ERMAN POEMS BURKHARD t PLEA=: DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD University Research Library This book is DUE on last date stamped below JAN ' MAR 25 MUU !808iD-OT Huv 9 37S ( , ( )KT 1 1 K-S( ' I II LLK R ST A TU 1C (in fnuit of tin' \Vrhnar 'Theatre. />'.r I-', rust GERMAN POEMS FOR MEMORIZING WITH THE MUSIC TO SOME OF THE POEMS EDITED WITH VOCABULARY OSCAR BURKHARD Assistant Professor of German in the University of Minnesota NEW YORK COPYRIGHT, 1907, 1910, 1917, BY HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY November, 1922 PRINTED IN THE U. S. A. CONTENTS INDEX OF AUTHORS O Jannenbcmm ................... 32 (Sfyamiffo )a aS ^etliijen ..................... 11 etbenro3letn .................... 19 Sc^iifcrd illagelieb .................. 22 Srtnncrung ..................... 20 GrIFonifl ...................... 39 !Dcr tfontfl tit I^ule .................. 40 $5er gtfcfecr ..................... 41 SDZignon ...................... 42 $)er linger ..................... 50 iii IV CONTENTS PAGE betters Sttoreengefang ................. 63 3)tc Sorelet ..................... 5 ?etfe jiefjt burd) metn emiit .............. 6 >u btft rt)te etne Slume ................ 6 Gin gtd)tenbaum ftcf)t etnfam .............. 7 SJJetn $mb, tt)tr maren timber .............. 7 3fm rtiunbcrf^oncn 2)?onat 5D?ai ............. 18 $)er ^trtcnfnabe ................... 23 SBelfajar ...................... 43 !Cie renabicre .................... 45 SBir fafeen am gtfcfyerfjaufe ............... 47 ^c^ t)ab' tm Jraum gerteinet .............. 48 2In metne gutter SB. $etne ............... 48 XaS 3?eilcf}en ..................... 1 93etm SJegen ..................... 2 ab' 5Tanf, bu Heber SBtnb ............... 2 3lbenblteb ...................... 28 eutfd)lanb uber Ilte6 ................. GO fterncr Ter SSanberer in ber Sagemiible ............ 15 ^oefie ....................... 62 ftorner 9?acfit ..................... 29 SPatcrlanb ................... 60 C^cbet tDdhrciib ber 2iiitad)t ............... 61 iHe 9Jncf)t ..................... 33 Tcr ^inbcnbaiuu ................... 16 SMncta . ........... 3S CONTENTS V JRctmcf PACE SBetljnadjttfejt .................... 32 9Jiirfcrt ?of)n ber grctgebiflfett ................. 3 3}arbaroffa ..................... 12 Tie 3itefen unb bte ^^trfle ............... 13 Sinnfprud) ..................... 27 TaS 93cid)Ietn .................... 9 Tie Xcilunfi ber Grbc ................. 35 Ta^ 9.'iiibd)en QUO ber g-rcmbe .............. 37 Ttr ,spaub|d)itf) .................... 56 A^offnung ...................... 59 Tie SBadit am Sifjetn ................. 65 Spitta Syhinienanbadjt .................... 29 U()lnnb trinfcfjr ......... . ......... .... 4 Ter SSirtin Jodjtcrlein ................ 17 Ter flute ilamerab ... ............... 18 Tie .ftapclle ..................... 20 Sdmfer* Sonntag^Iieb ................. 20 Te< ftnaben 5^erfl[ieb ................. 21 TnsJ 2d)[ofi am TOeer ................. 24 Te3 Saiifler'S Jvlud) .................. 51 TaS C3lUcf on (Sbenf)a(I ................ 54 Sogl ?!iu SDiorgen ..................... 25 SBolfSHeber Tit, bn liegt't mtr tin ."perjen .............. .^0 Jreue Viebe ..................... 31 VI CONTENTS INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE Hbenb hnrb eS nrieber 28 SIdj, nrie ift'3 mogltd) bann 31 21m SBrumten bor betn lore 16 Slu8 be 2tteere tiefem, ttefetn runbe 38 Ski einem SBirte ttmnbennilb 4 )a broben auf jenem Serge 22 3)a ift ber Jag be $errn! 20 a3 SBaffer raufd^t', ba SSaffer fc^tooa 41 Dcr alte Skrbaroffa 12 Xer bu Don bem tmmet btft 8 )er SBinter ift gefommen 32 Xeutf^fanb, Xcutfd)(anb tlbcr afleS 66 3)te 93Iutnen miiffen tno^I fc^meigen 29 3Me SWitternad)t jog na^er fdjon - . . . . 43 Xort unten in ber aJJUfjIe 15 roben fteftet bie ^apette 20 u SBa^fein, ftlber^ell unb flar 9 Tu btft tt)te etne Slume 6 u, bu liegft nur tm $erjen 30 Gin tcf)tenbaum ftcf)t einfam 7 Gin 2?eUd)en auf ber SSiefe ftanb 11 G blufjt ein fcftoneS 58[Umd^en 1 Gs brauft ein ffiuf rttc t'onncr^all 65 G^ ging bie 9tiefentod)ter, ju fiaben einen Spafj 13 G ift beftimmt in WotteS 9iat 64 G3 reben unb triiumen bie Sftcnfdjen Diet 59 GS ftanb in alten ^fiten ein 2ci)[ofj fo Ijod) unb ft,eh,r 51 Gs >uar ein .ftimig in Xbule 40 CONTENTS Vil PACE jogen brci 23urfd)e toof)l tiber ben 3ib.etn ........... 17 ute ftadjt! ....................... 29 aft bu bag d)lofj gefefjen ................. 24 3d) bin in ben arten gegangen ............... 2 3d) bin'd getoofjnt, ben tfopf red)t fjod) $u tragen ......... 48 3d) bin com 33erg ber >irtenfnab' .............. 21 3d) fling im SBalbe .................... 10 3d) f)ab' tm raum gemeinet ................ 48 3d) fyatt' etnen ilameraben ................. IS 3d) trcium' al inb mid) jurilcfe .............. 34 3d) iceife nidjt, mad foil c bebeuten .............. 5 3m totten Sat)n hatt' id) bid) einft tocrlaffcn .......... 49 3m lrmnberfd)6nen 5DJonat 2ttai ............... 18 3n einem fitljlen runbe .................. 14 3n einem al bei armen $irten ............... 37 Jlennft bu ba ?anb, too bte ^itronen blU^n .......... 42 $6'mg ift bcr ^irtenfnabe ................. 23 ?eife jicf)t burdj mein Wemitt ................ 6 ?iebe Sonne, fdjetne inieber ................. 2 SOWn i?inb, h)ir toaren $inber ................ 7 5Uorgenrot! ....... ................ 63 9Zadj ^rii'freid) ^ogen $um C^renabier' ............ 45 9le^mt l)in bie SBelt! rief Se\i& Don feincn $ofyn ....... 35 9?id)t ber ift auf ber SBelt tterftatft .............. 27 O Jannenbaum, o Xannenbaum, rtte treit finb beine flatter! ... 32 ^oefie ift ttefee Sdjincrjcn ................. 62 af) ein 5lnab' cin flio'Slctn ftefjn ............... 10 etillc Wadjt, kilige 9Jad)t! ................. 33 liber aften (Mipfeln ..................... 9 Unternt bourne ftanb ber 5lnabe ............... 3 2?ater, idi rufe bid)! .................... 61 V1U CONTENTS PAGE SSeildjen unter ra berftecft 1 S?on (Sbenfjall ber junge Sorb 54 S3or feinem Sotoengarten 56 SBa f)6r' idj braufjen bor bem ZOTC 50 SBeldj neueS, frofyeS ?eben 25 SBem ott njtll re^te unft ermetfen 27 SBer redjt in greuben tcanbern hjtll 26 SBcr rettet [o fpttt burc^ ^ad^t unb SBinb? 39 SBUlft bu immer toetter fc^hjeifen? 26 SBtr fafeen am gifc^er^aufe 47 2Bo ift be @anaer 33aterlanb? 60 SBofjItaten, [till unb rein flegeben 28 MUSIC ?orelei 69 jerbrod^ene Sttngtcin 71 >er ffiirtin je^terlein 72 er gute ^amerab 74 $etbenr6Iem 75 J)u, bu Itegft mir im $erjen 76 reue ?tebe 78 5 lannenbaunt ' 79 (gtitle ftacf)t 80 9ieiter 5D7or0engefang 82 (5 ift beftimmt in otteg 9?at 84 3)te 9Bac^t am 5Rf>cin 86 eutfimmel, o Better unb fo blau. G3 tnci^ ntdjt bid jit rebcn, Unb atteS, rtag c^ fprtdjt, 3(t immcr nur ba^fctbe, 3 ft nur: SSergtKincinntdjt. Hoffmann Don gallcreleben. 3>ctlcf)cn untcr C^ra^ ncr[tccft, SSic intt .Spoffnung ^ugebccft, 5?ctlcf)cn, frcue bid) nut nur, Sounc fommt ia and) 311 bir. <2onnc fdictnt Titit ?ic Xicf bir in bcin ,*ocr^ Iitncin, Xrodiict bcinc Xriincn bir - ^cild)cn, [reuc bid) mit nur. Coffin ami 0011 1 (Serman Poems 93cim JRcgcn ?iebe onne, fcfjeine nrieber, @d)etn' bte biiftern SSoIfen nieber. $omm mit beinem golbnen trafjl SSieber iiber 23erg unb 2ol. rodfne ab auf atten SSegen Uberall ben alten 9?egen! @onne lafe btc^ fe{)n, ttnr fonnen fptelen get)n. ^offmann toon r ^anf, bu Ite&er SBinb 3d) bin in ben arten gegangen, Unb mag ntd)t mieber Ijinau^. !I)ie golbigen $pfel prangen 9}?it tfjren roten SSangen S Unb taben ein sum cf)mau3. 3Sie ift c an^ufangcn? ol)l genafjret. famen in fetn griineS Ietrf)tbefd)nnngte a[te; @ie fprangen frei unb fyiclten llnb [angen anf ba^ be[te. 3d) fanb cm Sett ju fiifeer 5luf ft)etd]cn, griinen 9Jcatten; 15 3)er SStrt, er berfte (elbft mid) 9D?tt feinem fii^Ien Sdjatten. fragt' id) nadi ber Sdntlbigfeit, Ta fd)itttclt' er ben 2Btpfd. 03efegnct fci er alte tit 55 on ber SBurjel bis sum OHpfel! lUIanb. (Scrmcm Poems Sorclci 3dj rocift nid)t, toa8 foil c3 bebeuten, 'Tafj id) |"o traurig bin; Gin 9)Jard)cn au3 attcn 3eitcn, a fommt mir nid)t au^ bcm Sinn. S)tc uft ift fiil)l unb c^ bunfelt, Unb ruf)ifl flicf]t bcr 9fl)cin; ipfcl bc Merges funfclt 2lbenb(onncn[d)cin. te fdjbnfte ^ungfrau filjct obcn tuunbcrbar; C)cfd)inctbc blttjct, te fitinmt il)r golbcnc^ >aar. Sic fitiitint c^ init gotbcncn; .Viannne, Unb fingt etn Vicb babci; bat cine tinntbcrfainc, 15 SKelobci. ^cn Sdnffcv int flcinon (5rgtx % ift etf init tin'lbcni s -li>ch; 2r fd)aut nid)t bic Jvolfoitrin'e, (Sr | dm ut nur Innauf in bic wbb'. 3d) glaiibc, bic iluMlcn licrfdi linden ?lin (5nbc 2 duffer nnb A{abn: Unb ba? bat init ibrcin 2tuacn Tic Vorclci cjctan. ,?> cine. (Berman Poems ficifc jteljt burd) mctn (^cmiit Seife gieftt burdj mein emiit elaute. e, fleineS gruf)ItngIteb, ' i)tnau6 tn^ SSeite. ' IjinauS bid an bag SSo bie Slumen fprtefeen, $Benn bu etne 9iofe fdjauft, ^ toff fie gritfeen. it 6ift h)tc cine 83 fame bift mie cine 93Iume, f)olb unb fdjon unb rein; fdjnu' bid) an, unb SSebm mir in6 erj Ijinein. tft, ati ob id) bie >cinbe anpt bir Icgen foflf, Setenb, bafe ott bid) exalte ^o rein unb fd)on unb fyolb. in 2tiibentetijahreu ) einer .Stulniuiifl im sMitc b .'ocrrn .ftar! 4>}f inert in Tt\\au rnbicrt von &. Hrauttovi <5erman Poems ftef)t cinfam (Sin gidjtenbaum ftcfyt cinfam 3m 9?orben auf faster 3fyn fd)lafert; nut iDcife Umfjutten tfjn CStd unb cfynee. Sr tranmt Don cincr ^alme, 2)ie fern im 9)?orgenlanb Ginfam unb fd)tucigenb traucrt ?(uf brenncnbcr gelfenlnanb. 9Jictn fiinb, tutr toarcn fiinber SQJein Jlinb, tutr n>arcn , ,Su)ei ^tnbcr, ftetn unb frof); 2Bir frodjen in& vSpiil)ncr{)au^d)en, S^erftedftcn un^ unter bad 2trol). frabten nne bie .spafjne, llnb Famcn ?ente borbci - ,,.Qtfcrcfiib!" fie fllaubten, (SS tuare al)nenflcfd)rei. ie iltften auf unfcrem "ie tape^icrten n)ir au^, Unb toofmtcn brin beifannncn, Unb mad)tcn cin alte oftcrd juni 935 ir mad)ten ttjr 53urfling' unb Attire 15 Unb Jlomplunente gcnug. 8 (German Poems 2Bir fyaben nad) tfyrem Sefinben SBeforgltd) unb freunbltd) gefragt; SSir fyaben fettbem baSfelbe 20 2ttand)tr alien $a|je gefagt. SStr fafjen aud) oft unb fprad^en S5eniiinfttg, inte alte Seut', Unb flagten, toie 2lHe6 beffer etoefen jit unferer 25 SSie Sieb' unb Xreu' unb OMauben 58erfc^n)unben au bcr SBdt Unb n)ie fo teucr ber an'ee Unb n)ie fo rnr ba^ elb! - Corbel finb bte ft. tnberf ptele, 30 Unb SIKeS rotlt borbei, - ^-a elb unb bte 2Bdt unb bt*e ^etten, Unb tauben unb Steb' unb Xreu'. I. bu don bent intmel bift, Setb unb Sd)ineqen fttlleft, 3)en, ber boppett clenb ift, Xoppelt ntit Srqutdung futteft, Slcfj, id) bin bed Xreiben^ ntitbe! foil alt ber 3rf)nierj unb ?uft? grtebe, , ad) fontnt in meine 33ruft! oet^e. (Serman Poems SSanbrerS SRadjtUeb n. Uber alien ipfeln 3ft 3n alien SBtpfeln piircft bu Tallin einen >audj; )te 33ogelein fdjiuetgcn tin SBalbc. SBarte nur, balbe 9JuI)c|"t bii and). oetf)e. S3ad)Icin 33ad)Ietn, (tlbcrfjell itnb flat, ctlft tioruber hmncrbar, lifer [tef)' id), finn' unb [inn': fominft bu ^cr? 9Ko 0cl)[t bu f)in? 3d) fonnn' aug bunflcr J-cIfen 2d)o SDZetn ?auf gclit iibcr ^dnn' unb 9)i 5Iuf meinem Spiegel fditucbt fo niilb blaucn .spinuncl^ freunblid) Trum bab' id) frozen .Qinbcrfinn: Q& treibt mid) fort, tueif^ nidit luoljin, !iTer mid) gerufen aitv? bcm 2tein, Xer, benf id), luirb inctii jviibrcr fetn. Carolina ^u (Berman Poems (SJefunben 3dj fling im SBalbe ie im Xraumc, cm Slug' fjnlb offcit Unb jc nadj langcm 9iaiunc (Sr ciucm .ftnabcn Un'nft. (Bcrman Poems 13 Gr fprid)t im djlaf sum tfnaben: 25 ,,(9ef) f)in DorS erfliegcn um ben ,,Unb menu bte altcn 9iabcu 9?od) fticgen umncrbar, 30 @o mufj id) aud) nod) frfjlafen JRUefert. ^ic iHicfcn unb bte S^^flc (53 Qtnc? bte 9Jtefentod)tcr, 311 fyaben einen Spa, .pcrab com fiotjcn 2d)Io(fe, n)o SCater 9?iefe fa. Ta fanb fie in bem Xale bie Cd)fen unb ben ^flug, Tahmtcr nud) ben 33auern, ber (d)tcn tf)r fletn gcnug. !Tie 9;icfen unb bte 3werge! Cdifen unb ben ^aucnt, c3 mar thr nid)t ^u gro&, Sic faf>t'a< baft bit, .^iitb, gentadit?" <2ie fprad): ,,(*'m fdiiine^ Spietjcug bab' id) inir bcrgebradit." Tie J)iie[en nub bte ^HUTgc! 10 Skater (ab'3 unb fag to: ,,Ta$ tft nidit gut, ineiu .^inb! Ju' e<5 ^ufantinen nn'ebcr an fctncn Trt gefdniniib. SScnn nidit baei il^olf bcr ,8^crgc fdiant ntit bom "Vflug tut Xa(, <2o barbeit auf bent ^ergc bie Oitefen bci bcm ^Viabl." Tie ^liiefen unb bte . 14 (Serman Poems >a3 5erbrocf)etie ORinglein $n einem fiifylen runbe )a gefyt ein 9)eiif)lenrab, S07ein' Siebfte i[t derfdjtuunben, bort getoofmet f)at. or' id) ba 9)?u{)Irab getjcn, 3<$ nieife nidit, tt>a id) mill 3d) mod)t' am Ucbftcn (tcrbcn, )ann tuar'ei auf cinmal [till. (SidienDorff. <15erman poems 15 SSanbcrcr in bcr Sagcmiifyle Tort untcn in bcr 9J?Uf)le er^e frfnncr, Gin ^brtletn mollt' idi (alien, - Ta ging ba* ^)iab nidH inebr. Werner. 16 er gutc Stamerab 3d) fyatt' cinen $amerabcn, (Stnen beffcrn finb'[t bu nit. 2)ie Xrommel fd)Iug gum treite, Qjr ging an meiner cite 5 $n gleid^em cfirttt unb Jrttt. (Sine 5tugel fam geftogen; Ut'S mtr ober gilt e bir? -3f)n Ijat e^ lueggeriffcn, (Sr Uegt mir bor ben ^iifeen, ein titcf tion mtr. mir bie .'panb nod) rcid)en, id) eben lab': ,,.f ann bir bie anb ntd)t gcbcn; 53Ieib bn im em'gcn ?eben, 15 2ftein gutcr ^amerab!" U^Ianb. ^m itwnbcrftfybnen 9JJonat ^m iDimbcrfrfionen SWouat ?(I^ alfe .^nofpen fprangcn, !Ta i(t in mcincm encn !^ie ?tcbe aufgegangcn. S $m nnmbcrfdioncn 9)Jonat 9J?ai, ?U alfc 3?oge( (angcn, Ta bnb' id) tbr gcftanbcn Wein (Scb/ncn unb 5>crlnngen. v*o c i n e. (German Poems 19 cin $nab' cin 9t63lein ftefm, 9?b'3lein auf ber .>ciben, SSar (o jung unb mora.enfd)5n, tef er fdjnell, e3 naf) gu fefjn, nut titclcn grcitbcn. , Otodfcin, 9iotf(etn rot, auf bcr fprarf): 3d) brcdjc bic^, auf ber ->eibeit! 9?oIetn fprad): 3d) ftcdic bid), !3)afe bu enria. bcnfft an mid), Unb id) ittill'd ntdit (ctben! , 9ioeiletn, 9io<irtenfnab' r 58crg, ber ift mcin Gtgentimt, 5)a giefjn bie Stiinnc rings benim; Unb t}cu(cn fie Don 9torb nnb 2itb, crt nnb fing' mein ?icb: 3d) bin ber .ft nab' bom 33crgc! 25 lUIonb. 22 (German Poems Sci)afer3 Stlagelieb )a broben aiif jenem 93erge, 5)a fteh/ idj taufenbmal 5ln tneinem tabe gebogen llnb fdjaue ftjnab in baS al. 5 )cmn folg' tc^ ber luetbenben Tltin ^iinbrfien beioaijret mir fie 3d) bin tjeruntergefommen tlnb toetfi bod) (elber nid)t h)tc. n fd)onen 10 )ie ganje SBiefe fo don. 3d) bredje fie, ofjne ju luiffen, SSem id) fie geben foil. Unb 9?egen, tiirm imb emitter 53erpaff id) unter bem 53aum. 15 3^ie Ziire bort bleibet Derfd)Ioffen; ift leiber ein raum. (Sg ftefyet ein 9?cgenbogen 2Bof)I uber jenem $au! '(Ste aber ift toeggejogen Unb n)eit in bag ?anb t)inau. in ba3 ?anb unb S3ieIIeid)t gar iiber bie (See. 5Soriiber, ifjr ugcl i(t fein Jfjron; liber feinem aupt bie onne 3ft bie grofje, golbne Jtron'. Sfjtn ju ^iien Itegcn Srfjafe, 5 2Betd)e @c^meid)Icr, rotbefrcujt; abaltere [tub bte -ftiilber, Unb [ie tuanbeln ftoljgefprcijt. $of(rf)aufpte[cr [tub bte ^odflein; Unb bte $ogel uub bte .ftiit)', 10 SDHt ben ^lotcn, nut ben (3Mocf(ctn, tnb bte ^aimncrinnftjt. Unb ba^ fltngt unb fingt (o lieblid^, Unb (o liebltd) raufrfjen brein SBafferfatt unb Xanncnbanme, 15 Unb ber 5!ontg fdjlinmncrt etn. Unterbeffen ntufe regicrcn 2)er 35?tnt|tcr, jener vSpnnb, 3)ef|"cn fnnrrtgc^ C^ebeKe SBibertjallet in bcr ffiunb'. 20 @c^Iafrtg lalft ber junge .Qontg: ,,5}a 9icgteren ift fo fdnncr; 3ld), id) h)ot(t', bafe id) i ,n ,s3aufe @d)on bei ntetncr .Vibn'gtn unir'! ,,3n ben ?lrmcu mctner .^bn'gtn 25 9hil)t mein -^ontg^ftanpt fo luetd), Unb in ifyren fdib'ncn ?htgen ?tcfit mein unennefelid) 9ictd)!" ^eine. 24 <>erman Poems $a3 cfylofe am SReer -ipaft bit bag @djlo gefefyen, Stag fjofje djlofe am Hfteer? olben unb rofig toefyen SBolfen briiber ^er. mocfite (irf) nteberneigen bie (ptegelflare glut, mo^te ftrcben unb ftetgen ber 2ibenbtoolfen tut. ab' id) eg flefeljen, Fjolje <2rf)Iofe am 50?eer, Unb ben Sftonb bariiber (te^en, llnb 9^ebet tueit um^er." SSinb unb beg 2Wcerc SSatten, aben fie frtfc^en .^(ang? 15 SBernafjmft bu aug ^of)en fatten atten unb geftgefang? ,,X>te SStnbe, Me SSogen alle ?agen in ttefer 9?uf)'; Ginem .filagelieb aug ber >atte 20 ^>ort' ic^ mit Xranen gu." bu oben geljen !Den .flonig unb [ein cmaljl? er roten Mantel SBefjen, 2)er golbnen kronen traf)I? (Scrman Poems 25 fie nid)t mit SKounc 25 (Sine fdjone 3ungfrau bar, 6perrlid) lute cine Sonnc, trahjenb iin gotbncn >aar? fa^ id) bte Glteru bctbc, Cl)nc bcr .ftroncn lUd)t, 30 $m (ditDarjeu Jraucrflctbc; )te 3'uuafrau fat) id) nidjt." UManb. 9(m (Srluadit Doin nadit'ncu Xraimt, 2Bic ficiitflt ttoll better Xropfcn (Sin jcbc^ 53Iatt ant iBamu. 35>ic .^tticrt'^ nuf bcr f)iofc iJlUc auf bcei isctldKH^ ^lau; SlUe ciliiir,! am 33art bcr Tiftcl <2o fi(bcnuct bcr Xau. Unb in ben ^erten (SI iDtc'S ba fllitbt nnb (d)eint - Ta^ finb iuohl Jrcubentrfinen, STic jcbe^ 23Iattd)en mctnt. 26 (German Poems SOtorgemtiaiiberung SBer redjt in greuben toanbern nritt, )er gef)' her @onn' entgegen; )a ift ber SSalb (o firdjenftill, $ein 2iiftd)en mag fid) regen; 5 97od) finb nid^t bie Sercfyen yiux im fyofyen rag ber 58ad^ ingt leife ben 9ftorgenfegen. !Dte ganje SSelt ift inie ein 3)artn un6 aufgefd)rieben 3n bimten ^ei^n mand) etn 2Bie ott un treu gebltcben; SBalb unb Slumen, na{) unb fern, Unb ber f)el(e SD?orgenftern (tnb 3 e ugen don feinem Steben. is Unb Dlofelidj Icifet bie 97arf)tigalt 3ni 53ufrf) if)r ?ieb erflingen, 3'n 53erg unb Xat erniarfit ber llnb mill fid) auftoa'rts fd)n)ingen, Unb ber 991orgcnrote (d)ein 20 elt nermaift, !Tef|cn 5?ater unb ^hitter gcftorbcn, Sonbern ber fiir ,*oer; unb (^cii't ?ieb' unb fcin ifi>i[i"cn cnriorbcn. fRiicfcrt. 28 (German Poems 5fbenblieb 9lbenb toirb e$ toieber: Uber SBalo unb gdb (Saufelt grteben nieber, Unb e ruf)t bte SSelt. ber 53att ergtefeet er5, and) bu: 15 03ott nur fann btr geben Don SBo^Itotcn, fttU unb rein gcgebcn, Sinb Jote, bic irn C^rabc Icbcn, @inb Slunten, bte im (Stunn beftefjn, sSinb 2tcrnlcin, bie ntrfjt untergc{)n. (JIaubtuS. <>erman Poems 20 83lumcnanbarf)t )te SBIumen mtiffcu tool)l fdjiuctgen, ftetn Xon tft 33Iumcn bcfd)crt, od), (tide 53etcr, ncigcn aubc, bcr s Dt x orgcit ncu cvtuad)t. (Mute 9 jur ^)h 2d)Uc(5t bic iniibcii ?(ugcn 511! Stittc luirb c<< aitf ben 2traftcn, Oiiir ben iR>ad)tcv hort man blnfeti, Hub bie 9todit ruft alien -,n: Wittc Oiadit! <2rf)hnuincrt, bia bcr Tag entmdit, 2diUunniert, bi<< ber none lliorflcu 15 Jfomint nut fciucn ncitcn Soraen, Time ^-iirdit, ber ^atcr iimdit. OHite Ofadit! Corner. 30 ermcui Poems $u, bu liegft mir im )u, bu Uegft mir im Bergen, )u, bu liegft mir im inn; >u, bu mad)ft mir did dnneqen, SSeifet nid)t, trie gut id) Mr bin! 5 -3a, ja, ja, {a, toeifct nidjt, ftiie gut id) bir bin! eipt ja, rt)ie gut id) bir bin! Unb, unb ftienn in ber tr, bir mein 53i(b erfd)etnt, , bann n)iinfd)t' id) fo gerne, ^ bie ?iebe bereint'! , ja, ja, ja, ba^ un^ bie ?iebe Dereint'! 8SoIFIicb. (German Poems 31 reue Siebe 2ldj, lt)ie ift'S mogltd) bann, id) bid) taffcn faun! ' bid) Don >er$en lieb, glaubc mir! f)a[t ba3 6pcrje mcin 5 ganj gcnommcn ein, id) fein' anbrc lieb' bid) attctn. i)'t cin Slumclcin, leg au Unb benfe mcin! (Sttrbt Slum' unb ^offnung glcid), SSir finb an Siebc reid); bie (ttrbt nie bei mir, 15 glaube mir. id) ein 33ogelein, id) balb bei bir [cin, <2d)ciit' Jalf unb ^Sabtdjt nid)t, Ififl' fdmclt ju bir. mid) cin 3^flcr tot, idi in bctncn Sdiofj; <2af)ft bn mid) traurtg an, (Merit (turb' idi bann. Adapted from a 2?olflicb by $clmtna Don 32 <5ermcm Poems )er SStnter ift gefommen Unb Ijat Jjintoeggenommen 3)er @rbe griineS tletb; @d)nee Uegt auf SBlutenfetmen, $ein SBIatt i(t an ben 33a'imten, @r(tarrt bte ^Iii[|e tacit unb brett. !Da flatten ploijltcf) flange Unb fro^e geftgefange >eft burcf) bie SBinternac^t. $n >utten unb ^alaften 3ft rings in griinen Sften (Sin bunter ^riiljling SBtc gern bod) fef)' id) gliin5en SD^it all ben reid)en 15 >en griinen ber .frinblein 9)cienen id)t unb ?uft bc[d)icnen! [d)5n're ^^ube gibt e faum! 9? e t n i cf . C XonncnOaum O Xanncnbaum, o Xannenbaum, tine trcu finb beine 33(atter! T)n griinft nid)t nur jur oTnnier^eit, 'D'Jcin, and) im SBintcr, tuenn c^ fd)ncit. r 1 Xanncnbaum, o Xannenbauin, iuic trcu finb beinc flatter! (German Poems 33 O Xanncnbaum, o Janncubaum, bit fnituft mir fefjr gef alien! 5 SSie oft l)at ntdjt jur 3Beil)nari)t^cit, (Sin 33aum toon bir mid) fyod) erf rent ! O Jannenbainn, o Jannenbaum, bit fannft mir fcfyr gefallcn! O Xanncnbauni, o Jaunenbaum, beiu iilcib luill mid) lefyren: !Die ^offnung unb 53eftanbtgfcit @ibt Jroft unb traft jit ieber .Beit. O Janncnbaum, o Xannenbaum, bein illcib ftill mid) tua<< lefjren! SttHc Otille 9kd)t, beiligc 9fnd)t! SIIIcS fdiKtft, cinfam tnadit 9hir ba^ traute, hodifictligc olbcr Ahiabc im locftgcn s?>aar, <2d)Iaf in Inmmltfdicr ^J in l)tmm(ifd)cr ^ii crft fitnbgcmadit bcr Crngcl ^nUelitin, Xont c lant iniii fern unb nab: 10 Gfirift, bcr Oicttcr, ift ba, , bcr i)icttcr, ift ba! s )?adit, hciliflc^adit! olm, o un'c ladit Vieb' au^ bcincm holbfeligcn ^iiinb, 15 Ta uiiif fdilagt bio rcttcnbc tibrtft, in bcincr (^cburt, (Slirift, in bcincr f^cbnrt! (Serman Poems SSoncourt 3d) traum' al $tnb mid) Unb fdjiittlc mein greife SBte [ud)t tt>r mid) fjcim, t^r S3tlbcr, S)ic lang' id) bergeffcn geglaubt? ragt au6 frfjott'gcn efjcgen @in fdjim-mcrnbeg @d)Io Ijerbor, 3d) fenne bie Jiirme, bie ,3i nnc n/ S)tc (teinerne SSriicfe, ba8 Xor. (S fdjauen bom SBapbenfdjilbe Sie ?ott)cn fo traulidj mid) an, 3d) grille bie alien SManuten, Unb eile ben Surgljof fjinan. !Dort liegt bie <2>bl)inj: am 33runnen, 2)ort grunt ber getgenbaum, 3)ort, fjinter biefen ^enftern, S5ertraumt' id) ben erften Jraum. 3d) tret' in bie SBurgfabefle Unb [ud)e be 5(I)n^err !55ort tft'3, bort fya'ngt Dom a(te Ojcftaffcn fcrab. Icfen itmflort bie 9(ugcn Die ^iige bcr 3nfdmft nidit, 3Sic fietf bnrdi bie bunten @d)ctben Ta IMdit baritbcr and) bridit. (German poems 35 @o ftefift bit, o d)lofj nieiner better, 25 Sttir treu nub fcft in bent Sinn, Unb bift Don ber (Srbe bcrfdjnmnben, )er ^flug gcljt itbcr bid) t)in. ei frud)tbnr, o tcitrer SJobcn, 3d) fegnc bid) milb unb geriifn-t, 3 o Unb fcgn' itjn jtmcfad), met immer Sen ^Jflug nun itber bid) fiit)rt. 3d) aber mill auf tntd) raffen, 2JMn aitenfptcl in ber ,s3anb, )ie SBeiten ber Grbe bitrdifdjmeifcn, 35 Unb [ingen Don ?anb $u l ? anb. Gfjamiffo. Jctlmtfl ber Orbc ,,91ef)mt f)in bie SBcIt!" rief Scu^ Don feiiten >eu Unb fprnd): ,,Tcr Sdjente ift niein." 36 (Berman Poems [pat, nadjbcm bie cihmg langft gefdjefycn, her ^oet, er fam au3 fteiter gem'; 15 2ld), ba roar iibcratl nid)t3 mef)r ju fefjen, Hub alleS fyatte feinen >errn. mtr! fo foil trf) bcnn allctn Don aKen 93ergef|'en fein, id), betn getreuftcr @of)n?" o Iie er laut ber $tage 9?u[ erfd)alkn, Unb tuarf fid) f)tn toor ,,2Benn bu im anb bcr Jrciume bid) tterlDeitet," S3erfe^t ber ott, ,,[o fyabre nid)t mit mir. SSo roarft bu benn, al man bie SBelt gcteitet?" ,,3d) tuar/' fprad) ber ^oet, ,,bci bir. 25 ,,9}tein Stuge fjtng an beincnt 9(nge(id)te, ?ln beine^ f)inimet harmonic inetn Ofj ^3cqei^' bem (Mfte, bcr, nor beinem ?id)te 53eraufd)t, baS 3rbi(d)e berlor!" ,,933a tun?" fprtdjt ,Bcug. ,,3)ie SBelt ift 30 Tcr -Spcrbft, bie ^agb, bcr S0?arft ift ntd)t mel)r mcin. SSitlft bu in mcincm ^>hmncl ntit mir (ebcn, So oft bu fommft, cr foU bir of fen fcin." rfjiller. (Serman Poems 37 3 $iabd)cn aud bcr ftrcmbe 3n einent Jat bet armcn >irten, <5rfd)icn mit jcbcnt jnna,en 3ab.r, obalb bic erffen tfcrdjcn fd)unrrtcn, (Sin 9)Jabrf)cn, fdjon unb tnunbcrbar. (Ste tuar nidjt in bnn Ja( cjcboren, 5 $)lmi nnifjtc ntd)t, inolicr fie fain, Unb fdjncll ttmr i^rc pur oerloren, naljm. S3efeli(\enb tttar ibre Unb atfe >cr$en imtrbcn lucit; T^od) cine SIMtrbc, cine 63obe Gntfcrnte bie 55crtraulid)fcit. <2ie braditc ^hnnen mit mtb Jvrud)tc, C^creift anf cincr anbern o-lnr, 3n cincm anbern Soiincnlidite, 15 3n ciner flliicfUdieni Otatur. Unb tetlte iebem cine (^abe, rein ^-ritdite, jencm tinmen anc; Tor ^ihiflliiui itnb bcr (^reitf am 2tabe, (5'in jeber i^iiui bcfdu'itft nadi >>au\5. ilUIIfommen marcit alle (^afte; Tod) nabte fidi ein liebenb i'aar, Tern rcidite fie bcr (^abcn beftc, Tcr tinmen allerfdibnfte bar. Srfiill (German Poems SBineta Slug beg $?eereg ttefem, tiefcni runbe $Iiugen Slbenbglocfen bumpf unb matt, ling gu geben ttmnberbare $unbe 23on ber fdjonen alien $Bunberftabt. 3n ber gluten @d)ofe ^tnabgefunfen S3Iieben unten ifyre Jriimmer (teljn. 3l)re ,3innen laffen golbne gunfen SSiberfc^einenb auf bem Spiegel feljn. Unb ber djiffer, ber ben (Sinmal fat) im Ijellen Slbenbrot, 9?ad() berfelben (Stelle fc^tfft er immer, )b auc^ ringgumfjer bie $Itppe broljt. Slug beg ^erjeng ttefem, tiefem runbe ^lingt eg mir tote lodfen, bumpf unb matt; Sid), fie geben niunberbare $unbe S3on ber ?icbe, bie geliebt eg fyat fd)one SBelt ift ba berfunfen, Drummer blieben unten (tel)n, ?a[|"en fid) alg golbne ^tmmefgfunfen Cft im Spiegel meiner Jrinime fel)n. Unb bann mb'd)f ic^ taudjen in bie Jiefen, 9)?id) Derfcnfen in ben SSiberfdjein, Unb mir ift, alg ob mid) Cmgel riefen 3n bie alte S33unberftabt herein. SKllIIer. (Serman Poems 39 Grlfbnig SBer rettet [o [pat burdj fltodjt unb SBtnb? 66 ift her 5$ater mit feincm 51mb; (gr fyat ben ftnabcn toobl in bent ?(rm, (Sr fajjt ib,n fid)er, er bait ttjn tuarm. fl 2Weiu 2of)n, luag btrgft bu fo bang bcin efi^t? 1 5 ,,erman Poems 2 5 ,$$ ftebe bid), mid) rctjt beine fd)b'ne eftalt; Unb bift bit nid)t ttnllig, fo braud)' id) ctnalt." - ,,90?ein 23ater, mein 23ater, jeljt fafet cr mid) an! Grlfb'nig fjat mtr em Setb3 getan!" - 23ater graufet'S, er rettet 30 C?r ^cilt in ben 5trmen ba3 ad)jenbe (Srreid)t ben of mit SWiif)' iinb $n feinen Airmen bag ^inb tear tot. oetfie. ftonig in Xljutc fttar etn .^onig in treu big an ba fterbenb (eine S3uf)(e Gtnen golbncn 53ed)er gab. (5g ging ifjm nidjtg bariiber, Gr leert' ifjn iebcn Sd)ntau6; Tie Slugen gingen if)in iibcr, So oft er tranf baraug. Unb alg er fam ju (terben, &Q.W cr [cine Stabt' im 3ieid), onnt' atfeg fetnem Grben, S3cd)er nid)t (Sr (a^ betni .fj oniggnmijle, Tic fitter inn i^n fjcr, 15 2tuf f)o()em 93aterfaale, Xort auf bem (gc^Iofe am 9D7eer. (German Poems 41 >ort ftanb bcr alte Xranf letjte ScbcnSglut, Unb luarf ben fjeil'flcn 53edjcr ^inunter in bie glut. (Sr fafy if)tt ftiiqcn, trinfen Hub finfcn ticf ins 9)t x ccr. tiitcn tfjm ftnfcn, nie ciuen Jropfcu incljr. oethe. SBaffcr raufrfjt', bad Staffer fcfjtoon, Gin 5'i1"rf) cr f a B baran, nad) bcr 3litflcl ruf)cliol(, 3 an vS3crj Innan. Unb unc cr |it5t, nub uuc cr laufdit, Xcitt fid) bic (vhtt cntpor; 9lu5 bent bcmcflteii Gaffer raufdit Gin @ic fanfl 1 ,u tfiiu, fie fprndi 511 if)in: f ,SSa3 lorfft bit inctne ^rut 10 932it 9)?cnfd)cnniit3 unb 3} t Vnfd)ciitift >tnauf in Xobc^htt? 5td) Un'iftteft bit, unc'i< Aifditetn ift <2o inoWtfl anf bent (^vnnb, Tn [ttcflft hernnter tvie bit bift, 15 Unb ttriirbeft crft gcfunb. 42 6erman Poems ,,abt fid) hie liebe r SSttonb fid) nid)t im 2fteer? $ef)rt toellenatmenb ifyr efidjt 20 9Hc(jt boppelt (c^oner f)er? ?odft bid) ber tiefe ^rimmel feud)tderflarte Slau? bid) betn eigen 2tnge[td)t (jer in en/gen 25 3)a8 SSaffer raufd)t', ba Staffer W^t' ifjm ben nacften anb Gtnen Ijetltgen Serfjer, gefiiHt bi^ am 9?anb; Unb er Iccrt tlm f)afttg bis auf ben runb, Unb rufct tant mtt fd)aumenbem 5?tunb: 25 r ,3'el)ot>af)! btr fitnb' id) auf ctotg fiof)n, - 3d) bin ber fiom'g Don 33abn(on!" od) faum ba^ graitfe SSort Derflang, Tern .fiontg marb'^ t)eim(id) im 53ufen bang. Xa6 gcHenbc Varfjcn dcrftummtc ^ 30 Gs tuurbe Ictdicnftttt im aal. Unb fief)! unb fief)! an tuciftcr 35}anb, Ta fam'cs I)crt>or, line 9J?cnfd)cnf)anb; <>crman Poems 45 Unb fdjrieb, itnb fdjrteb an toetfecr SBanb 33ud)ftaben toon geuer, unb fdjrteb unb fdjiuanb. )er tonifl fttercn 33IirfS ba [afe, 35 9)Ht fdjlotternben ftnie'n unb totcnblaf?. ie tned)tcn(d)ar fafe fait burdjgraut, Unb fajj gar ftitt, gab fcincn ?out. ie SDZagtcr fomcn, bod) feiner ucrftanb 3u beutcn bic glammcnfdjrift an bcr SSonb. 4 Sklfajar tuorb abcr in (etbtgcr (ctnen f ncd)tcn unt0cbrad)t. Oircnabtcrc ^ranfrctdi $oflcu jtuci Wrcunbicr', 3}ic marcn in $)fuf}Ianb flcfangen. Unb at (ic famcn-iu bcutfdic Cnarttcr, <2tc liefccn bic .\Iopfc bortcn (ic bctbc bic traurtfic War': granfrctdi ncrlorcn flcflaiiflcn, uub icrfd)(aftcn batf flroftc >>ccr, - Unb bcr Alotfcr, bcr Xjaifcr fl Ta nicintcn ^iifmmitcu bic S5Jof)I ob bcr fla'fllidien AJiuibe. Tcr cine fprnd): ,,^ic mcb unrb inir, ilUc brcuut inctuc altc ^uiibo!" 46 (Berman Poems $)er anbre fprad): ,,25a3 ?ieb ift auS, 2lucf) id) modjt' mtt btr fterben, 15 >od) f)ab' id) SSeib unb $inb gu |>au3, 2)te ofyne mtc^ Derberben." frfjert mtc^ SSeib, mag fc^ert mid) $tnb! 3c^ trage mett beff'reS S3erlangen; Safe (ie betteln geljn, rtenn fie bungrig [inb ! Sftein ^aifer, mein ^aifer gefangen! ' mtr, 93ruber, etne 53itt': SSenn ic^ je^t fterben merbe, @o nimm meine ?eic^e nac^ ^^fl^^eic^ mit, c^ in ^fanfreic^^ 6rbe. 25 ,,3)a3 Stjtenfreiij am roten 33anb @ollft bu aufg erj mir legen; !Dtc ^linte gib mir in bie >anb, llnb giirf mir um ben 2)egen! ic^ Hegen unb f)ord)en ftitt, 30 2Bie eine 'Scljilbttiacf)', im rabe, S3ig einft id) fyore ."il anonengebriid Unb toiefjernber 9Joffc etrabe. ,,Tann reitet mein ^aifer tt)of)I uber mein 0rab, 33iel c^JDerter flirren unb btiljen; 35 Tann fteig' id) geluaffnet fyerttor au bent @rab, )en ^aifer, ben f aifer ju fcfjiifcen!" (German Poems 47 8Str [often am ftifrf)erf)aufe SBtr fafeen am gifdjerfjaufe Unb fdjauten nad) her @ce; He ?Ibenbnebcl famen Unb I'ticgcn in bie oh/. 3m geuefjtturm ttmrben bie Sifter s ^Ittnia'blid) angeftecft, Unb in bcr tt>citcn petite SKarb nod) etn 2d)tff entberft. SBir (prad)en t>on Sturm unb Sdjiffbrud), S3om ecniann, unb niic cr Icbt, 10 Unb janfdien v'phnntel unb Gaffer Unb 9lncjft nnb ^rcubc fdjtocbt. 2Bir fprad)cn toon fcntcn .VUiftcn, S3oin Sitbcn unb toom 9?orb, Unb toon ben fcltfamcn 5>blfcrn 15 Unb fettfamcn 2ittcn bort. ?lm C^anflCiS buftct'^ unb Icuditct'^, Unb 9?tefenbttume bliibn, Unb fdionc, ftillc 9)icnfd)cn ^otii^bhnncn fnicn. 20 ?applanb finb I'dnnutnflc ?eute, brcttiniiultfl unb flctu; fnucnt um^ Jvcucr unb bacfcn (Vtfdic, unb quafeii unb fdirctn. Tic 9)tabd)cn borditcn crm'thaft, 25 Unb cnbltdi fpradi nicmaiib inclir; Ta^< Sdnff umr ntdit inclir fiditbar, (S^ bttnfcltc gar 311 fcbr. frtint. 48 German poems 3rf) f)ab ? im raum 3d) f)ab' im rcmm getoeinet, Sftir traumte, bu lageft im rab. 3d) ttiadjte auf, unb hie Xrane glofe nod) Don ber SSangc Ijerab. 3d) f)ab' tm Jraum getoetnet, SO^tr trttumt', bu derliefeeft mid). 3d) toadjte auf, unb id) toeinte (ange bitterttd). 3d) fyab' im Iraum getueinet, 9)?ir triiumte, bu bltebeft mir gut. 3d) rt)ad)tc auf, unb nod) immer (gtromt meine 2ranen[(ut. 5(n meinc Sautter SB. et I. 3d) bin's geniof)nt, ben .ftopf redit fiod) -,u tragcn, 9}?cin Sinn i(t and) ein bi^dicn ftarr unb \afy; 35}enn felbft bcr ft onig mir ins 3(nt(tlj (af)c, 3d) luiirbc nid)t bie 2(ugcn nicbcrfdilngcn. Tod), ticbc 2)htttcr, offcn n)il( id)'eS fagcn: SSie mad)tig aud) mcin [toiler 9Jhit fid) blci^c, 3'n bcincr [dig fiificn, trautcn Cirgrcift mid) oft cin bemuttootteS (German Poems 49 3ft eS betn cift, bcr tjcimlid) mid) 3)ctn f)ot)er (Scift, bcr ailed fu()it bnrd)brma.ct, Unb bli^enb fid) gum >immel3lid)te fdjnnngct? Cua'It mid) Grinneruna,, baf? id) ocritbct @o mand)c Jat, bie bir ba3 ^erj bctriibct, 3)ag fdjone crj, ba mid) fo fctjr gdicbet? II. 3m tollcn SSkfyn t)att' id) bid) cinft bertaffcn, 3d) njotltc geljn bie ganjc SBdt ju (Snbe, Unb toofttc fefjn, ob id) bie ?icbc fciubc, Um liebettoll bie ?iebe ^u umfaffcn. J^ic ?tcbe fuditc idi au[ altcu (^af)cn, 5? or jcber Jiire ftrcrft' id) autf bie ^a Unb bettcltc um fl'riitflc ^tcbc^fp Iad)cnb gab man mir iiur faltctf vS Unb immcr irrtc id) nad) Viebe, immer 91nd) Viebc, bod) bie Viebe fanb idi nimmer, Unb fcfjrtc inn nad) ^anfe, franf nnb tritbe. :Tod) ba bift bit eiitgeiicn mir Unb adi! matf ba in beinem :'lun' iiefdimommen, ITasJ tuar bie |"iif$c, lanpflcfiulitc Viebc. .V> c inc. 50 (Serman Poems Sangcr fybV idj braufjen Dor bem or, auf her 93riicte fdjallen? Safe ben efang dor imferm Cfjr 3m Saale ttnberfyatlen! )er $onig fprad/3, ber ^age lief; ,^nabe fam, ber .ftontg rtcf: mtr herein ben 2Ilten! egriifeet fcib mir, ebk egrufet tfyr, fcf)one SSelrf) reiser ^immel! Stern bei Stern! 2Ber fennet if)rc 97am en? 3m @aal Dolt ^ra^t unb ^>errltcf)fett Stugen, eud); {)ier tft nirf)t ftaunenb ju ergotjen. 15 !j;er Sanger briicft' bte Hngen etn, Unb fd)Iug in boHcn Jonen; 2)ie fitter fd)auten mutig brein Unb in ben Sdiofr bie ecf)6ncn. 2)er $6nig, bem bag ?icb gefiel, 20 Stejj, ibn ju e^ren fiir fein Spiel, (Sine golbne .ftette reid)en. !^ie gotbne .Alette gib mir nidit, ^k ^cttc gib ben bittern, S3or beren fitfincm ?tngcfid)t 25 3)er geinbc an i ,cn fplittcrn; @ib fie bem .ftan$(cr, ben bu f)aft, Unb lafc ifjn nod) bte golbne aft BU anbcni ?aften tragcn. (Bcrman poems 51 3d) ftnge, hue bcr $ogel fingt, )cr in ben ^incigcn inofynct; 3 o a Sicb, ba aug bcr .ftct)Ic bringt, 3ft ?of)n, bcr rcidiUd) lofjnct. >od) barf id) bitten, bttt' id) etng: afe ntir ben beftcn Sedjer SBcinS $n purent olbe rcidjcn. 3S <5r fc^st' iftn an, cr tranf itjn au: C Xranf t>ol( fuf?er Vabe! O n)o()I bent l)ocl)bea.liicften ^anei, 2Bo bag iff ffcutc Wabc! (Srge^t'g end) molil, fo benft an midj, 4 o llnb banfct G)ott fo inarm, ale id) biefen rimf end) banfe! C^octtje. ftanb in alten ^ettcn etn Sdilon fo bod) nnb behr, glanst' eg itber btc Vanbe btc an bag blane iVi'ecr, Unb rtngg non bnft'gen (^drtcn ctn bliitenreidier .^ran Trtn fprangcn frtfdie ^ninnen in Siegenbogcnglanj. Sort fafe cut fto^cr A{bntg, an Vanb nnb 2iegen rcidi, (Sr fafj anf fcincnt Throne fo finfter nnb fo bleidi; Tenn inag cr ftnnt, ift 2dircefen, nnb ina* er blieft, ti't Unb inag er fprtdit, ift (^etftel, nnb mac cr fdirctbt, ift i Ginft 503 nadj bicfcm Sdiloffe etn eblec riiiuieniaar, Ser cut' in golbnen Vocfen, ber anbre arau Don .v>aar; Ser 9(ltc mtt bcr vS>arfc, bcr faf; anf fdnnncfem Miof^ (Jg fdirttt tl)m frtfdi ^nr 2eite bcr bliihcnbc ( v \Mtof;. 52 German Poems Sllte (prad) gum 3ungen: ,$lun fei bcreit, tnein @of)n! f unfrer ttefften ieber, fttmm' an ben bollfien Jon! 15 9?invm afle $raft jufammen, bie u(t unb and) ben djtncrg! 66 gilt ung f)euf, ju riifjren beg ^ontgS (teinern @rf)on ftef)n bie beiben anger hn ^ot)en a'ulenfaal, Unb auf bem Jtjrone ftijen ber Honig unb (ein emaljl, .^onig [urd)tbar prad)tig, tote blut'ger 9?orblid)t[d)ein, omgtn [life unb mtlbe, al blicfte 33oltmonb bretn. fd)Iug ber rei^ bie attcn, er (d)Iug [ie tnunberoott, reidjer, immer rcid)er ber ^llaug gum Ofyre fdjtoolt; 5)ann (tromte f)tmniUfd) fyelte beg ^iinglingg thnme Dor, Sllten ang bajtotfdjen tote bitmpfer @ei[terd)or. 25 <2tc ftngen Don 2ens unb ?iebe, bon fel'ger golbner S3on greifjeit, 2)lannertoiirbe, Don Xreu' unb ^etltgfcit, (ie (tngen Don altem (Silken, toaS 9)fcnfd)enbruft burd)bcbt, Ste (tngen Don attent ^otjcn, toag 9}?enfd)cnl)er3 crfjcbt. 6fltngg(d)ar tm ^retfe tierlernet jeben 'Spott, $b'mgg troij'ge .^Irtegcr (tc beugcn (id) dor ott; ^lonigin, ser(to((en in SBefnuut unb in ?u(t, toir(t ben Sdngcrn ntcbcr bie 9io(e don tfjrer 53ru(t. fjabt incin i^olf oerfiifyret; dcrlodt if)r nun ntctu SBeib?" .ftbnig (d)rctt eg toiitenb, er bcbt am ganjcn cib; 35 (5r toirft (ein Sditocrt, bag blitjenb beg 3iinglingg iPruft burd)bringt, Traug (tatt ber golbneu i^'icber ein ^Mut(traf)( fjod) aufi'pringt. (German Poems 53 Unb ttue t>oni Sturm ^erftoben ift all ber .*oorer 2dm>arm. 2)er 3itna.Una. bat ncrrod)clt in femes s JJieiftcn< ?lnn; 5>r fdilcigt inn itw beu Mantel uub fctjt itw nuf batf Wof>, (Sr btnb't ttm aufrcd)t fefte, bcrln^t intt itjin ba^ 2d)Iofe. 40 oor bent f)ol)cn Jorc, ba bait bcr 2angcrflrct<<, 5)a fafet^cr [cine v'parfc, ftc, allcr >Sparfcn s ]?rcu<, ?ln etner SD^armorfttuIe, ba liat cr fie jcrfdKHt; T^ann raft cr, bap C'g fdjaurtg burd) <2d)lof? nnb C^arten gcflt: r ,3Bcf) end), il)r ftoljcn fallen! We tone fitter .Ulang 45 Xurd) cure 9Ja'mnc nn'cbcr, nic 2attc nod) C^efang; cufser nur unb tolincn nnb fdicner Sflancufdiritt, end) ju Sdjutt nnb 9A x obcr bcr ^iad)Ci]ctft jcrtrttt! r ,9SeI) end), ifir bnft'gcn C>Virtcn tin holbcn 9)iatcnlid)t! (Sndi ^ctci' id) btcfeS Xotcn cntftcllte^ ^Inflcftdit, !T)afe if)r barob berborret, baf? jebcr C.ncll TaB ihr in fiinft'aeu Jagen nerftcint, ncrobct , f 5?Jch btr, ocrrnditcr Wtb'rbcr! bu Jvlndi bco Siii Unifcnft fet nil beta !i)ititflcit uadi Afnimcn blnt'iu'ii ^i Tcin Elaine fet iHTiielfen, in eiu'^c Ouidit iietaudit, Set, line cm letjtee' ^ib'didu, in lecrc Vitft nerliaitdn!" Ter ?Htc hat'^ flcritfon, bcr ^tunnel hat'<< aehort, Tic $l?nitern Uencn meber, bio fallen tiiib ;crui>rt: 9?od) cine hobc 2aulc ^ciuU luut iicnMuintnbiier l ; radit; ?{ndi btcfc, fdion gcbovftcn, faun uitv^'it itbcr -luidit. 54 (German Poems tlnb rings ftatt buft'ger cirten cm obeS >etbelanb, ftt'm 33aum Derftreuet <2d)atten, fetn Guell burd)bringt ben elbenbud); SSerfunfen unb Dergeffen! 3)a3 tft be^ anger^ glurf). Ufjlanb. 53on (Sbenfjalt ber junge orb ?at fd)mettern 5e[ttrommetenfd)alt; (Sr fjebt [tdi an beg Xtfc^eS 33orb Unb ruft in trunfner tifte @d)tt)al(: t)er mit bem liirfe Don (5benF)oIt!" (d)cnf Dernhnmt ungcrn ben aufe6 ftlteftcr SBafalt, 9?unmt jogernb auS bem (etbnen 3}a6 fio^e Jrinfglag toon $riftatt: @te nennen'S: 3)a6 liicf t>on ber ?orb: ,,Tem Ia^ juni 9?oten ein au Portugal!" >anbe$tttern gtcfjt ber retg Unb purpurn ?td)t roirb ubcrall; 15 G3 ftrahlt au bem Collide Don Gbcnfjafl. !3)a [prtdit ber ?orb unb |d)n)ingt'3 babel: 0>)to8 Don lenditenbem .^riftalt inctnem 2(fjn am Cuert btc get; retn fd)rieb fie: ,ftommt bic 03 t ganr' h)of)I bann, o W(ud Don Crbcnfjatt!' Poems 55 ,,Gin $eld)glad marb gum ?od mit >em frenb'gen tamm toon Gbcnfyall; 2Bir fd)Iurfen gcrn in bollem ,3ng, Sir liiuten gern mit lantern d)al(. tofet an mit bem GHtirfe bon Gbenfjall!" 25 Grft flingt cd milbe, tief unb boll, leid) bem efang bcr s ^ad)tigall, !Dann U)ie bed 23klbftromd lant WcroIT; erbrol)nt ane ^onnerl)aU I)errlid)c liicf bon (ibcnfyall. ,,3um v*porte nimmt cut ftifw (^cfd)Ied)t id) ben jerfarcd)Iid)en .Uriftad! (Sr bauert longer (d)on aid red)t; tofet an! 9)c x it btcfem friift'gcn s ]?ralt 33crfud)' id) bad liicf bon Gbculjall." Unb aid bad Xrinfglad gcllcnb furtngt, bringt bad O^cHiolb' mit jahcm Ainafl, Unb and bem 9iife bic Jylmninc brtngt; !Tie @d[te ftnb jerftoben all 2)Ht bem bredjenbeit lucfe bon (SbcnliaK. 40 Gin ftiirmt bcr Jvcinb mit ^ranb nnb V 11corb, ^Tcr in bcr 9?adit erfttcg ben Sail: 53om dnbcrte fa'IIt bcr jungc Vorb, in ber >s3anb nodi ben .^riftall, jcrfprungcne Qlttcf bon Gbcnfyall. 45 56 (Serman Poems 2tm Sftorgen irrt ber djenf altein, )er @reig, in ber jerftorten >att'; (5r fudjt beg errn toerbrannt ebetn, (Sir fudjt im graufen Drummer fall 50 )ie @d)erben beg liicfg Don Gben{)a((. ,,S)te tetntDanb," fprtdjt er, ,,fpringt gu tilcf, )te f)otie aule mu& ju gait, lag tft ber (grbe tolj unb lilcf, 3n plttter fattt ber rbenball 55 Sinft, gletdj bent liicfe toon <5ben{)a((." SSor feinem b'n)ena,artcn, antpf(picl gu crtnarten, ,f onig granj, Unb um iljn bte ro^cn ber Unb rtngg auf fjol)cm S3alfonc 3)antcn in fdjoncm iltanj. Unb n)te cr luinft mit bcm ginger, 5luf tut (id) ber nicite .gnjtngcr, Unb tjincin ntit bcbadittgcni djritt 10 (Sin oh)e tritt, Unb [icl)t fid) ftumnt 3iingg unt Wit tangent Cflatjncn, Unb fd)iittctt bie Wftbncn, 15 Unb ftrccft bie Wticbcr, Unb tegt (id) nicber. (Serman poems 57 Unb her tf onig toinft mieber; 3)a ijffnet fid) befjcnb (Sin stoetteS or, STarauS remit 9D?it nnlbcm <2prunge (Sin iger ^eror. SBte ber ben ?6h>en crfd&aut, 93rtit er Inut, <2d)ia0t mit ban Sdimcif 25 Giiicit furditbaren IDfctf, Unb recfct bic ..Sunflc, Unb un tfreifc fdicu Umgcl)t cr ben Ven rimntifl fdjnurrcnb; 30 Trauf ftrccft cr fid) nturrenb 3ur Seite ntcbcr. Unb bcr .Qonig hrinft nn'cbcr; Ta fpeit baci boppelt flebffnetc 3>tict ?coparben auf cininal nu<<. !Tie ftiirjcn mit muttger Aiam&fbcgter 9luf ba Xigertter; Ta^ pacft fie mit fcincn grimmigen Jaljen, Unb ber ?cit mit (^ebritK 5)iid)tet fid) auf, bn Hnrb'e fttll; 40 Unb Iicrnm tin .Cfret(<, S?on 9)iorbfud)t heif?, ?agcrn fid) bic grculid)cn . 58 erman Poems >a fattt Don beS SlltanS ftanb 45 (Sin >anbfd)uf) t>on fdjimer >anb ^hrifcljen ben iger unb ben eun SDHtten fyinein. Unb $u fitter 3MorgeS, fpottenber SBetf, SSenbet fid) griiuletn Jluniciunb': 50 n&w Bitter, ift (Sure ?ieb' (o fyeif}, 3Bie 3^r mir'g fc^niort ju jeber (Si, fo fjebt mir ben *,f)anb|d)uf) anf!" Unb ber fitter, in fd)ncl(em ?anf, Stetgt I)inab in ben furcfttbarcn 55 99Ht feftem offnung ftiftrt tfju in^ ?cbcn cin, tc innflattcrt ben frobltdicn Aj naben, 3)en 3'iingltng tocfct ibr ..Saubcrfdictn, @ie U)trb mil bcm C^rct^ ntcftt bcc\rabcn; Tenn bcfrfilicRt cr tin C^rabc ben initben ?auf, am 0>H'abe pflan^t er bic v^offiuing auf. Gd i|t fctn Iccrcr, fdnncidiclnber 5\>abn, Gr',cugt hit C^cbtrne bee* Xoren; 3m vS3cr5cn fitnb'ct c^ laut fidi an: Bn n)a ^efi'er'ni finb unr aedoven; Unb iva^ bic inncre 2timmc furtdit, Ta^ tdu[d)t bic boffcnbc 2cclc nidit. 60 <8erman Poems SJtein JBaterlanb o i(t be angcr^ SBaterfonb? - 2Bo ebler eifter ^unfen (priifyten, 28o ^ranje fiir ba3 @cf)5ne bliifyten, ftarfe ^)erjen freubtg gliifjten, alte^ etttge entbrannt. mein 5Satertanb! SSie Ijeifet be6 angers S3aterlanb? iiber (einer o^ne Seicfyen, n)eint e6 unter fremben tretrfien; (gonft f)te e3 nur ba6 Sanb ber (Sidjen, frete ?anb, ba beutfdje Sanb! mein S3aterlanb! roeint be (gangers SSaterlanb? Dor be$ SSiit'ricfiS Ungemittern 15 5)ie $iirften (einer 5?olfer jtttent, S)afe ifyre t)eil'gen SSorte (pltttern, Unb bafo fein 9?uf fein Soren fanb. hjeint mein 53aterlanb! SBem ruft beS angers 53atertanb? (S3 ruft narf) ben oerftummten Wottern, SD7it ber 33cr,tt)eif(ung Tonnermettern 57ad) (einer ^rei^eit, (einen ffiettern, ber SScrgeltimg 9tad)crf)anb. ruft mein 53atcrlanb! (German Poems 61 nritt bc angers ^atcrlanb? 25 )ie ftned)te tntll e3 nieberfdjlagcn, )en 5Mntl)unb au3 ben Gkenjcn jagcn, Unb fret bie freien Sofync tragen, Obcr [ret fie betteu nntenn <2anb. iniU incut hotter lanb! 30 Unb f)offt beg dangers 5?atcrlanb? (Ss hofft nuf btc gcrerfite 2adie, >offt, bafj fctu trench 3?o(f vSpofft nuf bcS grofeen (Mottetf ^t Unb hat ben Waiter ntcftt ncrfannt. 35 Xrauf fyofft ntctn i8ater[anb! tt)fif)rcnb bcr Sd)Iad)t , id) ritfe bid)! 33nt(fenb uiumolft mtdi ber Tampf bcv ( Sprttticnb unr,urfen mid) roffclnbc ^Milje Vcnfer bcr 2dilnd)ten, id) nifc bid)! bit, fithrc mid)! ^atcr bu, fiifirc mid)! Jyiihr' mid) ,itm Siege, fiihr' mid) }imt Xobe: V>crr, id) erfennc beine (^ebote. Mcrr, Hue bu unllft, fo fitlire midi! (^ott, id) crfcuuc bidi! 62 etter, Urquefl ber nabe, erfenn' id) bid). 15 23ater bu, fegne mid)! S3ater bu, fegne mid) ! $n beine >anb befef)!' id) mein Seben, 2)ii fannft eg nefjmen, bu fjaft e3 gegeben; 3um ?eben, jum terben fegne mid); 20 S3ater, id) preife bid)! 93ater, id) preife bid)! 'g ift ja fcin .ftampf fur bie liter ber <5rbe; 2)aS ^eiligfte fd)U^en toir mit bcm (Sdimerte: !Drum, faftenb unb fiegenb, preif id) bid); 25 ott, bir ergeb' id) mid)! ott, bir ergeb' id) mid)! SSenn mid) bie Conner bc XobeS bcgriifien, SBenn meine SIbern geoffnct ftiefsen; S)ir, mctn C>3ott, bir ergeb' id) mid)! 30 SSater, id) rufc bid)! Corner. ift tiefcS Sd)nter,en, llnb c fommt baS ed)te ?ieb u bcm 5)fcnfd)cnl)eqc cin ticfesj eib bitrd)g(itb,t. (German Poems 63 bie f)bd)fteu ie Gflciftcrfdjattcn }icl)cn <5tmmn fie burd)3 gebrodmc varb bcr Vitft ctn Gnb' (icmad)t; (^eftevn nod) aitf jtoljcu ^lioffcii, SScutc bttrdi bic SBruft ^cfdioffcn, 9}i x or(\cn in bn^ fitl)(c C^rab! 10 ?(di, line ba(b Sditinnbct 2dibnlictt itnb O-^cftalt! Xuft bit fto^ init bctneii ^an^cn, Tic line 9)it(di itnb ^urDitr pranflcit? ?(di, bic Hiofcn luclfcn all'! 15 Tnritin UtK tui' id) inidi, line C s ^ott c^ lin'ff. , fo lin'H id) luaifer ftreiten, Hub follt' id) ben Job erleibcu, Sttrbt cin bvaoer ^)ieiter>er(tef)n, SSenn 9}?cnfdicn au^etnanbcr geftn, (So fagen ftc: an( SStcbcrfcfjn! (Serman Poems 65 am 5Rf)dn brauft ein 3htf line ITonncrljall, Sdiiucrtgcflirr unb SHogcnprall: ,, r 3um 3ib,ein, jinn Otyctn, jum bcutfcf)cn 9it)ctn! 2Ber nnfl bc^ Stromc^ filter fctn'?" Gf)or: l v teb 5>aterlanb, maflft ruhici fctn, 5 gcft ftefjt unb trcu btc Si^adjt mn 9ihcin! Turd) >unbcrttaufenb ^udt c^ fdjnclt, Unb alter 2(ugcn bltljcn f)cf[. Tor bcutfd)c 3iinflltnci, fromnt unb ftarf, 53cfd)tnnt btc (icil'flc ^anbc^marf. Gf)or: IMcb ^ntcrtanb, inacift rubtfl fctn, 5cft ftcijt unb trcu btc JUadit am ?(uf bltrft cr in bc^ vatcrlanb, ntaiift riibta fcin, jvcft ftcbt nub trcu bic il'adit ant ^Khctn! ,,Unb ob ntetn ,vScr^ tin Tobc brtdit, 3iUrft bit bodi brunt ctn ^eliMicr ntdit. jo ^ictdi line an Gaffer bcine ivlut, x \|"t Tcutfdilanb ja an .vSelbcnblut." Gbor: Vtcb ^Mitcrlanb, inaaft ruliia fcin, [vcft Helit unb trcu bic ilnidit ant "lihctn! 66 (German Poems 25 ,,@o lang etn Jropfen 93 tut nod) gliifjt, 9lod) eine gem ft ben 3>gen jteljt, Unb nodj etn 2lrm bte $urf)fc fpannt, 33etritt fern ftetnb fjier bctnen utfrf)e ^raucn, bcutfcfie Trcitc, ^eutfrfier 2Bein unb bcutfciicr Sang Solicit in ber SSdt bchalten altcn frfionen . (German Poems 67 ,511 cbler Xat Unfer gait 503 Vcben Teutfdie jvrauen, beutfdje Trcue, S)eutfd)cr SiJcin unb bcutfdjcr Sang. Gtniflfctt uub 9?ed)t unb tvrett)eit tViir bao beutfdje 55atcrlanb! Taitait laftt unS alle ftrcbcn ^ritbcrltd) nut .spcrj unb ipanb! Gtntflfeit uub Wed)! unb Jvrcil)dt Stub bc?e = lobet. = re = lei ge = tan. " * ^ t - bort ge = luol) = net hat, .... mchf Vicb = ftc tft ucr _. . _-t_-f .--_.'- * ^.. fL _,.j E: 72 Poems zijzz nr^: |p +- i ^ -V fdjttmn = ben, bie bort ge = tool) = net fiat ... 2. or' id) baS 9JJuf)(rab geften, 28eit in bie SBelt f)inau, 3d) tueife nidjt, n)a^ id) null, : Unb fingen meine SSeifen, : 3d) mod)t' am Hebften fterben, Unb gef)n Don >au ju $auS. : 2)ann mar's auf einmal ("till. : ?ubrotfl Ufjlanb, 1809. 2J?ttfttg lanafam. SSirttn Sodjtcrlctn Wai) eincr SPolfaroeifc be 18. 3af>rl). -I=>^-N 1, i o rzp: :^^^S=: i= == 1. @ go = gen bret Sur = fdje tuofjl li = ber ben 9Jfein, bet is (Serman S -=! et = ncr Jrau 2Siv - tin, ba fct)r = ten ft' bci 2. ,,(vrau 2Btrtin, fiat fie out ^icr unb JJB : 2Bo bat ftc il)r fdjonci? Ibct)terlcinV": 3. ,,Wctn 5Mcr unb SScin tft frtfd) unb flat. :5Qictn lodjterlctn licgt auf bcr lotcnbahr'.": 4. Unb al<< fie tratcn ;ur .Vautmcr binein, : Ta lag fie in ciucm fditiiarjcn SArcin.: ">. Tor erfte, bcr fdilug ben 2dilcicr ^ : Unb fdiautc fie an nut trauna.em iMirf 7. Tor ^uvitc bccfte bcr, Jdi'cicr ;u : Unb fehrte i"idi ab unb uicintc ba;n: : 10. ,,Tidi licbt' idi iinmcr, bidi liel)' id) nod) hcut' :llnb inevbe bid) Itebcn in 74 (German Poems >er gutc ^amcrab Subhns U&Ianb, 1809. rdjrittmttBtg. 8riebrt<$ ^itcfcr, 1825. ^4lrjEfzJ=fe| ^EPr-^FF ^F 1. 3$ fjatt' ei=nen $a=me = ra = ben, ei=nen bef fern ftnb'ft bu nit. 2. Si = ne$ii = gel fam gc * fto * gen ; tit '3 mir o=ber gilt e bir? 3. SBill mir bie anbnodj rei=<^en, ber = nwl icf) e = ben lab': ^rv ^:>:>1 zsifcpT-f^l^P^ T)ieIrommeIf($Iugjum!Strei=te, er ging an mci=ner eg = ge= rif = fen, er liegt mir Dor ben 5ii= feen, aid bie $anb nicfit ge = ben; bleib buimeiD^gen ?e = bcn,mein glei=cf)em(c^rittunb Jritt, in glei=c^em * i 9 j 9 i s i t^ -* IE anf ber auf ber auf ber , i * 1. lein bre = dje bid), 9ibS = Icin i?na = be brad) 'Wb3 = lein im\" K m t ^ L l * , *" * a 1 i^-'U L*T 1 / iff IP* I/ ^l | f ^j|^ ^ 1 N (/ . ^ > v -j q -* d - -; ^L ri i " 9 ~ w 1 rr\ L J j * * $ei = ben, mar ^>ei - ben! 9i65 = ei - ben; 9iov< = fo jitng unb mor = gen = fd)bn, lein fprad): 3di fte = die bid), ein luehr = te fid) unb ftad), ^i f-^- f iT I" > t i :: :.- i : ^ %^^ t^ L2i f J '^t 1 1 [ t T Ml * lief cr fd)nell,c$ nah ban bn c voia benfft l;alf thin boai feitt ii3eh s 511 febn, fa!)> mit we leu an mid), unb HnU'-MuM unb i'ldi, rnutu' ec c ben " i * " -4- * vreii ' beit. t lei ben! lei - ben. # r F-l. /_ t : /__ 76 (Serman Poems =fcd==d M= zr__3 d _*___ n,9?o=Icin, 3Jo3 = Iein rot, 9?o3 = Iein auf her ei = ben. 1^1 =^=f=S^?T^^-- ^ -t t H P-U-, 1 f=f : , bit Ucgft mir tm 35olflteb. Urn 1820. ife. Urn 1820. 1. u, bu Itegft mir tm i -- PS -*- _^_L_ _,_! _^ (German Songs 77 _^ N -~N N .-> *feg ^ x =nS33ES RF r i^l^ 5 c -sJ-4^^ H airrzedip Ig I j jlc. D bin! ja, ja, ja, ja, lceifitnid)t,ti>icant id) bir bin! :/ 2. 2o, fo mic id) bid) Hebe, <2o, fo licbe ancii mid)! Tie, bic javt(id)|ten Jriebc f id) aUeiirnur fiir bid)! a, ja, ja, ja, fitlil' id) allcin nnr fiir bid)! :$. Todi, bod) barf id) bir traticn, Tir, bir mit tciditcin SimtV Tn, bu barnt cuif mid) banen, 2i?eif;t ja, iric iit idi bir bin! ;>a, ja, ja, ja, livif;t ja, trie cenn in ber J\erne Tir, bir mein 4 s ilb eridicint, Tann, bann liniiuMit' id) fo aerne, Taf; uiii? bie Viebe oercint'! v ui, ja, ja, ia, bat; nnc bic Vicbc wreint'! 78 (Berman Poems reue Sie&e SBoIfelteb bom XbttrinRet SBalbe. UingefornU Don >elmina t>. fteuere 2?olfhwf. Urn 1840. 1. 2Idj, tote ift'8 tnog = Uc^ bann, bafe tdE) btc^ taf - fen fcnm! 2. S3Iau ift ein SBIli *me=Ietn, ba {jetRt 93er = gij}*md)t=mein. 3. 2Bar' ic^ etn S3o = ae^fetn, tooEt' id) balb bet bit fetn, bid) Don >er = jen Iteb, bag glau = be mtr! S(iim=Ietn leg ang er$ unb ben = fe ntetn! fdieut' galf unb $a = btd)t ntdjt, flog' fdjnett ju btr. -- J Xu l)a|t bag >er = je ntetn fo gan$ ge = nomonen ein, Stirbt Slum' unb ,S;offnung gleid), tnir finb an i'ie = be rcid); Sd)6ff mid) ein 3a = ger tot, fief id) in bet = nen d)ofj; (Serman Sonets 79 bafj id) fein' an = bre lieb', ate bid) al > letn. benn bie ftirbt nie bet mir, ba glau = be mir. fal)ft bu mid) trau = rig an, a,ern ftiirb' id) bann. Cfmft SlnfaUtj, 1824. annen&aum 1. O Xnn = nen=bauni, o Xnn = ncn=baum, mie trett finb bti = ne 2. O Xan = ncn=banm, o Xan = ncn=baum, bu fannft mir feb,r ge 3. O Xan = nen=baum, o Xan = ncn=bauin,bcin,ft[cibltnn mid) tt>a$ til" f-V f U i 1_ r, - fal let) tcr! Icu! rcn: r : |, I? * I , I LiZJL^_i_^_i Tu griinftnidjt mtr ,;ur 2Bie oft lint nidit ;ur Tic ,'oofMiima. tinh 5^c ^! 2om = ntcr = jcit, ncin, Syeili-nadit^-^fit, fin nan bia foil ai'-'t 80 <>erman Poems aurf) itn 2Bin * tcr, toenn e3 fdjnett. O S3aiiTtt Don bir nttdj fjodj er = frcut! O Jroft unb $raft ju je = ber 3eit. O Jan = nen=baum, o Jan = nen=baum, o Jan = nen=baum, o Jan = nen = baum, nne treu finb bei Jan - nen=baum, bu fannft mtr fefyr Jan -- nen=baum, bein ftlcib tviil mic^ _ N rs I ^ [=q=M = g= qjtz =tz=t= ?angfam. tttte ^arf)t, Ijcitigc 9lad)t Sites 2Betf)nad)tIteb 5 -A 0~' * a !. Stil _^ * ^T le 9?acf)t, = le 9Jad)t, = le 9?arfit, =:^^S IS %: j (Scrman Soncjs 81 ?ll = letf |d)liift, >s;ur * ten crft (Mot tctf 2oi)ii, I I g-. etn funb o pi fnm loadit fle = inaiiit mie =--^3 j j tc, borfi = lici c^el .v>al > le iicnt holb fe . 5 t f :.!. ,? fiiildflt be tin fof - ft - iien V 3 con fern nnb nali: bie ret ^ ^ ^ * y ] ' ' ' 82 <5ermart Poems fdjlaf ... in fjimm = U=fd)er Stub,', Cljrift, . . ber auff, 1824. langfom. SBoIfltcb bc 18. ^afirh. (fltbrucft 1827.) - _-i ^ J _ _ *j_ j. I 1. Wor = gen = rot, SEftor = gen = rot! ?euct) = teft mir jum frit = ben jL-^.C'T jd= r-r-| J - 1 ta^l- - ^5 4 ~]^ ^^*^ _i_ ^.__ w ^ Songs Job? Job? 33alb luirb bic2:roni=pe = te Ma_ fen, fc "I bann mufj id) mein ?e = ben la| = fen, id) unb ::rp". :t bt= Er*E=*HES ^ VT ,-' I 1 man = djer iJa i N t^ ~~1 V? II c '-I H |] gebad)t,: 31>arb bcr I'uft ctn trnb' geniadit;: (^cftent nod) auf Uoljcn Woffen, ^peute burd) bic ^ruft flefdioiicn, : 3Jfor0cn in basJ fiil)lc Wrab!: 4. :Tnrum [till: ftiig' id) mid), mic ( y ott etf null.: s jjun. fo nnli tit) nnulcr ftvciten, Unb follt' id) ben Job orleiben, :'2tirbt cin braocr ^ 3. :?ld), imc balb: Sdilinnbct 2d)bnbeit unb ( v 'eftalt!: Ju|t bu Itolj mtt bcincn ^angen, Tie >uie Wild) unb i^urpur praiiflcn? : i'lrf), bic Wofcn luelfen all'!: (5erman Poems Graft Bon Sangfam. ift fceftimmt in (SBor 1826.) m f_ J '/ j m $ n=23artl>o), 1839. Jt=l=gEB|- i=*^M^ . -N L r -i 9 --2*=**=^ , bafj man com ?icb = ften, 1. (S3 ift be=ftimmtin ot - 2. o bir ge=fef)cnft etn ilnof=p(cin traS, fo tu' cd in ein 3. Unb ftat bir @ott ein Sieb be=|"d)crt,unb fjaltft bu fie redjt __"/.__, ,^_ _d{:^._ r .^,_ r .r^' S^i^ toa man Ijai, muJ5 SSaf = fcr = gla; bod) in - nig luert, bic P fd)ei = ben; hnf = fe: J)ei = ne; 2Sie = blii()t c f niobl bod) niditd tin ?anf bcr 23c(t bent After = jen, ad)! fo mor = gcn bir ein Wei? = kin anf, e<< iwclft tt)ol)l nod) bie irb lool)[ roe = nig tit nur fetn, fo (ft jit fie bid) fo IS --. r r (German Sonas 85 ^Mfi^jP^jW^ fan = cr fiillt, ate '2d)d=ben! Dlacfjt ba = rauf, baa linf = fc! gar at - Iciu; bann luct = nc! - ben! 4. 9htr mujjt bu mid) and) rcd)t oer=ftehn, fc! nc! * *Lt t t> cref. + _j i _ . {a, rcdit ucr fichu, lyeini yhn fdicn auurcfi >un = bert = tau = fenb jucft e^ fcfineU, unb EE4:^|~t= E2 ^4_ i i -_.Ljt=- ^ 87 bfc=5^=qs=^=dtt : =: n "I =r~ -^p p. . js_ 0_ a ._ jiq >-~+^ -vfz=*^$- ,; u * -"*^=^p i J -_l _ * B_ 00 I ^ tJ' ~^ T ' -' f Hull beo 2tro=mci> ,v>ii = tcr fctn?" Vicb s -^a - tcr - lanb, magft fd)trntt bie hetl' = 0e Van = bctf -- inarf. Vicb ^a = tcr - lanb, maflft r r > X r ' *--- :-|t^---;--P ru ru ^ ^ *1E^ . " r = tcr - lanb , maaft ru = hid fcin: = tcr lanb , maaft ru hiii fctn: f- iy- - - F- ir \ y _ g- i _": 0^: X; (Serman Poems bteSBadjt, bte bie SBad)t, bte I bie 23ad)t, bte SBadjt bie SBacfjt, bte 2Bad)t j t a ^^ v~^ " 3. 2luf bttdt er in be3 tmmeld 33fau'n, SBo tote Selben mebcrfcfjau'n, llnb (d))nort mtt ftoljer aiupfe^(uft: ,,1)11, 9ff)ein, bletfaft beutfc^, icte metne ^ruft!" Stefa S3ater(anb ufiu. 4. ,,Unb ob metn ."oer? tm 2obe bric^t, SBirft bu bod) bruin ein 9BeIfd)er ntd)t. 9?ctdi rote an Staffer beine Jytnt, 3ft Xeutfrfilanb ja an , ( pelbenblut." Stcb 33ater[anb ufm. 5. ,,20 lang etn Iropfen 53(nt nod) gliifjt, ytodj etne 5 au ft ben ^egen 5tef)t, Unb nod) etn ?(rm bie 93ud)fe fpannt, Setritt fein Jvcinb bier bcincn Stranb." Sieb S3atcrlanb nfro. 6. T)er Sdjtuur crfdiadt, bie SBoc^e rinnt, 5)ie gabnen flattcrn bod) hit SSinb: ,,^um ^ibcin, 5itm "libetn, ?um beutfdjen Offjein! SSir al(e n)o[(en ipiitcr fein!" ?ieb 33aterlanb ufm. (German Songs 89 eiitfd)lanb iibcr attcS Hoffmann Don Rau>r8lebtn, 1841. n, 1797. 1. 2)cutfd)=Ianb,3)eutfd)=Ianb il -- ber al = led, ii = faer al = Ic 2, Scut = [dje grau = en, bcut = fd)c Ireu = e, bent -- fdjer SBetn uni :i. (Si = nig = feit unb 9ied)t unb 8ret=b,eit fiir ba< beut fd> in ber 2Bc(t, lucnn beut = frfier 2anq fol = 5?a = ter = Ianb! ba C'S ftetsJ ju len in ber nad) lafet un^ 2(huljiinb Jrutje SBett be = l)al = ten at = le frre - ben * ^ -44 .s__r; ^_ brii = ber = Rdj ju = fam = itien=li(ilt, uon ber th = rcn a( = ten fdio = ncnAilaiifl, nntf 511 cb = ler brii = ber = lid) mit ."oeri unb ,'oanb! ifi = niii - feit unb -- : t . t F f" I an bie 2Re = met, Bon berGtfrf) bid an ben SBeft at be = gei = ftern un = fer gan = $ed i'e * ben tang 9?ecf)t unb grei^eit ftnb bed tiif = fed Un = ter=pfanb N ^ i I > *, -r-^ ---H h ' *--+ -'^-^--^ ' !eutf(f)(anb, Teutfc^Ianb, ii = ber at = ted, timber at = ted in berSSelt! beut = fc^e grauen, beut = fd)e Jreu=e, bcutfcl)er SBein unb bent^f^er 2ang. btiif}' im 6Han-ie bie = fed tiicfe'?, btit = he, beutfdjed 3?a = ter=(anb! - VOCABULARY The gender of nouns is indicated by the initial letters m., /., n. Of masculine and neuter nouns the genitive singular and nominative plural are indicated, of feminine nouns the nominative plural only. Verbs separably compounded have a hyphen between the prefix and the simple verb. Of strong verbs the principal parts are given followed by the vowel of the third person singular indicative, if it differs from that of the first person. Unless otherwise stated the auxiliary of the perfect tense is understood to be fyaben. Infinitives and adjectives used as nouns and participles used as adjectives have been noted separately only when a distinct mean- ing has developed. In addition to the more common abbreviations the following have been used: abbr.=> abbreviation mus. = music arch. = archaic poet. = poetic dial. = dialectic sep. = separable fig. - figurative VOCABULARY 9lbenb, m., -3, -e, evening. 5(bcnbo,Jorfc, /., -n, evening bell, curfew. Wbcnblieb, ., -3, -cr, evening song. Wbcnbncbcl, ;., -8, -, evening mist. Mbenbrot, ., -3, evening glow. Wbcnbruf), /., evening rest. Wbcnbfunncni'rfjcin, m., -$, even- ing sunlight. Wbcnbrodfc, /., -n, evening cloud. abcr, but, however. ab fetjrcn, to divert; rejl., to turn away, turn aside. ab pfliirfcn, to pluck off. 9(bfd|tcb, in., -- claim; ret!., In be |>rn ( Liiined. anc< = an ^ai^. an fdiaucn, !> K-'l. it, l.xik upun. an fcl)cn, fa!', iioic!;on, iir>, i" li>k at . n-gard. an fcbcn, t" put t.>, .:]>|'!> : or fct>t ihu an, I.e [>ut it ti h\> lip--. 94 VOCABULARY on=ficrfen, to kindle, set on fire, light. an=ftimmen, to begin to sing, strike up, tune. an=ftof?en, fttefe, geftofjen, (o), to clink glasses. StntfilJ, ., -e3, -e, face, visage. Slpfcl, m., -8, *-, apple. Slpfdbautn, m., -8, -e, apple-tree. 9lpfdregen, m., -8, shower of apples. arm, poor; ber 2Irme, (decl. as adj.), poor one, poor man. Strm, ?., -e8, -e, arm. 91ft, w., -e8, % branch, bough. 9lu(c), /., -en, meadow, grassy plain. Olid), also, too, even; after Jeer, ft>a8, nrie, too, ever. aiif, (rfaJ. or ace.), on, upon, in. auf=blidcn, to look upward. auf=b(iif)cn, to blossom, unfold and bloom. auHangcn, ftng, gefangen, (a), to catch, stop and seize, inter- cept. auf gcfycn, ghig, ift gegangen, to rise, arise; to come forth, blossom forth. ouf=t)etien, fyob, gefjoben, to lift up, raise, pick up. auf'Iofen, to loosen; re/7., to dis- solve. ouf=pflnn5en, to plant, set up. auf=rnffcn, to snatch up; refl., to start up, arise. aufrcdit, upright. auf-rirf)tcn, refl., to raise one- self, arise. nufe* = auf ba^. nuf fdirctbcn, fdirieb, gcfchrtebcn, t write down, set down. auf=fpringcn, fprang, ift gefprmt* gen, to leap up, spring up. aiif--tiin, (also refl.), tat, getan, to open. auf=ttwd)en, (aux. fein), to awake, wake up. aiifttwrte, upward. 9(ugc, ., -8, -n, eye. ^[uglcin, n., -8, -; dim., eye. flu3, prep., (dat.), out of, from; adv., over, through. au^brurf^uoQ, expressive, with expression. aii^cinanber, apart. nuy=gral)cn, grub, gegraben, (a), to dig up. au3=riif)en, to rest, repose. aud'fpctctt, fpic, gefpieen, to spit out, spout forth, emit. au3=frrerfen, to stretch out. aii^=t(lpC5icrc|, to paper, de- corate. au=tcUcn, to deal out, distribute; to bestow upon, (dat. of pcrs.). oii'Mrinfcn, tranf, gctrunfcn, to drink out, empty, drain, finish. SB , ., Babylon. m., -e8, -e, brook. cin, ., -8, -, little brook. badcn, buf, gebacfen, (a), or v., to bake. baftncn, to make a path (or) way. bolb(c), soon. S^nlfon', HI., -6, -e, balcony. J^onb, ., -e8, ^er, band, ribbon; -, -ec, -e, bond, tie. bang, anxious, fearful; bcm ftonig Hiarb'8 - -, the king was seized with fear. VOCABULARY 95 SBarbarof'fn, m., Red Beard, Italian epithet applied to Frederick I, Hohenstanfen emperor (7/52-7/90). Sort, M., -e, -c, beard. baitcn, to build; to cultivate; u'ith auf, to build on, rely on. r, m., -$ or -n, -n, peasant. , in., -e$, ^c, tree. bcben, to tremble, shake. Sflcdjer, m., -3, -, beaker, goblet, cup. bebn'rf)ttfl, slow, deliberate. bcbcutcit, to mean, signify. bcfcfjleit, befalil, befohjeu, (te), (dat. of pers.), to command; to commend. Skfinbcit, n., -3, state of health. bcfldircn, to desire, demand. licflctftcrn, to inspire. bcfltnncn, bepnn, bea,onncn, to be- gin. bca,rnbcit, bea.ntb, bcajaben, (a), to bury. bcflriificn, to greet. bcljaltcn, beliidt, bebaltcn, (n), to keep, retain. bcljciib, handy, dexterous, nim- ble, agile. bet, (dat.). by, near, at, in, with, at the house of. bcibc, both. sycifnd, m., -, applause. bcim = bci bciti. bcifnm'mcii, together. bcfniutt, known, familiar; bcr 5^c= fuinitc, i tied, its adj.), ac- quainlance, friend. r, ;>;., c, lU-lslia/./.ar, bcraufrficn, to intoxicate, bcrett, prepared, ready. SBcrg, ;., -e, -e, mountain. berflcn, barfl, gcborgen, (t), to conceal, hide. SPcrflltcb, n., -, -er, mountain song. bcrftcu, barft, tft geborften, to burst, become shattered, bcfdjcincn, bcfcfjicn, bcfcfiicncn, to shine upon, light up. bcfdjcnfcn, to make a present to; befdienft, with some gift. befrf)eren, to bestow, give. bcfdjirmcn, to protect, defend. bcfd)ltci?cn, bcfdilof;, befcfjloffen, to end; to resolve, decide, li^cfdiubcr, m., -$ f -, protector, bcfcltflcn, to bless; bcfcliqcnb, blessing, full of blessings. bcficflcn, to vanquish, conquer. bcfhicn, bcfap, bcfcffcn, to JK>SSCSS. bcfurfllid), anxious. bcffcr, (com p. of cint); 511 lva<< Coffer 'm, for sjmcthing better. bcft (superl. of flut); auf t'lis* - f, finflcn, to sing one's best; auHJ bcftcllr, ordered in the best way. 5pcftanbinfcit, /., conrtancy. bcftcdcn, bcftaub, beflaiibcii, en- dure, bear, undergo, surx'ive. bcftcddt, to dispose, arrange, order, care for. bcfttmmcn, to determine, destine, ^cfiiri), ;.. - o, -c, visit; ;i;m , for a visit. bctcil, to pray. U'ctcr, m.. v\ , wor-hipper. Uctrctcn, lu-trnt, bctrctcn, -i:t', to set foot on. I read upon. bctriibcit, to make >ad, at't'ut. 96 VOCABULARY Sett, ., -e8, -en, bed. bettcln, to beg; unt, for; - gefoen, go begging. bettcn, to make the bed; fie , make their bed, lay them to rest. beugen, refl., to bend, bow. bcttmfyren, to watch, preserve, protect. bcwegen, to move, stir; betoegt, agitated, disturbed, moved, bcjftringen, bejttmng, bejrtwngen, to conquer, overcome. biegen, bog, gebogen, to bend; an metnem tabe gebogen, leaning on my staff. 2Mer, n., -e3, -e, beer. 8Ub, ., -e3, -er, picture, like- ness; image. btnben, banb, gebunben, to bind, tie, confine. btrfcfjen, to shoot deer, hunt. bt3, prep, (ace.), to, till, as far as, an, U, up to; conj., until. ffitecfycn, n., -8, -, little bit; used adverbially, etn , somewhat, slightly. Sitte, /., -n, request, entreaty. bitten, bat, gebeten, to ask, beg, entreat. bitterttct), bitterly. blcifjcn, refl., to puff up, be ela- ted, boast. b(anf, bright, shining. blafen, bfieS, geblafen, (a), to blow. IPIatt, n., -e3, ^er, leaf. i8la'ttff)cn, n., -, -, little leaf. b(nu, blue. iiUnu(c), n., -Ce), blue, azure; in bc ,S3immc[S n, in the blue sky. blcibcn, blteb, tft gcblteben, to re- main, stay; ftcfyen , to re- main standing, stop, remain. b(ctrii, pale, pallid, colorless. JBIicf, m., -e, -e, look, glance; ftteren 8, with staring gaze. blitfcn, to look, glance; mad er bltcft, his looks. blinbltng^, blindly, rashly. SBIib, m., -eg, -e, lightning, flash of lightning. billion, to flash, gleam, sparkle. bliilicn, to bloom, blossom, flour- ish; b, blossoming; in the bloom of youth. S3Uim(f)en, n., -3, -, little flower. Slume, /., -n, flower. 5BIum(e)Icin, n., -, -, little flower. SBIumcnanbntf)t, /., devotion of the flowers. Slut, n., -e, blood. Sliitcnfetm, m., -, -e, flower-bud, young shoot. blihenrcicf), rich in flowers, flow- ery. 83Iutf)unb, m., -3, -e, blood- hound. bfutig, bloody. S8Iutftraf){, m., -, jet of blood, stream of blood. Sofflctn, n., -, -, kid. SBobcn, m., -3, "-, bottom, ground, soil, floor. 2?oncourt, ancestral castle of Chamisso, in Champagne, France. Sorb, m., -c3, -e, border, edge. Sranb, m., -eg, -"e, fire, confla- gration, burning. brniiriicn, to use, employ; to be in want of, need. VOCABULARY 97 brnufett, to rush, roar. brati, gallant, worthy, manly, brave, brcdjen, brad), gebrodicn, (i), to break, pluck; to burst. breit, broad, wide. brcitnia'ulto., wide-mouthed. brcnncn, faranntc, gebrannt, to burn; b, burning, glowing. ! rett, ., -etf, -cr, board., braditc, gebradjt, to bring; fci's* gcfaradjt, be it spoken, we wish it. SSrot, n., -c, -e, bread. JPriirfc, /., -n, bridge; drawbridge. i^rubcr, m., -$, *-, brother. briibcrHd), fraternal, brotherly. briilkn, to roar; to low, bellow; to thunder, shout, bawl. SSrunncn, m., -$, -, spring, foun- tain, well. Ji>ruff, /., ^c, breast, chest, briiftcn, rejL, to be proud, boast. H^rut, /., -en, brood. S^ud), M., -ctf, -cr, book. 58iid)fc, /., -it, gun, rifle. S^urf)flabc, m., -n, -n, letter, biicfcit, rcjl., to bow, bend over; gebiirft in fid), bowed down, drooping. 'iicflui(i, in., -$, -e, bow, rev- erence. ^li()(c, /., -n, mistress, love, sweetheart. bunt, gay-colored, variegated, gay. f, m., ?, -c, castle-yard. c, /., -n, castle-chapel, il'urfdjic), in., -en, -en or -c, fellow, comrade; lad. !!>ufci), ;;;., -etf, -c, bush, thicket. J^ufcn, m., -$, -, bosom. (5 , m., -, *, chorus, choir. hriftu6, gen. (ihrifti, dot. Gf)rifto, ace. C^riftum, Christ. ba, adv., there, here, then, at hand; conj., as, since, babci', thereby, with that; at the same time. Tnd), M., -e$, ^r, roof. bal)cr', thence, hence; along, botjtn', thither, there. bal)in'tcr, behind that, them. Tame, /., -n, lady. Xnmpf, m., -e<*, steam, smoke, banad)', after that, for it. nnf, m.. -c, thanks; reward; hob' , thanks to thec. bnnfcn, (Jut.), to thank; to owe. bann, then. bar, there; forth, baran', thereat; by it, on it, at it. barauf, thereupon, upon it, after that; bie v )?odit , the following night; dint fur tvomilf. bnraiti?', therefrom, from it. out of it ; ,ilsn fur ivoraii?. barbcn, to starve, be famished; bet be in 2)} a hi, to have a scanty meal. bnrcin', therein, in; into it. bnrcin' blitfcn, to look down, look on; altf blicfte i 5 ollmonb brein, as if the full moon were look- in u on. barein ' rnufrticn, to join in with roar and rustle. 98 VOCABULARY baretn'=fd)auen, to look on; fcfjau= ten tmittg bretn, looked on in high spirits. bcr--fiif)ten, lead forth, along, bavin', barmnen, therein, within it, inside; also for toortn. barnad)' = banacf). barob', on that account, over that. bar=reid)cn, reach forth, present, proffer. barii'&er, over it, over there; e8 gtng tl)tn nicf)t3 , nothing surpassed it, was more prized by him. baritnt, therefore, for that reason, for all that, bap, that, so that. ba^felbe, see berfelbe. bttuern, to last, endure, bafcon', of it, of them. baju', thereto, at that; for that; besides, also. bojtoi'fd)Ctl, in the midst of it; mingling with it, joining in; between, among them. e, /., -n, cover, covering. , m., -3, -, sword. bcin, pass, adj., thy, thine, your (s); gen. of bit, of thee. dor'ge3 (three syls.), proper name. bemuttiofl, humble. bcnfen, badjte, a,ebad)t, to think; an, ace., to think of; with gen., to think of, remember; benfe mem, remember me. benn, adv., then, therefore; conj., because, for. bcr, btc, ba6, def. art., dem. pron., rel. pron.; ber bu, thou who. bcrfclbc, btcfcibe, baeffdbc, adj. and dem. pron., the same, he, she, it. bcrnjcil', the while, while. bcffen, gen. of ber or ba3 as a rel. or dem. pron. beilten, to make plain, interpret. beutfdJ, German; ber }eutfcfje, (decl. as adj.), the German. eutfd)Ianb, ., -8, Germany. Ttener, m., -8, -, servant. bte = btefeS. btefer, -e, -e^, dem. adj. and pron., this. tfrel, /., -n, thistle. bod), nevertheless, still, but, surely; though. Conner, m., -3, -, thunder. ottnerf)afl, m., -S, -e, peal of thunder. onnertt)ettcr, n., -S, -, thunder storm; wild rage. boppcU, double. bort, there, yonder; oben, up yonder; unten, clown yonder. C, m., -n, -n, dragon. baran. braitf = barauf. , outside, out there, with- out, out of doors. brci, three. brctn = baretn. brin = bartn. brinflcn, brang, gebmngen, to press; to rush, burst. brinncn = barinncn. brttt, third. brubcn, above; ba , up yonder. broken, to threaten. briibcr = bariiber. brucfen, to press, oppress. brum = barum. VOCABULARY britnten, below, down yonder. bu, pers. pron., thou, you. buftcn, to exhale, give forth fra- grance; am ana.etf buffet 'e itnb teud)tet'tf, on the banks of the Ganges there are sweet fra- grance and bright sunshine. bufttfl, fragrant. bumpf, dull, low, soft, hollow, muffled. bunfd, dark, gloomy, obscure. Tunfcl, ., -3, darkness, obscuri- ty. bunfcln, hup., to darken, grow dark, etf bunfcltc flar ju fefir, it was growing quite too dark. biirrf), u/ress in; to close. cin^iiljrcn, to lead in, introduce. (ytnigfcit, /., unity, unanimity, harmony. OMitfcIjr, /., turning in, lodging. cin fcljren, (an.\. fctn), to stop, put up, to make a visit. cin laben, lub, (labctej, gelabcn, (n), to invite. cin'mal, once, one time; auf , all at once; ctiimal', once, once upon a time, some time. cin nclimcn, nahni, gcnomnun, (tnii:i), to lake in, rueive; to take possession of, capture. cin ridltcn, to set right, arrange; relL, to adjust oneself, estab- lish oneself, take possession. cinfnm, alone, lonely, lonesome. cin fd)cnfcn, to pour, till it he cup). cin {diliimmcrii, (iiux. fciit:, to fall asleep. cin, fana, gcfutiaf'' to s ' n K r to sleep. ciilft, once, sometime, cinftinnticn, to chime in. join in cin ftiirnirn, <<;:/.>. fotn 1 , IK >\.\-\\ in, ri'sh in. 100 VOCABULARY ein=tait5en, to dance to sleep. ein=tt)iegen, to rock to sleep. cttr,ig, single, only, sole. Gi3 f n., -e3, ice. elenb, miserable, wretched. clfcnbeiitern, of ivory. (Htcrn, pi., parents. empf angen, empftng, empfcmgen, (a), to receive, empor, up, upward. cmpur=lnuf djen, to listen to sounds from above. cmpur=tctlcn, to divide upwards, open; teilt fief) ... cmpor, rises up and parts. Gnbc, ., -3, -n, end, close; am , in the end, at last; bic gcmje SCelt ju , to the end of the earth. cnbltd), finally, at last. Gngd, m., -3, -, angel. entbrenncn, entbrannte, tft cnt* brannt, to kindle, burst into flames; cntbrcmnt, inflamed; enthusiastic. cntberfen, to discover, disclose, reveal. entfcrncn, to remove; to keep at a distance; to check, prevent, cntfcrnt, far, distant. entgcgen, ( follows the noun, dat.), toward, against, to meet. entgcgen=gcf)en, ging, tft gegctngcn, (dat.), to go to meet. cntgcgcn=fotnmcn, fam, tft gefoiu = men, (dat.), to come to meet, cntftcllt, disfigured, distorted. cntft>ci, in two, asunder. entered fprtngen, fprong, ift gc= fprungen, to break, burst in two. c, tn., - 11, -11, heir. Grbe, n., -3, heritage, inherit- ance; gum , as an inheritance. (Jtbe, /., -n, (old gen. and dat. sing., -n), earth, ground, soil, world. (rbenbatt, m., -8, terrestrial globe. erbrbfynen, to begin to ring, re- sound, boom. crfreucn, to please, gladden, de- light; refl., to rejoice, be glad. ergcbcn, ergab, ergeben, (i), refl., to give up, submit, surrender. crgcfjcn, erging, ift ergangen, refl., to go forth, take a walk; itnpers., w., dat., fare, happen. crgief?cn, ergofj, ergoffen, to pour forth; to spread. crgiiftcn, to delight; fief) ftcmnenb ju , to gaze with delight. ergreifcn, ergrtff, ergrtffen, to seize. erfyalten, erhtelt, erf)alten, (a), to receive, obtain; to preserve, keep. crfycbcn, erfjob, erfjoben, to raise, lift up, exalt. O'rtuncrung,/., -en, remembrance, admonition. crfenncn, erfonnte, erfatnit, to recognize, acknowledge. crflitigcn, crflang, ift erflungen, to sound, ring out. crlnngen, to reach; obtain, get. crlcibcn, crlttt, erlttten, to suffer, endure, undergo. Cvrl(cn)foiiig, m., -3, erl-king, elf-king. crnftljnft, earnest, grave. erqilirfcn, to refresh, revive, en- liven. (vrquirfunfi, /., -en, refreshment, comfort. VOCABULARY 101 crretdjen, to reach, arrive at. crfdjnllen, erfdioll, erfrfjollen, or U'., to sound forth, resound. crfdjaucn, to see, catch sight of. erfctjetnen, erfrfjien, ift crfrfjienen, to shine forth, appear. Ctft, adj., first, chief; adv., first, at first; for the first time. crftarren, (aux. fetn), to become torpid, grow numb, freeze. (Jrftanncn, ., -3, astonishment, amazement. crftaunt, astonished., erftieg, erfttegen, climb, mount, scale. crtreten, ertrat, ertreten, (ttt), to tread down, crush. erhjadjen, (aux. fetn), to awake. criondifcn, erh>ud), ift ertoadjfett, (a), to grow up, arise. erttwrtcn, to expect, await. erroeifcn, cranes, ernricfen, to show, demonstrate. criucrlicii, eriwrb, crftiorben, (i), to gain, acquire. erjcugen, to beget, produce. e^, pers. and impers. pron., it; bit btft , it is you; (75 expletive there (often not to be trans- lated). cffcn, af;, a,ea.cffen, (t), to eat. (*tfd), /., Adige, (river flowing from Tyrol into Italy). Ctroa#, indej. pron. indecl.. some- thing, anything; ad'c., some- what. cucr, poss. adj., your(s); grn. of thr, of you. tfl, eternal, everlasting; al- ways; aiif , forever. ttriflfeit, /., -en, eternity; in , forever. Jyaljne, /., -n, banner, flag, fnfjrcn, fufa, ift flefahren, (ft), to drive, go; fat)r' Icol)!, farewell, ftalfc, m., -n, -n, falcon, hawk. ft-oU, m., -c?, -e, fall, decline; ju fonimen, to be ruined, shattered; niujj ju , must fall. fallen, fid, ift pefallcn, (), to fall., fing, gcfaitgen, ta), to catch, capture. Jyafcr, /., -n, fibre. faffcn, grasp, seize, hold. 3-auft, /., -e, fist, hand. 5ci, /., poetic for gcc, /., -It, fairy. fctcrlid), solemn, festive. Jyciflcnboum, m ., -, -^c, fig-tree. fetn, line, delicate, pretty, lovely; (of voice) soft, low, gentle. Syctnb, m., -c$, -t, enemy, fcinbltd), hostile, as enemies. J^-elb, n., -c$, -er, field. J\-cl^, m., -en, -en, rock, cliff. Jyclfcnriff, n., -c^, -c, rocky reef. -cftncfann, m., -; ein c* eib, a water-nymph. 102 VOCABULARY feud)tt>crfliirt, made radiant by reflection in water, trans- figured by reflecting water. fteucr, -, -3, -, fire; signal fire. ftcuer^gfut, /., glowing fire, fiery glow. ftidjten&aiim, m., -3, ^e, fir-tree. firtben, fanb, gefunben, to find. finger, m., -3, -, finger. ft.iftcr, dark, gloomy; sullen. fttrneroein, m., -3, -e, last years' wine, old wine. fttfrf), m., -e, -e, fish. fttfdjcr, m., -3, -, fisherman. 3ftfd)crfyaud, n., -e3, -"-er, fisher- man's house. jfifdjfein, n., -, -, little fish. rf(ad)d, m., -e3, flax; Don , flaxen. flacfern, impcrs., to flicker, flare, blaze, glare. fttamme, /., -en, flame. Jyfammenfcfjrtft, /., writing of fire, flaming inscription. fluttern, to flutter, flit. fiCWfl, industrious, diligent. flicgen, flog, ift gcftogen, to fly; fommt geftogen, comes flying. flicfjcn, flop, ift gefloffen, to flow. 5yliutc, /., -n, musket. Jylblc, /., -n, flute. fS'lutf), m., -e, -"-c, curse. ^Iiir, /.. -en, field, plain, hind; auf lueiter , in the open meadow. lyllit, /., -en, flood, waters, stream. fufcicn, (aux. fctn), (dal.), to follow. fort^blufjcn, to continue to bloom. fort=reiften, rife, geriffen, to tear away, carry away. fort=tret()cn, trteb, gctrteben, to drive away, drive on. fragcn, to ask, inquire (nacf), about). eirf), n., -d, France. s, m., -en, Francis. (lontg j, refers to Francis I, king of France, 1515-1547.) , /., -en, woman, lady, wife; (complimentary title not to be translated in SBtrtin.) gtfiulein, n., -6, -, Miss, young lady. fred), bold, insolent. frei, free, unconfined. cit, /., generosity. eit, /., freedom. fremb, strange, foreign; as noun, bie grembe, foreign land; bag 9ftfibd)en au3 ber ^retnbe, the maiden from afar. J^reiibc, /., -n, joy, pleasure, de- light. Jyreubenrrfinc, /., -n, tear of joy. freubig, glad, happy, joyous. freucn, to give joy; rejL, to re- joice, be happy. frciinblirf), friendly. frctiel, wicked, impious, sinful, wanton. Jyricbe(n). m., -n^, peace. ^-ricb'rid), Frederii 1:. frifril, fresh, cool; new, gay. froJl, happy, joyful, glad. frol)ltri), ha[>pv, joyous, cheer- ful. fromm, pious, devoted, loyal. ^ruct)t, /., -"C, fruit. fruriitbar, fruitful, fertile. friil), early. VOCABULARY 103 3-riif)Hng, m., -3, -e, spring, gcbcn, nab, flegcbcit, (t), to give, springtime. make; ctf cjtbt, there is, there (Vriil)ltnf(C'licb, n., -3, -tr, spring are. song. Weber, ;., -3, -, giver, donor. 3-ltg, m., -e3, right, good reason; Wcbct', ., -e, -e, prayer. nut , aptly. gcborcn (see flebiiren), born. fiigen, to fit, join; rejl., to ac- Webot', n., -<5, -c, command. commodate oneself, submit. gebrcdjcn, ftcbrari), gebrodien, Ci), fiifjlen, to feel. impcrs., (dat.), to lack, want; fiifyren, to lead, conduct, guide; bafi tl)in nocf) Hid mehr flebrii1)t, to wield. that he wants still more. Jyuljrcr, m., -3, -, leader, guide. WcbriiH, ., ee, roaring. fiillcn, to fill. cjebiirft, bowed, bent; drooping. Jyunfc, m., -us*, -it, spark. Wcbnrt, /., -en, birth. funfeln, to sparkle, gleam. Wcbanfc, in., -lie, -n, thought. flit, (ace.), for; fo mid), by my- flcfallcn, flcfiel, flefallcn, U1), (dal.), self, absorbed in myself, alone. to please. Jyitrd)t, /., fear. (>kf)CflC, ;;., -han- galjncn, to yawn. torn, vision. igev, m., the river Ganges. pelaffcit, calm, composed. 5, whole, entire; lis our WcbeUc, n., -?, bark, barking. duty, we must. 104 VOCABULARY emorf), n., -, ^er, chamber, room. etnaf)!, m., -, -e, husband; n., consort, husband or wife. Gkmiit, ., -3, -er, mind, soul, flcnau, exact, accurate, plain. (yenoft, w., -en, -en, companion, associate. gcnug, enough. gcrabe, straight, direct. (yerat, n., -g, -e, utensils, vessels. gered)t, righteous, just, goring, small, humble. flcrn, gladly, willingly; = fef)r, much; etftmg tun, to like to do something. (Berott, n., rolling, rumbling, geriiljrr, moved, stirred. GJefong, m., -, ^e, singing, song. gcfrfjafttg, busy. gcfd)cf)en, gefcfjaf), tft gefcijeljen, (te), impers., to happen, occur; ba toar'g um tfm , then it was all over with him, then he was doomed; langft , long since done, over. (yefrf)lcrf)t, n., -g, -er, kind, race, family. QJcfcfjmdbc, n., -g, -, jewels. (ycfd)ih$, n., -eg, -e, cannon. gcfef)tt)tnb, quick, swift. (ycfcttc, m., -n, -n, comrade, companion. Okftrf)t, n., -3, -er, face. OJeftalt, /., -en, form, figure, body. geffcfycn, fleftanb, geftanbcn, to confess. gcftcrn, yesterday. gefunb, sound, healthy, well. (jjetrabe, n., -, trotting. getreu, true, loyal, faithful. ehjoffen, n., -, -, armor, weapons. gch)aJ)ren, to grant. 6)elt)olt, /., -en, power, might, force. geltmlttg, powerful, mighty. (yettmnb, n., -, -e or -"er, gar- ment, dress, robe. Gktotrter, n., -, -, storm, thun- derstorm, tempest. gctuofynt, wonted, accustomed. OkttJoIbc, w., -, -, vault, arch; roof. gieftcn, gofo, gegoffen, to pour. (yipfel, m., -, -, peak, top, summit, hill-top. (yianj, w., -e, splendor, bright- ness, radiance. glanjen, shine, sparkle, glitter, be radiant. OHaS, M., -e^, ^er, glass. (yiuube(n), w., -n, -n, belief, faith. fllaubcn, (dat.), to believe, think. g(eid), adj., alike, like, equal, same; adv., equally, just; at once; with preceding ob, ftenn, or inn. clause, although, even if. OHteb, n., -e, -er, limb, joint; file, rank; tret' ing , step into the ranks. OHurfc,/., -en, bell. (Wiirflcin, n., -3, -, little bell. (MHiff, n., -eg, luck, fortune, happiness. g(iirfltd), happy, fortunate. glii()cn, to glow. Wlut, /., -en, glow. (SJnabc, /., -n, grace, favor, b, n., -eg, gold. VOCABULARY 105 olb'Cronge, /., -n ; (pron. n nasal, g like z in azure), golden orange. golbcn, golden. golbig = golben. gijnnen, (dat.), to grant, bestow. OJott, m., -eJ, ^er, God; as inter j., ah! alas! ottfyeit, /., -en, deity, divinity. rab, n., -3, ^er, grave. grnb = gerabe. OJrn<, n., -c3, ^er, grass. grail, gray. OJrnueu, n., -8, horror, dread, awe. grcuti*, dreadful, horrible, awful. grnufeii, impers., (dat.), to excite horror; bem ^citer graufet'3, the father shudders, is terrified. grcifctt, griff, gegriffen, to grasp, reach, seize, lay hand on; (narf), for, after). cte, grey, hoary, old. etd, m., -e, -e, old man. OJrcuabicr', m., -8, -e, grenadier. 0)rcn$e, /., -n, boundary, border, limit. grculid), horrible. rtmm, m., -e3, fury, rage, grimmig, furious, fierce. flrofjf, (griiRer, grbfet), great, large, tall; bic L^rofjen, grown-ups, adults; -- ber iirone, peers, nobles. griin, green. Wrunb, m., -c3, -^c, ground, soil, bottom, valley; bttf auf ben , to the very bottom; auf bent , at the bottom, in the depths. griincn, to be green, grow green, thrive. 0)rufj, m., -e8, *e, greeting, griiftcn, greet, salute; laffen, to send greetings; Qegriifjet feib nur, I salute you. giilbcn, (archaic), golden. Wunft, /., favor. gut (bcifcr, bcft), good, kind, right; luie id) btr bin, how I love you; bu bliebeft mir , you still loved me; adv., well. OJut, M., -e3, -"er, goods, property, possession. .>anr, n., -e3, -e, hair. Ijabcn, hatte, gefiabt, to have. .Oabirijt, m., -8, -e, hawk. Ijabcrn, to quarrel. .nl)tt, m., -e<<, -e, cock, rooster. .^aliucitgcfdjrei, n., -, cock- crow, the crowing of cocks. ijalb, half. ^t'all, m., -e^, -e, sound, reso- nance. .$tt(lc, /., -n, hall. ."pollctu'jn, n., hallelujah. fjaltcu, Inelt, gchalten, (a), to hold, keep; to check, stop, halt; rejl., to remain, dwell. .s>anb, /., "C, hand. .Oftubcstttcrtt, n., -<, trembling of the hands; nut , with trem- bling hands. ), m., -<*, -c, glove. , hina, gchangen, id), to hang, l>e suspended; ben Mopf - laffeu, to ha.ig one's head. Ijniiflcn, btiifl, gebangcn, to hang, adhere, cling. .\?nrfe, /., -n, harp. ic', /., -n, harmony. 106 VOCABULARY fyaficn, to hate; bag ^affen, re- pulsion, hatred. flttfttfl, hasty. ^>nud), m., -eg, -e, breath, breeze. .fmupt, n., -eg, -"-cr, head. .Onit<, ., -eg, ^er, house; naef) e, home, homeward; ju e, at home. fycben, fyob, (fmb), gefyoben, to heave, lift, raise, refl., to rise. >cer, n., -eg, -e, army; bag grofje , the "Grand Army." ()c()r, grand, majestic, august. frcibc, /., (old dat. ^eiben), -n, heath. -ftdbdanb, n., -3, ^er, heath- land, heath. .Oeibcnritelcin, n., -g, -, heath- rose, wild-rose. fyeilio,, holy, sacred. .S^ciligfcit, /., holiness, sacred- ness. (jcimlid), secret, mysterious; quiet, calm. ()Ctm=fud)cn, to visit, haunt. fyctt?, hot, heated, burning; ar- dent, fervid, (Don, with). ()cif?en, f)icj?, gefjeiRen, to be called, be named; to command, bid. l)Ctter, bright, clear; merry, cheer- ful. .oelb, m., -en, -en, hero. jpdbcnbfut, M., -g, blood of heroes. -?>clbenl)ud), ., -g, ^er, book of heroes. Ijclfcn, fialf, gef)o(fen, (i), (dat.), to help, avail. {jell, bright, clear, loud. fjer, hither, here, along; tnit, bring here. IjcraD, down. , flofe, ift gefloffen, to flow down. f)era&=gef)en, ging, ift gegangen, to go down. IjeraMangen, hing, gefjangen, to hang down. fieroHefjcn, faf), gefe^en, (ie), to look down. f)crab=h)ef)en, to blow down. ^erau3, out, hither, forth. l)er=bringen, brad)te, gebrarf)t, to bring hither. ^pcrbft, m., -eg, -e, autumn; har- vest. fycrbftltrf), autumnal. >erbc, /., -n, herd, flock. f)cretn=(affcn, Ite^, gelaffen, (a), to let in, admit. f)eretn=rufcn, rief, gerufen, to call in. ()er=f(tegcn, f(og, ift geffogcn, to fly near, fly around, come fly- ing. f)Cr=fcf)rctt, to turn (toward the speaker), return. {)Cr=Iorfcn, to lure, entice hither. ^crr, m., -n, -en, master, lord; Mister, Sir, Lord. t)crr(tcf), glorious, splendid. .crrHd)feit, /., -en, glory, splen- dor. f)cr=ftammcn, (aux. fctn), to pro- ceed, descend. (jcrum, about, roundabout. l)crum=flc()en, ging, ift gegangen, to pass around, travel around. f)cruntcr=fommcn, fam, ift gefoin= men, to come down. fyeruntcr, ftieg, ift geftiegen, to descend. (jerDor=fommcn, fam, ift gefom= men, to come forth, appear. VOCABULARY 107 f)ert)or=rnflen, to project, rise, f)inau--rrifcn, to go out, travel stand forth, tower up. forth. r)cruor=raufd)cn, (mix. fctn), to Ijincin briitflcit, bratifl, iff flcbrtin= come forth, rusli forth, emerge. flcn, to press into, penetrate. IjcrDor rcnitcn, rani'.te, ift Qcrmmt, hjnctn fallen, fief, ift flcfallcn, to to run out, leap forth. fall in. l)cn>, ftteg, ift flcfttcflcu, to Ijinciii fdjcincn, fdiien, flcfrfncncu, rise out. to shine into. .cr ( v n., -t\\$, -en, (bad feer\c, Ijincin fd)(ctri)cn, fciiltrf), ift flc^ poetic], heart; Don en, with fiillidlCll, to creep into. all one's heart. Ijiucin trctcn, trat, tft flctrctcn, f'itt), ftcrjtfl, dear, beloved. to enter, step into. h,cu(cn, to howl, roar. J)in gcfjcn, pjn^, ift flcflniiflcn, to go, l)Cltrc, to-day. pass; to go along. I)tcr, here. l)in nct)mcn, unhm, gcnommcii, .pimmel, m., -8, -, heaven, sky. (tnini), to take, receive, ac- .^immclcifunfc, ;., -n, -n, spark cept. of heaven, heavenly spark. l)in "cijci!, to set down; rcjl., to .^>immcl^Itd)t(.c), n., -C$, light of sil down, seat oneself. heaven. l)tit finfcn, I'unf, ift flcfiuifcit, to sink I)tmm(ifri), heavenly, celestial. dcv.ii. l)tn, thither, away, to. llintcr, ! c:ist i! i\ to Sperj , cool to the very heart. throw down, i.isl :i>id'-. Ijittatl cilcii, .'.'trtcnfnubi % , ;.. \\, \\, shepherd- Ijtnnitf lUffi'Il, to call up. entice. boy. lliitauf frfmitot, to look up. l)0d) if / Ijtnnitf fdilcttticrii, to throw aloft, tion!in-^ -i, ;inMior, hoilift), toss up. "//-. l 1 ' 1 ^!- Iol "'y. creat; ,iof, m., -eg, -"-e, yard, court- yard; (farm-) house, home. fyoffcn, to hope; to hope for, expect, await; b, hoping, hopeful. offnung, /., -en, hope. bfling3fd)ar, /., -en, group of courtiers. ^off(^aufpieler, m., -8, -, court- actors. C, /., -n, height, loftiness, grandeur; in bte , up, up- ward, on high. c, /., -n, cave, cavern. , m., -eg, scorn, mockery; defiance; bir fiinb' id) , I defy thee. fyolb, lovely, charming, lovable. f)o(bfdig, gracious. fyolen, to fetch, get. olS, ., -eg, -"er, wood. l)orri)CH, to harken, listen. fybren, to hear; bag >6ren, hear- ing, ear; fein fcmb, went un- heeded. >iker, m., -g, -, hearer, listener. Qort, m., -e8, -e, hoard, treasure; place of safety; jum e, as its preserver, or guardian. fyub, arch. T,d pers. sing. pret. ind., of fyeben. fjiibfcf), pretty. l, m., -8, -, hill. , n., -8, -, hen- house. , m., -e, -e, dog, hound. iittbci)cn, n., -,-, little dog. fyunbcrt, hundred. ^unberttaufcnb, hundred thous- and. f)Uttflrig, hungry. ^>ut, m., -eg, -"e, hat. filter, m., -3, -, guard, keeper e, /., -n, hut, cottage. tf)t, pers. pron., you, dat. sing. o/fte; pass, adj., her, their. im = in bem. immer, always, ever, forever, constantly, continuously; nod), still. immerbar = immer. tmmcrfort = immer. in, (dat. or ace.), in, into, on. inner, inner, inward. innig, hearty, sincere. tn3=in bag. Snfcf)rifr, /., -en, inscription. irbtfrf), earthly; bag 3rbtfcf)e, (decl. as adj.), the earthly, temporal. irrcn, to err, wander, go astray; to wander aimlessly; reft., to be mistaken. Srrtum, m., -g, -"-er, error, mis- take. , 3 ja, yes; surely, indeed, you know. Jiagb, /., -en, chase, hunt. jflflcn, to hunt; to chase, pursue, run after. Sfiger, m., -g, -, hunter. jaf), steep, abrupt. f, n., -eg, -e, year. )., abbreviation for .3tafyr= fjunbert, n., -g, -e, century. iaud)5cn, to shout, exult. JC, ever. jcber, dem. adj. and pron., each, every; ein , each one, every one. VOCABULARY 109 3d)o'af), m., -, Jehovah, the SUnjlcr, m., -9, -, chancellor. God of the Hebrews. Slopd'le, /., -n, chapel, jcner, dem. adj. and pron., that; Stobe, /., -n, cat. the former. faucrn, to cower, squat. jc/., -e, ~cr, calix, ^unfcr, m., -3, -, young noble- chalice, cup, beaker. man, squire. fennen, fannte, flefannt, to know; Jupiter, m., -3, or 3ooi3 (Latin to recognize. gen.), Jupiter. Stcttc, /., -n, chain, fetter. f tcf crifiil) ', cock-a-doodle-doo. Q Stinb, n., -ctf, -er, child. Siinbcrfinn, m., -m- Slatnpfl)Cgicr, /'. . eagerness for plain. combat. fliifllirfl, lamentable, pitiful, mi-,- Siflmpfc^luft, f., desire for c'om- erable, sad. bat, delight in battle. Silnitn, ;;;., C<, -C, sound, tone. SittmVffi.'tcl, i/.. -?, C, tilting, nielixly. combat, games. flnr, clear, bright; plain. riill, n., C 1 , roar of Mleib, >;.. tf, or, dress, cloak. flein, little', >:-,ia!I. 110 VOCABULARY flingen, Hang, gefhmgen, to sound, ring; fo flang e6 rerf)t, the sound pleased. SHippe, /., -n, cliff. flirrcn, clash, clink, clatter, rattle. fttwbe, m., -n, -n, boy, lad. ftnall, m., -e$, -c, sharp report, crack, crash. ftncrfjt, m., -e$, -e, servant, slave, vassal. ftne ~f/ funeral choir, funeral dirge. Icidicnftill, still as death. leirilt, li'.'ht. easy. t, light- winged. 2cib, n., -c8, harm, injury; sorrow; ein tun, to do harm, hurt. Icibcn, litt, 0c(tttcn, suffer, en- dure, permit. Icibcr, adv., and inter j., alas, unfortunately. Icife, low, soft. i!cnfcr, m., -, -, conductor, director, ruler. ilcnj, /., -ed, -e, spring. I'copnrb', ;;;., -en, -en, leopard. i!crd)C, /., -ii, lark. (crncn, to learn. Icfcn, latf, gclefen, (te), to read. Icht, last. ijcti, in., -cn or -cn^, -en, poet, for ^tiU'C, lion. Icud)tcit, to shine, beam, light, give light; (tyut, glow, arc aglow. i!curi)tturm, ;., -d, -"e, lighthouse. H'cittc, /'/., people. L'id)t, n., -c^, -er, light. lid)t, bright, light. lieb, dear, beloved; Him 511 (, to please him; liabcn, to hold dear, love; batf I'iebfte (decl. its cr//.), that which is dearest, the dearest. i!iel), a., dear one, sweetheart. i!icbrt)cn, ;;., >J, -, love, sweet- heart. ificbc, /"., love, affection. licbcn, to !<>\e; biix 1 Vicbcn, love, affection. Vicbec'bltrf, /., -?, -e, look of love. VicbCvrnf, :.. -\>, - c, t all of !,i\v. Micbcx^fdicin, :.. <<, Hirht of love. i.'icbc:lllell^c, f., it, irift oi love. licbcuoll, lovingly. 112 VOCABULARY Stcogefofe, n., -3, loving caress. lieblid), lovely, charming. Sieb, ., -e3, -er, song; bag ift au$, all is over., lag, gelegcn, to lie, be sit- uated; be, stay. Siubcnuaum, m., -g, -"e, linden tree. Sob, n., -eg, praise, loben, to praise; ift ju , is to be praised. lofc'ftngen, impf. not used, gefungen, (dot. pers.), to extol in song, sing praise to. Sorfe, /., -n, lock, curl, lucfcn, to lure, tempt, entice, lucfio., curly, in locks. Soljn, m., -eg, -"-e, reward. Sorbecr, *., -g, -en, laurel. Sorb, m., -g, -8, lord. Sordci, /., Loreley (a nymph). So3, n., -eg, -e, lot, fortune, destiny; ftarb jum , (dat.), was allotted, fell to the lot of. Soto^blutne, /., -n, lotus-flower. Some, m., -n, -n, lion. Soluettgarten, m., -3, ^, lions' park, court, pit. Suft, /., -^c, air, breeze; regions of the air. Siiftdjcn, ., -8, -, breeze. Suft, /., -"-e, desire, delight, joy, pleasure; Dor , for joy, with pleasure. aw 9)2aa, /., Meuse (tributary of the Rhine). tnad)cn, to make, do, cause, arrange. mriditifl, mighty, powerful. 5J(QbrI)cn, n., -e/.), maid. SOJatenlidjt, ., -8, light of May. man, one, they, people. ntand), many a, many a one. 2)Jann, m., -e, -^er, man. SDlanncrmiirbe, /., dignity, worth of man, manliness. 9JJontel, m., -, ^, mantle, robe. 2WSr(e),/., -en, tale, news, tidings. 2){drd)en, ., -8, -, fairy tale, story. SJiarft, m., -e8, -"C, market. tnarmelfteinern, marble. iDJormorbilb, n., -g, -er, marble statue. Sftarmorfd'ule, /., -n, marble column. mofno,, moderate. matt, weary, faint; gebriicft, pressed till faint. SDZoltc, /., -n, mead, grassy plot, meadow. 9)}nucr, /., -n, wall. SJJaiilticr, n., -8, -e, mule, pack- horse. SJJecr, n.. -c8, -e, sea. mcl)r, more; longer; nicfjt , no longer. mcin, (pass, adj.), my, mine; gen. of id), of me. SWciftcr, m., -g, -, master. melbcn, to announce, make known. SDJelobci' /., -en, poetic for 9)ie[o= bie, melody. VOCABULARY 113 l, /., Memel (lower part of river Niemen in northern part of Germany). SJJCItfrf), m., -en, -en, man, hu- man being, mortal. SHcnfdjcnbritft, /., ^c, human breast. 9)Jcnfcf)cnf)nnb, /., -"-c, human hand. 2)tcnfcf)C'ifKr,$, ., -cnS, -en, hu- man heart. SHcnfdjcnlift, /., -en, human cunning. 9)Jcnfd)Ctmnl5, m., -c, human wit, craft. 9JHcnc, /., -n, mien, feature, look, expression. 9)ttgnpn,/., (pron. Minyon),'M\g- j,/., milk. ttitlb, mild, gentle, kind, softened. SJJint'ftcr, m., -3, -, minister, ambassador. ttitt, prep., (dat.), with; adv., along. mit=bringcn, bradjte, gebradjt, to bring along. tnit-ncfynmt, nafom, genomihen (hum), to take along. SUtittC, /., middle, midst, center. mitten, amidst, in the middle; foment, directly between. iljctttcrnadjt, /., -"-e, midnight. SWobcr, in., -$, mould, decay. mbgcn, mocfite, gemodit, (man), to care to, have a liking for; id) mafl, I may, can; ntodjte ant Itebftcn, should like best of all; idi mag ntcfot foiimuS, I do not like to leave. mufllirfi, possible. ^lOttnt, m., -tf, -e, month. b, m., -cfl, -e, moon. *, n., -csJ, -c, mooss. s Diorb, ;., -c, -e, murder. 2)Jorbcr, m., -$, -, murderer. 5DJorbfud)t, /., thirst for blood. murgcn, to-morrow. 9J{orgcn, m., -, -, morning, am , in the morning. 9)lorgcitgcfang, m., -$, ^e, morn- ing song. 2)(orgeng(orfe, /., -n, morning bell, matin bell. XJiurgcnlnnb, n., -3, east, orient. 9)(orgenrot, n., -3, morning glow, early dawn, rosy morn. SDJorgcnrotc, /., = 9)?orflenrot. morgcnfcfjbti, beautiful as the morning. Sfiorgcnfcgcn, m., -, -, morning blessing. SUiurgcnftcrn, m., -$, -e, morning star. 9)Jorgcniwtnb, in., -3, -e, morning breeze. tniibe, tired, weary. s JJJiil)C, /., -n, labor, trouble, difficulty, effort; mit unb 9}ot, with great difficulty, scarcely. ffliiifilc,/., -it, mill. 9Wiil)l\en)rnb, M., -?, -^cr, mill- wheel. 9)iimb, m., --c<<, -e or ^cr, mouth. tnuntcr, gay, merry, lively, cheer- ful. murrcn, to grumble, growl. muffcn, mufUe, gcnnifit, (mufO, to be obliged, have to; id) inuj?, I must. 2JJut, tit., -t$, mcxxl, courage, spirit; ju [ctit, to led. muttg, courageous. 114 VOCABULARY 2Wutter, /., % mother. 2JJutterf)au3, n., -e6, source. e, /., -n, myrtle. natf), (dat.), after, for, to. to- ward, according to. 9? ad) Oar, m., -g, -n, neighbor. ncdjbem, after. 9{ad)t, /., -"-e, night; oblivion; liber , over night, in a night. Uttditig, nightly, nocturnal. 9tad)tigall, /., -en, nightingale. nadjtltd), nightly. 9lad)tlieb, n., -3, -it, evening song. ttarft, naked. naf), niifjer, nadjft, near. 9ld{)C, /., nearness, proximity, presence. nal)cn, (also refl.), to draw near, approach. nfifycr, compar. of naf). nh'fjrcn, to nourish, feed. Wnrne, m., -nS, -n, name. 9tarr, w., -en, -en, fool. 9Jatur', /., -en, nature. 9Jcbel, w., -S, -, mist, fog. 9JebcIftreif, m., -%, -en, streak of mist. ncfjmcn, naf)m, gcnommen, (tmm), to take, receive. nciflen, to incline, bend, bow, rejl., to bow; to approach; gu (Snbe , to draw to a close. ncnncn, nanntc, genannt, name, mention, call. ncbcn, to moisten, wet. ncu, new, anew. ntdjt, not. , nothing; cu% nothing but. nidcn, to nod. tue, never. nieber, down, downward. nieber=fal(cn, fiel, t[t gef alien, (ft), to fall down. ntebfr=(cgen, to lay down; rejl., to lie down. nicbcr=Iiegcn, lag, gelegen, to lie prostrate. mcber=nciflcn, to stoop down, bend downward; e3 modjte fic^ , it would fain descend. nicbcr=ffiufcln, to settle down with gentle murmuring. nicbcr=fcf)aucn, to look down. mcber=frf)cincn, fdjien, gefcf)tenen, to shine down; to dispel, drive away. nicber=fd)Inncn, fcf)hig, gefci)Iagen, (a), to strike down, cast down. ntcber=fd)uttc(n, to shake down. mcbcr=fictgcn, ftteg, ift gcftiegcn, to descend, come down. niebcr=flrcrfcn, reft., to stretch out. nicbcr^tuncn, to sound downward; traurtg , to send down mournful tones. nicbcr=)uerfen, luarf, geniorfen, (i), to throw down. ^, never. nicmnub, no one, nobody. trimmer, never. nit, dial, for ntd)t. nod), adv., }'et, still, besides; ein, one more; conj., even, nor. s J2orb, m., -eS or 91 or ben, -S, north. 91orbltd)tfd)em, m., -S, glow of VOCABULARY 115 the northern light; furdjtbar pradjtig line bfuttger , in aw- ful splendor, like the blood- red northern light. SJor, /., -H- or -"-en, need, trouble: um, need of. nun, now, well. nur, only, just, merely; after iDer, >r>a3, lute, loo, ever. 0, inter j., oh! ot>, prep., (gen.), on account of; over, above; conj., if, whether; and), even if, although; alrt(K, (pron. fl like /. in azure], in., -n, -n, page. *4>nlnft', /., -0, -e, palace. S 4>alme. /'., -11, pali7i-lree. S 4>crlc, /., - it, pearl. ^fctlcr, m., -s<, - , pillar. Vflan^Cil, to plant. ^fliifl, in., - Cx?, -e, plow. fiJVfifl, tlat-headed. lid), suddenly. S 4?ocfic', /., -n, poesy, poetry. *4roll, m., -co, -c, stroke, con- cussion, beating, lashing, clink. Vrnitflcn, to be resplendent; to shine, bloom; init 9JHld) unb ^urpur , to be white as a lily and red as a rose. *4>rei, m., -co, -e, price, prize, reward; |te aller ."parfen , the glory of all harps; bem 0>Ma3 jum , in honor of the glass. Vrcifcn, pvteo, geprtcfen, to praise, extol. pur, pure. r, ;., -o, purple, n, ruddy, purple. quiifcn, to t|iiack. stjueuk. qunlcn, i<> torment. Cuarttcr', ;;., 0, -e, quarter, quarters, region. C.uell, i., -co, -c; Cucllc, /., -n, spring, source. ilnibc, m., - -n, -n, raven. Di'acllC, '., revenge, vengeance. *)iadicfleift, ;., -o, cr, avenging spirit. ;)iiiri|cr, >n., -t, -, avenger. *)iiid)er!)tliii), /'.. c, a\ -enuing h.iml. *)iab, n., co, ct, \\ he.-l. 116 VOCABULARY 9ia'berfpiel, ., -$, play of the wheels, ragcn, to project, jut out, stand forth. Oifltib, m., -eg, ^er, rim, border, brim, edge. tor, rare, scarce. raid), quick, swift, lively. raffeln, to rattle, crackle; be 33h'i?e, crackling flashes. 9iflft, /., -en, rest, repose. 9iaftlieb, ., -g, -er, song of rest. 3iat, m., -eg, ^c, advice, counsel, plan. remben, to rob. !li mini, m., -eg, -"-e, room, space, place; space of time; interval; je nod) (angem , ever after a long interval. raufcfycn, to rush, roar, rustle. rccf)t, right, true, real; adv., very; truly, really. Diedjt, n., -eg, -e, right, law, justice. rcrfen, to stretch, extend, rebcn, to speak, talk. regcn, to stir, move, excite, stimulate; refl., to stir, move; fid) gcfdjiiftig , busily bestir oneself. 9{egcn, m., -3, -, rain. 9iegen(iugeng(ims, ;., -e, rain- bow-spendor. regicrcn, to rule, govern. reicf), rich, abundant, fan, in). !)>cid), n., eg, -e, empire, realm. reidjcu, to reach, hand, give. rddilid), rich, abundant. retf, ripe. !Ketf, m., -t$, -e, hoop, ring, circle. reifcn, (anx. fctn), to ripen. 9ieif)C, /., -n, row, rank. 5Keif)(e)n, m., -^, -, dance. rein, clean, pure, clear. reifen, to travel, journey. reiften, rife, geriffen, to tear; to snatch away. retten, rttt, ift geritten, to ride (horseback). 9Jetter, m., -S, -, rider, horse- man. m., -g, -leute, rider, cavalryman. retjen, to charm. rcnnen, ratmte, ift gerannt, to run. retten, to rescue; bie be Stunb', the hour of rescue. Otettet, m., -3, -, rescuer, de- liverer. 5Kf)ein, m., -e3, Rhine. 5Ktefc, m., -n, -n, giant. SRiefenbaiim, m., -, -^e, giant tree. 9itefenfd)h)fi, ., -eg, -^er, giant's castle. OJiefentod)ter, /., *- t giant's daughter. 9Jtnbe, /., -n, bark. 9Hng, m., -eg, -e, ring, circle. rtngen, rang, gerungen, to wring, twist, struggle; bag 9Ungen, striving, struggling. JRtngletn, n., -g, -, ringlet, ring. rtng3, around; urn, fyerum, um= her, round about. riitncn, rann, ift geronnen, to run, flow. S)iif?, m., -eg, -c, cleft, gap, rent. Slitter, m., -g, -, knight. rbdjcln, to rattle in the throat, to emit the death-rattle; bag Siodjefn, death-rattle. roKcn, (aux. fetn), to roll. VOCABULARY 117 9Jofe, /., -n, rose. roftg, rosy. 9!0(cin, n., -3, -, little rose. 9Jofe, n., -e8, -e, horse, steed. rot, red; ber SRote, (decl. as adj.), red wine. rotlicfrcujt, marked with or wearing the red cross. 9Jlif, m., -e, -e, call, cry. rufcn, rief, gerufen, to call, cry, shout. 9Jul)C, /., -n, rest, repose, calm, peace; gu filler , for sweet rest. rul)cu, to rest, repose. ruf)Ct)oU, calm, quiet, tranquil. ruljtg, quiet, peaceful, calm. Stufom, m., -etf, fame, renown, glory. riiljren, to move, bestir; to touch, affect. 9iunbc, /., round, circle; in ber , round about. 9iui;((inb, n., -&, Russia. s Saal, m., -eS, Sale, hall. Sad)C, /., -n, thing, concern, affair; cause. Sage, /., -n, saw. SSgcmiil)le, /., -n, sawmill. fagcn, to say, tell. Sake, /., -ii, string, strand; stringed instrument. SttUenfpicI, n., -tf, -c, harp. 3anb, m., -c<*, sand. fanft, soft, gentle, mild. Sang, m., -e8, ^e, song. Stinger, m., -S, -, singer, min- strel. SongcrgrciS, m., -e?, -, aged minstrel. Sangcrpaar, n., -, -e, pair of minstrels. Sangcrtum, n., -5, minstrelsy. faucr, sour, unpleasant, hard; fallen, to be hard. Stiulc, /., -n, column. Saulcnfaal, w.,-, -fcile, pillared hall. fnufdn, to rustic, murmur. Srfjaf, n., -cS, -e, sheep. Sd)fifcr, ;;;., -, -, shepherd. Sdja'fcrtn, /., -neu, shepherdess. fdjaffcn, fcljuf, oefrfjafien, to cre- ate, produce, work. Sd)flH, i., -ctf, -t, sound, tone. fcfjadcn, fd)oll, gefiliollen, or u-., to sound, echo, resound. Sdjattcn, m., - depart ; ba5 Sdietben, separa- tion. Sdicin, ;., -C<*, C, light, ra- diance. fdicincn, fdiicn, aefdnencn, to shine, seem, appear. SrfKt'f, m., -en, en, cupbearer. (d)Cltfcn, to give, present; to fill the glass. 118 VOCABULARY Sdjcrbe, /., -n, fragment, piece. fdjeren, fdior, gefdjoren, to shear; to vex, trouble, concern; ftag fdjert mid) SBeib, what care I for wife. fdjeu, shy, timid, fearful. fdtcuctt, to fear. fdjirfen, to send. fdjicfjcn, fd)ofe, gefdjoffen, to shoot, rush. d)iff, M., -eg, -c, skiff, ship, boat. d)iffbrud), m., -g, ^e, ship- wreck. fdnffen, to ship, sail. Sdjiffcr, m., -g, -, boatman. 3d|ilb, n., -eg, -e, sign, device. Sdjtlb, m., -eg, -er, shield, coat of arms. 3rf)Ubttwd)e, /., -en, sentinel, guard. fdjimmcrn, to gleam, glisten. Sdjladjt, /., -en, battle. 3d)lnd)tcnbonnerttJCtter, n., -g, thunder of battle. 2d)iaf, m., -eg, sleep. fdjlafcn, fdiltcf, gefdjlafen, to sleep. fdildfcrn, imp., to doze, be drow- sy; itm fdilcifevt, he, it dozes. fdjlafrtfl, sleepy, drowsy. fct)laflcn, fdilug, gefdilagen, (a), to beat, strike; to throw, cast. fd)lcid)en, fdilid), in ciejdilidicn, to creep, steal, glide. Sdjletcr, m., -<5, -, veil; shroud. fdjlicftcii, fd)lof5, ge|d)loffen, (also rejl.), to shut, close; to con- clude. 3d)(oj), ., -eg, -^er, castle, palace. fdjlottern, to shake. fdjlummcrn, to slumber, sleep. fd)IUrfcn, to sip, drink. Srfimnui?, m., -e-?, ^e, feast, banquet; halten, to banquet, hold a feast; jebcn , at every feast. fd)meid)eln, to natter. Sd)tnetd)lcr, m., -, -, flatterer, fawner. Sdjmcrj, m., -en^, -en, smart, pain, affliction, grief. fdjmerjen, iw/>., to give pain, grieve; bag djmetjen, grief, woe. fdjmettcrn, to sound (as of a trumpet). fd)tnurf, smug, trim, neat. fd)miti?ig, filthy, dirty. 2d)ncc, m., -3, snow. fdjnctben, fdjnitt, gefdjnitten, to cut. fdinctcn, to snow. fdjnefl, quick, swift. fd)nttrren, to purr, snarl. fd)0lt, already; sorely, indeed. fd)bn, beautiful, pretty; fine, handsome; bie 2d)6ne, (decl. ax adj.), beauty, fair one; bag d)one, (decl. as adj.), the beautiful, that which is beau- tiful. Sd)onl)eit, /., -en, beauty. 2d)0f?, in., -eg, -"-6, lap, bosom. Sdjrcrfen, m., -g, -, terror. fdjreibcn, fd)rieb, gefd)rieben, to write. fdjrcicn, fdjrte, flejcfjrtecn, to cry, scream. 3d)rcin, ;;;., -eg, -e, press, box; casket. fdjreiten, fdjrttt, tft gcfdjrttten, to stride, step, advance; eg fdjrttt ifjtn frifd) jur cite, walked briskly at his side. Sdjrttt, ;., -eg, -e, stride, step; VOCABULARY 119 in gletojcm unb Xrttt, keeping step with. fdjrittmafitg, by the pace, mus. andante. Sdjulbiflfcir, /., -en, debt, in- debtedness, bill, duty. 3d)iirjc, /., -n, apron. 3d)utt, ?., -e, rubbish, ruins. fd)ihtdn, to shake. Srijuk, m., -e*J, defense, pro- tection; ju unb Xrulj, for defense and offense. fdjiiUcn, to guard, protect. Sdjrtmll, m., -c$, -c, swell; crowd; revelry. Sd)U)arm, m., -ctf, -c, swarm, throng. fdjruarj, black, chirk, gloomy. fd)U)Cbcn, to ho\'er, waver, swing free, sway. 3d)rodf, m., -e$, -c, tail, train (of robe). fdjlueifctt, to roam, rove, stray. fdjiucicicn, jdjnncci, gcfdjnncgen, to be silent, b, in silence, silent- ly- fdiiucilcn, fdiuioll, ift Bcfdjnjolten, to swell, rise. fd)rocr, heavy; difficult; imr loarb'S unisJ Apcrje , my heart grew heavy. Sdjruert, n., -c*, -cr, sword. d)>ucrtficflirr, ., -6, clash of swords. fdjttummcH, fdjluamm, tft flcfdih)oni = lllCU, to swim, be immersed; taDuugcn, to swing, raise, wave, brand- ish; re/7., to raise itself, rise, ascend. fdjttnrrcn, to whirr, soar. fdjrtibrcn, fdjroor, or fdjmur, %t= fd))oren, to swear. Sdjrtjur, m., -e, *e, oath. cc, m., ~c$, -n, lake; /., sea, ocean. Scclc, /., -n, soul. 3ccmoitn, /., -f, -leute, seaman, sailor. fcnncn, to bless. fcl)cn, |"al), flcfcfjen, (ic), to see; lab bid) , show thyself, come forth. 3d)HCit, ;;., --torm; alarm (-bell). Sturmfllurfc, / . 11, alarm-bell, call to arm--. 122 VOCABULARY ffiirjen, (anx. fein), to fall, tumble, plunge, rush; to fall sheer. ftiifeen, to support, prop, rest. furf)Cn, to seek, look for. Btrb , is diffused about. iiber=gct)en, ging, ift gegangcn, to go over, run over, overflow; bte Slugen gingen thin iibcr, his eyes filled with tears. iiberfyebcn, iiberhob, itberhobeii, to exalt; refl., to be haughty or overbearing. uberf^atten, to sound above, drown. Hfer, ., -, -, shore, bank. Utn, prep, and adv., around, about; for; widen, for the sake of; fyer, about, around. um=bringen, bradjte, gebracf)t, to kill, put to death. umfofien, to embrace, umflattern', to flutter about. umflorcn, to veil, bedim; umflort, bedimmed with tears. um=formen, to recast, umgcfycn, urging, umgangen, to go around, circle about; to evade. um=giirtcn, to gird about, buckle on. utnfjer', around, about. umfjilflett, to envelop, enwrap. utmfcljren, (aux. fetn), to return, um-fefycn, rcjl., fah, gefcljen, i ie), to look about. utnfonft/ for nothing, in vain, umrtblfcn, to surround with clouds, cloud, um^utfen, to flash about. unbcfannt, unknown. unb, and. uncrmcf?'Ii(f), immeasurable, il- limitable. un'gcfycucr, immense, vast. ltngcb,cuer, .. -r di < . }. under, below. 124 VOCABULARY unterbcf'fcn, meanwhile. unter=gd)en, gtng, ift gegcmgen, to go down, set. untertrbifd), subterranean. untcrm = unter bent. Unterpfanb, n., -3, ^cr, pledge, security, llrqucfl, m., -3, -e, source, fountain-head. S?flfafl', m., -en, -en, vassal. SBotcr, w., -3, ", father. SBtttcrlonb, n., -3, fatherland. SBatcrfaal, ?., -e3, -fale, ances- tral hall. SBcildjen, n., -8, -, violet. berbergen, oerbarg, oerborgen, (i), to hide, conceal. Stferbcfferung, /., -en, betterment, improvement. tierbrennen, berbrannte, Derbrannt, to burn, consume (by fire). berberbett, oerbarb, berborben, (t), tr., to ruin; intr. (aux. feht), to perish; bag 5?erbcrben, de- struction. tocrborrcn, (aux. fetn), to dry up, wither. tocreinen, to make one, unite, re- concile. SBcrfaffer, m,., -, -, composer, author. ticrfii{)ren, to lead astray, mis- lead, corrupt. SBergelrung, /., retribution. tocrgeffen, Dergofi, uergeffcn, (i), to forget. S8erflif?meinmd)t, n., -$, -e, forget- me-not. syergifmtcfjtmein = SBcrgijjincuuud)!. , to remain; to persist. fcerfjaitdjen, exhale, breathe out. toerljeifeen, bertjiefe, Derfjetjjen, to promise, phrophesy. tocrfennen, oerfannte, oerfannt, to mistake. toerflingen, oerflang, tft Derflungen, to die away. JBerlangcn, n., -4, longing, de- sire; roett beff'reS tragen, to long for something far better. ticrlangen, to long, long for, de- mand, desire. berfaffen, oerliefe, oerlaffen, (a), to leave, forsake, abandon. ticrlcrncn, to forget. Dcrlicrcn, Derlor, Derloren, to lose; oertoren gef)en, to be lost. Derlocfen, to entice away, mislead. tjcrnefymen, oernafjm, Dernommen, (tmm), to hear. tierniinftig, sensible, reasonable. ttcrbbcn, to devastate; Derobet, waste, desolate. ttcrpafien, to miss, let pass. ticrriirfjcln, to give the death- rattle, breathe one's last. ticrrurf)t, infamous, accursed. fccrfdiltcfjien, cerfcfjIoR, Derfd)Iof|en, to lock, close. t>erfrf)lingcn, oer|"d)(ang, ticr|'d)(un= gen, to swallow up, devour. berfdjttJtnbcn, Derfd)rt)anb, ift oer= fdjtuunben, to disappear, va- nish. tierfenfcn, (also refl.), to sink, plunge, immerse, bury. UcrfcUen, reply. Berficgcn, to dry up, run dry. Dcrfinfen, Derfanf, ift serfunfen, to sink away, be swallowed up, disappear, perish. VOCABULARY 125 toeripredjcn, berfprad), berfprocften, (i), to promise. bcrftcrfen, (also refl.), to hide, con- ceal. ttcrftdjen, berftanb, ttcrftanben, to understand, comprehend; to know how, be able. bcrfteint, covered with stones. ttcrftrciicn, to strew about, scatter. toerftummcn, (aux. fctn), to be- come silent, cease to speak; berftummt, silent, speechless, dumb. t)crfud)cn, to attempt, try, test, put to the test. 5yertraulirf)fcit, /., familiarity, in- timacy. ttcrtrciumcn, to dream away. Ucriibcn, to commit, perpetrate. tocrftmifen, to become an orphan, be orphaned. bernmlcn, to linger, delay, abide, stay; also refl., to linger, tarry. Hcrjaubern, to enchant; bait cr toerjaubcrt fid) , dwells en- chanted. bcrjcifycn, ucrjied, t>erjtct)cn, (dat.), to forgive, pardon. ilU'rjttJCiflunfl, /., despair. Did, adj. and indef. pron., much, many; adv., much. tiidleidH', perhaps. trier, four. JBiertclfriittbdjen, n., -3, -, (short) quarter of an hour. ilUttc'ta, Yineta, (a legendary city in the North Sea). iSogd, ;., -d, "-, bird. !Kiig(c)lctn, ., -^, -, little bird. f, .. -ci, -"-cr, people, nation. , M., -3, -er, folk-song. eifc,/., -n, popular air. bott, full, whole. SBoUmonb, m., -, -t, full moon. worn = uon bem. tton, (dat.), of, from, by. Dor, (dat. or ace.), before, for, be- cause of, from. Dorbei', by, past, gone. orbci'=fommcn, fain, ift flefom- mcii, to come by. Dorbei^roIIen, (anx. fetn), to rol! by. t)orbct'=rt)onbern, (aux. fein), to wander by. tiorneljm, fine, elegant, excellent; mucf)ten cin c >au, lived in great style. t)or=ftriimcn, to flow forth, swell forth (as sound). tiorii'ber, adv., by, past; inter j., pass by! pass on! Dorii'=bcrctlcn, (aux. fctn), to has- ten by. toorii'bcr=(icb,cn, ginfl, ift gegangctt, to go by, pass over. ), awake. , to be awake, watch. hmdifrn, )intd)<, ift geiradifen, (a), to grow, swell. 3i*adit, /., -on, watch. Ul'ddltcr, m., -<*, -, watchman. luacfcr, brave, valiant; clever. toaffncn, to arm. n>5l)lcn, to choose, elect. &*a()n, ;., -ciS, fancy, delusion, madness. tnah.r, true. ludbrcnb, prep, (urn.), during; conj., while- 126 VOCABULARY SBaf)rI)ctt, /., -en, truth. SSalb, m., -eg, ^er, forest, woods. SBolbftrom, m., -g, -"-e, forest- stream. 2SaU, m., -eg, ", wall, rampart. luallcn, (azi*. fein), to go, move, to move in waves, undulate, flow; bag SBallen, undulation, heaving waves, billows. lualten, to rule, govern, manage. &tanb, /.,-", wall. rtwnbeln, (aux. fein), to wander, walk. STi3anb(e)rer, m., -g, -, wanderer, traveller. ttmnbern, (aM*. fein), to wander, journey, walk, roam. SSange, /., -n, cheek. toann, when, at what time? sometimes = foenn. STappenfrf)Ub, n., -g, -er, es- cutcheon. ftarm, warm. toarten, to wait; to care for, wait on. h)d3, inter, pron., what; = nxmun, why; indef. rel. pron., what, that, whatever, whoever = etmag. ttm, arch, for nxir. SBaffer, n., -g, -, water. SSkfferfall, m., -g, *e, water- fall. 2Saffergla3, n., -eg, -^er, glass, vase. 8Beg, w., -eg, -e, way, road. jcg=gcbcn, gab, gegeben, (i), to give away. toecj rctfjcn, ri, geriffen, to tear away, carry off. h)eo.'5tcb,cn, jog, ift gejogen, to move away, depart. n., -eg, -e or -en, woe, pain, grief; unb 2l, (fn- terjections used as nouns) woe- ful outcry. lt)Cl)(e), interj., woe, alas; o4/., sad, sore, distressed; eucf), woe to you; une )riirb nttr, imr, woe is me; mtr ift got fo , my heart is very heavy. toefyen, to wave, blow, flutter; bag SBefyen, waving, fluttering, stirring, movement. 3Bef)tnut, /., sadness, melan- choly; jerfloffen in , filled with sadness. toefyren, to defend; to check, control, forbid; refl., to de- fend oneself, resist. SSeib, n., -eg, -er, woman, wife. h)eid), soft, gentle. SBetbe, /., -n, willow. toeiben, to pasture; to graze. 28eif)narf)t6aum, m., -g, -"e, Christmas tree. S5kif)nacf)t3feft, w.,-g, -e, Christ- mas festival. 2Hetf)nacf)t3sett, /., -, -en, Christ- mas time. ftjcil, because. SSeUdjen, n., -g, -n, little while. lueilen, to tarry, linger, remain. SSktn, m., -eg, -e, wine. iDeinen, to weep. SZBeife, /., -n, way, wise; song, tune; fpottenber , mockingly. hjcifcn, tt)ieg, gelntefen, to show. nwfe, white. toctt, wide, far, large, full; unb breit, far and wide; umher, round about; ing SBeite, into the distance, far and wide. Sfiktte, /., -n, space, distance; bie VOCABULARY 127 n ber GJrbe, the wide, wide world. ), inter, and rel. pron., which, what. tuelfen, (aux. fetn), to fade, wither. SScQe, /., -n, wave, billow, roellenatmenb, breathing waves. toelfcf), foreign; ber SKelfdje, (decl. as adj.), foreigner (esp, French or Italian). SBclt, /., -en, world. toenbcn, refl., to turn, toentg, little, few. toentt, when, whenever, if; and), gletdj, even if. toer, infer, pron., v/ho, compound rel., whoever, he who; aud), tmtner, whoever. tterben, toarb or hntrbe, ift fletoor* ben, to become; get, grow; hmrben nxit, expanded, thrilled. rccrfcn, itmrf, gemorfen, (i), to throw, cast, hurl. tocrt, worth, worthy, dear; - balten, to hold dear, prize. SiMr, m., -c8 or SBeften, -3, west. Uubcrfyallcn, to resound, (re-) echo. SsMberfdjcin, m., -3, reflection. hjiberfdjcincnb, reflecting, in re- flection. tuie, how, as, like, when; aucb, however, roteber, again. Wtcbcr=fommcn, fam, ift gcfom= men, to come back, return. h)tcber=fchcn, fall, gefelien, (te), to see again; auf JBieberfchen, till we meet again. ttucgcn, to rock, swing; to shake. hriefyern, to neigh. SGMefc, /., -n, meadow. ttricnjoljl', although. h)ilb, wild, fierce, ruthless. hjillig, willing, docile. hrillfum'men, welcome. SSinb, m., -eS, -e, wind. totnfcn, to beckon, nod, wave. iRHntcr, m., -3, -, winter. aiMnternadjt,/., -e, winter night. SKMpfd, m., -, -, tree-top; Jig. head. SlMrt, m., -c$, -e, host, land- lord. SSirlin, /., -nen, hostess, land- lady. hJtffcn, mufjte, fieniufet, (metfe), to know. Stiffen, n., -, knowledge. tuo, where, when. c, /., -n, wave. l, m., -g, dashing of ', whence, from where. jin', whither, to where. l, well; indeed, certainly, securely; perhaps; I suppose; bent v'oau?, happy the house; in bciu ?lnn, tightly clasped in his arm; feitnft bu c<< , surely thou knowest it. ttJUllltfl, comfortable, pleasant. JB)ul)Itat, /., -en, good deed, kind- ness. benefit, favor. tuohltun, tat,getatt, to benefit, ren- der service. tuoflttcn, to dwell, live, reside. SR'oIfc, /., -n, cloud. SHulfcnfteg, m., -<*, cloud- veiled path. njollcn, ivollte, flOrotlt, iroilO, to wish, want; to be willing, intend, be about to. 128 VOCABULARY SBomte, /., -n, bliss, joy. hjorauf, whereupon, on which. toorau3', out of which. SSort, n., -e, -e (of connected words), -"-er (of disconnected words), word. Sybrtlctn, ., -3, little word. SSunbe, /., -n, wound. SSunber, ., -3, -, wonder, miracle. number bnr, wonderful, wond- rous fair. hnmbcrmtlb, wondrous kind, generous. hwttbcrfam, wondrous, wonder- ful. hmnbcrfdjon, most beautiful. SBunberftabt, /., *-t, miracle city. rt)iinbcrt)oll, wonderful. SSunfrf), m., -e3, -"-e, wish, de- sire. toiinfdjcn, to wish, desire. Stfiirbe, /., -n, worth, dignity, honor; elite , a certain dig- nity. SSurjct, /., -n, root. SiMirjIein, ., - ?, -, little root. SBut, /., rage, fury. tuiitcn, to rave, rage. J&Mhcrid), m., -3, -e, madman, tyrant. jagen, to be fearful, to hesitate, tremble; bag .^ageit, hesita- tion, anxiety. jaf)Cc), tough, set, obstinate. , to count, enumerate, lidi, tender, fond. m., -$, magic light. Souberfdjimmer, m., -8, magic gleam. 3ed)er, m., -8, -, drinker, re- veller, carouser. 5ef)nt, tenth. 3et)(e)ntc, m., -n, -n, tenth, tithe. jeigcn, to show. 3cile, /., -n, line. 3eit, /., -en, time; 311 fetner , in due time; gu jeber , at all times; atte , for all times, for ever, jerbrecfyen, jerbracf), jerbrodjen, (t), to break. Scrl)rccf]lttii, breakable, fragile. jcrflteftcn, jerflofe, t(t jerfloffen, to melt, dissolve. jcrrtnnen, jerrann, tft jerronnen, to run apart, melt away. SerfcfyeHen, to crash, dash in pieces, shatter. jerfdjlagcn, jerfdjhifl, jerfc^lagen, (S), to dash to pieces, shatter. Serfpringen, jerfprang, tft ger= fprungen, to burst, break. 5crftiebcn, jerftob, ift jerftoben, to scatter. jerftikcn, to destroy, raze, jcrtrcten, jertrat, jertreten, (itt), to tread down, crush. 3cugc, m., -n, -n, witness. ijcugcn, to witness, testify, bear testimony. 3cu, m., Zeus (Greek name for Jupiter). 5tcf)cn, jog, gejogen, tr., to tug, pull, draw; (intr., aux. fein), to go, pass, travel; naf)er , to approach. 3iel, n., -eS, -e, goal. 3ittnc, /., -tt, battlement. VOCABULARY 129 gttrone, /., -n, lemon. Stttcrn, to tremble. jbgcrn, to hesitate; b, with hesitation. JU, (prep., dot.), to, at, for, in, in addition to; unferer ,3eit, in our day; adv., too. pcfen, to quiver, flash, thrill. SU=bcdfen, to cover, cover up, conceal. 3ug, m., -t$, *-t, line, feature; letter; draught. jUfllctrf)', at the same time, like- wise, also. SU=f)brcn, (dat.), to listen to. 5ii=flingen, flang, Qeflungen, to toll or ring for. julcbt', at last, finally. $um = ju bem. ju=ma to call to, proclaim to. jufatn'men, together, all together. jufam'men^alten, hiclt, flehalten, (S), to hold together, stand together. Siifatn'mcmnchtncn, nahm, flcnom= men (tmm), to collect, con- centrate. ju=fd)Hcj?cn, fd&Iofi, fltfAIpfefn, to close, lock. ju=fcl)cn, fab, 0efe^n, (it>, to look on, watch. Jttici, i wo. ^Ujcifl, m., -f$, -, twig, branch. jltjciflcn, to branch out, flourish. 5DCit, second. , ;//., -e^, -e, dwarf, twofold, double. ;.. ?, -, [>it, arena; prison. jttnufcn, to wink, blink, quiver. 5tt)i|(t)en, between, among. A 001 302 363 5