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Bitton Bockett Borreth Brandston Bryle Bixlie Bockill Bosse Brannch Bryll Bixtey Bockinge Bosset Branndston Brylsley Blackdam Bockyll Bosselt Brannston Burbrooke Blackden Bode Bossome Bransbie Bucett Blackman Bodiwell Boston Brantham Bucle Blades Bodman Botcher Bray Bucher Blake Bogg Boteler Breaker Buchmonge Blakeie Boice Boteman Bredlaw Buck Blakema Boise Botie Bredlawe Bucke Blakeman Bokenham Botilde Breges Buckenam Blakenam Bokill Botret Brenson Buckenham Blakend Bokyll Botson Bresingham BuckiU Blakes Bolcham Botswaine Bretten Buckle Blakew Bole Botswayne Bretton Bucklerde Blakewe Boliant Botteler Breuse Buckmunger Blakke Bollett Bottell Brewett Bucknam Blakshall Bolliant Bottwright Brianne Bucton Blancharde Bolls Botwright Brican Budd Blancheflower Bolton Boty Bride Bu^ Blanchflower Bolyant Boughton Bridge Bugge Blath Bomlett Boulton Brigge Buk Blatchett Bond Boure Briggs Bukke Blaxall Bonde Bovell Bright Bull Blinde Bondish Bowdge Brightwell Bullance Blith Bonepayne Bower BrUl Bullen Blithburgh Bonet Bowgin Bringlove Bullent Blithe Bonett Bowie Briscoe Buller Blithman Bonewell Bowlton Briston BulHant Blobill Bonfellow Bowndes Britch Bullin Blobold Bonge Boyce Broade BuUito Blocke Bonhm Boydon Brockly Bullitowte Blogate Bonifant Boyes Brockman Bullock Blcxjme Bonnd Boys Brodock BuUocke Blome Bonnett Boyse Brodocke BuUor Blomefeld Bonorlet Boyton Broke Bullyant Blomefeild Bonsthorp Brabie Brond Bumble Blomefilde Bonwicke Brabson Bronwyn Bumbill Blomevyle Boocher Brabeiss Brood Bumlett Blomfilde Bood Bracknesse Broode Bun Blomvile Boode Bradilaugh Brookman Bunch Blomvyle Booff Bradkew Broome Buncle Blosse Bookkil Bradlaugh Broosly Bundyche Blowbolde Boole Bradlaw Brosh Bunell Blowbolle Boolock Bradlawe Brother Bungaie Blowe Boomer Bradley Brothure Bungay Blower Boone Bradlye Brothwedye Bungey Blowgate Boore Bradmere Brown Bunn Blybur Booteman Bradshaw Browne Bunnell Blynd Booten BradsheflF Browning Bunnis Blyndon Booth Bradstreete Brundish Bunting Blynkerne Bootie Bradway Brundishe Buntinge Blythe Booty Bragg Bruning Burbagg Blythburgh Bordmall Braie Bruninge Burch Boare Bore Brakeman Brunt Burche Bobat Borek Braken Brunwyn Burford Bobbatt Borhead Brame Brush Burgate Bobbett Borhed Brampson Bryan Burghard Bobbrigg Borlie Brampston Bryce Burgis Bobyn Borleye Bramston Bryd Burman Bocher Borne Brancaster Bryen Burnam Bocker Borrell Branchflour Brygge Burnay Bocket Borrelt Brande Bryght Burne 31 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Burnerd Burney Bumy Burr Burrag Burre Burrell Burrough Burrowgh Burter Burton Burtor Burtur Burward Burwell Bury Burye Buschopp Buschoppe Bussie Butt Buttell Batten Butter Buttild Buttiplant Buttler Button Buxton By Byall Byle Byles Bylys Byngle Bynham Byrde Byschop Bysschop Caade Caas Caase Cabin Cadge Cadie Cadon Cady Cage Caise Cake CakermoU Calabar Caldewell Calfe Calie Calke Call Callis Callyson Calton Calver Calvisbane Camnell Campe Catson Cheeke Campel Catt Cheese Camper Cattell Cheke Campin Catten Chele Camplin Catterson Chell Campling Catterton Chenie Campneyes Cattmer Cherchehouse Candle Cattres Cherch Candler Cattresse Cherrie Canell Cauch Cherry Canham Causler Chase Cann Causon Chester Canncellor Causey Chestin Cannold Cauvell Cheston CannoUd Cave Chetleburghe Cannon Cavese Chever Canon Cayett Chevington Canowe Cawch Chibberd Capell Cawdill Chichehouse Capon Caws Chichelye Capp Cay Childe Carabell Caye Childerhose Carabie Chadocke Childerhous Carabill Chalderton Childerhouse Carabre Chalebar Childres Card Chaleber Chill Carde Chamber Chimney Cardinall Chamberlayne Chipches Cardnall Chamberlyn Chirchehouse Cardyng Chamberlyne Chitcherlye Carells Chamblen Chittinge Cark Chamber Chittleburgh Carlawe Chambre Chiver Carlowe Champenis Choppin Carman Champeon Chopping Carnell Champion Chowte Camesdale Champneys Chrispe Carnis Champnice Chrispinge Carpender Chandler Christmas Carpenter Channceler Church Carr Channtneves Churche Carre Channtneis Churchehouse Carrell Channtney Churchman Carrill Chantneies Churchyard Carrion Chantners Chylde Carron Chaplen Chyrche Carsey Chaplin Cite Carter Chapman Claie Carver Chappman Clackston Carwell Chaplyn Clare Cary Charles Clarke Case Charnell Claydon Cashowe Charnet Clayson Casson Charrold Clemente Castell Chaser Clementi Casteyn Chaspill Clemment Castill Chasspell Clemts Castle Chauncellor Clerke Caswell Chauntnes Clerkson Catchpole Chawney Clensoe Catchpowle Chaycrafte Cley Catley Cheale Cliffer Caton Chebe Clifton Clobe Clover Cloward Clowe Clowgh Clowting Clubb Clubbe Clubberd Clubberde Cobb Cobbe Cobbord Cobye Cocice Cocker Cockerell Cockrell Cockerwell Cockes Cockinge Cockis Cocks Coddenham Coddon Codenham Coe Cofoler Cofyn Cok Coke Coker Cokeson Colbey Colbie Colcie Colcorn Colchester Cole Colebrand Coleburne Coleforth Coleman Colford Colke Colkinge Coller CoUes Collett Collins Collim Collman CoUus CoUyne CoUynge Colman Colmoys Colorne Colpland Colson Colvile Colvill Colyn 32 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Combland Cottingham Comberland Cottismore Comelis Cottmor Cornfield Cotton Comlond Cottwin Compell Cottwyn Compton Cotwin Condall Cotwright Cone Cotwyn Conington Councellor Coningsbie Coundall Conisbie Counts Conke Coup Conny Coupale Conwalde Couper Conwold Cove Conya Cowbold Coo Cowell Cooe Cowles Cooke Cowling Cookeke Cowlson Cookesone Cownes Cookhooke Cownteyes Cookill Cowper Cookooke Cowsing Coolekemp Coxon Coolett Coyte Coolie Crabb Cooper Cracknell Copce Crayord Coper Crakyngthorp Copland Crampton Copping Crane Coppinge Crapnell Copshawe Craske Corall Cratton Corbold Crawley Corbolt Crecy Corbould Creede Corby Creeke Cordiner Creme Cordwell Cresey Corfield Cresner Cornall Cressner Comelinson Creting Cornelisse Crickmaie Cornelys Crickmer Cornes Cripynell Cornish Crisp Corvill Crispe Cosen Crispen Cosins Crisping Cosier Crispinge Cosseler Cristmas Cossetts Crocombet Cosseys Croke Cosson Crokeshanks Costinge Cromer Coteler Crook Coteman Crooke Cotesmore Crookling Cotewan Crookys Cottering Croome Crosforthe Dame Denhall Crosse Dameron Deniell Crosswell Damet Denham Croswell Dammade Denington Crote Damran Dennant Crowcote Damon Dennell Crowe Damron Dennis Crowfoote Damsell Denny Crowne Danie Denyes Crowton Daniell Depping Croxon Dann Derhaw Croxton Dannce Derick Cruncke Dannett Deringe Cruse Danyel Derkye Cruste Danyell Derrick Crykemeye Darby Derslie Cryme Darker Derwicke Cryspe Darlie Dest Cuchook Darnford Deth Cuckook Darnforth Deve Cucknow Dauske Devis Cuckstone Davie Dey Cuckuke Davies Deye Cuddon Davis Deynes Culfe Davison Dicham Culham Davy Dickinson Cullam Davye Diconson Cullender Dawbney Dier Cullington Dawby Digbie Culltur Dawdye Digby Culpho Dawes Digg Cultheman Dawis Digon Culver Dawkin Dikeman Cumberland Dawling Dilatone Cumbland Dawndye Dilie Cupplducke Dawson Dimor Curbie Dawtry Dirick Curdie Day Diser Curr Deale Disse Currier Deane Ditcher Curteis Deave Dix Curties Debben Dixon Curtis Debedge Dobbes Curts Debenham Dobbinson Curtys Debnam Dobble Cutbert Debnham Dobbson Cuthed Decks Dobby Cuttbert Dedham Dobill Cutteberd Deeks Dobsinbie Cutten Deer Dobson Cutting Deerhaugh Docket Cuttinge Deereing Dockett Cutlinge Deereinge Dockitt Dabner Deering Dockling Dade Deffe Dod Dades Dekane Dodd Dadon Dekeman Dode Daie Dele Doe Daine Delfe Doget Daines Delph Doggett Dale Delwoode Dokelyng Dalling Den Dokett Dalton Dene Dole 33 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Dolfin Dune Ellinger Eye Fening Dolfyn Dunmowe Ellingham Eylesworth Penning Dolfynby Dunn Elliott Eyves Fennyng Dolly Dunne Ellis Facebourne Ferberne Dolton Dunnet Ellman Faconer Ferbye Donkome Dunstan Ellmer Fader Fermer Donnet Dunston EUmines Faile Ferrer Dooc Dunwalde Ellmis Fairbrother Ferribye Dood Durrannt Ellmy Fairchild Ferriman Dorande Durrantite Ellmys Fairwether Ferror Dorlett Durrant Elmes Fakenham Ferthing Dornford Duste Elmham Fale Fesby Dornforth Dutt Elsie Falconer Fetill Dorrant Dwight Elsgood Falke Fetrick Dorranus Dye Elson Falken Fevelle Dorwin Dygge Elward Fakys Feveryeare Dost Dymor Ely Falnfeild Feveryeer Doste Dyser Elyott Falsin Feveyeere Doughtie Eacher Emeries Janabron Ficket Doughty Eade Emeros Fanner Fickett Douring Eadie Emers Farer Fiddle Dove Eame Emfrys Farmage Fideer Dowbrooke Earland Emis Farman Filbie Dowe Ech Emm Farme Filby Dowell Ecok Emme Earner Fild Down Edde Emmis Farnham Fill Downe Ede Emres Farrar FiUe Downeing Edeman Emson Farredd Filler Downeyes Ederight England Farrer Fillerson Downing Ederych Ennie Farrington Fillson Downis Edgar Enold Farror Filpott Dowsing Edger Enyold Farrowe Filson Dowsinge Edgor Erderlie Farslyne Finch Dowzing Edishe Erland Fastole Fincham Doy Edling Erie Fastolfe Fincke Doye Edmond Erleshed Father Fine Draforth Edmonds Erlond Fatter Fines Drake Edmunde Erne Fattur Finkell Drane Edmunds Ernyney Faulke Finn Drap Edon Essoutt Faulkener Finnes Draper Edrich Est Faulknes Firbie Dreurie Edward Estau Fawcet Firmage Drewry Edwarde Estas Fa5rford Firmwood Drie Edwards Estgate Fayrehead Fish Drought Edwardys Estie Fayrwether Fishman Drwrie Edwyn Esman Feake Fishpond Dry EffouU Eston Fearne Flatman Drylecke Egliston Estow Feddell Flecher Dryver Egroine Etherick Fedwood Pleete Drjrvor Egylston Evance Feeke Fleetewood Drywer Ei reman Evard Fekitt Flegge Dubble Eilward Evenott Feild Fleming Dubbing Eines Everard Feke Fletcher Duckett Eldin Evered Fekett Fletman Duckling Eldred Everedd Felix Hick Duffilde Elerton Everson Felaye Flicke Duffin Elflete Everton Felgate Flingham Duke Elie Eves Fella Flint Dukinson Elinger Evyn Fellow Flintard Dulking Ellenott Eward Feltham Flinte Dullie Elles Ewin Feltwell Flitcroft Dully Ellett Ewych Fender Flize Dunch Ellgood Eyarman Fendlie Florrance 34 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Florrenc Frobisher Gastall Gilbert Golcorne Florrence Frosden Gastell Gilberte Gold Florrense Frostein Gathercole Gild Goldam Florrett Frosten Gates Gildensleve Goldforth FlorroU Fryer Gatis Gilderne Golding Flory Fryler Gats Gildersleive Goldingham Floteman Fulbume Gatts Gildingwater Goldred Flower Fulcher Gauge Giles Goldsmith Floy Fulke Gaunte Gilesham Goldspink Flynt Fuller Gaudie Gilham Goldstone Flyteman Fulslo Gaveren Gillett Goldwin Fole Funtain Gaylor Gillingwater Gole Folkard Funyard Gaymer Gillott Goltie Folkelyn Furbusher Gaysley Gilman Gonell Foe Furmage Gaze Gilmyn Gonnell Foole Furner Gazley Gilnay Gonnold Fooks Furrett Gebon Gilne Gonphill Foppe Furton Gebun Gimball Gooch Forder Fusten Gedde Gimble Gooche Foreman Fyke Gedding Gimbold Good Forgann Fyler Gedge Gimlett Goodaie Forgon Fynne Gedney Giningham Goodale Forman Fyston Geele Ginliff Goodbold Forrest Gaale Gefery Girdler Goodden Forth Gadesby Geffery Girling Goodeale Forthe Gaie GefiFreys Gisleham Goodile Fosdycke Gaites Geford Gislingham Goodin Fosse Gaiton Gegg Gladon Gooding Foster Gallon Geghill Gladdon Goodinge Fowle Galls Gegill Gladwin Goodladd Fowlser Gall Geiton Glambyll Goodman Fox Gallard Geldeney Glamefylde Goodwin Foxe Galloway Geldem Glamfield Goodwyn Frace Gallyon Geldgett Glamfild Goodyn Franche Galte Geliott Glamvile Goodynge Frand Gaman Gelome Glamville Goolde Franke Game Gelott Glanfeild Goole Frannce Gammys Gelson Glanvile Goonfort Frannces Gamon Genewe Glastock Goonold Franncis Gandy Geningham Glaswyke Goose Fransham Gannere Genn Glasyer Gorbolde Fraunce Gant Gentleman Gle Gorbould Frauncs Gante Geny Glede Gordon Frawncesse Gapp Gerard Gleme Gore Freberne Gardener Gerarde Glemham Goreham Free Gardiner Germyn Glenfford Gorham Freeborn Gardner Gerrard Glenforth Gorlestone Freeborne Gardyner Geselham Glosse Goselyn Freeman Gare Gesse Glover Goslin Freere Garing Geyton Goald Gosling Freeward Garman Ghosling Gobbett Goslyn Freland Garmyne Gibb Godard Gosmer Frelowffe Garner Gibbes Godbold Gosmere Freman Garnet Gibbis Godbould Gosselyn French Garnon Gibbon Goddard Gotkens Frenche Gamownd Giblett Godderd Gouche Frende Garold Giblot Goddes Gould Frere Garrard Gibson Goddin Gouldingham Freston Garrarde Gidney Godfrey Gouldsmith Frier Garsatt Giet Godill Goutch Frind Garson Gifford Godney Gowen Friott Garver Gilbanke Godriche Gower Frisbie Gase Gilberd Goff Gowin 35 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Gowing Gowldsmith Gowlis Gownell Gowtie Gowtry Gowty Grabb Grafton Graie Graigoose Grandam Granewe Grannage Grannow Granntoun Grater Grave Gravelifer Gravner Gray Grayne Greeke Green Greeniall Greene Greencliff Greencroft Greenhill Greenleete Greenliffe Greenling Greive Grenehoode Greve Grew Grewe Grey Greye Grice Griffin Griggs Grilling Grim Grimble Grimsey Grinling Grippen Grise Groome Grosse Grove Grudgefeild Grudgefield Gryce Gryffin Grym Grymbell Grymbyll Grythe Gudd Guinte Gunnell Gunner Gunnew Gunsbie Gunton Gurney Guyforde Gwythe Gye Gylde Gyldersleive Gyle Gyler Gyles Gylman Gylott Gylys Gyne Gyningham Gyot Gyssing Habell Haberdin Habyn Hach Hackford Hacon Haddocke Haddenham Hadenham Haffin Haffyn Haile Hailsworth Hairon Haiward Hakewood Hakon Haldin Haldway Hale Hales Haliday Hall Hallaway Halle Hallidaie Hallie Hallifax Hallison Hallowe Haltwaine Halyday Hamies Hammond Hammound Hammys Hamont Hamonte Hamphier Hanby Han bye Hancocks Hancks Hanmar Haward Herber Hann Hawe Herberd Hannce Hawes Hercock Hanse Hawfen Herde Hapwarde Hawgh Herfrey Harbard Hawkawode Heriam Harbone Hawker Herion Harded Hawkon Herlden Hardie Hawnteyn Herldein Harding Hawsin Herman Hardwick Hawstedd Hermer Hardwin Hawys Hermon Hardy Haxham Heme Hardyn Hayell Hernett Hare Hayle Herring Harecourt Hayward Herrion Hares Haywarde Herrison Harlewyn Hazard Herryson Harlwin Hazell Hersant Harlwyn Hazzard Hersent Harman Heade Herte Harmon Hearing Hervie Harnis Heaton Hervy Harnoies Hebbis Hervye Harp Hebbys Herward Harper Hedche Herwerd Harpham Hede Heryon Harr Hedge Hesell Harris Hedlaie Heth Harrold Hedlam Hethe Harry son Hedlie Hett Harsant Heed Heven Harsante Heeke Hewerd Hart Hegeman Hewet Harte Heidon Hewett Hartles Heigh Hewin Harvie Heigham Heyland Harward Heighners Heylocke Harwer Heighnes Heylsden Harwoode Heines Heyward Hasarde Heleways Heythe Hasborough Hellingworth Hicham Haseburgh Helme Hickes Hasill Helpbie Hickling Haslemun Helto Hicklingham Hassain Helwell Higgs Haster Helwis Higginson Hastings Helys Higham Hatch Hemesby Hight Hatcheson Hemlesby Hikling Hatchett Hemling Hill Hatfield Hemmings Hilton Hatter Hempson Hinde Haugh Hemsby Hindes Haukes Henbury Hingate Haukin Hend Hix Hausyn Hendie Hobbard Have Hendy Hobberd Havell Hendye Hobbie Haven Henly Hoberd Havill Henrie Hobwell Havin Henry Hocker Havyn Henson Hodde 36 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Hodds Hodeale Hogan Hoggesen Hoggman Hoie Hokkring Hokyr Holbeck Holbecke Holbrooke Holder Holdtonde Holdren Holgate Holland Hollend Hollingworth Hollni Holme Holmes Holmett Holmys Holt Holton Home Homfon Honham Honsle Honypott Hoo Hoode Hooe Hooke Hooker Hopper Hore Home Hornburgh Horryon Hors Horsley Horswrethe Horth Horyon Hosborn Hostler Hotard Hotchard Hoth Hothon Hottell Hough Houston Hove Hovell Howard Howarde Howching Howell Howet Howick Howis Howlet Hynde Jennor Kedrige Hewlett Hynger Jenor Keech Howse Ide Jente Keene Howsin Ilberd Jentiman Kendall Hoxne Ilburd Jephe Keese Hoxton Illzeye Jepherie Kegell Hoylocke Incent Jephery Keggell Hubbard Ingall Jermin Keie Hubbord Ingate Jemeyngham Keine Hubett Ingell Jerneys Kelam Hudd Ingerham Jervys Keling Hudson Ingland Jerwiss Kelinge Hugale Ingley Jessopp Kell Huggen Ingolfe Jettor Kellfrey Huggett Ingold Jettur Kellham Huggin Ingolfe Jewde Kellie Huggon Ingram Jewry Kellott Hugman Ingramm Jexe Kelot Huin Inkfordby Jeury Kelserey Huitte Ireland Jobson Kelshall Hull Irelande Johns Kemp HuUe Irish Johnson Kempe Hullin Isaack Joine Kempster Hullner Isaacke Jointe Kenben Hullock Isack Jokill Kendall Hullner Isbells Jokyn Kene Hulver Ive . Jolle Kenge Hulvir Ivie Jollie Keningall Humfrey Izaacke Jolly Kenlingdon Humfrie Jacob Jonrie Kennett Humfry Jacobb Joos Kennington Humward Jacobbe Jordam Kensale Hunkill Jacobe Jordan Kense Hunland Jackson Jordon Kensey Hunm Jagman Josse Kensye Hunn Jaie Jourie Kente Hunne Jakes Joury Kentewell Hunnes Jakis Tower Kenton Hunston Jaley Jowrie Kentynge Hunt James Joye Ker Hunte Jamis Joyse Jude Kerby Hunteman Jannis Keres Hunter Jargafeild Judie Kerre Hunting Jarvie Judives Kerrich Huntinge Jaxon Jullys Kerspe Huntingfeild Jaye Julyan Kerver Huntington Jecker Jurden Kervile Huntman Jecks Jurdon Kerych Hunton Jeffe Jure Kesse Human Jefferie Jurie Keswyke Hurne Jefferies Justice Ketcham Hurrion Jefferson Juston Kettell Hurry Jeffery Kan Kettle , Husband Jeffri Karre Kevere Huslett Jeggell Katerman Kewe Huslie Jegill Keable Key Hustings Jekill Keatell Kidd Hutchinson Jellan Kebell Kis Hutson Jeney Keble Kilderbie Hutton Jening Kech Kilham Hyghet Jennewe Kedgell Kill Hykkeling Jennie Kedle Kimber Hyll Jennings Kedman Kimble 37 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Kimblington Laineswin Leftling Lillis Lovetoft Kinbell Laister Legat Limabald Lovies Kinderale Laiston Legaye Limberd Lowe Kindersley Lake Legeand Limbold Lowfe Kinderslie Lakeford Legent Lincoln Lowght King Lakenam Legett Lincolne Lowis Kinge Lamar Legg Linche Lownd Kingham Lamb Leggett Lind Lownde Kingsey Lam be Leggy Linde Lowne Kinn Lamben Legie Linderson Lownes Kipping Lambley Legy Line Lowsforth Kinred Lamburn Leke Ling Lowte Kirbie Landewell Leman Linge Lucas Kirby Landman Leme Lingfeild Luckie Kirgate Landmer Lemman Lingwood Ludbrooke Kirkeby Lane Lenale Linn Luddenham Kirkeham Laneman Lennis Linne Ludenham Kirkely Langham Lenny Linsey Luff Kirkowe Langley Lenons Lis Luffe Kirkvy Langman Leny Lisse Luffkyn Kisse Langsiweyne Lerkin List Luke Kithinche ■ Langso Leschild Lister Lundneyes Kittring Langswayne Lese Litholfe Lunt Knagges Lansweine Leseling Litholse Luscoe Knapet Larewood Leseter Little Lusher Knappet Larke Leshloth Lobbis Lybbeons Knappett Larter Leslin Loblow Lybens Knigham Later Lesselyn Locke Lyborne Knight Lauranis Lessye Lockes Lyce Knighte Laurence Leton Lockles Lygate Knights Laurens Letten Lockwood Lymband Knott Laurns Levell Locles Lynd Knotter Lavender Lever Lodbroke Lynde Knyght Lawder Leverich Lodbrooke Lyne Kocke Lawer Leveriche Loffe Lynes Koke Lawes Leveson Lofte Lyncoln Kome Lawghter Levick Loggett Lyon Koper Lawkin Levin Loggon Lyonnes Krispe Lawman Levines Loines Lyster Kryspe Lawnman Levolt Lokked LytiU Kymball Lawnsweyn Levott Lomeny Lytyll Kymbill Lawrell Levriche Londeneis Mabbes Kyng Lawrett Lewger Londneys Mabley Kyngesey Lawsell Lewick London Maby Kynghe Lawter Lewis Lone Madder Kyon Laxham Lewke Lones Maddock Kyrbye Laylton Lewood Long Maddy Kyrkeman Lea Lewse Longe Magg Kyrspe Leake Lewsonn Longseine Magge Kyrstemesse Leaver Lexforth Lonneies Magges Kysse Lebbard Ley Lonneyes Maggs Kythelie Lebes Leygye Lonnis Magnus Labie Lebeves Libbes Lonngs Maie Lacabell Leby Libbord Lord Maihew Lacbone Lece Libeis Lose Maihewe Lacebon Leche Liell Lotton Maile Lacie Ledebeter Lies Lound Main Lacy Leder Lift Lounde Maine Ladd Lee Lightfoote Love Maior Laddimann Leece Lightoldes Lovekin Maisters Ladisman Leeche Lilbens Lovell Makefare Laine Leeke Lilee Lovenes Makepas Lainesweine Lefling Lillie Loverich Malbott 38 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Malbre Mailing Mallinge Malsay Malsher Malster Man Manby Manclarke Manderson Manfeild Manfield Maning Maninge Mannbie Manncede Mannell Manning Manninge Mannocke Mannser Mannyng Mannynge Manold Mansell Manser Manship Manshipp Manter Mantheld Manthorp Manthorpe Manwell Man wood Mape Mapetyd Mapice Mapled Marcannt Marcant Marchannt Marchant Marchante Marcom Margant Margareti Margede Margen Marget Margett Margetts Marham Mariet Mark Markant Markday Marke Markeall Marker Markes Markewall Markham Markin Marler Meane Milby Mortlocke Marling Meare Mileham Morwin Marlingham Mechrove Miles Moses Marmaduke Meadowe Milham Mosocke Marmin Medew Milis Mosse Marquall Medowe Mill Mother Marre Meeke Miller Mott Marrett Meene Milles Motts Marriott Mehfylde Millicent Mower Marsh Melhouse Millis Mowleing Marshall Mell Milnall Mowlforth Marsham Melle Mime Mowlser Marshland Meller Mind Mowse Marslande Melles Minnes Moy Marten Mellis Minot Moyse Marthale Mells Minter Moyze Martin Melse Mintson Mpall Martlesham Melton Mites Mudd Martyn Melys Mixer Mudde Marvin Mendham Mixor Muddis Mascall Mendon Mixter Muffett Mascull Mene Moise Mulburne Mase Menser Molhouse Mulforthe Mason Mensor Moll Mullett Masse Mentell Molle Mullford Massi Mepain Mollet Munday Mastall Mephland MoUett Munden Master Meptyde MoUiner Mundis Masterman Mercannt Moiling Mundisson Mate Mercer Mollyner Munforde Mather Merch Mome Munterde Matras Merche Mone Murcocke Matther Merchman Money Murdocke Matthew Merchant Mongombrey Murrell Matthewman Mere Monie Murry Mattishall Merler Monkeman Murton Matties Merley Monkent Muttford Maty Merly Mooine Muttforth Maughfeld Merr Moone Myday Mault Merrell Moonie Mydenhall Mauser Merriman Moor Myetts Mautell Mershland Moore Mykell Maw Mervin Moote Mylde Mawe Meryell Moptyde Myles Mawford Mesh Mordever Myller Mawfrey Meterson More Mylls Mawfy Metsherpe Morfue Mytes Mawling Mettcalfe Morfull Myxer Mawlt Mewse Morgan Nabys Mawptide Meye Morgon Nash Mawsey Michaell Moriell Neal Maxwell Michell Moriss Neave May Mickefeild Morne Neavie Mayd Mickell Morphew Neche Maye Mickfield Morrell Nedde Mayegh Mickleburgh Morriell Nede Mayham Micklefield Morris Neech Mayhew Micleson Mors Neede Mayhewe Middeton Morsal Neele Maykin Middlton Morse Negus Maynard Midds MorsuU Neisse Mays Mighell Mortimer Nell Meadowe Mighells Mortlock Nellson 39 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Nellstrup Nellwinn Nelson Nemylton Nepe Nepp Nesbecke Nettylton Neve Nevill Newall Newarke Newell Newie Newis Newman Newnes Newport Newporte Newsham Nichall Nichell Nicholles Nicholl NichoUs Nicholson Niccoll Nip Nitingale Nixon Nobb Nobbes Nobbett Nobbis Noddall Nodge Noise NoUith Nolloth Noloth Nomilton Nooke Noothe Norberrie Norburrie Norcott Norfolke Norman Norris Norrish Norrishe Norse Northend Northern Northerne Northfeild Norton Notegoode Notell Nottingham Notyngham Novell Noyse Nune Otwaie Partrycke Perris Nunn Otway Parys Perrison Nunne Overlocke Pascall Perry Nussy Ovey Pase Pers Nuthall Ovie Pashellwith Perse Nuttell Owers Pasthew Perswell Nutthill Owerys Patison Pertrich Oakey Owing Patrick Peryman Occkly Owles Patricke Pese Ocle Owres Patten Pesenhall Oddy Owting Patterson Pesey Ode Oxe Pallewin Pesse Oderne Oxenhead Pattison Pet Odierne Oxon Pattrick Peter Ody Oxson Pavis Peterson Odyarn Pace Pawle Petgrave Odyern Pacebrigg Pawtry Petgrew Odyerne Pacie Paxton Petingale Offwood Pack Pay Petit Oft Packard Payett Petitt Oke Packer Paykam Pett Okeham Packerd Payker Pettaugh Okley Packerde Paykin Pettegrewe Olverson Packkard Payne Pettie Oldale Padde Paynett Pettipace Oldcroft Page Paynter Pettitt Olderyng Paiking Peacocke Pettough Oldesbye Paine Peake Pettwer Oldman Painter Peartree Pettwin Oldring Paintwen Peche Pevell Oldringe Paite Pecher Pewtrie Oldryng Paiton Pechie Philby Oldrynge Pake Peck PhiUipe Olton Pakeman Pecke Phillipps Olyett Pakenham Peeke Phillips Olyott Pakke Peerce Phynne Olyver Palgrave Peeres Pick Onewyne Pall Peereson Pickbone Onger Pallant Perring Pickells Onion Pallmer Peighton Pickering Onions Palmer Peike Pickford Onwin Pannett Peirce Picknott Onyon Pantrie Peirson Pickrell Orvis Pantwin Peitwin Pie Ordeslow Parchet Peke Pifo Ordimere Pares Pelles Pigeon Orford Pargham Pellis Pigett Orlane Parham Pells Piggett Orlowe Parker Pelse Piggott Ormandy Parkin Pendred Pike Ormeson Parkyn Pennynge Pilbergh Orphur Parlebyn Peny Pilberghe Orslowe Parmaine Pepin Pilborough Orvis Parman Pepper Pilboroughe Orwell Parmasaye Peppitt Pilburgh Orwersley Parmasy Perese Pilburrough Orwin Parmenter Peretre Pilbury Orwyn Parmere Peretree Pilgrim Osboern Parnell Perkin Pinater Osborne Parriott Perles Pinchley Osmonde Parris Permakr Pinkeney Oste Partree Pernell Pinkney Ostlie / Partrick Perriman Pinn 40 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Pinncer Pinne Pinner Pinnow Pinnowe Pinswaine Pinswin Pinworth Pipe Piphoe Pipin Pishall Pitman Pitt Pitterell Pittman Pitts Plaford Plaiford Plaites Plante)m Playford Pleasance Plesington Plom Plomb Plomley Ploughurighte Plumbe Plumbley Plume Plumpton Plumstead Plumsted Podd Podsford Pointer Poke Poker Polay Poley Poleyn Polie Pollard Pollen Poller Pollerd Pollie Pollin Polling Pollinge Poly Poncherd Pond Ponder Poniford Poole Pooley Poolie Poolye Pooteyes Pope Popie Popple Puttford PoppuU Puttock Porcy Pye Pornton Pyers Porringer Pyfo Porse Pygon Posford Pygott Posforde Pygotte Potchie Pykarde Potman Pykbone Potter Pyke Pottle Pykenate Potton Pylboroughe Potts Pyman Poty Pyndelberrie Powes Pynnave Powin Pynne Powle Pynswayne Powlford Pynsweyn Powlin Pyrryson Powling Pype Powlinge Pypho Poynte Pyphoe Prat Pyrson Pratt Pytt Praty Quarles Precher Quicke Premor Quincie Prentice Quint Prents Quinte Prestall Quuicke Preton Qwaviell Prety Qwene Prick Rabbet Pricks Rabbett Prime Rackham Profiytt Rakcham Prowlin Racksand Pryche Radchlitt Pryke Radcliflf Pryme Radlisse Prymor Raff Pry m rose Raffe Pryour Raidon Pulford Raie Pulham Raighnold Pullford Rainberd Pullin Rainburgh Pulotoft Raine Pumpowe Rainer Punchard Ralmedue Puncherd Ralton Punnett Raminge Punt Rammes Punting Rampley Puntynge Ramploy Purcas Ramsey Purkin Ranchese Purpet Rand Purpett Randall Purpitt Randell Purrie Randolfe Purser Randoll Randle Rando Randys Rannes Rannis Ranyborrow Raph Rasbie Rashbrooke Rashure Ravin Rawlin Rawling Rayner Raynull Rayson Reade Recherson Redbeard Redberd Redd Redder Rede Redgrave Rednall Rednes Redston Redstone Reed Reedd Reedham Reeve Reevell Reever Regall Reighnold Reighnolde Reimer Reiner Reinold Rendelsham Repon Reppis Reve Revell Rever Revet Revett Revishall Rewans Reward Rey Reydon Reymor Reyne Reyner Reynold Reynshof Ricard Riccard Richard Richardes Richardson Riche Richer Richerd Richers Riches Richman Richmond Ricker Rickman Rie Riffans Rigg Riggall Riggett Rigmoyd Rindg Ring Ringbell Ringe Ringwood Riott Ripeing Ripping Ripps Riesing Riph Riston Ritcher Ritchmond River Rivers Rivet Rivett Rix Robarts Robberds Roberde Robert Roberte Robe3moon Robinson Robkin Roblet Roblett Robson Robjmson Rochdish Rochester Rodding Rodds Rodis Rodrey Rodrick Roe Roffe Rogernan Roger Roke Rolfe Rolff Rolls Rollys Rolph 41 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Roltoue Sadd Scoper Romps Sadeler Scotagh Romsey Sadleboll Scotchmer Ronacres Sadler Scotchmore Ronghed Saer Scotforth Roo Sage Scothoue Rood Sagon Scotson Rooding Sakin Scott Roodis Saldwell Scotte Rooe Sale Scotton Rooke Salie Scottow Roose Salisburie Scottowe Rope Sallowes Scowlding Ropeing Sallows Scraton Ropkin Salman Scribb Ropkyn Salmon Scribbes Rose Salowys Scrivner Rosingrey Salter Scroggen Rosington Saltern Scroke Rosse Salteme Scrooke Rossell Salthorne Scroton Rossingray Saltorine Scrowdyer Roth Salwis Scrowte Rothe Saly Scryener Roubin Samis Scutt Roulis Sampson Scutte Rous Samson Scyrk Rouse Sancroft Searle Rowe Sanderson Searson Rowell Sandie Sebright Rowland Sandwich Sedon Rowle Sannys Seffrie Rows Sarle Segav Rowse S arson Segdale Rowte Saunder Sekker Royse Savadge Selfe Rudding Savage Selling Rudland Saven Sellinge Ruffy Saverne Selsden Rumsey Sawen Selton Runting Sawer Seman Runtinge Sawge Semman Rush Sawier Sempnes Rushbroke Sax Sendalle Rushbrook Saxett Sendforth Rushmer Saxmundham Sepens Rushmer Say Seppence Rusnell Scalfin Seppens Russell Scalpie Seppins Ruste Scalpye Serchent Rutter Scarlet Sergeant Ryckys Scarlett Seriant Rydd Scarpe Serle Ryett Scarpie Series Rynge Sceette Sersent Ryott Schelton Sersente Ryphum Scherwyn Serson Rypinge Schobothe Serzen Ryseing Schorte Setawan Sabni Schuldham Severne Sabrahm Scinn Sewale Sad Scolding Sewall Sadaler Scone Sewel Sewet Sewgor Sextayn Sextayne Sexten Sexton Seyve Shacknch Shanck Shancke Shandler Shank Shanke Sharpeman Sharpe Sharpington Sharparrow Sharrow Sharrowe Shaw Shawberrie Sheepe Sheldrake Shelforde Shellie Shellish Shelton Sheming Shepheard Shepherd Sherlington Sherlie Sherman Sherwin Sherwind Sherwood Sherynge Sherwyn Shether Sheuin Shiming Shinglewood Shiply Shipman Shipmedew Shipmedow Shippmedew Shopp Short Shorting Shotmer Shottish Shottisham Shottishaugh Shotymer Shreder Shreve Shride Shrimplyn Sibbley Sibley Sickelmore Sickerling Sickerpham Sickleman Sicklemon Sicmer Siele Sier Sigger Sigoe Silke Sillett Silott Silveron Silvester Silvistre Silvon Simmes Simond Simpson Singer Singleton Sizham Skeete Skeitt Skeley Skelly Skelton Skepper Skill Skilley Skinner Skippa Skite Skoote Skot Skotto Skutt Skutting Skyle Skynner Slinger Smalheth Smalledg Smalledge Smallheth Smart Smarte Smith Smithe Smithman Smyth Smythe Smytheman Sne Snelling Snowdew Softe Soggrust Sokeling Sole Somby Somerton Sommer . Somsham 42 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Sond Stallworth Stonnard Swanton Tespiri Sone Stamford Stontley Swatman Tevell Sorrell Stampard Stopher Swayne Tewell Soterton Stamparde Storer Sweetman Tey Sotherne Stampe Storie Sweft Thacker Sotterton Stampard Storke Swethall Thackstedd Sowgate Stamperde Stote Swetman Thaldon Sowter Stanbridge Stotte Swifte Tharborough Sowth Stanly Stover Swinborne Thatcher Sowther Stannard Stow-Browne Syblie Thaxted Spagget Stannarde Strange Syer Thaxttede Spalding Stanncer Strangman Sykylemere Thebenham Spann Stannell Strangwich Syleham Thedrich Sparhalke Stanson Stratford Sylom Theigh Sparham Staplton Stratton Sylvem Therpe Sparhauke Stares Straunge Symbolde Therty Sparhawke Starfe Strawdir Symonde Theynew Sparke Starffe Strawing Symund Thieg Sparling Starie Streete Syre Thing Sparman Starken Streine Syrson Thinglow Span Starkewither Strides Tabbard Tholnes Sparrock Starlage Strikeland Tabbord Thomas Sparrow Starling Stringate Tailor Thome Spatchett Starris Stringer Talbot Thompson Spayne Stawne Strovelie Talbott Thorn Speede Stebbing Strowger Talkelove Thomage Speere Stebbyng Strowte Tallent Thome Speerman Stebing Strowyer Talmach Thomham Spene Steedman Strutt Talmag Thomton Speneer Stegall Stubb Talmage Thorpe Spensere Stegan Stubbard Talvas" Thorpe (de) Spere Sterfe Stubberd Talweyes Thorrington Sperlinty Sterkweder Stubbes Tame Thovyle Spicar Sterling Stubbs Tangham Thoyte Spicer Stephenson Sludberrye Tanghlwood Thredd Spiche Steping Studd Tant Thresher Spillman Stem Stugaie Tanton Thricker Spilman Steven Stunteley Tarkie Thrower Spilwater Stevienes Stuntley Tarle Thurgar Spinck Steward Sturgeon Tarrie Thurkeld Spink Stewardson Sturmyn Tason Thurkels Spinke Stharforth Sturropp Tastard Thurkettel Spman Stigen Sturt Taunton ■ Thurkettle Sponer Stiles Stye Taverner Thurmode Spooner Stillow Style Tawbutts Thurmond Sporle Stilte Styrmyng Tawse Thurmood Spowse Stingate Styward Taylor Thurroughgood Springolde Stirropp Suckling Taylour Thurston Sproute Sto Sudborn Tebbold Thurstone Sprunt Stockhill Sudbome Tebington ThurtiU Spurdance Stod Sudburn Tebolde Tibald Spycer Stodd Sudburye Teder Tibbenam Spylewater Stode Suette Tendall Tibbenham Spylling Stogar Sufham Tendislove Tibenham Spynnies Stogie Sugge Tennyclowe Tice Spynny Stogye Sucklyng Tenslove Tie Spyre Stohard Sunham Terold Tillet Squire Stokes Suter Terone TiUis Squyer Stoketon Swaine Terre Tilmaster Stabler Stole Swainne Terrell Tilyard Stabull Stone Swan Terrend Tindall Stacie Stondley Swand Terrie Tintern Stainton Stonham Swann Terry Tintwell 43 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Tipping Tropinell Ungell Wailkden Water Tiptoe Tropnell UngiU Waintworth Waterden Tirrel Troppynell Ungle Waites Waterett Tirroulde Tropynell Unkettle Waitis Watforde Tite Trott Unwen Waior Wathewhet Tittman Trowant Upgate Wake Watkinson Tobbie Trowget Uppgate Wakefield Watlin Toby Trusse Upson Walbie Watling Toclove Trusson Upstone Walby Watlyn Todd Truston Usherwood Walcholde Watlyng Toddenham Trynette Utting Waldero Wattling Toely Tubbing Vainer Wale Wattlington Tokclifif Tucke Vaise Wales Watts Toke Tuddenham Valentine Walgrave Wattson Tokelie Tume Valentyn Walgoose Wavyner Tokelove Tunmer Valey Walgos Waybred Toliver Tunner Valiant Walie Waybredd Toll Tugney Vallentine Wall Wayland ToUey Turbold Valliant Wallan Waypull Tolling Turkes Valram Wallen Wayte Tolson Turner Vanlynden Waller Weavan Tomling Tumor Varise Walks Weban Tomis Turpin Varlet Wallgoose Webber Tomlinson Turrald Vawce Wallies Webster Tompton Turrold Vdie Wallis Wechyngham Toniuld Turvey Vear Wallisbis Wecory Toogood Turvie Veisey Wallor Weddelsey Toogoode Tuttell Velwet Wallpole Wedewe Tooke Tuttwaie Venior Wallworth Weech Toolie Tuty Venor Wallys Weeny Topfield Twaights Venyor Walpole Wegenhall Topping Twith Verden Walsh Weikes Toptote Ty Verdin Walsingham Welch Toralde Tydd Verdon Walter Welete Totladye Tyde Vere Walton Well Totmaie Tye Vergeaunt Walward Welling Tottie Tygh Versey Walworth Wellman Tottway Tylemaker Viccare Wangford Wells Tou Tyler Vince Wanpind Wellys Tovell Tyllie Vincent Wapound Welmedam Tovill Tylore Vineor Warbinn Welom Tower Tyman Vineyard Ward Weltha Towne Tyndall Vinor Warde Welton Towngood Typton Vinsted Warden Welyett Townsend Tytman Vinstedd Wardill Wene Towth Tystedd Vint Wardman Wenge Towtlie Tyzard Vinte Wardon Went Traciham Uffett Vinyer Wardwicke Wentford Tradescant Ufflet Vylde Wardyne Wenthworth Trafford Ufflett Vyncent Warefare West Tracie Ufforth Vyneord Warie Westbrowne Tram Uflet Vynte Warn Westerbie Trapnell Ugg Waas Warner Westle Trapp Ulf Wace Warrant Weston Trappet UlkettiU Wade Warren Westrope Travas Ulse Wage Warrener Westropp Trekelote Ulward Wagland Warrenn Westwin Treluscant Umfrey Waham Warrie Westwode Trenchman Umfrie Waight Warron Westwynd Trepynell Umphry Wailond Warye Weyland Trewlove Underhale Wainard Wasie Weylond Tripp Underwode Waine Wasken Weymond Troaimt Underwood Wainfleet Wasse Whales 44 Calendar of Wills at Ipswich, continued. Whall Wieth Whawe Wiett Wheeler WifTen Whellington Wigg Whelmaham Wilbie Whelmton Wilby Wheltham Wilcham Whetacre Wild Wheymond Wildchott Wheymound Wilde Whidler Wildgoose Whight Wilgore Whighte Wilkenson Whighteing Wilkinson Whighting WiUet Whightman Willett Whinwerd Williamson Whiselcroft Williames Whissen Willinson White Willis Whiteman Willowghbie Whitepaine Willott Whitepayne Willowes Whitewell Willsey Whith Wills Whiting WiUson Whitlock Willy Whitman Wilson Whitt Wilsonn Whittel Wilton Whittenam Wimer Whittenham Winchild Whittle Wind Whittlocke Windell Whittman Windowes Whitton Windrich Whood Wine Whyght Wing Whythe Winington Whyte Winn Whytton Winston Wiard Winter Wichingham Winton Wickham Wirmsdale Widdell Wisbech Widdow Wiseman Widdrich Wisma Wief Wissam Wissincroft Wisson Wisten Wiston Witchingham With Withe Witherbie Withericke Witherington Withingham Witly Witte Wittlocke Witton Wix Wode Wodrowe Wodshide Wolban Wolden Woldrich Wolet Woley Wolesale Wolfe Wolfleete Wolley WoUfleete Wollford WoUis Wollnough Woltie Wolward Wolwarde Wood Woodard Woodborn Woodchill Woodcock Woodcocke Woodcroft Woodcrofte Woodherde Woodhouse Woodie Woodrofe Woodroof - Woodroofe Wyett Woodrow Wykerell Woodrowe Wykes Woodrox Wyldes Woodsend Wyles Woodshedd Wylliamson Woodshid Wyllys Woodward Wyllysse Woodwarde Wymon Woodwell Wynd Woolman Wynelde Woolmer Wynnere Woolverston Wynston Worleich Wynter Worlich Wyntyr Worlyche Wyott _ Wormale Wytchingham Wormeley Wyth Worston Wythe Worstoncroft WythipoU Woulfe Wytman Wranbury Wytston Wreith Yale Wrenn Yall Wrentham Yarmouth Wrestler Yde Wright Yeaven Wrighte Yellope Wrightman Yenge Writhicke Yerlond Writhocke Yermouthe Wryght Yevan Wrytt Yngate Wulfy Ynglish Wullflett Yong Wullnough Yonge Wullnugh Yonger WuUward Yonges Wulnaught Yongman Wulse York Wulst Yorke Wulward Young Wutilich Younge Wyard Younges Wyarde Youngs Wyet Yowle Wyeth Zetas Wyethe Zone Marriage Licence Bonds in the Suffolk Archdeaconry Registry at Ipswich, 1663-1750. — This volume contains Abstracts of nearly Five Thousand Bonds, from 1663 (the earliest date at which they are to be found in this Registry) to 1750. One hundred copies printed, numbered and signed; subscription price, one guinea. The following names occur : — Abbot Absolom Adee Aldam Aldis Abel Acton Adkings Alder Aldous Abdy Adams Ager Aldersen Aldred Ablett Addam Alabaster Alderton Aldrich Absolet Addison Albrow Aldin Aldridge 45 Marriage Licence Bonds, &c., continued. Aldrin Aldus Alehouse Alexander Algar Allard Allcock Allen Alley Allington Alminger Almond Alpe Alston Alvis Alwood Ambrose Ames Amner Amos Amyas Andrews Angell Anger Anning Annis Annon Anscell Applewhite Archer Argent Arger Armar Armes Armiger Armsby Armstrong Arnold Arthey Artis Asbee Ashbome Ashby Ashford Ashkettle Ashley Ashmoner Ashton Ashwell Aspenall Astin Atkin Atkins Atterton Audley Augur Augustine Austin Aversden Avis Aylmer Ayscough Ayton Baas Baspall Benstead Boar Bacchus Basse Bentfield Boardley Bachouse Batchelor Bentley Boardman Backler Bate Benton Boatwright Bacon Bateman Berd Bobbett Badcocke Bates Berdoe Boby Bafford Batley Bernard Bocking Baggott Battelle Berry Boggis Bagley Battle Bert Boice Bailey Battly Bertram Bois Baines Battram Bertropp Bokenham Baker Bauldry Besouth Bolder Baldero Bawking Betts Boldery Balderston Baxter Betty Boldra Baldeiy Bayly Beverly Boldrey Balding Bays Bicker Boley Baldisson Beacroft Bickers Bollard Baldred Beadon Bickmore Bolton Baldrey Beale Bickner Boltwood Baldwin Bealy Biggen Bond Bales Beamish Bigsby Bones Ball Beamond Bilby Bonner Ballard Bearam Billard Bonnet Balls Beard Billemore Bonny Baly Beardwell Billings Boobyer Bankes Beare Binfield Boon Bannack Beart Bircham Boor Banniard Beaumont Birch Booth Banns Beck Bird Booty Banson Beckett Birt Bordwell Bantock Beckey Birtch Bore Bantoft Beckwith Bishop Boreham Bantum Becraft Bitson Borlley Banyard Bedbenk Bitton Borrett Baram Bedford Bixly Borward Baran Bedingfeild Black Boston Barber Bedwell Blackcloth Boswell Bardwell Bee Blackdum Botson Barfield Beech Blackermore Bottem Barfoot Beechar Blackler Botwright Barham Beeson Blackman Boughtle Barkaway Beest Blackmore Boughton Barker Belcham Blacksell Boulter Barlow Bellamy Blake Bourchier Barlyclowe Bellard Blanch Bourne Barmby Bellarmine Blaseby Boutle Bamaby Bell Blaxall Bowell Barnard Beleman Blaxil Bowen Barnes Bellerman Blayne Bower Barney Bellward Bleakmore Bowes Barns Below Bleasby Bowie Baroone Belson Blechenden Bowles Barrett Bemes Blinco Boycat Barrow Bence Blissingham Boyce Barry Benefield Block Boyden Barsey Benham Blois Boyls ^arthrop Bartlet Benington Blomfield Boyns Bennet Bloss Boyse Barton Benningfield Blowers Boyten Bartram Bennington Blumfield Boyzad Bartrup Benns Blunderry Brabrook Barwick Bensley Bly Bracey Baskett Benson Blythe Bracket 46 Marriage Licence Bonds, &c., continued. Bradford Bradley Bradstreet Bradwin Brady Braham Brake Brame Branch Brane Bransby Branson Branston Branuth Brawlerd Bray Bready Bream Bredstreet Breeze Breman Brereton Breton Brett Bretten Brewer Brewster Brice Bridge Bridges Bridgewell Bri^s Bright Brighting Brightingsea Brightwell Brill Brinckley Bringloe Brinkley Brion Bristow Britewell Britten Broad Broadish Brock Brodbank Bromley Broning Brooche Brood Brooke Brooks Broome Broose Brothers Brown Browning Brownsmith Browse Bruce Bmdbank Brundish Brunning Bryant Brydges Buchanan Bucke Buckenham Buckingham Buckle Budd Bugg Bulbrooke Bull Bullard BuUemar Bullen Bullermon BuUetout Bullimer Bullin Bullingbroke Bullion Bullitout Bullock Bulloigne Bumstead Bungy Bunn Bunnar Bunnell Bunnett Bunniss Bunsellow Bunstede Burch Burford Burges Burgoyne Burinn Burket Burleigh Burley Burlingham Burnett Burnish Burrage Burrell Bur ridge Burrough Burroughs Burton Burward Burwell Burwood Bury Bush Bush way Buston Butcher Butler Butrum Butten Butter Cattaman Closier Butteram Catton Clough Butterham Causey Clover Butterman Cavell Clowting Butters Caws Clubb Butterton Cawsey Clutten Butterum Cawston Coal Button Cayley Coates Buttram Caysey Cobb Butts Chamber Cobble Buxton Chamberlain Cobbold Byalls Chambers Cocke Cabbing Chandler Cockerel! Cable Channing Cockerhairl Cackermole Chaplin Cocksedge Cadman Chapman Codd Cadmore Chappell Codling Cadne Charity Coe Cady Charles Coggeshall Cage Chase Coke Caley Chasnells Colbolt Call Chasteney Colby Callam Chastin Colchester Calver Chatton Cole Calvert Cheany Coleman Caly Chenery Collens Camell Chesnull Collett Camon Cheston Collins Campe Cheyney Colyer Camplin Chickering Colman Cana Chignel Colson Candler Chilcock Colthorpe Canham Chiles Colville Cannon Chilton Cone Cannup Chilvers Connold Canny Chinery Constable Cant Chipperfield Constance Canterhil Chisnall Conyers Canting Chittelburgh Coo Capel Chiverton Cooke Capon Christmas Cookoe Capp Christopher Cooman Capps Church Coope Car Churchman Cooper Care Churchyard Copeman Carey Clampe Copen Carke Clarke Copland Carman Clarkson Copping Carmbey Clare Copsie Camaby Claxon Corball Carney Clay Corbold Carpenter Claydon Cordell Carr Clayton Cordy Carsey Clears Comaby Carter Cleere Come Carvell Clegg Comforth Carver Clemenson Cornish Cassells Clements Cornwallis Caston Clench Corrie Catchpole Cliflford Cory Catlin Clodd Cosen Caton Clodison Cotes Catt Close Cottingham 47 iv[arriage Licence BondSi &c., continued. Cotton Coulsey Courtnall Cousins Cove Covehithe Covel Cowell Cowey Cowherd Cowlding Cowling Cowper Coyte Cozens Cracknell Craftin Crame Crancher Crane Cranfield Cranston Craster Cream Creasy Crener Cressy Crew Crickmay Crickmer Crispe Crittmore Crockett Croffts Crompton Crooks Crosby Cross Croswell Crotch Crouchin Crow Crowder Crowfoot Crowland Cublam Cuddon Cudlipp Cuffe Culham Culling Cullingford Cullingham CuUington CuUum Culpeck Culpitt Cundey Cunningham Cupper Curling Curry Curtis Cushing Custance Denny Dent Cuthbert Denton Cutlove Cutmore Cuts Cutting Cuttler Derby Deridge Derringe Desborough Deth Dabnaham Deuset Daddy Dade Deverson Dew Daglass Daines Dewell Dewer Dalby Dale Dallinger Dalliston Dey Diaper Dickerson Dickins Dammant Dickson Dammeril Dike Dampford Danby Dance Dillick Dillock Dimar Dane Danford Dinnington Disborow Daniel Diston Dansie Ditcham Darby Darcy Darda Dixey Dixon Dobson Darkin Dockeril Darnford Dod Darson Dodson Davey Davies Davis Davy Dawes Doe Doggett Doghead Dolfin Dool Dawkins Daws Dorling Dove Dawson Double Day Dayle Daynes Deane Death Doughty Dow Dowing Dowling Down Deave Downes Deaves Debenham Debney Dedham Downing Dowsey Dowsing Dowson Deek Drake Deekes Drane Deen Deeplake Deepley Deeves Draper Drasy Drayson Drean Delahay Delany Delf Denham Dresser Drew Dring Driver Dennant Dennington Dennis Drury Dubble Ducker Duer Duffin Duke Dun Duncon Duningham Dunking Dunkley Dunnet Dunster Dunwich Durrant Durrell Durseley Dux Dwight Dye Dynes Eachard Eade Eales Ealey Earns Earle Eason Eastaugh Easteby Easter Eastland Eastlock Eastwick Easty Eaton Ebbs Eden Edes Edgar Edge Edmonds Edridge Edrington Edwards Eglinton Elden Elgood Elles Ellesden Ellett Ellington Elliot Ellis Ellison Elliston Elmer Elmes Elmy Elsden Elsham Elsom Elvin Elwood Embry Emeris Emerson Emery Emmers Emmon England English Enmer Ennols Erman Erwin Esse Esther Estropp Eteridge Etheridge Etrick Evans Evatt Eve » Everard Everett Eves Ewen Eybrook Facebrowne Fairbrother Fairellis Fairs Fairhead Fairweather Fallow Falmash Farewell Farley Farlis Faroe Farrer Farrey Farrington Farrow Farthing Fauden Faulkner Fawcett Fawks Feale Feareer Feenbow Felgate Fell Fella Fellow Fellows Felton Fenn Fenning Fennings Fenton Ferguson Fernly Fetch Feaveryere Ficklin 48 Marriage Licence Bonds, &c., continued. Fiddes Field Filboum Filby Fill Fillers Filmouth Finch Fincham Fink Finn Finnee Firmin Fish Fisher Fiske Fison Flatman Flatt Fleet Flendell Fletcher Fleury Flick Flindell Flinteft Flintoft Flory Florrey Floud Flower Flowerday Flowerdew Flura Flurry Fokerd Fokes Foley Folger Folkard Folkes Folsham Fooxs Ford . Forder Fordham Foreman Foreway Forgan Forman Forsdick Forsdike Forster Fosdick Fosdike Foster Foulchier Foulger Foulser Foulsham Fountaine Fouslser Fowle Fowler Ghant Goodwell Hachef Fox Gibbon Goodwin Hackfield Frade Gibbons Goody Hacksell Frances Gibbs Googe Hacon Francis Gibson Goose Hadcraft Franck Gidney Goram Hadcroft Franklin Gifer Gorbold Haddenham Free Gifford Goslin Hadgrave Freelove Gilbert Gosling Hadleigh Freeman Gilby Gosnall Hadman French Gilder Goss Hafes Freshfield Gildersleeve Gouch Haffens Freston Giles Gough Hagart Frewer Gilly Gould Hagarth Freyatt Gillingwater Goulder Haggar Friend Gilman Gowar H agger Frimmer Gilmor Gowen Hague Frind Girling Gowing Hail Frogg Gisleham Goymer Hailes Froggat Giton Graham Haine Froggett Gladden Granger Haynes Frost Gladman Grant Hakin Froud Gladwin Grave Haldhouse Fruer Gladwyn Gravener Hale Fryatt Glandfield Gray Hales Fulcher Glanfield Greaver Hall Fuller Glanvile Green Hallam Funtain Gleazon Greenard Hallboard Funting Glegg Greenhill Hallifax Gaell Glover Greenleafe Hallkins Gage Glozier Greenling Hallows Gaifer Goach Greenway Hallucks Gainer Gobbet Grey Hallum Gale Godbold Grice Halsey Gall Godbolt Griggs Haltaway Gallant Goddard Grimer Halyday Game Godding Grimes Ham Gandy Godfrey Grimmer Hamblin Gaphar Godson Grimsby Hamby Gardiner Godwins Grimsey Hammond Garlatt Golding Grimson Hamond Gamam Goldring Grimstone Hanby Garner Goldsbury Grimwade Handy Gamham Goldsmith Grim wood Hanly Garrold Goldspink Grinling Hanner Garrard Golson Groome Hannibal Garrel Gooch Grosse Hanny Garret Gooda Grove Harbar Gar rod Goodale Groves Harbert Garwood Goodall Grow Harcock Gascoign Gooday Growse Harden Gates Goodchild Gull Harding Gaudy Goode Gullifer Hardy Gaul Goodea Gunn Hare Gayforth Gooderham Gunnal Hargraves Geater Goodge Gunsby Harland Gedney Goodin Gunton Harling Gee Gooding Gurling Harlum Gees Goodings Gurney Harman Gellit Goodram Gusling Harmond George Goodrich Gusterson Harper Gerrard Goodridge Guy Harridance Gervas Goodrum Gyford Harringson 49 Marriage Licence Bonds, &c., continued. Harrington Harris Harrison Harrold Harsant Harsent Harshant Harsom Hart Hartley Harvey Harward Harwood Hasell Haslop Hast Hastings Hastleton Hatchard Hatcher Haughfin Haward Hawes Hawk Hawker Hawkes Hawkin Hawkins Haword Haws Hawys Haxell Hay Hayley Haylestone Haylouck Hayward Haywood Hayword Hazelton Hazelwood Head Heard Heam Heart Heasell Heath Heavers Hebben Heckford Hegdill Heifer Hellen Helwys Hempson Hemston Hendy Henley Herbert Herd Hering Hern Herney Herns Horn Hyllen Herod Horner Hyndes Hervey Hornigall Ide Hewett Hornigold Ilderton Hewitt Horrex Ingate Hewke Horth Ingham Hewson Houghton Inglish Hewtson Houlbidg Ingram Heyward Houldbridg Inifer Hickford Houldrith Innolds Hickling House Inolds Hicks Hovell Ireland Hickson How Irish Hiem Howard Isaacson Higham Howchin Isham Hildyard Howel Ives Hill Howells Jackaman Hilling Howes Jacks Hills H owlet Jackson Hilton Howlin Jacob Hinchloe Howling Jacobs Hindes Howse Jacomin Hines Howseen Jakeaman Hinewood Howson James Hingstoon Howzego Janings Hirrill Hoy Jannings Hitcham Hubbald Jaques Hobard Hubbard Jaquey Hobrough Hubbart Jarmyn Hobs Hubberd Jar vis Hobson Hubbert Jasper Hockett Hudson Jaster Hodds Huett Jay Hodgekin Hugell Jeafferson Hodges Huggin Jealous Hodgskin Huggins Jefferies Hodskin Hughes Jeffery Hoflfy Hugmon Jekelove Hogg Huke Jellet Hoggar Hulks Jenkenson Hoggons Humphries Jenkins Holbech Hun Jenks Holborough Hungdow Jenner Holbridge Hunneball Jenney Holden Hufinywell Jenny Holder Hunstone Jermain Holding Hunt Jermein Holdrich Hunting Jermer Holinshead Hurling Jermy Holland Hurnard Jermyn Hollenworth Hurrell Jerry HoUingshead Hurren Jessop HoUingswortl Hurring Jewell HoUis Hurrion Jewry Hollum Hurry Jex Holman Huson / Jinner Holmes Hustleton Jobson Holton Hutchell Johnson Homes Hutcheson Jolley Hood Hutchinson Jolly Hook Hutley Jones Hopkins Hutson Jordan Hopwood Hyam Jower? Joy Juby Julians Jullings Kackamole Kadee Keable Kearsy Keble Keed Keemer Keen Keener Keer Kell Keller Kellett Kembal Kemble Kemp Kendal Kennett Kent Kenting Kerrage Kerrich Kerridge Kerrington Kerry Kersy Kett Ketteridge Kettle Kettleby Key Keyan Keyes Keymer Kibard Kidd Kidman Kiffar Kildeby Kill Killett Kilpatrick Kimbal Kimboll Kimence Kindge Kindred King Kingsbury Kinsborough Kinsborrowe Kippax Kirby Kirk Kirkby Kirkman Kit Kitchen Kitson 50 Marriage Licence Bonds, &c., continued. Kitteridge Knapp Knight Knights Knivett Knoller Knolles Knowles Knowlys Labell Ladbrooke Ladlar Laften Lafter Laite Lake Lakeland Lamb Lambert Lambley Lamboume Lamson Lancaster Land Landemer Landerfeild Landifield Landish Landy Lane Lang Langham Langley Lankester Large Lark Larrett Larter Larther Larwood Last Latham Laughton Laurence Law Laws Lawn Lawrence Lawson Lay Layford Layland Layman Lea Leach Leader Leake Leaman Leatherland Leathers Leavold Lebbold Ledgant Lee Leech Leeds Leeke Lees Legate Legett Leggate Leggett Le Grice Leman Lemon Lenney Lenny Lenton Letchworth Letherdel Levell Leven Leverland Levett Levile Lewcocke Lewis Lews Liddiston Liell Liffin Lifton Lillistone Lilly Linch Lincoln Lindsay Lindsey Lines Ling Lingsteand Lingward Linsey Linstead Linton Liny Lisle List Little Littleton Littlewood Livet Livock Lloyd Loame Lock Lockwood Loder London Long Lord Lott Love Loveland Lovell Loverick Levis Markham Milbum* Low Markin Miles Lowes Markoll Millar Loyall Marley Millegan Lubbock Marlin Miller Lucas Marrett Millington Ludbrook Marriott Mills Luffe Marrot MimpresS LufiFkin Marsey Mingay Lumpkin Marsh Minster Luugley Marshall Minter Lunnis Marsham Mintor Lusco Marshland Mitchell Lyell Marten Mitchells^ Lynd Marven Mobbs Lynn Maschall Mcggs Lyns Mash Moise Lyon Maskal Mole Lyssymore Maskell MoUet Mabb Mason Mollets Mace Masterson MoUynef Macro Masterton Money Maggs Matchet Mood Magnes Mather Moon Magnus Mathew Moor Major Matthews Moose Maiden Matlestone More Male Matthis Morefeild Malin Maulin Morfew Mating Mauling Morfrey Mallert May Morgan Mallett Mayer Morling Mallows Mays Morrice Malster Mayhew Morris Manby M<=Pharson Morse Manclark M=Pherson Morsley Mandall Mea Mortimer Manfrey Meaching Morton Maning Meadow Moses Manister Meadows Moss Mann Mealing Mossley Mannell Mean Mott Manning Meek Motts Mannington Meet Moultain Mansell Melles Moulton Manser Melsupp Mounsur Manson Mepham Mouser Manthorpe Merchant Mousier Mapes Merrington Mouton Maple Merrit Mowes Maplestone Mersing Mowling Mapumm Metcalfe Mowser March Mettit Mowson Marchant Mewse Moyley Margeram Michell Mudd Margery Mickleburgh Muddock Mariner Micklefield Mullender Marington Middleton Mullett Marjoram Miers Mulley Mark Mighells Mulliner Markall Milbank MuUinger Markbe Milbourn Multytude Marken Milbourne Muncton 51 Marriage Licence Bonds^ &c., continued. Munds Oby Parsons Pike Prue Munings Officier Partridge Pincen Pulford Munkin Olding Pascall Pinckney Pulham Munnings Oldring Paschall Pinner Pulpet Munns Olenton Pasheley Pinnoe Punch Murdocke Olford Paternoster Pinson Punchard Murray Oliver Patrick Pipe Purcas Murrell Olley Pattridge Pissy Purdey Murrils Ollson Patterson Pitt Purkiss Murton Orams Paul Pitman Purpit Musk Orford Pawsey Pitts Purvis Musket Orlibar Paxman Pixley Puttock Mutam Ormesby Peacey Pixton Pyatt Muttit Ormond Peach Pizzey Pyde Mutton Orris Peachey Plampin Pye Myhils Orsbourn Peacock Plant Pyle Mylne Orvis Peake Plantin Quakly Napet Osbin Pean Planting Quilter Naunton Osborn Pearce Pleasants Quince Naylor Osman Pearch PUmpton Quintin Neale Osmond Pearl Plow Rabbett Neech Ossen Pearson Plowman Rabdy Needle Ostler Peck Plumbe Radnett Neeve Oulding Peed Podd Raby Nelson Overin Pegg Pogisher Racicham Neslen Owen Pells Pollard Racdum Nethergate Owles Pemberton Polsten Radcliflf Nettleton Ownsworth Pemborough Poole Radley Nevill Ox Pennell Pooley Raffe Newark Oxburrough Penning Pope Raimer Newbrigg Oxley Penny Pops Rainbird Newel Pack Peppen Porter Rainham Newman Packard Pepper Posford Rainolds Newson Packer Percy Possefor Ralph Newton Parkward Perkins Postle Ram Nice Pacy Perkis Potter Ramplin Nicholas Page Periman Potts Ramsdale Nicholls Pain Perrison Pould Ramsey Nicholson Palgrave Perry Poull Ranalls Nights Pallant Petchey Poulson Rand Nixon Pallentine Petfield Poulter Randal Noble Palmer Pettit Powell Rands Noblett Panck Petree Powling Rannals Nobs Pane Pett Pratt Ransby Nock Panifer Pettaugh Precious Ranson NoUer Panifield Pettifer Prentice Rant NoUeth Pannefee Pevans Press Ran wick Norfield Pannifer Pharow Pressing Rare Norman Pansley Phibbs Preston Raror Norris Parcas Philips Prettiman Rashbrook North Parcefall Philpot Pretty Ratcliff Norton Parish Pickering Price Rathbone Notcut Parison Pickes Prick Ravell Nowell Parke Pickford P"gg Raven Noy Parker Pickstone Prime Rawlings Nunn Parkhurst Pickys Primrose Rawlinson Nursey Parkinson Pidington Prior Ray Nursery Parkiton Piggott Prince Rayment Nuson Parksman Pilborough Prinn Rajmaond Nuthall Parnifoy Pilbrow Priston Rayner Nutt Parr Pilgrim Proctor RaynoUs Nuttell Parrett Pillington Proud Reach Nutton Parsley Pilkington Prudence Read 52 Marriage Licence Bonds, &c., continued. Reason Rede Redgrave Rednall Redshaw Reed Reeder Reene Reeve Reeves Renge Renham Renken Rennall Renner Renolds Rerup Reson Revaijs Reve Revet Rewse Reymer .Reyner Reynolds Ribbalds Ribbons Rich Richards Richardson Richbell Richer Richers Riches Richison Richman Richmond Ricks Ricroft Riddlesden Ridge Ridley Ridnall Rimington Rimmerton Rindge Ringe Ringrose Ripper Rippston Risbrow Rising Rivers Rivet Rix Roberts Robinson Roberson Robertson Robson Robyns Rodbard Rodwell Salmer Roe Salmon RoflFe Salter Rogers Salton Rogisher Saltonstall Rolf Samman Rolson Sammons Rolton Sampson Rood Bancroft Roome Sanders Rooke Sangoe Rookewood Sare Rooks Saunders Roose Savage Root Sawer Roothook Sawin Rope Sawyer Roper Saxton Ropkins Sayer Rose Sayers Ross Scales Rossel Scapey Rouse Scarfe Rowe Scarlet Rowell Seaming Rowning Sceby Rowlan Scholding Rowland Schuldham Rowling Scoeard Rowse Scofeild Royal Scoffen Royse Scoggin Roxburrough Scolding Rubbett. Scott Rudd Scotchmere Rudkin Scratton Rudland Scrivener Rudwick Scrutton Ruffell Scut Ruffles Seaborn Rule Seager Rumsby Seaman Rumsey Searles Runting Searson Rush Seavem Rushbrooke Seawater Rushmer Secam Russell Sedon Russels Seekamp Rust Seeler Rutledg Seeling Rye Seely Rysyng Seex Sacker Seir Sad Selby Sade Self Sadler Selleto Sadsby Selsby Sage Semicraft Salisbury Semman Sallow Semmons Sallows Sensiam Sally Senticraft Seppins Sevenicroft Severn Sewell Sewster Sexton Shafton Shall Sharman Sharpe Sharpin Shave Shaw Shearing Shearman Shearwin Sheen Sheers Sheldrake Shelver Sheman Sheming Shephard Sheriff Sherington Sherman Sherring Sherwin Sherwood Shiggle Shilcot Shill Shim an Shimming Shipman Shoopurt Short Shortin. Shorting Shorffe Shreeve Shrubb Shuckforth Shulmardine Shulver Sicklemore Sidebotham Silbe Silles Sillet Sillettoe Silverston Simey Simmons Simonds Simpson Singler Singleton Skeet Skelton Skeppard Skepper Skerry Skidd Skidmore Skimer Skinge Skinner Skipper Skoulding Slade Sleeght Slyth Small Smart Smeales Smith Smither Smithies Smithin Smithson Smyth Smy Snell Snelling Snowden Soames Soanes Soare Somers Sone Sones Sorrell Souter South Southgate Southall Southwell Sowell Sower Sowter Spalding Spaldwin Spaling Spall Spalton Spanley Sparham Sparhawke Spark Sparkes Sparland Sparling Sparrow Spauley Spaulding Spear Spells Spence Spencer Spendley Spendlove Spenley Spicer Spilling Spink 53 Marriage Licence Bonds, &c., continued. Spinks Stronger Spinny Strutt Spiriing Stubbing Spooner Stubbins Sporle Stuckley Sprat Studd Spratling Suckling Spring Sudbury Springall Sudlow Spurgen Suggate Spurling Sulyard Spurr Summers Squirrell Sursum Stacey Susham Staff Sutherland StagoU Sutor Stamford Sutton Stammers Swain Standford Swallow Standin Swan Stanford Swanscomb Stanley Swatman Stannard Swatt Stanton Sweeting Stark Swift Starling Swinton Starn Syer Starsey Syers Stawkins Syred Stead Syret Stebbing Taite Steel Talbot Steffe Tallemach Steggall Tampion Stegold Tanner Stephens Taster Stephenson Tate Steptoe Taylor Stem Teal Sterry Teble Stetin Teek Stevens Tellit Stevenson Tennant Steverson Tenny Steward Terry Stewart Tesdal Stiles Tew Stimson Thacker Stinnitt Thatcher Stinton Theobald Stockett Thirteen Stogdell Thirkettle Stollery Thirkle Stone Thody Stopher Thompson Stork Thorendick Storte Thorn Story Thorndock Stow Thorney Stowers Thornton Strand Thorowgood Strange Thorp Stroud Thower Threadgale Trusson Wan write Thredescant Truston Ward Thredkell Tubbey Warden Threlkell Tuck Warfe Thret Tuder Warfer Thrower Tuncks Warford Thurlow Tungett Warne Thurkettle Tunmer Warner Thursby Tunmore Warnes Thurston Tunner Warnett Tibbinham Tunsall Warren Tibbiirgan Turner Warrington Tide Turrell Wase Tideman Turton Wasp Tiffany Tuttle Waspes Till Twaits Wasse TiUott Twells Watering Tilmouth Twelves Waterman Tilney Twinney Waters Timperley Tydeam Watkinson Tingey Tye Watling Tinkle Tyler Watts Tinkler Tynke Watson Tinley Tyrrell Waugh Tinling Udson Waulton Tisdale Underwood Wayland Tite Upson Wayling Tittelow Utting Wayman Titter Vale Waymond Toaklove Vales Wayth Todd Valham Weakly Tokelove Valiant Wealy Tokeley Veale Weast Toller Veering Weathersby Tompson Venn Weavers Tooke Vent Webb Tookie Verlander Webber Topley Vertue Wedlock Toppenny Vessey Wees Topple Vibart Weight Tovel Vice Welham Tower Vince Weller Townrow Vincent Wells Townsend Vindall Welsh Tracy Voice Weltshire Trammel Wade Welton Tranham Waights Went Trapland Wailing Were Trappet Wake Wesson Trary Wakefield West Trason Waldegrave Westaby Tree Wale Westhorpe Trench Wales Weston Tricker Waley Whales Trip Walford Wharton Trivet Walker Whayman Trot Wall Wheatley Trowel Wallage Whedbee True Waller Whight Truelove Walter Whimper Trumbell Walton Whincop Truss Wankford Whislay Trussell Wainwright Whistler 54 Marriage Licence Bonds, &c., continued. Whistlecroft Wiles Wise Woodgate Worper Whitaker Wilkerson Wish Woodham Worth Whitby Wilkins Wiskin Woodin Worts White Wilkinson Witby Woodroof Wrench Whitebread Willard Withe Woodrow Wright Whitecake Willem Witherell Woods Wrothe Whitehead Willement Witherby Woodthorp Wyard Whiting Willett Withers Woodward Wyatt Whiteman Williams Withersby Woody Wychingham Whitesmith Willis Withthoo Woodyard Wyeth Whithall Willithoo Witman Woolf Wylchym Whitlock Willoughby Witt Woolfenden Wylee Whitmore Wills Woden Woollaston Wynbush Whittle Willsher Wolf Woollage Wyncapp Whuson Wilson Wollard Woollard Wynes Wiard Wiltshire Wolnough Woolman Wynn Wichalls Winch Wolson Woolner Wyted Wickerton Winck Wolton Woolpoole Wythe Wickes Windborane Wolvy Woolsey Yallop Wickham Wingfield Womach Woolton York Wightman Wink Wood Woolvitt Young Wikley Wine Woodall Woolward Younges Wilchin Winsdale Woodard Word Youngman Wilder Winter Woodford Worledge Yonwin " Liber Admissionum." Seckford Grammar School at Woodbridge, 1662- 1865. — One hundred copies printed, numbered and signed ; subscription price, seven shillings and sixpence. Printed by permission of the Rev. Philip Edward Tuckwell, M.A. The following names occur : — Abbot Banyard Biggen Ablett Bardwell Bird Ablewhite Barker Bishop Adams Barmby Black Aldis Barmley Blackall Aldrich Barnes Blaine Alexander Bamham Blake Allen Base Blois Alston Bates Blomfeild Amos Battelle Blosse Ancell Batty Blowers Andrews Baxter Bloxsome Applethwait Bayles Blyth Arnold Baynam Bodgenor Ashley Bays Bohun Ashwel Beard Bolton Atherton Bedford Bond Atkinson Bedingfield Borret Aves Beecroft Bourn Bacon Beeston Bowtel Badeley Bence Boyce Bailey Benington Boyfield Baker Bennit Brady Baldry Bereton Braggs Baldwin Berry Braham Balintin Bertram Brand Ball Betts Brandling Brickenden Butters Bridges Buttrum Brighten Byard Brightwell Cage Brinkley Caley Bristow Cal thorp Brocke Calver Broome Calvert Bromley Cana Brond Candler Brooke Canham Brown Capon Bruning Carey Bucke Caridge Buckenham Carr Buddie Carry Bugbye Carter Bugg Carthew Bundish Castleton Bunn Catchpool Burch Catt Burditt Cattamole Burrough Catton Burward Causton Burwel Cavel Burwood Cayte Butcher Chambers 55 "Liber Admissionum," &c., continued. Chandler Ducket Girling Holder Ling Chaplin Durant Gissing Holmes Linsted Chappell Durrell Glanfield Home Lister Chilton Dyer Glemham Houghton L'Neve Chinery Eade Glover Howel Lockwood Church Easterson Gobbitt Huggins Loder Clark Eaton Godbold Hughes Loft Clariyvince Edgar Godwin Hunard London Clench Edwards Goffe Hunt Long Cocke Eleson Goldsbury Hunter Loom Cockle Elliott Goldsmith Hurnard Lord Colchester Ellis Goldson Hurren Lucas Cole EUisdon Golty Hurton Luck Colman Elvis Gooch Ireland Lunnis Collett Estow Gooding Jack Luson Colthorpe Etheridge Goodwin Jackson Lynd Cook Euatt Gosling Jacob Lynn Cooper Fairfax Gott Jarrold Macdonald Cork Farrie Gouldthorpe Jay Mackey Cornell Farrow Grayston JefiFery Macklish Cornwallis Farry Green Jeffreson Maggison Cottingham Fenn Greer Jegney Magness Cotton Field Grey Jenkinson Maile Couperthwaite Fielding Grigge Jenney Mallett Courtney Finch Grimwood Jessup Malster Cracherode Firmin Gross Jewers Malvern Cranmer Fisher Guidott Johnson Manby Crisp Fiske Gurney Josselyn Mander Crofts Fitzgerald Gyrling Jowers Manlove Crome Flatt Gysipp Joyce Mann Cropley Flaxman Haddocke Julian Marchant Cross Fletcher Hail Keating Margets Crowe Flick Hall Keeble Marryott Culham Folkard Hallam Keed Marsden Cullingford Foreman Hallax Keene Marsh Curd Fosdick Hamblin Kell Marshall Curry Fox Hamby Kemp Martin Cuthbert Francis Hammond Kendillon Mason Cutting Franklin Hansel Kent Matthew Dains Freeman Harris Kerridge Maundrell Dakins Freshfield Harrison Kersey Mayhew Dallinger Freston Hart Kett M<:Cluer Dance Frier Hartridge Key Meadowe Davy Frost Harvy King Meadows Davis Fryett Harwood Kirby Meara Dawson Fuller Hasbart Kirk Meen Dean Furner Hassins Kitson Meller Deave Gage Haughfen Knights Mendall Debney Gale Haward Knowls Mickleburgh Delf Gall Hawes Kjiyvet Miles De Mayne Gardiner Hawkins Lamb Miller Dennington Garneys Hawys Lambert Mills Denny Garnham Hayward Lane Mingay Deye Garrard Head Lankester Minter Disbrow Garrett Heard Large Moates Dockinge Garrod Hector Lathbury Mobbs Dosser Garthside Heffer Lawrence Monsey Dove Gennills Hervey Leedes Moore Downing Gester Hewson Leeke Morfee Dowsing Gibbs Hildyard Leggett Morgan Draper Gideon Hinde Levett Morley Driver Giles Hitchcock Light Mors Drury GiUot Hodges Lindsel Moss 56 " Liber Admissionum," &c., continued. Motte Philpot Mulis Pincham Mulliner Pine Mundy Pite Munro Pizzey Murrel Plumsted Naiden Pointz Neale Pooley Nedham Porter Neeve Powell Nelson Pretyman Newby Price Newland Prudom Newson Puckle Newton Pulham Nichols Punchard Noah Quince North Rabbet Norton Randall Nowel Rawlins Nunn Ray Oldring Read Olibar Redgrave Onion Reeve Orford Revell Orpwood Rewes Osbom Reynolds Owles Rice Oxx Richardson Packard Riches Page Ridley Palgrave Rieve Paling Rind Pallant Ringe Palmer Risby Paloner Rissowe Panifer Rivers Parish Rivett Parker Roberts Parkiss Robinson Parsons Rock Partridge Rodbard PassifiiU Rogers Patrich Rokesby Payne Rookwood Peake Roper Peirson Rose Pell Ross Penning Rowe Perry Rovraing Pettingall Rudland Pettit Ruds Philips Runacles Russell Rust Salkeld Salmon Salter Sanders Sawyer Sayer Scarnell Scott Scrivener Scrutton Seckford Segar Sergeant Sevenicroft Sharman Sharpe Shelcott Sheppard Sherman Sherwin Sherwood Shore Shribbs Shute Sillis Simpson Skeet Skinner Skoulding Slake Smith Smyth Sorrell Southerne Southgate Southwell Spalding Spall Sparham Sparkes Sparrow Spiers Spilman Spinke Spinny Stananaught Stanton Starky Stebbing Steel Steffe Stephens Waller Stephenson Walpool Sterling Walsingham Steward Wamsly Stiles Ward Stisted Warlock Stock Warner Storke Warren Stow Warwel Stubbs Wase Studd Waspe SueU Watkins Suggate Wealy Sutton Weavers Swain Webb Swan Webber Swift Welden Syer Wells Sykes Welton Syred Westhorp Tailer Whale Tallowin Whalley Taster Whayman Tate Whealy Taverner Whimper Taylor Whisstock Thomas White Thompson Whiting Thorne Wightman Thurton Wiggen Tibbs Wilding Till Wilkerson Tillett Wilkinson Toffts Williams Tovell Willingham Trott Wilson Trusson Winch Tucker Wincoppe Tuckwell Wingfield Tunmer Winyeue Turner Wiseman Tween Wolnaugh Tye Wolton Tyrrel Wood Ventrys Woodall Vertue Woods Vesey Woolard Vicars Woolnough Votier Wyatt Wade Wyeth Walden Yallop Walford Yworth 57 SURREY, All copies Catholic Registers of Woburn- Lodge and Weybridge. — 1750 sold *° 1874- Fifty copies printed, numbered and signed, bound in —— vellum; subscription price, two guineas. With the permission of the Rev. Simon McDaniel, I have printed these Registers. The following names, amongst others ^ occur: — Ashton • Crawley Johnson Mott Sullivan Barnes Cutts Kelly Murphy Taylor Batchelor Desmond Leary Oakley Vachini Blackwell Donovan Levien O'Brien Vaughan Buckingham DriscoU L5mch Petre Walsh Callaghan Flint McCarthy Randell Warden Coghlan Hart Mahoney Regan Webb Collins Hiley Martin Smith Woods Corcoran Howard Moran Steadman Wright WARWICKSHIRE. Baptisms in the Private Chapel of Sir William Sheldon of Weston in the parish of Long Compton, 1763-84. Fifty copies only will be printed, each copy being numbered and signed ; subscription price, five shillings. By permission of the Rt. Rev. the Bishop of Birmingham I have printed the above Registers, which contain entries to the following families : — Baker Carter Gregory Mence Southerwood Ball Carteret Hall Mills Spense? Barron Clark Harris Morris Stiles Batcheler Clifton Hartley Mountain Talbot, Beck Coolen Hatley Nichols Tapin Belbin Cotterell Hawkins Parker Taylor Berry Dadd Haynes Philipps Terry Bevington Davis Hyde Phipps Tredwell Bishop Dodd Jarret Power Upton Boscot Enoch Jennings Rand Walker Boyse Evans Johnson Randal Waring Bradford Fermor Kerry Richardson Watson Brain Foster Lawton Roche Webster Brewer Freeman Leek Salmon Wheeler Brawne Gardiner Ledbetter Sheldon White Butts Gibbard Matthews Smith Wibley Canning Gibbs Meads Somner Willis 53 All copies sold. WORCESTERSHIRE. Registers of Cropthorne. — Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1557 to 171 7. Fifty copies printed, numbered and signed; subscription price, one guinea. These Registers were printed with the permission of the Rev. Herbert Wilkinson^ and contain numerous entries to the following families : — Adams Cartwright Fell Ingles Robins Alie Clarke Fort Jones Roberts Andras Clements Fouch Lampet Rutter Andrews Colchester Freeman Loxley Scriven Atrepho Cole George Lyde Sherife Ayles Collins Godfrey Lye Shortgrove Banning Cowper Goodere Marshall Showell Barwell Crumpe Grove Millington Smith Bate Curnock Hancox Moore Sperry Beard Curtis Harrison Moyle Stayner Beavans Dandye Haynes Munslow Tayler Benford Deaves Higges Netherton Tenant Bentley Deye Higgins Nicholls Tolly Berde Dimmock Holland Norris Walker Blake Dingley Homan Oakley Watton Blizard Drinkwater Honiborne Perkes Weston Bly Eden Hooper Persons White Bourton Ellis Hopkins Phillips Whittington Brooke Elton Home Poolley Wilkes Burroughs Etheridge Hoskins Pulley Willis Cager Evans Hughes Quarrell Wood Carpenter Evettes Hunt Rea Yeates Carter Eyles lies Ridge Yemall All copies sold. . Catholic Registers of the City of Worcester.— 1685 to 1837. Fifty copies printed, numbered and signed, bound in vellum; subscription price, two guineas. These Registers were printed with the permission of the Very Rev» E. Furbrick, SJ. " From, the fact that prior to the Restoration of Charles II. it was judged unsafe to keep any record of Catholic baptisms and marriages, this Register of St. George's, Worcester — dating, as it does, from 1685 — is probably the earliest in existence. Moreover, the curious little volume with which it commences — an account book, 8 inches in length, by about three inches in breadth — bears evident traces of having been at some time deprived of its earlier leaves. Throughout the volume the signature of a priest is only once attached, viz., that of the Rev. Charles Hanne, on 12 March 1749; but from 1778, the date of the commencement of the second volume, and, singularly 59 Catholic Registers of the City of Worcester, continued: enough, the very year of the passing of the first Catholic Relief Act, the name of the officiating priest is nearly always given." The following names, amongst others, occur : — Acton Collins Hawkes Mascall Ricketts Addis Combes Haynes Mason Roach Allen Connor Hearne Mathers Roberts Anderson Cooper Hemmings Mathews Robinson Andrews Corbett Hill Mence Rogers Angelinetti Creswell Hilliard Mills Ross Aston Crow Hodges Mole Sanders Badger Davis Hollis Momford Savage Bagnall Day Holt More Semonin Bailey Dayus Howard Morgan Sherwin Ball Dillon Howell Morris Smallman Barnes Dovey Hughes Mostjm Smith Barrett Dunn Hunt Murphey Southall Bartlett Durieux Hunter New Stanley Bathurst Edwards Jackson Newman Stephens Baugh Egan James Newton Sullivan Baylis Esner Johnson Norman Tasker Berkeley Evans Jones O'Brien Taunton Berry Fairfax Keenan O'Leary Taylor Bill Farmor Kelly Parker Teigh Birbeck Fitzpatrick Kemble Paterson Thompson Bowyer Ford King Pa)me Timbs Bradley Fox Knight PendriU Trainer Bray Fuller Lee Perrins Turner Bridgewater Gallagher Leicester Pierce Tyler Brown Ganderton Lewis Pierotti Vaughan Bullock Gibbons Lingham Pointer Wakeman Byrne Gittins Lovett Poletti Walker Calvin Glover Lynch Poncia Watkins Canner Green Macartney Powell West Carbury Griffiths McClean ' Prestage Wheeler Carpenter Hales McDermott Preston Wilkes Carroll Hall McGary Price Williams Carter Hanley McGill Pritchard Wilson Chapman Hardwick McGowan Prosser Wintle Charrington Harper Macnamara Quin Wood Chavasse Harris Marsh Ray Wright Citrino Harrison Marshall Rayment Yates Clarke Haskew Martin Richards Young 60 VISITATION OF ENGLAND AND WALES. y' Visitation of CnglantJ EDITED BY JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, LL.D., ( Maltravers Herald Extraordinary ) AND FREDERICK ARTHUR CRISP. Seven copies only Vol. I. — Five hundred copies printed, numbered and signed \ sub- remain. These can scription price, one guinea. Price of remaining copies, three guineas. chasers of the seven succeeding volumes. ._ , ^ . .„ » . , ^ ^ . /. ^ Volume I. IS illustrated with Coats of Arms of Armytage, Assheton, Attree, Bagshawe, Bartlett, Barton, Bentley, Bradney, Brooke, Bushe, Cass, Cavendish, Clay, Colby, Cole, Conder, Crowfoot, Cullum, Du Moulin Browne, Eales, Emeris, Flavel, Flory, Foljambe, Gale, Gower, Grubbe, Harvey, Hext, Hoblyn, Hooper, Howard, James, fodrell, Johnson, Jones, Littledale, Mant, Milner-Gibson, Minet, Molyneux, Platt-Higgins, Plumer, Prentice, Ricketts, Ryland, Rylands, Shann, Smith-Bosanquet, Sparrow, Sterry, St. George, Tempest, Tolhurst, Watney, Wickham, Williams, Wilson and Worthington ; Shield of Foljambe {eighty quarterings) ; facsimile of Seal of Richard Mant, Bishop of Down and Connor, 1843 > three hundred Seals and Autographs ; impressions of Book-plates from the original copper-plates — of Assheton (forty quarterings), William Bartlett, Charles Francis Cole, Treworgan, Mawnan (by C. W. Sherborn, iSg2), William Flory (by G. W Eve, i8gi), Rev^ Sir Edward Repps Jodrell, Bar\ ''Paul Jodrell of Duffield in y' county of Derby, Esq^, Clerk ofy'Hon^^' House of Commons,'' John W"* Ryland (by C. W. Sherborn, i8go). General Sir John St. George, G.C.B., Sir Robert T. Tempest, Bart., Tong Hall, CO. York {twenty-five quarterings), Joseph Bowstead Wilson, MA. (by C. W. Sherborn, i8g2), also the Book-plate of John William Clay {from a wood block by Harry Soane). This volume contains Pedigrees of the following families : — 63 Visitation of England and Wales, continued. Amphlett of Clent House. Armytage. Assheton of Downham and Cuerdale. Attree of Blackmore in Selborne, and Bishearne, Liss. Attree of Ditchling. Bacchus of Cote House, and The Manor House, Lillington. Bagshawe of Ford Hall and Banner Cross. Bainbrigge of Ashbourne. Bainbrigge of Derby and Woodseat. Bartlett of Marldon. Barton of Kidderminster. Bentley of Upton. Blaydes of Bedford. Bloom. Boddington. Bradney of Bayford, Bradney, and Tal-y-Coed. Bree of Allesley. Brooke of Northgate House, Honley. Brown of Beckenham. Bushe of The Manor House, Great Cheverell. Byrth. Cass of Monken Hadley. Cavendish. Clay of Rastrick. Colby of Great Torrington. Cole (Dicker), formerly of Moreton Hampstead. Collier of Walkley and Sheffield. Conder of Terry Bank. Crowfoot of Beccles. Cullum of Hardwick House. Curtois of Branston, near Lincoln. Dew of Whitney. Dickinson of The Manor House, Ottery St. Mary. Du Moulin Browne of Leamington. Bales of Eastdon, and The Mall, Clifton. Edwards of Framlingham. Emeris of Southwood and Louth. Eshelby of Birkenhead. Ewen of Reydon Hall. Faber. Flavel of Leamington Priors. Flory of Redland Lodge, Leaming- ton, Foljambe of Cockglode, Ollerton, Hasel bech Hall, and Kirkham Abbey. Foljambe of Osberton and Aldwark. Gale. Gower, Leveson, of Titsey Place. Grubbe of Southwold. Guille of St. George, Guernsey. Hales. Harvey of Goldington Hall, near Bedford. Hext of Trenarren. Hesketh. Hoblyn. Hooper of Langtons, Alresford. Howard of Compton Place. Howard of Wygfair, St. Asaph. Howe of Chart Place. James of Edgeworth Manor. Jodrell of Bayfield Hall. Johnson of Eccleston. Jones of Barton Mere. Littledale of Bolton Hall in Craven. Mant. Methold of Lincoln's Inn and Hep- worth House. Milner-Gibson of Theberton. Minet. Molyneux of Ludlow. J^ Olive. Oliver of Bobbingworth. Parker of Upton Cheyney Manor, Bitton. PauU of Bosvigo, Truro. Perrott. Pilkington of Liverpool. Platt-Higgins. Plumer of Allerton, near Totnes. Porter of Sheffield. Prentice of Oxton. Pritchett. Prior of Halse House, Taunton. Ricketts. Roots of Kingston-on-Thames. Ryland of Erdington and MoxhuU. Rylands of Highfields, Thelwall. Schomberg. Shann of Tadcaster. Smith-Bosanquet of Broxboumebury. Sparrow of Preen Manor. Sterry of Eastbury House, Barking, and Poltimore Rectory. St. George. Stone of Piddington. Swann of Ashfield Magna. Tempest of Tong Hall and Aughton. Tolhurst of Goudhurst. Tudsbery Turner. Watney of Mitcham. ^ Wickham. Williams of TreguUow and Heanton Court. Wilson of Alston. Worthington. 64 Visitation of England and Wales, continued. Vol. II. — Five hundred copies printed, numbered and signed j subscription price, one guinea. Price of remaining copies, one guinea and-a-half. Volume II. is illustrated with Coats of Arms of Battye-Trevor^ Bellasis, Bright, Britton, Buckler, Carlyon, Christie, Crawfurd, Dugdale, Gatty, Gwatkin, Hope-Edwardes, Joynson, Langley, Lee, Lockett, Milborne-Swinnerton-Pilkington, Price, Prideaux-Brune, Quayle, Somers {fourteen guar terings), Stucley, Tempest, Tower and Wilder; facsimile in colours of a piece of China with the arms of Crawfurd, and on an escutcheon of pretence those of Payne, being part of a service made in lySo for Gibbs Crawfurd of St. Hill, co. Sussex, J. P., and Anna Payne his wife ; facsimile in colours of a Grant of Arms by Christopher Barker to ^^ George Penruddoke of Penruddoke in the countie of Comberlande^'' 1S48 ; facsimile of a Silhouette of Leah Cooper, only child of Emery Viall of Walsingham^ Norfolk ; facsimile of a Silhouette of Thomai Percival, M.D., P.R.S.; two hundred and eighty Seals and Autographs; [impressions of Book-plates from the original copper-plates of Philip W^ Poole Britton, F.S.A. (by G. W. Eve, 1894), Adam Dugdale, Stewart Beauchamp Gwatkin (by G. W. Eve), Walter Henry Trelawney Gwatkin, Richard Robertson Lockett, Howel J. J. Price (by G. W. Eve, i8g4), Prideaux-Brune, and also a facsimile in colours of the Book-plate of A, F. Langley. This volume contains Pedigrees of the following families : — Battye-Trevor of Tingrith House. Bellasis. Bright of Liverpool. Britton of Bristol and Bitten House, Enfield. Brown. Buckler. Carlyon. Christie of Glyndeboume. Coode of Polapit Tamar. Crawfurd of East Grinstead. Cripps. Cure of Blake Hall, Bobbingworth. Dugdale of Griffin, Blackburn. Dugdale of Wroxall Abbey. Fernell of Sheffield. Gatty. Gibson of Saffron Walden. Gwatkin, Gwatkin of Potterne, Devizes. Hope-Edwardes of Netley. Jeaffreson. Johnson. Jossel)Ti of Ipswich. Joynson of Liscard, in the parish of Wallasey. Jubb. Langley. Lee of Thame. Lockett of Liverpool. Manning of Diss. Markhamof Creatonand Northampton. Martyn of Tonacombe and Lifton. Milborne - Swinnerton - Pilkington of Chevet. Monck of Coiey, Reading. Monck of Corston, near Bath. Nicholls. Oliver. Paris. Penruddocke of Compton Park. Percival. Price of Glynllech. Prideaux-Brune of Prideaux Place, Padstow. Quayle of Crogga, Isle of Man. Rope. Salter. Smith of Buttons. Somers of Mendip Lodge. Stucley of AflTeton Castle and Hartland Abbey. Tempest of Broughton-in-CraYen and Coleby. Tower of Weald Hall. Tuke of Saffron Walden. Wilder of Purley Hall and Sulham. Woodrooffe. 65 Visitation of England and Wales, continued. Eight copies Vol. III. — Five hundred copies printed, numbered and signed ; only remain. subscription price, one guinea. Price of remaining copies, two guineas. Volume III. is illustrated with Coats of Arms of Bond, Bourne, Burke, Chance, Clarke, Fletcher, Floyer, Gilbey, Glazebrook, Herbert, Lloyd, Lukin, Macnamara, Mellor, Molesworth, Ratcliff, Ration, Rivington, Royds, Scarlett, Shadwell, Simcoe, Taylor, Upcher, Weldon, Welman and Wisden ; Shield of Arms in colours of three hundred and twenty-three quarterings of Lloyd of Stockton in Chirbury, co. Salop, as recorded in the College of Arms, also a facsimile of Charter, I4ig ; facsimile in colours of a Sugar Basin with the arms of Trotman, and on an escutcheon of pretence those of Wardell ; fac- simile of a Miniature of Thomas Pelham Maitland of the HonUe East India Co.^s Service ; two hundred and fifty Seals and Autographs ; impressions of Book-plates from the original copper- plates of James Frederick Chance (by G. W. Eve, iSg^), Fletcher, Thomas Twanbrook Glazebrook, i8g2 (by C. W. Sherborn), Edmund Herbert of Llansanffraed Court, Sir Lewis William Molesworth, Charles Robert Rivington, William Francis Taylor, D.D., Arch- deacon of Warrington, William Henry Weldon, as Windsor Herald, also as Norroy King of Arms (both by G. W. Eve) ; facsimile in colours of the Book-plate of Henry Crampton Lloyd ; also a Book-plate of Harold Arthur Burke (from a wood block designed by himself). This volume contains Pedigrees of the following families: — Amphlett of Horseley. Bidden of Playford. Bond of High Ongar. Bourne of Stalmine Hall, Fleetwood. Burke of Auberies, Bulmer. Chance of Birmingham. Clarke of Derby. Collier. Cookson of Leeds. Fair of Wellow. Field. Fletcher of Lawneswood and Wyrley Magna. Floyer of Homcastle. Gilbey of Elsenham Hall. Glazebrook of Liverpool. Godden. Herbert of Clytha. Herbert of Llanarth. Hicks. Jermyn. Johnson of Yaxham and Welbome. Lloyd of Stockton in Chirbury. Lukin of Hinton Martel. Macnamara. Maitland of Croydon. Mellor of Culmhead, Pitminster. Mirehouse of Hambrook and Colster- worth. Molesworth. Ouvry. Punchard of Luton. Randall of Orford. Ratcliff of Edgbaston. Ration. Reynard of Sunderlandwick and Hob- green. Rivington. Royds of Falinge, Rochdale. Salt. Savage of The Ards, Knowle. Scarlett of Parkhurst. Shadwell of Northall. Simcoe of Wolford Lodge, Penheale, and Old Court. Sparks of Langton Herring, Taddy of Caldecote Lodge. Taylor of Liverpool and Abergele. Trotman. Upcher of Sheringham. Weldon. Welman. Wisden of Broadwater. Young of Salcombe. 66 Visitation of England and Wales, continued. Vol. IV. — Five hundred copies printed, numbered and signed ; subscription price, one guinea. Price of remaining copies, one guinea and-a-half. Volume IV. is illustrated with Coats of Arms of Baring-Gould^ Bate, Brine, Chisenhale-Marsh, Darby, Darwin^ Dugdale, Evans, Fergusson, Firth, Green, Hall (Lord Llanover), Hardwicke, Hill, foslin, Knapton, Lees, Lindsay, Lyster, Marshall, Molesworth, Somes, Taunton, Warde and Wood ; facsimile in colours of Grant of Crest by Christopher Barker to ''^Thomas Seintaubin of Clowens in the countie of Cornewall," 1545 ; facsimile in colours of the arms of Taunton (twenty five quarterings) ; facsimile of a Brass in Gumfreston Church to the families of Hall and Williams; facsimiles of twelve Portraits of the Truscott family ; facsimile of the Seal of William Thomas Thornhill Webber, D.D., Bishop of Brisbane, 188^ ; one hundred and ninety Seals and Autographs ; im- pressions of Book-plates from the original copper-plates of Thomas Bate, fames Gram Brine, William Swaine Chisenhale-Marsh (by C. W. Sherborn, i8g^). Firth, Mary Ford of Pencarrow, 18^4, Green (by G. W. Eve, i8gs), C. R. Hall, Thomas Rowley Hill, Mark Bell Marshall, Sir William Molesworth, first and fourth Lords Scarsdale, C. A. M. Warde, Thomas Wood, and also a fac- simile in colours of the Book-plate of Evans. This volutne cofitains Pedigrees of the following families : — Amphlett of Wychbold Hall. Baring-Gould of Lew Trenchard. Barker of St. German's Hall. Bate of Kelsterton. Bell. Brine of Blandford. Chisenhale-Marsh of Gaynes Park, Epping. Collins of Betterton. Colyer- Fergusson of Wombwell Hall, and Ightham Mote. Cripps. Darby of Coalbrookdale. Darwin. Dowling of Chew Magna and Dundry. Dugdale of Symonstone Hall and Lilley Brook. Evans of Bronwylfa. Evans of Whitbourne Hall. Faulconer. Firth, Green of Spalding. Hall of Llanover and Abercam. Hardwicke. Plill of St. Catherine's Hill. Joslin of Gaynes Park, Upminster. Knapton of Boldre Hill. Lees of Clarksfield. Lindsay of Deer Park, Devon. Lyster. Marshall of Northfield, The Uplands, Stroud. Mather. Molesworth of Pencarrow. Molesworth St. Aubyn of Clowance. Napleton. Scarsdale. Taunton of Freeland Lodge, near Eynsham. Taunton of Kingswood. Truscott of Heavitree. Wade of Orford. Warde of Squerryes Court. Webber of Friston. Webber of Hopton. Wood of Gwernyfed. Vol. V. — Five hundred copies printed, numbered and signed ; subscription price, one guinea. Price of remaining copies, one guinea and-a-half. Volume V. is illustrated with Coats of Arms of Benson, Canter, Cator, Conyers, Eastwood, Fair, Gay, Greenwood, Midleton, Morkill, Onslow, Pearce-Edgcumbe, Pole-Carew, Poole, Richardson, Skeels, 67 Visitation of England and Wales, continued. Stanyforth and Wilson ; Shield of Arms in colours of one hundred and thirty -five quarter ings of Conyers; Shield of Arms in colours of Britton, on an escutcheon of pretence the arms of Poole and Canter quarterly ; facsimile of Grant of Arms in colours by Robert Cooke to Edward Maddison, 158"/ ; facsimiles of Portraits of William Chad- wick of Grove Park, Camberwell, Surrey, Samuel Chase of Reading, and Neivson Garrett of Aldeburgh, Suffolk ; facsimiles of Miniature Portraits of the Rev. fohn Kershaw Craig (by Sir William Ross, j8j6), Elizabeth Anne, wife of William Goldsmith of Luton and Stopsley, CO. Bedford (by CNeale, lyyj), and the Rev. fohn Russell, D.D. ; facsimiles of the Silhouettes of Ann, wife of Thomas Edwards, the Ifon^^^foseph jfutchison of Bermuda, William Morkill of Halton, Whitkirk, CO. York, and eight Portraits and Silhouettes of Hutchison; also facsimiles of the Seals, "S: Eduardi White Benson, D.D., Episcopi Trvronensis Primi" and Sigill : ^^Edwardi White Benson, Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi" ; two hundred and twenty Seals and Autographs ; impressions of Book-plates from the copper- plates of Gay, Hubert fohn Greemvood, fohn Greenwood, Esq^, Swarcliffe Hall, co. York, Arthur Onslow, Speaker of the House of Commons, i'/2y-6i, also the Book-plate of Sir Robert Pearce- Edgcumbe of Somerleigh Court, from a wood block. This volume contains Pedigrees of the following families : — Allen of Thurnscoe. Barker of Ipswich. Battye of Frognall, Chelston. Benson. Bromley of Badmondisfield Hall, Wickhambrook. Castle. Cator of Ollerton House. Chad wick. Chase of St. Minver. Conyers. Cooper. Craig, formerly of Dilamgerbendi Insula, near Ringwood. Donne of Mattishall. Eastwood of Buckden Mount, Hud- dersfield. Garrett of Leiston. Gay of Falmouth. Goldsmith of Huntworth House, Bridgwater. Greenwood of Swarcliffe Hall. Groome of Earl Soham& Monk Soham. Hutchison. Kenrick of Pendell, Bletchingley. Lane of Humberstone. Little of Pitchcombe House. Lyte, formerly of Lytescary. Maddison of Partney Hall. Maddock. Midleton, Viscount. Moor of Great Bealings. Morkill of Austhorpe Lodge. Onslow. Pearce-Edgcumbe of Somerleigh Court and Newquay. Pole-Carew of Antony. Poole. Prideaux of Modbury and Salcombe. Richardson. Rimington -Wilson of Broomhead Hall and Newstead Hall. Russell of the Chantry, Chingford. Skeels of Chatteris. Swann of Park View, Berkhamsted. Stanyforth of Kirk Hammerton Hall. Thurburn. Wood, formerly of Quebec. Vol. VI. — Five hundred copies printed, numbered and signed; subscription price one guinea. Price of remaining copies, one guinea and-a-half. Volume VI. is illustrated with Coats of Arms of Back, Bartlett, Bowring, Bowring impaling Talbot and Bellasis, Bowring impaling Cubitt and Cubitt, Brace, Carr-Ellison, C lough- Taylor, Cowper- 68 Visitation of England and Wales, continued. Essex^ JFunshawe, Hall, Langman, Lawrence, Longstaff, Marten, Master, Perceval, Roberts- West atid Starkie; facsimile, of a Mezzo- tint Engraving of Sir Crisp Gascoyne, Knt., Lord Mayor of London 1752-33 : facsimile of Portraits of the R^ Hon^^ Charles George, Lord Arden (by Chandler), the R^ Hon''^^ Margaretta Elizabeth, Baroness Arden {by G. P. Joseph, R.A.), Rev. Edward Craig, M.A. {by Lees, R.S.A.), the R^ Hon^^^ Spencer Perceval, First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer ; facsimile of an entry on the fly-leaves of a Book of Common Prayer used by the R^ Hon^^' Spencer Perceval the night before his assassination ; the entry was written by his widow, Jane Perceval; facsimiles of the Silhouettes of William Beare of Bungay, Lois, daughter of Robert Browne of Lowestoft, Eliza, wife of Robert Browne of Lowestoft, Martha, wife of William Beare of Norwich, Thomas Naunton Catlin of Chilles- ford, and James Drayner of Sandgate ; also a facsimile of the Seal of Joseph Earle Ollivant, M.A., Chancellor oj the Diocese oj Llandaff ; one hundred and eighty Seals and Autographs; impressions of Book-plates from the original copper-plates of Fanshawe {three plates), Philip Lawrence Langman {by G. W. Eve, i8g8), William Lawrence, Esq^', Alderman, Longstaff, Judge Sir Alfred George Marten, Q.C., Lnner Temple, Streynsham Master, ILenry Perceval, also the Book-plates of Major Philip E. Back and ILenry Swainson Cowper, F.S.A., Hawkshead. This volume contains Pedigrees of the following families : — Back of Curat's House, Norwich. Back of Hethersett Hall. Back, formerly of Hillingdon. Bartlett of Parkstone. Bartlett of Sherborne. Beare. Bowring. Brace of Doveridge Hall. Bush of Beckenham and Deptford. Carr-Ellison of Hebburn Hall, Dun- ston Hill, and of Hedgeley. Catlin. Clough-Taylor of Firby Hall. Cowper- Essex of Yewfield Castle. Craig, formerly of Revell End. Didham of Middleton, Bideford. Drayner. Eaton of Tolethorpe Hall. Fanshawe of Parsloes. Fawcett. Furneaux of Swilly. Fynmore of Wykeham House, Sandgate. Goddard. Hall of Whatton Manor. Langman. Lawrence of the City of London. Ledgard of Poole. Llewellyn of Court Colman. Lockett of The Hollies, Over. Longstaff. Marten. Master of Bourton Grange. Norris of Wood Norton Hall. Ollivant, formerly of Hutton-in-the- Wold. Perceval. Pears of Eton Lodge, Putney. Pears, formerly of Madras. Pears of Repton. Pears of Windlesham. Roberts -West of Alscot Park. Rogers of Penrose. Rogers of Sancreed, Penzance. Sexton. Shekell of Pebworth and Little Com- berton. Smith, formerly of Sidbury Hall. Starkie of Huntroyde. Thomas. Walker of The Elms, Wakefield. Whitby. Wilson of Sandbach. 69 Visitation of England and Wales, continued. Vol. VII. — Five hundred copies printed, numbered and signed; subscription price, one guinea. Price of remaining copies, one guinea and-a-half. Volume VII. is illustrated with Coats of Arms of Aldridge^ Alingtony Bailey, Barne, Carr, Carr-Gomm, Chadwick, Chafy, Comber, Cruwys, Dendy, Dicken, Foote, I'' Anson, Kitchener, Lukin, Meller, Murray- Ay ns ley, Newdigate, Facke, Partridge, Fixley, Frice, Swithinbank, Windham, and Arms of Lord Kitchener with Augmentation lately granted ; Shield of Arms in colours of 222 quart erings of Frice ; For traits of the Rev. William Chafy of Sherborne, Frances I^ Anson ('■'■The Lass of Richmond Hill"), William I^ Anson, Attorney -at- Law, William I^ Anson, Solicitor, Thomas Kitchener of Lakenheath, William Kitchener of Bunhill Row, London, Emma, wife of William Kitchener, William Cripps Kitchener of Newmarket, and Ann, wife of William Cripps Kitchener ; facsimiles of the Silhouettes of Richard Arkwright of Willersley, William Crisp of Southwold, Matilda, wife of William Crisp, the Rev. Aldersey Dicken, Richard Frice of The Lawn, South Lambeth, and Elizabeth Engel, wife of Richard Frice ; one hundred and fifty autographs and eight seals ; impressions of Book-plates from the original copper-plates of fames Sandford Bailey, M.A., Ightham, Kent, William Kyle Westwood Chafy of Rous Lench, JD.D. (by G. W. Eve, i8gg), Dicken, William Andrew F Anson, Denton Hall, Northumberland, i88g (by C. W. Sherborn), S^ Edward N Newdegate of Arbury in the County of Warwick, D Gen^ K. C.B. 18^4, Henry Thomas Fartridge, Edward Uvedale Augustus Frice (two plates, one with 42 quarterings ), Swithinbank, Denham Court Library, also the Bookplates of "Francisci A. Newdigate" and '■^ Francisci W. Newdigate''^ from wood blocks. This volume contains Fedigrees of the following families : — Airy of Greenwich. Aldridge of St. Leonard's Forest. Alington of Little Barford. Arkwright of Willersley. Bailey of Ightham Place. Baker of Hardwicke Court. Barne of Sotterley and Dunwich. Barnston of Crewe Hill. Boggis-Rolfe of The Grange, Worming- ford. Carr of Eshott Heugh. Chafy of Rous Lench. Comber of Myddleton Hall. Crisp of Southwold. Cruwys of Cruwys Morchard. Dendy of Chichester. Dicken. Dowdeswell of Pull Court. Fawkes of Farnley Hall. Foote. Gibbins. Haslewood. Hole of Parke, Bovey Tracey. I'Anson of Denton Hall. Kitchener. Law. Lukin of Felbrigge. Meller. Murray- Aynsley of Hall Court. Newdigate of Kirk and West Hallam. Packe of Prestwold Hall. Partridge of Hockham Hall. Pixley. Price. Roberts. Swithinbank. Windham of Felbrigge. In the Fress. Vol. VIII. — Five hundred copies only will be printed, numbered """"""""^ and signed ; subscription price, one guinea. On and after the date of issue the price will be raised to one guinea and-a-half. 70 VISITATION OF IRELAND. Wtsitation of 3frelanti, EDITED BY JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, LL.D., (Maltravers Herald Extraordinary )f AND FREDERICK ARTHUR CRISP. All copies sold. Vol. I. — Two hundred and fifty copies printed, numbered and signed ; subscription price, one guinea. Volume I. is illustrated with Coats of Arms of Bowen-Colthurst^ Burke, Burtchaell, Cooke-Trench, Cooper, Dreyer, Gillman, Greene, Greer, If ore, Lowry, Massy -Westropp, C Callaghan -Westropp, Owden, Powerscourt, Roberts, Somerville, Stubbs, Tuthilland Vigors; facsimile of a Portrait of Richard Wingfield, 6th Viscount Powers- court (by Count D" Or say, 1841); facsimiles of the Silhouettes of Thomas Greer and Sir Thomas Scambler Owden, Lord Mayor of London iSyz-yS ; more than one hundred and eighty Autographs ; impressions of Book-plates from the original copper-plates of the first, second, and present Lords Belmore, Robert W. T. Bowen-Colthursf^ Henry Farnham Burke, F.S.A., Somerset Herald, i88y, Peter Burke, Inner Temple, Gillman, Surgeon Lieut. -Colonel Greene, Thomas Greer, Carrickfergvs (by G. W. Eve, i8g6), Robert Swin- burne Lowry, fohn Owden, Brooklands, Henry Stubbs, and of the sixth and present Lords Powerscourt. This volume contains Pedigrees of the following families : — Belmore, Earl of. Bowen-Colthurst of Oakgrove and Dripsey Castle. Burke of Elm Hall. Burtchaell of Brandondale. Cooke-Trench of Millicent. Cooper of Cooper Hill. Dreyer. Gillman of Clonteadmore. Greene, formerly of Greenville. Greer of Sea Park, Carrickfergus. Greeves of Strandtown. Hore of Pole Hore. Jackson of Tighnabruaich, Belfast. Lowry of Pomeroy House. Macpherson, formerly of Londonderry. Massy-Westropp of Attyflin. O'Callaghan-Westropp of Maryfort. Owden, formerly of Brooklands. Paterson, formerly of Plaister and Swill3anount. Powerscourt, Viscount. Roberts of Glassenbury, Kent, Brit- fields Town, and of the City of Cork. Somerville of Clermont. Stacpoole of Eden Vale. Stubbs of Danby. Tuthill, formerly of Kilmore. Vigors of Burgage. Whitla of Ben Eadan. 73 Visitation of Ireland, continued. Seven copies remaining. Vol. II. — Two hundred and fifty copies printed, numbered and signed ; subscription price, one guinea. Price of remaining copies one guinea and-a-half. Volume II. is illustrated with Coats of Arms of Ardilaun^ Bloody Butcher., Chenevix- Trench, Crawford, Crozier, Hudson- Kinahan, Iveagh, Lee- Grattan- Guinness, Macartney, Monck, O^Connell, Sharman-Crawford, Stoney and Westropp ; facsimiles of the Portraits of the Most Rev. Richard Chenevix-Trench, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin, and of fames Macartney, M.D., F.R.S. ; facsimiles of the Episcopal Seals of the following Archbishops and Bishops : Most Rev. Richard Chenevix-Trench, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin, Most Rev. Joseph Ferguson Feacocke, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin, Rt. Rev. John Baptist Crozier, D.D., Bishop of Ossory, Ferns and Leighlin, and the Rt. Rev. Henry Hutchinson Mont- gomery, D.D., Bishop of Tasmania ; facsimile of a Note for an Irish Guinea issued by Thomas Stoney ; nearly one hundred Autographs ; impressions of Book-plates from the original copper-plates of Blood of Bally kilty {by C. W. Sherborn, iSgf), Viscount Monck and Sir Ross O^Connell. This volume contains Pedigrees of the following families : — Ardilaun, Baron. • Blood of Ballykilty. Butcher of Danesfort. Carroll of Carrollina. Chenevix-Trench, Archbishop of Dublin. Crawford of Stonewold. Crozier of Gortra House. ^ Cullen of Corry. Grierson of Baldonell. Guinness of Dublin. Hudson-Kinahan of Glenville. Iveagh, Baron. Longworth- Dames of Greenhill. Macartney, formerly of Rosebrook. Monck, Viscount. Montgomery of Grey Abbey. Montgomery of New Park. O'Connell of Lakeview. Peacocke, Archbishop of Dublin. Pigott of Tincurry. Sharman-Crawford of Crawfordsburn. Stoney of The Downs. Westropp of Ballyvolane. White of Lough Eske Castle. Vol. III. — Two hundred and fifty copies printed, numbered and signed ; subscription price, one guinea. Price of remaining copies one guinea and-a-half. Volume III. is illustrated with Coats of Arms of Ashtown, Ball, Barry, Bayly, Clements, Coote, Deane-Drake, Gait, Grogan, Harman, Hatton, Homan-Mulock, Hussey-Walsh, Lefroy, Leitrim, D Estrange, Mansergh, Smyth and Westropp ; facsimiles of Minia-^ ture Portraits of John Hussey- Walsh and Maria Catherine his wife (both by Samuel Lover, R.H.A.), and of an Engraving of the Rt. Hon^^ Thomas Latiglois Lefroy, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland ; about eighty Autographs ; impressions of Book-plates from the original copper-plates of Henry Theophilus Clements, Henry J. B. Clements, Killadoon, Ireland, William Howard Curtis Gait, 74 Visitation of Ireland, continued. George Alfred Lefroy, D.D., Bishop of Lahore, i8gg. Earl of Leitrim and Richard Sotithcote Manser gh (by C. W. Sherborn). This volume contains Pedigrees of the following families : — Alexander of Ahilly, co. Donegal. Ashtown, Baron. Ball. Barry of Sandville, co. Limerick. Bayly of Ballyarthur, co. Wicklow. Berry, formerly of Eglish Castle, King's County. Clements of Ashfield Lodge, co. Cavan. Coote of Ballyfinn, Queen's County. Deane- Drake of Stokestown, co. Wexford. Filgate of Lissrenny, co. Louth. Gait of Ballysally, co. Derry. Grogan of Moyvore, co. Westmeath, and Ballyntyre Hall, co. Dublin. Harman of Palace and Carrigbyrne, CO. Wexford. Hatton of Clonard, co. Wexford. Homan-Mulock of Bellair, King's County. Hussey- Walsh of Cranagh and Mul- hussey, co. Roscommon. Lefroy of Carrig-glas Manor, co. Longford. Leitrim, Earl of. L'Estrange of Moystown, King's County. Mansergh of Grenane, co. Tipperary. Orpen-Palmer of Killowen, co. Kerry. Smyth of Ardmore, co. Derry. Vincent of Summerhill, co. Clare. Westropp of Fortanne, co. Clare. Wright, formerly of Golagh, co. Monaghan. In the Press. Vol. IV. — Two hundred and fifty copies only will be printed """"""""^ numbered and signed ; subscription price, one guinea. On and after the date of issue the price will be raised to one guinea and-a-half. 75 FAMILY OF CRISPE. jFamilp of Crispe, Vol. I. — One hundred and fifty copies printed, numbered and signed ; subscription price, one guinea. This volume contains very full Abstracts of all the Wills (about one hundred and sixty) of persons of this name proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, i^io-iydo. Notes are also given of over one hundred Letters of Administration for this period. Vol. II. — One hundred and fifty copies printed, numbered and signed ; subscription price, one guinea. This volume contains Grants of Arms, Funeral Certificates, and Pedigrees from the records of the College of Arms. Vol. III. — One hundred and fifty copies printed, numbered and signed; subscription price, ten shillings and sixpence. This volume contains Abstracts of the Wills and Administrations (more than one hundred and thirty) in the Courts of the Archdeacon of Suffolk from 145 4-1 800. Three copies Vol. IV. — Fifty copies printed, numbered and signed ; subscription remaining. price, one guinea. This volume contains Letters from Sir Charles Crisp to Thomas Wotton ; Letter from Rebecca Strode to her grandmother, Anne Pake, 16 jg (with facsimile of original); Letter from Anne Skelton to her grandmother, Anne Pake, idjg (with facsimile of original); Deed signed by John Crispe of Marlesford, Suffolk, 17 2S (with facsimile of original) ; Abstracts of Deeds relating to the Family of Crispe (with numerous autographs); Extracts from the Diaries of Anna Edwards, afterwards wife of Thomas Crisp of Rendlesham, Suffolk ; Memoranda relating to Mayhew, Crisp and Strode Families ; Monumental Lnscriptions at Birchington and St. John^s, Margate, Kent (with facsimilies of monuments), Chesington, Surrey, and at South Park Street Burial Ground, Calcutta ; Book- plates of Sir John Crisp, Bart. ; and Abstracts of Wills of the following persons : — Addams, Edward, of London, 1653. Andros, Sir Edmund, Kt., of Guernsey, 1713- Baron, Mary, of Finchingfield, Essex, 1764. Bennett, Rebecca, of London, 1654. Birington, Johan, of Shrewsbury, 1561. Burges, Samuell, of Dundry, Somerset, 1720. Burren, Richard, of London, 165 1. Bush, Marie, of Marshfield, Glouces- tershire, 1645. Byryton, Thomas, of Much Cowarne, Hereford, 1568. 79 Family of Crispe, continued. Bysshe, Dame Margarett, 1697. Cakebreade, Richard, of Great Thur- lowe, Suffolk, 1616. Carleton, Samuel, of Stepney, Essex, 1702. Charnocke, Roger, of London, 1644. Chernocke, Mary, of Kingston, Surrey, 1704. Chiverton, Sir Richard, Kt. , of London, 1679. Clagett, Margarett, of East Greenwich, Kent, 1702. Clagett, Martha, of Bromley, Middle- sex, 1702. Clarke, John, of London, 1766. Clifton, Henry, of Toftres, Norfolk, 1621. Cooke, Francis, 1632. Crabb, Anna, of London, 1704. Doyley, Edmond, of London, 1703. Drylande, John, of Feversham, Kent, 1559- Essex, Agnis, of Winelingham, Cam- bridge, 1657. Feribee, Nathaniell, of Southwark, Surrey, 1680. Garrard, William, of London, 1666. Geale, Katherine, of Godstone, Surrey, 1668. Goodlad, Thomasin, 1702. Gough, Dame Anne, of Chelsea, Middlesex, 1732. Gough, Sir Henry, of Edgbaston, Warwick, 1 771. Gough, Sir Richard, of Chelsea, Middlesex, 1728. Grainge, Crispe, of London, 1726. Grainge, John, of Cripplegate, Middle- sex, 1703. Griffith, George, 1702. Harvey, Rebecca, of Clerkenwell, Middlesex, 1666. Haselfoote, William, of London, 1661. Henneker, Elias, of Eastrie, Kent, 1621. Henneker, Rebecca, of Maidstone, Kent, 1620. Hodges, Richard, of London, 1784. Jackson, Elizabeth, of Barbados, 1666. Jones, Thomas, of Stepney, Middlesex, 1726. Jordan, Jane, of Burford, Oxford, 1704. King, Richard, of Alborne, Wilts, 1668. Kinge, Richard, of London, 1677. Knight, Thomas, of Westerham, Kent, 1708. Larkin, Elizabeth, of London, 1700. Lawrence, John, of Sharnbourne, Norfolk, 1660. Lawrence, Richard, of Stepney, Middlesex, 1702. Long, Mary, of London, 1693. Lyster, Isabell, of Laxfield, Suffolk, 1584. Macy, Abigail, 1737. Marsh, Rose, of Highgate, Middlesex, 1690. Mason, Christopher, of East Green- wich, Kent, 1700. Merlande, William, of London, 1526. Morton, Sir Francis, of Nevis, Kt., 1679. Neale, Barbara, of Dytton, Kent, 1583. Nedham, Mary, of London, 1702. Newell, Jane, of Merton Abbey, Surrey, 1657. Nightingale, Richard, of London, 1594- Oyles, John, of London, 1 731. Oyles, Thomas, of London, 1743. Pattison, James, of Lisbon, Portugal, 1761. Penny, Brian, of Peterborough, Northampton, 1590. Penny, Thomas, 1588. Percy, Francis, of Cambridge, 1 7 16. Pheasant, Peter, of Upwood, Hun- tingdon, 1706. Piggott, Nicholas, of Chidingstone> Kent, 1638. Pratt, Thomas, of London, 1618. Preston, Robert, of London, 1 596. Pyende, George, of Maidstone, Kent, 1621. Pynner, Isabell, 1625. Rhodes, Robert, of Burford, Oxford, 1680. Steffe, John, of Little Baddow, Essex, 1788. Thorold, Anne, of London, 1702, Tirrey, William, of London, 1629. Togghill, Thomas, of Marlborough, Wilts, 1636. Trappes, Jane, of London, 1563. Tutchin, Margaret, of London, 1650. Tyrell, Edmunde, of Ramysden Bar- rington, Kent, 1576. Vane, Dame Frances, of St. Giles-in- the-Fields, Middlesex, 1679. Watson, Robert, of Freindsbury, Kent, 1674. Whetcombe, Benjamin, of London, 1688. Wilkes, Edward, of Leighton Buzzard, Bedford, 1647. Wilson, Mary, 1662. Wilson, Rowland, of London, 1650. Wynne, Richard, of London, 1688. In the Press. Vol. V. — Fifty copies only v^ill be printed, each copy being numbered "■""""■" and signed ; subscription price, one guinea. 80 FRAGMENTA GENEALOGICA. Jfragmenta (llenealogica. All copies Vol. I. — Fifty copies printed, numbered and signed; subscription price, ten shillings and sixpence. Volume I. contains Abstracts of Deeds relating to the families of Alexander, Bacon, Barker, Bence, Benett, Bright, Clayton, Clopton, Coo, Colman, Copping, Duncombe, Edwards, Fox, Godbold, Hackett, Hare, Hawtrey, Henden, Holmes, Langley, Lee, Lukin, Macro, Manby, Mather, Mileson, Mosley, Newman, Playters, Pye, Seymour, Smyth, Spring, Towler and Wade ; Entries in Bibles, <5r'^., formerly belonging to the families of Aldridge, Awdley, Gooch, Hawkins, Irving, Jouret, Taylor, Wakeham, Walker and Wanley ; Extracts from the Registers relating to the families of Bacon, Gillingham, Howard, Sancroft and Seaman ; List of Rectors of Orford, Rushmere St. Andrew, Rushmere St. Michael, Sudburne cum Orford, Tannington and Play ford, all in Suffolk ; Grants of Arms to Canning, 1833, Collett, 1664, North, i6y6, Pratt, 1601, and Tyson, 180 j ; Pedigrees of the families of Cary from Edward III., Comport of Chiselhurst, Kent, Fytch of North Cray, Kent, and Kempsall of Compton, Surrey, copied from the original vellum rolls ; Monumental Inscriptions in various churches ; Abstracts of Wills of Robert Aldryche of Beccles, Suffolk, 1540, John Brynte of Charsfeild, Suffolk, 1337, Robert Elmy of Little Bealings, Suffolk, 15 3g, John Hamond of Kelsale, Suffolk, 31 Henry VIII., Robert Owen of Thorington, Suffolk, 1537, Christiana Pelse of Cransford, Suffolk, 1540, John Rayner, alias Dey, of Ashbocking, Suffolk, I53g, and Thomas Sandcroft of Syleham, Suffolk, i6y6. Illustrated with facsimiles of Book-plates of Wiliam Cowper, Esq., Clerk of the Parliaments, and wood blocks of Autographs and Seals. All copies Vol. II. — Fifty copies printed, numbered and signed; subscription J, — price, ten shillings and sixpence. Volume II. contains Abstracts of Deeds relating to the families of Allsopp, Balls, Kemball, Lamotte, Pendarves, Vernon, &'c. Entries in Bibles, S^c, formerly belonging to the families of Addison Browne, Cuppaidge, Parr, Gee, Stoddart and Thomson; Extracts from the Registers of Spexhall, Suffolk, Swithland, co. Leicester, and to the family of Taylor, also a stray leaf from a Register now preserved in the Fitch MSS. in the Ipswich Museum ; Grants of 83 Fragmenta Genealogica, continued. Arms to Byron, 1822, Garthwatte, 1748, Marlowe, 1776, and Trollope, 18 ji; Mofiumental Inscriptions at Walton, Suffolk, and Wimborne Minster, Dorset, also to the families of Berwick, Burgeys, Burtun, Folkard, Gyfforde, Jarrold, Napper, Rowdelt, Saunders, and Shelley ; Abstracts of Wills of John Abbott of Canterbury, 1783, John Eggar of Crandall, Hants, 1641, Dr. Gee, Dean of Lincoln, 1730, John Harmwood of Orpington, Kent, I James I., Denzell, Lord Holies, 167 g, John Lagier Lamotte of Thorngrove, Worcester, 1812, Mary Lamotte of Brighthelmstone, Sussex, 1823, Zachary Lok, 160J, Rede Wills from Ipswich, Robert South, D.D., 17 16, and Charles, Lord Tenter den, 1832. Illustrated with facsimiles of Book-plates of Frederick Alpe of Framlingham, William Cooper, and the Right Hon. Countess Dowager of Plymouth. Fonr copies Vol. III. — Fifty Copies printed, numbered and signed; subscription remaining. price, ten Shillings and sixpence. Volume III. contains Abstracts of Deeds relating to property at Ordsall, co. Notts, and a Rental of Woodbridge Priory, 1702 ; Entries in Bibles, ^'c, formerly belonging to the Clay and Milnes families ; Grant of Arms to Seamafi, 1670 ; Monumental Inscrip tions at Sudbourne, Suffolk ; Church Notes at Norwich from a MS. in the handwriting of John Kirkpatrick of Norwich, who died in 1728. Illustrated with facsimiles of Book-plates of Sir Robert Eden, Bart., and William Pas ton of Horton, and wood blocks of autographs. Two copies Vol. IV. — Fifty copies printed, numbered and signed ; subscription remaining. price, ten shillings and sixpence. Volume IV. contains copies or abstracts of Deeds relating to the families of Lettsom and Partridge, and to the Town Estate and Charities of Pakenham, Suffolk; Admission to Manors in Redenhall and Denton, Norfolk ; Entries in Bibles formerly belonging to the families of Bonamy, Cole, Gilson, Jones, Morgan and Perceval; Grant oj Arms to Ball, 1576, and of Crest to Paltock, 16 12 ; Monumental Inscriptions at Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, Birchington, Kent (illustrated with facsimilies of brasses, ^c). Alder ton, Bawdsey, Felixstowe and Walton, in Suffolk; facsimile of a Receipt signed by the Ministers and Elders of the French Church of St. Martin Orgars in London, 1742 ; illustrated with wood-cuts of arms of Jeaffreson impaling Barthorp, and Woolnough, from monuments ; notes of sixteen Administrations to the family of Joslin, and abstracts of the Wills of all persons of that name to be found in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury from 1325 to 1730, viz: — 84 Fragmenta Genealogica, continued. Clifford, Dame Elizabeth, of Aspeden, Lincolnshire, 1526. Jaslin, Elizabeth, of Stebunheath, Mid- dlesex, 1668. Joceline, Edward, 1627. Joceline, Jane, of Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, 1674. Joceline, Henry, of Oakington, Cam- bridgeshire, 1657. Joceline, Symon, of East Haningfield, Essex, 1655. Jocelyn, Sir Robert, of Sawbridge- worth, Hertfordshire, 1 7 13. Josceline, Giles, of Babraham, Cam- bridgeshire, 1662. Joscelyn, John, of Peering, Essex, 1705. Joscelyn, Martha, of Kelvedon, Essex, 1724. Joscelyne, Arthur, of Little Abington, Cambridgeshire, 1699. Joscelyne, John, of Feering, Essex, 1670. Joscelyne, John, of Feering, Essex, 1671. Joscelyne, Nathaniel, 167 1. Joselin, Robert, of Waltham Holy- crosse, Essex, 1673. Joselyne, Arthur, of Stapleford, Cam- bridgeshire, 1725- Joshlyn, John, of Roydon, Essex, 1658-9. Joslin, Hezechiah, of Copford, Essex, 1671, Joslin, John, of London, 1658. Joslin, John, of Slethians, Cornwall, 1642. Joslin, Thomas, of Rochford, Essex, 1606. Josling, Christopher, of Wapping, Mid- dlesex, 1698. Josling, William, 1697. Joslyn, Samuel, of Stepney, Middlesex, 1725- Joslyn, Sorrell, of London, 1639. Joslyn, Symon, of Braughing, Hert- fordshire, 1645. Josselin, Ralph, of Cranham Hall, Essex, 1657. Josselin, Simon, of Burnham, Essex, 1657. Josselin, Thomas, 1636. Jossling, Phillip, of London, 1692. Josselyn, James, of Little Horkesley, Essex, 1713. Josselyn, Dame Dorathey, of High Roding, Essex, 1582. Josselyn, Ralph, of Roxwell, Essex, 1632. Josselyn, Sir Thomas, of High Roding, Essex, 1564. Josslin, Simon, of Rayne, Essex, 1655. Josslyn, John, of High Roding, Essex, 1525- Vol. V. — Fifty copies printed, numbered afid signed ; subscription price, One Guinea. Vol. V. contains Church Notes relating to the family of Verney ; Deeds relating to land at Berkeley, co. Gloucester, to the families of Goddard, Sancroft and Wentworth, and an Assessment for the Poor for the Parish of Amersham, co. Bucks, lyoj ; Entries in Bibles, df^c, formerly belonging to the families of Atcherley, Bay ley. Bones, Bramston, Bruce, Bullock and Post, Bunbury, Burcham and Jackson, Butcher, Calverley, Wade and Trevelyan, Carter, Carvick, Chase, Clark, Clench and Wyatt, Collens, Cooper, Davis, Deare, Denton, Doe and Godfrey, Driver and Fairba?ik, Finch and South, Foote, F'reeman, Godden, Godfry and Butt, Herbert, Horn and Barber, Irvine, Jackson, James, Johnston, Kelk and Dunn, King, Lamb, Lawrence, Leighton, Lince, Lofft, Lord, Mays, Miles, Owen, Patience, Pattrick, Pigot, Rabett, Rayne, Redston, Rooth, Rymer, Scott, Sargeaunt, Sewell, Stamps, Tebbs and Mann, Tench, Weller, Wetherall, Whitelegg, Williamson and Verney ; Grants of Arms to Althame, 1559, Bache, 1828, Bodicoate, 1720, Bowman, I7g8, Broad, 166 1, Dominick, 1720, Harcourt, 1831, Jepson, 1782, Mason, 17 Jp, Mathew, 1558, Mill, 1803, Milner, 1788, Otway, i82g, Pingo, 85 Fragmenta Genealogica, continued. 1782, Prujean, 16^1, Staunton, IS75, Underwood and Gore, 1831, and Weoley, 1380; Pedigree of Meriton with Arms ; Facsimile of a Portrait of Bridget, wife of Thomas Read ; Wills of Mary B rear ley, 1623, John Caterman of Chalgrove, 1344, John Caterman of Chal- grove, 1545, and William Quaterman of Chalgrove, IS46. This volume contains about forty facsimile Autographs. In ihe Press. Vol. VI. — Fifty copies only will be printed, each copy being numbered ————— g^j^jj signed ; subscription price, One Guinea. *^* Most of the Family Bibles and original Grants of Arms mentioned in the above volumes are in my possession. 86 GENERAL LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA— BERKELEY RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 8Apr54LC llBRA'*^ "«^ JUL 24 1962 A^R161954l JUL ^couo 24B&^ LIBRARY USE APR 3 1955 :•"■■■■■ I I ■ ^ I LIBRARY USE j j APR 1 8 1955 f I REC'DLD APRiS7|.|p^ LD 21-100m-l,'54(18878l6)476 64 M31tS065 r.» IKELEY LIBRARII ill 23SSDDD2 "^^^M^^^!^^-^ ^^^^i '^hHf^ €t^^^^ hkkkh ly^MPM^. ^mm •^/^^aA^aAa ^mm!^ ^^f^ C^'^'./'a^; ^ «L " .A4* 1 ■'^. r; ,K -m *^*.^«'3«^ "■*