igsi^eaateaamgiaa-xaaavBKKmsmm-. STATE OF CAUFOBNIA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES GEOLOGY OF THE SALTDALE QUADRANGLE CALIFORNIA BCUEHN 160 DIVISION OF MINES FEBRY BUHDma SAN FBANOSCO THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS STATE OF CALIFORNIA EARL WARREN. Governor DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES WARREN T. HANNUM, Director DIVISION OF MINES FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO 11 OLAF P. JENKINS, Chief SAN FRANCISCO BULLETIN 160 SEPTEMBER 1952 GEOLOGY OF THE SALTDALE QUADRANGLE, CALIFORNIA By T. W. DIBBLEE, JR. and MINERAL DEPOSITS OF SALTDALE QUADRANGLE By T. W. DIBBLEE. JR. and T. E. GAY. JR. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA DAVIS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To His Exeelleney The Honorable Earl Warren Governor of the State of California Dear Sir : I have the honor to transmit herewitli Bulletin 160, Geology of the Salfdalc Quadrangle, CaJifomia, prepared under the direction of Olaf P. Jenkins, Chief of the Division of Mines, Department of Natural Re- sources. The report includes a colored jieolofric map and many sections, charts, and other illustrations. The area lies partly in Kern County and partly in San IJeruardino Couuty. The author, T. "W. Dibblee, Jr., and T. E. Gay, Jr., have contributed also an aceompanyinp: chapter on Mineral DepoHiis of the Saltdale Qua^lrangle. ]\Iaps and descriptions of the min- eral deposits show the area to contain metallic ores of copper. < pRANGE>> < / ^s R I V E r'*^ I d'"E.. SAN <<^- g , o IMPERIAL I E G '1.. 33" aS', ^> '^^^ Index map of part of southern California showing geoniorpliic provinces and the location of the Saltdale quadrangle (heavy cross-hatch). Shown also (shaded) are the Xeenach quadrangle recently published by the Division of Mines, and the Breckenridge Mountain quadrangle, in press. (6) GEOLOGY OF THE SALTDALE QUADRANGLE, CALIFORNIA By T. W. Dibblee, Jr. • OUTLINE OF REPORT Page Abstract 8 Introduction 8 Physiography 11 Stratiuraphy 13 Pre-Carabrian (?) 13 Rand schist 13 Mesquite schist 14 Age of the schists 14 Paleozoic 15 Garlock series 15 Paleozoic (?) 19 Metasediments 19 Tertiary 19 Goler formation 19 Ricardo formation 25 Quaternary 30 Black Mountain basalt 30 Terrace gravel and alluvium 30 Intrusive igneous rocks 31 Structure 36 El Paso Mountains 36 Cantil Valley 38 Rand Mountains 39 Geologic history 40 References cited 43 Illustrations Plate 1. Geologic map of Saltdale quadrangle. Kern County, California -_In pocket '2. Economic map of Saltdale quadrangle. Kern County. California, In pocket 3. (ieologic structure sections across Saltdale quadrangle, Kern County, California In pocket 4. Photo showing arkosic red sands of Goler formation 24—2.5 5. A, Photo showing twin basalt dikes cutting Goler red beds and Ricardo formation. B, Photo showing normal fault between Ricardo formation and Goler red beds 24-25 6. Photo showing basal grav conglomerate of Ricardo formation, Member 1 24-25 7. Photos showing andesite breccia, Ricardo formation 24— 2.~i 8. Photos showing lake beds of Member 4. Ricardo formation 24—25 9. A, Photo showing sandstone of Member 5, Ricardo formation. B, Photo showing lake beds of Member 7. Ricardo formation 24—25 1(1. Photo showing sandstone capped by basalt Flow E, Member 5 of Ricardo formation 24—25 11. Photo showing east side of Black Mountain 24—25 Figure 1. Columnar section, Saltdale quadrangle 12 2. Columnar section, Garlock series in El Paso Mountains 18 3. Map showing upper portion of the Garlock series in northwestern part of Randsburg quadrangle -_i 20 4. Section through eastern El Paso Mountains. Randsburg quadrangle 21 5. Columnar section, Ricardo formation in Last Chance Canyon 2S Geologist, Richfield Oil Corporation. Manuscript submitted for publication March 1950. (7) 8 ' SALTDALE QUADRANGLE ABSTRACT The Saltdale qmulransle is in the southwestern Basin Ranges and northwestern Mojave Desert geomorphic provinces, in Kern County, California. It comprises parts of four physiographic features, which trend about N. 60° E. across the quadrangle. These are, starting from the north, Indian Wells Valley, the greater part of El Paso Mountains, Cantil Valley (an iindrained alluvium-filled basin about 6 miles wide, which contains Koehn or Salt Dry Lake), and the southwestern part of the Rand Mountains. Elevations range from 1,950 feet at the dry lake to 5,050 feet in El Paso ^lountains. Formations within the Saltdale quadrangle may be divided into two main groups, a pre-Cretaceous basement complex, and a Cenozoic series of continental sediments and volcanics. The basement complex consists of pre-Cambrian (?) Rand schist, pre- Cambrian (?) Mesquite schist, the late Paleozoic Garlock series (23,000+ feet of shale, chert, quartzite, limestone, and volcanics) , and plutonic intrusive rocks, probably Jurassic, ranging from granite to quartz diorite. The Garlock series, Mesquite schist, and plutonic rocks crop out in El Paso Mountains; but only the Rand schist and plutonic rocks are exposed in the Rand Mountains. The Cenozoic rocks consist of the Goler formation (0,500 feet of continental sediments, probably Miocene), the Ricardo formation (7,000 feet of Pliocene to Pleistocene continental sediments, tuff, and lava), and the Black Mountain basalt (100 feet of Pleistocene lava). These three formations crop out in El Paso Mountains, and are separated by unconformities. El Paso Mountains constitute a block uplifted along El I'aso fault at its southeastern base, and tilted northwestward. The Mesquite schist and Garlock series strike about N. 20° W. and dip steeply east. Most of the intrusive bodies that crop out in El Paso ^Mountains likewise follow this trend. The Cenozoic rocks crop out on the northwestern flank of the mountains and dip northwestward toward Indian Wells Valley. The Rand Mountains within Saltdale quadrangle probalily constitute a l)lock uplifted along a buried fault at its northwestern base, and tilted gently southeastward. Within the quadrangle, these mountains consist mainly of granitic rocks; but one remnant of Rand schist is exposed in the northeastern portion of the block. The Garlock fault trends about X. 60° E. through the northwestern margin of Cantil Valley. It is concealed by alluvium along most of its course, except for a small scarp at Garlock Station. Small northeast-trending depressions in the uplifted alluvial fan immediately north of this scarp are tension-grabens developed by left-lateral shearing along the Garlock fault. Deposits of economic value consist of low-grade ores of copper and silver in brecciated zones in the l)asenient rocks; gold-bearing gravels; and volcanic ash (seismotite) of abrasive quality and perlite in the Ricardo formation. Gypsum and alkaline salts are concentrated by evaporation in Koehn Dry Lake. INTRODUCTION Geologic Setting. The Saltdale quadrangle, located in the western margin of the iindrained Great Basin, straddles the southwestern corner of the Basin-Ranges geomorphic province and the northwestern margin of the Mojave Desert geomorphic province. The recently active Garlock fault separates the two provinces. P^rom Lebec, where it leaves the San Andreas fault, the Garlock can be traced northeastward for about 150 miles through the desert; it passes through the middle of the Saltdale quadrangle. Movement on the Garlock fault has been essentially left lateral, the southeastern or Mojave Desert block having moved relatively to the northeast. The movement is measurable in miles; but neither the total displacement nor the earliest period of faulting is definitely known. Vertical uplifts and depressions have been developed along the fault, but they are local. The Basin Ranges province northwest of the break is an area of north-trending valleys and mountain ranges, most of which are bounded by normal faults. In marked contrast, the Mojave Desert province southeast of the break is essentially a great peneplain ; its hills GEOLOGY — DIBBLEE » and low mountains have no definite trend, but appear to be erosional rem- nants of a surface tliat was once hipher. The basement complex in the o-eneral vicinity of Saltdale quadrangle is essentially a frranitie batholith containing local remnants of early jMesozoic, Paleozoic, and pre-Cambrian (?) metasediments and meta- volcanics. It is overlain by Tertiary nonmarine sedimentary, pyroelastic, and volcanic rocks, deposited in local basins. El Paso Mountains, within Saltdale and Randsburg quadrangles, contain a Paleozoic series about 38,000 feet thick, and two Tertiary formations totaling more than 13,000 feet in thickness. The Tertiary section in El Paso IMountains is one of the thickest known in the Mojave Desert region. Location and Cidtuvc. The Saltdale quadrangle map (1943) is one of the lo-minute .series, scale 1 :G2,500 (1 inch = 1 mile), issued by the War Department, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army ; it covers the north- west quadrant of the southwest quadrant of the old Searles Lake quad- rangle, a GO-minute map, scale 1 :250.000 (1 inch = 4 miles), issued by the V. S. Geological Survey in 1915. Saltdale quadrangle is traversed by two paved roads: U. S. Highway 6, running north near the western border, and a secondary highway running northeast through the central part of the quadrangle. Branching off from these highwavs are nianv dirt roads. In the 242 s(juare miles covered by the quadrangle, there are no towns. The largest settlements are Cantil, Gypsite, Saltdale, and Garlock sta- tions along the Southern Pacific Railroad, which runs northeast through the central part of the (luatlrangle. Randsburg, a mining town 6 miles beyond the eastern border of the ([uadrangle, and Mojave, a railroad junction 20 miles beyond the southern border, are the nearest towns. Los Angeles is about 130 miles distant to the south. As the area is strictly desert, industry is confined mainly to quarrying and mining. A small amount of alfalfa is raised near Cantil, where suffi- cient water is obtained from wells. Climate. The climate of Saltdale quadrangle is typical of the Mojave Desert. The air is dry and clear the year round ; fog and dew are almost unknown. Summers are very hot, and the summer daytime temperatures generally exceed 100° ; winters are mild to cold, and the winter night- time temperatures usually fall below freezing. Average annual precipitation is less than 5 inches. Rain seldom falls ; the wdnter storms, many of which bring rain in the mountains to the west, pass over the desert as high winds. Nevertheless, heavy downpours do come occasionally. Electrical storms, which sometimes develop local cloudbursts, may take place any time from April through October. Vegetation. Vegetation in Saltdale quadrangle is the typical scanty sagebrush characteristic throughout the Mojave Desert — creosote bush {Larrea divaricata) , burro bush {Fransaria dumosa), and buckwheat {Erigonum). This flora is uniform and constant throughout the quad- rangle, and is not influenced by physical or geologic factors. However, in Inyokern Valley and on the northern slopes of El Paso Mountains, especially in sandy places, is an admixture of Epliedrium and other species of brush; also Joshuas {Yucca), chollas, and, following winter rains, some grasses and flowering annuals. 10 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE Exposures. Exposures are excellent tliroughout the hills and moun- tains, which are almost devoid of soil and are undergoing rapid erosion. The various rock formations react differently to weathering and erosion under arid conditions. Granitic rocks weather by rapid mechanical disintegration, and form round-crested hills with smooth slopes, and steep-walled canyons that contain the only prominent exposures. Meta- morphic rocks disintegrate and tend to form rounded hills covered with loose fragments and talus. Resistant chert forms prominent ledges. The soft Tertiarj^ sedimentary rocks are rapidly eroded to badlands in which resistant lava flows crop out prominently. Previous Literature. In 1896 Fairbanks ^ published a brief descrip- tion of the sediments and interbedded tuffs and volcanic flows on the north slope of El Paso Mountains. Fossil leaves from these beds were identified by F. 11. Knowlton,^ who determined that they were Tertiary, probably Eocene, in age. Four years later, in 1900, Smith ^ named the series the "Mojave formation". In 1902, Hershey ^ studied the Tertiary sediments near Rosamond and named them the Rosamond series ; in the same report he named the Barstow formation, from its occurrence near Barstow. In 1912 Baker ^ described the physiography and some of the geology of the southern Sierra Nevada and western El Paso Mountains. In 1909 Hess ^' named the Garlock fault, which he recognized at Gar- lock while mapping the Randsburg quadrangle. He did not complete the mapping, but Hulin later continued the work, and in 1925 published a description of the geology and ore deposits.'^ Hulin extended his map- ping over much of the old Searles Lake quadrangle, including that portion covered by the Saltdale quadrangle ; it was never published, however, except on the geologic map of California, scale 1 :500,000.^ In 1934, Hulin published a paper on the geology of the gold-bearing gravels of El Paso Mountains.^ In 1917, Merriam ^^ named and described the Ricardo formation, from which he collected Pliocene mammalian fossil bones. In 1934, Simpson ^^ mapped and described the geology of the Elizabeth Lake quadrangle, which is in the Mojave Desert province south and west of Saltdale quad- rangle. 1 Fairbanks, H. W., Notes on the geology of eastern California: Am. Geologist, vol. 17, p. 63, 1896. 2 In Fairbanks, H. W., Op. cit, pp. 67-68. 3 Smith, J. H., The Eocene of North America west of the 100th meridian (Greenwich) : Jour. Geology, vol. 8, pp. 455-456, 1900. * Hershey, O. H., Some Tertiary formations of southern California : Am. Geologist, vol. 29, pp. 3G5, 369-370. 5 Baker, C. L., Physiography and structure of the western El Paso Range and the southern Sierra Nevada: Univ. California Dept. Geol. Bull., vol. 7, pp. 117-142, 1912. 8 Hess, F. L., Gold mining in Randsburg quadrangle, California : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 430, pp. 23-47, 1909. ■ Hulin, C. D., Geology and ore deposits of the Randsburg quadrangle, California : Cali- fornia Min. Bur. Bull. 95, pp. 1-152, 5 maps, 1925. 8 Jenkins, Olaf P., Geologic map of California, scale 1:500,000, California Div. Mines, 1938. 9 Hulin, C. D., Geologic features of the dry placers of the northern Mojave Desert : California Div. Mines Rept. 30, pp. 417-426, 1934. 10 Merriam, J. C, Relationship of Pliocene mammalian faunas from the Pacific Coast and Great Basin provinces of North America: Univ. California Dept. Geol. Bull., vol. 10, pp. 421-443, 1917. ^ Simpson, E. C, Geology and mineral deposits of the Elizabeth Lake quadrangle, Cali- fornia : California Div. Mines Rept. 30, pp. 371-415, map, 1934. GEOLOGY — DEBBLEE 11 PHYSIOGRAPHY The Saltdale quadrangle includes parts of four topographic features, ■which trend in a general northeasterly direction. These, in order from southeast to northwest, are the Rand Mountains, Cantil Valley, El Paso ^Mountains, and Indian Wells Valley. Rand Mountains. The low range known as the Rand Mountains extends southwest from Randsburg quadrangle into the southeastern part of Saltdale quadrangle. The northwestern flank of this range rises abruptly from Cantil Valley to an even crest line about 2 miles south- east, Avhich attains an elevation of about 3,800 feet near the eastern border of Saltdale quadrangle. Southward from this crest line the terrain slopes very gently and blends into the extensive peneplain of the Mojave Desert. The comparatively abrupt northwestern flank is a younger ero- sion surface; it is in the late-mature stage of the erosion cycle. The base of the northwestern flank is buried under a great thickness of pied- mont alluvial-fan material, which slopes toward Cantil Valley, and which extends far up the canyons. Cantil Valley. Cantil Valley is an almost level, undrained. alluvium- filled basin about 6 miles wide, which trends approximately X. 60° E. between Rand ^Mountains and El Paso ^Mountains. Toward the south- west it opens into the Mojave Desert : toward the northeast it gradually rises to a low pass in the Randsburg quadrangle. Koehn (Salt) Dry Lake is m Cantil Valley, at an elevation of 1.920 feet — the lowest in Saltdale quadrangle. El Paso Mountains. El Paso Mountains trend about X. 60° E. through the northern part of Saltdale quadrans'le. Toward the northeast they extend into the Randsburg quadrans-le : toward the southwest they taper down to a low gap, at the border of Saltdale quadrangle. The Tehaehapi ]iIountains rise beyond the ?ap. and extend to the southwest. The southeastern base of El Paso ^Mountains is remarkably straidit, trending X. 60° E.. and averaging about 2.250 feet in elevation. The southeastern flank rises abruptly within 2 miles to a line of peaks 3,250 to 5.050 feet in elevation. These are made up of metamorphic and granitic i-ocks. and constitute the core or main mass of the mountains. The range is characterized by the steep V-shaped canyons and slightly rounded peaks and ridges of the mature erosion stage. The northwestern flank of El Paso I\Iountains slopes gently toward Indian VTells Valley over a distance of about 4 miles. Canyons are shal- low, and the larger ones are alluviated. This area is made up mostly of soft sedimentary rocks dipping northwest. Here rapid erosion has formed the beautifully picturesque badland topography for which Last Chance and Redrock Canyons are famous. Resistant lava flows within the sedi- ments form prominent strike ridges. The Black Hills rise high above the low hills of the northwestern flank of El Pa.so Mountains to an elevation of 4.938 feet at Black Mountain. They have been preserved from erosion by a resistant lava cap, which dips gently northwestward into Indian Wells Valley. The drainage system in El Paso ^fountains is unusual in that the flanks of the range are not drained by normal consequent canyons starting at ]2 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE o I— < an o LO _J UJ u 2 OJ ;«: > o >- 1/1 n DESCRIPTION < o ALLUVIUM TERRACE BLACK MT Qbb ~ Grovels, sonds, cloys 0-100 (llllllf'li|'iiliiil|lllllM Basalt love O M o O O Ij >- Q. CC < — — UJ RICARDO 7000 O O M o bJ < a. o o GOLER Tg 6500' Grovel, sond, silt Clay, sond, opal-chert Sond, grovel Sond, cloy, basalt lovos Sand, silt, volconic osti Cobble conglomerole Tuff, bosalt lava, ondesite breccio ■ ^Conglomerate^ Buff sandstone, red clays, gray conglomerate Red conglomerate, sand, silt (UNNAMED) Ji Quortzite conglomerate ond tiornfels 17 Pgs M X y ^ V 13 Pgvo M » » « » • / «• CC bJ CL GARLOCK I SERIES .S 12 23000' Pgs Pgvb Pgs Pgvb Stiole Ctiert, thin limestones Shale Chert, thin limestones Chert, limestone Brown andesite porphyry Chert, tuff Shale, thin limestone; Fusilina Shole, coarse sondstone, limestone Shale, chert Quartzite Shale and chert Bosalt (greenstone) Chert Block shale Sandy limestone, chert conglomerate Shale, quartzite, sondy limestone Chert Basalt (greenstone) Chert < O bJ tr Q. MESQUITE SCHIST p€m 4600t RAND SCHIST p€r Chlorite- guar tz-olbite-sericite schisf ond thin limestone lenses Mico-quartz-olbite ond octinohte schists Fie. 1. Columnar section, Saltdale quadrangle. GEOLOGY — DIBBLEE 13 the crest of the main mass, or basement core. Instead, the resistant core is cut thronii'h by tlie deep, narrow, antecedent o-orj^es of Goler Gulch, Last Chance Canyon, and Redroek Canyon, which drain southward from the main drainage divide formed by Black Hills and the Ioav hills to the east and southwest. This di^dde is considerably north of the basement core of El Paso Mountains. Indian Wells Valley. The nearlj^ level alluviated area in northwest- ern Saltdale quadrangle is a small part of a larpe, roug'hly triano-nlar desert valley known as Indian Wells Valley, which contains the small town of Inyokern near its center. The portion lying within Saltdale quadrangle is slightly over 3,000 feet in elevation, and slopes gently northeastward. West of U.S. Highway 6 it is being dissected by the head- waters of Redroek Canyon. STRATIGRAPHY Pre-Cambrian (?) Rand Schist The Rand schist was mapped, named, and described by Hulin,^- who reported an exposure 1,500 to 2,000 feet thick southwest of the town of Randsburg, in the Rand Mountains. In that region the most abundant rock is a silvery gray mica-albite-quartz schist in which schistose cleavage parallel to bedding is very prominent. ^^ This rock is composed predom- inantly of anhedral grains of albite and quartz in a matrix of small flakes of muscovite and light-brown biotite. In general, the micas are oriented parallel to schistosity; locally, however, they curve around grains of albite and quartz. Greenish-gray actinolite schist is also a common rock type. The uppermost part of the exposed section contains a few thin beds of limestone and quartzite, some of which are several feet thick. The lime- stone is blue gray, but has white laminae, and is remarkably little meta- morphosed as compared with the schists. The quartzite is buff colored and fine grained, and contains thin layers of mica. Lenticular veins of brittle white quartz as much as 5 feet in thickness are common in the Rand schist ; ^^ some are parallel to the schistose cleavage, but most cut across it. In lithology, the Rand schist is identical with the Pelona schist of the Sierra Pelona Mountains ^^ and Cajon Pass area. The two are probably correlative. Exposures of Rand schist extend westward into Saltdale quadrangle for about 3 miles, where they crop out on the north slope of the Rand Mountains. Here a partial section, totaling about 2,000 feet, is exposed. The schist is compressed into several folds, and the uppermost layers are in contact with intrusive quartz monzonite. The greenish-gray actino- lite facies, which is so abundant in Randsburg quadrangle, is not common in Saltdale quadrangle. " Hulin, Carlton D., Geology- and ore deposits of the Randsburg quadrangle, California : California Min. Bur. Bull. 95, 152 pp., 5 maps, 1925. 13 Hulin, C. D., op. cit. 1925, pp. 23-26. " Hulin, C. D., op. cit. 1925, p. 38. ^ Simpson, E. C, Geology and mineral deposits of the Elizabeth Lake quadrangle, Cali- fornia : California Div. Mines Kept. 30, pp. 371-415, map, 1934. 14 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE Mesquite Schist At Mesquite Canyon in El Paso Mountains, about 4,500 feet of chlorite- quartz-albite-sericite schist, herein named the Mesquite schist, is exposed. ]t is dark steel-^ray when fresh, but weathers to lio-ht silvery gray. It is prominently and thinly bedded, and cleaves into thin slabs that have a silvery sheen. In the uppermost 500 feet are many interbeds of fine crystalline limestone, some as much as 10 feet in thickness. The Mesquite schist dips to the east under the Garlock series. Contact with the overljdng Garlock chert is well exposed in a short prospect tunnel on the west bank of Mesquite Canyon. It is sharp, but concordant, and is an important stratigraphic break, probably a disconformity. Ap- parently there has been some movement along it, for the formations are separated by about a foot of fault breccia. The lower part of the schist is granitized, or has been intruded by granite. The Mesquite schist is finer grained than the Rand schist, and appears to be less metamorphosed. It is composed mainly of sericite, and is mot- tled with numerous dark greenish-gray spots of chlorite and quartz. ^'^ The Mesquite chlorite-quartz-albite-sericite schist belongs to the green schist facies of metamorphism as described by Turner,^" and formed as a result of low-grade regional metamorphism of argillaceous sediments. The calc-silicate hornfels zones in the recrystallized limestone are meta- morphosed argillaceous impurities. Age of the Schists Neither the Rand schist nor its probable correlative the Pelona schist has yielded any fossils ; for this reason, and because of their generally metamorphosed condition, they have been assigned a pre-Cambrian ( ?) age. According to C. W. Chesterman,^^ the Rand schist probably overlies the Johannesburg gneiss of supposed Archean age in the Randsburg area. The Mesquite schist in El Paso Mountains has likewise yielded no fossils. Broadly speaking, it is similar to the Rand schist of the Rand Mountains ; both are thin-bedded mica schists containing thin interbeds of fine-grained banded limestone and quartzite. In mineralogical content, however, the Rand and Mesquite schists are dissimilar; the latter, which represents a lower grade of metamorphism, is probably stratigraphically higher than the former. It is remotely possible that the Mesquite schist may represent the stratigraphically highest portion of the Rand schist, which is not exposed in the Rand Mountains. I'J C. W. Chesterman, who collected and examined specimen.s of the schist, describes it as follows : "Under the microscope the chlorite-quartz-albite-sericite schist is seen to he com- posed predominantly of small plates of sericite and xenoblastic grains of quartz and albite. The sericite is light colored, and forms flow-like streams around knot- like clusters of chlorite and quartz. Albite twinning is uncommon, but is found in a few of the grains of albite. The quartz is in the form of xenoblastic grains scat- tered throughout the rock, as narrow veins cutting the foliation, and in clusters with chlorite. Chlorite is common, most of it occurring as pale green pleochroic flakes and irregular patches. Chloritoid, on the other hand, is not as abundant as the sericite and chlorite. It occurs as dark bluish-green pleochroic grains, most of which are oriented more or less normal to the foliation. Inclusions of quartz and magnetite are common in the chloritoid. "The limestone beds in the chlorite-quartz-albite-sericite schist consist almost wholly of crystalline limestone, which contains highly contorted ribs and bands of calc- silicate hornfels. The hornfels is for the most part a granoblastic aggregate of calcite, quartz, and zoisite grains, and needles of tremolite. Sphene, sericite, and phlogopite are all present in minor amounts." " Turner, P. J., Mineralogical and structural evolution of the metamorphic rocks : Geol. Soc. America Mem. 30, pp. 96-99, 1948. 18 Oral communication, 1950. GEOLOGY — DIBBLEE 15 The Mesquite schist is either pre-Cambrian or early Paleozoic — more likely pre-Cambrian. as it diseont'ormably imderlies the Garlock series, Avhich is a tremendous thickness of slightly metamorphosed sediments and volcanics of Paleozoic (in part Permian) age. That the sudden strati- jrraphic break between these two series represents an important time gap is indicated by the absence of schists from the Garlock series. Paleozoic Garlock Series A tremendously thick series of slightly metamorphosed Paleozoic sediments and volcanics, in part if not all of Permian age, crops out in the northeastern part of El Paso ^Mountains within Saltdale quadrangle. This sequence, herein named the Garlock series, is exposed continuously from Mesquite Canyon northeastward, striking about X. 20° W. acro.ss El Paso Mountains and dipping steeply to the northeast. About 22,000 feet of section is exposed, if it is not isoclinally folded ; but the possibility of repetition by isoclinal folding within the section, or even by strike faulting, should not be overlooked. The Garlock series extends into Randsburg quadrangle, where an additional 13,000 feet is exposed ; there it was mapped by Hulin ^^ as "undifferentiated Paleozoic." Section of Garlock series in eastern El Paso Mountains, Randsburg quadrangle. * Feet Quartz nionzouite or quartz diorite (intrusive) Member 21 Limestone, white, medium crystalline, metamorphosed 0- 500 Siltstone, dark brown, micaceous, sandy, hard, poorly bedded ; fracture schistose 1000-2000 Member 20 Shale, gray, hard ; contains numerous thin interbeds of gray, cream, and brown chert and limestone, and some brown quartzite 1200 Chert, black, gray, and brown, bedded ; lenses out southeastward 0- 200 Member 19 Shale, cherty, cream white to light gray, thin bedded, hard ; cherty fracture ; contains minor lenses of dark chert 4500 Member 18 (total thickness 3700 ft.) Chert-shale, dark gray to brown, thin bedded ; contains minor thin interbeds of limestone 500 Chert, black, thin bedded ; contains local interbeds of gray limestone 0- 200 Chert-shale, light gray to cream white, bedded 300 Chert-shale, dark gray to brown, thin bedded 700 Shale, gray, thin bedded, slaty 0- 200 Chert-shale, dark gray to brown, thin bedded 700 Basalt, dark gieeu-brown ; altered to greenstone 0- 100 Chert-limestone ; chert dark brown, thin bedded ; interstratified lime- stone well bedded, gray, impure, in beds up to 50 ft. in thickness, containing crinoid fragments, lensing out southward 0- 600 Chert, dark gray to brown, thin bedded ; contains interbeds of hard dark-gray shale 1000 Member 17 Shale, dark gray, weathering to brown, thin bedded, slaty, micaceous 1600 Members 16 and 15 (see Saltdale quadrangle section) Total thickness (members 17 through 21) 13,000 w Hulin, C. D., Geologj- and ore deposits of tlie Randsburg quadrangle, California: Cali- fornia Min. Bur. Bull. 95, pp. 31-33, pi. 1, 1925. * This section, mapped by Hulin as "undifferentiated Paleozoic", is part of the Garlock series. It starts with the northeasternmost exposures, or the top of the exposed section, where it is in contact with intrusive quartz monzonite. 16 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE Secfion of Garlock series in El Paso Mountains, Saltdale quadrangle. Feet Member 17 Shale, light hmwii, thin bedded, fissile, micaceous; extends southeast- ward into Randsburg quadrangle 1000 + Member 16 Chert, tan, brown, gray, thick to thin bedded ; contains minor interbeds of hard, thin-bedded micaceous shale 900-2000 Meml)er 15 Shale, light gray to light brown, thin bedded, slaty, micaceous 500- 700 Member 14 Chert, brown to black, well bedded ; contains interbeds of hard brown to gray slaty shale, rare thin layers as much as 2 ft. thick of chert- pebble conglomerate in sandstone or hard shale matrix 600-1300 Member 13 (total thickness 4950± ft.) Andesite,™ dark gray, dense, aphanitic. massive ; weathers to dark brown ; contains numerous small white feldspar phenocrysts ; exposed in Goler Wash, thins southeastward (possibly intrusive) 900 Limestone, dark green, massive, fine grained 50 Chert, black, thick bedded 300 Andesite, as above; thickens to 3100+ ft. southeastward (intrusive?) 1100 Chert, black to brown, and light pink-gray thin-bedded tuff containing some lentils of tuff breccia 800 + Andesite, as above; exposed in Iron Canyon (intrusive) 1300 Tuff breccia, pink-gray, thin bedded ; contains volcanic fragments as much as 1 in. in size 500 Member 12 (total thickness 2050 ft.) Shale, gray to brown, thin bedded, slaty ; contains thin interbeds of chert and greenish-tan limestone with fossil fragments ; includes thin lentils of chert-pebble conglomerate 1100 Conglomerate, drab gray, schistose ; made up of poorly sorted flattened pebbles as much as 2 in. in size of hard shale, chert, and quartzite ; forms prominent outcrops ; grades northward into coarse gritty sand- stone 250 Shale, tan, thin bedded to fissile 500 Limestone, green gray, fossiliferous ; contains flattened chert pebbles as much as 2 in. in size, crinoid stems, fusulinids, and some limestone pebbles containing above fossils ; minor shale interbeds 200 Member 11 Shale and chert, tan to brown, thin bedded 700 Member 10 Quartzite, tan, thick bedded to massive, very fine grained ; forms promi- nent outcrops west of Iron Canyon ; contains interbeds of tan, bedded chert, minor interbeds of gray shale 700 Member 9 (total thickness 2800 ft.) Shale, gray to brown, hard, thin bedded, micaceous ; contains minor interbeds of brown chert 1500 Chert, black to brown, bedded 500 Shale, gray to brown, hard, thin bedded, micaceous ; interbedded w'ith hard brown to black chert; thickens northward _ 1100 + (Probable fault here may repeat part of member 9) Chert, tan, massive to thick bedded ; lenses out southward 200 Chert, brown, thin bedded ; contains interbeds of shale 500 ^Member 8 Metabasalt, drab green, dense ; contains numerous small vesicles ; altered to greenstone with calcite veinlets and fillings in vesicles, schistose fracture 0-1500 Member 7 Chert, brown, gray, rusty tan, thin bedded 600 Member 6 Shale, gray-black, micaceous, argillaceous, slaty, fissile 500 GEOLOGY — DIBBLEE 17 Section of Ga/rloch series in El Paso Mountains, Saltdale qtiadrniigle (cant.) Feet :Mpmber 5 (total thickness 600 ft.) Chert, sray to brown, thin bedded 200 Limestone, chirk Rreen-gray, impure, thick bedded ; contains numerous rounded f;raius of quartz ; forms highest peak in El Paso Mountains,- 50 Chert-breccia, dark gray ; fracture platy ; made up of angular fragments and slabs as much as 2 in. long of chert, shale, and limestone in dark chert or hard shale matrix ; grades northward into chert and lime- stone 300-1- Limestone, same as last above 0- 50 Member 4 Chert-shale, dark gray to black, thin bedded ; contains local lenses of brown to dark gray quartzite, also of fine chert breccia 2000 Limestone, dark green-gray, impure, sandy, thick bedded ; contains inter- l)eds of black chert; lenses out northward 0— 300 Member 3 Metabasalt, similar to member 8, lenses out southward 0- 500 Chert, black, brown, gray, bedded ; contains local phases of chert breccia ; lenses out locally 0—1000 Member 2 Metabasalt, similar to member S 900-1- ^I ember 1 Chert, l)Iack, gray, brown, bedded, brecciated ; contains minor lenses of fine chert breccia 3004- Accordant contact with underlying Mesquite schist (1 to 2 ft. of pul- verized rock occurs at contact exposed in Mesquite Canyon) Total thickness exposed in Saltdale quadrangle ( Members 1 through 17) 22,000 Total thickness exposed in Randsburg quadrangle (Members 17 through 21) 13,000 Total thickness of Garlock series (Members 1 through 21) 35,000 The Garlock series is a large inclusion within a granitic batholith. Its sediments and volcanics are remarkably little metamorphosed, consider- ing that they occur Avithin an extensive area of plutonic rocks. What metamorphism did take place was largely static, and was caused by heat resulting from deep burial and compression. Basalt within the Gar- lock series was chloritized and altered to greenstone, in the vesicles and fractures of which secondary calcite was deposited ; sandstone was more or less silicitied to quartzite ; but the andesite porphyry,-*^ shale, lime- stone and chert were not much affected— although the chert is probably silicitied shale or tuff. The rocks were strongly deformed by tectonic forces, especially the thin-bedded brittle chert and cherty shale, which are undulated and brecciated. The Garlock series may include several formations, although the abun- dance of shale, chert, and volcanics throughout the sequence suggests that it is of one age. One locality in Iron Canyon, two-thirds of a mile east of the Apache mine, has yielded crinoid stems and fusulinids. The latter were identified by C. W. Merriam as ScJuvagerina sp., indicating 2" Under the microscope the hornblende andesite was found to have a porphyritic texture and to be made up' principally of liroken subhedral crystals of acid andesine enclosed in a mlcrocrystalline groundmass of devitrifled glass. Many of the feldspar crystals are altered in part to sericite and calcite. The hornblende, for the most part, is highly altered and now consists almost wholly of secondary magnetite and pale green chlo- rite. In addition to devitrifled glass, the groundmass also contains aggregates of small crystals of twinned and untwinned andesine, irregular areas of calcite, and small shreds of chlorite. Accessory minerals are apatite and zircon. Although the hornblende andesite has been altered since it was emplaced, the degree of alteration or metamorphism was not sufficient to destroy the original mineralogical composition and texture of the rock. C W. Cliesterman. 18 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE 21 20 19 18 17 16 ^^ * ^ JJ - —a TilMlrmrrTIlr""^^ 15 White limestone Brown micaceous siltstone, quortzite Thin-bedded gray shale, chert, limestone Creom-white and tan cherly shale Gray and black chert, shale, limestone Tan cherly shale Gray chert and shale Gray and brown chert, crinoidal gray limestone Brown micoceous shale Brown chert and thin-bedded crinoidal limestones Brown micaceous shale 34000'' 32000'' 30000'- 23000' 26000'' -24000'- 22000 • 20000' 14 13 Dork gray chert and dark limestone Black chert and limestone Dark brown andesite porphyry Pink tuff and block chert Pink and gray tuff and tuff-brecclo 18 000' leooo'- 14000'" 12 grrTTTTrnq . ■i' . , .T 'i -'i =-V-^ Thin-bedded shale, limestone Coarse sandstone Conglomerate, limestone, shole (Permian -fauno) 12000- Shole, chert Tan quortzite 10000'- 8000 600O' 4000'- 2000- Brown ond. gray shale and chert Bosalt greenstone Brown and yellow chert Sandy limestone ond chert conglomerole Gray shale, chert, quortzite, sondy limestone at base 3 2 I Block chert, shole, chert conglomerole Basalt greenstone ^Block chert ^ Mesquite schist _ ai Fig. 2. Columnar section, Garlock series in El Paso Mountains. GEOLOGY — DEBBLEE 19 middle or lower Permian age.^^ These fossils are in a thin pebbly lime- stone layer at the base of Member 12. Xo other fossils were found below this horizon. Crinoid fragments are abundant in thin limestone interbeds from the base of Member 12 to Member 18. so this part of the Garlock series is most likely of Permian age. The part of the series below ]\Iember 12 is probably Paleozoic, but maj' be older than Permian. The Garlock series is unlike any other Paleozoic section in the ]Mojave Desert and southern Great Basin region, chiefly because of its tremendous thickness, large quantities of chert, and small percentage of limestone. It was probably deposited in a rapidly sinking basin under conditions different from those in other areas. Paleozoic (?) Metasediments About 2,000 feet of steeply east-dipping m.etasediments of unknown age, comprising quartzite conglomerate and a dense rock, probably horn- fels, are exposed adjacent on the east to the granophyre east of Redrock Canyon. The conglomerate is in lenticular masses ranging up to 800 feet in thickness. It consists of rounded gray-white quartz pebbles as much as 2 inches in length, which hare been strongly flattened, probably parallel to bedding, in a matrix of dark-gray quartzite. The rock is brittle, and has a parallel or schistose fracture. The hornfels associated vrith the conglomerate is very hard, massive, and dense, and is dark-bro-^m to gray in color. It is irregularly jointed except locally, where the jointing may be rudely parallel to the bedding. Although the metasediments are assigned a questionable Paleozoic age, it was not possible to correlate them Avith any rocks in the mapped area. Tertiary Two series of northwest-dipping Tertiary continental sediments, sepa- rated by an angular unconformity, crop out on the northwest flank of El Paso Mountains. These are the Miocene (?) Goler formation (con- glomerate, sand, and clay) and the Pliocene and Pleistocene ( ?) Ricardo formation (lacustrine and pyroclastic sediments and lavas). Goler Formation The continental sediments mapped as Rosamoud series by Hulin -- on the northwestern flank of El Paso Mountains in Randsburg quadrangle extend southwest into Saltdale quadrangle, across the head of Goler Gulch, to Last Chance Canyon. It is very doubtful that these sediments correlate with the type Rosamond as mapped by Simpson -^ near the town of Rosamond, for they are lithologically different. The terrestrial series in Saltdale quadrangle, therefore, is named the Goler formation, after Goler Gulch, where the thickest, most comj)lete section is exposed; the type section is designated as the one exposed in the drainage area of Goler Gulch and northwestward to the east slope of the Black Hills. 21 Fusulinids from tlie Saltdale area transmitted to me for determination are referred to the genus Schicagerina. As at present understood, the genus is restricted to the Per- mian but with a long range from "Wolfcampian upward. In the absence of Para- fusuUna, which occurs in the Inyo Mountains within the upper range of Schicagerina, it appears probable that the Saltdale zone is lower Permian and correlative with the Permian portion of the Bird Spring formation as well as the lower part of the McCloud limestone. C. W. Mein-iam. 22 0p. cit, 1925. ^ Op. cit. 20 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE LEGEND Oal Qt'. Alluvium Terrace . -jQi; i. ! W — ^ • Jqm,. ^'Jbi,v| Intrusive basolt >l9fag'> Goler formotion Granophyre Quartz monzomte [■ Pn,-.j Gorlock series, members [.•?,. I 13 to 21 inclusive One Mile Fig. 3. Map showing upper portion of Garlock series in nortiiwest part of Randsburg quadrangle. GEOLOGY — DIBBLEE 21 UJ x / / UJ z < cr o < LEGEND OF FORMATIONS /'' / ^ / cr I / ■D Tq-Goler formation o o jqm-quortz monzonite CD CO O < into members as follows: cr Pgs- Garlock series, divided ^ 21(1500') white limestone, micaceous siltstone, quartzite 20 (1300') stiole, chert, limestone 19 (4500') tan-white cherty shale 18(3900') chert, shale, limestone 17(1600') gray shale 16(2000') shale, chert, limestone 15(800') gray shale 14 (600') chert, limestone 13(800') andesite porphyry 0' 5000 . . . SCALE 0000 FIG. 4. section through eastern El Paso Mountains. Randsburg quadrangle. 22 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE It consists of some 6,500 feet of terrestrial conglomerate, sandstone, and clay, probably middle or early Tertiary in aj}:e, lyinj^: unconformably above the basement rocks and unconformably below the Kicardo forma- tion. The Goler formation contains no volcanic or pyroelastic rocks. Southwest from the type section, the Goler is overlapped by the younger Kicardo formation. The Goler formation comprises two members which are fairly distinct throughout the quadrangle. The lower, mapped as Member 1, is essen- tially a basal alluvial fanglomerate, which ranges from less than 1 foot to 50 feet in thickness. The upper, mapped as Member 2, consists of two units of arkosic buff sand and red clay, and, east of Goler Gulch, cobble gravels. These tAvo units become indistinguishable west of Goler Gulch, where the thick gravel beds grade into sand. Member 2 is about 5,500 feet in total thickness. Goler formation exposed in Goler Gulch. Thickness in feet Angular unconformity between Goler formation and overlying Ricardo formation Member 2 Sand, clay, gravel, interbedded : Sand arkosic, buff colored, well bedded, indurated; weathering cavernous; contains many dark-brown concre- tions up to 2 feet in diameter ; commonly pebl)ly ; in beds up to 50 feet in thickness. Clay maroon, rarely greenish, silty to sandy, in beds up to 15 feet thick. Gravel gray, made up of well-rounded cobbles up to a foot in diameter of quartzite, chert, limestone, and granitic rocks, and of aphanitic porphyries of dacite, andesite, and basalt ; in beds up to 500 feet thick, the thickest of which is at the base, and lies with pos- sible slight angular discordance on the beds below ; all gravels are east of Goler Gulch, all grade into pebbly arkosic sand toward the west 4000± Sand, clay : Sand arkosic, similar to that described above ; maroon clay, well bedded 2000± Member 1 Gravel : Unsorted fanglomerate, made up of well-rounded boulders and cobbles up to 2 feet in diameter of granitic rocks, quartzite, chert, lime- stone, and some aphanitic porphyries ; west of Goler Gulch is essen- tially light-brown fanglomerate ; east of Goler (Julch becomes maroon cobble gravel with some maroon clay and red arkosic sand in upper portion 0- 500 Great angular unconbokjiity on irregular erosion surface of Garlock series Total thickness of goler formation 6500 Member 1 of the Goler formation is not present everywhere in El Paso Mountains, as it was deposited by torrential rains only in the canyons or stream channels of a very irregular surface cut into the basement rocks. One of these channels was in the vicinity of Goler Gulch. To the west, in the vicinity of Apache mine, the fanglomerate is missing; ap- parently the basement rocks formed a ridge there. In Last Chance Canyon Member 1 reappears; here it is 1,500 feet thick, and attains its best de- velopment. In this area it consists of a basal fanglomerate grading upward into deep maroon-colored coarse arkosic sand. The boulders and cobbles of Member 1 are almost entirely from the basement rocks now exposed in El Paso Mountains. GEOLOGY — DIBBLEE 23 Member 2 is largely arkosic material, the sand of which was derived from granitic rocks. There is some doubt as to the source of the various porphyritic volcanic cobbles * in the thick gravel lentils exposed east of Goler Gulch. These were probably derived mainly from basement rocks, although some may have come from Tertiary volcanic rocks. Member 2 also contains many wood fragments, and some carbonaceous material. The base of the Goler formation a mile north of Gerbracht Camp contains about 20 inches of soft coal, with which fossil leaves are associated. The Goler formation is weakly resistant to erosion. The gravel forms hillsides of loose cobbles, and the buff sandstone crops out as prominent ledges ; sandstone interbedded with red clay forms badland topography. Neither the Goler formation in Saltdale quadrangle nor the equivalent Rosamond series in Randsburg quadrangle ^^ resembles the type Rosa- mond series of the Elizabeth Lake quadrangle,-'^ which contains a large amount of pyroclastic sediments and lavas. It is possible, however, that Member 2 of the Goler formation in Saltdale quadrangle, the Rosamond series in Randsburg quadrangle,-^ and the upper Miocene Barstow for- mation of the western Calico Mountains -*' may be correlative. These three formations, which consist of a great thickness of arkosic sediments with interbeds of red clay, were deposited in a large trough extending from El Paso Mountains southeastward through the Calico Mountains. The probable correlation of Cenozoic formations in El Paso and Calico Mountains, based on comparative lithology and sequence, is shown in the accompanying correlation chart. The deep maroon-colored basal Member 1 of the Goler formation strongly resembles the Coyote formation of the Calico Mountains, as well as the lower Miocene-Oligocene-upper Eocene dark-maroon arkosic beds of such formations as the Vasquez (Escondido) , Tecuya, and Sespe in the Coast Ranges. The sudden appearance of coarse cobble gravel containing abundant volcanic debris in Member 2 at Goler Gulch suggests an important strati- graphic break ; the gravel may represent the base of the Miocene in this series of sediments. The earliest determination of the age of the sediments mapped as Goler formation in this report was based upon fossil leaves, which F. W. Knowl- ton identified as Tertiary, probably Eocene. J. Hervey Smith, in naming the Mohave formation, wrote one of the first descrij^tions of these sedi- ments : ^^ "A formation in southeastern California described by H. AV. Fairbanks ^^^ as consisting of *a series of beds of clays, sandstone, volcanic tuffs, and interbedded lava flows, probably 1.000 feet or more in thickne.ss,' occurrinjr 'on the northern slope of the El Paso Range, between Mojave and Owens Lake,' and probably ex- tending over a considerable area between the El Paso Range and the Sierra * Recent work in the area about 25 miles southeast of Goler Gulch reveals that these porphyritic rock types crop out in Fremont Peak Range as numerous pre-Tertiary ( ?) dikes cutting plutonic rocks, and are found as cobbles in the upper Miocene Barstow gravels to the east. T. W. Dihblee, Jr. 2* Huhn, Carlton D., Geology and ore deposits of the Randsburg quadrangle, California • California Min. Bur. Bull. 95, 152 pp., 5 maps, 1925. s-"^ Simpson, E. C, Geology and mineral deposits of the Elizabeth Lake quadrangle California : California Div. Mines Rept. 30, pp. 371-415, map, 1934. ' 2« IMcCollough, T., Geolog>' of the southern portion of Lane Mountain quadrangle, Cali- fornia, unpublished map, 1949. Dibblee, T. W". Jr., Geology of the Opal Mountain quadrangle, California, unpublished map, 1951. ^ Smith, J. H., The Eocene of North America, west of the 100th meridian (Greenwich) • Jour. Geology, vol. 8, pp. 455-456, 19 00. 28 Fairbanks, H. W., Notes on the geology of eastern California : Am. Geologist, vol 17 pp. 63, 67-68, 1896. 24 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE r CO - « t) S i5 ^ ^1 US'; :z: 2. >■ §^ I' ^ O i pi oi W H ->; C -a H < H o o H t— I u Q <1 H O D a 3 c '3 O o 3 ■•J a la ■*^ CO S ■^ C 3 , CD 03 j2 a O 0) a a 3 03 E -a o >. O H m _o an ■-3 '^ Ph T3 ^ s *3 c U O m o e ^ o u. u 03 C 3 •a 03 Q H O O o 3 c o O o o H o s Oh O «3 lO mS ■a" -0 en a m r C3 n c c >, o (D a So a o "3) c o 03 •a 03 3 -a 60 ^ =5 t£ Egg o a> 03 a o o »a C E ° S<; a c o -*^ CO TJ C 03 O c o _ o ■- 5 So o Q p:^ < O H o u e o o 13 3 o •3 35 o H pL, o X a. o a 3 a C3 aNaooxsiaid aMaoond aNaooiw I awaDoa v taNaDoono DIVISION OF MIXES BULL. ICO PL. 4 I f " ■-•"^v X ARKOSIC PwED SANDS OF THE GOLER FORMATION Last Chance Canyon, east of Cudahy Camp. Photo by C. IV. Chestermau. DIVISION OF MINES BULL. 160 PL. 5 :3*r: 4. ---^ii^'^ A, TWIN BASALT DIKES Cutting Goler red beds (below) and Ricardo conglomerate, tuff, and andesite breccia. Last Chance Canyon, east of Cudahy Camp. Photo by C. W. Chestertnan. B, NORMAL FAULT Dipping east (to left), between Ricardo formation (gray and white exposure.s at right) and Goler red beds (center). North side of Last Chance Canyon near Holly Camp. Photo by C. W. Chesterman. DIVISION OF MINES BULL. 160 PL. 6 BASAL GRAY CONGLOMERATE Ricardo formation Member 1. Last Chance Canyon, east of Cudahy Camp. Photo by C. W. Chesterman. DIVISION OF MIXES BULL. 160 PL. 7 A. ANDESITE BRECCIA Flow A of Ricardo formation. Underlain by tuff (Member 2) and basal conglomerate (Member 1) of Ricardo formation; basalt and lake beds above. Last Chance Canyon. Photo by C. W. Chesterman. B, ANDESITE BRECCIA Flow A of Ricardo formation ; contains perlite. Flow dips west (toward the left) under lake beds exposed at left. Last Chance Canyon. Photo by C. W. Chesterman. DIVISION OF MINES BULL. 160 PL. 8 ^^i(^rjt;^Z,j ^"-f^- ^T^tgi,--^- 4, LAKE BEDS Containing layers of white volcanic ash (pumicite) ; Member 4, Ricardo formation. Andesite breccia in foreground. View northwest across Last Chance Canyon. Photo by C. W. Chesterman. -.A -■^ 1.4— ;it B, LAKE BEDS Containing volcanic ash (pumicite) beds; Member 4, Ricardo formation. Cudahy Com- pany seismotite deposit, west side of Last Chance Canyon. Photo by C. W. Chesterman. DIVISION OP MINES BULL. 160 PL. 9 A, GRAY AND RED BLUFF-FORMING SANDSTONE Member 5 of Ricardo formation. Redrock Canyon. Photo by C. W. Chesterman. B, LAKE BEDS Member 7, Ricardo formation. West side of Last Chance Canyon. Photo by C. W. Chesterman. DIVISION OF MIXES BULL. 160 PL. 10 ••it^te** ^llJ' ..^ * ->*«e^9'* \> -^ — "i-* SANDSTONE CAPPED BY BASALT FLOW E Member 5, Ricardo formation. Redrock Canyon. Photo by C. W. Chesterman. o CO O O M M E J3 33 a o U o 3 o '3 , I— I "J o u hH fa c sr4 a c e o ^ §^ x% PQ • " o > o a . O M U r does not predominate in the Ricardo sediments. The formation is devoid of any maroon clays like those of the Goler formation. Terrestrial sediments of the Ricardo are poorly consolidated. Nicnrdo formation exposed at Redrock and Last Chance Canyons. Thickness in feet TOP OF SECTION eroded or buried by alluvium Member 8 Terrestrial gravel, sand, clay : Interbedded light-gray granitic gravel, sand, and light-brown micaceous gritty clay ; at Army Ground Observa- tion Station, basal 100 feet grades up-dip into gravel of brown volcanic (andesite) cobbles . ^_ IHOO Member 7 Lake beds : Predominantly light-gray nodular clay and interbedded gray- whito calcareous sandstone ; also layers of white tuffaceous siltstone, impure limestone and opalized mud with conchoidal fracture ; layers up to 2 feet in thickness of hard, white to translucent opal chert common northeast of Army Ground Observation Station 1500 Member Terrestrial s.nnd and gravel : Bedded light pink-gray fine- to coarse- grained sand ; some hard indurated layers of calcareous sandstone ; layers of brown gravel of andesite pebbles common near basal portion ; southwest of Redrock Canyon entire series becomes gray sand and gravel of volcanic debris; northeast of Redrock Canyon upper portion grades laterally into lake beds of Member 7 0-2000 Member 5 *Basalt (Flow F) : Dense to fine-grained, black, weathers dark brown; contains olivine ; vesicles abundant ; amygdules of analcite, natrolite, chalcedony, and opal up to half an inch in size common ; thins out to northeast 0- 100 Sand : Light gray and fine grained ; tuffaceous silt, gray white, with some thin layers of opal chert ; thins out southwest of Redrock Canyon 0— 100 Basalt (Flow E) : Similar to Flow F ; thins out to northeast (>- 100 Sandstone : Pink-gray, fine to coarse grained, pebbly, well bedded, moder- ately indurated ; pebbles of volcanic material ; interbeds up to 3 feet thick of indurated bright-red sandstone ; lower portion conglomerate of rounded cobbles, up to 12 inches in size, of red to dark-brown ande- site in soft, pink-gray sandstone matrix 200- 500 Basalt (P^low D) : Similar to Flow F above; traceable for 3 miles, thins out to northeast and southwest 0— 50 Lake beds : Gray-white, fine-grained, calcareous sandstone with white to translucent opal chert near base ; thins to southwest 0- 100 Basalt (Flow C) : Similar to Flow F above; traceable for 3 miles, thins out to northeast and southwest 0- 50 TufP-breccia : Gray to pink, hard ; made up of fragments of pumice, red rhyolite, and brown andesite, up to 2 inches in size, in fine-grained tuff matrix ; thins out to northeast ; best developed at Redrock Canyon 1 mile below Ricardo 0- 50 (Total thickness of Member 5 750 feet) GEOLOGY DIBBLEE A I Ricardo formation exposed at Redroek and Last Chance Canyons (cant.) Thickness in feet Member 4 Lake beds: Similar ti> Member 5; thin-bedded gray-white sandstone pre- dominant ; contains in addition six layers, up to 9 feet in thickness, of white, thin-bedded, even, fine-grained, soft ash (seismotite) , of which the thickest (9-ft.) bed occurs at the top; traceable for about 7 miles, thins out to southwest and northeast 0- 600 Member 3 Conglomerate : Pink -gray, cross bedded, made up of rounded cobbles of pink to brown rhyolite, andesite, and basalt-andesite. in a soft, pink to gray sandstone matrix ; contains a 30-foot lens of white tuff breccia near middle, 1 mile southwest of Cudahy Camp ; conglomerate traceable from big bend of Last Chance Canyon southwest for 8 miles to Bedrock Canyon wash 0-1100 Member 2 *Andesite (Flow B) : Similar to flow A described below; lenticular, crops out discontinuously 0- 50 Tuff-breccia : Gray-white, compact, made up of fragments as much as 2 inches in size of pumice and red to brown andesite ; traceable for 4 miles in Last Chance Canyon ; passes through Cudahy Camp 0- 200 * Andesite (Flow A) : Red-brown; brecciated throughout; numerous feld- spar pheuocrysts in dense groundmass without flow structure ; locally finely vesicular; veinlets of chalcedony common; contains local phases of mottled gray and red massive, dense to glassy rhyolite, commonly associated with gray perlite ; traceable for about 10 miles ; great local variation in thickness 0- 200 Tuff-breccia : Orange-pink to gray-white ; made up of fragments of pumice and pink to brown andesite and rhyolite in fairly hard tuff matrix ; best developed in Last Chance Canyon and in Black Hills 0- 50 Tuff and ash : Pure white, well bedded, fine grained, partly altered to bentonite (seismotite) ; traceable from a point 2 miles east of Ricardo for 7 miles to the northeast '. 0- 50 (Total thickness of Member 2 600 feet) Member 1 Basal conglomerate : On southwest spur of Black Hills consists of 500 feet of light green-gray conglomerate made up of rounded cobbles as much as IS inches in diameter of predominantly granitic rocks, but also quartzite. andesilic porphyry, and chert, in soft granitic sand matrix ; at Last Change Canyon and on east rim of Black HUls, consists of 50 to 300 feet of poorly sorted light green-gray gravel and sand similar to the above, but with smaller cobbles, and greenish sandy clay inter- beds ; buttresses out southwest in Redroek Canyon ; lies unconformably upon Goler formation with as much as SO" angular discordance 50- 500 TOTAL THICKNESS OF RICARDO FORMATION 7000 * Specimens of Basalt Flow F, Andesite Flow B, and Andesite Flow A were examined under the microscope by C. W. Chesterman, who describes them as follows : Basalt Flow F : Coarse grained, texture diabasic ; composed of intermediate to acid labradorite and augite ; feldspar partly altered to kaolin, and augite to dark brown- ish-green serpentine-like material ; spherulites of feldspar and amygdules partly filled with glassy natrolite and analcite, chalcedony and opal scattered throughout ; olivine present, but most of it altered more or less completely to serpentine. Andesite Flow B : Porphyritic, with laths of plagioclase in fine-grained groundmass of feldspar and augite ; feldspar phenocrysts are inierniediate andesine, groundmass feldspar is basic oligoclase to acid andesine ; twinning common in phenocrysts, but rare in groundmass feldspar ; augite somewhat altered to pale green chlorite ; pseudomorphs of iddingsite after olivine scattered throughout rock. Andesite Flow A (UnbrecciatedJ : Porphyritic and trachj-tic ; feldspar phenocrysts intermediate to basic andesine, in separate subliedral laths or in glomeroporphyritic clusters, zoning and twinning common ; groundmass feldspar basic oligoclase to acid andesine, as small anhedral crystals and laths showing albite and carlsbad twinning ; hornblende more or less completely altered to limonite and chlorite ; minor amounts of apatite and magnetite. Andesite Flow A (Brecciated) : Fragmental, brecciated, porphyritic; phenocryst feld- spar intermediate to acid andesine, euhedral and irregular crystals as much as 2 mm in length, zoning common, especially in larger more complexly twinned crystals ; hornblende almost wholly altered to limonite and chlorite ; angular and rounded fragments of partly devitrined andesitic and rhyolitic glass scattered throughout rock ; groundmass," composed in part of glass in various stages of devitrification, shows well-developed salt-and-pepper effect and fluidal banding and structure. 4 — 5S349 28 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE 8 u • o O o • • o o - o o * « o o • ' ^* «» O ' o o I o «o • *- O A - O O O ^rnniii./iTiiiiirnrr ....^-cn Granitic gray sands, gravels, silts Basalt boulders Gray calcareous sandstones impure limestones, clays, opalized muds, opal-ctierts (Lake beds), volcanic gravels 9 a ^ ^y ^ m & o * MMMMSIM^. iiiiliiihmiMiiinmTT Tnmmfffrftirrqff-^ ♦ ♦• + <■ ■*• -» ,i,i.K>,^jajj,y:j '/■•>/ '^hZls^fJ,'. I O A O 4 .•*;.. o -aoo a u « ** * « o o 1^ Volcanic pink gravels, gray sands Lake beds, volcanic gravels, sands, four flows of olivine basalt Pink lapilli tuff Thin-bedded gray sands, silts, and white ash (six beds) Volcanic pink cobble gravels White tuff lens 7000' 6000'- 5000'- 4000' 3000'^ 2000'- 1000'" Basalt -flow White tuff Andesite breccia (Red Mtn. ondesite) Pink lapilli tuff White tuff Granitic gray cobble gravel Goler red beds, quartz monzonite Fig. 5. Columnar section, Ricardo formation in Last Chance Canyon. iiiiiiiiiiiii M P'i» m GEOLOGY DIBBLEE 29 The Ricardo formation has yielded a large lower Jriiocene mammalian fauna which has been described by Merriam.^^ Most of the remains were found in the upper part of the formation. In addition, there are many fragments of silicified wood, chiefly palm and some hardwoods, that indi- cate a hot, semi-arid climate. According to Merriam,^- the Ricardo formation is younger than the Barstow formation, which contains an upper Miocene vertebrate fauna. It is generally thought to be younger than the Rosamond series of Eliza- beth Lake quadrangle, which was correlated with the Yasquez formation (Escondido series) and assigned to the middle Miocene.^^-^^ The Ricardo formation is unique in that it is the only completely ex- posed series of sediments and volcanics of known Pliocene age that attains such a great thickness within the Mojave Desert region. The Ricardo appears to have been deposited in a very local, subsiding basin. The great angular unconformity at the base is striking and is apparently regional. The only other probable correlative of the Ricardo is the Red Mountain andesite in the Randsburg quadrangle,^^ mapped in the Calico Mountains by McCollough s*^ and Dibblee 3' as the Red Mountain (?) dacite. Hewett ^s assigns the Red :\Iountain ( ?") dacite to the very late Pliocene. However, the Red Mountain andesite and Red Mountain dacite are separated from underlying rocks by a great regional angular uncon- formity similar to and probably the correlative of the one at the base of the Ricardo formation. The brecciated andesite (Flows A and B i in Member 2 of the lower Ricardo formation is similar lithologically to the Red Mountain andesite of Red Mountain east of Randsburg, and is probably its correlative. The Red Mountain andesite lies above the Rosamond series (Goler formation equivalent j unconformably, and below the Black Mountain basalt uncon- f ormably ; Hulin '^ assigns it to the early Pliocene or late Miocene, Recently vertebrate remains were collected from the small exposure of Ricardo beds at Garlock Station. Dr. Chester Stock, who identified the fossils, assigned them a Pleistocene age.^^ The beds which 3-ielded this 31 Merriam, J. C, Relationship of Pliocene mammalian faunas from the Pacific Coast and Great Basin provinces of North America : Univ. California Dept. Geol. Bull., vol. 10, pp. 421-443, 1917. 32 Op. cit., 1917. ,. . ^ , . . 33Hershev, O. H., Some Tertiarv formations of southern California: Am. Geologist, vol. 29, pp. 350-355, 1902. ^ , ^,. « Simp.«on, E. C, Geologv and mineral deposits of the Elizabeth Lake quadrangle, Cali- fornia : California Div. Mines Kept. 30, p. 401, 1934. . ^ Hulin, C. D., Geologv and ore deposits of the Randsburg quadrangle, California : v^ali- fornia Min. Bur. Bull. 95, 1925. 2« McCollough, C. C, Geology of the southern portion of Lane Mountam quadrangle, California, unpublished map, 19 49. . ,,- . •, ^ Dibblee, T. W. Jr., Geologj- of the Opal Mountain quadrangle, California, unpublished map, 1951. 3« Hewett, D. P., Oral communication, 1951. 3» Hulin, C. D., Geologj- and ore deposits of the Randsburg quadrangle, California: California Min. Bur. Bull. 95, pp. 55-58, pi. 1, 1925. *° "The small collection of vertebrate remains obtained by Messrs. Richard Tedford and Robert Shultz at California Inst. Vertebrate Paleontology Loc. 483, near Garlock Station along the Garlock fault, Saltdale quadrangle, California, consists of the following : "The most diagnostic specimen is a lower premolar representing a large individual of the genus Equus. The tooth measures, exclusive of the external cement, 35.2 milli- meters in length and 16.3 millimeters in greatest transverse diameter. As determined by features of its enamel pattern the tooth definitely belongs, in stage of evolution, to the Pleistocene Equus rather than to Plesippus or to a still earlier genus in the historv of the horse family. "The remainder of the collection of horse materials consists of skeletal parts. These again pertain to an equid more advanced than those commonly found in the Ricardo lower Pliocene. The proximal third of a metacarpal is comparable in size to tliis end of the metapoidal in Equus paciftcus, the Pleistocene horse from Fossil Lake. A scaphoid represents a large type of camel, i>€rhaps Cavielops. "The small collection taken from the Garlock locality represents, therefore, a late stage in the history of life of the Mojave Desert region, and is Pleistocene or perhaps upper Pleistocene in age. It is certainly later in age than the Barstow Miocene or the Ricardo Pliocene." Written commu7iication from Dr. Chester Stock. 30 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE fauna may be younger than any of the sediments mapped as Ricardo, but Held relationships suggest that they may be equivalent to the j^oungest of the Ricardo beds. The sediments at Garlock Station are poorly consoli- dated arkosic silt, sand, and gravel, and are faulted and folded. These sediments are similar to Ricardo Member 8, which likewise consists of poorly consolidated granitic gravel, sand and silt in Redrock Canyon, and are undisturbed except for slight tilt. At both places the sediments are unconformably overlain b}' older alluvium or terrace gravel. If any l^art of Ricardo Member 8 is correlative with the Pleistocene beds near (larlock Station, then part if not all of Ricardo Member 8 is Pleistocene rather than Pliocene. Quaternary Black Mountain Basalt The Black Hills and the two flat-topped hills in the northeastern por- tion of Saltdale quadrangle are capped by the Black Mountain basalt flow, 50 to 100 feet thick, which was mapped and named by Baker.^^ The basalt dips gently northward toward Indian Wells Valley. There are no superjacent strata. The Black Mountain basalt consists of black to gray-black fine-grained diabase-textured vesicular basalt. Small latli-shaped phenocrysts of feld- spar and ferro-magnesiaii minerals are common. Vesicles average from a quarter of an inch to half an inch in diameter ; many of them are filled or partly filled with calcite, opal, chalcedony, or zeolites. The rock is not much brecciated. Some of the jointing is hexagonal, but most of it is irreg- ular ; the entire lava flow is broken into angular blocks that average about 11 feet across. This jointing causes numerous step-like landslides and talus slopes in canyons and on the slopes of the Black Hills. The Black IMountain basalt in the mapped area is probably Pleistocene. Hulin ■*- assigned it a very late Pliocene or early Pleistocene age. The flow is younger than the Ricardo formation, but considerably older than the oldest terrace deposits of the area, which are composed of boulders of the basalt. It appears to gradually overlap Member 2 of the Ricardo forma- tion up-dip, although there is no visible angular discordance. Terrace Gravel and Alluvium Quaternary alluvium and terrace gravel in Saltdale quadrangle occur at several levels. This condition was brought about by recurrent differen- tial uplifts and resultant erosion during Pleistocene time. Older Terrace Gravel. Small isolated erosional remnants of a once- extensive fanglomerate occur east and southeast of the Black Hills, from which they slope gently away. This old gravel has been elevated by late Pleistocene uplifts to form the highest terrace. Remnants occur at a num- ber of places within the quadrangle ; there are several south of Black Mountain, at an elevation of over 4,200 feet ; several east of this moun- tain ; two east of Goler Gulch ; and several very small ones on the ridge east of Iron Canyon. The gravel is about 25 feet thick and is made up *i Baker, C. L., Physiography and structure of the western El Paso Range and southern Sierra Nevada: Univ. California Dept. Geol. Bull., vol. 7, pp. 117-142, 1912. *- Op. cit., 1925. GEOLOGY — DIBBLEE 31 almost entirely of boulders of Black Mountain basalt in a matrix of soft brown clay. An exposure of this old fanglomerate. consisting of large basalt boulders, crops out a mile east of Redrock on the south side of El Paso Mountains, where it is slightly tilted to the south. The older terrace gravel is considerably younger than the Black Moun- tain basalt from which it was derived ; it is probably of middle or late Pleistocene age. Younger Terrace Gravel and Older Alluvium. The younger fanglom- erate is fairly widespread on the north side of El Paso Mountains in the vicinity of the Black Hills. This gravel, which slopes away from the hilLs, was dissected into many remnants by erosion, following late Pleistocene uplift of El Paso ^loimtains. The gravel is as much as 100 feet thick. It consists of unsorted boulders of Black Mountain basalt and rounded cob- bles derived from conglomerates of the Goler and basal Ricardo forma- tions, as well as from the basement complex of El Paso Mountains. The surface slope of the younger terrace gravel blends into that of the alluvium of Indian Wells Valley, so tbese formations were deposited con- temporaneously. The alluvium of the valley is almost entirely coarse- to medium-grained sand derived from the granitic rocks of the mountains to the west. The gravel we^st of Garlock, elevated by movement on the Garlock fault, is probably contemporaneous with the younger gravel on the north side of El Paso Mountains. This gravel is about 50 feet thick and was derived from the basement rocks of El Paso ^Mountains. The younger terrace gravel and alluvium of Indian "Wells Valley are late Pleistocene. The thin deposit of granitic alluvial sand on the south slope of the Rand Mountains is probably of the same age. Contemporane- ous aUuvial sediments must underlie the later or Recent alluvium in Cantil Valley. Recent Alluvium. An unknown thickness of Recent alluvium covers Cantil Valley and extends far up the alluviated canyons that drain into it from both sides. Cantil Valley is a perfect sedimentary basin in which all tn^es of cla.stic sediments are being deposited, ranging from gravel and coarse sand adjacent to the mountains, to fine silt and clay in the middle of the basin, to alkali mud in Koelin (Salt) Dry Lake. During late Pleistocene time most of the area below the 2.000-foot contour was a lake in which, at the northeastern margin near Toby, a prominent sand bar developed. Intrusive Igneous Rocks Four main types of plutonic rock make up the basement complex within Saltdale quadrangle. These are. in order of areal extent, quartz monzonite, (juartz diorite, granophyre, and granite. The quartz monzonite underlies most of the western Rand Mountains ; two distinct types of quartz diorite crop extensively in El Paso Mountains just north of El Paso fault, and two kinds of granophyre also occur in this range ; small intrusive bodies of granite are found in both mountain ranges. The plutonic rocks are in general bounded by sharp contacts, suggest- ing that they are segregates of the Sierran batholithic invasion that took place at the close of Jurassic time. The order in which they were segre- gated was probably as follows : (1) hornblende-quartz diorite, (2) quartz monzonite. biotite-quartz diorite, and granophyre, and (3) granite. 32 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE Quartz Monzonite^'^ A gray-white granitic rock ma^ijed as quartz monzonite crops out extensively in the Rand Mountains. In the adjoining Eandsbiirg quadrangle it was mapped as the Atolia quartz monzonite by Hulin.'*^ This rock is Avidespread throughout much of the Mojave Desert south of the Garlock fault. In Saltdale quadrangle quartz monzonite underlies much of the western Rand IMountains, where it intrudes the Rand schist. In El Paso Mountains it forms only small bodies and local phases within the quartz diorite. A granitic rock mapped by Hulin as quartz monzonite crops out in eastern El Paso Mountains within the Randsburg quadrangle, where it intrudes the Garlock series. The quartz monzonite is closely jointed throughout, but in no definite patteim. It readily disintegrates mechanically, forming rounded crests and generally smooth topography. The quartz monzonite in the Rand Mountains is a massive medium- to coarse-grained even-textured light-gray rock, consisting chiefly of quartz, feldspar, and biotite. The ratio of feldspar to quartz is about 2 :1 ; euhe- dral crystals of biotite make up 5 to 50 percent of the rock. The quartz is translucent and colorless, and the feldspar is opaque white. Some horn- blende is present. The quartz monzonite contains local dark phases rich in hornblende and biotite. Most of these are developed in marginal areas of the intru- sion, but some occur well within it. The texture of these darker phases varies considerably ; they appear to be masses of incompletely digested inclusions within the quartz monzonite invasion. At certain localities in the Rand Mountains, especially south of Koehn Dry Lake, the quartz monzonite contains numerous large phenocrysts of gray-white orthoclase or mierocline averaging about an incli in length. The rock contains no pegmatite dikes ; aplite dikes are not common, and are only a few inches thick. Quartz Diorite.^^ The main mass of granitic rock exposed in El Paso Mountains within Saltdale quadrangle is quartz diorite. This rock forms an elongate body 6|- miles long within the core of the mountains. The quartz diorite is generalh" massive, although some northeast-trending flow structures are developed in the area 1 to 3 miles west of Schmidt Camp, and flow structure trending almost due north shows in an exposure *2 Under the microscope the quartz monzonite is seen to be composed of quartz and almost equal proportions of orthoclase and pla^ioclase. The latter has the composi- tion of acid andesine. The potash feldspar is largely orthoclase, only a small amount of mierocline being- present. The biotite is strongly pleochroic, and more or less altered to chlorite. The quartz shows strain effect, and the albite-twinning lamellae of the plagioclase are curved. Zircon, sphene, magnetite, and apatite are present in minor amounts. C. W. Chesterman. "Op. cit., 1925. ^ Under the microscope the biotite-quartz diorite is seen to be composed of plagioclase and quartz in a ratio of about 2 :1. The feldspar is andesine, which occurs as irregular and subhedral grains showing albite, carlsbad, and pericline twinning. The feldspar has been partly altered to sericite. The quartz is in irregular grains, which show weak strain effects. Biotite and hornblende are also present, biotite being the more abundant and occurring as brown pleochroic plates more or less altered to pale green chlorite. The hornblende is in bluish-green anhedral grains. Zircon, sphene, apatite, and magnetite are present in minor amounts. The hornblende-quartz diorite, on the other hand, is characterized by much hornblende and some potash feldspar, and contains less quartz than the biotite-quartz diorite. The plagioclase is intermediate to acid andesine. It occurs in angular and subhedral crystals more or less altered to sericite and kaolin. Carlsbad and albite twinning are common. The potash feldspar is mierocline perthite. It makes up only a small part of the rock and is present in the form of irregular crystals partly altered to sericite. The quartz shows strain shadows. Hornblende is present as dark-green pleochroic subhedral crystals altered in part to epidote and chlorite. Some pale green chlorite that is an alteration product of biotite is also present. There are minor amounts of magnetite, apatite, sphene, and zircon. C. W. Chesterman. GEOLOGT^ — DIBBLEE 33 east of Redrock Canyon. Two types of quartz diorite were recognized and mapped : biotite-quartz diorite, and hornblende-quartz diorite. The biotite-quartz diorite is a gray-white medium-grained equigrauu- lar massive rock. It forms the large light-colored mass of granitic rock exposed in the vicinity of Last Chance Canyon. It is made up of quartz and white feldspar, and contains scattered euhedral crystals of biotite averaging about three-sixteenths of an inch across. Hornblende occurs in very small amounts. This rock appears similar megascopically to the quartz monzouite of the Rand ]\Iountains, and disintegrates mechanically with the same ease and in the same manner. The hornblende-quartz diorite is a dark-gray medium-grained equi- granular rock. Two masses crop out in El Paso Mountains, one on each side of the light-colored biotite-quartz diorite of the Last Chance Canyon area. The dark hornblende-quartz diorite appears to be a roof -pendant in the light-colored biotite-quartz diorite. as all contacts dip under the darker rock in the Schmidt Camp area. This relationship suggests that the darker rock is the older of the two facies and that the lighter rock has intruded it from below. The hornblende-quartz diorite is of the same min- eralogical composition as the biotite-quartz diorite except that it contains a large amount of hornblende, and lesser amounts of biotite and quartz. The hornblende-quartz diorite is in many places liighh" mineralized with green veinlets of epidote. Quartz Aeins several feet thick are also common, especially in the Schmidt Camp area. Many of these veins are brecciated and impregnated with brown and red iron oxides and some copper oxides. Xear the northeastern margin of the Schmidt Camp exposures, there are numerous aplite dikes that trend about X. 20° "SV. and average about a foot in thickness. These dikes consist mainly of fine- grained cream-white to pinkish orthoclase and quartz. Dikes of quartz- orthoclase pegmatite are commonly associated with the aplite dikes. Occurring with these different dikes are veinlets of secondary quartz, many of which contain epidote and some garnet. The hornblende-quartz diorite in the Schmidt Camp area is probably intrusive into the schist of ]\Iesquite Canyon ; it appears to grade along its eastern margin into a buff -white foliated gneissoid granitic rock, which in turn grades into the schist. The bedding planes of the schist appear to pass through the gneissoid rock into the hornblende-quartz diorite. the attitude of the foliation gradually swinging from due south in the schist to northeast in the plutouic rocks. The foliated granitic rock may be a marginal facies of the quartz diorite. Granophyre}^ Dikes, sills, and stocks of granophyre are scattered in the basement complex of El Paso Mountains. The largest body is exposed in the mouth of Redrock Canvon. where it forms a stock measurino" roughly a mile or more in diameter. The next largest body forms a band about 2.000 feet wide between foliated granite and quartzitic conglom- erate about 1^ miles east of Redrock Canyon. There are also many len- ticular sills in the Garlock series. The largest, about 500 feet wide, is just *« The granophyre at Redrock Canyon is composed essentially of quartz and orthoclase. The texture is granophyric and porphjTitic ; rounded phenocrysts of quartz are enclosed in a granophjTic intergrowth of quartz and ortlioclase. Quartz is in anhedral grains and contains numerous small, dust-like inclusions. Most of the orthoclase forms intergTowtlis with quartz. An occasional subhedral crystal is found whose interior is altered and contains grains of sphene and aggregates of tiny sericite plates. Acid oligoclase also occurs, eitlier as rounded phenocrj-sts or as intergrowths ■with quartz. Sphene, magnetite, and zircon occur as accessory minerals. This rock is a rhyolite granophj-re or alaskite granophyre. C. W. Chesterman. 34 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE east of IMesquite Canyon ; and there are many small ones only a few feet thick — too small to map — from Iron Canyon eastward. Two types of g'ranophyre crop out in the area. The large exposure at Redrock Canyon is a very hard, fine-grained massive quartzose rock that forms jag-ged but closely jointed outcrops. It is light gray on a fresh- broken surface, but weathers to buff and is nearly always stained along its numerous joints or cracks to various shades of brown, pink, and purplish-gray. It is very fine-textured and higlily quartzose, so much so as to resemble quartzite. Plowever, it contains scattered small pheno- crysts of feldspar, and also rounded phenocrysts of translucent quartz. These are rarely more than an eighth of an inch long. This rock is gen- erally of the same mineral composition as the foliated granite, and is probably a fine-textured facies of it. The other exposures of granophyre scattered throughout El Paso Mountains differ from the large one at Redrock Canyon. The granophyre of these exposures is a light-gray porphyritic rock with rectangular phenocrj'sts of white feldspar averaging about a quarter of an inch in length, and of hornblende, set in a fine-textured groundmass of feldspar, quartz, biotite, and hornblende. The percentage of white and black min- erals shows considerable local variation. The rock is probably of the same mineral composition as quartz diorite. The smaller dikes generally ter- minate in a fine-textured dark rock resembling diabase. The granophyre of these scattered sills and dikes is apparently a fine-grained facies of the large bodies of quartz diorite of El Paso Mountains, and is thus a dacite granophyre or quartz diorite granophyre. Granite. Prominently foliated buff-weathering granite crops out as two bands, each nearly a mile wide, Avhich trend about N. 20° W. within the basement complex of El Paso Mountains. One is about a mile east of Redrock Canyon, and the other is about a mile west of Mesquite Can- yon. Both are adjacent to hornblende-quartz diorite and may be related to it ; they are probably of different origin than the massive pink granite described in a following paragraph. The foliated granite is composed of quartz and a cream-white feld- spar, probably orthoclase. Most of it contains many small flakes of biotite and muscovite. The rock ranges from fine grained to coarse grained, but is in general even-textured. The very prominent granular foliation gives it a gneissoid cleavage. Foliation in the granite east of Redrock Canyon strikes about N. 20° W., parallel to the contacts. The foliated granite west of Mesquite Canj'on apparently was intruded between the Mesquite schist on the east and hornblende-quartz diorite on the west. The northern portion of this granitic mass appears to be a sill, with foliation parallel to the contact of the schist. However, the narrow southeastern portion cuts diagonally across the strike of the schist, the contact being gradational and the strike of the foliation con- tinuous with both the foliation of the adjacent hornblende-quartz diorite and the cleavage of the adjacent schist. The contact with the foliated diorite is also highly gradational throughout its extent. From the rela- tionships described above, it appears that this mass of granite is a facies of the quartz diorite formed by its counteraction with the Mesquite schist which it intruded. The schist adjacent to the granite apparently was GEOLOGY DIUBLEE 35 oranitized by the intense thermal action of the magma in which the folia- tion is relict to the cleavage of the schist. If this is the case, the foliated granite is the contem])orary of the qnartz diorite. Massive granite with a light pinkish tinge crops out in the western Rand Mountains as small irregular masses within quartz monzonite, which it probably intruded. Two small irregular masses of similar rock cutting quartz diorite are exposed in El Paso Mountains 2 miles north of Toby. The granite forms reddish-buff exposures which stand out in marked contrast to the prevailing gray-white exposures of quartz mon- zonite. It is generally more coherent and thus more resistant to erosion than the quartz monzonite. The rock is even-textured but ranges from medium grained to tine grained. It is composed of translucent quartz and pinkish orthoclase feldspar, which determines the pink color. Small flakes of muscovite are present, and locally small flakes of biotite. The pink granite contains many veinlets of pegmatite made up of quartz and pink orthoclase. These pegmatites commonly extend beyond the granite into the quartz monzonite and quartz diorite, indicating that the granite is younger and intrusive into these rocks. The many ortho- clase-bearing aplite and pegmatite dikes in the quartz diorite east of Schmidt Camp are probably offshoots from the pink granite, which is apparently the final phase of the Sierran granitic invasion. Gneiss. The hornblende-quartz diorite 2 miles southwest of Last Chance Canyon in western El Paso Mountains contains three small inclusions of quartz-biotite gneiss that trend about N. 30° W. The gneiss appears to be injected within the diorite, but may be of sedimentary origin. Lamprophyre. Lamprophyre dikes, some as much as 10 feet thick, cut the quartz diorite in El ]?*aso Mountains and the quartz monzonite in the Rand Mountains. The largest occur 2 miles east of Holloway Camp, and 2 miles north of Saltdale. Most of the dikes, however, are only a few feet or inches wide, and are too small to map. They generally occur in shear or fault zones, and consist of very fine-grained black basic rock which weathers to dark brown. The hornblende-quartz diorite exposure 3 miles east of Redrock Canyon contains several lamprophyre dikes as much as 10 feet in thick- ness, which trend about N. 20° AY. The largest crops out conspicuously and can be seen from the valley to the south. The rock contains numerous long phenocrysts of hornblende set in a dense to fine-grained dark-gray goundmass. The lamprophyre dikes are younger than the quartz monzonite and quartz diorite which they cut, and were apparently intruded long after these rocks cooled and solidified. The lamprophyres are probably early ( 'retaceous or even younger. Basalt.^'^ Dikes of Tertiary basalt occur in Last Chance Canyon, and also on the west slope of Black Hills near the northern border of the map. " Under the microscope the basalt shows a diabasic texture. It is composed essentiaUy of plagioclase and augite. The plagioclase is acid labradorite, wliicli occurs in partly altered lath-shaped crystals. The augite, which is pale green in color, is in large anhedral crystals slightly altered to chlorite. Olivine is in subhedral crystals almost comi)letely altered to serpentine and iddlngsite. C W. Chesterman. 36 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE 111 Last Chance Canyon, 11 miles east of Cudahy Camp, is a large dike about 800 feet wide, which intrudes the Goler formation at and near its fault contact with biotite-quartz diorite. This dike runs north for about a mile ; at both ends it branches into several thin dikes whieli cut Members ] and 2 of the Ricardo formation and extend into andesite Flow A of Member 2. Other dikes occur just west of IloUoway Camp, and about a mile south of Holly Camp. These cut the Ricardo foi'mation below andesite Flow A, but do not get through the flow; one forms a thin sill just below it. Two miles east of Black Hills well, two basalt dikes cut the tuff of Ricardo Member 2. The basalt is dense to fine-textured, massive and black, and has a tendency to develop a platy fracture. It conmionly contains veinlets of chalcedony. This intrusive is jirobably oi' the same composition as the basalt flows in the Ricardo formation, and may be of the same age. In the main mass of the Last Chance Canyon dike, the rock is olivine basalt. However, it changes considerably in composition in the two bi-anches and thin sills beneath and between the andesite flows. In the branch dikes and sills, the rock is an augite andesite composed essen- tially of intermediate andesine and augite. Feldspar phenocrysts range from acid labradorite to basic andesine, while the groundmass feldspar is intermediate andesine. The augite is fresh and occurs as anhedral crystals scattered among the feldspar laths. STRUCTURE The Saltdale quadrangle takes in portions of three major tectonic units ; mainly El Paso Mountains, Cantil Valley, and Rand Mountains. The Oarlock fault, a major left-lateral fault traceable for some 150 miles through the ^lojave Desert, passes under the northwestern margin of Cantil Valley. El Paso Mountains St)-Hctvre of the Basement Complex. El Paso Mountains constitute a t(^ctonic block elevated at its southeastern base and tilted northwest toward Indian Wells Valley along El Paso fault. The pre-Cretaceous basement complex is exposed along the core or highest elevated portion of this uplifted block, within 2 to 4 miles of the fault. The Paleozoic Gar lock series of the basement complex is exposed northeastward from Mesquite Canyon; it is homoclinal, trends about N. 30° AV., and dips steeply northeast. Although this trend is at right angles to the trend of El Paso JMountains tectonic block, it conforms to the regional trend of the pre-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks of the southern Sierra Nevada, the Inyo Mountains, and the Panamint Mountains. The IVIesquite schist is exposed on the west side of Mesquite Canyon, where it dips east under the Garlock series ; farther southwest, where the schist is metamorphosed and partly digested by the granitic intrusion, its trend is southwest. In the southwestern portion of El Paso Mountains the basement complex consists of intrnsives and metamorphics that trend approximately north- northwest. Structure of the Tertiary Formations. On the northwest flank of El Paso Mountains the Goler sediments strike about N. 65° E. and dip about 20° NW away from the basement complex which they overlie. In the vicinity of the big bend of Last Chance Canyon the lower portion GEOLOGY — DIBBLEE 37 of the Goler formation is buttressed out against a buried mass of base- ment rocks. J^^ ^^'l^^^^o^ovnmtion, which overlies the Goler formation, strikes about .y oO E. and dips about 15^ NW toward Indian Wells Valley It overlaps and truncates the more steeply dipping Goler formation from northeast to southwest, finally lapping onto the basement complex in Eedrock Canyon. AVest of Bedrock, the Kieardo beds are folded around the basement complex into a west-plunging anticline The only other fold m the Ricardo beds in El Paso Mountains is a minor one on the western margin of the Black Hills, which trends due north. Black Hills. Black Mountain, the Black Hills, and the two flat-topped hills near the northeastern corner of Saltdale quadrangle are all ero- sional remnants of a once-extensive flow of Black M°ountain basalt underlain by soft, easily eroded sediments of the Bicardo and Goler formations which are tilted gently northward. The lava exposed along the rim of the Black Hills mesa, together with the underlying tuff has formed numerous step-like landslides over the underlying soft sediments These masses of basalt appear from a distance to be lava flows on the mountain slopes ; but their highly broken condition, and the presence of the tuff bed under almost all of them, indicate that they are landslides. ±.1 Paso Fault. El Paso Mountains are abruptly terminated on the southeast by El Paso fault, which follows the remarkably straight base line of the steep mountain front. The fault trends about N. 60° E. The mountains on the northwest constitute the uplifted block. East of Red- rock Canyon the fault is exposed for about a mile, and the relationship of the basement rocks to Ricardo formation can be seen. Elsewhere the Ricardo formation and the fault are concealed by alluvial material washed down from the mountains. El Paso fault shows no e\ddence of recent lateral movement. Movement on El Paso fault has been for the most part, if not entirely, vertical. "Within Saltdale quadrangle displace- ment is greatest at the eastern border ; it gradually decreases southwest- ward, and finally dies out about 14 miles west of Redrock. Maximum vertical displacement is not known, but is roughly estimated to be about 10,000 feet. El Paso fault is well exposed on the east side of Redrock Canyon, and again in a canyon a mile to the east, where basement rocks on the north have been brought in contact with Ricardo beds on the south. The base- ment rock within 50 feet of the fault is highly breeciated and even pulverized. The fault itself is marked by about 5 feet of rustv vellow gouge and pulverized rock. No fault grooves were observed. The fault dips from 77° N. to vertical. A small drag syncline is developed in the Ricardo beds close to the fault, and the beds adjacent to it are upturned vertically. El Paso fault is again exposed, between basement rocks and terrace gravels, 1^ miles east of Last Chance Canyon, where it dips steeply southward. El Paso fault is probably a branch of the Garlock fault, which closely parallels it on the southeast, branching off from it just beyond the eastern border of the map and gradually diverging from it in a westerly direction. Minor Faults in Last Chance Canyon. The basement complex between Holly Camp and Copper Basin mine is bounded on the southwest by a 5—58349 38 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE fault trending N. 30° W. for about 3 miles. This fault brings basement roL'ks on the northeast in contact with GToler beds on the southwest. The Goler beds strike directly into it from the southwest. The fault does not cut the Kicardo formation, which extends over it unaffected. Therefore it is younger than the Goler formation and older tlian the Kicardo formation. It can be seen 1^ miles northeast of Holly Camp, where it is vertical, and is marked by about 30 feet of gouge and sheared rock. Here a large dike of basalt has come up along the course of the fault for nearly a mile. From the dike the fault probably extends northwest for another mile under the Ricardo formation, immediately southwest of the small exposures of basement rocks that underlie the Ricardo near the big bend of Last Chance Canyon. Another minor fault a mile west of Holly Camp is traceable from Last Chance Canyon wash for about l-J miles, cutting both the Ricardo and Goler formations, and dipping about 50° E. The upthrown block is on the west. Maximum vertical displacement is about 500 feet. Cantil Valley Cantil Valley is a basin deeply filled with alluvium, between Rand Mountains and El Paso Mountains. A thick series of piedmont alluvial fans derived from the adjacent mountain ranges slopes into it on both sides ; this alluvial debris is especially thick and extensive on the south- east side. The valley appears to be sinking relative to the surrounding areas, as it is an enclosed basin that has no outward drainage. It is bounded on the northwest by El Paso fault, and on the southeast by a possible bviried fault at the base of the Rand Mountains ; if the buried fault exists, the valley is a graben about 6 miles wide. The Garlock fault passes through the northwestern portion of Cantil Valley about a mile south of El Paso fault. The alluvial deposits of Cantil Valley are underlain by sediments of the Ricardo formation. Between the Garlock and El Paso faults north and northwest of Cantil and also near Garlock, the upper portion of the Ricardo has been exposed, probably as a result of local uplift caused by squeezing movements between the two faults. Several compressive folds whose axes trend approximately east have been developed in the Ricardo formation near Cantil. A well drilled to 2,640 feet on the axis of the largest of these anticlines about a mile north of Cantil encountered Ricardo sediments all the way. Near Garlock Station the uppermost portion of the Ricardo formation is exposed under the uplifted and dis- sected terrace gravels immediately north of the Garlock fault, dipping gently northward away from the fault. Three wells drilled in Cantil Valley near Cantil penetrated sediments down to a depth of 3,000 feet. Garlock Fault. The Garlock fault, a master left-lateral shear fault traceable for some 150 miles from Lebec northeast to the Avawatz Mountains, passes under the northwestern margin of Cantil Valley. Within Saltdale quadrangle it is concealed by alluvium, except for a well-defined scarp near Garlock. This great fault was first recognized in Saltdale quadrangle by Hess,^'^ who states : At Garlock about two miles west of the (Randsburg) quadrangle, a large alluvial fan cut by the fault shows a face 280' high (barometric measurement). From its prominence at this point, the fault will be referred to as the Garlock fault. *^ Hess, F. Li., Gold mining in Randsburg quadrangle, California : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 430, p. 25, 1909. GEOLOGY DEBBLEE 39 The well-defined southeast-facing scarp just west of Garlock is the result of local uplift of the northwestern block to 280 feet above the valley iloor. The straight base of this 2-mile-long scarp follows the Gar- lock fault, along which several springs are located. Elevated terrace gravels and the underlying soft sediments of the Ricardo formation on the northwestern block have been dissected by erosion ; west of Mesquite Canyon wash the scarp has been completely destroyed. At the town of Garlock, the extreme northeastern tip of the scarp is reversed, so that it faces northwest instead of southeast, indicating recent left-lateral movement on the Garlock fault. East of Mesquite Canyon wash several elongate lens-shaped shallow depressions trending about N. 30° E. (or at an angle of about 30° to the N. 60° E. trend of the Garlock fault) are developed in the terrace gravels. These are grabens developed adjacent to the Garlock fault by local tension or stretching resulting from left-lateral horizontal drag on the fault. Elsewhere within Saltdale quadrangle the Garlock fault is concealed under the alluvium of Cantil Valley ; however, it is believed to project about S. 60° W. from the scarp at Garlock. The position of the fault is probably marked by the elevated terrace gravels at Daly mine north of Gypsite, and by the anticline in the Ricardo sediments northwest of Cantil. The fault is believed to pass under the gravels, which were ele- vated by local movement, and beneath or near the. axis of the fold, which was probably formed by compressive movement. The Garlock fault is well expressed northeast of Goler, in Randsburg quadrangle, where for about 3 miles it has formed a prominent scarp that faces northwest. Hulin ^^ states that the southeastern fault block has moved northeast about 6 miles relative to the northwestern block, and cites as evidence the offsetting of the contact between Paleozoic rocks and quartz monzonite. Rand Mountains Within Saltdale quadrangle, all of the Rand Mountains but the north- eastern portion is made up of granitic rock, largely quartz monzonite, which is part of the granitic batholith that extends southward throughout the greater portion of the Mojave Desert. The granitic rock exposed in the Rand Mountains is typically massive and has no definite flow struc- ture. Within Randsburg quadrangle, the Rand Mountains are made up largely of Rand schist which consistently dips south at a low angle. This schist exposure extends for about 3 miles into Saltdale quadrangle along the north flank of the mountains, where the structure consists of several gentle folds whose axes trend northeast. In the extreme northern foothills are two domed anticlines. Farther up the slope to the southeast is a south- west-plunging anticline which is cancelled by a syneline near the eastern border of the quadrangle. The irregular contact between Rand schist and quartz monzonite dips to the south. The topography of the Rand Mountains — the generally steep northwest flanlv and very gentle southeast slope — suggests that a block was uplifted along a fault or zone of faults at its northwestern base and tilted gently toward the southeast. The scarp of this supposed fault has been eroded <9 Hulin, Carlton D., Geology and ore deposits of the Randsburg quadrangle, California : California Min. Bur. Bull. 95, p. 62, 1925. 40 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE back, and the base of the range has been buried by debris, except at the extreme west end ; there some evidence of the northwest-facing fault scarps remains. At the west end of the range, movements on several north- east-trending faults have thrown up blocks on the southeast, which form abru])t slopes that face northwest. Tlie blocks of basement complex be- tween these faults form ramps that slope northeast into Cantil Valley. The faults are believed to be branches of the supposed buried fault which trends N. GO ' E. along the northern base of the Rand Mountains. GEOLOGIC HISTORY Pre-Camhriafi (?) Deposition. The earliest geologic event that can be deciphered within Saltdale quadrangle is the deposition, probably during pre-Cambrian time, of a thick series of muds, along with lesser amounts of lime and fine sand, under a widespread sea. This is recorded in the Rand schist, the oldest formation in the area. During the later pre-Cam- brian or early Paleozoic, a series of somewhat similar sediments was de- posited in El Paso Mountains. This series was later mildly metamorphosed to form the Mesquite schist exposed just west of Mesquite Canyon. Late Pre-Camhrian (f) Orogeny. It is not clear just what happened within Saltdale quadrangle following deposition of the sediments that now form the Rand schist. By the close of pre-Cambrian time this forma- tion may have been built up to a great thickness, and the lower portion may have been altered to slate or even to schist by static metamorphism caused by the great load. That the Mesquite schist was not greatly de- formed is indicated by the lack of angular discordance between it and the overlying Garlock series. The contact between the metamorphosed Mes- quite schist and unmetamorphosed Garlock series in El Paso Mountains probably represents a period of uplift and erosion of some duration. Paleozoic Deposition. Sometime during the Paleozoic era part if not all the area of Saltdale quadrangle was resubmerged under a widespread sea. The floor of this sea apparently received a tremendous thickness — at least 35,000 feet — of fine-grained sediments, tuffs, and lava flows. These strata, which make up the Garlock series, accumulated in part, if not in whole, during the Permian period ; the lowest may have been laid down during an earlier Paleozoic period. Siliceous sediments (noAV cherts), along with muds, impure lime, and some fine sand, accumulated rapidly on the floor of the Paleozoic sea. Numerous angular fragments of shale, chert, and limestone in some of the layers indicate that there was strong current and wave action. Two basalt flows, probably under the sea, interrupted this sedimentation, but the accumulated strata (Members 1 to 11 inclusive of the Garlock series) total some 10,000 feet in thickness. Limestone, conglomerate, and coarse sand, in addition to argillaceous and siliceous sediments, were subse- quently deposited. Marine life was abundant during the Permian period, as evidenced by the numerous crinoid stems, f usulinids, and other fossils in the calcareous sediments. Sedimentation was interrupted or accompa- nied by volcanism, during which tufif and tuff breccia were laid down, and andesite porphyry was extruded. Thereafter more siliceous, argillaceous, and calcareous sediments were deposited. This series of sediments and volcanics (Members 12 through 21, extending into Randsburg quadran- gle) totals some 25,000 feet in thickness. GEOLOGY — DIBBLEE 41 The Garlock series is remarkable for its large percentage of siliceous sediments, now cherts and siliceous shales. These are in many respects similar to the Miocene siliceous shales and cherts of the California Coast Ranges — particularly in their great thicknesss, and in their association with tuffs and volcanic rocks. These cherts were deposited by microscopic siliceous organisms, and silicified by compaction ; or deposited as tuffs and subsequently silicified ; or chemically deposited as silica or silica gel, much in the same manner that calcium carbonate is deposited to form limestone. The source of the enormous amount of silica which makes up these sedi- ments remains an unsolved problem, although the association of the cherts with tuffaceous and volcanic rock suggests that volcanism may have con- tributed the silica. Triassic -Jurassic (f) Deposition. It is not definitely known whether or not the Triassic and Jurassic- periods are represented by strata within Saltdale quadrangle, although marine sediments of those ages are known to occur in the southern Sierra Nevada and in the White Mountains. Jurassic Orogeny. At the close of Jurassic period, the Nevadan orogeny took place. This was a time of great regional disturbance marked by emergence, intense deformation, plutonic intrusion, and metamor- phism, over a large part of the western Cordilleran region. During this orogeny, strata of the Rand and Mesquite schists and Garlock series within Saltdale quadrangle were deformed, folded deeply into the earth's crust, and altered by mild static metamorphism. Rocks buried at great depths were invaded by the granitic magmas which make up the Sierran granitic batholith ; these were intruded in several waves. The first intrusion was probably a basic magma of hornblende-quartz diorite ; this was followed by very widespread biotite-quartz diorite and quartz monzonite intru- sions, which were in turn followed by small intrusions of granite. Cretaceous-Eocene Erosion. Events of the Cretaceous-Eocene left no record in the Saltdale quadrangle region. It is probable that during a very long period of erosion tlie mountains formed in the Nevadan revo- lution were worn down to a peneplain. There may have been several uplifts during this long interval, which was terminated b}^ an orogeny in the late Eocene or Oligoeene. Oligocene-Miocene Deposition. The Eoeene-Oligocene (?) orogeny was followed, during Oligoeene (?) and ]\Iiocene time, by deposition of more than 6,500 feet of terrestrial gravel, sand, and red clay of the Goler formation in a valley now occupied by El Paso Mountains and Indian Wells Valley. Debris in the Goler formation was derived from granitic rocks and the Garlock series now exposed in El Paso Mountains. However, the cobbles in the Goler conglomerate are well rounded, indicating that they have been transported for a considerable distance. Cross-bedding- in sand of the Goler formation suggests deposition by rivers flowing south- westward. The Goler formation was first laid down as a terrestrial boulder fanglomerate (IMember 1), which filled canyons eroded into the basement complex, and then as cobble-pebble gravel, granitic sand, and red clay (Member 2). The latter were deposited under alternating wet and dry conditions. There is no evidence within Saltdale quadrangle of volcanic activity during this period of deposition. 42 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE Miocene or Pliocene Distnrhance. Deposition of tlie Goler sediments was folloAved by an orogeny resulting in uplift, perliaps the first uplift, of El Paso Mountains by northward tilt sometime during or soon after the Miocene. El Paso fault and the Garlock fault may have been initiated during this orogeny, if not during the previous one. The minor faults east of Cudahy Camp developed during this orogeny. With the elevation of El Paso fault block to form El Paso Mountains, the Goler sediments were attacked by erosive forces, which cut through to the basement rocks in the area of maximum uplift. Pliocene Deposition. Following the late Miocene-early Pliocene orogeny, the Ricardo formation was deposited in Indian Wells Valley and Cantil Valley, during Pliocene, and perhaps during early Pleistocene time. Sedimentation first started with deposition of fanglomerate (Mem- ber 1) derived from the basement rocks of El Paso Mountains. This was followed by volcanism which resulted in deposition of ash (Member 2) and extrusion of red andesite lava and breccia, followed by local accumu- lation of volcanic conglomerate (Member 3) ; then sands, clays, and ash (Member 4) were deposited in a lake which began to develop north of Ricardo. Accumulation of lacustrine and terrestrial sediments continued (Member 5) , and renewed volcanism formed tuff breccia and four flows of basalt. Volcanic activity then ceased, but terrestrial sediments (Member 6) were laid down south of Ricardo and in Cantil Valley; and calcareous sand, clay, and opal chert (Member 7) were deposited in the lake which persisted in Indian Wells Valle}^ north of Ricardo. This deposition was followed by the accumulation of purely terrestrial gravelly sediments (Member 8), probably in the earlj^ Pleistocene. A total of 7,000 feet of Ricardo sediments and volcanics accumulated in the subsiding basin which is now the southwestern portion of Indian Wells Valley. Subsidence of the basin was probably contemporaneous with the elevation of El Paso Mountains. Pleistocene Disturhance. Deposition of the Ricardo formation was followed by renewed uplift and erosion of El Paso Mountains during early Pleistocene time, this being the local effect of the early phase of the Coast Ranges orogeny. That great disturbance was initiated by wide- spread extrusion of basic lava, the Black Mountain basalt, which spread out as a thin flow. It was during this disturbance that the Garlock and El Paso faults probably became active, and the Rand Mountains were uplifted, possibly by southward tilt from a fault along their northwestern base. Cantil Valley became a basin in which sediments accumulated throughout Pleistocene time. The early Pleistocene uplift was followed during middle Pleistocene time by a period of relative quiescence. The Rand and El Paso Mountains were eroded to the late maturity stage. During this interval, Indian Wells and Cantil Valleys, and the elevated peneplain on the south flank of the Rand Mountains were probably at about the same elevation. All canyons on the northwest flank of El Paso Mountains, including the westward- flowing portion of Last Chance Canyon and the head of Goler Gulch, drained directly into Indian W^ells Valley. The oldest (highest) and second oldest terrace gravels, alluvium of Indian Wells Valley, alluvium on the south flank of the Rand Mountains, and the older (concealed) alluvium of Cantil Valley were deposited during this interval. GEOLOGY — DIBBLEE 43 The Coast lianges orogeny culminated during late Pleistocene time. Not only El Paso Mountains, but the entire area north of El Paso fault, including Black Hills and Indian Wells Valley, was, elevated to its present height. Uplift occurred in several stages, as indicated bj^ several levels of terrace gravels. This uplift caused rejuvenation and renewed erosion of the middle Pleistocene erosion surface, and caused the main south-draining streams to deepen their channels. Last Chance Canj'on was deepened, and eroded headward until it captured the drainage system which during middle Pleistocene time flowed westward, straight out into Indian Wells Valley 2 miles north of Cudahy Camp. The uudrained basin of Cantil Valley below the 2,000-foot contour was a shallow lake during late Pleistocene, as indicated by the gravel bar deposited along its eastern shoreline. ^Movement along the Garlock fault was entirely horizontal during the late Pleistocene orogeny; there is no evidence of vertical movement within Saltdale quadrangle. There is some inconclusive evidence that the Rand Mountains under- went renewed uplift during the late Pleistocene orogeny; but the northern scarp, supposedly initiated during the early Pleistocene dis- turbance and rejuvenated during the late Pleistocene, has been almost completely eroded back and destroyed. The northern base of the range has been buried by its own alluvial debris which was deposited as a large piedmont fan extending far up the canyons. REFERENCES CITED Axelrod, D. I., Eocene and Oligoceue formations in the western Great Basin (ab- stract) : Geol. Soc. America, Proc. Cordilleran Sec, p. 11, 1949. Baker, C. L., Physiography and structure of the western El Paso Range and the southern Sierra Nevada : L'niv. California Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 7, pp. 117-142, 1912. Fairbanks. H. W., Notes on the geology of eastern California : Am. Geologist, vol. 17, pp. 63-74, 1S96. Hershey, O. H., Some Tertiary formations of southern California : Am. Geologist, vol. 29, pp. 349-372, 1902. Hershey, O. H., The Quaternary of southern California : Univ. California Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 3, pp. 1-29, map, 1902. Hess, F. L., Gold mining in Randsburg quadrangle, California : TJ. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 430, pp. 23-47, 1909. Huliu, C. D., Geology and ore deposits of the Raudsburg quadrangle, California : California Min. Bur. Bull. 95, pp. 1-152, 5 maps, 1925. Hulin, C. D., Geologic features of the dry placers of the northern Mojave Desert : California Div. Mines Rept. 30, pp. 417-426, 1934. Merriam, J. C, The occurrence of Tertiary mammalian remains in northeastern Nevada : Univ. California Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 8, pp. 275-281, 1914. Merriam, J. C, Relationship of Pliocene mammalian faunas from the Pacific Coast and Great Basin province of North America : Univ. California Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 10, pp. 421-443, 1917. Merriam, J. C, Tertiary mammalian faunas of the Mohave Desert : Univ. California Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 11, pp. 437-585, 1919. Simpson, E. C, Geology and mineral deposits of the Elizabeth Lake quadrangle, California : California Div. Mines Rept. 30, pp. 371-415, map. 1934. Smith, J. H., The Eocene of North America, west of the 100th meridian (Green- wich) : Jour. Geology, vol. 8, pp. 444-471, map, 1900. Tucker, W. B., Sampson, R. J., and Oakeshott, G. B., Mineral resources of Kern County : California Jour. Mines and Geology, vol. 45, pp. 203-251, 1949. MINERAL DEPOSITS OF SALTDALE QUADRANGLE By T. W. Dibblee, Jr. and T. E. Gay, Jr.* OUTLINE OF REPORT Page INTRODUCTION 45 MINERAL DEPOSITS 45 Borax 45 Clay 46 Coal 46 Copper and silver 46 Flagstone 47 Gold 47 Gypsum 49 Ornamental minerals 49 Perlite 50 Pumice 50 Salt 51 Volcanic ash 51 Oil and gas 53 TABULATED LIST OF MINERAL DEPOSITS IN SALTDALE QUADRANGLE 54 INTRODUCTION Although there has been much mining activity in Saltdale quadrangle in past years, only two properties are now being operated; these produce gypsum and volcanic ash. Mineral commodities which have been produced in this area in the past also include boras, clay, copper and silver, gold, opal and other ornamental minerals, pumice, and salt. One small deposit of low-grade coal has been mined for local consumption. Flagstones have also been used locally but none have been produced commerciall3^ Large bodies of perlite are in the quadrangle but have not been exploited. Literally hundreds of mine workings are scattered over the quadrangle, few of which show signs of recent activity other than annual assessment labor. El Paso Mountains are virtually covered with current claims. Only the more recent or significant workings are shown on the economic mineral map. In many cases one map symbol represents all the various workings in an entire group of claims. Many mineral deposits which are described in the literature as being within this quadrangle are not shown on the economic deposit map, as it was impossible to identify some of the unmarked workings from descrip- tions of past activities. On the economic mineral map and in the accompanying tabulated sum- mary, locations of various properties are referred to by township and section number. Such locations are based on survey lines projected from the Randsburg quadrangle, which borders this area on the east, and from several known section corners in the southwest part of the Saltdale quad- rangle. Therefore all descriptions of locations by section numbers, except those of the oil wells southwest of Koehn, are projected, and are subject to correction. MINERAL DEPOSITS Borax Only token shipments of borax have been made from Saltdale quad- rangle, but this locality was among the first in the state to produce borax. * Junior mining geologist, California State Division of Mines. ( 45 ) 46 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE Balls of ulexite (NaCaBr,09-8TToO) from 3 inch to 3 inches in diameter are formed near the surface of the soil by solar evaporation of saline liquids drawn upwards by capillary action. Since these so-called ' ' cotton balls" of silky ulexite form only after rainwater has dissolved other borate minerals deeper in the earth, none has been produced during the recent drought years. The Cotton Ball borax mine, sec. 8, T. 80 S., R. 38 E., was located in 1896 by Charles Koehn of Cantil and worked by him sporadically from 1898 to 1929. After the surface Avas turned up with a plow the balls of ulexite were picked by hand from the earth and sacked for shipment. Total production from this property was about three carloads, which were sent to San Francisco for refining. Clay Production of clay from Saltdale quadrangle has amounted to several thousand tons which have been used chiefly in oil-refining processes, and to a less extent in the hard rubber industry. TVhite clay was mined from the twenties to the mid-forties, but none has been produced since World War II. All clay deposits are in the altered pyroclastic sediments of Member 2 of the Rieardo formation (Tro). Although many clay deposits are noted in the literature on this area,^ production is known from only three — the Snow^ White, Hancock, and Brown-White (including Iron Canyon Bentonite) deposits. These were all worked by the Los Angeles Clay Company. The White Clay No. 1 and No. 2 are two patented claims formerly owned by the Los Angeles Pressed Brick Company which was purchased by Gladding, McBean & Company in 1927. No work has been done since then and data on the characteristics of the clay are not available. Coal Only one very minor occurrence of low-grade coal is kno^vn in the Saltdale quadrangle. This is a thin lens of sandy lignite located near the base of the Goler formation (Tg2 on geologic map) northeast of Gerbracht Camp on the property of C. E. French of Randsburg. Samples collected were too earthy to burn but material of higher quality is said by several residents to have been mined for local consumption. No work has been done since 1900 and little trace of the operation remains. Copper and Silver Although many prospects and exploration openings in this quadrangle show traces of copper and silver mineralization, no commercial produc- tion of these metals is recorded. Throughout the pre-Tertiary rocks of El Paso Mountains are numerous brecciated zones and brecciated quartz veins, many of which are mineralized with sulfides and oxides of iron, copper, and silver. They occur in practically all formations of the base- ment complex, but are most abundant in brittle or fractured formations or near contacts. Numerous prospects have been dug into these brecciated zones and veins, but none has yielded copper or silver in commercial quantities. It is believed that gold was actually the principal objective of many of these w^orkings, but assay tests to confirm this are lacking. At Redrock Canyon there is a prospect in the granophyre showing blue stains of copper carbonates. About a mile east are many prospects dug 1 Tucker, W. B., Kern County: California Div. Mines and Mining Kept. 25, pp. 67-68. MINERAL DEPOSITS — DTBBLEE AND GAY 47 into breceiated zones, and some quartz veins containing sulfide and oxide eoatinjrs of iron and copper in the quartzite coufrlomerate-liornfels series. The mineralization was probably supplied by the series of . . d ■Wo (a d) M O _ aj ^ C " C '" O O CO C d TJ C ^ d d — ?^ CQ d :s w o 05 CO ^ •— t o OJ o o 00 CD 05 00 o J3 O o O a o c d o T3 0) d Pi o o § s a o CD a o Pi to o o a> o co" o Ol in eo T-H 05 N »— 1 »— < Ol en Oi ■* ■* ■* Oi 05 OJ c d J3 C d O O o o U U c a (-) O +-» rt rt L^ o o ft ft >< X W W c« CQ <« ■*! 1-5 ^^ MINERAL DEPOSITS — DIBBLEE AND GAY 53 Cudaln- Packing Compaiij^ quarried the 9-foot ash bed at the top of Member -1 from 1923-47. This ash is very fine grained and compact and was used in Old Dutch Cleanser under the trade name "seismotite". Cudahy owned 15 adjacent claims in sees. 5 and 8, T. 29 S., R. 38 E., but mined entirely from two claims at the northeast end of the group. A few hundred tons of volcanic ash was shipped from the property of George J. Colton in sec. 24, T. 29 S., R. 37 E. This was used as an abrasive in cleanser, but a steady market did not develop. The Parrott and Allee silica mine in sec. 18, T. 29 S., R. 38 E., under various managements, produced minor amounts of volcanic ash — less than 1,000 tons in all — for use as abrasive in cleansers and as concrete aggre- gate. It has been idle for more than a decade. Oil and Gas Four wells were drilled for oil and gas in the Saltdale quadrangle, all within a mile and a half of Cantil. All were drilled into, and probably bottomed in, sediments of the Ricardo formation, and none obtained show- ings of oil or gas that could be verified. Data on these wells are indicated in the accompanying table. Marine Tertiary sediments do not crop out, and the Paleozoic rocks are highly deformed in this quadrangle. No oil or gas seepages are known. 54 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE TABULATED LIST OF MINERAL DEPOSITS IN SALTDALE QUADRANGLE The following list is arranged alphabetically by mineral commodity. The nnmber in the first column refers to the economic deposit map, plate 2. Numbers in parentheses are not shown on the map because no definite location is available. Due to the fact that public land survey lines are not complete on the base map, all locations are projected. References given in the last column use the abbreviation R which re- fers to the Report of the State Mineralogist, or California Journal of Mines and Geology, California Division of Mines, San Francisco. The number preceding the colon is the volume referred to, the number follow- ing the colon is the page reference. Personal communications from Martin C. Engel, Cantil P. 0., and others are gratefully acknowledged. MINERAL DEPOSITS — DIBBLEE AND GAY 55 < o 1 O '-^ ■w C 00 p 2-S s § o .- «*- c: > O (I> E 3 cS ^ C CD O o W^ c ■a s O 0) c *^ ^ s c3 d O o .^ o O a ■ K o S "^ o 1 S'.s i 1 o O a O t. ^^ C5 -^ — " ts tn r-t 0) ^ 3 ^ o o ea ^ o c o O pa ■»^ 3 cs" ^ ■a o is 03 ^ ^^ 2 p p O '— » 00 00 C3 PQ «£5 «? t, C to o "o m c3 O 2 =3 § uo IN »3 CI s t4 :SO H *~^ ^^ ^'^^ ' * — CJ '71 lU 3 TJ •d m ■ • 3 "* ■6 ■6 1 o o 5rt O o u 3 OJ CO ^ ° o 0) o o O lit- "3 •- 2 s ^ ^ •- ^ (H 3 'Zl ^. ,— V 3 3 MOO 3 3 O 03 3 lO o ■* _o O .2,0 O •^ CJ 3 "S 12 >■ u o .— H (N (N N a IN OJ e^ IN >o O o o O ^^ 00 O o .2 i — o 33 o O o .2 "3 ladding, McBean & 2901 Los Feliz Blvd., Angeles 26. w a -< o d ^ ^ O 3 o O >-v 3 o to o .s O (-« s 3 ^ 3 3 ^ O .■sl > « 's -»^ 3 O 3 o ■'J2 o "3 .5 ■•13 Pi — o a •s o JO a a 3l _ tn -1 o d2^ '^^ s O g a 3 c3 cj o 3 o 1§ 5? a a o 3 s ID 2 2o CQ K w § 3 CO m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ IN CO ■* lO «o J-, g s 0. > c3 O § iz; 56 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE !l O P. S 3 en a O u »— i 03 a o M o Wl o o 05 ai t— 1 ^ 1m 0) B o d £ o S ■■3 j3 t> .. St- TJ »o P T)H t-* •• a(M ■drt e^ ■» d " o a) '^ f^ *^ -d HH S Q ■^ § ffl H , 03 c tf «! .2 o M i-J a> H c^ CO o o m -d o d 3 s 00 o i 4^ ■* QJ a t-H a o3 0) tf o c fi C4 i-H O CO a _d a o a a 3 T3 d a a 1 13 o .2 II .•" _d > d a d CO 03 0) d T3 o '■♦3 o •J3 ^•i +j 03 ■»:> o u o O 3 o "-+J J3 CO d 3 3 3 ll a> o T3 T) •a o 3 T3 ■d CD O k4 O o [-1 ga ^ 2 _d tf a a a o 'a a o tn -1^ o d o d o d d _, ._ d d M 03 d a L" d B ,2 '6 o ^ CO ^ lO ^ ^ ^ T) t— 1 •^ h-H ^— c ►-H t-H •^ Q Q Q p QP P ■^ S § § § S^ § m W W W W WW w CTi 00 Oi 00 00 C3S 00 tf CO CO CO CO CO CO CO +3 C3 o o tfl M w cc CO 03 CO 1^ H 00 CM C3: <3> 05 CM CM COS CM (N l-H 00 lo" CO CM 00 I- o CO i-H o\ I— ( CM CO TlT s t a b£ 5 CD 3 CD 00 CD 1 en T3 d cS X o o -d t-H rH ^ OJ w >> d en ■a m O « d 03 r a o3 i X) 13 a a 0) t- d 03 Si m >o PM S. "^ J3 CD CD « a 03 > > 3 03 T3 ■§ J3 o a OJ o cu 3 CO T3 d 03 6 "3 o O ft o Si (3 d 03 -Ti a CJ CO a o t— ( o « d - bn o 03 u Xi u 1:3 CO o3 CU 1 oS CD tT 3 CD 3 r3 (-1 J3 _ea a ft § 3 o u bO s o 'a a) s o a «2 03 3 O bl T3 d 3 d 3 c 3 o ^^ to 3 ,_^ m 3 bjo d _3 In a' Is 0) a a o 4) bO bO d 3 CD a O a '3 o o O cj n CD 0. • 1— c 1— t 03 O S z MINERAL DEPOSITS — DIBBLEE AND GAY 57 (N " 00 O •3 o 3 O 3 O 00 > CO •3 to 1^ .2 >..^ 1 I o O o "2 = ^ S -a ■O o o 0) ^ c S e e C a e a o o o o .2 o .2 o 4^ •J3 43 -*^ •■« -*^ c» o u o o o o o 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 •n •O ■o •o 13 •a 13 J3 T3 o o o o O o O o Ul u a a a ft a 03 a a o o o O o o o c c e c c c a < c OJ o o CJ o o a «) T! -a -o T3 ■73 •73 -a m ■o ■7; H 9. o P P P P w 00 00 CO CO H W H H H 00 o OS 03 o CO CO CO CO CO H 00 CO w C35 CO r« K CK oc cr. cs (N C^ m m m CO xn Ul CB a: OS Oi C5 a~. wl 00 (N O) (N ^ ft ^ rt " <^ O 73 t. C O 1^ o 3 ft 3 a-^ o ° S Is is «- 3 QJ O ■^^ c .5 M W *i — 73 X -3 C U C <^ g.pi<;«;^- O O c . -s -^ tt -1 C s- u P-H _^ J^ tH CS r, 0) ^ Cl aP-i i^ >>-3 St JS o-s^ §■ _3~-' 03 O n IN o M m O o -d 03 c W d s o o t-l 8 o ■d o o ID a g 0) !" 3 o fM e o ^ 3 o Ml s' 2 o o 3 3 'a 3 0) o o 3 o :3 _3 3 3 ■a 3 13 o bb T3 o o -§3 2 0, 53 g a o 3 J3 d w 2 a ID a -■2 g.| .. 3 s C 3 tS! o c §1 .- o O a .- o a o O _!>" 0) QJ ii & o ID ii a ID ID ii a ^ s ^ -d ^ w T3 CO T3 KH 1— 1 KH )— 1 HH »— ( g QQ Q Q D Q M ^ Q 'O =3 ^ s S t^-i <« s (V 13 n m a '•^ WW W w W W W G , 00 t~ 00 00 CO 00 00 O O O '■^ o O rt CO TO TO TO TO TO 3 _o '■^ 03 o o rt TO P3 CO CO m m CO m H m > hJ o o 05 a> Ol o: O hJ ai H TO TO IN Oi IN IN H IN ►J 1-3 HH P" W CO ^ •t* ^__, is" CO < 2 03?^ S ^ N c3 c 3 '3 o P3 ^ 00 05 o ,_< C) TO 0- ^ IN !N TO TO TO 9- ^• TO c3 O oJ O s 2; S ;? MINERAL DEPOSITS — DIBBLEE AND GAY 59 t^ OS (N o 02 ^, ^ 03 a ' Ph •6 o o o o c rt ^ , -ij c c c s ~ o ^ -t^ c o -»^ 3 o o -a o "^ o -c o H -. c c ^ c Cl. ci d o 3 o P cS -I C o CO •a 13 -a a o "-S O 3 13 O 13 O 3 13 o O ,-^ C C *» o 3 '5 c c o - o n fi > -T3 C3 C a o > a tii 0) it co" CO N lis ■9< o J2 H a a H r_T r_1 00 00 C3 C: 03 00 CO n CO CO CO CO a CO a 00 CO a CO a 00 CO m 03 02 M CC t» w r/j a O o O C: o IN CO ~ <" ^ T^ ^ tc "ca 1? Jo c en 3 £ o & c ^ o o o •^ '< . o ^ •^ c CO T3 h4 t3 > ft O J3 s ft 3 O •a CC 3 O U o > 5 " .3.2 Z d -T- 3 ^ o coo ^ -.ii o o 5 2 S 2 S — O o o ^ QQ rt ? S u old, CO C3» c s d) ■o S (fl r 10 i-H CO 3 Ci 10 1 c^ 05 0. <« CO tn > a^ n c a o 01 CD ii§ i>55 G> cu jl% V ^ M s -T3 T3 ^ ^ "d -u m 1— ( >— ( t— < I-H I-H 1— t § Q QQ QQ Q Q Q Q =3 SS §s S s *rH s W w HW WW W w w w 00 01 (3> CT> 05 00 00 00 03 c "3 o o tf CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO t» mm mm m m m CO 03 Oi (X) 03 00 03 o> Oi (3i t^ (N (N IN (N (N IN — 1 ii c cu Jb r-T t-" cS 3 CO o 5 c M S -T3 ^ ■a< T3 -3 T3 OT C3 CO ^ 03 gS 3 03 •a . c ■a 1-^ m d 2 a 03 pq q 4) . id 0^ Ol X c C o If O CD a; 00 CO ^ >1 fe pi, CD 5? £ c 5" 5Q C 3 C 3 CO ^1 03 (N OJ M C CO a £? si Q =« _o "o ■3 Q IK CO 03 C 03 d M Lh o f^^-i r=rt Ch-1 .1-1 03 W 1-1 -3 M bi-Q ^ § < < 1^ )-3 c S Ur T3 o3 03 C 3 ^: c CO 5 0) c cj3 i a) tH "3 "o 0, 3 03 3 03 en 'a a 3 ID 3 CO M ■3 - 1: ?; g 03 C c3 -" b£ CO 6 (N 1 3 rt (1) A! 3 (N S6 Mco — 'fab faC Q S .2 a C3 '3 < 03 PQ T3 C oU s Is 11 "3 3 ■a "o 03 "a go 3t 03 .3 15 "o P Ol S CQ 6 Q ►-5 !z; ^ t~ 00 £35 t-H ■0 •0 m (S o v-^ § Z 4 MINERAL DErOSITS DIBBLEE AND GAY 61 2* ~. ■3 Ui B 3 o ^ S 2 n J3 6 03 :3 5 ?i •^ J3 g > • 5 = o Y s z: c s 1 B ^ """ « o 1-1 3 o ti 5 >-•; 1< •B t: X g a> ■" "^ — f^ o " ^ 3 — ' -o i ^ 5 i^ o c C S c. V _ ■2 2 9 — ^ 3 Ci O .2 3 3 C O go CJ JJ" ^ — ^ r ^ ::: "E :b~ "B ~ -5 sS I'i c 1 i H p ■^ z. 'Z' u ? §!2 c 1 =• _c „ t^ ^^ *** 5 - — S CM M^ IS [E - :, ^^ _o' 5 s 2 Q Q ^^ --V --s rv ^ _ ^ —N S s § 2S s s S ss r_l a ^ ^ %q ^ %; - Si; C5 00 r* t^ 1< M (N i^ C^ f— ( CM TJ* o " o CO CO rH *"■ CO CO cT c-^ O J. CO & o _o 1 E "3) 1 g > < 1 s > 6 o -a pa CO c a Pi 1 .a g3« o t^ s - X I J." C<1 ^v* -3 'S ' o < < 1 X — < 3 5 < 6 < c E a J — ■ oc _> — ;^ S C < O c 2 1 1 1 a o c c d o C 2 13 &: r^ ^ " s ^ 1 ti PS O O 1 S 1 j; = s 5 ^ c ^ .S =S 5 o •5 o o 1 1 ? o o ^ o ^ cm" b £ - 3 _ 2 o 1 o 5 1 '5 < a X c O t3 £ o _a B O >. c d C o o E 6 "t: "T 1 ^ -s-e § =3 ^ M _- "o -s **' a a T. -^ 7^ ^ S 3 a _d -" c ^ = "= >. c a X c -*^ c O c 5 = S bt go 5 5 >. -^ 1^ f ^ ^-' 5 _2 "_5 ■_5 X a X a a ^s'" ^ =^ - X X - > CO •^ lo „ »^ 00 ^ _ >o lO LT ij^ •o c; •a 02 .JOi 62 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE P m o .. _,^ Ol c o ■3 lO u c^ 1) g ' d 1 a ^ >> c W) _o — ^ c3 3 m ^ -T3 ^ ■5 _o3 :3 •4^ ■ -H GO ^ <1H CQ cu ^- CO Lh t— cj « s o o s .2 > . Tf "3 w >^ Q I- CO O Q § -1< ^ ^1 t- t- O 3 a c -^ 3 S3 o o o ^ tM --H t^ (-. o CO 1~ §1 a ^Q-- i-H a 03 > 3 6 'S p-ia iz; 3 01 t> 3 T3 ;« a m C CJ r* C CD a m m /i "(n i^ i: d C rt "o d c o3 t- a p _s 3 61 CI ^ i~. h-4 =y ^ -5; m WH t~ 00 c pi CO CO *J c3 ui m i_] a. a H O) a CO 00 1— < I— t ci 0) m T3 "2 03 >J m ^ (/3 i— h" -tJ 0) •r^ tn 03 . . - c: S S 6D feK a CD J3 ja m .„ ^ o> OS Tf ■* ?! CD 00 00 71 m 2 03 =3 X T) (U aj -^ QPQ QPQ T3 13 o" c —• C • s oj 03 03 j-"Ph M CP-I Ml a; t. (U t. t-t 3 3 3 3 j 03 S Ttl 10 0. !0 «3 03 c ^ I-H ill 'rt (U 0) d j3 'S CO __^ 0) CO 10 K c3 s O) (N ' 10 >o _ttJ ^ T)< 3 rt tf To "^ "m d a (U a '+^ c 3 3 ■a T3 -4-J C^ ^ u. 3 n a T3 S B a a _aJ' .2 _b" ^ ^ ^ I— I h- 1 1— 1 kr-l (-5 QQ QQ Q =*3 §S SS S « H W WW W 00 00 00 00 00 c tf CO CO CO CO CO .2 %-> o> 00 00 H -> a. 3 ■S a 3 -Si a 03 .6 5: o3 M a 'S 1^ 'c3 -^ T3 03 X W^ 6 03 — . a Z §^■3 g.o c3 s ^ to t~ 00 ^ CO CO CO ce S :z: G4 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE xn c o :« O — o m (N lO ■* rt ,_, 00 CO lO ^ M e3 rt c; 3 o >* ja o I- "3 C 'C 3 T3 0) ^ Q P =3 S § m W W 00 00 (3 tf n n o -*-* 03 o O m m iJ o o H CO (N ^S ^' (N 02 ^- co §«2 c J -a T3 o^ tS •f^ (U "3 "^ g t» c c3 c _I2 -*^ o c gZ «o a O 1^3 1-1 >>-S A c c c C3 O a ago 3 O Ut to OP^m u ^ >''3 -ill a C £ 03 C ? S ^^ o f 5 g-B 03 a en 0. ■ CO 03 O § ^; < o I— I o l-I o . 'O , 01 c-i ■S « o3 08 2 Ui o W^i _c c3
  • TJ cc ^ ^ ^ H-t l-H 1— 1 HH QQ Q Q p P =3 P5 rf S S § § ffl aw H W H w 00 00 00 00 00 t~ c « CO CO CO CO CO CO 03 o o m m m 02 CO W ^J a> 00 03 03 o> a> H C^l O} (N c^ (N IM ■* CO 00 lO 00 ^ CO lO" C^ m .2 w rtS -a IN "3 s »o s a < CO . 03 ^0 4^ Li T3 ' M H T3 S M o S ■a ^ a 10 »o ca be 03 2 =°^ o" M 31 e m "ttJ a 03 Ci u a C & o O m o - 03 ^ — c 03 U W £ 1 1 , I 1 , — ^ , g. 02 cc 1 cS r-< C3 u ^ o -3 ^ -^ t4 ^ • in i-, CJ 1 a) O s S ; < !N s 'o 03 T3 1 *c8 W a) 3 =3 ^ o >. CO en 01 o o J3 >> >^ £'3 'co 13 ^ js S"^ £ '3 3 3 o K iz; fS O" O f-H C) CO ■^ a ^ t>. t> t^ t^ t>. 03 O 2; H^i i~ itji IXDEX 65 INDEX Allee mine, 53 Apache mine, 17. 47 Avawatz Mountains. 38 Baker. C. L., cited. 10 Barstow formatiou, 10, 23, 29 Basin-Kanges. 8 Black Eagle claim. 50 Hills, 11, 13. 19, 25, 31, 35, 37 Well, 51 Mountain, 11. 25, 29. 30, 31, 37 basalt, 8, 31, 42, 49 group, 50 Brown-White deposit, 4G Cajon Pass. 13 Calico Mountains, 23, 29 California Journal of Mines and Geology, 54 Calsilco Corporation, 51 Cantil. 9. 46 A'alley, 8, 31, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42 Cenozoic formations, 23 rocks, 8 Chesterman, C. W., cited, 14 Coast Ranges, 41 Consolidated Salt Company, 51 Copper Basin mine. 37, 47 Cotton Ball borax mine. 46 Coyote formation, 23 Cretaceous-Eocene, 41, 47 Cudahy, 53 Camp, 36, 42, 49, 50, 51 Packing Company, 53 Daly mine. 39 Elizabeth Lake quadrangle, 10. 23, 29 El Paso fault. 8. 31, 37, 38. 41, 42 Mountains, 8. 9. 10. 11. 13, 14. 15, 19. 22, 23. 25. 31. 32, 33. 34, 35, 36, 37. 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47,48 Eocene-Oligocene (?) 41 Fairbanks, H. W., cited, 10 Freemont Salt Company, 51 Garlock, 31 chert. 14 fault.31.36. 37. 38, 39.42 series, 8. 14. 15. 17, 19, 32, 33, 41, 47 Station. 8. 9, 29, 30 Gerbracht Camp. 23. 25, 46 Gladding, McBean & Co., 46 Goler, 39 Gulch. 19. 22, 23. 25. 30, 42, 48 formation, 8, 19, 22, 23, 25, 31, 36, 37, 38, 41, 48 sediments, 42 Gray Eagle placer claims, 50 Gypsite, 9 Hancock deposits, 46 Hershey, O. H., cited, 10 Hess, F. L., cited, 10, 38 Holland Camp, 25 Holloway Camp. 36 Hollv Camp, 37, 38. 49, 50, 51 Hulin, C. D., cited. 10. 13. 15. 19, 32 Indian Wells Valley, 8, 11, 12, 31, 37, 41, 42,43 Inyo Mountains, 36 Inyokern Valley, 9 Iron Canyon, 17, 30, 34 Johannesburg gneiss. 14 Knowlton. F. H., cited, 10 Koehn. 8, 45 Lake. 49 (Salt) Dry Lake, 11. 31, 32 Last Chance Canyon, 11, 13. 22, 25, 32, 35. 36, 37. 38. 42, 43, 48, 49, 50, 51 Lf'bec, 8, 38 Long Beach Salt Co., 51 Los Angeles Clay Company, 46 Pressed Brick Company. 46 Merriam, J. C, cited, 10, 25, 29 Mesquite Canyon. 14, 15, 33, 34, 36, 39, 40, 74 schist, 8, 14, 15, 41, 47 ^liocene-Oligocene-upper Eocene beds, 23 Mojave, 9 Desert, 8, 19, 29 province, 10, 11 region, 9 formation, 10, 23, 25 Nevadau orogeny. 41 Old Dutch Cleanser, 53 Opal placer claims, 51 Panamint Mountains, 36 Parrott mine, .53 Pelona schist, 13, 14 Rand Mountains, 8, 11, 13, 14, 31, 32, 33, 34. 36, 38, 40, 42, 43, 47 Randsburg, 13, 46 area. 14 quadrangle. 9. 10. 11, 23 Rand schist, 14, 29, 32, 39. 41 pre-Cambrian (?) 8, 14, 41 Red Mountain, 29 andesite, 29 Redrock Canyon. 11, 13, 19, 25, .30, 31, 33, 34. 35, 37, 46, 48. 49 Ricardo, 42. 48. 49 formation, 8, 10, 19, 22, 25, 29, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 48, 49, 50, 53 Rosamond, 10 series, 19, 23, 29 Saltdale, 9 Salt Dry Lake, 8 San Andreas fault, 8 Schmidt Camp, 32, 33, 35 Searles Lake quadrangle, 9. 10 Sespe, 23 Sierra Nevada, 10 36, 41 Pelona. 13 Simpson, E. C, cited, 10 qn 66 SALTDALE QUADRANGLE Smith, J. H., cited, 10 (Sclimidt) mine, 47 Snow Wlaite, 46 Soutliern Pacific Railroad, 9 Tehacliapi Mountains, 11 United States Geological Survev, 9 Vasquez (Escondido) formation, 23, 29 War Dept., Corps of Engineers, United States Army, 9 White Clay No. 1, 46 2,46 Mountains, 41 I fa GEOLOGIC QUADRANGLE MAPS AND REPORTS PUBLISHED BY THE STATE DIVISION OF MINES Scale 1:31680 Geology of the Lebec quadrangle, California, by John C. Crowell : Special Report 24. 1952. Map and report. Price TS^*. Scale 1:62500 Geology of the San Benito quadrangle, California,' by Ivan F. Wilson : California Jour. Mines and Geology, April 1943. Map and report. Price 60(J. Geology of the Jamesburg quadrangle, Monterey County, California, by W. M. Fiedler : California Jour. Mines and Geology, April 1944. Map and report. Price 60<^. Geology of the San Juan Bautista quadrangle, California, by J. E. Allen : Bulletin 133, 1946. Geologic and economic maps and report. Price $1.50 (paper-bound), $2.25 (cloth-bound) . Geology of the Tesla quadrangle, California, by A. S. Huey : Bulletin 140. 1948. Geologic and economic maps and report. Price $1.50 (paper-bound). Geology of the Hollister quadrangle, California, by N. L. Taliaferro : Bulletin 143. Maps only (geologic and economic) . Price 75(1:. Geology of the Copperopolis quadrangle, California, by X. L. Taliaferro : Bulletin 145. Maps only (geologic and economic). Price 75('. Geology of the Lake Elsinore quadrangle, by Rene Engel : Bulletin 146. Maps only (geologic and economic). Price 75^. Geology of the Quien Sabe quadrangle, California, by C. J. Leith : Bulletin 147. 1949. Geologic and economic maps and report. Price $1.75. Geology of the Blue Lake quadrangle, California, by G. A. Manning and B. A. Ogle : Bulletin 148. 1950. Geologic and economic maps, and report. Price $1.50. Geology and mineral deposits of an area north of San Francisco Bay, California (Vacaville. Antioch, Mt. Yaca, Carquinez, Mare Lsland, Sonoma, Santa Rosa, Peta- luma, Pt. Reyes quadrangles), by Charles E. Weaver: Bulletin 149. 1949. Geologic and economic maps and report. Price $4.00. Geology of southwestern Santa Barbara County, California (Pt. Arguello, Lompoc, Pt. Conception, Los Olivos, Gaviota quadrangles), by T. W. Dibblee Jr. : Bulletin 150. 1950. Geologic and economic maps and report. Price $5.00. Geology and mineral resources of the Neenach quadrangle, California, by John H. Wiese : Bulletin 153. 1950. Geologic and economic maps and report. Price $1.75. Geology of the Cuyamaca Peak quadrangle, San Diego County, California, by D. L. Everhart : Bulletin 159. 1951. Geologic and economic maps and report. Price $.3.00. Geology of the Saltdale quadrangle, California, by T. W. Dibblee Jr. : Bulletin 160. 1952. Geologic and economic maps and report. Price $2.00. Geology of the Healdsburg quadrangle, California, by W. K. Gealey : Bulletin 161. 1952. Geologic map and report. Price $2.00. Scale 1:125000 Geology of the Macdoel quadrangle, California, by Howel Williams : Bulletin 151. 1949. Geologic and economic maps and report. Price $1.75. printed in California state printing office 58349 3-52 2M *<» 30 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL *ijiy ^ 1970 ■ SEP 2 3 1982 RECEIVED AUG 2 7 1982 PHYS SCI UZ3RASY JAN 5 - 1983 MAR 2 ;i l^oJ I LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS t BookSIip-35OT-7,'62(D296B4)458 PHYSSCI'U8H/«>P> AUG 08 195 AUG 09 m\ HYS SCI USSji RERLCD P^' JUL 2 01992 Ml rmvcu Kitww uumv DAVIS. CAUfotm* «ie'6 * OF MINES E Burre) (iKOLOCilC MAI* OK TIIK SALTDAI.K QUADHANGLE, CALIKOKMA By T. W. Dibbh-c'.Jr- GMlogy by T, W. DlbblM, Jr. Surveyed in 1950 V Vv Contour inUrviil tiO £»*t - o>u>; DIVISION OF MINES OLAF P. JENKINS, CHIEF STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES BULLETIN 160 PLATE 3 "'^^ /^"s ''•'"' J.^^^^^"^P9vo '^y z^-"' ^''° •^ » J- ♦ J 5£A LEVEL SECTION A- A' EL PASO MOUNTAINS GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE SECTIONS ACROSS SALTDALE QUADRANGLE KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA T.W.Dibblee Jr JANUARY 1950 EXPLANATION Ool Ailuviun- Ouaternary < Qt Terrace Qbb Block Ml bosall Pliocene | Tr^., | Ricordo formotion EO Olig, MiO. Tgg^i Goier formation JurO-TriosSIC Jl unnamed Permian Pqs,7,| Goriock series Pre-Cambnon ? pCm Mesquile schist pCr Rand schist INTRUSIVE ROCKS Pliocene Tbi intrusive bosolt Jurassic < SECTION D-D' JQ> Gronophyre jgr Pink granile jgf Foliated granite jqm Quartz monzonite Jhqd Hornblende quartz dionte EL PASO MOUNTAINS Pgvb SEA LEVEL VZ I SECTION E-E' SCALE LIBR.\RY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORMA DAVIS W> 30 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL ■Juiy ?970 SEP 2 3 1982 RECEIVED AUG 2 7 198? PHYS SCI UDRA;?Y JAN 5 - 1983 MAR I ;i boJ PHYS SCl' LIBHAPV LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book Slip-35OT-7,'62(D296s4)458 AUG 8 19? AUG 09 m\ :-iYS SCI unm REFiLCD P^' JUL 2 01992 *■■ } 1 ^ COLUTE 25(631. California. Division of Mines • T^__ n n GEOLOGY CallNumben TN2I4 C3 A3 f jj 3 1175 00644 1607 ^3"^^/