THE HARMONY OP THE OR, NONE BUT CHRIST: Wherein is infallibly declared that all Prophets in the Time of the Law, or under the first Commission, and all Apostles and Ministers in the Time of the Gospel, do each of them unanimously agree in their Doctrine / concerning GOD. And that according- to the Doctrine of the third Com- mission, which Doctrine was in thertwo first Commis- sions, and is more fuller in this, befog" the Commissions of the Spirit; namely, that there is None but CHRIST, None but CHRIST : no other GOD but our Lord Jesus Christ, now in Heaven glorified. THE FRIST RECORD EVIDENCED. Unto us a Child is born: unto us a Son is given: He shall be called the mighty God and the everlasting Father. Isa; ix. 6. THE SECOND RECORD EVIDENCED. Great is the Mystery of Godliness ; GOD manifested in Flesh. There are three that bear Record in Heaven. Sj-c. I. John v. THE THIRD RECORD EVIDENCED. In the Days of the Voice of the seventh Angel, when he shall begin to sound, the Mystery of GOD shall be Jinished. BY THOMAS TOMKINSON First written in the Year of our LORD GOD 1692; revised and abridged by the AUTHOR, and Printed in the Year 1757. REPRINTED FOR J. MAY, BY T. C. AN.VALI,, DEAL Stack Annex Stack gagQ ^>- Annax 200 NONE BUT CHRIST. CHAP. I. Shewing- how that Moses, his Faith and Doctrine was pitched upon GOD'S be- coming- Flesh and so a Saviour. SECT. I. T\TO sooner was man fallen and life lost, Mouft but Moses tells us of a gracious promise te lony in these words ; the seed of the woman shall Gen. m. is. break the serpent's head. Now, from my faith, who have learned under the commission of the spirit, it is as much as if God the creator should say, " Hath the serpent angel that I cast out * 3. of Heaven for his rebellion, undone thee ; X xn. is. now my mercy is such, as that it shall oc- XFiii 18 casion thy greater glory through patience in suffering, and belief in my words, for I will become seed ; yea very man, that I may die for thy ransom : but he, that hath 4 2 undone rr _- NONE BUT CHRIST. undone thee shall be undone, for I will break his head with an eternal blow. Thou shalt die but one death, but he shall die not only a first death, but a second death also : thy death is but the braising of the heel; therefore have patience for these thy sufferings, and have faith as to thy re- demption from the same*." Here now is the true God made manifest by JWoses to become seed of Adam's seed, and flesh of his flesh ; so that Adam being the seed or nature of God, God would take upon him his own seed of the light of life eternal that he might raise the seed of Adam to a distinct glory like unto himself. 3 Therefore, from hence I infer, they that will have a God disunited from the seed and nature of Adam, will never find a saving God, but the seed of Adam as they were first taught by Moses, and ever after by true prophets and apostles ever more to worship God as hidden in man, or as be- coming man. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whom Moses makes the father of the faithful, worshipped God * See the confirmation of this doctrine aforesaid by references to other prophets and apostles writings. Rev. xii. 12. Rom. ix. 18. Acts xiii. 23. Rom. i. 3. Heb. ii. 14, 16. Isa. liii. 8,9,.10. Jude vji. Mat*. xxv. 46. NONE BUT CHRIST, God as becoming man, and so a Jesus or Saviour : therefore, when God told Abra- ham : That in his seed all the nations of the world should be blessed, gave Abraham to understand; that he would become seed. Therefore said that seed, when he was come, " Abraham saw my day and was glad," the covenant that God made to Vx"u Abraham was as a glass, in which he be- xxli - 18 - held his Redeemer in a body of flesh, every time that God blessed Abraham; Abraham in that blessing saw Christ, God, Man in a body of flesh and bone, of his seed blessed for ever ; and beheld him as the one only and alone true God, not minding any God or Father distinct from him. When Abraham was offering up his son, as soon as God bad him stay his hand, he looked and saw a ram in a bush, then did his faith see God ready to suffer when he saw that ram die, and the blood run out; then from that type he saw the antitype, even the blood of that immaculate lamb run out as a river to wash away the sins of all his spiritual seed. Moreover, where his son Isaac was of- fered intentionally, there was the God of heaven offered really; hence it is that Abraham 6 NONE BUT CHRIST. tettferan Abraham gives that place the name of Je- hovath Iruth, which signifies, " in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen." This mount of the Lord was all Abra- hams spiritual seed ; this was the house of that Jehovah, or Jesus, and it is they only that see what is wrought there upon that hill or mount $ion ; none others knew the nature oi that work of redemption ; for in this mount oi' the Lord is salvation wrought by this Jehovah becoming Jesus, and no where else. SECT. II. Again JWoses declares Isaacs God to be Gen.xxTiii. M- the same with Abraham's having the same blessings; it runs all upon this; in thee and in thy seed shall all the nations (or elect in all nations) be saved; and so also with Jacob; in all which was the fountain or lite orsalvation but by God's becoming flesh. After Jacob had seen the vision and re- ceived the blessing, then was he strongly confirmed in the faith of his (rod's becom- viii.i7. ing flesh to save him and his seed; this is the house of God (saith Jacob] this is the gate of heaven ; here Jacob saw that God was NONE BUT CHRIST, was to come down from heaven to take seed ^^ of him (whose house he and his seed was) rer w. and he saw the ladder reared, and all the three commissions were as three staves to the ladder. In that place did Jacob set up a stone that lay under his head for his pillow, and hallowed it, calling it by the name of Bethel, the house of God ; that stone was the pillar the house stood on ; for the stone that was under his head was him that David called, the lifter up of his head, Psal. iii. 3. It was not a material stone, though that was made the sign of it ; but it was a stone cut out of the mountain of Bethlem Judath for Christ came of Judath, so Judath be- came the praise of God and the head of Israel; for the headstone was hewn out there. See and compare Dan. ii. 34. Mica. v. 2. Matt ii. 6. The stone that was Jacob's pillow was Jacob's God and Jacob's guide and Israel's shepherd ; Therefore, said Jacob, when he blessed Joseph upon his death-bed, that the arms of Joseph were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob : from r ^ n *s & t/ / / UCU. . which is the shepherd, the stone of Israel. 24 ' Who now was this shepherd and stone of .Israel) 8 tfONE BUT CHRIST. Simon Israel, but Jesus Christ the Lord? and who was this Christ ? but the mighty God of Jacob ; none but the true Israel knows the voice of this shepherd, nor hath his head lift up by any other stone but by this living stone. See and compare Matt. xxi. 42. Luke Ti\\. 17. Psal. xlv. 3. Esa. ix 6. Psal. in. 3. I. Pet. ii. 4. Zech. iii. 9; SECT. III. HI e JWoses, having given us a description of the God of our fathers, goes farther, shew- ing more abundantly in his other books of God's becoming flesh, or man, to die for man ; and therefore he tells us, that God in his commission to him did proclaim himself the God of Abraham, the God of *w. 14. Isaac, and the God of Jacob ; and that he called himself to him by the name of 7 am. - Now Jesus thai was born of a virgin two thousand years after, declared himself to be that I am. Now this I am first, and I am last, Alpha and Omega, excludes all co-partners ; for none is to share with the Holy One of Israel. See and compare Isa. xliv. 6. John viii. 58. Rev. i. 17. Isa, xlii. 8. Now NONE BUT CHRIST. 9 Now this / am, was the Lord that Moses f/Slmony. said should reign for ever and ever. See Exod " xr * Duet. vi. 14. and xviii. 15. and that he should become a prophet himself like unto him. Now Closes was a great prophet, but most of his works was in giving forth a fiery law unto the rational nature of that nation of the Jews, and an external and visible worship also, which was to serve for the seed of reason. For there was written the law in the seed and nature of reason, which is the angels nature. Now Moses acted as a God in the person of the angel, or tree of knowledge of good and evil, and so his giving forth that outward letter of the law to that seed, was to shew that law more plain that was written within, and to en- lighten reason in its way to do as he is done 24. unto, but not as he would be done unto, that only reaches faith's nature. Matt. v. 38. 39. and vii. 12. xxi. Now this law of retaliation reason counts just, but then it comes to be pinched in this, in that the law doth condemn reason for not doing that as the letter of the law doth say thou shalt do or not do : now this law working a fear of eternal death, puts reason 10 NONE BUT CHRIST. reason on to fast and pray, and to offer Gen. iv. 3. sacr jfi ce anc i to work for life. Isa. i, 11, and Iviii. 3. Therefore when Moses had given reason a law, he gave him an outward visible ta- bernacle, as also he gave them several out- ward legal ceremonies, which was to signify the true tabernacle itself, and that true spi- ritual worship that did belong to it, being as a pattern to set forth those spiritual and heavenly things that were to be acted in the commission of Jesus; but reason being blind, it could never see into the substance, but rested in the shadow. See Heb. viii. 5. Acts vii. 53. Heb. ix. 5, 9, and x. 1. Now the elect seed of Abraham, they had not this law given unto them; for ?f. grace came not by Moses but by Jesus- Gen.iii. John i. 17, yet did they worship in that i*. 13. visible temple ; but then they by faith saw the substance which now I am coming to set forth, only this, by the way, that we may see what the substance of the law is, and in what nature it was written, and how by it is kept in awe, which proves beneficial to the innocent seeds of faith, the seeds of the Lord's own body. SECT. BUT CHRIST. 11 Bfoses^t testimony. SECT. IV. All the ceremonial worship, with the manner and nature of it, did all prefigure the coining of God in flesh, behold some instances when Israel passed through the Red-sea, the elect Israel received a spi- ritual baptism from the penetrating waters of the clouds. The rock that JMoses smote Numb. **, was the faith of God's becoming flesh ; for Paul said after that, that rock was Christ, 1 Cor. x. 1 . Observe, it is said, that that rock followed them; which rock was Christ. Now this Christ was called by JMoses the angel of God : now although Paul's Christ was called by Closes the angel of the Lord, Exod. sir yet is this angel no other but God himself, as you may see Ej'odus iii. where it is thus written, And the angel of the Lord ap- peared unto Moses in a flame of fire, and the Lord God called unto Closes out of the bush, and said, I am the God of thy fathers, fyc. Here faith sees clearly; that that angel Gen Mii was Christ, and that Christ was the God n of Abraham. It is further written, that when A braham stretched out his hand to 12 NONE BUT CHRIST. <"stinon nave slain his son Isaac, that the angel of the Lord called to him out of heaven. Now was this angel of the Lord any other but Christ himself in his spiritual body? This i6. n ' '' is he that is the redeeming angel, accord- ing as Israel said, the angel that redeemed me bless the lads, meaning Ephraim and Manasseh. Wherefore then, as the angel of the Lord is the Lord himself, even so Christ the son of God is God himself: for why may not the title, Son of God, be as truly God, as angel of God is truly God ; yet not all angels of God are God, .o not all that are called sons of God are God ; for there is but one angel of God which is God, and but one son of God which is God, and this angel of God was Christ, and this Exod. xlv. 24. and X v. Christ was the Lord God Almighty, that looked through the clouds upon the Egyp- tians, and became there a man of war, and caused the sea to overwhelm them. This is Israel's God and rock, that Paul .. said they drank of; this was Moses and Duet. XXXH. * xxxiiiTo David's and Peter's rock, in which they drank water of life with honey and oil, All the seed of Israel have but one rock, out of which they suck water and oil, and honey Numb. xx. 8. NOJNK BUT CHRIST. 13 honey which is converted into peace of con- science, joy in the spirit, and assurance of eternal life. The water begets the peace, the oil brings joy, and the honey turns into the assurance of eternal life. See and compare Pml. Ixxviii, 35. John iv. 14. jfra. Ixvi. II. Pml. viii. 2. SECT. V. The manna that the children of Israel E . xod xvi - XD were fed withal in the wilduerness, did P eu |: viii : 3 , Exod. xvi. 4 typify another kind of bread, the elect seed did see into the mystery, and were satisfied with a spiritual food ; for, from these words which God said, / will ram bread from heaven for you, all the true seed looked then for the coming of their Messiah. Jsa. xxxiii. 16. Isa. xlvi. 1. The ignorant and carnal Jews called it manna, which signifies what is this, or what new thing is this, being hidden to them, Revel, ii. 17. so when the true bread came down from heaven, their posterity iv. 6. said, as their fathers, What is this? Whof* od *** is this ? What new doctrine is this > How can this man give us himself to eat ? John vi. 11, The 14 NONE BUT CHRIST. t^mony. This was the consecrated bread, that the Kumb.iv.7. tme p r i ests did k] esSj t j, e hallowed and pure shew-bread continually upon the pure table of gold; this is the holy bread, and only offered by a holy priest that hath no imperfection. Take and eat this bread from the high priest of God, being festival and appointed for every sabbath-day, being for such as are entered into their rest. What was the ground of the priests and holy men of old, at their feasts, to take up 24. J a loaf or shiver of bread in his hand, look- ing up to heaven, and blessing God before they eat, was not there the true bread pointed at, and when Christ came, then the true bread was come, and shewed his disciples it was to be broken for them. The Scribes and Pharisees that sat in JHoses's chair, they observed the outward letter and ceremony in the blessing of the bread, but it wrought no further then, than the bread that perisheth, and every professor now as well as then, if he is for having his righteousness seen when he eats, then straight off with his hat, and his eyes to- wards heaven, but it is but to bless God for that perishing bread that feeds the body ; it is not for the bread he hath eaten to ftteroal NONE BUT CHRIST. 15 eternal life, for of that bread lie bath none, and so is always hungering and thirsting, notwithstanding his eating and drinking. For he neither looks for, nor lacks no God from heaven, that brake his body for him, or shed his blood for him; for his God cannot die, or had any blood to shed, it is the earthly bread, that is his blessing by the law and birth-right, which he claims as his right by his obedience to the letter of the law, Matt. vi. 5, 16. But the true Israel is the true Christian; for to him Christ's body is meat indeed, and his blood that was spilt is drink in- deed ; and he that hath eaten and drunken once by faith in his person, it is enough, do but once eat and drink (not in an out- ward sacramental ceremonial ways, but of the thing signified) and it is enough, eat once, drink once, and live for ever. John vi. 58. This converts prayers into praises, and spiritual meats begets spiritual worship of internal praise, which is invisible proceed* ing from the virtue of this invisible life, quickened by that invisible bread that came down from heaven. John vi. 41. So that all outward worship now it is left 16 NONE BUT CHRIST. Stn kft * ^ :ie hypocrite, who loves to make & fair shew, and for this their long prayers they have their reward in the fruit of the vine, and in this manna or perishing bread which is given them. SECT. VI. Again, the blood that was tor the atone- . ment of sin, was the blood of the immacu- late lamb; all the blood that was offered by the law, was all as a type or figure of the blood of the Lord God, the promised seed to redeem Israel. This blood was a covenant when JWosex lield it up, and said this is the blood of the new covenant, when the blood was sprink- led upon the people, then were they sanc- tified in the virtue of that blood, not in that blood of bulls or goats, but the blood of a lamb ; not in the blood of that lamb that was to be killed at the door of the taber- nacle that was made by J\Ioses, but in the blood of that lamb of God, or the lamb which was God, and was the true taber- nacle; a tabernacle from which the preci- ous blood did issue out; it came out of that house out of that heart, and out of that door, NONE BUT CHRIST. It door, that was made by the spear in the side of Jesus; there it was that the blood came running out, and it was a door for the faith of his elect to enter in, and be cleansed; to apply that blood to itself, and be saved. This was that cleft of a rock in which they fled for refuge. Isaiah iv. 6. Psal xciv. 22. When an atonement was to be made by 6. blood, the offering was to be killed by the side of the altar, and the blood wrung out there by the door of the tabernacle, then was part of that blood sprinkled round about upon the altar, and Moses was to take of the blood that was upon the altar, and to sprinkle it with the anointing oil upon Aaron, his sons, and upon their gar- ments, and they should be hallowed. The sanctification was from the blood as it .first came, and was sanctified from the altar, and the oil had its virtue as from the altar; the altar was first sanctified, and then all from the life of it was sanctified, and reconciliation wrought thereby. Now as to the spiritual sense, Christ was afterwards made plain to be both the offer- ing and the altar; for when he was come, he sanctified himself, that all might be sanctiiied 18 NONE BUT CHRIST; sanctified in him. Hcb. xiii. 10. John xviL In a word, Christ is the true temple, the altar, the priest, he to whom it was offered, and he that was offered. The priests of the ceremonies were all for shadows of good things to come: all the offerings they were of no esteem by the Lord, when there was not an eye that could pierce through the ceremony, and see into the substance, and walk by that, and that it was a lamb without spot that was capa- ble to make an atonement ibr sin, even God himself, by the shedding of his pre~ cious blood. This was the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and it was the iaith of Enoch first, and of all the twelve patriarchs, as is seen by their blessings to their spiritual children, and it was the faith of JWoses, the first writer of holy writ, and God's first witness, as abundantly further might be shewed, but this may be enough to satisfy the elect. So that by the testimony of JMoses, There is none but Christ, none but Christ, no other God but the man Christ Jesus our Lord, now in glory, in a body of flesh and bone blessed for ever. Amen. CHAP. NONE BUT CHRIST. 19 CHAP. II. Shewing- hoiv David's Faith and Doctrine was pitched upon GOD as becoming- man, and for a Saviour and Redeemer, and so made himself capable to suffer the pains of death for the redemption of him and all his elect seed. SECT. I. Psalm the first, David brings in the *~ testimony. man as blest that delight in the law of Psal - !i 12 and ix. 10. the Lord, and in Psalm cxix. he counteth and xix - 8 and cxix. 171. him an undefiled, or a perfect man that doth so. Now this Lord is Jehovah be- coming Jesus, and this law was to keep his statutes ; which statutes was to believe in him, and trust in him with that aftiance that he would become flesh. So that he that had this law of faith ^ xix 7 and csix. 1. given him, he would worship the law-giver, r 7 142 which is no other but Jesus. See Isa. ii. 3. viii. 16. li. 4, 7. John i. 17. Now such a godly man is to have thepMiiuia. 9 ?. blessing of beiug directed, of keeping ail c the NONE BUT CHRIST p rece pts, and to be fruitful in the know- testimony ledge and love of his redeeming Lord, and to stand in the judgment, and to be justified in the same. f^ 4 6 Therefore it is said, that the Lord know- eih the way of the righteous; that is, he ap- proveth of it, and justifieth their faith; but as for the other side, that set themselves against the true God, and his spiritual worshippers, they shall not stand in judg- ment, but shall be dashed in pieces by him whom they esteemed not to be God. Isa xix. 3. Luke xix. 27. Jer. xx. 11. Isa. viii. 10. In Psalm the second, David shews the decree how that God would become man> and humble himself into the name of a son, ver. 2. and this should become a stumbling block to kings and rulers ; so that they should take counsel against this son, and so against God, saying, the kings of the earth set themselves against the Lord, and against his Christ. This doth not mean that the Lord and Christ are two distinct persons ; and though ^er. 6. it is said, Let [us] break their bands, and again, I will set my king upon my holy hill of Sion, and agaiu, t/iou art my son, ask of me, &c No\v NONE BUT CHRIST. Now these plurality of words, do not 2Jjy. make plurality of persons, but of titles J sa only, which is occasioned from the two natures of diety and humanity united in one person ; for observe, when it comes to the work, it centres again in one person, as ver. 6. it is said, then shall [he] speak unto them in [his] wrath, and vex them in [his] sore displeasure. Now this [he'] in the single person is no other but. Christ, that son that should pour out his wrath upon his enemies, as is plain by the last verse, saying, Kiss the son lest he be angry, and you perish through his anger. That is, submit yourself, and worship the Psal xlv l son with a divine adoration, for he is God, and will rule over all rebels with a rod of iron. Isa. xlix. 7. Zeph.ii. 11. That Christ is the one only and alone true God, it is evident by David in this place ; for first, he is set upon Sions hil! 5 to be Sion's king and God, and to govern it by laws spiritual. Secondly, He hath attained to have all Psal. ii 8 the elect for his inheritance, and his extent is to the uttermost parts of the earth, where then should there be any other God ; for if he have all in possession, then all other Gods are excluded from government. 22 NONE BUT CHRIST. Thirdly, This son is said to be of that pMLoc.*. Pwer, as to dash all his, and his saints enemies to powder, who shall make laws to subject and hinder Sion from worship- ping their king that is set upon their hill, and therefore, upon pain of damnation, are required to be so wise as to submit to him either feignedly or unieignedly. Isa. xl. 10. Rev. xii. 5. Psai. i. 11. Fourthly, Who should this son of God be, but God himself, seeing all divine wor- ship is to be performed to him. Lastly, This Christ must needs be father ver 12. * Psai.xi.4. as well as son, seeing that all such are pro- nounced cursed that reject him for their governor, and all those pronounced blessed that put their trust in him. All these sayings of waiting, hoping and trusting in God, have all a dependence of the promise of God's becoming flesh, and so a son to redeem, and may be alj applied hither. SECT. II. David, in the third Psalm, finding great opposition betwi *t his, and his Lord's ene- mies, because he pitched his faith upon a God NONE BUT CHRIST. 23 God in the form of a man, the reviling this God, as in Psalm ii. do now set themselves Psai. ixxi. against all that put their trust upon this son of God, and therefore they tell David, and all that are of his faith, that their God is a weak God, and there is no help for them in him, and so conclude with a Selath, as a note of their great rejoicing. It is as if they should say, his God is not our God, our God is a paternal fire or spirit, God without any body ; that is, so vastly infinite as to be every where at one, and the same time, and is amongst us, and lives in us, but he looks upon his God to be a substance, and in heaven at a distance, and looketh, and expecteth, and waiteth for his coming down to this earth, and to con- quer for him here in a body or person like himself, and that he shall suffer death. This is a God like to help him indeed ! Let him fly like a bird to this God, and psalxil see what he can do for him, but there will cxim. 9. be no help for him in this his mortal and dying God : we will not wait for such a God, for such a God cannot help him. Ha, ha ! we shall see it, Selath. David, seeing how the enemy reproached m. 3. him, he the more trusted in his God, say- ing; 24 NONE BUT CHRIST. m > *h u Lo>d, art a shield for me, my 2. gi or y a j i( l the lifter up of my head. As if the prophet should say, still my faith and trust shall support me ; for that which they count my shame, I know to be my glory; for this son of God is a son and a shield about me : for first, he is a sun to 11 enlighten me to walk in his way, and se- condly, he is a shield to defend my head and to guard my heart, and also he is the lifter i* s. up of my head, in that he is the resurrec- tion and the life ; for though my enemy should so far prevail, as to send me down to the grave, yet will I not be dismayed ; for they will prevail so far against my lord, but in a moment his God-head-spirit shall lift up his head, and then will he have at- tained to that power as to raise up my rn. is. head; and I shall sing praise to his name, for salvation belongeth unto all his people. Selath. Again, the pro.phet longed hard for the accomplishment of the promise ; and he, seeing it certain by faith , therefore he brings in the faithful to welcome God to judg- ment. In this Psalm is a song to the praise of Christ, as the most high God ; and the song is continued in the next Psalm, and in NONE BUT CHRIST. 25 in the second verse his power is described, saying; that out of the mouths of sucklings he had ordained truth. David in the 5th verse, speaketh a little intricately, as thus; first saith he, speaking ve of Christ's humiliation, that he was made a little lower than the angels; but the next words exalts him again, saying, thou hast crowned him with glory and honour; which was in these things ; first, in that he had the sole dominion over all things; and se- condly, in that all things are said to be put under his feet. Again, David brings in Christ's man- hood, speaking to his godhead, saying, thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people, and thou hast made me the Psalm ix * head of the heathen. A people shall serve me, hear me, and obey me, fyc. How full are these words ? what God can there then be besides ? The twenty-second Psalm is a prophecy or a rehearsal of all those great sufferings of Jesus in the days of his flesh, and a foretelling of his crying unto God in that time of his passion. So that when Jesus cried ; " my God, my f< God, why hast tiiou forsaken me;" it was to 20 NONE BUT CHRIST. to fulfil this prophecy; for the Creator being become a creature, was to learn obedience ; a wonderful example of humility. SECT. III. David calls the Lord his shepherd, now Israel hath but one shepherd, as I shewed before, now the pasture of these sheep is said to be by the rivers of waters ; now there is no living waters or spiritual pas- ii. Sam. tures but in a personal God, Man, Christ xxiu.15. Jesus; this was that water as David so longed for out of the well of Bet/ilem. This was faith in those days, and the substance of David's prayers and praises; was in pursuit of those gifts and graces promised to God's true prophets for the Psai. ixxii. comfort of elect sons and daughters ofSion; so that I shall abridge my discourse to the Ixxiind Psalm, and to the first verse of the Ixxvith Psalm, and then draw to a con- clusion of this testimony, otherwise my vo- lume will be too large. In Psa. Ixxii. there is a desire or prayer, that the Messiah, the king of Israel may prepare himself for the work of redemp- tion, as verse the first, Secondly, NONE BUT CHRIST. 27 Secondly, in the second verse a promise is made to faith, that he shall come and be judge. The nature of his judgment is two- fold ; first in righteousness, secondly in judgment. The persons to be judged by him are set down in the fourth verse : first he shall judge the poor of the people, se- condly, he shall judge the wicked men and oppressor. Thirdly, the Nature of the judgment is further described ; as thus ; first, he shall judge the poor of the people, that is, he shall find faith in them, and so shall justify them, and give them the seal of the assu- rance of everlasting life. Secondly, he will also meet with the wicked; and then he shall condemn him and break him in pieces in the peace of his mind as in the second Psalm. Again, the 6th and 7th verses are a de- scription of the fruits and effects of that judgment ; first, from this seal of redemp- tion true worship takes place in these words; they shall fear thce, that is, they shall wor- ship thee as long as the sun and moon endures. Secondly, this doctrine of salvation com- ing from heaven, doth so water the earth, D or NONE BUT CHRIST. or Iieart ot> lliatl > as tliat >* becomes fruitful in every good work as joy, love, peace, &c. Thirdly, the extent of this peace is said to be till there be no moon ; so long as there is men on this earth and faith in these men, so long there will be peace. Peace shall never cease springing up ; but, as the influence of the moon causes the fruits of this natural earth to grow and increase, even so will the influence of the son of righteousness make peace to run as a river, making the water of life to run in the vein of faith. Again, the seventh verse is a donation of all unto Christ, declaring him to have do- minion from sea to sea, and so lord of the whole creation; it is further said, that all that live in the wilderness shall bow before him, and kings shall bring presents and fall down before him, and that all nations should serve him. All kings are his vicegerents, for they are in the place of Christ, as he is Creator, and so they judge as Gods. Therefore obedience was ever wild to authority ; for all kings do either feignedly or unfeignedly worship God by words and laws, though they know him not. But the kings that worship NONE BUT CHRIST. 29 David's testimony. worship Christ, as Christ truly, are such as David ' s are spiritually anointed by him; for every Christian is a king, but every king is not a Christian : For although all men acknowledged a God, that are truly rational, yet the Pro-p sa uxxvu. phetsaith, that God is only known mJudah, ]x 7 and that his name is great no where so civ. 2. much as in Israel, now how comes it that God is more known in Judah than else- where ? is it not because it was the way of God from heaven ? for the promise of God's becoming flesh is founded there; salvation begins there; it takes root there; even from Judah, from Jess, and so from David; here is the spring of life, and the God of life, and salvation is known here, being a branch from thence. Isa. Ixv. 9. Doth not that saying of David sound to Ixviii u this sense ? and is it not as if he should say, ixzviu. es my dependence is of Israel, and so of Judah, that out of her the Saviour of the world shall come ; for God shall be incar- Psal. Ixxiii nate, and proceed from princely Judah,**- and shall be a God of substance, and of cxl ... ix man's substance he shall partake, and be both God and man in one blessed and sin- gle person, not an airy God, void of sub- stance. 30 NONE BUT CHRIST. Snfo'ny. StanCC ' * ^ kfl * H P^il. ii. 7- i. 3. Ephesians ii. 2. as the workers of iniquity affirm; for say they, we will break their cords asunder, which are twisted to- gether of God and man ; for we will not have any God that comes out of Judtih- Bethlehem; we will not have a God that h^h man ' s nature in him, we will break xxii. e. those cords and bands of being drawn with a man or a God like a man that is visible, and may be seen. See and compare Hos. xi. 4. Isa. vii. 6, 17. viii. 6. ver. 6, 9, 10, ancTixtv.' 14. Our God springs not out of Judah ; cxini.9. f or out tf Judah comes a substance ; but dc 3 xv 3. God is not a substance that can be seen, felt, or understood; this is to make God subscribed to one place at one time, who is omnipresent in all places at once, therefore let the people fly to this their God like a man, and of man's seed, and see whether he can help them. See JWicah. vii. Isa. vii. 6, and 8. ix. 10, 12 : This was the faith (and language of the enemies of Sion, and Sion's God in the days of old, not only in the heathens that were without the written law of Moses, but of all the carnal seed that made an out- ward profession and pretended obedience to that NONE BUT CHRIST. 31 that law. It is confessed that reason the Sf *, angel's nature fallen can do no less than to acknowledge, there is a God, and that he must be just and holy, and that obedience is due to him ; but the highest, and most piercing reason that is, can never be able to know him truly what he is in his form and nature ; neither doth the written law oi'JUoses; nor the law in nature reveal him any other way, but as their creator and preserver, with a tye of obedience to his revealed law of nature, but not the revealed law of faith, that's not for them. Therefore it is that the God of truth ever avails his blessed person to reason, and Psa i. TXXV j. reveals himself to faith; because he will XC vm X xcix. save that seed ; and his way to save the xwa. utt. house of this true Israel is to become seed of that seed, and in this seed he is only to be known, and his name is to be great here, after he hath wrought their redemp- tion by his death and resurrection ; the pro- phet David saw this, and left it upon Re- cord for a comfort to all the elect seed, he x i v ii. i. 6 by faith saw the manner of his triumph over sin, death, hell and the grave, in his glori- ous ascension ; and therefore with admira- tion cries out, saying; God is gone up with a 32 NONE BUT CHRIST. a s h u t > s i tl g praises. This was Jesus Christ, and this was David's God, that was Psal. xxii6. , -i despised by the world, but was great in Judah, and known only to Israel. So that by the testimony of David, there is none but Christ! none but Christ! no other God but the man Christ Jesus our Lord, though man and all the seed of the fallen angels should gainsay it. CHAP. III. Shewing- how that the prophet Isaiah 's faith and doctrine was wholly fixed upon God's becoming- flesh; and he had no other worshipped, nor taught, expected, ivaited, or looked for any other saving God but Christ the Lord only. SECT. I. ALTHOUGH the prophet Isaiah lived ttimony. severa i hundred of years before the Incarnation of God ; yet was all faith fixed upon him in a body of flesh and bone ; for the prophet shewed that his birth in a vir- gin's seed was Sions birth, salvation and assurance ; for as soon as he took our na- r ture NONE BUT CHRIST. ture and Godhead united with manhood, as soon as he had brought himself the first begotten of God, then came man actually to be entered into the salvation : therefore said the prophet, that out of Sion shall go s^Yi^is, forth the word, and that word should judge ai among the nations. JWicah iv. 2. Psal. ex. 6. These things will be in their time said XXX i. i, 2. the prophet, and he then intimates that the lviiL2 ,3 saints oppressors, that made us fly to our rock, they should then fly to their light of reason, which is their rock ; but saith he, their rock shall not save them, though their reason which is their rock, tells them that their bow and their shield shall save , ,! , in Chap. ii. 19. them, and their strong horses shall save them, which are their formalties in their rationality, Psal. xxxiii. 14. 16. but they that fight against Israel's God, shall be tumbled down into the dust by that God-Man that comes out of Sion, though ver . 21. they be the great men of the earth, called tall cedars, but they be brought into the dust by a first death ; yet this our God- Man that is to judge amongst the nations shall raise them again out of their holes, then will the sight of him be terrible, which will make them desire they might go 34 NONE BUT CHRIST. d wn m to their holes again for fear of his majesty, even Jesus Christ, Sion's God and king. It is good to mind what the prophet saith concerning God, because he did see the person of God. Some of the Jewish Rabbies say, that Isaiah was put to death, because he held that God was corpereal ; Whether this was so or no, it matters not, but certain it is, that Isaiah did behold the similitude of God as well as JMoses, tsa. vl. 5. therefore mind well that prophet's doctrine that hath seen God; he will speak won- derful things of God ; that prophet's doc- trine will run all of God hidden in man, or becoming man. And now to the pro- phet's doctrine, he upon the description of the vision of God, cries out, saying, Woe is me, lam a man undone, I am of unclean lips, and yet mine eyes have seen the hing, the Lord of Hosts. Now this kinaf and Lord of Host, was no 1S5*. Xl. Av* * 13 - other but the apostle's Jesus, whom they worshipped under that title of Son or Savi- our. See J\Iatt. xiii. 14. John xii. 40, 41. I* 1 chap. vii. there is said to be a conspi- 12. rac j against Judah, but said the prophet Judah shall stand, and he gives Ahaz the king NONE BUT CHRIST. 85 king a sign of it, and the sign was the thing JjJ y< signified, saying in this manner, A virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and call his name Emanuel, or God with us. JMatt. i. This sign is given to a king, and yet a sign that should every where be iought against by kings and rulers. Therelore the prophet, in this chapter and the next, speaking of the enemies of truth that fight against the true God, under the name of Rezen king of Syria, and Pekath, who took evil counsel against Judah, refusing the waters of Shiloh that go softly, with- ^ a viil 12 out noise, which waters was the doctrine of the JHessias. Therefore, say they, Let us go up against Judah, and vex her ; and his enemy was king Rezen and Reason, the king that xx , <83t Tophet was prepared lor. It is the seed of the fallen angel, and the piercing wisdom of that seed, that do as the prophet saith, band themselves as one man to fight against spiritual Judah. Now, their going up against Judah, was vi 5>0 . to go against the God of Judah, but the JJS; l"\\ 2 ' world was then as it is now, not to worship via. n'. 1 ' a God that should take seed of Judah, but, said the prophet, though there be a con- E federacy 36 yoNte BUT emus'! Isaiah's testimony " " f* nmon federacy and consultation against the ser- vants of the true God, yet no counsel against that Lord should stand, though all opinions in religions stand against the faith and worship due to this son born of a virgin, though he be God with us, yet will he prove to be God against them. Therefore said the prophet, fear them not, for though of your own family, your tribe and kindred conspire against you, because of your faith in the Lord of Hosts coming ofJudah, yet fear not their power. Let it be in what age it will, but let him be your God, and he will be your sanc- tuary, and a hiding place for you. But unto your kindred, the carnal seed isa.ixv 9. i n both houses, he shall be a stone of viii. 13, 14, is, to 21. stumbling, and a rock of offence, and so shall all his servants his apostles; tor the law is sealed amongst them. Jer. xix. 7. Matt, xii. 14. and xxvi. 59. /. Pet. ii, 8. ix. 1,2,0. Again, in chap. ix. the birth of Christ is described to be wonderful, both in rela- tion to his ministry, person, name, office, and authority. First, he brings him in as a son ; but, secondly, he shews, that though he hath but the denomination of a son, yet nevertheless; he should in time be called by NONE BUT CHRI8T. by the name of mighty God, and everiast- ins: Father. Now this being so, how can isa. x. 20, 21. xxvi. 3, an4 there be anv other God ; for there can be i. io, and J ' xlviii. 2. but one Almighty God. The prophet, in another place, speaking of the restitution of the elect Israel, saith, that they shall return to the mighty God ; who then is lie but the Lord Jesus Christ. The prophet hath no comfort for the elect, jbut by telling them almost at the end of every sentence, that their salvation lay xi nj vet in their God's becoming seed of Abraham's l * 2>9> * seed. And the prophet further sheweth, the peaceable effects of Christ's kingdom, in- somuch as that he saith, nothing shall be hurtful in all tfiqt holt/ mountain, but that the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the hid and calf t and the young child shall lead them. The wolf, the lion, the calf, the cow >X i. 6,7. and the leopard; all the unruly passions of the spirit of reason, the angel's nature- fallen, shall all be subdued and conquered by belief in the true Saviour, and that little child of faith shall lead them and keep them in awe : also the lion shall eat straw with the ox ; that is, that strong spirit of reason NONB BUT CHRIST. reason which was king and master of the house, shall now submit itself to suffering, or be content with a mean estate, diet, or a dinner of herbs ; whatever faith the man child commands, it obeys ; and this is the peaceable kingdom of Christ, that most high and mighty God. Romans, viii. 13. Col. iii. 5. . 10, 11. Again, so glorious shall this rest be, as that it shall (saith the prophet) destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea, and all the seven streams thereof shall be smitten. This shall be accomplished (said the prophet) when the Lord shall set his hand the second time to recover the remnant of his people. Tfye first time that God shall put his hand to recover his people was at that time as that child was born, and Son given, who is said to be the root of Jesse, the promise given was a seal of the performance thereof. The second time that God shall put his hand to the spiritual recovering of his peo- ple, is to be at that time, as this Son is to be called the mighty God, and everlasting Father, and this second time calls the Jews, and makes them know, that this Jesus Christ, their Lord, is that high and mighty i$k Btnp God, and that everlasting Father. Rom. xi. 25, 26. Now at this time, the prophet saith, that the adorers of Jesus with weapons spiritual v JT shall fight against the tongue of the Egyp- tian sea, and the seven streams thereof be- ing the seven anti-churches of Europe. For these undoubtedly are the isles in which great London is fixed, being called the ends of the earth, that at this day are afraid of the stroke from his last witness, that this Jesus Christ is that high and mighty God, and everlasting Father, to ver - e - fulfil the prophecy of Isaiah, the declaration of which moved the isles, so they drew near and came, but Israel chosen out of the isles was assisted to bear witness, and encouraged in this manner. Fear not I am with thee, thou art my ver 10 - servant, and I am thy God, the first and the last ; all that are incensed against thee shall perish, and thou shalt set forth my praise in the islands, now this second time to recover the remnant of my people. chap.xia.i2. This makes the sinners in, Sion afraid, xxxiii w who profess the name of the Son,, but deny him to be the high and mighty God, and everlasting Father. SECT. 40 NONE BUT CHRIST. IsaiaKs testimony. SECT. II. Again, the prophet saith, that the Lord nil. 21, 23, that proceeds from Judah shall have the ppd 24. government in his hand, and shall be a fa- ther to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah, and shall have the l^ey of David to open and none shall shut, and shut and none shall open, is not this the Lord Jesus t and is not this Jesus that Father aforesaid. Rev. iii. 7. Matt. xvi. 27* and xix. $8. Rev. v. 5, and xxii. 16. And though the following verse doth say, they shall hang upon him all the glory of his Father's house, yet there must be no Father but him; for if all the Father's glory be upon him, then is h the Father himself. chap. xxiv. Now he may well be the glory of a Fa- qj oo 03 flier's house; for the prophet brings him in afterwards as a God of such power as to raise the dead, and give reward to all, and that he would swallow up death in victory. See Matt. xi. 5, and xvi. 27. I. Cor. xv. All the redeemed shall own this God to be their God. Isaiah neither owned nor taught the elect any other God ; so that this ; NONE BUT CHRIST. 41 this is the prophet's doctrine, and the Ian- guage of Canaan > the redeemed of the Lord, and all the church's hopes; therefore when he was coming, then was the church in a readiness to receive him, having their faith grounded upon the prophet's spiritual declarations ; for then they should cry out , , 1 T J.1 * ^-1 J in that day, saying, Lo, this is our God, 12. we have waited for him, and he shall save us. This is the Lord, and we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation. The substance of this prophet Isaiah's doctrine runs all upon this God manifested in flesh. Let us trace him a little in his words, for our consolation in truth's con- firmation, and we shall find how the stream of his doctrine runs, which is in this manner. O ye house of Judah, and chosen of xlii 4jandlii God, wait for your Lord, for his promise is w. d 3 lx 9) aud sure, and he hath insured me, that he will come, and by revelation I know it, and am to report the same to his redeemed ones, for he will descend from heaven the throne of his glory, into the lowest part of the earth, a virgin's womb, and will be incar- nate ofJudah's seed, and born of a virgin, and 42 A ONE BUT CHRIST. Sim^ &"** aM power, wisdom, and glory shall be hung upon him: by faith I see these things as already accomplished, because it is sure, I see him by faith to sit upon the throne of David, in the spirit of wisdom, judging tJUe work, and with the rod of his mouth slay- i. 14. ni the wicked : when he comes, his people Jj; 9 i an4 shall know that he is their God by his law *!!ii 4 io. 11. written in their hearts, and they shall hear him say, Behold, it is I, who was the first and am the last, and besides me there is no Saviour, look upon me and be saved; for my glory I will not give to another; I am your God, ye are my witnesses that I am God. Again, as this Son or Saviour of Israel is the true God, and so received by the fiilfV 7 elect, yet by faith I see him despised by all others, and rejected, who set themselves against this Lord, as an imperfect God, because of his sufferings; so that there was no beauty nor comeliness in his person, as to please the principality of the world : therefore they shall despise him and reject him, because he will become a man of sor- rows, and making his bed with the wicked. Yet notwithstanding this, this our Lord 19. . is our resurrection, a sure stone, a precious corner NONE BUT CHRIST. corner stone, and we build upon him for eternal life. This our Lord is wonderful S. .'. in his appearance, and as it were hideth himself in man's nature, yet shall every knee bow unto him. Yet though we wait and trust in this Lord, who is the hope of Israel) yet who will believe this report, that God shall have his glory wrapt up in flesh, and to have his visage so marr'd, that used to shine as the sun : yet he is our God, though by faith I see him coming from Edom with dyed garments, treading the wine-press lr alonej yet mighty to save, giving life by death, who finding none that could do it, neither in heaven nor earth but himself; therefore it was his own arm that brought salvation. This is the loving kindness of UK. IB and the Lord to ransom us, by laying down his life for us. Lo, this is Israel's God, and in this God we glory. Thus by the testimony of this evangelical prophet Isaiah, it is infallibly proved against all gainsayers under heaven, that There is none but Clirist, none but Christ ; , no other God or Saviour but the man Christ Jesus in glory, & CHAP NONE BUT CHRIST HRK CHAP. IV. Shewing hotv the prophet Jeremiah's doc- trine and faith was pitched upon God's becoming flesh, and the just lived by faith in that doctrine. SECT. I. HFHE prophet Jeremiah's doctrine is one and the same with the other before, as to the knowledge and worship of the true God ; namely, that the Creator of Israel is the redeemer of Israel, and the way of this redemption is by God's becoming flesh . All prophets harp on this string, and the apostles play melodiously upon it, and the witnesses of the spirit do finish the mystery. See the references that leads to the mystery. A great part of this prophet's doctrine ch iii e * s ft bout the Jews being carried to Babylon, but the doctrine of their restoration is by him made a type of the deliverance from sin, by the coming of God in a way of a lineal descent, which mysterious sayings puzzled the carnal Jew, but the elect saw into the substance, NONE BUT CHRIST. 45 substance, and could distinguish words jjjjjj^f privative from positive, and temporal from spiritual. But to come to the matter, the prophet shews, chap. iii. what a great apostacy was amongst the Jews, yet saith the prophet a few of them shall be recalled. There is an election, as one of a city, and two of a tribe, that shall be brought to Sion. Now here the prophet contends with the outward Jew; and, in his contention, whis- pers in words of peace and comfort to the elect. So there is an intermixture of judg- ments and mercies, according to the nature of the seeds it is spoken to. Hence it is worth the minding to know when the spirit of revelation speaks to reason, and when to faith, for instance, In verse 12th, the prophet hath these i .,. -r -, , Chap. in. 12. words, Jtieturn tnou backsliding Israel, ana I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you, &c. These words I conceive were spoken to the seed and nature of reason, the angels nature-fallen, who had the law moral writ- ten in the seed, telling them, that all obedience was due to God, and upon this obedience earthly blessings are given as a reward of well-doing But NONE BUT CHRIST. But in the 14th verse i* is said > backsliding children, for I am married unto you, and will take you one of a city and two of a tribe, &c. These words are spoken to the seed and nature of faith, which was the seed of God, and was fallen in Adam. And this nature being fallen, God I ath mercy qn it, and turns it, by giving iliem the knowledge of himself, the other must turn themselves to justice and legal righte- ousness, but faith turneth, or rather is turm-d to embrace the true God, saying, if thou vi - 2 - return, return unto me. This God is God manifested, or to be manifested in flesh, as the next verse proves. But to give a further distinction of the original, from whence truth and falsehood doth arise, as in reference to God, and the worship that pleases him, and to Baal, and f..i6. the worship that pleases him, behold their Ver 26. xvii. 9, 10. play on both sides. First, as to the seed of the fallen angel, it is contrary in its priestly teachings to the seed of fallen Adam, aiter recalled and renewed by the second Adam; for the original of their teaching is not from revelation of faith, but from the dictates and imagination of reason, which NONE BUT CHRIST. 4ff is a deceit of their own heart ; and so they, from their study in reason that is natural? teaph a lye, and a false God in the name of the true. Therefore it errs, and the more it searches into spiritual things the more it errs; for it may search after morality by the candle of the law, and from thence may speak a high language, to the admiration of its own seed that are of a lower capacity, if it be sober and learned ; but it but gropes in the dark, if it apply its study to the finding out spi- ritual secrets, for that is lock'd up from that seed, therefore they have nothing of sub- stance, but only a form of goodly words. Now the prophet Jeremiah shews the fallacy by their practice, and discovers then} clearly to a discerning eye. His words are to this purpose following, both to priest and people. Behold you trust in lying words, when you come into my temple to worship, saying, no evil shall befal you, if you but make a shew of holiness there, crying the temple of the Lord; whilst you thus boast of the temple (yet that temple is but a den of robbers). What are you else but robbers and thieves ? Do you not steal my word every man NONE BUT CHRIST. man n>om his neighour, who are my pro- i4. phets, and take iVom here a little, and there *". si. a little, that will serve your turn, and then father it upon God, and say; thus saith the Lord. And then you add your own devices and formalities to it, the deceit of your own heart; thus like vagabonds you wander from scripture to scripture, and it must speak what your reason doth imagine. See and compare John x. 8. Isa. xii. 0. Acts xix. 13. Rev. xxii. 18. Jude xiii. 2 Cor. ii. 17. Mai. ii. 8. Again, what are you but murderers ? you are all unto me as Sodom, ever resisting the hope of Israel. What shall men call you iv 31. and vi. so. but reprobate silver ? Seeing the Lord M. hath rejected you, depart therefore from Mill. 14. J * xxiv. 15. him, and be written in the earth, and not in the writings of the house of the true Israel. O Lord, thou knowest all their councils against me and against thee to slay us, though they boast of their priests office, as that the wii 1 S 1 ft scriptures belongeth to them ; yet do they scoff at thy word of promise. O let me see thy vengeance on them, and let them be ver.7. confonnded that persecute me, thy true prophet, &c. But then as for thy chosen ones NONE BUT CHRI8T. 49 ones and ministers of the true sanctuary, SJSSr* they trust not in themselves, but in the hope of Israel. Now observe the doctrine evangelical, to the elect seed. SECT. II. The day is come, saith the prophet, that Chap xxiii 6 the Lord will raise unto David a righteous xxxm.Ts 1 branch, and he shall build the temple; this is the temple that was to be built without noise or tumult. Again, a king shall reign and prosper; in his days Judah shall be saved, and his name is the Lord our righte- ousness, now Israel hath but one king, and that king is Christ, and but one saving God, and Christ is that God. All Israel's righteousness of justification, . . ii.23, and sanctincation, wisdom, or what other arlo- *** 27, and li. 10. nous qualification soever flows or ariseth from that fountain of faith in the person of Christ, giving the whole glory of their sal- vation to him; whether before he became flesh or after, all is one, and all centre in one, for the promise was sure. Therefore the prophet is absolute in his declarations to the fall power of speaking forth his divine revelations in this wise as aforesaid, 50 NONE BUT CHRIST aforesaid, an( l as hereafter follows, saying* I wno am a prophet ordained and chose by voice of words from the God of truth, had his word put into my mouth, whereby I was impowered to throw down all false Gods and false worships, and to build and plant the chosen ofJudah into the faith of that good thing promised the righteous branch of David, which is no other thing but the Lord our righteousness, in which I, and all true prophets, pronounce salvation by. So that salvation is not from the great Xiii. 10. m . in. 23. mountains and hills of lofty imaginations *vii. 13. ? ]: 6 from the arms of flesh, but it is in that U. 25. mxj. 32. Lord and God coining of the seed of David, iii* *J. ** who is to be born of a woman. This is the doctrine of righteousness and the evidence of heaven. O you seed and children of the promise, believe, hope, trust, wait for the coming or growing up of this branch of this man of this king, which is your king, and be blessed. Isa. ii. 2. Obadidh i. 6, 8, 21. In the latter days you shall consi* der all this, fyc. 32. Again, in Chap. 31, the prophet poufeth forth life in these words, saying; the Lord hath created a new thing upon the earth. A NONE BUT CHRIST. 51 A woman shall compass a man : here doth the prophet declare that God would become man ; for this man was God the Father, and this woman was the virgin wile, JWary : the true seed of Israel did in the prdphef s days believe this was true, and would come to pass in due time, and the tnie seed of Israel at this time, being the latter days in which they were to consider of it; doth certainly now know, and with confidence and boldness, yet with all humility and soberness, do affirm against all gamsayers under heaven, that the man Christ Jesus, so exalted through the scriptures of truth, Was and is, and is to come, the mot togh and mighty God and everlasting Father, being, in one single body or per on o; fle?h and bone, now in heaven gloniied, blessed for ever. Amen. Now the prophet calls this a new thinsr, but the prophet Isaiah saith, that this new thing is a hidden thing: and that it cannot be known by the carnal seed. And there- fore saith the prophet Jeremiah, this new thing that is created, doth create a new creature, and in it a new covenant, whereby they shall know that new thing, that new Jerusalem, G 62 NONE BUT CHRIST. t Jerusalem, that came down from heaven t$ be made that new and living -way. This new created thing created every thing new and old ; but none knows him aright but such as have the new creation ; therefore said Habak. chap. i. 5. Wonder marvelously ; for I will work a work in your days, which you shall not believe tJiough it be told you. But it is the elect that do find out the path of God, and do trace the footsteps of the spirit in every commission, whereby they are given to know variety of new and wonderful things; as now to know that this new-created thing that had uncreated itself, created every thing, and as to his saints he created a new heart, a new covenant, a new name, and a new song of praise in that name to this God-Man, compassed about with a woman. What then shall we say of a Woman; no ill, for though a woman was the inlet to sin, yet a woman was the outlet of sin, and the inlet of salvation ; so that let a wo- man, but especially this woman, be, by all the elect in all ages, counted blessed, who bore the blessed babe, and God of all life. And though the first woman compassed a main NONE BUT CHRIST. 58 a man of death, hell and damnation; let not her after-seed by Adam speak ill of her: because they and her were blessed by a gracious promise of an after redemption, which was and is by this new created man compassed by a woman. A woman shall compass a man. God is a man, and was in the form of i| man before he was compassed about with a woman ; for man was created in his image both as to form and nature : and Moses calls God a man of war, and this new thing, in his state of mortality said, that no man was perfectly good, but one, which was God, and so the first man Adam ways from the earth, the second man Adam was the Lord from heaven. A woman shall compasss a man. The true God of Israel hath been com- passed about five several ways. First, he hath been compassed about by his angels in heaven. Secondly, he hath been com- passed about by a woman on earth. Thirdly, he hath been compassed about by Our in* firmities. Fourthly, he hath been com- passed about by bulls of Bashan. And lastly. 54 NONE Bt T T CHRIST. joeviavs ] as tly he hath been compassed about with 'G'jijirioii v* v death, hell and the grave. Psal. Ixviii. 17. JLuke i. 1. Hcb. v. 2. Psalm, xxii. 12. xviii. 4, 5. But now in these latter days this God- ch. in. 21. Man hath enlarged his glory; now shall none hereafter compass him about; but his saints and angels round about his throne, the bulls oi Baskan shall no more compass him about, nor the red dragon and his bloody priests that caused such mourning in Mama, in slaying the young children to siay him, But as the Lord by his spirit of faith, love, joy, and peace doth compass his saints al-out; even so do the saints by their new songs of praise compass their redeemer about, giving him thanks for that his won- derful work of his vouchsafing to conde- scend so low, as to become man of the seed of David, as aforesaid, to save his elect. Let this suffice from the prophet Jere- miah; and to the elect it is enough; it is clear as the light; it is evident; it is cer- tain ; it is sure without doubt, and without scruple to him whose name is written in the book of life, thai, There NONE BUT CHRIST. 55 . There is none but Christ : none but Christ no other God, but the man Christ Jesus, now in glory above the stars, CHAP. V. Shewing the prophet EzekieFs testimony to our Ijord Jesus Christ, to be his God, and the God of all the true seed of Israel. P] IE prophet in his first chjapter shews hjs commission from heaven, as all true prophets are able to do ; for it is the ever living word spoken out of the mouth of God that makes a man a commissioner, but Baal's priests, cannot pretend to this; for their God is speechless, having no tongue to speak at all; but I pass them by and come to learn of a true prophet. The most part of the prophecy by Ezekiel is a foretelling and threatening the Jews of great judgments to be inflicted upon them under their captivity, as a reward for their injustice, oppression, idolatry, and cruelty; and persuading them to repentance, that they NONE BUT CHRIST, not be destroyed; saying to them in this wise, Turn you, turn you from your evil ways ; or w fty w m y ^' l ^ y e j wuse o j* Israel, as I live saith the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, &c. Now, what death is this that the prophet meaneth? that the Lord hath no pleasure in ? In answer hereto, that the ways of the a 25 I^ or d, concerning this it is written. I call aad xxxiii. ] ieaven anc i earth to record (saith JMoses) that I have set before you line and death, blessing and cursing; chuse the one and live ; chuse the other and die : now hath not that carnal line their desire ? you have a law which, if you keep, you shall live by u% but, if you break it, you shall be destroyed ; for if you be witting and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but, if you refuse and rebel, you shall die; that is, you shall be destroyed by sword, plague, famine, or the like. See Deut. iv. 13, 40. chap, v. 4. 6. Now, as touching this death, the Lord hath no pleasure ; and therefore, that they might not die but live if possible, he caused the law to be daily read, and to exhort them again and again, that they might not forget, but NONE BUT CHRIST. 57 but might be obedient thereunto. Deut. ggjj* . vii. 6, 9. chap. xvii. 19, 20. chap. xxxi. 11, 12. Josh, xxxviii. 34, 35. Now, his saying he had no pleasure in the death of the wicked was no more but this, that the fig-tree should not blossom, tieither should fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail ; and the fieldvS shall yield no meat; the flocks should be cut off from the field; their goods shall become a booty, and their houses a deso- lation; this is the death and destruction that Christ hath no pleasure in ; nor had, when he wept over Jerusalem. Habakkuk iii. 17. All such places threaten an external 1^11 / Ch. xxxi. 1*5 death, for the laws curse goes no farther i?> and xxxu. 21, 22, 24. than the penetrating >down into the grave. * xxxva. Psalm xxxi. 17. Jsa. xiv. 11. But the wonderful mystery of God's be- coming flesh, and suffering death in that flesh ; and, after rising again through God- head power, brings that rebellious seed into a capacity of a resurrection to a second death, which is a living death and a dying life. Isa. ii. 19, 21, and 26, 29. John v, 58. Het>. ii. 14. For if God had not come to die, the saints 58 NONE BUT CHRIST. been no better than the repro- bate; for all would have gone to the grave, and the law could not raise them again. 1 Cor. xv. So no more of this subject here, this I thought convenient, to put the free-willers rub out of the way : who would have eter- nal salvation offered unto all : and that there is but one seed or generation of man- kind; and so may all be saved, if they will : but this their principle destroys God's prerogative power, and 'makes him inferior to the kings of the earth; and besides, it is absolute nonsense; for if all men proceed from one seed or root, then, being all of one nature, they must either all be saved or all damned. Isa. xliii. 13. But the scriptures are clear to prove two seeds, and that there is an election in Israel, . and the Lord by his prophets doth mark them out, and call that people who are but .a remnant out of a multitude of pro essors, to the faith and worship of Christ in spirit and truth. Isa. xix. and xi. 11, 16. These saith the prophet are the chosen, let us set a mark on them. is. 4, God will save this little remnant, calling \xxiv 2*? ver. 31. them his flock; and in order . thereto, he will, ; ^ NONE BUT CHRIST. will, saith the prophet, set up one shepherd over them, and this shepherd is God the Lord Jesus, and all the elect Israel are his sheep or flock; and as he is called their shepherd, so is he called also their alone king ; that only king* was to rule that one only nation, and that king that was that nation's God, was to proceed from David which is none but Christ, and this shep- herd, this king, this prince of Israel, should bless them with showers of blessings. Here we see that this chosen flock hath but one shepherd over them, one prince and king over them, and that prince, king, and shep- herd, is no other but Christ Jesus their Lord God and Saviour This king, prince and shepherd, makes xxxiv. a covenant with his people, and the cove- nant is, (saith the prophet) that he will be their God, and they shall be his people ; atid behold those privileges, the graces and gifts are so plentiful, that they are said to overflow as a river, in peace, love, joy, wisdom, and all other graces; and all flows from this shepherd bringing his sheep to such fountains as riseth higher and higher; first to the ankles, then to the knees, then to the loins. Every dispensation or com- H mission 60 NONE BUT CHRIST. testimony. m i ss i n r i ses higher and higher in its wis- dom and revelation, in this mystery of its God's becoming flesh. So that now in these latter days, this refreshing stream is risen up to the loins, and so up to a river to swim and bathe themselves in, to their everlasting consolation , A mystery so deep, that the tongue of men nor angels cannot reach in words to unfold it in its fulness. It is enough that we are made worthy to know that our God did become flesh, and that we know the nature of that wonderful humility and condescension of our God in love. According to our measures in this our state of mortality, it is here, through grace, given us as an earnest penny or seal of what wisdom and glory he will bestow upon all his flock hereafter, each, one ac- cording to his faith and wisdom, he had in that commission or prophecy he was under, shall have glory according at the next ap- pearing of this king and shepherd of Israel, according to the scriptures of truth. And, in the mean time, they shall feed in goodly pastures; therefore saith the pro- phet, they shall feed upon the banks and borders of this sanctuary waters, for there grows trees of meat there, whose leaf will not NONE BUT CHRIST. 61 EzekieVs testimony. not fade, nor fruit consume, but shall bring Ezekier * forth new fruit that shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine, (even the doc- trine of this Messiah) and Joseph shall have two portions, a blessed reward to believing ve Ephraim. Gen. xlviii. 20. Thus by the testimony of Ezekiel, and abundantly more by him than what is here expressed, it is clear and evident, that There is none but Christ: none but Christ : no other God, but the man Christ Jesus, his Lord, and ours blessed for ever. Amen. CHAP. VI, Shewing hoiv Daniel's faith was pitched upon God's becoming flesh, and that eternal happiness depended tJiereupon. JfrANIEL begins to describe Christ's DanieVs kingdom as to his incarnation, from great Nebuchadnezzar's dream, that under the fourth monarchy it should take its be- ginning, and then it should destroy all such as should oppose that kingdom with a seal of NONE BUT CHRIST. of eternal death ; for till then, sin, death, devil and hell reigned without controul. Bnt after the entering in of the fourth monarchy, though it was as iron, yet not- withstanding all this, the God of heaven ver.20,23. said Daniel shall set up his kingdom. Now this God of heaven was the God of Abraham, which was no other than Christ. For in this king's dream, he saw a stone cut out without hands, and become a great mountain, insomuch that it rilleci the whole e^rth. Now this stone was the stone of Israel prophesied of before, as hath been shewed, as Gen. xlix. 24. Psal. cxviii. 2:2. This stone was seen in the king's dream to become a great mountain . Now this king was a mountain himself, and a very great mountain, but this visional mountain of his put him in great fear, as if his mountain should be smitten down by it, though he could not tell by whom it should be, or what it should be, neither could the astro-* logers, the philosophers, or any of the wise men in all Chaldea, his kingdom, when they were summoned together, tell the king what this stone was, for their knowledge and faith was quite contrary to Daniel's. Therefore they tell the king, that none can NONE BUT CHRIST. 63 can tell this dream, no not one man upon the earth (say they), except the gods whose Ch " n dwelling is not in flesh, there was not one among all the seed of the fallen angel that ever did prophecy, or could believe that God would become flesh of Adam's flesh, and bone of his bone ; they can sooner believe that man's spirit will become God, than God to become man, and it was ever the principle of reason to believe so, when clothed in flesh ; for, say they, reason is God's nature, and God is nature without form. And Plato, that great heathen philoso- pher and ancient, who lived in those days ot the prophet Daniel, and was one of t'.ose wise sages, hath wrote thus, that tUere is no way to happiness but by the footsteps of reason, calling it the nature of God ; also the Platonists say that the devils are reason, but yet spirits without bodies, as their gods was ^ so that those wise hea- thens in Daniel's time, did make God's nature, and devil's nature to be all alike reason, and like spirit. But in my treatise of Truth's Triumph, I have shewed, that if God's nature, and the devil's nature be reason, then nothing could hinder but that the 04 NONE BUT CHRIST. devils might be holy, as well as the gods ; and the reason is because nature dis- tributing itself into several beings, makes all these beings correspondent with itself, and in harmony one with another. Therefore it is evident, that the true God was never known by any but by true pro- phets of the Lord's own sending, and by such as have faith to understand, and faith to believe their report : and for God to be- come flesh, was ever too mysterious for any to know, understand, and believe, but the seed of his own body only. Again, this stone cut of the mountain of Bethlehem-Judah, or kingdom, comes of itself; no man had a hand in it, it was God-head power. Therefore Jet builders and false priests refuse this stone, yet will it become the chief corner-stone, that shall hold up the house, church, and kingdom, against that iron monarchy, with its ten horns, and that one peeping horn that pro- ceeded from the ten horns, with that spi- ritual whore that sat upon them all, even mystery Babylon; the mother of harlots who sits upon all those great mountains. Daniel saith, that this stone arising out of Judah should be too hard for them all; for let NONE BUT CHRIST. 65 let kings and emperors refuse this stone, 8 a t ^ y and raise war against it, although they be of gold, of brass, and of iron, shall they be all broke as clay, as Isa. xlv. 9, and xli. 25. Mind one thing here, that the greatest power is ever attributed unto God, after he hath transmuted his divine God-head into flesh ; for then doth he war against man in man, and then is the God of heaven captain over his elect seed, to fight and make war with the devil clothed in flesh. See Hosea xiii. 14. /. Cor. xv. 55, and the ground of this was, because the devil was Lord of hell and death, until that the Lord Christ had suffered death, and rose again, by which means he gained power over death, devil, hell, and the grave. Heb. ii. 14. Rev. i. 18, and so he finished the transgression, and ended sin in the seed of Adam, by making reconciliation for it in the body of his flesh, and so brought in everlasting righteousness according to the prophet Daniel. And by this glorious work of God's v m. 2 s. clothing his God-head spirit with pure hu- X i.Wvu. 9. man flesh, he created power in his saints as kings and judges under him to execute his wrath against all those mighty princes, that 66 NONE BUT CHRIST. ^ ia ^ se * themselves against Michael their captain, with the seals of eternal death. The prophet by vision did behold Christ, and in his appearance he was like unto the Son of man, and further saith, that he came to the Antient of Days, and received of him dominion, glory, and a kingdom. Now, who was that which was invested with power, glory, dominion, and an ever- lasting kingdom, but the Antient of Days himself; for as the prophet Isaiah said, that God would not give his glory to an- other, and Daniel saith here, that this An- tient of Days had given him that was like the Son of man, all people and nations to worship and serve him ; what then could this Son of man be, but the Ancient of Days himself, and in that he became man, appeared under a twofold condition, Son of man as from his incarnation, and Ancient of Days as before his assumption of human nature, yet one and the same God, though under a twofold condition ; for Christ was the / am that chose Moses, and when he was in the state of mortality, he told the unbelieving Jews, that he was before Abra- ham, and that Abraham believed in him and was blessed, and all his spiritual seed in NONE BUT CHRIST. 67 K 1 - HI that belief of his becoming flesh, was blessed m that blessing from this Messias, which was that Antient Of Days ; for Daniel owned but one God of a single person. So- for further proof, JWicah v. 2. Daniel beheld wonderful things, as in reference to this mystery of his God's bring- ing in everlasting righteousness ; he was so ravished with the delight thereof, and se- veral others with there running too and fro in those revelations and visions to in-* 1 crease knowledge, and would fain have seen further into it, but what was revealed to Daniel was suiiicient at that time, both for him and for the select; for further know- ledge of it was to be sealed up till the time was accomplished ; for this being but un- der the first commission, or first testament, ,so this mystery was to be declared but in ! part, being the first witness or first record; but the -ollowing witnesses will finish the mystery of God, according as it is written : at the mouth o two or three witnesses every tiling should be established; so upon the corning of the last witness then the revela- tion ot the mystery of God shall be accom- plished and finished; and this son of man, that hath all power, glory and dominion i put 68 NONE BUT CHRIST. P u * mto h* s hands* an d that shall everlast- ingly reign king over all people and na- tions according to Daniel and all true pro- phets, then shall he be known to be the mighty God and everlasting Father. Thus by testimony of Daniel, There is none but Christ : none but Christ : no other God, but the man Christ Jesus in glory. CHAP. VII. Shewing how that the prophet Hosea's faith and doctrine was pitched upon God's be- coming flesh, and all the saints hope and happiness depended thereon. I come to read the doctrine of all testimony. |] je twelve small prophets, and they will be found to be the comforters of Sion, and all harp upon the same string as the other prophets did before them. ^i. 7. This prophet hath judgments and mercies mixt, according to the operation of the. two seeds, but the house of Judah were to have the everlasting blessings. The seed of Reason NONE BUT CHRfST. Reason had their blessing according to their obedience; but then it was but by their Chap * bow and sword there corn, wine and oil. But their casting away, is, saith the pro- phet, an utter rejection, that rejected the { V . u Lord from heaven, and would not have a God clothed in flesh to rule over thenl. It is said, I will save the house of Judah ? by the Lord their God, and when Israel was a child, then I loved him; now this child was the seed of Isaac, and this Lord God of Judah proceeded from that child Israel, and was prophesied of, to be a child himself, and to be called out of Egypt ^^ according to this prophet ; out of Egypt have I called my son ; so that Israel's sav- ing God was no other but Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, persecuted into Egypt by a red dragon devil, honoured and called forth again when that dragon was dead. Now this prophet whispers inwards into i. 10,11. the hearts of the elect, telling them that the Lord is coming to make the Gentiles his people; and he brings in the elect Jews also, and orders them to chuse to them- selves this seed of Israel, this child that was to be called out of Egypt, to be that one head or shepherd to rule pver them; for he was 70 NONE BUT CHRIST. was * come > an< l tnen ne should be the hi. 4. on i an( i ki ni r i u the latter days. / . Again in chap. X. the prophet adviseth the elect to wait for their God, unt'l he x . 12< come, for his going forth will be in the morning, and shall be as the ra : n; now *t is, as if the prophet should say, wait lor him. for he will come, as sure as the morning will come, and when he comes, then comes grace in abundance, which will be to the soul as showers of rain is to the earth. Therefore seek till he come, he never seeketh in vain, thai is first sought of the Lord; for his mercy is such, as that he is n'ii 2. found of them that sought him not, he will call the Gentiles that never sought for him, and he will reject that carnal Jew th.;t shall seek him, but shall not find liiai; but let elect Israel seek, and when he appears they shall *ay, my God, we know thee by virtue of the dew or rain that is fallen upon inc. And as the prophet advised the elect to xiii. 4. seek the Lord, so likeways he admonished them to hear how graciously the Lord speaks unto them, and that in this manner. I am the Lord thy God, and thou shalt know no God but me ; for there is no savi- our NONE BUT CHRIST. 71 our besides me, I am thy help and the king JfjJJ^J, of Israel, thy king, all other kings shall j^^ utterly be destroyed. I draw you with the cords of a man be^- coming a man like you ; I give you myself to eat: I will be your king, and be death's death to save you. The Lord, by his prophet, having thus spoken to the elect, now his chosen ones answer unto him again, saying; we know thee to be our God, and will keep close to thee; Assur shall, not save us; we will not ride upon their horses; for all is flesh and not spirit. Their prophets are fools, their spiritual men are mad, and have a multi- tude of iniquities ; and one is their great hatred to the watchers of Ephraim in the house of God, and will have no king but Ccesar, or what Ccesar shall command ; but our king is the Lord our God, who will ransom us from the power of the grave, and will be death's death, and the grave's X1 destruction. And now being enlightened by true pro- phesy, we will say, what have we any* more to do with idols, we have heard of him, and we shall see him, and taste of the fruit of the tree of life; yea, and have tasted 72 NONE BUT CHRIST. . ta * ted bv faitn - Whether then shall go 3 We will not leave this Lord, we will not be for another man, but for this man, this God-man, that we have chosen for our king and head. Temporal kings are the supreme head of a carnal church, but we have no such head but the Lord our righteousness is our head, and from him we will not go. Thus by the testimony of the prophet Hosea.) and the true church in his days, it is evident, that There is none but Christ; none but Christ ; no other God but the man Christ Jesus, now in glory. CHAP. VIII. Shelving that the prophet Joel's God is the saint's Jesus. testimony TPHE prophet Joel, after he had denounced great judgments to the wicked seed of captrrity, famine, and of God's forsaking them, and withholding from them their meat-offerings, and drink-offerings, count- mg the very prayers of their priests at his altar but as the howling of a dog. After BUT CHRIST. 73 After these things he brings in the Lord ^u^y. as gracious and merciful to his own select people, speaking to them in the manner following : My people that doth wait for me, shall ii26 27 never be ashamed in putting their trust in me; for I will come and be in the midst of Israel; for where two or three are gathered together in my name, they are my church, and they shall know me to be their God, vc and shall not be ashamed, and make haste from me : for it shall come to pass after- wards, that I will pour out my spirit upon the seed of faith that waited for me, and they shall prophecy and preach my name, and I will shew the wonders in heaven and earth ; for the sun shall be turned into dark- ness, and the moon into blood. For the Redeemer of Israel shall suffer death: this is the wonder in heaven. And the moon shall be turned into blood : this shall be a wonder in earth. For the law shall be turned into blood; that is, into persecution, because righteous- ness is denied to be had by it. But it shall come to pass, that notwith- standing that persecution, that whosoever called upon God, the sun of righteousness and 74 NONE BUT CHRI8T. Simony. an ^ gl or y> tnat was darkened as their God, shall be saved; for in mount Sion is deli- verance, and you shall know that I am the Lord your God that dwell there. But the sun must be turned into dark- nesSj for Egypt and Edom must be plat withal, for the Lord will be cmciiied there, 2,i9? 5 Therefore in the valley of Jehosaphal they shall be met withal, because they have shed innocent blood there, out of Judith, but life shall be regained, and Judah shall abide for* ever, and be made glorious by that new Jerusalem that will come from heaven, and shall be blessed and live for ever; for because he lives, his saints shall live also. This is the doctrine of Joel. Who then must this Judah be ? this Jerusalem be t this darkened sun be ? this innocent blood of Judah be ? this king and judge of the world be ? this God and Saviour of Israel be ? but the Lord Jesus Christ blessed for ever. Amen. So that by this testimony of Joel, all those true saints in this age of the world, may understand by the gilt of the spirit of faith, now stirred up by prophecy, that there is none but Christ, none but Christ ; no NONE BUT CHRIST. 75 no other God but the man Christ Jesus in glory, though millions of men should gainsay ik r CHAP. IX Shewing that the prophet kmwfsfaim and doctrine was in God*s becoming jfesh. ^HE prophet Amos was sent to pro i -nee judgments again -t Syria, the PhWs- tines, Tyrus, Edom, Am on, and .Woa-b, their several transgressions afterwards ttie prophet comes to reprove all the twelve tribes of Israel for their several transgres- sions, which was in iorsakmg his law, arid despising his commandments. ]Sow all other nation^, they being not in covenant, are not said to break his law, because no outward law was given to them, but the law that was written in their consciences, but Israel had an outward law to shew them what was written within, and the prophet finding them guilty of all the great transgressions, and much more greater than the heathen, therefore called by three trans- K gressions> i? 4 " 76 :NONE BUT CHRIST. gressions, and by four; but the prophet gives a catalogue of many more in number, though all may be comprised in them, as, First, They are said to walk in lies. 2ndly, They sell the righteous for silver. v . 7. 3rdly, They covet their neighbour's goods, and pant after the dust of the earth, and commit adultery, &c. 4thly, They drink the wine of the condemned in the house of God, and would not let true prophets pro- phesy, or once to speak, but stir up violence and robbery, turning judgments to worm- wood. 5thly, They resist the just, and rejoice in their persecuting priests, which JJ r i!i3. the prophet calls a thing of nought. Lastly, They long that the sabbath were over, that they may buy the poor for silver; and this is none of the least transgressions. Wherefore the prophet seeing thejr great wickedness and apostacy from their law, cries out, saying, O Lord God, forgive, I beseech thee, by whom shall Jacob arise, for he is small. Now the prophet brings in the Lord as answering to the two seeds saying, that he will repent him, and have mercy and forgiveness of the one seed, but the other he will judge for their cruelty and wrath, and for their selling: the righteous ^ for silver, _-, N*umouy. in ghty men, and destroy her wise; for by fire and by the sword (not a sword of steel, but the sword of the spirit) will the Lord plead with her, and S ion shall possess Esaus possessions in the sale or his birthright: so that the spiritual Canaan belongs to Jacob and his spiritual seed; that is, the land of uprightness, and the holy land. Isa, xxvi. 10, and Ixii. 12. Gen. xxv, 32, and xxii. 17. Psal. cxliii. 10. It is not the earth we tread on the up- right land, that Israel is to possess, if it- were, then where must the called Gentiles be; but it is the regenerated or new heart in the faith, knowledge, and belief of your God's coming; that is, the land of Israel that flows with milk and honey: and this is the land to be tilled and sown, and the fruits of that ground shall be blessed, and the seed shall prosper and be peaceable. See and compare Isa. Ixvi. 11, 16, and Iv 1. Ezek. xxxvii. 14, 22. Hos. x. 12. And this is the land the Lord inherits, and is their portion, and they are his, which makes Esau very angry in the loss of this birth-right, and so much the more, by how much the more the people of Jacob shall prevail NONE RUT CHRIST. prevail against them ; for they have power and authority from that God which Esau rejected, to judge the mount and very pin- nacle of the temple of Esau; for they shall trample upon the world's wisdom, power, and glory, and break the head of aspiring reason, the proud cherub's nature, and the kingdom shall be the Lord Christ's. Thus by the testimony of Obadi&h's, there is none but Christ; none but Christ; no other God but the man Christ Jesus in glory, whom we adore and worship. CHAP XI. Sheweth that the prophet Jonah's faitli and doctrine was in God's becoming- Jlesh. HPHE prophet Jonah being sent to JVwi veh, to denounce the sentence of de- Sip 7 y struction upon it for its wickedness, he disobeyed the Lord, and fled from his pre- sence, being unwilling to be a. messenger of such sad tidings, and I am apt to believe that all true prophets are unwilling at first hand (as Jonah was) to go forth upon mes- sages, of the Lord, because life and death is BUT CHRIST, j s delivered into their liands. This made one prophet cry out, saying, (at the time of his being chosen), Woe is me, I am a man undone, another to say, / am of wn- circumcised lips, send by whom thou wilt send. But false prophets, upon the least ap- pearance from a mere dream or vision within or without, or from the hopes of gaining riches or honour, are ever forward to run into the ministry, and the ground of all is this ; namely, the spirit of faith is ever willing to sit still and be quiet under his vine, and under his fig-tree, but the spirit of reason would ever be in church or state, and so heaves himself on for preferment, and for a name, who loves to be called master, and to sit with princes. But Jonah's t 1S . disobedience brought but a temporal curse upon him, .as being cast into the whaled belly. Now Jonah being cast into the whale's belly was made a type of Christ, the eternal God, being in the grave ; for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so was the God of Jonah three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Matt. xii. 40 And when the prophet prayed there, Baying, NO&E BUT CHRIST. saying, T will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving, I will pay that which I have promised, salvation belongeth unto the Lord ; thert did the prophet see redemption by Jesus, which was his God, becoming nV r h, or man to die for man, and to lie in the grave for a moment. Again, where he saith, I will pay that which I have vowed; those words relate likewise to God himself, as well as the prophet; for he by faith beheld God making a vow to himself to purchase redemption by death. Again, when the prophet said, thou hast brought my soul from corruption, then did he intimate and preach to the discerning seed, that his Redeemer's soul should not be left in hell or the grave. Acts ii. 27. Jonah preached Christ more in the whale's belly, and saw more than when he was forth; when he was in the greatest darkness as to the outward man, then was he in the greatest light as to the inner man; for the internal eye could look towards the holy temple of God, not to the temple made with hands, as of wood and stone, but to a temple of flesh and bone, even to the body of Christ, which was to be, and L wag NONE BUT faith's account voluntarily offered Up. Jfeb. ^. 10. Tliis was {he sacrifice, the living sacrifice, that caused thanks- giving. So that by the testimony oi tiit prophet Jonah, 'JTiere is none but Christ: none but Christ : no other God, but the man Christ Jesus in glory. CHAP. XII. '' Sheweth that the prophet Micah's faith, life, and doctrine was pitched wholly upon God's becoming man to save man. ^HE prophet J^ficah sheweth the wrath cb. i. ii. iii. of God upon the wicked seed of the house of Jacob, and contends with their rulers for their oppression and pride, and with their priests and prophets that preach- ed for hire, and walk in lies, and tells them that God was coming to punish them, and to, trample upon their high places of wor- slyp, and their high priests too. TJhe Lord by the prophet further told them, that their worship and offering were all contemptible; for all that the I^ord re- quired NONE BUT CHRIST. Attired was but thiese three thirigs; First, To do justice; Secondly, To love mercy ; ch {i and, Thirdly, To walk humbly with God. But these two latter things are proper for the elect, for to show mercy and to walk humbly, is also to do justice; that is, doing the two first, then to walk humbly, that is to hold themselves to the prerogative power- ed God, to do with them as he pleases. Now to these that could receive no mercv " 2> 3 and 30, andTii.4. from their oppressors, to these tile Lord promiseth mercy, by becoming iesh to re- deem them; for, said the prophet, they are so merciless, that the best of them is but as a brier, and the most upright amoing them is sharper than a thorn hedge; for they will give no conscience liberty. But to leave that seed to their liaW, and the wrath of Gocl in that law for them to struggle withal, and come to the prophet's spiritual declarations to the seed of faith, whom he is minded to honour. The prophet, when he had said that the \ i. 3, is. Lord will come down from heaven, after- wards altereth the word a little, saying, 1 will bring an heir unto thee, and this heir that he was to bring, is called the glory of Israel. This is Isaacs heir, arid tfoe heir of heirs, even God himself. 86 NONE BUT CHRIST. Snony. And w ^en the heir of heirs shall come, then, saith the prophet, the wicked shall lay siege against him, and when they see him., they will say, not knowing what they say, This is tJie heir, come let m kill him, that the inheritance may be ours by law. But this heir conquering by death, will say, those mine enemies that would not have me to rule over them, when I come in my great power, they shall move out of their vii. 17. holes like worms ; they shall be afraid of me, the Lord God whom they scoffed at, saying, where is the Lord God, behold tiow shall they be trodden down, bring' them ver-40. * < before me that I may slay them, But as for them that received me in Bethlehem, I will have compassion ; for ** who is a God like thee, gajth the prophet. As if the prophet should say, is there any God like unto our God, that will be-?- come a child, be born, and made heir of earth as well as heaven, and also will make vii. 15,17. us all heirs with him of that purchased kingdom of heaven. In a short time after he comes, his power will be known and felt to all people, good and bad; for who is a God like him that comes out of Sion, jus to his birth, and after out of Egypt as to N($NE BUT CHRIST. 87 to his conquest. These ways of his coming ^* forth are marvellous things; his works wonderful, and his counsels admirable. As to the wicked, when he comes, he will blind their eyes, they shall not know him, but shall have him in derision, and though he is the judge of Israel, yet they shall smite him with a rod upon the cheek, and when they have put him to death, they will then say, now where is your God, but they shall afterwards see to their shame, and be confounded, when our God ariseth to make his power known, then shall they be afraid of this child, of theis heir, of this judge, of this man, of this king, that came down from heaven, and by the way of m ^is w i se > the I^ or d is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble, and he knoweth, and owneth them that trust in him. This strong hold is manifested in flesh, and faith in this God is a stronger hold than the well-favoured harlot hath or can have, though their reasons and outward shews their bulwarks, and their formless God their strong hold. But this will not save them in the day of trouble, but the Lord that comes of Judah will be Judah' s hold and sanctuary, when persecution comes from reason's mount in this seeming beautiful city. Now the prophet shews, that all the elect were waiting for his coming, and in chap, i. he presents him to them in a note of ad- miration, saying, Behold upon the moun- tains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, and publisheth peace* as if the prophet should further say, Behold by faith I see him that is the saver of Israel coming, leaping and skip- i.i6. ping upon the mountains; skipping first from heaven to earth ; 2dly, From the earth to the cradle; 3dly, From the cradle to the cross; and lastly, From the cross to the crown again. This will make Judah keep the NONE BUT CHRIST. the solemn feasts, seeing she is to be freed and deliveied from the wicked city. Thus by the testimony of this prophet Nahum. There is none but Christ; none but Christ ; no other God at all but the man Christ Jesus only. CHAP. XIV. Shewing the prophet Habakkuk's^aifA and, doctrine was founded on God's becoming flesh, or man. prophet in his spiritual declarations ir abakkuk - s to the elect, begins his prophesy, say- ST 7 ' ing, how long shall I cry, O Lord, and thou wilt not hear : for he saw that almost all were grown incredulous, not looking after the accomplishment of the promise, or believing there ever would be such a thing, and hence at the very time, when the Lord from heaven should come by his commission of blood, the prophet did see 1 r iii. 14. by faith, that most men would look upon xvi - 17 - him, wonder, and perish through their re- jecting of him. M But 92 NONE Bl)T CHRIS 1 But saith the prophet, I will stand upon my watch, I will wait that I may be an- swered by vision, and the vision was that / the Lord God would come ; for said he, *it is certain, and the just shall live by faith in the person of him,, who was their Lord, and would become man ; therefore saith the i. 12. prophet, wait Ibrahim, wait with me, tor the vision is for ail appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie; wait ior it, for it will assuredly come : ibr it is by faith that the just do live, and iaith gives assurance tliit the Lord, the promise, the king of Israel^ the Holy One, the mighty iii. 13,18. (^od, the Rock, the Lord of Host, the glo- rious Lord, and Lord in his holy temple, that was from everlasting, and made the mountains to tremble. I say, wait for this God, for he will come and bring forth sal- vation for his people. i 5 Let the heathen, and all that will not be- lieve this, wonder and perish ; for behold it will be such a work, that the multitude can in no wise believe, no not those that seem the most devout, and most zealous, and the most honourable. These shall all wonder at the work, and perish through unbelief; for it is the just that live (not by reason) but by faith. NONE BUT CHRIST. Therefore let such as have faith wait with !*'* me, and if I can see but little of this faith in any, yet I will not he dismayed, though the tig-tree do not blossom, &c. yet I know he will come ; therefore will I rejoice, by this my faith, in the God of my salvation ; for this vision gives wisdom in the know- ledge hereof, as the waters cover the sea. u. 14. Thus by the testimony of the prophet Habakkuk. There is none but Christ: none but Christ : no other but our God-man, Christ Jesus, blessed for ever. CHAP. XV. Shewing how that the prophet Zephaniah's doctrine was founded on God's becoming flesh. TTHE prophet (as all other prophets) having to do with two sorts of people in his doctrine to the elect, brings in God to them as preparing a sacrifice, yet upon the declaration thereof, there is a short in- terruption, saying, Hold thy peace, as if he should say, I see into the mystery of our God's NONE BUT CHRI8T. I's incarnation ; but to the end that those may remain blind, that enquire not alter the Lord, nor have not sought the Lord, but sware by JMilchom, putting God and Belial together, I am to hold my peace from being too plain as let them understand. But as ibr the elect, my poor afflicted "/' people, they may perceive who it is that prepares the sacrifice, and bid the guests, for the Lord God of heaven will come, and make a feast, and Judah shall feed there, and be at rest. But such must have the garment of the house, the king's livery, made up of the righteousness of faith in the person of a redeemer who is to come ; wait for him in that garment of belief. But such as come to the sacrifice shall be punish- ed that are clothed with strange apparel. Matt. xxii. 11. Our God is coming, prepare for joy, and when he comes, he shall famish JWilchom, Belial, and all the gods of the earth, who refuse our Lord and Saviour; they shall have no satisfaction or comfort, but shall suffer hunger in the midst of plenty; for they shall have a famine of peace. But all those that faith hath meekened, he will give them not only a new robe, but a new NONE BUT CHRIST. 95 a new language also; this will teach them 2Sy* '* to call upon the name of the Lord in truth ; when this language speaks, all other lan- guages are but babble. Now this Lord that gives this lip and UJ language, is no other butChrist, arid though these be his poor afflicted ones, yet they are required by the prophet to sing and rejoice for the coming of Christ, their king, as thus, Sing, O daughter ofSion, shout O Israel, be glad and rejoice, O Jerusalem, the king of Israel, even the Lord is in the midst of thee; he will save, he will rejoice overthee with joy, as over the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Now cloth not the prophet here exclude all other Gods; therefore by the testimony of this prophet Zephaniah, it is clear, it is plain, it is to us certain and sure, that There is none but Christ; none but Christ ; no other God but the man Christ Jesus in glory. CHAJP w > NONE BUT CHRIST. CHAP. xvr. Shewing how that the prophet Haggai's faith was founded on God's becoming Jie&h. f lPHIS prophet gives the same evidence with the rest of the prophets, when he comes to preach to the select seed of Adam, and under the type of the first temple he brings in the second, making it more glorious than the first, and Zerubabel was the figure of him that was to come to build the house, and to lay peace in the foundation in that his second temple, and then would he shake the heaven of men's hearts, that for sought justification by the law in the worship of the first temple, as if the prophet should say, those that look for I -7- Christ, the kingdom of God, they cannot be shaken, because their faith and confi- dence is fixed upon him that will stand fast for ever; for that kingdom cannot be moved. ve r. s. The heart of him that is strong in be- lieving in him, shall be tilled with joy, love, an4 NONE BUT CHRlSt. 7 and peace, and this is the silver and the Sn*. gold most precious, Be strong, O Zerubabel, and Joshua, and all the people of the land, that you may make this temple glorious for a while, to please the zealots of the law, who love a glittering outward shew : but this temple shall not stand for ever, though now new, yet a newer will come, that is not made with hands, it shall stand for ever, and be filled with glory, arid when you lay the head corner stone, then shout for joy, all you people that see the signification of it, and cry grace, grace, it is grace to the first house, but grace, grace, to the second. The first house, whilst building, holds a sword of steel in one hand to resist the enemy with, but the second house holds the sword of the spirit, and this is the sword that shall cut through all flesh, and shake both the heavens and earth, as aforesaid. Thus by this prophet it is as clear as the light, that There is none but CHRIST ; none but CHRIST; no other God but the man CHRIST JESUS our Lord. CHAP testimony. CHAP. XVII. Shewing how that the prophet Zechariah's faith and doctrine was pitched wholly upon God's becoming flesh. THE prophet Zachariah living at the , r . * same time as the prophet Haggai, was sent with the like message concerning the restoration of Jerusalem; the substance of it, as to the elect, is as follows. Be silent before all flesh (saith the pro- phet) before the Lord, for he is risen up out of his holy temple, being now to be sent (or to come of his own free good will) unto thee, O Jerusalem. Here the prophet, by faith, seeing him coming, preacheth him out in the manner following. Behold the Lord, even the man whose name is the branch, and he shall build the temple. Therefore shew forth your joy, you virgin daughter of Sion, to whom knowledge and belief is given, and peace is planted; for he will dwell among you, and be with you ; he will build the temple, and is the head-stone of it, and the stone with BUT CHRIST. 99 with seven eyes upon it. Seven several portions, divers gifts and graces, all flows J"^ from this stone, Rev. xiv. 31, from this rock, from this Lord that is a coining to save his people, and he shall bear the glory, and sit and rule upon his throne ; for there is no co-partner with him, and his dominion shall be from sea to sea, for that there is V' 13 none that shareth with him. Sing therefore, and rejoice, for the thing is done, and the headstone is brought forth 9, 10 viii. 22. with shouting, crying, grace, grace, to it, Johni. 17. Rejoice, there ore, you that are not yet his people by covenant. /. Pet. i. 2, 3, 4, when he comes he shall call the Gentiles, and speak peace unto them, being a priest upon his throne. Rejoice, therefore greatly, O daughter of /Siow, for behold thou hast but one king, and he cometh, he cometh from amongst thee as a man to save man. Luke xix. 38. he is just, having salvation, lowly, and riding upon an ass. Matt. xi. 28, be you humble and receive him, and hold to him, for he is the covenant of life, the fountain, set open, and the Lord your God. This is he that saves the house of Joseph, x 6 and loves Mphraim, because Ephraim has N no 100 NONE BUT CHRIST f s a t i * a "* fe * no other God, and so makes his heart to rejoice, and will cause their children to see and know, that this king that comes riding in such great humility to Jerusalem, is that Lord God from heaven, that is coming to build up Jerusalem. Behold him, behold him, O Sion, for he comes unto thee with redeeming grace ; hearken, and you may hear him speak to you in this wise, saying, - I will come, and save my people, and will make myself known to them, and will rejoice over them, and love them freely; for my love is such, as that I will lay down my life for them ; for by the blood of the covenant I have sent forth the prisoners, even the prisoners of hope that waited for me. They hoped for me, and my promise was to redeem them; they beheld my promise, and now I have sealed the covenant with my blood, and they are redeemed thereby. I am valued by the wicked but at a low si, 12. rate, I bade them, if they think good, give me my price, and if not forbear; so they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver, a goodly price was I praised at. Matt. xxvii. 9. But NONE BUT CHRIST. But I being the shepherd of Israel? they shall smite me, and the sheep shall be scat- tered; they shall look upon me whom they xii J0 have pierced, and shall quake and tremble, lament and howl, when after all this they see me come with power and glory to give reward, when I stand on mount Olivet, xiv>4 .Matt. xxvi. 30. There will they appre- hend ; me, and there will I shew myself unto them at the last day, with all my saints and angels about me. . From thence shall I ascend, and to that place shall I descend, then will I smite all people that fight against xiT 12 Jerusalem. And the elect seed for whom I shall die, they shall look upon me also, at that day, whom their sins have pierced, and shall mourn for me. At that time will there be silence in hea- ven for half an hour, Rev. viii. 1. namely, for three days and a half, nothing will re- joice but sin and satan, the grave and hell ; but though the sheep then be scattered, and the elect families do mourn, yet as soon as the king of Israel is revived* they shall revive. Thus the prophet's doctrine is clear, that there is no other God but he that came from heaven, and took our nature upon him, and NONE BUT CHRIST. anc * so * a ^ Gown his whole life for our ran- som; so that there is to be no more kings, but this one Lord, and whosoever, saith the prophet, worshippeth any other God, shall be destroyed. Also, saith the prophet, all the elect in all nations, and families shall come, and worship this king as the Lord of host, and keep the feast of tabernacles yearly, and it shall rain righteousness upon all that come, and they shall be separated from others; for no cursed Canaanites shall be amongst them, all idol shepherds shall be cut off that own not the shepherd, the stone of Israel, to be the true God, and there is no other. This is the substance of the doctrine of the kingdom of God, the king of Israel, by this evangelical prophet: so that it is as clear as the sun at noon-day, to any that have but the least measure of true faith, that by the testimony testimony. angels that attended Christ's sepulchre, and " viii 3 rolled away the stone from thence, and were instrumental to his resurrection. Had there been any other God ftvould he riot have appeared, did God appear to Abraham, to Jsaac, to Jacob, to Moses, and the prophets, and would he neglect his son; O no, Q no! ior this Son, was himself, and tjiat voice that came out of the clouds, saying, This is my beloved Son, proceeded either from .Moses or Ettas. This minis that scripture, He shall call me Father, and I will say he is my Son. Pasl. Ixxxix. 26. Moreover, where it is prophesied of that Ettas should come, Christ declares by his xvii. w. apostle, that John Baptist was that Elias, and the faith of the scripture is, that John had his commission from Elias, and so came in the spirit and power of Elias. Mai. iv. 5. Furthermore, Moses and Elias, were the watchers of Israel, they watched over Christ in his birth, in his transfiguration, in his passion, in his grave, in his resurrection, and in his ascension, saying to the specta- tors that saw him ascend, this -same Jesus that 112 NONE BUT CHRIST. *r. that you see to ascend, you shall in like testimony. / ' > manner see him descend. Acts i. 11. Much more might be said, but it is suf- ficient to the seed of faith,. Now to go on observe the doctrine of Jesus Christ, God blessed for ever. vii 2. 13. Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden with your sins, and under the bands of a legal administration, and I will ease you, and give you rest. The yoke I shall lay upon you, is but to believe in me, which belief is the true baptism ; that is, to receive me as the Lord and Saviour; for to that end I came, even to seek and to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel, whose righteousness is not in the law, but in belief of me. Therefore, whoever doth so far believe me, as to forsake all for my sake, and cleave to me as their Lord and Saviour, he shall have everlasting life ; for I came to give my life a ransom for my elect. I am the king of Israel, and now the kingdom of God is amongst you. I am the stone that was prophesied of to be rejected, but shall bruise them to pieces that do reject me. But he that receives me is blessed, and he that suffers for me is blessed, and he that hungers NONE BUT CHRIST. H3 hungers and thirsts after my righteousness ** is blessed; I am he in whom the Gentiles \% an 8 ave a11 the g lor y to child Jesus, saying, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he hath visited and re- deemed his people? which is as much as if he should say, Now is the promise made good, the Lord God is come from heaven to visit us, and i69>74 > 75 - being the horn of salvation will redeem us, being the light sprung from heaven to give light of salvation ; and thou, child of mine, which is now born unto me, shalt be called prophet of the highest, who is not yet born, but in the womb of a woman, springing up from a virgin of the seed of David, thou art to prepare the way before the face of the highest, even that babe which is the high and mighty God. No sooner was this blessed babe born, but an infinite number of angels came down if. 13. ^0 celebrate the Lord's nativity with songs of joy, to set forth their inexpressible love to the seed of Adam. When old Simeon took the child Jesus ii. 28. in his arms, and blessed him, then did he bless God that had blessed him ; for he- saw, by faith, that the child Jesus was God, otherwise he could not be the light of the Gentiles, nor the glory of his people Israel, Now NONE BUT CHRIST. 123 Now Israel was forbid to glory in any but God, because God would retain his glory to himself, but this blessed babe was that blessed God that Israel was to glory in.' Isa. xlii. 8. Luke saith further, that the grace of God was upon Jesus, and that he increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. Now Jesus must needs have the grace of God upon him, seeing he was God, and so he had the gifts and graces of God above measure. John iii. 34. Christ may well be said to increase in the favour of God ; is it any other, but that he increased in strength and God-head, power, grace, and virtue, &c. Now behold the doctrine of Jesus testi-^ fied of by Luke to be in the manner following. John Baptist's disciples came to Jesus. saying, Art thou he that shall come, or shall we look for another? Jesus said unto them, (having cured se- 7ii 20 veral diseases at that time) Go and tell John what you have seen and heard. 1. Tell John that the blind do see. Isa, xxxv. 6, therefore I am he. Q 3, Tell 124 NONE BUT CHRIST. Sumonr 2. Tell Jo/i/i the lame walk, therefore I am he. Matt. xv. 30. 3. Tell John the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, and the dead are raised, therefore I am he. 4. Tell John the poor have the gospel preached, and that they are blessed that are not offended with me. 5. I am he that Isaiah speaks of, and the prophets speak of: tell John I am he, the first and last: I am he. 6. I am come, and done such works as never man could do, therefore I am he, and tell John I am he, and he knows I am he, and witnesses to it. Jesus, having preached thus to Johns X. 1) *j Oj lo* disciples and the multitude, turns his dis- course to his own disciples, sending forth seventy of them, speaking to this effect: Pray you that the lord of the harvest would send forth labourers into his harvest. Now I am he that am the Lord of the harvest, and I send you. Go your ways, 'tis I that -send you. I am your Lord, set forth my name; he that despiseth you des- piseth me, and him that despiseth me, des- piseth my Father or God-head spirit, and so sins against the Holy Ghost, being the spirit NONE BUT CHRIST. 125 spirit of true prophesy, and so shall be mj damned to all eternity. Therefore tread on these serpents that x>19 blaspheme, and in that you find my words" to be true, and the devils are subject to you through my name, yet rejoice not so much in that, as in that your names are written in heaven, and that the mystery of the gospel is revealed to you. Therefore I am thankful to the God-head spirit, who at this instant springeth up, and maketh me to rejoice, seeing he hath hid these things from the learned, and xe- vealed them to babes. Wherefore he that learns from me the mystery of the gospel will have cause to rejoice, and will know the Father, but there can be no knowing of me but by the Holy Ghost. I cannot declare to you so much now as xii. 12. T i / i -1-1 xx * v 4 ^> 5) when 1 am in the glory or the rather, then 53. will I send the Holy Ghost. Therefore, you my apostles, wait till then, and tarry at Jerusalem, until you be indued with power from on high; for when I am ascended and glorified, it shall be done, and all things needful to be known shall come into your remembrance, then shaM my 126 NONE BUT CHRIST. m y Blessing take effect upon yon, and you shall worship me as your Lord and God. Amen. So it shall be. This is the substance of the gospel by St. Luke, who bears witness that according to the doctrine now stated, That there is none but Christ; none but Christ ; no other God but our Lord Jesus Christ, now in glory. CHAP. IV. Shewing- that the gospel by John, Jiis three Epistles, and his Revelations wrote in Patmos, is the same with Matthew, Mark, and Luke, proving- clearly, and much more abundantly the divinity of Christ, and that he is the one only and alone true God, in a body of flesh and bone, now in heaven glorified. SECT. I. John'* 9 fESUS Christ is most clearly proved testimony. *^ . iii.13. to be the only true God in these six insuring dotrines following, ch.i 14. First, Jesus Christ is said to come from heaven, arid that he is above all, and that his NONE BUT CHRIST. 127 his glory was wrapt up in mortal flesh, ^f m * on nevertheless, the apostle saith, he is above i ; i 5 2 3 and all, now being ascended; coming down only to give life unto the elect world. Now Christ being above all, and his xiv 14 and name above every name in heaven and ! 3 2 i 4 ' and earth, where then must there be a God above him. Secondly, The apostle saith, that this God became man, by taking flesh upon him. * God was made flesh (saith he) and we be- held his glory as a son from a father. Now, if there never was but one God, i Johniv.2. Q then it must needs be that God made or begot himself into a son ; so that God is Christ come in the flesh, and he that so believes, is of God; but, saith John, there are deceivers gone out, that deny this doc- trine of God coming in the flesh, they are of Anti-christ. As if he should say, in the latter times i. John u. is. false prophets shall go out of the true doc- trine delivered by us, and shall seduce n. John vii many; they shall hold forth another Christ, for they will have a Christ without flesh or a body, or person of his own, and a Father* God that hath no body. But you that have the unction, will own that 128 NOXE BUT CHRIST. ^at Christ came in the flesh, and then you , have God in tliat flesh - and the Father in ;'/*4 d that Son; and so he is God become flesh and bone, in a real body of his own, in which his whole name is written, and is read by the spirit. TIlii : dly Christ by his becoming flesh, a. and suffering* death in that flesh, became the author of eternal life to those that be- lieve him, and of damnation to those that reject him: therefore, said John, he that believeth on the Son is not condemned, but he that believeth not, is condemned already. v And the Lord that is this Son, saith thus, in the authority of a God, he that believeth x 10. in me hath everlasting life, and if he were John v. 39. viii.28,58. dead, yet will I raise him at the last day; for I am the resurrection and the life; but such as will not receive me, shall die in their sins, and be raised again by me to be damned. You seed of the serpent, you ask who I am, when you have lift np the Son of Man, then you shall know to your sor- row who I am, and that I was before Abra- fnd i. 1 !.' ham, and the I am that spake to Moses. iii. 7. and By this it is clear that there is no God but Christ, who hath both life and death in NONE BUT CHRIST. 129 in his hands, and the keys of David, and sword with two edges, and is judge of quick and dead, as now follows. Fourthly, All power is Christ's being v. 42. Ti. 63. judge of quick and dead. Do you mur- mur, said Christ, because I make myself equal with God? know further, that as the Father raiseth the dead, and quickeneth them, even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. Here now is Father-hood and Son-ship John v 22 r Rev. xix. 16 in an equal power, who must we cleave to as Lord over us ? must it not be the Son, yea, for the next words makes the Son sole Lord and whole judge; whereby it is clear, that the Son in his deity doth ever comprise the Father, and, therefore, said Christ, the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment to the Son to the end that all men may honour the Son with the same honour as was due to the Father. Here it is clear, that Father and Son are one personal being, who then after the sight hereof, will be so bold as to say they are .two persons distinct from each other. When Jesus Christ, the Son, is upon his throne, as judge of all. when then sits the Father, 130 NONE BUT CHRIST. joMt Father, certainly it is so. that one throne testimony. 9 serves one personal God-man Christ Jesus, now in heaven glorified, and one faith hath but that one Lord of a single person, as it? object to pitch upon. Fifthly, Christ Jesus is said by John to be Creator as well as Redeemer In the S *jj s- beginning was the word, which was Jesus Rev.iv. 11. Christ, and by Jesus Christ was every thing made that was made, so Paul declares the same. Eph. ii, 10. Heb. i. 2. Eph. iii. 9. Phil. iii. 21. Coli. 16. It is further said, that he made the 1 10 world, though the world knew him not ; where then is there a Creator distinct from the Redeemer, and where is there a Father now but in that Son. Sixthly, and lastly, The apostle, though he speaks much of the Father, yet his po- x 30 and sitive sayings centres in the Son, and proves that whosoever hath the Son, hath the Father. Therefore, said Christ, I and the Father are one, not two persons, but one personal glory; and when Philip desired Christ to shew them the Father, he told him that they that saw him saw the Father, and that the Father was in him, all power was his, and all in his hand. Again, NONE BUT CHRIST. 131 Again, the apostle in his epistle, though he speaks of the Father's sending the Son* yet nevertheless this Son is owned by him n.'j 2 hn 9 . to be the Father himself therefore called the eternal life which was with the Father; what is that, but that he is the Father of eternal life himself? tor, saith he, Abide in him, that was from the beginning, what was this abiding in him, but their believing him to be God ; for, saith John, he that abides in the doctrine of Christ, hath both the Father and the Son. Again, saith John, Abide in him (not in 1 Johnii 27 them;) now this him was Jesus, as the next words shew, saying, that when he shall appear, we may have confidence. Again, saith John, Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. Now this Father and God is all com- prised in the person of Christ, as the next verse shews, savin ff, and now are we the, J ' I.Johuiii. 2 sons of God, and we know that when he shall appear, (namely Christ, that God) we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is (not as he is in reason's account, but as he is in faith's account) one personal God, and under the title of Christ or Son, R shall J32 NONE BUT CHRIST t>sti"mony shall be very God and eternal life; all other v21 God's are idols. Therefore abide in Christ, stick close to that name, for the Father is there, salvation and eternal life is there. He that brings not this doctrine^ receive him not, nor bid him God -speed, for he is an antichrist that clenieth Christ to be God become flesh, and Father to become a Son ; so that to have that Son is to have the Father, and there is the God-speed and blessing, SECT. II. I must still follow the evangelist, be- cause he follows none but the Lamb, nor owns no God but he, if we but see into the spirit and life of his words, and to my faith and light, he speaks in this manner following. Hearken to our message which we have >i8. received from him that was from the be- ii. 27, and iii.2. ginning, which is, which was, and which is to come ; the Almighty, even Jesus Christ. Our fellowship is with the Father, and with the Son, (not with them as two, but with him) with him that is both Father and Son ; if you own this Son to be your God, you want not the Father, We NOiNE BUT CHRIST. 133 We know that the Son of God is come, and this is he that is now come by blood* who came before by water, and we bear witness to this blood, and that he is God under the title of Son, and the spirit that not only assisteth us, but cometh after as a witness itself, and is truth, doth and will bear record unto the truth of Christ, being God, and are to finish this mystery of God, ami in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, then shall the third witness or record come forth to finish the mystery of God, which when it comes it will declare its message as we have declared ours. But in the sounding of all these coun- terfeit angels, truth will be trode under foot, for the letter of our declarations will be given unto the Gentiles, and they shall make merchandize of it, after they have put us true ministers to death, an df they will get riches and honour by their ministry of the letter, and they will teach a false god, a false devil, a false heaven, and a false hell, and no true faith will appear. But when the third record comes in, then will the spirit of life from God enter into the letter of our declarations (which will NONE BUT CHRIST. be as a dead body) and make it for to Hev.xx. 5. stan( j up 0n its feet by a lively interpretation thereof, and the true believers under that witness, will be the dead men that shall not live again, until the thousand years be finished and more, and then shall truth appear again upon the earth to complete true prophesy, in a full witness to that re- cord in heaven, of Father, Son, and Holy 30,21. Ghost, being one Lord Jesus Christ. All other gods are idols. Amen. Let the sober peruse the scriptures in the margin and see whether the apostle speaks not in this sense abovesaid. johnxvii.3. This apostle John sets forth the idory of Rev.xix. 6, f 17, and i. s, hi s Lord with crreat splendor. No greater and xxi. 6, r 16 > * titles of honour and dienity, name and re- John 1.1. ~ ' jbhnl' 20 nown was ever ty tne prophets attributed Rev " to Jehovah in the law, than John doth to Jesus in the gospel, calling him the true God, the great God, the very God, the almighty God, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and Creator of the Worlds, and that he hath the keys of David, and the sword with two edges, and had the seven stars in his right hand, and that he searcheth the hearts and reins of all men, and NONE BUT CHRIST. 136 and sitteth upon his throne alone, whose eyes are as a flame of fire, and feet like burning brass, and his voice as the sounding of many waters, and his countenance as the sun; for the kingdom of heaven hath no need of the sun, for the Lord God, which xx u 23. is the Lamb is the light thereof, and that shining body from that spark of fiery faith, illuminates all things; for I saw his person, and witness to him. Thus we see that this beloved apostle, who leaned upon Jesus' s breast, and sucked revelation there, being more conversant in divine secrets than any other apostle, did own no other God but Jesus Christ his Lord. Therefore by the testimony of John, with Matthew, Mark, and Luke, it is as clear as the light, that according as the doctrine is stated now in this last stage, and under this record prophesied of by St. John, to the finishing of that mystery that hath been hid from ages, That there is none but Christ; none but Christ ; no other God or Father, but our Lord Jesus Christ, now in glory. CHAP. NONE BUT CHRIST CHAP. V. Shewing that Paul's doctrine is the same with the rest of the apostles, proving clearly to all that have faith in his doc- trine, and the knowledge of discerning given, that the Lord Jesus Christ is the God become flesh, and is the one only and alone true God, and everlasting Father. /4 LTHOUGH Paul doth in several places testimony, arm. Rom. 1.1. make mention of the father of our I. Cor. i. 1. ii cor i. i. Lord Jesus Christ, as the rest of the apostles and Gal. i. 1,12,15. do, because their commission was but the commission of blood, and so must render Christ as a son, yet nevertheless Paul owned no other God or Father, but what lived and reigned essentially in Jesus, as will appear in the following discourse. Paul doth declare in each of his epistles, that he is the apostle of Jesus Christ, and 1? that he had not his commission from man, or by man, but by the Lord Jesus Christ himself, then in heaven glorified; for no God ever appeared or spoke to Paul but Jesus NONE BUT CHRIST. 137 Paul ' testimony- Jesus only ; and although Paul doth say, pauVs that he is an apostle o* Jesus Christ, and of God the Father, yet this God the Father was no other but that powerful voice out of the blessed mouth of that glorious Jesus, which said, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me, I have made him a chosen vessel to declare my name. In these words was the God and Father manifested. So that Paul's commission from God the Father, was through the mouth of Jesus Christ, and the life and virtue of those words in Paul, was the Holy Ghot, or the gift of the Holy Ghost, which impowered n. cor. m. him to be an able minister, to set forth, and preach the name of Jesus Christ, as Lord and Saviour. Again, if Paul saith in some places, that Rom. viii. 3 God sent his Son, and grave his Son in Ga !. iv ; 4 and i. 4 other places, he saith that Christ gave him- ^ T'IU'W' self: so let this last word stand as positive H^V 4 for the only God, to those that now look for salvation by Christ; and it is but as to say as the prophet Isaiah had said, being no intercessor I became the intercessor my- self, and so said this Lord God, when he was come, / lay down my life of myself; I have power to lay it down of myself, and have NONE BUT CHRIST. power to take it up of my self. See Isa. lix. 16, and Ixiii. 5. Heb.vii.46. F r this is Paul's doctrine, God became Sd/Hi.zo. man an d so an advocate, whicli could not be, unless the Godhead was in him; for man without God, could not be an advocate, because no man is pure, but each defiled ; but that which can be without spot is ca- pable to be an intercessor. Therefore it was that the apostle said, x>r ' Tl5 that God was in Christ, reconciling the elect world unto himself, and lest it should be thought, that God should be in Christ but in part, or by an influential light, as in others, therefore, said Paul, the whole ,oi.u.9. God-head lived in Christ bodily, or per- sonally, then it will follow, that God lives wholly in Christ, and from hence these two doctrines are clear. Phii.ii i. First, That God is not bodiless, but hath Heb x. 5. . , i i i i i a body to live in, and that body is the body of Christ, which body was, and now is, the eternal Son of God. Secondly, Where Christ is, there God is; for if the God-head be wholly in him, then is Christ whole God, and then there will be no Father to send a Son, but that Son which is himself, his divine God-head spirit being the everlasting Father. NONE BUT CHRIST. 139 Again, if Christ had not been the alone true God, Paul dould not have said that Acts xx 28 he purchased the church with his blood ; arid further, the apostle said, that he pur- chased it to himself, who then are they to worship but Christ? Surely it is God in Christ, and not God without Christ that the saints do worship. Did Paul ever preach any other God Actsxvi>31 but Christ, witness that to the goaler, yet this faith was judged heresy; but said Paul, that which you call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers ; which God was no other but Christ. Therefore, said Paul, speaking of election and the promise, meaning Christ, of whose are the fathers, and of whom concerning the flesh (that is bodily flesh) Christ came, who is God blessed for ever. Amen. Here Paul shews that Christ was God over all, and puts an Amen to it ; what can be more plain ? Nay, so great was his love to Jesus, that he mentions his name a matter of seven times in one chapter. And doth not his doctrine arise to that i c r v "> s. and xvi. 22. pitch, as to bless all such as believe in, and E P h vi love the Lord Jesus, and to curse all such as love not the Lord Jesus in sincerity and * truth, 140 NONE BUT CHRIST Sumony truth, and is not his faith and doctrine phiuii 22 '?. according as hereafter follows. phu.'w. 5 Walk so as you have us for an example, fi A c'ai.ii. for I must tell you, that I live by faith of him who loved me, and gave himself lor me, being God over all. Now would I be found in his righteous- ness : before I knew him I was for my own righteousness, as if I could perform the law, but now it is the Lord Jesus Christ that I fix upon for eternal life, and count every thing but dung and dog's-meat that I may win Christ. Nothing relishes but Christ, nothing pleases but Christ, nor sa- i cor. i so. tisties but Christ ; for he is righteousness, justification, wisdom, and sanctification ; yea, all in all to me. So that the only knowledge I press after, 2 ' is to know Christ in his mighty power, as to live and die, and to live again; for he being risen and ascended to the right-hand of all power, which is a Father's glory. Therefore I now look for him, accord- ing to his promise, from heaven, to raise the dead, that died in the faith of him; for if he had not died and rose aoain, the I. Cor.XF. J 7 ^ 8 ', 20 : dead would never have been raised, then I. Thefs. IT. 14 had it been well for the wicked, but mi- serable NONE BUT CHRIST. 141 serable for us that suffer for righteousness of believing in him. Bat behold our Lord L is risen, and so is the first fruits of those Heb'. ix.'s'e. that sleep in him ; and as surely as he is risen, so as surely he will raise all his saints that did believe in him, to receive with him the glory prepared . Therefore look for this Lord Jesus Christ from heaven, and look for him only, and for no other God. But you must wait with patience a " J^d'a, 3 while; for before this be, there will be an/Tim-ia. 5, falling away from this faith, which we aid iv. 3. preach to you, and they will teach another llpl>15 ' gospel : leaving the simplicity of Christ, they will make a shew of faith, and of Christ, but it shall be but in contention and strife. Therefore seeing they will de- part from the faith of Jesus (seated on his throne in the highest heavens by his per- son, and in the lowest hearts by faith) he will depart from them, and will according to the desire of their corrupt minds, will send them strong delusions. Then shall iniquity abound, and false 2 -n^ iL 7 teachers in a mystery, and all great wis- Siu"^ 9 . dom, and fleshly learning must handle the I Tim. X. & matter, to delude the simple, and presently after, the man of sin, or last great anti- christ, J42 NONE BUT CHRIST. Snony. hrist, shall be revealed ; but in those days there shall be a cail again, ior (he Jews shall be called to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus, and revelation, faith, and knowledge in the mystery of godliness shall Kom.xi.25. arise, and fight again with the mystery of iniquity, and shall strike at the man or sin with the breath of God in that revelation aforesaid. 2Thess. a. Therefore look not for the coming of the andiii 2,3. Lord till those things be fulfilled, yet keep and2Th.i. , V 7,8.. your watch, and stand you last, that we 2Thess.ii. J 10. may rejoice with you at that day, and then shall they have the revelation of his wrath, that had not the revelation of faith in his person, in that their day. But as for you, that admitted tire faith o f t ne oppression of God, when lie conies in his glory, he shall be admired by you ; for you will admire at the glory and sun- shiny brightness of his blessed person; and you shall admire at his love and joy in phii.jii.2i, you, as to make your persons like unto his i cor.viu.6. own glorious person ; for he hath a person of his own, equal with God, without rob- bery. Again, Paul writing to Timothy, having in his epistle to him, set forth all grace^ mercy, NONE BUT CHRIST. 143 mercy, and peace, from Jesus Christ his SSj^ y . Lord, afterwards ascribes all glory and honour unto Je?us Christ, calling him king eternal, immortal, invisible, and the only l wise God; and concludes it, that all honour may be done to him, saying, To him be hon- our and glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Here Paul instructed! Timothy where and who the Father is : even in the person of Jesus, is God and Father, lord and king, grace, mercy, and peace, life, and glory, and that for everlasting. Paul lavs Timothy a foundation, and * iTim. iii. 15. would have Timothy to build thereon, i* . *s and i. 2. being the pillar and ground of truth, the mystery of godliness ; no God but what is in Jesus, no God but the Lord Jesus, and no Father to ascribe glory to, that is distinct from the Son. Wherefore then, the substance of Paul's foundation doctrine to Timothy runs thus: Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: 1Tim . I greet thee well, as an apostle of Jesus xii 17 Christ, and by his commandment which is my hope, my trust, and my lord. The good thing, by me given thee, make use 2Timi>14 of, even faith, which is wrought in thee and given thee by the laying on of my hands, NONE BUT CHRIST. hands, as I am ordained a preacher in verity i^.viJo and truth, as it is in Jesus; so have I or- uiTflLii j!? dained thee : I charge thee therefore, beibre 2 T?mMv 21 Jesus Christ my lord, that thou observe tiBd i, Hlv commaiK |, nen t. Be strong in the grace J, is l that is in Jesus, and hold fast the form of s, i sound words, which lies all in Jesus Christ, from which many shall swerve, and are already gone. But the true faith, life, and doctrine, I have declared to thee; therefore let thy prophesying appear, and be not ashamed of the truth. For in this Jesus have I believed and taught to be lord and saviour; and let none trouble me henceforward; for I know in whom I have believed ; I am the apostle of Jesus Christ; this is my authority, my answer to all that oppose me is, I know in whom I have believed, even in Jesus Christ. Let this stand as a bulwark or foundation. Therefore, O Timothy, observe my doc- trine, and build upon these twelve articles of my faith, which I will here lay before thee. iTim.ii.3. 1. I believe that Jesus Christ is God manifested in flesh. 2 Tim. i. 10. 2. I believe that Jesus hath abolished death, and brought eternal life. 3.1 NONE BUT CHRIST, 3. I believe that Jesus Christ is oar God and Saviour, hope and trust. 1-nm.a.w. 4. I believe that Jesus Christ is the bles- 1 Tim u 3 sed Lord God. 5. I believe that Jesus Christ is the most T im. i. 17, wise God. 6. I believe that Jesus Christ is the im- mortal and eternal Lord God. Tim. i. 17. 7. I believe that Jesus is the only po- V1 tentate. 8. I believe that Jesus Christ is God of all power, honour, atid glory. 9. I believe that Jesus Christ is the bles- sed and everliving God. 10. I believe that Jesus Christ is King of kings, and Lord of lords. i& 11 . I believe that Jesus Christ is the ii.4. Saviour of men that are saved. 12. I believe that Jesus Christ is iudare J 03 Tim. iv. both of quick and dead. This is Paul's faith and doctrine to Ti- mothy, and when he writes to Philemon, Phil - ver - J once doth he mention God as Father, but he mentions him eight times as Jesus, as thus, 1. lam NONE BUT CHRIST ' I am a Prisoner for the testimony^ of Jesus. * 2. I am Paul the aged, a prisoner j of Jesus. 3. Grace and peace to you from = 4. I rejoice at thy faith in Jesus. 5. All the good things you enjoy are in Jesus. c 6. Still refresh thou my bowels in & y o Jesus. * 7. Salute Epapaus my fellow-pri- soner in Jesus. 8. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. Amen. Thus we see now of whom the ends of the world are come, that Paul owned wor- shipped, believed, loved, served, or taught, no other God but Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours. Observe Paul's positive proofs of Jesus Christ being sole God. Not one of those sayings of his, but they will stand as a God against all other sayings, and make all other scriptures bow to them; for positive can stand of itself, when privative cannot, as God can stand of himself; so that by this, you that have faith may see that Christ can NONE BUT CHRIST. 147 can stand of himself. Behold Paul's posi- Jjjjjjii tive saying is summed up into those heads above, and in these which follow. 1. There is no truth but what is in Jesus, Ep h. iv.zi, then no God but -Jesus. 2. Believe only in Jesus justifies; so no Rom. v. 9, God but Jesus Christ. 3. Every knee is commanded to bow Jesus ; so no God but Christ Jesus. 4. Whoever calls on Jesus as Lord, shall Rom. *. be saved; so none but Christ. 5. Christ is the image of the invisible Heb - 3 God; so none but Christ. 6. Jesus Christ had the God-head bodily coi. a. 9. in him; so none but Christ. 7. God was in Christ, reconciling theacor. world unto himself; so no God but Christ. 8. Jesus Christ gave himself for us ; so Ga i. i.4. none but Christ. 9. 'All riches, wisdom, and grace are incoi 11.3. Christ, Eph. iii. 1 1. so none but Christ. 10. The world was created by Christ, Eph iu 9 Col. i. 16. so none but Christ. 11. Christ upholds all things by hisneb.i.e power ; so none but Christ. 12. In Christ is hid all treasures of wis- Col H 8 dom, &c. so none but Christ. T 13. One J48 NONE BUT CHRIST. Simony ^ OnC God ftS OH * ftitn > CVen Eph.^.5,6. w jj O j s above a u . so none but Christ. Heb.vii.26. 14. Jesus Christ, the high and mighty God; so none but Christ. 15. Jesus Christ is God over all blessed for ever. Amen. So none but Christ. Thus by the testimony of Paul, that learned doctor in the spirit, who had been wrapt up into heaven, and saw things un- utterable ; yet hath he uttered enough to shew, That there is none but Christ; none but Christ ; no other God but our Lord Jesus Christ, though millions of men should gainsay it. CHAP. VI. Shewing that Peter, the apostle of Jesus, taught nor preached no other God but our Lord Jesus Christ only. peter', pETER, although he had his doubts and failings rather more than the other apostles after his call, before the Holy Ghost was given (to shew that without Jesus we can do nothing that is good) yet was he made NONE BUT CHRIST. made chief of the apostles, being so rewarded for his testimony, upon his answer to Christ, saying thus : / believe thou art Christ, the Son of the living God. Now when Peter had laid down his Ac * 9 . ui - and iv. 12. foundation, hebuilded upon it, and miracles were wrought for a confirmation thereof, and all the glory of the miracles given to Christ; therefore when Peter healed the lame man, by saying, In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk, Now his faith in Peter's words raised him, and he went with them into the temple praising God ; which God was no other but Jesus that had made him whole; for as no other name was called on to heal him ; so no other God had that worship of praise given him but Jesus that healed him, and therefore, said Peter, it is the faith in the name of Jesus that hath made him whole. And now doth Peter begin tq make the ... 15 name of Jesus glorious, ascribing all power and glory, life and salvation unto Jesus. Therefore, he told the Jews that they slew the Lord of all life, and though it be said in the same verse, that Gfod raised him from the dead, yet Peter doth not mean that there 150 NONE BUT CHRIST. terttaoiiy. tli ere was a God above him, as distinct from him, but he means his God-head spirit within hisbks-ed body, that quickened in a moment, and he knowing the virtue thereof, therefore said that it was impossible that he should be kept under death. Peter begins his first epistle thus, saying, i pet. i 3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord iii. 21, 22. T j-~, . . i i > i - Jesus Christ, which according to his mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Doth Peter here bless any God distinct from Christ ? no ; for this God and Father is no other but the life, soul, and spirit of m. is. Christ, and it was faith in the word of i 23* Christ that begat them to a lively hope; for that word of Christ was God and the Father: for Christ had told them before that his word was spirit and life. John vi. 63, 68. and that spirit and life was that Father that raised him from death. i 9 ver 10 Again, saith Peter, this word brings sal- vation. This salvation did the prophets of old serch after, and the spirit of Christ was in them: who then was this Christ that gave that spirit, but God the Father then cloathed in his spiritual body of nncom- pounded purity, which was his eternal Son ? and NONE BUT CHRIST. 151 and what God was that which raised Christ, j ay- but that spirit of Christ which was in the prophets of old in the seed of faith, search- ing and inquiring for the time of his be/* coming flesh to save them. For if God had not become flesh, and died, and risen again, there could never been any salvation for those that died and roted in the grave : for if God would have saved any, he must have taken them up as he did Moses, Elias, and Enoch, and as he did Lazarus before he saw corruption. I. Cor. xv. 15, 16, 18. But to come to the substance of Peter's i 21. doctrine, as in reference to faith's object, *. 11,23. which is Jesus Christ, and you will find it to run in this line following. Who by Christ you do believe in God, do i Peu. s. i i -i 1^11 -i ii.3, and i. 23. believe him to be God, who by that uncor- and iv. H. v. 4. ruptible seed, doth make you to believe in 4,5. Christ, who is God. If your feith be there, it will be precious, when you groundly believe the virtue of his blood that redeemed you, and have tasted the graciousness of Jesus by that your new birth, it will be found to your praise at his appearing, who then will give a crown of life. Come to frim as a living stone, you are the house and 2 V pet.m.i8. ' IV b 152 NONE BUT CHRIST. festoon an< ^ church of the living God. Is" your f a ^h be strong in him ; if you make this Christ your rock, your God, your Lord and Saviour, grow in grace, and in the know- ledge of Christ, the more knowledge, the more love, the more love, the more charity; let faith have its perfect work. There was false prophets, and there will arise false teachers, that will pretend to Christ, but it will be but to gain riches and honour. Those will be against all dominion, but such as upholds them, and the will as JE>#- 13,19.' laam, bless and curse for wealth, and pre- sume to speak evil of things they know not. And though they will prophesy in words, 2 pet. Hi. is. that Christ is their Saviour, and purchased 18,19. their redemption by his death, yet they will not give him his honour, power, glory, and dominion, but do you that are his saints, do you give him all glory, who hath really bought and purchased you by his precious blood. He hath not bought false 2 Pet. \\. teachers by the shedding of his blood as to purchase them, but he hath bought them so, as to have power to damn damnable hereticks with eternal torments, and all un- righteouness likewise that oppose his bless- ed person, and will have a God besides him. Our NONE BUT CHRIST. 153 Our beloved brother Paul hath wrote of ?J those things aforesaid, according to the ^9 " L 16 wisdom given him, and some of his sayings are hard to be understood, which unlearned men in the spirit wrest as they do other scriptures unto their own destruction; for 2Fet " r it will appear evident that such things are done; for, 1st, Observe that they that divide Christ l Pet . u 4 from God, do wrest the scriptures to their 1 ' own destruction. Eph. iv. 5, 9, 10. Col. ii. 6. 2ndly, And they that seek to be redeem- ed by corruptible things, do wrest the 2 Pet u 3 16 scriptures to their own destruction. Rom. xiii. 3. Heb. ix. 12, 14, and x. 19, 29. Col. ii. 20, 22. 3rdly, And they that teach and preach for money, do wrest the scriptures to their .. 1 own destruction. /. Tim. vi. 5, 9. Judeai- 4thly, And they that deny the Lord that bought them, to be the alone true God, do wrest the scriptures to their own destruc- tion. Jude iv. 5thly, And they that argue from God's long suffering, that there will be no end of Ui 4 the world, nor day of judgment, do wrest the scriptures to their own destruction. I. Cor. xv. 32. Rom, ii. 4. 154 NONE BUT CHRIST. Pet ? r ' e 6thly, And they that glory in a God or testimony. > 7 J J iii. 10, 17. c nr j s t within them, and deny his person without them, do wrest the scriptures to their own destruction. Rom. x. 6, 7, 8. Eph. iii. 17. Col. iii. 3. 7thly, And they that hold forth a God of several persons, or a God of an infinite ii. i6. formless spirit, without any person, do like- wise wrest the scriptures to their own de- struction. I. Cor. viii. 6. Heb. i. 3, Sthly, And they that think to be saved by a bare profession of faith, without a . 9 lively operation thereof, do like wise wrest the scriptures to their own destruction. Rom. ii, 20. 2 Tim. iii. 5. is, 9thly, And they that hold free will, and 2.3,' 24. that a man hath power in himself to be saved, do wrest the scriptures to their own destruction. Eph. ii. 8. 10th, And they that give not the Lord Jesus full prerogative, power of life and death, salvation and damnation, do likewise wrest the scriptures to their own destruction. Rom. ix. 20. But you, my brethren, seeing you know these things before, and have that grace of wisdom, beware that you be not led away into these heresies, and fall from your own . stedfastness, NONE BUT CHRIST. 155 Stedfastness, but grow in grace, in the true t ^* n knowledge of Jesus Christ, give glory unto j 8 Fet iu> 17< him as your Lord and Saviour for ever and ever. Amen. Thus it is evident by the testimony of holy Peter, that great apostle of Jesus, that was witness of his death, resurrection, and ascension, that according to the doctrine stated, which is the true Christian doctrine now in this age, that There is nor never was, none but Christ) none but Christ; no other God but our Lord Jesus Christ, now in heaven glorified in a body oi flesh and bone, brighter than the sun, clearer than crystal, swifter than thought, and sweeter than roses, to whom be glory lor ever and ever. Amen. CHAP. VII. Shewing that the apostle James, his doctrine and faith, was pitched upon Jesus Christ, as the one only and alone true God. HPHE first verse of James's salutation -- 111 i X-N i testimony declares that he owned no other God James i. but the Lord Jesus', for, saith he, I am the u servant, 156 NONE BUT CHRIST. Simony, servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. James did not serve two masters, for God and Christ are one, and that particle and, doth not divide betwixt God and Christ, but shews the union of the two natures ; for, if and should make a person, then the national church might make four persons in the God-head, from that saying of Paul, in his exhortation to the saints, to get a full understanding, and then make their acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ, then add the Holy Ghost to God and Father, and Christ, and there is four. Again James saitli, that every good gift is from the Father of lights: this is Christ, and no other ; for he had told James before that he was the light of the world, and here James preacheth him so, for all grace comes from him. Light is glory, and James calls Christ not only Lord, or his Lord, but Lord of glory, which shews that all glory and dominion is his. If Christ be God of all power and glory, what room is there for any other Father or God. This Jesus is he that James bids the persecuted saints to wait for from hea- ven. He did not tell them of any other God NONE BUT CHRIST. 157 God that was to come from there, even Christ that died for them rose again, and ascended; this was their God they were to wait for. Now the apostle speaking of their wait- ing for Jesus, doth not only intend them at that time in his days, but all saints in all ages foljowing; for those that died then may be said to wait yet, and those that live now, were exhorted to wait then ; for the time from then till now is but as one day in faith's account. For there is no sensibleness of time in death : so that those that died in the apos- tles days, are but as a day before us, and the end of the world will be but as a day after us. So that eternal life is not yet attained to any otherwise, than in the soul of assurance. First, the Lord of life must come, and all v saints whilst in life are to be in a waiting posture, even unto the death of the soul, which is a sweet sleep in Jesus, and when he doth appear, then shall they appear in glory; for he is the resurrection arid the life. I. Thess. i. 10. II. Thess. iii. 10. Col. iii. 4. =5 158 NONE BUT CHRIST. Thus we see that James grounded the twelve tribes in faith and obedience to Jesus Christ pnly : for, saith he, ii. 17. 1. Jesus Christ was the Father of" lights. is. 2- Jesus Christ was him that begot them. *. 12. 3. Jesus Christ was the saints law- giver, a. i. 4- Jesus Christ was the Lord of all glory, v. 9. 5. Jesus Christ was the judge at the door. T. s. 6. Jesus Christ was t]ie God looked for from heaven. v 4 7. Jesus Christ was the God of the Gentiles. 8. Jesus Christ is Lord and God, and iv. 6, and i.s. giver of grace and wisdom. ^ Thus by the testimony of James, the apostle of our Lord, it is made clear and evident enough to the wise, that There is none but Christ; none but Christ; no other God but our Lord Jesus Christ, now in glory. CHAP NONE BUT CHRIST* 159 Jade's testimony. CHAP. VIII. Shewing that the apostle Jude, the brother of James, that his doctrine is agreeing ivith the rest, proving Jesus Christ to be the one only and alone true God. TN verse the first, lie, as all the rest, does read his commission, and his commission was from Jesus Christ ; this shews his au- thority. Now if a man pretend to be a messenger of God, and cannot produce a commission from God by voice of words, or from him that is so chosen, he manifests himself to be a deceiver and a counterfeit. But to the matter in hand, Jude, as a true apostle directs his epistle to the most holy in faith, being by him described to be such, who were sanctified by God the Father and preseved in Jesus Christ, and called. Now though the sanctification is ascribed to God the Father, yet this God and Fa- ther is but Lord and Christ, tor he is it that sanctifies as well as he preserves and calls, and thereupon he had said in his prayer to his 160 NONE BUT CHRIST. hi s God-head spirit when earth, for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they might be sanctified through faith in me, who am the truth, and thus writes Paul, saying, Christ sanctified his church by his word, and again, Christ sanctified his people with his own blood ; that is, by faith in his blood. Heb. xiii. 12. Eph. v. 26. All prophets and apostles have given forth, that God would, and did become man, and would shed his blood for the redemption of his elect. This being done and preached forth, the elect, through this report, laid hold of it, and believed it, according to the report, and so came to be sanctified, and made a holy faith. So that God the father is no other but Christ himself, even the word of his power. What is it that is given or done to the saints, but it flows from Christ 1 Doth not Jude here ascribe all gifts, grace, and po ,ver, to Christ. Observe these six in par- ticular, as, 1 . It is Christ that shews his mercy to 2. It is Christ that preserveth you, and hath called you to the faith. //. Timothy iv. 18. 3. It NONE BUT CHRtST. 161 3. It is Christ Jesus that gives to you , ny> eternal life. John vi. 68, and x. 38, com- 21 pared. 4. It is Christ that gives you peace, and 24 . multiplies your grace. John xiv. 27, and i. 17. 5. It is Christ that keeps you from falling 24. into error. Rev. iii. 10. 6. And it is Christ, that at the last day 24, 25. will present you faultless before the presence of his glory, which is himself. Col. i. 28. So that it is clear by Jnde, that Christ is Father as well as Son; so that according to Paul> the whole God-head centres here, and the faith in its being so, doth wholly sanctify, as Paul likewise said, as 1 Thess. v. 23, for all true faith pitcheth here, even before the presence of the glory of Christ, as Jude saith. This Jude calls the great mercy answer- 24 ing that divine faith, that the saints shall be admitted into the presence of the glory of Christ, when as all such as denied his power of God-head glory, and live in wick- edness, shall with Cain, their Father, depart n from the presence of the glory of Christ, and fall before him. Therefore the apostle exhorts the saints to 162 NONE BUT CHRIST. * m ^ n< ^ his doctrine, and keep close to their faith in Jesus; and seeing there did rise up many oppdsers of his ddctrine, and further would do, put them forward for growth of faith, that they might be able to resist se- ducers, that would shake their faith in Christ, and yet would come to their feasts 2, 12,4, is. O f cnar jt Vj as d ev il s transformed into a shew of Christianity, pretending to belief in Jesus as a Saviour of them, but not as their Lord. And so were for the turning the grace of God into wantonness, and not only so, but would deny that the Lord Jesus was the one only Lord God. But observe the apostles words well, and it will appear in substance as hereafter follows : Beloved, you had need of further exhor- tation, and an increase of grace to with- stand these seducers, being reprobates, and appointed for wrath. We have delivered to you the church's faith, which all the elect must have, and so may be called a common salvation faith. Mind, therefore, the doctrine which you have been taught by us; for deceivers will arise with false doctrines, and would take you off from your most holy faith, but you may know them NONE BtiT CHRIgT. them by these works, and there small esteem of Jesus, although they profess him in words, for they will deny his power and glory. Therefore, if you live in what age you will, and find that men teach Jesus Christ, contrary to the common faith de- livered you by us apostle?, reject them, and 3. try their spirits by our words, and let the concl usion of my epistle be the touch-stone, 24, .25. arid the preservation of you for future times, which is thus written. Now unto Mm which is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the pre- sence of his glory with exceeding joy . To thi " ly wise God our Saviour, be glory ttnd majesty, dominion and power, now, and ererwore. Amen. So that whoever shall hereafter pretend to preach Christ, and shall diminish this his power, and dominion of being Lord and God, he is to be rejected by all that have the holy faith that was once delivered to the saints in exercise, and they may be fur- ther known by their pride, coveteousness, and persecution; for, 1st, They will ascribe honour untover.if, themselves, and will apply themselves to the humours of such as are able to prefer w them, 164 NONE BUT CHRIST. festim'ony. them, and if they can set forth article? that may be received by the great and honourable of the world, then will they sacrifice to it. 2nd, This pusheth them on to covetous- ness, for they are for getting riches, and are hunger bit; they run after reward, and will teach any thing for money, being greedy dogs. Also, they are such trencher chaplains, and flattering parasites, that they will praise and applaud their patrons or benefactors, let them be never so wicked, telling them that if they do but observe such a principle or method of worship as they prescribe, and accept of them for their minister to pray for them, they shall be saved, for God is merciful. Thus they have their persons in admiration because of advantage. 3rd. That nothing shall hinder their 13. honour and glory, therefore they seek to surpass the harmless innocent souls, scoffing at them, and laugh them to scorn, and complain against the faithful with hard speeches, blaspheming against those things 10 9 of the spirit which they do not know, and against dominion, and so they bring in persecution. This NONE BUT CftRIST. 166 This is the evidence, that they are of t j e ^ ony those that were of old ordained to this con- demnation, even as Korah, Dathan, and, Abirain would have wrested Moses priest- hood out of his hand, and so are reserved for judgment. But at the coming of Jesus Christ, then woe unto them that gp after them, Balaam^ and Korah ; woe unto those wandering stars that wander from scripture to scrip- ture, and father to father, and then cry, thus saith the Lord, and then speak evil of things they knew not, that are truly the Lords. In line, woe unto those seducers, that when they cannot subvert the harmless saints with fear, and smooth speeches, that then seek by great swelling words to frighten them to their obedience. But you obedient children, who are sanc- tified, preserved, and called by Jv&us Christ, stand up, quit you like men, and contend for the faith against these men, or wander- ing stars, that are creeping into a profession of Jesus, but not in truth. So I shall take leave of you, and leave vcrse , ast you to him, namely, Jesus Christ, who is able too keep you, and preserve you from such an apostacy. When he comes in glory, TfONE BUT CHRIST. receive you, who is the Ye?last only wise God our Saviour, to whom be glory and dominion for ever. Amen. Hold to this, and be blessed, though it is the dominion spoke against. Thus the apostle, seeing the dangerous* ness of the times ensuing, and of these cpkels so springing up amongst the wheat, arms the believers of the twelve tribes, whether then, or thereafter, with argu- ments qf power against them, giving them good proof of the doctrine of the true Gpd, the Lord Jesus Christ, as may clearly be seen by this paraphrase upon his epistle. Read it deliberately, and see whether it be not harmonious. So that to my faith it is clear, that by the testimony of Jude the apostle, There is none but Christ; none but Christ ; no other God but our Lord Jesus Christ, now seated upon his throne in glory. CHAP NONE BUT CHRIST. 167 Thomat's testimony n^ CHAP. IX. Shewing' that Thomas the apostle of Jesus acknowledged no God but Jesus. ~ is never an epistle of TJiomm that is extant, there is they say that goes by his name, but not own in the pri- mitive times, nor spoke of, as ever I could hear; but it is probable there were writings of his. but it matters not much, lor the confession of his faith in Jesus, alter his resurrection, was sufficient; for had he wrote never so much on Jesus, his Lord, he could have gone no higher in his doctrine of Jesus Christ, than he did, as his fellow apostle affirms of him. For his doubting the truth of Christ's resurrection was the occasion of strength- ening the saints, both then and for future times more abundantly in their faith and assured confidence, that he was their Lord and God. Therefore when Christ bid Thomas come John xx< 27 . near unto him, and feel the print of the nails in his hands, that had been nailed to to NONE BUT CHRIST; Tho^aft the cross, and to put his hand into his side testimony. that was pierced with the sword, and saying to Thomas, Be not faithless, but believing. Here Thomas doing as Jesus Christ bid him, was thereupon fully convinced, tliat it was his Lord and master, and from the spring of his faith (in the virtue of Christ's yer.28. wor< j) J} e not faithless, but believing, ci\ed out saying, J\Iy Lord, and my God. Jesus Christ hearing this concession of faith in him, owned his confession, and as his Lord and God blessed him, saying, Thomas, because thou hast seen me., thou hast believed me to be thy Lord and God. thou art blessed in this belief. But blessed shall all them be, though they have not seen, as thou hast, and yet have, or shall believe me to be their Lord and God, as thou hast done. Here hath Thomas given an approved demonstration of his faith; and as his faith was great, so was his blessing; and as Thomas was the first that set to his seal upon his Lord's resurrection, that he was his Lord and his God. Ter 4y Even so, Thomas was the first that the Lord Jesus .Christ* sealed with the seal of eternal life for that his confession aforesaid. Now NONE BUT CHRIST. 169 iSTow was the promise come, and the^** covenant sealed between Thomas ami his Lord, and the other apostles, and their Lord, and all believers with them, I will be your God, and you shall be my people. Herein lies every true believer's happiness to pitch his faith wholly upon Jesus Christ. Therefore let Thomas's confession be the patron of our faith, and then will his bles- sing be the evidence of ours. Therefore let every one prove their bles- sing from the proof of their faith, setting to this seal, My Lord and my God. All the prophets in the time of the law, and the believers of their doctrine, had this proof of faith of God hidden in man, or to become man, longing and waiting for the accomplishment thereof, as I have abundantly shewed, and in this they were blessed. So here, Thomas, and all the apostles in the time of the gopel, with their ordained ministers and saints, had this proof of faith in Jesus, their Lord and God, and in this were blessed. So the witness or last record prophesied of by John, that beloved apostle, and the believers of truth, have this proof of faith, none NONE BUT CHRIST. none but Christ, and in this we know that testimony. we are blessed. Thus by the testimony of all the pro- phets, apostles, and witnesses of Christ Jesus, and of Christ Jesus himself, the true and faithful witness, and the Amen, that There is none but Christ; none but Christ : no other God but the man Christ Jesus our Lord, though men or angels should gainsay it. And from faith we say and affirm, that crowns of immortal glory are prepared for all those that receive this doctrine in the love of it, when the Lord Jesus Christ, that high and mighty God shall visibly appear, then shall all saints have the reward of their faith and love, and shall behold his blessed person face to face, with astonishing new joys for everlasting, according to truth of holy writ. Amen. LETTER FROM' THE SAME H AUTHOR. My beloved Friends, in and about London : T FIND there is great strife and division among you, and am grieved that the only true church should not only suffer affliction from the common enemies, but also from her intended friends. That such as call themselves sons of the church, should rebel against the church ; that they should cry Hosanna to the church, and yet crucify the church. Take care you struggle not beyond the bounds of love, but hold the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. There must needs be unity in the seed of Adam, because they are the seed of God. Let all saints take care they retaiii the life of love: if they fall into wrangling and dis- cord, they are in danger of the pure life's withdrawing, and in a moment may be deprived of what: they seemed to have. We are all one man's children; we have God to our Father, and the church to our Mo- x ther 172 A LETTER, $c. ther. We being brethren, let there be no strife betwixt us, and then the God of peace and love will be with us. This love is the anointing oil, it makes prophets, priests, and kings unto God. There is no light of truth were there is not love. We are all fed with one food, and are all at one table, where we eat the bread of lite, and drink the water of life ; how then can there be any strife, where there is the soul satisfying bread. We eat the hidden manna, and drink out of the rock of ages. Have but the wedding garment of love and obedience here, and we shall have the robe of glory hereafter- Strange ! that any that profess the faith should have a schismatical retragradation to union and concord. Beware to sow di- vision least you reap damnation. They are not all Israelites that are of Israel. If any be contentious, let him question his own heart, for he is under either desertion of the spirit of faith, or a delusion oi the spirit of reason. The saints do not straggle as lost sheep, but keep together, as a shepherd keepeth his sheep ; for a stranger they will not iollow. THOMAS TOMKINSON. FINIS. ANNALL,, FKINTV.R, UKAJ