FLOWERS OF THE FIELD Fig. 29. Field Scabious. tfCnaulia arnensisu, FLOWERS OF THE FIELD BY THE LATE REV. C. A. JOHNS, B.A., F.L.S. THIRTT-THIRD EDITION Entirely revised by G. S. BOULGER, F.L.S., F.G.S. LECTURER ON BOTANY IN THE CITY OF LONDON COLLEGE HONORARY PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY, ROYAL AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE WITH PORTRAIT, MEMOIR OF THE AUTHOR, AND 64 COLOURED PLATES LONDON SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE, W.C.; 43, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C. BRIGHTON : 129, NORTH STREET New York : E S. GORHAM 19H PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE GENERAL LITERATURE COMMITTEE DeMcateD BY GRACIOUS PERMISSION TO H.R.H. PRINCESS ALEXANDER OF TECK THE REV. CHARLES ALEXANDER JOHNS MEMOIR OF THE REV. CHARLES ALEXANDER JOHNS When, in 1900, I had completed my first revision of Johns " Flowers of the Field " for its twenty-ninth re-issue, I had a kindly appreciative letter from the veteran chief of British botanists, Sir Joseph Hooker. In this he writes : " When you shall have to prepare a still other Edition I venture to suggest that a few lines of Preface as to who Johns was ; and an outline of the successive enlargements of his work would be very interesting." The time has now arrived when this suggestion can be adopted, though the story to be told is but a simple tale of long-continued literary industry prompted by an enthusiastic love of Nature and a zeal for education Charles Alexander Johns was a Cornishman by descent, al- though he happened to be born in Plymouth. He was the grandson of Tremenheere Johns, a solicitor of Helston, his father being Henry Incledon Johns, and he was born on the last day of the year 181 1. In 1832 Henry Incledon Johns published by subscription a little volume entitled " Poems addressed by a Father to his Chil- dren, with Extracts from the Diary of a Pedestrian and a Memoir of the Author." From this it appears that the father of the author of "Flowers of the Field "was fond of long solitary rambles, of drawing, of poetry and of flowers. He was, however, placed as junior clerk in a bank at Devonport, then Plymouth Dock ; and, after many years, became co-partner in the concern. In 1825, however, the bank failed, and Henry Johns was compelled to fall back on his early artistic attainments and become a drawing-master. On the title- page of his " Poems " he is described as Professor of Drawing to the Plymouth New Grammar School, and he tells how, as his own health failed, he was assisted in his teaching by his daughter. The excellence of Miss Johns' illustrations have undoubtedly contributed largely to the success of her brother Charles's chief work. Henry Johns had married in 1803 ; and, though there is but little intrinsic value in his poems, they evince a love of flowers and a spirit of piety. One of them begins — " Come Charles and Sophia and Emily too, Come down the green lane, papa's naught else to do " ; • and in the list of subscribers appear the names of the Rev. Denvent Coleridge and of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Johns of Carrickfergus, presumably the poet's brother and sister-in-law, from whom the botanist derived his second Christian name. Meanwhile, before he was twenty, Charles Alexander Johns had, in 183 1, become second master of Helston Grammar School under Derwent Coleridge, the son of the great poet-metaphysician and himself a linguist of unusual gifts. Coleridge had been ap- pointed head-master soon after his ordination in 1825, and when, in 1841, he was chosen first Principal of St. Mark's College, Chelsea, Johns soon succeeded him at Helston, being head-master there from June 1843 to December 1847. Their most distinguished pupil was undoubtedly Charles Kingsley, whose father was vicar of Clovelly when the boy entered the school in 1832, but had been preferred to the rectory of St. Luke's, Chelsea, before he entered King's College, London, in 1836. In her "Life " of her husband Mrs. Kingsley writes (vol. i, p. 23) — " At Helston, too, he found as second-master the Rev. Charles A. Johns, afterwards himself head-master, who made himself the companion of his young pupil, encouraging his taste, or rather passion, for botany, going long rambles with him on the neighbouring moors and on the sea-coast, in search of wild flowers, and helping him in the study which each loved so well. In later years, when both were living in Hampshire, Mr. Johns laboured successfully for the cause of physical science in the city of Winchester, where his name will long be remembered in conjunction once more with that of his former pupil and distinguished friend." Before coming to Helston, Kingsley had been initiated in the study of conchology by Dr. Turton, who lived near Clovelly ; but in Johns he found an all-round naturalist of the old-fashioned out- of-door school to whom flowers and birds, trees, sea-weeds, shells or insects were alike of interest. Johns began his forty years of authorship in 1833 with a modest volume of " Chronological Rhymes on English History," which went into several editions ; and was followed by what we may well suppose to have been the more congenial "Flora Sacra," published in 1840. In 1 84 1 he graduated as Bachelor of Arts at Trinity College, Dublin, and, in the same year, was ordained deacon, not, however, becoming a priest until 1848. Meanwhile, in 1847, he began the publication of his popular "Botanical Rambles," in four parts according to the seasons, which was not completed until 1852 ; and about the same time he made his most important botanical discovery, viz. the wealth of rarities on the promontory of the Lizard. In his "Notes on British Plants," contributed to Hooker's "London Journal of Botany "in 1847, Johns was the first to record Trifolium stridum as a British plant, and was also the first to add T. procumbens, 21 filifornie and Thalictrutn minus to the list for Cornwall. His only geological publication was a note " On the Landslip at the Lizard " in the " Journal of the Geological Society " for 1848 ; and in that year he published one of his most successful little books, "A Week at the Lizard," which has been recently described by a writer of great local knowledge as "still our only reliable guide to that romantic corner of Cornwall." Although Johns availed himself, of course, of the researches and records of his predecessors, he was an assiduous collector during most of his life, not only in Cornwall, but also in the mountains of both the north and the south of Ireland, when he was an undergraduate in Dublin, and in other districts in his later years. A former pupil, Mr. W. F. Collier, writing in the "Cornish Magazine" (vol. ii, pp. n 7-8), says — " My recollection as a schoolboy of Charles Alexander Johns is, that he was not a good teacher, and did not make his lessons interesting, as Dervvent Coleridge did. He heard lessons sharply enough, but was often all the time setting up specimens of botany, no doubt for publication, as I thought them beautifully done. I well remember now some pretty specimens of mosses in flower, set up whilst I was hammering over Virgil. He sat all school-time with us, in his own desk, whilst Derwent Coleridge was in his den . . . whence he issued at times to lecture the boys or to administer punishment. C. A. Johns proved himself afterwards to be a good teacher, and had a preparatory school of his own near Winchester, of such good repute that it was difficult, and took some time, to get a boy into it. My schoolboy impression of his teaching power must therefore be held to be not justified. He used to take some of the older boys out with him to study botany on holidays and half-holidays, and we looked on the tin cases for holding specimens, which they hung round their shoulders, as a priggish sort of affair, not to be compared for a moment with the manly fishing-basket." Johns left Helston at the end of 1847, and took a house in Walpole Street, Chelsea ; but in the following summer he became incumbent of Beenham, near Newbury, where he was living at the time of the first publication of " Flowers of the Field." In 1856 he established a private school at Callipers Hall, near Rickmansworth, remaining there till 1863. "First Steps to Botany," published in 1853, was introductory to " Flowers of the Field," which first appeared in the same year, followed by " Birds' Nests " (1854) and "Birds of the Wood and Field " (1859- 1 862), leading up to " Birds in their Haunts," which still ranks as a standard introduction to British ornithology. Johns opened Winton House, Winchester, in 1863, as a private school for boys ; and, a few years later, he founded the Winchester Literary and Scientific Society, of which he became President, and to which his last scientific works, papers on the fall of the leaf, on Vesuvius, and on a collection of shells, were communicated. He died at Winton House on June 28, 1874. We have not been able to enumerate his many educational publications, though all his chief scientific work has been men- tioned. It will, however, be interesting for us to trace the history of " Flowers of the Field." As first published in 1853, it consisted of two volumes, with an introduction of 59 pages, 32 of which were devoted to the Linnsean system, and 380 pages of text in the first and 273 pages in the second. The book ended with Zostera, grasses and sedges being omitted, and trees being barely men- tioned. It was soon afterwards issued in one volume, with the same introduction and 664 pages of text, and remained well-nigh unchanged until 1892, being re-issued at frequent intervals. The fifth edition, for instance, published about 1865, was the first botanical book possessed by the present editor. In 1892 an appendix of 96 pages, entitled " Grasses," but also comprising the sedges, was compiled by the author's son, C. Henry Johns, M.A., from Bentham and Hooker's " Handbook of the British Flora." In 1899 I entirely recast the book, largely rewriting it, and, in endeavouring to bring it up to the level of present-day British botany, inevitably enlarging it, so that the twenty-ninth re-issue, of February 1900, which I was graciously permitted to dedicate to H.R.H. Princess Alice Mary of Albany, now Princess Alexander of Teck, ran to 926 pp. of text, in addition to 52 pages of intro- duction. This edition having been twice re-issued, had, in 19 10, 64 coloured plates by Miss Grace Layton added to it when pub- lished as the thirty-second edition. It has now once more been fully and carefully revised so as to bring its nomenclature into accordance with the rules of the Vienna Congress, as endorsed by that held at Brussels in 19 to, and to incorporate newly-discovered species. I have to acknowledge the loan of the accompanying portrait, and much valuable information for this brief memoir, from Mr. F. Hamilton Davey, the author of the " Flora of Cornwell." G. S. Boulger. 102 LIST OF COLOURED PLATES No. of Plate Facing page (i) Traveller's Joy {Clematis Vitalbd) 4 (2) Columbine (Aguilegia vulgaris) 17 (3 Yellow Water-Lily (Nymphaa luted) 23 (4) Red Poppy (Papaver Rhceas) 25 (5) Celandine (Chelidonium majus) ...... 28 (6) Purp'e Sea Rocket {Cakile marifana) 58 (7) Soapvvort (Saponaria officinalis) ...... 72 /g\ /Corn-cockle {Lychnis Githago) \ ^ \ Bladder Campion (Silene lali folia)) 74 (9) White or Evening Campion (Lychnis alba) .... 75 / \ fSt. John's Wort (Hypericin perforatum) \ ^ '\Small upright St. John's Wort (Hypericum pulchrum)) ' 9 1 (11) Mallow (Malva sylvestris) 95 / x/Shining Crane's Bill (Geranium lucidum)\ \Jagged-leaved Crane's Bill (G. dissectum)) (13) Dyer's Greenweed, Woad-Waxen (Genista tinctoria) . . 116 / v /White or Dutch clover (Trifolium repens)\ ^ I4; \Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) J * ' • I2 3 (15) Kidney Vetch, or Lady's Fingers (Anthyllis vulneraria) . 126 (16) Meadowsweet (Spiraea Ulmaria) ...... 143 (17) Dewberry (Rubus cozsius) 145 , q\/ Sweet Briar (Rosa eglanteria)\ U8; \ Burnet Rose (Tfara z«w/a/tf) / IS7 (19) Dog Rose (Rosa canina) . . . . . . .159 (20) Wall Pennywort {Cotyledon Umbilicus- Veneris) . . .174 (21) Rose-bay, or French Willow (Epilobium angustifolium) . 185 (22) Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) . . . .188 (23) Bryony (Bryonia dioicd) 191 (24) Common Fennel (Faeniculum vulgare) . . . .214 (25) Wild Cornel (Cornus sanguined) 228 /„ 6 \/ Woodbine, or Honeysuckle (Lonicera Periclymenum)\ ^ '\Pale Honeysuckle (Lonicera Caprifolium) J ' " (27) Spur- Valerian (Kentranthus ruber) 242 (28) Wild Teazle [Dipsacus sylvestris) ..... 244 (29) Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis) . . Frontispiece (30) Corn-Marigold (Chrysanthemum segetum) .... 264 (31) Colts'-foot ( Tussilago Farfara) 268 xiii LIST OF COLOURED PLATES .32 C33 (.34 (35 C36; (37 (38; (39 '40, (41 (42 (43 (44 (45 (46 (47 (48 (49 (50 (51 (52 53 (54] (55 (56 (57 58 (59 (60' fit; 62 (63: (64) Facing Ragwort {Senecio Jacoboza) .... Musk Thistle {Carduus nutans) /Dwarf Plume-thistle {Carduus acaulis) \ I Marsh Plume thistle (Carduus palustris) ) ' J Cornflower (Centaurea Cyanus) \ (Brown Radiant Knapweed {C. Jacea)) Chicory {Cichorium Jntybus) /Hairy Hawkbit {Thrincia nudicaulis) \ \Smooth Hawkbit {Leontodon autumnalis)) ' Goat's-beard {Tragopogon pratensis) . Sheep's- bit {Jasione montana) Harebell {Campanula rotundifolid) Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) Greater Periwinkle {Vinca major) Buck or Bog Bean {Menyanthes trifoliatd) . Evergreen Alkanet {Anchusa sempervirens) Forget-me not {Myosotis scorpioides) . Viper's Bugloss (Echium vulgare) Dwale, or Deadly Nightshade (Atropa Belladonna) Great Mullein {Verbascum Thapsus) . Lesser Snapdragon {Antirrhinum Orontium) Purple Foxglove {Digitalis purpurea) . Vervain {Verbena officinalis) Amphibious Persicaria {Polygonum amphibium) Sorrel {Rumex Acetosa) .... Tway-blade {Listera ovata) .... Bee Orchis {Ophrys api/era) Butterfly Orchis {Habenaria bifolid) . Yellow Iris, or Flag {Iris pseudacorus) Saffron Crocus {Crocus officinalis) Common Daffodil, or Lent Lily {Narcissus Pseudo- Solomon's Seal {Polygonum multifloruni) . Meadow Saffron {Colchicum autumnale) Cuckoo-pint (Lords and Ladies) {Arum maculatum) Great Water Plantain {Alisma Plantaga-aquatica) Flowering Rush {Butomus umbellatus) narcissus) page 273 276 279 283 290 295 297 301 322 327 333 339 341 344 351 355 358 361 378 419 423 463 471 473 474 476 480 486 495 507 510 512 INTRODUCTION PART I EXPLANATION OF TERMS The object of this volume is to introduce the lover of Nature to an acquaintance with the common British flowering plants, to teach the unscientific how to find out the names of the flowers met with in the course of country rambles. Such a knowledge of plants, it may be said, and said with truth, is not Botany ; but it is a step towards Botany ; for there can be no doubt that scientific treatises on this subject would often be studied with more pleasure if the reader were familiar with the outward ap- pearance of the examples quoted; just as we take greater interest in accounts of astronomical discoveries if we have seen and handled a telescope than if we had merely had one described to us, no matter with what accuracy and minuteness. The reader, or, inasmuch as even the elementary knowledge of a science can only be attained by study, the student, who wishes to make this volume practically useful is recommended to read with care and attention the following pages, into which the author has introduced nothing but what is essential to the proper under- standing of the body of the work. Before a novice can commence the study of any science, he must make himself acquainted with the terms employed by writers on that science, and he must not be frightened if things new to him should have strange names. Unmeaning and hard to be remembered they must appear to him at first, but this will be only as long as they remain mere sounds. When he has gained a knowledge of the things for which they stand, they will lose their formidable appearance, and, hard as they may still be to pronounce, they will very soon become familiar to the mind, if not to the tongue. In a scientific treatise on Botany, taken in its widest sense, these terms must of necessity be very numerous ; but not so, however, with a popular description of the plants growing wild in a single country of limited extent. The author XVI INTRODUCTION has, therefore, endeavoured to keep technical terms as much as possible out of sight, in the hope that the lover of Nature may be beguiled into forming an acquaintance with the outward appear- ance of the plants of his neighbourhood, and eventually be induced to study them more in detail. He has, consequently, avoided the use of Latin words wherever English ones would do as well, and has not dealt with the internal structure of plants, or with any organs but those with which it is necessary that the student should be familiar before he refers to the body of the work for a de- scription of any plant which he may have found. The organs of a flowering plant may be described under the heads of Root, Stem, Leaf, Hairs, Inflorescence, Bracts, Flower, Receptacle, Calyx, Corolla, Stamens, Carpels, Fruit, and Seed. The Root may be the direct downward prolongation of the axis of the seedling plant, when it is called a tap-root. It is then some- times enlarged and fleshy, as in the conical root of the Carrot and the Parsnip ; or it may be much branched, as in the Wallflower. Roots given off in no definite order, such as those which spring from the base of bulbs or from other stem structures, are termed adventitious. They are generally fibrous, as in Grasses ; but may be swollen, as in the Dropwort, when they are termed nodulose. Such swollen roots, if clustered together, as in the Lesser Celan- dine (p. 13), are called fasciculate. In many Orchids two fibres or two groups of confluent fibres are enlarged into what are termed tubercles, and the root is then called tubcrculate. The slender branches of roots are called rootlets ; but the actual absorption of liquid food from the soil is often performed by root-hairs, very delicate hairs, almost microscopic in size, which occur on the surface of young roots. Old roots of trees become corky like stems. The Stem bears buds, which unfold either as elongating shoots, or z& flowers. The points on the stem where the leaves are given off are termed nodes. . They are sometimes swollen, Tuberculate root of an ..u i> • 1 r\ j c *.\- Orchis. as in the Persicana (p. 416) and most of the Pink family. The space between two succes- sive nodes is called an internode. In many herbaceous plants the internodes are short, and the nodes consequently crowded and the leaves in a tuft or rosette, as in the Daisy (p. 254) and the Pri-mrose (p. 316). The stem may be unbranched ; but is more commonly branched, each branch originating in a bud in the angle between a leaf and INTRODUCTION the stem. This angle is called the axil of the leaf, from a Latin word meaning the arm-pit, and such a bud is, therefore, termed axillary. Many quick-growing stems, especially among Grasses and the Umbelliferous family (p. 191), have hollow or fistular internodes. Stems may be underground or aerial, the chief forms of under- ground stems being the tuber, the corm, the bulb, the rhizome, and the sucker. The tuber is a fleshy rounded structure giving off few, if any, Portion of a branch with leaf / and bud b. Scaly bulb of the Lily : a, shortened stem ; b, fibrous roots ; c, scales ; d, flowering stem. roots, and bearing scattered buds, being made up of several inter- nodes, as in the Potato and the Black Bryony. The corm is a short, thick, solid stem, generally of one inter- node, giving off roots below, and bearing buds on its upper sur- face, as in the Snowdrop, Crocus, Lords-and-Ladies, &c. -I Portion of rhizome, r, of the Solomon's seal ; b 1 , terminal bud ; b, a branch ; s, s, scars produced by the decay of old branches. The bulb is a short stem made up of many unelongated inter- nodes and enclosed in numerous fleshy leaf-scales. When these are narrow and overlap like tiles, as in, the bulb is called scaly ; when they are sheathing and concentric, as in the Onion, tunicate. The rhizome, or rootstock, is an elongated stem bearing scale- b2 INTRODUCTION leaves ' and adventitious roots at its nodes. It generally grows horizontally and is fleshy, as in Solomon's-seal and Iris ; but it may be slender, as in Couch-grass and Sand-sedge. When the Common Ivy : a, a, aerial roots. Toothwort with scaly leaves and bracts (i). older portion dies away it has an abrupt or premorse (bitten off) end, as in the Devil's-bit Scabious (p 245) and the Primrose. The sucker is a*branch, or secondary stem, given off under- ground and rising to the surface, as in the Common Elm, Mints, and Roses. INTRODUCTION XIX Stems may be woody or herbaceous, the former being chiefly characteristic of perennial plants. A woody plant with one main stem at least ten or twelve feet high is called a tree ; whilst if it branches freely near the ground it is a shrub, or if less than three feet high, an undershrub. A large number of plants, known as herbaceous perennials, have perennial undergound stems, but send up branches above ground that are annual, dying down each winter. Aerial stems may be erect, prostrate, or ascending, horizontal, that is, at first, but bending upwards at their points. They may be twining, as in the Hop, Honeysuckle, and Convolvulus ; or may climb in other ways, such as the roots in the Ivy, the prickles in Roses, the tendrils in Tares, and the twisted leaf-stalks in Clem- atis. They may be spinescent, ending in straight spines, as in the Blackthorn, or they may exceptionally be flattened and leaf-life, as in Butcher's-broom (p. 485). The runner is a prostrate axillary branch, rooting at its nodes and bearing buds which develop into new plants, as in the Straw- berry. The offset is similar but shorter, and bears only a terminal bud, as in the House-leek (p. 176). The Leaf is most important as a means of distinguishing closely allied plants. Underground stems and the aerial stems of a few plants, such as the parasitic Toothwort, have small scaly or mem- branous leaves ; but a typical leaf has a blade, a stalk, and a sheath, or two appendages at its base known as stipules. Leaves which have no stalks are termed sessile (sitting), as in Eryngo (p. 199). The stipules may be united round the stem, as in the Knot- grass family, in which, and in the Rose, they occur exceptionally in addition to a sheath. Other characters of the leaves are their vernation (from the Latin ver, spring), or folding in the bud, their position and arrangement, veining, form, base, apex, margin, surface, texture, colour, and duration. In vernation leaves may be conduplicate, or folded down the midrib, Lea f of Rose with stipules : like the two halves of a sheet of note- *> *p* x of the sheath. paper, as in the cherry ; plaited, like a fan, as in the Beech ; convolute, or rolled up like a scroll, as in the Plum ; involute, with the margins rolled upwards, as in the Water-lily ; revolute, with them rolled backward, as in the Dock ; valvate, when they touch one another without overlapping ; or imbricate, where they overlap like roofing-tiles. XX INTRODUCTION In position they are either radical, springing directly from an underground stem, as in the Primrose j or cauline, produced higher up, on an aerial stem. Both may occur on the same plant, as in Tower Mustard (p. 39). In arrangement leaves may spring singly or scattered from the stem, as in Balsam (p 105); opposite, in pairs, as in the Pink (p. 69) ; or whor/ed, with more than two from one node, as in Herb- Paris (p. 497). The veins of leaves may be paralld, as in grasses ; or curved, as in the Lily-of-the- Valley, with much finer cross-veins ; or irregu- larly net-veined, as in the Primrose, of very varying degrees of fine- ness. They may be palmate, radiating from the base of the leaf, as in the Sycamore ; or pinnate, with cross-veins springing from a midrib, like the barbs of a feather, as in the Beech. The forms of leaves are very variable, and even on one plant leaves may occur which can only be satisfactorily described by uniting two of the following terms. They may be needle-shaped, as in the Pine ; linear, with parallel sides and more than four times as long as they are broad, as in the Grasses ; oblong, with parallel sides but not more than four times as long as broad, as in some Pondweeds ; oval, with rounded sides, widest across the middle and more than twice as long as broad, as in the Butterwort; elliptical, less than twice as long as they are broad, as in the Apple ; round, as in the Water-lilies and Pennyworts ; lanceolate, widest near the base and at least four times as long as they are broad ; ovate, or egg-shaped, widest near the base but little more than twice as long as broad, as in the Pear; kidney-shaped, broader than they are long, as in the Ground-Ivy; ob-lanceolate, or reversedly lance-shaped, as in the Ribwort Plantain (p. 403) ; obovate, or reversedly egg-shaped, as in the Cowslip; deltoid, or nearly an equal-sided triangle, as in the Orache ; arrow-shaped, as in the Arrow-head (p. 511); halberd- shaped, with the barbs, or auricles, as they are called, pointing out- wards, as in Sheep's Sorrel ; or rhomboid, as in the Birch. The base of the blade of the leaf may be wedge-shaped ; taper- ing downwards, as in the Daisy (p. 254) ; heart-shaped, as in the Violet ; oblique, or larger on one side than on the other, as in the Lime-tree (p. 97) ; decurrent, when it runs down the sides of the stem as a wing, as in Thistles ; perfoliate (from the Latin per, through, and folium, a leaf), when the auricles are so united round the stem that the stem appears to be growing through the leaf as in Hare's-ear (p. 202); ox peltate (from the Latin pelta, a shield), when they are so united in a stalked leaf that the stalk is attached to the leaf near its centre, as in the Pennyworts (pp. 174, INTRODUCTION xxi 198). When two opposite leaves are united by their bases they are called connate (from con, together, and natus, born), as in the Yellow- wort (p. 329). The point or apex of a leaf may be rounded, as in the Oak ; Leaf of Ground Ivy. Leaf of Sheep's Sorrel. pointed; bristly ; notched; or reversedly heart-shaped, as in the leaflets of Wood-Sorrel. The margin of the leaf is either entire, or free from indenta- tions, as in the Lily- of-the- Valley ; fringed with hairs, as in young Beech leaves ; wavy, as in the Oak ; crenate, or scalloped, as in the Violet; toothed ; or lobed. If the teeth point outward it is termed dentate, the Holly leaf being spinously dentate ; if upward, as in the Elm, the leaf is serrate or saw-edged. When a leaf is lobed or divided, its lobes or leaflets are arranged according to its venation, gener- ally palmately or pinnately. The division may extend to various depths from the margin towards the base or midrib, the leaf being termed simple, if it does not extend all the way, and compound, if it divides the leaf into distinct leaflets. A palmate leaf of three leaflets is called ternate, as in Trefoils ; one of five, quinate, as in Cinquefoil (p. 148). In pinnate leaves it is important to notice whether there is a terminal (odd) leaflet or not; how many pairs of leaflets there are ; and if these are again divided up {bi-pinnate). If there is a terminal lobe or leaflet larger than the rest, as in the White Mustard, the leaf is called lyrate. In describing a compound leaf it is generally only necessary to mention the type on which the leaflets are arranged, whether palmate or pinnate, and to describe one leaflet as if it were a simple leaf. If a leaf be divided up into such fine segments that Oblique serrate leaf of the Common Elm. INTRODUCTION their arrangement cannot well be determined, as in the submerged leaves of the Water Crowfoots, it is called decompound. The same terms are used in describing the surfaces of leaves as for those of herbaceous stems. They may be glabrous, or free from hairs ; polished, as in many Evergreens and Monocoty- ledons ; glaucous, with a blue-grey waxy bloom, as in the Sea-kale ; downy, as in Sage ; hairy ; prickly, as in the Teazle ; or glandular, dotted over with oil-glands, as in St. John's-wort. In texture leaves may be leathery, as Holly, or fleshy, as in House-leek ; and in duration they are either deciduous, dying and falling in autumn or earlier, or evergreen, lasting until a new crop has formed, as in the Ivy, the Pine, and the Yew. Lyrate leaf of the Whi Mustard. Head of Scabious. The Hairs on stems or leaves require careful notice, as to whether they are few or many, long or short, stiff or weak, spread- ing (erect on the surface from which they spring) or adpressed (lying flat). The Nettles are the only British plants with stinging hairs. The Inflorescence is a branch known as the peduncle (literally "little foot," and therefore sometimes called foot-stalk), which gener- ally bears modified leaves known as bracts, from the axils of which spring secondary branches, which may branch again or bear a flower, the stalk immediately below a flower being termed a pedicel or flower-stalk. A peduncle springing directly from an under- ground stem and not bearing foliage-leaves, forms the inflorescence known as a scape, which may be one-flowered, as in the Tulip, or many-flowered, as in the Hyacinth, Cowslip, or Primrose. The difference between the two last-named examples is that the Cowslip INTRODUCTION XX111 has a long peduncle and short pedicels ; whilst the Primrose has a very short peduncle buried among its leaves, and long pedicels. Among other chief varieties of the inflorescence are the following : — The spike, an elongated axis with sessile flowers as in the Plantains (p. 402). The spadix, a spike with a fleshy axis or peduncle, as in Lords-and-ladies (p. 507). The catkin, generally described as a deciduous spike, as in the Hazel and the Willows (p. 452). The raceme, an elongated axis with stalked flowers, as in Mignonette (p. 60). A corymb, which only differs from a raceme in the lower pedicels being longer, so as to bring all the flowers nearly to a level, as in the Wallflower. A head, in which many small sessile flowers, or florets, as they are called, are crowded together on the expanded apex of the peduncle, which is then termed the common receptacle. This occurs in the Scabious (p. xxii) and in all the great order Composites, the Daisies, Dande- lions, Thistles, &c, which Linnams called " compound flowers." An umbel, in which many flowers-stalks radiate from a common centre, as in the Ivy (p. 225). If an inflorescence is branched more than once it is termed compound. Thus an ear of Wheat is a compound spike or spike of spikelets, and the Carrot, Parsnip, Hemlocks, and most other members of the Order Umbellijerce, have compound umbels. When the terminal or central flower in a cluster opens first the inflorescence is called a cyme. Among the various forms of cyme are the fascicle, a crowded cluster of nearly sessile flowers, as in the Pinks (p. 71), and the verticillaster or false whorl, where two such clusters occur in the axils of opposite leaves, as in the Dead nettles and other members of the order Labiata (pp. 379 — 401). Bracts are small leaves which are generally to be found below the flower. The inflorescence of the Crucijerce is remarkable for being without any, or ebracteate. Sometimes they are mere mem- branous scales, as in the Cranesbills ; or they may be leaf-like, as in the Anemones ; or petaloid, resembling the petals in colour and texture, as in the Wild Hyacinth. When in one or more whorls below the inflorescence they are called the involucre (from the Latin involucrum, an envelope). In the Dandelion the in- volucre consists of two whorls of green bracts, those of the outer whorl reflexed (p. 291). In the Knapweeds the numerous bracts of the involucre are membranous, dark brown, and arranged imbricately, i. e. overlapping like roof-tiles. All Composite and most Umbelltferce have involucres. An involucre persisting in the fruit stage, like the leafy husk of a Hazel-nut or the "cup" of an Acorn, is termed a cupule. This structure gives its name to the Order Cupuliferce. INTRODUCTION The Flower is a branch bearing leaves modified so as to assist in the production of seed, and generally crowded together on the expanded apex of the pedicel, or flower-stalk, which is termed the receptacle or thalamus. As much of the classification of plants is based upon the characters of the flower, a knowledge of its structure is indispensable to the student. A typical flower has four kinds of floral leaves, sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels. The sepals collectively form the calyx (Greek for a cup), and the petals constitute the corolla (" little crown"). The calyx and corolla together are called the perianth (Greek peri-, round, anthos, a flower\ or floral envelopes whilst the stamens and carpels are called the essential organs, because seed cannot be formed if they are absent. If both calyx and corolla are present in the same flower, as in the Buttercup, in which flower the five Section of a flower. Asymmetric flower of Valerian. sepals are green and the petals golden, the flower is termed co uplete ; but if one of these envelopes is absent, as in the Marsh- marigold, the flower is incomplete, huomplete flowers are mono- chlamydeous (Greek monos, one, chlamys, a cloak) if, as in this case, they have one envelope ; achlamydeous if, as in the Ash, they have neither calyx nor corolla. If both stamens and carpels occur in the same flower it is termed perfect ; if only one class of essential organs is present the flower is imperfect, and staminate or carpellate as the case may be. Plants with imperfect flowers may either be monoecious (Greek monos, one, oikos, a house), where, as in the Hazel, the staminate and carpellate flowers are on the same plant ; or diaxious, where, as in Willows and Poplars, they are on different individuals. Where neither stamens nor carpels are present, as in the outer florets of the blue Cornflower, or the outer flowers in the cluster of the Guelder Rose, the flower is neuter. INTRODUCTION XXV As a rule, the leaves of each whorl are alternate with those of the preceding whorl, the petals being opposite the spaces between the sepals and the outer row of stamens opposite the spaces between the petals. The Primrose and its allies form a marked exception to this rule in that its stamens are opposite to, or stand in front of, its petals. Where the floral leaves in each whorl are similar in size and shape the flower can be divided symmetr.cally in several direc- tions, as in the Buttercup; and it is then called polysymmetric. Where from differences in the form of the leaves it can only be so divided in one direction, as in the Pea, the flower is monosymmetric. Occasionally it is asymmetric, or not symmetrically divisible by any plane, as in Valerian. The Receptacle is a very important structure in the classifica- tion of flowering plants, as upon it what is called the insertion of the floral leaves depends. Thus if sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels spring one beneath the other from a more or less conical Flower of Cow-pars- nip, showing epi- gynous insertion. Flower of Bramble, showing perigynous insertion. Flower of Buttercup in section, showing hy pig) nous i receptacle, as in the Buttercup, the calyx is inferior, the corolla and stamens are hypogynous (Greek hupo, under, gune, a woman), the carpels are superior, and the flower as a whole is called thalami- floral. If, as "in the Bramble or the Strawberry, the calyx, corolla, and stamens are carried out from under the carpels by a horizontal disk-like extension of the receptacle, the calyx is still inferior and the carpels superior, but the petals and stamens are termed perigynous. So, too, if, as in the Plum or the Rose, the sepals, petals, and stamens are carried up on a tube-like expansion of the receptacle which does not adhere to the sides of the carpels. If, as in the Apple, the Pear, and the Hawthorn, this receptacular tube does adhere to the sides of the carpels, the calyx becomes superior and the ovary formed by the carpels inferior, the petals 4 and stamens being still perigynous. If, lastly, as in Compositor and Umbellijeroz, this adherent tube carries the sepals, petals, and stamens on to the top of the ovary, the calyx is superior, the ovary inferior, and the petals and stamens epigynous (Greek epi, upon). When the petals and stamens are perigynous or epigynous the XXVI INTRODUCTION flower is sometimes called calycifloral, as if these parts sprang from the calyx. The Calyx (from the Greek kalux, a cup) is usually green and leaf-like, though it may be petaloid, as in the Marsh-marigold. Its sepals may be free (pplysepalous) or united (gamosepalous), like a cup. In all hypogynous flowers it will be, as we have seen, in- ferior, and in all epigynous ones, superior. In direction the sepals may be erect, as in the Cabbages ; ascending, as in Mustard ; spread- ing, as in Strawberry ; or reflexed, as in the bulbous Buttercup. At their base they may be pouched, as in the two outer ones of most Cruciferce ; or they may be spurred, as in one of those of the Larkspur. Even when made up of five united sepals, the calyx is often bi-labiatoz or two-lipped, as in the Broom and the Sage. It may be tubular, as in Centaury ; tubular and plaited, as in Prim- rose, folded so as to be star-shaped if cut across ; bell-shaped, as in Henbane ; barrel shaped, or urceolate, and inflated, or separated by some considerable space from the corolla within it, as in the Bladder-campion ; or cylindric, as in the Carnation. In some Cojnpositce and other flowers the calyx is replaced by a circle of hairs called a pappus, which often enlarges in the fruit stage, as in Thistle-down. In duration the calyx may be caducous, falling off as the flower opens, as in Poppies ; deciduous, falling with the petals and stamens when the seed is set, as in the Cherry; ox persistent, remaining in the fruit stage, as in the Strawberry. When persistent it is generally marcescent or withered, as in the Hawthorn, Apple, Medlar, and Gooseberry. The Corolla ("little crown ") is the ring of more delicate, or petaloid, leaves within the calyx, which are usually coloured — that is, not green — and often fragrant. They are also usually attached by a narrower base than the sepals, this being sometimes drawn out into a long narrow portion or claw, as in the Pinks, when the broader upper part is dis- tinguished as the limb. If coherent the petals are gamopetalous and the united part forms the corolla-tube, the junction of the tube with the free limb being known as the throat. In the Borage tribe the throat of the corolla is generally Clawed petal of a furnished with little scales or swellings. If not coherent the petals are polypetalous, and this is a discriminating character of great importance in the classification of Dicotyledons, as also is their insertion, whether hypogynous, perigynous or epigynous, and, to a less extent, their symmetry. Of polypetalous types the most important are the cruciform, consisting INTRODUCTION XXVll or four petals placed crosswise, as in the Cruciferce {vide infra), and the papilionaceous (Latin papi/io, a butterfly) characteristic of the Pea and Bean tribe, in which there are five petals, the posterior one — that nearest the stem — called the standard and usually the largest, the two side ones termed wings, and the two lower or anterior ones, often slightly united, known as the keel (p. 113). Among gamopetalous corollas the chief polysymmetric forms are — . Tubular, narrow, as if formed by united erect petals, as in the florets of Thistles or the disk-^orets of a Daisy. Bell-shaped, wider, as in Campanula (p. 299). Salver-shaped corolla of Cruciate corolla : c, gibbous calyx. Primrose. Urceolate, or barrel-shaped, as in Heaths (p. 307). Funnel-shaped, as in the Small Field Convolvulus. Trumpet-shaped, with reflexed margin, as in the Large White Convolvulus. Salver-shaped, with long tube and limb at right angles to it, as in the Primrose. Rotate, or wheel-shaped, with a short tube, as in Pimpernel, Forget-me-not, and Elder. The chief monosymmetric gamopetalous types are the bi-labiate, or two-lipped, and the ligulate, or strap-shaped. The bi-labiate may be either ringent, or gaping, as in the Natural Order Labiate; ox personate (from persona, a mask), as in Toad-flax. The ligulate occurs in all the florets of the sub-order Liguliflorai in the Order Composite, as in the Dandelion and Chicory, and in the outer or ray florets of many other Composites, such as the Daisy. In some cases, such as the Flaxes, the corolla is fugacious, falling off directly it is gathered ; and in a few others, as in INTRODUCTION Campanula, it is persistent, remaining in a withered condition round the fruit. The (Estivation (Latin cestivus, belonging to summer), or fold- ing of the leaves of the flower in the bud, is often characteristic of Natural Orders or other large groups. In Clematis the sepals are valvate, touching at their edges without overlapping ; in all other Ranunculacece they are imbricate, overlapping like tiles on a roof. Poppies have their petals crumpled. The Malvacece have their sepals valvate and their petals convolute, with one edge towards the centre of the flower, and the other rolled round the next petal. In Convolvulus the coherent petals are convolute and twisted upwards, or contorted. Ray-floret of Composite showing ligulate corolla and syngenesious anthers. Personate corolla of Toad-flax. Ringent corolla of Dead-nettle. The Stamens usually consist of one, two, or more whorls of thread-like stalks known as filaments, each surmounted by an oblong or rounded body, generally two-lobed externally and two- chambered within, which is called the anther, and contains the pollen, a fine dust-like substance. When mature the anther bursts and discharges the pollen, which is the active agent in " setting ; ' or fertilising the seed. The number of stamens varies from one to an indefinite number, but is very commonly either the same as that of the petals or twice as many. They may be equal or unequal in length : but if, as in most Labiatce and Scrophulariacece, there are four stamens, two long and two shurt, they are termed didynamous (Greek dis, two, dunamis, strength) ; and if, as in the Crucijerai, there are six stamens, four longer than INTRODUCTION XXIX the other two, they are termed tetradynamous. The stamens may be free or united, and in the latter case they may all be united into a tube below, as in the Malvacece, when they are termed monadelphous (Greek monos, one, adelphos, a brother) ; or they may be united in several groups or polyadelphous, as in the St. John's-worts (p. 90) ; or they might be united by their anthers only, as in the Composite, when they are called syngenesious (Greek sun, together, genesis, beginning). In insertion they may be hypogynous, perigynous, epigynous, or, when united to the petals, as in the Primrose, epipetalous. In the Orchidece (p. 460) the stamens are united with the carpels in a central column, and are then termed gynandrous. The filament may ho. filiform or thread-like ; capillary, or so slender as to bend under the weight of the anther, as in Grasses ; subulate, or awl-shaped, as in the Tulip ; petaloid or broad, as in the Water-lilies ; or absent, when the anther is termed sessile, as in Lilac. Though generally yellow, the anther is violet in many Grasses and black in Poppies ; and among its chief variations in form are the divergent ends of its two lobes in Grasses (p. 547). Its attachment to the filament is often an important character. It may be basifixed, or attached only at its base ; dorsifixed, or attached along its whole length ; or versatile, so attached by a point that it can be freely turned round, as in Lilies and Grasses. It generally splits longitudinally when mature ; but less commonly it does so transversely ; in the Heath tribe by terminal pores ; and in the Barberry (p. 21) by valves. Whilst in the Composite and Amaryllidacece it bursts inwards, towards the centre of the blossom, or is, as it is called, introrse ; in Iridaceoz and the Barberry it is extrorse, discharging its pollen outwards. The Carpels occupy the centre of the flower. There may be only one, as in the Leguminosoz and Pninece (p. 137), or more than one, and in the latter case they may be free from one another, or apocarpous, as in the Ranunculacece, or united {syncarpous), as in Liliacea. In either case the lower part forms one or more chambers, containing the ovules or unfertilised seeds, which chambers, if distinct, are termed ovaries ; if united, a syncarpous ovary, which may be one-chambered, as in Violets and Orchids, or have two, three, or more chambers, generally as many as there are carpels. Above the ovary there is generally one or more shaft-like tubes called styles. Each apocarpous carpel will generally have a separate style, as in the Strawberry or the Bramble ; but a syncarpous ovary, such as that of the Violet or the Lily, may have only one. Sometimes, as in the Daisy and the Iris, the style may fork at its upper end and it bears the stigma, a INTRODUCTION variously-shaped, sticky surface to which the grains of pollen adhere when dropped on to it, or carried thither by wind or insects. Besides noting whether the ovary is apocarpous or syncarpous, its external lorm, and the number of chambers into which it may be divided in'ernally, it is important to determine whether it is superior, free, that is, from the calyx, or inferior, that is, adherent to the calyx tube, and also how many ovules there are in each chamber, and how they are arranged. This arrangement is termed placentation, because the ovules commonly spring from a spongy cushion-like portion of the inner wall of the ovary called a placenta. As the solitary ovule in the Polygonacece, in the Walnut and in the Gymnospermous l Yew appears to be a direct prolongation of the branch or axis, it is called terminal. That of the Composite, though rising from the base of the ovary and, therefore, termed basal, is lateral to the axis ; whilst in the Primulaceai and in the Caryophyl- lacece several ovules springing from a central axis in a one-chambered ovary, they are called free-central; In Water- lilies, Poppies, and the Flowering-rush (Biitomus) the placentation is super- ficial, the ovules bei 'g scattered over the inner walls of the ovary. Most one-chambered ovaries which contain many ovules, such as that of the Violets, have lines of ovules down their sides, corresponding to the number of carpels. This is called parietal placentation (Latin paries, a wall). The Cruciferce are exceptional in having parietal placentation in a two-chambered ovary, a partition (known as a replum) growing across between the two placentas (p. 31). Most many-chambered ovaries have central placentation, as, for example, in the Lilies or St. John's worts, in which the rows of ovules spring from the central axis formed by the inrolled margins of the united carpels. The Fruit is the ovary and other adherent parts that enlarge after the fertilisation of the ovules. It may be succulent or dry. In the latter case, if one-seeded, it will generally be indehiscent, not splitting, that is, when ripe ; but if many-seeded it will commonly split, either into pieces known as nutlets, each enclos- ing one or two seeds, or so as to disclose its seeds. Our chief types of fruit may be thus classified — 1 Naked-seeded. (See p. xxxii.) Diagram of apocarpous and syn- carpous carpels with cross sections of their ovaries. INTRODUCTION XXXI Of one carpel (monocarpellary) — i. Pod, or legume, dry and splitting down both sides, as in the Leguminostz. 2. Drupe, or stone-fruit, with a skin, flesh, and stone, the kernel being the seed, as in the tribe Prunece of the Rosacea. Of more than one carpel (polycarpellary) — Apocarpous (carpels distinct). 3. Etcerio (Greek hetairos, a companion), a collection of carpels (fruit/ets), each of which may be dry, one-seeded and indehiscent, when it is called an achene (Greek a, not ; chaino, I split), as in the Buttercup, Strawberry, and Rose ; or each may be a dry many-seeded pod ox follicle, splitting down one side, as in the Marsh-marigold and the Columbine ; or each may be a Parietal placentation. Free-central placentation. succulent miniature drupe or drupel, as in the Blackberry and Raspberry. Syncarpous (carpels united). Superior. 4. Caryopsis, dry, indehiscent, and one-seeded, as in Wheat and most Grasses, each grain being a fruit formed of two carpels with a groove where they join. 5. Siliqua, the dry, two-chambered dehiscent pod of the Cruciferce (p. 32). 6. Regma, dry, splitting into nutlets, as in Mallows, Cranes- bills, Spurges, Mint, Borage, &c. 7. Samara, dry and winged, as in the Ash, Maple, and Elm. 8. Capsule, dry and dehiscent, as in the Violets, Primrose, Pinks, &c, opening by valves in the Violets, by teeth in the Primrose, by pores in the Poppy, and by splitting all round in the Pimpernels. _ XXX11 INTRODUCTION Inferior. 9. Cypsela (Greek Mpsele, a chest), dry, one-seeded, and indehiscent, as in the Composites, and often surmounted by a downy pappus, as in Thistle-down. 10. Nut, very similar, but generally larger and harder, as in the Beech, Acorn, or Hazel. 11. Cremocarp, dry and spli.ting into two nutlets, as in the Umbellilerce (p. 191). 12. Berry, succulent, as in the Gooseberry. 13. Pome, succulent, with a tough core, as in the Apple, Haw- thorn, Mountain Ash, and other members of the suborder Pomacece of the Rosacea. Capsule of Pimpernel. The Seeds are only naked in such plants as the Yew and the Firs, which are, therefore, called Gymnospermia (naked-seeded). In other flowering plants they are enclosed in the fruit, and if the fruit is indehiscent they have commonly a brown bitter outer skin. The seeds of dehiscent fruits are more often conspicuously coloured as in the Spindle-tree (p. 108); and they are sometimes, as in the Willows, Poplars, Willow- herbs, &c, furnished with tufts of hair, which aid in their dispersal by wind. The most important distinction among seeds for purposes of classifi- cation is into dicotyledonous, having two opposite Dicotyledonous lobes or seed-baves {cotyledons) with the primary bud between them, and monocotyledonous, with only one such cotyledon. Other terms which are employed in the body of the work will be explained as they occur, or in the glossary at the end of the volume. INTRODUCTION XXX111 PART II THE CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS So great is the number of different kinds, or species, of plants that no one could possibly bear them all in mind or recollect their distinctive characteristics. Whilst in 1753, when the great Swedish botanist Linnaeus published his " Species Plantarum," only 7,300 species were known to him, botanists at the present day have upwards of 100,000 species to deal with, of Flowering Plants alone. It becomes necessary, therefore, to classify them in a succession of larger or more general groups, according as they agree with one another in many or in fewer characters. We can then more readily remember the characters of the comparatively few larger groups ; and, knowing them, can on examination refer any plant to its position in the classification. Plants which agree in all essential points, though differing perhaps in size or in the colour of their flowers, are said to belong to a single species. Naturalists of all schools of thought agree that the individuals of a species have all had a common ancestry. Each species has a Latin or scientific name, which since the time of Linnaeus 1 has consisted of two words, the second of which is peculiar to it and is known as the specific name, whilst the first is known as the generic name, being shared with other species, which, agreeing in certain characters, are said to belong to the same genus. The, wild Sweet-scented Violet, for example, is called by botanists Viola odordta, the name Viola indicating that it belongs to the genus so called. Besides the Scented Violet, we have wild in England the Marsh Violet, the Hairy Violet, the Wood Violets, the Dog Violet, the Pansy, and several others, all belonging to the same genus, and, therefore, described under the name Viola. But the Marsh Violet differs from the Sweet- scented in having broader and blunter leaves, in being almost entirely free from hairs, and in having smaller, pale lilac, scentless flowers, with a shorter spur to the corolla, besides growing in much wetter situations. The Marsh Violet is, therefore, a distinct species, Viola pahistris. It is by no means easy to determine what characters are sufficiently constant, true to seed, and important to constitute a species. Among the Wood Violets, for instance, we may find 1 No little merit is due to Linnaeus for inventing the specific name of plants. The method in use previously was to attach to every plant some such title as the following : — Gramen xerampelinum, miliacea, pertenui ramosaque sparsa panicula. The name of this grass Linnaeus expressed with precision and simplicity by the two words, Poa bulbosa. C 2 XXXIV INTRODUCTION that most have broad-pointed leaves, broad blue petals with numerous branched dark veins at their base, and a thick yellowish- white spur ; but that some have the leaves drawn out into a longer point, the petals narrower and more lilac, with few slightly- branched veins, and a compressed dark-bluish spur. Some botanists consider these two forms as distinct species, V. Rivinidna and V. sylvestris, whilst others call them both varieties of V, sylvestris, the first being then known as V. sylvestris, var. Rivinidna, and the second as V. sylvestris, var. Reichenbachidna, "var." being the abbreviation of the Latin " varietas." On the leaf-stalk of a Sweet-scented Violet or of a Wood Violet we shall find two small narrow stipules ; but in the Pansy we shall see that these are replaced by a pair that are large, leafy, and pinnately-lobed. This is only one of the characters that make us separate the Pansy as a distinct species, V. tricolor. Sweet Violets, Wood Violets, Pansies, and in fact all other Violets, though thus differing specifically, agree in having mono- symmetric flowers with ear-like lobes (auricles) at the base of each of their five sepals, a spur to the posterior petal, and five united anthers with tail-like appendages from the base of two of them. These, then, are the generic characters of the genus Viola. According to the theory of descent, all the species in a genus are descended from a common ancestry, but from a common ancestry more remote than that common to the individuals constituting a species. In grouping species in one genus all the characters of the plants have to be taken into consideration, and we shall com- monly find that all the species of any one genus will agree in the number and insertion of their floral leaves, the kind of fruit, and the general type of leaf; but that the species will differ from one another in the size and form of the various parts. The mere colour of petals or of fruit is generally considered only as a varietal character. So far as a classification does take all the characters of plants into account, it is a natural system ; whilst one based only upon a single set of characters is an artificial system. The best of all artificial systems is that of Linnaeus, based primarily upon the number and arrangement of the stamens, and secondarily upon the carpels. Like all other artificial systems, this is a mere index, telling nothing about a plant beyond the one character considered, separating plants obviously allied, and placing together others which have but one character in common. Linnaeus himself recognised the tentative character of his system. " All plants," he says, in his " Philosophia Botanica," " are allied by affinities, just as territories come in contact with each other on INTRODUCTION XXXV a map. Botanists should unceasingly endeavour to arrive at a natural system of classification. Such a natural system is the final aim of botanical science. Our insufficient knowledge of plants is what renders such a system impracticable at present." Botanists nowadays seldom employ the Linnsean System, pre- ferring the more difficult but more instructive Natural System. In this we may reverently be said to be thinking out for ourselves the thoughts of the Creator, for, according to the theory of descent, which gives us the most rational explanation of the meaning of resemblances, we are reconstructing the pedigree of the Vegetable Kingdom. One of the most striking assurances that our system is truly natural is afforded us by the discovery that many groups of genera classed together in what we term natural orders, solely on account of structural characters, agree closely also in their properties. This obviously also gives a practical utility to the system. In the present work, for instance, adopting a system based upon those of Antoine Laurent de Jussieu (1774) and Auguste Pyrame de Candolle (18 13), we group the genera into natural orders, the Latin names of which are adjectival, ending in a, agreeing with the word plantce understood. The name of the first of these orders, Ranunculacea, means " plants allied to Ranunculus," and the Order includes, in addition to the Buttercups (Ranunculus), Anemones, Hellebores, Aconites, Larkspurs, Columbines, Pseonies, Clematis, and others. These agree in the absence of any union between the parts of their flowers and in having hypogynous and generally numerous stamens ; but they also agree in having an acrid, often poisonous, juice. Another large Natural Order, the Crucifera, consists almost exclusively of herbaceous plants with simple leaves, flowers without bracts, four sepals, four petals, six stamens, of which four are longer than the other two, and two united carpels forming a siliqua j but they also agree in being wholesome and generally pungent from the presence of oil of mustard. Yet another group, the Labiata, agree in their square stems, opposite and decussate, simple leaves, two-lipped (bi-labiate) corollas, four stamens, two long and two short, and two carpels dividing into four nutlets ; but they also agree in being aromatic from the presence of volatile essen- tial oils in which are dissolved camphor-like substances. The structure of a newly-discovered plant may thus afford a traveller considerable information as to its probable properties. The Vegetable Kingdom is now generally divided into four sub- kingdoms : the Thallophyta, including seaweeds and fungi ; the Bryophyta, or mosses and liverworts ; the Pteridophyta, or ferns, XXXVI INTRODUCTION horsetails, and club mosses ; and the Phanerogamia, or Sperma- tophyta, the flowering, seed-bearing plants. Of these only the last comes within the scope of the present work. It is divided into two divisions, very unequal in the number of species belong- ing to them : the Angiosperms, or fruit-bearing plants, which have their ovules enclosed in closed ovaries with a viscid stigma to receive the pollen ; and the Gymnosperms, including the cone- bearing trees, which have naked seeds and no stigmas, the pollen falling directly upon the ovule. The Angiosperms, the larger division, is subdivided into two classes, the Dicotyledons and the Monocotyledons. The characters of these classes, and of the sub- classes, series, and orders into which they are divided, are fully given in the body of the work. PART III THE IDENTIFICATION OF PLANTS A few words may be of use here as to the way to employ the body of the book when we wish to find out the name of any flowering plant we may have met with in our walks. Suppose we have found on some chalk-down a small wiry undershrub with opposite entire leaves and conspicuous yellow flowers, in what part of this work must we look for its name and description ? Even if we cannot detect the netted veins in the leaves, the five petals make us suspect the plant to be a Dicotyledon. There is a calyx of three larger and two minute sepals below the petals, and these last are not united ; so that it almost certainly belongs to the sub-class Polypetalae, as we see by the Tabular View of the Natural Orders on pp. xxxix — 1. Not only is the ovary distinctly above both calyx and corolla, or " superior," but the numerous stamens clearly spring from beneath it, and are, therefore, " hypogynous." The plant belongs then to the series Thalamiflorae. An examination and dissection of the ovary, or, more easily, of the capsular fruit, shows a number of ovules or seeds springing in three rows from the sides of a one-chambered ovary. It is, there- fore, almost certainly " syncarpous," and for that reason does not belong to Orders i or 2. The leaves at once tell us that it can hardly belong to Orders 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 in the Tabular View ; but all its characters agree with those of Order 8, the Cistinece, or Rock-Rose Family, so we turn to the fuller description of this group at p. 61, to which we are referred in the Tabular View, before looking elsewhere. There we find that there is but one British genus in the Order, viz. Helidnthzmum, and that, of the INTRODUCTION four truly British species, only one, H. Chamtzcislus, is at all common. The prostrate growth, small stipules, and green upper surfaces of its leaves at once show us that it is to this species, the Common Rock-Rose, that our specimen belongs. We mav find a second example to test at no great distance. It is an erect, herbaceous plant with smooth leaves and long racemes helianthemum cham^ecistus (Common Rock-Rose). KESEDA LUTEOLA {Dyer's Rocket). of green flowers. Here again the veins and stipules of the leaves and the four sepals and petals, though the latter are so cut up as to be difficult to count, suggest a Dicotyledon. The numerous stamens spring from a relatively large, fleshy out rowth or "disk," which is hypogynous, but by its one-sided development renders the flower monosym metric. The ovary is distinctly superior, springing from the top of this disk and is three-sided externally XXXVill INTRODUCTION and one-chambered, and contains three lateral rows of ovules. These characters make us again turn to the Polypetalae and, among them, to the Thalami florae. We soon see that the ovary- does not agree with those described in the Tabular View under Orders i — \, or, for that matter, 5 or 6, whilst the numerous stamens at once make us pass over these last two Orders and pause at Order 7, the Reseddcecz, or Mignonette Family. Turning to the fuller description of this group on p. 59, we again find but one British genus, Reseda, containing two wild species. The undivided leaves and four sepals of the plant before us enable us to decide between these two. It is R. Luteola, the Weld or Dyer's Rocket. COCHlearia dXnica {Danish Scurvy-grass). One more example will suffice. The plant to be examined is a small annual herb growing near the sea or in the m irshes bordering some tidal river. Its leaves are rather fleshy and have no stipules, the lower ones are heart-shaped, and the upper ones, which have short petioles, are deltoid or angular. The white flowers with four distinct green sepals, four white petals and six stamens, of which four are longer than the other two (tetradynamous), after referring us, as before, in succession to Dicotyledons, to Polypetalae, and to Thalamiflorae, cause us, in running through the characters of the Orders, to pause at Order 6, the Cruciferce, or Cabbage Family. This is a large Order containing more than twenty-five genera, so we have to turn to the table of these genera on pp. 32 — 34. We may have some little difficulty here ; but, if we find INTRODUCTION XXXIX any fruit on our specimen, the short pod which is not flattened but inflated, and contains a number of seeds, and the unnotched petals suggest the genus Cochledria, the Scurvy-grass. On turning to the description of this genus on p. 49 we find that it includes three or four British species ; but that, among these, the stalked deltoid leaves and egg-shaped pod show our specimen to be C. ddnica, the Danish Scurvy-grass. By puzzling out every plant he meets with in this manner the student fixes their distinctive structural characters in his mind, and acquires a far more valuable knowledge of plants than he would get by being told their names, by identifying them from pictures, or by any artificial key. TABULAR VIEW OF THE NATURAL ORDERS Sub-ktngdom. Spermatophy les or Phanerogams. — Plants pro- ducing flowers and seed. Division i. Angiosperms. — Plants having their ovules in closed ovaries. Class i. Dicotyledons. — Plants having two cotyledons, 1 net- veined leaves and floral leaves in whorls of 5, 4, or 2. (pp. 1- 456.) Sub-Class i. Polyp'etalce. — Having both calyx and corolla, and the petals of the latter free. 2 (pp. 1-228.) Series i. Thalamiflorce. — Petals and stamens hypogynous; oavry superior. 3 (pp. 1-107.) § Ovary apocarpous Order i. Ranunculdcece (The Buttercup Family). — Except Clematis, herbs with watery, generally acrid juice ; scattered leaves ; sepals 3 or more ; petals usually 5 ; stamens usually indefinite ; fruit of achenes or follicles ; with no cohesions in the flower, (p. 1.) Order 2. Berberidece (The Barberry Fnmily). — Shrubs with scattered leaves ; polysymmetric flowers ; sepals 6 — 9 ; petals 6 ; stamens 6 ; opening by valves ; fruit berry-like. (p. 20.) 1 Almost every character is in nature subject to exceptions ; thus the Oak has often three cotyledons, the Dodder hardly a vestige of any. 2 Flowers without corolla occur in Ranunculaceae, Cruciferae, Violaceae, Caryophylteceae, Rosaceae, Saxifrageae, Halorageae, Lythraceas, Onagraceae. Petals more or less coherent occur in Fumariaceas, Polygalaceae, Portulaceae, Tamaricineae, Malvaceae, Ilicfneae, Cras- suliceae, and Cucurbitaceae. 3 Stamens apparently springing from a perigynous disk in Castalia (NymphasaceaeX Xl INTRODUCTION §§ Ovary syncarpous ; carpels many ; ovules many. Order 3. Nymphcedcece. (The Water-lily Family). — Water- plants with floating leaves ; solitary, large polysymmetnc flowers ; petals many, gradually passing into stamens ; stamens indefinite ; carpels enclosed in cup-like disk; ovules superficial, (p. 21.) Order 4. Papaverdcece (The Poppy Family). — Herbs with milky juice ; scattered leaves ; conspicuous polysymmetric flowers ; sepals 2, caducous ; petals 4 ; stamens indefinite ; ovules superficial or parietal ; fruit capsular, (p. 24.) §§§ Ovary syncarpous, 1 — 2-chambered ; carpels 2 — 5 ; ovules parietal. Order 5. Fumaridcecz (The Fumitory Family). — Herbs with watery juice ; divided leaves ; flowers in bracteate racemes, monosymmetric ; sepals 2 j petals 4, the inner pair coherent ; stamens 4, diadelphous ; carpels 2 ; ovary one-chambered, (p. 29.) Order 6. Cruciferce (The Cabbage Family). — Herbs, often pungent, with scattered, exstipulate, simple leaves; flowers in ebracteate racemes, polysymmetric ; sepals 4 ; petals 4 ; stamens 6, tetradynamous ; carpels 2 ; ovary two-chambered ; fruit a siliqua. (p. 31.) Order 7. Reseddcece (The Mignonette Family). — Herbs, with scattered, exstipulate leaves ; flowers greenish, in bracteate racemes, monosymmetric; sepals 4 — 7, persistent; petals 4— 7; stamens indefinite ; carpels 3 ; ovary one-chambered, (p. 59.) Order 8. Cistinece (The Rock-Rose Family). — Undershrubs with entire, opposite leaves ; conspicuous polysymmetric flowers ; sepals 3 — 5 ; petals 5 ; stamens indefinite ; carpels 3 ; ovary one- chambered, (p. 61.) Order 9. Violdcece (The Violet Family.) — Herbs with scat- tered, stipulate, simple leaves ; flowers monosymmetric ; sepals 5 ; petals 5, i-spurred; stamens 5 ; carpels 3 ; ovary one-chambered; ovules many. (p. 63.) Order 10. Polygaldcece (The Milkwort Family). — Herbs with scattered, exstipulate, simple leaves ; flowers in racemes, mono- symmetric ; sepals 5, the inner ones petaloid ; petals 3 — 5 ; stamens 8, diadelphous ; carpels 2 ; ovary two-chambered ; ovults 2. (p. 66.) Order ii. Frankenidcea> (The Sea Heath Family). — A herb with opposite, exstipulate leaves ; small, axillary, polysymmetric flowers; sepals, petals, and stamens 4 — 6 each; carpels 2 — 5; ovary one-chambered, (p. 67.) INTRODUCTION xli §§§§ Ovary syncarpous, one-chambered ; carpels 2 — 5 ; placenta free-central or basal Order 12. Caryophylldcece. (The Pink Family).— Herbs, mostly with swollen nodes ; opposite, simple leaves ; flowers polysym- metric, white or red; sepals 4 — 5 ; petals 4 — 5 ; stamens 8 — 10 ; styles 2 — 5 ; ovules many ; placentation free-central ; fruit a capsule, opening by teeth or pores, (p. 69.) Order 13. Portuldcece (The Purslane Family). — Smooth, suc- culent herbs with exstipulate, simple, entire leaves, opposite or alternate ; small flowers ; sepals 2 ; petals 5 ; stamens 3 — 5 ; ovules few, basal, (p. 87.) Order 14. Tamarisdnece (The Tamarisk). — A shrub with minute leaves and lateral spikes of small flowers ; sepals and petals 4—5 each; stamens 4 — 10, on a disk; styles 3; ovules many, basal, (p. 88.) §§§§§ Ovary syncarpous, two- or more-chambered ; placentas axile Order 15. Elatinaz (The Waterwort Family). — Small aquatic herbs with opposite, stipulate, spathulate leaves and minute axillary flowers ; sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels 2 — 5 each ; ovules many. (p. 89.) Order 16. Hypericinece (The St. John's-wort Family). — Herbs or shrubs with opposite, simple leaves, often dotted with glands, and conspicuous yellow polysymmetric flowers, generally in cymes ; sepals 5 ; petals 5 ; stamens polyadelphous ; carpels 3 — 5 ; ovules many. (p. 90.) Order 17. Malvdcece (The Mallow Family). — -Herbs or shrubs with mucilaginous juice, scattered, stipulate leaves, and conspicuous polysymmetric flowers ; sepals 5, valvate ; petals 5, convolute ; stamens monadelphous ; carpels many, each i-ovuled. (p. 92.) Order 18. Tilidcecs (The Linden Family). — Trees with scattered, stipulate, oblique, serrate leaves, a large bract adherent to the flower-stalk, and clusters of greenish polysymmetric flowers ; sepals 5 ; petals 5 ; stamens many ; carpels 5, each 2-ovuled. (p. 96.) Order 19. Linece (The Flax Family). — Herbs with slender stems ; narrow, simple, entire, exstipulate leaves and polysym- metric flowers ; sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels 4 — 5 each ; petals fugacious ; carpels 2-ovuled. (p. 97.) Order 20. Geranidcece (The Crane's-bill Family). — Herbs, often succulent, with leaves generally stipulate ; and conspicuous Xlil INTRODUCTION poly symmetric or monosymmetric flowers ; sepals 3 — 5 ; petals 3 — 5 ; stamens 5 — 10; carpels 3 — 5; ovules 1 or more in each chamber, (p. 99.) Order 21. llidnecB (The Holly). — A tree with evergreen spinous leaves and small white flowers ; sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels 4 — 5 each ; fruit berry -like, with 4 one-seeded stones. (p. 106.) Series 2. Calyciflbra;. — Petals and stamens perigynous or epigynous; ovary superior or inferior. 1 (pp. 107-228.) § Stamens perigynous ; ovary generally superior 2 Order 22. Celastrinece (The Spindle-tree). — A shrub or tree, glabrous ; with opposite leaves ; small greenish flowers ; pink, fleshy capsules, and orange seeds; sepals, petals, stamens, carpels, and seeds usually 4 each. (p. 108.) Order 23. Rhdmnea (The Buckthorn Family). — Shrubs with simple leaves, small, greenish flowers, and berry-like fruit ; sepals, petals, and stamens 4 — 5 each ; stamens opposite petals ; ovary 3-chambered ; chambers i-ovuled. (p. no.) Order 24. Acerinece (The Maple Family). — Trees with opposite palmately-lobed leaves and small, green, polysymmetric flowers ; sepals and petals 4 — 9 each ; stamens 8, on a disk ; carpels 2 ; fruit a double samara, (p.m.) Order 25. Leguminosce (The Pea Family). — Shrubs or herbs with scattered, stipulate, usually compound leaves and papilion- aceous flowers ; sepals and petals 5 each ; stamens 10, monadelph- ous or diadelphous ; carpel 1 ; fruit a pod. (p. 113.) Order 26. Rosacea (The Rose Family). — Trees, shrubs, or herbs with scattered, stipulate, simple or compound leaves and polysymmetric flowers ; sepals 4 — 5 ; petals 4 — 5 ; stamens many ; carpels, 1, 2, 5, or many, free or united ; fruit various. (P- I37-) Order 27. Saxifrd%ecB (The Saxifrage Family). — Shrubs and herbs with polysymmetric flowers ; sepals 4 — 5 ; petals 4 — 5 ; stamens 4 — 10; carpels 2 — 4, united, (p. 165.) Order 28. Crassuldcece (The Stonecrop Family). — Succulent herbs with simple leaves and polysymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and carpels 3 — 20 each, usually 5 ; stamens usually twice as many as the petals ; carpels free, forming follicles, (p 172.) Order 29. Droserdcece (The Sundew Family). — Small viscid marsh plants with radical leaves, small white polysymmetric 1 The stamens are sometimes indistinctly perigynous in Leguminosae, Saxifrageae, Crassu- laxeae, and Droseracea. 2 It is inferior in some Rosaceae and Saxifrageae. INTRODUCTION xliii flowers, and capsular fruits ; sepals, petals, and stamens 5 each ; carpels 3 — 5; ovules many. (p. 177.) Order 30. Lythrdriece (The Loosestrife Family). — Herbs with entire, generally opposite leaves and polysymmetric flowers ; sepals and petals 3 — 6 each ; stamens generally twice as many a.5 the petals; carpels 2 — 6 ; fruit a many-seeded capsule, (p. 178.) Order 31. Halordgece (The Mare's-tail Family). — Aquatic htrbs with opposite or whorled leaves and very inconspicuous flowers ; sepals 2 — 4, or absent ; petals 2 — 4, valvate or absent ; stamens 1 — 8 ; carpels 1 — 4 ; styles distinct ; ovules 1 in each chamber, (p. 180.) Order 32. Onagrariecz (The Willow-herb Family).— Herbs with simple exstipulate leaves and generally conspicuous poly- symmetric flowers; sepals 2 — 4, valvate ; petals 2 — 4, contorted, or absent ; stamens 2— 8 ; carpels 1 — 6, usually 4. (p. 184.) Order 33. CucurbitdcecB (The White Bryony). — A hispid climbing herb with tendrils, palmately-lobed leaves, greenish dioecious flowers, and scarlet berries; sepals 5, united; petals 5, united; stamens 3; carpels 3. (p. 189.) Order 34. UmbelUferce (The Parsley Family). — Herbs, mostly with pinnate leaves, sheathing at the base, and compound umbels of small white flowers ; sepals, petals, and stamens 5 each ; carpels 2, i-ovuled ; fruit a cremocarp. (p. 191.) Order 35. Aralidcece (The Ivy Family). — A climbing shrub with adhesive rootlets, evergreen leaves, simple umbels of yellow- ish flowers, and black benies; sepals, petals, stamens, carpels, and seeds 5 each. (p. 225.) Order 36. Corndcecz (The Dogwood Family). — Shrubs and herbs with opposite leaves, small flowers, and berry-like fruits ; sepals, petals, and stamens 4 each ; carpels 2, i-ovuled. (p. 226.) Sub-Class 2. Gamopetala. — Having both calyx and corolla and the petals of the latter united. 1 (p. 228-407.) Series i. Epigynce. — Ovary inferior. 2 (pp. 228-304.) § Stamens epipetalous 3 Order 37. Caprifolidcece (The Honeysuckle Family).— Trees, shrubs, and herbs with opposite leaves and generally conspicuous Gamopetalous_ forms occur exceptionally among Polyp^talae. (See p. xxxix, rote.) :e petals occur in some Ericaceae, Plumbagines, and Gentianeae. Petals are absent in :Primulacee and Oleaceae. 2 The ovary is also inferior in some Primulaceae. 3 The stamens are also epipetalous in some Campanulaceae. xllV INTRODUCTION flowers, sometimes monosymmetric ; sepals 3 — 5 ; petals 3—5 ; stamens 4 — 10 ; carpels 3 — 5 ; ovules 1 or many in each chamber, (p. 228.) Order 38. Rubidcece (The Bedstraw Family). — Herbs with whorled leaves and small polysymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and stamens 4 — 6 each ; carpels 2, i-ovuled. (p. 234.) Order 39. Valeridnea (The Valerian Family). — Herbs with opposite leaves and small asymmetric flowers ; sepals 3 — 5, often pappose ; petals 3 — 5 ; stamens 1 or 3 ; carpels 3 ; ovary i-ovuled. (P- 239-) Ordsr 40. — Dipsdcecz (The Teazle Family). — Herbs with opposite leaves and heads of small flowers, each with 4 or 5 petals and 4 free stamens; ovary i-chambered and i-ovuled. (p. 243.) Order 41. Composites (The Composite Family). — Herbs with heads of small flowers with tubular or ligulate corollas and 4 — 5 stamens with syngenesious anthers ; style 2-fid ; ovary 1 -chambered, i-ovuled. (p. 246.) § § Stamens on the ovary (epigynous) Order 42. Campanuldcece (The Bellflower Family). — Herbs with milky juice, scattered leaves, and usually conspicuous bluish flowers ; sepals, petals, and stamens 5 each ; carpels 2 — 5 ; ovules many ; placentation axile (p. 295.) Order 43. Vaccinidcea (The Cranberry Family). — Under- shrubs with scattered, simple leaves ; small, drooping, reddish or pink flowers, and edible berries ; sepals, petals, and carpels 4 — 5 each ; stamens 8 — 10. (p. 302.) Series 2. Hypbgynce. — Ovary superior, (pp. 304 — 407.) § Stamens free (hypogynous) Order 44. Ericdcece (The Heath Family). — Trees, under- shrubs, or herbs with opposite or whorled, evergreen leaves, and small, often conspicuous polysymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and carpels 4 — 5 each ; stamens 5 — 10. (p. 304.) Order 45. Monotrbfiece (The Bird's-nest Family). — A fleshy yellowish saprophyte with scattered brown scale-leaves and bell- shaped polysymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and carpels 4 — 5 each ; petals scarcely cohering ; stamens 8 — 10 ; fruit a capsule ; seeds many. (p. 312.) §§ Stamens epipetalous l Order 46. Plumbaginea (The Thrift Family). — Herbs, mostly maritime, with radical leaves and small flowers ; sepals, 1 Except in some Plantaginese and Illecebraceae. INTRODUCTION xlv petals, and stamens 5 each ; stamens opposite the petals ; carpels 3 — 5; ovary i-chambered, i-ovuled. (p. 313.) Order 4.7. Primuldcea (The Primrose Family). — Herbs, mostly with radical leaves, cc nspicuous polysym metric flowers, and capsular fruits ; sepals, petals, and stamens 4 — 9 each ; stamens opposite the petals ; ovary i-chambered ; placentation free-ct ntral ; ovules many. (p. 315.) Order 48. Oied.ece (The Olive Family). — Trees or shrubs with opposite leaves and small polysymmetric flowers ; sepals and petals 4 each, or absent ;. stamens 2 ; fruit a samara or berry-like. (p. 324.) Order 49 Apocyndcece. (The Periwinkle Family). — Perennial, slender, prostrate undershrubs with milky juice ; opposite, ever- green, entire leaves, and large polysymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and stamens 5 each ; corolla salver-shaped, contorted in bud. (p. 326.) Order 50. Gen'.idnece. (The Gentian Family).— Bitter glabrous herbs, mostly with opposite, simple, entire leaves and conspicuous polysymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and stamens 4 — 10 each ; carpels 2 ; fruit a capsule ; se. ds many. (p. 327.) Order 51. Polemonidcece (The Jacob's Ladder). — An erect herb with pinnate leaves and compicuous polysymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and stamens 5 each ; carpels 3 ; fruit a 3-chambered, many-seeded capsule, (p. 334.) Order 52. Boraginece (The Borage Family). — Herbs, mostly rough, with scattered, simple leaves, and conspicuous polysym- metric flowers ; sepals, petals, and stamens 5 each ; carpels 2, 2-ovuled ; fruit a regma of 4 i-seeded nutlets, (p. 334.) Order 53. Convolvuldcece (The Bindweed Family).— Herbs, generally twining, with scattered, simple leaves, or leafless, and polysymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and stamens 4 — 5 each ; carpels 2, 2-ovuled ; fruit a 4-seeded capsule, (p. 345.) Order 54. Solandcece (The Nightshade Family). — Herbs or shrubs with scattered leaves and polysymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and stamens 5 each ; carpels 2 ; fruit a capsule, or berry- like, many-seeded, (p. 348.) Order 55. Scrophularinecz (The Figwort Family). — Herbs having mostly conspicuous monosymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and stamens- 4 — 5 each ; corolla often bi-labiate ; stamens generally didynamous ; carpels 2 ; fruit a 2-chambered, many- seeded capsule, (p. 353.) Order 56. Orobanchdcece (The Broom-rape Family). — Fleshy, brownish parasites, with scattered scale-leaves and monosymmetric flowers ; sepals 4 — 5 ; petals 5, bi-labiate ; stamens didynamous ; carpels 2 ; fruit a i-chambered, many-seeded capsule, (p. 371.) xlvi INTRODUCTION Order 57. Lentibuidriece (The Butterwort Family). — Insecti- vorous marsh herbs with monosym metric, conspicuous flowers ; sepals and petals 5 each, usually bi-labiate ; stamens 2 ; carpels 2 ; fruit a i-chambered, many-seeded capsule, (p. 374.) Order 58. Verbendcea (The Vervain). — An erect, branched herb with opposite leaves and a compound spike of small mono- symmetric flowers ; sepals and petals 5 each ; corolla bi-labiate ; stamens didyna.nous ; fruit a regma of 4 1 -seeded nutlets, (p. 377 ) Order 59. Labidtce. (The Labiate Family). — Aromatic herbs with square stems, opposite leaves and verticill isters of bi-labiate flowers ; sepals and petals 5 each, usually bi-labiate ; stam ns didynamous ; carpels 2 ; fruit a regma of 4 i-seeded nutlets. (P- 379-) Order 60. Plantaginea (The Plantain Family). — Herbs with simple, radical leaves and small greenish flowers ; sepals, petals, and stamens 4 each, with slender filaments and exserted anthers ; carpels 2 — 4 ; fruit a 1 — 4-chambered capsule, (p. 401.) Order 61. Illecebrdcea (The Knot-grass Family). — Small herbs with simple, sessile leaves and small flowers ; sepals and petals 4 — 5 each, or petals absent ; stamens 1 — 10 ; carpels 2 — -3 ; ovary i-chambered, i-ovuled. (p. 404 ) Sub-Class 3. Incomp etcz. — Corolla, and sometimes calyx also absent, (pp. 407—456 ) Series i. Monochlamydece. — Corolla alone absent, (pp. 407 —434) § Ovary superior and usually i-chambered and i-ovuled 1 Order 62. AmaranthdcecB (The Amaranth Family). — An annual, glabrous, prostrate herb, with scattered, petiolate, simple leaves, and small, axillary, green, monoecious flowers ; sepals and stamens 3 — 5 each. (p. 407.) Order 63 Chenopodidcea (The Goose-foot Family). — Herbs with simple leaves, or leafless jointed stems and inconspicuous g;een flowers; sepals 3 — 5, persistent ; stamens 1 — 5. (p. 408.) Order 64. Polygondcetz (The Persicaria Family). — Herbs with scattered simple leaves with sheathing stip lies and small flowers ; sepals 3 — 6, green or coloured, usually persistent ; stamens 5 — 8. (p. 416.) Order 65. Thymelcedcece (The Daphne Family). — Shrubs with toug i inner bark ; simple, entire leaves ; and sweet-scented perfect flowers ; sepals 4; stamens 8 ; fruit berry-like. (p. 423.) Order 66. E'teazndcece (The Sea Buckthorn). — A shrub with silvery scales ; scattered, simple, entire leaves, and inconspicuous 1 It is 2-chambered in the Elms (UrticSceae). INTRODUCTION xlvtf dioecious flowers ; sepals 2 — 4, persistent ; stamens 4 ; fruit berry- like, (p. 425.) Order 67. Urticdcece (The Nettle Family). — Trees, shrubs or herbs with tough inner bark ; simple, usually stipulate and serrate leaves; and small flowers; sepals 1 — 8; stamens 4 — 8; carpels 1 — 2 ; ovary sometimes 2-chambered. (p. 425.) § § Ovary inferior Order 68. Aristolochidcecz (The Birthwort Family). — Herbs and climbing shrubs with scattered simple leaves and perfect flowers, sometimes monosymmetric ; sepals 2 — 3, sometimes coloured; stamens 6 — 12; ovary 4 — 6-chambered; ovules many. (P- 430.) • Order 69. Loranthdcece (The Mistletoe). — A green, parasitic, much-branched shrub with opposite, simple, entire leaves ; incon- spicuous dioecious flowers and white viscid .berries ; sepals and stamens 4 each; ovary i-chambered, i-ovuled. (p. 431.) Order 70. Santaldcece (The Bastard Toad-flax). — A slender, perennial, herbaceous, prostrate root parasite, with scattered, linear leaves and inconspicuous perfect flowers ; sepals and stamens 4 — 5 each; ovary i-chambered; ovules 3 ; fruit dry, i-seeded. (P- 433-) Series 2. Achlamydece. — Calyx and corolla both absent; 1 flowers imperfect, (pp. 434-456.) § Flowers not in catkins Order 71. Empetrdcece (The Crowberry). — An evergreen mountain shrub, resinous, with scattered narrow leaves ; incon- spicuous, dioecious flowers ; and a drupaceous fruit ; perianth of 6 scales ; stamens 3 ; overy 6 — 9-chambered ; ovules 1 in each chamber, (p. 434.) Order 72. Enphorbidcetz (The Spurge Family). — Trees, shrubs, or herbs generally with milky juice ; leaves scattered, simple ; flowers inconspicuous, sometimes in cup-like involucre ; stamens 1,4, or 8 — 20; carpels 2 — 3; ovules 1 — 2 in each carpel. (P- 435-) Order 73. Ceratophyllecz (The Hornwort Family). — Sub- merged herbs with whorled dichotomous leaves and minute monoecious flowers; stamens 12 — 20; ovary i-chambered, i-ovuled. (p. 442.) §§ Flowers in catkins Order 74. Myricdcece. (The Bog-Myrtle). — An aromatic marsh shrub with scattered simple leaves, inconspicuous flowers and a 1 Exept in the Box and the Mercury (Euphorbiacese). d Xlviii INTRODUCTION small drupe ; stamens 4 — 8 ; ovary 1 -chambered, i-ovuled. (P- 443-) Order 75. Cupuliferce (The Mast bearing Family). — Trees or shrubs with scattered, simple, stipulate leaves and small flowers; stamens 2 — 20; carpels 2 — 3, 1 — 2 ovuled ; fruit a 1 — 2-cham- bered nut with 1 seed in each chamber, (p. 444.) Order 76. Salicinece (The Willow Family). — Trees, shrubs, or herbs, with scattered, simple, stipulate leaves, and conspicuous catkins which generally precede the leaves ; stamens 2 — 30 ; carpels 2 ; ovary i-chambered ; seeds many, with silky hairs. (P- 45i) Class II. Motwcotyledotis. — Plants having one cotyledon, parallel-veined leaves and floral leaves generally in whorls of 3. 1 (pp.456— 591.) Sub-Class i. Petaloidece — Having the perianth usually petal- oid and coloured, not, as a rule, green or glumaceous. 2 (pp. 457 -521.) Series i. Epigynce. — Perianth superior, (pp. 457 — 482.) Order 77. Hydrocharidece (The Frog-bit Family). — Aquatic herbs with conspicuous flowers, polysymmetric and dioecious ; sepals and petals 3 each; stamens 3 — 12; carpels 3 — 6; fruit a berry, (p. 4S7-) Order 78. Orchidece (The Orchid Family). — Herbs mostly with tuberculate roots and conspicuous monosymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and carpels 3 each ; stamens 1 — 2, gynandrous ; ovary 1 -chambered ; fruit a many-seeded capsule, (p. 459.) Order 79. Iridece (The Iris Family). — Herbs with fleshy under- ground stems, narrow leaves and handsome flowers ; sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels 3 each ; ovary 3-chambered ; fruit a many- seeded capsule, (p. 473.) Order 80. Amaryllidece (The Amaryllis Family). — Herbs with bulbs, narrow leaves and handsome polysymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and carpels 3 each ; stamens 6 ; ovary 3-chambered ; fruit a capsule; seeds 3 or more. (p. 477.) Order 81. Dioscdrece (The Black Bryony). — A climbing herb- aceous perennial with broad, glossy, net-veined leaves and small monoecious flowers ; sepals, petals, and carpels 3 each ; stamens 6 ; ovary 3-chambered; fruit a berry; seeds 6. (p. 481-) 1 Leaves are net-veined in the Black Bryony (Dioscoreaceae), Herb Paris (Liliaceae), and Arum (Aroideae) ; and the floral leaves are in whorls of four in Naiadaceae. 2 The perianth is membranous or green in Juncaceae, Naiadaceae, and Eriocauleee, and absent in Typhaceae, Aroideae, and Lemnaceae. INTRODUCTION xlix Series 2. Hypbgyna. Perianth inferior or absent, (pp. 483 -521.) Order 82. Lilidcece. (The Lily Family).— Mostly herbs with conspicuous, polysymmetric flowers ; sepals, petals, and carpels 3 each ; stamens 6 ; ovary 3-chambered ; seeds 3 or more. (P- 483-) Order 83. Juncdcece (The Rush Family). — Herbs with cylindnc or narrow leaves and small brown flowers ; perianth membranous ; sepals, petals, and carpels 3 each ; stamens 6 ; ovary 1 — 3- chambered; fruit capsular; seeds 3 or more. (p. 497.) Order 84. Typhdcece (The Reed-mace Family).— Erect aquatic plants with long linear leaves and small monoecious flowers in conspicuous spikes or heads ; perianth absent ; stamens many ; fruit i-chambered, 1 seeded, (p. 503.) Order 85. Aroidece (The Cuckoo-pint Family). — Herbaceous perennials with radical leaves, sometimes net-veined and small flowers on a fleshy spadix enclosed in a leafy spathe ; perianth of 6 leaves or absent; stamens 1—6; ovary 1 — 3-chambered; fruit berry-like ; seeds few. (p. 506.) Order 86. Lemndcecz (The Duckweed Family). — Minute float- ing plants with green thalloid fronds, rarely flowering; flowers very minute, in a spathe; stamen 1; ovary i-chambered; ovules 1—7. (p. 508.) Order 87. Ahstndcece (The Water-Plantain Family). — Water- plants with radical, regularly net-veined leaves and conspicuous perfect flowers ; sepals and petals 3 each ; stamens 6, 9, or more ; carpels numerous and distinct, or nearly so, 1 — 2-ovuled. (p. 509.) Order 88. Naiaddcece (The Pond-weed Family). — Aquatic plants, mostly with floating or submerged leaves and inconspicuous flowers ; sepals 4 — 6 or absent ; stamens and carpels 1 — 6 each ; ovules 1 — 3 in each carpel, (p. 512.) Order 89. Eriocdukce (The Pipe-wort). — An aquatic plant with subulate leaves and minute monoecious flowers ; sepals, petals, and carpels 2 each ; stamens 4 ; ovary 2-chambered ; chambers i-ovuled. (p. 521.) Sub-Class 2. Glumiferce. — Having no true perianth, but the flowers in the axils of chaff-like scales (glumes) forming spikelets. (pp. 521—591.) Order 90. Cyperdcece (The Sedge Family). — Herbs with stems usually solid and triangular in section ; leaves tristichous, linear, with tubular sheaths ; stamens 1 — 3 ; anthers basifixed ; carpels and stigmas 2 — 3 ; ovary i-chambered, i-ovuled. (p. 522.) 1 INTRODUCTION Order 91. Graminece (The Grass Family). — Herbs with stems usually hollow ; leaves distichous, linear, with split sheaths ; stamens 2 — 3; anthers versatile ; carpels and stigmas 1 — 2; ovary i-chambered, i-ovuled. (p. 546.) Division II. Gymnosperms. — Plants having no ovary, the ovules being naked, (pp. 591 — 596.) Class I. Coniferce. — Trees and shrubs with rigid, evergreen, needle-shaped or linear leaves ; and imperfect flowers, the staminate ones deciduous and catkin-like, the seed-bearing ones either a solitary ovule or a cone of fleshy or wooden scales, (pp. 591 — 596). Order 92. Araucaridcece (The Monkey-Puzzle Family). — Cones perfect ; seeds with woody or leathery testa and no aril. (P- 592.) Order 93. Taxdcece (The Yew Family). — Seeds projecting beyond carpels or without carpels, with fleshy testa or aril. (P- 595-) FLOWERS OF THE FIELD Division I. ANGIOSPERMS Class I. DICOTYLEDONS This is the more extensive of the two classes into which ordinary flowering-plants, or angiosperms, are divided, and derives its name from the two cotyledons or leaves of the embryo which are almost invariably present in the seed of this class. These cotyledons enclose the plumule or bud of the future shoot, which, when the seed begins to sprout or germinate, lengthens into the leafy stem. At the same time the embryo in this class puts forth in a down- ward direction a main root, called in its early stages a radicle. In the perennial woody members of the class the stem increases in diameter by annual concentric layers of wood formed near the outer surface of the stem, but beneath the bark, this type of stem being called exogenous (growing externally). The leaves have irregularly netted veins of various degrees of fineness. The flowers have their sepals and petals, and (less regularly) their stamens and carpels, in whorls of 5 each or sometimes of 2 or 4. Sub-Class I. POLYPETAL^ Flowers generally furnished with both calyx and corolla ; petals generally distinct. Series I. THALAMIFLOR^.— Ord. I.— XXI Petals and stamens springing from the floral receptacle or thala- mus, below the ovary (hypogynous) ; ovary superior. Natural Order I. Ranunculaceje. — The Buttercup Family Herbs with a watery, acrid, and often poisonous juice and scattered leaves (except Clematis, which is a shrub with opposite leaves) The leaves are generally much divided, and the flowers 2 CLASS DICOTYLEDONS conspicuous and either poly symmetric or monosymmetric. The sepals and petals sometimes graduate into one another, and are often spurred, the sepals being 3, 5, or more, and the petals often absent, or 5, rarely 2, 4, or more. The stamens are indefinite in number and hypogynous ; the carpels rarely 1 or 2, generally 3 — 5 or more numerous, distinct, and forming either an etaerio of one- seeded indehiscent achenes or a ring of many-seeded follicles. In Actcea there is exceptionally a berry-like fruit. The Order is a numerous one, chiefly characteristic of temperate regions. Many of them are garden favourites. Species of Aconiium yield valu- able drugs. f Carpels i-seeded 1. Clematis. — A shrub with opposite pinnate leaves, climbing by twisting its leaf-stalks ; sepals 4 — 6, petaloid, valvate ; petals o ; carpels ending in a long feathery tail. 2. THALfcTRUM. — Sepals 4 — 5, petaloid, imbricate ; petals o j carpels without tails. 3. Anem6ne. — Involucre of three leafy bracts some distance below the flower ; sepals 4 — 20, petaloid, imbricate ; petals o. *4. Adonis. — Sepals 5, petaloid, imbricate; petals 5—10, scarlet ; carpels without tails. 5. Myosurus. — A small plant ; sepals 5, imbricate, spurred ; petals 5, tubular ; carpels along an elongated axis. 6. Ranunculus. — Sepals 3 — 5, imbricate ; petals 5 or more, with a nectary at the base ; carpels in an oblong or globular head. ft Carpels many- seeded 7. Caltha. — Sepals 5, petaloid, imbricate, yellow ; petals o ; fruit of numerous follicles. 8. Tr6llius. — Sepals 5 — 15; petaloid, imbricate, yellow; petals 5 — 15, small, linear, flat; fruit of 5 or more follicles. 9. Helleborus. — Sepals 5, persistent ; petals 5 — 10, small, tubular, bi-labiate ; fruit of 3 to 10 sessile follicles. *io. Eranthis. — Sepals 5, deciduous ; petals 5, small, tubular, bi-labiate, clawed ; fruit of 5 or 6 stalked follicles. 11. Aquilegia. — Sepals 5, petaloid, deciduous; petals 5, large, spurred ; fruit of 5 follicles. *i2. DelphInium. — Flower monosymmetric; sepals 5, petaloid, deciduous, the posterior one spurred ; petals 2 — 4, 2 enclosed in spur; fruit of 1 — 5 follicles. * Genera the numbers of which are preceded by an asterisk, and species the numbers of which are followed by one, are probably not wild. BUTTERCUP FAMILY 3 13. Aconitum. — Flower monosymmetric ; sepals 5, petaloid, deciduous, the posterior one hooded ; petals 2 — 5, 2 tubular, with long claws, enclosed in hood ; fruit of 3 — 5 follicles. 14. Actma.— Sepals 3 — 5, petaloid, caducous; petals 4, minute, or absent ; fruit berry-like, black, many-seeded. 15. P^onia. — Sepals 5, persistent; petals 5 — 10 ; fruitof 2 — 5 follicles. 1. Clematis (Traveller's Joy). — A shrub with woody stem; leaves opposite, compound, exstipulate, some of them climbing by Clematis VitAlba {Traveller's Joy). 4 RANUNCULACE.*: twisting their petioles ; sepals 4, valvate, petaloid ; petals o ; stamens many ; carpels many, i-ovuled ; fruit an etaerio of achenes with long feathery awns. (Name from the Greek klema, a vine shoot.) 1. C. Vitdlba (Traveller's Joy). — The only British species. A hedge shrub especially common on calcareous or chalky soils ; well distinguished in summer by its numerous clusters of greenish- white, sweet-scented flowers ; and still more conspicuous in autumn and winter from its tufts of feathery-white fruits, whence it gets the popular name of " Old Man's Beard." — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 2. THAiicTRUM (Meadow-rue).— Perennial ; leaves compound, stipulate ; stipules united to the leaf-stalk ; sepals 4 — 5, imbricate, § petaloid ; petals o ; stamens many, ' yellow ; carpels few, i-ovuled ; fruit an etaerio of achenes with- out awns. (Name from the Greek thallo, I flourish.) 1. T. Alpinum (Alpine Meadow- rue). — Stem unbranched ; leaves bi-ternate ; glaucous beneath ; flowers in a simple terminal raceme, drooping; sepals pur- plish. — A graceful little plant, 4 to 10 in. high, occurring on the mountains of Wales and Scot- land. — Fl. June — August. 2. T. minus (Lesser Meadow- rue). — Stem 6— t8 in. high, branched, rigid, zigzag, furrowed, leafless at the base ; leaves bi- or tri-pinnate, stipulate, glaucous ; stipules with spreading auricles ; leaflets ternate, 3-cleft ; petioles with angular, ascending branches; flcnvers in a loose compound raceme with spreading or sub- ^ erect branches, drooping ; pedicels slender ; sepals 4, pale purplish or yellow-green ; stamens conspicuous, yellow, with apiculate anthers. A form with broadly-spreading inflorescence occurs on sand-dunes, one with more erect growth on dry stony pastures. — Fl. June — August. THAL^CTRUM ALPINUM (AlpitU MeodoW-TU Fig. i. Traveller's Joy. [Clematis Vmitba). BUTTERCUP FAMILY 5 3. T. mdjus (Greater Meadow-rue). — Stem 2 — 4 feet high, solid or hollow, branched, leafy to the base, flexuous, more or less furrowed ; leaves bi- or tri-pinnate, stipulate ; stipules with horizon- tally-spreading or reflexed auricles ; leaflets large, variable, 3 — 5 lobed ; petioles with spreading branches ; flowers in a loose, generally leafy, compound raceme with spreading branches, drooping ; sepals 4, yellow-green ; anthers apiculate. A form with a solid stem and reflexed auricles to its stipules occurs in damp thalIctrum flavum (Yellow Mead with a fusiform root, and all its leaves glabrous and glaucous, and yellow flowers, which is cultivated for the sake of the Colza and Carcel oil pressed from its seeds, the refuse being used, under the name of oil-cake, for feeding cattle ; B. Rutabaga (Swede), with a turnip-shaped root and all its leaves glaucous, the radical ones hispid and the cauline ones glabrous, and buff flowers, the roots CABBAGE FAMILY 47 of which are used as cattle-food ; and B. Rdpa (Turnip), with turnip shaped root, lower leaves hispid but not glaucous, upper leaves glaucous and glabrous, and bright yellow flowers, which is perhaps the most truly wild and ancestral form. 3. B. monensis (Isle of Man Cabbage). — Rhizome stout, woody; stem 6 — 24 in. high, usually prostrate 5 leaves mostly radical, glabrous, deeply pinnatifid ; flowers bright lemon-yellow, veined with purple. — Sandy sea-shores on the west coast of Britain ; rare. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. 4. B. Cheirdnthus (Jersey Cabbage) is an allied species, found in the Channel Islands, differing in having an erect leafy stem, 1—3 feet high and hispid leaves. 13. Sinapis (Mustard). — Herbs, annual or biennial, very similar to the Cabbages ; but with spreading sepals. (Name from the Greek sindpi,musta.rd.) 1. S. nigra (Black Mustard). — Stem 2 — 3 feet high, branch- ed, hispid ; lower leaves large, rough, lyrate ; upper leaves lmear-lanceolate, stalked gla- brous; flowers \ — \ in. across, yellow ; pods erect, adpressed, 4-angled, glabrous, beak short, subulate. — Fl. June— August. Annual. Its seeds yield table mustard. 2. S. adpressa, growing in sandy places in the Channel Islands, is more branched and has very short pods. 3. S. arvensis (Wild Mustard, Charlock). — Hispid ; leaves lyrately pinnatifid, rough ; flowers sub-corymbose, \ — f in. across, bright yellow ; pods spreading, linear, many-angled, generally hispid, 1 \ — 2 in. long, constricted. — A common weed in corn- fields, sometimes springing up in profusion from recently disturbed ground, though previously unknown there. — Fl. May — August. * Annual. 4. S. alba (White Mustard). — Hispid with reflexed hairs ; flowers \ in. across, yellow; pods spreading, 2 in. long, hispid sinAms arvensis {Wild Mustard, Charlock). 48 CRUCfFER^E with a flat, two-edged, sword-like beak. — Waste ground. — Fl. June, July. Annual. Seedlings of this species are largely eaten, with those of Cress (Lepidium sativum), as salad. 14. Diplotaxis (Rocket) has spreading sepals ; but differs from the mustards in its flattened pods with membranous valves and seeds in two rows. (Name from the Greek diplos, double, taxis, rank or row.) 1. D. tenuifblia (Wall Rocket). — Slender, branched, 1 — 2 feet high ; stem woody below ; leaves deeply divided into long narrow segments, glaucous ; flowers f in. across, light yellow, fragrant ; pods short, linear, erect, on very long slender stalks. — On old walls. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 2. D. murdlis (Sand Rocket), a less branched, hispid, herba- ceous, and generally annual species, grows in waste ground, especially near the sea. *i5. Alyssum, a genus of small plants, mostly hoary with adpressed hairs, with simple leaves, small white or yellow floivers, and rounded, few-seeded pods, includes three alien species, sometimes naturalised : A. incdnum, A. alyssoides, with stellate hairs ; yellow flowers, and persistent sepals ; and A. maritimum, with bi-partite hairs ; white, sweet-scented flowers, and deciduous sepals. 16. DrAba (Whitlow-grass). — Small herbs, mostly perennial and hoary with stellate hairs ; leaves small, simple, the radical ones in a rosette ; flowers small, white or yellow ; pods compressed or turgid. (Name from the Greek drabe, acrid.) * Flowers white 1. D. murdlis (Speedwell-leaved Whitlow-grass). — Stem leafy, branched, about a foot high ; leaves rough, with stellate hairs, egg-shaped, blunt, toothed, embracing the stem ; pedicels spreading horizontally. — Limestone hills in the west of England ; rare. — Fl. April, May. Annual. 2. D. incdna (Twisted Whitlow-grass). — Stem leafy, branched, 4 — 14 in. high; leaves hoary with stellate down, lanceolate, toothed ; pods twisted. — Mountains, and sandhills near the sea; uncommon. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 3. D. rupestris (Rock Whitlow-grass). — Stems several, 1 — 2 in. high, almost leafless ; leaves rosulate, stellately pubescent, ciliate. — In crevices of the rocks and among moss on the summits of some Highland mountains; very rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. CABBAGE FAMILY 49 4. D. verna (Spring Whitlow-grass). — Stem a single, slender, leafless scape ; leaves rosulate, lanceolate, hairy ; floivers minute ; petals deeply bi-lobed ; pods varying very much in form and com- pression. — Common on walls and dry banks. — Fl. February — July. Annual. ** Flowers yellow 5. D. aizbides (Yellow Alpine Whitlow-grass). — Stem leafless, 1 — 5 in. high; leaves rosulate, linear, glabrous, ciliate ; petals slightly notched. — On rocks and walls at Pennard Castle, near Swansea, where it forms dense tufts with bright yellow flowers. — Fl. March — May. Perennial. 17. Cochlearia (Scurvy-grass). — Glabrous herbs, with simple, often fleshy leaves ; small white flowers ; and nearly globose pods, with prominent dorsal veins. (Name from the Latin cochlear, a spoon, from the shape of the leaves in some species.) The plants of this genus derive their English name from the relief which they afford to sailors suffering from scurvy, in con- sequence of their being debarred from the use of fresh vegetables. This antiscorbutic quality is shared to an equal degree by other plants of the Order ; but these were most readily available from growing near the sea. Steam navigation and the consequent short- ening of voyages, preserved vegetables, and the use of limejuice have, however, rendered {Vernaiwhitiew-grass). this dreadful disease much less common. 1. C. officinalis (Common Scurvy-grass). — Stem often much branched, 10 in. high ; radical leaves stalked, orbicular or reni- form, cordate ; cauline leaves amplexicaul, lobed ; in rather large corymbs ; pod nearly globose. — On muddy sea- shores ; common. — Fl. May, June. Annual. 2. C. alpina (Alpine Scurvy-grass). — A smaller form with an obovoid pod. — On lofty mountains. 3. C. ddnica (Danish Scurvy-grass). — Another small form, with stalked, deltoid leaves and an ovate pod.— Cliffs and hedges near the sea ; common. — Fl. March — August. Biennial. 4. C. dnglica (English Scurvy-grass).— Branches 10 — 18 in. long ; radical leaves not cordate, fleshy ; flowers and pods larger than in C. officinalis, the latter somewhat elongate, nearly \ in in length. Muddy seashores ; common. — Fl. May — August. Annual. 5° CRUCfFERJE Two other small species allied to C. ddnica, C. grcenldndica, with fleshy leaves, and C. micdcea, a perennial with long claws to its relatively large petals, are found in the north of Scotland. 1 8. Armoracia (Horse-radish).— Perennial glabrous herbs, with rhizomes ; flowers small, white or yellow ; pods short, broad, nearly- globose, with no dorsal veins. (Name of uncertain origin.) i. A. rusticdna (Horse- radish). — Rhizome stout, long, cylindric, white and pungent ; branches 2 — 3 feet high ; radical leaves 8 — 12 in. long, on stalks a foot long, oblong, wavy, crenate ; cauline leaves sub- sessile, lanceolate, serrate ; flowers small ; pods not ripening in England. — Waste-ground; a common escape from kitchen gar- dens ; but not indigenous. — Fl. May — June. Perennial. 2. A. amphibia (Amphi- bious Yellow Cress). — Roots fibrous ; rhizome short, stoloniferous ; leaves pinnatifid or deeply serrate ; petals, twice as long as the calyx. — A large plant, 2 — 4 feet high, growing on the banks of rivers, or partly submerged, remarkable for its numerous runners or ochleAria officinalis {Common Scurvy-Grass). stolons. — Fl. June— September. Perennial. *iq. Camelina sativa (Gold of Pleasure) is another escape from cultivation. It has tall, slender stems ; with obtuse, auricled cauline leaves ; small yellow flowers and obovoid inflated pods. — Fl. June, July. Annual. (Name from the Greek chatnai, dwarf, linon, flax.) The plant is cultivated for the oil in its seeds. CABBAGE FAMILY 20. Subularia (Awl-wort). A small submerged aquatic herb ; leaves all radical, subulate (awl-shaped) ; flowers few, small, white, on a scape, 1 — 3 in. long, sometimes perfected under water. (Name from the Latin subula, an awl.) 1. S. aqudtica (Water Awl-wort). — The only species, common on the gravelly bottoms of mountain lakes. — Fl. June— August. Perennial. 2 1 . Capsella (Shepherd's Purse).— Annual herbs, flowers small, white ; pedicels slender ; pods compressed, inversely heart-shaped ; cochleAria danica (Danish Scurvy-Grass). subulAria aquAtica (Water Awl-wort). valves boat-shaped, keeled, but not winged. (Name, the Latin diminutive of capsa, a box. 1. C. Bursa-pastbris (Common Shepherd's Purse). — A com- mon weed, to be found in almost every part of the world, varying considerably in size, and the division of its leaves. The whole plant is more or less rough with branched hairs ; root tapering ; stem 6—16 in. high, branched ; radical leaves pinnatifid ; cauline leaves auricled; petals sometimes converted into stamens. — Fl. nearly all the year round. Annual. 22. Cor6nopus (Wart-cress). — Branched, prostrate herbs ; 52 CRUCfFER^E flowers minute, white, in short lateral racemes ; pods reniform, indehiscent, or splitting into two indehiscent lobes ; seeds one in each lobe. (Name from the Greek koronos, a raven, pons, foot.) i. C. didymus (Lesser Wart-cress). — Stem prostrate, branched, slender, hairy, a foot or more in length ; leaves finely pinnatifid or bi-pinnatifid ; pods separating into two hard, wrinkled lobes. Waste ground near the sea in south-west. It emits a very power- caps£lla borsa pastoris (.Common Shepherd's Purse), CORONOPUS DfDYMUS (Lesser Wart-cress). ful smell, like that of Pepper-cress, especially when trodden on, or in hot weather; and has a particularly nauseous taste. — Fl. July — September. Annual. 2. C. prociimbens (Wart-cress or Swine's cress). — Glabrous, less branched and with larger, less divided leaves and larger pods than C. didymus. The pods are indehiscent. A common road- side weed. — Fl. June — September. Annual. 23. LEPfmuM (Pepperwort). — Herbs with small white flowers; some of the petals or stamens often absent ; pods rounded or obcordate, much compressed, generally 2-seeded ; valves keeled CABBAGE FAMILY 53 or winged. (Name from the Greek lepis, a scale, from the flattened pods.) * Style minute 1. L. latifblium (Broad-leaved Pepperwort, Dittander). — The largest British species, glabrous and glaucous ; stem z — 4 feet lepidium latifouum {.Broad-leaved Pepperuwrf). high, erect, much branched, leafy, with runners ; radical leaves stalked, ovate, lanceolate, serrate, often a foot long ; cauline leaves sessile, lanceolate ; flowers numerous., small, white, in leafy pani- cles ; pods oval, not notched or winged, downy. — In salt marshes ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. L. ruderdle (Narrow-leaved Pepperwort). — A smaller plant, glabrous or slightly pubescent ; stem a foot high, branched ; radi- 54 CRUCfFERjE cal leaves pinnatifid with narrow segments j cauline leaves linear, entire ; petals absent ; stamens 2 ; pod oval, notched, winged at the top. — Waste places near the sea ; uncommon. — Fl. May, June. Annual. 3.* L. sativum (Common Cress). — A similar plant, occurring as an escape from cultivation ; pod more completely winged. Annual. ** Style distinct 4. L. campestre (Field Pepperwort). — Pubescent; stem 16 — 18 in. high, erect, slightly branched ; leaves hoary, upper ones arrow- LEpfmuM campestre (Field Pepperwort). shaped at the base ; a?ithers yellow ; pod rough with minute scales ; style not longer than the notch in the pod. A common weed. — Fl. May — August. Annual or biennial. 5. L. heterophyllum (Hairy Pepperwort). — More downy, more woody, and more branched ; anthers violet ; pod less scaly ; style much longer than the notch. As common as L. campestre. — Fl. April — August. Perennial. 6.* L. Drdba. — Stem flexuous, leafy, a foot in height, branched; leaves hoary, oblong, lower ones stalked, upper ones arrow- shaped at the base ; flowers many, small, corymbose, long-stalked ; pod cordate, constricted between the valves ; valves swollen ; style slender. Not indigenous. — Fl. May — June. Perennial. 24. ThlAspi (Penny Cress). — Glabrous herbs; radical leaves rosulate ; cauline leaves sessile, sagittate ; flowers small, white ; CABBAGE FAMILY 55 petals equal, obovate ; pod rounded, flat, notched, valves boat- shaped, winged ; seeds numerous. (Name, the old Greek name of the genus, connected with thlao, I flatten.) i. T. arvense (Mithridate Mustard, Penny Cress). — Stem slender, erect, a foot high ; cauline leaves oblong, sagittate, toothed ; flowers much smaller than the pods, in a lengthening raceme ; pods round, flat, with very broad wings, and a deep thlAspi arv£ns£ {Penny Cress). notch, | — f in. across. — Fields ; frequent. It derives its popular names from the resemblance of its seed-vessels in size and shape to silver pennies, and from having formerly been used in a medi- cine known as the Mithridate confection. — Fl. all the summer. Annual. 2. T. perfolidtum (Perfoliate Penny Cress). — A smaller, much- branched species ; stem-leaves sessile, oblong, heart-shaped at the base, amplexicaul, but not truly perfoliate ; flowers minute ; pod 56 CRUCIFER/E small, inversely heart-shaped ; style very short. — Waste places on a limestone soil in Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Bucking- hamshire, and Middlesex ; but very rare. — Fl. April, May. Annual. 3. T. alpestre (Alpins Penny Cress). — Another small species, but little branched ; stem-leaves arrow-shaped at the base ; flowers and pods rather larger than in T. perfolidtum ; style longer than the notch of the pod. — Mountainous limestone pastures in the north of England ; rare. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 4. T. virens, a closely-allied species, occurs on rocks at Matlock. 25. Iberis (Candytuft). — Small branched glabrous herbs ; flowers corymbose, white or red, rendered conspicuous by their corymbose arrangement and by the two outer petals in each flower being much enlarged ; pod ovate, notched ; valves boat-shaped, winged ; seeds 2. (Name from Iberia (Spain), where many species grow.) 1. / amdra (Bitter Candytuft). — Stem 6 — 10 in. high; leaves sessile, oblong- lanceolate ; racemes lengthening after flowering ; flowers white or red ; pods small ; wings pointed above ; style longer than the wings. — Chalky fields in the south and east of England. — Fl. July. (^ifL^XrZJZTa). AnnuaL Commonly grown in gardens. 26. Teesdalea. — Small, annual, glabrous herbs ; leaves all radical, pinnatifid ; flowers minute, white, on a corymbose scape ; petals generally unequal ; pod roundish, notched, keeled ; seeds 4. (Named after Robert Teesdale, a Yorkshire botanist.) 1. T. nudicaiilis (Naked-stalked Teesdalea). — The only British species, a minute and not inelegant plant with leaves closely pressed to the ground and several slender leafless scapes, 2 — 4 in. high; two outer petals twice as long as the others. — Dry banks; not common. Fl. April — June. Annual. 27. Hutchinsia. — A small, annual, much-branched herb, with pinnatifid leaves ; flowers minute, white, in racemes, which lengthen after flowering ; petals equal ; pod minute, compressed, keeled ; seeds 4. (Named after Miss Hutchins, an Irish botanist.) 1. H. petrcea (Rock Hutchinsia). — The only British species, a CABBAGE FAMILY 57 pretty little plant from 2—5 in. high. Leaves elegantly pinnatifid ; pods elliptic.— Limestone rocks, chiefly in the west of England ; rare. — Fl. March — May. Annual. *28. Isatis (Woad).— Tall, erect, branched herbs; cauline leaves sagittate ; flowers yellow ; pods pendulous, indehiscent, 1 - chambered, rounded, compressed, broadly keeled, 1 -seeded. (Name, the Greek name of the genus.) 1.* /. tinctbria (Woad). — Glabrous, glaucous, 1 — 4 feet high; radical leaves, stalked, oblong ; flowers small, corymbose ; pods on hutchInsia petrjea {Rock Hutchinsid). lengthening racemes. — Waste places, not indigenous; rare.— Fl. July, August. Biennial. — The ancient Britons stained them- selves with this plant, and it is still grown as a dye. 29. Crambe (Sea-kale). — Perennial herbs with stems stout, branched ; leaves broad ; flowers white, in compound racemes ; pods indehiscent, 2-jointed, the lower joint seedless, the upper globose, i-seeded. (Name from the Greek, krambe, cabbage.) 1. C. maritlma (Sea-kale). Glabrous, glaucous ; leaves wavy, toothed, fleshy. This is the plant which is so well known in gardens as a vegetable. The part eaten is the leaf-stalk blanched 58 CRUCfFER^E by being kept from the action of light. It is found on many parts of the sea-coast, and differs in no respect from garden speci- mens as they appear when the forcing is over. — FL June— August. Perennial. * 30. Cakile (Sea Rocket).— A large, fleshy, branched herb; flowers white or lilac ; corymbose ; pods indehiscent, 2-jointed, 4- angled, each joint i-seeded. (Name of Arabic origin.) 1. C. maritima (Purple Sea Rocket).— The only British species, crambe mar(tima (Sea-kale). common on sandy sea-shores, growing in a bushy manner, with zig-zag branched stems, bearing fleshy, variously-cut, glaucous leaves, and corymbs of lilac flowers. The seed-vessels are of very curious construction, each containing two seeds, of which the lower is erect, the upper pendent. — Fl. June — September. Annual. 31. Raphanus (Radish). — Radical leaves \yrate ; flo7vers in long racemes ; petals purple-veined ; pod an elongated, inflated, smooth lomentum with a slender beak. (Name of Greek origin, signify- ing early appearance or rapid growth.) 1. R. Raphanistrum (Wild Radish, White Charlock). — A bristly or almost prickly plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with horizontal, lyrate CABBAGE FAMILY 59 leaves, and rather large straw-coloured or white flowers veined with purple ; well distinguished when in seed by its long-beaked pods, which have from 3 — 7 one-seeded joints. Cornfields. — Fl. May — September. Annual. This is the original of the garden radish. 2. R. mariti??ius (Sea Radish). — Leaves composed of small and large segments arranged alternately (interruptedly pinnatifid) ; flowers smaller, yellow, rarely white ; pod with 2 — 4 joints, deeply CAKfi.£ maritIma (Purple Sea Rocket). constricted. — Sea-cliffs in the south and west ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. Ord. VII. — RESEDACEiE.— Mignonette Family Herbaceous or somewhat shrubby plants, with scattered stipu- late leaves, and their flowers in bracteate racemes. Sepals 4—7, persistent ; petals 4 — 7 ; disk large, hypogynous ; stamens 10 — 24, inserted on the disk ; ovary of 3 united carpels, 1 -chambered, opening at the summit ; stigma 3-lobed, sessile ; seeds many, on 3 parietal placentas ; fruit a capsule. Most members of the Order 6o resedace^e inhabit Europe and the adjacent parts of Asia and Africa. Reseda odordta (Mignonette), a native of Egypt, is a favourite garden plant on account of the delicious perfume of its flowers. i. Reseda (Mignonette). — Flowers monosym metric ; petals unequal, with a broad claw and ligule, the posterior ones with a multifid limb. (Name from the Latin resedo, I calm, from supposed sedative properties.) RAPHANUS RAPHAN1STRUM {Wild RadUh). i. R. Mtea (Wild Mignonette). — A bushy plant, i — 2 feet high ; leaves 3-cleft, lower ones pinnatifid;y?J>le\ globose, scarlet, or crimson, of 1 — 3 carpels. The name Haw- thorn is derived from haeg, a hedge ; although, therefore, the fruit is generally called a haw, that name is derived from the tree which produces it, and the tree does not, as is frequently sup- posed, take its name from the fruit which it bears. — Fl. May. Perennial. 18. Cotoneaster. — Shrubs or small trees ; stipules deciduous ; flowers solitary, or nearly so, small ; sepals 5 ; petals 5 ; stamens ROSE FAMILY 165 many ; carpels 2 — 5, adherent at their backs to the calyx-tube, but not coherent ; fruit a 2 — 5 -chambered pome with a bony core. (Name Classical.) 1. C. integerrimus. — A small pubescent shrub, with roundish leaves ; minute rose-pink flowers, few together ; and small, pyrus germAnica {Common Medlar). pendulous, globose, shining red fruits. — Occurs on limestone rock at Great Orme's Head, Carnarvonshire. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. Ord. XXVII. Saxifrages. — The Saxifrage Family Shrubs and herbs abounding in temperate and cold climates, but within the tropics confined to lofty mountains. They have 1 66 saxifrAge^e polysymmetric and generally 5-merous flowers ; sepals 5, rarely 4, united at the base, and generally partly adherent to the carpels ; petals equal in number and alternate to the sepals, imbricate, or rarely absent ; stamens 4 — 10, perigynous ; carpels usually 2, rarely 3 — 4, united below ; styles usually distinct ; ovules many ; fruit of two follicles, a 1 — 2-chambered capsule, or a berry. Most members of the Order have slightly astringent properties, and some few are bitter and tonic. Several species of the genus Ribes have berries with an agreeable acid flavour j others are mawkish. The extensive genus Saxifraga contains many tufted mountain plants that contribute greatly to the beauty of alpine vegetation. cratAgus oxyacAntha {Hawthorn). i. SAxfFRAGA. — Herbs ; petals 5; stamens 10, rarely 5; ovary 2-chambered; styles 2. 2. Chrysosplenium. — Small succulent herbs; petals absent; stamens 8 or 10 ; ovary i-chambered; styles 2. 3. Parnassia. — Herbs ; flowers large, solitary ; petals 5 ; stamens 5, with five alternating staminodes ; ovary 1 -chambered ; stigmas 3 or 4. 4. RfBES. — Shrubs ; petals 4 or 5 ; stamens 4 or 5 ; ovary 1 -chambered ; styles 2 ; fruit a berry. 1. SAxfFRAGA (Saxifraga). — Herbs, mostly perennial ; aves both radical and cauline, with sheathing petioles ; flowers in cymes, white, yellow, or rarely purple or red ; sepals 5, imbricate ; petals 5 ; stamens 10, rarely 5 ; carpels 2, united below, forming a superior, SAXIFRAGE FAMILY 167 or half-inferior, 2-chambered ovary, with parietal placentation, numerous ovules, and 2 styles ; fruit of 2 follicles or united below into a capsule. (Name in Latin signifying rock-breaker, many of the species growing in crevices of rocks.) * Flowers purple 1. S. oppositifblia (Purple Mountain Saxifrage). — Alow-growing, tufted, glabrous plant, with trailing stems ; small, opposite, and decussate fleshy leaves; and relatively large, solitary, bright purple flowers. — Alpine rocks in the north. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. ** Flowers croivded, white 2. S. nivalis (Clustered Alpine Saxifrage). — An alpine plant, 3 — 6 in. high ; leaves all radical, obovate, crenate, thick, red beneath ; flowers rather large, white, 4 — 12 together, in a compact head. High mountains in the north ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. *** Flowers in loose cymes white, with two coloured dots on each petal. 3. »S. stelldris (Starry Saxifrage). — A mountain plant, 3 — 5 in. high ; leaves in a rosette, scarcely stalked, oblong, wedge-shaped, coarsely toothed ; floivers rather large, few, white, with two yellow spots on each petal. — By mountain rivulets in the north. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 4. S. Geum (Kidney-shaped Saxifrage), with reniform, tufted leathery, toothed leaves and small white flowers dotted with pink. 5. S. hirsiita, more hairy, with oval leaves ; and 6. S. umbrbsa (St. Patrick's Cabbage, London Pride, or None- so-pretty), with obovate leaves, are closely allied, rare species, occurring on mountains in the west and south-west of Ireland. The last is a well-known garden plant, making itself at home even in the smoky gardens of London, and occurs in many places as a naturalised escape. — Fl. June. Perennial. **** j?i owers yellow 7. 5. Hirculus (Yellow Marsh Saxifrage). — A handsome species, about 6 in. high, with runners ; stem erect, branched, leafy, downy above ; radical leaves in a rosette, lanceolate ; cauline leaves linear ; flowers large, solitary, or nearly so, yellow, spotted with scarlet. — 4 Wet moors ; rare. — Fl. August. Perennial. 8. S. aizoides (Yellow Mountain Saxifrage). — A smaller, more tufted, prostrate and branched species ; leaves very narrow, fleshy, t68 SAXIFRAGES fringed ; flowers like those of the preceding, but smaller. Wet places in the mountains in the north, in Wales, and in Ireland. Fl. June — September. Perennial. ***** Leaves broad, palmately-lobed : flowers white 9. S. tridactylites (Three-fingered Saxifrage). — A small, very hairy, and viscid species with glandular hairs, rarely more than 3 in. high, usually tinged with red, branched; leaves palmately 3 — 5-lobed, segments linear - oblong ; flowers minute, numerous, scattered. — On walls and dry places; common. Generally covered with dead flies, though there is in its case no evidence that they are digested or assimilated. — Fl. April — July. Annual. 10. S. rivuldris (Alpine Brook Saxifrage). — A small, tufted, slender, succulent, slightly glandular, prostrate species ; leaves reniform, palmately 5-lobed, on slen- der stalks ; flowers 1 — 3 together, small, white. — By streams near the summits of Highland mountains ; rare. — Fl. July, August, Peren- nial. 11. S. ccrnua (Drooping Bulbous Saxifrage). — A small, erect, unbranched species, with scaly bulbs in the axils of its stalked, reniform, palmately-lobed leaves and a solitary, drooping floiver, which in Scotland is generally replaced by a reddish bulbil. — Occurs only on the summit of Ben Lawers. — Fl. June — August Perennial. 12. S. gratiuldta (White Meadow Saxifrage). — A pretty plant, closely allied to the preceding ; stems slender, leafy, 10—12 in. high, with numerous brown, downy, bulb-like tubers, as big as peas, at their base ; radical leaves stalked, reniform, palmately- SAXIFRAGA GRANULATA (White Meadow Saxifrage). SAXIFRAGE FAMILY 1 69 lobed ; cauline leaves sessile, more deeply cut into more acute segments ; flowers in a loose cluster, i in. across, inclined, pure white. — Gravelly banks and meadows ; not uncommon. A double variety is grown in gardens. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. ****** Tufted plants with leaves palmately cut into narrow segments : flowers white 13. S. ccespitbsa (Tufted Alpine Saxifrage), distinguished by the obtuse lobes of its leaves, with few small, crowded flowers, occurs very rarely on alpine summits, forming bright green cushions. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. 14. S. Sternbergii, a very hairy glandular species, with 3 — 4- chrysospl£nium oppositif6lium (Common Golden Saxifrage). lobed leaves, the lobes lanceolate, acute, fringed, occurs on alpine rocks in the south-west of Ireland. — Fl. July. Perennial. 15. S. rosacea, a closely-allied form, with 3 — 7-lobed leaves, the lobes abruptly acuminate, occurs in North Wales. 16. S. grcenldndica, another closely-allied form, 1 — 2 in. high, densely tufted, with few cauline leaves ; leaves broadly wedge- shaped, palmately 3 — 5-fid, with ovate-lanceolate acute lobes, and few flowers, has been recorded from Ben Lawers. 17. S. hirta (Hairy Saxifrage), with 3 — 5-lobed leaves, very finely cut into bristle-pointed lobes and flowers 2 — 4 together, with subulate sepals and oblong 3-veined petals, the sides of which are inflexed. occurs on the Galtee Mountains. — Fl. July. Perennial. 18. S. hypnoides (Mossy Saxifrage). — With trailing barren shoots and erect flowering ones ; leaves mostly 3-cleft, bristle- pointed, with narrow fringed segments with narrow triangular 7 o SAXIFRAGEiE acute sepals. — Occurs somewhat frequently in mountainous dis- tricts, and is often grown in gardens. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 2. Chrysosplenium (Golden Saxifrage). — Small succulent herbs ; leaves exstipulate ; flowers minute, green or yellow, apetalous ; sepals 4 — 5, obtuse, imbricate ; stamens 8 — 10, epigynous ; ovary in- ferior, 1 -chambered ; styles 2 ; ovules many, parietal ; fruit a capsule. (Name from the Greek chriisos, golden, and splen, the spleen, probably from some supposed medicinal virtues.) 1. C. oppositifdlium (Com- mon Golden Saxifrage). — A small aquatic plant about 2 — 6 in. high, with a creeping stem, rooting below ; leaves bright green, opposite, orbicular ; flowers minute, 4 - merous, yellowish green, in flat terminal clusters. — Damp shady places ; common. — Fl. April — July. Perennial. ^Sjl^ ^1 l I / «s?fc k , 2 - C' alternifdlium (Alter- mmr\. \ II f m I £lJV\lk nate-leaved Golden Saxifrage). ^H \ \i\|#y /\Mmm ~~^ ver ^ s ' m ^ ar P^ ant with an f^ \ \||J/ / ^Bb erect stem, alternate, reniform leaves and deeper yellow flowers, grows in similar situ- ations, but is less common. These little plants sometimes form a true peat. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. 3. Parnassia (Grass of Par- nassus). — Glabrous herbs, with radical, exstipulate, entire leaves and large solitary flowers on slender, erect peduncles ; sepals 5, imbricate, persistent ; petals 5, thick ; stamens 5, alternating with 5 staminodes ; ovary superior, 1 -chambered ; ovules many, parietal ; stigmas 3 — 4, parnassia palustris {Common Grass of Parnassus). SAXIFRAGE FAMILY 171 sub-sessile ; fruit a capsule. (Named, from its beauty, after Mount Parnassus, the home of the Muses.) 1. P. pahistris (Common Grass of Parnassus). — An exqui- sitely beautiful plant ; leaves ovate-cordate, long stalked ; flowers 1 in. across, ivory-white, beautifully veined, on peduncles 8 — 10 in. high ; staminodes, fan-shaped scales, fringed with 9 — 13 white hairs terminating in yellow wax-like glands. — Bogs, principally in the north. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 4. RfBES (Currant and Gooseberry). — Shrubs, sometimes spinous ; leaves scattered, lobed, plaited ; flowers solitary or in RfBES nJgrum {Black Currant). bracteate racemes ; sepals 4 or 5, superior ; petals and stamens equal to the sepals in number ; ovary inferior, 1 -chambered ; styles 2 ; fruit a berry ; seeds with a pulpy testa. (Name Arabic, applied originally to the Rhubarb.) 1.* R. Grossuldria (Gooseberry), well distinguished by its spines below the leaf-buds, either single or 2 — 3 together ; leaves plaited, 3 — 5 lobed, crenate; flowers 1 — 3 together, greenish, drooping ; sepals marcescent ; petals minute, white ; fruit glandular-hairy or glabrous. — Hedges and woods, an escape. The variety Uva-crispa, with smooth berries, may be wild. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 2. P. alpinum (Tasteless Mountain Currant). — Without spines and almost glabrous ; with dioecious yellowish flowers in erect racemes, very long lanceolate bracts, and scarlet, insipid berries. 172 crassulAcejE — Mountainous woods in the north ; rare. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 3. E. rubrilm (Red Currant). — Without spines ; leaves bluntly 5-lobed ; racemes pendulous or erect, glabrous or downy ; bracts short, ovate. — Truly wild in woods in the north. The origin of the Red and White Currants of our gardens. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 4. R. nigrum (Black Currant). — Without spines ; leaves acutely 3 — 5-lobed, dotted with glands beneath ; flowers in downy pen- dulous racemes, with a separate single-stalked flower at the base of each ; calyx downy ; berry black. — Damp woods ; occasion- ally wild. Easily distinguished, at all seasons, by the strong perfume of its buds and leaves. — Fl. April, May.; Perennial. Ord. XXVIII. CrassulacejE. — The Stonecrop Familv Herbs or shrubs, remarkable for their thick, fleshy, simple leaves and generally succulent habit, and for their star-like poly- symmetric flowers, inhabiting most parts of the world, especially South Africa, and growing in the driest situations, where not a blade of grass can live, on naked rocks, old walls, or hot sandy plains alternately exposed to the heaviest dews of night and the fiercest rays of the noonday sun. They have the power of laying in during the rainy season a large store of moisture, which they obstinately retain, requiring no further nourishment, save what they derive from the atmosphere. A common British species, Sedum Telephium, Orpine or Livelong, will grow for months, if suspended by a string from the ceiling of a room, without being once supplied with water. An African species, Bryophyllum calcinum, will not only grow if similarly treated, but if its leaves be gathered, they will send out young shoots or offsets from the notches on their margin. Herbarium specimens of members of this Order had better be plunged for a short time in boiling water before being pressed or they will continue to grow. Sepals 3 — 20, more or less united at the base ; petals equal in number to the sepals, perigynous ; stamens the same, or twice as many in two whorls, those of the inner whorl shorter ; ovaries as many as the petals, i-chambered, free ; fruit a ring of follicles ; seeds in a double row. One or two species are used in medicine, their roots being astringent. The leaves are generally acrid, contain- ing malic or tartaric acid. 1. Till^a. — Leaves opposite ; sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels 3 — 5 each ; follicles 2-seeded. STONECROP FAMILY 173 2. Cotyledon. — Leaves scattered ; sepals, petals, and carpels 5 each ; petals united ; stamens 10. 3. Sedum. — Sepals, petals and carpels 4 — 6 each ; petals free ; stamens 8 — 12. *4. SEMPfiRvfvuM. — Leaves scattered ; sepals, petals, and carpels 6—20 : stamens 12 — 40. COTYLEDON UMBfLICUS-VENERIS (Wall Pennywort). sedum r6seum (Rose-root). i. Till/ea. — Small herbs; /c?*ra?.r opposite, entire ; flowers minute ; s^zA, and sometimes the petals, united below ; sepals, petals, stamens and carpels, 3 — 5 each ; follicles 2 or more seeded. (Named after Michael Angelo Tilli, an Italian botanist.) 1. T. muscbsa (Mossy Tillaea). — A minute, tufted, prostrate k smooth plant with small, opposite, oblong, blunt leaves and solitary, subsessile, 3-merous, or rarely 4-merous, greenish white flowers, tipped with red. — On sandy heaths in the south and east, It has 174 CRASSULACELffi somewhat of the habit of a Sagina, from which, however, it is very distinct. — Fl. June, July. Annual. 2. Cotyledon (Pennywort).— Mostly succulent herbs with scattered, peltate leaves ; flowers in terminal spikes or racemes, 5- merous ; petals united ; stamens in 2 whorls ; carpels each with a hypogenous scale at its base ; styles slender, follicles many-seeded. (Name from the Greek kdtule, a dish, from the shape of the leaves.) 1. C. Umbilicus- Veneris (Wall Pennywort).— A remarkably succulent, glabrous plant, with orbicular, crenate, peltate leaves, depressed in the centre; and terminal racemes 6 — 18 in. high, of short-stalked, pendulous, greenish-yellowjfoaw.y. — Walls and rocks, chiefly in the west. The plant often takes a pink tinge in fading, and the leaves are well-known to children by the name of " penny pies." — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 3. Sedum (Stonecrop). — Succulent herbs ; flowers usually cymose, 5-merous, rarely 4-merous ; petals free ; stamens in 2 whorls ; hypogynous scales entire or notched. (Name from the Latin sideo, I sit, from the prostrate habit of the genus.) * With a thick rhizome : leaves broad and flat 1. S. rbseum (Rose-root). — Rhizome 2 — 3 in. long, branched, woody, having the scent of rose-water ; stems 6 — 10 in. high, annual, unbranched ; leaves broad, glaucous, acute ; flowers in compact terminal cymes, greenish-yellow, 4-merous, dioecious. — On mountains in the north and in Ireland, and on sea-cliffs ; not common. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. 2. S. Telephium (Orpine, or Livelong). — The largest British species, growing about 2 feet high, and well distinguished by its large, broad, ovate, serrate leaves and terminal dense corymbose cymes of crimson 5-merous flowers. — Rocky thickets ; not un- common, but often an escape from gardens. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. ** Leaves nearly cylindric : flowers white 3. S. villbsum (Hairy Stonecrop). — A small species with hairy, viscid stems and leaves; and pinkish white flowers, few together. — Wet mountain pastures in the north. — Fl. June, July. Biennial. 4. S. album (White Stonecrop). — A glabrous species with prostrate barren stems and erect reddish flowering stems 6 — 10 in. high ; leaves sub-cylindric, blunt, \ in. long, bright green ; flowers white, in many-flowered corymbose cymes. — Rock and walls ; not common. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. Fig. 20. Wall Penr, I Cotyledon Umbilicus- Veneris) STONECROP FAMILY 175 5.* S. dasyphyllum (Thick-leaved Stonecrop). — A small, very glaucous, pink-tinged, slightly viscid, and prostrate species with fleshy, almost globular leaves, and white flowers, often streaked with pink. — Occurs as an escape on old walls. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 6. S. dnglicum (English Stonecrop). — A small plant 3 — 4 in. high, with stems prostrate, ascending; leaves small, scattered, crowded, fleshy, spurred at the base beneath, pale green or tinged with red ; flowers star-like, white, spotted with red, in two-forked cymes; petals very sharply pointed; anthers bright red. — Rocky and sandy places, especially near the sea. — Fl. June — August. Annual. sfiDUM Acr£ (Biting Stonecrop'). *** Leaves nearly cylindric : flotvers yellow 7. S. acre (Biting Stonecrop, Wall-pepper). — Very like the preceding in habit and growing in similar situations ; but distin- guished by its thicker, more crowded, and intensely acrid leaves and golden-yellow flowers in 3-cleft cymes. — Wall, rocks, and sandy ground ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 8.* S. sexanguldre (Tasteless Yellow Stonecrop), distin- guished from the preceding by its crowded leaves more dis- tinctly in 6 vertical rows, and by its acute sepals, occurs on old walls, chiefly in Kent, but is not indigenous. — Fl. July. Perennial. 9.* S. reflexnm (Recurved Yellow Stonecrop). — Easily distin- guished from any of the preceding by its slender but tough stems, 6—10 in. high, with spreading, or reflexed, awl-shaped, pointed, 7* crassulAce^e and sometimes glaucous leaves ; flowers often 6-merous, bright or pale yellow. — Walls and dry banks ; not uncommon, but seldom, if ever, indigenous. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 10. S. rupestre (Rock Stonecrop), an allied species, with densely imbricated, adpressed, glaucous leaves, slightly flattened, and flowers in corymbose cymes, occurs wild on limestone at St. Vincent's Rocks, Bristol ; Cheddar ; and the Great Orme's Head ; and elsewhere generally as an escape. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. ii. S. Forsteridnum (Welsh Stonecrop), a species very closely allied to the preceding, but with bright green, not glaucous leaves and flowers in round- topped or capitate cymes, grows on wet rocks in Wales, Shrop- shire, and Somerset. — Fl. June, July. Peren nial. *4. SEMPERVfvUM (House-leek). — Suc- culent plants with dense rosettes of ses- sile radical leaves, giv- ing off offsets from their axils ; flowers in branched cymes, 6 — 20-merous ; stamens in 2 whorls, the inner usually barren ; hypo- gynous scales fringed ; follicles many-seeded. (Name from the Latin semper, always, vivo, I live.) i.* S. tectbrum (Common House-leek). — A common but scarcely indigenous plant, growing on the roofs of cottages and outhouses. The leaves are thick and juicy, edged with red-purple, ciliate, mucronate, and in compact rosettes. The dull red-purple flowers are in scorpioid cymes, and are usually 12-merous. The inner whorl of stamens frequently have anthers containing ovules, like those in the carpels, which, however, never mature as seeds. The leaves contain malic acid, — Fl. June, July. Perennial. SEMPERVJVUM TECTORUM (C< House-leek). SUNDEW FAMILY 77 Ord. XXIX. Droserace^e. — The Sundew Family An interesting group of herbaceous marsh plants widely dispersed over the globe, but specially common in Australia. They will grow on wet sand or moss, depending only for water on the substratum, and their roots are accordingly small. Their chlorophyll is often little developed, the whole plant being reddish, and the leaves in several genera covered with insectivorous glan- dular hairs. The Jlozvers are polysymmetric and usually 5-merous, the sepals and petals being imbricate, the stamens in i — 4 whorls, the carpels sometimes reduced in number, with distinct styles, and forming a i — 5-chambered, many- seeded capsule. In Dro- sera, the largest genus and the only one repre- sented in Britain, the leaves have many-point- ed lobes or tentacles, each ending in a gland exuding a viscid fluid, especially when the sun is shining, so that they appear as if tipped with dew, whence the various names of these plants. These tentacles are at first spreading and the fluid neutral ; but on capturing a small fly, or on contact with any nitrogenous substance, the fluid becomes acid and the tentacles bend towards the centre of the leaf, where the fly is digested. Dionka muscipula (Venus' Fly-trap), a native of Carolina, has non-glandular tentacles round the margin of the leaf and a few long hairs on its upper surface. When these hairs are touched by an insect the two halves of the leaf close together instantaneously by an electrical action, the tentacles interlocking like the teeth of a gin, and an acid digestive fluid is then exuded by glands on the drosera rotundif6lia (Round-leaved Sundew). 178 droserAce.e surface of the leaf. It has been experimentally demonstrated that the Sundews benefit by the animal food thus obtained. 1. Drosera (Sundew). — Stipules membranous, adnate to the petiole ; flowers in i-sided sympodial cymes, curled up circinately when in bud; sepals, petals, and stamens 5 each; styles 2 — 5, deeply 2-fid ; capsule 1 -chambered, 2 — 5-valved. (Name from the Greek drosera, dewy.) 1. D. rotimdifblia (Round-leaved Sundew). — An exceedingly curious little bog plant, 2 — 6 in. high ; leaves all radical, petiolate, spreading horizontally, round, with tentacles on the petiole, upper surface, and margin ; flptcers on a slender, wiry leafless scape, small, white, cleistogene, or opening very rarely in sunny weather. — Spongy bogs and heaths ; common. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. £>. dnglica (Great Sundew). — A larger, stouter species ; leaves all radical, on very long stalks, which are destitute of tentacles, erect or nearly so, obovate. — In similar situations to the last, but much less frequent. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 3. D. longifblia (Long-leaved Sundew). — Very similar to the last, but smaller ; leaves spathulate, not more than 2 in. long ; peduncles curved at the base. — Occurring with D. rotundifblia, but less frequent. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. Ord. XXX. LythrariiLe. — The Loosestrife Family Herbs, shrubs, or trees, with 4-angled branches ; simple, entire, exstipulate, and generally opposite leaves, and usually polysymmetric flowers ; sepals and. petals 3 — 6 each ; stamens equalling the petals in number, or 2 — 4 times as many ; carpels 2 — 6 ; fruit a many- seeded capsule, covered by the calyx, but not united to it. — Most members of the Order are tropical, and many of them possess astringent properties which are utilised in dyeing. Lawsonia inermis is the Henna of Egypt, which has been used for ages by the people of that country to stain their nails of an orange colour. It is also used to dye Morocco leather a reddish-yellow. 1. Peplis. — Calyx bell-shaped, with 12 divisions, alternately smaller ; petals 6, minute, fugacious or absent ; stamens 6 or 12; style very short. 2. Lythrum. — Calyx cylindric, with 12 divisions, alternately smaller ; petals 6 ; stamens 6 or 12; style long. 1. Peplis (Water Purslane). — Small, weak, annual herbs; flowers minute, axillary ; calyx campanulate, 1 2-lobed, the alternate lobes smaller ; petals, perigynous. fugacious or absent ; stamens 6 LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY 179 or 1 2 ; style short ; capsule 2-chambered, 2-valved, many-seeded. (Name from the Greek peplion, purslane, not originally referring to this genus.) 1. P. Pdrtula (Water Purslane). — A humble, glabrous, creap- p£plis portula {Water Purslane). l£thrum salicAria {Purple Loosestrife). ing, aquatic plant, with 4-angled stems ; opposite, obovate, obtuse leaves ; and inconspicuous, solitary, axillary flowers. — Wet places common. The plant is usually tinged with red, especially when the ground in which it grows drie up. — Fl. July, August. Annua) 2. Lythrum (Purple Loosestrife). — Herbs or shrubs with 4-angled branches ; entire leaves ; flowers ^in spikes of axillary 1- or N 2 I-8o HALORAGE^E more-flowered cymes; calyx-tube cylindric, with 8 — 12 ribs and teeth, the alternate teeth smaller ; petals 4 — 6, or absent ; stamens 8 — -12 in 1 or 2 whorls often lying to one side; ovary superior, 2 -chambered ; style long, thread-like ; capsule very many-seeded. (Name from the Greek Mthron, gore, from the colour of the flowers.) 1. L. Salicdria (Purple Loosestrife). — An exceedingly hand- some plant, 2 — 4 feet high - ; rhizome creeping ; stem 4— 6-angled or winged ; leaves opposite, or in whorls of 3 — 4, decussate, lanceolate, cordate, acute ; flowers in tall, tapering, leafy spikes of axillary glomerules or sessile cymes, about 1 in. across, red ; calyx-tube 1 2-ribbed ; petals wrinkled ; stamens 1 2 in 2 whorls, both differing in length from the style ; style in some plants longer than all the stamens, in others shorter than all of them, and in others intermediate between the two whorls. — -River banks and ditches ; common. Growing among sedges and rushes, its flower-spikes might, at a distance, be mistaken for Foxgloves, which, however, would scarcely grow in such a situation. The trimorphism of the flowers is connected with cross-pollination by insects, Darwin having shown that the pollen from any of the stamens most readily fertilises the stigma of a style of the same length, one, that is, on another plant. Long-styled, medium-styled, and short-styled plants grow together, and are equally numerous. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. L. Hyssopifblia (Hyssop-leaved Purple Loosestrife) is a much smaller, mostly prostrate, glabrous plant 6 — 18 in. high, with alter- nate narrow leaves ; small, pink flozvers solitary in the axils ; and 6 stamens. — It grows in moist, often inundated, places ; but is rare. — Fl. June — October. Annual. §§ Stamens epigynous ; ovary syncarpous, inferior Okd. XXXI. Halorage^. — The Mare's-tail Family A small Order, comprising about 80 species of plants, mostly herbaceous aquatics, with exstipulate leaves, generally whorled and inconspicuous flowers, often destitute of petals, and in several species having the stamens and carpels in separate flowers. The calyx is generally superior, adhering to the ovary and having some- times 2 or 4 sepals; petals 2 — 4, or absent; stamens 1 — 8; carpels 1 — -4 ; capsule 1 — 4-chambered, indehiscent ; seeds solitary in each chamber, pendulous. No member of this Order has any important use or known properties. 1. Hippuris. — Leaves whorled, entire ; sepals 2, superior ; petals absent ; stamen 1 ; carpel 1. MARE S-TAIL FAMILY 2. Myriophyllum. — Leaves mostly whorled, pinnate ; sepals 4, superior ; petals 4, or absent ; stamens 2, 4, or 8, often in separ- ate flowers from the carpels, but on the same plant (monoecious) ; carpels 4. 3. CALLiTRiCHE.— Leaves opposite, entire; sepals and petals absent ; stamen 1 ; carpels 4 (monoecious). 1. Hippuris (Mare's-tail). — Glabrous, aquatic herbs, with erect, unbranched, leafy stems; whorled, narrow, entire leaves ; minute, axillary, solitary flowers ; calyx forming a minute, indistinctly 2-lobed rim to the ovary ; petals absent ; stamen 1 ; carpel 1, i-seeded ; fruit nut-like, indehiscent. (Name from the Greek hippos, a horse, oura, a tail.) 1. H. vulgaris (Common Mare's-tail.) — The only British species, a singular plant, with erect, unbranched, jointed stems, tapering to a point, bearing whorls of 6 — 10 narrow leaves with hard tips, and inconspicuous flowers sessile in the axils of the upper leaves, and often without stamens. — Not uncommon in stagnant water. Not to be confounded with the genus Eqttisetum (Horse-tail), a plant allied to the Ferns, which also has a jointed stem and whorled, rigid leaves, but bears its fructification in terminal cones. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 2. Myriophyllum (Water Milfoil). — Glabrous, submerged plants ; leaves mostly whorled and pinnately divided into numerous hair-like segments ; flowers small, solitary or in spikes, the lower often apetalous and pistil- late, intermediate ones perfect, and the upper staminate, so that the inflorescence is poly- gamous ; sepals 4, rarely 2, united, superior ; petals 4, 2, or absent ; stamens generally 8, rarely 2 or 4; carpels 4, with feathery styles ; fruit dividing into 4, nut-like, indehiscent, one-seeded cocci. (Name from the Greek murios, countless, phullon, a leaf, from its much-divided leaves.) 1. M. verticilldtum (Whorled Water Milfoil). — Rhizome creep- * ing ; stems floating, leafy ; with short internodes ; leaves with distant hair-like segments, collapsing when removed from the water ; flowers white, in whorls of about 5 each, forming an HIPPURIS VULGARIS {Common Mare's-tail). 82 HALORAGE^E elongated erect spike ; bracts pinnatifid, longer than the flowers, the upper ones without flowers in their axils. — Stagnant water ; not common. The whole plant is submerged with the exception of the spikes of inconspicuous flowers, which rise a few inches above the surface. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. M. spicdtum (Spiked Water Milfoil). — A vefy similar plant, with leaves 4 in a whorl and very small bracts, of which only the lower are pinnate, so that the whorls of floivers form a slender, mykiophvllum spicAtum (Spiked Water Milfoil). erect, and apparently leafless spike. — More common than the preceding. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 3. M. alterniflbrum (Alternate-flowered Water Milfoil). — Another similar plant, but more slender ; leaves 3 or 4 in a whorl ; bracts at the base of the spike in whorls of 3 or 4, pinnate, longer than the axillary pistillate floivers ; those higher up opposite or alternate, entire or serrate, shorter than the staminate flowers, which thus appear to form a leafless spike which is nodding when in bud. The most frequent species. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. mare's-tail family 183 3. Callitriche (Water StarwortJ. — -Slender, submerged, aquatic plants ; leaves exstipulate, opposite, simple, entire, the upper ones sometimes floating and often for ming a rosette ; flowers axillary, solitary, minute, monoecious, without calyx or corolla, but usually with 2 white brads beneath, consisting either of one stamen, or very rarely two, with a slender filament and a one-chambered anther dehiscing transversely, or of a 4-angled, 4-chambered ovary, with 2 slender styles ; fruit of 4-winged, 1- seeded, indehiscent cocci. (Name from the Greek kalos, beautiful, ihrix, hair.) 1 . C. paliislris (Spring Water Starwort). — Stems long, slender, sending out long thread-like silvery roots from the joints ; the upper leaves ovate-spathulate, floating in a light-green star-like calli'trich£ I'Alustris {Spring Water Starwort). rosette, the stamens being the only parts of the plant actually above water ; bracts straight, deciduous ; styles erect ; fruit sessile, with carpels swollen and bluntly keeled at the back. — Ponds and slow streams ; common. — Fl. April — October. Annual or perennial. 2. C. stagndlis (Spring Water Starwort). — A terrestrial form, with the upper leaves broad roundish, in a close rosette, or absent ; bracts sickle-shaped, persistent ; styles erect in flower, reflexed in fruit ; carpels flattish, winged. — Chiefly on mud ; common. — Fl. May — September. Annual or perennial. 3. C. polymbrpha, as yet only recognised in a few localities, is similar, its bracts being persistent ; but has stigmas 2 — 4 times as* long as the ripe fruit, and carpels scarcely winged. 4. C. hamuldta, usually very small ; leaves mostly inear ; bracts sickle-shaped, deciduous ; styles long, diverging ; carpels 184 ONAGRARfEiE flattish with a blunt keel. — Marshes, lakes, and streams. — Fl. June — September. Annual or perennial. 5. C. obtusdngula has obovate leaves in a rosette j persistent bracts and styles ; and unkeeled carpels. — Ditches ; apparently not common. — Fl. May — September. Annual or perennial. 6. C. autumndlis (Autumn Water Starwort). — Leaves all sub- merged, linear, obtuse, dark green ; bracts absent ; styles spread- ing ; fruit large, dark brown ; carpels with a broad wing, — Lakes ; rare. Fl. June — October. Annual or perennial. 7. C. truncdta, differing in having lighter, more translucent leaves and bluntly keeled carpels, has only been observed in a few localities. ORD. XXXII. ONAGRARfE^E. — THE WlLLOW-HERB Family Herbs, or rarely shrubs or trees, principally inhabiting the tem- perate parts of the globe, with simple, exstipulate leaves, and gener- ally conspicuous, polysymmetricyfozwr.y, mostly 4-merous ; sepals 4 or 2, valvate ;petals 4 or 2, contorted in the bud, or absent ; stamens 2 — 8 ; ovary 1 — 6-chambered, usually 4-chambered ; fruit a berry, or 4-chambered capsule. To this Order belongs the beautiful genus Fuchsia, with its coloured 4-cleft calyx and edible but insipid berries, natives of Mexico, Peru, Chili, and New Zealand. Many species of CEnothera, natives of America, with the exception of one Tasmanian species, are cultivated as garden plants, some bearing flowers 3 or 4 inches in diameter. Those with yellow or white flowers, which open in the evening, are called Evening Primroses. No member of the Order has any known properties of importance. 1. Epilobium. — Sepals 4; calyx-tube not prolonged above the ovary ; petals 4, red, pink, or white ; stamens 8. 2. LuDwfGiA. — Sepals 3 — 5 ; petals 3 — 5, short, or absent ; stamens 3 — 5. *3. CEnothera. — Sepals 4 ; calyx-tube prolonged above the top of the ovary ; petals 4, yellow, white, or red ; stamens 8. 4. CiRC/EA. — Sepals 2 ; petals 2, white ; stamens 2. 1. Epilobium (Willow-herb). — Herbs or under-shrubs with runners ; flowers red or pink, rarely white or yellow ; sepals 4, deciduous, springing direct from the top of the ovary ; petals 4, usually 2-lobed; stamens 8, in two whorls, differing in length ; style thread-like ; capsule very long and slender, 4-chambered and 4-valved; seeds numerous, tufted with down. (Name from the Greek epi, upon, lobos, a pod, the corolla springing from the top of the long pod-like inferior ovary.) Fig. 21. Rose-bay or French Willow. lEpibbium angustifotiuin) WILLOW-HERB FAMILY 185 * Petals unequal in size : stamens bent downwards 1. E. angustifblium (Rose-bay or French Willow). — A hand- some species, 2 — 6 feet high ; stem erect, round, unbranched ; leaves scattered, stalked, lanceolate, slightly toothed, glaucous beneath ; flowers 1 in. across, rose-coloured, in a long, loose bracteate raceme ; capsule 1 — 4 in. long. — Damp woods, frequent; but sometimes an escape from gardens. Caution should be used in ad- mitting it into a small garden, as its rhizomes creep extensively, and are very difficult to eradicate. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. ** Stem round: petals all equal : stamens erect : stigma 4-clcft 2. E. hirsiitum (Great Willow-Herb, Codlins and Cream).— A hand- some downy species, 3 — 6 feet high, producing underground suckers ; leaves opposite, oblong- lanceolate, clasping the stem, serrate ; flmvers nearly an inch across, deep rose-colour, fra- grant ; petals broad. — Wet places by ditches and rivers; common. — Fl. July, August. Peren- nial. 3. E. parviflbrum (Small-flowered Hairy Willow-Herb). — Stem erect, 1 — 2 feet high, little branched, downy, producing runners in autumn ; leaves mostly scattered, sessile, lanceolate, toothed, hairy; buds erect; flaivers small, pink. — Damp places; common. — Fl. July, August * Perennial. 4. E. montdnum (Broad Smooth-leaved Willow-Herb). — A small species, about a foot high ; stem downy ; leaves mostly epil6bium angustif6lium {Rose-bay, or French Willow)* 1 86 ONAGRARIE^E opposite, ovate, acute, serrate, glabrous or downy along the edges and veins only, the lower ones slightly stalked, sometimes in whorls of 3 ; buds drooping ; flowers small, pink. — Dry places ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 5. E. lance&ldtum (Spear-leaved Willow-Herb). — A rather larger species, with an erect, branched, obscurely angled stem, pubescent with recurved hairs ; leaves stalked, flaccid, mostly pendulous, oblong-lanceolate, toothed ; buds drooping ; flowers small, pink. — Stony places in the south; rare. Fl. July — September. Perennial. *** Sf em more or fas 2 — 4 angled : petals all equal : stamens erect : stigma knobbed, not ^-cleft 6. E. rbseum (Pale Smooth-leaved Willow-Herb). — Stem 1 — 2 feet high, branching, with 2 sharp and 2 blunt angles ; leaves long-stalked, ovate, toothed, glabrous ; buds drooping ; flowers small, rose-coloured. — Moist places, chiefly in the south. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 7. E. tetrdgonum (Square-stalked Willow-Herb). — Stem 1 — 2 feet high, usually much branched, 2 — 4-angled ; leaves sessile, decurrent, linear-oblong, much toothed, flat, yellow-green ; buds erect ; flowers small, rose-pink. — Damp places ; frequent. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 8. E. obsairum, a similar plant, produces its copious thread- like runners in summer with leaves not in rosettes ; its leaves are ovate-lanceolate, slightly toothed and dull ; and its flowers small, with short, narrow, rose-red petals. — Damp places ; more common than the preceding. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 9. E. Ldmyl, as yet only recognised in a few localities, is allied to E. adndtum ; but differs in its leaves being shortly stalked, more shining, dark blue-green, smaller, more distant, and less toothed ; and its flowers larger and. earlier in appearance. — Damp places. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 10. E. paliistrS (Narrow-leaved Marsh Willow-Herb). — Stem 6—18 in. high, round, with two lines of down on opposite sides producing slender, small-leaved runners in summer, ending in bulbs in autumn ; leaves narrowly lanceolate, wedge-shaped at the base, sessile ; buds drooping ; flozaers small, pink. — Bogs ; com- mon. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 11. E. alsinifblium (Chickweed-leaved Willow-Herb). — A low tufted, almost glabrous species; stems succulent, withtwo raised lines of down ; leaves stalked, ovate, acute, serrate, glabrous, very thin, bright green, shining ; buds drooping ; flowers ^ in. across, bright WILLOW-HERB FAMILY rose-coloured. — By mountain streams in the north. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 12. E. anagallidifblium (Alpine Willow- Herb). — A still smaller form, with slender, not succulent stem ; obtuse, pale green leaves ; and i — 3 pale rose-coloured flowers drooping in bud. — In similar situations to the preceding. — Fl. July. Perennial CENOTHgRA biennis {Common Evening Primrose). These plants are by no means easy to distinguish ; they vary considerably in many of their characters, and, where two species grow near to one another, hybrids between them occur frequently. 2. Ludwigia (Isnardia). — Herbs with entire leaves; axillary, solitary, bracteate flowers, usually 4-merous ; sepals 3 — 5, persistent j petals 3 — 5, or absent ; stamens 3 — 5 ; ovary 3 — 5- i88 ONAGRARfE^E chambered ; style short ; stigma 3 — 5-lobed ; ovules many ; fruit a capsule. (Named in honour of Carl Ludwig, Professor of Botany at Leipsic.) 1. L. palilstris (Marsh Isnardia). — The only British species, a small, prostrate, glabrous plant, 6 — 10 in. long, with 4-angled, branched stems, rooting at the nodes; opposite, stalked, ovate, acute, shin- ing leaves; and minute, axillary, sessile, apetalous, 4-merous floivers. — Boggy pools in the New Forest and formerly in Sussex. — Fl. June, July. *3. CEnothera (Even- ing Primrose). — American herbs, with scattered leaves ; large 4 - merous flowers ; calyx-tube pro- longed above the top of the ovary and constricted so as to form a honey- chamber ; sepals decidu- ous ; itamens 8. (Name in Greek oinotheras, em- ployed by Theophrastus, signifying " catching the flavour of wine.") 1.* CE. biennis (Com- mon Evening Primrose). A tall, stout herbaceous plant, 2 — 3 feet high, with lanceolate smooth leaves ; large, pale yellow, fragrant flowers, which open in the evening, and wither towards the middle of the next day; and a long capsule bluntly 4-sided and widest near its base. It is a native of North America, and is naturalised in a few places. — Fl. July — September. Biennial. 2* CE. odordta (Fragrant Evening Primrose), differing mainly in having brighter green leaves, deeper yzWow flowers, and a cap- sule widest near the top, is a native of Patagonia, naturalised at CIRC/EA LUTETIANA {Common Enchanters Nightshade). Fig. 22. Evening Primrose. (Enothera bierpits). GOURD FAMILY 1 89 some points on the south-west coast. — Fl. July — September. Biennial. 4. CiRci:A (Enchanter's Nightshade). — Slender, erect herbs with creeping rhizomes ; leaves opposite, stalked, toothed ; flowers in racemes, small, white, 2-merous ; sepals reflexed, deciduous ; style slender ; stigma 2-lobed ; ovules i or 2 ; fruit indehiscent, covered with hooked bristles. (Name from Circe, the enchantress who bewitched Ulysses and his companions.) 1. C. lutetidna (Common Enchanter's Nightshade). — A slender herbaceous plant, pubescent with glandular hairs, 1—2 feet high, with round-stalked, ovate, spreading, dull leaves, and loose terminal and lateral racemes of minute white flowers, with pink stamens, succeeded by 2-lobed bristly fruits. — Damp shady places ; common, often a troublesome weed in damp gardens. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 2. C. alpina (Alpine Enchanter's Nightshade). — Closely re- sembling the last, but smaller, not exceeding 8 in. in height, less hairy, less branched ; leaves cordate, shining, more deeply- toothed, and with flat stalks. They are so delicate as to be nearly transparent when dried. The fruit is less bristly and 1- seeded. — Mountainous woods in the north. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. Ord. XXXIII. CucurbitacejE. — The Gourd Family A large and important Order, chiefly tropical, but having only one British representative. They are herbaceous plants with juicy stems, climbing by means of tendrils ; scattered, exstipulate leaves which are usually lobed and rough ; pentamerousyfozews which are often large, yellow, red, or white, and imperfect ; and fruit either a berry or a gourd (pepo), horny externally when ripe. The calyx is superior and 5 -toothed ; the corolla so united to the calyx-tube as to be sometimes scarcely distinguishable ; the 5, more or less united, stamens, with twisted anthers, in distinct flowers from the 1 -chambered ovary of 3 united carpels, either on the same plant (monoecious) or on different plants (dioecious). The style is short, the stigmas are thick, lobed and velvety, and the seeds flat. A great number of species are cultivated in Europe either for use or ornament. Many of them are bitter and violent purgatives, of which the common medicinal Colocynth (Citnillus Colocynthis) is an example. This species bears an oval fruit of a very bitter taste, and grows in sandy and desert places. It is almost certainly the wild cucumber mentioned in 2 Kings iv. 39, 40, as it still grows in profusion at Gilgal, and as its leaves, ten- t 9 o CUCURBITACE^E drils, and fruit, though somewhat smaller, are so similar to those of the garden cucumber {Ciicumis sativus) that it might easily happen that the man sent out by the disciples of the prophet took them for a harmless plant and prepared a meal of them. The bitter taste made the disciples at once fear that it was poisonous, such a taste being generally believed by the Hebrews to indicate poison, (See Rev. viii. 10, ix.) The Colocynth may also be the vine of Sodom of A dr> Deuteronomy xxxii. 32. The Squirting Cucum- bers {Ecbd/ium), the fruit of which, when ripe, detaches itself from its stalk, squirting its juice and seeds backwards, is also a very powerful drug known as Elate- rium. A case is even Oy^^CJ^t^^ \ \ recorded of a person .xtJ*" i^\^v\ 1^ being taken dangerously ill from having merely carried a specimen in his hat. Many species of the Order, however, pro- duce edible fruit, as, for instance, the numerous varieties of the Cucum- ber {Ciicumis sativus), Melon {Ciicumis Meld), and Water Melon {Ciicu- mis Citriillus), and one of our finest vegetables, the Vegetable Marrow ( Cucurbita oviferd). The only British member of the Order, the White Bryony {Bryonia dibica), partakes of the properties of Colocynth, and its root is used in medicine. It is said that its tender shoots may be eaten boiled, and resembles Asparagus in flavour ; but the shoots of the Black Bryony ( Tdmus communis), a widely different plant, belonging to another Order, may have been meant ; and, in either case, the experiment is a dangerous one. BRy6kia dioica (White Bryony). i. Bry6nia (White Bryony). — Slender climbing herbs, with Fig. 23. Bryony. iBryonia dioicai PARSLEY FAMILY 191 palmately 3 — 5 -angled or lobed leaves) calyx-tube campanulate ; corolla rotate or campanulate ; stamens 5, united in 3 ; style 3- cleft ; fruit a globose berry. (Name from the Greek bruo, I shoot, from the rapid growth of the shoots.) 1. B. dibica (White Bryony). — The only British species, an elegant climbing plant, densely- clothed with white hairs ; tendrils unbranched ; leaves large, light green, palmately 5-lobed, rough ; flowers dioecious, whitish, with green veins. The fertile (pistillate) flowers can be at once distinguished from the barren (staminate) ones by the presence of the globular ovary below the calyx. These are succeeded by globular scarlet berries, which hang about the bushes after the stems aud leaves have withered. The berries of the Black Bryony (Tdmus communis), a twining plant without tendrils, are larger and elliptical. Both should be avoided as probably poisonous. — Hedgerows ; frequent, except in the north and west. — Fl. May — September. Perennial. ord. xxxiv. umbellffer^e. the parsley Family A large and very natural Order of herbaceous plants, compris- ing about 1500 species, in 152 genera, mostly natives of the temperate region of the Northern Hemisphere. They have hollow or solid jointed stems, and in most cases pinnately divided, often decompound, leaves, more or less sheathing at the base. The flowers are usually small, polysymmetric, 5-merous, white, and grouped in compound umbels : each flower, that is to say, is stalked, the stalks radiating from one point. Such a simple umbel occurs in three British genera — Hydrocdtyle, Eryngium, and Astrdntia ; but in the others several such umbels, then known as secondary or partial umbels or umbcllules, are collected into one primary or general umbel. There is generally an involucre of bracts at the base of the primary umbel, and involucels at the bases of the secondary ones. The calyx is superior, 5-toothed, or more often reduced to a mere margin ; the 5 petals usually end in inflexed points ; and the 5 stamens (which, like the petals, with which they alternate, are epigynous) also bend inwards in bud, but commonly mature before the stigmas. The 2 carpels are situated antero-posteriorly, one at the back, that is, and one at the front of the flower, and are united into an inferior, 2-cham- bered ovary, crowned by a fleshy disk, which bears the petals and stamens ; and there are 2 distinct styles. In the fruit, which is known as a cremocarp, the 2 carpels cohere by their flattened inner faces, which form what is termed the commissure, to a 192 UMBELLfFER^ central axis or carpophore, which is often Y-shaped, and from which, as they ripen, they separate from below upward. The fruit is often flattened, either dorsally, from front to back, that is, or in a direction at right angles to the commissure, so that this lateral plane is broad, or laterally, from side to side, or in a direction parallel to the commissure, which is, therefore, narrow. Each carpel or meriearp is marked by vertical ridges, normally 9 in number, 5 primary, usually the more prominent, and 4 secondary alternating with them. Of the 5 primary ridges, the 2 nearest the commissure are termed lateral, and are often expanded into wings ; the midrib down the back of the carpel is the carinal or dorsal ridge ; and the two to the right and left of it are called the intermediate ridges. The spaces between the primary ridges Diagram Section of Fruit of Umbellifer. f, commissure ; dr, dorsal or carinal ridge ; ir, intermediate ridge ; Ir, lateral ridge ; pr, primary ridge ; sr, secondary ridge ; /, furrow ; v, vitta ; sv, solitary vitta ', cv, commissural vitta ;Js, flat seed ; gs, grooved seed. are called furrows. In the wall of the fruit there are often long narrow sacs called vitta or stripes containing coloured essential oil. They generally occur between the ridges, rarely in them. Normally there are 6 in each carpel, 4 between the primary ridges and 2 in the commissural face ; but instead of being thus solitary in each furrow, they may be 2, 3, or more together, or they may be fewer in number. There is one pendulous seed in each carpel, containing horny albiimen and it is import- ant to notice whether it is flat or grooved along the side facing the commissure. The ridges, vittae, and seeds are best examined by a lens on a cross section of a fruit ; the so-called Caraway-seed, for instance, which is, accurately speaking, a meriearp or carpel. The order being, as has been said, a very natural one, its genera agree in almost all their more obvious characters, and can only be accurately discriminated by minute differences, chiefly in the ripe PARSLEY FAMILY 1 93 fruit, such as the number, position, and shape of the ridges, the presence or absence of vittae/ and the form of the seed. This renders the group a very difficult one for the young botanist. It has been divided into 9 tribes, six of which are represented by British plants. There are about 70 British species belonging to 40 genera. Among so large a number of species one would naturally expect to find a variety of properties, and such is to a certain extent the case ; but from this point of view the members of the Order may be conveniently arranged in four groups. The first group com- prises plants abounding in an acrid, watery sap, which is more or less narcotic and poisonous. Among these is the Hemlock (Conium), the Water Hemlock (Cicuta), the Fool's Parsley \sEthiisa), and the Water Drop worts ( (Endtithe). Every part of the Hemlock, especially the fresh leaves and green fruit, contains the alkaloid Coma, which is very poisonous. It acts on the nervous system, and is a valuable medicine in certain cases. Of all British Umbelliferae, the most dangerous, perhaps, are the Water Dropworts {(Endnthe), their large, tuberous roots, resembling those of the Dahlia, being commonly exposed on the muddy banks of streams, and being thus easily got at by children and cattle. The second group comprises plants the stems of which abound in a foetid gum-resin. Among these the first place is held by Asafostida, the hardened milky juice of various species of Ferula inhabiting Persia and the neighbouring countries. This drug was held in high repute among the ancients for its medical virtues : it was supposed to be an antidote to poison, to restore sight to the blind, and youth to the aged ; and was besides considered a certain specific against various diseases. Gum Gdlbanum is the product of other species of Ferula, natives of the East. The third group comprises plants the fruits of which abound in wholesome aromatic oils. The principal of these are well known under the names of Caraway, Coriander, Dill, Anise and Cumin. The fourth group comprises plants which contain some of the above principles in a very slight degree, or so modified as to form wholesome esculent vegetables. Among these, Carrots and Parsnips occupy the first place : Celery and Alexanders, in their wild state, are too acrid to be used as food ; but, when blanched by being earthed up or covered over, become mild and agreeable : Parsley, Fennel, andChervil, the last now almost out of use, are well- known pot-herbs : Samphire affords the best of pickles : the sweet, aromatic, and tonic root of Eryngo and the stem of Angelica (Archangelica officinalis) are candied as sweetmeats ; and the root o 194 UMBELLfFERjE of the latter, which is fragrant and sweet when first tasted, but leaves glowing heat in the mouth,, is valued by the Lapps both as food and as medicine. Several species produce underground tubers, which, under the name of pig-nuts or earth-nuts, are eaten by children and pigs. Tribe i. Hydrocotylece. — Umbel simple : fruit much compressed laterally : commissure narrow : no carpophore or vittce i. Hydrocotyle. — Creeping; leaves simple, peltate. Tribe 2. Saniculeoz. — Umbel simple, capitate or irregularly com- pound : fruit slightly dorsally compressed : commissure broad : no carpophore. 2. Eryngium. — Leaves spinous ; umbels in dense heads ; fruit scaly, without ridges or vittse. *3« Astrantia. — Leaves palmatifid ; bracts large, often coloured ; fruit without vittae. 4. Sanicula. — -Leaves palmatifid ; umbels sub-globose, irregularly compound ; fruit covered with hooked bristles, without ridges ; vitta numerous. Tribe 3. Amminece. — Umbels compound: fruit laterally com- pressed : commissure narrow : primary ridges most conspicuous : vittce usually obvious. * Fruit short, not winged : seed grooved in front 5. Danaa.— Fruit globose, bladder-like, with slender thread-like ridges and solitary vittce. 6. CoNfuM. — Fruit ovoid, each carpel with 5 prominent wavy ridges ; carpophore undivided. 7. Smyrnium. — Flowers yellow ; carpels kidney-shaped, each with three prominent sharp ridges (dorsal and intermediate) ; vittce numerous ; carpophore forked. ** Fruit short, not winged : seed flat in front 8. Bupletjrum. — Erect ; leaves undivided ; floivers yellow ; petals with an inflexed point ; carpophore forked. 9. TRfNiA. — Leaves pinnate ; flowers white, dioecious ; carpo- phore forked ; vittce 5, large, in the bases of the thick primary ridges. 10. Apium.^ — Leaves pinnate or ternate ; bracts absent ; bracteoles many or absent ; flowers white, perfect ; sepals inconspicuous ; petals entire ; ridges slender, prominent ; vittce solitary. 11. PETROSELfNUM. — Bracts few ; bracteoles many; sepals minute ; petals roundish, entire, with a narrow incurved point ; carpophore forked ; ridges slender. PARSLEY FAMILY 1 95 12. Cicuta. — Leaves pinnate; bracts few or absent; bracteoles several, small, unequal ; sepals ovate, acute ; petals white, obcor- date, with a long in flexed tip ; carpophore forked ; ridges flat ; vittcB solitary, long. *I3. Ammi. — Leaves pinnate ; bracts with 3 — 5 linear segments ; sepals absent ; petals white, obcordate, with a long inflexed tip ; carpophore forked ; ridges slender ; vittce solitary. 14. Carum. — Leaves pinnate; bracts few or absent; sepals inconspicuous ; petals white, pink, or yellow ; deeply notched with a long inflexed tip ; carpophore forked ; ridges slender, blunt ; vittce solitary, rarely 2 together, as long as the fruit. 15. Sison. — Resembling Carum, but with the upper leaves less divided, and vittce very short. *i6. Falcaria. — Glabrous ; lower leaves ternate, upper pinnati- sect ; bracts and bracteoles many ; flowers white, often imperfect ; petals curved ; vittce solitary ; carpophore forked. 17. SfuM. — Leaves pinnate ; bracts and bracteoles many; sepals acute ; petals white, entire, with an inflexed tip ; carpophore not forked ; ridges prominent, slender, blunt ; vittce 3 or more together, long. 18. ^Egopodium. — Leaves biternate ; brads and bracteoles few or absent ; sepals absent ; petals white, broad, unequal, with inflexed tip ; ridges slender ; vittce absent. 19. Pimpinella. — Leaves pinnate ; brads generally absent ; sepals inconspicuous ; petals white or yellow, deeply notched with a long inflexed tip ; carpophore forked ; ridges slender, prominent ; vittce many together, long. *** Fruit more or less beaked : seed grooved in front 20. Myrrhis. — Leaves decompound; brads absent ; bracteoles membranous ; sepals inconspicuous ; petals white, obcordate with a very short inflexed point ; fruit elongate but hardly beaked ; ridges sharp, prominent, almost winged ; vittce absent. 21. ChjErophyllum. — Leaves decompound ; bracteoles several ; sepals inconspicuous ; petals white or yellow, obcordate, with inflexed tip ; fruit hardly beaked ; ridges blunt, not prominent ; vittce solitary. 22. Scandix. — Leaves decompound ; bracteoles several; sepals inconspicuous; petals white, often unequal; fruit 1 — 3 in. long; ridges prominent, blunt. Tribe 4. Seselinece — Umbels compound : fruit globose or ovoid, not laterally compressed, prickly nor beaked : commissure broad : primary ridges the most conspicuous : lateral ridges distinct, rarely winged : vittce usually obvious. o 2 I96 UMBELLfFERiE 23. Seseli. — Leaves 2-, 3-, or more, pinnate ; bracteoles many, entire ; sepals small, acute ; petals white, obcordate with long inflexed tip ; fruit slightly dorsally compressed ; carpophore forked ; ridges thick, blunt, prominent ; vittce solitary or 2 together ; seed flat in front. 24. Fceniculum. — Leaves decompound; bracts and bracteoles absent j sepals inconspicuous ; petals yellow, roundish, with a short, blunt, inflexed tip ; carpophore forked ; ridges prominent, blunt ; vittce solitary. 25. CRfTHMUM.— Fleshy ; leaves 2 — 3-ternate ; bracts and brac- teoles many, short ; sepals inconspicuous ; petals minute, white, broad, with long inflexed tip ; carpophore forked ; ridges thick, acute, slightly winged ; vittce many ; seed loose, flat in front. 26. CEnAnthe. — Leaves pinnate; bracts few or none ; bracteoles many, whorled ; sepals lanceolate ; petals white, obcordate with long inflexed tip ; carpophore absent ; styles sub-erect ; ridges blunt, the lateral ones forming a corky rim round the carpel ; vittce solitary ; seed flat in front. 27. ^lthusa, differing mainly in having the bracts and bracteoles drooping and all on one side, a slender forked carpophore, and reflexed styles. *28. SfLER. — Leaves 3-ternate ; bracts 1 — 3 ; bracteoles several ; sepals distinct ; petals obovate, with inflexed tip ; fruit dorsally compressed ; vittce one under each secondary ridge. 29. Silaus. — Leaves decompound ; bracteoles many ; sepals in- conspicuous ; petals yellowish, broad, with incurved tip ; carpophore forked ; ridges slightly winged ; vittce, many, obscure ; seed flat in front. 30. Meum. — Leaves decompound; brads linear; bracteoles many ; sepals inconspicuous ; petals yellowish, narrowed at both ends, inflexed ; carpophore forked ; fruit much as in Silaus, but dorsally compressed ; seed concave in front. 31. HALOScfAS. — Leaves 1 — 3-ternate; bracts few; bracteoles many ; sepals small ; petals white or pink, with short claw, notched, with long inflexed point ; carpophore forked ; ridges acute, some- what winged ; vittce 2 or more together ; seed almost flat in front. 32. SELfNUM. — Leaves 2-pinnate; bracts usually absent; bracteoles many, subulate ; sepals inconspicuous ; petals white, obcordate, notched, inflexed ; carpophore forked ; fruit dorsally compressed ; ridges with membranous wings, the lateral longest, diverging ; vittce solitary. 33. Angelica. — Leaves 2-ternate ; bracts few ; bracteoles many ; sepals inconspicuous ; petals white, notched, with short inflexed tip ; carpophore forked ; fruit much dorsally compressed ; lateral PARSLEY FAMILY 197 ridges with membranous wings, parallel, thin ; vittce solitary or 2 together. *34 Archangelica, differing mainly in having minute sepals, thicker dorsal and intermediate ridges, no vittce and loose seed. Tribe 5. Peuceddnece. — Umbels compound : fruit much dorsally compressed : primary ridges most conspicuous, the lateral ones with broad wings closely face to face, the others slender: vittce usually obvious. 35. Peucedanum. — Leaves pinnate ; bracts absent, few or many ; bracteoles many ; sepals small or inconspicuous ; petals yellow or white, with an inflexed point ; carpels flat ; lateral ridges forming thin, flat, contiguous, parallel wings ; dorsal and intermediate ridges slender ; vittce as long as the fruit, linear. 36. Pastinaca. — Leaves pinnate with broad segments ; bracts, bracteoles and calyx- teeth absent ; petals yellow, roundish, entire, with an acute involute point ; lateral ridges of carpels forming thin, flat, distant wings. 37. HerAcleum. — Leaves pinnate with broad segments ; outer flmvers irregular; petals white or pink, obcordate with an inflexed point; fruit as in Peucedanum, but vittce short, club-shaped. *38. Tordylium. — Leaves pinnate; bracts and bracteoles as many as the pedicels, linear ; sepals subulate ; petals white or pink, sometimes 2-lobed, with inflexed tip ; lateral ridges forming thick, flat, contiguous, parallel wings ; dorsal and intermediate ridges slender; vittce 1 — 3 together. Tribe 6. Caucalinece. — Umbels generally compound: secondary ridges more prominent than the primary, often prickly : vittce solitary, under the secondary ridges. 39. Coriandrum. — Leaves decompound ; bracts absent ; bracte- oles few, thread-like ; sepals acute ; petals white or pink, 2-lobed, often irregular, point inflexed ; fruit globose ; carpels coherent ; ridges low ; vittce obscure ; seed curved. 40. Daucus. — Leaves decompound ; bracts and bracteoles hydroc6tyl£ vulgAris (p (Common White-rot, Marsh Pennywort). 198 UM BELLI FERiE usually many, pinnatifid ; sepals slender ; petals white or red, notched, often irregular, with infiexed lobe ; 4 secondary ridges, each bearing a row of prickles ; seed flat in front. 41. Catjcalis.— Leaves pinnate ; bracts few, entire or absent-; bracteoles many ; sepals acute or absent ; petals as in Dai'tcus ; primary and secondary ridges with 1 — 3 rows of prickles each ; seed deeply grooved in front. 42. Torilis. — Differing from Caucalis mainly in having (he fruit covered with prickles between the ridges. ER^XGIUM mari'timum (Sea Eryngo, Sea Holly). i. Hydrocotvle (Marsh Pennywort). — Small creeping herbs ; leaves simple, peltate, orbicular ; flowers in simple umbels ; fruit roundish, flattened. (Name from the Greek hudor, water, and kotule, a dish, from the shape of the leaves and place of growth.) 1. H. vulgaris (Marsh Pennywort, White-rot). — The only British species, very unlike other British Umbelliferag, with round, smooth, shining, crenate leaves, 1 — \\ in. across, with hairy stalks ; PARSLEY FAMILY I 99 and inconspicuous heads of a few, minute flowers, which never rise above the leaves, and require a close search to be detected at all. — Marshes and bogs ; common. — Fl. May- — August. Perennial. 2. Eryngium (Eryngo). — Stiff, branched, often glaucous plants ; leaves reduced to spinous sheaths ; flowers sessile, in dense heads with a spinous involucre ; fruit covered with chaffy scales. (Name of uncertain etymology.) 1. E. maritimum (Sea Holly, Sea Eryngo). — A stout, stiff, prickly, glaucous plant, with more of the habit of a Thistle than of the Order to which it belongs. The large, fleshy, brittle rhizomes extend several feet into the sand. The stems are trichotomous and often pros- trate ; flowers grey - blue. — Sandy sea -shores ; frequent. The rhizomes used formerly to be candied as a sweetmeat. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. E. campes t 're {Field Eryngo), a taller, more erect, more slender, more branched and less glaucous species, with pinnatifid leaves, occurs on waste ground and ballast-heaps ; but is very rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. *3. Astrantia. — Erect plants ; leaves palmatifid ; umbels simple or irregularly compound, with involucres of large, simple bracts, which are often coloured ; sepals leafy ; petals white or pink, with a long inflexed point ; fruit ovoid with 5 wrinkled toothed ridges and no vittse. (Name from the Greek astron, a star, from the star-like involucres.) 1.* A. major (Greater Astrantia). — Stem 1 — 2 feet; leavei 3 — 7-lobed, serrate, with bristly teeth ; bracts ovate-lanceolate, white below, green tinged with pink above ; flowers white or pink. Naturalised in woods near Ludlow and Malvern. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 4. San/cula (Sanicle). — Slender, erect plants ; leaves palmately- SANfcuLA europ^a (Wood Sanicle). UMBELLfFER^E lobed ; umbels small, irregularly compound, of few pedicels ending in capitate secondary umbels ; bracts leafy ; outer flowers without stamens, the inner without carpels ; fruit covered with hooked prickles. (Name, a diminutive from the Latin sano, I heal, from supposed healing qualities.) i. S. europcea (Wood Sanicle). — The only British species, a gla- brous plant about a foot high ; /eaves 3 — 5-lobed, lobes 3 - fid, serrate, glossy ; flowers dull white, in small rounded heads. — Woods ; com- ^••*\ V*\ \ ^^^^ J^r^S^vTs^ mon, often in dense shade. — Fl. June, July. <^ Perennial. 5. Danaa (Bladder- seed). — Erect plants ; leaves 3-ternate ; leaflets wedge - shaped ; umbels compound ; bracts and bracteoles few, linear ; flowers white ; fruit broader than long, blad- der - like ; seed loose. (Name in honour of Pro- fessor Dana of Turin.) 1. D. cornubiensis (Cornish Bladder-seed). — A glabrous plant, about 2 feet high, with ribbed, round, branched stem ; long-stalked, 3- ternate leaves with downy margins and veins ; and long-stalked, terminal and axillary umbels. — It is found only near Bodmin, Cornwall, and Tavistock, Devon. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 6. CoNfuM (Hemlock). — Tall, glabrous plants ; leaves pinnate ; umbels compound ; bracts and bracteoles many, small ; sepals absent ; petals white, blunt, or with shortly infiexed tip. (Name from the Greek kontion, hemlock.) danXa cornubiensis {Cornish Bladder-seed). PARSLEY FAMILY 201 i . C. maculdtum (Common Hemlock). — The only British species, a much-branched, gracefully growing plant, usually from 2 — 4 feet high, but in sheltered situations sometimes more than double that height, with a slender, perfectly smooth, furrowed stem spotted with red ; finely tripinnate leaves, which are also smooth ; CONfuM maculXtum (Common Hemlock}. bracteoles on one side only of the base of the secondary umbels ; and white flowers. — Hedges and waste places ; common. Country people are in the habit of calling many Umbelliferae by the name of Hemlock ; but the true Hemlock may be readily distinguished by the above characters and by its foetid smell. It is extremely poisonous. — Fl. June, July. Biennial. UMBELLfFERj-E 7. Smyrnium (Alexanders). — Stout, erect, smooth plants ; leaves 3 — 4-ternate, with broad segments ; umbels compound ; bracts and bracteoles few or none ; sepals minute or none ; petals yellow. (Name from the Greek smurna, myrrh, from the scent of some species.) 1. S. Olusdtrum (Common Alexanders). — A stout plant, 3 — 4 feet high ; stem smooth, furrowed, and hollow ; leaves broad, bright green, glossy, 3 — 4-ternate ; umbels many, large, rounded ; flowers greenish-yellow; fruit dark brown or nearly black when ripe, smyrnium olusXtrum {Common Alexanders). aromatic. — Waste ground, especially near the sea and among ruins. It was formerly cultivated, its young shoots being boiled and eaten. — Fl. April — June. Biennial. 8. Bupleurum (Buplever). — Erect, smooth plants ; leaves reduced to simple, entire sheaths ; umbels compound ; bracts and bracteoles sometimes numerous and leafy ; sepals absent ; petals yellow, inflexed ; fruit oblong ; carpels with 5 usually prominent ridges. (Name said to be from the Greek bous, an ox, and pleuron, a rib, from the ribbed leaves of some species.) 1. B. rotundifolium (Common Hare's-ear or Thorow-wax). — A singular plant, well distinguished by its branched stem; PARSLEY FAMILY 203 perfoliate, roundish, ovate, glaucous leaves, and large greenish- yellow, bristle-pointed bracteoles, thrice as long as the minute yellow flowers. — Cornfields on chalky soil ; rare. — Fl. July. Annual. 2. B. opdcum (Narrow-leaved Buplever), a small plant, 3 — 6 in. high, with pale, sword-shaped, 3 — 5-veined, rigid leaves, and 3 — 5 large, sharp-pointed brac- teoles concealing the umbels of greenish flowers, occurs on sandy banks near Torquay and Eastbourne, and in the Channel Islands. — Fl. June, July. Annual. 3. B. tenuissimum (Slender Buplever). — Stem slender, wiry, about a foot high ; leaves linear, acute, 3-veined ; umbels small ; bracts and bracteoles narrow, subulate ; flowers minute, yellowish. — Salt marshes ; rare.- — Fl. August, September. Annual. 4. B. falcdtum (Sickle - leaved Buplever). — Stem erect, slender, hollow, 1 — .4 feet high ; leaves oblong- lanceolate, curved, acute, 5 — 7-veined, umbels small ; bracts and bracteoles 2 — 5, as long as the minute yellow flowers. — Near Ongar, Essex, and Herts. — Fl. August, Septem- ber. Perennial. BUPLEb'RUM ROTUNDIFOLIPM (Common Thorow-wax, Hares-ear). 9. Trinia (Honewort). — Glabrous, branched plants ; leaves tripinnate ; umbels com- pound, few-rayed ; bracts and bracteoles 1 — 3 each ; flowers white, dioecious ; sepals inconspicuous ; petals with an inflexed tip, those of the staminate plants lanceolate, those of the pistillate plants 4 ovate ; vittce solitary, in the bases of the primary ridges. (Named in honour of Dr. Trinius, a Russian botanist.) 1. T. glaiica (Honewort). — Glaucous, 3 — 8 in. high; stem solid, stout, grooved ; branches divergent ; leaves spreading, with 204 UMBELLlFER^E slender stalks and linear segments ; bract solitary, 3-cleft, or absent ; bracteoles 2 — 3-linear ; flowers minute. — Dry limestone rocks, Bristol and South Devon ; very rare. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. . 10. Apium. — Glabrous; leaves pinnate or ternate; umbels com- pound, often in the forks of the stem ; bracts absent; bracteoles many or absent ; sepals absent ; petals en- tire. (Name, the Classical name of this or some allied genus.) 1. A. graveolens (Wild Celery, Smallage). — Stem usually 1 — 2 feet high, furrowed, branched, and leafy, but some- times nearly pros- trate ; leaves pin- nate ; lobes cut ; umbels sessile or nearly so, terminal or axillary ; bracte- oles absent ; flowers greenish - white, smal 1. — Moist places near the sea ; not uncommon. The origin of the garden celery, and unmistakably dis- tinguished by its strong flavour and. rank odour. In its wild state, or until the leaf-stalks have been blanched by the exclusion of light, it is not eatable. — Fl. June — August. Biennial. 2. A. nodiflbrum (Procumbent Marsh-wort). — Stem prostrate and rooting, hollow ; leaves pinnate ; leaflets ovate, serrate, acute ; umbels sessile, or nearly so ; rays unequal ; bracteoles many, membranous ; flowers small, white. — Ditches and rivulets ; abundant. Growing with Watercress, this plant is sometimes Apium graveolens {Wild Celery, Smallage). PARSLEY FAMILY 205 mistaken for it ; but its hollow stem and serrate leaves at once dis- tinguish it, even when not in flower. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 3. A. iniinddtum (Least Marsh-wort). — A small, usually sub- merged, occasionally creeping plant ; stem stout, crooked ; sub- merged leaves in hair-like segments ; floating leaves pinnate with wedge-shaped leaflets ; umbels above water, very small, of 2 — 4 unequal rays ; flowers small, white. — Ponds ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. Apium nodifl6rum {Procumbent Marsh-wort). 11. PETROSELfNUM (Parsley). — Branched herbaceous plants with fusiform roots ; pinnate leaves ; umbels compound ; bracts few ; bracteoles many ; flowers yellow or white ; sepals minute ; petals roundish, entire, with a narrow, incurved point ; carpophore forked ; fruit ovoid, with 5 filiform equal ridges and solitary vittce between them. (Name from the Greek petros,- a rock, selinon, parsley.) 1. P. sativum (Common Parsley). — A glabrous, shining, erect, much-branched plant ; stem 1 — 2 feet high, solid, ribbed ; leaves tripinnate ; flowers yellow.. — A garden-escape, chiefly found on old walls. Fl. June — August. Biennial. 206 UMBELLIFER.E 2. P. segetum (Corn Parsley). — Well distinguished by its slender, branched stem, which is remarkably tough and wiry ; its small pinnate haves, of which the lower ones wither early, while the cauline ones are few, small and inconspicuous ; and the irregular, few-rayed umbels and small whitish floivers. — Cornfields and waste places ; not uncommon. — Fl. August, September. Biennial. 12. C i c u T A (Water-Hemlock). — Tall, glabrous plants; leaves 2 — 3-pinnate ; umbels compound, many-rayed ; bracts 1 — 2, very narrow, or none ; bracteoles several, small, un- equal ; sepals ovate, acute ; petals white, with an infiexed tip ; fruit constricted, with two globose carpels. (Name, a Classical Latin name for Hemlock.) 1. C. virbsa (Water - Hemlock, Cowbane). — Root fibrous ; stem stout, hollow ; lower leaves long-stalked, 2 — 3- pinnate; upper leaves 2 - ternate ; leaflets lanceolate, 2 - serrate ; umbels large, long-stalked, flat-topped ; flowers minute, white. — Ponds and ditches ; rare. Very poisonous, as are also the species of (End?ithe, to which also the name Water- Hemlock is often applied. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. *i3. Ammi, represented by the one species, A. md/us, a glau- cous, scentless, and tasteless plant, 6 — 24 in. high, repeatedly forked with diverging branches ; pinnate lower leaves with obovate, finely serrate leaflets, decompound upper leaves with linear seg- ments ; and stalked 10 — 30-rayed umbels of white flowers, with PETROSELfNUM segETum (Corn Parsley). PARSLEY FAMILY 207 rough stalks, 3 — 5-lobed bracts with linear segments, and linear bracteoles, is only a casual introduction on ballast-heaps and in cornfields. 14. Carum. — Glabrous plants with pinnate or decompound leaves ; compound umbels of white, pink, or yellow flowers, with many, few, or no bracts and bracteoles, and deeply-notched petals ; and oblong fruit with slender ridges. (Name said to be derived from Caria, in Asia Minor.) 1. C. verticilldtum (Whorl- ed Caraway). — An erect plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with leaves pinnately divided into very many hair-like segments and so crowded as to appear whorled ; umbels flat-topped ; pedicels slender; bracts and bracteoles many, short, re- flexed ; flowers white or pink. — Wet meadows, chiefly in the west; rare. Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. C. mdjus (Common Pig-nut). — A very slender plant, about a foot high, bearing a few finely divided, 3-ternate leaves and terminal umbels of white flowers. The tuber, which resembles a small potato in shape, and is covered by a thin, easily re- movable, brown skin, is eat- able, but only fit for the food of the animal after which it is named. The plant much resembles Cdrum Bulbocdstanum, but differs in its brown, not black, tuber, its smaller size, ternate, not pinnate leaves, fewer or absent bracts and bracteoles, large disk t and erect styles. — Sandy pastures ; common. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 3.* C. Cdrvi (Common Caraway). — Root spindle-shape ; stem 1 — 2 feet high, much branched ; leaves bipinnate, cut into linear cArum mAjus (Common Pig-nut). 2o8 UMBELLfFEIUE lobes; umbels rather large and irregular, with rarely more than one bract ; flowers white. The aromatic carpels are the well- known " caraway seeds." It is a naturalised escape from culti- vation. — Fl. June, July. Biennial. 4. C. Bulbocdstanum ( "uberous Caraway ). — Root black, tuberous, as large as a chestnut ; stem erect, 1 — 2 feet high, much branched ; leaves 2—3- pinnate ; leaflets cut into few slender lobes ; bracts and bracteoles many, small, narrow j flowers white. Chalky fields in Cambridgeshire, Bed- fordshire, Hertfordshire, and Buckinghamshire, and so abundant about Baldock, in Hertford- shire, that "the farmers turn their pigs upon the fallows to feed upon the roots." (Hooker and Arnott.) — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 15. SfsoN (Stone Parsley). — Differing from Cdrum chiefly in having less divided cauline leaves and very short, club-shaped vittce. (Name, the Greek for some allied plant.) 1. S. Ambmum (Stonewort, Stone Pars- ley). — A slender plant, much like Petroselinum sSgelum, 2 — 3 feet high, with a wiry, branched stem ; pinnate or bipinnate leaves with narrow leaflets ; umbels few-rayed, irregular ; bracts 2 — 4, subulate ; secondary umbels small ; bracteoles 2 — 4 ; flowers cream-coloured, very small. — Damp places on a chalky soil. The whole plant has a nauseous smell. — Fl. August, September. Biennial. sfuM er£ctum (Narrow-leaved Water-Parsnip). PARSLEY FAMILY 209 *i6. Falcaria, represented by F. vulgaris, a stout, glabrous plant with evenly serrate leaflets, resembling Cicuta virbsa, which occurs as a cornfield casual in Kent and Hampshire. Perennial. 17. Sium (Water-Parsnip). — Glabrous plants; leaves pinnate, serrate; umbels compound; bracts and bracteoles many, flowers white. (Name said to be connected with a Keltic word siw, water.) 1. .S. latifblium (Broad-leaved Water-Parsnip). — A stout plant, with a furrowed stem, 3 — 5 feet high; pinnate leaves of 5 — 13 large, distant, lanceo- late, acute, evenly ser- rate leaflets ; and large, flat-topped, many-rayed umbels of small white flowers, with large leafy lanceolate brads and bracteoles. — Watery places ; not common. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. S. erectum (Nar- row-leaved Water-Pars- nip). — Smaller than the last, and resemb- ling Apium nodiflbrum, from which it may be distinguished by its very irregularly serrate cauline leaves, its um- bels, which are not only opposite the leaves, but also stalked and larger, and its reflexed, and often cut, brads and bracteoles. — Watery places ; common. — Fl. August. 18. ^Egopodium (Gout-weed). — Glabrous; leaves 2 — 3-ternate, with broad leaflets ; umbels compound, many rayed ; bracts and bracteoles few or none ; flowers white. (Name from the Greek aix, a goat, pous, a foot, from some fancied resemblance of the leaves.) 1. AL. Podagrdria (Gout-weed, Bishop's-weed, Herb Gerard). — Rhizome creeping, white, pungent, aromatic ; stem about a foot high, hollow, furrowed ; leaves mostly radical, large, 2 — 3-ternate ; p ,egop6dium podagrAria {Common Gout-weed). Perennial. 210 UMBELliFEIUE leaflets oblique, serrate.— A common and very troublesome weed in shrubberies. The leaves used formerly to be boiled for food ; but their flavour is strong and disagreeable. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 19. Pimpinella (Burnet Saxifrage) — Leaves pinnate; umbels compound ; bracts none, or rarely one ; flowers generally white; fruit oblong, crowned with the swollen bases of the reflexed styles. (Name said to be from the Latin bipennula, in allusion to the bipinnate leaves.) pimpin£lla SAxiFRAGA (Common Burnet Saxifrage). i. P. Saxifraga (Common Burnet Saxifrage). — A slender plant, 1 — 2 feet high ; stem round ; lower leaves long-stalked, pinnate ; leaflets orbicular, sharply cut ; cauline leaves bipinnate, with linear acute segments. — Dry pastures ; common. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. P. major (Greater Burnet Saxifrage). — Stouter and larger than the last ; stem angular ; leaves all pinnate ; leaflets ovate serrate, the terminal one 3-lobed. — Shady places; not common. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 20. Myrrhis (Cicely). — Downy ; leaves decompound : umbels PARSLEY FAMILY compound, many-rayed ; brads absent ; bracteoles many, mem- branous ; flowers white ; fruit long, contracted at the sides with a deep furrow between the carpels ; ridges sharp, prominent, almost winged. (Name from the Greek murrha, myrrh, from the fragrance of the leaves.) i. M. odorata (Sweet Cicely).— Stem 2 — 3 feet ^ AvMtM^", high, furrowed, and hollow ; leaves large, tripinnate, cut, slightly downy ; umbels terminal, downy; bracteoles whitish, ciliate ; flowers white ; fruit remarkably large, an inch long, becom- ing dark brown. — Mountain pastures in the north. Re- markable for the sweet and highly aromatic flavour of the leaves and fruit. — Fh May, June. Perennial. 21. CH.EROPH YLLUM (Chervil). — Hairy plants ; leaves decompound ; umbels compound, many - rayed ; bracts absent or very few ; bracteoles several ; flowers usually white ; fruit shortly beaked, contracted at the sides ; ridges blunt. (Name from the Greek chairo, I rejoice, and phullon, a leaf, from the agreeable odour of the leaves in some species.) 1. C. AnthAscus (Com- mon Beaked Parsley). — Stem 2 — 3 feet high, smooth, polished, slightly swollen at the nodes ; leaves 3-pinnate, with blunt segments, slightly hairy beneath ; umbels lateral, on rather short stalks, opposite the leaves ; bracts absent ; bracteoles 5 or 6, with fringed edges ; fruit bristly with hooked bristles. — Waste places ; common. — Fl. May, June. Annual. 2. C. sylvestre (Wild beaked Parsley or Chervil). — Stem slightly downy below, smooth above ; leaves 3-pinnate, coarsely serrate ; ch^erophyllum t£mulum (Rough Chervil). 212 UMBELLfFER^E umbels terminal on long stalks ; bracts absent ; bracteoles about 5, ovate-lanceolate, fringed ; fruit smooth. — Hedges ; common. One of our early spring flowers. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. 3. C. temulum (Rough Chervil). — Stem slender, 2 — 3 feet high, rough with short hairs, spotted with purple, and swollen below the nodes ; leaves bipinnate, deeply lobed and cut, hairy, often mak- ing the plant conspicuous in autumn by their rich purple hue ; umbels terminal, drooping when in bud ; bracts absent or very few ; CH^erophyllum sylv£str£ {Wild Beaked-Parsley). bracteoles several, fringed and defiexed ; flowers white. — Woods and hedges ; very common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 4 * C. Cerefblium (Garden Chervil), is not a native plant, though sometimes found near gardens. It may be distinguished from the preceding by having only 3 bracteoles, lateral sessile umbels and smooth fruit. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 22. Scandix (Shepherd's Needle). — Herbs with pinnately decom- pound leaves, no bracts, several bracteoles, petals white and often PARSLEY FAMILY 213 unequal, and fruit produced into a very long slender beak. (Name, the Greek name for some allied plant.) 1. S. Pec/en- Veneris (Shepherd's Needle, Venus' Comb). — A small plant, 3 — 9 in. high, with finely-cut bright-green leaves ; few-rayed umbels of small white flowers; and long, beaked fruits. — A weed in cultivated ground ; common. But for the ovary being inferior, this plant might be mistaken for an Erbdium. — Fl. June — September. Annual. scXndix pecten-veneris {Shepherd's Needle, Venus Comb). 23. Seseli (Meadow Saxifrage). — Erect branched plants ; leaves 2 — 3- or more-pinnate ; umbels compound ; bracts and bracteoles many, entire ; flowers white sepals acute ; fruit short, with no beak or bristles and blunt ridges. (Name of Greek origin.) 1. S. Liba?ibtis (Mountain Meadow Saxifrage). — A stout plant, r — 2 feet high, with a solid, furrowed stem ; bipinnate leaves ; hemispherical umbels ; hairy fruit ; and persistent, refiexed styles. — Chalk-hills, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, and Sussex. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 24. F(eniculum (Fennel). — Tall, smooth plants, with decom- 214 UMBELLfFERJE pound, pinnate leaves with very narrow segments ; ebracteate, compound umbels of yellow flowers with roundish entire petals with a short, blunt, inflexed tip. (Name, a diminutive from the Latin fcenum, hay, to which it has been compared in smell.) i. F. vulgdre (Common Fennel). — A well-known plant, with an erect stem, numerous leaves, deeply divided into soft, hair-like segments, and large terminal umbels of yellow flowers. — Waste fceniculum vulgArS (Common Fennel). places, especially near the sea. The whole plant is aromatic, and the chopped leaves are used in sauce for fish. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 25. CRfTHMUM (Samphire). — A smooth, fleshy, much-branched plant, with 2 — 3-ternate leaves ; compound many -rayed umbels of minute white flowers ; and short, smooth fruit with many vittce and loose seeds. (Name said to be from the Greek crithe, barley, from a fancied resemblance in the fruit.) Fig 24. Common Fennel \Fxniculum vulgar*. PARSLEY FAMILY 215 i. C. maritimum (Rock Samphire). — Well distinguished by its long, glaucous, fleshy leaflets. — Rocks by the sea. It has a powerful aromatic scent. The young leaves, if gathered in May, make, when sprinkled with salt and preserved in vinegar, one of the best of pickles. On those parts of the coast where Samphire does not occur, other fleshy-leaved plants, especially Salicbrnia herbdcea, are sometimes sold under the same name. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 26. CEnanthe (Water-Dropwort). — Smooth plants, mostly aquatic ; leaves 1 — 3-pinnate ; umbels compound ; flowers white, the outer ones being often irregular and staminate , fruit surrounded by the corky lateral ridges, and crowned with the long erect styles. (Name from the Greek oinos, wine, atithos, a flower, from the wine-like smell of the blossoms.) 1. CE. fistuldsa (Com- mon Water-Dropwort). —Root of many fleshy fibres ; stem sending out runners, hollow, thin- walled, smooth ; leaf- stalks hollow ; lower leaves submerged, 2 — 3- pinnate, with flat leaf- lets ; upper leaves pin- nate, hollow, with distant, thread-like seg- ments ; umbels small, few-rayed, ebracteate, globose in fruit, on hollow peduncles. — Ditches and marshes ; frequent. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. CE. pimpinelloides (Callous-fruited Water-Dropwort). — Root- fibres tuberous ; stem furrowed ; radical leaves bipinnate ; upper- most leaves reduced to hollow stalks ; umbels 6 — 12-rayed, compact, flat-topped, with many linear bracts ; fruit with a swollen, corky base. — Pastures in the south ; rare. — Fl. June— August. Perennial. 3. CE. peucedanifblia (Sulphur- wort, Water Dropwort). — A larger, stouter plant ; root-fibres fusiform ; leaves bipinnate with linear, acute leaflets ; fewer-rayed, less crowded umbels with no bracts, but numerous bracteoles ; fruit much as in the last, but crithmum MARfTiMUM {Rock Samphire). 2l6 UMBELLfrER^E those in the middle of the umbel without the corky base. — Marshes, chiefly in the south-east. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 4. (E. Lachendlii ( Parsley Water-Dropwort ). — Root-fibres fleshy, but not tuberous ; radical leaves bipinnate, bluntly lobed, soon withering ; cauline leaves with linear acute leaflets ; secondary umbels distinct, spherical ; fruit without a corky base. — Marshes ; common. — Fl. July— September. Perennial. $.(E.crocdta (Hemlock Water-Dropwort). —A large, stout cenXkthe CROcXta {Hemlock Water Dropwori). plant, 3 — 5 feet high, with large clustered tuberous roots, some- what like those of the Dahlia ; leaves spreading, 3-pinnate, with sheathing petioles and stalked, variously cut, glossy leaflets, and large, many-rayed umbels with long pedicels. — Watery places ; common. This plant, which is often known as Water -Hemlock, and is sometimes mistaken for Celery, is very poisonous, and should not be allowed to grow in places where cattle are kept, as cow% have often been poisoned by eating the roots. — Fl. July. Perennial. 6. (E. aqudtica (Fine-leaved Water-Dropwort, Horsebane).— PARSLEY FAMILY 2I 7 Root of whorled fibres ; stem erect, 2 — 3 feet high, very thick at its base, with runners ; leaves 3-pinnate, the lower ones sub- merged with diverging, hair-like segments ; umbels lateral, sub- sessile. — Ditches and ponds ; frequent. — Fl. July — September. Biennial. 7. (E. fluvidtilis (River Water-Dropwort).— A floating form, with 2-pinnate leaves, the submerged ones pellucid with parallel, many-veined leaflets. — In running water, in the south. — Fl. July — September. Biennial. 27. tEthijsa (Fool's Parsley). — A smooth, leafy annual, distinguished by having a brae and 1 — 5 bracteoles drooping and all on the outer side of the umbel, a globose fruit with sharp ridges and reflexed styles. (Name from the Greek aitho, I burn, from its acrid character.) 1. M. Cyndpium (Fool's Parsley). — A slender plant, about a foot high, with dark green, 2-pinnate leaves and terminal umbels of white flowers, with 3 very long, harrow bracteoles hanging down on the outer side of each secondary umbel. — An evil- smelling, poisonous, but common garden weed. — Fl. July, August. Annual. *28. Siler is represented by S. tri- lobum, with long- stalked, 3-ternate smooth radical leaves; ternate cauline leaves; large terminal bracteate umbels ; and large compressed fruits with one vitta under each secondary ridge, which is naturalised at Cherry Hinton, Cambridgeshire. 29. Silaus (Pepper Saxifrage).— Gla- brous plants ; leaves pinnately decom- pound ; umbels compound ; bracts 1, 2, or none ; bracteoles many ; flowers yellowish ; fruit ovoid, with slightly winged ridges. (Name, the Latin name of some allied plant.) 1. S.flavescens (Pepper Saxifrage, Sulphur-wort). — Stem angular, 1 — 2 feet high; leaves 3-pinnate, with narrow opposite leaflets; umbels terminal ; flowers dull, pale yellow, small ; fruit dark brown. Meadows ; frequent. — " The whole plant being foetid when bruised, is supposed in some parts of Norfolk to give a bad flavour to milk and butter." (Sir J. E. Smith.)— Fl. June — September. Perennial. /ETHUSA CYNAPIUM {Foots Parsley). 2l8 UMBELLfFER^E 30. Meum (Spignel). — A smooth, aromatic plant ; leaves pin-, nately decompound with crowded bristle-like segments ; umbels compound, bracteate ; bracts linear ; flowers yellowish ; -petals narrowed at both ends, in- flexed. (Name, the Greek for this or some allied plant.) 1. M. athamdnticum (Spig- nel, Meu, or Bald-money). — Well distinguished by its bipinnate leaves cut into numerous crowded, acute, bristle-like segments. — Dry mountainous pastures in the north. The whole plant, and especially the root, which is eaten by the Highlanders, is highly aromatic, with a flavour like Melilot, which it communicates to milk and butter when the cows feed on its leaves in spring. — " Bald, or Bald-Money, is a corrup- tion of Balder, the Apollo of the Northern nations, to whom this plant was dedi- cated." (Sir W. J. Hooker.) — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 31. Haloscias (Lovage). — Smooth plants ; leaves 1 — 3-ternately pinnate; umbels compound, bracteate ; petals white or pink, notched, with a short claw and long inflexed tip ; fruit short, somewhat winged ; seeds loose. (Name from the Greek scias, an umbel, halos, of the sea.) 1. H. scdticum (Scotch Lov- age). — Stem little branched, about 1^ feet high, tinged with red ; leaves dark green, glossy, biternate with large, broad, serrate leaflets ; flowers reddish-white, with both bracts and bracteoles. — Rocky coasts in Scotland and Northumberland. — Fl. July. Perennial. MfoM atham/.nticum (Spignel, Meu, or Bald-Money). PARSLEY FAMILY 219 32. Sel/num. — Leaves bipinnate ; leaflets pinnatifid ; umbel com- pound, many-rayed ; bracts absent ; bracteoles many, subulate ; flowers white; fruit 10-winged; lateral ridges broadest, diverging; vittce solitary. (Name from the Greek selinon, parsley.) 1. S. Carvifdlia (False Milk Parsley). — Root-fibres stout, fusi- form ; stem erect, solid, 2 — 4 feet high, angular, furrowed ; lower leaves with short sheath and very long, channelled stalk, dull, dark green, greyer beneath ; leaflets finely serrate, with a bristly apex ; angelica SYLv£stris {Wild Angelica). umbels terminal, large, compact, 20 — 30-rayed, flat-topped ; bracts absent or 1. — Moist, shady places, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Cambridgeshire. Resembling PeuceTdanum palustre, the Milk Parsley. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 33. Angelica. — Tall plants, with ternately bipinnate leaves with large segments ; umbels compound, many-rayed ; bracts few or none ; bracteoles many, small ; sepals indistinguishable ; petals white ; lateral ridges with membranous, parallel, thin wings ; vittce solitary or 2 together. (Name from its angelic medicinal pro- perties. ) UM BELLI FER/E i. A. sylvestris (Wild Angelica). — A tall, stout plant, 2 — 4 feet high ; stem furrowed ; slightly downy, especially above, tinged with purple : leaves bipinnate ; leaflets stalked, obliquely ovate, serrate ; umbels large, with bracts and bracteoles ; flowers white, tinged with pink. — Wet places ; common. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. *34. Archangelica, differing from Angelica mainly in having minute sepals, thicker dorsal and intermediate ridges, no vitt&, and loose seeds, is repre- sented by A. offici- nalis, a larger plant than Angelica sylves- tris, with leaves 2 — 3 feet across, decurrent leaflets and greenish- white flowers, culti- vated for the sake of its aromatic stems (which are candied as a sweetmeat), and occurring only as an escape. — Fl. July — September. Peren- nial. 35. Peucedanum (Hog's Fennel). — Leaves pinnate or ter- nate ; umbels com- pound, many-rayed ; bracts and bracteoles absent, few or many ; sepals small or incon- spicuous ; petals yel- low or white ; fruit flattened ; lateral ridges forming thin flat contiguous parallel wings ; vittce linear, as long as the fruit. (Name of Greek origin.) 1. P. officinale (Sulphur-wort, Sea Hog's-Fennel). — Smooth ; stem 2 — 3 feet high, round ribbed ; leaves 3 — 5 ternate ; leaflets long, linear, flaccid ; umbels large, on diverging branches, many-rayed ; bracts few, deciduous ; flowers minute, yellow. — Salt marshes in Kent and Essex; vary rare. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. P. palustre (Milk Parsley, Marsh Hog's-Fennel). — Smooth, PASTINXCA SATtVA (Cl Parsnip). PARSLEY FAMILY 221 with abundant milky juice, drying to a brown resin ; stem 3 — 5 feet high, furrowed, hollow ; leaves 3-pinnate ; leaflets pinnatifid with narrow acuminate segments ; bracts many, deflexed, persist- ent ; flowers white. — Marshes, chiefly in the south and east ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 3.* P. Ostruthium (Masterwort). — A smooth, stout plant, 1 — 3 feet high; stem round, furrowed, hollow; leaves long-stalked, herAcleum sphond^lium {Common Cow-Parsnip, Hog-weed). biternate ; leaflets few, large, broadly-ovate, cut and toothed ; umbels large ; bracts absent ; flowers white. — Moist meadows in the 4 north ; rare. Formerly cultivated and now only an escape. — Fl. " June — August. Perennial. 36. Pastinaca (Parsnip). — Tap-rooted annual or biennial herbs, with pinnate leaves ; leaflets broad, sessile ; umbels compound ; 2 22 UMBELLfFERiE brads, bracteoles and calyx-teeth absent ; petals yellow, roundish, entire, with an acute, involute point ; fruit much dorsaily com- pressed ; lateral primary ridges forming thin, flat, distant wings ; vittce solitary, linear. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the plant.) i. P. saliva (Common Parsnip). — A downy erect plant, 2 — 3 feet high, with tap root ; stem angular, hollow ; leaves pinnate, glossy, downy beneath ; leaflets 5 — 11, sessile, ovate, serrate; umbels terminal, ebracteate ; flowers small, bright yellow. — Banks on calcareous soil ; not uncommon. Differing from the culti- vated form chiefly in its smaller root. — Fl. July, August. Bien- nial. 37. HerAcleum (Cow-Parsnip). — Large plants ; eaves 1 — 3- pinnate ; leaflets broad, lobed ; umbels compound, many-rayed ; bracts deciduous ; flowers white or pink, the outer ones irregular ; fruit as in Peucedanum, but with short, club-shaped vitta. (Named after the hero Heracles.) 1. H. Sphondylium (Common Cow-parsnip, Hog-weed). — A very tall and stout plant, with a channelled hairy stem, 4 — 6 feet high ; large, irregularly cut, rough leaves ; and spreading umbels of con- spicuous white flowers. — Hedgerows ; common. In spring the plant is remarkable for the large pale oval tufts formed by the sheathing bases of the cauline leaves distended with the flower- buds. In the outer flowers the symmetric enlargement of one deeply 2-lobed and inflexed petal, and the unsymmetric modifica- tion of those on either side of it, should be noticed. This, like many other Umbelliferse, is often confounded by farmers with the poisonous Hemlock ; but cattle eat it with impunity. — Fl. July. Perennial. A gigantic, handsome Siberian species, H. gigdnteum, is com- monly grown in shrubberies, and may occur as an escape. *38. Tordylium (Hartwort). — Hairy annuals with pinnate leaves, linear bracteoles and thick wings to the fruit formed by the lateral ridges, is represented by T. maximum, a slender, hispid plant with reflexed hairs and small, 6 — 8-rayed umbels of pink flowers, which occurs in waste places at Oxford, Eton, and Isleworth ; but is not native. — Fl. June, July. Annual. *39. Coriandrum (Coriander), also slender annuals, but glabrous, with pinnately decompound leaves, few-rayed compound umbels with no bracts, few thread-like bracteoles, petals often irregular, and very globose, slightly ridged fruit, is represented by C. sativum, an occasional escape from cultivation in the south and PARSLEY FAMILY east. The name is derived from Greek koris, a bug, from the foetid smell of the plant ; but the pleasantly aromatic fruit is con- siderably used in confectionery. — Fl. June. Annual. 40. Daucus (Carrot). — Hispid plants ; leaves pinnately decom- pound ; umbels compound, many-rayed, the outer arching over the inner when in fruit ; bracts and bracteoles usually many, pinnatifid ; fruit with 8 rows of prickles, one row on each secondary ridge. (Name, the Greek name of the plant.) 1. D. Carbta (Wild Carrot). — A tough, erect, bristly plant, with much-cut leaves and large concave umbels of dull white flowers, the central flower or second- ary umbel deep red, in scent ^ and flavour resembling the ^^ Garden Carrot. — Fields ; common. — Fl. June — Au- gust. Biennial. 2. D. gummifer (Seaside Carrot). — Fields ; differs in being more prostrate, rather fleshy, having the umbel convex when in fruit. — Sea- shores in the south ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 41. Caucalis (Bur-Pars- ley). — Hispid plants ; leaves 1 — 3-pinnate ; umbels com- pound, or rarely simple, usually few-rayed ; bracts few or none ; bracteoles many ; fruit with 1 — 3 rows of prickles on each primary and secondary ridge. (Name, the Greek name of the plant.) 1.* C. latifblia (Great Bur-Parsley). — Stem 1 — 2 feet high, rough ; leaves pinnate ; leaflets lanceolate, serrate, decurrent ; umbels 2 — 4-rayed ; secondary umbels 4 — 6-rayed ; flowers large, rose-coloured ; fruit large, oblong, very prickly, with 2 — 3 rows of recurved prickles on each secondary ridge. — Cornfields, daucus car6ta (Wild Carrot). 2 24 UMBELLfFER^E especially on calcareous soil ; very rare, not native. — Fl. July. Annual. 2. C. daucbides (Small Bur- Parsley). — A somewhat bushy plant ; stem deeply furrowed, hairy at the nodes ; leaves 2 — 3 pinnate ; umbels terminal and lateral, of about 3 rays, without bracts ; second- ary umbels of about 3 rays, with bracteoles ; flowers small, pinkish ; t6rilis ANTHRfscus {Upright Hedge-Parsley). fruit large, with one row of prickles on each secondary ridge. — - Chalky fields; not common. — Fl. June, July. Annual. 42. Torilis (Hedge Parsley). — Hispid plants ; leaves bipinnate ; umbels compound ; bracts and bracteoles few or absent ; flowers white or pink ; fruit covered with bristles between the ridges. (Name of unknown etymology.) 1. T. arvensis (Spreading Hedge- Parsley). — A hispid, much- branched plant, 6—18 in. high; leaves bipinnate ; leaflets ovate- IVY FAMILY 225 lanceolate, cut and toothed ; umbels compound, long-stalked, term- inal, 2 — 8-rayed ; bracts 1 or none; bracteoles linear; flowers white or pink; fruit covered with spreading hooked bristles. — Hedges; common. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 2. T. Anthriscus (Upright Hedge-Parsley). — A tall, slender plant, 2 — 3 feet high, wiih a solid rough stem; hairy, bipinnate leaves ; ovate-oblong, cut and toothed leaflets ; long-stalked term- inal 5 — 12-rayed umbels with several bracts and bracteoles ; flowers small, white or pinkish ; fruit covered with incurved, not hooked, bristles. Hedges ; abundant. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 3. T. nodosa (Knotted Hedge-Parsley). — Well distinguished from all other British umbelliferous plants by its prostrate stem, its very small, almost globular, simple, lateral, and nearly sessile umbels of small pinkish-white flowers, and by the outer fruits in each umbel being covered with hooked bristles, while the inner are warty, — Fl. May — July. Annual. Ord. XXXV. Araliace^e. — The Ivy Family Shrubs or trees, often downy with stellate hairs, chiefly tropical, and closely resembling the Umbelliferas in the structure of their flowers, though not partaking of their dangerous properties. Calyx superior, 5 -cleft ; -petals 5 — 10; stamens, 5 — 10, epigynous; ovary 2- or more-chambered, with styles as many as the chambers, and 1 ovule in each chamber ; fruit generally a berry. Only one species is a native of Britain ; but this one, the Ivy, is so universally diffused as to be familiar to every one. Ginseng, the favourite medicine of the Chinese, is the root of Panax Ginseng, a member of this Order J and their celebrated Rice-paper is the pith of Fdtsia papyrifera, a native of Formosa, also belonging to the Araliaceae. 1. Hedera (Tvy). — Climbing shrubs ; leaves exstipulate, simple, scattered ; flowers in simple umbels, 5-merous, polysymmetric ; berry 5-chambered, 5-seeded, with a parchment-like endocarp lining each chamber; albumen ruminate. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the plant.) 1. H. Helix (Common Ivy). — A woody plant with a stem some- times 10 inches in diameter, trailing or climbing by adventitious simple rootlets ; leaves evergreen, leathery, dark green, glossy, and distinctly veined above, 5-lobed on the climbing stem, ovate and undivided on the free upper branches ; umbels confined to the upper free branches, globose, simple, downy with stellate Q 226 CORNACEjE hairs ; -flowers greenish-yellow j berries black ; endocarp lilac. — Banks, woods, rocks, and old walls; general. — Fl. October, November. Perennial. h£dera h£lix {Common Ivy). Ord. XXXVI. Cornace^e. — The Dogwood Family A small order, mostly shrubs or trees, inhabiting the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They have mostly exsti- pulate, opposite, simple leaves, small, polysymmetric flowers, which are generally tetramerous, and i— 4-chambered berry-like fruit, with stony endocarps ; sepals 4, superior, valvate ; petals 4 — 5, epigynous ; stamens 4 — 5, epigynous ; style single, thread-like ; stigma simple or lobed. The Order contains few plants of interest. The evergreen known as the Spotted Laurel (Aucuba japonica), now common in our gardens, is a member of the Order. The spots are a disease which is only slightly transmitted by seed ; but the plant, being dioecious, is largely multiplied by layers. The staminate plant is now grown separately, or it can be grafted on the pistillate shrub, so that the red berries are now commonly produced. Benthdmia fragifera, a handsome shrub from the DOGWOOD FAMILY 22 7 mountains of Nipal, was introduced into Cornwall in 1825, and, flowering and fruiting freely, is a pleasing addition to the shrubbery. Comus florida, the American Dogwood, a native of the United States, furnishes a wood useful for turnery and engraving, and the bark of this and other species is used as a substitute for quinine. The Comus of the ancients was the Cornelian Cherry, Cornus mdscula, whose little clusters of yellow c6rnus sanguInea [Wild Cornel, Dog- starry flowers are among the earliest heralds of spring. Its fruit is like a small plum, with a very austere flesh, but after keeping it becomes pleasantly acid. The Turks still use it in the manu- facture of sherbet, and the bark of the same species furnishes the red dye for their fez. Two species of Cornus are the only British representatives of the Order. 1. Cornus (Cornel). — Herbs, shrubs, or trees; leaves usually opposite ; flowers small, white or yellow ; petals valvate ; ovary 2-chambered. (Name from the Latin, referring to the horny hardness of the wood.) 1. C. suecica (Dwarf Cornel).- — Herbaceous; rhizome woody, Q 2 228 CAPRIFOLIACELE creeping ; stems annual, erect, about 6 in. high, slender ; leaves opposite, decussate, ovate ; flowers in a terminal umbel, minute, dark purple ; bracts 4, large, ovate, yellow, tipped with purple, forming an involucre; fruit, a red berry. — Alpine moors in Scotland, and the north of England ; rare. The fruit is said by the Highlanders to create appetite, and hence is called Lus-a- chraois, plant of gluttony.— Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. C. sanguinea (Wild Cornel, Dogwood). — Very different in habit from the preceding; a bushy shrub, 5 — 6 feet high, with opposite, ovate, acute leaves, and terminal, many-flowered, corymbose cymes of cream-white flowers; Berries small, black- purple. — Hedges and thickets, especially on a chalk or lime- stone soil; common. The wood, with that of the Spindle-tree (Eudnymus europceus) and Guelder Rose {Viburnum), which has a similar texture, and is therefore confused under the same name Dogwood, was used formerly for skewers or "dagges." The leaves assume blood-red and dark purple tints early in autumn. — Fl. June. Perennial. Sub-Class II. GAMOPETAL^ Having both calyx and corolla, and the petals of the latter united. Series I. EPfGYfrLE.— Ord. XXXVIL— XLIII Ovary inferior § Stamens epipetalous Ord. XXXVIL Caprifoliace^e. — The Honeysuckle Family A small but very varied Order, comprising trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, principally confined to the Northern Hemi- sphere. The leaves are usually exstipulate and opposite; the flowers conspicuous and sometimes monosymmetric ; sepals 3—5, superior; petals 3 — 5, united; stamens 4 — 10, usually equal in number to the petals and alternate with them ; ovary 3 — 5- chambered ; fruit in most cases a berry. Such favourite plants as the fragrant Honeysuckle, the Guelder Rose, the Elder, and the elegant little plant upon which Linnaeus fixed to commemorate his name, make the Order an interesting one. 1. Adoxa. — Herbs ; leaves ternate ; flowers small, green, 5 in a head; corolla rotate; stamens forked; berry with 4 or 5 1 -seeded chambers. Fig. 25. Wild Cornel >Cornus sangumea\. HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY 229 2. Sambuuus. — Trees or shrubby herbs ; leaves pinnate ; flowers small, in umbellate cymes, 5-merous ; corolla rotate ; berry with 3 — 5 i-seeded chambers. 3. Viburnum. — Shrubs ; leaves simple ; flowers in cymes, 5-merous; corolla rotate or bell-shaped; berry 1 -seeded. 4. LlNNilA. Herb ; leaves simple ; flowers in pairs ; corolla bell-shaped ; stamens didynamous; fruit dry, 1 -seeded. 5. Lonicera. — Shrubs; leaves sim- ple; flowers in cy- mose heads ; corolla mono symmetric ; berry of 2 or 3 several-seeded cham- bers. 1. Adoxa (Mos- chatel). — A small glabrous, succulent herb ; rhizome creep- ing, scaly ; leaves 2, radical, ternate; flowers in a long- stalked terminal head of 5, small, green, the 4 lateral ones 5-merous, the terminal one 4-mer- ous; corolla rotate; stamens 4 or 5, bifur- cating at the base; anthers dimidiate ; berry with 1 -seeded parchment-like chambers. (Name from the Greek signifying inglorious, from its humble growth.) 1. A. Moschatellina (Common or Tuberous Moschatel). — The only species, an interesting little herbaceous plant, 4 — 6 in. high ; stem 4-angled; radical leaves long-stalked, ternate; leaflets tri- angular, lobed ; cauline leaves or bracts 2, smaller, with sheathing petioles ; flowers arranged as if on 5 sides of a cube. — Hedgerows ; ADOXA MOSCHATELLINA (Common Mosckatet). 23° CAPRIFOLIACE^E local, but widely diffused. The whole plant diffuses a musk-like scent, which, however, is not perceptible if the plant be bruised. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 2. Sambtjcus (Elder). — Trees, shrubs, or large herbs, remark- able for the large quantity of pith in the young branches ; leaves pinnate ; -flowers small, 5-merous, in umbellate cymes ; sepals sambijCUS NfGRA (Common Elder). 3 — 5 ; corolla rotate ; stamens 5 ; ovary 3 — 5-chambered ; ovules 1 in each chamber ; fruit a berry with 3 — 5 parchment-like endocarps. (Name from the Greek sambuke, a musical instrument, in making which elder-wood is supposed to have been employed.) 1. S. nigra (Common Elder). — Stem woody, forming a small tree ; bark corky ; leaves with a strong, unpleasant odour ; cymes with 5 principal branches ; flowers cream-white, of a sickly smell ; berry small, globose, purple-black, polished, rarely green or white. HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY 23I — Hedges ; common. The blossoms are used for making perfume ; the berries for wine. Evelyn, speaking in its praise, says : " If the medicinal properties of the leaves, bark, berries, &c, were thoroughly known, I cannot tell what our countryman could ail for which he would not find a remedy, from every hedge, either for sickness or wound." — Fl. June. Perennial. 2. S. £bulus (Dwarf Elder, Danewort). — A large herbaceous plant, 2 — 4 feet high, with ovate, serrate, leafy stipules, 3 principal viburnum 6pulus (Guelder Rose, Water Elder). branches to its cymes, and pink tips to its petals. — Bushy places ; 3. Viburnum (Guelder Rose). — Shrubs ; leaves simple ; flowers 5-merous, white or pink, in cymose clusters, small, or the outer ones male or neuter with large corollas ; corolla rotate or bell- shaped ; stigmas 3, sessile ; berry i-seeded. (Name, the Latin name for this or some similar plant.) 1. V. Opulus (Guelder Rose, Water Elder). — A shrub or small tree ; bark very acrid ; leaves smooth, 3 — 5-lobed, stipulate, with glands at the upper end of the stalk, assuming a rich vinous hue before falling ; flowers in flat-topped cymes, the outer ones neuter 232 CAPRIFOLlXCE,£ with large snow-white corollas, rendering the bush conspicuous ; berries slightly flattened, translucent, blood-red. — Moist woods and hedges ; common. The berries are said to be sometimes fermented and eaten, a statement scarcely credible to any one who has chanced to smell them. In the garden variety, known as the Snowball-tree, all the flowers are neuter and the cyme has become globular. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 2. V. Lantdna (Mealy Guelder Rose, Wayfaring-tree). — A shrub, pubescent with stellate hairs ; leaves elliptical, cordate, serrate, very downy beneath, exstipulate ; cymes termina ; flowers small, white, all perfect : berries much flattened, scar- let, turning black when fully ripe. — Dry hedgerows, chiefly on calcareous soil; not general. ■ — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 4. Linn/£a. — A very slender creeping plant ; leaves ever- green, exstipulate ; flowers in pairs on ascending, 2-bracte- ate peduncles, with drooping 2-bracteol- ate pedicels ; corolla bell-shaped ; petals 5, slightly unequal ; stamens 4, 2 longer than the others ; fruit seldom formed in Britain. (Name in honour of Carl von Linne, the great Swedish botanist.) 1. L. boredlis. — The only species, almost glabrous ; leaves ovate, obtuse, thick ; flowers fragrant and of a delicate pink colour, crimson within. — Fir-woods in Scotland and at Hartburn, North- umberland. Deservedly regarded with peculiar interest as being the "little northern plant, long overlooked, depressed, abject, VIBURNUM I-ANTXNA (Wayfaring-tree, Mealy Guelder Rose). Woodbine or Honeysuckle. (Lonktra Pale Honeysuckle •Lomceni Capnfolium,. HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY 233 flowering early," which Linnaeus himself selected as therefore most appropriate to transmit his name to posterity. — Fl. July. Perennial. 5. Lonicera (Honeysuckle). — Erect, prostrate or twining shrubs ; leaves exstipulate, entire, sometimes connate ; flowers generally in cymose heads, sometimes united by their ovaries ; sepals 5 ; petals 5, united in a tubular or funnel-shaped corolla with a bilabiate limb ; stamens 5 ; berry of 2 or 3 several- seeded linn^a boreXlis (Lintuea). chambers. (Named in honour of Adam Lonicer, a German botanist.) 1. L. Peridymenum (Honeysuckle, Woodbine). — Stem twining; leaves ovate or oblong, glabrous or slightly pubescent, glaucous below, not united at the base, sometimes lobed ; flowers in stalked terminal heads, gaping, red outside, yellow within, very fragrant; berry globose, translucent, crimson. A common and favourite twining shrub, the first to expand its leaves in spring, or rather in winter, and almost the last to blossom in autumn. Though highly ornamental to our woods, it is decidedly injurious to 234 RUBIACEiE young trees, clasping them so tightly as to distort their growth. Handsome twisted walking-sticks (generally Hazel) are thus formed, but the growth of the tree is generally checked. — Fl. July, and again in October. Perennial. *Two other species of Honeysuckle are occasionally found in copses, but are not natives of Britain : L. Caprifolium (Pale Per- foliate Honeysuckle), distinguished by having the upper leaves connate, or united by their bases, and the flower-heads sessile ; lonicera pericl'vmen'um (Honeysuckle, Woodbine). and L. Xylosteum (Upright Fly Honeysuckle), an erect shrub, with downy, stalked leaves, and pale yellow, scentless flowers, which grow in pairs in the axils. Ord. XXXVIII. Rubiace^e. — The Bedstraw Family Taken in its widest extension, this is a very large Order, con- taining more than 2,800 species, characterised by having opposite leaves, interpetiolar stipules, gamopetalous corollas, epipetalous stamens alternate with the petals, and an inferior ovary of 2 BEDSTRAW FAMILY 235 carpels. The majority, forming the tribe Cinchonece, are tropical trees and shrubs with small stipules, and comprise not a few species noted for the fragrance and beauty of their flowers, and some of the highest utility to man, as food or medicine. Among the food-plants, the Coffee (Coffea ardbica and C. liberica) holds the first place, the seeds filled with horny albumen being the coffee-beans of commerce. Several species of Cinchdna, a genus native to the Andes, furnish Peruvian or Jesuits' Bark, from which Quinine is prepared ; and Ipecacuanha is the root of Cephdelis Ipecacuanha, a small shrub growing in the damp forests of Brazil. The British species, however, all belong to a very distinct type. They are herbaceous plants, with slender angular stems, and leaves with such large stipules between them as to form a star-like whorl, whence they have been separated as the tribe Stelldta?. Their flowers are small, polysymmetric and 4 — 6-merous ; the sepals sometimes indistinguishable ; corolla rotate or tubular ; ovary 2-chambered ; ovule 1 in each chamber ; fruit dry, con- sisting of 2 indehiscent cocci. They belong to temperate and cold latitudes and possess no remarkable properties, except that of containing a red colouring matter in their roots, which is used as a dye. The most important is Rubia tinct&ria, the Madder, the roots of which, besides yielding the valuable dye, possess the singular property of imparting a red colour to the bones of animals that feed on them. Rubia cordifolia is the Manjit, another valuable red dye, a native of India. None of the British species are of any great value, through the fragrance of the leaves of the Woodruff, when dried, is well known, the flowers of the Lady's Bedstraw {Galium verutn) were used as rennet to curdle milk, and the seeds of the genus Galium are said to be, when roasted, a good substitute for coffee. 1. Rubia. — No distinct sepals; corolla wheel-shaped, or bell- shaped, 5-lobed; fruit fleshy. 2. Galium. — No distinct sepals ; corolla wheel-shaped, 4-lobed ; fruit dry. 3. Asperula. — No distinct sepals; corolla bell-shaped, 4-lobed ; fruit dry. 4. SherXrdia. — Sepals 4 — 6 ; corolla funnel-shaped, 4-lobed ; fruit dry. 1. Rubia (Madder). — Herbs with axillary and terminal cymes of small flowers ; calyx-limb ring-shaped or absent ; corolla rotate or campanulate, 5-lobed ; stamens 4 ; styles 2, short ; fruit a 2- lobed berry. (Name from the Latin ruber, red, from the dye obtained from some species.) 236 i. R. peregrina (Wild Madder). — The only British species, a long straggling plant, many feet in length ; stems 4-angled, with recurved bristles on the angles ; leaves 4 — 6 in a whorl, ovate, glossy above, with recurved bristles on midrib and margin, nearly evergreen ; flowers yellowish, in panicled cymes ; corolla 5-cleft ; berries black, about as large as currants, remaining attached till late in winter. — Rocky places in the south and west ; uncommon. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 2. Galium (Bedstraw). RUBIA PEREGRl'.VA (Wild Madder). Herbs differing chiefly from Rubia in having a rotate, 4-lobed, rarely 5- lobed, corolla and a dry fruit of 2 1 -seeded carpels. (Name from the Greek gala, milk, some species being used to curdle it.) * Leaves yveined 1. G. boredle (Cross-leaved Bed- straw). — Stem erect, 1 — 2 feet high ; leaves 4 in a whorl, smooth, lanceolate ; flowers many, white ; ■fruit rough, with hooked prickles. — Damp rocky places in the north. ■ — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. G. Crucidta (Crosswort) — Prostrate, about a foot long, hairy ; leaves 4 in a whorl, elliptic, soft and downy; flowers yellow, in 6 — 8-flowered axillary cymes, very fragrant, upper ones having pistils only, lower, stamens only; fruit smooth. — Dry banks; common — Fl. May, June. Perennial. ** Leaves iveined: flowers in axillary and terminal panicles : fruit smooth : perennial 3. G. verum (Lady's Bedstraw). — Leaves about 8 in a whorl, very narrow (almost thread-like), revolute, downy beneath ; flowers golden-yeliow, rarely pale or green, in dense axillary and terminal panicles. — Dry banks ; abundant. The Highlanders use the roots, in conjunction with alum, to die red, and the flowers to curdle milk. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 4. G. erectum (Upright Bedstraw). — Sub-erect ; leaves 6—8 in a whorl, lanceolate, with bristly margins ; cyme with ascending BEDSTRAW FAMILY 237 branches ; flowers white. — Banks and pastures ; not common.— Fl. June and September. Perennial. 5. G. Mollugo (Hedge Bedstraw). — Stem ascending, square, thickened at the nodes, smooth or hairy ; leaves 6 — 8 in a whorl, oblong, with a bristly point and weak bristles on the margins ; cyme with the lower branches horizontal or reflexed ; flowers white. — Common everywhere in England, but rare in Scotland and Ireland. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 6. G. saxdtile (Heath Bedstraw). — A small, prostrate, much- branched species ; stem smooth ; leaves about 6 in a whorl, obovate, mucronate, fringed with a few prickles, which point forwards ; cymes numerous, small, compact ; flowers white. — Heaths ; abundant. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 7. G. dsperum (Mountain Bed- straw). — A similar but more erect and stiff species ; leaves 6 — 8 in a whorl, linear, awned, with prominent midrib and marginal hairs, not bristles. — Limestone hills ; rare. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 8. G. palustre (Water Bedstraw). — Stems 1 — 3 feet high, weak, straggling, branched, smooth or rough with recurved prickles ; leaves 4 — 6 in a whorl, blunt, linear, or on dry ground, oblong, frequently unequal, shining, with or without rough edges ; flowers in loose, spreading panicles, white. — Watery places ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 9. G. uliginosum (Rough Marsh Bedstraw). — A smaller species ; stems slender, brittle, about a foot high, with recurved prickles on the angles ; leaves 6 — 8 in a whorl, narrow, bristle-pointed, with recurved prickles on the margins ; cymes few-flowered. — Watery places; common. — Fl. July — August. Perennial. *** Leaves 1 -veined : cymes mostly axillary: flowers white: fruit hispid or tubercled : annual. 10. G. dnglicum (Wall Bedstraw). — A small, spreading, slender, Galium APARfN£ (Goose-grass). 2 3 8 RUBIACE^ brittle species ; leaves about 6 in a whorl, narrow, mucronate, with forward-pointing bristles on the margins and recurved ones on the stems; cymes small, bifurcating, few-flowered ; flowers greenish ; fruit minute, tubercled — Old walls and dry places in the south- east ; rare. — Fl. June, July. Annual. ii. G. Aparine (Goose-grass, Cleavers). — Light green, strag- gling, 3—4 feet long ; stem and leaves very rough with recurved prickles ; leaves 6 — 8 in a whorl ; flowers 2 — 3 together, white, axillary ; fruit covered with short hooked prickles. — Hedges ; very common. The stems, leaves, and bur- like fruits cling to the coat of any animal that touches them ; whence is derived the popular name of Cleavers or Clivers. The plant is greedily devoured by geese. — Fl. June — August. Annual. 12. G. Vailldntii, differing chiefly in having its flowers very minute, greenish and 3 — 9 together, occurs only in fields near Saffron Walden, Essex. — Fl. July. Annual. 13. G. tricorne (Rough - fruited Corn Bedstraw). — Resem- bling G. Aparine, but smaller and chiefly distinguished by its large fruit, which has a granulated, not bristly, surface, and is borne on a recurved pedicel. — Dry chalky fields; not uncommon. — Fl. June— October. Annual. 3. Asperula (Woodruff). — Herbs differing from Galium mainly in the longer tube which makes the small corolla bell-shaped or funnel-shaped. It may be white, pink, or blue. (Name, a diminutive from the Latin asper, rough, from the roughness of the leaves of some species.) ASPERULA odorata {Sweet Woodruff). -BEDSTRAW FAMILY 239 i. A. odordta (Sweet Woodruff). — Almost glabrous, about 6 in. high, erect ; leaves 6 — 9 in a whorl, lanceolate, with forward- pointing prickles on their margins; flowers white, in stalked, terminal panicles ; fruit rough with hooked hairs. — Woods ; common. A deservedly favourite plant for its agreeable scent, when dried, of new-mown hay. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 2. A. cyndnchica (Quinsy-wort). — Smooth, prostrate; leaves 4 in a whorl, linear, unequal ; flowers in loose clusters, white or pink. — Dry banks and pastures, especially on a chalky or limestone soil ; local. It derives its name from having been formerly used as a remedy for quinsy or squinancy. — FL June, July. Perennial. * Two other species, A. taurina, with 4 elliptic 3-veined leaves in a whorl, and A. arvensis, with 6 — 10 narrow leaves in a whorl and blue flowers, occur occasion- ally, but are not native. 4. Sherardia (Field Madder). — A prostrate herb with whorled leaves, terminal sessile umbels of lilac flowers, 4 — 6 sepals, 4-lobed corolla, and dry fruit. (Named in honour of William Sherard, founder of the chair of Botany at Oxford.) 1. S. arvensis (Field Madder). — A small, branched, spreading plant; leaves narrow, pointed, 4 — - 6 in a whorl ; and flowers minute, lilac, resembling Asperula arvensis, but differing in its pointed leaves and distinct sepals. — Cultivated land; abundant. — Fl. April — October. sherArdia arvensis (Field Madder). Annual. Ord. XXXIX. Valeriane^e. — The Valerian Family A small Order of plants which are mostly herbaceous, with opposite, exstipulate leaves, and small, usually asymmetric flowers in dichasial, often crowded cymes. The calyx is superior, be- coming finally a border, or pappus, to the fruit ; the corolla, of 3—6 united petals, is tubular and sometimes pouched or spurred at the base ; stamens 1 or 3, rarely 5, epipetalous ; ovary with 1 — 3 chambers, forming a dry indehiscent fruit, which is 1- seeded, two of the chambers being empty. The Order chiefly inhabits temperate countries, and the plants forming it are often strong-scented or aromatic. Many of them possess properties 240 VALERlANEjE worthy of notice, but by far the most remarkable is Nardostdchys Jatamdnsi, the Spikenard of Scripture, and the Nardus of the ancient Classical authors. It grows in Bhotan, in India, where it is called Jatamansi. Even when green the young shoots are pleasantly fragrant ; but its odorous quality is much strengthened by drying the plant. The radical leaves surrounding one of the young tufted shoots are torn up, along with a part of the very fragrant root, and having been dried in the sun, or by artificial heat, are sold as a drug. In ancient times this drug was con- veyed by way of Arabia to Western Asia, and thus reached the Hebrews. Judas valued the box of ointment with which Mary anointed our Blessed Lord's feet at two hundred denarii (£6 gs. 2d.). By the Romans it was considered so precious that the poet Horace promises Virgil a cadus, or about three dozen modern bottles, of wine for a small onyx-box full of spikenard. It was a Roman custom in festive banquets, not only to crown the guests with flowers, but also to anoint them with spikenard. Other members of the Order still valued for a similar use are Valeriana celtica and V. saliunca, which are believed to be the Saliunca of Virgil and other ancient writers. They are natives of the mountains of Styria and Carinthia, where their roots are grubbed up with danger and difficulty by the peasants from rocks on the borders of eternal snow. They are then tied in bundles, and sold at a very low price to merchants, who send them by way of Trieste to Turkey and Egypt, where they are retailed at a great profit, or passed on to India and the interior of Africa. They are used to scent baths. The roots of our common Valerian {Valeriana officinalis) are used in medicine, being a powerful stimulant to the nervous system in cases of hysteria or epilepsy. They have a very remarkable effect on cats, producing a kind of intoxication. The seeds of the Red Spur- Valerian (Kentrdnthus ruber) were used in former times in the process of embalming the dead ; and some thus employed in the twelfth century, on being removed from the cere-cloth in the nineteenth century, and planted, are said to have germinated. The young leaves of Lamb's Lettuce (Valerianclla) are eaten as salad, as also in Sicily are those of Kentrdnthus. 1. Valeriana. — Corolla 5-lobed, pouched at the base; stamens 3 ; fruit 1 -chambered, crowned with a feathery pappus. *2. Kentranthus. — Corolla 5-lobed, spurred at the base; stamen 1 ; fruit 1 -chambered, crowned with a feathery pappus. 3. Valerianella. — Cor olla 5-lobed, obconic ; stamens 3; fruit 3-chambered, crowned with 3 — 5 small sepals. VALERIAN FAMILY 2 4 ] i. Valeriana (Valerian). — Flowers in corymbose, capitate, or panicled cymes, with bracteoles, sometimes sub-dicecious ; pappus deciduous ; corolla generally monosymmetric with an obconic tube, pouched at its base. (Name said to be from the Latin vdleo, I am well, from its medicinal virtue.) 1. V. dioica (Small Marsh Valerian). — Erect, unbranched, about a foot high with runners ; radical leaves stalked, ovate ; cauline leaves pinnatifid, with a large terminal lobe ; flowers pinkish, in a ter- minal corymbose cyme ; stamens and ovaries on different plants, the latter in smaller, more crowded, deeper col- oured flowers. — Marshy ground ; frequent. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 2. V. officinalis (Great Wild Valerian).— Much taller and stouter than the last, but resembling it in habit and in the colour and smell of the flowers ; with suckers ; leaves all pinnate, of 13 — 21 leaflets, which are lanceolate, dentate. — Damp places ; not com- mon. This is the species used in medi- cine, and the roots of which are so attractive to cats, and, it is said, also to rats. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 3. V. sambucijolia (Elder-leaved Valerian). — Differs mainly in having runners and fewer (9 — 13), broader leaflets. 4.* V. pyrendica (Heart-leaved Valerian). — A large, coarse plant, with very large, stalked, cordate, serrate leaves, some- times occurring naturalised in plantations.— Fl. June, July. Perennial. R kentrAnthus ruber (Red Sfur-Valcrian). 242 VALERIANEjE *2. Kentranthus (Spur- Valerian). — Glabrous, leafy plants ; flowers in terminal, panicled cymes, bracteolatej pappus deciduous ; corolla with 5 unequal lobes, a long compressed tube, and a spur. (Name from the Greek kentron, a spur, anthos, a flower.) 1.* K. ruber (Red Spur- Valerian). — Glaucous, 1 — 2 feet high ; leaves entire, ovate, acute ; flowers crimson, deep rose-red, or white. — Chalk-pits, railway-banks, limestone-quarries, and old garden-walls ; common, but not indigenous. A very handsome garden plant. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 2.* K. Calcitrapa, differing chiefly in having pinnatifid cauline leaves, occurs as a garden escape at Eltham, Kent. 3. Valerianella ' (Corn- salad). — Small plants, repeat- edly forked ; leaves simple ; flowers minute, solitary or in crowded bracteate cymes in the forks of the branches ; calyx generally distinguishable as teeth on the fruit ; corolla 5- lobed, obconic, polysymmetric ; fruit generally of 2 empty barren and 1 fertile (1 -seeded) chambers. (Name, a diminu- tive of Valeriana.) 1: V. olitbria (Common Corn-salad, Lamb's Lettuce). — Smooth, flaccid, brittle, 4 — 12 in. high ; leaves long and narrow, a little toothed near the base, the upper ones clasp- ing the stem ; flowers very minute, pale lilac, in dense terminal leafy heads ; the fertile chamber of the ovary thick and corky at the back, crowned by the 3 calyx-teeth. — Cornfields; common. It is sometimes cultivated as a salad. — Fl. May, June. Annual. 2* V. eriocdrpa (Woolly-fruited Corn-salad), differing in having a hairy fruit, crowned by a large, nearly regular, campanu- late calyx, and with its fertile chamber not corky, occurs occasionally, but is not native. — Fl. June. Annual. 3.* V. carindta Keeled-fruited Corn-salad), differing in its blue flowers and oblong, boat-shaped fruit, crowned by 1 sepal, with its fertile chamber not corky and the tw 7 o barren ones in- valerian£lla olit6ria (Common Corn-salad, Lamb's Lettuce). TEAZLE FAMILY 243 flated, occurs rarely on banks, but is not native. — Fl. April — June. Annual. 4. V. rimbsa (Sharp-fruited Corn-salad). — About a foot high, more slender than V. olitbria ; -flowers solitary in the forks of a loose cyme, pale blue ; fruit sub-globose, crowned by 1 erect tooth, with its barren chambers inflated and larger than the fer- tile one, which is not corky. — Cornfields; rare. — Fl. June — August. Annual. 5. V. dentdta (Toothed Corn-salad). — Similar to the last; leaves much toothed towards the base ; flowers flesh-coloured ; fruit not inflated, crowned with the same unequally 4-toothed calyx. — Corn- fields and banks ; common. — Fl. June — August. Annual. Ord. XL. DipsacejE. — The Teazle Family A small Order of herbaceous plants inhabiting temperate regions, and possessing no remarkable properties. The leaves are generally opposite and exstipulate, and the flowers, like those of the Composites, are crowded together in heads with an involucre of bracts ; but each flower is also surrounded by a calyx-like involucel of several more or less rigid bracteoles. The calyx is superior, expanding into a cup-shaped tube generally with a pappus ; corolla tubular, with 4 — 5 unequal lobes ; stamens 4, epipetalous, not united ; fruit dry, indehiscent, 1 -seeded. The most striking distinction between the members of this and those of the following Order is the 4 free stamens is each flower, or floret, as it is often called. Dipsacus Fullbnum is the Fuller's Teazle, a plant with large cylindric heads of flowers, which are embedded in stiff, hooked bracts. These heads are set in frames and used in dressing broad-cloth, the hooks catching up and removing all loose particles of wool, but giving way when held fast by the substance of the cloth. This is almost the only process in the manufacture of cloth which it has been found impossible to execute by machinery ; for although various substitutes have been proposed, none has proved on trial exactly to answer the purpose. 1. DfpsACUS. — Inner bracts spinous and prominent, forming rigid awns all over the head. 2. Scabi6sa. — Inner bracts inconspicuous scales or hairs; common receptacle cylindric. 3. KNAtjTiA. — Common receptacle hairy, hemispherical. 1. DfpsACUS (Teazle). — Erect prickly plants; stems angular; leaves usually connate at the base ; heads usually elongated ; with a columnar common receptacle; stiff spreading involucral bracts ; R 2 244 DIPSACE^E prominent, spinous inner bracts ; involucel 4-angled ; calyx-tube cup-shaped ; petals 4, unequal. (Name from the Greek dipsao, I thirst, in allusion to the water which usually collects in the hollows formed by the pairs of united leaves. This serves as a moat to prevent insects crawling up the stem to steal the honey in the flowers, which is destined for flying insect visitors who will carry pollen from flower to flower.) 1. D. sylvestris (Wild Teazle). — A stout plant, 3 — 6 feet high, with an erect prickly stem ; large, bright green leaves, which are prickly underneath and united at the base ; heads large, conical, covered with straight bristles ; involucre curved up- wards ; flowers lilac, expanding in one or two bands half-way up the head and then both downwards and up- wards. — Waste places j common. — Fl. July — September. Biennial. 2* D. Fullonum (Fuller's Teazle) diners from D. sylvestris mainly in having a more cylin- drical head, a reflexed involucre, and hooked bristles on the receptacle. It is not known out of cultivation, except as an occasional escape, and is probably only a form of D. sylvestris. 3. D. pilbsus (Small Teazle, Shepherd's Rod). — Smaller than D. sylvestris in all its parts, rough with bristles ; leaves stalked, with a small leaflet at the base on each side ; heads small, nearly globose, drooping in bud ; involucre reflexed ; flowers white. — Moist shady places ; not common. — Fl. August, September. Biennial. DfpSACUS sylvestris {Wild Teazle). ig. 28. Wild Teazle Dipi kus sylveslns.\ TEAZLE FAMILY 245 2. Scabi6sa (Scabious). — Leaves entire or pinnatifid ; heads hemispherical or flat ; involucre of i or 2 whorls of bracts ; common receptacle scaly ; involucel 8-angled, 4 — 5-lobed ; outer florets often larger and unsymmetrical ; calyx-tube contracted at the top ; limb cup-shaped, with 4 — 5 stiff persistent bristles ; corolla 4 — 5-lobed, sometimes bilabiate; fruit nearly cylindrical. (Name from the Latin scabies, the leprosy, for which disease some of the species were supposed to be a remedy.) 1. S. Succisa (Premorse or Devil's-bit Scabious). — A slender, little-branched plant, with a short and abrupt rhizome, as if bitten off (premorse) ; a hairy stem; few, mostly entire, oblong leaves; nearly glo- bose heads of purplish-blue or white flowers, with a nearly symmetric, 4-cleft corolla.. — Heaths and pas- tures ; abundant. John Parkinson, in his " Thea- trum Botanicum " (1640), alludes to the fable " that the Devile, envying the good that this herbe might do to mankinde, bit away parte of the roote, and thereof came - the name Succisa, Devil's-bit." — Fl. July — October. Peren- nial. 2. S. Columbdiia (Small Scabious). — Well distin- guished from the last by its pinnatifid, lighter green leaves ; heads flatter at first ; and flowers lilac, rather than purple, with a 5-cleft corolla, the outer ones being larger and very unsymmetrical. — Pastures, especially on a calcareous soil ; not uncommon. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 3. S. marilima, a species with all its leaves pinnatifid, an erect branching panicle of heads, and a 5-cleft corolla, has been found at St. Ouen's Bay, Jersey. scabi6sa columbXria (Small Scabious). 246 coMP6snvE 3. Knaijtia (Field Scabious). — Perennial herbs, nearly related to Scabiosa ; but distinguished by the hemispherical hairy common receptacle; the 4-angled involucel ; and the 8 — 16 deciduous bristles of the calyx. (Named in honour of Christian Knaut, a Saxon botanist.) 1. K. arvensis (Field Scabious). — A tall, bristly plant, 2 — 3 feet high, not much branched ; radical leaves simple ; cauline ones pinnatifid; heads large, convex; flowers handsome, lilac, with kna6tia arv£nsis {Field Scabious). 4-lobed corollas, the inner ones nearly symmetrical, the outer larger and bilabiate. — Cornfields and waysides ; common. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. Ord. XL! Comp6siive. — The Composite Family This is by far the largest of all the Natural Orders, containing as it does nearly 10,000 species, in 800 genera, or about one-tenth of all known Flowering Plants. These figures serve to illustrate COMPOSITE FAMILY 247 the progress made by Botany during the last hundred years, since the total number of species known to Linnaeus was only 8,500. The Composites form a very natural Order, all agreeing in a large number of characters, especially in the capitate inflorescence, or crowding together of the florets, or little flowers, into a head, or " compound flower," as Linnaeus called it, to which the Order owes its name, and in the union of the anthers referred to in the name of the co-extensive class Syngenesia in the Linnaean system. Though they manifest their success in the struggle for existence not only by their great number of genera and species, but also by a striking profusion of individuals, as is familiar to us all in the cases of Thistles, Daisies, Dandelions, &c, and by a world-wide geographical distribution, they seldom reach the dimensions of shrubs, few of them being even woody. They must be con- sidered, however, as on the whole the most highly organised members of the Vegetable Kingdom. Their leaves are exstipulate, generally simple, and mostly scattered. The heads are generally many-flowered, and are surrounded by one or more whorls of scales or bracts forming an involucre, which is often imbricated, the scales overlapping like the tiles of a house (Latin imbrex, a tile). The common receptacle, on which the florets are situated, varies in shape, being flat, concave, or convex, and in surface, being sometimes smooth and naked, and in other cases pitted or furnished with scales or bristles, known as pales. The florets, which are true flowers, though generally small, may be all alike in form or colour or both, as in Thistles, Dandelions, Groundsel, &c, or the outer or ray-florets may differ from the inner or disk- florets in form, as in the Corn-Marigold, or in colour also, as in the Daisy. The calyx is superior, and there are 5 sepals, though they are seldom distinguishable, the limb, if present, being generally represented by a pappus of hairs, which may be sessile on the fruit, as in the Thistle, or stalked, as in the Dandelion, when the fruit is termed beaked, the hairs themselves being feathery or plumose, as in the former, or simple or pilose, as in the latter. The corolla consists of 5 valvate petals, either tubular and polysymmetric, as in all the florets of Thistles and Groundsel and the disk-florets of the Daisy, or tubular below and ligulate or strap-shaped above, as in all the florets of the Dandelion and the ray-florets of the Daisy. The florets may be all perfect, as in Thistles and Dandelions ; or the ray-florets may have no stamens, as in the Daisy, or be neuter, having neither stamens nor ovary, as in the Cornflower ; whilst the disk- florets may be perfect, as in the Daisy, or exclusively staminate, as in the Garden Marigold. Occasionally all the florets may be staminate or all carpellate, and 248 comp6siive then the two kinds of flowers may occur on the same plant (monoecious), or on different ones {dioecious). The 5 epipetalous stamens usually have their filaments free but their anthers united (syngenesious), and there is often a tail-like appendage at the base of each anther-chamber. There are two carpels united to form a j-chambered, inferior ovary, with 1 style, generally bifurcating above, the stigmas lining the inner surface of the fork. The tube of syngenesious anthers in the perfect florets is generally formed before the elongation of the style, which then grows up through it, sweeping the pollen out of the anthers by means of tufts of expelling hairs at the summit of its two branches, which do not diverge till afterwards. The fruit is a cypsele, or dry, indehiscent, i-chambered, i-seeded structure, often crowned by the pappus. For convenience of reference, the Order is divided into three Sub-orders, comprising thirteen Tribes ; but one of the Sub-orders and five of the Tribes contain no British plants, or any others of great interest. The two Sub-orders represented in Britain are the Tubuliflbrce and the Liguliflbrce. In the Tubulifldrce the florets are either all tubular and perfect, or the disk-florets are tubular and the ray-florets ligulate, the former being generally perfect and the latter carpellate or neuter. The members of this Sub-order have a watery juice. The Sub-order Liguliflbra have all their florets ligulate and perfect, and have a milky juice. They are most abundant in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere ; the Tubuliflbrce in the Tropics. The Tubuliflorce contain a variety of principles, so variously blended as to produce very diverse results. Bitterness, in a greater or less degree, is characteristic of many, and is often accompanied by the presence of resin, or volatile oil, so that the plants produce tonic, stimulant, or astringent effects. The Worm- woods (Artemisia), of which the Southernwood of gardens (A. Abrbtanum), a fragrant shrub, used on the Continent in making beer, is one species, and the Tarragon (A. Dracunculus), used to flavour vinegar, is another, are extremely bitter. The genera Anthemis and Matricaria, the Chamomiles and Feverfews, contain an acrid volatile oil that gives them their properties as febrifuges. The Coltsfoot (Tussildgo) and Elecampane (Inula Helenium) contain gum so united with their bitter and astringent properties as to render them valuable sedatives. The oily seeds of the Sunflower (Helidnthus dnnuus) are largely eaten in Russia, and the Jerusalem Artichoke, the tubers of which hold a high rank among our esculent vegetables, is another species (H. tuberbsus) of the same genus. The latter grows freely in any soil, and produces abundance of tubers, though it rarely flowers in England. COMPOSITE FAMILY 249 It is called an Artichoke from the similarity of flavour in its tubers to the Globe Artichoke (Cynara Scolymus), a Thistle in which the bases of the involucral bracts form the edible portion. The name "Jerusalem" is said to be a corruption of the Italian girasole, the Sunflower, and by an amusing transition,- soup made from these Artichokes is called " Palestine Soup." The flower- heads of Safflower (Cdrthamus tinctoria), which give a red colour, are the most valuable dye produced by the Order. Among the Liguliflbra, the Common Dandelion {Taraxacum officinale) supplies a valuable medicinal extract ; its blanched leaves are a wholesome salad ; and its roots are used to adulterate coffee. The Lettuce (Lactuca saliva), besides its extensive use as salad, yields from the milky juice of its root an extract with narcotic properties resembling those of opium. The blanched leaves of Endive (Cichorium Endiyia) afford a winter salad, and the allied Chicory or Succory (C. Intybus) is also so used, though it is more cultivated for the sake of its roots, which are roasted and mixed with coffee. Salsafy {Tragbpogon porrifblius) and Scorzonera (Scorzonera hispdnica) are also cultivated for the sake of their edible roots. Sub-Order I. — Tubuliflbrece. — Florets all tubular, or only the ray-florets ligulate : juice watery Tribe i . Eupatbriece. — Leaves mostly opposite : florets all tubular and perfect : anthers not tailed 1. Eupatorium. — Heads few-flowered ; bracts imbricate, oblong ; receptacle naked ; styles much longer than the florets. Tribe 2. Aster oideaz. — Leaves scattered: ray-florets ligulate, car- pellate or neuter, or absent : disk-florets tubular, perfect 2. Solidago. — Florets all yellow ; receptacle naked, pitted ; pappus of one row of stiff hairs. 3. Bellis. — Ray-florets white or pink ; receptacle naked, conical ; no pappus. 4. Aster. — Ray-florets in one row, purple, or absent ; receptacle naked, pitted ; pappus of many rows of stiff hairs. 5. ERfGERON. — Ray-florets in two or more rows ; receptacle naked ; pappus of many rows of stiff hairs. 6. Linosyris. — Ray-florets absent ; receptacle naked, pitted ; bracts imbricate ; fruit compressed, silky ; pappus of two rows of stiff hairs. 250 COMPOSITE Tribe 3. Inuloidece. — Leaves scattered : ray-florets ligulate, yellow, or absent : disk-florets tubular, perfect, usually yellow : anthers with 2 bristles at their base : pappus-hairs generally slender, silky. 7. FilAgo. — Florets all tubular, the outer carpellate, the inner perfect ; receptacle conical, with few scales at the margin ; pappus of slender silky hairs. 8. Antennaria. — Heads sub-dioecious ; florets all tubular ; pappus hairy, that of the staminate florets with club-shaped hairs. 9. Gnaphalium. — Florets as in Filago ; receptacle flat, naked; pappus of slender silky hairs. 10. Inula. — Ray-florets ligulate, yellow, carpellate; disk-florets tubular, perfect ; receptacle naked ; pappus of one row of hairs. 11. Pulicaria. — Differing from Inula chiefly in having an outer row of short scales to the pappus. Tribe 4. Helianthoidea?. — Leaves opposite : ray-florets ligulate, yellow, carpellate or neuter, or absent: disk-florets tubular, perfect, generally yellow : receptacle scaly : anthers not tailed : pappus of a few stiff scales or bristles. *i2. Xanthium.— Heads monoecious; staminate florets many ; anthers free ; carpellate florets 2, enclosed by the spinous involucre. 1 3. Bhdens. — Ray-florets generally absent ; if present, neuter ; pappus of 2 — 5 barbed bristles. *i4. Galinsoga. — Ray-florets few, in one row ; receptacle conical ; pappus of one row of broad ciliate scales. Tribe 5. Anthemidece. — Leaves scattered: ray-florets ligulate or tubular : anthers not tailed : pappus absent or minute. 15. Achillea. — Ray-florets few, ligulate, white, broad ; receptacle scaly ; fruit compressed ; no pappus. 16. Diotis. — Florets all tubular, perfect, with 2 persistent spurs at the base of the corolla ; receptacle scaly ; fruit compressed ; no pappus.^ 1 7. Anthemis. — Ray-florets in one row, ligulate, white, oblong, carpellate or neuter, or absent ; receptacle convex, scaly ; fruit not compressed ; no pappus. 18. Chrysanthemum. — Ray-florets in 1 row, ligulate, white or yellow ; receptacle flat or nearly so, naked ; no pappus. 19. Matricaria. — Ray-florets in 1 row, ligulate, white; recep- tacle conical, naked ; no pappus. *2o. Cotula. — Florets all tubular, the outer row carpellate ; corolla 4-lobed, with 2 spurs at the base ; receptacle flat, naked ; no pappus. COMPOSITE FAMILY 251 21. Tanacetum. — Florets all tubular ; receptacle naked, broad; ■fruit with a broad epigynous disk ; no pappus. 22. Artemisia. — Florets few, all tubular; receptacle naked, narrow ; fruit with a small epigynous disk ; no pappus. Tribe 6. Senecionidea. — Leaves scattered: ray -florets ligulate, or absent : receptacle naked : anthers not tailed : pappus usually of very soft hairs. 23. Tussilago. — Leaves all radical ; heads solitary, many- flowered ; outer florets ligulate. 24. pETAsfTES. ■ — Leaves all radical ; heads numerous, in a raceme, many-flowered ; outer florets tubular. *2$. DoRONfcuM. — Involucral bracts in 2 or 3 rows, equal ; ray-florets in 1 row, ligulate, without pappus; florets all yellow; pappus of the disk-florets of several rows of stiff hairs. 26. Senecio. — Involucral brads in 1 row, equal ; florets all yellow ; ray sometimes absent ; pappus of several rows of *soft, slender hairs. Tribe 7. Cynaroidece.— Leaves scattered, usually spinous : bracts imbricate, spinous : florets all tubular and usually perfect : receptacle scaly ; pappus generally present. 27. Carina. — Outer bracts spinous ; inner chaffy and spreading ; anthers tailed ; pappus in 1 row, branched and feathery. 28. Arctium. — Involucre globose ; outer bracts hooked ; anthers tailed ; pappus in several rows of short simple hairs. 29. Carduus. — Leaves decurrent ; bracts spinous ; anthers scarcely tailed; fruit compressed ; pappus m many rows of long, equal, rough hairs. 30. Onopordum. — Differing from Carduus mainly in its honeycombed receptacle and 4-angled fruit. 31. Silybum. — Resembling Carduus, but with united filaments and silky pappus. 32. Saussurea. — Bracts not spinous ; anthers tailed ; pappus in 2 rows, outer bristly, inner longer, feathery. 33. Serratula. — Bracts not spinous ; anthers not tailed ; pappus in several rows of long unequal hairs, the inner longest. 34. Centaurea. — Outer florets usually large, unsymmetrical and neuter ; pappus in several rows of short unequal hairs, the second row longest, or rarely absent. 252 COMPOSITE Sub-Order II. Liguliflorce. — Florets all ligulate : juice milky Tribe 8. dehor dcece. — Leaves scattered : florets ligulate, ^-toothed 35. Cich6rium. — Involucre of 2 rows, inner of 8 scales, refiexed after flowering ; outer of 5 smaller loose scales ; pappus a double row of small chaffy scales. 36. Arnoseris. — Bracts about 12 in 1 row, converging after flowering ; receptacle flat, naked, pitted ; pappus reduced to a ring. 37. LapsAna. — Heads 8 — 12-flowered; bracts in 1 row, erect; receptacle flat, naked ; pappus absent. 38. Picris. — Bracts in two rows, the outer smaller and narrow, the inner equal ; receptacle flat, naked ; fruit slightly beaked ; pappus in 2 rows of feathery hairs. 39. HELMfNTiA. — With 3 — 5 leafy bracts below the flower-heads ; the outer bracts of involucre subulate ; fruit with a slender beak longer than itself ; pappus in several rows of feathery hairs. 40. Crepis. — Bracts in 2 rows, outer shorter ; receptacle flat, pitted ; fruit tapering or beaked ; pappus of many rows of simple hairs. 41. Hieracium. — Bracts many, imbricate, oblong; receptacle nearly flat, pitted ; fruit not beaked ; pappus of 1 row of stiff, brittle, unequal, brownish hairs. 42. HYPOCHiERis. — Bracts many, imbricate, oblong ; receptacle flat, scaly ; fruit rough, often beaked ; pappus feathery, often with an outer row of short bristles. 43. Thrincia. — Bracts in one row, with a few additional; receptacle flat, naked ; ftgits shortly beaked, the outer row envel- oped in the bracts, scarcely beaked and with a short crown-like pappus; pappus of the other fruits in two rows, the outer bristly, deciduous, the inner feathery. 44. Leontodon. — Brads in 2 — 3 rows, the outer smaller; receptacle flat, naked ; fruit shortly beaked ; pappus of 1 or 2 rows of hairs, the inner feathery. 45. Taraxacum. — Bracts in 2 rows, inner erect, outer often recurved ; receptacle flat, naked, pitted ; fruit rough, with a long slender beak ; pappus of white, silky, simple hairs. 46. Lactuca. — Bracts imbricate, outer shorter ; receptacle flat, naked ; fruit flattened, generally with a long slender beak ; pappus of many simple hairs. 47. Mulgedium. — Bracts much as in Lactuca ; flowers blue ; fruit 4-angled, not beaked but narrowed above and ending in a ciliate disk ; outer hairs of pappus rigid, turning brown, brittle. COMPOSITE FAMILY 253 48. S6nchus. — Bracts imbricate in several rows ; receptacle flat, naked, pitted ; fruit much flattened, not beaked ; pappus of many rows of white, simple, silky hairs. 49. Tragopogon. — Bracts 8 — 10, long, narrow, united below ; receptacle naked ; fruit with longitudinal ridges, and a. long slender beak : pappus of many rows of feathery hairs. 1. Eupatorium (Hemp Agrimony). — Herbs or undershrubs ; leaves opposite ; heads in corymbose cymes, purplish, few-flowered ; involucral bracts imbricate, oblong \ receptacle flat, naked ; florets all tubular and perfect ; styles much longer than the florets ; pappus hairy. (Name from Mithriddtes Eupator, who is said to have brought the plant into use.) 1. E. cannabinum (Common Hemp Agri- mony). — The only Brit- ish species, a tall downy plant, 3 — 6 feet high, with a reddish stem ; palmately 3 — 5-lobed leaves with lanceolate serrate leaflets j and ter- minal corymbs of small crowned heads of dull lilac flowers, remarkable for their very long, deeply-cloven styles. — Moist places ; common. Aromatic, and said to be tonic. — Fl. July — Sep- tember. Perennial. 2. Solidago (Golden-rod). — Herbs or undershrubs ; leaves cauline, scattered, simple ; heads in branched cymes, yellow, with ray-florets ; bracts many, imbricate, adpressed ; receptacle naked ; pappus of one row of stiff hairs. (Name from the Latin solidare, to unite, from its supposed value in healing wounds.) 1. S. Virgaurea (Golden-rod). — The only British species, an erect, little-branched plant, 2 — 3 feet high, with roughish, angular stems ; simple, lanceolate, entire or serrate leaves ; and con- spicuous long terminal crowded clusters of small yellow heads. — EUPATORIUM CANNABfNTJM {Common Hemp Agrimony). 254 comp6sitve Dry woods ; common. On mountainous heaths a variety (var. cdmbrica) occurs with short stems, broader leaves, and larger ■flower-heads. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 3. Bellis (Daisy). — Small plants ; leaves usually all radical ; heads solitary ; bracts in 1 or 2 rows, herbaceous, equal, blunt ; receptacle naked, conical ; ray-florets in 1 row, ligulate, white or pink ; disk-florets yellow ; fruit compressed ; no pappus. (Name from the Latin bellus, pretty.) solidAgo virgaC'rea (Go2den-rod). bellis perennis (Common Daisy). i. B. perennis (Common Daisy). — The only British species ; leaves obovate-spathulate, fleshy, in a radical rosette ; scape 2 — 4 in. high ; ray-florets generally white, tipped with crimson. — Pastures; very common. A universal favourite. — Fl. nearly all the year round. Perennial. 4. Aster (Startwort). — Leaves scattered, simple ; heads gener- ally with 1 row of purple, blue, or white ray-florets ; disk yellow ; bracts imbricate, herbaceous ; receptacle naked, honeycombed'; COMPOSITE FAMILY 255 fruit compressed, not beaked ; pappus of many rows of stiff hairs. (Name from the Greek aster, a star.) 1. A. Tripolium (Sea Starwort). — A stout, succulent plant, 1 — 3 feet high, with lanceolate, smooth, fleshy leaves, and corymbs of large handsome heads of -flowers, the .inner florets yellow, the outer purple. — Salt marshes ; abundant. Often rendered unsightly by being covered with mud ; but in higher Aster tripolium {Sea Starwort). situations a highly ornamental plant. — Fl. July — September. Pe- rennial. * Other species occur occasionally, such as A. salignus, natural- ised at Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire ; but they are probably garden escapes. 5. ERfGERON (Flea-bane). — Differing from Aster mainly in having 2 or more rows of ray-florets. (Name from the Greek eri, early, germ, old, from the early appearance of the grey pappus.) 1* E. canadensis (Canadian Flea-bane). — An erect, corymb- 256 comp6sit,e osely-branched herbaceous plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with lanceolate ciliate leaves and numerous very small dingy yellow heads, with small purplish-white ray-florets, and a white pappus. — Waste places ; a weed of local occurrence.— Fl. August, September. Annual. 2. E. dcris (Blue Flea-bane). — A much branched, hairy plant, 1 — 2 feet high ; leaves lanceolate, entire, obtuse ; branches alter- nate, erect, bearing single heads which are corymbose and have a pale yellow disk, a dull pale blue-purple ray, and a very long, tawny pappus. — Dry places and walls ; not common. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 3. E. alpinus (Alpine Flea-bane). — A hairy plant, 4 — 8 in. high, with leaves mostly radical, lanceolate ; and generally solitary, largish heads with hairy involucre, and numerous, narrow, light purple ray-florets. — Breadalbane and Clova mountains : very rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 6. Linosyris (Goldilocks). — Differing but little from Aster but entirely destitute of ray-florets ; disk yellow ; bracts imbricate, her- baceous ; receptacle naked, honeycombed, with dentate margins to the pits ; fruits compressed, not beaked, silky. (Name from the Greek linon, flax, and osyris, the toad-flax.) 1. L. vulgaris (Flax-leaved Goldilocks). — A glabrous, erect, unbranched, herbaceous plant, 12 — 18 in. high, with leafy stem; linear entire leaves and a few heads of yellow flowers, with no ray, in a terminal corymb. — Limestone cliffs ; very rare. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 7. FilAgo (Cudweed). — Slender, woolly plants, with small scattered entire leaves ; heads minute, in axillary and terminal clusters ; bracts few, membranous, long, pointed, imbricate ; recep- tacle conical, with a few chaffy scales at its margin ; florets few, all tubular, the outer ones without stamens ; pappus of slender, silky hairs. (Name from the Latin fllum, a thread, from the down covering the whole plant.) 1. F. germdnica (Common Filago or Cudweed). — A singular little plant, 4 — 12 in. high, greyish; stem erect, cottony, terminat- ing in a globular assemblage of heads, from the base of which two or more branches spring, which are similarly proliferous ; leaves linear, acute, wavy; heads 20 — 40 in each cluster, obscurely 5-angled, reddish-brown ; bracts with smooth, yellowish tips. — Dry gravelly places ; common. From its curious mode of branching, this species was called by the old botanists Herba impia (the undutiful plant), as if the young shoots were guilty of disrepect in overtopping the parent. — Fl. July, August. Annual. COMPOSITE FAMILY 257 2. F. apiculdta (Apiculate Cudweed). — A taller, more greenish species, with blunt apiculate leaves; heads larger than F. ger- mdnica, 10 — 20 in a cluster, prominently 5- angled, in clusters which often appear lateral from the development of only one pro- liferous branch, and are overtopped by 1 or 2 blunt leaves ; bracts with smooth reddish tips. — Sandy places ; rare. The whole plant has a smell of Tansy. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 3. F. spathuldta (Spathulate Cudweed). — Another closely allied species, whitish, shorter, branched lower down ; leaves spathulate ; heads larger, 8 — 15 in a cluster, prominently 5-angled, in clusters overtopped by 2 — 3 acute leaves; bracts with smooth yellow tips. — Dry fields ; not common. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 4. F. minima (Least Cudweed). —A smaller, erect, repeatedly forked, greyish plant, 4 — 6 in. high ; leaves linear-lanceolate, acute, ad- pressed, cottony ; heads 3—6 together in terminal and axillary clusters, brownish-yellow. — Dry gravelly places ; common. — Fl. June — September. Annual. 5.* F. gdllica (Narrow-leaved Cudweed). — A slender, repeatedly forked plant, with linear acute and afterwards revolute leaves longer than the yellowish flower-heads, which are borne in axillary clusters of 2 — 6 together. — Sandy fields in Essex, Hertfordshire, and Bucking- hamshire ; not indigenous. — Fl. July — September. Annual. 8. Antennaria (Everlasting). — Woolly plants with flower-heads dioecious or nearly so ; florets all tubular ; pappus of one row of hairs, those of the staminate florets club-shaped. (Name from the antenna of a butterfly which the pappus-hairs of the staminate florets resemble.) 1. A. dioica (Cat's-foot, Mountain Everlasting, or Cudweed). — The only British species, a pretty little plant, 3 — 6 in. high, with numerous prostrate shoots ; leaves spathulate, apiculate, green above, cottony below ; heads 2 — 5, in a corymb, rendered con- spicuous by the white or rose-coloured involucre, which is of the s filago germanica [Common Filagd). 2 5 8 COMPOSITE texture commonly termed everlasting. — Mountain heaths and sandy places ; frequent especially in the north. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. *2. A. margaritdcea (White Everlasting of gardens). — An erect, half shrubby, corymbosely-branched, leafy, cottony plant, 2 — 3 feet high, with runners ; linear-lanceolate acute leaves, 3 — 5 in. long, smooth above ; and small heads of yellowish -flowers, with white involucres, in a compound corymb. It is naturalised in South Wales, the Channel Islands, and elsewhere. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 9. Gnaphalium (Cud- weed). — Woolly plants with small heads of tubular florets clustered in terminal or axil- lary fascicles ; bracts ad- pressed, coloured ; receptacle flat, naked ; outer florets without stamens ; anthers tailed ; pappus of one row of slender, silky hairs. (Name from the Greek gnaphdlion, referring to the woolly down.) 1. G. uliginbsum (Marsh Cudweed). — A small plant 3 — 6 in. high, much branch- ed, woolly, white ; leaves narrow, downy, over-topping the terminal clusters of heads ; bracts glossy, yellow- ish-brown. — Wet, sandy places, especially where very common. — Fl. July — antennAria dioIca {Mountain Everlasting). water has stood during winter September. Annual. 2. G. luteo-dlbum (Jersey Cudweed). — A taller, less branched species with heads in dense, leafless corymbs, pale straw-coloured brads, and red-tinged florets, is found chiefly in the Channel Islands.— Fl. July — August. Annual. 3. G. sylvdticum (Wood Cudweed). — A white cottony plant about a foot high, with an unbranched stem ; long, narrow, acute leaves ; and a leafy, distant spike of yellowish heads. — Woods and gravelly heaths ; common.— Fl. July — September. Perennial. 4. G. norvegicum (Highland Cudweed). — Differing in having broader leaves, a close spike of heads, and brown bracts. — Occurs COMPOSITE FAMILY '59 only on the mountains of the Highlands. — Fl. August. Peren- nial. 5. G. supinum (Dwarf Cudweed). — A low tufted plant, with leaves mostly radical, and almost leafless scapes bearing 1 — 5 'heads, also confined to Highland mountains. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. fNULA hel£nium (Elecam/ane). 10. Inula (Elecampane). — Mostly stout, stiff, erect plants; leaves scattered, simple ; heads yellow, with a ray ; bracts herba- ceous, imbricate in many rows ; receptacle naked ; anthers with two bristles at the base ; pappus of one row of hairs. (Name probably a corruption of Helenula, Little Helen.) 1. I. Helenium (Elecampane). — A stout plant, 3—5 feet high, slightly branched ; leaves oblong, wrinkled, downy beneath, toothed, the lower ones long-stalked, a foot or more in length, s 2 260 COMPOSITE the upper ones sessile, amplexicaul ; heads terminal, solitary, or nearly so, 3 in. across, bright yellow ; bracts broadly ovate, downy. — -Meadows ; not common and often only a naturalised escape. It was formerly cultivated as a tonic, and its rhizome is still candied and furnishes the Vin d'Aulnee of the French, being considered valuable in diseases of the lungs. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. /. squarrosa (Ploughman's Spikenard). — An erect, downy plant, 2 — 5 feet high ; leaves dull green ; ovate-lanceolate, downy, toothed, 3 — 5 in. long, the lower ones stalked ; heads in a branched corymb, numerous, dingy yellow, with leaf-like bracts, the outer of which are blunt and revolute, and incon- spicuous ray-florets. — Banks chiefly on a calcareous soil ; not uncommon. — Fl. July- September. Biennial. 3. /. salicina, a nearly gla- brous species, 12 — 18 in. high, with narrow, toothed leaves and terminal, solitary heads, i\ in. across, is found only on the shores of Lough Derg, Galway. 4. /. crithmoides (Golden Samphire). — Well distinguish- ed from every other British plant, glabrous, yellow-green, 6 — 18 in. high, slightly branched, with numerous very narrow, fleshy, blunt or 2 — 4- pointed leaves, and solitary golden-yellow heads, 1 in. across. — Salt marshes and sea-cliffs in the west; rare.— Fl. July, August. Perennial. 11. Pulicaria (Flea-bane). — Differing from Inula chiefly in having the bracts loosely imbricate in a few rows, and an outer row of short scales to the pappus. (Name from the Latin pulex, a flea, the strong smell of the plant, or its pollen, being supposed to drive away fleas.) 1. P. dysenterica (Common Flea-bane). — From 1 — 2 feet high, growing in masses, and well marked by its woolly stem; soft, pulicaria dysenterica {Common Flea-bane). COMPOSITE FAMILY 261 hoary, oblong, cordate, amplexicaul leaves; and few terminal, large, flat, golden-yellow heads, with bristle-like bracts and numerous narrow ray-florets longer than the disk. — Moist places ; common. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. P. vulgaris (Small Flea-bane). — Resembling the. last, but not more than half the size, nor by any means so hoary ; stem hairy ; leaves lanceolate, narrow at the base, sessile, hairy ; heads nearly solitary, \ in. across, with very short, erect ray- florets. — Sandy heaths, where water has stood, in the south, but not found in Scotland or Ireland ; not common. — Fl. August, September. Annual. *i2. XAnthium (Bur- weed). — A curiously ano- malous genus with monoecious heads, the staminate ones having a few bracts in 1 row, a scaly receptacle, and numerous tubular florets with free anthers ; whilst the carpel- late ones consist of 2 florets, enclosed within a spinous involucre which hardens over their two fruits, and having no corolla. (Name from the Greek xanthos, yellow.) 1.* X. Strumdrium (Common Burweed). — With cordate, 3-lobed, toothed leaves and two straight beaks to the fruit, and 2.* X. spinbsum (Spinous Burweed) with three spines at the base of each leaf, and a single straight beak to the fruit, are both casual escapes. — Fl. August, September. Annual. 13. Bidens (Bur-Marigold). — Glabrous plants with leaves mostly opposite ; heads nearly solitary, yellow ; bracts in 2 or 3 rows, the outer spreading and often leafy; receptacle flat and scaly ; ray-florets generally absent, or, if present, in 1 row ; neuter ; fruit compressed, angular, the angles ending in a pappus bi'dexs tripartita (Trrfid Bur- Mar! gold). 262 comp6sitve of 2 — 5 barbed bristles. (Name from the Latin bi, double, dens, a tooth, the teeth on the fruit being themselves toothed.) 1. B. cernua (Nodding Bur- Marigold). — A somewhat succulent plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with stem often reddish; simple, lanceolate, serrate, glabrous leaves ; and terminal, solitary, drooping, button- like heads of brownish-yellow florets, with several leafy bracts, but rarely any ray-florets. The fruit, which forms a pretty object for the polariscope, is oblong and terminates in 3 or 4 stiff bristles, each thickly set with minute recurved barbs, so as to take a firm hold on the coat of any animal which comes in contact with them. — Watery places ; fre- quent. — Fl. July — October. Annual. 2. B. tripartita (Trifid Bur- Marigold). — Distinguished from the last by its stalked 3-partite leaves ; smaller, nearly erect heads, which more often have ray-florets; and 2, or rarely 3, bristles on the fruit. — Watery places ; frequent. — Fl. July — September. Annual. . *i4. Galins6ga, represented by G. parviflora, an escape from Kew Gardens, now naturalised in many places, is a South American genus, with opposite, broad, serrate leaves and small heads, the 4 — 6 short, broad, white ray-florets of which, sur- achill£a ptArmica (Jneezewort). rounding the yellow disk, might lead at first to the heads being mistaken for flowers of some other Order. (Named in honour of Don M. de Galinsoga, a Spanish botanist, but corrupted into " Gallant Soldier.")— Fl. July— October. Annual. 15. Achillea (Yarrow). — Stiff plants; leaves scattered; heads in corymbs, with few, ligulate, broad, white ray-florets ; flat, scaly receptacle ; fruit compressed ; no pappus. (Named after Achilles, with reference to supposed healing properties.) 1. A. Millefolium (Common Yarrow or Milfoil). — Stems very tough, angular, 6 — 18 in. high; leaves bipinnatifid, with a lanceo- late general outline, woolly or slightly hairy ; leaflets cut into COMPOSITE FAMILY 263 hair-like segments ; heads small, white, pink, or red, in dense ter- minal corymbs. — Pastures and roadsides ; very common. The plant has a strong, slightly aromatic odour, and is said to have the property of healing wounds. Its clusters of flower-heads might be supposed, by an unpractised eye, to belong to one of the Umbelliferae. Fl. May— September. Perennial. 2. A. Ptdrmica (Sneezewort). ■ — Somewhat taller and more slender than the last, from which it may be at once distinguished by its undivided, linear-lanceolate, serrate, glabrous leaves and larger heads of flowers, of which both disk and ray are white. — Moist meadows, heaths, &c. ; common. — Fl. July, August. Peren- nial. 16. Diotis (Cotton- weed). — An erect, branched, woolly plant; leaves scattered ; heads sub-globose, yellow ; receptacle flat, scaly ; florets all tubular and perfect ; corolla with two ears or spurs at its base, which remain and crown the fruit; no pappus. (Name from the Greek di, double, ous, otos, an ear, from the structure of the fruit.) 1. D. maritima (Seaside Cotton-weed). — The only species. The woody rhizome runs deeply into the sand ; the many stout ascend- ing stems, about a foot high, are branched above, and thickly set with sessile, oblong, blunt leaves, which, as well as the rest of the plant, are covered with thick white cotton, and almost hide the small terminal heads of yellow florets. — Sandy sea-shores ; rare. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 17. Anthemis (Chamomile). — Strongly-scented herbs; leaves scattered, bi-pinnatifid ; heads solitary ; receptacle flat or convex, scaly ; bracts with membranous margins, imbricate, in few rows ; ray-florets in i row, ligulate, oblong, generally white, or rarely absent ; fruit not compressed ; pappus represented by a mem- branous ring. (Name from the Greek anthos, a flower, from the value of its flower-heads as a medicine.) 1* A. tinctoria (Ox-eye Chamomile). — A much-branched, cottony plant, i — 2 feet high, with much-divided leaves and large heads, with a hemispherical receptacle and both ray and disk bright yellow, resembling Chrysanthemum segetum. — Fields ; not in- digenous — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 2. A. Cotula (Stinking Chamomile). — Distinguished by its strong disagreeable odour; upright, branched stem; leaves repeatedly cut into hair-like segments, glandular-dotted, smooth ; heads long-stalked, with long conical receptacle, white, neuter ray- florets and yellow disk. — Waste places; common. Very acrid, 264 comp6sitte blistering the hands of those who gather it— Fl. June— September. Annual. 3. A. arvensis (Corn Chamomile). — A hoary or downy, much- branched plant ; leaves cut into hair-like segments, but not dotted with glands ; heads as in the last, but with conical receptacle and carpel late ray-florets. — Borders of cultivated fields ; frequent. — Fl. June — August. Annual. 4. A. nobilis (Common Chamomile). — Stems pros- trate, much branched ; leaves repeatedly cut into hair-like segments, slightly downy ; heads as in the preceding, but drooping before expansion. — Gravel- ly and sandy places ; fre- quent. Distinguished by its pleasant aromatic smell, resembling that of fresh apples, whence is derived its name of Chamomile, which in Greek signifies ground apple. The whole plant is very bitter, and is a valuable tonic. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 18. Chrysanthemum (Ox - eye). — Herbs or shrubs ; leaves toothed or lobed, not decompound ; heads solitary ; bracts with membranous margins, im- bricate ; receptacle flat or convex, naked ; ray-florets in 1 row, ligulate, carpel- late, white or yellow; no chrusos, gold, anthos, a Anthemis n6bilis {Common Ch (Name from the Greek pappus. flower.) 1. C. segetum (Yellow Ox-eye, Corn Marigold). — Glabrous, glaucous ; leaves obovate or oblong, acute, toothed and lobed, the lower pinnatifid and stalked, the upper amplexicaul ; ray-florets golden-yellow. — Cultivated fields ; abundant. The brilliant, golden blossoms contrast beautifully with the scarlet Poppies and COMPOSITE FAMILY 265 blue Cornflowers. — Fl. June, July, and, in summer-ploughed fields, again in October and November. Annual. 2. C. Leucdnthemum (Ox-eye Daisy, Moon Daisy). — Erect, slightly branched, glabrous or nearly so, but not glaucous ; lower leaves stalked and auricled, upper sessile, pinnatifid at the base ; bracts with a narrow dark purple membranous margin ; ray-florets white. — Meadows ; abundant. Almost as well known as the common daisy, and a great favourite with children, who sometimes string CHRYSANTHEMUM SEGETUM (Yellow Ox-tye\ the flower-heads on a stout grass-straw, or bit of wire, making a very fair imitation of the plume formerly worn by soldiers. The plant is said to be destructive to fleas. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 19. Matricaria (Wild Chamomile, Feverfew). — Branched plants ; leaves much divided into narrow segments, bracts imbricate, in few rows ; receptacle broad, naked, becoming conical after flowering ; ray-florets in one row, ligulate, white, or rarely absent ; no pappus. 266 COMPOSITE i. M. inodora (Corn Feverfew, Scentless May-weed). — Scent- less, glabrous ; stem erect, branched, angular j leaves sessile, repeatedly cut into numerous hair-like segments ; heads solitary, 2 in. across ; bracts toothed and edged with brown ; receptacle hemispherical, becoming conical ; ray-florets white, ultimately refiexed. — Fields; abundant. — Fl. June— October. Annual or Biennial. 2. M. maritima (Sea Feverfew). — Less erect and more fleshy ; Matricaria inodora (Corn Feverfew, Scentless May-w leaf-segments long ; bracts with broad dark margins. — Sea-coast in the North of Scotland. Perennial. 3. M. Chamomilla (Wild Chamomile). — Aromatic, much- branched, glabrous plant ; leaves bipinnate, repeatedly cut into very narrow hair-like segments ; heads in corymbs, \ — f in. across ; bracts without membranous margins ; receptacle conical, elongating during fruiting, hollow ; ray-florets white, refiexed directly after flowering, or absent. — Cornfields ; frequent. Its smell is fainter than that of Anthemis nobilis, and the bracts and hollow receptacle serve to distinguish it from A. Cotula and Matricaria inodora. — Fl. June — August. Annual. COMPOSITE FAMILY 267 4. M. Parthenium (Common Feverfew). — Pubescent, erect, branched above, 1 — 2 feet high ; leaves stalked, pinnate ; leaflets pinnatifid and deeply cut ; heads many, corymbose, \ — f in. across ; receptacle convex ; ray-florets white, short and broad. — Waste-ground ; not very common. Well marked by its repeatedly cut, curled, delicate green leaves which are conspicuous in mid- winter, and its numerous small flower-heads. The whole plant has a powerful and not unpleasant odour, which is said to be tanac£tum vulgAr£ {Common Tansy). The English name is a corruption properties. — Fl. July — September. particularly offensive to bees, of Febrifuge, from its tonic Perennial. 5.* M. suaveolens, a North American species, with a short, densely leafy stem; short peduncles ; broad membranous involu- cral bracts, and no ray-florets, is naturalised in various places. *2o. Cotula, represented by C. cor onopi folia, is a genus of branched annuals, with pinnatifid leaves, and small solitary heads of yellow tubular florets, with 4-lobed corollas. This species is 2 68 C0MP6SIT7E glabrous, succulent, and creeping, with shining leaves and erect peduncles i — 2 in. high. It is naturalised near Birkenhead. 21. Tanacetum (Tansy). — Strong-scented herbs or under- shrubs ; leaves scattered, much divided ; heads solitary or corymb- ose, sub-globose, yellow ; bracts membranous at their edges ; receptacle convex, naked ; florets all tubular ; fruit angu- lar, crowned with a lobed membranous disk. (Name said to be from the Greek athdnaton, immortal.) 1. T. vulgar e (Com- mon Tansy). — The only British species, 2 — 3 feet high; stem angular, leafy ; leaves deeply bipinnatifid, serrate ; heads many, bright yellow, button- like, in a terminal corymb. — Hedges and waste ground ; common. The whole plant is bitter and aromatic, and is not only used in medi- cine, but was the principal ingredient in a nauseous dish called Tansy Pudding. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 22. A R TEMf si A (Wormwood).— Herbs and undershrubs with a bitter or aromatic taste ; leaves scattered ; heads small, in racemes or panicles ; bracts with membranous margins ; receptacle naked, narrow ; florets all tubular ; no pappus. (Name from Artemis, the Diana of the Greeks.) 1. A. Absinthium (Common Wormwood). — A bushy plant, 1 — 3 feet high, with silky stems ; leaves twice pinnatifid, with bluntish segments, silky on both sides ; heads many, small, panicled, aktemisia absinthium {Common Wormwood). Fig. 31. Colts' -foot {Tussitago Farfarai COMPOSITE FAMILY 269 hemispherical, drooping, dull yellow. — Waste ground; common. Bitter and aromatic, and much used in rural districts as a tonic. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. A. vulgaris (Mugwort).— Taller and more slender than the last, and well distinguished by the absence of aromatic odour, and the leaves which are green above and white with wool be- neath and pinnatifid with acute segments; heads reddish- or tussilAgo fArfara (Colfs-foot). brownish-yellow. — Hedges, and waste places ; abundant. An infusion of tea of this plant is a rural remedy for rheumatism. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 3. A. campestris (Field Wormwood). — Stems prostrate until flowering ; leaves pinnatifid, with very slender acute segments, silky when young, but becoming glabrous. — Sandy heaths in Norfolk and Suffolk ; rare. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 4. A. maritima (Sea Wormwood). — Somewhat resembling 270 comp6sit;e A. Absinthium, but smaller ; leaves twice pinnatifid with many, very narrow, blunt segments, with white down on both sides ; heads in racemes, drooping or erect. — Salt marshes ; frequent. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 5.* A. Stelleridna, a densely white-felted species, with pinnati- fid leaves, with broad, obtuse lobes, and a nearly simple raceme of large, erect flower- heads, is naturalised in places on the coast. 23. Tussilago (Colt's-foot).— Rhizome creeping ; leaves large, radical ; heads solitary, yellow, many-flowered ; bracts narrow, in 1 row ; receptacle naked ; ray- florets narrow, in several rows ; disk-florets few ; pappus of slender, silky hairs. (Name from the Latin tussis, a cough, from the use to which it is applied.) 1. T. Far jar a (Colt's- foot ). — T he only species ; leaves, which do not appear until the flower-heads are withered, roundish, cordate, and angular, cobwebby above, with dense, white down be- neath ; peduncles with scale-like bracts, elon- gating after flowering ; heads bright yellow, about 1 inch across, drooping before expansion ; pappus snow-white. — Clayey fields ; abundant. A pernicious weed, the leaves of which are made into cigars for asthmatic persons. The down on their under surfaces was formerly used as tinder, and the goldfinch fre- quently lines its nest with the pappus. — Fl. February, March. Perennial. petasItes hybridus (Common Butter-bur). COMPOSITE FAMILY 27 I 24. PETAsfTES (Butter-bur).— Leaves large, broad, radical, pro- duced after the flowers ; heads numerous, purplish or white, in a raceme, many-flowered ; florets all tubular, sub-dioecious. (Name from the Greek petasos, an umbrella, from the large size of the leaves.) 1. P. hybridus (Common Butter-bur). — The only indigenous species, the largest, and, where it abounds, the most pernicious of all the weeds which this country produces. Leaves kidney- shaped, 1 — 3 feet in diameter, downy, appearing after the flowers ; heads dull lilac, many flowered, in a raceme, on a short fleshy peduncle with sheathing bracts terminating in small blades. — Marshy meadows and river-banks ; common. Planted near bee- hives by Swedish farmers, on account of its early flowering. — Fl. January — March. Perennial. * P. frdgrans (Winter Heliotrope), with cordate leaves and a loose panicle of a few dingy but sweet-scented heads with ligulate fertile florets, flowering very early in January, and *P. albus (White-flowered Butter-bur), with much smaller, deeply scalloped leaves and white flowers, are common in shrubberies, almost hiding the ground with their leaves, thriving beneath the shade of trees and shrubs, but overpowering all herbaceous plants, and eventu- ally, it is said, even the shrubs themselves. Both are occasionally naturalised, the former in the south, the latter in Scotland. *25. DoRONfcuM (Leopard's-bane). — Radical leaves stalked; caidine leaves scattered, amplexicaul ; heads terminal, nearly solitary, large, yellow ; bracts in 2 or 3 rows, narrow, acute, equal j receptacle conical ; ray-florets in 1 row, ligulate, with no pappus ; pappus of disk-florets of several rows of stiff hairs. (Name of un- certain etymology.) 1.* D. Pardalidnches (Great Leopard's-bane). — Stem 2 — 3 feet high, erect, solitary, hairy, hollow ; leaves cordate, soft j the earlier flower-heads overtopped by the later. — Damp, hilly woods ; rare, not indigenous. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 2* D. plantagineum (Plantain-leaved Leopard's-bane), differing in having ovate leaves and solitary heads of flowers, is very rare and not indigenous. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 26. Senecio (Groundsel, Rag-wort). — A large genus of herbs and undershrubs ; leaves scattered ; heads usually yellow, corymb- ose, or solitary ; bracts in 1 row, sometimes with a few smaller scales at their base, narrow, ad pressed, herbaceous ; receptacle naked ; ray sometimes absent ; pappus of several rows of soft, slender hairs. (Name from the Latin senex, an old man, from the white or grey hairy pappus.) 272 COMPOSITE i. S. vulgaris (Common Groundsel). — Leaves half-am plexicaul, deeply pinnatifid, toothed, not sticky ; heads few, drooping ; outer bracts very short, with black points ; ray absent. — A common weed in cultivated ground ; a favourite food of many small birds. — Fl. all the year round. Annual. 2. S. sylvdticus (Mountain Groundsel.) — Distinguished from the last by its larger size, it being 1 — 2 feet high and branched ; by being foetid and slightly sticky ; by its more copiously cut, sek£cio vulgaris {Common Grounasel). pinnatifid, often hoary leaves, with narrow, toothed lobes ; and by its many conical rather than cylindrical heads of dull yellow flowers, which are in a corymb and sometimes have a few small rolled back ray-florets. — Dry, gravelly places ; common. — FL July — September. Annual. 3. S. viscosus (Viscid Groundsel). — Differing from the pre- ceding in being more viscid, with glandular hairs, and in having fewer heads with outer bracts half as long as the inner ones. — Dry waste places ; local. — Fl. July — September. Annual. Fig. 32. Ragwort. tSentcioJacdxew. COMPOSITE FAMILY 273 4.* S. squdlidus (Inelegant Ragwort). — Inappropriately named, as it is by far the prettiest British species. About a foot high, much branched; leaves irregularly lyrately pinnatifid with narrow segments, glabrous ; heads few, in a very loose corymb ; outer bracts few and very short ; ray spreading. — On old walls at Oxford, Bide- ford, Cork, &c. ; but not indigenous. — Fl. June — October. Annual. 5. S. erucif alius (Hoary Ragwort). — About 2 feet high, erect; stems angular, cottony, with curled hairs ; leaves regularly pinnati- fid, with slightly rolled back harrow lobes, cottony beneath ; heads in a dense corymb; outer bracts half as long as the inner; ray spreading. — Dry banks on a limestone or chalky soil ; not uncommon. — Fl. July, August. Peren- nial. 6. S. Jacobcea (Common Ragwort). — Almost gla- brous ; stem erect, 2 — 3 feet high ; leaves pinnatifid, gla- brous, generally lyrate, the upper ones auricled ; heads large, bright yellow, in a dense corymb ; ray spreading, or rarely absent. — Waste places ; abundant. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 7. S. aqudticus (Marsh Ragwort). — Resembling the last, but of more slender, looser habit ; radical leaves stalked, undivided, toothed ; cauline leaves irregularly lyrately pinnatifid ; heads in a loose corymb. — Wet places ; abundant. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 8.* S. sarracenicus (Broad-leaved Ragwort).— Stem erect, 3—5 feet high, smooth, solid ; leaves lanceolate, irregularly serrate, sessile, or nearly so, glabrous ; heads many, in loose downy corymbs ; ray-florets few. — Moist meadows ; locally naturalised. — FJ. July, August. Perennial. 9. S. paludasus (Great Fen Ragwort). — A large aquatic plant, 5—6 feet high ; stem slightly cottony, hollow ; leaves lanceolate, sharply serrate, cottony beneath; heads in loose corymbs; ray- florets many. — Fens in the eastern counties; rare. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. T sen£cio jacob^a (Common Ragwort). 274 COMPOSITE 10. S. palustris (Marsh Flea wort). — A stout plant, 2—3 feet high, shaggy ; stem hollow ; leaves sessile, broadly lanceolate, half- clasping, the lower ones wavy and toothed ; heads many, in a crowded corymb ; with no outer scales to the involucre ; ray spreading. — Fens in the eastern counties; rare. — Fl. June July. Biennial. 1 1. S. integrifolius (Field Fleawort). — A small, shaggy plant, 6 — 8 in. high, with an unbranched stem; radical leaves shortly stalked, oblong, nearly entire ; caidine leaves lanceolate ; heads 1 — 6 in a simple corymb. — Chalky downs ; rare. — Fl. May, June. Peren- nial. 12. S. spathulifolius (Maritime Fleawort). — An allied species, 1 — 3 feet high, shaggy and unbranched, with spathu- late radical leaves and large, clasping cauline leaves. — Occurs on rocks near Holyhead. — Fl. June, July. Biennial or Perennial. 13.* S. Cineraria, a Mediterranean species, with leaves densely white-felted beneath, is naturalised in co. Dublin, where it hybridizes with 5. Jacob&a. CARLi.NA vulgaris (Common Carline Thistle). 2 1 ■ CaRLINA (Carline Thistle). — Stiff, spinous plants ; leaves pinnatifid ; outer bracts leafy, spreading, with spinous teeth, inner longer, narrow, chaffy ; receptacle flat, deeply pitted ; florets all tubular ; corolla 5-toothed ; anthers tailed ; fruit silky, with bifid hairs ; pappus in 1 row, branched and feathery. (Name, the same as Carolina, from a tradition that the root of one species, C. acaulis, was shown by an angel to Charlemagne as a remedy for the plague which prevailed in his army.) 1. C. vulgaris (Common Carline Thistle). — The only British COMPOSITE FAMILY 275 species, readily distinguished from every other British Thistle by the long inner bracts of the involucre, which are straw-coloured and glossy, and spread in a radiate manner so as to resemble petals. In dry weather they lie flat, but when the atmosphere is moist, they rise and form, as it were, a penthouse over the florets. Their texture is like that of Everlasting Flowers ; hence they scarcely alter their appearance when dead, and, as the whole plant is remarkably durable, they often retain their form and position till the succeeding spring. On the Continent the large white flower-head of one species, C. acaulis, is often nailed upon cottage doors by way of a hygro- meter, as it closes before rain. — Dry heaths. — Fl. June — October. Biennial. 28. Arctium (Burdock). — Stout, erect, branching plants, with very large, stalked, cordate leaves; a globose involucre of long, stiff, spreading, spinous, hooked bracts; flat, scaly receptacle ; florets all tubular and perfect ; anthers tailed ; pappus in several rows of short, simple hairs. (Name from the Greek arktos, a bear, from the rough burs.) 1. A. Lappa (Great Bur- dock). — A large and stout herbaceous plant, remark- able for the picturesque character of its large, wavy leaves, which are often introduced by artists into the foreground of their land-^ scapes. The petioles are solid ; the flower-heads long-stalked, in a loose corymb, hemispherical, very large ; involucre glabrous and green, or sometimes interwoven with a white, cottony substance ; florets purplish-red. Waste places J not uncommon. The hooked spines of the involucre attach the heads when in fruit to the coats Arctium minus (Lesser Burdook). 276 COMPOSITE of animals, so that they are conveyed to a distance. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 2. A. nemorbsum (Wood Burdock). — A smaller species ; leaves coarsely crenate ; petioles hollow ; heads smaller, sub-sessile, ovate, in a raceme, usually 3 together on a branch ; heads webbed.— Local. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 3. A. minus (Lesser Burdock). — -A still smaller form, with coarsely-toothed, radical leaves; hollow petioles; and shortly- stalked, globular heads, not exceeding f in. across, sub-racemose ; involucre green, slightly webbed. — Waste places ; the commonest form. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 4. A. pubens (Intermediate Burdock). — A form of intermediate size, about 3 feet high, with crenate radical leaves, a slender tube in the petioles, and slightly-stalked, sub-racemose, hemispherical heads, twice as large as those of A. minus, with purplish and usually much webbed involucres.^- Waste places ; not uncommon. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 29. Carduus (Thistle). — Erect herbs ; leaves spinous-toothed, decurrent, forming very spinous wings to the stem ; involucre globose, of many, imbricate, spinous bracts ; receptacle deeply pitted, scaly ; florets all tubular ; filaments free, hairy ; fruit com- pressed ; pappus in many rows of long, equal, shining, white hairs. (Name, the Latin name of the group.) 1. C. pycnocephalus (Slender-flowered Thistle). — Stems 2 — 4 feet high, slightly-branched,, hoary, with broad, continuous, deeply-lobed, spinous wings ; leaves cottony beneath ; heads many, clustered, cylindrical, small ; bracts glabrous, subulate, very long, erect ; florets pink. Sandy waste places, especially near the sea ; frequent. — Fl. June — August. Biennial. 2. C. nutans (Musk Thistle). — A very handsome plant, about 2 feet high, with a furrowed, cottony stem, interruptedly winged ; leaves deeply-lobed, spinous, woolly on the veins beneath ; heads large, solitary, drooping ; bracts lanceolate, spinous-pointed, cottony, the outer ones refiexed ; florets crimson. — Waste places, especially on chalk downs ; frequent. The flowers have a power- ful musky odour. Fl. May — October. Biennial. 3. C. crispus (Welted Thistle). — -A branched, very spinous plant, 3 — 4 feet high ; stem continuously winged ; heads small, erect, clustered, roundish ; bracts linear, erect, or spreading, webbed, slender; florets deep purple, or sometimes white. — Fl. June — August. Annual or Biennial. 4. C. lanceoldtus (Spear Plume-Thistle). — Stem 2—5 feet high, winged by the decurrent spinous leaves ; leaves pinnatifid, with Fig 33. Musk Thistle. [Cait/uus nu'ans). COMPOSITE FAMILY 277 bifid lobes, the segments lanceolate, entire, and ending in a strong spine, white and downy beneath ; heads terminal, mostly solitary, sometimes 2 or 3 together, stalked, egg-shaped, about an inch across ; bracts lanceolate, spinous, spreading, woolly ; florets dull purple. — Waste places and hedges; abundant. — Fl. July — October. Biennial. 5. C. erwphorus (Woolly-headed Plume-Thistle).— Stem 3 — 5 carduus nutans (Thistle). carduus lanceolatus (Spear Plume Thistle). feet high, not winged ; leaves half clasping at the base ; heads 2 — 3 in. across, globose, with a thick white wool and long reflexed spines to the involucre. — Waste ground on calcareous soil ; local. — Fl. July — September. Biennial. 6. C. palustris (Marsh Plume-Thistle).— The tallest of British Thistles, 3 — 10 feet high, consisting of a single, stout, hollow stem, branched towards the summit, and spinously winged through- out by the decurrent leaves, which are thickly armed with short, often brownish, spines and are usually downy beneath; heads 278 ' comp6sitve small, egg-shaped, in a terminal leafy cluster ; bracts adpressed, slightly webbed ; florets deep crimson, or sometimes white. — Moist places ; abundant. — Fl. July — September. Biennial. 7. C. tuber dsus (Tuberous Plume-Thistle). — Root of spindle- shaped, tuberous fibres ; stem 2 feet high, single, erect, round, hairy, leafless above ; leaves not decurrent, deeply pinnatifid, fringed with minute prickles ; heads generally solitary, large, egg- shaped ; florets crimson. — Grows only in Wiltshire. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 8. C. pratensis (Meadow Plume-Thistle). — A small plant, ) 2 — cXrduus pal^stris {Marsh Plume Thistle). 18 in. high, with fibrous roots ; a cottony stem, giving off runners ; few leaves, mostly radical, soft, wavy, fringed with minute spines, not decurrent j and generally solitary heads, with adpressed, slightly cottony bracts and crimson florets. — Wet meadows ; not general. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 9. C. heterophyllus (Melancholy Plume-Thistle). — Stem 2—4 feet high, erect, cottony, furrowed, slightly branched above, with runners ; leaves large, clasping, not decurrent, serrate with minute spines, smooth above, white and downy beneath ; head large, *> ', If Fig. 34 Dwarf Plume-thistle Marsh Plume thistle \Carduus acauhst [Carduus COMPOSITE FAMILY 279 solitary, egg-shaped, handsome ; bracts downy ; florets red-purple. — Moist mountain pastures. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 10. C. acaulis (Ground Thistle). — A low plant, stemless, or nearly so, and so readily distinguished from all other British species ; radical leaves pinnatifid, spinous, glabrous ; head solitary, almost sessile ; florets crimson. — Dry gravelly or chalky pastures ; not general, but abundant in many southern districts. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. n. C. arvensis (Creeping Plume-Thistle). — A handsome weed, 2 — 4 feet high, with a creeping rhizome; stem erect, leafy, angular, not winged ; leaves sessile, pinnatifid, wavy, very spinous ; heads numerous, stalked, corymbose ; bracts broad, adpressed, spinous-pointed ; florets dingy light purple, musk- scented, dioecious, the staminate ones in sub-globose, and the carpellate ones in egg-shaped heads, the two forms of the plant growing in separate patches. — Fields ; very common. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. Besides these species there are several hybrids between them. 30. Onopordum (Cotton-Thistle). — Differing from Cdrduus mainly in its honeycombed receptacle and 4-angled fruit. (Name of Greek origin.) 1. 0. Acdnthium (Scottish thistle). — A stout, hoary, or woolly plant, 4 — 5 feet high ; stem erect, branched, with a broad spinous wing to its summit; leaves wavy, pinnatifid, decurrent, woolly on both surfaces ; heads many, large, globose, cobwebby ; bracts green, recurved, fringed with minute spines ; florets pale purple. — Dry waste places, especially in the south. Cultivated as the national emblem in Scotland. — Fl. July — September. Biennial. 31. Silybum (Milk-Thistle). — Represented by the species S. Maridnum, is not an indigenous genus. It was called by the early botanists Cdrduus Marice, or " Our Lady's Thistle," and is a stout, glossily glabrous plant, 2 — 4 feet high, with white veins to its large leaves ; large globose heads of rose-coloured florets ; united filaments, and a pappus of many rows of silky white hairs. Waste places.— Fl. June, July. Biennial. 32. Saussurea. — Herbs, not spinous, with heads of bluish- purple, perfect, tubular florets, in corymbs ; bracts imbricate, io many rows, not spinous ; receptacle flat, scaly ; anthers tailed ; pappus in 2 rows, the outer bristly, the inner longer, feathery. (Named in honour of the two de Saussures, Swiss naturalists.) 1. S. alpina (Alpine Saussurea). — The only British species, 28o COMP6siTiE 8 — 12 in. high, downy; leaves oblong-lanceolate, toothed, cottony beneath ; heads 2 — 3 in. across, in a dense terminal corymb ; involucre ovoid, woolly ; florets light purple, scented like Heliotrope. — Alpine mountains ; rare. — Fl. August. Perennial. 33. SerrAtula (Saw - wort). — Herbs with simple, sometimes pinnatifid, serrate leaves, and generally dioecious heads, with imbricate, not spinous bracts, a scaly receptacle, florets all tubular, crimson or white, anthers nearly, or quite, without tails, and a pappus of several rows of unequal stiff hairs, the inner longest. (Name from the Latin, meaning saw - toothed, with reference to the leaves.) 1. S. tinctbria (Com- mon Saw-wort). — The only British species, a slender plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with a stiff, erect, angular stem, slightly branched above ; leaves deeply lyrately pin- natifid and serrate ; heads few, small, in a loose corymb ; outer bracts smooth, adpress- ed ; inner tinged with red ; florets crimson. — Pastures ; frequent. — Fl. August. Perennial. 34. Centaurea (Knapweed).— Wiry herbs with leaves some- times spinous; heads egg-shaped or globose; bracts imbricate, adpressed, membranous, or sometimes spinous, or fringed ; receptacle flat, bristly; florets all tubular, but the outer usually large, unsymmetrical, and neuter. (Name from the Centaur serratula tinctoria (Common Saw-wort). Fie- 35 Cornflower. iCenlaurea Cyanusr Brown Radiant Knapweed iCentaurea Jacem COMPOSITE FAMILY 28l Chiron, who is fabled to have healed wounds with some such plant.) 1. C. Jdcea (Brown Radiant Knapweed) is a garden escape, with crimson florets, the outer ones larger ; pinnatifid outer bracts, and irregularly jagged inner ones. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 2. C. nigra (Black Knapweed Hard-head).— A tough-stemmed plant, 1 — 2 feet high; lower leaves toothed, often with a few small lobes at the base, upper narrow, tapering ; heads terminal, centaur6a c^anus and calcItrapa (Corn Blue-bottle and Star-Thistle). globose, with, or more commonly without, a ray ; bracts brown or almost black ; the outer ones egg-shaped and fringed with spread- ing bristles ; -florets deep crimson ; pappus very short, tufted. — Meadows ; abundant. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 3. C. Scabibsa (Great Knapweed, Matfellon). — Larger and fc stouter than the last, from which it is distinguished by its pinnatifid leaves, almost always rayed heads, bracts downy, with a broad brown fringed tip and margins, bright crimson florets, and longer pappus, — Dry pastures ; common. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. COMPOSITE 4. C. Cyanus (Cornflower, Blue-bottle).— One of the prettiest of flowers, 1 — 2 feet high j stem erect, slender, grooved, slightly branched, cottony ; leaves linear-lanceolate, the lower ones toothed ; heads about an inch across ; involucre egg-shaped, cobwebby ; bracts with toothed, membranous margins ; receptacle with silvery bristles ; ray-florets few, large, bright blue ; disk-florets with dark purple anthers. — Cornfields ; frequent. When mixed with Poppies and yellow Corn-marigolds, it forms as brilliantly coloured a bouquet as can be imagined. Children sometimes string the outer florets with a needle and thread into a wreath, which, when pressed, will retain its colour for a long while. Recently expanded flowers should be chosen, or they will fade. — Rose- coloured, white, and dark purple varieties are com- mon in gardens, and are occasionally found wild. — Fl. July, August ; and, in turnip-fields, again in October and November. Annual or Biennial. 5. C. paniculdta, with a loosely corymbose, stem, rather cottony, and cylin- dric heads of pinkish florets, and 6. C. aspera, a prostrate species, with long, slender branches, linear leaves, ter- minal, solitary heads, 3 — 5 spines to each outer bract, and purple florets, are confined to the Channel Islands. 7. C. Calcitrapa (Common Star-Thistle). — A stout, spreading, stiff, branched species ; leaves pinnatifid, bristle-pointed ; heads lateral, sessile ; bracts each ending in a long, stiff, spreading, yellow spine, channelled along its upper surface ; florets rose- purple. — Gravelly and sandy places in the south ; rare. The spines resemble the cruel iron instrument called Caltrops, which was used to lame cavalry horses in war, the instrument being so constructed that, in whatever position it lies, one point sticks upwards. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 8.* C. solstitidlis (Yellow Star-Thistle), with stems winged by the cich6rium Intybus (Wild Chicory, or Succory). Fig. 36. Chicory. iOckorium /ntybus). COMPOSITE FAMILY 283 decurrent bases of the entire hoary leaves and terminal heads, with very long, needle-like spines and yellow florets, occurs as a casual in cultivated land. — Fl. July — September. Annual. 35. Cichorium (Chicory).— Stout herbs with a milky juice; leaves simple, radical, and scattered ; heads axillary ; outer bracts 5, small, adpressed ; inner 8, reflexed after flowering ; florets all ligulate, 5-toothed ; pappus a double row of small, chaffy scales. (Name of Classical origin.) 1. C. Intybus (Succory, or Wild Chicory).— Well distinguished by its tough, angled, alternately branch- ing stems, clasping leaves, and large heads of delicate blue, ligulate florets, each of which is distinctly 5- toothed. — Waste places, especially on chalk. Sir James Edward Smith, the founder of the Linnean Society, thus alludes to his early attraction to this beautiful flower : — " From the earliest period of my recollection, when I can just remember tugging in- effectually with all my infant strength at the tough stalks of the Wild Succory, on the chalky hills about Norwich, I have found the study of nature an increas- ing source of unalloyed pleasure, and a consolation and a refuge under every pain." — Fl. July — October. lapsana communis {Common Nipplewort). Perennial. 36. Arnoseris (Lamb's Succory). — A small plant with milky juice ; radical leaves and a few small heads of yellow florets with an involucre of about 1 2 bracts, converging and strongly keeled after flowering. (Name from the Greek arnos, a lamb, seris, succory.) 1. A. minima (Lamb's or Swine's Succory). — The only species; stem branching cymosely, each branch overtopping its predecessor, thickened and hollow upwards, 3 — 8 in. high ; leaves radical, 284 - COMPOSITE obovate, toothed ; heads terminating the branches, ^ in. across. — Dry places ; rare. — -Fl. June —August. Annual. 37. Lapsana (Nipplewort). — Slender, erect, branched plants with milky juice; scattered leaves; and small heads of 8 — 12 yellow florets, with 1 row of erect bracts. (Name, an old Latin name.) 1. L. communis (Common Nipplewort). — The only British pfCRis hieracioides {Hawk-weed Picris). species; a branched, leafy plant, 2 — 3 feet high; radical leaves broadly lyrately-pinnatifid, stalked ; cauline leaves small, dentate ; heads numerous, \ in. across ; bracts linear, stiff, keeled. — Waste places and hedgerows ; abundant. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 38. PfCRis. — Hispid, branched plants with a milky juice ; leaves mostly scattered, simple, toothed ; heads of yellow ligulate florets, with bracts in 2 rows ; fruit brown, curved, transversely wrinkled ; pappus of 2 or more rows of feathery hairs. (Name from the Greek picros, bitter.) 1. P. hieracioides (Hawkweed Picris). — A slender, erect plant, COMPOSITE FAMILY =85 2 — 3 feet high, corymbosely branched above ; stems rough with hooked bristles ; leaves narrow, rough, and toothed ; heads numerous, yellow, 1 in. across, with bracts on the peduncles. — Waste places ; common. — Fl. July — September. Biennial. 39. Helmintia (Ox-tongue). — A branched plant, with milky juice and stiff bristles rising from swollen bases ; heads large, terminal, yellow, with 3 — 5 leafy cordate bracts below them ; involucral bracts in 2 rows, the outer ones subulate, adpressed, those in each row equal ; fruit with a slender beak longer than itself; pappus in several rows of feathery hairs. (Name from the Greek helmins, a worm, from the shape of the fruit.) 1. H. echioides (Bristly Ox- tongue). — A stout, much- branched plant, 2 — 3 feet high, well distinguished by its numerous prickles, each of which springs from a raised white spot, and by the 5 large ovate-cordate bracts below each of the terminal heads of yellow flowers. — Waste places ; common. — Fl. June — October. Annual. 40. Crepis (Hawk's - beard). — Branched plants with a milky juice ; leaves chiefly radical ; heads small, in panicles, yellow, or tinged with red ; bracts many, linear, in 2 rows, the outer shorter ; fruit tapering or beaked ; pappus of many rows of simple hairs. (Name said to be the Greek krepis, a slipper ; but, if so, apparently inappropriate.) 1. C. fxtida (Fetid Hawk's-beard).— A hispid plant, about a foot high, branched from below ; leaves runcinate ; peduncles long, thickened upwards, bracteate ; heads corymbose, drooping when in bud, I in. across, bright yellow ; fruits many-ribbed, with long, slender beaks, those in the centre longer. — Chalky places in the south-east; rare. — Fl. June, July. Biennial. 2. C. taraxacifblia. — A hispid plant, r — 2 feet high, branched above ; stem ribbed and furrowed, stained with red ; leaves runcinate ; peduncles very slender, not thickened above ; heads erect when in bud, yellow, the outer florets brownish-red beneath ; helmintia echioides {Bristly Ox-tcngtte). 286 COMPOSITE fruits slender, all equally long-beaked.— Calcareous soils ; local.— Fl. June, July. Biennial. 3.* C. setosa. — Occurring as an introduced plant, chiefly in clover-fields, is hispid, 1 — 3 feet high; stem erect, branched from the base, angular, furrowed, and leafy ; upper leaves large, sagittate; peduncles slender, stiff, deeply grooved, not thickened above ; heads erect when in bud ; fruits slender, all equally long- beaked. — Fl. July, August. Annual or biennial. 4. C. capilldris (Smooth Hawk's - beard). — A variable plant, 6 in. to 3 feet in height, glabrous below; stem much branched, furrowed ; upper leaves linear, sagittate ; heads numerous, sub-corymbose, \ — f in. across, yellow ; outer bracts adpressed, linear, inner ones smooth within ; fruit not beaked ; pappus silky. — Waste ground and cottage-roofs ; com- mon. — Fl. June — September. Annual. 5. C. biennis (Biennial Hawk's-beard). — A stout hispid plant, resembling C. taraxaci- folia, but not red-stained ; stem 1 — 4 feet high, channelled ; leaves large, runcinate, irregu- larly lobed ; heads f — 1 in. across ; outer bracts spreading, inner downy within ; fruit slender, but not beaked. — Chalky soils in the south ; rare. — Fl. June, July. Biennial. 6. C. mollis (Blunt-leaved Hawk's-beard).— A slender plant, 2 — 3 feet high ; leaves oblong, blunt ; heads few, yellow ; bracts with glandular hairs, the outer ones short, adpressed ; fruit many- ribbed, not beaked. — Woods in the north ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 7. C. paluddsa (Marsh Hawk's-beard). — A slender, unbranched, mostly glabrous species, about 2 feet high ; stem angular, leafy ; leaves large, runcinate, with tapering points, the lower ones stalked ; the upper ones heart-shaped at the base, clasping ; CRfepis capillXris {Smooth Hawk's-beard). COMPOSITE FAMILY 287 peduncles very slender j heads few, corymbose, yellow, erect in bud ; bracts with black glandular hairs ; fruit slender, many-ribbed, not beaked ; pappus of stiff, brittle, brownish hairs. — Damp woods, mostly in the north.— Fl. July — September. Perennial. 41. Hieracium (Hawkweed). — Perennial plants with milky juice, often hairy ; leaves chiefly radical ; heads yellow, or rarely orange ; bracts many, imbricate, unequal ; receptacle nearly flat, without scales, pitted ; anthers not tailed ; fruit not beaked ; pappus of 1 row of stiff, brittle, unequal, simple, brownish hairs, often with a crenate disk below. (Name from the Greek hierax, a hawk.) The most difficult genus in a difficult Order, and one in which botanists do not at all agree as to what constitutes a species. Bentham recog- nised about 7 British species, Sir Joseph Hooker 12, and Mr. F. J. Hanbury enumerates 104 as species, arranged under 15 groups. This large number, most of which are rare forms from the Scottish mountains, arises from the recognition of minute characters which prove constant under culti- vation. " Variable as the hierAcium pilosella {Mouse-ear Ha-wkweeJ). genus is," says Sir Joseph Hooker, " it is a curious fact that the sequence of the species is so obvious as to have been recognised by all botanists ; and that this sequence represents to a very considerable extent the spread of the species in altitude and area in the British Isles." The following are amongst the most common and marked types : — 1. H. Pilosella (Mouse-ear Hawkweed). — A silky plant with long, soft hairs, and slender leafy runners ; leaves mostly radical, oblong or obovate, entire, stellately hoary underneath ; heads solitary, on scapes 2—10 in. high, bright lemon-yellow or reddish- brown beneath. — Dry banks; common. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. 288 COMPOSITE 2* H. aurantiacum (Orange Hawkweed). — A garden escape, larger than the last, often without runners, and readily recognisable by its deep orange flower-heads which are collected in a dense corymb and have dark bracts. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 3. H. murdrum (Wall Hawkweed). — A very variable plant, 1 — 2 feet high, usually more or less hairy, sometimes glaucous, with a rosette of ovate radical leaves, and rarely more than one leaf on the stem, some- times none ; heads 2 — 6 together, each generally less than an inch across, yellow. — Walls, rocks, heaths; com- mon. — Fl. June — Septem- ber. Perennial. 4. H . vulgdtum (Common Hawkweed). — Another very variable plant, from 12 — 18 in. high ; radical leaves nar- row, in a loose rosette, lanceolate, toothed, with the teeth pointing towards the apex, often spotted with red ; cauline leaves few ; heads many, panicled or corymb- ose, about an inch across, yellow ; involucre hoary with down. — Woods and banks ; common. — Fl. July — Sep- tember. Perennial. 5. H. boredle (Shrubby Hawkweed). — As variable as the preceding species, 2—4 feet high, with stiff, ascending branches ; stem usually hairy below, with stellate down above, often reddish, leafy ; no radical leaves ; cauline leaves lanceolate, toothed ; heads many, in a leafy corymb ; peduncles woolly ; involucre blackish-green, nearly glabrous. — Woods and banks ; common. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 6. H. umbelldtum (Narrow-leaved Hawkweed). — A tall, remarkably erect, unbranched plant, 1 — 4 feet high; stem stiff, leafy, hairy below ; leaves sessile, linear, toothed ; heads in a hypoch.cris radicXta (Long-rooted Cat's-ear). COMPOSITE FAMILY 289 terminal, almost umbellate, corymb, large, yellow ; peduncles with stellate down, slender, stiff, bracteate ; involucre usually dark green, glabrous, with recurved tips. — Stony thickets ; common. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 42. Hypoch^ris (Cat's-ear). — Plants with a milky juice; leaves all radical, pinnatifid ; bracts many, imbricate, oblong ; receptacle flat, scaly ; florets all ligulate, yellow ; fruit rough, beaked ; pappus thrIncia nudicaulis (Hairy Thrincia). of i row of feathery hairs, usually with an outer row of short bristles. (Name of Greek origin, supposed to indicate its fitness for hogs.) 1. H. glabra (Smooth Cat's-ear).— An almost glabrous plant, 3 — 10 in. high; leaves spreading in a circle on the ground, oblong; scapes several, branched ; heads small, yellow ; involucre as long as the florets. — Dry gravelly places ; not common. — Fl. June — August. Annual. 2. H. radicdta (Long- rooted Cat's-ear). — A hispid plant, about a foot high ; leaves all radical, blunt, sinuate, or runcinateiy pin- u 290 comp6sitve natifid, bristly ; peduncles long, branched, smooth, slightly swollen above, and with a few scales ; heads large, yellow ; involucre shorter than the florets. — Hedges and waste places ; common. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 3. H. maculdta (Spotted Cat's-ear). — A hispid plant, about a foot high ; leaves obovate, not lobed, toothed, rough, often spotted above ; heads seldom more than one, large, deep yellow ; bracts fringed with curly hairs. — Chalky and limestone hills ; rare.— Fl. July, August. 43. Thr/ncia. — Herbs with milky juice ; leaves radical ; heads on scapes, yel- low ; bracts in 1 row, with a few additional ; receptacle flat, naked ; fruits shortly beaked, the outer row envel- oped in the bracts, scarcely beaked and with a short crown-like pappus; pappus o( the other fruits in 2 rows, the outer bristly, de- ciduous, the inner feathery. (Name from the Greek thrincos, a battlement, from the form of the pappus of the outer fruits.) 1. T.nudicaulis (Hairy Thrincia). — A small plant, 4—6 in. high ; leaves spreading, more or less lobed, rough, with forked or simple bristles ; peduncles leafless, unbranched, somewhat hairy, often purplish ; heads less than an inch across, yellow, drooping when in bud.— Dry places; common. — FL June — September. Biennial. 44. Le6ntodon (H^wk-bit). — Herbs with milky juice; leaves le6ntodon autumn Alis {Autumnal Hawk-bit). Fig 37 i ^ air y Hawkbit. \Thrincia nudicaulit). ' | Smooth Hawkbit. iLeontodon autumnalis\. COMPOSITE FAMILY 291 all radical, obovate, toothed or pinnatifid ; heads on scapes, yellow ; bracts in 2 or 3 rows, the outer smaller ; receptacle flat, naked ; fruit scarcely beaked, pappus of 1 or 2 rows of stiff hairs, the inner feathery. (Name from he Greek Icon, a lion, odous, odontos, a tooth, from the runcinate leaves.) 1. L. hispidus (Rough Hawk-bit). — A similarly hispid plant, often with forked hairs ; leaves cblong-lanceolate, runcinate ; peduncles fewer, longer, more swollen above than in the preced- ing, green; heads 1^ in. across, drooping when in bud, yellow. — Meadows and waste places ; common. — Fl. June — September. Biennial. 2. L. autumndlis (Au- tumn Hawk-bit). — A tall plant, 2 — 3 feet high ; leaves narrow, toothed or pinnatifid, only hairy on the ribs beneath ; scape branched, bracteate, swollen above ; heads large, erect when in bud, deep-yellow ; pappus of a single row of brownish feathery hairs. — Meadows and cornfields ; abund- ant. — Fl. July — Septem- ber. Perennial. taraxacum officinale {Common Dandelion). 45. Taraxacum (Dan- delion). — Herbs with a milky juice ; leaves all radical, runcinate ; pedun- cles hollow, leafless unbranched ; heads solitary, yellow; bracts in 2 rows, the inner erect, the outer often recurved ; receptacle flat, naked, pitted, becoming more convex in the fruit stage ; fruit ribbed, with a long, slender beak ; pappus of white, silky, simple hairs in many rows. (Name from the Greek, referring to its medicinal character.) 1. T. officinale (Common Dandelion). — A nearly glabrous plant, with a long black tap-root, well distinguished by the above characters, especially the runcinate leaves, smooth, hollow peduncle, and reflexed outer bracts. The heads, when in fruit, be- come globular, and are known to children, who amuse themselves by blowing off the separate fruits, as What's o'clocks, or Clocks. Dandelion, from the French Dent-de-lion, lion's tooth, is the name u 2 292 coMPdsnvE applied by the unobservant to many other yellow-flowered mem- bers of the Order. Meadows ; abundant. The dandelion is a valuable medicine, and is also eaten as a salad. — Fl. March — October. Perennial. lact6ca murXlis (Ivy-leaved Lettuce). 46. Lactuca (Lettuce). — Erect, leafy herbs, with a milky juice; leaves scattered, the upper ones often auricled ; heads generally small, in a panicle, yellow ; bracts imbricate, the outer shorter ; receptacle flat, naked ; florets usually few ; fruit flattened, gener- COMPOSITE FAMILY 293 ally with a long, slender beak; pappus of many simple hairs. (Name of Classical origin, referring to the milky juice.) 1. L. virosa (Acrid Lettuce). — An acrid, glaucous, prickly plant, 2 — 4 feet high ; leaves spreading horizontally, with bristles along the mid-rib beneath, the lower ones often spotted with black, the upper ones clasping, with downward-pointing auricles ; heads small, pale yellow, in a loose, slender spreading panicle ; fruit black. — Dry banks ; not uncommon. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 2. L. Serriola (Prickly Lettuce). — A closely allied species, less prickly, with more erect branches and leaves, the upper leaves sagittate and clasping, grey fruit and a less acrid juice. — Waste places ; rare. This may be the origin of the Garden Lettuce (L. sativa). — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 3. L. saligna. — A slender, less bristly, almost glabrous plant, with upper leaves linear, entire, acuminate, hastate at the base, and heads in lateral tufted clusters. — Chalky places in the south-east, especially near the sea ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 4. L. murdlis (Ivy-leaved Lettuce). — A slender, glabrous plant, 1 — 2 feet high, leafy below ; stem round, hollow ; leaves lyrately pinnatifid, variously cut, glaucous beneath, auricled ; heads small, yellow, in a slender, angular, spreading panicle, each containing 5 florets, and so resembling a flower with 5 petals ; fruit black. — Old walls and woods; not uncommon. — Fl. June — September. Biennial. 47. Mulgedium (Blue Sow-thistle). — A succulent plant with milky juice, unbranched ; leaves cauline, diminishing upwards ; heads numerous, in a raceme, blue ; bracts imbricate, the outer shorter, lax ; receptacle flat, naked ; fruit 4-angled, not beaked butjiarrowed above and ending in a ciliate disk ; outer hairs of pappus rigid, turning brown, brittle. (Name from the Latin mulgeo, I milk, referring to the juice.) 1. M. alpinum (Blue Sow-thistle). — A very handsome plant, about 3 feet high, succulent, unbranched, and leafy, with pale blue heads, 1 in. across, in a raceme, grows on the Clova mountains, but is rare. 48. S6nchus (Sow-thistle). — Herbs with milky juice, generally succulent ; leaves scattered, toothed or pinnatifid ; heads yellow, in corymbs ; bracts imbricate in several rows ; receptacle flat, naked, pitted ; fruit much flattened, not beaked ; pappus of many rows of white, simple, silky hairs. (Name of Greek origin, said to refer to its juice being wholesome ; but this is doubtful.) 1. S. olerdceus (Common Sow-thistle, Milk-thistle). — Usually glabrous, 2 — 3 feet high, erect, branched ; stem hollow ; leaves 294 comp6sitte more or less pinnatifid, toothed, often prickly, the upper ones clasping, with spreading sagittate auricles ; fruit ribbed and trans- versely wrinkled. — Waste places, and as a weed in gardens common. This plant is a favourite food for rabbits. — Fl. June -- August. Annual. 2. S. dsper (Rough Sow-thistle) has more spinously-toothed leaves with rounded auricles, and ribbed, but not transversel) s6nchus olerAceus {Common Sow-thistU, Milk-thistle). wrinkled, fruit. — It occurs under the same circumstances as the preceding, and is almost as common. — Fl. June — August Annual. 3. S. arvensis (Corn Sow-thistle). — Stem 2 — 4 feet high, tubular angular, usually unbranched below ; leaves variable, waved, almost spinous, glaucous beneath, the lower ones runcinate. heart-shaped at the base, the upper ones with rounded auricles , heads corymbose, large j involucre and peduncles hairy with glan dular hairs. — In similar situations with the last, from which il i Fig. 38. Goat's Beard (Jack-go-to-bed-«nma). I Tragopogcn prote-nsis ) COMPOSITE FAMILY 295 may be distinguished by its much larger flower-heads and generally unbranched stem. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 4. S. palustris (Marsh Sow-thistle). — A much taller plant than either of the preceding, growing 4 — 7 feet high, unbranched ; leaves narrow, arrow-shaped at the base, finely toothed ; heads corymbose, large, lemon-yellow ; involucre and peduncles hairy with glandular hairs. — Marshes in the south-east ; very rare. 49. Tragopogon (Goat's - beard). — Erect, glabrous, generally unbranched herbs with a milky juice ; leaves scattered, entire, sheathing ; heads solitary, yellow or purple; bracts 8 — 10, long, narrow, in one row, united below ; receptacle naked ; fruit with longitudinal ridges and a long, slender beak ; pappus of many rows of feathery hairs. (Name from the Greek tragos, a goat, pogon, a beard.) 1. T. pratensis (Goafs-beard, Jack-go- to-bed-at-noon). — An erect, glaucous plant, about 2 feet high, with very long, tapering, channelled, grass-like leaves; flower-stalks slightly thickened above ; involucre about as long as, or longer than the florets ; heads solitary, large, yellow, closing at noon; pappus feathery, on a long stalk, interlaced so as to form a kind of shallow cup. — Meadows and waste places ; common. — Fl. June, July. Biennial. 2.* T. porrijolius (Salsify), resembling the last, but with purple heads, though not a British species, is occasionally found in moist meadows. It was formerly much cultivated for the sake of its fleshy tap-root, which was boiled or stewed, forming a very delicate esculent ; but its place is now supplied by Scorzonera hispdnica. TRAGOPOGON H?AT£nSE (Yellow Goat's-beard). §§ Stamens on the ovary (epigynous) Ord. XLII. CampanulAce^. — The Bell-Flower Family A considerable Order of herbaceous or slightly shrubby plants, with a bitter, acrid, milky juice, which chiefly inhabit the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They have 296 campanulAceje mostly scattered, exstipulate leaves and conspicuous blue, white, or rarely red, flowers, which, except in the genus Lobelia, are polysym metric. The sepals, petals, and stamens are 5 each, the calyx being gamosepalous, superior, and persistent, the corolla epigynously calycifloral, polysymmetric, except in Lobelia, and withering on the fruit, and the stamens alternating with the lobes of the corolla, and in Jasione and Lobelia united by their anthers. There are 2 — 5 carpels united in a 1, 2, or more-chambered inferior ovary, with a single hairy style, simple or lobed stigma, and numerous ovules in each chamber, the placentalion being axile. The fruit is a dry capsule, crowned by the withered calyx and corolla, and splitting, or opening by valves, at the side or top. Many species of the Order are highly ornamental ; but few are valuable either as food or medicine. The roots of Campanula Rapunculus were fomerly cultivated for the table, under the name of Rampions or Ramps. Lobelia is more acrid than the other genera, the rare British species L, mens, deriving its name from the blistering properties of its juice. The North American species, L. infldta (Indian Tobacco), is useful in small doses in asthma, but in large doses is a powerful emetic and narcotic poison. L. cardindlis (Scarlet Cardinal), one of our most brilliantly-coloured garden flowers, is also very acrid. Some species of this genus contain a good deal of caoutchouc. . 1. Lobelia. — Corolla bi-labiate, the upper lip split to the base of the tube ; anthers cohering in a tube. 2. jAsfoNE. — Flowers in heads; corolla rotate with linear lobes; anthers united at the base. 3. Wahlenbergia. — Corolla polysymmetric, campanulate, 5-fid ; anthers free ; capsule half-superior, 3-chambered, opening by valves at the top. 4. Phyteuma. — Corolla polysymmetric, 2-lipped, with 5 long linear segments; anthers free; capsule 2 — 3-chambered, bursting at the sides. 5. Campanula. — Corolla polysymmetric, campanulate, 5-fid ; anthers free; capsule 3 — 5-chambered, opening by lateral pores below the sepals. 6. Legousia. — Corolla polysymmetric, rotate ; anthers free ; capsule long, 3 — 5-chambered, opening by lateral pores between the sepals. 1. Lobelia. — Herbs with their flowers in terminal racemes; calyx superior, 5-fid ; corolla bilabiate, the upper lip split to the base into 2 erect or recurved lobes, the lower with 3 pendulous lobes ; stamens 5, epipetalous, with united anthers ; capsule 2 — 3- Fig. 39 Sheep's-bit. Jcsione montanm.. BELL-FLOWER FAMILY 297 chambered, 2 — 3-valved. (Name from Matthias de Lobel, a Flemish botanist of the sixteenth century, who lived for many years at Highgate.) 1. L. Dortmdnna (Water Lobelia). — A submerged aquatic plant, forming a matted base at the bottom of the water ; leaves all radical, almost cylindrical, of 2 parallel tubes ; scape slender, erect, cylindric, almost leafless, hollow, rising above the water ; flowers distant, drooping, pale lilac, bracteate. — Mountain lakes with gravelly bottoms. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. L. mens (Acrid Lobelia). — Stem angular, leafy, with an acrid, milky juice ; leaves obov- ate, toothed; flowers purple, erect or spreading, with long bracts. — A heath near Ax- ^gw minster, Devon ; very rare. — '/*' Fl. August, September. Peren- nial. 2. jAsfoNE (Sheep's-bit). — Herbs with both radical and cauline leaves ; flowers small, in terminal heads, with an in- volucre of many bracts ; calyx 5-fid ; corolla rotate, deeply divided into 5 linear lobes; stamens 5, united by their anthers ; capsule 2-chambered, 2-valved. (Name of uncertain origin.) 1. /. montdna (Sheep's-bit, Sheep's Scabious). — The only British species, about a foot high, and strongly resembling a Scabious or one of the Compositce, but differing from the former in its united anthers, and from the latter in its 2-chambered capsule. The leaves are oblong, blunt and hairy ; the heads of * flowers lilac-blue. — Dry heathy places ; common. The whole plant, when bruised, has a strong and disagreeable smell. — Fl. June— September. Perennial. 3. Wahlenbergia (Ivy-leaved Bell-flower). — A slender lob6lia dortmXnna {Water Lobelia). 298 campanulAce/e herbaceous plant, closely resembling the genus Campanula, with a campanulate, 5-fid corolla and 5 free anthers; but with a half- superior ovary which splits when in fruit by valves above the sepals. (Named in honour of Dr. George Wahlenberg, a Swedish botanist.) 1. W. hederdcea (Ivy-leaved Bell-flower). — An exquisite little plant with straggling, thread-like stems, 4—6 in. high, or when jAsfoNg montAna {Sheep's Scabious). among grass or rushes climbing by their help to a height of 1 2 in. or more ; leaves stalked, palmately 5-lobed, of a remarkably fine texture and delicate green ; -flowers solitary, on long stalks scarcely thicker than a hair, slightly drooping, pale blue. — Wet peaty places in the south, often growing with the Bog Pimpernel and the Cornish Moneywort, plants scarcely less beautiful than itself. — Fl. July — September Perennial. 4. PHYTEtJMA (Rampion). — Herbs with both radical and cauline leaves and -flowers in dense spikes or heads, with an BELL-FLOWER FAMILY ' 299 involucre of several bracts ; calyx superior, 5-fid ; corolla polysym- metric, rotate, deeply divided into 5 long linear segments ; filaments broad at the base ; anthers free ; capsule 2 — 3-chambered, bursting at the sides. (Name apparently connected with the Greek phuton, a plant.) 1. P. orbiculdre (Round-headed Rampion). — A singular plant, consisting of a solitary, erect, leafy stalk, about a foot high, with stalked, ovate, crenate radical leaves and few sessile, linear, wahlenbergia hederacea {Ivy-leaved Bell-flower). cauline ones ; flowers deep blue in a globose terminal head, which becomes oblong when in fruit. — Chalky downs in the south-east ; local. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. P. spicdtum (Spiked Rampion). — A taller species with oblong heads of cream-coloured flowers, formerly cultivated for the sake of its edible root, is found only in Sussex. — Fl. May — 1 July. Perennial. 5. Campanula (Bell-flower). — Herbs with usually stalked radical leaves ; cauline leaves scattered ; calyx superior, 5-fid ; corolla bell-shaped, with 5 broad and shallow lobes ; filaments 300 campanulAce^e broad at the base ; anthers free ; capsule not elongated, 2 — 5- chambered, opening by lateral pores below the sepals. (Name a diminutive from the Latin campana, a bell.) 1. C. glomerdta (Clustered Bell-flower). — A stiff, erect plant, 3 — 18 in. high ; stem simple, roughish, leafy ; leaves crenate, rough, the lower stalked and heart-shaped at the base, the upper sessile, embracing the stem ; flowers nearly sessile, deep violet- purple, funnel-shaped, erect, in terminal and axillary clusters. fHYTEi'MA orbicularis {Round-headed Ramfnon), each I in. across. — Dry pastures, especially on a chalky soil : frequent. — Fl. July — October. Perennial. 2. C. Trachelium (Nettle-leaved Bell-flower, Wild Canterbury Bells). — A remarkably rough plant, 2—3 feet high, with angular stem; leaves very like those of the nettle, strongly serrated and bristly, stalked, ovate-lanceolate, acute ; flowers in axillary clusters of 2 — 3, on short stalks which are recurved when in fruit, large, f in. or more across, blue-purple, lighter than C. glomerdta, bell- Fig. 40. Harebell. [Campanula rotundifoliay. BELL-FLOWER FAMILY 3 OI shaped — Woods and hedges ; frequent. — Fl. July — October. Perennial. 3. C. latifolia (Giant Bell-flower). — A stout species, 3 — 4 feet high, with furrowed stem; leaves ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, doubly-serrate, hairy, lower ones stalked ; flowers very large, stalked, bell-shaped, deep blue or white, hairy within. — Woody glens in Scotland ; common ; less common in England. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 4. C. rapunculo'ides (Creeping" Bell-flower). — A downy plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with runners ; leaves unequally crenate-serrate ; -flowers in a long raceme with small bracts, large, bright blue, drooping, all on one side of the stem. — Hedges; very rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 5. C. rotundifolia (Harebell). — A glabrous plant, with a slender, angular stem ; radical leaves, roundish, kidney- shaped, notched, stalked, very soon withering ; cauline leaves very narrow, tapering ; flowers in a raceme, droop- ing, about an inch across, light blue, or rarely white. — Heaths and dry places ; abundant. This species is the Bluebell of Scotland; but the name Harebell is sometimes incor- rectly applied to the Wild Hyacinth, the Bluebell of England (Endymion non-scriptum). The specific name rotundifolia (round-leaved) seems in- appropriate when we only look at the cauline leaves, which are long and narrow; but is peculiarly applicable to the radical ones, as they appear in winter and early spring, at which season Linnaeus is reported to have noticed them on the steps of the University at Upsala. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 6.* C. persicifolia, a glabrous species, 1 — 2 feet high, with round stem, with runners ; smooth, leathery, slightly serrate, * narrow leaves; large, often solitary, blue or white flowers with entire lanceolate sepals, occasionally occurs as a naturalised plant in woods. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 7. C. Rapunculus (Rampion). — A tall species, 2 — 3 feet high, with angular stem and clustered panicles of rather small, erect, ipAnula rotundif6lia (.Hare-bell). 302 VACCINIACEjE pale blue flowers with awl-shaped recurved sepals. — Gravelly and sandy places in the south ; local. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 8. C. pdtula (Spreading Bell-flower), distinguished by its rough stem, loose panicles of wide, cup-shaped, purplish-blue -flowers and awl-shaped sepals toothed at the base. — Hedges and copses, chiefly in the west ; local. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 6. LEGOtJSiA (Venus' Looking-glass). — Small herbs with purple or white flowers ; corolla polysymmetric, rotate ; anthers free ; capsule long, 3 — 5-chambered, opening by lateral pores above the middle or between the sepals. (Name from the provincial French name Legouz, possibly connected with gousse, a pod.) 1. L. hybrida (Wild Venus' Looking-glass). — A small plant, 4 — 12 in. high, with a rough, wiry, angular, seldom-branched stem; oblong, rough, wavy leaves ; small, terminal flowers with a calyx much longer than the purple rotate corolla ; and an elongated, generally triangular cupsule tapering at both ends. — Cornfields, chiefly in the south. — Fl. June — September. Annual. Ord. XLIII. Vacciniaceje.— The Cranberry Family Small shrubby plants, inhabiting temperate regions, especially mountainous and marshy districts. Leaves scattered, simple, often evergreen ; calyx superior, of 4 — 6 lobes, which are sometimes so small as to be scarcely perceptible ; corolla 4 — 6-lobed, urceolate, bell-shaped or rotate; stamens 8 — 12, free, epigynous ; anthers opening by 2 terminal pores, and often furnished with 2 bristle- like appendages which act as levers in the process of insect- pollination; ovary 4—1 o-chambered, surmounted by a flat disk; style simple ; fruit a true berry, juicy ; seeds small, many in each chamber of the ovary. By some botanists these plants are placed in the same Order as the Heaths, from which they differ chiefly in having an inferior ovary. The leaves and bark are astringent, the berries slightly acid and agreeable to the taste. Cranberries, the fruit of Schollera Oxycoccus and S. macrocdrpus, are largely imported, the former from Russia, the latter from Chicago, for making tarts. Several members of the Order are cultivated for their pretty flowers. 1. VAcefNiUM (Whortleberry). — Low shrubs with scattered, often evergreen, leaves; calyx superior, 4 — 5-lobed, sometimes with the lobes so short as to be scarcely perceptible ; corolla cam- panulate or urceolate, 4 — 5-fid; stamens 8 — 10; anther- chambers CRANBERRY FAMILY 303 prolonged upwards into tubes ending in pores ; berry globose, 4 — 5-chambered, many-seeded. (Name of doubtful etymology.) 1. V. Vitis-ii&a (Cowberry, Red Whortleberry). — A low, strag- gling shrub with evergreen inversely egg-shaped leaves, resembling those of the Box, dotted beneath, the margins rolled back; ■flowers pink, in terminal crowded drooping clusters ; corolla 4-cleft ; anthers with- out bristles ; berries red. — Mountainous heaths, chiefly in the north. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 2. V. uliginosum (Bog Whortleberry or Great Bilberry). — Stem woody, rounded ; leaves not ever- green, inversely egg-shaped, entire, glaucous, and strongly veined beneath ; ■flowers small, pale pink; anthers with two bristles at the back ; berry small, dark blue, glaucous. — Moun- tainous bogs in the north. Fl. May, June. Perennial. 3. V. Myrtillus (Whor- tleberry, Bilberry, Whin- berry). — A small branched shrub, 6 — 18 in. high ; stem acutely angular ; leaves not evergreen, egg-shaped, ser- rate ; flowers solitary, drooping, nearly globular, flesh-coloured, wax-like, larger than in the last; anthers with two bristles ; berry dark blue, glaucous, larger than in the last. — Woods ; abundant. The berries, which are popularly known as whorts, have an agreeable taste, and are often made into tarts ; but when thus used are rather mawkish unless mixed with some more acid fruit. — Fl. April— June. Perennial. 4. V. Oxycoccus (Cranberry. Marsh Whortleberry). — A very low plant, with very slender, strai gling, wiry, prostrate stems, rooting at intervals ; leaves evergreen, egg-shaped, revolute, glaucous VACCINIUM MYRTfLLUS {Whortleberry, Bilberry, Whinberry). 304 ERICACEAE beneath ; flowers solitary, terminal ; corolla bright red, rotate, with 4 long, linear, reflexed segments; berries dark red. — Peat-bogs, principally in the north. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. Series II. HYPOGYN^— Ord. XLIV.— LXI Ovary superior § Stamens free Ord. XLIV. Ericaceae. — The Heath Family A large Order, mostly of shrubs and small bushy trees with evergreen, often rigid, mostly opposite or whorled, simple leaves. Many of them are remarkable for their " social " nature, large tracts of country being often entirely covered with a few species, and known from this as "heaths." They are most abundant in South Africa, and are, therefore, often called " Cape plants " by gardeners; whilst other genera are so distinctively North Ameri- can as to give rise to the name " American garden," for borders in which they are grown. They are common also in South America, in Europe, and in the mountainous parts of Asia, chiefly outside the Tropics. Their flowers are mostly polysym- metric ; the calyx inferior, 4 — 5-cleft, persistent ; corolla hypo- gynous, usually urceolate or campanulate, 4 — 5 cleft, often withering and remaining attached to the plant ; stamens in equal number to the segments of the corolla, or twice as many, inserted with the corolla, or slightly attached to its base ; anthers opening by pores, and generally furnished with two bristle-like appendages ; ovary superior, many-chambered, many-ovuled, with a hypogynous disk ; style single, straight ; fruit 3 — 5-chambered, dry or succu- lent, many-seeded. The extensive genus Erica (Heath) contains no species possessing useful properties ; but briar-root pipes are made from E. arborea, the name briar being a corruption of the French bruyere. The Common Ling, or Heather (Calluna vulgaris), is astringent, and is sometimes used in dyeing ; its tough branches are a common material for brooms ; its flowers are a favourite resort of bees ; and its buds, shoots, and seeds enter largely into the food of moor-fowl. Of the plants belonging to the Order which produce Juicy, berry-like fruits, the fruit is, in some instances, edible. Arbutus Uhedo bears an abundance of handsome fruits, which, when thoroughly ripe, are not unpalatable, and which, from their outward resemblance to strawberries, give the plant its English name, Strawberry-tree. Some species, especially of Kdlmia and Azalea, possess dangerous narcotic properties. The Canadian partridge is stated to be poisonous HEATH FAMILY 305 to human beings after feeding on Kalmia berries, and the honey which poisoned Xenophon's Greeks during the famous retreat of the Ten Thousand was probably that of Azalea pontica, which still grows on the shores of the Black Sea and is known to possess this property. 1. Arbutus. — Leaves broad; corolla globose, deciduous; sta- mens 10 ; fruit fleshy, tubercled, 5-chambered, many-seeded. 2. Arctostaphylos.— Fruit fleshy, smooth, 5-chambered, 5- seeded ; otherwise like Arbutus. 3. Andromeda. — Fruit a dry, 5-chambered, 5-valved capsule ; otherwise like Arbutus. 4. Calluna. — Leaves small ; sepals 4, coloured, longer than the corolla ; corolla bell-shaped, 4-cleft, persistent ; stamens 8 ; capsule 4-chambered, septicidal ; seeds few in each chamber. 5. Erica. — Leaves small; sepals 4 ; corolla bell-shaped, tubular, or urceolate, 4-cleft, persistent ; stamens 8 ; capsule 4-chambered, loculicidal ; seeds many in each chamber. 6. Azalea. — Leaves small ; sepals, petals, and stamens 5 each ; corolla bell-shaped, deciduous ; capsule 2 — 3-chambered, septi- cidal. 7. BryXnthus. — Sepals 5 ; corolla urceolate, 5-fid, deciduous; stamens 10 ; capsule 5-chambered, septicidal. 8. Daboecia.— Sepals 4 ; corolla urceolate, 4-fid, deciduous ; stamens 8 ; capsule 4-chambered, septicidal. 9. Pyrola. — Herbs ; leaves chiefly radical, broad ; sepals 5 ; petals 5, free, incurved; stamens 10; capsule 5-chambered, loculicidal. 10. Moneses. — Petals united; anthers prolonged into tubes; otherwise mainly like Pyrola. 1. Arbutus (Strawberry-tree). — Trees or shrubs with scattered, broad, usually evergreen leaves; flowers in terminal panicles, 5- merous ; corolla globose, deciduous ; stamens 10 ; fruit fleshy, tubercled, 5-chambered, many-seeded. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the plant.) 1. A. unedo (Strawberry-tree). — A beautiful evergreen tree with a rough, reddish bark ; large elliptical, tapering, smooth, serrate, deep-green leaves; numerous terminal clusters of drooping creamy- white flowers ; and nearly globular, scarlet, berry-like fruits, rough with minute hard grains. — About the lakes of Killarney, abundant and truly wild ; common in English gardens, and naturalised about Clifton. The flowers are in full perfection when the fruit of the preceding year is ripening ; and then the tree presents its most attractive appearance. The fruit is so much less agreeable x 306 ERICACE/E to the taste than to the eye as to have originated Pliny's name Unedo, " One-I-eat," as if no one would wish to try a second ; but birds are very fond of it. — Fl. September, October. Perennial. 2. Arctostaphylos (Bear-berry). — Prostrate under-shrubs with smaller leaves; but only differing essentially from Arbutus in having a smooth fruit with only one seed in each of its 5 chambers. (Name from the Greek arctos, a bear, staphule, a grape.) 1. A. alpina (Black Bear-berry). — A small, prostrate shrub; leaves obovate, serrate, thin, wrinkled, shortly stalked, not ever- green ; flowers white ; fruit fleshy, smooth, black. — Dry barren spots on Highland mountains ; rare. — Fl. May— July. Peren- nial. 2. A. Uva-ursi (Red Bear- berry). — Resembling the pre- ceding in its mode of growth, but the leaves are entire, leathery, and evergreen, turning red in autumn : flowers rose-coloured ; and fruit scarlet. — Mountainous heaths in the north ; abundant. The leaves are used in medicine as an astringent, and the fruit is a favourite food of moor-fowl. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 3. Andromeda. — Shrubs and trees, differing from Arbutus mainly in their dry, 5-chambered, 5-valved capsule. ("Named in allusion to the fable of Andro- meda, who was chained to a rock, and exposed to the attack of a sea-monster ; so does this beautiful tribe of plants grow in dreary and northern wastes, feigned to be the abode of preternatural monsters." — Sir W. J. Hooker.) 1. A. Polifolia (Marsh Andromeda). — The only British species, a small, leafy, evergreen shrub with slender, prostrate stems, scattered lanceolate leaves, revolute and glaucous beneath, and terminal clusters of stalked, drooping, pink flowers. — Peat-bogs, chiefly in the north. — Fl. May — September. Perennial. 4. Calluna (Ling, Heather). — A much-branched under-shrub with small, opposite, imbricate leaves; numerous, stalked, bracteate, arbutus unedo {Strawberry-tree). HEATH FAMILY 307 small flowers ; calyx of 4-coloured sepals, longer than the corolla ; corolla bell-shaped, 4-cleft, persistent, lilac ; stamens 8 ; capsule 4-chambered, septicidal ; seeds few in each chamber. (Name from the Greek kalluno, I cleanse, from the use of the twigs to make brooms.) 1. C. vulgaris (Ling, or Heather). — The only species. The small leaves are more or less downy (sometimes even hoary), and, being arranged in opposite and decussating pairs, give the stem a 4-sided appearance. There are 4 small green bracts below each flower, and 4 rose-coloured sepals concealing the very small, bell-shaped, 4-cleft corolla. — Heaths and moors; abundant. The flowers persist long after the fruit is ripe, often, indeed, until the next year's flowering. A beautiful double-flowered variety has been found in Cornwall. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 5. ERfcA. (Heath). — Wiry, much-branched under-shrubs with small, narrow, stiff, generally whorled leaves; bracteate flowers; sepals 4; corolla bell-shaped, tubular or urceolate ; stamens 8 ; capsule 4-chambered, 4-valved, loculicidal, and septifragal. (Name from the Greek ereike.) 1. E. cilidris (Ciliated Heath). — By far the most beautiful of all the British species ; leaves 3 or 4 in a whorl, downy above, glaucous beneath ; flowers in terminal, interrupted, one- sided, spike-like racemes, ovoid, half-an-inch long, crimson, enclosing the stamens. — Sandy heaths, Cornwall ; near Corfe Castle, Dorset ; and Galway. — Fl. June — September. Peren- nial. 2. E. Tetralix (Cross-leaved Heath. — Well calluna VULGARIS (Ling, or Heather). distinguished from all other English species by its narrow, fringed leaves being placed cross-wise, and by its terminal, one-sided heads of drooping, rose-coloured flowers. The part of the flower nearest the stem is of a lighter colour than that which is exposed, where it deepens to a delicate blush, the whole flower appearing as if modelled in wax. It is sometimes found of a pure white. Heaths ; abundant. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 3. E. Mackdyi (Mackay's Heath), differing in being more 308 ERICACEAE bushy, more glabrous, with broader leaves, and more numerous heads of smaller flowers, occurs only in Connemara. 4. E. cinerea (Fine-leaved Heath). — The commonest British species, a bushy plant, with tough, wiry stems, very narrow, smooth leaves, 3 in a whorl ; and ovoid, deep rose, or sometimes white, flowers in irregular, whorled, leafy clusters, not confined to one side of the stem. — Heaths; abundant. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. ERfcA tetralix, e. ciliAris, e. vXgans, and e. cinerea. 5. E. vdgans (Cornish Heath). — Stems much branched, 2 — 4 feet high, very leafy in the upper parts ; leaves 3 — 5 in a whorl, crowded, very narrow, smooth ; flowers light red, rose-coloured, or pure white, bell-shaped, in a leafy, regular, tapering cluster ; stamens forming a ring outside the corolla until they have shed their pollen, when they droop to the sides, dark red in the red varieties ; light red in the white. — Covering many thousands of acres on the Goonhilley Downs, and on other heaths on the serpentine of the Lizard in Cornwall, almost to the exclusion of E. cinerea and E. Tetralix. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. HEATH FAMILY 309 6. E. mediterrdnea (Mediterranean Heath), with leaves 4 in a whorl, a coloured calyx, pink corolla, and less prominent anthers, well known as a garden plant, occurs also in Connemara. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 6. AzXlea. — A small, trailing shrub with small, opposite leaves; sepals, petals, and stamens 5 each ; corolla bell-shaped, deciduous ; erica tetralix {Cress-leaved Heath). ERfcA cinerea {Fine-leaved Heath). capsule 2 — 3-chambered, septicidal. (Name from the Greek azaleos, parched, arid, from the character of the places in which it grows.) 1. A. procumbens (Trailing Azalea). — The original and only Azalea of Linnaeus, very different in habit from most of the plants cultivated under the name of Azaleas. The stems are prostrate and tangled; the leaves small, smooth, rigid, and evergreen, with the margins remarkably rolled back; the flowers flesh-pink, in ERICACEAE terminal tufts, with red peduncles and sepals. — Highland moun- tains. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 7. Bryanthus (Menziesia). — Small, evergreen shrubs with scattered leaves and few drooping, umbellate -flowers ; sepals 5 ; erica vAgans {Cornish Heath). pyrola media {Intermediate Winter-green). corolla urceolate, 5-fid, deciduous; stamens 10; capsule 5-cham- bered, septicidal. (Name from the Greek bruon, a moss, anthos, a flower.) 1. B. cceruleus (Scotch Menziesia). — A small shrub, naked below, very leafy and hairy above ; leaves crowded, shortly stalked, HEATH FAMILY 311 linear, minutely toothed, revolute ; flower-stalks covered with glandular hairs ; flowers in terminal tufts, lilac. — Sow of Athol, Perthshire ; very rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 8. Daboecia (St. Daboec's Heath). — A small, evergreen shrub with scattered leaves and drooping flowers in terminal, i -sided, loose, leafy racemes ; sepals 4 ; corolla urceolate, 4-fid, deciduous ; stamens 8 ; capsule 4-chambered, septicidal. (Named from St. Daboec, an Irish saint.) 1. D. cantdbrica (St. Daboec's Heath, Irish Menziesia). — The only species, a small shrub with ovate, revolute leaves, bright green and glossy above, white and downy beneath ; and large, crimson, or sometimes white, flowers. — Mountainous heaths in Connemara ; rare. — Fl. August. Perennial. 9. P^rola (Winter-green). — Herbaceous plants with slender, creeping rhizomes; short, almost woody, unbranched stems; simple, smooth, evergreen, broad, chiefly radical leaves; flowers in a bracteate raceme, drooping to one side ; sepals 5, persistent ; petals 5, free, incurved; stamens 10; capsule 5-chambered, loculi- cidal. (Name, a diminutive from Pyrus, a pear, from a fancied resemblance in their leaves.) 1. P. rotundifolia (Round-leaved Winter-green). — Leaves entire or slightly crenate, on long, slender stalks ; flowers numerous, pure white in a long raceme ; style longer than the petals, bent down, and, at the extremity, curved upwards. — Moist woods ; rare. — Fl. July— September. Perennial. 2. P. media (Intermediate Winter-green). — Flowers less ex- panded than in the preceding, milk-white, tinged with pink ; style erect, nearly straight, longer than the stamens, projecting beyond the corolla. — Woods ; local. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 3. P. minor (Lesser Winter-green). — Flowers numerous, very shortly stalked, globose, nearly closed, pale pink ; stamens as long as the short style; stigma large, included within the flower. — Woods and heaths ; more common in the north. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 4. P. secunda (One-sided Winter-green). — Flowers greenish- white, all hanging to one side, nearly closed ; stamens as long as the long, straight style, or nearly so ; stigma exserted. — Rocky woods in the north ; rare. — Fl. July. Perennial. 10. Moneses (Single-flowered Winter-green). — Differing from Pyrola in having a solitary flower with slightly united, spreading petals, and anthers prolonged into tubes. Name from the Greek monos, alone, from its solitary flowers.) 3 I2 monotr6peje i. M. uniflora (Single-flowered Winter-green). — A remarkably pretcy plant, with several roundish, smooth, serrate, radical leaves, and a single, large, elegant, white, highly fragrant, long-stalked flower. — Woods in the north of Scotland ; rare. — Fl. July. Perennial. Ord. XLV. Monotr6pEjE. The Bird's-nest Family little or no upon dead A small group of brown saprophytic herbs, with chlorophyll, living in and leaves in woods in the North Temperate Zone. They have fleshy, scaly rhizomes ; unbranched stems; scattered leaves re- duced to 9cales ; flowers generally in racemes, campanulate, 4 — 6-merous ; stamens 8 — 10, hypogynous ; anthers kidney-shaped, 1 -chambered ; ovary 4 — ■ 5-chambered, superior ; style single ; stigma flat ; ovules many in each chamber, axile ; capsule 5-valved, loculicidal ; seeds minute, with a loose testa. 1. Mon6tropa (Bird's-nest). — Termi- nal flower 5-merous ; lateral ones 4- merous ; sepals and petals membranous, saccate at the base ; stamens 10 in the terminal, 8 in the lateral flowers ; stigma not lobed. (Name from the Greek mbnos, one, trope, turning, from the unilateral position of the flowers. 1. M. Hypopitys (Fir-rape, Pine Bird's- nest). — The only British species, with an unbranched juicy stem, clothed through- out with scaly bracts, and terminating in a drooping, one-sided raceme of brownish- yellow flowers, which eventually turn almost black. — Woods near the roots of Fir and Beech ; local. This plant must not be confounded with the Bird's-nest Orchis (Neottia Nidus-avis) or with the Broom-rapes (Orobdnche), in both of which the flowers are monosymmetric, the former 3-merous, the latter bilabiate June — August. Perennial. mon6tropa hyp6pitys (Pine Bird's-nest, Firrajx). and didynamous. — Fl. THRIFT FAMILY 313 §§ Stamens epipetalous ORD. XLVI. PLUMBAGfNEyE. — THE THRIFT FAMILY A small group of herbaceous or somewhat shrubby plants, with undivided fleshy leaves ; polysym metric, perfect flowers in panicles or heads ; calyx inferior, tubular, 5-cleft, plaited, persistent, mem- branous, and often coloured, approaching the texture of Everlast- ing-flowers ; corolla 5-cleft nearly to the base ; stamens 5, opposite the petals ; ovary of 5 carpels, 1 -chambered ; styles 5 ; fruit dry, i-seeded. They inhabit salt marshes and the sea-shores of most temperate regions, and some are found also in mountainous districts. Their properties are various ; some are astringent and tonic, some intensely acrid, and many contain iodine ; but, like many other maritime plants, they lose the peculiar salts which they contain in their natural localities when growing at a distance from the sea. Thrift (Statue), for example, as a maritime plant contains iodine and soda ; but as a mountain or garden plant exchanges these two substances for potash. The root of Limb- nium Carolinidnum is one of the most powerful astringents known, and several species of Plumbago are so acrid that the fresh root is used to raise blisters. Several kinds of Sea-Lavender (Limb- nium) are ornaments to our shores, and others are cultivated in our conservatories. 1. Limonium. — Flowers in one-sided panicled cymes. 2. Statice. —Flowers in dense bracteate heads. 1. Limonium (Sea- Lavender). — Leaves all radical; flowers in spike-like, one-sided, spreading, branched cymes; style smooth. (Name from the Greek leimon, a meadow.) 1. L. vulgdre (Common Sea-Lavender). — Leaves long-stalked, oblong, 1 -ribbed, pinnately veined, tipped with a point, smooth ; flower-stalk, a leafless angular scape, branched near the summit into many spreading spike-like clusters ; flowers blue-lilac, scent- less. — Muddy, sea-coasts ; not infrequent. — Fl. July — November. Perennial. 2. L. humile (Few-flowered Sea-Lavender), differing mainly in having more erect branches and fewer flowers, is less common. 3. L. recurvum (Portland Sea-Lavender). — Not more than 9 in. high ; leaves obovate-spathulate, obtuse, long-stalked ; stem stout, rigid, rough, usually branching above the middle ; branches ascend- ing, curved, mostly flowering ; spikes linear, very dense-flowered, thick-spreading and recurved ; spikelets 1 — 4-flowered, in 2 rows ; inner bracts obovate, with white or slightly pink margins ; flowers 3^4 PLUMBAGfNEjE purple.— Rocky shores at Portland; but, perhaps, extinct. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 4. L. lychnidifolium, with large leathery leaves with 5 — 9 veins, stems with large scales, and broad dark-red bracts occurs sparingly on rocks in Alderney.— Fl. July, August. Perennial. 5. L. binervbsum (Spathulate Sea-Lavender). — A variable plant, known to Gerard as "Rocke Lavender," 6 — 18 in. high; stem usually branching from the base ; branches repeatedly bifur- cating, rough ; leaves lanceolate - spathulate, sometimes acute, 1 — 3- veined ; spikes linear, slender, sub-erect ; spike- lets 2 — 4-flowered, in 2 rows ; inner bracts oval, with broad membranous margin, deep pink. Not uncommon on rocky coasts. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 6. L. bellidif olium (Matted Sea-Lavender). — Leaves blunt, 1 -ribbed, short - stalked ; flower - stalks rough, divided almost from the base into numerous zigzag branches, the lower of which are flowerless. — Salt marshes of Lincoln, Norfolk and Cambridge. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 1.IM6NIUM BINERVOSUM {Spathulate Sea-Lavender) and statice MARrriMA (Tkrift). 2. Statice (Thrift).— Leaves all radical, very narrow; flowers in dense heads of bracteate cymes, with a reversed, tubular, membranous involucre; petals cohering, persistent; styles hairy. (Name from the Greek statizo, I staunch, from the use of this, or some allied, plant as a styptic.) 1. S. maritima (Thrift, Sea-Pink). — Leaves linear, 1 -nerved, fleshy, pubescent, forming dense tufts or balls ; flower-stalks leafless, downy, unbranched scapes, 3 — 6 in. high, their summits cased in brown membranous sheaths ; flowers rose-coloured, in roundish heads, intermixed with chaffy bracts ; fruit almost winged by the PRIMROSE FAMILY 315 dry, chaffy calyx.— Sea-shores and the tops of mountains ; common. — Fl. April — October. Perennial. 2. S. plantaginea, a larger, smooth species, with broader, 3 — 5- veined leaves, occurs in Jersey. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. Ord. XLVII. Primulacfje. — The Primrose Family Herbaceous plants, mostly low-growing, inhabiting principally the colder regions of the Northern Hemisphere, and in lower latitudes ascending to the confines of perpetual snow. The leaves are exstipulate and mostly simple ; the flowers polysymmetric and perfect. The calyx is inferior, except in the Brookweed (Sdmolus), persistent and 5-cleft, or rarely 4-cleft, or in the Chickweed Winter-green (Trientdlis) 7 -cleft; the corolla of as many lobes as the calyx, but in the Sea-Milkwort (Glaux) absent. The stamens equal in number the lobes of the corolla, and are opposite to them : the syncarpous ovary is i-chambered with a free central placenta and numerous ovules, a single style, and a rounded, un- lobed or, as it is called, " capitate " stigma. Several of our most favourite wild flowers are members of this Order. The Primrose, the name of which is corrupted from primerolles, primerula, or primula, meaning the earliest little flower, is the welcome har- binger of spring ; the Cowslip is scarcely less prized for its rural associations than for its beauty and fragrance ; and the Scarlet Pimpernel, or " Poor Man's Weather-glass," is as trusty a herald of summer weather as the Primrose of spring. The Polyanthus, Auricula, and other species of Primula are garden favourites, and several species of Cyclamen are commonly grown in conservatories. The Primuldcece have few medicinal properties of importance : the flowers of the Cowslip are made into a pleasant soporific wine ; and the leaves of the Auricula (Primula Auricula) are used in the Alps as a»remedy for coughs. 1. Hottonia. — Calyx inferior, 5-cleft almost to the base; corolla salver-shaped, with a short tube; capsule "with 5 valves cohering at the top. 2. PkfMULA. — Leaves radical; flowers in umbels; calyx inferior, tubular, 5-cleft ; corolla salver- or funnel-shaped, with a long, cylindrical tube; capsule 5-valved, with 10 teeth. *3. Cyclamen. — Stem a large corm ; leaves radical; flowers solitary ; calyx inferior, bell-shaped, 5-cleft ; corolla with a short, bell-shaped tube and reflexed, long, 5-cleft limb ; capsule opening with five teeth. 4. Lysimachia. — Leaves cauline ; calyx inferior, 5-cleft to the 3i6 PRIMULACEiE base ; corolla yellow, rotate or cup-shaped ; capsule indehiscent or 2 — 5-valved. 5. Trientalis. — Leaves cauline; calyx inferior, 7-partite, or rarely 5 — 9 ; corolla white, rotate, without a tube ; capsule opening with 5-revolute valves. 6. Glaux. — Leaves cauline; calyx inferior, bell-shaped, 5-lobed, coloured ; corolla absent ; capsule 5-valved. 7. AnagAllis. — Leaves cauline ; calyx inferior, 5-cleft to the base; corolla rotate or funnel-shaped, with little or no tube; filaments hairy; capsule splitting all round. 8. Centunculus. — Leaves cauline ; calyx in- ferior, 4 or 5-cleft to the base ; corolla with an in- flated, sub-globose tube, 4 or 5-cleft ; stamens 4 or 5, with smooth filaments ; capsule splitting all round. 9. Samolus. — Leaves radical and cauline ; calyx half-superior, 5-cleft, per- sistent ; corolla salver- shaped ; capsule opening with 5 refiexed teeth. 1. Hottonia (Water Violet). — Floating aquatic plants with whorled, finely divided, pinnate, submerged leaves ; -flowers whorled, stalked ; calyx 5-cleft almost to the base ; corolla salver- shaped, with a short tube ; stamens 5 ; capsule many-seeded, with 5 valves cohering at the top. (Named after Peter Hotton, Professor of Botany at Leyden.) 1. H. palustris (Water Violet). — The only British species, with large, handsome, lilac flowers with a yellow eye, arranged in whorls around a smooth, succulent, leafless stalk, which rises several inches out of the water. — Ponds and ditches ; local. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. hott6nia palustris {Water Violet). 2. Pr/mula (Primrose). — Plants with a rhizome, radical, simple leaves and flowers in umbels with an involucre ; calyx tubular, 5- cleft; corolla salver- or funnel-shaped, with a long, cylindrical PRIMROSE FAMILY 317 tube ; stamens 5, epipetalous, included either in the throat of the corolla-tube, or, on other plants, half-way down it ; style short in the former case, long in the latter; capsule 5-valved with 10 teeth. This heterostyle is connected with insect-pollination, the short- j-RIMULA VULGARIS (Primrose). styled form having its stigma dusted with pollen from the similarly- situated anthers of a long-styled plant, and vice versa. (Name a diminutive from the Latin primus, first, from the early flowering of many species.) 1. P. vulgaris (Primrose). — Among the most welcome of spring 3i8 PRIMULACE.E flowers, and almost too well known to need any description ; leaves obovate, tapering downwards, wrinkled, hairy beneath, toothed ; primula v£ris (Cowslip, Paigle\ umbels usually with very short peduncles and long, pink, hairy pedicels; flowers an inch or more across; calyx with 5 longitudinal plaits and acute teeth ; corolla of a pale yellow, or, as artists often maintain, a delicate green, turning green in drying, or occasion- PRIMROSE FAMILY 319 ally white, red, or lilac, with a flat limb, having a faint but char- acteristic fragrance. — Banks and woods; abundant. — Fl. December — May. Perennial. 2. P. verts (Cowslip). — Almost an equal favourite; leaves ovate, abruptly contracted below; umbels with a long, erect, downy peduncle, short pedicels, and drooping flowers; calyx bell-shaped with short, broad teeth; corolla funnel-shaped, deep yellow, with 5 reddish spots in the eye, fragrant. — Pastures; common. Among the many pleasing purposes to which these flowers are put by children, none is prettier than that of making Cowslip Balls. The method is as follows : — Choosing only such umbels as have all the flowers open, pick them off as close as possible to the top of the peduncle and hang them, close together, along a string about 1 J — 2 feet long, stretched between the backs of two chairs. When the string is full, carefully loosen its ends, and, raising them, gently tie them together, so drawing all the flower-heads into a ball. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 3. P. eldtior (Oxlip). — Leaves like those of the Cowslip ; umbel long-stalked ; flowers not drooping, salver-shaped, but smaller and paler, and more buff than those of the Primrose, with a smell of apricots ; calyx tubular ; corolla flat, not concave. — Woods in north-west Essex and neighbouring parts of Herts, Cambridge- shire and Suffolk only. The name Paigle is applied locally to this species and elsewhere to the Cowslip. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 4. P. farinosa (Bird's-eye Primrose). — Leaves small, obovate, crenate, covered below with a white or sulphur-like meal ; umbels on peduncles 2 — 8 in. high ; calyx-teeth long, linear, obtuse ; corolla lilac, with a yellow eye, lobes distant. — Mountain pastures, from Yorkshire northwards. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 5. P. scotica (Scottish Primrose). — Resembling the last, but only half its size, with broader leaves, shorter and broader calyx- teeth, and a deeper blue-purple corolla with its lobes touching, is a rare species growing in the Orkneys, and in a few places in the extreme north of Scotland. — Fl. May — September. Perennial. *3. Cyclamen (Sow-bread). — Plants with large, tuber-like, underground stems; radical, petiolate, broad leaves ; flowers soli- tary, drooping, on long, leafless, erect peduncles, which twist spirally when in fruit ; calyx 5 -cleft ; corolla with a short, bell- shaped tube and long-reflexed lobes to its limb ; capsule opening with 5 teeth. (Name from the Greek, referring to the round corm.) 1.* C. hederifolium (Ivy-leaved Sow-bread). — The only species found in Britain ; but a doubtful native. Remarkable for its 320 PRIMULACE^E globular, turnip-like, brown corm, and nodding pink flowers with reflexed petals. The leaves are produced after the flowers. As the fruit ripens, the flower-stalk curls spirally and buries it in the earth. The corm is intensely acrid. — Woods in Kent, Sussex, and Surrey. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 4. Lysimachia (Loosestrife). — Plants of various habit with entire, cauline leaves; calyx 5 — 6-cleft to the base; corolla rotate or cup-shaped, yellow in British species; capsule generally 5-valved. (Name in Greek having the same meaning as the English name.) 1. L. thyrsiflora (Tufted Loose- strife). — A stout, glabrous, erect plant with runners, unbranched above ; leaves opposite, sessile, lanceolate ; flowers small, numer- ous, in dense, stalked, axillary racemes, yellow, dotted with orange. — Marshes, mostly in the north ; rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 2. L. vulgaris (Great Yellow Loosestrife). — A stout, pubescent, erect, branched plant, several feet high, with runners ; leaves opposite, or 3—4 in a whorl, sessile, ovate-lanceolate ; flowers rather large, subcampanulate, yellow, dotted with orange, in terminal panicled cymes. — River- banks ; common. — ■ Fl. July, August. Perennial. 3.* L. punctata, a naturalised exotic, is a smaller, downy plant, with fewer flowers and petals fringed with glandular hairs. . 4.* L. cilidta, an American species naturalised in Cumberland, is taller and has subcordate leaves on ciliate stalks, and 5 stami- nodes between the stamens. 5. L. Nummuldria (Money-wort, Herb-twopence, Creeping Jenny). — A very pretty glabrous plant, with creeping stems, often more than a foot long ; leaves opposite, ovate, slightly stalked, shining ; flowers rather large, cup-shaped, solitary, or in pairs in the axils, yellow. — Banks of rivers and damp woods; common. lysimachia nummulAria {Money-wort). PRIMROSE FAMILY 321 It often drapes wet banks very gracefully, and is much planted on rockeries. Its leaves sometimes turn rose-pink in autumn. Fl. June — July. Perennial. 6. L. nemorum (Yellow Pimpernel, Wood Loosestrife). — A very graceful plant, approaching the Scarlet Pimpernel in habit, but somewhat larger and more glossy ; stem spreading, often reddish ; leaves opposite, shortly stalked, ovate, acute ; flowers solitary, on very slender, axillary peduncles, bright yellow, star-like and very pretty, from 5— f in. across. — Shady woods ; common. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. 5. Trientalis (Chickweed Winter- L green). — Glabrous plants with slender, creeping rhi- zomes ; erect, unbranched stems, a single whorl of 5 or 6 leaves, and a few white flowers on slender pedun- cles ; calyx 5 — 9-cleft ; corolla rotate ; stamens 5 — 9 ; capsule opening with 5 revolute valves. (Name of doubtful etymology.) 1. T. euro-pka (Chick- weed Winter-green). — The only European species, and the only British plant re- ferred to the Linnean Class Heptandria, though the stamens are not invariably 7 in number. It grows 4 — 6 in. high, has large, obovate leaves and delicate white flowers. — Woods from Yorkshire and Lancashire northwards. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 6. Glaux (Sea - Milk- wort), containing only one species, G. mariiimd, a small, glabrous v gla6x maritima (Sea Milkwort). 322 PRIMULACE.E fleshy, marine plant, 3 — 6 in. high, growing in thick patches, resembling Honkenya peploides in its habit, with numerous ovate, entire, opposite and decussate leaves, and axillary pink flowers which are destitute of corolla. — Sea-shores and salt - marshes ; common. The name is from the Greek [7 glaukos, sea-green.) — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 7. AnagAllis (Pimpernel). — Slen- der little plants with opposite, entire leaves ; axillary flowers on threadlike stalks ; corolla rotate or fun- nel-shaped ; filaments hairy ; capsule split- ting all round. (Name in Greek de- noting that the plant excites pleasure.) 1. A. arvensis (Scarlet Pimpernel, Poor Man's Weather-glass). — A pretty little plant, generally prostrate ; leaves sessile, ovate, dotted beneath ; petals crenate, fringed with minute glandular hairs, expanding only in fine weather, usually bright scarlet, but occasionally pink, white with a red eye, all white, or perhaps blue. — Culti- vated ground ; abundant. — Fl. May — October. Annual. 2. A.- cceri'dea (Blue Pimpernel). — A more erect plant, without the fringe to its petals, which are usually bright blue ; but perhaps occasionally red. Much less common. — Fl. May — October. Annual. 3. A. tenella (Bog Pimpernel). — A beautiful little plant with very slender creeping stems, 3 — 4 in. long ; small, roundish, stalked leaves, shorter than the flower-stalks ; and erect, funnel-shaped, rose-pink flowers, larger than those of the Scarlet Pimpernel. — Boggy ground and sides of rivulets ; common. — Fl. June— August. Perennial. anagAllis arve^sis (Scarlet Pimpernel) and A. tenella (Bog Pimpernel). CENTtftCULUS Mfxi.MUS (Cliaffweed). PRIMROSE FAMILY 323 8. Centtjnculus (Chaffweed, Bastard Pimpernel). — Minute plants, with leaves partly opposite, partly scattered ; flowers axillary, sub-sessile, minute, often 4-merous ; corolla with an inflated, sub- globose tube; filaments not hairy; capsule splitting all round. (Name of doubtful etymology.) 1. C. minimus (Chaffweed, Bastard Pimpernel). — The only British species, one of the smallest among British flowering plants, rarely exceeding an inch in height, and often much less. It is nearly allied to the Pimpernels, and at the first glance might be mistaken for a stunted specimen of Ana- gdllis arvensis. It is sometimes branched ; but very frequently consists of a single stem, 6 or 8 ovate, acute leaves, and as many inconspicuous, nearly sessile, pale pink -flowers. — Damp, gravelly places, especially where water has stood during winter.— Fl. June — August. Annual. 9. Samolus (Brookweed). — Leaves partly radical partly cauline, and scattered ; flowers in a termi- nal, bracteate corymb ; calyx half superior, 5 - cleft, persistent ; corolla salver - shaped, white ; stamens 5, epipetalous, alternating with 5 staminodes ; capsule open- ing with 5 reflexed teeth. (Name said to be from the island of Samos, where Valerandus, a botanist of the sixteenth century, gathered our British species.) 1. S. Valerdndi (Brookweed). — The only British species, a smooth, pale green, herbaceous plant, with blunt, fleshy leaves, and one or more terminal clusters of very small white flowers, crowded at first, but finally becoming distant, resembling in this respect the habit of some Cruciferce. — Watery places ; common. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. sAmolus vai.erandi (Brookweed). 3 2 4 OLEACE^E Ord. XLVIII. Oleace^e.— The Olive Family Trees or shrubs, chiefly inhabiting the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Their branches are opposite, and often end in conspicuous buds ; the leaves, also opposite, are either simple or pinnate, and exstipulate ; and the -flowers are in panicled cymes. The calyx is either 4-cleft, inferior and persistent, or absent ; the corolla either polysymmetric, hypogynous, of 4 united or free petals, valvate in bud, or absent ; stamens 2 ; ovary 2- chambered, with 2 — 3 ovules in each chamber ; style 1 ; fruit a samara, a capsule, or berry-like, seldom perfecting more than 2 seeds. By far the most important plant^ in the Order is the Olive (Olea europcea), from which it takes its name, one of the earliest plants cultivated by man. Its bark is bitter and astringent, and its wood remarkably close - grained, handsomely mottled, and durable. The fruit is fleshy and drupe-like, enclosing a hard stone, and the oil is expressed from the fleshy pericarp. The Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) is a favourite in our shrubberies. Frdxinus Ornus, the Flower- ing or Manna Ash of southern Europe, also occasionally grown, has white flowers, and exudes a sugary substance known as manna, which is sometimes used in medicine. The wood of this genus is valued for its strength and elasticity. 1. Fraxinus. — Leaves mostly pinnate ; calyx and corolla absent ; fruit a pendulous single samara. 2. Ligustrum. — Leaves simple ; calyx cup-shaped, 4-toothed ; corolla funnel-shaped, 4-lobed ; fruit a nuculane. 1. Fraxinus (Ash). — Trees with deciduous leaves, generally pinnate ; polygamous flowers, with or without a 4-merous calyx and corolla ; fruit a compressed samara, winged at the tip. (Name, FRAXINUS EXCfel.SIOR {Ash). OLIVE FAMILY 325 the Latin name of the tree, perhaps referring to the ease with which it may be split.) 1. F. excelsior (Common Ash). — A noble tree, characterised by the smooth, light, ash-coloured bark of its younger branches, of which the lower ones droop, and curve upwards again at the extremities ; by its large, black, terminal buds ; by the large, ligiJstrum vulgar£ (Privet). unequally pinnate leaves of 9 — 15 leaflets, which are lanceolate and serrate ; by the dense clusters of flowers, some consisting only of two purple-black stamens, others only of an ovary, and others of both ; and by the tufts of pendulous seed-vessels, popularly called " keys," which remain attached to the tree until the spring. A variety is occasionally found with only the terminal leaflets to its leaves. — Woods and hedges ; common. — Fl. April, May, before leafing. Perennial 326 APOCYNACEiE 2. LiGtJSTRUM (Privet). — Shrubs with simple, often evergreen leaves ; flowers perfect, in terminal panicled cymes ; calyx cup- shaped, 4-toothed, deciduous ; corolla funnel-shaped, with 4 spreading lobes ; fruit globular, berry-like. (Name, the Classical name of the plant, connected with ligare, to bind, from the use made of the twigs.) 1. L. vulgdre (Common Privet). — The only British species, a common hedge-bush, with opposite, smooth, elliptical, nearly ever- green leaves ; dense panicles of white, sickly-smelling flowers, and polished, globular, black, berry-like fruits. It is commonly used for garden-hedges in towns, not being injured by smoke. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. Ord. XLIX. Apocynace.e. — Periwinkle Family Trees, shrubs, or herbs, mostly tropical, poisonous, and abounding in a milky juice ; leaves simple, opposite ; flowers showy, polysym metric ; calyx 5 -cleft, persistent ; corolla 5-lobed, the lobes twisted when in bud, and when expanded usually oblique ; stamens 5, inserted in the corolla-tube ; ovary 2-cham- bered ; fruit various. The beautiful Oleander (Nerium Oleander), common in greenhouses, is a member of this Order. It is very poisonous, the wood, when powdered, being sometimes used to kill rats. It is related that in 1809, when the French troops were before Madrid, a soldier formed the unfortunate idea of cutting branches of Oleander (which in Spain is very common and reaches a considerable size) to serve as spits and skewers for their meat when roasting. The wood having been stripped of its bark, and brought in contact with the meat, was productive of most direful consequences, seven soldiers dying out of twelve who ate of the roast. A number of species in the Order belonging to the genera Vahea, Willughbeia, and Landolphia, natives of Tropical Africa and the Malay Archipelago, are valuable sources of india- rubber ; and a few other genera contain medicinal plants. Vinca, the only genus represented among British plants, is astringent and acrid. 1. VfNCA (Periwinkle). — Slender, trailing plants with evergreen leaves ; solitary salver-shaped flowers with 5 oblique lobes to the corolla ; style resembling the shaft of a pillar surmounted by a double capital ; fruit of 2 erect, slender, many-seeded, indehiscent carpels. (Name from the Latin vincio, I bind, from the cord-like stems.) 1. V. minor (Lesser Periwinkle). — Stem trailing, rooting, send- ing up short, erect, leafy shoots, which bear the flowers : leaves Greater Periwinkle i Vmca mojon PERIWINKLE FAMILY 327 ana sepals glabrous ; corolla i in. across, violet, with a tube thrice as long as the calyx-lobes. — Woods, especially in the west of England, where it often entirely covers the ground with its glossy leaves. A white variety occurs in Devonshire, and in gar- dens it is often met with bearing variegated leaves and double, purple, blue, or white flowers. — Fl. March — June. Perennial. 2.* V. major (Greater Periwinkle). — A more erect plant, much larger than the last, with the margins of its leaves and sepals minutely fringed, and the latter as long as the corolla-tube, is not vi'nCA minor {Lesser Periwinkle). indigenous, occurring only near houses.— Fl. April, May. Peren- nial. Ord. L. Gentiane^e. — Gentian Family An Order comprising between 400 and 500 species, distributed throughout all climates, from the regions of perpetual snow to the hottest parts of South America and India ; but mainly northern and sub-alpine. Under the Equator they do not occur below 7,850 feet above sea-level : in the Himalayas and in the Rocky Mountains species reach altitudes of 16,000 feet : in southern Europe Gentidna prostrdta grows at 6,000 — 9,000 feet above the sea : on Behring's Straits and on the Straits of Magellan species occur just above the level of the sea ; but they are very rare both in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions. In South America and New Zealand the prevailing colour of the flowes is said to be red, and 328 gentiAne^e in Europe it is blue, yellow and white being uncommon. They are mostly herbs, erect and glabrous, with opposite, simple, sessile leaves, and often large, brilliantly coloured flowers which are poly- symmetric and usually 5-merous. The calyx is inferior, persistent, usually 5-, but sometimes 4 — 8-cleft ; corolla often persistent, twisted when in bud, with lobes equalling those of the calyx in number, and often fringed about the mouth of the corolla-tube ; stamens equalling in number, and alternate with, the lobes of the corolla ; carpels 2, united in a i-chambered ovary, with 1 style and 2 stigmas ; fruit a many-seeded capsule. All the members of the Order are intensely bitter, and form valuable tonic medicines. Gentidna lutea, collected in the mountains of central and southern Europe, is the species most commonly employed ; but there is little doubt that other species might be employed with equally good effect. 1. Microcala. — Little branched; flowers yellow, 4-merous ; calyx tubular ; corolla funnel- shaped ; stigma undivided. 2. Blackstonia. — Leaves perfoliate ; flowers yellow ; calyx deeply 6 — 8-cleft ; corolla rotate, 6 — 8-lobed ; stamens 6 — 8 ; stigma 2 — 4-cleft. 3. Centaurion. — Flowers mostly 5-merous ; corolla funnel-shaped; anthers becoming spirally twisted ; stigmas 2. 4. Cicendia. — Branched ; flowers pink, 4 — 5-merous ; calyx-lobes divided to the base ; corolla salver-shaped ; stamens 4 ; stigma 2 -fid. 5. Gentiana. — Flowers mostly 5-merous ; corolla funnel- or salver-shaped, tube sub- clavate ; anthers not twisted ; stigmas 2. 6. Menyanthes. — Leaves scattered, ternate ; flowers 5-merous ; corolla funnel-shaped, with 5 lobes, induplicate in the bud, fringed all over the inner surface. 7. NYMPHofDES. — Leaves simple, orbicular, floating ; flowers 5- merous; corolla rotate, with 5 lobes, induplicate in the bud, fringed at the base only. microcAla filif6rmis {Least Gentianella). i. Microcala (Gentianella). — A minute, slender, little- branched plant ; flowers small, yellow, 4-merous ; calyx tubular ; corolla funnel-shaped ; stamens 4 ; anthers not twisted ; style not persistent ; stigma undivided. (Name from the Greek micros, small, kalos, beautiful.) 1. M. filiformis (Least Gentianella). — The only British species, GENTIAN FAMILY 329 a minute, slender, glabrous plant, 2 — 4 in. high, but little branched ; leaves subulate, soon withering ; flowers yellow, only expanding in bright sunshine. — Sandy heaths in the south, where water has stood during the winter; rare. — Fl. July — October. Annual. 2. Blackstonia (Yellow-wort). — Erect, glaucous plants, with perfoliate leaves ; flowers in loose dichasial cymes, yellow, 6 — 8- metous ; calyx deeply lobed ; corolla rotate ; ovary 1 -chambered, many ovuled ; style not persistent ; stigma 2 — 4-cleft. (Named in honour of John Blackstone, an English botanist of the 1 8th century.) 1. B. ferfolidta (Perfoliate Yellow- wort). — The only British species, an erect plant, 12 — 18 in. high, remark- able for its glaucous hue, and for its pairs of leaves, which are rather distant, and are united at the base (connate) with the stem passing through them, whence the name Perfoliate. The flowers, which are large and handsome, are yellow, and expand only between 9 o'clock in the morning and 4 p.m. — Chalk and limestone pastures ; not uncommon. Fl. June — September. Annual. 3. Centaltrion (Centaury). — Erect, herbaceous plants with angular stems ; leaves sometimes united at the base ; flowers in terminal, trichasial cymes; corolla funnel-shaped, usually 5-lobed, pink, white, or yellow ; stamens 4 — 5 ; anthers becoming spirally twisted; style simple, not persistent ; stigmas 2. — (Name, like Centaurea, referring to the Centaur Chiron, who in Greek mythology was famous for his medical skill.) 1. C. umbelldtum (Common Centaury). — A pretty plant, 2 — 18 in. high, with square, erect, green stems, much branched above ; leaves elliptic-oblong, with strong parallel ribs, and remarkably smooth ; flowers in terminal, corymbose, trichasial cymes, rose- pink, or rarely white, only opening in fine weather ; calyx half as long as corolla-tube ; filaments springing from the top of the blackst6nia perfoliXta {Perfoliate Yellow-wort'). 33° GENTlANEiE corolla-tube. — Dry pastures and waste places ; common. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 2. C. latifolium (Broad-leaved Centaury), a stunted form, with broadly elliptic leaves, and flowers in dense, trichasial tufts, with calyx as long as the corolla-tube, and filaments as in the 'last, occurs only on the sandy shore near Liverpool. — Fl. June — September. Annual. 3. C. vulgar e (Dwarf Tufted Centaury), a similar, stunted, but unbranched form, with oblong-linear, blunt leaves above and spathulate radical ones, occurs more frequently on sandy shores. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 4. C. pulchellum (Dwarf Centaury), a minute, slender plant, resembling Microcdla filiformis, 1 — 8 in. high, but much branched, with a few stalked flowers, rose-pink, as in the other species, with calyx rather shorter than the corolla-tube, occurs also on sandy shores, or on wet sand at inland localities. — Fl. July — September. Annual. 5. C. capitdtum (Tufted Centaury) has an unbranched stem, not more than 3 inches high, broadly ovate, distinctly 3 -nerved leaves, a cylindrical corolla-tube and a calyx equalling it in length, and differs from all the other forms in its -filaments springing from the base of the corolla-tube. — Downs in the Isle of Wight and Sussex. — Fl. July, August. Annual or Biennial. 4. Cicendia (Guernsey Gentianella), represented by the spe- cies C. pusilla, is even smaller and more slender than Microcdla. It is from 1 — 4 in. high; has spreading branches; linear leaves; pink flowers, and calyx-lobes not apparently united into any tube at their base. — Sandy commons, sometimes flooded, in Guernsey. Fl. July — September. Annual. 5. Gentiana (Gentian). — Herbs with opposite, sessile leaves ; flowers mostly 5-merous ; corolla funnel- or salver-shaped, tube centaCrion umbellXtum (Common Centaury). GENTIAN FAMILY 331 Gentian). — Stem erect, leafy, widening upwards and then constricted, blue, purple, or lilac, or rarely pink in British species ; anthers not twisted ; stigmas 2. (Name from Gentius, king of Illyria, who is said to have discovered its medicinal value.) 1. G. Pneumondnthe (Marsh unbranched, 4 — 10 in. high, with one or two large, bell-shaped, deep blue, or very rarely pink, (Lowers with 5 green stripes and with no fringe in the throat of the corolla-tube. — Boggy heaths ; rare. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 2. G. verna (Spring Gentian). — ■ A tufted plant with runners and rather large, solitary, sessile, in- tensely blue flowers, with 5 smaller 2-cleft segments between the lobes of the corolla.- — Wet lime- stone rocks in Teesdale and in Ireland ; very rare. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. 3. G. nivalis (Small Alpine Gentian). — A more erect, slightly branched species, with flowers smaller than in the last, several together and shortly stalked. — Summits of Highland mountains; very rare. — Fl. August, Septem- ber. Annual. 4. G. Amarella (Common Autumn Gentian). — A remark- ably erect plant, with a square, leafy, purplish, much-branched stem, 6 — 12 in. high; numerous rather large, 5-merous flowers, which only expand in bright sun- shine ; calyx with 5 nearly equal lobes, a little shorter than the cylindrical tube of the lurid, purplish-blue corolla, the throat of fc which is fringed with hairs. — Dry chalky pastures ; common — Fl. August, September. Annual. 5. G. germdnica (Scarce Autumn Gentian), differing in having unequal lobes to the calyx, much shorter than the obconic tube of the bluish-lilac corolla, is also a larger and stouter but rare plant. gentiana campestris {Field Gentian). 332 GENTIANE^ 6. G. catnpestris (Field Gentian). — Resembling G. Amarella in habit, but distinguished by its 4-cleft calyx of which the two outer lobes are much larger than the inner two, and by the pale lilac 4-cleft, salver-shaped corolla. — Dry pastures ; common. — Fl. July — October. Annual. 7. G. bdltica (Baltic Gentian), with a corolla-tube shorter than mknyAnthes trifoliata (Bztci-ieati, Marsh Tre/oify. the calyx, which resembles that of G. catnpestris, occurs on downs in Norfolk, Suffolk, Devon, Cornwall, and North Wales. — Fl. August — October. Annual. 6. Menyanthes (Buck-bean, Bog-bean, Marsh Trefoil), repre- sented by the one species M. trifolidta, is the only British plant in the Order with divided leaves. The stem scarcely rises above Fig. 43. Buck or Bog Bean. iMeaytntthts tri/oliata\ GENTIAN FAMILY 333 the water or wet ground in which it grows, but is overtopped by the large, ternate leaves, which in shape and colour somewhat resemble those of the Windsor Bean, and have sheathing bases to their petioles, opposite to one of which rises a long-stalked raceme of exceedingly beautiful flowers. These, when in bud, are pink, and when fully expanded have the inner surface of the 5 fleshy petals thickly covered with a white, lace-like fringe. — Spongy bogs ; ?n&. NYMPHofDES peltAtum (Water Villarsia). common. — The rhizome is intensely bitter, and is said to be the most valuable of tonics. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 7. NYMPHofDES (Villarsia). — Aquatic plants with simple, orbicular, floating leaves ; flowers yellow, 5-merous, in umbels ; corolla rotate, induplicate in bud, fringed at the base only, de- ciduous. (Name signifying having the form of a water-lily.) 1. N. peltdtum (Water Villarsia). — The only British species, with the habit of a Water-lily ; the leaves nearly round, deeply 334 POLEMONIACE^E cordate, polished, spotted with purple ; flowers an inch across, yellow, and fringed. — Ditches communicating with the Thames, and elsewhere in the south ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. Ord. LI. PolemoniAcejE. — The Jacob's Ladder Family A small Order of herbaceous plants, often with showy flowers, mostly natives of the western temperate parts of America, and unknown within the Tropics. They have a deeply 5-cleft, persistent, inferior calyx ; poly- symmetric, 5-lobed corolla ; stamens 5, inserted on the corolla-tube ; ovary 3-cham- bered ; style single ; stigma 3-cleft ; capsule 3-chambered, 3-valved. None of the species possesses remarkable proper- ties, but several are favourite garden flowers, such as Phlox, Polemonium, and Cobcea. 1. Polemonium (Jacob's Ladder). — Leaves scattered, unequally pinnate ; calyx cam- panulate ; corolla rotate ; stamens bearded at the base and lying on one side of the flower ; chambers of the cap- sule many-seeded. (Name, the Greek name of the plant.) 1. P. cceruleum (Jacob's Ladder, Greek Valerian). — The only British species, a tall, {Greek Valerian *mue™JacoVs Ladder). ^XtCX. plant, 1—2 feet high, with an angular, hollow stem ; smooth, pinnate leaves with 13 — 25 leaflets ; and numerous blue or white flowers, about an inch across, in a terminal cluster. — Woods in the north ; rare. A common garden flower, not easily rooted out where it has once established itself. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. Ord. LII. BoRAGfNE^E. — The Borage Family A considerable Order of herbs or shrubs, principally natives of the warmer temperate regions of the Old World, with scattered THE BORAGE FAMILY 335 leaves, which are usually covered with hairs or bristles rising from a swollen base. This character was considered by Linnaeus suffi- ciently constant to give to the Order the name Asperifolice, or Rough-leaved plants; but the present name of the Order is preferable as being more comprehensive, a few species in it having perfectly smooth leaves. Most members of the Order bear their flowers in rolled up, scorpioid racemes, a few expanding at a time. The calyx is inferior, deeply 5-, or rarely 4-cleft, and persistent ; the corolla hypogynous, 5-, or rarely 4-cleft, frequently having teeth at the mouth of the tube, and most com- monly blue or purple. Many, when first opening, however, are of a pink hue, which subsequently deepens, so that it is not unusual to see flowers of different tints in the same cluster. The stamens are 5, inserted on the corolla and alternate with its lobes ; the carpels 2, forming a 4-parted, 4-seeded ovary, with a single, gyno- basic style; and the fruit a regma of 4, rarely 2, one-seeded nutlets. They possess no remarkable properties, but abound in a soft alkaline mucilage, which gives a coolness to beverages in which they are steeped, on which account Borage is an ingredient in claret-cup. The roots of Alkanet and some others contain a red substance which is used as a dye. Myosblis paltislris, the V ergiss-mein-nicht of German romance, has now obtained the English name "Forget-me-not," formerly applied for very unromantic reasons to Ajuga Chamkpitys. 1. Cynoglossum. — Calyx 5-cleft ; corolla polysymmetric, funnel-shaped, its mouth closed by prominent blunt scales ; nutlets with hooked bristles. *2. Asperugo. — Calyx with 5 leafy lobes and smaller alternate teeth ; corolla polysymmetric, funnel-shaped, with rounded scales in the throat ; nutlets flattened, tubercled. 3. Symphytum. — Calyx deeply 5-cleft ; corolla polysymmetric, bell-shaped, closed with 5 awl-shaped scales ; stamens short, included. 4. Borago. — Calyx deeply 5-cleft; corolla rotate, its throat closed with 5 short, erect, notched scales ; filaments forked ; anthers prominent, converging in a cone. 5. Anchusa.— Calyx deeply 5-cleft ; corolla salver-shaped, with a straight tube, its throat closed by prominent blunt scales ; stamens included. 6. Lycopsis. — Calyx deeply 5-cleft ; corolla oblique, funnel- shaped, with a bent tube ; otherwise like Anchusa. 7. Pulmonaria. — Calyx-tube long, 5-cleft ; corolla salver- shaped, polysymmetric, its throat naked ; stamens included ; nutlets smooth. 33 6 BORAGfNE^E 8. Mertensia. — Calyx-tube short, deeply 5-cleft ; corolla funnel- shaped ; stamens long, exserted ; nutlets fleshy. 9. Myosotis. — Calyx 5-cleft ; corolla salver-shaped, its lobes blunt, twisted when in bud, and its throat nearly closed by blunt scales ; nutlets smooth. 10. LiTHOSPERMUM. — Calyx deeply 5-cleft; corolla funnel- shaped, its throat naked or with 5 minute scales ; stamens included ; nutlets stony. n. Echium. — Calyx deeply 5-cleft ; corolla monosym metric, sub-cam - panulate, its throat naked ; stamens very long, unequal in length, exserted. 1. Cynogl6ssum (Hound's - tongue). — Coarse, hairy, herbaceous plants, with small -flowers in forked, usually ebracte- ate cymes ; calyx 5-cleft : corolla polysymmetric, funnel-shaped, its mouth closed by prominent blunt scales ; stamens included ; nutlets covered with hooked bristles ; style rigid, per- sistent. (Name from the Greek glossa, a tongue, ciinos, of a dog, from the shape and roughness of the leaves.) 1. C. officinale (Common Hound's - tongue). — A stout, herbaceous plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with large, downy leaves with adpressed hairs, lurid red-purple flowers, and large, flattened nutlets, covered with barbed prickles, so as to stick to the wool of animals or the clothes of passers-by as closely as burs. The whole plant has a strong, disagreeable smell, like that of mice. — Waste ground. — Fl. June, July. Biennial. 2. C. montdnum (Green-leaved Hound's-tongue). — A more CYNOGI.OSSUM OFFICINALE Common Hound's-tongue). BORAGE FAMILY 337 slender plant with leaves green above, not downy, with few spread- ing hairs, and reddish -flowers, changing to blue. — Shady places in the midland and eastern counties; rare. — Fl. May, July. Biennial. *2. Asperugo (Mad wort), represented by one species, A. pro- cumbens, with prostrate, angular stems thickly set with rigid, curved bristles, a few, small, blue flowers, solitary in the axils of the upper leaves, occurs rarely in waste ground, but is not Symphytum OFFiciNALlt (Common Comfrey). indigenous. (Name from the Latin asper, rough.) — Fl. May — July. Annual. 3. Symphytum (Comfrey).— Coarse, rough plants with enlarged roots ; cauline leaves often decurrent ; flowers in terminal cymes ; corolla bell-shaped, dilated above the middle, with 5 short lobes, and the throat closed with 5 awl-shaped, fringed scales ; stamens included ; nutlets smooth. (Name from the Greek stimphuo, I unite, from its supposed healing qualities.) 1. S. officinale (Common Comfrey). — A large and handsome 33* BORAGfNEJE plant, 2 — 3 feet high, with branched, leafy stems, winged in the upper part ; leaves elliptical, acute, decurrent ; and purple, pink, or white flowers in 2-forked, drooping clusters. — Watery places and banks of rivers ; common. Often introduced into gardens, from which it is very hard to eradicate it when it has once established itself, owing to the brittleness of its fleshy roots, the least bit of which will grow. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 2. S. tuberosum (Tuberous Comfrey). — A smaller and more slender plant with a scarcely winged stem, longer-stalked radical, and scarcely decurrent cau- line leaves. — Damp woods in the north ; rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. *4. Borago (Borage) is represented by one species, B. officinalis, about 2 feet high, with both stems and leaves thickly covered with stiff, whitish, bulbous bristles. The flowers, which are large, bright blue, and very handsome, grow in terminal, drooping clusters, and may readily be distinguished from any other plant in the Order by their prominent purple- black anthers. A variety occurs with white flowers. —Waste places; not in- digenous. The juice has the smell and flavour of cucumber, which is, there- fore, often substituted for Biennial. *5. Anchusa (Alkanet). — Herbaceous, bristly plants with a deeply 5-cleft calyx, and a funnel- or salver-shaped corolla with a straight tube, and its throat closed by prominent blunt scales. (Name from the Greek anchousa, paint, from the use of the root as a dye.) 1.* A. officinalis (Common Alkanet). — A soft, hairy plant with an angular stem ; narrow, lanceolate leaves ; and forked one-sided cymes of violet flowers; calyx longer than the funnel-shaped borAgo officinalis {Common Borage). Borage in claret-cup. — Fl. June, July. Fig. 44. Evergreen {Anchusa sempervirer.s BORAGE FAMILY 339 corolla. — An occasional escape from gardens. — Fl. June, July. Biennial. 2* A. sempervirens (Evergreen Alkanet). — A stout, bristly plant with deep green, ovate leaves, and long-stalked, axillary, crowded clusters of rather large flowers, which are of an intense azure blue and have a short tube to the corolla. — Not generally considered a native; but not an uncommon hedge-plant in Devonshire. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. 6. Lycopsis (Bugloss). — Differing from Anduisa chiefly in anch6sa sempervi'rens {Evergreen Alkanet). having a bent tube and an oblique limb to the corolla. (Name in Greek signifying " a wolfs face," from some fancied resemblance in the flower ) i. L. arvensis (Small Bugloss) — The only British species; a branched, prickly plant, 6 — 18 in. high, with oblong, wavy leaves, and forked, curved clusters of small blue flowers. — Waste ground ; common, especially near the sea. — Fl. June, July. Annual. 7. Pulmonaria (Lungwort). — Herbs with a creeping rhizome ; radical and cauline leaves; terminal cymes of flowers with long, 5-cleft calyx; salver-shaped, polysymmetric corolla with naked throat ; included stamens ; and smooth nutlets. (Name from the 34° BORAGfNEjE Latin pulmo, the lungs, its spotted leaves being supposed, according to the old doctrine of " signatures," to indicate its value in lung-disease.) i. P. angustifdlia (Narrow-leaved Lungwort). — About a foot high ; leaves narrow-lanceolate, the upper ones sessile, often spotted with pale green ; flowers pink in bud and afterwards deep blue. — Woods in Dorsetshire, the Isle of Wight, and the New Forest. — Fl . February — June. Perennial. 2. P. officinalis (Com- mon Lungwort). — Leaves ovate, always spotted ; flowers pale purple. — Woods ; rare. Generally an escape from gardens. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 8. Mertensia (Smooth Gromwell, Lightwort). — Herbs with radical and cauline leaves, and blue- purple flowers in terminal cymes ; calyx-tube short, deeply 5-cleft ; corolla funnel - shaped ; stamens long, exserted ; nutlets fleshy. (Name in honour of F. C Mertens, a Ger- man botanist.) 1. M. maritima (Sea- side Smooth Gromwell). — The only British species, a singular plant about 18 in. high, with fleshy, glaucous leaves, without bristles, but sprinkled with hard dots, which are very evident in dried specimens ; flowers blue-purple, crimson in bud. — Sea-shores in the north. When fresh the plant is said to have the flavour of oysters. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 9. Mvosotis (Mouse-ear, Scorpion-grass). — Herbs with stalked radical, and sessile cauline leaves, and terminal 1 -sided clusters of small, generally blue flowers ; calyx 5-cleft ; corolla salver-shaped, with blunt lobes, twisted in bud, and throat nearly closed by blunt scales ; nutlets smooth. (Name from the Greek, signifying a mouse's ear, from the shape of the often downy leaves.) lvc6psis arv£nsis {Small Bugloss). Fig. 45. Forget-me.-not. tMyosotis scorpioides). BORAGE FAMILY 341 i. M. ccespitosa (Tufted Water Scorpion-grass). — A tufted, light green, rather shining plant with a short, not creeping rhizome ; stem much branched from the base with slender branches, downy with adpressed hairs ; blunt leaves ; and long, slender racemes of short-stalked, sky-blue flowers £ in. across. — Watery places ; common. — Fl. May — August. Peren- nial. 2. M. scorpioides (Forget-me-not). — A light green, rather shining, almost glabrous plant, with few spreading or adpressed hairs, a creeping rhizome with runners ; blunt, apiculate leaves, the cauline ones sessile or decurrent; and terminal, leafless, 1 -sided clusters of bright blue flowers, nearly \ in. across, with a yellow eye, and a small, white scale at the base of each lobe of the corolla. — Watery places ; common. Few flowers have been more written about than the Forget-me-not, yet there is great disagreement among writers as to the plant to which the name properly belongs. It was once applied to the Ground-pine (Ajuga Chamcepitys) on account of its strong taste of turpentine : some appear to have had the Alkanet in view ; others, the Speedwell ; and others, again, some of the smaller and less brilliantly coloured species of Myosbtis. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. 3. M. repens (Creeping Water Scorpion-grass). — Rhizome short with leafy runners above ground ; stem angu- lar, slender, branched, with long, spread- ing hairs ; leaves acute ; flowers sky-blue, with a yellow eye, ^ in. across, in long, slender clusters with a few leaves at the base, and very slender, long pedicels bending downward in fruit. — Wet places ; common. August. Perennial. 4. M. pyrendica (Mountain Forget-me-not). — A short, erect plant, with long, soft, spreading hairs ; radical leaves on long slender stalks, pointed ; flowers deep bright blue, ^ in. across, in short clusters, with short, thick pedicels, and flat, short-tubed pulmonXria OFFICINALIS (Common Lungivort). -Fl. June- 342 BORAGINE/E corollas, sweet-scented in the evening. — Mountains in Yorkshire and Scotland ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 5. M. sylvdtica (Wood Forget-me-not). — A taller, erect plant, without runners, with spreading hairs ; radical leaves on short, broad stalks, blunt ; flowers bright blue, J in. across, in clusters becoming very loose in fruit ; calyx with hooked bristles. — Dry woods ; rare. — Fl. May — September. Perennial. 6. M. arv'evsis (Field Scorpion-grass).— A closely allied species, MYOS6TIS ALPESTRIS (Mountain forget-me-not). MYOSOTIS VERSICOLOR (Parti-coloured Scorpion-grass). 6 — 18 in. high, roughish with spreading bristles; radical leaves stalked ; flowers very small, \ in. across, usually concave, pale blue, on long, slender, spreading pedicels; calyx with hooked bristles. — Cultivated land and waste places ; the commonest species of the genus. — Fl. June — August. Annual. 7. M. collina (Early Field Scorpion-grass). — A slender, erect or prostrate plant, often only about 3 in. high ; leaves oblong, blunt ; flowers minute, bright blue (never pink or yellow), on short BORAGE FAMILY 343 pedicels in long, slender, leafless clusters, with a solitary flower some distance below them in the axil of the uppermost leaf; calyx with hooked bristles. — Dry banks ; common. On its first appearance, in April, the flowers are buried among the leaves ; but the stems finally lengthen into racemes, and as the season advances the whole plant dries up and disappears. — Fl. April- July. Annual. 8. M. versicolor (Parti- coloured Scorpion-grass). — A very distinct species, less than a foot high ; stem leafy below, naked above ; leaves sessile, linear-oblong, sub - acute ; flowers very minute, in clusters, on long, leafless stalks, tightly coiled up, when in bud, in the scorpioid manner which gives these plants the name of Scorpion-grass, at first pale yellow, afterwards blue. — Fields and banks ; common. — Fl. April — June. Annual. IO. LlTH O SPERMUM (Gromwell). — Herbs, some- times shrubby, with flowers in leafy clusters ; calyx deeply 5-cleft ; corolla funnel - shaped, its throat naked, or with 5 minute scales j stamens included ; nutlets stony. (Name from the Greek lithos, a stone, sperma seed, from its hard nutlets.) 1. L. purpureo-cceruleum (Purple Gromwell), with prostrate, barren stems, and erect flowering ones, 1 — 2 feet high, with large, bright, blue-purple flowers, occurs rarely in woods on chalky or limestone soil, chiefly in the south. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. ^ 2. L. officinale (Common Gromwell, or Grey Millet). — Dis- tinguished by its erect stems, 1 — 3 feet high, much branched towards the summit, and generally growing 5 or 6 from the same root ; oblong, acute, sessile leaves, bristly above, hairy beneath ; small yellowish white flowers ; and, above all, by its highly polished lithosp£rmum officinale (Common Gromwell, or Grey Millet). 344 BORAGfNEiE pearl-grey, stony nutlets, which remain on the dead, leafless shoots in autumn. — Dry places ; not unfrequent. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 3. L arvense (Corn Gromwell). — Stem about a foot high, soli- tary, erect, branched ; leaves narrow, hairy ; flowers small, cream- white ; calyx lengthening when in fruit, and containing 3 or 4 brown, wrinkled nutlets. — \ — -v * Cornfields ; common. — Fl. May — July. Annual. 11. Echium (Viper's Bu- gloss). — Usually large, rough herbs with their flowers in scorpioid clusters ; calyx deeply 5-cleft ; corolla mono- symmetric, sub-campanulate, its throat naked, stamens very long, unequal in length, ex- serted. (Name from the Greek echis, a viper, against the bite of which it was formerly considered an anti- dote.) 1. E. vulgar e (Common Viper's Bugloss). — A hand- some plant, 2 — 3 feet high, remarkable for its bristly, or almost prickly stems and leaves, and numerous curved, lateral spikes of flowers, which on their first opening are bright rose-coloured and finally of a brilliant blue. — Dry places ; common. The roots are very long and taper- ing, and descend perpendicu- larly into the loose soil in which the plant usually grows. There is a white-flowered variety. The name Bugloss is of Greek origin, signifying ox's tongue, referring to the shape and roughness of the leaves. — Fl. June — August. Biennial. 2.* E. plantagineum, with narrower leaves and more spreading spikes of dark violet flowers, occurs in Cornwall and Jersey. — Fl. June — September. Biennial. ficmuM vulgAr£ (Common Viper's Bugloss). BINDWEED FAMILY 345 Ord. LIII. Convolvulace^e. — The Bindweed. Family An extensive and highly valuable family of plants, most of which are herbaceous climbers, with large and very beautiful flowers. They are most abundant within the Tropics. They have frequently a milky juice : their leaves are scattered and exstipulate ; their sepals 5, inferior, imbricate, often very unequal, persistent ; their corolla monosym metric, hypogynous, plaited, gamopetalous, 5-toothed, deciduous ; stamens 5, inserted on the base of the corolla-tube ; ovary of 2 — 4 united carpels, few-seeded, surrounded below by a fleshy, ring-shaped disk; style single, 2 — 4-forked; fruit a 1 — 4-chambered capsule. As medicines they occupy an important station. The roots of Convolvulus Scammonia, a Syrian species, furnish scammony; jalap is prepared from a similar gum-resin which abounds in the roots of several species of Exogonium, beautiful Mexican climbers, with large, trumpet-shaped flowers ; and Batatas edulis is no less valuable as a food in tropical countries, its roots, known as sweet potatoes, abounding in starch and sugar, and being very nourishing. Cuscuta (Dodder) is a parasitic genus with branched, climbing, thread-like stems, no leaves, and globular heads of small, wax-like flowers. The seeds germinate in the ground, and the young plants climb the stems of adjoining plants, sending out root-like suckers into them and then losing their connexion with the ground. One species found in Britain grows upon Flax, with the seeds of which it has probably been introduced; and others grow on Furzes, Heaths, Clovers and other plants. 1. Conv6lvulus. — Leafy, twining plants. 2. Cuscuta. — Leafless, twining parasites. 1. Convolvulus (Bindweed). — Slender, twining plants, with milky juice ; scattered leaves, often sagittate ; corolla trumpet- shaped, 5-plaited, slightly 5-lobed ; capsule 2-chambered below, 1 -chambered above, 2-valved. (Name, a diminutive from the Latin convolvo, I entwine.) 1. C. sepium (Great Bindweed). — A glabrous, twining plant with stout, fleshy, creeping rhizome; leaves arrow-shaped, with abrupt lobes ; bracts large, heart-shaped, close to the flower and entirely enclosing it when in bud ; flowers solitary, on square peduncles, large, pure white; fruit not often perfected. — Bushy places ; common. A most mischievous weed in gardens, not only exhausting the soil with its roots, but strangling with its twining sterns the plants which grow near. Its handsome flowers are 346 convolvulAce.^e among the largest which this country produces. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 2. C. Soldanella (Sea Bindweed). — A very beautiful species ; stems not climbing, usually almost entirely buried beneath the sand ; leaves fleshy, roundish or kidney shaped ; bracts large, ovate, close to the flower ; flowers solitary, almost as large as those of the preceding species ; pale rose-coloured, striped with red or yellow, convolvulus soldanella (Sea Bindweed). on 4-sided, winged stalks. — Sandy sea-shores: frequent. The flowers generally expand in the morning and close before night. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 3. C. arvensis (Field Bindweed). — A beautiful, though destruc- tive twining plant ; leaves arrow-shaped, with acute lobes ; bracts 2, small, linear, distant from the flower ; flowers 1 — 3 together, white or rose-coloured, with darker red plaits, handsome and fragrant, opening only in sunny weather. — A common weed in light soil, either trailing along the ground among short grass or BINDWEED FAMILY 347 climbing the stalks of corn or any other support. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 2. Cuscuta (Dodder). — -Slender, branched, twining, leafless parasites, with thread-like stems, generally reddish, and small flowers in compact globular heads ; calyx 4 — 5 cleft ; corolla bell- shaped, 4 — 5-cleft, generally with scales below the epipetalous sta- mens; ovary 2 -chambered, 4-seeded; capsule bursting transversely ; seeds almost without cotyledons. (Name of doubtful etymology.) 1 . C. europcca (Greater Dodder), with a calyx of blunt sepals, much shorter than the yellowish corolla, and the scales in the corolla-tube short, notched, and pressed to the sides of the tube, grows on Nettles, Thistles, Vetches, and other herb- aceous plants - — Fl. July — Septem- ber. Annual. 2. C. Epithymum (Lesser Dod- der), with a reddish calyx of acute sepals, shorter than the white corolla, the scales as long as the corolla-tube, fringed and converg- ing, and the stamens exserted, grows on Furzes, Heaths, Thymes, and other shrubby plants, and is the commonest species. Soon after flowering the stems turn dark brown, and in winter disappear.-- Fl. July — October. Annual. 3.* C. Epilinum (Flax Dodder), with green stems, whitish flowers in small clusters, acute sepals as long as the corolla, and adpressed fringed scales, is sometimes very destructive to Flax. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 4.* C. Trifolii (Clover Dodder), with reddish-yellow stems; white flowers ; lanceolate, red-tipped sepals as long as the corolla, and converging scales half as long as the corolla-tube ; grows chiefly on Clover. — Fl. July — September. Annual. i'i'thvmum {Lesser Dodder 348 solanAceje Ord. LIV. Solanace^e. — The Nightshade Family A large and highly important Order, containing about 1,000 species of herbaceous plants and shrubs, which inhabit most parts of the world except the coldest, and are most abundant within the Tropics. Their leaves are exstipulate and scattered, but occa- sionally appear, owing to adhesion, to spring in pairs ; and the cymose inflorescences are similarly sometimes above the axils of the leaves. The -flowers are polysymmetric and pentamerous, rarely 4-merous ; calyx inferior, deeply cleft ; corolla hypogynous, gamopetalous, plaited when in bud ; stamens in one whorl, alternate with the petals ; anthers bursting either by terminal pores or by slits down their inner surfaces ; ovary 2-chambered ; style 1 ; stigma simple ; fruit a 2 — 4-chambered capsule or nuculane ; seeds numerous. The prevailing property of the members of this Order is narcotic, and many are, in consequence, highly poisonous. In others, certain parts of the plant have poisonous properties, the rest being harmless, and some even containing a large quantity of nutritious matter. The genus Soldnum is a very extensive one, comprising as many as 600 species. First among these in importance stands the Potato (S. tuberosum), a native of Chili, which was introduced into Spain between 1580 and 1585, and into Ireland by Thomas Herriott, who brought it from Virginia in 1586. It was first planted on Sir Walter Raleigh's estate at Youghal, co. Cork, and was cultivated for food in that country long before its value was known in England ; but John Gerard grew'it in his garden in Holborn before 1597, the year in which his " Herbal " was published, in the frontispiece to which work he is represented holding a flowering branch of the potato. Its leaves and fruit are narcotic ; but its tubers contain no noxious matter, abounding in an almost tasteless starch, on which account it is less liable to cloy on the palate than any other vegetable food except bread. S. Melongena, the Egg-plant, a common green- house plant, is remarkable for bearing a fruit of the size and colour of a pullet's egg ; S. Dulcamara, the Woody Nightshade, or Bittersweet, a common English plant, with purple and yellow flowers and scarlet fruit, has narcotic leaves ; and S. nigrum, a smaller species, common as a weed in England and most other countries, except the coldest, with white flowers and black fruit, is narcotic to a dangerous degree. Atropa Belladonna, a stout, herbaceous plant, with dingy purple, bell-shaped flowers, is the Deadly Nightshade, so called from the poisonous nature of every part of the plant, especially the fruit, which is large, black, and shining, and of a very attractive appearance. It contains a NIGHTSHADE FAMILY 349 substance known as atropine, which possesses the singular property of contracting the iris and thus dilating the pupil of the eye, on which account it is extensively used by oculists when operations are to be performed, and, it is said, by ladies to enhance their beauty, whence it derives its specific name. The Mandrake (Mandrdgora officinalis) was anciently thought to possess miraculous properties. It was said to shriek when taken from the ground, and to cause the instant death of any one who heard its cries. The person who gathered it, therefore, always stopped his ears with cotton, and harnessed a dog to the root, so that, in his efforts to escape, he uprooted the plant, and instantly fell dead. The forked root was then trimmed so as to resemble the human form. Tobacco is the foliage of several species of Nicotidna, a violent poison when received into the stomach, though commonly employed in other ways without apparent ill effects. Hyoscyamus niger, the Henbane, a stout, herbaceous plant with sticky, fetid leaves, and cream-coloured flowers veined with purple, is a powerful narcotic, and in skilful hands scarcely less valuable than opium. Datura Stramonium, the Thorn Apple, bearing large, white, trumpet-shaped flowers, and prickly capsules, is also a dangerous poison, though employed with good effect in several nervous and other disorders, especially asthma. Physalis Alkekengi, the Winter Cherry, is remarkable for bearing a scarlet fruit enclosed in the enlarged calyx, which also turns scarlet, but, after exposure to autumn wet, decays, leaving the fruit hanging within a network of its veins. The genus Capsicum affords Cayenne pepper, which is prepared by grinding the dried fruits ; and Tomatoes are the fruit of the genus Lycopersicum. i. Solanum. — Corolla rotate, the segments spreading or reflexed ; anthers opening by pores ; fruit a 2-chambered nuculane. *2. Lycium. — Corolla funnel-shaped, segments spreading ; anthers opening lengthwise ; fruit a 2-chambered nuculane. 3. Atropa. — Corolla bell-shaped ; fruit a 2-chambered nuculane. *4. Datura. — Corolla long, funnel-shaped, folded angularly ; fruit a 4-valved capsule. 5. Hyoscyamus. — Corolla short, funnel-shaped with unequal lobes ; capsule opening transversely. 1. Solanum (Nightshade). — Herbs or shrubs with scattered or paired leaves; polysymmetric, purple or white flowers; rotate corolla with a short tube, and spreading or reflexed, valvate lobes ; exserted, convergent anthers, opening by pores ; and a 2 — 4- 35° SOLAXACEiE chambered, fleshy, many-seeded, berry-like fruit. (Name of doubtful origin.) i. S. Dulcamara (Woody Nightshade, Bittersweet). — Frequently, though incorrectly, called Deadly Nightshade ; well marked by its shrubby, clambering stem climbing among bushes to a height of 8 or 10 feet ; leaves ovate, acute, cordate, hastate, or eared at the base ; flowers in loose, drooping clusters, purple with 2 green spots soj.Anum dulcamaka {Woody Nightshade, Bittersweet). at the base of each petal ; anthers yellow, uniting in the form of a cone ; fruit oval, scarlet, berry-like. — Hedges, and luxuriantly near water ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 2. £. nigrum (Black Nightshade). — A branching, erect, herba- ceous plant, generally less than a foot high ; leaves stalked, ovate, wavy, bluntly toothed ; flowers few, drooping, white, with yellow anthers ; fruit globular, generally black, but rarely yellow or red. ■ — Waste ground ; common. — Fl. July — October. Annual. p ig- 47 Dwale or Deadly Nightshade \Atropa Belladonna). NIGHTSHADE FAMILY 351 *2. Lycium, represented by L. chinense (The Duke of Argyll's Tea-tree), an Asiatic shrub naturalised in many places, especially near the sea, straggling, with long, pendulous and sometimes spinous branches; fleshy, glabrous, lanceolate leaves; purple, funnel- shaped flowers with a short corolla-tube, green throat, and black honey-guides ; and red, berry-like fruit. Suggested as a substi- tute for tea. — Fl. June— August. Perennial. Xtropa bf.i.i.ad6nna {Deadly Nightshade, Dwale). 3. Atropa (Deadly Nightshade), represented by one species, A. Belladonna, a stout, branched, erect, herbaceous plant, 3 — 4 feet high, with runners ;• leaves large, stalked, ovate, acute, gener- ally in unequal pairs; flowers solitary, axillary, drooping, bell-shaped, lurid purple ; calyx leafy, persistent ; fruit globose black, pol- ished, resembling a cherry, but for the persistent calyx. — Old quarries and among ruins, especially on chalk and limestone soil \ 35 2 SOLAN ACE/E not common. The most dangerous poisonous plant in Britain, its berries being fatally attractive to children. A strong emetic, a dose of magnesia, and to keep the patient from dozing are the best precautions in cases of poisoning by its berries, pending the arrival of medical aid. (Name from Atropos, one of the Fates, who was supposed to cut the thread of human destiny.) — Fl. June — August. Perennial. hyoscvamus NiGER {Common Henbane). 4. Datijra, represented by D. Stramonium (Thorn Apple), a coarse, strong smelling plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with widely diverging 2 — 3-furcate branches ; large, ovate, glabrous, sinuate-dentate leaves ; large, erect, white flowers on short stalks in the forks of the branches ; and a densely spinous, ovate, 4-valved capsule. — Waste places; rare. (Name of Arabic origin.) — Fl. June, July. Annual. 5. Hyoscyamus (Henbane). — Strong-smelling, often sticky herbs ; calyx bell-shaped, persistent ; corolla with a short tube and FIGWORT FAMILY 353 5 unequal, blunt, spreading lobes ; stamens lying on one side ; anthers opening lengthwise ; ovary 2-chambered ; capsule opening transversely by a lid, many-seeded. (Name in Greek signifying Hogs-bean.) i. H. niger (Common Henbane). — The only British species, an erect, branched, herbaceous plant, i — 3 feet high, with large, viscid, downy leaves, and funnel-shaped, cream-coloured flowers, generally with purple veins and a dark eye, arranged in a double row along the upper side of curving branches, succeeded by 2-chambered capsules, which are enclosed by the calyx, and open by lids which fall off when the seeds are ripe. — Waste places, on dry soil, especially near the sea ; frequent. The whole plant has an exceedingly disagreeable smell of mice, and is dangerously narcotic, especially at the time when the seeds are ripening. An extract is used in medicine, and is often of great service, pro- ducing the effect of opium without the unpleasant symptoms which frequently follow the administration of that drug. The capsules and seeds of Henbane, smoked like tobacco, are a rustic remedy for the toothache, but convulsions and temporary insanity are said to be sometimes the consequences of their use. — Fl. May — August. Annual or Biennial. Ord. LV. ScrophularJnte — Figwort Family A large and important Order, containing nearly 2,000 species, of which some are shrubs, but the greater number are herbaceous, inhabiting all parts of the world, from the Arctic regions to the Tropics. Their leaves are generally simple, and their flowers monosymmetric ; calyx 4 — 5-lobed, persistent ; corolla often 2-lipped or personate ; stamens usually 4, 2 long and 2 short (didynamous), sometimes 2 or 5 ; ovary 2-chambered ; style 1 ; stigma 2-lobed ; capsule 2-chambered, 2 — 4-valved, or opening by pores. The general character of the species is acrid and bitter, and some have powerful medicinal properties. The powdered leaves of Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) lower the pulse, and, if taken in large doses, are poisonous. Euphrasia (Eye-bright), the " Euphrasy " of Milton, makes a useful eye-water. Among foreign genera Gratiola is said to be the active ingredient in the once famous gout medicine, " Eau me'dicinale." Euphrasia, Odontites, Pediculdris, Rhindnthus, and Melampyrum are partly parasitic, their roots being generally attached to those of grasses, and their leaves small in proportion to their size and copious flowering and seed-production. The Foxgloves, Snapdragons, Toadflaxes, and Mulleins have showy and ornamental flowers, and, together with several species of Veronica, are garden favourites. 354 SCROPHULARfN^E * Stamens 5 1. Verbascum. — Corolla rotate, with 5 slightly unequal lobes ; stamens hairy. ** Stamens 4, didynamous 2. Linaria. — Corolla personate, spurred j capsule opening by pores. 3. Antirrhinum, — Corolla personate, swollen at the base; capsule opening by pores. 4. Scrophularia. — Corolla nearly globose, shortly 2-lipped, capsule 2-valved. *5. MfMULUs. — Calyx 5-toothed ; corolla 2-lipped, gaping ; seeds many. 6. Limosella. — Leaves radical, linear ; corolla short, bell- shaped, 5 -cleft, nearly polysymmetric ; anthers 1 -chambered. 7. Sibth6rpia. — Leaves round ; corolla short, rotate, 5-cleft, nearly polysymmetric ; anthers 2-chambered. 8. DigitIlis. — Calyx in 5 deep, unequal segments ; corolla irregularly bell-shaped, with 4 — 5 shallow lobes. 9. Euphrasia. — Leaves opposite ; calyx 4-cleft ; corolla 2-lipped, upper lip with two spreading lobes, lower lip in 3 nearly equal notched lobes ; seeds many. 10. Odont/tes. — Leaves opposite ; calyx 4-cleft ; corolla 2-lipped, upper lip arched, entire ; lower lip with 3 reflexed entire lobes ; capsule blunt ; seeds many. 11. Lasi6pera. — Leaves opposite, or upper ones scattered; calyx 4-cleft ; corolla tubular, 2-lipped ; capsule pointed ; seeds many, minute. 12. Bartsia. — Leaves opposite ; calyx bell-shaped, 4-fid ; corolla tubular, ringent ; upper lip much arched, not compressed ; capsule pointed ; seeds many, large, compressed and winged. 13. Pedicularis. — Leaves scattered ; calyx inflated, 4-toothed; corolla gaping, lower lip 3-lobed ; seeds many. 14. Rhinanthus. —Ltfaflw opposite ; calyx inflated, 5-toothed; corolla as in Pedicularis ; seeds flattened, winged. 15. Melampyrum. — Leaves opposite; calyx tubular, 4-toothed; corolla much as in Pedicularis ; seeds 2 — 4, not winged. *## Stamens 16. Veronica. — Corolla rotate, unequally 4-cleft, the lower lobe narrowest. 1. VerbAscum (Mullein).- — Erect, woolly plants with scattered leaves, and nearly polysymmetric, 5-merous flowers in spikes ; corolla rotate, with 5 slightly unequal lobes ; stamens 5, hairy j Fig. 48 Great Mullein \Verbascum Thapsus FIGWORT FAMILY 355 capsule 2-valved, many-seeded. (Name a corruption of the Latin Barbascum, meaning " bearded.") 1. V. Thdpsus (Great Mullein). — A stout, herbaceous, un- branched plant, 2 — 5 feet high, remarkable for its large, flannel- like leaves, woolly on both sides and decurrent, and club-shaped spikes of yellow flowers. Two of the stamens are longer than the rest, and have white hairs on their fila- ments. — Roadsides ; com- mon. This plant, together with Burdocks and Foxglove, is often introduced by painters into the foreground of land- scapes. — Fl. June — August. Biennial. 2. V. pulverulentum (Hoary Mullein). ■ — Stem 2 — 3 feet high, round, mealy ; leaves broad, with stellate hairs on both sides, not decurrent ; flowers smaller, bright yellow, in panicles ; stamens nearly equal, scarlet, with white hairs. —Norfolk and Suffolk.— Fl. July. Biennial. 3. V. Lychnitis (White Mullein). — A similar species, with angular stem ; leaves nearly smooth above ; and small, cream - coloured or white flowers. — Chiefly on a chalky soil ; rare. — Fl. June — August. Biennial. 4. V. nigrum (Dark Mul- lein). — A handsome plant, not so stout or so tall as V. Thdpsus, and of a darker hue ; stem angular ; leaves stalked, oblong, cordate, with stellate down, especially below ; flowers very numerous, bright yellow, in dense tufts on a long, crowded spike ; stamens covered with purple hairs. — Hedges and roadsides ; local. — Fl. June — October. Biennial. Several hybrids between the above four species occur. a a 2 verbXscum thXpsus (Great Mullein). 356 SCROPHULARlN/E 5. V. virgdtum (Primrose-leaved Mullein). — A stout species, 3 — 4 feet high ; leaves doubly serrate, with few glandular hairs, the upper ones slightly decurrent ; flowers yellow, in a panicle, crowded ; stamens with purple hairs. — Gravelly banks ; rare. — Fl. August. Biennial. 6. V. Blattdria (Moth-Mullein). — A tall, slender plant, with smooth, shining, oblong, crenate leaves, the lower ones often lobed and embracing the stem, and with large, handsome, yellow or cream-coloured flowers in loose tufts on a long, linXria elatin£ (Sharp-pointed Fluellen). interrupted spike ; stamens with purple hairs. — Gravelly places ; rare, except in the south-west. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 2. Linaria. (Toad-flax). — Mostly herbs, with bracteate flowers, often in spikes or racemes ; corolla personate, spurred ; stamens 4, didynamous ; capsule opening by pores. (Name from the Latin linum, flax, which some species resemble in their leaves.) 1 * L. Cymbaldria (Ivy-leaved Toad-flax, Mother-of-Thou- FIGWORT FAMILY 357 sands). — Not a native species, but quite naturalised, growing freely from seed besides extending widely by means of its long, rooting stems ; leaves smooth, 5-lobed, cordate, rather fleshy, purple on the under surface ; flowers small, solitary, lilac. — On old garden walls ; common. — Fl. nearly all the year round. Perennial. 2. L. Eldtine (Sharp-pointed Fluellen). — A small, prostrate plant, with downy stem and leaves, the latter hastate; flowers small, solitary, axillary, on long, slender peduncles ; corolla with upper lip purple, lower yellow, with spur straight.— Cornfields ; frequent. — Fl. July — October. Annual. 3. L. spuria (Round-leaved Toad-flax, Male Fluellen). — Resembling the last so closely that it might be mistaken for a luxuriant specimen of it ; but with roundish ovate leaves and rather larger flowers, with the spur bent up at a right angle to the corolla. — It grows in similar situations to, and some- times with, L. Eldtine, but is less common. — Fl. July — Octo- ber. Annual. 4. L. repens (Pale blue Toad-flax). — A slender, erect plant, about a foot high, with glaucous, linear leaves, and pretty pale lavender, purple- veined flowers in a spike-like terminal raceme. — Calcareous soils; rare. — Fl. July — Sep- tember. Perennial. 5. L. vulgaris (Yellow Toad-flax). - 1 — 2 feet high, with numerous, crowded, linear, acute leaves, glabrous, and sometimes glaucous ; and dense, spike-like, termi- nal racemes of large, yellow flowers. — Hedges ; very common. The variety known as Peloria, with a polysym metric, 5-spurred corolla, is rare. — Fl. June — October. Perennial. 6. L. minor (Least Toad-flax). — A small, erect plant, less than linXria vulgaris (Yellow Toad-flax). -An erect, herbaceous plant, 358 SCROPHULARfNJE a foot high, sometimes branched, with scattered, linear, blunt, downy, viscid leaves, and small, solitary, axillary, short-spurred, pale lilac -flowers. — Cornfields on dry soil ; frequent. — Fl. May — October. Annual. Several other species occur on ballast heaps near the sea, or as garden escapes, but have no claim to be considered natives. 3. Antirrhinum (Snapdragon). — A genus of herbs differing from Lindria mainly in having a pouch-like swelling, instead of .1 spur, at the base of the corolla. (Name from the Greek anti, against, rhis, rhinos, the nose, from the mask- like appearance of the flowers.) 1.* A. mdjus (Great Snapdragon). — A stout, handsome plant, with numerous leafy stems ; leaves lanceo- late ; flowers large, personate, pouched, crimson, pink or white, in many - flowered, dense, bracteate, spike-like, terminal racemes ; sepals ovate, blunt, much shorter than the corolla. — In limestone quarries and chalk-pits, and on old walls ; com- mon, but not indigenous. In gar- dens varieties occur with many beau- tiful colours and veinings. Children derive much amusement from pinch- ing the flowers between the finger and thumb, when the palate opens, as if in imitation of the fabulous monster from which it derives its name. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. A. Orontium (Lesser Snap- dragon). — A much smaller and more slender plant, generally less than a foot high, with linear leaves, and a few, small, axillary, rose-coloured flowers with linear sepals much longer than the corolla. — Cornfields in the south ; not com- mon. — Fl. July — September. Annual. 4. Scrophularia (Figwort). — Strong-smelling, stout herbs, with leaves mostly opposite, and flowers in panicles; corolla nearly globose, shortly 2-lipped ; stamens 4, or with a staminode ; capsule 2-valved. (Name from its former use in the treatment of scrofula.) AN'TIRRHfNUM OR6lTrfUM {Lesser Snapdragon). Fig. 49. Lesser Snapdragon. [Antirrhinum Orontmm) FIGWORT FAMILY 359 i. 5. aqudtica (Water Figwort). — A tall, herbaceous plant, 2 — 5 feet high, with a square stem with the angles winged ; leaves smooth, oblong, cordate, blunt, crenate-serrate ; -flowers almost globular, chocolate-brown, in close, many-flowered panicles, with linear, blunt bracts.- — Sides of streams and ditches ; common. The stems, though hollow and succulent when alive, when dead be- come rigid and prove very troublesome to anglers, owing to their lines becoming entangled in the withered capsules. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. S. aldta (Shade Figwort). — Resemb- ling the last, but with sharply serrate, acute leaves, and flowers in loose, few - flowered panicles, with leaf- like, lanceolate, acute bracts. — Wet places ; uncommon. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 3. S.noddsa (Knot- ted Figwort). — An- other similar, but smaller species, with a thick, fleshy, knotted rhizome; stem 2 — 3 feet high, square, with blunt angles ; leaves smooth, ovate, acute, doubly and acutely serrate ; and -flowers greenish - brown, in loose panicles, with small, lanceolate, acute bracts. — Moist bushy places ; common. Perennial. 4. S. Scoroddnia (Balm-leaved Figwort), with downy, wrinkled, crenate leaves and leaf-like bracts, is found only in Cornwall, Devon, Ireland, and the Channel Islands. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 5.* 5. verndlis (Yellow Figwort). — A very distinct plant, about 2 feet high, with slightly 4-angled stem; broad, crenate, pale green leaves and bright yellow flowers. — Waste places ; local. scrophulAria aquatica {Water Figwort). -Fl. June, July. 360 SCROPHULARlN/E Appearing early in spring, and resembling a Calceolaria, this is the most ornamental British species. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. *5« MfMULUS (Monkey flower). — Herbs with square stems, opposite leaves, and conspicuous, solitary, axillary flowers ; calyx 5-cleft, 5-angled ; corolla 2-lipped, gaping, the upper lip 2-lobed and reflexed ; seeds many. (Name from the Greek mimo, an ape, from the form of the flower.) 1.* M. Langsdorfli (Yellow Monkey-flower). — A pretty North American plant, with hollow creeping stems, ovate, veined leaves, and large, yellow, funnel-shaped flowers, which has escaped from cultivation and become naturalised by the sides of many streams. Some of its cultivated varieties have the flowers blotched with brown or red. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. limos^lla aquAtica (Common Mudwort). 6. Limos£lla (Mudwort). — Small, tufted, creeping, glabrous, aquatic plants, with radical, linear leaves and minute, solitary, axillary flowers ; corolla short, bell-shaped, 5-cleft, nearly polysym- metric ; stamens 4, with i-chambered anthers. (Name from the Latin limits, mud, from the character of the places in which the plant grows.) 1. L. aqudtica (Common Mudwort). — The only British species, a small plant, throwing up from the roots a number of smooth, spathulate leaves on long stalks, and minute, pale pink or white flowers on shorter stalks. — Watery places ; not common. — Fl. July — September. Annual. 7. Sibth6rpia (Cornish Money-wort). — Slender, creeping, hairy plants, with rounded, lobed, stalked leaves, and small, solitary, axillary flowers ; calyx in 5 deep, spreading segments ; corolla short, rotate, 5-cleft, nearly polysymmetric ; anthers 2-chambered ; capsule Fig. 50. Purple Foxglove. [Digitalis purpurea] FIGWORT FAMILY 36 1 nearly round, flattened at the top. (Name in honour of Dr. Humphrey Sibthorp, Professor of Botany at Oxford from 1747 to x 7 8 3-) 1. S. europoea (Cornish Money-wort). — The only British species, an elegant little plant, with slender, thread-like stems creeping along the ground in tangled masses ; small, round, notched, downy leaves of a delicate green ; and very minute, pale pink and yellow flowers. — Banks of springs and rivulets in Cornwall, and occasionally in other southern counties. In habit it approaches Hydrocotyle vulgaris (Marsh Penny-wort), but it is smaller and downy and its leaves are notched. Fl. June — October. Perennial. sibthorpia EUROPOEA (Cornish Money-wort). 8. Digitalis (Foxglove). — Tall plants with radical and cauline leaves, and large, monosymmetric, bell-shaped flowers in a long, terminal raceme ; calyx deeply and unequally 5-lobed ; corolla slightly 4 — 5-notched, hairy inside ; capsule ovate. (Name from the Latin digitus, a finger, from the glove-like shape of the flower.) 1. D. purpurea (Purple Foxglove). — The only British species, a stately plant, 2 — 6 feet high, with large, wrinkled, downy leaves, and a tall, slightly branched, tapering raceme of numerous hand- some, deep rose-coloured, bell-shaped flowers, which droop as they expand. On the inside the corolla is beautifully spotted; and it occasionally occurs of a pure white. — Woods ; common ; but not on limestone. The name Foxglove is a corruption of folk's-glove ; 3 62 SCROPHULARfN^E that is, Fairies' glove. The leaves yield a valuable medicine, which is, however, poisonous in large doses. — Fl. June — September. Biennial. 9. Euphrasia (Eye-Bright). — Partially parasitic plants with opposite cut leaves, and flowers in a bracteate spike j calyx 4-cleft ; corolla 2-lipped, the upper lip with 2 spreading lobes ; the lower lip in 3 nearly equal lobes ; anthers spurred at the base ; capsule flattened, blunt, or notched ; seeds numerous, ribbed. (Name from the Greek euphrdsano, I clear, in allusion to its use as an eye-lotion.) 1. E. officinalis (Common Eye- bright). — An elegant little plant, 2 — 6 in. high, with deeply cut leaves, and numerous white or lilac flowers veined with purple, and with the middle lobe of the lower lip yellow. — It is common in pastures ; but it is so variable that botanists dis- tinguish a number of forms, of which seventeen are British, differ- ing in the bracts, size of flowers, capsules, and seeds. On the moun- tains and near the sea the stem is scarcely branched, and the leaves are fleshy ; but in rich soil it assumes the habit of a minute shrub. An infusion of this plant makes a useful eye-lotion. — Fl. May — Sep- tember. Annual. 10. Odontites. — Partially para- sitic plants with opposite leaves, and flowers in branched spikes with leafy bracts ; calyx 4-cleft ; corolla 2-lipped, the upper lip arched, entire, or notched, not spreading, the lower lip with 3 reflexed lobes ; capsule flattened, blunt ; seeds numerous, angular. (Name from the Greek odous, a tooth, some species having hollowed tooth-like scale-leaves like those of the Tooth-wort.) 1. 0. rubra (Red Bartsia). — A much-branched, erect, herba- ceous plant, 6 — 12 in. high, with linear-lanceolate, dingy, reddish- pigitXlis purpurea {Purple Foxglove). FIGWORT FAMILY 363 green leaves, irregularly toothed, and numerous one-sided spikes of small, pink flowers. While flowering, the spikes usually droop at their ends. — Cornfields and waste places j common. — Fl. June — September. Annual. 11. Lasiopera (Viscid Bartsia or Marsh Eye-bright). — An erect, clammy plant with the lower leaves opposite, the upper scattered ; calyx tubular, 4-cleft ; corolla tubular, 2-lipped, yellow ; capsule pointed ; seeds many, minute, angular. (Name from the Greek Idsios, hairy, pera, a wallet.) 1. L. viscdsa (Yellow Viscid Bartsia). — An erect, clammy plant with sessile, ovate-lanceolate, deeply serrated leaves, the lower euphrAsia officinalis (Common Eye-brigki). opposite, the upper scattered ; and' axillary yellow flowers. — In the south and west ; rare. Somewhat resembling the Yellow-rattle Rhindnthus Crista-gdlli), but at once distinguished by its clammi- ness. It looks very different in Sussex, where it is less than a foot high and unbranched, from what it does at the Lizard, where it is more than twice as tall and much branched. — Fl. June — October. Annual. 12. Bartsia (Red Eye-bright). — A low, unbranched, perennial *■ plant, with leaves opposite ; calyx bell-shaped, 4-fid ; corolla tubular, ringent, the upper lip much arched, not compressed ; capsule ovoid, produced into a long point; seeds many, large, compressed and winged. (Name in honour of John Bartsch, a Russian botanist.) 364 SCROPHULARfN^E i. B. alpina (Alpine Bartsia), a low, unbranched species, with opposite, ovate leaves, and dull purple-blue flowers in a short, leafy spike. — Mountain pastures in the north ; rare. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 13. Pedicularis (Red-rattle).— Partially parasitic plants, with scattered leaves, and flowers generally red, in bracteate spikes or racemes ; calyx inflated, somewhat leafy, unequally 5-toothed ; ODONTfTES rubra {Red Bartsia). corolla gaping, upper lip arched, flattened vertically, lower lip flat, 3-lobed ; capsule flattened, oblique ; seeds angular. (Name from the Latin pediculus, a louse, the plant being supposed to produce lice in sheep.) r. P. palustris (Marsh Red-rattle). — An erect, branched, herba- ceous plant, 6 — 18 in. high, nearly glabrous, with reddish branches; leaves deeply pinnately cut ; flowers large and crimson, in a leafy raceme; calyx downy. — Marshes and bogs; common. It is often FIGWORT FAMILY 365 a conspicuous plant, overtopping the surrounding herbage. — Fl. May — -September. Annual. 2. P. sylvdiica (Dwarf Red-rattle). — Distinguished from the last by its humbler growth, being prostrate and only branched at the pediculXris pal6stris (Marsh Red-rattle). base, and by its rose-pink flowers with a smooth calyx. — Damp heaths; common. — Fl. April — August. Perennial. 14. Rhinanthus (Yellow-rattle). — Partially parasitic plants, with opposite, serrate leaves, and yellow flowers spotted with violet, in one-sided spikes, with toothed bracts ; seeds flattened, winged ; otherwise much as in Pediculdris. (Name from the Greek rhis, rhinos, the nose, anthos, a flower, from its shape.) 3 66 SCROPHULARIN^E i. R. Crista-gdlli (Yellow-rattle, Cock's-comb). — An erect, somewhat rigid plant, 12 — 18 in. high, seldom branched; leaves oblong-lanceolate, serrate ; flowers yellow, in a loose spike, with green, ovate, deeply serrate bracts, and conspicuous, pale, inflated calyces. — Pastures; common. The rattling of the ripe seeds in the capsule is a sign in Sweden that the hay is ready to cut ; but in England hay-making begins when the plant is in full flower. — Fl. June. Annual. 2. R. major (Large Yellow-rattle), a taller, much-branched species, has its flowers in crowded spikes, and a yellowish bract, ending in a fine green point, below each flower. — Cultivated fields ; local. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 15. Melamp^rum (Cow- wheat). — Partially parasitic plants with opposite leaves ; calyx tubular, with 4 narrow teeth ; corolla much as in Pediculdris, but with the sides of the upper lip reflexed ; seeds 2 — 4, not winged. (Name from the Greek melas, black, puros, wheat, the seeds being said to make flour black when ground and mixed with it.) 1. M. cristdtum (Crested Cow-wheat). — A handsome plant, about a foot high, with linear-lanceolate, entire leaves and yellow flowers tipped with purple, in dense, 4-sided spikes, with cordate, toothed, ovate bracts rose-coloured at the base, the lower ones recurved. — Woods in eastern counties ; rare. — Fl. September, October. — Annual. 2. M. arvense (Purple Cow-wheat). — Also a handsome species, taller, with rosy flowers with a yellow throat and deep red lips, in loose spikes with ovate-lanceolate, pinnatifid, rose- red bracts. — Cornfields in the south-eastern counties ; very rare. — Fl. July,. August. Annual. 3. M. pratense (Common Yellow Cow-wheat). — A slender plant, about a foot high, with opposite pairs of straggling branches rhinXnthus crIsta-gXlli {Cock's-comb, Yellow-rattle). FIGWORT FAMILY 367 below j leaves in distant pairs, lanceolate, smooth ; flowers axillary, in distant pairs, all turning one way ; corolla 4 times as long as the calyx, pale yellow, closed, lower lip longer than the upper. — Woods ; common. According to Linnaeus, cows are fond of it, and the best and yellowest butter is made where it abounds ; but melampvrum prat£ns£ (Common Yellow Cow-wheat). the name pratense (growing in meadows) is inappropriate, as it is rarely found in such situations. — Fl. June — September. Annual. 4. M. sylvdticum (Sub-alpine Yellow Cow-wheat), differing from the last in having sub-erect, deep yellow flowers with the corolla only twice as long as the calyx and with its lips open and equal, occurs rarely in mountainous woods in the north. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 368 SCROPHULARIN7E 16. Veronica (Speedwell). — Herbs or shrubs, with flowers usually blue ; corolla rotate, unequally 4-cleft, the lower lobe narrowest ; stamens 2, exserted. (Name of doubtful origin, perhaps a variant of Betonica, or perhaps a mediaeval Latin word corrupted from the Greek Beronike.\ * Annual ; prostrate ; flowers solitary, axillary ; bracts scattered 1. V. hederijolia (Ivy-leaved Speedwell). — Leaves stalked, 5 — 7- lobed, cordate, bearing in the axil of each leaf a pale blue flower, the stalk of which is bent back when in fruit; sepals cordate, ciliate ; capsule of 2, much swollen, 2-seeded lobes. — A common weed everywhere. — Fl. March — August. Annual. 2. V. didyma (Grey Field Speedwell). — Leaves stalked, irregu- larly serrate ; flowers bright blue, ^ in. across, on stalks longer than the leaves ; sepals broadly ovate, sub-acute ; capsule of 2, turgid, generally hairy, 8 — 1 2-seeded lobes. — Fields and waste places ; common. — Fl. April — September. Annual. 3. V. agrestis (Green Field Speedwell). — Stems several, long, prostrate ; leaves stalked, cordate, regularly serrate ; flowers \ in. across, on stalks shorter than the leaves ; sepals linear-oblong, blunt ; corolla pale blue, the lower lobe white ; capsule of 2, turgid, hairy, keeled, 4 — 6-seeded lobes. — Fields and waste places ; common. — Fl. April — September. Annual. 4.* V. Toumejortii (Tournefort's Speedwell). — A stouter, pros- trate, hairy species, with shortly-stalked, cordate, obtuse, coarsely serrate leaves ; large, bright blue flowers \ in. across, on stalks longer than the leaves ; sepals lanceolate, ciliate ; capsules of 2, diverging, sharply-keeled, hairy, 5 — 8-seeded lobes. — Cultivated ground; introduced about 1826, but now general. Fl. April- September. Annual. ** Flowers in terminal racemes ; corolla-tube very short 5. V. triphyUos (Finger-leaved Speedwell), distinguished by its erect, branched stem, 4 — 8 in. high ; palmately 3 — 7-lobed leaves ; and dark blue flowers in a loose, few-flowered raceme. — Sandy fields in Yorkshire, Norfolk, and Suffolk, and near Frensham, Surrey ; rare. — Fl. April — June. Annual. 6. V. verna (Vernal Speedwell). — An erect, hairy, leafy little plant, 2 — 4 in. high ; with pinnatifid leaves and numerous minute, pale blue flowers. — Sandy places, Norfolk and Suffolk ; rare. — Fl. May, June. Annual. 7. V. arvensis (Wall Speedwell). — A slightly larger, downy plant, 4 — 18 in. high, often covered with dust, with two lines of FIGVVORT FAMILY 369 hairs along its branches ; leaves slightly stalked, ovate-cordate, crenate ; flowers inconspicuous, pale blue, many, but almost concealed among the crowded upper leaves or bracts. — Walls and dry places ; abundant. — Fl. April — October. Annual. 8. V. serpyllijSlia (Thyme-leaved Speedwell). — A small plant, with prostrate or slightly ascending, downy stems; ovate or elliptic, slightly crenate, blunt, rather leathery leaves ; and several many-flowered racemes of very light blue flowers, \ in. across, striped with dark blue veins ; capsules inversely heart-shaped, ver6nica cham^drvs (Germander Speedwell), v. officinalis (Common Speedwell), v. scutbllAta (Marsh Speedwell), and v. beccabunga (Brooklime). with a long, persistent style. — Waste ground; common. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 9. V. alpina (Alpine Speedwell), differing from the last in being more erect, with larger leaves ; fewer, more crowded, darker blue flowers, and a very short persistent style ; occurs only on Highland Scottish mountains. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 10. V. jriilicans (Blue Rock Speedwell). — Nearly glabrous ; stem much branched, woody ; leaves leathery : flowers few, \ in. across, brilliant blue, very handsome, on stiff, sub-corymbose stalks ; capsules ovate. — Lofty Scottish mountains ; rare. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 37° scrophulari'n^: *** Perennial ; flowers in terminal racemes ; corolla-tube longer than broad ii. V. spicdta (Spiked Speedwell). — Stem erect, branching at the base, about 6 in. high ; leaves thick, nearly sessile, with a wedge-shaped base; serrate above the middle; flowers \ in. across, bright blue, in a long, dense spike. — Chalk downs in Cambridgeshire and Suffolk ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 12. V. hybrida (Tall Spiked Speedwell) is larger, reaching 18 in., and has stalked leaves, rounded at the base and serrate throughout. — Limestone cliffs in the west ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. **** Perennial ; leaves all opposite ; flowers in axil- lary racemes 13. V. officinalis (Common Speedwell). — A hairy plant with prostrate ascending stems, with short hairs all round ; oval, shortly-stalked, serrate leaves ; and erect, many -flowered, spike- like racemes of lilac or pale blue flowers, \ in. across. — Dry pastures, heaths, and woods ; common. The leaves are astringent and bitter, and are sometimes made into tea. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. 14. V. Chamcedrys (German- der Speedwell, Blue Speedwell, Bird's-eye). — A well-known and favourite plant ; stem ascending, with two lines of hairs ; leaves sessile, hairy, deeply serrate ; flowers bright blue, ^ in. across, in a long-stalked, slender, loose raceme ; capsule shorter than the calyx. — Hedge-banks ; abundant. No one can have walked in the country in spring without admir- ing its cheerful blossoms, but few perhaps notice the singular pair of hairy lines, which traverse the whole length of the stem, shifting from side to side whenever they arrive at a fresh pair of leaves, and serving to conduct rain-water to the root. It is sometimes erroneously called Forget-me-not. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. VERONICA BECCABUNGA (Brookh BROOM-RAPE FAMILY 37 1 15. V. montdna (Mountain Speedwell). — A similar species, but with stem hairy all round ; leaves stalked ; fewer, smaller, paler ■flowers in a shorter raceme ; and capsule much longer than the calyx. — Moist woods ; common. — Fl. May — September. Peren- nial. 16. V. scutelldta (Marsh Speedwell). — A weak, straggling, generally glabrous plant ; leaves sessile, linear-lanceolate, slightly toothed ; flowers pale pink in alternate racemes ; capsules of 2 large, flat, round lobes on slender reflexed stalks. — Marshes ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 17. V. Anagdllis-aqudlica (Water Speedwell). — A stout, gla- brous, succulent, erect, slightly-branched plant, 1 — 2 feet high ; stem hollow ; leaves sessile, sometimes auricled, lanceolate, serrate ; flowers I in. across, pale pink or white, in opposite racemes. — Stagnant water; common.— Fl. June — August. Perennial. 18. V. Beccabunga (Brooklime). — A very similar species, but smaller, with stem rooting at the base; stalked, oval, blunt, slightly serrate leaves ; and opposite racemes of bright blue flowers, ^ in. across. — Brooks and ditches ; common, growing with Watercresses and Water-Parsnip. — Fl. May — September. Perennial. Ord. LVI. Orobanchace.e. — Broom-rape Family A small Order of succulent, brownish plants, all of which are either parasitical on the roots of other plants or are partly sapro- phytes, living, that is, upon decaying organic matter. They have no true leaves, but are more or less clothed with fleshy, pointed scales, which are most abundant near the base of the stem. The flowers are large for the size of the plant, and arranged in a spike or raceme, with one or more scale like bracts at the base of each flower. The calyx is persistent ; the corolla monosymmetric, usually 2-lipped, imbricate in the bud, persistent ; stamens 4, didynamous ; ovary in a fleshy disk, i-chambered, many-ovuled; style 1, stigma 2-lobed, capsule 2-valved ; seeds small, numerous, parietal. The seeds, it is said, will lie buried for some years in the ground without germinating, until they come in contact with the young roots of some plant adapted to their wants, when they immediately sprout, and seize on the points of the roots, which swell, and serve as a base to the parasite. There are but two English genera belonging to this Order, Orobdnche and Lathrcea, some species of which are confined to particular species of host plants, whilst others have a wider range. The species of Orobdnche are difficult to discriminate. B B 2 372 OROBANCHACE^E i. OrobAnche\ — Upper lip of corolla erect, 2-lobed. 2. LathR/EA. — Flowers secund ; upper lip of corolla arched, entire. i. Orobanche (Broom-rape). — Parasites with -flowers in a many-sided spike, with i — 3 bracts below each ; calyx of 2, lateral, usually 2 -cleft sepals ; corolla gaping, 4 — 5-cleft, its upper lip erect, 2-lobed, its base persistent. (Name from the Greek brobos, a vetch, ancho, I strangle, from the injurious effects produced in the plants to which they attach themselves.) * Bracts 3 under each flower 1. purpiirea (Blue Broom-rape). — A slender, tough, un- branched species, with pale blue flowers with purple veins, occur- ring on Milfoil. — Southern counties ; rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 2.* 0. ramdsa (Branched Broom-rape), distinguished by its branched stem, occurs on the roots of Hemp, with the seeds of which it is introduced, but is very rare. — Fl. August, September. Annual. ** Bracts one to each flower 3. 0. major (Greater Brocm-rape). — A stout, viscid, leafless club-like plant, of a reddish-brown hue, with stem much swollen at the base, and clothed with tapering scales, which pass into bracts as they ascend the stem ; flowers crowded into a dense spike ; corolla reddish-yellow, tubular, the lower lip 3-lobed, the middle lobe blunt and longer than the others ; stamens inserted at the base of the corolla, smooth below, downy above ; style downy ; stigma of 2 diverging yellow lobes. — On the roots of Furze, Broom, and other shrubs of the Order Leguminosce ; frequent. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. 4. 0. rubra (Red Broom-rape). — A small, reddish species, 4 — 8 in. high, with a loose spike of dull red sweet-scented flowers, with a downy corolla and pale pink, 2-lobed stigma. — On the roots of Thyme when growing on basaltic rock in Scotland and Ireland, and on magnesian rock at the Lizard ; rare. — Fl. June— August. Perennial. 5. 0. caryophylldcea (Clove-scented Broom-rape), a similar, but stouter, brown species with reddish-brown or purplish flowers, with hairy stamens and a dark purple stigma, grows on the roots of Galium Molhigo (Hedge Bed-straw) in Kent. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 6. 0. eldtior (Tall Broom-rape). — A tall, yellow plant, 2 — 3 feet high, with many-veined sepals ; corolla slightly compressed above, BROOM-RAPE FAMILY 373 lobes of lower lip nearly equal, acute ; stamens hairy ; stigma yellow. — On Centaurea Scabibsa ; rare — Fl. June — August. Perennial. orobAnch£ mAjor (dreat Broom-rape). LATHR*:A squamaria (Toothwort). 7. 0. Picridis (Picris Broom-rape). — A pale species, about a foot high, with 1 — 3-veined sepals ; toothed, nearly equal lobes to the lower lip of the corolla ; stamens hairy below ; stigma purple. — On Picris hieracioides ; rare. — Fl. July. Perennial. 374 OROBANCHACE/E 8. 0. Hedera (Ivy Broom-rape). — A purplish species, about a foot high, with loose spike; i-veined sepals; nearly glabrous stamens, and yellow stigma. — On Ivy; uncommon. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 9. 0. minor (Lesser Broom-rape).— A slender, yellow-brown or purplish species, about a foot high, with a loose spike ; many- veined, ovate, acuminate sepals ; white or yellowish corolla-limb ; stamens hairy below, smooth above ; style nearly smooth , stigma purple. — Chiefly upon Clovers, but occasionally upon various other plants ; frequent. — Fl. June, July. Annual. 10. 0. amethystea (Purple Broom-rape), with its corolla much curved at the base, and the middle lobe of the lower lip much the longer, occurs rarely on Daucus gummifer. — Fl. June. Annual. 2. Lathr^ea (Tooth wort). — A pale, pink-tinged, fleshy plant, partly parasitic, partly saprophytic, with its flowers in 2 rows down one side of the stem ; calyx bell-shaped, 4-cleft ; corolla gaping, 2-lipped, the upper lip arched, entire, deciduous, the tube persistent. (Name from the Greek lathraios, hidden, from its growth in shady places.) t. L. Squamdria (Toothwort). — The only species, a remarkable pale plant, with a fleshy, branched rhizome thickly clothed with tooth-like scales, which are hollowed out into glandular cavities ; each branch bears a 1 -sided raceme of drooping, dull-reddish -flowers, with a broad bract at tha base of each. — Among dead leaves and on the roots of Hazel, Elm, &c. The glands in the hollows of the buried scales probably aid in the absorption of liquid organic food from the decaying leaves. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. Ord. LVII. LentibularieLe.— Butterwort Family Herbaceous plants living in water or in marshy ground, bearing either undivided radical leaves, or much divided cauline ones with numerous small bladders on them. Their flowers are monosym- metric, and either solitary or racemose ; the calyx inferior, persistent ; corolla 2-lipped, spurred, deciduous ; stamens 2 ; ovary superior, 1 -chambered; style 1, very short; stigma of 2 unequal lips ; capsule 2-valved, many-seeded. The two British genera, Utriculdria, the Bladderworts, and the Pinguicula, the Butterworts, are both of them carnivorous. The former are submerged, rootless plants with finely divided leaves, bearing minute bladders, fur- nished with trap-doors, which capture water-fleas and other minute aquatic animals, and yellow flowers which rise above the surface BUTTERWORT FAMILY 375 of the water to open. The Butterworts are small, terrestrial plants with rosettes of radical leaves with inrolled margins, and viscid, glandular surfaces which capture small flies. Their solitary purple flowers have some resemblance to violets. " Pinguicula vulgaris (Common Butterwort) has the property of giving con- sistence to milk and of preventing it separating into either whey or cream. Linnteus says that the solid milk of the Laplanders is prepared by pouring it, warm from the cow, over a strainer on which fresh leaves of Pinguicula have been laid. The milk, after passing among them, is left for a day or two to stand, until it begins to turn sour ; it throws up no cream, but becomes compact and tenacious, and most de- licious in taste. It is not necessary that fresh leaves should be used after the milk is once turned ; on the contrary, a small por- tion of this solid milk will act upon that which is fresh, in the manner of yeast." — (Lindley.) i. UtriculAria. — Sub- merged, aquatic plants with much divided leaves bear- ing bladders ; calyx of two equal sepals ; corolla per- sonate. 2. Pinguicula. Ter- restrial plants with radical 2-lipped, upper lip 3-cleft, lower 2-cleft ; corolla gaping. 1. Utricularia (Bladderwort).— Submerged, rootless, aquatic plants with floating, much divided leaves, with thread-like segments, bearing small bladders; flowers few, in a raceme, utriculAria vulgXris (Common Bladderwort). leaves and solitary flowers; calyx * 376 LENTIBULARI^ monosymmetric, yellow ; calyx of 2 equal sepals ; corolla per- sonate, spurred ; stamens 2, lateral. (Name from the Latin utriculus, a little bladder.) 1. U. vulgaris (Common Bladderwort). — A remarkable sub- merged, aquatic plant j leaves pinnately divided, ciliate, and bearing bladders $ in. long ; flowers 4 — 8, on a stout scape 6 — 12 in. high, in a loose raceme; bracts ovate, thick, about one-third the length of the pedicels ; corolla bright yellow or orange, with nearly equal lobes, and conical acute spur adpressed to, and half as long as, the lower lip. — Ditches and pools; frequent. — Fl. June— August. Perennial. 2. U. major (Overlooked Bladderwort). — A more slender species with leaves pin- nately divided and ciliate, bearing bladders yo in. long ; bracts lanceolate, not more than a quarter as long as the slender, nearly erect pedicels ; upper corolla-lip 2 or 3 times as long as the broad, flat, lower one, lemon-yellow ; spur conical. — Pools ; rare.— Fl. June — September. Perennial. 3. U. minor (Lesser Bladderwort). — A small, slender species with repeatedly forked, not ciliate leaves bearing bladders T ^2 in. long; and 2 — 6 flowered racemes of small, pale yellow flowers, with equal corolla-lobes and a very short, blunt spur. — Pools and ditches ; not common. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 4. U. intermedia (Intermediate Bladder- wort). — Leaves distichous, repeatedly forked, ciliate ; bladders i in. long, on slender stalks, separate from the leaves ; flowers 3 — 4 in a raceme, pale yellow ; upper corolla-lip twice as long as the lower ; spur conical, acute. — Pools and ditches ; rare. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. PiNGUfcuLA (Butterwort). — Marsh plants with small roots; a rosette of entire, involute, viscid, radical leaves; and solitary flowers on long, erect pedicels ; calyx 2-lipped ; upper-lip 3-cleft ; lower 2-cleft ; corolla gaping, spurred. (Name from the Latin pinguis, fat, from the greasy leaves.) 1. P. vulgdris (Common Butterwort). — A singular and very PINGUICULA LUSITANICA (Pale Butterwort). VERVAIN FAMILY • 377 beautiful plant. The root is fibrous, and has a very loose hold on the soft ground in which it grows. The radical leaves are oblong, pale green, and of a peculiar, parchment-like, frosted appearance. The flowers are § in. long, violet, and handsome, growing in a nodding manner on a peduncle 3 — 4 in. long, with very unequal corolla-lobes and a short, tapering spur. — Bogs, heaths, and wet rocks, principally in the north. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 2. P. grandiflbra (Large-flowered Butterwort). — A larger and yet more beautiful plant, with broader leaves, flowers 1 in. long, with a longer and often notched spur. — Bogs in co. Cork and Kerry. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 3. P. alpina (Alpine Butterwort). — Smaller than P. vulgaris, with yellowish-white flowers, \ in. long, on short, smooth peduncles, and with a very short, conical spur. — Bogs in Ross and Skye. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 4. P. lusitdnica (Pale Butterwort). — The smallest British species, with greenish-white, veined leaves, downy peduncle, and pale lilac flowers | in. long, with a yellowish throat, nearly equal corolla-lobes, and blunt, cylindrical spur, curved downwards. — Bogs in the south-west of England and the west of Scotland and Ireland. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. Ord. LVIII. Verbenace^e. — Vervain Family A considerable, but mainly tropical Order, closely allied to the Labiates, comprising trees, shrubs, and herbs, with opposite, exstipulate leaves, and perfect, monosymmetric, bracteate flowers ; calyx inferior, tubular, imbricate, persistent; corolla hypogynous, with a long tube, usually 2-lipped, imbricate ; stamens didynamous, epipetalous, or rarely 2 only ; ovary 2 or 4-chambered ; style 1 ; stigma sometimes 2-cleft ; seeds 1 or 2 in each chamber. Many of them are aromatic and fragrant, such as Aloysia citriodbra, formerly called Verbena triphylla, the Lemon-plant of gardens, well known for the delicious fragrance of its rough, lanceolate leaves. Many species of Verbena from America are cultivated for their brilliantly coloured flowers ; and, though it is now little thought of, great virtues were in ancient times attributed to the one British representative of the Order, the common Vervain, insomuch that it was accounted a holy plant, and is said to have been used to sweep the tables and altars of the gods. By far the most valuable plant in the Order is the Teak (Tectbna grdndis), a native of India and Burma. The trunk of this tree sometimes attains the height of two hundred feet, and its leaves are twenty 378 verbenace^e inches long by sixteen broad. The timber somewhat resembles mahogany in colour, but is stronger. For shipbuilding teak is unequalled. i. Verbena (Vervain). — Herbs or undershrubs with 4-angled verbena officinalis (Common Vervain). stem; opposite leaves ; flowers in bracteate, terminal spikes or racemes ; calyx unequally 5-cleft 3 corolla salver-shaped, unequally 5-cleft; stamens included; fruit of 4 1 -seeded nutlets. (Name, the Latin name of the plant.) 1. V. officinalis. — The only British species, a slender, tough- Fig. 51. Vervain. [V*baa efftaml^ LABIATE FAMILY 379 stemmed plant, i — 2 feet high, with few roughish, 3-cleft leaves, and small, lilac flowers in very slender, terminal, compound spikes. — Waste ground ; common. — FL July — September. Perennial. Ord. LIX. Labiatve. — The Labiate Family A large and clearly defined Natural Order, comprising upwards of 2,500 species of herbs and shrubs, which agree in having square stems ; opposite, decussate, simple, exstipulate leaves ; and bilabiate, or 2-lipped flowers in axillary cymes, forming generally verticillasters or false whorls. The calyx is inferior, tubular, persistent, and 5-cleft ; the corolla hypogynous, monosymmetric, and mostly 2-lipped (bilabiate); the lower lip larger and 3-lobed, the upper less distinctly 2-lobed ; the stamens 4, didynamous, or rarely 2, maturing before the stigmas (protandrous) ; ovary superior, of 2 united carpels, deeply 4-lobed, with a single style arising from the base of the lobes (gynobasic) ; stigma 2-cleft ; fruit a regma of 4 nutlets, each containing a single seed. They occur mostly in warm and temperate climates, and are remarkable for not possessing injurious properties in any single instance. Most of them have strong aromatic perfumes, which are often pleasant, owing to the presence of abundance of volatile or essential oil, from which camphor-like, solid substances can be extracted. Menthol, for instance, is obtained from various species of Mint (Mentha). It is a valuable remedy in neuralgia. Patchouli (Pogostemon Patchouli) is a favourite perfume, and Lavender (Lavandula vera) is not only also a perfume, but has medicinal uses as a stimulant. Several kinds of Mint, especially Peppermint (Mentha piperita) and Pennyroyal (M. Pulegium), are much used in medicine. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is remarkable for its undoubted power of encouraging the growth of the hair and curing baldness, and is an active ingredient in most pomatums. It is one of the plants used in the preparation of Eau de Cologne and Hungary water, and the admired flavour of Narbonne honey is ascribed to- the bees feeding on the flowers of this plant, as the honey of Hymettus is indebted for its- flavour to Wild Thyme. Our aromatic pot-herbs, the leaves of most of which are used in a dried state, are all members of this Order. Among them are Mint (Mentha viridis), Sage (Salvia officinalis), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Basil (Ocimum Basilicum), Marjoram (Origanum Marjordna), and Savory. (Satureia). The tubers of Stdchys tuberifera have been introduced from Japan, under the name of Chinese artichokes, as a substitute for potatoes. 380 Several species of Sage {Salvia) are also cultivated for the sake of their brilliantly coloured blossoms. * Stamens 4, distant, the two upper shorter ; nutlets free, smooth or nearly so t Corolla subregular ; stamens spreading 1. Mentha. — All four stamens perfect. 2. Ltfcopus. — Two upper stamens aborted. tt Corolla 2 -lipped 3. ORfGANUM. — Calyx with 5 equal teeth ; stamens diverging. 4. Thymus. — Prostrate ; leaves amall ; calyx 2-lipped ; stamens diverging. 5. Clinop6dium. — Corolla-tube straight ; stamens converging at their tips. *6. MELfssA. — Corolla-tube curved ; stamens converging at their tips. ** Stamens 2 ; anthers distraciile ; nutlets free, smooth or nearly so 7. Salvia. — Calyx and corolla both 2-lipped. *** Stamens 4, the two upper longer ; nutlets free, smooth 8. N£peta. — Calyx with 5 nearly equal teeth ; corolla with flat upper lip. **** Stamens 4, parallel, the 2 upper shorter ; nutlets free t Calyx 2-lipped 9. Scutellaria. — Calyx closing over the fruit ; 2 lower anthers i-chambered. 10. Prunella. — Calyx closing over the fruit; anthers all 2 -chambered ; filaments forked. 1 r. Melittis.— Calyx inflated ; anthers exserted. ft Calyx with 5 — 10 equal or sub-equal teeth 12. Marrubium. — Calyx tubular, 1 o-tcothed ; anthers included. 13. Stachys. — Calyx sub-campanulate, with 5 equal teeth; anthers smooth, bursting lengthwise. 14. Galeopsis. — Calyx sub-campanulate, with 5 prickly teeth ; anthers fringed, bursting transversely. *i5. Leonurus. — Calyx sub-campanulate, with 5 prickly teeth; antfiers smooth, warty, bursting lengthwise. 16. Lamium. — Calyx sub-campanulate, 5-toothed ; anthers hairy, bursting lengthwise. LABIATE FAMILY 38 1 17. Ballota. — Calyx funnel-shaped, with 5 broad, spreading, prickly teeth ; anthers smooth, bursting lengthwise. ***** Stamens 4, parallel, the 2 upper shorter; nutlets united, wrinkled 1 8. Tetjcrium. — Calyx tubular, 5-toothed ; upper lip of corolla deeply 2-cleft. 19. Ajuga. — Calyx ovoid, 5-cleft ; upper lip of corolla very short, notched. 1. Mentha (Mint). — Strongly-scented herbs, with creeping rhizomes and runners; flowers small, in many-flowered whorls, often crowded, with small bracts, into terminal spikes ; calyx with 5 equal teeth ; corolla campanulate, nearly polysymmetric, 4-lobed, with a very short tube ; stamens 4 ; equal, erect, distant, smooth ; nutlets free, smooth. (Name, the Classical name of the group.) * The species are very difficult to distinguish, graduating into one another, and apparently also forming hybrids. t Whorls forming terminal spikes, with minute bracts 1. M. rotundifdlia (Round-leaved Mint). — A viscid plant, 1 — 3 feet high ; stem somewhat woody, usually much branched ; leaves sessile, broadly elliptical, remarkably blunt, often cordate, much wrinkled, and nearly smooth above, shaggy beneath ; flowers lilac or white, in dense, cylindrical, slightly interrupted spikes ; bracts lanceolate ; corolla hairy. — Waste ground ; not common. The scent is acrid and powerful, but not agreeable. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 2. M. alopecuroides , intermediate between the preceding and following species, has its runners underground ; its leaves slightly stalked and very hairy, but not felted, beneath, and its spikes short and stout, or conical-cylindrical. — Chiefly in the east of England ; rare. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 3. M. longifolia (Horse Mint). — A strong- but sweet-scented plant, usually growing in masses, 2 — 3 feet high, with sub-sessile, oblong-lanceolate, acute, serrate leaves, more or less hairy above, silky and white beneath ; flowers lilac, in a dense, slender, nearly or quite uninterrupted spike ; bracts awl-shaped ; corolla hairy. — Damp waste ground ; frequent. — Fl. August — September. Peren- nial. 4.* M. viridis (Spearmint). — Probably a cultivated form of the preceding, escaped from gardens ; leaves sessile, glabrous, lanceo- late, acute, serrate; spike slender, cylindrical, interrupted; corolla smooth. — Wet places ; rare. — This is the form commonly cultivated 382 LABIAT/E as a pot-herb, and is distinguishable by its pungent smell. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 5. M. piperita (Peppermint). — A smaller, more slender, gla- brous species, 1 — 1 \ feet high, with stalked, ovate-lanceolate, acute, serrate leaves ; spikes short, lax, blunt, and interrupted below ; bracts lanceolate ; calyx often red. — Wet places ; uncommon. Perhaps a cultivated form of M. hirsiita.—F\. July — September. Perennial. 6. M. pubes cen s (Downy Mint). — Stem 12 — 18 in. high; leaves stalked, ovate-oblong, serrate, hairy above, woolly beneath ; spikes cylindric, stout, dense, interrupted below. — Middle and south of England only; rare. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 7. M. hirsuta (Hairy Mint, Capitate Mint). — The commonest and one of the most variable of the Mints, growing in extensive masses in wet places, 1 — 4 feet high, with a strong smell ; leaves stalked, ovate, serrate, acute, downy on both surfaces; flowers pale lavender, in axillary and terminal rounded heads, hairy. — Banks of rivers and marshes ; abundant. The Bergamot Mint (M. citrdta) is a glabrous form.— Fl. July- September. Perennial. ft Whorls in the axils of leafy bracts 8. M. saiiva (Marsh Whorled Mint). — With difficulty separated from the preceding; but growing 2—5 feet high, with leaves green, though hairy on both surfaces, and with all the whorls of flowers separate, all the bracts leafy, and the uppermost ones m£ntha HiRstTA {Hairy Mint). LABIATE FAMILY 383 sometimes with no flowers in their axils ; calyx-teeth lanceolate- acuminate. — Wet places ; common. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 9. M. rubra (Red Mint), a less hairy plant with red veins to its leaves, is a not uncommon form of the preceding. 10. M. gracilis (Slender Mint), includes slender, green, and nearly smooth forms with the leaves, especially the upper ones, sessile or nearly so, and the smell of Basil. J\L \1^\ WjA- ii. M. gentilis has "^ spreading, rather thick leaves, nearly all of one size and hairy along their veins. It is a not un- common type. 12. M. arvensis (Corn Mint), a branched, downy plant, 6 — 18 in. high, with stalked, ovate, serrate, hairy leaves, either acute or blunt, all nearly equal in size ; and small lilac flowers in dense, distant whorls ; calyx bell-shaped, with deltoid teeth, hairy. This last is the most constant cha- racter by which to dis- tinguish the forms of this group from the four pre- ceding ones. — Cornfields; common. The plant has a strong smell. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. Iff Whorls distant, in the axils of the lower leaves 13. M. Pulegium (Pennyroyal). — The smallest of the genus, and very different in habit from any of the others ; the stems are prostrate ; the leaves small, shortly-stalked, ovate, nearly smooth ; the flowers red, in distant, globose, many-flowered whorls ; calyx downy, its mouth closed with hairs. — Wet heathy places; not common. The whole plant has an agreeable perfume and flavour, Lvropus europ^us (Common Gipsy-worf). 384 LABIATVE and it is commonly cultivated in cottage gardens to be made into a tea which is a rustic remedy for colds. — Fl. July — September Perennial. 2. Lycopus (Gipsy-wort). — Marsh plants with toothed leaves and small sessile flowers in crowded axillary whorls ; calyx bell- shaped, with 5 equal teeth ; corolla short, nearly polysymmetric, 4-cleft ; stamens 4, distant, the 2 upper ones not pro- ducing pollen ; nutlets free, smooth. (Name from the Greek lukos, a wolf, pons, a foot, from a fancied re- semblance in the leaves.) 1. L. europceus (Com- mon Gipsy-wort). — The only British species, with creeping rhizome and run- ners ; slightly branched, erect, acutely 4-angled stem 1 — 3 feet high ; sub- sessile, deeply cut or pin- natifid, nearly smooth leaves; and minute white flowers, dotted with red, in crowded whorls in the axils of the upper leaves. — Fl. June — September. Peren- nial. 3. Origanum (Mar- joram). — Aromatic plants, with their flowers crowded in corymbose cymes with imbricate bracts; calyx with 5 equal teeth, 10 — 13 ribbed, the throat hairy ; corolla obscurely 2-lipped ; stamens 4, distant ; nutlets free, smooth. (Name from the Greek oros, mountain, gdnos, joy, the plant growing on high ground.) 1. 0. vulgdre (Common Marjoram). — The only British species, growing about a foot high, and distinguished by its shortly-stalked, broadly ovate, downy leaves and heads of rosy flowers crowded into a corymbose cyme, with deeply red-tinged, imbricate bracts form- ing 4-sided spikelets. — Dry bushy places, especially on chalk or ORiGANUM vulgAr£ {Common Marjt LABIATE FAMILY 385 limestone ; common. The whole plant is fragrant and aromatic, and is frequently cultivated as a pot-herb. Fl. July — September. Perennial. 4. Thymus (Thyme). — Small, prostrate, wiry, aromatic plants, much branched and often hairy ; leaves small ; flowers rose-colour, rarely white, in axillary or spiked, few-flowered whorls ; calyx 2-lipped, 10— 13-ribbed, the throat hairy; corolla obscurely 2-lipped, the upper lip notched, the lower 3- cleft j stamens 4, dis- tant, usually exserted. (Name, the Classical name of the plant.) 1. T. Serpyllum (Common Thyme). — A well - known and favourite little plant, forming a cushion with a fringe of prostrate, flowerless shoots, which in the next year send up erect flowering shoots from near their bases ; leaves linear, obovate, or spathulate ; flowers with deep red calyx and rose-colour- ed corolla, in short terminal heads. — The commoner form in mountain districts. The whole plant dif- fuses a fragrant, arO- thymus serpyllum {Wild Thyme). matic perfume, which, especially in hot weather, is perceptible at some distance. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 2. T. gldber, with longer prostrate flowerless shoots, larger, ovate, glabrous leaves, and longer flower-heads, occurs in sub-alpine situations. 3. T. ovdtus, a sub-erect form, without runners, with large, ovate leaves and an elongate, often interrupted flower-spike. — Heaths, frequent. 5. Clinop6dium (Calamint). — Flowers either crowded in the 3 86 labiAtve axils or in loose panicles ; calyx tubular, 2-lipped, 1 3-nerved ; corolla 2-lipped, with straight tube ; upper-lip nearly flat, lower spreading, 3-cleft ; stamens 4, converging at their tips ; nutlets smooth. (Name from the Greek, meaning a foot-stool.) 1. C. vulgar e (Wild Basil).— A straggling, softly hairy plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with ovate, slightly toothed, stalked leaves; and clinop6dium calami'ntha {Common Calamint). CLINOp6dium vulgArA (W ild Basil). rose-red flowers in crowded, many-flowered, mostly axillary whorls, with numerous, long, bristly bracts forming a kind of involucre resembling a green foot-stool. Dry bushy plants ; common. The plant is fragrantly aromatic. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. C. Acinos (Basil Thyme). — A small, bushy, downy, herba- ceous plant, 6 — 8 in. high, with ascending, branched stems ; hairy, ovate, serrate, acute leaves on short stalks ; and violet flowers in LABIATE FAMILY 387 whorls of 5 or 6, with the calyx 2-lipped, the lower lip bulged at the base, and the corolla spotted with white and darker purple. — Dry places ; frequent. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 3. C. Nepeta (Lesser Calamint). — Stems usually many, 12 — 18 in. high, with short, erect branches ; leaves ovate, serrate, shortly stalked, pale beneath ; flowers light purple, in forked cymes ; calyx with short hairs on its teeth.— Dry banks ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 4. C. Calamintha (Common Calamint). A larger, erect, bushy plant, with downy, usually solitary stem; long, ascending branches ; leaves on rather long stalks, broadly ovate, slightly serrate, green on both sides, downy; flowers light purple, in forked, axillary, few-flowered cymes with small pointed bracts in the forks ; calyx 2-lipped, with long hairs on its teeth, the teeth of the upper lip straight ; lower lip of corolla with its middle lobe longest. — Dry waste places ; not uncom- mon. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 5. C. grandiflora, an allied species, with larger, sharply serrate leaves and large flowers with the 3 upper teeth of the calyx reflexed, and the 3 lobes of the lower lip of the corolla equal, occurs on dry banks in Hampshire and South Devon. — Fl. August— October. Peren- nial. *6. Mel/ssa (Balm), a closely allied genus, differing from Clinopbdium mainly in its curved corolla-tube, is represented in England only by the one species, M. officinalis, a hairy plant with numerous erect stems, 1 — 2 feet high ; stalked, ovate, crenate leaves, wrinkled above, paler beneath ; and white flowers in shortly-stalked, one- sided, axillary, few-flowered whorls. — It occurs as an escape only, in the south. (Name from the Greek melissa, a bee, bees visiting the flowers for honey.) — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 7. Salvia (Sage). — Herbs or shrubs with calyx and corolla both 2-lipped, the latter gaping ; stamens 2, with short filaments bear- ing a long versatile connective with an anther-lobe at each end (distractile), the upper only usually containing pollen. (Name sAlvia verbenXca {Clary, or Wild Sage). 3 88 LABIATE from the Latin salveo, I am well, from the healing properties of Sage.) i. S. Verbendca (Clary, Wild Sage). — An aromatic, herbaceous plant, i — 2 feet high, with few oblong, blunt, cordate, crenate, much-wrinkled leaves, wavy at the edge; and rendered conspicuous by its long spikes of purple-blue flowers, the calyx of which is much larger than the corolla, while at the base of each flower are 2 ovate-cordate bracts. — Dry pastures, especially near the sea, or on a chalky soil ; frequent. The fruit was formerly used in eye-lotions. — Fl. May — Septem- ber. Perennial. 2. S. pratensis (Meadow Clary), distinguished by its large blue corolla with a viscid lip, is a rare species, occurring in dry fields in Kent, Oxfordshire, and Cornwall. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 8. Nepeta (Catmint). — Herbs with a tubular, 5-toothed, 15- ribbed calyx; the tube of the corolla longer than the calyx, slender below, dilated at the throat; upper lip flat, notched; lower 3-lobed, with a large middle lobe ; 2 front stamens the shortest. (Name of doubtful origin.) 1. N. Catdria (Catmint). — Stem erect, branched, 2 — 3 feet high, white with mealy down ; leaves ovate, cordate, serrate, whitish beneath ; flowers small, white, dotted with crimson, in dense whorls, which towards the sum- mit of the stem are so close as almost to form a spike. — Hedges and waste ground ; not uncommon. The whole plant has a strong aromatic odour, resembling Pennyroyal, and peculiarly pleasing to cats, whence it derives its name. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. nSpeta CATARIA {Catmint). LABIATE FAMILY 389 2. N. hederdcea (Ground Ivy, Ale-hoof).— A favourite spring flower, with creeping stems; kidney-shaped, crenate, roughish leaves ; and bright blue-purple flowers which grow 3 or 4 together in the axils of the leaves. The whole plant has a strong aromatic odour which, though scarcely fragrant, is far from disagreeable. It is bitter, and was formerly used in brewing, as hops are now ; and in rural districts its leaves are dried and made into tea. At a distance its blossoms are often mistaken for sweet violets. — Fl. March — June. Perennial. 9. Scutellaria (Skull-cap). — Herbaceous or shrubby plants, with flowers generally solitary or in pairs in the axils ; calyx bell- shaped, 2-lipped, upper lip with a con- cave scale on its back, which finally closes like a lid over the fruit ; corolla much larger than the calyx ; stamens 4, parallel, the 2 lower with 1 -cham- bered anthers. (Name from the Latin scutella, a little dish, from the lid of the calyx.) 1. S. galericuldta (Greater Skull- cap). — A handsome plant, 12 — 18 in. high, generally branched, with shortly- stalked, oblong-lanceolate, cordate, crenate leaves, and rather large, bright blue -flowers in i-sided pairs in the axils ; corolla-tube white inside, much longer than the calyx. Soon after the corolla has fallen off, the upper lip of the calyx closes on the lower, and gives it the appearance of a capsule with a lid ; when the fruit is ripe it opens again. Banks of rivers and ponds ; frequent. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. S. minor (Lesser Skull-cap). — A much smaller, more slender little plant, only 4 — 8 in. high, with subsessile, ovate, obtuse leaves ; and small, pale pink flowers, with a calyx like that of the preceding species. — Boggy places ; not common, except in the west of England. — Fl. July — October. Perennial. 10. Prunella (Self-heal). — Small, hairy plants with their flowers, in whorl? of about 6, collected into dense, terminal heads with 2 broad, rounded, leafy bracts beneath each whorl; calyx sub-campanulate, 2-lipped, flattened, and closed when in fruit ; stamens 4, parallel, all with two-chambered anthers and forked nepeta hederAcea {Ground Ivy). 39© labiAtve filaments. (Name said to be from a German word for the quinsy, for which complaint it was considered a specific.) i. P. vulgaris (Self-heal). — The only British species, easily dis- tinguished by its whorls of blue-purple, or rarely white, flowers, which are collected into a cylindrical head, having two kidney- shaped, acuminate, purple-edged bracts beneath each whorl, and a pair of ovate leaves at the base of the head. — Pastures and waste ground ; very common. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. SCUTELLARIA GALERICUlATA {Greater Skull-caf). prunella vulgaris {JS elf -heat). ii. MeliTtis (Bastard Balm), represented by only one species, M. Melissophyllum, a very handsome plant, i — 2 feet high, with large, oblong-ovate, serrate, slightly hairy leaves, and conspicuous white flowers, spotted or variously variegated with bright rose- colour. The calyx is membranous and inflated. — Woods in the south and west : rare. — The foliage has an offensive smell while fresh, but in drying acquires the flavour of new hay or Woodruff. (Name from the Greek melitta, a bee, another form of melissa LABIATE FAMILY 39 1 referring similarly to its supply of honey.) — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 12. Marrubium (White Horehound). — Woolly, herbaceous plants with small flowers in whorls in the axils of leafy bracts ; calyx tubular, 5 — io-ribbed, with 5 — 10 somewhat prickly teeth, and a hairy throat ; corolla with tube longer than the calyx, unequally 2-lipped ; upper lip straight, very narrow, deeply 2-cleft, lower 3-lobed, the middle lobe the largest; anthers included. (Name, the Classical Latin name.) Xr MELh-Tis melissophyllum {Wild Balm). 1. M.vulgdre (White Horehound). — The only British species, well distinguished by its bushy stem, 1 — 2 feet high, covered with white woolly down, by its wrinkled, ovate, crenate leaves, and its dense whorls of small white flowers, of which the calyx-teeth are fc sharp and hooked. — Waste ground; not uncommon. — The whole plant is aromatic and bitter, and is a common remedy for coughs. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 13. Stachys (Woundwort). — Herbs or shrubs with their flowers usually in terminal spikes; calyx sub-campanulate, 5 — io-ribbed, 392 labiAt^ - , with 5 equal teeth ; corolla with tube as long as the calyx ; upper lip arched, lower 3-lobed, the side lobes bent back before withering ; stamens 4, the 2 lower the longest ; anthers bursting lengthwise. (Name from the Greek stachus, an ear of corn, from the spike- like inflorescence.) 1. S. officinalis (Wood Betony). — A common and very pretty woodland plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with a slender, seldom branched marr6bium vulgAr£7(^*V« Horehound). stXchys OFFICINALIS {.Wood Betony). stem; characteristically shaped oblong, obtuse, cordate, deeply crenate leaves, of which the lower ones are stalked ; and an interrupted terminal oblong head or spike of deep crimson, rose- coloured, or rarely white flowers with 2 or 3 pairs of sessile leaves beneath the lower whorls. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 2. S. germdnica (Downy Woundwort). — Stem erect, woolly, 2 — 3 feet high ; leaves with matted, white, silky hairs, wrinkled, cor- date, the lower stalked, ovate-oblong, the upper sessile, lanceolate; LABIATE FAMILY 393 flowers rose-colour, in interrupted, dense, many-flowered whorls. — On a chalky soil ; very rare. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 3. S. alpina (Hill Woundwort). — Stem erect, little branched, velvety, glandular at the top, 1 — 2 feet high, herbaceous; leaves StAchys SYlvatica {Hedge Woundwort). oval-lanceolate, cordate, distinctly and regularly crenate-serrate, acuminate, velvety on both sides, green above, paler beneath ; the lower long-stalked, the upper sessile ; -flowers purple, 5 — 12 in each axil, in a distantly interrupted spike j bracteoles linear-lanceolate, nearly as long as the calyx, reflexed, velvety ■ calyx bell-shaped, 394 labiAtve with slightly unequal teeth and glandular hairs ; corolla woolly outside, longer than the calyx, spotted ; upper Up obovate, obtuse, bearded at the apex ; lower lip emarginate ; nutlets large, brown, smooth. — Woods on calcareous soil ; found in Gloucestershire, in 1897, by Mr. Cedric Bucknall. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 4. S. palustris (Marsh Woundwort). — Stem erect, stout, hollow, 1 — 3 feet high, hairy; leaves linear-lanceolate, acute, crenate- serrate, the lower shortly-stalked ; -flowers dull light red, in a long, terminal, interrupted spike of 6 — 10-flowered whorls. — Marshes; common. — Fl. July — -September. Perennial. 5. S. sylvdtica (Hedge Woundwort). — A similar species, but more coarsely hairy, with solid stem; leaves all stalked, ovate- acuminate, cord ite, coarsely serrate ; flowers dull dark red. — Woods and hedges ; common. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 6. S. arvensis (Corn Woundwort). — A smaller, more slender, slightly hairy species, with stem spreading; ascending branches, 6 — 18 in. high; ovate, obtuse, crenate leaves ; flowers pale pink, very small, 4 — 6 in a whorl ; corolla scarcely longer than the calyx ; nutlets warty. — Cornfields and other cultivated ground ; an abundant weed. — Fl. April — November. Annual. 7.* 5. annua, with its upper leaves lanceolate and flowers yellowish, has occurred in cornfields in Kent. — Fl. August, September. Annual. 14. Gale6psis (Hemp-nettle). — Herbs with spreading branches; serrate leaves; flowers in dense, many-flowered axillary and ter- minal whorls ; calyx bell-shaped, with 5 prickly teeth, 5-ribbed ; corolla with an inflated throat ; upper lip arched ; lower 3-lobed, with 2 erect teeth on its upper side ; 2 lower stamens the longest ; anthers exserted, fringed, bursting transversely. (Name from the Greek gale, a weasel, opsis, resemblance.) 1. G. intermedia (Rare Red Hemp-nettle). — A softly pubescent plant, 6 — 18 in. high, with many ascending branches, and the stem not thickened at its nodes ; leaves ovate-lanceolate, serrate throughout ; flowers rose-red, in separate whorls ; corolla-tube equalling the calyx. — Cultivated ground ; a rare casual. — Fl. July — October. Annual. 2. G. Lddanum (Common Red Hemp-nettle). — An allied species, with narrower, linear-lanceolate leaves, only partially serrate, the upper whorls of flowers not separate, and the corolla-tube much longer than the calyx. — Gravelly and sandy cornfields ; not uncommon. — Fl. July - October. Annual. . 3. G. dubia (Downy Hemp-nettle). — A very similar plant, but with gland-tipped hairs on its upper part ; ovate-lanceolate, deeply LABIATE FAMILY 395 serrate, soft, downy leaves ; and large, pale yellow flowers. — Sandy cornfields ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 4 G. specibsa (Large-flowered Hemp-nettle). — A large, stout, hispid plant, 2 — 3 feet high, with stem swollen at its nodes ; leaves long stalked, oblong-ovate, acuminate, coarsely serrate ; corolla large, yellow, usually with a broad red spot on the lower lip, tube much longer than the calyx, upper lip arched, as broad as long. — Cornfields; frequent. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 5. G. Tetrahit (Common Hemp-nettle). — A closely- allied species, not reaching so great a height, with more strongly ribbed calyx, with teeth as long as its tube, and a smaller, generally rose-colour and white corolla, . its tube not longer than the calyx, and its upper lip flatter and longer than it is broad. — Cornfields ; common. — Fl. July — Sep- tember. Annual. * 1 5. LeonTjrus (Mother- wort). — Erect, herbaceous plants, with lobed leaves; dense, distant, axillary whorls of small flowers; calyx bell-shaped, with 5 prickly, spreading teeth ; corolla with the upper lip nearly flat, very hairy above ; anthers sprinkled with hard, shining dots, bursting lengthwise. (Name from the Greek leon, a lion, oura, a tail, from some fancied resemblance in the plant.) 1.* L. Cardiaca (Common Motherwort). — Distinguished from all British plants of the Order by its radical leaves which are on long, slender stalks, and are deeply palmately 3 — 5-lobed. The stem is 2 — 4 feet high, branched mainly below, and very leafy. The upper leaves are narrow and entire, or nearly so, and, when not in flower, the plant resembles Mugwort {Artemisia vulgaris) in habit. The- flowers are pink, and their whorls of prickly gale6psis tetrahit (Common Hemp-nettle). 39 6 labiAtve calyces are conspicuous. — Hedges and waste places; rare and not indigenous. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 1 6. LAmium (Dead-nettle). — Hairy herbs with leaves so closely resembling those of the Stinging Nettles that many persons are afraid to handle them, though the square stems in the case of the Dead-nettles, and the small, green flowers in spiked clusters in that of the Stinging Nettles, are sufficient to distinguish them from one another. The Dead - nettles have their flowers in many-flowered whorls in the axils of leafy bracts; calyx tubular or bell-shaped, 5- toothed ; corolla with an inflated throat, arched upper lip, 3-lobed lower lip ; stamens 4, the 2 lowest the longest ; anthers generally hairy, bursting length- wise. (Name from the Greek laimos, the gullet, from the shape of the corolla.) 1. L. amplexicaule (Henbit - nettle). — Stem 4 — 10 in. high, branched from tho base ; lower leaves LEOVtfRUS CARDfACA {Common Motherwort). long-Stalked, rOUnd- ish, deeply cut; zipper sessile, amplexicaul, kidney-shaped ; flowers crimson, in distant whorls ; calyx small, very downy, with teeth converging in fruit ; corolla with long, slender tube. — Dry waste places ; common. — Fl. May — August. Annual. 2. L. molucelli folium (Intermediate Dead-nettle). — Intermediate between the preceding species and L. purpureum, but most resembling the former ; stouter and more succulent ; calyx slightly hairy ; teeth much longer than the tube, not converging in fruit ; LABIATE FAMILY 397 corolla-tube only slightly longer than the calyx. — Cultivated ground, chiefly in Scotland. — Fl. June — September. Annual. 3. L. hybridum (Cut-leaved Dead-nettle). — More nearly allied to L. purpureum; stem 6 — 18 in. high; leaves all stalked, incise- dentate, the lower cordate, the upper wedge-shaped at the base; flowers red, in crowded, sub-terminal whorls ; calyx-teeth about as long as the tube ; corolla-tube not longer than the calyx. — Waste places ; frequent. — Fl. April — October. Annual. 4. L. purpureum (Red Dead-nettle). — Stem 6 — 18 in. high; leaves all stalked, crenate, blunt, cordate or kidney-shaped, commonly tinged with red, the upper ones crowded ; flowers small, red, or rarely white, in crowded, sub-terminal whorls ; calyx-teeth about as long as the tube ; corolla-tube longer than the calyx. — A very common weed in cultivated ground, and by waysides. ■ — Fl. April — October. Annual. 5.* L. maculdtum (Spotted Dead- nettle). — Most closely allied to the following; stem 6 — 18 in. high; leaves all stalked, cordate, ovate, much wrinkled, deeply serrate, and almost always with a white stripe down the middle ; flowers large, rose- colour, rarely white ; calyx-teeth broad, recurved, as long as the tube ; corolla-tube longer than the calyx, and abruptly dilating at the throat- Waste places ; an escape from culti- vation. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 6. L. album (White Dead-nettle). — A common but not inelegant weed, 6 — 18 in. high ; leaves all stalked, cordate, ovate, acuminate, deeply serrate, sometimes blotched with white ; flowers large, white ; calyx-teeth narrow, straight, with long, slender points as long as the tube ; corolla-tube longer than the calyx, and gradually dilating upwards ; anthers 'black. — Hedges and waste ground ; abundant. — Fl. May — December. Perennial. 7. L. Galedbdolon (Yellow Dead-nettle, Weasel-snout, Archangel), — Resembling the White Dead-nettle in habit, but rather taller and more slender ; leaves ovate, acuminate, coarsely serrate ; flowers yellow, with red spots on the lower lip, in distant, 6 — 10- fiowered whorls, large and handsome ; anthers smooth. — Copses • frequent. — Fl. May, June. Perennial lAmium purpureum (Purple Dead-nettle). 398 labiAtve 17. Ballota (Black Horehound). — Hairy, herbaceous plants, with small flowers in dense, axillary whorls, with leafy bracts; calyx funnel-shaped, with 5 equal, broad, spreading, prickly teeth ; corolla unequally 2-lipped ; upper lip erect, concave, lower 3-lobed, the middle lobe largest, heart-shaped ; stamens 4, the 2 lower the longest ; anthers exserted, smooth, bursting lengthwise. (Name in Greek signifying rejected, from the offensive smell.) lAmium GALe6bdolon {Yellow Weasel-snout, Archangel, Yellow Dead-nettle). i. B. nigra (Black Horehound).— The only British species, a tall, bushy plant, hairy with reflexed hairs, much branched ; leaves stalked, ovate-cordate, downy, wrinkled, crenate ; flowers numerous, light red, in numerous distant, 6 — 12-flowered whorls. — Waste ground ; frequent. The odour of the whole plant is particularly strong and offensive. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 18. Teucrium (Germander). — Herbaceous plants with flowers in whorls of 2 — 6, the upper ones in loose, terminal 1 -sided LABIATE FAMILY 399 racemes ; calyx tubular, 5-toothed ; corolla with short tube, upper lip small, deeply 2-cleft, lower lip 3-cleft, the middle lobe much the largest ; stamens 4, parallel, the 2 upper shorter ; nutlets united, generally wrinkled. (Name from Teucer, who is said to have been the first to use it in medicine.) 1. T. Bbtrys (Cut-leaved Annual Germander). — A downy, glandular plant with long hairs ; stem erect, 4 — 8 in. high, much ballota nigra {Black Horehound). te6crium scorod6nia {Wood Germander, Wood Sage). branched from the base ; leaves all stalked, ovate, pinnatifid, into 7 — 1 1 linear, obtuse segments ; flowers rose-colour, in axillary, 4— 6-flowered whorls ; calyx large, inflated, pouched at the base. — Chalky fields in Surrey ; very rare. — FL August, September. Annual. 2. T. Scordium (Water Germander).— A hairy plant with creep- ing rhizome and runners ; branches 4—10 in. high; leaves sessile, oblong, coarsely serrate; flowers rose-colour, in distant axillary, 400 LABIATE 2 — 6-flowered whorls ; calyx scarcely pouched. — Wet places ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 3.* T. Chamcedrys (Wall Germander). — A similar but rather larger, much-branched plant, woody below, with stalked, ovate, cuneate, incised-crenate leaves, the upper ones smaller and nearly entire; -flowers large, handsome rose-colour, in whorls of 5 — 6, the upper ones in terminal, leafy, i-sided racemes; calyx hardly pouched. — Old walls ; rare. Formerly employed as a tonic ; but now scarcely used, except by rustic practitioners. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 4. T. Scorodbnia (Wood Germander, Wood Sage). — Stem erect, about 2 feet high, with stalked, ovate, cordate, crenate, wrinkled, sage-like leaves ; and lateral and terminal, i-sided racemose clusters of small, yellowish-white flowers ; calyx pouched at the base.— A common woodland plant. The whole plant is very bitter, and has been used as a substitute for hops. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. XjUGA RfiPTANS {Common Bugle). 19. Ajuga (Bugle). — Herbs with leafy bracts; calyx ovoid, 5-cleft; corolla with a long tube, the upper lip very short, notched, lower 3-cleft, the middle lobe broader and notched ; nutlets united, wrinkled. — (Name said to be corrupted from the Latin Abiga.) 1. A. reptans (Common Bugle). — Well marked by its solitary erect stem, 6 — 9 in. high, with long, creeping runners; lower leaves stalked, obovate, obtuse, almost glabrous ; upper leaves sessile, tinged with blue ; flowers blue, or rarely white, in 6 — 10- flowered whorls, the upper of which are crowded into a spike. — Moist meadows and woods ; common. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 2. A. pyramiddlis (Pyramidal Bugle). — A hairy plant with underground offsets and short runners not produced until autumn ; leaves gradually diminishing upward ; flowers blue, all crowded into a 4-sided pyramidal spike. — By mountain streams in the north-west ; very rare. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 3. A. Chamcepitys (Ground Pine). — Very different in appear- ance from any other British plant in the Order, a hairy, tufted herbaceous plant, 3 — 6 inches high, with branched, spreading, reddish-brown, viscid, turpentinous stem; hairy leaves divided PLANTAIN FAMILY 4OI almost to the base into 3 linear segments ; and solitary, axillary, yellow flowers, with red spots on the lower lip of the corolla. — Chalky fields in the south-east; rare. — Fl. May — August. Annual. Xjuga cham^pitys (Ground Pine). ORD. LX. PLANTAGfNE^E. — THE PLANTAIN FAMILY A small Order of herbaceous plants of humble growth, with many, usually radical, ribbed or fleshy leaves. The flowers, which, being mostly wind-pollinated, are conspicuous from their long stamens, grow in spikes and are polysymmetric ; the calyx 4-parted, imbricate, persistent ; corolla 4-parted, chaffy, imbricate ; stamens 4, alternate with the segments of the corolla, and having very long, thread-like, exserted filaments, and large, versatile anthers; ovary superior, 1-, 2-, or rarely 4-chambered ; style 1, slender; stigma hairy ; fruit a capsule splitting transversely or not at all ; seeds 1, 2, or many in each chamber. Several species in the D D 402 plantag/ne.*: Order are common in Great Britain as wayside, meadow, and maritime plants, and some of them are almost world-wide in their distribution. The seeds abound in a tasteless mucilage, which has been used as a substitute for Linseed in medicine, and to stiffen muslin. i. Plantago. — Terrestrial plants with perfect flowers in spikes. 2. Littorella. — Waterside plants with stamens and carpels in different flowers ; staminate flowers solitary, stalked ; carpellate flowers sessile. i. PlantAgo (Plantain). — Terrestrial herbs with perfect flowers in spikes; calyx 4-cleft, the segments reflexed ; corolla tubular, with 4 spreading lobes; stamens 4, very long ; ovary 2 — 4-chambered ; capsule splitting all round. (Name, the Classical Latin name.) 1. P. major (Greater Plantain, Way-bread.) — Leaves radical, ascending, broadly oblong, on long, channelled stalks, 3 — 7- ribbed ; flowers in a very long, tapering spike, on a short, cylindrical stalk ; anthers purple; capsule 2- chambered, 8 — 16-seeded. — Borders of fields and waysides ; abundant. Well known for its spikes of fruit, the seeds in which cage-birds. — Fl. May — September. plaktXgo lanceolata {Ribwort Plantain). are a favourite food of Perennial. 2. P. media (Hoary Plantain, Lamb's-tongue). — Leaves downy, broadly elliptical, on short, flat stalks, lying so close to the ground as to destroy all vegetation beneath, and even to leave the impres- sion of their 5 — 9 ribs on the ground ; flowers in a close, cylin- drical spike, shorter than that of P. major, but on a longer, cylindrical, downy peduncle, fragrant, and conspicuous from their lilac bracts, and filaments, and cream-coloured anthers ; capsule 2- PLANTAIN FAMILY 403 chambered, 2-seeded. — Meadows on a dry soil; common. — Fl. June — October. Perennial. 3. P. lanceoldta (Ribwort Plantain). — Leaves nearly glabrous, ob-lanceolate, tapering downwards, slightly and irregularly toothed, 3 — 6-ribbed, erect ; flowers in a short, ovoid or cylindric spike, on a long, angular stalk ; bracts and sepals black-tipped ; filaments and anthers white; capsule 2-chambered, 2-seeded. — Meadows; abundant. Under the name of Cocks and Hens this plant is well littor£lla uniflora (S ' hore-weed). known to children, who amuse themselves by striking the heads one against another until the stalk breaks. — Fl. May — October. Perennial. 4. P. maritima (Seaside Plantain).— Easily distinguished from the rest of the genus by its long, linear, grooved, fleshy 3 — 5- ribbed leaves, which are woolly at the base ; the flower-spike is cylindrical and varies in length, as does its cylindrical stalk ; stamens pale yellow; capsule 2-chambered, 2-seeded.— Sea- shores and tops of mountains ; common. — Fl. June— September. Perennial. 4°4 ILLECEBRACE.E 5. P. Coronopus (Buck's-hom Plantain).— The only British species with divided leaves. They are linear and usually pin- natifid, and more or less downy; the flower-spike is slender; stamens pale yellow ; capsule 3 — 4-chambered, 3 — 4-seeded. — Gravelly places, especially near the sea ; common. — Fl. June- August. Annual or biennial. 6.* P. arendria (Sand Plantain), a downy, branching, leafy plant, with sessile, linear leaves, and an ovoid spike on a long stalk, has occurred casually on sand-hills in Somerset and Jersey. 2. Littorella (Shore-weed). — A genus comprising only the one species, L. uniflora, which is not unlike Plantdgo maritima in habit ; but has runners, and when under water forms a matted turf. Its leaves are all radical, linear, fleshy, flat above and curved beneath, and nearly glabrous. The solitary staminate flowers each rise on a peduncle 2 — 4 in. high, have 4 sepals, a tubular, 4-lobed corolla, and 4 long, exserted stamens with large anthers. The 2 or 3 carpellate flowers, sessile among the leaves, have 3 — 4 sepals, an urceolate, 3 — 4-lobed corolla, and a i-chambered, 1 — 2-ovuled ovary with a long stiff style. — Marshes and lake-margins ; com- mon. (Name from the Latin littus, a shore.) — Fl. June — September. Perennial. Ord. LXI. Illecebrace^e. — The Knot-grass Family A small Order of small, branching, often tufted, herbaceous plants, mostly natives of warm, dry climates. A few only are found so far north as Great Britain, and nearly all of these are confined to our southern counties. They have simple, sessile leaves, generally entire and with membranous stipules; minute, perfect, and cymosely arranged flowers; sepals usually 5, some- times 4, persistent, and closing over the fruit ; petals 5, minute, alternating with the sepals, sometimes wanting; stamens 1 — 10, opposite the petals when equalling them in number ; ovary superior, i-chambered, i-ovuled ; style 2 — 3-fid ; fruit enclosed in the calyx, dry, indehiscent, i-seeded. 1. Illecebrum. — Leaves opposite, not connate ; sepals white, with long points ; stigmas 2. 2. Herniaria. — Leaves scattered and opposite, not connate ; sepals green, blunt ; stigmas 2. 3. CoRRiGfoLA. — Leaves scattered ; sepals green, blunt, united at the base ; stigmas 3. 4. Scleranthus. — Leaves opposite, connate; sepals 4—5, united ; petals absent ; stigmas 2 — 4. KNOT-GRASS FAMILY 405 i. Illecebrum (Knot-grass). — A genus containing only the one species I. verticilldtum (Whorled Knot-grass), is a pretty little glabrous plant, with slender, tangled, prostrate stems, of a red tint, glaucous, sessile, ovate leaves, and axillary whorls of white flowers remarkable for their thickened white sepals terminating in a long, soft point. — In boggy ground and standing water, among other aquatic plants ; not uncommon in Cornwall, but much rarer in Devonshire, and has been found in Berkshire. (Name from the Latin illecebra, an attraction.) — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. HerniAria (Rupture-wort). — Small, prostrate plants with narrow, opposite, and scattered leaves ; crowded, minute, axillary, green flowers; sepals 4 — 5, united, blunt, green; petals 4 — 5, illecebrum verticillAtum {Whorled Knot-grass). resembling barren filaments, or absent ; stamens 3 — 5, inserted on a fleshy ring ; stigmas 2, nearly sessile. (Name from the disease for which these plants were formerly supposed to be a remedy.) 1. H. glabra (Smooth Rupture-wort). — A small, prostrate plant, with much of the habit of the Wild Thyme ; stems herbaceous, with minute decurved hairs ; leaves oblong, pale yellowish-green, glabrous ; flowers green, sessile, axillary, collected into a leafy spike. — Sandy soils, mostly in the eastern counties ; rare. — Fl. July — September. Annual or biennial. 2. H. cilidta (Fringed Rupture-wort). — A stouter plant, forming larger tufts, with minute, decurved hairs on the upper side only ; * leaves broader, orbicular, fringed, dark green ; flowers larger, in distant clusters. — The Lizard, Cornwall; and Guernsey; very rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 3.* H. hirsi'tta (Hairy Rupture-wort). — Leaves elliptic-oblong, covered all over with straight, spreading hairs. — Sandy ground at Christchurch, Hampshire. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 406 illecebrAce*: 3. CoRRfdOLA (Strapwort).— Prostrate, glabrous plants, with scattered leaves with membranous stipules ; flowers minute ; sepals coRWGfoLA littorAlis (Sand Strapwort). 5, green, blunt, united at the base, with membranous margins; petals 5, as long as the sepals, white ; stamens 5, stigmas 3, sessile. (Name a diminutive from the Latin corrigia, a strap, from the shape of the leaves.) 1. C. littordlis (Sand Strapwort). — A small but pretty plant with slen- der, spreading stems, which lie quite prostrate ; linear-lanceolate, glau- cous leaves ; and crowded, terminal cymes of small, white flowers. — Sandy shores, Start Bay, Devon, and Loe Pool, near Helston, Corn- wall ; very rare. — Fl. July — Octo- ber. Annual. 4. Scleranthus (Knawel). — Small, inconspicuous weeds, with wiry, much-branched stems; oppo- site, connate, awl-shaped leaves without stipules ; and small, green S ( L ^w H ^iS US #*?" in axillary and terminal fascicles ; perianth tubular, 4 — 5- cleft, with membranous margins to its segments; stamens 1 — 10 ; ovary superior, i-chambered, i-ovuled; stigmas 2 — 4; fruit AMARANTH FAMILY 407 enclosed within the hardened perianth-tube. (Name from the Greek scleros, hard, anthos, a flower, from the hardness of the perianth. ) 1. S. dnnuus (Annual Knawel). — A small plant, 2 — 8 in. high, with numerous, much-branched, tangled stems ; awl-shaped leaves; green flowers in clusters either in the forks of the stems or terminal ; sepals acute, with a narrow, whitish, membranous margin, spread- ing when in fruit. — Sandy fields ; common. — Fl. June — November. Annual or biennial. 2. S. perennis (Perennial Knawel). — A prostrate, glaucous plant, becoming reddish, with slightly-branched stem ; sepals blunt, with a broad, white margin. — Sandy fields in the south; very rare. Perennial. Sub Class III. INCOMPLETE Flowers having a calyx or corolla, or neither; but never both. In this Sub-Class it is often doubtful whether the leaves which enclose the stamens and carpels of a flower should be called a calyx or corolla : the term perianth (from the Greek peri, around, and anthos, a flower) is therefore used to denote these organs, and must be taken to mean all the leaves, whether resembling sepals or petals, which enclose the other parts of the flower. Used in this sense, and applied to the preceding Sub-Classes, the calyx and corolla would be correctly called a double perianth. Series I. MONOCHLAMYDEE Flowers generally with a perianth of one whorl § Ovary superior Ord. LXII. Amaranthace^e. — Amaranth Family A considerable Order of weedy plants, mostly tropical, with exstipulate leaves ; membranous flowers a persistent, 3 — 5-partite perianth ; ovary superior, 1 -chambered. — Several members of the Order have brightly coloured perianths which render them garden favourites, such as Amardnthus cauddtus (Love-lies-bleeding), A. hypochondriacus and A. speciosus (Prince of Wales' Feather) and Celbsia cristdta (Cock's-comb). — None of them are indigenous to Great Britain ; but two species of Amaranth occur as casuals. *i. Amaranthus (Amaranth). — Flowers monoecious; stamens 3 — 5 ; stigmas 3 ; capsules i-chambered, i-seeded. (Name in Greek signifying everlasting flower.) 408 chenopodiAcejE i.* A. relroflexus. — Stem erect, branched; flowers 5-merous ; stamens 5 ; bracts membranous, awl-shaped, longer than the fruit. — Waste places near towns. — Fl. August. , Annual. 2* A. Blitum.—Stem straggling, smooth, 1 — 2 feet high; leaves ovate, long-stalked ; flowers 3-merous in small, lateral clusters, and a small, leafless, terminal spike; stamens 3. — Waste places near towns. — Fl. August. Annual. Ord. LXIII. ChenopodiAce^e. — Goose-foot Family A considerable Order of herbaceous and somewhat shrubby plants, common weeds in many temperate climates and most abundantly represented in salt marshes and on the sea-shore. They have scattered, simple, exstipulate leaves which are more or less inclined to be fleshy ; and small and inconspicuous, polysym- metric, sometimes monoecious or dioecious flowers. The -perianth is 3 — 5-lobed, imbricate and persistent, decidedly partaking of the characters of a calyx, and sometimes, as in Atriplex, with a tend- ency to become enlarged in the fruiting-stage. The stamens are 5, rarely 1 or 2, springing from the base of the perianth and opposite its lobes ; ovary superior or half-inferior, 1 -chambered, i-ovuled ; style 2 or 4-cleft, rarely simple ; stigmas undivided ; fruit dry and indehiscent, enclosed in the perianth. Many of the plants of this Order are important articles of food for cattle or for human beings. Beta maritima, a common sea-shore weed, is believed to be the origin of the cultivated Mangold Wurzel, the White or Sugar Beet so extensively cultivated in Germany and France for making sugar, and the Red Beetroot which is eaten as a salad. Spindcia olerdcea, supposed to be a native of western Asia, the leaves of which contain a large proportion of Saltpetre, has long been cultivated as an esculent under the name of Spinach ; but the leaves of the Garden Orache {Atriplex hortensis), of the Aus- tralian Spinach {Chenopodium auricomum), of the Beet, and of other plants are used in the same way. 1. Chenopodium. — Leaves flat ; flowers perfect ; perianth remaining unaltered and not adhering to the fruit. 2. Beta. — Leaves flat ; flowers perfect ; fruit adhering to the fleshy f perianth-tube. 3. Atriplex. — Leaves flat ; flowers imperfect ; perianth enlarg- ing, but not adhering to the fruit. 4. OBfoNl — Similar, but with a perianth adherent to the fruit. 5. Salic6rnia. — Jointed, leafless plants ; flowers perfect ; perianth fleshy. GOOSE-FOOT FAMILY 409 6. Sileda. — Leaves semicylindric ; flowers perfect; perianth- segments not keeled or winged. 7. SAlsola. — Leaves awl-shaped ; flowers perfect ; perianth- segments developing a broad, transverse, dorsal wing. 1. Chenopodium (Goose-foot). — Very variable and therefore difficult plants ; stem angular ; leaves flat, often triangular, entire or lobed ; flowers minute, perfect, in axillary or panicled clusters ; perianth deeply 3 — 5 -cleft, remaining unaltered, closing over the fruit ; stamens 2 — 5 j stigmas 2 — 3. (Name from the Greek chen, a goose, pous, a foot.) * Leaves undivided; flowers $-merous 1. C. polyspermum (Many-seeded Goose-foot). — A glabrous species, varying in size from 4 to 18 in. high, usually tinged with red ; stem branched, spreading ; leaves nearly sessile, ovate- elliptic ; flowers in branched, slender spikes ; seeds flattened horizontally, shining, minutely dotted. — Waste ground ; not common. A not inelegant plant, the numerous fruits not being concealed by the perianths. Fl. August — October. Annual. 2. C. Vulvdria (Stinking Goose-foot). — Distinguished by the extremely disgusting fishy smell of the greasy meal with which the plant is covered ; stem spreading ; leaves ovate-rhomboid, fleshy ; flowers in small, dense spikes. — Waste places ; not common. — Fl. August, September. Annual. ** Leaves toothed or lobed; flowers $-merous 3. C. album (Fat Hen, White Goose-foot). — Perhaps the com- monest species of the genus, 1 — 3 feet high, succulent, and covered with a white meal ; leaves ovate-rhomboid, bluntly toothed, upper ones narrow, entire ; flowers in branched, dense, clustering spikes, leafy below. — Waste places and cultivated ground ; very common. — Fl. July — September. Annual. 4.* C. opulifolium (Guelder-rose-leaved Goose-foot). — A species which is not indigenous, with rounded, obtuse, dentate leaves ; leafless clusters of flowers ; and large, smooth, shining seeds. 5. C. serotinum (Fig-leaved Goose-foot). — An erect, mealy ^ plant, with limp, oblong-hastate, cuneate, toothed leaves, and flowers in a spike, with erect branches, leafy at the base only. — Cultivated ground in the east of England ; rare. — Fl. August, September. Annual. 6. C. murdle (Sowbane, Nettle-leaved Goose-foot). — A nearly glabrous, fetid species, with rhomboid-ovate, unequally serrate 4io CHENOPODIACEJE leaves, and flowers in short, branches. — Waste ground, September. Annual. 7. C. hybridum (Maple- branched, nearly glabrous large, cordate, acuminate, densely panicled spikes with spreading near houses; uncommon.— Fl. August, leaved Goose-foot). — A large, stout, species with a heavy odour ; leaves with 2 — 4 large, broad teeth on each side ; flowers in leafless, axillary, corymbose clusters. — Waste places, chiefly in southern Eng- land; rare. — Fl. August, September. Annual. 8. C. urbicum (Up- right Goose - foot). — Another large, stout, but little branched, slightly mealy species, with triangular, cuneate, toothed leaves, and flowers in small, distant, crowded clusters on an erect spike. — Waste places in the south ; un- common. — Fl. August — October. Annual. *** Leaves mostly toothed: terminal flower only in each duster 5- 9. C. rubrum (Red Goose-foot). — A tall, erect, leafy, smooth and shining species, with triangular, irregularly toothed leaves, and flowers in short spikes in leafy panicles. — Waste places and salt marshes ; frequent. — Fl. August, September. Annual. 10. C. botryodes (Many-spiked Goose-foot).— A small, succulent, brittle plant, 4 — 5 in. high, with triangular, scarcely toothed, fleshy leaves, and flowers in dense panicles, leafy below. — Moist, sandy sea-shores in the south-east ; rare. — Fl. August, September. Annual. 11. C. glaucum (Oak-leaved Goose-foot). — A much-branched, Chenop6dium bonus-henrIcus {Good King Henry). GOOSE-FOOT FAMILY 411 spreading, often prostrate, smooth and shining species, with oblong, sinuately-lobed leaves which are mealy beneath ; and flowers in erect, simple, short, dense, leafless spikes. — Cultivated ground ; rare. — Fl. August, September. Annual. b£ta marItima (Sea Beet). 12. C. Bonus-Henricus (Good King Henry, All Good, Mercury). — A dark green, succulent plant, 1 — 3 feet high, with large suc- culent, triangular-hastate leaves and flowers in compound, leafless spikes. — Waste places near villages; common. The leaves are 4 1 2 chenopodiAcejE used as Spinach, and the plant is cultivated in Lincolnshire under the name of Mercury.— Fl. May— August. Perennial. 2. Beta (Beet). — Herbaceous plants with fiat, almost entire leaves and spikes of perfect flowers in clusters of 2 — 3 together • perianth deeply 5-cleft, persistent, becoming fleshy; stamens 5; stigmas 2 ; fruit i-seeded, adhering to the fleshy perianth-tube. (Name, the Latin name of the plant.) 1. B. maritima (Sea Beet). — The only British species, a tall, succulent plant, about 2 feet high, with angular, striped stems, prostrate below, and spreading in a circle, with ascending branches ; large, stalked, ovoid, fleshy, glossy leaves ; and numerous long, slender, leafy spikes of green flowers, which are arranged 2 or 3 together, with a small lanceolate, leafy bract at the base of each. Sea-shores ; frequent. — Fl. June — October. Perennial. 3. Atriplex (Orache). — Herbs or shrubs with flat, stalked, often hastate leaves ; small monoecious or dioecious flowers clustered in branched cymes ; perianth 2 — 5-cleft not adherent to the fruit ; stamens 3 — 5 ; stigmas 2 ; fruit 1 -seeded, covered by the enlarging but generally not adherent perianth. (Name, the old Latin name.) 1. A. littordlis (Grass-leaved Orache). — An erect, mealy plant, with the stem striped with reddish, resinous lines ; ascending branches ; leaves linear, usually quite entire, and never hastate ; flowers in slender, terminal spikes of clusters ; perianth-segments rhomboid or deltoid, toothed, with tubercles on the back. — Salt marshes ; not common. Fl. July — September. 2. A. pdtula (Spreading Orache). — A common weed, mealy and often tinged with red ; stem furrowed, spreading, often with the central branch erect and the rest prostrate, appearing as if they had been bent down by force ; leaves triangular, cuneate, with 2 lobes spreading upwards from the lower angles, toothed, the upper leaves lanceolate, entire ; flowers clustered on simple, interrupted spikes ; perianth of the fruit of 2 rhomboid leaves, which are warty on the back. — Cultivated and waste ground, and on the sea- shore ; abundant. Distinguished from the genus Chenopodium by the two perianth-leaves enclosing the fruit. — Fl. July — October. Annual. 3. A. hastdta (Halberd-leaved Orache). — A nearly allied and equally common species, dark green, mealy, and differing mainly in its lower leaves, which are triangular-hastate, with lobes at the base, that is, which spread horizontally. The seeds are of two sizes, the larger brown and rough, the smaller black and smooth. — Growing in similar situations. — Fl. July — October. Annual. GOOSE-FOOT FAMILY 413 4. A. deltoidea (Deltoid-leaved Orache). — Another allied form with all the leaves hastate ; dense spikes of flowers in panicles ; and almost all the seeds small, black, and polished. — Similar situations ; frequent. — Fl. June — October. Annual. 5. A. Babingtonii (Rose-coloured Orache). — A variable species, usually pale and very mealy, but sometimes greener ; stem striped Atriplex hastata {Halberd-leaved Orache). with red, spreading, with ascending branches ; leaves mostly oppo- . site, ovate-triangular, somewhat 3-lobed at the base ; flowers in simple, lax, leafy, terminal and axillary spikes ; periantMeaves in the fruiting stage large, united so as to form a diagonal square a little rounded at its lateral angles. — Sea-shores ; common. — Fl. July — September. Annual. 6. A. lacinidta (Frosted Sea Orache). — A very distinct plant, 414 CHENOPODlAcE^E covered with silvery scales, giving the whole plant a whitish hue ; stem buff-coloured, nearly without stripes, angular, spreading ; leaves triangular, sinuate, sometimes toothed, mealy beneath ; perianth-leaves of fruit rhomboid, 3-lobed, united in a swollen, hardened base. — Sandy sea-shores ; frequent. — Fl. July — October. Annual. 4. Obione (Sea Purslane). — Annual or perennial glaucous maritime plants, with monoecious or dioecious flowers ; perianth 3 — 5- partite, adhering to the fruit ; stamens 5 ; stig- mas' 2. (Name possibly from that of the River Obi.) 1. 0. portulacoides (Shrubby Sea Purslane, Crabweed).— A shrubby plant, mealy, with grey- ish scales, straggling ; leaves mostly opposite, obovate-lanceolate, en- tire ; flowers in terminal interrupted panicles ; perianth sessile. — Sea- shore ; frequent. — Fl. August — October. Perennial. 2. 0. pedunculdta (Pedunculate Sea Purs- lane). — A herbaceous, slender, little-branched, mealy species, differing mainly in having an elongating pedicel to the fruit — Muddy salt marshes on the east coast; very rare. — Fl. August — October. Annual. 5. Salicornia (Glasswort, Marsh Samphire). — Singular jointed, fleshy, green, leafless, herbaceous plants with opposite branches, and minute perfect flowers sunk in pits at the nodes ; perianth fleshy, persistent ; stamens 1 — 2 ; styles 2. (Name from the Latin sal, salt, comu, a horn, from the abundance of soda in the plant, and its horn-like branches.) salic6rnia herbXcea (Jointed Glasswort). GOOSE-FOOT FAMILY 415 i. S. herbdcea (Jointed Glasswort, Marsh Samphire). — An erect, herbaceous plant, 4 — 8 in. high, with the joints of the stem thickening upwards, and the branches all ending in tapering spikes of flowers. — Salt marshes ; abundant. Formerly used in the manufacture of glass, and still used as a pickle, under the name of Samphire, in Lincolnshire and on other parts of the coast, being generally preferred to the Umbelliferous Crithmum. — FL August, September. Annual. 2. S. appressa (Prostrate Glasswort). — A well-marked, prostrate form, with its branches closely adpressed to the soil and spreading in a triangular fan-like form, with cylindric internodes and acute spikes. — On the coast of Kent ; very rare. 3. S. radicans (Rooting Glasswort). — Stem woody, prostrate; branches ascending j internodes not thickening upwards ; spikes blunt. — Salt marshes on the east and south coasts ; rare. Much more branched and tufted, and browner in colour than S. herbdcea. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 6. Sui^DA (Sea Blite). — Maritime shrubs and herbs with scat- tered, fleshy leaves, semicircular in transverse section ; and small, green, axillary flowers ; perianth deeply 5-cleft, often fleshy ; stamens 5 ; stigmas 2 — 5 ; perianth-segments in fruit neither keeled nor winged. (Name said to be from suced, soda, in which the plants abound.) 1. ,S. fruticosa (Shrubby Sea Blite). — A smooth, rather glaucous plant ; stem woody, erect, 1 — 3 feet high, with ascending branches ; leaves semicylindric, blunt ; styles 3. — Sandy and shingly beaches, mostly on the east coast ; rare.— Fl. July — October. Perennial. 2. S. marilima (Annual Sea Blite). — A low, straggling plant, smooth, glaucous, and reddish in winter, with slender branches rising 1 — 2 feet ; acute, semicylindric, short, fleshy leaves ; flowers 1 — 5 together; styles 2. — Muddy sea -shores; common. — Fl. July — October. Annual. 7. Salsola (Saltwort). — Shrubs and herbs with sessile, fleshy, stiff or spinous, awl-shaped leaves; small, axillary, perfect flowers ; perianth deeply 5-cleft; stamens 3 — 5; stigmas 2 — 3; fruit i-seeded, enclosed by the much enlarged, 5-winged perianth. (Name from the Latin sal, salt, the plants being rich in soda.) 1. S. Kali (Prickly Saltwort). — The only British species, a stiff, glaucous, hairy, much branched plant, with striped, angular stem seldom more than a foot high ; succulent, awl-shaped leaves, each terminating in a sharp spine ; and solitary axillary flowers. — Sandy sea-shores ; common. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 416 POLYGON ACEJE ORD. LXIV. PoLYGONACEiE. — THE PERSICARIA FAMILY A considerable Order of herbaceous plants, chiefly natives of temperate climates, bearing scattered, simple leaves with sheathing membranous stipules, petioles dilated at the base and margins revolute in the bud. The flowers are generally perfect, small, numerous and growing in spikes or panicles, so that many members of the Order are handsome plants. The perianth is deeply 3 — 6-parted, often in 2 rows and coloured, imbricate in bud, persistent ; stamens 5 — 8, opposite the leaves of the perianth ; ovary superior, ovoid, 3-sided, or compressed, i-chambered, i-ovuled; styles 1 — 3; fruit a hard, flattened, or triangular, inde- hiscent nut, usually enclosed in, but not adherent to, the perianth. The properties residing in the leaves and roots are sometimes very different, the former being in many cases acid, and some- times of an agreeable flavour, the latter nauseous and purgative. The powdered root of several species of Rheum affords the valuable medicine Rhubarb, and the leaf-stalks of the same plants are much used for making tarts, their sharp taste being attributable to the presence of oxalic and malic acids. The Common Sorrel, Rumex Acetosa, is sometimes used in the same way as Rhubarb- stalks, or as a salad ; but the species mostly employed in cookery is R. scutdtus, a native of southern Europe. Other species of this genus are the Docks, known as troublesome weeds in most regions of the globe. The Buckwheat, or Beech wheat {Fagopyrum escu- lentum), so called from the resemblance in shape between its fruits and those of the Beech, is probably a native of Central Asia. In America and some European countries the flour derived from its seeds is made into cakes or bread ; but in England it is chiefly cultivated as a food for pheasants, which are very partial to it. 1. Polygonum. — Perianth deeply 5 -cleft ; stamens 5 — 8 ; styles 2 — 3 j fruit a triangular or flattened nut, not winged ; embryo at one side of the seed ; cotyledons flat. *2. Fagopyrum. — Perianth 5-cleft ; stamens 8; styles 3; fruit triangular, not winged ; embryo in the centre or axis of the seed ; cotyledons large, leaf-like, and plaited. 3. Oxyria. — Perianth deeply 4-cleft ; the 2 inner segments larger ; stamens 6 ; styles 2 ; fruit a flattened nut with a mem- branous wing ; embryo central. 4. Rumex. — Perianth deeply 6-cleft, the 3 inner segments much larger ; stamens 6 ; styles 3 ; fruit a triangular nut, covered by the enlarged inner perianth-segments ; embryo lateral. 1. Polygonum (Persicaria). — Herbaceous plants with stems often enlarged and bent at their nodes ; leaves scattered, with PERSICARIA FAMILY 417 ochreate stipules ; flowers perfect, in spikes, racemes, or panicles ; perianth deeply 5-cleft, the 3 outer segments sometimes enlarging in the fruiting stage ; stamens 5 — 8, with versatile anthers ; ovary compressed or 3-sided ; styles 2 — 3 ; fruit not winged ; embryo lateral ; cotyledons thin, flat. (Name from the Greek p'olus, many, gonu, knee, from the many knee-like nodes.) * Twining plants ; leaves sagittate ; flowers in racemes ; stamens 8 ; styles 3, united ; nut ysided 1. P. Convolvulus (Black Bindweed, Climbing Buckwheat, or Persicaria). — A mis- chievous weed with the habit of the Field Convolvulus (Con- volvulus arvensis), twining round the stems of other plants and strangling them ; leaves cordate-sagit- tate; flowers greenish- white, in erect, slen- der, axillary and ter- minal racemes, bear- ing 4 — 10-flowered clusters ; outer peri- anth-segments bluntly keeled, green with white margins ; fruit rather rough.-— Culti- vated ground; abund- ant— Fl. July— Sep- tember. Annual. 2. P. dumetbrum (Copse Buckwheat). — A similar but more 1 • , • polygonum convolvulus {Climbing Persicaria). luxuriant species, climbing to a height of 4 or 5 feet ; flower-stalks more slender ; outer perianth-segments winged ; nut smooth and shining. — Bushy places in the south of England ; rare. — Fl. July — September. Annual. 4 ** Mostly prostrate plants ; leaves narrow ; stipules silvery, ' torn; flowers axillary, 1 — 3 together ; stamens usually 8; styles 3 ; nut 3- sided 3. P. aviculdre (Common Knot- grass). — A common weed with branched stem, usually prostrate, but varying greatly in size, E E 418 polygonAcEjE and in rich soil often growing nearly erect j leaves lanceolate, with chaffy stipules ; flowers minute, axillary, pink or greenish-white. — Waste ground and roadsides ; abundant. — Fl. May — October. Annual. 4. P. Roberti (Ray's Knot-grass). — Intermediate between the preceding and following species, resembling the former in habit, the latter in fruit. It has long, straggling, prostrate stems ; lan- ceolate-elliptical, flat leaves which bend towards the stem and are often glaucous ; and a large, smooth, shining nut which is longer than the perianth. — Sandy sea-shores ; not uncommon. — Fl. August, September. Annual or perennial. 5. P. maritimum (Sea-side Knot-grass). — An allied, but more shrubby species, with prostrate, often much buried, stiff, and woody stem ; fleshy leaves with revolute edges, diverging from the stem, netted with veins and often glaucous beneath. — Sandy sea- shores in the south-west of England; very rare. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. *** Leaves with or without a dark spot in the centre ; flowers in spikes ; stamens 4 — 8 ; styles 2 — 3 ; nut compressed or 3-sided 6. P. Hydropiper (Water Pepper, Biting Persicaria). — A very acrid plant, creeping and rooting at the base, 1 — 3 feet high, much branched, with lanceolate, tapering, wavy leaves, and well distinguished by its slender, drooping, loose spikes of greenish flowers ; stamens 6. — Ditches and places where water has stood during winter ; abundant. The fresh juice, though acrid, is of a not unpleasant flavour, and is said to cure pimples on the tongue. — Fl. August, September. Annual. 7. P. minus (Creeping Persicaria). — A much smaller and more slender species than the last, much branched, erect, or prostrate with ascending branches ; leaves linear-lanceolate, flat, with fringed stipules close to the stem ; very slender, erect spikes of flowers which are only half the size of those of P. Hydropiper ; styles 2 — 3, united for at least half their length. — Wet, gravelly places ; not uncommon. — Fl. August, September. Annual. 8. P. mite (Lax-flowered Persicaria). — Stem creeping and rooting below, 1 — 3 feet high, branched, slender ; leaves lanceo- late, wavy, with loose, funnel-shaped, much fringed stipules ; flowers in erect, slender, interrupted spikes; stamens 5 — 6 ; styles 2 — 3, united for half their length ; nut black, roughish, compressed. — Wet places; local. — Fl. June — September. An- nual. 9. P. Persicaria (Common Persicaria). — A common weed, 1 — 2 feet high, erect or ascending, usually swollen at the nodes, PERSICARIA FAMILY 419 branched ; leaves lanceolate, flat, with minute warts, often with a purplish-black blotch in the centre, more or less hairy on both sides ; stipules loose, much fringed ; -flowers in a short, dense, erect, cylindrical spike, red or white ; peduncle smooth ; stamens 5 — 8 ; styles 2 — 3, united for half their length. — Waste and damp ground ; abundant. — Fl. July — October. Annual. 10. P. lapathifolium (Pale-flowered Persicaria). — A closely allied species ; stem sometimes red or spotted, swollen at the nodes ; leaves lanceolate, acuminate, smooth or downy, sometimes with a black blotch above, or glaucous below ; stipules close to the stem, with little or no fringe ; flowers pale, in axillary or terminal, cylindric spikes ; peduncle rough ; stamens 5 — 6 ; styles 2, dis- tinct. — Waste and damp places ; common. — Fl. July — September. Annual. 11. P. maculdtum (Spotted Persicaria). — Smaller than the pre- ceding, often prostrate, with very thick nodes ; leaves lanceolate, tapering much at both ends, wavy, generally blotched, white and woolly beneath, with loose, shortly fringed stipules ; spikes some- times interrupted ; peduncle rough ; styles connected below. — Damp gravelly places ; not common. — Fl. July — September. Annual. 12. P. amphibium (Amphibious Persicaria). — Assuming such different forms when growing in the water and on land that they might well be taken for two distinct species. It has a slender, woody, branched rhizome creeping in the mud, with branches about a foot high and erect, if on land, with sub-sessile, lanceolate hairy leaves, or with floating stems 2 — 3 feet long, if on water, supported by long-stalked, floating, oblong, smooth leaves; flowers rose- coloured, in handsome oblong spikes ; stamens 5, with exserted anthers ; styles 2, united for half their length ; fruit flattened. — Ditches and banks of pools ; common.— Fl. July — September. Perennial. **** pi an ts with rhizomes ; erect, unbranched stems ; terminal, spike-like racemes ; stamens 8 ; styles 3 ; nut 3-sided 13. P. Bistorta (Bistort, Snakeweed, Snake-root).— A rather handsome plant, with a large, woody, twisted rhizome, and several erect, simple stems 1 — 1\ foot high; leaves ovate, the radical ones on winged petioles and glaucous beneath ; flowers pink, in terminal, cylindrical, dense spikes. — Moist meadows ; frequent. The English names Bistort (twice twisted) and Snake-root allude to the form of the rhizome. It forms large circular patches in meadows, and also occurs in old-fashioned gardens, where its astringent rhizome was once grown as a medicine. The green shoots are E E 2 420 polygonAcejE eaten in Cumberland under the name of Easter Man Giants, which perhaps means Easter eating, from the French mangeant. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 14. P. viviparum (Viviparous Bistort, Alpine Bistort). — A slender plant, 6 — 8 in. high, with a slender rhizome ; a simple, erect stem ; leaves linear-lanceolate, with their margins rolled back ; flowers pink, in a slender, loose, blunt spike, which has small red bulbils in its lower part in place of flowers. — Mountain pastures, especially in the Scottish Highlands. — Fl. June — July. Pe- rennial. *2. Fagopyrum (Buckwheat), a genus differing from Poly- gonum mainly in the embryo, which is in the centre or axis of the seed, and has large, leaf-like, plaited cotyledons, is only represented in England by one species, the Common Buckwheat (F. escu- lentum), probably a native of Central Asia, and not indigenous in Britain. It has erect, branched stems, about a foot high ; cordate- sagittate, acute leaves ; and pinkish flowers in spreading panicles. — Sown as food for pheasants. — Fl. July, August. Annual. 3. Oxyria (Mountain Sorrel), a genus containing only the one species 0. digyna, a plant resembling the Common Sorrel {Rumex Acetbsa) in habit, but shorter and stouter. It grows 8—10 in. high, and is smooth and rather fleshy. The leaves are all radical and kidney-shaped, with long stalks ; and the flowers are green, and grow in clustered spikes. The -perianth is deeply 4-cleft, the segments in 2 rows, the inner larger and persistent ; stamens 6, with versatile anthers ; styles 2 ; fruit a flattened nut with a broad, membranous wing. — Damp places near the summits of high mountains in the north ; not uncommon. (Name from the Greek oxus, sharp, from the pleasantly acid flavour of the stem and leaves.) — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 4. Rumex (Dock, Sorrel). — Herbaceous plants with a rhizome ; usually grooved stems ; scattered leaves with tubular stipules ; flowers in racemes or panicles of whorls ; perianth deeply 6-cleft, the 3 inner segments enlarging in the fruit stage ; stamens 6, with basifixed anthers ; styles 3 ; stigmas feathery, wind-pollinated ; fruit a triangular nut, covered by the enlarged inner perianth- segments ; embryo lateral. (Name, the old Latin name of the plant.) * Insipid plants (Docks), with leaves not hastate, and perfect flowers The species in this group hybridise freely, thus adding to the difficulty of discriminating between them. PERSICARIA FAMILY 42 1 i. R. conglomerdtus (Sharp Dock). — A smooth, slender plant, 1 — 3 feet high, with few spreading branches ; leaves oblong- lanceolate, not narrowing above the base, cordate or rounded at the base, acute ; flowers in a panicle of distant whorls, leafy almost to the top, inner perianth-segments linear-oblong, sub-acute, each bearing a large oblong wart. — Wet places ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 2. R. rupestris (Shore Dock). — A nearly allied form, with a more compact, upright habit ; leaves strap-shaped, rounded and narrowed at both ends ; panicle tapering, whorls not very distant ; inner perianth-segments large, narrow, oblong, blunt, with large warts. — On the south coast; rare. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 3. R. sanguineus (Bloody-veined Dock). — A smooth species with a slender stem, i — 4 feet high, with few ascending branches ; leaves ovate-lanceolate, fiddle-shaped, slightly wavy, usually cordate and with the veins tinged of a beautiful crimson ; flowers in many-flowered, distant whorls forming a loose panicle, only leafy at the base ; inner perianth-segments oblong, blunt, with a large, smooth wart on the outermost. — Roadsides and hedges ; common. The form with green veins is the more frequent. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 4. R. maritimus (Golden Dock). — A slightly downy, yellow- green plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with ascending branches ; leaves short- stalked, linear-lanceolate, narrowed at both ends, slightly wavy; flowers in crowded, confluent, many-flowered whorls, in a leafy panicle with spreading branches ; inner perianth-segments tri- angular, acuminate, orange-yellow, with 2 bristly teeth, often longer than the segment, on each side, and each with a prominent, narrow, oblong wart. — Marshes, principally near the sea ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Biennial. 5. R. limosus (Yellow Marsh Dock). — A closely allied species, with the whorls distinct, looser, and fewer-flowered; the inner perianth-segments ovate-oblong, with shorter, bristly teeth ; and the nut much larger. — Marshes ; less common than R. maritimus. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 6. R. pulcher (Fiddle Dock). — A small, nearly smooth, straggling, branched plant ; lower leaves fiddle-shaped or oblong, with a heart-shaped base and narrowed above, with slender petioles ; upper leaves lanceolate, acute ; flowers in distant whorls forming a spreading, leafy panicle ; inner perianth-segments pale-coloured, oblong, deeply toothed along the lower halves of their edges, with a network of veins, and on one of them a more prominent, oblong, prickly wart. — Waste places on dry soil ; not uncommon. — Fl. June — October. Biennial or perennial. POLYGONACE^E 7. R. obtusifolius (Broad-leaved Dock). — A tall, stout species, 2 — 3 feet high, with ascending branches; lower leaves ovate- oblong, cordate, blunt, finely crenate, wavy, with slender stalks ; upper oblong-lanceolate ; flowers in distant whorls, leafless above ; inner perianth-segments long, triangular, blunt, with -netted veins and usually strong teeth at the base, and an ovoid red or brown wart. — Waste places; common. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 8. R. cr i s pus (Curled Dock).— The commonest of the Docks, 1 — 3 feet high, branched ; leaves stalk- ed, lanceolate, acute, wavy, and crisped ; flowers in crowded whorls forming a pani- cle, with erect branches, leafy below, often tinged with a bright red ; inner perianth-seg- tnents equal, cordate, blunt, netted, green or red, with a small, smooth wart. — Waste places ; far too com- mon. — Fl June — October. Perennial. 9. R. domesticus (Long - leaved Water Dock). — A very ro- bust, smooth species, 1 — 4 feet high ; leaves very large, lanceolate, waved, and crisped, on semi-cylindric petioles with slightly raised edges ; flowers in crowded whorls, forming a large, dense, lobed panicle, leafy at the base only ; inner perianth- segments broadly cordate, membranous, netted, without warts. — Meadows in the north ; frequent ; preferring spots liable to be flooded. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 10. R. Hydroldpathum (Great Water Dock). — A picturesque plant, 3 — 6 feet high, erect, branched, smooth ; leaves often more than a foot long, lanceolate, acute, often cordate at the base, finely crenate on long petioles which are not winged : flowers ri'mex acet^sa (Common Sorrel). Ffg". 53. Sorrel. Rumex Ac DAPHNE FAMILY 423 green, in crowded whorls, forming very large, almost leafless panicles; inner perianth-segments triangular, netted, with oblong tubercles. — River-banks ; frequent. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. * Acid herbs (Sorrels) with leaves generally hastate a;:d imperfect flowers 11.* R. alpinus (Monk's Rhubarb). — A slightly downy plant, with thick rhizome ; stem stout, 2 — 4 feet high ; leaves roundish- cordate, not hastate, on long channelled stalks ; flowers monoe- cious, in crowded but not confluent whorls, forming a panicle with numerous erect branches, leafy at the base only ; inner perianth- segments ovate, cordate, membranous, without warts.- — Near cottages, formerly cultivated for its astringent rhizome and as a pot-herb. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 12. R. Acetbsa (Common Sorrel). — A slender, smooth plant, about 2 feet high, with simple, juicy stems ; radical leaves on very long stalks, sagittate, glaucous beneath; upper leaves sessile; stipules brown ; flowers reddish-green, dioecious, in leafless panicles with erect branches ; outer perianth-segments reflexed in fruit ; inner round, membranous, with a minute wart at the base. — Meadows ; abundant. Well known for its pleasing acid taste. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. 13.* R. scutdtus (French Sorrel). — The species chiefly cultivated as a pot-herb or salad, with hastate-ovate, slightly fiddle-shaped leaves, is occasionally naturalised. 14. R. Acetosella (Sheep's Sorrel). — Much smallef than R. Acetbsa ; 6 — 10 in. high ; often tinged, especially in autumn, with a deep red ; leaves lanceolate-hastate ; stipules silvery, torn ; flowers dioecious, in leafless panicles with erect branches ; outer perianth-segments ascending, inner without warts. — Dry gravelly places ; abundant. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. Ord. LXV. Thymel^ace^e. — Daphne Family A small Order of plants, mostly shrubby, remarkable for their tough inner bark, which is of a highly acrid nature, causing excessive pain if chewed, and raising a blister if applied to the skin. They have undivided, exstipulate, laurel-like leaves ; flowers generally perfect ; perianth tubular, 4- rarely 5-cleft, coloured, imbricate ; stamens 2 — 10, inserted in 2 rows in the perianth- tube ; ovary superior, i-chambered ; stigma undivided ; fruit a 1 -seeded nut or drupe. The bark of several species is used for making rope and paper, that of Lagetta lintedria, the Lace-bark tree of Jamaica, for instance, which can also be pulled out under 4 2 4 THYMELjEACE/E water into strong lace patterns. Daphne japonica, D. indica, and other species are commonly cultivated in conservatories and gardens for the sake of the delicious fragrance of their blossoms. The berries of the Spurge Laurel (Daphne Laureola), the com- moner of the two species which represent the Order in Britain, are poisonous to all animals except birds ; and both the bark and root of the other British species, the Meze'reon (Daphne Mezereum), though used in medicine, are very violent in their effects. t. Daphne (Spurge Laurel). — Shrubs with leaves usually scattered and ever- green ; flowers frag- rant ; perianth tubu- lar, with 4 spreading lobes ; stamens 8, sub-sessile, includ- ed. (Name, the Greek for a Laurel, which it resembles in its foliage.) i. D. Mezereum (Meze'reon). — A shrub with few erect branches ; very frag- rant, pink -flowers, sessile, 3 together, appearing before the leaves ; leaves stalked, obovate, acute, not ever- green ; fruit red, ovoid. — Woods ; very rare.— Fl. February — April. Perennial. 2. D. Laureola (Spurge Laurel). — A low shrub, about 2 feet high, very little branched, and remarkable for its smooth, erect stems, which are bare of leaves except at the summit. The leaves are smooth, shining, leathery, and evergreen ; the flowers green, in drooping, axillary clusters, and in mild weather fragrant ; the berries black, ovoid, and poisonous — Woods ; not common. If transplanted from the woods and potted, it may be employed with advantage as a stock on which to graft D. indica. The operation should be carried out in spring, with the leafy extremity of a shoot rather less in diameter than the stock. Hybrids dAphn£ laur£ola (Spurge Laurel). NETTLE FAMILY 425 between the two British species have occurred in North Somer- set. — Fl. January — April. Perennial. Ord. LXVI. El^eagnXce^:.— Oleaster Family A very small order of shrubs and trees, native to the Northern Hemisphere, covered with scurfy scales j leaves undivided, exstipulate ; flowers dioecious, small, polysymmetric, axillary ; staminate flowers in catkins, with a 2 — 4-lobed tubular perianth, and 3 — 8 stamens sessile in the tube ; carpellate flower solitary, with a tubular, 2 — 6-cleft perianth, and superior, i-chambered, 1- ovuled ovary ; style short ; stigma lateral ; fruit an indehiscent nut, enclosed within the fleshy persistent perianth. The fruit of several species of Elcedgnus is eaten in the East, and the flowers are highly fragrant, and abound in honey, which in some parts of Europe is considered a remedy for malignant fevers. The only British species is the Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides). 1. Hippophae (Sea Buckthorn). — A genus containing only the one species H. Rhamnoides, the Sea Buckthorn, or Sallow Thorn, is a shrub, 4 — 8 feet high, with branches ending in spines; leaves scattered, obovate, silvery ; flowers small, greenish, appearing with the leaves ; stamens 4 ; berries orange-yellow, very juicy, acid. — Sandy shores on the east coast ; rare. — Fl. May. Perennial. Ord. LXVII. Urticace;e. — Nettle Family A large and difficult Order the limits of which are variously assigned by different botanists. In its widest sense it comprises over 1,500 species, natives of all climates, of all sizes, and of very various properties. They have leaves either opposite or scattered, but usually stipulate, serrate, and rough ; flowers usually imperfect, small and green ; perianth 3 — 8-cleft and persistent, or wanting ; stamens equal in number to the lobes of the perianth, and opposite to them ; ovary superior, 1- rarely 2-chambered, 1- rarely 2-ovuled ; styles 1 — 2 ; fruit dry, indehiscent, i-seeded. One large section of the Order, not represented among British plants, has a milky juice often rich in rubber, and includes a number of edible fruits, or rather structures enclosing the fruits. The Cow-tree, Palo de vaca, Arbol de leche, of South America (Brosimum Galactodendron), contains an abundance of attractive milk, closely resembling that of the cow. B. Aubletii, *a large tree, also South American, yields the spotted heart-wood known as Snake-wood, Letter-wood, or Leopard-wood. Ficus eldstica and other species yield the india-rubber of India. The Fig 426 urticace^: (Ficus Car'ca), the Bread- fruit (Artocdrpus incisifolia), the Jack- fruit (A. integrifolia), and the Mulberry (Morus nigra) are the chief edible fruits of the Order. The Paper Mulberries of Japan (Broussonetia papyrifera and allied species), the common Nettles (Urtica), and the closely allied Rhea or Grass-cloth of India, U. (Boehmeria) nivea, and U. Puya, and the Hemp (Cannabis saliva) are the chief fibre-yielding plants in the Order. The Elms (Ulntus) are valuable timber-trees, and the wood of the Fustic (Madura tinctbria) affords a valuable yellow dye. The bitter principle in the glands on the catkins of the Hop (Humulus AutOS surculosa {Common small-leaved Elm). Lupulus) gives it its value as a preservative in beer. The British species of Nettle are well known for the burning properties of the formic acid contained in the stinging hairs with which they are plentifully armed ; but they are not to be compared to the effects of incautiously handling some of the tropical species. In these a slight sensation of pricking is followed by a burning heat, such as would be caused by rubbing the part with a hot iron ; and soon the pain extends and continues for days, with symptoms like those of lock-jaw, death even being said to have been caused by it. This burning property is dissipated by heat ; and the young shoots of the common Nettle, like those of the Hop, are, when boiled, an excellent substitute for Asparagus. NETTLE FAMILY 427 r. Ulmus. — Trees with distichous leaves ; perfect flowers in clusters ; bell-shaped, 4 — 5 cleft, persistent perianth ; styles 2 ; fruit a rounded, 1 -seeded samara. 2. Humulus. — Twining plants with opposite lobed leaves; dicecious flowers ; staminate flower with 5 -leaved ■perianth and 5 stamens ; carpellate flowers in a catkin of large brads ; styles 2. 3. URTfCA. — Herbs with opposite leaves and stinging hairs; flowers imperfect ; perianth 4 — 5-cleft ; style 1. 4. Parietaria. — Herbs with scattered, exstipulate leaves ; poly- gamous, 4-merous flowers ; style 1. 1. Ulmus (Elm). — Trees with distichous, oblique, rough leaves, with stipules falling early ; flowers perfect, in clusters, appearing before the leaves ; .perianth bell-shaped, 5- rarely 4-cleft, persistent \ stamens 4 — 5 ; styles 2 ; ovary superior, 1 — 2-chambered, with an ovule in each chamber ; fruit a thin, membranous, 1 -seeded samara. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the genus.) 1. U. scdbra (Wych Elm). — A large tree, with furrowed bark ; few suckers ; downy twigs ; large, i irregularly doubly serrate, obliquely cordate, I acuminate, thick leaves, with short stalks ; samara ' orbicular, with the seed-cavity below the middle. — Woods, chiefly north of the Trent ; common. — Fl. March, April. Perennial. 2. U. glabra. — Usually a somewhat smaller tree, producing numerous suckers ; twigs nearly smooth ; leaves small, thin, shining and nearly glabrous, FRUIT ^ ELM . except in the angles of the veins on their under surfaces, with long stalks ; samara obovate, with the seed-cavity near the upper end. Chiefly south of the Trent. — Fl. March — May. Perennial. There are also a number of other forms of elm, apparently hybrids between these two, of which the best-known is U. surculbsa, the English or Hedgerow Elm, a lofty tree, often send- ing out horizontal lower branches, producing abundant suckers, downy branches and leaves, with long petioles, aud numerous obovate samara, like those of U. glabra, but not perfecting its seed. 2. Humulus (Hop). — Twining herbs with opposite lobed leaves with connate stipules ; minute, dicecious flowers, the staminate in panicles, with perianth of 5 imbricate leaves and 5 stamens ; the carpellate 2 together in the axils of numerous bracts in a catkin ; styles 2. (Name said to be from the Latin humus, rich soil, in which the plant flourishes.) 428 URTICACEJE i. H. Lupulus (Common Hop). — A beautiful twining plant with very rough, almost prickly, and very tough shoots (bine) ; and palmately 3 — 5-lobed leaves. The staminate plants known as " seeders " are common in a wild state : but not in hop-gardens. The ripe catkins are ovoid and yellow, their bracts covered with resinous glands. — Hedgerows ; common. — Fl. July, August. Pe- rennial. Urt/ca (Nettle). — Herbs or shrubs with tough inner bark 3. Urt/ca (Nettle). — Herbs or shrubs with tough inner bark and stinging hairs ; leaves opposite, stipulate ; flowers bracteate, HlMl'Ll'S LL'PCLVS (Ci Ho/,). 4-merous ; perianth imbricate, persistent ; stamens and ovary in separate flowers. (Name from the Latin uro, I burn, from its stinging properties.) 1. U. dioica (Great Nettle). — Rhizome creeping with runners ; stem 2 — 4 feet high, seldom branched, pubescent ; leaves generally cordate, deeply serrate; flowers in long, branched clusters. — A common weed, too well known to need further description. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 2* U. pilulifera (Roman Nettle). — With no hairs except the stings, 1 — 2 feet high; leaves ovate, coarsely toothed; fruit in NETTLE FAMILY 429 globose the sea August. 3 U species, stings ; stalked clusters. — In the east of England, chiefly near ; local. The most virulent British nettle. — Fl. June — Annual. urens (Small Nettle). — Smaller than either of the other about a foot high, branched, with no hairs except the flowers in short, seldom branched clusters, staminate and URTfcA DiofcA {Great Nettle). carpellate together. — Waste places ; abundant. — Fl. June — Octo- ber. Annual. 4. Parietaria (Pellitory). — Pubescent herbs or shrubs with scattered, entire, exstipulate leaves ; polygamous, 4-merous flowers ; valvate, persistent perianth enlarging round the fruit. (Name from the Latin paries, a wall, where these plants often grow.) 1. P. ramiftora (Common Pellitory-of-the-wall). — The only British species, a much-branched, bushy, herbaceous plant, with 43° ARISTOLOCHIACE.E reddish, brittle stems : ovate, hairy leaves, and axillary clusters of small, hairy flowers. The filaments are curiously joined and elas- tic, so that if touched they suddenly spring from their incurved position and shed their pollen. — Old walls ; common. In rural districts an infusion of this plant was once a favourite medicine. — Fl. June— October. Perennial. PARIETARIA OFFICINALIS (C, Pellitory-of-the-ivall). §§ Ovary inferior Ord. LXVIII. Aristolochiace/E. — Birthwort Family A small group of herbs or shrubs, often climbing, chiefly tropi- cal, being very abundant in South America, but rare elsewhere. They have scattered, simple, exstipulate leaves, and usually soli- tary, axillary, perfect flowers. The perianth is attached to the ovary below, tubular above, with a wide mouth ; stamens 6 — 12, epigynous ; ovary 3 — 6-chambered ; style 1 ; stigmas radiate, equal- ling in number the chambers of the ovary ; fruit 3 — 6-chambered, many-seeded. The plants of this Order are generally bitter, tonic, and stimulant, sometimes acrid or aromatic. The dried and MISTLETOE FAMILY 43 1 powdered leaves of Asarabacca (Asarum europium) are used in the preparation of cephalic snuffs, exciting sneezing, and giving relief to headache and weak eyes. Virginian Snake-root (Aristolochia serpentdria) and other allied species are used as antidotes to the bite of venomous snakes. The juice extracted from the rhizome of a South American species is said to have the power of stupefy- ing serpents if placed in their mouth ; and African species are said to be used by Egyptian jugglers to stupefy the snakes with which they play tricks. 1. Asarum. — Perianth polysymmetric, bell-shaped, 3-cleft; stamens 12. *2. Aristol6chia.— Perianth monosymmetric, tubular, with a dilated lip ; stamens 6. 1. Asarum (Asarabacca). — Herbs with a stout rhizome ; radical leaves; a solitary, purplish-green flower, with persistent, 3-lobed perianth ; stamens 1 2 ; ovary 6-chambered ; fruit capsular. (Name of Greek origin, said to denote that it was excluded from garlands.) 1. A. europcmm (Asarabacca). — The only species found in Britain, and perhaps not indigenous, a curious plant consisting of a very short, fleshly stem, bearing two large, dark-green, kidney- shaped, evergreen leaves and a solitary, purplish-green drooping flower. — Woods ; very rare. — Fl. May. Perennial. *2. Aristolochia (Birthwort). — Shrubby, often twining plants, with stalked cauline leaves, and axillary, coloured flowers, with a tubular perianth swollen at the base, lined with hairs and dilated on one side into a lip ; stamens 6, inserted on the style ; ovary 6-chambered ; fruit capsular. (Name in Greek denoting the supposed medicinal virtues of the genus.) 1.* A. Clematitis (Birthwort). — The only species found appar- ently wild in Britain, not indigenous, a singular glabrous plant, with creeping woody rhizome ; slender, erect, angular, unbranched stems ; large, cordate, obtuse leaves, glaucous beneath ; and yellow flowers, 4 — 8 together, expanding into an oblong lip, — Among ruins in the south of England ; rare. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. Ord. LXIX. Loranthace^e. — Mistletoe Family An interesting Order of parasitic shrubs, comprising about 500 species, inhabiting tropical and temperate regions. Their leaves are usually opposite, fleshy, and evergreen ; and the flowers inconspicuous and dioecious. The perianth consists of 4 — 8 seg- 432 loranthAce^e ments, sometimes united in a bell-shaped form and valvate in bud ; the stamens equalling the perianth-leaves in number, and opposite and adnate to them j the ovary inferior, i -chambered vfscuM Album {Common Mistletoe). and i-ovuled ; and the fruit a viscid berry which adheres to the bark of the host tree. Soon a thread-like radicle is sent forth, which, from whatever part of the berry it proceeds, curves towards SANDAL-WOOD FAMILY 433 the supporting tree, pierces its bark, and finally roots itself in the growing wood. The Common Mistletoe is capable of growing on a great number of very different trees, having the power of selecting and appropriating to its own use such juices as are fitted for its sustenance. It may readily be propagated by attaching the fresh berries to the bark on the under side of a branch of the Apple. Great virtues were attributed to this plant by the Druids ; but it has now no medicinal repute, though there is an enormous demand for it in connection with Christmas festivities. 1. Viscum (Mistletoe). — Flowers dioecious, small, green, clus- tered in the forks of the branches ; perianth-leaves 4, united ; stamens many-chambered, opening by pores ; stigma sessile. (Name, the Latin name of the plant, signifying birdlime or alluding to the sticky berry.) 1. V. album (Common Mistletoe). — The only British species, a yellow-green, glabrous plant with bifurcating cylindric stems; thick, leathery, obtuse leaves, narrower on the staminate plants ; berries waxen-white. — On the Apple and other trees, but very rarely on the Oak ; chiefly in the south. Most conspicuous in winter, when its berries ripen. — Fl. March — May. Perennial. Ord. LXX. SantalAce^e. — Sandal-wood Family A small Order of herbs, shrubs, and trees, mostly root-parasites, which are widely distributed over the globe. They have mostly scattered, simple, exstipulate leaves; small flowers; perianth attached to the ovary, 3 — 5 -cleft, valvate when in bud ; stamens as many as the lobes of the perianth, and opposite and attached to them, with short filaments ; ovary 1 -chambered ; style 1 ; ovules 2 — 5 ; fruit hard, dry, indehiscent, 1 -seeded. The only important product of the Order is the fragrant wood of the East India Sandal-wood (Sdntalum album) and of the allied Australasian species, which is used for cabinet-work, incense, perfumery, and medicine. There is only one British species. 1. Thesium (Bastnrd Toad-flax). — Slender herbs with narrow leaves ; perfect flowers ; perianth 4 — 5-cleft, persistent ; stamens 4 — 5, each with a tuft of hairs at its base ; style short ; stigma undivided ; ovules 3. — (Name of doubtful origin.) 1. T. humifusum (Bastard Toad-flax). — The only British species; a small plant with fibrous roots attached to those of various other plants; a yellow, woody rhizome ; prostrate branches spreading in F F 434 EM PET RACEME a circle ; linear-lanceolate, i -veined leaves, resembling those of a Toad-flax ; and clusters of whitish flowers ; bracts 3.— Dry chalky and limestone hills in the south of England ; rare.— Fl. May- July. Perennial. k th£sium humiflsum (Bastard Toad-flax). Series II. ACHLAMYTJE^E § Flowers not in calkins Ord. LXXI. Empetrace^e. — Crowberry Family A very small Order of small heath-like evergreen shrubs, of obscure affinities, inhabiting North Temperate, Arctic, and Sub- Antarctic regions. They have scattered exstipulate leaves ; minute, axillary, polysymmetric, polygamous flowers, with 4 — 6 imbricate scales, either bracts or perianth-leaves ; stamens 3 —4, alternate with the inner scales ; ovary 2 — 9-chambered, on a fleshy disk ; style 1 ; stigma radiate ; fruit fleshy, with bony, i-seeded chambers. The slightly acid berries of the Crowberry (Emfetrum nigrum), though SPURGE FAMILY 435 unpleasantly turpentinous, are eaten in Arctic regions, being con- sidered as a preventive to scurvy. There is only one British species. i. EMPETRUM(Crowberry). — Flower-scales 3 outer and 3 inner ; stamens 3 ; style short; stigma peltate, 6—9- rayed ; berry globose, 6 — 9- chambered. (Name from the Greek, en pelron, on rock, from the character of its habitat.) 1. E. nigrum (Black Crow- berry, Crakeberry). — A small, prostrate, leafy shrub, with the habit of a Heath; stems much branched; leaves linear-oblong, so revolute that their margins meet at the back ; flowefs in the axils of the upper leaves, purplish ; berries black. — Mountainous heaths in the north and west ; frequent. The berries are much eaten by moor- fowl. — Fl. April — June. Pe- rennial. empetrum nigrum {Black Creivberry). Ord. LXXII. Euphorbiacea:. — Spurge Family A large Order containing about 200 genera and 3,000 species distributed over most of the tropical and temperate regions of the globe, and comprising trees, shrubs, and herbs. Their affini- ties are obscure ; for, though the European species have no perianth, many tropical genera appear to possess one. They appear to be related, on the one hand, to Urticdcece, and, on the other, to Malvdcece. Many African species are spinous, presenting a superficial resemblance to Cactdcece. Most plants in the Order have milky juice, which is often acrid and contains rubber and various alkaloids. The leaves are usually scattered and simple, and often have deciduous stipules. The flowers are small, the stamens and carpels in separate flowers and accompanied by bracts 436 EUPHORBlACE/E or an involucre. In the large genus Euphorbia there is a cup- shaped involucre, with yellow crescent-shaped glands round its margin, enclosing several staminate flowers, each consisting of one stamen on a pedicel, surrounding one longer-stalked carpellate flower of 3 united carpels, with as many styles, stigmas, chambers to the fruit, and seeds. The fruit often separates elastically into its constituent carpels. Among so numerous an assemblage of plants, we should expect to find a considerable variety of proper- ties, which, indeed, exists, though nearly all the Order agree in the acrid, narcotic, or corrosive character of the juice. A small quantity of the milky juice of one of our herbaceous British species of Spurge (Euphorbia) placed upon the tongue produces a burning heat in the mouth and throat, which continues for many hours, but may be allayed by frequent draughts of milk. The roots of several of the common kinds enter into the composition of some of the quack fever medicines ; but they are too violent in their action to be used with safety. The Irish Spurge (E. hiberna) is extensiveh/used by the peasants of Kerry for poisoning, or rather stupefying, fish. So powerful are its effects, that a small creel, or basket, filled with the bruised plant, suffices to poison the fish for several miles down a river. The Caper-Spurge (E. Ldthyris), a common weed in gardens, is a dangerous substitute for genuine capers, its unripe fruits superficially resembling the unopened flower-buds of Cdpparis spinosa, an entirely distinct shrubby plant, indigenous to the south of Europe. Gum Euphor- bium is a gum-resin obtained from Euphorbia resinifera, a native of the lower slopes of the Atlas Mountains, by wounding the stems, and collecting the sap which exudes. Pliny relates that the plant was discovered by Juba, King of Mauretania, and named by him after his physician, Euphorbus. It is an acrid poison, so violent in its effects as to produce severe inflammation of the nostrils if those who are employed in powdering it do not guard themselves from its dust. It was formerly employed for raising blisters, but is now only used in veterinary medicine, or for mixing with rubber. The Australian Asthma Herb (E. pilulifera) is now imported in considerable quantities. The Manchineel tree (Hippomdne Mancinella) of South America has an intensely acrid white juice, the least drop of which, or even the smoke from the wood when burnt, causes temporary blindness ; but other alleged actions have been much exaggerated. Its fruit, which is beautiful and looks like an apple, contains a similar juice, which so burns the lips of those who bite it as to guard the careless from any danger of eating it. Manioc (Manihot utilissima) is a shrub about 6 feet high, indigenous to the West Indies and South SPURGE FAMILY 437 America, abounding in a milky juice of so poisonous a nature that it has been known to occasion death in a few minutes. It is used by the Indians to poison their arrows. The poisonous principle, however, may be dissipated by heat, after which the root may be converted into the most nourishing food. The roots are sometimes eaten by the Indians, simply roasted ; and the heat of the sun even is sufficient to dissipate the noxious properties, for if it be sliced and exposed for some hours to the direct rays of the sun cattle may eat it with perfect safety. It is commonly, however, grated into a pulp and subjected to a heavy pressure until all the juice is drained off. This fresh juice is highly poisonous, but, if boiled with meat and seasoned, makes, under the name of Cassareep, an excellent soup, which is wholesome and nutritious. The pulp, which is called cassava, requires no further preparation, being simply baked in the form of thin cakes on a hot iron. This bread is so palatable to those who are accus- tomed to it as to be preferred to that made of wheaten flour. By washing the pulp in water and suffering the latter to stand, a sediment of starch is produced, which, after being dried on hot plates, which partially converts it into dextrine, is the familiar, light, digestible, and nourishing tapioca. Caoutchouc, or rubber, is furnished in greater or less abundance by many plants of this Order, but especially by South American species of Hevea. The fragrant tonic, Cascarilla Bark, is produced by Croton Eleutheria, a shrub belonging to this Order which is a native of the Bahamas; and the violently cathartic Croton-oil is extracted from the seeds of C. Tiglium, a native of the Malabar coast. Castor-oil is ex- pressed from the seeds of Ricinus communis, which is frequently grown as an ornamental foliage-plant in English gardens under the name of Palma-Christi. The Box is the only British tree belonging to this Order, of the poisonous properties of which it partakes, though to a limited extent. In some parts of Persia it is very abundant ; and in these districts it is found impossible to keep camels, as the animals are very fond of browsing on the leaves, which kill them. No satisfactory substitute is known for the wood of this tree as material for the wood-engraver. i. Euphorbia. — Involucre cup-shaped, containing 12 or more staminate -flowers each of 1 stamen and 1 carpellate flower with 3-lobed ovary ; styles 3 ; stigmas 2-cleft ; fruit 3-chambered, 3-seeded. 2. Buxus. — Evergreen shrubs with opposite leaves; flowers monoecious, bracteate, axillary; perianth of 4 — 12 leaves; stamens 4 ; ovary 3-chambered, 6-seeded. 3. Mercurialis. — Herbs with opposite, serrate leaves ; flowers 438 EUPHORBIACE^; mostly dioecious ; perianth of 3 leaves ; stamens 8—20 ; ovary 3- chambered, 2-seeded. 1. Euphorbia (Spurge). — The British species all herbs, with milky juice ; leaves simple ; flowers monoecious, in cup-shaped, 4 — 5-lobed involucre with roundish or crescent-shaped glands alternating with the lobes ; staminate flowers each of 1 pedicellate stamen ; carpellate flower solitary, drooping, pedicellate, of 3 united carpels ; stigmas 2-cleft ; jruit 3-lobed, 3-seeded. (Name from Euphorbus, physician to Juba, an ancient king of Mauretania.) * Leaves opposite, stipulate 1. E.Peplis (Red Spurge). — A prostrate, glabrous, and glaucous plant, beautifully tinged with red, repeatedly forked ; leaves oppo- site, stalked, blunt, auricled on one side at the base, thick, \ in. long ; involucres axillary, with oblong glands. — Sandy sea-shores in the south ; rare. — Fl. July — September. Annual. ** Leaves exstipulate, generally scattered i Umbels mostly grayed; involucral glands roundish, without cusps 2. E. Helioscopia (Sun Spurge). — Varying ih size from a few inches to i| foot in height, generally glabrous, with obovate leaves serrate above the middle, and easily distinguished by the golden- green hue of its spreading umbel, which is large in proportion to the size of the plant, and has 5 rays which are often repeatedly forked; capsule smooth. — Cultivated ground; abundant. — Fl. June — October. Annual. 3. E. platyphjilos (Broad-leaved Spurge). — A similar, erect, slightly branched, glabrous or hairy species, with cordate leaves, finely serrate above the middle, 3 — 5-rayed umbel, repeatedly forked ; 7 — 8 staminate flowers in each involucre ; capsule covered with hemispherical warts. — Fields, chiefly in the south; rare. — Fl. July — October. Annual. 4. E. stricta (Upright Spurge). — Closely allied to the preceding, but more slender, with more ascending branches, erect, 2 — 3 feet high ; with thinner leaves ; generally 3-rayed umbel ; rarely more than 2 staminate flowers in each involucre ; capsule only half the size, with longer, cylindric warts. — Woods on limestone in Gloucestershire and Monmouth ; very rare. — Fl. June — August. Annual. 5. E. hiberna (Irish Spurge).— A downy plant, 1 — 2 feet high, scarcely branched, with thin leaves 2 — 4 in. long and an inch or more across, a 5-rayed umbel and large capsules with cylindric SPURGE FAMILY 439 warts. — Devonshire and Kerry, where it is used to stupefy fish. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 6.* E. dulcis (Sweet Spurge), an erect species, about a foot high, with obovate blunt leaves ; an umbel of 5 long, 2-forked rays, with deltoid bracts ; and a few prominent warts on the capsule, occurs only as an escape from cultivation. — Fl. June. Perennial. 7.* E. coralloides, a taller plant with its stem leafless below ; leaves lanceolate, finely-toothed, woolly; umbel of 5, 2 — 3- forked rays ; and woolly capsules ; is also an escape. — Fl. May, June. Biennial. 8. E. pilosa (Hairy Spurge). — A tall plant, with its stem leafy throughout and branched above; leaves broadly lance- olate, finely toothed mainly near the apex, slightly hairy ; umbel irregular, of 4 — 6 rays, which are first 3-forked and then 2-forked ; bracts yel- low, elliptical, smooth; capsule usually hairy, with minute warts. — Woods, near Bath ; very rare. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. If Umbels 3- cr many-rayed; involucral glands with crescent-shaped cusps 9. E. amygdaloides (Wood Spurge).— A shrubby, erect, leafy plant, with obovate-lanceolate, bluish-green leaves hairy beneath, which grows about a foot high the first year, elongating to 2 feet and flowering in the next season, with an umbel of 5 or more bifurcating rays, conspicuous in spring and summer with its golden-green bracts, which are united into a round cup, generally A.MYGDALOIDES (Wood Sfurge). 44° EUPHORBIACE.E enclosing 3 involucres A common woodland plant, conspicuous in autumn by the deep crimson tinge of its stems and leaves. — Fl. March, April. Perennial. 10.* E. Esula (Leafy- branched Spurge). — Rhizome creeping; stem 1 — 2 feet high, erect, slender, leafless below, unbranched, or with a few flowerless axillary branches ; leaves oblong- or linear- lanceolate, sessile, thin, smooth, sometimes denticulate; umbel of 10 — 20, long, slender, forked rays ; bracts cordate, mucronate, not united ; capsule rough. — Woods ; rare, not indigenous. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. ii.* E. Cyfarissias (Cypress Spurge). — A closely allied species, differing in having runners, having more crowded, more glaucous, narrower leaves; blunt bracts; and almost white seeds. — Occurs as an escape in similar situa- tions. — Fl. June, July. Peren- nial. 12. E. Pardlias (Sea Spurge).— A bushy, glaucous plant, often tinged with red ; with many short, erect, stout stems, leafless below ; crowded, imbricate, leathery, sessile, oblong, blunt leaves; and an umbel usually of 5 short, forked rays. — Sandy sea-shores ; not common. — Fl. July — October. Perennial. 13. E. portldndica (Portland Spurge). — A less robust plant with spreading, leathery, obovate, api- culate leaves ; involucral glands 4, with long cusps ; seeds brown, south coasts ; rare. — Fl. April — BLXUS SEMPERvfRENS {Common Box-tree). and pitted. — On the west September. Perennial. 14. E. Peplus (Petty Spurge). — A light green, glabrous, erect species, less than a foot high, with broadly ovate, stalked leaves, and repeatedly forked, 3-rayed umbel ; brads ovate ; involucral SPURGE FAMILY 441 glands 4, with long cusps. — A very common garden weed. — Fl. July — November. Annual. 15. E. exigua (Dwarf Spurge). — A more slender little plant, usually branched near the ground, with linear leaves ; umbel of 3 — 5 forked rays; bracts lanceolate. — Cornfields; common. — Fl. June — October. Annual. 16.* E. Ldihyrus (Caper Spurge). — A remarkable plant, 2 — 3 feet high, succulent, glaucous, tinged with purple, with numerous, spreading, linear-oblong or strap-like leaves, opposite and regularly decussate so as to form 4 vertical rows ; umbel of 3 or 4 stout, unequal, irregularly forked rays ; capsule very large, smooth, full of milky juice. — Chiefly a garden weed ; but perhaps wild in some woods. — Fl. June, July. Biennial. 2. Buxus (Box). — Evergreen trees and shrubs ; leaves opposite, exstipulate ; flowers monoe- cious, axillary, bracteate, the staminate with 2 alternating pairs of peri- anth-leaves, the carpellate with 6 — 12 in alternating whorls of 3 ; stamens 4 ; ovary 3 -chambered, 3-lobed above ; styles 3 ; ovules 2 in each chamber; fruit cap- sular. (Name,theClassical Latin name of the tree.) 1. B. sempervirens (Common Box-tree). — The only European species, a small, slow-growing tree, with rough, grey bark; twigs downy ; leaves oblong, obtuse, not more than an inch long ; flowers crowded, sessile, minute, whitish. — Chalk hills in the south, doubtfully indigenous. The juice is bitter and acridly poisonous, but not milky as in the Spurges. The close-grained, yellow wood, the only European wood which does not float in water, is un- equalled for engraving. A dwarf variety is commonly used as an edging for garden borders. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 3. Mercurialis (Mercury). — Herbs with opposite, stalked, serrate, stipulate leaves; flowers mostly dioecious; perianth of 3 alis pek£nnis {Dog's Mercury). 443 CERATOPHYLLE/E leaves, stamens 8 — 20; ovary 2 -chambered ; styles 2, long; ovules 2 ; fruit capsular. (Name in honour of the heathen god Mercury.) 1. M.perennis (Dog's Mercury). — Rhizome slender, creeping; stem solitary, erect, about a foot high, unbranched ; leaves oblong- lanceolate, rough, hairy; flowers small, green, on peduncles springing from the axils of the upper leaves, the staminate ones in racemes, the carpellate in spikes. — Woods; abundant. — Fl. April May. Perennial. 2. M. annua (Annual Mercury). — A much branched, nearly glabrous species, with sessile leaves of a light green, and some- times with monoecious flowers. — Cultivated land ; not common. — Fl. July — October. Annual. Ord. LXXIII. Ceratophylle.e. — The Hornwort Family An Order containing only the one genus Ceratophyllum, the Hornworts, a group of one or two species of submerged aquatic plants that are unim- portant except from their structure, which is so distinct from that of any other known Dicotyledon as to render their affinities doubtful. They have long, slender, brittle, branched stems; whorled, sessile, ex- stipulate leaves, which are 2 — 4 forked into antler-like narrow lobes; and minute, axillary, monoecious flowers, enclosed in an 8 — 12-leaved involucre with bristle-like, per- sistent lobes. The stamens are 12 — 20, without filaments, but with 2 points to each anther; the ovary is 1 -cham- bered, i-ovuled; style 1, curved ; fruit an indehi scent achene, sometimes with 2 spines at its base. (Name from the Greek keras, an antler, ceratophyllum demersum phullon, a leaf, from the form (.Common Hornwort). Qf ^ j^^ t. Ceratophyllum (Hornwort). SWEET GALE FAMILY 443 i. C.demersum (Common Hornwort). — Leaves dark green; fruit with 2 spines at its base and terminated by the persistent, subu- late, curved style. — Slow streams and ditches, entirely submerged. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 2. C. submersum, paler green, without spines to the fruit and with a shorter style, occurs under similar conditions. §§ Flowers in catkins Ord. LXXIV. MyricAce^e. — The Sweet Gale Family A small group of shrubs and trees, widely distributed in tem- perate and tropical climates, and generally characterised by the excretion of wax. They have scattered, simple leaves; generally dioecious flowers in catkins ; stamens ?. — 16; ovary i-chambered, i -ovuled ; styles 2 ; fruit drupe - like, 1 - seeded, covered all over with wax. Myrica cerifera, the Bay- berry, Wax Myrtle, or Candleberry Myrtle of North America, and M. cordifolia of South Africa have been used in candle- making. Yang-maes are the edible sub-acid fruit of M. Nagi, a native of China and Japan. The aromatic leaves of the one European species, M. Gale, are astringent and tonic, and are used for tea and in rustic medicine. 1. Myrica (Sweet Gale). — Stamens 4 — 8. (Name, the Greek name of the Tamarisk.) 1. M. Gale (Sweet Gale, Bog Myrtle). — A bushy, resinous shrub, 2 — 4 feet high, flowering before leafing; leaves obovate-lanceolate, shortly- stalked, serrate towards the apex, fragrant when bruised ; catkins myrica {Sweet Gale). 444 CUPUliFER.E sessile, erect, the staminate longer j anthers and styles red ; drupe minute, 2-winged by the adherent bracts. — Bogs; common. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. Ord. LXXV. Cupulifer/E. — Mast-bearing Family An Order variously limited by different botanists, but which may be taken as comprising 10 genera and about 400 species of trees and shrubs, widely distributed over the globe and of very great value to man as timber, for bark containing tannin and useful therefore in dressing leather, and for edible seeds. They have scattered, stipulate, simple leaves, either evergreen (in foreign species) or deciduous; and monoecious flowers which are pollinated by the wind. The staminate flowers are generally in pendulous, deciduous catkins, with 2 — 20 stamens in each flower ; the carpel- late flowers sessile in an involucre, each generally with a superior 5 — 6-toothed perianth, a 2 — 3-chambered ovary, 2 — 3 styles, and 1 or 2 ovules in each chamber. The fruit is a dry indehiscent 1- or rarely 2-seeded nut, surrounded by the cupule or enlarged invo- lucre, which gives its name to the Order ; and the seeds are large, exalbuminous, with 2, or rarely 3, fleshy or mealy cotyledons. Cork is the outer bark of Quercus Suber, an evergreen species of Oak mainly grown in Northern Spain. Its periodical removal in no way injures the vitality of the tree. The first crop which is cracked and furrowed is known as Virgin Cork. Quercitron, the bark of the North American Quercus tinctoria, is mainly employed as a yellow dye. The bark of our English Oak (Q. Robur), Yalonia, which is the acorn-cups, and Cameta, the young acorns of the Levantine Q.Mgilops, are used in tanning; and the galls produced by insect puncture on Q. infectoria in the same country are one of the chief ingredients of ink. The bark of various species of Birch (Betula) is used in Canada for making canoes and moccasins, and in Russia for various utensils, as well as in tanning. The wood of the Alder (Alnus glutinosa) is burnt into charcoal for making gunpowder, and that of the Hornbeam (Carpinus Betulus), on account of its toughness, is specially adapted to the manu- facture of cog-wheels, as also is that of the American Live Oak (Quercus virens). The wood of the Quebec Birch (Betula lenta) and that of the European B. verrucosa are largely used in making furniture, and that of the Beech (Fdgus sylvdtica) in Buckingham- shire, in chair-making ; whilst it is unnecessary to attempt to enumerate the uses of Oak timber. Chestnuts, the fruit of Cas- tdnea saliva, are an important article of food in southern Europe, MAST-BEARING FAMILY 445 whilst in many countries acorns and beech-mast are of great value as food for pigs. • Tribe i. Betule^. — All flowers in catkins ; ovary of 2 i-ovuled chambers ; fruit small, compressed. 1. Betula. — Stamens 2; scales of fruit-bearing catkin thin, deciduous. 2. Alnus. — Stamens 4 ; scales of fruit-bearing catkin woody, persistent. Tribe 2. Coryleve. — Staminate flowers in catkins; anthers tufted with hairs ; carpellate flowers in pairs in axils of leafy bracts ; ovary 2- chambered; ovules 2. b£tula p£ndui.a {White Birch). 3. Carpinus. — Fruiting spike with numerous leafy scales. 4. Corylus. — Fruiting spike with a few brown scales. Tribe 3. Quercine^e. — Staminate flowers in catkins ; carpellate flowers 1 — 3 together in an involucre of numerous bracts, which enlarges in fruit ; ovary 3 — 6-chambered ; ovules 2 in each chamber. 5. Quercus. — Staminate flowers in a slender interrupted catkin ; stigmas 3. *6. Castanea. — Staminate flowers in a long slender catkin ; stigmas 6. 7. Fagus. — Staminate flowers in a globose catkin ; stigmas 3. 1. Betula (Birch). — Trees and shrubs; flowers all in catkins with 3-lobed, deciduous scales ; stamens 2, with forked filaments ; 446 CUPULfFER^ ovary compressed, 2-chambered, 2-ovuled : fruit small, winged, i -seeded. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the tree.) i. B. pendula ^White Birch). — A beautiful forest tree which has been styled "the Lady of the Woods," with smooth, silvery-white bark, scaling off in transverse strips ; copper-brown branches with resinous tubercles, often weeping ; rhomboid, irregularly serrate leaves on long stalks, truncate at their base, and with raised veins on the upper surface ; staminate catkins 1 — 2 in. long, pendulous ; Xlnus rotundifolia {Common Alder). fruiting catkins sub-erect at first, deciduous. — Woods; common. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 2. B. alba (Common Birch). — Often only a bush ; twigs, and sometimes leaves, downy ; leaves always rounded at the base with the veins prominent on the under surface. — Woods ; common. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 3. B. intermedia, a small tree with leaves smaller, more orbicular, and more bluntly toothed than the preceding, and catkins only MAST-BEARING FAMILY 447 | in. long, found in the Scottish Highlands, is probably a hybrid between the preceding and the following. 4. B. nana (Dwarf Birch). — A small shrub with short-stalked, roundish, crenate, glabrous dark-green leaves, and catkins not more than \ in. long. — Mountain bogs in the north ; rare. — Fl. May. Perennial. 2. Alnus (Alder). — Trees and shrubs ; flowers all in catkins; carpinus b£tulus (Common Hombeam\ stamens 3 — 5 ; fruiting catkin short, with woody, persistent scales. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the tree.) 1. A. rotundifolia (Common Alder). — The only British species, a small tree with greyish-black bark; branches triangular when young ; leaves shortly stalked, obovate, cuneate, blunt, wavy, serrate, glutinous when young, green on both surfaces ; catkins appearing before the leaves, and the woody scales of the fruiting ones remaining long on the tree. — Swampy ground throughout most of the temperate regions of the globe. — Fl. March, April. Perennial. 44 8 CUPULfFER/E 3. Carpinus (Hornbeam).— Trees with deciduous leaves ; staminate flowers in catkins ; stamens 3 — 12, with forked filaments and tufts of hair on the anthers ; carpellate flowers in pairs in the axils of leafy bracts, forming an erect spike in flower, becoming pendulous in fruit ; ovary 2-chambered, 2-ovuled ; styles 2. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the tree.) 1. C. Betulus (Common Hornbeam). — A small tree with smooth, light grey bark; leaves elliptic-ovate, acute, doubly serrate, strongly plaited parallel to the pinnate veins when in bud ; fruiting catkins corylus avellana (Common Hazel). 2 — 4 in. long, with large 3-lobed leafy bracts. — Clayey woods in the south ; local. Valuable as fuel and for cogs. — Fl. May. Perennial. 4. Corylus (Hazel). — Shrubs or trees with deciduous leaves ; staminate catkins long, drooping, cylindric ; stamens 4 — 8, with short filaments and tufts of hair on the anthers ; carpellate flowers in pairs in the axils of the upper bracts of a small head ; ovary 2-chambered, 2-ovuled; styles 2, long, slender ; fruit a woody nut, enclosed in a withering leafy capsule. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the tree, from the Greek korus, a cup.) MAST-BEARING FAMILY 449 i. C. Avelldna (Common Hazel). — A shrub or small tree with grey bark on stem, brown, hairy, and glandular on shoots ; leaves roundish, obliquely cordate, irregularly serrate, pointed, plaited QUfiRCUS r6bur (Common Oak).. parallel to the midrib in bud ; flowers preceding the leaves ; staminate catkins i — 2 in. long, drooping, yellow ; carpellate flowers in small, sessile, ovoid, erect heads, with imbricate bracts and crimson stigmas. — Woods ; abundant. — Fl. February, March. Perennial. 5. Quercus (Oak). — Trees with deciduous (or, in foreign species, evergreen) leaves ; staminate flowers in a slender, drooping, interrupted catkin; stamens 10, with slender, exserted filaments ; carpellate flowers few, each enclosed in numerous imbricate scales, forming a cup in the fruit ; ovary 3-chambered, 6- ovuled ; fruit or acorn 1 -seeded. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the tree.) 1. Q. Robur (Common Oak). — A large tree, with deeply fur- rowed, corky bark ; zigzag branches ; obovate-oblong, sinuate leaves with blunt lobes, with or without stalks ; flowers appearing with the leaves ; cup with numerous, adpressed, triangular, blunt scales. G G Currant-galls on 450 CUPULfFER,E There are three well-marked varieties : var. pedunculdta, the White Oak, with sessile leaves, downy beneath when young, and acorns on long stalks ; var. intermedia, the Durmast Oak, pro- bably a hybrid, with short stalks to both leaves and acorns, leaves remaining always downy beneath, and very dark green acorns ; and var. sessiliflora, the Red Oak, with downy twigs, long leaf- stalks, leaves smooth beneath, and nearly sessile acorns. — Woods ; common. The tree is attacked by numerous insects producing various galls, such as oak-apples, marble-galls, leaf-spangles, arti- choke-galls, currant-galls, &c. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. Castanea SatIva (Spanish Chestnut). *6. Castanea (Chestnut).— Trees with long slender catkins, the staminate ones erect ; stamens 8 — 20 ; carpellate -flowers 3 to- gether within a 4-lobed, very prickly capsule ; stigmas 6 ; ovary 5 — 8-chambered ; nut large, surmounted by 6-lobed perianth, 1- chambered, 1 — 3-seeded. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the tree.) 1.* C. sativa (Sweet or Spanish Chestnut).— A large and hand- some tree with deeply furrowed bark ; glossy, oblong-lanceolate leaves with bristly serrations ; catkins 5 — 6 in. long. — Parks and plantations ; common, but not indigenous. — Fl. May. Perennial. 7. Fagus (Beech). — Trees with deciduous (or, in foreign species, evergreen) leaves; staminate catkins globose; stamens 8—40, with WILLOW FAMILY 45 I slender, exserted filaments ; carpellate flowers 2 — 4 together within a 4-lobed, prickly capsule ; stigmas 3 ; nut 3-cornered, enclosed in the enlarged hardened cupule. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the tree.) 1. F. sylvdtica (Common Beech). — A large and beautiful tree with thin, smooth, olive-grey bark; long, pointed, chestnut- brown buds ; glossy, ovate leaves, plaited parallel to the pinnate veins in the bud, silky when young. — Woods on dry soil, chiefly in the south. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. fAgus sylvatica (Common Beech). Ord. LXXVI. Salicince. — Willow Family A small Order of trees and shrubs of very obscure relationships, occurring mostly in the Arctic and North Temperate zone, the more northern forms being dwarf and shrubby. They have scat- tered, simple, stipulate, deciduous leaves ; dioecious flowers in catkins, commonly appearing before the leaves ; stamens 2 — 30 ; ovary 1 -chambered ; styles 2 ; ovules numerous ; fruit a 2-valved, many-seeded capsule ; seeds covered with a tuft of silky hairs. The wood of Poplars and Willow grows in general so quickly that it is soft and of little value as timber ; but it is used for cricket- bats, charcoal, and paper-pulp. The flexible shoots of certain G G 2 452 SALICINEjE species of Willow, known as Osiers, are largely used as wicker- work ; and the bark of many species is bitter and astringent, and contains an active principle known as salicine which has some of the properties of quinine as a preventive of fever. There are only two genera in the Order. i. Salix. — Catkins usually erect ; catkin-scales entire; stamens 2—5- 2. Populus. — Catkins drooping; catkin-scales cut; stamens 4— 3°- i. Salix (Willow). — Trees or shrubs ; leaves of various forms. Staminate catkins ot a Willow. Pistillate catkin of a Willow. but usually longer than they are broad, stalked, with prominent stipules ; catkins usually erect or horizontal ; scales not cut ; stamens 2 — 5, exserted ; stigmas usually 2-lobed. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the group.) Shoots of these trees bearing catkins are popularly known as Palms, the staminate ones with their conspicuous yellow anthers, which mature about Easter-time, being called Gold Palm ; and the cafpellate ones covered with silky down, Silver Pussy-Palms. The 17 or 18 British species are somewhat variable: there is some difference in vegetative characters between the staminate and carpellate trees in each species ; and the group is rendered one of the most puzzling in the plant world by the occurrence in WILLOW FAMILY 453 a wild state of numerous hybrids. Only the leading types are here described. * Leaves convolute ; catkins produced with the leaves ; filaments free, hairy below ; deciduous -peduncle bearing leaves ; capsule smooth. (Including the larger trees in the genus.) i. S. pentdndra (Bay-leaved Willow). — A shrub or tree, 6 — 20 feet high, with dark brown bark ; handsome and fragrant, broad, ovate, polished leaves, paler beneath ; stamens 5 ; stigma 2-fid. — River-sides in the north ; frequent. The latest flowering Willow. ■ — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 2. S. tridndra (Almond-leaved, French or Brown Norfolk Wil- low). — Naturally a tree 20 — 30 feet high, but cut down and treated as an osier ; bark flaking ; leaves oblong-lanceolate, 2 — 4 in. long, serrate, glabrous, paler beneath, with large stipules ; stamens 3. — River-banks and osier-beds ; frequent. — Fl. April, May. Pe- rennial. 3. S. frdgilis (Crack Willow, Withy). — Growing into a large tree with ascending, easily detached branches, but often treated as an osier ; very smooth, highly polished, yellow, orange, or crimson bark; elliptic-lanceolate, serrate, glabrous leaves, 3 — 6 in. long, pale beneath, hairy beneath, with semicordate stipules ; stamens 2 ; stigma 2-fid ; capsule stalked. — Osier-beds ; common. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 4. S. alba (White or Huntingdon Willow, White Tree). — A large tree, but often pollarded, with furrowed bark; olive-green, silky, not easily detached twigs ; lanceolate, acuminate leaves 2 — 4 in. long, silky on both surfaces, with small, ovate stipules ; stamens 2 ; stigma 2-fid, recurved ; capsule nearly sessile. The Golden Wil- low (S. vitellina) is a form with bright yellow twigs, and the variety c&rulea, the Cricket-bat Willow, is apparently a hybrid between S. alba and S. frdgilis. — Wet places ; common, but often planted. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. ** Shrubs and small trees, mostly known as Sallows or Osiers ; catkins sessile when in flower ; bracts on peduncle small or absent ; catkin-scales discoloured at the tip ; stamens 2 ; capsule silky. 5. S. purpurea (Purple Osier, Bitter Willow). — A shrub with slender, tough twigs ; dark red or purple bark ; catkins appearing before the leaves, with purple-black hairy scales ; leaves folded equitantly in bud, lanceolate, serrate, glabrous ; stamens 2, united ; anthers purple, becoming black. — River-banks and marshes ; frequent. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 6. S. vimindlis (Common Osier). — A shrub or small tree, with 454 SALIcfNEiE long, slender branches, silky when young,- then polished ; catkins appearing long before the leaves, with brown scales ; leaves linear- lanceolate, acuminate, 4 — 10 in. long, with revolute, wavy margins, silky beneath, with small, lanceolate stipules ; stamens 2 ; anthers yellow ; style long. — Wet places and osier-beds ; common. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. 7. S. Lappdnum (Downy Mountain Willow). — A dwarf shrub, wih stout, brown branches ; woolly buds; catkins preceding the leaves, with black scales with long, white hairs ; leaves elliptic- lanceolate, shaggy on both surfaces, with revolute margins and small or absent stipules ; stamens 2 ; anthers yellow. — Highland mountains ; rare. — Fl. June, Julv. Perennial. 8. S. cdprea (Goat Willow, Great Sallow). — A small tree, with smooth buds ; catkins preceding the leaves, with hairy scales black at the tip ; leaves broad, ovate, flat, with wavy, crenate-serrate margins, cottony beneath ; stamens 2 ; anthers yellow ; style very short ; capsule with a slender stalk. — Dryish places ; common. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 9: S. aurita (Round-eared Sallow). — A form closely allied to the following, distinguished by its small size, not exceeding 4 feet in height ; reddish twigs ; much wrinkled, obovate leaves, downy on both surfaces, reddish when young, with large, kidney-shaped, stalked stipules. — Damp woods ; common. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 10. S. cinerea (Common Sallow). — A large shrub or small tree, closely allied to S. cdprea, but with downy buds and twigs; glaucous, obovate-lanceolate leaves, with reddish-brown hairs beneath, and large, semicordate stipules ; anthers pale yellow. — Damp places ; common. The earliest flowering British Willow. — Fl. March, April. Perennial. 11. 5. phylicifdlia (Tea-leaved Willow). — A handsome bush or small tree with spreading, bright chestnut branches and shining green leaves, glaucous beneath, ovate, with very small or absent stipules ; catkins sessile, with black, acute scales ; style long ; capsule stalked. — By mountain streams in the north. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. 12. S. arbuscula (Small Tree Willow). — A small, stiff, prostrate shrub, with yellow, downy twigs, becoming brown ; ovate, smooth, finely serrate leaves, silky and glaucous beneath ; sessile, bracteate catkins, with rounded, reddish, downy scales, preceding the leaves ; style long ; capsule nearly sessile. — Scottish mountains ; rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 13. S. repens (Dwarf Silky Willow). — A small, straggling bush with slender branches ; silky buds ; small leaves, variable in shape, WILLOW FAMILY 455 silky when young and on the under surface, shining above, with revolute margins and lanceolate or absent stipules ; catkins short on leafy peduncles, with silky scales ; anthers yellow, becoming black ; style short ; capsule stalked. — Heaths ; common. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 14. S. landta (Woolly Broad-leaved Willow). — A beautiful little shrub with zigzag branches; downy twigs; large, black, hairy buds ; broadly oval, leathery leaves, shaggy beneath, with large, semicordate stipules ; and catkins with long, golden hairs. — Occurs by mountain streams in the north of Scotland ; rare. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. *** Small bushes ; catkins on long, leafy, not deciduous shoots ; stamens 2 15. S. myrsiniles (Whortle-leaved Willow). — A small, stiff shrub with silky shoots; small, stiff, dark green, glossy, serrate, short- stalked leaves ; catkin-scales blackish ; capsulh hairy. — Highland mountains ; rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 1 6. S. herbdcea (Least Willow). — A minute, herb-like shrub with its stems spreading amongst stones or under the turf and sending up short twigs, 2 — 6 in. high, with brown buds ; a few round, blunt, serrate, shining, ciliate leaves ; and small terminal catkins on 2-leaved peduncles. — Lofty mountain tops ; not uncommon. — Fl. June. Perennial. 17. S. reticulata (Reticulate Willow). — A similar, but larger, buried form, much branched, with leaves strongly netted with veins on both surfaces ; and much larger, subterminal catkins on long, leafy peduncles. — Scottish Highland mountains; rare. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 2. Populus (Poplar). — Large trees with broad leaves on long vertically compressed stalks ; drooping catkins with jagged scales ; disk cup-shaped ; stamens 4 — 30, not united ; stigmas 2 — 4-lobed. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the tree, and, in spite of a difference in the quantity of the 0, considered in both ancient Rome and modern France to be the tree of the people.) 1. P. alba (White Poplar, Abele). — A large tree with smooth grey bark ; many suckers ; spreading branches ; downy buds and shoots ; leaves cottony and snowy white beneath, cordate, more or less palmately lobed; stamens 6 — 10; anthers red; stigmas cruciform, yellow. — Damp woods; frequent, but often planted. — Fl. March, April. Perennial. 2. P. canescens (Grey Poplar). — Leaves not lobed, with the exception of the youngest, slightly cottony and grey beneath ; stigmas 2, wedge-shaped, 2 — 4-lobed, purple. — Damp woods; not 45 6 SALIcfNE^E common. Possibly a hybrid between the preceding and the following species. — Fl. March, April. Perennial. 3. P. tremula (Aspen). — A tree with grey bark ; many downy suckers ; spreading branches ; downy buds and shoots ; leaves nearly round, acute, cordate, serrate, glabrous on both surfaces, or downy when young ; stigmas 2, 2-fid, erect. — Woods ; common. — Fl. March, April. Perennial. 4.* P. nigra (Black Poplar). — A large tree with grey bark; no suckers ; spreading branches ; sticky buds ; glabrous shoots ; rhom- boid, acuminate, serrate, cuneate leaves, glabrous on both surfaces, silky beneath when young ; stamens 12 — 20; anthers red ; stigmas 2, roundish, 2-fid. — River-banks ; not indigenous. — Fl. March, April. Perennial. Among introduced '1 forms now largely grown are P. deltoidea, the American Black Poplar, with leaves truncate at base and with ciliate margin; and P. seroiina, the Black Italian Poplar, a very quick-growing form, with straight stem and ascending branches, a cross between P. nigra and P. deltoidea. p6pulus trSmula (As/en). Class II. MONOCOTYLEDONS In the plants belonging to this class the embryo of the seed has only a single cotyledon or seed-leaf. Though in their earlier stages Palms develop a radicle or tap-root, no British representatives of the Class do so ; nor, with the one exception of the Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculedtus), do they form woody stems. They have generally bunches of fibrous roots ; their stems are often bulbs or corms, and are not commonly much branched. Internally there is no distinct pith, separable bark, or annual rings of wood FROG-BIT FAMILY 457 or bast, the vessels being grouped in scattered bundles which are most numerous near the outside of the stem, which, in con- sequence, is hardest near the exterior and sometimes hollow in the centre, especially among the Grasses. The leaves are generally simple, entire, and smooth, with parallel veins, or a regular net- work formed by transverse veins which are much finer than the longitudinal ones. The flowers are often destitute of a perianth, the place of which is supplied by hard, chaffy scales known as glumes. The sepals and petals, when present, the stamens and the carpels are generally 3, or some multiple of 3, in number. Sub-Class I. PETALGTDE^E Flowers usually furnished with a petaloid and coloured, not a green or glumaceous, perianth. Series I. EPIGYN.E.— Ord. LXXVIL— LXXXI Perianth superior ; ovary inferior Ord. LXXVII. HYDROCHARfDEiE. — The Frog-bit Family A small Order of aquatic plants, often floating, with con- spicuous, polysymmetric, dioecious flowers, enclosed, when in bud, in a sheath, or spathe ; sepals 3, green ; petals 3 ; stamens 3 — 12 ; carpels 3 — 6, united into an inferior, 1- or many-chambered ovary ; style 1 ; stigmas 3 — 9 ; fruit indehiscent, generally a berry, 1- or many-chambered. Only three members of the Order occur in Britain, belonging to three different genera. *i. Elodea. — Leaves submerged, linear, whorled. 2. Hydr6charis. — Leaves orbicular, floating. 3. Stratiotes. — Leaves submerged ; sword-shaped, serrate. *i. Elodea canadensis (American Water-weed, Water-thyme). — A submerged, dark-green, translucent plant, with a long, slender, branching, brittle stem, rooting at its nodes ; leaves in whorls of 3, linear-oblong, finely serrate; flowers floating, small, pink, dioecious, only the carpellate form commonly occurring, which has a very slender perianth-tube 4 — 8 in. long ; 3 sepals ; 3 petals ; 3 staminodes ; ovary 1 -chambered ; style slender ; stigmas 3, ligulate. — Rivers, canals, and ponds ; common. Introduced from America between 1836 and 1841. (Name from the Greek helodes, swampy.) 2. Hydrocharis (Frog-bit), represented only by the one species H. Morsus-rdnce, a floating plant with creeping stems; roundish, cordate, stalked, floating leaves ; and delicate white 453 HYDROCHARfDE^E flowers which grow 2—3 together from a pellucid 2-leaved spathe ; stamens 9— 12 ; ovary 6-chambered, many ovules ; styles 6. — Ponds and ditches; not general. The cells of the seed-coat gelatinise in water and emit their* spiral thickening. (Name from the Greek hudor, water, and charts, elegance.)— Fl. July, August. Perennial. ELODEA CANADENSIS (American Water-weed). hvdr6charis m6rsus-rAnvE (Frog-bit). 3. Stratiotes (Water Soldier), represented only by the one species S. aloides, a submerged plant with runners creeping in the mud ; its leaves all radical, stiff, ascending, sword-shaped, spinously serrate, like those of an Aloe, brittle, dark green ; flower-stalk 5 — 6 in. high, bearing at its summit a 2-leaved sheath, containing either several delicate white staminate flowers, each with 12 or more stamens and numerous staminodes, or one carpellate flower with 6 2-fid styles and a 6-chambered, many- ORCHID FAMILY 459 ovuled ovary. — Ponds and ditches in the north and east of England ; rare. The plant rises to the surface before flowering and then sinks to the bottom. (Name from the Greek stratiotes, a soldier, from the sword-like leaves.) — Fl. June — August. Perennial. strati6tes al6?des {Water Soldier). Ord. LXXVIII. ORCHfDE^;. — The Orchid Family A very extensive and most interesting Order of perennial herbaceous plants. They are to be found in all climates except the very coldest and driest ; but are most abundant in hot, damp, equatorial regions, where they exist in the greatest profusion, not, as in temperate climates, deriving their nourishment from the earth, but from the moisture in the air. These epiphytes, as they are termed, cling to the trunks and branches of trees, to the stems of large ferns, or to the bare rock. In many of them the large 460 ORCHIDEiE and often gorgeously-coloured flowers are the only conspicuous part of the plant. They have greyish-green aerial roots which are furnished with a peculiar superficial structure adapted to the absorption of atmospheric moisture, and clustered, elliptical branches known as pseudobulbs, from the summit of which spring a few green, leathery leaves, and slender peduncles which hardly seem capable of producing the numerous blossoms, beautiful in form and colour, which they are destined shortly to bear. The British species have mostly rounded or palmate root-tubers, two or more glossy sheathing leaves, and a simple spike or raceme of flowers, which are in most cases red, pink, white, or greenish. They have 3 sepals, often petaloid ; and 3 petals, the lowest unlike the rest, and frequently spurred. The structure of this lower lip of the corolla, or labellum, is often most singular, resembling some insect or presenting a fantastic caricature of some more important member of the animal kingdom. " There is," says Lindley, " scarcely a common reptile or insect to which some of them have not been likened." The stamens are united with the style into a central column, only one, or rarely two, of them producing pollen, which, though sometimes powdery, is com- monly united into 2 club-shaped masses, or pollinia, one in each chamber of the anther. The ovary is inferior, and often so twisted as to invert the flower, and so long as to be mistaken for a pedicel ; it is 1 -chambered, with 3 parietal placentas. The stigma is a viscid hollow in front of the column ; and the fruit a 3-valved, many-seeded capsule. The floral structure of the Order is, in spite of the varied form of the labellum, very uniform, and, in most species, clearly adapted to secure insect-pollination. The flowers have, in many cases, powerful odours and secrete honey ; but in the spurred forms this honey is within the tissue of the spur, instead of being, as in other groups, in the cavity of the spur. The insect seeking honey is thus delayed by the necessity of boring for it, and, meanwhile the stickiness of a gland, or retinaculum, at the base of the pollinium has time to set on the insect's head. The whole pollinium is thus removed from the anther, and, in some cases, while being borne to some other blossom, it bends, so as more effectually to strike against the stigma. As only a part of the pollinium is torn off by the viscidity of the stigma, the insect may thus pollinate many blossoms. The spur of Angrcecum sesquipeddle , a native of Madagascar, is no less than 9 inches long ; but, as foretold by Darwin, a hawk-moth has been found in the same island with a proboscis of even greater length. In some species the labellum is irritable. In Caledna nigrita, for instance, the column is a ORCHID FAMILY 461 boat-shaped box resembling a lower lip, and the labellum forms a lid that exactly fits it, and is hinged on a claw which reaches the middle of the column. When the flower opens, the labellum turns round within the column, and falls back, so that, the flower being inverted, it stands fairly over the latter. The moment a small insect touches its point, the labellum makes a sudden revolution, brings the point to the bottom of the column, and thus makes prisoner for a time any insect which the box will hold. With the exception of Vanilla, the long dried pods of Vanilla planijolia and other species of that climbing genus, which is now extensively cultivated throughout the Tropics for the sake of the crystallisable aromatic substance vanillin, which renders it valuable as a flavouring for chocolate and other sweetmeats, no plant of this Order is extensively used in the arts. On account of their beauty and singular aspect, however, great attention has of late years been paid to the cultivation of exotic orchids ; and by imitating their natural conditions of heat and moisture great success has been attained. If an orchid-house be well managed, some one or other of these curious air-plants may be seen in bloom at all seasons of the year, clinging to bits of wood or virgin cork, or simply suspended by wires from the roof. * Anther i only 1. MalAxis. — A leafy plant; flowers stalked, not inverted; lip posterior, not spurred, entire ; column short ; pollinia 4, waxy, on one gland. 2. Liparis. — Leafy plants ; flowers stalked ; lip anterior, not spurred, entire ; column long ; pollinia 4, waxy. 3. Corallorrhiza. — Brown saprophytes ; flowers stalked, yellowish-green ; lip anterior, 3-lobed, minutely spurred, white with red spots ; column short ; pollinia 4, free. 4. Neottia. — Brown saprophytes ; flowers stalked, light brown, hooded; lip anterior, 2-lobed, pouched; column long; pollinia 2, united ; pollen powdery. 5. Listera. — Leaves 2, opposite ; flowers stalked, green ; lip anterior, 2 — 4-lobed, not spurred ; column very short ; pollinia 2, united ; pollen powdery. 6. Spiranthes. — Leafy plants; flowers not stalked, in a spiral spike; lip anterior, not spurred, entire; pollinia 2, united; pollen powdery. 7. Epipactis. — Leafy plants ; flowers not stalked, in a spiral spike ; lip anterior, pouched, entire ; pollinia 2, united ; pollen loosely coherent. 462 ORCHfDEjE 8. Epip6gum. — Brown saprophytes ; flowers stalked, pale yellow, not inverted j lip posterior, 3-lobed, with a short, inflated spur ; pollinia 2, united ; pollen granular. 9. Cephalanthera. — Leafy plants ; flowers not stalked, erect ; lip anterior, constricted and lobed, pouched; column long; pollinia 2, united ; ovary twisted. 10. Helleborine. — Leafy plants; flowers stalked, drooping; lip anterior, constricted and lobed; column short; pollinia 2, united ;. ovary straight ; pedicel twisted. 11. Orchis. — Leafy plants; flowers not stalked, hooded; lip anterior, 3-lobed, spurred ; pollinia 2, distinct, with their glands in one pouch. 12. Aceras. — Leafy plants; flowers not stalked, hooded; lip anterior, 4-lobed, not spurred; pollinia 2, with their glands in one pouch. „ 13. Ophrys. — Leafy plants; flowers not stalked ; lip anterior, variously lobed, not spurred ; pollinia 2, with their glands in distinct pouches. 14. HERMfNiUM. — Leafy plants ; flowers not stalked ; lip anterior, 3-lobed, pouched ; pollinia 2, distinct, on naked glands. 15. Habenaria. — Leafy plants ; flowers not stalked ; hooded ; lip anterior, spurred ; pollinia 2, distinct, on naked glands. ** Anthers 2 16. Cyprip£dium. — Leafy plants; perianth spreading; lip large, inflated ; pollen granular ; ovary not twisted. 1. Malaxis (Bog Orchis), a genus containing only the one species M. paludosa, the smallest British orchid, 2 — 4 in. high, with angular stem ; 3 — 5 oval leaves, fringed with bulbils that grow into new plants ; and numerous minute, yellowish-green flowers on twisted stalks, in a dense raceme. — In bog-moss ; uncommon. Growing as an epiphyte on the moss, and easily overlooked. (Name from the Greek malaxis, softening.) — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. LfPARis. — Very similar little plants, with usually only 2 leaves, inverted flowers on twisted stalks and a longer, slender column. (Name from the Greek liparos, greasy.) 1. L. Loeselii (Two-leaved Liparis, Fen Orchis). — The only British species, with 2 oblong-lanceolate, acute, stalked, radical leaves ; a trianglar peduncle, 4 — 8 in. high; and 6 — 12 yellowish flowers on twisted pedicels in a loose raceme. — On bog-moss in the eastern counties ; very rare. An epiphyte. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 'ig. 54. Tway-bla^* iLisrera ovata) ORCHID FAMILY 463 3. Corallorrhiza (Coral-root). — Brown plants, living in decaying vegetable matter, without true roots or leaves, but with a fleshy underground stem with interlacing branches resembling coral ; brown, sheathing leaf-scales ; a few small, stalked flowers, with a 3-lobed lip with a minute spur united to the ovary ; a short column; and 4 distinct pollinia. (Name from the Greek kordllion, coral, rhiza, root.) 1. C. trifida (Spurless Coral-root). — The only British species, a curious brown plant, 6 — 10 in. high, with a few leaf-scales and a loose raceme of 4 — 8 small, yellowish-green flowers with a white lip with red warts on it. — 'Boggy woods in Scotland ; very rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 4 Neottia (Bird's-nest Orchis). — Brown saprophytes, with sheathing leaf -scales ; flowers brown, in a raceme; sepals and lateral petals forming a hood ; lip 2-lobed, pouched at its base. (Name from the Greek neottia, a bird's nest, from the inter- lacing fleshy roots.) 1. N. Nidus-dvis (Bird's-nest Orchis). — The only British species, a pale brown plant, about a foot high, with a root of many inter- lacing fleshy fibres, from the extremities of which the young plants are produced ; numerous brown leaf-scales and brown, stalked flowers. — Shady woods, especially among fallen Beech leaves ; frequent. — FL June, July. Perennial. 5. LfsTERA (Twayblade). — Root of fleshy fibres ; leaves 2, opposite ; flowers stalked, green ; sepals and lateral petals spreading ; lip anterior, 2 — 4-lobed, not spurred. (Named in honour of Dr. Martin Lister, an English naturalist.) 1. L cor data (Lesser or Heart-leaved Twayblade) — A small, glabrous plant, 4 — 8 in. high ; stem angular, slender ; leaves sessile, membranous, ovate-cordate, acute ; flowers few, small, greenish, in a loose raceme ; lip 4-lobed. — Mountain moors ; un- common. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 2. L. ovdta (Twayblade). — A coarse, pubescent plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with a tapering stem, round in section; large, broadly ovate, nk6ttia nIdus-Avis (BircFs-nest Orchis). 464 ORCHIDE^E strongly ribbed leaves; and a long raceme of yellowish-green fiowers with a 2-lobed lip. — Woods and orchards ; common. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 6. Spiranthes (Lady's Tresses). — Root tuberous; stem leafy; flo7vers in a spirally-twisted spike ; lip not spurred, united to the lIstera ovata (Twayblade). base of the column ; pollen powdery. (Name from the Greek speira, a spiral, anthos, a flower.) 1. S. autumndlis (Autumn Lady's Tresses). — Root of 2 or 3 ovoid tubers ; stem 4 — 8 in. high, slender, slightly pubescent ; radical leaves ovate, acute ; flowers in a close spiral, white, fragrant in the evening. — Dry downs ; not uncommon. The flowers are arranged in a single row and the spiral turns either from left to right or from right to left. The leaves form a tuft ORCHID FAMILY 465 just above the crown of the root, and wither before the flowers begin to expand. These are succeeded by a tuft of new leaves which arise from the base of the old stem. — Fl. August — October. Perennial. 2. S. (Bstivdlis (Summer Lady's Tresses). — Root of several cylindrical tubers; stem 6 — 18 in. high, glabrous; radical leaves on the flowering stem, not in a lateral rosette ; flowers more numerous, larger and more loosely arranged than in the preceding. — Bogs in the New Forest and Wyre Forest, Worcester; very rare. — Fl. July, August. 3. S. Romanzoffidna, a stout, leafy species, with much larger flowers in 3 spiral rows, is found in the south-west of Cork. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 7. Epipactis. — Closely allied to Spi- rdnthes, but with a creeping rhizome, generally stalked leaves, and a pouch at the base of the lip. (Name of Greek origin, but of uncertain application.) 1. E. repens (Creeping Goodyera). — A creeping species with a slender stem 4 — 8 in. high ; stalked, ovate, acute leaves with a network of veins, pubescent below ; flowers small, white, in a slender, spiral spike with linear, adpressed brads and glandular hairs. — Fir woods, chiefly in East Scotland. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 8. Epipogum, represented by one species, E. aphjilum, is a brown sapro- phyte, with stalked, pale yellow flowers which are not inverted, and have a short inflated spur to their lip. — It has only once been found in a damp wood in Herefordshire. (Name from the Greek epi, up, pogon, lip, the lip of the flower being uppermost.) 9. Cephalanthera (Helleborine). — Leafy plants with a creep- ing rhizome ; nearly distichous leaves ; flowers in a few-flowered spike, not stalked, erect; lip anterior, constricted, lobed, and pouched; column long; ovary twisted. (Name from the Greek H H spirAnthes autumnAlis (Autumn Lady's Tresses). 466 0RCHIDE.£ kephale, head, dnthera, anther, the anther forming a head to the column.) i. C. rubra (Red Helleborine). — A slender plant about a foot high, with lanceolate acute leave* and red flowers with downy ovaries shorter than the bracts. — Woods on limestone in Gloucester- shire ; very rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 2. C. longifolia (Narrow-leaved Helleborine). — A very similar but taller plant, with white -flowers and smooth ovaries which are longer than the bracts. — Woods ; local. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 3. C. grandiflora (White Helleborine). — Stem 1 — 2 feet high ; leaves 3 — 6 in. long, ovate-oblong, upper narrower ; flowers rather large, milk-white, cup-shaped, in a loose spike; ovary smooth, shorter than the bracts. — Woods on calcareous soil ; uncommon. — Fl. June. Perennial. 10. HELLEBORfNE (Helleborine). — A genus closely allied to the preceding, but with drooping flowers on twisted pedicels, with short columns and straight ovaries. (Name of Greek origin, having practically the same origin as Helleborus.) 1. H. latifolia (Broad-leaved Helleborine). — Stem 1 — 3 feet high, solitary, downy ; leaves broadly ovate, ribbed ; flowers green with a red lip, shortly stalked, in a long, loose, 1 -sided raceme, sub-erect in bud ; tip of" lip roundish-cordate with a small recurved point ; ovary downy, shorter than the green brads. — Hilly woods ; common. — Fl. August. Perennial. 2. H. media, a closely allied form, with longer and narrower leaves and tip of lip triangular-cordate, acute. — Woods; local. — Fl. August. Perennial. 3. H. purpurdta, another closely allied form, has many clustered stems, which, together with the leaves, are much tinged with violet ; yellow-green flowers tinged with pink; and the tip of the lip triangular-ovate, acuminate. — Woods in the south of England ; rare. — Fl. August. Perennial. 4. H. atrorubens (Dark-flowered Helleborine). — Stem solitary, about a foot high ; with smaller, ovate-lanceolate, acute leaves ; flowers small, varying from dark yellow to a dingy blackish-red ; tip of lip broader than long, rounded, with a short, abrupt point. — Limestone cliffs, chiefly in the north ; rare. — Fl. July. Perennial. 5. H. palustris (Marsh Helleborine). — Stem about a foot high, downy ; leaves lanceolate-acute ; flowers few ; sepals green, striped with red ; petals white, striped with red ; tip of lip blunt, crenate ; bracts shorter than the flowers. — Marshes ; not uncommon. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. ORCHID FAMILY 467 11. Orchis. — Herbaceous plants with tuberous roots; leaves mostly radical, sessile, and sheathing ; flowers not stalked, with a hood formed of the lateral petals ; lip anterior, 3-lobed, with an empty spur ; pollinia 2, distinct, with their glands in one pouch. (Name, the Greek name of the genus.) * Tubers ovoid 1. 0. hircina (Lizard Orchis). — Stem 1 — 3 feet high ; flowers large, in a loose spike ; sepals and lateral petals green, spotted with red ; lip over an inch long, strap-shaped, spirally coiled in bud, white, with red spots. — Woods on chalk in Kent, Sussex, and Wilts. ; very rare. The flowers have an unpleasant goat-like smell.- — Fl. May. Perennial. 2. . pyramiddlis (Pyramidal Orchis). — Stem 6 — 18 in. high; leaves lanceolate, acute ; flowers small, deep rose-colour, rarely white, in a dense pyramidal spike ; lip with 3 equal, oblong, truncate lobes, and a slender spur longer than the ovary. — Lime- stone pastures ; frequent. — Fl. July, Ai gust. Perennial. 3. 0. ustuldta (Dark-winged or Dwarf Orchis). — Stem 4 — 6 in. high ; leaves oblong, acute ; flowers many, small, in a dense oblong spike, dark crimson at first, and, therefore, at the top of the spike, becoming white later, that is, lower down; spur much shorter than the ovary. — Upland calcareous pastures; not common. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 4. 0. purpurea (Great Brown-winged, or Old Woman Orchis). — Stem stout, 1 — 3 feet high ; leaves oblong, blunt ; flowers in a dense spike, greenish-red, with a dark hood, light rose-coloured, 4-lobed, flat lip, with raised, rough, red points, and short spur.— Woods on chalk in Kent and Sussex; rare. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 5. 0. militdris (Military Orchis). — A closely allied but smaller species, with pale red flowers, with a pink hood, pink and white, 4- lobed lip with narrow, upcurved segments, and raised, rough, red points, and short spur. — Chalky hills in the south-east of England ; rare. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 6. 0. simia (Monkey Orchis). — A closely allied but more slender form, with dark red hood and the lobes of the lip all long, narrow, and crimson. — Chalky hills in Berkshire, Oxfordshire, and Kent ; rare. — Fl. May. Perennial. 7. O.mbrio (Green-winged Meadow Orchis). — Stem 6 — 12 in. high ; leaves lanceolate ; flowers few, in a loose spike, deep crimson, rarely white ; blunt, lateral sepals, and petals strongly marked with parallel green veins, and bent upwards to form a hood over the column; lip pale, spotted with crimson; spur shorter than the ovary, blunt. — Meadows ; frequent. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. h h 2 468 ORCHfDE^E 8. O.mdscula (Early Purple Orchis). — Stem 6 — 12 in. high; leaves oblong-lanceolate, blunt, usually blotched with dull reddish- black ; -flowers few, in a loose spike, crimson, mottled with lighter 6rchis mAscula {Early Purple Orchis). and darker shades, rarely white, each rising from a twisted ovary, and having a long, stout, blunt spur ; sepals spreading, not forming a hood. — Woods and pastures ; abundant. The colour of the flower, associated, as it often is, with Cowslips and Wild Hyacinths, ORCHID FAMILY 469 is rich and beautiful ; but the odour is strong and offensive, especially in the evening. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. 9. 0. laxiflbra (Lax-flowered Orchis), with unspotted leaves, and large, bright red flowers in a loose spike, with long, 3 — 5-veined bracts and reflexed sepals, occurs only in the Channel Islands. — Fl. May, June. Perennial ** Tubers palmate 10. 0. incarndla (Crimson Marsh-Orchis). — Stem about a foot high, usually hollow ; leaves radical and cauline, lanceolate, acute, concave at the tip, unspotted; flowers rose-coloured, in a dense spike; bracts long, 3-veined, green ; sepals spreading ; lip slightly 3-lobed ; spur shorter than the ovary. — Marshes ; frequent. — Fl. June. Peren- nial 11. 0. latifolia (Marsh- Orchis). — A closely allied and very similar species ; leaves generally with ring-shaped spots, oblong, flat at the tip. — Marshes ; less frequent. — Fl. May, June, often over before the preceding species flowers. Perennial. 12. 0. maculdta (Spotted Orchis). — Stem about a foot high, solid; leaves oblong- lanceolate, radical, and cauline, with numerous squarish spots ; flowers lilac or white, curiously marked with dark lines and spots, in a dense, oblong-pyramidal spike ; bracts 3-veined, green ; lip deeply 3-lobed. — Moist heaths and commons ; abundant. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. ACERAS ANfHROPOPHORA (Maft-OrcAts). 12. Aceras (Man-Orchis). — Leafy plants with ovoid tubers, sessile flowers with a hood ; lip anterior, long, 4-lobed, not spurred 47o ORCHIDE^E pollinia 2, with their glands in one pouch. (Name from the Greek a, without, keras, a horn.) 1. A. anthropbphora (Man-Orchis). — About a foot high, with mostly radical leaves ; and a loose spike of curious little flowers with a large green hood, and a long, slender, yellow lip with 2 6phrys At'fFERA (Bee-Orchis). 6phrys muscIkera (Fly-Orchis). lateral and 2 terminal lobes, like arms and legs.- places in the east of England ; rare. — Fl. June, July. -Dry chalky Perennial. 13. Ophrys (Insect-Orchis). — Leafy plants with ovoid tubers ; sessile flowers; spreading sepals; lip anterior, variously lobed, usually convex and velvety, not spurred ; pollinia 2, with their glands in distinct pouches. (Name from the Greek ophrus, an eyebrow, from the markings on the lip.) ORCHID FAMILY 47 1 i. 0. apijera (Bee-Orchis). — A curious and beautiful plant, about a foot high, with short, oblong, mostly radical leaves and 3 — 6 flowers in a loose spike, with large, leafy bracts ; sepals white or pink, spreading, ovate ; lip velvety, broad, brown, variegated with yellow, convex, 5-lobed, the 2 lower lobes hairy, the 2 lateral anterior ones bent under the lip and the terminal one long, acute, and usually also reflexed ; pollinia falling forward and pollinating the stigma of the same flower. — Open places on calcareous soil ; uncommon. No one who has heard that plants exist bearing the names of this and the three following species can well doubt their identity should they fall in his way. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 2. 0. fuciflora (Late Spider-Orchis). — A closely similar species chiefly differing in the lip, which is long, velvety, dark purple variegated with yellow, with a flat, heart-shaped, green, ter- minal lobe. — Chalk downs in Kent and Surrey ; very rare. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. 3. 0. sphegodes (Spider-Orchis). — A somewhat smaller plant with fewer flowers ; green sepals ; and deep brown hairy lip with smooth, yellowish markings and a notched apex without terminal lobe.— Chalk downs in the south-east ; rare. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 4. 0. muscifera (Fly-Orchis). — A slender species, about a foot high, with few oblong leaves; flowers 1— 12, in a loose spike; sepals green ; lateral petals thread-like, resembling the antennas of a fly ; lip oblong, 3-lobed, brownish-purple with a bluish patch in the centre. — Shady places on calcareous soil ; uncommon. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 14. HERMfNiUM (Musk-Orchis). — Leafy plants with ovoid tubers ; few leaves; sessile flowers ; perianth leaves incurved, lip anterior, 3-lobed, pouched ; pollinia 2, distinct, with large, naked glands. (Name from the Greek hermin, a bed-post, from the shape of the tubers.) 1. H. Mondrchis (Musk-Orchis). — A diminutive plant, generally 4 — 6 in. high, with stalked tubers ; slender stem ; radical leaves 2, lanceolate, cauline 1 ; flowers minute, green, smelling like honey- in-the-comb by day and like musk at night ; sepals ovate ; lip narrow, 3-lobed, pouched at the base, terminal lobe longest. — fc Chalky downs in the south ; rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 15. Habenaria. — Leafy plants with sessile flowers with a hood ; lip anterior, spurred ; pollinia 2, distinct, with naked glands. (Name of doubtful etymology.) t. H. conopsea (Sweet-scented Orchis). — About a foot high; tubers palmate ; leaves oblong-lanceolate, acute, keeled ; flower- 472 ORCHfDE/E buds red or deep lilac ; flowers lighter, not spotted, very fragrant, in an elongated, cylindrical spike ; bracts 3-veined ; lip with 3 equal, entire lobes and a slender spur twice as long as the ovary. — Dry upland pastures ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 2. H. intdcta, a small species with ovoid tubers ; stem 4 — 10 in. high ; leaves often spotted ; delicate pink flowers with an un- equally 3-lobed lip and short spur, occurs only in limestone pastures in the west of Ireland. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. 3. H. dlbida (Small White Habenaria). — A similar but rather large species, has roots consisting of numerous fleshy fibres ; lower leaves oblong, blunt, upper lanceolate, acute ; flowers small, yellowish- white, fragrant ; bracts 3-veined ; lip with 3 un- equal, acutely triangular lobes, and a spur shorter than the short ovary. — Hilly, pastures, mostly in the north ; uncommon. — Fl. June — August. Peren- nial. 4. H. viridis (Frog- Orchis). — Tubers palmate ; stem 3 — 8 in. high ; leaves oblong, blunt, smaller up- wards ; flowers green, in z loose spike ; bracts long, green; lip pale brownish-green, linear, flat; spur very short. — Upland pastures ; uncommon.— Fl. June— August. Perennial. 5. H. bifolia (Lesser Butterfly-Orchis).— A singular, but not appropriately named, plant, for its flowers bear but a slight resem- blance to a butterfly. It has 2 broad, glossy leaves at the root ; the stem is slender and angular, about a foot high ; and the habenaria conopsea {Sweet -seen ted Orchis). Fig. 56. Butterfly Orchis. Mabenana bifoliai IRIS FAMILY 473 flowers white, very fragrant in the evening ; sepals spreading ; lip linear, strap-shaped, entire ; spur slender, spreading, twice as long as the ovary ; anther-chambers parallel. — Moist heaths and the horders of woods ; com- mon. — Fl. June, July. Peren- nial. 6. H. virescens (Greater Butterfly Orchis). — A closely allied but larger species, with larger, greener flowers, broader lateral sepals, a stouter spur bending downwards, and anther-chambers diverging at the base. — In more moist situations ; almost equally common. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 1 6. — Cypripedium (Lady's Slipper), represented by only one species in Britain, C. Calceolus, one of the rarest, most beautiful, and interesting of our native plants ; has a creeping rhizome ; a downy stem about a foot high, bearing 3 or 4 large, ovate, acuminate, ribbed leaves and i or 2 large flowers with broad, spreading, reddish - brown sepals and petals; and the distinctive large inflated lip of a pale yellow. — Woods on limestone in the north of England ; very rare. (Name from the Greek Kupris, Venus, podion, a slipper.) — Fl. May, June. Perennial. habenAria bifolia {Lesser Butterfly-Orchis'). Ord. LXXIX. iRfDE^E. — Iris Family A considerable Order of herbaceous plants with fleshy, under- ground stems; long, narrow, often sword-shaped, and equitant leaves, and showy flowers ; perianth superior, petaloid, of 6 leaves in 2 alternating whorls, imbricate, and often persistent; stamens 3, with extrorse anthers : ovary inferior, 3-chambered, 474 IRfDE^E many-ovuled ; style i ; stigmas 3, often petal-like ; fruit a 3-sided, 3-valved, many-seeded capsule. They are chiefly natives of warm and temperate, extra-tropical regions, and are most abundant in Cape Colony, where, at the time of its discovery by the Portu- guese, the natives mainly supported themselves on the under- ground stems of plants of this Order, together with such shell-fish as were left on shore by the receding tide. Few species are used in the arts : Orris root is the rhizome of Iris florentina and other species, which, when dried, has a perfume resembling that of Violets, and is used as an ingredient of tooth-powder ; and Saffron, the dried stig- mas of Crocus sativus, formerly used far more ex- tensively than at present, as a dye and as a colouring agent in cooking and in medicine. Iris, Crocus, Ixia, Gladiolus and others are favourite garden genera. 1. Iris. — Flowers poly- symmetric ; sepals reflexed ; gyle dividing into 3 broad, 2-fid, petaloid lobes. *2. Crocus. — Flowers polysymmetric, funnel- shaped, with a long tube ; style slender ; stigmatic lobes widening upward. 3. Romul£ a. — Flowers polysymmetric, with a short tube ; style slender ; stigmas 2-fid, lobes slender. 4. SiSYRfNCHiUM. — Flowers polysymmetric, with a short tube; style short ; stigmas undivided. 5. Gladiolus. — Flowers monosymmetric ; style slender ; stig- matic lobes widening upward. 1. Iris (Flower-de-luce). — Herbaceous plants mostly with fleshy rhizomes ; leaves chiefly radical, sword-shaped, equitant j flowers — IRIS PSEUDACORUS (Yellow Iris, Flag; Corn Flag). Fig. 57 Yellow Iris. Flag. Oris psnut^corus). IRIS FAMILY 475 few, large, with a membranous spathe : perianth-tube short ; sepals 3, large, petaloid, stalked, reflexed ; petals 3, erect, stalked ; style stout, dividing into 3 broad, spreading, petal-like lobes covering the stamens, bifid, with a transverse stigmatic line. (Name from the Greek iris, the rainbow, from the beautiful colouring of the flowers.) Cr6cus officinalis {Saffron Crocus). i. 1. fcetidissima (Stinking Iris, Gladden, Roast-beef Plant). — Stem compressed, with 1 sharp edge, about 2 feet high ; leaves weak ; flowers a dull leaden hue or livid purple, rarely yellow, with no fringe down the sepals. — Thickets, chiefly on calcareous soil ; not uncommon. The leaves are so acrid as to leave a burning taste in the mouth, or even to loosen the teeth. The whole plant, when bruised, emits a disagreeable odour. The 476 IRfDE/E bright scarlet seeds remain attached to the plant all through the winter. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. 2. /. Pseuddcorus (Corn Flag, Yellow Iris). — A stout aquatic plant with creeping, acrid rhizomes ; round stem, 2 — 5 feet high ; sword-shaped leaves ; and large, handsome yellow flowers with unfringed sepals. — Marshes and river-banks ; common. The rhizome yields a black dye, and the seeds, it is said, may be roasted and used as a substitute for coffee. — Fl. May — August. Perennial. 3.* /. tuber osa, with tubers, 4- angled leaves, and solitary purple flowers, found at Penzance and at Cork, is one of several cultivated species occasionally found apparently wild. *2. Crocus. — Herbaceous plants with fleshy corms ; no aerial stem ; linear, radical leaves, white beneath, with revolute edges ; and generally solitary, large, funnel-shaped flowers with a long perianth-tube ; style slender; stigmatic lobes 3, widening upwards ; capsule pedicellate. (Name from the Greek krokos, saffron, and that from kroke, a thread.) Several species are natural- ised in various parts of England, such as C. officinalis, the Purple Spring Crocus, in meadows at Not- tingham and elsewhere, flowering in March and April; but the only species with any claim to be con- sidered indigenous is C. nudiflorus (Naked-flowered Crocus), with leaves appearing in March, and solitary, purple flowers in September and October, occurring in meadows in the Midland counties. This genus must not be confused with the Colchicums which are mis- leadingly called Autumn Crocuses or Meadow Saffrons, but belong to the Liliaceae, having 6 stamens. GLADIOLUS illyricus. Fig. 58. Saffron Crocus. AMARYLLIS FAMILY 477 3. Romul£a. — A closely allied genus with a corm : short scape ; linear, radical leaves ; polysymmetric perianth with a short tube surrounded by a longer spathe ; perianth-leaves 6, recurved at the tip ; stigmas 3, 2-fid, with linear segments. (Name from Romulus, founder of Rome.) 1. R. Columnce, the only British species, a small plant, 3 — 4 in. high, with a minute corm, very narrow leaves, and 1 — 3 flowers, on a short stalk, greenish outside, whitish, with purple veins and yellow at the base, inside. — It grows only on a sandy pasture called the Warren, at Dawlish, Devon, and in the Channel Islands. — Fl. March — May. Perennial. 4. Sisyrinchium (Blue-eyed Grass). — Fibrous rooted plants with linear, equitant, radical leaves ; tall, umbellate scape ; polysym- metric perianth with short tube ; short style; and 3 undivided thread-like stigmas. (Name of uncertain etymology.) 1. S. angustifolium (Narrow-leaved, Blue eyed Grass). — A pretty plant, about a foot high, with linear leaves and a 2-edged, winged peduncle bearing 1—6 blue flowers, with a short spathe and pointed perianth-leaves.— Bogs, Galway, Kerry and Cork. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. S. californicum, a species with 4 — 5 yellow flowers, with blunt perianth-leaves, a native of California and Oregon, was found in June, 1896, by Rev. E. S. Marshall, in marshy ground at Rosslare, co. Wexford. 5. Gladiolus. — Herbaceous plants with corms ; leaves sword- shaped, equitant ; flowers in a tall, i-sided spike, monosymmetric, with a short, curved perianth-tube, and 6 segments, slightly 2-lipped ; style slender ; stigmatic lobes 3, widening upwards. (Name a Latin diminutive from glddius, a sword, referring to the form of the leaves, pronounced with the accent on the first syllable, the i having sound like y.) 1. G. illyricus, the only British species.— Corm ovate, small, with many bulbils and a sheath of slender, parallel fibres; stem 1 — 2 feet high, leafy ; leaves slender, glaucous ; flowers crimson, 4 — 8 in a spike ; seeds narrowly winged. — In the New Forest and the Isle of Wight ; rare.— ; F1. June, July. Perennial. ORD. LXXX. AMARYLLfDE^B. — AMARYLLIS FAMILY An extensive Order, principally composed of herbaceous plants with bulbous stems, sword-shaped, radical leaves, and showy flowers, which are distinguished from the Liliaceae by their inferior ovary, that organ in the Lily Family being superior. The perianth consists of 6 leaves in 2 whorls, sometimes with a tubular coronet at the 47 AMARYl.LlDEiE mouth of its tube ; stamens 6, with versatile, introrse anthers ; ovary inferior, 3-chambered ; style 1 ; stigma generally 3-lobed ; fruit a many-seeded capsule, or rarely a 1 — 3-seeded berry. Large and beautiful species belonging to this Order are found in abund- ance in Brazil, the East and West Indies, and especially Cape Colony. In the temperate regions they are less common, and by no means so showy. Numerous species are cultivated in our gardens and conservatories, though few, if any, are indigenous to Great Britain. The bulbs of many species are poisonous, some, it is said, to such a degree that deleterious properties are commu- nicated to weapons dipped in their juice. Those of the Snowdrop (Galdnthus nivalis) and Daffodil (Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus) are emetic, and the flowers of the latter species are a dangerous poison. From the juice of the so-called American Aloe or Century plant (Agave americdna) " pulque," a fermented liquor which is a common beverage in Mexico, is prepared. This plant, called by the Mexicans " Maguey," is cultivated over an area of 50,000 square miles, the annual consumption of pulque in the city of Mexico alone amount- ing to the enormous quantity of eleven million gallons, so that the Government derive a considerable revenue from its sale. The plant attains maturity in a period varying from eight to fourteen years, when it forms flowers ; and it is only just before flowering that the juice can be extracted. The central stem with the flower- bud is then cut off near the bottom and the fleshy leaves are drawn over the cavity thus left, and tied. Into this reservoir the juice distils, which otherwise would have risen to nourish the flowers. It is removed three or four times during the twenty-four hours, yielding from one to six quarts of liquor. The juice is then placed in earthen jars, and a little old pulqud is added, when it soon ferments and is immediately ready for use. When fresh, pulque is brisk and sparkling, and in time even Europeans prefer it to any other liquor ; but when old it has an unpleasant odour, which has been compared to that of putrid meat. The Agave grows but slowly in England, and is so long before flowering as to have acquired the name Century plant. When it does flower it sends up a stem some 10 — 30 feet high from the centre of its chevaux de frise of spiked leaves, branched above and bearing some thousands of greenish flowers in a corymbose manner. These flowers secrete so much honey as to drip to the ground and moisten it, whilst the physiological effort is so great that the plant usually dies after once flowering. The leaves of this species yield a fibre known as Pita or Mexican Grass, valuable for cordage and paper-making ; Agave vivipara yields Silk Grass ; A. sisaldna, a native of Yucatan, now grown also in Jamaica, Ixtle Grass or Sisal Hemp. AMARYLLIS FAMILY 479 i. Narcissus. — Perianth with 6 nearly equal segments united in a tube below with a bell-shaped coronet within. 2. Galanthus. — Perianth-segments 6, free, the outer larger, the inner notched ; no coronet. 3. Leucojum. — Perianth-segments 6, free, equal, thickened at the point ; no coronet. NAKCISSUS PSEUDO-NARCisSUS (C< Daffodil, Lent Lily). i. Narcissus (Daffodil). — Bulbous plants with linear, radical leaves; a 2-edged peduncle ; a membranous spathe ; flowers large, solitary or umbellate, yellow or white, generally drooping, poly- symmetric ; perianth with 6 nearly equal petaloid segments in 2 whorls, united into a tube below, the mouth .of which terminates in a bell-shaped coronet differing in colour from the perianth ; 480 AMARYLLfDEA: stamens 6, alternately shorter, with versatile anthers. (Named after Narcissus, a youth said in Greek mythology to have been changed into a flower.) i, N. Pseudo-narcissus (Common Daffodil, Lent Lily). — A beautiful and favourite flower, with glaucous, blunt, nearly flat leaves ; a hollow, glaucous peduncle less than a foot high, bearing galanthus nivAlis {Snowdrop). leuc6jum MSrtvim (Summer Snmvflakc). one flower, the long, bell-shaped, deep golden coronet of which is nearly as long as the pale yellow perianth-leaves, and is notched and curled at its margin. — Woods and pastures; frequent. — Fl. March, April. Perennial. * Several other species of Narcissus, such as N. biflorus, with a 2-flowered scape, and N. poeticus, the Pheasant's-eye Daffodil, with a spreading, white perianth, and small, yellow, cup-shaped, red^ WtP Fig 59 Common Daffodil. Lent Lily (Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus) YAM FAMILY 48 1 edged coronet, are occasionally found near houses, but are in- variably the outcasts of gardens. 2. Galanthus (Snowdrop). — Bulbous plants with 2 radical, linear leaves ; flattened peduncle ; membranous spathe ; solitary, drooping, white flower ; perianth of 6 free segments, the outer larger and more spreading, the inner erect, notched, greenish ; no coronet. (Name from the Greek gala, milk, anthos, a flower.) 1. G. nivalis (Snowdrop). — Too well known to need description. The bulb is ovoid and £ in. across ; the leaves glaucous, keeled, blunt; the peduncle longer ; the spathe colourless, transparent, with 2 green veins, 2-fid ; the pedicel slender ; the sepals obovate, concave, and more spreading in the wild form than in cultivated ones. — Woods in the west ; doubtfully indigenous.- — Fl. January — March. Perennial. 3. Leucojum (Snowflake). — A closely allied genus, with more than 2 leaves; 2 spathes ; 1 — 6 flowers; and nearly equal perianth-leaves all thickened at their tips ; stamens 6, equal. (Name from the Greek leukos, white, ion, a violet.) 1. L. cestivum (Summer Snowflake). — A bulbous plant, about 2 feet high, producing its linear, blunt, glaucous, keeled leaves, which are about a foot long, in winter, and its 2-edged flower-stalk, which is rather longer and bears 2 — 6 rather large white flowers, in summer. — Wet meadows in the south-east of England ; a doubtful native, common in gardens.- — Fl. May. Perennial. 2. L. vernum (Spring Snowflake). — A much smaller plant, pro- ducing its leaves and flowers, of which it only bears 1, or 2 together, in early spring. — Woods in Dorsetshire. — Fl. February ■ — April. Perennial. Ord. LXXXI. Diosc6re;e. — Yam Family A small Order of twining herbs or shrubs, which, with the exception of the Black Bryony (Tdmus communis), our one British species, are confined to tropical regions. They often have large tubers ; their stems twine upwards in the direction of the hands of a clock ; the leaves somewhat resemble those of Dicotyledons, being distinctly stalked and net-veined ; the flowers are small, inconspicuous, and dioecious, in axillary clusters ; the perianth green, superior, of 6 equal segments in 2 whorls, persistent ; stamens 6, with introrse anthers ; ovary inferior, 3-chambered ; style deeply 3-cleft ; fruit a dry, flat capsule, or, in Tdmus, a berry. Dioscorea, the genus from which the Order takes its name, has large tubers, which, under the name of Yams, form as important an article of food in tropical countries as the Potato in temperate climates. When growing they require support, like Hops. There diosc6re^ are several species, D. saliva and D. aldta, natives of India, and D. Batatas, native of China. Their tubers sometimes weigh 30 or 40 lb., and the Chinese species yields enormous crops in France and Algeria, and is hardy in this country, but is not appreciated. 1. TXmus (Black Bryony). — Perianth bell-shaped; stigmas 2-lobed ; berry few-seeded, the plant.) (Name, the Classical Latin name of tAmus communis (Black Bryony). i. T. communis (Black Bryony). — The only British species, a handsome plant with a large, black tuber ; a slender, green stem, twining among bushes to the length of many feet, and bearing numerous very glossy, cordate, acuminate leaves, which in autumn turn to a purple bronze or to a bright lemon-yellow, and clusters of small, green flowers, which are succeeded by oblong scarlet berries. The plant at that season is very attractive ; but the stem dies down to the ground in winter. — Hedgerows in England ; common. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. LILY FAMILY 483 Series II. HYP6GYN^. Ord. LXXXIL— LXXXIX Ovary superior Ord. LXXXII. Liliace^e. — Lily Family An extensive family of plants comprising about 2,500 species, of which the majority are bulbous herbaceous plants with showy flowers. Some attain the dimensions of shrubs, or even trees, in which case they resemble the Palms in having no true separable bark or distinctly marked pith, and in the leaves being never jointed to the stem. The leaves of Herb-Paris {Paris quadrijolia), a British species, are net- veined, and so resemble those of Dicotyledons ; but are not jointed to the stem. The perianth consists of 6 — 10 leaves, generally similar and petaloid, but in 2 whorls, distinct, or united into a tube ; stamens 6 — 10, epiphyllous, with anthers generally introrse ; ovary superior, 3- rarely 4 -chambered; style 1 ; stigma simple, or 3-lobed ; fruit a 3-chambered, many-seeded capsule, or berry-like, 3 — 5 -chambered, 1 — 6-seeded. The Order is most abundantly represented in temperate climates, but its members attain their greatest size in the tropics. The Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculedtus) is the only British species which forms a woody stem. The Dragon's Blood (Draaena Draco), which grows very slowly and only branches when of considerable age, was represented at Orotava, in Teneriffe, by a giant specimen 70 feet high and over 48 feet in circumference, which is recorded to have been an ancient tree and apparently almost as large in 1406 ; but it was destroyed by a hurricane in 1867. The leaves of many species in the Order contain tough fibre, the New Zealand Flax (Phormium tenax) being the most important of these. The Onion (Alliun Cepa), the Leek (A. Porrum), and the Garlic (A. sativum) are among the most anciently cultivated of vegetables, and were given divine honours by the ancient Egyptians ; whilst the young shoots of Asparagus are among the most esteemed delicacies of our modern kitchens. In medicine many members of the Order are of great value, among which aloes, the bitter, condensed juice of A lo'e vulgdris , A. succo- trina, and other species ; squills, an extract of the Mediterranean Urginea Scilla ; and the corms and seeds of Colchicum autumndle, used as a specific for gout, are well known. As ornamental plants the beauty of this Order has for ages been proverbial, many species of Lilium, Fritilldria, Scilla, and other genera, the Lily of the Valley (Convalldria majdlis), the Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientdlis), and the Tulip (Tulipa) being among the most prized of our garden flowers. 484 LILIACEJE Section I. Asparage^:. — The Asparagus Group Never bulbous ; fruit berry-like 1. Ruscus. — Stem woody, with flattened, leaf-like branches, minute, scale-like leaves, dioecious flowers and united filaments. 2. Asparagus. — Stem succulent, branched ; ultimate branches bristle-like ; stamens not united. 3. Polygonatum. — Stem leafy ; flowers axillary ; perianth tubular, 6-cleft. 4. Maianthemum.- — Stem erect, with few leaves ; flowers in a terminal raceme, generally 4-merous. 5. Convallaria. — Leaves 2 — 3, radical; flowers in a terminal raceme, bell-shaped, 6-merous. Section II. Asphodelea:. — The Asphodel Group Generally bulbous ; leaves radical ; scape leafless ; fruit a capsule 6. Simethis. — Not bulbous j leaves grass-like ; flowers in a panicle, 6-merous. 7. Allium. — Flowers in an umbel, with a 1 — 2-leaved mem- branous spathe. 8. Muscari. — Flowers in a bracteate raceme ; perianth globular. 9. Scilla. — Flowers in a bracteate raceme ; perianth-segments free, spreading, blue, purple, or white, deciduous. 10. End^mion. — Flowers in a bracteate raceme; perianth-seg- ments united, campanulate. n. Ornithogalum. — Flowers in a bracteate, sometimes corymbose raceme ; perianth white, persistent, of 6 free, spread- ing segments. Section III. TvLiPKK.—The Tulip Group Bulbous ; leaves radical and cauline ; fruit a capsule *i2. L/lium. — Flowers few, large; perianth-leaves 6, free, spreading, or reflexed, deciduous. 13. Fritillaria. — Flowers few, large, drooping ; perianth-leaves 6, lree, not reflexed, with a nectary at the base of each, deciduous. 14. Tulipa. — Flower solitary, large, erect ; perianth-leaves 6, free, without nectaries, deciduous. 15. Gagea. — Flowers few, small, yellow, umbellate; perianth- leaves 6, free, without nectaries, spreading, persistent. 16. Ll6ydia. — Flowers few, small, white ; perianth-leaves 6, free, with transverse nectaries, spreading, persistent. LILY FAMILY 485 Section IV. MelanthAcejE. — Colchicum Tribe Not bulbous ; leaves mostly radical ; fruit mostly capsular 17. C6lchicum. — Stem a corm; perianth with a very long tube. 18. Narthecium.— Stem prostrate, creeping; flowers in a raceme ; perianth of 6 free, spreading leaves, golden-yellow, per- sistent ; style 1 ; cap- sule 3 -chambered. 19. Tofieldia. — Stem a short rhi- zome ; flowers in a raceme, small, green- ish-yellow ; perianth- leaves 6, free, spread- ing, persistent; styles 3 ; fruit of 3 follicles. 20. Paris. — Rhi- zome stout ; stem erect, simple, bear- ing 4 whorled leaves ; flower soli- tary, terminal, green, generally 4-merous ; fruit berry-like. 1. Ri5 scus (Butcher's Broom). — Shrubs with stout, creeping rhizomes ; woody, branched stems bearing flat- tened, leaf-like, ever- green branches or " cladodes " in the axils of minute, scale-like, deciduous leaves ; flowers dioecious ; perianth deeply 6-cleft, green, persistent ; filaments united into a tube ; fruit berry- like, 1 -chambered, 1 — 2-seeded. (Name said to be from bruscus, a word of Keltic origin.) 1. 7?. aculedtus (Butcher's Broom, Knee-Holly). — The only British species, and only British shrubby Monocotyledon, 3 — 4 feet high, with erect, dark green stems ; ovate, dark green, flat- r6scus aculeatus {Butcher' Holly). 4 86 LILIACEiE tened branches, each terminating in a sharp spine ; flowers minute, green, growing singly from the centres of the flattened branches ; berries as large as marbles, round, scarlet. — Woods in the south ; uncommon. — Fl. February — May. Perennial. 2. Asparagus. — Herbaceous plants with a stout rhizome; branched stem bearing tufts of green, bristle-like branches in the axils of minute scale-like leaves; flowers small, pen- dulous, often dioecious ; peri- anth deeply 6-cleft, bell- shaped ; stamens 6, distinct ; stigmas 3 ; fruit berry-like, 3-chambered, 3 — 6-seeded. (Name, the Greek name of the plant. ) 1. A. maritimus (Common Asparagus). — The only British species, differing chiefly in size from the cultivated plant, has its stem prostrate at its base, giving off ascending branches about a foot long, slender, and flexuous ; flowers 1 — 2 together, yellowish - white ; berry scarlet. — On the sea- coast in the south-west, especi- ally near the Lizard; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 3. POLYGONATUM (Solo- mon's Seal). — Herbaceous plants with a fleshy rhizome; leafy stem; axillary flowers; tubular, 6 - cleft perianth ; stamens 6, free, included ; fruit berry-like. (Name from the Greek polus, many, gonu, a knee, from the zigzag rhizome.) 1. P. verticilldtum (Narrow-leaved Solomon's Seal). — Stem erect, 2 — 3 feet high, angular ; leaves sessile, linear-lanceolate, in whorls of 3 — 6 ; flowers greenish ; berries red. — Woods in the north ; very rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 2. P. multiflbrum (Common Solomon's Seal). — A striking plant, 1 — 2 feet high, with a round, drooping stem, bearing numerous, asparagus maritimus (Common Asparagus). Fig. 60. Solomon's Seal. ^Polygonum multiflorum). LILY FAMILY 487 scattered, oblong, acute leaves which hang downwards ; greenish- white flowers in 2 — 5-flowered axillary clusters, resembling old- fashioned bunches of seals ; filaments hairy, and blue-black berries. — -Woods ; uncommon. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 3. P. officinale (Angular Solomon's Seal). — Differing from the preceding in being smaller, having an angular stem ; thicker leaves ; larger, usually solitary flowers ; and smooth filaments. — Woods ; rare. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. pot/vgonAtum mui.tiflorum {Common Solomon's Seat). 4. Maianthemum (May-Lily), of which the only species is M. Convalldria (Two-leaved May-lily), a graceful little plant with a creeping, slender rhizome ; an erect stem, 4 — 8 in. high, bearing 2 scattered, stalked, cordate, acute leaves, and a terminal raceme of small, white, fragrant, 4-merous flowers, followed by spotted berries. — Woods near Scarborough, and elsewhere ; very rare, though common in the north of Europe. (Name from the Greek maios, May, anthemos, a flower.) — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 5. Convallaria (Lily of the Valley), represented by the one species C. majdlis, a beautiful plant with a creeping rhizome ; leaves 488 LILlACE^ 2 — 3, radical, ovate-lanceolate, with a sheathing petiole ; flowers 6 — 12, globular, pure white, in a terminal, drooping, loose, i-sided raceme, with an angular peduncle ; berries red. — Woods on a light soil ; not common. A universal favourite in gardens for the beauty and fragrance of its blossoms. (Name from the Latin convallis, a valley.) — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 6. Sim£this, a genus represented by the one species S. planifolia ( Variegated Simethis), a slender plant with fibrous roots ; radical, grass-like, recurved leaves, 6 — 18 in. long, and a forked, corymbose cyme, about the same height, of rather large, 6-merous flowers, purple outside, white inside ; fruit a 3-chambered, 6-seeded capsule.— Formerly in fir-woods near Bournemouth and in Kerry, very rare. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 7. Allium (Garlic). — Bulbous, strong-smelling plants, with radical leaves and flowers in an umbel or head, with a membranous, 1 — 2-leaved spathe and a leafless peduncle ; perianth of 6 free, spreading segments ; fruit a 3-chambered, 3 — 6-seeded capsule. (Name, the Classical Latin name of some species of the genus.) 1.* A. Ampeloprasum (Wild Leek). — The largest species, 3 — 4 feet high, with a large bulb with large, stalked, lateral "cloves" or bulbils ; a stout, leafy stem ; distichous, flat, linear, folded, glaucous leaves with cylindrical sheaths ; a globose umbel of greenish-white flowers in a long pointed spathe, often with bulbils ; the 3 outer filaments broader, 3-fid. — Rocky places ; rare, merely naturalised. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. A. Scorodoprasum (Sand Leek). — A smaller plant, 2 — 3 feet high, with a slender, leafy stem; flat, linear, keeled, glaucous leaves with 2-edged sheaths ; a loose head of red flowers in 2 short, pointed spathes, with red bulbils. — Sandy woods and fields in the north ; rare. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 3. A. sphcerocephalttm (Small Round-headed Garlic). — A similar but smaller species, with hollow leaves ; round, compact umbels of red flowers without bulbils. — Bristol and Jersey ; very rare. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 4. A. vinedle (Crow Garlic). — A similar plant with hollow, smooth leaves round in section ; and dense, globose heads of red flowers with greenish or red bulbils. — Waste ground ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 5. A. olerdceum (Field Garlic). — About a foot high, with fleshy, solid leaves, semicircular in section, grooved above and ribbed beneath ; and a loose head of pale greenish or brownish-pink flowers in 2 spathes of unequal length, with bulbils ; stamens not 3 fid. — Borders of fields; uncommon. — Fl. July, Augusts Perennial. LILY FAMILY 489 6.* A.carindtum (Keeled Garlic). — A very similar species with linear, channelled leaves flat towards their tips, and rose-pink flowers with stamens twice as long as the perianth. — Naturalised in a few places. — Fl. August. Perennial. 7. A. Schcenoprasum (Chives). — A pretty plant with a few straight, hollow leaves round in section ; and dense, globular, many-flowered umbels of pink flowers, with 2 short spathes, no bulbils, and included, undivided stamens. — Rocky pastures; very rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 8. A. sibiricum (Greater Chives), differing chiefly in its larger size, sometimes 2 feet high, and leaves curving out- wards and roughly ribbed, occurs on rocks, near the sea, in Corn- wall. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 9. A. triquetrum (Triangular- stalked Garlic). — About a foot high, with a leafless, acutely tri- angular scape; radical, flat, linear, keeled leaves; flowers drooping to one side, in a loose umbel, with 2 short spathes and no bulbils ; perianth-leaves white with a green midrib ; stamens undivided, included. — Hedges and meadows, Cornwall and Guernsey ; very rare. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. 10.* A. paradoxum, with a scape leafy at its base, channelled, involute leaves, and a bell-shaped perianth, recorded from Linlith- gow, is not indigenous. 11. A. ursinum (Ramson, Broad-leaved Garlic). — The only common species of the genus, with broad, flat, radical leaves scarcely distinguishable from those of the Lily of the Valley ; a triangular scape bearing a flat umbel of pretty white flowers with 2 ovate, acuminate spathes, no bulbils, and undivided, included stamens. — Woods and thickets; common. When bruised the whole plant emits an intolerable stench of Garlic. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. Allium ursinum {Broad-leaved Garlic, Ramson). 8. Muscari (Grape Hyacinth). — Bulbous plants with radical 49° LILIACE.E leaves and globular, 6-merous flowers in a stalked, bracteate raceme ; stamens included ; fruit a 3-chambered capsule. (Name from the musk-like scent.) 1. M. racembsum (Grape, or Starch, Hyacinth). — Leaves slender, prostrate, semicylindric, 6 — 1 2 in. long ; scape shorter, bearing a short, cylindric, many-flowered, dense raceme of small, dark blue, ovoid flowers with minute bracts, the stalks lengthen- ing after flowering. — Sandy fields in the eastern coun- ties ; rare. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 9. ScfLLA (Squill). — Herbaceous plants with tunicate bulbs ; radical, linear leaves; flowers 6- merous, in a raceme ; perianth - segments free, spreading, blue, purple, or white, deciduous ; fruit a 3-chambered, many-seeded capsule. (Name, the Clas- sical Latin name of the group.) 1. S. autumndli s (Autumnal Squill). — A little plant with a bulb the size of a walnut ; leaves 3 — 6 in. long, appearing in autumn after the shortly racemose, reddish-purple flowers ; bracts absent ; perianth - segments free, spreading ; anthers purple. — Dry pastures, especially near the sea, in the south ; scilla v£rna {Vernal Squill). rare.— Fl. July— October. Perennial. 2. S. verna (Vernal Squill). — A lovely little plant, about the same size as the last ; with leaves broader and produced in spring before the corymbose clusters of fragrant, blue, star-like flowers, which have lanceolate bracts. — Sea-coast in the west and north ; uncommon. The turfy slopes of the sea-coast of Cornwall are in many places as thickly studded with these pretty flowers as inland LILY FAMILY 49 1 meadows are with Daisies. In a few weeks after their flowering no part of the plant is visible but the dry capsules containing black, shining seeds.— Fl. April, May. Perennial. 10. Endymion (Wild Hyacinth). — Differing from Scilla mainly in the -perianth which is cam- panulate, with united, reflexed "segments. (Name, that of the beautiful shepherd of Greek mythology, whose pro- longed sleep may be sug- gested by the drooping in- florescence.) i. E. non-scriptum (Wild Hyacinth, Bluebell). — Too well-known a favourite to need much description. Leaves 10 — 1 8 in. long, sub-acute, produced in spring, before the stout, drooping, stalked, bracteate raceme of 6 — 12 blue, rarely pink or white, pendulous flowers, which have a bell-shaped perianth of united segments, and yellow, included anthers. — Woods ; abundant. The name Hya- cinthus was originally given to some species of Lily into which the youth Hyacinthus was fabled to have been changed by Apollo. The petals were marked with dark spots, arranged so as to re- semble the Greek word AI, alas ! The present species, however, having no such characters on its petals, was named Hyacinthus non-scrip- tus (not written) by Linnaeus, and, having been made into a distinct genus{ was once called Agraphis. It is sometimes confused with the Harebell {Campanula rotundi folia), the Bluebell of Scotland. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 11. Ornith6galum (Star of Bethlehem). — Closely allied to ENDYMION NON-SCRIPTUM (Wild HyacitltK). 492 LILIACE.E Scilla ; but the flowers, which are in a bracteate, sometimes corymbose, raceme, are white or yellow, but never blue; the perianth, which consists of 6 free, spreading segments, has a nectariferous gland at the base of each, and is persistent ; and the anthers are versatile. (Name from the Greek ornithos, bird's, gala, milk.) I.* 0. nutans (Drooping Star of Bethlehem). — Bulb large ; leaves a foot or more in length, glaucous ; flowers few, large, white, greenish outside, in a loose, drooping raceme with long, slender bracts; filaments 3-fid. — Naturalised in fields ; rare. — Fl. April, May. Biennial. 2.* 0. umbelldtum (Common Star of Bethlehem). — Bulb smaller ; leaves shorter, green, with a white stripe ; flowers 6— 10, large, erect, white, with a broad green band externally, in a long-stalked, corymbose raceme. — In the neighbourhood of houses, not indigenous ; fre- quent. — Fl. April, May. Peren- nial. 3. 0. pyrendicum (Spiked Star of Bethlehem). — Bulb large ; leaves long, narrow, glaucous, withering very early in the season ; flowers numerous, in a long, erect raceme, with a stout, leafless peduncle about 2 feet high ; bracts lanceolate- acuminate ; perianth - leaves green, with white margins in- side. Woods in the south ; rare, but very abundant near Bath, where the young shoots when in bud are sold as " French Asparagus." — Fl. June, July. Perennial. * 1 2. Lf lium (Lily). — Herbaceous plants with scaly bulbs, cauline leaves, and large flowers with a deciduous perianth of 6 spreading, or reflexed, free segments, with a nectary; anthers versatile. (Name, the Classical name of some such plants.) ornith6galum pyrenAicum (Spiked Star of Bethlehem). LILY FAMILY 493 i.* L. pyrendicum (Pyrenean Lily). — About a foot high, with scattered, linear-lanceolate leaves, and an umbel of a few, drooping, yellow flowers with black dots at the base of the revolute perianth- leaves. — Near South Molton, North Devon ; a garden escape. 2* L. Mdrtagon (Turk's-cap Lily). — 2 to 3 feet high, with downy fritillAria meleAgris (Fritillary, Snakes-head). stem ; whorled, lanceolate leaves, and a raceme of drooping, pale violet or pink flowers with dark red warts on the revolute perianth- leaves. — Woods at Mickleham, Surrey ; naturalised. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 13. FritillAria (Fritillary). — Closely allied to Lilium, but with more drooping flowers with a bell-shaped perianth of which the 494 LILIACE^E segments are not recurved. (Name from the Latin jritillus, a dice-box, the common accompaniment of a chequer-board, which the marking of the flowers of some species resembles.) i. F. Meledgris (Fritillary, Snake's-head). — The only British species, a beautiful plant, about a foot high, with a small bulb of 2 — 3 scales ; stem round, leafy, i — 2 flowered ; leaves linear-acute ; flower drooping, generally solitary, shaped like a Tulip, curiously chequered with pink and dull red, rarely white. — Water meadows in the south ; rare. — Fl. May. Perennial. 14. Tulipa (Tulip). — Bulbous plants with radical and cauline leaves and usually large, solitary, erect flowers with bell-shaped, deciduous perianth of 6 free segments, recurved at their tips, without nectaries. (Name from the Persian tulipan, a turban.) 1. T. sylvestris (Wild Tulip). — The only British species j bulb chestnut-brown ; stem about a foot high, round, smooth ; leaves few, linear-lanceolate, glaucous ; flowers bright yellow, fragrant ; perianth-leaves tipped with hairs. — Chalk pits; rare. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 15. G ag ea (Yellow Star of Bethlehem). — Bulbous plants with radical, linear leaves ; few, small, yellow flowers, arranged in an umbellate manner ; perianth-leaves 6, free, without nectaries, spreading, persistent. (Named in honour of Sir Thomas Gage, an English botanist.) 1. G.lutea (Yellow Star of Bethlehem). — The only British species ; bulb small ; radical leaf commonly solitary, long and narrow ; scape shorter than the leaves, with 2 opposite bracts and an umbel of yellow flowers. — Woods ; local. — Fl. March — May. Perennial. 16. Lloydia (Spiderwort). — Small bulbous plants with slender, leafy stem ; thread-like leaves ; and 1 or 2 small, erect, white or yellow flowers ; perianth-leaves 6, free, with transverse nectaries, spreading, persistent. (Named in honour of Edward Lloyd, the antiquary, who discovered it in North Wales.) 1. L. serotina (Mountain Spiderwort). — A pretty little plant, with 3-sided leaves, the radical ones longer than the 2 — 8 in. scape, which bears one white flower with red veins. — Snowdon ; very rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 17. C6lchicum (Meadow Saffron). — Underground stem a solid corm ; leaves all radical, produced in spring ; flowers mostly solitary, nearly sessile, erect, with a very long perianth-tube, resembling those of Crocus, but stamens 6, extrorse ; ovary superior : 61- Meadow Saffron iColchictim officinale) LILY FAMILY 495 fruit a capsule. (Name of Greek origin, from Colchis, a country famous for medicinal herbs.) i. C. autumndle (Meadow Saffron, Autumn Crocus). — Leaves lanceolate, dark green, glabrous, often a foot long, produced in c6ixhicum autumnAl£ {Meadow Saffron). NARTHECIUM OSSIFRAGUM {Bog Asphodel). spring and withering in summer ; flowers light purple or white, presenting no conspicuous difference from Crocuses except their 6 stamens ; ovary remaining underground until the spring after flowering, when they are borne up by the elongating peduncle and 496 LILIACE.E ripen. — Meadows, especially on limestone ; local. — Fl. September, October. Perennial. The leaves and fruit are poisonous to cattle. 1 8. Narth£cium (Asphodel). — Stiff plants, with a creeping, ascending stem ; sword-shaped, equitant leaves ; -flowers in a raceme ; perianth-leaves 6, free, spreading, golden-yellow, persistent ; style i ; capsule 3-chambered. (Name from the Greek narthex, a rod.) 1. N. ossifragum (Bog Asphodel). — The only British species, an elegant little plant, 6 — 8 in. high, with tufts of narrow, grass-like leaves, and a tapering spike of star-like, yellow flowers, followed by long, orange-red cap- sules. — The name ossi- fragum, bone-breaking, was given to this plant from its being supposed to soften the bones of cattle that fed on it. Other plants have had the same property assigned to them, but there is little doubt that in every case the diseases in question are to be traced to the noxious exhalations from the bogs in which the plants grow, rather than to the plants themselves. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 19. Tofi£ldia (Scottish Asphodel). — Very similar to the pre- ceding genus, but with greenish flowers and a fruit consisting of 3 many-seeded follicles. (Name in honour of Mr. Tofield, a Yorkshire botanist of the 18th century.) 1. T. palustris (Mountain Scottish Asphodel). — The only British species, 4 — 6 in. high, with tufts of distichous, narrow, sword-shaped leaves, and almost stalkless, dense spikes of small, greenish-yellow flowers, with 3 membranous bracts below each. — Boggy ground in the north ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 20. Paris (Herb-Paris). — Plants with a stout rhizome; erect, pXris quadrifolia {Four-leaved Herb-Paris, True-love Knot). RUSH FAMILY 497 simple stem, bearing 4 whorled, net-veined leaves, and a solitary, terminal, green, generally 4-merous flower, succeeded by a berry- like fruit. (Name from the Latin par, equal, on account of the equal number of leaves in the several whorls.) 1. P. quadrifblia (Herb-Paris, True-Love Knot). — The only British species, a singular plant, about a foot high, with 4 large, ovate, acute leaves ; a rather large flower with narrow perianth- leaves and a black, 4-chambered berry. — Woods ; rather local. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. Ord. LXXXIII. JuncAce*:. — Rush Family An Order of plants mostly perennial and inhabiting marshy situations in temperate or arctic regions. They have mostly creeping rhizomes; stems herbaceous, seldom branched, erect, often with considerable central pith ; leaves often resembling the stems, and filled with a pith-like internal tissue, or flat ; flowers small, green or brown, polysymmetric, and perfect, in cymose clusters ; perianth inferior, of 6 free, membranous, imbricate, per- sistent leaves ; stamens 6, rarely 3, with introrse anthers ; ovary 1 — 3-chambered, 3- or many-ovuled ; style 1 ; stigmas 3, slender ; fruit a capsule. The true Rushes (Juncus) are, for the most part, social plants, single species covering wide areas of marsh or bog and often proving of considerable use in fixing the soil. The stems of the common species were formerly used to strew the stone floors of castle halls in lieu of carpets, for twisting into cordage, and for wicks for tallow candles ; but are now seldom put to any use. The name Rush is extended to members of other Orders, the name Bulrush being applied to Scirpus lacustris, which belongs to the Sedge Family (Cyperdcece) and to the genus Typha, which gives its name to the Order Typhdcece, whilst the name Flowering Rush is applied to Butomus umbelldtus in the Order Alismdcece. 1. Juncus. — Smooth plants generally with cylindric leaves; ovary generally 3-chambered ; ovules many. 2. Luzula. — More or less hairy plants, with flat leaves; 1 -chambered ovary ; ovules 3. 1. Juncus (Rush). — Smooth marsh plants, usually with a creeping rhizome ; cylindric leaves ; membranous perianth ; stamens 6, rarely 3 ; ovary 1 — 3-chambered, many-ovuled ; stigmas 3, wind-pollinated. (Name, the Classical Latin name of the plant, perhaps connected with jungo, I join, referring to the ancient use of the stems for twisting into cordage. ) K K 498 JUNCACE/E * Perennial ; stems cylindrical, tapering to a point ; leaves solid i. /. effusus (Soft Rush). — One of the commonest species, with soft, faintly striate stems, i — 3 feet high ; flowers olive-green, in a loose, spreading, branched panicle ; perianth-leaves lanceolate, longer than the blunt capsule ; stamens 3. — Marshy ground ; abundant. — Fl. July. Perennial. 2. /. conglom rdtus (Common Rush). — Mainly distinguished from /. effusus by its usually more densely crowded, globose panicles of browner flowers and by its capsule ending in a point. — Marshy ground ; abundant. — Fl. July. Pe- rennial. 3. /. inflexus (Hard Rush). — Distinguished by its rigid, slender, deeply furrowed, glaucous stems, L2 — 18 in. high; and very loose, much-branched, erect panicle of brown flowers, below the apex of the stem ; perianth-leaves narrow, as long as the oblong, mucro- nate capsule ; stamens 6.— Marshy places and road- sides ; common. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. */. diffusus, closely re- sembling /. inflexus, but with softer, less furrowed stem, continuous pith, and obovoid capsule, is probably a hybrid between the two preceding species. 4. /. bdlticus (Baltic Rush). — A widely creeping species, with few, rigid, very faintly striated stems, 1 — 2 feet high ; flowers brown, in small, flat-topped, slightly-branched, erect panicles ; perianth-leaves ovate-lanceolate, as long as the ovoid, mucronate capsule; stamens 3. — Sandy shores in the north-east of Scot- land; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 5. /. flliformis (Thread Rush). — A very slender, pale green j6ncus eff6sus (Soft Rusk). RUSH FAMILY 499 species, less than a foot high, with faintly striate stems ; -flowers few, pale, crowded in a small sessile cyme, about half-way up the stem ; perianth-leaves lanceolate, longer than the roundish, blunt, mucronate capsule ; stamens 6. — Stony lake-shores in the north ; very rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 6. /. acutus (Great Sea Rush). — The largest British species, growing in circular tufts, with stout, rigid, sharply-pointed stems and leaves 3 — 6 feet high ; brown flowers in a dense, branched, corymbose panicle ; perianth-leaves half as long as the large, rounded, polished, mucronate capsule. — Sandy sea-shores ; in great abundance in few places. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 7. /. maritimus (Lesser Sea Rush). — Resembling the preceding, but irregularly tufted, with less stout, less rigid, erect, spinous stems, 1 — 2 feet high; similar leaves; very pale flowers in an interruptedly branched, erect panicle ; perianth-leaves lanceolate, as long as the elliptic, mucronate capsule. — Salt marshes ; fre- quent, — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 8. /. iriglumis (Three-flowered Rush). — Stems tufted, without runners, 3 — 6 in. high, round, leafless ; leaves radical, awl-shaped, channelled, formed of 6 tubes internally; flowers 2 — 3, terminal; capsule pale red-brown. — Mountain bogs ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 9. /. biglumis (Two-flowered Rush). — A very rare alpine species, 2 — 6 in. high, with leafless stems channelled down one side ; leaves radical, awl-shaped, compressed ; flowers 2, chestnut- brown. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 10. /. castdneus (Clustered Alpine Rush). — Another very rare alpine species ; stem 6 — 12 in. high, with runners and 2 — 3 chan- nelled, hollow leaves; flowers bright brown, in 2 — 6-flowered, terminal, or sometimes also lateral, cymes ; perianth-leaves lanceolate-acute, half as long as the pointed, chocolate-brown capsule. — Bogs on the summits of lofty Scottish mountains ; very rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 11. /. tr'.fidus (Three-leaved Rush). — Another small species, with a creeping rhizome; crowded, slender, erect stems, 2 — 8 in. high ; with one subulate leaf above, and others reduced to sheaths ; flowers brown, 1 — 3 together between 2 long, leafy bracts ; capsule ovoid, acute, longer than the perianth. — Moun- tain bogs in northern Scotland, forming dense matted masses. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 12. /. squarrosus (Heath Rush). — Well marked by its rigid stems and leaves. The stems are 6 — 12 in. high, erect, stout, solid, occurring in tufts, but unbranched and generally leafless ; leaves mostly radical, rigid, half as long as the stem, grooved ; 5°° JUNcAcEiE ■flowers 2 — 3 together, brown, in a terminal panicle ; perianth- leaves ovate-lanceolate, as long as the blunt, bristle-pointed cap- sule. — Moors and heaths ; abundant. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 13. /. tenuis (Slender Rush). — Stems about a foot high, cylindric, very slender ; leaves few, mostly radical, linear, grooved ; flowers pale, some stalked, others not, in terminal panicles, shorter than the long, erect, thread-like bracts ; perianth- leaves lanceolate, longer than the spherical capsule. — Moist, sandy places, chiefly in the north and west ; very rare. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 14. /. compressus (Round fruited Rush).— A slender plant, about a foot high, with tufted stems, hollow, round, and leafy below, compressed above, with one linear, grooved leaf above ; flowers brown, in a compact terminal panicle ; perianth-leaves oval-oblong, shorter than the nearly round, bristle-pointed cap- sule. — Damp places ; rare. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 15. /. Gerdrdi (Mud Rush). — Stems less-tufted, 3-sided above ; perianth-leaves as long as the strongly mucronate capsule. — Salt marshes ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. ** Perennial ; stems solid ; leaves hollow, jointed internally wj. 16. /. sub-nodulosus (Blunt- jlncus supinus {Lesser jointed Rush), flowered Jointed Rush). — Erect, 2 — 3 feet high; stem and leaves smooth and round ; flowers in clusters of 3 — 8, in repeatedly branched, spreading corymbs, pale, often reddish ; perianth- leaves blunt, as long as the ovate, mucronate, pale brown capsule. — Marshes ; not common. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 17. J . acuiiflorus (Sharp-flowered Jointed Rush). — Stem erect, i : — 2 feet high, slender, slightly compressed, 3 — 4 leaved ; leaves slightly compressed, very conspicuously jointed when dry ; flowers dark chestnut brown, in dense clusters of 3 — 12, in a terminal, pyramidal, compound panicle; perianth-leaves acuminate, barely RUSH FAMILY 501 as long as the pale brown, beaked capsule. — Boggy places; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 18. /. bulbosus (Lesser Jointed Rush).— A small and very variable plant, less than a foot high, erect or prostrate ; with thread-like stems ; bristle-like, slightly-grooved leaves ; flowers in an irregular, little-branched panicle of a few distant clusters ; capsules pale brown, oblong, blunt, mucronate. — Boggy places ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 19. /. alpinus (Alpine Jointed Rush). — Stem erect, about a foot high, 2 — 3-leaved ; leaves sessile, pointed, slightly compressed and striate, with few articulations ; flowers in clusters of 3 — 8, in a repeatedly forked, erect, terminal panicle, black or dark brown ; bracts acuminate ; perianth-leaves blunt ; capsule blackish, obtuse, mucronate, longer than the perianth-leaves. — In the north of Scotland ; rare. Perennial. 20. /. articulatus (Shining-fruited Jointed Rush). — Stem erect, 1 — 2 feet high, slightly compressed, 3 — 6-leaved ; leaves com- pressed, with many internal divisions ; flowers in clusters of 4—8, in a repeatedly-forked, erect, terminal panicle ; perianth-leaves, shorter than the large, dark brown, glossy capsule. — Boggy places ; common. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. *** Annual ; stem hollow 21. /. bufonius (Toad Rush). — A very small species, 2 — 8 in. high, with slender, pale green, hollow, repeatedly-forked stems ; few, narrow, bristle-like leaves ; solitary, sessile, green flowers, which grow mostly on one side of the stem ; and oblong, blunt capsules, shorter than the perianth. — Moist places ; abundant, often in large patches — Fl. June — August. Annual. 22. /. capiidtus (Capitate Rush). — Avery small, tufted plant, with naked, erect, unbranched, bristle-like stems, 1 — 4 in. high ; radical thread-like, channelled leaves, 1 — 2 in. long ; and large, terminal, bracteate heads of 3 — 10 sessile, pale flowers ; perianth- leaves with slender, awn-like points, twice as long as the pointed capsule ; stamens 3. — Sandy places liable to flooding, West Corn- wall and the Channel Islands. — Fl. May — July. Annual. 23. /. mutdbilis (Pigmy Rush). — A very small, tufted plant, 1 — 2 in. high, with slender, little-branched stems ; leaves mostly radical, bristle-like; flowers in a few small clusters ; perianth-leaves linear, acute, longer than the oblong-acute, 3-edged capsule. — Damp places near the Lizard. — Fl. May, June. Annual. 2. Luzula (Wood-Rush). — Differing from Juncus in having flat, more grass-like leaves more or less hairy, with long weak, white 502 JUNCACE^ hairs ; flowers in clusters, with prominent anthers, wind-pollinated ; capsule i-chambered, 3-seeded. (Name from the provincial Italian lusziola, a glow-worm, from the sparkling appearance of the flower-heads by moonlight when wet with dew.) 1. L. Forsteri (Forster's Wood-Rush). — A slender plant, about a foot high ; leaves linear, hairy ; flowers on 1 -flowered, erect peduncles in a loose, slightly branched cyme ; capsule 3-sided, acuminate. — Shady places on calcareous soil in the south ; rare. — Fl. March — June. Perennial. 2. L. pilosa (Broad- leaved Hairy Wood-rush). — A very similar plant, with broader, soft, slightly hairy leaves ; flowers 1 — 3 together, on peduncles which bend downwards in fruit ; capsule 3 - sided, blunt. — Woods ; common. — Fl. April — June. Peren- nial. 3. L. silvdtica (Great Wood-rush). — A common woodland plant, with more of the habit of a Grass than a Rush, sometimes nearly 2 feet high ; leaves linear - lanceolate, chan- nelled, shining, with hairy edges ; flowers 3 — 4 to- gether, in a loose, doubly compound, terminal pani- cle with long branches ; perianth-leaves pale brown, awned, about as long as Woods ; abundant. — Fl. April — June. luzula. CAMpfeTRis {Field Wood-Rush) the ovoid, beaked capsule.- Perennial 4. L. arcudta (Curved Mountain Wood-Rush). — A small species, 2 — 5 in. high, with recurved leaves and a 3 — 5-rayed umbellate panicle of flowers in 3 — 5-fiowered clusters on drooping stalks. — Summits of lofty Scottish mountains ; very rare. — Fl. July. Perennial. 5. L. spicdta (Spiked Mountain Wood-Rush). — A slender spe- REED-MACE FAMILY 503 cies, 3 — 12 in. high, with a drooping, dense, spike-like panicle of flowers. — Mountains ; rare. — Fl. July. Perennial. 6. L. campestris (Field Wood-Rush, Good Friday Grass, Chim- ney-sweeps). — An early spring meadow flower, 4 — 6 in. high, with hairy, grass-like leaves, but distinguished by its panicles of 3 or 4 ovate, dense, 3 — 4-flowered clusters of dark brown, or almost black, flowers, suggesting a sweep's brush. — Pastures ; common. — Fl. March — May. Perennial. 7. L. multiflora (Many-flowered Wood-Rush). — A taller, stouter species, 8 — 20 in. high; with panicles of numerous many-flowered clusters of flowers, sometimes pale brown, and sometimes on drooping peduncles. — Heaths, mountains and moist situations ; common. — Fl. June. Perennial. 8. L. pallescens, a more slender species, 12 — 18 in. high; with almost glabrous leaves, clusters of numerous, small, pale yellowish- brown flowers, and minute seeds, occurs in Huntingdonshire fens. Ord. LXXXIV. Typhace^e. — Reed-Mace Family A small Order of marsh and water plants with creeping rhizomes ; sword-shaped, linear leaves, sheathing at their bases ; and numerous, small, monoecious flowers, which are only rendered conspicuous by being crowded in compact cylindrical spikes or globose heads, the staminate flowers being nearest the apex of the inflorescence ; perianth of 3 scales, or a tuft of hairs, persistent ; stamens 1 — 6, distinct, or united by their filaments ; ovary superior, i-chambered, i-ovuled ; fruit indehiscent, often angular from mutual pressure. The Order contains only two genera, both of which are represented by common British species, the Bur-reeds (Spargdnium) and the Reed-Maces (Typha). The pollen of the latter is made into cakes in Scinde and in New Zealand. 1. Typha. — Flowers in long, dense, cylindrical spikes. 2. Sparganium.— Flowers in globular heads. 1. Typha (Reed-Mace). — Herbaceous, aquatic plants with sword-shaped leaves; long, dense, cylindrical brown spikes of pistillate flowers, surmounted by a more slender, deciduous spike of staminate ones ; perianth of 2 or 3 slender hairs ; stamens 3, monadelphous ; ovary stalked ; style slender. (Name from the^ Greek tuphos, a marsh, where these plants grow.) 1. T. latifblia (Great Reed-Mace, or Cat's tail). — Our largest herbaceous aquatic, often growing 6 — 8 feet high, with nearly flat, linear, glaucous leaves, and stout, cylindrical peduncles, sur- mounted by a club-like spike of pistillate flowers which is contin- 5°4 TYPHACEiE uous with that of staminate flowers. — Ponds ; common. Often called Bulrush, a name properly belonging to the large rush-like Scirpus lacustris. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. T. angusti folia (Lesser Reed- Mace, or Cat's-tail). — Smaller and more slender, with narrow leaves grooved below, not glaucous, longer than the flowering stems, and the long, slender spike of pistillate flowers separate from the staminate one. — Ponds ; less frequent. Both these species are now largely sold as ornaments. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. Sparganium (Bur-reed). — Graceful aquatics with sword-shaped leaves and flowers in distinct, dense, globular heads ; perianth 3 — 6- leaved, membranous ; stamens 2 — 3, distinct. (Name in Greek denoting a little band or strap, from the ribbon-like leaves.) 1. S. erectum (Branched Bur- reed). — A large aquatic with erect, branched stem, 1 — 4 feet high ; leaves erect, sword-shaped, triangular at the base with concave sides : linear bracts; 1 — 3 lower heads, larger, pistillate ; upper, half the size, staminate, olive-brown in bud, deciduous ; fruits broadly ovoid, abruptly and shortly beaked. — Ditches ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 2. S. neglectum (Overlooked Bur- reed). — A very similar plant, differing chiefly in the fruits, which, when ripe, are obovate, tapering gradually into a long beak. 3. S. simplex (Unbranched Upright Bur-reed).— A smaller plant with unbranched stem ; leaves triangular at the base, with flat sides, sometimes floating ; heads in a raceme, the lower pistillate ones shortly stalked ; the staminate ones sessile, yellow ; t^pha latif6lia (Great Reed-Mace, or Cat's-tail). REED-MACE FAMILY 505 fruits resembling those of S. neglectum, but smaller. — Ditches ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 4. S. ndtans (Floating Bur-reed). — A weak, unbranched. floating plant, with very long, grass-green, flat, floating leaves spargXnium ERfcTUM {Branched Bur-reed). -Lakes several staminate heads ; and stalked, long-beaked fruits. rare. — Fl. August. Perennial. 5. S. minimum (Least Bur-reed). — A more slender form, with pale, pellucid leaves; 1 — 2 staminate heads ; and sessile, short- beaked fruits. — Lakes and ditches ; more commdn. — Fl. July, August. Perennial, 506 AROIDEJE Ord. LXXXV. ARofDE^;. — The Cuckoo-pint Family A considerable Order of curious plants, many of which much resemble our British Lords-and-Ladies (Arum maculdtum). They abound in tropical countries, and possess acrid and even poison- ous qualities, which, however, may be dissipated by heat. They mostly have fleshy, underground stems, often large, starchy corms, with their small flowers on a simple fleshy peduncle or spadix, and enclosed in one large, sheathing spathe. The flowers are either perfect or monoecious ; the perianth absent or represented by 4 — 8 scales ; stamens i— 8 ; ovary i — 3-chambered, superior; fruit berry-like. Some species of Amorphophdllus, natives of tropical Asia, have enormous corms : the Dumb-Cane of the West Indies (Dieffenbdchia seguina) is so called from pro- ducing, when chewed, a violent and painful swelling of the tongue and uvula : species of Calddium are cultivated for their variegated .leaves ; and those of Anthurium for their spathes, which are sometimes a brilliant scarlet, for which reason the name Flamingo- flower has been applied to them. Zantedeschia cethibpica, under the name of Trumpet-lily or Calla, is one of the best-known members of the Order. In South Africa it is known as the Pig-lily, pigs feeding on its corms. An attempt has been these stems, but it is mixed with These t -aphides, as they are called, are also abundant in our British Arum maculdtum, an acridly poisonous plant, the corms of which were formerly, however, collected in the Isle of Portland for the manufacture of Portland Arrowroot. The Sweet Sedge (Acorus Calamus), another British species, has no raphides. This plant in olden times supplied the Arum maculatum (Cuckoo-pint, Wake-Robin, Lords-and- Ladies). made to utilise the starch in numerous needle-like crystals. m Fig. 62. Cuckoo-plnt (Lords and Ladies). {Arum CUCKOO-PINT FAMILY 5°7 " rushes " with which, before the use of carpets had been introduced into England, it was customary to strew the floors of the great. As it did not grow near London, but had to be fetched at considerable expense from Norfolk and Suffolk, one of the charges of extra- vagance brought against Cardinal Wolsey was that he caused his floors to be strewed with fresh rushes too frequently. Its bitter rhizome is used in herb-beers, gin, and snuff. Most species of the Order give out a con- siderable amount of heat within the spathe at the time of flowering, so that the temperature rises notice- ably above that of the ex- ternal air. Many of them also have lurid colouring and a fetid odour. i. Arum. — Leaves hastate, net- veined ; spathe con- volute ; flowers monoecious ; perianth absent. 2. Acorus. — Leaves sword - shaped, parallel - veined; spathe leaf-like, not convolute ; flowers perfect ; perianth 6-leaved. i. Arum (Cuckoo-pint). — Rhizome short, fleshy ; leaves radical, hastate, net- veined, glabrous, with a sheathing petiole ; spathe convolute, contracted above the base ; spadix terminated by a club-shaped, naked, fleshy appendix ; flowers monoecious, the carpellate ones below, separated by some aborted ones from the staminate ones, above which are some more aborted ones ; perianth absent ; fruit berry-like, i -chambered, few- seeded. (Name, from the Greek name of the plant.) i. A. maculdtum (Cuckoo-pint, Lords-and-Ladies, Wake-Robin). — A succulent, herbaceous plant, with large, glossy, arrow-shaped, radical leaves, which are often spotted with dark purple. The pale yellow-green spathe is erect and twice as long as the spadix. They maybe discerned wrapped up in the~ young leafstalks even before Acorus calamus {Sweet Sedge). 508 LEMNACE^E the leaves have risen above the ground. The appendix is a rich crimson, dull purple, or light pink, which is easily rubbed off, or yellow. At the base of the spadix are numerous sessile ovaries or carpellate flowers ; above them a row with aborted styles ; yet higher up several whorls of purple sessile anthers or staminate flowers ; and above them some aborted ones or staminodes. The spathe and appendix soon wither, leaving the ovaries, which finally become a mass of scarlet berries, conspicuous in autumn. — Hedges and woods; common. --F1. April, May. Perennial. The berries are poisonous. 2. A. itdlicum, a larger species, with larger, longer-stalked, hastate, winter leaves, sometimes with yellowish veins 5 spathe three times as long as the spadix, nodding ; appendix yellow. — Along the south coast ; local. — Fl. June. Perennial. 2. Acorus (Sweet Sedge). — Rhizome long ; leaves radical, sword-shaped ; spathe leaf-like, not convolute or contracted ; spadix lateral, without an appendix ; flowers perfect ; perianth of 6 membranous segments ; stamens 6 ; ovary 3-chambered, superior. (Name in Greek denoting that the plant has the power of curing diseases of the pupil of the eye.) 1. A. Calamus (Sweet Sedge). — The only British species, an aquatic plant, with somewhat the habit of a Sedge, easily dis- tinguished from all other British plants by the wavy margins of the leaves, the peculiar spadix, and the fragrance of the stems and leaves when bruised. — In water ; rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. Ord. LXXXVI. Lemnace^e. — Duck-weed Family A small group of widely-distributed, minute, green plants, floating in standing waters, composed of leaf-like scales, with no distinction of stem and leaf, generally with unbranched, thread- like roots hanging downwards in the water, propagating themselves principally by offsets, but sometimes producing 1 — 3 minute flowers, which are monoecious, generally enclosed in a small, mem- branous spathe ; perianth absent ; staminate flowers each of a single stamen; carpellate-flower a i-chambered, 1 — 7 -ovuled ovary ; fruit bladdery, indehiscent. 1. Lemna. — Roots present ; flowers marginal ; spathe mem- branous ; stamens stalked, with 2-chambered anthers. 2. Wolffia. — Rootless ; flowers on the upper surface ; spathe absent; stamens sessile; anthers 1 -chambered. 1. Lemna (Duck-weed). — Minute, green, floating plants, with simple or lobed scale-like fronds ; with thread-like roots; rarely WATER-PLANTAIN FAMILY 509 producing i — 3 flowers, enclosed in a membranous spathe, in a marginal cleft ; stamens stalked, with 2-chambered anthers. (Name, the Greek name of the plant.) 1. L. trisulca (Ivy -leaved Duck-weed). — Fronds thin, pellucid, \ — f in. long, budding at right angles, obovate-lanceolate, each bearing 1 root. Bulbils are produced in autumn. — Stagnant water ; frequent. — Fl. June. Annual. 2. L. minor (Lesser Duck-weed). — Fronds compressed, opaque, paler beneath, not more than \ in. long, obovate, blunt, each bearing 1 root. — Stagnant water ; often so abundant as to cover the surface, where, with the insects which it harbours, it is greedily devoured by ducks. — Fl. June — August. Annual. 3. L. gibba (Gibbous Duck-weed). — Fronds flat above, hemi- spherical and spongy beneath, opaque, pale, \ — J in. long, obovate, blunt, each bearing 1 root. — Stagnant water ; uncommon. — Fl. June — September. Annual. l£mna minor {Lesser Duck-weed). 4. L. polyrrliiza (Greater Duck-weed). — Fronds dark green above, purple beneath, compressed, \ — \ in. long, broadly obovate, each bearing many clustered roots. — Ponds and ditches ; not common. — Flower not known in Britain. Annual. 2. W6lffia, represented by the one British species, W. arrhiza, is the smallest known flowering plant, the rootless, flattish, sub- globular fronds not being more than gV m - l° n g- — Ponds near London. The flower is not known in Britain. Annual. Ord. LXXXVII. Alismace.«. — Water-Plantain Family A small but widely distributed Order of aquatic plants, often floating, with leaves chiefly radical, with long, sheathing stalks; flowers usually perfect ; perianth of 6 distinct leaves in 2 whorls, the 3 inner, or all, coloured ; stamens 6, 9, or more, hypogynous ; 5"> ALISMiCcE^E carpels 3, 6, or more, mostly free, superior, 1- or more-seeded : fruit of achenes or follicles. 1. AiJsma. — Leaves erect or floating ; flowers solitary, or in whorls, perfect ; outer perianth-leaves green ; stamens 6 ; carpels numerous, free, 1 -seeded, indehiscent. 2. Sagittaria. — Leaves erect, arrow-shaped ; flowers in whorls, imperfect ; otherwise as in Alisma. 3. Damas6nium. — Leaves floating ; flowers in whorls, perfect ; carpels 6 — 10, united at the base, 1 — 2 -seeded, dehiscent ; otherwise as in Alisma. 4. Butomus. — Leaves erect ; flowers in an umbel, perfect ; perianth-leaves all coloured ; stamens 9 from the branching of the 3 outer ; carpels 6, united at the base, many-seeded, dehiscent. 1. AiisMA (Water-Plan- tain). — Aquatic plants with fibrous roots ; erect leaves ; flowers in whorls, perfect ; outer perianth- leaves green ; stamens 6 ; carpels numerous, free, 1 - seeded, indehiscent. (Name, the Greek name of the plant, of doubtful etymology.) 1. A. Plantdgo-aqudtica (Great Water-Plantain). — A L iSM A P L ANTX G 0-AQuXT,CA(G^^^PW««). A ^^ herbaceQUS pkntj 2 — 3 feet high, with large, long-stalked, radical leaves, ovate- lanceolate, 5 — 7-ribbed, like those of a Plantain ; and a tall, erect, much-branched panicle of whorled flowers, the inner perianth -leaves of which are very delicate, white or pale lilac, and soon fall off; carpels 20 — 30 in a ring.- — Margins of rivers, lakes, and ponds ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 2. A. ranunculoides (Lesser Water-Plantain). — Much smaller than the last, with linear-lanceolate, 3-ribbed leaves, some of which Mg. 6J. Great Water Plamsi \Alisma f ..- WATER-PLANTAIN FAMILY 5" are submerged or floating and pellucid ; flowers in 1 or 2 umbellate whorls, larger than in the last ; carpels in a globose head. — Peaty bogs ; not uncommon. — Fl. May — September. Perennial. 3. A. ndtans (Floating Water-Plantain). — A slender, often very long plant with flowers about \ in. across. — Mountain lakes in the west ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. SagittAria (Arrow-head).— Roots fibrous ; leaves erect, sagittaria sagittif6lia (Common Arrow-Jiead). BUTOMUS UMBF.LLATUS (Flowering Rush). arrow-shaped, the basal lobes directed downwards or floating, or submerged and without the basal lobes ; flowers in whorls, monoecious, the upper ones larger and staminate ; stamens indefi- nite ; carpels numerous, free, i-seeded, indehiscent, in a head. (Name from the Latin sagitta, an arrow, from the shape of the leaves.) 1. S. sagittifolia (Common Arrow-head). — The only British species, a pretty plant, easily distinguished by its arrow-shaped ^12 NAIAD ACE^E leaves and unbranched peduncle, with 3 — 5 whorls, each of 3 — 5 rather large, delicate, white or pinkish flowers, rising a few inches out of the water. — Rivers and ditches \ not uncommon. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. *S. heterophylla, a North American species, with ovate unbarbed leaves on long sheathing petioles and short peduncles with small white flowers, resembling those of the Water-Plantains, occurs in the Exe. 3. Damas6nium (Star-fruit, Thrumwort). — Aquatic plants with the habit of the Water-Plantains ; but with floating leaves and 6 — 10 carpels united at their base and spreading horizontally in the form of a star. (Name of uncertain origin.) 1. D. Alisma (Common Star-fruit). — The only British species ; leaves long-stalked, cordate-oblong, 3 — 5-ribbed, floating ; flowers in 1 — 3 whorls, stalked, white, £ in. across, with a yellow spot at the base of each petal ; fruit generally of 6 rather large, 2 -seeded, long-beaked, dehiscent carpels. Gravelly ponds and ditches in the south; rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 4. Btjtomus (Flowering Rush), represented only by one species, B. umbelldtus, is a tall aquatic with a creeping rhizome ; sword- shaped, radical leaves 2 — 4 feet long ; and numerous handsome, rose-coloured flowers, 1 in. across, in a terminal, bracteate, simple umbel, on a cylindric peduncle 2 — 3 feet high ; the -perianth-leaves are all petaloid ; stamens 9, with red anthers ; carpels 6, united at the base, many-seeded, dehiscent down one side. — Stagnant water and slow rivers ; not uncommon. (Name from the Greek bous, an ox, and temno, I cut ; because cattle were apt to cut their mouths with the leaves of some plant to which the name was originally applied.)- -Fl. June, July. Perennial. Ord. LXXXVIII. Naiadace^e. — Pond-weed Family A small Order of aquatic and marsh plants, usually with a creeping rhizome ; slender, branched, jointed stems ; leaves sheathing at the base, often floating, sometimes almost leathery, but more frequently thin and pellucid ; flowers small, inconspicu- ous, olive-green, sometimes solitary, but more frequently in spikes ; perianth of 3 — 6 inferior, valvate scales, tubular, or absent ; stamens 1 — 6, hypogynous ; carpels 1 — 6, i-ovuled, indehiscent, sometimes in distinct flowers from the stamens. 1. Trigl6chin. — Leaves linear; flowers ebracteate, perfect; perianth of 6 similar, erect, green leaves ; stamens 6 ; carpels 3 — 6. Fig. 64. Flowering Rush. (Butomus umbeilatus) POND-WEED FAMILY 513 2. Scheuchzeria. — Leaves linear; flowers bracteate, perfect; perianth of 6 similar, reflexed, green leaves ; stamens 6 ; carpels 3, united below. 3. Potamogeton. — Flowers in a spike, perfect; perianth of 4 leaves ; stamens 4 ; carpels 4, sessile. 4. Ruppia. — Flowers in a spike, perfect ; perianth absent ; stamens 2 ; carpels 4, at first sessile, afterwards each raised on a long stalk. 5. Zannichellia. — Flowers axillary, monoecious ; perianth absent ; stamen 1 ; carpels 2 — 6 ; stigmas peltate. 6. Zosteka. — Flowers monoe- cious, arranged alternately in 2 rows on a long leai-like spadix; perianth absent ; stamen 1, sessile, 1 -chambered ; carpel 1, sessile. 7. NAfAS. — Flowers axillary, dioecious ; perianth absent or 4-lobed ; stamen 1 , sessile, 1 — 4- chambered ; carpel 1, sessile; stigmas 2 — 4, awl-shaped. 1. Triglochin (Arrow-grass). — Roots fibrous ; leaves linear ; flowers in an ebracteate raceme, small, green, inconspicuous, perfect ; perianth of 6 similar, erect leaves ; stamens 6 ; ovary 3 — 6-chambered, superior ; stig- mas feathery ; fruit 3 — 6-seeded, separating into dehiscent carpels. (Name from the Greek treis, three, and glochin, a point, from the pointed carpels.) 1. T. palustre (Marsh Arrow-grass). — A plant with something of the habit of Plantdgo maritima, from which it may easily be distinguished by its fewer flowers and slenderer raceme, as well as by the different structure of the flowers. It has runners ; leaves radical, linear, fleshy, 8 — 10 in. high; flowers in a loose raceme; fruit linear, angular, of 3 combined carpels. — Marshy places ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 2. T. maritimum (Sea Arrow-grass). — Like the last, but larger, stouter, and well distinguished by its rounded, ovoid capsule of 6 L L trigl6chin palustre (Marsh Arrow-grass), 514 NAIADACEjE combined carpels. — Salt marshes ; common. — Ft May — Septem- ber. Perennial. 2. Scheuchzeria, represented by the one species S. palustris, has a long, creeping rhizome; leaves linear, semicylindric, with swollen brown sheaths ; flowers 4 — 6, in a loose, bracteate raceme, perfect ; perianth of 6 similar, reflexed, green leaves j stamens 6 ; carpels 3, united below. — Peaty bogs ; very rare, found only in the north. (Name from the Swiss naturalists, the Scheuchzers). — Fl. July. Perennial. 3. Potamogeton (Pond-weed). — Floating or submerged plants, with translucent or opaque, leathery leaves, scattered or opposite, generally stipulate ; flowers in a spike, perfect ; perianth of 4 small, green, valvate, persistent leaves ; stamens 4 ; carpels 4, potamogeton nAtans {Floating Pond-weed), sessile, free, 1 -seeded. (Name from the Greek pdtamos, a river, and geiton, a neighbour.) * Leaves scattered, or the upper opposite, oblong, obovate or lanceolate, involute ; stipules free 1. P. ndtans (Floating Pond-weed). — An aquatic plant, with cord-like stems, proportioned to the depth of the water in which it grows ; upper leaves floating, on long stalks, smooth, leathery, elliptical to lanceolate, 2 — 6 in. long, with small auricles and very long, pointed stipules, lower not always present, submersed, reduced to very narrow linear phyllodes a foot long ; flowers numerous, small, green, in dense cylindric spikes which rise above the surface of the water on stout, axillary peduncles ; carpels rather large, keeled, with a short beak. — Ponds and ditches ; common. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 2. P. polygonifolius. — A more membranous plant with long- POND- WEED FAMILY 515 stalked leaves, the upper opposite, obovate to lanceolate, rounded at the base, lower linear-lanceolate ; flowers in slender spikes on slender stalks ; carpels very small, not keeled, red, with very short beak. — Ponds ; very common. — Fl. June — September. Peren- nial. 3. P. fluitans. — A rare form with an unbranched stem; very long, submerged leaves and rather leathery, floating ones, and a fruit resembling that of P. ndtans. 4. P. colordlus (Plantain-leaved Pond-weed). — Leaves mostly submerged, long-stalked, membranous, pellucid, beautifully netted, broader than those of the preceding species, elliptic- orbicular, on slender stalks, with short, broad, blunt stipules ; very slender peduncles; carpels very small, rounded, green. — Peaty ditches ; uncommon. — Fl. June— September. Perennial. 5. P. alpinus (Reddish Pond-weed). — Stem round, unbranched, 1 — 4 feet long ; leaves reddish, lanceolate, translucent, upper short-stalked, broader, floating, or erect, rather leathery ; lower submerged, sessile, many-nerved ; stipules large, blunt ; flowers in stout spikes on stout stalks ; carpels ovoid, pointed, keeled, red. — Ditches ; frequent. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 6. P. sparganiifolius (Bur-reed-leaved Pond-weed), known only in Galway, has a slender, slightly-branched stem ; long leaves, the upper often absent, or long-stalked, floating, and rather leathery, the lower linear and many-nerved ; and long stipules. 7. P. lanceoldtus (Lanceolate Pond-weed). — A very rare species with very slender, fragile stem ; dark green, oblong, obtuse, pellucid, reticulate leaves, with slender, pointed stipules ; flowers in short spikes on short, slender stalks, and carpels 3-toothed. — Rivers in Cambridge, Anglesea, and Down. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 8. P. heterophyllus (Various-leaved Pond-weed). — Stem slender, round, 2 — 4 feet long, much branched below ; leaves flat, upper floating, opposite, leathery, elliptic, lower submerged, lanceolate, flaccid ; stipules small ; flowers numerous in dense spikes on stout, axillary and terminal stalks which thicken upward ; carpels small, 3-keeled, with a short beak. — Ditches ; frequent. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 9. P. falcdtus. — A dark green or reddish-green plant, with a tuberous rhizome ; slender, round stem, branched below ; leaves amplexicaul, entire, flat, upper leathery, with 6 opaque ribs on each side of the mid-rib, lower with 3 ; stipules herbaceous, persistent ; flowers in a dense, cylindric spike about an inch long on a slightly longer peduncle ; fruits small, dark green, rounded, keeled, with a prominent beak. — Near Ramsey, Huntingdon. L L 2 516 NAIADACE/E 10. P. nitens (Glistening Pond-weed). — A closely allied, much branched form, with numerous rooting branches springing from the axils of its upper leaves; leaves usually all submerged, scattered, recurved, with a wavy margin and a shining surface ; flowers in shorter spikes, thickening less upward. — Ditches ; chiefly in the north ; uncommon. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 1 1. P. lucens (Shining Pond-weed). — The largest British species ; stem stout, 3 — 6 feet long; leaves mostly submerged, shortly- stalked, 4 — 10 in. long, oblong-lanceolate, wavy, toothed, pellucid, many nerved ; stipules large, long, keeled ; flowers in a stout, dense, cylindric spike on a short, thick stalk, thickening upward ; carpels small, rounded, with a short, blunt beak. — Lakes ; frequent. — FL June — September. Perennial. 12. P. decipiens. — A closely allied form with sessile, broad, pointed, scarcely toothed leaves ; short, scarcely winged stipules ; and shorter flower-stalks. 13. P. angustifolius. — An allied, but smaller, much branched species ; leaves long-stalked, with entire margins, upper floating, obovate-oblong, wedge-shaped at the base, rather leathery, loiver often recurved ; flower-spikes 1 — 2 in., on very long stalks ; carpels rounded. — Ponds ; not common. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 14. P.Griffithii, a rare form, with branched stem; leaves all submerged, 7 — 12 in. long, n — 17-nerved, narrow, boat-shaped at the apex ; stipules long, narrow, and blunt ; flowers in dense spikes on slender stalks shorter than the leaves ; occurs only in Aber Lake, Carnarvonshire. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 15. P. prcelongus (Long-stalked Pond- weed). — A similar species with stout, greenish-white stem; leaves linear-oblong, blunt, entire, half-sheathing, concave at the tip, 3-nerved ; stipules large, blunt ; flowers in dense cylindric spikes on very long, stout stalks ; carpels large, with sharp keels. — Lakes and deep rivers ; local. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 16. P. perfolidtus (Perfoliate Pond-weed). — Stem round, stout, dichotomously branched ; leaves all submersed, egg-shaped 2 — 3 in. long, embracing the stem, pellucid, 5 — 9-nerved, brown, and almost transparent, having when dry the appearance of gold- beaters' skin, and so sensitive to moisture that they will curl when laid on the palm of the hand ; stipules small, falling off; flowers in dense spikes on short, stout stalks ; carpels scarcely keeled, with short beaks. — Ponds and lakes ; common. — Fl. June — September. Perennial. 17. P. crispus (Curly Pond- weed). — Stem slender, compressed, dichotomously branched ; leaves alternate, close-set, 1 — 3 in. long, POND-WEED FAMILY 517 oblong, wavy, toothed, 3 nerved, spreading, and recurved ; stipules small, blunt, falling off; flowers 6 — 8 in a loose spike on a taper- ing stalk ; carpels with a long beak. — Ditches ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. ** Leaves nearly opposite, involute, exstipulate 18. P. densus (Opposite-leaved Pond- weed). — Stem slender, brittle, dichotomously branched ; leaves all sub- mersed, embracing the stem, ovate, toothed, pellucid, 3 — 5-nerved, close - set, recurved ; flowers few, in very short- stalked spikes ; carpels with short, recurved beaks. — Ditches and ponds ; common. — Fl. June — September. Pe- rennial. *** Leaves all similar, strap-shaped, with flat margins and free stipules 19. P. compressus. — Stem compressed, wing- ed; leaves 4 — 10 in., acute, 3 — 5-nerved ; sti- pules large, acute ; flowers many, in cylindric, long- stalked spikes ; carpels compressed, 3-ribbed. — Ditches ; local. Fl. July, POTAMOG g TON D £ NSUS {flpposite-leaved Pond-weed). August. Perennial. 20. P. acutifolius. — Stem compressed, narrower than in the preceding ; leaves much as in the preceding but shorter and with narrower stipules; flowers in a very short oval, short-stalked spike ; carpels compressed, with a recurved beak. — Lakes and ditches ; rare. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 21. P. obtusifolius (Grassy Pond-weed). — Stem slender, 4-angled, much branched ; leaves sessile, linear, obtuse, dark green, opaque, 3-nerved ; stipules broad, blunt ; flowers few, in a dense, oval, 518 naiadAce^e short-stalked spike ; carpels compressed, keeled, with a straight beak. — Ditches ; frequent. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 22. P. Friesii. — Stem thread-like, compressed; leaves often in tufts, linear, i — 3 in., 5 — 7-nerved ; stipules small, acute ; flowers few, minute, in an interrupted spike on a slender, compressed stalk ; carpels small, swollen, bluntly keeled, with short, stout beak. — Ponds and ditches ; local. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 23. P. pusillus (Small Pond-weed). — A tangled mass of thread- like stems; and dull, olive-green, narrowly-linear, 1 — 3-nerved, acute leaves ; with numerous, small, loose, long-stalked spikes of brownish flowers, which are either submersed, or rise partially above the surface of the water. — Ponds and lakes ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 24. P. Sturrbckii, a very slender, delicate, and elegant form, closely allied to the preceding, with bright green, pellucid, 3 — 5- nerved, obtuse leaves 2 — 3 in. long ; flowers in a very small spike on a very slender stalk ; and carpels very small and shortly beaked. Occurs only in Forfar and Perth. 25. P. trichoides (Hair-like Pond-weed). — Stem thread-like, with numerous spreading dichotomous branches : leaves bristle-like, spreading, stiff, acute, i-veined, dark green, 1 — 2 in. long, with slender, acute stipules ; flowers 3 — 6, very minute, on a slender stalk ; carpels 1 in each flower, compressed, with a short beak. — Ponds ; rare. — Fl. August — October. Perennial. **** Leaves all similar, submerged, linear, with flat margins and stipules united into a sheath 26. P. pectindtus (Fennel-leaved Pond-weed). — Forming dense tangled masses of thread-like stems with alternate branches ; leaves 3 — 8 in. long, upper 1 -nerved, of 2 hollow tubes, lower flat, 3-n^rved ; flowers few, in interrupted spikes on long, slender stalks ; carpels large, swollen, slightly keeled, with short beaks. — Streams ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 27. P. interruptus, a closely allied form, with flat, 1 — 5-nerved leaves and obscurely keeled carpels, is less common. Often in brackish waters. 28. P. filiformis (Slender-leaved Pond-weed). — Stem thread-like, with short branches below; leaves hair-like, 1 -nerved, channelled; flowers in dense, separate whorls ; carpels small, with very slight keels and beaks. — Lakes; local. — Fl. June — September. Pe- rennial. 4. RrjppiA (Tassel Pond- weed). — Slender, aquatic herbs with thread-like, sheathing leaves and an umbellate group of minute, POND-WEED FAMILY 519 perfect flowers without a perianth ; stamens 2 ; carpels 4, at first sessile, afterwards each raised on a long stalk. (Named in honour of H. B Ruppius, a botanist of the 18th century.) 1. R. maritima (Spiral Tassel Pond-weed). — A much-branched, thread-like plant, with the habit of Potamogeton pectindtus, 2 feet or more long j leaves 1 — 3 in. long, with inflated sheaths ; -flower- stalk becoming spirally coiled, and 5 — 6 in. long, when in fruit ; ovate carpels with short beaks, on stalks, 1 — 2 in. long. — Brackish- water ditches ; rare. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. R . r st ell at a (Beaked Tassel Pond- weed). — A more com- mon form, differing in the small, close sheaths of its leaves, its short, not spiral flower-stalk, and the oblique base of its carpels. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 5. Zannichellia (Horned Pondweed). — Slender, submerged plants, with linear leaves with sheathing bases and adherent stipules; minute, axillary, gener- ally monoecious flowers without a perianth ; stamen 1 ; carpels 2 — 6 ; stigmas peltate. (Named in honour of J. J. Zan- nichelli, a Venetian botanist.) 1. Z. palustris (Common Horned Pond-weed). — A submersed aquatic with the habit of the preceding genus ; stem slender, 3 — 6 in. long, with spreading branches ; opposite, thread-like leaves 1 — 3 in. long ; flowers axillary, sessile or nearly so ; stamen \ — 1 in. long, with 4-chambered anther ; carpels 2 — 4, sessile, with short styles and small, crenulate stigmas. — Ditches ; common. — Fl. May — August. Annual. 2. Z. brachystemon, the commonest form, differs in having a stamen only a quarter as long, with a 2-chambered anther, and a larger stigma. r6ppia marItima {Spiral Tassel Pond-weed). 5 2 ° naiadace^e 3. Z. fedunculdta, a less common form, has a stamen of inter- mediate length, with a 2-chambered anther, long styles, large stigmas, and stalked carpels. 4. Z. polycdrpa, a rare form, occurring in the Orkney Islands, has a very short stamen with a 2-chambered anther, 5 — 6 sessile carpels, with very short styles and large stigmas. 6. Zostera (Grass- wrack). — Grass-like, sub- merged marine plants .with creeping rhizomes; compressed stems; alter- nate, long, linear, sheath- ing leaves with adherent stipules; flowers monoe- cious, arranged altern- ately in two rows on a long, linear, membranous spadix, enclosed in a spathe ; perianth absent ; stamen 1, sessile, 1- chambered ; carpels each with 1 style, 2 stigmas, and 1 ovule. (Name from the Greek zoster, a girdle or riband, from the form of the leaves.) 1. Z. marina (Common Grass-wrack). — A com- mon plant in the sea, near low-water mark, with long, cord - like stems, bright green grass-like leaves, 1 — 3 feet long, 3 — 7-veined, and long, leafy sheaths or spathes to the bead-like rows of numerous simple flowers. The dried leaves and stems are collected, under the name of Alva, for stuffing mattresses and packing glass. — Fl. July — September. Perennial. 2. Z. nana (Dwarf Grass-wrack), an uncommon species, diners in having leaves not more than 6 in. long and 1 — 3-veined, and fewer flowers in a shorter spathe, with 2 — 5 inflexed membranous appendages or clasping bands. — Fl. April — August. Perennial. 2Gst6ra marIna (Common Grass-wrack). PIPE-WORT FAMILY 52 1 7. Na! as. — Slender, submerged, aquatic herbs with linear, whorled leaves, with adherent stipules ; axillary, dioecious flowers ; stamen i, sessile, i — 4-chambered, enclosed in 2 sheaths or perianth- whorls ; carpel 1, sessile; stigmas 2 — 4, awl-shaped. (Name from the Greek naias, a water-nymph.) 1. N. flexilis (Flexible Naias). — A little, submerged plant, with thread-like, branched, brittle stems ; linear, entire leaves in whorls of 3, about an inch long, bright green, pellucid, with ciliate sheaths ; flowers 1 — 3 together. — Deep lakes, Perthshire, Skye, and Connemara. — Fl. August, September. Annual. 2. N. marina (Larger Naias). — Stem less branched ; leaves in whorls of 2 or 3, strongly spinosely serrate, with entire sheaths ; flowers solitary. — Hickling Broad, Norfolk. — Fl. July. 3.* N. gramin. a. — Leaves olive-green, in tufts with serrate sheaths. — In a canal at Ashton-under-Lyne ; not indigenous. Ord. LXXXIX. Eriocaule;e. — The Pipe-wort Family A group of herbaceous plants chiefly inhabiting tropical swamps, with their leaves mostly radical, linear and sheathing, and often hollow ; minute, imperfect flowers in a bracteate head ; perianth inferior, of 2 whorls of 2 — 3 leaves each ; stamens double the number of the inner perianth-lobes, but half of them often rudimentary ; carpels 2 — 3, united ; style single, terminal, short, persistent ; stigmas 2 — 3 slender ; ovules solitary in each carpel ; fruit capsular. 1. Eriocaulon (Pipe-wort). — Staminate flowers chiefly in the centre of the head, generally 2-merous ; outer perianth-leaves spathulate ; inner united in a tube. (Name from the Greek erion, wool, kaulos, a stem, some species having a woolly peduncle.) 1. E. septanguldre (Common Pipe-wort). — A little submerged plant with a creeping rhizome ; short, leafy stem ; leaves subulate, 2 — 4 in. long, green, pellucid, compressed ; flowers on a 6 — 8-angled peduncle from 6 in. to 2 feet high, in a small head with lead- coloured bracts ; outer perianth-leaves black, fringed ; inner with a black spot ; stamens usually 4, with dark anthers. — Lakes in Skye and Connemara ; but mainly North American. — Fl. August. * Perennial. Sub-Class IT. GLUMfFER^E Flowers in spikelets (small spikes) each in the axil of one of the imbricate, rigid, chaff-like bracts or glumes; perianth absent or 522 CYPERACEjE represented only by minute scales or bristles ; carpels i — 3 ; ovary i-chambered, i-ovuled ; seeds albuminous. * Ord XC. Cyperace^e. — The Sedge Family A large Order of grass-like and rush-like plants, comprising more than 2,000 species in about 60 genera, occurring in all parts of the world, but especially in the colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere, where they often cover large areas of marshy ground. Their stems are generally solid, often 3-angled, and without enlarged nodes ; their leaves have a tubular sheath, and are generally linear, being commonly tristichous and sharply folded longitudinally ; and their flowers are often imperfect. The perianth is often absent, or consists of three or more scales or bristles. The stamens are 1 — 6, usually 3 in number, with flat- tened filaments and basifixed anthers. The ovary is 1 -chambered and sometimes 3-angled and enclosed in a flask-shaped mem- branous covering known as a utricle, formed of 2 united bracte- oles ; there is a single terminal style and 2 — 3-cleft stigma ; and the fruit is a small indehiscent, i-seeded caryopsis The Sedges differ mainly in structure from the Grasses in their solid, angular stems with unswollen nodes ; their tristichous leaves with unsplit tubular sheaths ; their basifixed anthers ; and their less feathery stigmas. They differ in a still more marked manner in their properties and uses to man. Their harsh leaves and stems contain but little sugar, and form but poor pasturage, nor do they seem readily susceptible of improvement under culti- vation in the size of their grain. The stems of the Bulrush (Scirpus lacustris) are used for the rush bottoms of chairs, for making hassocks and mats, and by coopers for placing between the staves of casks. Those of the African Papyrus antiquorum, cut in slices, furnished the paper of ancient Eygpt. * Spikelets many-flowered ; flowers perfect 1. Cyperus. — Spikelets compressed ; glumes in 2 rows, deciduous. 2. Eleocharis. — Spikelet solitary, terminal ; perianth of 3 — 6 included bristles. 3. ScfRPUS. — Spikelets clustered, lateral ; perianth of 3 — 6 included bristles, or absent. 4. Bhf smus. — Spikelets alternate, in a bracteate spike ; perianth of 3—6 included bristles. 5. Eriophorum. — Spikelets terminal perianth of long exserted bristles becoming silky. SEDGE FAMILY 523 ** Spikelets i- or few-flowered ; flowers perfect 6. Rhynchospora. — Spikelets clustered in heads, terete ; perianth of 6 included bristles ; nut beaked. 7. Schcenus. — Spikelets in compact terminal heads, com- pressed ; glumes in 2 rows ; perianth of few bristles, or absent ; nut not beaked. j 8. Cladium. — Spikelets terete ; perianth absent ; nut blunt, with a fleshy coat. *** Spikelets 1 — 2-flowered ; flowers monoecious ; perianth absent 9. Kobresia. — Upper flower in each spikelet staminate, lower carpellate ; ovary enclosed by a glume. **** Spikelets many-flowered ; flowers imperfect 10. CArex. — Glumes imbricate ; ovary enclosed in a persistent bottle-shaped utricle. 1. Cyperus (Galingale). — Stems triangular ; spikelets many, compressed, in terminal or lateral bracteate heads or compound umbels ; glumes numerous ; distichous, deciduous, each, except the outermost, containing a perfect flower; perianth absent. (Name from the Greek kupeiros, a reed.) 1. C. fuscus (Brown Cyperus). — Stems short, tufted, grass-like, 2 — 10 in. high ; spikelets flattened, blunt, not more than ^ in. long, in a compact umbel, with 3 unequal, leaf-like bracts, 1 — 4 in. long ; glumes brown, with green keels. — Wet meadows in Middlesex, Surrey, and the Channel Islands. — Fl. August, September. Annual. 2. C. longus (Sweet Galingale). — A tall, stout plant, 2 — 4 feet high, with a few leaves at the base of the stem ; spikelets numerous in a very large, loose, unequally-rayed, compound umbel, with 2 — 3 long, leafy bracts ; glumes numerous, blunt, reddish-brown, with green keels and pale margins. — Wet meadows in the south of England ; rare. The aromatic rhizome was formerly much esteemed as a tonic. — Fl. August, September. Perennial. 2. Eleocharis (Spike-rush). — Tufted, glabrous herbs with slender stems ; solitary, terminal spikelets ; glumes numerous, im- bricate, nearly all containing perfect flowers ; perianth of 3 — 6 short bristles ; nut compressed, tipped with the persistent base of the style. (Name from the Greek helos, a marsh, chdiro, I rejoice.) 1. E. aciculdris (Least Spike-rush). — A slender, tufted plant ; rhizome slender, creeping ; stems subulate, 2 — 4, or even 12 in. 524 cyperAcejE high, with short sheaths at the base ; spikelet minute, oblong, red- brown ; flowers 6 — 8 ; glumes blunt ; stigmas 3 ; nut minute, obovoid, ribbed, and transversely striate. — Wet sandy places; frequent. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. E. palustris (Marsh Spike-rush). — A creeping plant with a stout, branched rhizome and many tufts of stems and leaves ; stems not 6 in. high at edge of water, a foot or more high and more distant when in water, nearly round, with membranous, truncate sheaths ; spikelets terminal, \— \ in. ljng, oblong ; glumes numerous, dark brown, with pale, membranous edges and green keel ; outer bract similar but rather larger ; perianth-bristles 4 — 6 ; style 2-cleft ; nut obovate. — Edges of pools ; frequent. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 3. E. uniglumis, differing mainly in having the outer bract broader, so as to enclose the base of the spikelet, occurs especially near the sea and is much less common. 4. E. multicaulis (Many-stemmed Spike-rush). — A similar but smaller plant with stems in 1 tuft with obliquely truncate, acute sheaths ; rather smaller spikelets ; blunter glumes ; perianth- bristles usually 6 ; styles usually 3-cleft ; nut obovate, 3-angled. — Bogs : fre- quent. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 3. Scirpus (Club-rush). — Mostly tall, aquatic plants with creeping rhizomes ; solitary or clustered, terminal or lateral spikelets, w r ith 1 or 2 outer bracts broader and without flowers ; perianth of r — 6 included bristles, or absent ; style slender at the base. (Name, the old Latin name ; but said to be of Keltic origin.) * Spikelets small, terminal, solitary ; perianth of 3 — 8 bristles 1. S. pauciflorus (Chocolate-headed Club-rush). — Stems tufted, with long runners, round, striate, seldom more than 6 in. high, with a few thin, narrow scales and 1 tight truncate sheath ; outer bracts 2, blunt, shorter than the spikelet ; flowers not more than 5 or 6 : perianth-bristles usually 6 ; style usually 3-cleft ; nut ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS (Marsh Spike-rush). SEDGE FAMILY 525 obovate, 3-angled, with tapering point. — In wet mud ; common. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. S. ccespitosus (Deer's-hair). — A similar species, with the stem covered at the base for 1 or 2 in. with imbricate sheaths, the outer brown, the inner green, with narrow leafy tips 1 to 2 lines long ; spikelet ovoid, brown, \ — § in. long j outer bract as long as the spikelet, green, stiff; flowers 6 — 8; perianth-bristles 4 — 6; style 3-cleft ; nut brown, obovate, pointed. — Bogs ; common. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 3. S. nanus (Dwarf Club-rush). — A minute plant, with long, creeping, hair-like rhizome with small tubers and distant, dense tufts, each of several round, grooved stems, 1—2 in. high, each with a close-pressed, transparent sheath; spikelet minute, pale ; outer bract short, blunt, flower- less ; perianth of 4 — 8 bristles ; nut obovate, 3-angled, pale.- -Sandy sea-shores in the south; rare. — Fl. July. Annual. ** Spikelets small, lateral, sessile, clustered, or sometimes solitary ; perianth absent 4. S. fluitans (Floating Mud- rush). — A slender floating plant, rooting from its lower nodes and much branched in a zigzag manner; /eaves linear, very slender, 1 — 2 in. long ; spikelet solitary, terminal, ovate, pale ; outer bracts 2, shorter than the spikelet enclosing it ; flowers few ; stigmas 2 ; nut obovate, smooth, pointed, pale. — Ditches ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 5. 6". filiformis (Savi's Alud-rush). — A slender, tufted plant, 3 — 10 in. high, with 1 or 2 narrow, channelled leaves ; spikelets 1 — 3, sometimes an inch long; outer bracts not longer than the spikelet ; stigmas 3 ; fruit sub-globose, 3-angled, pale, shining, rough, with lines of minute raised points. — Bogs ; rare. — Fl. July. Perennial. 6. £ setdceus (Bristle-like Mud-rush). SCiRPUS setAceus {Bristle-like Mud-rusk). -A very similar, but 526 CYPERAcEiE smaller, less slender, darker plant, 2 — 6 in. high, with 1 or 2 short, subulate leaves on each stem ; spikelets usually 2—3 } — £in. long, ovoid, lateral ; outer bract long, subulate, resembling a con- tinuation of the stem ; glumes ovate, blunt, dark brown, with green midribs ; style 3-cleft ; nut very small, marked with about 8 longi- tudinal ribs and furrows. — Moist sandy places ; common. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. SC1RPUS HOLOSCHCENUS (Round- headed Mud-rusk). ScfRPUS LACC'STRIS (Conn/ion Bulrush). 7. .5". Holoschxnus (Round-headed Mud-rush). — Stems stiff, cylindrical, 1 — 4 feet high, with 1 or 2 stiff leaves sheathing their bases ; spikelets very numerous and small, upwards of 30 together in compact globular heads, each \ — J in. diameter, of a light brown colour, forming a lateral umbel ; the largest outer bract stiiT, forming a continuation of the stem. — Sandy sea-shores in Somerset, North Devon, and the Channel Islands. — Fl. September, October. Perennial. SEDGE FAMILY 527 *** Spikelets large ; glumes many ; perianth of 1 — 6 bristles 8. S. lacustris (Common Bulrush). — Rhizome creeping ; stems sometimes as thick as a man's thumb, spongy, erect, 3 — 8 feet high, cylindric at the base, gradually tapering upwards, green, usually leafless, or with 1 or 2 short keeled leaves in still water, or with long, nearly flat, floating leaves in running water ; spikelets numerous, red - brown, ovoid or oblong, \ — | in. long, in a compound, lateral, umbellate cyme, becoming terminal ; outer bract continuing the stem ; glumes broad, brown, fringed at the edge, notched at the top, with a little point in the notch, glabrous ; perianth of 5 or 6 bristles ; anthers tipped with hairs ; nut 3-angled, smooth. Marshes and rivers ; common. The rhizome is astringent, and the stems are largely used for making the bottoms of chairs, has- socks, &c. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. * The name Bulrush is now most commonly given to Typha (see p. 5°3)- 9. S. Tabernamontani (Glaucous Bulrush). — A closely-allied form with glaucous stems, glumes rough with raised dots, and anthers not bearded, occurring mostly near the sea. 10. S. carindtus, another closely allied form, has green stems becoming obtusely triangular near the top, smooth glumes, and anthers not bearded. — Tidal rivers in the south ; rare. 11. S. triqueter (Three-edged Bulrush). — Rhizome slender ; stems 2 — 3 feet high,, acutely triangular throughout, leafless, except that 1 or 2 short sheaths at the base bear a short blade less than an inch long; spikelets usually 8, 10, or more, ovoid, less than | in. scirpus MARfTiMUS (Sea Club-rusk). 528 CYPERAcEiE long, central ones sessile, the others stalked, forming a compound lateral cyme ; outer bract stiff, triangular, continuing the stem for an inch or more ; glumes brown, broad, notched or fringed at top, with a minute point ; perianth of 2 — 6 bristles ; style 2-cleft ; nut smooth a->d shining. — Muddy banks of tidal rivers in the south ; rare. — Fl. August, September. Perennial ER16PHORUM vaginXtum (Hares-tail Cotton-grass). BLYSMUS RUFUS (Rufous Club-rush). 12. S. pungens (Sharp Club-rush). — An allied but smaller species, 6 — 18 in. high, with acutely triangular stems; 2 or 3 narrow, keeled leaves 4 — 6 in. long ; 3 — 6 sessile, lateral spikelets each \ in. long, in a close cluster ; glumes brown, acutely 2-lobed. — Wet sand, Jersey. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 13. 5. maritimus (Sea Club-rush).— Stems sharply triangular, 1 — 3 feet high, leafy; leaves long, channelled, dark green, \ in. SEDGE FAMILY 529 across ; spikelets i — 10, in a dense terminal cluster, the outer ones generally stalked, red-brown, about f in. long ; bracts several, leaf-like ; glumes acutely 2-lobed with an awn between the lobes ; perianth of i — 6 bristles ; style usually 3-cleft. — Salt marshes ; common. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 14. S.sylvdticus (Wood Club-rush). — Stem 2 — 3 feet high, stout, leafy ; leaves long, keeled, \ — £ in. across ; spikelets small, ovoid, dark shining green, very numerous, in a terminal, much-branched, compact panicle; bracts several, leaf like; glumes ribbed, obtuse, apiculate ; perianth of 6 bristles ; style 3-cleft. — Moist woods ; frequent. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 4. Blysmus. — Aquatic plants with creeping rhizomes ; stem triangular ; spikelets small, alternate, in a close distichous com- pound terminal bracteate spike ; glumes few ; perianth of 3 — 6 included bristles. (Name from the Greek blysmos, a spring, from the wet places where these plants grow.) 1 . B. compressus (Sedge-like Club-rush). — Rhizome creeping ; stem 6 — 8 in. high, trianguk,, sheathed at the base; leaves linear, flat, rough; spike about an inch long, of 10 — 12 oblong, 6 — 8- fiowered, pale brown spikelets, each about £ in. long; stamens usually 3 ; style 2 -cleft ; nut tapering. — Boggy places ; not un- common. — Fl. June — July. Perennial. 2. B. rufus, a plant of about the same size, with tufted, round stems; few, narrower, channelled, smooth leaves; spike \ — £ in. long, of about 6 spikelets, each 2 — 4-flowered, with shining, dark brown outer bracts, as long as the spikelets. — Wet pastures, chiefly in the north ; uncommon. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 5. Eri6phorum (Cotton-grass). — Tufted, herbaceous plants with terminal spikelets; numerous imbricate glumes; perfect flowers ; perianth of hair-like bristles, forming long, cottony tufts. (Name from the Greek erion, wool, phero, I bear.) 1. E. alpinum (Alpine Cotton-grass). — A plant resembling Scirpus caspitosus in every respect but the long perianth-bristles. — Forfar ; now extinct. — Fl. June. Perennial. 2. E. vagindtum (Hare's-tail Cotton-grass). — Stems many, tufted, not a foot high, but lengthening in fruit, round below, triangular above, with 1 or 2 inflated sheaths; leaves linear; spikelets solitary, terminal, ovoid, deep green, \ — £ in., many-flowered ; perianth of very many bristles, forming together a thick, nearly globular, cottony tuft, about an inch across. — Boggy moors ; common. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 3. E. angustif olium (Common Cotton-grass). — About a foot high, with solid, solitary stems ; leaves channelled near the base; M M 53* cyperAce,e spikelets 4 — 12, in a terminal, umbellate cluster, the inner sessile, the outer on smooth peduncles; perianth of very numerous bristles, forming dense cottony tufts, 1 — 2 in. long. — Bogs 5 the commonest species. Attempts have been made to spin the cotton, but without much success. It is used for stuffing pillows, under the name of 11 Arctic Wool." — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 4. E. polystdcthion (Broad-leaved Cotton- grass). — Stems tufted, hollow ; leaves flat ; spikelets generally less numerous, on rough peduncles. — Less com- mon. 5. E. grdcile (Slender Cotton-grass). — A very slender species, some- what intermediate be- tween the two last, some- times 2 feet high ; leaves channelled ; spikelets about 4, on downy peduncles. — Bogs ; very rare. — June, July. Peren- nial. 6. Rhvnch6spora (Beak-Sedge). — Tufted, leafy plants with terete spikelets clustered in terminal or axillary heads, each 1 — 2-flowered; glumes many ; perianth of 6 included bristles ; nut beaked. (Name from -the permanent base of eri6phorum polystXchion {Broad-leaved Cotton-grass). the Greek rhunchos, a beak, spora, seed the style forming a beak to the fruit.) 1. R.jusca (Brown Beak-Sedge). — Rhizome long; stems 6 — 10 in. high, very slender ; leaves few, subulate ; spikelets brown, usually in two clusters, one terminal, the other lateral ; stamens 3. — Bogs in the south ; very rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 2. R. alba (White Beak-Sedge).— Rhizome short; stems 6—18 SEDGE FAMILY 53 1 in. high, slender, in dense grass-like tufts ; spikelets nearly white, in a small, compact, terminal cluster, often with one or two smaller, axillary, lateral clusters ; stamens 2. — Spongy bogs ; frequent. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 7. Schcenus (Bog-rush). — Stiff, rush-like plants; spikelets closely sessile, in compact terminal heads, 1 — 4-flowered, with 3 or 4 empty glumes; flowers perfect; perianth of few bristles, or absent ; stamens 3 ; nut not beaked. (Name from the Greek schoinos, a cord, some species having been used in making cordage.) 1. S. ferrugineus (Brown Bog-rush). — Stems slender, tufted, about a foot high ; spike narrow, oblong, rusty-brown ; lower bract as long as the spike ; glumes in 2 rows, with a smooth keel. — Loch Tummel, Perthshire ; very rare. Perennial. 2. S. nigricans (Black Bog-rush). — A very similar, but less slender plant; spike obovoid, dark red, brown, or black, of 4 — 10 spikelets, with an involucre of 2 — 3 broad, brown, leafy bracts, with stiff points longer than the spike ; glumes with a rough keel. — Bogs ; frequent. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 8. Cladium (Fen Sedge). — Usually tall, coarse, rough, grassy plants with very numerous terete spikelets in a compound panicle, 1 — 3-flowered ; glumes 5 — 6 ; perianth absent ; nut with a thick fleshy coat. (Name from the Greek klados, a twig.) 1. C. Mariscus (Prickly Fen Sedge). — Rhizome creeping; stem 3 — 6 feet high, stout, very leafy ; leaves 2 — 4 feet long, £ in. across, sheathing, keeled, glaucous, stiff, with minute sharp teeth along the keel and margins ; spikelets pale brown, \ in. long, in numer- ous small clusters in corymbose, axillary panicles forming together a terminal leafy panicle a foot or more long ; stamens usually 2 ; nut beaked. — Bogs ; local. This plant used to be so common in the fens near Cambridge, before they were drained, that it was used in that town for lighting fires and for thatch. It forms floating islands in pools, and is still cut as a crop. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 9. Kobresia, represented by one species, K. bipartita (Sedge- like Kobresia), a low, densely tufted plant with stiff stems 4 — 8 in. high ; leaves radical, sheathing, wiry, grooved, 2 — 5 in. long ; spikelets 4 or 5, short, brown, closely sessile in a short terminal spike, the upper flower in each spikelet bearing stamens only, and the lower flower an ovary ; perianth absent ; style long, 3-cleft. — Mountainous moorlands in the north ; rare. — Fl. August, Sep- tember. Perennial. (Named after Dr. Kobres, of Augsburg.) 10. Carex (Sedge). — A large and well-defined genus of herbs m m 2 532 CYPERACEjE with grass-like, chiefly radical leaves; monoecious, or rarely dioecious flowers, the stamens and ovaries being always in separate glumes, either in different parts of the same spikelet, which is then called "mixed," or in separate spikelets; glumes imbricate; stamens 3, rarely 2, without a perianth ; ovary enclosed in a vase- shaped covering; style protruding; stigmas 2 — 3. (Name Classical, connected with the Greek keiro, I cut, in allusion to the sharp- edged leaves.) t Spikelet simple, solitary, and terminal 1. C. dioica (Dioecious Sedge). — A slender plant, 6 — 12 in. high, with runners ; leaves very narrow, smooth ; spikelets bearing stamens only or pistils only, and with stamens and pistils on different plants, brown, the staminate ones cylindric and pale, the pistillate ovoid, brown ; style 2-cleft ; fruit erect, with rough edges. — Spongy bogs ; common. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 2. C. Davallidna (Davall's Sedge), a tufted plant, without runners, with rough edges to its leaves and drooping fruit, occurred formerly near Bath, but has been lost through drainage. 3. C. pulicdris (Flea Sedge). — A small tufted plant, without runners, 3 — 8 in. high; leaves narrow, erect, involute; spikelet about nine lines long, the upper half bearing stamens ; 3 to 7 of the lower glumes enclosing pistils ; style 2-cleft ; fruit oblong, pointed, about 2 lines long, drooping when ripe. — Bogs ; common. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 4. C. rupestris (Rock Sedge). — A creeping, tufted plant, with runners; stems 3 — 6 in., 3-edged ; leaves flat, stiff, revolute, ending in a wavy, rough point; spikelet \ — 1 in. long, linear, dark brown, shining, the upper half staminate ; style 3-cleft ; fruits obovate, adpressed. — Lofty Scottish mountains. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 5. C. pauciflora (Few-flowered Sedge). — A slender species, with long runners; stem seldom more than 6 in. high, slender, 3 -angled, smooth ; leaves narrow, involute ; spikehts pale briown, 3 or 4 lines long ; flowers few, the 2 or 3 uppermost staminate, the 2 or 3 lower ones pistillate ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit narrow and pointed, reflexed. — Moorland bogs in the north. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. ft Spikelets several, all similar, short, sessile, in a compound spike, mostly with both staminate and pistillate flowers ; styles 2-cleft 6. C. incurva (Curved Sedge). — Root-stock long, creeping ; stems stout, 2 — 3 in. high, usually curved, so as to bring the large head of spikelets down to the ground ; leaves channelled, involute, SEDGE FAMILY 533 curved, about the same length ; spikelets 3 or 4, in a dense, nearly globular head, each with a few staminate flowers at the top ; fruit broad, rather inflated, tapering into a short beak projecting beyond the glumes. — Sandy shores in the north ; rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 7. C. divisa (Bracteate Marsh Sedge). — Root-stock stout ; stems very slender, 1—3 feet high, erect ; leaves long, narrow ; spikelets few, short, crowded in a head with a leafy bract at its base, several upper flowers staminate ; fruit plano-convex, not winged, with an acutely 2-fid, finely toothed beak. — Marshes near the sea ; frequent. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 8. C. disticha (Soft Brown Sedge).— Root-stock creeping ; stems stouter than in the preceding, 1—3 feet high ; leaves long, narrow ; spikelets in an oblong, interrupted spike, pale brown, the middle ones staminate ; fruit ovate-lanceolate, narrowly winged. — Marshy places. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 9. C. arendria (Sand Sedge). — Root- stock very long, stout, and branched, creeping over and binding the sands ; stems tufted, 8—10 in. high, stout, rough, leafy at base ; leaves radical, stiff, in- volute ; spikelets many, rather large, ovoid, in an interrupted spike r or 2 in. long, the upper ones staminate, the lower pistillate, and the middle ones with flowers of both kinds ; fruit ovate, veined, winged, shining chestnut-brown. — Sandy sea-shores. — Fl. June. Perennial. 10. C. didndra (Lesser Panicled Sedge).— Root-stock creeping, with scat- CAREX arenAria {Sand s e d g e\ tered tufts ; stems 1 — 2 feet high, slender, 3-angled ; spikelets few, oblong, acute, forming a dense compound spike about an inch long ; fruit ovate, swollen, brown, shining, with 2 — 5 ribs on the back, beaked. — Boggy meadows. — Fl. June. Perennial. 11. C. paradoxa, a rare form, intermediate between the preceding and following species, more densely tufted than the preceding ; stem covered below by the black fibrous remains of dead leaves ; spikelets elongate, in a panicle somewhat interrupted 534 CYPERACE/E below ; fruit with numerous ribs near its base. — Bogs. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 12. C. paniculdta (Great Panicled Sedge). — A stout species forming large tussocks, 2 — 4 feet across ; stems stout, 1 — 4 feet high, triangular, rough, leafy ; leaves long, narrow, flat ; spikelets numerous, brown, crowded into a compound spike or panicle, cArex echinAta (Star-htadcd Sedge). 4 — 5 in. long, the lower branches spreading ; glumes with bristly points and pale membranous margins ; fruit ovate, beaked, with many faint veins. — Bogs ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 13. C. vulpina (Great or Fox Sedge). — A stout tufted plant, 2 — 4 feet high, with runners ; stems numerous, 3-angled, with rough edges, leafy ; leaves broad, flat, sharply pointed ; spikelets numerous, green or pale brown, crowded into a compound interrupted spike 1 — 3 in. long ; bracts bristly, spreading ; fruit SEDGE FAMILY 535 high, slender, 3- -6, rather short, much flattened, ovate, beaked, pale.— Wet places ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 1 4. C. vulpinoides, an allied North American species, has been recorded from the banks of the Thames near Kew. 15. C. muricdta (Great Prickly Sedge). — A densely tufted species, with short runners ; stems 1 — 2 feet angled, rough ; leaves narrow, flat ; spikelets 4- brown cr shining green, with a few staminate flowers at the top of each crowded into a terminal spike about an inch long, or the lower ones distant ; fruit rathe* large, ovate, pointed, spread- ing, 2-fid, finely toothed above. — Gravelly pastures ; common. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 16. C. divulsa (Grey Sedge). — An allied species with more slender, flaccid stems and 5 or 6 paler, greyish, more distant sfikelets, forming an inter- rupted spike, 2 — 3 in. long, occurs in moist, shady places. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 17. C. echindta (Lesser Prickly or Star-headed Sedge). — Tufted, rarely above 6 or 8 in. high ; leaves shorter than the stems ; spikelets 3 — 5, some distance apart, except some- times the 2 uppermost, nearly globular when ripe, pale ; fruit spreading, broadly ovate, much beaked, about 2 lines long. — Boggy places ; common. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 18. C. rembta (Distant-spiked slender, 1 — 2 feet high ; leaves cArex REm6ta {Distant-spiked Sedge). Sedges- narrow -A tufted plant ; stems spikelets small, pale, a considerable distance apart, the lower ones each in the axil of a* long, leafy bract ; the lower flowers mostly staminate ; fruit ovate- lanceolate, longer than the glumes, with notched beak. — Damp copses ; common. — Fl. June. Perennial. 19. C. axillaris (Axillary Sedge), possibly a hybrid between the preceding and C. muricdta ; has taller, stouter, leafy stems, 1 — 2 536 cyperAcete feet high ; flat leaves, and less distant spikelets, and the lowest spikelet is either branched, or there are 2 or 3 together ; glumes broader, rigid. — Marshes ; rare. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 20. C Boenninghausidna, possibly a hybrid between C. rembta and C. paniculate, has slender, rough stems, 1 — 2 feet high ; spikelets small, in a spike sometimes a foot long, the upper ones simple, the lower branched, without bracts, and with pale silvery- brown, smooth, membranous glumes. —Marshes ; rare. — Fl. June", July. Perennial. 21. C. elongdta (Elongated Sedge). — Tufted, without runners ; stems numerous, slender, ab^ut 2 feet high, rough, leafy ; leaves long, narrow, fiat, flaccid ; spikelets many, pale greenish-brown, oblong, touching one another, without bracts ; fruit spreading, linear-oblong, beaked, not winged, 2 lines long. — Marshes ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 22. C. approximdta (Hare's-foot Sedge). — A tufted plant, with short runners ; stems wiry, 1 — 10 in. high, 3-angled, smooth; leaves flat; spikelets 2 — 4, small, fuscous, ovoid, touching one another, with minute bracts ; fruit erect, elliptic, not winged, with a short beak ; glumes reddish, ovate, nearly as long as the fruit. — Lofty mountains in Aberdeenshire ; very rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 23. C. canescens (White Sedge). — Tufted, without runners ; stems slender, 12 — 18 in. high ; leaves not quite as long ; spikelets 4 — 8, some distance apart, elliptical, 3 or 4 lines long, pale green ; glumes membranous, whitish, with a green keel ; fruit erect, broadly ovate, com- pressed, acute, with a short beak, faintly ribbed, not longer than the glumes. — Bogs ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 24. C. helvola, probably a hybrid, differs in having fewer spikelets, few-flowered ; glumes browner ; fruit with a deeply 2-fid beak. — Mountain bogs in the north. 25. C. leporina (Oval-spiked Sedge).— St ms about a foot high, loosely tufted at the base, without runners ; leaves shorter, narrow, flat, with fine points ; spikelets about 6, sessile, distinct, but close together, ovoid, pale brownish-green, shining, about 4 lines long, with a few staminate flowers at the base of each ; fruit yellowish, erect, ovate-acuminate, with a membranous CXREX LEPORfNA (Oval-spiked Sedge). SEDGE FAMILY 537 toothed margin. — Wet places ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. ttt Spikelets several, dissimilar, the terminal one or more usually wholly staminate, the other {axillary) ones bearing pistils only, or pistillate and staminate flowers 26. C. Hdlleri (Alpine Sedge). — A rather slender species, 6 — 1 8 in. high, tufted, with short runners ; leaves short, narrow, flat, recurved ; spikelets 2 — 4 close together, ovoid, black or dark brown ; styles 3-cleft, fruit green, obovoid, shortly beaked, pro- jecting beyond the glumes. — Clova Mountains ; rare. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 27. C. atrdta (Black Sedge). — Another tufted alpine species, with runners ; stems 6 — 18 in. high, smooth; leaves broad and flaccid ; spikelets 3 — 6, oblong, shortly stalked, near together, 8 or 9 lines long, very dark brown or black, ultimately drooping ; outer bract leafy ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit elliptical, very acutely triangular when ripe, with a short beak. — Mountains of Scotland, Westmore- land, and North Wales. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 28. C. polygama (Dark Sedge), found only on an island in Lough Neagh, is a creeping species, with stems 1—2 feet high; leaves narrow, flat, with reddish-brown sheaths with filamentous edges ; spikelets 3 or 4, oblong, in a loose spike ; glumes dark brown, with a green keel prolonged into a point ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit flattened, glaucous green. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 29. C. Hudsonii (Tufted Bog Sedge).— A densely tufted species ; stems 1 — 3 feet high, slender, stiff; leaves narrow, flaccid, with a webbing of filaments on the sheaths ; spikelets 3 or 4, erect, cylindric, 1 — 2 in. long, sessile, styles 2-cleft ; fruits oblong, in 6 — 9 rows, larger than the dark glumes. — Bogs ; local. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 30. C. gracilis (Slender-spiked Sedge). — A tufted species, with or without runners; stems 2 — 3 feet high, 3-angled; leaves as long, broad, flaccid, their sheaths not webbed ; spikelets 4 — 9, 1 — 4 in. long, nodding ; styles 2-cleft ; lower bract long, leaf-like, with long auricles. — Wet places; not uncommon. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 31. C. trinervis, a low-growing species, less than a foot high, with long, scaly root-stocks and runners ; stems smooth, 3-angled ; leaves narrow, smooth, involute ; spikelets few, close together, £ — 1 in. long; lower bract slender, stiff, longer than the spikelet ; fruit compressed, brown, dotted. — Wet sandy places on the Nor- folk coast. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 32. C. rigida (Stiff Mountain Sedge). — A dwarf alpine form, 53« cyperXce^ scarcely 6 in. high, with short, flat, rigid leaves with revolute margins ; spikelets 3—6, erect, short, dark ; fruit obovoid, com- pressed, not veined. — Wet stony places on mountains in the north. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 33. C. aqudtilis (Water Sedge).— A tall, tufted form, with runners ; stems 1 — 2 feet high, 3-angled, rigid, polished, leafy below ; leaves long, erect, flat, involute ; spikelets 3 — 6, cylindric, slender, 1 — z\ in. long ; fruit rounded, compressed, not veined. — Scottish bogs; rare. — Fl. June — August. Perennial. 34. C. salina, var. Kattegatensis, with erect, 3-angled stem, 12 — 18. in. high ; leaves of the same length, with rough keels and margins ; bracts leafy and longer than the spikelets ; staminate spikelets 2 — 3, sessile ; pistillate ones 3 — 4, on short stalks, dark brown, has been recorded from the sandy banks of the River Wick, Caithne. i. 35. C. Goodendwii (Common Tufted Sedge). — A tufted or creeping species ; stems 1 — 2 feet high, stiff, slender, 3-angled, rough ; leaves slender, narrow, erect, recurved ; spikelets 3 — 5, erect, sub-sessile, not more than an inch long, near together ; bracts with short auricles ; fruit rounded, compressed, many-veined. — Marshes and wet meadows ; common. — Fl. May— July. Perennlil. 36. C. fldcca (Glaucous Sedge). — A creeping species ; stems few, wiry, a foot or more in height, 3-angled, smooth ; leaves narrow, flat, glaucous ; staminate spikelets 2 or 3 ; pistillate spikelets 4 — 6, cXlex gooden6wii (Common. Tufted Sedge). SEDGE FAMILY 539 sub-erect, cylindric, £ — i in. long, long-stalked ; glumes dark brown ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit ovoid, triangular, not beaked. — Damp places; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 37. C. magelldnica. — A slender, creeping species; stems a foot or more high, nearly smooth ; leaves linear, flat, smooth-edged, not glaucous ; pistillate spikelets 2 or 3, long-stalked, drooping ; bracts leafy, broad, flat ; glumes purple, lanceolate, with long points; fruit roundish, faintly ribbed, beaked. — Spongy bogs in the north ; rare. — Fl. June. Perennial. 38. C. limosa (Mud Sedge). — A closely allied, slender, creeping species ; stems 3 — 12 in. high, rough ; leaves narrow, glaucous, chan- nelled ; st'aminate spikelet \ — 1 in. long; pistillate spikelets 1 or 2, on slender stalks, drooping, 6—8 lines long; bracts leafy ; glumes rather dark** brown with green mid- rib, ovate, upper ones pointed ; styles 3-cleft > fruit rather large, round- ish, compressed, not beaked. — Spongy bogs ; rare. — Fl. June. Peren- nial. 39. C. r arifldra (Loose-flowered Alpine Sedge). — A creeping plant ; stems 6 — 12 in. high, wiry, smooth ; leaves narrow, erect, rough-edged ; staminate spikelet short, sub-erect ; pistillate spikelets 2 or 3, drooping, \ in. long, on slender stalks of the same length, 6 — 8-flowered ; bracts with short sheaths ; glumes brown, shining, obtuse, with a minute point ; fruit obovoid, faintly veined, shortly beaked. — Elevated bogs in Scottish Highlands.— Fl. June — August. Perennial. 40. C. digitdta (Fingered Sedge). — Densely tufted; stems slender, curved, 6 — 10 in. high, sheathed at the base, leafless; leaves Carex flacca {Glaucous Sedge). 54° CYPERACE^E radical, flat, shorter, revolute ; staminate spikelet terminal, 6 lines long ; pistillate spikelets close together, 2 or 3, shortly stalked, spreading in a finger-like manner ; flowers lax ; bracts brown and sheathing ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit obovoid, and minutely downy. — Woods on limestone ; rare. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 41. C. ornithdpoda (Bird's-foot Sedge), a closely allied form with broader bracts and longer fruit, occurs in Derbyshire and Yorkshire. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 42. C. humilis (Dwarf Silvery Sedge). — A creeping, tufted species ; stems 1 — 5 in. high ; leaves longer, stiff, involute, curved ; staminate- spikelet termi- nal, about 9 lines long ; pistillate ones 3 — 5, much smaller, stalked, placed at intervals on the stem, scarcely protruding from the sheath of silvery mem- branous bracts; glumes with membranous edges ; styles long, 3-cleft ; fruit ovoid, obtuse, rib- bed, slightly downy .—Limestone hills in the south-west ; rare. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 43. C. montdna (Mountain Sedge). — A creeping, tufted species, with slender stems, 6 — 18 in. high ; narrow leaves ; spikelets few, sessile, crowded, bright red - brown, polished ; fruit obovoid, hairy, longer than the glumes, with a short, notched beak. — Heaths and woods in the south. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 44. C. pilulifera (Round-headed Sedge). —Tufted, with few slender stems, 6 — 12 in. high, 3-angled. rough ; leaves shorter, broad, weak, and flexible ; pistillate spikelets 2 or 3, globose, sessile, close under the terminal staminate one ; bracts short, leafy; glumes brown, broadly ovate, pointed ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit small, nearly globular, shortly beaked. — Wet heaths ; common. — Fl. May — July. Perennial. 45. C. ericetcrum (Heath Sedge).— A creeping, tufted plant ; CARBX pilulifera (Round-headed Sedge). SEDGE FAMILY 541 stems 2 — 6 in. high, stiff, curved, 3-angled, smooth ; leaves recurved, keeled ; staminate spikelet spindle-shaped, £ in. long ; pistillate spikelets 1 — 3, ovoid, sessile, small, close together, 6 — 10-flowered ; glumes brown, with a broad pale edge, very blunt, ciliate, as long as the fruit. — Chalk banks in the eastern counties; rare. — Fl. April — June. Perennial. 46. C. caryophyllea (Spring Sedge). — A small, creeping species with runners ; stem 6 — 12 in. high, 3- angled ; leaves short, keeled, curved, densely tufted ; staminate spikelet slender, erect ; pistillate spikelets 1 — 3, oblong, close together ; glumes small, broad, with a distinct, fine point, brown edges, and green midrib as long as the ovoid, 3-sided, shortly beaked and slightly downy fruit. — Dry pastures ; common. — Fl. April, May. Perennial. 47. C. tomentdsa (Downy-fruited Sedge), known only from Marston Maisey, Wiltshire. Root-stock creep- ing; stem slender, erect, J 2 — 18 in. high ; leaves narrow, erect, short ; staminate spikelet terminal, about an inch long ; pistillate spikelets 1 or 2, at some distance, oblong, erect, nearly sessile, \ in. long, compact ; lower bracts leafy ; glumes small, brown ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit small, globose, with copious white down. — Wet meadows. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 48. C. paUescens (Pale Sedge).— Stems tufted, without runners, leafy at the base, 1 — 2 feet high ; staminate spikelet terminal, light brown, about 6 lines long ; pistillate spikelets 2 or 3, pale yellowish-green, shortly stalked, erect or slightly drooping, oblong, shorter than the staminate one and at short distances below it ; bracts leafy ; styles 3-cleft; fruit smooth, blunt. — Wet places; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 49. C. panicea (Carnation-grass). — A tufted, creeping plant with runners ; steins 1 — 2 feet high, smooth, leafy ; leaves rather cXrex pan'ICEA {Carnation-grass). rj 4 2 CYPERACE^E short, erect, flat, glaucous, resembling those of the Carnation, but with rough edges ; spikelets usually 3, the terminal one staminate, the others pistillate, distant, erect, stalked, \ — 1 in. long ; flowers, especially the lowest, some distance apart ; bracts short, leafy, with sheaths ; glumes brown ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit ovoid, triangular, smooth, shortly beaked. — Wet meadows ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 50. C. vagindta (Short Brown-spiked Sedge). — A closely allied alpine species, but not glaucous, with broader, recurved leavzs ; shorter bracts with looser, funnel-shaped sheaths ; looser spikelets ; paler and more blunt glumes; and larger, more beaked fruit. — Scottish mountains. — Fl. July. Perennial. 51. C. atrofusca (Dusky Sedge). — Stem 3 — 10 in. high; leaves very short, broad ; staminate spikelet terminal ; pistillate spikelets 2 — 4, ovoid, shortly stalked ; bracts sheathing ; glumes ovate, acute, dark purple, with a pale midrib ; fruit dark purple, rough- edged, with a 2-fid beak. — Ben Lawers. — Fl. July. Perennial. 52. C. Sddleri (Cold Sedge). — A small, tufted, and slightly creeping species, 3 — 12 in. high, with slender stems bearing 1 or 2 leaves, and numerous long, fiat, broad radical leaves; spikelets 4 — 6, spindle-shaped, rich dark brown, the terminal one stamin- ate, the upper one sessile, the lower long-stalked and becoming pendulous ; fruit with a long, slender, ciliate, 2-fid beak. — Wet turf, Glen Callater, Aberdeenshire. — Fl. August. Perennial. 53. C. capilldris (Dwarf Capillary Sedge). — A tufted species ; stems 3 — 9 in. high, slender, smooth, longer than the soft, recurved leaves ; staminate spikelet terminal, small ; pistillate spikelets 2 or 3, drooping, on long hair-like stalks, pale-coloured, loose, few- flowered, seldom 6 lines long ; lower bracts enclosing several peduncles ; glumes ovate, obtuse, with membranous edges, as long as the beaked fruit ; styles 3-cleft. — Mountains in the north ; local. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 54. C. pendula (Great Drooping Sedge). — A tufted species, without runners ; stems stout, triangular, leafy, 3 — 6 feet high ; leaves long, nearly J in. broad ; spikelets 4 — 6 in. long, numerous, drooping ; the stalks of the pistillate ones almost concealed in the sheaths of the long, leafy bracts ; glumes ovate-lanceolate, brown, with green keel ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit small, ovoid, with short beak. — Wet woods ; frequent. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 55. C. strigdsa (Loose-spiked Wood Sedge). — A tufted, creeping plant ; stems 1 — 2 feet high, 3-angled, smooth, leafy ; leaves short, broad, pale, flaccid ; spikelets slender, drooping, 1 — 3 in. long, the lower pistillate ones on long stalks ; flowers many, lax ; bracts leafy, short, with long sheaths ; fruit tapering at both ends, SEDGE FAMILY 543 longer than the pointed, transparent glumes. — Thickets; rare. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 56. C. depauperdta (Starved Wood Sedge). — Tufted ; stems slender, 1 — 2 feet high, 3-angled, smooth, leafy ; leaves long, narrow, flat ; staminate spikelet slender, an inch or more long ; pistillate spikelets 3 — 5, about \ in. long, erect, green, 3 — 4- flowered, the lower on long stalks j fruits few, very large, globose, many-ribbed, with a long beak. — Dry woods in the south ; very rare. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 57. C. sylvdtica (Wood Sedge).— Tufted; stems weak, 1 — 3 feet high, leafy ; leaves flaccid ; staminate spikelet pale, about an inch long ; pistillate spikelets distant, slender, an inch or more in length, on long stalks, loose-flowered ; bracts leafy, with long sheaths ; glumes green, narrow, pointed ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit elliptical, smooth, obscurely veined, tapering into a long beak. — Damp woods ; common. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 58. C. helddes (Smooth-stalked Sedge). — Tufted, creeping ; stems smooth, 2 — 3 feet high ; leaves short, broad, dotted beneath ; staminate spikelets 1 — 2 in. long, 3-angled ; pistillate spikelets distant, cylindric, 1 — 2 in. long, slender, green, stalked ; fruit ovoid, tapering at both ends, ribbed, with a rough beak. — Wet places ; not common. — Fl. June. Perennial. 59. C. binervis (Green-ribbed Sedge). — A closely allied, but much smaller species, generally about a foot high ; leaves rigid, keeled, recurved ; pistillate spikelets not more than an inch long, brownish ; fruit cXrex dIstans [L*** Sedge\ with two prominent green ribs and a broad, smooth beak. — Heaths ; common. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 60. C. distans (Loose Sedge). — Another closely allied species, less coarse ; leaves glaucous ; spikelets 4 or 5, far apart, the ter- minal one staminate, sometimes with a small one close to it, the others pistillate, \ — 1 in. long, oblong, erect, stalked, but some- times appearing sessile, the stalks being enclosed in the sheaths of the leafy bracts; glumes brownish ; styles 3-cleft; fruit yellowish- 544 CYPERACE^E brown, ovoid, smooth, faintly ribbed with a narrow, rough beak. — Brackish marshes near the sea. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 61. C. punctata (Dotted-fruited Sedge). — Another nearly allied species, 12 — 18 in. high, slender; glumes pale red with a broad green band down the back ; fruit ovoid, membranous, swollen, shining, only ribbed at the angles, dotied, longer than the glumes, with a slender, smooth beak. — Marshes near the sea. — Fl. June. Perennial. 62. C. fulva (Tawny Sedge). — Another nearly allied species, with a rough-edged stem, 2 or 3 pale pistillate spikelets, which are ovate-oblong; glumes ovate, not mucronate, with transparent tips; fruit broadly ovoid, ribbed, with a rough beak. — Marshes, chiefly at high altitudes. — Fl. June. Perennial. 63. C. extensa (Long-bracteate Sedge). — Tufted, rather slender, 8—18 in. high; leaves very narrow, stiff, erect, often convolute; spikelets nearly sessile, near together at top of stem, or only the lower one distant, oblong, brown-green ; bracts long, narrow, leafy, with short sheaths, the lowest much longer than the stem ; glumes mucronate ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit ovoid, triangular, strongly- ribbed, tapering into a conical beak. — A sea-coast plant, general round the British Isles. — Fl. June, July. Perennial. 64. C. fldva (Yellow Sedge). — Usually densely tufted and leafy, 3 — 18 in. high, acquiring frequently a yellowish hue, especially the pistillate spikelets ; terminal staminate spikelet 6—9 lines long ; pistillate spikelets 1, 2 or 3, sessile or shortly stalked, and very near the terminal one, and often one much lower down on a longer stalk, all erect, ovoid, and when ri^s nearly globular; bracts all leafy and sheathing ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit ovoid, ribbed, beaked, spreading. — Wet places; frequent. — Fl. May, June. 65. C. lasiocdrpa (Slender Sedge). — Root-stock creeping, with runners; stems 1 — 3 feet high ; /eaves very slender, stiff; staminate spikelets 2 or 3, slender, 1 — 2 in. long, brown ; pistillate spikelets 1 — 3, remote from them, nearly sessile, oblong, 6 — 9 lines long, loose-flowered ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit ovoid, with a short 2-fid beak, very downy. — Peat-bogs ; local. — Fl. May. Perennial. 66. C. hirta (Hairy Sedge or Hammer Sedge). — Root-stock creep- ing, jointed, scaly ; stems weak, leafy, 1 — 2 feet high, and, as well as the leaves, more or less hairy ; terminal staminate spikelets 1 or 2 ; pistillate ones 2 or 3, very distant, stalked, cylindric, an inch or more long ; bracts with long sheaths ; fruit tapering into a long, 2-fid beak, covered with short, spreading hairs. — Damp woods. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 67. C. Pseudo-cyperus (Cyperus-like Sedge). — A stout, tufted form ; stems 1 — 3 feet high, 3-angled, rough ; leaves broad, long, SEDGE FAMILY 545 rough ; staminate spikelet 2 — 3 in. long, slender, pale ; pistillate spikdets 4 — 5, not more than 2 in. long, cylindric, green, long- stalked, drooping when in fruit ; bracts broad, long, and leafy, without sheaths ; glumes narrow, pointed, rough, green ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit spreading, lanceolate, ribbed, with long, stiff, 2-fid beak. — River-banks ; not common. — Fl. June. Perennial. 68. C. acutifbrmis (Pond Sedge). — A tall, stout species, with a creeping root- stock and runners ; stems 2 — 3 feet high, stout, 3-angled, rough ; leaves erect, long, broad, glaucous ; staminate spikelets 2 or 3, 1 — 2 in. long, sessile, dark brown, with blunt glumes; pistillate spikelets 2 or 3, rather distant, sessile, or the lowest shortly stalked, often 2 in. long, erect, cylindric, blunt, with pointed glumes; bracts leafy, without sheaths ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit ovate, slightly triangular, but much flattened, tapering into a very short, 2-fid beak. — Ditches ; common. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 69. C. ripdria (Greater Pond Sedge). — A nearly allied, but much larger species, being by far the largest British Sedge ; stems 2—5 feet high ; leaves broader ; spikelets more numerous and very large, 3 — 6 staminate, crowded, i| — 2 in. long, with acute glumes, 4 — 6 pistillate, pointed ; fruit oblong-ovoid, convex on both sides. — Ditches ; common. — Fl. May. Peren- nial. 70. C. infldta (Bottle Sedge).— A stout, tufted and creeping species, with stems 1 — 2 feet high, smooth, slightly 3-angled ; leaves long, channelled, glaucous ; spikelets 1 — 2 in. long or even more, 2 — 3 staminate, 2 — 4 pistillate, remote, erect, stout, cylindric, pale, the lowest shortly stalked ; bracts leafy, without sheaths ; styles 3-cleft ; fruit flask-shaped, that is, ovoid, inflated, narrowing suddenly into a long slender beak. — Bogs ; common. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 71. C. rhynchophysa, a taller and more glaucous, somewhat tufted plant, 2 — 3 feet high ; bracts leaf-like, longer than the staminate spikelets ; spikelets curved outwards at the base, 3 — 4 pistillate, 4 — 6 staminate, the pistillate ones 2 — 3 in. long, the NN cArex acutif6rmis {Pond Sedge). 546 GRAMfNE^E staminate ones i — 2 in. ; styles deeply 3-cleft ; fruit globose, tapering into a rather long beak. — Found in 1892 by Mr. Lloyd Praeger in Mullaghmore Lough, co. Armagh. — Fl. July, August. Perennial. 72. C. vesicdria (Bladder Sedge). — Nearly allied to C. infldta, but with rough, triangular stems ; flat, green leaves ; rather shorter spikelets ; and fruits, although inflated, more conical, tapering gradually into a shorter subulate beak. — Bogs ; less common than C. rostrdta. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. 73. C. saxdtilis (Russet Sedge). — An alpine form of the preced- ing ; root-stock creeping, the scaly runners ending in tufts of leaves; stems 4 — 10 in. high, leafy; spikelets 3 or 4, distant, 1 or 2 staminate, the pistillate ones ovoid, dark brown, 6 — 8 lines long, the lowest on a slender stalk, with a leafy bract at its base ; styles 2-cleft ; fruit ovoid, inflated with a very short, 2-fid point. — Only found on the higher Scottish mountains. — Fl. May, June. Perennial. Ord. XCI. GRAMfNEiE. — The Grass Family The grasses form one of the largest, most naturally defined, and most widely distributed Orders in the Vegetable Kingdom, and at the same time one which is unrivalled in its utility to man. It comprises about 3,600 species in 310 genera. They are ever- green, annual, or perennial herbs, though some of them reach a large size, Bamboos being sometimes 100 "feet in height and nearly a foot in diameter. Many perennial grasses have rhizomes or grow in tufts. The stem is furnished with prominent nodes with long, generally hollow internodes, is circular in section, or 2-edged, and contains much siliceous matter, being often hard and polished externally. The Maize (Zea Mays) and the Sugar- cane {Sdccharum officindrum) are exceptional in having solid stems. The leaves are alternate, simple, and usually linear, with no petiole, except in a few Bamboos, but with a long sheath embracing the stem, and split down the side opposite to that on which the blade is. At the junction of the sheath and blade there is generally a little membranous outgrowth, termed the ligule. The flowers are in spikelets, and these are variously arranged in spikes, racemes, or panicles. Each spikelet consists of 1 — 5 flowers, arranged alternately on a very short axis, or rachilla, but some of these flowers are often represented merely by glumes. At the base of the rachilla are usually two boat- shaped, green or purplish glumes with nothing in their axils. Within these are the flowers, each with two other glumes, the GRASS FAMILY 547 lower or outer of which is termed the flowering glume, the inner, which is generally of very delicate texture and has two green ribs, being termed the pale. Within these two glumes, and alternate with them, are found 2, or rarely 3, very minute scales, known as lodicules, but these are sometimes wanting. There is, in fact, a frequent suppression of certain parts of the floral envelope, glumes being often empty or sterile, and the whole spikelet, or locusta, sometimes consisting of only 1 glume and 1 pale. In many grasses one or more of the glumes bears a bristle-like point or awn, which is sometimes very long, and may either be terminal, proceeding from the point of the glume, as in Barley, or be inserted on its back or at its very base. Each flower has usually 3 stamens (rarely r, 2 or 6), with long anthers, Spikelet of Wild Oat : a, outer glumes ; b, flowering glume, with awn ; c, pale ; d, lodicules ; e, ovary ; f, stamens. the lobes of which diverge at each end, and weak, hair-like filaments. The ovary is i-chambered and i-ovuled, and is crowned by 2 (rarely 1 or 3) styles with feathery stigmas, the pollen being generally carried by wind. The fruit or grain, technically known as a caryopsis, is entirely filled by the seed, so that their coats adhere ; and the embryo lies to one side at the base of a mass of mealy or farinaceous albumen. Grasses are abundant everywhere on land, and there are species inhabiting fresh water ; but there are no marine forms. In the tropics they acquire a much greater height than in colder regions ; but the compact grassy turf, which is such a charm of our English scenery, is almost entirely wanting in the Torrid Zone, those species which have the " social " habit being mainly characteristic, in fact, of the colder parts of the Temperate Zone. The cereal grasses, Wheat (Triticum cesiivum and T. hybernum), N N 2 548 GRAMINEjE Oats (Avena sativa), Barley (Hordeum distichum and H. hexdsti- chum), Rye (SecdU ceredle), Maize (Zea Mays), Rice (Oryza sativa), and various Millets, cultivated for die sake of their grain, are the most valuable members of the Order to mankind ; while the value of grasses as fodder for cattle is hardly second to that of their corn for human food. Among the most esteemed fodder grasses are Rye-grass (Lolium perenne) and its variety, Italian Rye-grass {Lolium perenne, var. itdlicum), especially for hay ; Cock's-foot grass (Ddctylis glonierdta) and Timothy-grass (Phleum pratense), especially for heavy or peaty land ; the sweet-scented Vernal-grass (Anthoxdnthum odordtum) which gives much of its delicious fragrance to new-mown hay ; Poa pratensis for dry, sandy soils; P< nemordlis, var. sempervirens, and P. trividlis for permanent pasture ; and the Fescues (Festuca duriuscula and F. eldtior) also for permanent pasture, and F. rubra for sandy soils. Cattle are very fond also of the Tussock-grass (Ddctylis ccespitosa) of the Falkland Islands, which has been introduced in the Hebrides. Sugar is a general product of grasses, and can be easily tasted in spring if we chew the stem of almost any meadow grass. It is, however, chiefly manufac- tured from the stems of the Sugar-cane (Sdccharum officindrum), a native of south- eastern Asia, now cultivated throughout the tropics ; and, to a much smaller extent, from those of the Guinea Corn (Sorghum sacchardtum). In eastern countries the Bamboos are used for numberless purposes — houses, furniture, cordage, and even sails of ships being made from them. Alfa or Esparto-grass (Macrochloa tenacissima), a native of northern Africa, is a valuable material for paper-making ; and various Indian species of Andropogon yield aromatic " Grass Oils," such as Vetivert, Lemon-grass, or Verbena, Citronella, and Geranium or Ginger-grass, which are largely used in perfumery. The classification of grasses is a matter of great difficulty ; but the British species fall under eight tribes, which may be grouped in two Sub-orders. Section of the fruit of the Oat : /, pericarp, or wall of the ovary ; t, seed-coats ; a, albu- men ; c, cotyledon \g, plumule ; r, radicle. GRASS FAMILY 549 Sub-order I. Panicdcecs. — Spikelets jointed upon the pedicel; rachilla persistent; glumes 1 — 4, only the uppermost enclosing a perfect flower. Tribe i. Panicece. — Flowering glume 3- or more-nerved, not awned I. Digit Aria. — Glumes 4 ; pedicels of spikelets naked or hairy; flowering glume 3-veined, not awned. *2. Echinochloa. — Glumes 4 ; flowering glume 5-veined, mu- cronate or awned. ♦3. Setaria.— Glumes 4 ; pedicels of spikelets bristly. 4. Spartina. — Glumes 3 ; spikes upright, in a raceme. Tribe 2. Oryzece. — Spikelets laterally compressed ; flowering glume and pale i-nerved 5. Leersia. — Spikelets in a loose panicle ; empty glumes absent. Sub-order II. Poacea. — Spikelets rarely jointed upon the pedicel; rachilla deciduous ; glumes 3 or more, the two lowest empty Tribe 3. Phalaridea;. — Spikelets distinctly stalked, laterally com- pressed; rachilla not produced beyond the uppermost glume; glumes 3 — 6, uppermost only with a perfect flower; pale absent or 1- nerved. 6. Phalaris. — Glumes 6, awnless ; stamens 3. 7. Anthoxanthum. — Glumes 6, 2-awned ; stamens 2. 8. Hierochloe. — Glumes 6, 2-awned, with 3 stamens each ; uppermost perfect flower with 2. 9. Alopectjrus. — Spikelets jointed on the pedicel in a spike- like panicle ; glumes 3 or 4; flowering glume with dorsal awn ; stamens 3. Tribe 4. Agrostidece. — Spikelet 1 -flowered ; glumes 3 ; flower perfect; pale 2-nerved * Rachilla not produced beyond flowering glume 10. Milium. — Panicle loose ; flowering glume hardening round fruit ; no awn. II. Phleum. — Panicle dense, cylindric, spike-like; flowering^ glume enclosing the fruit. 12. Mip.6ra. — Spikelets in a i-sided raceme, dorsally com- pressed, awnless. 13. Agrostis. — Panicle loose; spikelets very small; flowering glume transparent. 55° GRAMfNEiE 14. Polypogon. — Panicle spike-like ; glumes awned. 15. Calamagrostis. — Rachilla with long, silky hairs; flowering glume awned. ** Rachilla produced beyond flowering glume 16. Gastridium. — Panicle spike-like; outer glumes awnless ; flowering glume minute, 4-toothed. 17. Apera. — Panicle loose; flowering glume slightly 2-fid, with a long, slender awn. 18. Ammophila. — Panicle spike-like; spikslets large; rachilla long, silky ; flowering glume minutely awned. 19. Lagurus. — Panicle spike-like, ovate; outer glumes ending in a long, fringed bristle ; flowering glume 3-awned. Tribe 5. Avetiecz. — Spikelets in panicles, 2 — 4-flowered; rachilla generally produced beyond the flowering glume ; glumes 4 or more, 2 lowest empty, equalling or overtopping the flowers; flowering glumes with twisted dorsal awns 20. AfRA. — Panicle loose ; rachilla not produced ; awn dorsal, generally bent ; ovary glabrous. 21. Corynephorus. — Flowers 2, perfect; awn jointed in the middle, with a club-shaped tip. 22. Holcus. — Flowers 2, lower perfect, awnless, upper stami- nate, awned. 23. Trisetum. — Flowers 2 — 6 ; flowering glume with 2 acute teeth and a bent, twined dorsal awn ; ovary smooth. 24.. Avena. — Flowers 2 or more; flowering glume with 2 points and a bent, twisted, terminal awn; ovary hairy. 25. Arrhenatherum. — Flowers 2, lower staminate, with long, basal, bent, twisted awn, upper perfect, awnless, or with short, straight awn. Tribe 6. Chloridece. — Spikelets in 2 rows on a flattened rachis, forming a i-sided spike or raceme, laterally compressed, i-flcwered 26. Cynodon. — Spikes spreading, digitate ; glumes awnless. Tribe 7. Fesiuceae. — Rachilla usually produced ; glumes 6 or more, the 2 lowest empty ; awn terminal or absent 27. SiEGLfNGiA. — Spikelets seldom more than 5 or 6, in a race- mose panicle, awnless, 2 — 4-flowered ; flowering glume with 3 minute teeth at the top. 28. Phragmptes. — Spikelets in a spreading panicle, 1 — 6- flowered, awnless ; rachilla bearded with long, silky hairs. GRASS FAMILY 55 1 29. Sesl£ria. — Spikelets in an ovoid, spike-like panicle, awnless, with a soft ciliate glume below each. 30. Cynostjrus. — Spikelets in a i-sided, spike-like panicle, 2 — 5-flowered, with bristly comb-like glumes below them. 31. Koeleria. — Spikelets in a sub-cylindric spike, 2 — 5-flowered ; flowering glume membranous, keeled, pointed. 32. MoLfNiA. — Spikelets in a narrow but loose panicle, lanceo- late, 1 — 3-flowered ; glumes hardening on the fruit. 33. Catabr6sa. — Spikelets in a spreading panicle, with whorled branches, 1 — 3-flowered ; empty glumes very unequal, blunt ; flowering glume truncate at the top. 34. Melica. — Spikelets in a slender panicle, ovate, awnless, 1 — 2-flowered ; upper glumes forming a club-like rudiment. 35. Dactylis. — Spikelets 3 — 5-flowered, densely crowded in a 1 -sided panicle j flowering glume shortly awned. 36. BRfzA. — Spikelets panicled, pendulous, short, flat, densely and distichously imbricate, 3- or more-flowered ; glumes mem- branous, boat-shaped, blunt. 37. Poa. — Spikelets panicled, awnless, 2- or more-flowered ; glumes acute, unequal ; flowering glume keeled, 3 — 5-veined. 38. Glyceria. — Spikelets panicled, awnless, many-flowered ; glumes obtuse ; flowering glume sub-cylindric, 5 — 7-ribbed, obtuse. 39. Scler6chloa. — Differing from Glyceria in the flowering glume being cylindric and faintly 5-veined, the lodicules slender, and the fruit compressed. 40. Festtjca.— Leaf-sheath split to base ; spikelets in a panicle or spike, 3- or more-flowered ; flowering glume rounded at the back ; 3 — 5-ribbed, pointed or awned ; styles at the top of the smooth ovary. 41. Bromus. — Leaf-sheath split half-way; spikelets panicled, many-flowered ; flowering glume rounded at the back, with a long, dorsal awn ; styles below the hairy top of the ovary. 42. Serrafalcus. — Leaf-sheath split less than half-way; lower empty glume 5-veined, upper 7 — 9-veined ; otherwise much as in Bromus. 43. Brachyp6dium. — Spikelets in a spike or raceme, long, many-flowered ; rachis not indented ; glumes unequal ; flowering glume with terminal awn ; ovary hairy at the top. Tribe 8. Kordece. — Spikelets in 2 or more rows, sessile in the notches of a simple rachis, forming a spike ; rachilla generally produced 44. Lolium. — Spikelets solitary in the notches, with their edges to the rachis, 3- or more-flowered. 55 2 GRAM1NE6dium, 209 aerial stem, one that is above ground, xvii, xix aestivation, xxviii ALihiisa, 217 Agrimdnia, 153 Agrimony, 153 Agnfslis, 558 Air a, 562 Ajuga, 400 albumen, the food-store round the embryo in the seed. Alcliemilla, 153 Alder, 447 Alder, Berry -bearing, in Ale-hoof, 389 Alexanders, 202 Al fa-grass, 548 Alisma, 510 Alismace.-e. 509 Alkanet, 338 Alleluia, 104 Allidria, 44 Allium, 488 All-seed, 98 Almond, 138 Alnus, 447 Aloe, American, 478 Aloes, 483 Alopeciirus, 553 Alsine, 86 Althcia, 93 Alyssum, 48 Amaranth, 407 Amaranth Family, 407 Amaranthace.«, 407 Amardnthus, \a-j AmaryllIde.-e, 477 Amaryllis Family, 477 A mini, 206 Ammdphila, 561 amplexicaul, embracing the stem, applied to the base of leaves. Anagdllis, 322 Anchtisa, 338 Andrdmeda, 306 Anemdne, 5 Angelica, 219, 220 angiosperms, xxxvi, xxxix, 1 angustisept siliqua, 32 annular, ring-shaped. Antenndria, 257 Anthetnis, 263 anther, xxviii, xxix A nthoxdnthum, 555 Anthyllis, 126 Antirrhinum, 358 antiscorbutic, 32 Apera, 561 apiculate, with a small abrupt point. Afiium, 204 apocarpous carpels, xxix apocarpous fruits, xxxi ApocynAcEjE, 326 Apple, 161 Aquilegia, 17 A rabis, 38 Araliace^, 225 AraucariAce^, 592 Arbutus, 305 Archangel, 397 4 A^rchangelica, 220 Arctium, 275 Arctostdphylos, 306 Arendria, 79 aril, a fleshy outgrowth on the seed, as in the Spindle-tree, 109 Aristoldchia, 431 AristolochiacEjE, 430 A rmordcia, 50 597 59« GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX Amdseris, 283 AROfDE^B, 506 Arrhendtherum, 5S6 Arrow-grass, 513 Arrow-head, 511 Artemisia, 268 artificial system, xxxiv Arthn Mbium, 130 Arum, 507 Asarabacca, 431 Asarum, 431 ascending stem, xix Ash, 324 Ash, Mountain, 161 Asparagus, 486 Aspen, 456 Aspervgo, 337 Asperula, 238 Asphodel, Bog, 496 Aster. 254 Astrdgatus, 128 Astrdnlia, 199 asymmetric flowers, xxv A.triplex, 412 Atropa, 351 Aucuba, 331 auricle, an ear-like lobe at the base of a leaf, xxxiv Avtoa, 565 Avens, 146 Awl-wort, 51 awn, a long bristle-like appendage, 547 axil, xvii axile placentation, having the seeds at- tached to the central axis of the fruit. axillary bud, xvii Azalea, 309 baccate, berry-like. Bald-money, 218 Bdl ota, 398 Balm, 387 Balm, Bastard, 390 Balsam, 105 Banebcrry, 19 Barbaria, 37 Barberry, 21 Barberry Family, 20 Barley, 548 Barren wort, 21 Bdrtsia, 362, 363 basal, applied to ovules cr seeds that spring from the base of the ovary, xxx basifixed anthers, xxix Basil, 386 bast, 96 Beak Sedge, 530 Beam, White, 160 Bearberry, 306 Beard-grass, 559 Bear's-foot, 17 Bedstraw, 236 Bedstraw Family, 234 Beech, 450 Beet, 408, 412 Belladonna, 351 Bell-flower, 297 Bell-flower Family, 295 Bellis, 254 Bent, 558 Bindweed, 345 Bindweed, Black, 417 BERBERfDE.*, 20 Birberis, 21 Bermuda-grass, 568 berry, xxxii Beta, 412 Betony, 392 Betula, 445 Bfdens, 261 bifid, notched, two-lobed. bi-labiate calyx, xxvi bi-labiate corolla, xxvii Bilberry, 303 Ula . Bindweed Family, 345 bi-pinnate leaf, xxi Birch, 445 Bird's-eye, 370 Bird's-foot, 129 Bird's-foot Trefoil, 126 Bird's-nest, 312 Bikd's-nest Family, 312 Birthwort, 431 Birthwort Family, 430 Bishop's-weed, 209 Bistort, 419 Bittersweet, 350 Blackberry, 144 Blackstdnia, 329 Blackthorn, 141 Bladder Campion, 73 Bladder-seed, 200 Bladderwort, 375 Blinks, Water, 88 Blite, Sea, 415 Blobs, Water, 15 Bluebell, 491 Blue-bottle, 282 Blysmus, 529 Bog-bean, 332 Bog-rush, 531 Borage, 338 Borage Family, 334 Boragine^e, 334 Bordgo, 338 Box, 441 Brachypddium, 586 bract, xxiii bracteoles, minute bracts below the flower. Bramble, 144 Brandy-bottle, 23 Brdssica, 46 Bread-fruit, 426 Briar, Sweet, 158 Bristle-grass, 552 Brtza, 574 Brome, False, 586 Brome-grass, 583 Brdmus, 583 Brooklime, 371 Brookweed, 323 Broom, 118 Broom-rape, 372 Broom-rape Family, 371 Brydnthus, 310 Brydnia, 190 Bryony, Black, 482 Bryony, White, 190 Buck-bean, 332 Buckthorn, no GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX 599 Buckthorn Family, iio Buckthorn, Sea, 425 Buckwheat, 417, 420 Bugle, 400 Bugloss, 339 Bugloss, Viper's, 344 bulb, xvii Bullace, 141 Bulrush, 527 BupZeiirum, 202 Buplever, 202 Burdock, 275 Burnet, 156 Burnet Saxifrage, 210 Bur-Marigold, 261 Bur-Parsley, 223 Bur-reed, 504 Burweed, 261 Butcher's Broom, 485 Biitomus, 512 Butter-bur, 271 Buttercup, 10 Buttercup Family, r Butterwort, 376 BUTTERWORT FAMILV, 374 Buxus, 441 Cabbage, 46 Cabbage Family, 31 caducous calyx, xxvi Cakile, 58 Calamagrdstis, 560 Calamint, 385 CcUUtrichi, 183 CaMna, 306 callus, a swelling overgrown with cork. Cdltha, 14 Calycifl6r/e, xlii_ calycifloral insertion, xxvi calyx, xxiv, xxvi Campdnu'a, 299 Campanulace/e, 295 campanulate, bell-shaped. Campion, 73 Canary-grass, 554 Candleberry Myrtle, 443 Candytuft, 56 Canterbury Bells, 300 capillary filaments, xxix capitate, head-like, clustered. CAPRIFOLlACEyB, 228 Capsella, 51 capsule, xxxi Caraway, 207 Cardamint, 46 Ccirduiis, 276 Cdrex, 531 Carlina, 274 Carnation, 71 Camation-grass, 541 carpellate flowers, xxiv carpels, xxiv, xxix Cet-rpinus, 448 carpophore, an elongated floral axis ex- tending between the carpels, as in the Geramaceae, p. 99, and Umbelliferae, p. 191 Carrot, 223 Cdrum, 207 CakyophyllAce-e, 69 caryopsis, xxxi, 547 Castdlia, 23 Castdnea, 450 Castor-oil, 437 casual, a plant not truly wild, that occurs occasionally as a seedling for a year or two, but does not become established. Catabrdsa, 571 Catchfly, 72 _ catkin, xxiii Catmint, 388 Cat's-ear, 289 Cat's-foot, 257 Cat's-tail, 503 Cat's-tail grass, 557 Caiicalis 223 cauline leaves, xx Cayenne pepper, 349 Cedar, 592 Celandine, 13, 28 Cei.astrine^, 108 Celery, 204 Centatirea, 280 Centaur on, 329 Centaury, 329 central placentation, xxx Centllnculus, 323 Century plant, 478 Cephaldnthera, 465 Cerdstium^ 83 Ceratophylle^:, 442 Ceratophyllum , 443 Cheerophyllum, 211 Chaffweed, 323 chambers of the ovary, xxix Chamomile, 263, 266 Charlock, 47 Cheirdnthus, 34 Cheliddnium, 28 ChenopodiAce<«, 408 Chenopddiuttt, 409 CherUria, 79 Cherry, 142 Cherry, Cornelian, 227 Cherry, Winter, 349 Chervil, 211 Chestnut, 450 Chickweed, 81 Chickweed, Jagged, 81 Chickweed, Mouse-ear, 83 Chicory, 283 Chimney-sweeps, 503 Chives, 489 chlorophyll, the green colouring-matter of leaves. Ckrysdntkemum, 264 Ckrysosplenium, 170 Cicely, Sweet, 211 Cicenclia, 330 CichMum., 283 Ciciita*, 206 cilk, delicate hairs. fc ciliate, fringed with hairs. CinakSna. 235 Cmquefoil, 148 Circia, 189 circinate, coiled up like a pastoral staff, as in the leaves of ferns. ClSTINEvE, 61 Clddium, 531 cladode, 485 6oo GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX Clary, 388 claw of petal, xxvi Claytdnia, 87 Cleavers, 238 cleistogene flowers, those which do not open, 64 Clematis, 3 Clinopddium, 38s Cloudberry, 146 Clove Gillyflower, 71 Clover, 122 Club-rush, 524 cocci, or nutlets, portions of a partially dehiscent fruit, 335 Cochledria, 49 Cock s-comb, 366, 407 Cock's-foot grass, 548 . Coffee, 235 Cdlchicum, 494 Cole-seed, 46 Colocynth, 189 Colt's-foot, 270 Columbine, 17 Ctfmarum, 152 Comfrey, 337 commissure, 191 complete flower, xxiv Composite, 246 Composite Family, 246 compound flowers, 247 compound inflorescence, 247 compound leaf, xxi conduplicate leaf, xix cone, 592 ConIfer^e, 1, 591 Conium, 200 connate leaves, xxi connivent, with tips approaching one another. contorted petals, xxviii Convalldria, 487 convolute lesf, xix convolute petals, xxviii CoNVOLVULACEvB, 345 Convdlvulus, 345 Corallorrhlza, 463 Coral-root, 41, 463 cordate, heart-shaped, generally applied to the base of a leaf. Cord-grass, 553 Coriander, 222 Coridndrum, 222 cork, 444 corm, xvii CORNACE^E, 226 Com-cockle, 76 Cornel, 227 Cornflower, 282 Corn Marigold, 264 Corn-salad, 242 Cornus, 227 corolla, xxvi Coronilla, 129 Cordnopus, 51 Corrigiola, 406 Corydalis, 30 Cdrylus, 448 corymb, xxiii corymbose, resembling a corymb. CoryrUphorus, 564 Cotonedster, 164 Cotton, 93 Cotton-grass, 529 Cotton-weed, 263 Cdtula, 267 Cotyledon, 174 cotyledons, xxxii, 1 Couch-grass, 588 Cowbane, 206 Cowberry, 303 Cow-Parsnip, 222 Cowslip, 319 Cow-tree, 425 Cow-wheat, 366 Crab-weed, 414 Crakeberry, 435 Crdmbe, 57 Cranberry, 303 Cranberry Family, 302 Crane's-bill, 100 Crane's-bill Family, 99 CrassulAce-e, 172 Cratcegus, 163 Creeping Jenny, 320 cremocarp, xxxii, 191 crenate leaf, xxi Crepis 285 Cress, 54 Cress, American, 38 Cress, Bitter, 40 Cress, Rock, 38 Cress, Thale, 43 Cress, Wall, 43 Cress, Winter, 37 Cress, Yellow, 36, 50 Crithmum, 214 Crdcus, 476, 49s Crosswort, 236 Croton-oil, 437 Crowberry, 435 Crowberry Fam Crowfoot, CrucIfer*, 31 cruciform corolla, xxvi crumpled petals, xxviii Cuckoo flower, 41 Cuckoo-pjnt, 507 Cuckoo-pint Family, 506 Cucumber, 190 Cucurbitdcece, 189 Cudweed, 256 cupule, xxiii Cupulifer*, 444 Currant, 171 Ctiscuta, 347 Cut-grass, 553 Cyclamen, 319 cyme, xxiii Cynodon, 567 Cynogldss-um, 336 Cynosurns, 569 Cyperace^e, 522 Cyperus, 523 Cyphel, Mossy, 79 Cypripediutn, 473 cypsela, xxxii Daboecia, 311 Ddctylis, 573 Daffodil, 479 iily, 434 GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX 60 I Daisy, Common, 254 Daisy, Moon, 265 Daisy, Ox-eye, 265 Damasdnium, 512 Dammar, 593 Damia, 200 Dandelion, 291 Danewort, 231 Daphne, 424 Daphne Family, 423 Darnel, 587 Datura, 352 Daucus, 223 Dead-nettle, 396 deciduous calyx, xxvi deciduous leaves, xxii decompound leaves, xxii decumbent, prostrate. decurrent, xx decussate, applied to opposite or whorled leaves when the successive pairs are at right angles, or the successive whorls alternate. Deer's-hair, 525 deflexed, bent downwards. Delphinium, 18 deltoid leaf, xx dentate leaf, xxi Dentdria, 43 Deodar, 592 descent, theory of, xxxv diadelphous, in two brotherhoods or bundles, applied to the stamens, as in Fumariacea, 29 Didntkus, 70 dichasial cymes, cymes repeatedly forking _ into two branches. dichotomous, forking in two equal branches. dicotyledonous seed, xxxii Dicotyledons, xxxii, xxxix, 1 didynamous stamens, xxviii Digitalis, 361 Digjidria, 552 dioecious flowers, xxiv Diosc6re.«, 481 Didtis, 263 Diplotdxis, 48 Dipsace^b, 243 Dlpsacus, 243 disk, an outgrowth from the floral recep- tacle between the calyx and the ovary. disk-florets, 247 distant, far apart. distichous, in two vertical rows, as are the leaves of Grasses. Dittander, 53 Doab-grass, 568 Dock, 420 Dodder, 347 Dog's-tail, 569 Dog's-tooth grass, 567 Dogwood, 228 Dogwood Family, 226 Dorontcum, 271 dorsifixed anthers, xxix Drdba, 48 Dragon's Blood, 483 Drop wort, 143 Dropwort, Hemlock, 216 Dropwort, Parsley, 216 Dropwort, Sulphur-wort, 215 Dropwort, Water-, 215 Drdsera, 178 Droserace-e, 177 dru aceous, resembling a drupe. drupe, xxxi drupel, xxxi Dryas, 146 Duckweed, 508 Duckweed Family, 508 Dyer's Rocket, 60 ebracteate inflorescence, xxiii E^chindchloa, 552 Echium, 344 eglandular, without glands. El*agnace.«:, 425 Elatine, 89 Elatine.«, 89 Elder, 230 Elder, Water, 231 Elecampane, 259 Eledcharis, 523 Elm, 427 Elcdea, 457 Elymus, 591 emarginate, notched at the apex. embryo, the young plant when still en- closed in the seed. EmPETRACEjE, 434 I Empetrum, 4?4 [ Enchanter's Nightshade, 189 endocarp, the inner layer or " stone" in a fruit, 137 Endymion, 491 entire leaf, xxi epicalyx, a circle of bracts below the calyx, epicarp, the outer layer or "skin" in a fruit, 137 epigynous insertion, xxv Epildbium, 184 Epimedium, 21 Epipdctis, 465 epipetalous stamens, xxix epiphytes, 459 Epif>6gum, 465 J Erdnthis, 17 Erica, 307 I Ericacf^j, 304 1 Erigeron, 255 Eriocaule^t, 521 , EriocaAlcn, 521 , Eridphorum, 529 j Erddium, 103 1 Eryngium, 199 1 Eryngo, 199 1 Erysimum, 45 Esparto-grass, 548 essential organs, xxiv etaerio, xxxi ^ Eudnymus, 108 .» , Eupatdrium, 253 Euphdrbia, 438 EuphorbiAce*, 435 Euphrasia, 362 evergreen leaves, xxii Everlasting, 257 exogenous, 1 expelling hairs, 248 6o2 GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX exserted, projecting beyond the corolla, a terra applied to scamens. extrorse anthers, xxix Eye-bright, 362 Fagopyrum, 420 Fag us, 450 Falcdria, 209 falcate, sickle-shaped. fascicled, crowded in a tuft, as the leaves of the Larch or the flowers of Sweet William. fasciculate roots, xvi Fat Hen, 409 Fennel, 233 Fennel, Hog's, 220 Fen Sedge, 531 Fenugreek, 119 Ferula, 193 Fescue, 580 Festuca, 580 Feverfew, 265 Fig, 42S Fit wort, 358 Figwort Family, 353 Filago, 256 filament, xxviii filiform, thread-like, very slender, xxix Finger-grass, 552 Fiorin-grass, 559 Fir-rape, 312 Fir, Scots, 594 fistular stems, xvii Flag, Corn, 476 Flax, 98 Flax Family, 97 Flax, New Zealand, 483 Flax-seed, 98 Flea-bane, 255, 260 Fleawort, 274 flexuous, wavy, less angular than is implied by the term " zigzag." Flixweed, 44 florets, xxiii Flote-grass, 578 flower, xxiv Flower-di-luce, 474 flower-stalk, xxiv Fluellen, 357 Foenfculum, 213 follicle, xxxi Forget-me-not, 335, 341 Foxglove, 361 Foxtail-grass, 555 Fragiria 147 Frankenia, 68 Frankeniace^e, 67 Frdxinus, 324 free-central placentation, having the seeds attached to the central axis of the fruit without partitions connecting that axis with the side-walls of the ovary, xxx Fritilldria, 493 r miliary, 493 Frog-bit, 4^7 Frog-bit Family, 457 fruit, xxx fugacious corolla, xxvii Fumdria, 31 Fumariace^, 29 Fumitory, 31 Fumitory Family, 29 Furze, 116 fusiform, spindle-shaped, tapering towards both ends. Gdgea, 494 Galdnthus, 481 Galedpsis, 394 Galingaie, 523 Galinsdga, 262 Galium, 236 Gamopetale, xliii, 228 gamosepalous calyx, xxvi Gangweed, 66 Garlic, 488 Garlic-Mustard, 44 GasMdium, 561 Gean, 142 generic name, xxxiii Genista, 116 Gentian, 330 Gentidna, 330 Gentiane^e, 327 Gentianella, 328 Gentian Family, 32 genus, xxxiii GeraniacE/E, 99 Gerdnium, 100 Germander, 398 Geuin, 146 Ginkgo, 592 Gipsywort, 384 glabrescent, becoming smooth. glabrous surface, xxii Gladden, 475 Glddiolus, 477 glands, small internal hollows in the tissues of plants containing special secretions such as oils. g'andular surface, xxii Glasswort, 414 Glaucium, 27 glaucous surface, xxii Glaux, 321 Globe-flower, 15 glomerules, axillary" cymes with sessile or nearly sessile flowers. glumaceous, resembling a glume. glume, a stiff bract drying into a chaff-like scale, as in Grasses, 521 glume, flowering, 547 Glumifer^e, xlix, 521 Glycerin, 578 Gnaphdlium, 258 Goat's-beard, 295 Golden-rod, 253 Goldilocks, 12 Goldilocks, Flax-leaved, 356 Gold of Pleasure, 50 Good Friday grass, 503 Good King Henry, 411 Goody era, 465 Gooseberry, 171 Goosefoot, 409 Goosefoot Family, 408 Goose-grass, 150, 238 Gorse, 116 Gourd Family, 189 Gout-weed, 209 GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX 603 GRAMfNE^:, 546 Grass, Black, 556 Grass, Blue-ey«d, 477 Grass-cloch, 426 Grass Family, 546 Grass of Parnassus, 170 Grass-w.ack, 520 Green-. veed, 116 Gro:nwell, 343 Gromwell, Smooth, 340 Ground Ivy, 389 Ground Pine, 400 Groundsel, 272 Guelder Rose, 231 Guinea-corn, 548 Gum Arabic, 114 Gymnospermia, xxxii, 1, 591 gynandrous stamens, xxix Habendria, 471 Hair-grass, 562 hairs, xxii Halorage/e, 180 Haldscias, 218 Hard-grass, 589 Hard-head, 281 Harebell, 301 Hare's-ear, 202 Hare's-tail grass, 562 Hartwort, 222 hastate, halberd-shaped, xx Havers, 566 Hawk-bit, 290 Hawk's-beard, 285 Hawkweed, 287 Hawthorn, 163 Hazel, 448 head, xxiii Heartsease, 65 Heath, 307 Heather, 307 Heath Family, 304 Heath-grass, 568 Heath, St. Daboec's, 311 Hedera, 225 Hedge-mustard, 43 Helidntkemum, 61 Heliotrope, Winter, 271 Hellebore, 17 Hdleborine, 465, 466 Hcllibonis, 17 Helmintia, 285 Hemlock, 200 Hemlock Spruce, 593 Hemlock, Water, 206 Hemp, 426 Hemp Agrimony, 253 Hemp-nettle, 394 Henbane, 352 Henbit-nettle, 396 H erdcleum, 222 herbaceous, when applied to stems, mean- ing not woody ; when to leaves or other organs, green and leaf-like. Herb Benet, 146 Herb Christopher, 20 Herb Gerard, 209 Herb Paris, 496 Herb Robert, 103 Hermfnium, 471 Hemidria, 405 Hesperis 43 heterostyly, 317 Hierdcium, 2%? Hierochloe, 555 Hippocrepis, 130 Hippdphae. 425 Hippilris, 181 hispid, with short stiff hairs. Hog's-Fennel, 220 Hog-weed, 222 Hdlcus, 564 Holly, 106 Holly Family, 106 Hollyhock, 93 Holly, Sea, 199 Holdsteum, 81 Holy-grass, 555 Hone wort, 203 Honeysuckle, 233 Honeysuckle Family, 228 Honkenyz, 78 Hop, 427 Hdrdeum, 590 Horehound, Black, 398 Horehound, White, 391 Hornbeam, 448 Hornwort, 443 Hornwort Family, 442 Horse-radish, 50 Horseshoe-vetch, 130 Hottdnia, 316 Hound 's-tongue, 336 House-leek, 176 Hiimulus, ^-2-j HutcMnsia, 56 Hyacinth, Grape, 489 Hyacinth, Starch, 490 Hyacinth, Wild, 491 Hydrochari'de^e, 457 Hydrdcharis, 457 Hydrocdtyle, 198 Hyoscyamus, 352 HYPERIcfNE^I, 90 Hypericum, 90 Hypochteris, 289 hypogynous insertion, xxv Ibiris, 56 Ilex. 106 Ilicinee, 106 IllecebrAce^, 404 Illecebrum, 405 imbricate leaves, xix imbricate sepals, xxviii imparipinnate, pinnate with a terminal leaflet. Imp&ticns, 105 imperfect flowers, xxiv included, within the flower, generally applied to the_ stamens. i. Incomplete, xlvi, 407 _ incomplete flower, xxiv incumbent cotyledons, 32 indehiscent fruit, xxx Indiarubber, 425, 437 indigenous, native to the country, Hot known to be of human or recent intro- duction. inferior calyx, xxy 604 GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX inferior ovary, xxx inflated calyx, xxvi inflorescence, xxii insertion of the flower, xxv internode, xvi interruptedly pinnate, leaves in which alternate pairs of leaflets are large and small, as in Agrimony, 154 , introrse anthers, xxviii Inula, 259 involucel, a secondary involucre or circle of bracts on the branches of a compound inflorescence, 191 involucre, xxiii involute leaf, xix Ipecacuanha, 235 Iride^e, 473 Iris, AU Iris Family, 473 I satis, 57 Isnardia, 187 Ivy, 225 Ivy Family, 225 Jacob's Ladder, 334 Jacob's Ladder Family, 334 Jalap, 345 Jasione, 297 Jerusalem Artichoke, 249 Joint-vetch, 130 Jujube, no JuncAce^, 497 JUtic s, 497 Juniper, 594 Juniperns, 594 Jute, 96 Kauri pine, 593 keel, the two lower petals in the flowers of the Pea Family, xxvii Kentrdn f hus, 242 Kidney-Vetch, 126 Knapweed, 280 KnaHtia, 246 Knawel, 406 Knot-grass, 417 Knot-grass Family, 404 Kobresia, 531 Koeleria, 570 labellum, 460 LaBIAT/E, 379 Lace-bark, 423 Lactrica, 292 Lady's Fingers, 126 Lady|s Mantle, 153 Lady|s Slipper, 473 Lady's Smock, 40, 41 Lady's Tresses, 464 Lagiirus, 562 Lamb's Lettuce, 242 Lamb's-tongue, 402 Ldmium, 396 lanceolate leaf, xx Lapsdna^ 284 Larch, 592 Larkspur, 18 Lasiopera, 363 Lathraa, 374 Ldthyrus, 134 latisept siliqua, 32 Laurel, Spurge, 424 Lavatera, 94 Lavender, 379 leaf, xix-xxii Leek, 488 Leersia, 553 Legoiisia, 302 legume, xxxi Leguminos^:, 113 Lemna, 508 LemnAce^, 508 lentibi'larie/e, 374 Ledntodon, 290 Leoniirus, 395 Leopards-bane, 271 Lepidium, 52 Leptiirus, 589 Lettuce, 292 Leticdjum, 481 Lightwort, 340 ligulate corolla, xxvii ligule, a small scale at the base of a leaf, as in Grasses, p. 546, or of a petal, as in the Mignonettes and Campions. Ligulifl6r.e, 252 Ligiistrum, 326 Lilac. 324 LiliAcejE, 483 L{lium, 492 Lily, 492 Lily Family, 483 Lily-of-the- Valley, 487 limb of petal, xxvi Limdnium, 313 Limosella, 360 Lindria, 356 Linden, 96 Linden Family, 96 LIne-e, 97 Ling, -07 Linncea, 232 Linnaean system, xxxiv Linosyris, 256 Linseed, 98 Linum, 98 Liparis, 462 Liquorice, Wild, 119 Llstera, 463 Lithospermum, 343 Littorella, 404 Lldydia, 494 lobed leaf, xxi Lobelia, 296 Locust Beans, 114 lodicule, 547 Ldlium, 586 lomentum, a pod-like fruit with transverse partitions, 32 London Pride, 167 Lenicera, 233 Loosestrife, 320 Loosestpife Family, 178 Loosestrife, Purple, 179 Lop-grass, 585 LORANTHACE/E, 431 Lords-and-Ladies, 507 Ldtus. 126 Lovage, 218 Lucerne, 120 Ludwi'gia, 187 GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX 605 Lungwort, 339 Ltizula, 501 Lychnis, 74 Lycium, 351 Lycdpsis, 339 Lycopus, 384 Lyme-grass, 591 lyrate leaf, xxi Lysimdchia, -yxi LythrariE/E, 178 Ly thrum, 179 Madder, 235 Madder, Field, 239 Madwort, 337 Maidnthemum, 487 Maidenhair tree, 592 Maize, 546, 548 Maldxis, 462 Mallow, 95 Mallow Family, 92 Mallow, Marsh, 93 Mallow, Tree, 94 Mdlva, 95 Malvaceae, 92 Manchineel, 436 Mandrake, 349 Mangold Wurzel, 408 Manioc, 436 Manna, 324 Manna-croup, 578 Manna-grass, 579 Maple, in Maple Family, in marcescent, withering but attached, xxvi Mare s-tail, 181 Make'stail Family, 180 Marigold, Corn, 264 Marigold, Marsh, 14 Marjoram, 384 Marram, Sea, 562 MarrAbium, 391 Marsh-wort, 204 Mast-bearing Family, 444 Masterwort, 221 Mate Tea, 106 Matfellon, 281 Mat-grass, 589 Matricaria, 265 Matthiola, 34 May, 164 May-Lily, 487 May- weed, 2t6 Meadow-grass, 574 Meadow-rue, 4 '43 Meadow-sweet, Mecondpsis, 27 Medicdgo, 120 Medick, 120 Medlar, 163 Melampyrum, 366 Melic, 572 Melica, 572 Melilot, 121 Me It 16 his, 121 Melissa, 387 Melittis, 390 membranous leaf, xix Mentha, 381 Menthol, 379 Menydnthes, 332 Menziesia, 310 Mercuridlis, 441 Mercury, 411, 441 mericarp, 192 Mertensia, 340 ruesocarp, tie middle layer or " flesh " of a fruit, 137 MJspilus, 169 Meu, 218 Meum, 218 Mezereon, 424 Mibdra, 558 Microcdla, 328 M gnonette, 60 Mignonette Family, 59 Milfoil, Common, 262 Milfoil, Water, 181 Milium., 557 Milk-vetch, 128 Milkwort, 66 Milkwort Family, 66 Millet, 548 Millet-grass, 557 Millet, Grey, 343 Mitnulus, 360 Mint, 381 Minudriia, 78 Mistletoe, 433 Mistletoe Family, 431 Minchia, 85 Moltnia, 570 monadelphous stamens, xxix Moneses, 311 Money-wort, 320 Money-wort, Cornish, 360 Monkey-flower, 360 Monkey-puzzles, 592 Monk's hood, 19 monocarpellary fruits, xxxi MONOCHLAMYDRyE, xlvi, 4O7 monochlamydeous flowers, xxiv monocotyledonous seed, xxxii Monocotyledons, xxxii, xlviii. monoecious flowers, xxiv monosymmetric flowers, : Mondtropa, 312 Monotr6pe/E, 312 Mdntia, 87 Moor-grass, 568 Moschatel, 229 Moss Campion, 74 Mother-of-thousands, 356 Motherwort, 395 Mountain Ash, 161 Mouse-ear, 340 Mouse-tail, 9 Mud-rush, 525 Mud wort. 360 Mugwort, 269 Mulberry, 426 Mul^edium, 293 Mullein, 354 Muscdri, 489 Mustard, 47 Mustard, Garlic, 44 Mustard, Hedge, 43 Mustard, Mithridate, 55 Mustard, Tower, 39 ,456 6o6 GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX Mustard, Treacle, 45 Myosdtis, 340 Myosdton, 83 Myosiirus, 9 Myrica, 443 MyricAck.e, 443 Myriophyllum, 181 Mynhis, 210 Myrtle, Bog, 443 Naiad Ace.*, 512 Natas, 521 Narcissus, 479 Ndrdus, 589 Narthecium, 496 Natural Orders, xxxv, xxxix natural system, xxxiv naturalised, growing freely from self-sown seed, though not truly indigenous. Navew, 46 nectary, any organ secreting honey, gener- ally part of the flower. Nedttia, 463 Nfpeta, 388 Nettle, 428 Nettle, Dead, 306 Nettle Family, 425 neuter flowers, xxiv Nightshade, 349 Nightshade Family, 348 Nipplewort, 284 Nit-grass, 561 node, xvi nodulose roots, xvi Nonsuch, 120 nut, xxxii nutlets, xxx Nymphaa,^ Nymph.eAcE/E, 21 Nymphoides, 333 Oak, 449 Oat, 548, 565 Oat, False, 566 Oat-grass, 566 Oat, Yellow, 565 obconic, reversedly cone-shaped. Obione, 414 oblanceolate leaf, xx oblique leaf, xx obovate leaf, xx obovoid, nearly reversedly egg-shaped. Odontites, 362 CEndnthe, 215 Oenothera, 188 offset, xix OleACE.E, 324 Oleander, 326 Oleaster Family, 425 Olive Family, 324 Oxagrari&e, 184 Ondbryckis, 131 Ondms, 118 Q»dpordum, 279 Ophrys, 470 opposite leaves, xx Orache, 412 orbicular, nearly round, applied to leaves. OrchIde^, 459 Orchid Family, 459 Orchis, 467 organ, any part of a plant which performs some definite function. Origanum, 384 OrnithSgalum, 491 Omithopus, 129 OrobanchAce^e, 371 Orobdnchi, 372 Orpine, 174 Orris-root, 474 Osiers, 452 ovary, xxix ovate leaf, xx ovoid, nearly egg-shaped. ovules, xxix Oxaiis, 104 Ox-eye, 264 Ox-lip, 319 Ox-tongue, 285 Oxyria, 420 Oxytropis, 129 Padnia, 20 Paigle, 318 pale, 547 , palmate leaf, xxi palmate venation, xx palmatisect, cut in a palmate manner. Panic, 552 panicle, a branched cluster of flowers. Pansy, 65 Papdver, 24 PapaverAce^:, 24 papilionaceous corolla, xxvii pappose, in the form of a pappus or circle of hairs. pappus, xxvi parasite, a plant which is attached to, and derives its food from, another living being, as does the Mistletoe. They are often brown, as are the Broom-rapes. parietal placentation, xxx Parietdna, 429 Pdris, 496 Parndssia, 170 Parsley, 205 Parsley, Beaked, 211 Parsley, Bur-, 223 Parsley, False Milk, 219 Parsley Family, 191 Parsley, Fool's, 217 Parsley, Hedge-, 224 Parsley, Milk, 220 Parsley Piert, 153 Parsley, Stone, 208 Parsnip, 221 Parsnip, Cow, 222 Parsnip, Water, 209 Pasque-flower, 6 Pastindca, 221 Patchouli, 379 Pea, Everlasting, 136 Pea Family, 113 Pear, 162 Pearl-wort, 77 Peas Earth-nut, 136 pedate, with lateral lobes given off from one another in a cymose manner. pedicel, xxii I Pediculdris, 364 GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX 607 peduncle, xxii Pellitory, 429 peltate leaf, xx Penny Cress, 54 Pennyroyal, 383 Pennywort, Marsh, 198 Pennywort, Wall, 174 pentamerous (often written 5-merous) having 5 leaves in each whorl. Peony, 20 Peplis, 178 Pepper, Cayenne, 349 Peppermint, 382 Pepperwort, 52 perennials, herbaceous, xix perfect flower, xxiv perfoliate leaf, xx perianth, xxiv perigyno is insertion, xxv Periwinkle, 326 Periwinkle Family, 326 Persicaria, 416 Persicaria Family, 416 persistent calyx, xxvi persistent corolla, xxviii personate corolla, xxvii petaloid bracts, xxiii petaloid calyx, xxvi petaloid filaments, xxviii Petaloide^g, xlviii, 457 petals, xxvi PetasUes, 271 petiole, the stalk of the leaf Petroselinum, 205 Peucedanum, 220 Phalaris, 553 PhanerogAmia, xxxix Pheasant's-eye, 7 P /ileum, 557 Phlox, 334 Phragmites, 568 phyllodes, leaf-stalks so flattened as to re- semble leaf-blades, 135 Phyteiima, 298 Picris, 284 Pig-nut, 207 pilose, hairy, 247 Pimpernel, 322 Pimpernel, Bastard, 323 Pimpernel, Yellow, 321 Pimpinella, 210 Pine, 593 Pink Family, 592 Pine, Ground, 400 Pinguecula, 376 Pink, 70 Pink Family, 69 pinnate leaf, xxi pinnate venation, xx pinnatifid, slightly pinnately cut. Pinus, 593 Pipewort, 521 Pipewort Family, 521 placenta, xxx placentation, xxx plaited calyx, xxvi plaited leaf, xix Plantagi'ne/E, 401 Plantago, 402 Plantain, 402 Plantain Family, 401 Plum, 141 PLUMBAGfNE/E, 313 plumose, feathery, 247 plumule, 1 P**,S74 . pod, xxxi PoLEMONlAcE^E, 334 Polemdnium, 334 pollen, xxviii pollinia, 460 polyadelphous stamens, xxviii polycarpellary fruits, xxxi Polycarpon, 87 Poly gala, 66 POLYGALACE^E, 66 POLYGONACE.E, 416 PolygonA/um, 486 Polygonum, 416 Polypetal^:, xxxix, 1 polypetalous corolla, xxvi Polypdgon, 559 polysepalous calyx, xxvi polysymmetric flowers, xxv pome, xxxii Pond-weed, 514 Pond-weed Family, 512 Poplar, 455 Poppy, 24 Poppy Family, 24 Poppy, Horned, 27 Poppy, Violet Horned, 28 Poppy, Welsh, 27 Pdfnlus, 455 PortulAce^e, 87 Potamogeton, 514 Potato, 348 Potato, Sweet, 345 Potentilla, 148 Poterium, 155 premorse rhizome, xviii Primrose, 316 Primrose, Evening, 188 Primrose Family, 315 Primula, 316 PrimulAce^e, 315 Privet, 326 Prunella, 389 Prunus, 141 pseudobulbs, 460 Pulicaria, 260 Pulmonaria, 339 Pulque, +78 Purslane, 87 Purslane Family, 87 Purslane, Sea, 78, 414 Purslane, Water, 179 Pyrola, 311 Pyrus, 159 Quaking-grass, 574 Que'rcus, 449 quinate leaf, xxi Quinsy-wort, 239 raceme, xxiii rachilla, 546 radical ieaves, xx radicle, 1 Radicula, 35 Radiola, 98 6o8 GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX Radish, 58 Ragged Robin, 75 Ragwort, 271 Rampions, 298, 301 Ramsons, 489 RaNUNCUlAcEvE, 1 Ranunculus, 10 Rape, 46 Raphanus, 58 raphides, 506 Raspberry, 144 ray-florets, 247 receptacle, xxv receptacle, common, xxiii. 247 Red-rattle, 364 Reed-grass, 553 Reed-mace, 503 Reed-mace Family, 503 Reed, Small, 560 regma, xxxi reniform, kidney-shaped, applied to leaves, xx replum, xxx Reseda, 59 ResedAces, 59 Rest-harrow, 118 resupinate, reversed, hanging downwards. retinaculum, 460 revolute leaf, xix RhAmnejE, no Rhamnus, no Rhinanthus, 365 rhizome ; xvii rhomboid leaf, xx Rhubarb, 416 Rhubarb, Monk's, 423 R fiynckdspora, 530 Rfbes, 171 Rice, 548 ringent corolla, xxvii Rocket, 48 Rocket, London, 44 Rocket, Sea, 58 Rock-rose, 61 Rock-rose Family, 61 Reenter!*, 28 Rontulea, 477 root, xvi root-hairs, xvi _ root-stock, xvii. Rdsa, 156 RosAce.e, 137 Rose, 156 Rose-bay, 185 Rose Family, 137 Rosemary, 379 Ros»-root, 174 Rosewood, 114 rosulate, in a rosette, applied to leaves. rotate corolla, xxvii Rowan, 161 RAbia, 235 Rubiace.*, 234 Rubus, 144 RUmex, 420 ruminate, with infolded surface, 225 runcinate, with recurved points, 291 runner, xix Rii*f>ia, 518 Rupture-wort, 405 Suscus, 485 Rush, 497 Rush Family, 497 Rush, Flowering, 51s Rye ; 548 Rye-grass, 548 Safflower, 249 Saffron, 474, 494 Sage, 387 Sage, Wood, 400 Sagina, 77 Sagitt&ria, 511 sagittate, barbed like an arrow at the base, applied to leaves. Sainfoin, 131 SalicInE/E, 451 Salicdrnia, 414 Salix, 452 Sallow, 454 Salsafy, 295 Si/sola, 415 Saltwort, 415 salver-shaped corolla, xxvii Sblvia, 387 samara, xxxi Sambucus, 230 Samolus, 323 Samphire, 214 Samphire, Golden, 260 Samphire, Marsh, 414 Samphire, Rock, 215 Sandalwood Family, 433 Sand-grass, 558 Sandwort, 78 Sandwort-Spurrey, 86 Sanguisdrba, 156 Sanicle. 199 Sanicula, 199 SantalAces, 433 Srtponaria, 72 saprophyte, a plant living on decaying organic matter, such as dead leaves or manure. They are often brown, as is the Bird's-nest (p. 312). Sarcthamnus, 118 Satin-flower, 82 Sai4ssiirea, 279 Saw-wort, 280 Saxffraga, 166 Saxifrage, 166 Saxifrages, 165 Saxifrage, Burnet, 210 Saxifrage Family, 165 Saxifrage, Golden, 170 Saxifrage, Meadow, 168, 213 Saxifrage, Pepper, 217 Scabidsa, 245 Scabious, 245 Scabious, Sheep's, 297 Scammony, 345 Scdndix, 212 scape, xxii scattered leaves, xx Scheuchzeria, 514 Schanus, 531 Scilla, 490 Scfrj>us, 524 ScUrdnthus, 406 Sclerdchloa, 579 GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX 609 Scorpion-grass, 340 Sco>-zone'ra, 249 Scrophuldria, 358. SCROPHULARIN^E, 353 Scurvy-grass, 49 Scuttlldriz, 389 Sea-Campion, 73 Sea-Heath, 68 Sea-Heath Family, 67 Sea-kale, 57 Sea- Lavender, 313 Sea-Milkwort, 321 Sea-Pink, 314 Sedge, 531 Sedge Family, 522 Sedge, Sweet, 508 Sedum, 174 seeds, xxxii Self-heal, 389 Selitium, 219 Sempervtvum, 176 Sene"cio, 271 sepals, xxvi septum, a partition. Serrafdlcus, 584 serrate leaf, xxi Serrdtitia, 280 Service-tree, 159, 161 St seli, 213 Sesleria, 568 sessile anthers, xxviii sessile leaf, xix Setdria, 552 Setter wort, 17 Sheep's-bit, 297 Shepherd's Needle, 210 Shepherd's Purse, 51 Shepherd's Rod, 244 Sherdrdia, 239 Shore-weed, 404 shrub, xix Shrubby Rocket, 61 Sibbdldia, 152 Sibthdrpia, 360 Sieglingia, 568 Sildus, 217 Silene, 72 SUer, 217 silicle, 32 siliqua, xxxi, 3* Silver-weed, 150 SUybum, 279 Simethis, 488 simple leaf, xxi Sindpis, 47 Sison, 208 Sisymbrium, 43 Sisyrinchium, 477 Stum, 209 Skull-cap, 389 sleep of plants, 114 Sloe, 141 Smallage 204 Smyrnium, 202 Snake 's-head, 494 Snake-root. +19 Snakeweed, 119 Snapdragon 338 Sneezewort 263 Snowdrop, 481 Snowflake, 481 Soapwort, 72 Solt-grass, 564 Solanace/E, 348 Soldnum, 349 Soliddgo, 253 Solomon's Seal, 486 Sdnchus, 293 Sorrel, 420, 423 Sorrel, Mountain, 420 Sowb me, 409 Sow-bread, 319 Sow-thistle, 293 Sow-thistle, Blue, 293 spadix, xxiii, 506 Spargdnium, 504 Spartina, 553 spathe, a large sheathing bract, such as the brown membranous one enclosing the flower of the Daffodil, or the pale green one enclosing the spadix of the Lords- and-Ladies, 506 spatliulate, spoon-shaped. Spearwort, n species, x xxiii specific name, xx.xiii Speedwell, 368 Spergula, 85 Spermatohhyta, xxxvi, xxxix Spiderwort, 494 Spignel, 218 spike, xxiii spike, compound, xxiii Spikenard, 240 Spikenard, Ploughman's, 260 Spike-rush, 523 Spinach, 408 S, indle-tree. 108 Spindle-tree Family, 108 spinescent stem, xix Spircea, 141 Sfiirdntkes, 464 Spruce, 592 Spurge, 436, 438 Spurge Family, 435 Spurge Laurel, 424 Snurrey, 78, 85 Spurrev, Sandwort, 86 Sauills, 483 Squirrel-tail Grass, 591 sub-, partly. subulate, awl-shaped, slender, and tapering, as in the prickles of the Gorsc subulate filaments, xxix sucker, xviii Stdchys, 391 stamens, xxviii staminate flowers, xxiv staminode, an aborted stamen, not con- taining pollen. standard petal, xxvii t Star-fruit, 512 Star-of-Bethlehem, 491, 494 Star-thistle, 282 Starwort, Sea. 255 Starwoi t, Water, 183 Stdtice, 314 Stelldna, 81 stellate, star-shaped, applied to hairs. stem, xvi 6io GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX stigma, xxix stipules, xix stipules, interpetiolar, 234 Stitcnwort, 81 St. John's-wort, 90 St. John's-wort Family, go Stock, 34 stoloniJerous, with stolons or Stonecrop, 174 Stonecrop Family, 172 Stonewort, 208 Stork 's-bill, 103 Strapwort, 406 Straifdtes, 458 Strawberry, 147 Strawberry-tree, 305 styles, xxix Sudda, 415 Subuldria, 51 Succory, 249, 283 Succory, Lamb's, 283 Succory, Swine's, 283 Sugar-beet, 408 Sugar-cane, 548 Sulphur-wort, 215, 217, 220 Sundew, 178 Sundew Family, 177 superficial ovules, xxx superior calyx, xxvi superior carpels, xxv superior ovary, xxv Swede, 46 Sweet Gale, 443 Sweet Gale Family, 443 Swine's-cress, 52 Sycamore, 112 Symphytum, 337 sympodial, a term applied to inflorescences in which a series of successive branches simulate a continuous axis. syncarpous carpels, xxix syncarpous ovary, xxix syngenesious stamens, xxix Tamariscine^e, 88 Tamarisk, 89 Tamarisk Family, 88 Tdmarix, 89 Tdmus, 482 Tanacetum, 268 Tansy, 268 tap-root, xvi Tardxacum, 291 Tare, 132 TaxacEjE, 595 Tdxus, 595 TeaK, 377 Tea-tree, Duke of Argyll's, 351 Teazle, 243 Teazle Family, 243 Teazle, Fuller's, 243, 244 Teesddlea, 56 Telegraph-plant, 114 tendril, a slender, spirally twisting climbing organ. tentacles, pointed leaf-lobes, as in Drose- racese, 177 terete, round and tapering. terminal ovule, xxx ternate leaf, xm testa, the outer skin or coat of a seed, often brown and bitter, xxiii tetradynamous stamens, xxix tetramerous (often written 4-merous), haying 4 leaves in each whorL Teiicrium, 398 Thalamiflor^:, xxxix, 1 th'.'amifloral insertion, xxv thalamus, xxiv ThaHctrum, 4 Thesium, 433 Thistle, 276 Thistle, Carline, 274 Thistle, Cotton-, 279 Thistle, Ground, 279 Thistle, Milk-, 279, 293 Thistle, Plume-, 27b Thistle, Scottish, 279 Thl&spi, 54 Thorn Apple, 349, 352 Thorow-wax, 202 Thrift, 314 Thrift Family, 313 Thrincia, 290 throat of -corolla, xxvi Thrum wort, 512 Thyme, 385 Thyme, Basil, 386 Thymel^eAce^:, 423 Thymus, 385 Tilia, 96 TiliAce.«, 96 Tillcea, 173 Timothy-grass, 548, 558 Toad-flax, 356 Toad-flax, Bastard, 433 Tobacco, 349 Tofietdia, 496 Tomatoes, 349 Toothwort, 374 Tordylium, 222 Tdrilis, 224 Tormentil, 149 Totter-grass, 574 Touch-me-not, 106 Tragopdgon, 295 Traveller's Joy, 4 Treacle-mustard, 45 Trefoil, 122 Trefoil, Bird's-foot, 126 Trefoil, Marsh, 332 Trient&lis, 321 Trifdlium, 122 TrigUchin, 513 Trigone 'Ha, 119 trimorphism, 180 Trinia, 203 tripinnate, thrice divided pinnately, as in the leaves of many ferns and Umbellifera. Trisetum, 565 tristichous, in three vertical rows, as are the leaves of Sedges. Triticum, 552 Trdllius, 15 Trumpet-lily, 506 tuber, xvii tubercle, xvi tuberculate root, xvi tubular calyx, xxvi tubular corolla, xxvii GENERAL AND GLOSSARIAL INDEX 6ll Tubulifl6re.«, 249 Tulip, 494 Tulifia, 494 tunicate bulb, xvii Turnip, 47 Tussilago, 270 Tussock-grass, 548 Tutsan, 90 T way-blade, 463 Typha, 503 TvphAce>e, 503 Ulex, 116 Ulmus, 427 umbel, xxiii Umbelli'fer^:, 191 umbellules, secondary or partial umbels, 191 undershrub, xix urceolate calyx, xxvi urceolate corolla, xxvii UrHca, 428 UrticAcejE, 425 utricle, 522 Utricularia, 375 VacciniAce^e, 302 Vacctnium, 302 Valerian, 241 Valerian Family, 239 Valerian, Greek, 334 Valerian, Spur, 242 Valeriana, 241 ValeriAne^:, 239 Valeriana lla, 242 Valonia, 444 valvate leaves, xix valvate sepals, xxviii Vanilla, 461 variety, xxxiv Venus' Comb, 213 Venus' Fly-trap, 177 Venus' Looking-glass, 302 Verbascum, 354 Verbena, 378 VerbenAcE/E, 377 Vernal-grass, 555 vernation, xix Verdnica, 368 versatile anthers, xxviii verticillaster, xxiii Vervain, 378 Vervain Family, 377 Vetch, 131 Vetch, Bitter, 137 Vetch, Crown, 129 Vetch, Horseshoe-, 130 Vetch, Joint-, 130 Vetch, Milk-, 128 Vetchling, 134 Viburnum, 231 Vfcia K i 3 i Villarsia, 333 Vtnca, 326 Viola, 64 ViolAce^e, 63 Violet, 64 Violet, Dame's, 43 Violet Family, 63 Viper's Bugloss, 344 I '{scum, 433 vittae, 192 Wahlenbe'rgia, 297 Wallflower, 34 Wall-pepper, 17s Wart-cress, 51 Watercress, 35 Water-lily, 21 Water-lily Family, 21 Watt* Pepper, 89, 418 Water Plantain, 510 Water Plantain Family, 509 Water Soldier, 458 Water-thyme, 457 Water Violet, 316 Water-weed, American, 457 Waterwort, 89 Waterwort Family, 89 Way Bent, 586 Way-bread, 402 Wayfaring-tree, 232 Weasel-snout, 397 Weld, 60 Wheat, 547 Whin, 116, 117 Whinberry, 303 White Bottle, 73 White-rot, 198 Whitethorn, 164 Whitlow-grass, 48 whorled leaves, xx Whorl-grass, 571 Whortleberry, 302 Willow, 452 Willow Family, 451 Willow, French, 185 Willow-herb, 184 Willow-herb Family, 184 Windflower, 5 Wind-grass, 561 wing petals, xxvii Winter-green, 311 Winter-green, Chickweed, 321 Witches' Gowan, 16 Woad -waxen, 116 Wdlffia, 509 Wolfs-bane, 19 Wood Anemone, 6 Woodbine, 233 Woodruff, 238 Wood-rush, 501 Wood Sage, 400 Wood-sorrel, 104 Wormseed, 45 Wormwood, 248 Woundwort, y>< Xanthium, 261 Yam Family, 481 Yarrow, 262 Yellow-rattle, 365 Yellow-weed, 60 Yellow-wort, 329 Yew, 595 Yew Family, 595 Yorkshire Fog, 565 ZannichMlia, 519 Zostira, 520 Richard Clav & Sons, Limited, bread street kill, e.c., and BUNGAY, SUFFOLK. .: ; : --:=-. =E3C.;. _==;=• -*:■_-• A 000 687 504 1 Hi