i i '}yx.^<^ Ji:*^- V V J ^ ^^ UCSB HBRARY ^-5:2,550 ^hP^'Bi HIGHLANDERS. rillL ADELT II 1 A: * C. O. HENDERSON <^' CO COSTUMES OF EUEOPE: WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PEOPLE, MANNERS, AND CUSTOMS, BY A TEAYELLEU THROUGH EUROPE. ILLUSTRATED WITH 24 ENGRAYINGS. PHILADELrHIA : C. a. HENDERSON & CO., No. 1G4 CHESTNUT STREET, 185 2. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, BY C. G. HENDERSON & CO., in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. COSTUMES OF EUROPE, HIGHLAXDEES. These people are remarkable, both for their manners and their costume. They live in a part of Scotland called the High- lands, or mountain districts. The scenery in these parts is rude and wild. Craggy rocks are piled upon each other in the greatest confusion, and so as to admit no footway between them. Down these, ra- pid torrents, swelled by rain and melted snow, rush with great noise, and some- times carry away the flocks, ve^cetables, To) 6 COSTUMES OF EUROPE, ^j^ and even the houses of the inhabitants. The winters in the Highlands are very severe. Sometimes during several days snow falls so fast and thick, that the air seems like a thick white cloud, through which nothing can be seen. It covers rocks and trees, and buries oxen and sheep beneath it. If any traveller loses his way among these wild mountains dur- ing a snow storm, he is sure to perish. On one occasion seven young men were overwhelmed in this manner. Two of them were brothers. When the younger brother sunk in the snow, the other stooped down and felt him. He became convinced that it was his own brother ; and raising him upon his shoulders, he travelled on with him, hoping to reach^ ^ HIGHLANDERS. 7 some house before he would fall. One after another of his companions sunk down ; but still he went on, carrying his brother on his back. At last he reached a house ; but was so much exhausted, that when the people came out he sank down and died. The younger brother had revived from the heat imparted to him by his brother's body ; and he alone of all the seven was saved. Afterwards the six bodies were dug out of the snow, and buried in one grave. Yet the Highlanders love their cold country, and are rarely known to leave it. They are a brave and hardy people, and in war, make some of the best soldiers in the world. They delight in dancing, hunting the stag, reciting stories of their 8 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. old warriors, and playing on a kind of a musical instrument called the bagpipe. Their dress is the coarse worsted cloth, called Scotch plaid, which they fashion in various ways ; and on the head they wear a bonnet or turban of the same material, ornamented with a large feather. FINLANDERS. nxxs. Finland is a cold country belonging to Eussia. In some parts it contains many rocks, and a few high mountains ; in others it is flat, sandy, and marshy. There are many lakes in the southern and eastern districts, all of which con- tain excellent fish. In general the soil is not fit for cultivation ; the best por- tions of it produce grain, potatoes, and flax. Cattle, sheep, and horses are fed in the pastures. The woods are large and gloomy, affording a i^lace of refuge for wolves, bears, and other wild animals. The hunting of these forms a chief occu- 11 12 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. pation of the inhabitants. Fishing is also a favorite as well as a lucrative employment. The Finns are small in stature, but stout. Their countenances are generally flat, their cheeks sunken, and their com- plexion swarthy. They have gray eyes, and yellow hair. Some of them till the soil, others lead a wandering life — hunt- ing, fishing, or tending cattle. The bet- ter part of the nation are a sober indus- trious people, inured to hardship, fear- less and brave. To strangers they are kind and hospitable ; but apt to be ob- stinate when opposed. They are fond of poetry and music, and learn rapidly. The picture shows that they are not wanting in taste, with respect to dressing. RUSSIANS. EUSSIAXS. EussiA is the largest and one of the coldest countries of Europe. Its people are active and hardy, fond of such rough exercises as sleighing, riding on the ice, and bear hunting, and in time of war make excellent soldiers. The country is ruled by an emperor, who is called the Autocrat of all the Eussias, and has full power over the lives and property of his subjects. The higher classes, called no- bles, also possess much power. Nearly all the wealth of Eussia is in their hands, and some of them treat the poor people very badly. These poor people are (15) 16 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. slaves. They belong to the nobles on whose lands they were born, and are sold from one to another like cattle. Eussia, as I have already told you, is a very cold country ; hence the people are obliged to dress themselves in garments much thicker than we use in this country. Coats or robes made of bear-skins, or seal-skins, and covered with a heavy cloak, are some of their most common articles of dress. The wide head-dress worn by the women is often embroidered with flowers, or figures of animals, so as to present an agreeable contrast to the uniform appearance of the other parts of their dress. The men wear shaggy beards, thick hair, and short fur caps, so that they sometimes look almost as RUSSIANS. 17 savage as the wolves and bears, which roam through the vast Eussian forests. But the Russians do not depend upon their warm dress as much as we do to shield them from the cold. They are inured to it from infancy. One of their children ten years old would laugh and play in the open air without hat or coat on, in weather that would make an Ame- rican numb. It is said that their infants are every morning plunged into icy cold water, so that in a few years they can endure the most severe weather. The children at school often amuse themselves by building snow-houses and snow-forts, some of them are so large that they re- main standing until spring. The Rus- sians are fond of holidays — especially 18 COSTUMES OF EUEOPE. Christmas, when they enjoy themselves fully as much as the people of England or America do. In that part of the Kussian dominions called Siberia, the inhabitants hunt the sable, the martin, and various kinds of foxes, and other wild animals, whose furs are purchased by the Kussian nobles at a very high price. Below is a Siberian hunter. SWISS. SWISS. Perhaps you have all heard of Switzer- land, the country where the Alps, the highest mountains in Europe are situated. This is a picture of the peoiDle and their mode of dress. One may know by ob- serving their countenance that they are an open-hearted, kind, and intelligent people. They are likewise very brave. During a period of more than five hun- dred years, they have maintained their freedom, often in s^Dite of the efforts of great countries to subdue them. "When pursued by the armies of their enemies, they went to the tops of hia'h mountains (21) 22 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. and rolled great stones upon the masses of troops that were pursuing them. "William Tell, the brave patriot, who was condemned by the tyrant Gesler to shoot an apple from his child's head, and who afterwards delivered his country from Gesler's authority, was a Swiss. There are many shepherds in Switzerland. They lead a peaceful life, conducting their flocks from one pasture to another, without meddling with the noise and bustle of city life. Their flocks may often be seen feeding beside the quiet lakes, which are embosomed among the tall mountains. Some of the Swiss live by hunting the chamois. This is a dan- gerous business, and the poor hunters sometimes fall from great heights, and SWISS. 23 are dashed to pieces on the rocks below. It is dangerous to live among the moun- tains of Switzerland ; for masses of ice, called avalanches, often roll from their tops, sweeping away every thing that opposes them. In this manner, men, flocks, barns, and houses have been de- stroyed. The Swiss are famous for their skill in making watches, and ornamental machinery. They are a religious people ; and none of their villages is without a church and schools for religious instruc- tion. It is pleasing to see these people on a Sabbath morning, issuing from their peaceful cottages, and moving to- ward the venerable village church, whose well known bell is ringing and echoing among the quiet hills. The Swiss are 24 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. devoted to their country, and rarely known to leave it. Below are some Swiss hunting the chamois, a species of wild goat that in- habits the Alps. GiiEEKS. GEEEKS. The Greeks are a remarkable people. Once their nation was the greatest in the world, and ruled over two-thirds of the known world. Ancient history is full of their wars, their conquests, and their greatness. But this is not all that makes their history wonderful. Learn- ing of every kind flourished among them. Some of their poets, their sculptors, their philosoj^hers, have never been equalled. Greece taught all other nations. Her learned men knew more than those of the people around. But a sad change came over this beautiful land. It was (27) 28 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. ' conquered by barbarians, its learning was gradually suppressed, nothing was left of its former glory except the deserted temples, and the statues which the people had erected in the days of free- dom. These still excite the wonder of all nations. For many hundred years the Greeks were slaves to the Turks. Sometimes their masters would burn their villages, murder the men, and sell the women and their children into bond- age in other lands. Then came a change. The Greeks resolved to be free. Eising upon their Turkish masters, they fought as the old Greeks had fought more than two thousand years ago. Other nations helped them, for they pitied the poor women who had been sold for slaves. GREEKS. 29 They drove the Turks from the country, so that the Greeks were once more free. The Greeks are a handsome people. They have regular features, full dark eyes, and elegantly rounded limbs. Ob- serve in the picture how handsome, and yet noble they appear. Their country is one of the finest in the world. The beauty of their moonlight nights, sur- passes any thing of the kind ever seen in this country. At this time the Greeks love to be in the open air, and frequent- ly spend the whole night in singing, reciting stories, or dancing. But it is sad to think tliat these people once so great, have few learned men among them — that the common peasantry of Greece 30 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. move as strangers among the marble columns and sculptured temples raised by their ancestors. When the Greeks revolted from the Turkish government, the Turks cruelly massacred the inhabitants of Scio, one of the beautiful islands inhabited by Greeks. Below is a picture of the Mas- sacre of Scio. ITALIAN". ITALIANS. Italy enjoys a delicious climate, and abounds in the finest grapes, figs, prunes, and other fruits. For this reason it has been named the garden of Europe. Dur- ing the summer, the sky is remarkable for its clear deep blue color, and the air for its softness. The Italians sj^end much of their time out of doors, dancing, playing on instruments of music, and sinaino:. They are famous for their love of music, and by many persons their singers are considered the best in the world. Yery often Italian singers visit our country, and earn large sums of 3 (33) 34 COSTUMES OF EITROPE. money by singing at concerts and operas. There is another class of Italian musi- cians whom we occasionally see in the streets. They are called organ grinders. I suppose every child has seen one of these individuals, performing under the window of some large house in the city. The noise they make is intolerable except to those who know nothing of music Below is an Italian shepherd. SPANIARDS. SPANIAEDS. Here is a picture of Spaniards danc- ing the fandango, — for this is the name they give to their favorite dance. We would think people mad who would dance in such style here; but the Spaniards find so much enjoyment in it, that they generally dance all night in the open air. They are a singular people. Gene- rally they appear grave and solemn, so that you might suppose they never en- joyed a pleasant hour ; yet the Spaniard can sing and play the guitar as merrily as the Frenchman or the Italian. He is fond of games of all kinds — I am sorry (37) 38 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. to say that he delights especially in bull fights. At these cruel exhibitions thous- ands of spectators are sometimes pre- sent, including rich people, nobles, and even the king or queen. Pride is another quality of the Spanish character. It has caused many a quarrel between one gen- tleman and another, and resulted in the loss of many lives. Spain was once a powerful country. Its soldiers were dreaded throughout Eu- rope, and its ships sailed in every sea. It was from Spain that Columbus sailed to discover America. Afterwards it con- quered almost all of South America, and and many parts of North America. But these great possessions have long since departed from her. ■I TURKS. TUEKS This is a picture of some Turks. You perceive at once that their dress, their manners, and their whole appearance are different from ours. Their robes are loose and flowing, and they wear pieces of cloth, called turbans, instead of hats. "When sitting, their feet are doubled un- der them in a manner that would give great pain to an American. They sit on mats or low sofas instead of chairs, eat without using forks, knives, or spoons, place their cups of coffee on the floor, and smoke pipes three yards lomr. Their (41) 12 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. laws, their customs, and their religion are as singular as their habits. Turkey enjoys a fine climate, and abundance of the productions of the earth ; but the government is despotic. The Turks were once a powerful people, but they are now weak and contemptible. They are fond of smoking opium, and will sit whole days with a pipe in their mouths, puffing, drinking coffee, and sleeping. They do not allow their wo- men to appear in public, or to speak without permission in the presence of men. GE^ANS. m GEEMAXS. Germany is an extensive region, di- vided into many small countries, whose inhabitants differ from each other in dress, language, and other particulars. The picture shows the dress of a few. None of the Germans are so fond of dress as the Spaniards and Italians are. Their wish is to be comfortable; and when this is gratified they are not anxious about elegance or beauty. The German people are kind, open- hearted, and generous. They do not boast of their honor lik%the Spaniard ; nor carry dagg^' to defend their good (45) 16 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. name like the Italian; yet they have far more true honor than either Spaniards or Italians have. Pride is no part of the German character ; but their great men labor harder and acquire more honors than those who look upon them with contempt. There are many great scholars in Germany; and the German artists, especially those who labor in fine and delicate instruments, are the best in the world. Wherever they go they are sure to obtain employment; because they form not only useful but quiet citizens. Germany is famous for its strong cas- tles, its wide, gloomy forests, and its many noble churches. Some of the cas- tles are very old. They were built by chieftains who lived a '"thousand years GERMANS. 47 ago, and whose families were protected by the thick walls and massy gates. In the forests many deer, bears, and wild boars once lived. These the old Germans were fond of hunting ; and many stories are still told of the danger incurred while chasing the wild boar, through mountain passes, thick forests, and along the bor- ders of rivers. Now these animals are not often met with in Germany ; so that the boar hunt is no longer an amusement of kings and nobles. Germany produces some of the finest wines in the world. The vineyards on the banks of the Rhine are particularly celebrated, producing what is called the Ehine wines. The wine which is i^ro- duced on the estate of Prince Metternich 48 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. is called Joliannisberg ; and commands an enormous price. Below is a company of peasants gathering grapes for the vantage. GIPSIES. GIPSIES. The Gipsies have no national home They wander through the countries of Europe in small parties, leading the lives of beggars and vagrants. They are not white like Euro^Dean people, but of a sallow complexion. It is not known where they first came from. When travelling they carry their tents and fur- niture with them, and the mothers have their children strapped in sacks on their backs. They generally pass the night near hills or on a wide plain, apart from the dwellings of other people. At such times they sj^read their tents across (51) 52 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. poles, cook their victuals in the open air, and if the weather is not cold, spend three or four hours telling tales or sing- ing songs. Most people in Europe are afraid of Gipsies; and the truth is that these people are great thieves, neglecting no opportunity to pilfer food or property, They have been known to carry young children from the cradle, and afterwards bring them up as their own. Often they have done so much mischief throughout a particular country, that severe measures were taken against all who could after- wards be found in it. The Gipsies are especially famous for telling fortunes. COSSACKS. COSSACKS. Here are some very rough looking characters. It would be hard to describe their dress, since no two of them appear to be dressed alike. These are Cossacks — a people who in battle are among the most terrible horsemen of any known at the present day. They live on the bor- ders of Eussia and Turkey, and are gene- rally regarded as forming a part of the Eussian army in time of war. Being almost constantly on horseback, they are the best riders in the world ; and when five or six thousand of them sweep down against an enemy's armv nothing can (55) 56 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. withstand the shock. Sometimes they ride without any saddle, and with no- thing but a rope for a bridle. When roving about from one place to another, they often eat and sleep on horseback. They are barbarous in peace and cruel in war. In battle they give no quarter, riding down those who flee or those who stand, and spearing the wounded that may be lying on the ground. If they take any prisoners they murder them without mercy. A party of Cossacks will sometimes enter a Turkish vil- lage, tie the inhabitants, and carry away every thing valuable that they can find. In the wars of Eussia with diffe- rent nations they have been found more efficient than even the Russian cavalry. HUNGARIANS. HUNGAEIANS. Hungary was once an independent na- tion. It was ruled by its own king, and its nobles were brave and warlike. The people were open-hearted, generous, and brave. Now Hungary is subject to Austria, and its people are oppressed by the Austrian soldiers. Yet they are still brave and generous. The men are proud of their descent from the old nobles who once fought against the Austrians, and watch for an opportunity to deliver themselves from the yoke of their masters. They have tried to do so several times, but as (59) 60 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. yet without success. Perhaps a time will come when Hungary will be free. These people like the Austrian s are fond of dress. The men generally wear coats in the military style, with high boots, and an ornamented cloak. The women dress in various ways, but usually with taste and elegance. They are fond of martial music and dancing. There are many high mountains in Hungary. To these the people retire when the country is invaded by an enemy. In some places the road between the rocks is so narrow, that a few men could drive back or destroy an army that would attempt to pass through. In this manner a small party of Hungarians has sometimes defeated the Austrian forces COSTUMES OF EUROPE. 61 which were sent to enslave them. But then in revenge, the enemy would deso- late their fields, and burn their villages. Hungary is at present much oppressed by Austria. Her great men have been shot or hanged, the peasantry have been plundered, and many parts of the land made desolate. Hundreds of these op- pressed peoi^le driven from their homes are now wandering through the diflferent countries of Europe seeking a place of refuge. Some of them have come to our own country, and have been received with very cordial welcome. Among the rest was the veteran general who had com- manded the Hungarians during their long and obstinate defence of the city of Co- 62 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. morn, which was beseiged by the Aus- trian forces. Another interesting Hun- garian exile is Mademoiselle Jagello, who served as a lieutenant in the recent struggle against the Austrian power. AUSTllIANS. AUSTEIANS. Austria is a large country in the south- ern part of Europe. Its people are fond of holidays, parades, and gay dress. The men wear clothes of very bright colors, with feathers in their hats, and long swords by their sides. The women deck themselves in a variety of ways. All strive to appear as fine as they can, and to wear the richest clothes they can af- ford. Some have their hair hanging round their shoulders in curls or long plaits ; others place roses or other flowers in it ; and many tie it with long green ribbons which hang down and flutter in 5 (60) 66 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. the wind. Women as well as men learn to smoke at a very early age. Austria is a fine country. The climate in most parts is warm and healthful. There are long thick forests, noble rivers, and high mountains. The soil produces in abundance, grains, fruits, vegetables, and useful trees. The people of such a country would be happy if they had good rulers. But the Austrian rulers do not care for the people. The nobles, as they are called, despise the poor peasants and laborers, and treat them cruelly. They are obliged to pay many taxes to support the emperor, the army, and the rich clergy. But though badly governed the Aus- trians are generally cheerful. They de- AUSTRIANS. 67 light to hear music and to dance. While gathering their harvest or their vintage, they make the fields resound with their loud laughter and merry songs. The children of the poorer classes have to work when they are quite young ; and the women labor in the fields, ploughing, reaping, and mowing, like the men. The nobles are those who own great castles, extensive fields, and much money. The capital of Austria is Vienna. Here the emperor and the court reside. It is a very ancient and splendid city, and contains a great number of fine buildings and beautiful works of art. Here they have large and splendid opera houses, and the finest music in the world may be heard in them. The emperor has 68 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. several palaces in Vienna and its neigh- borhood, and these palaces are adorned with beautiful pictures and statues. SCLlVONIANS. SCLAVONIANS. ScLAVONiA is a small province in the south-eastern part of the empire of Aus- tria. It produces grain, fruits, and nuts in great abundance. In the thick forests, wild honey is found in large quantities ; while the mountain districts contain valuable plants and minerals, many of which are used in medicine. Excellent fish are caught in the rivers. The people of this country are called Sclavonians. They are brave and cheer- ful, and greatly attached to their own land. Most of thorn are engaged in the tending of cattle. They roam with their (71) 72 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. large flocks from place to place ; but are generally fond of the i)asture at the bot- tom of mountains, or near streams of water. These people fight bravely for their land, and will not allow the Aus- trians to exercise much dominion over them. But they have not much educa- tion. There are few schools or learned men in the country. The children in- stead of being engaged with books until they are twelve or fifteen years old, learn to watch flocks of sheep to give notice if a w^olf approaches, to hunt for honey in the woods, and to climb from rock to rock of their high mountains. Thus they become strong and healthy, and afterwards make able soldiers. Scla- vonia is divided into a number of tribes, SCLAVOXIANS. 73 each of which has its own chief, and is independent of the others. Our picture shows the dress in one of these tribes. You observe that the people are tall and handsome, and look somewhat like Hun- garians. The shepherds and mountaineers dress very differently. In Sclavonia, a good deal of excellent wine is made. Fruit is very plentiful, and there are vast orchards of plums, from which a favorite liquor, called Sli- voh'tza, is distilled. The people breed immense herds of live stock ; and have large flocks of hogs feeding wild in the forests. They export cattle, hogs, hides, skins, rye, wheat, honey, wax, timber, and other articles, to the most distant provinces of the Austrian empire. 74 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. The wealth derived from this exten- sive internal commerce is great; and many of the Sclavonians are quite rich. '-'''^'''^rry^^^y^^^ CEOATS. CEOATS. These people inhabit a province of Austria, which joins Hungary. A por- tion of it is fertile, possessing fine rivers and extensive plains. The remainder has high mountains in its northern dis- tricts. The climate is mild and health- ful. The soil produces maize and grain of various kinds, fruits, vegetables, and forest trees. Mines of iron, copper, and sulphur abound. Cattle, sheep, horses, and swine are raised ; the woods abound with game, and the rivers with fish. The Croats are a fierce and warlike people. In battle they rush forward with (77) 78 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. loud shouts upon the enemy, as though they delighted in scenes of death and misery. Their war songs are said to be lively and powerful, stirring the blood of those who hear them. The Croatian wo- men labor in the fields, tend cattle and horses, engage in hunting parties, and carry heavy burdens from one place to another. The Croats lead a rude life, mostly as husbandmen or shepherds; for among them, many of the trades which flourish in civilized countries are unknown. Tet they are honest, indus- trious, and contented. The picture, which represents a Croa- tian dance, will serve to exhibit the half- barbarous manners of these people. r-< SERVIAN SHEPHERD. SERVIANS. Servia is a large province belonging to Turkey. It is covered by thick fo- rests; but the population is small on account of the wars, which for many years past have desolated the country. The Servians are a brave people. They fought long and well against the Turks, who endeavored to reduce them to slavery. During a number of years, the Turkish armies burned their villages, murdered the men and carried the women and children into slavery. The Servians fled to the mountains, and there fought hard for their liberty. The Russians helped 6 (81) 82 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. tlicm. They drove out the Turks and established a government of their own. This the Sultan of Turkey would not agree to ; so he began another war. But he could not subdue the Servians, and was forced to consent that they should have a government of their own, and only pay him a sum of money. This they have continued to do ever since. Many of the Servians are very poor. They live in small huts and have to work very hard to support their children. The picture exhibits the dress and ap- pearance of a Servian shepherd. He is generally a contented and happy being, leading a peaceful life with his jflocks among the mountains and green pastures of his country. TrEOLESB. TTEOLESE. Tyrol is a beautiful country, situated among some of the liigliest mountains in Europe. The prospect from the summit of these mountains is very grand. Stretch- ing over the country or dotting its sur- face, may be seen, fields of corn waving with their golden harvests, well planted orchards, with the fruit peeping from their covering of leaves, thick forests, dark and gloomy; small lakes from whose still waters the sun shines as from polished glass, little cottages near the hill sides, with the smoke curling from their chimneys. The people are brave, (85) 86 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. cheerful, honest, and industrious. They delight in music. In the evenings, when their labor is over, little groups of six or ten assemble under the olive trees, and spend many hours in singing and dancing. Many years ago the people fought hard to maintain their freedom against other nations, whose armies entered their terri- tory. If overpowered by numbers, they retired to the highest rocks and hurled down large stones upon the enemy. In this manner they several times destroyed the greater part of the invading army. The Tyrolese are very skilful in mak- ing tops, watches, delicate machinery, and household wares. Sometimes one of their number leaves his own country and travels to Germany, England, or TYROLESE. 87 America, to sell his goods. After re- maining for several years in his new home, he returns to Tyrol with his hard earned fortune, and passes the remainder of his life among the lakes and moun- tains where he stood in childhood. The picture represents the usual dress of these people. Sometimes, instead of a coat, they wear a cloak thrown grace- fully around the shoulders. In their ap- pearance as well as their habits and disposition they closely resemble the Swiss. The music of the Tyrolese is very pe- culiar in its character, and is greatly ad- mired for :its sweet melody and its sin- gularly wild and abrupt changes, suited to the heroic disposition of the people, 88 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. and the romantic beauty of the mountain scenery ^Yhich abounds in Tyrol. The Tyrolese are not less remarkable for patriotism and love of domestic plea- sures than for their heroic courage in war. Hofer, the patriot, who resisted the French in the time of Xapoleon, is called the William Tell of the Tyrol. After bravely defending his native land, he was finally captured and barbarously put to death by the French. TRANSYLVANIAN SHEPHERDS. TRANSYLYANIAN SHEPHERDS. Here is a fine picture of a bold and hardy race of people. Their country is covered with high mountains, wide fo- rests and deep lakes. Wolves and bears are found among the forests, and in many places the climate even in the summer is quite cold. To all these difficulties the shepherds are exposed. But at an early age they learn to endure the cold, to wander with the flocks amid the wildest scenery, and to hear, without exhibiting signs of fear, the howling of wild beasts. Most of them go armed, generally with knives, guns, and pistols. Some of the (91) 92 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. ways in which they dress are shown in the engraving. In time of war these shepherds often leave their flocks to the care of their fa- milies, and join their countrymen in driv- ing oft' the enemy. Being good marks- men, they are useful as skirmishers and sharp shooters ; and after enduring the hardships of a shepherd's life, they are well fitted to sustain the labors of a camp. Transylvania is a large country, sub- ject to the Emperor of Austria. It is wild and rocky, possessing many streams of water, but destitute of large plains. The climate is cold, but grain, vegetables, and fruit are raised in considerable abundance. The people, like those in TRANSYLVANIAN SnEPIIERDS. 93 other parts of Austria, are divided into nobles and peasants. Many of the latter are treated no better than slaves ; while the nobles possess most of the wealth and property of the country. The Tran- sylvanians are much oppressed by the government of Austria; though among the mountains small tribes are found which do not acknowledge the authority of that country. The rearing of horses and other live stock is one of the most important sources of wealth in Transylvania. Their horses are celebrated for spirit and speed. They have the long-wooled and curly-horned sheep of Wallachia; and immense herds of swine feed in their great forests of oak and beech trees. 94 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. Transylvania has rich mines of gold and silver, and the sands of her rivers are mingled with gold dust. Iron, lead, copper, antimony, arsenic, tellurium, and coal are also found in this country. ALBANIANS. ALBANIANS. Albania is a proyince of Turkey. It contains many liigli mountains, which render the climate colder than that of most other provinces of that country. Some thick forests extend through the northern parts ; while the middle and southern portions are watered by the branches of large rivers. The people are fierce and warlike. Some of them attend flocks upon the sides of the moun- tains ; some hunt wolves and other wild animals, for killing which they receive a reward ; many search among the moun- tains for valuable minerals, which they 6 (97) 98 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. sell to traders; and others, uniting in small bands, roam about the country, attacking travellers and plundering the houses into which they are able to force their way, Thus they lead a wandering life, full of dangerous adventure. Some- times a party consisting of several hun- dreds, with their wives, children, cattle, and goods, leave their country, and settle in one of the neighboring provinces. The emigrations, as they are called, have been so frequent during some years, as to greatly lessen the i^opulation. In much the same manner, a gang of robbing Al- banians, occasionally wander into other countries, and commit much mischief before they can be taken. You may readily suppose, that such / ALBANIANS. 99 people do not care mucli for either books or schools. Among the greater part of the Albanians such things are unknown. They-are more anxious that their children should become strong hunters and har- dy shepherds, than that they should know how to read and write. Hence, from the time that their boys and girls can walk, until they can take care of themselves, they are inured to cold, hunger, toil, and hardship of every kind. By this means their limbs and bodies become strong and powerful, and they are able to sustain much more fatigue than those who have been educated in civilized countries. The Albanians, in consequence of this course of education, have always been a 100 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. very courageous, patriotic, and valiant people. Their king, George Castriot, surnamed Scanderberg, was the great hero of the fifteenth century ; and for twenty-four years he maintained a per- petual war with the Turks, under their famous sultans, Amurath and Mahomet II. Scanderberg was at that time justly considered the bulwark of Christian Eu- rope against the Mahometan power. The Albanians are still a very warlike people, and fond of liberty and the wild inde- pendence of their mountain life. BAYAEIANS. BAVAEIANS. These people inhabit a small kingdom in the southern part of the great Germa- nic empire. As their country borders upon Tyrol and Switzerland, they enjoy a sight of the fine mountain scenery of those two countries. Bavaria enjoys a warm and healthy climate, and is noted for the intelligence and industry of its inhabitants. The soil produces all kinds of grain and vegetables, together with the more common fruits. The moun- tainous districts are well adapted to the raising of cattle ; and many shepherds, like those among the mountains of Swit- (103) 104 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. zerland, tend their Hocks in the pastures among the vallies. In the northern parts, the people are mostly engaged in agri- culture and manufactures. This differ- ence of occupation makes so much differ- ence in appearance and manners, that the Bavarians of the south seem to be of a different nation from his country- men of the north. There are many canals and public roads in this kingdom. Over these, traders from the north of Germany, France, and Austria, convey their mer- chandize to Italy, Turkey, and other southern countries. The Bavarians are famous for their skill in making mathematical instru- ments. Their telescopes, chronometers, microscopes, and sextants, are sent to BAVARIANS. 105 every part of the known world. Their watches, spectacle-glasses, and jewelry, are likewise excellent. The picture re- presents one of these people selling toys and other trinkets. Sometimes they leave their own country and travel through different parts of Europe selling these wares. Many musical instruments are also manufactured in the cities of Bavaria. They are considered, good and usually command a high price. The Bavarians are fond of hunting, wrestling, and other manly sports. Those who inhabit the mountains hunt the chamois. Their women like rich dresses and ornaments. Some of them wear hoods of rich gold lace, and boddices or- namented with rich silver chains, from 106 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. which hang a number of medals. Even the servants and the poorer class of trades people wear rich ornrments on Sundays and holidays. DANES. DANES. In reading a description of Denmark, you must not expect to see accounts of beautiful fields, high mountains, and tempting orchards. It is one of the most barren spots in Europe. On all sides except the south, it is surrounded by the sea. There are no woods, no fields of corn, no hills, and no good pastures for cattle. In some places the sea has washed so much sand upon the shore that it resembles a desert. For the most part the ground is damp ai:id cold, unfit for cultivation except after much labor has been bestowed upon it. Many (109) 110 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. marshes exist, especially in districts near the sea; and a large i^ortion of the country is covered with heath. Wood cannot be bought except for a great price ; but turf, a hard substance, grow- ing in the earth, is found in abundance. The inhabitants of Denmark are called Danes. Once they were the boldest people in Europe, and would venture out to sea, in little boats made of bark, dur- ing storms, Avhich the strongest vessels of that time could not brave. They roamed from one country to another, taking whatever they pleased in their route, defeating armies, and seizing whole provinces as their own. Among other countries they conquered England, north- ern Germany, and part of France. Par- DANES. Ill ties of them, in swift boats, often visited the shores of the southern nations, burned a number^^of villages in one night, seized the men, women, cattle, and pro- perty, and departed before morning. After leading this robbing life for several hundred years, the Danes became weak and irresolute. At the same time other nations, ceasing to fear them, united to defend themselves; and at last these once powerful people were driven into the small territory they now inhabit. The picture shows the manner in which they dress at present. The Danes have recently been engaged in a very obstinate war with some of the German states, on some question respect- ing the territory of Schleswig IIulr;teii] 112 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. This war has been protracted for several years, and has been attended with many severe battles and great expenditure of life and treasure; and although it has been repeatedly suspended by truces, it is not yet terminated. DUTCH PEASANTS. DUTCH. Sometimes these people are called Hol- landers, because the name of their coun- try is Holland. This is a singular re- gion. It is quite level, without hill or mountain, and on the side toward the sea is much lower than the sea. It would therefore be soon overflowed with water if the industry of the inhabitants had not provided against such a calamity. On the low shores that border on the sea, high banks, called dikes, have been built, which are fortified so strongly that the waves cannot break through. The Dutch are famous for their industrv. (llo) 116 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. Throughout their flat country they have constructed roads, canals, and other public works, which render ti'aveling easy and comfortable. In some cities, canals are used instead of streets. Dur- ing the summer they are navigated by small boats ; but in winter, when hard frozen, the Dutch travel on them by means of skates. At an early age the children, both boys and girls, learn to skate ; so that they soon become more expert at this exercise than the inhabi- tants of any other country are. Men, women, and boys, with great loads on their heads or in their arms, travel in this manner along the frozen canals from one market town to another. In aiDpearance the Dutch are rude and DUTCH. 117 awkward ; and their habit of almost in- cessant smoking, render them repulsive to the more delicate feelings of the Ame- ricans. It is generally believed that they are very fond of money, and will endure almost any sacrifice which can be endured honestly in order to obtain it. The higher classes are often learned and liberal in their feelings and opinions ; the poorer classes are ignorant and ad- dicted to intoxication. The Dutch often leave their country to seek a fortune in foreign lands ; but they remain ardently attached to it, and seem never to unite with the feelings and customs of other nations. Holland has produced many scholars of great learning and ability, many great 118 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. generals and naval commanders, and a great number of painters, whose pictures adorn the galleries of princes and lords, and are esteemed excellent specimens of art. In industry, commerce, wealth, and warlike ability, Holland has long been ranked among the first nations in the world. ENGLISH PEASANTS. ENGLISH PEASANTS. In almost every country of Europe the people are divided into two great classes — nobles and peasants. The nobles possess nearly all the land, have large fortunes, and live in splendor ; the peas- ants work hard for their daily bread. This is th^tate of things in England. In no country are the nobility riclier, or the peasantry more laborious. The pic- ture represents some English peasants. They look as if just returning from work ; and one may observe that their whole appearance is rough and weather beaten. Their dress is pretty much the same as (121) 122 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. is worn by the poorer classes in this country; yet, you may remember that, this is by no means the manner in which they all dress. Only a part of the English peasants are engaged in tilling the ground. Some of them attend to the parks and estates of the nobility. Some lead a wandering life among the mountains which border upon Scotland, and others labor in the coal mines. They generally live in cot- tages, built on commons or near hills, far from the large cities. Most of these cottages are quite small, like huts, with thatched roofs, and dark unhealthy rooms. Here the hard working peasant and his wife with their little children live and die. Generally they live on the poorest ENGLISH PEASANTS. 123 fare — some milk and coarse bread, or a little broth — nor have they any hope that their condition will ever be better. When a number of these cottages stand together it is called a village. Villagers are usually more comfortable than those whose huts stand alone. They have ge- nerally a cow or some sheep of their own, they have a store in the villages at which they purchase many articles of food or clothing, and on Sundays they lay aside their daily occupations and go to the village church.' During the few last years many of the English peasantry have been taught to read and write, and their children have received some educa- tion in schools established by benevolent people. 124 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. I This change is in consequence of its having been ascertain-ed by recent inqui- ries that the English peasantry are not only very poor, but generally almost en- tirely destitute of education. No people in all Europe, it is said, are so illiterate as the English peasants. On the conti- nent, the despotic governments cause the great mass of the people to be taught reading and writing. The Prussian and Austrian schools are excellent; and in France, Napoleon established a system of national education, \^hich has been maintained ever since his time. The English are now becoming sensible of this defect, but little has been done to remedy it. i- FKENCH PEASANTS. FRENCH PEASANTS. In France there is a great variety of costumes. Every province has its own peculiarities of dress ; and in the differ- ent provinces there is also quite a variety of corruptions of the French language. The picture represents the dresses of the female peasantry in the neighborhood of Marseilles, in the south of France. These people, like the other inhabitants of the rural districts of France, are a very lively and merry set. They love to dance in the open air, and are active in all the out of door games and sports of the country. (127) 128 COSTUMES OF EUROPE. In some of the provinces of France, the people wear wooden shoes ; and this fashion is much ridiculed by the lower classes of the English, who forget that their own hobnailed shoes are quite as heavy and inconvenient as the wooden shoes of the French peasantry. @^^^1]© (S II s or ENTERTAINING ANB iNSiRUCTiyS PTTBLISHED AND FOR SALE BT s. ®. KiiD)iitQ)i ^ m^ No. 164 CHESTNUT STREET, Corner of Seventh, PHILADELPHIA. HENDERSON k CO'S JUVENILE PUBLICATIONS. 11111 i^tt, A. Lively Book of Rhyines for very little Cliildren. RICHLY EMBELLISHED WITH PICTURES. Square 16mo. Paper Covers, . . . 12i cents. Cloth Binding, ... 25 « HEXDERSON k CO S JUYEXILE PFBLTCATIONS. llM'i ilFii 3n f\j)i[nit. 'M WITH NEW AND ORIGINAL DESIGNS, BY ABSOLON* HENDERSON & CO S JUVENILE PUBLICATIONS. AN ITALIAN STORX, ,Mnd other Storie» for Noting- People, Beautifully Illustrated witu Engravings from Original Desions. Square 16mo. Cloth Binding. Ihifl ifl a very touching and entertjiining i^tory lor Youth. The Scene is laid L England, and in Italy, the incidents are of a peculiarly interesting character. nENDERSOV & COS JUVHENILE PUBLICATION'S. if>i» ia: ^^^^&^, OP THE Q>?o OCEAN. <^^^