LIBRARY University of California. ^^0 Class I(d04 j CASE ^ B ^ TLbc ^ubor jfacsimile tTeyts ihc WAt of a Sioman 1604 Date of the first and only known editiony 1604 {B.M. C. 34, b. 56.) Reproduced in Facsimile, 191 2 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER iltc Mit of a Mmm 1604 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXH tlji iitxt 0f a Wiaman 1604 The original of this facsimile, like " The Wars of Cyrus " (see Introduction to that facsimile reprint) is in a had state. Many of the pages present exceptional difficulties owing to their stained paper with ink showing through from tJie other side. These diffi<:ulties in both cases have been surmounted, says Mr. Herbert, probably about as successfully as photography will admit of, and where they are absent the reproduction is all that could possibly be desired. He continues, specially with reference to the present play : — " H is quite excellent. There is hardly anything else for me to say ; but I should like to suggest still greater care not to over-blacken the pages which contain decorative work, and in painting out the clip-marks.'' The ^^ Hand-list'' to the series I have been obliged to postpone sending out until the next issue on January 17th next. JOHN S. FARMER. January 3rd, 1912. 229924 ? - Plcafant Comocdie, VVberein is merilyjherpeni The wit of a WonuaJ K LOMDON '. 7r//?if^ /or Edward White, and arc to be fold at the little North doorc of Pauls Churdi at die Signe ol the Gun. t604« r' h Thclntcrlocutonr « 'Salia anoldcSchoolcmifbris. Tarh an olde Merchant. iWM# aPhi^dancandaged. Fert9 a Lawyer : and in y earcs# ^jPoria anoldeCapcainci Veronrt a young Gcndcman,SQnne Co *Sarl4* Fileni* Sonne to "Dpric^ gcrilh SoTOittoNemo, %in4lda Sonne to Ferio» Erinta Daughter to ^^m; Lodouica. DanghtvtoZ>rr»#. gianetta Daughter to Ntmtf, JfahelU Daughter to Bm0, BrdgartU aRuman. 'BtKOTiio hisnian» SifLav^ence, a pricft. OUtfa 'BUIa DaM0 an olde Siclcc woman; ayounewench. auckcMarch^t. aVintcna»Boy* A t« ^•■ YOutkahdAgcwtrcbothinlbue, Either foughc their h^s to prowiC*> When in fine, a womant'wiE: Did in Reafon, N aturc fic^ Age was colcned, ycc contented, youth was pleas'd, and not repented: Loath I am to ceU you aU: Ye (hall fee what will bfcfeU; Mcrric fporte without hurt men^s 2s the end of ouc inccnc* .-: A ^ ^ I. If A^us u Sex. u Bnier "Baliamh theWencheu Bafia; Meriia, irabcUa , Giapetw, Brinta. Ijltrvfle outAc time, without citlicr good toy cur fcfucs or crcdite to me: ) our parenU thii^e iheir charge olh Ithinkc my paints loft, andyou will finaeyouriiiiielofc jrpod Lord, what fliaUl (aye to you f IknovvIMl h.uc Sioreangerferyoir,thcneucrlftaU get good by you: nay, it is too nuc. loikcenmeasyoulift r^r«»/^,lct mcfce huh« your worke : good ftuffe,i$ it not ? intructh not a true Hitch «imind«cd,fwiUhauciiallpicktcoutivvhy,whatdocyce fnTnidymiflreffclhaue had fuch a VfV^'y^y^'^^ thattcanfcarceholdeopcnniine eyes, *«d;^"^^^^^;^ IBcnotformy worke, when lam bcttentOiafl bet amen. ^^ A3 ^^'^^ Sa. WelljitisanoWeraymg, I heard my Grand-mo- i thcifpcakcitmanyadaiea^oc, that good wordcs makes a- SDcndes for f nifdeedcs i but in cameft , if you b^^not well I prai : you lay by your workc , and take your pleafure, cither at )'our Lute or dauncing, orwhatit pleafe you : andif yoii thinkcitnctarai{rc,youlhallhaucraaiftcrDoaors opinion for your health /* Sn I thankc you fbrfooth, cucn as it fliall plcafc you. Ba .Well Meri/la, let me fee your Cuftiin-worJaoh Lord becrc IS a great fault,in trueth your coburs arc not wci mine- led, befides it is not eucrt laid. ° Nf. TrucK' forfooth , I had not enough of the white ' and therefore I was forced to take of die Camation,as necrj it as Icoulds which being of a bigger fort , could rit lye fo euen as I would haue had it, but truely I hauc done my beft in the working of it. Ba. A fufScient excufe cannot be refiifcd, and there- fore I will blame my felfc for this fault. But, IfahlU, I pray you what flouri/h is thisthat you haue made hecicf ' If a. Why f' forfooth , fuch ai you bad mcc for the Coifc: ^ for there is not thrccd y nough for the kirtcll,till you fend for f more. ; Ba. IntrOthyoufaietruc:KoodLordhclpemec,IfeeI frow olde , my memory doth fo fayle me : but I praye you care with me, and put mc in wiadc to Uikd for foine in the morning. Ifa, Yes forfooth. Ma. Now Gianetta , what hauc yoii Written ? lookcy^ii^ a fairc maide, and make fuch foulc blottcs, and not a ftrdgk' < line.?all awr>',all awry,I pray you let it be mended. Gia. Truely forfootli my pen is nought,and my fchoole- maifter will not mende it.befidcs my bookc was not rulcd,hc ,vvas in fuch haftc that hcc would fcarce tary to write my cos- pic. Ba.YQS ThemtofatPonwi, Ba. Yca,isthegcnticnjanfoluftic/ marric W/liifl be tal. ked with all s what doth he thinlce to haue his inoncy for no- thing ? wd, lam glad I know it: but gentlcvvomc, Ictmcia- treate yow, cucntor Gods fake, as )\>u arc together in my. houfc, as fiftcrs,you will liue, agree , and loue togcither as fi- flfcrs. Your paren|» artfricnds, and fo I hope will continue, and fo I pray you,doeyee,I haue w children ofmincowncj anddwcfofc /hcthat vfethroemoft kindly, fliall not findc meleafhhaftkfiilL' and to begin with a bonde of louc, let mc ixureat you to ioyne hands and hearts together, and let thciiei be 00 name henceforth, but fifteramong yce J nor call jncx). tbenhe^mothci't FordioughinmypCTfon I amnotwor^ tl^y, m my lw»*« I will d. MaryBnffe. u u,h,that wc hap to light on fomcfuch creatures, as wee callloiicrs: (Ihill ^ vve play c the good girles , and askc , and kccpc one an othc« Ifa, The tone is caficr then the totlicr. I Br, A forfeit in them tliai fa) ic. . IfA. What^ Ncr, Breach of friendfiiippc. £r. C< nt vX\ but I double wee Hauc prafkd too loa^ . our mother wU hangc the lippe, or knit the brow, cr deuife f one dumpi/h countenance or other , and therefore let v$ goc in,andkccpcherintunc while ftic is well Jja. Content, a ^ood motion 5 forintructhlliauc alirfc wocke X) doe, that I had almoU forgotten. Exeum i £nt€r FiUno, 4iHdVerortte u caniicn goe vifitc ' . your patient, and as you feeleyourPulfe, fo'thirikc'of the aifca(e,with the !fecretc«iftlie Cure. ; JFi- Sir, you are wife , I aw not iBmple i but I t^n ^onfidcr of thofc compounds , and how to apply thtetn to die ^i - place pUet aciricucd. Z;/r. No'.v for you Sir,you are ^petUs for your artificial fpirit , and wheu you come to ihc mount of Vernu , if your Pcnfill fill , s.iuc oucryour occupation : but in any wife be furc of <^ood ftoncsfor the grinding of your colours. Rim. Well Sir ; I hauc inftruftion enough for the perfec- ting of my workc, w hich if it be not like my felfe , let me bee counted a Bungler. Ver. Now, for my fclfe , I will be an odde prettie fellowc with a pennc in mine eare , in the ilicvv of a ochoolemaflcr, that iliall teach to read and write , and if 1 doe not learne my fchollers kindly to fpcl,& put togetha J wi! loofc my wagas for my labour.But,lct v$ loofe no time,butfor now we know Vrhat to do,bc going about our bufincs. ^xennt, Sitter Bario and Doctor, Lino, Bar. Maiftcr Dflffffr,mtnithyouhaiic amoftfwectchild vnto vour daughter,5c ifit were not to make you too proud, I would tcllyoufhec will need no great Dowry forher pre- ferment in mariage. Dec. Sir, you Kaue taught mec what to (aic, iflcouU IpeakCjbutifflicis agoodfoile to j-our Diamonde. Bar. They (aide, afterthe old prouerbej that thc^aticncc is a remedy for many Iiurt8>, atk!' for my fclfe, I will follow my wifcscounfdl, who often* times in her life time, would tell mce this touching my chil- dren: N;»tiirc is no brother, and youth is an, age of imper- fc£lion, and labour withoutpleaiurc^ is hut a. dueling of the fbirit 't atid therefore hauc an eye, but nota h;)nd ouer them: for a good nature is rather awed with loue, then amended with feare: and, euen as (he wifhed me,hauel done,and will ^oe', commend e what I fee good , and w inckc at a litle faults for loue is tender, and gciefe is fconer takenihen rcmoo- ued. D9C, Yo^ fpeake Uke a Icinde £ither , that may bee ioyfuU in fiwrh aV(«area fenther, he will not throwe awaye his hat, but I wo uld wifh that hce had alijeot your (bnses fait in his brayncs. Dact. Myboyes, alas, hec Is a mcere frefh-maq,and yet though I hope hcc will be no knauc , I would be loath to fee him a fcolc : but locke youwhocommech yonder: Gentle-men, a fayredaie bcfalLvcc :. nooftcncetoyour kindnellc; whence come yee ^ Ivvillnot askc wliiihcr gv2« ycc. Enter Giro and Fcrh. Gir. W ell faid JVlaiftcr Doftor , take a fchoUcr witliout atrickc atriclce.and fet a fyrc on his Library. But Sir, to IcAue elo- quence in phrnc honcftie: we came frocn miltrcllc ^rr//*^ houfc , where if you had bccnc with vs, vec mighthauc heard fometnufickc : and for you iniftrcnc W, let mec not makeyou proude, your dauE;htcr fings hkc a Nightmg- gale i and maifte?Doftors dauglitcrplaycsjitwould doonc ecodtoheerchcr. ' Bar. IihankcyoiiSir , for your good reporte wee will eucn make a {Icppe to fee howc the)- doc , and yours to: foul ant fure they arenot behindchandc with ddarts-ot commendations: What faie you Signior/^^rw? Ftr, Faithminc, hcrmiftreflc fayeth,hath:anaxceUcnt handc at her needle: and for anapthaiidto writing, I muft confcflc, (hec is worthy prayfc : But 1 perceiuc yce^arc goin^thiihcr^nd therefore we will leauc you to your mdgc- incntWour reporters. ^ ^ ^ . ' ^, , ''^ Bxr, IdiankcyoumaifterDoftori you will' bearc met -company. . . ' . . . - ' ^ „ Doc, Yea fir, with all my hart, hxfunf E'ar.&T^otior^ CMaMcntFericr&Gm Terit. M aider GiVtf , truelv miftrefTe'Srf/Misa^ood olil woman, howc carcfull and how kindc , ihcc is rather like vnto a mother , : then a miftrefl'c : and trucly me thinkcs the wenches Ibuc likcfilicrs*, it were pittc that tliey (hm\6. be •**^cV#. Forminc, (hec ihall not part from her minrefle, ttilV rhe haue a niaftcrthac fiic may heboid widi, and for your daughter,! would Ihc had as good a husband a$ I could wilii Fer. latn fuic you would wifli her no bad one for har mothers faSyaun5,fcllovy^esarerdlkht-hcadcathaf i .ttistwttUK! toone, to bcc well beftowcd, except l^ibVc^ ' •jr^^^f«5ie'««wiabecriaed, oraP^^^^ ' ^. Nayiofte^ynotfo,SomecoltMarc backtoyoune ^ »!id fome at fiiJJ age , a eood rider doch much tliat cananl ' will marke the nature of the horfe. ^^ ■ rroSajfomcMares may bcfc yourtger bellied then other «hcbctter,butl«;cheIadcsalooc, andfpcake plaiiicly todK ] ^GiVTheniotiiepiiTpt>fe,libiirtyi$twiytowilI,andcarc 1 ito*^tonnc5,andwhenvircncha[uuctbchcad,afiMflaewil I tiotnoldethefD in. ... > , 3 /•r.Whythcntob«abrideU,andycttoomuchkecpmem I ffliakesthemthcnwddertogctout, but as for ours we blue I iwncedetobecaffi-aidc of fi>ariow*bUftins, their midris ^ ^egcs them cuerfo wcU occupicd,that they haucno timeto ' L ■ . ^f- I cannot tell what you talke ofoccupying , this wn- ^* tingm»W€nchmaymakeiJl\^orkewitha man, which let- i . tcrsmay conuey more knaucrie, then tongues may bee heard tofpcakeof. /•ft. Yea butwhatthinkeyouofdauncing and Tinging^ . ^'■'f- P«Wqualetic$, the onetobecwitchethcra that titarethem, the other to hearc fuch as will talke with chem, andvndcrthefliapeofaman, tohcarcaDeuill inaMaskc Fe, Ohyouarcanold Colt,butyet, fpcakcmore charita- i3ly,thevfcisitdutmakesormarres,thcqualitiesarcdccctit, andnecdlaiy. ' ^'•^ea but they marre hufwifei)% they drawc compani^ ^u i^^^^ "^^ ** ^^'^ *° '^"O"' wi^hcn to be troubled gi. Oh Thevrhofawomarh OK Oh the cunning of nature ncedcs no art , and whtt vvemen, arc wcjincn can tell. : ' Ff* Why,haueyoulcnfomctW!thaU^truely,Iawp0r- fwadedjtbatyouarcnotyet fo pallcthc woilde, th#tyo«i would caftyourcappc at a fwcctc creature. ' '^ Mr(»ri i- ; ExuFmft Welljl fee wittees not all by age, nor loue by tcafon^for then fhonWflot 1 exceed wfj fcUe in nffcduig that wlych willjpcreafc my folly : but neninft death tbeice is iw UKdi- idineiitor ?nyifoftfAiewt:to ftindwith iouc; and iliwc^rc (incc I aini^t>y fhe^vvwkeilet ine lookp to thp ycere: J^r/: /^^ dauehtcr is fayre,wcll.. and beautie is worth doc looking pp, lo^andfllcKwirtl^-s-andthtftis worduthc thinking on, true": ahdl^ftis kindeafidthat is worth tbclightin^ on ; wetj,Jji»t lamolde, and that ts hot vvortficljc Rooking onj true, and I anifoolifh, and that-ijfiot worththe (liiiUcing Qn,fo : ^%^^ I froward, and that is not worth thelightmg or,right:ro the fhcis fayrc,wkty^nd kinde^and lam old , focliifli and fio- wardVindiiew then fliall wee come to the matter : norea- Ibn to^Kjp^itt yet fortune doth mucbrnfanfie, & wealth pkad^sftpoiia^y with a wench : yea to make a foolc of hioi thathail»ii,andMill port with >t:W€U>I am rich, and wi J be bouniil U Theiint of ayttomm. bountitull j(or I amlouing and Co fan-c in louc^tHati ' viH fee afoolctohaucmy fortune : and thcrctbtc Cjtanettal will tiQjrcto ftc n^^ daughter, but i (hxW b.c tor thy fakc/or tis ■flice 1 louejthinccyci \\x\xc holdeofmy hart , and thy hand (hall rule the whole worldthat I hauc: but J rhis is nothin*^ ■Imiiftjltliiaucany wit, now workett to her will,and{o I ivjl!,m)' dauglitcr fliall be the mcane,and miftris Balia fliall not fay mt nay: crowncs muft flyc, and dicy iiiaU.walkc/or thtyncucr did mc better fcruicc. Exit 'Bnter'^.lcnio ftow called Niof ellwand his fcruAM Gojft, now called ^og^9. F>. F^jTd, Set vp the Tahle, now fir, fijft (ccrcz)'fbr yourhfe^nottorcuealemytruftjandfor ourbcttcr gaincto 4lrawourp.:ticnK. 9V« You Sir, fr lam neither Philitiannor Apothecary nor Surgcn, but for a vVv^nianjand that for one dilcafe Nio. What is hat fir? Vog. Thcvi\}ia : putting vp ofthe vnila. Neof. Go to fir more rogry, but tend your bu-' iines,and tnarke what I tell you. Icog. 'Well fi r,ininc«arc8,niinc C)««s ,oSJorfrom Balias hottfe. 'Bay. No.v maiftcr Do and how it holdcs me , and cr iicry thing fo riaht> trutly he is a wondrous fine man. * Mai el. Ano fo hce is , no man in the worid could hauc gone finely cr to work wi Ji me: I had not fcarcc fiuc word^ with him, but hce told mec cucry thing as true asl am hcert, and di fpatcht me prcfcndy , and I thankc him of his kindncJ: hearing me fayc I wasbuc a {x)ore wenche, would take no* 1 tliin:^ of me, but willed me to come Jo him in the morning, I and he would m nifler that to race fliould helpe mej 1 war- ! xanthimheisakindcman.soidiflliuelwilbewithhimbe- times. O/d wo. And he tookc not much oFrae,but that he had,l gaue him with a good will: For,indced he is a gentle perfon, 1 and a lidc powder he hath giuen mc todrinkc with a cup of I , Sacketobedward : And IwilUblloWhis cOurifdltrucly, I that I will. Oh,thefcOutlandifli^menarcfullofskill,Ifcc |: hy thcra. I would I could get him home to rtiy hoiife , truely I may hap tiyc whither he will istikc of an olde Men,as well as I ayoungPultet,fbrintr«edihei$afinewaa I ZiTrf/^^. Mother, I promifcyon,henofoortcrhad meby I the hiind, and£;lt mce oy the Wrcftcs, buthe rtiade mv htart i tickle in my bjllv. But mother, mywavIthinkel^'cthnOt 1 your waie, and tnerefore I wiH take my Icauc on you, till wc 0/d ivo, iiliankeyou hartely for y<:fur kindle company* God bleffeybojand fend you well to doe. C?ki«/W.,A^dyoutogoodiAother. ExniHt €nhr Doctor Loners with Sig. Bario, B¥ir. Maiftcr Doflor, I heare that there is an excellent Painter come lately to the Townc,& for that, fathers fome- timc Themt of A>»(imAnV tlmclouctolookc vpon ihcir children, though it bee ma pi£luic: I will Tec if I can agree with this new ftranger for the drawing of my daughters counterfeit. Doc. A good motion, and jf he be fo good a vvorkcman, ashc hath the name for, he flial. cime fome money ofme to formine: Comelprayyou , let vsgoeto hishoufcanden- Guirc for him: and now I remtmber me, my girletold mee, that her miftrefTe promifed to htlpehcrtoagood fchoole- maftcfjQiall wcc lee what this tellow doth that hangs out his Tabled Bari. Content: They knockjtt the doore^ Ru You arc wdcome Sir: what is your.pUaiuref B^r Are you the writer of thefc hands?* Ri. Forfaaltofabcitcr. ' 'Bar. And what take you for a hcad.^ ^ %i. Tencrowncs. Doc. Andinwhattime^ %i. Three moncths. Ba, Well, I haue a d aughttr , and fo hath this grntleman myfiicnd an other, they arc both heere at roiftrefli: "Baliat houf^: if you will take paincs, and chat they profit, you ihail haue fixtccne CroAnes for them both. Ri. Sir, I fiidome take lefTe then niy prycc : yet being to- gether, I can the I ctter attend them : 1 am content widi )'our worships good will. . Bar. Then hold you, there i«fourccrowncs, goctomi- ftrcfTc 'Baltas, and aske for mifticfl'c JfahelL and Cianettaf and faie you camefix)m their fathers: I pra)'you do (b. ifti. I will Sir: I know the hou(c,.iti$ nccw the Church. *Bttr, The famcv God be with you. Exit, Nowmaiftcr Doftor, I pray you let vs talkc with the Pain- ter. ^oc. WithaBmyheartjbyyooileaaeSin Wlioiswith- iirhccrc^: C 3 £„tfr Enter Verante. Vtr. Wliat would yoH Gentlemen? Z)flr# Is this your workc? Ver. Ic is Sir: if it pleafe you to goc In,I will llicw you bet- ter pieces. • Exeunt into his homfr, €nter Neojilp, DtMet^mdVoggo^ 1)i. Mai(lerDoftor,Itliankcyouforyourk'inc!nefTi, & i bcfccch you bearc mc company to my cofcn B alias lioufe. Where! know you Jliall be welcome : tlicreis ayone; gcntle- womahj-fomcwhat giucn to the greenc ficknes,and if you can cure her,I tell you mt hath a Either that will foundly recoin* pence your paincs. Neof. Sir, I will willingly bcare you company , and doc iny beft end cuour to do you good , and for the gcntlcwoma, I will warrant you helpe her. Diu. I pray you Sir, thenlet vsbc goin(^, fori would c- ticn bring you thrther,and be going about a litde eameft bu- ftnes: but after a dav or two, I will ice you againe. Neoft AtyourpleafureSir. i»g. Ma(ter,willyou Icauenobody athometotaikcwitb your patients .' you may loofeyou know not what. Neof. Thou fa)'cft well , and therefore do you goe home and Haic till I comc,I will haf^en home againe. Exeunt Neofi nnd D ittes» manct F#^^*. F*jf. Oh.hecre is no knauery, oldc men may teach to fpelljbut young folkes will put together. My jnaiftcr a phy- fitionfor a wench that is ficlcc of the Rabbot : I thinke there was ncuer fuch a wagge borne : oh, how hee can counterfeit fbbricty, talkc fo learnedly , and tell wonders fo f rucly, that fooics admire him, wife men come to him,and wenches loue hioioutofallrcafoa I hee hath gotten his wordesib fit fbr "^ his m^ hiipurpofe,hi$comtHedon$ ,and conftkutioni, aod obfe- uationSjthctimcofthcmoonc, and the hourc oflhcdayc, andfuch adcalcoftittlc tatilc,that who but maiftcr dov^or? but well, all this v/ind e (hakes no corne: he is gone to a pati* mt, that Hhccfinde thcri^htvainc, heewillhelpchcrofa grecnc fickncs: wcH^ood torruncbcc his guide: but who. commetli yonder, a ft tierit^I muft be wife. Enter the MdUe vfirh 4H VrwAU, jMaU, By your leaue,^oodMaiftcrEtfg;gtf : I pray you is your iwcetc maifter within.' Ftfjf . No indeed , but he will by and by: but here you me;; vour pa}'nc lyeth beneath your hart, jou told mc as Iiirocm-; Dcr* MmA* True Sir. , Toggt. AnditholdesyoubyfitJ? MaU. Itisfo. Toggo. Aquaming? » ^ MmU. Ri^ht. * . . Foggo. And haucnotyou fomc-time a mindc to many things^ ^ Mdicl. Now and ihcn, if a ihing^ike mc, I fl^all ihinkeof it,a good while alter. Fog» And you are rot well lillyou haue it ? Maid. In iructh Sir, I thinkc you hauc (bnic ofyour mai- mers skil;: good Lord, how happrc are you that can learnc fuch cunning^ vou can nciia want mcncy nor friends. ■ T^g. Indeed wee do not be» formcncy, though we prayc for the ifl.-hcalth of r.chpccpic : for one mans hurt is an o- thers gcodj it is an cuill winde blowcs no man to goods \ but ibrfritndes, a m:n may haue woney , andyei bco wjthcuta £iend to his minde : for if I had a minde to fuch a friend, as yourfairc fclfc, how /houldmy cunning compafl'c your kindntflRj M^d Oh AfM Oh then, I pcrcci le your niv^ftci' hath not yet (au jht yoii that poym ot hi> sk 11 : But you die a inerrie man thai louts (oictt. jF-\»e. Why r lung fcirow, twill not buy a Pipe, but if in carncft I mi«ht hope to hauc but my loue accepted , which ismorcthealfpakcof'ccforc: I v\ ill learnc fo much of jpy maift^rs cunning, as iTiall rlddc thcc ofalldifeafcs , ao4 w<« Vvillli--icasmerrilyasiheclayl ng. MaU. Whu meanc )'ou ? Winter or SuniHicif fojT, VVhv, what s!:illcs whiilia^ Maid. Oil yes, a winters night islong, and the daye k fiiort. Fo^. An.l what then? /I/rf. Oh,wcmaylaughatfiift,andwecpcatlaft. Fojr. Tufh, fearc no fbu';cwcathcr,a faint heart neucr fol- lowed a fayie wencli to the high wood, and flic that will not Venter her cgges,niall neuer haue Chickens. AfaiJ. Good Lord , who would haue thought you had bene fu:h a hufwifc? ahusbancH would hauelaid: for in- deed, foractimegroomcs will grope Hennes : but trucly Sir, men are fo full of mockes, that I knowc not what Xi^ fayc. JFo^. Why faie as I biddcyou. MaU. Afle how I pray you? fo^. lFij[ga,ukcihccfogi^9, Fijr. Ifi^4takethceF«. y«butth»tiJnotalwaM»buc tod WW «!catlcngth, what part willyou begin? Rith. lady myMaifter began at the pornte callW pray you away, for the needle ftandmg tight lA the tmdfUe, Will kade v^ the baterlo our JMftiheafftJre. - JJfa, Well \!fd. Well faid Sir , but though Apptllcs WCTcyoiir mai- ftcr,y6ur raiftris is no Venus. 'Kjm. But ifyou will be drawne as /hct was, Imud doc u )ice did. jjfd. Howlprayyod? 'Rj. Firfttakemymcafurc^andthcn fcllto wo^c, and if you do not iit n3« with patience » I Au! ncucr touch the Life kindcly. Ijfa, Gocto goodiTUnw;|g«;c.: you aitaPamterofthfl flcwfii/hion : but wfcatO«simftcrDanocr,toiny fiftcr (Tm- C7m. Little yet , but I riunke \ift\^tiiixf (bmediing ancnti for 1 thinkchtJcWJi ^t as I didiharictn to you awhilc?but ^IccV^trccoBa»hMcift»I^c^^> ^*ow t^^clyv^clcomc, 5i(fet Ltdtftnoa^ whtftfeies yoot^Pliifman ^ good maiflct Doftof be brirfefb^ Knig xliets kilhhtf ftomacke. Lod. MaiftcrDoaor, J pwyyoutdlmccwhftisltclccir yaaorl? •*i^*/ Which are ihcy? • JJ"/?*/; Thconcindcnr^thcorhttmpoffcAioi)? Lpuetohau^and hauc tt>Ioac, " ' •'. ';' ' ^ ^ ' ' Lid, WelrdaS a ttx> 0ilfHcaB;1;BtIpray 700 how tcokc ^-^ P 3 i>r#./. ?y : Ketf^ Byabokc. Lol Where? Ntpf. I|i your eyes. Lod' And how holdcs it? Neof. Continually burning. Lod. Where? ... ' ; Neof. In my heart. Lod. And what will hclpc you? Neof. Your hand. Lod. Good in faithjtny hand muft he!pcy«urhcartofth« hurtminec)'chathdonc)pij: isthis a receiptor coaceiu in your rules of ioucsPhilickc? iJ:;;'.- •.' ' , / Neof. From mc a conccitc,but from you a rcccltc ; - >. //♦I. Well faid fijC^cr, you arethePJiy Htiaa , and hccistfee paticnt,butifYoubcataftillpoint,holdfiyour peace : there is an other fute to bcf heard, what fayyou toyourMaiftct Paunccr? . _' , Gut, You arc to haftic fifter,ftay a little,wec will not haue many words before wee foil to our meafiirc; iMaif^crwhai daunce fliall I begin with ? Ger, If itpleafe you, a daunce thatpIesTetk the bclllptfics of the world!e,and pleach met abouc all otlicc Cia. Is it a fine daunce? Ger. Without comparifon. gia. How doe you call it? ger. The eye. ijia, Whotollowcs? ger. The heart. Gia. And how then? Ger. Then v/hcnfpirltsioynehandcs, the mindes keepc jtrucnieafure. GUtt. And howc manic may daunc?? ,, , ger. Twomaydocitiilonc, but thgniorc the mcrricr,for jhogh ©ne Nightingale fing ch« (vvcetjgt when the wopd is M»t1^ harmony is the fwcctcr : fo though a couple may kiwlcly ,>et manic couples giuc loue the better grace. Cia. i hen I Tec tis loucs meufiirc: haueyouitprickt, or can you play it«*ifyo«can come on , wee will daunceit all to- gether,! am fure tnere is fomc kifsing in it. Sifters Icauc your prattle, and let vs bee mcnic , and daunccall oncdauncc if our atVcftions be pleafcd,takc care for no worldcs comfort : I hauc a knackc in my head , that will put vs quicke- lie into aowncs , as much as ihall feruc vs and all oiir friends^ Ifa. Agreed. Lol And! Erin. I am for yet ; come on Gentlemen , euen a turne and ajvay. 7%fJ d4kMce*An^ tsks their leanes^ ifiththefh VQrds* GU. .Genrfementimc makes vs bricfc,.our olde Miftrls liourci$athand,your loucs you hauc vovv'd: your Ladies you knovv:vcrtuc be your intcnt,aiKl honour your Triumph: be wife in kindnes,and luppic in comfort, atyour next com- ming wee will tolke further. They take their Uanesvith thefe ixordixAll hoMHrJjcalth 4MdhappineJy ta venues beauties w or thine s, Exeunt Ladies to Falias houfrjiJKar.efit jOHthes, t^^y.Brcthrcaour fubtilty found /our profcfsiojwil be vn- profitable : puU downe your Tables/utc our fclues , ourpa- rcmsvYJUmiire vs, but Aviicn they fee vs , they will but kindcly Linaayftownccencyu^^ ^i^. Whyfir?ihaUhcctakeoutofyour gaiincnttopUt '^rtTc^arcfch.einbai,thattHouw^^^^^^ at bcaucn,butlcaucyou knauic-mary and comelto a dcckt rcckcnning,anaan4crmcctoawt laskcyouandnotlimS clfc. BU. liballSir: fcrhimth«rcan«ciieMlofh.sappareU,.scounteaaoBK youth,otafprufcAffc.butifh«bwe«to day. y.««««°^ Thcmofarocmaih ro morrow, and giue it awny jthc next day then he* is a gat lant, right brcd,of a true fpirit , and a worthy fellow . *Sra^' VVhy how nowc? I bad thee oncly anfwerc mec to that I demaundcdrand you ai e commenting vpon cIk text. ^ic. 1 eric you mercy fir : what fay you? Sri^- How my garters?* '3U> Well fir,and iteuerie tadell had a bell you might he taken for a morris Daunccr : buttliatyou vvantaHobbiC' Horfe. Bra. Whither no'A?' :5«. Oh fir : I had forgot my felfc. Bra, What faift thou to my Dcardf Bi^. Ifearefbmewill fay you haue robbed zA-fufcouiti^ another will take your face for a vizard , fomewill call it a lowzie bufli,and (bmc a bcefome,or a brcwmc, and feme a horfc taile : but for my fclfe, I thinke it is a goodly fight, and fctsoiityour ftcc with fucha Maicftic, that it makes you lookelikcaman. Br/f. Like a man you rafcall,vvhat<*no more.' Binrt. Nay fir : I pray you be no more, for if}'OU be a OU ant,poore follces, and women and children will bee affraidc ofyoui? Bra. Well (ir,but what thinkcft thou of the Ladies, will not.onc o[ them tall toray fli.ire? BU. Why fir^ if they gocby lots,I knownot how fortune will fauou'Tc her good n-icndcs. 'Bra. Na)'then,in dcfpi-^htoffortHnc,! wil lay one of them aboord : and for Miftris 5<«/m,IwiI not make any gieat futc, for ifrtiec make the matter coy, I haue thcvngucntum Au- rcum.thc golden oylc , that once tickling her in the hand, will make her workc for mc like a Mole : But v\ hat are yon- der fello'.vcs ^ by your leauc m)' maifters , what arc ) ou^ whence come yee?vvheichcr goe yce?and where dwell yce? Ver. Sir,wcc aie mcn,mcn of qualluc , houell men , wee E come roolct; but liim fir:trie him further, fee what hceis. B^-ag. Sir, by your nimble tongue it icemes our witisat tommaund ,but may I bee beholding to you for your nam^ ajid your profefsion/' Ver. SirmynAvaclsVeHterOy myprofeftionthc Arteof Charactering.writing and reading and fo fonhe. Brag . So nr, then with al your finical eloqu encc,you wold be apieceofaSchoolemaf^er : but are you skilfuUin Cha* lasers of loucf Verges (lr,and more then tHat,I can make you a Charac- ter,, which if you haue a roiftrcflc , as I doubt not but you haue maiw)if fhee takebut a view ofit, it hath a vertuc To Co Vvorke in ner ej'eSjthat Iwr heart (hall be yours for cucr. Brag. And what fliall I eiu e ^©u for one of thcm^ Brag, Ijsrayyoulctmceteconef Vcr. Tcncrowne*, Ver, No Sir , for the fird that lookcs onitbdrawneto Ac bue of them that fend it: beleeueitSir,andas it worke» the effcft where you would haue it, comctomeforotherof more vertuc, my houii;iRbut here by,my wble hangesat my doore. Brag. Ithankeyou fir , there b your money rand what profcisioa are you of, Sir and your name. Rim. Sir lam called, my qualitic is in the explanin^ ©f *J*hifiognomy : or in thcdrawmgof a countcrfetnccre the life, & in pure colour$,in biiefe I ami paintcr,atyour fcruiceuuid I fell complexion. Brag. What faieft thou to this/pringall^ Bi* .Why Sir,lcthim eoe among the wenches, for there b hb beftmarket.and yet Ihcere fay,wcnching fellowes begin to play the fool«$ fo out of eric,, but! hoPcyouwiU J l!> .l- 'W H i m.. i «!l l come* Bm^- Ycs,butl will Sir,Mdc your peace , Maiftcr pain- ter, I will be better acquainted with you, one of thcfc daicsl will haue you at my lodging , andyouHiallnotfindeyout ?^ paines loft,but Ij pray you Kiuc you any complexion hccrc about you? %im. Yes marty hauc I fir, and that moft c pure of eight crowncs a Boxc,hecre is two Boxes, theonc wnite.the otnct fed,but I would not wiHi to open them,til you hauc necdc,<3c then inaclofe chamber , tor the ayrc ts veryhurtfull to them. BrMjr. I taanke you fir:as th-fc proouc yoM (bal haue more ofmy money , and perhaps I will not bee your worll cuf- tOHKr. Ifjm, I thankc you houfc is in the high {hTeete,cuc«. lybody can fhcw you to it. Br4f. WcU fir, out Maiftcr Doftor, what are you j'a Law- yer or a Phifitian, and how you arc called ofmod mcnMai- ftcrDo£lor. Doc. My name iV^f<7/?/*,my profcfsion, Icnming,my ftuddicthcfccretsof Nature , tl^c cures of Malladics , an4 prefctuatiues ofhealthcs. Brag. And fir,I pray you tell me ha ue yon any of thofe re- ceipts about you,that may make a man fccmc (weet when he comes to his miftrellc , and flrengthcn his back, and fettle hishcate. Nepf. Ihauefirhecreapjll,andaballe : thepHIj^oumay take any time of thcday,butiti$"befta little bctorc mcales, foritproaircsappctitc.andfvveetncs eucry thing that is ea- ten or drunkcn,and glues the breath an odoriferoHs fauoure," the Bal ifyou hold »t but a litde,in your hand and after llrok, your Bcard,it will giue a fent, fwecterthcna violet;but you muft do 1 1 crfie that the fent may hold the better: hccrc is both the ball and the pil^the price at one worde/ourcie crownes. I % bra, I -i^ss^gaKEL' ^hc tck of 4 woman: Bra. I know in dcedc things offuch vertuc airecoftl^ou ^&cnic nQt a man to didemble, but as I fuide the opciatioQi^ lh€fc,Iwilll?>icfurthcrbountifvllfor your counfailc tintha SDeanetini«th(re is your deniauncl : andlihanke you but ROW 1 ifl of all, what may yoM bee Su:, your namt , aodyouj; quallitic^ 6>r. My nartiie is Lfigire rwy qua^Hti«jtb« Indruf^onof ijie Limmesjin th€ Lineal pafla?;cs,Qf the cocordsofmufick tpfpeakemorcpl^p^ly I ain,alftbody,and lam pcrfwaded y.oM lointcs arti]^ ftiffc Bra. Nojthat they doc not, there is thy money, git^tQCA ^yhand. nr n. geK Come on Sir , matke how I doc, , yoii niulifir» kiire)'our hand,and then follow mc. . Heleudahim a LaUQ/fA,Mf4firtk£f'Vpfi^'Mfy^c9,Ih4*iCrt> more hurt : let vs along to the Ladies. Bi*. N^ fofic maiftLt,6rftlooJ-rf^. C*->mcon then.tlicic it c,ocs,ic is (wcet in thcmouth, wc-fliall fee anon wh;'t it will doe: now to the complcxi6,lw» what is here? black So-ipcrB«.^r^c,ho;v likes thou this fcne? B '^. Foh/woundes Sir,tis a Sir rcuercnce. Bra. Weil^ is a ViJlaine , the Doftor is an honcft man, and thcicforc I will trie a httlc with his Bail.yea mury this is ofari^htfcni,wclJ,IwiIlnib my hand with it a little, and tl^en fee the vcrtuc of it : but let mc fce,{hali 1 fee my Chaia*- tor^ hi^. Doc Maif k'r for I fcarc there ii knaucric, 'Bra/>;M,Ipray ycu niakehafteoithathandkercha-,Iknov» your father will bee glad to fce/oQ fp good a work-woinan,and X-know it wil b c E 3 weriii Thewhofdmntsn. worth a douWc ruffe toyou,anclfoinewhat cKe: befides afl cll or two of fine Cambrick/or your ox>(lc cloathes & night tailes,& (iich other neccflanes , I heare he hath a fliip come homefrom5/o//*W,ifhchaitc ere an odde piece of ordinaiy flirphards Holland, I wil not beg it of hun, but I pray you be ttiy friend to him that I may hauea pcnnv-worth in it. Srin, Mother I dare vndertakc, my Fadner will not ftand ivith you for a little thing,and fer my ielfc you arc furc of my beft furtherance. --tSrf. I thanke you Dauahter, trucly Ifec you arc your mothers daughter,franke and free hearted,oh (he was a good ■ creature 'as broke bread : but hccrc you Miftris hodoMica, for liiV houfe, haueyou (poken for my leafed I am olde^ aa4 my lire time is but a htde ; will hee take mine offet^ 'Lod. Why mother my father wil nottakcapennicofyoti, hc%liath promifed race you fliaU haueit forabundiof jifricoket, B4 . I thanke you good daughter , marry and hcc (hall haue the faireft that Jcangetforloucormon^andl vill defcrue his goodnes,if it lie in my power,and I will pray for him day ancimeht,God fend many fuch Lawyers as will not-onely take no forfeitures, nor radce no rtnts . I thanke yon with all my heart, but Miftris.Er/ViM and Miftris L'^/5*/c4',Iprayvou letmecintreateyon two, to walka little into the Garden .while I talke a ftwe wordes will come with Miftris IffabelU and tcr fiftcr hccrc , by and by, wcc £oycc,y€$forfooth Sxe«HtErMttaHdL0d0M$c4,iMiHm»^4li4 4Hd IjfaheiUgiMettM, Sa. NowMiftrisI/^^/rf,hccrcyou area fore your Sifter, ^ you kaovr Ilouc you,a$ dgcrcly as you were mine own,& (b I doc in tnitli.but I hauc a fccrct t o tell yon,tIiat Ifyou wil conccale, and fcjllow my coun{ailc,it will bcc for your good another dav. If a. Why indccdc Mother I will. Gi4. And I will be her furety. J 3a, Why then let roc tdlyou.youth is fickle, and giddy- headed, and will fooncrtalkcoHouc, theymcancit : oldc men arc wife and kindc and ftaied, and wcalthic, and where lheylouc,they wilirufFcrno lackc> Jjfa. Why,whatofthis<* j b!*. Is not a neatc finc,coincly, ftrcigth old man that hath J bis licad and his beard well comDcd , his ruftcs well {et,hi$ doublet well buttoncd,hispointcs wd truflcd.his eloucs and i his napkin vndcr his Girdell , his hofc wcjf gartred, and his nieces black't til they £hinc againc, that cannot walk in the ftrccte without cap ahd courteiic almoft of eucry one that mcctes him ', better then a fwaggcring ?allanr with a hayrc like a Watcr-doggc , his band fialfc in his accke, fouleand wrinckled like a djf}i.cloutc,hi$ doub- let vnbuttoned, bis hofc vneartcred , his poinies vntruA fed , and in his bootes for lacKcof flioocs, and a pay re of jloucs perfumed with fweatc , and affraide f walkcthc firccte,ferthedaungcr of,whofefuitc , and hauc atyeeall, tiiat conies, andHicc hauc a kcrchifFe /lice is corrant mettle? Ohihinkc fwcct Mifiris , whcdw is the better choife^ J fa. What mcancs all this^ Ta. I will tell you there is a Gentleman offomc ycarcs,m plaync tearmcs, M aiHer BarJo, as fine a man cfhi s age,a5 liucth this day in this Cittie , who bcc the other J and I darefwcirc hcc loues the ^louud the better where you £oc : And ifyou can finde'in your heart to louc him, you iball hauc a life like a Lady , why there ihall bee nothing Tbe rcitofamwdrj. nothing to decreforyouand you flial commaundeucn vvliat you will, you Hiall bee miftrefliceuen of all his lands, goods yea and himfelfe and aII:how fay you miftreflef IJfa. Yes, I think c I could louc him a little,but if I fhould ca(t my liiang vpon him,what would the world fay? a youn<* £iirc fweet weiich^niary fuch a grimme,S;rl}ie fureiy married his purfc and not himfclfe,and Ihc wil haue a gallant in a cor- iicr,tl)at/hallandroroorth:whyhe mufl bee but a counte- nance : alas his dat< is out,hec may pray for them thatmay : and forhcritispitiiclliccflunildbtcputto fiich purgatorie, and thus with a great dealcofiikeftuffc Ifliouldbeehtlda good minion . but yet I care not , Mother 1 knowe ycu ai e Vv ife.and therefore i:is like enough I may follow e your coun* faile,and tlic rather for my lifters fake hccre,whomc I loue as my fclfc : and being her rather I cannot hke him the worfc. har» SayyoumecfoDaui!;hter? wc)l,itmay becanctlicr day when I meere you in your Coach abroad, cr findc you on your Couch at home, with your chaines and your pcarlcs, dc your cophers full ofgold,thcn you will thai kc me for my coiinfai'e: but Daughter 1 know hee will be hccre anon, and therefore I pray you vfe him well,and you fliall i'ec what will followe , but 1 Icaueyou hccrc vvith your filter a while,anonI v\ ill come to you 3gninc,in the mcanc time,I pray ycu thinkc on my fpeech, I pray you doc fo. £xit. Baiia, JJfa. Js not tins a prcttie worlds /«*»«'ucs^ Vn* Take care fbrnothine : Cumettn wrote mec worde today,that if I wouldbe honcft I Ihould be rich. T^iw. Oh Brother ilice will make you bclceue that ifyolt haue her, you haue enough. Gtr. Nay let mec fay tor my Sifter' 1 know her to haue a mod pcrHous wit^and ^ercfore if there be not fomc intent of good vnto vs iDOie then we are iwareof, I will neuer trufl Uky ludgemenc. F^tl, What tanft thou Imagiioc^ Ctr, I will tcU you wbcolkno we further,^ Iloue no cooccices. Ver, Thus much I'holde with him,fomc good Ale there f$ a brewing, for as I hcarc by my (iftcrs maidc who was with metfaiiDBomine, ilac hath your father at her fin&ersendcs. T^nf, Nay that is true , and I am aflraid my father bee as ^Currebthefioale withyourfiftcr: bat ifthcrc bee apjfi^^ God psoif cr the good meanings « in the meane t»^ » F % let Themki'fdmmAiL -let vj1iopetlici>cft»thc worft will heipc it fclfe Ff/. Nay for my fdfc I am rcadic , for all fortunes, Jk take no fbought, hap what wiW t but 4ookc tf ihc wenches come not abroad^fostekmufieieis indieir licaik(,thcy are(b merry : well let vs trie their patience. if wee may bccpriuie to their humors. Ver. Agreed. F»/. Fairc Laydicijfaire fortune to your faire thoughts. Er. FineGtntlci»en,£newitshauefuK words, youaie as welcome as you can wilh,bnt wee muft craue your prcfcnt abfaicc, for there is a plot laide for your good, if you hinder tK>t the proceeding :onely this to you all , asontomorrowe inthccueuing,beeyec alUiecrcinvourbcftapparcll, fbryec (hall come to fuch a marriage as I hopeyou ftvallneuer fee a- caine: ftand notvpon qucftions,fbrtime is pretious,and ex- peftation muft bee faiisficd : get yce home to your parents ■and fee what they will doe &r yee.God bee with yce. F*7. Wecgoe. Exftmt, LMamnt LMtlies, ijfn. Sifters, what fay you to this worlde>flaall wee alftud- ^ie olde Chronicles? bee bound prentizcs to A^ during life,and marr)' our felucs to filuer hods,and fiiowie bcardes: the Coughjthe Rcwme,thePalfie,and the Gowtef bcfidea deafeEare,abIeereeye andalealious humor Jin truth mce ihinkcs it goedi .agamft iheharie of a good wit, to giuena- / lure to better pleafurc. GtM. A/^y haiie we not bediought ourfelues , ©t a better xourfe? haue wee not laide downethe wayfbr our wills^iherc reftej nothbg now but the plorfor the wedding : what Uift thouEri»/4? Ml Er. MaricIcaBnott«Uwhattofay:b«tvvwlyouwjl/ou binde rac forcuer. Fr I hauc made him fct to his hand to a decdc onny drawing where he hathpaded, iiTCUocable twcntic thoufandcro.VQcstobccL paide within one moneth , and Hue to thee : all which I will giueto thcetobcftovvcvponhimagiine : fbr:Jbeit I hauc pi.adc my daughter and my Sonne an cftate prefcnt of good, as is according to my late promifc vnto ic^my profesdon , fic {>o(rcrsion (hall bee cnougn for our maintenance , I warrant you. Ztf<^, Sir I humbly thankc you,and tlierfbre that al th nf s may the (boner be difpatchcd,! pray you prouide this fckcM « lar^and bee hecre to morrow in the cucning,and I am yours. Fir. A flball bee don, my de:re, ondy loue mce and lacke nothing. Daughter vpon my ble^ing I charge you that you holde your Sifter in as gord re^ardc at if /hce were your mother r for fo I meane (bee mall bee , and I tcH you, ifihccchinkcwdl of you • it ihiU bee neic the worfc ThemtofAX0oman mode for you , and fo God bcc widi you . I will (cc you againc to morrowx , and if you lacke any thing , Ictincc knowcir. £xit, ' Mtc^ Thcxciiof A>foomAn\ " ibotclaptvpinaloadeofclontcs, withapalfic kind, and a jnalmcfie nofc fit at the Tabic liicc the MaiUcr be«^ thcr tl^.ingcs, that vndocmcn. %jm. Ha,ha,ha! Ft/. Why brother what laugh you at^ Rim. At my brothers opinion ofwomen. Fi/. Why?'is hce not in the right^ Rim. Notrightlvconfidered:askcC7m//o/ Grr. Indccdelhaue heard thcyarcilaiTesto!ookcon» Angelis to heare Saintcs to louc ,GodddIcs to liuc vviclu Ver. They Dcuill the bcc Ft . VVluts that ^ a parcntheifis? Fer. Better fo then a fool c point C/er. Well Hiall I fpcake a truth, tliey are as they arc vfcd: wilfijll,thats thcbcftxouctousthatsinaiffcrcut, aiidpioadc and thats the word. F». Ohbutthcrcsahelpcforthat. ZJfr. As ho'.ve/* F*o ""Jfeaod (he ota notable fcouldc ,hijconclufionbroughttopauc=» «r„ , moft rw«t «X\ut Brother F.-fr«>. *>* °°»*' G«-. Ag^ ^"^'^ \!!,f»^withoarlouesJ t^„dra5eon,th«w«'^^^'^Xlet».vfeourW^^^ V.i. Yesindeedtdwhrt, m«n J ^^ a f,,oUsas Che, ac w«fi"<»«,''~i*^ do« -but etc ««Soe.lrt vs fee «u„y aiejar n «"'"S»?*2^^„j„ayourwoord? . . „7,:^at='',«-Wyo.>«aemeef •"^^&f'>chou.isco»eUtvs,- wayleaaweeiniffeo'"'™'''*'^ » Ver. Content, faj^^-^*. ■ - ,-,^n.ji^. /*afei:S.AK:>z^.. ju^.. Thevpitofa^omM, rcr, Comem,lctvsgoe. ^^^^^ J^r Sir LjiT^rcncc : you know as U'cl as I,thatheerei\ nn. thingfopleafing as feciecje in matters ofLruc^andthei^ performing ycur care i.iniiM ,,you may happen docC^!^ Tnefi.Te^eothmsl vnacrrUndyourmtent,orIhaucof hold your mmck,orIh3^^yp», at my fingers cndcs: lam foV y ou,furo and fcOi ct^nd- Aj%i^nc. ■ mc louin^ hearts : my neiglUr B^/^fcnncandM^ IPrie. -Bene dictum: Amicvrnm omma Commum.cnc IHoid Will doe for another, ,t is a max,m, in ci wIlgoucrnemeoT I dra^illing and reidic to doe the endeuour olmy funaiori - F.^ Ipi^ydjeeWthylatuie.andioplairjc^oth^^ ton-uc, doe that I wiUcntrcatc thee to,and befurc^tliy ^ totheBcJfenc, and make biri a Scxtoj, , butfcaUptaw thin^mUcultatemca , Imcsnc ihdtisiivjneczand SirfJr that walleshaucearcs, and windcs vvhiiJic dayngetcuflf in thcfedaics, Iprayyoulavsheegcing about eurbuTinelT^ whcreponcinayheaicvs : but nucjf^rii, llwtteiiie joBe« and their hkers. _.. Biter Brigdrdar^itSkardo, :Br^g. B/^^*,isniybcar» j^l- 4^^^ rdfeTrc"^r^althme4uo^ofIpo- :5ot. 1 Will Sir. j^«„arcattoinuchco(V,lknovf .«£foTiyr.tte^^^^^ williiplcafcyouleadcihcway. Exfwrr, 5^^^. Ithankcyou. E.r.r 3l^^^.r.irh thcNmtncn hoy. Gcrc halfc dronks, ^^<* ^"' vp*ne» 17;. K'ztalwouia you couldcgoc righttotl^c hc.ufc,apoxofyourn^lmng.' B^T Caskc^in taithyou hauc a casKC , a 10^^ caskc, come will you goculong^ woJuy^Xccwouldeithcrrunuc o. Joc . andluee t.« '"Sr&js it,tJl«:to much of dK fpice.andthe I '^^^^ofd^mm. f Bi*. Boyletmcrcethcpot J'^;vh;S"^°''^'^°"*-^p«-<>"si., but b*itthatl bcftirred inc with mv curfibv T?,,^ i iec,ana y^^'i y^^^ Rafcallis this thatkeepes fucIiaHvlm,^ ^ra^ y,W. let vs begone, wccniall bebetrayca, bof gctyouhomewithyourpotrllcfcndtoyouanon'orc^^^ ilcbcarcwiththcc/orthisisnot often, ^A-^ir/,/ ur, ondhcrBoy:: W iafi tht Boaor mth thclLaJers DoHghtcrandher loHe\audthe P rie^^d fit ^U together. ^4/.Gcndeinenyee^i«dIIwdtoine,bIercdba ifaatihaucfccncyou aU together inmyhoufc-God^l^ y^. The Vnt Ojd WdwiAfit y ee all and fend you ioy one of another .1 pray God Prtffl. Amen. xJut. MiftrelTc Ba/iayl thankc you, but by this meanes you arc ridde of your gucfl'c and wee ofour children. B^/.Not a whit, not a whit.I hope I flial hauc them hecrc fnany a faire day before J die ver,lf I Hue to it. hoM. Oh but nuftris Balia, hecre hath been double dealing, liow fay you Maifter Doftor? Doct. Mar)',I thinke hecrehath been treble dealing, what (ay you Maiftcr ^rrio f Fie. Mary I thinke it hath been afongoffoure parts: what fay you Maiftcr hxrioi Bar, I fay 1 know not what to fay,but wcfing all one tunc, what fay you Miftris Ertntai Er«. JForfooth I thanke you father^ "Bar. Well faidwench,thou*rrfurecnough,of the fathcrt fide : I that got thee,hee that gaue thee, and hee by thy huf- l>and (hail goueme thee. €rm. No forfooth father , Ihaue but one 6thcr : diough three fathers : you are my onely father in loue, mv husbandi in loue,and nuifter Doric for a church'father,aiuithcrc&re L be fetch you,as I am youronely Daughta , bee you ftill my onely f adicr. I Bar. And I will wench,bat what faicth Miftrts IjfahelU Ijfa. Askemyfathaifttpleaieyou,forhc&ownes(b,that Ifcaretofbeake. 7)«^. ^peake Ape,I am not angrie/or I know your hand Was in this pye. /jjpr. In truth Sir , the meatcwasdrefterelkncwofthc cr, And this is my Daughter andmySonnc,andthcre- forefincc dbc wencha by tncir ^its haue coufaed vsofour wealthcjand ourBoies,for (hamelet vs giuctbcin(biDcvvhar« fcr the)' arc not yetbcholdingto vi» : - ' : ^ F^« BiegiuaxidilcJbUdw& 1)oct, And I. lUm An^I JX§ct^ Come on then bbyes and wenches, yonrhands are feftcno»£J>ah'ca