iii*^iiP'iPiiilliii:il ',':•'• MMiMiiiiailllii ^"^•""■■■"iWBi vfi^^nia; THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE '^^•.^. r.;*,7 ■■)• •■;■ '^JJVV 1 A*.' ■• ^4TJ=tl^?3^_^TJ.*Sf3^:.'.? ?A^>Xiaii ^^^2^' '■^■^t^ «5fev' '■?t> V:A' '•':;;-;_,•';•;■ ;^<^:>,'.,;^ ■;■-':'■■;'?;;'' ■■./■ '•■ 'i /^ iT'-\'-'* .' ^''''■■ ''.'■-' '■ ■''f:''' ' 'V ■■'■ -■' ■\- '-i-r -'''^f-V :/>: ■'■■ ■■ > ■ ■■< , : , T ,^,.,,j,- ^t ^>^ j^ --'j^^-'- '^ ■■'■■■■ ■•■-:» h-*i Novels and Tales BY CHAELOTTE M. YONGE VOLUME IX C6^ gouitfl ^tep^motfier bonbon MACMILLAN AND CO. 1882. THE YOUNG STEP-MOTHER /^v '^■.v-^^sfe^.'iSy^ "Hr iuifl I useil to lie al\vn\s tlii'ic."^/V/<;f lils. THE /// YOUNG STEPMOTHER r:^SSB':[-#; ^' l!^iM^^'':,r1l ii l:M-- .^- .■l^\ "I'll ILLUSTRATED BY MARIAN HUXLEY I? Dili) on MACMILLAN AND CO. 1882 The. Right of Trnm^htion 's Tleservcd. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. " He and I used to be always there " Page lOS " You will find some one who will know how to love you " . ,, 224 " The mouth, hitherto only gasping for air, endeavoured to form a word ; the hand sought hers " . . . . ,,393 THE YOUNG STEP-IIOTHEE. H CHAPTER I. AVE you talked it over with her?' said Mr. Ferrars, as his little slender wife met him under the beeches that made an avenue of the lane leading to Fairmead vicarage. ' Yes !' was the answer, which the vicar was not slow to understand. ' I cannot say I expected much from your conversation, and perhaps we ought not to wish it. We are likely to see with selfish eyes, for what shall we do without her V ' Dear Albinia ! You always taunted me with having married your sister as much as yourself.' ' So I shall again, if you cannot give her up with a good grace.' ' If I could have had my own way in disposing of hei'.' * Perhaps the hero of your own composition might be less satisfactory to her than is Kendal.' 'At least he shoi;ld be minus the children !' ' I fancy the children are one great attraction. Do you know how many there are f ' Three ; but if Albinia knows their ages she involves them in a discreet haze. I imagine some are in their teens.' ' Impossible, Winifred ; he is hardly five-and-thirty.' * Tliirty-eight, he said yesterday, and he married very early. I asked Albinia if her son would be in tail-coats ; but she thought I was laughing at her, and would not say. She is quite eager at the notion of being governess to the girls.' ' She has wanted scope for her energies,' said Mr. Ferrars. • Even spoiling her nephew, and being my curate, have not ali'unled field enough for her spirit of usefulness.' ' Tliat is what I am afraid of.' ' Of what, Winifred V * That it is my fault. Before our marriage, you and she were the whole world to each other; but since I came, I h-iwo 2J THE YOUNG STEP-MOTHER. seen, as you say, that the craving for work was strong, and I fear it actuates her more than she knows.' ' No such thing. It is a case of good hearty love. What, are you afraid of that, too ?' 'Yes, I am. I grudge her giving her fresh whole young heart away to a man wlio has no return to make. His heart is in his first wife's grave. Yes, you may smile, Maurice, as if I were talking romance ; but only look at him, poor man ! Did you ever see any one so utterly broken down 1 She can hardly beguile a smile from him.' ' His melancholy is one of his charms in her eyes.' ' So it may be, as a sort of interesting romance. I am sura I pity the poor man heartily; but to see her at three-and- twenty, with her sweet face and high spirits, give herself away to a man who looks but half alive, and caunot, if he would, return that full first love — have the charge of a tribe of children, be spied and commented on by the first wife's relations — Maurice, I cannot bear it.' ' It is not what we should have chosen,' said her husband, 'but it has a bright side. Kendal is a most right-minded, superior man, and she appreciates him thoroughly. She has great energy and cheerfulness, and if she can comfort him, and rouse him into activity, and be the kind mother she will be to his poor children, I do not think we ought to grudge her from our own home.' ' You and she have so strong a feeling for motherless chil- dren !' ' Thinking of Kendal as I do, I have but one fear for her.' * I have many — the chief being the gi-andmother.' * Mine will make you angry, but it is my only one. You, who have only known her since she has subdued it, have pro- bably never guessed that she has that sort of quick sensitive temper — ' ' Maurice, Maurice ! as if I had not been a most provoking, presuming sister-in-law. As if I had not acted so that if Albinia ever had a temper, she must have shown it.' ' I knew you would not believe me, and I really am not afraid of her doing any harm by it, if that is what you susi^ect me of No, indeed ; but I fear it may make her feel any trial* of her position more acutely than a placid person would.' ' Oho ! so you own there will be trials !' ' My dear Winifred, as if I had not sat up till twelve last night laying them before Albinia. How sick the poor child must be of our arguments, when there is no real objection, and *he is eo much attached! Have you heard anything about THE YOUNG STEP-MOTHER. 3 tbese connexions of his 1 Did you not write to Mrs. Nugent 1 I wish she were at home.' 'I had her answer by this afternoon's post, but there is nothing to tell. Mr. Kendal has only been settled at Bayford Bridge a few years, and she never visited any one there, though Mr. ISTugeut had met Mi\ Kendal several times before his wife's death, and liked him, Emily is charmed to have Albinia for a neighbour.' ' Does she know nothing of tlie Meadows' family.' ' Nothing but that old Mrs. Meadows lives in the town with one unmarried daugliter. She speaks highly of the clergyman.' 'John Dusautoy? Ay, he is admirable — not that I have done more than see him at visitations when he was curate at Lauriston.' ' Is he married f ' I fancy he is, but I am not sure. There is one good friend for Albinia any way !' ' And now for your investigations. Did you see Colonel Buiy ]' ' I did, but he could say little more than we knew. He saya nothing could be more exemplary than Kendal's whole conduct in India ; he only regretted that he kept so much aloof from others, that his principle and gentlemanly feeling did net tell as much as could have been wished. He has always bt-en wrapped up in his owa pursuits — a perfect dictionary of in- formation.' 'We had found out that, though he is so silent. I should think him a most elegant scholar.' 'And a deep one. He has studied and polished his acquire- ments to the utmost. I assure you, Winifred, I mean to be proud of my brother-in-law,' ' What did you hear of the fir.st wife V ' It was an early marriage. He went home as soon as he had sufficient salary, married her, and brought her out. She was a brilliant dark beauty, who became quickly a motherly, house- wifely, common-place person, I should think there had been a poet's love, never awakened from.' ' The very thing that has always struck me when, poor man, he has tried to be civil to me. Here is a man, sensible himself, but who has never had the hap to live with sensible women.' 'When their children grew too old for India, she came into some little property at Bayford Bridge, which enabled him to retire. Colonel Bury came home in the same hhip, and saw much of them, liked him better and better, and Beem^ to have been rather wearied by her. A very good b2 4 THE YOUNG STEP-MOTHER, Vv'oman, he says, and Kendal .most fondly attached ; but as to comparing her with Miss Ferrars, he could not think of it for a moment. So they settled at Bayford, and there, about two years ago, came this terrible visitation of typhus fever.' ' I remember how Colonel Bury used to come and sigh over his friend's illness and trouble.' ' He could not help going over it again. The children all fell ill together — the two eldest were twin boys, one puny, the other a very tine fellow, and his father's especial pride and delight. As so often happens, the sickly one was spared, the healthy one was taken.' ' Then Albinia will have an invalid on her hands !' ' The Colonel says this Edmund was a particularly promising boy, and poor Kendal felt the loss dreadfully. He sickened after that, and his wife was worn out with nursing and griel", and sank under the fever at once. Poor Kendal has never held up his head since ; he had a terrible relapse.' ' And,' said Winifred, ' he no sooner recovers than he goes and mai'ries our Albinia !' ' Two years, my dear.' * Pray explain to me, Maurice, why, when people become widowed in any unusually lamentable way, they always are the tii'st to marry again.' ' Incorrigible. I meant to make you pity him.' ' I did, till I found I had wasted my pity. Why could not these Meadowses look after his children 1 Why must the Colonel bring him here 1 I believe it was with malice pi-epense !' ' The Colonel went to see after him, and found him so droop- ing and wretched, that he insisted on bringing him home with him ; and old Mrs. Meadows and her daughter almost forced him to accept the invitation.' ' They little guessed what the Colonel would be at !' ' You will be better now you have the Colonel to abuse,' said her husband. ' And pray what do you mean to say to the General.* ' Exactly what I think.' 'And to the aunts f slily asked the wife. w I' THE YOUNG STEP -MOT HER. 5 Mr. Ferrat's smiled at the cliaiy, gi-udoing commendation of the tall, handsome man who advanced through the beech-wood ; but it was too true that his clear olive complexion had not the liue of health, that there was a world of 0|)pre3siou on his broad brow and deep hazel eyes, and that it was a dim, dreamy, re- luctant smile that was awakened by the voice of the lady who walked by his side, as if reverencing his grave mood. She was rather tall, very graceful, and well made, but her features were less handsome than sweet, bright, and sensible. Her hair was nut-brown, in long curled waves ; her eyes, deep soft grey, and though downcast under the new sympathies, new feelings, and responsibilities that crowded on her, the smile and sparkle that lighted them as she bkished and nodded to her brother and sister, showed that liveliness was the natural ex- pression of that engaging face. Say what they would, it was evident that Albinia Ferrars had cast in her lot with Edmund Kendal, and that her energetic spirit and love of children animated her to embrace joyfully the cares which such a choice must impose on her. As might have been perceived by one glance at the figure, step, and bearing of Mr. Ferrars, perfectly clerical though they were, he belonged to a military family. His father had been a distin- guished Peninsular officer, and his brother, older by many years, held a command in Canada. Maurice and Albinia, early left orphans, had, with a young cousin, been chiefly under the ch;irge of their aunts, Mrs. Annesley and Miss Ferrars, and had found a kind home in their house in Mayfair, until Maui-ice had beea ordained to the family living of Fairmead, and his sister had. gone to live with him thei-e, extorting the consent of her elder brother to her spending a more real and active life than her aunts' round of society could offer her. The aunts lamented, but they could seldom win their darling to them for more than a few weeks at a time, even after their nephew Maurice had — as they considered — thrown himself away on a little lively lady of Irish parentage, no equal in birth or fortune, in their opinion, for the grandson of Lord Belraven. They had been very friendly to the young wife, but their hopes had all the more been fixed on Albinia ; and even Winifred could afford them some generous pity in the engage- ment of their favourite niece to a retired East India Comrany'a servant — a widower with three children. 6 THE YOUNG STEP-MOTHER. CHAPTER 11. THE equinoctial sun liad long set, and the blue haze of March east wind had deepened into twiliglit and darkness when Albinia Kendal found herself driving down the steep hilly street of Bayford. The town was not lai-ge nor modern enough for gas, and the dark street was only lighted here and there by a shop of nioi-e pretension ; the plate-glass of the enterprising draper, with the light veiled by shawls and ribbons ; the ' purple jars,' green, ruby, and crimson of the chemist • and the modest ray of the grocer, revealing busy heads driving Saturday-night bargains. ' How well I soon shall know them all,' said Albinia, looking at her husband, though she knew she could not see his face, as he leant back silently in his corner, and she tried to say no more. She was sure that coming home was painful to him ; he had been so willing to put it ofi', and to prolong those pleasant seaside days, when there had been such pleasant reading, walking, musing, and a great deal of happy silence. Down the hill, and a little way on level ground — houses on one side, something like hedge or shrubbery on the other — a stop — a gate opened — a hollow sound beneath the carriage, as though crossing a wooden bridge — trees — ^bright windows — an open door — and light streaming from it. * Here is your home, Albinia,' said that deep musical voice that she loved the better for the subdued melancholy of the tones, and the suppressed sigh that could not be hidden. * And my children,' she eagerly said, as he handed her out, and, springing to the ground, she hurried to the open door 0})posite, where, in the lamp-light, she saw, moving about in shy curiosity and embarrassment, two girls in white frocks and broad scarlet sashes, and a boy, who, as she advanced, retreated with his younger sister to the fireplace, while the elder one, a pretty, and rather formal looking girl of twelve, stood forward. Albinia held out her arms, saying. * You ai'e Lucy, I am sure,' and eagerly kissed the girl's smiling, bright iace. ' Yes, I am Lucy,' was the well-pleased answer ; ' I am glad you are come.' ' I hope we shall be very good friends,' said Albinia, with tho Bweet smile that few, young or old, could resist. * And this is Gilbert,' as she kissed the blushing cheek of a thin boy of thirteen — 'and Sophia.' Sophia, who was eleven, had not stirred to meet her. She alune inherited her father's fine straight profile, and large black THE YOUNG STEP- MOTHER. 7 eyes j but she had the heaviness of feature that sometimes goea with very dark complexions. The white frock did not become her brown neck and arms ; her thick black hair was arranged in too womanly a manner, and her head and face looked too large ; moreover, there was no lighting- up to answer the greeting, and Albinia was disappointed. Poor child, she thought, she is feeling deeply that I am an interloper ; it will be diflereut now her father is coming. Mr. Kendal was crossing the hall, and as he entered he took the hand and kissed the forehead of each of the three, but Sophia stood with the same half-sullen indifference — it might be shy- ness, or sensibility. ' How much you are grown !' he said, looking at the children ■with some surprise. In fact, though Albinia knew their ages, they were all on a larger scale than she had expected, and looked too old for the children of a man of his youthful appearance. Gilbert had the slight look of rapid growth ; Lucy, though not so tall, and with a small, clear, bright face, had the air of a little woman ; and Sophia's face might have befitted any age. ' Yes, papa,' said Lucy ; ' Gilbert has grown an inch-and-a-half since October, for we measured him.' ' Have you been well, Gilbert V continued Mr. Kendal, anxiously. * I have the toothache, said Gilbert, piteously. ' Happily, nothing more serious,' thrust in Lucy ; ' Mr. Bowles told Aunt Maria that he considers Gilbert's hea,lth much im- proved.' Albinia asked some kind questions about the delinquent tooth, but the answers were short ; and, to put an end to the general constraint, she asked Lucy to show her to her room. Tt was a pretty bay-windowed room, and looked cheerful in the firelight. Lucy's tongue was at once unloosed, telling that Gilbert's tutor, Mr. Salsted, had insisted on his having his tooth extracted, and that he had refused, saying it was quite well ; but Lucy gave it as her opinion that he much preferred the toothache to his lessons. ' Where does Mr. Salsted live V 'At Tremblam, about two miles off; Gilbert rides the pony over there every day, except when he has the toothache, and then he stays at home.' ' And what do you do T ' We went to Miss Belmarche till the end of our quarter, i!nd since that we have been at home, or with grandmamma. Do you really mean that we are to study with you V 8 THE YOUNG STEP-MOTHER. ' I sliould like it, my dear. I have been looking forward very mucli to teaching you and Sophia.' •' Thank you, mamma.' The word was said with an effort as if it came strangely, but jt thrilled Albinia's heart, and she kissed Lucy, who clung to her, and returned the caress. ' I shall tell Gilbert and Sophy what a dear mamma you are,' Bhe said. * Do you know, Sophy says she shall never call you anything but Mrs. Kendal ; and I know Gilbert means the same.' ' Let them call me whatever suits them best,' said Albinia ; ' I had rather they waited till they feel that they like to call me as you have done — thank you for it, dear Lucy. You must not fancy I shall be at all hurt at your thinking of times past. I shall want you to tell me of them, and of your own dear mother, and what will suit papa best.' Lucy looked highly gratified, and eagerly said, 'I am sure I shall love you just like my own mamma.' ' No,' said Albinia, kindly ; ' I do not expect that, my dear. T don't ask for any more than you can freely give, dear child. You mixst bear with having me in that place, and we will try and help each other to make your papa comfortable ; and, Lucy, you will forgive me, if I am impetuovis, and make mis- takes.' Lucy's little clear black eyes looked as if nothing like this had ever come within her range of observation, and Albinia could sympathize with her difficulty of reply. Mr. Kendal was not in the drawing-room when they re- entered ; there was only Gilbert nursing his toothache by the fire, and Sophy sitting in the middle of the rug, holding up a screen. She said something good-natured to each, but neither responded graciously, and Lucy went on talking, showing off the room, the chifibnieres, the ornaments, and some pretty Indian ivory carvings. There was a great ottoman of Aunt Maria's work, and a huge cushion with an Arab horseman, that Lucy would uncover, whispering, 'Poor mamma worked it,' while Sojjhy visibly winced, and Albinia hurried it into the chintz cover again, lest Mr. Kendal should come. But Lucy had full time to be communicative about the household with such a satisfied, capable manner, that Albinia asked if she had been keeping house all this time. ' No ; old Nurse ko]jt the keys, and managed till now ; but che went this morning.' Sophy's mouth twitched. * She was so very fond — ' continued Lucy. THE YOUNG STEP-MOTHER. 9 'Don't!' burst out Sophy, almost the first word Albinia had heard from her ; but no moi-e passed, for Mr. Kendal came in, and Lucy's conversation instantly was at an end. Before him she was almost as silent as the othei's, and he seldom addressed himself to her, only inquiriug once after her grandmamma's health, and once calling Sophy out of the way when she was standing between the tire and — He finished with the gesture of command, whether he said ' Your mamma,' none could tell. It was late, and the meal was not over before bed-time, when Albinia lingered to find remedies for Gilbert's toothache, pleased to feel herself making a commencement of motherly care, and to meet an afiectionate glance of thanks from Mr. Kendal's eye. Gilbert, too, thanked her with less shyness than befoi-e, and was hopeful about the remedy ; and with the feeling of having made a be2innin