^he Librarian Series. No. 6. An Extension and Revision of the Dewey Africa Schedule. BY ARTHUR JOHN HAWKES, Of the Vocational Library of Wales. REPRINTED FROM "THE LIBRARIAN." WITH REVISIONS. STANLEY PAUL & CO., 3L Essex Street, Strand, W.C. 'Price Sixpence net. SCHOOl An Extension and Revision of the Dewey Africa Schedule. By Arthur J. Hawkes, of the National Library of Wales. Dewey's Africa Schedule has been neither amended nor extended since it first took definite shape. In the interval explorers and colonizers have been busy. What was thirty years ago a Continent of Mystery is to-day the fair field of prospector and agriculturalist. For the most part, it is apportioned out among the great European nations with more or less strictly delimited boundaries ; whilst these colonies and protectorates are further subdivided into administrative areas with a fixed and official nomen- clature. It is, therefore, possible to-day, given an up-to-date series of maps, to localise any area of reasonable size and compile a detailed classification That such a classification is a desideratum to English librarians I think no one will gainsay. With the growth of British interests in Africa there has grown up a huge literature, and for the most part particularly locaHsed in character, even down to handbooks of the individual towns of Rhodesia. Yet with all this liteirary activity there has been published no detailed classification to enable the librarian to arrange his books in a really useful manner. To attempt to classify the books of a British library of fair size by simply attaching Dewey's numbers is a hopeless task, for Dewey's schedule is not only entirely inadequate for the purpose, but in some cases it is utterly at sea as regards geographical position. Let me justify my assertion by a few instances. "There is no number at all for British Nigeria, England's most important colony in West Africa ; it does not even appear in the index. The same has to be said of Gambia, unless we are content to place it with French Senegal without discrimina- tion. The three huge countries comprising Rhodesia have to be dumped at the 968.9 marked " Interior." British Central Africa (Nyasaland) has to find place at 967.4 also marked *' Interior " ; whilst I am utterly at a loss to find numbers for Uganda, British East Africa, and German East Africa. On the other hand Ashantee and Gold Coast are set two numbers apart at 966.7 and 966.9, whereas, in 272885 point of fact, the Gold Coast Colony embraces Ashantee. Mozambique and Sofala again are set in different categories, although together with Gaza-land they form the country of Portuguese East Africa. I make these comments with no sense of disrespect to Dewey's immensely valuable work, but only to show the imperative necessity of revision and extension. I do not for one moment suggest that my own extension is either final or perfect up to the present ; I can only say I have done my best, working with a miscellaneous collection of more or less up-to-date maps, and basing it upon a large collection of books to which, for a time, I had access. Undoubtedly in many cases the subdivisions given are merely indicative of localities, the nomenclature being tentative. Especially is this the case with the divisions under 966. They serve, however, to differentiate localities for the purpose of fixing " points " until more final designa- tions are arrived at. In one or two other cases political union has been ignored, so that where books treat of these localities separately they are not classed under the country to which they are annexed. They are, however, most unlikely to be included in a general work on such country, so that the severance is negligible from that point of view, though convenient for classification purposes. Instances are the Libyan desert (which, whilst politically a part of Egypt, is classed in the previous division), and the southernmost parts of the " Egyptian Soudan," which have been classed under Central Africa. In all cases cross-references are given In conclusion, I can only say that the work has entailed much labour, and trust that librarians will find it workable and useful, viewing its shortcomings with a lenient eye. 960 960.1 .2 •3 961 .5 .6 .1 AFRICA. Put here general " hand- books " GENERAL Africa in classical times European colonization and exploration Early exploration (collec- tions) Cape to Cairo traversations NORTH AFRICA Tunis 961 — continued. . 2 Tripoli . 3 Fezzan . 4 Barca (or Cyrenaica) ; Ben- ghazi .9 Libyan Desert 962 EGYPT [.01 Ancient History] [.on Pre-dynastic times] [.013 ist to i8th dynasties] [.014 Monographs, by date] [.015 19th to 30th dynasties (c. B.C. 2000-332)] [.016 Monographs, by date] 9^2 — continued. [.017 Greek and Roman regimes (B.C. 332-A.D. 395)] [.018 Monographs, hy date] [N.B. — Classed by Dewey at 932 ; if these sections are transferred to that No. strike out middle figure.] .02 Eastern Roman Empire (A.D. 395-640) .03 Muhammedan regime (a.d. 640-1798) .031 640-868 .033 868-1250 .035 1250-1517 .037 1517-1798 .04 Modern History, 1798- ,041 French occupation, 1798- 1801 .042 Turkish restoration, 1801- 1805 .043 1805-1866 .044 First Khedivate, 1866-1880 .05 British Suzerainty, 1880- .051 British occupation, 1880- 1884 .052 I Lower Egypt , 19 Towns A-Z Middle Egypt Upper Egypt (Thebes, Assuan) .4 Nubia . 5 Dongola ,6 Egyptian Soudan (Khar- toum) ,604 First Khartoum campaign 1882-5 .605 Second Khartoum c, 1896-9 , 7 Dar-Fur Khordofan .9 Sennaar See also 967 . 4 and 966 . 2 963 ABYSSINIA 964 MOROCCO .1 Special physical features {i.e., Oases, etc.) . 2 Tangiers and the Rif . 3 Fez and the N.W. coast .4 Central 964 — continued. . 5 South-East Morocco City and S.W. coast Rio-de-Oro (Spanish) Canary Is. (Spanish), Dewey's No. 946.8 965 ALGERIA Oran (City and District) Algiers and Alger District Constantine (City and Dis- trict) " South Territory " 966 NORTH CENTRAL AFRICA . I SAHARA .11 Mauretania . 12 Taganet . 13 Ayauad .2 SOUDAN & EUROPEAN WEST AFRICA [see also 962 . 6) . 2 1 River Niger {see also 966 . 54 for sources, and 966 . 92) .22 Western (Kaarta, Bakhunu, etc.) .23 Massina, Timbuctu, and Lakes .24 Segu, Kenedugu, Bembas State, Mossi, etc. .25 Cheggazar, Immanary, etc. .26 Air (or Asben) and Hausa- land {see also 966.98) . 27 Lake Chad (or Tsad) ; and Wadai .28 .29 GUINEA COAST (as a whole) .3 SENEGAMBIA .31 SENEGAL (French) .32 Chamama and N.W. region .33 Central Coast region (Cay- lor, Jolof, Ferlo, St. Louis, Cape Verde) .34 Fouta, Bondou, etc. 966 — continued. .35 Bambok and S.E. region (R. Faleme) 36 Basin of the Casamanze 37 GAMBIA (British) 38 PORTUGUESE GUINEA 39 Cape Verde Is. (Dewey's No. 997) 4 SIERRA LEONE 41 Western coast region (Free- town) Eastern coast region (Sher- bro Is.) Mendi Kono The Hinterland Limba 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5 UPPER (FRENCH) GUINEA 51 FRENCH GUINEA 52 Fouta-Jalon (Tubah) 53 Timbi and the coast (Timbo, Conakry) 54 Sankaran Country (Karussa, Bissandugu) 55 French Ivory Coast 56 The Coast 57 Baule and central region (Bakwe) 58 N.W. Hinterland 59 Ganne Country ; Kong 6 LIBERIA 61 Western coast region (Rob- ertaport, Monrovia, Grand Bassa) . 62 Eastern coast region : Bassa Sinnon (Sinon, Maryland, Wan Country) .63 Sapo Country 64 Gurra Country .65 Barlin Country .66 Bouzie Country .67 Toma Country .68 Tomas and Bousie " Dis- tricts " . 69 Gondo Country 966 — continued. 7 GOLD COAST COLONY 71 The Coast 72 Sahwi and Akropon 73 Ashanti (Kumasi) 74 75 NORTHERN TERRI- TORIES 76 Gonja (Salaga) 77 DagomlDa ; White Volta River (Gambega) 78 Dagari Country (Wa and Bole) 79 Gurunsi Country (Nakon Tumu) 8 TOGOLAND and DA- HOMEY 81 TOGOLAND (German) 82 Coast region (Lome) 83 Central region (Bismarck- bury) 84 Northern region (Yendi) 85 DAHOMEY 86 Slave Coast 87 Kingdom of Borgu (Carnot- ville) 88 Atakoro Mountains 89 Gurnia 9 BRITISH NIGERIA 91 SOUTHERN NIGERIA 92 Western and Ilorim Pro- vinces (including Yoruba Lagos, etc.) 93 Kabba, Bassa, Central and Eastern Provinces 931 Benin and the Delta region 94 NORTHERN NIGERIA 95 River Benue Basin (Mas- sawara, Muri, and Zola Provinces) 96 W. Central region (Niger, Borgu, Kontagora and Zaria Provinces) 97 Sokota Province 98 Kans Province (" Old Housa States ") 99 Bauchi and Bornu Prov. 967 SOUTH CENTRAL AFRICA LOWER GUINEA KAMERUM(or Cameroons) i.e., German West Africa Coast region Tikar Country Nguamdere Adamawa Kotoko ; Mandala ; Musga SPANISH GUINEA Ferdinando Po Is. LOANGO, i.e., FRENCH CONGO N. Coast region ; Gabon (Libreville) S. Coast region : Loango proper S.W. region (Brazzaville) Central region (Franceville, Lastourville) N. Central region (Rivers Lakoli and Ngoka) N. (Interior) region (River Maska) see also 967.48 ANGOLA, i.e., PORTU- GUESE W. AFRICA Loanda Shinga's Country Lunda Country Central Angola East Angola S.E. Angola Gambo's Country (Kambo, Mulondo, etc.) Mossamedes ; Benguella St. Thomas Is. (San Thome) INTERIOR (put here books on " Central Africa " in general) Lado* Basin of the Bahr el Ghazel* Mongolia* Denka Country* * Egyptian Soudan See also 962.6 to 962.9 .1 .11 .12 .13 .14 •15 .16 •17 .18 .19 .2 .21 .22 .24 .25 .26 .27 .28 ■3 •31 •32 .33 .34 .35 36 ■37 .38 •39 •4 .41 .42 •43 .44 .45 .46 •47 967 — continued. .48 Dar Banda Ubang) Country (Fr- 49 5 CONGO STATE (Belgian) 51 Delta region (Lower Congo ; Bakonga) 52 S.W. region (Kasai, Kiulu, and Wambu basins) 53 W. Central region (Lake Leopold ; Ruki and Juspa basins) 54 N.W. region (Ubangi basin) 55 N.E. region (Stanleyville ; Bakangai) 56 Uregga 57 Urua ; Kasonga 58 Kamoka's Country (La bangu Mtn.) 59 Katanga ; Iramba (Mi- tumba Mtns.) 6 BRITISH EAST AFRICA 61 UGANDA PROTECTOR- ATE (Great central Lake region) see also 966.789 and 968.98 .611 Uganda Province .612 Lake Victoria Nyanza ,613 Western Province .614 Lake Albert Nyanza ,615 Central Province .616 Nile Province .617 Rudolph Province .618 Lake Rudolph .619 Eastern Province .62 THE EAST AFRICA PRO- TECTORATE ,63 Lower Division (High- lands) Naiwasha Province (Lai- kipia, Baringo, etc.) Nyanza Prov. (Kairrondo, Kisumu, Lumbwa, etc.) Kenia Prov. (Meru, Nigeri, Fort Hall, etc.) Ukamba Prov. (Masai Re- serve, Kitui, Ulu, etc.) Coast Provinces : Seyidiek Prov. (Mom- bassa, Vanga, etc.) 685 Tanaland Prov. .64 .65 .66 ,67 .68 .681 967- —continued. 1 967 — continued. '\69 Upper Division (" Juba- •97 Gazaland : Sofala land Province ") ,98 Hlenga-land .691 Jubaland •99 Delagoa-Bay region 692 Manthinle, Lafa Rig 968 SOUTH AFRICA 693 Karra (or Errar) .1 BECHUANALAND PRO- 694 Osher Lema, Karrigo TECTORATE (N, of 695 Jaraka, Wajheir Molopo River, see also 696 Boranna-land 968,79) 697 N.W. region .11 West Bamangwato (On- 698 Elges gova, Bangai, Botwana) 699 Sogna (or Gudas) ,12 Medenassana (N, Central 7 THE SOMALIS [and Ger- region) man East Africa] •13 East Bamangwato (Ba- 71 British Somaliland shona, Batelli) 72 Socotra and other Is. ,14 Khama's Country 73 French East Africa : Obok, Ta Jarrah •15 Linchwe's Country (Bak- hatla) 733 Eritrea (Italian) ,16 Scheie's Country (Masan- 736 Italian Somaliland wa, Makalahar, Bakwena) 74 German East Africa •17 Bathoen's Country (Bang- 75 N.E. Coast region watketsi) 755 E. Nyanza region .18 Montsioa's Country 76 Unyamezi ,19 Kalahari Desert and the 765 W. Nyanza region S. W. Border 77 Tanganyika region ,2 TRANSVAAL PROVINCE 775 Lake Rukwa region .21 Pretoria (Co. and City) 78 W. Central region ,22 Johannesberg and Krugers- 785 E. Central region dorp 79 Southern region •23 S. Central Counties 8 ZANZIBAR [& the Is.] ,24 S. Eastern Counties 81 Pemba Is. .25 Eastern Counties 82 Mafia Is. .26 Zoutprangsberg Co. 83 Aldabra and Cosmoledo Is. •27 Waterberg County 84 Farquhar and Cerf Is, .28 Rustenberg and Marico 85 Gloriso Is. ,29 S. West Counties 86 Agelega Is. .3 ZULULAND 87 Amirante Is, .31 Ndwandeve ; Hlabisa 88 Seychelles and Mahe Is. •32 Eskowe ; Akankla ; Nguti .89 Other British Islands in •33 Dryheid ; Utrecht the vicinity, •34 Zwazi-land .9 MOZAMBIQUE & GAZA- •35 North (Mountains) LAND, i.e., PORTU- .36 South GUESE EAST AFRICA •37 Amatonia .91 Querimba and the N. •38 Tongaland ; Makuto .92 •39 Inguavuma ; Ubomba •93 Mozambique -proper •4 NATAL PROVINCE •94 ,41 Klip River Co. (Newcastle • 95 Quillimane and the Zam- Dundee, and Umsinga) besi Delta .42 Weenan County .96 Zambesi Basin •43 Umvoti Co, 968 — continued. .44 Victoria Co. .45 Durban Co. and City .46 Ungeni (Pietermaritzberg) ; Umkomanzi . 47 Lion River ; Impendhele ; Ipolela ; Ixopo .48 Alexandra Co. ,49 Alfred Co. .5 ORANGE RIVER PRO- VINCE .51 Bloemfontein Co. and City ,52 Fauresmith and Jacobsdale Cos. 53 Roshef and Hoopsted Cos. 54 Kroonstadt, Vredefort, Heilbron, Frankfort, and Lindley Cos. 55 Vrede, Harrismith, and Bethlehem Cos. 56 Winburg and Senegal Cos. 57 Thabanchu, Ladybrand, & Ficksburg Cos. .58 Wepener, Smithfield, and Rouville Cos. .59 Edenburg, Bethule, and Philippolis Cos. . 6 KAFFRARI A & BASUTO- LAND .61 Basuto-land (Drakensberg Mountains .62 Special localities .63 Griqualand East .64 Pondoland . 65 Tembuland .66 Barkley East District . 67 Transkei .68 Steynsburg and District .69 Somerset East, Stocken- strom, E. London, and Alexandria Cos. district. N.B. — Points 63 to 69 are all in Cape Prov., see also .7 CAPE [COLONY] PRO- VINCE .71 South Coast embracing: Ladysmith, Riversdale, Willowmore, Uitenhage (Port Eliz.) andinterv. Cos. .72 The Great Karoo 968 — continued. . 73 South-West embracing : Piquetberg, Sutherland, Swellenden, and interv. Cos. 731 Cape Town and Cape 74 Namaqua, Vanrhynsdorp, and Clanwilliam Cos. Bushmanland (Kenhardt Co.) Calvinia, Fraserburg, and Carnarvon Cos. West-Central embracing : Victoria W., Hopetown, Colesburg and interv. Cos. Griqualand West Kimberley Cape Bechuanaland (be- tween Orange and Lim- popo Rivers) Vryburg Co. (Mef eking) Stella Land Kuruman 794 Taungs 798 Korranna-land Gordonia GERMAN WEST AFRICA Great Namaqualand 75 76 77 .78 .781 •79 791 792 793 799 Damara or Herero-land Ovazorotua or Damara Mountains Kaoko-land Ovaherero (Mountains) Ovampo or Ondango INTERIOR: BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA : RHODESIA RHODESIA (all 3 div.) Southern Rhodesia Matabele-land Tuli Dist. (Makalaka) M'tibi District Victoria and Melsetter Dis- tricts {prop, in Mashona- land) 934 Belingwe and Gwanda Dis- tricts 935 Mangwe and Tati Districts 87 88 89 9 .91 .92 •93 .931 •932 .933 8 968 — continued. .936 Bulalima District . 937 Biilawayo District .938 Bubi and Gwelo Districts .939 Malaka (Wankie and Se- bungu Districts) . 94 Mashonaland . 941 Umtali District .942 Makoni District .943 Charter District .944 Hartley District .945 Salisbury District .946 Magwendi District .947 Mazoe (Matoko) District .948 Lomagundi (Lo Maghondi) District ,949 Mafunga-Busi District .95 N. -Western Rhodesia : Zambesia, see also g^y.gy (put at .95 books on both N.W. and N.E, Rhodesia) .951 Barotse-land or Mabunda .952 Batonga or Batoka .953 Mashukolumbe .954 Mankoya 955 Walenje .956 Bakwakwa .957 Bakonde .96 N. -Eastern Rhodesia: .961 Kafue Prov. (Walamba) . 962 Zumbo Prov. (Alunano and Chikunda) .963 East Loangwe Prov. (Mu- chinga Mountains) .964 West Loangwe Prov. (Ackewa) 968 — continued. .965 Luapula Prov. (or Mere- Mere) and Lake Ban- gweola (or Bemba) ,966 Mweru Prov. and Lake Waitawa , 967 Tanganyika Prov. (Ulungu, Mambwee) ,968 Awemba Prov. , 969 North Loangwe Prov. ,97 NYASSALAND ("British Central Africa ") ,971 North Nyasa Prov. , 972 West Nyasa Prov. ,973 Marimba Prov. . 974 Central Angoniland Prov. . 975 South Nyasa Prov. 976 Upper Shire , 977 West Shire ,978 Blantyre and Milangi Pro- vinces ,979 Ruo and Lower Shire ,98 Lake Nyasa •99 969 MADAGASCAR, etc. 1 Comro Islands 2 Reunion Is. 3 4 Other French Is 5 Mauritius 6 Gargados Garajos Is. 7 Rodrignez Is. 8 q Other British Is. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED 1 aw, or This bStiPdS?^; .aqsp&fe Mm^, on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall JANS 1963 NOV 11 1964 LD 21-50m-12,'61 (04796810)476 G€nfc University Berx an x^^5- L 6 i (c> UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA I^IBRARY