A HANDY DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS, WITH WHICH ARE COMBINED THE WORDS OPPOSITE IN MEANING. A COLLECTION' OF 40,000 WORDS IN GENERAL US5\ ARRANGED WITH REFERENCE TO THEIR SIMILARITY AND OPPOSITION. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF THOSE WHO WOULD SPEAK OR WRITE THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WITH EXACTNESS AND FLUENCY. BY H. C. FAULKNER, 'Author of "A Handy Classical and Mythological Dictionary," "A Handy Dictionary of Rhymes," Etc., Etc. A. L. BURT COMPANY PUBLISHERS NEW YORK PREFACE. AH persons, except the trained writer or speaker, find tkemselves often unabk in speech or conversation to convey the ideas that are present to the mind with exact- ness, or to indicate with nicety the subtle shades and dis- tinctions which accompany the development of these ideas] The vocabulary of most individuals is extremely limited, and this inadequacy of phraseology is productive of much misunderstanding, annoyance, and embarrassment. The cultivation of an exact use of language is necessary to the best exercise of thought ; a misapplied or a misunderstood- term may occasion interminable disputes ; a misnomer has changed the current of history ; a verbal sophism has de- luded public opinion and been fraught with appalling conse- quences to the race. There are few, if any, words in our language which are absolutely synonymous ; those which are called synonyms express one or more characteristic ideas in common, but almost without exception they are divided by delicate shades of difference. To one hesitating in the expression of an idea and dissatisfied with a word chosen because it is too general or too definite, because it expresses too much or too little, a collection of words in general use divided into their synonymous relationships must prove of great service in discovering the term which expresses the absolute shade of meaning which it is intended to convey. Again, while erery word in the language has one or 1781676 4 PREFACE. several words thus more or less perfectly agreeing with it in meaning, every word has also those which are directly antithetic or opposed to it in various of the characteristic meanings which pertain to it, and indeed, by the suggestion of an antithetic expression, the idea is often formulated with more clearness and accuracy. Similarity and opposition are the two elements by which ideas are classified, and it has been the intention in this dictionary to arrange the words in most frequent use in our language, so that their relationship and opposition shall be at once apparent. Reference to such a classification of words in the search for a proper term must often suggest by association ideas which, presenting the subject in hand under a new light, will greatly extend the mental view. It is on this important ground, in addition to that of being an aid to the cultivation of exactness in thought and expression, that this volun> lays claim to consideration. To abridge the work, in many cases where the meanings of the words are almost identical, cross-references have been admitted; and for still further simplification, in some instances a verb or a noun only has been given, and the in- flexional derivitives omitted as it has been thought, for ex- ample, that a reference to the verb "abominate" would suggest, without mental effort, the relationships of the noun "abomination." Sometimes words formed with the prefixes in or un have been omitted in Che body of the dic- tionary, but they will be found discussed under the anti- thetic term; as, for example, look for "inattentive" under its opposite "attentive." Such abbreviation and condensa- tion has been necessitated by the effort to provide a book which should be of convenient size for constant reference. The art of expression is the most difficult of the arts, and proficiency therein is only acquired by long and continued PREFACE. 5 practice. If the present volume shall give even a slight impetus to attempts at improvement in the use of our beau- tiful language, its object will be attained. H. C. F NEW YORK. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES Ant., indicates the words of opposite v. stands for verb. n. stands for noun, a. stands for adjective. A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS, With which are Combined the Words Opposite in Meaning. Abaft, aft, sternward, behind. Ant. Forward, ahead, afore, before. Abandon, forsake, leave, desert, renounce, relinquish, re. sign, quit, forego, let go, waive, abjure, abdicate. Ant. Retain, hold, maintain, support, uphold, defend, keep, cherish, undertake, assert. Abandoned, dissolute, wicked, reprobate, profligate, flagi, tious, corrupt, depraved, vicious, bad, sinful, unchaste. Ant. Worthy, virtuous, upright, good, chaste. Abase, lower, humble, humiliate, degrade, cypress, dis- grace, dishonor, bring down. Ant. Exalt, elevate, honor, raise, promote. Abasement, degredation, fall, degeneracy, humiliation, ab- jection, debasement servility. Ant. Exaltation, promotion, elevation, dignity. Abash, bewilder, disconcert, discompose, confound, co fuse, shame. Ant. Encourage, cheer, animate, embolden, incite. Abate, lessen, diminish, bate reduce, decrease, remove, suppress, lower, moderate* Ant. Increase, extend, amplify, continue, enlarge. Abbreviate, abridge, shorten, condense, contract, curtail, reduce, epitomize. Ant, Lengthen, extend, prolong, produce, expand. 8 A DICTION AR Y OF S YNON YMO US Abbreviation, abridgment, contraction, condensation, com* pression. Ant. Extension, expansion, enlargement, amplification. Abdicate, give up, forsake, relinquish, quit, forego, surren. der, vacate. Ant. Occupy, retain, maintain. Abet. See Am. Abettor, accessory, accomplice, assistant, promoter, instU gator, coadjutor, associate, companion, confederate. 4nt. Foe, antagonist, opponent, counteractor, baffler, adversary. Abhor. See HATE. Abide, stay, dwell, live with, tarry, remain, await, wait, sojourn, tolerate. Ant. Depart, migrate, move, proceed, avoid, shun. Abiding. See LASTING. Ability, capacity, capability, talent, faculty, qualification, aptitude, skill, efficiency, power, faculty, dexterity. Ant. Inability, incapacity, incapability, imbecility, un- readiness, stupidity. Abject, degraded groveling, low, mean, base, ignoble, despicable, vile, servile, contemptible, wretched. Ant. Dignified, worthy, noble, independent, honorable, haughty, arrogant. Abjure, recant, recall, revoke, retract, forswear, disclaim, renounce, repudiate. Ant. Claim, assert, profess, vindicate, retain. Able, strong, powerful, vigorous, robust, brawny, skillful, competent, efficient, capable, telling. Ant. Inefficient, incapable, unable, weak, ineffective. Abnegation, denial, abstinence, stint Ant. Indulgence, assertion, license. Abnormal, unnatural, anomalous, irregular, eccentric, un- usual. 4nt. Normal, natural, ordinary, customary, usual, reg- ular. Abode, residence, habitation, dwelling, domicile, home, quarters, lodging, (with the idea of permanence). Ant. (With the idea of transience) Halt, perch, tent, vestry, place. Abolish, revoke, abrogate, annul, cancel, annihilate, extiw garish, vitiate, invalidate, nullify, destroy. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 9 Ant. Establish, institute, restore, repair, continue, erect, sustain, support. Abominable, hateful, detestable, odious, vile, execrable, fou\. Ant. Delectable, desirable, admirable, enjoyable, pure. Abominate. See HATE. Abortive, fruitless, ineffectual, idle, inoperative, vain, futile. Ant. Successful, fruitful, complete, perfect. About, nearly, approximately, generally, concerning, re garding, relative to with regard to, as to, respecting, with respect to, referring to, around, Ant. Precisely, exactly, away, away from. Abridge. See ABREVIATE. Abridgment, epitome, summary, synopsis, compendium, abstract. Ant. Amplification, expansion, expatiation, dilation. Abroad, away, apart, adrift. Ant. At home, near, close by. Abrupt, sudden, unexpected, sharp, harsh, rough, rugged, steep, craggy, precipitous, hasty. Ant. Expected, slow, smooth, easy, undulating, cour- teous, polished. Abscond, decamp, bolt, run off, steal away. Ant. Appear, emerge, show, stay. Absent, a. departed, inattentive, abstracted, not attending to, listless, dreamy. Ant. Present, attentive, evident, imminent, existent. Absolute, unconditional, unqualified, entire, complete, un- restricted, despotic, arbitrary, tyrannous, imperative, anthoritative, imperious. Ant. Conditioned, conditional, incomplete, imoerfect, relative, dependent, accountable, contingent. Absolve, See ACQUIT. Absorb, swallow up, engulf, imbibe, consume, engross, merge, monopolize. Ant. Exude, emit, eject, dispeo' e, dissipate. Abstain. See REFRAIN Abstemious. See TEMPERATE. Abstract. See ABRIDGMENT. Abstract, v. drav from, steal, purloin,, remove, part, sep* erate ^- * Jo A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Add, unite, return, adduce, restore. ^^> Abstruse, recondite, profound, hidden, occult. ""Ant. Easy, clear, plain, obvious, patent, trite. Absurd, preposterous, ridiculous, irrational, silly foolish, unreasonable, nonsensical, inconsistent. Ant. Sagacious, sensible, rational reasonable, wise, con- sistent, sound. Abundance, plenty, competency, sufficiency, more than enough. Ant. Scarcity, paucity, scantiness, deficiency, dearth, less than enough. Abundant, plentiful, plenteous, teeming, copious, ample. Ant. Deficient, scarce, insufficient, scant, exhausted. _^> Abuse, v. asperse, revile, vilify, calumniate, defame, scan- dalize, malign, traduce, disparage, ill-use. Ant. Praise, laud', extol, protect, respect, cherish. __^ Abuse, n. invective, scurrility, ribaldry, contumely, oblo- quy, opprobrium, vituperation. Ant. Praise, commendation, eulogy, applause. Accede, consent, assent to, acquiesce, comply with, concur. Ant. Dissent, refuse, decline, withdraw, demur. Accelerate, quicken, hasten, hurry, expedite, forward, dis patch. Ant. Retard, hinder, delay, obstruct, clog, drag. Accept, take, receive, admit, acknowledge. Ant. Refuse, decline, reject, disown. Acceptable, agreeable, pleasing, pleasurable, gratifying, grateful, welcome. Ant. Unpleasant, disagreeable, unwelcome. Access, admission, approach, avenue, admittance. Ant. Exclusion, repulse, rejection, departure. Accession, increase, augmentation, enlargement, addition, reinforcement. Ant. Decrease, loss, subtraction, weakening. > Accident, contingency, chance, fortuity, casualty, mishap, disorder. Ant. Law, purpose, ordainment, provision, preparation. Acclamation, applause, plaudit, exultation, shouting, chee. ing, jubilation, outcry. Ant. Obloquy, execration, silence, censur<*, Acclivity, ascent, rise, incline. A Declivity, descent. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. if Accommodate, adapt, adjust, fit, suit, serve, supply, fur- nish. Ant. Inconvenience, disoblige, distant, incommode. Accompany, attend, go with, escort, convey. Ant. Leave, avoid, desert, abandon, quit. Accomplice. See ABETTOR. Accomplish, do, effect, finish, execute, achieve, complete; perfect, consummate, perform, attain. Ant. Fail, defeat, frustrate, disconcert. Accord, agree, consent, grant, allow, admit, concede. Ant. Differ, disagree, withhold, refuse, deny. Accordant, compatible, harmonious, consonant, consistent, consenting, acquiescent. Ant. Different, incompatible, inharmonious, inconsisU ent. Accost, address, speak to, stop, salute, greet, hail. Ant. Shun, pass, elude, ignore, avoid. Account, narrative, description, narration, relation, de- tail, recital monies, reckoning, bill, charge. Ant. Misrepresentation, confusion, distortion, carica- ture. Accountable, punishable, answerable, amenable, respons- ible, liable. An}. Absolute, supreme, irresponsible, independent. Accredited, authorized, commissioned, empowered, en- trusted. Ant. Unauthorized, uncommissioned. Accumulate, collect, bring together, amass, gather, heap t increase. Ant. Dissipate, disperse, diminish, scatter, waste. Accumulation, collection, store, mass, concentration. Ant. Dissipation, dispersion, diminution. Accurate, correct, exact, precise, nice, truthful. Ant. Inaccurate, inexact, incorrect, faulty, defective. Accuse, arraign, charge, incriminate, tax with. Ant. Acquit, absolve, exonerate, release, vindicate, dis- charge. Accustom, use, inure, habituate, familiarize. Ant. Disaccustom, dishabituate, wean, estrange. Acerbity, asperity, sharpness, acrimony, roughness, acid- ify. Ant. Sweetness, mildness, softness, gentleness. IS A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Achieve, do, accomplish, effect, fulfil, execute, gain, win Ant. Fail, lose, miss. Achievement, feat, exploit, accomplishment, attainment performance, acquirement, gain. An . Failure, loss, abortion. Acknowledge, admit, confess, own, avow, grant, recog- nize, allow, concede, indorse. Ant. Repudiate, disown, disclaim, disavow, deny. Acme, summit, apex, climax, end, culmination. Ant. Base, depth, foot, nadir. Acquaint, inform, tell, enlighten, apjgrise, make aware, make known, notify, communicate. Ant. Ignore, deceive, misguide, mislead, hoodwink. Acquaintance, knowledge, familiarity, intimacy, cogni- zance, fellowship, companionship. Ant. Ignorance, unfamiliarity, inexperience. Acquiesce, assent, agree, accede, consent, coincide with, concur. Ant. Dissent, demur, object. Acquire, get, obtain, attain, gain, procure, win, earn, reap, secure. Ant. Lose, forfeit, forego, miss, surrender. Acquirement, acquisition, accomplishment, attainment, qualification. Ant. Intuition, inspiration, revelation. Acquit, absolve, pardon, forgive, discharge, set free, clear. Ant. Condemn, accuse, charge, constrain, brief, compel. Acrimonious, sharp, acrid, stinging, harsh, pungent, piq- uant, poignant, sour, acid. Ant. Amiable, smooth, bland, mild, friendly, pleasant* Active, alert, agile, nimble, brisk, quick, lively, sprightly, supple, prompt, vigilant, laborious, industrious. Ant. Inactive, slow, heavy, clumsy, indolent. Action, deed, achievement, feat, "xploit, accomplishment, battle, engagement, agency, instrumentality, move- ment. Ant. Inaction, rest, repose, quiet, cessation, quiescence. Actual. See REAL. Actuate, instigate, move, impel, induce, prompt, persuade. Ant. Dissuade, prevent, deter, hinder, discourage. Acute, sharp, shrewd, keen, intelligent penetrating, pierc- ing, severe. 'AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 13 Ant. Dull, blunt, stupid, obtuse, heavy, chronic. Adage, maxim, aphorism, proverb, apophthegm, by-word, saw. Ant. Discourse, harrangue, yarn, inquisition. Adapt, accommodate, suit, fit, conform, adjust. Ant. Misfit, misconform, misapply. Addicted, devoted, wedded, attached, given up to, dedi- cated, prone, inclined, disposed. Ant. Unaddicted, unaccustomed, indisposed, disinclined. free from. Addition, increase, accession, augmentation, reinforcement. Ant. Subtraction, abstraction, decrease, decline. Address, n. tact, skill, ability, dexterity, deportment, de- meanor. Ant. Awkwardness, unmannerliness. Address, v. accost, greet, speak to, approach. Ant. See ACCOST. * Adherent, follower, partisan, pupil, disciple. Ant. Opponent, enemy, antagonist, adversary. Adhesion, adherence, attachment, fidelity, devotion. Ant. Desertion, opposition, treason, unfaithfulness. Adieu, good-by, au revoir, farewell, leave-taking, valedic- tion. Ant. Welcome, greeting, recognition, salutation. Adjacent, near to, adjoining, contiguous, conterminous, bordering, neighboring. Ant. Remote, distant. Adjourn, postpone, defer, prorogue, delay. Ant. Conclude, complete, consummate, dispatch, termi- nate. Adjunct, appendage, appurtenance, dependency, help, auxiliary. Ant. Essence, body, clog, impediment, drawback, hind- rance. Adjust, right, rit, accommodate, adapt, arrange, settle, reg- ulate, organize, reconcile. Ant. Dislocate, disarrange, derange, disturb, disorder. Administer, award, accord, give, serve, supply, afford, contribute, dispense, execute, perform. Ant. Withhold, retain, refuse, withdraw, divert, mis- manage. Admire, wonder, approve, appreciate, affect. 14 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Abhor, abominate, dislike, despise, disapprove. Admit, receive, allow, grant, permit, acknowledge. Ant. Exclude, debar, reject, repudiate, disavow. Admonition, warning, notice, caution, censure, advice, re- buke, dissuasion. Ant. Encouragement, countenance, applause, aid, insti- gation. Adopt, take, select, assume, appropriate, choose. Ant. Reject, discard, renounce, repudiate, abandon. Adorn, beautify, decorate, embellish, ornament, deck. Ant. Mar, spoil, deform, deface, despoil. Adroit, skillful, clever, dexterous, expert, apt. Ant. Awkward, clumsy, unskillful, inexpert, lubberly. Adulation. See FLATTERY. Advance, adduce, assign, allege, bring forward; promote, progress!'" 1 " Ant. Hinder, retard, withhold, degrade, oppose, de- crease. Advancement, preferment, promotion, progress. Ant. Degradation, hindrance, opposition, retrogression. Advantage, benefit, good, profit, avail, utility, service. Ant. Disadvantageous, unprofitable, useless, harmful. Advantageous, beneficial, profitable, salutary. Ant. Disadvantageous, unprofitable, useless, harmful. Adventure, incident, occurrence, casualty, contingency, accident, event. Ant. Matter of fact, matter of course, routine, rut. Adventurous, bold, daring, enterprising, chivalrous, rash, precipitate, foolhardy. Ant. Unad venturous, timid, cautious, hesitating. Adversary, opponent, antagonist, enemy, foe, rival, op- poser. Ant. Friend, ally, assistant, accomplice, abettor, ac- cessory. Adverse, opposed, contrary, opposite, counteractive, hos- tile, repugnant. Ant. Favorable, propitious, fortunate, amicable, lucky. Adversity, misfortune, sorrow, affliction, unfortunate, un- favorable, antagonistic, calamity, disaster. Ant. Prosperity, happiness, success. Advert. See NOTICE. Advertise, publish, announce, proclaim, promulgate. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 15 Ant. Conceal, suppress, hush, hoodwink. Advice, warning, counsel, instruction, information, delib- eration, consultation, reflection, consideration. Ant. Remonstrance, prohibition, dissuasion, expostula- tion. Advise, acquaint, inform, communicate, notify, tell, per- suade, prompt, incite. Ant. Misinform, deceive, delude, dissuade, deter, pro- hibit, remonstrate. Advocate, counsel, defender, upholder. Ant. Accuser, impugner, adversary. Aerial, airy, light, volatile, ethereal, empyreal. Affability, courteousness, courtesy, urbanity, politeness, suavity. Ant. Haughtiness, contemptuousness, gruffness, dis. courtesy, superciliousness. Affair, business, matter, question, subject, concern. Ant. Detail, item, point, circumstance. Afftct, influence, act upon, feign, pretend, assume like de- sire. Ant. Eschew, shun, dislike, repudiate. Afft cting. See PATHETIC. Affection, fondness, attachment, kindness, love, tender- ness, endearment condition, state, inclination. Ant. Insensibility, indifference, repugnance, repulsion. Affinity, relationship, alliance, union, kin, kindred, rela- tion, analogy, sympathy. Ant. Antipathy, dissimilarity, disconnection, unlikeness, antagonism. Affirm, assert, asseverate, declare, aver, swear, protest, state, maintain! Ant. Deny, contradict, dispute, demur, doubt, oppose. Affix. See ATTACH. Afflict, grieve, give pain, distress, trouble, torment, ago- nize. Ant. Console, relieve, assuage. Affluence. See WEALTH. Afford, produce, bestow, grant, give, impart, communicaxe, confer, spare. Ant. Withhold, stint, withdraw, retain, grudge. Affray, brawl, fray, quarrel, contention, altercation, wrangle, contest, strife, fracas. 46 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Order, tranquility, pacification. Affright. See FRIGHTEN. Affront, injury, wrong, insult, offence, outrage. Ant. Amends, homage, apology, salutation. Afraid, fearful, timid, timorous, faint-heated. Ant. Bold, courageous, heroic, fearless, audacious, Tea turesome. Afterward, hereafter, subsequently, ultimately. Ant. Previously, hitherto, heretofore. Age, period, time, date, generation, era, epoch, antiquity senility. Ant. Moment, instant, infancy, youth, childhood. Aged, old, elderly, senile, anile, ancient, antiquated. Ant. Young, youthful, recent, fresh, juvenile. Agency, instrumentality, influence, operation, manage* ment. Ant. Counteraction, opposition, neutralization, interfer- ence. Aggrandize, exalt, promote, prefer, advance, elevate. Ant. Debase, degrade, disgrace, dishonor, depress. Aggravate, tantalize, irritate, inflame, provoke, chafe, nettle,embitter, exasperate;, increase, enhance.heighten, make worse, magnify. Ant. Soothe, soften, palliate, attenuate, alleviate, miti- gate, diminish. Aggregate, n. total, entire, complete, the whole. Ant. Unit, part, element, ingredient. Aggregate, v. heap up, amass, accumulate, get together. Ant. Separate, dissipate, disperse, divide, segregate. Aggression, encroachment, assault, attack, offence, in vasion. Ant. Resistance, repulsion, retreat, withdrawal. Aggrieve. See TROUBLE. Agile, lively, sprightly, nimble, brisk, quick, supple, alert, wide-awake. Ant. Slow, heavy, awkward, ponderous, inert. Agitate, convulse, disturb, stir, move, shake, oscillate, up- heave. Ant. Calm, soothe, allay, compose, smooth, pacify. Agonize, distress, rack, torture, writhe, excruciate, pain Ant. Soothe, relieve, ease, compose, comfort. Agony, anguish, pain, distress, sufferim?, woe, torture. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. vr Ant. Peace, enjoyment, comfort, composure, relief. Agree, consent, assent, accede, acquiesce, comply, coin. cide, tally. Ant. Disagree, differ, dissent, demur, decline. Agreeable, gratifying, pleasant, pleasing, amiable, pleasur. able, welcome, acceptable, suitable, jocular, smiling. Ant. Disagreeable, offensive, unpleasant, obnoxious, unwelcome. Agreement, concurrence, coincidence, concord, compact, contract, bargain, covenant, stipulation, accordance, harmony, unison. Ant. disagreement, discord, promise, parole. Aid, help, assist, co-operate, relieve, succor, further, for- ward, contribute, conduce, tend, facilitate, abet. Ant. Oppose, retard, resist, deter, baffle, withstand. Ailing, unwell, sickly, diseased, ill. Ant. Well, healthy, sound, strong. Aim. See PURPOSE. Alacrity, readiness, willingness, agility, quickness, activity promptitude. Ant. Slowness, repugnance, reluctance, unwillingness. Alarm, terror, fright, affright, dismay, consternation, dis- quietude. Ant. Security, quiet, confidence, peace. Alert. See AGILE. Alienate, estrange, withdraw from, transfer, assign, con- vey. Ant. Conciliate, retain, endear, secure. Allay. See SOOTHE. Allege, affirm, declare, maintain, adduce, advance, assign. Ant. Contradict, deny. disprove|"refute, gainsay. Allegory, parable, metaphor, fable. Ant. Fact, history. Alleviate, assuage, mitigate, soothe, solace, relieve, abate, diminish, extenuate, soften. Ant. Aggravate, increase, augment, embitter. Alliance, affinity, union, connection, relation, confederacy. combination, coalition, league, confederation. Ant. Antagonism, enmity, divorce, discord, hostility t separation, disruption. Allot, apportion, appropriate, appoint, distribute, assign. Ant. Withhold, retain, unappropnate, refuse. fi8 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Allow, let, permit, admit, concede, yield, grant, give, tol- erate, suffer, sanction, authorize. Ant. Disallow, refuse, resist, object, deny, withhold, protest. Allude, refer, hint, insinuate, imply, intimate, suggest. Ant. State, demonstrate, declare, mention, specify. Allure, entice, attract, decoy, tempt, seduce. Ant. Warn, scare, alarm, deter. Alteration, change, variation, transition, changeableness, mutability. Ant. Fixity, permanence, stability, conservation, change- lessness, identity. Altercation. See QUARREL. Altitude, height, elevation, tallness, loftiness. Ant. Depth, lowness, depression, shortness, declination. Altogether, wholly, totally, entirely, perfectly, completely, , utterly. Ant. Partly, partially, separately, individually, imper- fectly. Always. See EVER Amalgamate, join, compound, mix, fuse, unite, consoli- date. Ant. Separate, decompose, disintegrate, disunite. Amass. See ACCUMULATE. Amazing, astonishing, wondrous, surprising, marvelous, stupendous, astounding. Ant. Commonplace, trivial, usual, ordinary, familiar, customary. Ambiguous, equivocal, uncertain, vague, dubious, enig- matical. Ant. Plain, clear, obvious, unmistakable, indisputable, unequivocal, unambiguous. Ameliorate, improve, amend, better. Ant. Injure, spoil, mar, debase, deteriorate. Amenable, responsible, accountable, answerable for, liable, subject, dependent. Ant, Unamenable, independent, irresponsible, auto- cratic. Amend. See AMELIORATE. Amends, compensation, recompense, restoration, repara- tion, atonement, restitution. Ant. Offense, injury, fault, insult. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 19 Amiable, loving, pleasing, engaging, good, kind. Ant. Hateful, abominable, churlish, disagreeable, ill. natured. Amicable. See FRIENDLY. Ample, complete, full, wide, spacious, capacious, extensive, liberal, expansive, diffusive. Ant. Scanty, insufficient, mean, narrow, stingy. Amplification, enlargement, exegesis* expansion, develop- ment. Ant. Abbreviation, curtailment, epitome, retrench- ment. Amusement. See RECREATION. Analogy, similarity, affinity, purity, resemblance. Ant. Dissimilarity, inaffinity, inequality, incongruity, disproportion. Ancient. See AGED. Anger, v. vex, exasperate, enrage, inflame, irritate, kindle, provoke, imbitter, incense. Ant. Please, amuse, gratify, sooth, pacify. Anger, n wrath, passion, rage, fury, indignation, ire, choler, bile, exasperation, irritation, resentment, pique. Ant. Peace, peacefulness, peaceableness, appeasement, forbearance, good will, conciliativeness, good temper. Angry, passionate, irascible, choleric, hasty, sullen, moody, incensed, irritated, enraged, provoked, nettled, piqued, exasperated, wrathful. Ant. Peaceful, calm, good tempered forgiving, for- bearing. Anguish. See AGONY. Aniiiiate, cheer, enliven, inspire, encourage, embolden, inspirit, instigate, urge. Ant. Dishearten, deter, depress, discourage. Animation, life, vivacity, spirit, buoyancy, elasticity, activity, alacrity. Ant. Deadness, dullness, inertness, spiritlessness. Animosity, enmity, malignity, hostility, antagonism, hatred, antipathy, aversion. Ant. Concord, alliance, friendship, companionship, unanimity, harmony, regard. Annals, chronicles, records, registers, historical accounts. Ant. Traditions, legends, romance. Annex. See ATTACH. 30 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Annihilate, destroy, annul, extinguish, nullify, obliterate, efface. Ant. Perpetuate, keep, preserve, conserve, foster, pro- tect. Announce, declare, make known, publish, advertise, pro- claim, report, notify, give out. Ant. Conceal, hush, suppress, withhold, stifle, bury. Annoy, vex, tease, chafe, molest, incommode, inconven- ience. Ant. Accommodate, please, quiet, gratify, regard. Annul, revoke, abolish, abrogate, repeal, cancel, destroy, extinguish, quash, nullify. Ant. Exact, establish, institute, confirm, maintain. Anomalous, irregular, abnormal, eccentric. > Ant. Regular, ordinary, normal. Antagonism. See ANIMONSITY. Antagonist. See ADVERSARY. Antagonistic. See ADVERSE. Anterior, prior, preceding, antecedent, previous, forego- ing, former. Ant. Posterior, later, subsequent, succeeding. Anticipate, forestall, foretaste, prejudge, prearrange, ob- viate. Ant. Misapprehend, recall, undo. Antipathy, dislike, aversion, repugnance, contrarie*", op position, hatred, antagonism, hostility, feeling against. Ant. Affinity, amity, sympathy, attraction, fellow-feel- ing, harmony. Antithesis, contrast, opposition. Ant. Equivalent, alike, synonymous, equal. Anxiety, care, solicitude, attention, eagerness, trouble. Ant. -Contentment, confidence, peace, apathy, noncha- lance, contentedness. Apathy. See INDIFFERENCE. Aphorism, adage, maxim, saying. Ant. Lecture, exhortation, speech, disquisition. Apocryphal, uncertain, unauthentic, legendary, doubtfm, spurious. Ant. Authentic, genuine, verified, attested, undisputed. Appal. See DISMAY. Apparent, easily seen, visible, palpable, clear, plain, trans* AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. *i parent, unmistakable, unambiguous, evident, manifest distinct, self-evident. Ant. Inapparent, uncertain, dubious, unobservable, unseen, undistinguishable, mistakable, ambiguous, apocryphal, indistinct. Appeal, refer, invoke, invocate, call upon. Ant. Deprecate, protest, disavow, disclaim. Appearance, air, look, aspect, manner, mien advent, ap- parition. Ant. Disappearance, non-appearance, concealment. Appease. See SOOTHE. Appellation, name, denomination, cognomen, title, desig. nation. Ant. Anonymousness, namelessness. Applaud, praise, extol, commend, approve. Ant. Disapprove, denounce, decry, execrate. Applause. See ACCLAMATION. Appoint, assign, allot, ordain, depute, order, prescribe, constitute, settle, determine. Ant. Recall, cancel, suspend, withdraw, withhold. Apportion. See ALLOT. Apposite. See SUITABLE. Appreciate, value, reckon, prize, esteem. Ant. Undervalue, misjudge, ignore, misappreciate. Apprehend, think, feel, conceive, imaginej take, arrest, seize, fancy, anticipate, fear, dread, understand. Ant. Misapprehend, misconceive, lose, miss, ignore. Approbation, approval, concurrence, assent, consent. Ant. Disapprobation, disapproval, censure, dissatisfao tion, refusal, denial, disclaimer. Appropriate, v. See ASSUME. Appropriate, a. peculiar, particular, exclusive, apt. Ant. Inappropriate, unsuitable. Approval. See APPROBATION. Arbitrary, despotic, imperious, domineering, tyrannous, tyrannical. Ant. Limited, considerate, lenient, modest, mild Arbitrator, arbiter, judge, umpire, referee. Ant. Appellant, claimant, litigant, disputant. Ardent, eager, fervid, hot, fiery, glowing, passionate. Ant. Cool, cold, indifferent, apathetic, passionless, phlegmatic. 22 Argue, discuss, dispute, debate. I Ant. Dictate, assent, command, propound. i Arouse, stir up, awaken, vivify, excite, stimulate. Ant. Allay, compose, quiet, assuage, pacify, deaden. Arrange, put in order, place, assort, classify, regulate, dis pose, adjust. Ant. Derange, disarrange, confuse, disturb, jumble, disorder. . Arrant, notorious, flagrant, heinous, flagitious, atrocious, *~"*~monstrous. Ant. Slight, moderate, small. Array, n. rank, order, disposal, disposition, arrangement. Ant. Confusion, disorder, rout. Array, v. range, place, draw up, marshal, dress, deck out. Ant. Disarray, derange, displace. Arrest, stop, apprehend, withhold, keep back, restrain, seize. Ant. Liberate, free, discharge, dismiss. Arrogance, assumption, haughtiness, pride, loftiness. Ant. Humility, modesty, servility, bashfulness, diffi- dence, politeness. Art, skill, tact, aptitude, adroitness, expertness, cunning, subtlety, Ant. Inexpertness, unskillfulness. Artifice, trick, stratagem, machination, deception, cheat, imposture, delusion. Ant. Openness, simplicity, fairness, candor, honesty. Ascend, climb, mount, rise, soar, tower, scale. 'j Ant. Descend, fall, sink. Ascendency, superiority, /hfluence, authority, sway, mas- tery. Ant. Subjection, inferiority, disadvantage, subordina- tion. Ascent. See ACCLIVITY. Ask, request, entreat, solicit, beg, claim, demand, invite, question. Ant. Command, order, insist, dictate, exact. Aspect, light, view, appearance, complexion, feature, air, look, mien, countenance. Ant. Back, obverse, rear. > Asperity, acrimony, acerbity, harshness, smartness, pun- gency, poignancy, tartness, roughness. AND AVTITHE-iIC WORDS. 2$ Ant. Mildness, softness, sweetness, gentleness, pleas- antness. ~> Asperse, accuse falsely, malign, slander, traduce, defame, scandalize, disparage, depreciate, vilify! Ant. Eulogize, laud, extol, praise, defend, uphold. Assault, v. assail, attack, invade, encounter, storm. Ant. Defend, protect, repulse, retaliate. Assemble, congregate, collect, gather, muster, bring to. gether. Ant. Disperse, disrupt, adjourn, depart. Assembly, assemblage, collection, group, company, mus, ter, congregation, convention, congress, diet, council, convocation, conclave, synod, meeting, auditory, au- dience. Ant. Dispersion, disunion, adjournment, individual. Assent, v consent, accede, acquiesce, comply, concur. Ant. Dissent, disagree, differ, disclaim, protest. Assert. See AFFIRM. Assign, adduce, allege, advance, bring forward, appoint, allot, appropriate, apportion. ) Ant. Refuse, withold, withdraw, retain. Assist. See AID. ^"* Assistant, auxiliary, helping, conducive, furthering, instru, mental. Ant. Opponent, enemy, foe, antagonist, rival, obstruc- tionist, hinderer. Associate, colleague, ally, partner, coadjutor, comrade, companion, consort. Ant. Rival, foe, alien. Association, company, society, confederacy, union, part- nership, fellowship, companionship, connection, alli- ance. Ant. Disunion, separation, independence, solitude, in- dividuality. Assuage, compose, calm, pacify, allay, soothe, conciliate, appease, tranquilize, mitigate, alleviate, palliate, moU lify. Ant. Excite, aggravate, increase, provoke, inflame, in- cite, stimulate. Assume, pretend to, arrogate, usurp, appropriate, affect, wear, suppose. 24 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Abandon, concede, render, surrender, grant, allow, doff, prove, demonstrate. Assurance, confidence, certainty, consciousness, convic- tion, effrontery, impudence. Ant. Bashfulness, reserve, unobtrusiveness, decency, Astonishing. See AMAZING. Athletic, stalwart, powerful, brawny, muscular, robust, able-bodied. Ant. Weak, sickly, puny, slight, unmuscular. v Atrocious, flagitious, heinous, enormous, flagra.u, villain* ous, monstrous, inhuman, nefarious. Ant. Laudable, honorable, noble, admirable. Attach, affix, append, annex, adjoin, connect, stick, con* ciliate, attract, win. Ant. Detach, unattach, unfasten, untie, disconnect, alienate, repel, estrange. Attachment. See ATTACH. Attack, v. assail, assault, impugn. Ant. Defend, resist, repulse, aid, jrepel, shield, shelter, support. Attempt, effort, exertion, endeavor, essay, trial, experi- ment. Ant. Neglect, laziness, inaction, abandonment. Attend, go with, accompany, escort, wait on, listen, hearken, heed. Ant. Leave, forsake, abandon, wander, disregard. Attentive, careful, intent, wistful, vigilant, studious, con? siderate. Ant, Inattention, indifferent, careless, abstracted, ab- sent, distracted, remiss. Attest, testify, wit n ess, prove, vouch, confirm, establish, evidence. > Ant. Contradict, refute, disprove, oppugn, deny. Attire, n. dress, apparel, garments, cfotEes, habiliments, robes, vestmert, costume. Ant. Nudity, bareness, dishabille, disarray, exposure. Attitude, posture, position, pose, attitude. Ant. Movement, gesture, gesticulation, exercise, deport- ment, bearing, action. Attract, draw to, allure, entice, charm, wheedle. , Repel, repulse, deter, estrange, alienate. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS 25 Attractive, winning, charming, captivating, fascinating; bewitching, enchanting, agreeable. Ant. Unattractive, uninteresting, repulsive, unpleasant, disagreeable, forbidding. Attribute, quality, property, mark, characteristic, accom- plishment, attainment. Ant. Essence, nature, substance. Audacious. See BOLD. Augment, increase, enlarge, extend, stretch out, spread \ out. 1 Ant. Reduce, diminish, deduct, reserve, impoverish. August, majestic, noble, dignified, stately, gorgeous, ex- alted. Ant. Mean, common, vulgar, despicable, paltry, undig- nified. Auspicious, fortunate, favorable, propitious, prosperous, lucky, happy. Ant. Inconspicuous, unpropitious, unlucky, unhappy, discouraging, hopeless. Austere, rigid, severe, rigorous, stern, harsh, hard, strict. Ant. Indulgent, genial, easy, luxurious, mild, tender, kindly. Authoritative, powerful, conclusive, potent, commanding, swaying, imperative, imperious. Ant. Weak, inconclusive, vague, indeterminate, indefi- nite. Authorized, accredited, empowered, commissioned. Ant. Unauthorized, uncommissioned, unempowered, self-appointed, self-assumed. Authority, weight, force, power, domination, supremacy, ground, justification. ' Ant. Spuriousness, weakness, usurpation, wrong, groundlessness. Auxiliary, assistant, helping, conducive, furthering, in- strumental. Ant. Hindrance, opposing, retarding, obstructive, cum- bersome. Avail, advantage, profit, use, benefit, service, utility. Ant. Disadvantage, loss, injury. Available, profitable, advantageous, useful, beneficial. Ant. Unavailable, useless, inoperative, unprocurable, iaconducive, irrelevant. 26 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS ' Avarice, covetousness, cupidity, greediness, greed, r* jpacity. Ant. Generosity, liberality, profuscness, extravagance. unselfishness, waste. Aversion. See ANTIPATHY Avocation, business, occupation, employment, calling, office, engagement, function, profession, trade. Ant. Idleness, leisure, holiday. Avow. See DECLARE. Awaken, arouse, excited, stir up, vivify, Ant. Stupify, soothe, quiet, pacify, compose. Award, adjudge, adjudicate, judge, determine, allot, accord, Ant. Retain, withhold, refuse, misapportion. Aware, sensible, conscious, cognizant. Ant. Unaware, ignorant, uninformed, unconscious. Awkward, clumsy, unpolished, rough, untoward. Ant. Graceful, elegant, neat, polished, dexterous, skill* ful, adroit, handy. Awry, crooked, wry, bent, curved, oblique. Ant.' Straight, right, true, direct. B. Bad, evil, wicked, unsound, unwholesome, baneful, dele- !> terious. pernicious, noisome, noxious, sinful. Ant. Good, wholesome, sound, virtuous, suitable, repu- table, honorable. Baffle, defeat, discomfort, bewilder, frustrate, foil, balk. Ant. Aid, help, assist, encourage, promote. Balance, weigh, poise, neutralize, counteract, equalize, ao just. Ant. Overbalance, upset, tilt. Balk. See BAFFLE. Balmy, fragrant, sweet-scented, odoriferous, odorous, per- fumed. Ant. Harsh, rough, mal-odorous, nasty, unpleasant, soUTf Baneful. See BAD. Banquet, feast, fete, entertainment, festival. Ant. Fast, abstinence, starvation. Banter, mockery, derision, raillery, irony, teasing. Ant, Argument, discussion, discourse. / AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 2? Barbarous, savage, brutal, cruel, inhuman, ruthless, mer, ciless, remorseless, unrelenting, uncivilized, rude. Ant. Polite, civilized, refined, humane. Bargain, agreement, convention, compact, stipulation, covenant, contract, transaction. Ant. Loss, failure, cheat. Base, bad, low, mean, sordid, groveling, ignoble, igno- minious, dishonorable, vile, counterfeit, deep. Ant. Lofty, exalted, refined, pure, noble, esteemed, honored, shrill. Battle, combat, engagement, action, conflict, contest, fight. Ant. Peace, truce, council, armistice, mediation, arbi- trament. Bear, hold sustain, support, endure, carry, maintain, convey, transport, waft, suffer, tolerate, undergo, put up with. Ant. Drop, eject, reject, decline, resign, refuse. Bearing, manner, deportment, demeanor, behavior, con- duct. Ant. Attitude, pose, gesture, appearance. Beastly, brutal, brutish, sensual. An'. Human, refined, gentle, lofty, pure. Beat, strike, knock, hit, belabor, thump, dash, vanquish, overpower, conquer, defeat. Ant. Caress, pat, stroke, defend, shield, fail, surrender. Beautiful, elegant, beauteous, handsome, fair, pretty. Ant. Ugly, homely, foul, hideous, disagreeable, de- formed, unattractive. Beautify. See ADORN. Becoming, befitting, comely, decent, fit, proper, suitable. Ant. Unbecoming, unseemly, indecent, ungrateful. Beg, ask, beseech, implore, entreat, crave, solicit, suppli- cate. Ant. Demand, extort, exact, require. Beginning, commencement, outset, opening, inception, start, origin. Ant. End, close, termination, conclusion, completion, consummation. Beguile. See DECEIVE. Behavior. See CONDUCT. behold, see, look, discern, view, descry, observe. 28 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Ignore, disregard, overlook, miss. Belief, faith, credence, credit, trust, confidence, reliance, conviction, persuasion, avowal. Ant. Unbelief, disbelief, distrust, denial, heresy. Below, beneath, under, underneath, lower, inferior, sub. ordinate. Ant. Above, over, aloft, top, overhead, superior. Bend, lean, incline, distort, stoop, descend, condescend, yield, submit. Ant. Stiffen, break, advance, resist. Benediction, blessing, commendation, approvaL Ant. Malediction . curse, disapproval, censure, execra- tion. Benefaction, gift, donation, alms, charity. Ant. Confiscation, deprivation, reservation. Beneficent, benevolent, bountiful, bounteous, munificent, liberal, generous. Ant. Cruel, hard, oppressive, griping, stern, grinding. Benefit, advantage, good, profit, service, ability, avail, use. Ant. Injury, loss, evil, disadvantage, detriment. Benevolence, beneficence, benignity, kindness, generosity. Ant. Maleficence, unkindness, cruelty, harshness, churl- ishness. Bent, tendency, bias, inclination, disposition, preposses- sion, propensity, predilection, proneness. Ant. Disinclination, indisposition, aversion. Bereave, deprive, strip, dispossess, disarm, divest. Ant. Replenish, benefit, enrich, give, compensate, satisfy. Beseech. See SUPPLICATE. Beset, surround, encompass, embarrass, hem, beleaguer. Ant. Liberate, abandon, free. Betimes, early, soon, shortly, ere long. Ant. Late, slowly, sluggishly, behindhand. Betoken, forebode, bode, portend, augur, presage, prog* nostication, signify, foreshadow. Ant. Belie, hide, mask, mislead, misxidicate. Betray. See DECEIVE. Better. See AMEND. Bewail. See LAMENT Bewilder. See PERPLEX. Bewitch. See CAPTIVATE, ANTITHETIC WORDS. 29 Bias. See BENT. Bicker, wrangle, dispute, dissent, strife, contend, jar. Ant. Agree, converse, chat. Bid, offer, proffer, tender, propose, call, invite, summon. Ant. Forbid, deter, prohibit, restrain. Bide, wait, stay, remain, tarry, endure, await. Ant. Quit, depart, move, migrate, resist, adjourn. Bigoted, illiberal, prejudiced, narrow, limited, intolerant. Ant. Liberal, tolerant, unprejudiced, broad. Bind, tie, restrain, restrict, connect, link, engage, oblige. Ant. Unbind, untie, loose, loosen, unfasten, liberate, free, acquit. Binding, astringent, costive, valid, obligatory, stringent, constraining. Ant. Loosening, purgative, freeing. Bitter, harsh, pungent, poignant, stinging, sharp, tart, in- tense. Ant. Sweet, mellow, pleasant, affable, kindly. Black, dark, murky, pitchy, inky, Cimmerian. Aut. White, light, radiant, shining, glorious. Blacken, defame, calumniate, slander, scandalize, asperse. Ant. Whiten, eulogize, vindicate, clear. Blamable. See BLAME Blame, reprove, reprehend, censure, condemn, repro- bate, reproach, chide. Ant. Praise, approve, exonerate, exculpate. Blameless, inculpable, guiltless, sinless, innocent, immac- ulate, unsullied, unblemished, spotless, pure. Ant. Guilty, blameworthy, faulty, answerable, crimi- nated, culpable. Bland, soft, gentle, mild, kind, gracious, benign, benig- nant. Ant. Harsh, Abrupt, rough, disagreeable, unpleasant. Blank, confused, confounded, dumfounded, abashed, nonplussed, disconcerted, empty, unfilled. Ant. Filled, modified, qualified, mitigated. Blast, blight, wither, shrivel, destroy. Ant. Nurture, cherish, save, shield, protect. Blatant, noisy, clamorous, braying, bellowing, vociferous. Ant. Soft, noiseless, quiefr, reserved, refined. Blemish, v. stain, blur, sully, spot, obscure, dim, ruin, spoil, mar. 30 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Improve, clarify, cleanse, renovate, renew, purify. Blemish, n- *&&, spot, blur, defect, speck, imperfection, fault. Ant. Intav_iness, purity, unsulliedness. Blend, mix, amalgamate, mingle, commingle, compound, fuse. Ant. Divide, dissociate, separate, disintegrate. Blessedness, bliss, happiness, felicity, beatitude. Ant. Wretchedness, unhappiness, sorrowfulness. Blind, sightless, eyeless, unseeing, ignorant, prejudiced. Ant. Clear-sighted, keen, far-sighted, aware, consious. Bliss, ecstacy, felicity, blessedness, blissfulness. Ant. Woe, misery, suffering, wretchedness. Blithe, gay, blithesome, cheerful, merry, sprightly, viva* cious. Ant. Heavy, dull, dejected, sullen, cheerless, gloomy, sorrowful. Blockhead, dunce, dolt, dullard, numskull, jolthead, log. gerhead, ignoramus. Ant. Sage, adept, savant, philosopher, master. Bloodshed, carnage, slaughter, butchery, massacre. Ant. Peace, amity, festival. Bloom, blossom, bud, sprout, germinate, shoot forth. Ant. Decay, blight, blast, wither. Blot, speck, flaw, stain, blur, blemish, defect. Ant. Perfection, blamelessness, clearness. Bluff, blustering, burly, swaggering, hectoring, bullying. Ant. Courteous, polished, graceful, reserved, elegant. Blunder, mistake, error, delusion, hallucination, fault, oversight. Ant. Correctness, accuracy, exactness, truthfulness, foresight, correction. Blunt, pointless, obtuse, edgeless, unpolite, rough, rude. Ant. Sharp, keen, pointed, acute, polished, courteous, refined. Blustering. See SWAGGERING. Boast, glory, triumph, vaunt, brag. Ant. Deprecate, cringe, whine, whimper, to be modest. Bodily, corporal, corporeal, material, physical, wholly, col< lectively, unitedly. Ant. Spiritually, ghostly, partially, piecemeal, frag, mentarily. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 31 Boisterous, violent, furious, impassioned, impetuous, ve- hement, stormy, turbulent. Ant. Peaceful, calm, serene, self-possessed. Bold, fearless, undaunted, dauntless, brave, daring, ad venturous, intrepid, audacious, impudent, contuma- cious. Ant. Timid, fearful, shy, inadventurous, bashful retir- ing. Bondage, slavery, thraldom, vassalage servitude, serf- dom, captivity, imprisonment, confinement. Ant. Freedom, liberty, independence, liberation, manu- mission. Booty, plunder, loot, pillage. Ant. Restitution, confiscation, forfeiture, penalty. Border, edge, brim, rim, verge, brink, margin, confine. Ant. Center, interior, space, substance. Bound, v. limit, circumscribe, confine, restrict, restrain^ terminate. ' Ant. Open, free, unconfine. Boundless, unbounded, infinite, unlimited, interminable. Ant. Bounded, limited, finite. Bounty, munificence, liberality, generosity, benevolence, beneficence, charity, benignity, humanity. Ant. Illiberality, closeness, miserliness, stinginess, churlishness. Brag. See BOAST. Brand, mark, stigmatize, denounce. Ant. Honor, decorate, eulogize. Brave, courageous, gallant, chivalrous, daring, adventur- ous, valorous, heroic, valiant, bold, dauntless, intrepid, magnanimous, fearless. Ant. Cowardly, fearful, timorous, weak-kneed, traitor. ous, ungallant, timid, weak< craven. Brawny. See ATHLETIC. Break, fracture, shatter, burst, rend, rack, violate, in- fringe, transgress, demolish, destroy. Ant. Join, conjoin, heal, repair, readjust, renovate. Breed, beget, engender, generate, hatch, brood, incubate, produce. Ant. Extirpate, destroy, eradicate, stifle. Brevity, shortness, conciseness, succinctues*. 32 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Prolixity, diffusiveness, protraction, length, elon- gation. Brief, short, concise, compendious, succinct, summary. Ant. Long, prolix, interminable, protracted. Bright, clear, lucid, transparent, limpid, lustrous, translu- cent, shining, brilliant, luminous, radiant, gleaming, clever, witty. Ant. Dull, dim, cheerless, dead, murky, muddy, opaque, sullen, dejected, imbecile, foolish, stupid. Brisk, active, agile, nimble, lively, quick, sprightly prompt, alert, assiduous, vigorous, vigilant. Ant. Slow, sluggish, indolent, dully, heavy, inactive^ stagnant. Brittle, fragile, frangible, frail. Ant. Elastic, tough, strong. Broad, wide, large, ample, expanded, extensive, liberal. indelicate, coarse, generic. Ant. Narrow, restricted, limited, confined v illiberal, bigoted, refined, delicate, specific, pointed. Broil. See AFFRAY. Brook, suffer, bear, endure, submit to. Ant. Resist, resent, reject, combat. Bruise, break, crush, squeeze, pulverize, triturate. Ant. heal, soothe, comfort, repair, renovate, tftrengfhen, Brutality. See BRUTAL. Brutal, cruel, inhuman, merciless, ferocious, remorseless, ruthless, barbarous, savage, irrational, sensual. Ant.'Huma.a.e, civilized, tender, kind, gentle, polished, generous. Bud, sprout, germinate, blosson , shoot forth. Ant. Seed, flower, wither, die. Build, erect, raise, construct, found. Ant. Overthrow, undermine, lower, tear down, raze, destroy. Bulk, size, dimension, magnitude, greatness, bulkiness big- ness, largeness, massiveness. Ant. Portion, particle, atom, smallness, diminution. Bullying. See SWAGGERING. Buoyancy, floatableness, lightness, elasticity, animation spirit, vivacity. Ant. Heaviness, sinkableness, depression, dejection moodines*. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 33 Burden,?' . load, encumber, embarrass, oppress, afflict. Ant. Unburden, ease, alleviate, assuage, lighten, liber* ate, console, mitigate. Burning, glowing, ardent, fervid, impassioned, fervent, fiery, hot, blazing. Ant. Cool, extinguishing, smoldering, latent, sluggish. Burst, break, crack, split, rend. Ant. Cohere, hold, stand, join, repair. Bury, inter, inhume, entomb, immure. Ant. Disinter, exhume, excavate, expose, aggravate. Buy, purchase, gain, get, obtain, bribe. Ant. Sell, vend, hawk, dispose of. By and by, anon, shortly, ere long, soon. Ant, Now, immediately, at once. c. Cabal, combination, intrigue, faction, conspiracy, plot. Ant. Legislation, council, parliament, government. Cajole, coax, wheedle, flatter, fawn, lure. Ant. Scold, warn, chide, blame, antagonize, displease. Calamitous, disastrous, unfortunate, unlucky, hapless, fatal, luckless, ill-fated, ill-starred. Ant. Felicitous, fortunate, auspicious, propitious, ad* vantageous. Calculate, compute, estimate, count, consider, reckon, sup* pose. ntA. Miscalculate, risk, chance, guess, conjecture. Called, termed, designated, denominated, ycleped, named. Ant. Miscalled, misnamed, unnamed. Calling. See EMPLOYMENT. Callous, hard, obdurate, impenitent, unfeeling, insensible, insensitive, unsusceptible. Ant. Sensitive, susceptible, soft, tender. Calm. v. See SOOTHE. Calm, a. quiet, undisturbed, serene, placid, composed, col. lected, imperturbable, tranquil, pacific, unruffled, still. Ant. Disturbance, noise, riot, agitation, excitement. Calumniate, vilify, revile, accuse falsely, asperse, malign, traduce, slander, defame, scandalize, disparage. Ant, Eulogize, vindicate, clear. 34 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Calumny, slander, false accusation, aspersion, defamation. Ant. Eulogy, panegyric, vindication, clearance. Cancel, blot out, obliterate, expunge, efface, wipe out, rub out, erase, quash, abolish, annul, repeal, abrogate, revoke, destroy, invalidate, nullify. Ant. Enact, enforce, re-enact, perpetuate, confirm, ar- rest, insert. Candid, fair, honest, open, artless, ingenuous, frank, sin. cere, plain. Ant. Unfair, unjust, disingenuous, insincere, mysteri- ous. Canvass, discuss, contest, controvert, sift, examine, dis- pute, solicit, apply for. Ant. Ignore, disregard, admit, pass. Capable, able, qualified, competent, efficient, fitted, sus- ceptible, clever, skillful. Ant. Incapable, dull, unqualified, inefficient, unfitted, stupid, awkward. Capacious, roomy, ample, spacious, extensive. Ant. Limited, shallow, restricted, narrow, petty. Capacity, capability, skill, ability, faculty, power, talent, efficiency, caliber, size. Ant. Incapacity, inability, stupidity, insufficiency, nar- rowness, contractedness. Caprice, freak, whim, humor, crotchet, fancy. Ant. Plan, reason, determination, decision, delibera- tion. Captious, touchy, testy, cross, petulant, peevish, fretful, carping, censorious. Ant. Approving, appreciative, encouraging, commend- atory. Captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate, enrapture, bewitch, entrance, enchain, enamor, confine, imprison. Ant. Liberate, free, unconfine, release, disenchant. Captivity, imprisonment, confinement, bondage, slavery, thraldom, servitude, serfdom. Ant. Freedom, emancipation, liberty. Capture, catch, seize, graso, arrest, apprehend. Ant. Release, Jet go, miss, free, liberate, acquiu Care, anxiety, solicitude, concern, attention, regard, dJP cumspection, caution, foresight, prudence, heed. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 35 Ant. Carelessness, disregard, neglect, indifference, te- merity, improvidence. Career, history, course, race, passage, life. Ant. Incident, fact. Careful. See CARE. Careless. See CARE. Caress, fondle, hug, embrace. Ant. Persecute, annoy, tease, vex. Carnage. See SLAUGHTER. Carnal, fleshly sensual, voluptuous, luxurious, secular, wordly. Ant. Spiritual, ethereal, exalted, refined, pure, temper- ate. Carnival, revel, rout, masquerade, festivity. Ant. Fast, mortification, Lent. Carriage, walk, bearing, deportment, gait, manner, be- havior, demeanor, vehicle, conveyance. Ant. Miscarriage, misconduct, misconveyance. Carry, bear, sustain, convey, transport. Ant. Set down, drop, abandon, surrender. Case, condition, state, circumstance, plight, predicament, suit, process, cause. Ant. Theory, supposition, conjecture, fancy, hypothe- sis. Cast down, downcast, dejected, depressed, discouraged, melancholy. Ant. Raised, elevated, encouraged, excited, animated, impressed. Cast off. See ABANDON. Casualty, accident, contingency, incident, occurrence, event, adventure. Ant. Appointment, enactment, assignment, provision. Catalogue, list, roll, record, inventory, index. Ant. Individual, unit, fact. Catch, overtake, lay hold of, grasp, seize, capture, grip, clutch, snatch, arrest, apprehend. Ant. Lose, miss, escape, release, liberate, misappre hend. Catching. See CONTAGIOUS. Cause, n. source, origin, agent, producer, creator, motive, reason, incentive, inducement, incitement, impulse, effort, work, operation. 36 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Effect, result, end, issue, production, accomplish. ment. Cause, V. occasion, make, induce, originate, give rise to, evoke, provoke, incite. Ant. Effect, prosecute, conduct, apply. Caution, care, vigilence, circumspection, admonition, warn- ing, notice. Ant. Heedlessness, recklessness, temerity, indifference, carelessness. Cavity, gap, hollow, aperture, chasm, opening. Ant. Surface, level, projection, plain, abrasion. Cease, leave off, desist, discontinue, pause. Ant. Continue, begin, start, prosecute. Cede, give up, surrender, relinquish, quit, forego. Ant. Claim, adhere to, hold, take, accept. Celebrate, commend, applaud, laud, extol, magnify, glorify. Ant. Decry, disgrace, hiss, shame, blame, condemn. Celebrated, famous, renowned, far-famed, illustrious, glorious. Ant. Unknown, obscure, undistinguished, mean, dis- graced. Celerity, rapidity, velocity, swiftness, quickness, speed, fleetness. Ant. Slowness, sluggishness, inertness, tardiness. Celestial, heavenly, divine, god-like, seraphic, angelic, radiant. Ant. Terrestial, earthly, mortal, human, infernal. Censure, z\ blame, reprove, reprehend, reprobate, con. demn, upbraid. Ant. Praise, approve, encourage, commend, eulogize. Ceremonial, official, imposing, service. Ant. Ordinary, private, unostentatious. Certain, sure, indubitable, unquestionable, unfailing, secure, real, actual, positive, assured, true. Ant. Uncertain, dubious, exceptional, doubtful unde- cided, irregular, occasional, casual. Certify, testify, vouch, declare, avow, prove, evidence. Ant. Disprove, disavow, misinform. Cessation, intermission, rest, pause, discontinuance, abeyance, suppression. ^i/.--Continuance, incessancy. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 37 Chafe, fret, irritate, gall, vex, chagrin, worry, annoy. Ant. Soothe, smooth, calm, console. Champion, leader, chieftain, head, hero. Ant. Private, renegade, traitor, miscreant, poltroon, coward. Chance, accident, fortune, casualty, hazard, luck. Ant. Law, rule, sequence, causation, purpose, design. Change, v. alter, vary, transform, exchange, barter, modi- fy, qualify, shift, veer. Ant. Retain, conserve, stabilitate, hold, fix, clinch. Change, n. variety, alteration, alternation, vicissitude. Ant. Stability, fixity, unchangeabieness, monotony, uniformity. Changeable, variable, undecided, hesitating, unsteady, vacillating, fluctuating, wavering, inconstant, unstead- fast, unstable, versatile, restless, fickle, fitful, capri- cious. Ant. Regular, settled, steady, stationary, consistent, uniform, immutable, unchangeable, unmovable. Character, cast, turn, tone, description, nature, disposi- tion, reputation, class, order, sort, kind, mature. Ant. Vagueness, anonymousness, non-descriptive. Characteristic, peculiar to, sign of, distinctive, specific. Ant. Common, general, ordinary, generic, indistinctive. Characterize, name, designate, denominate, describe, particularize, style. Ant. Suggest, hint, insinuate. Charge, v. accuse, impeach, arraign, inculpate, attack, as- sault, carry. Ant. Acquit, discharge, clear, free liberate, defend. Charge, n. care, custody, ward, trust, management, cost, price, expense, account, fee, bill, assault, shock, onset, attack, accusation, impeachment, imputation. Ant. See v. Charity, kindness, benignity, beneficence, benevolence, tenderness. Ant. Uncharitableness, harshness, cruelty, inhu- manity. Charm. See CAPTIVATE. Chary, wary, cautious, prudent, careful, sparing, reluc- tant. Ant. Liberal, lavish, profuse, eager. 38 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Chastise, correct, castigate, punish. Ant. Indulge, pamper, spoil, demoralize, degrade. Cheat, v. defraud, trick, beguile, deceive, gull, dupe, de- lude, hoodwink. Ant. Deal fairly with, guide, undeceive, compensate, remunerate. Cheat, n. deception, imposture, fraud, delusion, artifice, de- ceit, trick, imposition, imposter, rogue, trickster. Ant. Honesty, openness, exposure, artlessness, gen- uineness, dupe, gull, victim. Check, curb, restrain, repress, control, counteract, chide, reprimand, reprove, rebuke. Ant. Loose, liberate, instigate, accelerate, indulge, abet. jheer, z/. exhilarate, animate, inspirit, inspire, enliven, gladden, comfort, solace. Ant. Depress, sadden, dispirit, dishearten. Cheerfulness, gayety, sprightliness, merriment, mirth, liveli- ness, Vivacity, joviality. Ant. Depression, sorrow, tearfulness, dumbness. Cheerless, disconsolate, broken-hearted, comfortless, in- consolable, desolate, forlorn. Ant. Cheerful, lively, gay, happy, bonny, blithe, pleas- ant. Cherish, nourish, nurture, nurse, foster, sustain, value. Ant. Dislike, hate, despise, stifle, abandon, discard. Chief, principal, main, supreme, paramount, leader, head, chieftain, champion, cardinal. Ant. Inferior subordinate, minor, unimportant, lower, defective, mean. | Choice, option, preference, election, selection, rare, select, precious, valuable. Ant. Necessity, rejection, compulsion, refusal, common, ordinary, inferior, cheap, valueless. Choose, prefer, select, elect, call, pick. Ant. Refuse, leave, dismiss, reject, decline, ignore. Circuitous, roundabout, tortuous, flexuous, tiresome. Ant. Straight, direct, linear. Circulate, spread, diffuse, disseminate, propagate. Ant. Suppress, hush, avert, cease, stagnate. Circumlocution, verbosity, ambiguousness. * Ant. Terseness, conciseness, directness, coherence, X, simplicity. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 39 Circumspection, watchfulness, vigilance, caution, delibera, tion, thoughtfulness, wariness. Ant. Heedlessness, recklessness, thoughtlessness, care- lessness. Circumstance, situation, condition, position, fact, inci- dent. Ant. Transaction, deed, case, occurrence. Cite, quote, adduce, summon, call. Ant. Discredit, dispute, contradict, dishonor. Civil, polite, complaisant, affable, courteous, obliging, ur- bane, well-bred. Ant. Disobliging, boorish, clownish, churlish, uncivil. Civilize, polish, humanize, cultivate, refine. Ant. Demoralize, debase, vitiate, spoil, depress, injure. Claim, v. ask, demand, challenge, call for, plead, insist. Ant. Disclaim, waive, forgo, abandon, concede, surren- der, repudiate. Clamor, outcry, fuss, noise, hubbub, uproar. Ant. Silence, acquiescence, quiet, reticence. Clandestine, hidden, secret, private, furtive, surreptitious. Ant. Open, public, advertised, announced, unconcealed. Class, order, rank, degree, grade, category, caste, tribe. Ant. Individuality, singularity, specialty, isolation, alien- ation, division. Clause, stipulation, proviso, term, article, portion, section. Ant. Document, instrument, paper. Clean, cleanse, clarify, purify. Ant. Dirty, vitiate, befoul, deteriorate, *,ain. Clear, v. absolve, acquit, liberate, deliver, release, set free, unbind, clarify, disentangle, extricate. Ant. Involve, implicate, contaminate, befoul, polute, encumber, embarrass. Clear, a. apparent, palpable, visible, obvious, plain, evi. dent, manifest, unmistakable, distinct, intelligible, !acid, transparent, limpid. Ant. Indistinct, thick, muddy, opaque, turbid, foul, unintellible, dubious, entangled, confused. Clemency. See MERCY. Clever, skilful, expert, dexterous, adroit. Ant. Dull, stupid, slow, awkward, bungling, clumsy, botched. 40 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Climax, summit, height, consummation, acme, culmina- tion. Ant. Anti-climax, depth, base, floor. Climb, get up, scale, mount, soar, tower, ascend. Ant. Descend, drop, fall, slip, tumble. Cling, hold, stick, adhere, attach, cleave, hang, embrace. Ant. Relax, forego, drop, abandon, let go. Cloak, mask, veil, cover, blind, disguise, screen. Ant. Revelation, exposition, showing, exposure. Clog, encumber, burden, hinder, impede, obstruct, embar- rass, trammel, fetter. Ant. Aid, assist, help, release, encourage, instigate. Close, v. conclude, shut, end, terminate, finish, stop. Ant. Open, initiate, protract, conduct. Close, a. compact, solid, firm, dense, shut, fast. Ant. Wide, open, spacious, ample, airy, unconfined, public, liberal, frank. Clothes, garments, vestments, dress, habiliments, apparel, attire, array, raiment, vesture, drapery. Ant. Nudity, nakedness, nature, disarray. Cloudy, dim, obscure, dark, dusky, murky, indistinct, shadowy, mysterious. Ant. Clear, bright, distinct, palpable, open, limpid. Clumsy, awkward, unpolished, uncourtly, ponderous. Ant. Adroit, dextrous, clever, skillful, adept, handy. Clutch, grasp, lay hold of, catch, seize, grip. Ant. Liberate, let go, release, emancipate. Coagulate, thicken, curdle, mix, blend. Ant. Rarify, expand, dissipate, subtilize, discombine. Coalition, alliance, union, confederacy, league, combina. tion. Ant. Dissociation, disruption, disagreement. Coarse, rough, rude, rugged, gruff, harsh, vulgar, im- modest. Ant. Fine, delicate, choice, refined, polished. Coax, cajole, wheedle, flatter. Ant. Coerce, intimidate, impel, instigate, drive. Cogent, forcible, strong, valid, irresistible, resistless. Ant. Weak, feeble, powerless, ineffectual. Coincidence, concurrence, correspondence, agreement. Ant, Design, purpose, adaptation, rariation, difference. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 41 Colleague, fellow, compeer, companion, partner, assist- ant. Ant. Competitor, opponent, rival, antagonist. Collect, gather, assemble, muster, congregate, accumulate, hoard. Ant. Distribute, dispense, divide, sort, dispose, dal. Collected, composed, placid, calm, serene, cool, atten- tive. Ant. Distracted, excited, bewildered, dazed, scared. Collision, clash, clashing, striking together, encounter, conflict. Ant. Divergence, shave, opposition, escape. Colossal. See ENORMOUS. Color, hue, tint, tinge, complexion. Ant. Achromatism, paleness, nakedness, transparency. Combat, n. engagement, conflict, contest, fight, action, battle. Ant. Peace, surrender, submission, truce, arbitration, mediation, reconciliation. Combat, v. oppose, resist, withstand, thwart. Ant. Help, aid, assist, reconcile. Combination, alliance, union, league, confederacy, coali- tion, conspiracy, synthesis. Ant. Disunion, disolution, division, opposition, anal- ysis. Comely, becoming, decent, seemly, agreeable, graceful, shapely. Ant. Unseemly, ungraceful, unshapely, homely. Comfort, solace, console, encourage, revive. Ant. Discomfort, trouble, annoy, grieve, wound. Comfortless, cheerless, forlorn, disconsolate, inconsolable, desolate, wretched. Ant. Comfortable, cheerful, happy, bright, gay easy, pleasant. Comic, funny, laughable, ludicrous, droll. Ant. Pathetic, tearful, sad, melancholy, doleful. Command, order, decree, injunction, mandate, precept, behest. Ant. Entreaty, supplication, petition, prayer, wish, in- timation. Commence, begin, enter upon, initiate, inaugurate. Ant, Terminate, end, finish, complete, conclude. 42 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Commend, praise, applaud, extol, eulogize, recommend Ant. Blame, censure, condemn, denounce, disapprove. Comment, note, observe, criticise, expatiate, explain, illus- trate. 4nt. Confuse, obscure, misinterpret, mystify, miscon- ceive. Commerce, dealing, trade, traffic, intercourse, interchange, reciprocity, business, barter. Ant. Stagnation, dullness, inactivity, interdict, embargo Commit, perpetrate, do, intrust, confide, consign. Ant. Omit, miscommit, misconsign, misentrust, fail. Common, vulgar, low, mean, frequent, ordinary, usual general, universal. Ant. Refined, excellent, unusual, rare, scarce, uncom- mon. Communicate, make known, divulge, disclose, reveal, im- part, tell, adjoin, attach. Ant. Secrete, suppress, conceal, reserve, withhold, dis- join. Communion, fellowship, converse, share, association, par- ticipation, Lord's supper, eucharist, sacrament. Ant. Exclusion, deprivation, non-participation, aliena- tion. Community, society, commonwealth, social state, aggre- gation, association, order, nationality, fraternity. Ant. Segregation, secession, independence, individu- ality, rivalry, hostility, animosity. Commute, substitute, change, alter, exchange, barter. Ant. Perpetuate, disallow, misappropriate. Company, association, society, assembly, assemblage, audience, auditory, corporation, troop, horde, crew. Ant. Individual, separation, rivalry, opposition, antag- onism. Companion, comrade, coadjutor, partner, ally, asscr'ate, confederate, fellow, colleague. Ant. Rival, foe, antagonist, adversary. Comparison, simile, similitude, illlustration. Ant. Contrast, opposition, dissociation. Compass, encirde, environ, encompass, invest, enclose, surround, beset, bring about, realize. Ant. Expand, unfold, amplify, display, fail, bungle, botch. / AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 43 Compassion, pity, commiseration, sympathy, condolence. Ant. Cruelty, hard-heartedness, unforgiveness, vin dictiveness. Compassionate, kind, merciful, clement, benign, gracious, benignant. Ant. Uncompassionate, unkind, hard, cruel, severe^ vindictive, relentless. Compatible, consistent, consonant, accordant, harmon- ious. Ant. Incompatible, inconsistent, discordant, hostile, antagonistic, incongruous. Compel, force, constrain, coerce, enforce, oblige, necessi- tate. Ant. Persuade, convince, coax, allure, induce, tempt, seduce. Compendious, brief, short, succinct, concise, condensed. Ant. Diffuse, vague, prolix, cumbrous. Compensate, recompense, make amends, remunerate, re quite. Ant. Injure, damage, cheat, dissatisfy, defraud. Competent, able, capable, efficient, qualified, fitted, clever, skillful, sufficient, adequate. Ant. Incompetent, weak, inadequate, unqualified, unfit. Competitor, candidate, rival, aspirant, antagonist. Ant. Colleague, assistant, partner, auxilary. Complain, murmur, lament, regret, repine. Ant. Rejoice, approve, applaud, exult. Complaint, malady, disease, distemper, disorder. Ant. Health, sanity, soundness. Complete, accomplish, fulfill, realize, execute, effect, achieve, conclude, finish, end, fill up, terminate. Ant. Begin, commence, inaugurate, imcomplete, disap, point. Complex, compound, complicated, involved, intricate. Ant. Simple, obvious, plain, direct. Complicated. See COMPLEX. Compliment, praise, natter, adulate, applaud. Ant. Insult, wound, condemn, blame. Comply. See ACCEDE. Compose, construct, form, compound, put together, con* stitue, soothe, calm, quiet, lull, hush, frame, indite. 44 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Dissect, analyze, pull apart, destroy, imitate, e* cite, annoy. Composed, serene, placid, calm, collected. Ant. Decomposed, excited, bewildered, imitated, vexed, angry. Compound. See COMPLEX. Comprehend, comprise, take in, embrace, contain, em- body, include, conceive, imagine, apprehend, under- stand. Ant. Exclude, except, misunderstand. Comprehension, capacity, capability, knowledge, intelli- gence, understanding. Ant. Misunderstanding, misconception. Comprehensive, extensive, broad, wide, inclusive. Ant. Exclusive, narrow, restricted, shallow. Compress, condense, press, squeeze, abridge. Ant. Expand, dilute, diffuse. Comprise, embrace, contain, include, comprehend, em- body. Ant. Exclude, except, omit, reject. Compromise, arbitrate, adjust, concede, implicate, in* volve, entangle, embarrass. Ant. Aggravate, perpetuate, extricate, exonerate, dis- entangle. Compulsion, constraint, force, coercion. Ant. Persuasion, coaxing, inducement, temptation, se- duction. Compute. See CALCULATE. Comrade. See COMPANION. Conceal, hide, secrete, disguise, dissemble, suppress. Ant. Reveal, exhibit, expose, j>ublish, divulge, confess, avow. Concede. See ALLOW. Conceited, proud, vain, egotistical, affected. Ant. Humble, natural, simple, unaffected, honest. Conceive, thinlf of, imagine, suppose, comprehend, undet derstand, design, believe. Ant. Misconceive, execute, express, produce. Concern. See AFFAIR. Concerning, respecting, with regard to, regarding, with reference to, with respect to, relative to, in relation to, about. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS, 45 Ant. Omitting, disregarding. Concert, contrive devise, design, manage. Ant, Oppose, disregard, mismanage. Concise. See BRIEF. Conclude. See CLOSE. Conclusion. See CLOSE. Concord, concert, chorus, harmony, unity. Ant. Discord, disagreement, variance, animosity. Concourse, crowd, confluence, conflux, assembly, mob. Ant. Solitude, dispersion, conclave, desertion, cabal. Concur. See AGREE. Condemn, blame, reprobate, reprove, reproach, upbraid, censure, reprehend, doom, sentence. Ant. Acquit, absolve, exonerate, pardon, approve. Condense. See COMPRESS. Condition, state, plight, case, predicament, category, stipu- lation, covenant, article, term. Ant, Relation, dependence, situation, circumstance, con- cession, fulfillment, adaptation. Condolence, sympathy, commiseration, compassion. Ant. Congratulation, exultation, brutality, indifference. Conduce, contribute, subserve, lead, tend, incline, avail, aid, converge. Ant. Indispose, counteract, deject, neutralize. Conduct, guide, lead, direct, manage, bring, control. Ant. Misconduct, mislead, miscarry, mismanage. Confederate. See ABETTOR. Confer, bestow, give, discourse, converse, consult. Ant.. Withdraw, withhold, contrast, conjecture, disasso- ciate. Confess. See Avow. Confide, trust, repose, depend, rely, believe. Ant. Doubt, distrust, disbelieve. Confidence, assurance, trust, faith, reliance, hope. Ant. Doubt, distrust, disbelief, misgiving. Confident, dogmatic, positive, absolute, bold, presumptu- ous, sanguine. Ant, Doubtful, fearful, weak, cowardly. Confine, limit, bound, circumscribe, restrict, restrain, shut up. Ant. Expand, extend, widen, loosen, liberate. 46 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS \ Confirm, ratify, establish, substantiate, corroborate, settle, strengthen. Ant. Cancel, annul, repeal, abrogate, refute, weaken upset. Conflicting, jarring, discordant, irreconcilable. Ant. Congruous, harmonious, consistent. Conform, agree with, comply with, act according to, har- monize, adapt, suit. Ant. Unconform, dissent, disagree, secede, vary. Confound, confuse, disconcert, bewilder, stun, astound, absorb. Ant. Elucidate, unravel, arrange, classify, enlighten. Confubcd. muddled, mixed, promiscuous, indistinct, de- ranged, disordered, disorganized, bewildered. Ant. Clear, simple, plain, obvious, transparent, eluci- dated. Confusion, disorder, derangement, disorganization, chaos. anarchy, misrule. Ant. Order, simplicity, charity, arrangement. Congregate, assemble, collect, gather, muster, convene, convoke, bring together. Ant. Separate, disperse, depart, go away. Conjecture, guess, surmise, supposition, hypothesis. Ant. Inference, deduction, proof, fact, calculation. Conjure, adjure, beseech, entreat, implort. Ant. Deprecate, protest, remonstrate, expostulate. Connect, join, link, bind. Ant. Disconnect, separate, unbind, break apart, disasso. ciate. Connected, joined, related, akin, kindred, relative, cognate, congenial. Atit. Unconnected, foreign, unrelated, opposed. Connection. See ALLIANCE. Conquer, vanquish, subdue, overcome, subjugate, sur. mount, defeat, master. Ant. Succumb, surrender, resign, lose, fail, fall, cede. Conscious, cognizant, aware, sensible. Ant. Unconscious, unaware, unsensible. Consecrate, sanctify, hallow, devote, dedicate. Ant. Desecrate, secularize, profane, pollute Consent. See ASSENT. Consequence} effect, result, event, issue, sequerc*. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 47 Ant. Cause, antecedence, origin, causation. Consider, reflect, regard, weigh, ponder, deliberate, think, observe, investigate. Ant. Guess, hazard, conjecture, disregard, ignore. Considerate, thoughtful, reflective, deliberate, prudent. provident, careful, judicious, cautious. Ant. Inconsiderate, thoughtless, careless, rude, selfish. Consistent. See ACCORDANT. Console. See SOOTHE. Consort. See ASSOCIATE. Conspicuouus, distinguished, noted, marked, prcminent, eminent, pre-eminent, illustrious, famed. 4nt. Inconspicuous, unknown, unimportant, unnoticea- ble. Conspiracy, plot, treachery, intrigue. Ant. Legislation, congress, parliament, revolution. Constancy. See STABILITY. Constantly, ever, always, continually, perpetually, inces- santly, everlastingly. Ant. Never, seldom, irregularly, occasionally, acci- dentally. Constitute, make, form, compose, mold. Ant. Decompose, dissolve, destroy, abrogate, disor- ganize, annul. Constitutional, legal, regulated, organized, radical, rooted, fundamental. Ant. Unconstitutional, tyrannous, revolutionary, acci- dental. Constrain. See COMPEL. Construct, build, make, erect, compile, constitute. Ant. Destroy, demolish, derange, overthrow. Construction, interpretation, version, explanation, view, reading, meaning. Ant. Misconstruction, misinterpretation, misunderstand- ing. Consult, advise with, take counsel, deliberate, debate. Ant. Dictate, explain, expound, direct, order, command. Consume, burn, absorb, spend, swallow, imbibe, engulf, devour, use, appropriate, utilize, employ. Ant. Construct, discard, disuse, reject. Consumption. See CONSUME. Contagious, infectious, pestilential, miasmatic, catching, 48 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Preventative, sporadic, endemic. Contain, comprise, comprehend, include, embrace, hold, incorporate, embody. Ant. Drop, exclude, emit, discharge, afford, yield. Contemn, despise, disdain, scorn, scout. Ant. Respect, revere, venerate, regard. Contemplate, meditate, muse, think, observe, behold, ponder. .Int. Ignore, overlook, waive, abandon. Contemporary, contemporaneous, coeval, simultaneous. Ant. Incontemporaneous, past, future, asyncronous. Contemptible. See DISPICABLE. Contemptuous, disdainful, scornful, supercilious, insolent. Ant. Humble, affable, courteous, respectable, modest, bashful. Contend, contest debate, argue, dispute, cope, strive, vie, wrangle. Ant. Relinquish, surrender, concede, allow, waive, re, sign. Contest, n. See CONTEND. Contest, v. See CONTEND. Contiguous. See ADJACENT. Contingency, casualty, accident, incident, occurrence, ad- venture, event. Ant. Purpose, design, order, cause. Continual, unceasing, incessant, continuous, perpetual, uninterrupted, unremitting, endless, everlasting. Ant. Occasional, rare, fitful, casual, interrupted. Continually, always, ever, constantly, incessantly, unceas- ingly, unterruptedly, perpetually. Ant. Sometimes, occasionally, rarely, fitfully, inter- ruptedly. Continuation, continuance, endurance, duration, sequence, prolongaticr. Ant. Interruption, cessation, break, gap, discontinu- ance. Contortion, distortion, twisting, writhing, wrestling, wrenching. Ant. Symmetry, uniformity, contour, configuration. Contract, v. abbreviate, curtail, shorten, condense, abridge, retrench, reduce, agree. 4nt. Expand, dilate, amplify, elongate, concede. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 49 Contract, . agreement, agree, compact, bargain, stipula. tion, covenant. Ant. Parole, promise, assurance. Contrary. See ADVERSE. Contribute, give to, co-operate, conspire, supply. Ant. Refuse, withhold, misapply. Contrition, repentance, penitence, remorse. Ant. Impenitence, callousness, obduracy, reprobation. Contrivance, plan, device, scheme, design, invention. Ant. Chance, venture, hazard. Control. See GOVERN. Controversy, debate, contest, discussion, disquisition, dis- pute. Ant. Agreement, \manimity, coincidence. Convene, call together, bring together, convoke, assemble, congregate, muster. Ant. Disperse, dismiss, disband. Convenient, commodious, suitable, adapted, handy. timely. Ant. Inconvenient, awkward, useless, unseasonable, untimely. Convention. See ASSEMBLY. Conventional, usual, ordinary, fashionable. Ant. Natural, unusual, immutable, invariable, compul- sory, unfashionable. Conversation, dialogue, conference, talk, parley, colloquy, chat. 4 Ant. Speech, oration, harangue, soliloquy, monologue, silence. Convert, change, turn, transform, apply. Ant. Divert, conserve, perpetuate, clinch, alienate. Convey. See CARRY. Convivial, joyous, festal, social, sociable, hospitable. Ant. Churlish, unsociable, ascetic, inhospitable, aus- tere. Convocation. See ASSEMBLY. Convulse, upheave, upturn, shake, agitate. Ant. Soothe, compose, assuage. Cool, cold, frigid, dispassionate, unimpassioned, calm, un- disturbed, composed. Ant. Warm, heated, irritated, excited, inflamed. Co-operate, assist, abet, conspire, conduce, contribute. 50 A DICTION A R Y OF S YNON YMO US Ant. Oppose, thwart, counteract, rival, antagonize, Copious. See ABUNDANT. Copy, model, pattern, imitation, exemplar, transcript, fac- simile, illustration, duplicate. Ant. Original, prototype, example. Corporal. See BODILY. Corpulent. See STOUT. Correct, z/. right, mend, amend, i sctify, better, reform, im prove, chasten. Ant. Corrupt, falsify, spare. Correct, a. accurate, exact, precise, proper, faultless, strict. Ant. Incorrect, false, untrue, faulty, wrong. Correspond, fit, tally, answer, suit, agree, match. Ant. Differ, disagree, jar, clash, vary. Correspondence, letters, intercourse, communication, com merce, coincidence, concurrence. Ant. Conversation, colloquy, difference, reservation,' withdrawal. Corrupt, v. contaminate, defile, taint, pollute, infect, adul- terate, demoralize, deprave, spoil. Ant. Purify, cleanse, ameliorate, better, mend, repair. Corrupt, a. depraved, debased, vitiated, demoralized, pro- fligate. Ant. Incorrupt, pure, undefiled, good, honest. Corruption, defilement, contamination, pollution, infection, adulteration, vice, depravity, corruptness. Ant. Purity, honesty, goodness, amelioration. Cost, price, charge, expense, outlay. Ant. Receipt, profit, revenue, income, emolument. Council. See ASSEMBLY. Counsel. See ADVICE. Count, calculate, compute, reckon, number, sum, estimate, rate. Ant. Underestimate, guess, hazard, conjecture. Countenance, encourage, patronize, support, confirm, sanc- tion. Ant. Discountenance, discourage, oppose, confront. Counterfeit, spurious, forged, imitated, supposititious, false, cheat, fraud, pretence, ruse. Ant. Truth, fact, verity, reality, detection, exposure. Countless, innumerable, numberless, incalculable, unnum- bered. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 51 Ant. Few, scant, sparse, numbered, limited. Courage, resolution, fearlessness, prowess, bravery, forti- tude, chivalry, intrepidity, boldness, firmness. Ant. Timidity, cowardice, pusillanimity poltroonery. Course, way. road, route, passage, race, career, series, process, succession. Ant. Disorder, deviation, error, caprice. Courteous, affable, conciliating, kind, urbane. Ant. Rude, churlish, arrogant, uncivil, ungracious. Courteousness. See AFFABILITY Covenant. See CONTRACT. Cover, shelter, screen, hide, overspread, overshadow, cloak, conceal, secrete. Ant. Expose, reveal, betray, exhibit, produce. Covert, secret, clandestine, hidden, latent, concealed, cabalistic, mysterious. Ant. Open, exposed, exhibited, revealed. Covet, desire, wish for, long for, aspire to. Ant. Dislike, despise, undervalue. Cozen, cheat gull, dupe, defraud, impose upon, deceive, wheedle Ant. Undeceive, disabuse, enlighten. Crafty, cunning, artful, sly, subtle, wily, tricky. Ant. Honest, open, frank, candid, straightforward, art- less, sincere. Crave, beg, entreat, solicit, beseech, implore, supplicate. Ant. Demand, insist, require, seize. Crazy, imbecile, foolish, crack-brained, brainless, idiotic. Ant. Sound, robust, clever, vigorous, talented, learned. Create, make, form, cause, produce, generate, engender, invent. Ant. Destroy, annihilate, demolish. Credence, beiief, faith, confidence. Ant. Disbelief, distrust, denial. Credential, missive, diploma, title, testament, seal, watv rant, letter, introduction. Ant. Autocracy, self-appointment, self-constitution. Credit, belief, trustworthiness, reputation, security, hono. Ant. Disbelief, distrust, censure, disgrace, shame. Credulity, gullibility, simplicity. nt. Incredulity, scepticism, suspiciousness, shrewd* MM 52 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Crest, top, summit, apex, head, crown. Ant. Bare, foot, bottom, sole. Crime, offense, misdeed, misdemeanor, felony. Ant. Good-deed, well-doing, duty, obligation, exploit. Criminal, illegal, felonious, vicious, iniquitous, sinful, guilty, nefarious, immoral. Ant. Lawful, right, just, virtuous, moral, meritorious. Cripple, weaken, impair, curtail, cramp. Ant. Strengthen, renovate, augment, ease. Criterion, test, touchstone, proof. Ant. Eye, glance, conjecture, scan. Critical, nice, exact, fastidious, precarious, ticklish, crucial, important, hazardous. / Ant. Uncritical, loose, easy, indiscriminately, inexact, safe decided, settled. Criticise, examine, scan, analyze, discuss, anatomize. Ant. Overlook, survey, slur, skim. Cross, ill-tempered, fretful, ill-humored, crusty, peevish, fractious. Ant. Amiable, genial, good-humored, good-tempered. Crude, raw, undigested, unconsidered, half-studied, harsh, unshaped, unfinished, unrefined, ill-prepared. Ant. Refined, finished, ripe, well-prepared, well-digest- ed, well-considered, elaborate. Cruel, savage, barbarous, inhuman, malignant. Ant. Humane, forbearing, merciful, benevolent, gener- ous. Cupidity. See AVARICE. Cultivate, promote, foster, improve, cherish. Ant. Neglect, discourage, blight, blast, uproot, eradi- cate. Curb, restrain, hold, check, moderate. Ant. Loosen, release, liberate, instigate, incite, impel. Curiosity, inquisitiveness, interest, rarity, celebrity, odd" ity. Ant. Abstraction, indifference, heedlessness, disregard, bagatelle, song, cipher. >urious, inquiring, inquisitive, searching, interrogative, prying, peeping, peering, rare, odd. Ant. Indifferent, incurious, uninterested, trite, com- mon. Curse, malediction, anathema, bane, blight. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 53 / Ant. Blessing, benediction, joy, crown, glory. Cursory, summary, rapid, superficial. Ant. Minute, elaborate, profound. Custody, keeping, guardianship, conservation, care. Ant. Neglect, exposure, abandonment, liberation, dis- charge. Custom, manner, habit, use, prescription. Ant. Law, regulation, command, rule, disuse. Cut, sever, slice, sunder, avoid, elude. Ant. Unite, splice, accost, approach, address, salute. Cutting, sharp, biting, trenchant, piercing, bitter, sar castic. Ant. Mild, soothing, conciliatory, indulgent, consoling. Cynical, sarcastic, snarling, sneering, cross-grained. Ant, Lenient, tolerant, genial, complaisant, urbane. D Dainty, choice, luxurious, rare, refined, tasteful, exquis- ite, epicurean, fastidious. Ant. Coarse, common, dirty, nasty, gluttonous. Damage, injure, hurt, loss, impair. Ant. Benefit, repair, bless, compensate, enhance, im- prove. Danger, peril, hazard, risk, jeopardy. Ant. Security, safety, precaution, custody, defence. Dare, venture, face, brave, hazard, risk, defy. Ant. Shun, dread, fear, shrink, cower. Dark, black, dusky, sable, swarthy, opaque, obscure, ab- struse, unintelligible, blind, ignorant, dim, shadowy, somber, joyless, mournful, sorrowful. Ant. Light, fair, white, bright, radiant, transparent, lucid, intelligible, plain, festive, luminous. Dash, hurl, cast, throw, drive, rush, send, fly, speed, course, Ant. Raise, erect, creep, crawl, lay. Date, facts, grounds, postulates. Ant. Assumption, conjectures, inferences. Dauntless, valiant, gallant, fearless, intrepid. Ant. Timid, cautious, cowardly. Dawn, gleam, begin, rise, open, break. Ant. Wane, set, sink, close, depart, end. 54 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Dead, defunct, deceased, departed, gone, inanimate, life- j less, insensible, heavy, unconscious, dull, spiritless. Ant. Liv'ng, alive, animate, vivacious, stirring, bust- ling. Deaf, insensible, disinclined, averse, inexorable. Ant. Attentive, alive, acute, interested, sensible, willing. Death, departure, demise, decease, dissolution, mortality, expiration. Ant. Birth, growth, rise, life, spirit, vigor, activity, action, vitality, inauguration. Debase, degrade, lower, depress, deprave, deteriorate, cor- rupt, alloy. Ant. Enhance, exart, raise, purify, improve, promote. Debate. See ARGUE. Debateable, dubious, doubtful, uncertain, problematical, unsettled. Ant. Indisputable, hicontestible, certain, sure. Debility, weakness, feebleness, lassitude, languor. Ant. Strength, energy, vigor, nerve, robustness. Debt, obligation, liability, default, Ant. Credit, assets, gift, gratuity, trust, favor. Decay, decline, wane, dwindle, waste, ebb, decrease. Ant. Flourish, luxuriate, grow, increase, rise. Decayed, rotten, corrupt, unsound, decomposed, faded, un- prosperous, impoverished. Ant. Sound, flourishing, wholesome, fresh, healthful. Deceit. See CHEAT. Deceive. See CHEAT. Decide, determine, settle, adjudicate, terminate, resolve. Ant. Waver, suspend, moot, brood over, cogitate, doubt, misjudge. Decipher. See INTERPRET. Decision, determination, conclusion, resolution, firmness. Ant. Indecision, uncertainty, irresolution, weakness. Declaim, speak, debate, harangue, recite. Ant. Read, study, write, compose. Declaration, avowal, statement, manifestation, profession. Ant. Denial, concealment, suppression. Declivity, descent, fall, slope, incline. Ant. Ascent, rise, mountain, verticality. Decorum, seemliness, propriety, dignity, order. Ant, Disorder, impropriety, disturbance. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 55 Decrease, diminish, lessen, wane, decline, retrench, cur- tail, reduce. Ant. Increase, amplify, expand, extend, grow, aug- ment. Decree, decision, determination, law, edict, order, mani- festo, rule, verdict. Ant. Request, hint, intimation, suggestion. Dedicate, devote, consecrate, offer, set, apportion, assign. Ant. Misuse, alienate, misapply, misappropriate. Decrepit. See INFIRM. Deed, act, action, achievement, commission, instrument, document, muniment. Ant. Non-performance, omission, failure, invalidation, reversion. Deep, profound, subterranean, submerged, designing, ab- struse, learned. Ant. Shallow, superficial, familiar, artless, undesigning, easy, plain. Deface. See INJURE. Default, lapse, forfeit, omission, absence, want, failure. Ant. Maintenance, appearance, presence, place, satis- faction. Defeat, conquer, overcome, worst, rout, frustrate, baffle. Ant. Succumb to, surrender, foil, aid, advance, estab- lish. Defect, imperfection, flaw, fault, blemish. Ant. Supply, sufficiency, compensation, ornament. Defence, excuse, plea, vindication, bulwark, rampart. Ant. Abandonment, surrender, exposure, accusation, charge. Defend, guard, protect, justify. Ant. Abandon, betray, defeat, accuse, charge, retreat. Defer, delay, postpone, put off, prorogue, adjourn. Ant. Hasten, press, urge, hurry, expedite. Deference. See HONOR. Deficient, short, wanting, inadequate, scanty, incomplete; Ant. Complete, sufficient, full, correct, satisfactory. Defile, pollute, corrupt, sully. Ant. Cleanse, purify, ameliorate, better. Define, fix, settle, determine, limit. Ant. Confuse, obscure, mystify, misstate, confound. Definite, precise, exact, correct, fixed, determined. 56 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Indefinite, vague, obscure, undefined, confused. Deformity, ugliness, disfigurement, hideousness, mot*. strosity. Ant. Regularity, grace, beauty, ornament. Defray, meet, liquidate, pay, discharge, quit. Ant. Repudiate, dishonor, dissatisfy, misappropriate. Degenerate, debased, fallen, impaired. Ant. Regenerated advanced, improved. Degree, grade, extent, measure, mark, range, quantity, amount, limit. Ant. Space, mass, magnitude, size. Dejected. See MELANCHOLY. Deliberate, v. consider, meditate, consult, ponder, debate. Ant. Hazard, risk, chance. Deliberate, a. purposed, intentional, designed, determined. Ant. Irresolute, playful, hasty, quick, dictated, sug- gested. Delicacy, nicety, daintiness, refinement, tact, softness, modesty. Ant. Coarseness, indelicacy, roughness, rudeness, vigor, robustness. Delight, enjoyment, pleasure, happiness, transport, ecstacy, gladness, rapture, bliss. Ant. Pain, suffering, sorrow, trouble, misery, discom- fort, dejection, disappointment, depression, distress, melancholy. Deliver, liberate, free, rescue, pronounce, hand to, give. Ant. Confine, hold, take, capture, retain, appropriate. Demand, claim, insist. Ant. Disclaim, waive, petition, request, supplicate. Demonstrate. See PROVE. Denominate, name, call, designate, denote. Ant. Misname, miscall, describe, suggest,. Denude, strip, divest, lay bare. Ant. Invest, clothe, drape, ornament, enrich. Deny. See REFUSE. Depart. See LEAVE. Department, section, division, office, branch, province. Ant. Institution, establishment, state, whole, body. Deprive, strip, bereave, despoil, rob, divest. ^Ant, Supply, invest, endow, compensate, present. AND AN-TITHETIC WORDS. 57 Depute, appoint, commission, cha*-ge, entrust, delegate. authorize, accredit. Ant. Recall, dismiss, discharge, supercede. Deputy, vicegerent, lieutenant, representative, agent, com- missioner, delegate, proxy, substitute. Ant. Principal, master, chief, head, ruler, sovereign. Derision, scorn, contempt, contumely, disrespect. Ant. Respect, regard, admiration. Derivation, origin, source, beginning, cause, etymology, root, spring, analysis. Ant. Result, issue, application, use. Describe, draw delineate, portray, explain, illustrate, de- fine, picture. Ant. Confuse, caricaUre, distrust, suggest. Desecrate, profane, secularize, misuse, abuse, pollute. Ant. Sanctify, consecrate, dedicate, employ, devote, purify, solemnize. Desert, wild, waste, wilderness, solitude, void, Ant. Garden, oasis, pasture, field. Deserve, merit, earn, justify, win Ant. Undeserve, forfeit, iose. Design, delineation, sketch, drawing, cunning, contriv- ance. Ant. Structure, execution, performance, result, issue, candor, fairness, sincerity, chance, accident. Desirable, expedient, advisable, valuable, acceptable, proper, judicious, beneficial, profitable, good. Ant. Undesirable, unadvisable, unprofitable, evil. Desire, longing, affection, craving. Ant. Loathing, aversion, hate, repugnance, abomina* tion. Desist, cease, stop, discontinue, drop, abstain, 'irbear Ant. Persist, continue, proceed. Desolate, bereaved, forlorn, forsaken, deserted, wild, waste, bare, bleak, lonely. Ant. Cheerful, attended, consoled, cultivated, sheltered, fertile, frequented, gay. Despair. hopel / ~ssness, despondency, desperation. Ant. Hope confidence, elation, sanguiness, andcipa- tion. Desperate, wild, daring, audacious, determined, reckless. Ant. Hopeful, remediable, cautious, timid, propitious. 58 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Destine, purpose, intend, design, devote. Ant. Divert, alienate, misapply. Destination, purpose, intention, design, consignment, ob. ject, end, fate, doom, use, scope, goal, aim. Ant. Project, effort, operation, tendency, exercise, ac- tion. Destiny, fate, decree, doom, end. Ant. Will, freedom, volition, choice. Destroy. See ANNIHILATE. Detest. See HATE. Destructive. See HURTFUL. Desultory, rambling, discursive, loose, unmethodical, superficial, unsettled, erratic, fitful, spasmodic. Ant. Consecutive, continuous, methodical, systematic, periodical, diligent, serious. Detail, particularize, enumerate, specify. Ant. Generalize, abstract, condense, sketch, amalga- mate. Detect. See DISCOVER. Deter, warn, stop, dissuade, disspirit, discourage, dis- hearten, terrify scare. Ant. Prompt, tempt, encourage, incite, persuade. Destitute. See DEVOID. Detract, lessen, deteriorate, depreciate, diminish. Ant. Enhance, raise, increase, augment. Detriment. See HARM. Detrimental. See HURTFUL. Develop, amplify, expand, enlarge, enunciate. Ant. Envelope, compress, restrict, contract, involve. Device, artifice, expedient, contrivance. Ant. Openness, fortune, mck, hazard. Devious, tortuous, circuitous, roundabout, distorted. Ant. Direct, plain, straightforward, frequented. Devoid, void, wanting, destitute, unendowed, unprovided. Ant. Provided, supplied, furnished, replete. Devolve, impose, place, charge , commission, befall, fall on. Ant. Deprive, withhold, cancel, alienate, lapse. Devoted. See FOND. Devotion, piety, devoutness, religiousness, dedication, love, attachment. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 59 Ant. Aversion, indifference, antipathy, alienation, apathy. devour, eat, consume, gorge, swallow, bolt. Ant. Disgorge, vomit, emit. Dictate, prompt, suggest, enjoin, order, command. Ant. Follow, obey, echo, answer, repeat. Dictatorial, imperative, imperious, domineering, arbitrary, tyrannical, overbearing, commanding. Ant. Persuasive, humble, subservient. Die, expire, depart, perish, decline, languish, wane, sink, fade, decay. Ant. Live, begin, originate, grow, strength, flourish, luxuriate. Diet, food, nourishment, nutriment, sustenance, victuals, fare, cheer, regimen. Ant. Abstinence, starvation, fasting, gluttony. Difference, separation, discord, dissent, disagreement, estrangement, variety. Ant. Similarity, likeness, agreement, sympathy, uni- formity, identity. Difficult, hard, intricate, involved, perplexing, obscure, unman ageable. Ant. Easy, plain, simple, lucid, tractable, favorable. Diffuse, discursive, prolix, diluted, copious. Ant. Terse, laconic, epigrammatic, condensed. Dignify, aggrandize, elevate, invest, exalt, advance, pro- mote, honor. Ant. Degrade, disgrace, humiliate. Dilapidation, ruin, decay, disintegration, crumbling, demo- lition. Ant. Solidity, freshness, integrity, roundness, repaira- tion, structure. Dilate, stretch, widen, expand, swell, distend, enlarge, descant, expatiate. Ant. Contract, narrow, restrict, constrict, concentrate, epitomize, condense. Dilatory, tardy, procrastinating, behind hand, lagging, dawdling. Ant. Prompt, alert, eager, quick, beforehand, vigilant. Diligence, care, assiduity, attention, heed, industry. Ant. Indifference, carlessness,^ neglect, heedlessness, < idleness- 60 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Dimension, measurement, size, configuration, delineation. Ant. Segment, part, sector, fragment, mismeasure* ment. Diminish. See DECREASE. Dingy, dim, dull, dusky, rusty, colorless, obscure, dead, somber. Ant, Bright, radiant, lustrous, shiny, glossy, gleaming. Diplomatic, judicious, knowing, wise, prudent, sagacious. Ant. Undiplomatic, injudicious, awkward, bungling, ill- managed. Disability, unfitness, incapacity. Ant. Ability, fitness, qualification, merit. Discern, descry, observe, recognize, see, discriminate, separate, perceive. Ant. Overlook, confound, omit, undiscern. Discernible, visible, conspicuous, manifest, palpable. Ant. Indiscernible, invisible, impalpable, obscure, mi- nute. Discernment, discrimination, farsightedness, clearsighted- ness, penetration, observation, sagacity. Ant. Dullness, stupidity, blindness heedlessness. Discipline, order, strictness, training, coercion, punish- ment, organization. Ant. Disorder, confusion, rebellion, disorganization, encouragement. Disclose. See REVEAL. Discomfort, disquiet, vexation, annoyance, trouble. Ant. Comfort, ease, pleasure, agreeableness. Disconcert, abash, confuse, confound, upset, baffle, de- range, discompose, frustrate, discomfit. Ant. Rally, aid, untangle, encourage, arrange, order. Disconsolate, sad, forlorn, melancholy, unhappy, desolate, woful. Ant. Cheerful, joyous, blithe, merry, happy. Discover, make known, find, invent, contrive, expose, reveal, detect. Ant. Conceal, suppress, mask, screen, cover, lose. Discredit, v. disbelieve, distrust, disgrace, dishonor. Ant. Credit, believe, trust. Discredit, . disgrace, disrepute, dishonor. Ant, Credit, honor, trust, faith, belief. ANTITHETIC WORDS. 61 Discreditable, shameful, disgraceful, scandalous, disrepu- table. Ant. Honorable, favorable, worthy, confidence, trust. Discreet, cautious, prudent, wary, judicious. Ant. Indiscreet, foolish, impudent, reckless, silly. Discrepancy. See DIFFERENCE. Discrimination. See JUDGMENT. Discuss. See ARGUE. Disdain. See SCORN. Disgrace, . disrepute, reproach, dishono/, shame, odium. Ant. Honor, favor, confidence, trust. Disgrace, v. See DISHONOR. Disgust, dislike, distaste, loathing, abomination, abhor- rence. Ant. Fondness, partiality, liking, desire, avidity, relish. Dishonest, unjust, fraudulent, unfair, deceitful, cheating, deceptive, wrongful. Ant. Honest, just, honorable, equitable, right. Dishonor, disgrace, shame, degrade, ravish, pollute. Ant. Honor, justify, improve, enhance, raise, better. Dislike. See ANTIPATHY. Dismal, dreary, gloomy, lonesome, dull, melancholy, sad, pitiable, cheerless. Ant. Cheerful, gay, propitious, joyous, lively. Dismay, v. terrify, frighten, scare, daunt, appal, dis- hearten. Ant. Inspirit, encourage, allure. Dismay, n. See v. Dismiss, send off, discharge, discard, banish. Ant. Recall, retain, detain, keep. Disorder, disease, malady, complaint, confusion, derange- ment. Ant. Order, health, sanity, arrangement, method, system. Disorderly, irregular, confused, lawless, unruly. Ant. Orderly, regular, systematized, lawful, jfovern- able, amenable, pure. Disown. See RENOUNCE. Dispel. See SCATTER. Disperse. See DISTRIBUTE. Display. See SHOW. Displease, offend, vex, anger, provoke, irritate. 62 ,* DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Please, amuse, gratify, placate. Dispose. See ARRANGE. Dispute, v. argue, contest, contend, question, impugn. Ant. Waive, concede, allow, forego. Dispute, n. argument, debate, controversy, quarrel, dis. agreement. Ant. Agreement, decision, council. Disregard, slight, neglect, despise, disparage. Ant. Regard, honor, exalt, listen, attend, hear. Dissent. See DISAGREE. Dissolve. See MELT. Distance, interval, remoteness, space. Ant. Nearness, proximity, adjacency, contact, pres- ence. Distinct. See CLEAR. Distinguish, perceive, discern, mark out, divide, discrimi- nate. Ant. Miss, overlook, confound, confuse. Distinguished, famous, glorious, far famed, noted, illus- trious, eminent, celebrated. Ant. Undistinguished, dishonored, disgraced, un- known. Distract. See DISTURB. Distress, trouble, pain, afflict, grieve, take, seize, distrain. Ant. Soothe, compose, console, comfort, please, gratify. Distribute, allot, share, dispense, apportion, deal. Ant. Receive, retain, withhold, restrict, keep, collect. Disturb, derange, discompose, agitate, rouse, interrupt, confuse, annoy, trouble, vex, worry, perplex. Ant. Soothe, pacify, compose, quiet, order, arrange. Divert, please, gratify, amuse, entertain, alter, change, deflect. Ant. Annoy, disturb, distress, prolong, continue, con- fine. Divide, part, separate, sever.deal out, distribute, sunder. Ant. Unite, join, gather, convene, classify. Divine, Godlike, holy, heavenly, sacred a parson, clergy- man, minister. Ant. Profane, unholy, devilish, satanic, layman. Do, effect, make, perform, accomplish, finish, transact. / Ant, Undo, omit, neglect. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 63 Docile, tractable, teachable, compliant, tame. Ant. Stubborn, obstinate, intractable. Doctrine, tenet, articles of belief, creed, dogma, teaching. Ant. Practice, conduct, action, duty. Domicile. See ABODE. Doom, sentence, verdict, judgment, fate, lot, destiny. Ant. Pardon, liberation, respite, acquitted. Doubt, uncertainty, suspense, hesitation, scruple, am- biguity. Ant. Certainty, precision, decision, conviction, deter- mination, clearness, satisfaction. Draw, pull, haul, attract, inhale, sketch. Ant. Push, carry, propel, repel, impel, throw, thrust, describe. Dread, fear, horror, terror, alarm, dismay, awe. Ant. Courage, confidence, assurance. Dreadful, fearful, frightful, shocking, awful, horrible, hor- rid, terrific. i Ant. Hopeful, inspiriting, encouraging, promising. Dress, clothing, attire, apparel, garments, costume, garb, livery. Ant. Nudity, nakedness, undress, disarrangement. Drift, purpose, meaning, scope, aim, tendency, direction. Ant. Aimlessness, vagueness, indefiniteness, pointless* ness. Drill, train, teach, discipline, perforate, bore. Ant. Disorder, confuse, disarrange. Drive, force, urge, press, compel, guide, direct. Ant. Draw, pull, hinder, obstruct, discourage. Droll, funny, laughable, comic, whimsical, queer, amusing, Ant. Sad, lugubrious, funereal, tragic. Drown, inundate, swamp, submerge, overwhelm, engulf. Ant. Dry, drain, expose, air, ventilate, resuscitate. Drowsy, sleep, heavy, dozy. Ant. Awake, alive, alert, vigilant. Dry arid, parched, lifeless, dull, tedious, uninteresting meagre. Ant.-~- Wet, moist, juicy, fresh, lively, entertaining. Due, owing to, attributable to, just, fair, proper, right. Ant. Undue, irrelative, independent, unfair, improper deficient. 64 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Dull, stupid, blunt, gloomy, sad, dismal, commonplat* opaque, cloudy. Ant. Sharp, clever, lively, animated, bright, brilliant, clear. Dupe. See CHEAT. Durable, lasting, permanent, abiding, continuing. Ant. Perishable, unstable, transient, evanescent. Dutiful. See OBEDIENT. Dwell, stay, stop, abide, sojourn, linger, tarry. Ant. Move, travel, wander, roam, migrate, flit. Dwindle, pine, waste, diminish, decrease, fall off. Ant. Enlarge, increase, flourish, develope, augment. Eager, hot, ardent, impassioned, forward, impatient Ant. Listless, cool, indifferent, sluggish. Early, soon, by and by, shortly, ere long, anon, betimes. Ant. Late, backward, tardy, belated. Earn, acquire, obtain, win, gain, achieve. Ant. Steal, lose, spend, waste, forfeit, forego. Earnest, ardent, serious, grave, solemn, warm, pledge. Ant. Playful, flippant, idle, irresolute, indifferent. Ease, calm, alleviate, allay, mitigate, appease, assuage, pacify, disburden, rid. Ant. Trouble, annoy, vex, incommode, excite. Eccentric, irregular, anomalous, singular, odd, abnormal, wayward, particular, strange. Ant. Regular, ordinary, customary, normal, usual. Eclipse, shade, overcast, cloud, overshadow. Ant. Brighten, enhance, heighten. Economical, sparing, saving, provident, thr'fty, frugal, careful, niggardly. tfit. Extravagant, wasteful, improvident, generous, loose, open-handed. Edge. See BORDER. Efface, blot out, expunge, obliterate, wipe out, cancel, erase. Ant. Restore, revive, portray, delineate. Effect, n. consequence, result, issue, event, execution. operation. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 65 Ant. Cause, antecedent, source, purpose, reason, mo- tive. Effect, v. accomplish, fulfil, realize, achieve, execute, oper- ate, complete. Ant. Prevent, obviate, mar, frustrate. Effective, efficient, operative, serviceable. Ant. Weak, ineffective, futile, inoperative. Effects. See PROPERTY. Effectual. See EFFECTIVE. Efficacy, efficiency, energy, agency, instrumentality. Ant. Inefficiency, uselessness. Efficient, effectual, effective, competent, capable, able, fitted. Ant. Inefficient, useless, unable, unfitted, incompetent, Eject, thrust out, cast out, expel, oust, dislodge, throw out, dispossess. Ant. Receive, retain, accept, accommodate, lodge, wel- come, admit, inject, introduce. Elaborate, labored, studied. Ant. Simple, plain, unstudied. Elapse, lapse, guide, pass. Ant. Wait, abide, hold, continue. Elastic, ductile, flexible. Ant. Inelastic, rigid, inflexible, tough. Elementary, primary, rudimentary, physical, material, natural, component, constituent, ultimate. Ant. Enveloped, organized, immaterial, incorporeal. Eligible, fit, desirable. Ant. Ineligible, unfit, unworthy, worthless. Eliminate, drive out, expel, thrust out, eject, cast out, dis- lodge, banish, proscribe. Ant. Add, import, foist, involve. Elucidate, make plain, explain, clear up, illustrate. Ant. Mystify, obscure, confuse. Elude, evade, escape, avoid, shun. Ant. Meet, confront, encounter, defy. Embarrass. See PERPLEXED. Embellish. See ADORN. Embolden. See ENCOURAGE. Embrace, clasp, hug, comprise, comprehend, contain, in- clude, embody, incorporate. Ant, Exclude, reject, except. 66 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Eminent. See ILLUSTRIOUS. Emit. See DISCHARGE. Emotion, perturbation, agitation, trepidation, tremor. Ant. Insensibility, indifference, impressiveness, stoicism, Employ, occupy, busy, take up with, engross, use, apply. Ant. Dismiss, discard, misuse. Employment, business, avocation, engagement, office , function, trade, profession, occupation, calling, voca- tion. Ant. Idleness, slothfulness. Empty, v. evacuate, exhaust, drain, draw out. Ant. Fill, supply, replenish, glut, swell, increase. Empty, a. void, devoid, hollow, unfilled, unoccupied, un- furnished. Ant. Full, supplied, occupied, inhabited, Enchanted, charmed, captivated, fascinated, spell-bound, transported, enchained, entranced, electrified, wrapt. Ant. Disenchanted, disgusted, repelled, horrified. Encircle. See ENCOMPASS. Enclose, fence in, confine, circumscribe. Ant. Expose, open, disclose, develop. Encompass, encircle, surround, environ, beset, gird, be- gird, invest. Ant. Open, disinclose, disencircle. Encounter, attack, conflict, combat, assault, onset, engage- ment, battle, action. Ant. Escape, retreat, surrender, defeat. Encourage, countenance, support, foster, cherish, sanction, inspirit, embolden, animate, cheer incite, urge, imp".l. Ant. Discourage, dissuade, deter dispirit. End, n. See AIM, TERMINATE, OBJECT. Endanger. See IMPERIL. Endeavor. See TRY. Endless, everlasting, perpetual, deathless, undying, im- perishable, infinite, interminable. Ant. Terminable, limited, transient, brief, perodici, finite. Endorse. See RATIFY. Endue, invest, endow, enrich, store. Ant. Denude, strip, deprive, divest, spoiliate. Endure, last, continue, support, bear, sustain . suffer, brook, submit to, undergo. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 6 t Ant. Succumb, stop, give way, fail, wane. Enemy. See ADVERSARY. Energetic, effectual, efficacious, powerful binding, strin-. gent, forcible, nervous, active. Ant. Lazy, slothful, uneffectual, weak, slow. Energy, force, vigor, efficacy, potency, strength Ant Laziness, weakness, slowness. Engage, employ, busy, occupy, attract, invite, allure, tu> tertain, engross, take up, enlist. Ant. Refuse, dismiss, discard, disengage, withdraw. Engagement, word, promise, battle, action, combat, con- flict. Ant. Declination, refusal, dismissal, skirmish, retreat. Engulf. See SWALLOW. Enjoin, order, ordain, appoint, prescribe. Ant. Release, recall, dispense, dissuade. Enjoyment. See PLEASURE. Enlarge. See INCREASE. Enliven. See ANIMATE. Enmity, invidiousness, animosity, hatred, hostility, ill-will, malignity, maliciousness. Ant. Love, affection, esteem, cordiality. Enormous, gigantic, colossal, huge, vast, immense, pro- digious. Aid. Diminutive, insignificant, trivial, ordinary, veniaL Enough, sufficient, plenty, abundance. Ant. Bare, scant, inadequate, insufficient. Enraged, enfuriated, raging, wrathful. Ant. Soothed, quiet, tame, pacified, pacific, Aiollified. Enrapture. See CAPTIVATE. Entangle, embarrass, inveigle, implicate, involve, compro* mise, ensnare, entrap. Ant. Disentangle, unrave' extricate. Enterprise, adventure, unde. caking, effort, attempt. Ant. Matter of fact, indifference. Entertainment. See AMUSEMENT. Enthusiasm, zeal, ardor, fervor, warmth, fervency. Ant. Indifference, coldness, callousness, repugnano* contempt. Entice. See ALLURE. Entire, whole, complete, perfect, total. Ant, Partial, incomplete, broken, impaired. 68 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Entitled, named, designated, denominated, styled, charac terized, qualified, fit. Ant. Unentitled, unfit, disqualified, disabled. Entrance, entry, inlet, ingress, porch, portal. Ant. Exit, egress, departure. Entreat, beg, crave, solicit, beseech, implore, supplicate. Ant. Command, insist, order, bid, enjoin. Enumerate, tell, relate, narrate, recount, specify, detail, reckon. Ant. Lump, mass, miscount, confound. Envy, invidiousness, jealousy, suspicion, grudging. Ant. Satisfaction, generosity, gratification. Epitome, abridgment, compendium, abstract, summary; digest. Ant. Amplification, expansion, enlargement, whole. Equal, . fellow, colleague, companion, peer, compeer. Ant. Inferior, superior, enemy, opponent. Equal, a. equable, even, uniform, alike, adequate, suf- ficient, compensating, equivalent, impartial. Ant. Unequal, uneven, ununiform, unalike, inadequate insufficient. Equitable. See JUST. Era, See AGE. Erase, scratch out, blot out, expunge, efface, cancel. Ant. Insert, mark, add, write, delineate. Erect, set up, raise, elevate, construct, establish, institute, found. Ant. Lower, depress, overthrow, demolish, remove, destroy. Error, mistake, fallacy, blunder, hallucination, fault. Ant. Correct, true, proper, honest. Escape, elude, evade. Ant. Confront, encounter, meet, incur. Escort. See ACCOMPANY. Especially, particularly, specially, mainly, principally, chiefly. Ant. Generally, universally, commonly. Essay. See ATTEMPT. Essential, necessary, indispensible, requisite, vital, Ant. Accidental, unnecessary, superfluous, redundant. Establish, institute, found, organize, confirm, settle, fix. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 69 Ant. Disestablish, unsettle, overthrow, upset, refute/ suppose, guess. Estate, domain, demesne, lands, property, possessions. Ant. Waste, chattels, comity, goods, effects. Esteem, prize, value, appreciate, respect, regard, rever- ence, venerate, revere. Ant. Dislike, decry, undervalue, depreciate. Estimate. See CALCULATE. Eternal, everlasting, endless, infinite, perpetual, deathless, immortal, undying, imperishable. Ant. Temporal, finite, transient, ephemeral. Evade. See ELUDE. Evasion, shift, subterfuge, prevarication, quibble, equivo- cation. Ant. Honesty, uprightness, frankness, straightforward- ness. Even, equal, equable, smooth, plain, level, uniform. Ant. Uneven, unequal, variable, inclined, abrupt. Event, incident, occurrence, accident, adventure, issue, result, consequence. Ant. Cause, antecedent, operation, inducement, ten* dency. Ever, always, eternally, everlastingly, evermore, aye, pet* petual, continually, incessantly, endless, infinite. , - Ant. Never, momentarily, transiently. Everlasting. See EVER. Evidence, . testimony, deposition, declaration. Ant, Surmise, conjecture, concealment, refutation. Evidence, v. manifest, evince, demonstrate, exemplify. Ant. Conceal, surmise, hide, conjecture. Evident. See APPARENT. Evil, ill, wicked, bad, unfair, mischievous, harmful. Ant. Good, wholesome, beneficial, felicitous. Evince, show, argue, prove, evidence, manifest, demon- strate. Ant. Conceal, suppress, negative. Evoke, call out, invite, summon, challenge, provoke, elicit, produce. Ant. Silence, seal, prevent, stop, allay, stifle. Exact. See ACCURATE. Exaggerate, overstated, heightened, amplified, enlarged. 70 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Understated, mitigated, modified, qualified, pal- liated. Exalt, raise, elevate, erect, lift up, dignify, ennoble. Ant. Debase, lower, depress, dishonor, defame. Examination, search, inquiry, research, scrutiny, investi- gation. Ant. Conjecture, hazard, guess. Example, pattern, sample, model, specimen, copy, in- stance. Ant. Principle, law, rule, system, material, substance. Exasperate. See IRRITATE. Exceed. See SURPASS. Except, unless, save, saving, but. Ant. Counting, including, reckoning, admitting. Excess, superfluity, redundance, redundancy. Ant. Deficiency, shortcoming, failure, temperance. Excessive, exorbitant, extortionate, unreasonable, immod- erate, inordinate, extravagant. Ant. Insufficient, scant, inadequate. Exchange. See CHANGE. Excitable, irritable, susceptible. Ant. Insensible, composed, quiet, cool, self-possessed. Excite, incite, arouse, awaken, stir up, disquiet, disturb, agitate, provoke, irritate. Ant. Allay, calm, sooth, quiet, pacify, quell. Exclaim, call out, shout, cry, ejaculate. Ant. Write, whisper, sign, intimate, draw. Exclude, shut out, debar, preclude, seclude. Ant. Admit, include, open, retain, conserve. Exclusive, sole, only, alone. Ant. Comprehensive, inclusive, comity. Excursion, trip, ramble, tour. Ant. Rest, peace, quiet, home. Excusable, pardonable, venial. Ant. Inexcusable, uupardonable. Excuse, palliate, mitigate, acquit, justify, absolve, dis- pense, exempt. Ant. Exact, charge, compel, condemn, accuse. Execrable, abominable, detestable, hateful, accursed, cursed. Ant, Laudable, desirable, eligible, respectable. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 71 Execute, accomplish, effect, fulfill, release, achieve, com- plete, finish. Ant. Neglect, omit, drop, nullify, mar, frustrate, defeat. Exemption, freedom, immunity, privilege. Ant. Liability, responsibility, amenableness. Exercise, exert, practice, pursue, carry on. Ant. Rest, ease, relax, respite. Exhale, emit, give out, smoke, steam. Ant. Absorb, inhale. Exhaust, spend, drain, empty, deliberate. Ant. Fill, replenish, augment, invigorate, refresh. Exhibition, show, sight, spectacle, pageant, representation. Ant. Concealment, mark, suppression, secretion. Exile, banishment, deportation, expatriation, expulsion, proscription. Ant. Reinstate, recall, welcome, domesticate. Exonerate, clear, acquit, absolve, discharge, justify. Ant. Charge, accuse, condemn. Exorbitant. See EXCESSIVE. Expand, spread, diffuse, dilate, extend, enlarge, amplify, unfold, develop. Ant. Contract, curtail, restrict, condense. Expectation, expectancy, waiting for, hope, anticipation, confidence, trust. Ant. Realization, verification, exhibition. Expedient, fit, necessary, essential, requisite. Ant. Inexpedient, disadvantageous, unfit. Expedite, accelerate, quicken, hasten, facilitate, forward, advance. Ant. Hinder, retard, delay, obstruct, restrain. Expel. See EJECT. Expend. See SPEND. Expensive, costly, dear, valuable, sumptuous. Ant. Cheap, poor, worthless, economical. Experience, experiment, trial, proof, test. Ant. Conjecture, theory, hazard, hypothesis, intuition. Expert. See ADROIT. Expiration. See TERMINATION. Expire. See DIE. Explain, expound, interpret, elucidate, clear up. Ant. Mystify, obscure, confound, misinterpret. Explanation. See EXPLAIN. Explicit, express, plain, definitive, positive, determinate. Ant. Implicit, implied, suggested, limited, obscure. Exploit. See ACHIEVEMENT. Expound. See EXPLAIN. Express, a. explicit, plain, positive, definitive, determin- ate, categorical. Ant. General, vague, undefined, loose. Express, v. declare, enunciate, pronounce, articulate, de- note, utter, signify, testify, intimate. Ant. Hint, conceal, mystify, obscure, retain. Expressive. See SIGNIFICANT. Expunge. See ERASE. Exquisite, pre-eminent, superlative, consummate. Ant. Common, coarse, ordinary. Extend. See INCREASE. Extensive, comprehensive, wide, large, expansive, dif- fusive. Ant. Contracted, limited, restricted, narrow. Exterior, outward, outer, external. Ant. Interior, heart, core. Exterminate, eradicate, root out, annihilate, extinguish. Ant. Propogate, populate, increase, augment. Extinguish, abolish, destroy, extirpate, eradicate, kill. Ant. Establish, propogate, promote, fan, encourage, aid, replenish. Extort, exact, wrest, wring, draw from. Ant. Coax, wheedle, cajole, cheat. Extract, draw out, elicit, pump. Ant. Restore, resist, replace, incorporate. Extraordinary, remarkable, signal, eminent, uncommon, peculiar, marvelous. Ant. Ordinary, usual, common, frequent. Extravagant, prodigal, lavish, profuse, excessive, wild, absurd. Ant. Frugal, economical, careful, rational, consistent, sound. Extreme, utmost, furthest, most distant, last, extravagant. Ant. Initial, primal, beginning, moderate, judicious. Extricate, free, disengage, disentangle, disembarrass, liberate. Ant, -Involve, emmesh, en com pas, encircle. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 73 Exuberant, plenteous, plentiful, luxuriant, abundant, rich. Ant. Scant, deficient, sparse, mean. Exultation, transport, joy, triumph, elation. Ant. Depression, sorrow, grief, mournfulness, Faoric, edifice, structure, pile, web, texture. Ant. Destruction, fragment, wreck, ruin, rage. Fabricate, invent, frame, feign, forge, coin, make, con- struct. Ant. Narrate, copy, represent, portray, repeat, demol- ish, spoil. Face, front, confront, encounter. Ant. Avoid, escape, shun, elude. Facetious, jocose, jocular, pleasant, witty. Ant. Grave, serious, dull, lugubrious. Facile, easy, pliable, flexible, docile, manageable. Ant. Obstinate, determined, inflexible, self-willed. Fact, reality, incident, circumstance, truth, deed. Ant. Fiction, falsehood, lie, delusion, invention, ro mance, supposition, theory. Failing, imperfection, weakness, frailty, foible, miscar riage, mishap. Ant. Virtue, power, vigor, strength. Failure, omission, neglect, default. Ant. Success, achievement. Faint, languid, weak, low, timid, dim, pale. Ant. Strong, vigorous, fresh, prominent, conspicuous, _ glaring. Fair, clear, bright, just, honest, equitable, impartial. Ant. Lowering, dull, cloudy, gloomy, foul, ugly, unfair, fraudulent, dishonorable. Faith. See BELIEF. Faithless, unfaithful, falsehearted, treacherous. Ant. Faithful, true, firm, loyal, exact, accurate, close. Fall, drop, sink, droop, decline. Ant. Rise, ascend, mount, climb, soar. False, untrue, mendacious. Ant. True, correct, real, genuine, sound, authentic. Falsehood, untruth, story, lie, fabrication, fib, falsity. 74 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Truth, fact, verity, reality, honesty. Falter, halt, stammer, stutter, hesitate. Ant. Persevere, revolve, proceed, speed, discourse. Fame, reputation, glory, renown, celebrity, honor, credit Ant. Silence, disgrace, dishonor, hush. Familiar, free, frank, affable, conversant, intimate. Ant. Unfamiliar, new, unacquainted, rare, strange, un- common. Family, household, house, lineage, ancestry, race. Ant. Strangers, foreigners. Famous. See FAME. Fanciful, imaginative, ideal, fantastical, whimsical, capri- cious, grotesque, erratic. Ant. Natural, regular, sober, orderly, truthful, literal. Fancy, imagi nation, notion, conceit, vagary, frolic, incli- nation, liking, humor, thought. Ant. Reality, fact, law, truth, verity, aversion, honor Farewell, good-by, adieu, leave-taking. Ant. Welcome, hail. Farther. See PROMOTE. Farthest, most distant, extreme, remotest, utmost, utter- most. Ant. Nearest, adjacent, next, adjoining, neighboring. Fascinate. See CAPTIVATE. Fashion, custom, manner, mode, practice, form, usage. Ant. Eccentricity, strangeness, shapelessness, work dress. Fast, firm, solid, constant, steadfast, stanch, stable, steady unyielding, inflexible, unswerving, gay, wild, dissi pated. Ant. Loose, insecure, slow, tardy, virtuous, respectable. Fasten, fix, tie, link, stick, hold, affix, attach, annex. Ant. Unfasten, loose, undo, relax, detach, remove. Fat, obese, corpulent, pursy, unctuous, rich. Ant. Lean, slender, barren, poor, scant. Fatal, deadly, mortal, lethal, inevitable. Ant. Beneficial, wholesome, nutritious, salubrious, harmless. Fatigue, weariness, lassitude, languor, enervation, ex- haustion. Ant. Freshness, vigor, activity. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 75 Fault, blemish, imperfection, vice, failure, defect, omis- sion. Ant. Perfection, correctness, completeness. Favor, benefit, kindness, civility, grace, gift, boon. Ant. Disfavor, disapproval, refusal, denial, prohibition. Fear, fright, terror, dismay, alarm, dread, trepidation consternation, apprehension. Ant. Boldness, confidence, courage, trust, assurance. Fearless. See COURAGEOUS. Fearful, afraid, timid, nervous, timorous, terrific, dread ful, awful, frightful, horrible, distressing, shocking. Ant. Fearless, bold, audacious, confident, hopeful, al- luring, attractive. Fee, charge, bill, account, reckoning Ant. Favor, gift. Feeble, weak, infirm, nerveless, forceless, failing, frail, enfeebled, debilitated, enervated, impotent, paralyzed, palsied. Ant. Strong, robust, active, effective, successful. Feeling, emotion, sentiment, impression, sensation, con- sciousness, sensibility. Ant. Insensibility, coldness, callousness, imperturb- ability. Feign. See PRETEND. Felicity, happiness, bliss, "blessedness, beatitude, blissful- ness. Ant. Unhappiness, sadness, gloominess, wretchedness. Fell, cruel, inhuman, barbarous, merciless, ruthless, piti- less, remorseless, relentless, savage, ferocious, brutal. Ant. Generous, chivalrous, humane, lenient, propi- tious. Fellow, comrade, equa., companion, colleague, mate. Ant. Foe, stranger, opponent, opposite, antagonist. Fellowship, brotherhood, society, companionship, ac- quaintance, familiarity, intimacy. Ant. Severance, enmity, vendetta, disconnection. Ferocious, fierce, savage, ravenous, voracious, cruel, in- human, fell, barbarous, furious. Ant. Gentle, docile, tame, harmless, calm, mild. Fertile, fruitful, prolific, teeming, pregnant, productive, rich\ luxuriant. 76 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Sterile, barren, unfruitful, unproductive, unim maginative. Fervid, glowing, ardent, impassioned, fervent, warm. Ant. Passionless, cool, apathetic, indifferent, phleg- matic. Festal, festive, convivial, joyous, gay. Ant. Gloomy, deserted, solitary, sad, ascetic. Festivity. See FESTAL. Feud, fray, affray, boil, quarrel, dispute, enmity, strife. Ant. Friendless, clanship, sympathy, reconciliation. Fickle, unstable, inconstant, restless, fitful, variable, changeable. Ant. Reliable, stable, unchangeable, steady, trust* worthy, uniform. Fiction, romance, invention, falsehood, fabrication. Ant. Fact, truth, verity, reality. Fictitious. See FICTION. Fidelity, faithfulness, honesty, integrity, exaction. Ant. Treachery, disloyalty, untruthfulness, infidelity. inaccuracy. Fiendish, diabolic, demoniacal, devilish. Ant. Angelic, divine, celestial. Fierce. See FURIOUS. Fiery, hot, glowing, ardent, fervid, impassioned, passion- ate, impassionate, fervent, vehement. Ant.- Cold, icy, tame, passionless, mild, quenched. Fight, battle, action, engagement, combat, conflict, contest encounter, contention, struggle. Ant. Pacification, reconciliation, truce, retreat. Figure, image, allegory, emblem, type, symbol, form, shape. Ant. Misrepresentation, disfigurement, deformity. Fill, satisfy, content, store, replenish, glut, gorge, stuff. Ant. Empty, drain, exhaust, diminish, subside, ebb. Filthy, dirty, dingy, unclean, gross. Ant. Pure, sweet, clean. Final, ending, ultimate, last, latest, conclusive, decisive. Ant. Inaugural, incipient, rudimentary, progressive, current. Finale. See END. Fine, refined, delicate, pure, nice, handsome, pretty, beau- tiful, elegant, showy, subtle, minute. AN1> ANTITHETIC WORDS. 77 Ant. Coarse, large, rough, blunt, rude, illiberal, paltry, unaffected. Finite, limited, bounded, terminable. Ant. Infinite, unlimited, eternal, boundless. Firm, strong, robust, sturdy, fast, steadfast, stable, solid. Ant. Loose, insecure, weak, irresolute, indulgent, waver- ing, unreliable. First, primary, primitive, pristine, primeval, original. Ant. Last, subordinate, subsequent, hindmost. Fit, -v . suit, adapt, adjust, equip, prepare, qualify. Ant. Misfit, unsuit, misadjust, disqualify. Fit, a. apt, suitable, meet, befitting, becoming, decent, de- corous, expedient. Ant. Unfit, unsuitable, inadequate, inappropriate, inex- pedient, unbecoming. Fitful, fickle, unstable, unsteadfast, inconstant, mutable, versatile, restless. Ant. Regular, systematic, orderly, sober, equable. Fix, v. fasten, tie, link, enlink, attach, stick, settle, estab- lish, determine, define. Ant. Unfix, displace, unfasten, untie, unsettle, disar- range, remove, disturb, change, transfer. Flagitious, disgraceful, scandalous, heinous, monstrous. Ant. Honorable, creditable, meritorious, pardonable, excusable. Flashy, showy, ostentatious, gaudy, pompous, tawdry. Ant. Subdued, dull, colorless, dim. Flat, level, horizontal, even, insipid, mawkish, dull, spirit* less, tasteless, lifeless. Ant. Hilly, rolling, uneven, mountainous, exciting^ thrilling. Flattery, adulation, servility, cajolery. Ant. Insult, rebuke, reprimand, satire, censure. Flavor, taste, relish, savor. Ant. Tastelessness, insipidity. Flaw, See DEFECT. Fleeting, temporary, transient, transitory, shortlived, ephemeral. Ant. Lasting, permanent, longlived, eternal. Fleetness, quickness, celerity, swiftness, speed, rapidity, velocity. 78 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Slowness, tardiness, inertness, sluggishness, lazi- ness. Flicker, flutter, quiver, waver, glimmer. Ant. Blaze, gleam, shine, stream. Flexible, pliant, lithe, supple, ductile. Ant. Rigid, inflexible, hard, tough, inelastic. Flightiness, levity, lightness, giddiness. Ant. Gravity, heaviness, sobriety. Flimsy, light, weak, superficial, shallow. Ant. Solid, sound, substantial, cogent, strong. Fling, cast, throw, hurl, toss. Ant. Hold, keep, retain, grasp, snatch, arrest. Flippancy, pertness, sauciness, lightness. Ant. Respect, gravity, sobriety, flattery, obsequious, ness. Flock, throng, crowd, swarm, shoal, congregate, assemble, Ant. Separate, disperse, scatter. Flood, deluge, inundation, overflow, submersion, drown- tng. Ant. Drought, scarcity, drain, ebb, subsidence. Flourish, thrive, prosper, wave, brandish. Ant. Decay, decline, fade, arrest, sheath, ground. Flowery, florid, ornate, embellished. Ant. Bare, nude, sober, chaste. Fluctuate, waver, hesitate, oscillate, scruple, change. Ant. Persist, abide, stay, stick, adhere. Fluent, flowing, glib, voluble, unembarrassed, ready. Ant. Labored, strained, dribbling, difficult, unready. Fly, soar, mount, tower. Ant. Crawl, sink, decline, descend. Foe. See ADVERSARY. Foil, balk, defeat, frustrate, baffle. Ant. Aid, abet, assist, promote, advance, encourage. Fold, wrap, envelop. Ant. Unfold, disengage, expose. Follow, succeed, ensue, imitate, copy, pursue. Ant. Lead, precede, disobey, avoid, elude, cause. Follower, partisan, disciple, retainer, pursuer, successor Ant. Leader, teacher, rival, antagonist. Folly, silliness, foolishness, imbecility, weakness. Ant. Wisdom, prudence, sense, judgment. Fond, enamored, attached, affectionate, loving. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 79 Ant. Unloving, averse, austere, sensible. Pood, meal, repast, victuals, meat, viands, diet. Ant. Drink, want, starvation, hunger. Fool, idiot, buffoon, zany, clown. Ant. Philosopher, student, scholar. Foolery. See FOLLY. Foolish, simple, silly, irrational, brainless, imbecile, crazy, absurd, preposterous, ridiculous, nonsensical. Ant. Sensible, wise, sane, sagacious, prudent, judicious, advisable. Foppish, dandified, dressy. Ant. Modest, dowdy, slovenly, unaffected. Forage, spoil, pillage, depredate, plunder. Ant. Purchase, buy, protect, shield. Forbear, abstain, refrain, withhold. Ant. indulge, seek. Force, v. compel, coerce, oblige, necessitate. Ant. Persuade, ask, coax. Force, n. strength, vigor, dint, might, energy, power, vio- lence, army, host,. Ant. Weakness, feebleness, inefficiency, debility. Forcible, strong, vigorous, energetic, effective, operative, powerful, cogent, irresistible. Ant. Weak, feeble, inefficient, disabled, ineffective. tame. Forebode, pretsage, portend, augur. Ant. Doubt, confess, consult, admit. Forecast, forethought, foresight, premeditation, prognosti- cation. Ant. Result, effect end, record. Forego. See ABANDON. Foregoing, antecedent, anterior, preceding, previous, prior, formes, Ant. Subsequent, succeeding, latter. Forerunner, herald, harbinger, precursor, omen. Ant. Successor, follower, issue, result. Foresight, forethought, forecast, premeditation. Ant. Result, record, guess, hazard, issue. Foretell. See PREDICT. Forge, coin, invent, frame, feign, fabricate, counterfeit, falsify. So A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Detect, expose, shatter, batter, shiver, blast; verify. Forget, lose, overlook. Ant. Remember, recollect, retain, treasure, learn. Forgive. See PARDON. Forlorn. See FORSAKEN. Form, n. ceremony, solemnity, observance, rite, figure shape, conformation, fashion, appearance, representa- tion, semblance. Ant. Informality, illegality, mockery, distortion. Form, v. make, create, produce, constitute, arrange, fash. ion, mold, shape, frame. Ant. Deform, derange, dislocate, distort, dissipate, analyze. Formal, ceremonious, precise, exact, stiff, methodical, affected, regular, correct. Ant. Informal, easy, unceremonious, incomplete, in. correct. Former, antecedent, anterior, previous, prior, preceding foregoing. Ant. Latter, succeeding, subsequent, posterior, future. Formidable, terrible, dreadful, fearful, shocking, horrible. Ant. Contemptible, despicable, weak, trivial. Forsake. See ABANDON. Forsaken, abandoned, forlorn, deserted, desolate, lone, lonesome. Ant. Cherished, protected, defended, pursued, sup. ported, upheld. Forthwith, immediately, directly, instantly, instanta. neously. Ant. Soon, presently, by and by, hereafter. Fortify, strengthen, garrison, reinforce, intrench. Ant. Weaken, invalidate, dismantle. Fortitude, endurance, resolution, fearlessness, dauntless- ness. Ant. Timidity, faintness, delicacy, effeminacy. Fortunate, lucky, happy, auspicious, prosperous, suc cessful. Ant. Unfortunate, unlucky, unhappy. Fortune. See CHANCE. Forward, a. onward, progressive, confident, presumpttt ous, bold, imprudent- AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 81' Ant. Backward, slow, tardy, indifferent, retiring, modest. Forward, v. farther, further, advance, promote, prefer. Ant. Deter, retard, retain, hinder, obstruct. Foster. See CHERISH. Foul. See DIRTY. Found, ground, base, rest, build, institute, establish, set up. Ant. Uproot, disestablish, subvert, overthrow, demolish. Foundatiou, ground, basis, groundwork, establishment. Ant. Superstructure, building, disestablishment. Fractious, cross, petulant, touchy, captious, testy peevisV fretful, splenetic. '/. Good-humored, agreeable, genial, blithesome. Fragile, brittle, frail, delicate, feeble. Ant. Tough, hardy, stout, strong. Fragment, piece, scrap, chip, remains, remnant. Ant. Bulk, body, mass, whole. Fragrant, spicy, sweet-scented, balmy, perfumed. Ant. Malodorous, stinking, fetid, scentless. Fraility. See WEAKNESS. Frame. See FORM. Franchise, right, exemption, immunity, privilege dom, suffrage. Ant. Obligation, disqualification, disaojl'.ty, tion. Frank, artless, candid, sincere, free, easy, familiar, open, ingenuous, plain. Ant. Disingenuous, close, reserved, taciturn. Frantic, distracted, mad, furious, raving, frenzied. Ant. Sane, sober, calm, collected, composed, unruffled. Fraternize, co-operate, consort, associate with. Ant. Oppose, renounce, abjure, foreswear. Fraud. See DECEPTION. Fray. See AFFRAY. Free, a. liberal, generous, bountiful, bounteous, munifi- cent, frank, artless, candid, familiar, open, unconfirm* ed, unreserved, unrestricted, exempt, clear, loose, easy, careless. Ant. Illiberal, biased, bound, shackled, restricted clogged, impeded, subject, liaole, amenable, qualified, 83 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Free, v. release, set free, deliver, rescue, liberate, enfran- chise, emancipate, exempt. Ant. Bind, shackle, restrict, clog, hinder, enslave, dis- enfranchise, confine. Freedom, liberty, independence, unrestraint, familiarity, license, franchise, exemption, privilege. Frequent, often, common, usual, general. Ant. Rare, few, solitary, scanty, casual, infrequent. Fresh, new, novel, recent, modern, blooming, ruddy. Ant. Stale, old, weary, stagnant, faded, decayed, pal- lid, sickly, musty, putrid, former. Fret, gall, chafe, agitate, irritate, vex. Ant. Soothe, console. Fretful. See FRACTIOUS. Friendly, amicable, social, sociable, kindly. Ant. Hostile, inimical, adverse, antagonistic. Fright. See ALARM. Frighten, scare, affright, dismay, appal, terrify, daunt. Ant. Compose, reassure, allay, soothe, rally, embolden. Frightful, fearful, dreadful, dire, direful, terrific, awful, horrible, horrid. Ant. Pleasing, attractive, fair, beautiful, lovely. Frivolous, trifling, trivial, petty, silly. Ant. Serious, earnest, grave important. Frolic gambol, play, game, sport, prank, spree, lark. Ant. Occupation, work, business, study, purpose. Front. See FACE. Forward, cross, untoward, captious, fractious, perverse, peevish. Ant. Agreeable, obedient, docile, amenable. Frugal, provident, economical, saving, temperate. Ant. Intemperate, profuse, extravagant, self-indulgent. Fruitful, fertile, prolific, productive, abundant, plentiful. Ant. Unfruitful, barren, sterile, useless, fruitless. Frustrate, defeat, foil, baulk, disappoint. Ant. Aid, abet, forward, push, incite, instigate. en courage. Fulfill, accomplish, complete, effect. Ant. Neglect, ignore, disappoint, falsify. Fullness. See ABUNDANCE. Fulsome, coarse, gross, sickening, offensive, rank. Ant, Chaste, sober, nice, delicate. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 83 Fun. See HUMOR. Funereal, dismal, dark, mournful, Ant. Festive, joyous, lively. Furious, violent, boistrous, vehement, dashing, sweeping, rolling, impetuous, frantic, distracted, stormy, angry, raging, fierce. Ant. Calm, sober, quiet, composed, sane, dull, unruffled. Furniture. See EFFECTS. Further. See ADVANCE. Fury. See ANGER. Futile, trifling, trivial, frivolous, useless. Ant. Effective, powerful, cogent, useful, solid, G. Gaiety, merriment, jollity, mirth, hilarity. Ant. Sadness, sorrow, melancholy, gravity. Gain. n. profit, emolument, advantage, benefit, winnings, earnings. Ant. Loss, forfeiture, disadvantage, failure. Gain, v. get, acquire, obtain, attain, procure, earn, win, achieve, reap, release, reach. Ant. Lose, forfeit, suffer, fail. Gainsay, contradict, deny, dispute. Ant. Affirm, verify, conform, attest, witness. Gallant, brave, bold, courageous, gay, fine, showy, intre- pid, fearless, heroic. Ant. Cowardly, churlish, discourteous, rude, coarse. Gallantry, prowess, courage, bravery, valor, heroism, bold- ness, fearlessness, politeness. Ant. Cowardice, timidity, rudeness, barbarity. Galling. See IRRITATING. Gambol, frisk, prank, play, spree, caper. Ant. Droop, flag, tire, wean, work, study. Game, play, pastime, diversion, sport, amusement. Ant. Toil, work, business, duty, study, labor. Gang. See COMPANY. Gap, breach, chasm, hollow, cavity, cleft, crevice, rift, chink. Ant. Contrivance, connection, sequence. Garble, mutilate, misquote, distort, pervert, falsify. Ant. Quote, cite, extract, recite. 84 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Garnish, embellish, adorn, beautify, deck, decorate Ant. Denude, strip, dismantle, spoil, mark. Gather. See COLLECT. Gaudy, showy, tawdry, gay, glittering, bespangled. Ant. Rich, simple, handsome, chaste. Gaunt, emaciated, scraggy, shinny, meagre, lank, attena. ated. spare, lean, thin. Ant. Sleek, fat, well-fed, unctuous. Gawky. See AWKWARD. Gay, cheerful, merry, lively, jolly, sprightly, blithe. Ant. Sad, melancholy, grave, heavy, sombre, dull. Generate. See MAKE. Generation, formation, race, breed, stock, kind, age, era. Ant. Eternity, immortality, perpetuity. Generous, beneficent, noble, honorable, bountiful, liberal. Ant. Stingy, mean, selfish, illiberal, ignoble. Genial, cordial, hearty, festive, joyous, warm. Ant. Ungenial, cold, distant, harsh, deadly. Genius, talent, taste, nature, character, cleverness. Ant. Stupidity, imbecility, stolidity, inanity. Gentle, placid, mild, meek, tame, bland, docile. Ant. Rough, rude, harsh, coarse, fierce, savage. Genuine, real, true, unaffected, sincere, authentic, veritable. Ant. Spurious, fictitious, adulterated, false. Germane, relative, allied, related, pertinent. Ant. Foreign, alien, irrelevant, unconnected. Gesture. See ATTITUDE. Get, obtain, earn, gain, attain, procure, achieve. Ant. Lose, forfeit, surrender, forego. Ghastly, pallid, wan, hideous, grim, shocking. Ant. Ruddy, blooming, fresh, comely, buxom. Ghost, specter, sprite, apparition, shade, phantom. Ant. Substance, body, animal, organism. Gibe, scoff, sneer, flout, jeer, mock, taunt, deride. Ant. Salute, compliment, bail, welcome, greet. Giddy, unsteady, flighty, thoughtless, lofty. Ant. Steady, stationary, wary, composed, slow, pon- derous, thankful, low. Gift, donation, benefaction, grant, alms, gratuity, booa present, faculty, talent. Ant. Earnings, purchase, compensation, remuneration, forfeit, surrender, stupidity, inanity. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 85 Gigantic. See ENORMOUS. Gild. See ADORN. Gird, belt, encircle, enclose, engird. Ant. Open, expand, ungird, disclose. Give, grant, bestow, confer, yield, impart. Ant. Withhold, retain, refuse, deny, withdraw. Glad, pleased, cheerful, joyful, gladsome, gratified, cheer- ing. Ant. Sorry, unhappy, dismal, despondent. Glare, flare, glisten, glitter, dazzle, gleam. Ant. Flicker, glimmer, sparkle, scintillate. Gleam. See GLARE. Glee. See GAIETY. Glib, voluble, fluent, flowing, ready, flippant. Ant. Stammering, slow, hesitating, abrupt, rough. Glide, slip, slide, run, roll on. Ant. Jump, skip, hop, tumble, stumble, soar, fall. Glimmer. See FLICKER. Glimpse, glance, look, glint. Ant. Scrutiny, analysis, investigation, inspection, ex- posure. Glitter. See FLICKER. Gloom, cloud, darkness, dimness, blackness, dullness, sad- ness. Ant. Light, brightness, radiance, clearness. Glorify, magnify, celebrate, adore, exalt, elevate, honor. Ant. Debase, degrade, decry, defame, censure, abuse. Glorious, famous, renowned, celebrated, illustrious, distin- guished, conspicuous, noble, exalted, grand. Ant. Degraded, infamous, unknown, debased, dis- honored. Glory, honor, fame, renown, splendor, grandure. Ant. Ignominy, dishonor, degradation, obscurity. Glowing. See HOT, Glut, gorge, stuff, cram, cloy, satiate, block up, fill to re- pletion, inundate. Ant. Empty, drain, draw off. Go, depart, proceed, move, budge, stir. Ant. Come, stand, stay, abide, remain, persist, endure. Good, n. benefit, weal, advantage, profit, boon. Ant. Hurt, evil, injury, detriment disadvantage, calamity, infliction. /86 A DIG TIONA RY OF S YNON YMO US Good, a. virtuous, righteous, upright, just, true, pious,' efficient, reputable. Ant. Bad evil, wrong, mean, disgraceful, unperfect, victous, invalid, fictitious. Goodly, comely, pleasant, graceful, desirable, considerable. Ant. Unpleasant, undesirable, inconsiderable, small. Gorge. See GLUT. Gorgeous, superb, grand, magnificent, splendid. Ant. Dowdy, dingy, bare, cheap, poor, mean. Govern, rule, manage, command, direct. Ant. Misgovern, misrule, misdirect, tyrranize. Government, rule, administration, cabinet, constitution, state, control, sway. Ant. Anarchy, revolution, rebellion. Graceful, becoming, elegant, beautiful, comely. Ant. Ungraceful, awkward, deformed, gawky. Gracious, merciful, beneficent, courteous, merciful, civil. Ant. Haughty, ungracious, churlish. Gradual, slow, progressive. Ant. Sudden, instanstaneous, intermittent, broken, periodic. Grand, majestic, stately, dignified, lofty, elevated, exalted, splendid, gorgeous, superb, magnificent, sublime, pompous. Ant. Small, little, inferior, common, paltry, insignifi- cant, undignified, petty, unimposing. Grant, bestow impart, give, yield, cede, allow, confer, invest. Ant. Withhold, deny, withdraw, reserve. 'Graphic, forcible, pictorial, telling, picturesque, vivid. Ant. Weak, unpicturesque, undescriptive. Grasp, catch, seize, gripe, clasp, grapple. Ant. Loose, lose, abandon, relinquish, release, sur- render. Grasping, greedy, avaricious, covetous, miserly. Ant. Generous, benevolent, philanthropic. Grateful, agreeable, pleasing, welcome, thankful. Ant. Ungrateful, unacceptable, disagreeable unpleasant. Gratification, enjoyment, pleasure, delight, reward. Ant. Abstinence, abnegation, stinting, pain, dislike. Grave, serious, sedate, thoughtful, solemn, sober, import- ant, weighty, pressing, heavy. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 87 Ant. Joyous, merry, irivolous, facetious, light, trivial. Gravity, weight, heaviness, importance, moment, serious- ness. Ant. Lightness,buoyancy, smallness, frivolity, triviality. Great, big, huge, large, majestic, vast, grand, noble, august. Ant. Little, narrow, puny, few, scanty, short, mean, ignoble, weak. Greediness, avidity, eagerness, voracity. Ant. Abstinence, temperance, indifference, content. Grief. See SORROW. Grieve, mourn, lament, sorrow, pain, hurt, wound, bewail. Ant. Exult, rejoice, ease, console, soothe. Gr*vious, painful, afflicting, heavy, baneful, unhappy, dis- astrous, calamitous. Ant. Joyous, pleasant, glad, acceptable, light. Gripe, catch, seize, clutch, grasp, press, squeeze, pinch. Ant. Abandon, relax, soothe, ease, relieve. Grisly. See GHASTLY. Gross, coarse, outrageous, unseemly, shameful, indelicate, entire, whole. Ant. Pure, refined, partial, net. Ground. See ESTABLISH. Groundless, unfounded, baseless, ungrounded, gratuitous. Ant. Well-founded, authoritative, authentic, substantial. Group. See ASSEMBLY. Grovel, crawl, cringe, fawn, sneak. Ant. Soar, aspire, mount, rise, Grow, increase, vegetate, expand, advance. Ant. Disminish, contract, die, wane, fail. Growl, grumble, snarl, murmur, complain. Ant. Chuckle, cackle, grin, acquiesce, purr. Grudge, malice, rancor, spite, pique, hatred, aversion. Ant. Welcome, liking, affection, attachment. Gruff, rough, rugged, blunt, rude, harsh, surly, bearish. Ant. Affable, courteous, smooth, mild. Grumble. See GROWL. Guard, v. See PROTECT. Guard, n. See PROTECTION. Guess. See SURMISE. Guide, lead, conduct Direct, regulate, manage, superin- tend 88 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Mislead, misconduct, betray, deceive. Guile, deceit, fraud, artifice, trickery. Ant. Honesty, candor, sincerity, frankness. Guilt, crime, offense, sin. Ant. Honesty, truth, frankness, straightforwardness, virtue. Guise, manner, aspect, mien, habit, dress. Ant. Individual, life, mind, soul, self. Gull. See CHEAT. Gush, stream, flow, rush, spout. Ant. Drip, drop, dribble, trickle, ooze, filter. Gust, breeze, blast, gale, squall. Ant. Calm, quiet. H Habiliments. See DRESS. Habit. See CUSTOM. Habitation. See ABODE. Habitual, usual, customary, accustomed, wonted, regular, ordinary. Ant. Unusual, rare, exceptional, occasional, extraor- dinary. Hail, greet, salute, welcome, accost, call. Ant. Ignore, pass, cut, avoid. Hale. See HEALTHY. Hallow, consecrate, sanctify, venerate, dedicate, enshrine. Ant. Desecrate, profane, abominate, execrate. Halt, rest, pause, falter, limp, hop, hobble. Ant. Advance, speed, proceed, progress. Handle, manage, use, wield, feel. Ant. Drop, mismanage, bungle, abstain. Handsome, pretty, elegant, graceful, ample, beautiful, fine. Ant. Uncomely, ugly, ill-looking, coarse. Handy, near, convenient, ready, dexterous. Ant. Remote, inconvenient, unhandy, awkward, un- weildy. Hapless. See LUCKLESS. Happen, betide, befall, occur, Ant. Ordain, ordered, caused. Happiness, felicity, bliss, prosperity, wellbeing, welfare. Ant. Unhappiness, sorrow, grief, despair, misery. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 89 Happy, prosperous, successful, lucky, fortunate, glad. Ant. Unhappy, sorrowful, miserable, dull, sorry, dis- consolate. Harass. See PERPLEX. Harbor, n. port, haven, asylum, refuge. Ant. Exposure, peril, toil, labor, voyage. Harbor, v. shelter, indulge, foster, cherish, entertain. Ant. Exclude, eject, expel, banish, dismiss. Hard, firm, solid, flinty, unfeeling, harsh, cruel, difficult, arduous. Ant. Soft, fluid, liquid, elastic, brittle, easy, mild, lenient, tender, simple. Hardened. See HARD. Hardihood. See AUDACITY. Hardy, manly, masculine, vigorous, courageous, brave, heroic, intrepid, stout, strong, firm. Ant. Weak, fragile, delicate, effeminate, enervated. Harm, evil, ill, misfortune, mischief, mishap, injury, hurt, detriment. Ant. Benefit, boon, improvement, compensation, rep- aration. Harmonious, symphonious, accordant, amicable. Ant. Discordant, incongruous, harsh, grating, riotous. Harsh, rough, severe, rigorous, gruff, rugged, blunt, grat- ing, jarring, sour. Ant. Smooth, soft, melodious, suave, kindly, gentle. Hasten, push on, press on, accelerate, quicken, expedite, hurry. Ant. Retard, impede, obstruct, hesitate, halt. Hasty, quick, precipitate, rash, excitable, hot, fiery, pas- sionate, angry cursory, slight. Ant. Slow, careful, close, reflective, thoughtful, deliber- ate. Hate, detest, abominate, abhor, loathe, dislike. Ant. Love, cherish, like, approve. Hateful, odious, detestable, execrable, abominal, loath- some, repulsive. Ant. Loveable, desirable, delightful, attraction, pleas- ant. Haughtiness. See ARROGANCE. Haunt. See FREQUENT. Havoc, destruction, desolation, devastation. 9o A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Prosperity, conservation, augmentation, enrich- ment. Hazard, peril, imperil, jeopardize, risk, dare, conjecture. Ant. Insure, protect, guard, think, know, determine. Haze, fog, mist, rime. Ant. Clearness, transparency, brightness, Head. See CHIEF. Headstrong. See OBSTINATE. Heal, cure, remedy, reconcile. Ant. Hurt, wound, harm, pierce. Healthy, hearty, hale, sound, strong, wholesome. Ant. Unhealthy, unsound, delicate, sick, weak, noxious. Heap. See ACCUMULATE. Hear, hearken, overhear, listen. Ant. Ignore, disregard, refuse. Hearty. See HEALTHY. Heavenly, celestial, divine, seraphic, angelic. Ant. Hellish, diabolical, devilish. Heaviness, dullness, gloom, lethargy, torpor. Ant. Lightness, buoyancy, joyousness, animation. Heavy, weighty, massive, dull, drowsy, insipid, oppres- sive, inert, slow. Ant. Light, agile, active, quick, brisk, animated, joyous. Heed, mind, attend to, regard, notice. Ant. Disregard, slight, ignore. Height, top, crisis, acme, apex, climax, zenith. Ant. Depth, base, lowness, depression, abasement. Heighten, amplify, exaggerate, raise, enhance, increase. Ant. Lower, depress, debase, diminish, tone, modify. Help. See AID. Heroic, courageous, brave, bold, intrepid, fearless, gallant. Ant. Cowardly, cravenly, dastardly, timidly. Hesitate, falter, pause, demur, scruple. Ant. Resolve, decide, determine, proceed. Hew, cut, fell, hack, chop. Ant. Mould, model, form, carve. Hidden, secret, occult, mysterious. Ant. Open, exposed, revealed, understood, apparent, evident. Hide, -v. conceal, disguise, secrete, cover, screen. Ant. Expose, exhibit, discover, betray, show. Hide. n. See SKIN. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 91 Hideous, ghastly, grim, grisly, frightful, horrible, ugly. Ant. Attractive, beautiful, graceful. High, tall, lofty, elevated, proud, conceited. Ant. Low, depressed, stunted, mean, base, affable. Hilarity, mirth, glee, jollity, merriment, joviality. Ant. Despair, grief, sorrow, mournfulness, depression. Hinder, thwart, retard, stop, prevent, impede, obstruct. Ant. Expedite, promote, facilitate, accelerate. Hint. See SUGGEST. Hire, pay, allowance, salary, wages, stipend. Ant. Gratuity, present. Hit, strike, dash, beat, thump. Ant. Miss, mischance, fail, err. Hoard, heap up, treasure, lay up, store. Ant. Waste, squander, dissipate. Hoax. See TRICK. Hoist. See LIFT. Hold, have, possess, keep, detain, retain. Ant. Drop, abandon, release, forego, vacate, surrender, fail. Hollow, vacant, empty, void. Ant. Solid, full, strong, firm, genuine, sound. Holy, sacred, pious, devout, religious, divine. Ant. Unholy, profane, evil, impure. Homage, respect, deference, honor, veneration. I Ant. Defiance, treason, rebellion, disaffection. Home. See ABODE. Honest, upright, honorable, conscientious, virtuous. Ant. Dishonest, tricky, deceitful, fraudulent, guileful. Honesty, integrity, purity, probity, sincerity, veracity, virtue, justice. Ant. Dishonesty, fraud, deceit, deception, guile. Honor, n. homage, dignity, grandeur, deference, respect, regard. Ant. Disrespect, irreverence, abasement, dishonor. Honor, v. reverence, revere, venerate, respect, dignify, exalt. Ant. Disrespect, despise, obscure, dishonor. Hope, expectation, expectancy, trust, confidence, antici- pation. Ant. Despair, despondency, disbelief. 92 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Horrible, fearful, dreadful, dire, direful, frightful, terrible; terrific, horrid. Ant. Lovely, desirable, enjoyable, beautiful, fair, amia- ble. Hostile. See ADVERSE. Hostility. See ENMITY. Hot, ardent, fervent, fiery, burning, glowing, intense, pas- sionate. Ant. Cold, cool, slow, indifferent, passionless. House. See ABODE. Huge. See ENORMOUS. Humanity, kindness, benevolence, philanthropy, tender- ness, sensibility. Ant. Inhumanity, cruelty, unkindness, bestiality. Humble, v. lower, debase, degrade, disgrace, humiliate. Ant. Raise, enhance, honor, elevate. Humble, a. lowly, modest, submissive, unpretending, un- assuming. Ant. Eminent, proud, boastful, arrogant, pretentious. Humiliation. See DEGRADATION. Humor, satire, wit, jocularity, temper, mood, frame, fun. Ant. Seriousness, gravity, sorrow, grief, nature. Hurl. See FUNG. Hurricance. See GALE. Hurry, v. hasten, speed, expedite, precipitate. Ant. Hinder, retard, restrain, obstruct, dally, tarry. Hurt, annoy, grieve, vex, wound. Ant. Heal, soothe, repair, console, benefit, compensate. Hurtful, pernicious, baneful, deleterious, noxious, detri mental, prejudicial, destructive. Ant. Advantageous, useful, beneficial, healthy, whole. some. Hush, lull, calm, still, quiet, silence. Ant. Noise, riot, gale, disturbance, boisterity. Hypocrisy, deceit, pretence, cant. Ant, Honesty, candor, openness, virtue, fanaticism. Idea, imagination, conception, notion, thought, sentiment, impression. Ant. Object, form, subject thintr -*'itv. ~AN~D ANTITHETIC WORDS. 93 Ideal, fanciful, imaginary, imaginative. Ant. Physical, material, real, actual, palpable, visible, tangible. Identical, same, self-same, particular. Ant. Different, distinct, contrary, opposed, separate. Idiot. See FOOL. Idle, lazy, indolent, inactive, unemployed. Ant. Busy, employed, occupied, industrious, filled, pop- ulated. Ignominious, shameful, scandalous, infamous. Ant. Creditable, reputable, honorable. Ignorant, unlearned, illiterate, unlettered, uninformed, un* educated. Ant. Learned, wise, informed, educated, cultured, cuki* vated. 111. See EVIL. Ill, sick, indisposed, unwell, diseased. Ant. Well, healthy, sound, hearty. Ill-tempered. See SURLY. Ill-will. See HATRED. Illegal, unlawful, illicit, contraband, illegitimate. Ant. Lawful, legal, legitimate, honest. Illimitable. See INFINITE. Illiterate. See IGNORANT. Illness, sickness, indisposition, disease, disorder, malady, ailment. Ant. Health, vigor, soundess, activity. Illusion, deception, phantasm, fallacy. Ant. Reality, body, substance. Illustrate, explain, elucidate, clear. Ant. Obscure, confuse, mystify, darken. Illustrious, celebrated, glorious, noble, eminent, distin- guished, famous, renowned. Ant. Infamous, disreputable, ignominious, disgraceful, Image, likeness, picture, representation, effigy. Ant. Original, substance, subject, reality, truth, verity. Imaginary, ideal, fanciful, illusory. Ant. Real, true, substantial, satisfactory, solid. Imagine, conceive, fancy, apprehend, think, presume. Ant. Prove, demonstrate, depict, exhibit, substantiate. Imbecility, silliness, senility, dotage. Ant. Wisdom, shrewdness, sagacity, cleverness. 94 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Imbibe. See ABSORB. Imbolden. See ENCOURAGE. Imitate, copy, ape, mimic, mock, counterfeit. Ant. Alter, distort caricature, modify, misrepresent, vary. Immaculate, unspotted, spotless, unsullied, staimess. Ant. Defiled, impure, corrupt, sinful, contaminated, polluted. Immediately, instantly ; forthwith, directly, instanter, presently, straightway. Ant. By and by, distantly, remotely. Immense. See ENORMOUS. Immerse, dip, plunge, douse, souse. Ant. Dry, drain, air, ventilate, hoist out. Immigration, colonization, settlement Ant. Emigration, exodus. Immunity, privilege, prerogative, exemption. Ant. Liability, obligation, impost, jurisdiction. Immure, confine, shut up, imprison. Ant. Release, dismiss, acquit, escape. Impair, injure, diminish, decrease. Ant. Enhance, improve, augment, repair. Impart. See GIVE. Impartial. See JUST. Impassioned, passionate, glowing, burning, fiery, vehe- ment, intense, impetuous. Ant. Cool, impassive, indifferent. Impeach, accuse, charge, arraign, censure. Ant. Acquit, absolve, vindicate. Impede. See OBSTRUCT. Impediment. See OBSTA* LE Impel. See ENCOURAGE. Impending, imminent, threatening. Ant. Distant, remote. Imperative, commanding, dictatorial, authoritative, des- potic, peremptory. Ant. Indulgent, lenient, mild, supplicatory, optional, discretional. Imperfection. See BLEMISH. Imperil, peril, endanger, hazard, jeopardise. Ant. Defend, secure, protect, shield. Imperious. See DICTATORIAL. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 95 Impertinent, intrusive, meddling, officious, rude, saucy, impudent, insolent. Ant. Pertinent, related, appropriate, fit, proper, appli- cable. Impervious, impassable, inaccessable, impenetrable. Ant. Penetrable, explorable, traversable. Impetuous, violent, boisterous, furious, vehement, rapid, hasty. Ant. Slow, thoughtful, deliberate, leisurely. Impious, profane, irreligious, godless. Ant. Pious, sacred, godly, religious. Implicate, involve, entangle, embarrass, compromise. Ant. Extricate, acquit, disconnect. Implore. See ENTREAT. Imply, involve, comprise, infold, import, denote, signify,. Ant. Express* state, declare, pronounce. Importance, signification, significance, avail, consequence, weight, gravity, moment. Ant. Unimportance, irrelevance, triviality, meanness. Important, pressing, momentous, material, weighty, grave. Ant. Unimporant, insignificant, trivial, irrelevant, petty. mean. Impose, put, place, set, fix, lay. Ant. Remove, unburden. Imposing, impressive, striking, majestic, august, noble, grand. Ant. Ineffective, undignified, petty. Imposition. See CHEAT. Impost, tax, duty, custom, excise, tribute, toll. Ant. Exemption, immunity, proceeds, revenue. Impostor. See CHEAT. Imposture. See CHEAT. Impotence. See WEAKNESS. Impotent. See WEAK. Impregnate. See SATURATE. Impression, feeling, sentiment, sensation, susceptibility, stamp, edition. Ant. Apathy, insensibility, evenness. Impressive, stirring, forcible, exciting, affecting, moving. Ant. unimpressive, ordinary, common, laugnable, lu- dicrous. Imprison, See CONFINE. 96 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS \ Imprisonment, incarceration, captivity, durance, confine* ment. Ant. Freedom, release, acquittal, liberty. Improve, amend, better, mend, reform, rectify, ameliorate, apply, use, employ. Ant. Debase, lower, disgrace, abase, drag down, make worse. Improvement, progress, proficiency, amendment, correc- tion, advancement. Am. Debasement, retrogression, blemish, fault. Improvident. See PRODIGAL. Impudence, assurance, impertinence, confidence, insolence, rudeness. Ant. Courtesy, attention, flattery, compliment, good- breeding. Impudent. See IMPUDENCE. Impugn, gainsay, oppose, attack, assail. Ant. Confirm, prove, establish, evidence. Impulse. See MOTIVE. ' >puisive, rash, hasty, forcible, violent. Ant. Deliberate, thoughtful, cool, quiet, self-restrained, fmpure, mixed, adulterated, tainted, foul. Ant. Pure, good, unadulterated, honest. Imputation, blame, censure, reproach, charge, accusation. Ant. Withdrawal, retraction, acquittal. Inability, weakness, impotence, incapacity, incapability. Ant. Ability, power, strength, capacity, capability. Inactive, inert, lazy, slothful, sluggish, idle, indolent. Ant. Active, smart, energetic, alert. Inanimate, lifeless, dead, defunct, inert, extinct. Ant. Animate, alive, sensible, active, lively. Incapable, unable, inadequate, incompetent, insufficient unfit. Ant. Able, competent, fitted. Incentive. See MOTIVE. Incessantly, always, unceasingly, continually, perpetu. ally. Ant. Occasionally, periodically, intermittently, never. Incident. See CIRCUMSTANCE. Incidental, accidental, casual, contingent, occasional. Ant. Essential, invariable, regular, irrelative, uniform, inherent. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. Ant. Erect, raise, rise, straighten, stabilitate. Leap. See JUMP. Learning, knowledge, scholarship, erudition, lore. Ant. Ignorance, illiteracy, intuition. revelation, inspira* tion. Leave, n. liberty, licence, permission. Ant. Prohibition, prevention, refusal, restriction. Leave, v. quit, relinquish, renounce, give up, retire, de- part, go, withdraw. Ant. Pursue, prosecute, seek, court, hold, keep, sup- port, occupy. Legal. See LAWFUL. Legend, fable, myth, memoir, chronicle. Ant. Fact, history, transaction, substantiation. Legitimate, legal, lawful, genuine, fair. Ant. Illegitimate, illicit, unallowable, unfair, bastard. Leisure, vacation, recess, freedom, convenience, ease. Ant. Toil, labor, business, employment, occupation, engagement. Lengthen, extend, elongate, protract, prolong. Ant. Condense, abbreviate, shorten, contract. Lessen, abate, diminish, decrease, lower, subside. Ant. Lengthen, increase, extend, elongate. Let. See ALLOW. Letter, epistle, note, communication. Ant. Word, speech, conversation. Level, even, plain, smooth, flat. Ant.' Uneven, unequal, rough, rolling, inclined. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. Ill t-evity, giddiness, lightness, flightiness. Ant. Gravity, earnestness, seriousness. Liable, exposed to, subject to, amenable. Ant. Independent, autocratic. Libel, lampoon, pasquinade, defamation, calumny. Ant. Eulogy, panegyric, puff, encomium, apology, vin- dication. Liberal, generous, bountiful, bounteous, munificent, plenti- ful. Ant. Illiberal, mean, ungenerous, bigoted, prejudiced. Liberate, set free, free, deliver, discharge, release, let gp. Ant. Confine, immure, imprison, restrict, bind, enslave. Liberty, leave, permission, freedom, independence. Ant. Slavery, servitude, dependence, submission, co^ straint. Licentious, loose, lax, dissolute, rakish, unbridled, de- bauched. Ant. Temperate, strict, sober, ascetic, rigid. Lie, untruth, falsehood, falsity, fabrication, fiction, io vention, story. Ant. Truth, fact, verity. iLife, animation, vivacity, buoyancy, spirits, history, career, existence. Ant. Death, decease, lethargy, torpor, dullness. Lift, raise, elevate, erect, exalt, hoist. Ant. Sink, depress, degrade, lower, cast, hurt. Light, illuminate, illumine, enlighten, lighten. Ant. Darken, obscure, dim, shade, mystify, misinter- pret. Lightness, levity, flightiness, volatility, giddiness, in- constancy. Ant. Darkness, gravity, seriousness. Likeness, picture, image, effigy, resemblance, similarity, representation, similitude. Ant. Original, unlikeness, dissimilarity, inequality, di* parity. Likelihood. See PROBABILITY. Likewise, also, too, as well. Ant. Nor, otherwise. Limit, n. extent, boundary, bound, border. Ant. Extension, infinity. Limit, v. bound, circumscribe, restrict, confin*. Jl2 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Extend, prolong, unconfine, loosen. Limpid. See CLEAR. Lineage, descent, family, house, generation Ant. Source, origin, ancestry. Linger, tarry, loiter, wait, lag. saunter. Ant. Hasten, speed, press push. Link, tie, bind, join, chain. Ant. Disjoin, break, untie, unbind. Liquid, fluid, juicy, watery, fluent, limpid. Ant. Solid, hard, congealed, dry harsh, discordant Liquidate. See PAY. List. See CATALOGUE. Listen, list, hearken, heed, attend to. Ant. Ignore, disregard, refuse, repudiate. Listless, indifferent, indolent, careless, languid. Ant. Eager, attentive, active, earnest, awake, in terested. Literal, actual, real, positive, true. Ant. General, metaphorical, figurative, free. Little, small, diminutive, dwarf, tiny, short, scanty, brief, slight, weak, petty, paltry. Ant. Big, bulky, large, enormous, huge. long, full, much, important, liberal, generous, noble. Live, exist, subsist, dwell, act. Ant. Die, perish, wither, vanish, fade, fail, depart. Livelihood, living, support, sustenance. Ant. Want, starvation, beggary. Lively, active, brisk, quick, sprightly, prompt, buoyant, racy, vivacious. Ant. Lifeless, listless, dull, indifferent, torpid, insenr sible. Loath, a. reluctant, backward, unwilling. Ant. Eager, willing, alert, anxious. Loathe. See ABHOR. Lofty, high, tall, elevated, exalted. Ant. Low, depressed, stunted, undignified. Logical, sound, argumentative, conclusive, Ant. illogical inconclusive, fallacious Loiter, wait, linger, tarry, saunter, lag. Ant. Hasten, hurry, speed, rush. Lone. See SOLITARY, Look. See ASPECT. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 113 Eo6k, see, witness, view, eye, inspect. Ant. Overlook, hide, avert, miss, furk. Loose, vague, indefinite, lax, slack, dissolute, licentious, rakish, wanton. Ant. Tied, fast, bound, tight, compact, accurate, ex- act, logical, conscientious. Loss, damage, detriment, waste. Ant. Gain, advantage, satisfaction, recovery, econ- omy. Lot, destiny, future, doom. Ant. Law, provision, design, purpose, portion. Loud, noisy, clamorous, vociferous, blustering, riotous; turbulent, tumultuous. Ant. Soft, quiet, gentle, subdued, dulcet, inaudible. Love, endearment, affection, attachment, fondness. Ant. Hatred, dislike, coldness, indifference, repug- nance, malice. Lovely, charming, amiable, delightful. Ant. Homely, unlovely, unattractive, hideous, plain. Lover, suitor, sweetheart, wooer. Ant. Rival, foe, opponent. Low, humble, lowly, base, mean, filthy, foul, gentle. Ant. High, tall, elevated, raised, loud, eminent. Lower, reduce, humble, humiliate, degrade, debase. Ant. Hoist, raise, heighten, increase, elevate. Lowering. See GLOOMY. Luck. See CHANCE. (Luckless. See HAPLESS. iucre, gain, profit, emolument, money. Ant. Loss, poverty, dross, failure, privation. Ludicrous. See RIDICULOUS. Lull, quiet, hush, still, calm. Ant. Storm, tempest, tumult, excitement. Luminous. See LIGHT. Lunacy, derangement, madness, insanity, aberration. Ant. Sanity, reason, intelligence, lucidity. Lurid, gloomy, murky, lowering. Ant. Bright, luminous. Luscious, honeyed, sweet, mellifluous. Ant. Sour, sharp, tart, bitter. Lustre, splendor, brightness, brilliancy, effulgence, refnU gence. H4 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Dimness, dullness, darkness, cloudiness. Lusty, stout, strong, able-bodied, stalwart, robust, mus- cular,. Ant. Infirm, weak, disabled, effete, listless. Luxuriant, overflowing, exuberant, redundant, abundant. Ant. Poor, mean, small. Luxury, plenty, profusness, voluptuousness. Ant, Ascetisism, self-denial, hardship, poverty^ M Machination, stratagem, imposture, fraud, cheat, trick plot. Ant. Detection, baffling, defeat, exposure, overthrow. * Mad, wild, frantic, distracted, furious, rabid, insane. Ant. Sane, sensible, composed, sober, rational. Madden, irritate, enrage, exasperate. Ant. Calm, soothe, pacify, assuage. Madness, mental aberration, insanity, lunacy, mania^ frenzy, rage, fury. Ant. Sanity, sense, composure, sobriety, rationality. Magnanimous, generous, august, dignified, noble, exalted, lofty. Ant. Mean, petty, paltry, spiteful. Magnificence, splendor, grandeur, gorgeousness, pomp. Ant. Tameness, tawdryness, pettiness, smallness. Magnify, enlarge, extol, applaud, laud, amplify. Ant. Diminish, contract, curtail, extenuate, decry. Magnitude. See SIZE. J Maim, mutilate, mangle, cripple, lame. Ant. Mend, strengthen, restore. Main, chief, principal, leading, first. Ant. Portion, inferior, subordinate. Maintain. See SUPPORT. x Maintenance. See LIVELIHOOD. Majestic, dignified, noble, stately, pompous, grand* Ant. Mean, small, undignified, petty. Majesty, grandeur, dignity, honor. Ant. Meanness, debasement, degradation. Make, create, form, produce, mold, shape, construct, gain, fashion. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 113 Ant. Destroy, demolish, annihilate, dismember, undo defeat, miss, lose, mar. Malady, ailment, disease, distemper, disorder, sickness. Ant. Health, vigor, soundness. Malediction, curse, imprecation, denunciation, anathema. Ant. Benediction, eulogy, compliment. Malefactor. See CRIMINAL. Malice, spite, rancor, ill-feeling, grudge, pique, animosity. Ant. Charity, toleration, love, kindness, affection. Malicious, virulent, malignant, wicked. Ant. Kind, loveable, affectionate, charitable, good. Manacle. See CHAIN. Manage, contrive, concert, direct, handle, control, regu- late, i Ant. Mismanage, misconduct, upset, derange. Management, direction, superintendence, care, economy. Ant. Maltreatment, mismanagement, misconduct. Mangle. See MAIM. Mania. See MADNESS. Manifest, v. See EXHIBIT. Manifest, a. See EVIDENT. Manifold, several, sundry, various, divers, numerous. Ant. Limited, few, scant, rare. Manly, masculine, hardy, vigorous, courageous, brave, heroic. Ant. Effeminate, childish, unmanly, dastardly, weak, boyish, timid, feminine. Manner, habit, custom, way, air, look, appearance, mode, style, fashion. Ant. Design, performance, life, action, appearance raw- ing Manners, morals, habits, behavior, carriage. Ant. Misbehavior, awkwardness, misdemeanor. Many, numerous, several, sundry, divers, various, mani? fold, Ant. Few, scarce, rare, infrequent. Mar. See INJURE. March, tramp, tread, walk, step, space. Ant. Halt, stop, stand, rest, crawl, creep, Jump. run. Margin, edge, rim, border, brink, verge. Ant. Center, space, figure, restriction. li6 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Marine, maritime, nautical, naval. Ant. Territorial, land, earthly. Mark, . sign, note, symptom, token, indication, tract, vestige, track badge, brand. Ant. Erasure, effacement, obliteration, plainness. Mark, v. impress, print, stamp, engrave, note, notice, ** mark, show, indicate. Ant. Ignore, overlook, omit, misindicate. Marked. See REMARKABLE. Marriage, wedding, nuptials, matrimony, wedlock. Ant. Celibacy, virginity. Marsh. See SWAMP. Martial. See MILITARY. Marvelous. See WONDERFUL. Masculine. See MANLY. Mask, visor, cloak, veil, blind. Ant. Truth, exposure, detection, openness, candor. Massacre, carnage, slaughter, butchery. Ant. Deliverance, quarter, ransom. Massive, bulky, heavy, weighty, ponderous. Ant. Slight, frail, light, slender. Master, possessor, proprietor, head, owner. Ant. Servant, slave, subject, property, pupil. Masterly, skillful, clever expert, dexterous, adroit. Ant. Clumsy, rude, unskilled. Mastery, dominion, rule, sway, ascendancy, supremacy, authority, victory. Ant. Submission, tutelage, guidance, obedience, failure, defeat, surrender. Matchless, unrivaled, unequaled, unparalleled, peerless, incomparable, inimitable, surpassing, unique. Ant. Common, ordinary, commonplace. Material, corporeal, bodily, physical, temporal, moment- ous, essential. Ant. Immaterial, spiritual, metaphysical, ideal, no essential. Matrimony. See MARRIAGE. Matter. See SUBSTANCE ; see also AFFAIR. Mature. See RIPE. Mawkish, insipid, flat, spiritless, vapid. Ant, Savorv. sound, pungent, palatable* 'AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. "117 Maxim, adage, apophthegm, proverb, saying, by-word, saw. Ant. Enigma, sophism, quibble, absurdity, paradox. Meager, poor, lank, emaciated, barren, dry, uninteresting. Ant. Stout, fat, brawny, fertile, copious. Mean, a. stingy, niggardly, low, abject, vile, ignoble, de- graded, contemptible, vulgar, despicable. Ant. Generous, openhanded, extravagant, noble, lofty, dignified, exalted, extreme, excessive. Mean, v. design, purpose, intend, contemplate, signify, de. note, indicate. Ant. Say, state, enunciate, do, perform. Meaning, signification, import, acceptation, sense, purport. Ant. Statement, saying, speech, proposition, passage. Means, way, manner, method, mode, resources, instru- ment. Ant. End, purpose, object. Mechanic. See WORKMAN. Meddlesome, officious, intermeddling, interfering. Ant. Helpful, unofficious, inobtrusive. Mediate, intercede, interpose, interfere, arbitrate. Ant. Combat, excite, irritate. Mediocity, commonplace, mean, average. Ant. Superiority, excellence, distinction. Meditate, think, reflect, muse, plan. Ant. Execute, enact, complete, consummate. Medium. See MEANS. Medley, mixture, variety, diversity, miscellany, confusion. Ant. Classification, order, arrangement, assortment, grouping. Meek, unassuming, mild, gentle, yielding. Ant. Bold, arrogant, proud, high-spirited. Meet, apt, fit, suitable, expedient, proper. Ant. Unsuitable, unfit, unmeet. Meeting. See ASSEMBLY. Melancholy, low-spirited, dispirited, dreamy, sad, de- jected. Ant. Merry, lively, sprightly, blithesome, cheerful, happy. Mellow, ripe, mature, soft. Ant. Unripe, sour, harsh, crabbed, dry. Melodious. Se MUSICAL. n8 A DICTION-ARY OF SYNONYMOUS Melt, liquefy, fuse, dissolve, moisten. Ant. Consolidate, freeze, congeal, crystalize. Memoir, narrative, chronicle, legend, life, history. Ant. Myth, tradition, romance. Memorable, signal, distinguished, marked, famous, re* markable, extraordinary. Ant. Ordinary, insignificant, petty, trivia\. Memorial, monument, memento, commemoration. Ant. Obliteration, erasure, effacement. Memory, remembrance, recollection, fame. Ant. Forgetfulness, oblivion. Menace. See THREAT. Mend, amend, correct, better, ameliorate, improve, rectify. Ant. Impair, damage, mar, corrupt, spoil, prevent. Menial, servant, domestic, drudge. Ant. Master, lord, soverign, autocrat. Mention, tell, name, communicate, impart, divulge, reveal, disclose, inform, acquaint. Ant. Conceal, retain, withhold, suppress, omit, forget. Mercenary, sordid, selfish, avaricious. Ant. Generous, prodigal, liberal, unselfish. Merchant, trader, tradesman, dealer. Ant. Salesman, peddler, jobber, employee. Merciful, compassionate, lenient, clement, tender, gracious, kind. Ant. merciless, cruel, unmerciful, pitiless, remorseless. Mercy, lenient, mildness, clemency, compassion, pity. Ant. Vengeance, cruelty, harshness, execution. Merit, worth, desert, excellence. Ant. Badness, demerit, imperfection, defect, fault, fafl ing. Merited, deserved, condign, suitable, adequate, proper. Ant. Unmerited, undeserved, improper. Merriment, mirth, joviality, jollity, hilarity. Ant. Soberness, sobriety, gravity, moroseness, lugubri- ousness. Merry, cheerful, mirthful, joyous, gay, lively, sprightly, blithe, blithesome, jovial, sportive, jolly. Ant. Melancholy, dispirited, sad, gloomy, sober, grave. Metaphorical, figurative, allegorical, symbolical. Ant. Literal, exact, actual. Method, way. manner, mode, process, order, rule, system. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 119 Ant. Disorder, assumption hazard, guess-work, con- jecture. Mien. See AIR. Mighty, powerful, potent. Ant. Weak, impotent, feeble, infirm. Mild, soft, meek, gentle, kind, calm, moderate. Ant. Violent, wild, fierce, savage, strong, severe, harsh bitter. Military, soiuierlike, martial, warlike. Ant. Unmilitary, peaceful, civil, civilian, unmartial. Mind, v. heed, advert to, regard. Ant. Disregard, ignore, overlook, miss. Mind, n. sentiirent. opinion, idea, notion, intellect, under- standing Ant. Body, limD_ action, conduct, object, aversion. Mindful, observant, attentive, heedful, thoughtful. Ant. Regardless, inattentive, mindless, oblivious Mingle, mix, blend, compound, amalgamate. Ant. Separate, sift, sort, analyze, eliminate, unravel. Minister, n. official, divine, clergyman, ecclesiastic, par- son, curate, incumbent. Ant. Government, nation, master, head, layman. Minister, v. administer, contribute, supply. Ant. Rule, command, exact, lead. Minute, particular, specific, circumstantial, microscopic. Ant. Big, huge, enormous, superficial, general, com- prehension. Mirth, joy, merriment, gladness, festivity, joviality, hi- ! larity, cheerfulness, vivacity, gaiety, fun, jollity. Ant. Sadness, sorrow, trouble, gravity, sobriety, mel- ancholy. Miscellaneous, promiscuous, indiscriminate, mixed. Ant. Selected, classified, orderly, systematized. Miscellany, medley, diversity, variety, mixture. Ant. System, order, group, collection, classification. Mischance, calamity, disaster, misfortune, mishap, misad- venture. Ant. Chance, design, purpose, predestination, law. Mischief, injury, harm, damage, hurt, evil, ill. Ant. Compensation, benefit, favor, good. Misconception, misapprehension, misunderstanding, mis- take. MO A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Conception, understanding, truth, verity. Miscreant. See ROGUE. Miserable, unhappy, wretched, distressed, afflicted. Ant. Happy, contented, comfortable, respectable, worthy. Miserly, stingy, niggardly, avaricious, griping. Ant. Prodigal, extravagant, generous, liberal. Misery, wretchedness, woe, destitution, penury, privation. Ant. Happiness, comfort, content, respect, worth, lux- ury, ease. Misfortune. See DISASTER. Misguide, mislead, dazzle, beguile, deceive. Ant. Guide, lead, show, conduct, aid, help, encourage. Mislead. See MISGUIDE. Misrule, anarchy, confusion. Ant. Rule, order, stability, government, peace. Miss, omit, lose, fail, miscarry. Ant. Meet, spy, accost, address, conduct. Mission, commission, legation, embassy, errand. Ant. Assumption, usurpation, self-appointment, relaxa- tion, pleasure. Mistake, n. See ERROR. Mistake, v. err, fail, misconceive, misapprehend. Ant. Apprehend, affirm, know, recognize. Misty, murky, dark, dim, obscure, cloudy, shadowy, dusky. Ant. Bright, clear, lucid. Misunderstand. See Mistake. Mitigate, alleviate, relieve, abate, diminish. Ant. Aggravate, enhance, enlarge, increase, extend. Mix. See MINGLE. Mixture. See VARIETY. Mob, crowd, concourse, multitude, throng, bevy. Ant. Individual, meeting, congregation. Mock, mimic, imitate, ape, deride, ridicule. Ant. Salute, respect, admire, compliment, copy. Mode. See METHOD. Model, copy, pattern, specimen, example, standard, type. Ant. Imitation, copy, execution, production, work. Moderate, temperate, abstemious, sober, abstinent. Ant. Excessive, extravagant, intemperate, violent. Moderation, temperance, sobriety, abstemiousness. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 121 Ant, Excess, intemperance, extravagance. Modern, novel, new, recent, present. Ant. By-gone, ancient, past, olden, antiquated. Modest, chaste, virtuous, bashful, reserved, meek. Ant. Immodest, bold, vulgar, coarse, forward, pushing, assertive. Moist, wet, damp, dank, humid. Ant. Arid, dry, parched. Molest, annoy, incommode, discommode incommodate, vex, tease, disturb. Ant. Soothe, caress, pacify, mollify. Moment, consequence, weight, importance, instant, trice. Ant. Triviality, unimportance, insignificance, age, period. Monotonous, unvaried, dull, tiresome, undiversified. Ant. Varied, diversified, different, relieved. Monster, ruffian, villain, brute, prodigy. Ant. Beauty, gem, jewel, angel. Monstrous, shocking, dreadful, horrible, prodigious, por. tentous, marvellous, abnormal. Ant. Fair, comely, shapely, beautiful, ordinary, famil- iar, reasonable, just. Monument. See MEMORIAL. Mood, humor, vein, temper. Ant. Disposition, nature, character. Moral, regular, strict, virtuous, ethical. Ant. Immoral, vicious, bad, physical, material. Morass. See SWAMP. Morbid, sick, ailing, sickly, diseased, corrupted. Ant. Healthy, sound, wholesome. Morning, daybreak, morn, dawn, sunrise, forenoon, A. M. Ant. Evening, afternoon, night, sunset, P. M. Morose, gloomy, sullen, surly, fretful, crabbed, crusty. Ant. Genial, kindly, gentle, indulgent. Mortal, human, deadly, fatal, destructive. Ant. Divine, immortal, celestial, life-giving. Mortify, vex, chagrin, grieve, hurt, afflict, annoy, rot, putrefy. Ant. Please, gratify, delight, indulge, pamper, heal, recover. Motion, proposition, proposal, movement, change, action. Ant. Rest, equilibrium, stability, fixity, inaction. I2 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Motionless, still, stationary, torpid, stagnant. Ant. Active, unstable, nervous, moving. Motive, cause, reason, principle, inducement, incentive, impulse, spur, stimulus. Int. Result, end, action, effort, deed, attempt. Xttotley, heterogeneous, diversified, mixed Ant. Uniform, homogeneous, alike. Mottled, dappled, dotted, spotted, flecked, speckled. Ant. Uniform, unspotted, clear. Mount. See ASCEND. Mournful. See SAD. Move, actuate, impel, induce, prompt, instigate, persuade, stir, agitate, propel, push. Ant. Stand, stop, rest, stay, allay, deter, prevent arrest. Moving, affecting, touching, pathetic, melting. Ant. Laughing, ridiculous, absurd, ineffective- Much, ample, plenteous, copious. Ant. Little, scant, short, near. Muffle, deaden, disguise, conceal, cover, shroud, Ant. Unfold, exhibit, reveal. Multitude, crowd, throng, host, mob, swarm. Ant. Paucity, scarcity, sprinkling. Munificent, bounteous, bountiful, generous, liberal. Ant. Niggardly, mean, beggarly, miserly. Murder, kill, assassinate, slay, massacre, despatch. Ant. Resuscitate, revivify, protect, shield, guard. Murderous. See SAVAGE. Murky, dark, dusky, dim, cloudy, misty, shadowdy. Ant. Clear, light, pleasant, bright. Muse, meditate, contemplate, think, reflect, cognitate, pon- der. Ant. Stir, act, move, perform. Music, harmony, melody, symphony. Ant. Discord, babel, harshness. Musical, tuneful, melodious, harmonious, dulcet, sweet. Ant. Discordant, harsh, inharmonious, unmclodious. Muster, collect, rally, assemble, congregate. Ant. Dismiss, disperse, disband, relegate Musty, stale, sour, fetid. Ant. Fresh, odorous, aromatic, fragrant. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 123 Mutable, inconstant, unsteadfast, unstable, fickle, altera- ble, restless, fitful, variable, changeable, unsteady, undecided. int. Immutable, permanent, changeless, eternal. Mute, dumb, silent, speechless. Ant. Voluble, garrulous, loquacious, talkative Mutilate. See MAIM. Mutinous, insurgent, seditious, tumultuous, turbulent, riot- ous. Ant. Orderly, obedient, quiet, pacific. Mysterious, dark, obscure, hidden, secret, dim, mystic, enigmatical, unaccountable. Ant. Clear, plain, obvious, simple, explained, under- stood. Mystify, confuse, perplex, puzzle. Ant. Enlighten, inform, guide, elucidate. Myth, fable, legend, fiction, parable. Ant. Fact, history, narration, truth. N Naked, nude, bare, uncovered, unclothed, rough, rude, simple. Ant. Dressed, robed, clothed, protected, veiled,shrouded. Name, v. denominate, style, designate, term, call, christen, specify. Ant. Misname, miscall, hint, suggest. Name, n. appellation, designation, denomination, title, cog- nomen reputation, character, fame, credit, repute. Ant. Misnomer, anonymity, pseudonym. Narrate, tell, relate, detail, recount, describe, enumerate, rehearse, recite. Ant. Suppress, conceal, hide, retain, withhold, misrep- resent. Narrow, bigoted, illiberal, contracted, confined, circum- scribed, straightened, limited. Ant. Liberal, tolerant, generous, wide, broad, ample, easy. Nasty, filthy, foul, dirty, unclean, impure, indecent, gross, vile. y4/..~-Nice, pure, agreeable, pleasant. Nation, people, community, realm, state. 124 A DICTION A R Y OF S YNON YMO US Ant. Individuals, subjects, dependents, colonists. Native, real, genuine, indigenous, vernacular, mother. Ant. Foreign, alien, imported, acquired, artificial, as- sumed, affected. Natural, original, regular, normal, bastard. Ant. Unnatural, abnormal, adventitious, fictitious, af- fected. Nausea, qualm, sea-sickness, disgust, loathing, aversion. Ant. Relish, enjoyment, taste, health. Nautical. See MARINE. Near, nigh, neighboring, close, adjacent, contiguous. Ant. Far, distant, remote, off, foreign, removed. Neat, nice, spruce, trim, precise, pure. Ant. Slovenly, careless, dirty, unclean, nasty. Necessary, needful, expedient, essential, requisite, indis- pensable. Ant. Unnecessary, contingent, unessential, accidental casual, optional, discretional. Necessitate, compel, force, oblige. Ant. Ask, suggest, hint, supplicate, beg. Necessity, need, occasion, exigency emergency, urgency, want, poverty. Ant. Uncertainty, uselessness, superfluity, competence, casualty, contingency, freedom, choice. Need. See NECESSITY. Needful. See NECESSARY. Neglect, v. disregard, slight, omit, overlook. Ant. Respect, consider, notice, observe, attend, regard foster. Neglect, n. See . Neighborhood, vicinity, nearness, adjacency, proximity. Ant. Remoteness, distance. Nerve, fiber, sinew, tendon, force, pluck, courage. Ant. Timidity, cowardice, hesitation. Nerveless, feeble, impuissant, weak, forceless, enfeebled, debilitated, enervated, impotent, paralyzed, palsied. Ant. Strong, healthy, sound, active, bold, fearless. Nervous, timid, timorous, shaky. Ant. Cool, collected, calm. Nettle. See AGGRAVATE. Neutralize, counterbalance, counteract. Ant. Aggregate, enhance, intensify. AMD ANTITHETIC WORDS. 125 New, fresh, recent, novel, modern. Ant. Old, ancient, antique, antiquated, obsolete News, tidings, intelligence, information. Ant. Antiquity, oldness, staleness. Nice, good, fine, delicate, exact, accurate, particular, pre- cise, fastidious. Ant. Coarse, rude, rough, nasty, unscrupulous, inexact, inaccurate. Niggardly. See MISERL Nigh. See NEAR. Nimble. See ACTIVE. Nobility, aristocracy, greatness, grandeur, peerage. Ant. Obscurity, plebeian, meanness, commonality. Noble, exalted, elevated, dignified, illustrious, great, grand, stately, lofty. Ant. Ignoble, mean, plebeian, paltry, small. Nocturnal, nightly, gloomy, dark. Ant. Diurnal, light, daily, brilliant, solar. Noise, cry, outcry, clamor, row, din, uproar, tumult. Ant. Stillness, hush, silence, music, note, melody. Nominate, name, entitle, appoint, invest, present. Ant. Suggest, indicate, recall, deprive, cancel, withdraw. Nonsensical. See SILLY. Notable. See REMARKABLE. Note. See MARK. Noted. See REMARKABLE. Notice, advice, notification, intelligence, information warning. Ant. Neglect, oversight, disregard, slight, omission. Noticeable. See REMARKABLE. Notification. See NOTICE. Notify, publish, acquaint, communicate, inform, declare, Ant. Suppress, withhold, conceal. Notion, conception, idea, belief, opinion, sentiment, im- pression. Ant. Misconception, misapprehension, falsification Notorious, noted, well-known, renowned, infamour Ant. Suspected, reported, famous. Nourish, nurture, cherish, foster, supply. Ant. Starve, blight, destroy, wither, kill. Nourishment. See DIET. Novel. See NEW. 126 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Noxious, hurtful, deadly, poisonous, deleterious, baneful Ant. Wholesome, healthy, useful, beneficial. Nugatory, ineffectual, futile, useless, null, void. Ant. Potent, serious, important, efficacious, successful. Nullify. See ANNUL. Number. See COUNT. Numerous, many, sundry, various, several. Ant. Few, sparse, scant. Nuptials. See MARRIAGE. Nurture. See NOURISH. Nutrition, food, diet, nutriment, nourishment. Ant, Exhaustion, starvation, inanition. o Obdurate, hard, callous, hardened, unbending, graceless, unfeeling, insensible, unsusceptible. Ant. Tender, softened, flexible, yielding, amenable, docile. Obedient, compliant, submissive, dutiful, respectful. Ant. Disobedient, rebellious, mutinous, antagonistic. Obese. See FAT. Obey, conform, comply, submit. Ant. Resist, rebel, violate, transgress, disobey. Object, n. aim, end, purpose, design, mark, butt. Ant. Idea, notion, subject, proposal. Object, v. oppose, except to, contravene, Jmpeach, depre- cate. Ant. Agree, comply, aid, help, abet, encourage. Obligation, duty, favor, engagement, contract, bond. Ant. Promise, word, choice, freedom, intention, ex- emption. Oblige, compel, bind, engage, concuss, coerce, constrain, force, impel, accommodate, gratify. Ant. Release, acquit, induce, persuade annoy, dis- obey. Obliging, accommodating, civil, courteous, considerate. Ant. Discourteous, rude, perverse, disobliging. Obliterate, erase, blot out, expunge, efface. Ant. Insert, mark, note, introduce. Obloquy, odium, reproach, censure, abuse, scurrility, op probrium, shame. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 127 Ant. Praise, enconium, encouragement, congratulation. Obnoxious, hateful, offensive, liable, exposed, unpopular. Ant. Pleasant, wholesome, salutary, beneficial, pop- ular. Obscene, lewd, foul, filthy, indecent, indelicate, shameless. Ant. Pure, modest, virtuous, decent. Obscure, a. dim, misty, cloudy, shadowy, dusky, dark, gloomy, indistinct, unknown, humble, unintelligible. Ant. Plain, distinct, lucid, bright, luminous, prominent, eminent. Obscure, v. shade, dim, cloud, darken. Ant. Lighten, brighten, unveil, expose. Observance, form, etiquette, ceremony, solemnity, rite, celebration, usage, custom. Ant. Disuse, omission, informality, disrespect, un- mindful, unconventionality. Observant, watchful, mindful, attentive, heedful. Ant. Unobservant, heedless, careless, neglectful, un- mindful. Observation, remark, comment, notice. Ant. Inattention, oversight, inadvertence, disregard. Observe, keep, fulfill, heed, obey, perform, notice, remark watch. Ant. Omit, miss, ignore, fail, disregard. Obsolete, disused, antiquated, old-fashioned, ancient, old. Ant. Current, extant, modern, fashionable. Obstacle, difficulty, impediment, stumbling-block, barrier, hindrance, obstruction. Ant. Aid, incentive, encouragement, help, course. Obstinate, firm, dogged, pertinacious, perverse, intract- able, stubborn, headstrong. Ant. Docile, complaisant, amenable, yielding, irres- olute. Obstruct, hinder, prevent, impede, bar, clog, barricade, choke, interrupt. Ant. Clear, open, facilitate, expedite, aid, help, ad- vance, promote. Obtain. See ACQUIRE. Obtuse, stolid, heavy-headed, dull, stupid, unintelligent. Ant. Acute, sharp, clever, intelligent. Obviate, prevent, preclude, hinder, provide against, Ant. Necessitate, compel order. 128 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Obvious. See APPARENT. Occasion, . necessity, need, event, opening, ground, reason. Ant. Untimeliness, unseasonableness. Occasion, v. cause, make, create, induce, generate. Ant. Frustrate, hinder, mar. Occasional, accidental, casual, incidental. Ant. Frequent, often, always, permanent, continual. Occult, secret, hidden, unknown, invisible, dark, mys- terious. Ant. Plain, clear, open, familiar, exposed. Occupation, occupancy, profession, holding, tenure, busi- ness, trade, avocation, calling, engagement, office, pursuit. Ant. Idleness, indolence, rest, enjoyment, leisure, resignation, abandonment. Occupy. See HOLD. Occur, happen, take place, appear, offer, present itself. Ant. Pass, threaten, impend. Odd, singular, eccentric, strange, extraordinary, whim- sical, comical, droll, uneven. Ant. Usual, regular, normal common, balanced, aggre- gate, matched, even. Odious, hateful, loathsome, execrable, detestable, abom* inable, disgusting, repulsive. Ant. Pleasant, pleasing, acceptable, delectable. Odor. See SMELL. Offence, affront, insult, outrage, indignity, misdeed, tres- pass, transgression, wrong, misdemeanor, injustice. Ant. Defence, innocence, gentleness, favor, right. Offend, displease, vex, nettle, irritate, shock, transgress, err. Ant. Conciliate, gratify, please. Offensive, insulting, rude, saucy, impertinent, distasteful, obnoxious, opprobrious. Ant. Defensive, grateful, pleasant, agreeable, savory. Offer, present, bid, tender, proffer, extend, propose, vol- unteer. Ant. Withdraw, retract, retain, withhold, divert. Office, business, post, situation, duty, charge, benefit, service, counting-house. Ant. Leisure, vacancy, sinecure, home. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 129 Officer, functionary, official, commandant. Ant. Private, civilian, member, servant, subordinate. Officious, busy, obtrusive, interfering, meddling, Ant. Modest, retiring, unofficious, negligent. Offspring, issue, progeny, descendants, children. Ant. Ancestry, paternity. Often, frequently, recurrently, repeatedly, many times. Ant. Seldom, infrequently, never. Old. See AGED. Omission, oversight, failure, neglect, default. Ant. Attention, insertion, notice, performance. Omit, leave out, miss, overlook. Ant. Insert, notice, perform, do. One, common, united, single, individual, undivided. Ant. Plurality, multitude, variety, diversity. Onerous, burdensome, heavy, laborious, responsible, op. pressive, toilsome. Ant. Light, easy, trivial, slight. Onset. See ATTACK. Onward, forward, ahead, progressive. Ant. Backward, back, retrograde. Ooze, exude, drop, percolate, filter. Ant. Pour, rush, flow, stream. Opaque, dull, dark, cloudy. Ant. Transparent, clear. Open, a. candid, frank, unreserved, free, ingenuous, sincere unaffected, genuine, undisguised, unfolded. Ant. Close, shut, reserved, unavailable, settled. Open, v. unclose, unlock, unseal, exhibit, dissolve, spread expand, begin. Ant. Close, shut, cover, conceal, inclose, mystify. Opening, breach, aperture, gap, rent, hollow, chasm, cleft, crevice, cranny, fissure, chink, chance. Ant. Obstruction, enclosure, close, end, conclusion. Operate, act, do, make, work, labor. Ant. Cease, rest, fail, stop. Operation, action, agency s instrumentality, force, effort, enterprise. Ant. Cessation, inaction, rest, inefficacy. Operative, stringent, effective, serviceable, binding. Ant. Inoperative, inefficacious. 13 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Opinion, view, idea, sentiment, feeling, notion, impression, conviction, theory. Ant. Knowledge, verity, fact. Opponent. See ADVERSARY. Opportune, seasonable, timely, fit, well-timed, proper. Ant. Inopportune, untimely, unseasonable, infelicitous. Opportunity, occasion, chance, opening. Ant. Unseasonableness, lapse, omission. Oppose, combat, bar, hinder, resist, withstand, contradict. Ant. Aid, abet, help, support, expedite, sustain Opposing, conflicting, jarring, neutralizing. Ant. Agreeing, supporting, aiding, helping. Opposite, adverse, diverse, contrary, hostile, antagonistic, repugnant, incompatible, paradoxical, facing. Ant. Agreeing, coincident, neighboring. Oppress, overburden, overbear, overtask, persecute, abuse. Ant. Encourage, support, assist, befriend Oppressive. See OPPRESS. Opprobrious, abusive, scurrilous, insulting, offensive, out- rageous, shameful. Ant. Eulogistic, panegyrical, flattering, pleasing, honor- able. Opprobrium, disgrace, odium, infamy, ignominy, obloquy. Ant. Honor, respect, glory, praise. Option, choice, preference, election, discretion. Ant. -Obligation, necessity, compulsion. Opulent. See RICH. Oral, verbal, spoken, parole. Ant. Written, documentary. Oration, address, speech, harangue, discourse. Ant. Essay, letter. Ordain, order, consecrate, prescribe, enjoin, institute. Ant. Revoke, cancel, annul, subvert, disestablish. Order, . succession, series, method, rule, class, rank, de- gree, fit condition, law, injunction, precept, command. Ant. Disorder, confusion, inversion, execution, disar- rangement. Order, v. appoint, prescribe, enjoin, command, direct, ar- range, range, dispose, regulate, organize, adjust, classify. Ant. Disorder, revoke, cancel, confuse, inrert, execute. Orderly, regular, systematic, methodical, quiet, peaceable. ^ AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 131 Ant. Disorderly, irregular, riotous. Ordinance, decree, law, statute, edict, regulation. Ant. Custom, usuage, prescription. Ordinary, common, vulgar, plain, customary, settled, wonted, conventional, habitual, usual. Ant. Extraordinary, uncommon, strange, marvelous. remarkable, unconventional, unusual. Organic, fundamental, radical, rooted, elemental. Ant. Accidental, unimportant, inorganic, vegetal. Organize, dispose, arrange, regulate, adjust. Ant. Disband, break up, disorganize, dismember, dis- tort, adjourn. Organization, structure, form, instrumentality, construe* tion. Ant. Disruption, disorganization, dismemberment, ad- journment. Orifice, aperture, opening. Ant, Stopper, plug, obstruction. Origin, commencement, original, beginning, rise, source, spring, cause. Ant. Termination, conclusion, extinction. Original, first, primary, pristine, primeval, peculiar, odd. Ant. Derived, subsequent, terminal, later, modern, plagarized. Originate, create, form, spring, ooze, issue, proceed, begin. Ant. Prosecute, conduct, apply. Ornament, adorn, beautify, deck, embellish, emblazon. Ant. Disfigure, disgrace, brand, spoil, mar. Ostensible, manifest, visible, outward, colorable, pro fessed. Ant. Real, genuine, concealed, actual, veritable. Ostentation, display, pomp, show, parade, vaunting boasting. Ant. Reserve, modesty, diffidence, unobtrusiveness. Oust, remove, eject, expel, dislodge, evict. Ant. Install, restore, reinstate. Outcast. See VAGRANT. Outcry, cry, clamor, noise, scream, yell. Ant. Quiet, silence, acclamation, plaudit. Outdo. See EXCEL. Outer. See EXTERIOR. 132 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Outlandish, strange, foreign, alien, barbarous, clownish. Ant. Regular, modish, fashionable, native. Outline, sketch, plan, draft, contour. Ant. Form, substance, figure, ground, space. Outrage, affront, abuse, injury, insult, offence, indignity. Ant. Favor, moderation, self-control, coolness, calm* ness. Outrageous, monstrous, flagrant, violent, furious, wild. Ant. Moderate, reasonable, justifiable. Outset, commencement, start, beginning, opening. Ant. Close, termination, end, conclusion. Outskirts, suburbs, environs, precincts. Ant. Interior, center, heart. Outward, outer, external, exterior, extrinsic, extraneous. Ant. Inward, internal, intrinsic, toward, homeward. Overcharge. See OPPRESS. Overcome. See DEFEAT. Overflow, inundate, submerge, deluge, flood. Ant. Subsidence, deficiency, exhaustion. Overlook, inspect, survey, excuse, forgive, pardon, neg* lect, miss. Ant. Visit, scrutinize, investigate, mark. Overreach. See CHEAT. Oversight, inadvertence, inattention, neglect, mistake, error, omission, inspection, superintendance. Ant. Scrutiny, correction, emendation, attention, mark, notice. Overt, "pen, public, notorious, manifest, patent. Ant. Covert, secret, clandestine. Overthrow, prostrate, demolish, overturn, destroy, ruin, upset, beat, defeat, discomfit, rout. Ant. Restore, reinstate, regenerate, revive, construct, build. Overture, pwposal, offer, invitation, resolution. Ant. Inaction, quiescence. Overturn. See OVERTHROW. Overwhelm, drown, overbear, oppress, overpower, subdue, crush. Ant. Raise, re-establish, rescue, extricate. Owe, indebted, beholden. "\ Ant. Repay, liquidate, defray. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 133 Own, acknowledge, admit, confess, recognize, have possess. Ant. Disown, abjure, disavow, forfeit, lose, alienate. Owner, proprietor, possessor, master, holder. Ant. Servant, subordinate, lessee. Pacific, peaceful, peaceable, mild, gentle, calm, quiet. Ant. Warlike, tumultuous, harsh, quarrelsome, exasper- ating. Pacify, appease, calm, quiet, still, soothe. Ant. Excite, exasperate, irritate, provoke, rouse. Pagan, Gentile, heathen, idolater. Ant. Believer, Christian. Pageantry, pomp, splendor, show, magnificence. Ant. Illusion, mockery, disorder, turbulence. Pain, . anguish, agony, distress, suffering, pang, grief. Ant. Pleasure, joy, felicity, enjoyment, delight, ease. Pain, v. agonize, rack, torment, torture, trouble, annoy. Ant. Relieve, ease, refresh, please, gratify. Paint, color, represent, portray, delineate, depict. Ant. Daub, caricature, misrepresent, misdepict, do scribe. Palatable, tasteful, savory, appetizing. Ant. Unpalatable, disagreeable, sour, unsavory. Pale, pallid, wan, whitish, sallow, faint. Ant. Ruddy, deep, high-colored, conspicuous. Palliate, extenuate, varnish, cover, allay, soothe, soften. Ant. Expose, denounce, exaggerate, aggravate. Pallid. See PALE. Palpable. See APPARENT. Palpitate, flutter, pant, throb, pulsate. Ant. Pause, stop, cease. Paltry, contemptible, pitiful, mean, sorry, despicable, shabby, beggarly. Ant. Admirable, magnificent, candid, straightforward, estimable. Panegyric, eulogy, encomium, eulogium, praise. Ant. Satire, sarcasm, invective, tirade. Pang, throe, twinge, agony, anguish, pain, distress. Ant, Delight, glow, enjoyment, pleasure, gratification. 134 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Pant. See PALPITATE. Parable, fable, allegory, simile, similitude. Ant. History, fact, narrative. Parade, show, ostentation, vain-glory, procession, spec tacle. Ant. Concealment, modesty, humility, plainness, retirei ment. Parallel, equal, parity, analogous, like, similar. Ant. Divergent, different, opposed, incongruous. Paralyze. See ENERVATE. Paramount, supreme, principal, chief. Ant. Minor, inferior, subordinate. Parasite, flatterer, sycophant, toady. Ant. Friend, antagonist, traducer, calumniator. Pardon, forgive, absolve, overlook, excuse, remit, acquit, discharge, set free, clear, liberate. Ant. Condemn, punish, visit, accuse. Parent, author, origin, source, cause. Ant. Offspring, child, issue, effect, progeny. Parity. See EQUALITY. Parsimonius. See MISERLY. Parson, clergyman, incumbent, curate, minister. Ant. Layman, member, sinner. Part, separate, divide, sever, dissever, disunite, break. Ant. Join, annex, compound, add, unite. Partake, participate, share. Ant. Forfeit, relinquish. Partial, biassed, prejudiced, limited, incomplete. Ant. Impartial, just, fair, equitable, total, universal whole. Participate. See PARTAKE. Particular, singular, exact, nice, punctual, minute, careful. Ant. General, universal, comprehensive, rough, coarse. Particularly, primarily, especially, chiefly. Ant. On the whole, generally. Partisan. See ADHERENT. Partition, part, divide, apportion, distribute. Ant. Unite, coalesce, include, collect, incorporate. Partner, colleague, coadjutor, associate, sharer, confeder- ate, spouse. Ant. Rival, opponent, competitor, antagonist. AtfD ANTITHETIC WORDS. I3 Partnership, union, connection, firm, house, association, company, companionship, society. Ant. Dissolution, separation, disunion. Party, faction, confederacy, combination, detachment, clique, league. Ant. Individual, nation, state. Passage, journey, course, road, route, avenue, channel, clause, sentence. Ant. Halt, rest, stop, discourse, essay. Pass, elapse, glide, slip, slide. Ant. Stay, remain, stand, wait. Passion, anger, rage, fury, vehemence, impetuosity, love, affection. Ant. Apathy, indifference, coolness, frigidity. Passionate, angry, excitable, fiery, vehement, impetuous, glowing, burning, ardent, hot, hasty, irritable. Ant. Impassionate, cool, deliberate, apathetic, quiet. Passive, unresisting, unopposing, submissive, enduring; patient. Ant. Active, alert, positive, vehement. Pastime, sport, play, recreation, amusement, diversion. Ant. Business, study, labor, task, work. Paternal. See PARENT. Path. See ROAD. Pathetic, moving, touching, affecting, melting, tender. Ant. Ludicrous, funny, unaffecting, farcical. Patience, resignation, endurance, fortitude. Ant. Resistance, impatience, rebellion, inconstancy. Patient. See PASSIVE. Patronize, befriend, favor, countenance, support. Ant. Discountenance, oppose, oppress, disfavor. Pattern. See MODEL. Pauperism. See POVERTY. Pause, demur, hesitate, deliberate interval, suspense, Ant. Continue, proceed, advance, persist, persevere. Pay, n. wages, salary, hire, stipend, recompense. Ant. Present, gratuity, gift. Pay, v. liquidate, lessen, discharge, extinguish, cash, re- ward. Ant. Defraud, repudiate, hoard, retain, deprive. Peace, quiet, calm, tranquility, repose, amity, Ant, War, noise, tumult, disorder, strife, discord. 136 A ZL CTIONAR Y OF S YNONYMO US Peaceful, tranquil, quiet, still, pacific, undisturbed, calm, placid, serene, mild, gentle. Ant. Warlike, pugnacious, savage, hostile, fierce, vio- lent. Peasant, countryman, rustic, bumpkin, clodpole, swain. Ant. Citizen, townsman, autocrat, lord. Peculator. See THIEF. Peculiar, particular, exclusive, remarkable, signal, special. singular, uncommon. Ant. General, universal, ordinary, common, public. Pedantic, priggish, pedagogical learned. Ant. Modest, unaffected. Peel, skin, rind, husk. Ant. Heart, core. Peerless, unequaled, unmatched, matchless, unique. Ant. Ordinary, commonplace, mediocre. Peevish, ill-natured, touchy, testy, captious, fractious, cross, fretful, petulant, cynical, irascible. Ant. Genial, good-natured, good-tempered, complaisant. Pellucid. See CLEAR. Penal, punitive, retributive, corrective. Ant. Honorary, remunerative, reparatory. Penalty, fine, amercement, mulct, forfeiture. Ant. Reward, wages, premium, prize, compensation. remuneration. Penetrate, pierce, perforate, bore, fathom, reach. Ant. Withdraw, fail. Penetration, insight, sharpness, acuteness, sagacity, dis- cernment, discrimination. Ant. Dullness, shallowness, obtuseness, ignorance. Penitence, contrition, repentance, remorse. Ant. Obdi^acy, congratulation, approval, hard-hearted' ness. Pensive, thougfltful, meditative, dreamy, melancholy, de- jected, depressed, cheerless, drooping. Ant. Vacant, careless, thoughtless, joyous, unreflective. Penurious. See MISERLY. Penury, poverty, indigence, beggary, destitution, want, need, privation. Ant. Competence, wealth, affluence. People, commonalty, populace, mob, mobility, nation, tribe, race. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 137 Ant. Ruler, government, nobility, aristocracy Perceive, see, discern, distinguish, observe, understand, know, comprehend. Ant. Overlook, miss, misconceive, misobserve. Perception, seeing, sense, perceptibility, sensibility, sus- ceptibility, sensation, apprehension, conviction. Ant. Unsensibility, ignorance, misapprehension. Peremptory, absolute, positive, arbitrary, despotic deci- sive, imperative. Ant. Suggestive, entreative, mild, gentle. Perennial, imperishable, undying, immortal, deathless, enduring, perpetual. Ant. Occasional, periodical, uncertain, deficient. Perfect, complete, whole, entire, finished, unbroken, thorough, mature, ripe, absolute. Ant. Imperfect, faulty, deficient, objective, scant, falli- ble, blemished, spoiled. Perfidous, faithless, treacherous, insidious, unfaithful. Ant. True, staunch, faithful, honorable. Perforate. See PENETRATE. Perform. See ACCOMPLISH. Performance. See ACT. Performer, actor, player, comedian, tragedian. Ant. Spectator, looker-on, audience. Perfume, odor, scent, fragrance, aroma, smell, incense. Ant. Stench, stink, fetor. Perhaps, perchance, possibly, peradventure. Ant. Certainly, inevitably, without doubt. Peril, danger, hazard, jeopardy, risk, venture, insecurity. Ant. Security, safety, certainty. Period. See AGE. Periodically, regularly, statedly. Ant. Continually, spasmodically, fitfully. Perish. See DIE. Permanent, durable, abiding, enduring, lasting, fixed, stable. Ant. Transient, ephemeral, fleeting, frail, transitory. i*ermission, permit, leave, liberty, license. Ant. Prohibition, denial, refusal, prevention, hindrance. Permit. See ALLOW. Pernicious. See HURT. 138 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Perpetual, constant, continual, continuous, endless, eter. nal, lasting, incessant, ceaseless, unceasing, uninter- rupted. Ant. Occasional, transient, periodic, momentary, acci- dental, casual. Perplex, embarrass, harass, confuse, bewilder, entangle, involve, puzzle. Ant. Clear, enlighten, elucidate, simplify, explicate. Persecute, oppress, harrow, afflict, worry, annoy. Ant Encourage, inspirit, abet, support. Persevere, continue, persist, pursue, proceed. Ant. Lag, fail, rest, withdraw, refrain, abstain. Persons, men, people, folks, individuals. Ant. Collection, assembly, nation, state. Perspicuous, clear, plain, distinct, unequivocal, unmistak- able, intelligible. Ant. Obscure, confused, unintelligible. Persuade, extort, urge, allure, incite, influence. Ant. Deter, disincline, dissuade, coerce, compel, order. Persuasion. See PERSUADE. Pert, forward, flippant, saucy, impertinent, impudent. Ant. Modest, bashful, demure, staid. Pertinacious, obstinate, inflexible, stubborn, determined. Ant. Inconstant, irresolute, volatile, unreliable. Pertinent, fit, relevant, proper, appropriate, applicable, related. Ant. Alien, discordant, unrelated, unconnected, repug- nant. Perturb. See VEX. Pervade, diffuse, spread, permeate, overspread, fill. Ant. Affect, touch. Perverse, awkward, cross, untoward, petulant, peevish, crooked, froward, wayward, stubborn. Ant. Docile, complaisant, obliging, amenable, gentle. Pest, bane, plague, ruin, pestilence, taint. Ant. Benefit, blessing, good, acquisition. Pestilential, contagious, infectious, epidemical, mischiev- ous, pernicious, noxious, baneful, destructive. Ant. Innocuous, genial, wholesome, salubrious, salu- tary, pure, nutritive, healthy. Petition, prayer, supplication, entreaty, request, suit, ap- peal AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. '139 Ant. Protest, command, injunction, demand, exaction. requirement. Petty, trifling, trivial, frivolous, insignificant, small, little Ant. Large, liberal, broad, noble, generous. Petulant. See PEEVISH. Phantom. See GHOST. Philanthropic, charitable, kind, benevolent, gracious. Ant. Selfish, egotistical, misanthropic, morose. Philosophy, science, knowledge. Ant. Ignorance, stupidity. Phlegmatic, frigid, cold, heavy, unfeeling, apathetic. Ant. Passionate, active, energetic, interested, alert. Physical, material, corporeal, tangible, natural, bodily. Ant. Spiritual, mental, immaterial, moral, intangible. Pick, pluck, choose, cull, select, gather. Ant. Reject, discard, repudiate, relegate, bunch, grasp. Picturesque, graphic, imaginative. Ant. Unpicturesque, tame, desolate, cheerless, homely. Picture, likeness, painting, image, resemblance, drawing, representation, effigy. Ant. Original, landscape, scene, body, nature. Pierce, penetrate, perforate, bore, broach, tap. Ant. Blunt, soothe, allay, lull, compose. Piercing. See PIERCE. Piety, religion, sanctity, holiness, devotion, grace, godli- ness. Ant. Impiety, ungodliness, profanity, hypocrisy. ^ile, v. heap, accumulate, hoard, amass, collect. *' Ant. Demolish, scatter, upset, overthrow, disperse, separate. f*ile, n. building, edifice, structure, thread, fiber. Ant. Heap, ruin, material, finish. Pilfer, filch, steal, purloin. Ant. Pillage, rifle, plunder, restore, refrain. Pillage. See PLUNDER. Pillar, column, shaft, post, support. Ant. Base, capitol, arch, wall. Pilot, guide, steer, direct, conduct. Ant. Mislead, betray, lose, misdirect. Pinch. See SQUEEZE. Pine. See LANGUISH. Pious, holy, godly vsaintly, devout, religious. I 4 o A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Impious, ungodly, sinful, hypocritical, bad. Piquant, pungent, acrid, smart, keen, biting, harsh, sting- ing, cutting, racy. Ant. Tame, dull, flat, insipid. Pique. See SPITE. Pitch, fling, cast, launch, throw. Ant. Draw, pull, hold, restrain, push. Piteous, doleful, pitiable, mournful, sad, deplorable. Ant. Joyous, pleasant, comfortable, desirable, delect* able. Pith, gist, kernel, cream, strength, marrow. Ant. Dressing, surroundings, verbiage. Pithy, terse, concise, forcible, strong. Ant. Fruitless, vapid, weak, diluted, insipid. Pitiful. See MEAN. Pity, n. compassion, sympathy, condolence, mercy. Ant. Cruelty, pitilessness, hardheartedness, relentless* ness. Place, n. See POSITION. Place, v. put, set, lay, dispose, order, organize, array, marshal. Ant. Disturb, remove, disarrange, misplace, uproot. transport. Placid, serene, calm, peaceful, tranquil, unruffled, mild. Ant. Ruffled, troubled, stormy, excited, agitated, dis turbed. Plague, annoy, molest, vex, tease, trouble, harass, tor ment. Ant. Please, gratify, amuse, soothe, comfort, allay. Plain, even, level, flat, smooth, apparent, visible, clear obvious, intelligible, certain, evident, manifest, di tinct, palpable, open, candid, frank, sincere, free, in> genuous. Ant. Uneven, undulatory, rough, broken, abrupt, con. fused, obstructed, uncertain, dubious, ambiguous, enig- matical, fair, beautiful, artful. Plaintive, doleful, sad, mournful, melancholy. Ant. Joyous, exultant, glad, cheerful, cheering. Plan. See DESIGN. Plastic, pliant, ductile, tractile. Ant. Stubborn, unyielding, unmalleable, inflexible. Plaudit. See ACCLAMATION. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. '4* Plausible, colorable, specious, ostensible, feasible. Ant. Unmistakable, genuine, sterling, true. Play, game, sport, pastime, amusement, gambol, drama. Ant. Occupation, labor, business, work, idleness. Playful, sportive, lively, jocund, merry, gay, sprightly, vivacious, racy, buoyant. Ant. Inert, slow, sluggish, sad, melancholy. Plea, excuse, apology, defence, vindication, entreaty. Ant. Charge, accusation, impeachment, action. Plead, defend, vindicate, exonerate, justify, exculpate, I excuse. Ant. Charge, accuse, impeach, condemn. Pleasant. See AGREEABLE. Please, gratify, satisfy, content, delight, fascinate, indulge. Ant. Displease, dissatisfy, annoy, trouble, vex, irritate. Pleasure, comfort, enjoyment, gratification, joy, delight, rapture, charm, wish. Ant. Pain, suffering, affliction, trouble, asceticism. Plebeian, ignoble, vulgar, low-born. Ant. Patrician, noble, aristocratic, high-born, high. bred. Pledge, pawn, earnest, security, surety, guarantee. Ant. Word, promise, parole, assurance. Plentiful. See ABUNDANT. Plenty, enough, sufficiency, abundance, fullness. Ant. Scantiness, insufficiency. Pliable, pliant, flexible, lithe, supple, yielding, docile. Ant. Stiff, brittle, stubborn, unbending, unmanageable. Plight. See PLEDGE. Plot, n. stratagem, conspiracy, combination, confederacy, scheme, plan. Ant. Action, execution, deed, resolution, law. Plot, v. concoct, hatch, frame, contrive, conspire. Ant. Resolve, consult, debate, discover, defeat. Pluck, courage, mettle, spirit, nerve. Ant. Timidity, cowardice. Plump, fleshy, round, fat, full, chubby. Ant. Lean, thin, wizened, shriveled, emaciated, lank. weak. Plunder, pillage, booty, loot, spoil, robbery, depredation, Ant. Wages, desert, gratuity, present. Plunge, dive, dip, douse, sink. I 4 2 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Emerge, issue, rise, extricate. Ply. Se URGE. Poetical, metrical, versified, imaginative, dreamy, ficti- tious. Ant. Prosaic, unmetrical, commonplace, historical, mathematical, logical, sober. Poignant, sharp, keen, biting, severe, deep, intense, stinging. Ant. Blunt, dull, gentle, shallow. Pointed, aim, level, direct, sharpen, show, punctuate. Ant. Suggest, intimate, hint. Point, peaked, sharp, marked, keen, severe. Ant. Pointless, aimless, feeble, inexpressive. Poison, bane, pest, venom, virus, infection. Ant. Purification, disinfectant, antidote. Policy, plan, device, stratagem, management. Ant. Conjecture, hazard, mismanagement. Polish, brighten, burnish, glaze, civilize, cultivate, refine. Ant. Dull, scratch, mar, spoil, dim, barbarize. Polite, refined, genteel, civil, accomplished, well-bred. Ant. Awkward, rude, uncouth, ill-bred, discourteous, boorish. Politeness. See AFFABILITY. Politic, wise, political, civil, judicious, prudential. Ant. Imprudent, unwise, improvident, impolitic. Pollute, contaminate, soil, defile, taint, infect, corrupt, de- prave, demoralize. Ant. Purify, clarify, disinfect, filter. Pomp, parade, display, gorgeousness, splendor, grandeur, pageantry, show, state. Ant. Quiet, simplicity, privacy, plainness, unceremo- niousness. Pompous, majestic, stately, grand, august, dignified, lofty, inflated, bombastic. Ant. Unassuming, modest, unobtrusive. Ponder. See REFLECT. Ponderous, heavy, weighty, massive, bulky. Ant. Light, trifling, airy, volatile, subtle. Poor, indigent, needy, penniless, necessitous, deficient, scanty. Ant. Rich, wealthy, affluent, abundant, liberal, ample, moneyed, sufficient. / AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 143 Populace, people, commonalty, vulgar, mob. Ant. Nobility, aristocracy, government, individual. Popular, common, general, prevailing, favorite. Ant. Exclusive, restricted, scientific, unpopular, odious. Port, harbor, haven, entrance, portal. Ant. Sea, ocean, coast. Portal. See GATE. Portend, foreshow, augur, presage, forebode, betoken, threaten. Ant. Avert, contradict, nullify, negative, preclude. Portion, part, division, share, piece, bit, section, fragment, parcel. Ant. Whole, substance, bulk, mass. Portly, majestic, stately, grand, dignified, burly, stout. Ant. Thin, undignified, unimposing, mean. Portray, draw, sketch, paint, depict, delineate, represent, describe. Ant. Caricature, misrepresent, misportray, suggest. Position, place, locality, situation, spot, site, action, gesture, posture, attitude. Ant. Displacement, absence. Positive, actual, true, real, certain, sure, definitive, fixed, settled, confident, dogmatic. int. Negative, fictitious, imaginary, contingent, de- pendent, conditional, implied, dubious, uncertain, doubtful. Possess, have, own, hold, occupy. Ant. Abandon, renounce, surrender, lose, forfeit, resign, Possible, practicable, likely, feasible. Ant. Impossible, impracticable. Possibly, perhaps, peradventure, perchance, haply. Ant. Certain, without doubt, positively, never. Post. See POSITION ; also MAIL, STAKE, PILLAR. Practical, serviceable, useful, experienced, skillful. Ant. Impracticable, theoretical, unserviceable, awk- ward. Practice, custom, habit, manner, use, usage, exercise. Ant. Theory, speculation, disuse, inexperience, idleness. Praise, n. approval, eulogy, commendation, applause, ex- altation, honor. Ant. Blame, censure, disapproval. 144 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Praise, v. commend, extol, eulogize, panegyrize, laud, ap. plaud, glorify. Ant. Condemn, reprove, disapprove, censure, blame. Praiseworthy, laudable, honorable, commendable, merito- rious, worthy. Ant. Blamable, censurable, reprehensible. Prate, tattle, babble, chat, chatter, prattle, gossip. Ant. Orate, speak, debate, discuss. Pray. See SUPPLICATE. Prayer. See PETITION. Preamble, preface, introduction. Ant. Perorative, finale, conclusion, essay, body. Precarious, doubtful, dubious, uncertain, insecure, unset tied. Ant. Safe, certain, assured, systematic, immutable. Precaution, care, forethought. Ant. Improvidence, carelessness, thoughtlessness. Precede, lead, go before, herald. Ant. Succeed, follow. Precedence, priority, pre-eminence, preference, anteced 1 ence. Ant. Inferiority, sequence, posteriority. Precept, command, injunction, mandate, direction, order, rule, law, maxim, doctrine, principle. Ant. Suggestion- hint, prompting, impulse. Preceptor, teacher, tutor, instructor, schoolmaster. Ant. Pupil, scholar, student. Precincts, borders, limits, bounds confines, districts. Ant. Heart, center, nucleus. Precious, valuable, costly, dear, estimable. Ant. Worthless valueless, unvalued. Precipitate, v. hurry, hasten, cast down, expedite. Ant. Hinder, restrain, retard, deter, obstruct. Precipitate, a. hasty, hurried, rash, premature. Ant. Deliberate, slow, shallow, inclined, undulating level. Precise, accurate, correct, particular, exact, nice, punctili ous. Ant. Indefinite, vague, inexact, rough, loose, inaccuratf unceremon ious. Precision. See PRECISE. Preclude, prevent, obviate, hinder, debar. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 145 Ant. Admit, promote, further, advance. Precursory, preceding, anterior, prefatory. Ant. Subsequent, consequent, eventual, posterior. Predecessor, ancestor, forefather, progenitor, forerunner Ant. Successor, junior, posterity. Predict, foretell, prognosticate, prophesy, foreshadow. Ant. Tell, narrate, recount, recall, report. Predilection, preference, partiality, bias, prejudice. Ant. Aversion, antipathy, disinclination, apathy. Predominant, prevailing, prevalent, ascendant, overruling Ant. Subordinate, inferior Pre-eminence, priority, precedence, antecedence, superi: ority. Ant. Inferiority, equality. Preface. See PREAMBLE. Prefer, choose, fancy, select, raise, exalt, promote, further. Ant. Reject, postpone, defer, withhold, degrade, debase. Pregnant, prolific, teeming, replete, enciente. Ant. Sterile, barren, void, meaningless. Prejudice, prepossession, bias, partiality, detriment, harm. Ant. Impartiality, fairness, judgement, advantage. Preliminary, prefatory, introductory, previous, anteced- ent. Ant. Subsequent, following, succeeding. Prelude, introduction, preface, prologue. Ant. Sequel, conclusion. Premature, precipitate, rash, hasty, untimely, early. Ant. Timely, seasonable, opportune. Premeditation, forethought, forecast. Ant. Hazard, impromptu, extemporization. Premium, recompense, reward, bonus, bribe. Ant. Penalty, fine, forfeit, depreciation. Prepare, fit, equip, qualify, make ready, furnish, -adapt, adjust, arrange. Ant. Derange, demolish, subvert, misfit. Preponderate, predominate, prevail, overbalance, out* weigh, outbalance. Ant. Fail, sink, succumb. Prepossessing, charming, engaging, taking, attractive winning. Ant. Repulsive, unprepossessing, disagreeable. Preposterous, irrational, foolish, absurd, ridiculous. 146 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Reasonable, fair, just, moderate, sound, right. Prerogative, privilege, immunity, right, exemption. Ant. Disqualification, disfranchisement. Presage, foresee, predict, portend, augur, forebode, crog nosticate, betoken, threaten. Ant. Fulfill, occur, recall, report, announce, prescribe, appoint, ordain, dictate, decree, enjoin, impose. order. Ant. Prohibit, discountenance, suggest. Present, a. existing, subsistent, nigh, immediate, instant current. Ant. Absent, distant, remote, separate. Present. See GIFT. Present, v. offer, exhibit, give, introduce. Ant. Accept, take, receive, retain, withhold. Presentiment, foreboding, foretaste, anticipation, fore thought. Ant. Surprise, miscalculation, accident, fore-knowledge. Preserve, keep, save, secure, defend, uphold, embalm protect, guard, spare. Ant. Damage, impair, abandon, injure. Press, compress, crush, squeeze, oppress, gall, urge, en- force, impress, crowd, harass. Ant. Relax, ease, free, relieve, liberate, entice, allure. Pressure, urgency, exigency, hurry, crushing, squeezing. Ant. Relief, ease, liberty. Presume, suppose, think, infer, believe, conjecture, appre- hend. Ant. Deduce, prove, argue, hesitate, distrust. Presumptuous, presuming, over-confident, forward, ar- rogant, bold, rash, foolhardy. Ant. Modest, diffident, bashful, hesitating. Pretence, cloak, mask, garb, pretext, excuse, plea. Ant. Reality, truth, candor, fact. Pretend, feign, affect, simulate, profess. Ant. Substantiate, test, verify, detect, refute. Pretext. See PRETENCE. Pretty. See BEAUTIFUL. Prevalence, influence, custom, power, operation, prepond- erance. Ant. Disuse, decay, obsoleteness, disappearance, aboli- tion. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 14? Prevail, predominate, obtain, succeed. Ant. Fail, sink, succumb, abolish, disappear. Prevailing, proper, prevalent, ruling, ascendant. Ant. Mitigated, diminishing, subordinate, powerless. Prevaricate, quibble, caval, shuffle, equivocate. Ant. Affirm, maintain, prove, substantiate. Prevent, impede, thwart, obviate, hinder, obstruct, bar, neutralize. Ant. Promote, aid, expedite, encourage, advance, cause. Previous, preceding, foregomg, antecedent, anterior, prior Ant. Subsequent, succeeding, following, later. Prey, food, victim, sacrifice, spoil, booty, ravage. Ant. Rights, earnings, wages, due. Price, cost, charge, expense, figure, value, worth. Ant. Discount, allowance, donation, gift. Priceless, invaluable, inestimable. Ant. Cheap, valueless. Pride, arrogance, haughtiness, vanity, self-esteem, lordli- ness, conceit, loftiness, vain-glory. Ant. Meekness, modesty, humility, lowliness. Priggish, dandified, foppish, affected, coxcombical. Ant. Sensible, unaffected, plain, honest. Prim, precise, demure, formal, starched, stiff, priggish. Ant. Informal, easy, genial, natural. Primary, first, earliest, primitive, pristine, original, primeval. Ant. Secondary, subordinate, inferior, subsequent, later. Prime, primal, first, capital, first-rate, perfect, excellent. Ant. Inferior, impaired, deteriorated, defective. Primitive, old-fashioned, first, pristine, ancient, anti- quated, primeval. Ant. Modern, modish, civilized, sophisticated. Princely, royal, regal, stately, august, noble, munificent. Ant. Lowly, beggarly, mean. Principal, chief, leading, first, highest, supreme, main, essential. Ant. Subordinate, secondary, subject, auxiliary, minor. Principally, chiefly, essentially, manly. Ant. Secondarily, subsequently. i 4 8 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Principle, ground, reason, motive, impulse, maxim, rule; rectitude, integrity. Ant. Action, issue, exercise, application. Print, mark, impress, stamp, imprint. Ant. Write, speak, engrave. Prior. See PREVIOUS. Pristine. See PRIMARY. Privacy, solitude, retirement, seclusion, retreat, secrecy, concealment. Ant. Publicity, exposure, notoriety. Privation, loss, bereavement, destitution, poverty, want. Ant. Supply, benefaction, compensation, recovery, restitution. Privilege, immunity, .advantage, favor, prerogative, ex- emption, right, claim. Ant. Prohibition, inhibition, exclusion, disqualification. Prize, n. seizure, capture, booty, spoil, loot, plunder, trophy, palm. Ant. Loss, forfeiture, penalty, sacrifice, failure, in- famy. Prize, -v. esteem, rate, appraise, assess, value. Ant. Dislike, abhor, condemn, despise. Probability, chance, likelihood, appearance, presumption. Ant. Improbability, unlikelihood. Probity, recritude, honesty, integrity, uprightness, sincer- ity, soundness. Ant. Dishonesty, rascality, vice. Procedure. See PROCEEDING. Proceed, move, pass, advance, arise, issue, emanate. Ant. Recede, retreat, stand, stop, stay, discontinue. Proceeding, transaction, measure, step, procedure, pro. cess, course, form, progress, progression, suit, trial, case. Ant. Inaction, abandonment, desistence, deviation. Procession, train, march, caravan, retinue, cavalcade, cortege. Ant. Rabble, mob, confusion, rout. Proclaim, advertise, announce, publish, declare, promul- gate, report. Ant. Conceal, suppress, secrete, contain. Proclamation. See PROCLAIM. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 149 Proclivity, propensity, tendency, bias, bent, proneness, aptitude. Ant. Aversion, indisposition, disinclination. Procrastinate, delay, defer, adjourn, postpone, put off, dally. Ant. Hurry, complete, finish. Procure, obtain, acquire, gain, get, reap, win, earn. Ant. Miss, lose, forfeit. Prodigal, extravagant, improvident, lavish, profuse, waste* ful. Ant. Frugal, economical, close, saving, miserly. Prodigious. See ENORMOUS. Prodigy, wonder, miracle, marvel, monster. Ant. Imposture, individual, nature. Produce, yield, give, generate, occasion, realize, show, lengthen. Ant. Retain, withhold, destroy, contract, reduce. Profane, impious, irreligious, unhallowed, secular, unholy, ungodly, godless. Ant. Pious, sacred, holy, devout, reverent. Profess, affect, pretend, feign, own. Ant. Renounce, repudiate, abjure. Profession. See OCCUPATION. Proffer, volunteer, offer, propose, tender. Ant. Withhold, detain, refrain. Proficiency, advancement, progress, improvement, skill, dexterity. Ant. Failure, backwardness, awkwardness. Proficient, adept, master, expert. Ant. Tyro, amateur, novice, dunce. Profit, gain, emolument, advantage, benefit, service, avail, use. Ant. Loss, detriment, damage, waste. Profligate, abandoned, dissolute, depraved, vicious, de* generate, corrupt, demoralized. Ant. Virtuous, honest, principled, conscientious. Profound, deep, penetrating, solemn, abstruse, recondite. Ant. Shallow, superficial. Profuse, extravagant, prodigal, lavish, improvident exces. sive, copious, plentiful. Ant. Scanty, sparing, parsimonious, poor. Progeny, children, descendants, cac/v. offspring, issue. v 1 50 A DICTION AR Y OF S YNON YMO US Ant. Stock, parentage, ancestry. Prognosticate. See PREDICT. Progress, advancement, growth, progression, movement, march, improvement. Ant. Delay, stoppage, retrogression, failure, relapse. Prohibit, hinder, debar, prevent, forbid, interdict, inhibit. Ant. Permit, grant, allow, sanction. Project, n. design, plan, scheme, contrivance, device. Ant. Hazard, chance, venture. Project, v. shoot, discharge, throw, hurl, jut, protrude bulge. Ant. Withdraw, draw, pull, attract "ecoil, retain. Prolific. See FERTILE. Prolix. See DIFFUSE. Prolong. See LENGTHEN. Prominent, eminent, conspicuous, jutting, important, lead- ing. Ant. Inconspicuous, minor, unimportant, receding, in- dented, engraved. Promiscuous, mixed, unarranged, mingled, indiscriminate. Ant. Sorted, select, arranged, reserved, exclusive, nice. Promise. See PLEDGE. Promote, encourage, aid, further, advance, forward, farther. Ant. Repress, hinder, discourage, check, allay, dis- honor, abase. Prompt, v. incite, animate, urge, impel. Ant. Tardy, late, backward, sluggish, inactive- prompt, a. expeditious, quick, alert, agile, active, brisk, ready. Ant. Tardy, late, sluggish, behindhand. Promptitude, readiness, promptness, quickness, alacrity. activity, briskness. Ant. Unreadiness, tardiness, hesitation, inaction. Promulgate, publish, announce, advertise, proclaim, de clare, spread. Ant. Suppress, conceal, stifle, hush, discountenance. Prone, /nclining, prostrate, flat, tending, apt. Ant. Averse, disinclined, indisposed. Pronounce, articulate, speak, utter, deliver, express, enun- ciate, declare, affirm. , JLvt. Mispronounce, suppress, stifle, silence, mumble, AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 151 Proof, demonstration, evidence, testimony, experience, trial, experiment, test, assay. Ant. Disproof, failure, fallacy, invalidity. Propagate, spread, circulate, diffuse, disseminate, extend, breed, increase, generate. Ant. Extinguish, contract, suppress, reduce, diminish, fail, die. Propensity, inclination, disposition, bias, proneness, ten- dency, bent, predilection, proclivity. Ant. Aversion, disinclination, indisposition. Proper, legitimate, right, just, fair, equitable, honest, suit- able, fit, befitting, decent, pertinent, appropriate. Ant. Improper, wrong, unsuitable, common, indecent, unbecoming. Property, goods, possessions, wealth, estate, peculiarity, quality, attribute, effects. Ant. Poverty, want, failure, penury, aspect, essence. Prophesy, foretell, predict, prognosticate. Ant. Recount, tell, relate. Propitiate, conciliate, reconcile. Ant. Alienate, estrange, exasperate. Propitious, fortunate, promising, favorable, auspicious, timely. Ant. Unpropitious, hostile, untimely, unfavorable. Proportion, rate, ratio, degree. Ant. Misproportion, misadjudgement. Proposal, offer, tender, overture, proposition. Ant. Withdrawal, order, command, warning, prohibi- tion. Propose, purpose, intend, mean, move, propound, design, offer, proffer, bid, tender. Ant. Chance, risk, venture, revoke. Proprietor, possessor, owner, master. Ant. Lessee, servant, subordinate. Propriety, expediency, fitness, justness, decorum, correct- ness. Ant. Imppropriety, indecorum, unconventionality Prorogue, adjourn, postpone, delay, defer. Ant. Convene, call, assemble, prolong. Prosecute, continue, pursue, persevere, persist, arraign. Ant, Discontinue, abandon, exonerate, acquit. 152 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Prospect, view, survey, landscape, perspective, vista, scene, promise, hope. Ant. Obscurity, darkness, cloud, hopelessness, improb- ability. Prosper. See SUCCEED. Prosperity. See WELFARE. Prostrate, oppressed, trampled on, abject, paralyzed. Ant. Erect, upright, restored, vertical, revived Protect. See DEFEND. Protection, shield, defence, preservation, guard, shelter. Ant. Betrayal, abandonment, exposure. Protest, assert, affirm, declare, predicate, aver, assure, denounce. Ant. Sanction, endorse, acquiesce, agree. Protract. See PROLONG. Protrude, jut, project, bulge, shoot, out, suspend. Ant. Recede, indent, incline. Proud, stately, vain, lofty, arrogant, conceited, boastful, grand, assuming, haughty, vain-glorious. Ant. Humble, meek, lowly, affable, deferential. Prove, examine, assay, evince, demonstrate, establish, confirm, manifest, argue, attest, verify. Ant. Disprove, refute, contradict. Proverb, adage, maxim, aphorism, saying, byword, saw. Ant. Essay, dissertation, oration, yarn. Provide, procure, prepare, furnish, supply, arrange, get. Ant. Neglect, overlook, withhold, retain, refuse, ap- propriate. Provident, careful, cautious, thrifty, prudent, economical. Ant. Improvident, reckless, careless. Provision, food, supplies, clause, duty, function. Ant. Neglect, oversight, want, destitution, pittance. Provoke. See IRRITATE. Prowess. See BRAVERY. Proximity, nearness, vicinity, neighborhood Ant. Distance, remoteness, separation. Proxy. See DEPUTY. Prudence, carefulness, judgment, discretion, wisdom. Ant. Impudence, rashness, indiscretion, silliness, reck- lessness. Pry, scrutinize, peep, peer, look into, search. Ant. Disregard, overlook, connive. 153 Public, common, general, open, notorious Ant. Private, personal, secret, secluded. Publish, proclaim, advertise, announce, declare, divulge, disclose, reveal, issue, bring out, print. Ant. Suppress, reserve, conceal, whisper, deny. Puerile, youthful, juvenile, boyish, childish, infantile, tri- fling, weak, silly. Ant. Manly, vigorous, powerful, cogent. Pull, draw, haul, gather, drag, tu^ Ant. Push, eject, propel. Punctilious, nice, particular, formal, precise. Ant. Uncermonious, unconventional, unscrupulous. Punctual, exact, precise, nice, particular prompt, timely. Ant. Late, tardy, dilatory, unpunctual. Pungent, acrid, acrimonious, piquant, smart, keen, sting- ing. Ant. Soothing, mellow, luscious, unctuous. Punish, chastise, castigate, correct, chasten, scourge p whip. Ant. Reward, remunerate, approve, indemnify. Puny. See WEAK. Pupil, scholar, disciple, learner, student, ward, tyro. Ant. Teacher, master, adept, guardian. Purchase. See BUY. Pure, unmixed, unspotted, unsullied, real, unadulterated, genuine, unblemished, spotless, immaculate, absolute. Ant. Impure, foul, corrupt, stained, denied, sullied, tarnished, guilty. Purify, clarify, clear, cleanse. Ant. Blacken, befoul, corrupt, stain, defile, sully. Purloin. See STEAL. Purport, tenor, sense, meaning, import, drift, spirit, in- tent, signification. Ant. Statement, assertion, declaration, proposition. Purpose, n. object, design, intention, view, aim, drift, end. Ant. Chance, fate, hazard, lot, accident. Purpose, v. See PROPOSE. Pursue, chase, hunt, track, follow, prosecute. Ant. Catch, hold, stop, withdraw, retire, abandon Push, thrust, impel, urge, press, drive. Ant. Pull, draw, drag. Putative, supposed, reputed, credited, deemed, reported. 154 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Real, veritable, authenticated, actual. Putrefy, rot, decompose, corrupt, decay. Ant. Purify, preserve, freshen, disinfect. Puzzle, perplex, confound, embarrass, bewilder, confuse. Ant. Enlighten, instruct, illumine, clear, solve. Quack, impostor, pretender, charlatan, empiric, mounte- bank. Ant. Dupe, gull, victim, authority. Quail, cow, daunt, dismay, intimidate, flinch, quake, tremble. Ant. Stand, defy, face, endure. Quaint, artful, curious, far-fetched, fanciful, odd, singular. Ant. Commonplace, ordinary, common, modern, dowdy. Quake, quail, shake, tremble, shudder, quiver. Ant. Stand, rest, calm. Qualification, capacity, fitness, capability. Ant. Disqualification, incapacity, unfitness. Qualify, fit, adapt, suit, abate, modify, soften. Ant. Disqualify, unfit, absolve, incapacitate. Quality, property, attribute, peculiarity, rank, fashion, distinction, character, station. Ant. Nondescript, incapacity, indistinctiveness, nega. tion. Quantity, amount, sum, deal, portion, prrt, division, share. Ant. Deficiency, insufficiency, loss, diminution. Quarrel, altercation, brawl, broil, tumult, feud, affray, dis- agreement, wrangle. Ant. Peace, agreement, harmony, friendliness, amity, reconciliation. Quarrelsome, irritable, hot, fiery, irascible. Ant. Peaceable, mild, meek, conciliatory, genial. Quash. See ANNUL. Queer, quaint, whimsical, odd, suange, eccentric, singular. Ant. Ordinary, familiar, common, usual. Quell. See SUBJ .UE. Quench. See EXTINGUISH. Querulous, complaining, frerting, repining. Ant. Contented, satisfied, genial, cheerful. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 155 Query. See QUESTION. Question, ask, interrogate, subject, point, doubt, dispute. Ant. Answer, state, assert, dictate, concede, endorse, allow. Questionable, doubtful, uncertain, disputable, suspicious. Ant. Certain, evident, obvious, indisputable. Quick, lively, ready, prompt, alert, nimble, agile, active, brisk, expeditious, adroit, fleet, rapid, swift, impetuous, sweeping, dashing, clever, sharp. Ant. Slow, tardy, sluggish, inert, inactive, dull. Quicken, accelerate, hasten, expedite, despatch, animate, revive, vivify. Ant. Retard, delay, clog, sway, detain, discourage. Quickness, speed, velocity, celerity, swiftness, fleetness. Quiescence, quiet, quietude, rest, repose, tranquility, dor. mancy, abeyance, stillness, silence. Ant. Agitation, unrest, motion, noise, disturbance, ex- citement, tumult. Quiet, v. calm, still, hush, lull, pacify, soothe. Ant. Rouse, excite, disturb, urge, agitate. Quiet, n. See QUIESCENCE. Quit, relinquish, abandon, leave, forego, give up, resign, cede, surrender. Ant. Hold, seek, occupy, bind, enforce, enter. Quite, altogether, completely, wholly, entirely, totally. Ant. Barely, hardly, partially, imperfectly. Quiver. See QUAKE. Quixotic, romantic, wild, freakish. Ant. Rational, reasonable, hum-drum. Quote, note, repeat, cite, adduce. Ant. Misquote, contradict, disprove, retort, refute. R Jtabid, mad, furious, raging, frantic. Ant. Rational, sane, sober. Race. See ANCESTRY. Rack. See TORTURE. Radiance, splendor, brightness, brilliance, luster, glare. Ant. Dullness, darkness, gloom. Radiate, shine, gleam, glitter, glisten, sparkle, coruscate. Ant. Darken* duT converge. 156 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Radical, organic, innate, fundamental, original, constitu* tional, inherent, complete, entire. Ant. Adventitious, superficial, partial, derived, extra' neous, unimportant. Rage, w. anger, indignation, choler, fury, passion, frenzy, fashion. Ant. Reason, moderation, temperance, calm, mildness, softness. Rage, v. storm, rave, fret, chafe, fume. Ant. Calm, assuage, cool. Rail, censure, bluster, scold. Ant. Flatter, compliment, approve. Raiment, clothes, vestments, garments, attire, garb, dresw, apparel. Ant. Nudity, nakedness, nature. Raise, hoist, lift, exalt, heave, heighten, aggregate, ele- vate, erect, levy. Ant. Lay, cast, depress, lower, depreciate, lull, quiet calm, compose, destroy, silence. Rally, assemble, congregate, recall, inspirit, animate. Ant. Demoralize, disperse, disband. Ramble, n. excursion, tour, jaunt. Ant. Rest, quiet, business, ride. Ramble, v. wander, stroll, roam, rove, range, expatiate stray. Ant. Hasten, speed, drive, run. Rambling. See DISCURSIVE. Rampant, prevalent, overruling, imperious, domineering luxuriant, frisky, headstrong. Ant. Curbed, controlled, disciplined, demure. Rampart, bulwark, defence, fence, security, guard, fortifi- cation, fort. Ant. Exposure, vulnerability. Rancid, fetid, rank, stinking, sour, tainted. Ant. Sweet, pure, fresh, fragrant. Rancor, malignity, hatred, hostility, antipathy, animosity, enmity, ill-will, spite. Range. See ARRANGE. Rank, order, degree, dignity, consideration, distinction. Ant. Disorder, confusion, commonalty. Ransack, rummage, pillage, overhaul, explore, plunder. Ant. Skim, survey, overlook, leave, omit. ANT> ANTITHETIC WORDS. "57 Ransom, emancipate, free, unfetter. Ant. Prosecute, hold, detain, indict, fine, forfeit. Rant, bombast, fustian, cant. Ant. Eloquence, rhetoric, reason, argument. Rapacious, ravenous, voracious, greedy, grasping. Ant. Frugal, contented, liberal, bountiful. Rapidity, quickness, swiftness, speed, velocity, celerity, fleetness, activity, expedition, dispatch. Ant. Slowness, delay, tardiness. Rapine. See PILLAGE. Rapt, ecstatic, transported, ravished, entranced, spell- bound, charmed, enchanted, delighted. Ant. Agonized, tortured, pained, indifferent. Rapture, ecstasy, transport, delight, bliss. Ant. Agony, torture, pain, ennui. Rare, scarce, singular, uncommon, incomparable, unusual, unique. Ant. Common, frequent, abundant, numerous, usual, mean, dense, cheap, worthless. Rascal. See ROGUE. Rash, hasty, precipitate, foolhardy, venturesome, advent- urous, thoughtless, heedless, reckless, careless. Ant. Wary, cautious, timid, discreet, deliberate, reluc- tant. Rashness. See RASH. Ratify, confirm, establish, substantiate, sanction, endorse. Ant. Reject, repudiate, abrogate, annul, nullify. Rational, reasonable, sagacious, judicious, wise, intel- lectual, sensible, sane, sound. Ant. Irrational, insane, weak, silly, absurd, injudicious, unreasonable. Ravage, overrun, overspread, desolate, devastate, de- spoil, destroy, swoop. Ant. Spare, preserve, protect, shield, indemnify. Ravenous. See RAPACIOUS. Raving, distracted, frantic, mad, furious, angry, violent. Ant. Quiet, calm, reasonable, sane. Ravish, entrance, enrapture, transport, enchant charm. delight, violate, abuse. Ant. Disgust, displease, annoy, shield, protect, honor. Raze, demolish, destroy, overthrow, ruin, dismantle, Ant. Raise-, erect, build, restore. 158 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Reach, touch, stretch, attain, gain, arrive at. Ant. Fail, miss, cease, rebate, stop. Readiness. See READY. Ready, prepared, ripe, apt, prompt, adroit, dexterous handy. Ant. Slow, tardy, late, reluctant, awkward, clumsy, un> prepared, unwilling, constrained. Real, actual, literal, positive, certain, genuine, true, veri- table. Ant. Fictitious, unreal, imaginary, false, untrue, spuri ous, artificial, assumed, pretended, possible. Realize, accomplish, achieve, effect, gain, get, acquire. Ant. Fail, lose, miss, dissipate, falsify, misrepresent. Reap, gain, get, acquire, obtain. Ant. Sow, plant, waste, lose, squander. Rear, lift, elevate, erect, breed, raise, train. Ant. Kill, destroy, demolish, stifle. Reason, motive, design, end, argument, proof, cause, purpose. Ant. Pretext, fallacy, folly, aimlessness. Reasonable. See RATIONAL. Rebellion, insurrection, revolt. Ant. Support, adherence, law, order, conspiracy. Rebuff, repell, repulse, rebuke, reprimand, reprove, check, Ant. Welcome, hail, encourage. Recall, revoke, reclaim, call back, annul, caned Ant. Send, appoint, delegate, forget. Recant, abjure, retract, revoke. Ant. Propound, assert, maintain, declare, hold. Recapitulate, repeat, recite, rehearse, enumerate. Ant. State, say, deliver, pronounce. Recede, retire, retreat, withdraw, ebb. Ant. Advance, proceed, approach, flow. Receive, accept, take, admit, entertain, hold. Ant. Give, impart, reject, discharge, emit. Recent, fresh, late, new, novel, modern. Ant. Ancient, antiquated, archaic. Reception, levee, receipt, admission. Ant. Dismissal, denial, protest, rejection, repudiation. Recess, retreat, depth, niche, vacation. Ant. Projection, promontory, protrusion, publicity, work. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 159 Reciprocal, mutual, alternate, interchangeable. Ant. One-sided, unreciprocal. Recite, relate, tell, repeat, rehearse, recapitulate. Ant. Write, read, hear, misquote, misrepresent. Reckless, heedless, regardless, careless, indifferent, uiv mindful, headstrong, imprudent, wild. Ant. Careful, heedful, cautious, timid, considerate wary. Reckon. See CALCULATE. Reckoning. See RECKON. Reclaim, recall, reform, regain, recover. Ant. Vitiate, corrupt, debase. Recline, lean, rest, repose, lie. Ant. Erect, raise, rise, stand. Recognize, acknowledge, own, coniess, avow, concede remember. Ant. Ignore, overlook, cut, disown, repudiate, forget. Recollect, bear in mind, remember, think of, recall. Ant. Forget, lose, disown. Recompense, v. indemnify, compensate, repay, redeem, remunerate, reimburse, requite. Ant. Ignore, hurt, dissatisfy. Reconcilable, placable, forgiving, consistent. Ant. Irreconcilable, inconsistent, incompatible. Reconcile, conciliate, pacify, propitiate, harmonize. Ant. Estrange, alienate, separate, sever. Record, v. enroll, note, register, minute, chronicle. Ant. Suppress, obliterate, erase, withhold. Record, . chronicle, register, note, trace, minute, memor- andum. Ant. Oblivion, obliteration. Recount, relate, rehearse, narrate, detail, describe, enum- erate, state. Ant. Falsify, hear, listen. Recover, regain, repossess, retrieve, repair, restore, rally. Ant. Lose, forget, miss, "impair, decay, decline, re- lapse. Recreant, cowardly, base, dastardly, craven, fearful, timid, false. Ant. Faithful, true, loyal, gallant. Recreation, sport, pastime, play, amusement, game, fun. Ant, Weariness, toil, work, labor, fatigue. i6o A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Recruit, repair, replenish, renew, refresh, restore, replace invigorate. Ant. Waste, lose, impair, relapse, decay. Rectify. See CORRECT. Rectitude. See INTEGRITY. Recumbent, leaning, lying, resting, reposing. Ant. Erect, vertical, standing. Redeem, ransom, get back, recover, atone for, recom pense, make amends, rescue, deliver, save, free. Ant. Profit, lose, abandon, betray, surrender. Redolent, odorous, aromatic, fragrant, odoriferous. Ant. Fetid, ill-savored, stinking. Redound, tend, conduce, contribute, add. Ant. Fail, miss, defeat, frustrate. Redress, remedy, repair, abatement, relieve, mitigate. Ant. Wrong, impair, aggravate, intensify, confirm, per. petuate. Reduce, abate, lessen, decrease, diminish, lower, abridge, shorten, curtail, degrade, conquer, impoverish. Ant. Enlarge, increase, augment, extend, broaden, ex- pand, invigorate, restore, liberate, transform. Redundant, superfluous, unnecessary, excessive, luxuriant Ant. Defective, requisite, necessary. Reel, stagger, totter, falter, roll. Ant. Walk, stand, run. Refer, appeal, allude, revert, relate, belong. Ant. Disconnect, separate, alienate, misapply. Referee, umpire, judge, arbitrator, arbiter. Ant. Litigant, opponent, adversary. Reference. See REFER. Refined, polite, courtly, polished, genteel, purified. Ant. Coarse, vulgar, gross, rude, blunt, unsophisticated uncultivated. Reflect, consider, think, ponder, muse, censure, reprove. Ant. Disregard, overlook, dream, wander, divert, dissi- pate. Reform, amend, correct, mend, better, restore, ameliorate, improve, reclaim. Ant. Corrupt, deform, impair, vitiate, perpetuate, con' firm. Reformation. See REFORM. Refractory. See OBSTINATE. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 161 Refrain, abstain, keep from, restrain, govern, forbear, de- sist from, refuse. Ant. Persist, continue, indulge, venture. Refresh, revive, enliven, cheer, renew, vivify, regale, feast. Ant. Oppress, weary, tire, fatigue, exhaust, enervate. Refuge, asylum, protection, sanctuary, shelter, retreat. Ant. Exposure, peril, snare. Refund, reimburse, pay back, repay, return, restore. Ant. Expend, embezzle, appropriate, steal, divert, with- hold. Refuse, v. deny, reject, repudiate, decline, withhold. Ant. Grant, concede, afford, yield, comply. Refuse, n. dregs, dross, scum, rubbish, leavings, remains. Ant. Cream, flower, prime. Refute, disprove, falsify, negative. Ant. Prove, confirm, establish. Regain. See RECOVER. Regale, feast, entertain, delight, refresh, gratify. Ant. Starve, stint, refuse, tantalize. Regard, attend to, advert, mind, heed, notice, behold, view, consider, respect, reverence, revere. Ant. Disregard, miss, overlook, despise, hate, misjudge. Regarding. See REFERRING. Regardless, indifferent, careless, heedless, unmindful, reck- less, inconsiderate, disregarding. Ant. Careful, attentive, prudent, cautious, scrupulous, mindful. Register. See RECORD. Regret, grief, sorrow, lamentation, repentance, remorse. Ant Indifference, exultation, callousness. Regular, orderly, methodic, systematical, uniform, un- varied, customary, ordinary, stated, periodical. Ant. Irregular, exceptional, abnormal, erratic, uncer- tain, rare. Regulate, arrange, adjust, organize, govern, rule. Ant. Disorder, confuse, misrule. Rehearse, narrate, repeat, recite, recount, te!3, relate. Anl. Exhibit, perform, misrepresent. Reimburse, refund, repay, satisfy, indemnify. Ant. Embezzle, defraud, retain, appropriate. Rein, restrain, moderate, govern, control, check. Ant. Indulge, loose, vent. 1 62 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Reiterate, repeat, reproduce, renew. Ant. Retract, reverse, contradict, cancel. Reject, repel, renounce, decline, refuse, repudiate. Ant. Hail, welcome, accept, choose, select, admit. Rejoice, delight, joy, gladden, exult, revel. Ant. Mourn, grieve, lament, weep. Rejoinder, retort, parry, reply, answer, replication. Ant. Attack, hit, sally, sarcasm, silence. Relate. See TELL. Related, cognate, connected, kindred, akin. Ant. Separated, disconnected, opposed, different. Relation, narration, narrative, account, recital, detail, affinity, kinsman. Ant. Irrelative, disconnection, dissociation, irrelevancy. Relax, abate, slacken, loosen, soften, relent. Ant. Tighten, intensify, stretch, bend, brace, grow. Release, free, extricate, disengage, liberate, loosen. Ant. Bind, constrain, confine, fetter, imprison. Relent. See RELAX. Relevant, fit, proper, suitable, appropriate, pertinent, apt. Ant. Irrelevant, impertinent, inappropriate. Reliance, trust, hope, dependence, confidence. Ant. Distrust, misgiving, suspicion, diffidence. Relief, succor, aid, help, redress, alleviation. Ant. Oppression, trouble, exhaustion, weariness. Religious, pious, godly, holy, devout, sacred. Ant. Irreligious, profane, ungodly, sceptic, impious. Relinquish. See FORSAKE. Relish, taste, flavor, piquancy, gusto. Ant. Insipidity, drawback, disrelish. Reluctant, unwilling, averse, loth, disinclined. Ant. Eager, active, ready, forward, willing, prompt. Remain, stop, tarry, halt, abide, stay, continue, sojourn, wait. Ant. Fly, vanish, go, disappear, hasten, depart. Remark, note, heed, comment, observe. Ant. Disregard, overlook, miss. Remarkable, unusual, rare, noteworthy, noticeable, ex- traordinary, observable, striking. Ant. Ordinary, common, every day, commonplace. Remedial, healing, curative, mitigating. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 163 Ant. Noxious, hurtful, deleterious, unhealthy, unwhole, some. Remedy, help, relief, redress, cure, specific, reparation Ant. Evil, ill, disease, hurt, plague, provocation. Remember, recall, recollect, mind. Ant. Forget, overlook, disregard. Remiss. See CARELESS. Remit. See FOREGO. Remnant. See REMAINDER. Remonstrate, object, protest, expostulate. Ant. Acquiesce, submit, coincide. Remorse, self-condemnation, anguish, penitence. Ant Indifference, complacency, self-approval. Remorseless, pitiless, relentless, cruel, ruthless, merciless. Ant. Compassionate, humane, gentle, lenient. Remote, distant, far, secluded, indirect. Ant. Near, close, immediate, proximate, present, urgent. Remove, displace, dislodge, withdraw, suppress, eject, oust. Rend, tear, disunite, split, lacerate. Ant. Repair, unite, piece, patch, perpetuate. Render, present, restore, return, requite, give. Ant. Keep, retain, withhold, appropriate. Renew. See REFRESH. Renounce, reject, abjure, quit, forego, abandon, foresake, resign, relinquish, disown. Ant. Acknowledge, recognize, maintain, assert, own, avow, profess, defend. Renown, distinction, reputation, fame, glory, celebrity. Ant. Infamy, disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, ignominy, oblivion. Repair, mend, retrieve, recover, restore. Ant. Impair, injure, waste, deteriorate. Repay, reimburse, reward, refund, return, requite. Ant. Defraud, embezzle, cheat, extort, confiscate. Repeal. See ABOLISH. Repeat, recite, relate, reproduce, recapitulate, rehearse. Ant. Discontinue, drop, stop, ignore, suppress, con- ceal, misquote. Repeatedly, again and again, frequently, often. Ant. Occasionally, infrequently. 164 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Repel, reject, refuse, deter, repulse, beat back. Ant. Propel, advance, encourage, promote, attack, charge. Repentance, self-reproach, penitence, contrition, remorse. Ant. Impenitence, obduracy, self-approval. Replace, reinstate, refund, restore. Ant. Move, remove, derange, deprive. Report, announce, notify, tell, communicate, relate. Ant. Silence, hush, suppress, conceal. Repose, . quiet, quietude, peace, ease, rest, sleep. Ant. Unrest, agitation, disturbance, commotion, tumult Repose, v. rest, recline, lie, settle, confide. Ant. Rise, move, labor, remove. Reprehend. See CENSURE. Represent. See PORTRAY. Representative. See AGENT. Repress, quell, crush, subdue, check, curb, restrain. Ant. Raise, rouse, excite, agitate, encourage, incite, stimulate, fan. Reprieve, pardon, acquittal, respite. Ant. Conviction, condemnation. Reprimand. See REPROVE. Reproach. See REPROVE. Reprobate, villain, ruffian, miscreant, castaway. Ant. Example, paragon, model, pattern. Reproduce, propagate, imitate, represent, copy. Ant. Stifle, extinguish, exterminate, misrepresent. Reprove, chide, rebuke, reprimand, scold. Ant. Praise, approve, commend, extol. Repudiate. See DISAVOW. Repugnant, antagonistic, averse, adverse, hostile, un- willing. Ant. Friendly, harmonious, agreeable, consistent, con- gruous. Repulsive. See ODIOUS. Reputable. See HONORABLE. Request, desire, beg, ask, beseech, entreat. Ant. Command, order, insist, dictate, enjoin, exact. Requite. See REPAY. Rescind. See CANCEL. Rescue, save, preserve, recover, recapture, retake. Ant. Endanger, expose, imperil, abandon, surrender. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 165 Research, inquiry, examination, lore, learning, investiga- tion. Ant. Oversight, ignorance, superficiality. Resemblance, similarity, semblance, likeness, image. Ant. Unlikeness. difference, dissimilarity. Resent, resist, oppose, repel, rebel. Ant. Overlook, submit, pardon. Resentment, ire, indignation, anger, umbrage, animosity. Ant. Endurance, forgiveness, mildness, calmness Reserve, shyness, modesty, coyness, reservation. Ant. Frankness, candor, openness, forwardness, pert- ness. Reside. See DWELL. Resident. See INHABITANT. Residue. See REMAINDER. Resign, relinquish, leave, abandon, abdicate, forego. Ant. Retain, grasp, claim, appropriate, hold. Resist, withstand, oppose, check, thwart, hinder. Ant. Encourage, promote, aid, help, submit, suffer, tolerate, permit. Resolute, determined, steadfast, decided, steady, constant, persevering, dogged, unshaken, unflinching. Ant. Irresolute, weak, undecided, inconstant, vacillat- ing. Resolution, determination, resolve, decision, motion, courage, fortitude, firmness, conversion. Ant. Indecision, inconstancy, composition, union, synthesis. Resort, fly to, retreat, repair, retire, go. Ant. Shun, ignore, avoid, discard. Resound, echo, re-echo, ring, respond, reverberate. Ant. Whisper, murmur, mutter, die. Resources, means, materials, devices, expedients, wealth, riches. Ant. Destitution, poverty, want, exhaustion. Respect, regard, prefer, venerate, defer. Ant. Despise, condemn, disregard, dishonor. Respectable, good, worthy, laudable, esteemed, reputable, decent, fair. Ant. Disreptuable, bad, unworthy, mean. Respite. See REPRIEVE. Respond, reply, answer, rejoin, correspond, tally, accord. i66 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Ignore, overlook, disregard, disagree, differ. Rest, repose, slumber, quiet, cessation, peace, tranquility, interval, remainder, residue. Ant. Motion, commotion, tumult, noise. Restive, obstinate, stubborn, impatient, uneasy. Ant. Docile, tractable, manageable. Restoration, renewal, renovation, return, recovery, re- vival, reparation. Ant. Loss, lapse, forfeiture, abandonment, waste, seizure. Restore, replace, refund, repair, refresh, heal, cure. Ant. Remove, displace, appropriate, deprive, demolish, injure. Restrain, repress, check, stop, limit, hinder, withhold. Ant. Promote, advance, urge, incite, aid, loosen, am- plify, enlarge, extend. Result, end, termination, conclusion, effect, issue, con- sequence. Ant. Beginning, cause, origin, rise, operation, antece- dent. Resume, recommence, begin again, renew. Ant. Drop, interrupt, discontinue. Retain, keep, hold, restrain, retard, detain, engage, hire. Ant. Abandon, forfeit, surrender, give up. Retaliate, repay, revenge, requite, retort. Ant. Pardon, condone, forgive. Retard. See IMPEDE. Retire. See DEPART. Retort. See REPLY. Retract. See RECALL Retreat, departure, retirement, withdrawal, asylum, shel- ter, refuge. Ant. Advance, approach, publicity, exposure, promi- nence. Retrench, reduce, abbreviate, diminish, curtail, contract, lessen, economize. Ant, Increase, extend, enlarge, augment, amplify. Retribution, penalty, punishment, requital Ant. Pardon, reprieve, escape. Retrieve, recover, rescue, regain, restore, repair. Ant. Lose, forfeit, impair, surrender. Retrospect, review, reminiscence, survey. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 167 Return, reappear, recur, revert, repay, requite, yield. Ant. Depart, leave, go, vanish, disappear, appropriate, withhold. Reveal, disclose, show, divulge, expose, publish Ant. Hide, obscure, conceal, cover, cloak. Revel, feast, carouse, luxuriate, banquet, wallow. Ant. Fast, abstain. Revenge, vengeance, retaliation, requital, retribution. Ant. Pardon, comparison, remission. Revengeful, unforgiving, spiteful, resentful, vindictive. Ant. Forgiving, generous, compassionate. Revenue, produce, income, fruits, proceeds, wealth Ant. Expenditure, expense, waste. Reverence, honor, respect, awe, veneration, deference, worship, homage. Ant. Irreverence, dishonor, contempt, contumely. Reverse, repeal, revoke, invert, overturn, overthrow, sub- vert. Ant. Order, arrange, place, ordain, affirm. Revert. See RECUR. Review, retrospect, retrospection, survey, revision, criti- cism. Ant. Glance, look, establishment. Revile, vilify, calumniate, asperse, slander, reproach, abuse, scandalize. Ant. Flatter, compliment, eulogize. .Revise, review, reconsider. Ant. Overlook, skim, dismiss. Revive, refresh, renew, renovate, animate, resuscitate, vivify, cheer, comfort. Ant. Extinguish, kill, depress, exhaust, droop, wither. Revoke. See REPEAL. Revolt, rebel, resist, shock. Ant. Obey, submit, acquiesce. Revolting, shocking, disgusting, frightful, horrible. Anl. Attractive, pleasing, charming, genial. Revolve, turn, circulate, whirl, twirl, wheel, rotate. Ant. Stand, proceed, fly, walk. Reward, recompense, compensation, remuneration, requital, bounty, premium. t. Punishment, wages, earnings. 168 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Rich, wealthy, affluent, opulent, copious, ample, abundant, exuberant, plentiful, fertile, fruitful, gorgeous. Ant. Poor, needy, indigent, barren, sterile, unfruitful. Ridicule, laugh at, deride, mock, lampoon, rally, chaff. Ant. Venerate, respect, salute, honor. Ridiculous, ludicrous, droll, absurd, preposterous, gro- tesque, comical, laughable. Ant. Serious, grave, sober, important, weight/, ma- jestic. Rifle. See PILLAGE. Right, a. lawful, correct, true, straight, direct, just, proper, fit, suitable. Ant. Wrong, unjust, untrue, incorrect, crooked, dis- honest, bad, vile. Right, n. claim, privilege, equity, justice. Ant. Wrong, injustice, falsehood, emptiness, encroach- ment, violence. Righteous, godly, upright, just, fair, honest, virtuous. Rigid, rigorous, austere, unyielding, stern, harsh, severe, unmitigated, firm, stringent. Ant. Pliant, docile, flexible, yielding, mild. Riot, commotion, tumult, uproar, row, disturbance, corr fusion. Ant. Peace, order, law. Ripe, ready, mellow, complete, mature. Ant. Raw, green, crude, immature, imperfect, unfit. Rise, v. See ASCEND. Rise, n. origin, source, spring, fountain-head, beginning; acclivity, ascent, increase. Ant. End, subsidence, sinking, termination, disappear- ance, conclusion. Risk. See VENTURE. Rite. See CEREMONY. Rival, See COMPETITOR. Roam, ramble, rove, wander, stray, stroll. Ant. Hurry, speed, fly, hasten, press. Roar, thunder, peal, howl, yell, vociferate. Ant. Silence, hush, whisper, breathe. Robbery, theft, plunder, pillage, larceny, depredation. Ant. Restoration, protection. Robust, strong, lusty, vigorous, sinewy, sto.. sturdy, stai* wart, able-bodied. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 169 Ant. Weak, frail, delicate, fragile, sickly. Rogue, scamp, knave, rascal, villain, scoundrel, cheat, swindler, sharper, miscreant. Ant. Gentleman, citizen, victim Roll, See CATALOGUE. Romantic, sentimental, poetic, sensitive, fictitious, ideal. Ant. Practical, prosaic, literal, unvarnished. Room, hall, chamber, apartment, space. Ant. Infinity, meadow, field, atmosphere. Rough, craggy, uneven, shaggy, rugged, blunt, rude, gruff, harsh. Ant. Smooth, even, level, sleek, calm, tranquil, refined, courteous, furnished. Round, circular, entire, spherical, complete, plump. Ant. Square, oblong, convex, lean. Rouse. See AROUSE. Rout. See DEFEAT. Route, road, course, march, way, journey, path, direction. Ant. Ramble, wandering, hazard, chance. Rove. See ROAM. Row, tumult, commotion, riot, disturbance, uproar, broil, affray. Ant. Peace, quiet, order, calm. Rubbish, fragments, debris, litter, wreck, dross, refuse, trash. Ant. Valuables, trinkets, property. Rude, rugged, rough, uncouth, unpolished, harsh, gruff, impertinent, saucy, flippant, impudent, insolent, churl- ish. Ant. Refined, modest, bashful, civil, courteous, polished, elegant, gentle, calm, peaceful, serene. Rugged. See ROUGH. Ruin, destruction, wreck, havoc, desolation, ravage, de- feat, overthrow. Ant. Success, rise, prosperity, completeness, integrity, regeneration, organization. Rule, sway, method, system, law, maxim, precept, guide, formula, regulation, government, standard, test. Ant. Irregularity, chance, hazard, exception, deviation. Ruling, prevalent, predominant, ascendant, dominant, rampant. Ant. Unimportant, unessential, minor, subordinate. 170 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Rumor, hearsay, talk, fame, report. Ant. Verification, fact, proof, evidence. Rumple, wrinkle, crumple, pucker, crease. Ant. Smooth, flatten, arrange. Run, flee, scamper, fly, hasten, go, flow. Ant. Walk, saunter, lounge, stay, stop, halt, hold, fail, drop, hesitate. Rupture, fracture, breach, burst, disruption, hostility. Ant. Union, coalition, fusion, junction. Ruse. See TRICK. Rush, stream, sweep, dash, press, roll. Ant. March, halt, lag, hesitate. Rustic, rural, countrified, rude, coarse, simple. Ant. Urbane, elegant, refined, polished. Ruthless, cruel, savage, barbarous, inhuman, merciless, remorseless, relentless, unrelenting. Ant. Forbearing, careful, tender, gentle, lenient, com- passionate. Sacred, holy, hallowed, divine, consecrated, devoted. Ant. Profane, unholy, common. Sad, sorrowful, mournful, dull, dismal, downcast, lugubri. ous, dejected, gloomy, cheerless. Ant. Joyous, gay, cheerful, glad, happy, blithe. Safe, sure, secure, certain, substantial, trustworthy, relia- ble. Ant. Unsafe, insecure, dangerous, hazardous. Sagacious, shrewd, discerning, sage, wise, prudent, acute, discriminating, intelligent. Ant. Dull, obtuse, stolid, unintelligent. Salary, wages, allowance, pay. stipend, hire, remunera tion. Ant. Gift, gratuity, reward. Salient, striking, remarkable, prominent, projecting, jut* ting. Ant. Minor, inconsiderable, retreating, retiring. Salutation, greeting, address, welcome, congratulation. Ant. Disregard, scorn, affront, cut. Sample, specimen, model, pattern, example, illustration. Ant. Exception, nondescript, variety, nhenomenon. AND ANTITHE TIC WORDS. 171 Sanative. See SALUBRIOUS. Sanction, confirm, countenance, encourage, support, ratify authorize. Ant. Discountenance, disallow, prohibit, nullify. Sanguine, hopeful, confident. Ant. Desponding, distrustful, suspicious, misgiving. Sapient. See WISE. Sarcasm, satire, irony, chaff, ridicule, mockery. Ant. Eulogy, compliment, panegyric. Satiate, glut, gorge, satisfy, surfeit. Ant. Stint, starve. Satire. See SARCASM. Satisfaction, gratification, compensation, amend--, Recom- pense, remuneration, contentment, complacency, pay- ment. Ant. Discontent, dissatisfaction, grievance, vexation, annoyance, fraud, wrong, demand, claim, offence. Satisfy, please, gratify, convince, satiate, glut, gorge. Ant. Dissatisfy, displease, annoy, stint, starve, puzzle, tantalize. Saturate, Steep, soak, imbue, impregnate. Ant. Drain, empty, dry, wrong. Saucy, impertinent, rude, impudent, insolent, flippant, for* ward. Ant. Civil, deferential, obsequious, servile. Saunter. See RAMBLE. Savage. See BARBAROUS. Save, rescue, deliver, keep, hold, husband, redeem, spare, retrench, economize. Ant. Lose, betray, abandon, destroy, surrender, impose, promote, induce, cause, endanger, risk lavish, waste. Savory, tasty, piquant, tasteful, palatable. Ant Dry, flavorless, distasteful, nauseous. Scandalize, shock, disgust, offend, caluimnate, vilify, re- vile, malign, traduce, defame, slander. Ant. praise, respect, honor. Scanty, bare, pinched, insufficient, slender, meager. Ant. Ample, full, liberal, bountiful, generous. Scarce, rare, singular, uncommon, unique, wanting, uti- usual. Ant. Common, frequent, abundant, plentiful, thick, valueless. 172 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Scarcity, dearth, famine, lack, want. Ant. Plenty, abundance, frequency. Scare, v. See FRIGHTEN. Scatter, strew, spread, fling around, disseminate, disperse. dissipate, dispel. Ant. Collect, gather, heap, save, accumulate. Scheme, design, plan, project, theory, intrigue, plot. Ant. Blunder, miscontrivance, chance. Scholar, disciple, pupil, student, savanl. Ant. Teacher, master, professor, dunce. Science, knowledge, learning, scholarship. Ant. Ignorance, inexperience. Scoff, jibe, jeer, sneer, deride, taunt, twit. Ant. Salute, respect, compliment, honor. Scope, range, purpose, intention, drift, aim, tendency, de sign, view, tenor, purport. Ant. Aimlessness, accident, deviation. Scorn, contempt, disdain, mockery, sneer. Ant. Esteem, regard, honor, respect. Scraggy. See LEAN. Scrap. See FRAGMENT. Screen. See CONCEAL. Scruple, hesitate, doubt, waver. Ant. Proceed, decide, determine, act. Scrupulous, strict, nice, conscientious, precise. Ant. Reckless, unscrupulous, confident, self-complacent. Scrutinize, examine, sift, investigate, inquire into. Ant. Overlook, disregard, miss, glance. Scurrilous. See OFFENSIVE. Search, exploration, scrutiny, inquiry, investigation, ex* amination, research, quest, pursuit. Ant. Abandonment, withdrawal, stoppage. Season, time, period, occasion, term, spell. Ant. Untimeliness, unseasonableness. Seasonable, timely, fit, opportune, convenient, suitable. Ant. Unseasonable, unsuitable, unexpected, inoppor* tune. Seclusion. See PRIVACY Secondary, second, inferior, under, subordinate, minor, un. important. Ant. Primary, leading, prominent, important. Secrecy. See PRIVACY. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 173 Secret, concealed, hidden, clandestine, sly, underhand, private. Ant. Public, open, exposed, known, notorious, dis- closed. Secular, worldly, temporal, civil, lay, profane. Ant. Religious, clerical, monastic, spiritual. Secure. See SAFE. Security. See PROTECTION. Sedate, settled, grave, composed, calm, quiet, serene, staid. Ant. Flighty, ruffled, frolicsome, indiscrete, playful. Sedition, insurrection, rebellion, revclv, mutiny, tumult riot. Ant. Union, allegiance, fealty, quiet, obedience, order. Seditious, factious, tumultuous, turbulent, insurgent, mu* tinous, rebellious, incendiary. Ant. Obedient, orderly, quiet, calm, peaceful. Seduce, allure, attract, decoy, entice, abduct, inveigle. Ant. Force, compel, command, overpower. Sedulous, assiduous, diligent, industrious, indefatigable, constant, persevering. Ant. Idle, inconstant, wandering, distracted. See, behold, view, witness, eye, spy, descry, discern, per- ceive, understand, observe, note, mark, discover. Ant. Miss, overlook, disregard, misunderstand, ignore. Seek, look for, search, explore, examine, find out, dis- cover, detect, ask. Ant. Avoid, shun, elude, discard, abandon, ignore. Seem, look, appear. Ant Belie, misrepresent, differ. Seemly, fit, suitable, becoming, decent, decorous, comely. Ant. Unseemly, unbecoming, unfit, unsuitable, im- proper, indecent, incongruous. Seize, capture, catch, grasp, clutch, snatch, take, arrest, apprehend, bind, fasten. Ant. Loose, dismiss, liberate, abandon, drop, unfasten. Seldom, rarely, unfrequently. Ant. Often, frequently, invariably. Select, elect, prefer, choose, pick, cull. Ant. Lump, sweep, take. Selfish, egotistical, self-seeking, earthly, sordid, merce- ~v, nary, venal, greedy. 174 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Unselfish, disinterested, generous, liberal, mag- nanimous, considerate. Sell, vend, dispose of, hawk, retail. Ant. Give, bestow, present. Send, transmit, forward, dispatch. Ant. Detain, withhold, deny, recall. Seniority, eldership, superiority, priority. Ant. Juniority, inferiority, subordination. Sensation, perception, apprehension, feeling, impression. Ant. Apathy, insensibility. Sense, discernment, appreciation, view, opinion, feeling, perception, sensibility, susceptibility, thought, judg- ment, signification, import, significance, meaning, pur- port, wisdom, Ant. Ignorance, folly, nonsense, insensibility, stolidity, misconception, misinterpretation. Senseless, foolish, imbecile, brainless, absurd, nonsensi- cal, unmeaning, silly. Ant. Sensible, wise, practical. Sensible, wise, intelligent, reasonable, sober, sound, con- scious, aware. Ant. Insensible, ignorant, intangible, invisible, impal- pable. Sensual, carnal, fleshly, voluptuous, animal. Ant. Spiritual, intellectual, abstemious, ascetic. Sentiment, thought, feeling, notion, sensation, apprehen- sion, opinion, impression, conviction. Ant. Vacuity, nonsense, ignorance, conjecture, as- sumption, prejudice. Separate, distinct, different, unconnected, disconnected, detatched, disjoined, severed. Ant. United, joined, tied, wedded, linked, consolidated, connected, fused, collected. Sequel, end, close, termination, conclusion. Ant. Original, beginning, opening. Serene. See CALM. Series. See ORDER. Serious. See GRAVE. Serve. See AID. Service. See BENEFT. Servile, mean, low, abject, sneaking. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 175 Ant. Independent, refractory, stubborn, defiant, rebel- lion. Set, put, place, lay, arrange, locate, settle. Ant. Remove, lift, raise, transfer, loosen, detach. Settle, arrange, adjust, regulate, organize, conclude, de- termine, fix, ratify, confirm. Ant. Unsettle, remove, disturb, disorder, misplace. Sever, break, disconnect, dissever, separate, detach. Ant. Unite, connect, include, join. Several, sundry, divers, various, many. Ant. One, same, identical, united, total. Severe, harsh, stern, stringent, unmitigated, rough, un- yielding. Ant. Gentle, considerate, lenient, kind, genial, indul- gent, gay, cheerful, joyous. Shade, shadow, dim, obscure, cloud. Ant. Light, illuminate, shine, glare, expose. Shadowy. See DIM. Shake, tremble, shudder, shiver, quake, quiver. Ant. Secure, fix, fasten, strengthen, stand. Shame, disgrace, dishonor, immodesty, indecency. Ant. Honor, glory, renown, credit. Shameful. See SHAME. Shameless. See SHAME. Shape, form, fashion, mold, model. Ant. Distort, derange, pervert, caricature. Share, portion, lot, division, quantity, quota, contingent. Ant. Whole, mass, aggregate, entirety. Sharp, pointed, biting, pungent, acute, keen, shrewd, clever, witty, penetrating, piercing, shrill. Ant. Blunt, dull, obtuse, rounded, hollow, light, trivial, mild, gentle, tender, indifferent, careless. Shatter, shiver, derange, disorder. Ant. Construct, organize, compose. Shed, pour, effuse, spread, spill, diffuse. Ant. Absorb, collect, assume, retain. Shelter, n. asylum, refuge, retreat, cover, haven, security. Ant. Exposure, betrayal. Shelter, v. cover, screen, lodge, protect. Ant. Expose, endanger, imperil, betray. Shift, v. transpose, contrive, change, alter, veer. Ant. Locate, fasten, fix, plant. 176 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Shift, n. evasion, expedient, resource, alternative. Ant. Location, permanence, fixity. Shine, glow, gleam, glisten, glitter, radiate, sparkle. Ant. Fade, wane, glimmer, gleam. Shiver, shatter, break, quake, shudder, quiver, tremble. Ant. Steady, stiffen, stand. Shock, offend, disgust, appal, dismay, scare, stun, terrify. Ant. Gratify, please, delight, amuse. Shocking, disgusting, revolting, dreadful, terrible. Ant. Pleasing, charming, delightful, creditable, attract* ive. Short, brief, concise, curt, compendious. Ant. Long, protracted, extended, unlimited, ample, abundant, complete. Shorten. See ABBREVIATE. Show, exhibition, sight, representation, spectacle, scene, pageant, ostentation. Ant. Secrecy, disguise, concealment, suppression, dis- appearance. Showy, pompous, gorgeous, fine, gay, grand. Ant. Quiet, subdued, unnoticeable. Shrewd. See SAGACIOUS. Shroud. See COVER. Shudder. See TREMBLE. Shun. See AVOID. Shut, close, preclude. Ant. Open, expand, unfasten, unclose. Shy, timid, reserved, coy. Ant. Bold, impudent, forward, audacious. Sick, ill, diseased, disordered, distempered, indisposed, un- well, ailing. Ant. Well, whole, healthy, strong, robust. Side, edge, verge, margin, border, party, cause, interest, policy. Ant. Center, core, body, interior, neutrality, opposition. Sight, seeing, perception, view, vision, spectacle, show. Ant. Blindness invisibility, disappearance, oversight. Sign, token, proof, indication, symbol, emblem, type, symptom, mark, omen, signal, badge. Ant. Misjudication, falsification, misrepresentation. Signal, remarkable, noted, notable, extraordinary, emi- nent, conspicuous, memorable, important. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 177 Ant. Ordinary, common, unimportant, unnoticeable. Significant, expressive, indicative, momentous. Ant. Insignificant, meaningless, unindicative, mute. Signify, express, declare, intimate, imply, denote, mean, betake. Ant. Conceal, suppress, nullify, relute, neutralize. Silence, stillness, quiet, calm, secrecy. Ant. Noise, clamor, din, tumult, roar, agitation, pub- licity, celebrity, loquacity. Silly, simple, imbecile, foolish, witless, unwise, indiscreet, nonsensical. Ant. Sagacious, intelligent, astute, wise, discreet, pru- dent, rational, sound. Similar, resembling, alike, corresponding. Ant. Different, unlike, dissimilar, alien, incongruous. Similitude. See SIMILAR. Simple, silly, imbecile, foolish, elementary, unmixed, mere, plain, frank, open, shallow. Ant. Complex, double, mixed, various, compound, elaborate, complicated, sagacious, wise. Sin, wrong, wickedness, iniquity, crime, ungodliness, evil. Ant. Goodness, virtue, righteousness, purity, holiness. Sincere, unvarnished, genuine, honest, unaffected, upright, true, plain, frank, candid, cordial. Ant. Insincere, false, feigned, pretended, dishonest. Single, sole, unmarried, singular, particular, individual, only. Ant. Plural, many, collective, double, numerous, fre- quent, married. Singular, particular, odd, curious, eccentric, queer, strange, rare, scarce. Ant. Common, frequent, ordinary, usual, customary, general. Sinister, unfair, disingenuous, dishonest, bad, evil, left. Ant. Honest, right, fair, lucky, fortunate, attractive. Sink, droop, descend, suppress, conceal, submerge. Ant. Rise, ascend, mount, soar, swell, increase. Size, greatness, bulk, magnitude, largeness, dimension, bigness, extent. Ant. Smallness, littleness, minuteness. Sketch. See PORTRAY. Skillful. See ADROIT. 178 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Skill. See APTITUDE. Skulk, sneak, hide, cover, sink, shroud, shelter, veil. Ant, Show, parade, issue. Slack, loose, remiss, careless, negligent, backward, weak, slow. Ant. Tight, tense, diligent, alert, active, eager. Slacken, loosen, unbind, relax, abate, flag, moderate. Ant. Tighten, increase, freshen. Slander, defame, asperse, calumniate, traduce, detract, scandalize, revile, vilify, abuse. Ant. Vindicate, commend, praise, honor, extol. Slaughter, bloodshed, carnage, butchery. Ant. Peace, order, arbitration. Slavish. See SERVILE. Slay. See KILL. Sleek, glossy, shiny, velvety, silken. Ant. Rough, bristly, hairy. Sleepy, sluggish, lazy, somnolent, slumbrous, drowsy, lethargic. Ant. Wakeful, vigilant, alert, awake, active. Slender, slim, thin, small, trivial, slight, fragile. Ant. Stout, robust, thick, massive. ^ Slight, a. See SLENDER. Slippery, smooth, glossy, unsafe, deceptive, evasive. Ant. Rough, firm, securely, safe, stable, trustworthy. Slothful. See IDLE. Slovenly, loose, negligent, disorderly, tidy. Ant. Trim, neat, tidy, orderly, careful. Slow, dilatory, tardy, sluggish, tedious, dull, lazy. Ant. Quick, fast, rapid, alert, active, ready, prompt. Sluggish. See SLOTHFUL. Sly, cunning, astute, crafty, artful, subtle, wily, under, hand. Ant. Open, frank, artless, undesigning. Small, little, diminutive, minute, slight, trivial. Ant. Great, large, big, bulky, ample, stouf, spacious, strong, important, liberal. Smart, quick, keen, brisk, sharp, caustic, severe, clever, witty, showy, spruce. Ant. Dull, heavy, slow, stupid, sluggish, dowdy, shab- by, clownish. Smartness. See SMART A AD ANTITHETIC WORDS. 179 Smear, daub, besmear, begrime, varnish, spatter. Ant. Polish, sour, scrape. Smell. See ODOR. Smite, beat, strike, slay, kill, afflict, chasten, punish. Ant. Soothe, caress, console repel Smoke, fumes, vapor, nothing, moonshine, triviality. Ant Substance, reality, flame importance. Smooth, a. suave, bland, even, level, plain, polished, flat Ant Rough, uneven, rugged, harsh, blunt Smooth, v vevel, flatten, ease, calm, allay mollify. Ant Roughen, smear, dent, groove, excite, aggravate. Smother, gag strangle, alloy, stifle, conceal, choke, suf focate Ant Fan, ventilate, resuscitate, foster, cherish, publish Snare. See TRAP. Snatch, pluck, pull, twitch, catch, clutch, grasp, grip. Ant. Restore, release, unhand. Sneak. See CROUCH. Sneer, scoff, taunt, jibe. mock. Ant. Compliment, eulogy, deference. Snub. See REBUKE. Snug, close, compact, concealed, comfortable. Ant, Exposed, loose, uncomfortable, bare. Soak, wet, moisten, steep, drench, saturate, macerate. Ant Dry, air, wring, bleach. Soar, rise, mount, tower, ascend, aspire. Ant. Drop, sink, descend, alight Sober, moderate, abstemious, abstinent, sedate, temperate, cool, calm, dispassionate, reasonable, self-possessed. Ant Intemperate, drunk, intoxicated, excited, impaa sioned, agitated, furious, extravagant, eccentric. Sociable, social, convivial, conversable, familiar, com. panionable, genial, friendly. Ant. Unsociable, ungenial, morose, retiring, bashful. Social, civil, civic, sociable, convivial. Ant. Individual, personal, solitary, physical. Society, association, company, corporation, companion* ship, community, fellowship, fraternity. Ant. Individuality, personality, separation, privacy. Soft, Supple, flexible, yielding, docile, tractable, manage able, mild, gentle, meelf, tender, mellow, sleek, glossy I8o A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Hard, tough, rigid, unyielding, coarse, harsh, rough, unkind, stern, sharp, ascetic, resolute. Soften, civilize, mollify, mitigate. Ant. Harden, barbarize, excite, infuriate. Soil, v. stain, sully, tarnish, begrime, defile, doleful, dirty, Ant. Cleanse, purity, bleach. Sojourn, v. See DWELL. Solace. See COMFORT. Sole, only, solitary, single, alone, individual, exclusive. Ant. Plural, numerous, collective. Solemn. See GRAVE. Solemnity, ceremony, rite, observance, form, celebration' sancity, sacredness, impressiveness. Ant. Gaiety, profanity, triviality, desecration, vulgarity./ Solicit, ask, crave, beg, urge, pray, entreat, beseech, implore, supplicate, importune, invite. Ant. Demand, require, exact, claim. Solicitude. See ANXIETY. Solid, hard, firm, stable, substantial, compact, dense, strong valid. Ant. Hollow, soft, yielding, frail, brittle, elastic, weak, invalid, unsound. Solitary. See ALONE. Solution, explanation, answer, key, disconnection. Ant. Union, combination, connection, complication, mystification, obscurity. Solve. See EXPLAIN. Sombre, dull, grave, gloomy, cloudy, murky, dusky, sable, dark, mournful, funereal, lugubrious. Ant. Bright, gay, sunny, joyous. Song, ballad, carol, ditty, lay, strain, poem, hymn, anthem. Ant. Speech, prose, sermon. Soothe, soften, allay, appease, relieVa, assuage, compose, calm, quiet, still, hush, lull, paci*v. mitigate. Ant. Rouse, excite, ruffle, irritats, agitate, aggravate, annoy, infuriate. Sordid, earthly, selfish, mean, covetous, niggardly, greedy close, dirty, foul, gross, vile, base. Ant. Pure, generous, unselfish, honorable, profuse, lavish, prodigal, extravagant. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 181 'Sorrow, affliction, distress, grief, trouble, sadness, mourn- ing. Ant Joy, gladness, rejoicing. Sorry, grieved, pained, hurt, afflicted, vexed, shabby, paltry, worthless, vile, sorrowful, sad. Ant. Glad, pleased, delighted, gratified, fine. Sort, species, kind, quality, class, genus, nature, char- acter. Ant. Unliiteness, eccentricity, phenomenon, unique- ness. Soul, spirit, life, reason, intellect, vitality, energy, cour- age, feeling, person, animation, vivacity Ant. Materiality, body organism, physiology. Sound, a. healthy, orthodox, unbroken, unimpaired, firm, weighty, valid. Ant. Unsound, imperfect, partial, broken, impaired, unhealthy, weak, frail, fragile. Sound, v. ring, peal, clash, clang, investigate, gauge. Ant. Silence, hush, overlook, disregard Sour, acid, sharp, tart, rancid, harsh, pungent, piquant, crabbed, morose, peevish. Ant. Sweet, wholesome, mellow, genial, kindly. Source, origin, spring, fount, cause, rise, original, begin- ning, commencement. Ant. Mouth, end, exit, issue, result, effect. Soverign, regal, royal, imperial, principal, chief, pre- dominant, paramount, effectual. Ant. Inferior, subject, subordinate, subservient, weak, inefficient. Space, room, interval, extent, expanse, field. Ant. Limitation, restriction, confinement, proximity. Spacious, ample, roomy, capacious, extensive* large, wide. Ant. Narrow, limited, cramped, confined. Spare, v. afford, give, husband, store, forbear. Ant. Spend, squander, lavish, scatter, int. Tlge. Spare, a. meager, scanty, frugal, stinted, lean, thin. Ant. Ample, plentiful, abundant, profuse, liberal, n erous, bountiful, available. Sparkle, shine, flash, gleam, twinkle, glitter, glisten, glare, bubble, effervesce. Ant. Smoulder, stagnate, expire. 182 A DfCTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Speak, converse, say, tell, talk, discourse, utter, express. Ant. Hush, sing, write, chant, conceal. Special, exceptional, peculiar, particular, distinctive. Ant. General, universal, common, generic. Fnecify, particularize, state, designate, mention. Int. Generalize, iump, combine, confound. Specimen, model, sample, illustration, example, instance. Ant. Exception, amomaly, nondescript, freak. Specious, colorable, plausible, showy. Ant. Absurd, ridiculous, inadmissible, unreasonable. Spectacle, show, display, sight, scene, exhibition, repre- sentation, pageant. Ant. Fizzle, non-celebration Spectator. See OBSERVER. Speculation, contemplation, consideration, view, theory, scheme, conjecture. Ant. Realization, proof, fact, verification, certainty. Speedy, early, quick, fast, rapid, swift, fleet. Ant. Late, slow, tardy, loitering, lingering. Spend, expend, disburse, exhaust, squander, lavish, waste. Ant. Retain, save, hoard, accumulate, economize. Spirit, breath, life, essence, soul, specter, apparition, ghost, courage, zeal, mood, temper, principle. Ant. Body, substance, flesh, frame, embodiment, torpor, deadness, timidity, dejection. Spirited. See ANIMATED. Spiritual, divine, religious, incorporeal, inmaterial, eccle > siastical, ghostly. Ant. Material, carnal, fleshly. Spite, rancor, spleen, malice, malevolence, ill-will, grudge,' pique, vindictiveness. Ant. Goodwill, kindliness, benevolence. Spleen. See SPITE. Splendid, magnificent, grand, brilliant, showy, superb; sumptuous, pompous, glorious, illustrious, signal. Ant. Tame, sombre, dull, obscure, unimposing, mean, poor, ordinary, ineffective. Split, cleave, break, burst, crack, divide, separate. Ant. Unite, cohere, coalesce, combine, agree, consol* date. Spoil, destroy, mar, impair, injure, plunder. A /. Preserve, improve, better, enrich, endow. ' AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 183 Spontaneous, voluntary, willing, gratuitous. Ant. Involuntary, compulsory, necessitated. Sport, amusement, diversion, recreation, pastime, game; play, frolic. Ant, Work, business, earnestness, Spread, extend, disperse, expand, diffuse, distribute, cir- culate, propagate, disseminate, unfurl. Ant. Contract, gather, furl, fold, close, shut, secrete, suppress, restrict, hush, conceal. Sprightly. See GAY. Spring, rise, proceed, issue, flow, emerge, leap, bound, jump. Ant. Alight, land, drop, arrive, issue, end, terminate. Sprout, bud, germinate, shoot forth, spring. Ant. Blight, wither, decay. Spruce. See NEAT Spur, goad, incite, urge, stimulate. Ant Hold, discourage, rein, check, restrain, deter. Spurious, counterfeit, fictitious, unauthentic, false, un sound. Ant. Genuine, true, veritable, legitimate, authentic. Spurn. See SCORN. Squalid, foul, filthy, dirty, unclean, poverty-stricken. Ant. Cleanly, wholesome, trim, neat, tidy. Squander, waste, consume, dissipate. Ant. Save, retain, hoard, hold, acquire, get. Squeeze. See PRESS. Stable, firm, established, solid, substantial, constant, staunch, steadfast, steady, fast, standing, permanent, perpetual. Ant. Unstable, weak, infirm, insecure, precarious, frail, transient, evanescent. Stagnant, motionless, lifeless, tideless, standing. Ant. Brisk, flowing, rapid, lively, seething, restless. Staid, steady, sober, demure, grave, sedate. Ant. Unsteady, flighty, indiscreet, eccentric, agitated. Stain, color, dye blot, soil, befoul, tarnish, sully, pollute. mar, injure, spoil. Ant. Purify, cleanse, waste, decorate, honor. Stalwart. See POWERFUL. Stammer. S*e HESITATE. 184 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Stamp, mark, impress, impression, print, genus, kind, de scription, make, mold, type. Ant. Formlessness, non-description. Stand, stop, rest, stagnate, endure, halt. Ant. Move, proceed, advance, progress, yield, fall, fail. run, vanish, depart. Standard, criterion, measure, gauge, test, rule. Ant. Mismeasurement, misconformity, misfit. Standing, status, ground, station, rank, position. Ant. Insecurity, precariousness. Starved, famished, lean, ill-fed, emaciated, Ant. Fat, well-fed, plump. State, n. See CONDITION. State, v. specify, particularize, say, declare, propound, avow, narrate, recite. Ant. Suppress, conceal, suppose, imply, deny, retract, contradict, hear. Stately. See DIGNIFIED. Station, standing, position, post, office, situation, state, rank, location. Ant. Removal, departure, ejectment. Stationary, immovable, fixed, motionless. Ant. Movable, changeable, migratory, alterable, un- fixed. Staunch. See SINCERE. Stay, remain, abide, continue, await, wait for, dwell, sup- port, sustain, hold, stop, restrain, arrest, hinder. Ant. Go, leave, depart, move, proceed, hasten, speed, send, expedite, free, oppress, burden, fail. Steadfast, constant, staunch, firm, resolved. Ant. Wavering, capricious, uncertain, dubious, irreso- lute. Steady, firm, fixed, constant, regular. Ant. Unsteady, variable, changeable, inconstant. Steal, purloin, pilfer, filch, embezzle. Ant. Buy, restore, renew, pillage. Steep, precipitous, abrupt, hilly, craggy. Ant. Easy, level, gradual, accessible. Sterile, unfruitful barren, desert, unproductiye. Ant. Fertile, fruitful, productive, luxuriant, cultivated. Sterling, genuine, pure, unalloyed, unadulterated, sound, substantial. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 185 Ant. False, fictitious, specious, pretentious, unreliable. Stern, harsh, severe, austere, rigid, rigorous, strict. Ant. Lenient, kindly, easy, genial. Stick. See ADHERE. Stifle See EXTINGUISH. Stigma, mark, brand, infamy, disgrace, blot, stain Ant. Decoration, laurels, credit, renown. Still See MOTIONLESS. Stimulate. See ENCOURAGE. Stingy, close, mean, niggardly, sparingly. Ant. Liberal, generous, lavish, bountiful. Stint, limit, stop, restrict. Ant. Lavish, pour, heap, squander. Stipend. See REMUNERATION. Stipulate, bargain, contract, agree on, engage, covenant. Ant. Retract, decline, refuse, withdram, disagree, pro t test. Stir, budge, move, agitate, disturb, excite, arouse. Ant. Still, quiet, pacify, soothe, repress. Stock. See STORE. Stolid, obtuse, heavy-headed, doltish, dull senseless. Ant. Acute, quick, clever, bright, sensitive. Stoop, bend, yield, condescend. Ant. Rise, erect, stand. Stop, close, plug, cork, seal, arrest, check, hinder, impede, bar, terminate. Ant. Open, clear, unseal, promote, speed, hasten, pro- ceed. Store, stock, fund, supply, hoard, provision, treasury. Ant. Emptiness, lack, want, consumption, exhaustion. > Stormy, tempestuous, boisterous, blustering, roaring, rav ing. Ant. Calm, quiet, peaceful. Stout, robust, athletic, vigorous, stalwart, corpulent, strong, lusty. Ant. Lean, thin, slender, weak, frail, feeble, timid. Straight, right, direct, undeviating. Ant. Crooked, winding, curved, circuitous. Strain, stretch, tighten, exert, filter. Ant. Loosen, relax, slacken. Strange, odd, surprising, singular, eccentric, rare, un* -\ common, unusual. 186 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Familiar, usual, ordinary, common, regular general. Stranger, foreigner, alien. Ant. Neighbor, friend, acquaintance, countryman. Stratagem, artifice, trick, deception, cheat, imposture, delusion, deceit, plot, plan, device. Ant. Attack, openness, frankness, blunder, defect. Stray, rove, ramble, err, digress, deviate, wander. Ant. Adhere, abide, stick, return. Strength, power, might, authority, force, vigor. Ant. Weakness, feebleness, infirmity, fraility, softness, insecurity, invalidity. Strengthen, fortify, reinforce, invigorate, consolidate, establish, substantiate. Ant. Weaken, loosen, shake, undermine, diminish. Strenuous, vigorous, zealous, vehement, bold, ardent, strong, resolute. Ant. Weak, feeble, irresolute. Stress, emphasis, force, accent, strain, weight, pressure. Ant. Lightness, touch, triviality, unimportance. Stretch, spread, expand, extend, lengthen, elongate, reach. Ant. Contract, shorten, shrink, curtail. Strict, close, accurate, correct, exact, nice, stringent, rigorous, severe. Ant. Loose, lax, indulgent, lenient, inaccurate. Stricture. See CENSURE. Strife, struggle, quarrel, contention, discord, disagree* ment, bickering, wrangle. Ant. Peace, amity, friendship, reconciliation, good- will. Strike, hit, beat, smite, touch. Ant. Avoid, graze, miss, escape, pass, Striking. See MARVELOUS. Strip, denude, divest, bare, despoil, rob, rifle. Ant. Clothe, invest, endow, enrich, compensate. Strive, labor, struggle, aim, contend, vie, contest, en- deavor. Ant. Submit, succumb, yield, withdraw. Strong, forcible, cogent, powerful, fortified, potent, sturdy stalwart, hale. .robust, sinewy, athletic, hardy, firm. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 187 Ant. Weak, frail, powerless, defenceless, feeble, sickly infirm, calm, gentle, delicate, impotent, moderate. Struggle. See STRIVE. Stubborn. See OBSTINATE. Studious. See DILIGENT. Study, thought, consideration, care, attention, application. Ant. Idleness, ease, carelessness, negligence. Stupendous, astounding, amazing, marvelous, wondrous. Ant. Ordinary, unimposing, small. Stupid, stolid, dull, obtuse. Ant. Bright, quick, clever, sagacious, sensible. Sturdy. See STRONG. Suavity. See AFFABILITY. Subdue, conquer, overpower, vanquish, subjugate, over- come, tame, quell. Ant. Exalt, aggrandize, strengthen, fortify, liberate* Sublime, grand, noble, raised, exalted, lofty, elevated, eminent, high, Ant. Low, mean, base, ignoble, inglorious, ordinary. Submerge, inundate, drown, deluge, flood, sink. Ant. Raise, extricate, dry, save. Submissive. See OBEDIENT. Submit, succumb, comply, yield, surrender. Ant. Resist, oppose, object, withdraw, resume, recoven retain, hold, keep. Subsequent, later, posterior, following. Ant. Prior, former, earlier, anterior. Subsist. See EXIST. Substantial, real, true, solid, substantive, tangible, re- sponsible. Ant. Unreal, imaginary, fictitious, visionary, imma- terial, weak, frail, ghostly. Substitute. See DEPUTY. Subterfuge, evasion, shift, quirk, subtility, artifice, dodge. Ant. Candor, openness, frankness, honesty, challenge, assertion, exhibition. Subtile, fine, thin, rare, delicate, nice, acute, refined. Ant. Coarse, thick, gross, dense. Subtle, cunning, crafty, astute, sly, wily, artful, shrewd. Ant. Simple, artless, open, frank, rough, undiscerning. Subtract, deduct, subduct, withdraw, remove, take. Ant. Add, import, give, bring. 188 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Succeed, flourish, thrive, prosper, follow. Ant. Fail, lose, miss, precede, anticipate. Successful, fortunate, lucky, happy. Ant. Unsuccessful, unfortunate, unlucky. Succession, order, series, rotation, lineage, race. Ant. Irregularity, disorder, failure, intermission, breaft, gap. Succinct, brief, short, concise. Ant. Prolix, diffuse, discursive, long. Succor. See AID. Succumb. See SUBMIT. Sudden, abrupt, quick, unexpected, unlocked for, unasu ticipated. Ant. Gradual, expected, anticipated, slow. Suffer, bear, endure, tolerate, admit, allow, let, permit. Ant. Resist, repel, reject, forbid, ignore. Suffocate. See SMOTHER. Suggest, hint, allude, refer, intimate, insinuate, propose, Ant. Declare, insist, demand, dictate, enunciate. Suit, serve, adapt, agree, answer, fit, please, harmonize. Ant. Differ, disagree, misfit, vary. Suitable, seemly, fit, apt, becoming, expedient, conven- ient, eligible, opposite. Ant. Unsuitable, unfitting, unbecoming, discordant. Sulky, sullen, gloomy, morose, fretful. Ant. Genial, kindly, obliging. Sully, stain, tarnish, soil, spoil, blemish, mar, disgrace, dishonor. Ant. Purify, cleanse, glorify, ennoble, dignify. Sum, amount, quantity, total, whole, problem, aggregate. Ant. Part, portion, item, imperfection. Summary, n. abstract, epitome, digest, abridgment, com- pendium. Ant. Expansion, dilution, explanation. Summary, a. short, brief, concise, compendious, succinct. Ant. Tedious, protracted, circuitous, formal, slow, Summit, top, height, culmination, acme, apex, zenith. Ant. Bottom, depth, base, foot, nadir. Summon, call, fetch, cite, bid, challenge, convoke. Ant. Send, discharge, remit, disband, dissolve, dismiss. Sumptuous, costly, expensive, dear, valuable, princely, superb. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 189 Ant. Poor, mean, inexpensive, sordid, beggarly, frugal. Sunder. See SEPARATE. Sundry. See DIFFERENT. Superb, princely, grand, splendid, magnificent Ant. Mean, commonplace, shabby. Supercilious, haughty, arrogant, insolent. Ant. Affable, courteous, modest. Superficial, shallow, flimsy, slight, imperfect, external outer. Ant. Deep, profound, abstruse, accurate, exact. Superfluous, needless, excessive, useless, unnecessary. Ant. Essential, necessary, required, scant, deficient. Superintend, supervise, overlook, control, direct, manage, Ant. Obey, submit, do. Superior, higher, upper, noble, head, better, excellent. Ant. Inferior, lower, worse, subordinate, ordinary, common. Superlative, highest, greatest, extreme, supreme, exquisite. Ant. Lowest, common, ordinary. Supernatural, miraculous, preternatural. Ant. Natural, physical, human. Supercede, overrule, annul, set aside, suspend, supplant. Ant. Confirm, perpetuate, continue, supply. Supine, indolent, sluggish, lazy, listless, dull, apathetic, torpid, inactive, careless. Ant. Active, energetic, diligent, indefatigable. Supple, lithe, flexible, pliant, bending, yielding, compliant. Ant. Firm, stiff, stubborn, inflexible, unbending, inde- pendent. Supplicate, pray, beg, solicit, beseech, importune, entreat, implore, crave. Ant. Order, command, insist, demand. Supply, furnish, give, grant, afford, provide, minister, con- tribute, yield. Ant. Expend, use, consume, absorb, demand, withhold, retain. Support, sustain, prop, uphold, maintain, help, befriend, assist, countenance, patronize, favor, second, further, forward, promote, nurture, nourish, foster. Ant. Drop, abandon, betray, surrender, discontinue, oppose, discourage, weaken, exhaust, subvert, sup* press. IQO A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS \ Suppose, presume, conceive, apprehend, imagine, think; assume, believe, deem. Ant. Prove, demonstrate, deny, negative. Supposition. See CONJECTURE. Suppositious, spurious, false, theoretical, speculative. Ant. Genuine, true, real. Suppress, repress, crush, quell, restrain, put down, stifle, overwhelm, smother, check, stop. Ant. Raise, support, fan, excite, incite, instigate, ag- gravate, publish, spread, disseminate. Supreme, paramount, highest, greatest, principal. Ant. Inferior, subordinate, subject, lower. Sure, infallible, certain, indisputable, unmistakable, doubtless, firm, safe, secure, confident, positive, assured. Ant. Uncertain, ignorant, dubious, doubtful, weak, pre. carious, insecure, transient, fallible. Surfeit, glut, gorge, cloy, pall, satiate. Ant. Stint, deprive, starve. Surly, gloomy, morose, sulky, sullen, splenetic, ill-natur ed, rough, gruff. Ant. Genial, kindly, pleasant, happy. Surmise, presume, conjecture, guess, suppose, suspect. Ant. Prove, establish, verify, state. Surmount, overcome subdue, vanquish, conquer, surpass, exceed. Ant. Succumb, fail, miss, submit, lose. Surpass, excel, exceed, outdo, outstrip, surmount. Ant. Fail, foil, miss, equal. Surplus, remainder, overplus, residue, excess, balance. Ant. Deficiency, deficit. Surprise, astonish, amaze, startle, alarm. Ant. Forewarn, prepare, premonish. Surrender, cede, give up, deliver, yield, relinquish, resign abandon. Ant. Resist, defeat, retain, vindicate, withhold. Surreptitious, underhand, furtive, stealthy, clandestine. Ant. Open, frank, honest, ingenuous. Surround, environ, encompass, encircle, invest, besiege inclose. Ant t Open, expose, liberate, free. AND ANTITHETIC WORD*. 19 Survey, examine, scrutinize, review, view, inspect, recon* noiter. Ant. Overlook, ignore, miss, disregard. Susceptible, sensitive, excitable, tender, sensible. Ant. Insusceptible, insensitive, impassive, cold. Suspect, fear, surmise, guess, conjecture. Ant. Trust, credit, confide. Suspense, doubt, uncertainly, anxiety, solicitude, respite, rest, pause. Ant. Settlement, decision determination. Suspicion, misgiving, jealousy, distrust, mistrust. Ant. Belief, trust, confidence. Suspicious, doubtful, questionable, mistrustful. Ant. Trusting, confident. Sustain. See SUPPORT. Sustenance, support, living, livelihood, subsistence, main* tenance, sustentation. Ant. Starvation, exhaustion, inanition. Swallow, absorb, imbibe, engulf, engross, consume, de* vour. Ant. Vomit, disgorge, discharge. Swamp, bog, fen, morass, marsh, quagmire. Ant. Field, meadow, river, lake, pond, hill. Sway, influence., government, authority, dominion, so. premacy, ascendency, rule. Ant. Meekness, obedience subservience, subjection. Swear, declare, depose, testify, curse, blaspheme. Ant. Guess, surmise, conjecture hesitate. Sweet, sugary, luscious, delicious pleasing, mild, gentie, winning. Ant. Sour bitter, offensive, nasty, discordant, reput sive unwholesome, tainted. Swell, heave, rise, enlarge, enhance, heighten, dilate, expand, augment. Ant. Contract, lessen, diminish, reduce, condense, narrow. Swift, quick, fleet, speed, rapid, prompt, ready, eager Ant. Slow, tardy, lazy, loitering, sluggish. Swindler, See CHEAT Sycophant, flatterer, parasite, adulator, toady, hanger-on. Ant Friend, rival, JQ2 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Sympathy commiseration, condolence, pity, compassion, agreement fellow-feeling, union concert. Ant. Antipathy unkindness, harshness Symptom, token sign note, mark suggestion. Ant. Misindication, mistake. Synod. See ASSEMBLY Synonymous. See EQUIVALENT. Synopsis, epitome syllabus. Ant. Oration, essay dilation, expansion. System, method arrangement, regularity, order, rule, piaa scheme, Ant. Disorder, confusion, chance, fortuity. Tacit, silent, implied, understood, implicit. Ant. Open, avowed, declared, expressed. Tact, address, adroitness, expertness, skill, nicety, discrim. ination, dexterity. Ant. Indiscretion, ignorance, awkwardness, mistake Tactics, strategy policy, diplomacy. Ant. Blunder, mistake. Taint, contaminate, defile, pollute, corrupt, infect, Yitiate, disgrace. Ant. Purify, cleanse, disinfect, efface. Take, accept, receive, catch, seize, remove, abstract. Ant. Drop, reject, abandon, lose, miss, repel, give. Talent, ability, faculty, genius, cleverness, gift, endow. ment. Ant. Imbecility, stupidity, incompetence. Talk, conversation, chat, gossip, dialogue, discourse, re- port, rumor. Ant. Writing, correspondence, literature. Talkative, garrulous, loquacious, prating, chattering, chatty. Ant. Taciturn, silent, reserved, close, mute, reticent. Tall. See HIGH. Tally, match, suit, correspond, agree, accord, harmonize. Ant. Differ, disagree. Tame, gentle, domesticated, mild, docile, tedious, dull. Ant. Wild, savage, undomesticated, fierce, spirited, ani- mated, exciting, lively. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 193 Tangible, palpable, solid, substantial, material, percepti- ble. Ant. Intangible, impalpable, spiritual, incomprehensi- ble. Tantalize, aggravate, provoke, irritate, tease, vex, frus- trate. Ant. Gratify, soothe, satisfy. Tantamount, equivalent, synonymous, equal to. Ant. Unequivalent, unequal. Tardy. See SLOW. Tarnish. See TAINT. Tarry, await, stay, remain, lag, loiter, abide, lodge, dwell* Ant, Press, push, speed, haste. Tart, sour, sharp, keen, acrid, bitter, acrimonious. Ant. Mellow, sweet, mild, genial, kindly, oily, polite, courteous. Task, business, work, labor, toil, lesson. Ant. Relaxation, leisure, amusement, hobby. Taste, judgment, discernment, perception, sensibility, relish, gusto, zest, nicety, elegance, refinement. Ant. Indiscrimination, indiscernment, indelicacy, In- sipidity, coarseness. Tasteless, flat, insipid, mawkish, vapid, dead, stale. Ant. Savory, toothsome, palatable, elegant, refined. Taunt, gibe, jeer, sneer, scoff, twit, deride, reproach. Ant. Compliment, eulogy, panegyric. Tax, toll, duty, rate, assessment, impost, contribution, custom. Ant. Gift, wages, reward, remuneration. Teach, instruct, inform, educate, inculcate, train, direct, guide, counsel, advise, Ant. Mislead, misinform, misguide, withhold, bru talize. Teacher, schoolmaster, professor, preceptor, instructor, tutor. Ant. Pupil, student, scholar. Tear, rend, break, lacerate, sever, sunder. Ant. Mend, unite. Tease, vex, plague, torment, irritate, disturb, provoke. int. Soothe, gratify, please, delight, fascinate. i'edious, slow, dilatory, tardy, wearisome, irksome dreary, tiresome, prosy, sluggish. C94 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Quick, exciting, interesting, amusing, delightful. Teeming, prolific, fertile, pregnant, fruitful, full, fraugh^ replete, swarming. Ant. Barren, scant, sparse, few. Tell, number, enumerate, count, state, mention, commu- nicate, apprise, impart, reveal, inform, ascertain, signify, acquaint, notify, intimate, report. Ant. Hear, listen, repress, suppress misrecount, mis- narrate, misjudge. Temerity, foolhardiness, audacity, rashness, heedlessness. Ant. Timidity, caution, calculation. Temperate, abstinent, moderate, sober, abstemious, calm, cool, sedate, frugal. Ant. Intemperate, immoderate, self-indulgent, torrid, frigid. Tempest. See STORM. Temporal, wordly, terrestrial, mundane, secular, transient. Ant. Religious, spiritual, eternal, sacerdotal. Temporary, present, immediate, transient, partial. Ant. Perpetual, lasting, complete, perfect, permanent final. Temporize, fence, maneuver, procrastinate. Ant. Act, decide, determine, confirm. Tempt, allure, try. test, draw, attract, decoy, entice, seduce. Ant. Dissuade, deter, warn, frighten, repel. Tenable, defensible, sound reasonable. Ant. Indefensible, weak, fallacious, irrational, absurd. Tend, keep, watch, guard, manage, incline, nurture. Ant. Betray, desert, abandon. Tendency, inclination, leaning, propensity, proclivity, proneness, predisposition, scope, drift, aim, bias. Ant. Disinclination, aversion, deviation, tangency. Tender, v. offer, proffer, produce, bid. Ant. Withhold, withdraw, retain. Tender, a. mild, kind, bland, indulgent, compassionate, gentle. Ant. Strong, sturdy, hardy, tough, cruel, careless, lib- eral, rough, rude, unfeeling. Tenet. See OPINION. Tenor, meaning, drift, intent, sense, purport. Ant. Incoherence, irrelevance, variance. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS, - 195 Tension, strain, force, tone, stretch, tightness. Ant. Looseness, laxity, slackness Term. See DESIGNATE, Terminate, close, end, conclude, complete, finish, stop. Ant. Begin, commence, initiate, establish, progress, Terrestrial, worldly, earthly, mundane, sublunary. Ant. Celestial, infernal. Terrible, awful, terrific, tremendous, fearful, dreadful, shocking, frightful, horrible. Ant. Ordinary, common, pleasant. 7errify. See FRIGHTEN. Terror. See ALARM Terse, neat, smooth, compact, concise, succinct, pithy forcible, energetic. Ant. Coarse, rough, rude, inconcise, diffuse, prolix. Tfest, criterion, standard, ordeal, experience, experiment, trial, proof ftnt. Misindication, error, misproof. Ttstify, depose, declare, swear, attest, witness, prove, cer tify. Ant. Falsify, misaffirm, silence. testimony, witness, confirmation, attestation, proof, evl dence Ant Refutation, contradiction, disproof, argument. Testy. See IRRITABLE Thankful. See GRATEFUL. Thankless, ungracious, profitless, ungrateful, unthankful. Ant. Thankful, profitable, reciprocative. Thaw. See MELT Theatrical, dramatic, showy, ceremonious, meretricious. Ant. Simple, quiet, subdued, plain, unaffected. Theft. See ROBBERY Theory, speculation, scheme, plea, hypothesis, conjecture. Ant Fact proof, verity, practice. Thick, dense, close, compact, solid, coagulated, muddy* turbid, misty, foggy, vaporous. Ant. Thin, rare, fine, sparse, strained, pure, limpid, slight, clear, distinct. Thin, slim, slender slight, flimsy, lean, attenuated, scrag* gy, emaciated, diluted. Ant, Thick, dense, solid, close, bulky, deep, confused. 196 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Think, cogitate, consider, reflect, ponder, contemplate; meditate, muse, conceive, fancy, imagine, apprehend, hold, esteem, reckon, consider, deem, believe, opine. Ant. Guess, hazard, conjecture, dream, trifle, doubt. Thought, idea, conception, imagination, fancy, conceit, notion, supposition, care, provision, consideration, opinion, view, sentiment, reflection, deliberation. Ant. Vacuity, dream, hallucination, aberration, mis- conception. Thoughtful, considerate, careful, cautious, heedful, dili- gent, contemplative, reflective, provident, pensive. Ant, Thoughtless, inconsiderate, rash, precipitate, heed- less. Thraldom, slavery, enslavement, servitude, bondage, vassalage, captivity. Ant. Liberty, freedom, independence. Threat, menace, intimidation. Ant. Promise, encouragement, allurement. Threatening, imminent, impending, menacing, intimidat- ing, foreboding. Ant. Encouraging, promising, reassuring, enticing. Thrifty, sparing, careful, prudent, economical, frugal saving, provident. Ant. Prodigal, wasteful, extravagant. Thrive, flourish, prosper, increase, succeed, grow, fatten. Ant. Decay, fade, wither, waste, languish, droop Throng. See CROWD. Throw, propel, cast, hurl, fling. Ant. Retain, revoke, hold, restrain, draw, haul. Thrust, push, drive, force, impel, urge. Ant. Draw, retract, snatch. Thwart. See FRUSTRATE. Tickle, amuse, titillate, gratify. Ant. Irritate, hurt, annoy, vex. Tide, current, stream, course, influx. Ant. Stagnation, stoppage, cessation, subsidence, Tidings. See NEWS. Tidy, orderly, neat, spruce, clean, cleanly. Ant. Untidy, dirty, unclean, slovenly. Tie, bind, restrain, restrict, oblige, secure, unite, join. Ant. Untie, unbind, sever, separate, release. Tight, tense, stretched, not slack, snX li AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 197 Ant. Loose, slack, open, lax, large. Time, duration, season, period, era, age, date, span, spell Ant. Eternity, indetermination, space, Timely seasonable, opportune, early, judicious. Ant. Untimely, late, inopportune, unseasonable. Timid, timorous fearful, afraid, pusillanimous, cowardly, dastardly, faint-hearted. Ant. Bold, daring, courageous, rash, venturesome audacious. Tinge, flavor, taste, color, dye. Ant. Disinfect, erase. Tint, shade, tinge, hue, color, stain, dye, complexion. Ant. Pallor, bleaching, achromatism Tiny, small, little, diminutive, wee, lilliputian. Ant. Huge, large, gigantic, bulky. Tip. See END. Tipsy. See INTOXICATED. Tire, exhaust, fatigue, bore, weary, jade, harass, dispirit* Ant. Enliven, refresh, animate, amuse, excite. Title, denomination, designation, name, appellation, style, dignity, epithet, right. Ant. Indistinction, nondescript, indenomination. Tittle. See ATOM. Toil, work, task, travail, pain, labor, drudgery. Ant. Ease, relaxation, rest, amusement, pleasure. Token. See SIGN. Tolerable, passable, ordinary, middling. Ant. Intolerable, unbearable, insupportable, insuffera- ble. Tolerate, allow, admit, receive, suffer, permit, let, endure, Ant. Repel, prohibit, reject, resist, disallow. Tomb. See GRAVE. Tone, style, manner, mode, sound, intonation, pitch. Ant. Laxity, silence, hush. Top, summit, apex, head, crown, surface. Ant. Foot, bottom, base. Topic. See SUBJECT. Torment, torture, tease, worry, persecute, pain, offend, tantalize, plague. Ant. Soothe, gratify, please, delight, amuse. Torpid, benumbed, numb, dull, stupid, sluggish, inert. 198 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Lively, animated, gay, nimble, brisk, active. Torrid, burning, hot, parching, scorching, sultry. Ant. Frigid, arctic, cold, cool, fresh, temperate. Torture, torment, anguish, agony. Ant. Ecstacy, rapture, bliss, delight. Toss. See PITCH. Total, sum, gross, whole, aggregate, entire, complete. Ant. Part, item, portion. Totally, entirely, quite, altogether, fully, wholly. Ant. Partly, partially, incompletely. Totter, falter, reel, rock, tremble, shake, stcgger. Ant. Steady, stand, stay. Touch. See MOVE. Touching, tender, affecting, moving, pathetic. Ant. Amusing, ridiculous, indifferent. Touchy. See IRRITABLE. Tough, strong, hard, firm, leathery, difficult. Ant. Soft, yielding, tender, fragile, brittle. Tour. See EXCURSION. Trace, derive, deduce, follow, pursue, track. Ant. Miss, lose, stop, retreat, fail. Track. See ROAD. Tract. See DISTRICT. Tractable, docile, manageable, amenable. Ant. Refractory, unmanageable, unamenable. Trade, traffic, commerce, dealing, occupation, employ* ment. Ant. Profession, idleness, leisure, relaxation. Traditional, oral, uncertain, transmitted. Ant. Written, documentary Traduce. See CALUMNIATE. Traffic. See TRADE. Tragedy, disaster, calamity, affliction, catastrophe. Ant. Joy, delight, boon, prosperity, comedy. Tragic, fatal, calamitous, mournful, sorrowful. Ant. Comical, joyous, gay, light. Train, educate, instruct, dicipline, drill, inure. Ant. Force, break, disqualify, miseducate. Trait. See CHARACTERISTIC. Trammel, fetter, shackle, clog, bond, chain, impediment, hindrance. Ant. Freedom, liberation, extrication. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 199 tranquil, still, unruffled, peaceful, quiet, hushed. Ant. Agitated, disturbed, anxious, excited, restless, un- easy. Tranquilize. See SOOTHE. Transact, perform, conduct, manage, negotiate, treat. Ant. Mismanage, misconduct, fail. Transaction, negotiation, occurrence, proceeding, affair. Ant. Non-performance, mismanagement, suspension. Transcend, surmount, overstep, exceed, surpass, excel, eclipse. Ant. Fail, fall, foil. Transcendent, consummate, surpassing, unrivaled, unex- ampled, matchless, incomparable. Ant. Ordinary, attainable, common, average. Transfer, make over, convey, remove, copy, transmit. Ant. Retain, keep, withhold, fix, appropriate, receive. Transform, change, metamorphose, transfigure, transmute. Ant. Perpetuate, conserve, arrest. Transgress, pass, exceed, violate, infringe, offend, trespass. Ant. Observe, keep, obey, fulfill, respect. Transient, fleeting, passing, transitory, temporary, short lived. Ant. Permanent, lasting, abiding, perpetual, enduring. Transition, change, shifting, variation, transmutation. Ant. Stability, permanence, perpetuity. Transmit, remit, dispatch, convey, send, forward. Ant. Retain, keep, withhold. Transparent, clear, limpid, lucid, obvious. Ant, Opaque, thick, turbid, mysterious, questionable. Transport, n. bliss, ecstacy, rapture, carriage, conveyance. Ant. Agony, distress, annoyance, vexation. Transport, v. ravish, delight, enrapture, bear, carry, con- vey, remove, banish. Ant. Vex, displease, annoy, stop, hold, retain Transpose, change, reverse, shift. Ant. Retain, fix, keep. Trap, snare, ambush, stratagem, pitfall. Ant. Warning, beacon, light-house, premonition. Trappings, gear, ornaments, tackle, harness, parapher- nalia. Ant. Nudity, nakedness, dismantlement. Trash, nonsense, twaddle, trifles, dross. aoo A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Sense, wisdom, usefulness, goods, property. Travel, trip, ramble, excursion, journey, tour, voyage. Ant. Rest, halt, stop, settlement. Traverse, cross, pass, thwart, obstruct. Ant. Pass, omit, sanction, overlook, elude, avoid. Treacherous, traitorous, disloyal, treasonable, faithless, false-hearted, perfidious, sly, false. Ant. True, faithful, open, honest, chivalric. Treason, treachery, disloyalty, disaffection. Ant. Openness, fidelity, honor, chivalry. Treasure, riches, wealth, stock, store, reserve. Ant. Trash, offal, refuse, dregs, scum. Treat, negotiate, bargain, entertain, feast. Ant. Drop, abandon, decline, maltreat, mismanage, mis- arrange, Irifle. Treaty, convention, negotiation, agreement, contract. Ant. Neutrality, non-interference. Tremble, quake, shake, quiver, shudder, totter. Ant. Steady, settle, still, calm. Tremendous, awful, fearful, frightful, terrible. Ant. Unimposing, unappalling, inconsiderable. Tremulous, trembling, jarring, quivering, vibrating, shak- ing. Ant. Motionless, smooth, equable. Trenchant, cutting, sharp, severe, sarcastic. Ant. Weak, impotent, unavailing. Trend, incline, diverge, bend, tend, stretch. Ant. Continue, proceed, advance. Trepidation. See FEAR. Trial, experiment, test, gauge, proof, ordeal, essay, trouble, temptation, affliction, cause, action, suit. Ant. Hazard, conjecture, guess, theory, relief, refresh- ment, oversight, disregard. Tribulation, affliction, grief, distress, trouble, misery, woe. Ant. Joy, rejoicing, gladness, rest, delight. Tribute, tax, impost, subsidy, duty, charge, custom, offer- ing, contribution. Ant. Gift, wages, reward, remuneration. Trick, fraud, cheat, artifice, stratagem, guile, deception, imposition, freak, antic, vagary, hoax. Ant. Exposure, artlessness, honesty, fairness, candor, openness. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. o* Trifle, n. bauble, toy, gewgaw, bagatelle. Ant. Treasure, portent, phenomenon, crisis, importance urgency, necessity. Trifle, v. toy, play, dally, wanton. Ant. Treat, cope, tackle, grapple, deal. Trifling, slight, silly, trivial, petty, unimportant, light. Ant. Important, grave, serious: Trim, compact, snug, neat, nice, tidy, clean, spruce. Ant. Slovenly, untidy, loose, negligent. Trip, mistake, error, blunder, excursion, tour, ramble, jaunt. Ant. Stand, speed, prosper, succeed. Trite, stale, old, ordinary, commonplace, hackneyed. Ant. Original, novel, startling. Triumph, achievement, ovation, victory, conquest, jubila- tion. Ant. Defeat, failure, discomfiture, disappointment. Triumphant, elated, victorious, exultant. Ant. Unsuccessful, beaten, baffled, worsted, humiliated. Trivial. See TRIFLING. Troop, assemblage, multitude, gang, band, horde, com' pany. Ant. Scarcity, few, individual, bevy, squad. Trouble, v. afflict, distress, agitate, annoy, tease, harass, perplex, disturb, grieve, oppress, aggrieve. Ant. Soothe, calm, allay, please, delight, gratify, re- fresh, entertain. Trouble, n. affliction, distress, grief, tribulation, adversity, calamity, disaster, misfortune, anxiety, sorrow, mis- ery, plague, torment. Ant. Happiness, pleasure, delight, joy, gladness, amusement. Troublesome, tiresome, irksome, sore, grievous, arduous. Ant. Easy, pleasant, amusing, light. Truant, idling, loitering, vagabond, shirking, vagrant. Ant. Diligent, industrious, domestic, loyal, faithful. Truckling. See SERVILE. True, genuine, actual, sincere, honest, upright, veritable, real, veracious, authentic, exact, accurate, correct. Ant. False, untrue, fictitious, erroneous, spurious, counterfeit, faithless, fickle. Trumpery, trivial, worthless, tawdrv 8oa A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Valuable, costly, good. Trunk, stem, stalk, body, proboscis, chest, box. Ant. Head, limbs, bag, satchel. Trust, believe, credit, hope, expect. Ant. Distrust, suspect, discredit, doubt, disbelieve, r*+ sume, withdraw. Trusty. See TRUST. Truth. See TRUE. Try, attempt, endeavor, sti ".ve, struggle, test, examine, prove. Ant. Ignore, reject, abandon, decline, withdraw. Tug. See DRAW. Tumble. See FALL. Tumult, ferment, outbreak, urawl, fray, turbulence, up- roar, commotion, hubbub, disturbance, riot. Ant. Peace, quiet, order, tranquility, subsidence. Tumultuous, turbulent, riotous, disorderly, disturbed, con- fused, unruly. Ant. Peaceful, orderly, quiet, tranquil. Tune. See TONE. Turbid, foul, thick, muddy, impure, unsettled. Ant. Clear, crystal, crystalline, transparent. Turbulent. See TUMULTUOUS. Turmoil. See TUMULT. Turn, v. revolve, circulate, whirl, twirl, wheel, incline, in- flect, deviate. Ant. Fix, stand, stop, arrest, continue, proceed, per- petuate. Turn, n. spiral, maze, labyrinth, cast, bent, tendency, i character, tone, manner, round, bout, form. Ant. Straightness, stability, fixity, immobility, uni- formity. Turpitude, depravity, vileness, baseness, wickedness, sin. Ant. Goodness, nobility, virtue, excellence. Tutor. See TEACHER. Twine, twist, wind, embrace, entwine. Ant. Untwine, untwist, unwind, detach, disengage, separate, sever, disunite. Twirl. See TURN. Twit. See MOCK. Type, emblem, symbol, figure, sign, kind, sort, letter. Ant. Caricature, monstrosity, deviation, eccentrieky. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 203 Tyrannical, cruel, severe, absolute, arbitrary, despotic. Ant. Humane, kindly, liberal, generous, just. Tyrant, oppressor, despot, autocrat, persecutor. Ant. Philanthropist, judge. Tyro, novice, beginner, learner. Ant. Adeot, expert, master, professor. u Ugly, unsightly, ill-favored, hideous, plain, homely. Ant. Attractive, fair, beautiful, handsome, seemly. Ulterior, further, more distant, beyond, succeeding. Ant, Immediate, present, prior, hither. Ultimate, furthest, last, latest, final, eventual. Ant. Proximate, preliminary, prior, intermediate. Umbrage, offence, dissatisfaction, displeasure, resentment. Ant. Complacency, satisfaction, gratification. Umpire, referee, arbitrator, judge, arbiter. Ant. Litigant, disputant. Unanimity, accord, agreement, unity, concord. Ant. Variance, discord, dissent, disagreement Unaffected. See GENUINE. Unalterable. See CHANGELESS. Unanswerable, indisputable, unquestionable, undeniable. Ant. Questionable, doubtful, disputable. Unbind, loosen, untie, unfasten, set free. Ant. Bind, tie, hold, fasten. Unbounded, boundless, excessive, infinite, unsparing, un- stinted, interminable. Ant. Finite, bounded, restricted, narrow. Unbridled, wanton, licentious, dissolute, loose, lax. Ant. Austere, severe, ascetic, virtuous. Unceasing. See ETERNAL. Uncertain. See DOUBTFUL. Uncivil. See RUDE. Unclean. See DIRTY. Uncommon, rare, strange, scarce, singular, unique, un usual. Ant. Common, ordinary, average, usual. Unconcerned. See INDIFFERENT. Uncouth, strange, odd, clumsy, ungainly. S04 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Polite, neat, trim, courtly, graceful, polished, re fined, well-bred. Uncover, reveal, strip, expose, lay bare, divest. Ant. Cover, clothe, conceal, suppress, hide. Under, below, underneath, beneath, subordinate, lower, inferior. Ant. Over, above, superior. Undergo. See SUFFER. Understand, know, comprehend, apprehend. Ant. Misunderstand, ignore, declare, state, express. Understanding', knowledge, intellect, intelligence, faculty, comprehension, mind, reason, brains. Ant. Ignorance, misunderstanding, misapprehension. Undertake, engage in, embark in, agree, promise. Ant. Abandon, drop, decline, discontinue, desist. Undisturbed, quiet, still, tranquil, placid, peaceful. Ant. Disturbed, annoyed, irritated, troubled, vexed. Uneasy, restless, disturbed, unquiet, stiff, awkward. Ant. Calm, easy, quiet, peaceful, unembarrassed. Unequal, uneven, not alike, irregular, insufficient. Ant. Equal, alike, similar. Unfair, wrongful, dishonest, unjust. Ant. Fair, just, equable, rational, honest. Unfit, improper, unsuitable, untimely, incompetent. Ant. Fit, able, capable, ready, timely, qualified, com- petent. Unfold, unravel, disclose, unbosom, divulge, display, re- veal, declare, develop, explain. Ant. Fold, conceal, suppress, hide. Unfortunate, calamitous, ill-fated, unlucky, wretched, un happy, miserable. Ant. Fortunate, happy, lucky, cheerful, gay, joyous. Unfriendly, inhospitable, ungenial, unkind, disobliging. Ant. Friendly, hospitable, amicable, kindly. Ungainly. See AWKWARD. Unhappiness, misery, wretchedness, distress, woe. Ant. Happiness, pleasure, delight, joy. Unhappy, miserable, wretched, distressed, afflicted, pain* ful, disastrous, dreary, dismal. Ant. Happy, joyous, gay, merry, pleased, delighted. Uniform, regular, symmetrical, equal, even, alike, un- varied. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 205 Ant. Variable, varying, diverse, heterogeneous, irregu- lar, bizarre, eccentric. Uninterrupted. See INCESSANT. Union, junction, combination, alliance, confederacy, league, coalition, agreement, concert. Ant. Separation, disunion, divorce, secession, discord, disagreement, division. Unique, uneqalled, uncommon, rare, choice, matchless. .Ant. Ordinary, commonplace. Unison, harmony, concord, agreement, union. Ant. Discord, disunion, variance. Unite, join, conjoin, combine, connect, add, attach, incor- porate, embody, clench, merge. Ant. Separate, sever, divide, part, sunder, disintegrate. Unity, oneness, concord, uniformity, agreement. Ant. Plurality, multitude, complexity, discord variety, diversity. Universal, general, all, entire, total, catholic. Ant. Special, particular, partial, local, exclusive, ex- ceptional. Unlimited. See INFINITE. Unreasonable, foolish, silly, absurd, preposterous, ridicu- lous. Ant. Reasonable, rational, sensible. Unrivalled, unequalled, unique, unexampled, incompara- able, matchless. Ant. Equalled, common, ordinary, average. Unroll. See UNFOLD. Unruly, ungovernable, unmanageable, refractory. Ant. Gentle, governable, manageable. Unseemly, unbecoming, indecorous, unsuitable, unfit, un befitting. Ant. Decorous, polite, respectful, obedient, refined. Unsettle. See DISTURB. Unsteady, wavering, unstable, variable, fickle, restless fitful. Ant. Steady, fixed, firm, stable. Untruth. See LIE. Unusual, rare, singular, uncommon, remarkable, strange, extraordinary. Ant. Usual, common, average, ordinary. Upbraid. See BLAME. 206 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Uphold, maintain, defend, sustain, support, vindicate. Ant. Drop, betray, abandon, oppose, attack, abjure, renounce. Upright, vertical, perpendicular, erect, just, equitable, fair, pure, honorable. Ant. Inclined, horizontal, inverted, dishonest, corrupt. Uproar, tumult, row, riot, disturbance, brawl, noise. clamor. Ant. Peace, quiet, order, silence. Uproot, eradicate, exterminate, weed out. Ant. Sow, implant, cultivate, nurture, foster. Urbanity. See AFFABILITY. Urge, incite, impel, push, drive, instigate, stimulate, press induce, solicit. Ant. Hold, restrain, retain, prohibit, retard, hindei; obstruct. Urgent, pressing, important, imperative, immediate, seri ous. Ant. Unimportant, trivial, insignificant. Usage. See CUSTOM. Use, . usage, practice, habit, custom, advantage, utility, benefit, application. Ant. Disuse, obscurity, neglect. Use, -v. employ, exercise, occupy, practice, accustom, inure Ant. Discard, suspend, ignore, avoid. Useful, advantageous, serviceable, available, helpful, bene- ficial, good. Ant. Useless, fruitless, ineffectual, unavailable, un- profitable. Useless, unserviceable, fruitless, idle, profitless, vain, in- effectual. Ant. Useful, advantageous, helpful, beneficial. Usual, ordinary, common, accustomed, habitual, wonted, customary, general. Ant. Unusual, common, rare, exceptional, extraordina- ry, abnormal, irregular. Usurp, arrogate, seize, appropriate, a sume. Ant. Receive, inherit, accept. Utility. See USE. Utter, speak, articulate, pronounce, express, issue. Ant. Reveal, suppress, repress, hush, stifle, retain, heaft Utterly, totally, completely, wholly, quite, entirely. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS 207 Ant. Partly, partially, in a measure. V Vacant, empty, unfilled, unoccupied, thoughtless, unthink- ing. Ant. Full, filled, employed, engaged, occupied, thought- ful. Vacation, holiday, recreation. Ant. Term, business. Vagrant, wanderer, beggar, tramp, vagabond, rogue. Ant. Workman, gentleman, laborer. Vague, unsettled, undetermined, uncertain, indefinite. Ant. Definite, specific, limited, determined, strict. Vain, useless, fruitless, empty, worthless, inflated, proud, unreal, unavailing. Ant. Solid, real, substantial, sound, efficient, effectual. potent, modest. Valiant, brave, bold, valorous, courageous, gallant. Ant. Timid, cowardly, craven. Valid, weighty, strong, powerful, sound, binding, efficient. Ant. Invalid, weak, powerless, unsound, false, insuf- ficient. Valor. See COURAGE. Valuable, precious, costly, dear, expensive, inestimable. Ant. Valueless, cheap, poor, worthless, mean. Value, appraise, assess, reckon, appreciate, estimate, prize, esteem, treasure. Ant, Despise, underrate, undervalue, disregard, dislike. Vanish, disappear, melt, fade, dissolve. Ant. Appear, approach, loom. Vanity, emptiness, conceit, self-conceit, affectedness. Ant. Substance, reality, truth, simplicity, modesty, hu- mility. Vanquish. See CONQUER. Vapid, dull, flat, insipid, stale, tame. Ant. Spirited, animated, pungent, pithy. Vapor, fume, smoke, mist, fog, steam. Ant, Water, substance, fluid. Variable, changeable, unsteady, inconstant, shifting; wavering, fickle, restless, fitful. *>8 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Ant. Invariable, firm, constant, true, unchangeably staunch, inimitable. Variance, disagreement, dissension, jarring, quarrel. Ant. Unity, reconciliation, harmony, peace, consent. Variation, change, diversity, deviation, discrepancy, dif. ference. Ant. Continuance, fixity, law, rule, uniformity, har- mony. Va iety, difference, diversity, change, diversification, mixt- ure, medley, miscellany. Ant. Uniformity, species, type, specimen. Vary, change, alter, modify, diversify, variegate, differ, disagree. Ant. Perpetuate, strengthen, conform, harmonize. Vast. See ENORMOUS. Vaunt, boast, bray, puff, hawk, advertise, flourish, parade. Ant. Suppress, conceal, disparage, decry, detract. Vehement, furious, ardent, fervid, burning, raging, eager, impetuous, forcible, vigorous. Ant. Mild, feeble, subdued, cold, passionless, weak. Veil, screen, hide, intercept, mask, conceal, cover, disguise. Ant. Unveil, expose, strip, denude, exaggerate. Velocity, swiftness, quickness, fleetness, celerity, speed rapidity. Ant. Slowness, languor, inactivity, sluggishness. Vend. See SELL. Venerable, grave, sage, wise, old, reverend. Ant. Contemptible, despicable, young, foolish. Venial, pardonable, excusable, justifiable. Ant. -Unpardonable, mortal, inexcusable. Venom. See POISON. Venture, n. speculation, chance, peril, stakt. Ant. Caution, calculation, law, method. Venture, v. dare, risk, jeopardize. Ant. Calculate, reserve, invest. Veracity, truth, truthfulness, credibility, accuracy. Ant. Falsehood, deceit, imagination, fiction. Verbal, oral, spoken, literal, unwritten. Ant. Written, documentary, recorded. Verdict, judgment, finding, dec on, answer Ant. Indecision, indetenninati O. Verge. See BORDER. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 209 Versatile, unsteady, changeable, unfixed, wavering, vacil- lating, oscillating, fluctuating, inconstant, fickle, rest- less, manifold. Ant. Immovable, fixed, one-sided, uniform, narrow, limited, stolid, immobile. Versed, skilled, practiced, conversant, clever, proficient. Ant. Awkward, unskilled, ignorant, strange, unfamiliar. Vex. See IRRITATE. Vibrate, oscillate, swing, sway, wave, undulate, thrill. Ant. Stand, remain, proceed, advance. Vice, corruption, depravity, pollution, immorality, wicked. ness, guilt, iniquity, crime, fault, defect, blemish. Ant. Virtue, purity, perfection, goodness. Vicious, corrupt, depraved, debased, bad, contrary, un- ruly, demoralized, profligate, faulty. Ant. Pure, sound, perfect, virtuous. Victim, sacrifice, food, prey, sufferer, dupe, gull. Ant. Sacrificer, seducer, attacker, fraud, cheat. View, n. thought, notion, sentiment, opinion, perspective, landscape, purpose, intention, design, light, aspect, end. Ant. Darkness, blindness, deception, error, delusion, misconception. View, v. look, see, behold, eye, observe, scan, regard. Ant. Ignore, overlook, disregard, miss, misjudge. Vigilant, watchful, wakeful, observant, cautious, careful. Ant. Careless, inattentive, indifferent. Vigorous, healthy, strong, powerful, energetic, stalwart, robust, hardy, firm, spirited, determined. Ant Weak, feeble, powerless, debilitated, inactive, in- dolent, irresolute. Vile, ignoble, base, low, worthless, abject, sordid, mean,. dishonorable, sinful, wicked, vicious. Ant. Good, noble, exalted, pure, honorable, costly, rare, precious. Vilify, debase, degrade, slander, decry, defame, scandalize, upbraid, brand, stigmatize, denounce. Ant. Purify, refine, exalt, raise, improve, praise, laud. Villainous. See VILE. Vindicate, justify, assert, uphold, support, defend. Ant. Fail, abandon, surrender, forego, nullify, destroy, subvert, vitiate, condemn. Vindictive, spiteful, resentful, revengeful, unforgiving. 3io A DICTIONAR Y OF S YNON YMO US Ant. Forgiving, generous, merciful, forbearing. Violate, infringe, transgress, disobey, injure, hurt, ravish. Ant, Respect, foster, cherish, protect, regard, preserve, obey. Violence, passion, rage, fury, vehemence, outrage, in- justice. Ant. Mildness, self-restraint, gentleness, forbearance, self-control, obedience, protection. Violent, forcible, raving, raging, passionate, furious, rapid, dashing, sweeping, rolling. Ant. Mild, feeble, calm, soft. Virtuous, just, upright, moral, chaste, pure. Ant. Vicious, bad, corrupt, debased, impure, immoral. Visible. See APPARENT. Vital, living, necessary, essential, indispensable. Ant. Mortal, lifeless, unnecessary, unimportant, immsu terial. Vivacious, lively, brisk, gay, merry, racy, sprightly. Ant. Dead, lifeless, dull, stolid, moody, heavy, sullen, torpid, sluggish. Vivid, lively, clear, lucid, bright, sunny, glowing, graphic. Ant. Dull, opaque, obscure, sombre, dim, dusky, cloudy, pale, wan. Vocation, profession, calling, trade, business, employ- ment, office, mission. Ant. Leisure, incapacity. Vogue, usage, way, custom, fashion, use, practice. Ant. Disuse, disrepute, abolition. Void, null, invalid, unfilled, empty, hollow, useless, nuga- tory, Ant. Occupied, full, solid, valid, efficacious, sound. Volume, book, scroll, bulk, size, capacity. Ant. Pamphlet, sheet, minuteness, smallness. Voluntary, free, spontaneous, uncom trained, deliberate. Ant. Compulsory, involuntary, coercive. Vouch. See CERTIFY. Vulgar, common, general, popular, ordinary, rude, coarse, low. Ant. Scientific, philosophic, restricted, technical* choice, refined, polite, well-bred. Vulnerable, assailable, weak, exposed, tender. Ant, Invulnerable, impregnable, unassailable. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 2U w Waft, transport, bear, convey. Ant. Push, pull, arag, draw. Wage, make, carry on, engage in, undertake. Ant. Desist, stop, abandon. Wages, salary, hire, allowance, stipend, pay, remunera* tion, earnings. Ant. Gratuity, gift, premium, grace, bonus. Wait, await, abide, bide, stay, remain, tarry. Ant. Speed, hasten, press. Waive, forego, relinquish, let go. Ant. Press, urge, claim, arrest, enforce. Wake, waken, awaken, arouse, stir up, excite, kindle, pro- voke. Ant. Soothe, allay, hush, quiet, tranquilize. dVander, stroll, ramble, gad, rove, roam, range, stray, err, deviate, swerve. Ant. Rest, stop, halt, lie, anchor, alight, moor, pause, repose. Wardenng, vagrant, roving, strolling, discursive. Ant. Stationary, fixf^, immovable, permanent. Want, v. need, lack squire, desire, wish, crave for. Ant. Supply, ofi/v, demand, give, afford, furnish. Want, n. poverty, penury, indigence, destitution, priva* tion, necessity, need, lack, scarcity. Ant. Supply, sufficiency, provision, abundance, produe. tion, adequacy. Wanton, licentious, libertine, unrestrained, unbridled, un. curbed, dissolute, loose, lax. Ant. Staid, sober, demure, austere, formal, deliberate. Ward, avert, parry, fend, repel, turn aside, guard, defend. Ant. Attack, betray, surrender. Warm, fervid, affectionate, attached, devoted, ardent, fervent, glowing. Ant. Frigid, cold, tepid, starved, indifferent, passionless, Warmth, ardor, fervency, fervor, cordiality, vehemence, heat, fervidness, glow. Ant. Frigidity, frost, coldness calmness, indifference apathy, slowness. Warning. See ADMONITION. 212 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Warrant, guarantee, insure, assure, secure, justify. Ant. Imperil, endanger, nullify, invalidate, repudiate. Wary, careful, cautious, circumspect, guarded, watchful, heedful, prudent, vigilant. Ant. Unwary, unsuspecting, heedless, unguarded. Wash, clean, rinse, wet, moisten, tint. Ant. Soil, foul, contaminate, dirty, stain. Waste, -v, squander, dissipate, lavish, destroy, decay, dwindle, wither. Ant. Restore, repair, preserve, protect, husband, econo- mize, hoard, accumulate, multiply, develop. Waste, a. desolate, stripped, bare, dreary, unproductive, wild, uncultivated. Ant. Fertile, productive, cultivated. Watchful, alert, vigilant, attentive, cautious, heedful, ob- servant, circumspect, wakeful. Ant. Heedless, careless, drowsy, incautious, unwary, distracted. Waver, v. hesitate, scruple, fluctuate, vacillate. Ant. Determine, decide, settle, rest, repose. Wavering, unsteady, unsettled, fluctuating, changeable, in* constant, variable. Ant. Steady, constant, fixed, immovable, changeless. Way, method, plan, system, means, manner, mode, form, fashion, course, process, road, route, track, path, habit, practice. Ant. Chance, hazard, conjecture, luck. Wayward, forward, obstinate, stubborn, unruly, perverse. Ant. Docile, manageable, amenable. Weak, feeble, infirm, enfeebled, debilitated, powerless, helpless, emaciated, prostrate, thin, watery, diluted, flimsy, slight, poor, silly, defenceless. Ant. Strong, vigorous, robust, muscular, powerful, tough, stout, sturdy, hard, potent, efficient, spirited, animated, sound, judicious, determined, forcible. Weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, unnerve, paralyze, emaciate, attenuate, dilute. Ant. Strengthen, empower, invigorate, confirm. Weakness, feebleness, infirmity, frailty, silliness, imbe- cility, prostration, defect, failing, foible. Ant. Strength, power, nerve, spirit, vigor, activity, efficiency. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 213 Wealth, riches, opulence, affluence, plenty, mammon. abundance. Ant. Poverty, indigence, scarcity, impecuniosity. Wear, bear, carry, last, consume. Ant, Doff, abandon, renew, renovate, augment. Weary, tired, fatigued, exhausted, worn, faint. Ant. Fresh, vigorous, renovated, hearty. Wedding, marriage, nuptials, espousal. Ant. Divorce, celibacy, singleness. Weep. See GRIEVE. "Weight, heaviness, pressure, oppression, burden, load, value. Ant. Lightness, weakness, levity, triviality, worthless- ness. Welcome, acceptable, agreeable, pleasing, grateful, pleas, ureable, gratifying, pleasant. Ant. Unwelcome, ungrateful, distasteful, unpleasant, disagreeable. Welfare, good fortune, prosperity, happiness, success. Ant. Adversity, reverse, failure, ill-luck, unhappiness, harm, hurt. Wheedle. See COAX. Whet, sharpen, incite, excite, provoke, stimulate. Ant. Blunt, pall, deaden, satiate, nauseate. Whimscal, odd, singular, capricious, fanciful, fantastic, fantastical. Ant. Staid, serious, sober, sedate, orderly. Whirl. See TURN. White, snowy, pure, spotless, unspotted, unblemished, stainless, clean. Ant. Black, impure, stained, dirty, foul. Whole, sound, health'y, well, total, all, entire, perfect, complete, integral, aggregate, undivided. Ant. Sick, unsound, impaired, partial, imperfect, in- complete. Wholesome, nutritious, healthy, salubrious, healing, salu- tary. Ant. Unwholesome, unhealthy, deleterious, detrimental. Wholly, entirely, totally, altogether, quite, /^rf-rtly, completely, utterly. Ant, Partially, in part, mostly. 2t4 A DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMOUS Wicked, bad, ill, unjust, irreligious, ungodly, godless, profane, impious, unhallowed, black, dark, foul, atro- cious, villainous, enormous, monstrous, outrageous, profligate, abandoned. Ant. Good, virtuous, just, moral, upright, honest, pure, stainless, sinless, incorrupt, spotless, honorable, es- teemed, immaculate. Wickedness, evil, sin, crime, criminality, guilt, iniquity, offence, vileness, turpitude, corruption, vice, pollu- tion. Ant. Goodness, virtue, order, law, honor, purity. Wide, broad, ample, large, expanded, diffuse, extensive. Ant. Narrow, contracted, limited. Wild, savage, uncivilized, loose, irregular, disorderly, un- tamed, undomesticated, unruly. Ant. Tame, civilized, cultivated, inhabited, regular, peaceful, domesticated, docile, gentle, mild, regulated, sane, coherent, sensible, calm. Wilful, perverse, stubborn, self-willed, headstrong, obsti- nate. Ant. Thoughtful, considerate, amenable, docile, man- ageable, accidental, unintentional. Willingly, voluntarily, spontaneously, gratuitously. Ant. Unwillingly, involuntarily. Win, get, obtain, gain, procure, effect, accomplish, achieve. Ant. Lose, fail, miss, forfeit, alienate. Wind, coil, twine, wreath, turn, bend, curve, twist. Ant, Unwind, untwist, uncoil, straighten. Wing. See FLY. Winning, attractive, charming, captivating, fascinating, bewitching, enchanting, dazzling, brilliant. Ant. Repulsive, unattractive, displeasing. Wisdom, sense, knowledge, learning, prudence, judgment, intelligence, sagacity, information. Ant. Ignorance, impudence, folly. Wise, intelligent, learned, skilled, judicious, rational, dis- creet, prudent. Ant. Ignorant, foolish, stupid, imprudent, indiscreet. Wish. See DESIRE. Wit, mind, intellect, understanding, genius, imagination, humor, satire, irony . mirth. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 215 /.Int. Dullness, vapidity, stupidity, platitude, common- place. Withdraw, retreat, retire, go back, recede, recall, regress, retrograde, take back. Ant. Offer, proffer, produce, afford, confirm, reiterate, repeat. Wtthhold, keep back, restrain, arrest, hinder, abstain, refrain, keep from, desist from, refuse, retain, reserve. Ant. Grant, furnish, afford, provide, allow, give, per- mit, encourage, incite, aid, help, abet. Withstand, oppose, resist, thwart, confront. Ant. Yield, submit, surrender, support, encourage, aid. Witness, attest, testify, evidence, prove, certify, vouch, see, behold, view, observe. Ant. Refute, invalidate. Wizard, juggler, magician, conjurer, necromancer, sor- cerer. Ant. Dupe, dolt, ignoramus. Woe, distress, sorrow, affliction, disaster, trouble. Ant. Joy, gladness, comfort, happiness, prosperity, blessing. Wonder, amazement, surprise, astonishment, admiration, miracle, marvel, prodigy, curiosity. Ant. Indifference, apathy, expectation, familiarity, trivi- ality, anticipation. Wonderful, marvellous, wondrous, amazing, astonishing, striking, surprising, admirable. Ant. Common, regular, normal, usual, customary, ex- pected, anticipated, calculated, natural. Wondrous. See WONDERFUL. Word, term, expression, accent, promise, engagement, ac- count, tidings, message, order, command. Ant. Idea, conception, assurance, pledge, contract, agreement. Work, n. employment, business, occupation, performance, production, toil, task, labor. Ant. Rest, non-performance, leisure, holiday. Work, -v. labor, toil, drudge, strive, exert, ply. Ant. Rest, sleep, play, refresh, amuse, enjoy. Workman, artisan, mechanic, craftsman, artificer, jour- neyman, operative. Ant, Idler, tramp, vagrant, vagabond. 3i6 A DfCTTOlVARY OF SYNONYMOUS Worldly, terrestrial, mundane, temporal, secular carnal/ earthly. Ant. Unworldly, spiritual, religious, moral. "Worry, plague, tease, torment, vex, annoy, irritate, fret. Ant. Soothe, calm, gratify, please, amuse, quiet. Worship, adore, revere, venerate, reverence, deify, idolize, honor, respect. Ant. Despise, blaspheme, rail, jeer, loathe, abominate. Worth, price, value, desert, merit, virtue, excellence. Ant. Worthlessness, demerit, cheapness. Worthless, useless, valueless, frivolous, corrupt, disso- lute. Ant. Valuable, worthy, rich, rare, costly, estimable, excellent, noble, precious, admirable, virtuous. Worthy, excellent, deserving, eligible, preferable, merito- rious, estimable, commendable, laudable, praise- worthy. Ant. Worthless, useless, valueless. Wrap, muffle, envelop, fold, encase. Ant. Unwind, unfold, unwrap, develop, ^xpose, show. Wrath. See ANGER. Wrathful, angry, ireful, enraged, infuriated, exasperated, Ant. Calm, pleased, quiet. Wreck, debris, ruins, havoc, rubbish. Ant. Perfection, substance, completeness. Wretched, deplorable, miserable, unhappy, distressed, af- flicted, unfortunate, afflicting, disastrous, calamitous, dreary, dismal. Ant. Prosperous, happy, admirable, noble, worth,; elated. Wretchedness, misery, woe distress, misfortune, calamity, disaster, affliction, unhappiness. Ant. Happiness, prosperity, pleasure, joy. Writer, scribe, penman, author, scribbler, amanuensis. Ant. Speaker, orator, reader. Writhe, distort, contort, twist, wrest, wrench, wring. Ant. Quiet, soothe, calm, rest. Wrong, bad, evil, incorrect, erroneous, unsuitable, im- proper, unjust. Ant. Right, fit, proper, suitable, correct, accurate, just, fair, moral, beneficial. Wry, twisted, distorted, awry, crooked. AND ANTITHETIC WORDS. 7 Ant. Straight, right, fit, just, proper, comely. Yearn, hanker after, long for, desire, crave. Ant. Despise, loathe, recoil, dislike. Yearly, annually, year by year, per annum. Ant. Momentarily, eternally, weekly, daily, monthly. Yield, bear, give, afford, impart, bestow, abdicate, resign, cede, surrender, relinquish, relax, quiet, forego, let go, waive, comply, accede, acquiesce, succumb, submit. Ant. Withdraw, withhold, retain, deny, refuse, assert, claim, disallow, resist, dissent, protest, struggle, strive. Yielding, supple, pliant, bending, compliant, submissive, unresisting. Ant. Unyielding, stubborn, dogged, persevering. Yoke, couple, link, connect. Ant. Unyoke, unhitch, sever, disconnect, separate, lib- erate, release, divorce. Youth, boy, lad, minority, adolescence. Ant. Man, maid, woman, age, maturity. Youthful, young, juvenile, boyish, girlish, puerile. Ant, Old, aged, senile, mature. Zeal, fervor, ardor, earnestness, enthusiasm, energy, eager- ness. Ant. Apathy, indifference, torpor, coldness. Zealot, bigot, partisan, fanatic. Ant. Renegade, traitor, deserter. Zest, relish, gusto, flavor, recommendation. Ant, Distaste, disrelish, detriment, indifference, apathy KING BROS. Books Bought & Sold 1246 Market St. San Francisco UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILIT A 000 1 00 404 3