GEORGIA SCENES Characters, Incidents, etc., in the First Half -Century of the Republic (A BY A NATIVE GEORGIAN -B L*v\gStV NEW EDITION FROM NEW PLATES WITH THE ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS 1897 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1840, by HAKPKR & BROTH KKS, In the Clerk s Office of the Southern District of New York. All rights reitrved. Add to Lib* GIFT . //817 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION THE following sketches were written rather in the hope that chance would bring them to light when time would give them an interest than in the belief that they would afford any interest to the readers of the present day. I knew, how ever, that the chance of their surviving the author would be increased in proportion to their popularity upon their first appearance ; and, therefore, I used some little art in order to rec ommend them to the readers of my ownv times. They consist of nothing more than fanciful com binations of real incidents and characters ; and throwing into those scenes, which would be otherwise dull and insipid, some personal inci dent or adventure of my own, real or imaginary, as it would best suit my purpose usually real, but happening at different times and under dif ferent circumstances from those in which they are here represented. I have not always, how ever, taken this liberty. Some of the scenes are 780 PREFACE as literally true as the frailties of memory would allow them to be. I commenced the publication of them, in one of the gazettes of the State, rather more than a year ago ; and I was not more pleased than astonished to find that they were well received by readers generally. For the last six months I have been importuned by persons from all quarters of the State to give them to the public in the present form. This volume is purely a concession to their entreaties. From private considerations, I was extremely desirous of concealing the author, and, the more effect ually to do so, I wrote under two signatures. These have now become too closely interwoven with the sketches to be separated from them, without an expense of time and trouble which I am unwilling to incur. Hall is the writer of those sketches in which men appear as the principal actors, and Baldwin of those in which women are the prominent figures. For the " Militia Com pany Drill" I am indebted to a friend, of whose labors I would gladly have availed myself oftener. The reader will find in the object of the sketches an apology for the minuteness of detail into which some of them run, and for the introduc tion of some things into them which would have been excluded were they merely the creations of fancy. I have not had it in my power to superintend the publication of them, though they issue from PREFACE a press in the immediate vicinity of my residence. I discovered that if the work was delayed until I could have an opportunity of examining the proof-sheets, it would linger in the press until the expenses (already large) would become in tolerable. Consequently, there may be many typographical errors among them, for which I must crave the reader s indulgence. I cannot conclude these introductory remarks without reminding those who have taken excep tions to the coarse, inelegant, and sometimes ungrammatical language which the writer rep resents himself as occasionally using, that it is language accommodated to the capacity of the per son to whom he represents himself as speaking. THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS PAGE GEORGIA THEATRICS 1 THE DANCE 6 THE HORSE-SWAP -.22 THE CHARACTER OP A NATIVE GEORGIAN ... 34 THE FIGHT 65 THE SONG 82 THE TURNOUT 94 THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE. . . . 108 THE GANDER-PULLING 147 THE BALL 160 * THE MOTHER AND HER CHILD 175 THE DEBATING SOCIETY 180 THE MILITIA COMPANY DRILL 196 THE TURF 207 AN INTERESTING INTERVIEW 220 THE FOX-HUNT 228 V THE WAXWORKS 248 A SAGE CONVERSATION 259 THE SHOOTING -MATCH . . 274 ILLITSTKATIONS PAGE HURRYING TO THE RACES Frontispiece A LINCOLN REHEARSAL 4 BLOSSOM AND HIS HORSE BULLET 25 NED BRACE AT CHURCH 53 NED BRACE AND THE LITTLE MAN AT A FUNERAL . 55 RANSY SNIFFLE 68 MICHAEL ST. JOHN, THE SCHOOL-MASTER, EFFECTING AN ENTRANCE BY STORM 103 "ANOTHER WOULD BUSS HER BECAUSE SHE WAS GEORGE S WIFE" 134 MILITIA DRILL 199 HARDY SLOW AND TOBIAS SWIFT 222 THE FOX-HUNT 241 THE WAXWORKS . . 255 GEORGIA SCENES GEORGIA THEATRICS IF my memory fail me not, the 10th of June, 1809, found me, at about eleven o clock in the forenoon, ascending a long and gentle slope in what was called " The Dark Corner" of Lincoln. I believe it took its name from the moral darkness which reigned over that portion of the county at the time of which I am speaking. If in this point of view it was but a shade darker than the rest of the county, it was inconceivably dark. If any man can name a trick or sin which had not been committed at the time of which I am speaking, in the very focus of all the county s illumination (Lincolnton), he must himself be the most inventive of the tricky and the very Judas of sinners. Since that time, however (all humor aside), Lincoln has become a living proof " that light shineth in darkness." Could I vent ure to mingle the solemn with the ludicrous, even for the purposes of honorable contrast, I could adduce from this county instances of the most numerous and wonderful transitions from GEORGIA SCENES vice and folly to virtue and holiness which have i eyer, perhaps,, beer, witnessed since the days of the apostolic miimti y. So much, lest it should; be .thought -by-some -that what I am about to relate is bharacter.isti a oi . the county in which it occurred. Whatever may be said of the moral condition of the Dark Corner at the time just mentioned, its natural condition was anything but dark. It smiled in all the charms of spring ; and spring borrowed a new charm from its undulating grounds, its luxuriant woodlands, its sportive streams, its vocal birds, and its blushing flowers. Rapt with the enchantment of the season and the scenery around me, I was slowly rising the slope, when I was startled by loud, profane, and boisterous voices, which seemed to proceed from a thick covert of undergrowth about two hundred yards in the advance of me and about one hun dred to the right of my road. " You kin, kin you ?" " Yes, I kin, and am able to do it ! Boo-oo-oo ! Oh, wake snakes, and walk your chalks ! Brim stone and fire ! Don t hold me, Nick Sto- val ! The fight s made up, and let s go at it. my soul if I don t jump down his throat, and gallop every chitterling out of him before you can say l quit \" "Now, Nick, don t hold him! Jist let the wild-cat come, and I ll tame him. Ned 11 see me a fair fight ! Won t you, Ned ?" "Oh yes; I ll see you a fair fight, blast my old shoes if I don t !" GEORGIA THEATRICS "That s sufficient, as Tom Haynes said when he saw the elephant. Now let him come I" Thus they went on, with countless oaths in terspersed, which I dare not even hint at, and with much that I could not distinctly hear. In mercy s name ! thought I, what band of ruffians has selected this holy season and this heavenly retreat for such pandemoniac riots ! I quickened my gait, and had come nearly op posite to the thick grove whence the noise pro ceeded, when my eye caught, indistinctly and at intervals, through the foliage of the dwarf-oaks and hickories which intervened, glimpses of a man, or men, who seemed to be in a violent struggle ; and I could occasionally catch those deep-drawn, emphatic oaths which men in con flict utter when they deal blows. I dismounted, and hurried to the spot with all speed. I had overcome about half the space which separated it from me, when I saw the combatants come to the ground, and, after a short struggle, I saw the uppermost one (for I could not see the other) make a heavy plunge with both his thumbs, and at the same instant I heard a cry in the accent of keenest torture, " Enough ! My eye s out \" I was so completely horror-struck that I stood transfixed for a moment to the spot where the cry met me. The accomplices in the hellish deed which had been perpetrated had all fled at my approach at least, I supposed so, for they were not to be seen. "Now, blast your corn -shucking soul !" said the victor (a youth about eighteen years old) as 4 GEORGIA SCENES he rose from the ground "come cutt n your shines bout me agin, next time I come to the court-house, will you ? Get your owl eye in agin if you can I" At this moment he saw me for the first time. He looked excessively embarrassed, and was moving oft , when I called to him, in a tone em- A LINCOLN REHEARSAL boldened by the sacredness of my office and the iniquity of his crime, "Come back, you brute, and assist me in relieving your fellow - mortal, whom you have ruined forever I" My rudeness subdued his embarrassment in an instant ; and, with a taunting curl of the nose, he replied, "You needn t kick before you re spurr d. There a n t nobody there, nor haVt been nother. I was jist seem how I could V fout." So saying, he bounded to his plough, GEOKGIA THEATRICS 5 which stood in the corner of the fence about fifty yards beyond the battle-ground. And, would you believe it, gentle reader ? his report was true. All that I had heard and seen was nothing more nor less than a Lincoln re hearsal, in which the youth who had just left me had played all the parts of all the characters in a court-house fight. I went to the ground from which he had risen, and there were the prints of his two thumbs, plunged up to the balls in the mellow earth, about the distance of a man s eyes apart ; and the ground around was broken up as if two stags had been engaged upon it. HALL. THE DANCE A PERSONAL ADVENTURE OF THE AUTHOR SOME years ago I was called by business to one of the frontier counties, then but recently set tled. It became necessary for me, while there, to enlist the services of Thomas Gibson, Esq., one of the magistrates of the county, who re sided about a mile and a half from my lodgings ; and to this circumstance was I indebted for my introduction to him. I had made the intended disposition of my business, and was on the eve of my departure for the city of my residence, when I was induced to remain a day longer by an invitation from the squire to attend a dance at his house on the following day. Having learned from my landlord that I would probably "be ex pected at the frolic " about the hour of ten in the forenoon, and, being desirous of seeing all that passed upon the occasion, I went over about an hour before the time. The squire s dwelling consisted of but one room, which answered the threefold purpose of dining-room, bedroom, and kitchen. The house was constructed of logs, and the floor was of puncheons a term which, in Georgia, means THE DANCE 7 split logs, with their faces a little smoothed with the axe or hatchet. To gratify his daugh ters, Polly and Silvy, the old gentleman and his lady had consented to camp out for a day, and to surrender the habitation to the girls and their young friends. When I reached there I found all things in readiness for the promised amusement. The girls, as the old gentleman informed me, had compelled the family to breakfast under the trees, for they had completely stripped the house of its furniture before the sun rose. They were already attired for the dance, in neat but plain habiliments of their own manufacture. " What !" says some weakly, sickly, delicate, use less, affected, "charming creature" of the city " dressed for a ball at nine in the morning !" " Even so, my delectable Miss Octavia Matilda Juliana Claudia Ipecacuanha ; and what have you to say against it ? If people must dance, is it riot much more rational to employ the hour allotted to exercise in that amusement than the hours sacred to repose and meditation ? And which is entitled to the most credit the young lady who rises with the dawn, and puts herself and whole house in order for a ball four hours before it begins, or the one who requires a fort night to get herself dressed for it ? The squire and I employed the interval in conversation about the first settlement of the country, in the course of which I picked up some useful and much interesting information. We were at length interrupted, however, by the GEORGIA SCENES sound of a violin, which proceeded from a thick wood at my left. The performer soon after made his appearance, and proved to be no other than Billy Porter, a negro fellow of much harm less wit and humor, who was well known throughout the State. Poor Billy! "his harp is now hung upon the willow"; and I would not blush to offer a tear to his memory, for his name is associated with some of the happiest scenes of my life, and he sleeps with many a dear friend who used to join me in provoking his wit and in laughing at his eccentricities; but I am leading my reader to the grave instead of the dance, which I promised. If, however, his memory reaches twelve years back he will excuse this short tribute of respect to Billy Por ter. Billy, to give his own account of himself, " had been taking a turn with the brethren [the Bar] ; and, hearing the ladies wanted to see pretty Billy, had come to give them a benefit/ The squire had not seen him before ; and it is no disrespect to his understanding or politeness to say that he found it impossible to give me his attention for half an hour after Billy arrived. I had nothing to do, therefore, while the young people were assembling, but to improve my knowledge of Billy s character, to the squire s amusement. I had been thus engaged about thirty minutes, when I saw several fine, bounc ing, ruddy-cheeked girls descending a hill about the eighth of a mile off. They, too, were attired in manufactures of their own hands. The refine- THE DANCE 9 ments of the present day in female dress had not even reached our republican cities at this time ; and, of course,, the country girls were wholly ignorant of them. They carried no more cloth upon their arms or straw upon their heads than was necessary to cover them. They used no artificial means of spreading their frock-tails to an interesting extent from their ankles. They had no boards laced to their breasts, nor any corsets laced to their sides ; consequently, they looked, for all the world, like human beings, " and could be distinctly recognized as such at the distance of two hundred paces. Their move ments were as free and active as nature would permit them to be. Let me not be understood as interposing the least objection to any lady in this land of liberty dressing just as she pleases. If she choose to lay her neck and shoulders bare, what right have I to look at them, much less to find fault with them ? If she choose to put three yards of muslin in a irock sleeve, what right have I to ask why a little strip of it was not put in the body ? If she like the pattern of a hoisted umbrella for a frock, and the shape of a cheese-cask for her body, what is all that to me ? But to return. The girls were met by Polly and Silvy Gibson at some distance from the house, who welcomed them "with a kiss, of course?" Oh no; but with something much less equivocal a hearty shake of the hand and smiling countenances, which had some meaning. [Note. The custom of kissing, as practised 10 GEORGIA SCENES in these clays by the amiaUes, is borrowed from the French, and by them from Judas.] The young ladies had generally collected before any of the young men appeared. It was not long, however, before a large number of both sexes were assembled, and they adjourned to the ballroom. But for the snapping of a fiddle - string, the young people would have been engaged in the amusement of the day in less than three minutes from the time they entered the house. Here were no formal introductions to be given, no drawing for places or partners, no parade of managers, no ceremonies. It was perfectly un derstood that all were invited to dance, and that none were invited who were unworthy to be danced with ; consequently, no gentleman hesi tated to ask any lady present to dance with him, and no lady refused to dance with a gentleman merely because she had not been acquaint ed with him. In a short time the string was repaired, and off went the party to a good old republican six reel. I had been thrown among fashionables se long that I had almost forgotten my native dance. But it revived rapidly as they wheeled through its mazes, and with it returned many long-forgotten, pleasing recollections. Not only did the reel return to me, but the very persons who used to figure in it with me, in the hey day of youth. Here was my old sweetheart, Polly Jackson, identically personified in Polly Gibson ; and here THE DANCE 11 was Jim Johnson s in Silvy, and Bill Martin s in Nancy Ware. Polly Gibson had my old name s very steps as well as her looks. " Ah/ said I, " squire, this puts me in mind of old times. I have not seen a six reel for five-and- twenty years. It recalls to my mind many a happy hour, and many a jovial friend who used to enliven it with me. Your Polly looks so much like my old sweetheart, Polly Jackson, that, were I young again, I certainly should fall in love with her." "That was the name of her mother," said the squire. "Where did you marry her ?" inquired I. " In Wilkes," said he ; " she was the daughter of old Nathan Jackson, of that county." "It isn t possible !" returned I. " Then it is the very girl of whom I am speaking. Where is she?" "She s out," said the squire, "preparing din ner for the young people ; but she ll be in tow ards the close of the day. But come along, and I ll make you acquainted with her at once if you ll promise not to run away with her ; for I tell you what it is, she s the likeliest gal in all these parts yet." " Well," said I, " I ll promise not to run away with her, but you must not let her know who I am. I wish to make myself known to her ; and, for fear of the worst, you shall witness the intro duction. But don t get jealous, squire, if she seems a little too glad to see me ; for, I assure you, we had a strong notion of each other when we were young." 12 GEORGIA SCENES " No danger," replied the squire ; " she hadn t seen me then, or she never could have loved such a hard-favored man as you are." In the meantime the dance went on, and I employed myself in selecting from the party the best examples of the dancers of my day and Mrs. Gibson s, for her entertainment. In this I had not the least difficulty ; for the dancers before me and those of my day were in all respects identical. Jim Johnson kept up the double-shuffle from the beginning to the end of the reel ; and here was Jim over again in Sammy Tant. Bill Mar tin always set to his partner with the same step ; and a very curious step it was. He brought his right foot close behind his left, and with it per formed precisely the motion of the thumb in cracking that insect which Burns has immortal ized ; then moved his right back, threw his weight upon it, brought his left behind it, and cracked with that as before ; and so on alternate ly. Just so did Bill Kemp, to a nail. Bob Simons danced for all the world like a " Supple Jack " (or, as we commonly call it, a " Supple Saivney ") when the string is pulled with varied force at intervals of seconds ; and so did Jake Slack. Davy Moore went like a suit of clothes upon a clothing-line on a windy day ; and here was his antitype in Ned Clark. Rhoda Nobles swam through the reel like a cork on wavy waters, always giving two or three pretty little perch - bite diddles as she rose from a coupee. Nancy Ware was her very self. Becky Lewis THE DANCE 13 made a business of dancing she disposed of her part as quick as possible, stopped dead short as soon as she got through, and looked as sober as a judge all the time ; even so did Chloe Dawson. I used to tell Polly Jackson that Becky s coun tenance, when she closed a dance, always seemed to say, "Now, if you want any more dancing, you may do it yourself I" The dance grew merrier as it progressed ; the young people became more easy in each other s company, and often enlivened the scene with most humorous remarks. Occasionally some sharp cuts passed between the boys, such as would have produced half a dozen duels at a city ball ; but here they were taken as they were meant, in good humor. Jim Johnson being a little tardy in meeting his partner at a turn of the reel, "I ax pardon, Miss Chloe/" said he; "Jake Slack went to make a cross-hop just now, and tied his legs in a hard knot, and I stopped to help him untie them !" A little af ter Jake hung his toe in a crack of the floor and nearly fell. "Ding my buttons," said he, "if I didn t know I should stumble over Jim Johnson s foot at last ! Jim, draw your foot up to your own end of the reel!" (Jim was at the other end of the reel, and had, in truth, a prodigious foot.) Towards the middle of the day many of the neighboring farmers dropped in, and joined the squire and myself in talking of old times. At length dinner was announced. It consisted of plain fare, but there was a profusion of it. Rough planks, supported by stakes driven in the ground, 14 GEORGIA SCENES served for a table, at which the old and young of both sexes seated themselves at the same time. I soon recognized Mrs. Gibson from all the matrons present. Thirty years had wrought great changes in her appearance, but they had left some of her features entirely unimpaired. Her eye beamed with all its youthful fire ; and, to my astonishment, her mouth was still beautified with a full set of teeth, unblemished by time. The rose on her cheek had rather freshened than faded, and her smile was the very same that first subdued my heart ; but her fine form was wholly lost, and, with it, all the grace of her movements. Pleasing but melancholy reflections occupied my mind as I gazed on her dispensing her cheerful hospitalities. I thought of the sad history of many of her companions and mine, who used to carry light hearts through the merry dance. I compared my after-life with the cloudless days of my attachment to Polly. Then I was light- hearted, gay, contented, and happy. I aspired to nothing but a good name, a good wife, and an easy competence. The first and last were mine already ; and Polly had given me too many little tokens of her favor to leave a doubt now that the second was at my command. But I was foolishly told that my talents were of too high an order to be employed in the drudgeries of a farm, and I more foolishly believed it. I for sook the pleasures which I had tried and proved, and went in pursuit of those imaginary joys which seemed to encircle the seat of Fame. From that moment to the present my life had THE DANCE 15 been little else than one unbroken scene of dis aster, disappointment,, vexation, and toil. And now, when I was too old to enjoy the pleasures which I had discarded, I found that my aim was absolutely hopeless ; and that my pursuits had only served to unfit me for the humbler walks of life, and to exclude me from the higher. The gloom of these reflections was, however, lightened in a measure by the promises of the coming hour, when I was to live over again with Mrs. Gibson some of the happiest moments of my life. After a hasty repast the young people returned to their amusement, followed by myself, with several of the elders of the company. An hour had scarcely elapsed before Mrs. Gibson entered, accompanied by a goodly number of matrons of her own age. This accession to the company produced its usual effects. It raised the tone of conversation a full octave, and gave it a triple- time movement ; added new life to the wit and limbs of the young folks, and set the old men to cracking jokes. At length the time arrived for me to surprise and delight Mrs. Gibson. The young folks in sisted upon the old folks taking a reel, and this was just what I had been waiting for ; for, after many plans for making the discovery, I had finally concluded upon that which I thought would make her joy general among the com pany; and that was, to announce myself, just before leading her to the dance, in a voice audi ble to most of the assembly. I therefore readily 16 GEORGIA SCENES assented to the proposition of the young folks, as did two others of my age., and we made to the ladies for our partners I, of course, offered my hand to Mrs. Gibson. " Come/ said I, " Mrs. Gibson, let us see if we can t outdance these young people." " Dear me, sir," said she, " I haven t danced a step these twenty years." " Neither have I ; but I ve resolved to try once more, if you will join me, just for old times sake." " I really cannot think of dancing," said she. (( Well," continued I (raising my voice to a pretty high pitch, on purpose to be heard, while my countenance kindled with exultation at the astonishment and delight which I was about to produce), " you surely will dance with an old friend and sweetheart, who used to dance with you when a girl !" A t this disclosure her features assumed a vast variety of expressions ; but none of them re sponded precisely to my expectation ; indeed, some of them were of such an equivocal and alarming character that I deemed it advisable not to prolong her suspense. I therefore pro ceeded : " Have you forgot your old sweetheart, Abram Baldwin ?" "What!" said she, looking more astonished and confused than ever. " Abram Baldwin ! Abram Baldwin ! I don t think I ever heard the name before." "Do you remember Jim Johnson ?" said I. THE DANCE 17 " Oh yes/ said she, " mighty well/ her coun tenance brightening with a smile. " And Bill Martin ?" Yes, perfectly well. Why w7io are you ?" Here we were interrupted by one of the gen tlemen, who had led his partner to the floor, with " Come, stranger, we re getting mighty tired o standing. It Avon t do for old people that s going to dance to take up much time in standing ; they ll lose all their spryness. Don t stand begging Polly Gibson, she never dances; but take my Sal there, next to her ; she ll run a reel with you to old Nick s house and back agin." No alternative was left me, and therefore I offered my hand to Mrs. Sally I didn t know who. "Well," thought I, as I moved to my place, " the squire is pretty secure from jealousy ; but Polly will soon remember me when she sees my steps in the reel. I will dance precisely as I used to in my youth, if it tire me to death. " . There was one step that was almost exclusively my own, for few of the dancers of my day could perform it at all, and none with the grace and ease that I did. " She ll remember Abram Bald win," thought I, " as soon as she sees the double, cross-liop." It was performed by rising and cross ing the legs twice or thrice before alighting, and I used to carry it to the third cross with consid erable ease. It was a step solely adapted to set ting or balancing, as all will perceive ; but I thought the occasion would justify a little per- 18 GEORGIA SCENES version of it, and therefore resolved to lead off with it, that Polly might be at once relieved from suspense. Just, however, as I reached my place, Mrs. Gibson s youngest son, a boy about eight years old, ran in and cried out, " Mammy, old Boler s jumped upon the planks, and dragged off a great hunk o meat as big as your head, and broke a dish and two plates all to darn smashes !" Away went Mrs. Gibson, and off went the music. Still I hoped that matters would be adjusted in time for Polly to return and see the double cross- hop ; and I felt the mortification which my de lay in getting a partner had occasioned some what solaced by the reflection that it had thrown me at the foot of the reel. The first and second couples had nearly com pleted their performances, and Polly had not returned. I began to grow uneasy, and to in terpose as many delays as I could without attract ing notice. The six reel is closed by the foot couple balancing at the head of the set, then in the middle, then at the foot, again in the middle, meeting at the head, and leading down. My partner and I had commenced balancing at the head, and Polly had not returned. I balanced until my partner forced me on. I now deemed it advisable to give myself up wholly to the double cross -hop; so that if Polly should return in time to see any step it should be this, though I was already nearly exhausted. Ac cordingly, I made the attempt to introduce it in the turns of the reel; but the first experiment THE DANCE 19 \ convinced me of three things at once first, that I could not have used the step in this way in my best days ; second, that my strength would not more than support it in its proper place for the remainder of the reel ; and, third, if I tried it again in this way I should knock my brains out against the puncheons ; for my partner, who seemed determined to confirm her husband s re port of her, evinced 110 disposition to wait upon experiments, but, fetching me a jerk while I was up and my legs crossed, had wellnigh sent me head foremost to Old Nick s house, sure enough. We met in the middle, my back to the door, and from the silence that prevailed in the yard I flattered myself that Polly might be even now catching the first glimpse of the favorite step, when I heard her voice at some distance from the house : " Get you gone ! G-e-e-e-t you gone ! G-e-e-e-e-e-t you gone I" Matters outdoors were now clearly explained. There had been a struggle to get the meat from Boler ; Boler had triumphed, and retreated to the woods with his booty, and Mrs. Gibson was heaping indignities upon him in the last resort. The three " Get-you-gones" met me precise ly at the three closing balances ; and the last brought my moral energies to a perfect level with my physical. Mrs. Gibson returned, however, a few min utes after, in a good humor; for she possessed a lovely disposition, which even marriage could not spoil. As soon as I could collect breath 20 GEORGIA SCENES enough for regular conversation (for, to speak in my native dialect, I was "mortal tired"), I took a seat by her, resolved not to quit the house without making myself known to her, if pos sible. "How much/ said I, " your Polly looks and dances like you used to at her age !" (t I ve told my old man so a hundred times/ said she. " Why, who upon earth are you ?" "Did you ever see two persons dance more alike than Jim Johnson and Sammy Tant ?" "Never. Why, who can you be?" "You remember Becky Lewis ?" "Yes." "Well, look at Chloe Dawson, and you ll see her over again." "Well, law me! Now I know I must have seen you somewhere ; but, to save my life, I can t tell where ! Where did your father live ?" "He died when I was small." " And where did you use to see me ?" " At your father s, and old Mr. Dawson s, and at Mrs. Barnes s, and at Squire Noble s, and many other places." " Well, goodness me ! it s mighty strange I can t call you to mind !" I now began to get petulant, and thought it best to leave her. The dance wound up with the old merry jig, and the company dispersed. The next day I set out for my residence. I had been at home rather more than two months THE DANCE 21 when I received the following letter from Squire Gibson : "DEAR SIR, I send you the money collected on the notes you left with me. Since you left here, Polly has heen thinking about old times, and she says, to save her life, she can t recollect you." BALDWIN. THE HORSE-SWAP DURING the session of the Supreme Court in the village of - , about three weeks ago, when a number of people were collected in the princi pal street of the village,, I observed a young man riding up and down the street, as I supposed, in a violent passion. He galloped this way, then that, and then the other ; spurred his horse to one group of citizens, then to another ; then dashed off at half- speed, as if fleeing from dan ger ; and, suddenly checking his horse, returned first in a pace, then in a trot, and then in a can ter. While he was performing these various evolutions he cursed, swore, whooped, screamed, and tossed himself in every attitude which man could assume on horseback. In short, he cavort ed most magnanimously (a term which, in our tongue, expresses all that I have described, and a little more), and seemed to be setting all crea tion at defiance. As I like to see all that is passing, I determined to take a position a little nearer to him, and to ascertain, if possible, what it was that affected him so sensibly. According ly I approached a crowd before which he had stopped for a moment, and examined it with the strictest scrutiny. But I could see nothing in it THE HORSE-SWAP that seemed to have anything to do with the ca- vorter. Every man appeared to be in good hu mor, and all minding their own business. Not one so much as noticed the principal figure. Still he went on. After a semicolon pause, which my appearance seemed to produce (for he eyed me closely as I approached), he fetched a whoop, and swore that "he could out-swap any live man, woman, or child that ever walked these hills, or that ever straddled horseflesh since the days of old daddy Adam. Stranger," said he to me, "did you ever see the Yallow Blossom from Jasper ?" "No," said I, "but I have often heard of him." "Fm the boy," continued he ; "perhaps a lee- tie, jist a leetle, of the best man at a horse-swap that ever trod shoe-leather." I began to feel my situation a little awkward, when I was relieved by a man somewhat ad vanced in years, who stepped up and began to survey the Yellow Blossom s horse with much apparent interest. This drew the rider s atten tion, and he turned the conversation from me to the stranger. "Well, my old coon," said he, "do you want to swap hosses 9" " Why, I don t know," replied the stranger ; "I believe I ve got a beast I d trade with you for that one, if you like him." "Well, fetch up your nag, my old cock; you re jist the lark I wanted to get hold of. I am perhaps a leetle, jist a leetle, of the best man 24 GEORGIA SCENES at a horse-swap that ever stole craMins out of his mammy s fat gourd. Where s your hossf "I ll bring him presently; but I want to ex amine your horse a little." "Oh, look at him/ said the Blossom, alight ing and hitting him a cut "look at him ! He s the best piece of Aossflesh in the thirteen united univarsal worlds. There s no sort o mistake in little Bullet. He can pick up miles on his feet, and fling em behind him as fast as the next man s Jioss, I don t care where he comes from. And he can keep at it as long as the sun can shine without resting." During this harangue little Bullet looked as if he understood it all, believed it, and was ready at any moment to verify it. He was a horse of goodly countenance, rather expressive of vigilance than fire ; though an unnatural ap pearance of fierceness was thrown into it by the loss of his ears, which had been cropped pretty close to his head. Nature had done but little for Bullet s head and neck ; but he managed, in a great measure, to hide their defects by bowing perpetually. He had obviously suffered severe ly for corn ; but if his ribs and hip-bones had not disclosed the fact, lie never would have done it ; for he was in all respects as cheerful and happy as if he commanded all the corn-cribs and fodder-stacks in Georgia. His height was about twelve hands ; but as his shape partook some what of that of the giraffe, his haunches stood much lower. They were short, strait, peaked, and concave. Bullet s tail, however, made THE HORSE-SWAP 25 amends for all his defects. All that the artist could do to beautify it had been done ; and all that horse could do to compliment the artist, Bullet did. His tail was nicked in superior style, and exhibited the line of beauty in so many directions that it could not fail to hit the most fastidious taste in some of them. From BLOSSOM AND HIS HORSE BULLET the root it dropped into a graceful festoon, then rose in a handsome curve, then resumed its first direction, and then mounted suddenly upward like a cypress knee to a perpendicular of about two and a half inches. The whole had a careless and bewitching inclination to the 26 GEORGIA. SCENES right. Bullet obviously knew where his beauty lay, and took all occasions to display it to the best advantage. If a stick cracked, or if any one moved suddenly about him, or coughed, or hawked, or spoke a little louder than common, up went Bullet s tail like lightning ; and if the going up did not please, the coming down must of necessity, for it was as different from the other movement as was its direction. The first was a bold and rapid flight upward, usually to an angle of forty-five degrees. In this position he kept his interesting appendage until he satis fied himself that nothing in particular was to be done ; when he commenced dropping it by half inches, in second beats, then in triple time, then faster and shorter, and faster and shorter still, until it finally died away imperceptibly into its natural position. If I might compare sights to sounds, I should say its settling was more like the note of a locust than anything else in nature. Either from native sprightliness of disposition, from uncontrollable activity, or from an uncon querable habit of removing flies by the stamping of the feet, Bullet never stood still, but always kept up a gentle fly-scaring movement of his limbs, which was peculiarly interesting. "I tell you, man," proceeded the Yellow Blos som, "he s the best live hoss that ever trod the grit of Georgia. Bob Smart knows the hoss. Gome here, Bob, and mount this hoss, and show Bullet s motions." Here Bullet bristled up, and looked as if he had been hunting for Bob all day long, and had just found him. Bob sprang on his THE HOUSE SWAP 27 back. " Boo-oo-oo !" said Bob, with a fluttering noise of the lips, and away went Bullet as if in a quarter race, with all his beauties spread in handsome style. "Now fetch him back/ said Blossom. Bul let turned and came in pretty much as he went out. "Now trot him by." Bullet reduced his tail to customary, sidled to the right and left air ily, and exhibited at least three varieties of trot in the short space of fifty yards. "Make him pace I" Bob commenced twitch ing the bridle and kicking at the same time. These inconsistent movements obviously (and most naturally) disconcerted Bullet ; for it was impossible for him to learn from them whether he was to proceed or stand still. He started to trot, and was told that wouldn t do. He at tempted a canter, and was checked again. He stopped, and was urged to go on. Bullet now rushed into the wide field of experiment, and struck out a gait of his own that completely turned the tables upon his rider, and certainly deserved a patent. It seemed to have derived its elements from the jig, the minuet, and the co tillon. If it was not a pace, it certainly had pace in it, and no man would venture to call it any thing else ; so it passed off to the satisfaction of the owner. " Walk him !" Bullet was now at home again, and he walked as if money were staked on him. The stranger, whose name I afterwards learned was Peter Ketch, having examined Bullet to his 28 GEORGIA SCENES heart s content, ordered his son Neddy to go and bring up Kit. Neddy soon appeared upon Kit, a well-formed sorrel of the middle size, and in good order. His tout-ensemble threw Bullet en tirely in the shade, though a glance was sufficient to satisfy any one that Bullet had the decided advantage of him in point of intellect. "Why, man," said Blossom, "do you bring such a hoss as that to trade for Bullet ? Oh, I see, you ve no notion of trading !" " Ride him off, Neddy !" said Peter. Kit put off at a handsome lope. " Trot him back !" Kit came in at a long, sweeping trot, and stopped suddenly at the crowd. "Well," said Blossom, "let me look at him; maybe he ll do to plough." "Examine him," said Peter, taking hold of the bridle close to the mouth ; " he s nothing but a tacky. He ain t as pretty a horse as Bullet, I know, but he ll do. Start em together for a hundred and fifty mile, and if Kit ain t twenty mile ahead of him at the coming out, any man may take Kit for nothing. But he s a monstrous mean horse, gentlemen ; any man may see that. He s the scariest horse, too, you ever saw. He won t do to hunt on, nohow. Stranger, will you let Neddy have your rifle to shoot off him ? Lay the rifle between his ears, Neddy, and shoot at the blaze in that stump. Tell me when his head is high enough." Ned fired and hit the blaze, and Kit did not move a hair s-breadth. THE HORSE- SWAP 29 " Neddy, take a couple of sticks, and beat on that hogshead at Kit s tail." Ned made a tremendous rattling, at which Bullet took fright, broke his bridle, and dashed off in grand style, and would have stopped all further negotiations by going home in disgust, had not a traveller arrested him and brought him back ; but Kit did not move. "I tell you, gentlemen," continued Peter, "he s the scariest horse you ever saw. He ain t as gentle as Bullet, but he won t do any harm if you watch him. Shall I put him in a cart, gig, or wagon for you, stranger ? He ll cut the same capers there he does here. He s a monstrous mean horse." During all this time Blossom was examining him with the nicest scrutiny. Having examined his frame and limbs, he now looked at his eyes. " He s got a curious look out of his eyes," said Blossom. "Oh yes, sir," said Peter, "just as blind as a bat. Blind horses always have clear eyes. Make a motion at his eyes, if you please, sir." Blossom did so, and Kit threw up his head rather as if something pricked him under the chin than as if fearing a blow. Blossom repeat ed the experiment, and Kit jerked back in con siderable astonishment. " Stone-blind, you see, gentlemen," proceeded Peter ; "but he s just as good to travel of a dark night as if he had eyes." "Blame my buttons," said Blossom, "if I like them eyes !" 30 GEORGIA SCENES "No," said Peter, "nor I neither. Fd rather have em made of diamonds ; but they ll do if they don t show as much white as Bullet s." "Well," said Blossom, "make a pass at me." "No," said Peter, "you made the banter, now make your pass." "Well, I m never afraid to price my bosses. You must give me twenty-five dollars boot." "Oh, certainly; say fifty, and my saddle and bridle in. Here, Neddy, my son, take away dad dy s horse." "Well," said Blossom, "I ve made my pass, now you make yours." "I m for short talk in a horse-swap, and there fore always tell a gentleman at once what I mean to do. You must give me ten dollars." Blossom swore absolutely, roundly, and pro fanely that he never would give boot. " Well," said Peter, " I didn t care about trad ing ; but you cut such high shines that I thought I d like to back you out, and I ve done it. Gen tlemen, you see I ve brought him to a hack." "Come, old man," said Blossom, "I ve been joking with you. I begin to think you do want to trade ; therefore, give me five dollars and take Bullet. I d rather lose ten dollars any time than not make a trade, though I hate to fling away a good hoss." "Well," said Peter, "I ll be as clever as you are. Just put the five dollars on Bullet s back, and hand him over ; it s a trade." Blossom swore again, as roundly as before, that he would not give boot; and, said he, "Bullet THE HORSE-SWAP 31 wouldn t hold five dollars on his back, nohow. But, as I bantered you, if you say an even swap, here s at you." "I told you/ said Peter, "Fd be as clever as you ; therefore, here goes two dollars more, just for trade sake. Give me three dollars, and it s a bargain." Blossom repeated his former assertion ; and here the parties stood for a long time, and the by-standers (for many were now collected) began to taunt both parties. After some time, however, it was pretty unanimously decided that the old man had backed Blossom out. At length Blossom swore he " never would be backed out for three dollars after bantering a man" ; and, accordingly, they closed the trade. "Now," said Blossom, as he handed Peter the three dollars, "Fm a man that, when he makes a bad trade, makes the most of it until he can make a better. Fm for no rues and after-claps." "That s just my way," said Peter; "I never goes to law to mend my bargains." "Ah, you re the kind of boy I love to trade with. Here s your hoss, old man. Take the sad dle and bridle off him, and Fll strip yours ; but lift up the blanket easy from Bullet s back, for he s a mighty tender-backed hoss." The old man removed the saddle, but the blanket stuck fast. He attempted to raise it, and Bullet bowed himself, switched his tail, danced a little, and gave signs of biting. "Don t hurt him, old man," said Blossom, archly ; " take it off easy. I am, perhaps, a leetle 32 GEORGIA SCENES of the best man at a horse-swap that ever catched a coon/ 7 Peter continued to pull at the blanket more and more roughly, and Bullet became more and more cavortish, insomuch that, when the blanket came off, he had reached the kicking point in good earnest. The removal of the blanket disclosed a sore on Bullet s backbone that seemed to have defied all medical skill. It measured six full inches in length and four in breadth, and had as many features as Bullet had motions. My heart sick ened at the sight ; and I felt that the brute who had been riding him in that situation deserved the halter. The prevailing feeling, however, was that of mirth. The laugh became loud and general at the old man s expense, and rustic witticisms were liberally bestowed upon him and his late pur chase. These Blossom continued to provoke by various remarks. He asked the old man "if he thought Bullet would let five dollars lie on his back." He declared most seriously that he had owned that horse three months, and had never discovered before that he had a sore back, "or he never should have thought of trading him," etc., etc. The old man bore it all with the most philo sophic composure. He evinced no astonishment at his late discovery, and made no replies. But his son Neddy had not disciplined his feelings quite so well. His eyes opened wider and wider from the first to the last pull of the blanket, and THE HOUSE-SWAP 83 when the whole sore burst upon his view, aston ishment and fright seemed to contend for the mastery of his countenance. As the blanket disappeared, he stuck his hands in his breeches pockets, heaved a deep sigh, and lapsed into a profound reverie, from which he was only roused by the cuts at his father. He bore them as long as he could ; and, when he could contain himself no longer, he began, with a certain wildness of expression which gave a peculiar interest to what he uttered : " His back s mighty bad off ; but dod drot my soul if he s put it to daddy as bad as he thinks he has, for old Kit s both blind and deef, I ll be dod drot if he ein t !" The devil he is \" said Blossom. " Yes, dod drot my soul if he ein t! You walk him, and see if he ein t. His eyes don t look like it ; but he d jist as leve go agin the house with you, or in a ditch, as anyhow. Now you go try him." The laugh was now turned on Blossom, and many rushed to test the fidelity of the little boy s report. A few experiments established its truth beyond controversy. " Neddy," said the old man, " you oughtn t to try and make people discontented with their things. Stranger, don t mind what the little boy says. If you can only get Kit rid of them little failings you ll find him all sorts of a horse. You are a leetle the best man at a horse-swap that ever I got hold of ; but don t fool away Kit. Come, Neddy, my son, let s be moving ; the stranger seems to be getting snappish." HALL. THE CHARACTER OF A NATIVE GEORGIAN THERE are some yet living who knew the man whose character I am about to delineate, and these will unanimously bear testimony that, if it be not faithfully drawn, it is not overdrawn. They cannot avouch for the truth of the anec dotes which I am about to relate of him, because of these they know nothing ; but they will un hesitatingly declare that there is nothing herein ascribed to him of which he was incapable, and of which he would not readily have been the author, supposing the scenes in which I have placed him to be real, and the thoughts and actions attrib uted to him to have actually suggested them selves to him. They will further testify that the thoughts and actions are in perfect harmony with his general character. I do not feel at liberty as yet to give the name of the person in question, and therefore he shall be designated for the present by the appellation of Ned Brace. This man seemed to live only to amuse himself with his fellow-beings, and he possessed the rare faculty of deriving some gratification of his favor ite propensity from almost every person whom he met, no matter what his temper, standing, or THE CHARACTER OF A NATIVE GEORGIAN 35 disposition. Of course he had opportunities enough of exercising his uncommon gift, and he rarely suffered an opportunity to pass unim proved. The beau in the presence of his mis tress,, the fop, the pedant, the purse-proud, the over-fastidious and sensitive, were Ned s favor ite game. These never passed him uninjured, and against such he directed his severest shafts. With these he commonly amused himself, by exciting in them every variety of emotion, under circumstances peculiarly ridiculous. He was ad mirably fitted to his vocation. He could assume any character which his humor required him to personate, and he could sustain it to perfection. His knowledge of the character of others seemed to be intuitive. It may seem remarkable, but it is true, that, though he lived his own peculiar life for about sixteen years, after he reached the age of man hood he never involved himself in a personal ren counter with any one. This was owing in part to his muscular frame, which few would be will ing to engage, but more particularly to his adroit ness in the management of his projects of fun. He generally conducted them in such a way as to render it impossible for any one to call him to account without violating all the rules of decen cy, politeness, and chivalry at once. But a few anecdotes of him will give the reader a much better idea of his character than he can possibly derive from a general description. If these fulfil the description which I have given of my hero, all will agree that he is no imaginary being ; if 36 GEORGIA SCENES they do not, it will only be because I am unfort unate in my selection. Having known him from his earliest manhood to his grave for he was a native Georgian I confess that I am greatly perplexed in determining what portions of his singular history to lay before the reader as a proper specimen of the whole. A three days visit which I once made with him to Savannah placed him in a greater variety of scenes and among a greater diversity of characters than per haps any other period of his life embracing no longer time ; and, therefore, I will choose this for my purpose. We reached Savannah just at nightfall of a cold December evening. As we approached the tavern of Mr. Blank, at which we designed to stop, Ned proposed to me that we should drop our acquaintance until he should choose to renew it. To this proposition I most cordially assent ed, for I knew that, so doing, I should be saved some mortifications, and avoid a thousand ques tions which I would not know how to answer. According to this understanding, Ned lingered behind in order that I might reach the tavern alone. On alighting at the public-house I was led into a large dining-room, at the entrance of which, to the right, stood the bar, opening into the dining- room. On the left, and rather nearer to the cen tre of the room, was a fireplace, surrounded by gentlemen. Upon entering the room my name was demanded at the bar ; it was given, and 1 took my seat in the circle around the fire. I had THE CHARACTER OF A NATIVE GEORGIAN 37 been seated just long enough for the company to survey me to their satisfaction and resume their conversation, when Ned s heavy footstep at the door turned the eyes of the company to the ap proaching stranger. " Your name, sir, if you please ?" said the rest less little barkeeper, as he entered. Ned stared at the question with apparent alarm, cast a fearful glance at the company, frowned, and shook his head in token of caution to the barkeeper ; looked confused for a moment, then, as if suddenly recollecting himself, jerked a piece of paper out of his pocket, turned from the company, wrote on it with his pencil, handed it to the barkeeper, walked to the left of the fire place, and took the most conspicuous seat in the circle. He looked at no one, spoke to no one, but, fixing his eyes on the fire, lapsed into a pro found reverie. The conversation, which had been pretty gen eral before, stopped as short as if every man in the room had been shot dead. Every eye was fixed on Ned, and every variety of expression was to be seen on the countenances of the per sons present. The landlord came in ; the bar keeper whispered to him and looked at Ned. The landlord looked at him too with astonish ment and alarm ; the barkeeper produced a piece of paper, and both of them examined it, as if searching for fig-mite with the naked eye. They rose from the examination unsatisfied, and looked at Ned again. Those of the company who recov ered first from their astonishment tried to revive 38 GEORGIA SCENES the conversation, but the effort was awkward, met with no support, and failed. The barkeeper, for the first time in his life, became dignified and solemn, and left the bar to take care of itself. The landlord had a world of foolish questions to ask the gentlemen directly opposite to Ned, for which purpose he passed round to them every two minutes, and the answer to none did he hear. Three or four boarders coming in, who were unapprised of what had happened, at length re vived the conversation ; not, however, until they had created some confusion by inquiring of their friends the cause of their sober looks. As soon as the conversation began to become easy and natural Ned rose and walked out into the entry. With the first movement all were as hushed as death, but when he had cleared the door an other Babel scene ensued. Some inquired, others suspected, and all wondered. Some were engaged in telling the strangers what had hap pened, others were making towards the bar, and all were becoming clamorous, when Ned re turned and took his seat. His re-entry was as fatal to conversation as was the first movement of his exit ; but it soon recovered from the shock, with the difference, however, that those who led before were now mute, and wholly ab sorbed in the contemplation of Ned s person. After retaining his seat for about ten minutes, Ned rose again, inquired the way to the stable, and left the house. As soon as he passed the outer door, the barkeeper hastened to the com pany with Ned s paper in his hand. " Gentle- THE CHARACTER OP A NATIVE GEORGIAN 39 men," said he, " can any of yon tell me what name this is ?" All rushed to the paper in an instant ; one or two pair of heads met over it with considerable force. After pondering over it to their heart s content, they all agreed that the first letter was an " E," and the second a " B" or an " R," and the d 1 himself could not make out the balance. While they were thus engaged, to the astonishment of everybody, Ned interrupted their deliberations with, " Gentle men, if you have satisfied yourselves with that paper, 1 11 thank you for it." It is easy to imag ine, but impossible to describe, the looks and ac tions of the company under their surprise and mortification. They dropped off, and left the barkeeper to his appropriate duty of handing the paper to Ned. He reached it forth, but Ned moved not a hand to receive it for about the space of three seconds, during which time he kept his eyes fixed upon the arch - offender in awfully solemn rebuke. He then took it grave ly and put it in his pocket, and left the barkeep er with a shaking ague upon him. From this moment he became Ned s most obsequious and willing slave. Supper was announced ; Mrs. Blank, the land lady, took the head of the table, and Ned seated himself next to her. Her looks denoted some alarm at finding him so near to her, and plainly showed that he had been fully described to her by her husband or some one else. " Will you take tea or coffee, sir ?" said she. " Why, madam," said Ned, in a tone as cour- 40 GEORGIA SCENES teous as Chesterfield himself could have used, "I am really ashamed to acknowledge and to expose my very singular appetite ; but habitual indulgence of it has made it necessary to my comfort, if not to my health, that I should still favor it when I can. If you will pardon me, I will take both at the same time." This respectful reply (which, by-the-way, she alone was permitted to hear) had its natural ef fect. It won for him her unqualified indul gence, raised doubts whether he could be the suspicious character which had been described to her, and begat in her a desire to cultivate a further acquaintance with him. She handed to him the two cups, and accompanied them with some remarks, drawn from her own observation in the line of her business, calculated to recon cile him to his whimsical appetite ; but she could extract from Ned nothing but monosylla bles, and sometimes not even that much. Con sequently, the good lady began very soon to re lapse into her former feelings. Ned placed a cup on either side of him, and commenced stirring both at the same time very deliberately. This done, he sipped a little tea, and asked Mrs. B. for a drop more milk in it. Then he tasted his coffee, and desired a little more sugar in it. Then he tasted his tea again, and requested a small lump more sugar in it. Lastly, he tasted his coffee, and desired a few drops more milk in that. It was easy to discover that, before he got suited, the landlady had sol emnly resolved never to offer any more encourage- THE CHARACTER OF A NATIVE GEORGIAN 41 ments to such an appetite. She waxed exceeding ly petulant, and., having nothing else to scold, she scolded the servants, of course. Waffles were handed to Ned, and he took one; batter-cakes were handed, and he took one ; and so on of muffins, rolls, and corn-bread. Having laid in these provisions, he turned into his plate, upon his waffle and batter- cake, some of the crumbs of the several kinds of bread which he had taken, in different proportions, and com menced mashing all together with his knife. During this operation the landlady frowned and pouted, the servants giggled, and the boarders were variously affected. Having reduced his mess to the consistency of a hard poultice, he packed it all up to one side of his plate in the form of a terrapin, and smoothed it all over nicely with his knife. Nearly opposite to Ned, but a little below him, sat a waspish little gentleman, who had been watching him with increasing torments from the first to the last movement of Ned s knife. His tortures were visible to blinder eyes than Ned s, and, doubtless, had been seen by him in their earliest paroxysms. This gentleman occupied a seat nearest to a dish of steak, and was in the act of muttering something about " brutes" to his next neighbor, when Ned beckoned a servant to him, and requested him "to ask that gentleman for a small bit of steak." The servant obeyed, and, planting Ned s plate directly between the gentleman s and the steak -dish, delivered his message. The testy gentleman turned his head, 42 GEORGIA SCENES and the first thing he saw was Ned s parti colored terrapin right under his nose. He started as if he had been struck by a snapping- turtle, reddened to scarlet, looked at Ned (who appeared as innocent as a lamb), looked at the servant (who appeared as innocent as Ned), and then fell to work on the steak as if he were am putating all Ned s limbs at once. Ned now commenced his repast. He ate his meat and breads in the usual way, but he drank his liquids in all ways. First a sip of tea, then of coffee ; then two of the first and one of the last ; then three of the last and one of the first, and so on. His steak was soon consumed, and his plate was a second time returned to the mettlesome gentleman "for another very small bit of steak." The plate paid its second visit precisely as it had its first ; and as soon as the fiery gentleman saw the half -demolished terrapin again under his nose he seized a fork, drove it into the largest slice of steak in the dish, dashed it into Ned s plate, rose from the table, and left the room, cursing Ned from the very inmost chamber of his soul. Every person at the table, except Ned, laughed outright at the little man s fury ; but Ned did not even smile ; nay, he looked for all the world as if he thought the laugh was at him. The boarders one after another retired, until Ned and the landlady were left alone at the table. " Will you have another cup of tea and coffee, THE CHARACTER OP A NATIVE GEORGIAN 43 sir ?" said she, by the way of convincing him that he ought to retire, seeing that he had fin ished his supper. "No, I thank you, madam," returned Ned. " Will you have a glass of milk, and a cup of tea or coffee, or all three together ?" "No, ma am," said Ned. "lam not blind, madam," continued he, " to the effects which my unfortunate eccentricities have produced upon yourself and your company ; nor have I witnessed them without those feelings which they are well calculated to inspire in a man of ordinary sensibilities. I am aware, too, that I am prolonging and aggravating your uneasiness by detaining you beyond the hour which de mands your presence at the table ; but I could not permit you to retire without again bespeak ing your indulgence of the strange, unnatural appetite which has just caused you so much as tonishment and mortification. The story of its beginning might be interesting, and certainly would be instructing to you if you are a mother ; but I am indisposed at this time to obtrude it upon your patience, and I presume you are still less disposed to hear it. My principal object, however, in claiming your attention for a mo ment at this time is to assure you that, out of respect to your feelings, I will surrender the en joyment of my meals for the few days that I have to remain in Savannah, and conform to the customs of your table. The sudden change of my habits will expose me to some inconvenience, and may, perhaps, affect my health ; but I will 44 GEORGIA SCENES willingly incur these hazards rather than renew your mortification, or impose upon your family the trouble of giving me my meals at my room." The good lady, whose bitter feelings had given place to the kinder emotion of pity and benevo lence before Ned had half concluded his apology (for it was delivered in a tone of the most melt ing eloquence), caught at this last hint, and in sisted upon sending his meals to his room. Ned reluctantly consented, after extorting a pledge from her that she would assume the responsibili ties of the trouble that he was about to give the family. " As to your boarders, madam," said Ned, in conclusion, "I have no apology to make to them. I grant them the privilege of eating what they please and as they please ; and, so far as they are concerned, I shall exercise the same privi leges, reckless of their feelings or opinions ; and I shall take it as a singular favor if you will say nothing to them or to any one else which may lead them to the discovery that I am acquainted with my own peculiarities." The good lady promised obedience to his wishes, and Ned, requesting to be conducted to his room, retired. A group of gentlemen at the fireplace had sent many significant "hems" and smiles to Mrs. Blank during her tete-d-tete with Ned ; and as she approached them, on her way out of the room, they began to taunt her playfully upon the impression which she seemed to have made upon the remarkable stranger. THE CHARACTER OP A NATIVE GEORGIAN 45 Really/ said one, "I thought the impression was on the other side." "And, in truth, so it was," said Mrs. B. At this moment her husband stepped in. "Til tell you what it is, Mr. Blank/ said one of the company, " you d better keep a sharp look out on that stranger ; our landlady is wonder fully taken with him." "I ll be bound," said Mr. B., "for my wife; the less like anybody else in the world he is, the better will she like him." "Well, I assure you," said Mrs. B., "I never had my feelings so deeply interested in a stranger in my life. I d give the world to know his his tory." "Why, then," rejoined the landlord, "I sup pose he has been quizzing us all this time." "No," said she, "he is incapable of quizzing. All that you have seen of him is unaffected, and perfectly natural to him." "Then, really," continued the husband, "he is a very interesting object, and I congratulate you upon getting so early into his confidence ; but, as I am not quite as much captivated with his unaffected graces as you seem to be, I shall take the liberty, in charity to the rest of my boarders, of requesting him to-morrow to seek other lodgings." " Oh," exclaimed Mrs. B., in the goodness of her heart, and with a countenance evincive of the deepest feeling, " I would not have you do such a thing for the world. He s only going to stay a few days." 46 GEORGIA SCENES " How do you know ?" "He told me so, and do let s bear with him that short time. He sha n t trouble you or the boarders any more." "Why, Sarah," said the landlord, "I do be lieve you are out of your senses !" " Gone case !" said one boarder. Terrible affair !" said another. "Bewitching little fel low," said a third. "Come, Mrs. Blank, tell us all he said to you ! We young men wish to know how to please the ladies, so that we may get wives easily. I m determined, the next party I go to, to make a soup of everything on the wait ers and eat all at once. I shall then become ir resistible to the ladies." " Get alolig with your nonsense," said Mrs. B., smiling, as she left the room. At eight o clock I retired to my room, which happened (probably from the circumstance of our reaching the hotel within a few minutes of each other) to be adjoining Ned s. I had no sooner entered my room than Ned followed me, where we interchanged the particulars which make up the foregoing story. He now expended freely the laughter which he had been collecting during the evening. He stated that his last in terview with Mrs. Blank was the result of neces sity ; that he found he had committed himself in making up and disposing of his odd supper, for that he should have to eat in the same way during his whole stay in Savannah unless lie- could manage to get his meals in private ; and, though he was willing to do penance for one THE CHARACTER OP A NATIVE GEORGIAN 47 meal in order to purchase the amusement he had enjoyed, he had no idea of tormenting himself three or four days for the same purpose. To tell you the honest truth, said he, nothing but an appetite whetted by fasting and travelling could have borne me through the table scene. As it was, my stomach several times threatened to ex pose my tricks to the whole company, by down right open rebellion. I feel that I must make it some atonement for the liberty I have taken with it, and therefore propose that we go out and take an oyster supper before we retire to rest. I as sented. We set out, going separately until we reached the street. We were received by the oyster-vender in a small shop which fronted upon the street, and were conducted through it to a back door, and thence, by a flight of steps, to a convenient room on the second floor of an adjoining building. We had been seated about three minutes when we heard footsteps on the stairs, and directly caught this sentence from the ascending stranger: "Aha, Monsieur Middletong ! you say you hab de bes oystar in la cittee ! Vel, me shall soon see." The sentence was hardly uttered before the door opened and in stepped a gay, smirky little Frenchman. He made us a low bow, and, as soon as he rose from his obeisance, Ned rushed to him in transports of joy, seized him by the hand, and, shaking it with friendship s warmest- grasp, exclaimed, " How do you do, my old friend ? I had no idea of meeting you here ; 48 GEORGIA SCENES how do you do, Mr. Squeezelfanter ? how have you been this long time ?" "Sair," said the Frenchman, "me tank you ver much to lub me so hard ; but you mistake de gentleman ; my name is not de Squeezilfaunter." " Come, come, John," continued Ned, "quit your old tricks before strangers. Mr. Hall, let me introduce you to my particular friend, John Squeezelfanter, from Paris." "Perhaps, sir," said I, not knowing well what to say or how to act in such an emergency "perhaps you have mistaken the gentleman." "Begar, sair," said monsieur, "he is mistake eberyting at once. My name is not Zliaun ; me play no treek ; me is not de gentlemong f ren ; me did not come from Paree, but from Bor deaux ; and me did not suppose dare was a man in all France dat was name de Squeezilfaun- ter." " If I am mistaken," said Ned, " I humbly ask your pardon ; but, really, you look so much like my old friend Jack, and talk so much like him, that I would have sworn you were he." "Vel, sair," said monsieur, looking at Ned as though he might be an acquaintance after all, "vel, sair, dis time you tell my name right ; my name is Jacques* Jacques Sancric." "There," proceeded Ned, "I knew it was im possible I could be mistaken ; your whole family settled on Sandy Creek; I knew your father and * This name in French is pronounced very nearty like " Jack" in English. THE CHARACTER OF A NATIVE GEORGIAN 49 mother, your sisters Patsy and Dilsy, your brother Ichabod, your aunt Bridget, your " " Oh, mon Dieu, mon Dieu I" exclaimed the Frenchman, no longer able to contain his sur prise ; " dat is von "Mericane familee. Dare vas not one French familee hab all dat name since dis vorl 7 vas make." "Now look at me, good Jack," said Ned, "and see if you don t recollect your old friend Obadiah Snoddleburg, who used to play with you, when a boy, in Sandy Creek." " Vel, Monsieur Snotborg, me look at you ver veil, and, begar, me neber see you in de creek, nor out de creek. Tis ver surprise you not know one name from one creek." " Oh, very well, sir, very well ; I forgot where I was ; I understand you now, perfectly. You are not the first gentleman I have met with in Savannah who knew me well in the country and forgot me in town. I ask your pardon, sir, and hope you ll excuse me." "Me is ver wilF to know you now, sair; but, begar, me will not tell you one lie, to know you twenty-five and tirty years ago." "It makes no difference, sir," said Ned, look ing through tfully and chagrined. "I beg leave, however, before we close our acquaintance, to correct one mistake which I made. I said you were from Paris ; I believe, on reflection, I was wrong ; I think your sister Dilsy told me you were from Bordeaux." "Foutre de sist Dils! Here, Monsieur Mid- dletong ! My oystar ready ?" 4 50 GEORGIA SCENES ? Yes, sir." " Vel, if my oystar ready, you give dem to my fren Monsieur Snotborg ; and ask him to be so good to carry dem to my sist Dils, and mybrod- der Ichbod on Sand Creek." So saying, he van ished like lightning. The next morning, at breakfast, I occupied Ned s seat. Mrs. Blank had no sooner taken her place than she ordered a servant to bring her a waiter, upon which she placed a cup of tea and another of coffee ; then ordering three plates, she placed them on it ; sent one servant for one kind of bread, and another for another, and so on through all the varieties that were on the table, from which she made selections for plate No. 1. In the same way did she collect meats for plate No. 2 ; No. 3 she left blank. She had nearly completed her operations, when her hus band came to know why every servant was en gaged and no gentleman helped to anything, when the oddly furnished waiter met his eye and fully explained the wonder. " In God s name, Sarah," said he, " who are you mixing up those messes for ?" "For that strange gentleman we were speak ing of last night," was the reply. " Why doesn t he come to the table ?" "He was very anxious to come, but I would not let him." "You would not let him ? Why not ?" " Because I did not wish to see a man of his delicate sensibilities ridiculed and insulted at my table." TIIE CHARACTER OF A NATIVE GEORGIAN 51 " Delicate devilabilities ! Then why didn t you send a servant to collect his mixtures ? v " Because I preferred doing it myself to troub ling the boarders. I knew that, wherever his plates went, the gentlemen would be making merry over them, and I couldn t bear to see it." The landlord looked at her for a moment with commingled astonishment, doubt, and alarm ; and then, upon the breath of a deep-drawn sigh, proceeded : " Well, d n* the man ! He hasn t been in the house more than two hours, except when he was asleep, and he has insulted one half my boarders, made fools of the other half, turned the head of my barkeeper, crazed all my servants, and run my wife right stark, staring, raving mad ; a man who is a perfect clown in his man ners, and who, I have no doubt, will in the end prove to be a horse-thief." Much occurred between the landlord and his lady in relation to Ned which we must, of neces sity, omit. Suffice it to say that her assiduities to Ned, her unexplained sympathies for him, her often-repeated desires to become better ac quainted with him, conspiring with one or two short interviews which her husband saw between her and Ned (and which consisted of nothing * I should certainly omit such expressions as this, could I do so with historic fidelity; but the peculiarities of the times of which I am writing cannot be faithfully repre sented without them. In recording things as they are, truth requires me sometimes to put profane language into the mouths of my characters. 52 GEORGIA SCENES more than expressions of regret on his part at the trouble he was giving the family, and assur ance on hers that it was no trouble at all), be gan to bring upon the landlord the husband s worst calamity. This she soon observed ; and, considering her duty to her husband as of para mount obligation, she gave him an explanation that was entirely satisfactory. She told him that Ned was a man of refined feelings and highly cultivated mind, but that, in his infancy, his mother had forced him to eat different kinds of diet together, until she had produced in him a vitiated and unconquerable appetite, which he was now constrained to indulge, as the drunkard does his, or be miserable. As the good man was prepared to believe any story of woman s folly, he was satisfied. This being the Sabbath, at the usual hour Ned went to church, and selected for his morning service one of those churches in which the pews are free, and in which the hymn is given out, and sung by the congregation, a half recitative. Ned entered the church in as fast a walk as he could possibly assume ; proceeded about half down the aisle, and popped himself down in his seat as quick as if he had been shot. The more thoughtless of the congregation began to titter, and the graver peeped up slyly but sol emnly at him. The pastor rose, and, before giving out the hymn, observed that singing was a part of the service in which he thought the whole congrega tion ought to join. Thus saying, he gave out 54 GEORGIA SCENES the first lines of the hymn. As soon as the tune was raised, Ned struck in with one of the loud est, hoarsest, and most discordant voices that ever annoyed a solemn assembly. "I would observe," said the preacher, before giving out the next two lines, "that there are some persons who have not the gift of singing ; such, of course, are not expected to sing." Ned took the hint and sang no more ; but his entrance into church and his entrance into the hymn had already dispersed the solemnity of three-fifths of the congregation. As soon as the pastor commenced his sermon, Ned opened his eyes, threw back his head, dropped his under-jaw, and surrendered himself to the most intense interest. The preacher was an indifferent one ; and by as much as he became dull and insipid, by so much did Ned become absorbed in the discourse. And yet it was im possible for the nicest observer to detect any thing in his looks or manner short of the most solemn devotion. The effect which his con duct had upon the congregation, and their sub sequent remarks, must be left to the imagination of the reader. I give but one remark: "Bless that good man who came in the church so quick," said a venerable matron as she left the church door, "how he was affected by the sarment!" Ned went to church no more on that day. About four o clock in the afternoon, while he was standing at the tavern door, a funeral pro cession passed by, at the foot of which, and singly, walked one of the smallest men I ever 56 GEORGIA SCENES saw. As soon as he came opposite the door, Ned stepped out and joined him with great so lemnity. The contrast between the two was ludicrously striking, and the little man s looks and uneasiness plainly showed that he felt it. However, he soon became reconciled to it. They proceeded but a little way before Ned inquired of his companion who was dead. " Mr. Noah Bills," said the little man. "Nan ?" said Ned, raising his hand to his ear, in token of deafness, and bending his head to the speaker. "Mr. Noah Bills/ repeated the little man, loud enough to disturb the two couple imme diately before him. "Mrs. Noel s Bill!" said Ned, with mortifi cation and astonishment. "Do the white per sons pay such respect to niggers in Savannah ? JshaVt do it." So saying, he left the procession. The little man was at first considerably net tled ; but, upon being left to his own reflections, he got into an uncontrollable fit of laughter, as did the couple immediately in advance of him, who overheard Ned s remark. The procession now exhibited a most mortifying spectacle ; the head of it in mourning and in tears,, and the foot of it convulsed with laughter. . On Monday Ned employed himself in dispos ing of the business which brought him to Savan nah, and I saw but little of him ; but I could not step into the street without hearing of him. All talked about him, and hardly any two agreed about his character. THE CHARACTER OF A NATIVE GEORGIAN 57 On Tuesday he visited the market, and set it all in astonishment or laughter. He wanted to buy something of everybody, and some of every thing ; but could not agree upon the terms of a trade, because he always wanted his articles in such portions and numbers as no one would sell, or upon conditions to which no one would sub mit. To give a single example : he beset an old negro woman to sell him the half of a living chicken. "Do, my good mauma, sell it to me," said he; " my wife is very sick, and is longing for chicken pie, and this is all the money I have" (holding out twelve and a half cents in silver), "and it s just what a half-chicken comes to at your own price." "Ki, massa ! how gwine cut live chicken in two ?" " I don t want you to cut it in two alive ; kill it, clean it, and then divide it." " Name o God ! what sort o chance got to clean chicken in de market-house ? Whay de water for scall urn and wash um ?" " Don t scald it at all ; just pick it, so." "Ech-ech! Fedder fly all ober de buckera- man meat, he come bang me fo true. No, massa ; I mighty sorry for your wife, but I no cutty chicken open." In the afternoon Ned entered the dining-room of the tavern, and who should he find there but Monsieur Sancric, of oyster-house memory. He and the tavern-keeper were alone. With the first glimpse of Ned, "Le diable !" exclaimed the 58 GEORGIA SCENES Frenchman, "here my brodder Ichbod and away he went. " Mr. Sancric !" said the landlord,, calling to him as if to tell him something just thought of, and following him out, "what did you say that man s name is ?" "He name Monsieur Snotborg." " Why, that can t be his name, for it begins with a B or an R. Where is he from ?" "From Sand Creek." "Where did you know him ?" "Begar, me neber did know him." Here Ned sauntered in sight of the Frenchman, and he vanished. "Well," said the landlord, as he returned, "it does seem to me that everybody who has any thing to do with that man runs crazy forthwith." When he entered the dining-room he found Ned deeply engaged reading a child s primer, with which he seemed wonderfully delighted. The landlord sat for a moment, smiled, and then hastily left the room. As soon as he disap peared, Ned laid down his book, and took his station behind some cloaks in the bar, which at the moment was deserted. He had just reached his place when the landlord returned with his lady. " Oh," said the first, "he s gone ! I brought you in to show you what kind of books your man of refined feelings and highly cultivated mind delights in. But he has left his book, and here it is, opened at the place where he left oif ; and do let s see what s in it." THE CHARACTER OF A NATIVE GEORGIAN 59 They examined, and found that he had been reading the interesting poem of " Little Jack Homer." <f Now/ continued the landlord, "if you ll be lieve me, he was just as much delighted with that story as you or I would be with the best written number of the Spectator." "Well, it s very strange," said Mrs. Blank; " I reckon he must be flighty, for no man could have made a more gentlemanly apology than he did to me for his peculiarities, and no one could have urged it more feelingly." "One thing is very certain," said the husband ; " if he be not flighty himself, he has a wonderful knack of making everybody else so. Sancric ran away from him just now as if he had seen the devil ; called him by one name when he left the room, by another at the door, told me where he came from, and finally swore he did not know him at all." Ned, having slipped softly from the bar into the entry during this interview, entered the din ing-room as if from the street. " I am happy," said he, smiling, " to meet you together and alone, upon the eve of my departure from Savannah, that I may explain to you my singular conduct and ask your forgiveness of it. I will do so if you will not expose my true char acter until I shall have left the city." This they promised. " My name, then," con tinued he, "is Edward Brace, of Richmond County. Humor has been my besetting sin from my youth up. It has sunk me far below the sta- GEORGIA SCENES tion to which my native gifts entitled me. It has robbed me of the respect of all my acquaint ances, and, what is much more to be regretted, the esteem of some of my best and most indul gent friends. All this I have long known ; and I have a thousand times deplored, and as often re solved to conquer, my self-destroying propensity. But so deeply is it wrought into my very nature, so completely and indissolubly interwoven is it with every fibre and filament of my being, that I have found it impossible for me to subdue it. Being on my first visit to Savannah, unknowing and unknown, I could not forego the opportunity which it furnished of gratifying my ungovern able proclivity. All the extravagances which you have seen have been in subservience to it." He then explained the cause of his troubling the kind lady before him to give him his meals at his room, and the strange conduct of Monsieur Sancric, at which they both laughed heartily. He referred them to me for confirmation of what he had told them. Having gone thus far, con tinued he, " I must sustain my character until to-morrow, when I shall leave Savannah." Having now two more to enjoy his humor with him and myself, he let himself loose that night among the boarders with all his strength, and never did I see two mortals laugh as did Mr. and Mrs. Blank. Far as I have extended this sketch, I cannot close without exhibiting Ned in one new scene in which accident placed him before he left Sa vannah. THE CHARACTER OF A NATIVE GEORGIAN 61 About two o clock on the morning of our de parture the town was alarmed by the cry of fire. Ned got up before me, and, taking one of my boots from the door and putting one of his in its place, he marched down to the front door with odd boots. On coming out and finding what had been done, I knew that Ned could not have left the house, for it was impossible for him to wear my boot. I was about descending the stairs when he called to me from the front door, and said the servant had mixed our boots, and that he had brought down one of mine. When I reached the front door I found Ned and Mr. and Mrs. Blank there; all the inmates of the house having left it, who designed to leave it, but Ned and myself. " Don t go and leave me, Hall/ said he, hold ing my boot in his hand, and having his own on his leg. "How can I leave you," said I, "unless you ll give me my boot ?" This he did not seem to hear. " Do run, gentlemen," said Mrs. Blank, greatly alarmed. "Mr. Brace, you ve got Mr. Hall s boot; give it to him." "In a minute, madam," said he, seeming to be beside himself. A second after, however, all was explained to me. He designed to have my company to the fire, and his own fun before he went. A man came posting along in great alarm and crying "Fire !" loudly. " Mister, mister," said Ned, jumping out of the house. 62 GEORGIA SCENES "Sir," said the man, stopping and puffing awfully. " Have you seen Mr. Peleg Q. C. Stone along where you ve been ?" inquired Ned, with anxious solicitude. "D n Mr. Peleg Q. C. Stone!" said the stran ger. "What chance have I of seeing anybody, hopping up at two o clock in the morning, and the town a-fire !" and on he went. Thus did he amuse himself w r ith various ques tions and remarks to four or five passengers, until even Mrs. Blank forgot for a while that the town was in flames. The last object of his sport was a woman, who came along exclaiming, " Oh, it s Mr. Dalby s house ! I m sure it is Mr. Dalby s house !" Two gentlemen assured her that the fire was far beyond Mr. Dalby s house ; but still she went on with her exclamations. When she had passed the door about ten steps, Ned per mitted me to cover my frozen foot with my boot, and we moved on towards the fire. We soon over took the woman just mentioned, who had become somewhat pacified. As Ned came alongside of her, without seeming to notice her, he observed, "Poor Dalby, I see his house is gone." "I said so," she screamed out ; "I knew it !" and on she went, screaming ten times louder than before. As soon as we reached the fire a gentleman in military dress rode up and ordered Ned into the line to hand buckets. Ned stepped in, and the first bucket that was handed to him he raised very deliberately to his mouth and began to THE CHARACTER OF A NATIVE GEORGIAN 68 drink. In a few seconds all on Ned s right were overburdened with buckets and calling loudly for relief,, while those on his left were unem ployed. Terrible were the cursing and clamor,, and twenty voices at once ordered Ned out of the line. Ned stepped out, and along came the man on horseback and ordered him in again. " Captain/ said Ned, " I am so thirsty that I can do nothing until I get some water, and they will not let me drink in the line." " Well," said the captain, " step in, and I ll see that you get a drink." Ned stepped in again, and receiving the first bucket began to raise it to his lips very slowly, when some one hallooed to him to pass on the bucket, and he brought it down again and hand ed it on. " Why didn t you drink ?" said the captain. "Why? Don t you see they won t let me?" said Ned. "Don t mind what they say ; drink, and then go on with your work." Ned took the next bucket, and commenced raising it as before, when some one again ordered him to pass on the bucket. "There," said Ned, turning to the captain, with the bucket half raised, "you hear that ?" "Why, blast your eyes," said the captain, "what do you stop for? Drink on and have done with it." Ned raised the bucket to his lips and drank, or pretended to drink, until a horse might have been satisfied. 64 GEORGIA SCENES "Ain t you done?" said the captain, general mutiny and complaint beginning to prevail in the line. " Why, haVt you drank enough ?" said the captain, becoming extremely impatient. "Most/ 7 said Ned, letting out a long breath and still holding the bucket near his lips. "Zounds and blood I" cried the captain, "clear yourself ; you ll drink an enginef ul of water !" Ned left the ranks and went to his lodgings ; and the rising sun found us on our way home ward. HALL. THE FIGHT IN the younger days of the Republic there lived in the county of two men who were admitted on all hands to be the very best men in the county, which in the Georgia vocabulary means they could flog any other two men in the county. Each, through many a hard -fought battle, had acquired the mastery of his own battalion ; but they lived on opposite sides of the court - house and in different battalions, consequently they were but seldom thrown to gether. When they met, however, they were always very friendly ; indeed, at their first inter view they seemed to conceive a wonderful at tachment to each other, which rather increased than diminished as they became better acquaint ed ; so that, but for the circumstance which I am about to mention, the question, which had been a thousand times asked, "Which is the best man, Billy Stallions (Stallings) or Bob Durham ?" would probably never have been an swered. Billy ruled the upper battalion and Bob the lower. The former measured six feet and an inch in his stockings, and, without a single pound of cumbrous flesh about him, weighed a 66 GEORGIA SCENES hundred and eighty. The latter was an inch shorter than his rival, and ten pounds lighter ; but he was much the more active of the two. In running and jumping he had but few equals in the county ; and in wrestling, not one. In other respects they were nearly equal. Both were admirable specimens of human nature in its finest form. Billy s victories had generally been achieved by the tremendous power of his blows, one of which had often proved decisive of his battles ; Bob s by his adroitness in bringing his adversary to the ground. This advantage he had never failed to gain at the onset, and when gained he never failed to improve it to the defeat of his adversary. These points of differ ence have involved the reader in a doubt as to the probable issue of a contest between them. It was not so, however, with the two battalions. Neither had the least difficulty in determining the point by the most natural and irresistible deductions a priori ; and though, by the same course of reasoning, they arrived at directly opposite conclusions, neither felt its confidence in the least shaken by this circumstance. The upper battalion swore "that Billy only wanted one lick at him to knock his heart, liver, and lights out of him, and if he got two at him he d knock him into a cocked hat." The lower battalion retorted " that he wouldn t have time to double his fist before Bob would put his head where his feet ought to be ; and that, by the time he hit the ground, the meat would fly oif his face so quick that people would think it was THE FIGHT 67 shook off by the fall." These disputes often led to the argumentum ad liominem, but with such equality of success on both sides as to leave the main question just where they found it. They usually ended, however, in the common way with a bet ; and many a quart of old Jamaica (whiskey had not then supplanted rum) was staked upon the issue. Still, greatly to the an noyance of the curious, Billy and Bob continued to be good friends. Now, there happened to reside in the county just alluded to a little fellow by the name of Eansy Sniffle : a sprout of Richmond, who, in his earlier days, had fed copiously upon red clay and blackberries. This diet had given to Ransy a complexion that a corpse would have disdained to own, and an abdominal rotundity that was quite unprepossessing. Long spells of the fever and ague, too, in Ransy s youth, had conspired with clay and blackberries to throw him quite out of the order of nature. His shoulders were fleshless and elevated ; his head large and flat ; his neck slim and translucent ; and his arms, hands, fingers, and feet were lengthened out of all proportion to the rest of his frame. His joints were large and his limbs small ; and as for flesh, he could not, with propriety, be said to have any. Those parts which nature usually supplies with the most of this article the calves of the legs, for example presented in him the appearance of so many well-drawn blisters. His height was just five feet nothing ; and his average weight in blackberry season, ninety-five. I have GEORGIA SCENES been thus particular in describing him, for the purpose of showing what a great matter a little fire sometimes kindleth. There was nothing on this earth which delighted Kansy so much as a fight. He never seemed fairly alive except when he was witnessing, fomenting, or talking about a fight. Then, indeed, his deep -sunken gray eye RANSY SNIFFLE assumed something of a living fire, and his tongue acquired a volubility that bordered upon elo quence. Eansy had been kept for more than a year in the most torturing suspense as to the comparative manhood of Billy Stallings and Bob Durham. He had resorted to all his usual ex pedients to bring them in collision, and had en tirely failed. He had faithfully reported to Bob all that had been said by the people in the upper THE FIGHT 69 battalion "agin him," and "he was sure Billy Stallings started it. He heard Billy say himself to Jim Brown that he could whip him, or any other man in his battalion"; and this he told to Bob, adding, "Dod darn his soul, if he was a little bigger, if he d let any man put upon his battalion in such a way !" Bob replied, "If he (Stallings) thought so, he d better come and try it." This Ransy carried to Billy, and delivered it with a spirit becoming his own dignity and the character of his battalion, and with a color ing well calculated to give it effect. These and many other schemes which Ransy laid for the gratification of his curiosity entirely failed of their object. Billy and Bob continued friends, and Ransy had begun to lapse into the most tantalizing and hopeless despair, when a circum stance occurred which led to a settlement of the long-disputed question. It is said that a hundred game-cocks will live in perfect harmony together if you do not put a hen with them ; and so it would have been with Billy and Bob had there been no women in the world. But there were women in the world, and from them each of our heroes had taken to himself a wife. The good ladies were no strangers to the prowess of their husbands, and, strange as it may seem, they presumed a little upon it. The two battalions had met at the court-house upon a regimental parade. The two champions were there, and their wives had accompanied them. Neither knew the other s lady, nor were the ladies known to each other. The exercises 70 GEORGIA SCENES of the day were just over, when Mrs. Stallings and Mrs. Durham stepped simultaneously into the store of Zephaniah Atwater, from "down East." " Have you any Turkey red ?" said Mrs. S. " Have you any curtain calico ?" said Mrs. D. at the same moment. "Yes, ladies/ said Mr. Atwater, "I have both." "Then help me first," said Mrs. D., "for I m in a hurry." "Fm in as great a hurry as she is," said Mrs. S., "and I ll thank you to help me first." " And, pray, who are you, madam ?" continued the other. "Your betters, madam," was the reply. At this moment Billy Stallings stepped in. "Come," said he, "Nancy, let s be going; it s getting late." " Fd V been gone half an hour ago," she re plied, "if it hadn t V been for that impudent hussy." "Who do you call an impudent hussy, you nasty, good-for-nothing, snaggle-toothed gaub of fat, you ?" returned Mrs. D. "Look here, woman," said Billy, "have you got a husband here ? If you have, I ll lick him till he learns to teach you better manners, you sassy heifer you !" At this moment something was seen to rush out of the store as if ten thousand hornets were stinging it, crying, "Take care let me go don t hold me where s Bob Durham ?" It was THE FIGHT 71 Ransy Sniffle, who had been listening in breath less delight to all that had passed. " Yonder s Bob,, setting on the court-house steps," cried one. " What s the matter ?" " Don t talk to me !" said Eansy. " Bob Dur ham, you d better go long yonder and take care of your wife. They re playing h 1 with her there, in Zeph Atwater s store. Dod etarnally darn my soul, if any man was to talk to my wife as Bill Stallions is talking to yours, if I wouldn t drive blue blazes through him in less than no time !" Bob sprang to the store in a minute, followed by a hundred friends ; for the bully of a county never wants friends. "Bill Stallions," said Bob, as he entered, "what have you been saying to my wife ?" " Is that your wife ?" inquired Billy, obviously much surprised and a little disconcerted. "Yes, she is ; and no man shall abuse her, I don t care Avho he is." "Well," rejoined Billy, "it ain t worth while to go over it ; I ve said enough for a fight, and if you ll step out we ll settle it !" "Billy," said Bob, "are you for a fair fight ?" " I am," said Billy. " I ve heard much of your manhood, and I believe I m a better man than you are. If you will go into a ring with me we can soon settle the dispute." "Choose your friends," said Bob ; "make your ring, and I ll be in with mine as soon as you will !" They both stepped out, and began to strip very deliberately, each battalion gathering round its 72 GEORGIA SCENES champion, except Ransy, who kept himself busy in a most honest endeavor to hear and see all that transpired in both groups at the same time. He ran from one to the other in quick succession ; peeped here and listened there ; talked to this one, then to that one, and then to himself ; squat ted under one s legs and another s arms ; and, in the short interval between stripping and stepping into the ring, managed to get himself trod on by half of both battalions. But Ransy was not the only one interested upon this occasion ; the most intense interest prevailed everywhere. Many were the conjectures, doubts, oaths, and impre cations uttered while the parties were preparing for the combat. All the knowing ones were con sulted as to the issue, and they all agreed, to a man, in one of two opinions either that Bob would flog Billy, or Billy would flog Bob. We must be permitted, however, to dwell for a mo ment upon the opinion of Squire Thomas Log- gins, a man who, it was said, had never failed to predict the issue of a fight in all his life. Indeed, so unerring had he always proved in this regard that it would have been counted the most ob stinate infidelity to doubt for a moment after he had delivered himself. Squire Loggins was a man who said but little, but that little was al ways delivered with the most imposing solemnity of look and cadence. He always wore the aspect of profound thought, and you could not look at him without coming to the conclusion that he was elaborating truth from its most intricate combinations. THE FIGHT 73 " Uncle Tommy," said Sam Reynolds, "you can tell us all about it if you will ; how will the fight go ?" The question immediately drew an anxious group around the squire. He raised his teeth slowly from the head of his walking-cane, on which they had been resting, pressed his lips closely and thoughtfully together, threw down his eyebrows, dropped his chin, raised his eyes to an angle of twenty-three degrees, paused about half a minute, and replied, "Sammy, watch Rob ert Durham close in the beginning of the fight, take care of William Stallions in the middle of it, and see who has the wind at the end." As he uttered the last member of the sentence he looked slyly at Bob s friends and winked very significantly ; whereupon they rushed, with one accord, to tell Bob what Uncle Tommy had said. As they retired, the squire turned to Billy s friends and said, with a smile, (t Them boys think I mean that Bob will whip." Here the other party kindled into joy, and hastened to inform Billy how Bob s friends had deceived themselves as to Uncle Tommy s opin ion. In the meantime the principals and seconds were busily employed in preparing themselves for the combat. The plan of attack and defence, the manner of improving the various turns of the conflict, " the best mode of saving wind," etc., etc., were all discussed and settled. At length Billy announced himself ready, and his crowd were seen moving to the centre of the Court house Square, he and his five seconds in the rear. 74 GEORGIA SCENES At the same time Bob s party moved to the same point, and in the same order. The ring was now formed, and for a moment the silence of death reigned through both battalions. It was soon interrupted, however, by the cry of " Clear the way !" from Billy s seconds, when the ring open ed in the centre of the upper battalion (for the order of march had arranged the centre of the two battalions on opposite sides of the circle), and Billy stepped into the ring from the east, followed by his friends. He was stripped to the trousers, and exhibited an arm, breast, and shoul ders of the most tremendous portent. His step was firm, daring, and martial ; and as he bore his fine form a little in advance of his friends an in voluntary burst of triumph broke from his side of the ring, and at the same moment an uncon trollable thrill of awe ran along the whole curve of the lower battalion. "Look at him !" was heard from his friends ; "just look at him!" "Ben, how much you ask to stand before that man two seconds ?" "Pshaw, don t talk about it! Just thinkin about it s broke three o my ribs a ready \" "What s Bob Durham going to do when Billy lets that arm loose upon him ?" " God bless your soul, he ll think thunder and lightning a mint-julep to it!" "Oh, look here, men, go take Bill Stallions out o that ring, and bring in Phil Johnson s stud horse, so that Durham may have some chance ! I don t want to see the man killed right away." THE FIGHT 75 These and many other like expressions, in terspersed thickly with oaths of the most mod ern coinage., were coming from all points of the upper battalion, while Bob was adjusting the girth of his pantaloons, which walking had dis covered not to be exactly right. It was just fixed to his mind, his foes becoming a little noisy, and his friends a little uneasy at his de lay, when Billy called out, with a smile of some meaning, "Where s the bully of the lower bat talion ? Fm getting tired of waiting." "Here he is!" said Bob, lighting as it seemed from the clouds into the ring, for he had act ually bounded clear of the head of Ransy Sniffle into the circle. His descent was quite as im posing as Billy s entry, and excited the same feelings, but in opposite bosoms. Voices of exultation now rose on his side. " Where did he come from ?" "Why/ said one of his seconds (all having just entered), "we were girting him up, about a hundred yards out yonder, when he heard Billy ask for the bully, and he fetched a leap over the court-house and went out of sight; but I told them to come on, they d find him here." Here the lower battalion burst into a peal of laughter, mingled with a look of admiration which seemed to denote their entire belief of what they had heard. " Boys, widen the ring, so as to give him room to jump." "Oh, my little flying wild -cat, hold him if 76 GEORGIA SCENES you can ! and, when you get him fast, hold lightning next \" "Ned, what do you think he s made of ?" "Steel springs and chicken-hawk, God bless you !" " Gentlemen/ 7 said one of Bob s seconds, " I understand it is to be a fair fight catch as catch can, rough and tumble : no man touch till one or the other halloos." " That s the rule," was the reply from the other side. " Are you ready ?" "We are ready." "Then blaze away, my game-cocks !" At the word, Bob dashed at his antagonist at full speed, and Bill squared himself to receive him with one of his most fatal blows. Making his calculation from Bob s velocity of the time when he would come within striking distance, he let drive with tremendous force. But Bob s onset was obviously planned to avoid this blow ; for, contrary to all expectations, he stopped short just out of arm s reach, and before Billy could recover his balance Bob had him " all under-hold." The next second, sure enough, "found Billy s head where his feet ought to be." How it was done no one could tell ; but, as if by supernatural power, both Billy s feet were thrown full half his own height in the air, and he came down with a force that seemed to shake the earth. As he struck the ground, commingled shouts, screams, and yells burst from the lower battalion, loud enough to be heard for miles. THE FIGHT 77 "Hurrah, my little hornet!" "Save him!" "Feed him I" "Give him the Durham physic till his stomach turns !" Billy was no sooner down than Bob was on him, and lending him awful blows about the face and breast. Billy made two efforts to rise by main strength,, but failed. " Lord bless you, man, don t try to get up ! Lay still and take it ! You Ueege to have it I" Billy now turned his face suddenly to the ground, and rose upon his hands and knees. Bob jerked up both his hands and threw him on his face. He again recovered his late position, of which Bob endeavored to deprive him as before ; but, missing one arm, he failed, and Billy rose. But he had scarcely resumed his feet before they flew up as before, and he came again to the ground. " No fight, gentlemen !" cried Bob s friends; "the man can t stand up! Bouncing feet are bad things to fight in." His fall, how ever, was this time comparatively light ; for, having thrown his right arm round Bob s neck, he carried his head down with him. This grasp, which was obstinately maintained, prevented Bob from getting on him, and they lay head to head, seeming, for a time, to do nothing. Presently they rose, as if by mutual consent ; and as they rose a shout burst from both battalions. " Oh, my lark !" cried the east, "has he foxed you ? Do you begin to feel him ! He s only beginning to fight ; he ain t got warm yet." " Look yonder !" cried the west. " Didn t I tell you so ? He hit the ground so hard it jarred his 78 GEORGIA SCENES nose off. Now ain t he a pretty man as he stands ? He shall have my sister Sal, just for his pretty looks. I want to get in the breed of them sort o men, to drive ugly out of my kinfolks." I looked, and saw that Bob had entirely lost his left ear and a large piece from his left cheek. His right eye was a little discolored, and the blood flowed profusely from his wounds. Bill presented a hideous spectacle. About a third of his nose, at the lower extremity, was bit off, and his face so swelled and bruised that it was difficult to discover in it anything of the hu man visage, much more the fine features which he carried into the ring. They were up only long enough for me to make the foregoing discoveries, when down they went again, precisely as before. They no sooner touched the ground than Bill relinquished his hold upon Bob s neck. In this he seemed to all to have forfeited the only advantage which put him upon an equality with his adversary. But the movement was soon explained. Bill wanted this arm for other purposes than defence ; and he had made arrangements whereby he knew that he could make it answer these purposes ; for when they rose again he had the middle finger of Bob s left hand in his mouth. He was now secure from Bob s annoying trips ; and he began to lend his adversary tremendous blows, every one of which was hailed by a shout from his friends: "Bullets!" "#bss-kicking !" "Thun der!" "That ll do for his face; noAv feel his short ribs, Billy !" THE FIGHT 79 I now considered the contest settled. I deem ed it impossible for any human being to with stand for five seconds the loss of blood which issued from Bob s ear, cheek, nose, and finger, accompanied with such blows as he was receiv ing. Still he maintained the conflict, and gave blow for blow with considerable effect. But the blows of each became slower and weaker after the first three or four ; and it became obvious that Bill wanted the room which BoVs finger occupied for breathing. He would therefore, probably, in a short time, have let it go, had not Bob anticipated his politeness by jerking away his hand and making him a present of the finger. He now seized Bill again, and brought him to his knees, but he recovered. He again brought him to his knees, and he again recovered. A third effort, however, brought him down, and Bob on top of him. These efforts seemed to exhaust the little remaining strength of both ; and they lay, Bill undermost and Bob across his breast, mo tionless and panting for breath. After a short pause Bob gathered his hand full of dirt and sand and was in the act of grinding it in his adversary s eyes when Bill cried, " Enough I" Language cannot describe the scene that follow ed the shouts, oaths, frantic gestures, taunts, replies, and little fights and therefore I shall not attempt it. The champions were borne off by their seconds and washed ; when many a bleed ing wound and ugly bruise was discovered on each which no eye had seen before. Many had gathered round Bob, and were in 80 GEORGIA SCENES various ways congratulating and applauding him, when a voice from the centre of the circle cried out, " Boys, hush, and listen to me \" It pro ceeded from Squire Loggins, who had made his way to Bob s side, and had gathered his face up into one of its most nattering and intelligible expressions. All were obedient to the squire s command. il Gentlemen/ continued he, with a most knowing smile, "is Sammy Eeynold in this company of gentlemen ?" "Yes," said Sam, "here I am." "Sammy," said the squire, winking to the company and drawing the head of his cane to his mouth with an arch smile as he closed, " I wish you to tell Cousin Bobby and these gentlemen here present what your Uncle Tommy said before the fight began ?" "Oh, get away, Uncle Tom," said Sam, smil ing (the squire winked), "you don t know noth ing about fighting." (The squire winked again.) "All you know about it is how it ll begin, how it ll go on, how it ll end ; that s all. Cousin Bob, when you going to fight again, just go to the old man, and let him tell you all about it. If he can t, don t ask nobody else nothing about it, I tell you." The squire s foresight was complimented in many ways by the by-standers ; and he retired, advising "the boys to be at peace, as fighting was a bad business." Durham and Stallings kept their beds for several weeks, and did not meet again for two months. When they met, Billy stepped up to THE FIGHT 81 Bob and offered his hand, saying, " Bobby, you ve licked me a fair fight ; but you wouldn t have done it if I hadn t been in the wrong. I oughtn t to have treated your wife as I did ; and I felt so through the whole fight ; and it sort o cowed me." " Well, Billy," said Bob, "let s be friends. Once in the fight, when you had my finger in your mouth, and was pealing me in the face and breast, I was going to halloo ; but I thought of Petsy, and knew the house would be too hot for me if I got whipped when fighting for her, after always whipping when I fought for myself." "Now that s what I always love to see," said a by-stander. "It s true I brought about the fight, but I wouldn t have done it if it hadn t a been on account of Miss (Mrs.) Durham. But clod etarnally darn my soul if I ever could stand by and see any woman put upon, much less Miss Durham ! If Bobby hadn t been there I d a* took it up myself, be darned if I wouldn t, even if I d a got whipped for it! But we re all friends now." The reader need hardly be told that this was Ransy Sniffle. Thanks to the Christian religion, to schools, colleges, and benevolent associations, such scenes of barbarism and cruelty as that which I have been just describing are now of rare occurrence, though they may still be occasionally met with in some of the new counties. Wherever they prevail they are a disgrace to that community. The peace - officers who countenance them de serve a place in the penitentiary. e HALL. THE SONG IT is not to avoid the malediction of Shake speare upon "the man that hath no music in himself, nor is not mov d with concord of sweet sounds," that I profess to be fond of music ; but because I am, in truth, extravagantly fond of it. But I am not fond of French music ; and as for the Italian, I think that any one who will dare to inflict it upon an American ear ought to be sent to the penitentiary without a trial. It is true that some of the simple national French airs are very fine; but there is not one in a thousand Italian tunes, simple or compound, which is not manslaughter. The German com positions are decidedly the best from the Con tinent of Europe ; but even these are, of late, partaking so much of the vices of France and Italy that they have become scarcely sufferable. As yet, however, they may be safely admitted into a land of liberty and sense. Scotland has es caped the corruptions which have crept into the empire of music, and, consequently, her music recommends itself, with irresistible charms, to every ear which is not vitiated by the senseless rattle of the Continent. Ireland is a little more contaminated; but still her compositions retain THE SONG 83 enough of their primitive simplicity and sweet ness to entitle them to the patronage of all who would cultivate a correct taste in this interest ing department of the fine arts. I would not be understood as speaking here without any lim itations or restrictions ; but I do maintain that, with some few exceptions, all of the soul of music which is now left in the world is to be found in Scotland or Ireland. But Germans, Frenchmen, and Italians are decidedly the best that is, the most expert per formers in the world. They perform all over the world, and, in order to exhibit themselves to the best advantage, they select the most dif ficult and complicated pieces. The people at large presume that the best performers must be the best judges of music, and must make the best selections ; they therefore forego the trouble of forming an opinion of their own, and pin their faith upon the decisions, or rather the practice, of the amateurs. It was somehow in this way, I presume, that the fashionable music of the day first obtained currency. Having become prevalent, it has become tolerable ; just as has the use of tobacco or ardent spirits. And, while upon this head, I would earnestly recommend to the friends of reform in our favored country to establish an " Anti-mad-music Society," in or der to suppress, if possible, the cruelties of our modern musical entertainments. If the instrumental music of France and Italy be bad, their vocal music is, if possible, a thou sand times worse. Neither the English nor the 84 GEORGIA SCENES Georgia language furnishes me with a term ex pressive of the horrors of a French or Italian song as it is agonized forth by one of their pro fessed singers. The law should make it justi fiable homicide in any man to kill an Italian in the very act of inflicting an il penseroso upon a refined American ear. And yet, with all the other European abomina tions which have crept into our highly favored country, the French and Italian style of singing and playing has made its way hither ; and it is not uncommon to hear our boarding - school misses piping away, not merely in the style, but in the very language, of these nations. This I can bear very well if there happen to be a French man or an Italian present, because I know that he suffers more from the ivords than I do from the music ; for I confess that upon such occa sions I feel something of the savage malignity which visits the sins of a nation upon any of its citizens. But it most frequently happens that I am put to the tortures of which I have been speaking without this mitigation. It was thus with me a few evenings ago at Mrs. B s party. Tea had been disposed of, and the nonsensical chit-chat of such occasions had begun to flag, when I invited Miss Mary Williams to the piano. She rose promptly at my request, without any affected airs, and with no other apology than that "she felt some diffidence at playing in the presence of Miss Crump." The piano was an ad mirable one, and its tones were exquisitely fine. THE SONG 85 Mary seated herself at it, and, after a short but beautiful prelude, she commenced one of Burns s plaintive songs, to a tune which was new to me, but which was obviously from the poet s own land, and by one who felt the inspiration of his verse. The composer and the poet were both honored by the performer. Mary s voice was in imitably fine. Her enunciation was clear and distinct, with just emphasis enough to give the verse its appropriate expression without inter rupting the melody of the music, and her modu lations were perfect. She had closed, and was in the act of rising, before I awoke from the delightful reverie into which she had lulled me. I arrested her, how ever, and insisted upon her proceeding ; when she gave me one of Allan Ramsay s best, to meas ure equally appropriate. This she followed with TannahilFs " Gloomy Winter s now awa/ and was again retiring, when my friend Hall observed, "See, Miss Mary, you ve brought a tear to Mr. Baldwin s eye, and you must not cease until you chase it away with some lively air." My friend was right. The touching pathos of Mary s voice, conspiring with a train of reflections which the song inspired, had really brought me to tears. I thought of poor TannahilFs fate. He was the victim of a bookseller s stupidity. With men of taste and letters his fugitive pieces, particularly his lyrics, had gained him a well-deserved repu tation ; but he was not exempt from the common lot of authors. He was attacked by the ignorant and the invidious ; and, with the hopeless design 86 GEORGIA SCENES of silencing these, he prepared a volume or more of his poems with great care, and sent them to a bookseller for publication. After the lapse of several weeks they were returned without a com pliment or an offer for them. The mortifica tion and disappointment were too severe for his reason. It deserted him, and soon after he was found dead in a tunnel of the burn which had been the scene of one of his earliest songs. Un fortunately, in his madness he destroyed his fa vorite works. Such was the train of reflection from which Mary was kind enough, at the request of my friend, to relieve me by a lively Irish air. Had it not been admirably selected, I could hardly have borne the transition. But there was enough of softening melody, mingled with the sprightli- ness of the air, to lead me gently to a gayer mood, in which she left me. In the meantime most of the young ladies and gentlemen had formed a circle round Miss Aure- lia Emma Theodosia Augusta Crump, and were earnestly engaged in pressing her to play. One young lady even went so far as to drop on her knees before her, and in this posture to beseech "her dear Augusta just to play the delightful overture of - ," something that sounded to me like "Blaze in the frets." This petition was urged with such a melting sweetness of voice, such a bewitching leer at the gentlemen, and such a theatric heave of the bosom, that it threw the young gentlemen into transports. Hall was rude enough to whisper in mine ear "that he THE SONG 87 thought it indelicate to expose an unmantled bosom to a perpendicular view of a large compa ny"; and he muttered something about "repub lican simplicity," I knew not exactly what. But I assured him the fair petitioner was so over come by her solicitude for the overture that she thought of nothing else, and was wholly uncon scious that there was a gentleman in the room. As to his insinuation about "points of view," I convinced him by an easy argument that it was wholly unfounded ; for that this was the very point of view in which an exposed neck must always be seen while men continue taller than women ; and that, as the young lady must have been apprised of this, she would hardly take so much trouble for nothing. But to return. Miss Crump was inexorable. She declared that she was entirely out of practice. " She scarcely ever touched the piano"; "Mamma was always scolding her for giving so much of her time to French and Italian, and neglecting her music and painting ; but she told mamma the other day that it really was so irksome to her to quit Eacine and Dante and go to thrumming upon the piano that, but for the obligations of filial obedience, she did not think she should ever touch it again." Here Mrs. Crump was kind enough, by the merest accident in the world, to interpose, and to relieve the company from further anxiety. "Augusta, my dear," said she, "go and play a tune or two ; the company will excuse your hoarseness." 88 GEORGIA SCENES Miss Crump rose immediately at her mother s bidding and moved to the piano, accompanied by a large group of smiling faces. " Poor child/ said Mrs. Crump as she went forward, "she is frightened to death. I wish Augusta could overcome her diffidence/ Miss Crump was educated at Philadelphia ; she had been taught to sing by Madame Piggi- squeaki, who was a pupil of Ma m selle Croki- froggietta, who had sung with Madame Catala- ni ; and she had taken lessons on the piano from Signor Buzzifussi, who had played with Paga- nini. She seated herself at the piano, rocked to the right, then to the left, leaned forward, then backward, and began. She placed her right hand about midway the keys, and her left about two octaves below it. She now put off to the right in a brisk canter up the treble notes, and the left after it. The left then led the way back, and the right pursued it in like manner. The right turned, and repeated its first move ment ; but the left outran it this time, hopped over it, and flung it entirely off the track. It came in again, however, behind the left on its return, and passed it in the same style. They now became highly incensed at each other, and met furiously on the middle ground. Here a most awful conflict ensued for about the space of ten seconds, when the right whipped off all of a sudden, as I thought, fairly vanquished. But I was in the error against which Jack Ran dolph cautions us: "It had only fallen back THE SONG to a stronger position." It mounted upon two black keys, and commenced the note of a rattle snake. This had a wonderful effect upon the left, and placed the doctrine of " snake-charm ing "beyond dispute. The left rushed furious ly towards it repeatedly, but seemed invariably panic-struck when it came within six keys of it, and as invariably retired with a tremendous roaring down the bass keys. It continued its assaults, sometimes by the way of the naturals, sometimes by the way of the sharps, and some times by a zigzag through both ; but all its at tempts to dislodge the right from its stronghold proving ineffectual, it came close up to its ad versary and expired. Any one, or rather no one, can imagine what kind of noises the piano gave forth during the conflict. Certain it is no one can describe them, and, therefore, I shall not attempt it. The battle ended, Miss Augusta moved as though she would have arisen, but this was protested against by a number of voices at once : "One song, my dear Aurelia," said Miss Small ; " you must sing that sweet little French air you used to sing in Philadelphia, and which Madame Piggisqueaki was so fond of." Miss Augusta looked pitifully at her mamma, and her mamma looked "sing" at Miss Augusta; accordingly, she squared herself for a song. She brought her hands to the campus this time in fine style, and they seemed now to be perfectly reconciled to each other. They com menced a kind of colloquy ; the right whisper- 90 GEORGIA SCENES ing treble very softly, and the left responding bass very loudly. The conference had been kept np until I began to desire a change of the sub ject, when my ear caught, indistinctly, some verv curious sounds, which appeared to proceed from the lips of Miss Augusta : they seemed to be compounded of a dry cough, a grunt, a hic cough, and a whisper ; and they were introduced, it appeared to me, as interpreters between the right and left. Things progressed in this way for about the space of fifteen seconds, when 1 happened to direct my attention to Mr. Jenkins from Philadelphia. His eyes were closed, his head rolled gracefully from side to side ; a beam of heavenly complacency rested upon his coun tenance ; and his whole man gave irresistible demonstration that Miss Crump s music made him feel good all over. I had just turned from the contemplation of Mr. Jenkins s trans ports, to see whether I could extract from the performance anything intelligible, when Miss Crump made a fly-catching grab at half a dozen keys in a row, and at the same instant she fetched a long, dunghill-cock crow, at the con clusion of which she grabbed as many keys with the left. This came over Jenkins like a warm bath, and over me like a rake of bamboo briers. My nerves had not recovered from this shock before Miss Augusta repeated the movement, and accompanied it with a squall of a pinched cat. This threw me into an ague fit ; but, from respect to the performer, I maintained my position. She THE SONG 91 now made a third grasp with the right, boxed the faces of six keys in a row with the left,, and at the same time raised one of the most unearth ly howls that ever issued from the throat of a hu man being. This seemed the signal for universal uproar and destruction. She now threw away all reserve, and charged the piano with her whole force. She boxed it, she clawed it, she raked it, she scraped it. Her neck-vein swelled, her chin flew up, her face flushed, her eye glared, her bosom heaved ; she screamed, she howled, she yelled, cackled, and was in the act of dwelling upon the note of a screech-owl, when I took the St. Vitus s dance and rushed out of the room. "Good Lord/ said a by-stander, "if this be her xinging, what must her crying be !" As I reached the door I heard a voice exclaim, "By heavens ! she s the most enchanting performer I ever heard in my life !" I turned to see who was the author of this ill-timed compliment, and who should it be but Nick Truck, from Lincoln, who seven years before was dancing " Possum up the Gum- tree" in the chimney-corner of his fathers kitch en. Nick had entered the counting-room of a merchant in Charleston some five or six years before, had been sent out as supercargo of a vessel to Bordeaux, and, while the vessel was delivering one cargo and taking in another, had contracted a wonderful relish for French music. As for myself, 1 went home in convulsions, took sixty drops of laudanum, and fell asleep. I dreamed that I was in a beautiful city, the 92 GEORGIA SCENES streets of which intersected each other at right angles ; that the birds of the air and the beasts of the forest had gathered there for battle the former led on by a Frenchman, the latter by an Italian ; that I was looking on their movements towards each other, when I heard the cry of " Hec ate is coming !" I turned my eye to the north east, and saw a female flying through the air towards the city, and distinctly recognized in her the features of Miss Crump. I took the alarm and was making my escape when she gave com mand for the beasts and birds to fall on me. They did so, and, with all the noises of the ani mal world, were in the act of tearing me to pieces when I was waked by the stepping of Hall, my room-mate, into bed. "Oh, my dear sir," exclaimed I, "you have waked me from a horrible dream ! What o clock is it ?" " Ten minutes after twelve," said he. "And where have you been to this late hour ?" "I have just returned from the party." "And what kept you so late ?" "Why, I disliked to retire while Miss Crump was playing." "In mercy s name!" said I, "is she playing yet ?" "Yes," said he ; "I had to leave her playing at last." " And where was Jenkins ?" "He was there, still in ecstasies, and urging her to play on." THE SONG 93 " And where was Truck ?" "He was asleep." "And what was she playing ?" "An Italian" Here I swooned, and heard no more. BALDWIN. THE TURNOUT IN" the good old days of fescues, abisselfas, and anpersants,* terms which used to be familiar in this country during the Revolutionary War, and which lingered in some of our country schools for a few years afterwards, I visited my friend Captain Griffen, who resided about seven miles to the eastward of Wrightsborough, then in Rich mond, but now in Columbia, County. I reached the captain s hospitable dome on Easter, and was received by him and his good lady with a Georgia welcome of 1790. It was warm from the heart, and taught me in a moment that the obligations of the visit were upon their side, not mine. Such receptions were not peculiar at that time to * The fescue was a sharpened wire or other instrument used by the preceptor to point out the letters to the chil dren. Abisselfa is a contraction of the words "a by itself, a." It was usual, when either of the vowels constituted a syl lable of a word, to pronounce it, and denote its indepen dent character by the words just mentioned, thus : " a by itself, -c-o-r-n corn, acorn," "e by itself, e-v-i-1, evil," etc. The character which stands for the word "and" (&) was probably pronounced by the same accompaniment, but in terms borrowed from the Latin language, thus : " & per se" (by itself) &. Hence " anpersant." THE TURNOUT 95 the captain and bis family ; they were common throughout the State. Where are they now ? and where the generous hospitalities which invariably followed them ? I see them occasionally at the contented farmer s door and at his festive board, but when they shall have taken leave of these Georgia will know them 110 more. The day was consumed in the interchange of news between the captain and myself (though, I confess, it might have been better employed), and the night found us seated round a temporary fire, which the captain s sons had kindled up for the purpose of dyeing eggs. It was a common custom of those days with boys to dye and peck eggs on Easter Sunday and for a few days afterwards. They were colored according to the fancy of the dyer some yellow, some green, some purple, and some with a variety of colors borrowed from a piece of calico. They Avere not nnfrequently beautified with a taste and skill which would have extorted a compliment from Ilezekiah Niles if he had seen them a year ago in the hands of the "young operatives " in some of the Northern manufactories. No sooner was the work of dying finished than our "young operatives" sallied forth to stake the whole proceeds of their "do mestic industry" upon a peck. Egg was struck against egg, point to point, and the egg that was broken was given up as lost to the owner of the one which came whole from the shock. While the boys were busily employed in the manner just mentioned, the captain s youngest son, George, gave us an anecdote highly descrip- 96 GEORGIA SCENES tive of the Yankee and Georgia character, even in their buddings and at this early date. "What you think, pa," said he, "Zeph Pettibone went and got his uncle Zach to turn him a wooden egg, and he won a whole hatful o eggs from all us boys fore we found it out ; but when we found it out maybe John Brown didn t smoke him for it, and took away all his eggs, and give em back to us boys ; and you think he didn t go then and git a guinea-egg, and win most as many more, and John Brown would o give it to him agin if all we boys hadn t said we thought it was fair. I never see such a boy as that Zepli Petti- bone in all my life. He don t mind whipping no more an nothing at all, if he can win eggs." This anecdote, however, only fell in by acci dent, for there was an all-absorbing subject which occupied the minds of the boys during the whole evening, of which I could occasionally catch dis tant hints in undertones and whispers, but of which I could make nothing, until they were af terwards explained by the captain himself such as, "I ll be bound Pete Jones and Bill Smith stretches him"; " By Jockey, soon as they seize him, you ll see me down upon him like a duck upon a June-bug"; "By the time he touches the ground he ll think he s got into a hornet s nest," etc. " The boys," said the captain, as they retired, "are going to turn out the schoolmaster to morrow, and you can perceive they think of nothing else. We must go over to the school- house and witness the contest, in order to pre- THE TURNOUT 97 vent injury to preceptor or pupils ; for though the master is always upon such occasions glad to be turned out, and only struggles long enough to present his patrons a fair apology for giving the children a holiday,, which he desires as much as they do, the boys always conceive a holiday gained by a "turnout" as the sole achievement of their valor ; and, in their zeal to distinguish themselves upon such memorable occasions, they sometimes become too rough, provoke the master to wrath, and a very serious conflict ensues. To prevent these consequences, to bear witness that the master was forced to yield be fore he would withhold a day of his promised labor from his employers, and to act as a media tor between him and the boys in settling the ar ticles of peace, I always attend ; and you must accompany me to-morrow/ I cheerfully prom ised to do so. The captain and I rose before the sun, but the boys had risen and were off to the school-house before the dawn. After an early breakfast, hur ried by Mrs. Gr. for our accommodation, my host and myself took up our line of march towards the school-house. We reached it about half an hour before the master arrived, but not before the boys had completed its fortifications. It was a simple log-pen, about twenty feet square, with a doorway cut out of the logs, to which was fitted a rude door made of clapboards and swung on wooden hinges. The roof was covered with clapboards also, and retained in their places by heavy logs placed on them. The chimney 98 GEORGIA SCENES was built of logs, diminishing in size from the ground to the top, and overspread inside and out with red clay mortar. The classic hut oc cupied a lovely spot, overshadowed by majestic hickories, towering poplars, and strong - armed oaks. The little plain on which it stood was terminated, at the distance of about fifty paces from its door, by the brow of a hill, which de scended rather abruptly to a noble spring, that gushed joyously forth from among the roots of a stately beech at its foot. The stream from this fountain scarcely burst into view before it hid itself beneath the dark shade of a field of cane, which overspread the dale through which it flowed, and marked its windings, until it turned from the sight among vine-covered hills, at a distance far beyond that to which the eye could have traced it without the help of its evergreen belt. A remark of the captain s, as we viewed the lovely country around us, will give the reader my apology for the minuteness of the foregoing description. " These lands/ 7 said he, "will never wear out. Where they lie level, they will be as good fifty years hence as they are now/ Forty-two years afterwards I visited the spot on which he stood when he made the remark. The sun poured his whole strength upon the bald hill which once supported the sequestered school- house ; many a deep-washed gully met at a sickly bog where gushed the limpid fountain ; a dying willow rose from the soil which nourished the venerable beech ; flocks wandered among the dwarf pines, and cropped a scanty meal from THE TURNOUT 99 the vale where the rich cane bowed and rustled to every breeze, and all around was barren, dreary, and cheerless. But to return. As 1 before remarked, the boys had strongly fortified the school-house, of which they had taken possession. The door was barricaded with logs, which I should have supposed would have defied the combined powers of the whole school. The chimney, too, was nearly filled with logs of goodly size ; and these were the only passways to the interior. I concluded, if a "turnout" was all that was necessary to decide the contest in favor of the boys, they had already gained the victory. They had, however, not as much confidence in their outworks as I had, and, therefore, had armed themselves with long sticks ; not for the purpose of using them upon the master if the battle should come to close quarters, for this was considered unlawful warfare ; but for the purpose of guarding their works from his ap proaches, which it was considered perfectly law ful to protect by all manner of jobs and punches through the cracks. From the early assembling of the girls, it was very obvious that they had been let into the conspiracy, though they took no part in the active operations. They would, however, occasionally drop a word of encourage ment to the boys, such as "I wouldn t turn out the master ; but if I did turn him out, I d die be fore I d give up." These remarks doubtless had an emboldening effect upon "the young free- borns," as Mrs. Trollope would call them ; for I never knew the Georgian of any age who was in- 100 GEORGIA SCENES different to the smiles and praises of the ladies before his marriage. At length Mr. Michael St. John, the school master, made his appearance. Though some of the girls had met him a quarter of a mile from the school-house and told him all that had hap pened, he gave signs of sudden astonishment and indignation when he advanced to the door and was assailed by a whole platoon of sticks from the cracks. "Why, what does all this mean ?" said he, as he approached the captain and myself, with a countenance of two or three varying expressions. " Why/ said the captain, " the boys have turn ed you out because you have refused to give them an Easter holiday." "Oh," returned Michael, "that s it, is it? Well, I ll see whether their parents are to pay me for letting their children play when they please." So saying, he advanced to the school-house and demanded in a lofty tone of its inmates an un conditional surrender. "Well, give us holiday then," said twenty lit tle urchins within, "and we ll let you in." "Open the door of the academy" -Michael would allow nobody to call it a school-house " Open the door of the academy this instant," said Michael, " or I ll break it down." " Break it down," said Pete Jones and Bill Smith, "and we ll break you down." During this colloquy I took a peep into the fortress to see how the garrison was affected by the parley. The little ones were obviously panic- THE TURNOUT 101 struck at the first words of command ; but their fears were all chased away ;b;7 the bold,, deter mined reply of Pete Jones and Bill Smith/ and they raised a whoop of defiance. Michael now walked ro and the academy three times, examining all its weak points with great care. He then paused, reflected for a moment, and wheeled off suddenly towards the woods, as though a bright thought had just struck him. He passed twenty things which I supposed he might be in quest of such as huge stones, fence- rails, portable logs, and the like without be stowing the least attention upon them. He went to one old log, searched it thoroughly; then to another ; then to a hollow stump, peeped into it with great care ; then to a hollow log, into which he looked with equal caution, and so on. "What is he after ?" inquired I. "Fm sure I don t know/ said the captain, "but the boys do. Don t you notice the breath less silence which prevails in the school-house, and the intense anxiety with which they are eying him through the cracks ?" At this moment Michael had reached a little excavation at the root of a dogwood, and was in the act of putting his hand into it when a voice from the garrison exclaimed, with most touching pathos, " Lo d o messy, he s found my eggs ! Boys, let s give up !" "I won t give up/ was the reply from many voices at once. "Rot your cowardly skin, Zeph Pettibone, you 102 GEORGIA SCENES wouldn t give a wooden egg for all the holidays in the world !"* : *\ If these replied did not reconcile Zephaniah to &is*ajipreheD4 efdlo8S^.t at least silenced his com- plaihtsY In the tnekntinie Michael was employed in relieving Zeph s storehouse of its provisions ; and, truly, its contents told well for Zeph s skill in egg-pecking. However, Michael took out the eggs with great care, and brought them within a few paces of the school-house, and laid them down with equal care in full view of the besieged. He revisited the places which he had searched, and to which he seemed to have been led by in tuition ; for from nearly all of them did he draw eggs in greater or less numbers. These he treat ed as he had done Zeph s, keeping each pile sep arate. Having arranged the eggs in double files before the door, he marched between them with an air of triumph, and once more demanded a surrender, under pain of an entire destruction of the garrison s provisions. " Break em just as quick as you please," said George Grilfen ; our mothers 11 give us a plenty more, won t they, pa?" "I can answer for yours, my son," said the captain; "she would rather give up every egg upon the farm than see you play the coward or traitor to save your property." Michael, finding that he could make no im pression upon the fears or the avarice of the boys, determined to carry their fortifications by storm. Accordingly, he procured a heavy fence- rail and commenced the assault upon the door. g m 104 GEOKGIA SCENES It soon came to pieces, and the upper logs fell out, leaving a space of about three feet at the top. Michael boldly entered the breach, when, by the articles of war, sticks were thrown aside as no longer lawful weapons. He was resolutely met on the half-demolished rampart by Peter Jones and William Smith, supported by James Griffon. These were the three largest boys in the school the first about sixteen years of age, the second about fifteen, and the third just eleven. Twice was Michael repulsed by these young champions ; but the third effort carried him fairly into the fortress. Hostilities now ceased for a while, and the captain and I, having levelled the remain ing logs at the door, followed Michael into the house. A large three -inch plank (if it deserve that name, for it was wrought from the half of a tree s trunk entirely with the axe), attached to the logs by means of wooden pins, served the whole school for a writing-desk. At a con venient distance below it, and on a line with it, stretched a smooth log, resting upon the logs of the house, which answered for the writers seat. Michael took his seat upon the desk, placed his feet on the seat, and was sitting very composed ly, when, with a simultaneous movement, Pete and Bill seized each a leg, and marched off with it in quick time. The consequence is obvious ; Michael s head first took the desk, then the seat, and finally the ground (for the house was not floored), with three sonorous thumps of most doleful portent. No sooner did he touch the ground than he was completely buried with boys. THE TURNOUT 105 The three elder laid themselves across his head, neck, and breast, the rest arranging themselves ad libitum. Michael s equanimity was consider ably disturbed by the first thump, became restive with the second, and took flight with the third. His first effort was to disengage his legs, for without them he could not rise, and to lie in his present position was extremely inconvenient and undignified. Accordingly, he drew up his right, and kicked at random. This movement laid out about six in various directions upon the floor. Two rose crying: " Ding his old red headed skin/ said one of them, "to go and kick me right in my sore belly, where I fell down and raked it, running after that fellow that cried school-butter !"* " Drot his old snaggle-tooth picture," said the other, "to go and hurt my sore toe, where I knocked the nail off going to the spring to fetch * I have never been able to satisfy myself clearly as to the literal meaning of these terms. They were con sidered an unpardonable insult to a country school, and always justified an attack by the whole fraternity upon the person who used them in their hearing. I have known the scholars pursue a traveller two miles to be revenged of the insult. Probably they are a corruption of "The school s better." " Better" was the term com monly used of old to denote a superior, as it sometimes is in our day: "Wait till your betters are served," for ex ample. I conjecture, therefore, the expression just al luded to was one of challenge, contempt, and defiance, by which the person who used it avowed himself the superior in all respects of the whole school, from the pre ceptor down. If any one can give a better account of it, I shall be pleased to receive it. 106 GEORGIA SCENES a gourd of warier for him, and not for myself n other !" "Hut!" said Captain Griffen, "young Wash- ingtons mind these trifles ! At him again." The name of Washington cured their wounds and dried up their tears in an instant, and they legged him de novo. The left leg treated six more as unceremoniously as the right had those just mentioned ; but the talismanic name had just fallen upon their ears before the kick, so they were invulnerable. They therefore returned to the attack without loss of time. The struggle seemed to wax hotter and hotter for a short time after Michael came to the ground, and he threw the children about in all directions and postures, giving some of them thumps which would have placed the ruffle-shirted little darlings of the pres ent day under the discipline of paregoric and opodeldoc for a week ; but these hardy sons of the forest seemed not to feel them. As Michael s head grew easy, his limbs, by a natural sympathy, became more quiet, and he offered one day s hol iday as the price. The boys demanded a week ; but here the captain interposed, and, after the common but often unjust custom of arbitrators, split the difference. In this instance the terms were equitable enough, and were immediately ac ceded to by both parties. Michael rose in a good humor, and the boys were, of course. Loud was their talking of their deeds of valor as they re tired. One little fellow about seven years old and about three feet and a half high jumped up, cracked his feet together, and exclaimed, " By THE TURNOUT 107 jingo, Pete Jones, Bill Smith, and me can hold any tiinjin that ever trod Georgy grit." By-the- way, the name 8t. John was always pronounced " Sinjin" by the common people of that day; and so it must have been by Lord Bolingbroke himself, else his friend Pope would never have addressed him in a line so unmusical as "Awake, my St. John, leave all meaner things." Nor would Swift, the friend and companion of both, have written "What St. John s skill in state affairs, What Ormond s valor, Oxford s cares. ***** Where folly, pride, and faction sway, Remote from St. John, Pope, and Gray." HALL. THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE MY nephew George Baldwin was but ten years younger than myself. He was the son of a plain, practical, sensible farmer,, who, without the ad vantages of a liberal education, had enriched his mind by study and observation with a fund of useful knowledge rarely possessed by those who move in his sphere of life. His wife was one of the most lovely of women. She was pious, but not austere ; cheerful, but not light ; generous, but not prodigal ; economical, but not close ; hos pitable, but not extravagant. In native powers of mind she was every way my brother s equal ; in acquirements she was decidedly his superior. To this I have his testimony as Avell as my own ; but it was impossible to discover in her conduct anything going to show that she coincided with us in opinion. To have heard her converse you would have supposed she did nothing but read ; to have looked through the departments of her household you would have supposed she never read. Everything which lay within her little province bore the impress of her hand or ac knowledged her supervision. Order, neatness, and cleanliness prevailed everywhere. All pro visions were given out with her own hands, and THE "CHARMING CREATURE " AS A WIFE 109 she could tell precisely the quantity of each arti cle that it would require to serve a given number of persons, without stint or wasteful profusion. In the statistics of domestic economy she was perfectly versed. She would tell you, with aston ishing accuracy, how many pounds of cured ba con you might expect from a given weight of fresh pork ; how many quarts of cream a given quantity of milk would yield ; how much butter so much cream ; how much of each article it would take to serve so many persons a month or a year. Supposing no change in the family, and she would tell to a day when a given quantity of provisions of any kind would be exhausted. She reduced to certain knowledge everything that could be ; and she approximated to it as nearly as possible with those matters that could not be. And yet she scolded less and whipped less than any mistress of a family I ever saw. The reason is obvious. Everything under her care went on with perfect system. To each servant were allot ted his or her respective duties, and to each was assigned the time in which those duties were to be performed. During this time she suffered them not to be interrupted, if it was possible to protect them from interruption. Her children were permitted to give no orders to servants but through her, until they reached the age at which they were capable of regulating their orders by her rules. She laid no plans to detect her ser vants in theft, but she took great pains to con vince them that they could not pilfer without detection ; and this did she without betraying 110 GEORGIA SCENES any suspicions of their integrity. Thus she would have her biscuits uniformly of a size, and, under the form of instructions to her cook, she would show her precisely the quantity of flour which it took to make so many biscuits. After all this, she exposed her servants to as few temptations as possible. She never sent them to the larder un attended, if she could avoid it, and never placed them under the watch of children. She saw that they were well provided with everything they needed, and she indulged them in recrea tions when she could. No service was required of them on the Sabbath further than to spread the table and to attend it ; a service which was lightened as much as possible by having the pro visions of that day very simple, and prepared the day before. Such, but half described, were the father and mother of George Baldwin. He was their only son and eldest child ; but he had two sisters, Mary and Martha, the first four and the second six years younger than himself a son next to George having died in infancy. The two eldest children inherited their names from their parents, and all of them grew up worthy of the stock from which they sprang. George, having completed his education at Princeton, where he was graduated with great honor to himself, returned to Georgia and com menced the study of the law. After studying a year he was admitted to the bar, just after he had completed his one-and-twentieth year. I have been told by gentlemen who belong to this THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIPE 111 profession that one year is too short a time for preparation for the intricacies of legal lore ; and it may be so, but I never knew a young man acquit himself more creditably than George did in his maiden speech. He located himself in the city of , seventy miles from his father s residence ; and, after the lapse of three years, he counted up eight hundred dollars as the net profits of his last year s prac tice. Reasonably calculating that his receipts would annually increase for several years to come, having no expenses to encounter except for his board and clothing (for his father had furnished him with a complete library), he now thought of taking to himself a helpmate. Hith erto he had led a very retired, studious life ; but now he began to court the society of ladies. About this time Miss Evelina Caroline Smith returned to the city from Philadelphia, where, after an absence of three years, she had com pleted her education. She was the only child of a wealthy, unlettered merchant, who, rather by good luck than good management, had amassed a fortune of about fifty thousand dollars. Mr. Smith was one of those men who conceived that all earthly greatness, and consequently all earth ly bliss, concentred in wealth. The consequence was inevitable. To the poor he was haughty, supercilious, and arrogant, and, not unfrequent- ly, wantonl} 7 insolent ; to the rich he was friendly, kind, or obsequious, as their purses equalled or overmeasured his own. His wife was even be low himself in moral stature ; proud, loquacious, 112 GEORGIA SCENES silly. Evelina was endowed by nature with a good mind, and, what her parents esteemed of infinitely more value, she was beautiful from her infancy to the time when I introduced her to the reader, which was just after she had com pleted her seventeenth year. Evelina s time, be tween her sixth and fourteenth year, had been chiefly employed in learning from her father and mother what a perfect beauty she was, and what kind of gewgaws exhibited her beauty to the greatest advantage, how rich she would be, and "what havoc she would make of young men s hearts by-and-by." In these instructive lectures her parents sometimes found gratuitous help from silly male and female visitors, who, purely to win favor from the parents, would expatiate on the perfection of "the lovely," "charming," " beautiful little creature " in her presence. The consequence was that pride and vanity became, at an early age, the leading traits of the child s char acter, and admiration and flattery the only food which she could relish. Her parents subjected themselves to the loss of her society for three years, while she was at school in Philadelphia, from no better motive than to put her on an equality with Mr. B. s and Mr. C. s daughters ; or, rather, to imitate the examples of Messrs. B. & C., merchants of the same city, who were very rich. While she was in Philadelphia Evelina Avas well instructed. She was taught in what female loveliness truly consists, the qualities which de servedly command the respect of the wise and THE "CHAKMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 113 good, and the deportment which insures to a fe male the admiration of all. But Evelina s mind had received a bias from which these lessons could not relieve it, and the only effect of them upon her was to make her an accomplished hypocrite, with all her other foibles. She improved her in structions only to the gratification of her ruling passion. In music she made some proficiency, because she saw in it a ready means of gaining admiration. George Baldwin had formed a partial acquaint ance with Mr. Smith before the return of his daughter, but he rather shunned than courted a closer intimacy. Smith, however, had intrusted George with some professional business, found him trustworthy, and thought he saw in him a man who, at no very distant day, was to become distinguished for both wealth and talents ; and, upon a very short acquaintance, he took occasion to tell him "that whoever married his daughter should receive the next day a check for twenty thousand dollars. That ll do," continued he, " to start upon ; and when I and the old woman drop off she will get thirty more." This had an effect upon George directly opposite to that which it was designed to have. Miss Smith had been at home about three weeks, and the whole town had sounded the praises of her beauty and accomplishments ; but George had not seen her, though Mr. Smith had in the meantime given him several notes to collect, with each of which he " wondered how it happened that two so much alike as him- 114 GEORGIA SCENES self and George had never been more intimate, and hoped he would come over in a sociable way and see him often/ About this time, however, George received a special invitation to a large tea-party from Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which he could not with propriety reject, and accordingly he went. He was received at the door by Mr. Smith, announced upon entering the drawing- room, and conducted through a crowd of gen tlemen to Miss Smith, to whom lie was intro duced with peculiar emphasis. lie made his obeisance and retired ; for common politeness required him to bestow his attentions upon some of the many ladies in the room, who were neg lected by the gentlemen in their rivalship for a smile or word from Miss Evelina. She was the admiration of all the gentlemen, and, with the exception of two or three youny ladies, who "thought her too affected, 7 she was praised by all the ladies. In short, by nearly universal tes timony she was pronounced "a charming creat ure." An hour had elapsed before George found an opportunity of giving her those attentions which, as a guest of the family, courtesy required from him. The opportunity was at length, however, furnished by herself. In circling round the room to entertain the company, she reached George just as the seat next to him had been vacated. This she occupied, and a conversation ensued, with every word of which she gained upon his respect and esteem. Instead of find ing her that gay, volatile, vain creature whom THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 115 he expected to find in the rich and beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, he found her a modest, sensible, unassuming girl, whose views upon all subjects coincided precisely with his own. " She yielded to the wishes of her parents, from a sense of duty, in giving and attending parties ; but she always left them under the conviction that the time spent at them was worse than wasted. It was really a luxury to her to retire from the idle chit-chat of them, and to spend a few minutes in conversation with a male or female friend who would consider it no dis respect to the company to talk rationally upon such occasions. And yet, in conducting such conversations at such times, it was so difficult to avoid the appearance of pedantry, and to keep it from running into something too stiff or too grave for a social circle, that she really was afraid to court them." As to books, "she read but very few novels, though her ignorance of them often exposed her to some mortification ; but she felt that her ignorance here was a com pliment to her taste and delicacy, which made ample amends for the mortifications to which it forced her occasionally to submit. With Hannah More, Mrs. Chapone, Bennett, and other writ ers of the same class she was very familiar" (and she descanted upon the peculiar merits of each); "but, after all, books were of small consequence to a lady without those domestic virtues which enable her to blend superior use fulness with superior acquirements ; and if learn- 116 GEORGIA SCENES ing or usefulness must be forsaken., it had better be the first. Of music she was extravagantly fond, and she presumed she ever would be ; but she confessed she had no taste for its modern refinements. Thus she went on with the turns of the con versation and as she caught George s views. It is true she would occasionally drop a remark which did not harmonize exactly with these dulcet strains ; and in her rambles over the world of science she would sometimes seem at fault where George thought she ought to have been perfectly at home ; but he found a thou sand charitable ways of accounting for all this, not one of which led to the idea that she might have learned these diamond sentiments by rote from the lips of her preceptress. Consequently, they came with resistless force upon the citadel of George s heart, and in less than half an hour overpowered it completely. k< Truly," thought George, "she is a charm ing creature ! When was so much beauty ever blended with such unassuming manners and such intellectual endowments ! How wonderful that the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Smith should possess such accomplishments ! How dull with all her filial affection how dull must be her life under the parental roof ! Not a com panion, not a sympathetic feeling there ! How sweet it would be to return from the toils of the courts to a bosom friend so soft, so benevo lent, so intelligent." Thus ran George s thoughts as soon as Miss THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 117 Smith had left him to go in quest of new con quests. The effects of her short interview with him soon became visible to every eye. His con versation lost its spirit, was interrupted by moody abstractions, and was sillier than it had ever been. George had a fine person, and, for the first time in his life, he now set a value upon it. To exhibit it to the greatest advantage, he walked the room under various pretences ; and when in his promenades he caught the eye of Miss Smith resting upon him he assumed a more martial or theatric step, which made him look ridiculous at the time, and feel so immediately afterwards. In his listless journeyings his at tention was arrested by a beautiful cottage scene at the foot of which glittered, in golden letters, "BY EVELINA CAROLINE SMITH, OF , GEORGIA." This led him to another, and another, from the same pencil. Upon these he was gazing with a look and attitude the most complimentary to Miss Evelina that he could possibly assume, while the following remarks were going the rounds. " Do you notice George Baldwin ?" "Oh yes; he s in for it; dead, sir; good-bye to bail writs and sassiperaris !" " Oh, she s only put an attachment on him." " Really, Miss Smith, it was too bad to serve George Baldwin so cruelly !" "Ah, sir, if reports are true, Mr. Baldwin is too fond of his books to think of any lady, much less of one so unworthy of his attentions as I am." George heard this, nestled a little, threw back 118 GEORGIA SCENES his shoulders, placed his arms akimbo, and looked at the picture. with wonderful independence. Then Miss Evelina was handed to the piano, and to a simple, beautiful air she sang a well- written song, the burden of which was an apology for love at first sight. This was wanton cruelty to an unresisting captive. To do her justice, however, her performance had not been equalled during the evening. The company at length began to retire ; and, so long as a number remained sufficient to give him an apology for staying, George delayed his departure. The last group of ladies and gentle men finally rose, and George commenced a fruit less search for his hat ; fruitless, because he look ed for it where he knew it was not to be found. But a servant was more successful, and brought it to him just as he was giving up the search as hopeless, and commencing a conversation with Miss Smith for the night. " Why, where did you find it ?" said George, with seeming surprise and pleasure at the dis covery. " Out da, in de entry, sir, whay all de gentle men put da hats." "Oh, I ought to have known that. Good-bye, Miss Evelina !" said George, throwing a melting eloquence into the first word, and reaching forth his hand. " Good-evening, Mr. Baldwin !" returned she ; " I hope you will not be quite so great a stranger here as you have been. Pa has often wondered that you never visit him." Here she relinquished THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 119 his hand with a gentle but sensible pressure, which might mean two or three things. What ever was its meaning, it ran like nitrous oxide through every fibre of George s composition, and robbed him for a moment of his last ray of in tellect. "Believe me, Miss Smith," said he, as if he were opening a murder case " believe me, there are fascinations about this hospitable dome, in the delicate touches of the pencil which adorn it, and in the soft breathings of the piano, awaked by the hand which I have just relinquished, which will not permit me to delay, as heretofore, those visits which professional duty requires me to make to your kind parent (your father) a single moment beyond the time that his claims to my respects become absolute. Good-evening, Miss Smith." "Did ever mortal of common-sense talk and act so much like an arrant fool as I have this evening ?" said George, as the veil of night fell upon the visions which had danced before his eyes for the four preceding hours. Though it was nearly twelve o clock at night when he reached his office, he could not sleep until he laid the adventures of the evening before his father and mother. The return mail brought him a letter from his parents, written by his mother s hand, which we regret we cannot give a place in this narrative. Suffice it to say, it was kind and affectionate, but entirely too cold for the temperature of George s feelings. It admit ted the intrinsic excellence of Miss Smith s views 120 GEORGIA SCENES and sentiments, but expressed serious apprehen sions that her habits of life would prove an in superable barrier to her ever putting them in full practice. " We all admit, my dear George/ said the amiable writer, "the value of industry, econ omy in short, of all the domestic and social virtues ; but how small the number who practise them ! Golden sentiments are to be picked up anywhere. In this age they are upon the lips of everybody ; but we do not find that they exert as great an influence upon the morals of society as they did in the infancy of our republic, when they were less talked of. For ourselves, we con fess we prize the gentleman or lady who habitu ally practises one Christian virtue much higher than we do the one who barely lectures elo quently upon them all. But we are not so weak or so uncharitable as to suppose that none who discourse fluently upon them can possess them. * * * # * # " The whole moral which we would deduce from the foregoing remarks is one which your own observation must have taught you a thousand times : that but little confidence is to be reposed in fine sentiments which do not come recommend ed by the life and conduct of the person who re tails them. And yet, familiar as you are with this truth, you certainly have more command over your judgment than have most young men of your age, if you do not entirely forget it the mo ment you hear such sentiments from the lips of a lady possessing strong personal attractions. Tim "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 121 There is a charm in beauty which even philos ophy is constrained to acknowledge, and which youth instinctively transfers to all the moral qual ities of its possessor. ****** "When you come to know the elements of which connubial happiness is composed, you will be astonished to find that, with few exceptions, they are things which you now consider the veri est trifles imaginable. It is a happy ordination of Providence that it should be so ; for this brings matrimonial bliss within the reach of all classes of persons. * * * Harmony of thought and feeling upon the little daily occurrences of life, congeniality of views and sentiments between yourselves and your connections on either side, similarity of habits and pursuits among your im mediate relatives and friends, if not essential to nuptial bliss, are certainly its chief ingredients. ****** "Having pointed you to the sources of conju gal felicity, your own judgment will spare my trembling hand the painful duty of pointing you to those fountains of bitterness and woe ; but I forget that I am representing your father as well as myself." George read the long letter from which the foregoing extracts are taken with deep interest and with some alarm ; but he was not in a situa tion to profit by his parents counsels. He had visited Miss Smith repeatedly in the time he was waiting to hear from his parents ; and though he had discovered many little foibles in her char- 122 GEORGIA SCENES acter, he found a ready apology or an easy reme dy for them all. The lapse of a few months found them en gaged, and George the happiest mortal upon earth. " And now, my dear Evelina/ said he, as soon as they had interchanged their vows, "I go to render myself worthy of the honor you have con ferred upon me. My studies, which love, doubt, and anxiety have too long interrupted, shall now be renewed with redoubled intensity. My Eve lina s interest, being associated with all my labors, will turn them to pleasures ; my honor being hers, I shall court it with untiring zeal. She will therefore excuse me if my visits are not repeated in future quite as often as they have been here tofore." " What, already, Mr. Baldwin !" exclaimed she, weeping most beautifully. " Why, no, not for the world, if my dear Eve lina says not ! But I thought that I flattered myself I hoped my Evelina would find a suffi cient apology in the motive." The little mistake was rectified in the course of an hour, and they parted more in raptures with each other than they had ever been. George continued his visits as before, and in the meantime his business began to suffer from neglect, of which his clients occasionally remind ed him, with all the frankness which one exhibits at seeing a love affair carried on with too much zeal and at his expense. In truth, George s heart had more than once entertained a wish (for his THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 12-i lips dare not utter it) that his charming Eveli na s affection could come down to a hundred of Wedge wood when the circuit commenced,, and give him a temporary respite. The evening before he set out he spent with his "charming Evelina/ of course, and the in terview closed with a most melting scene ; but I may not stop to describe it. Candor con strains me to say, however, that George got over it before he reached his office, which he entered actually whistling a merry tune. He was at the second court of the circuit, and had been from home nearly a fortnight, when one of his friends addressed him with, "I ll tell you what it is, Baldwin: you d better go home or Dr. Bibb will cut you out. There have been two or three parties in town since you came away, at all of which Miss Smith and Bibb were as thick as two pickpockets. The whole town s talking about them. I heard a young lady say to her, she d tell you how she was carrying on with Bibb ; and she declared, upon her word and honor (looking Tcillniferously at Bibb), that she only knew you as her father s collecting at torney/ George reddened deeper and deeper at every word of this, but passed it oif with a hearty, hectic laugh. It was on Thursday afternoon that he received this intelligence, and it met him forty miles from home, and twenty-five from the next court in order. Two of his cases were yet undisposed of. Of these he gave hasty notes to one of his 124 GEORGIA SCENES brethren, in order to guide him if he should be forced to trial, but instructing him to continue them if he could. Having made these arrange ments, Friday afternoon, at five o clock, found his jaded horse at his office door. George tarried here no longer than was necessary to change his apparel, and then he hastened to the habitation of his " charming Evelina." He was received at the door by a servant, who escorted him to the drawing-room, and who, to heighten Evelina s joy by surprise, instructed her maid to tell her that there was a gentleman in the drawing-room who wished to see her. Minute after minute rolled away, and she did not make her appearance. After he had been kept in suspense for nearly a quarter of an hour, she entered the room, dressed in bridal richness and taste. " Why, is it you ?" said she, rushing to him in transports : " I thought it was Dr. Bibb." "And who is Dr. Bibb, Evelina?" said George. "He s a young physician, with whom I had a partial acquaintance in Philadelphia, and who has just settled himself in this place. I want you to get acquainted with him, for he is one of the most interesting young gentlemen I ever knew in my life," "No doubt I should be much pleased with him ; but do you think he would feel himself much honored or improved by an acquaintance with your father s collecting attorney 9" "Why ! Is it possible that Rebecca Freeman THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 125 has told you that ? I never will speak to her again. I am the most persecuted being upon earth. I can say nothing nor do nothing, no matter how innocent,, which some one does not make a handle of to injure me." Here Miss Evelina burst into tears, as usual ; but there being a little passion mingled with her tears on this occasion, her weeping was not quite as interesting as it had been before. It subdued George, however, and paved the way to a recon ciliation. The obnoxious expression was ex plained rather awkwardly, indeed, but satisfac torily and Miss Freeman was acquitted of all blame. Matters were just placed in this posture when a servant arrived to inform George "that some thing was the matter with his horse, and Mr. Cox (his landlord) thought he was going to die/ George rose, and was hastening to the relief of his favorite of all quadrupeds, when Miss Smith burst into a very significant but affected laugh. " Why, what is it amuses you so, Evelina ?" inquired George, with some surprise. "Oh, nothing," said she ; " I was only think ing how quick Mr. Baldwin forgets me when his horse demands his attentions. I declare, I m right jealous of my rival." " Go back, boy, and tell your master I can t come just now ; but I ll thank him to do what he can for the poor animal." Mr. Cox, upon receiving this intelligence, and 126 GEOHGIA SCENES learning the business which engrossed George s attention, left the horse to take care of himself ; and he died just before George returned from Mr. Smith s. These,, and a thousand little annoyances which we may not enumerate, urged upon George the importance of hastening the nuptials as speedily as possible. Accordingly, by all the dangers, ills, alarms, and anxieties which attend the hours of engage ment, he pressed her to name the happy day within the coming month when their hearts and their destinies should be inseparably united. But "she could not think of getting married for two years yet to come ; then one year at least. At all events, she could not appoint a day until she consulted her dear Morgiana Cor nelia Marsh, of Canaan, Vermont. Morgiana was her classmate, and, at parting in Philadel phia, they had interchanged pledges that which ever got married first should be waited upon by the other." In vain did George endeavor to persuade her that this was a schoolgirl pledge, which Morgi ana had already forgotten, and which she never would fulfil. His arguments only provoked a reproof of his unjust suspicions of the "Amer ican fair." Finding his arguments here unavailing, he then entreated his ff charming Evelina" to write immediately to Miss Marsh to know when it would be agreeable to her to fulfil her promise. Weeks rolled away before Miss Smith could THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 127 he prevailed upon even to write the all-important letter. She despatched it at last, however, and George began to entertain hopes that a few months would make the dear Evelina his own. In the meantime his business fell in arrears, and his clients complained loudly against him. He was incessantly tortured with false rumors of his coldness and indifference towards Miss Smith, and of the light and disrespectful re marks which he had made upon her ; but he was much more tortured by her unabated thirst for balls and parties of pleasure; her undimin- ished love of general admiration, and the un concealed encouragement which she gave to the attentions of Dr. Bibb. The effect which these things had upon his temper was visible to all his friends. He became fretful, petulant, impatient, and melancholy. Dr. Bibb proved, in truth, to be a most accomplished, intelligent gentleman ; and was the man who, above all others, George would have selected for his friend and compan ion, had not the imprudences of Evelina trans formed him into a rival. As things were, however, his accomplishments only embittered George s feelings towards him, provoked from George cruel, misplaced, and unnatural sarcasms, which the world placed to the account of jeal ousy, and in which George s conscience forced him to admit that the world did him nothing more nor less than sheer justice. At length Miss Morgiana s letter arrived. It opened with expressions of deep contrition that the writer "should have got married without 128 GEORGIA SCENES giving her beloved Evelina an opportunity of fulfilling her promise ; but really, after all, she was not to blame, for she did propose to write to her beloved Evelina to come on to Canaan, but papa and Mr. Huntington (her husband) would not hear of it ; indeed, they both got almost vexed that she should think of such a thing. * * * But as soon as my beloved Evelina gets married she must appoint a time at which we can meet at Philadelphia with our husbands and compare notes. * * * I have a thousand secrets to tell you about married life ; but I must reserve them till we meet. A thousand kisses to your dear George for me ; and tell him, if I were not a married woman I should certainly fall in love with him, from your description of him/ "Well, I declare," said Evelina, as she folded up the letter, " I could not have believed that Morgiana would have served me so. I would have died before I would have treated her in the same way/ 7 The great obstacle being now removed, the wedding night was fixed at the shortest time that it could be to allow the necessary prepara tions, which was just three months ahead. Before these three months rolled away, George became convinced that he had staked his earthly happiness upon the forlorn hope of reforming Miss Smith s errors after marriage ; but his sense of honor was too refined to permit him to har bor a thought of breaking the engagement ; and, indeed, so completely had he become enamoured THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 129 of her that any perils seemed preferable to giv ing her up forever. He kept his parents faithfully advised of all the incidents of his love and courtship, and every letter which he forwarded went like a serpent into the Eden of peace over which they presided. Their letters to him never came un- embalmed in a mother s tears, and were never read without the tender response which a moth er s tears ever draw from the eyes of a truly af fectionate son. The night came, and George and Evelina were married. A round of bridal parties succeeded, every one of which served only to heighten George s alarms and to depress his spirits. He could not dis cover that marriage had abated in the smallest degree his wife s love of general admiration and flattery. The delight which she felt at the at tentions of the young gentlemen was visible to more eyes than his, as was plainly evinced by the throngs which attended her wheresoever she moved. Occasionally their assiduities assumed a freedom which was well calculated to alarm and to inflame one whose notions of married life were much less refined than those which George had ever entertained ; but there was an apology for them, which he knew he would be forced to admit, flimsy as it was in truth namely, "they were only those special attentions which were due to the queen of a bridal party/ Another consideration forced him to look in silence upon those liberties. His wife had taken no offence 130 GEORGIA SCENES at them. She either did not repel them at all, or she repelled them in such a good - humored way that she encouraged rather than prevented the repetition of them. For him, therefore, to have interposed would have been considered an act of supererogation. To the great delight of George, the parties ended, and the young couple set out on a visit to Lagrange, the residence of George s parents. On their way thither, Evelina was secluded, of course, from the gaze of every person but her husband ; and her attachment now became as much too ardent as it had before been too cold. If, at their stages, he left her for a moment, she was piqued at his coldness or distressed at his neglect. If he engaged in a conversation with an acquaintance or a stranger he was sure to be interrupted by his wife s waiting-maid, Flora, with "Miss V lina say, please go da, sir"; and when he went he always found her in tears or in a pet at having been neglected so long by him, " when he knew she had no friend or com panion to entertain her but himself." George had been long acquainted with the ladies of the houses at which they stopped. They all esteemed him, and were all anxious to be made acquainted with his wife ; but she could not be drawn from her room, from the time she entered a house until she rose to leave it. All her meals were taken in her room ; and George was rebuked by her because he would not follow her example. It was in vain that he reasoned with her upon the impropriety of chang- THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 131 ing his deportment to his old acquaintances im mediately after his marriage. He stated to her that the change would be attributed to pride ; that he should lose a number of humble_but valuable acquaintances, which, to a professional gentleman, is no small loss. But "she could not understand that a gentleman is at liberty to neglect his wife for humble but valuable ac quaintances. When they reached Lagrange they received as warm a welcome from George s parents as par ents laboring under their apprehensions could give ; but Mary and Martha, having nothing to mar their pleasures (for they had not been per mitted to know the qualifications which George s last letters had annexed to his first), received her with all the delight which the best hearts could feel at welcoming to the family, in the character of a sister, the beautiful, amiable, ac complished, intelligent, wealthy Miss Smith. In anticipation of her coming, the girls had brushed up their history, philosophy, geography, astrono my, and botany for her especial entertainment, or. rather, that they might appear a little at home when their new sister should invite them to a ramble over the fields of science. The la bor answered not its purpose, however ; Evelina would neither invite nor be invited to any such rambles. The news of George s arrival at Lagrange with his wife brought many of his rustic acquaintances to visit him. To many of them George was as a son or a brother, for he had been acquainted 132 GEORGIA SCENES with them from his earliest years, and he had a thousand times visited their habitations with the freedom with which he entered his father s. They met him, therefore, with unrestrained fa miliarity, and treated his wife as a part of him self. George had endeavored to prepare her for the plain, blunt, but honest familiarities of his early friends. He had assured her that, how ever rude they might seem, they were perfect ly innocent nay, they were tokens of guileless friendship; for the natural disposition of plain unlettered farmers was to keep aloof from "the quality," as they called the people of the town, and that by as much as they overcame this dis position, by so much did they mean to be under stood as evincing favor ; but Evelina profited but little by his lessons. The first visitor was old Mr. Dawson, who had dandled George on his knee a thousand times, and who, next to his father, was the sincerest male friend that George had living. "Well, Georgy," said the old man, "and you ve got married ?" " Yes, Uncle Sammy, and here s my wife. What do you think of her ?" " Why, she s a mighty pretty Greater ; but you d better took my Nance. She d ave made you another sort of wife to this pretty little soft creater." " I don t know, sir, "said Evelina, a little fiery, "how you can tell what sort of a wife a person will make whom you never saw. And I presume Mr. Baldwin is old enough to choose for himself." THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIPE 133 " Ah, well, now I knoio he d better ave took my Nance/ said the old man, with a dry smile. " Georgy, my son, I m afraid you ve got yourself into bad business ; but I wish you much happi ness, my boy. Come, Neighbor Baldwin, let s go take a look at your farm." "Oh no," said old Mr. Baldwin, "we will not go till I make my daughter better acquainted with you. She is unused to our country man ners, and therefore does not understand them. Evelina, my dear, Mr. Dawson is one of our best and kindest neighbors, and you and he must not break upon your first acquaintance. He was only joking George in what he said, and had no idea that you would take it seriously." "Well, sir," said Evelina, "if Mr. Dawson will say that he did not intend to wound my feelings, Fm willing to forgive him." " Oh, God love your pretty little soul of you," said the old man, "I didn t even know you had any feelings ; but as to the forgiving part, why, that s neither here nor there !" Here Evelina rose indignantly and left the room. " Well, Georgy, my son," continued the old man, " I m sorry your wife s so touchy ; but you mustn t forget old Daddy Dawson. Come, my boy, to our house, like you used to, when you and Sammy and Nancy used to sit round the bowl of buttermilk under the big oak that cov ered Mammy Dawson s dairy. I always think of poor Sammy when I see you" (brushing a tear from his eye with the back of his hand). "I m obliged to love you, you young dog ; and I want 134 GEORGIA SCENES to love your wife too, if she d let me ; but, be that as it may, Sammy s playmate won t forget Daddy Dawson will he, George ?" George could only say " Never !" with a filling eye, and the old men set out for the fields. Most of the neighbors who came to greet George upon his return to Lagrange shared Mr. "ANOTHER WOULD BUSS HER* BECAUSE SHE WAS GEORGE S WIFE" Dawson s fate. One wanted to span Evelina s waist, for he declared " she was the littlest creater round the waist he ever seed." Another would " buss her because she was George^s wife, and because it was the first chance he ever had in all his life to buss the quality." A third proposed a swap of wives with George, and all THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIPE 135 made some remark too blunt for Evelina s re fined ear. Having no tact for turning off these things playfully, and as little disposition to do so, she repelled them with a town dignity which soon relieved her of these intrusions, and in less than a week stopped the visits of George s first and warmest friends to his father s house. Her habits, views, and feelings agreeing in nothing with the family in which she was placed, Evelina was unhappy herself, and made all around her unhappy. Her irregular hours of retiring and rising, her dilatoriness in attend ing her meals, her continual complaints of in disposition, deranged all the regulations of the family, and begot such confusion in the house hold that even the elder Mrs. Baldwin occa sionally lost her equanimity; so that when Ev elina announced, a week before the appointed time, that she must return home, the intelligence was received with pleasure rather than pain. Upon their return home, George and his lady found a commodious dwelling handsomely fur nished for their reception. Mr. Smith presented him this in lieu of the check of which he had spoken before the marriage of his daughter ; and though the gift did not redeem the promise by 114,000, George was perfectly satisfied. Mrs. Smith added to the donation her own cook and carriage-driver. Flora, the maid, had been con sidered Evelina s from her infancy. Nothing could have been more agreeable to George than the news that greeted him on his arrival, that he was at liberty to name the day when he would 136 GEORGIA SCENES conduct Evelina to his own house ; for his last hope of happiness hung upon this last change of life. He allowed himself but two days after his return to lay in his store of provisions ; and on the third, at four in the afternoon, he led his wife to their mutual home. "To this moment, my dear Evelina," said George, as they seated themselves in their own habitation "to this moment have I looked for ward for many months with the liveliest interest. I have often figured to myself the happy hours that we should enjoy under the common roof, and I hope the hour has arrived when we will unite our endeavors to realize my fond anticipations. Let us, then, upon the commencement of a new life, interchange our pledges that we will each exert ourselves to promote the happiness of the other. In many respects, it must be acknoAvl- edged that our views and dispositions are differ ent ; but they will soon be assimilated by identity of interest, community of toil, and a frank and affectionate interchange of opinions, if we will but consent to submit to some little sacrifices in the beginning to attain this object. Now tell me, candidly and fearlessly, my Evelina, what would you have me be, and what would you have me do, to answer your largest wishes from your husband ?" "I would have you," said Evelina, "think more of me than all the world beside ; I would have you the first lawyer in the State ; I would have you overcome your dislike to such inno cent amusements as tea-parties and balls ; and THE "CHARMING CREATURE* AS A WIFE 137 I would have you take me to the Springs, or to New York or Philadelphia, every summer. Now what would you have me do ?" " I would have you rise when I do ; regulate your servants with system ; see that they per form their duties in the proper way and the proper time ; let all provisions go through your hands ; and devote your spare time to reading valuable works, painting, music, or any other improving employment or innocent recreation. Be thus, and I ivill think more of you than all the world beside 7 ; I will be the first lawyer in the State ; and after a few years, you shall visit the North or the Springs every summer/ if you desire it." " Lord, if I do all these things you mention I shall have no time for reading, music, or painting !" " Yes you will. My mother " Oh, for the Lord s sake, Mr. Baldwin, hush talking about your mother ! I m sick and tired of hearing you talk of tf my mother this, and my mother that ; and when I went to your house I didn t see that she got along a bit bet ter than my mother, except in her cooking ; and, that was only because your mother cooked the meats and your sisters made the pastry. I don t see the use of having servants if one must do everything herself." " My sisters make the pastry, to be sure ; be cause mother desires that they should learn how to do these things, that they may better super intend the doing of them when they get mar- 138 GEORGIA SCENES ried, and because she thinks such things should not pass through the hands of servants when it can be avoided ; but my mother never cooks." " She does, for I saw her lifting off a pot my self." " She does not " Here the entry of the cook stopped a contro versy that was becoming rather warm for the first evening at home. " I want the keys, Miss V lina, to get out supper," said the cook. " There they are, Aunt* Clary," said Evelina ; " try and have everything very nice." " My dear, I wouldn t send her to the provi sions unattended ; everything depends upon your commencing right " Hush !" said Evelina, with some agitation ; " I wouldn t have her hear you for the world. She d be very angry if she thought we suspected her honesty. Ma always gave her up the keys, and she says she never detected her in a theft in all her life." "Very well," said George, "we ll see." After a long waiting, the first supper made its appearance. It consisted of smoked tea, half- baked biscuit, butter, and sliced venison. " Why," said Evelina, as she sipped her first cup of tea, "this tea seems to me to be smoked. Here, Flora, throw it out and make some more. *"Aunt" and "mauma," or "maum," its abbrevia tion, are terms of respect commonly used by children to aged negroes. The first generally prevails in the up- country, and the second on the seaboard. THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 139 Oh, me ! the biscuit ain t done. Aunt Clary s made quite an unfortunate beginning. But I didn t want any supper do you ?" " I can do without it," said George, coldly, "if you can." " Well, let s not eat any, and that will be the very way to mortify Aunt Clary without making her mad. To-morrow I ll laugh at her for cheat ing us out of our supper, and she won t do so any more. The old creature has very tender feelings." " HI starve for a week to save Clary s feel ings/ said George, " if you will only quit aunt- ing her. How can you expect her to treat you or your orders with respect when you treat her as your superior ?" " Well, really, I can t see any great harm in treating aged people with respect, even if their skins are black." " I wish you had thought of that when you were talking to old Mr. Dawson. I should think he was entitled to as much respect as an infernal black wench !" This was the harshest expression that had ever escaped George s lips. Evelina could not stand it. She left the room, threw herself on a bed, and burst into tears. In the course of the night the matter was ad justed. The next morning George rose with the sun, and he tried to prevail upon his wife to do the same ; but " she could not see what was the use of her getting up so soon, just to set about doing 140 GEORGIA SCENES nothing "; and, to silence all further importuni ties then and after upon that score, she told him flatly she never would consent to rise at that hour. At half after eight she made her appearance, and breakfast came in. It consisted of muddy coffee, hard-boiled eggs, and hard-burnt biscuit. "Why, what has got into Aunt Clary," said Evelina, " that she cooks so badly ?" " Why, we mortified her so much, my dear, by eating no supper," said George, "that we have driven her to the opposite extreme. Let us now throw the breakfast upon her hands, except the coffee, and perhaps she ll be mortified back to a medium." "That s very witty, indeed," said Evelina; "you must have learned it from the amiable and accomplished Miss Nancy Dawson." This was an allusion which George could not withstand, and he reddened to scarlet. "Evelina," said he, "you are certainly the strangest being that I ever met with ; you are more respectful to negroes than to whites, and to everybody else than to your husband." "Because," returned she, "negroes treat me with more respect than some whites ; and every body else with more respect than my husband." George was reluctant to commence tightening the reins of discipline with his servants for the first few weeks of his mastership ; and therefore he bore in silence, but in anger, their idleness, their insolence, and their disgusting familiarities with his wife. He often visited the kitchen, un- THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 141 observed, of nights, and almost always found it thronged with gay company, revelling in all the daintiest of his closet, smoke-house, sideboard, and pantry. He communicated his discoveries to his wife, but she found no difficulty in ac counting satisfactorily for all that he had seen. " Clary s husband had always supplied her with everything she wanted. Flora had a hundred ways of getting money ; and Billy (the carriage- driver) was always receiving little presents from her and others." At the end of three weeks Aunt Clary an nounced that the barrel of flour was out. " Now," said George, " I hope you are satisfied that it is upon your flour, and not upon her husband s, that Aunt Clary gives her entertain ments." " Why, law me !" said Evelina, " I think it has lasted wonderfully. You recollect ma and pa have been here "most every day." " Had they boarded with us/ said George, " we could not have consumed a barrel of flour in three weeks." In quick succession came the news that the tea, coffee, and sugar were out ; all of which Evelina thought "had lasted wonderfully." It would be useless to recount the daily dif ferences of George and his wife. In nothing could they agree ; and the consequence was that at the end of six weeks they had come to downright quarrelling, through all which Evelina sought and received the sympathy of Miss Flora and Aunt Clary. 142 GEORGIA SCENES About this time the Superior Court commenced its session in the city ; and a hundred like favors, received from the judge and the bar, imposed upon George the absolute necessity of giving a dinner to his brethren. He used every precau tion to pass it off well. He gave his wife four days notice ; he provided everything himself, of the best that the town could afford ; he became all courtesy and affection to his wife, and all respect and cheerfulness to Aunt Clary, in the interim. He promised all the servants a hand some present each if they would acquit them selves well upon this occasion, and charged them all, over and over, to remember that the time between two and half-past three was all that the bar could allow to his entertainment ; and, con sequently, dinner must be upon the table precise ly at two. The day came and the company assembled. Evelina, attired like a queen, received them in the drawing-room, and all were delighted with her. All were cheerful, talkative, and happy. Two o clock came, and no dinner ; a quarter af ter, and no dinner. The conversation began to flag a little. Half -past two rolled round, and no dinner. Conversation sank to temperate, and George rose to intemperate. Three - quarters past two came, but no dinner. Conversation sank to freezing, and George rose to fever heat. At this interesting moment, while he was sauntering every way, George sauntered near his wife, who was deeply engaged in a conversation with his brother Paine, a grave, intelligent young THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 143 man, and he detected her in the act of repeating, verbatim et literatim, the pretty sentences which first subdued his heart. " Good Lord !" muttered George to himself ; "Jenkinson, in the Vicar of Wakefield, with his one sentence of learning revived !" He rushed out of the room in order to inquire what delayed dinner ; and on leaving the dining- room was met at the door by Flora with two pale-blue, dry, boiled fowls, boiled almost to dis memberment, upon a dish large enough to con tain a goodly -sized shote, their legs sticking straight out, with a most undignified straddle, and bowing with a bewitching grace and elastic ity to George with every step that Flora made. Behind her followed Billy, with a prodigious roast turkey, upon a dish that was almost con cealed by its contents, his legs extended like the fowls, the back and sides burned to a crisp, and the breast raw. The old gentleman was hand somely adorned with a large black twine neck lace ; and through a spacious window that, by chance or design, the cook had left open the light poured into his vacant cavity gloriously. George stood petrified at the sight ; nor did he wake from his stupor of amazement until he was roused by a burned round of beef and a raw leg of mutton making by him for the same port in which the fowls and turkey had been moored. He rushed into the kitchen in a fury. " You infernal heifer !" said he to Aunt Clary ; " what kind of cooking is this you re setting before my company ?" 144 GEORGIA SCENES " Eli eh ! Name o God, Mas George ; how anybody gwine cook t/ing good when you hurry em so ?" George looked for something to throw at her head, but fortunately found nothing. He returned to the house, and found his wife entertaining the company with a never-ending sonata on the piano. Dinner was at length announced, and an awful sight it was when full spread. George made as good apologies as he could, but his wife was not in the least disconcerted ; indeed, she seemed to assume an air of self-complaisance at the pro fusion and richness which crowned her board. The gentlemen ate but little, owing, as they said, to their having all eaten a very hearty breakfast that morning. George followed his guests to the Court-house, craved a continuance of his cases for the evening on the ground of in disposition, and it was granted, with an unac countable display of sympathy. He returned home and embarked in a quarrel with his wife, which lasted until Evelina s exhausted nature sank to sleep under it, at three the next morning. George s whole character now became com pletely revolutionized. Universal gloom over spread his countenance. He lost his spirits, his energy, his life, his temper, his everything en nobling ; and he had just begun to surrender himself to the bottle, when an accident occurred which revived his hopes of happiness with his wife, and determined him to make one more ef fort to bring her into his views. THE "CHARMING CREATURE" AS A WIFE 145 Mr. Smith, by an unfortunate investment in cotton, failed ; and, after a bungling attempt to secrete a few thousand dollars from his creditors (for he knew George too well to claim his assist ance in such a matter), he was left without a dol lar that he could call his own. Evelina and her parents all seemed as if they would go crazy un der the misfortune ; and George now assumed the most affectionate deportment to his wife and the most soothing demeanor to her parents. The parents were completely won to him ; and his wife, for once, seemed to feel towards him as she should. George availed himself of this moment to make another and the last attempt to reform her habits and sentiments. " My dear Evelina," said he, " we have noth ing now to look to but our own exertions for a support. This, and indeed affluence, lies within our reach if we will but seek them in a proper way. You have only to use industry and care within -doors, and I without, to place us, in a very few years, above the frowns of fortune. AVe have only to consult each other s happiness to make each other happy. Come, then, my love, forgetting our disgraceful bickerings, let us now commence a new life. Believe me, there is 110 being on this earth that my heart can love as it can you, if you will but claim its affections ; and you know how to command them." Thus, at much greater length, and with much more tenderness, did George address her. His appeal had, for a season, its desired effect. Evelina rose with him, retired with him, read with him. 10 146 GEORGIA SCENES She took charge of the keys, dealt out the stores with her own hand, visited the kitchen ; in short, she became everything George could wish or ex pect from one of her inexperience. Things im mediately wore a new aspect. George became himself again. He recommenced his studies with redoubled assiduity. The community saw and delighted in the change, and the bar began to tremble at his giant strides in his profession. But, alas ! his bliss was doomed to a short dura tion. Though Evelina saw, and felt, and ac knowledged the advantages and blessings of her new course of conduct, she had to preserve it by a struggle against nature ; and, at the end of three months, nature triumphed over resolution, and she relapsed into her old habits. George now surrendered himself to drink and to despair, and died the drunkard s death. At another time I may perhaps give the melancholy account of his ruin in detail, tracing its consequences down to the moment at which I am now writing. Should this time never arrive, let the fate of my poor nephew be a warning to mothers against bringing up their daughters to be "charming creatures. " BALDWIN. THE GANDER-PULLING IN the year 1798 I resided in the city of Au gusta,, and, upon visiting the market-house one morning in that year,, my attention was called to the following notice, stuck upon one of the pil lars of the building : " advurtysement. " Thos woo Avish To be inform heareof, is heareof notyfide that edwd. Prator will giv a gander-pullin, jis this side of harisburg, on Sat- terday of thes prcssents munth to All woo mout wish to partak tharof. "e Prator, thos wishin to purtak will cum yearly, as the pullin will begin soon. c. p." If I am asked why " jis this side of harisburg " was selected for the promised feat instead of the city of Augusta, I answer from conjecture, but with some confidence, because the ground chosen was near the central point between four rival towns, the citizens of all which mout wish to partak tharof"; namely, Augusta, Springfield, Harrisburg, and Campbellton. Not that each 148 GEORGIA SCENES was the rival of all the others, but that the first and the last were competitors, and each of the others backed the pretensions of its nearest neighbor. Harrisburg sided with Campbellton, not because she had any interest in seeing the busi ness of the two States centre upon the bank of the river, nearly opposite to her, but because, like the "Union Democratic Republican Party of Georgia," she thought, after the adoption of the Federal Constitution, that the several towns of the confederacy should no longer be " separated" by the distinction of local party ; but that, lay ing down all former prejudices and jealousies as a sacrifice on the altar of their country, they should become united in a single body, for the maintenance of those principles which they deemed essential to the public welfare. Springfield, on the other hand, espoused the State Rights creed. She admitted that, under the Federal Compact, she ought to love the sis ter States very much ; but that, under the Social Compact, she ought to love her own State a little more ; and she thought the two compacts per fectly reconcilable to each other. Instead of the towns of the several States getting into single bodies to preserve the public welfare, her doc trine was, that they should be kept in separate bodies to preserve the private welfare. She ad mitted frankly that, living, as she always had lived, right amid gullies, vapors, fogs, creeks, and lagoons, she was wholly incapable of com prehending that expansive kind of benevolence which taught her to love people whom she knew THE GANDER-PULLING 149 nothing about as much as her next-door neigh bors and friends. Until, therefore, she should learn it from the practical operation of the Fed eral Compact, she would stick to the old-fash ioned Scotch love, which she understood per fectly, and "go in" for Augusta, live or die, hit or miss, right or wrong. As in the days of Mr. Jefferson the Springfield doctrines prevailed, Campbellton was literally nullified; insomuch that ten years ago there was not a house left to mark the spot where once flourished this active, busy little village. Those who are curi ous to know where Springfield stood at the time of which I am speaking have only to take their position at the intersection of Broad and Mar- bury streets, in the city of Augusta, and they will be in the very heart of old Springfield. Sixty steps west and as many east of this position will measure the whole length of the Jefferso- nian republican village, which never boasted of more than four dwelling-houses ; and Broad Street measures its width, if we exclude kitchens and stables. And, while upon this subject, since it has been predicted by a man for whose opinions I entertain the profoundest respect* (especially since the prediction) that my writings will be read with increased interest a hundred years to come, and as I can see no good reason, if this be true, why they should not be read a thousand years hence with more interest, I will take the liberty of dropping a word here to the curious * The editor of the Hickory Nut. 150 GEORGIA SCENES reader of the year 1933. He will certainly wish to know the site of Harrisburg (seeing it is doomed, at no distant period, to share the fate of Springfield) and of Campbellton. Supposing, then, that if the great fire in Au- gusta on the 3d of April, 1829, did not destroy that city nothing will, I select this as a per manent ohject. In 1798, Campbell Street was the western verge of Augusta, a limit to which it had ad vanced but a few years before, from Jackson Street. Thence to Springfield led a large road, now built up on either side, and forming a con tinuation of Broad Street. This road was cut across obliquely by a deep gully, the bed of which was an almost impassable bog, which en tered the road about one hundred yards below Collock Street on the south, and left it about thirty yards below Collock Street on the north side of now Broad Street. It was called Camp bell s Gully, from the name of the gentleman through whose possessions and near whose dwell ing it wound its way to the river. Following the direction of Broad Street from Springfield west ward, 1347 yards will bring you to Harrisburg, which had nothing to boast of over Springfield but a warehouse for the storage of tobacco, then the staple of Georgia. Continue the same di rection 700 yards, then face to your right hand, and follow your nose directly across Savan nah River, and, upon ascending the opposite bank, you will be in the busiest part of Camp bellton in 1798. Between Harrisburg and Spring- THE GANDER -PULLIN& l5l field, and 1143 yards from the latter, there runs a stream which may be perpetual. At the time just mentioned it flowed between banks twelve or fourteen feet high, and was then called, as it still is, "Hawk s Gully."* Now Mr. Prator, like the most successful poli tician of the present day, was on all sides in a doubtful contest ; and, accordingly, he laid off his gander-pulling ground on the nearest suita ble unappropriated spot to the centre point be tween Springfield and Harrisburg. This was be tween Harrisburg and Hawk s Gully, to the south of the road, and embraced part of the road, but within 100 yards of Ilarrisburg. When " Satterday of thos pressents munth " rolled round, I determined to go to the gander- pulling. When I reached the spot, a considera ble number of persons, of different ages, sexes, sizes, and complexions, had collected from the rival towns and the country around. But few females were there, however, and those few were from the lowest walks of life. A circular path of about forty yards diame ter had already been laid out ; over which, from two posts about ten feet apart, stretched a rope, the middle of which was directly over the path. The rope hung loosely, so as to allow it, with the weight of a gander attached to it, to vibrate in an arc of four or five feet span, and so as to bring * It took its name from an old man by the name of Hawk, who lived in a log hut on a small knoll on the eastern side of the gully and about a hundred yards south of the Harrisburg road. 152 GEORGIA SCENES the breast of the gander within barely easy reach of a man of middle stature upon a horse of com mon size. A hat was now handed to such as wished to enter the list ; and they threw into it twenty- five cents each. This sum was the victor s prize. The devoted gander was now produced ; and Mr. Prator, having first tied his feet together with a strong cord, proceeded to the neck-greas ing. Abhorrent as it may be to all who respect the tenderer relations of life, Mr*. Prator had actually prepared a gourd of ^/oose-grease for this very purpose. For myself, when I saw Ned dip his hands into the grease, and commence strok ing down the feathers from breast to head, my thoughts took a melancholy turn. They dwelt in sadness upon the many conjugal felicities which had probably been shared between the yreasess and the greasee. I could see him as he stood by her side, through many a chilly day and cheerless night, when she was warming into life the offspring of their mutual loves, and repelled, with chivalrous spirit, every invasion of the con secrated spot which she had selected for her in cubation. I could see him moving with patri archal dignity by the side of his loved one, at the head of a smiling, prattling group the rich re ward of their mutual care to the luxuries of the meadow or to the recreations of the pool. And now, alas ! an extract from the smoking sacrifice of his bosom friend was desecrated to the unholy purpose of making his neck "a fit object" for Cruelty to reach "her quick, unerring fingers THE GANDER-PULLING 153 at." Ye friends of the sacred tie ! judge what were my feelings when, in the midst of these re flections, the voice of James Prator thundered on mine ear, "Darn his old dodging soul ! Brother Ned, grease his neck till a fly can t light on it I" Ned, having fulfilled his brother Jim s request as well as he could, attached the victim of his cruelty to the rope, directly over the path. On each side of the gander was stationed a man, whose office it was to lash forward any . horse which might linger there for a moment ; for, by the rules of the ring, all pulling was to be done at a brisk canter. The word was now given for the competitors to mount and take their places in the ring. Eight appeared : tall Zubley Zin, mounted upon Sally Spitfire ; Arch (Mum, mounted on Bull and Ingons (onions) ; Nathan Perdew, on Hell cat ; James Dickson, on Nigger ; David Will iams, on Gridiron ; fat John Fulger, on Slouch ; Gorham Bostwick, on Gimlet ; and Turner Ham mond, on Possum. " Come, gentlemen," said Commandant Prator, " fall in. All of you git behind one another, sort o in a row." All came into the track very kindly but Sally Spitfire and Gridiron. The former, as soon as she saw a general movement of horses, took it for granted there was mischief brewing, and, be cause she could not tell where it lay, she con cluded it lay everywhere, and therefore took fright at everything. Gridiron was a grave horse ; but a suspicious 154 GEORGIA SCENES eye which he cast to the right and left, wherever he moved,, showed that "he was wide awake," and that "nobody better not go fooling with him/ as his owner sometimes used to say. He took a sober but rather intense view of things ; insomuch that, in his contemplations, he passed over the track three times before he could be prevailed upon to stop in it. He stopped at last, however ; and when he was made to under stand that this was all that was required of him for the present, he surrendered his suspicions at once, with a countenance which seemed plainly to say, " Oh, if this is all you want, Fve no ob jection to it !" It was long before Miss Spitfire could be pre vailed upon to do the like. " Get another horse, Zube," said one ; " Sal will never do for a gander-pullin ." " I won t," said Zube. " If she won t do, Til make her do. I want a nag that goes off with a spring ; so that, when I get a hold, she ll cut the neck in two like a steel- trap." At length Sally was rather flung than coaxed into the track, directly ahead of Gridiron. "Now, gentlemen," said the master of the ceremonies, "no man s to make a grab till all s been once round ; and when the first man are got round, then the whole twist and tucking of you grab away as you come under (Look here, Jim Fulger ! you better not stand too close to that gander, I tell you !) one after another. Now blaze away !" (the command for an onset of every kind with people of this order). THE GANDER PULLING 155 Off they went, Miss Sally delighted ; for she now thought the whole parade would end in nothing more nor less than her favorite amuse ment, a race. But Gridiron s visage pronounced this the most nonsensical business that ever a horse of sense was engaged in since the world began. For the first three rounds Zubley was wholly occupied in restraining Sally to her place ; but he lost nothing by this, for the gander had es caped unhurt. On completing his third round, Zube reached forth his long arm, grabbed the gander by the neck with a firmness which seem ed likely to defy goose-grease, and at the same instant he involuntarily gave Sally a sudden check. She raised her head, which before had been kept nearly touching her leader s hocks, and for the first time saw the gander in the act of descending upon her ; at the same moment she received two pealing lashes from the whip- pers. The way she now broke for Springfield " is nothing to nobody. As Zube dashed down the road, the whole circus raised a whoop after him. This started about twenty dogs, hounds, curs, and pointers in full chase of him (for no one moved without his dog in those days). The dogs alarmed some belled cattle, which were grazing on Zube s path, just as he reached them; these joined him, with tails up and a tremendous rattling. Just beyond these went three tobacco- rollers, at distances of fifty and a hundred yards apart, each of whom gave Zube a terrific whoop, scream, or yell as he passed. 156 GEORGIA SCENES He went in and out of Hawk s Gully like a trap-ball, and was in Springfield " in less than no time." Here he was encouraged onward by a new recruit of dogs ; but they gave up the chase as hopeless before they cleared the village. Just beyond Springfield, what should Sally encoun ter but a flock of geese the tribe to which she owed all her misfortunes. She stopped sudden ly, and Zube went over her head with the last acquired velocity. He was up in a moment, and the activity with which he pursued Sally satisfied every spectator that he was unhurt. Gridiron, who had witnessed Miss Sally s treatment with astonishment and indignation, resolved not to pass between the posts until the whole matter should be explained to his satisfac tion. He therefore stopped short, and, by very intelligible looks, demanded of the whippers whether, if he passed between them, he was to be treated as Miss Spitfire had been ? The whippers gave him no satisfaction, and his rider signified, by reiterated thumps of the heel, that he should go through whether he would or not. Of these, however, Gridiron seemed to know nothing. In the midst of the conference, Grid iron s eye lit upon the oscillating gander, and every moment s survey of it begot in him a grow ing interest, as his slowly rising head, suppress ed breath, and projected ears plainly evinced. After a short examination, he heaved a sigh, and looked behind him to see if the way was clear. It was plain that his mind was now made up ; but, to satisfy the world that he would do THE GANDER-PULLING 157 nothing rashly, he took another view, and then wheeled and went for Harrisburg as if he had set in for a year s running. Nobody whooped at Gridiron, for all saw that his running was purely the result of philosophic deduction. The reader will not suppose all this consumed half the time which has been consumed in telling it, though it might have been so without interrupt ing the amusement ; for Miss Spitfire s flight had completely suspended it for a time. The remaining competitors now went on with the sport. A few rounds showed plainly that Odum or Bostwick would be the victor ; but which, no one could tell. Whenever either of them came round the gander s neck was sure of a severe wrench. Many a half-pint of Jamaica was staked upon them, besides other things. The poor gander withstood many a strong pull before his wailings ceased. At length, however, they were hushed by Odum. Then came Bost wick, and broke the neck. The next grasp of Odum, it was thought, would bear away the head ; but it did not. Then Bostwick was sure of it ; but he missed it. Now Odum must sure ly have it. All is interest and animation; the horses sweep round with redoubled speed ; every eye is upon Odum, his backers smiling, Bost- wick s trembling. To the rope he comes, lifts his hand, when, lo ! fat John Fulger had borne it away the second before. All were astonished, all disappointed, and some were vexed a little ; for it was now clear that "if it hadn t V been for his great, fat,. greasy paw/ to use their own 158 GEORGIA SCENES language, "(Mum would have gained the vic tory." Others cursed "that long-legged Zube Zin, who was so high he didn t know when his feet were cold, for bringing such a nag as Sal Spitfire to a gander-pullen ; for if he d V been in his place it would V flung Bostwick right where that gourd o hog s lard (Fulger) was." Fulger s conduct was little calculated to rec oncile them to their disappointment. "Come here, Neddy Prator," said he, with a triumphant smile ; " let your uncle Johnny put his potato-stealer [hand] into that hat and tickle the chins of them are shiners a little ! Oh, you little shining sons o b s ! walk into your Mas Johnny s pocket, and jingle so as Arch Odum and Gory Bostwick may hear you ! You hear em, Gory ? Boys, don t pull with men any more. I ve jist got my hand in ; I wish I had a pondful o ganders here now, jist to show how I could make their heads fly. Bet all I ve won, you may hang three upon that rope and I ll set Slouch at full speed, and take- off the heads of all three the first grab two with my hands and one with my teeth." Thus he went on, but really there was no boasting in all this, it was all fun ; for John knew, and all were convinced that he knew, that his success was entirely the result of accident. John was really "a good-natured fellow," and his cavorting had an effect directly opposite to that which the reader would suppose it had ; it reconciled all to their disappointment save one. I except little Billy Mixen, of Spirit Creek, who THE GANDER PULLING 159 had staked the net proceeds of six quarts of huckleberries* upon (Mum, which he had been long keeping for a safe bet. He could not be reconciled until he fretted himself into a pretty little piny-woods fight, in which he got whipped, and then he went home perfectly satisfied. Ful- ger spent all his winnings with Prator in treats to the company, made most of them drunk, and thereby produced four Georgia rotations ;\ after which all parted good friends. * I give them their Georgia name. I should hardly be understood if I called them whortleberries. \ I borrowed this term from Jim Inman at the time. " Why, Jim," said I to him, just as he rose from a fight, " what have you been doing ?" "Oh," said he, " nothing but taking a little rotation with Bob M Manus." HALL. THE BALL BEIXG on a visit to the city of - - about ten years ago, my old friend Jack De Bathle gave me an invitation to a ball, of which he was one of the managers. Jack had been the com panion of my childhood, my boyhood, and my early manhood ; and through many a merry dance had we hopped, and laughed, and tumbled down together in the morning of life. Dancing was really, in those days, a merry-making busi ness. Except the minuet, which was introduced only to teach us the graces, and the congo, which was only to chase away the solemnities of the minuet, it was all a jovial, heart -stirring, foot- stirring amusement. We had none of your mathematical cotillons ; none of your immodest waltzes ; none of your detestable, disgusting gallopades. The waltz would have crimsoned the cheek of every young lady who attended a ball in my day ; and had the gallopade been commenced in the ballroom, it would have been ended in the street. I am happy to say that the waltz has met with but very little encourage ment in Georgia as yet ; the gallopade with none. Ye fair of my native land ! ye daughters of a modest race ! blush them away from the soil, THE BALL 161 which your mothers honored by their example and consecrated with their ashes ! Born to woman s loftiest destinies, it ill becomes yon to stoop from your high estate to ape the indecen cies of Europe s slaves. It is yours to command, not to obey. Let vice approach you in what form she may as the handmaid of wit and talents, the mistress of courts, or the queen of fashion fail not to meet her with the frown of indignant virtue and the flush of offended modesty. There is a majesty in these which has ever command ed her homage. There is a loveliness in these which will ever command the admiration of the world. The interest which I feel in the charac ter of the fair daugters of America is my apology for this sober digression. Though De Bathle is but two months youuger than I am, he still dances occasionally; and to this circumstance in part, but more particularly to the circumstance of his being a married man, is to be ascribed his appointment of manager the custom now being to have one-third or one- half the managers married men. This would be a great improvement on the management of balls hi olden time could the married men only manage to keep out of the card-room. Would they take the direction of the amusement into their hands, their junior colleagues would then have an opportunity of sharing the pleasures of the evening, a privilege which they seldom en joy as things are now conducted. However, married men are not appointed with the expec tation that they will perform the duties of the 11 162 GEORGIA SCENES office, but to quiet the scruples of some half- dozen or more "charming creatures" who, though they never fail to attend a ball, will not condescend to do so until they are perfectly satisfied it is to be conducted with the utmost gravity, dignity, decorum, and propriety. For these assurances they look first to "the face of the paper" (the ball-ticket); and if they do not find on it a goodly number of responsible names (such as, by reasonable presumption, are Avell broke to petticoat government), they protest against it, tell a hundred amiable little fibs to conceal the cause of their opposition, torture two or three beaux half to death with suspense, and finally conclude to go "just to keep from giv ing offence. 7 But if the endorsers be "potent, grave, and reverend seigniors," schooled as afore said, why, then, one difficulty is at least removed; for though it is well known that these are "en dorsers without recourse in the first instance," it is equally well known that they may be ulti mately made liable ; for if the juniors fail to fulfil their engagements a lady has nothing to do but to walk into the card-room, take a senior by the nape of the neck, lead him into the ball room, present her ticket Avith his name upon it in the presence of the witnesses there assembled, and she is sure of ample satisfaction. When De Bathle and I reached the ballroom, a large number of gentlemen had already as sembled. They all seemed cheerful and hap py. Some walked in couples up and down the ballroom, and talked with great volubility ; but THE BALL 163 not one of them understood a word that himself or his companion said. " Ah, sir, how do you know that ?" Because the speakers showed plainly by their looks and actions that their thoughts were run ning upon their own personal appearance, and upon the figure they would cut before the ladies when they should arrive, and not upon the sub ject of the discourse. And, furthermore, their conversation was like that of one talking in his sleep ; without order, sense, or connection. The hearer always made the speaker repeat in sen tences and half -sentences, often interrupting him with "What ?" before he had proceeded three words in a remark ; and then laughed affected ly, as though he saw in the senseless, unfinished sentence a most excellent joke. Then would come his reply, which could not be forced into connection with a word that he had heard ; and in the course of which he was treated with pre cisely the civility which he had received. And yet they kept up the conversation with lively in terest as long as I listened to them. Others employed themselves in commenting good-humoredly upon each other s dresses and figure, while some took steps awkwardly. In the meantime, the three junior managers met and agreed upon the parts which they were to perform. Herein I thought they were unfort unate. To Mr. Flirt, a bustling, fidgety, restless little man, about five feet two and a half inches high, was assigned the comparatively easy task of making out and distributing the numbers. Mr. 164 GEORGIA SCENES. Crouch, a good - humored,, sensible, but rather unpolished gentleman, undertook to attend the carriages, and to transport their precious treas ures to the ballroom, where Mr. Dupree was to receive them, and see to their safe-keeping until the dancing commenced. The parts of the mar ried men, up to the opening of the ball, was set tled by common law. They were to keep a sharp lookout, lend a helping hand in case of emer gency, drink plenty of wine, see that other gen tlemen, particularly strangers, did the same, and, finally, to give any gentleman who might have come to the ball encumbered with a little loose change an opportunity of relieving himself. Things were thus arranged, Crouch standing with a group of gentlemen, of which I was one, in the entry leading to the ballroom, when Mr. Flirt broke upon us, as if the whole town were on fire, and all the ******* had risen, with " Good God, Crouch ! there s Mrs. Mushy s carriage at the door, full of ladies, and not a manager there to receive them ! Fll swear it is too bad !" "Horrible !" said Crouch ; and away he went. But Mrs. Mushy, with Miss Feedle and Miss Deedle, had reached the foot of the stairs un attended before Crouch, or even Flirt, who was considerable in advance of him, met them. Mrs. Mushy, who was a lady of very full habit, looked hufrishly as Flirt took her hand, and Miss Feedle and Miss Deedle blushed sarcastically. Flirt made a hundred apologies, and Crouch looked first at Mrs. Mushy, then at Flirt, and tittered. " What a lovely figure Mrs. Mushy is !" said he, as he THE BALL 165 turned off from delivering his charge to Du- pree. " Oh, Mr. Crouch/ said Flirt, " if you begin making your fun of the ladies already, we d bet ter break up the ball at once. By Heaven, it s a shame !" " Upon my honor, Mr. Flirt," said Crouch, " I think she s beautiful. I always liked a light and airy figure, particularly for a ballroom." By this time Dupree had joined us. Flirt left us, obviously in a pet ; but we hardly missed him before back he rushed from the ballroom, ex claiming, " Why, gracious heavens, Dupree ! there are those three ladies sitting in the ball room and not a gentleman in the room to enter tain them ! Do go and introduce some of the gentlemen to them, if you please." " Flugens !" said Dupree, "what an over sight !" and off he went for entertainers. After several ineffectual attempts he at length pre vailed on Mr. Noozle and Mr. Boozle to be made acquainted with the ladies. Mr. N. seated himself to the right of Miss F., and Mr. B. to the left of Miss D.; Mrs. M. oc cupying a seat between the girls, and looking, for all the world, as if she thought, "Well, this is the last ball I ll ever attend, unless it s a little better managed." But the young ladies looked like a May morning as soon as the gentlemen approached. After a pause of two minutes : " It s a very pleasant evening," said Mr. Noozle to Miss Feedle. " Delightful," said Miss Feedle to Mr. Noozle. 166 GEORGIA SCENES "It s a delightful evening," said Miss Deedle to Mr. Boozle. " Very pleasant/ said Mr. Boozle to Miss Deedle. " I thought there were some married managers of the ball," said Mrs. Mushy, emphatically. Here ensued a long pause. " Are you fond of dancing ?" said Mr. Noozle. "Ah ! what s that you say, Noozle," said Boozle " you are not fond of dancing ? Come, come, that ll never do. You tip the pigeon-wing too well for that." "You quite misapprehend me, sir," returned Mr. Noozle. " Mine was not a declaration touch ing in the remotest degree my personal predilec tions or antipathies, but a simple interrogatory to Miss Feedle. No, sir ; though I cannot lay claim to the proficiency of Noverre in the saltant art, I am, nevertheless, extravagantly fond of danc ing ; too much so, I fear, for one who has but just commenced the viginti lucubrationes annorum, as that inimitable and fascinating expositor of the elements of British jurisprudence, Sir William Blackstone, observes. To reach these high at tainments in forensic Here the young gentlemen were forced to re sign their seats to a number of ladies who now entered the ballroom. " What an intelligent young gentleman !" said Miss Feedle. " I declare I must set my cap for him." "I think the other much the most interesting of the two," said Miss Deedle. " He s too affect- THE BALL 167 ed, and too fond of showing off his learning. What did he call that inimitable expositor"? Jinny Cmshionis." The seats were soon filled with ladies ; almost all of whom (except Mrs. Mushy) entered the room in the same style, which seemed to have been strictly copied from the movement of the killdee. They took their seats with precisely the motion with which the schoolgirls in my younger days used to make " cheeses," as they called them, with their frocks. The musicians were all blacks, but neatly dressed. The band consisted of three perform ers on the violin, one on the clarinet, one on the tambourine, and one on the triangle. The ladies ceased coming, and nothing seemed now wanting to begin the amusement but the distribution of the numbers ; but Mr. Flirt was running up and down stairs every minute after no one knew what ; and with great anxiety- no one knew why. He would enter the room, look the ladies all over, then down he would go ; then return and go through the same evolutions. The band struck up a spirit -stirring tune, in which the tambourine-player distinguished him self. For dignified complacency of countenance, under his own music, he rivalled Mr. Jenkins; and he performed the rattlesnake note with his middle finger in a style which threw Miss Crump entirely in the shade. The band ceased, and the inquiry became general, "Why doesn t the drawing begin ?" but Mr. Flirt still kept up his anxious movements. 168 GEORGIA SCENES "In the name of sense, Flirt,," said Crouch, impatiently, as the little man was taking a third survey of the ladies, " what are you bobbing up and down stairs for ? Why don t you distribute the tickets ?" "Oh/ 7 said Flirt, "it s early yet. Let s wait for Miss Gilt and Miss Rino. I know they re coming, for Mr. Posy and Mr. Tulip told me they saw them dressed, and their carriages at the door, an hour ago." "Blast Miss Gilt and Miss Rino!" returned Crouch. "Is the whole company to be kept waiting for them ? Now, sir, if the tickets are not handed round in three minutes I ll announce to the company that Mr. Flirt will permit no dancing until Miss Gilt and Miss Rino shall think proper to honor us with their presence." "Oh, zounds!" said Flirt, "I m not waiting for them. I thought it was too early to begin the drawing. It s quite unfashionable in New York to commence drawing before nine o clock." (Miss R. s father was computed at a cool hundred and fifty, and Miss G. s at a round hundred thousand.) In a few minutes the tickets were distributed, and Mr. Flirt proceeded to call, "No. 1 First Cotillon," with most imposing majesty. Then numbers 2, 3, and 4 of the same ; then No. 1 of the second, and so on. Five sets of cotillons could occupy the floor at a time, and Flirt had just called No. 2 of the fifth, when Miss Rino entered the room, and im mediately afterwards Miss Gilt. Flirt had put THE BALL 169 two supernumerary tickets in the hat, in antici pation of their coming ; and, forgetting every thing else, he suspended the calling, and rushed to deliver them as soon as the ladies made their appearance. lie went to Miss Rino first as she entered first but she was obviously piqued at seeing the sets on the floor before her arrival. She refused to take a number, declaring (very sweetly) that she left home with no idea of dancing. Flirt insist ed, earnestly and prettily, upon her taking a number ; but she hesitated, looked in the hat, then looked at Flirt bewitchingly, and declared she did not wish to dance. In the meantime Miss Gilt began to feel her self slighted, and she said, in a pretty, audible tone, "As for her part, she would like very well to draw a number if she could be permitted to do so." Several gentlemen who had gathered around her hastened to Flirt to remind him of the indignity which he was offering to Miss Gilt ; but before they reached him Miss Rino drew No. 3 of the fifth cotillon from the hat. Unfortunately, Crouch s patience had worn out just before Miss R. made up her mind to take a ticket, and he took the office which Flirt had abdicated. He called No. 3 twice, but the call was not responded to. He then called No. 4, when Miss Jones appeared and took her place. He next called No. 1 of the sixth set, when a lady appeared, which completed the cotillon. The last lady had but just taken her place when Miss Rino, led on by Mr. Noozle, advanced, and an- 170 GEORGIA SCENES nounced that hers was No. 3 of the fifth set. Miss Jones was instinctively retiring from die august presence of Miss Kino when she was stop ped by Crouch with " Keep your place, Miss Jones ; I think you are entitled to it/ " Isn t this No. 3 of the fifth cotillon ?" said Miss Rino, holding out her ticket to Mr. Crouch. (( Yes, miss/ said Crouch, "but I think it has forfeited its place. Indeed, I do not think it was even drawn when Miss Jones took her place. This drew from Miss Rino the expression of countenance which immediately precedes a sneeze. "Upon every principle of equity and justice," said Mr. Boozle, " Miss Rino is entitled to " Music !" said Crouch. "Hands round!" said the fiddler; and the whole band struck into something like "The Dead March." " This matter shall not end here," said Noozle, as he led Miss Rino back to her seat. " Oh, Mr. Noozle," returned Miss Rino, "don t think anything of it ! I declare I had not the least wish in the world to dance. Surely you would not object to anything the polite and ac complished Mr. Crouch would do !" Noozle walked the floor in portentous abstrac tion, wiped his face with terrific emphasis, and knocked his hair back with the slap belligerent. The ladies who were not dancing became alarmed and sedate (Miss Gilt excepted); the gentlemen collected in groups, and carried on an animated conversation. As all but myself who THE BALL 171 could give a correct version of the affair were engaged in the dance, the Noozle party had gained over to their side most of the company present before the dance ended. After various inquiries,, rumors, and corrections, the company generally settled down upon the following state ment, as confirmed by the joint testimony of Kino, Flirt, and Noozle : " Crouch had an old spite against Miss Rino for nothing at all ; began cursing and abusing her because she was not the first lady in the room ; refused to wait two minutes for her ar rival ; as soon as he saw her enter the ballroom, usurped Mr. Flirt s appointment, and com menced calling the numbers on purpose to cut her out. She, seeing his object, snatched up a number and rushed to her place ; but it was oc cupied by Miss Jones, who, seeing the superior ity of her claims, offered to give way, and was actually retiring when Crouch seized her by the arm, jerked her back, and said, Keep your place, miss ! You re entitled to it, if Miss Rino lias got the number ; and you shall have it/ And when Mr. Noozle was pleading with him just to look at Miss Kino s ticket, he just turned upon his heel and called for the music. This was all reported to Crouch, as confirmed by the trio before men tioned. He pronounced it all an infamous lie, from beginning to end, and was with difficulty re strained from going immediately after Flirt, to pick him up, as he said, and wear him out upon Noozle. As soon as the first cotillon ended, the Crouch 172 GEORGIA SCENES party began to gain ground ; but not without warm words between several gentlemen, and a general depression of spirits through the com pany. The dancing of the ladies was, with few excep tions, much after the same fashion. I found not the least difficulty in resolving it into the three motions of a turkey-cock strutting, a sparrow- hawk lighting, and a duck walking. Let the reader suppose a lady beginning a strut at her own place, and ending it (precisely as does the turkey-cock) three feet nearer the gentleman op posite her ; then giving three sparrow-hawk bobs, and then waddling back to her place like a duck, and he will have a pretty correct idea of their dancing. Not that the three movements were blended at every turn of the dance, but that one or more of the three answered to every turn. The strut prevailed most in balancing ; the bobs, when balanced to ; and the waddle, when going round. To all this Mrs. Mushy was an excep tion. When she danced, every particle of her danced, in spite of herself. There was as little variety in the gentlemen s dancing as there was in the ladies . Any one who has seen a gentleman clean mud off his shoes on a door-mat has seen nearly all of it ; the principal difference being, that some scraped with a pull of the foot, some with a push, and some with both. "I suppose," said I to a gentleman, "they take no steps because the music will not admit of them ?" THE BALL 173 " Oh no," said he; "it s quite ungenteel jto take steps." I thought of the wag s remarks about Miss Crump s music : " If this be their dancing," thought I, " what must their mourn ing be ?" A splendid supper was prepared at twelve o clock, and the young ladies ate almonds, rai sins, apples, oranges, jelly, sillabub, custard, can dy, sugar-plums, kisses, and cake, as if they had been owing them an old grudge. But the mar ried gentlemen did not come up to supper. " And how did the quarrel end ?" " Oh, I had like to have forgotten the denoue ment of the quarrel !" A correspondence opened the next morning between the parties, in which Noozle was diffuse and Crouch laconic. They once came this near an amicable adjustment of the difference. Noo- zle s second (for the fashion is for the principals to get into quarrels and for the seconds to get them out) agreed if Crouch would strike the word "it" out of one of his letters, his friend would be perfectly satisfied. Mr. Crouch s second admitted that the re moval of the word would not change the sense of the letter the least, but that Mr. Crouch, hav ing put his life and character in his hands, he felt bound to protect them with the most scru pulous fidelity ; he could not, therefore, consent to expunge the objectionable word unless the chal lenge were withdrawn. To show, however, his re luctance to the shedding of blood, and to acquit his friend, in the eyes of the public, of all blame, 174 GEORGIA SCENES he would take it upon himself to say that if Mr. Noozle would withdraw his objections to the " t," Mr. Crouch should expunge the " i." This proposition was rejected ; but, in return, it was submitted that if Mr. Crouch would ex punge the " t," the "i" might remain. To which it was replied that the alteration would convert the whole sentence into nonsense ; mak ing it read " i is," instead of " it is" etc. Here the seconds separated, and soon after the princi pals met ; and Crouch shot Noozle, in due form and according to the latest fashion, through the knees. I went to see him after he had received his wound, and, poor fellow, he suffered dread ful tortures. So much, said I, for a young lady s lingering from a ball an hour too long, in order to make herself conspicuous. BALDWIN. THE MOTHER AND HER CHILD WHENCE comes the gibberish which is almost invariably used by mothers and nurses to infants? Take, for example, the following, which will an swer the twofold purpose of illustrating my idea and of exhibiting one of the peculiarities of the age. A few days ago I called to spend an hour in the afternoon with Mr. Slang, whose wife is the mother of a child about eight months old. While I was there, the child in the nurse s arms, in an adjoining room,, began to cry. "You, Rose," said Mrs. Slang, "quiet that child !" Rose walked with it and sang to it, but it did not hush. "You, Rose, if you do not quiet that child, I lay I make you !" "I is tried, ma am/ said Rose, "an he wouldn t get hushed." (Child cries louder.) " Fetch him to me, you good-for-nothing hus sy you ! What s the matter with him ?" reaching out her arms to receive him. "I dun know, ma am." "Xhei nhun nho nha am !" (mocking and (jrinniny at Rose). As Rose delivered the child, she gave visible 176 GEORGIA SCENES signs of dodging just as the child left her arms ; and, that she might not be disappointed, Mrs. Slang gave her a box, in which there seemed to- be no anger mixed at all, and which Eose re ceived as a matter of course, without even chang ing countenance under it. "Da den !" said Mrs. Slang; "come elong e muddy [mother]. Did nassy Yosey [Rose] pague muddy thweety chilluns ?" [children] pressing the child to her bosom, and rocking it backward and forward tenderly. "Muddins will whippy ole nassy Yosey. Ah ! you old uggy Yosey !" (knocking at Rose playfully}. "Da den, muddy did whippy bad Yosey." (Child continues cry ing.} " Why, what upon earth ails the child ? Rose, you ve hurt this child somehow or other !" "No, ma am, cla I didn t ; I was just sitt n down dar in the rock n -chair "long side o Miss Nancy s bureau, an waVt doin noth n t all to him, jis playin wid him, and he jis begin to cry heself, when nobody wa n t doin 7 nothin t all to him, and nobody waVt in dar nuther cept jist me and him, and I was " Nhing nhing nhing and I expect you hit his head against the bureau." "Let muddy see where ole bad Yosey knocky heady gin de bureaus. Muddy will see," taking off the child s cap, and finding nothing. ( Child cries on.) " Muddy s baby was hongry. Dat was what ails muddy s darling, thweety ones. Was cho hongry, an nobody would givy litty darling any THE MOTHER AND HER CHILD 177 sings t all for eaty ?" (loosing her frock bosom). "No, nobody would gim thweety ones any sings fo eat t all." (Offers the breast to the child, who rejects it, rolls over, kicks, and screams worse than ever. ) "Hush ! you little brat ! I believe it s nothing in the world but crossness. Hush !" (shaking it), " hush, I tell you !" (Child cries to the KE PLUS ULTRA.) <( Why, surely a pin must stick the child. Yes, was e bad pin did ticky chilluns. Let muddy see where de uggy pin did ticky dear prettous creter" (examining). "Why no, it isn t a pin ! What can be the matter with the child ? It must have the colic, surely. Rose, go bring me the pare goric off the mantelpiece. Yes, muddy s baby did hab e tolic. Dat was what did ail muddy s prettous darly baby" (pressing it to her bosom, and rocking it; child cries on). Rose brought the paregoric, handed it, dodged, and got her expectations realized as before. " Now go bring me the sugar, and some water." Rose brought them, and delivered both without the customary reward ; for at that instant the child, being laid perfectly still on the lap, hushed. The paregoric was administered, and the child received it with only a whimper now and then. As soon as it received the medicine, the mother raised it up and it began to cry. "Why, Lord help my soul, what s the matter with the child ? What have you done to him, you little hussy ?" (rising and ivalking towards Rose). 12 178 GEORGIA SCENES " Chi , missis, I ein t done noth n t all ; was jis sittin down da by Miss Nancy s bu "You lie, you slut" (hitting her a passing slap), "I know you ve hurt him! Hush, my baby" (singing the Coquet], "don t you cry, your sweetheart will come by m by ; da de dum dum dum day, da de dum diddle dum dum day." (Child cries on.) " Lord help my soul and body, what can be the matter with my baby ?" (tears coming in hen own eyes). " Something s the matter with it, I know it is" (laying the child on her lap, and feeling its arms, to see whether it flinched at the touch of any particular part). But the child cried less while she was feeling it than before. "Yes, dat was it; wanted litty arms yubb d. Mud vill yub its sweet little arms." (Child be gins again. ) " What upon earth can make my baby cry so !" rising and walking to the window, (titops at the window, and the child hushes.) " Yes, dat was it : did want to look out e win- dys. See the petty chickens. O-o-o-h ! look at the beauty, rooster ! ! Yonder s old Aunt Betty ! See old Aunt Betty, pickin up chips. Yes, ole Aunt Betty, pickin up chip fo bake bicky [bis cuit] IV good chilluns. Good Aunt Betty fo make bicky fo sweet baby s supper." (Child begins again.) "Hoo-o-o! see de windy I" (knocking on the w indow. Ch ild screams. ) "You, Rose, what have you done to this child ? You little hussy you, if you don t tell me how THE MOTHER AND HER CHILD 179 you hurt him I ll whip you as long as I can find you/ " Missis, I cla I never done noth n t all to him. I was jis sett n down da by Miss Nancy s bu " "If you say Miss Nancy s bureau to me again Fll stuff Miss Nancy s bureau down your throat, you little lying slut ! I m just as sure you ve hurt him as if I d seen you. How did you hurt him ?" Here Rose was reduced to a non plus; for, upon the peril of having a bureau stuffed down her throat, she dare not repeat the oft-told tale, and she knew no other. She therefore stood mute. "Julia," said Mr. Slang, "bring the child to me, and let me see if I can discover the cause of his crying." Mr. Slang took the child, and commenced a careful examination of it. He removed its cap, and beginning at the crown of its head, he ex tended the search slowly and cautiously down ward, accompanying the eye with the touch of the finger. He had not proceeded far in this way before he discovered in the right ear of the child a small feather, the cause, of course, of all its wailing. The cause removed, the child soon changed its tears to smiles, greatly to the delight of all, and to none more than to Rose. BALDWIX. THE DEBATING SOCIETY THE following is not strictly a " Georgia Scene" ; but as Georgians were the chief actors in it, it may perhaps be introduced with propri ety in these sketches. About three-and-twenty years ago, at the cele brated school in "W n, was formed a Debat ing Society, composed of young gentlemen be tween the ages of seventeen and twenty-two. Of the number were two, who, rather from uncom mon volubility than from any superior gifts or acquirements which they possessed over their associates, were, by common consent, placed at the head of the fraternity at least, this was true of one of them ; the other certainly had higher claims to his distinction. He was a man of the highest order of intellect, who, though he has since been known throughout the Union as one of the ablest speakers in the country, seems to me to have added but little to his powers in debate since he passed his twenty-second year. The name of the first was Long worth, and M Dermot was the name of the last. They were congenial spirits, warm friends, and classmates at the time of which I am speaking. It was a rule of the society that every mem- THE DEBATING SOCIETY 181 ber should speak upon the subjects chosen for discussion or pay a fine ; and as all the mem bers valued the little stock of change with which they were furnished more than they did their reputation for oratory, not a fine had been im posed for a breach of this rule from the organi zation of the society to this time. The subjects for discussion were proposed by the members and selected by the president, whose prerogative it was also to arrange the speakers on either side at his pleasure ; though, in selecting the subjects, he was influenced not a little by the members, who gave their opinions freely of those which were offered. It was just as the time was approaching when most of the members were to leave the society some for college, and some for the busy scenes of life that M Dermot went to share his class mate s bed for a night. In the course of the evening s conversation, the society came upon the tapis. " Mac," said Longworth, "wouldn t we have rare sport if we could impose a subject upon the society which has no sense in it, and hear the members speak upon it ?" "Zounds !" said M Dermot, "it would be the finest fun in the world. Let s try it, at all events ; we can lose nothing by the experiment." A sheet of foolscap was immediately divided be tween them, and they industriously commenced the difficult task of framing sentences which should possess the form of a debatable question without a particle of the substance. After an hour s toil they at length exhibited the fruits of 182 GEORGIA SCENES their labor, and, after some reflection and much laughing, they selected from about thirty sub jects proposed the following as most likely to be received by the society : "WHETHER, AT PUBLIC ELECTIONS, SHOULD THE VOTES OF FACTION PREDOMINATE BY INTER NAL SUGGESTIONS OR THE BIAS bF JURISPRU DENCE ?" Longworth was to propose it to the society, and M Dermot was to advocate its adoption. As they had every reason to suppose, from the prac tice of the past, that they would be placed at the head of the list of disputants, and on opposite sides, it was agreed between them, in case the ex periment should succeed, that they would write off and interchange their speeches, in order that each might quote literally from the other, and thus seem, at least, to understand each other. The day at length came for the triumph or defeat of the project ; and several accidental cir cumstances conspired to crown it with success. The society had entirely exhausted their subjects ; the discussion of the day had been protracted to an unusual length, and the horns of the several boarding-houses began to sound just as it ended. It was at this auspicious moment that Longworth rose and proposed his subject. It was caught at with rapture by M Dermot, as being decidedly the best that had ever been submitted, and he wondered that none of the members had never thought of it before. It was no sooner proposed than several mem bers exclaimed that they did not understand it ; THE DEBATING SOCIETY 183 and demanded an explanation from the mover. Longworth replied that there was no time then for explanations, but that either himself or Mr. M Dermot would explain it at any other time. Upon the credit of the maker and endorser, the subject was accepted; and, under pretence of economizing time (but really to avoid a repetition of the question), Longworth kindly offered to record it for the secretary. This labor ended, he announced that he was prepared for the arrange ment of the disputants. "Put yourself," said the president, "on the affirmative, and Mr. M Dermot on the negative." " The subject," said Longworth, " cannot well be resolved into an affirmative and negative. It consists, more properly, of two conflicting affirm atives ; I have therefore drawn out the heads under which the speakers are to be arranged thus : " Internal Suggestions. Bias of Jurisprudence." " Then put yourself Internal Suggestions, Mr. M Dermot the other side; Mr. Craig on your side, Mr. Pentigall the other side/ and so on. M Dermot and Longworth now determined that they would not be seen by any other member of the society during the succeeding week, except at times when explanations could not be asked, or when they were too busy to give them. Con sequently, the week passed away without any ex planations ; and the members were summoned to dispose of the important subject with no other 184 GEORGIA SCENES lights upon it than those which they could collect from its terms. When they assembled, there was manifest alarm on the countenances of all but two of them. The society was opened in due form, and Mr. Longworth was called on to open the debate, lie rose, and proceeded as follows : "Mr. President, The subject selected for this day s discussion is one of vast importance, per vading the profound depths of psychology, and embracing within its comprehensive range all that is interesting in morals, government, law, and politics. But, sir, I shall not follow it through all its interesting and diversified ramifi cations, but endeavor to deduce from it those great and fundamental principles which have direct bearing upon the antagonist positions of the disputants ; confining myself more immedi ately to its pyschological influence, when exerted, especially upon the votes of faction : for here is the point upon which the question mainly turns. In the next place, I shall consider the effects of those * suggestions emphatically termed inter nal when applied to the same subject. And, in the third place, I shall compare these effects with the bias of jurisprudence/ considered as the only resort in times of popular excitement ; for these are supposed to exist by the very terms of the question. "The first head of this arrangement, and in deed the whole subject of dispute, has already been disposed of by this society. We have dis cussed the question, Are there any innate max- THE DEBATING SOCIETY 185 ims ? and with that subject and this there is such an intimate affinity that it is impossible to disunite them without prostrating the vital ener gies of both, and introducing the wildest disor der and confusion, where, by the very nature of things, there exist the most harmonious coinci dences and the most happy and euphonic conge nialities. Here, then, might I rest, Mr. President, upon the decision of this society with perfect confidence. But, sir, I am not forced to rely upon the inseparable affinities of the two ques tions for success in this dispute, obvious as they must be to every reflecting mind. All history, ancient and modern, furnishes examples cor roborative of the views which I have taken of this deeply interesting subject. By what means did the renowned poets, philosophers, orators, and statesmen of antiquity gain their immortal ity ? Whence did Milton, Shakespeare, Newton, Locke, Watts, Paley, Burke, Chatham, Pitt, Fox, and a host of others whom I might name, pluck their never-fading laurels ? I answer bold ly, and without the fear of contradiction, that, though they all reached the temple of Fame by different routes, they all passed through the broad vista of l internal suggestions. The same may be said of Jefferson, Madison, and many other distinguished personages of our own coun try. " I challenge the gentlemen on the other side to produce examples like these in support of their cause." Mr. Longworth pressed these profound and 186 GEORGIA SCENES logical views to a length to which our limits will not permit us to follow him, and which the read er s patience would hardly bear if they would. Perhaps, however, he will bear with us while AVC give the conclusion of Mr. Longworth s remarks, as it was here that he put forth all his strength : " Mr. President, Let the bias of jurispru dence predominate, and how is it possible (con sidering it merely as extending to those impulses which may with propriety be termed a bias] how is it possible for a government to exist whose object is the public good ? The marble- hearted marauder might seize the throne of civil authority, and hurl into thraldom the votaries of rational liberty. Virtue, justice, and all the nobler principles of human nature would wither away under the pestilential breath of political faction ; and an unnerved constitution be left to the sport of demagogue and parasite. Crash after crash would be heard in quick succession, as the strong pillars of the republic give way, and Despotism would shout in hellish triumph amid the crumbling ruins. Anarchy would wave her bloody sceptre over the devoted land, and the bloodhounds of civil war would lap the crimson gore of our most worthy citizens. The shrieks of women and the screams of children would be drowned amid the clash of swords and the cannon s peal ; and Liberty, mantling her face from the horrid scene, would spread her golden -tinted pinions, and wing her flight to some far-distant land, never again to revisit our peaceful shores. In vain should we then sigh THE DEBATING SOCIETY 187 for the beatific reign of those suggestions which I am proud to acknowledge as peculiarly and ex clusively internal/ Mr. M Dermot rose promptly at the call of the president, and proceeded as follows : "Mr. President, If I listened unmoved to the very labored appeal to the passions which has just been made, it was not because I am insen sible to the powers of eloquence, but because I happen to be blessed with the small measure of sense which is necessary to distinguish true elo quence from the wild ravings of an unbridled imagination. Grave and solemn appeals, when ill-timed and misplaced, are apt to excite ridi cule ; hence it was that I detected myself more than once in open laughter during the most pa thetic parts of Mr. Longworth s argument, if so it can be called.* In the midst of crashing pillars/ crumbling ruins/ shouting Despotism/ screaming women/ and flying Liberty/ the question was perpetually recurring to me, what has all this to do with the subject of dispute ? I will not follow the example of that gentleman. It shall be my endeavor to clear away the mist which he has thrown around the subject, and to place it before the society in a clear, intelli gible point of view ; for I must say that, though his speech bears strong marks of the pen (sar castically), it has but few marks of sober reflec- * This was extemporaneous, and well conceived ; for Mr. M Dermot had not played his part witli becoming gravity. 188 GEORGIA SCENES tion. Some of it, I confess, is very intelligible and very plausible ; but most of it, I boldly as sert, no man living can comprehend. I men tion this for the edification of that gentleman (who is usually clear and forcible), to teach him that he is most successful when he labors least. "Mr. President, The gentleman, in opening the debate, stated that the question was one of vast importance, pervading the profound depths of psychology, and embracing within its ample range the whole circle of arts and sciences. And really, sir, he has verified his statement ; for he has extended it over the whole moral and phys ical world. But, Mr. President, I take leave to differ from the gentleman at the very thresh old of his remarks. The subject is one which is confined within very narrow limits. It ex tends no further than to the elective franchise, and is not even commensurate with this impor tant privilege ; for it stops short at the vote of faction. In this point of light the subject comes within the grasp of the most common intellect ; it is plain, simple, natural, and intelligible. Thus viewing it, Mr. President, where does the gentleman find in it, or in all nature besides, the original of the dismal picture which he has presented to the society ? It loses all its inter est, and becomes supremely ridiculous. Having thus, Mr. President, divested the subject of all obscurity, having reduced it to those few ele ments with which we are all familiar, I proceed to make a few deductions from the premises, which seem to me inevitable, and decisive of the THE DEBATING SOCIETY 189 question. I lay it down as a self-evident prop osition, that faction in all its forms is hideous ; and I maintain, with equal confidence,, that it never has been nor never will be restrained by those suggestions which the gentleman em phatically terms internal. No, sir, nothing short of the bias, and the very strong bias too, of jurisprudence, or the potent energies of the sword, can restrain it. But, sir, I shall here, perhaps, be asked, whether there is not a very wide difference between a turbulent, lawless fac tion and the vote of faction ? Most unques tionably there is ; and to this distinction I shall presently advert, and demonstrably prove that it is a distinction which makes altogether in our favor." Thus did Mr. M Dermot continue to dissect and expose his adversary s argument, in the most clear, conclusive, and masterly manner, at con siderable length. But we cannot deal more favorably by him than we have dealt by Mr. Longworth. We must therefore dismiss him after we shall have given the reader his con cluding remarks. They were as follows : " Let us now suppose Mr. Longworth s prin ciples brought to the test of experiment. Let us suppose his language addressed to all man kind. We close the temples of justice as use less ; we burn our codes of laws as worthless ; and we substitute in their places the more valu able restraints of internal suggestions. Thieves, invade not your neighbor s property ; if you do, you will be arraigned before the august tribunal 190 GEORGIA SCENES of conscience. Kobbers, stay your lawless hand, or you will be visited with the tremendous pen alties of psychology. Murderers, spare the blood of your fellow-creatures; or you will be exposed to the excruciating tortures of innate maxims when it shall be discovered that there are any. Mr. President, could there be a broader license to crime than this ? Could a better plan be devised for dissolving the bands of civil society ? It re quires not the gift of prophecy to foresee the consequences of these novel and monstrous prin ciples. The strong would tyrannize over the weak ; the poor would plunder the rich ; the servant would rise above the master ; the drones of society would fatten upon the hard earnings of the industrious. Indeed, sir, industry would soon desert the land ; for it would have neither reward nor encouragement. Commerce would cease ; arts and sciences would languish ; all the sacred relations would be dissolved, and scenes of havoc, dissolution, and death ensue, such as never will visit it until mankind learn to repose their destinies upon those suggestions emphati cally termed internal. From all these evils there is a secure retreat behind the brazen wall of the bias of jurisprudence." The gentleman who was next called on to en gage in the debate was John Craig, a gentleman of good hard sense, but who was utterly incom petent to say a word upon a subject which lie did not understand. He proceeded thus : " Mr. President, When this subject was pro posed, I candidly confessed I did not understand THE DEBATING SOCIETY 191 it, and I was informed by Mr. L-ongworth and Mr. M Dermot that either of them would explain it at any leisure moment. But, sir, they seem to have taken very good care, from that time to this, to have no leisure moment. I have in quired of both of them repeatedly for an expla nation ; but they were always too busy to talk about it. "Well, sir, as it was proposed by Mr. Longworth, I thought he would certainly explain it in his speech ; but I understood no more of his speech than I did of the subject. Well, sir, I thought I should certainly learn something from Mr. M Dermot, especially as he promised, at the commencement of his speech, to clear away the mist that Mr. Longworth had thrown about the subject, and to place it in a clear, in telligible point of light. But, sir, the only dif ference between his speech and Mr. Longworth s is, that it was not quite as flighty as Mr. Long- worth s. I couldn t understand head nor tail of it. At one time they seemed to argue the ques tion as if it were this : Is it better to have law or no law? At another, as though it was, 6 Should faction be governed by law, or be left to their own consciences ? But most of the time they argued it as if it were just what it seems to be a sentence without sense or meaning. But, sir, I suppose its obscurity is owing to my dul- ness of apprehension ; for they appeared to argue it with great earnestness and feeling, as if they understood it. "I shall put my interpretation upon it, Mr. President, and argue it accordingly. 192 GEORGIA SCENES " WHETHER,, AT PUBLIC ELECTIONS that is, for members of Congress, members of the Legis lature, etc. SHOULD THE VOTES of faction I don t know what faction has got to do with it, and therefore I shall throw it out SHOULD THE VOTES PREDOMINATE BY INTERNAL SUG GESTIONS OR THE BIAS I don t know what the article is put in here for. It seems to me it ought to be, be BIASSED by jurisprudence or law. In short, Mr. President, I understand the question to be, should a man vote as he pleases, or should the law say Jiow he should vote ?" Here Mr. Longworth rose and observed that though Mr. Craig was on his side, he felt it due to their adversaries to state that this was n not a true exposition of the subject. This exposition settled the question at once on his side ; for no body would for a moment contend that the law should declare how men should vote. Unless it be confined to the vote of faction and the bias of jurisprudence, it was no subject at all. To all this Mr. M Dermot signified his unqualified ap probation ; and seemed pleased with the candor of his opponent. "Well," said Mr. Craig, "I thought it was im possible that any one should propose such a question as that to the society ; but will Mr. Longworth tell us, if it does not mean that, what does it mean ? for I don t see what great change is made in it by his explanation." Mr. Longworth replied that if the remarks which he had just made, and his argument, had not fully explained the subject to Mr. Craig, he THE DEBATING SOCIETY 193 would be out of his power to explain it. " Then/ 7 said Mr. Craig, " I ll pay my fine, for I don t understand a word of it." The next one summoned to the debate was Mr. Pentigall. Mr. Pentigall was one of those who would never acknowledge his ignorance of anything which any person else understood ; and that Longworth and M Dermot were both mas ters of the subject was clear, both from their fluency and seriousness. He therefore deter mined to understand it at all hazards. Conse quently, he rose at the president s command with considerable self-confidence. I regret, however, that it is impossible to commit Mr. Pentigall s manner to paper, without which his remarks lose nearly all their interest. He was a tall, hand some man, a little theatric in his manner, rapid in his delivery, and singular in his pronunciation. He gave to the e and i of our language the sound of u ; at least, his peculiar intonations of voice seemed to give them that sound ; and his rapidi ty of utterance seemed to change the termina tion " tion" into "ah." With all his peculiari ties, however, he was a fine fellow. If he was ambitious, he was not invidious, and he possessed an amicable disposition. He proceeded as fol lows : "Mr. President, This internal suggestion which has been so eloquently discussed by Mr. Longworth, and the bias of jurisprudence which has been so ably advocated by Mr. M Dermot hem ! Mr. President, in order to fix the line of 13 194 GEORGIA SCENES demarcation between ah the internal sugges tion and the bias of jurisprudence Mr. Presi dent, I think, sir, that ah the subject must be confined to the vote of faction and the bias of jurisprudence/ 7 Here Mr. Pentigall clapped his right hand to his forehead, as though he had that moment heard some overpowering news ; and, after main taining this position for about the space of ten seconds, he slowly withdrew his hand, gave his head a slight inclination to the right, raised his eyes to the president as if just awakening from a trance, and, with a voice of the most hopeless despair, concluded with "I don t understand the subject, Muster Prusidunt." The rest of the members on both sides sub mitted to be fined rather than attempt the knotty subject ; but, by common consent, the penal rule was dispensed with. Nothing now remained to close the exercises but the decision of the chair. The president, John Nuble, was a young man not unlike Craig in his turn of mind, though he possessed an intellect a little more sprightly than Craig s. His decision was short. "Gentlemen/ said he, "I do not understand the subject. This," continued he (pulling out his knife, and pointing to the silvered or cross side of it), "is Internal Suggestions. And this" (pointing to the other or pile side) "is Bias of Jurisprudence/ So saying, he threw up his knife, and upon its fall determined that "Internal Suggestions" had got it, and ordered the decision to be registered accordingly. THE DEBATING SOCIETY 195 It is worthy of note that, in their zeal to ac complish their purpose, Longworth and M Der- mot forgot to destroy the lists of subjects from which they had selected the one so often men tioned ; and one of these lists, containing the subject discussed, with a number more like it, was picked up by Mr. Craig, who made a public exhibition of it, threatening to arraign the con spirators before the society for a contempt. But, as the parting hour was at hand, he overlooked it, with the rest of the brotherhood, and often laughed heartily at the trick. HALL. THE MILITIA COMPANY DRILL* I HAPPENED, not long since, to be present at the muster of a captain s company in a remote part of one of the counties ; and as no general description could convey an accurate idea of the achievements of that day, I must be permitted to go a little into detail, as well as my recollec tion will serve me. The men had been notified to meet at nine o clock, "armed and equipped as the law di rects" ; that is to say, with a gun and cartridge- box, at least, but, as directed by the law of the United States, " with a good firelock, a suffi cient bayonet and belt, and a pouch with a box to contain no less than twenty -four sufficient cartridges of powder and ball." At twelve, about one - third, perhaps one- half, of the men had collected, and an in spector s return of the number present, and of their arms, would have stood nearly thus : 1 captain; 1 lieutenant; ensign, none; fifers, none; * This is from the pen of a friend, who has kindly per mitted me to place it among the " Georgia Scenes." It was taken from the life, and published about twenty years ago. The Author, THE MILITIA COMPANY DRILL 197 privates present, 24; ditto absent, 40 ; guns, 14 ; gunlocks, 12 ; ramrods, 10 ; rifle pouches, 3 ; bay onets, none ; belts, none ; spare flints, none ; car tridges, none ; horsewhips, walking - canes, and umbrellas, 10. A little before one, the captain, whom I shall distinguish by the name of Clod- pole, gave directions for forming the line of parade. In obedience to this order, one of the sergeants, whose lungs had long supplied the place of a drum and fife, placed himself in front of the house and began to bawl with great vehe mence, "All Captain Clodpole s company parade here ! Come, gentlemen, parade here \" says he ; "all you that hasn t got guns, fall into the lower send." He might have bawled till this time with as little success as the sirens who sang to Ulysses, had he not changed his post to a neigh boring shade. There he was immediately joined by all who were then at leisure ; the others were at that time engaged as parties or spectators at a game of fives, and could not just then attend. However, in less than half an hour the game was finished, and the captain enabled to form his company and proceed in the duties of the day. "Look to the right and dress!" They were soon, by the help of the non-com missioned officers, placed in a straight line ; but, as every man was anxious to see how the rest stood, those on the wings pressed forward for that purpose, till the whole line assumed nearly the form of a crescent. " Why, look at em !" says the captain. " Why, gentlemen, you are all a-crooking in at both 198 GEORGIA SCENES eends, so that you will get on to me by-and-by ! Come, gentlemen, dress, dress /" This was accordingly done ; but, impelled by the same motives as before, they soon resumed their former figure, and so they were permitted to remain. "Now, gentlemen/ 7 says the captain, "Fin going to carry you through the revolutions of the manual exercise ; and I want you gentlemen, if you please, to pay particular attention to the word of command, just exactly as I give it out to you. I hope you will have a little patience, gentlemen, if you please; and if I should be ago ing wrong, I will be much obliged to any of you, gentlemen, to put me right again ; for I mean all for the best, and I hope you will excuse me, if you please. And one thing, gentlemen, I cau tion you against in particular, and that is this : not to make any mistakes, if you can possibly help it ; and the best way to do this will be to do all the motions right at first ; and that will help us to get along so much the faster ; and I will try to have it over as soon as possible. Come, boys, come to a shoulder. " Poise, foolb !*. " Cock, foolJc I Very handsomely done. "Take, aim! " Ram down, cartridge I No ! no ! Fire I I recollect now that firing comes next after taking aim, according to Steuben ; but with your per- * A contraction and corruption of "firelock." Thus : " firelock," "flock," " foolk." 200 GEORGIA SCENES mission, gentlemen, I ll read the words of com mand just exactly as they are printed in the book, and then I shall be sure to be right." " Oh yes ; read it, captain, read it !" exclaimed twenty voices at once ; " that will save time/ " Tention the whole! Please to observe, gen tlemen, that at the word fire ! you must fire ; that is if any of your guns are loaden d, you must not shoot in y earnest, but only make pretence like ; and you, gentlemen, fellow-soldiers, who s armed with nothing but sticks, riding-switches, and corn-stalks, needn t go through the firings, but stand as you are, and keep yourselves to yourselves. " Half cock, foolJc ! Very well done. " S-li-e-t (spelling) sliet,pan! That too would have been handsomely done, if you hadn t han dled ca tridge instead of shotting pan ; but I sup pose you wasn t noticing. Now tention, one and all, gentlemen, and do that motion again. "Shet, pan! Very good, very well indeed; you did that motion equal to any old soldier ; you improve astonishingly. "Handle, ca tridge! Pretty well, considering you done it wrong end foremost, as if you took the ca tridge out of your mouth., and bit off the twist with the ca tridge-box. "Draw, rammer! Those who have 110 ram mers to their guns need not draw, but only make the motion ; it will do just as well, and save a great deal of time. "Return, rammer! Very well again. But that would have been done, I think, with greater THE MILITIA COMPANY DRILL 201 expertness if you had performed the motion with a little more dexterity. " 8-h-o-u-l shoulder, foolk! Very handsome ly done indeed ! Put your guns on the other shoulder, gentlemen. " Order, foolk! Not quite so well, gentlemen; not quite altogether ; but perhaps I did not speak loud enough for you to hear me all at once. Try once more, if you please. I hope you will be patient, gentlemen ; we will soon be through. " Order, foolk ! Handsomely done, gentlemen ! Very handsomely done ! and all together, too, ex cept that one-half of you were a leetle too soon, and the other half a leetle too late. "In laying down your guns, gentlemen, take care to lay the locks up and the other side down. " Tention the whole! Ground, foolk ! Very well. "Charge, bayonet!" (Some of the men) "That can t be, captain ; pray, look again ; for how can we charge bayonet without our guns ?" (Captain] "I don t know as to that, but I know I m right, for here tis printed in the book ; c-h-a-r yes, charge, bayonet, that s right, that s the word, if I know how to read. Come, gentle men, do pray charge bayonet ! Charge, I say ! Why don t you charge ? Do you think it ain t so : Do you think I have lived to this time o day and don t know what charge bayonet is ? Here, come here, you may see for yourselves ; it s as plain as the nose on your fa stop stay 202 GEORGIA SCENES no halt ! no ! Faith, I m wrong ! I turned over two leaves at once. I beg your pardon, we will not stay out long ; and we ll have something to drink as soon as we have done. Come, boys, get off the stumps and logs, and take up your guns ; we ll soon be done ; excuse me, if you please. "Fix, bayonet ! "Advance, arms! Very well done; turn the stocks of your guns in front, gentlemen, and that will bring the barrels behind ; hold them straight up and down, if you please ; let go with your left, and take hold with your right hand below the guard. Steuben says the gun should be held p-e-r -pertic lar ; yes, you must always mind and hold your guns very pertic lar. Now, boys, Mention the whole ! " Present, arms ! Very handsomely done ! only hold your gun over t other knee t other hand up turn your hands round a little, and raise them up higher draw t other foot back now you are nearly right very well done. " Gentlemen, we come now to the revolutions. Men, you have all got into a sort of snarl, as I may say ; how did you all get into such a higglety- pigglety ?" The fact was, the shade had moved considera bly to the eastward, and had exposed the right wing of these hardy veterans to a galling fire of the sun. Being poorly provided with umbrellas at this end of the line, they found it convenient to follow the shade ; and in huddling to the left for this purpose they changed the figure of their THE MILITIA COMPANY DRILL ^03 line from that of a crescent to one which more nearly resembled a pair of pothooks. " Come, gentlemen," says the captain, " spread yourselves out again into a straight line, and let us get into the wheelings and other matters as soon as possible." But this was strenuously opposed by the sol diers. They objected to going into the revolu tions at all, inasmuch as the weather was ex tremely hot, and they had already been kept in the field upward of three - quarters of an hour. They reminded the captain of his repeated prom ise to be as short as he possibly could, audit was clear he could dispense with all this wheeling and flourishing if he chose. They were already very thirsty, and if he would not dismiss them they declared they would go off without dismission and get something to drink, and he might fine them, if that would do him any good ; they were able to pay their fine, but would not go without drink to please anybody ; and they swore they would never vote for another captain who wished to be so unreasonably strict. The captain behaved with great spirit upon the occasion, and a smart colloquy ensued; when at length, becoming exasperated to the last degree, he roundly asserted that no soldier ought ever to tliink hard of the orders of his officer ; and, finally, he went so far as to say that he did not think any gentleman on that ground had any just cause to be offended with him. The dispute was finally settled by the captain sending for some grog for their present accommodation, and agreeing to 204 GEORGIA SCENES omit reading the military law, and the perform ance of all the manoeuvres, except two or three such easy and simple ones as could be performed within the compass of the shade. After they had drunk their grog and had "spread themselves," they were divided into platoons. " Tention the whole ! To the right wheel !" Each man faced to the right about. "Why, gentlemen, I did not mean for every man to stand still and turn himself Mat rally right round ; but when I told you to wheel to the right, I intended you to wheel round to the right, as it were. Please to try again, gentlemen ; every right-hand man must stand fast, and only the others turn round." In the previous part of the exercise it had, for the purpose of sizing, been necessary to denomi nate every second person a "right-hand man." A very natural consequence was that, on the pres ent occasion, these right-hand men maintained their position, all the intermediate ones facing about as before. " Why, look at em, now !" exclaimed the cap tain, in extreme vexation; "I ll be d d if you undersand a word I say ! Excuse me, gentlemen, it rayly seems as if you could not come at it exactly. In wheeling to the right, the right- hand send of the platoon stands fast, and the other eend comes round like a swingle-tree. Those on the outside must march faster than those on the inside. You certainly must under stand me now, gentlemen; and please to try it once more." THE MILITIA COMPANY DRILL 205 In this they were a little more successful. " Tention the whole! To the left left, no- right that is, the left / mean the right left, wheel, march !" In this he was strictly obeyed ; some Avheeling to the right, some to the left, and some to the right-left, or both ways. " Stop! Halt ! Let us try it again ! I could not just then tell my right-hand from my left ! You must excuse me, if you please ; experience makes perfect, as the saying is. Long as I have served, I find something new to learn every day ; but all s one for that. Now, gentlemen, do that motion once more." By the help of a non-commissioned officer in front of each platoon, they wheeled this time with considerable regularity. "Now, boys, you must try to wheel by divi sions ; and there is one thing in particular which I have to request of you, gentlemen, and that is, not to make any blunder in your wheeling. You must mind and keep at a wheeling distance, and not talk in the ranks, nor get out of fix again ; for I want you to do this motion well, and not to make any blunder now. 1 Tention the ivliole! By divisions, to the right wheel, march!" In doing this it seemed as if Bedlam had bro ken loose : every man took the command. Not so fast on the right ! Slow now ! Haul down those umbrellas ! Faster on the left ! Keep back a little there I Don t scrouge so ! Hold up your gun, Sam ! Go faster there ! faster ! 206 GEORGIA SCENES Who trod on my? D n your huffs ! Keep back ! Stop us, captain, do stop us ! Go fast er, there ! I ve lost my shoe ! Get up again, Ned ! Halt ! halt ! halt ! Stop, gentlemen ! stop ! stop ! By this time they had got into utter and in extricable confusion, and so I left them. TIMOTHY CKABSHAW. THE TURF " COME," said my friend Baldwin to me, a few months ago, "let us go to the turf." " No," said I, " I take no interest in its amuse ments/ Nor do I," rejoined he ; " but I visit it to ac quire a knowledge of the human character as it exhibits itself in the various scenes of life, and with the hope of turning the knowledge thus acquired to some good account. I am the more desirous that you should accompany me," con tinued he, " because, as one pair of eyes and ears cannot catch all that passes within a scene so spacious, I shall lose many instructing, inter esting, or amusing incidents without the assist ance of a friend, and therefore I wish to enlist your services." "Well," said I, "with this view I will accom pany you." We went ; and the following is the result of our joint observations : We went early, when as yet no one had reached the ground but those who occupied the booths for the purpose of traffic. It was not long, how ever, before crowds of persons, of all ages, sexes, conditions, and complexions, were seen moving 208 GEORGIA SCENES towards the booths ; some on foot, some on horseback, some in gigs, some in carriages, some in carts, and some in wagons. The carriages (generally filled with well-dressed ladies) ar ranged themselves about thirty or forty paces from the starting-point, towards the centre of the turf. Around these circled many young gentlemen, each riding his prettiest, whipping, spurring, and curbing his horse into the most engaging antics, and giving visible token that he thought every eye from the carriages was on him, and every heart overpowered by his horse manship. As many more plied between the booths and carriages, bearing messages, rumors, apples, oranges, raisins, lemonade, and punch. " But surely no lady drank the punch !" " Yes, three of them did ; and if I know what large swallows mean, they loved it too. But they didn t drink long. The ladies ought to be informed,, however, that a countryman passing them observed, * The way them women love punch is nothing to nobody ! " The gentlemen generally collected about the booths, and employed themselves in loud talking and drinking. Here I saw Major Close, who two hours before declared he had not enough to pay a poor woman for the making the vest he had on, treat a large company to a dollar bowl of punch ; and, ten minutes after, I saw the same man stake fifty dollars on the race. I saw another gentleman do the same, who, four days before, permitted his endorser to lift his note in bank for one hundred dollars, which note the endorser THE TURF 209 still held. But, thought I, the way these gen tlemen treat their creditors "is nothing to no body." One thing I remarked upon this occa sion, which should not be passed in silence. I saw many gentlemen drink sjjirits upon the turf whom I never saw taste it anywhere else ; some because it seemed fashionable, and some because they would bet nothing but a glass of toddy or a bowl of punch, and, having bet it, they must help drink it. I had been employed perhaps three-quarters of an hour in making observations upon the scene which was before me, when I observed a 1 group of^negroes and boys enter one of the gates of the turf, following, with much seeming interest, a horse which was led by an aged black, by whose side walked a little negro boy about thirteen years of age, dressed in pink throughout. I had no doubt but that the horse was one which was entered for the day s running ; and as I was de sirous of seeing all the competitors before the race, I advanced to meet him apart from the crowd. As soon as I approached near enough to distinguish the features of the old negro who led the animal, I discovered that he was a gentleman who, upon that day at least, was to be approached only with the most profound respect. His step was martial, his eye looked directly forward, and his countenance plainly indicated that he had many deep things shut up in his brain, which the world had long been trying to pry into in vain. I concluded, however, that I might vent ure to ask him a question, which all who had u 210 GEORGIA SCENES read the morning s Chronicle could have an swered. I therefore took the liberty of address ing him, as soon as he came near me, with, " Old man, what horse is that ?" The question seemed to come like a thunder bolt among his contemplations ; and, without speaking a word, he bent upon me a look which I perfectly understood to mean, " Pray, sir, where were you born and brought up ?" Having been thus foiled by the old man, I re solved to try my luck with the rider ; according ly, I repeated the question to him. lie stopped, and was in the act, as I thought, of answering, when the old man bawled out to him, in an an gry tone : "Come along, you Bill ; never keep behind you hoss when you fuss (first) come on the ground." Bill obeyed promptly, and took his position by /as majesty, who observed to him, in an under tone, as he came alongside : " Never tell de name you 7 hoss ; it s bad luck." Bill s confusion plainly showed that he ought to have known a thing so obvious from his in fancy. I was as much disconcerted as Bill ; but was soon relieved by a pert little blackamoor, who, rather to persuade me that he was in all the secrets of the turf than in charity to me, ad dressed me with, " Master, I ll tell you what hoss dat is." " Well, my boy," said I, " what horse is it ?" " He young Butteram, son o oh Butteram, dat u sen to belong to Mr. Swingletree." THE TURF 211 And do you know all the horses that are go ing to run to-day ?" said I. "La, yes, sir," said he; "I know ehery one dat s g\vine to run ebery day." I concluded I would take advantage of the boy s knowledge ; and therefore gave him twelve and a half cents to stand by me and give me the names of the racers as they passed ; for by this time they were all on the ground and following the direction of the first. "This one/ said my mentor, as the next ap proached, "name Flory Randle ; she b long to Mr. Pet ; but I don t know what hoss he daddy, though. " This one " (as the next came up) "name Sir William ; he come all de way from Virginny, and I t ink dey say he got by Virginny too. "And this" (as the last approached) "name Clipse ; by jokey, he look to me like he could clip it too, and I be swinged if I don t go my seb n-pence on him anyhow !" Thus I learned that the four horses which were to run were Bertrand, Flora Kandolph, Sir Will iam, and Eclipse. At this moment a voice from the judges stand cried, " Prepare your horses !" and in an instant the grooms were engaged in saddling the animals. This preliminary was soon disposed of, and the owners proceeded to give the riders their instructions. "Now, Bob," said Mr. Pet, "I know that I have the heels of any horse on the turf, but I m a little afraid of my bottom ; therefore, save your wind as much as possible. Trail the lead- 212 GEORGIA SCENES ing horse upon a hard rein, about half a distance behind, until you come to the last half-mile, and then let Flora off at full speed. As soon as you pass the leading horse about a length, bear your rein, and don t come in more than a length ahead." " Sam," said the owner of Sir William, "you ve got none to fear but Bertrand, and you ve got the bottom of him ; therefore give him no rest from the word f go ! unless you find that your heels are as good as his ; and if so, you needn t waste your wind. Feel Bertrand at the first rise of the course ; if he stands it pretty well, try how you can move with him going down the hill ; and if you find that you are too hard for him either at rises or falls, pinch him hard at all of them places ; and when you come to the last half-mile of each heat, run his heart, liver, lights, and soul -case out of him." "Ned," said the owner of Eclipse, "you are not to run for the first heat at all, unless you find you can take it very easy. Let Sir William take the first heat. You can beat the others when you please, and William can t stand a push for two heats ; therefore, just play alongside of him handsomely for the first three miles, and at the coming in just drop in the distance pole. The next heat take the track, and press him from the start." "Bill," said the owner of Bertrand, "do you take the track at the start, and keep it, and run only just fast enough to keep it." Here the roll of the drum and a cry from the THE TURF 213 judges stand put the horses in motion for the starting-point. Over this point I now observed suspended from a pole a beautiful blue silk purse, spangled with silver and embroidered with gold, on both sides of which was marked, in golden characters, "$500 !! !" It would require a volume to describe the scene which now ensued. " Captain, do you run Bertrand for the heat ?" "I do, sir." "Five hundred dollars, Bertrand against the field." " Done, sir." " Major, will Eclipse run for the heat ?" "No, sir." "One hundred to fifty that Flora Randolph beats Eclipse the first heat !" " Done, sir" "Done, sir" " Done, sir." " I took the bet first." "No, sir, I took it first." "No matter, gentlemen, I ll go you all fifty apiece." "It s a bet, sir" "It s a bet" "A bet, sir." " Here, Uncle Sam, hold dese trups." "Now mind de bet. Bob, he bet dat Flory Handle take de fus heat. I bet he take no heat at all." " Yes, dat be de bet you hear him, Uncle Sam ?" " Tell him over agin, le me listen." " Well, dis him : if Flory take de fus heat, Bob win ; if he take no heat at all, I Avin." " Berry well, I got him now fass in my head." 214 GEORGIA SCENES " Pa, give me a quarter to bet." " What horse do you want to bet upon, my son ?" "Eclipse." " Oh no there s a quarter bet it upon Ber- trand." "Well, Miss Flora, don t you wish to bet ?" " Yes, sir, I ll bet you a pair of gloves." " Well, what horse will you take ?" " Oh, my namesake, of course." " It s a bet ; you take Flora against the field, of course." "To be sure I do." Thus it went ; men, women, and children whites and blacks all betting. Such was the bustle, confusion, and uproar among the men that I could hardly see or hear anything distinctly, and therefore I resolved to take my position among the carriages, in order to observe the ladies under the delights of the turf. The signal was now given, and off went the horses Flora ahead, Bertrand next, Sir William next, and Eclipse in the rear. " Only look at that rascal," said Mr. Pet, as he charged by us at full speed ; " how he is riding ! Hold her in, you rascal, or I ll give you five hundred lashes as soon as you light ! Hold her in, I tell you, you abominable puppy, or I ll cut your throat !" Bob did his best to restrain her, for he bore upon the rein until his back came nearly in contact with Flora s, but to no purpose. Ahead she would go for the first two miles. THE TURF 215 "Only see, mamma," said Miss Flora, "how beautifully Flora runs ! Ob, that dear little rider" (a negro)., "how handsomely be carries himself ! I knew I should win my gloves." At the completion of the second mile Flora became more manageable, and the other horses passed her in their order. As the last gained about a length of her, "Now," said Pet, "keep her at that." The rider straightened himself in the saddle, but the space widened perceptibly be tween him and Eclipse. "Don t bear upon the rein so hard," said Pet. "Let her play easy." Bob slackened the rein ; but Flora seemed not to improve her liberty. "Look how you re drop ping behind," continued Pet. "Let her out, I tell you !" Bob let her out, but she would not go out. "Let her out, I tell you, or I will blow your brains out !" Here Bob gave her a cut. " You infernal rascal, you, don t give her the whip ! Bring her up to Eclipse." Bob gave her the lash again ; but Flora obstinately refused to keep company with Eclipse. " Very well, sir," said Pet, " ride your own way, and I ll whip mine when you get home ; I see how it is." Bob seem ed to hear only the first member of the sentence, and he gave the whip without mercy. "Why, Pet," said a gentleman, "what is the matter with Flora to-day ?" "What s the matter with her, sir ? Don t you see that I can t make Bob do anything I tell him ? I ll learn him how to take a bribe in future." As Flora received the twentieth cut, she switch ed her tail. "Ah!" said Mr. Dimple, "I fear 216 GEORGIA SCENES you ve lost your gloves, Miss Flora ; see, your favorite switches her tail." " Does Flora switch her tail ?" said Miss Flora. " Mamma, Mr. Dimple says Flora switches her tail !" "Does Flora switch her tail ?" said Mrs. Blue. " Does Flora switch her tail ?" said Miss Emma. " Oh, what a pity !" The horses preserved their order through the heat. Flora was distanced ; but her rider main tained his grace and dignity to the last, and rode as if perfectly satisfied that every eye was upon him, and that all were saying, " To be sure Flora is beaten, but her rider is decidedly the best on the ground." In spite of his cry of "Clear the track !" however, the crowd closed in between him and the foremost horses, extinguished his graces from general view, and forced him to come in in the mere character of a spectator. Between the first and second heats I saw the owners of Sir William and Eclipse in a pleasing conversation, but I did not hear what they said. After a rest of about a quarter of an hour, the horses were again brought to the starting-point ; and, at the tap of the drum, went off with great velocity. Bertrand took the lead, as before, and William pursued him very closely. They kept within two lengths of each other for three miles and a half, when William locked his adversary, and both riders commenced giving the whip and spur without mercy. When they came in, it was evident to my eye that Bertrand s rider (for I could not see the horses heads) was more than THE TURF 217 his width ahead of William s ; but the judges decided that William won the heat by two inches and a quarter. Eclipse just saved his distance. At the close of the heat the two former exhibited a pitiable spectacle. There was not a dry hair upon either of them, and the blood streamed from the flanks and sides of both. " Mr. Dimple," said Miss Emma, "which horse shall I bet on next time ? Which seems the most distressed ?" "I declare, miss," said Dimple, " I don t know ; they both seem to be very much distressed, but I think William seems to be in rather the worst plight." Between this and the following heat two little boys engaged in a fight, and not less than fifty grown men gathered around them to witness the conflict, with as great an uproar as if a town were on fire. This fight produced two more between grown persons, one of whom was carried from the turf with a fractured skull, as it was thought, from the blow of a stick. But none of the ladies went to the fights. Again the horses were brought up and put off. Bertrand once more led the way, and Eclipse fol lowed close at his heels for about a mile and three-quarters, when William ran up under whip, nose and tail to Bertrand. Eclipse fell some dis tance behind, and continued so for a mile and a half, when he came up and nearly locked Ber trand. Thus they ran three-fourths of the re maining distance. On the last stretch they came side to side, and so continued through. On this 218 GEORGIA SCENES heat I concurred with the judges that it was a draw race. William was double-distanced. Bertrand and Eclipse put off upon the fourth heat, Bertrand still taking the lead by about half his length. Eclipse now pushed for the track, but Bertrand maintained it. For two miles did the riders continue so close together that they might have joined hands. They had entered upon the third mile in this way, when, at the first turn of the course from the judges stand, Eclipse fell and killed his rider. Ber trand, being now left without a competitor, gal loped slowly round to the goal, where, with great pomp and ceremony, the pole which held the purse was bent down to his rider, who dis lodged it and bore it on high, backward and for ward, in front of the booth, to the sound of drum, fife, and violin. "I declare, " said Mrs. Blue, as her carriage wheeled off, " had it not been for that little ac cident, the sport would have been delightful." I left the turf in company with a large num ber of gentlemen, all of whom concurred in the opinion that they had never witnessed such sport in all their lives. "What a pity it is," said General Grubbs, " that this amusement is not more encouraged ! o We never shall have a fine breed of horses until the turf is more patronized." I returned home, and had been seated per haps an hour when Baldwin entered. " Well," said he, "I have just been favored with a sight of the contents of that beautiful purse which THE TURF 219 Bertram! won,, and what do you think it con tained ?" "Why, five hundred dollars,, certainly/ re turned I. "No/ continued he, "it contained two half- eagles, sixteen dollars in silver, twelve one-dollar bills, and a subscription paper, which the owner offered to the largest subscriber on it for one hundred and fifty dollars, and it was refused. It is but right to observe, however, that the gen tleman to whom the offer was made assured the owner that it was as good as gold." HALL. AN INTERESTING INTERVIEW I HOPE the day is not far distant when drunk enness will be unknown in our highly favored country. The moral world is rising in its strength against the all-destroying vice, and though the monster still struggles, and stings, and poisons with deadly effect in many parts of our wide spread territory, it is perceptibly wounded and weakened, and I flatter myself if I should live to number ten years more, I shall see it driven entirely from the higher walks of life at least, if not from all grades of society. For the honor of my contemporaries,, I would register none of its crimes or its follies ; but, in noticing the pe culiarities of the age in which I live, candor con strains me to give this vice a passing notice. The interview which I am about to present to my readers exhibits it in its mildest and most harmless forms. In the county of - , and about five miles apart, lived old Hardy Slow and old Tobias Swift. They were both industrious, honest, sen sible farmers when sober, but they never visited their county town without getting drunk, and then they were precisely what the following narrative makes them. AN INTERESTING INTERVIEW 221 They both happened at the court-house on the same day when I last saw them together ; the former accompanied by his wife, and the latter by his youngest son, a lad about thirteen. To bias was just clearly on the wrong side of the line which divides drunk from sober, but Hardy was " royally corned" (but not falling) when they met, about an hour by sun in the afternoon, near the rack at which both their horses were hitched. They stopped about four feet apart, and looked each other full in the face for about half a min- nte, during all which time Toby sucked his teeth, winked, and made signs with his shoul ders and elbows to the by-standers that he knew Hardy was drunk, and was going to quiz him for their amusement. In the meantime, Hardy looked at Tobias like a polite man dropping to sleep, in spite of himself, under a long, dull story. At length Toby broke silence : "How goes it, Uncle Hardy ?" (winking to the company and shrugging his shoulders.} "Why, Toby! is that you ? Well upon my why, Toby! Lord help my soul and Why, Toby ! what, in, the, worP, set, you, to, gitt n, drunk this, time o day ? Swear, poin - blank, you re drunk ! Why you must be, an old, fool to, get, drunk, right, before, all these, gentlemen already, Toby." "Well, but, now you see" (winking), "Uncle Hardy, a gill-cup ain t a quart-pot, nor a quart- pot ain t a two-gallon jug ; and therefore " (wink ing and chuckling}, "Uncle Hardy, a thing is a 222 GEORGIA SCENES thing, turn it which way you will, it just sticks at what it was before you give it first ex ex ploit." " Well, the, Lord, help, my- Why, Toby ! what, is the reason, you, never, will, answer, me this, one circumstance and, that, is I, al ways, find, you, drunk, when, I come, here ?" HARDY SLOW AND TOBIAS SWIFT " Well, now, but, Uncle Hardy, you always know circumstances alter cases, as the fellow said; and therefore, if one circumstance alters another circumstance how s your wife and chil dren ?" "I, swear, poin -blank, I shaVt tell you because, you r ally, is, too drunk, to know, my AN INTERESTING INTERVIEW 223 wife, when, you, meet, her, in the street, all, day,, long, and, she ll, tell, you, the, very, same, thing, as, all, these, gentlemen, can testimony." " Well, but now you see, Uncle Hardy, think ing s one thing and knowing s another, as the fellow said ; and the proof o the pudding s chawin the bag, as the fellow said ; and you see toll - doll - diddle -de - doll - doll - day " (sing ing and capering), "you think I can t dance? Come, Uncle Hardy, let s dance." " Why, Toby ! you come to this ? /didn t make, you, drunk, did I? You, ain t,. took, a drink, with, me, this, live, long, day is you ? I, say, is you, Toby ?" "No, Uncle Har " " Well, then, let s go, take a drink." "Well, but you see, Uncle Hardy, drinkin s drinkin ; but that s neither here nor there, as the fellow said. " Come " (singing), "all ye young sparkers, come, listen to me, And I ll sing you a ditti of a pretti ladee." " Why, Toby ! ha ha ha ! Well, I r ally, did, think, you, was, drunk, but, now I believe blast the flies ! I b lieve, they, jest, as li f walk, in my, mouth, as, in, my nose." (Then looking with eyes half closed at Toby for several minutes), "Why, Toby, you, spit bacco-spit, all over, your jacket and, that s jist, the very, way, you, got, in your -fix." At this moment Mrs. Slow came up, and, im mediately after, Swift s son, William. GEORGIA SCENES "Come," said the good lady, old man, let s go home ; it s getting late, and there s a cloud rising ; we ll get wet." " Why, Nancy ! what in the woiT has got into yon ! Is yon drunk, too ? Well, pon, my word, and honor, I, b lieve, everybody, in this town, is, got drunk to-day. Why, Nancy ! I never, did, see, you, in, that fix, before, in, all, my, live, long, born, days." " Well, never mind," said she ; " come, let s go home. Don t you see the rain coming up ?" " Well, will, it rain, upon, my, cornfield, or my cotton-patch ? Say, Nancy, which one, will it, rain on ? But, Lord, help, my, soul, you are, too drunk, to tell me, any, thing, about it. Don t my corn want rain, Nancy ? Now, jist, tell me, that ?" "Yes ; but let s go home." " Then, why, upon, the face, of the earth, won t you, let it, rain, then ? I, rather, it, should rain, than not." " Come, old man," said several by-standers, touched with sympathy for the good lady, " come, get on your horse and go home, and we will help you." " Oh yes, Uncle Hardy," said Tobias, affecting to throw all humor aside and to become very sober all at once, " go home with the old woman. Come, gentlemen, let s help em on their horses they re groggy mighty groggy. Come, old man, I ll help you" (staggering to Hardy). " Jist look at daddy now !" said Billy ; " he s going to help Mr. Swift, and he s drunk as Mr. AN INTERESTING INTERVIEW 225 Swift is. Oh, daddy, come, let s go home, or we ll get mazin wet I" Toby stooped down to help Hardy on his horse (before the horse was taken from the rack), and, throwing his arm round Hardy s legs, he fell back ward, and so did Hardy. "Why Lord, bless, my soul/ said Hardy, "I b lieve, I m drunk, too. What, upon the, face, of the earth, has got, into, all, of us, this day ?" "Why, Uncle Hardy," said Toby, "you" pull us both down together !" " The old man s mighty groggy," said Toby to me in a half-whisper and with an arch wink and smile as he rose up (I happening to be next to him at the moment). "S pose we help him up and get him off. The old woman s in for it too," continued he, winking, nodding, and shrugging up his shoulders very significantly. " Oh no," said I, "the old woman is perfectly sober ; and I never heard of her tasting a drop in all my life." "Oh," said Toby, assuming the gravity of a parson, " loves it mightily, mightily ! Monstrous woman for drinking ! at least, that s my opin ion. Monstrous fine woman though ! monstrous fine !" " Oh, daddy, for the Lord s sake, let s go home ; only see what a rain is coming !" said Billy. " Daddy 11 go presently, my son." " Well, here s your horse ; git up, and let s go. Mammy 11 be sure to be sendin for us." " Don t mind him," said Toby, winking to me ; 15 226 GEORGIA SCEJSES "he s nothing but a boy ; I wouldn t take no notice of what he said. He wants me " (winking and smiling} " to go home with him ; now you listen." "Well, come," said I to Uncle Toby, "get on yonr horse and go home ; a very heavy rain is coming up." " HI go presently ; but you just listen to Bill," said he to me, winking and smiling. " Oh, daddy, for the Lord s sake let s go home !" Toby smiled archly at me, and winked. " Daddy, are you going home or not ? Jist look at the rain cominV Toby smiled and winked. " Well, I do think a drunken man is the big gest fool in the country," said Bill, " I don t care who he is." " Bill !" said the old man, very sternly, " hon or thy father and mother/ that that the wom an s seed may bruise the serpent s head." " Well, daddy, tell me if you won t go home ! You see it s going to rain powerful. If you won t go, may I go ?" "Bill ! Leave not thy father who begat thee j for thou art my beloved son, Esau, in whom I am well pleased/ "Why, daddy, it s dropping rain now." Here Bill was relieved from his anxiety by the appearance of Aaron, a trusty servant, whom Mrs. Slow had despatched for his master, to whose care Bill committed him, and was soon out of sight. AN INTERESTING INTERVIEW 227 Aaron s custom had long been to pick up his master without ceremony,-put him on his horse, and bear him away. So used to this dealing had Toby been that, when he saw Aaron, he surren dered at discretion, and was soon on the road. But as the rain descended in torrents before even Bill could have proceeded half a mile, the whole of them must have been drenched to the skin. As to Hardy, whom in the proper order we ought to have disposed of first, he was put on his horse by main force, and was led off by his wife, to whom he was muttering, as far as I could hear him, " Why, Nancy ! how, did, you, get, in, such a fix ? You ll, fall, off, your, horse, sure, as you re born, and I ll have to put you up again." As they were constrained to go on a walk, they too must have got wringing wet, though they had a quarter of an hour the start of Toby. HALL. THE FOX-HUNT I HAD often read of the fox-chase and its soul- enlivening pleasures before I was permitted to enjoy them, and, had my reading upon this head been confined to Somerville s Chase alone, I should have been inspired with an irrepressible curiosity to experience its thrilling enjoyments. Listen how he sanctifies the sport, and mingles with it all that is gay and spirit-stirring : "But yet, alas ! the wily fox remain d A subtle, pilfering foe, prowling around In midnight shades, and wakeful to destroy. In the full fold, the poor defenceless lamb, Seized by his guileful arts, with sweet warm blood Supplies a rich repast. The mournful ewe, Her dearest treasure lost through the dim night, Wanders perplex d, and darkling bleats in vain, While in th adjacent bush poor Philomel (Herself a parent once, till wanton churls Despoil d her nest) joins in her loud laments, With sweeter notes and more melodious woe. For these nocturnal thieves, huntsmen prepare The sharpest vengeance. Oh ! how glorious tis To right th oppress d, and bring the felon vile To just disgrace ! Ere yet the morning peep, Or stars retire from the first blush of day, With thy far-echoing voice alarm thy pack And rouse N thy bold compeers. Then to the copse, Thick with entangled grass and prickly furze, THE FOX-HUNT 229 With silence lead thy many-color d hounds, In all their beauty s pride. See ! how they range Dispersed, how busily this way and that They cross, examining with curious nose Each likely haunt. Hark ! on the drag I hear Their doubtful notes, preluding to the cry More nobly full, and swell d with every mouth. ******* Heavens ! what melodious strains ! how beat our hearts Big with tumultuous joy ! the loaded gales Breathe harmony; and as the tempest drives From wood to wood, through every dark recess, The forest thunders and the mountains shake ******* He breaks away. Shrill horns proclaim his flight. Each straggling hound Strains o er the lawn to reach the distant pack : Tis triumph all and joy. Now, my brave youths, Now give a loose to the clean, generous steed; Flourish the whip, nor spare the galling spur; But in the madness of delight forget Your fears. For o er the rocky hills we range, And dangerous our course ; but in the brave True courage never fails. In vain the stream In foamfng eddies whirls ; in vain the ditch Wide-gaping threatens death. The craggy steep, Where the poor dizzy shepherd crawls with care, And clings to every twig, gives us no pain ; But down we sweep, as stoops the falcon bold To pounce his prey." * * * Filled with such ideas as these lines are cal culated to inspire (and long as is the extract, it does but half justice to the poet, whatever we may think of his subject), it was with kindling enthusiasm that I met the question from my old friend Dause on a clear, chill December even ing. 230 GEORGIA SCENES "Will yon not join us in a fox-chase to-mor row ?" "That I will," replied I, " with pleasure." "Have you ever been in a fox-chase?" con tinued he. "Never/ 7 said I; "but I have no doubt but that I should be delighted with it." " Oh, it s the finest sport in the world, with a full pack ! and we shall have a splendid pack to morrow. Major Crocket is coming in with his hounds, and George Hurt is to bring in his, and all unite with Captain Reid s here ; and we shall have a pack of twenty-two or three. We shall have glorious sport ; you must not fail to join us." "No fear of that/ said I; "I shall be among the first on the ground." I went home (no matter where), and hastened to bed at an earlier hour than usual, that I might be the surer to rise betimes in the morning. But so bright was the anticipation of the com ing joys that it was long before I could compose myself to sleep ; and when I did, it was rather the semi-sleep of vigilance than the sound sleep of rest. It was sufficient, however, to beguile the intervening hours ; and they seemed but few before the long-drawn notes of Crocket s horn roused me from my slumbers. I sprang from my bed, and, without waiting to throw over me a stitch of clothing (though the weather was extremely cold), I seized my ram s -horn, hoisted a window, and blew a blast which, if it had had fair play, would have waked every THE FOX-HUNT 231 hound within five miles round. But it had not fair play ; for, partly from hurry, and partly from my indisposition to thrust my exposed body into the open air, I just gave the mouth of my horn projection enough to throw half its voice out and half inside the house. The first half did no great things ; but the last half did won ders. Bursting upon the unsuspecting family at that still hour, it created a sensation which no one can understand who was not at the falling of the walls of Jericho. The house trembled, the glasses rattled, the women started, and the children screamed. " What s that ?" exclaimed the mistress of the household. "Mr. Hall is going a fox-hunting," said her husband. "Well, I wish he d blow for his foxes out of the house. I can t see what any man of common- sense wants to be gitting up this time of night for, in such cold weather, just to hear dogs run a fox." It struck me there was a good deal of sound philosophy in the good lady s remarks ; but she was a woman, and she had never read Somer- ville. I dressed myself, walked out, waked my ser vant, and ordered my horse. Truly it was a lovely morning for the season of the year ; De cember never ushered in one more lovely. Like a sheet of snow the frost overspread the earth. Not a breath was stirring. The coming hunts man had sounded his horn upon a distant hill, 232 GEORGIA SCENES and its unrepeated notes had died away. A cloudless sky overspread the earth, as rich in beauty as ever won the gaze of mortal. Upon the western verge, in all his martial glory, stood Orion, his burnished epaulets and spangled sash with unusual brightness glowing. Capella glit tered brighter still, and Castor, Procyon, and Arcturus rivalled her in lustre. But Sirius reigned the monarch of the starry host ; and countless myriads of lesser lights glowed, and sparkled, and twinkled o er all the wide-spread canopy. "Oh !" exclaimed I, "how rich, how beauti ful, how glorious the firmament ! See ! yonder is Bootes in the chase! His Chara and Asterion drive on the lusty Bear ! Who shall condemn the chase, when its pleasures are written in characters of deathless fire upon the face of the heavens ?" I was lost in admiration of the splendors which surrounded me, when another sound of the ma jor s horn informed me that he was upon the confines of the village ; and at the same instant my servant announced that my horse was in waiting. As I approached him for the purpose of mounting, " Master/ said he, " you gwine fox-huntin on da hoss ?" "Yes/ said I, promptly : " why ?" "Eh-eh," rejoined he, with a titter. " Why, what is it amuses you so, Isaac ?" " B ess de Lord ! Smooth-tooth waVt never made for fox-huntin , I know. He too lazy, b ess THE POX-HUNT 2dd de Lord. Time de houir give one squall, dey done leif Smooth -tooth clean outen sight an hearinV " Oh, I presume not, Isaac/ said I. "I shall not attempt to keep up with the hounds. I shall just keep in full hearing of them by cutting across and heading them." <<r Eh-eh ! Fox run twice round a field fore Smooth-tooth cut across him, I know : b ess de Lord !" One Avould suppose that Isaac s hint would have reminded me to take a whip or spur, or both, along with me ; but it did not. Crocket s horn was answered by several from the neighboring hills ; and, before I had proceed ed the eighth of a mile towards the point of rendezvous, a loud chorus of horns and beagles announced that all were assembled but myself. I raised my ram s-horn and blew a more propi tious blast than my first, in token that I was on my way. My horse, as the reader has perhaps conjectured from the colloquy just repeated, was not Somerville s " clean, generous steed"; but he was a horse of uncommon gravity and cir cumspection. I gave him the name of Smooth- tooth simply because, when he became my prop erty, the faces of his teeth were generally worn smooth. Though he was kind and accomodat- ing enough in all matters of business, he had an utter aversion to everything like levity, and to all rambles which seemed to have no definite ob ject. Age had done much, doubtless, in sober ing Smooth-tooth s temper ; but infirmity had 234 GEORGIA SCENES conspired with age to produce this effect, for he was most lamentably deaf ; so that the com mon remark of our State in relation to aged horses, "he has heard it thunder too often/ would by no means have applied to Smooth- tooth ; for, to my certain knowledge, he had not heard it thunder for five years at least. I bent my course towards the village, and as Smooth-tooth was wholly unconscious of the up roar there, he set out, as usual, upon a gentle pace. By a diligent application of heels, I sig nified to him that I looked for something more sprightly upon this occasion. Smooth -tooth took the hint, and mended his pace; but I in formed him, as before, that this would not do. He then paced brisker still ; but this did not abate my rigor. He then paced to the top of his speed, and finding me still unsatisfied, he struck, most reluctantly, into a lazy canter. This reduced my beats from triple to common time, but did not bring them to a full pause. At the end of five long, awkward, reluctant lopes, Smooth-tooth stopped with a demi- semiquaver rest, and wheeled at the same instant to go home, in utter disgust ; for he seemed now to have satis fied himself that I had taken leave of my senses, and that it was high time for him to "throw him self upon his reserved rights." As I always enter tained a high respect for these, I accommodated myself to his views, after having discovered that he was not to deforced out of them. There was, however, some policy mixed with my clemency ; for, slowly as Smooth-tooth moved in his master THE FOX-HUNT 235 effort, he waked up an artificial breeze, which seemed to search the very cavities of my bones, and which already produced some unacknowl edged yearnings for the comfortable bed which I had deserted. When I reached the village I found all the huntsmen collected ; and after a little delay, oc casioned by a dog-fight, or, rather, a fight of one dog against all the rest (for hounds, like the wily politicians of the present day, all jump on the undermost), we moved forward to the hunting- ground. This lay three miles from the village ; and, could anything have enlivened the jaunt, my company would, for it consisted of a merry group of every variety of disposition. But a freezing man cannot be lively, and, consequently, I was not. Our pack consisted of eighteen or twenty hounds ; but there were but two of them which could be relied on with confidence George Hurt s Louder and Captain Reid s Rome. With these I was well acquainted, having often been with them in the deer and rabbit hunt. Could I say, like Horace, " exigi monumentum cere pe- rennius," they should be immortalized ; for bet ter dogs never mingled in the chase. They knew perfectly well, from the hour of the hunt and the equipments of the huntsmen, the game of which they were in pursuit ; and no other would they notice. Captain Reid s Music was said to be remarka bly "cold," but her veracity was questionable. Her ambition never aimed at anything higher GEORGIA SCENES than finding the trade for fleeter-footed hounds. When the game was up, she soon " knocked out/ and went in quest of cold trails ; why or where fore no one could tell, unless it was that she had the common fault of those who possess peculiar accomplishments. Her habit was to get a trail, and, if she could not lead off on it readily, to "open" by the half-hour upon so much of it as lay within the compass of three rods square. We had proceeded about two miles on our way, when, in a washed field to our right, Music opened. "What dog s that?" inquired several voices at once. "It s Music," said the captain. "She s the coldest hound in the pack." The majority were for moving on, regardless of Music s cry ; but, in courtesy to the captain, who had more confidence in her than the rest of us, we agreed "to wait on her a little." " Speak to him, Music !" said the captain. Music opened again. "Try for him, Music!" Music opened again. "Let s go to her," said the captain ; "there s not much confidence to be placed in her, but it may be a fox." We went, and as soon as Music saw us she seemed highly delighted at our attentions, ran into a little gully, put her nose to the ground, seemed in doubt, rooted in the dirt a little way ; then raised her head, paused a second, and trot ted round a circle of ten yards circumference, THE FOX-HUNT 237 opening all the time as if the whole horizon were lined with foxes that is, as though there were an abundance of foxes about, but they were a long way off. " Try for him again, Music !" said the captain. Music fidgeted about with great animation, shook her tail spiritedly, and, after taking a sweep of sixty feet, returned to the gully and did as before. " I m afraid it s too cold/ said the captain. " Oh no," said Colonel Peyton, waggishly, "let s wait on her. Bundance o foxes in that gully ; only give Music time, and she ll fill it full o dead foxes before sunrise." "I reckon," said Stewart Andrews, in a long, drawling, dry way, "that Music has got upon a Miss Mary Ann that went along there last winter." The reader must here be informed that when I went into the neighborhood of which I have been speaking the common appellation of the rabbit was " Molly Cotton-tail," as it still is else where in Georgia ; but as I thought this inele gant, if not vulgar, I prevailed upon my fellow- huntsmen to exchange it for a more classic term, which would preserve the sense, without offend ing the most squeamish delicacy. At my sugges tion, therefore, it was called the "Mary Cotton tail," and afterwards, by further refinement, "Miss Mary Ann Cotton-tail." But to return. We were just about taking leave of Music, when a young, awkward, overgrown hound trot ted up to her assistance. He arrived just as Mu sic had paid a third visit to the track in the 238 GEORGIA SCENES gully,, and as soon as she left it he put his nose to the spot, snuffed a little, and then raised one foot, and with it kindly scratched out the tan talizing track. While I sat "waiting upon" Miss Music my freezing limbs forced me into this train of reflection : " How could I have so far taken leave of my senses as to promise myself any pleasure from such a jaunt as this ! It is ex tremely doubtful whether we shall start a fox ; and if we should, what are the cries of twenty hounds to three or four hours exposure, without even an overcoat, upon such a piercing morning as this ? And wherein will the cry differ from that of the same pack in pursuit of a rabbit on a fine, sunny day ? And why seek amusement in the torture of a poor, unoffending animal ? In this country, at least, I never heard of a single loss from a farm-yard which could be fairly traced to the fox ; not even of a goose, much less of a lamb. My rest broken, my health jeoparded, and my immediate suffering excruciating ! Folly ! madness in the extreme I" We had not proceeded far before groups of from two to five hounds could be heard in all directions in pursuit of Miss Mary Anns. Hitherto my hopes had been buoyed up by the number of hounds ; for I naturally concluded that our chances of success increased with their number ; but now I plainly saw that our only hope was upon Rome and Louder, for all the others had resigned themselves unreservedly to Mary Anns. We were moving on upon a skirt of woods, en- THE FOX-HUNT 239 tirely surrounded by fields, when, from the op posite side of it the well - known voice of the deep - mouthed Louder fell joyously upon our ears. " Hark !" cried all of us at once. In an instant the clear, shrill note of Rome confirmed his companion s report ; for they always hunted together, and each obeyed the call of the other in a moment. Then both together, then alter nately in quick succession, they repeated their as surances. In an instant all the various groups of hounds of which we were speaking were hushed, and from every direction they could be seen dashing to the two favorites. Such is the force of truth even with dumb brutes. A loud scream of exultation and encourage ment broke involuntarily from all the huntsmen (not excepting myself), and each dashed for the hounds as the impulse of the moment urged him on. Some skirted the forest in one way, some in another; but Crocket plunged directly through it at half-speed how, Heaven only knows! but I had hardly missed him before I heard him en couraging the dogs in his presence. I took a moment for reflection, which, of course, I was permitted to enjoy alone. My conclusion was, that if Crocket could gallop through the wood with safety, I certainly could pace through it with out injury; and as this was much the nearest way, I determined to attempt it. My resolves were no sooner formed than they were communicated to Smooth-tooth, who entered the wood with his accustomed prudence and circumspection. The first streaks of day had now appeared ; 240 GEORGIA SCENES but they were entirely useless to me after I had entered the forest. I had proceeded about sixty paces, when a limb of some kind (I know not what) fetched me a wipe across the face that set the principles of philosophy at defiance ; for it was certainly four times as severe as Smooth- tooth s momentum would have justified upon any known law of projectiles ; at least it seemed so to me ; for it came like a flash of lightning over the icing of my face, giving me, for the first time in my life, a sensible idea of the Georgia expression "feeling streaked"; for my face actually felt as though it were covered with streaks of fire and streaks of ice. Twenty paces more had like to have wound up my hunt with the felon s death ; for as I was moving on with all due caution and sobriety, a little, supple, infrangible grape-vine, attached to two slim, elastic saplings, between which I passed, threw one of its festoons gracefully around my neck, and politely informed me that I must stop or be hanged. I communicated this intelligence to Smooth-tooth without loss of time ; and as stopping was his delight, he, of course, obeyed the mandate as quickly as he could. Prompt as was his obedience, it was too slow for the petulant little grape-vine ; for, though it consented to spare my life, it dis missed me with most ungentlemanly rudeness. It just took my profile from my neck upward, passing over all the turns and angles of my face with a rigor that Socrates himself could not have borne with patience. It returned from its 242 GEORGIA SCENES delineation like a bowstring, sending my hat aloft,, I know not how high ; but, judging from the time which intervened between its depart ure from my head and its report on the ground, I should say nearly to the height of the wedded saplings. Never but once before had I such a lively sense of the value of a hat in cold weather as I now had. The chills ran from my head to my toes like ague-fits ; and these I had to bear for the space of a minute or two before I could feel out my hat. At last I recovered it and remounted. " How was it possible," exclaimed I, " for Crocket to get through this wood at half- speed ! It must be true that fortuna f civet fortibus, and Fll e en risk a little upon the strength of the maxim." Switches were con venient, as my misfortunes have proved ; and, having supplied myself with one, I drew my hat over my eyes, brought my head down close to Smooth - tooth s withers, hugged him tight with my legs, and put whip to him manfully. Smooth-tooth now felt his dignity assailed, and he put off at a respectable fox-hunting gait. This soon brought me to the edge of the old field, with no other accident than a smart blow from a sapling upon my right knee, which, though it nearly unhorsed me, did me no serious injury. Here I found all my companions reassembled. While the drag lay within the frost-covered field, the dogs carried it briskly ; but, as soon as it en tered the wood, they were at fault. In this situa tion they were when I joined the huntsmen. It THE FOX-HUNT 243 was long before we had any encouragement to hope that they would ever take it beyond the margin of the field ; occasionally, however, and at pain ful intervals, the two favorites would bid us not to despair. Crocket and three or four of the party remained with and encouraged the hounds ; while Andrews, Harden, and myself adjourned to a narrow lane to enjoy the comforts of the risen sun. The sluggish trail allowed us an hour s basking, which so far relaxed my rigid members as to prepare me for enjoying Marden s amusing stories and Stewart s dry humor. While we were thus engaged, and after we had relin quished all hope of a chase, for that morning at least, the notes of the two favorites became more and more frequent. Soon a third and fourth voice joined them, and the chorus swelled and varied with every second, until eight in the morning, when the whole pack broke in full cry. Reynard was up, and twenty foes in hot pursuit. How or why I am unable to tell, but truth constrains me to say that for some moments I was enraptured with the sport. The fox ob liqued towards us, and entered a field of which our position commanded a full view. He must have left his covert with reluctance, for he was not more than a hundred paces ahead of the hounds when he entered the field. First of the pack, and side by side, the heroes of the clamor ous band rose the fence. Then followed, in thick array, the whole troop ; and close on their rear, Crocket burst through the copse wood and charged the fence without a pause. Around me, 244 GEORGIA SCENES in every direction I could see the huntsmen sweeping to the choir ; and as, emerging from the forests or gaining the heights around, they caught the first glimpse of the gallant pack they raised a shout which none but the over charged heart can give and none but the life less heart receive unmoved. I was soon desert ed as before ; but, partly from the inspiration of my recent experiment, I plied Smooth-tooth with the whip most astonishingly, and put off in pursuit of the hounds in handsome style, via the lane, which happened to have exactly the curva ture which I desired. The fox had hardly left the field through which my eye followed him before, all of a sudden, the voice of every hound hushed. They were com pletely at fault ; and thus I found them when I once more joined my company. They " knocked out," as the saying is, near to the corner of Squire Snibby s field, which lay contiguous to the first which they entered. Dogs and men here toiled assiduously to take the trail away, but in vain. At length Crocket suspected Rey nard of a trick ; he conjectured that the cun ning rogue had ascended the squire s fence, and followed it some distance before he alighted. And so it proved to be ; for, taking some of the dogs with him along the fence side, Crocket in troduced them again to the trail, at the distance of full three hundred yards from the point at which they lost it. The cry was now renewed Avith all its former spirit. The fox, huntsmen, and hounds took to the right ; but, as fields lay THE FOX-HUNT 245 in that direction, I concluded that he would soon turn and follow the belt of woodland in the opposite direction ; I therefore took to the left by a pretty little path which might possibly have exerted some influence upon my determination. I had not proceeded far before I encountered a large log lying directly across my path. Here I resolved to experiment a little, unobserved, upon Smooth-tooth s agility. " If," said I, " he clears that log in handsome style, Fll charge the first (low) fence that intercepts my pursuit." Ac cordingly, I put whip and heels to Smooth-tooth, who neared it elegantly, but as soon as he came within jumping distance he stopped, with a sud denness and self-composure which plainly signi fied that he expected me to let it down for him. The consequence was that I was very near being laid across the log for my pains. I now became testy, and resolved that, as he would not " run and jump" it, he should " stand and jump" it. I therefore brought him up to it, and commenced the old discipline. After proposing to go round it either way without my approbation, he at length raised his fore feet and threw them lazily over the log, coming down upon them as the white bear does in breaking ice, and stopped right astride of the log. I was now prompted by curiosity to see, if left to himself, whether he would stand there or go on, and, strange as it may seem, his own free-will led him to neither alternative ; for he was in the very act of draw ing his fore feet back with a kind of fall-down motion when I gave him the whip and forced 246 GEORGIA SCENES him to drag, rather than lift, his hind feet over. This feat performed, I moved on about two hundred yards, when, as I had anticipated, I heard the hounds coming directly towards me. I stopped, and in a minute s time Eeynard crossed the path within thirty steps of me. Then came the dogs in the order in which they en tered the field, and hard upon them came Crocket upon his foaming steed. " Did you see him ?" exclaimed he, finding me near the trail. " Yes," said I, "distinctly." " How was his tail ?" " I didn t notice particularly, but sticking to him, I believe." " Oh, nonsense !" said Crocket ; " was his brush up or down ?" " Neither," said I ; " he brushed right across." Here the major uttered something harsh, and dashed on. I afterwards learned that experi enced fox-hunters know the extent of his ex haustion from the manner in which he carries his tail. Having reasoned out the fox s movements this time successfully, I concluded I could do the like again ; I therefore reasoned that after ram bling about a short time he would seek the neighborhood of his burrow. Accordingly, I paced back (going round the log this time) to a position where I might intercept him. Here I remained about an hour, without hearing man, horse, or dog, and then I paced home, where I THE FOX-HUNT 247 arrived at eleven o clock, perfectly satisfied with fox-hunting. When my companions returned, they reported that five miles from where I was waiting for the fox, and seven from the village, at about two o clock P.M., right in the big road, near Rich- land Creek, the dogs "knocked out/ and could never be knocked in again. But they brought home a rich fund of anec dote from the chase, which served to enliven many an idle hour afterwards ; I reserved mine to the present moment, to enliven the family fireside on these cold winter evenings. HALL. THE WAXWORKS 1^ the city of resided once a band of gay spirits, who, though they differed from each oth er in some respects, were all alike in this, that they were fond of fun. Billy Grossly was an odd compound of grave and humorous. He seldom projected a scheme of amusement, but never failed to take part in it when it was set on foot by others. Why, it was not easy to tell ; for, if he enjoyed the most amus ing pastime at all, his enjoyment was all inward, for he rarely laughed or gave any other visible sign of lively pleasure. Jack Clomes seemed to have been made for fun. It was his meat and his drink ; he could no more live without it than he could live with out his ordinary diet. Withal, Jack had a won derful talent for manufacturing food for his prevailing appetite. Indeed, his fault was that he never could be got to perform his part in a humorous exhibition, which required concert with others, without digressing from the main plot whenever he discovered a fair opportunity of picking up a delicate morsel of fun precisely suited to his own palate. James M Lass was fond of a harmless frolic, THE WAXWORKS 249 and whenever he engaged in it, if by preconcert, he always made it a point of honor to perform his part in strict obedience to the original de sign. These three, with six or eight others, whose dispositions it is not necessary to mention, vis ited the village of - - in order to attend the races which were in progress in the vicinity of that place. Towards the close of the races, it was discov ered that the joint funds of the whole frater nity were not sufficient to discharge the tavern- bills of any two of them. What was to be done in this emergency ? To have borrowed would have been extremely mortifying, and perhaps a little inconvenient ; to have gone away without paying their tavern-bills would have been con trary to the first principles of Georgia honor. They were soon relieved from their dilemma by the ingenuity of domes. During the races a "Down-Easter" had been exhibiting wax figures in the village; and, con cluding that the profits of his business would end with the sports of the turf, he had begun to pack up his portables for removal to a more eligible station. Clomes now proposed that his company should take the places and parts of the retiring figures or, to use his own expression, " should play wax works" until they made enough to pay their bills. A single night, it was thought, would suffice for this purpose. The plan was no sooner proposed than it was 250 GEORGIA SCENES embraced by all. The room and its furniture were engaged for the evening ; the parts were cast without difficulty ; and each went industri ously to work to fit himself for the part he was to perform. Billy Grossly, having the advantage of all the rest in height and abdominal rotundity, was by common consent chosen as a proper represent ative of Daniel Lambert, the prodigious Eng lishman who weighed, if I remember rightly, upward of six hundred pounds. The reader need hardly be told that, with all his advan tages, Billy required the aid of at least eight pillows, with some extra chinking, as we say in Georgia, to give him a bulk corresponding with this enormous weight ; nor need he be told that divers of the most decent bags which the village afforded, with a small sheet, Avere put in requisi tion, to contain him and his adjuncts. Freedom Lazenby was the only one of the com pany who could, with any propriety, personify the Sleeping Beauty ; and of course this part was assigned to him. Freedom s figure was quite too gross for the beau-ideal of female symmetry, and his face, though fine for a man, had rather too much compass to represent nature s finest touches of female beauty. However, it was soon perceived that a counterpane would hide the defects of the first, and a deep-frilled cap would reduce the last to passable effeminacy. But there were two other difficulties which were not so easily removed. It is well known that the inter est of the Sleeping Beauty is much enlivened by THE WAXWORKS 251 an exposed bosom, by which reposes a lovely in fant. Even Clomes s ingenuity could not supply these. A living child would not answer ; for, whether taken to the arms of the Beauty asleep or awake, it would be certain to give signs of life before the exhibition ended ; and there was not even a tolerable manufacturer of bosoms in the whole village. There was no alternative ; the interest of the spectators must yield to the neces sities of the performers ; it was therefore deter mined that the Beauty s bosom should share the fate of her person, and be covered ; that an in fant should be manufactured in the best possible style out of rags ; and that the paint-brush should supply the place of wax for the face. As there were no Raphaels, Titians, Wests, or Debuffes in the village, the little innocent did not come from the hands of the artist with the most per fect face imaginable ; but it was the best that could be given to it, and if it wanted interest, that was not the fault of the company. To James M Lass was assigned the part of Miss Eliza Failes, the unfortunate girl who was murdered by her unnatural lover, Jason Fair banks ; and Clomes took the part of the mur derer. It was proposed to represent Miss Failes at the moment when the blood was streaming from the lacerated throat ; but Jemmy refused to personify her in that condition, and therefore they had to place him in another part of the tragedy. That was selected in which Fairbanks has his victim by the hair with the left hand, the knife upraised 252 GEORGIA SCENES in the right, in the act of commencing his work of butchery. The other figures, being merely distinguished personages, were easily represented. From some cause unknown, perhaps to invite visitors, or merely because, perhaps, it was a mat ter that lay fully within the range of the com pany^ art, they resolved to exhibit a corpse in the antechamber gratis ; and Pleasant Halgroce, a jolly son of Bacchus, kindly offered to play this part. Every child knows that a plate of burning spirits, with a little salt thrown into it, will throw over the features of a living person all the pale ness and ghastliness of death. This was the only device used to convert Pleasant s smirky red face into that of a corpse. All matters being now arranged, and the per formers having practised their parts in their new characters until they ceased to be ridiculous, they all took their places after an early supper. Before the doors were opened to the principal exhibition, a little incident occurred in the ante chamber which suddenly closed the entertain ment in this quarter, and had a material bearing upon that in the other. Pleasant Halgroce had taken his position, and was playing a corpse to the life, or, rather, to the death; a number of persons gathered round him with becoming solemnity, when a dumb man, who was devotedly attached to him, joined the group. As soon as his eyes fell upon the pros trate body of Pleasant, he burst into the most piteous and unaffected wailing. Nothing could THE WAXWORKS 253 restrain him from embracing his departed friend. He approached him, and was in the act of bending over him, to give him affection s fondest adieu, when a pretty stiff breeze from Pleasant s lips, strengthened by previous suppression, charged with the fumes of about half a pint of brandy, saluted the face of the mourner. The transition from grief to joy was instantaneous with the poor mute. He rose in transports ; pointed to Pleas- ant s face, then to his own, touched his nose, gave it a significant curl, snuffed gently, and then clapping both hands to his stomach, he com menced inhaling and respiring with all the tone and emphasis of a pair of blacksmith s bellows. Pleasant, now perceiving that exposure was in evitable, rose, and rushed upon the dumb man with the fury of a tiger. This sudden resuscita tion of Pleasant to life in its most healthful ac tion was as alarming to the mute as his breathing had been joyous ; and he fled, with Pleasant at his heels, as though all the tenants of the church yard had risen upon him at once. Pleasant had only to resume his dress, and appear in a natural light, to pass unknown by all but the initiated ; for, aside from burning brandy, he was no more like a corpse than a rose is like a lily- Pleasant, being now out of employment, deter mined to take upon himself the part of historian to the wax figures. The door leading to the figures was no sooner opened than several persons entered and viewed them with apparent satisfaction. The spectators 254 GEORGIA SCENES had increased to the number of eight or ten, when a raw-boned, awkward, gawky son of the forest named Rory Brushwood made his appearance, paid his money, and entered. Pleasant, of course, undertook to enrich his mind with historic lore, while he feasted his eye upon the wonders of art. " This," said Pleasant, leading Rory up to the Sleeping Beauty, "is the Sleeping Beauty ; she s given up on all hands to be the prettiest creature in the universal world. Now what would you give, my old Snort, to have as pretty a wife and as pretty a baby as that ?" "Humph !" said Rory, "I don t think she s so d d pretty as she mout be; and as for the baby, it looks like a screech-owl in petticoats." " Monstrous pretty ! monstrous pretty !" con tinued Pleasant. "But come here hurrying Rory off, lest his remarks should wake the Sleep ing Beauty " come here, and I ll show you some thing that ll make your hair rise like a fighting cat s." " There !" continued he, pointing to Billy Grossly, "just take a squint at that fellow, will you : that s Daniel Lambert ; he was born in Nocatchey, and was raised upon nothing but grass-nuts and sweet-potatoes, and just see what he s come to ! He weighs nine hundred and fifty, dead weight." " He s a whaler !" said Rory ; " but his face is mighty little for his belly and legs." "Oh," said Pleasant, "that s owing to the grass-nuts and potatoes ; you know they always puff up the lower parts mightily." 256 GEORGIA SCENES Nobody but Billy could have withstood this lecture upon himself without a smile ; but he passed it off admirably. The critical time was now at hand. Pleasant and Kory advanced in front of Miss Failes and Mr. Fairbanks, where they found another visitor viewing the interesting couple. Pleasant deem ed it unadvisable to continue his lectures in the presence of Olomes ; and, had Clomes himself been equally prudent, things might all have ended well ; but he was not. While the three gentlemen just named were gazing on the figures before them,, Jack took it into his head to try a little experiment upon Miss Failes s muscles, through the sensibilities of her head ; accordingly, he tightened his grip suddenly upon her hair. This brought from her a slight wince ; but Jack did not perceive it. Encouraged by her philosophy, he made a second pull with all the strength that lay in the muscles and sinews of his left hand. This brought a palpable grin from Miss Failes ; and, what was worse, in the zeal of his experi ments upon Jim s stoicism, Jack overacted his own part a little. " Gentlemen," said Rory, in a tone of awful dignity and self-satisfaction as he turned grave ly to the by-standers "gentlemen, it s flesh and blood." " There," said Pleasant, " that just proves what I ve said that these are the best waxworks that ever was showed in all these parts. It s most impossible to tell em from live folks." THE WAXWORKS 257 "Gentlemen," repeated Rory, with the same unruffled composure, it s flesh and blood. If I didn t see that fellow wink, and that woman squinch her face, then hell s a dancing-room." "No matter for that," said Pleasant, "they re no thin but wax, for all that ; and, if you don t b lieve me, just feel that fellow s cheek." Rory raised his finger slowly, as if actually doubting the evidence of his senses, and was just in the act of touching Jack s cheek, when Jack snapped at his finger like a shark, and can ght it between his teeth with a force most unreasonable for fun. The shock was so unexpected and severe that it completely unmanned Rory for the instant, and he sank powerless upon the floor. He soon rose, however, and rose with Miss Failes s chair, which happened to be vacant just at this moment ; and then (to use an expression of one of the characters), "if ever you saw waxworks cut dirt, they cut it then." Mr. Fairbanks was the first to make his escape, but not without being nearly overtaken by the chair. Miss Failes followed next ; then General Washington and other distinguished personages, whose attitudes prepared them for running. The Sleeping Beauty, being a little encumbered with bedclothes, was rather slow in retiring; she was enough in a hurry, however, to leave her little infant in the middle of the floor to Rory s care, who, discovering its true character just as Daniel Lambert was removing his feathers to another apartment, let him have the baby, with all his 17 258 GEORGIA SCENES force, between the shoulders. As this was only rags against pillows, Daniel escaped as free from injury as the rest of them. Eory now became clamorous for his money ; but the doorkeeper was not to be found and, indeed, claimed and kept for his services all that was made, leaving the performers to settle their bills as they could. HALL. A SAGE CONVERSATION I LOVE the aged matrons of our land. As a class, they are the most pious, the most benevo lent, the most useful, and the most harmless of the human family. Their life is a life of good offices. At home they are patterns of industry, care, economy, and hospitality ; abroad, they are ministers of comfort, peace, and consolation. Where affliction is, there are they to mitigate its pangs ; where sorrow is, there are they to assuage its pains. Nor night nor day, nor summer s heat nor winter s cold, nor angry elements, can deter them from scenes of suffering and distress. They are the first at the fevered couch, and the last to leave it. They hold the first and last cup to the parched lip. They bind the aching head, close the dying eye, and linger in the death- stricken habitation to pour the last drop of con solation into the afflicted bosoms of the bereaved. I cannot, therefore, ridicule them myself, nor bear to hear them ridiculed in my presence. And yet I am often amused at their conversations ; and have amused them with a rehearsal of their own conversations, taken down by me when they little dreamed that I was listening to them. Per haps my reverence for their character, conspir- 260 GEORGIA SCENES ing with a native propensity to extract amusement from all that passes under my observation, has accustomed me to pay a uniformly strict atten tion to all they say in my presence. This much in extraordinary courtesy to those who cannot distinguish between a simple narra tive of an amusing interview and ridicule of the parties to it. Indeed, I do not know that the conversation which I am about to record will be considered amusing by any of my readers. Cer tainly the amusement of the readers of my own times is not the leading object of it, or of any of the Georgia Scenes, forlorn as may be the hope that their main object will ever be an swered. When I seated myself to the sheet now before me my intention was merely to detail a con versation between three ladies which I heard many years since, confining myself to only so much of it as sprang from the ladies own thoughts, unawakened by the suggestions of others ; but as the manner of its introduction will perhaps interest some of my readers, I will give it. I was travelling with my old friend Ned Brace when we stopped, at the dusk of the evening, at a house on the roadside for the night. Here we found three nice, tidy, aged matrons, the youngest of whom could not have been under sixty; one of them, of course, was the lady of the house, whose husband, old as he was, had gone from home upon a land-explor ing expedition. She received us hospitably, A SAGE CONVERSATION 261 had onr horses well attended to, and soon pre pared for us a comfortable supper. While these things were doing, Ned and I engaged the oth er two in conversation, in the course of which Ned deported himself with becoming serious ness. The kind lady of the house occasionally joined us, and became permanently one of the party from the time the first dish was placed on the table. At the usual hour we were sum moned to supper ; and, as soon as we were seat ed, Ned, unsolicited, and most unexpectedly to me, said grace. I knew full well that this was a prelude to some trick I could not conjecture what. His explanation (except so much as I discovered myself) was, that he knew that one of us would be asked to say grace, and he thought he might as well save the good ladies the trouble of asking. The matter, was, how ever, more fully explained just before the mo ment of our retiring to bed arrived. To this moment the conversation went round between the good ladies and ourselves with mutual in terest to all. It was much enlivened by Ned, who was capable, as the reader has been here tofore informed, of making himself extremely agreeable in all company, and who upon this occasion was upon his very best behavior. It was immediately after I had looked at my watch, in token of my disposition to retire for the night, that the conversation turned upon marriages, happy and unhappy, strange, unequal, runaways, etc. Ned rose in the midst of it, and asked the landlady where we should sleep. She pointed to 262 GEORGIA SCENES an open shed-room adjoining the room in which we were sitting, and separated from it by a log partition, between the spaces of which might be seen all that passed in the dining-room, and so close to the fireplace of this apartment that a loud whisper might be easily heard from one to the other. "The strangest match/ said Ned, resuming the conversation with a parson s gravity, " that ever I heard of was that of George Scott and David Snow, two most excellent men, who be came so much attached to each other that they actually got married " The lackaday I" exclaimed one of the ladies. And was it really a fact ?" inquired another. "Oh yes, ma am," continued Ned ; "I knew them very well, and often went to their house ; and no people could have lived happier or man aged better than they did. And they raised a lovely parcel of children ; as fine a set as I ever saw, except their youngest son, Billy; he was a little wild, but, upon the whole, a right clever boy himself. Come, friend Baldwin, we re sit ting up too late for travellers." So saying, Ned moved to the shed-room, and I followed him. The ladies were left in silent amazement ; and Ned, suspecting, doubtless, that they were listen ing for a laugh from our chamber as we entered it, continued the subject with unabated grav ity, thus: "You knew those two men, didn t you ?" " Where did they live ?" inquired I, not a little disposed to humor him. A SAGE CONVERSATION 263 " Why, they lived down there on Cedar Creek, close by Jacob Denman s. Oh, I ll tell you who their daughter Nancy married ; she married John Clarke. You knew him very well." "Oh yes," said I, "I knew John Clarke very well. His wife was a most excellent woman." "Well, the boys were just as clever, for boys, as she was for a girl, except Bill ; and I never heard anything very bad of him, unless it was his laughing in church ; that put me more out of conceit of him than anything I ever knew of him. Now, Baldwin, when I go to bed, I go to bed to sleep, and not to talk; and, therefore, from the time my head touches the pillow, there must be no more talking. Besides, we must take an early start to-morrow, and Fm tired." So saying, he hopped into his bed, and I obeyed his injunctions. Before I followed his example, I could not re sist the temptation of casting an eye through the cracks of the partition, to see the effect of Ned s wonderful story upon the kind ladies. Mrs. Barney (it is time to give their names) was sitting in a thoughtful posture, her left hand supporting her chin, and her knee supporting her left elbow. Her countenance was that of one who suffers from a slight toothache. Mrs. Shad leaned forward, resting her forearm on her knees, and looking into the fire as if she saw groups of children playing in it. Mrs. Reed, the landlady, who was the fattest of the three, was thinking and laughing alternately at short inter vals. From my bed it required but a slight 264 GEORGIA SCENES change of position to see any one of the group at pleasure. I was 110 sooner composed 011 my pillow than the old ladies drew their chairs close together, and began the following colloquy in a low under tone,, which rose as it progressed : Mrs. Barney. Didn t that man say them was two men that got married to one another ? Mrs. Shad. It seemed to me so. Mrs. Reed. Why, to be sure he did. I know he said so ; for he said what their names was. Mrs. B. Well, in the name o sense, what did the man mean by saying they raised a fine parcel of children ? Mrs. R. Why, bless your heart and soul, honey ! that s what I ve been thinkin about. It seems mighty curious to me, somehow or oth er. I can t study it out, nohow. Mrs. 8. The man must be jokin , certainly. Mrs. R. No, he wasn t jokin ; for I looked at him and he was just as much in yearnest as anybody I ever seed ; and, besides, no Christian man would tell such a story in that solemn way. And didn t you hear that other man say he knew their da ter Nancy ? Mrs. S. But, la messy ! Mis Keed, it can t be so. It doesn t stand to reason. Don t you know it don t ? Mrs. R. Well, I wouldn t think so; but it s hard for me somehow to dispute a Christian man s word. Mrs. B. I ve been thinking the thing all over in my mind, and I reckon now I don t say it is A SAGE CONVERSATION 265 so, for I don t know nothing at all about it bnt 1 reckon that one of them men was a woman dressed in men s clothes ; for Fve often hearn o women doin them things, and following their true-love to the wars, and bein a waitin -boy to em, and all sich. Mrs. S. Well, maybe it s somehow in that way ; but, la me ! twould a been obliged to been found out. Don t you know it would ? Only think how many children she had. Now it stands to reason that at some time or other it must have been found out. Mrs. R. Well, I m an old woman anyhow, and I reckon the good man won t mind what an old woman says to him ; so, btess the Lord, if I live to see the morning, I ll ask him about it. I knew that Ned was surpassed by no man living in extricating himself from difficulties ; but how he was to escape from this, with even tolerable credit to himself, I could not devise. The ladies here took leave of Ned s marvel lous story, drew themselves closely round the fire., lighted their pipes, and proceeded as fol lows : Mrs. B. Jist before me and my old man was married there was a gal named Nancy Mount- castle (puff, puff), and she was a mighty likely gal (puff) ; I know d her mighty well ; she dress ed herself up in men s clothes (puff, puff), and followed Jemmy Darden from P ankatank, in ^KiKG AND QUEEN (puff), clean up to LOUDON. Mrs. S. (puff, puff, puff, puff, puff). And did he marry her ? 266 GEORGIA SCENES Mrs. B. (sighing deeply). No ; Jemmy didn t marry her ; pity he hadn t, poor thing. Mrs. R. Well, I know d a gal on Tar River done the same thing (puff, puff, puff). She fol lowed Moses Rusher way down somewhere in the South State (puff, puff). Mrs. S. (puff, puff, puff, puff). And what did he do ? Mrs. R. Ah ! (puff, puff). Lord bless your soul, honey, I can t tell you what he did. Bad enough. Mrs. B. Well, now, it seems to me I don t know much about it but it seems to me, men don t like to marry gals that take on that way. It looks like it puts em out of concait of em. Mrs. 8. I know d one man that married a wom an that followed him from Oar lina to this State ; but she didn t dress herself in men s clothes. You both know em. You know Simpson Trotty s sister and Rachael s son Reuben. Twas him and his wife. Mrs. R. and Mrs. B. Oh yes, I know em mighty well. Mrs. S. Well, it was his wife ; she followed him out to this State. Mrs. B. I know d em all mighty well. Her da ter Lucy was the littlest teeny bit of a thing when it was born I ever did see. But they tell me that when I was born now I don t know any thing about it myself, but the old folks used to tell me that when I was born they put me in a quart mug, and mouglit V covered me up in it. Mrs. S. The lackaday ! A SAGE CONVERSATION 267 Mrs. R. What ailment did Lucy die of, Mis Barney ? Mrs. B. Why, first she took the ager and fever, and took a Abundance o doctor s means for that. And then she got a powerful bad cough, and it kept gittin worse and worse, till at last it turned into a consumption, and she jist nat ly wasted away, till she was nothing but skin and bone, and she died ; but, poor creature, she died mighty happy ; and I think in my heart she made the prettiest corpse, considering of anybody I most ever seed. Mrs. R. and Mrs. S. Emph ! (solemnly). Mrs. R. What did the doctors give her for the fever and ager ? Mrs. B. Oh, they gin her a bundance o truck ; I don t know what all ; and none of em holp her at all. But at last she got over it, somehow or other. If they d have just gin her a sweat o bit ter yerbs, jist as the spell was comin on, it would have cured her right away. Mrs. R. Well, I reckon sheep-saffron the onli- est thing in nater for the ager. Mrs. B. I ve always hearn it was wonderful in hives and measly ailments. Mrs. R. Well, it s just as good for an ager ; it s a powerful sweat. Mrs. Clarkson told me that her cousin Betsy s Aunt Sally s Nancy was cured sound and well by it of a hard shakin ager. Mrs. 8. Why, you don t tell me so ! Mrs. R. Oh, bless your heart, honey, it s every word true ; for she told me so with her own mouth. GEORGIA SCENES Mrs. 8. A hard, hard shakin ager ? Mrs. R. Oh yes, honey, it s the truth. Mrs. 8. Well, I m told that if you ll wrap the inside skin of an egg round your little finger, and go three days reg lar to a young persimmon, and tie a string round it, and every day tie three knots in it, and then not go agin for three days, that the ager will leave you. Mrs. B. I ve often hearn o that, but I don t know about it. Some people don t believe in it. Mrs. 8. Well, Davy Cooper s wife told me she didn t believe in it ; but she tried it, and it cured her sound and well. Mrs. R. I ve hearn of many folks bein cured in that way. And what did they do for Lucy s cough, Mis Barney ? Mrs. B. Oh, dear me, they gin her a powerful chance o truck ! I reckon, first and last, she took at least a pint o lodimy. Mrs. S. and Mrs. R. The law ! Mrs. 8. Why, that ought to have killed her, if nothing else! If they d jist gin her a little cumfry and elecampane, stewed in honey, or sugar, or molasses, with a little lump o mutton suet or butter in it, it would have cured her in two days, sound and well. Mrs. B. I ve always counted cumfry and ale- campane the lead of all yerbs for colds. Mrs. 8. Horehound and sugar s mazin good. Mrs. B. Mighty good, mighty good. Mrs. R. Powerful good. I take mightily to a sweat of sage-tea in desperate bad colds. Mrs. 8. And so do I, Mis Eeed. Indeed, I A SAGE CONVERSATION have a great leanin to sweats of verbs, in all ail ments sich as colds, and rheumaty pains, and pleurisies, and sich ; they re wonderful good. Old Brother Smith came to my house from Bethany meeting in a mighty bad way with a cold and cough, and his throat and nose all stopped up ; seemed like it would most take his breath away ; and it was dead o winter, and I had nothin but dried yerbs, sich as camomile, sage, pennyr yal, catmint, horehound, and sich ; so I put a hot rock to his feet, and made him a large bowl o catmint tea, and I reckon he drank most two quarts of it through the night ; and it put him in a mighty fine sweat, and loosened all thephleem, and opened all his head ; and the next morning, says he to me, says he, Sister Shad you know he s a mighty kind-spoken man, and always was so fore he joined society ; and the old man likes a joke yet right well, the old man does ; but he s a mighty good man, and I think he prays with greater libity than most any one of his age I most ever seed ; don t you think he does, Mis Keed ? Mrs. R. Powerful. Mrs. B. Who did he marry ? Mrs. S. Why, he married stop, I ll tell you directly. Why, what does make my old head forget so ? Mrs. B. Well, it seems to me I don t remem ber like I used to. Didn t he marry a Rams- bottom ? Mrs. R. No. Stay, I ll tell you who he married presently. Oh, stay ! why, I ll tell you who he 270 GEORGIA SCENES married ! He married old daddy Johnny Hooer s da ter Mournin*. Mrs. S. Why, la ! messy on me, so he did ! Mrs. B. Why, did he marry a Hooer ? Mrs. 8. Why, to be sure he did. You knew Mournin*. Mrs. B. Oh, mighty well ; but I d forgot that Brother Smith married her. I really thought he married a Ramsbottom. Mrs. R. Oh no, bless your soul, honey, he married Mournin ! Mrs. B. Well, the law me, Fm clear beat ! Mrs. S. Oh, it s so, you may be sure it is. Mrs. B. Emph, emph, emph, emph! And Brother Smith married Mournin Hooer ! Well, I m clear put out ! Seems to me I m gittin mighty forgetful, somehow. Mrs. S. Oh yes, he married Mournin , and I saw her when she joined society. Mrs. B. Why, you don t tell me so ! Mrs. S. Oh, it s the truth. She didn t join till after she was married, and the church took on mightily about his marrying one out of society. But after she joined they all got satisfied. Mrs. R. Why, la me ! the seven stars is way over here ! Mrs. B. Well, let s light our pipes and take a short smoke and go to bed. How did you come on raisin chickens this year, Mis Shad ? Mrs. S. La messy, honey ! I have had mighty bad luck. I had the prettiest pa cel you most ever seed till the varment took to killin em. Mrs. R. and Mrs. B. The varment ! ! A SAGE CONVERSATION 271 Mrs. S. Oh, dear, yes. The hawk catched a powerful sight of them ; and then the varment took to "em, and nat ly took em fore and aft, bodily, till they left most none at all hardly. Sucky counted em up t other day, and there warn t but thirty-nine, she said, countin in the old speckle hen s chickens that jist come off of her nest. Mrs. R. and Mrs. B. Humph-h-h-h ! Mrs. R. Well, I ve had bad luck, too. Billy s hound-dogs broke up most all my nests. Mrs. B. Well, so they did me, Mis Reed. I always did despise a hound-dog upon the face of yea th. Mrs. R. Oh, they re the bawlinest, squallin- est, thievishest things ever was about one ; but Billy will have em, and I think in my soul his old Troup s the beat of all creators I ever seed in all my born days a-suckin o hen s eggs. He s clean most broke me up entirely. Mrs. S. The lackaday ! Mrs. R. And them that was hatched out, some took to takin the gaps, and some the pip, and one ailment or other, till they most all died. Mrs. S. Well, I reckon there must be some- thin in the season this year that ain t good for fowls ; for Larkin Goodman s brother Jirnme s wife s aunt Penny told me she lost most all her fowls with different sorts of ailments, the like of which she never seed before. They d jist go long lookiu right well, and tilt right over back ward (Mrs. B. The law !) and die right away 272 GEORGIA SCENES (Mrs. R. Did you ever !), with a sort o some- thin 7 like the blind staggers. Mrs. B. and Mrs. R. Messy on me ! Mrs. B. I reckon they must have eat some- thin 7 didn t agree with them. Mrs. 8. No, they didn t, for she fed em every mornin with her own hand. Mrs. B. "Well, it s mighty curious ! A short pause ensued, which was broken by Mrs. Barney with, "And Brother Smith married Mournin Hooer !" It came like an opiate upon my senses, and I dropped asleep. The next morning, when we rose from our beds, we found the good ladies sitting round the fire just as I left them, for they rose long before us. Mrs. Barney was just in the act of ejaculating, "And Brother Smith married Mournin -"when she was interrupted by our entry into the dining- room. We were hardly seated before Mrs. Reed began to verify her promise. "Mr. - ," said she to Ned, " didn t you say last night that them was two men that got married to one another ?" " Yes, madam," said Ned. " And didn t you say they raised a fine pa cel of children ?" " Yes, madam, except Billy. I said, you know, that he was a little wild." " Well, yes ; I know you said Billy wasn t as clever as the rest of them. But we old women were talking about it last night after you went out, and none of us could make it out how they could have children ; and I said, I reckoned you A SAGE CONVERSATION 273 wouldn t mind an old woman s chat, and, there fore, that I would ask you how it could be. I suppose you won t mind telling an old woman how it was ?" " Certainly not, madam. They were both wid owers before they fell in love with each other and got married." " The lackaday ! I wonder none of us thought o that. And they had children before they got married ?" " Yes, madam ; they had none afterwards that I heard of." We were here informed that our horses were in waiting, and we bade the good ladies farewell. HALL. THE SHOOTING MATCH SHOOTIKG-MATCHES are probably nearly coeval with the colonization of Georgia. They are still common throughout the Southern States,, though they are not as common as they were twenty- five or thirty years ago. Chance led me to one about a year ago. I was travelling in one of the northeastern counties, when I overtook a swarthy, bright-eyed, smerky little fellow, riding a small pony and bearing on his shoulder a long, heavy rifle, which, judging from its looks, I should say had done service in Morgan s corps. "Good -morning, sir!" said I, reining up my horse as I came beside him. " How goes it, stranger ?" said he, with a tone of independence and self-confidence that awakened my curiosity to know a little of his character. " Going driving ?" inquired I. "Not exactly/ replied he, surveying my horse with a quizzical smile. " I haven t been a-driv- ing ~by myself for a year or two ; and my nose has got so bad lately I can t carry a cold trail with out hounds to help me." Alone, and without hounds as he was, the question was rather a silly one ; but it answered THE SHOOTING-MATCH 275 the purpose for which it was put, which was only to draw him into conversation, and I proceeded to make as decent a retreat as I could. "I didn t know/ said I, " but that you were going to meet the huntsmen, or going to your stand." "Ah, sure enough," rejoined he, "that mout be a bee, as the old woman said when she killed a wasp. It seems to me I ought to know you." " Well, if you ought., why don t you ?" " What mout your name be ?" " It might be anything," said I, with borrowed wit, for I knew my man, and knew what kind of conversation would please him most. " Well, what is it, then ?" " It is Hall," said I ; " but you know it might as well have been anything else." "Pretty digging!" said he. "I find you re not the fool I took you to be ; so here s to a better acquaintance with you !" "With all my heart," returned I; "but you must be as clever as I ve been, and give me your name." "To be sure I will, my old coon; take it take it, and welcome. Anything else about me you d like to have ?" "No," said I, "there s nothing else about you worth having." " Oh yes, there is, stranger ! Do you see this ?" holding up his ponderous rifle with an ease that astonished me. "If you will go with me to the shooting-match, and see me knock out the bull s-eye with her a few times, you ll agree 276 GEORGIA SCENES the old Soap-stick s worth something when Billy Curlew puts his shoulder to her." This short sentence was replete with informa tion to me. It taught me that my companion was Billy Curlew ; that he was going to a shoot ing-match ; that he called his rifle the Soap- stick, and that he was very confident of winning beef with her ; or, which is nearly but not quite the same thing, driving the cross ivith her. "Well/ 7 said I, "if the shooting-match is not too far out of my way, Fll go to it with pleasure." "Unless your way lies through the woods from here/ 7 said Billy, " it 7 11 not be much out of your way; for it s only a mile ahead of us, and there is no other road for you to take till you get there ; and as that thing you re riding in a n t well suited to fast travelling among brushy knobs, I reckon you won t lose much by going by. I reckon you hardly ever was at a shooting-match, stranger, from the cut of your coat ?" "Oh yes/ 7 returned I, "many a time. I won beef at one when I was hardly old enough to hold a shot-gun offhand. 77 " Children don t go to shooting-matches about here/ said he, with a smile of incredulity. " I never heard of but one that did, and he was a little swinge cat. He was born a-shooting, and killed squirrels before he was weaned. 77 " Nor did / ever hear of but one," replied I, "and that one was myself." "And where did you win beef so young, stranger ?" THE SHOOTING-MATCH 277 " At Berry Adams s." " Why, stop, stranger, let me look at you good ! Is your name Lyman Hall ?" " The very same," said I. " Well, dang my buttons, if you a n t the very boy my daddy used to tell me about. I was too young to recollect you myself ; but Fve heard daddy talk about you many a time. I believe mammy s got a neck - handkerchief now that daddy won on your shooting at Collen Reid s store when you were hardly knee-high. Come along, Lyman, and I ll go my death upon you at the shooting-match, with the old Soap-stick at your shoulder I" "Ah, Billy," said I, "the old Soap-stick will do much better at your own shoulder. It was my mother s notion that sent me to the shoot ing - match at Berry Adams s ; and, to tell the honest truth, it was altogether a chance shot that made me win beef ; but that wasn t gener ally known, and most everybody believed that I was carried there on account of my skill in shoot ing ; and my fame was spread far and wide, I well remember. I remember too, perfectly well, your father s bet on me at the store. He was at the shooting-match, and nothing could make him believe but that I was a great shot with a rifle as well as a shot-gun. Bet he would on me, in spite of all I could say, though I assured him that I had never shot a rifle in my life. It so happened, too, that there were but two bullets, or, rather, a bullet and a half ; and so confident was your father in my skill that he made me 278 GEORGIA SCENES shoot the half -bullet ; and,, strange to tell, by another chance shot Fd like to have drove the cross and won his bet." " Now I know you re the very chap, for I heard daddy tell that very thing about the half-bullet. Don t say anything about it, Lyman, and darn my old shoes if I don t tare the lint oil the boys with you at the shooting-match ! They ll never spect such a looking man as you are of know ing anything about a rifle. I ll risk your chance shots. I soon discovered that the father had eaten sour grapes, and the son s teeth were on edge ; for Billy was just as incorrigibly obstinate in his belief of my dexterity with a rifle as his father had been before him. We soon reached the place appointed for the shooting-match. It went by the name of Sims s Cross Koads, because here two roads intersected each other ; and because, from the time that the first had been laid out, Archibald Sims had re sided there. Archibald had been a justice of the peace in his day (and where is the man of his age in Georgia whc has not ?) ; consequently, he was called Squire Sims. It is the custom in this State, when a man has once acquired a title, civil or military, to force it upon him as long as he lives ; hence the countless number of titled personages who are introduced in these sketches. We stopped at the squire s door. Billy hasti ly dismounted, gave me the shake of the hand which he had been reluctantly reserving for a mile back, and, leading me up to the squire, THE SHOOTING -MATCH 279 thus introduced me : " Uncle Archy, this is Lyman Hall ; and for all you see him in these fine clothes, he s a swinge cat ; a dam sight clev erer fellow than he looks to be. Wait till you see him lift the old Soap-stick and draw a bead upon the bull s-eye. You gwine to see fun here to-day. Don t say nothing about it." "Well, Mr. Swinge -cat/ said the squire, "here s to a better acquaintance with you," offering me his hand. " How goes it, Uncle Archy ?" said I, taking his hand warmly (for I am always free and easy with those who are so with me ; and in this course I rarely fail to please). " How s the old woman ?" "Egad," said the squire, chuckling, "there you re too hard for me ; for she died two-and- twenty years ago, and I haven t heard a word from her since." "What ! and you never married again ?" " Never, as God s my judge !" (A solemn as severation, truly, upon so light a subject.) " Well, that s not my fault." " No, nor it s not mine wither," said the squire. Here we were interrupted by the cry of another Ransy Sniffle : " Hello, here ! All you as wish to put in for the shoot n -match, come on here ! for the putt n in s riddy to begin." About sixty persons, including mere spectators, had collected, the most of whom were more or less obedient to the call of Mealy Whitecotton for that was the name of the self -constituted commander-in-chief. Some hastened and some 280 GEORGIA SCENES loitered, as they desired to be first or last on the list ; for they shoot in the order in which their names are entered. The beef was not present, nor is it ever upon such occasions ; but several of the company had seen it, who all concurred in the opinion that it was a good beef, and well worth the price that was set upon it eleven dollars. A general in quiry ran round, in order to form some opinion as to the number of shots that would be taken ; for, of course, the price of a shot is cheapened in proportion to the increase of that number. It was soon ascertained that not more than twenty persons would take chances ; but these twenty agreed to take the number of shots at twenty- five cents each. The competitors now began to give in their names ; some for one, some for two, three, and a few for as many as four shots. Billy Curlew hung back to the last ; and when the list was offered him, five shots remained un disposed of. " How many shots left ?" inquired Billy. " Five," was the reply. " Well, I take em all. Put down four shots to me, and one to Lyman Hall, paid for by William Curlew/ 7 I was thunderstruck; not at his proposition to pay for my shot, because I knew that Billy meant it as a token of friendship, and he would have been hurt if I had refused to let him do me this favor j but at the unexpected announcement of my name as a competitor for beef, at least one THE SHOOTING-MATCH 281 hundred miles from the place of my residence. I was prepared for a challenge from Billy to some of his neighbors for a private match upon me ; but not for this. I therefore protested against his putting in for me, and urged every reason to dissuade him from it that I could, without wounding his feelings. " Put it down !" said Billy, with the authority of an emperor, and with a look that spoke volumes intelligible to every by-stander. " Reckon I don t know what I m about ?" Then wheeling off, and muttering in an under, self-confident tone, "Dang old Roper/ 7 continued he, "if he don t knock that cross to the north corner of creation and back again before a cat can lick her foot !" Had I been king of the cat tribe they could not have regarded me with more curious atten tion than did the whole company from this moment. Every inch of me was examined with the nicest scrutiny ; and some plainly expressed by their looks that they never would have taken me for such a bite. I saw no alternative but to throw myself upon a third chance shot; for though, by the rules of the sport, I would have been allowed to shoot by proxy, by all the rules of good-breeding I was bound to shoot in person. It would have been unpardonable to disappoint the expectations which had been raised on me. Unfortunately, too, for me, the match differed in one respect from those which I had been in the habit of attending in my younger days. In olden time the contest was carried on chiefly with shot guns, a generic term which, in those days, em- 282 GEORGIA SCENES braced three descriptions of firearms Indian- traders (a long, cheap, but sometimes excellent kind of gun that Mother Britain used to send hither for traffic with the Indians), the large mus ket, and the shot -gun; properly so-called rifles were, however, always permitted to compete with them, under equitable restrictions. These were, that they should be fired offhand, while the shot guns were allowed a rest, the distance being equal ; or that the distance should be one hun dred yards for a rifle to sixty for the shot-gun, the mode of firing being equal. But this was a match of rifles exclusively ; and these are by far the most common at this time. Most of the competitors fire at the same target, which is usually a board from nine inches to a foot wide, charred on one side as black as it can be made by fire, without impairing materially the uniformity of its surface ; on the darkened side of which is pegged a square piece of white paper, which is larger or smaller according to the dis tance at which it is to be placed from the marks men. This is almost invariably sixty yards, and for it the paper is reduced to about two and a half inches square. Out of the centre of it is cut a rhombus of about the width of an inch, meas ured diagonally ; this is the bull s-eye or diamond, as the marksmen choose to call it ; in the centre of this is the cross. But every man is permitted to fix his target to his own taste ; and, according ly, some remove one-fourth of the paper, cutting from the centre of the square to the two lower corners, so as to leave a large angle opening from THE SHOOTING-MATCH 283 the centre downward, while others reduce the angle more or less ; but it is rarely the case that all are not satisfied with one of these figures. The beef is divided into five prizes, or, as they are commonly termed, five quarters the hide and tallow counting as one. For several years after the Revolutionary War a. sixth was added the lead which was shot in the match. This was the prize of the sixth best shot ; and it used to be carefully extracted from the board or tree in which it was lodged, and afterwards remoulded. But this grew out of the exigency of the times, and has, I believe, been long since abandoned everywhere. The three master shots and rivals were Moses Firmby, Larkin Spivey, and Billy Curlew ; to whom was added, upon this occasion, by com mon consent and with awful forebodings, your humble servant. The target was fixed at an elevation of about three feet from the ground ; and the judges (Cap tain Turner and Squire Porter) took their stands by it, joined by about half the spectators. The first name on the catalogue was Mealy Whitecotton. Mealy stepped out, rifle in hand, and toed the mark. His rifle was about three inches longer than himself, and near enough his own thickness to make the remark of Darby Chislom, as he stepped out, tolerably appropri ate : "Here comes the corn-stock and the suck er !" said Darby. "Kiss my foot !" said Mealy. "The way I ll creep into that bull s-eye s a fact." 284 GEORGIA SCENES "You d better creep into your hind sight," said Darby. Mealy raised and fired. (f A pretty good shot, Mealy I" said one. " Yes, a blamed good shot \" said a second. "Well done, Meal I" said a third. I was rejoiced when one of the company in quired, " Where is it ?" for I could hardly believe they were founding these remarks upon the evi dence of their senses. " Just on the right-hand side of the bull s-eye," was the reply. I looked with all the power of my eyes, but was unable to discover the least change in the sur face of the paper. Their report, however, was true ; so much keener is the vision of a practised than an unpractised eye. The next in order was Hiram Baugh. Hiram was like some race-horses which I have seen ; he was too good not to contend for every prize, and too good for nothing ever to win one. " Gentlemen," said he, as he came to the mark, "I don t say that I ll win beef, but if my piece don t blow I ll eat the paper, or be mighty apt to do it, if you ll b lieve my racket. My powder are not good powder, gentlemen ; I bought it thum [from] Zeb Daggett, and gin him three-quar ters of a dollar a pound for it ; but it are not what I call good powder, gentlemen ; but if old Buck-killer burns it clear, the boy you call Hiram Baugh eats paper, or comes mighty near it." " Well, blaze away," said Mealy, "and be d d to you, and Zeb Daggett, and your powder, and Buck -killer, and your powder-horn and shot- THE SHOOTING-MATCH 285 pouch to boot ! How long yon gwine stand thar talking fore you shoot ?" "Never mind," said Hiram, "I can talk a little and shoot a little too ; but that s nothin . Here goes !" Hiram assumed the figure of a note of interroga tion, took a long sight, and fired. "I ve eat paper," said he, at the crack of the gun, without looking, or seeming to look, towards the target. " Buck-killer made a clear racket. Where am I, gentlemen ?" "You re just between Mealy and the dia mond," was the reply. " I said I d eat paper, and I ve done it ; haven t I, gentlemen ?" " And s pose you have !" said Mealy ; " what do that mount to ? You ll not win beef, and never did." " Be that as it mout be, I ve beat Meal Cotton mighty easy ; and the boy you call Hiram Baugh are able to do it." " And what do that mount to ? Who the devil a n t able to beat Meal Cotton ? I don t make no pretence of bein nothin great, nohow ; but you always makes out as if you were gwine to keep em makin crosses for you constant, and then do nothin but eat paper at last ; and that s a long way from eatin beef, cordin to Meal Cot ton s notions, as you call him." Simon Stow was now called on. " Oh, Lord !" exclaimed two or three ; "now we have it. It ll take him as long to shoot as it would take Squire Dobbins to run round a track o land." 286 GEORGIA SCENES "Good-bye, boys/ said Bob Martin. " Where are you going, Bob ?" " Going to gather in my crop ; I ll be back agin, though, by the time Sime Stow shoots." Simon was used to all this, and therefore it did not disconcert him in the least. He went off and brought his own target, and set it up with his own hand. He then wiped out his rifle ; rubbed the pan with his hat ; drew a piece of tow through the touchhole with his wiper ; filled his charger with great care ; poured the powder into the rifle with equal caution; shoved in with his finger the two or three vagrant grains that lodged round the mouth of his piece; took out a handful of bul lets, looked them all over carefully, selected one without flaw or wrinkle; drew out his patching, found the most even part of it ; sprung open the grease-box in the breech of his rifle ; took up just so much grease, distributed it with great equal ity over the chosen part of his patching ; laid it over the muzzle of his rifle, grease side down; placed his ball upon it, pressed it a little; then took it up and turned the neck a little more per pendicularly downward, placed his knife-handle on it, just buried it in the mouth of the rifle; cut off the redundant patching just above the bullet, looked at it, and shook his head, in token that he had cut off too much or too little no one knew which sent down the ball ; measured the contents of his gun with his first and second fin gers on the protruding part of the ramrod; shook his head again, to signify there was too much or THE SHOOTING-MATCH 387 too little powder ; primed carefully ; placed an arched piece of tin over the hind sight to shade it ; took his place ; got a friend to hold his hat over the the fore sight to shade it ; took a very long sight, fired, and didn t even eat the paper. "My piece was badly loadned," said Simon, when he learned the place of his ball. " Oh, you didn t take time," said Mealy. "No man can shoot that s in such a hurry as you is. I d hardly got to sleep fore I heard the crack o the gun." The next was Moses Firmby. He was a tall, slim man, of rather sallow complexion ; and it is a singular fact that though probably no part of the world is more healthy than the mountainous parts of Georgia, the mountaineers have not gen erally robust frames or fine complexions ; they are, however, almost inexhaustible by toil.* Moses kept us not long in suspense. His rifle was already charged, and he fixed it upon the target with a steadiness of nerve and aim that was astonishing to me and alarming to all the rest. A few seconds, and the report of his rifle broke the deathlike silence which prevailed. " No great harm done yet," said Spivey, mani festly relieved from anxiety by an event which seemed to me better calculated to produce de spair. Firmby s ball had cut out the lower angle of the diamond, directly on a right line with the cross. Three or four followed him without bettering his shot ; all of whom, however, with one excep tion, "eat the paper." 288 GEOKGIA SCENES It now came to Spivey s turn. There was nothing remarkable in his person or manner. He took his place, lowered his rifle slowly from a perpendicular until it came on a line with the mark, held it there like a vise for a moment, and fired. " Pretty sevigrous, but nothing killing yet," said Billy Curlew, as he learned the place of Spivey s ball. Spivey s ball had just broken the upper angle of the diamond, beating Firmby about half its width. A few more shots, in which there was nothing remarkable, brought us to Billy Curlew. Billy stepped out with much confidence, and brought the Soap-stick to an order, while he deliberately rolled up his shirt - sleeves. Had I judged of Billy s chance of success from the looks of his gun, I should have said it was hopeless. The stock of Soap-stick seemed to have been made with a case-knife, and had it been, the tool would have been but a poor apology for its clumsy ap pearance. An auger-hole in the breech served for a grease-box ; a cotton string assisted a single screw in holding on the lock ; and the thimbles were made, one of brass, one of iron, and one of tin. "Where s Lark Spivey s bullet?" called out Billy to the judges, as he finished rolling up his sleeves. "About three-quarters of an inch from the cross," was the reply. " Well, clear the way I the Soap-stick s com- THE SHOOTING-MATCH 289 ing, and she ll be along in there among em pres ently." Billy now planted himself astraddle, like an inverted V ; shot forward his left hip, drew his body back to an angle of about forty-five degrees with the plane of the horizon, brought his cheek down close to the breech of old Soap-stick, and fixed her upon the mark with untrembling hand. His sight was long, and the swelling muscles of his left arm led me to believe that he was lessen ing his chance of success with every half-second that he kept it burdened Avith his ponderous rifle ; but it neither flagged nor wavered until Soap-stick made her report. " Where am I ?" said Billy, as the smoke rose from before his eye. " You ve jist touched the cross on the lower side," was the reply of one of the judges. " I was afraid I was drawing my bead a leetle too fine," said Billy. " Now, Lyman, you see what the Soap-stick can do. Take her, and show the boys how you used to do when you was a baby." I begged to reserve my shot to the last ; plead ing, rather sophistically, that it was, in point of fact, one of Billy s shots. My plea was rather indulged than sustained, and the marksmen who had taken more than one shot commenced the second round. This round was a manifest im provement upon the first. The cross was driven three times once by Spivey, once by Firmby, and once by no less a personage than Mealy Whitecotton, whom chance seemed to favor for 19 290 GEORGIA SCENES this time, merely that he might retaliate upon Hiram Baugh : and the bull s-eye was disfigured out of all shape. The third and fourth rounds were shot. Billy discharged his last shot, which left the rights of parties thus : Billy Curlew first and fourth choice, Spivey second, Firrnby third, and Whitecotton fifth. Some of my readers may perhaps be curi ous to learn how a distinction comes to be made between several, all of whom drive the cross. The distinction is perfectly natural and equita ble. Threads are stretched from the uneffaced parts of the once intersecting lines, by means of which the original position of the cross is pre cisely ascertained. Each bullet-hole being nice ly pegged up as it is made, it is easy to ascertain its circumference. To this I believe they usu ally, if not invariably, measure, where none of the balls touch the cross ; but if the cross be driven, they measure from it to the centre of the bullet -hole. To make a draw -shot, there fore, between two who drive the cross, it is nec essary that the centre of both balls should pass directly through the cross a thing that very rarely happens. The Bite alone remained to shoot. Billy wiped out his rifle carefully, loaded her to the top of his skill, ar.d handed her to me. "Now," said he, "Lyman, draw a fine bead, but not too fine ; for Soap-stick bears up her ball well. Take care, and don t touch the trigger until you ve got your bead, for she s spring -trigger d, and goes mighty easy ; but you hold her to the place you THE SHOOTING -MATCH 291 want her, and if she don t go there, dang old Roper." I took hold of Soap-stick, and lapsed imme diately into the most hopeless despair. I am sure I never handled as heavy a gun in all my life. "Why, Billy/ said I, "you little mortal, you ! what do you use such a gun as this for ?" " Look at the bull s-eye yonder !" said he. "True," said I, "but /can t shoot her; it is impossible." "Go long, you old coon !" said Billy; "I see what you re at," intimating that all this was merely to make the coming shot the more re markable. " Daddy s little boy don t shoot anything but the old Soap-stick here to-day, I know." The judges, I knew, were becoming impatient, and, withal, my situation was growing more em barrassing every second ; so I e en resolved to try the Soap-stick without further parley. I stepped out, and the most intense interest was excited all around me, and it flashed like electricity around the target, as I judged from the anxious gaze of all in that direction. Policy dictated that I should fire with a fall ing rifle, and I adopted this mode, determining to fire as soon as the sights came on a line with the diamond, bead or no bead. Accordingly, I commenced lowering old Soap -stick; but, in spite of all my muscular powers, she was strict ly obedient to the laws of gravitation, and came down with a uniformly accelerated velocity. Before I could arrest her downward flight she 292 GEORGIA SCENES had not only passed the target, but was making rapid encroachments on my own toes. "Why, he s the weakest man in the arms I ever seed," said one, in a half-whisper. "It s only his fun/ said Billy; "I know him." "It may be fun," said the other, "but it looks mightily like yearnest to a man up a tree." I now, of course, determined to reverse the mode of firing, and put forth all my physical energies to raise Soap-stick to the mark. The effort silenced Billy, and gave tongue to all his companions. I had just strength enough to master Soap -stick s obstinate proclivity, and, consequently, my nerves began to exhibit palpa ble signs of distress with her first imperceptible movement upward, A trembling commenced in my arms, increased, and extended rapidly to my body and lower extremities ; so that, by the time that I had brought Soap-stick up to the mark I was shaking from head to foot, exactly like a man under the continued action of a strong gal vanic battery. In the meantime my friends gave vent to their feelings freely. "I swear poin -blank," said one, "that man can t shoot." " He used to shoot well," said another ; " but can t now, nor never could." " You better git away from bout that mark !" bawled a third, " for I ll be dod darned if Broad cloth don t give some of you the dry gripes if you stand too close thare." THE SHOOTING -MATCH 293 "The stranger s got the peedoddles," * said a fourth, with humorous gravity. " If he had bullets enough in his gun he d shoot a ring round the bull s-eye big as a spin ning-wheel," said a fifth. As soon as I found that Soap-stick was high enough (for I made no further use of the sights than to ascertain this fact), I pulled trigger, and off she went. I have always found that the most creditable way of relieving myself of deri sion was to heighten it myself as much as possible. It is a good plan in all circles, but by far the best which can be adopted among the plain, rough farmers of the country. Accordingly, I brought old Soap-stick to an order with an air of triumph, tipped Billy a wink, and observed, "Now, Billy, s your time to make your fortune. Bet em two to one that I ve knocked out the cross." "No, I ll be dod blamed if I do," said Billy; "but I ll bet you two to one you ha n t hit the plank." "Ah, Billy," said I, "I was joking about betting, for I never bet ; nor would I have you to bet : indeed, I do not feel exactly right in shooting for beef, for it is a species of gaming * This word was entirely new to me ; but like most, if not all, words in use among the common people, it is doubtless a legitimate English word, or, rather, a com pound of two words, the last a little corrupted, and was very aptly applied in this instance. It is a compound of "pee," to peep with one eye, and " daddle," to totter or wabble. 294 GEORGIA SCENES at last ; but Fll say this much, if that cross isn t knocked out I ll never shoot for beef again as long as I live." "By dod," said Mealy Whitecotton, "you ll lose no great things at that !" " Well," said I, " I reckon I know a little about wabbling. Is it possible, Billy, a man who shoots as well as you do never practised shoot ing with the double wabble ? It s the greatest take in in the world when you learn to drive the cross with it. Another sort for getting bets upon, to the drop-sight, with a single wabble ! And the Soap-stick s the very yarn for it." " Tell you what, stranger," said one, " you re too hard for us all here. We never Jiearn o that sort o shoot n in these parts." "Well," returned I, "you ve seen it now, and I m the boy that can do it." The judges were now approaching with the target, and a singular combination of circum stances had kept all my party in utter ignorance of the result of my shot. Those about the target had been prepared by Billy Curlew for a great shot from me ; their expectations had received assurance from the courtesy which had been ex tended to me ; and nothing had happened to disappoint them but the single caution to them against the "dry gripes," which was as likely to have been given in irony as in earnest ; for my agonies under the weight of the Soap-stick were either imperceptible to them at the distance of sixty yards, or, being visible, were taken as the nourishes of an expert who wished to "astonish THE SHOOTING-MATCH 295 the natives." The other party did not think the direction of my ball worth the trouble of a question ; or if they did, my airs and harangue had put the thought to flight before it was de livered. Consequently, they were all transfixed with astonishment when the judges presented the target to them and gravely observed, " It s only second best, after all the fuss." " Second best !" exclaimed I, with uncontrol lable transports. The whole of my party rushed to the target to have the evidence of their senses before they would believe the report ; but most marvellous fortune decreed that it should be true. Their incredulity and astonishment were most fortu nate for me ; for they blinded my hearers to the real feelings with which the exclamation was ut tered, and allowed me sufficient time. to prepare myself for making the best use of what I had said before with a very diiferent object. "Second best!" reiterated I, with an air of despondency, as the company turned from the target to me. " Second best only ? Here, Billy, my son, take the old Soap-stick ; she s a good piece, but I m getting too old and dim-sighted to shoot a rifle, especially with the drop-sight and double wabbles." " Why, good Lord almighty !" said Billy, with a look that baffles all description, " a n t you driv the cross ?" " Oh, driv the cross !" rejoined I, carelessly. " What s that ? Just look where my ball is ! I do believe in my soul its centre is a full quarter 296 GEORGIA SCENES of an inch from the cross. I wanted to lay the centre of the bullet upon the cross, just as if you d put it there with your fingers." Several received this palaver with a contempt uous but very appropriate curl of the nose; and Mealy Whitecotton offered to bet a half -pint " that I couldn t do the like again with no sort of wabbles, he didn t care what." But I had already fortified myself on this quarter by my morality. A decided majority, however, were clearly of opinion that I was serious; and they regarded me as one of the wonders of the world. Billy in creased the majority by now coming out fully with my history, as he had received it from his father; to which I listened with quite as much astonish ment as any other one of his hearers. He begged me to go home with him for the night, or, as he expressed it, " to go home with him and swap lies that night, and it shouldn t cost me a cent"; the true reading of which is, that if I would go home with him, and give him the pleasure of an even ing s chat about old times, his house should be as free to me as my own. But I could not accept his hospitality without retracing five or six miles of the road which I had already passed, and there fore I declined it. "Well, if you won t go, what must I tell the old woman for you ? for she ll be mighty glad to hear from the boy that won the silk handker chief for her, and I expect she ll lick me for not bringing you home with me." "Tell her," said I, "that I send her a quar ter of beef, which I won, as I did the handker- THE SHOOTING-MATCH 297 chief, by nothing in the world but mere good luck/ " Hold your jaw, Lyman I" said Billy ; " I aVt a gwine to tell the old woman any such lies ; for she s a rael regular built Meth dist." As I turned to depart " Stop a minute, stranger !" said one ; then, lowering his voice to a confidential but distinctly audible tone, " What you offering for ?" continued he. I assured him I was not a candidate for anything; that I had ac cidentally fallen in with Billy Curlew, who begged me to come with him to the shooting - match, and, as it lay right on my road, I had stopped. "Oh," said he, with a conciliatory nod, "if you re up for anything, you needn t be mealy- mouthed about it fore us boys ; for we ll all go in for you here up to the handle." " Yes," said Billy, " dang old Roper if we don t go our death for you, no matter who offers ! If ever you corne out for anything, Lyman, jist let the boys of Upper Ilogthief know it, and they ll go for you to the hilt, against creation, tit or no tit, that s the tatur." I thanked them kindly, but repeated my assur ances. The reader will not suppose that the dis trict took its name from the character of the in habitants. In almost every county in the State there is some spot or district which bears a contemptuous appellation, usually derived from local rivalships, or from a single accidental cir cumstance. HALL. THE END BY JOHN KENDRICK BANGS THE PURSUIT OF THE HOUSE-BOAT. Being Some Further Account of the Doings of the Associated Shades, under the Leadership of Sherlock Holmes, Esq. Illustrated by PETER NEWELL. 16mo, Cloth, Ornamental, $1 25. A HOUSE-BOAT ON THE STYX. Being Some Account of the Divers Doings of the Associated Shades. Illus trated. 16mo, Cloth, Ornamental, $1 25. Well worth reading. ... It is full of genuine crisp humor, It is the host work of length Mr. Bangs has yet done, and he is to be congratu lated. y. Y. Mail and Express. THE BICYCLERS, and Three Other Farces. Illustrated. 16mo, Cloth, Ornamental, 1 25. The farces are crowded with comic situations, brilliant repartee, and wholesome fun. Brooklyn Standard- Union. MR. BONAPARTE OF CORSICA. Illustrated by H. W. 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