;-."rU;.'',^;/.-;r,-;- GIFT OF X5 s^Y"" / UM^ -s jLletin of the extension division, indiana university Entered as second-class mail matter, October 15, 1915, at the postoffice at Bloomingrton, Indiana, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Published monthly, by Indiana University, from the University Office, Bloomington, Indiana. Vol. IV BLOOMINGTON, IND. No. 8 Feeding Children at School A Method of Meeting the Problem of Undernourished Children By Edna HatfieldJ Edmondson, Field Secretary, Indiana. Child Welfare Committee and J- Mabel Thacher Wellman, Associate Professor of Home Economics, Indiana Univerbity APRIL, 1919 Contents PAGE Prefatory Note 3 I. Organization of a System of School Feeding — 5 ... lHhild Welfare 4 "^ar-Time Measure 5 *r '•JtTnde^n^urisJjhi^nt a Principal Defect of Children 6 ; ; ,a?Ji»ee.,Sy3tenis pf .School Feeding 7 - • *^ ••'.TAie t;ctnjaQi;Sv\ll§.Plan 7 The Bloomington Plan 11 The Terre Haute Hook School Plan _ 13 School Feeding in Indiana Cities 16 II. The Selection of Food for the School Lunch — Securing the Cooperation of the Child 20 What to Serve 20 Correlation with Domestic Science 21 Suggested Menus 22 (2) Prefatory Note This bulletin is written especially for Indiana urban communities with the hope that it may encourage them to include a system of school feeding as a part of their program of child care. The three systems of school feeding described were selected because they were developed in communities fairly typical of urban communities in the state. Conners- ville may be taken as fairly representative of the small city community of central, northern, and eastern Indiana; Bloomington, the small city of southern Indiana; and the Terre Haute Hook School District, the poorer districts of the larger cities of the state. While the subject of rural school feeding has not been specifically touched on in this bulletin, because the carrying out of a feeding program in rural communities is necessarily somewhat different from the urban problem, the need there is certainly as great and perhaps even greater than in urban communities. Much that is here given would apply, how- ever, to rural conditions. No attempt is here made to hold up these systems as complete or as finished products. They are offered as actual working models which are being changed and improved by those using them. For a further dis- cussion the reader is referred to the literature of the subject, some of which is included in the short bibliography at the end of the bulletin. This bulletin is published by the Extension Division of Indiana Uni- versity as a part of its contribution to child welfare. It forms one of a series of informational bulletins and circulars on problems affecting children, intended for general reading; that is, not primarily for pro- fessional or technical purposes. Among these bulletins are, "Play and Recreation", "The Community Schcolhouse", dealing with the wider use of schools for children and adults, "School and Community Service", which treats the Community Center as an aid to children especially, "Children's Health Conferences", "High School Discussions", "Community Welfare Programs". Aside from publications the Extension Division offers various other specific services to communities for child welfare work. It holds com- munity institutes with special features for children; holds conferences on problems of child welfare; provides speakers for community meetings on children's problems; provides services of supervisors of play and recreation for schools developing physical training; lends package librar- ies to individuals and organizations asking for information on phases of child welfare; prepares and furnishes on request club study outlines on phases of child welfare problems; lends lantern slides and notes on "Playgrounds", "Community Centers", and "Child Care"; prepares and (3) 444722 4 Bulletin of the Extension Division lends sets of slides for use at school gatherings or in class work; prepares and circulates panel exhibits on child welfare topics; holds extension classes in school problems; conducts correspondence study in courses having importance for child welfare; and makes studies of special prob- lems affecting communities. For information concerning these various activities address The Extension Division, Indiana University, Bloom- ington, Indiana. Feeding Children at School I. ORGANIZATION OF A SYSTEM OF SCHOOL FEEDING Edna Hatfield Edmondson Child Welfare a War-Time Measure. On America's entrance into the war Miss Julia Lathrop, Director of the Children's Bureau of the United States Department of Labor, was wise enough to take advantage of the experience of European countries in the war, and to dcclr.re the welfare of children a war measure of first importance. Thereroro there v/a.s in- corporated in the Council of National Defense a Department of Child Welfare now known as the Child Conservation Section of the Field Division of the Council of National Defense, with Dr. Jessica B. Peixotto as chief. There were also formed in every State Council of Defense such de- partments. In the Indiana Council of Defense the Department was or- ganized in the Woman's Section with committees in every county of the state. Each county committee appointed in turn sub-committees in each township of the county. Children's Year. The second year of America's participation in the war — April 6, 1918, to April 6, 1919 — was announced by the Children's Bureau as "Children's Year". A comprehensive child welfare program of work, known as the Children's Year Working Program, was formulated by the Children's Bureau, adopted by the Child Conservation Section of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense, and handed down to the Child Welfare Committees of the state, county, and township councils of defense, to be carried out in local communities. The work in the communities was directed toward the conservation of the child; first, thru his physical well-being; second, thru his recreational activities; and third, thru his educational opportunities. This work was carried on in the form of successive campaigns or "drives"; the Weighing and Measur- ing Drive, the Recreational Drive, and the Back-to-School and Stay-in- School Drive. These "drives" were designed to find out the actual physic- al, recreational, and educational conditions of the children of the United States and to improve any such if found unfavorable to child life. Comtnunity Needs Revealed in Indiana. The campaigns revealed cer- tain definite community needs in Indiana. Among others, the Weighing and Measuring Drive showed the immediate need in many communities for public health centers, public health nurses, adequate medical in- (5) ^^^-^ f^|>*6l^' ^:i\,t/c^RULLETIN OF THE EXTENSION DIVISION spection in schools, and school feeding; the Recreation Drive, the im- mediate need in many communities for recreation directors and recreation centers; the Back-to-School and Stay-in-School Drive, the immediate need for parent-teachers clubs in every school community. Conservation of Lives and Health of Children. The first consideration of the Children's Year Program is the saving of lives and the promotion of the health of children. The program includes children up to and thru the eighteenth year, a group which may be divided into three sub-groups : first, children of pre-school age; second, children of school age; and third, the fourteen-sixteen-eighteen-year-old group which is in school, in in- dustry, or at home. Something at least has been known in the past of the physical con- dition of the second and third groups of children as revealed by physical inspection and physical training in the schools. But practically nothing has been known of the physical condition of children of pre-school age ex- cept as gleaned from death returns, which give numbers of deaths at each age of life, and, in a more or less satisfactory way, the causes of death. Weighing and Measuring Tests. These facts led to the first "drive" of Children's Year — the attempt to save the lives of the one hundred thousand children under six who die needlessly in the United States each year, and to improve the health of those whose lives are saved. Indiana's quota of this number of lives to be saved was 2,594. In order to save the lives of these children it was first necessary to find out what children were in danger of dying, where these children were, what was the matter with them, and what to do for them. Hence a weighing and measuring test accompanied by a physical examination was conducted all over the country for children under six years of age. Defects Discovered. In Indiana from one-third to one-half the chil- dren so examined failed to pass this physical test satisfactorily. Many children were found suffering from some specific defect, often very eas- ily corrected. Altho full returns have not yet been received, chief among these defects so far reported, in the order of number of cases, are: diseased tonsils, growing adenaids, undernourishment, bad teeth, cir- cumcision needed, hernia, tuberculosis, defective eyes, heart trouble, and defective hearing. Undernourishment a Principal Defect. It will be noted that under- nourishment stands third in importance in the list of principal defects, second only to tonsil and adenoid difficulties, in this group of children of pre-school age. Complete returns may show that undernourishment plays an even greater part in the list of defects than here given. This examination of children of pre-school age had one rather un- expected result. It invariably served to concentrate attention on the physical condition of older children in the family, children of school age and in the fourteen-sixteen-eighteen-year-old group. For this group there comes again a similar report of defects, undernourishment stand- ing high in the list. Every school has its quota of undernourished chil- dren, and every factory and workshop its quota of undernourished young people. Feeding Children at School 7 Causes of Undernourishment. Children suffer from undernourish- ment for various reasons. Poverty is an important factor. Parents may be too poor to secure the proper kind and amount of food for growing children. A fact of greater importance than poverty, however, is ignor- ance. Parents in well-to-do families as well as in poor families are often quite ignorant of proper foods for children, and . of proper times and methods of feeding, as well of the simplest laws of hygienic living. Par- ental indifference and carelessness also play their part. Indifference to food on the part of the child himself is often met with. Persuading a delicate child to eat those foods best suited to his bodily needs is often a mother's most difficult task. Then there are those chil- dren who because of some digestive defect cannot properly assimilate foods, and others, who because of some special condition, should have feedings supplementary to their regular meals. Under nottrishment a Serious Defect. From whatever cause, under- nourishment is a fact of vital importance in the health of the three age- groups covered by the Children's Year Program. It is not only a defect in itself but so lowers the resisting power of the child that he is rendered especially susceptible to various diseases, one of the most serious of which, for example, is tuberculosis. Any program of follow-up work, therefore, designed to correct de- fects discovered in children must give a large place to the problem of undernourishment. Dealing with the Problem, of Undernourishment. Various general agencies for improving the physical conditions of children have long been dealing with the problem of undernourishment. Among these are public health centers, children's clinics, medical inspection departments of schools, medical departments of workshops and factories, public health nurses, fresh air camps. Special methods have also been developed, such as malnutrition clinics, fresh air schools, and school feeding. School Feeding for Undernxyurisked Children of School Age. Of these special methods school feeding can perhaps reach the greatest number of children of school age most immediately and directly and should therefore be at once extended to as m.any schools as possible. Three Systems of School Feeding. This paper considers three differ- ent plans of school feeding as actually practiced in three different cities of Indiana. No attempt is made here to hold up these systems as models — systems which, as their advocates frankly state, are now only in the experimental stage. For the sake of clearness these systems are here designated as the Connersville plan, the Bloomington plan, and the Terre Haute Hook School plan. The plans in detail are given here because they have proved themselves workable and readily- lend themselves to condi- tions in Indiana communities. The Connersville Plan. Connersville is a city of about 10,000 popula- tion, situated in a well-to-do farming county, its industries owned and managed locally, and its wealth resident wealth. Its people are progress- ive and deeply interested in community welfare This community is o o m o o bo Feeding Children at School ^ 9 fairly representative of communities in central, northern, and eastern Indiana. The Connersville plan of school feeding is the furnishing of- whole milk at the morning and afternoon recesses to undernourished children. The work was started last year and is now done in two schools, the Maple- wood and the Fifth Street Schools, and will be extended to the Eighth Street School in the near future. Ba&is of Selection of Children. The children who are selected to have the feeding are selected on the basis of undernourishment, and under- nourishment alone. No matter from what type of home he comes — how wealthy or how poor — if a child shows the effects of undernourishment he is eligible to the feeding. He is selected on the expert advice of teach- er, nurse, and school physician. If he is able to pay for the milk his par- ents send a check in to the school office ; and the child whose parents pay stands on exactly the same basis as the child whose parents cannot pay. The chief fact for the child and for the school is the fact of undernourish- ment. Some of these children come from homes where the parents are too poor to get enough milk, and some from homes where the parents do not understand the value of milk in a child's diet. Some of the children refuse to drink milk at home. For example, one little girl will not take milk at all at home but given a bottle and a straw at school she takes her share along with the others. Some of the children are in such condition that even tho they eat well at home and of proper food they need supplement- ary feedings at regular intervals between their regular meals. Especially is this true of some of the children just recovering from influenza. For example, one little boy, left pale and weak from influenza, was returned to school by his father on condition that he receive milk feedings with the other children. These undernourished children are the ones who begin to show a list- lessness and indifference in the schoolroom about ten o'clock in the morn- ing and three in the afternoon. They are the children whose bodies are below normal weight for their height and age. Agency Respo7isible for the System. The work is undertaken by the schools themselves under the superintendent of the city schools, who is president of the County Tuberculosis Society, and the school nurse, who is also the county tuberculosis nurse. The history of the movement goes back to the organization of the County Tuberculosis Society when the superintendent of the city schools was made the president of the society, and when the present nurse was secured as tuberculosis and school nurse; because the success of the plan is largely due to the interest, initiative, and resourcefulness of these two persons. As the superintendent told the story, one day the nurse came in and said, "I have just been given $25 by Mrs. X for milk and I know where I can get more." Back of this simple statement, to those who have had the ofttimes disheartening experience of attempting to secure private funds for public welfare work, is the vision of hours of effort. It is the vision of a deep conviction backed up by an infinite amount of tact, of perseverance, and of patience. This first $25 started the work, and plenty of money has been re- 10 Bulletin of the Extension Division ceived from private sources to keep it going. An arrangement was made with a. dairyman to bring milk in half -pint bottles, and a supply of straws was secured from the nearest drug-store soda fountain. The System in Operation. The milk is given regularly at the morning and afternoon recesses. The following description may be taken as typical of what happens at the afternoon recess of any day in the Maple- wood School. At the tapping of the recess bell certain children leave the other groups and file upstairs to the nurse's office. Here in an ordinary drygoods box are 40 half-pint milk bottles. Twenty-two of these bottles are empty — the result of the morning's raid ; the other 18 are filled with whole milk showing the cream line far down in the bottle. These are set out on a little table; a smiling teacher takes off the caps, and from a sanitary glass jar takes a straw for each bottle. As each child comes into the room his name is recorded. He takes a bottle, stirs the milk and cream together, and proceeds in regular soda fountain style. As soon as he has finished he throws his straw into the waste-basket, rinses his bot- tle at the sink, and puts it back into the drygoods box. Then he is off to the playground. As the superintendent said, "That is all there is of it." Equipment. The only equipment used for this system is a table to hold the bottles, a sink for rinsing the bottles, a wastebasket for the used straws, a bunch of straws in a glass jar with glass lid for keeping the straws sanitary, a number of half-pint milk bottles, and an ordinary box for holding them. These two latter articles are, of course, provided by the dairyman, the rest by the school. The milk used is whole milk. Most of the children are given a half- pint at both recesses, making a pint for each child a day. A few chil- dren, however, depending on their physical condition, come only once a day, and receive only a half-pint each a day. Cost. About twenty children a day are fed at each school, so that about forty half-pints or two and one-half gallons are used daily at each school. The milk is bought for 50 cents a gallon which makes the cost per school about $1.25 a day or about 6^/4 cents for each child a day. About half the children pay for their milk, so the actual cost per day for each school is about 62^ cents or a little over $12.50 a month. Results. The results of this system are rather marked. In the first place, the teachers note an increased mental alertness in the children in the schoolroom. From week to week a marked gain in weight has been i?oted. One little girl gained, for a period of two and one-half weeks, almost two pounds a week. The greatest difference is apparent in the increased activity of the children on the playground. Before the feed- ing system was started these undernourished children were listless and inactive, standing off by themselves on the playground; but since the feeding they are much more active, taking their place in normal play with other children. During the influenza epidemic when many Indiana communities were closing their schools, this system of milk feeding (together with the adequate medical inspection system and school nursing) was one of the factors which influenced the people of Connersville to vote to keep their schools open. They felt that in the schools cases of influenza could be Feeding Children at School 11 quickly detected, the sick children could be sent to their homes where they would receive adequate care, and could be returnd to the schools after recovery with the assurance that proper after-care could be had for each case. And in the after-care of many of these cases, the milk feeding is an important aid. The Bloomington Plan. Bloomington is a city of about 12,00.0 popula- tion, the county-seat of a county not very rich in farming land. The chief wealth is in the stone industry. In the city itself are several fac- tories, largely home-owned, which furnish employment to both men and women, and the State University which adds to the population of the city its student.^ and faculty members. The people of the city are fairly awake to their social problems, and the quality of service rendered in public welfare is for the most part of a very high order. The Bloomington plan of school feeding is the serving of a hot noon lunch free to undernourished children in two schools, the Central and McCalla Schools, by the parent- teachers clubs. Basis of Selection of Children. At the Central School the children selected for the feeding are children of working mothers — mothers who must work away from home all day. These children were accustomed to various makeshifts for lunch. Some went home for lunch, to a home where there was no fire and no warm lunch, where they took left-over cold food, cold biscuits, etc., from an uninviting "safe"; or they brought their lunch to school with them in a basket, a lunch so poor that in some instances the children slipped off to the basement to eat because they were ashamed to let other children see how little they had. Some were given money, perhaps a quarter, before they left home in the morning with which to buy a lunch. A lunch which, left to the judgment of the children, often consisted of a can of beans bought for 15 cents say, or a loaf of bread, with cakes, candy, an all-day-sucker or chewing-gum. Many of the children were accustomed to come to school without break- fast. In the families of the poor many times the mother must get up very early and go to work by early daylight in the coldest part of the winter, leaving the children in bed to save fires. The children then get up just in time to dress and go to school. It might be said here that the children of the poor are not the only ones who go to school without breakfast. In some well-to-do homes the family gets up late, the children are hurried, they are afraid of being late to school, and have no appetite for breakfast. Then there are those children who are naturally indifferent to food early in the morning. These children, however, are not provided for at the Central School. The children selected are known to the teachers, and their home con- ditions are known to social workers. They are quietly invited to the school office at lunch time in such a way that there is no embarrassment on their part. At the McCalla School the children are chosen on the basis of under- nourishm.ent, even tho from fairly well-to-do homes, tho the lunches are still free. The teachers and social workers give the names of children to the parent-teachers club. Agency Responsible for the System. In both schools the parent- 12 Bulletin of the Extension Division teachers club is responsible for the work. In the Central School about twenty women of the club volunteered and at first worked two together, but now find it easier to work alone. That is, one woman of the twenty agrees to be responsible for the work for one day. In that way, taking turns, each of the women is responsible for one day every four weeks. The System in Operation. The woman who is hostess for the day pre- pares the food at home and takes it to the school piping hot. If necessary the principal sends one of the big boys to help carry the food to the school. The food is served on a large table in the office of the principal. A white table-cloth is spread on the table and white paper napkins put at each place. The children, who have been given soap and sent to the lavatory to wash their hands and faces, come in and each stands by the side of his regular place while a short grace is said. It is "just like a little dinner party", as one of the women expressed it. After lunch the children help clear the table. The boys sweep up the crumbs and bring the dishwater, and the girls help wash the dishes. In ten minutes everything is cleared away and the children are on the playground. Equijjment. The equipment at the Central School, which was fur- nished by the women themselves, a few pieces from each, is kept in shelves in the principal's office. This equipment is worth perhaps $5 and con- sists of dishes, knives, forks, spoons, a dishpan, and towels. Menus. The menus are prepared on the advice of persons with train- ing in home economics, care being taken that each child shall get the proper proportion of proteins (usually milk in some form), of fats, of starchy foods, of fruits, of cereals, and sweets. The menus vary from day to day. For example, one day at the Central School the children had creamed potato soup, graham crackers, bread, butter, and jelly sandwiches. There was 15 cents* worth of po- tatoes; 18 cents' worth of bread, 10 cents' worth of milk, 10 cents' worth of crackers, 5 cents' worth of jelly, 5 cents' worth of butter — total cost 63 cents. Nine children shared this at a cost of 7 cents a child. Other menus consisted of: (1) mush and milk, fruit, graham crack- ers, cookies; (2) escalloped potatoes, grape juice, sandwiches, butter, bread, doughnuts; (3) bean soup, gem cakes, sandwiches, bread, butter,, and jelly. At the McCalla School each child has a glass of milk (a quart of milk serving four children) or its equivalent in a milk soup every day. In addition there is always plenty of bread and butter, and some fruit, jelly, or apple. At Christmas and Thanksgiving there are parties for the chil- dren, with candles to brighten the table. Numbers Served and Cost. The numbers served vary somewhat, averaging about 12 a day at the Central School, and from 17 or 18 to 24 or 25 at the McCalla. At the Central School whatever money is needed is taken out of the regular funds of the parent-teachers club. At the McCalla School,, however, a campaign for funds was made and no difficulty whatever was experienced in raising them. At the Central School accurate figures are kept of the cost of the^ Feeding Children at School 13 lunches. Even if the food is donated (as in many cases all or part of it is) an estimate is made of the cost of each article. The cost varies from a little over 5 cents to 10 cents a day for each child. The average cost of menus is about 96 cents or less than a dollar a day, about $20 a month. This estimate is perhaps a little low as most of the articles of food are donated and estimates of donated materials are more likely to be too low than too high. In neither school is any charge made to the child for the food. Results. The women comment especially on the politeness of the children. Attention is given to their table manners and it is remarkable how quickly the children improve. The educational value of this training in manners must not be underestimated. The meal properly served, with white table-cloth and napkins, is not the least part of the training when it is considered that some of these children come from homes where such a properly served meal is unknown. The responsibility for helping clear away is also valuable. At both schools the results of the lunches are quite noticeable in the children in the schoolroom. Teachers note that they are brighter and take hold of their work better, the difference showing both physically and mentally. Not the least important result is the effect on the women who help serve the lunches. Under the leadership of the persevering, self-sacrific- ing women who had the courage to start the movement and to see it thru, at whatever expenses to their own personal comfort, there has been developed a community consciousness and a sense of helpfulness to others that will not soon die out. The Terre Haute Hook School Plan. The Terre Haute Hook School plan is the serving of a hot noon lunch at a very low price to any child in the school regardless of his physical or financial condition. Terre Haute is a manufacturing city of about 75,000 population. The factories, mills, and foundries in the city, and the coal mines just outside the city furnish work for the greater part of its people. The city has 32 public schools including the two high schools, the departmental school, and a girls' and a boys' vocational school. Neighborhood Conditions. The Hook School, so named for the first mayor of Terre Haute, is in the West End District, the worst district of the city. The school draws its children from this district west to the river, with notorious Taylorville just on the other side of the river, east to the Evansviile and Terre Haute Railroad, north to Sycamore Street, and south several squares to a rather ragged boundary line, the younger children from a part of this district on the south coming to the Hook School, and the older going to another school. This area includes the worst slum district of the city. Practically every unfortunate social con- dition-is illustrated; bad housing, overcrowding, bad sanitation, bad moral conditions, disease; conditions which the better class of families in the district seem unable to improve. The population of the district is mixed and shifting. That part of it which works regularly works in the mines, in the meat packing company, in the laundry, in the hominy mill, and the saw mill. Then there is the 14 Bulletin of the Extension Division house-boat population; the horse traders, of more or less doubtful habits of industry; the floaters; the "down-and-outers". Home conditions are often very poor. Many of the parents apparently have no moral sense, the women living with other men, mothers and fath- ers separated, with little sense of responsibility for the future of their children. It is in this part of the city that the old segregated district flourished, the women flaunting themselves on the streets without shame before the children. Such disgusting sights, however, caused no comment among these children who were born and bred in such conditions, and accepted them as part of their everyday lives. Since this segregated district has been abolished and its population forced to, leave, it has become a haven for the negroes from the South (Terre Haute's share of the general negro movement to the North) who have had to take anything that offers a roof. They have now filled in this old "red light" district where housing conditions are unspeakably crowded, unsanitary, and danger 3us both physically and morally. In the Hook School district there are also a great many Syrians, who have yet to learn American standards of sanitation and cleanliness. Basis of Selection of Children. It is in such places as these that the Hook School children have their homes. Every child in the school is eligible to the noon lunches. No selection on the basis of undernourish- ment is necessary; they are practically all undernourished. Some cry from stomachs aching for want of food. The principal of the school likened the giving of a bowl of nourishing soup to these children to pour- ing a cup of fresh water on a drooping plant. Some of the children come from homes where no physical attention whatever is given them, where sores, cuts, and bruises go unattended. Some, deserted by their mothers, come from places where the father is trying to keep some semblance of a home. These children starting to school each morning are given money with which to buy a "grocery lunch". In one such case, the father sent his children to the school at 6 o'clock in the morning because he must get to the mines early, and could not care for them at home. For these children, the principal of the Hook School against great odds is doing her best. In spite of the gloomy ramshackle building, with its two tiny spaces for play (one of which is merely the asphalt paved widening of" the front sidewalk), the living breathing spirit of that school is the only bright thing in the lives of many of these children. And this spirit is the heart and soul of the principal of the school. The hot noon lunch is only one of her schemes to improve the social conditions in the district thru the children. Agency Responsible for the System. The system of feeding was be- gun at the Hook School seven years ago by the civic league. When it was first started the women of the civic league made the soup at one of the hotels and brought it to the school hot, where it was served in the kindergarten room. This method was so awkward that agitation was begun for a lunchroom in the school itself. After much difficulty the school board was persuaded to allow the use of a room for the purpose This room is a basemetnt room that was originally used for a junkroom Feeding Children at School 15 for all the schools of Terre Haute. The civic league first undertook to equip the room, but the school board finally fitted it up and paid for a woman to do the cooking. This really marked the beginning of domestic science in the Terre Haute schools, as shortly after the most of the equipment was taken out to the other schools to fit up rooms for teaching domestic science. Operation of the System. The actual cooking is done by a woman hired for the purpose. The children help in the preparation of the meals and in the clearing up afterwards. Some of the boys and girls help peel potatoes, others help wash soup bowls, and others brush up the crumbs. These children receive their lunches in payment for their services. At first the principal had social workers come in from the outside to super- vise the room while the children were eating, but she now assumes this duty herself. As there is not enough room or equipment to serve all at once the small children are served first at about 11:30. Their dishes are then washed and the room made ready for the older children. Equipment. The lunchroom, called by the children the "soup room", is a good-sized corner basement room facing to the south and west with plenty of windows on these two sides, so that the sunlight shines almost across the room in the afternoon. Until this year there was no heat in the room, except that given out by the cooking range, but now it has been equipped with heating arrangements like those in the rest of the school- rooms. The room and part of the equipment are furnished by the school board, which also pays the wages of a woman to do the cooking. At one side of the room there is a large second-hand cooking range. Two coal-oil ranges were put in last year but have been little used. In the center are two long rows of white painted tables with benches on each side made by carpenters. Across one end of the room is another white table used to hold the glass bread case, pans, and other parts of the equip- ment. In one corner is a sink with running water. Against the walls are three cupboards, made at the vocational school, and used to hold dishes and food, and at one end are rows of built-in shelves for the same purpose. The cooking utensils consist chiefly of five-gallon lard cans and a large dishpan. The dishes are chiefly soup bowls and spoons. In ad- dition there are brushes, dustpans, dishpans, and tea towels for clearing away and washing dishes. A quantity of food is kept on hand all the time. The built-in shelves in the lunchroom are filled with jellies, spreads, canned vegetables, and condensed milk. In one storeroom are potatoes, beans, canned vegetables, a case of macaroni, a case of mustard; and in another in the basement more potatoes, a sack of onions, etc., enough food altogether, as estimat- ed by the principal, to last a year. Menus. The menus consist of the same items each day — a bowl of soup with bread for 2 cents, sandwiches at 1 cent each, or bread with jelly or spread of some kind. The soup is usually some kind of meat soup, with plenty of vegetables. The meat is taken from the soup when done and ground to make filling for the sandwiches. Bean soup is one of the favorites of the children. 16 Bulletin of the Extension Division Numbers Served. The attendance at the school is a little over 400 children and of these about 90 are served in the lunchroom each day. Last year, in all there were served 6,650 meals. The cooking must, of course, be done in quantities, in large utensils. For example, for one lunch a large dishpan of beans went into three five-gallon lard cans, making twelve and one-half gallons of soup. Ninety-nine children were served that day, making about a pint of soup for each child. The day before 13 cans of corn and a bushel of potatoes had gone into the soup. About four dozen loaves of bread are used a day. Cost. The food used in the lunchroom is obtained in various ways. The small charge for the food does not nearly cover its cost. For the first few years the civic league paid the deficit. One year $25 was re- ceived from the school board. But most of the expense is met by the scheming and solicitation for funds by the principal of the school. Last year the school had a garden across the river and raised a bushel of beans. Much of the jelly and spread is donated. Last year 253 quarts of different fruits and vegetables were put up, most of the materials for which (like corn, tomatoes, grapes, apples) were donated. The principal has asked that the food collected in the schools at Thanksgiving and Christmas be given to this school. Last year a part of such food was given the school and this year most of it. The woman who does the cook- ing is paid $2 a day by the school board. In addition, when not busy in the lunchroom, she has charge of the bathroom where many of the chil- dren take their baths, and acts as matron. Ainy child in the school may go to the lunchroom. Altho a very slight charge is made for the food, some of the children cannot afford even this and are given their slips of paper for lunch without charge. Some earn their lunch by helping in the lunchroom. All these children are person- ally known by the principal who keeps closely in touch with their home conditions. Results. No figures have been kept to measure the benefits of this system. For this class of children, none are necessary to show marked results. As the principal expressed it, some of them "wobbled on their feet like new-born calves". To many of them the lunchroom means the only opportunity for anything that approaches a proper, diet, and the cheeriness and good-will that go with it is food for their little hungry souls. School Feeding for Indiana Cities. In the minds of many people the problem of food has been considered a problem to be solved by the family and not one in which the community at large has any interest. A lack of the proper kind and amount of food, however, resulting in positive de- fect, is now coming to be more clearly recognized as a matter of concern to more than the family of which the individual happens to form a part Defects mid Diseases Community Problems. Contagious diseases have long been regarded as distinctly community problems and their eradica- tion and control proper fields for community action. It is true too that a comparatively limited number of persons in every community have for some time in the past considered noncontagious defects and diseases in gcelation to their effect on the life of the community as a whole and have Feeding Children at School 17 labored for their correction and cure thru organized community effort. It remained for the war, however, to arouse communities generally to ap- proach this subject of noncontagious defects and diseases from the view- point of community welfare. The great number of rejections of men in the draft because of defects and diseases largely preventable, especially if treated early in life, brought communities to a consciousness of their military weakness because of the physical weakness of their individual members. Out of this consciousness of military weakness was born a consciousness of weakness in civil life because of defects and diseases of members of the community. Therefore when Indiana communities discovered thru the weighing and measuring test that from one-third to one-half of their children were suffering from defects and diseases they immediately set about to improve this condition. Operations are being performed, defects are being cor- rected, and medical treatment is being secured in individual crises. In many places it is necessary to build up community machinery to carry on this work. Public health centers, public health nurses, and adequate medical supervision in schools are of primary importance in dealing with defects and diseases. School Feeding a Community Undertaking. School feeding offers an immediate and direct method of dealing with the specific problem of undernourished children in the schools. The details of this method as used in three Indiana cities have been given here with the hope that other communities in the state will see the possibility of fitting some such system to their own situation. The report of a plan which has actually worked and brought results, however incomplete or imperfect that plan may be, may carry a conviction that could not possibly be con- veyed by a report of a system, however perfect, operated in a distant place. While the plans here given are still in the experimental stage, and while the details of the three vary rather widely, there are certain principles which may recommend themselves to other communities. Starting a System of School Feeding, The decision to start a system of school feeding must be based on a study of the conditions to be met. This involves a careful study of the number of children in the schools who need the feedings, the degree of undernourishment from which they are suffering, the conditions in the homes from which they come, the type of neighborhood in which they live, and the general conditions in the whole city or community. In selecting children for the feeding, undernourishment should be the first consideration. Each child selected should be considered first, by the scTiool nurse, the school physician, and the teacher, from the point of view of the problem that he presents in the school; and, second, by a trained social worker (visiting nurse, visiting teacher, or a representative of some other community social agency) from the point of view of his home and community environment. Every undernourished child, regard- less of his home conditions, should be included. The children of the well- to-do should have the same opportunities as the rest of the children of the school. After this group is cared for, any other arrangement the school wishes 18 Bulletin of the Extension Division to make for the rest of its children may be made, but not until this first group is cared for. Before starting any system of feeding there must be some one or two individuals who whole-heartedly believe in the system and who are will- ing to make personal sacrifices to see it thru, who will act as the moving force and the center of responsibility. Without this factor the schemes could not hope for much success. In Connersville this leadership is the superintendent of schools and the school nurse; in Bloomington, the lead- ers of the parent-teachers clubs; and in the Terre Haute Hook School,, the principal. In the three instances given the systems were started informally, sup- ported by private funds, and carried on in the beginning rather inde- pendently. This is a proper form of procedure in starting the school feeding system and should be continued while the work is in its early experimental stage. It should not, however, be undertaken with the idea of remaining a private enterprise, but with the aim of being ultimately taken over and operated by the schools themselves and supported by pub- lic funds, in so far as the work is not self-supporting. The actual operation of the system should be made as simple as pos- sible but not at the expense of proper form, good manners, and the re- sults to be accomplished. For example, the white table-cloth and napkins in the Bloomington plan should not be given up for the sake of the slight extra expense and trouble they involve. In no case need the equipment be elaborate or expensive. Such items as tables, chairs, benches, shelves, etc., may give practical opportunity to manual training departments of the schools themselves, and dishes and other such equipment may very often be donated. The cost of operating the system need not be very great. The effort should be to supply plain but nourishing food, and this is comparatively inexpensive. In Bloomington the actual cost is about 7 cents a day for each child served and in Connersville about QV4. cents a day. These es- timates, however, leave out the cost of the labor. The charge to the child should not be excessive. In every case those children whose parents are able to pay should do so, even tho a small amount, and those whose parents cannot should receive the food free. Some means, however, should be devised whereby the children themselves are not conscious of the fact that some pay and some do not. In some communities a graduated scale of prices may be used whereby some chil- dren may pay full price, others a part of the actual cost, and others not at all, as at Connersville. Or, depending on the community, the cost may be far below the actual cost, as at the Hook School in Terre Haute. In every case the food should be carefully selected and prepared. This should always be done under the advice of a trained dietitian. In al- most every Indiana community there is some person trained in domestic science; the county home demonstrator or the domestic science teacher in the schools will freely give their advice to the work. If the milk feed- ing system is decided on, care must be taken that the quality of the milk is good, and the dairy from which it comes must be carefully inspected. The numbers served will depend on the community. In certain dis- tricts the number of undernourished children may be at least one-half Feeding Children at School 19 the school attendance, in other districts only a small proportion. Care must be taken that all undernourished children are included in the feed- ing. Educational Value of the School Feeding System. The system should be made as definitely educational as possible. The child himself should be taken into the scheme, so that instead of accepting blindly what is offered him, he may have some vision of the reasons for the system and the re- sults to be accomplished. Such a procedure not only secures the interest of the child, such an important factor in the success of any scheme, but helps him to fix certain rules of living and carry them over into his life beyond school age. Even the youngest children can grasp this relation- ship. The system should be made an important part of the health teaching of the school. It should be related to the domestic science teaching in such a way that the child receives training in food values in relation to his bodily needs. It should be related to the physical education depart- ment so that he is impressed with the importance of a well nourished body in terms of what his body can do in the gymnasium and on the play- ground. It should be related to the department of the school physician and school nurse, so that the child can keep count of his gain in weight. It should be related to the teaching of physiology and hygiene, so that he may look upon proper diet as one of the important principles of health. The system should be definitely related to the home training of the children. Supervision in the lunchroom should be exercised from the viewpoint of training such as is to be had in homes where good breeding and a consideration for others form the basis of the relationship of the members of the household. In Connersville the responsibility of each child for rinsing and returning his own bottle; in Bloomington the train- ing in table manners, the use of the white cloth and napkins, the grace at table, the responsibility for helping clear away; in the Terre Haute Hook School the training in manners, and the training not to waste are very important considerations and should be given even further attention. School Feeding Part of a Community Program of Child Care. Since school feeding offers an immediate and direct method of dealing with the specific problem of undernourished children of school age, it should be extended at once to as many schools as possible. The inauguration of any system of school feeding should be considered, however, as a part of the whole child welfare program of the community. It should be regarded, first, as a part of a general scheme for the physical care of the children of the community, and this scheme for the physical care of children should be related to a general community program of child nare. 20 Bulletin of the Extension Division II. THE SELECTION OF FOOD FOR THE SCHOOL LUNCH Mabel Thacher Wellman The right selection of food to serve for a school lunch is of great importance. Too many undernourished children are in poor health not because they do not get enough food but because they do not get the light kind of food. Many children refuse to eat foods that are especially good for them. This is particularly true of them at home. One of the first things, then, to consider is obtaining the cooperation of the child. Securing the Cooperation of the Child. Much work is at present being done in the schools to teach the laws of health to the children. Too often this ends with the teaching of formal rules with not much adaptation to the individual needs of the child, and especially without any considera- tion of the importance of arousing ambitions to be healthy. Yet v/e know that all boys are anxious to be large, strong, and athletic, and all girls to be well developed and beautiful. If thru physiology and domestic science these desires can be fully awakened, and the relation of food to health be properly impressed, much of the battle is won. In some schools children are taught to chart their own weight from week to week, shown what they should weigh for their height, and v/hat they should gain in a month. These charts carried home soon bring to the school the mother of the child not making proper progress to know what she can do to help. Here is the opportunity to teach mother and child what he should and should not eat. The lunchroom in which a group of children eat a served meal has advantages over the lunch counter from which the child selects according to the whim of the moment. In the former case more pressure is brought to bear to induce him to eat all proper kinds of food. The force of example, too, helps bring this about. The Incident has already been told of the child who drank no milk at home yet took it daily at school with no complaints. Mothers whose children return after a term at boarding- school are usually astonished in the change in food habits of their chil- dren who have learned to like what they have always refused before. When the children are of different nationalities with widely differing tastes in foods, the difficulty is perhaps greatest, yet recently in New York a group of children from all kinds of foreign homes were fed at school, side by side, with identical food, and there were no complaints. There was an abundant gain in health on the part of the children. What to Serve. A question, then, of prime importance is what should children eat. Children need abundant mineral matter to form bones, teeth, and new tissue for growth. This is to be obtained from fruit, vegetables, and milk. Children also need especially the vitamine neces- sary to stimulate proper growth. This is present in greatest abundance in the fat of milk, therefore it is present in whole milk, and in butter. It is also present in true oleomargarine, especially if it has been churned with milk. The nut butters do not furnish it, but the leaf-vegetables, lettuce, spinach, kale, and cabbage, do, and so do the yolks of eggs. Feeding Children at School ill Fruits and Vegetables Especially Needed. It is usually not difficult to get children to eat fruit, stewed or raw. It is usually harder to make them eat vegetables. However, if sufficient ingenuity is used in their preparation, they can usually be made acceptable. Most green vegetables, as well as corn, potatoes, beans, and cabbage, make delicious milk soups,, thus combining two desirable food materials. Children will often like vegetables served in white sauce which they would scorn if served alone. Creamed white turnips, creamed cabbage, creamed onions, or creamed carrots are all far less pronounced in flavor than are the simple veget- ables. Some children will relish vegetables as salad. Milk. Childi en who will not drink a pint of milk a day — the least that any child under eight should have daily — will eat it unquestioned in milk soups, milk puddings, or as cocoa. The scientists tell us that the lime in milk is particularly available and is needed by all children to make proper growth. The presence of the growth-stimulating vitamine has already been mentioned. Meat. Meat, especially for the child under eight, is not essential. Since meat is expensive food and, since the child usually has some served him at home, it can well be used as a flavor to make him eat vegetables and cereals, rather than being served in large amounts. Most children will eat meat soups made with plenty of vegetables, or mashed potatoes with meat gravy, or meat stew with vegetables, or pot roasts. The meat, after the soup is made, can be taken out, ground, and, properly seasoned, be used to make sandwiches. Cereals. Cereals are nourishing and cheap. The child who scorns them may be induced to change his mind if they are served with chopped dates, figs, or raisins stirred in, or with syrup instead of milk. Cold cereal cut in slices, fried, and served with syrup is usually a favorite dish, and if care is taken not to use more fat than is necessary in frying, this is a suitable dish. Soups made from cereals or from dried peas and beans, and macaroni cooked in various ways are hearty yet digestible dishes. Sweets. Simple cake and cookies, jellies, preserves (not too sweet), and jams, as well as simple puddings, will all be acceptable as relishes. What Not to Serve. Hot breads, rich greasy foods, like pie and doughnuts, tea and coffee, heavy foods like dumplings, should not be served. The child's energy should not be used up in digesting food. Food Combinations. One thing to remember is that the foods to be served at one time should be considered in relation to each other. Avoid serving too many strong flavored foods at once, as liver and turnips; or too many milk-flavored, as rice and potatoes. Liver and potatoes, or rice and turnips, would be better relished together. Avoid serving too many liquid or semi-liquid foods at one time — or too many dry ones. Remember not to have too many hearty foods one day, or all light ones another. Except in very warm weather, at least one food should be served hot. Correlation with Domestic Science. To function fully, the planning of meals should be in the hands of someone who knows not only what chil- 22 Bulletin of the Extension Division dren should eat, but also what the group of children to be fed actually eat at home, so that the supplementary food furnished at school may properly balance the day's supply. This is of the greatest importance, for physic- ians tell us that often the evil results of poor feeding do not show unlil later in the child's development, perhaps only as he enters adult life. If she is a trained worker, it is desirable that the cooperation of the domestic science teacher be obtained. While all the work of preparation and serving will be too much to put on her shoulders or on her girls, she should welcome a chance to prepare food in her laboratory in larger quantities than in individual portions, and she can often plan to help out with special dishes. Perhaps it is more desirable that the children to be served help with the serving and dishwashing so that they may obtain the benefit of the lessons to be learned there, than that the work fall on a restricted group, as the girls in the domestic science class, requiring, perhaps, too much of their time. During the war, many schools had their children prepare conservation posters in art work. Nowadays they might make very effective posters on right feeding and its results, interesting themselves, the other chil- dren, and the mothers in the work. Suggested Menus. The following menus are suggested for school lunches : Scotch broth (meat and cereal soup) Bread and butter Cookies II III Cabbage, carrot, and Cream of pea soup potato stew Corn bread and butter Bread and butter Apple sauce Custard IV Rice and cheese Bread and butter Apples Milk to drink VII Stewed raisins Scalloped potatoes Baked potatoes Boiled onions Bread and butter Baked apples VIII Meat sandwiches Baked bananas Milk VI Fried mush and syrup Rhubarb sauce Cocoa IX Vegetable stew- Lettuce sandwiches Prunes Bread and butter Cocoa Below are given menus from the manager's report of the Wells School lunchroom — a "Penny Lunch" Room in Chicago which more than pays for the cost • of the food materials (wholesale buying) . The sale of ice- cream and candy adds to the profit. The report was made in the latter part of January, 1919. Feeding Children at School Menu I 23 Macaroni and Cheese Cocoa and Milk Vegetable Soup 1 lb. chopped meat $ .21 1 can tomato paste .30 1 can tomatoes 17 Celery 10 Parsley 05 Onion 01 Cabbage 03 1 lb. rice. 10 Total cost $0.97 Total sales 1.17 Total gain $ .20 Vegetable Soup Escalloped Corn Cost Schedule Mashed Potatoes 1 pk. potatoes $ .35 2 qt. milk 12 Total cost $ .47 Total sales 92 Gain $. 45 Mashed Potatoes Jam Sandwiches Escalloped Corn 3 cans corn $ .37 1 qt. milk OG Crackers 06 Total cost $ .49 Total sales .61 Gain .$ .12 Macaroni and Cheese 1 can tomatoes $ .18 2 lb. macaroni 25 Cheese .26 Total cost. Total sales- Gain Cocoa and Milk 21 qts. skim milk....$1.26 1% lbs. cocoa 38 1^ lbs. sugar 15 Total cost $1.79 Total sales 1.83 Sandwiches 5 loaves bread $ .65 2y2 lbs. filler 55 Total cost $1.20 Total sales 1.58 87 ...? .18 Gain $ .04 Gain $ Number of one-cent portions served: 698 Profit, $1.37 Menu II Beef Loaf Cocoa and Milk Vegetable Soup 2 cans tomato pastel 1 can tomatoes 1 lb. rice Celery, parsley, cab- bage, carrots .30 .17 .10 .23 Total cost $ .80 Sales sales 1.01 Gain $ .21 Beef Loaf 2 lb. chopped meat..$ Bread crumbs 1 can tomatoes... .42 .17 .17 Total cost $ Total sales .64 .33 Loss $ .21 Number Vegetable Soup Prune Pudding Cost Schedule Mashed Potatoes 1 pk. potatoes $ .85 2 qt. milk 12 Total cost $ .47 Total sales 85 Gain .$ .38 Sandwiches 5 loaves bread $ .63 2 1/2 lbs. jam 55 Total cost $1.18 Total sales 1.64 Gain $ .46 Mashed Potatoes Jelly Sandwiches Prune Pudding 1 lb, prunes $ .12 1 lb. s'igar 10 ^ lb. corn starch 05 Total cost $ .27 Total sales 41 Gain .$ .14 Cocoa 21 qts. skim milk....$1.26 1^ lbs. cocoa 38 IV^ lbs. sugar 15 Total cost $1.79 Total sales 1.80 Gain $ .01 of one-cent portions served: 604 Profit, $0.99 24 Bulletin of the Extension Division Baked Beans Beverages — Cocoa and Vegetable Soup Celery ? .10 Carrots 05 Parsnips-2 08 i lb. rice 10 Meat 20 2 cans tomatoes 35 1 can tomato paste.. .17 Total cost $1.00 Total sales 1.13 Gain 13 Esccdloped Potatoeii 1 pk. potatoes $ .35 3 qts. milk 18 Total cost ....$ .53 Total sales 73 Gain 20 Cocoa and Milk 21 qts. skim milk....$1.26 * l^^ lbs. cocoa 35 1% lbs. sugar 15 Total cost $1.76 Total sales 1.83 Gain $ .07 Number Menu III Vegetable Soup E scalloped Cabbage Apple Sauce Milk Sandwiches Cost Schedule Baked Beans 1 can tomatoes $ .17 1 can tomato paste.. .15 5 lbs. beans 75 1 can molasses 05 1 can vinegar sea- soning 05 Total cost $1.17 Total sales 1.55 Gain $ .28 Apple Sauce 4 lbs. apples $ .30 1 lb. sugar 10 Total cost $ .40 Total sales 67 Gain $ .27 Escalloped Potatoes Jelly Esca'loped Cabbage Cabbage $ .15 2 qts. milk 12 Seasonings 05 Total cost $ .32 Total sales 25 Loss $ .07 Sandwiches h loaves bread $ .63 •J 1/2 lbs. filler 55 Total cost $1.18 Total sales 1.58 Gain $ .40 of one-cent portions served: 774 Profit, $1.28 Feeding Children at School 25 Menu IV Spanish Rice Vegetable Soup Chocolate Pudding Sandwiches Beverages — Cocoa and Milk Cost Schedule Vegetable Soup Ma-ihed Potatoes 2 cans tomato paste$ .30 1 pk. potatoes $ .35 1 can tomatoes 18 1% qts. milk .10 1 lb. rice 13 Cabbage 13 Carrots 05 Celery 13 Turnips 03 Onions 02 1 lb. meat 22 Total cost $1.19 Total sales 1.36 Total cost $ .45 Total sales 91 Gain $ .46 Gain .$ .14 Chocolate Pudding V2 lb. chocolate pud- ding $ 1 lb. sugar 10 Total cost $ Total sales ,17 Spanish Rice 3 lbs. rice .$ .35 30 .10 Onions 03 .27 .74 Total cost Total sales J .83 Gain .$ a: Gain .$ .15 Cocoa and Milk 21 qts. skim milk....$1.26 114 lbs. cocoa 38 1^ lbs. sugar 15 Total cost $1.79 Total sales 1.90 Sandioichea 5 loaves bread $ 3 lbs. filler .60 Total cost $1.23 Total sales 1.50 Gain .$ .11 Gain .$ .27 Creamed Waxed Beans Jelly Creamed Waxed Beans 1 qt. milk $ .06 1 can beans 80 Fat and flour 06 Total cost $ .92 Total sales 72 Loss ....$ .20 Number of one-cent portions served: 796 Profit, $1.45 26 Bulletin of the Extension Division Escalloped Salmon Cocoa Cream of Tomato Soup 10 qts. skim milk....$ .63 2 cans tomatoes 36 Seasoning 03 Total cost $1.02 Total sales 55 Loss $ .47 Escalloped Corn 3 cans corn S ,36 2 qts. >nilk 13 2 eggs 09 Total cost $ .58 Total sales 60 Gain $ .02 Cocoa and Milk 21 qts. skim milk....$1.26 liVz lbs. cocoa 38 1% lbs. sugar 15 Total cost $1.79 Total sales 1.92 Gain $ .13 Number Menu V Cream of Tomato Soup Mashed Potatoes Nectarines Cost Schedule Escalloped Salmon 3 cans salmon $ .54 2 cans cracker crumbs 05 Seasoning 02 Total cost $ .61 Total sales 87 Gain $ .26 Nectarines o lbs. nectarines $ .75 Total cost $ .75 Total sales 83 Gain $ .08 Sandwiches 5 loaves bread $ .63 2 lbs. filler 50 Total cost $1.13 Total sales 1.30 Gain $ .17 Escalloped Corn Sandwiches Mashed Potatoes 1 pk. potatoes $ .35 11^ qts. milk 10 Total cost $ .45 Total sales 1.10 Gain $ .65 of one-cent portions served: 717 Profit, $0.84 Selected Bibliography Bryant, L. S, School Feeding. Lippincott. Children's Year Leaflets Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. United States Department of Labor, Children's Bureau, Washington, D.C. Hadley, Geraldine. Diet for School Children. Leaflet 1(|3, Purdue University. The School Lunch. Extension Bulletin 72, Purdue University. Hunt, C. L. Daily Meals of School Children. United States Bureau of Education, Bulletin No. 3, Washington, D.C. Rose, M. S. Feeding the Family. Macmillan. School Lunches. United States Farmers' Bulletin No. 712, Washington,. D.C. Extension Division Publications Unless a price is stated publications are free. Where publications are marked with an asterisk (*) reduced rates are made for purchases in quantity. A. limited number of copies of publications marked with a dagger (fj are distributed free of charge to citizens of Indiana. Circulars of Information — Community Institutes : Explanation and Suggested Programs. Community Institutes : Methods of Organization. Public Discussion : Package Libraries. Club-Study: Departments and Courses of Study. Extension Lectures : List of Speakers and Subjects. Play and Recreation. Japanese Prints. Children's Health Conference. Business Courses at Indianapolis. Commencement Lectures. The Fourteen— minute Speech. High School Discussion League. Bulletins — Proceedings of a Conference (First) on Taxation in Indiana (1914). 50 cents. Proceedings of a Conference (Second) on Taxation in Indiana (1915). 25 cents. Public Discussion Manual for Civic Discussion Clubs. *Proceedings of a Conference on the Question "Shall a Constitutional Convention be Called in Indiana?" 25 cents. Proceedings of a Conference (First) on Educational Measurements (1914). (Out of Print) . tProceedings of a Conference (Second) on Educational Measurements (1915). 50 cents. Public Discussion: High School Discussion League — County Government (1914-15; Municipal Home Rule (1915-16) ; Compulsory Military Service (1916-17) ; War Finance in the United States (1917-18); Universal Service for Citizenship (1918-19^. A Manual of Pageantry. Extension Division Announcements (1917-18). History Teaching in the Secondary Schools : A Conference held at Gary, Ind. ( Out of Print) . tProceedings of the Indiana Newspaper Conference (1915"). 25 cents. Correspondence-Study. Lantern Slides : Rules for Borrowing, Catalog, and Suggestions for Use. The Community Schoolhouse : Bibliography, Notes, List of Lantern Slides. First Loan Exhibit of Pictures : A Catalog, with Notes. Early Indiana History: Bibliography, Notes, and List of Lantern Slides. Indiana Local History : A Guide to its Study, with some Bibliographical Notes. Westminster Abbey: A Lecture to Accompany Lantern Slides. Reference Aids for Schools. Community Welfare Programs. Play and Recreation : Four Papers read at the Indiana State Conference on Play and Recreation (1916). (Vol. I, No. 11). Play and Recreation : Four Papers Read at the Indiana State Conference on Play and Recreation (1916). (Vol. II, No. 1). Community Institutes. tProceedings of a Conference (Third) on Educational Measurements (1916) . 50 cents. Package Libraries. (Out of print). Class Instruction. How to Start and Operate a City Public Retail Market. (Out of print). Cooperative Retail Delivery. Financing the War. tVocational Recreation in Indiana. $1.00. Club-Study Outlines : America's War Problems and the Background of the Great War. Women in Industry. tProceedings of a Conference (Fourth) on Educational Measurements. 1917. 50 cents. Extension Courses of Instruction at Fort Wayne, 1918-19. Extension Courses of Instruction at Indianapolis, 1918-19. Public Markets. Town and City Beautification. School and Community Service. tProceedings of a Conference (Fifth) on Educational Measurements. 1918. 50 cents. Visual Instruction. Miscellaneous — An Outline for the Study of Current Political, Economic, and Social Problems. 15 cents. *Readinfi:s in Indiana History. Cloth: 70 cents. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. OCT 13 ]yo«: 5 Dec*49^r %#3aaB Lii 0EC€ ^^ LD 21-50m-8.32 22 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY