV or SAFMV, ANTD Or ANTED, CAV . . DVRO (possibly DVRO-CAM[BORICVM]), etc., etc.' Many varieties of uninscribed coins are also, with more or less show of reason, attributed to the Iceni. The obverse of one example is engraved on p. 6, Fig. i. THE BRIGANTES. A number of coins have, with plausible reasoning, been appropriated by Mr. Evans and other authorities, to the Brig- antes, whose dominions seem to have comprised Yorkshire, Lancashire, and other northern parts, and who are indeed said to have been the original inhabitants, the Britons proper, of the island, who had been driven inland and northwards by succes- sive invaders of the soil, and they seem to have been among the latest to retain the original national characteristics. Among the inscribed coins (which are of unusual rudeness) believed to have belonged to them, are those bearing the letters VO-LI -SI-OS B 1 8 ANCIENT BRITISH on the obverse, and DVM NOCO VEROS, or DVMNO co VEROS, on the reverse; DVMNOVERO ; IISVPSV; VEP, VEP CORF, or VEP RF ; DVMN on obverse, and TIGIP-SENO on reverse ; AVNT or AVN-T, the AVN being over the back of the horse, and the T beneath its neck. CHANNEL ISLANDS. A number of types of rude uninscribed coins, partaking of the character of those of Gaulish origin, mostly in billon, but sometimes of silver or bronze, are ascribed to the Channel Islands, and numbers of them have been found in Jersey and other islands, as well as in our own country. The examples engraved are in my own possession, and were found, with others, in Devonshire. The usual type is a boldly cut, but rudely designed, head, a coarse imitation of the Greek already referred to ; and the reverse a horse more or less disjointed or disintegrated, and accompanied by indications, more or less distinct, of wheels and other objects. As indicating to some extent the area over which the coins of the ancient Britions circulated, it may'be said that the approxi- mate number of recorded localities in which "finds " have been made in the "forty shires" may be summarized as most of all in Kent (say forty places) ; about half that number in Dorset, Sussex, and Essex ; about a third in Oxfordshire ; say a fourth in Suffolk, Surrey, Buckingham, Hampshire, Herts, and Northampton ; and so decreasing in Beds., Cambs., and Nor- folk ; Berks. Middlesex, and Gloucester ; Wilts and Somerset ; AND ANGLO-SAXON COINS. 19 Lincolnshire and Yorkshire ; Leicestershire, Monmouthshire, and Worcestershire ; and Devonshire, Cornwall, Huntingdon, Lancashire, Northumberland, Nottingham, and Westmoreland. Derbyshire, Staffordshire, and the other counties not enumerated, not having, so far as at present known to me, produced a single recorded example. COINS OF THE ANGLO-SAXONS. The earliest coins of the Anglo-Saxon period appear to have been rude imitations of some of the later current pieces of their Roman predecessors in our island. It seems doubtful whether at first they had a coinage of their own, the probability being that those of the Romano- Britons continued, as they naturally would, to be circulated. Some of the sceattse bear more or less rude figures and uncouth heads and devices, some being evident imitations of the well-known type of Romulus and Remus suckled by the she -wolf, and others of equally well known types. From the sceattse, one of our common expressions at the present is derived. The word in the singular is sceat or scat, and the Saxon sc being pronounced soft, as sh, became sheat or sheet. From this it naturally became corrupted into "shot," and thus "paying your shot" simply meant paying your money, or clearing your reckoning, and ' ' not having a shot in your locker," being without money in cupboard, or purse. These early coins, some of which appear to bear Runic charac- ters, cannot with any degree of certainty be appropriated to any kings. The penny, fenig, petting, or fending (said to be th diminu- 20 ANCIENT BRITISH tive of pand, a pledge, and also by some said to be derived from pendere, to weigh) is first named in the laws of Ina, king of the West Saxons, who began to reign A.D. 688. It was, as now, as has been conclusively shown, the 24Oth part of a pound, which weighed about 5760 grains ; the weight of a penny was, there- fore, 24 grains, which still in our tables constitute a "dwt." or " pennyweight." The generally received opinion is that the first pennies as succeeding the sceattasj and quite independent of the stycas, were struck by Offa, king of Mercia, from A.D. 757 to 796. " When the kingdoms of the Heptarchy were united in one sovereignty," as I have written on another occasion, " the mints were regu- lated by laws framed by the Wittenagemote, or Great Council of the Nation ; but it was not till the time of yEthelstan (924- 940), that it was appointed there should be one kind of money throughout the whole realm, and that no one should coin but in a town. According to Stow, ' ^Ethelstan mads seven coining mints at Canterbury, four for the king, two for the archbishop, and one for the abbot ; at Rochester three, two for the king, and one for the .bishop. Besides these, in London eight, in Winchester six, in Lewes two, in Chichester one, in Hampton two, in Shaft esbury two, and in every other town one coiner.' The coins remaining pretty well prove this, and show there were very few considerable towns without a mint ; for besides those particularly mentioned in yEthelstan's law, there are coins of Derby, Bristol, Evesham, Exeter, Gloucester, Ipswich, Lincoln, Norwich, Shrewsbury, Thetford, Wallingford, Wor- cester, York, And other places. The probability is that the custom of impressing on coins the name of the town of the mintage began in the early part of the reign of ^Ethelstan. " One of the largest "finds" of Anglo-Saxon coins was made at Cuerdale, where, along with a vast number of foreign pieces, there were found : 2 of ^Ethelred. I of Abp. Ceolnoth. 24 of /Ethelstan II. 59 of Abp. Plegmund. I of Ciolwulf. 2 of Sitric. 857 of Alfred. 1770 of St. Eadmund. 45 of Eadwerd. etc. Under the ordinary order of arrangement, the following may be taken as indications of the coins of Anglo-Saxon rulers : KINGS OF KENT. yETHILBERHT I., 725-764. The sceat attributed to this king is doubtful. AND ANGLO-SAXON COINS. 21 EGCBERHT, 765-791. The name is found as EGCBERHT RX. and on the reverse is the moneyer's name. EADBEARHT, 794-798. Obverse, the name EADBEARHT REX in three lines across the field. Reverse, moneyer's name with device. CUTHRED, 798-805. Obverse, on some a profile bust, others three arms branching out from the inner circle, and extending through the legend, CVDRED REX or CVDRED REX CANT. Reverse, moneyer's name with similar device or cross, etc. BALDRED, 805-823. Obverse, bust or cross within inner circle, BALDRED, BELDRED, or BEALDRED REX CN or CANT. Rtverse, moneyer's name, cross, etc. One of his coins has on the reverse DIORMOD MONETA, and within the inner circle, in two lines, DRVR CITS for Dorovernia Civitas or city of Canterbury, and is the earliest known instance of place of mintage appearing upon Saxon coins. MERCIAN KINGS. OFF A, 757-796. The coins of OfTa are of great variety in type, of considerable beauty in design, and of better workmanship than most of the Saxon pennies. On the obverse is the name OFFA REX, or REX ANCIENT BRITISH M, or REX MERCIORN. Reverse, various crosses and other devices and moneyer's name. Of these upwards of fifty are known, and some of them used Runic letters. CYNEFRYTH. Coins of this queen (supposed to be the wife of Offa) are known, and bear on one side the bust and moneyer's name ; on the other her name and REGINA. COENVVLF, 794-818. The coins bear a marked resemblance to those of Offa, but are inferior in execution. The name is usually COENVVLF REX, with or without M for Mercia, and on the reverse the moneyer's name, and often the word MONETA. Upwards of fifty moneyers are known. CEOLVVLF I., 819. The appropriation of coins to this king is conjectural. The name occurs as CIOLVVLF or CEOLVVLF REX M, or MI or MCI or MERCI. BEORNVVLF, 820-824. Obverse, BEORNVVLF or BEORNWVLF REX, REX M, etc., with bust. Reverse, moneyer's name. LUDICA or LUDICAN, 824, 825. Obverse, LVDICA REX or RX, ME with bust. Reverse, moneyer's name, with cross, etc. WIGLAF, 825-839. Obverse, WIGLAF REX M and bust. Reverse* moneyer's name, with cross. BERTHVVLF, 839-852. O'bverse, bust, and name BERHTVLF or BERHTVVLF REX or REX M. Reverse, moneyer's name, with cross, etc. ; one has a AND ANGLO-SAXON COINS. 23 tall cross between T A, and another the Christian monogram >P within the inner circle. About twenty moneyers are known. BURGHRED, 852-874. Obverse, bust, and name BVRGRED or BVRGRD ; RE, REX, or RECX M. Reverse, moneyer's name, usually in a line across the middle of the coin with MON above and ETA below. About one hundred and fifty varieties of moneyers' names are known. CEOLVVLF II., 874. The coins of this last of the Mercian kings are not very satisfactorily to be distinguished from those of Ceolvvlf I. They bear a bust and CIOLVVLF or CEOLVVLF REX. KINGS OF THE EAST ANGLES. BEONNA. Beonna or Beorn was contemporary with Offa. Obverse, BEOXNA REX. Reverse, a cross within a square, from whose angles lines of dots project, and letters. EADVALD, 819-827. Obverse, EADVALD REX in three lines. Reverse, moneyer's name. jETHELSTAN I., circa 828-837. Obverse, bust or letter A, and name ETHELTTAN or ETHELZTAN REX or REX AXG. Reverse, moneyer's name, of which several varieties are known. ETHELWARD, circa 837-850. Same general character as the others, with ETHELWARD, AETHELVVEARD, ETHELVVEARD, or ETHELOARO, RE Or REX. Reverse, crosses and moneyers' names. BEORHTRIC, circa 852. Obverse, letter A or AM, and name BEORHTRIC, BEORMIRIC, or BEORCHTRIC, RE or REX. Reverse, moneyer's name, etc. EADMUND, OR ST. EADMUND, 855-870. Obverse, letter A or cross and crescent, and name EADMVND or ADMVND ; RE, Rjc, or REX, AN. Rei'erse, moneyers' names, etc., of which above thirty varieties are known. yETHELSTAN II., 870-890. Obverse, letter A or cross and name EDELSTIN, EDELSTAN, 24 ANCIENT BRITISH EDILARE, etc. ; R, RE, or REX, A or AN. Reverse, moneyer's name, of which several varieties are known. KINGS OF NORTHUMBERLAND. ECGFRITII, 670-685. Obverse, cross and name ECGFRID REX. Reverse, radiated cross and LVX. ALDFRID, 685-705. Obverse, cross and name ALDFRIDVS. Reverse, a four-footed animal. EADBERHT, 737-758. Nothing can be definitely asserted as to the coins of this king ; those ascribed to him may belong to Ecgberht. MOLL ETHILWALD, 759-765. Two coins have been attributed to him, the name on the obverse being on one EDIFHDFV, and on the other ATHBADIV. ALCHRED, 765. Coins supposed to belong to him bear the name ALCHRED or AFCHRED. ELFWALD, 779-788. Some sceattae bearing the word E^VAIV or VALDJSLA on one side, and a quadruped on the other, have been ascribed to him. HEARDULF, 794-806. Obverse, HEARDVLF. Reverse, moneyer's name, of which six are known. ELFWALD II., 806-808. The coins assigned to this king are uncertain. EANRED, 808-840. About two thousand coins of Eanred were found some years back at Hexham. His name is variously spelled, as EANRED REX, and the like, and the variety of names of moneyers numbers about a hundred. yETHELRED II., 840-848. About two thousand coins of this king were found at Hexham. Some bear his own name and that of his father Eanred. The name is spelled EDELRED, EDETRED, AEILRED, AEDELRED, or AND ANGLO-SAXON COINS. 25 AEDILRED, R or REX ; and the reverse, the moneyer's name and a device ; the varieties of moneyers' names numbering about a hundred. REDULF, 844. About a hundred of his stycas were found at Hexham. Obverse, cross and REDVLF, REDVVLF, REDVL, orREDVLE, RE RX or REX. Reverse, moneyers' name, of which about a score of varieties are known. OSBERCHT, 848-867. Obverse, name OSBERCHT, OSBERCHTE, OSBERCHE, OSBERCHEC, OSBRCHT, OSBERH, or OSBVEHT ; R, RE, or REX. Reverse, moneyers' names, of which about twenty varieties are known. .ELLA, 862-867. It is doubtful whether the stycas said to belong to this king are correctly appropriated. HALFDEN, 875-883. From the time of Halfden both sceattae and stycas ceased to be coined. A penny and a halfpenny of his were found at Cuerdale. Obverse, cross and ALFDENE or VLFDENE, RX or REX. Reverse, moneyer's name. SITRIC. Obverse, SITRIC GOMEZ in two lines across the coin, with crosses between j reverse, moneyer's name in lines across the coin. CNUT, 883-900. Of Cnut no fewer than 2534 coins were found at Cuerdale in 1840. Obverse, CNVT, CNVTI, CVNNETTI (differently abbre- viated), CNT, etc. ; R, RN, RX, RIX, REX, etc. Some have a cross of various forms with the letters CNVT terminating the four c limbs, thus V T Reverse, extremely varied, with crosses N and other devices, and moneyers' town or names, as EBRAICE CIVITAS, MIRABILA FECIT, SIEFREDVS, etc. 26 ANCIENT BRITISH SIEFRID, circa 900. Obverse, crosses and name, as SIEFREDVS, SIEVERT, SIEVERTI, or SIUERT ; R, RE, or REX. The cross with letters at ends of CSIE W I *7- the limbs occurs on some, as * Reverse, names of E I X SH3 moneyer or town with cross, etc., and on some the word x REX X *f etc. a ALWALD, 901-905. Obverse, ALVALDVS or ALVVALDV. Reverse, DiTs DS REX in two lines across the coin. SITRIC, circa 921-926. Obverse, SITRIC REX in two lines across the coin divided by a sword ; SITRIC CVNVNC A with trefoil ornament ; or LVDO SITRC in two lines with sword between, and hammer of Thor below, dividing the lower word. Reverse, crosses and crescents and lettering. ERIC, 927-954. Obverse. ERIC REX A, or AL, EBOR, EF, EN, 10, N or NO, or TO, in two lines divided by a sword. Reverse, moneyer's name, etc. REGNALD, 912-944. Obverse, trefoil interlaced knot, or cross, and name, REGNALD CVNVL, or REG CVNVNC. Reverse, cross or " Danish Stan- dard," and AVRA MONITRE or BA[ldri]c NOTR AL, etc. ANLAF. Obverse, cross, " Danish Raven," or interlaced trefoil knot, and the name ANLAF, ONLAF or ONLOF, REX, or CVNVNC, T D or other letters. Reverse, cross, Danish Raven, or Danish Standard, and moneyer's name, followed by MONETA, MONE, MONETR, MINETER, etc., etc. About twenty varieties of moneyers' names are known. One reverse has the moneyer's name, RADVLF, in a line across the coin, with a flower aivl leaves above, and flowers below. AND ANGLO-SAXON COINS. 27 KINGS OF THE WEST SAXONS, etc. ECGBEORHT. Obz'erse, profile, cross, or other device with name ECGBEARHT, AEGCBEARHT, or HECBEARHT ; R, RE, Or REX ; SAX Or SAXO. Reverse, crescents, tribrach, monogram, or cross and moneyer's name, of which there are about thirty varieties known. ETHEL WLF, 837-856. Obverse, cross, bust, or monogram, etc., and name ETHEL- VVLF, /ETHELVVLF.AETHLVLF.ETHELVLF, ETHELVVLFI, Orother form ; R, RE, REX, or REXX. Reverse, cross, monogram, or other device, and moneyer's name. On some the titles of the king are continued on the reverse, as CANT, SAXONIORVM, OCCIDENTA- LIVM, etc. About sixty varieties of moneyer's names are known. AETHELBEARHT, 856-866. Obverse, bust with name AETHELBEARHT or AETHEBEARHT, RE or REX. Reverse, cross or other device, and moneyer's 28 ANCIENT BRITISH name, etc. The one engraved bears in a cross the moneyer's name + DEGBEARHT, and MO of MONETA, the last four letters of which (NETA) are between the limbs of the cross. Sixty varie- ties of moneyers' names are known. AETHELRED, 866-871. Obverse, bust, or.in one instance front of a temple, and name, AETHELRED, ETHELRED, EDELRED, ATHELERED, or ATHLEDI ; REX or REX ANG. Reverse, cross, or other device, and money- er's name, of which about thirty varieties are known. AELFRED, 872-901. Obverse, bust of the king on many coins, on others a cross or .other device, with the name ALFRED, ^ELFRD, /ELFD, EL, ELFRED, Or AELFRED ; R, RE, RX Or REX ; S, SAX, SAXONVM, etc. Reverse, various devices and moneyers' names, of which about two hundred varieties are known. Some of his coins bear the monogram of London, or rather Londini, sometimes with or without the moneyer's name, and MONETA and others with monograms of other places of mintage. The variety of forms and devices upon Alfred's coins is exceptionally great. EDWEARD THE ELDER, 901-925. Obverse, bust, cross, star, or other device, and name EAD- VVEARD REX SAXONVM. On some there is no device, and the name is arranged in three lines across the coin. Reverse, cross, building, bird, flower, or other device, and moneyer's name, etc., of which there are about 130 varieties known. AETHELSTAN, 925-941. Obverse, crowned bust or cross, and ' name JETHELSTAN, ETHELSTAN, ^EDELSTAN, or abbreviated ; R or REX, or REX SAXORVM, or REX TOTIVS BRITANNIA, etc. Reverse, cross, building, or other device, and name of moneyer, etc. On some the name is in lines across the coin, and some are devoid of all ornament. The names upon these coins, of towns where minted, are Derby, Bath, Southampton, Canterbury, Exeter, York, Gloucester, Hereford, Leicester, London, Langport, Norwich, Oxford, Rochester, Shaftesbury, Shrewsbury, Nottingham, Stafford, Worcester, Wallingford, Wareham, and Winchester, and the number of known varieties of moneyers' names closely approaches 220. AND ANGLO-SAXON COINS. 29 EADMUND, 941-946. Obverse, bust, or cross and name, as EADMVND, or EDMEVNDI, REX. Revei-se, small cross in centre of inner circle and money- er's name, or the name in lines across. The places of mintage are London, York, Exeter. Southampton, Leicester, Oxford, and Norwich, and the number of varieties of moneyer's names over 1 60. EADRED, 946-955. Obverse, bust, or cross, etc., and name, as EADRED or ETH- RED REX, or REX ANGLOR, or REX SAXORVM. Reverse, moneyer's name, either in the usual way or in lines across, and small cross or other device. The known towns of mintage on these coins are Exeter, Lincoln, and Norwich, and the number of varieties of moneyers' names is over 160. EADWIG, 955-959- Obverse, bust or cross, and name, as EADWIG REX. Reverse, moneyer's name, etc., in usual way or in lines, with cross or other device. The towns of mintage are Exeter, Bedford, York, Southampton, Hereford, Huntingdon, London, Norwich, Wor- cester, and Winchester, and there are sixty known varieties of moneyers' names. SOLE MONARCHS. EADGAR, 959-975. Obverse, bust or cross, and name, as EADGAR REX, or REX ANGLOR, or other abbreviation of ANGLORVM, or TO BI, or TOTIVS BRITANNIA. Reverse, moneyer's names, etc. The towns of mintage are Bath, Bedford, Canterbury, Derby, Exeter, Ely, York, Canterbury, Gloucester, Ipswich, Southampton, Ro- chester, Huntingdon, Tutberge, Lewes, Leicester, Lyminge, Lincoln, Lynn, London, Malmesbury, Norwich, Oxford, Shrewsbury, St. Edmundsbury, Stamford, Thetford, Teign- mouth, Wallingford, Winchelsea, Wilton, and Winchester ; and the varieties in names of moneyers are almost innumerable. EADWARD (II.) THE MARTYR, 975-978. Obverse, bust, or cross, and name, as EADPEARD or EADV- VEARD, REX, ANG, ANL, or ANGLORVM, more or le.ss abbre- viated. Reverse, moneyers', etc., names as usual. The towns of mintage are Bath, Bedford, Canterbury, Chester, Derby, Exeter, York, Ipswich, Gloucester, Cambridge, Southampton, Hertford, Lewes, Leicester, Lincoln, Lyminge, Lydford, London, Norwich, Oxford, St. Edmundsbury, Stamford, Tarn- ANCIENT BRITISH worth, Thetford, and Winchester ; the varieties in names of moneyers being above a hundred. AETHELRED II., 978-1016. Obverse, bust of varied character with or without sceptre, etc. , or Agnus Dei, with name, as ^EDELRED, EDELRED, or EDELR^D, REX, ANG, ANGL, ANGM, or ANGLORVM, etc. Reverse, various crosses and other devices, or hand from heaven between A u, and moneyer and town names. The known names of mintages are Bath, Bedford, Buckingham, Canterbury, Cambridge, Chichester, Chester, Colchester, Derby, Dublin, Dover, Dor- chester, Exeter, Godalming, Gloucester, Ilchester, Ipswich, Hertford, Hereford, Huntingdon, Jedburgh, Shaftesbury, Shrewsbury, Southampton, Sudbury, Lewes, Lancaster, Lei- cester, Lyminge, Lincoln, London, Lydford, Maldon, Malmes- bury, Norwich, Oxford, Reading, Winchester, Castle Rising, Rochester, Stafford, Thetford, Totnes, Torksey, Warwick, Wallingford, Watchet, Worcester, Wilton, and Winchester. CNUT, 1016-1035. Obverse, bust, much varied, on some mitred, with or without sceptre, and name, as CNVT, REX, RECX, RECCX, or RXC ; A, AN, ANGL, or ANGLORUM, etc. Reverse, various crosses, etc., and moneyers' and town names. Of the latter the following are known : Bardney, Bath, Bedford, Bristol, Buckingham, Cadbury, Chichester, Cambridge, Castle Rising, Chepstow, Chester, Chichester, Canterbury, Colchester, Cricklade, Crew- kerne, Dorchester, Dublin, Exeter, Ely, Ilchester, Ipswich, Gloucester, Godmanchester, Hastings, Hertford, Hereford, Huntingdon, Hythe, Lewes, Leyton, Langport, Leicester, Lydford, London, Maldon, Malmesbury, Norwich, Notting- ham, Oxford, Ribchester, Romney, Rochester, Salisbury, Sand- wich, Southampton, Shaftesbury, Shrewsbury, Steyning, Stam- ford, Stafford, Southwark, Taunton, Thetford, Totnes, AND ANGLO-SAXON COINS. 31 Warwick, Watchet, Wallingford, Worcester, Wilton, Win- chester, and York. HAROLD I., 1035-1040. Obverse, bust, varied, and name, as HARALD, HAROLD, HLOD, or HARE . . ., R, RE, REX, or RECX, A, or AN. Reverse, cross, varied, and names of moneyer and town. The mint towns are Bath, Bedford, Bristol, Canterbury, Cambridge, Chichester, Colchester, Dover, Exeter, Ipswich, Lewes, Leicester, Lincoln, London, Norwich, Oxford, Rochester, Salisbury, Southampton, Nottingham, Stafford, Thetford, Warwick, Wilton, Wallingford, Worcester, Winchester, and York. HARTHACNUT, 1040-1042. Obverse, bust, varied, and name, as HARTHACNVT, HARTHE- CNVT, ARTHECNVT, HARNATHECN, or abbreviations, R, RE, or REX, and in one instance, AN. Reverse, cross, varied, and moneyer and town names. The latter, as known, are Bath, Bristol, Chester, Dover, Exeter, Guildford, Gloucester, Hereford, Hunt- ingdon, London, Lincoln, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxford, Salisbury, Stamford, Steyning, Southwark, Warwick, Worcester, and Winchester. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR, 1042-1066. Obverse, bust, varied, or king seated on throne with ful, regalia, and name, asEDWERD, EDWARD, EDWEARD, EADWARD! EADVVEARDVS, EADVEARD, etc., R, RE, or REX, ANGLORVM, more or less abbreviated. Reverse, cross, varied, and other de- vices, or PAX across the field, or the arms, a cross between four martlets, etc., and moneyers' and mintage town names, among the known places of which are Aylesbury, Bath, Derby, Hast- ings, Southampton, Bedford, Bedwin, Berkeley, Bristol, Can- terbury, Chichester, Cricklade, Colchester, Salisbury, Dover, Dorchester, St. Edmundsbury, Exeter, Lewes, York, Ilchester, Ipswich, Gloucester, Guildford, Hastings, Cambridge, Southamp- ton, Hertford, Hereford, Horningdon, Huntingdon, Hythe, 32 ANCIENT BRITISH AND ANGLO-SAXON COINS. Longport, Leicester, Chester, Lincoln, London, Maldon, Mai- mesbury, Newport, Norwich, Oxford, Castle Rising, Rochester, Winchester, Sandwich, Shaftesbury, Shrewsbury, Nottingham, Stamford, Stafford, Steyning, Sudbury, Southwark, Tamworth, Taunton, Thetford, Teignmouth, Warwick, Wallingford Watchet, Wareham, Worcester, Wilton, Winchester, and York. About two thousand coins of this king were found near Steyning HAROLD II., 1066. Although Harold reigned only nine months before his death at the battle of Hastings, there are several varieties of his coins known. They have the bust on the obverse, with the name HAROLD REX ANG, or ANGL ; and on the reverse the word PAX across the field within the inner circle, and the moneyers' and mintage town names. The names of known towns are Hastings, Bedford, Bristol, Canterbury, Chichester, Colchester, Cricklade, Derby, Dover, York, Exeter, Ilchester, Guildford, Ipswich, Gloucester, Cambridge, Hereford, Southampton, Huntingdon, Lewes, Leicester, Chester, Lincoln, London, Maldon, Norwich, Oxford, Rochester, Romney, Shaftesbury, Nottingham, Shrews- bury, Stamford, Steyning, Southwark, Taunton, Thetford, Warwick, Wallingford, Wareham, Winchester, Worcester, and Wilton ; and the variety in the names of moneyers numbers over a hundred. SAINTS AND ECCLESIASTICS. Coins bearing the names of St. Eadmund, St. Peter, and St. Martin. Of the first of these nearly 1800 %vere found at Cuer- dale, and therefore they must have been struck before 905 ; they bear in one form or other the name of the saint. The next, vulgarly known as " Peter's Pence," are supposed to have been struck somewhere between 905 and 941 ; and those of St. Martin from 921 to 942. Archbishops, bishops and abbots, were in early times per- mitted to coin money. Those known before the time of ^Ethel- stan's decree that all the money in the kingdom should be uniform, are the following : of Canterbury, Archbishops Jaen- brht, 736-790 ; ^thelheard, 790-803 ; Vulfred, 803-830 ; Ceolnoth, 830-870 ; Ethered, 871-891 ; and Plegmund, 891- 923. Of York, Archbishops Eanbald, 796 ; and -Vigmund, 831-854- ENGLISH COINS, Mund-piece, a pattern piece only ; Double-sovereign, with arms, with mantle, garter, and crown ; Sovereign, Half-sovereign, bust as before ; reverse, royal arms in ornamental shield. Copper. Pence, Halfpence, and Farthings, bust as before, date under the head, GULIELMUS nil DEI GRATIA ; reverse, Britannia, as last coinage of George IV. ; beneath the figure, rose, thistle, and shamrock, BRITANNIAR REX. FID. DEF. Several colonial and other coins were also struck in silver and copper. VICTORIA. (1837.) DENOMINATIONS. Silver. Crown, Half-crown, Florin or Two- shilling piece, Shilling, Sixpence, Groat or Fourpence, Threepence Twopence, Penny. Gold. Five-pound-piece, Double-sovereign or Two- pound-piece, Sovereign, Half-sovereign. Copper. Penny, Halfpenny, Farthing, Half-farthing. Bronze. Penny, Halfpenny, and Farthing. OBVERSE. Type. Crown and Half-crown. Sinister bust profile of the queen, undraped, round the head two plain bands, hair parted on the forehead, carried over the top of the ear, and all gathered together at the back of the head. The Half-crown has the fore hair plaited immediately before it joins the back hair. None of these have been issued for home currency since 1851. Florin. Sinister bust profile of the queen, crowned" with an open arched crown, elegantly draped over the shoulders. Shilling, Sixpence, etc. , bust same as Half-crown. Legend. Crown and Half-crown, VICTORIA DEI GRATIA. Date under the head. Florin, first issue, VICTORIA REGINA, 1849 ; later issue, Fictorta : & : g : britt : rtg : f : & : and date as mtfCCClxbttt. Shilling and sixpence, VICTORIA DEI GRATIA BRITANNIAR REG. F. D. Fourpence and Maundy money, VICTORIA D. G. BRITANNIAR. REGINA F. D. RF.VERSE. Type. Crown and Half-crown, royal arms quarterly, i and 4, England, 2, Scotland, 3, Ireland, shield plain, crowned, within a wreath formed of two olive branches tied together at the bottom by a ribband ; beneath the shield, the rose, thistle, and shamrock. Florin, first issue, in a tressure of eight arches, whose cusps have trefoil terminations, within the inner circle, four crowned shields arranged as a cross, first and third England, second Scot- land, fourth Ireland. In the centre a rose ; the crowns extending through the legend to the outside edge of the coin. In the four angles are, respectively, two roses, a thistle and a shamrock. Later issues, similar to the other, with a trefoiled quatrefoil instead of rose in the centre. Shilling and Sixpence ; value in two lines, within a wreath formed of a branch of olive and an oak branch tied together with a ribband, above the value the royal crown, beneath the wreath the date. Fourpence, figure of Britannia seated, helmeted, in her left hand the trident, her right resting on the shield, date HANDBOOK OF ENGLISH COINS. 63 in exergue. Maundy money, value, crowned, within a wreath of oak branches and date. Legend. Crown and Half-crown, BRITANNIARVM REGINA FID. DBF. Florin, first issue, ONE FLORIN ONE TENTH OF A POUND ; later issues, ne florin one tenth of a pOltnU. Shilling and Sixpence, the words ONE SHILLING, and SIXPENCE, within the wreath of laurel and oak, beneath which is the date. Fourpence, FOUR PENCE. Threepence, figure 3 crowned. The most beautiful of our modem coins is a Crown-piece struck in 1847, from dies engraved by Wyon. It is in somewhat low relief, and bears on the obverse an exquisite profile portrait of the queen, to the left, filling up the entire diameter of the coin. Her Majesty wears an open four-arched crown ; the hair, being plaited, is brought down below the ear, and fastened at the back of the head ; shoulders and bosom draped with delicate and elaborately ornamented lace, pearls, and jewels, the portion of the robe visible being diapered with roses, thistles, and shamrocks in lozenges. Legend. Utctorta iJCt gratia britanntar. rrg : f : fo. Reverse : within the inner circle four shields (two England, one Scotland, one Ireland), arranged as a cross, within a tressure of eight arches ; each shield crowned, the crowns extending through the legend and to extremity of the coin. In the centre the star of the Order of the Garter, and in the angles between the shields, which are diapered, a rose twice repeated, a thistle, and a shamrock ; the spandrils and the cusps trefoiled. Legend, titfattir untta fieus anno Horn, mocccilbff. Round the edge fcrcus* ft' tutamm* anno* rrgni' ttntfcctm. This, usually known as the " gothic crown," was not put in circulation. Gold. Sovereign, and Half-sovereign ; obverse, same bust as the silver, VICTORIA DEI GRATIA, and date; reverse, Sovereign, royal arms, as the Half-crown ; later issues, St. George and the Dragon as on those of George IV. , and date ; Half-sovereign, royal shield as before, without the wreath, mantled, crowned, BRITANNIARVM REGINA FID. DEF. Copper. Farthings ; obverse, same as Sovereign ; reverse, figure of Britannia, as before, with the rose, thistle, and shamrock beneath, BRITANNIAR REG. FID. DEF. ; Half and Quarter-farthings have also been struck for the colonies to supersede the use of cowries. Bronze. Obverse : beautifully laureated profile bust of the queen, hair tied behind, draped over the shoulders ; the portrait filling up the diameter of the coin ; legend, VICTORIA D : G : BRITT : REG : F : D : Reverse : figure of Britannia, helmeted and draped, holding a trident in her left hand, and her right resting on a shield of the union ; in the distance, on one side, the Eddystone Lighthouse, on the other a ship in full sail. Legend: ONE PENNY, date in exergue, 1860, et seq. A large number of pattern pieces for coins of various values, and in all the metals, have at one time or other during this reign been prepared and struck.'and are of the highest interest for the cabinets of collectors. TRADERS' TOKENS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. TRADERS' TOKENS, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. TRADERS' TOKENS. THE Traders' Tokens of this kingdom, properly so-called, are confined, in issue, to the seventeenth, eighteenth, and early part of the nineteenth centuries those of the first of these periods being the most numerous as well as, in most respects, the most interesting. Though not coins in the ordinary sense, not having been issued by kings or governments, they play a more import- ant part in the history of the country than even the regal pieces do, and the information to be derived from their study is not only valuable but in many instances entertaining. Coins, the currency of nations, as I have, on another occasion, observed, are hoarded up and studied, and constantly referred to in illustration of historical facts, or as corroborations in cases of doubtful points ; and their value, admitted on all hands, cannot be too highly estimated. They, however, tell but of princes and nationalities, not of the people. The coins of Greece and Rome tell of events, of changes, and of wars, and become, when properly studied, a complete epitome of the history of the great nations to which they belong. Those of our own country, however, have not that recommendation they become simply, and solely, matters of regal chronology. From the Norman Conquest to the present hour not one event does an English coin record, not one national trait does it exhibit, and not one matter connected with national history or the people does it illustrate. Not so with Traders' Tokens. Issued by the people, they tell of the people, and become imperishable records of that most im- portant estate of the realm. They indicate to us their occupations 69 ;o HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. r^id their skill ; their customs and their modes of life ; their loca governments ; their guilds and trade companies ; their habits and ventiments; their trades, their costume, their towns, their families, and their homes. Pity it is that these lasting and reliable record? and adjuncts to national history are, as I have just said, confined to some two centuries of our historical annals but of those two periods (and especially of the earliest) they are, assuredly, among the more interesting and important of illustrations. In Anglo-Saxon and mediaeval times the want of small coins that is, a currency representing a small value was much felt, and this gave rise to the occasional issue of spurious, or rather base, coins to supply the deficiency, as it was found the smaller pieces for instance, the pennies when broken up for use as halfpence and farthings were unfit for general use among the rough- handed population. In the reigns of Edward VI. and Mary the issue of a base- metal currency gave rise to considerable dissatisfaction and fraud, and under Elizabeth, who issued three-halfpence and three-farthing pieces, that spurious currency was declared no longer current. Despite the issuing, however, of these three- halfpenny and three-farthing pieces, the want of halfpennies and farthings was still so seriously felt by the entire population, that housekeepers, chandlers, grocers, mercers, vintners, and most other traders were impelled, for conscience" sake, to the issue of private tokens of lead, pewter, latten, tin, and even leather, for the purposes of trade. These were issued by the traders, and commodities in exchange could only be had from their issuers ; they were thus useless as a circulating medium and a source of frequent loss to their holders. In 1574 a proposition was made to the Queen by two persons named Wickliffe and Humphrey, to coin half-pence and farthings in base silver (to weigh respectively 1 2 and 6 grains), but was not acted upon. It was then proposed to coin pledges of copper, and a proclamation forbidding the use of private tokens and authorizing those just named was prepared ; this, however, again, was not acted upon, and private tokens still con- tinued in use. In 1582 the three-farthing pieces were withdrawn and silver halfpennies issued. They bear on the obverse a port- cullis and mint mark, and on the reverse a cross and pellets. In 1601 and 1602 the requirements of the army in Ireland caused, for a time, the issue of copper pence, halfpence, and farthings, and this seems to have revived the idea of copper pledges for England, for which, indeed, pattern pieces were HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. ~,l struck. Copper tokens were, at that time, issued by the cities of Oxford, Worcester, and Bristol. On the accession of James I. that monarch issued silvci pennies for this country, in which his Scottish baubees, bodies, and placks were useless. A pattern farthing was also prepared but not issued. Soon afterwards a fresh scheme, which met the approval of the king, was acted upon. This was the issue of Royal farthing tokens weighing only six grains each. The licence to mint these dishonest coins which, for the purpose of getting them into circulation, were sold by the Crown to all comers at 21 shillings' worth for a pound, was granted to Lord Harrington the king stipulating that he should receive one-half the profit every quarter of a year. His majesty, however, ere long altered the arrangement, allowing Lord Harrington a fixed sum, and himself taking all the rest of the profit. Their principal distributor was Gerard Malyns, who thus spoke of their intention and use : " The necessitye of these small moneys did appeare here with us in England, where everie chandler, tapster, vintner, and others, made tokens of lead and brasse for half-pences, and at Bristol by the late Queenes authoriue were made of copper, with a ship on one side, and C.B. on the other side, signifying CIVITAS BRISTOLL : these went current, for small things, at Bristoll and ten miles about. Hereupon, it pleased our soveraigne lord the king to approve of the making of a competent quantitie of farthing tokens to abolish the said leaden tokens, made in derogation of the king's prerogative royall, which farthing tokens, being in the yeare 1613, with certain cautions and limitations, made of meere copper, have on the one side two sceptres crossing under one diadem, in remembrance of the union betweene England and Scotland ; and on the other side the harpe for Ireland, and the inscription, ' IACOBVS D.G. MAGNUS. BRITT. FRA. ET HIBER. REX.' And the said farthing tokens have not oneley beene found very commodius and necessarie for pettie commutations, but also to be a great reliefe of the poore, and meanes to encrease charitie, without which many of them had perished, everie man having meanes to give almes, even the mechanicall poore to the indigent poore." The mode adopted for distributing these farthing tokens and getting them into circulation was crafty and business-like. They were made up in packets of 5-f. ^d. worth in each, and these packets, made up in bags of .20 worth in each, were sent to the mayors of the different towns of the kingdom, who were required to sell them to the public. For all sold and remitted 72 HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. for within two months the mayor was allowed two shillings in the pound for his trouble ; if over two months, then only one shil- ling; and the purchaser of course in any case got zis. worth for 2Os. Thus each zis. worth was sold by the king for i8s. Despite all this, however, and the issuing of proclamation after proclamation to enforce this Royal swindle, private tokens continued to be issued as much as ever and could not be put down. The office for the issue of the Royal tokens was in Lothbury, London, and the place is still known as "Token- House Yard. " After the annulling of this office, copper farthing tokens of a more honest value were issued, but traders still struck their own to such an extent that they became more than ever general throughout the country. In 1649 an attempt was made to establish a national farthing, and pattern pieces were prepared. Nothing, however, was done until 1671, when Traders' Tokens having increased to a prodigious extent, and being issued by one or other in almost every town and village in the kingdom, the government announced the in- tended issue of halfpence and farthings to supersede them ; and in 1672 a proclamation prohibiting the making or use of any such private tokens was issued, and stringent measures taken for their suppression. From that time their use rapidly declined, and they were soon utterly put down. From that time (1672) until 1787 no Traders' Tokens whatever were struck or issued in this kingdom. In the latter year (1787) the government having for a long time neglected to issue a suffi- cient quantity of copper coins for the purposes of trade, and the copper coinage having been forged to so great an extent that not one-fourth of what was in circulation was of Royal mint coining, the Anglesey Copper Mines Company issued tokens of their own, and to such an extent that they put into circulation three hundred tons of copper pennies and halfpennies. The example thus set was followed by other companies, corporations, and private traders, and tokens soon became so general that the matter attracted the attention of government, and resulted in orders being issued for the preparation of a new national coinage. To that end in June, 1797, George the Third issued his warrant empowering Matthew Boulton, of the Soho Works, Birmingham, to manufacture a considerable quantity of penny and twopenny pieces. The extent to which this contract was carried maybe gathered from the fact that between June, 1797, and 1805, Mat- thew Boulton " coined under contract for the British Govern, ment upwards of 4,000 tons weight of copper coin, amounting HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. 73 at its nominal value to nearly .800,000." These coins were strictly and unequivocally honest, as were also those of the Angle- sey and other works. The Soho twopenny pieces weighed exactly two ounces each, and eight of them laid side by side measured one foot ; the pennies weighed one ounce each, and seventeen in like manner measured two feet ; the halfpennies weighed half an ounce each, and twelve of them measured one foot. The effect of this issue was the stoppage of private tokens, only one or two examples being known of so lata a date as 1 802, when they finally ceased. By 1811, consequent on the great increase in the value of copper caused by the costly wars in which this country was en- gaged, the twopenny and penny pieces (which were of the intrinsic value of the metal) were melted down, or used in various ways, and thus the copper currency had again, gradually and surely, become deficient. In that year the Copper Companies and others again resorted to the issue of batches of tokens, and these continued to increase and to be issued in large numbers until 1817, when, by Act of Parliament passed on the 27th of July, their manufacture was prohibited, and their issuers ordered, under penalties for disobedience, to take up all they had issued before the 1st of January, 1818. Thus came entirely to an end the issue of Traders' Tokens in this country. It is impossible to ascertain, or even to form a correct estimate of, the number of varieties of seventeenth century tokens that were issued. Boyne, after mature consideration and much research, estimated the entire issue as not having exceeded 20,000, and in that he was probably tolerably correct. In round numbers the known examples of tokens of the seven- teenth century, issued in the various counties of England, Wales, and Ireland, may be put down as in : Bedfordshire about . 80 Dorsetshire about . 1 60 Berkshire . . . 150 Durham . ,, 60 Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cheshire Cornwall Cumberland Derbyshire . Devonshire . 140 Essex . . ., . 250 150 Gloucestershire , . 180 70 Hampshire . , . 150 50 Herefordshire , . 50 10 Hertfordshire - , . 170 no Huntingdonshire , . 7 250 Kent . . :, 5 74 HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' 1 TOKENS. Lancashire . about IOO Suffolk . . about 300 Leicestershire , , 100 Surrey, including South - Lincolnshire . ,, 20O \vark . . , , 650 Middlesex, including Sussex , 200 London . ., 3,200 Warwickshire , 160 Monmouthshire ,, 20 Westmoreland , 2 5 Norfolk . ,, . 300 Wiltshire . . . 200 Northamptonshire ., . 15 Worcestershire , 1 2O Nottinghamshire ,, 00 Yorkshire . , 450 Northumberland , , 2O Uncertain English . . IOO Oxfordshire . ,, 230 Wales . . i . IOO Rutlandshire ,, 20 Isle of Man . . I Shropshire . ,, IOO Ireland . . , . 70C Somersetshire ,, 280 Scotland, none known. Staffordshire ,, IOO Making a grand total in all of about twelve thousand distinct varieties ; and these, of course, can be only about one-half ot what were actually issued. The denominations are Pennies, Half-pennies, and Farthings, and they are of copper, or, in not a few instances, brass. Their shape is usually round, but some are square, others octagonal, others lozenge, and others again heart-shaped. These varieties will be best understood by reference to the following engravings, which may be taken as general typical examples. HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. 75 They are usually tliin, not very cleverly strack, and many of them exhibit, in their orthography, ignorant and eccentric modes of spelling names, both of persons, trades, and places. The greater bulk of them are, fortunately, dated ; the dates ranging from about 1648 to 1672. The inscriptions in by far the greatest number of examples commence on the obverse, and are continued on the reverse. They commonly consist of the Christian and surname of the issuer, his trade or occupation, and the town or village in which he resided. Usually on the ordinary disc-formed tokens this inscription is between the outer and inner circle of dotted lines. 76 HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. On the field, within the inner circle, is usually the value of the coin ; the initials of the issuer and his wife joined together with a knot ; trade-company, town, or family-arms ; tavern or shop sign ; device, indicating the handicraft or trade of the issuer ; TP-CI TrKrv initials or other lettering ; or other matter. On some, princi- pally on the square, lozenge, octagonal, and heart-shaped ex- amples, the inscription is placed in several lines across the entire field, and is accompanied more or less by devices, etc. Among devices the arms of Trade-guilds or Companies are most numerous, and a brief description of those most commonly met with will be found of great service to the collector. They are as follows, but for the sake of brevity, and as they are but seldom indicated on the tokens themselves, I omit tinctures : APOTHECARIES. Full length figure of Apollo, the inventor HANDBOOK OF TRADERS* TOKENS. -7 of physic, his head radiant, holding in his left hand a bow, and in his right hand an arrow, supplanting (i.t, standing over, astride, or vanquishing) a serpent. On tokens these arms are sometimes represented without being on a shield. The crest of the company, a Rhinoceros, is also occasionally used. ARMOURERS. On a chevron a gauntlet between two pairs of swords in saltire ; on a chief an oval shield whereon a cross of St. George, between two peers' helmets. BAKERS. A pair of balances, held, between three garbs, by a hand, vested, and arm embowed, issuing from radiated clouds, affixed to the upper part of a chief barry wavy of four, whereon are two anchors. BAKERS (WHITE). Three garbs; on a chief an arm issuing from a cloud, holding a pair of scales, between three garbs. BARBER-SURGEONS. On a cross of St. George between, in first and fourth quarters a chevron between three fleams, and second and third a rose crowned, a lion passant-guardant. BLACKSMITHS. A chevron between three hammers crowned. On some tokens a single hammer, crowned or uncrowned, without a shield is used ; occasionally also three uncrowned hammers ; or, hammer and pincers, as on the cut ; or, again, an anvil, as on the next example. 78 HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. BOTTLE MAKERS AND HORNERS (now only Homers). On a chevron between three leather bottles as many bugle horns, stringed. BRAZIERS. On a chevron between, in chief, two ewers (or beakers), and in base, a tripod pot with two handles, three roses seeded and barbed. BREWERS. On a chevron, between three pairs of barley garbs in saltire, as many tuns. Instead of these arms it was not infrequent for a single barrel, or three barrels, to be used. Another not uncommon device was two men carrying a barrel suspended from a shoulder-pole. BRICKLAYERS AND TILERS. A chevron between, in chief, a fleur-de-lis between two brick-axes palewise, and in base a bundle of laths. BUTCHERS. Two slaughter-axes addorsed in saltire between three bulls' heads couped, two in fesse and one in base ; on a chief a boar's head couped between two block brushes (i.e. two bunches of " butchers'-broom "). A knife and cleaver, and other signs were also used. CARPENTERS. A chevron (sometimes engrailed) between three pairs of compasses expanded at the points. HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. 79 CLOCKMAKERS. Sable, a clock, or. CLOTHWORKERS OR SHEARMEN. A chevron ermine be- tween, in chief, two habbicks, and, in base, a teazle slipped. COACH MAKERS AND COACH HARNESS MAKERS. A chev- ron between three coaches. Crest, Phoebus drawn in a chariot. Supporters, two horses, armed. Sometimes this crest alone appears, and sometimes a horse caparisoned. COOKS. A chevron engrailed between three columbines, stalked and leaved. Or, a chevron between three columbines, pendant. COOPERS. Gyronny of eight, on a chevron, between three annulets, a grose between two adzes ; on a chief three lilies, slipped, stalked, and leaved. CORD WAI NERS OR SHOEMAKERS. A chevron between three goats' heads erased and attired. It is not unusual for the three ^^w^ goats' heads to be used without shield or chevron, and sometimes a single goat's head is introduced. The public-house sign of the "Three Goats' Heads," a "house of call" for shoemakers, took its origin from these arms. CUTLERS. Three pairs of swords in saltire, two pairs in chief and one in base. Frequently two swords in saltire is used as the trade device on tokens. 8o HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. DISTILLERS. A fesse wavy between, in chief, the sun in his splendour encircled with a cloud distilling drops of rain, and, in base, a distillatory [still] double armed, on a fire, with two worms and bolt receivers. Other simpler devices used on tokens are the sun in splendour ; a still ; or an Indian holding a bow and arrow (being one of the supporters of the company's arms). DRAPERS. Three triple crowns each issuing out of a cloud shedding rays of the sun. Frequently only one triple crown is used on tokens. DYERS. A chevron between three madder bags, corded. FARRIERS. Three horseshoes pierced. A single horseshoe was, however, sometimes used on tokens. FELTMAKERS. A dexter hand couped at the wrist between two hatbands, nowed, in chief a hat, banded ; or, a hat ; or, a hand holding a hat and feather, were adopted. FISHMONGERS. Three dolphins naiant, in pale, finned and ducally crowned, between two pairs of lucies in saltire (the sinister surmounting the dexter), over the nose of each lucy a ducal crown ; on a chief three pairs of keys, endorsed, in saltire. HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. Si FLETCHERS. A chevron between three arrows, headed and feathered. FOUNDERS. A laver pot (or vase) between two prickets) or taper-candlesticks^. FRAMEWORK KNITTERS. On a chevron between, in chief, two combs and as many leads of needles, and, in base, an iron jack springer, a main-spring between two small springs. FRUITERERS. On a mount, a representation of the Tree of Life (Tree of Paradise) environed with a serpent ; on the dexter side thereof a male figure, on the sinister a female (representing Adam and Eve) ; at the bottom of the tree a rabbit. GlRDLERS. Party per fesse, azure and or, a pale counter- changed, the first charged with three gridirons, the handles in chief, of the second. GLAZIERS. Two grazing irons in baltire between four closing nails ; on a chief a lion passant-guardant. GLOVERS. Party per fesse, counterchangcd, on each part of the first, two and one, a ram salient, armed, and unguled. The >ame arms, quartering two goats, statant, affrontee and attired, in fesse, were granted to the Leathersellers' Company as an im- palement in 1505. GOLDSMITHS. Quarterly, first and fourth a leopard's face, second and third a covered cup ; and in chief two buckles, their tongues fessewise, pointed to the dexter. GOLD AND SILVER WIRE DRAWERS. On a chevron be- tween, in chief, two coppers, and, in base, two points in saltire, a drawing iron between two rings. GROCERS. A chevron between nine cloves, three, three and three. Sometimes seven (three, three, and one) are used. Not unfrequently on tokens three cloves are used as a grocer's trade device, as are also one, two, or three sugar-loaves. 82 HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. HABERDASHERS (Anciently called "Huvrers" and "Mil- leners)." Barry nebulee (or wavy) of six ; on a bend, a lion passant-guardant. HATTERS, OR HATTER MERCHANTS. On a chevron be- tween three felt hats with strings, as many escallops. On some tokens a hat, or hat and feather, or cap, alone occurs. INNHOLDERS. A chevron, quarterly per chevron, and per pale, between three garbs. The crest of this company, a star of sixteen rays, was also a common device on tokens. IRONMONGERS. On a chevron between three steel gads (bil- lets) as many swivels, the middle one palewise, the other two with the line of the chevron. JOINERS OR CARPENTERS. A chevron (sometimes engrailed) between three pairs of compasses expanded at the points. Or, a chevron between two pairs of compasses extended, in chief, and a sphere in base ; on a chief a pale between two roses, the pale charged with an escallop. LEATHERSELLERS. Three bucks passant reguardant attired and unguled. LORINERS. A chevron between three curbits and as many bosses. MASONS. On a chevron (sometimes engrailed) between three castles, a pair of compasses, extended. HAh 7 DBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. 83 MERCERS. A demi-vivgin, couped below the shoulders, vested, crowned with an Eastern crown, her hair dishevelled and wreathed about her temples with roses, issuing from clouds, and all within an orle of the same. This device is sometimes, on tokens, shorn of its clouds, and used without shield. MERCHANT ADVENTURERS. Barry nebulee (or wavy) of six, on a chief quarterly, first and fourth, a lion passant-guardant, second and third two roses in fesse, barbed. MERCHANT TAILORS (or "Taylors and Linen Armourers"). A royal tent between two Parliament robes, lined ermine ; the tent garnished, with tentstaff and pennon ; on a chief a lion pas- sant-guardant. MERCHANTS OF THE STAPLE. Barry nebulee (or wavy) of six ; on a chief, a lion passant-guardant. MUSICIANS. A swan with wings expanded, within a double tressure fleury-counter-fleury ; a chief charged with on a pale be- tween two lions passant-guardant a rose seeded and barbed. NEEDLE MAKERS. From three crowns in fesse as many needles, pendant. PAINTERS AND PAINTER-STAINERS. Three escutcheons quarterly with three phoenix' heads, erased. PARISH CLERKS. A fleur-de-lis ; on a chief a leopard's head between two song-books (shut), stringed. PEWTERERS. On a chevron between three limbecks, as many roses stalked, leaved, and seeded. Or : PEWTERERS. On a chevron between three single-handled cups, each containing so many sprigs of lilies, the Virgin accom- panied by four cherubs, between two pairs of limbecks. PIN MAKERS. A demi-virgin couped at the waist, mantle turned down ermine, her hair dishevelled, on her head an Eastern crown. 84 HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. PLAISTEREKS. On a chevron engrailed between, in chief, two plaisterers' hammers, and, in base, a treble flat brush, handle upward, a rose seeded and barbed between two fleurs-de-lis ; in chief a trowel fessewise with handle to the sinister. PLUMBERS. On a chevron between, in chief, two plummets and, in base, a level reversed, two soldering irons in saltire between a cutting knife on the dexter and a shave hook on the sinister ; in chief a cross-staff fessewise. SADDLERS. A chevron between three manage saddles com- plete. SALTERS OR DRYSALTERS. Party per chevron, three covered cups sprinkling salt ; crest, a cubit arm erect, holding a covered cup, or salt sprinkler. SCRIVENERS. An eagle with wings expanded, holding in his beak a penner and inkhorn, standing on a book, closed, fessewise, the clasps downwards. SHIPWRIGHTS. On an antique hulk, the stern terminating with the head of a dragon in the hulk, the Ark with three doors in the side, from the Ark against the side a slep-ladder ; HANDBOOK OF TRADERS TOKENS. 85 on a chief the cross of St. George charged on the centre with a lion passant-guardant. SILKMEN. A ship of three masts in full sail on the sea, in base ; on a chief a bale of silk, corded, between two bundles of silk, pendant. SOAPMAKERS. A dolphin naiant between three eel spears. STATIONERS. On a chevron between three Bibles fessewise, claspsdownwards, garnished and leaved, an eagle, rising, between tsvo roses seeded and barbed ; from the chief a demi-circle of glory edged with clouds, therein a dove displayed and nimbed. TALLOWCHANDLERS. 1'arty perfesse a pale counterchanged ; on the first three doves each holding an olive branch. In place of these arms the devices commonly found on tokens issued by tallowchandlers are : a man making candles a stick of candles ; a stick of candles within a crescent moon ; one or three doves with olive branch, etc. TIN PLATE WORKERS AND WIREWORKE'RS. A chevron between three lamps, the two in chief (one light each) facing each other, the one in base with two lights, all garnished and illuminated. HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS, TOBACCONISTS. Usually a roll of tobacco ; or one, l\vo, or three pipes ; or a combination of pipes and tobacco. UPHOLDERS OR UPHOLSTERERS. On a chevron between three tents (without poles) ermine and lined, as many roses. VINTNERS. A chevron between three tuns (barrels). WATERMEN. Barry wa-vy of six ; on the middle bar a boat ; on a chief two oars in saltire between two cushions, tasselled. WAX-CHANDLERS. On a chevron between three mortcours as many roses. WEAVERS. On a chevron between three leopards' heads, each holding a shuttle, as many roses, seeded and barbed. On tokens sometimes three leopards' faces alone, without shield, are used. WOODMONGERS. A sword erect, hilled and crowned (or entiled -with a dncal coronet) between twoflaunches each charged with a faggot (or bundle of laths). On one token, that of Govin Gouldegay, of Whitefriars, the arms are a chevron between three faggots. HANDBOOK OF TRADERS TOKENS. 87 WOOLMEN OR WOOLPACKERS. A woolpack. Ale-house and shop-signs were much used as devices on tokens ; but, of course, occurring as they do by the hundred, are too 1 King's Arras," Uttoxeter. "Crown," Repton. 38 HANDBOOK OF TRADEPS* TOKE.VS. " Red Lion,'' Ajhbouruc. 'George and Dragon," Uttoxctcr. Hunch of Grapes," Bolsovcr. numerous to particularise. Sometimes the sign was named in addition to the device, but at others the name or the device was alone used. Thus for instance : Oh\ WILLIAM WEBB AT THE = "Within the inner circle the figure of St. George and the Dragon. 7vV<'. IN SITTINGBORN, 1670 = Within the inner circle, in three lines, HIS HALF PENY. Obv. EDMOND HOLT AT THE = Within the inner circle a ship. Rev. SHIP IN RATCLIFFE, 1 668 = Within the inner circle, in lour lines, ins HAI.FE PENY. E.H. HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. 89 Aims of cities and towns are found not only on those tokens Arms of the Borough of Deroy. which were issued by corporations, mayors, or other bodies or officials, but by some tradesmen. Of the first an example or two will be sufficient : Obi 1 . THE MAYOR OF = A shield bearing the arms of the city of Oxford ; an " Ox " crossing a "Ford." Rei'. OXFORD TOKEN = C.O., 1652. A small R for Rawlins the die sinker. Oh'. A BECCLES FARTHING, 1670. B = In four lines across the coin. Rev. The arms of Beccles, a cattle pen, and Town Hall. Obv. A BRISTOLL FARTHING = C. 15., 1652, and a small R for Rawlins the die sinker. Rev. THE ARMES OF BRISTOLL = The arms of Bristol on a shield. Of family arms, which are occasionally met with on tokens, and also of crests, the following engraved examples will be suffi- cient to show their general character. Arms aud Crest of Shnlcross. 90 HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKEN'S Arms and Crest of Manaton. Arms and Crest of Gent. Arms of Coates. Crest of Rossington. Merchants marks, some of which are curious and of considerable interest, were to some extent used. They were, indeed, of much the same use as the " Trade Marks " of our own day. Other HANDBOOK OF 7'RADERS' TOKENS. 91 devices are implements of one kind or other connected with the trade or calling of the issuer ; articles of clothing made or sold by him ; animals and heraldic figures usually derived from guild arms or from signs ; articles of domestic use of endless variety ; and ships, boats, coaches, carriages, pack-horses, and numerous other matters connected with the daily life of the people. Rebusses and allusive designs that is, devices containing a play upon the name of the issuer are far from uncommon. Thus James Bolton, of Blackburn, adopted on each side his tokens the device of a bolt and tun; Thomas Towers, of March, a/ravr; Anthony Rachell, of Wisbech, a "racha/lcd" or cogged wheel ; Walter Coates, of Stockport, a colt ; Francis Woodward, of Crutched Friars, a wood-ward mounted and blowing his horn ; William Archer, of Deptford, an archer with bow and arrow ; Hannah Bell, of Tooley Street, a bell ; Hugh Conny, of Potion, tnree ionics ; John Curtis, of Yarmouth, two men curtseying ; Robert Hancock, of Whitefriars, a hand and a cock; Ralph Harbottle, of Great Torrington, a hare and a bottle ; Robert Thornhill, who kept the " Bull " inn, a Bull standing under a 17wrn tree on a mound or liill ; and so on. Very frequently, and sometimes on the obverse and at others on the reverse, are the initials of the issuer or, more frequently 92 HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. still, those of the issuer and his wife tied together with, or hav- ing between them, a " true lover's knot," with floral or tasselled terminations. T!,e initials in the latter case are thus arranged T TT, that of the family name (Malyn) at the top, and those of the Christian name, of the husband (John) and wife (Katherine), at the sides as here engraved from a Duffield token. On some the issuer has, as will occasionally be met with by the collector, introduced some remarkably quaint inscriptions. Thus on a token of Richard Bakewell, of Derby, 1666, is the curious inscription, GOOD MORROW VALENTINE, the device being two doves billing. Oil another Derby token, that of William Newcome, we have on the obverse, rovcH NOT MINE ANOINTED, and on the reverse DOE MY PROPHETS NOE HARME. On one of Samuel Hendon, of Macclesfield, WELCOME YOU BE TO TRADE WITH ME. On one of Thomas Cotton, of Middlewich, ALTHOVGH BVT 15RASS YET LET ME PASS. HANDBOOK OF TRADERS' TOKENS. 93 On one of Ann Greene, of Skipton, i WILL EXCIIAING MY PENY. Others refer to the use and benefit of tokens alike to the poor and to the traders. Thus on one of Andover, on one side we have, FOR YE POORE'S BENEFIT, and on the other, HELP o' ANDEVER, 1 666 ; on one of Winchcombe, REMEMBER THE POORE ; on one of Croyland, THE POORE'S HALFE PENY OF CROYLAND, 1670 ; Great Yarmouth, FOR THE VSE OF THE POORE ; Chard, THE BVRROVGH OF CHARD MADE BY YE PORTREEVE FOR YE POORE ; Southwold, FOR THE POORES ADVANTAG ; Tamworth, FOR CHANGE AND CHARITIE ; Wor- cester, FOR NECESSARIE CHAING ; and so on in very grea' variety. They were often issued by the Mayor, the Portreeve, the Overseers, the Chamberlain, or other official for public convenience. The best, indeed only worthy, book on the general subject of seventeenth century tokens is Boyne's, published in 1858, in which close upon ten thousand examples are carefully and minutely described. Of the more modern tokens those so abundantly issued during the thirty years preceding 1818 and of the silver tokens of the latter part of that period which, including the Bank Tokens, number some four hundred varieties, I purposely ab- stain in this little work from giving any particulars. Of those of silver and gold, Boyne's " Silver Tokens of Great Britain and Ireland," etc., published in 1866, is the best and most comprehensive list that has been prepared. Of those of copper, Batty's "Descriptive Catalogue," in which some twenty thousand varieties are minutely described, is as exhaustive a list as could well be prepared. GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. BY BARCLAY V. -HEAD. GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. THE SCIENCE OF NUMISMATICS. THE science of Numismatics (from the Greek word v6,u.iff/j.a, a legally current coin) embraces the study of the coins of all the nations of the earth who have at any period impressed upon pieces of metal gold, silver, bronze, brass, copper, iron, tin, lead, etc. etc. any devices (tyfes), or inscriptions, indicating that such pieces of metal were issued by authority for public use as money. Strictly speaking, the term Numismatics should not therefore be applied to the study of medallions, medals, or counters, whether commemorative, purely artistic, military, scholastic, etc. , unless, as is sometimes the case, such medals have been at the same time current as money. The study of medals is, however, in many respects so nearly allied to Numismatics that it may be and frequently is included in it for convenience sake. For practical purposes coins may be roughly classified under four principal headings : f Greek, etc. I. Ancient, including / Roman, etc. (. Phoenician, etc. II. Byzantine. III. Medieval (European various. " . ( Onental various. IV. Modern All countries. Each series may be again subdivided into an enormous number of classes, as will be seen when we come to examine the Greek and Roman series to which the following pages will be devoted. In the outset a few brief remarks oil the uses of a cabinet of antique coins may not be out of place. Of these the first and foremost is the undoubted fact that these " strange face to face vestiges of vanished aeons " (to use an expression of Carlyle's) bring our minds into immediate contact with the life and history of antiquity as no mere book-study can ever do. Not that we 09 ico GKEEK AND ROMAN COINS. would depreciate the value of a knowledge of history ; on the contrary, this is the one study which is all important for a collector of coins. Without it a man may indeed become familiar with the look of ancient coins, and he may gain much practical knowledge of the prices which they usually fetch at sales, but he will never be a true Numismatist. If he possess the artistic sense he may admire them as works of art, but be- yond this they will be to him as a sealed book. I. GREEK COINS. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. The following extract from the preface to the British Museum "Guide to the Coins of the Ancients" * will give some idea of the uses of Greek Numismatics. " The chief value of Greek coins lies in their being original works of art, not copies as are most of the extant sculptures in the round, and in their recording the successive phases and local varieties of Greek art, in which respect no other class of monu- ments, sculptures, bronzes, terracottas, fictile vases, or gems, can compete with them. From the seventh century before the Christian era downwards, and from the farthest east to the ex- treme west of the ancient civilized world, coins are still extant, in many cases as uninjured as when they first left the dies. The devices or types which they bear, if not by leading artists, certainly faithfully represent the style of the sculpture and even of the painting of the periods to which they belong. Thus in no other branch of Greek monuments can the student so readily and so thoroughly trace the growth, the maturity, and the decay of the plastic art as on coins chronologically arranged. " For the study of mythology they present the local concep- tions of the gods and heroes worshipped in the Greek world, with their attributes and symbols. "The historian will find a gallery of portraits of sovereigns almost complete, as well as evidences of the history and of the political revolutions of innumerable autonomous states and cities in these all but imperishable records. " The student of palaeography will find on coins examples of various ancient alphabets, such as Lycian and Cyprian, Phoeni- cian, Greek, Latin, Iberian, etc., in various stages of develop- ment. * ''A Guide to the Coins of the Ancients, from cir. B.C. 700 to A.D.I," with seventy plates, by B. V.*Head, second edition, London. Svo, iSSr, Triibners. GREEK' AND ROMAN COINS. loi "The metrologist, by comparing the weights of coins of diffe- rent localities and periods, may gain an insight into the various systems of ancient metrology in its various standards, and obtain a just view of the relative values of the precious metals, and of the great lines of trade in the Greek and Roman world. For practical purposes the medallist and art workman will find in Greek coins the most profitable as well as the safest guide. The artist will not fail to perceive the suggestive value of designs which, on however small a scale, are essentially large in treat- ment." No one whose means are at all limited should attempt to form a complete collection of Greek coins. Even the vast collection in the British Museum is far from perfect, and in many series is still lamentably deficient. Any one, however, by limiting his ambition to one particular branch, may hope in course of time to form a cabinet the value of which will increase rapidly in proportion as it approaches completion. This applies not only to Greek coins but to every class. Thus, for instance, there are collectors of English coins who confine their attention to the Anglo-Saxon period ; others who will buy no coins later than the reign of Charles I. ; and others, again, who only collect the copper money of the last two centuries. The young collector who would not drift into unprofitable dildtanteism should therefore select some one series and keep to it, and it is chiefly with the view of assisting him to make his choice of a field to work upon that these pages have been written. It will be well to form some idea, in the first instance, of the numerous series which are included in the general term of " Greek coins." Greek coins may be divided into three principal sections : A. Autonomous, i.e. coins issued by cities governed by their own laws. B. Regal, i.e. coins struck in the names of kings. C. Imperial, i.e. coins of Greek cities struck in Roman Imperial times, and with the head of the Emperor on the obverse. And into eight chronological periods as follows : I. B.C. 700-480. Period of Archaic Art, ending with the Persian wars. II. B.C. 480-430. Period of Transitional Art, between the Persian and Peloponnesian wars. III. B.C. 430-400. Period of Early Fine Art, to the end of the Athenian supremacy. 102 CHEEK AND ROMAN COINS. IV. B.C. 400-336. Period oj c Finest Art. Age of the S pail an and Theban supremacies. Philip of Macedon. V. B.C. 336-280. Period of Later Fine Art. Age of Alex- ander and his immediate successors. VI. B.C. 280-197. Period of the Decline of Art. Age of the Epigoni or descendants of Alexander's successors. VII. B.C. 197-27. Period of Late Decline of Art. Age ol the Atlalids, Mithradates, and of the Roman supremacy. VIII. B.C. 27 A. D. 268. Period of Latest Decline of Art. The Empire. Augustus Gallienus. OF THE METALS OF WHICH COINS ARE COMPOSED. The coins of the ancients were of various metals, of which the following need only be specified. 1. Gold, distinguished in numismatic works by the abbrevia- tion N (for aurum). 2. Eleclnitn, a compound of gold and silver. EL. 3. Silver. AR (argentum). 4. Billon and Potin, alloys of silver and bronze. Bil. and Pot. 5. Bronze. Copper with a percentage of tin. M (ses). OF THE TERMS USED TO DEFINE THE VARIOUS PARTS OF A COIN. The front or face of a coin is called the obverse. Obv. The back is called the reverse. Rev. The principal device or object represented on a coin is called the type. The area or space between the type and the circumference is called the field. The lower portion of the area of a coin beneath the type and separated from the rest of the field by a horizontal line is called the exergue. Ex. Small objects represented either in the field or the exergue as adjuncts to the main type are called symbols. Portions of a coin which are sunk below the level of the surface are said to be incuse. OF THE TYPES OF GREEK COINS. The types of Greek coins were from the earliest times clown to the age of the successors of Alexander almost exclusively religious. The reason for this is not far to seek. In an age of simple faith the head of a god upon the coin was the best of all GREEK AND ROMAN COIN'S. 103 guarantees for purity of metal and good weight. The gods were, so to speak, invoked by the State to vouch for the good quality of its currency, in the same way as State decrees often began with the formula "/ the name of the gods." There is, moreover, some reason to think that the earliest coins were struck within the sacred precincts of the Temple treasuries, as being holy places, secure from plunder and inviolable. In the most ancient period the principal or obverse type is generally some animal or object sacred to or emblematical of that god whose worship was prevalent in the city in which the coin was issued. Subsequently the head of the deity himself was usually placed upon the obverse of the coin, while the re- verse side was occupied by the object emblematical of his worship. Frequently, too, the head of one principal deity appears upon the obverse, and, either the entire figure or the emblem of some other, generally local divinity, on the reverse. The chief exceptions to the above rule are the so-called agonistic types, or types referring to the games such as the victor- ious quadriga on the money of various Sicilian cities. These types are commemorative in a general way of victories in the Olympian or other local games, but it is hardly ever possible to refer them to any particular victory. Victories in war and political revolutions are never directly icferred to on Greek coins, although the unintentional records of such events may often be traced in a sudden change of coin- types. Thus, for instance, at Syracuse when the Corinthians succeeded in liberating that city from the tyranny of the Diony- sian dynasty, the coinage of Syracuse is for a time assimilated to that of Corinth ; a still clearer indication of restored freedom at the same time (B.C. 345) being seen in the first introduction of the head of Zeus " the Liberator " upon the coins of Syracuse. All through the history of free and independent Greece, the original idea of the religious character of the coinage may be traced. The coinage was everywhere placed under the auspices of the gods, and gods, heroes, and their emblems, weue alone considered worthy to be represented upon it. No tyrant, how- ever despotic, not even the great Dionysius of Syracuse, would have dreamed of placing his own head upon the coinage of the State. Even Philip of Macedon, when he had united in his single hand the whole of Northern Greece, and when he reorganized the coinage of his empire on a new model, placed on his gold money the head of Apollo and on his silver that of Zeus. It was reserved for the successors of Alexander the Great, when the political centre of the Greek world was no longer to be 104 GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. found in Greece itself, but in the various capitals of the powerful semi- oriental monarchies which arose out of the ruins of the Persian empire Alexandria, Antioch, etc. it was reserved for these self-constituted kings and their descendants to substitute their own heads for those of the gods. Such an innovation as this, such a complete upsetting of the ancient deeply rooted idea of the connection between the gods and the coinage could not be introduced all at once. It had to be effected by degrees. Alexander the Great even in his life- time gave himself out as the son of Zeus Ammon, and after his death the idea of his divinity gained ground year by year. The first step towards the new fashion of placing the king's head upon the coinage was made by Lysimachus of Thrace, who in- troduced on his money the portrait of the deified Alexander in the character of the son of Ammon with the ram's horn over the ear. Ptolemy Soter, king of Egypt, the first of the dynasty which ruled Egypt for two centuries and a half after the death of Alex- ander, was the first monarch who placed his own head upon his coins. By slow degrees his example was followed, first in Asia and finally in Europe, where Philip V. of Macedon, B.C. 220, was the first king whose portrait in the character of a mortal, and not disguised as a demi-god, appears upon the coinage. The influence of the old religious beliefs nevertheless main- Is, ined so firm a hold on men's minds that the reverses of Greek coins continued to bear sacred types throughout the Roman Im- perial period ; and even on the money of the Byzantine emperors when Christianity had become the State religion, the figures of Christ and the Virgin, or the sign of the Cross, still bear witness that the same religious sanction in a new form continued to be invoked for the coin of the realm. THE GODS AS REPRESENTED ON THE COINAGE. ZEUS (JurrrER). The hjr. I of this god is almost always bearded and crowned with laurel or olive (Fig. i). The youthful head called Zeus Hellenios, on certain coins of Syracuse, is however beardless, and but for the inscription M'hich in this case accompanies it, would be indistinguishable from a head of Apollo. Zens Ammon (Fig. 2), frequent on coins of Cyrene, is distinguished by the ram's horn behind the ear. This god is sometimes beardless. GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. 105 The head of the Zeus of Dodona is represented with a wreath of oak-leaves (Fig. 3). Figr. i. Fig. 2. . Zeus (Jupiter). Zeus (Ammon). Zeus (Jupiter). The entire figure of Zeus appears ia various attitudes, of which the following are of most frequent occurrence : Zeus enthroned (Fig. 4), holding in one hand a sceptre, and in the other an eagle or a victory. Zeus standing, with eagle or victory. Zeus advancing, with trgis on his arm and hurling his thunderbolt. Zeus Labrandats on coins of Caria stands full draped, with the double axe (Labrys) over his shoulder and a sceptre in his hand. Fie. 4 . Zeus (Jupiter). HADES (PLUTO), the king of the under world, resembles in type, but is usually accompanied by Cerberus. SERAPIS. The great Egyptian divinity of the Ptolemaic age k also very like Zeus, but his head is always surmounted by a lofty modius (a measure for corn), which is often richly orna- mented. APOLLO. The head of this god is more commonly met with on io6 GREEK AND ROMAN COINS, coins than that of any other divinity. He is represented in full youthful beauty, generally with flowing hair and al- most always crowned with laurel (Figs. 5, 6, and 7). His full-length figure is variously delineated, usually naked, with bow or laurel branch in his hand, either standing or seated, often on the Delphian omphalos (Fig. 8), or else Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fi;r 8. Apollo. Apollo. Apollo, beside his sacred tripod. When he wears a long robe reach- ing to the feet, and carries a lyre, he is called Apollo Musc- getes, the leader of the Muses. HELIOS (SOL). The Sun god is known by the rays which en- circle his head (Fig. 9). On coins of the Imperial period he is often seen driving the chariot of the Sun. POSEIDON (NEPTUNE). The head of this god much resembles that of Zeus, but may usually be distinguished from it by the absence of the laurel wreath, and by the heavy way in which the danklocks of his hair fall about his neck (Figs. loand 1 1). Fig. 9. Helios Sol). Fig. IT. Poseidon (Neptune). Poseidon is sometimes seated on rocks holding a trident and a dolphin or an aplustrc (Fig. 12). Sometimes he stands resting on his trident, and sometimes lie wields it on high as if about to strike. Occasionally he GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. 107 is seen on horseback armed with his trident. lie is called I\>jiiiton Hippies (Fig. 13). 12. Fig. 13. Ij'i?. 14. Poseidon 'Xeptune). Dionysos. DIONYSOS (BACCHUS). The head of Dionysos is either youthful or bearded, and is encircled by a wreath of ivy (Figs. 14, 15, and 16). His full-length figure is usually naked, or with merely a fawn skin hanging from his shoulder. He holds a wine cup (kantharos), or a bunch of grapes or the Bacchic staff (thyrsus), surmounted by a pine cone. Sometimes he has bull's horns growing from his forehead, and on coins of Neapolis he appears as a bull with a human head (Dionysos Hcbojt). . - Fig. iC. Fi-. i 7 . Uionysos l!acchus\ Hermes (Mercury)- HERMESJMERCURY). The head of Hermes is youthful, and wears a hat called a pctasus (Figs. 17 and 18), close fitting, sometimes with a broad flapping brim and adorned with two wings. When his entire figure is represented, he is usually clad in a short cloak (chlamys), and has winged s-andals (pediUa) on his feet. As the messenger of the gods and the con- ductor of the souls of the dead, he carries Fijr. 78. the winged staff (caduteiis), and sometimes, :s (Mercury). as god of trade, a purse. io8 GREEK AND ROMAN C0/AVS. HEFH.*;STVS (VVLCAN). This god is sometimes young and sometimes bearded. He wears a conical hat (piles), (Fig. 19). On coins of Liparahe is generally seated naked on a four-legged stool, holding a hammer in one hand and a cup (kantharos) in the other (Fig. 20). The tongs and the anvil are also emblems of the worship ot Hephaestus. HERAKLES (HERCULES). The head of Ilerakles, youthful Hephsestus (Vulcan). (Fig. 2l), or bearded (Fig. 22), is usually covered with the Fig. 20. Fig. 21. Fiji. 23. Hephaestus (Vulcan). Herakles Hercules). skin of the Nemean Lion. Occasionally, however, he is simply laureate, and sometimes the club at his shoulder is added as a distinctive symbol. On reverses of coins, Herakles is represented performing his various labour.-;. most frequently contending with the Nemean Lion (Fig. 23). Fig- 23. Fig. 24, Herakles (Hercules). GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. 109 Sometimes also he is seen at rest, either standing and leaning upon his club, or seated (Fig. 24). The infant Herakles strangling two serpents is a less frequent type. PAX. The head of Pan (Figs. 25, 26, and 27) has pointed ears, and is either youthful or bearded. Sometimes also he has goat's horns. At his shoulder on many coins appears the shepherd's crook (peduin}. ARES (MARS). The head of Ares is of rare occurrence on coins. He is usually bearded and helmeted, but sometimes young and crowned with laurel like Apollo (Fig. 28), and when thus represented, as on the Mamertine coin here engraved, his name was added in order that there might be no mistake as to whose head was intended. Pan. ASKLEPIOS (.ESCULAPIUS). Representations of the god of healing belong to a comparatively late period of art. He is bearded, amply draped, and leans upon a staff, round which a serpent twines (Fig. 29). A c klcpios River Gods. He is sometimes accompanied by his daughter Hygieia, the goddess of health, or by a small figure enveloped in a 110 GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. cloak and hood, who is called Telesfhorus, and is supposed to be the genius of convalescence. RIVER GODS. Rivers are represented during the earlier and finer periods of art as rushing bulls or as bulls with human heads (Fig. 30), or again as young male figures with bull's horns over the forehead (Fig. 31). In the later period the conventional River god is a bearded reclining figure, generally half-draped, resting upon an over- turned vase from which a stream of water is flowing (Fig. 32). Less frequently the god is shown as actually swimming in the water. THE DIOSCURI (CASTOR AND POLLUX) wear conical hats, each surmounted by a star (Fig. 33 a). Sometimes they are seen standing side by side with palm branches in their hands, but they are more often represented on horseback 33 () Fig- 33- (*) The Dioscuri (Castor and Pollux). PERSEUS. The head of the hero Perseus (Fig. 34), the slayer of the Gorgon Medusa (Fig. 35), wears a winged helmet, while at his shoulders is sometimes seen the short sword or knife with a hook at the back of the blade (hai-ba}. Fig. 35. Gorgon-Head. Fig;. -,6. I- ig. 3 0. Hera (Juno). GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. in THE GODDESSES AS REPRESENTED OX THE COINAGE. HERA (Juxo). The head of Hera on coins usually wears a lofty circular crown {stcphaiios} adorned with floral or other patterns (Figs. 36, 37). She also wears sometimes a cres- cent-shaped crown and a veil, and has often a sceptre at her .shoulder. PAI.LAS ATHENE (MINERVA). The head of this goddess is helmeted. Sometimes the helmet is of the Corinthian pattern (Fig. 38) and sometimes of the Athenian (Fig. 39), often richly ornamented. Pallas Athene. She is often seen in a fighting attitude, as Pallas Pronia- chos (Fig. 40), wielding a spear and holding before her a shield or regis. She is also very frequently seated with a victory in her hand and her shield beside her. The shield of Pallas is usually distinguished by the Gorgon's head in Fig. 42. Persephone 'Proserpine). 112 GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. the centre. The attributes of this goddess are the owl and the olive. DEMETER (CERES) AND FEUSEI-IIONE (PROSERPINE). These two goddesses are known by the corn wreath which they both wear. Demeter, the mother (Fig. 41), is generally veiled; the daughter, Persephone, seldom (Figs. 42,43). The beautiful head on the well-known Syracusan medal- lions (see Frontispiece], crowned with corn leaves, is that of Persephone. This goddess often has a poppy either in her hair or at her breast. The torch is a frequent emblem, especially of Demeter. ARTEMIS (DIANA). As the goddess of Nature in her wilder aspects, Artemis carries a bow, and at her shoulder a quiver of arrows (Figs. 44, 45). She is often accompanied Fig. 43- Persephone ( Proserpine). -. 44. Fig. 45. Artemis (Diana., by a dog or a stag. As the Moon goddess, Selene, the crescent is her symbol. On late coins of Ephesus she ap- pears under a totally different aspect, viz., as the embodi- ment of the nourishing, life-giving forces of nature, symbolised by her many breasts. APHRODITE (VENUS). On the coins of Eryx, in Sicily, the goddess of love is seated fully draped, with Eros (Cupid) as (a) F1 B '. 46. Aphrodite (Venus). GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. "3 a youth (not a child, as in Roman art) standing before her, and with a dove in her hand. On Imperial coins of Cuidu. the famous naked Aphrodite by Praxiteles was i-epresented. As the goddess of heaven {Aphrodite Urania), she sits upon the globe (Fig. 46 a), her head surmounted by the morning star, and holding in her hand a sceptre. On the reverse of the same coin (Fig. 46 b) are seen the sun, the moon, and the five planets. CYBELE. "The mother of the gods" wears a turreted crown. Sometimes she rides upon a lion, at other times she is seated on a throne between two lions. The rabbit is also symbolical of her worship, as an earth goddess. Isis. This Egyptian goddess is recognised by her peculiar head-dress, consisting of a globe or disc flanked by two cow's horns and surmounted by two ostrich feathers. In her hand she often holds the sistrum (a musical instrument). As Isis Pharia (a sea goddess) she holds a sail. NIKE (VICTORY). (Figs. 47, 48). This divinity is almost al- Fig 47 . Fig. 48. Nike 'Victory). ways winged, and often flying (see Frontispiece). She usually carries a wreath ; and on coins of Alexander the Great a sort of mast with a cross-yard (the stand for a trophy of arms). Sometimes she is nailing armour to a trophy (Fig. 48). SYMBOLS. In addition to the principal type, whether of the obverse or of the reverse, there is generally to be seen on the coins of Greek states a subordinate adjunct device, which occupies some vacant space in the field of the coin. These additions to the main type are of two kinds : (i) Symbols connected more or less directly with the main type : such as the sacred olive branch on the coins of Athens, and the club and bow on Fijj- 24. U H4 GREEK AND ROMAX COINS. (2) Symbols having no connection whatever with the principal type ; such as the small animal on Fig. 7. The symbols of the 1st class are naturally limited in number and more or less constant accompaniments of the main type, to which they were intended to give greater precision and defmiteness of meaning. Those of the 2nd class, on the other hand, might be varied very frequently on coins of one and the same series. There can be no doubt that such symbols were the distinctive badges or signets of ^one of the magistrates or moneyers under whose authority the coinage was issued. The frequency with which these personal symbols were varied corre- sponds with the duration of the term of office of the magistrate in question, whether annual or other. On the regal coinages from the time of Philip of Macedon onwards, in cases where a uniform coinage was issued at many mints, an adjunct symbol was very generally placed in the field of the coin as a mint-mark designating the place of issue {i-g- the Trident on Fig. 4). It is frequently impossible to dis- tinguish such local mint-marks from the personal signets of the officer entrusted by the king with the supervision of the currency. INSCRIPTIONS. The inscriptions on Greek coins may be divided into the following principal classes : (i. ) The name of the people or state. (ii.) The name of the chief of the state, whether tyrant or king. (iii.) The name of a magistrate. (iv.) The name of the engraver of the die. (v.) A legend referring to the type. The above are written sometimes at full length and some- times in an abbreviated form, or in the form of a more or less complicated monogram. Those of class i., when written in full, are usually in the genitive plural, e.g. 2TPAK02ION (Frontispiece). Those of class ii. are also in the genitive, e.g., BA2IAEKS ANTIOXOT (Fig. 8). Those of class iii. are either in the nominative (as IIOAT- KPATHS, Fig. 45) or the genitive ; in the latter case frequently preceded by EIII (Fig. 12), and often also accompanied by the title of the office as ETTI A-veurrpdrov &PXOVTOS, tiri Among the magistrates most frequently mentioned on Greek Imperial coins are the following : GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. 115 The Archon, the Strategos (Praetor), the Grammateus (Secre- tary), the Prytanis, the Tamias (Treasurer), the Archiereus and Hiereus (High Priest and Priest), the Asiarch, the Hypatos (Consul), and the Anthypatos (Proconsul), etc., etc. Those of class iv. are in the genitive, except when ac- companied by the verb (e.g. 0EOAOTOS EIIOEI, for eVoiei). This class of inscriptions is usually in very minute characters. Those of class v. are in the nominative, as 7ETS EAET0EPI02 (Fig. i), or genitive, as APEOS (Fig. 28), The names of kings, even when unaccompanied by the title BASIAEOS, hold so conspicuous a position on the reverse of the coins, that it is easy to distinguish them from the names of less important monetary magistrates. The names of eponymous magistrates, such as archons, etc., also occupy a very prominent place on the money of certain cities ; such as Ephesus, for example. The names of less important functionaries are written in an abbreviated form or even in monogram (Fig. 40), in which latter case it is almost always impossible to say what name was intended. On coins of the later and especially of the Imperial period, the inscriptions are much more lengthy than on those of an earlier date. OF THE METHOD OF DATING COINS. Dates are not found on Greek coins before the age of Alex- ander the Great, and even after his time they are of rare oc- currence, except on certain Asiatic series and on the money of Egypt. They are usually placed either in the field or the exergue of the coin. Units. A. B. T. A. E. . X. *. O. *. IOO. 200. 300. 4OO. 500. 6OO. 7OO. 8OO. 9OO. They are sometimes preceded by the word ETOTS, thus, ETOT3 KA = Ant!o 124. On the coinage of Egypt, both under the Ptolemies and under the Roman Emperors, the character L is used instead of the word ETOTS, thus, LAP = Anno 33. This character was probably an ancient Egyptian symbol meaning year, adopted into the Greek system of numeration for the sake of brevity. H5 GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. The following arc a few of the many epochs or tcnis accord- ing to which coins are dated : The Seleucid sera begins B.C. 312. The Pompeian ,, B.C. 63. The Csesarian ,, B.C. 4801-47. The Augustan or Actian sera begins B.C. 31. OF THE DENOMINATIONS OF GREEK COINS. The unit of account in Greece was the drachm. The weight of the drachm was not everywhere identical. It ranged, as a rule, between about 55 and 95 grs. troy. For purposes of cal- culation it may be taken in a general way as the ancient equi- valent of our modern shilling or franc. Of the various standards of weight which prevailed in different parts of the Greek world, the Attic standard was the most widely diffused. The weights of the various denominations, according to this standard, are as follows : The Talent = 405,000 grs. troy") Mina (,V of the Talent ) = 6,750 grs. troy J Tetradrachm Didrachm Drachm = Tetrobol Triobol Diobol = Trihemiobol = Obol Hemiobol Tetartemorion = 270 grs. troy 135 67-5 45 3375 .- 22'5 16-8 11-25 5-62 2-81 = 6,000 drachms. : 100 drachms. = 4 drachms. = * ?> = 4 obols. .7 drachm or 3 obuL. = 2 obols. = i.V obols. = I obol. The other standards are the .Eginetic (drachm 97 grs.) ; the rhcenician (drachm 56 grs.); the Rhodian (drachm 60 grs.); the Persian (drachm 88 grs.). The other denominations of the above standards may be easily got at by multiplying or dividing the drachms as in the Attic standard. Larger denominations than the tetradrachm are rare, but octaclrachms, decadrachms, etc., etc., occur at some towns. The unit in copper was called the chalkous ; but its weight does not appear to have been definitely fixed like that of the silver drachm. The Attic gold money was regulated according to the same standard of weight as the silver. The gold unit of account was, however, not the drachm, but the staler, as it was called, equi- GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. 117 valent in weight to the didrachm, and in value to 20 drachms of silver. As a rule, the denomination of a Greek coin can only be de- termined by weighing it. Marks of value occur, however, on the copper of Italy, Sicily, etc. ; but these coins follow a system foreign to Greece proper (see below). OF THE ARRANGEMENT OF A CABINET OF GREEK COINS. Greek coins are classified in all great collections in geogra- phical order, as follows : The towns under each province should be arranged alphabetically, for convenience of reference. We have only space here to mention a few of the principal cities : EUROPE. Cities, Islands, Tribes, ffings, etc. Emerita. Carteia, Gades. Emporin;, Osca, Rhoda, etc. Arverni. Massilia, Nemausus. Lugdunum. Atrebates, etc., Camuloclunum. Populonia. Tuder. Hatria. Roma. Beneventum. Larinum. Capua, Cumce, Neapolis, Nola. Arpi, Cfelia, Teate, Venusia. Brundusium , Tarentum. Metapotum, Posidonia, Thurium, Velia. Croton, Locri, Rhegium, Terina. Agrigentum, Camarina, Gela, Ilimera, Leontini, Messana, Naxos, Segesta, Seli- nus, and Syracuse. Agathocles, Hicetas, Iliero IT., Philistis, Gelo, Hieronymus. Provinces. SPAIN. Lusitania Baetica Tarraconensis GAUL. Aquitania Narbonensis Lugdunensis Belgica BRITAIN. ITALIA. Etruria Umbria Picemun Vestini Latium Samnium Frentani Campania Apulia Calabria Lucania Bruttii SICILY. A'in,ifs, etc., of GREEK AND ROMAN COINS, Siculo-Punic Islands of Sicily TAURIC CHER-" SONESE SARMATIA DACIA. MCESIA SUPERIOR MCESIA INFERIOR 'I'll RACE TIIRACIAN CHER- SONESE Kings of Thrace Islands of Thrace P/EONIA, Kings. MACEDON, Cities Tribes Kings oj THESSALY ILLYRICUM EPIRUS Island of Kings of ACARNANIA Island of LOCRIS PHOCIS BCEOTIA ATTICA Islands of MEGARA. ELIS Solus, Motya, Panormuj, Lipara, Sardinia. Panticapaeum. Olbia, Tyra. Viminacium. Istrus, Marcianopolis, Nicopolis, Tomt. Abclera, /Enus, Byzantium, Maronea, Perinthus, Philippopolis. Carclia, Coela, Lysimachia. Seuthes, etc., Rhcemetalces, etc. Imbros, Lemnos, Samothrace, Thnsos, Lycceius, Patraus, Audoleon. Acanthus, Amphipolis, Chalcidice, Lete, Neapolis, Pella, Philippi, Pydna, Thes- salonica. Bisaltce, Orrescii. Alexander I., Perdiccas II., Archelaus I., Amyntas III., Philip II., Alexander the Great, Philip III., Cassander, Lysi- machus, Demetrius I., Antigonus I. and II., Philip V., Perseus. ./Enianes, Crannon, Larissa, Pharsalus, Pkeree. Apollonia, Dyrrachium. Cassope, Damastium, Nicopolis. Corcyra. Alexander I., Pyrrhus. Qiniaclae, Thyrreum. Leucas. Federal coins. Opus, Amphissa. Delphi. Coronea, Ilaliartus, Orchomenus, Tanagra, Thebes, Thespire. Athens, Eleusis. Eubcea (with its towns, Chalcis, Carystus, Eretria, Histiosa), Salamis. , etc., Corinth, Patrcc, Phlius, Sicyon. Eiis. GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. Islands of Elis MESSEXIA LACONIA ARGOLIS ARCADIA CRETE AX ISLANDS Cephallenia, Zacynthus. Messene. Lacedremon. Argos, Epidaurus, Troezen. Henea, Megalopolis, Pheneus, Stymphalus. Cnossus, Gortyna, Hierapytna, Phrestus. Ceos, Naxos, Siphnos, Syros, Tenos, etc. ASIA. Provinces. Cities, Islands, Tribes, Kings, etc. BOSPORUS Phanagoria. COLCHIS Dioscurias. PONTUS Amisus, Ainasia, Trapezus. Kings of Pont its ) Mithradates IV., Pharnaces I., Mithradates and Bosporus \ VI. the Great, etc. PAPHLAGOXIA Amastris, Sinope. BITHYNIA Chalcedon, Cius, Heraclea (Timotheus, Dionysius, Amastris). Kings of Nicomedes I., II., and III., Prusias I., II. MYSIA Cyzicus, Lampsacus, Pergamus. Kittys of Perga- mus Philetaenis, the Attalids TROAS Abydos, Alexandria Troas, Ilium, Scepsis. Island of 7'roas Tenedos. y^oi.is Cyme, Myrina, Temnos. Islands ofsEolis Lesbos (Methymna, Mytilene). IOXIA Clazomencc, Colophon, Ephesus, Erylhroe, Magnesia, Miletus, Smyrna. Islands of Ionia Chios, Samos. CARIA Cnidus, Halicarnassus, Stratonic^a. Kings of Carlo, Hecatomnus, Mausolus, Hidrieus, Pixo- darus. Islands of Caria Calymna, Cos, Rhodes lalysus, Camirus, Lindus). LYCIA Cragus, Myra, Patara, Phaseli?, etc. PAMPHYI.IA Aspendus, Perga, Side. PISIDIA Antiochia, Sagalassus, Selge. ISAURIA and LY- CAONIA Iconium, etc. CiLiClA Celenderis, Mallus, Soli, Tarsus, etc. CYPRUS Paphos, Salamis. Kings of Cyprus Baalmelek, Azbaal, Evagoras, Nicocles, etc, LYDIA S^rdes, Tralles, etc. 120 GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. PHRYGIA Apamea, Cibyra, etc. GALATIA Ancyra, Pessinus, etc. Kings of Gafatia Amyntas, etc. CAPPADOCIA Cresarea, etc. Kings of Cappct' doria Ariarathes, Ariobarzanes, etc. ARMENIA, Kings of Tigranes, Artavazdes, etc. SYRIA, Kings of Seleucus I. (Nicator), Antiochus I. (Soter), AntiochusIII. (the Great), etc., etc. COMMAGENK Samosata, Zeugma. GYRRHESTICA Beroea, Hierapolis. GHALCIDENE Chalcis. SELEUCIS and PIERIA Antioch. CCELE-SYRIA Damascus, Heliopolis, Laodicea ad Liba- num. TRACHONITIS with ITUR^EA Cresarea-Paneas. DECAPOI.IS Canatha, Gadara, Philadelphia, etc. PHCEXICE Byblus, Marathus, Sidon, Tyre. Island of Aradus. GALIL^A Ace (Ptolemais), Sepphoris (Dioccesarea), Tiberias. SAMARIA Csesarea, Joppa, Sebaste. JUD/EA /Elia Capitolina (Jerusalem), Ascalon, etc. Jiid&a, Kings of Simon Maccabosus, Alexander Jannceus, Herod the Great, Agrippa, etc., etc. ARABIA Bostra, Philippopolis. MESOPOTAMIA Carrhre, Edessa (Kings Mannus, Abgarus, etc. BABYLONIA, King of Timarchus. ASSYRIA Niniva (Claudiopolis). PARTHIA, Kings of Arsaces I. and his Successors. PERSIA, Kings of Darius, the son of Hystaspes, Xerxe?, Artaxerxes, etc. BACTRIANA and Sophytes, Diodotus, Euthydemus. INDIA Demetrius, Eucratides, Heliocles, Euthy. Kings of clemus II., Pantaleon, Agathocles, Anti- machus, etc., etc. CHARACENE, Kings of Tirceus, Artabazes, Attambilus, etc. GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. 121 AFRICA. Provinces. Cities, Islands, Ti ibes, Kings, etc. EGYPT, 77ie Ptole- < Ptolemy I. (Soter), Ptolemy XIII. and male Kings of. \ , Cleopatra. Alexandria, Im- perial M. Antony, Galerius. The Nomcs. CYRENAICA Cyrene, Barca. SYRTICA Leptis Magna, Oea. BYZACENE Haclrumetum, etc. ZEUGITANA Carthage, Utica, . The Dioscuri. Mark of value X The Quinarius ( = 5 Asses). Similar types ,, VorQ The Sestertius (=2i Asses). ,, ,, IIS Afterwards anotherdenomination called the Victoriatuswas added : GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. 123 Ol~<.>. Head of Jupiter ; Rev. Victory crowning a trophy. This was a coin of Campanian origin, and its value was J of the denarius. The types of the silver money, at first constant and uniform, were subsequently varied according to the pleasure of the officers en- trusted with the supervision of the coinage. The types of the Roman denarii of the last century of the Republic generally con- tain allusions to past (but never or very rarely to contemporary) events connected with the family of the moneyer. Hence such pieces may be called Family coins, but to give this name to the whole series of Republican denarii is incorrect. At first it is supposed that the direction of the Roman mint was entrusted to the Consuls themselves, but it was not long before special magistrates were appointed from time to time to superintend the currency. These Triumviri or Tresviri Mone- tales were officially designated as Tresviri auro argento acre llando feriundo, a title abbreviated on some coins to II1VIR. A. A. A. F. F. The adjective Monetalis referred to the temple of Juno Moneta, in which the mint was situated, and from this epithet of Juno our modern word "Money" is derived. It is usual, though not strictly scientific, to arrange a cabinet of Roman Republican denarii under the family names of the money - ers, in alphabetical order. As the family name does not always occur upon the coin, the following table of surnames and of the families to which they belong will be found useful to the young collector in arranging his coins. Surname. Family. Surname. Family. Surname. Family. Acisculus Valeria. Brutus Junia. Cinna Cornelia. Agrippa Luria. Buca /Emilia. Codes. Horatia. Vipsania. Bursio Julia, Cordus Mucia. Ahala Servilia. Coeicianus Cassia. Cossus Cornelia. Ahenobarbus Domitia. Csepio Servilia. Costa Pedania. Albinus Postumia. Caesar Tulia. Cotta Aurelia. Antiaticus Mxnia.' Caldus Coelia. Crassipes Furia. Aquinus Csecilia. Capella Naevia. Crassus I .icinia. Asiagenes Cornelia. Capito Fonteia. Cnnidia. Atratinus Sempronia. ,. Maria. Crispiims Quinctia. AuBuriiuis Minucia. tf Oppia. Croto Met ilia. Hala .-Elia. Capitolinus Petillia. Dossenus Rubria. llalbus Acilia. Carbo Papiria. Fabatus Rosci^. Antonia. Casca Servilia. Faustus Cornelia. Atia. Cato Porcia. FelLx Cornelia. n Cornelia. Catullus Valeria. Flaccus Rutilia. ;i Xaevia. Celer Cassia. ' Valeria. Thoria. Celsus Papia. Flavins Decimia. Bassus Bctiliena. Censorinus Marcia. Florus Aquillia. Bibulua Calpurnia. Cerco Lutatia. Fostulus Pompeia. Blandus Rubellia. Cestianus Plsetoria. Frugi Calpurnia. Blasio Cornelia. Cethegus Cornelia. GaHeria] Memmia. Brocchus Furia. Chilo, Cilo Flaminia. Galba Sulpicia. 124 GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. Surname. Family. Surname, Family. Surname. Family. Gallus Asinia. Natta Pinaria. Salinator Oppia. Caninia. Xerva Cocceia. Saranus Atilia. Gemiiius Aburia. Licinia. Sasema Hostilia. Geta Hosidia. > Silia. Saturninus Appuleia, Grag[ulus] Antes tia. Nomentanus Atilia. Saxula Clovia. Gracchus Sempronia. Nonianus Conbidia. j Scaeva Junia. Hemic... Flavia. Otho Salvia. Scarpus Pinaria. Hypsaeus Judex Plautia. Vettia. Paetus /Elia. Considia. Scaurus ./Emilia. Aurelia. Junianus Licinia. Palikanus Lollia. Scipio Cornelia. Kalenus Fufia. Pansa Vibia. Secundus Arria. Labeo. Fabia. Paullus ./Emilia. Ser . . . Manlia. Labienus Alia? Philippus Marcia. Silanus Junia. Laeca Porcia. Philus Furia. Silianus Licinia. Lamia ^Elia. Pictor Fabia. Silus Sergia. Lariscolus Accoleia. Piso Calpurnia. Sisenna Cornelia. Lentulus Cornelia. Pitio Sempronia. Spinther Cornelia. Lepidus /Emilia. Pius Caecilia. Stolo Licinia. Libo Marcia. Pompeia. Strabo Volteia. fj Scribonia. Plancus Munatia. Sufenas Nonia. Licinus Porcia. j Plautia. Sulla Cornelia. Limetanus Mamilia. Platorinus Sulpicia. Sulpiciamis Quinctia. Longinus Cassia. Pulcher Claudia. Surdinus X