5 SPECIAL REGULATIONS NO. 57a Preparation of Morning Reports Reports of Changes and Monthly Rosters 1918 SPECIAL REGULATIONS NO. 57a. WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, Jim,' 1, 1!>1S. The following instructions for the preparation of morning reports, reports of rhanjjos, and monthly roatora arc published to the Army for the information and guidance of all concerned. [ia.w,A.o.o.] !',V OUDKK OF THK SKCKKTAHY OK WAR: PEVTO.V ('. MAKni, (;,n,rul, ('hi>-j of StniJ. ( IKFICIAI : 11. P. MrCATX, Tin A'l'i'itunt. General. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paragraph. Section I. Morning reports 1-16 1 1. Reports of changes 17-32 III". Monthly rosters 3340 3 PREPARATION OF MORNING REPORTS, REPORTS OF CHANGES, AND MONTHLY ROSTERS. SECTION" I. MORXLXC R I- PORTS. Paragraph Forms for morning reports 1 < 'ompany m.iniini; reports '2 Hcad.;i!arters company morning reports ;i Headquarters morning reports 4 Consolidated mornin;: reports ,~> Morning report day ti Attached an 1 '. cas,u:;l oflicers and enlisted men 7 Name and i;rade s Remarks <.i Pate and hour of change \tn Cha:u:e of L'rade nfc Assignment \*c Transfer <\ Kxtr.i and special duty <)/ Sick ness 'ty Arrest and confinement !/, Detached service \ii Absence with leave ;ifc Absence without leave ;i,' Missint; in action i ; ,, At tae!in, 1 (ischar^c and furloimh to p'S'Tve ort 'Form Xo. :>:;!. A. (i. ().>. Consolidated morning report '.Form Xo. ;>:'.(;, A. (i. <>.,. 2. Company morning reports an' prepared by: n. Companies. troops, an.l batteries of all arms, corps, and depart- ments, and maehino-gun and supply companies and troop.--. I. T)ivi.--ion headquarters troops, engineer trains, and mobile ordnance repair shops. c. ('orj)s mobile veterinary liospitals, hase vrtrrinarv hi.-piiai<. veterinary liospitals. amhulaiice service sections. me<'haiiic;d repair shop units, advance animal transpon depi;ts. hase animal tr;>n.-p. .rt depots, iield remount depots, auxiliary remount depots, animal embarkation de;n>;s. remount squadrons, .^hip repair shojis, u'ra'/es registration sections, macliine-shop truck unit.-, and aero suuadron.- '/. All other units, estalilishments, and institutions similar in organization and administration to a company and not provided for in sul>para<, r raphs 1> and < a!>ove. or in paragraph .'!. e. All detachments, except detachments oi enli.-ied specialists >f the Coast Artillery Corps and headquarters detachments See par. -I.; Comjiany morning reports are submitted to the commanding )Hicer of the regiment, sei>arate or detached battalion, or similar unit, or in case of separate or detached companies and detachments to the commanding of'icer of the next higher administrative unit. >r of the post, cam]), or other station. 3. Headquarters company morning reports are prepared by headquarters companies and troops of regiment.- and by Kninr.eer .uid Coast Artillery bands, and :ire submitted to the <-..mmandin- ollicer of the regiment, or in the case of Kngineer and i 'oast Ani'den bands, to the commanding oiiirer of the regimen i. po.-t. cam]), or )ther sta'ion. 4. Ht-ad(|uarters mornliii? reports are provided for the purpose jf accounting for all officers and enlisted men not belon-inu' or at- tached (o a company organization or to a deuu-hment using a com- pany or headquarters company morning report. Head (uarters moniiiiLT reports are used by: n. Bureaus of the War l>cpartment. '/. ITead quarters of armies, army corps, divisions, brigades. reLriments. and separate anared daily or only for dao-s fur which strength reports IT roturn- an- to be rendered to hiirluT Authority. 'A'hen less than half of a pau'e is required for the tabulation of the 'r_*ani/ai ion or st at ion on any date, an intermediate line \vill be used for " Totals." and the remainder of the p:i,ue reserved for succeed in:_" dates. (!. Morning report day. Th- morning report day is the pTio(l frntn midni_'hr to midnight. r l'h<- mornin_r 1'epor: \\ill shov/ I/ 1 .' tabulation the condition of the company, doiaehmon;. head- quarters, bureau, department . etc.. at the end of the day covered by ' date of th" ''''port, and by appropriate explanatory remarks, all changes in dnt i"s and status of oflicers and '-nlisti-d \w\\ that ha\-e ' urred during t h-- day. 7. Attached and casual o dicers and enlisted men. In jin- I'arini: mornim: reoorts the followiiiL' instructions in re-ard to at- t:ic)i'd and casual oiiicers and eidisted men will govern: MORNING REPORTS. ? a. ( '(tinpani/ nnd lnn(i'/nar(( rs cnini>rtx. At- tached oflicers and enlisted men thai belong to other < ompanie.s or detachments of the same regiment, separate battalion, or other MLII- i!ar unit, will be shown in red ink in the columns, for "Attached'' and "Attached for duty." All other attached othcers arid en- listed men will be shown in black-ink ligures. In case the company or headquarters company morning rejori is submitted to the post or other station commander instead of \o a regimental, separate battalion, or similar unit commander, the red-ink figures in' these columns will include attached ollicers and enlisted men belonging K> the same post, or station. Such attached oiiiceis and enlisted men will be reported as on special duty on the morning rejwrt of the companies to which they belong. See also c. i (_') Enlisted men shown in the column lor "Attached for rations only" will be accounted for on some other company or headquarters company morning report, or on the headquarters morning report oi the regimeni, or other similar unit, or of the post or station. :-ce sub paragraph c <2). /). //fW'/>c'ij Arrival unnii:!>.; rep -rt. They \vill he reported an on special duty on the moniinir rep' ri <>f tlieir own company. ! Chaplains and all ollicer.s and enlisted men of the .Medical Department and Mrdnaneo I'epart :nent. assigned to duty with or ntT:clii'il (o tactical or.Miii/uiions in accordance with Tables of Or_rani/atio!i. will he ,-arrie.l on head uiarters mornim; re- ports in til" same manner a- otlicers and enlisted men regularly helontrinu: to the unit, unless a separate detachment morning report is kept for tu > pnrnn.se . They will not be carried in the columns for Attached" or "' 'asnals." S;an o! lice's and enlisted men regularly assigned to a post or other station will 1 arri< d on iho headquarters morning report, except those carried on separate detachment morning n'ports. '. ''' i'l'tid mnrniri'i rrpnrtx.- \< Tho new form for consoli- date.! morrpiix reports contains separate columns for "Attached" and " i 'asuals. " i'2i Ml o'licers and enlistcrl men carric*! in black-ink liirures as '"attached" and "atlaclied for duty" on company, headquarters company, and headquarters mornini: reports will he carried in the cilumns for "\ti-.icheil" on the consolidated morning j'eport. Those carried in r"d ink and those carried in I he column for" Attached mr rations only v will be disregarded. Son ('2X :'.) All otiicers and enlisted men carried in tho column for "Cas- uals" on the headquarters morning report will be carried in the >rr"spoi:din.r column on the consolidated moniinu' report . S. Name arid <;rade. The .-urname only will lie records! in i he. column f. >r " I'emarks" unless there are two or more ollicers or i-n!:-!ed men of the same surname in (he company or detachment. in which . Remarks. -In the column for "Remarks" \vill ho .-arc;;: recorded all changes of duty and status of officers and enli.-ted mm. as follow-^: n. Dnte and hour of change. In case oi a change of duly or suin:s that occurred, on a date prior to that covered by tin- import, liu- actual date of the change will be stated. Tim absence of a dat<- after a remark indicates that the change occurred on the date eoven-d by the report. The hour a change of duty or Hiatus occurs will not be stated except when necessary to determine additions and deductions ei rations as explained in para'jraph 11. Examples: (1 i '"Duty to liosp." I Usual form of remark \ (2) ' Duty to ho-p Mar io IS." (Form of remark in case il;c soldier was admitted TO hospital on a date prior to that of the report). i :Vi ' Duty to hosp -1.00 p. m.' r b. < 'hnnfjf nf ynirlf. All rhantros of rank or grade. Exam | iles: (]\ ''('orp Caswell aptd SLrt.'' ("_' ''Si:t R(:tli aj'td messsirt.'' (:\ i ''Corp I'ruc" rd TO pvt .'' If the officer or enlisted man is not "for duty" on the date of thr ciiati-'e of rank or irrade. his actual status will be indicated. Kxample: (-1) "< 'orp < 'aswell aptd set Sl>.' ! r. As.fi^nmt 'nt.- -The fact of assignment and whiMlu-r or \\>.\ /;. oilicer or enlisted man has joined the command, and if not his si at us. Kxamples: di "AssL'd to and joined Co." ('2> "Assed to <'o. 1 >S en route to join." '/. Trnii*fr station from w!iich or that to which transferred, \vith statement showing whether or not thi- otlic. r or cnlis'e. Joined.'' :!) ' Transfd to |.~>th M( i \',n. Attached for duty." (':' i ' Transfd fr "iiith Depot I'-rie. DS en route to ioin." I'.UV^" I 1 -2 10 MORNING REPORTS. f. < 'hditfji's in command. A\] rhan<_res in command. Examples: (1) "CaptSmithassijd to. joined and assumed comd. Lt Jonc.- reld comd." cJi "('apt Smith duty to heap. Lt Jones assumed comd." i:'. " Lt Jonesreld comd. Duty to SI). Li Williams assumed Comd. " Mi "Maj Arnold joined and assumed comd. (.'apt. Smith reld comd." i ") "Maj Arnold duty to hosp. ('apt Smith assumed comd." (>i "Maj Arnold hosp to duty. ('apt Smith reld comd." /. Krtni and spcriul '/'//v. -Notation i nn'-crriiiu' the assignment to or relief in. m any extra or special duty that, removes an oiii- cer or enlisted irian from the performance of the Udual and customary duti".-! of hi- otii.-c or u r r:'de. .^/n'c'nl duty to he perform''-! In luiiHtim, ' . ti /..'/' . rujttnnmrij '/'//'/ (/''// not In' noted. Kxamjiles: ili" i'utv t" SD/' i'l " SI) to duly." The nu-Mro of the extra or special duty will not oe stated on i*n< inorniiu' report, i See ;>!--o suhparajiniph /. Detached servirr). fj. X. -' p. in.'' (See paragraph LI, Kxplana- tion ?. .", " IIosp to duty." (1) '' Hosp to sick In '.', the na i n if (" i it i"ii \\ ill he stated. In c-atv MORNING REPORTS. 11 confinement by civil authority. tl. remark will show the nature of the offence and whether tin- prisoner has, l>een held for trial, tried, or discharged without trial, ami, when tried, whether acquitted or convicted. Examples: ( 1 " Duty to arrest. " iL'i " Arrest to hosp. " i :> i ''A wul to conf. " ' !'. "(',. nf t i .'ii route to coiif a' Ft Sheridan. 111.'' i ") i "( 'out' to duty. ; ' l(i; " (':>n\ at l-'t Sheridan. 111. to duty. " i 7 " 1 >u;y to a! s"iit in hands < 'Auth. Baltimore. Md. Held for trial on luir.v of larceny. " iS. AK.M-nt in hands t'AiiTh Baltimore. Md. to duty. !;.- leased without trial. " L /', tiifl" S"i!0" on duty exeeedintr L' \ lioiirs. uitii j)lace of al'S'-m'e. Examples: i " Duty to DS ot J-'t 1'oner. X V. " 2 ' DS i-r l"t Porter X V. to duty. " Dutv v. ith another oriranixation at the same post or station will lie reported as >pe. ial duty a;,-l not a- detacli.-d M-rviee. ,-. Abwnrt' >'- . i ><-p;,:-i ure and re| urn in all ca.-e^ oi ali.-em-e : f otlicel'S witil leave and ' l' ellli ted Hi' li "I, furloU^li . The peril, d of L:!i.so:ire L.uihori/ed will l,e .--tat eel iii reportinu 1 departure. K\a!;lple- ; : ' Du'y to 'v In days/' _' " S!) to fur 7 ibys. '' i :) i " i.v to duty. " i " r'ur to duty. " ', .l'y.-r/ir, (,///,'.,/,' ,', , ; , , . - J jepart u re and returii in all eases of ahsenee V.'il liolli lea', ,-, Examples: I ' Duty ;,) Aw,.l.'' : 1' i ' A wol to arrest. " IT., .''/'.v.s- .'/;.; in in'ii !,.- -The nu'iilier oi e'lieers and enh.-,ted men }i\~ u't'ad'- nii.-sin-' in aetion or rapt ir>"\ l>y tin- enemy. il\:.n:pl- s : il> "1 s:, r t . _' c'orps, and ''< p\u.-> m;s.-n.^ in action. 1 1' , " 1 pvts cap; u red !>y em my. Ciiinpleii- inforinatioii ini'Iuditi.* name-; ,if oMieers ::nd enli.-'ed men missinir in a<'t ion or cap i u red i y tin- etienry wid !,e ,-iveii undi-r 12 MORNING REPORTS. ?i. Attachment. Attachment of oflicers and enlisted men for dnt\ <>r for rations only, and relief therefrom. In ca^e of attachment foi rations only the names of those attached will not be stated. See alec paragraph 7. .1 ttnchi >I n/t'l casual oj/iccry ami cnltxtcd iiu-n. Example:" , 1 ' l.t Tone? attached for duty." i L.M "l.t Jones, attached, n Id ir duty with Co." (Hi "Transld to l^th Mii I'.n. Attached for duty." 3 MM attached for rations '2 p. in." "'> KM, attached for rations, left Co 10 a. in." o. /,'<./(. Sharp, hosp, died." i' "1st SLrf Cameron, DS, retired." (3) " Tvt Jcl Joti'-s, K. .1., Awol to desertion." r. I\i-f>int of dsxrrtcr to inililari/ control. Fact of return to militan control and status. Rxnmple: " I)emjiany or detachment commander, or in ca.se of headquarters morning reports the personnel oiiicer. will aliix his initials on the line with and follow- ir.L r tin- last entry of the day under "Remark.--." See model in paragraph 11. Sec also paragraph 24, Initials of pcrsonnfl otjifiroii inttrniiif/ rejiorts, and paragraph 7 tu) aiu' (b), Special Regulations No. 58a. MORNING REPORTS. 13 The personnel othYer \vill authenticate each day's tabulation on the consolidated morning report \>y adixin^ his initials on the line with and to the left 01" the word "Totals." In all causes care will i>e taken to make -ach letter of the initials h-irihle. 11. Rations. A careful record of additions an 1 deductions .,;' ra'ions. due to changes in duly and status of enlisted men IK ted in the column for "Remarks." will !>e kept in the columns provid-- i i'or the purpose, AS illustrated l>e! tii-ld toduty \V.,T.S. li ! I'vt Close duty to sirk i:i qrs; 1'vt Sr;i.jr:ives hosp to H.I..II. duty Ten unnssi.irnt'dr.'cniitslefl. eotnpunv ;it 7 a. in.. \\'.J.S. 7 ! 1'vts Lane and S'-lrid^i: hosp and \Villiams sick in tjrs H I. FI ' tod-Jt\- \V. .). S. s I Sgt Dulloc'k hosp to duly \V..!.S. H.I. .11. ILL. II. 9 i Corp Jones duty to Awol \\ .-I.S. LI.I..II. in ' I'vt ll-,\\ni'\s dutv to hi>sp; 1'vt Hughes hosp to duty. ILL. II. , \V,I.s.. Tot il. . '-.V full day's r.it ion is the unit. I'.ira.^rapli .' ; 71 , Umv H.-u'nl ition-. I'.'I.:. pre- scribes tlin-e HUM!- pvr t'.iy, l>rt' ikfast . dinner. a:i 1 supprr. '!'!-..- 'Tfii' in rat ions to bogiven an orR'.vnixation for inessini; nii'ti for a part of a day only slioulil ih. 1 re fere be dftennined !>>' dividing tin- tut il nnnii'er of nifils furni^hi'il Ky it. and taking the ((Uotient to the ni'irr.t. whole nuinln-r. A tvmainim; fraction of one-!iiiril \vonM thus tic ili.>rei;ardeil, wheriM- t\v(v-tlurds n'lnainiiit; \vouM count as a ration." (, I'.ir. 22v.i, Manual t). M.C., 1'UiI.) 14 MORNING REPORTS. '). It is assumed that tho change of status ol a soldier with roRiird to rations occurs after breakfast unless otherwise stated in ''Remarks." A soldier sick in u hospital h ; i- lixv.ted in the post . camp, or station of his company is present with company b-i; i-' attached to the hospital for rations, while one sick in quarters is rationed with hi.- ivmpan\ . r. The addition and deductions should be made for the unexpired part of the fnl 1- n;;o!i period. The model illustrates the method of computing additions and dedue- if rations, assuming : h u. rations arc drawn for u period of to days. it. The 'oiiowiiii; shows tlie metluxl by which the lotais in rations columns were determined: '. Hughes :u-.d Jordan. '.' caeh>;2 li'. 1 , o;- I'.i. -V. Billini^lev. *- IT - ;r. tin r< emits '.i.i each .,10 ;i:^ or '.1:1. ..'(/. Kenan and I'oyd. ~~ t ead: L' !"; nr 1'. i. likvk and .-olar. T-j ea -li -^ 1">.', or - !.">. ',!'i. N'eeley and Mailoc'ks, f,r, cuch J l.'iJj or !.f; Law. 0; I.aiie. Chamber- :<.n.! Sea^raves. ('-; each :: -.1'. Mi. ('.. . li; Bolnm. .",-; or --I;; detachment 7 men. .">-; eaclr-,7 :i'.i- or -; -10. >:/li. Close, 0; Si'iiL'r.ives, I- or ": ten reeruit-, -1- e-ich in - -It'i? or 47. '.tl. Lane atiii Sr!ri'l,u'r, "jcjcli .'-' ~\ '>r r 7: Williams, i). /ii. Jones, H or - .'. luth. H.iynes. ij or -1; Hnghrs, jj or 1. <. In tni> "-alcnlali'r'is on the lilth for rations due company fur the second lo-da\' p. riod it is assumed that 210 nu n are present for whom rations are to lie drawn. 12. Station or location. The stiiti'm or local ion of t hi- ccinipan v ';r detachment will In- staled on tin- Icfl of ;l.c IMLTC dcvol-d 1n the march the camp or hivor.ac at the -].d ( ,f the day will l>e considered as the station or loca: ion ni tlie coin pan;,' or detachment for the purpose of i his I'epi.n . See model in ]>arngraph !:'. lij. Kecord of events, ruder th.is hea -.1. .,: ;mled or missing JTi actibii. or captured hy the enemy, with dates at d places. MORNINU REPORTS. 15 Station arid record nf event.;. i in i;".:\-e;'oM. Tex. l's>ial i':i:nn d'Hi.'s. 1! 1! 'i alvesUon, 'IVx. I'.-M.ll c.imii '1 ii ir~. 1", i I. a Mar. i ne. Tex. Left 'ialvc-toii 7.o", a. in.. :i route to Ho.i-cton on prartii-o in-i'i-h: arrived ;it l.-.i .\fan|ii'' l.:!-.iji. :n.; ill ianee married. l:i mil' -. !,; 1 1 :ilcii I'ark, T. \. I.efl La ifa-'ine s.:ti> a. in.: arrived at Jl'ilen Turk tn.o", a. in.; di-tanec march'"!. >'. ; inilo. 17 . \\Vlistc-r. IVx. I-<'!' l!;iii-:i I ink s.'Jl ::. in.: :n-ivi-il :i' \Vplistcr 12.1(1 p. in.: ' ; i-l:i:u;' mrched, 'J iiiiU-s. Is ' l>!!':mnt. T.'X. I.'ft W, list IT 7.17 a. I::.: arrived :it iMlinont l-'.ii- ;, . ."].: ilUlaiii-i- Ti'.arcbt'd. i:c. milr;. I'.i Ma/n.ili.i I'.rk. lloi^ton. Tex. l,rfi T';n:iont ^.( a. 1:1.: arrived a' >f.u-- imli.i I'-.irk. Hoii-JU-i;. U.4U a. m.: .li.-M t-c in.'.Th.- ! !Unil.;>. L>n , (Inhesion. Tex. Lrft .\fa..'ini ! i t 1'ark il.i.i) ;i. in.: arrixe-t r;.i'ro...! sviiimi. II.i'i>!un. l>v ni:;rehinr 4 inili---. KnTrai'it-d :!! 1 |i- r t H'n;--:,in ".' 1 1. in.: arri'.i"! at 'ia!vi'~t(i!i 2. !."< p. in.;
  • ; "f i l;'ilvi'st!'ii. 'lex. I'si:;.:! ramp dinii--. _M At -.;! on I'. S. A. T. Kili-atrick. Kmlmrkod II.: 1 ,') a. :n.: sailed f..i \" r.i ''i/., Me\.. :>.:'.o p. t!-.. j:.'7 "til' S \, T. Kilp:\trirV en route In Veracruz, Mex. 2>. ! (ir.l.oatd L". S. A. T. Kilp.arick at \"era t'rir/., .\f-\. Arrived al Vent' nu at 7.:, provost puart duty so;.ih of i ily. 11. Additional sheets. A.Iditi'-nal wheels will IK' aliadu-d f-:- " Hi-mark.- " air! \r ''Siatinn and n-'-urd \ i-vcnts." if ilu 1 epJir proves iii.'-nincicni. i:. Vsi' ot' indelible pencil and red ink. Xnnnally iln- ini rn- i>i_' n p"!'t will he pn-pun-d \viih ink. liin when pen and ink are iu>t uviiilaldc an indelihle pencil isiay he UMM! f-.r the purpose. Red ink u ill in t he used in preparinir in^rninu reports except as presrrihrd in pura^rajih 7. Hi. Aliltrevialions. - The a!>hre\ i;iti..ns auih-ri/.ed f-r jirepara- tii.n of pa\- roils, paruj/raph SS, Special Regulations -\<>. . r . will he n.-i-.l in remark.- on ninniiii'jr reports. The f.jliowinL' additional ;:!,hr.-\- : ati' ns \\ill he us<-d for nioniiii"; rejiorts, reports of chaiiires, ; ,iid inonii'iy 1-,'stf'rp; 16 MORNING REPORTS. ('r.v !;. etc.: I'ump.iny IV.lthlli'"!. .<[-.l,li!' ''!!. :Hi'l lUiu.i corponu r-:i;-..| serous! Musician. first ch-s Mu -id.:!!, so. mill I-IUM Mi:-i.'i.i'i. thivl cl: 1 . 1 ^ P..I Misvlhnwnis A ::\l I'.iLuiw Aincri'.-;i:: V'xpi- a! inn.'.ry F A:umuni;i'.'i A nay Hi-t'iil:iti(His \ I.-::, 1 B^eho pi! ' .................................... "I Ch:inu'!t'r ......................................... ^'li-'r Kx, Char VG, Chai (i Conlin. ]!:; ..................................... Confmt l)ish.,n,)r..l.!y .iiM-h u.:,' 1 .......... ............... Dit;iiii"il Si '." J .', pay JT inn fr 2 nios dflaiin'il SC.' " Fort" - - days pay S< '." :; Forf '2 :1 pay ]>T HIM fur '_' im s Sp CM." ' ITanl lali'ir r --- -lays IIIO.H SI '." i- < 'onf - nr other fraction pay ]>cr mo for like period (ii'Mo |:> -Ith Piv." ''Pishon di.-th Div." ''Pislinn disch, forf all pay and allowances and --onf days I'nioH or yrs'i (J('.\fO 24 K Pept." "ltd to ranks Sp CM." filO(i8- 18 3 SKCTIOX IT. REPORTS OF CHANGES. Paragraph. Rendering and nnmborin<4 reports ............................................ 17 Forms fur report-; ............................................................. is I'SP of typewriting machine and indelible penoi] .............................. l<.i lints, i lit to, :ind brackets ......................................... .......... 20 Abbreviations ...................................................... .......... 21 r.rrors in i>revious reports .................................................... 22 Preparation and disposition of reports ........................................ 2:i Initials of pi -rsonnrl otlicer on mornin<; reports ................................ 21 Names of o!Vceys and enlisted men .............................. . ............. _>.-, Army serial nnmbi r .......................................................... 2'i ' I rade ........................................................................ 27 Remarks ..................................................................... 2!' Arres; ,.nd eontiiieinent Oeficlleil ^ervice \lisenr'e \\ith leave Al'-rll'-e Without le;>ve Mi in: in aft ion Attach menl Residual ion, dist-h:;r'je, and : . iijschar/i- and fur ioi :u ii to t'"si-rvi of enlisted inen 1 1, }'.. n'tircmi'iit, and di'-crt ion [icturii ''i lie erter IP military coniroi I ii'sertion and fraudulent rnli-!inrni Pesertion from the Navy or M irinc ('or)is Si'j>aral ion from the service while absent from repdar slalion or Scntenci of court-martial Nfi-d.il of 1 I'.HT, ( erl itif.it e of men:, di.-iii , \V-.r r\i'-e chevron and wound chevron Vr: '. ilandd.-patMire . M.Hl.-l r< " ' ' ' Individu .1 o 1 : i 'tsm reporti-il M-.iilin; ' ' is REPORTS OF CHANGES. 19 17. Rendering and mi inhering reports. -Reports of changes will be rendered by the. personnel officer at each headquarters t<. which, company or detachment morning re]iorts are submitted, or for which headquarters mondir-r report.- are pH-pan-d. See para- graphs 2. '.'>. and 4.) Reports of changes will also be ]irepan-d l>y cld"fs of bureaus of the War Department, or by personnel oliicers do-L r nated by them for the purpose. In case of a detached company or detachment ser\inir alone the commander thereof will himseli render reports of chair-res, or will deshrnaie a subordinate oiiiivr for this du' v. It will be the duty of all commanding officers to see that reports of changes are rendered as required in these regulation.-. See pars. 1. -2. M. and li. C. ('). No. -12. W. I).. I'llS.i A report will be rendered for each day on which a chair-re occurs. When dii" to some exigency of the service it is impracticable t<- render a < omploto report at the time required, the char.-_es of duty and status of officers and enlisted im-n that have been omitted from the incomplete report or reports will be included in a subsequent report, the actuai dates on \\hi''h the chair-res occurred beiir_ r noted in the column for "Remarks." ' See par. '_'!). />.;/< o, r/,,-.-; ,/, . Report- will be numbered serially for the calendar year, the first report f >r any organization or headquarters for the year heini: num- bered "!." Re ports of oliicers and reports of enlisted men will be numbered in separate series. IS. Forms for reports. Three forms fo.r reports of < hanjo- an- pro\-id<-d: Form NO. i>17. A. (i. ('.. for reporting cha'r/es in .. for reports of indi.idual officers detached and serving alone, or on leave of absence. 1!>. I'se of typt'M rhiniT machine and indelible pencil. Normal! v the r--| !: wil! i. ; r" pa red on a ' y pewrit in_ r machine n-in _ r a record rihhor of -:>. n lard qu.ditv. When it is impracticable to pi "pan- (he report on a typewriting machine or \\ith ink. an in h-lible pencil n;a\- be n--d for ih-- |iiirpose. Copi.-s may l;e made by carbon process, but in e\ - iry case iheori'.nnal \'. ill be f-ir\'.'arded I- The .\dj;;iatit ( '.i ne/ai of the .\rmy. V.'lien prac-t ic.il,!-> tie- rep-.n will be signed wiili ink. but svhen, duo to exigency of the scrvioi . jH-i; and ink are n-,i a\ailab!i> an indei;b!o pencil may be used. JO. Dots, ditto, and braclu'ts. The use of dots or the v.- rd "ditto"' is permitted in columns for "(Irade" ai.d "I ompuny and re-j-imeiM or ann or corj>~ of de])ariment . " but not in t he c, lumn for 'Remark-'." V.'hen the sam n.-tation is to l>e recorded i:i tin- column for "Remarks" conceMiitr-r ten or more men their names 20 REPORTS OF CHANGES. may bo arranged in a separate alphabetical irroup. and a common notation bracketed opposite their names. \Vlion fifty op more men d-'part from or arrive at a post or station on llie same day. as in caso i>i' recruits dispatched i'roin recruiting depots or nioliili/.aiion points, a list or lists showing the names, Army serial numbers, and other necessary information may be attached to the report of i ha Hires in lien of the usual end ies thereon. In such cases the report of changes will contain the following notation: "See list (or lists' herewith which i'rms mr form i pan of this report." '21. Abbreviations. The abbreviations authori/ed for prepara- tion of pay roils, paragraph oS Special ({emulations .\o. ,~>S, will be use. 1 in the preparation of reports of chant's. For additional abbiv- viations authori/ed for the preparation of morning reports, reports of changes, and monthly rosters see paragraph IfJ of these regulations. '2'2. Krrors in previous reports. -When an error is discovered in a report previously submit! ed. then n-ivi ontrv will be made on the next report, th-- entry beiiiu r explained by The addition of the words " TI > col re ! ern >r. lieport Xo. 2:j. Preparation and disposition oi' reports, lleports \.ill be coiiijiiled from niorni'iL: reports ami other oiiicial records and prepared in duplicate or triplicate as indicated In-low. (i. In all cases the original ivill be forwarded directly to The Adjutant (teneral \ the Army without delay and a copy retained \vi'h the re<-ords of the orjur.i/.ai i' u or olliee for which rendered, or by the- individual oliicer in :he case of reports rendered on Form No. (ilii. A. (>. >. ii. In ICurope a copy will i>e furnished directly to the commandint; general. American Expeditionary I-'orces. At divisional camjs anil cantonments and ]>ort~ of embarkation in the l.'nitcd States, a copy will bi> furnished to the commander of the camp, cantonment, or port of ombarkat ion. r. For organizations and s'.uions suliject to the jurisdiction of a commander of a territorial department a copy of the report of changes of ollicers. \vill be furnislidl to such department commander. d. I or indivii'iual olli'-ers SCIAIUL alone, or on leave of absence. copies will be furnished as prescribed in paragraphs S_'(i and M!7. Army Koinilations. i See jnir. ill. hniii iilunl njlinrs nut ntl/mrim r- fwrti ii'-ate that all data from the column f r " I { em arks " on morninir rejiorts ha\e be,. 11 trails vibe,! io i-eport of changes, the personnel ollic(-r \ull allix Ids initia 1 - on tie- nioriiini: report in the column for " I)av of month " arid ii;n:. >ii;r -lv below the dale ;., v, hich the REPORTS OF CHANGES. 21 remarks pertain. <>>< in.', Id in paragraph l!.t Should th" per- sonnel otlieer fail IT nodeot to initial the mniin<, r report as ln-r.-in provided, his at tent inn will be called to the nuttier by tlie e..mpany nr detachment cniiiinaiiiler. \\'lu'ti the company or detachment commander renders report.- -[ changes, as provided in paragraph 17, for companies and detaeh- inents .serving alone, he \\ ill atiix his initials in the coin in n " Pay of month" on the morning report as well as in the column fnr "11. murks," as prescribed in paragraph 10, . ! n//n nlii'ntinn <>f nt<>rnn<'j r> u>> '. *2~>. Names of ollicers and enlisted men. Xaines will i> entered on reports, in alphabetical order withoni restart 1 to p-ad nruMid/.al ;<>n, arm. corp-. department, or component fnrce o; Army Popular Army. National Asmy. National (iuard, Oiliccrs' li.-serv- ( 'orps. I-lnlist'-d KCSITVC- Corpo. The names o;' at !a< hi-,1 and cas'ial olHci-rs and eidisled men will be entered in the body of reports u i: h ( i ! name.- of the ojlicers and enlisted men beloninirj: to the criran i/a lion. post. camp. <>r other station. '2C>. Army serial number. --The Army serial number a~-i_ned ,.a eiilisi-'d man und'-r instrm'tions from the \Yar Itepartim nt wil! i;e en'.i red in t!ie column pro-.'ii't'-il :'r th.e purpose. Thi.- informa- par. '.'i'>, j ),.n*il 'on nl rnxii'rx. i 27. <; rude. -The rank nr irrade iif the dllicer fir enlisted man wi!! he entered in the column pn.videil i'..r the purpose. 1 n case nt a chanu r in u r M.lo during the ilay. the nld L'rade v.-jl! !. siicAvn in '.he column for " < !ra .r arm or corp-s or >\\ n in i he cnluinn fnr "Com- pany and regiment or arm or cm p- or department." In al! i.ther i-a.-''.s the comp-iny and regiment or arm or corps nr ilejiartni'-nl in which the nllie'T or enli.-ted man Ldonu- at t::e end of the ihi\ co\"-red by the report will he entered in this cnli'.iiin. i^Seealso pal'. '_':)'/, '!':'. Item arks. In tin- ci -In mn for " Iteinari-. - ' \\ il! l-e rep .rod ai! hanL'e- in duties and status of oilicors and e::!i,-'ed men recnn'" 1 22 REPORTS OF CHANGES. in morning !] rts or other official records. The remarks on i'n> report of ehani'es will he identical with those on the morning report. xeept a.-' hereinafter indicated. (See par. !), fti'indrks.) (/. !>J i-!.y the report notation of the date will he omitted from the column for "Remarks." In case the change of duty or statin occurred on a date other than the date covered by the report. the actual date of t!:, change will be stated. (See also par. 9u. l.t'i'c tun! fioitr i >f chunifi . ' : -. ''/'-nitre <>f ) -Rd to sgt." -4) "Rd topvt." -. Ax*in the report for the organization, pest, or station /> \vhi> !i Irnnsfi-vred th" name of the former orirani- zatioii. j'osi . or sta! i >n \\ i!! be state,; in t his column. ( See also par. <)//. 7 ',,./' ", and j>ar. L'^. Comjiruv/ '""/ rrrjiinrnt or unit or m.-ps <-r <:,,,: ,;,'. Examples: I "Tran.-'fd to l^t!) Cav. I.efi for new station." '1, ''!';.. :!..-:'! frC.'iili Inf. Joined or l>Sen route to join K" \'.}j "Tiaii-id ab pvi JoCo I; " i in case of transfer within i ri -ii n'-n I i:i\'ol vinv a chaiiL'e ' i' L'l'.uh '. REPORTS OF CHANGES. e. Changes m rnintnun'!.- Same as I'hcinjis in command, para- graph ',)>, with such addition to the remark as may be necessary to show the name of the organization, post, or station. Examples: i 1) "Transfd to Co l'>. Joined and assumed comd." iL.') Attached to and assumed comd < o !'." C>) " IIosp to duty. Assumed comd of post." /. /,'///<( ami x],,ciiil duty. The .same as /,'.'n;. and x.nd.dl dn!>j. parauraph !/". except that the nature of tlie special duty in c:u-e of ollicers will be stated. Examples: (1) "Duty to SD as Exchange (Mlieer." y-_>> "SI) as prison otlicer to hosp." i]. X(Y/.-ur.s,x-. -Same as Sifkncxs, paragraph <)y. It. Arri'xt and C'liniiii mint. -Same as Arrest niul conjlnrmcnt, para- graph Oh. i. Dttnrhi d sarajra[ih !i/:. irithles: ( 1 ) " Missing on reconnaissance or in hattlei at Tarlac, 1' I " (!') ' i 'apt ured in trench raid, liar 21) IS.'' /,,. Attncltui' at. -Attachment l"< r duty with an or^anixation. post, or station other than ihe one to which regularly assiencd, or relief therefrom. See also paragraph 7. .itturhi'd and (.usual nfr/i-u:t <:nd ' "Held duty with Co A." I';','] ' Attiu-hed to 1 >i\- II. i for duty as Asst Div Adj. M) Held duly as A) "Attiu-hed 1o anil joined lle^t." o. Ji<-*itint : 'i- dlm-lniri/c. un'l ilixinixstil <\f j/i'). In case of discharge or } if re- tained in service beyond the period of enlistment, the cause of retention. Examples: (1) "Hon disch KTS Clinr Ex." (1>) "lion disch KTS Feb -I ! ^ at < amp Meade, Md, Char Ex." (3) "lion disch SCD Char G." (4) "Disch and not recommended fr reenl on account fraud enl Char Fair/' In ra.sc of furlough to reserve, the same information will be given as in discharge, except (1). Example: "Fur res ETS Char (I. Held to make good time lost Awol." at Springfield, 111." ill "Desertion to coni. Apprehended hy CAuth .Ian :> i - at ( 'hicau'o, 111, and returned to Mil < ontrol Jan '2'.i IS." T'jMin final disposition ot' the ca.-e the report will show the ivsul: of trial, ineludinu r nature of offense of which convict. -d, and numher and source of court-martial order. If restored to duty without in.,! for desertion, or if charge of desertion is removed as having b'-en erroneously made, the fact of such restoration to duty or removal of charge will he stated. 'See par. 131, A. K i'Ho. Examples: (L) "Convicted of desertion and sentd dishon disch. fort of pay and allowances and coin' for '2 yrs (iCM<) K.) K Dept." i,2> "Tried for desertion and acquit led < JCMo lo SK Dept." l^i "Tried for desertion and found guilty of Awol only and sentd to fort '2 '.'> pay for J nios ( i< MI ) JO N 1 ; . 1 >ept." ' -i "('onf to duty. Restored io duty without trial for deser- tion." ( ') i "( 'onf to duty. < 'harge of desert ion removed as erroneously made." x. I>. M rtinn iin'1 /ru>/f/' ili-nt i-nJi-ttnn /!.- I 'poii ;lie apprehension or -urrender of the soldier, the report for the orirani/.uiion in which he is sen inu r under fraudulent enlistment will show the dan and plaeo of apprcheii.-ion or surrender if different from thai of rc[>ori . the organi- sation ironi which he desert ero\vn, deserter from <'o J5 ti">th Inf." \Vh(-n information of the apprehension '>r surrender is received at th" s'.ition of the orirani/a'ion from whicli the soldier deserted there v. ill l>e shown on the report for such orLrani/.ation or station the fuel of apprehension or surrender, the pla'-o where confined, the <>n,'ani- /.ation in which serving fraudulent enlistment, and the name under whieh scrvin;,' therein. K\ample: ' Desertion to ahsent in conf at Ft Jay. X Y. Appre- hended (Surrendered while serving in Co C, GOtli Inf under name f llinun Dre-.v." 26 REPORTS OF CHANGES. If com i< ted of desertion and fraudulent enlistment and sentenced Id lie dishonorably discharged, the Soldier will be discharged from the organization from which ho deserted a.s of name under which he served therein, and his name dropped from the records of the or- ganization in which fraudulently serving. 1! \ a : 1 1 j ) 1 1 .- : 1 ' i On the report fur the organization from which the soldier deserted: " Dishon diseh May 10 IS at Ft Jay. X V. Convicted of desertion and fraud enl and sontd dishon disoh, forf all pay and allowance^ and cuiif for '.\ yrs (ICMO 97 R Dopt." - '2 : < >n the report of the organization in which fraudulently serving: 1 " 1 Cropped. Convicted of desertion and fraud enl and sentd dish on disoh. I erf all pay and allowances and < < >nf fi .r '.', yrs tiCMO i7 !: I>ept " If til.- si.ldier is not dishonorably dischaiy-d 1'iit h-ld to serve the balance of his legal enlistment, his name will be dropped from the r-'cords of the organization in which he was serving fraudulent r.listinent. Kxamplo: ''Dropped. Held to serve under name of Martin 1'rown.' If held to service under fraudulent (nli.-tmont and ordered dis- r harged from enlistment fiom whicli he deserted, the .--iMier will be 'lischa'' 1 -!' d from the organization from which he deserted ntid held tii,- ; . i as of nun ii- and date under \vh ieh he fraudulent iy enlist i-d Kxamples: (li (On rejxirt fir organi/a'ion in which fraudulently en- iiste,!:i 'Held to perviee under iY;,r.d enl." i.2 i (On re] .rt 01 drganization from which the soldi* r do- serted , "Iiropped. lield to . -ei". ice as Hiram Dtvw." ', I>,.s. The fart that, the .-. i-iief is held in confinement a,^ a deserter from the .\'a\ y or Marine 1 ';] is. and at the proper time, the fact I ha! lie has been released from c.iiiiinement and drop})ed from the rolls, i See p;.r. JMM. A. I\. I'.ilij. ;' ;amples: '. 'Duty !o Ci'iil'. l)eser!el i'r Marine Coljis." J ' Released fr conf. I'r pj.ed." .;. Si-jMiratirni frmn ////' .-irricf i/l*itt dl.^nt /'rum rn/nlnr n/ii/inn or ' "in'i-.iit'mn. \\'hen an ofii'-er re^i'/n- or is dif an officer or '-niiMed man for temporarv service at a station or \\ith an organization oiher than his own and his de- parture therefrom will not he reported unless the period of such temporal}' service will in all probability exceed one month, or has exceeded one month at date of departure. The arrival or departure of an officer or enli-ted man ca.-uaily at a post or station or with an organization other than his (/wn will not be reported. Changes in status. MI< h as sicknes.-. ari'e.-t, con- finement, absence without leave, etc., of officers and enlisted men while iemporarilv or oasuallv at a station or with an oru'ani/atioii \\ill. however, ite reported, tin* same as for oll'i'-ci-.- and eiili.-ted men reg ilarly as.~iu r neil to the st at ion or organ! /.at ion On the report for the last day of the month will lie :-hnwn ihe Tiani'-. rank, ; } . nd organix.al ion of each oliicer: and the uaiiie. number, i^radc-, ainl company and regiment or arm or corps or department of e.ich enli.-ted man who has h"on on temporary si-rvice or ca-ually at the po-;t or station, or with the organi/ation, for o:.e month or more and who^e arrival at the pust or station, or with, the oruani/.a- tioii. has not be< n report e(l. v.'itii s;aiement showi:i'_r date of arri\-al. .See par. 7, Attwhed find ru*ntil i>j;i:- r* ttnd < nliattd nc n. lOxampIe; "Tetnp duty al po.-t since I'd) I IS." The arrival of applicants for < nlistment at recruitini: depots and of selecjeil men at m,.iiili/at ion points up, in induction into the service will not lie re-ported on reports o;' chaiiu'e-. us aH nc-ce.v-arv 28 REPORTS OF CHANGES. information is contained in enlistment papers or enlistment and as-iu r mnent cards forwarded to The Adjutant General's Olliee. Tin 1 departure of enlisted or inducted men Iron: recruiting de|K)tfl or mobilisation [mints for organizations, posts, or suitions for a^ign- nifiit will invariably be reported. (See J.httx, ditto, and brai-fats, pur. L'0. ' :. AniJtnritij for clniiujt. nut to In xt'ittd.- -The number, date, and source of tilt; order or description of autliority for a change in duty or Mams of an ollicer or enlisted man will not be noted unle.ss spe- ciiically required in these instructions. :JO. Model report of changes. Tb.i> following model illustrates tip' m-'ih"d "f preparing reports of ehangi's: KKPOHT OK CTIAXOES. No. 41. KNLISTKU MKX. C'anip I>rady, Mil. (i.^.h Infantry. For tin tit'enty-four hour* t nth <"a\ . I.i'i; for nr\v station. (h) Heir Sup i Sup Co.. I )iu y to DS at Ft Porter. N Y (i) T.>M>nl Duty to (iir 15 days. ^kj l)t>pt Co K . . .' SO 10 A\vol. C11 I ..... Tra:i,M to loih Mi'h K Desertion to i-niif. Appro- hcn.k'.l by fAiilh Frl. - !> :ir l!al!imon>. M.I. aii'l rr- tiinu'd lo Mil control I-Yt, '.- IN ;U C;i::ip Me:,,!.-. M.I. .r I certify thai th- remarks set ojipusitr ihc naini- m cai li .- in thie n.-j)ort arc cnnvrt to the best 01 my knowli-ilo-e ami Jx-l HA;K>I.!> '. KIM;. :{1. Tiuliviilual olliccrs not otherwise reported. I mli\ iibial otiirers detached and serving a!rt on Form X<>. (it!). A . < !. ' ., ail changes in tlii-ir dut y cr stat u.- ii.-' they occur, and \\~ill iiurlude in .-nch rejxpMs ;lic iniormatini] rvijuireil to be ftirnislied }>y p;ini;;'rapli~ sji; ainl M'7, Army lN"_ula- t.ions. If J-'orni Xo. (i-1!), A. (1. (.).. is not availai>i", rt-jMiri will bo made by letter. ( See ]>ar. '_':; n and (f. Prcpnnii'ioh t r!'nii<, >-'/''/> of reports.) :j'J. >Iailin^ reports. -The reports fur ntlicei-s am! l'nr enlisted nun will, as a rule, be mailed in the same envelupe. Tn pp.iec: rr'porl-s from the mticilaL'e used in sealinu: tin- c'livelnjn- a -hp > : paper iibdiit :'>l inche.- wide, or aliciii! nm.-fhird the si/e \ a -ln-i ' of letter jiaper. will be inserted between the i.-poris and lie- ba i; i if ! lie envelope STATION III. MO X TILLY HOSIERS. Paragraph. 33 1 'i>m:ioii''p.i funv of ; In 1 Army :!'.>/> As ignmi nt :wr A ' ;,>nri'j ni civ! of iimn' li H'.W I >:. . r .ii ioaih ..' :;''f I..'- -. i- ::::._;:. 1:10:1! ii Vt;" Moth-! ro.-'ti'r ofoiliivr- in :{:$. Classification of rosters. --The monthly rosters prescribed by these regulations are classified as follows: <;. / ,'';.;' * / nf ! .-in > p.-!. A ro.-ter containing names of officers and enlisted men is required for each company, detachment, h- ad- quaiters, general and ba-o ho..-pital, depot and other institution and estabii.-hiiM-nt , for which a company, headquarters coni[)any, or headquarters m^rnin^ report i- sub'tnitted. (See paragraphs L\ :>. -1, 11:1.1 :;:.. L. I'n. fer >/ ''ill' '/'.--. A roster cuntaining names of otlicers only is required for each regiment, sejiaiate battalion, and other .-irnilar mi:: for ill" heailqnarti rs of each separate and detached brigade and liiu'lter tactical unit: for the headquarter of each de]>artment. ilistrici. coasi defense command, jo~:. camp, and other sta'ion: and for e;.ch bureau of the \\ ar Department. See al.-o paragraph !!'.*. ; .'J4-. Preparation ol" rosters. I'e-innin'-r with the month of July, i '.i I x , rosters "f tr.iops ;: nl i'i isters of oliii er< \\ ill be prepared rnoni hly b\' per- mnel nllici-rs, and will n ntain the na.ines ,,i' all oliicers and ;-iili.-ied men, or of oiiici rs only, who lidomj to or are attached t<> a command or tation a' midniu'ht on the last day ol the month, and . .1 those who have been separated I her fioin during t lie month. The iiamos of ea.-nials. will nol l>e io\vn on these nx^ters. MONTHLY ROSTERS. 31 Rosters of troojx* will be prepared in duplicate for troops of the line, and in triplicate for staff corps and departments. IVO.~I.T- of o'>. > \\iienever practicable rosters will be prepared on a typewriting' machine, and written single spaced. A record ribbon of standard Duality will be used. Topics may be made by carbon process. ;j.">. Disposition of. rosters. In all cases the original ro.-ter wiii be forwarded directly to The Adjutant (ieneral of the Armv, and. a copy retained with the oryani/.ation or headquarters from wliich rendered. A copy of the roster of officers of each retrinient, separate battalion. and oilier similar unit will (> forwarded to the divi.-ion or othe ; - taclicid unit commander. A copy of the roster of oliicers at eadi post, camp, and other station under the juri.-dictioii of a territorial department commander will be forwarded to such commander. Copies, of rosters of troops and rosters of oiiicers beloiitriiii: t" a staff corps or department will be forwarded directly to the chief of the (;orps or department concerned. When names of oliicers of a staff corps or department appear on the roster of line oilicer--, an extract containing the name.--, of such staff oliicers will be forwarded direct 1\ TO the duel of the corps or department concerned. The personnel ollicer will keep the retained copy of each roster or troops for use at: the headquarters of iho command or station i : -ee par. -'','> for a period of one month, or until tlv roster for tl.-- siiccee-lins,' m^nth is prepared, when ii. will be transmitted to the ci.mpa.ny or detachment concerned for h'le. '1'h,- ri-taiiied copies of rosters of oiiicers will be !i!cd at the headquarters of the command or -tatioti. :JG. Form of rosters. -Xo blank form for rosters is issued. Th'-v will be prepared on thin paper of .ifiicial letter si/e i "x lol" . \ margin of one, incli will be lei' at the top ,,f each pa:;e, and ope-half inch at the left ed.,'o. The sheets will be securely fasfned lo-ether al the top by stapling, or ?-ewinu r . or wi:h nincila^ -. Thec-aption will show the name of the organization, li-adquan. rs. institution, or establish.menl, and th" dat" for which the rosier is prepared. Xormal'y, (,-ach jjap- should contain two column.- of names. See /'/, partition <>f ruattra, ;mraL r rapli :;!. and models in paragraphs ;-JS and 40. ;i". Hostcr of troo])s. - noi They have yet joined, and \sill i- 32 MONTHLY ROSTERS. entered in the following order: First, commissioned officers belonging in the organization in order of rank: second, attached officer? in ord"r of rank: third, noncommissioned officers in (>rder of grades given in paragraph !. Army Regulations. !!]:'. tlie names under each irrade heading appearing in the order of the dates of warrants; fourth, all others except burlers. privates, first class, and privates, iu alphabetical order of grade: tilth, buglers; sixth, privates, iirst i -lass: seventh, privates: eighth, enlisted men attached for duty in the order '.riven al>ove for enlisted members of the company. The names of enlisted men under each grade heading, except noncom- missioned officers, \vill appear alphabetically. I.ance corporals will be carried under the heading f privates, first class, or privates. <5rado headings jirecede th" names. The names and grade headings will follow one another without interval. The names of officers and enlisted men who have ceased to belong to the command during the month will be entered after the names ol enlisted men attached for duly under the heading "Losses during the month." i See snhpar. /. ' The names of such officers and enlisted men will bo entered in the order prescribed above for members of the company. In all cases the last name will be written first, e. g. "Smith, John A.." not 'John A. Smith." />. ( '<>ni /xtni'tit fnri'i nftttt A nil i/. -The component force of the Army to which eacli officer belongs will bo indicated in parenthesis after his name. If all the officers in any grade belong to the same component force, the name of the component force may be given in the grade headings in parenthesis and omitted alter the names. See models i:i paragraphs MS and 10. Notation of component force will not be made in the case m' cnlisi"d men. c. .1 ///<;/ .'. r'ml iiHinliir. -The Army serial number of each enlisted man will be entered immediately after his name. il. . l/y,mv.s at r ml of v ton tli. All absences of oiiieors and enlisted men at tlie end of the mouth will be noted wiih statements showing i uuso of absence, date of departure, ami in case of detached service, sickness, and "oiifinemem. the place 1.1 absence. Kxamplo: "Absent sick Waiter Heed < ilf since Jun 15/1S." i. !>'!' "/' '/'lining. Tlie date any oilicer or enlisted man joins the company, whether under original assignment or from an absence wliich be_'an in a preceding' month. \vi!l be stated after his name NO notation \\'ill be made in ea!'>! h Inj/uitrn. At mitlnitjht Jul//,;i. /.'/;- C APT A IN" (HA). 1. Jones, Marion L. Joined 2d. IST !.ii:r:'i:.\A.\Ts (HA). 1. Smith, Xonr.an A. I. Insley, Ki: . \.. .Vi7, *-.{. j 5. Honior, l.eciuinl S., LMtyiTs Juried 1st. L. Lewis, l'ct r^j i',x joined 2d. 9. Sullivan, Vrank -1., .' t.ti7'i. 10. S!o!. Davidson, tl'enry, ,,'..'!.:,:;:.:;. |{,> joined -'!h. 14. Joniv;. Waller U., NS.TIV,. Knr since Jim _".)ih. Iltcniainin-- c iri.oral . in ord.T o' dales oi \'.- irr.ui' -.' IST SKUHKANT. 1. Barker, Ix:^, 17^,1.15. Mr.ss ,SI:IU;KA\T. 1. 'Pucker, 1'atrick, 7l-t,;!ti7. Sl'ITI.Y SKKdKAN'T. 1. Plumber, ,7olin ( ., -l.:fJ4,:i.V). i. Ai\\di, Jdini, :,r,:M,.v.'.'.. A: MTU sick Fl Jay, X V, siii.v Inn 1 Is. J ; m i:i ^. .'. N!cNa!.,.!ack,.:i. :,,'.),;{tv. [Remaininj; .-iryrams in order of :(. i )ii\er. ClitToni i,., !'.",',j:;i. dales oi" \\arraiiis.j 1. \ li^lm, Thoin -.-, 'i. J''..r-i 34 MONTHLY ROSTERS. 1. Siniih, l-'.mory J., 742.3.V>. Atispnt in iMiifmt at Cohiinl.us Ilks, Ohio, since May I'.i/l*. J. Tivadwcl!, Sauuii'l TI., 4Jii.7^. I\st' r of < 'omjmny "A," tl. r >th Infantrii. At inidnififit July .>/, 1 Continued. ATTACIIKD FOR DCTV. PRIVATES. 1. C'iimpl >o!l, Hammond I'., ti,s3,,>47. Joim-il 21'R1.\<; THE MONTH. :. u.hoy. Robert (VJ.s'U,^. Missing 1st LIEUTENANT. in action since iiiiih. -.-. A' .;,,. Fre.Vnck K... Stf,743. Ro- | ' ^ilcox, Howard, U^). Transfd Gth. joined l.'itll. ('OUroKAI.S. :<. A I, rams, I'eter, svs,..;,,;. 1. McAlexandcr, AVilliam ('., H79,W7. [Koinaiiiini; jiri\ ;'.ii>s, first class, in ;!l|>hal.ctie.il order.) Pr.IVATKS. 2. Williums, lirlcc P.,4,fi71,714. 1'IMV >.TF.S. 1. l'.::l.!\vin, Arnold J., \,;,\ ;,.|i;,. Tran: -f.i 131 ll. :i. Andri'ws, l';nil. !)11,M7. Missing in 2. r,;.rlo\v, AValtcr. s;'.t,S4:,. IVscrtcd net ion since linth. l.'itli. iRi'inainiii:; prix'aics in alpha! it-tic-.il :i. I'nu'pjT, Johnson, "1,773.343. I'ropin'I ord.T.l ' 17t)i. t'tifitdin. (i.'itli //i/nn/ri/, I'lfaonnd Ojjiar, ('AMI' I!KADV. ^^I)., Amj.mt ,, 1'JJX. .'39. slostor (f oHiccrs. a. Xnwi'fmnrl ffrarlfs. -All ofliror.- will l.oshown on tlir- roster from the dale of nrripi nf not iff 01" llii'ir u.-^i^iiini'iit , whether or not (hey luiVfyi'i idim-ii . Xanu'swill In- cntei <>} in ordci'of I'unk I'.nd numbered '(piiseniiively under eaeh Lrrade. (irndi- heading will pn-ccdt- the nani'-s. Names tind j^uulf ln'tidin.L 1 ^ v.ill foile\\' cticli otlu-r wiihotit inter\'al. The .-urnaine will !>< \\ri:i'', iirst. : Sec jurat::': 1 |>h .'!,'/. i The iiaines of oflkvr.s \\lio lili \^i'-a:icies in an or_ r ani/at ion iindi-r Ta 1 >!<.- . ;' ! >: . a:.; ation \'. ill IK- cjMerod jn the body of the rostei . ultho;u. !i .--iifh o!lif(-i's may In- coinm ^sioned in a f(>m])oi!"ni force ''i' tiii- Army different lV -MI tint of tin- onraui/atioii \viih \siiieli tln-y a:c "i-rviiiLT. '!'l;e nanii -- of s;irp!ti< and attached r u-idfi 1 the heading " Attache of diiicers of a reirinu nt . .-eji;irate hatlalion. or oilier simih'r uni' \\ili include 'lie nuines of all officers h'-lotiLrinLr or - ia lied tlnTi : . .. lictlu-r Hervinj.' nt the ;taiion of th<; headquarl'Ts t.r t'oi. (HtM-r rosters of ofli'-ers \\ill include only the names of oliif-ers accounted for mi tin- head'iuarti'rs ii.orni:iu r report, (see par i _;;: j', 1 ! !' and of oiiicers I n-loi, _ r iiiL' oratia'hed t ) .^ejiarate and il'-taciied com i u:ii < at d iletachments servimr with the lead 1 Barters o! the i 'iiimain! or :." ti'i -'.:;,,, i . j j r 'n ii : c |-"Sii-; i - iin-pur'-d. MONTHLY ROSTERS. 35 Officers ot staff corps and departments will ho shown separately on the rosier oi the officers of the command \\ it h which or st; 1 lion at which they are servim.'. Si-: model in paragraph -10. See also paragraph :!">, Disposition <> r. < 'niiipoiH-ntfonr o/ the Arm'/. Tlie component force of \ no Army to \vhicli officers boloii',' will bo noted after their names, or in -jrade headings as j>rescribed in paragraph ?>lh for rosters oi troops. c. AxxiiU'iMnt. Tlie company or other special assignment of each officer will be indicated after his name. If nnussiirned. so stale. '/. Ah.viiccx at md <>l month. Absences of officers at ihecnd of the month \\"ill be indicated in the manner prescribed in paragraph \\~aragra]ih I '."/'. 40. Model roster of oflicers. Tho following model illu.-irates the meihod of preparing rosters of officers: /.''/. - !. Mi,ss, .Tunics II t>. >for.';iii, Sa:n;:c>l ( >., ( KA '. Me ; i 'o. 7. \\;k iv, <;. !-, i;., i i: \ . ri < .. s. ll.ildui::, M nr<> !>., IJ.U. (',, \. '.>. Allrlp W-.C':;!!'!,- I 1 ., ', \l \ ,. 1',;... -j,|. i". n. ::.! .> . !;.:! ;: . i: \ (,-. :-,. il. ir,,.,i::,.|.|, i; ,: ,. r - A., !;A>. c,, i>. !J. H,.;.;iit, I! ,..-... \\ .. : N A i. ( ,, |.. I.;. AI..II r-. n, I'a .: j; . . inHjc . c.i K. U. Ifaili'v. \\ iiii an II., In:l;c . i , ]-;. MONTHLY ROSTERS. /,';>/' r of the ojfirers of f/V 65th Injantrt/, at mifltiiyht July SI. 1918 Continued. I-T LIEUTENANTS. !. A:\.lor-on, lame., M., RA>. Hi) Co. 2. Williams, Bruce 1., ,KA). A-lj 3d I'.u. Lv .'.mr 2'lin. A. Jones, Dwiuhi 11 . KAi. Mt; Co. 4. 1 v.vr, Ambrose L , (RA). Co A. 5. Landerr, \tunisi I , (RA). Co C. 3. lira iy, Patrick T. (KAi. Co I). 7. Jasper, <;.'on:e, (KA). Co F. v Xorih, Km- 1 .1., K ' Co M. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT MAJOR. I. Morse, Ralph. iMC). Joined 9th < Al'TAINS. . Stem, John ('.. iMCj. ', Williams. Malcolm J., (MRC) 8. Courtney, Henry V., (MRC) 1ST I.IKfTI.NANTS. 9. Decker, Erne.-1, (RAj. Adj 2d Bn. i i. retrain, Monroe T., fMRC). Lt loinrd IVh. since fun 21 lv l'). TIo\var'l. Carl, i i. Col. I 2. Cox, Mark L., ' M'RCV 11. .Miner, Frne,. K.,uiA) Adj 3d Kn. ' j. Comvay, Hiram K., , MRC) 12. Y. MI, Joseph., fRA ;. C;> K. 13. LewKJohn/'nlRO.CoB. Lvsmce ! CHAPLAIN. Fun 2'.l lv I ST LlF.rTVNANT 14. -TaCKSon, fcllisc. I.NAI. Hu Co. ( 1. Monroe, ITarvev H., (RA) Ij. Mould, Waldo. (IniRC). Sup Co. ( .0. En:i;s. Thoma.-. IJ . CN'A/. Co B. | 'Remain:!!*. 1 i.rst lieutenants Ln or- der ill ran . "li LIKUTKXANTS. L. Cimnini;h:im. Tames li., RA). CoH. i. Stokcy, \V;liia::l. (RA). MC Co. 3. Fiel't. How:;. fRA). Ib, Co. . Luke. Will: tin, : RA). Co F. i. St unev. .) !iii v i A). Co D. V Fry, Duncan K., fRA). Snp Co. ,oine LlKfTKNANT. 1. Browni, lienjamin L., t'XA . Co M Joined loth. LOSSES DrRixn I;HE MONTH CAPTAIKS. 1. \"an Vleit. AniriMinp, i.RAi S::c Co. TransM 1st. 0. AV.T-, o..,.; 4 r, (InfU. ,. Co M. VD- j -'-Ha!-, Harry C ., (InfRC, ; : . at > aiii-r J!eeY. Mo.. 2ll Lii.fTKNAM. 1. I'.arkrr, .JoMn ( ., (ImUC 1 Co C [)i.smiKses(c Additional sheets for morning reports Arrest and confinement, noting of Army serial number of enlisted men, tioting of. . . Assignments, noting of Attached and casual oilicers and enlNted men, how shown on niornin Attachments, noting of Authentication of morning reports. Brackets, use of, in reports of chan;. Casual officers and enlisted men, how shown on morning report - Certificates of merit, noted on reports of changes Change of grade, noting of changes in command, noting :jf ( 'lassification of rosters <'ompany and regiment, noted on reports of changes... Company commanders, initials of. on reports of change:-. Company morning reports Component force of the Army, noting of i 'onsolidated morning reports courts-martial, sentences of, noted on reports of changes n. Hate and hour of change, noting of Date of joining, noting of I >eat hs, noting of Desert et, return of, to military control, noting of... I Vscrtion, not inp of Desertion from Navy or Marine Corps, noied on reports of chang- Detached service, not ing of Detachment commanders, initials of. on reports of changes.. I >ischarr.e of enliMed men. not ing of. . 1 'i! portion of mont hi v ro-ters. . . Disposition of reports of chanfes Distinguished-service cross, noting of. Distinguished-service medal, noting of i 'ot<, ditto, and brackets, use of, in r>'por!< of change-- 38 INDEX. lv Kntisted ine-n: Paragraph. Arri\al and do part -in', iiotinu' <>i" -'. Authority for ch-inne in duty or status, noting of ... '2'. Mailing of report ; fur . . - 3 4 . Noting of naiiu's ^,25,11" KnUstmcnt, fraiuliili'in. noting of ' reporle ! Initials of personnel olfrvrs on inornin 1 ,' ri'i>ort Ink, red. ii.se of... Ink, use of, for preparing reports of changes. .. MailiriL' reports of changes of nill 'ers and enlisted in en Marine dorps, flesort ion from, noting of Medals of honor, not inn of award of MisMim' in action, not ing of Models: Record of events 1.! Remarks und rerord of additions and deductions of rations 11 Reports of changes :ji) Rogers df ntlicers ID lin-ters of troops 3S Muntiily rosters: VI > :" - noted on .S7.:W Army serial nunilicr of enlisted men entered on ;i7 Assignments of oifiivrs noted on :)'.) Cl:k-.-itieation : Co:npone:it force of the Army, reenrdi'd on :!7.:)'.t Date of joining noted on . :i~,.'W 1 n iposil ion. . . H"i A 001 426058 39 I.US-.I'., during mo mli noted mi Name ami irrude of otlicers and . ;ili,:,>d men ,hov. -i ni\ < >ri.'in:il to t>< for* arded to The .'. 1] ;! 1:1; I'-m-r it. . 1 're para l ion ...... .... Morni:;-.' report day Morni IIL' report-: Ai>lire\ ialions .................... - .................. A< Mi tions ;mil ilivl net ions of r it ions At t:ieli,>il mid e;isil:\I ollicers. liou sho'.s n ......... Anthenlieii: ion of ................... - C'li-in^es tint 1m \e oec-urre Init ials of personnel oftieers ............................................... In o| Model, record of events .................................... 1.; M.xiel. remarks at:d re-.-onl of a idirio:: - a:i 1 d,'ilue:i P-J-, of r.if ions ......... 11 Name ;ii id '.'rade of otlicer- arid "r'.Iistc 1 :aen refi;rdt'-i 01; ...... s Prei)irat ion ........... ................................................ 1, pi Keford of event- ........ i.i Arrival an. I departure of, :it regular suit ;ou, not in;.: V i it hority for fhnnKp ill duty or status, in it ini:. ..:.. ]>.! idi.'.l and servini; alone. ho\v reported Mailing of reports for N ames. not :iu r of Re-i.-n itinn, noinu of. .. T'TSoniiel o'Viccr-, ini! la Is of. on morn; tu l'"poi ' -. i'reparalion of: Monihly roster^ Monnn.' r. port - U'-i'orl - ind e!lall^'e- . Man on , n cor i H I'ldition- a; . i 'ledii' ' \ m Ilee.,rd ofe\ent-, noimj ,,: !;> I in';, u ; ill, on mornin.; : i>or! -. I;. -in ir!.-., '!': in-' nf li'-nd' 1 : 11:.' :i. 1 I'.iiniU-r.nj :"- ...-.. 40 INDEX. Imports of ch.mp-s. 1'arupraph. Abbreviations ............................................................ 21 \rrny serial numlier of enlisted men entered on ........................... 2t> Company :iml regiment or arm or corps or department .................... 2S 1 'is position ............................................................... 2.', Krrors in previous ................................ ........................ 22 ! unr.s .................................................................... IS l:nti.ils ol < i in 1 1- in y or detat linn nl cnmmandi r< .......................... 21 I. i of dnis, ditto, and brackets I'se of tyjio writing inachnie and indelible pencil for preparing Resignation of o:!ieei>, n.ttint; 01 Retirement, noting ol ............... . Return of deserter to military control, noting of Rosters of ollicers Rosters of troops Sentence of court-martial, noting of ........................................... 29 Separation from service while absent Itom lejiiilar station, noting of .......... 2'.i Serial number of enlisted men, noting of ...................................... 2ii Sickness, notint; of ............................................................