THE WANDERING OF ATOMS UC-NRLF THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS CDe Useful Knowledge Cibrarp Cloth, One Shilling net each The Story of The Stars. By G. F. CHAMBERS, F.R.A.S. Primitive Man. By EDWARD CLODD. The Plants. By GRANT ALLEN. The Earth in Past Ages. By H. G. SEELEY, F.R.S. The Solar System. By G. F. CHAMBERS, F.R.A.S. A Piece of Coal. By E. A. MARTIN, F.G.S. Electricity. By J. MUNRO. Extinct Civilizations of the East. By R. E. ANDERSON, M.A. The Chemical Elements. By M. M. PATTISON MUIR, M.A. Forest and Stream. By JAMES RODWAY, F.L.S. The Weather. By G. F. CHAMBERS, F.R.A.S. The Atmosphere. By DOUGLAS ARCHIBALD. Germ Life : Bacteria. By H. W. CONN. The Potter. By C. F. BINNS. The British Coinage. By G. B. RAWLINGS. Life in the Seas. By SIDNEY J. HICKSON, F.R.S. Photography. By A. T STORY. Religions. By the Rev. E. D. PRICE, F.G.S. The Cotton Plant. By F. WILKINSON, F.G.S. Geographical Discovery. By JOSEPH JACOBS. The Mind. By Prof. J. M. BALDWIN. The British Race. By JOHN MUNRO. Eclipses. By G. F. CHAMBERS, F.R.A.S. Ice in the Past and Present. By W. A, BREND. The Wanderings of Atoms. By M. M. PATTISON MUIR, M.A. Life's Mechanism. By H. W. CONN. The Alphabet. By EDWARD CLODD. Bird Life. By W. P. PYCRAFT. Thought and Feeling. By F. RYLAND. Art in the British Isles. By J. ERNEST PHYTHIAN. Wild Flowers. By Prof. G. HENSLOW. Books. By G. B. RAWLINGS. The Empire. By E. SALMON. King Alfred. By Sir WALTER BESANT. Fish Life. By W. P. PYCRAFT. Architecture. By P. L. WATERHOUSE. Euclid. By W. B. FRANKLAND. Animal Life. By W. B. LINDSAY. Lost England. By BECKLES WILLSON. Alchemy, or The Beginnings of Chemistry. By M. >- M. PATTISON MUIR. The Army. By Captain OWEN WHEELER. Rapid Transit. By BECKLES WILLSON. The Atlantic Cable. By CHARLES BRIGHT, F.R.S. E. The Extinct Civilizations of the West. By R. E. ANDERSON, M.A. LONDON: HODDER & STOUGHTON THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS ESPECIALLY THOSE OF CARBON BY M. M. PATTISON MUIR, M.A. PBLLOW AND PR/ELECTOR IN CHEMISTRY OF GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE HODDER AND STOUGHTON LONDON, NEW YORK, TORONTO AT (At PEEFACE. IN attempting, in The Story of the Chemical Ele- ments, to set forth some of the guiding con- ceptions of chemistry, I gave a sketch of the theory of the grained structure of matter. That theory has put an instrument into the hands of the chemist which has proved of signal service in setting in order the connexions between the compositions and the properties of bodies, and in making possible and developing new chemical industries. To grasp the conceptions of the atom and the molecule, and to be able to apply these in detail, is demanded alike of the man who wishes to follow the development of chemical science, and of him who desires to be a successful manufac- turer in any of the more recently established branches of the chemical trades. And, to follow some of those investigations which deal with the notions of molecular structure and molecular symmetry is an excellent exercise in accurate 452881 5 6 PREFACE. and imaginative reasoning, and in the use of theories and hypotheses as instruments for gaining knowledge. As the ideas of the atom and the molecule have been more fully applied in the elucidation of the changes undergone by compounds of carbon than elsewhere in chemistry, I have confined myself in this volume to the com- pounds of that element. M. M. PATTISON MUIR. OAMBEIDGB, August 1899. CONTENTS. CHAP. JPAGB I. INTRODUCTION ,- 9 H. A SURVEY OF THE COMPOSITION AND REACTIONS OF THE COMPOUNDS OF CARBON ... 21 HI. AN OUTLINE OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF SOME OF THE COMPOUNDS OF CARBON . . . . 44 IV. THE TWO OXIDES OF CARBON .... 48 V. MARSH GAS, AND CERTAIN COMPOUNDS DERIVED THEREFROM 64 VI. ETHANE, AND SOME OF ITS DERIVATIVES . . 82 VH. ETHYLENE, GLYCERIN, AND TARTARIC ACID . . 98 THE. A FEW TECHNICAL APPLICATIONS OF COMPOUNDS OF CARBON 114 IX. SUGARS, STARCHES, AND CELLULOSE . . . 129 X. BENZENE, AND SOME OF ITS ALLIED COMPOUNDS . 142 XI. CERTAIN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES DEALING WITH SUGARS, CELLULOSE, AND BENZENE COMPOUNDS 153 XIL ALIZARIN AND INDIGO ...... 165 XIH. THE ALKALOIDS AND ALBUMIN ... 174 XIV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION ..... 185 INDEX . 191 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS ; ESPECIALLY THOSE OF CARBON. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. IN The Story of the Chemical Elements mention was made of certain changes in the combina- tions and collocations of elementary substances which are constantly occurring in plants and animals. In this volume I shall endeavour to tell portions of the chemical story of these trans- mutations, and of transmutations like these. The ripening of fruit is accompanied by the change of starch into sugar, the disappearance of acidic substances, the production of coloured bodies which give the bloom to the ripening fruit, and the formation of compounds which impart to the ripened fruit its peculiar and agreeable aroma and flavour. During the growth of certain kinds of trees and shrubs there are produced various gums, resins, and balsams; substances that are valuable for their healing properties, or are sought after because of the pleasant odours they emit either in their natural state or when they are burned. The products of the life-processes of other plants are prized as medicinal agents ; such are quinine, belladonna, and oil of wintergreen. 10 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. Thsre Hra: plant* &nd trees whose leaves, or fruit, contain compounds that are used as beverages, or to afford solace to human beings : everyone drinks a decoction of the compounds formed in the leaves of the tea-plant, or in the seeds of the coffee- tree ; or forgets some of his cares while inhaling the smoke of tobacco. From the compounds produced in growing plants are formed other substances which find manifold uses ; in this class may be named alcohol, chloroform, iodoform, ink, indigo, and paper. As examples of large industries that depend upon the transformations of substances of vege- table origin into materials useful to mankind, it will suffice to mention the production of lubricat- ing and burning oils, and paraffin-wax, the manu- facture and the dyeing of cotton fabrics, the making of aniline and alizarin colours, and such processes as baking and biscuit-making. A great part of the art of cooking consists in bringing about changes in the combinations and arrangements of the elementary substances of which the flesh of animals is composed. If living animals were not transformers of vegetable com- pounds into other combinations of the elements of these compounds, such industries as making butter, cheese, leather, lanoline, Prussian blues, and silk-stuffs, would have no existence. And, think of the strange transformations which occur when the food we consume is changed into the substance of our bodies, and our very bodies serve as material from which new tissues are con- structed. The human being is constantly feed- ing on himself. As Sir Thomas Browne puts it INTRODUCTION. 1 1 " We are what we all abhor, anthropophagi, and cannibals, devourers not only of men, but of our- selves ; and that not in an allegory but a positive truth ; for all this mass of flesh which we behold came in at our mouths ; this frame we look upon hath been upon our trenchers ; in brief, we have devoured ourselves." Agriculture is very closely connected with the selection and application of those kinds of food which certain classes of plants are able to assimi- late rapidly, and to transmute into compounds which, in their turn, form the basis of foods for animals and human beings. There are departments of preventive medicine which primarily depend on the formation of mixtures of compounds wherein certain minute organisms flourish, which organisms when injected into a human being, or an animal, cause changes such that the living being becomes immune, or partially immune, to the attacks of certain diseases. When an animal, or a plant, dies, changes in the arrangements and combinations of the elements continue ; many of the com- pounds that are formed are harmful to living human beings, and some of these compounds are deadly poisons. But there are minute living organisms that feed upon these harmful, or deadly compounds, and produce other colloca- tions of elements which are devoid of ill effects on human beings. For instance, there are bacteria which feed on the compounds contained in sewage, destroying thereby the obnoxious sub- stances in the sewage, and producing compounds which are perfectly harmless. 12 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. And finally, the chemist in his laboratory brings about rearrangements of the elements whereof compounds formed in living organisms are composed, and thus produces a great array of new bodies, many of which find important applications in manufactures or in medicine. In this volume I shall attempt to draw the outlines of the chemical story of some of the compounds formed in living organisms, and of other compounds allied to these. The object of chemistry is to elucidate the changes of composition which compounds ex- hibit, and to connect these with changes of pro- perties. Many illustrations of the ways whereby chemistry conducts the study of changes of com- position and properties have been given in The Story of the Chemical Elements. It is the business of this volume to apply these methods to a particular class of compounds, and to indicate some of the general results that have been obtained. A brief statement of the more general results that were gained by an examination of the com- positions and the properties of definite kinds of matter in the former volume will be given here ; but it will be assumed that the reader has made himself acquainted with these matters in some detail. A compound is a definite kind of matter which cannot be separated into portions unlike one another, and unlike the original substance, by any process of the nature of sifting or sorting. The composition of a compound is stated in chemistry by naming the elements into which the compound can be resolved and by the union INTRODUCTION. 13 of which the compound can be produced, and by indicating the quantity by weight of each element that can be obtained from, or is used in the formation of, some determinate weight of the compound. So far as our knowledge goes at present, an element is a substance all the particles whereof, however small these particles may be, are alike in every respect ; except, of course, that one particle may be heavier, or lighter, than another. The properties of the product of the combina- tion of two or more elements, which product is called a compound, are unlike, and generally very unlike, the properties of the elements by whose union the compound is formed : but it is always possible to tear the compound asunder, and to obtain again the elements that seemed to lose their identity in the act of producing the com- pound. The information that is gained by the study of the compositions of compounds is ex- pressed by the chemical formulas which are assigned to compounds. These formulae are expressions of the compositions of compounds in the terms of a special language. The formula of a specified compound tells the number of com- bining weights of each of the elements which have combined to form a reacting weight of that compound. It is possible to express the com- position of a compound by a formula because it is always true, and always exactly true, that all elements react in the ratios of their combining weights, or of whole multiples of their combining weights. The study of the properties of elements and compounds is more complex than the study of 14 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. composition; and the results of the investiga- tions concerning properties cannot be stated in such generalised and yet perfectly exact terms as those which express the results of the study of composition. The chemical properties of an element, or a compound, are those which the body exhibits when it interacts with other elements and compounds; these properties are, therefore, better named reactions. The substances which take part in a chemical reaction are changed into others unlike themselves. For instance any specified weight of the element oxygen combines with one-eighth of its own weight of the element hydrogen, the product is water, and the weight of the product is exactly the sum of the weights of the two elements which have passed out of existence, as such, in the act of producing this quantity of water; these facts may be grouped together and called a reaction of hydrogen, or they may be called a reaction of oxygen, or they may be called a re- action of water. The study of the reactions of elements and compounds, taken with the study of composition, has enabled us to use such generalised terms as adds, alkalis, salts, and the like. All compounds which are called acids have one common reaction, and one thing in common as regards their com- position : they are all compounds of hydrogen, and, in the presence of water, they all interact with iron, lead, copper, zinc, or some other element which is a metal, to exchange the whole or a part of their hydrogen for metal. The reactions of compounds are conditioned by the INTRODUCTION. 15 kinds of elements of which they are composed. But there exist compounds of the same elements which are wholly unlike one another in their reactions : for instance, the compound whose composition is expressed by the formula NH 3 is- an alkali; but the compound of nitrogen and hydrogen whose composition is expressed by the formula N 3 H is an acid. It is evident that the reactions of compounds are conditioned not only by the kinds of elements, but also by the relative- quantities of the elements, of which the com- pounds consist. Many of the differences that are observed between the reactions of compounds are pictured to himself by the chemist as accompaniments of differences in the kinds, and differences in the quantities, of the elements which compose these compounds. But all differences in the reactions of compounds cannot be connected with differ- ences of composition, unless the word composition is used with a more extended signification. There- are compounds which shew very different re- actions although equal weights of these com- pounds are composed of the same quantities by weight of the same elements. The case of the two compounds urea and ammonium cyanate, the composition of both of which is expressed by the formula N^CH^O, was considered in Chapter IX. of The Story of the Chemical Elements. One hundred parts by weight of urea are composed of 46f parts by weight of nitrogen, 26f parts by weight of oxygen, 20 parts by weight of carbon, and 6f parts by weight of hydrogen ; and one hun- dred parts by weight of ammonium cyanate hava 16 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. also exactly this composition. But the reactions of these compounds are very different. In certain cases, then, differences in the reactions of com- pounds must be conditioned by some circum- stance besides differences in the kinds and the quantities of the constituent elements. The only other conditioning circumstance that can be thought of clearly is, differences in the arrange- ments of the constituent elements. The moment an attempt is made to apply the conception of a definite arrangement of the elements that form a compound so as to frame a clear and consistent mental picture of the con- nexions that are assumed to exist between this arrangement and the reactions of the compound, it is discovered that some theory of the structure of matter must be adopted. The theory that is always employed in chemistry is that which likens the structure of matter to the structure of a barrelful of apples or oranges, or to that of a brick wall, or of a quantity of small shot. The extremely minute particles whereof a quantity of any definite kind of matter is composed, accord- ing to this theory, are called molecules. The properties of any element or compound are asserted by the theory to be the properties of the molecules of that body. Now, the fact that a compound can be broken up into simpler com- pounds and then into certain elements, is explic- able in terms of the molecular theory only by assuming the existence of particles of matter weighing less than the molecule. The parts of molecules are called atoms. The theory presents the molecules of a body to our mental vision as INTRODUCTION. 17 collocations of atoms ; and it enables us to think clearly of the properties of these molecules as conditioned by three circumstances, firstly the kinds of atoms that compose the molecules, secondly the number of atoms of each kind, and thirdly the arrangement of the atoms : or, as Lucretius said, 1900 years ago, " it matters much with what others, and in what positions, the same first-beginnings of things are held in union, and what motions they do mutually impart and re- ceive. The same numbers of the same atoms may be arranged in different ways ; the results of the different arrangements will be molecules whose reactions are not the same." * The application of the molecular and atomic theory to the problem of representing the arrangement of the parts of molecules in such a way as shall make it possible to connect chemi- cal facts, clearly, consistently, and suggestively, with the theoretical presentment of these facts, necessitates the use of certain subsidiary hypo- theses and certain conventions. The most im- portant hypothesis is that which asserts the atom-fixing power of each atom in a molecule to be limited and definite. Facts like those re- ferred to on p. 169, and the following pages, of The Story of the Chemical Elements, can be inter- preted in terms of the molecular and atomic theory only by saying that, " there is a limit to the number of atoms of any kind wherewith a specified atom can enter into direct chemical * For a more detailed discussion of the molecular and atomic theory, the reader is referred to Chapter VIII. of The Story of the Chemical Elements. B 18 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS, union to produce a molecular building which does not fall to pieces." The hypothesis that each atom in a molecule is able to link directly to itself a certain limited number of other atoms is forced on us by such facts as these : the exist- ence of the molecule NH 3 and the impossibility of forming a molecule composed of more than three atoms of hydrogen and one atom of nitrogen, the existence of the molecule H 2 and the impossibility of forming a molecule composed of more than two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, the existence of the molecule CH 4 and the impossibility of forming a molecule composed of more than four atoms of hydrogen and one atom of carbon, and the existence of the molecule HC1 and the impossibility of form- ing a molecule composed of more than one atom of hydrogen and one atom of chlorine. It is customary to say that the atom-fixing power of the carbon atom is twice that of the oxygen atom, and is four times greater than the atom- fixing power of the atom of chlorine. The expression atom-fixing power of a specified atom means the maximum number of atoms between which and the specified atom direct action and reaction occurs in any molecule : the atom-fixing power of an atom is measured by the maximum number of atoms of hydrogen with which the specified atom combines to form a molecule. The term valency of an atom is generally em- ployed as synonymous with atom-fixing power. The conventions adopted for expressing the valencies of atoms are two ; the symbol of the element is written with a Roman numeral above INTRODUCTION. 19 it, or straight lines equal in number to the valency of the atom are attached to the symbol of the element. The molecule of a compound is thought of in chemistry as a definite structure ; each atom is pictured as in direct connexion with a limited number of other atoms ; the reactions of the molecule are regarded as dependent on the kinds of atoms, the number of each kind of atoms, and the way in which the atoms are linked together. This is the only hypothesis which has been found capable of bringing order into the enormous array of chemical facts concerning the compo- sitions and reactions of compounds. Those formulae of compounds which represent the structure or constitution of the molecules of these compounds in the language of the hypothesis of atom-linking are called structural or constitutional, or sometimes rational, formula. For instance, two compounds are known to be formed by the union of four atoms of hydrogen with two atoms of carbon and two atoms of chlorine ; the formula C 2 H 4 C1 2 expresses the composition of both com- pounds. To one compound is assigned the constitutional formula and to the other the H T is made by warming nitrobenzene with iron and acetic acid ; and by treating aniline with suitable oxidis- ing reagents, the complex compound rosaniline, C 20 H 21 N 3 0, is formed. Kosaniline is a colour- less, crystalline solid ; but it combines with acids to form a series of brilliantly coloured salts many of which are used for dyeing purposes. These examples illustrate the statement that the interactions of the compounds of carbon, as a class, tend to the formation of compounds more complex than those wherewith the reactions begin. The reactions of compounds which do not contain carbon when these bodies are contrasted with the compounds of carbon they are called inorganic compounds generally proceed at once to their final goal ; these reactions are direct, decisive, definite. The reactions of carbon compounds are hesitating, easy-going, dilatory ; small changes in the conditions of a reaction are often accompanied by great changes in the compositions of the pro- ducts ; the reactions readily wander off into side- paths ; the most trivial excuses for meandering 34 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. are accepted ; the mark of these chemical changes is, unwillingness to be done. A closer examination of the reactions of the compounds of carbon enables us to say that the atoms of this element are ready to combine with one another, thereby producing groups of atoms all atoms of carbon which hold together firmly, and around which, as around nuclei or frame- works, may be built less stable combinations of other atoms. Such central nuclei of four, five, six, or more atoms of carbon may be compared to the square-set, massive, donjon of a castle ; and the subsidiary groups of other atoms which are attached to the central carbon nuclei may be likened to the hall, kitchens, buttery, and living rooms that are grouped around the central keep. If the castle was attacked, the outworks were carried first ; the keep resisted to the last. So, when the molecule of a complicated carbon com- pound is attacked by chemical reagents, the out- lying atomic groups are disintegrated or changed ; but in many cases the central nucleus of mutually linked carbon atoms remains intact. Chemists picture to themselves different modes of linking of two or more atoms of carbon, in order that they may be able to think clearly and definitely about the connexions between the re- actions of the carbon compounds and the com- positions of their molecules. The existence of the molecules CH 4 , CC1 4 , CBr 4 , CI 4 , CCl 3 Br, and the failures that have attended every attempt to isolate a molecule composed of more than four atoms of hydrogen, chlorine, bromine, or iodine united with a single atom of carbon, require us to A SURVEY OF THE COMPOUNDS OF CARBON. 35 say that the atom of carbon is tetravalent, or, to use another form of expression, that one atom of carbon can link to itself directly not more than four other atoms of any kind. Now it may reasonably be supposed that a pair of carbon atoms linked together may be able to hold directly to themselves either six, four, or two, atoms of hydrogen. The meaning of this supposition is better realised by presenting it in chemical sym- bols ; using the conventional representation of atom-linking power by straight lines proceeding from the symbol of carbon. The structural formulae of the three hydrocarbon molecules, each containing a pair of carbon atoms the name hydrocarbon is given to all compounds of hydrogen and carbon only are these : (i.) H-C-C-H, (ii.) c=c, and (iii.) H - C=C - H. H H H H In the first case, one fourth of the atom-fixing power of each atom of carbon is thought of as used in holding together the two carbon atoms ; in the second case, one half, and in the third case, three- fourths, of the atom-fixing power of each carbon atom is supposed to be employed in binding the pair of carbon atoms together. The reactions of a molecule which contains a pair of carbon atoms linked in the manner that is represented by the symbol C - C will not be the same as the reactions of a molecule that contains a pair of carbon atoms linked in the manner represented by the symbol C = C; and the reactions of a molecule containing a pair of carbon atoms linked thus, O==C, will differ from those of both of 36 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. the other molecules; and these statements will hold good whatever be the atoms which are united with the pair of atoms of carbon. Inas- much as the hydrocarbon C 2 H 6 is called ethane, the hydrocarbon C 2 H 4 is called ethylene, and the hydrocarbon C 2 H 2 is called acetylene, it has become customary to speak of the ethane-linking, the ethylene-linking, and the acetylene-linking, of a pair of carbon atoms, in different molecules ; one also speaks of a pair of singly linked, or a pair of doubly linked, or a pair of trebly linked, atoms of carbon. This language is highly symbolical. The reader must guard himself against supposing that the symbols C-C C = C and C = C are intended to be presentments of the actual arrangements of the atoms of carbon in different molecules one is obliged to think of all the parts of molecules as performing ordered move- ments these symbols are only convenient and workable ways of stating facts in the language of a special hypothesis, which has itself grown out of the application of a general theory of the structure of matter to that class of natural occur- rences called chemical reactions. One especially important fact is told by the symbols we are considering : six atoms of hydrogen or of other monovalent elements can enter into direct com- bination with the atomic group C - C ; whereas only four atoms of hydrogen or of other monova- lent elements can be directly combined with the group C = C ; and only two atoms of hydro- gen, etc., can be directly joined to the group A SURVEY OF THE COMPOUNDS OF CARBON. 37 Other modes of linking carbon atoms are conceivable ; and, in order to bring the facts of organic chemistry into one point of view, for the purpose of comparing and contrasting these facts, other modes of linking atoms of carbon must be presented in formulae and used as working hypotheses. The most important of these modes of linking is that which is spoken of as the benzene-linking. The molecule of the hydrocarbon called benzene is composed of six atoms of carbon united with six atoms of hydro- gen ; the formula C 6 H 6 , therefore, expresses the composition of the molecule of this compound. A study of the reactions of benzene leads to the representation of the structure of the molecule of this compound, in terms of the hypothesis of MH , C=C v atom-linking, by the structural formula H we might expect hydrochloric acid to react (if it H - f**H reacts at all) to produce the compound n CI 2 Neither oxygen alone, nor oxygen and hydrogen, can be removed from formic aldehyde by the action of hydrochloric acid ; but if pentachloride of phosphorus (PC1 5 ) is employed and this is a compound which reacts with many compounds of carbon to put chlorine in the place of oxygen, or of oxygen and hydrogen oxygen only is removed, and two atoms of chlorine are put in the place of the atom of oxygen which is taken away from the molecule of formic aldehyde. In other words, we do not obtain H C Cl, but H "-C-H. H H The relations which are shewn to exist between the six compounds methane, chloro- methane, methylic alcohol, methylamine, formic aldehyde, and formic acid, by a study of their reactions, are summarised by the structural formulae which are given to the molecules of these compounds, provided one is acquainted with the language in which these formulas are expressed. The structural formulae, in abbrevi- ated form, are these : H 3 C.H H 8 C.CI H 8 C.OH H g C.NH a H.C.H and H.C.OH O O Methane. Chloro- Methylic Methyl- Formic Formic methane. alcohoL amine. aldehyde. acid. 78 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. Looking at the reactions of tn"e compounds in this series, in a broad and general way, it is noticed that a difference between the functions of the atoms of hydrogen in the molecule of any one of the compounds distinctly begins when methylic alcohol is reached ; one, and only one, of the hydrogen atoms in the mole- cule HgC.OH can be replaced by the metal potassium. A comparison of some of the re- actions of methylic alcohol and formic acid is instructive. The molecules of both of these compounds are represented as containing the group of atoms OH. The hydrogen atom of this group in formic acid can he replaced by a metal when the acid reacts with the hydro- oxide of a metal; for instance, H.CO.OH + KOH = H.CO.OK + H 2 0, and H.CO.OH + NaOH = H.CO.ONa + H 2 0. But the hydroxides of metals do not react with methylic alcohol ; the hydrogen atom of the group - OH in the molecule of this compound can be replaced, it is true, by potassium or sodium (but not by metals in general), but only by causing the alcohol to react with the metal itself in place of using the hydroxide of the metal. The hydrogen atom in the group - OH in the molecule of formic acid is generally said to be acidic hydrogen ; because a characteristic reaction of acids, as a class, is, that part or all of their hydrogen can be replaced by metals by causing them to react with hydroxides of metals. If we examine the two formulae H 3 C.OH and H.CO.OH more closely, we see that the carbon atom to which the group -OH is directly attached is MARSH GAS AND SOME ALLIED COMPOUNDS. 79 in direct union with an atom of oxygen in the molecule of formic acid, but in direct union with three atoms of hydrogen in the molecule of methylic alcohol. Oxygen is a very decided non-metallic element; in many respects, hydro- gen is a metal. As we proceed we shall find that when, in a molecule of a compound, an atom of hydrogen is attached, directly or not, to an atom of carbon which also holds directly to itself atoms of a very distinctly non-metallic element, that atom of hydrogen can be replaced by metal in very many cases, by reactions between the compound and metallic hydroxides. The linking of the markedly non-metallic atoms to the carbon atom impresses acidic functions on the atom of hydrogen which is in union with the carbon atom. The meaning of this statement will be clearer, and it will be possible to give a more definite expression to the statement, when we have become ac- quainted with the reactions of a number of com- pounds. Neither of the atoms of hydrogen in the molecule of formic aldehyde (H.CHO) has acidic functions ; yet the carbon atom is re- presented, in the structural formula, as in direct union with an atom of oxygen. But there are two atoms of the non-metallic oxygen in the molecule of formic acid, and only one in that of formic aldehyde; and one of the oxygen atoms in the molecule of the acid is directly linked both to the carbon atom and also to the atom of hydrogen which is acidic in its reactions. But, as I have said, more knowledge of the reactions of individual compounds, and more 80 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. acquaintance with the use of structural for- mulae as expressions of reactions, are required before we can profitably approach, except in the most general way, questions concerning the influence, on the functions of this or that atom in a molecule, of the nature of the other atoms, and the arrangement of all the atoms, in the molecule. Methylic alcohol is known commercially as Wood Spirit. A very brief account of the manu- facture of wood spirit may not be out of place here. When wood is heated to a high tempera- ture in an iron retort, many different products are obtained ; charcoal and ash remain in the retort ; hydrogen, carbon monoxide and dioxide, marsh gas, and many other carbon compounds, pass off as gases ; and the liquid portion of the distillate contains, among other substances, water, tar, benzene, pyroligneous acid, and wood spirit. The last named substance is crude methylic alcohol. The pure alcohol is obtained by adding lime to the liquid part of the product of the distillation of wood, then distilling again, and collecting that portion of the distillate which is lighter than water, adding a little sulphuric acid to this distillate and once more distilling, then adding chloride of calcium which combines with the methylic alcohol and forms a solid sub- stance; this solid compound is then separated, and decomposed by distilling it with water, when the alcohol passes over at a temperature much below the boiling point of water. Lime is added to the crude distillate in order that lime salts of MARSH GAS AND SOME ALLIED COMPOUNDS. 81 the acids which are present may be formed; when the liquid is then distilled these lime salts remain in the retort. The distillate is shaken with sulphuric acid, in order that salts of the alkaline compounds present may be formed, which salts will remain behind when the next distillation-process is conducted. These processes, whereby methyl alcohol is obtained from a liquid which contains many other compounds, are examples of the methods generally used for such a purpose. The com- pounds that are not wanted are eliminated, one by one, by causing them to form new combinations, which differ so much in their physical properties from the compound that is to be obtained that they may be separated from that compound by making use of these differ- ences. If the desired compound cannot be separated completely by such processes, it is caused to combine with some other substance to form a new compound, which can be purified, and then decomposed with the separation of the wished-for compound. There are two other compounds derived from marsh gas which demand our attention for a moment. When marsh gas is mixed with three times its volume of chlorine, and the mixture is exposed to sunlight, the main product of the re- action which occurs is a compound that has the composition CHC1 3 . This compound is called chloroform. A similar combination of carbon, hydrogen, and iodine, which has the composition CHI 3 , and is called iodoform, is produced by heating chloroform with hydriodic acid (HI), F 82 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. and also by other reactions. Both chloroform and iodoform may be prepared from ordinary alcohol ; the former by heating the alcohol with bleaching powder, the latter by causing the alcohol to react with potash and iodine. The formulae of the two compounds CHC1 3 and CHI 3 suggest the names trichloromethane and tri-iodomethane ; and these are the names by which the compounds are designated in a systematic method of nomenclature. Chloro- form is a liquid with a sweetish taste and a somewhat spirituous odour ; iodofonn is a yellow, crystalline solid, with a very incisive and per- sistent smell. Chloroform was discovered by Liebig in 1831. About 1847 Sir James Simp- son made use of it as an anaesthetic (that is, a substance which produces loss of sensibility) in surgical operations ; and since that time it has been very much employed for rendering patients insensible to pain during operations. Iodoform is much used as an antiseptic (that is, a substance which prevents putrefaction) in the treatment of wounds. CHAPTER VI. ETHANE AND SOME OF ITS DERIVATIVES. THE series of compounds to be considered in this chapter is very similar to the series beginning with marsh gas and ending with methylamine, that was noticed in Chapter V. Among the gases which arise from natural petroleum is a hydro- carbon whose composition is expressed by the ETHANE, AND SOME OF ITS DERIVATIVES. 83 formula C 2 H 6 . This compound is called ethane. Treatment of ethane with chlorine produces chloro-ethane, C 2 H 5 C1; ethylic alcohol, C 2 H 6 0, is formed by the reaction of a boiling solution of caustic potash with chloro-ethane ; ethylic alcohol can be oxidised, first to acetic aldehyde, CgH^O, and then to acetic acid, C 2 H 4 2 ; and ethylamine, C 2 H r N, is produced by heating ethylic alcohol with a concentrated watery solution of ammonia. The processes whereby the compounds from chloro-ethane to ethylamine are formed from the hydrocarbon ethane, are evidently very like the processes whereby the corresponding series of compounds, from chloromethane to methylamine, is produced from the hydrocarbon methane ) moreover, the chemical properties of any com- pound in the first series very closely resemble the chemical properties of the corresponding compound in the second series. Hence we should expect a detailed examination of the reactions of the compounds in the ethane series to shew that the arrangements of the atoms in the molecules of these compounds are similar to the arrangements of the atoms in the molecules of the compounds in the methane series. Assuming the atomic arrangements to be similar in the molecules of the compounds of the two series, we have the following structural formulae : de'rivaTv'e. Alcoho1 ' Amine ' ^^ Acid ' Methane Series H*C HLC.CI HsC.OH H.C.NHj H.CH H.C.OH o o Ethane Series HiC.CH* HsC.CHiCI HaC.CHs.OH HsC.CHs.NHs HaC.CH H.C.C.OH O O 84 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS, A detailed study of the reactions of ethylic alcohol, ethylamine, acetic aldehyde, and acetic acid confirms the justness of the formulas assigned to these compounds. It is not necessary to enumerate even the main results of this study ; let us rather select a few reactions of the com- pounds in the ethane series. Ethylic alcohol reacts with the metal potassium, or the metal sodium, to produce the compound C 2 H 5 KO (or C 2 H 5 NaO), and hydrogen: only one of the six hydrogen atoms in the molecule of the alcohol can be replaced by potassium or sodium; five atoms of hydrogen always remain in combination with the whole of the carbon and the whole of the oxygen of the molecule C 2 H 6 0. Acetic aldehyde is very ready to remove oxygen from many compounds of that element, and, by com- bining with the oxygen so removed, to be changed to acetic acid. Acetic acid is monobasic ; that is, it forms only one silver salt, one potassium salt, and one sodium salt : or, to put this reaction into other words, the composition of every compound which is produced by replacing hydrogen in acetic acid by a metal can be expressed by one or other of these formulae, H 3 C.CO.OM', (H 3 C.CO.O) 2 M", (H 3 C.CO.O) 3 M'", or(H 3 C.CO.) 4 M""; where M' is an atom of such a metal as potassium, M" is an atom of such a metal as copper, M"' is an atom of such a metal as iron, and M"" is an atom of such a metal as tin. Ethylamine is a colourless liquid, smelling like ammonia : it is very soluble in water, and the solution reacts very similarly to ammonia solution; for instance, precipitates of the hydroxides of iron, copper, lead, tin, and ETHANE, AND SOME OF ITS DERIVATIVES. 85 many other metals, are formed when a solu- tion of ethylamine is added to solutions of salts of these metals, just as the same hydroxides are precipitated from the same salts by using a solution of ammonia. As methylic alcohol (H 3 C.OH) reacts with hydrochloric acid gas, in the presence of some substance which readily combines with water, to produce chloromethane (H 3 C.C1), so ethylic alcohol (H 3 C.CH 2 .OH) reacts under similar conditions to produce chloro-ethane (HoC.CH 2 Cl). Let us look a little more closely at the struc- tural formulae which express the reactions of methylic and ethylic alcohols. Let us write these formulae in full, thus : H-C-O-H tnd H-C-C-0-H ft H H In each molecule an atom of carbon is repre- sented in direct union with an atom of oxygen which is directly linked to an atom of hydrogen, and the same atom of carbon is represented in direct union with two atoms of hydrogen ; in the molecule of methylic alcohol this carbon atom is shewn as directly joined to a third atom of hydrogen, while in the molecule of ethylic alcohol it is shewn as directly joined to the group of atoms CH 3 . Looking at the formulae in this way, we may express them thus : H.CH 2 OH and H 3 C.CH 2 OH. Both molecules contain the atomic group CH^OH. Now it is customary to say that this group of atoms is the characteristic group of the molecules of a great many compounds all of which are alcohols. All these alcohols have 86 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. certain common properties; for instance, they all oxidise to aldehydes eachaldehyde containing the same number of atoms of carbon and oxygen as the alcohol contains, and two atoms of hydro- gen less than the alcohol contains and these aldehydes then oxidise to acids, which contain the same number of atoms of carbon as the parent alcoHols, but one atom of oxygen more, and two atoms of hydrogen less, than the parent alcohols. The fact that these alcohols have many chemical properties in common, is connected with the atomic structure of their molecules by saying that these molecules all contain the group CH 2 OH. I ask the reader to pay especial attention to this statement, the molecules of all the alcohols of a certain class contain the atomic group CH 2 OH, and to consider it carefully in the light of the re- actions of methylic and ethylic alcohols. The statement summarises many reactions, and sug- gests other reactions; but it does these things only to the person who understands the special language of the molecular and atomic theory. As another illustration of the use of this very convenient phrase, certain molecules contain a wmmon atomic group, let us look a little closely at the structural formulae which summarise the reactions of formic and acetic aldehydes. These H formulas are H-^-H < H-C-C-H O r, more shortly, H.CHO and H S CCHO. The atomic group common to the two mole- cules is HCO, or more fully, f M . There are many other aldehydes which behave similarly to ETHANE, AND SOME OF ITS DERIVATIVES. 87 methylic and ethylic aldehydes, under similar conditions : all are easily oxidised to acids by combining with an atom of oxygen ; all remove oxygen from many other compounds, and are, therefore, said to act as reducing (or deoxidising) agents. The reactions of these aldehydes are summed up in the one structural formula, R.CHO; where E, represents an atom of hydro- gen in the case of methylic aldehyde (which is the first aldehyde of the series), or a group of atoms of carbon and hydrogen in all cases except that of methylic aldehyde. E-eadiness to remove oxygen from compounds which do not insist on retaining all their oxygen is a reaction common to certain compounds ; the molecules of these compounds are thought of as containing an arrangement of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms which is presented in intelligible form by the symbol ~ H . Now turn to the structural for- mulae of formic and acetic acids, H OH "<*H*C.COH . and compare these with the structural formulas of the two aldehydes H * H '"" H ' C | H . The molecule of formic acid is represented as containing the group H.CO ; whereas the molecule of acetic acid is not represented as containing this group. But HCO is the characteristic aldehydic group : there- fore, if the formula given to formic acid is a truthful representation (in its own language) of the re- actions of that acid, we should expect formic acid to act as a remover of oxygen from compounds which are fairly easily deprived of their oxygen, just as aldehydes act as removers of oxygen ; and 88 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. we should not expect acetic acid to act as an energetic deoxidising agent. These expectations are fulfilled when the reactions of the two acids with fairly easily deoxidised compounds are examined. For instance, a cold solution of per- manganate of potassium '(Condy's fluid) is deoxidised by formic acid, but not by acetic acid; gold, platinum, and palladium are pre- cipitated from solutions of their salts by formic acid (that is, the formic acid decomposes the salts of these metals and combines with the oxygen in them), but not by acetic acid; and an alkaline solution of a salt of copper is reduced by formic acid, but not by acetic acid. This comparison of the structural formulae of formic and acetic acids, and of these formulae with those of two aldehydes, shews how sugges- tive of reactions these formulas are, and, therefore, how much they may help to advance the study of the connexions between composition and pro- perties the elucidation of which connexions is the goal of chemical inquiry. When ethylic alcohol is heated with nearly double its weight of sulphuric acid, in a flask connected with a condensing apparatus, and more ethylic alcohol is allowed to drop into the hot mixture, a colourless, mobile, very inflammable, liquid collects in the receiver. This liquid is ether. When a mixture of ethylic alcohol and acetic acid is heated, and the gaseous product of the reaction is condensed, a colourless, very fragrant, liquid is obtained. This liquid is ethylic acetate. What relations, of properties, and of composi- tion, exist between these two compounds, ether ETHANE, AND SOME OF ITS DERIVATIVES. 89 and ethylic acetate, and ethylic alcohol from which they are prepared ? The composition of ether is given by the formula C 4 H 10 0, and that of ethylic acetate by the formula C 4 H 8 2 . These formulae do not suggest any definite relations between the two compounds and ethylic alcohol (C 2 H 6 0). Let us look at the reactions of the two compounds. When ether is treated with hydrochloric acid gas, chloro-ethane (C 2 H 5 C1) is formed ; if the quantity of ether which reacts, and the quantity of chloro-ethane which is produced, are determined, the interaction is found to be expressed by the chemical equation C 4 H 10 + 2HC1 = 2C 2 H 5 C1 + H 2 0. The atom of oxygen is removed from the molecule C 4 H 10 0, and two atoms of chlorine are put in its place; but instead of one molecule, having the composition C 4 H 10 C1 2 , being formed, two molecules are produced each having the composition C 2 H 5 C1. Now we found before (p. 67) that methylic alcohol and hydrochloric acid react to produce chloromethane, the re- action being represented in structural formulae thus, H.CH 2 .OH + H.C1 = H.CH 2 .C1 + H.O.H. We also noticed (p. 73) that formic aldehyde re- acts with phosphorus pentachloride, which is a compound that acts like hydrochloric acid but more energetically than that acid, to form CH 2 C1 2 ; thus, H.C.H H.C.H II + PCI = 'I + POCIs (oxychloride of phosphorus). O CI 2 "90 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. Looked at in the light of these reactions, the interaction of hydrochloric acid and ether suggests that the oxygen atom in the molecule of ether is in direct union with a carbon atom, or with carbon atoms, and is not linked to an atom of hydrogen which is again linked to an atom of carbon. Let us turn to another reaction of ether. Ether and water act on one another to produce ethylic alcohol ; the change is presented in an equation in this way, Remembering that the reaction of ether with hydrochloric acid suggests the direct linkage of the oxygen atom in the molecule of ether to carbon, and recalling the structural formula of ethylic alcohol, and the close relationship which evidently exists between that alcohol and ether, we try the following scheme as a possible re- presentation of the change that occurs when ^ther reacts with water to form ethylic alcohol : H H HaC-C-O-C-CHa + H-O-H = i i H H H H HaC-C-O-H + HsC-C-O-H. i i H H If this presentation of the changes is a correct translation of the process into the language we .are trying to learn, then ether is an oxide of the atomic group H 3 C.CH 2 ; and ethylic alcohol is a compound of that group with oxygen and hydro- ETHANE, AND SOME OF ITS DERIVATIVES. 91 gen, that is to say, it is an hydroxide of the same atomic group. The name ethyl is given to the group of atoms H 3 C.CH 2 which is supposed to exist in the molecules of ether and ethylic alcohol; supposed to exist in these molecules., let it be remembered, because of the reactions of the two compounds. Let us employ the symbol Et to represent the group ethyl ; then the formulae of ether and ethylic alcohol are repre- sented by these symbols : Et.O.Et and Et.OH. We may call these two compounds ethyl oxide and ethyl hydroxide, when we wish to emphasise the conception we have formed of the relations between them. By using these names we imply that the compounds are similar to such inorganic compounds as potassium oxide and potassium hydroxide; K.O.K and K.OH. Attention might be drawn to other reactions of ether, but I think it will be sufficient to say that these reactions are quite in keeping with the representation of this compound as ethylic oxide. But what are the relations of ethylic acetate, C 4 H 8 2 , to ethylic alcohol, and to acetic acid, the two compounds which react to produce the acetate? One of the two compounds which react to produce ethylic acetate is an acid, and we have learned that the other compound, ethylic alcohol, is like potassium hydroxide in its reactions. Now what is the ordinary reaction between an acid and a metallic hy- droxide 1 Sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide interact to produce sodium sulphate, which is a salt, and water; nitric acid and potassium hydroxide interact to form potassium nitrate, 92 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS.* which is a salt, and water; hydrochloric acid and barium hydroxide interact to produce the salt barium chloride, and water ; acetic acid and lead hydroxide interact to produce the salt lead acetate, and water. The ordinary products of the reaction between an acid and a metallic hydroxide are a salt, formed of the metal of the hydroxide and the radicle of the acid, and water. It is probable then that acetic acid and ethyl hydroxide will react to produce a salt and water; and we should expect the salt to be composed of the radicle ethyl, which plays the part of a metal in the hydroxide ethylic alcohol, and the radicle of acetic acid. But what is the composition of the radicle of acetic acid? This question is answered by tabulating the compositions of some salts of acetic acid these salts are called acetates and comparing these compositions with that of acetic acid. The following table presents data sufficient for our purpose. Acetic acid. C 2 H 4 O 2. Acetates. CaH.-.OzNa. CzHsC^K. (CzHsOz^Ba. (C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 Pb. Sodium Potassium Barium Lead acetate. acetate. acetate. acetate. One, and only one, of the four atoms of hydro- gen in the molecule C 2 H 4 2 is replaced by metal when acetates are formed : the radicle of acetic acid has the composition C 2 H 3 0. We should, then, expect the reaction between acetic acid and ethyl hydroxide to result in the formation of a salt, composed of the radicle or atomic group ethyl (C 2 H 5 ) in combination with the radicle of acetic acid, C 2 H 8 O. Moreover, as ethyl hydroxide ETHANE, AND SOME OF IT3 DERIVATIVES. 93 (C 2 HgOH) is similar to potassium hydroxide (KOH), we should expect the salt which is formed, according to the hypothesis that is guid- ing us, by the reaction of acetic acid with ethyl hydroxide, to have a composition analogous to the composition of potassium acetate ; that is to say, we should expect the composition of the salt to be expressed by the formula C 2 H 3 2 (C 2 H 6 ). Now the formula which expresses what we may call the empirical composition of the compound in question that is, the composition without taking into account what may be the structure of the molecule of the compound is C 4 H 8 0. The symbol C occurs four times, the symbol H occurs eight times, and the symbol O occurs twice, in the formula C 2 H 2 (C 2 H 5 ) ; in other words, C 2 H 3 2 (C 2 H 5 ) = C 4 B[ 8 2 . The product of the re- action between acetic acid and ethylic alcohol (ethyl hydroxide) is then, probably, the salt ethyl acetate, C 2 H 3 2 (C 2 H 5 ). A closer examination of the reactions of this substance shows that it be- longs to the class of salts ; and a quantitative study of the change that occurs when acetic acid and ethylic alcohol react proves that this change is represented, correctly, by the equation C 2 H 3 2 .H + C 2 H 5 .OH = C 2 H 3 2 .C 2 H 5 + H 2 0. Alcohols are hydroxides of certain atomic groups, or radicles ; and ethers are oxides of the same atomic groups. The salts that are formed by the replacement of the acidic hydrogen of acids by these atomic groups are called ethereal salts. Ethylic acetate is the first example we have had of an ethereal salt. 94 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. The reaction which occurs when an ethereal salt is heated with a solution of caustic potash or caustic soda, is one of considerable import- ance. Let us consider this reaction for a moment, and let us first of all see what change takes place when a metallic salt reacts with a solution of caustic potash. Let lead acetate be taken as the example of a metallic salt. The reaction between lead acetate and caustic potash solution results in the formation of lead hydroxide and potassium acetate ; the change is expressed thus in an equa- tion (C 2 H 3 2 ) 2 Pb + 2KOH = Pb(OH) 2 + 2(C 2 H 3 2 .K). This is a special case of the change that generally occurs when caustic potash, or soda, reacts with a metallic salt ; what may be called the normal products of this reaction are, a hydroxide of the metal of the salt, and a salt of potassium (or sodium) composed of that metal united with the acidic radicle of the original salt. Now when the ethereal salt ethylic acetate reacts with a solution of caustic potash (if it does react), we should expect the products to be, hydroxide of ethyl and potas- sium acetate ; that is, we should expect the change to be expressed by this equation C 2 H 3 2 .C 2 H 5 + KOH = C 2 H 5 .OH + C 2 H 3 2 .K. And this is indeed what happens. The reaction proceeds slowly : in order to change the whole of the ethylic acetate, considerably more potash, in solution, must be used than is expressed in the equation ; the reacting compounds must be kept in contact, at a high temperature, for a long time ; ETHANE, AND SOME OF ITS DERIVATIVES. 95 and the ethylic alcohol that is produced must be removed, by distillation, from time to time as the change proceeds. We shall have other examples, of the reaction between ethereal salts and caustic potash, or soda, especially when we are consider- ing the processes of making soaps (in chapters- VII. and VIII.). This reaction produces alcohols, and potassium (or sodium) salts of the acids of the ethereal salts employed. In this chapter, and in chapter V. we have been concerned with two similar series of compounds of carbon. Each series begins with a hydro- carbon whose composition is given by the formula C n H 2n + 2 ; by the action of chlorine on the hydro- carbon a chloro-derivative is obtained which has the composition C n H 2ll+1 Cl ; this chloro-derivative of the hydrocarbon reacts slowly with a watery solution of caustic potash to form an alcohol^ C n H 2n+1 .OH; the alcohol reacts with ammonia, or with ammonium chloride, to produce an amine r C^H^+j.NHg the alcohol also reacts with oxidis- ing agents to yield, first an aldehyde, C n H 2n O, and then an add, C n H 2n 2 . In the second series, we noticed, also, that the alcohol reacts with sul- phuric acid to produce an ether, (CJB^.jJoO ; and that the acid and the alcohol interact to form an ethereal salt, C n H 2n _ 1 2 .C n H 2n+1 . It is possible, by appropriate reactions, to obtain an ether from the alcohol of the first series, and also an ethylic salt of the acid of that series ; the compositions of these two compounds are given by the formulae, (CH 3 ) 2 for methylic ether, and CH0 2 .C 2 H5 for ethylic formate. The relations of composition of the members of the two series are perhaps 96 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. more fully expressed by using ths following gen- eral formulas : General Formula. Examples. HYDROCARBON. CnH2n+2 CH4 (methane; and C2He (ethane). CHLORO-DKRIVATIVE. CnH2n+lCl CHsCl (chloromethane) and CaHsCl (chloro-ethane). AMINB. CnHan+i.NHa CHsNHa (methylamine) and CaHsNHa (ethylamine). ALCOHOL. CnH2n+l.CHaOH H. CHaOH (methylic alcohol) and H 3 C.CH20H (ethylic alcohol). ALDEHYDE. CnH2n+i.CHO H.CHO (formic aldehyde) and HsC.CHO (acetic aldehyde). ACID. CnH2n+l.CO.OH H.CO. OH (formic acid) and HsC.CO.OH (acetic acid). ETHEREAL SALT. H.CO.OCCaHs) (ethyl formate) and C n H a +l.CO.O(CmH2m+l) H3C.CO.O(C2Hs) (ethyl acetate). ETHEK. (CnHan+l)aO (CHs)aO (methyl ether) and (CaHs)aO (ethyl ether). Note. In the general formula n . o in the cases of methylic alcohol, formic aldehyde, formic acid, and ethyl formate. The examination of the compounds in these two series has brought with it many examples of the use of the conception of the compound radicle, or atomic group which holds together throughout many reactions and impresses certain common properties on all the molecules of which it forms a part. The study of the two series of com- pounds has also furnished illustrations of the meaning of the term substitution ; we have had cases of the substitution of one atom by another, for instance in the passage from CH 4 to CH 3 C1 and from C 2 H 6 to C 2 H 5 C1 ; we have had cases of the substitution of an atom by an atomic group, for instance in the passage from CH 3 C1, or C 2 H 5 C1, to CH 3 .OH, or C 2 H 5 .OH ; and we have had cases of the substitution of one atomic group by another, for instance in the passage from CH 3 .OH, or C 2 H 5 .OH, to CH 3 .NH 2 , or C 2 H 5 .NH 2 . The attempt made in this, and the previous ETHANE, AND SOME OF ITS DERIVATIVES. 97 chapter to connect the reactions of certain com- pounds of carbon with the compositions of these compounds has shewn, I hope, how impossible it is to elucidate the relations of reactions to com- position without the help of some definite theory of the structure of matter, and the aid of not a few subsidiary hypotheses and conventions whereby the application of the theory is made practicable to chemical phenomena. Finally, the general description of the features of the chemical changes that occur between compounds of carbon, given in Chapter II. (pp. 31-34), has, I think, been justified by what we have learned of the changes in the two series of compounds derived, respectively, from marsh gas and ethane. In some respects, the hydro- carbons may be regarded as representatives among carbon compounds of the metals of in- organic chemistry. When one desires to form a salt of a metal, it is sufficient to dissolve the metal in the appropriate acid and to evaporate the solution. But in order to make a salt from a hydrocarbon, it is necessary to prepare a chloro- derivative of the hydrocarbon, from this to pass to the alcohol, and then, through the aldehyde, to the acid; having obtained the acid and the alcohol, it is still necessary to cause these to react in order to obtain the wished-for salt. To prepare an oxide of a metal, it is generally suffi- cient to burn the metal in oxygen ; but between the hydrocarbon and the oxide, which is an ether, how many stages there are ! The alcohol is obtained after two operations, and a third pro- cess of change is required before the oxide appears. 98 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. In Chapter VIII. I shall give a short account of the technical applications of some of the com- pounds whose reactions and compositions have formed the subject-matter of Chapters V. and VI. CHAPTER VII. ETHYLENE, GLYCERIN, AND TARTARIO ACID. ONE of the many hydrocarbons present in ordinary coal-gas is called ethylene, and has the composition C 2 H 4 . This compound is generally prepared in the laboratory by heating ethylic alcohol with about four times its volume of con- centrated sulphuric acid; the principal reaction that occurs is represented by the equation C 2 H 6 + H 2 S0 4 = H 2 S0 4 .H 2 + C 2 H 4 . Ethylene is a colourless gas, slightly lighter than air ; when cooled a little below the freezing point of water, and subjected to a pressure of about 44 atmospheres (about 650 Ibs. on the square inch), the gas changes to a colourless liquid which boils at minus 103C. [minus 153T.J. Ethylene is easily burnt in the presence of air. When the gas is mixed with a little air and burnt, the main products of the combus- tion are carbon dioxide, water, and carbon. Under these conditions the gas burns with a luminous flame ; and the luminosity is caused, chiefly, by the minute solid particles of carbon becoming red hot and radiating light. If ethy- lene is mixed with somewhat more than three times its own volume of oxygen (equal to more ETHYLENE, GLYCERIN, AND TARTARIC ACID. 99 than fifteen volumes of air) and the mixture is burnt, only carbon dioxide and water are formed, and the flame is almost non-luminous. Part of the luminosity of an ordinary flame of coal-gas is due to the limited combustion of the ethylene which the gas contains. When coal-gas issues from a burner, admixture with air occurs at the edges of the stream of gas ; and when a lighted taper is brought near the burner chemi- cal change begins where the air and the gas are in contact ; the combustion of the ethylene, and the other hydrocarbons in the gas, is, therefore, not complete ; solid particles of carbon are pro- duced, and these are heated to so high a tem- perature that they give out much light. If coal-gas is mixed with a large quantity of air and the mixture is ignited, the combustion of the ethylene, and other hydrocarbons, is practi- cally complete, and all the products are gaseous. The flame of such a mixture is extremely hot but almost free from light. The Bunsen-lamp, which is employed in all laboratories for getting high temperatures, is an extremely simple contrivance for securing the admixture with coal-gas of suffi- cient air to insure the complete combustion of the carbon compounds in the gas. The apparatus consists of an ordinary gas-burner over which is fitted an iron tube, about 3 inches long and f inch diameter, having a couple of holes (about J inch diameter) pierced near its lower end. Air flows in through the holes, and the mixture of gas and air is ignited at the upper end of the tube. The principle of the Bunsen-lamp is applied to the construction of gas-stoves. Sometimes the stove 100 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. consists of several small upright tubes, into each of which gas and air are admitted at the bottom, and the mixture is burnt at the top. Sometimes there is one rather wide tube pierced with many small holes or slits ; this tube is attached to the gas-supply, and there is a large opening, near where the gas enters, to admit air ; the wide tube becomes filled with a mixture of gas and air, and this mixture is burnt as it issues from the small holes or slits. If too much air is mixed with the gas in a Bunsen-burner, or a gas-stove, the temperature of the flame is de- creased by the superfluous air ; if too little air is admitted the combustion of the carbon com- pounds of the gas is not complete, and the flame is smoky. We have learnt, in chapters V. and VI., that both marsh gas (CH 4 ) and ethane (C 2 H 6 ) react with chlorine to produce compounds containing chlorine in place of part of the hydrogen of the marsh gas or the ethane. The reaction of ethyl- ene (C 2 H 4 ) with chlorine is not similar to the reactions of the two hydrocarbons we have con- sidered. Ethylene combines with chlorine slowly, in diffused daylight, to form an oily liquid, with a sweetish odour, called ethylene chloride. The re- action is expressed thus in an equation ; C 2 H 4 + 201 = C 2 H 4 C1 2 . The chlorine does not remove hydrogen from the molecule of ethylene, as it does from the molecules of marsh gas and ethane ; but the chlorine adds itself to the molecule of ethylene. Bromine reacts with ethyl- ene in a way exactly similar to that wherein chlorine reacts ; a compound of ethylene and ETHYLENE, GLYCERIN, AND TARTABIO ACID. 101 bromine is formed, called ethylene bromide, and having the composition C 2 H 4 Br 2 . It is cus- tomary to distinguish such compounds as CH 3 C1 and C 2 H 5 C1 (chloromethane and chloro-ethane), that are produced by the substitution of an atom (or atoms) in one molecule by another atom (or by other atoms), from such compounds as C 2 H 4 C1 2 and C 2 H 4 Br 2 (ethylene chloride and ethylene bromide) that are produced by the addition of an atom, or atoms, to a molecule of a compound. Compounds of the former class are called substi- tution-compounds, and compounds of the latter class are named additive compounds. It is also customary to speak of compounds, like marsh gas and ethane, which always react to form substitution-compounds as saturated and com- pounds, like ethylene, which react to produce additive compounds as unsaturated. These four terms are convenient aids towards remembering the general reactions of carbon compounds. A hydrocarbon is being examined : it is found to combine readily with chlorine, and to form a compound composed of chlorine added on to the whole of the molecule of the hydrocarbon ; the hydrocarbon is placed in the class of unsaturated compounds ; and many of its other reactions are known, because all unsaturated compounds ex- hibit certain common reactions. Ethylene chloride (C 2 H 4 C1 2 ) and ethylene bromide (C 2 H 4 Br 2 ) are oily liquids. In the year 1795, four Dutch chemists named Deiman, Ptets van Troostuyk, Bondt, and Lauweren- burgh discovered a new gas, produced by the action of oil of vitriol on common alcohol ; they 102 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. found that the gas was composed of carbon and hydrogen only ; and they noticed that an oily liquid was formed when this gas was brought into contact with the substance now called chlorine. The Dutch chemists gave the name gaz huileux (oily gas) to the new compound, a name that was afterwards changed to gaz oUfiant (oil-forming gas). The oily compound formed by the union of this gas with chlorine was known for a long time by the names Dutch liquid and oil of the Dutchmen ; these names have dis- appeared, but the compound which is produced by the reaction of oil of vitriol and alcohol is still commonly spoken of as olefiant gas. Ethylene chloride and ethylene bromide react gradually with caustic potash solution to form a compound which belongs to the class of alcohols. The composition of this compound is 2 H 4 (OH) 2 ; because of its sweet taste it is called glycol. (The termination -ol is common to the names of all compounds which are alcohols). The reactions of ethylene are expressed, in terms of the atomic and molecular theory and the hypothesis of H H atom-linking, by the structural formula c=c H H or more shortly H 2 C = CH 2 . The reaction be- tween ethylene and chlorine, and that between ethylene chloride and caustic potash, are pre- sented by the following schemes : (i.) B 2 C = CH 2 + CL = OlHjO-OBLCL (ii.) C1H 2 C - CH 2 01 + 2KOH = HO.H 2 C-CH 2 .OH + 2KC1. I do not intend to discuss the reactions of ETHYLENE, GLYCERIN, AND TARTARIC ACID. 103 the alcohol, C 2 H 4 (OH) 2 , derived from ethylene ; I merely wish to note its existence, and the method of its formation. If the compositions of the two hydrocarbons methane and ethane, CH 4 and C 2 H 6 , are com- pared, it is seen that both are expressed by the formula C n H2n +2 ; that is to say, the number of hydrogen atoms in either mole- cule is equal to twice the number of atoms of carbon in the molecule plus two. These com- pounds are the first and second members respec- tively of a series of hydrocarbons all of which have the common composition C n H 2n+2 . The series is known as the paraffins, because of their indifference to the action of chemical reagents (parum affinis = not much affinity). The third member of the series of paraffins (n = 3) is C 3 H 8 . This hydrocarbon, called propane the names of all the paraffins end in -ane is found in the gases given off from certain petroleum springs in America. Propane reacts with bromine to form various substitution-compounds ; one of these, called tribromopropane, has the composition C 3 H 5 Br 3 ; when this compound is boiled with caustic potash the following reaction occurs : C 3 H 5 Br 3 + 3KOH = C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 + 3KBr. The compound C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 is an alcohol : it is generally known by the name glycerin but it is better called glycerol, because the syllable -ol is the characteristic termination of the names of those compounds which are alcohols. Just as the atomic group C 2 H 5 , that is present in tbe molecules of ethylic alcohol, ethylic ether, and ethylic acetate, is called ethyl, so the atomic 104 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. group CgHg, is called glyceryl. As we spoke of ethylic alcohol by the name ethyl hydroxide, so we may speak of glycerin as glyceryl hydroxide. It is to be noticed that while a molecule of ethyl hydroxide is composed of the atomic group ethyl combined with one atom of oxygen and one atom of hydrogen, a molecule of glyceryl hydroxide is composed of the atomic group glyceryl combined with three atoms of oxygen and three atoms of hydrogen. As ethyl hydroxide (C 2 H 5 .OH) is analogous, in composition and in many reactions, to potassium hydroxide (KOH) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH), so glyceryl hy- droxide is similar, in composition and in some reactions, to ferric hyroxide [Fe(OH) 3 ], and aluminium hydroxide [A1(OH) 3 1. When tallow, linseed oil, palm oil, whale oil, or any one of several other oils, is boiled with caustic soda, or potash, or with slaked lime, glycerin is formed along with a compound which is a soap. The main constituents of fats and oils are compounds of glyceryl with the radicles of certain acids that are often classed together under the name fatty acids. These compounds are ethereal salts ; they belong to the same class of compounds as ethylic acetate. Turn back for a moment to the reaction (considered on p. 91) between ethylic alcohol and acetic acid whereby ethylic acetate and water are formed, and to the reaction between ethylic acetate and caustic potash (considered on p. 94) whereby ethyJic alcohol and potassium acetate are produced. These reactions find their expressions in the equations ETHYLENE, GLYCERIN, AND TARTARIO ACID. 105 (i.) C 2 H 5 .OH + C 2 H 3 2 .H - C 2 H 3 2 .C 2 H 5 + H 2 0, Ethylic alcohol. Acetic acid. Ethylic acetate. (ii.) C 2 H 8 2 .C 2 H 5 + KOH = C 2 H 5 .OH + C 2 H 3 2 .K. Ethylic acetate. Potash. Ethylic alcohol. Potassium acetate. Remembering that the radicle ethyl (C 2 HA which combines with one atomic group OH, replaces one atom of hydrogen in an acid to form an ethylic salt, we might expect that the radicle glyceryl (C 3 H 5 ), which combines with three atomic groups OH, would replace three atoms of hydrogen in an acid to form a glyceryl salt. Examination of the glyceryl salts shews that this expectation is correct. Glyceryl acetate is C 3 H, (C 2 H 3 2 ) 3 , glyceryl nitrate is C 3 H 5 (N0 3 ) 3 , glyceryl chloride is C 3 H 5 C1 3 , and so on. These salts may be produced by causing glycerin [C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 ] to react with the appropriate acid : acetic, nitric, and hydrochloric acids are mono- basic, in other words, a molecule of any one of these acids contains only one atom of hydrogen which can be replaced by metals or by such atomic groups as ethyl or glyceryl; therefore, when glycerin reacts with one of these acids to form a glyceryl salt, three molecules of the acid 1 react with one molecule of glycerin. The reac- tion, in the case of nitric acid for instance, is expressed in an equation in this way C 8 H 6 (OH) 8 + 3HN0 3 = C 3 H 6 (N0 8 ) 3 + 3H 2 0. The chief constituent of tallow is glyceryl stearate, of linseed oil glyceryl oleate, and of palm oil glyceryl palmitate. Stearic, oleic, and palmitic 106 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. acids are monobasic acids; their compositions are given by the formulae Stearic acid CLjIIggOo.!!. Oleic acid C l8 H. 3l O*.l3.. Palmitic acid C 16 H3i2- H - And the glyceryl salts of these acids are Glyceryl stearate (CjgHggO^gCgHg. Glyceryl oleate (C 18 H 3 A) 3 C 3 IL. Glyceryl palmitate (C 16 H 31 2 ) 3 C 3 H 5 . The reaction that occurs when one of these salts is boiled with caustic potash solution is exactly similar to that which occurs when ethylic acetate is boiled with caustic potash solution. Selecting glyceryl stearate, the main constituent of tallow, we express the reaction by the follow- ing equation : (C 18 H 35 2 ) 3 C 8 H 6 + 3KOH - 3(C 18 H S5 2 -K) + C 8 H 6 (OH) 3 . The equations which express the reactions of caustic potash with the other glyceryl salts are similar to this. If caustic soda is used, glycerin and the sodium salt of the acid of the glyceryl salt are formed. The sodium salts, and the potassium salts, of stearic, palmitic, and oleic acids, and of certain other acids analogous to these, are soaps: the sodium salts are called hard soaps, and the potassium salts are called soft soaps. The process that takes place when the glyceryl salt of a fatty acid reacts with potash, or soda, to fora? glycerin and a potassium, or sodium, salt ETHYLENE, GLYCERIN, AND TARTARIC ACID. 107 of the fatty acid, which salt is a soap, is called saponification. It is customary to apply this term to all cases of the reaction of potash, or soda (or other alkali), with an ethereal salt ; for instance, the reaction between ethylic acetate and potash is a particular case of saponification, although potassium acetate has not the physical properties of a soap. Among the many acids that are found in the juices of fruits there is one which demands our attention at this point in our attempt to follow some of the wanderings of carbon. That com- pound is tartaric add. This acid, or one of its salts, is found in grape-juice, potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, the berries of the mountain-ash, pine- apples, the juice of beetroots, and in many other plants. As the juice of grapes ferments, a reddish solid is deposited on the sides and bottoms of the vessels which contain the fermenting liquid. This solid matter consists chiefly of potassium tartrate mixed with colouring matters from the grape- juice. The crude potassium tartrate is dissolved in water, the solution is filtered, evaporated, and allowed to cool : the crystals of potassium tartrate that separate from the cold liquid are dissolved in boiling water, and chalk is added to this liquid; a reaction occurs whereby calcium tar- trate and potassium carbonate are produced, the latter dissolves in the water, and most of the calcium tartrate remains undissolved as a white solid substance. The calcium tartrate is washed, and then decomposed by the proper quantity of dilute sulphuric acid; tartaric acid and calcium sulphate are formed ; the acicl dissolves and the 108 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. calcium sulphate is insoluble. The solution is filtered, and evaporated ; and crystals of tartaric acid form in the cooling liquid. Tartaric acid forms white crystals, the composition of which is expressed by the formula C 4 H 6 6 . The property of tartaric acid to which I ask the special attention of the reader is a physical rather than a chemical property. The property is this : a solution of tartaric acid in water rotates the plane of polarisation of a ray of light in the same direction as that in which the hands 01 a watch turn when the watch is looked at in the ordinary way. What is the plane of polarisation of a ray of light ? And what is meant by the rotation of this plane ? Common light is sup- posed to consist of vibrations of a something called " ether " ; some of these vibrations of the ether are thought of as taking place in one plane, and some in a plane at right angles to the first. Under certain conditions, for in- stance when a ray of light is reflected from a bright surface, one set of vibrations is stopped. Such a ray of light is said to be plane-polarised \ all the vibrations are now occurring at right angles to a certain plane, which is called the plane of polarisation. Some substances do not allow a ray of plane-polarised light to pass through them without modifying the vibrations of the ray. The general result of these modifications is this : before the ray of plane-polarised light enters the substance that modifies it we may suppose all the vibrations to be taking place in a direction at right angles to the surface of the earth ; when the ray leaves the modifying substance it has ETHYLENE, GLYCERIN, AND TARTARIC ACID. 109 been separated into two rays, the vibration* in which take place in different planes, acd as these rays move with different velocities the effect of the modifying substance is equivalent to the turning round, or rotation, of the plan of polarisation of the ray, either in the same direction as that in which the hands of a watch move, or in the direction opposite to that in which the hands of a watch move, when the watch is looked at in the ordinary way. Those substances which produce a rotation of the plane of polarisation of a ray of light are said to be optically active ; all other substances are said to be optically inactive. Substances which cause the rotation of the plane of polarisation in the same direction as that in which the hands of a watch move or, we may say, substances which cause watch-like rotation of the plane of polarisation are said to be dextro-rotatory ; and substances which cause the rotation of the plane of polarisa- tion in a direction opposite to that in which the hands of a watch move are called laew-rotatory bodies. Tartaric acid, in solution, is an optically active compound. Tartaric acid, in solution, is an optically inactive compound. Tartaric acid, in solution, is a dextro-rotatory compound. Tartaric acid, in solution, is a laevo-rotatory compound. These four statements are true. In other words there are four tartaric acids. The molecule of each of these acids has the com- position given by the formula C 4 H 6 6 . Evi- dently we must inquire somewhat closely into the reactions of the tartaric acids in order that 110 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. we may connect the differences in their optica 1 activities with differences of molecular siructtab. Ethylene (C 2 H 4 ) combines readily with bromine (see p. 101) to form ethylene bromide (C 2 H 4 Br 3 ) ; by boiling this compound with a solution 'of potassium cyanide (KCN) in alcohol, a com- pound called ethylene cyanide is produced ; when this compound, which has the composition C 2 H 4 (CN) 2 , is boiled with water it is slowly changed to ammonia, and an acid whose com- position is C 2 H 4 (CO.OH) 2 , called succinic acid. Succinic acid reacts with bromine to form dibromo-succinic acid, C 2 H 2 Bi' 2 (CO.OH) 2 , and this acid is transformed into one of the four tar- taric acids by boiling with water. Inasmuch as ethylene can be formed from carbon and hydrogen, the series of reactions that begins with ethylene and ends with tar- taric acid presents an example of the synthesis, in the laboratory, of a compound which is one of the characteristic products of living plants. When the reactions whereby tartaric acid is synthesised from ethylene are considered in the light of other reactions that are similar to them, they lead to the structural formula C 2 H 2 (OH) 2 (CO.OH) 2 for the tartaric acid that is thus obtained. The other reactions of this acid are altogether in keeping with this formula. More- over all the purely chemical reactions of the acid are suggested by the following representation of the lin kings of the atoms and atomic groups in the molecule : v -CO OH 0> ETHYLENE, GLYCERIN, AND TARTARIC ACID. Ill Eafc the reactions of the other three tartaric acids also can be interpreted into the language of molecular structure, only by supposing that Uie arrangement of the atoms and atomic groups in the molecule of each of them is that which is presented by the above formula. We are then face to face with a new phenomenon. Four compounds exist having the same composition; the molecular weights of the four compounds are identical, and the four molecules are composed of the same numbers of the same atoms ; moreover, the reactions of the four compounds are so very similar that we are obliged to picture the arrange- ments of the atoms and atomic groups, that form the four molecules, by the same structural for- mula. Nevertheless the four compounds are not identical ; they differ in their crystalline forms ; two of them have the same solubilities in water, but the solubilities of the other two acids are different ; their melting points are not the same ; and they differ very widely in their optical activities. Although the chemical re- actions of the four acids are very much alike, there are some differences. As regards optical activity : the acid prepared from succinic acid is inactive, but it can be resolved into equal weights of the dextro-rotatory and the laevo-rotatory acid ; the fourth variety of tartaric acid is optically in- active and cannot be resolved into the optically active acids. At this point we must inquire what is meant by resolving the optically inactive acid into the dextro-rotatory and laevo-rotatory varieties of tartaric acid. The resolvable inactive tartaric acid is known by the name racemic acid. If a 112 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. solution of this acid in water is divided into two equal parts, if one half is neutralised by ammonia and the other half by soda, and if the two neutral liquids are mixed and the mixture is allowed to evaporate, crystals of ammonium-sodium racemate (NaNH 4 .C 4 H 4 O 6 ) are obtained. It is possible to separate these crystals, by hand-picking, into two sets, the difference between the crystals being the same as the difference between an object and its reflection in a mirror ; a crystal of one kind is the reflected image of a crystal of the other kind ; or, one may say, a crystal of one kind bears to a crystal of the other kind the same relation that a right-handed glove bears to a left-handed glove. By decomposing the crystals of one kind by the proper quantity of sulphuric acid, dextro-rotatory tartaric acid is obtained ; and an equal quantity of laevo-rotatory tartaric acid is formed by decomposing the crystals of the other kind by sulphuric acid. The separa- tion of inactive racemic acid into dextro-rotatory and laevo-rotatory tartaric acids can also be effected by other methods. There is no process known whereby the non-resolvable inactive tartaric acid (generally called inactive tartaric acid) can be separated, or resolved, into optically active acids. There must be some differences in the struc- tures of the molecules of the four tartaric acids ; but the differences must be of a kind that is not expressed by the structural formulae we have been using hitherto. In considering the structu- ral formulas we have employed as aids to forming clear conceptions regarding the connexions between the reactions of compounds and the ETHYLENE, GLYCERIN, AND TARTARIC ACID. 113 arrangements of the atoms, and atomic groups, that form the molecules of these compounds, the careful reader will probably have observed that these formulae make use of a certain convention which is palpably incorrect. The parts of a molecule must be arranged in three dimensions in space ; the molecule must have length, breadth, and thickness. But our structural formulae have represented the parts of molecules as arranged only in two dimensions in space ; these formulae present molecules as having length and breadth, but no thickness ; they make us think of the atoms, and atomic groups, as arranged all in one plane. May it be that the differences between the optical activities of the four tartaric acids are connected with different spatial arrangements of the same atoms, and groups of atoms, that form the molecules of these four compounds? In order to test this suggestion, it is necessary to adopt some convention, with the help of which we may form a clear working hypothesis regarding the connexions we are supposing to exist between the arrangements of the parts of molecules in three dimensions in space, and the properties of these molecules. At present I content myself with observing that a working hypothesis has been made, that formulae have been constructed which enable us to connect the properties of many molecules with a spatial arrangement of their parts which can be thought about clearly, and that this hypothesis and these formulae have led to many new conceptions of the greatest interest, and to new and fascinating suggestions, concern- ing the structure of those particles which are so H 114 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. minute that the smallest piece of matter one can see by the help of a first-rate microscope is about one hundred million times larger than one of them. I defer the consideration of this subject until I come to speak of the sugars, in Chapter CHAPTER VIII. A FEW TECHNICAL APPLICATIONS OF COMPOUNDS OF CARBON. THE hydrocarbons methane (CHJ, ethane (C 2 H 6 ), and ethylene (C 2 H 4 ) are constituents of coal-gas. In the last chapter (p. 99), I drew attention to the conditions under which coal-gas burns with a luminous flame, and the conditions which destroy the luminosity, while they increase the tempera- ture, of the flame of ordinary gas. When coal- gas is to be used for giving light, it must not be allowed to mix freely with air before it is ignited \ when it is to be used as a source of heat, the gas must be mixed with about fifteen times its volume of air before it is burnt. But what is the composition of coal-gas ; and how is it manu- factured 1 Let us briefly consider these questions. If coal is strongly heated in an iron tube, closed at one end, and fitted at the other end with a cork through which passes a glass tube, gas will be given off at the open end of the glass tube, and this gas will take fire when a lighted taper is brought near it. If the glass tube is bent down- wards and passed through a cork which fits into TECHNICAL USES OF CARBON COMPOUNDS. 115 the mouth of a glass bottle, and another tube also passes through this cork into the air, tar and a watery liquid will collect in the bottle, and inflammable gas will issue from the open end of the exit-tube from the bottle. This experiment illustrates part of the process which takes place in a manufactory of coal-gas. Coal, usually a kind called cannel coal (because a piece of it burns like a candle), is placed in fire-clay retorts which are strongly heated in a furnace ; the products are cooled, whereby tar, and water holding ammonia in solution, are condensed ; the gas is washed (to remove ammonia), passed through purifiers (to remove carbonic acid gas, compounds of sulphur, etc.), and stored in gas-holders, from which it is sent, through the gas-mains, to the places where it is to be burnt. One ton of average cannel coal yields about 11,000 cubic feet of gas, about 13 gallons of gas-liquor (that is, tar and watery solution of ammonia), and about half a ton of coke which remains in the retorts. The number of compounds found in the products of the distillation of coal in a closed space is very great : these compounds comprise about 50 hydrocarbons ; about a dozen com- pounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ; about 15 compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen ; 9 or 10 carbon compounds that contain sulphur ; and the three elementary substances, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. After the products of distillation have been cooled, by passing through condensers, and the tar and ammoniacal liquor have thus been removed, the gas contains ammonia and various compounds of ammonia, 116 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, carbon bi- sulphide, and small quantities of other compounds of sulphur, besides the bodies which form the mixture that is called coal-gas ; most of the ammonia and the compounds of ammonia are removed by causing the gas to pass upwards through a tower containing coke, or broken flints, down which water trickles in thin streams ; the greater portion of the carbonic acid, the whole of the sulphuretted hydrogen, and part of the carbon bisulphide, are removed by passing the gas through slaked lime, or through hydrated oxide of iron and then through slaked lime. The gas that now remains is a mixture of hydro- gen, methane, ethylene, and other hydro-carbons, carbon monoxide, a little carbon dioxide, nitro- gen, oxygen, and small quantities of gaseous sulphur compounds. The constituents of coal-gas to which the luminosity of the flame of the gas is chiefly due are the hydrocarbons other than ethylene and methane. Part of the luminosity is certainly caused by the glowing particles of carbon produced by the decomposition of ethylene (and to a smaller extent, of methane) in the flame ; but the other hydrocarbons, although they are present only in small quantities, are much richer in carbon than marsh gas and ethylene, and they burn with a highly luminous flame. No light is obtained by the burning of the hydrogen and the carbon monoxide in coal- gas ; but the combustion of these gases produces much heat, part of which is used in decomposing the hydrocarbons with the formation of particles of carbon. The nitrogen, oxygen, and carbonic TECHNICAL USES OF CARBON COMPOUNDS. 117 acid in coal-gas diminish the luminosity of the flame by dilution and cooling. The most ob- jectionable impurities in coal-gas are carbon bisulphide and other sulphur compounds ; when the gas is burnt, these compounds are oxidised to sulphurous and sulphuric acid, substances which are very injurious to health, and also to books and furniture. The coal-gas supplied in London must be perfectly free from sulphuretted hydrogen, and the quantity of sulphur in the other compounds of that element which are allowed to be present must not exceed 17 J grains per 100 cubic feet of gas. Among the products of the destructive distil- lation of coal are various hydrocarbons, belonging to the paraffin series, which are solids at ordinary temperatures. The composition of all the par- affins is given by the formula C M H 2n+2 (compare p. 103). The compound in which n= 14 (C 14 H 3 g) melts at 4'5C. [ = 40F.] ; this compound, and all the paraffins higher in the series than this, are solids at the ordinary temperature. The solid, wax-like, substance that is known commercially as paraffin is a mixture of the higher hydro- carbons of the paraffin series. The liquid known as paraffin oil is a mixture of many hydrocar- bons; the American oils consist chiefly of par- affins (CvHgn+g), while Eussian oils generally contain also hydrocarbons of the composition C^H^, and sometimes hydrocarbons belonging to the series C n H 2n _g. The manufacture of paraffin- wax and paraffin-oil from shale is a process re- sembling that of the manufacture of coal-gas, in that both processes are based on the destruc- 118 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. tive distillation of carbonaceous minerals. When coaly shale is heated in a retort to low redness it is decomposed with the production of (i.) a gas which is not liquified at ordinary temperatures, (ii.) water holding a little ammonia in solution, (iii.) a thick oil which solidifies at the ordinary temperature, and (iv.) coke which remains in the retort. The gas is generally burnt, and the heat so produced is used in distilling fresh quantities of shale. The ammoniacal liquor is- neutral- ised by acid, and the ammonia salt that is pro- duced is used in other manufactures or as a manure. The oil is distilled, whereby it is separated into five portions: (i.) naphtha, (ii.) burning oil, (iii.) light mineral oil, (iv.) lubri- cating oil, and (v.) paraffin-wax. Naphtha is the lightest and most volatile portion of the liquid products of the distillation of shale ; it is gene- rally separated, by re-distillation, into portions which have different specific gravities and boiling points, and are known by such names as gasoline, benzine, and petroleum ether. Burning oil is a mix- ture of hydrocarbons, from 30 to 80 per cent, of which belong to the olefine (or ethylene) series. Mineral oil and lubricating oil consist almost en- tirely of olefines ; and paraffin-wax is a mixture of the higher (solid) members of the paraffin hydrocarbons. The district between Edinburgh and Glasgow is the seat of the manufacture of paraffin oils and solid paraffin from shaly coals. One ton of the shale which is distilled yields from 20 to 40 gallons of oil. In 1890, about 65 million gallons of crude oil were obtained ; and this yielded about 2 million gallons of naphtha, TECHNICAL USES OF CARBON COMPOUNDS. 119 about 19 million gallons of burning oil, about 10 million gallons of lubricating oil, and about 20,000 tons of solid paraffin. In America and Russia, enormous quantities of oil are obtained by boring wells in the surface of the earth. These wells differ greatly in depth ; in some places oil is found after boring to a depth of 40 or 50 feet, in other places the oil wells are nearly 3000 feet deep. Newly opened wells are generally "gushers " ; that is to say, the pressure of the gases that are produced in the earth, along with the oil, is sufficient to cause the oil to flow, or in some cases to spout, from the openings of the wells. Some American newly opened " gushers " have poured forth as much as 8000 or 9000 bar- rels of oil per day ; but the yield generally falls off rapidly, and in most cases it becomes necessary after a time to use pumps to raise the oil to the surface. One of the Russian wells spouted so violently that the outflow of oil was uncontrol- lable for three or four months ; a column of oil from 100 to 300 feet high issued from the mouth of the well ; the surrounding country was inun- dated ; the workshops were nearly buried in the sand that was ejected with the oil ; and from 100 to 200 million gallons of oil were lost. The Russian well ejected a column of oil and sand 400 feet high, and on windy-days the oil-spray was carried to a distance of eight miles. The American and Russian crude oils are gene- rally called petroleum. The processes whereby the petroleum is separated into naphtha, burning oil, lubricating oil, and paraffin-wax are essentially the same as those used for the separation of shale- 120 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. oil into portions; they consist of distillation, washing with acid and alkali successively, and re-distillation. About 1000 million gallons of crude petroleum were produced in the United States in 1890, and about 76 million gallons were exported in that year. The quantity of crude petroleum exported from the Baku dis- trict in Russia amounted to about 3 million tons in 1890. The oil-wells in America and Russia emit in- flammable gases, besides those liquid compounds that form the petroleum of commerce. In the oil-bearing districts of Russia, especially in the neighbourhood of Baku, those inflammable gases have issued from the earth from time immemorial. Long ago, we do not know when or by whom, the issuing gas was ignited, and the eternal fire continued to burn for a great many centuries. An account of these fires was given, in 1754, by Mr Hanway, who was sent from England to arrange the conditions of a trade in oil from Baku to India via the Caspian Sea. Mr Hanway says : "What the Guebers, or Fire- Worshippers, call the Everlasting Fire is a phenomenon of a very extra- ordinary nature. The object of devotion lies about ten English miles north-east by east from the city of Baku, on a dry rocky land. There are several ancient temples built with stone, supposed to have been all dedicated to fire. Amongst others is a little temple at which the Indians now worship. Here are generally forty or fifty of these poor devotees, who come on a pilgrimage from their own country. A little way from the temple is a low cleft of a rock, in which there is a horizontal gap, two feet from the ground, nearly six long, and about three wide, out of which issues a constant flame, in TECHNICAL USES OF CARBON COMPOUNDS. 121 colour and gentleness not unlike a lamp that burns with spirits, only more pure. When the wind blows, it rises sometimes eight feet high, but much lower in still weather. They do not perceive that the flame makes any impression on the rock. This also the Indians worship, and say it cannot be resisted, but if extinguished will rise in another place. The earth round the place, for about two miles, has this surprising property, that by taking up two or three inches of the surface and applying a live coal, the part which is so uncovered immediately takes fire, almost before the coal touches the earth ; the flame makes the soil hot, but does not consume it, nor affect what is near it with any degree of heat. A Any quantity of this earth carried to another place does not produce this effect. ... If a cane or tube even of paper be set about two inches in the ground, confined and closed with earth below, and the top of it touched with a live coal, and blown upon, immediately a flame issues without hurting either the cane or paper, provided the edges be covered with clay ; and this method they use for light in their houses, which have only the earth for their floor ; three or four of these lighted canes will boil water in a pot, and thus they dress their victuals. . . . Lime is burnt to great perfection by means of this phenomenon." Gibbon tells us (in The Decline and Fall) that in 624 A.D. Heraclius wintered 70 miles south of Baku, and that he "Signalised the zeal and revenge of a Christian em- peror. At his command the soldiers extinguished the fire and destroyed the temples of the Magi." The process whereby acetic acid (C 2 H 4 2 ) is obtained from ethylic alcohol (C 2 H 6 0) has been sketched in Chapter VI. (p. 83). The conver- sion of ethylic alcohol, contained in certain fer- mented fruit-juices, into acetic acid is the main chemical change that occurs in making vinegar. Mere contact of alcohol, or an alcoholic liquor, with oxygen does not suffice to effect the oxida- 122 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. tion of the alcohol to acetic acid ; but if a small quantity of the minute fungus called mycoderma aceti is present, the oxidation proceeds. This little plant grows in a liquid which contains albuminous bodies and certain mineral salts, pro- vided there is free access of air ; and if the liquid also contains 10 per cent., or less than 10 per cent., of alcohol, the pjant absorbs the alcohol slowly, and causes its oxidation to acetic acid by the oxygen which is taken from the air by the growing fungus. As the germs of this acetifying fungus are always present in the air, wine or beer soon begins to turn sour when it is kept in an open vessel. The most favour- able conditions for the acetification of an alcoholic liquor are these : the presence in the liquid of plenty of food for the fungus ; the presence of not more than 10 per cent., nor less than 4 per cent., of alcohol ; the exposure of a large surface of the liquid to the free access of air ; and the maintenance of the temperature at about 25 C. [ = 77 F.]. There are two processes whereby vinegar is manufactured. In the older process, the alcoholic liquid generally poor wine about a year old, or a fermented infusion of malt is kept for many days in large casks, made of beech- wood, which have been soaked in vinegar. In the quick vinegar process, an alcoholic liquid is caused to trickle, in very thin streams, over beechwood shavings, or purified charcoal, which have been " soured " by immersion in hot vinegar, while a current of air passes through the shavings, or the charcoal, in the direction opposite to that taken by the spray of alcoholic liquid. TECHNICAL USES OF CARBON COMPOUNDS. 123 The casks employed in the slow process contain from 50 to 100 gallons of liquid apiece ; each is pierced by two holes, one to admit air, and the other for pouring in, or withdrawing, liquid. The casks are filled to one-third with vinegar, and the temperature is kept at about 25 C. [ = 77 F.] ; after eight days about ten pints of wine are added, and after another eight days about ten pints more, and so on, until the casks are two- thirds full. When fourteen days have passed, a portion of the liquid is drawn off, and more wine is poured in. Each cask produces annually a quantity of vinegar equal to about twice its own capacity. The casks are thoroughly cleaned about once in six years. It is said that a good cask will last for five and twenty years. The manufacture of malt vinegar is very much like that of wine vinegar. Sometimes the casks are placed in rows in the open air ; in such a case the operation generally begins in the spring, and is finished in about three months. The liquors that are acetified by the quick process are generally prepared by mixing poor brandies with water and some vinegar, and add- ing bran or rye to give food to the vinegar fungus. Sometimes diluted brandy, or whiskey, is mixed with fermented infusion of malt ; in other cases an infusion of barley-meal and wheat-meal is fer- mented ; molasses or honey is added occasionally to give a rich colour to the vinegar. The acetifi- cation is conducted in large vats, which are fur- nished with perforated false bottoms placed about 18 inches above the true bottoms, and fitted near the tops with wooden discs which are pierced by 124 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. a great many very small holes ; there are also a few holes sloping downwards in the sides of each vat, below the false bottom. The space between the false bottom and the upper disc is nearly filled with beech-wood shavings, or with pieces of char- coal which have been freed from saline impurities by soaking in acid and washing. Through each hole in the upper disc is suspended a thread of twisted cotton yarn, the lower end of which touches the shavings, or the charcoal. The shav- ings (or charcoal) are soaked in hot vinegar for a day or two. The liquor is poured on to the upper disc, and trickles slowly down the twisted threads and then through the shavings, or the charcoal ; when the shavings have become coated with the vinegar fungus, the oxidation of the alcohol in the liquor proceeds fairly rapidly, and the temperature rises in the interior of the vat to about 37 C. [ = 98 F.] : one effect of this heating is to cause a current of air to enter, by the holes in the sides of the vat beneath the false bottom, and, in passing up- wards, to come in contact with the descending thin stream of liquid, and thus to aid the oxida- tion of the alcohol in the liquid. The vinegar is drawn off by a tap placed at about an inch above the bottom of the vat. If the alcoholic liquor contains about 4 per cent, of alcohol, the acetifi- cation is complete when the liquid reaches the bottom of the vat ; liquids richer in alcohol must be passed through the apparatus two or three times. Besides acetic acid, which is the main product of the chemical changes that occur in making TECHNICAL USES OF CARBON COMPOUNDS. 125 vinegar, there are formed small quantities of ethylic acetate, and some other ethereal salts ; it is to the presence of these compounds that the odour of vinegar is chiefly due. The quantity of acetic acid should never be less than 5 per cent, in genuine vinegar, but wine vinegar some- times contains as much as 12 per cent. Besides acetic acid, vinegar contains small quantities of alcohol, sugar, and various substances extracted from malt or wine-juice, in addition to chlorides, acetates, sulphates, and phosphates, of various metals, the principal of which are sodium, potas- sium, and calcium. It is legal to add one part of sulphuric acid to 1000 parts of vinegar. An artificial vinegar is prepared by mixing acetic acid with water, and adding a little burnt sugar, and a trace of ethylic acetate to give an agreeable odour. The only other technical application of com- pounds of carbon which I shall notice in this chapter is that wherein the ethereal salts, glyceryl stearate, palmitate, and oleate, are de- composed, by alkalis, to produce soaps and glycerin. We have already considered the chemical changes that occur when caustic potash, or soda, is boiled with an ethereal salt ; the pro- ducts are a potassium, or sodium, salt of the acid the radicle whereof formed part of the ethereal salt used, and an alcohol, that is a hydroxide of the ethereal radicle of the salt that has been decomposed. (For a detailed account of these changes see the last chapter, pp. 94, 95.) The reactions that occur when glyceryl stearate, palmitate, or oleate, is decomposed by steam are 126 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. very much like those which take place when the decomposition is effected by caustic potash; only, in place of obtaining potassium stearate, palmi- tate, or oleate, we obtain stearic, palmitic, or ole'ic acid. When glyceryl stearate is used, the reaction may be expressed thus : C 3 H 6 (0 18 H 35 2 ) 3 + 3H( C 3 H 6 (OH) 3 + 3(H.C 18 H 35 2 ). Glycerin. Stearic acid. For the sake of comparison, the reaction between glyceryl stearate and a boiling solution of potash is repeated here : C3H 5 (C 18 H 35 2 ) 3 + 3KOH C 3 H 6 (OH) 3 + 3(K.C 18 H 35 2 ). Glycerin. Potassium stearate. The decomposition of the glyceryl salts of palmitic, stearic, ole'ic, and other acids, for the purpose of making soaps, is conducted in large metal vats, holding from 10 to 40 tons of material ; the fatty matter is melted, weak soda ley (solution of caustic soda) is run in, and the whole is heated to boiling by steam ; after a time more concentrated soda ley is added, and boiling is continued until the fat has been saponified; common salt, or a concentrated solution of com- mon salt, is then added, because soap is in- soluble in concentrated brine ; as the contents of the vat cool, the soap separates to the top, as a curd, and the glycerin dissolves in the lower watery layer. The curd is separated, and boiled with successive quantities of soda ley until it has a distinctly alkaline taste; the curd is again allowed to separate, and is then run into cooling TECHNICAL USES OF CARBON COMPOUNDS. 127 frames made of iron or wood. The semi-fluid material is often mixed with scents, antiseptic substances, or such salts as silicate of soda or sulphate of soda; the presence of these salts gives a finer texture to the soap, and also enables it to take up a large quantity of water and yet remain solid. Sometimes the soap is 'fitted.' In this process the soap is heated by means of wet steam, and then allowed to rest for some days, when a separation occurs into three layers : the upper layer is a frothy soap known as l fob' ; the lowest layer contains various impurities, and water, mixed perhaps with more or less caustic soda; and the middle layer consists of the 'neat' soap, which is run into cooling frames. A fitted soap may contain 30 or 40 per cent, of water, but it is almost quite free from caustic soda ; curd soap, on the other hand, often contains consider- able quantities of alkali. If such fats as linseed, poppy, or hempseed, oil are boiled with just sufficient potash ley to complete the process of saponification, and the whole mass is allowed to cool, a soft, homogeneous jelly is produced which contains the whole of the glycerin formed in the saponification ; such a soap is very soft and dis- solves easily in water ; it generally, however, contains free alkali. Some of the finest toilet soaps are obtained by drying carefully made soap, then dissolving it in alcohol, and distilling off the spirit; the residue is more or less transparent ; as the soap sets it is mixed with a little glycerin. Soap is fairly soluble in water, but it is in- soluble in water containing a certain, not very 128 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. large, quantity of saline matter. As soaps made from cocoanut oil, and palm-kernel oil, are more soluble in a watery solution of saline matter than other soaps, the products of saponifying these oils by potash are sold as marine soaps, because they give a lather with salt water. If soap made in this way is mixed with such salts as silicate or sulphate of soda, it is possible to add a very large quantity of water and yet to obtain a firm mass ; marine soaps sometimes contain 80 to 85 per cent, of water and salts, and only 15 to 20 per cent, of genuine soap. A theoretically perfect soap consists of potas- sium, or sodium, salts of certain fatty acids, mixed together. Contact with water breaks up the soap into salts which contain more of the acidic radicle relatively to the quantity of potassium or sodium present, and some potash, or soda ; and the de- tergent value of soap is largely due to the small quantity of alkali thus produced. If the water which comes into contact with soap contains chalk, or gypsum, or carbonate or sulphate of magnesium, then a reaction occurs between the soap and the salt in the water, whereby a cal- cium (or magnesium) salt of the acidic radicle of the soap, and a potassium (or sodium) salt of the acidic radicle of the salt that is present in the water, are produced. Supposing the soap to consist of potassium stearate only, and the water to contain calcium carbonate (chalk), then the reaction may be thus expressed in an equation 2(K.C 18 H 35 2 ) + CaC0 3 = Ca(C 18 H 35 2 ) 2 Potassium Calcium Calcium Potassium stearate. carbonate. stearate. carbonate. SUGARS, STARCHES, AND CELLULOSE. 129 When the reaction between the soap and the salts in the water is finished, but not until then, the ordinary action between a soap and pure water begins, and a lather is produced. All " hard " waters contain chalk, or gypsum, or sul- phate or carbonate of magnesium, in solution ; hence, in washing with a hard water, a com- paratively large quantity of soap must be used before a lather is produced. CHAPTER IX. SUGARS, STARCHES, AND CELLULOSE. THE juices of the sugar-cane, beetroot, certain palms, the maple, and the sorghum, contain a compound of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which has the composition C 12 H 22 O n . All plants contain starch, C 6 H 10 5 . And the main constituent of all vegetable tissues is cellulose, C 6 H 10 5 . A sugar, whose composition is ex- pressed by the formula C 6 H 10 6 , is found in the juices of fruits, and in honey. Cane-sugar, or saccharose (C 12 H 22 O n ) is pre- pared by crushing sugar-cane, or beetroots, neutralising the juice by lime, adding sulphurous acid (to prevent fermentation), evaporating, and crystallising. The raw sugar is refined by dis- solving it in water, filtering, removing colouring matter by means of animal charcoal, evaporating in vacuum-pans, and separating the solid sugar from the syrup by centrifugal machines. Starch I 130 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. is obtained by steeping potatoes in water, wash- ing, rasping, and straining, and allowing the starch to settle; the starch is then washed, drained, and dried. Rice-starch is manufactured by macerating rice with a dilute solution of soda or potash, whereby gluten is removed, draining, washing, grinding, and sifting; in some processes the gluten is removed by a process of fermenta- tion, followed by washing and treatment with much diluted acid. The variety of fruit-sugar known as glucose (C 6 H 12 6 ) is generally manu- factured from the starch of sago, maize, or rice, by heating with dilute sulphuric acid, neutral- ising by chalk, separating from calcium sulphate, decolourising by animal charcoal, and evaporat- ing to a syrup. Cellulose is made from vegetable tissues by treatment with alkali and some weak oxidiser; for instance, by treating cotton with bleaching powder. These four compounds, cane-sugar, fruit-sugar, starch, and cellulose, belong to the class of com- pounds called carbohydrates. The formula of each contains six atoms, or a whole multiple of six atoms, of carbon, and always twice as many atoms of hydrogen as of oxygen ; in other words, the compositions of the compounds are expressed by the formula 7iC 6 .mH 2 0. Although the weights of hydrogen and oxygen in these compounds are in the same ratio as in water, the substances are not compounds of carbon with water (as the name carbohydrate implies); their reactions negative this view of their constitution. Cane-sugar is the most important representative of the group of carbohydrates called saccharoses, SUGARS, STARCHES, AND CELLULOSE. 131 all of which have the composition C 12 H 22 lr Fruit-sugar belongs to the group of glucoses, C 6 H 12 Og. And starch and cellulose are amyloses, C 6 H 10 5 . These formulae are the simplest ex- pressions that can be given of the compositions and some of the reactions of the four compounds, but they are not necessarily molecular formulae ; the formulae which tell the numbers of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, in the molecules of the compounds may be multiples of these simplest expressions. There is, however, good reason to regard the formulae C 12 H 22 O n and C 6 H 12 6 , given to cane-sugar and fruit-sugar, respectively, as molecular formulae. The examination of the reactions of the glu- coses has been carried much further than that of the reactions of the saccharoses or of the amy- loses. There are at least eight sugars to all of which the formula C 6 H 12 6 must be given ; more- over the reactions of these eight sugars shew that the structural formula CH 2 OH.(CHOH) 4 .HCO must be assigned to each of them. Now it is not possible to form eight modifications of this expression if the assumption is made that the atoms are arranged in only two dimensions in space. It has been noticed already (see pp. 112, 113) that the hypothesis that molecules have only length and breadth and no thickness served admirably to group together many facts con- cerning the reactions of carbon compounds, but that the hypothesis broke down in some cases, for instance in the case of the four tartaric acids (see pp. Ill, 112). We have now another set of facts which refuse to be brought into order by the use 132 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. of the hypothesis that worked so well for a time. We are forced to attempt to form expressions which shall represent the atoms of carbon, hydro- gen and oxygen as arranged in three dimensions in space in those groups which are the molecules of the various glucoses. It is of course impossible to form realistic presentments of the tri-dimensional arrange- ments of the atoms in molecules ; all we can do is to endeavour to construct an hypothesis which shall be the framework wherein our knowledge of the observed reactions of the compounds under consideration may be set, shall bind that knowledge into a consistent whole, and shall indicate the directions wherein new attacks, likely to prove successful, may be made on the problem of the connexions between the compositions and the reactions of molecules. The glucoses resemble some of the tartaric acids in one respect ; they are optically active compounds when dissolved in water: solutions of some of them rotate the plane of polarisation of a ray of light to the right hand, and solutions of some are laevo-rotatory. An aqueous solution of cane sugar is dextro-rotatory ; ordinary starch which has been dried in the air is insoluble in water, but there is a variety of starch called soluble starch, and an aqueous solution of that compound rotates the plane of polarisation of a ray of light in the direction opposite to that in which the hands of a watch move ; cellulose is insoluble in water. The hypothesis that is used in framing tri- dimensional formulae for such compounds as the SUGARS, STARCHES, AND CELLULOSE. 133 glucoses and the tartaric acids rests on the con- ception of the asymmetric carbon atom. Let an atom of carbon be in direct union with four other atoms, two of which are identical, and the two others are also identical but different from the first pair ; the composition of such a molecule will be expressed by the symbol CR^RgRg. The compound CH 2 C1 2 (dichloro- methane) is an example of this arrangement. Now it is possible to assign two different for- mulae to this molecule, using the ordinary hypothesis that the atoms are arranged in two dimensions in space; these formulae are ci ci H C-H and H-c-ci In one arrangement each CI H hydrogen atom has a chlorine atom on either side of it ; in the other arrangement each hydrogen atom has for its immediate neigh- bours an atom of chlorine and an atom of hy- drogen. But observed facts tell that molecules of this composition never exist in more than one modification : there is only one dichloro- methane, not two dichloromethanes as there ought to be if the ordinary view of the arrange- ment of atoms were sufficient. We want then to picture the arrangement in space of a molecule composed of an atom of carbon united to four other atoms, or atomic groups, in such a way as shall bring our theoretical conception of this arrangement into keeping with the observed facts. Now suppose the carbon atom to be placed in the centre of a regular tetrahedron, 134 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. and each of the four other atoms to be placed at one of the summits of the tetrahedron ; we have the arrangement pictured thus : R R where each E stands for an atom, or atomic group, in direct union with the atom of carbon supposed to be in the centre of the tetrahedron. Suppose the four atoms, or groups, in connexion with the carbon atom to be different (suppose them, for instance, to be an atom of hydrogen, an atom of chlorine, an atom of bromine, and an atom of iodine) ; then the arrangement would be pictured by one of the two following figures, and the image of this arrangement in a mirror would be represented by the other figure : R 3 We have here two arrangements like a right- handed and a left-handed glove. Just as it is impossible to lay a pair of gloves together, both palms upward, or both backs upward, without bringing the thumbs on different sides, so it is impossible to lay one of the arrangements shewn in the figures on the other so that R x shall be superposed on R p R 2 on R 2 , R 3 on R 3 , and R 4 on R 4 . The properties of one of the molecules pictured by, say, the first of the two figures will differ from the properties of the molecule pictured by the other figure. SUGARS, STARCHES, AND CELLULOSE. 135 When two compounds have the same composi- tion but different properties, and the two mole- cules are composed of the same numbers of the same atoms, one compound is said to be an isomeride of the other; and the existence of two (or more than two) such compounds is said to be a case of isomerism (from two Greek words signi- fying equal parts). In the case before us, the compound symbolised by one of the tetrahedral figures is called a geometrical isomeride, or some- times a mirror-isomeride, of the other. Now consider the case of an atom of carbon in direct union with four other atoms, or groups of atoms, two of which are the same. Representing these atoms, or groups, by RjRjR^ and R 3 , we can picture the tetrahedral arrangement of all the atoms by one of the following figures, and the mirror- image of that arrangement by the other figure : R, RI R; R, One of these figures can be superposed on the other : take the second figure, turn it round so that the Rj at the top of the figure is brought where the R 2 was before the figure was turned round ; then the result is identical with the first figure. In such a case as this, that is in a mole- cule composed of an atom of carbon united with four other atoms (or groups) two of which are the same, isomerism cannot occur if the hypo- thesis we are working on is a satisfactory method of symbolising facts. There is no case known of 136 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. the existence of more than one modification of a compound whose molecular composition is ex- pressed by the symbol CRJ^RgRg. There are cases known of isomerism shewn by compounds whose composition is expressed by the symbol 123 4. Turn back for a moment to the two figures placed side by side on p. 134. The fact that neither figure is superposable on the other is sometimes expressed by saying there is no plane of symmetry in either figure. It is this notion of symmetry which underlies the expression, I am now trying to explain, the asymmetric carbon atom. If a single atom of carbon is in direct union with four other atoms, or atomic groups, all of which are different, then a compound is produced which can exist in two modifications ; or, it would be more correct to say, two compounds are possible both having the same composition. But if a single atom of carbon is in direct union with four other atoms (or groups), two, or three, of which are the same, then the compound that is formed does not exist in more than one modification. The only way we have been able to think clearly about these facts (the reader should notice that it is almost impossible to state the bare facts except in terms of a theory of the structure of matter) is by picturing to ourselves the arrange- ment of the atoms of the two isomeric molecules, CRjRgRgR^ as like a regular tetrahedron with the atom of carbon in the centre, and each atom, or atomic group, at one of the summits. And as this is an unsymmetrical arrangement, inasmuch as the mirror-image of this arrangement cannot SUGARS. STARCHES, AND CELLULOSE. 137 be superposed on the original configuration, the atom of carbon, which is thought of as the central pivot whereon the other atoms are hung, is spoken of as an asymmetric atom. In some cases then we think of the existence of two, or more than two, compounds of carbon with the same composition and the same molecular weight as dependent on the presence of asymmetric carbon atoms in the molecules of these com- pounds ; and by the expression, an asymmetric carbon atom, we mean an atom of carbon in direct union with four atoms (or atomic groups) no one of which is the same as any other. The only way we have at present of connecting the ex- hibition of isomerism with the presence of asym- metric carbon atoms in molecules is by likening figures, with an asymmetric carbon atom in the centre of each, and the four atoms, or groups, that are in direct union with this asymmetric atom at the four summits of each figure. Of course we are sure that the molecules are not really tetrahedral arrangements with an atom of carbon in the centre, for we know that a molecule must be an exceedingly complicated structure, and that the parts of every molecule must be performing regulated movements. Nevertheless we must frame some conception of the arrange- ment of the parts of molecules, and in order to form a conception which shall be useful in furthering exact knowledge of the connexions between composition and properties, we must employ a tool the trick of which we have learned and can use. The only tool that has been found 138 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. suitable for the work to be done is that whose mechanism I have been trying to describe. The reactions of every compound which is optically active in solution (that is to say, which rotates the plane of polarisation of a ray of light) indicate the existence of at least one atom of carbon in the molecule in direct union with four different atoms, or groups of atoms. The ex- hibition of optical activity by a compound in solution seems then to be associated with the presence of asymmetric carbon atoms in the molecule of the compound. We found (Chapter VII., p. 109) that four tartaric acids exist, that the. reactions of all are expressed by the formula C 2 H 2 (OH) 2 (C0 2 H) 2 , that one of these acids is dextrorotatory in solution, another is laevorota- tory, another is optically inactive but can be resolved into equal weights of the dextrorotatory and the laevorotatory acids, and that the fourth is optically inactive in solution and cannot be resolved into the active modifications. Writing the formula C 2 H 2 (OH) 2 (C0 2 H) 2 in full, we have the following expression : H H CO H-C - e'-CO H 2 i i 2 OH OH The molecule of tartaric acid contains two atoms of carbon each of which is in direct union with four different atoms or atomic groups, namely, with H, (OH), (C0 2 H), and (C.H.OH.C0 2 H) ; that is, the molecule contains two asymmetric carbon atoms (the symbols of these atoms are printed in italics in the formula). Now if this iormula must be assigned to each of the four SUGARS, STARCHES, AND CELLULOSE. 139 tartaric acids, it is evident that a compound may be optically inactive although its molecule con- tains two asymmetric carbon atoms, and that an optically active compound may have the same composition as another which is inactive and, like the active compound, contains a pair of asymmetric carbon atoms. To attempt to follow in detail the working out of the hypothesis of geometrical isomerism as it is applied to the cases of the four tartaric acids would be out of place in this book ; nevertheless a slight outline of the application of the hypo- thesis may be given. The conception that is formed of the structure of the molecule of tartaric acid is that of two tetradedra with one summit of one joined to one of the other; one asym- metrical carbon atom is thought of as placed at the centre of each tetrahedron, and the atomic groups are supposed to be placed at the remain- ing six summits. Two of the possible arrange- ments of those groups are shown in the following figures : HO.OC One of these figures bears to the other the same relation as an object bears to its image in a mirror. If one of these molecules is dextro- 140 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. rotatory the other will be laevorotatory. If we suppose a dextrorotatory molecule joined to a laevorotatory molecule the right-handed optical activity of one will be neutralised by the left- handed activity of the other ; the compound molecule will be optically inactive, but resolvable into a dextrorotatory and a laevorotatory mole- cule. The existence of two optically active, and one inactive but resolvable, modification of tar- taric acid is thus in keeping with the hypothesis. It is also possible to represent the molecule of tartaric acid by such a modification of the figures given above that one-half of the molecule shall be the mirror-image of the other half. One half of such an arrangement would be dextrorotatory and the other half laevorotatory ; the dextroro- tatory part would neutralise the other, and the whole molecule would be optically inactive ; but this modification of tartaric acid would not be resolvable into two optically active acids, because splitting a molecule into parts is the same thing as changing the substance into other substances altogether different from it. The hypothesis which rests on the conception of the asymmetric carbon atom has been applied to the glucoses, and has been found sufficient to bring the reactions of this class of sugars under one general principle, to elucidate the relations which experiments have shown to exist between these compounds, and to indicate many reactions which have afterwards found experimental veri- fication. We have learned in this chapter that the influ- ence of carbon atoms on the properties of the SUGARS, STARCHES, AND CELLULOSE. 141 molecules whereof they form parts are profoundly modified by the relations which exist between these atoms and the other atoms that, with them, constitute the molecules. In all its wanderings carbon preserves a certain sameness of character, but it is enormously influenced by its companions. A very small change in the spatial arrangement of a few atoms of which carbon is one is some- times accompanied by a great change in the properties of the whole group of atoms. The facts concerning the properties of such compounds as the tartaric acids and the glucoses drive home the importance of the study of the finer relations between the parts of compounds. No amount of examination of the elements that form tartaric acid, or glucose, could in the least prepare us to expect that any collocation of these elements should possess the properties which characterise the compounds that are formed by their union. The composition of every compound is absolutely unalterable ; the properties of every element, taken by itself, are fixed and unchangeable ; yet join together the same elements, and the same quantities of the same elements, and you pro- duce compounds in many cases very unlike one another. As investigation advances, the problem of the connexions between composition and pro- perties becomes finer and more elusive, until we come to bodies which are identical so far as we can test them in the laboratory but produce com- pletely different effects on living organisms. CHAPTER X. BENZENE, AND SOME OF ITS ALLIED COMPOUNDS. IN Chapter III. it was said that most of the compounds of carbon belong to one or other of two main classes ; those which bear a general resemblance to the paraffins and are derived from these hydrocarbons, and those which are derived from the hydrocarbon benzene and are related to that compound in their reactions. Hitherto we have been concerned with pamffinoid compounds ; in this chapter we shall have to deal with a few benzenoid compounds. The common fats are in- cluded in the first class of compounds, and all the members of that class are often called fatty compounds ; inasmuch as those substances which give aromatic odours to certain plants belong to the benzenoid class, the name aromatic compounds is commonly applied to all the members of that class. A vast number of compounds is derived from the hydrocarbon benzene ; in this chapter we shall consider a few of these. Benzene is com- posed of carbon and hydrogen united in the proportion of 9 2 '3 per cent, of carbon to 7 '7 per cent, of hydrogen : as the atomic weight of carbon is 12, and that of hydrogen is 1, it follows that there is the same number of atoms of carbon as of hydrogen in the molecule of benzene [ 9 ^ 3 = 7 '7 ; = 7'7]. The molecular weight of this compound is found to be 78; hence the molecule is com- 142 BENZENE, AND ITS ALLIED COMPOUNDS. 143 posed of 6 atoms of carbon united to 6 atoms of hydrogen [(6 x 12) + (6 x 1) = 78], and the molecular formula of the compound is C 6 H 6 . No aromatic compound is known containing less than 6 atoms of carbon in its molecule. Benzene can be obtained, by a somewhat in- direct process, from gum benzoin ; as benzene is an oily substance, the name benzole (probably abbreviated from benzoin oleum) was originally given to the hydrocarbon, and this is the name by which the compound is generally known in commerce both in this country and abroad. Benzene is manufactured from coal-tar, by re- peatedly distilling the lower boiling portions until a liquid boiling at about 80 C. [=176 R] is obtained. The hydrocarbon is a clear, colour- less, limpid liquid, somewhat lighter than water bulk for bulk ; it freezes to colourless crystals at a temperature a little higher than that of the freezing point of water. When benzene is mixed with concentrated nitric acid, an oil smelling like oil of bitter almonds is produced; this oil has the composi- tion C 6 H 5 .NO 2 , and is called nitrobenzene. By subjecting this compound to the action of iron filings and acetic acid it is converted into aniline, C 6 H 5 NH 2 , from which is obtained a series of compounds called the aniline colours. Another compound called phenol, or often carbolic acid, is obtained from benzene by a series of reactions ; this compound has the composition C 6 ELOH. One of the products of the oxidation of ben- zene is benzoic acid C 6 H 5 .C0 2 H; and from this acid is obtained another named salicylic acid, 144 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. C 6 H 4 .OH.C0 2 H. I propose to consider these compounds briefly ; always with the object of tracing connexions between the compositions and the properties of definite kinds of matter. There are three statements concerning the reactions of benzene and its derivatives which must be insisted on. (1) In almost all of its reactions benzene acts as a saturated compound ; that is to say, it shews very little liking for the addition of other elements to itself, it is generally ready to exchange hydrogen for other elements. For instance, it is easy to form C 6 H 5 C1 or C 6 H 4 C1 2 , C 6 H 5 .N0 2 or C 6 H 4 (N0 2 ) 2 , from C 6 H 6 ; but the formation of C 6 H 6 C1 6 proceeds only very slowly and under the influence of sunshine, and when this compound is produced it fairly readily changes to C 6 H 3 C1 3 and hydrochloric acid (HC1). (2) The general result of the action of reagents on the derivatives of benzene is to produce some compound, or compounds, contain- ing six atoms of carbon in the molecule ; such compounds break down into simpler bodies only by the prolonged action of energetic reagents. (3) The compound C 6 H 5 C1 is called monochloro- lenzene, and the compound C 6 H 4 C1 2 dichloro-ben- zene ; there is only one monochloro - benzene, but there are three different dichloro-benzenes. There are also three dibromo-benzenes (CgH 4 Br 2 ), three dinitro-benzenes [C 6 H 4 (N0 2 ) 2 ], and gener- ally three isomeric compounds of the composition C 6 H 4 R 2 where R is an atom, or an atomic group, capable of replacing one atom of hydrogen in a molecule. How are these facts to be suggested in a BENZENE, AND ITS ALLIED COMPOUNDS. 145 structural formula for benzene 1 How are we to represent the arrangement of six carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms so that the facts concern- ing the reactions of the molecule C 6 H 6 may be im- plicitly contained in the formula which expresses the supposed arrangement 1 Nearly forty years ago (in March, 1865) the/ German naturalist Kekule* was living in London. He had been thinking eagerly for some time about the structure of the molecules of the benzene compounds. As he was riding, one day, on the top of a Clapham omnibus he saw in his mind's eye the arrange- ment of the atoms in the molecule C 6 Hg; the problem was solved. Kekule' pictured to himself six atoms of carbon arranged so that each was in direct union with two other atoms of carbon and with one atom of hydrogen. The simplest way of presenting this arrangement on a plane surface, using the ordinary conventions, is per- haps the following : Kekule" preferred to think of the six carbon atoms as forming an hexagonal figure ; thus And since that time chemists have been accus- tomed to speak of the hexagon-formula of benzene. The six atoms of carbon are thought of as forming a compact, stable nucleus, and the six atoms of hydrogen as attached to this nucleus K 146 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. each to one of the six carbon atoms. The derivatives of benzene are represented as formed by removing one, or more, atoms of hydrogen from the molecule C 6 H 6 , and putting other atoms, and groups of atoms, in their places, the six carbon nucleus remaining intact. The general action of reagents on these derivatives of benzene is pictured as resulting in the breaking off of some, or all, of the side chains, without (in most cases) decomposing the nucleus of six carbon atoms. If six atoms of chlorine are added to the molecule C 6 H 6 , it should not be possible to add any more chlorine; because the molecule of benzene hexachloride would have this structure : and experience tells that an atom of carbon cannot hold directly to itself more than four other atoms of any kind in a molecule. Finally, consider the structure of the isomeric dichloro- benzenes which ought to exist if Kekule's hypo- thesis is a sufficient translation of the facts into the language of molecular structure. There may be three, but not more than three, dichloro-ben- zenes ; and the formulae of these three isomeric compounds are : XCI -CCl .CCI -eAa .A- ./Y 3G .IE ^ Y r ? RTAIN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES DEALING WITH SUGARS, CELLULOSE, AND BENZENE COM- POUNDS. THE chief changes of composition that occur in the preparation of beer, of whiskey, and of wines are changes that begin with sugars and end with alcohols and ethereal salts. The main stages in beer-making are, the con- version of barley into malt, the extraction by water of the soluble constituents of malt, fermen- tation, and clearing. Barley is moistened and allowed to germinate slightly ; during this pro- cess a substance is formed, called diastase, which, acting in the presence of water, converts the starch of the barley into dextrin, and that variety of glucose called maltose, and also slightly alters the compositions of a group of nitrogen-con- taining compounds in the barley so that the products dissolve in water. The composition of dextrin is the same as that of starch (G 6 H 10 6 ) ; but, unlike starch, dextrin easily dissolves in water. As maltose belongs to the group of the glucoses, its composition is expressed by the formula C 6 H 12 Og. The germination is stopped by heating the barley in a kiln ; the product is called malt. The malt is crushed, and treated with water at about 60 to 70 C. [= 140 to 158 F.]; the liquor obtained by this process of mashing is called wwt. The wort contains glucose, dextrin, soluble nitrogenous compounds, 153 154 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. and some mineral salts. Experience shows that the changes from starch and insoluble nitro- genous compounds to dextrin, glucose, and soluble nitrogen-containing substances, proceed most favourably at the temperature of 64 to 67 C. [= 147 to 152 F.]. The wort is then boiled with hops ; certain substances which give a peculiar flavour to the liquid are extracted from the hops by the boiling wort. The liquid is now rapidly cooled ; if this is not done changes occur in the constituents of the wort, and various acids are formed that render the beer undrink- able. During the cooling, air finds its way into the wort, and the oxygen in this air aids the process of fermentation to which the wort is now subjected. The fermentation that is, the con- version of glucose into alcohol and carbonic acid gas is accomplished by adding yeast to the wort, and maintaining a suitable temperature. In English breweries fermentation is conducted at about 15-5 to 21 C. [= 60 to 70 F.]; in German breweries, at about 12 to 15 C., or sometimes at temperatures as low as 6 to 8 C. [53 to 59 F., or 43 to 46'5 F.]. When fer- mentation occurs at 60 to 70 F., carbonic acid gas escapes rapidly from the liquor, and particles of yeast are carried towards the top of the fer- menting wort ; when the process is conducted at 43 to 53 F. the carbonic acid gas forms slowly, and the yeast sinks to the bottom of the liquor. The two processes are called high fermentation and low fermentation, respectively. As has been said, high fermentation is practised in England, and low fermentation in Germany. The fer- INDUSTRIES DEALING WITH SUGARS, ETC. 155 mented liquor is run off into cleansing tanks, where various insoluble substances gradually settle, and the yeast is skimmed off from the surface ; after a second process of settling and cleansing, the beer is run into barrels, and these are sent into the market. The following figures present the quantities of the chief constituents in different kinds of beer : Burton Scotch Lager DM4M . Bavarian Ale. Ale. Beer. forter - draught-beer Per cent, of Water . . 79'6 81'5 90'8 86-3 90'28 Alcohol . . 5-9 8-5 3'7 6'9 8'8 Carbonic acid . . .. 0-15 0'22 0'16 014 Sugar*. . A Dextrin . . Ash. . . .[- 14-5 9-85 5'28 6'64 6'8 Nitrogenous I compounds./ * The quantity of sugar in beer rarely amounts to more than a half per cent. ; porter may contain from 1*5 to 2 per cent. Unless beer is made with great care the finished product is subject to various diseases. These diseases consist in the production of compounds that give a disagreeable taste and odour to the beer. The chief causes of these obnoxious changes are impurities in the yeast employed for effecting the fermentation. Yeast is the name given to a group of very simple plants of a low order ; these plants grow in wort, feeding on some of the con- stituents of the wort, and producing, during their growth, alcohol, carbonic acid, and traces of other compounds. Among the constituents of ordinary yeast are certain minute funguses, collectively known as wild yeast, which change alcohol into acetic acid, and glucose into lactic acid and butyric acid, and effect other transmutations, the pro- 156 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. ducts of which are more or less objectionable to the beer-drinker. The cure for the disease of beer is, therefore, the very careful selection of yeast free from those wild varieties which bring about the undesirable chemical changes. Un- fortunately, it is impossible to detect wild yeast in samples of the fungus microscopically ; but if the samples are grown under very definite con- ditions, and a microscopic examination is made periodically of the growing organisms, it is possible to distinguish the wild yeasts from those which produce only alcoholic fermentation, for the manner of growth is different in the different kinds of yeast. Whiskey is, or ought to be, made from malt. The object of the distiller is to convert the whole of the starch of the barley into glucose, and the whole of the glucose into alcohol. The wort is subjected to a brisk fermentation under condi- tions which ensure the transformation of the whole of the sugar into alcohol; and sugar is sometimes added to the wort, so that the fer- mented liquor may be richer in alcohol than it would be if only what may be called the natural sugar of the wort were acted on by the yeast. The fermentation of wort for making whiskey should be conducted at as low a temperature as possible, else fusel oil is produced. This name is given to a group of alcohols, the chief of which is amylic alcohol (the fifth alcohol of the ethylic series = C 5 H n .OH); these alcohols are very intoxi- cating and distinctly poisonous. As whiskey matures the fusel oil (some of which is present in all newly-made whiskey) slowly reacts with the INDUSTRIES DEALING WITH SUGARS, ETC. 157 small quantities of acids that fermented liquors always contain, and forms ethereal salts (compare Chap. VI., p. 93); and the bouquet of well- matured whiskey is chiefly caused by these ethereal salts. The fermented wort is distilled, and the distillate is distilled again; a liquid is thus obtained containing from 61 to 77 per cent, of alcohol ; this is generally diluted so as to con- tain about 55 per cent, of alcohol, and bonded at this strength. Irish whiskey is usually bonded at about 64 per cent, alcoholic strength. The strength of whiskey, brandy, rum, and other spirits, is very generally stated as so much ' overproof,' or so much ' underproof ' ; for instance, rum is generally imported at the strength of twenty overproof. In former times the strength of spirit, that is, the quantity of alcohol in the spirit, used to be roughly tested by pouring the spirit on to gunpowder, and igniting the vapour; if the burning vapour set fire to the powder the spirit was said to be over- proof; if the powder remained unfired the spirit was said to be underproof. Hence arose the name proof spirit ; spirit of such alcoholic strength that it would just fire gunpowder when it was poured on the powder and the vapour was ignited. As more accurate methods of estimating alcohol in liquids were worked out, it was found that proof spirit contained approximately 50 per cent, of alcohol and 50 per cent, of water. Proof spirit is now defined as a mixture of 49*24 parts by weight of alcohol with 50 '7 6 parts by weight of water. A sample of whiskey containing 60 per cent, of alcohol, by weight, contains approximately 10 per 158 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. cent, more alcohol than proof spirit ; as one part of alcohol is approximately equal to two parts of proof spirit, that whiskey would be described as twenty overproof. Methylated spirit consists of nine parts rectified spirits of wine (containing about 84 or 85 per cent, alcohol) mixed with one part methylic alcohol (for a brief account of methylic alcohol, or wood spirit, see Chapter V., p. 80). The Inland Eevenue authorities have allowed this mixture to be bought and sold duty free, under certain definite restrictions, since 1855. The small quantity of methylic alcohol interferes very slightly with the purposes for which methylated spirit is used (for dissolving resins, for burning in lamps, and in certain manufactures), it would be extremely difficult to separate the ethylic alcohol from the wood spirit in the mixture, and the presence of the wood spirit is supposed to make the liquid undrinkable. Of late years the Board of Inland Revenue have added a small quantity of oil to methylated spirit ; if the spirit is poured into water it forms a milky liquid with a nasty smell. Wine is the fermented juice of grapes. The fermentation is generally conducted in open vats, in summer, at about 10 to 12 or 14 C. [ = 50 to 57 F.], and the process occupies from 10 to 14 days. The air always contains sufficient yeast-cells to bring about the change of the sugar of the juice into alcohol and carbonic acid. The carbonic acid escapes ; the liquid is racked off into casks where it stands for some time, and INDUSTRIES DEALING WITH SUGARS, ETC. 159 it is then transferred to other casks where it matures. Many chemical changes occur as wine matures ; there is a slow transformation of sugar into alcohol, various nitrogenous compounds and certain salts (especially tartrate of potassium) are precipitated, traces of acids are formed and react with the alcohols present (for fermented grape- juice always contains several alcohols besides ordinary, or ethylic, alcohol) to produce ethereal salts to the presence of which the bouquet of wine is chiefly due ; and a great many other changes of composition, which have not been fully eluci- dated, take place. Wine is a very complicated liquid ; it contains ethylic alcohol and traces of other alcohols, one of which is glycerin ; acids, especially malic, tannic, tartaric acids, and succinic acid; very small quantities of different ethereal salts ; nitro- genous compounds ; colouring matters ; and in- organic salts, especially phosphates and chlorides- of potash, soda, lime, and magnesia. The quantity of alcohol in natural wines (that is, wines to which alcohol has not been added after fermentation, nor sugar beyond that contained in the grape-juice before fermentation) varies from, about 6 to about 12 per cent.; the amount of acid is from 0*3 to 0'7 per cent.; the ethereal salts amount to a few hundredths of a per cent, of the wine ; most of the natural wines of France and the Khine are practically free from sugar, sherry contains about 2 per cent., port about 4 to 5 per cent., and in such sweet wines as Tokay the sugar may amount to 25 per cent.; there may be about T V n s of a per cent, of mineral salts ; 160 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. and from 2 to 3 per cent, of extractive matter, including nitrogenous compounds. Champagne is bottled before the fermentation is finished ; the carbonic acid which is produced as fermentation proceeds in the bottled wine, can- not escape, and dissolves in the liquid ; when the cork is withdrawn the carbonic acid passes into the air and makes the wine effervesce (compare the remarks on soda water in Chapter IV. p. 51). A great deal of liquid is manufactured to be sold as champagne, by adding sugar to inferior white wine, and pumping in carbonic acid gas under pressure. We must now briefly consider the changes that are turned to account in the manufacture of various explosives from cellulose. As we learned in the last chapter, cellulose is the main con- stituent of all vegetable tissues, and it has the same composition as starch. The simplest formula that expresses the composition of this compound is C 6 H 10 6 , but it is almost certain that the molecule of cellulose contains a fairly large multiple of six atoms of carbon, ten atoms of hydrogen, and five atoms of oxygen. If cotton wool, which is approximately pure cellulose, is steeped in a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulphuric acids, a change occurs which may be expressed approximately by the follow- ing equation : C 6 H 10 6 + 3HN0 8 + H 2 SO, = C 6 H r (N0 2 ) 3 6 + 3H 2 O.H 2 S0 4 Three atoms of hydrogen in the cellulose mole- INDUSTRIES DEALING WITH SUGARS, ETC. 161 cule are replaced by three atomic groups, each of which consists of an atom of nitrogen joined to a couple of atoms of oxygen ; the hydrogen taken out of the cellulose molecule combines with the rest of the oxygen of the nitric acid, and the water that is so produced is seized by the sulphuric acid wherewith it combines. The nitrated product of this reaction [C 6 H 7 (N0 2 ) 3 5 ] is called trinitrocellulose ; for all technical pur- poses it is known as gun-cotton. When gun-cotton is dried and ignited in the air it burns rapidly and is entirely changed into gases ; when it is fired in a closed space, although it cannot obtain oxygen from the air, it contains in itself sufficient oxygen to convert the whole of the carbon in it to carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide and a considerable quantity of the hydrogen to steam. The other products of com- bustion under these conditions are hydrogen and nitrogen ; so that even in the absence of oxygen outside itself, gun-cotton is wholly changed to gaseous substances when it is burnt, and the pro- cess of burning takes place rapidly. The volume of the gases produced by exploding gun-cotton, after allowing the steam to condense, is about 750 times the volume occupied by the material before the explosion. If gun-cotton is very strongly compressed while wet a compact solid is produced containing about 15 per cent, of water ; this substance is quite uninflammable, and may be handled and moved about with per- fect safety. Dry gun-cotton is easily exploded by firing a small quantity of a detonator in contact with it, such as fulminate of mercury L 162 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. contained in a thin iron metal case, and the explo- sion spreads through the mass of gun-cotton with enormous rapidity. Moist, compressed, gun- cotton containing 15 per cent, of water cannot be exploded by a detonator unless a very large charge is employed ; but if a small quantity of dry gun-cotton is brought into contact with the moist sample, and the dry substance is exploded by a detonator, the explosion spreads through the whole mass of the moist gun-cotton which is thereby completely and rapidly changed to gaseous substances. It is evident then that gun-cotton possesses many of the properties of an ideal explosive ; it is not very difficult to manufacture ; under con- ditions which are easily attained it may be handled, carried, and stored, with complete safety ; it can be exploded easily ; the explosion spreads rapidly throughout the whole of the material, and produces an enormous volume of gaseous substances without the smallest quantity of any solid matter. Gun-cotton is the principal explosive used in the army and navy for effecting demolitions on land, for submarine mines, and for torpedoes. It may be well to mention here another ex- plosive, nitroglycerin, which is allied to gun- cotton chemically. This compound is made by treating glycerin [C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 ] with concen- trated nitric and sulphuric acids ; the change may be expressed, approximately, thus : C 3 H 5 (OH) 3 + 3HN0 3 + HjS0 4 = C 3 H 5 (ON0 2 ) 3 3 H 2 O.H 2 S0 4 . INDUSTRIES DEALING WITH SUGARS, ETC. 163 Nitroglycerin is a highly explosive oil, danger- ous to handle and to carry. Dynamite consists of a very fine naturally occurring silica soaked in nitroglycerin ; the silica dilutes the nitrogly- cerin, so that the mixture can be safely handled and transported, and the solid dynamite is more convenient than the liquid nitroglycerin. Other diluents of nitroglycerin are employed, and most of the smokeless powders that are used at present are mixtures of nitroglycerin, or nitro- glycerin and gun-cotton, with diluting materials which render the substances safe and convenient to handle, and also moderate the velocity of the explosion that occurs when the powder is fired by a detonator. Let us now turn for a moment to some of those changes of composition and properties occurring among derivatives of benzene which are the bases of chemical industries. I will ask the reader's attention more particularly to the manufacture of aniline and aniline-colours. Aniline, C 6 H 5 .NH 2 , is made from nitrobenzene ; and nitrobenzene, C 6 H 5 .N0 2 , is made from ben- zene, which is one of the substances present in coal-tar. Hence the name coal-tar colours often applied to the colouring matters derived from aniline. Benzene is treated with a mixture of con- centrated nitric and sulphuric acids, and the oily nitrobenzene so produced is thoroughly washed with water, and run into a still containing iron (in the form of scrapings from soft cast- ings), and either acetic or hydrochloric acid, steam being blown into the still as the nitro- 164 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. benzene runs in. A reaction begins at once; water, aniline, and unchanged nitrobenzene distil over ; more iron is added to the contents of the still, and after some time the distillate consists of only aniline and water. The aniline, which slowly separates from the water, is drawn off and redistilled. The principal reactions which occur in the manufacture of aniline from benzene may be expressed thus : (i.) CLH 6 + HN0 3 + H 2 S0 4 = C 6 H 5 .N0 2 + H 2 O.H 2 S0 4 . (ii.) C 6 H 5 .N0 2 -t- 6 H (produced by the reaction of iron and acid) = C 6 H 5 .NH 2 + 2H 2 0. From aniline, which is a colourless oil, has been produced a vast number of derivatives and related compounds that are brilliantly coloured. For instance, the oxidation of commercial aniline, containing the compound C^H^NH^ (called tolui- dine), produces magenta-red or fuchsme. The con- stitutions of most of the aniline colours are very complicated. Some of them are substituted anil- ines, that is, compounds derived from C 6 H 5 .NH 2 , by removing atoms of hydrogen and putting different more or less complex atomic groups in their place ; for instance, a yellow colouring matter is produced by treating aniline with the gas formed by warming nitric acid with starch ; this yellow body is derived from aniline by removing an atom of hydrogen from the molecule, C 6 H 6 .NH 2 , and putting in its place the group of atoms C 6 H 5 .N 2 . This yellow substance then becomes the starting point from which a series of coloured compounds is derived. ALIZARIN AND INDIGO. 165 It is impossible to go into the constitution of the aniline colours without possessing a very minute acquaintance with the facts of organic chemistry ; it must suffice to say here that the whole of the aniline-colour industry is a direct out- come of conceptions regarding the arrangements of atoms in molecules, and the influences exerted by the compositions and the relative positions of various atomic groups on the properties of the molecules into which they enter. CHAPTER XII. ALIZARIN AND INDIGO. WE are told that, in times of war and when certain religious ceremonies were being performed, our ancestors used to dye their skins blue with the juice of a plant called woad ; to-day we manu- facture the blue dye-stuff of the woad in our laboratories. For centuries large tracts of country in the more southern parts of Europe were de- voted to the growth of the plant whose roots were used, under the name madder, for dyeing cloth various shades of red : I do not suppose that there is to-day more than a few acres of land in Europe where this plant is cultivated, for one laboratory now produces more of the dyeing compound of madder, in a month, than was obtained in a year from the plants grown on a thousand acres. The compound which gives its dyeing pro- perties to woad is the same as that we call 166 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. indigo; the compound contained in madder is named alizarin. The name indigo is applied by Pliny to a pigment which came from India. The name alizarin is formed from the word alizari, the commercial name of madder in the Levant ; this word is said to be derived from the Arabic azara, to press or squeeze, so that alizari would mean the pressed extract. The composition of alizarin is expressed by the formula C U H 8 4 . When the vapour of this com- pound is passed over heated zinc dust a hydro- carbon is obtained, which has the composition C 14 H 10 , and is called anthracene. This hydrocarbon is one of the many constituents of coal-tar ; as coal-tar is produced in enormous quantities as a bye-product in making gas, there is here an almost unlimited source of alizarin, could a workable method be found for reversing the change that occurs by heating alizarin with zinc dust, and so producing alizarin from anthracene. It was known, in the early sixties, that certain aromatic hydrocarbons were converted into com- pounds called quinones by the action of such oxidising agents as a mixture of sulphuric acid and bichromate of potash; in every case, the molecule of the quinone contained two atoms of oxygen in place of two atoms of hydrogen removed from the molecule of the hydrocarbon. It was also known that, in many cases, the hydrocarbon from which the quinone was ob- tained was produced by heating the quinone with zinc dust. In 1862 a compound was ob- tained by oxidising the hydrocarbon anthracene ; the composition of anthracene is C 14 H 10 ,.and the ALIZARIN AND INDIGO. 167 composition of this product of its oxidation is C 14 H 8 2 . The two chemists Graebe and Lieber- mann were busy in these days studying the relations of alizarin to other compounds. They made the guess that the compound C 14 H 8 2 was the quinone of anthracene ; and that alizarin (C 14 H 8 4 ) was a derivative of anthraquinone re- lated to that compound in the manner expressed by the formulae C 14 H 8 2 anthraquinone, O 14 H 6 (OH) 2 2 alizarin. The facts then were these : anthracene, C 14 H 10 , could be oxidised without much difficulty to the compound C 14 H 8 2 ; alizarin had the composition C 14 H 8 4 , and could be converted into anthracene by heating with zinc dust; several aromatic hydrocarbons could be oxidised to compounds containing the same number of atoms of carbon as the parent hydrocarbon, but two atoms of hydrogen less than that compound, and contain- ing also a couple of atoms of oxygen; these products of oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons were named quinones. Graebe and Liebermann assumed the compound C 14 H 8 2 to be the quinone of anthracene, and alizarin to be the dihydroxyl derivative of this quinone (the atomic group OH is call hydroxyl). One could begin with anthracene and make what was probably its quinone ; one could start from alizarin and arrive at anthracene ; there was one step untaken, that from the supposed quinone to alizarin. Experi- ments on the reactions of alizarin shewed that two of the eight atoms of hydrogen in the 168 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. molecule of this compound were closely held to two of the four atoms of oxygen, and that the remaining six hydrogen atoms, and the remaining two oxygen atoms, were not directly joined to one another. (This is of course a statement of the results of experiments in the extremely symbolic language of the hypothesis of atom- linking.) In other words, one part of Graebe and Liebermann's hypothesis was justified. But how were two atoms of hydrogen to be removed from the molecule C 14 H 8 2 and two atomic groups OH to be put in their place? Many aromatic compounds were known to exchange atoms of hydrogen for an equal number of atoms of bromine when treated with bromine ; and it was also known that such bromo-derivatives frequently exchanged their bromine atoms for an equal number of OH groups when fused with caustic potash. Graebe and Liebermann, therefore, treated the supposed anthraquinone (C 14 H 8 2 ) with the quantity of bromine calculated for the equation C 14 H 8 2 + 4Br = C 14 H 6 Br 2 2 + 2HBr. The product had the composition C 14 H 6 Br 2 2 . They then fused this compound with caustic potash, expecting the reaction C 14 H 6 Br 2 2 + 2KOH = C 14 H 6 (OH) 2 2 + 2KBr to occur. The product had the composition C 14 H 8 4 , and the properties of alizarin. The preparation of alizarin from anthracene was completed, and alizarin was proved to be dihydroxyl-anthraquinone. But this method of making alizarin could not ALIZARIN AND INDIGO. 169 be commercially successful, because bromine is very expensive, and very troublesome to mani- pulate. About this time (1866-68) Perkin, and independently of him Graebe and Leibermann also, applied to anthraquinone another reaction whereby atoms of hydrogen can be removed from the molecules of many aromatic compounds and their place taken by the atomic group OH. When benzene is heated with concentrated sul- phuric acid a compound is produced which has the composition C 6 H 6 .HS0 3 and is called benzene sulphonic acid. (C 6 H 6 + H 2 S0 4 = C 6 H 5 .HS0 3 + H 2 0) j and when this acid is fused with caustic potash, phenol (C 6 H 5 .OH) is formed. Anthraquinone was heated with concentrated sulphuric acid for a little time, but no reaction occurred ; very concentrated acid was used, and the heating was continued for a long time; at last a reaction began, and a compound was ob- tained whose composition and reactions shewed it to be anthraquinone disulphonic acid. The change may be expressed thus : C U H 8 2 + 2H 2 S0 4 = C 14 H 6 (HS0 3 ) 2 2 + 2H 2 0. This acid (which was a solid body) was then fused with caustic potash ; the product was alizarin : C 14 H 6 (HS0 3 ) 2 2 + 2KOH = C 14 H 6 (OH) 2 + 2KHS0 3 . The results of many investigations into the re- 1 70 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. actions and relations of alizarin find expression in the structural formula The hydrogen and oxygen atoms, and the two atomic groups OH, are thought of as attached to three benzene nuclei, with two carbon atoms belonging to both the first and the second nucleus, and two common to the second and the third. But it is not possible to analyse this formula and elucidate its meaning without a more thorough knowledge of organic chemistry than is to be looked for on the part of readers of such a book as this. There are nine possible isomerides of alizarin; but alizarin is the only one which can be used as a colouring material. It is a somewhat remarkable coincidence that the result of the first attempt to prepare dihydroxyl anthraquinone artificially should have been the formation of that one isomeride which was of any value as a dye-stuff. Thirty years ago, about half a million tons of madder were sent into the market annually, and about half of that was grown in France. The amount of madder exported from France ten years ago was a few hundred tons. The dis- covery of a cheap method for making alizarin, taken with the discovery of the aniline colours, entirely revolutionised the trade in dyeing materials. In his report on the Exhibition of 1862, Hofmann wrote: ALIZARIN AND INDIGO. 171 "England will, beyond question, at no distant day, become herself the greatest colour-producing country in the world ; nay, by the strangest of revolutions, she may, ere long, send her coal-derived blues to indigo-growing India, her tar-distilled crimsons to cochineal- producing Mexico, and her fossil substitutes for quercitron and safflower to China, Japan, and the other countries whence these articles are now derived." Hofmann was both right and wrong. Coal- derived blues and tar-distilled colours of every shade are sent all over the world ; but they are not sent by England. Germany is the great colour-producing country of the world to-day. The artificial production of dyeing compounds is a triumph of the systematic study of the order which reigns in the domain of the almost in- finitely minute; but regarded from the artistic standpoint that triumph has been a calamity to mankind. Indigo, a substance that has been used as a pigment, and also for dyeing, since very early times, is obtained from many plants most of which nourish in tropical regions. Indigo is imported chiefly from India, where it is manu- factured from the plants of indigofera tinctoria, a perennial that is cultivated as an annual. The plants are steeped in water in large vats ; fer- mentation proceeds for several hours ; the yellow liquid is run off into other vats wherein it is agitated by paddles until the colour changes to dark blue and a blue sediment is deposited ; this sediment is thoroughly washed with boiling water, drained on canvas filters, pressed in shallow wooden frames, and cut into cubes which 172 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. are dried in open-air sheds. The compound which gives its colour to indigo can be separated by a series of operations ; it is a dark-blue crystal- line powder with a bronzy lustre ; the compound is called indigotin, and its composition and mole- cular weight are expressed by the formula C 16 H 10 N 2 2 . When indigotin is subjected to the action of reagents that remove oxygen from compounds, an alkali also being present, it combines with two atoms of hydrogen and forms an almost white compound called indigo-white, C 16 H 12 N 2 2 , which dissolves in the alkali that is present. On exposing this yellowish liquid to the air, oxygen is slowly absorbed and the blue compound, indigotin, is reproduced as a solid. It is on these reactions that the dyeing of silk, wool, and cotton, with indigo is based. An indigo-vat is prepared by mixing indigo with water, an alkali (commonly slaked lime), and some deoxidiser such as green vitriol (sulphate of iron), or zinc powder, or hyposulphite of soda. The indigotin is reduced to indigo-white and this goes into solution ; the goods are steeped in the nearly colourless liquid, and then exposed to the air; indigotin is slowly formed, by the action of atmospheric oxygen, and being deposited in the fibres of the cloth it remains firmly attached thereto. Indigo-vats are sometimes prepared by mixing the indigotin with water, lime, and materials which bring about fermentation; the result of the fermentation is indigo-white. Indigotin has been made artificially by several processes, each of which involves a complex series ALIZARIN AND INDIGO. 173 of reactions. All that may be done here is to give the merest sketch of the oldest of these transformations. The study of the relations of indigotin to other compounds was undertaken by Baeyer about the year 1865, and the synthesis of the compound was effected by him after experi- ments which lasted more or less continuously for thirteen years. First it was shewn that indigotin (C 16 H 1Q N 2 2 ) is oxidised to isatin, C 8 H 5 N0 2 ; then, in attempting to re-convert isatin into indigotin, various compounds were discovered intermediate between these two, more especially oxindol, C 8 H r NO ; then oxindol was changed into isatin ; and then isatin was deoxidised to indigotin (2C 8 H 5 N0 2 + 4H = C 16 H 10 N 2 O 2 + 2H 2 0) ; finally oxindol was prepared from an acid (called amido- phenylacetic acid), which itself was made from phenol, a compound that is found in large quantities in coal-tar. It was only necessary then to separate phenol from coal-tar, from the phenol to prepare the acid, from this to make oxindol, and then to convert oxindol into isatin, and isatin into indigotin. Many other methods for making indigotin have been worked out, some of them considerably simpler than the original method of Baeyer. Artificial indigo is now manufactured in large quantities in Germany ; and the trade in natural indigo is rapidly disappearing. CHAPTER XIII. THE ALKALOIDS AND ALBUMIN. A GREAT many compounds capable of forming salts by combining with acids, and having marked toxicological effects, have been obtained from plants. These compounds are classed together under the name alkaloids, because they resemble alkalis in some of their reactions. All the alka- loids except three are compounds of carbon with nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen ; the three ex- ceptions are coniine (the alkaloid of hemlock), nicotine (the alkaloid of tobacco), and sparteine (the alkaloid of the common broom) ; these three alkaloids are composed of carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen only. Among the commoner alkaloids may be named quinine and cinchonine, obtained (with more than twenty other alkaloids) from Peruvian bark ; theobromine, from cocoa ; caffeine, from coffee; theine, from tea; nicotine, from tobacco ; morphine and narcotine, obtained (with about fifteen other alkaloids) from opium ; and strychnine and brucine from nux vomica. The formulae which express the compositions of the alkaloids are generally rather complex ; such as, C 20 H 24 N 2 2 for quinine, C 21 H 22 N 2 2 for strychnine, and C^HjgNOg for morphine. The study of the reactions of the alkaloids, and their relations to other compounds whose chemical properties have been expressed in constitutional formulas, has not yet advanced very far ; although a vast number of observations and experiments 174 THE ALKALOIDS AND ALBUMIN. 175 has been made. A few of the alkaloids have been built up from simpler materials ; for instance, coniine, atropine (the alkaloid of deadly night- shade), caffeine, and theobromine. In working on the reactions of atropine, a compound was discovered closely related to that alkaloid, and possessing, more pronouncedly than atropine, the property of dilating the pupil of the eye. The alkaloid cocaine (prepared from coca leaves) is used as a local anaesthetic in smaller surgical operations, especially in operations on the eye : it seems certain that this alkaloid will be syn- thesised very soon ; indeed a compound has been obtained with exactly the same composition as cocaine but without any physiological action ; when some alterations have been effected in the spatial arrangement of the atomic groups in the molecule of this inactive isomeride, we shall have artificially made cocaine in the hands of the oculists. After that will come the synthesis of quinine and other fever-allaying compounds. A distinguished chemist has told us that when he asked the purpose of the large buildings he saw being erected in a German chemical works, some years ago, he was told : "These are our future quinine works." Already at least two drugs that are most beneficial in reducing the temperature of the body in fever-cases have been manufactured artificially ; these are antipyrine and phenacetin. The molecule of antipyrine is built up step by step from benzene and acetic acid ; the reactions that occur in the process of synthesis, taken with those which are noticed when antipyrine is de- composed into simpler compounds, lead to the 176 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. representation of the intramolecular arrangement of the atoms in this compound by the formula CHs Antipyrine has all the chemical properties of an alkaloid ; it is an example of a body of this class made in the laboratory, but not yet manufactured, so far as we know, by a living plant. The synthetical and analytical reactions of phenacetin are expressed in the language of atom- linking by the comparatively simple formula C.OAH, JH.CO.CH, One of the hydrogen atoms of a benzene mole- cule is replaced by the atomic group (O.C 2 H 5 ), and another by the group (NH.CO.CH 3 ). Although the constitution of quinine is not yet fully worked out, it is certain that this alkaloid is closely allied to two compounds named quinoline and pyridine which are found in coal-tar. Quino- line has the composition C 9 H 7 N, and pyridine the composition C 5 H 5 N. The reactions of pyri- dine find their expression in the constitutional formula THE ALKALOIDS AND ALBUMIN. 177 The reactions of quinoline are expressed by a formula which represents the molecule of that compound as composed of a benzene molecule with two hydrogen atoms removed, and this residue joined to a pyridine molecule from which a pair of hydrogen atoms has been taken away ; thus It is probable that the molecule of quinine is formed by adding another pyridine ring to the molecule of quinoline, and substituting various atomic groups for some of the hydrogen atoms in this arrangement. Such a formula as the follow- ing would express this conception of the structure of the molecule of quinine. C.C 6 H 18 A general similarity may be detected in the formulae whereby we picture to ourselves the connexions between the reactions and the mole- cular structures of the alkaloids that have been studied most thoroughly. There seems to be a foundation, either of a benzene nucleus, or a benzene nucleus intimately linked to a similar nitrogen - containing group of carbon and hy- drogen atoms, and attached to this foundation there are certain side chains composed in part of M 178 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. the atomic groups that occur in the molecules of the ethylic alcohols and ethers (compare Chapter VI. p. 95). Chemists are only feeling their way towards a knowledge of the relations of the alkaloids those products of the activity of living plants to other simpler bodies, towards a knowledge so exact as to be expressed in the clear, descriptive, and suggestive language of molecular structure. The method whereby that accurate knowledge is being gained is no new method : it consists in examining the reactions of this or that compound under definite conditions, and thereby finding other bodies to which the compound is related, both in that the compound is obtained from some of these other bodies, and some of them are obtained from the compound. The reactions of such a substance as quinine are exceedingly many ; but most of the recorded reactions seem to throw little light on the structure of the molecule of the substance. I have said that the method employed in trying to elucidate the structure of the molecules of such complicated bodies as quinine and other alkaloids is the method which has been so fruitful when applied to bodies of less molecular complexity ; never- theless, it may be necessary to devise new ways of applying the method when one is dealing with compounds which are the balanced products of many most delicate transformations. As the pro- blems of intramolecular arrangement become finer and more subtile the plan of attack must be marked by greater mobility and more finesse. We have become acquainted with many facts THE ALKALOIDS AND ALBUMIN. 179 concerning composition and properties which can be reduced to order, and thought of clearly as related one to another, at present at any rate, only by stating them in terms of the molecular and atomic theory : no mechanism has yet been devised whereby we can definitely connect changes in the properties, with changes in the compositions, of compounds, except that of the molecule and the atom. And we have more and more come to think of the molecule as a system in equilibrium because of the mutual actions and reactions between its parts ; as a system of atoms, and groups of atoms, wherein the function per- formed by one part is modified by the functions of all the other parts. The conception of mole- cular symmetry is one of the leading guides to-day to those who are trying to throw more light on the influence of composition on the properties of compounds, and especially com- pounds of carbon. A certain atomic group is introduced into a molecule of a carbon com- pound ; the product has marked dyeing powers ; it dyes a deep yellow : another atomic group is introduced in place of what may be called the yellow group of atoms ; the product dyes blue. It is wished to prepare a compound which shall dye purple ; this is effected by balancing the influence of the yellow group of atoms by such a number of blue groups as to produce a mole- cule which is a purple dye-stuff. The series of ex- periments is repeated but under somewhat different conditions, perhaps the temperature whereat the changes are effected is higher than it was in the first series of experiments ; the product has the 180 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. same composition as the purple-dyeing compound, but it does not dye at all. A nother carbon com- pound is known allied to that from which the sub- stances that dyed yellow, blue, and purple were obtained ; the yellow group of atoms is intro- duced into the molecule of this compound, and the result is a body that dyes a pale, feeble, and undesirable yellow. Evidently, then, it is not accurate to speak of a certain group of atoms as a yellow-dyeing group, and of another group as a blue-dyeing group : whether tinctorial effects do or do not accompany the presence of these groups in molecules of carbon compounds, and what the tinctorial effects are, evidently depend on the positions of the groups in a molecule relatively to other groups and atoms, and also on what are the compositions of these other groups, and on the nature of the other atoms. It is only when the yellow group, or the blue group, is introduced into a molecule of appropriate struc- ture, and is placed in an appropriate position in that molecule, that the new molecule dyes yellow or blue : it is only when the yellow group is balanced by the blue group, by reason of the relative positions of these groups, and this balancing is effected in a molecule wherein the arrangement and also the compositions of the other parts are such as to exert a certain influ- ence on the functions of the two dyeing groups, it is only then that the new molecule dyes purple. A vague general conception of mole- cular symmetry would be of no use in practical science ; it is because this conception is trans- formed by the hypotheses of atom-linking and THE ALKALOIDS AND ALBUMIN. 181 definite atom-fixing power into a working instru- ment of research that it has become so important in advancing the knowledge of the interdepend- ence of composition and properties. In Chapter IX. I attempted to sketch, in out- line, the application to the tartaric acids and certain sugars of the conception of the asym- metric carbon atom. That hypothesis, and the formulae which arise from it, pictured the differ- ences between the structures of the tartaric acids as the difference between an object and its re- flection in a mirror. If some of the figures given in Chapter IX. are considered (see especially p. 139), the reader will see that a change in the structure, and hence in the properties, of such a compound as tartaric acid might be caused by the semi- rotation of one of the tetrahedra, that is, one of the groups of a carbon atom attached to four different atoms and atomic groups ; for the partial rotation would alter the positions of the atoms and groups belonging to the rotated tetrahedron relatively to the atoms and groups of the other, unmoved tetrahedron. Changes in the structure, and the properties, of compounds that exhibit geometrical isomerism (see p. 135) might theoretically occur with very small changes of external conditions. Now experiments show that many geometrically isomeric compounds are very ready to undergo small changes which do not alter the percentage compositions or the molecular weights of the compounds. There is one especially interesting example of such changes. The existence of two isomerides of a certain compound was asserted by a German 182 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. chemist of recognised accuracy and ability ; the existence of one of these isomerides was denied by another chemist of equal capacity and equal accuracy. One of the chemists said he had obtained both forms of the compound ; the other chemist replied that he could obtain one form only. If the two forms of the compound existed, it was necessary to think of them as geometrical isomerides, as one the mirror-image of the other. After a good deal of controversy each worker published the exact details of his experiments ; one had worked on a bench exposed to full sun- shine, the other in a part of the laboratory screened from the direct rays of the sun. The shade-loving chemist repeated the experiments in the sunshine, and obtained two modifications of the compound. The interpretation given by the hypothesis of geometrical isomerism is simple ; under the influence of the direct sunshine a semi- rotation of parts of some of the molecules of the compound had occurred ; when the sunshine was excluded all the molecules were geometrically identical. This example showshowfinearesome of theprob- lems concerning the connexions of properties with structure, and how delicate the instruments must be whereby these problems are to be solved. And as we approach those substances which seem to be very intimately associated with the maintenance of life in animals and plants, the problems become yet finer and more difficult of solution. Albumin is the name given to a class of compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur which form a section of a larger class of compounds of THE ALKALOIDS AND ALBUMIN. 183 these five elements named proteids. Proteids are always present in the protoplasm of living, active, cells. The percentage composition of different proteids varies within not very wide limits. Analyses of the same proteid, for in- stance, of egg albumin, show distinct differences ; this may be because the specimens analysed contained varying quantities of impurities, or because the substance we call albumin is a mixture of different compounds, or because the compositions of the proteids in a living organism are constantly changing. If the third hypothesis is adopted, then the proteids cannot be classed among chemical compounds, if the term compound is employed with its ordinary signification. But, one may say, if a substance is not a compound, if it has not a definite, unchangeable composition, it is a mixture ; and if proteids are mixtures, the chemist is not concerned with them, at least not until they have been separated into their con- stituent compounds. In the study of natural occurrences it is well constantly to remind one- self that " in nature there are no boundary lines, however necessary it may be for us to draw them " ; and " in nature everything is distinct, yet nothing defined into absolute independent singleness." A change in the arrangement of a group of atoms so small that we can only liken the product of that change to the image of an object reflected in a mirror is accompanied by a very distinct change of properties. May we not refine a little more ? May we not picture to ourselves a complex collocation of atoms con- stantly giving up a few atoms to the substances 184 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. which environ it, and constantly assimilating some of the atoms which compose the materials of its environment ? May we not speak of that complex atomic group as existing only as long as it undergoes change of this kind, as exhibiting its characteristic properties only while it is in a state of flux ; as being, only when it is becom- ing ; as existent, only as it is ceasing to exist ; as finding itself only by losing itself ? The diffi- culty is to translate such loose conceptions as these into a working hypothesis for use in the laboratory. We cannot do this to-day, we may do it to-morrow. Inorganic chemistry the chemistry of the metals and of mineral compounds presents phenomena not wholly unlike those set before us by the chemistry of the constituents of living protoplasm. The presence of a minute trace of phosphorus enormously modifies the properties of steel ; and the same specimen of steel changes its properties very markedly when it has been used for some time. Sodium may be distilled in oxygen without a trace of a compound being formed, if both substances are perfectly dry ; but if there be a very minute trace of water present, combination occurs violently. Electric sparks may be passed through a perfectly dry mixture of carbon monoxide and oxygen gases, and no change occurs ; let an infinitesimal quantity of water be added, the carbon monoxide and oxygen disappear, and carbonic acid gas is formed in their place. Should the student of natural science succeed in removing the boundary line that has been SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. 185 drawn between the phenomena of living matter and the phenomena of non-living matter, the removal will deepen our realisation of the unity of nature, and increase our feeling of delightful wonder. CHAPTER XIV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. BEFORE the facts about the compositions of compounds had been generalised in the laws of combination, the knowledge of the composition of a body gained by analysis was expressed by stating the quantity by weight of each element in one hundred parts of the compound analysed. These were the days of facts, and facts only. When a theory of the structure of matter had become a light to the feet of the investigator, the results of the analyses of compounds were ex- pressed in general statements, and the laws of chemical combination brought order into the chaos of facts. The compositions of compounds were now expressed in terms of the number of combining weights of each element in that quantity of a compound which reacted with other compounds to produce new substances. And then the introduction of the illuminating con- ceptions of the atom and the molecule enabled an exact meaning to be given to the indefinite expression that quantity of a compound which reacts with other compounds to produce new substances. 186 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. A clear picture could now be formed of the mechanism of chemical changes : the chemist could see, mentally, the clashing of molecules, the disintegration of these minute particles, and the re-arrangement of the parts, the atoms, in new collocations which are new molecules. The atomic and molecular theory is the only guide that has been found equal to the task of lead- ing the chemist through the maze of facts, and especially the facts concerning the compositions and properties of compounds of carbon. I have asked the reader of this book to follow the wanderings of certain atoms and to pay heed to some very striking changes of properties which accompany the association of these minute bodies with other particles of like magnitude with them- selves. I have tried to show that a vast number of facts about changes of composition and changes of properties are brought into due order and are related to one another by the hypothesis that the properties of those collocations of atoms we call molecules are conditioned by the nature, the number, and the arrangement, of the individual atoms, and that very great changes in the pro- perties of molecules may be effected by very small alterations in the grouping of the atoms whereof the molecules are composed. I have -sketched the treatment by which the conception of molecular structure has been made into a potent instrument for framing general expressions of the similarities and dissimilarities between reactions, for forming clear pictures of the ways wherein composition and properties are linked together, and for helping the memory to retain SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. 187 the results of the experimental investigations of chemical changes. In applying the conception of molecular structure to express observed relations between properties and composition, the parts of molecules were represented, for a time, as arranged in two dimensions in space ; and it was found possible for many years to present all the observed facts in terms of this admittedly imperfect hypothesis. But reactions and properties of compounds were observed which could not be translated into two- dimensional formulae; and so chemists were obliged to refine their methods of presenting experimental results in structural formulae. The consideration of the three-dimensional formulae that were fashioned to present the finer differ- ences between isomeric compounds suggested the possibility of changing one isomeride into another without effecting any disintegration of the mole- cule. A change so small that it could be likened to giving a half-turn to one of a pair of tetra- hedra joined at one summit of each was found often to be sufficient to alter some of the physical properties of a compound. And as chemists are beginning to see into the condi- tions of existence of those chemical substances which are very intimately connected with living cells, it is evident that their conceptions of molecular structure must be refined much more. At one time differences of properties were associated with the removal of one or more atoms from a molecule, and the wandering of these atoms into other molecules. Then the 188 THE STORY OF THE WANDERINGS OF ATOMS. migration of an atom, or a group of atoms, from one position to another in the same molecule was recognised as carrying with it a change in the properties of the molecule. Then it was found necessary to admit that changes of properties may occur if a slight twist is given to one half of a molecule, the two halves of which are counterparts of one another. And already chemists see that their conceptions of molecular structure, and changes of properties as accom- paniments of atomic wanderings, must be made much finer and more delicate if they are to embody the facts that are being accumulated in their laboratories. As, formerly, it was found possible to present many facts in terms of an hypothesis which was admittedly quite insufficient to explain the facts the hypothesis, namely, that the parts of molecules are arranged in two dimensions in space ; so, now, even the most refined formulae, whereby slight differences of molecular structure are presented in a con- sistent and suggestive manner, wilfully ignore a matter of fundamental importance. All struc- tural formulae represent the parts of molecules as fixed relatively to one another ; but we are sure that these parts are constantly in motion. We simplify knowingly, that the problem may be made amenable to accurate treatment. It is impossible to attack the problems of natural science otherwise than by simplifying them : we cannot give an exact and complete state- ment, much less a complete explanation, of any natural occurrence ; it is literally true that SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. 189 11 1 hold you here, root and all, in my hand, Little flower but if I could understand What you are, root and all, and all in all, I should know what God and man is." We cannot yet devise formulae which shall present the molecule as a system whose parts are constantly performing regulated movements ; therefore, we make shift to do with formulae which picture these parts as fixed relatively to one another. And this crude device works well on the whole ; for, whatever may be the motions of the parts of molecules, certain relations are always maintained between the parts ; and it is the mutual relations of the atoms, and the groups of atoms, that form the subject of chemical in- vestigation. The atoms are always wandering ; but as long as their excursions follow a certain sequence, and are confined with a certain limit, no change occurs in the properties of the molecule. One atom, or a group of atoms, may wander beyond its normal limits, and its relations to the rest of the mole- cule may become permanently altered. An atom, or an atomic group, may wander outside the molecule, and become part of another molecule. These are the kinds of the wanderings of atoms. To distinguish these wanderings, to express them in lucid and suggestive language, and to connect some of them with definite changes in the pro- perties of molecules, is the business of chemical science. INDEX. Acetic acid, 83, 84, 87. Acetic aldehyde, 83, 84, 87. Acidic hydrogen, 78. Acids, reactions of, 14. Additive compounds, 101. Albumin, 182. Alcohols, 93. Aldehydes, 87. Alizarin, 166, 170. Alkaloids, 174. Amyloses, 131. Aniline, 143, 148, 163, 164. Anthracene, 166. Anthraquinone, 167. Antipyrine, 175. Aromatic compounds of carbon, 45. Asymmetric carbon atoms, 133, 136. Atom-fixing power, 18. Atomic and molecular theory, application of to represent molecular structure, 17. Atomic groups in molecules, 85, 86. Atoms, 16. Atoms of carbon, arrange- ment of, in nuclei, 34, 40. Atoms of carbon, benzene linking of, 37. A.toms of carbon, various modes of linking, 34, 36. Beer, 153, 155. Benzene, 142, 144, 145. 190 Benzenoid compounds, 45, 142. Benzoic acid, 143, 148. Bunsen lamp, 99. Cane sugar, 129. Carbohydrates, 130. Carbolic acid, 143, 148. Carbon, classification of some compounds of, 44. Carbon, general reactions of compounds of, 31, 42, 45, 97. Carbon, properties of, 22, 28. Carbon, survey of compounds of, 21. Carbon, the two oxides of, 48. Carbon dioxide, 49, 55. Carbon dioxide, action of hot charcoal on, 57. Carbon dioxide, action of plants on, 56. Carbon dioxide in the air, 53. Carbon monoxide, 49, 55. Carbon monoxide, action of, in blast furnaces, 61. Carbon monoxide, compound of nickel with, 60. Cellulose, 130. Chalk, effect of heat on, 55. Champagne, 160. Chemistry, object of, 12. Chloro-ethane, 83. Chloroform, 81. INDEX. 191 Chloromethane, 65. Coal-gas, 114. Coal tar colours, 163. Combustion, 29. Compound, meaning of term, 12. Compound radicle, 96. Compounds, composition of, 13. Compounds, formulae of, 30. Critical temperature, 52. Dextrin, 153. Diastase, 153. Dynamite, 163. Element, different forms of the same, 23. Element, meaning of the term, 13. Elements, arrangement of, in compounds, 16. Ethane, 82. Ethane, compounds derived from, 83. Ether, 88, 90. Ethereal salts, 93. Ethers, 93. Ethyl, 91. Ethylamine, 83. Ethylene, 98. Ethylene bromide, 101. Ethylene chloride, 101. Ethylic acetate, 88, 91. Ethylic alcohol, 83, 84. Fatty compounds of carbon, 45. Fermentation, 154. Flame of coal-gas, 98. Fogs, effect of, on carbon dioxide in the air, 53. Formic acid, 70, 87. Formic aldehyde, 70. Formulae, chemical, 13, 31. Formulas, rational, 19. Formulae, tri-dimensional, 113, 132, 136. Fuel, chemical changes in burning, 57. Geometrical isomerism, 135, 181. Glucoses, 131. Glycerin, 103. Gun-cotton, 161. Hard water, 129. Hexagon formula of benzene, 145. Hydrogen, functions of, in compounds, 29. Indigo, 166, 171, 172. Indigotin, 172. lodoform, 81. Isomerism, 135. Lime-making, 55. Madder, 165. Malt, 153. Marsh gas, 64. Marsh gas, compounds de- rived from, 65. Methylamine, 74. Methylated spirit, 158. Methylic alcohol, 66. Mirror-isomerism, 185, 181. Molecule, 16. Molecules, properties of, de- pendent on number and arrangement of atoms in, 60, 140, 178, 181. Nickel, separation of, from ores, 60. Nitrobenzene, 143, 148. Nitroglycerin, 162. Olefiant gas, 102. Oleic acid, 106. 192 INDEX. Optically active compounds, 109. Oxides of carbon, 48. Oxygen, two modifications of, 26. Ozone, 26. Palmitic acid, 106. Paraffin, 117. Paraffinoid compounds, 45. Paraffins, 103. Petroleum, 119. Phenacetin, 175. Phenol, 143, 148, 149. Phosphorus, 23. Plane of polarisation of light, 108. Proof spirit, 157. Propane, 103. Proteids, 183. Pyridine, 176. Quinine, 177. Quinoline, 177. Quinones, 166. Racemic acid, 111. Reactions, chemical, 14. Safety matches, 25. Salicylic acid, 143, 148, 150. Saponifi cation, 107. Saturated and unsaturated compounds, 50, 101. Soap, 104, 106, 125, 128. Soda water, 51. "Sparklets, "53. Starch, 129. Steam, action of hot char- coal on, 58. Stearic acid, 106. Substitution, 96. Substitution compounds, 101. Tallow, 105. Tartaric acid, 107, 109, 110, 138. Valency, 18. Valency, methods of repre- senting, 35, Vinegar, 43. Water-gas, 59. Whiskey, 156. Wine, 158. Wood spirit, 80. Wort, 153. Yeast, 155. TURNBULL AND SPEARS, PRINTERS EDINBURGH. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE . 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